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A ,,, t r t- . F. yV. S j} l rp AT-, a F 1 a t: V . 3 t 1 } ?r F V I' - t Editor. CHARLES XV. SMILEY, x8 74- Associate .Editors. IRA ARTHUR CHASE, Prof. D. W. FisKE, Ph. D., CHARLES W. GoaRoN, Rev. C. C. HEM~ENWAY, Prof. W. T. HEWETT, H. L. BRIDGMAN, Z 1877" P- 185 1. 2" ..1876. W 1874. T' 1869. ALBERT P. JACOBS, CHARLES H. JACOBS, H. B. MCCAULEY, JR., Prof. J. D. S. RIGGS, Prof. H. S. WVHITE, 4' 1873" 0P 1875. Q 1877. .2 1878. A 1873. Publishing Committee. .P 1866. 1C. XW. SMILEY, Y874. BAKER & vorxnqPrinters,2S5 lark Row, Newm Wrk City. " , r' "i TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFACE, . . INTRODUCTION, EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, LIST OF CHAPTERS, THETA CHAPTER,.. DELTA " BETA " . . . SIGMA GAMMA " ZETA " LAMBDA " KAPPA " PSI XI " ALPHA " . . UPSILON IOTA PHI " . . OMEGA ". PI " CHI " . . . SUPPLEMENTAL LISTS, . TABLE OF MEMBERSHIP, - " RELATIONSHIP, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, SUMMARY BY STATES, - OF OCCUPATIONS, OF CITY LISTS, - ALPHABETICAL INDEX,-. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, 111 . - vii . - 3 . - 7 * - 29 - - 45 - - 113 - - 127 . - 157 . -191 . * 207 . 229 . . 245 . * 273 . * 287 ." .297 . - 303 S -315 " - 319 " - 323 - - 329 - - 330 - - 331 - - 337 - - 391 - - 392 - - 392 - - 393 . . 449 t '9 E 797 1 i k t t i 1 r f i f$ 7 1 4 F R } i I 3 e 1 of I f t _ , 1 , . "" , IY I 1 YI III , ^ ' F\ is PREFACE. T IE several editions of the Fraternity Catalogue have been as fol- lows :-the First, in 1842, containing 5 Chapters and 243 names; the Second, in 1844, 10 Chapters, 497 names ; the Third, in 1847, 802 names; the Fourth, in 1849, 995 names; the Fifth, in 1852, 11 Chap- ters, 1323 names; the Sixth, in 1855, 1681 names; the Seventh, in 1864, 13 Chapters, 2678 names ; the Eighth, in 1870, 15 Chapters, 3525 names, and the present one-the Ninth-17 Chapters, 4928 names. In previous issues names of persons belonging successively to two Chapters, were entered in the lists of both ; in this edition, such names are inserted but once, and, in general, only in the Chapter of final mem- bership. Those separated from the class lists by a dash represent per- sons never attached to the College in which they attained Chapter mem- bership. The asterisk (*) and year of decease precede the names of the dead, while the last place of residence follows, accompanied by the place of decease, when different. In regard to the living, it is important to observe that the post office address is given and not the legal residence. Often these are identical, but when not so, the distinction is noteworthy. Of men residing in the country, but transacting business in the city, the latter address is given, except in a few eases where the other is regarded as more permanent. The United States Postal Guide has been regarded as authority in orthography and other postal questions. The dagger (t) follows the names of those who failed to graduate with their classes, but degrees received later or elsewhere, are noted in the smaller type or non- I Is -1 111 IY I I I-1111 1 1- r ' iV PREFACE. pareil paragraphs. The baccalaureate degree is understood as belonging to every name not marked with the dagger. It has been the intention to record all christian names in their baptismal form, and to place names afterward discarded in brackets. In eight cases initial letters occur, fol- lowed by periods, which are abbreviations of names not ascertainable ; while unpunctuated letters, of which there are seventeen instances, are not abbreviations, but stand in place of names. The Symbols have received careful attention. Where they differ from previous editions the changes are for cause. Two new ones added denote, respectively, delegates to the General Convention (-i) and membership in the Executive Council (). Members of the Fraternity who desire information in regard to the others, may apply to the Secretary of the Executive Council. The nonpareil paragraphs are as full as the material obtainable and the space would permit. It is believed that, for the field covered, they are very full and accurate. It is a matter of regret, however, that the pastoral charges could not have been fully given. The chief sources of information have been the Chapter archives and a vast correspondence with the members. The greatest pains have been taken to get facts di- rectly from each individual. The triennial or general Catalogues of the Colleges and Professional Schools have furnished the information con- cerning degrees. The Yale " Class Records," kindly supplied by the Sec- retaries, have been of material assistance: indeed, in all the Colleges, Class Secretaries have heartily cooperated. The material collected, by the Editor of this Catalogue, for the "Alumni Record of Wesleyan Univer- sity " (1873), proved of much assistance. The various Clergy Lists, the Congressional Directories, scores of City Directories, the leading Ameri- can Encyclopedias and Biographical Dictionaries, have been freely con- sulted. Many members of the Fraternity have prepared city lists, ex- amined records, read proofs, and conducted correspondence, among whom the following especially deserve mention: the Ion. WM. TAYLOR - PREFACE. v Judge J. T. WENTWORTuI, Mr. WARD MCLEAN, the lon. L. K. BAss, Mr. J. C. BELL, JR., Mr. D. C. MooRE and Mr. C. M. CULVER (0) ; the Ion. J. T. JOHNSTON, the Rev. Dr. G. H. HoUGHTON, Mr. W. F. MORGAN and Mr. C. S. BENEDICT (J) ; the IHon. F. M. FINCH, the Rev. J. H. TwIcIELL, Mr. L. H. BAGG and Mr. FRANK JENKINS (B) ; Mr. A. E. GILES, Mr. RATHBoNE GARDNER and Mr. J. G. LINCOLN (2); Mr. R. L. BRIDGMAN, Mr. C. SMITH, JR. and Mr. G. T. EATON (r) ; Mr. G. A. GORDON, Gen. R. D. MusSEY, Mr. F. W. GOvE and Mr. H. S. DEARING (Z); the Rev. Dr. I. L. TOWNSEND, Mr. F. A. BROWN, Mr. J. B. PINE, Mr. V. SPADER and Mr. S. V. CONSTANT (A); the lion. B. B. FOSTER, Mr. J. F. CLARK, Mr. C. A. PERRY and Mr. M. K. PAGE (K); Mr. J. W. O'BRIEN and the Rev. E. B. Conn (If); Prof. C. S. IIARRINGTON, D. D., the Hon. D. W. NORTHROP, Mr. B. C. CONNER, Mr. G. S. COLEMAN and Mr. H. L. OSBORNE (Z); Mr. C. H. BLAIR, Mr. S. B. AXTELL and Mr. C. P. PETERMAN (I); Mr. M. B. KELLOGG and Mr. G. W. BROWNING (0) ; Mr. J. W. WILSON (TI); Mr. G. N. BROWN, Mr. H. H. TYNDALE, Mr. C. P. BACON and Mr. W. D. HOLMEs (X). The relations of Professor D. W. FISKE and of Mr. H. L. BRIDGMAN to the Catalogue have been of the most intimate character ; their labor has been incessant and invaluable, and to their devotion and ability the work is largely indebted. This Edition is printed from electrotyped plates which it is expected will be of further use; hence, any corrections, however slight, are earnestly solicited, in order that the proper alterations may be made. Plate proofs have already been examined by many members, and to this fact is due the very long list of additions and corrections at the end of the volume. All changes of address and additional material should be sent to the Editor, P. O. Box 155, Madison, New Jersey. C. W. SMILEY. FEBRUARV 5, 1879. _- - __ _ -rirrir mr mrrrrr iu r ri r r r i i Y )- INTRODUCTION. T HE present volume appears under the modest title of a Catalogue of the PsI UPSILON FRATERNITY, but a glance at its comprehensive plan will indicate that it might with equal propriety be styled a Biographical and Statistical Record of its Members. As such it is believed to be unique, and marks a new departure in the practice of Greek-Letter Societies. Although several college professors and professional students have assisted in editing and compiling this work, the principal labor has fallen upon a young graduate of a New England College, who bestows upon me the gratuitous honor of introducing his volume to the cordial favor of those who may consult it. The most cursory examination will reveal the large amount of careful and honest labor that has been here bestowed, while every member of the Brotherhood will take laudable pride, both in the honorable position which the Society holds, and in this able and exhaustive enrollment of its members. It will be a monitor which will identify the homes, vocations and successes of friends lost sight of; it will revive recollections of many scenes and hours of pleasant fellowship; and strengthen anew the friendships which need revival, by freshening the remembrances of college days. It is almost too late to argue the merits of associations of this kind, because their value is nearly universally admitted ; and until human nature changes and men become wholly intellectual or wholly insensible V111iINTR ODUCTION. to social influences, institutions will be useful which shall give direction to these united faculties. Perhaps there are no influences stronger than those which surround the social life of students in college; and if this be so, the demand for the elevation and purification of those influences becomes too obvious for further demonstration. Men form their in- timacies and companionships according to similarity of social character- istics more than by the selection or confluence of external circumstances; and every true friendship grows stronger and truer still under right assimilations. "For in companions That do converse and waste the time together, Whose souls do bear an equal yoke of love, There needs must be a like proportion Of lineaments, of manners and of spirit." Our friendships strike to the very root of our spiritual being, and are susceptible of development into measures of tenderness, nobility and faithfulness which hold no secondary place in comparison with the grandeur of intellectual culture. It is well, therefore, that these assimi- lations shall take form in organizations, into which each shall bring his contribution, and by which each shall be fed and modified ; in which, also, there shall be the stimulus of generous emulation and the restraints of associate as well as of personal honor. Not unfrequently the stimulus to high scholarship and prize competi- tion has arisen from the intercourse of the Fraternity ; while the cheers of sympathetic companions have helped many a modest fellow through the long pull for respectable scholastic attainments and given him the courage and confidence essential to distinction and usefulness in after life. Within the Brotherhood are facilities and inducements to mental discipline and culture of such value, that men in riper years looking INTRODUCTION. lx back upon them, have balanced the consideration of these with the more formal exercises of the college course. When the Chapter Houses at the several colleges shall be completed, with their reading-rooms and libraries, these social aids to intellectual training will be still more con- stant and potential. The signs and mystic rites and symbols have just enough of singu- larity and secrecy about them to mark the lines of brotherhood, without enough to nurture superstition or to offend by foolishness. It seems appropriate to call attention to the large number of men eminent in church and state, in literary and'professional employments, and in all the higher walks of life who are members of our Fraternity; and with equal aptitude to quote the testimony of others whose observa- tion of the working of college societies makes their testimony especially valuable. Some of the former have attributed, in good degree, their success in life to the friendships, associations and other incentives which sprang out of their connection with the Psi UPSILON. The venerable Dr. ELIPuALET NOTT, of Union College, by universal consent one of the wisest and most successful teachers our country has ever reared, was ac- customed to say that he easily governed the college by the open recog- nition and sagacious use of the clubs. Dr. MAARTIN B. ANDERSON, the learned and revered President for the past twenty-five years of the University of Rochester, N. Y., where Greek-Letter Societies have flourished all that time, is reported to declare that these societies have reflected honor upon themselves and upon that college. His experience corresponds with that of President NOTT, of Union, that by their recognition and sensible use by the college authori- ties, the clubs have contributed to the discipline, culture and morals of the students. President ANDERSoN believes that they deepen the attach- ment of the students to their Alma Mater through the fervency of the friendships formed under her auspices, and that they break down the X INTRODUCTION. asperities of the professions, and blend into reciprocal exercise the kindly and manly offices of honor and courtesy. Ie further believes in the law of "Natural Selection" among student-intimacies; and that organi- zations which become exponents of the tastes and character of their members, generate a more careful circumspection and more genuine self- respect than is found in the cliques and clans adventitiously formed in colleges where secret societies of a high order are proscribed. Ex-Governor JosEPH iR. HAWLEY, LL. D., of Connecticut, says, "while few men in the struggle, tumult and anxiety of actual life are fortunate in the time and taste for pursuing the studies of collegiate life, none can well fail to continue the cultivation of its cheerful philosophy and charming friendships. The fitness and capacity for friendship, and the ability to attract and retain true friends, are as well subject to culti- vation and improvement, as any quality or power of mind; and the cul- tivation bears rich and precious fruit in the maturity and old age of man. In this culture of the young man lies one of the chief values of the college fraternities, and of our own eminent and dearly beloved Psi UPSILON Brotherhood. " Every leader in education admits freely that, if a college or universi- ty be rightly organized and conducted, and happily pervaded by gener- ous and manly sentiments, a very large share of its value to the student, I do not venture to say what proportion, lies in the associations and at-. mosphere of the place-the attrition, absorption-insensible culture. I would speak carefully, for the training of youth is serious business ; but my experience and observation, beginning with my initiation as a sopho- more, in 1844, justify me in claiming that this Fraternity is one of the most valuable adjuncts of a college life, and enjoin me to speak with gratitude of the precious pleasures of friendship it has afforded me and the lessons it has taught. I trust that the Fraternity is everywhere con- ducted with its primitive simplicity, integrity, honor, and fidelity. INTRODUCTION. XI "Without these qualities trite friendship cannot exist. If friendship be used to shelter vicious motives. and pursuits, conscience is always whispering condemnation, and its continuance is accompanied by general demoralization. To the question why any secrecy ? it may be answered, why do even two friends habitually seek occasions to converse with each other only? There is a pleasure and a profit in yielding to the natural desire to share our joys and sorrows with others worthy of the trust and reciprocating it. Nor have all men around us a right to complain that each does not freely bare his heart to all others. There is a great posi. tive value in the cordial, mutual pledges of confidence, assistance, trust, encouragement, equality, fidelity, and honor. It is not expected that they shall be made to all; it is right to choose those to whom they shall be made. It is the part of true friendship to give warning and counsel- to give them gently and accept them patiently ; and this the Fraternity teaches." To these cordial utterances of distinguished men, I give my fullest assent. The Fraternity seems to me admirably adapted to supplying that great want which every student feels when lie leaves and breaks up the immediate associations of his home, the companionships of his boy- hood and youth, and finds himself among strangers in the isolation of college-life. It surrounds him with a kindred sympathy, and knits his heart in friendship with those of like tastes, sentiments and desires to his own; and starts him off in his new career stimulated by high-born hopes, and sustained by the unfaltering devotion of his chosen com- panions. As the succeeding editions of our Catalogue shall be issued, may the rolls of future years add new laurels to the fair fame of our beloved Psi UPsILON. A. I1. RICE, O 1844. BOSTON, Mass., DcC. 16, 1878. 1~I -Ct I. i869-7 .. WILLIAM FORBES MORGAN, A i865, PRESIDENT. DANIEL GREENLEAF THOMPSON, 1' 1869, SECRETARY. ROBERT LENOX BELKNAP, A 1869, TREASURER. ROBERT WEEKS DE FOREST, 131870. WILLIAM CONRAD RHODES, X 1864. WILLIAM FORBES MORGAN, A i865, PRESIDENT. ROBERT LENOX BELKNAP, A 1869, SECRETARY. ROBERT WEEKS DE FOREST, B1 1870, TREASURER. [WILLIAM CONRAD RHODES, E 1864.]* [EDWARD CHITTENDEN RAY, t i87'o.] III. 1871-72. WILLIAM FORBES MORGAN, A i865, PRESIDENT. ROBERT LENOX BELKNAP, A 1869, SEC'Y AND TREAS. ISAAC NELSON FORD, I 1870. JOHN HENRY HOBART PINCKNEY, t 1851. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BROWN, A 1872. IV. 1872-73- WILLIAM FORBES MORGAN, A i865, PRESIDENT, FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BROWN, A 1872, SEC'Y AND TREAS. DANIEL GREENLEAF THOMPSON, I' 1869. ROBERT WEEKS DE FOREST, n x8yo. [WILLIAM HENRY CASE, o i866.] * The bracket indicates that the man was elected but did not serve, and no one was elected in his stead. 4 V. 1873-74- WILLIAM FORBES MORGAN, A 1865, PRESIDENT. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BROWN, A 1872, SECRETARY. GEORGE CLARK COFFIN, z 1872, TREASURER. DANIEL GREENLEAF THOMPSON, r 1869. HENRY WARD BEECHER HOWARD, B 1872. V -I. 1874-75- FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BROWN, A 1872, PRESIDENT. GEORGE CLARK COFFIN, z 1872, SEC'Y AND TREAS. HENRY WARD BEECHER HOWARD, B 1872. GEORGE ZABRISKIE, A 1870. ISAAC SMITH SIGNOR, T 1870. VII. 1875-76. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BROWN, A 1872, PRESIDENT. GEORGE CLARK COFFIN, z 1872, SEC'Y AND TREAS. GEORGE ZABRISKIE, A 1870. FREDERIC GEORGE DOW, K 1872. [HENRY WARD BEECHER HOWARD, B 1872.] VIII. 1876-77. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BROWN, A 1872, PRESIDENT. FREDERIC GEORGE DOW, K 1872, SEC'Y AND TREAS. ISAAC SMITH SIGNOR, * 1870. CHARLES WESLEY SMILEY, 1874. [CHARLES DENSMORE WYMAN, Q, 1872.] IX. 1877-78. THOMAS THACHER, B 1871, PRESIDENT. CHARLES WESLEY SMILEY, ,1874, SEC'Y AND TREAS. ISAAC SMITH SIGNOR, * 1870. HERBERT LAWRENCE BRIDGMAN, r I1866. ALFRED EUGENE MUDGE, + 1866. X. 1878-79. THOMAS THACHER, B 1871, PRESIDENT. CHARLES WESLEY SMILEY, v 1874, SEC'Y AND TREAS ISAAC SMITH SIGNOR, * 1870. HERBERT LAWRENCE BRIDGMAN, I 1866. JOHN MORRELL RIDER, o 1873. OAIPTEISt 1. THETA,-UNION COLLEGE, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. The fraternity was founded November 24, x833, by Samuel Goodale, S. G. Hadley, Edward Martindale, G. W. Tuttle, Robert Barnard, C, W. Harvey and AT. H1. Stewart. 2. DELTA,-UNIVERSITY OF TILE CITY oF NEW YORK, NEW YORK CITY. Established February i , 1837, by G. W. Schuyler, H. H. Halliday, Joshua Fos- ter, J. T. Johnston, W. B. Meech and Edward Trask. 3. BETA,---YALE COLLEGE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Established August , 1839, by J. S. Babcock, Henry Booth, W. B. Brinsmade, E. L. Childs, G. H. Colton, H. M. Dexter, G. H. Hollister, C. H. Hubbard, Horace James, J. S. Kelley, A. E. Lawrence, D. P. Noyes, James Smith and IW'. E. Robinson. 4. SIGMA,-BROwN UNIVERSITY, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Established March 28, 1840, by G. W. Brown, T. C. Campbell, W. C. Cooper, B. A. Edwards, Merrick Lyon, Elbridge Smith, A. H. Tinkham, G. M. Bartol, H. H. Button, A. H. Gould, Zuinglius Grover, Albert Harkness, Milton Hebard, A. J. Huntington, N. F. Packard, J. M. Phipps, J. B. Willard, P. IW. Bartlett, Lowell Holbrook, E. L. Miller, H. C. Page, Caleb Blood and A. E. Giles. 5. GAMMA,-AMHERST COLLEGE, AMHERST, MASS. Established November x6, x84 , by R. L. Chapin, Waldo Hutchins, Issachar Le- favour, E. D. Martin, E. D. Neill, E. H. Wright, H. W. Parker, F. A. Reed, J. 14. Stearns, W. W. Williams, J. S. Belknap, G. A. Chase, H. K. Edson, E. W. Ellsworth, J. E. Emerson and G. A. Grow. 6. ZETA,-DARnTOUTH COLLEGE, HANOVER, N. HI. Established May 1o, 1842, by A. T. Akerman, G. B. Barrows, L. F. Brigham, Aaron Day, Caleb Emery, 0. G. Peabody, W. G. Perry, J. S. Sanborn, J. E. Tyler, C. A. Walker, George Walker, A. S. Warner, M. H. White and J. S. Woodman. 7. LAMBDA,- COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW YORK CITY. Established June 20, z842, by Robert Jaffrey, W. S. Kernochan, W. H. Parmly, 0. E. Roberts, John Sym, T. C. T. Buckley, William icCune and G. P. Quackenbos. S. KAPPA,-BOWDOIN COLLEGE, BRUNSWICK, MAINE. Established July 26, 1843, by Charles Packard, Thomas Tash, I. D. Bartlett, Erastus Foote, D. P. Harriman, J. D. Lincoln, J. 14. Mitchell, W. D. Northend and C. P. Robinson. 6 CHAPTERS. 0. PSI,-HAMILTON COLLEGE, CLINTON, N. Y. Established September 25, 1843, by B. F. Adams, Anson Ballard, M. R. Barteau. Henry Cozzens, B. B. Eldredge, C. L. Hatch, X. A. Willard, A. G. Williams, J. L. Bur. ton, P. H. Smith and Alexander Ostrander. 10. XI,-WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, MIDDLETOWN, CONN. Established November 20,x 843, by H. IV. Adams, R. S. Rust, Oran Faville, R. Z. Mason, C. T. Pooler, W. C. Prescott, James Strong, E. B. Harvey, Eli Hubbard, J. J. Lane, II. F. Savage, Z. T. Dean, Dixon Alexander, A. S. Graves, L. F. Jones, C. S. Ken- dall and George Burgess. 11. ALPHA,-IHARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Established November , 285o, by Robert Bickford, L. H. Buckingham, P. S. Byers, S. G. Clarke, Charles Dexter, W. P. Field, W. W. Goodwin, S. A. Green, H. W. Haynes, J. K. G. Kittredge, C. C. Mitchell, F. W. Palfrey, A. T. Perkins, A. H. Poor, G. D. Por- ter, E. F. Raymond, A. M. Rhett, J. D. Robinson, Justus Smith, J. H. Sprague, D. P. Wilder, Addison Brown, H. W. Brown, G. L. Cary, R. H. Chase, F. W. Hilliard, F. W. Hurd, C. G. Page, Horace Richardson, C. E. Stedman, D. C. Trimble, Robert Ware, W. F. Wheeler and H. H. F. Whittemore. 12. UPSILON,-UNIVERSITY OF ROChESTER, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Established February 15, x858, by Egbert Hurd, H. L. Morehouse, I.C. Clark, J. P. Colby, Joshua Gaskill, E. P. Gould, G. W. Houghton and F. A. Williams. 13. IOTA,-KENYON COLLEGE, GAMBIER, OHio. Established November 24, 86o, by Robert McNeilly, M. M. Gilbert, E. O. Simpson, T. M. Smith, H. L. Curtis, W. H. D. Grannis, C. F. Paine, O. H. Perry, M. E. Brasee, C. E. Boerstler and W. W. Farr. 14. PHI,-UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Established January 26, 1865, by A. J. Aldrich, W. H. Barnes, J. D. H. Cornelius, J. B. Root, H. W. Hubbard, A. E. Mudge, A. M. Henry, Milton Jackson, G. L. Maris, Adoniram Carter, Thomas Creswell, Galusha Pennell and E. L. Walter. 15. OMEGA,-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, CHICAGO, ILL. Established April 27, 2869, by A. C. Honor6, W. B. Keen, Jr., M. O. Jones, Louis Dyer, W. W. Hall and C. D. Wyman. 16. PI,--SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, SYRACUSE, N. Y. Established June 8, 1875, by 11. D. Buck, C. A. Congdon, J. M. Gilbert, W. H. Shu- art and N. M. Wheeler. 17. CHI,--CORNELL UNIVERSITY, ITHACA, N. Y. Established June 22, z876, by H. H. Boyesen, E. J. Morgan, A. N. Prentiss, C. C. Shackford, Goldwin Smith, H. S. Williams, E. K. Rossiter. Charles Stover, Charles Bar.. clay, C. F. Carpenter, F. E. Heath, F. W. Noyes, C. W. Raymond, IV. L. Deming, A. L. K. Volkman and L. E. Ware.  ,, i' .r* . = ,,, s j . , t,._ _ .. ; . 6% TI FYA V1CAJPTEhla UNION COLLEGE. Glass of 1 83J6. IS8*WILLIAN1 HENRY BACR-US,)Seneca Falls, N. YT ; A- ""I2 Died at Omaha, Nebr., October, 1862. ""Hon.j0 SAMUEL RAYMOND BEARDSLEY, Oswego, N. Y. n T ; Ny. P Mayor of the City of Oswego, 1851-2; Lieutenant Colonel of the 24th Infantry Regi- ment of New York Voluntcers, 186x-3; Colonel, 1863. JAMES BROWN, Niles, Mich. T 0; 4..R.B. Rev. CORNELIUS STAGE CONKLING, Frenchtown, N. J. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hlunterdon County, N. J., since 1870. ""7*EDWARD FRANCIS CUSIIMAN, 'Troy, N. Y. 2 Y; .!P 187*CIIARLES FLOYD-JONES, St. Louis, 11O. T ~;AvB Rev. SAMUEL GoODALE, Fremont, Nebr. T ; lTr./A. Chaplain of the Senate of Nebraska, 1871-2. Hon. STERLING +GOODALE H-ADLEY, Waterloo, N. Y. 041~ ; B.1u.A. Member of the Ncw York Lcgislature, 1853 ; and of the New York Constitutional Convention of 1867; Judge and Surrogate of Scncca Co., N. Y., 1856-9; one of the State Asscssors of New York since 1873. EDWARD MARTINDALE, New York City. 0f. r.;.d2 187Rev. ,ARtCIIIBALD R EID, Cambridge, N. Y. ; PV '4*DAO ONED ei's Grove, Pa. ; q.!' DUNCAN TURNER, Potsdam, N. Y. ; ,A*6@B. GEORGE WAShIINGTON TUTTLE, Bath, N. Y. 0 ] T ; ... Glass of 1837. 1855-WROBERtT BARNARD, Los Angeles, Cal. . tj '80*Rev. ANDREW BARR, Turbutville, Pa. Died in Mobile, Ala. . ..r ,.. n S THETA CHAPTER. JOSEPH WADSWORTH GOTT, Goshen, N. Y. 2$ 0; W.y. 3. Principal of Farmers' Hall Academy, Goshen; Clerk of Orange Co., N. Y., 1869; Author of "Oration occasioned by the Death of David Humphreys, delivered before the Theta and Delta Chapters of the Psi UpsIoN Society, Union College, July 24, 1839" (Sche- nectady, 1839, 8vo. pp. 16). CHARLES WASHINGTON HARVEY, M. D.,f Buffalo, N. Y. .!d.f2. M. A. Lafayette College, 1866. LOuis TJASBROUcK,f Ogdenshurg, N. Y. N.w.B. " DAVID HUmPiIREYS, Canton, Conn. 2i; Z.O.X. Died in Velasco, Tet. ; cf. Gott. J. W., Theta, 1837. e C j S LEVI ROWLEY, New York City. T ; N.a.. "'S*MERWIN H. STEWART, Troy, N. Y. T2 iJ; B.n.A. Hon. ELIsHA TAYLOR, Detroit, Mich. 1T1 0; A.v.B. Register of the United States Land Office, Detroit, appointed 1845; Receiver and De- positary of Public Moneys, 1853-7; Judge at Chambers. Rev. PHILIP JAY TIMLOW, D. D., Gap, Pa. T ; 0.p.X. Appointed Tutor in Lafayette College, 1837; author of " Discourse delivered in the Leacock Presbyterian Church, Lancaster Co., Pa., November 23, 2854, in which is sketched a History of that Church and Congregation from x741" (186). EDWARD STEPHEN ROWANJ Brooklyn, N. Y. !.A.E. B. A. College of New Jersey, x838. Class of 1838. SAMUEL HENRY AUSTIN, Philadelphia, Pa. P.g.F. l"*JOIN HENRY ETHELBERT BEACH, San Francisco, Cal. 0 ; M.w.B. CLEMENT MINER DAVISON, Detroit, Mich. W; F.. Cashier of the Second National Bank, Detroit. Hon. ISAAC DAYTON, New York City. 0 I t 0 ; X.y.X. Register in Bankruptcy, appointed 1867; author of "The Office of Surrogate, Surro- gates and Surrogates' Courts" (3d ed. 1861); Associate Founder of the Delta. LAWRENCE JOSEPH GOODALE, Carthage, N. Y. 0; P./L!1. 1-on. JAMES STEVEN JOHNSON, Carrollton, Miss. B.A.. Probate Judge of Carroll Co., Miss., x845-6 and x866-9; Member of the Mississippi Legislature, 1852-3 and x856-7. "ISS*JOHN MATHEWS,j Schenectady, N. Y. T.-.0. Lieutenant in the United States Navy, 1838-53; lost at sea near the Bonin Islands, while connected with the United States Japan Expedition. a% THETA CHAPTER. 9 Rev. JonN NEwMAN, D. D., Troy, N. Y. T ; 19.3.4. Instructor and Principal of Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1838-53 ; Profes- sor of Latin in Union College, 1853-63; President of Ripley Female College, Poultney, Vt., :863-73. THERON PARDEE, Chicago, III. . F.R. . Hon. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Middletown, N. Y. i ; Z es; B.a.37. Member of the New York Legislature, 2852-3; Associate Founder of the Delta and the Lambda; Presiding Officer at the Institution of the Chi, 1876; author of the PsI UPSILON Ritual ; Associate Editor of the 2d General Catalogue of the Psi UPsILoN Fraternity (x844). Rev. MAUNSELL VANRENSSELAER, Geneva, N. Y. $ o T; F.co.X. D. D., LL. D.; President of DeVeaux College, 1859-69; President of Hobart College, 1872-6; Orator at the Institution of the Chi, 1876; Rector of Emmanuel Church, Geneva, Switzerland, since 2877. CRAYTON BOWEN WHEELER, Syracuse, N. Y. T 0 ; A. w.X. Class of 1839. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DUNNING, New York City. X.O.J. Assistant United States District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 53-4. GEORGE LANDGRAVE EHLE, Hebron, Ill. .P 0; . .E. Orator of the Decennial Convention, 1843, held with the Theta; Editor of the Ontario Repository; one of the Editors of the New York Tribune, New York Sun and New York Ex ress. 18*Rev. GEORGE NONILAWS, Somers, N, Y. o ± 0 m; ; 0.. Hon. J.oiN UPFOLD PETTIT, LL. D., Wabash, Ind. P. V.Z. United States Consul at Maranhao, Brazil, 1850-53; Judge of the Circuit Court of Indiana, 1853; Member of the United States House of Representatives, 2855-9; Professor of Law in Indiana University, 186g-70. S"I*DEWITT CLINTON ROBERTS, Brooklyn, N. Y. A.G4.T. Rev. MARTIN ANDERVOORT SCHOONMAKER, Walden, N. Y. S.n.T. Admitted at the Delta. ion. IOOPEIt CUMMING YANYORST, New York City. Zr 0 T; X.O. . LL. D.; City Attorney of Albany, 1847-9; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the City of New York, :868 ; Commissioner of Public Instruction of the City of New York, x871-2; Justice of the Superior Court of the City of New York, since 1873; author of " An Oration occasioned by the Dcath of Henry White, delivered before the Theta Chapter of the Psi UPsILON Society, Union College, July, 1845" (Albany, 1846, 8vo. pp. 23); and of "Oration before the Chapters of the Psi UPSILON Fraternity, assembled in Convention at the City of Schenectady, July :7th, 1852 " (Cambridge, 1853, 8vo. pp. 35). EDMUND BURKE VEDDER, Buffalo, N. Y. B.a.X. 1845*IIENRY WuITE, Biffalo, N. Y. $ ;.13.J. Editor of the Buffalo Republic; cf. VanVorst, II. C., Theta, :839. -- -I ^ IO 111 N I0 THETA CHAPTER. Class of 1840. JOHN MCCARTY BOWMAN, Madison, Wis. President of the Council and Acting Mayor of the City of Madison, 187-2-. HENRY WINNE DEGROOT, San Francisco, Cal. T Treasurer of Nye County, Ner., 1865-6. M..T. ;I.w.zl. ""*HESDEN KING, Jordan, Wis. i4 I; A.p.T. Hon. GEORGE RICHARDS, Fort Dodge, Iowa. 41; M.m.E. District Attorney of Warren Co., N. Y., 1847-so; Member of the New York Legislature, 1852; Senator of the State of New York, 1854-5. Hon. BARNARD FREEMAN SCIIERMERHORN, Delphi, Ind. W.F.Z. Member of the Indiana Legislature, 1857-8; Major of the 46th Infantry Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, 1861-4 ; Judge of the :5th Common Pleas Circuit of Indiana, 1867-9. I7-*DANIEL SHEPHERD, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 4 f; F.J.T. Poet of the Decennial Convention of 1843, held with the Theeta; author of " Saratoga, a Story of 1787" (1856). Rev. JAMES STEBBINS, Princeton, N. J. P.L.H. JAMES LUCAs VANINGEN, M. D., Schenectady, N. Y. 9 1 !0; T..E. Surgeon of the 18th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, :861; and of the 6th Infantry Regiment, 1861-2. ""*Rev. RUFUS MERRICK WHITE, Savannah, Ga. 0; !.Q.Z. Died at Petersburg, Va. 575W*J. STANLEY GRIMES,f Buffalo, N. Y. -B.00.4. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, in Castleton Medical College, Castleton, Vt., :84:; author of " A New System of Phrenology'" (1839), "Outlines of Grimes' New System of Phrenology" (134o), " Etherology, or the Philosophy of Phrenology and Mesmerism" (1845, new edition, 15o, London edition, 185o), " Compendium of the Phreno-Philosophy of Human Nature" (1848, new edition, 1850), " Phreno-Geology, or the Progressive Creation of Man" (z83:), "The Mysteries of Human Nature " (1837), " Outlines of Geonomy" (1858), and " Geonomy, a Theory of the Ocean Currents " (x866), " Astrogenea, or a New Theory of the Formation of Planetary Systems" (1866); contributor to the Proceedings of the A neriean Association for the Advancement of Science. Class of 1841. lon. ALFRED AMoS ABBOTT, Salem, Mass. v.a. LL. D. Harvard College, 1843; admitted at the Beta; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 185o and 1852 ; Senator of the State of Massachusetts, 1853 ; District Attorney of the Eastern District of Massachusetts, 1853-68; Clerk of the Courts of Essex Co., Mass., since 1870. Rev. THEODoRE BABCOCK, D. D., Manlius, N. Y. TH.P. Head Master of St. John's School, Manlius, since 1875. /"S THETA CHAPTER. II lm*Rev. DANIELTAYLOR BAGG, West Springfield, Mass. -i; B.A.O. 1JoN MCALLISTER FRENCn, Amsterdam, N. Y. W5; P.7r.H. I547*GUSTAVUs FENELON Goss, Crawfordsville, Ind. P.H. . Principal of the High School, Crawfordsville, 1844-5; died while Adjutant of the xst Infantry Regiment of Indiana Volunteers in the army of General Z. Taylor, at Brazos San- tiago, on the Rio Grande. JAMES SULLIVAN HAWLEY, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. ..E. H~O~ ENRY MARTYN LEWIS, San Antonio, Tex. 0; A~a.E. Member of the Texas Legislature, 1849-51; Editor of the Westtrn Texan, 185o-r. Rev. CORNELIUS SANFORD MEAD, Chatham Village, N. Y. X.p. Principal of the Academy, Spencertown, N. Y., 1871-2. WILLIAM HENRY STEWARTJ Woodstock, Ill.. P 2.3. Clerk of McHenry Co., Ill., 1858-61; Captain of the 95th Infantry Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, 1862-5, and Acting Colonel. Rev. ISAIAII CROCKER THACIER, Lakeville, Mass. B.A.P. DANIEL DARLIN THOMPSON, K. D.,f Chicago, Ill. 0.).h ""*JOIIN WATTS VANDERVEER, Fonda, N. Y. T; A ,.E. Clerk of Montgomery Co., N. Y., 1850-54. JOHN MCCLELLAND WHEELER, Ann Arbor, Mich. T; Y.r.Z. Treasurer of the University of Michigan, 1872-78; cf. Song Book, p. 15. 1lS*GEORGE CURTISS BLACKMAN, AL. D.4 Cincinnati, 0. F'.-.1. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery in the Medical College of Ohio, x854-71 ; author, in part, of "Handbook of Military Surgery" (:86:); Translator of Vidal's "Venereal Disease" (1854); Editor of the last edition of Mott's Translation of Velpeau's "Operative Surgery" (1856); Editor of the lVestern Lancet, 1856-7; and of the Cincinnati 7ournalof Medicine, 1866-7; contributor to the principal English and American Medical Journals ; Fellow of the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of London, England. Class of 1842. I"*ALONZO CLINTON JACKSON,f Schenetady, N. Y. .9., Lieutenant in the United States Navy. Hon. SAMUEL WINSLOW JACKSON, Schenectady, N. Y. TZ ; 191. .P. Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1871; Member of the Con- stitutional Commission of the State of Ne w York, 1872. DAvDA MAXWELL, Corinth, N. Y. B.2.H. Hon. CLARKSON NoTT POTTER, LL. D., Nw York City. 2; f.y.2. LL. D. Columbia College, 1874; Tutor in Union College, 1845-7; Trustee of Union College since 1863; Member of the United States Iouse of Representatives, 1869-73, and -+ since 1877. 12 THETA CHAPTER. WILLIAM BARTLETT SMITH, Brooklyn, N. Y. T.I. "S5*GEORGE SPENCER, Clinton, Iowa. T; .7.I. Principal of the Academy, Utica, N. Y., 1844-50; author of "Latin Lessons" and " English Grammar on Synthetical Principles " (z85z). 1873*Rev. MINoT MORGAN WELLS, West Point, N. Y. 0; X. U.P. Class of 1843. SARGENT VALENTINE BAGLEY, New York City. WILLIAM VANNESS BRUYN,t Farmer Village, N. Y. 154?*OZIAS PITTS FOOTE, Rushville, N. Y. B.6.. A.G.h ASAIIEL CLARK GEER, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. 2$; .m.2. DANIEL BARNARD HAGAR, Ph. D., Salem, Mass. Tj; 3.6. Principal of the Academy, Canajoharie, N. V., 1844-8 ; of the Academy, Norwich, N. Y., 2848-9 ; of the Eliot High School, Jamaica, Mass., 1849-65; and of the Massachusetts State Normal School since 1865; President of the Massachusetts State Teachers' Association, 1856-7-8; of the American Institute of Instruction, :86o-6r ; and of the National Teachers' Association, 1871:; author of a Series of Mathematical Text-books. Rev. GEORGE JUSTUS HARRISON, Milton, Conn. H. Q. 0. WARD MCLEANf New York City. T ; H.1.9. Rev. NIcIoLAS ALBERTSON OKESON, D. D., Norfolk, Va. X.D.H. ""*HENRY POMEROY, Appleton, Wis. 0. V.0. Tutor in Union College, 1845-6; Professor of Mathematics in Lawrence University, 1858-6:; Lieutenant Colonel of the ist Cavalry Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-4, and Acting Colonel; Editor of the Appleton Post, 1866-7; Professor of Mathematics in Washington University, 1870-75; died at Chattanooga, Tenn. I'84*HERvEY FLEMING RnoADES, Syracuse, N. Y. .e.. Died in the State of Georgia. JOHN BAYLIS STURTEVANT, Albany, N. Y. :,g; P.q.H. I t I I I i Rev. GEORGE IRA TAYLOR, Cohoes, N. Y. n A; .l.J. Class of 1844. Rev. ADDISoN BUTLER ATKINS, D. D., Yonkers, N. Y. ; 212.N. OLIVER TEALL BURT, Syracuse, N. Y. b; X.F'.0. SAMUEL GLEN, M. D., Washington, N. J. T ; T. .N. WENDELL LAMOROUX, Schenectady, N. Y. Ig; K. .7. Professor of Modern Languages in Union College, 1849-53 and since '1876; and in Well's College, 1873-6; Acting Professor of Belles-Lettres in Columbia College, x868-9. ;_ ' ' THETA CHAPTER. x3 JOHN WINDSOR McKim, Boston, Mass. F.w. Judge of Probate and Insolvency for Suffolk Co., Mass. Hon. ALEXANDER HAMILTON RICE, LL. D., Boston, Mass. Q; M.d.1l. Mayor of the City of Boston, x856-8; Member of the Unitcd States House of Repre- sentatives, 1859-67; Governor of the State of Massachusetts, 1876-9 ; Associate Founder of the Psi and the A/lha:. President of the Convention of 1877, held with the Xi. 1871*SAMUEL THOMAs RICHARDS, Warrensburgh, N. Y. 2$; O.z.J. Colonel of the 1z8th Infantry Regiment.of Newv York Volunteers, 1862-3; United States Collector of Internal Revenue, x866. Rev. EDWARD BROWN WALSWORTH, D. D., Albion, N. Y. Z..A. Elected Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy in the College of California, 1862; President of the Female College of the Pacific, 1862-72. Class of 1845- Rev. JoHN HENRY BABCOCK, Benicia, Cal. ., Principal of the Academy, Glens Falls, N. Y., 1855-7; of the Academy, Cheshire, Conn., z86o-2 ; and of St. Mary's Hall since 1877. ""-6*JOHN NEWLAND BANKER, Schenectady, N. Y. X.e.K. Clerk of Schenectady Co., N. Y., 1861-3. 1"45*HENRY COZZENS, New York City. Z.p.A. Admitted at the Convention of 1843, held with the TA eta; Associate Founder of the Psi. ""4*WALTER GEER, Jr.,4 Glens Falls, N. Y. 2.y.A. 1-Ion. DANIEL HALL, Watertown, Wis. 15; Afi. 0. District Attorney of Jefferson Co., Wis., x857-8 ; Member of the Wisconsin Legislature, 1870-72; Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly, 1872. Rt. Rev. ABRAM NEWEIRIC L TTLEJOIIN, D.D., Brooklyn, N.Y. T; .D.. Bishop of Long Island, consecrated 2869. ""16*EDWARD MCCAMUS,A. D., Schenectady, N. Y. 0; A.o.1. Hon. JAMES SNYDER MAIcE, M. D., New York City. 2$5; P.e.I. Keeper of Archives in the Department of State of the United States, 1850-52; and Chief of Spanish-American Division of the Diplomatic Bureau, 1852-6z and 2864; Captain of In- fantry in the United States Army, 186x, and Aide on the Staff of General Charles P. Stone, at the battle of Ball's Bluff; United States Special Commissioner to Bolivia, 2862 ; United States Joint Commissioner to Peru, 2863. 18*Rev. JohN WELSH MAJOR, Brooklyn, N. Y. q.L.A. Principal of the Academy, Fonda, N. Y., 1845-6; of the Ladies' Seminary, Clarksville, Va., 2852-3; and of the High School, Lauenburg, N. C., 1858-9 ; Chaplain of the Panama Railroad Company, Aspinwall, C. A., 2863; Editor of the New York herald of Truth, :86o ; died at Palmyra, N. Y. i ir iw ~ r~ii i ur r u urr i m r 14 THETA CHAPTER. IS5*EDWIN CRAFT MARvINt Philadelphia, Pa. T.k.I. Lost by the stranding and burning of the steamer Indefendence, on the Island of Mar- garita, between San Juan del Sud and San Francisco. 18"6*JoSEPir RUSSELL PITCHER, Albany, N .Y. ; O.D.M. ""*WALTER STEWART, M. D., Natchez, Miss. IST5*GEORGE TIBBITS, Troy, N. Y. A.S.A. Class of 1846. SETH COGGSWELL BALDWIN, Cleveland, 0. 0 0; 0.4.N. Secretary of the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad Company, elected 184g; Superintendent of the Chicago and Milwaukee Railroad, 1860-64 ; General Manager of the Peninsular Railroad of Michigan ; Vice-President of the Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan Railroad Company ; Treasurer of the Cleveland Rolling Mill Company. ""*CHARLES JAMES GIBSON, Aurora, Ill. T.co.M. ""*Rev. SIMON SARTWELL Goss, Auburn, N. Y. i; ; An.K. Chaplain of the 75th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-3. Rev. JOuN BLEEKER TIBBITS, iloosick Falls, N. Y. i; 2.e.Z. IHon. JouN TIIEODORE WENTWORTII, Racine, Wis. 2$ 1W T; P.X.N. District Attorney of Walworth Co., Wis., 1858-62; Court Commissioner, 1863-9; Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Wisconsin, z870-75; Judge of the 1st Judicial Circuit of the State of Wisconsin since 1875. Class of 1847. Rev. CHARLES BABCOCK, Ithaca, N. Y. Professor of Architecture in Cornell University since 1871; Architecture" (1876). ""*Moss KENT BOOTY!, Boston, Mass. Died at Ballston, N. Y. JAMES EMOTT DAVIS, Schenectady, N. Y. RJnt .,n X^ T^%m AT T, M D nhlk 1 'Tn 14; .S.A'. author of "Elementary S; JAr.M. r 3.A 7fl rleV. JAMES VOOD IOYTE) i1L. t'.1 iN asnvule,.l. A-i. LJ.aZ. ALBERT CONSTANTINE INGHAM, LL. D., Auburn, N. Y. ; &.p.A'. Admitted at the Psi; Founder of the Ingham Prize, in Union College (x865); Secre- tary of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, 2851-5 ; and Editor of its Transactions, Volumes I-III (1852-4); Editor of " Proceedings of the First Annual Convention of the Members of the PsI UPSILON Fraternity resident in the State of Wisconsin, held at Madison, on the evening of Thursday, Jan. 23, A. D. z852" (Madison, x85r, 8vo. pp. 8) ; of "Proceed- ings of the Second Annual Convention " (Madison, 1852, 8vo. pp. 12) ; and of " Proceedings of the Third Annual Convention " (Madison, 1853, Svo. pp. 2). DANIEL WEBSTER NOYES, Dansville, N. Y. 0 2; l.D.3. DmNDistrict Attorney of Livingston Co., N. Y., 1876-7; County Judge, since 1878. "N THETA CHAPTER. x5 1855*CIIARLES ROBERTS,f New York City. d; 1g; Z.e.M. Rev. Lucius INSLEY ROOT, Edwardsville, Ill. f; X.e.A. Professor of Mathematics in Carroll College, 1849-52. Class of 1848. HOn. CHESTER ALLAN ARTHUR, New York City. 15 1c; P.p.V. Brigadier General and Engineer-in-Chief of the State of New York, 186"; Quarter- master General, 1862; Inspector General, 1863; Collector of the Port of New York, 1871-8. GEORGE WOODBRIDGE BoNNEY,f Buffalo, N. Y. 5 T 2; P..N. WILLIAM PEASE CHAMBERS, New York City. ; 25 ; 0.e.B'. Author of " Eulogy pronounced before the Theta Chapter of the Psi UPsILoN Fra- ternity on its deceased brother, John E. Davis, at Union College, July 25, 1849 " (Albany, 2849. 8vo. pp. 28). GEORGE KELLOGG DAUcxnY, Chicago, Ill. X.t. ist Lieutenant Commanding 12th Independent Battery of New York Light Artillery, 1861-4; commissioned Captain in the 26th Cavalry Regiment of New York Volunteersr,2864. l8l*JOIIN ELIAD DAVIS, Versailles, Ky. T 26; I.I;.N. Cf. Chambers, W. P., Theta, 1848. 102*CARLTON EDWARDS, Albany, N. Y. $ 01 i; 7.k.N. Editor of the Albany Morning E.rress. Rev. HANNIBAL GOODwIN, Newark, N. J. 0; r.g.M. Admitted at the Xi; author of" Christian Education" (Newark, =873, 22mo. pp. 22). JACOB HAYs LINVILLE, Philadelphia, Pa. T2 w1Z; J.p.d'. Chief Engineer of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, x856; Resident Engi. neer of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1857-61; Engineer of Bridges and Buildings for Penn- sylvania Railroad, 1861-3; Chief Engineer of the Ohio River Bridge (Steubenville), 1862-3; of Superstructure of the Ohio River Bridge (Newport and Cincinnati), 1868-72 ; of Bridge over the Mississippi (Keokuk and Hamilton), 187o-73; of the Hudson River Bridge (Pough- keepsie), 1873-5; Consulting Engineer of the New York Elevated Railway Company, 1875-6 ; President of the Keystone Bridge Company, since 1867. 11"*TIMOTIIY WADSWORTH MILLERf Johnstown, N. Y. X.m.N. ""*JOIIN ROOT, At. D., Batavia, N. Y. 1 ; P.e.ci. Class of 1849. GEORGE BROwN ANDERSON, Hawkinsville, N. Y. ; 45 0; T.R.. "*TIIOMAs BIBB BRADLEY, Aberdeen, Miss. 15 ;Z.n.;. Author of 4°Apheila and other Poems" (1854); Editor of The Southern Star; con- tributor to the Southern Literary Messenger, the Louisville 7ournal and the Baltimore American ; died while traveling on an Alabama River steamboat. 16 THETA CHAPTER. WINCHESTER BRITTONJ Brooklyn, N. Y. 0 ; X.co. '. District Attorney of Kings Co., N. Y., 1871-4 and 1874-7. SAMUEL ROBERT CARLTON MATHEWS,4 Philadelphia, Pa. K.. ALBERT WELLS PETTIBONE, Hannibal, Mo. .t'. lIon. FREDERICK WILLIAM SEWARD, Montrose, N. Y. 4 . t; 1t.A'. Associate Editor of the Albany Evening7ourna, x85x-61; Assistant Secretary of State of the United States, x861-g, and since 1877 ; Acting Secretary ; Special United States Com- missioner to St. Domingo, 1866 ; Member of the New York Legislature, 1875- JOHN BEATTY STEELE, Jr., Albany, N. Y. , T ; .2.'. Principal of the Academy, Kinderhook, N. Y., x866-8; and of the Academy, Johnstown, N. Y., 1868-7o. 184*JAMES WADE WILSON, New York City. 0 CP; Z.b., . 2d Lieutentant of the 6th Independent Battery of New York Light Artillery, [863-4; 1st Lieutenant, x864-5: Poet at the Convention of 1852, held with the Theta. Class of 18.0 ELIAB WILKINSON CAPRON, M. D., Lansingburgh, N.Y. 2 T 1 ; . G.0'. SAMUEL THURSTON FREEMAN, New York City. i; T i ; G.J.~. District Attorney of Schenectady Co., N. Y., 1854-5; Lectureron Natural and Constitu- tional Law, in Union College, 1855. ELIAS BEDFORD GLEN, Mendham, N. J. z.O.y~. Principal of the Academy, Canajoharie, N. Y., :8so-52; of the High School, Brazean, Mo., x856-8 ; of Pleasant Hill Academy, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., x858-6o; Professor of Latin and Greek in Andalusia College, %865-8 and 1872-7. ISAAC LAWSON, Albany, N. Y. ; ; Z.L. 18sa*NORMAN OTTMAN, Seward, N. Y. (.d.B'. Died from wounds received in the battle of Bull Run. A ISL*OSSIAN COLUMBUS PETTIT, Wabash, Ind. 4 i . V.p. '8WILLIAM LYON PYNCHON, Hartford, Conn. Z.Zo.Z'. Died at Plainfield, Conn. JEFFERSON REYNOLDS, Kittanning, Pa. IT; B.2.Z'. . 18 WILLIAM GEORGE SMULL, M. D., Baltimore, Md. OWj; N.o.F. Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, x8$8-61. HENRY BENJAMIN WIIITON, M. D., Troy, N Y. T 4 0 ; A.F.6'. Assistant Surgeon of the 2d Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x861-3; Sur- , geon of the both Infantry Regiment, x863-4. THETA CHAPTER. 17 Class of 1851. CURTIS COE BEAN,f Prescott, Ariz. I; A.f.6~ IStl*GILBERT W. BECKERf New York City. T.sp.X'. rst Lieutenant in the 3oth Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1861-3; Captain in the :d Veteran Cavalry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1863-5, and Brevet Major. SOLOMON DEWEY BoswORTH, Grass Valley, Cal. ; .b.B'. Supervisor of Nevada Co., Cal., z86,-4; Member of the Republican State Central Com- mittee of California, 1864. 1111*JoHN REED, Elizabeth, N. J. :; 2$ 0 T; B.6 .6 Class of 1852. SIDNEY TAYLOR EMERSON, St. Louis, Mo. : ; 2$ 15 T; 0.D.Z'. Division Engineer of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, 1853-3; of the Erie Canal, 1855-7; and of the Illinois Central Railroad, 1857-71; Chief Engineer of the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railway, since 1871. 13"8*Hon. AUGUSTINE HENRY GIDDINGS, Newaygo, Mich. 7..Ii'. Probate Judge of Newaygo Co., Mich., 1869-70; Prosecuting Attorney of Newaygo Co., Mich., 1859-62; Judge of the 14th Judicial Circuit of Michigan, 1870-76. GEORGE POMEROY JACKSON, Albany, N. Y. Hon. GEORGE GEDNEY PARKER, Milford, Mass. :; 6.h.p. Admitted at the Gamma; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 2876. "M88EDWARD STEVENS, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 + c'; p .T'. 1818THEODORE BROwN,f Jamestown, N. Y. ).. '. Surrogate of Chautauqua Co., N. Y., x864-6. Class of 1853. ""*CLEMENT LEFEVRE AUSTIN, Auburn, N. Y. ; 2$ H; B.. T. Died at Sea, off Cape Hatteras. GEORGE AVERY,f Chicago, Ill. k.y . DELOs NOBLE BARNES, Leavenworth, Kans. J.C.1i'. Chief Engineer of the Winnebago Railroad, and of the Parkville and Grand River Railroad ; County Engineer of Leavenworth Co., Kansas, since 1869. lS$3*1IARMON JONAThAN BLISS, Westfield, N. Y. ;; ? 15 T T; A./3.T'. Captain in the 72d Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1861-3; died, a prisoner, from wounds received in the battle of Chancellorsville. THETA CHAPTER. MARSHALL CALKINS, M. D., Springfield, Mass.,.p.H . Admitted at the Xi; M. D. Worcester Medical College, 1869, and Dartmouth Medical College, x867: Examining Surgeon for the United States Government, and for pensions for Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin Counties, x872-4; Consulting Physician for the Spring- field Home for Friendless Women and Children: Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatony in the Medical Department of the University of Vermont, since 1873 ; author of "Epidemic Cholera" (Springfield, x866, 8vo. pp. 30), of " Alkaline Sulphites and Bisul- phites " (1874), and of " Introductory Address, delived before the Medical Class of the Uni- versity of Vermont" (Burlington, 1877, 8vo. pp. 24). 18"3*Rev. SAMUEL BELLIS DALRYMPLE, Honesdale, Pa. Z.Th p'. FRANCIS PERCIVAL DEWEES, Pottsville, Pa. g -; O.r.2'. Author of " The Molly Maguires ; the Origin, Growth and Character of the Organiza- tion " (1877). STEPIIEN HENRY INGERSOLL, New York City. 1; K.7r.H'. Signal Officer in the United States Navy, South Atlantic Squadron, under Admiral Du- pont, 1862-3; General Inspector of the Department of Public Works of the City of New York, 1874-5; Chief of Bureau in the Department of Police, of the City of New York, since 1875. ALLAN lYI E JACKSON, Schenectady, N. Y.. i i; 0 ; z.w.E'. LL. B. Harvard College, x855; Captain in the gist Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x861-2; Major of the 134th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x863; Lieutenant Colonel, x863 ; Colonel, 1863-5 ; 2d Lieutenant in the 7th Regiment of United States Infantry, x866; Brevet 2d Lieutenant, since 1867; Brevet Captain and Brevet Major. 13M*JoN KEYES JACKSON,f Schenectady, N. Y. M; 2./.H'. Captain in the Army of General William Walker; killed at San Jacinto, Nicaragua, Central America. Rev. SILAS RUSSELL JONES, New York City. P. Z'. JoHN ELLISON SCOTT,t Walden, N. Y. B.S.2'. ERWIN ISAAC SPINK, New York City. OSCAR MORTIMER ULINEt St. Louis, Mo. RALPH VANBRUNT, Sedalia, MO. m; .S.H'. O.y.2'. 7.p.2'. Class of 1854. STEPHEN LOWRY COLLINS BREDIN, M. D., Butler, Pa. T 90; 4..H'. JOHN HASKELL COMBS4J Lexington, Miss. Z..P'. Principal of the High School, Memphis, Tenn., 1855-6; of the High School, Yazoo City, Miss., x856-9 and 1872-4; of Classical School, Washington, D. C., 1859-6x; of the High School, Ripon, Wis., 1861-4' of Eudocia College, Black Hawk, Miss., 1870-72; and of the High School, Lexington, since 1874. IS"*CYRUS LORENZO GORTON, Buffalo, N. Y. ; 0 2C 90; d. .H'. THETA CHAPTER. 19 Hon. DANIEL WATERBURY, Margarettville, N. Y. p.!.O'. Member of the New York Legislature, 1861-2. NATHAN HILL Woon, Leavenworth, Kans. 6. .-'. City Attorney of Leavenworth, x861-2; Deputy Attorney for Leavenworth County, since 1876. Rev. EnwARD ANTHON4 New York City. . 13. A. Trinity College, z85z. Class of 1855. ALMON GAMALIEL CASE, Charles City, Iowa. ' *Rev. MYRON HENRY GALUSHA, Meherrin, Va. MOSES MASON HAM, Dubuque, Iowa. Editor of the Dubuque Herald. HENRY DANFORTII RICE,f Doon, Iowa. Z.*A.6'. O n; A.j.O'. z; 2ZU8; o-.Sa.yl .7.7r. EDWARD LIVINGSTON STEVENS, Rome, N. Y. V ; N.D.K'. ISG*GEORGE CROCKETT STRONGt New York City. Ut; Z.e.P'. Graduated at the United States Military Academy, West Point, 1857; Brevet ad Lieu- tenant of Ordnance, 1857 ; 2d Lieutenant of Ordnance, x859g; ist Lieutenant, 1861 ; Captain, 1863; Major and Assistant Adjutant-General of Volunteers, x861; Brigadier-General of Volunteers, 1862; appointed Major-General of Volunteers, 1863; author of " Cadet Life at West Point" (1862); died of wounds received in the assault of Fort Wagner, S. C. EDWARD DAVIS TnompsoNt Lawrence, Kans. Y.N Wfl) N 7. u n uwwm - - - - IIIIIIIII Y- rll DELTA CHAPTER. 35 Rev. EDWARD CLARKSON MILES, MIontelair, N. J. Tig i ; i.bf. Assistant Secretary ofthe American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, 1869-73. WILLIAM THOMSON BARCLAY MILLIKENJ Brooklyn, N.Y. P II; O-e. Rev. ELIJAH DOUGLAS MTURPHY, New York City. O T ig 0; T.c.c3. Chaplain in the United States Army, 1864; Pastor of the New York Port Society's Mariners' Church, since 1864. WILLIAM OSCAR ROGERS,f New Orleans, La. NA P 0 ; t2.d.a. Superintendent of the Public Schools of the 1st Municipal District of New Orleans, 1857-61, and City Superintendent, 1866-71; Principal of Sylvester-Larned Institute, 1871-76; President since 1876; Chief Superintendent of the Public Schools of New Orleans, since 1877. Rev. AcMON PULASKI VANGIESON. D.D., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 0 ; 11.R.0'. Class of 1850. Rev. ROBERT LOWRY, New York City. ; 0 c 0; F.d.B'. Rev. DAVID MAGIE MILLER, Bridgehampton, N.Y. T > IT T0; I.p.J~. 182 JAMES CALDWELL VANPELTJ Baton Rouge, La. a; i ; (.m./'. JOHN YOUNG, Elizabeth, N. J. 0 4 ig II; a.k.X. Rev. FRANCiS NICOLL ZABIrnSKIE,Wollastou, Mass. 2$ x TIT; VT.n.fl. D. D. ; Author of "God's Battle" (286x), "Precious Stones from Bible Mounts" (1863), " Weighed in the Balance " (1863), and others. Class of 1851- AUSTIN ABBOTT, New York City. D.D.E'. Author and joint author with B. V. Abbott of " Reports of Cases in Admiralty, District Court of United States Southern District of New York" (1857), "Collection of Forms of Pleadings in New York State adapted to the new practice in Alabama, California, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin, &c." (1858 and '71), "Reports of Practice Cases in the Courts of New York State from 1854 to 1865 " (1866), of the " New Series from 1865 to 1874 " (1875), "Clerks' and Conveyancers' Assistant" (1866 and '74), "National Digest" (1868 and'72), "Digest of the Law of Corporations, Public and Private" (1869), "New Cases, chiefly de- cisions of the Courts of the State of New York" (1877), " Digest of New York Reports and Statutes from the earliest times to 1870" (1874); Assistant to the Commissioners in the pre- paration of the Codes of New York in x865; author of "The Legal Remembrancer" (1872), " Decisions of the New York Court of Appeals" (1873). Rev. EDWARD PAYSON CRANE, Pittsburgh, Pa. 3.f.; B 6d'. Professor of Logic, Rhetoric, and Mental Science, in Western University of Pennsyl- vania, since x866. 185*ELISHA COLT DARLING, New York City. Jg J 0U; 1.7r.1~. °s k 1 1p ek f a ' 36 DELTA CHAPTER. 1876*WILLIAM HENRY FREELANDf Brooklyn, N. Y. 0; WAXC. "*AUGUSTUS ELVIUS KING, New York City. ; o f n; o.E.d'. Rev. WILLIAM HENRY KNOUSE, Deep River, Conn. ;; ;y...'. IIENRY DRURY NOYES, M. D., New York City. f; 0; W-.%p". Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology in Bellevue Hospital, since 1868. Rev. GEORGE MAIRS VANDERLIP, New York City. -; 2 m I; Bar.J~. Secretary of the Sunday-School Department of the American Baptist Publication So- ciety in New York City, since 1871. CHARLES SHERRILL WEBB, New York City. o.y.'. FREDERICK BUTLER WIGHTMAN, New York City. :,; T b; A.r.4~. Class of 1852 FREDERICK BAKER, New York City. 3; 2f T V T; A.b.d~. ""T*ROBERT SwARTWOUT DUMONT, New York City. T f; YT.d. q~. Captain in the 5th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 186x:; Secretary and Aide on the Staff of Admiral Bell of the Pacific Squadron, x862 ; Naval Judge-Advocate of the Pacific Squadron, 1863. Rev.IsAAC SMITHSON HARTLEY, D.D., Utica, N.Y. ;Q + i V ;d2..p Author of" Vedder Lectures on Modern Infidelity" (1874); Trustee of Rutgers College, since 1873. EBEN MASONJ New York City. d; V; A.L. CHARLES HENRY MEADEJ New York City. ; &.z.~. HENRY REED STILES, M. D.j Glasgow, Scotland. ; M.o.Z'. Librarian of the Long Island Historical Society, x864-66; Editor " Historical Magazine," x866 ; President of the New York Biographical and Genealogical Society, :8(9-73 ; Medical Superintendent of the New York State Homeopathic Asylum for the Insane, 1873-77; author of" The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor, Conn. " (x859), " Bundling: Its Origin, Progress and Decline in America" (1869), "History of the City of Brooklyn" (1869-70, 3 vols.) "'M&\ILLIAM CUTTING WILSON, New York City. ; f; AT; .2'. Class of 1853. ""&*ABRAM OGDEN BUTLER, New York City. ; I T 0 ; X-v'. Founder of the Butler Fund of the Delta. WILLIAM ALEXANDER STERLING,New London,Wis. 02415 T 0 ; T.p.e'. PHILIPH ARWOOD VERNON, Summit,N.J. ; 24 f E' T g ;f.y.T'. 1S52 JACOB HENRY WICKJ Herkimer, N. Y. - 2; B.k.EZ'. DELTA CHAPTER. 37 Class of 1854. Rev. JAMES MADISON BELL, West Medway, Mass. -; B. F.p. Rev. JESSE BRUSH, North Stamford, Conn. ; 2 i; p.D.z'. Chaplain of the x58th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1863-64. HANSON CoX GIBSON, New'York City. -- ; 4 ,0 ; iVLt.2'. JOHN C OVERIIISER, Ph. D.J New York City. X. C.0'. A. B. Rochester University, 1854 ; Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin in the Brook- lyn College and Polytechnic Institute, s856-6o ; Principal of a Classical School, since s86o. Uon.WILLIAM WILSON STEPHENSON, N.Y. City. oi ; O ; - ; 2.b. . Captain in the x65th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-64 ; Major, x866; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, x866 ; Member of the New York Legislature, 1877 and 1879. * Class of 1855- *ALLAN SHEPHERD CAMPBELLJ Fislikill, N. Y. ; w..p. ""O*IRVING SHEPARD CAMPBELL, New York City. 14 o ; O.Co.T". GOUVERNEUR CARR, New York City. T2ijt II; X.L.I'. Captain in the 5th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x861-52; Major of the x65th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-63; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1863-64; Colonel, 1865; Exchange Editor of the New York Evening Post; Night City Editor of the New York Daily Times; City Editor of the New York EveningMail; Exchange Editor of the New York Daily Gra ic. JOHNI WASHINGTON CRANE. ; : ; J ..". ""H*HENRY NEWTON FISH ER, M.D., New York City. 2L T ; Il. Resident Surgeon of the New York Hospital, x858-59 ; Surgeon of the Northwestern Dispensary, s86o-6z; Acting Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army, 1862; Assistant Surgeon of United States Volunteers, 1863 ; Died in Washington, D. C. Class of 1856. JAMES IIEIRVEY ACKERMAN, Plainfield, N. J. T 2 4; y.TL4(. DAVID ELMORE GREGORYf New York City. ; Td.P-. CHARLES WILSON OPDYKE, St. Louis, Mo. 2$ T ; .Z.K~. WILLIAM STRYKER OPDYKE, New York City. T ; P.71.0~. 38 DELTA CHAPTER. Class of 1857. JOuN BUCKMASTER BANGSf Louisville, Ky. 0 " e; y.r.TI'. Rev. EDWARD AUGUSTUS COLLIER, Kinderhook, N. Y. T; H.D.p'. Rev. MANCIUS HOLMES HUTTON, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. 0 I.C t ; O.o.O~. Rev. JOHN ALLEN MAXWELL, Bridgeton, N. J. 2r T ; r.S.pu. JAMES ANDREW MURDOCK, Brooklyn, N. Y. T X"; ..'. ALFRED EDGAR MARTINDALE PURDY, M. D.,j N.Y. City. JI 1; A1.D.A~. M. D. Columbia College, 1861'; Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army, 1862-63; Surgeon of the New York Police, 1863-73; and President of its Board, 1872-73 ; Secretary of the Medical Society of the County of New York, since 1868 ; Editor of the Medical Reg- ister of New York, New 7ersey and Connecticut, since 1869. Class of 1858. Rev.GeORGE ZADRIsmIE GRAY, D.D., Cambridge, Mass.di-4; OT ,1;A.y.'. D. D. University of the City of New York, 1876 ; Examining Chaplain of the Diocese of New Jersey, 1872-76; Professor of Homiletics, and Pastoral Charge in Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass , and Dean of the same, since 1876-; author of "History of the Children's Crusade" (1870), "The Scriptural Doctrine of Recognition in the World to come " (1875); cf. Song Book, p. 127. HENRY WINTHROP GRAYt New Haven, Conn. Q; y.m.0~. Rev. LAWRENCE HAYWARD MILLS, Florence, Italy. .; 2.c.N'. SAMUEL BONSALL PARIsH, San Bernardino, Cal. :QT T 0; P t 1 5 52 BETA CHAPTER. ""*GOoDWIN GARDNER WILLIAMS,t Baltimore, Md. LL. B. College of William and Mary, 1844. Class of 18450 A- ov If . Nzz- (An Wool T a 'r. p.0. s t 9 S B i 1 JOHN DORsE BALD, Philadelphia, Pa. X.. . JOHN SOUTHARD BELCHER, New York City. y.X.A. WILLIAM BINNEY, Providence, R. I. a.E. Member of the City Council of Providence, 1857-74, and President of the Council, 1863-7r; President of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company, since x867 ; Member of the Rhode Island Board of State Prison Inspectors, since 1867, and of the Rhode Island Commis- sion for the Erection of the State Soldiers' Monument; author of " Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the Municipal Authorities of the City of Providence" (1865); Translator of Giseke's "The Rose of the Parsonage " (1854). 1"84*JOsIAII BISSELL CROWELL, Perth Amboy, N. J. H .. ""ll*iIon. ISAAC LAFAYETTE CUSHMAN, Sherburne, N. Y. iT o.. Member of the New York Legislature, 185o. Rev. Guy BIGELOW DAY, Bridgeport, Conn. ; ; 2. - Principal of the Lewis Academy, Southington, Conn., 2852-4; and of the Golden Hill In- stitute, Bridgeport, since 1854. IIENRY DAY, New York City. H.co.1. Author of" A Lawyer Abroad: What to See and I-low to See"-(x874). Rev. ANDREW FLINN DICKSON, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Y.ar.A. 11011. CONSTANTINE CANARIs ESTY, Framingham, Mass. 0. p.(. Senator of the State of Massachusetts, 1857-8; Member of the Massachusetts Legisla- ture, 1867; Assessor of the 7th Internal Revenue District of Massachusetts, 1862-6 and 1867-72; Member of the Massachusetts State Board of Education, since 1871; Member of the United States House of Representatives, 1872-3. GEORGE CANNING iILL, Boston, Mass. t 2 . Associate Principal of the Boys' High School, Norwich, Conn., 1845-6 and of the Academy, llayncsville, Ala., 1846-7; Editor of the Hartford Courant, 1847-9; one of the Editors of the Boston Post, x865-78; Editor-in-Chief, since 1878. Rev. JonN TALMADGE MARSh, Lisle, N. Y. X.p.H. Admitted at the Delta; author of "History of the Congregational Church in Harpers- field, New York" (1871). Rev. JAMES MORTON, New York City. H.c.Z. SERENO DWIGHT NICKEESON, Boston, Mass. W; oc.p.A. LL. B. Harvard College, x847. i i yk 1! f Ryr 39i I A iuj Y ]S i pe 1y! I A A y P i 1 f S 1 i K q 1 E! iF (Yi 9 1 r i r r. 01 % r i "r r . nn~r iii nnurr way.. w~iw ~ i r 1% BETA CHAPTER. 53 Rev. ISAAC LEWIS PEET, LL. D., New York City. LL. D. Columbia College, 1872; Vice-Principal of the- New York State Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1853-68 ; and Principal, since 1868 ; Editor of Dudley Peet's "Manual of Inorganic Chemistry" (1868). 8"*JTENRY SANDFORD,f New Haven, Conn. $ u.y. Hon. LEONARD EUGENE WALES, Wilmington, Del. .v. . Associate Judge of the Superior Court and of the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Delaware, since 1864. Class of 1846. Rev. JOsEPH WILLES BACKUS, Thomaston, Conn. Z.p.N. Tutor in Yale College, 1849-51; Fellow, since 1875. Rev. JOHN WOODBRIDGE BmcuMORE, Clinton, Mass. .F. . Honorary A. M. Trinity College, 1872; author.of " Prophecy Interpreted by History" (1871). Hon. JOHN BALL BRISBIN, St. Paul, Minn. T.co.v. Reporter for the Supreme Court of the Territory of Minnesota, 1854-5; City Attorney of St. Paul, 1855; President of the Territorial Council of Minnesota, 1855-7; Mayor of the City of St. Paul, 1857-8; Member of the Minnesota Legislature; Chairman of the Demo- cratic State Central Committee of Minnesota. HENRY CHILDS, Buffalo, N. Y. Z.q.M. Hon ISAAC CLINTON COLLINS, Cincinnati, Ohio. iA; T.r.p. Member of the Ohio Legislature, x858; Judge of the Common Pleas and District Court of Ohio, 1859-61; President of the Cincinnati Bar Association, since 1877; author of" A Speech on the Usury Laws" (=858); Orator at the Convention of x867, held with the Iota, and au- thor, in part, of "Poem and Address delivered before the PsI UPSILON Fraternity in Hop- kins' Music Hall, Cincinnati, at the 34th Annual Convention; also Address of James Strong, S. T. D., at Middletown at 33rd Convention " (Cincinnati, 1868, 8vo. pp. 23+10). CHARLES JOSEPn GOBRECIIT, Philadelphia, Pa. 7.4.p. DAVID HAWLEY, New York City. i; 0; r./.N. ""*RODERICK MOSELEY MORRISON,f San Francisco, Cal. ; r.b.p. DAVID HUMPHREY MULFORD, New York City. T; T.o.r. Hon. RENSSELAER RUSSELL NELSON, St. Paul, Minn. 8; 8.e.N. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Minnesota, 1857-8; United States District Judge for the District of Minnesota, since r868. WILLIAM RUSSELL NEVINS, Laceyville, Pa. i; n; r.a.p. CHARLES JOSIAS PENNINGTON, Oakland, Md. Z; Z.O.M. Rev. SAMUEL THOMAS RICHARDS, New York City. r..Xv. Author of" Perils of our Prosperity," and other Sermons. 44' 54 BETA CHAPTER. 1$4*JOsIAH SAVAGE, San Francisco, Cal. . .N. Died near Trinity River, California. 1876*ABIJAII HULL THOMPsoN, Buffalo, N. Y. N.R.o. United States Deputy Collector of Customs, x866-76. Class of 1847. ""*SAMUEL PERKINS ALLISON, Nashville, Tenn. Hr.A'. WILLIAM HENRY BABCOCK, M. D., Jacksonville, Flit t; y.r.c. Surgeon in the Confederate Service ; Assistant Editor of the Savannah Morning News; and of the Jacksonville Daily Press, since 1875. l""*ROGER SHERMAN BALDWIN, New Haven, Conn. T ; .t.A'. Died near Folsom, Cal., Nov., 1856. ThOMAs LEVINGSTON BAYNE, New Orleans, La. 0; o.e.A'. Captain of Artillery in the Confederate Service, 1862-3; Major, 1863-4 ; Lieutenant. Colonel, 1864-5- lHon. JOHN CIRISTOPHER BuRcn, Nashville, Tenn. @.y.2'. Member of the Tennessee Legislature, 1855-6 ; Senator of the State of Tennessee, and Speaker of the Senate, 1857-8 ; Colonel in the Confederate Service, 1861-5; Comptroller of the Treasury of Tennessee, 1873-4; Chairman of the Democratic State Committee of Tennessee ; Editor of the Nashville Union and American, x859-61 and 1869-5; and of the Nashville A merican, 1875-7. Rev. LUTHER HART CONE, Springfield, Mass. : A. S.C3. JOhN COON, Cleveland, Ohio. ]j; .a.c. Secretary to the Hon. Thomas Ewing, Secretary of the Interior, ; Editor of the Cleveland Herald. Rev. SAMUEL ROBINSON DIMociK, Denver, Colo. Y... JoN ENDMANDS, Philadelphia, Pa. J.7r.co. Assistant Librarian of Yale College, 1851-6; Librarian of the Philadelphia Mercantile Library, since 1856. Rev. ROBERT PERRY FARRIS, D. D., St. Louis, Mo. 2r; ?..&2Y. Editor of the St. Louis Presbyterian, since x866. Rev. THOMAS MONROE FINNEY, D. D., St. Louis, Mo. f; y.co.5. Editor of the St. Louis Christian A dvocate, 1869-72. JAMES FITCH, Cleveland, Ohio. ; .&A'. City Solicitor of Cleveland. 118*Rev. HENRY HAMILTON HADLEY, New York City. Ug; 2.y.3. Valedictorian, 1847; Tutor in Yale College, 1850-52; Instructor in Hebrew in the Union Theological Seminary, 1858-62; Assistant Professor of Hebrew, 1862-4; Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature in Yale College, x862-3; died at Washington, D. C. BETA CHAPTER. 55 '$"2*DUGALD CAMERON HAIGHT, St. Louis, Mo. 1i; H.A~. Drowned in Chagres Bay, Central America. 1"*WILLIAM HENRY HOWE, New Berne, N. C. c; 2.0.60. 785*PHILEMON FERDINAND McLALLEN, St. Louis, Mo. ; o.C.2'. Rev. WILLIAM EVES MOORE, D. D., Columbus, Ohio. y.p.a. S. T. D. Marietta College, 1873; Delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian Council at Edin- burgh, 1877; author of "A New Digest of the Acts and Deliverances of the Presbyterian Church in the United States " (x861), "Term Service in the Eldership " (1871), "The Pres- byterian Digest " (1873), "A History of the First Presbyterian Church, West Chester, Pa." (1876), " A History of the Second Presbyterian Church, Columbus, O." (x876), and " A His- tory of the Presbytery of Columbus " (1876). ""*Hon. EDWARD GRIFFIN PARKER, New York City. ; cc; H.f.&. Senator of the State of Massachusetts, 1857; Aide on the Staff of General B. F. Butler, i86r; Aide and Chief of Staff to General J. H. Martindale, 1862; author of " The Golden Age of American Oratory" (1857), and "Reminiscences of Rufus Choate" (186o); Editor of the Boston Traveller, 1857 ; Orator at the Convention of 186o, held with the Zeta. Rev. LEwIS HUBBARD REID, Canaan, Conn. .f .J. Director and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Presbyterian Theological Sem- inary of Chicago, 187o-74; author of "The Sinner at the Judgment Speechless," and other Tracts and Sermons; Contributor to the Presbyterian Quarterly Review. LAUREN SYLVESTER SCOTT, New York City. 2.P.2'. I-on. DANIEL THEW WRIGHT, Cincinnati, Ohio. O.ra.A'. LL. B. Harvard College, 185o: Member of the Supreme Court Commission of the State of Ohio, since 1876; author of " Mrs. Armington's Ward " (1873). C/ass of 1848. ""_*JOIN ALLEN BARNARD, Santiago, Chili. Z.y.f~. JAMES NAThAN BARNES, Philadelphia, Pa. H.v.C3. iss"*CLINTON CAPERs BROWN, Barnwell, S. C. ; T.X.B'. Aide to Governor J. H1. Means of South Carolina, x852, with the rank of Colonel. EBENEZER, BUCKINGIIAM, Chicago, Ill. ; T.a. l8"h*Rev. HENRY MARTYN COLTON, New York City. ;; 1ff; T.r.f'. Berkeley Scholar in Yale College, 1848-9 ; Principal of the Classical School, Middletown, Conn., 1857-68; and of the Yale School for Boys, New York City, 1868-72; Editor of Col- ton's " Greek Reader" (3rd ed., 1855); died at Middletown, Conn. lS"*CHARLES TiEODOItE COTTON, Washington, D. C. F.a.d. Admitted at the Kaf/a. 4 , P ,wrw - i rr.r i ri- n 56 BETA CHAPTER. I864*SAMUEL ARMSTID EWING, New York City. r.t.4~. Died in Washington, D. C. Hon. DWIGHT FOSTER, LL. D., Boston, Mass. 0; Z.v.B'. LL. D. Yale College, 1871'; Valedictorian, 1848; Attorney-General of the State of Mass- achusetts, 1861-4; Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1866-9; Phi Beta Xaf/a Orator at Yale, 1865. 186*FREDERICK CONE FULLER, Greensborough, Ga. a.4.q. Captain in the Confederate Service, 1861-3 ; killed near Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia. FRANKLIN RICHARD GRIST, Venice, Italy. b; Z.c.B'. ISII*SIIELTON HOLLISTER, Minneapolis, Minn. r.O.7/. WILLIAM KINNE, Ithaca, N. Y. Z.X.c3. Principal of the Academy, Colchester, Conn., z85o; Tutor in Yale College, 1850-52; Master of the Public High School, New Haven, Conn., 1859-68; Principal of Glenwood Ladies' Seminary, West Brattleboro', Vt., 1868-9; and of the Cornell Preparatory School, Ithaca, since 1869. 1""*DAVID SANFORD MOWRY, Norwich, Conn. :; P.6.5. I*FREDERICK PACKARD, Appleton, Wis. H.p.X'. SAMUEL CLARKE PERKINS, Philadelphia, Pa. ? ?; Z.x.?/. LL. B. University of Pennsylvania, x852; author of "In Memoriam, a Funeral Dis- course delivered in the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, February 27,1866," and other Tracts and Addresses; Contributor to the Philadelphia Press, Bulletin and Daily Pennsylvanian. CHARLES SELDEN, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2. .B'. I"*EDMUND DENISON STANTON, New York City. ; 4.f . 1*JOIIN LIVINGSTON STRYKER,t Catskill, N. Y. Z.p.#'. Died in St. Paul, Minn. "*BENJAMIN SWETT TAPPANt New Orleans, La. r.6. District Attorney of Orleans Parish, La., 1850-54; Member of the Secession Convention of Louisiana, 2861 ; an Officer in the Confederate Service, z861-3 ; died in Assumption Parish, La., from the effects of a gunshot wound received in battle. JAMES REDDEN TRUMBULL, M. D., Talcahuano, Chili. a.y. W. M. D. Columbia College, 1852. Hon. GEORGE WIIITE, Boston, Mass. I n; 4.o.B'. LL. B. Harvard College, 185o ; Member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Conven. tion of 1853 ; Judge of Probate and Insolvency for Norfolk County, Mass., since x858. Rev. GILES BUCKINGIIAM WILLCOX, Stamford, Conn. P.6. . Admitted at the Delta ; author of " An Address commemorative of Abraham Lincoln " (1865), and other Sermons and Addresses ; Contributor to the Boston Congregationalist and the New York Indeendent. BENJAMIN [DAVID] YOUNG, HuntSville, Ala. .; ; T.Cp. Y' i ,W3 11 Y _ 01% 57 BETA CHAPTER. Class of 1849. EDWARD AUGUSTUs ARNOLD, M. D., Vineennes, Ind. Z; r .; .X.27. M. D. University of Maryland, 1852 ; Professor of Anatomy in the Medical Department of the State University of Iowa, 1853-5; Acting Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army, 1861-2 and 1864-5, and in the United States Navy, 1862-3. ROBERT PADDOCK BARNARD, Greene, N. Y. '; 2.Q.L . i ChARLES LEWIS BRENT, Winchester, Va. r.-.X - ChARLES GREENE CAME, Boston, Mass. n; 2T ; 4.5.y'. Editor of the Portland Advertiser, 1853-7 ; Member of the Maine Legislature, 1854-5; Associate Editor of the Boston 7ournal, since 1857. Rev. WILLIAM BARKER CLARKE, Griswold, Conn. T; T.p.. Livingston Professor of Divinity in Yale College, 1863-6; Contributor to the New En- glander. BELA HORTON COLEGROVE, Sharpsburg, Ky. 3 ; ; T.y.y. Member of the City Council of Buffalo, N. Y., 1857-9; City Judge of Buffalo, 1864-8. .s$"*HAMILTON COUPER, Savannah, Ga. T..X'. Captain of the Oglethorpe Light Infantry ; Major in the Confederate Service, 1861-2; died at Manassas, Va. FRANKLIN ASHIER DURKEE, Binghamton, N. Y. F.R. '. Superintendent of Public Schools, Chenango County, N. Y., :850-52; City Judge of Binghamton, 1859-69. FRANCIS MILES FINCH, Ithaca, N. Y. T ; g 2; Z.6.y'. Trustee of Cornell University, 1867-75, and Secretary of the Board of Trustees ; Collector of Internal Revenue for the 26th District of New York, 1869-73 ; author of " The Psi Ursi- LON Smoking Song," " Nathan Hale," "The Blue and the Gray," and other Poems ; Con- tributor to the Atlantic Monthly; Poet at the Celebration of the Linonian Society of Yale College, 1853; P/hi Beta Katfia Poet at Yale, 2853; Poet at the Convention of 1848, held with the Xi; at the Convention of T856, held with the Sigma ; and at the Convention of 1864, held with the Psi; c% Song Book, pp. 43, 74, 78, 124. ELIAL FOOTE HALL, New York City. T.a.y. Assistant Editor of the New York Evening Post, 1855-6; Contributor to Putnam's Monthly and the New Englander. RUFUS ALEXANDER HENSON, San Antonio, Tex. Z.X.F . LL. B. Harvard College, 1852; Judge by appointment of the Governor of Texas, 1866; Editorial Contributor to the San Antonio Ledger, Texan Herald, Alamo Erress, and Evening Star, 1855-69. ""*EDWARD CLEMENT HOUGH, Savannah, Ga. i i; ±; r..X'. 6 5 d r w ThoMAS SCRANTON HUBBARD, Urbana, Ill. &nM.y. Cashier of the Grand Prairie Bank, 1856-61; Member of the City Council, x875-7. i8l*Rev. JosEPH IIURLBUT, New London, Conn. 8; r.9.~. Tutor in Beloit College, 185o-; and in Yale College, 1852-4; died at Paris, France. ~ #Ni IIlIr1Y 1 1 YYr i l rte/ II IIYtlr /II WIW AI III 1 III III I III II I 58 BETA CHAPTER. Rev. CHARLES JOSIAH HUTCHINS, Petaluma, Cal. z; II; 71..'. Chaplain of the 39th Infantry Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, 1864 ; Contributor to the Overland Monthly. Hon. WILLIAM HUNTING JEssUP, Montrose, Pa. r.2 .P'. Major of the 28th Infantry Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1863; Major-General of the xoth Division of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, 1871-4; Assessor of Internal Revenue for the 12th Pennsylvania District, 1863-6 ; Presiding Judge of the 34th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, since 1877; President of School Board, 1870-6 and since 2877. Rev. WILLIAM BROWN LEE, Portland, Conn. ..I. FREDERICK ST. JOHN LOCKWOOD, Norwalk, Conn. 11.R. '. Bank Commissioner of the State of Connecticut, 185o-62; Member of the Connecticut Legislature, 1865-6 and 1872; President of the Fairfield County National Bank, since x868. l8"*Rev. JAMES BROWNING MILES, D. D., Boston, Mass. .V.x'. S. T. D. Beloit College, 1873; Tutor in Yale College, 2852-4 ; Chaplain of the Massa- chusetts Senate, x866-7; Secretary of the American Peace Society, 1871-5, and of the Inter- national Code Society; Editor of the A dvocate of Peace and the A ngel of Peace; died at Worcester, Mass. ""*Rev. DAVID PECK, Sunderland, Mass. ; Z.e.F'. bOuN GORDON WALLACE, M. D.,f Fredericksburg, Va. r.co./F~. M. D. University of Pennsylvania,s85n; Member of the City Council of Fredericks- burg, x855-62 and 1870-75 ; Justice of the Corporation Court, 1863-5. l8iS*1TILLIAM WALLACE WARD, New York City. T.c.y~. Clerk of the Supreme Court of Washington Territory, 1856; Secretary of the United States Legation at Pekin, x860; Superintendent of Customs under the Chinese Govern. ment, 2860-63. 11ev. CrTIss TROWIRIDGE WOODRUFF, New York City. ; Wt; Z..X'. Honorary A. M. Trinity College, x868; Editor of " Public Sentiment," 1852; Chaplain of the 6th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-4; Superintendent of the New York Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society, since 187x. - Class of 1850. ABRASIAM DEWITT BALDWIN, New York City. -7.J. T'. CHAMPION BISSELL, New York City. m; 2.p.T~. Author of "The Panic and other Poems" (1859), " Poem before the Phi Beta Ka/a Society at Yale College" (x860), and "A Treatise on Probabilities" (1874); Editor of the Tolland County Herald, of the American Whig Review, 1852, and of The Paler Trade Re- forter, since x872. WILLIAM ROOT BLISS, New York City. r. . Author of " Paradise in the Pacific, a Book of Travels, Adventures and Facts in the Sandwich Islands" (1873); Editor of the 4th General Catalogue of the PsI UPSILoN Frater- nity (1849). PW% - . ) BETA CHAPTER. 59 JOHN HIRAM BREWER, San Francisco, Cal. .; t ; I ..p'. Principal of Bacon Academy, Colchester, Conn., '1851; and of the Academy, Worcester, Mass., and Instructor in Greek, 1852-3- Rev. OLIVER BROWN, Springfield, Mo. 0; H.x.8 Principal of the High School, North Stonington, Conn., z85r; Professor of Latin and Natural Science in Thayer College, 1873-6, and Acting President ; Professor of Physics and Natural Science in Drury College, since 1876. ROBERT IETT CHAPMAN, Los Angeles, Cal. ; 77.7.77 Hon. ROBERT COT, New London, Conn. e.r.0'. Judge of the Probate Court for the District of New London, in New London County, Conn.; Register in Bankruptcy, since s867. Rev. WILLIS STRONG COLTON, Warren, Conn. 0; c.N.0'. Salutatorian, s85o; Principal of the Academy, Old Saybrook, Conn., 185o-51s; Tutor in - Yale College, 1853-6 ; Contributor to the New York Independent, the New York 7ournalof Commerce, the New York Church Union and the Chicago Advance; cf. Song Book, p. 6. 1865*Rev. CHAUNCEY MEIGs NAND, Madison, Conn. c.y.zl. ISS*NATHAN APPLETON LEE, New York City. T; y7.7r.qT. LL. B. Yale College, x852. WILLIAM LUDDEN, Savannah, Ga. 2.rof. Author of "Lyra Sacra" (s858), "The Thorough Bass School" (s863), "School for the Voice" (1869), "School Lyrics" (s869), and "Pronouncing Dictionary of Musical Terms" (1875); Editor of The Southern Musical 7ournal, since 1872. 1862*NEWTON SPAULDING MANROSS, Ph. D., Forestville, Conn.0 ; .Ip.P. Ph. D. University of Gottengen, 1852; Acting Professor of Chemistry in Amherst College, 1862-2; Captain in the 16th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1862; Contributor to the A snerican %ournal ofScience and A rts; killed in the Battle of Antietam. EDWARD DUCUMAN MUHLENBERG, Lancaster, Pa. J.p.J~. ' Division Engineer of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and Contiguous Roads and Canals, 1850-57 ; Chief Engineer and Contractor of the Dom Pedro Railway, Brazil, 1857-6'; ist Lieutenant in the 4th Regiment of United States Artillery, 1861-6 ; Commanding Company F, 1863-4 and x865-6; Adjutant of the Regiment, 1864-5; Regimental Quartermaster, 1864-5; Commanding Brigade, 1863; Chief of Artillery of the Right Wing of the Army of the Poto- mac at the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863; Brevet Captain and Brevet Major ; Division Engi- neer of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, x866-7 ; of the Northern Pacific Railroad, 3870-71; and of the Texas Pacific Railroad, 1871-2. I4*CHIARLEs HENRY PRATTf Princeton, Mass. y.y.ep'. HENRY PHELPS SANFORD, Painesville, Ohio. s.y.4'. WILLIAM WHEELER SKINNER,f San Francisco, Cal. a.r. ~.q CORDIAL STORRs, Washington, D. C. -; i; > .. Editor of the Northern yournal, Lowville, N. Y., 1854-5; Superintendent of Schools, Lowville, x855-6; Superintendent of Schools, Johnson County, Kans., 1858-9; Clerk in the Office of the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, Washington, D. C., x861-3; Chief Clerk and Acting Auditor, 1864. c -W 6o BETA CHAPTER. ALBERT TODD,4 Sing Sing, N. Y. ; y.a.X~. LUCIAN SUMNER WILLCOX, M. D., Hartford, Conn. T;6c.13.6 31. D. Yale College, 1855; Chief Medical Director of the Connecticut Mutual Life In- surance Company, since x865; Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in Yale College, since 1877. S*Rev.OSWALD LANGDONWOODFORDWeSt Avon,Conn. I; ; .wo.6~. Principal of the Cherokee Male Seminary, 1855-6; Member of the Connecticut Legisla- ure, x865. Class of 1851. "".l*HORATIO WALSH BRINSMADE, Troy, N. Y. Z; c.y.e. 1852*ED\WARD SALMON CONEJ- Middletown, Conn. 0; 1-.X Admitted at the Xi. RUFUS COWLES CRAMPTON, Jacksonville, Ill. O; H.-. Prize Scholar in Yale College, 1851-2 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of the z45th Regiment of Illi- nois Volunteers, 1864 ; Principal of Susquehanna Academy, Montrose, Pa., 1853-4 ; Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Illinois College, since 1854; Acting President. Rev. WILLIAM KIRTLAND DOUGLAS, D. D., Dry Grove, Miss. y.8 -V A. M. Trinity College, 1854; S. T. D. Columbia College, 1875; President of Jefferson College, Miss., x861-5; Superintendent of Schools, Natchez, Miss., 1865-6 ; State Superin- tendent of Schools for Mississippi, x866 ; Delegate to the General Convention of the Episco- pal Church, 1868, 71, 74 ; Secretary of the Diocese of Mississippi, since 1872 ; Principal of the Bishop Green Training School ; Editor of the Diocesan Record, since 1873. JAMES EDWARD ESTABROOK, Worcester, Mass. ; 2-r.E Rev. WALTER FREAR, HOnOlulu, Sandwich Islands. Street . B. D. Union Theological Seminary, 1854; Pastor of the Fort Street Congregational Church, since 1870; Trustee of the Punahan College, Honolulu. ASA FRENCh, Boston, Mass. : ;; 24;F 2./f.E'. LL. B. Harvard Collere, 1853; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, z866; District Attorney for the Southeastern District of Massachusetts, since 1870; Commissioner on the Inland Fisheries of Massachusetts, since 1872. Rev. JONATHAN LEAVITT JENKINS, Pittsfield, Mass. V; .; r v Rev. HENRY HARRIS JESSUP, D. D., Beirut, Syria. c; ;hi' y S. T. D. College of New Jersey, 1865; Missionary at Tripoli, Syria, 1856-6o; Professor in the Syrian Protestant College at Beirut, since 186o. [ASHER] ROBBINs LITTLE, New York City. 4 . LL. B. Harvard College, 1870; Salutatorian, 1851; Clark Scholar in Yale College, 1851-2 ; Rector of Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, 1853-4; Tutor in Yale College, 1854-5 ; Superintendent of the Astor Library, since 1878. WILLIAM DEFOREST MANICE, New York City. c..2#'. I-% BETA CHAPTER. Rev. THEODORE ThORNTON MUNGER, North Adams, Mass. .T.E~. JolN MILTON SLADE, New York City. 117.v. DAVID PAIGE SMITH, M. D., Springfield, Mass. O.D.E. Al. D. Jefferson Medical College, 1854 ; Surgeon of the x8th Infantry Regiment of Mas- sachusetts Volunteers, 186 ; Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in Yale Col- lege, 1873-7, and of the Principles and Practice of Surgery, since 1877. HORACE MONTAGUE SMITh, New York City. X. .~ Admitted at the Gamma. "873*RICIIARD CRESSON STILES, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. . AT. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1854; Professor of Physiology and Pathology in the University of Vermont, 1857-65; and in Berkshire Medical College, 1858-62; Surgeon-in- Chief of General Caldwell's Division, Army of the Potomac, 1863-4; died in West Chester, Pa. ENos NELSON TAFT, New York City. i; !; 6./.. LL. B. Yale College, 1853; Librarian of the Yale Law School, 1851-4. I8"5*EDWIN Bunn TRUMBULL, Norwich, Conn. T; c..T~. Clerk of the two Houses of the General Assembly of Connecticut. GEORGE STARR TUCKERM AN, Minneapolis, Minn. M W ; ; /..E'. Captain in the ast (Berdan's) Regiment of Sharpshooters, New York Volunteers, 1862. Rev. JAMES GARDINER VOSE, D. D., Providence, R. I. I; 2.(p.v. S. T. D. Brown University, 1874; Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Amherst Col- lege, 1856-65. 185*ITENRY DORRANCE WELLS, Charleston, S. C. HENRY DYER WHITE, New Haven, Conn. G.a.v. CZass of 1852. 5"*EDWARD JESUP ALVORD, Southport, Conn. 1; Member of the Connecticut Legislature, 1862; died October 16, 1868. hev. ALBERT BIGELOW, Buffalo, N. Y. 2.C.r'. 1157HENRY CLAY BLAKESLEE, New Haven, Conn. IT.1p.'. Engineer of the Great Western Railroad of Canada and of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad ; died at Chicago, August 19, x857. a 82* ILLIAM tB®IEs, Troy, N. Y. ?f7r.Z'. EDWARD BUCK, Bueksport, Me. o.X. T'. Rev. JoUN ELDERKIN, M. D., West Suffield, Conn. 7J2.O. AT. D. Columbia College, 1863; Assistant-Surgeon of the loth Regiment of Colored In- fantry. +" IIllw~ III11 1 I I I I III I w flrl wl - I 1W ww wllIlrr w Nw 62 BETA CHAPTER. Hon. DAVID BRIGHT GREEN, Pottsville, Pa. 1.1p. Adjutant of the 129th Infantry Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1862-3; Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the 27th Infantry Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1863-5; Presid- ing Judge in the Court of Schuylkill, Dauphin and Lebanon Counties, 2867-73. JOAN BAKER HENDRICKSON, New York City. 2.j. T' GEORGE EDWAnDS JACKSON, St. Louis, MO. y.y.Z'. Principal of the Webster School, New Haven, 1860-3; Classical Instructor in the City UniV'ersity of St. Louis, x864-7 ; Professor of Latin and Greek in Washington University, since 1867. JAMES HOUSTON JOINSTONJ Savannah, Ga. 1.o. Rev. HENRY [DELAKER] KIMBALL,I Brooklyn, N. Y. J.%.. Secretary of the Christian Union Association of New York City, =864-7. SANFORD LAWTON, M. D., Springfield, Mass. M; $.A.q'. Rev. ALONZO NORTON LEWIS,f Westport, Conn. M.T0.ze.- A. M. Yale College, 1866; A. M. ad eundem Trinity College, x872; Principal of the Litchfield Academy, 1851-4; of the New Hartford Union School, 1854-5; of Naugatuck High School, 1855-6; of the Blind Department in the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and 1llind, Raleigh, N. C., x858-9; of the High School, Waterbury, Conn., 186o-6; and ofa Boys' School, Woodbury, Conn., 1866-70. ""*DAvID OGDEN MORETIOUSE, Fairfield, Conn. H.a. Drowned at York, Pa., May 25, 1854- ""G*GEORGE STARR MYGATT, Cleveland, Ohio. l y.r'. Aide to Governor Denison, 1861-3; Major of the 41st Infantry Regiment of Ohio Volun- teers, 186r-2; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1862; died January 3, 1866. ISII*ANGELO WOOD NORTH, Louisville, Ky o.r.y. WILLIAM HAMMOND ODELL, Wilmington, Ill. 2.#..' Cashier of the Illinois State Penitentiary, since 1858. ""*DUDLEY PEET, M. D., New York City. 3. '. M. D. Columbia College, x856; Instructor in the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1859-62; died April x8, z862. EDWARD [DILLER 0'] REILLY, Lancaster, Pa. c.v.Z'. SAMUEL CURTIS ROBINSON, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; y.r.Z. M. D. Yale College,x855 ; Surgeon to the steamship"Ariel,"1855-61; to the United States gunboat " McClellan,'' 1861-3 ; in the United States Navy, since 1872. OGDEN N. ROOD,f New York City. v.4.'. " A. B. College of New Jersey, 1852; Professor of Chemistry in Troy University, x862; and of Physics in Columbia College, since 1863. WILLIAM BALDWIN ROss, New York City. i; y.J. LL. B. Harvard College, 1854. I II 1 I BETA CHAPTER. 63 Rev. CHARLES COTTON SALTER, Denver, Colo. ; b; 2. .r. Tutor in Yale College, j856-7; Chaplain of the 13th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-2. HoMER BAXTER SPRAGUE, Ph. D., Boston, Mass. Ph. D. Regents of the University of New York, T875; DeForest Medal, 1852; Principal of the High School, Worcester, Mass., 1856-60; of the Webster Grammar School, New Haven, :86o-:; Captain in the 13th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1862-4; Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel, x864-6; Principal of the State Normal School, New Britain, Conn., 1866-7; Member of the Connecticut Legislature and Chairman of the Com- mittee on Education, 1868; Principal of the High School, Meriden, Conn., 1868; Professor of English Literature and Rhetoric in Cornell University, 1868-70; Principal of the Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y., x870-6; Head Master of the Girls' High School, Boston, since 1876 ; author of the " History of the 13th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers " (Hartford, 1867, 12mo.); Editor of" Masterpieces of English Literature " (1874), in part, of Hillard's " Franklin Sixth Reader and Speaker " (1874), of Annotated Editions of Milton's "Mask of Comus " (New York, 1876), and of Milton's " Lycidas" (Boston, 1878). ADRIAN TERRY, Knoxville, Tenn. .17..C~. Ph. B. Yale College, 1854; Quartermaster of the 7th Regiment of Connecticut Volun- teers, 1861 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General on the Staff of General A. 11. Terry ; Engineer of the Knoxville Branch of the Louisville and Great Southern Railroad, 1866-7. ibJOsEPH FREDERICK WARING, Savannah, Ga. H.p. T'. Lieutenant-Colonel in Wade Hampton's Cavalry . Colonel of the Jeff. Davis Legion in Stuart's Cavalry. Class of 1853. HENRY HARPER BABCOCK, New Haven, Conn. THEODORE BACON, Rochester, N. Y. i ; H.p.$~. Captain in the 7th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers ; Contributor to the New En- glander; Associate Founder of the Usilon. HENRY RICHARDSON BOND, New London, Conn. 8; .. WILLIAM CULLEN BREWSTER, Davenport, Iowa. i; y.o S"N*SAMUEL MILLS CAPRON, Hartford, Conn. 2..2 . Principal of the Hopkins Grammar School, Hartford, :853-63; and of the High School, :865-74 ; author of "School Lyrics" (1869). JULIUS CATLIN, JR., New York City. 5.y.H'. Rev. JosiuA ColT, Lawrence, Mass. 2.7r. Rev. THOMAs FREDERICK DAVIES, D. D., Philadelphia, Pa. C.%.1/. A. Di. Trinity, :860; S. T. 'D. University of Pennsylvania, 1871; Berkeley Scholar at Yale College, 1853-5; Professor of Hebrew in the Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., x856-61. 64 BETA CHAPTER. GEORGE RUSSELL DWELLYJ Arlington Heights, Mass. q.co.2. Principal of the High School, Lexington, Mass., since 18 REV. CHARLES HARDING, Sholapoor, India. IH..H'. Missionary of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, stationed at Bombay, 1857-62 ; and at Sholapoor, since 1864. Gen. EDWARD HARLAND, Norwich, Conn. H.p.~. Captain of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers ; Lieutenant-Colonel of the 6th Regiment ; Colonel of the 8th Regiment; appointed Brigadier-General of United States Volunteers, November 29, 1862; Chief Clerk in the United States Patent Office, 1877. Hon. WILLIAM LAMSON TJINMAN, Hartford, Conn. 5.,.O . Member of the Connecticut Legislature, z86o; Probate Judge of Cheshire District, 1863. Rev. THEODORE JAMES hOLMES, Baltimore, Md. 2.y.1i'. Instructor in the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, Hairtford, Conn., 1853-6; Chaplain of the 1st Cavalry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1863-4. SHERMAN PHELPS KNEVALS, New York City. ; .J.J~. Hon. BENJAMIN KINSMAN PHELPS, New York City. ; 2f; y..H. District Attorney of the County of New York, since 1872. Hon. HENRY CORNELIUS ROBINSON, Hartford, Conn. ? 1; y.y.y . Mayor of the City of Hartford, 1872-4. EDMUND CLARENCE STEDMANJ New York City. H.p.H'. M. A. Yale College, 1871, and Dartmouth College, 1873; author of" Poems, Lyrical and Idyllic" (186o), "The Prince's Ball" (s86o), "The Battle of Bull Run" (186x), "Alice of Monmouth, an Idyll of the Great War, with other Poems " (1864), "The Blameless Prince, and other Poems" (1869), "Rip Van Winkle and his Wonderful Nap" (187o), "Poetical Works" (1873), "The Victorian Poets " (1875), and " h awthorne, and other Poems " (1877); Editor of the Norwich Tribune, 1852-3, and of the Winsted Herald, 1854-5; one of the Edi- tors of the New York Tribune, 1859-6o, and of the New York World, 1861-4 ; Contributor to Putnam'.s Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, the Galaxy, Scribner's Monthly, and " Lyrics of Loyalty" (1864). JOSEPTI AShLEY WELCh, New York City. a..H'. THEODORE WESTON, New York City. * H.6.2'. Engineer in charge of the Brooklyn Water Works, x856-6s, and of the Croton Aqueduct, since 1861. Hon. ANDREw DICKSON WHITE, LL. D., Ithaca, N. Y. 2./.i. LL. D. University of Michigan, 1867 ; DeForest Medal, 1852 ; Attach- to the United States Legation at St. Petersburg, 1855; Professor of History and English Literature in the Univer- sity of Michigan, x857-62 ; Senator of the State of New York, and Chairman of the Committee on Education, 1863-6 ; President of Cornell University, since 2867; Trustee of Hobart College, since 1866; United States Commissioner to St. Domingo, 1870, and to the Paris Exposition, 1878; author of " A Syllabus of Lectures on Modern History" (x86o), "Outlines of a Course of Lectures on History" (x861), " A Word from the Northwest " (London, x862), " Report on the Organization of Cornell University" (x866), " The Most Bitter Foe of Nations "- PAiBeta KaAfa Oration at Yale College (1867), and "The Warfare of Science" (1876); Contributor to the New Englaxder and the Atlantic Monthly. BETA CHAPTER.65 I87I*CIIARLES HENRY WIHITTELSEY,t New Haven, Conn. . A. M. Yale College, x865; Lieutenant in the rst Artillery Regiment of Connecticut Vol- unteers, 1862 ; Assistant Adjutant-General on the Staff of General R. D. Tyler and of Gen. H. G. Wright, 1862-5 ; Brevet Brigadier-General, 1865 ; Captain in the United States Army, 1866-71; died at Fort Bridger, Wyoming Territory. Rev. ANDREw JACKSON WILLARD, Burlington, Vt. H..r. Class of 1854- JOHN SWARTWOUT BARKALOW, Paterson, N. J. .6.P. City Attorney of Paterson, 1864-8 ; Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, of the Orphan's Court and of the General Quarter Sessions of Passaic County, since 1871. THOMAs DENNY, New York City. ; o.z.O'. Rev. LESTER MORSE DORMAN, New York City. y.y.O. Assistant Editor of Churc/r and State. WILLIAM DRAKE, :.*.y . IIOn. WILLARD CUTTING FLAGG, Moro, Ill. ; .7r.O Secretary of the Illinois State Horticultural Society, 186x--9; Collector of Internal Reve- nue, 1862-9 ; Senator of the State of Illinois, 1869-73 ; Trustee of the Illinois Industrial Uni- versity, 1867-78, and Secretary of the Board, 1867-75 ; Secretary of the American Pomologi- cal Society, 1873-8 ; President of the Illinois State Farmers' Association, 1872-8, and of the National Agricultural Congress, 1875-8; Editor of the " Annual Reports of the Illinois State Horticultural Society" (1863-9), of the Reports of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial Univer- sity" (1861-74), and of the Horticultural Department of the Prairie Farmer (1872-8) ; Cor- respondent of the hearth and Home, 1869-7z. JAMES KING HILL, New York City. 5p.P'. ""*JOIIN WORTHINGTON HOOKER, M. D., New Haven, Conn. Y.FO.NC. M. D. Yale College, x857; Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education in Amherst College, 186o-I. EDWARD WYILBERFORCE LAMBERT, M. D., New York City. c.p.O'. M. D. Columbia College, 1857; Medical Examiner of the Equitable Life Insurance Company. Rev. JAMEs KITTREDGE LOMBARD, Fairfield, Conn. 71. 1'. 9 Cf. Song Book, pp. 45, 59, 6, 72, 116. GEORGE DEFOREST LORD, New York City. 2.m.0~. Salutatorian, 1854; 1st Lieutenant in the 22nd Regiment of National Guards of the State of New York. lSSS WILLIAM SHERMAN POTTS. St. Paul, Minn. I~v.p'. Died at Dubuque, Iowa. 66 BETA CHAPTER. ""*Gen. JAMES CLAY RICE, New York City. 1.v.P~. Captain in the 39th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x861; Lieutenant- Colonel of the 44th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1861-2; Colonel, 1862-3; Brigadier-General, 1863-4; killed in battle at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May zz, 1864. lion. WILLIAM STEELE SIIURTLEFF, Springfield, Mass. 2.'.P~. Colonel of the 46th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers ; Judge of Probate for Hampden County, Massachusetts, since 1863. FRANCIS HENRY SLADE, New York City. 2; 2..p'. Sergeant in the 22nd Regiment of National Guards of the State of New York. ""77*ORsON COWLES SPARROW, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. g.A.O'. Ph. B. Yale College, 1858; M. D. Long Island College Hospital, 1864; Professor of Chemistry in Andrew College, Newton, Tenn., 1859-61 ; Acting Assistant Surgeon of United States Volunteers at McDougal General Hospital, 1864-5 ; Assistant in Long Island College Hospital, 1865-75 ; died at Valdosta, Ga., September 13, 1877. ALEXANDER HENRY STEVENS, New York City. 6.r.0'. Cashier of the Gallatin National Bank, since 1869. JOHN TAIT, M. D.,f Meriden, Conn. H.co.O~ Rev. ALEXANDER STEVENSON TWOMBLY, Charlestown, Mass. Y.T.?'. ADRIAN VANSINDEREN, New York City. U ;1. .p~. CIIARLES ATWOOD WHITE, New Haven, Conn. o.a.P'. Rev. EHSKINE NORMAN WHITE, D. D., New York City. 2.4.'. S. T. D. University of the City of New York, 1874; Chaplain of the 22nd Regiment of National Guards of the State of New York. JOSEPH WARREN WILSON, Norwalk, Conn. 7. P~. Member of the Norwalk Board of Education, since 1862. Class of 1855- CHARLES JAMES Fox ALLEN, Louisville, Ky. T.O.Z. Paymaster and Major in the United States Army, 1862-5. WILLIAM HENRY LINUS BARNESt San Francisco, Cal. i; r..~. Author of" Solid Silver." Ion. LYMAN DENNISON BREWSTER, Danbury, Conn. Z.E. '. Probate Judge of Fairfield County, Conn., x868; Member of the Connecticut Legisla- ture, 1870; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Fairfield County, 1870-74. NATHANIEL WILLIS BUMSTEAD, Boston, Mass. 4.. . Captain in the 45th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, x863. I-Ion. CALVIN GODDARD CITILD, Stamford, Conn. > >. o.I . Judge of the City Court of Norwich, Conn., 1863-4; Private Secretary to Governor William A. Buckingham, 1862-4; United States District Attorney for Connecticut, 1870-8. i Mr 4L II IIII f11 111 11111 11 IY+YY I 1 111 - II III WI w 67 BETA CHAPTER. Hon. LINUS MASON CHILD, Boston, Mass. r.u.H'. LL. B. Harvard College, 1858; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1867-8; Member of the Common Council of the City of Boston; School Commissioner. HENRY TREAT CHITTENDEN, Columbus, Ohio. -.p. . Captain of Ohio Militia, 1861-3 ; United States Commissioner. STERNE CHITTENDEN, New York City. T.y.F~. { I # i ELIJAH CONE, Fond du Lac, Wis. PRESLEY JUDSON EDWARDS,4 .; Z.o.r~. ""*Hon. AUGUSTUS DEBERKELEY HUGHES, New Orleans, La. ,.i... Admitted at the Delta; Clerk of the United States Provisional Court of Louisiana, x862-3 ; Provost Judge. DAVID Low HUNTINGTON, M. D., Washington, D. C. r.O.. M. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1857; Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army, since 1862; Acting Medical Director of the Department of the Tennessee, 1865; Brevet Captain, 1866; Captain, x866; Stationed in New Mexico, 1865-70; at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 1870-2; at Fort Stevens, Oreg., 1872-4; at Angel Island, Cal., 1874-5; Attending Surgeon at the Soldiers' Home, since 1875 ; Brevet Major ; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. SimEON THOMiAS HYDE, Brooklyn, N. Y. y.e.o'. xst Lieutenant in the =5th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers; Aide to Briga- dier-General Edward Harland (Beta, '53), 1865. CHARLES FREDERICK JOHNSON, Owego, N. Y. c.1 '. " Adjunct Professor of Mathematics in the United States Naval Academy, 1865-70. GEORGE ALVAII KITTREDGE, Bombay, India. Z.P.n~. Clark Scholar, Yale College, 1855-6; with Sterns, Hobart & Co., Bombay, since 1862. GEORGE LAMPSON, Quebec, Canada. H.a. F. i Rev. ELISHA MULFORD, LL. D., Friendsville, Pa. 0; T.y.i. LL. D. Yale College, 1872; author of" The Nation : the Foundation of Civil Order and Political Life in the United States" (1871, 8vo., pp. +32). ALFRED PERKINS ROCKwELL, Boston, Mass. U1; r.O.11. Ph. B. Yale College, 1858; Colonel of the 6th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volun- teers, 1862-5; Professor of Mining Engineering in Yale College, 1865-8, and in the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, 1868-74 ; Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the City of Boston, since 1875. FRANKLIN AUSTIN SEELY, Washington, D. C. 8. .r'. Captain and Assistant Quarter-Master of Volunteers, 1862-7; Brevet Major and Lieu- tenant-Colonel, 1867 ; Chief Clerk in the United States Patent Office, since 1877. LEwIs ELLIOT STANTON, Hartford, Conn. Z.6.. Editor of "Exercises at Dedication of the Morgan School Building" (1873); Partner of J. C. Day (Beta, 1857), since 1865. CHARLES PIERCE STETSON, Bangor, Me. r.V. I'. Attorney for Penobscot Co., Me., 1861-7 ; Alderman of the City of Bangor, 1878. 68 BETA CHAPTER. 1 ""?*GEORGE TALCOTT, Hartford, Conn. T.cp.f". LUTHER HENRY TUCKER, Albany, N. Y. . .nr'. Editor of the Country Gentleman, since x854. 16*WILLIAM WHEELER, New Haven, Cont. r.o.F. LL.B. Harvard College, 2862 ; xst Lieutenant in the 13th New York Battery of Light Artillery, 1862-3 ; Captain, 1863-4 ; Chief of Artillery on the Staff of Gen. Geary, 1864; killed in battle at Culp's Farm, Marietta, Ga., June 22, 1864. WILLIAMS CLARKE WHITTEMORE, Chicago, Ill. iji; T.c-.I PATRICK HENRY WOODWARD, Windham, Conn. O.x.H. Member of the Editorial Staff of the Hartford Courant, 1861-5; Special Agent of the Post Office Department, x865-74; Chief Special Agent, 1874-6. Class of 1856. ""*GEORGE PAYSON BARKER, Buffalo, N. Y. Z../3 '. Clerk of the Supervisors of Erie County ; Assistant City Attorney ; died at Norwich, Conn., January 28, 1868. Rev. [PnINEAS] WOLCOTT CALKINs, D. D., Buffalo, N. Y. T.E.K'. S. T. D. Hamilton College, 1877; DeForest Medal, 7856; Principal of the English De. partment of the High School, Worcester, Mass., 1857-9; European Correspondent of the New York Observer, 1860-2. CHARLES TAYLOR CATLIN, Brooklyn, N. Y. .6'.o. Secretary of the Citizens' Gas Light Company, since 1866. JoHN DENISON CHAMPLIN, New York City. r.q.x'. Editor of the Litchfield Sentinel; one of the Editors of Appleton's New Encyclopedia (1876). Rev. IsAAC CLARK, Rondout, N. Y. F.p/.X'. Hon. ALFRED CoIT, New London, Conn. Z.o. 0'. LL.B. Harvard College, 2858; Member of the Connecticut Legislature, 1862-4; of the State Board of Education, 1865; Senator of the State of Connecticut, 1868; Judge of Pro- bate ; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, elected 1876. Ion. CHAUNCEY MITCIIELL DEPEW, New York City. T; T.x.TC. Member of the New York Legislature, 1862-3; Secretary of the State of New York, 1864-5; declined the appointment of U. S. Minister Resident to Japan, 1863; Clerk of the County of Westchester, N. Y., 1867; Regent of the University of the State of New York, since 1876; Attorney and Counsellor to the Hudson River and New York Central Railroad Companies. CHARLEs EDWARD FELLOWES, Hartford, Conn. .r.o'. Executive Secretary to Governor J. R. Hawley (Psi, '47), 1866; Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, since 1869. 1171*FRANCIS FELLOWES, JR., Hartford, Conn. Mgt.c'. BETA CHAPTER. 69 JolN MINOT FISKE, Boston, Mass. II; T.$.K'. Member of the Common Council of the City of Boston, 1862-4; Deputy Naval Officer of the Boston Custom House, 1863; Deputy Collector, 1863-5; Principal Deputy Collector # and Auditor, since 1865. JOSEPH RICHARDSON FRENCH, Meriden, Conn. Z.T.0~. Principal of the High School, Meriden, since 1874. FREDERICK STREET HOPPIN, Providence, R. L z.. 6. BENJAMIN DRAKE MAGRUDER, Chicago, Ill. Jflpac'. Master in Chancery. EDWARD PAYSON NETTLETON, Boston, MaSs. *" 'r.'. Principal of the High School, Chicopee Falls, Mass., x858-61 ; Captain of the 31st Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-4; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1864; Colonel, 1865; Assistant United States District Attorney, 1869-73. LEWIS RICHARD PACKARD, New Haven, Conn. ±'; Z.x.o'. Ph. D. Yale College, r86-; Tutor in Yale College, 1859-63; Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in Yale College, since 1863; Contributor to the (New York) Nation, and to the New Englander. Rev. LEVI LEONARD PAINE, Bangor, Me. T.o.c'. Principal of the Classical Department of the High School, Norwalk, Conn., 1856-7; Tutor in Yale College, 1859-62; Professor of Church History in the Bangor Theological Seminary, since 1870. Hon. HENRY EDWARDS PARDEE, New Haven, Conn. 4.p.0'. Member of the Common Council of the City of New Haven; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the District of New Haven, 1871-3. GEORGE ELEAZAR TIOLT PEASE, Fair Play, Colo. Z.p.K. Mayor of Pana, Ill; Captain in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment of Illinois Volunteers; Member of the Constitutional Convention of Colorado, 1875-7. "'*FRANK HENRY PECK, New Haven, Conn. Z.X. Principal of the Academy, Killingly, Conn., 1856-7; Clerk of the Probate Court, New Haven District, 1857-9; Major of the 12th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volun- teers, 1861-3 ; Lieutenant-Colonel,1863 ; Colonel, 1864 ; killed in battle at Opequan Creek, Va., September 20, 1864. nc*Rev. GEORGE CIIESTER ROBINSON, Cincinnati, Ohio. T.o.o'. Author of "Seed-Thought ; a Handbook of Doctrine and Devotion " (NewYork, 1863, 12mo. pp. 172); Editor of "Social Hymns and Tunes;" Contributor to the New York World and The Methodist ; died at Wellsborough, Pa., September 21, 1863. Rev. EDWARD ALFRED SMITH, Farmington, Conn. 4a..01. Rev. EDWARD CORNELIUS TOWNE, Manchester, England. <.Co.O. Salutatorian, 1856; Assistant Editor of the Chicago Tribune, x866; Editor of the Chicago Examiner Quarterly. JAMEs LYMAN WHITNEY, Concord, Mass. Z.6.0. Assistant Superintendent of the Boston Public Library and Editor of its Catalogues. 70 BETA CHAPTER. Rev. EDWARD FRANKLIN WILLIAMs, Chicago, Ill. T.r.K~. Principal of the Lookout Mountain Educational Institution, 1866. 18'*SAMIUEL F"AY WOODS, Barre, Mass. T; .n.' ist Lieutenant in the 3rd Massachusetts Battalion of Rifles, x861; Adjutant of the 34th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-4; Assistant Adjutant-General on the Staff of General Weber, 1864; died at Worcester, Mass., June 26, 1864, from wounds received at Piedmont, Va. Class of 1857. EDMUND THoMPsoN ALLEN, St. Louis, Mo. i; Y.p. Stenographic Reporter in the Military Courts, 1863-6; Land Commissioner of St. Louis, 1866. EDWIN BARROWS, Providence, R. I. -; r.p.A~. Quartermaster-Sergeant in the 4th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers; Secretary and Treasurer of the Fireman's Mutual Insurance Company, since 1568. CHARLES SEYMoUR BLACKMAN, Montreal, Canada. ;.. . Residence, Belair Villa, 46 Belmont Street. LESTER BRADNER, Dansville, N. Y. U; ROBERT [HENRY] BROWN, JR., Cincinnati, Ohio. ; H.A '. Vice-President of the Cincinnati Gas-Light and Coke Company. Ion. JOSEPh PAYsoN BUCKLAND, Holyoke, Mass. ; o.x.$t Judge of the Police Court. 1f*Rcv. FRANCIS EUGENE BUTLER, Paterson, N. J. i; 2r; i.&.. Chaplain of the 25th Infantry Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers, 1862-3; died May 4, 1863, from wounds received at Suffolk, Va. JOuN CALVIN DAY, Hartford, Conn. t; 2.y.&. Executive Secretary of the State of Connecticut, 1864-5 ; Partner with L. E. Stanton (Beta, '55), since 1865. Rev. DAVID STUART DODGE, New York City. H.z.X'. Professor of English and Business Manager of the Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, 1864-77; Business Manager, since 1878; address, care of Phelps, Dodge & Co. DANIEL CADY EAToN, New Haven, Conn. .6.1~. B. S. Harvard College, i86o; Inspector in the United States Commissary Department, New York City, 1861-4; Professor of Botany in Yale College, since 1864 ; Contributor to the Memoirs of the A merican Academy of A ris and Sciences. ALFRED LEWIs EDWARDS, Hudson, N. Y. 0..4~. LL.B. Harvard College, x861 ; cf. Song Book, pp. 46, 55. lS"2*JoiiN GRISWOLD, Lyme, Conn. 5.y.N'. Exploring the Sandwich Islands, x86o-6e; Captain in the xxth Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-2; died September 18, 1862, from wounds received in the battle of Antietam. N BETA CHAPTER. 7I ALFRED HAND, Scranton, Pa. -; f4'.'. Principal of Susquehanna Academy, Scranton, 1857-91; Partner with I. J. Post (Be/a, '6o), since x866; President of the Third National Bank. Rev. SMITH HARRIs HYDE, Carrollton, Ill. H.6.1 Gen. JOSEPH COOKE JACKSON, New York City. z.D."'. LL.B. University of the city of New York, x859, and Harvard College, x86o; Aide to Brigadier-General Anderson of the United States Army, x861i; 2nd Lieutenant in the zst Infan- try Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers, and Aide to Brigadier-General P. Kearney, 1861; Division Staff officer to Major-General W. B. Franklin of the United States Army, 1861-2; Captain and Aide of the United States Army, commissioned 2862 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of the 26th Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers, 1862-3 ; Brevet Colonel of Volunteers, commissioned December 13, 1862 ; United States Commissioner of Naval Cadets from New Jersey, 1864; Brigadier-General, commissioned March 13, 1865; Commissioner of Deeds for the State of New Jersey, 1864-9; Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern Dis- trict of New York, 1870-71 ; author of" Relations of the American Lawyer to the State" (Cambridge, x859). Rev. JAMES MARSHALL, New York City. 2.r.~. Hospital Chaplain, x862-4; Pastor of Lebanon Chapel Mission. NORMAN CAROLAN PERKINS, Chicago, Ill. A.D.. 0-00 IS&"*EDWARD LEIGHToN PORTER, New London, Conn. 0.v4.'. Adjutant in the 18th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1862-3; Captain, 1863; killed in battle June 15, x863, at Winchester, Va.; Contributor to the New Englander. HENRY CLEVELAND PRATT, New York City. U; y.. LL.B. Harvard College, x860. Rev. WILLIAM HENRY SAVARY, Canton, Mass.5 . JOSEPh LEDYARD SMITH, New Orleans, La. 0-.O.X. Traveled in Mexico, Esquimaux-Land, etc.; address, care of E. J. Ledyard. Rev. AUGLSTUS IHOPKINS STRONG, D. D., Rochester, N. Y. -i; Y.7r.A. S. T. D. Brown University, 2870; DeForest Medal, 1859; President and Professor of Sacred Theology in Rochester Theological Seminary, since 1872; Associate Founder of the U/silon. AANNING CASE WELLS, New York City. A.p.K~. Admitted at the Gamma. EPHRAIM MORGAN WOOD, Dayton, Ohio. I~r.$t Captain in the 25th United States Infantry, 1862-2; President of thc. Dayton Board of Education. GEORGE MORRIS WOODRUFF, Litchfield, Conn. . .'. Member of the Connecticut Legislature, 2863, and 1865; Commissioner for Connecticut to the Universal Exposition, Hamburg, x863; Member of the State Board of Education, since x865. yYIY III II+N IIi - -- 72 13ETA CHAPTER. Class of 1858. TIJATCIIER MAGOUN ADAMS, New York City. O.c.O. Admitted at the Delta: Law Partner with M. Young (Beta, '6o), since 1863 ; Chairman of the Exceutive Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association, since x867; Secretary of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, since x868. Rev. WALTER SCOTT ALEXANDER, New Orleans, La. ; o.z.av'. Missionary of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, and stationed at Florence, Italy, 1872-4. WILLIAM PLUMB BACON, New York City. 6.9p.,A Traveled with F. IV. Stevens (Beta, '58) in Europe, Egyptand Palestine, 1858-61; ist Lieu- tenant in the 5th Cavalry Regiment of New York Vounteers, x861-2; Major, r862-4; Lieu- tenant-Colonel commanding, :864. ""*EDWARD FOSTER BLAKE, New Haven, Conn. ; ..M'. Adjutant in the 5th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-2; Major, x862; killed August 9, 1862, in the battle of Cedar Mountain. Rev. GEORGE MILLS BOYNTON, Newark, N. J. ADDISON LEWIS CLARKE, Newton, Mass. 6./.1'. Head Clerk of DeSilver & Co., Hong Kong, China, x861-3 ; United States Vice-Consul at Foo Chow, 1863-5 ; United States Consul, 1865. MARTIN SMYSER EICIIELBERGER, York, Pa. 0 ; 7y.r.M'-. ISS3*CLAUDE GIBSON,f Terre Bonne [Parislh], La. 6.t. '. Confederate Army, :861-2. SHELDON GOODwIN, New York City. q.7r.N'. Assistant Treasurer of the Brooklyn White Lead Company, since x866. MOSES MERRITT GREENWOOD, New Orleans, La. : z; y1.N'. ROBERT CIIANDLER HASKELL, Lansingburgh, N. Y. I.y.N'. Professor of Mathematics in Oahu College, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 18$8-6o. ARTIuR NELSON IOLLISTER, Hartford, Conn. .6.7". Principal of a Hartford Grammar School, 1863-5 ; Instructor in the English and Classi- cal Departments, since x868. CHAUNCEY SEYMOUR KELLOGG, Woodville, Miss. -; Lu.y'. DeForest Medal, x858S; Lieutenant in the 16th (Confederate) Infantry Regiment of Mis- sissippi Volunteers. JOHN EDwIN KIMBALL, St. Louis, MO .G-D.p'. Principal of the High School, Oxford, Mass., 1858-9 ; of the Ogden School, Chicago, Ill., :86-2; of the Washington School, St. Louis, Mo., 1862-6, and of the St. Louis High School, since :1(6. GEORGE BOARDMAN MACLELLAN, St. Louis, MO. 0; a.6\r'. Salutatorian, :358; Corporal in Wirt Adams' (Confederate) Cavalry Regiment, 1862; Sergeant, 1862:; Sergeant-Major, x863; detached as Assistant Engineer, x864 ; author of an " Arithmetic ;" 2nd Assistant in the St. Louis High School, since :873. 2; BETA CHAPTER. 73 ARTHUR MATHEWSON, A. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. .p M. D. University of the City of New York, s86 ;'Assistant Surgeon in the United States Navy, '861-5; Surgeon, 1865; on the "Winona," 1861-3; "Minnesota," x863-4; "Saco," 1864; " Shawmut," 1864-5; Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, 1865; Mississippi Cotton Planter, x865-7; Medical Officer in the Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital, 1868; Translated "Membrana Tympani, in Health and Disease, Clinical Contributions to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease of the Ear," by Dr. Adam Politzer, Vienna (New York, =869, 8vo.); Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon, since 1867; Lecturer in Yale College on Oph- thalmology and Otology, 876. WILLIAM DARE MORGAN, New York City. a.c.N'. Member of the firm of Grinnell, Tinker & Morgan, London, 186o-4; Partner with C. L. Morgan (Beta, '67), since x868. Hon. WALTER STANLEY PITKIN, New York City. H..M'. Member of the Connecticut Legislature, 1864. Rev. ISAAO RILEY, Buffalo, 1N. Y. 77.0.y'. Sergeant in the 7th Infantry Regiment of Delaware Volunteers, 1864. I8"?*EwDVARD SEYMOUR, New York City. 7l.u.N'. Reporter for the New York Timer, 1858-9 ; Assistant Editor, 1859-67; Member of Scrib- ner, Armstrong & Co., 1867-77; died April 28, 1877, at Bloomfield, N. J. FREDERICK WILLIAM STEVENS, New York City. 2.,U.M'. LL. B. Columbia College, 1864; Traveled with Bacon (Beta,'58) in Europe, Egypt, Pales- tine and Syria, 2858-61. PRESTON IRVING SWEET, New York City. J.r.p'. LL. BD. Albany Law School, x869. Rev. ELISRA SMITII THOMAS, St. Paul, Minn. -; 2.v.v'. Instructor in the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Baton Rouge, La., 2859; Professor of Bibli- ' cal Exegesis and Hebrew in Faribault Divinity College, Minnesota, x865-8. 18"Y!GEORGE WILLIAM TROWJ New York City. y.y.p. Honorary A. M. Yale College, 1868; Private Secretary to Mr. Bigelow, United States Consul at Paris, 1863-4; Member of the Society of Believers at Mt. Lebanon, N. Y., 1868-72. l5"*TitD0REo WOOLSEY TWINING, New Haven, Conn. as..N'. LL. B. Yale College, (862; Private in the 37th Infantry Regiment of New York Volun- teers; Paymaster in the United States Navy ; died at Tampa Bay, Fla., August 14, 1864; Remains reached New York, March 4, s866, on board the man-of-var " Massachusetts." ADDISON VANNAME, New Haven, Cony. 11.o. '. Valedictorian, x858; at Universities of Halle and Tabingen, Germany, 1859-6o ; Tutor in Yale College, 1862; Instructor in Hebrew in Yale Theological Seminary, x862-6; Libra- rian of Yale Ccllege, since z865; Contributor to the (New York) Nation. GIDEON WELLS, Springfield, Mass. O; 2.z.,u. ist Lieutenant of the 46th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1863 ; Member of the City Council, 1865-7; Register in Bankruptcy of the District Court of the United States, appointed x869. 74 BETA CHAPTER. Class of 1859. FELIX ANsART, Tunkhannock, Pa. ; y Instructor in Greek in the Collegiate and Commercial Institute, New Haven, 1861-3; Tutor in Yale College, x864-7; Assistant Librarian and Registrar, since 2869; Larned Pro- fessor of American History, since 1877. WILLIAM COUCH EGLESTON, New York City. ; 2.l. '. ist Lieutenant in the 43rd Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862. WILLIAM HENRY FULLER, New York City. 2f t; .a.y'. LL. B. Columbia College, 1863. WALTER HANFORD, New York City. I.x.X'. JAMES LANMAN HARMAR, Philadelphia, Pa. P.B~y'. ANTHONY HIGGINS, Wilmington, Del. 2..X. United States Attorney for the District of Delaware, x869-70. 'S"*CIIARLES BORLAND HILL, New York City. -.v.F'. BETA CHAPTER. 79 [HENRY] BRAYTON IvEs, New York City. 24.y. Adjutant of the 5th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1861; Assistant Adju- tant-General on the Staff of Brigadier-General O.S. Ferry, 1862-3 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of the 5th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers,163; Major of the i st Cavalry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1864; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2864; Colonel, 1865; Brevet Brigadier- General, commissioned November 1, 1864; Vice-President of the New York Stock Ex- change, x875-7 ; President, since 1877. WILLIAM MARTIN JOHNSON, New York City.r y.cS. '. SAMUEL HINCKLEY LYMAN, New York City. -..X'. JOHN ELLIS MARSHALL, Buffalo, N. Y. I; 2.a.X'. 2nd Lieutenant in the 1ith Infantry'Regiment of New York Volunteers, and Aide to Brigadier-General W. F. Barry,1861-2; 1st Lieutenant of the 2nd Artillery Regiment of New York Volunteers,1862-3; Adjutant-General of Artillery under General W. T. Sher- man, 1864-5; Brevet Major and Lieutenant-Colonel. JoHN HANsoN MITCHELL, Port Tobacco, Md. Trustee of Charlotte Hall School, since 1870; Public School Commissioner for Charles County, Md., x872-3. Rev. WILLIAM EDWARDS PARK, Gloversville, N. Y. B.A.T'. DeForest Medal, 1861. IB"5*GEORGE CLAP PERKINS, Hartford, Conn. H.p.yr. ALEXANDER PORTER RoOT, Houston, Tex. -; ..'. Lieutenant in a Confederate Regiment of Texas Artillery, x863-4 ; Assistant Adjutant- General on the Staff of the Confederate General Drayton, 2864-5; Cashier of the First National Bank of Houston, since 1876. 1869*SEXTUS SHEARER, JR., Oakland, Cal, Died March 5, at San Diego, Cal. GEORGE ROYAL SIBLEYJ Augusta, Ga. .co.y . JOHN REUBEN WEBSTER, y. G.y'. Captain in the 19th Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers and Quartermaster, 2864-5. Class of 1862. FREDERIC ADAMS, Newark, N. J. m ; y.q.6'. WILLIAM DEXTER ANDERSON, M. D., New Haven, Conn. o-.o'. M. D. Yale College, 1865. Rev. HEBER HAMILTON BEADLE, Bridgeton, N. J. 2.p. ""*JAMES PIERREPONT BLAKE, Charleston, S. C. 7..z. Superintendent of Schools for Freedmen at Edisto Island, 1864-5 ; drowned at Edisto Island, December 25, :865. So BETA CHAPTER. JACOB SMITH BOCKEE, Louisville, Ky. H . Captain in the 14th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x862-5; Brevet Major, September x9, 1864, for valiant conduct under General Sheridan at Winchester, Va. JAMES PLUMMER BROWN, Pittsburgh, Pa. 2; .X. LL. B. Harvard College, 1864; author of Law Prize Essay, x864. BUEL CLINTON CARTER, Wolfeborough, N. H. -; y.ps5'. 1st Lieutenant in the 13th Infantry Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, x862-3 ; Captain, 1863-4 ; Assistant Quartermaster, 1863 and 1864-6; Brevet Major, 1865 ; Inspector of the Freedmen's Bureau for the State of Virginia, 1865 ; Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue in Virginia, 1866; Bank Commissioner for New Hampshire, 1872-4; Solicitor for Carroll County, 1876. ARNOLD WELLES CATLIN, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.5.. EDWARD RANDOLPH DUNHAMt New York City. s.r.. JACOB ABRAMSE ROBERTSON DUNNING, New York City. 2... THOMAS GRIER EVANS, New York City. q.z.qp. LL. B. Columbia College, 1876. GEORGE LEvI Fox, New Haven, Conn. H.. . Berkeley Scholar in Yale College, 2874-7. HOLLIS BURKE FRISSELL, New York City. ; .'.I. 100 BETA CHAPTER. THOMAS \TuILLIAM GROVER, Chicago, Ill. q.O".cp LL. B. Columbia College, 1876. WILLIAM STEwART HALSTED, M. D., Irvington, N. Y. M. D. Columbia College, 1877; House Physician in the New York Hospital, 3878. IIENRY PRESCOTT HATCH, New York City. 2.-J CHARLES EDWARD HUMPHREY, Englewood, N. J. f.V.tl LL. B. Columbia College, 1876. FRANK JENKINS, New York City. d; ". Manager of the Christian Union, since 1878. ROBERT WEEKS KELLEY, Oswego, N. Y. ; H.o.0". WILLIAM KELLY, Youngstown, Ohio. ; O.7r.'PL DAVID ANDREW KENNEDY, New Haven, Conn. q.p.ps LEONI MELICK, Philadelphia, Pa. ".5- ELLIS MENDELL, New Bedford, Mass. c.r.cY- CHARLES WILLIAM MINOR, New York City. y.O.s1. LL. B. Columbia College, 1876. GEORGE EDMUND MONROE, M. D., Englewood, N. J. II.v. . M. D. Columbia College, 1877; House Physician at Bellevue Hospital, 1878. FRANK HOWARD OLMSTED, Hartford, Conn. - ; .2tp.- FRANKLIN WELLS PATTEN, Philadelphia, Pa. -P.W - LL. B. Yale College, 1876; admitted at the Xi. RUTHERFORD HAYES PLATT, Columbus, Ohio. q.q.qP. Rev. GEORGE DARIUS REID, Edgartown, Mass. I.S.EL. CHAUNCEY CLARK STARKwEATHER, New York City. 7.x.P LL. B. Columbia College, 1877. EDWARD EMERSON SWALLOW, Pottsville, Pa. p.22g. Principal of the High School, Pottsville, since 1874. ALFRED BEAUMONT THACHER, New Haven, Conn. 5.p.(t Clark Scholar and Douglas Fellow in Yale College, 1874.5; Tutor of Latin in Yale College, since 1877. 11"*ARTHUR CHAPMAN TIBPIALS, Meriden, Conn. - tJL JAMES MULFORD TOWNSEND, JR., New York City. qap.p. DeForest Medal, 1874; LL. B. Columbia College, 3876. BURT VANHORN, Lockport, N. Y. .co.A". LIL. B. Columbia College, 1878. P. BETA CHAPTER. RUSSELL WALDEN, New York City. LL. B. Columbia College, x876. CHARLES RUMFORD WALKER, Concord, N. H. THOMAS PARMELEE WICKES, New York City. LL. B. Columbia College, 1876. RODERIC WILLIAMS, Cincinnati, Ohio. JARED WILLSON, Al. D., Wethersfield, Conn. M. D. Columbia College, 1877. Is 90; W.o~" o6.c.6p. 4.~g rodgr Class of 1875. CHARLES HAMMOND AVERY, Cincinnati, Ohio. O.6.E". JAMES WILTON BROOKS, New York City. 8.U.t. ALPHEUS TOMPKINS BULKLEY, Albany, N. Y. p.x.e. CHARLES WASHBURN CLARK,f Worcester, Mass. P.A.4 . CHARLES FORREST CUTTER, New York City. ; P.6.v. ""*WILBER ALLEN FULLER, Belvidere, Ill... . JoHN ANsON GARVER, New York City. Gkf.T~. LL. B. Columbia College, zSy7. 111"*FRANK LANSING GRINNELL, Milford, Conn. p. p.E Died September xri, 1875, from injuries received in a base-ball accident, at Bridgeport, Conn. MORTON GRINNELL, Riverside, Cal. 8.;c.&. HARRY HIGBEE, Chicago, Ill. p..f. JAMES HILLHOUSE, New York City. 0.a.6. LL. B. and Municipal Law Prize ($250), Columbia College, :878. GEORGE HENRY HOLDEN,t Boston, Mass. p. .Et. WILLIAM HENRY HOTCKISS, Ansonia, Conn. S.J.E". Hurlburt Scholar in Yale College, 1872-3; Principal of the Preparatory Department of Olivet College, x875-7. GUY HOWARD, Yuma, Ariz. P.y.b. 2nd Lieutenant in the z2th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army, stationed at Fort Yuma. FRANK ELIJAH HUBBARD, San Francisco, Cal. X. C.i. SAMUEL JOHNSTON HUNTINGTON, Cincinnati, Ohio. O .7r.i. SAMUEL ISHAM, New York City. -; c.r. 102 BETA CHAPTER. DWIGHT ARVEN JONES, Englewood, N. J. 0; p.y.EIT". LL. B. Columbia College, 1877. NEWELL MARTIN, New York City. L; Osc.. LL. B. Columbia College, 1877. AUGUSTUS TORREY METCALF, St. Louis, Mo. p.r. . FRANKLIN BENJAMIN MITCHELL, St. Louis, Mo. T ; 4.. LL. B. Columbia College, x877. CHARLES LOTHRoP NOYES, Andover, Mass. 0; P.. HENRY AUGUSTUS OAKs, M. D., New Haven, Conn. . M. D. Columbia College, 1878. JOHN AUGUSTUS POST, Newburgh, N. Y. O.p.ii. LEWIS FULLER REID, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. U; 0.y.Y'. DEWITT RoosA,f Rondout, N. Y. 0... CHARLES TRUMBULL RUSs, Hartford, Conn. 1i; ; P.X.b. Salutatorian, 1875 ; LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. WILLIAM WOTKYNS SEYMOUR, Troy, N. Y. Rev. GEORGE PAULL ToRRENCE, Oxford, Conn. c'; y.D.t. GEORGE UNDERWOOD, Auburn, N. Y. Pcp HENRY MOSES WALRADT, Indianapolis, Ind. LL. B. Vale College, 1878; Clark Scholar in Yale College, 1875-7 ; Berkeley Scholar, 1875-8; Principal of the Barnum School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1875-6; Delegate to the Repub- lican State Gubernatorial Convention of Massachusetts, 2877. EDWIN HENRY WEATHERBEE, Chatham Village, N. Y. p.r. ISI?*IIARMANUS MADISON WELCH, New Haven Conn. P.u.v. Assistant Physician in the Nursery Hospital, Randall's Island. EUGENE WOLCOTT WHITNEY, Chicago, Ill. P..Z'. JoHN YARD, New York City. 8.5.. LL. B. Columbia College, :878. Class of 1876. JoHN WOLCOTT ANDREWS, Chicago, Ill. . 0.Z1. WILLIAM ARNOLD, Brooklyn, N. Y. P4.77. LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. OTTO TREMONT BANNARD, New York City. P.. LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. ion i i BETA CHAPTER. BRADBURY BEDELL, Philadelphia, Pa. 0.cr.T". FRANK SHERMAN BENSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. G ..Z,. DAVID WALTER BROWN, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. 0.0. D. HORACE RIVERSIDE BUCK, St. Louis, Mo. p.. . GEORGE ENSIGN BUSHNELL, Beloit, Wis. Soldiers' Memorial Fellow in Yale College, 1876-7; Ph. D. Yale College, 1878. HENRY MAYNARD BUTLER, Chicago, Ill. P.r.T. FRANK CHAMBERLIN, Milton, Pa. c.$1 EDWARD SMITH CLARKE, Rochester, N. Y. O U; G. GEORGE EATON CONEY, New York City. Q; 0.q.Z,. DAN BURR CUSHMAN, Plymouth, N. Y. P.o.Z,. LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. HENRY WHEELER DEFOREST, New York City. p.y21. LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. WILLIAM SHEARMAN DOOLITTLE, Utica, N. Y. ; ; F.x.T". AUGUSTUS WYNKooP DUNNING, New York City. 0.6.i'. ' HENRY CLAY EASTO N, Covington, Ky. 0.)3. T WILLIAM DELANCEY ELLWANGER, Rochester, N. Y. Psr.r". CHARLES NEWELL FOWLER, Chicago, Ill. p.r". STEPHEN DECATUR HARRISON, Jersey City, N. J. 0.0.,. CHARLES DEFOREST HAWLEY, Chicago, Ill. P.y.r". ELMER PARKER HOWE, Boston, Mass. ; p.6.Z". JOSEPI SEXTON IIUNN, Rochester, N. Y. G.p.i . TuOMAS HUNT, Washington, D. C. i; P.r. LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. ISAAC MORTON JACKSON, Plymouth, Mass. p.co.T . ROBERT JoHNSoN JESSUP, Springfield, Mass. 0.D.. Assistant Editor of the Springfield (Mass.) Refuhlican, since 1876. JOSEPH CIHARLESS LEBOURGEOIS, St. Louis, Mo.. EDWARD LEwis LoCKwooD, Goshen, N. Y. psr.8. OLIVER ELLSWORTII LYMAN, New Haven, Conn. 0.7.Z LL. B. Yale College, 1878. r s i t 4 P. gF I 3 1 Ys r[ f f +i t S I } 1 i 104. BETA CHAPTER. EVERETT JAMES AcKNIGIIT, Ellington, Conn.' P.u.'. JOSEPII HOWARD MARVIN, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ps.T7. " LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. ROBERT LOuis MfINTIE, Waterbury, Conn. y.R. Ht. FRANK AONTGOMERY, New York City. .. MYRON HARRY PHELPS, New Albany, Ind. John A. Porter University Prize, 1876; admitted at the Phi. GEORGE MILLS ROGERS, Chicago, Ill. /3g1i'. LL. B. Chicago Law School, 1878. EDWARD SHERMAN ROWLAND,1 New Haven, Conn. p. p.,. LEVERITT IYSLIP SAGE, Hackensack, N. J. 9.5.Z". LEWIS WILLIAM SHAFFER, Cincinnati, Ohio. 0.7r.T,. RUFUS BIGGS SMITh, Cincinnati, Ohio. P.. P.O.K. 6 i Op.x. f.1.1t p.v. o (1119.) 'V- - v .  . f , ' r i . n tii rr .i Y t ' jM [ r _ b ac P I I ~ ~ llIIII II II I I I11 I I I IIIIII ~ il Y K SIGMA ViAPTER9 BROWN UNIVERSITY. Class of 1841. Hon. SAMUEL GREENE ARNOLD, LL. D., Providence, R. I. P.A.O. LL. B. Harvard College, 1845; LL. D. Brown University, 1878; Trustee of Brown University, since 18489; Lieutenant-Governor of Rhode Island, 1852-3 and 1861-3: Acting Governor, r861-2 ; Delegate to the Peace Convention, x86z ; Colonel of Artillery and Aide, 1861z; United States Senator, 1862-3 ; author of" Spirit of Rhode Island History " (18s3), and " History of the State of Rhode Island " (1859-6o, 8vo., 2 vols., 2nd ed., 1873; 3rd ed., 1878); Orator of the Convention of 1856, held with the Sigma. S""*GEORGE WASHINGTON BROWN, Elba, N. Y. ; B.P. THOMAS CLEMENT CAMPBELL, New York City. 0 ; K..D.O. 1865*WILSON CONNER COOPER, Mount Vernon, Ga. o.c.p. Rev. BENJAMIN ALEXANDER EDWARDS, Bolton, Mass. T; O.N.R. MERRIcK LYON, LL. D., Providence, R. I. ffi; O.S.O. LL. D. University of Chicago, 1873 ; Instructor in Greek in Brown University, 1855; Principal of Brown University Grammar School, since 1845; Fellow of Brown University, since 2877; Trustee, 1874-7. ELBRIDGE SMITH, Harrison Square, Mass. 4; 0.F.O. Tutor in Brown University, 1841-3; Principal of the University Grammar School, 1843-5 ; of the High School, Worcester, Mass., 1845-8; of the High School, Cambridge, Mass., 1848-57; of the Norwich Free Academy, 1857-66; Master of the High School, Dor- chester, Mass., since x867. I"4*ALANSON HARRIS TINKIIAM, New Orleans, La. ig; K.A. 0. Class of 1842. Rev. GEORGE MURILLO BARTOL, Lancaster, Mass. f; n... STEPhEN ELTON BROWNELL, Providene, R. I. O.Y.p. HENRY HARRISON BUTTON, M. D., Milwaukee, Wis. i ; o.0. M. D. New York University, 5845. I14 SIGMA CHAPTER. Rev. ASA HOWARD GoULD, Livermore, Me. fl; K.7r.P. ZUINGLIUs GROVER, Chicago, 11. 0 T T ; y.co.p. Principal of Dearborn Seminary, since 1856. ALBERT HARKNESS, LL. D., Providence, R. I. O.j.9. LL. D. Brown University, 1869; Valedictorian, 1842; Ph. D. University of Bonn, :854; Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in Brown University, since 1855; Presi- dent of the American Philological Association, 1875-6; Editor of Arnold's " First Latin Book" (:85:), "Second Latin Book" (x850); author of a "Latin Grammar" (1864), a "Greek Reader" (1866), " Introductory Latin Book " (:866), " Elementary Latin Grammar" (x869), and " Practical Introduction to Latin Composition " (x869). 841*MILTON HEBARD,f East Bethel, 1Vt. K.r.O. ADONIRAM JUDSON HUNTINGTON, D. D., Washington, D. C. 0.77.P. A. B. Columbian College, 1843; S. T. D. Brown University, :868; Tutor of Greek and Latin in Columbian College, 1843-6; Professor, 1846-9 and 1852-9 ; Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, since 1866 ; Contributor to the Baptist Quarterly (1877). Rev. OnnIN BisnoP JUDD, D. D.,f New York City. .co.K. 147*Rev. NOAH FORD PACKARD, New Orleans, La. O.cr.p. ""6s*JAMES MUNROE PHIPPS, M. D., Boston, Mass. 2JTi t; o.p.O. M. D. Harvard College, 1845. Rev. JonN BARSTOW WILLARD, Still River, Mass. c.fiep.. Editor of Expositions of the Gospels of Matthew and John. Class of 1843- 1824*SUMNER WINN BACONJ McIntosh, Ga. T ; B.R.H. "BG*PERCIVAL WHITMORE BARTLETT, Boston, Mass. 0 ; o.n.O. Principal of the Adams School of Boston; Editor of " Warren's Physical Geography" (Philadelphia), and of other School Text-books ; died at Newton, Mass. Hon. TRACY P CIEEVER, Boston, Mass. Y.F.A. Captain in the 35th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, :861-2; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, x86. and 1865 ; Senator of the State of Massachusetts, 1868; Solicitor of the City of Chelsea, 1864-74; Chairman of the Chelsea Board of Education, 1869-75. lS"*Rev. ROBINSON POTTER DUNN, D. D., Providence,.R. I. jjL; 7.A.p. S. T. D. Brown University, :864; Valedictorian, 1843; Professor of Rhetoric and En- glish Literature in Brown University, x851-67. uf"*Rev. BENJAMIN GARDNER, Marshfield, Mass. X... LOWELL HOLBROOK, M. D..t Thompson, Conn. o.e.. M. D. New York University, 1849; Surgeon in the x8th Infantry Regiment of Connecti- cut Volunteers, commissioned :863 ; President of the Connecticut Medical Society, 1875. EZEKIEL LAMB MILLER, South Hadley Falls, Mass. 4 . 4 " ;te.p. SIGMA CHAPTER. 1 I5 DANIEL FOLLENSBEE MORRILL, Vineland, N. J. P; T.q.P. 14*HARRISON CARLETON PAGE, Dunbarton, N. H. T T0 ; ,c.d.O. Tutor in Brown University, 1843-6. Rev. EDWIN THEODORE WINKLER, D. D., Marion, Ala. ; A.R.u. S. T. D. Furman University, z86o; Chaplain of the Hospitals at Charleston, S. C., 1862-5 ; President of the Southern Baptist Publication Society ; of the South Carolina Baptist State Convention; of the Home Mission Board and Vice-President of the American Baptist Historical Society ; Delegate to the Northern Societies at Buffalo, x876; Trustee of Furman University, Howard College. Judson Female Institute, and the Southern Baptist Theologi- cal Seminary ; Editor of the "Sacred Lute," a " Catechism," the Southern Baptist, the A u- gusta Transcrit, the Alabama Ba/i st, and contributor to numerous periodicals. Class of 1844. CYRus BENTLEY, Chicago, Ill. 0 3; f.y.. Rev. CALEB BLOOD, La Cygne, Kans. 2; x.d.p. IS43*ELIJAII WARREN FIsKEt Levant, Me. o.. 7r. ALFRED ELLENWOOD GILES, Hyde Park, Mass. 0I1 2 0 ; ,c-l.O. Salutatorian, 1844 ; LL. B. Harvard College, 1846; Contributor to the Banner of Light: author of the "Sabbath Question Considered by a Layman " (Boston, 1874, z2mo., pp. 36). ALONZO LELAND,f Oregon City, Oreg. X.Y.O. Class of 1845. Rev. SOLON WANTON BUsH, Boston, Mass. 5; 0 I 0 ; y.A.0. Contributor to the Unitarian Review. ISAAC FOOTE CADY, Barrington Centre, R. I. 5 5; 2 0 ; y.W.7r. Superintendent of Schools; President of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, 1875; Principal of Prince's Hill Family and Day School, Barrington, R. I. Rev. WILLIAM HADLEY EATON, D. D., Keene, N. H. 1?; 4.l.7r. S. T. D. Brown University, 1867; Trustee of Newton Theological Institution, of New London Literary and Scientific Institution, and of Brown University. I861*CHARLES GIFFORD,f Milwaukee, Wis. 0; P.e.o. Rev. FOSTER HENRY, North Bennington, Vt. p.a, . ""57*WILLIAM GRIDLEY MICKELL,f Florence, Italy. F.e.L 1865*GEORGE PARKS, Charleston, S. C. WT ;.s.p. Hon. ELI THAYER, Worcester, Mass. 0; C.p.O. Salutatorian, 1845; Member of the Common Council of Worcester, 1853 ; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1853-4 ; Member of the United States House of Representatives, :857--61. r.-Rx- I16 SIGMA CHAPTER. Class of 1846. IS4*FRANK WILLIAM ANTHONY, New York City. j; t; .F.r. JAMES EWELL BELL, M. D.,4 Kempsville, Va. ; Gle.I. M. D. Medical College of Virginia, 1849; Magistrate, 1852-61; School Commissioner, 1854-61; President of the County Court, x869; Sheriff of Princess Anne County, Va., 1869-73. FRANKLIN JACKSON DICKMAN, Cleveland, Ohio. H.Q.4. Salutatorian, 1846. Hon. TnOMAs DURFEE, LL. D., Providence, R. I. ;24 0 ; 0.d4. LL. D. Brown University, 1875; Presiding Justice of the Providence Court of Magis- trates, 1854-60; Member of the Rhode Island Legislature and Speaker of the House, 1863-4 ; Senator of the State of Rhode Island, 1865; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, 1865-75 ; Chief Justice, since 1875; Trustee of Brown University, since 1876. WILLIAM SEABROOK LAWTONJ Robertsville, S. C. 0.D.c. " *PRAYMOND LOPEZ, Havana, Cuba. T0 ;X..A.m. NATHANIEL WHITING METCALF, Pittsburgh, Pa. IS"*STEPHEN WATERMAN, Providence, R. I. Class of 1847. GEORGE CAPRON, Boston, Mass. "".'*Rev. PIIINEAS JOWE, Somerville, Mass. Salutatorian, 1847. Rev. EMERY HARKNEsS PAGE, Berlin, Wis. Admitted at the Pri. ISAAC POND, Dresden, Germany. Name formerly Isaac Proud. ; MPE1?11; .S.r. ::; 0W ; i; h; si; 9 i e; $.o.v. &q.(p l8"*Rev. Amos FLETCHER SPALDING, Needham, Mass. 0r; d..T Member of the Rhode Island State Board of Education, 1870; Secretary of the Massa- chusetts Baptist Convention, x855-6 ; Chaplain of the loth Infantry Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers, 1862-3; died at Chelmsford, Mass., November 30, 1877. AMBROSE PASCAL SEVILON STUART, Lincoln, Nebr. z.g.A. Professor of Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy in Acadia College, 1847-9; Principal of a Providence Grammar School, 1849-51; of the High School, Danvers, Mass., z851-3; Profes- sor of Mathematics and Chemistry in Acadia College, 1853-3; Principal of the Worcester Academy, 1862-4; Assistant Instructor in Chemistry in the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard College, x864-8; Professor of Chemistry in the Agricultural College of Pennsylva- nia, 1868, and in the Illinois Industrial University, 1868-74 ; Member of the German Chemical Society of Berlin. r g 1 d 1 t i F a a tl t Iy 6 1 r a ' t J '1'5*FRANCIs WAYLAND WESTON, Lynn, Mass. Valedictorian, 1847. :; 2f$5 zJ.a' %4 SIGMA CHAPTER. 117 Class of 1848. LAFAYETTE BURR, Boston, Mass. I; 4 0; X..v. Treasurer of the National Dock and Warehouse Company. $"G*JEREMIAI HOLNEY CARR, M.D., Providence, R. I. ; - f f d; yt.. Valedictorian, x348. ""te*FAYETTE CLAPP, M. D., Columbia, Ill. F.2.X~ Officer in the Army and Mississippi Fleet, 1861-4 ; died at Lee Centre, Ill. 84*JAMES EDWARD LEAcH, Providence, R. I. 1f f ft b; x.O.c5. Salutatorian, 1848. ""*Hon. PENDLETON MURRAII, Galveston, Tex. T m ft ; AL.fL . Governor of the State of Texas, 1862-4. Class of 1849. JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., Ann Arbor, Mich. -; T 0- 0 ; z.c.5 . LL. D. Brown University, =868 ; Valedictorian, 1849; Professor of Modern Languages in Brown University, 1853-60; Editor of the Providence 7ournal, x86o-66 ; President of the University of Vermont, 1866-70; President of the University of Michigan, since 1871. REUBEN TnOMAs DURRETT, Louisville, Ky. ; 6; fl3p.;/ . LL. B. University of Louisville, x85o; Member of the Common Council of the City of Louisville, x853-4; Editor-in-Chief of the Louisville Daily Courier, x857-9; Founder of the Public Library of Kentucky, 1871; President of the Library, since 1871 ; Cf. pp. 254-268, of " Louisville Past and Present" (1874, 4to.). Rev. HORATIo GRAY, Providence, R. I. O; 0; td.c. Hon. ROWLAND GIBSON HAZARD, Peace Dale, R. I. 1ff ; .R.p'. LL. D. Brown University, 1869; Member of the Rhode Island Legislature, x864; Senator of the State of Rhode Island, x867; Fellow of Brown University, since 1875. lSZ*CIIARLEs HENRY MASON, Olympia, Wash. 0; r."rp'. First Secretary of Washington Territory, x853-9, and Acting Governor constantly; died July 27, x859. Rev. WILLIAM HAMMOND MILLS, Erie, Pa. T2 1ff T ; y.p. F'. Dean of Erie, since 1875; Delegate to the General Conventions of the Protestant Epis- copal Church-from Rhode Island, 1859, from Massachusetts, 1868, and from Pittsburgh, 1877. JAMES TILLINGHAST, Providence, R. L I :; 24 0; ..A'. Class of 1850. Rev. GEORGE ESDRAS ALLEN, East Somerville, Mass. T 0 ; p.e.jf. Salutatorian, 1850. i18 SIGMA CHAPTER. 187*Rev. ELIJAh TImOThY FLETCHER, Indianapolis, Ind. ft; p.A. "*JOHN WALKER KENNADY, Owensborough, Ky. i; T ; @.y.X~. Died in New York City. Rev. HENRY FAYETTE LANE, New York City. U; , Rrt ii inniir - n -inr - rni i i rr .r rnri GAMMA OHAPTEo AMHERST COLLEGE. Class of 1830. Rev.WILLIAM SEYMOUR TYLER, D.D., LL.D., Amherst, Mass. A.zlt . D. D. Harvard College, 1857 ; LL. D. Amherst College, 1871; Salutatorian, 1830; Tutor of Greek in Amherst College, x832-4; Professor of Greek and Latin, 1836-47, and of the Greek Language and Literature, since 1847; Trustee of Mount Holyoke Seminary, Willis- ton Seminary, Maplewood Institute, and President of the Trustees of Smith Female College; Editor of the " Germania and Agricola" of Tacitus (1847), " Histories of Tacitus" (1848), Plato's " Apology and Crito " (1859), Plutarch's " De Sera " (x867) ; author of " Theology of the Greek Poets" (1867), " Prize Essay : Prayer for Colleges" (1854), " Memoir of Lobdell, Missionary to Assyria" (1859), "History of Amherst College" (873), and "Address at the Semi-Centennial of Amherst College" (1871); Contributor to various quarterlies and month- lies. Class of 1833. "869*ISAAC CLARK PRAY, New York City. &A.Z'. Editorof The Shrine,Amherst College, 1831-3; ofthe Hartford Bouquet, 1833 ; ofthe Boston Pearl, 1833-6; of the Boston Pearl and Galaxy, and the Boston Signal, 1836-9 ; of the Bos- ton Daily Herald, 1835-7; of the Great Western Magnzine, Monthly Review, East India Magazine, Railway Telegra h, Daily Evening Star, and Family Tines, London, 1842-6; author of" Prose and Verse " (1836), " Poems " (1837), " Book of the Drama" (185), " Me- moirs of James Gordon Bennett and his Times" (1855), " Julietta Gordini" (1835), "The Old Clock" (1839), " Paetus Caccina " (1847), "The Hermit of Malta" (1856), " Virginius," "Deborah," "The Mad Queen," Lives of Gustavus Brooke, Theresa Parodi, and Ade. laide Ristori; also, "Rome" and " Life of Washington" (unpublished); Contributor to the North A merican Quarterly Review, Boston Essayist" (1829), North A nerican Magu- zine (1834), Lady's Comnanion (1834-40), Goodrich's Token, and Godey's Lady's Book (1840). "87*Hon. WILLIAM ZEPHANIAH STUART, LL.D., Logansport, Ind. r.Y.". LL. D. Amherst College, x868 ; Salutatorian, 1833 ; Member of the Illinois Legislature, 1851 and '52; Judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana, 1852-6. Class of 1834. Rev. HENRY NEILL, D. D., Philadelphia, Pa. x. 50o. Orator of the Convention of 1844, held with the Gammna. 128 mr rAMM UA CHIIAPTER lx ti INI 111 tt of 1838. Class Hon. GEORGE BAILEY LORING, M. D.,4 Salem, Mass. T.4.A 'A . A. B. Harvard College, 1838; M. D. Harvard College, 1842; Surgeon of the 7th Regi- ment of Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, 1842-4; of the Marine Hospital, Chelsea, 1843-8; Commissioner to Revise the United States Marine Hospital System, 1849; Postmaster of Salem, appointed 1853; President of the New England Agricultural Society, since 1864; Delegate to the National Republican Conventions of 1868, 1872 and 1876; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1866 and '67 ; Chairman of the Republican State Central Com- mittee, 1869-75 ; United States Centennial Commissioner, 1872-6 ; President of the Massa- chusetts State Senate, 1873-7; Member of the United States House of Representatives, since 1877 ; President of the Salem Lyceum ; author of an " Oration on Constitutional Free- dom " (1856), Addresses on "Modern Agriculture," " the Farmers' Occupation," and " Ag- ricultural Education" (1853), " Farm Stock" (1859), " Relation of Agriculture to the State in Times of War" (1862), "Classical Culture" (1867), "Development of American Industry" (1869), "The Struggles of Science" (x870), "The Power of an Educated Commonwealth" (1871), " The People and Their Books " (1874), "A Speech in the Massachusetts Senate in be- half of the Museum of Comparative Zoology" (1873), "A Speech in favor of Rescinding the Resolution of the Massachusetts Legislature censuring Charles Sumner" (1875), " A Speech on the Railroad Policy of Massachusetts" (1875), " Agriculture and the Horse " in Murray's " Perfect Horse," " Farm Yard Club of Jotham" (1876), and many Public and Political Ad- dresses, since 1866. Class of 1839- 1846*ALBERT RIPLEY PALMER, Racine, Wis. Z.F*K. I"*Rev. EPHRAIM MUNROE W RIGHT,t Lee Centre, Ill. y.40.B'. A. B. Williams College, 1839 ; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1844 ; Senator of the State of Massachusetts, 1848 and 1849; Secretary of State of Massachusetts, 1854-7; died at Northampton, Mass., May, 1878. Class of 1841. Rev. ROWLAND AYRES, D. D., Hadley, Mass. D. D. Amherst College, 1878; Tutor in Amherst College, =844-6. JABEZ BALDwIN LYMAN, A. D., Rockford, Ill. Instructor in French and German in Amherst College, x848-9. L. -I. L. .. Class of 1842. 1846*ROSWELL LOMBARD CHAPIN, Springfield, Mass. -; y; B.Z.. Hon. CHARLES BisoP DUFFIELD, LL. D., Norfolk, Va. Z.k.x. Adjutant General of the (Confederate) Conscription Bureau; Aide, with the rank of Major, in the Confederate Army ; Senator of the State of Virginia, since 1873. GAMMA CHAPTER. 129 Hon. WALDO HUTCIIINS, New York City. j ; /.F.rr. Member of the New York Legislature, x352; and of the New York Constitutional Convention, 2867. ISSACHAR LEFAvOUR, Beverly, Mass. j )3.J.1. Principal of Beverly Grammar School, 2842-6; of Beverly Academy, 1847-53; of the High School, Ipswich, 1856-74. "" *EDWA RD DUFFIELD MARTINJ Snow Hill, Md. 2$ T; /3. .z. Clerk of the Courts of Worcester County, Md., 1846-56. Rev. EDWARD DUFFIELD NEILL, Minneapolis, Minn. -; ; V.P. I. Chancellor of the State University, z86o ; Chaplain of the ist Infantry Regiment of Mi- nesota Volunteers, 186r-2a; Secretary at the Executive Mansion, Washington, 1864-9; United States Consul at Dublin, Ireland, 1869-72 ; President of Macalester College, Minneapolis, Minn., 1872-6; author of "Terra Maria, or Threads of Maryland Colonial History" (167), "Fairfaxes of England and America" (1868), "Virginia Company of London" (1869), "English Colonization of America" (1871), " History of Minnesota" (1873), and " Founders of Maryland" (1876). "*Rev. RUFUS PORTER WELLS, Norton, Mass. 1.2.a. Died at Manchester, N. H., May 25, 1877. Rev. SAMUEL WORCESTER WHITNEY, Monticello, N. Y.A . Assistant Editor of the Battist Union, s871-5; author of "Open Communion" (1852), "Elements of English Grammar" (1875), and " Manual of Punctuation " (1877). ELIJAH HAWLEY WRIGHT, M. D., King's Ferry, Fla. 0 T ; B.4.ar. Class of 1843. "111*Hon. ITIIAMAR FRANCIS CONKEYt Amherst, Mass. i; E.-.!. Honorary A. M. Amherst College, 1852; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1854; District Attorney of Hampshire and Franklin Counties, x856-8; Register of Bank- ruptcy, 1866-75. Rev. HENRY WEBSTER PARKER, Amherst, Mass. i; 0 II ; f.R.zr. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History in Iowa College, 1864-70; Professor of Mental, Moral and Social Science in the Massachusetts Agricultural College, since 1870; author of "Poems" (185o), "The Story of a Soul," a poem read before the Psi UPSILON Convention at Hamilton College, February 22, 785r, and repeated before the Albany Young Men's Association, November, 2o, 851 (New York, 1852, 8vo. pp. 46), " Verse " (1862); Poet at the Institution of the Chi, 2876. Rev. FREDERICK ALONZO REED, East Taunton, Mass. 4 ; V.C.I. lS&*Rev. JOSIAH MILTON STEARNSt Brentwood, N. H. ; 3.C.7r. CHARLES EDWARD STRONG, New York City. 0 T; p..D.o. ""*JAMES HENRY WELLES, New York City. v.2*.Z . Rev.WILLIAM WALLACE WILLIAMS, D. D., Toledo, Ohio. L T ; /.M. OR AZ IJO GAMMA CHAPTER. Class of 1844. IS"*JOHN STACY BELKNAP, Hartford, Conn. B.co.r. GEORGE AUGUSTUS CHASE, LL. D.,t Louisville, Ky. Y.A. . A. M. Indiana State University, 1858; LL. D. Florence Wesleyan University, 1870; Principal of Franklin County Seminary, Brookville, Ind., 1846-53; of the Academy, Rush- ville, Ind., 1853-5; of Asbury Female Seminary, Greencastle, Ind., 1855-7; President of Brookville College, 1857-6o; of Indiana Asbury Female College, New Albany, x860-2; Principal of the Female High School, Louisville, since 1862. Rev. HENRY KINGMAN EDSON, Denmark, Iowa. w; T 0; p.rp.7r. Principal of Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass, 1844-9; and of Denmark Academy, since 1852. ERASTUS WOLCOTT ELLswORTH, East Windsor, Conn. i; 01 0 ; .o.t. Inventor of several valuable machines; author of " Poems" (1855); Contributor to Putnam's Magazine, and to Sartain's Magazine. 1s'*Rev. JOHN EDWARDS EMERSON, Newburyport, Mass. i; I T ; f.y.L Rev. Lnwms GREEN, Ashfield, Mass. ci; M./p.K. Valedictorian, 1844; Tutor in Amherst College, 1846-7. IHon. GALUSITA AARON GROW, Glenwood, Pa. ; 2; n0 f; B.cr.I. Member of the United States House of Representatives, 1851-63; Speaker, 1861-3; President of the International and Great Northern Railroad of Texas, 1871-4 ; Orator of the General Convention of the Psi UPsuLoN Fraternity, held with the Gamma in 1844 ; and the Phi in 2868. Class of 1845. II*EDWARD JOSEPH CORNISH, Washington, Miss. M; T 11 t; 7r.C.N. Principal of the High School, Natchez, Miss., 185o-56; President of Jefferson College, Washington, Miss., x856-9. Rev. MARSHALL IENsHAW, LL.D., Newtonville, Mass. ; a ;p. W.. LL. D. University of the City of New York, 1863; D. D. Amherst College, 1872; Salu- tatorian, 1845; Principal of the Academy, Derry, N. H., 1849-53; of the Academy, Byfield, Mass., 1853-9 ; Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Rutgers College, 1859-63; Principal of Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1863-76; Trustee of Amherst College; author of the " Analysis of the Greek Verb " (:86o). I*JOsIAH HOLLOWAY LONG, Natchez, Miss. =; 2 A '; d. Y.A. IHon. HENRY BEERS UNDERHILL, San Francisco, Cal. 1T t ; I.D.r. Superintendent of Schools, Jackson, Miss., 1847-8 ; Principal of the Institute, Natchez, Miss., 1848-51; Principal of the Preparatory Department of Oakland College, 1851-3; Dis- trict Attorney of San Joaquin County, Cal., 1862-4 ; County Judge, 1864-8. 111.-' 131 GAMMA CHAPTER. Class of 1846. 'M"'*JOSEPHI PERRY DOWSE, Sherborn, Mass. Rev. MERRIcK KNIGHT, Nepaug, Conn. Rev. CHARLES VINAL SPEAR, Pittsfield, Mass. Principal of Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass., 1851-2, since 1857. Rev. WILLIAM GARDNER TUTTLE, Ware, Mass. Class of 1847. ""*JOHN WILSON BELCHER, New Orleans, La. 3 jt g T ; Nzzrto. i; I I; c.Lp. ; ~T 0; p.J.N. nd of Maplewood Institute, :; 24 f 0 b; T.F.r. ; 1 12Ts; .Y.a. ABIJAH PERKINS CLEVELANDf New York City. 2Tv.M. Associate Principal of the High School, Hartford, Ky., z847-8 ; Editor of the Herald, and City Clerk of Quincy, Ill., 1848-52; Assessor of Internal Revenue of the 32d District, New York City, x862-9. Rev. HENRY LUThER EDWARDS, Northampton, Mass. ; ; F. IF.o. Salutatorian, 1847; Tutor in Amherst College, 1849-52; Superintendent of Schools, Northampton, 1873-6. 353*GEORGE FREDERICK HARRINGTON,f St. Louis, Mo. ; v.C.C0. 167*Rev. GEORGE SOULE, Hampton, Conn. Z f T P; T. Y.c5C. Chaplain of the xith Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, x867-2. GEORGE SWAN,f Worcester, Mass. ; a.a . S?"*LEMUEL HEALY WATERS, New York City. H; n; v.F.. Professor of Mathematics, Greek and Latin in New York Central College ; Principal of Schoharie Academy, 1851-2. Class of 1848. WILLIAM SMITH CLARK, Ph. D., LL. D., Amherst, Mass. Y ; !f.v.&. Professor of Chemistry and Zoology in Amherst Ccllege, 1852-8, and of Chemistry, x858-67; Lecturer on Chemistry in Williston Seminary, 1863-7 ; Major of the 2ist Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 186r-2 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, 1863; Presidential Elector, 1864; President of the Board of Trustees of Williston Seminary, since 7874 ; Presi- dent of Massachusetts Agricultural College and Professor of Botany and Horticulture, since 2867 ; Special Agricultural Commissioner in Japan, 1876-7. Rev. JAcOB IDE, JR., Mansfield, Mass. 'c0;Il.. Rev. THOMAs MORONG, Ashland, Mass. ISAAC POMEROY, Newark, N. J. $ 0'g±; .°p.-. - i iw~w r rr~ii ni ~ rronn rr ~ . m~in i Is' 132 GAMMA CHAPTER. HANSON LELAND READ, Amherst, Mass. ; 2f T1 m Vo.a Principal of the Academy, Leicester, Mass., 1849-56; of the High School, Fitchburg, Mass., 1858-63, and of the High School, Grafton, Mass., z863-8; Superintendent of Schools, Amherst, 1868-71; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1856-7. 1&"*THOMAS SHIEPAIRD, JR., Chicago, Ill. f; ;E x; r "A-c Editor of the Evening Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1850-3 ; Admitted at the Beta. Class of 1849. AUGUSTUs HowE BUCK,f Boston, Mass. B.d.&. Honorary A. B. Amherst College, 1853; Principal of the Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass., 1852-3; Master of the Roxbury Latin School, 1853-67, and of the Public Latin School, Boston, 1870-3 ; Professor of Greek in the Boston University, since 1873 ; Editor, with A. . Gay (Gamma, '5o), of "Selections from Latin Classic Authors" (Part I, 1871, Part II, 1873). IS8*Hon. EDWIN CLAPP,4 Pawtucket, R. I. i; ci; 5.g.2'. Honorary A. B. Amherst College, 1852; Principal of the Academy, West Nottingham, Md., 1849-52, and of the Academy, Milton, Mass., 1852-64; Judge of the Police Court of Pawtucket, 1865-74 ; Presiding Judge, 1874-8. Hon. WILLIAM GARDINER HAMMOND, Iowa City, Idwa. 6; 2T i ; 1.rp. LL. D. Amherst College, 1877; Salutatorian, 1849; Member of the Commission to Revise the State Laws of Iowa, 1873; Professor of Law in the Iowa State University, since 1866; Chancellor of the Law Department, since 1869; Contributor to the St. Louis Southern Law Review; author of" Historical Connection of Roman and English Law" (1878); President of the General Convention of the Psi UPsILON Fraternity, held with the Gamma. 1857. ""*Rev. HENRY LOBDELL, M. D., Mosul, Turkey. T c; Bb.A'. Principal of the Academy, Danbury, Conn., 1849-50; Translator of DeFelice's " Histoire des Protestants de France " (1851). Rev. CHARLES DEXTER LOTmROr, Amherst, Mass. i; jT n; y.7r.f. 18"*Rev. HENRY NORTH PECK, Kalamazoo, Mich. 3 % b ; y.R.X'. ' '3*JOSEPH DEXTER POLAND, North Brookfield, Mass. 13 01; B.k.A WILLIAM JAMES ROLFE,t Cambridge, Mass. ; fl.e. Honorary A. M. Harvard College, 2859, and Amherst College, 1865 ; Principal of Doy's Academy, Wrentham, Mass., 1850-52 ; Head Master of the High School, Dorchester, Mass., 1853-6, Lawrence, Mass, x857-60, Salem, Mass., 1861, Cambridge, Mass., 1862-8; Editor, with J. H. Hanson, of a " Hand-Book of Latin Poetry" (1865), and of " Selections from Ovid and Virgil" (866) ; Editor of "Craik's English of Shakespeare with Notes" (1867), "A Satchel Guide for the Vacation Tourist in Europe" (2872), "Goldsmith's Select Poems"r(1875), "Gray's Select Poems" (1876), and of Select Plays of Shakespeare: " Merchant of Venice" (1870), "Tempest"(1871), " Henry VIII " (1871), " JuliusCaesar" (1872), " RichardIIl" (1876). "Macbeth" (1877), "Midsummer-Night's Dream " (1877), "Henry V1' (1878), "As You Like It " (1878), and " Hamlet" (1878) ; Editor, in part, of the Cambridge Physics (6 volumes, 1868-70); Editor of the Boston Yournal of Chemistry, since 1869. Is GAMMA CHAPTER. '33 Rev. JULIUS HAWLEY SEELYE, LL.D., Amherst, Mass. 0 o o10 ; II.c.#3. D. D. Union College, 1862; L1L. D. Columbia College, 1876; Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy in Amherst College, since r858 ; President and Trustee of Amherst Col- lege, since 1876; Lecturer on Foreign Missions in Andover Theological Seminary, 1873-4 ; Member of the Commission to Revise the Tax Laws of Massachusetts, 1874; Member of the United States House of Representatives, 1875-77 ; Translator of Schwegler's " History of Philosophy " (18$6); author of " The Way, the Truth and the Life " (1573); Orator at the General Convention of the Psi UPsILoN Fraternity, held with the Gamma, 1857. Class of 1850. MINOTT SHERMAN CROSBY, Waterbury, Conn. ; T ; .- Principal of the Hartford Female Seminary, 1862-71; Superintendent of Schools, Water- bury, since 1871. AUGUSTINE MILTON GAY, Boston, Mass. i; 0$ ; fP.w./'. Valedictorian, 1850; Usher in the Iligh School, Charlestown, 185o-r; Master, 1851-61; Usher in the Public Latin School, Boston, 1865-7; Sub-Master, 1867-8; Master, 1868-75; Head Master, 1876; Editor, with A. H. Buck (Gamma, '49), of "Selections from Latin Classic Authors " (Part I, 1871, Part II, 1873). Rev. JACOB MERRILL MANNING, D.D., Boston, Mass. ; 2f I ; $.z.F'. Chaplain of the 43rd Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-3; Lecturer on the Relations of Christianity to Popular Infidelity, in Andover Theological Seminary, 1866-73; and in Bates Theological Seminary, 1870; author of "1half Truths and the Truth" (1872), and "Helps to a Life of Prayer" (1875); Orator of the General Convention of the Psi Ursi- LON Fraternity, held with the Ka/ft a, 1862. Rev. DAVID TEMPLE PACKARD, Los Angeles, Cal. m; K.d.y'. '*9HENRY SHIPLEY, Sacramento, Cal. 0; 6..F. Editor of the Marysville Gazette. THOMAs MORRILL STIMPSON, Peabody, Mass. T ; H./LA'. LYMAN RICHARDS WILLISTON, Cambridge, Mass. ; ; .A. . Principal of the High School, Cambridge, since 1865. EDWIN PERCY WHIPPLEJ Boston, Mass. .-. T'. Honorary A. M. Harvard College, 1848, and University of Vermont, 1851; Literary Editor of the Boston Globe, 1873-5; author of " Essays and Reviews" (1848), " Lectures on subjects connected with Literature and Life" (1849), " Washington and the Principles of the Revolution" (:85o), "Character and Characteristic Men" (1867), "The Literature of the Age of Elizabeth" (1869), "Success and its Conditions" (1871); Contributor to the New American Cyclopxdia, North A merican Review, International Review, Christian Exam- iner, Boston Miscellany, Atlantic Monthly, and Har/cr's Weekly: Orator of the General Conventions of the Psi UrsILoN Fraternity, held with the l/ha, x853, with the Lambda and Del/a, x858, with the Beta, 186x. nw u u m i wA iu imiu i '34 GAMMA CHAPTER. Class of 1851. "*ETHAN ELY BOmB, Brooklyn, N. Y.- 2fl T; y.a.0". JESSE REED DAVENPORT, Putnam, Conn. X.f.Ir. S"**HENRY BULL HAMMOND,f Newport, R. I. ; T; O.c. . Lieutenant in the 1st Rhode Island Cavalry ; died at Maquoketa, Iowa. Rev. WILLIAM STEvENS KARR, D. D., Hartford, Conn. 0"; .F. Professor of Theology in the Theological Institute of Connecticut, since 1875 ; Trustee of Amherst College, since 1877. HENRY CLARK NAsAl, Amherst, Mass. P.D..~. Principal of the Mount Pleasant Institute, Amherst, since 1854. TnOMAS MILLER TIIoMPSON,f Chicago, Ill. ; .. lS*GEORGE HALL WARNER) Windham, Conn. y.r.X'. WILLIAM PARSONS WASHBURN, Knoxville, Tenn. T i I; 6.0. Captain in the Confederate Army, 1863-5. JOSIAM GILBERT HOLLAND, M. D., New York City. It. D. Berkshire Medical School, 1845; Honorary A. M. Amherst College, 185z; Editor of the Bay State Weekly Courier, 1847 ; Superintendent of Public Schools, Vicksburg, Miss., 1848-9; Associate Editor of the Springfield Ereublican, 1850-67; President of the Board of Public Instruction of(New York City, 1872 ; Editor of Scribner's Monthly, since 1870; author of the" History of Western Massachusetts " (1855, 2 vols.), " The Bay Path " (1857), " Timo- thy Titcomb's Letters to the Young " (1858), "hBitter Sweet " (r858), " Gold Foil" (1859), " Miss Gilbert's Career" (186o), " Lessons in Life " (sS6s), " Letters to the Joneses " (s861), " Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects" (x865), " Life of Abraham Lincoln" (1865), " Kath- rina"(1863), " The Marble Prophecy and other Poems" (1872), "Garnered Sheaves"- complete Poetical Works (1873), ".Arthur Bonnicastle" (1873), "The Mistress of the Manse" (1874), "The Story of Sevenoaks" (1875), "Every Day Topics" (1876), "Nicholas Minturn" (1877). Class of 185 2. Rev. HERMAN NORTON BARNUM, D.D., Karpoot,Turkey. /; 3 ; "f.T'. Missionary of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, stationed in Asiatic Turkey. 18"5*TIEODORE HIRAM BENJAMIN, Bethel, Conn. 01; p.a.~. Valedictorian, 1852. ""*AUSTIN CAREY BLAIR,f Enfield, Mass. T 0 ; .o.,. JouN Fuss BUFFINGTON, M. D., New Windsor, Md. ; 1; Y.v.2T'. JEROME FRANCIS DOwnING,f Erie, Pa. d.n.'. Editor of the Troy Daily Post, 1851-2; Principal of the Academy, Salem, N. J., 1852-3; of the Male High School, Carlisle, Pa., 1853-£; District Attorney of Erie County, 1863-6. "N GAMMA CHAPTER. 1860*GEORGE EVANS DUDLEY, Ypsilanti, Miich. 0'; A.a.T'. Principal of the Union School, Jonesville, Mich., 1852-4 ; Professor of Mathematics in the State Normal School, Ypsilanti, 858-6o. Rev. WILLIAM GRASSIE, Cambridge, Pa. $ 2 bT ; p.w.WJ. JAMES AUSTIN LITTLEFIELD, Boston, Mass. "; I J ; z.g.y~. Ion. THEODORE CROSBY SEARS, Ottawa, Kans. 0'; qpc.Z~. Senator of the State of Kansas, 187o-3. "*BENJAMIN EASTON TnUnSTON, Delavan, Ill. ; T Tit 0 T; T.a.". Auditor of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 1868-9. Rev. GEORGE NELSON WEBER, D. D., Troy, N. Y. C' U; d.d.z~. D. D. Amherst College, 187o; Tutor in Amherst College, 1854-5; Chaplain of the 1st Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, x861s; Professor of Intellectual and Moral Science in Middlebury College, 1867-74. WILLIAM COATES RITCHIE Chicago, Ill. E.F*.CS. A. B. University of Vcrmont, 1852. JEROME SCHNEIDER, Ph. D.,t College Hill, Mass. 11.00.31'. Ph. D. University of Basel, 1852; Instructor in German at Amherst College, 1856; in Modern Languages at Tufts College, 1856-70; Professor of the Greek Language and Lit- erature, since 1870. Class of 1853. "87"*WILLIAM HENRY BASs,t Boston, Mass. O; .u.i. HOn.REUBEN MOORE BENJAMIN, Bloomington, Ill. ;QWIfT ';Z.e. <.- Tutor in Amherst College, 1855-6; Member of the Constitutional Convention of Illinois, 1870; judge of McLean County, since 1874 ; Professor of Law and Real Property and Dean of the Law Faculty of the Illinois Wesleyan University, since 1874. 175*HARVEY SESSIONS CAR PENTER, M.D., Varrn,Mass. s ; T2 J2 C'; .m.E. Principal of the High School, Willington, Conn., 1859-62; of the High School, Tolland, Conn., 2862-3; Assistant Surgeon of the 2d Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1863-4. "EGGHENRY ELLswOrT8I DANIELS, Clinton, N. Y. C'; 6.1.U. A. B. Williams College, 1853; Principal of the High School, Westfield, Mass., 1856; Cantain and Assistant Adjutant-General of Connecticut, 1861i; Private Secretary of Admiral Dahlgren, 1866; died in Washington. 1'1*WILLIAM CRAWFORD FARINsWORTH,f Melrose, Mass. 0; p.k.E~. TILEOPHILUS LYMAN GRISWOLD, M.D.,Watkins,N.Y. g j 1 C'T0 ; y.r.r. Tutor in East Tennessee University, 1854-5 ; Professor of Mathematics, 1855-9; Princi- pal of the Seminary, Dansville, Ill., x86o-3; Superintendent of Schools and Principal of the Academy, Forestville. N. Y., 1866-70 ; Superintendent of Schools and Principal of the Acadd- my, Owego, N. Y., 1871-3; Principal of the State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa., 1873-7. ., 136 GAMMA CHAPTER. GEORGE EDWIN HBODGE, New York City. ff 0; x.N.1?. JOhN WILLIAM MALLET, M. D., LL. D. f Charlottesville, Va. T. 00. U. A. 3. University of Dublin, 1853; Instructorin French and German at Amherst College, 1854; Professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1854-6 ; Chemist of the State Geological Survey of Alabama and Professor of Chemistry in the University of Alabama, s856-6o; Professor of Chemistry in the Medical College at Mobile, z86o-iz; Aide on the Staff of General R. E. Rhodes, 1861-2; Lieutenant-Colonel of Confederate Artillery, in charge of Laboratory De- partment of the Ordnance Service, 1862-5; Professor of Chemistry in the Medical Depart- ment of the University of Louisiana, s865-8 ; Professor of Chemistry in the University of Virginia, since 18683; Associate Professor of Chemistry in Johns Hopkins University, since 2876; Fellow of the Chemical Society of London; Vice-President of the American Chemi- cal Society; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Natural Science, New Vork; au- thor of "The Chemistry of Cotton Manufacture" (1857); Contributor to the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 7ournal of the Chemical Society, London, Transactions and Proceedings of the British A ssociation, A nnalen der Chemie, A merican 7ournal of Science, and the London Philosophical Magazine. Class of 1854- Rev. Lucius HALEN BUGBEE, D. D., Meadville, Pa. 1.2.at. Professor of Belles Lettres in Cooperstown Seminary, N. Y., 1854-5; President of Upper Iowa University, Fayette, Iowa, 1855-8; President of the Northwestern Female College, Evanston, Ill., 1863-7 ; President of Cincinnati Wesleyan College, 1867-74; Presi- dent of Allegheny College, since 1875; author of various Sermons and Addresses. JoHN \VIIITE CLAPP,f Chicago, Ill. itW f T i; 6.h.Z'. Honorary A. M. Amherst College, x863; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science in St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y., x860-S. GEORGE PARTRIDGE, St. Louis, Mo. 2; 2n TTIJ T 0 T; X.m.T'. Principal of Houston Academy, Texas, x858-9. Class of 1855- Rev. JOEN IDEMPSTER BELL, Pueblo, Colo. H.C.O. Editor of the National New Yorker and Ontario Repository, Canandaigua, 1856-71; of the Milford ,ournal (Mass.), x865-6 ; Superintendent of Schools for Fremont County, Colo., 1873-5; author of" A Man" (Philadelphia, x860) ; cf. Song Book, p. 2o. Rev. EDWIN CONE BISSELL, D. D., Gratz, Austria. ; 2.r.p'. D. D. Amherst College, 1874; Captain in the 52nd Regiment of Massachusetts Volun- teers, 1862-3; Editor of the Pacific, 1865-8;author of the "Historic Origin of the Bible" (1873). JAMES THORNTON COBB,f Santa Barbara, Cal. p.t.2. ISE*WILLIAM HENRY DARLING,f Warsaw, N. Y. ; ]_; G.e.p. GEORGE EDWARD DUNLAP, New York City. i; P.6.. Superintendent of the New York Orphan Asylum, since 1875. GAMMA CHAPTER. 137 Hon. ELBERT ELI FARMAN, Cairo, Egypt. LR.O'. District Attorney of Wyoming County, N. Y., 1868-74; United States Consul-General in Egypt, since 1876. ""*EDWIN SMITH GILBERT, Rochester, N. y. 11.G. o'. Principal of the Model School, Lima, N. Y., x856-7; Professor of Mathematics in the Collegiate Institute, Rochester, N. Y., :858-61; 2nd Lieutenant in the 13th Infantry Regi- ment of New York Volunteers, x86:; Captain in the 25th Regiment, x86:; Major, x862; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1862-3. Rev. CHARLES HARDON, Contoocook Village, N. H. i; T2 m ; 2.s.p. Principal of the Preparatory Department of Urbana University, 1862-4 ; Superintendent of Schools, Hopkinton, N. H., 1872-5. EwAH PADDOCK HARRIS, Ph. D., Amherst, Mass. i; 2.D.x'. Professor of Natural Science in Victoria College, Canada, 1859-66 ; Professor of Natural Science in Beloit College, Y866-8; Professor of Chemistry in Amherst College, since :868. ISIIFRANKIN EBENEZER HAWLEY,f Ridgefield, Conn. Fe. . JOSEPiI HENRY HOUGHTONf Olympia, Wash. 4.y.P. Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 51st Regiment of United States (Colored) Infantry, 2864-6; Brevet Captain, 1866; Aide on the Staff of General Hawkins, :864-6. ion. WILLIAM EDWARD IHUGIIITT, Auburn, N. Y. .; H.ZJ.n~ Judge of Cayuga County, since :864. JOHN ORNE, JR., Cambridge, Mass. ; X./3.O'. Principal of the High School, Southampton, Mass., 1856 ; Master of the Grammar School, Lawrence, 1858 -62; Sub-Master and Teacher of Physics in the High School, Cambridge, since :867. Rev. JAMES CHALLIS PARSONS, Athol, Mass. it ; lHt.O'. Principal of the High School, Marblehead, Mass., x855-6o, and of the High School, Waltham, 1865-73. *Rev. ERASTUS LADD PRENTICE, Warwick, N. Y. ; 2$; ILL.o'. 17*JOsEPII BROWN REYNOLDS, M. D., New Salem, Ill. ; IC.i.O . Assistant Surgeon of the 49th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1863; Acting As- sistant Surgeon in the United States Army, :863-4. CIIARLEs EDWIN SPINNEYXfMiwaukee, Wis. . Principal of a City School, since 1863. EDWARD ALEXANDER STRONG, Boston, Mass. i 0$; &f.H. Rev. CIIAUNCEY BOARDMAN THOMAS, Glover, Vt. 2 ; 2.r.O'. Hospital Chaplain in the United States Army, 1862-6. Rt. Rev. OzI WILLIAM WIIITTAKER, D.D.,f Virginia City, Nev. H.y.P'. A. B. Middlebury College, 1856; Consecrated, 1859; Missionary Bishop of Nevada and Arizona, 1859-75 ; of Nevada, since 1875. 138 GAMMA CHAPTER. Class of 1856. OLIVER MILLER ADAMS,t Sacramento, Cal. .g.P~ Instructor in the Preparatory Department of the University of California; Principal of the High School, Sacramento, since 1873. REUEL BAXTER CLARKE, Waltham, Mass. n JTAT ; Vt.O'. Principal of Hollis Institute, South Braintree, Mass., a856-8; of the Academy, Roch- ester, 1858-6o; of the High School, Milford, X86o-65; of the High School, Fitchburg, 1865-75; Superintendent of the City Schools and Principal of the High School, Binghamton, N. Y., 1875-6. Principal of the High School, Waltham, Mass., since 1877. Rev. HENRY CLINTON GRAVES, Fall River, Mass. - -; T T 0 T; I.h.P'. Author of the " Life of David Benedict, D. D.," in the "History of the Donatists" (1875). AUGUSTUS -IARRINGTONJ Warsaw, N. Y. 2; I.X.C. Honorary A. B. Amherst College, 1871; Captain in the 136th Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-3. WILLIAM BIRD KIMBALL, Enfield, Mass. ; . I ; .Th'. 2nd Lieutenant in the 13th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-3; ast Lieutenant, 7863 ; Captain, 1863-4; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1877. JAMES PARSONS) Philadelphia, Pa. A.r.O'. Register in Bankruptcy, x867-77; Professor of Personal Relations and Personal Proper- ty in the University of Pennsylvania, since 1874 ; author of" Legal Topics" (1876). JoRN WOODBRIDGE SMITII, New York City. z.; Fu.6~. Class of 1857. GEORGE EDWARD AIkEN, New York City. i; C ; Ae.r'. Rev. GEORGE AUGUSTUS BECrwITJI, Franconia, N. I. i; f o; X.n. ""*ORANGE COLUMBUS CnADDOcK,t Pavilion, N. Y. T 0; X.p.0'. Rev. ELISIIA GREENE COBB, Florence, Mass. ; T ig l ; Z.q.u. Rev. JOIN WEBSTER DODGE, Yarmouth, Mass. ; F.a. Rev. JOHN EUCLID ELLIOTT, South Glastonbury, Conn. 4; n 0 P; Z.d.n'. JOIN WILLIAM FAUST, Little Rock, Ark. T 0; K.r.A'. RICHIARD FOLSoM, Cincinnati, Ohio. T 2 O I0r.1I'. Ion. CHARLES ELISHA GLIDDENJ Warren, Ohio. .r.Th'. Professor of Practice and Evidence in the Ohio State and Union Law College, 7857; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 9th Judicial District, since 7871. Rev. TIOMAs GoRDON GRASSIE, Sycamore, Ill. 0 II; flr. '. Chaplain of the ao8th Infantry Reginient of New York Volunteers, 1863-5. ., GAMMA CHAPTER. I39 MARShALL MAXWELL JOIINSON,J Beaver, Pa. A.e.7. Principal of the Preparatory Department of Quincy College, x857-9 ; Professor of Nat- ural Science in Quincy College, 1859-61 ; Principal of Howard Seminary, 1861-5; Principal of the Educational Department of Morgantown Female College, 1865-7; Professor of Latin and Natural Science in Pittsburgh Female College, 1867-75; Professor of Latin and Natural Science in Beaver College, since 1875. RICIARD HENRY MATIIER, Amherst, Mass. 0i; 0; dtd.O'. Valedictorian, 1857 ; Instructor in Greek in Amherst College, 1859-62 ; Assistant Pro- fessor, 1862-4; Associate Professor of Greek and Instructor in German, 1864-8; Professor of Greek and German, since 1868; Editor of'" Selections from Herodotus and Thucydides" (1872); the "Electra of Sophocles" (1873). )S"4*WINSLOW LEWis PERKINS, M. D.,f New London, Conn. f.v.O'. EDWARD KENT PmILLIPs,f Lynn, Mass. Rp.e.'. ALDERIT hAvEN SLOCOMB, Fayetteville, N. C. i; Ai l ; qi.B'. Tutor in Richmond College, Va., 1858-6o. JOHN HOWARD SWEETSER, New York City. 0; .A.r.0'. Class of 1858. Hon. CHARLES BARTbETT ANDREws, Litchfield, Conn. 0; V.y.$'. Senator of the State of Connecticut, 1868-70. I&"*EDXWARD BENJAMIN BARRETT, M. D.,t Northampton, Mass. [; ls.'. Honorary A. M. Amherst College, 1859; M. D. Columbia College, 1859. Rev. LYMAN DWIGHT CHAPIN, Tientsin, Chila. ; f.a.,c. GEoRGE CLINTON CLARKE, ChiCago, Ill. Z.j.M'. Professorof Latin in Chicago University, 1864-5 ; Member of the Chicago Board of Educa- tion, 1866-9; President, 1868-9; Member of the Illinois State Board of Education, 1868-76. Rev. ALFRED AIUGUSTUS ELLSWORTH, Galesburgl, Ill. 2.u..' z i A } y3 iy 3 i Y t [CHARLES] CAROL GAYTES, Chicago, Ill. ELIJAII STARR HEWITTt Chicago, Ill. Rev. FRANCIs LOBDELL, New Haven, Conn. i; O2 ELn; O.s.Z' ItT; !V.a.O' r ;X -i~ ,; 2 38"5*JoIIN DOOLING LOcKwooD, Council Bluffs, Iowa. T o T; F.u.u'. Died at Fort Madison, Iowa. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SMITII Sioux City, Iowa. ; I.w.X'. Adjutant of the 7th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, x862; Captain and Assistant Adju- tant-General, 1862-5; Treasurer of Woodbury County, Iowa, 1868-72; Deputy Recorder, 1872-4. F 1 ): 40. XF " I I __ I __ I f ii iipllir l 140 GAMMA CHAPTER. SAMUEL PARKER TUCK, St. John, N. B. $; P.S.M~ Assistant Engineer of the European and North American Railroad ; Engineer on the Intercolonial Railroad Survey ; Divisional Engineer on the European and North American Railroad ; Contractor on the Intercolonial Railroad ; Contractor for the Enlargement of St. Peter's Canal, since 1876. Rev. JOHN WALKER, Exeter, Me. ; X.r.x'. Rev. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS PUTNAM WILLARD,f Sudbury, Mass. B.x.0 . Honorary A. M. Amherst College, x863; Principal of the Grammar School, Sterling, Mass., 1854-6; of the Grammar School, Brighton, Mass., 1865-9; Superintendent of Schools, Warwick, Mass., 1869-70. Class of 1859. HENRY LYMAN CLAPPf New York City. 0 U ; qpd.'. Honorary A. M. Amherst College, 1871. WILLIAM COE COLLAR, Boston, Mass. p.8.4'. Honorary A. M. Amherst College, 1864, and Harvard College, 1870; Sub-Master of the Roxbury Latin School, 1857-67; Head Master, since 1867; President of the Classical and High Teachers' Association of Massachusetts, :874-5- Rev. H ENRY FRANCIS HYDE, Rockville, Cons. ; f.d.,'. GEORGE BROWN KNAPP, Boston, Mass. o0; ..A'. 1"84%\TILLIAM ADAMS NASu,f Brooklyn, N. Y. A.c.'. Rev.ALPHEUS RICHARDSON NlCdOLS,West Springfield,Mass. 1j : ; T.s.M'. Principal of the High School, Leicester, Mass., z859-62; Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Science in the Highland Military Academy, Worcester, 1862-6 ; Principal of the Cedar County Collegiate Institute, Stockton, Mo., 1867-70; of the High School, Chicopee Falls, Mass., 1875-6; of the High School, West Springfield, since 1876. Rev. CY RUs PEARL OSfORNE, Southington, Conn. ; zl.m.X. A. B. Harvard College, 18,9. ALBERT AUGUSTUS PORTER, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 0.f3.2'. United States Consul at Clifton, Canada, 1864-5. ""*Rev. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ROWEDf Gilford Village, N. H. ..~. ""Y*HENRY CLAY SKINNER, Princeton, Mass. b ±; B.x.W. GEORGE LEWIS SMEAD, Columbus, Ohio. 2 0 T; B.m.X'. Superintendent of the Ohio State Institution for the Blind, since x868. Rev. JUBSON SMITH, D. D., Oberlin, Ohio. r.AO.r'. Tutor in Oberlin College, 1862-4; Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, x866-70; Professor of Church History in the Theological Department and Lecturer on Gen.. eral History in Oberlin College, since 1870. GAMMA CHAPTER. 141 Hon. LUTHER RoMINOR SMITH, Butler, Ala. -; 0 ; X./.A~. Lieutenant in the ist Michigan Light Artillery, x862-4; Captain, 1864-5; Judge of the 7th Judicial Court of Alabama, since x868; Member of the Constitutional Convention, 2868. Class of 186o. LUTHER ARMSTRONG, Kirkwood, Mo. ; r.S.y'. Rev. MOsEs BRADFORD BOARDMAN, Harwinton, Conn. 2$Ig ; y.e.N~. Rev. HENRY BULLARD, St. Joseph, Mo. A s; Th.e.cJ. Rev. GEORGE FARNSWORTH CHAPIN, Alstead, N. IT. T ; Aw.A'. 1BI*HALLETT DOLE,4 Rowley, Mass. WILLIAM COLE ESTY, Amherst, Mass. x..N~. Instructor in Mathematics in A mherst College, 1862-5; Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Amherst College, since 1866. Rev. EDWARD SELAI FRISBEE, D. D., Aurora, N. Y. D. D. Amherst College, 1878 ; Principal of the High School, Amherst, Mass., 1863-7; of the High School, Northampton, Mass., 1867-71; of the Free Academy, Binghamton, N. Y., 1872-5; President of lWells College, since 1876. THOMAS REMINGTON GREEN," New York City. i; 0t o; y.z.M'. Rev. LEVERETT STEARNS GRIGGS, Terryville, Coun. $1; F.S. 7~. OLIVER BROWN MERRILL, Newburyport, Mass. X.d.N'. ""*Rev. NATHANIEL MIGHILL, Worcester, Mass. t 'T1 fT; F.?.IW. Tutor in Amherst College, :864; died January 3, 1878, at Grantville, Mass. ELIu FRANKLIN POMEROY,f Cedar Rapids, Iowa. X.n.N'. Deputy Collector and Inspector of Internal Revenue of the 5th District of Illinois, 1861-4. Rev. HIR AM BRAINERD PUTNAM, Salem, Mass. ; .d.. Rev. CHARLES HERBERT RICHARDsON, Romeo, MiCh. ; J.k.A1. Cf. Song Book, p. 19. ALFRED STEBBINS, Dubuque, Iowa. ; X.p.,u'. Principal of City School, Dubuque, Iowa, 1862-3; Inspector of Customs, and Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, San Francisco, Cal., 1864-5; Librarian of the Mercantile Library, San Francisco, x866-74. Rev. MELVILLE MERRICK TRACY, Detroit City, Minn. - .n.a. Principal of the High School, Barre, Mass., 1860-3; of the High School, Framingham, 1863-4; of a Grammar School, Springfield, 1864-71; of the South Berkshire Institute, New Marlborough, 1871-5. - 142 GAMMA CHAPTER. Class of 1861. *REDERICK BROWNING, Lansingburgh, N. Y. 0; X.d.A . Died at New Orleans, La. MARSHALL BLAIR CUSIMAN, Washington, D. C. LL. B. Harvard College, 1864; Assistant Examiner in the United States Patent Office. Rev. AUSTIN DODGE, Putney, Vt. ; F.m.a. EBENEZER PORTER DYER, JR., BOStOn, Mass. ; x.c.A'. Editor and Proprietor of the Suburban News, Roslindale, Mass., since 1877. ELIPHIA WHITE TENN,4 Orangeburgh, S. C. III; -.n.p. Rev. BRADFORD MORTON FULLERTON, Palmer, Mass. y.g.a. lIon. HENRY DWIGHT HYDE, Boston, Mass. ; X.f. C. Member of the Common Council, Boston, 1866-7; Trustee of Ehe New England Medical College; Assistant United States District Attorney, 1867-8; Member of the National Republican Convention at Cincinnati, 1876; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1878; Trustee of Amherst College, since 1878. Rev. JOSEPH ALLEN LEAcH, Keene, N. H. T 0; .p.!. Chaplain of the 19th Regiment of United States (Colored) Infantry, 1864-6. Rev. EDwiN RUFUS LEwIS, M. D., Beirut, Syria. c; F.D.Y'. M. D. Harvard College, 1867; Lieutenant and Aide to General Lewis Wallace, 186r: Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 21st Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1863-4; Captain, 1864 ; Professor of Natural History in the Syrian Protestant College, since 1870. ISS*ALFRED MADDOCK, Boston, Mass. T2; F.b.aa. Rev. GEORGE WIIITEFIELD PHILLIPS, Worcester, Mass. t o j P;.1.5 WILLIAM MORTON POMEROY, Springfield, Mass. Tj; f.h.. Managing Editor of the S5)ringfield Refiublican, 1867-72 ; Editor of the Daily Union, since 1872. GRANVILLE BRADSTREET PUTNAM, Boston, Mass. 2r TmnI; X.n.(. Master of the High School, Quincy, x861-4 ; of the Franklin School, Boston, since 1865; Editor of the Massachusetts Teacher, 1868-70. IIENRY CLAY ROOME,f New York City. ; y.?.,. 2nd Lieutenant in the 89th Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1861-2; Captain, 1862: Major, 1:864-5; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1865. I58*LOWELL SMITHI RUSSELL, Amherst, MaSS. X.d.A. l8"*Rev. LYSANDER TOWER SPAULDING, Chester, C0111. 5; $.m.B'. Rev. NATHAN TIOMPSON, West Acton, Mass. F.b.d'. o. -"0: GAMMA CHAPTER. 13 Class of 1862. I"*Rev. ROWLAND HUSSEY ALLEN, Neponset Village, Mass. ; .m.B . Agent of the American Tract Society for New England, appointed '1872; author of "Tragedies in Prose" (1869); Editor of the Boston Pulit (1872); Contributor to the Chicago Advance. JoSEPH WILLARD BROWNJ Boston, Mass. B.p.iT Honorary A. M. Amherst College, 1871; and Lieutenant in the United States Signal Corps, 1862-5; Principal of the Academy, Derby, N. H., 1870:- Master of the Grammar School, Hyde Park, Mass., 1871-4; Sub-Master in the Emerson School, Boston, since 1874. Rev. ALBERT BRYANT, Somerville, Mass. To.0°.I, MARQUIS FAYETTE DICKINSON, JR., Boston, Mass. iD g ; .k. .r Assistant United States District Attorney, 1869-70; Member of the Common Council of Boston, 1871 and 1872; President of the Council, 1872; Trustee of Williston Seminary, since 1872; Trustee of Boston Public Library, 1871; Lecturer, on Law as applied to Rural Affairs, in the Massachusetts Agricultural College, since 1871; author of "Legislation on the Hours of Labor."' HENRY HILL GOODELL, Amherst, Mass. TJ 0 T; X.g.B'. snd Lieutenant in the 25th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, 1862-3; Ist Lieutenant, 1863; Professor of Modern Languages in the Massachusetts Agricultural Col- lege, since x867. TIIOMAs HENDERSON, M. D.,f Lake Forest, Ill. X.h.r/. Acting Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army, 1863 and 1864-5; Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene in Lake Forest University, 1874-5. JAMES CLAY HOUGHTON, JR., Montpelier, Vt. Z.Fo.I. Assistant Clerk of the Vermont House of Representatives, x863 and '64; Cashier of the First National Bank, Montpelier, since 1871; Treasurer of Montpelier, since 1874. RUFUS PRATT LINCOLN, M. D., New York City. X..E'. M. D. Harvard College, s868;.2nd Lieutenant in the 37th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862:; Captain, 1862; Major, x864; Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, 1865 ; Colonel of the loth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1865. EDWARD MORRIS,f Springfield, Mass. P.4b /. Rev. JONAS ORAMEL PECK, D. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. 2; B.ICS'. Honorary A. M. Wesleyan University, 1870. Rev. CALVIN STEBBINs, Detroit, Mich. ; X.d. r'. 'S*CHARLES HUMPHREY SWEETSER, St. Paul, Minn. -i; 2$ ; X.d.B'. Founder and Editor of the Round Table, 1863-6; Editor of the Gazette, x866-7; of the Evening Mail, 1867-8; of The City, 1869 ; Associate Editor of the Chicago EveningPast ; Musical and Dramatic Critic of the Chicago Times, 1870; Associate Rditor of the Evening Dis/atch, St. Paul, :870-71; Editor of the " Songs of Amherst " (186x); author of " History of Amherst College" (186o), "Tourist's and Invalid's Guide to the North West" (1867), " Book of Summer Resorts" (1868) ; Poet of the General Conventions of the Psi UPSILON Fraternity, held with the Xi in 1865 and with the Phi in 1868. 1 IIAII IY rFFAY"YF I IIIYYFF III AAYf rFF1YFFFFIIMYY rFFF IYF YFI i A l IAI FYIMA IAFIFIIFw" AIIFI Y FY AI 144 GAMMA CHAPTER. MASON WHITING TYLER, New York City. 2 ;F.p. . 2nd Lieutenant in the 37th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862; 1st Lieutenant, 1862; Captain, 1863; Major, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, 2863. SAMUEL COLVILLE VANCE, LaFayette, Ind. X.X.y'. Captain in the 27th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, r861; Major of the 70th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, 1862; Colonel of the 132nd Regiment, 1863 ; Winter Residence at Orange Mills, Fla. IS?*NATHAN ELLIOT WILLIS, Marion, Ala. ; y.u '. Class of 1863. CHARLES DICKINSON ADAMS, New York City. 2$ 0 ; X.k.F. Valedictorian, 1863. Rev. FREDERICK BAYLIES ALLEN, Boston, Mass. 0; P.J.. JUBAL CONVERSE GLEASON, M. D., Rockland, Mass. ; .y.X'. Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1870; President of the Old Colony Medical Association, 1874. ""5*EMMONS HUGIIITT, Auburn, N. Y. Y ; X.p.y. Salutatorian, 1863 ; died in New York City. ROBERT INNIS JONES, Easton, Pa. T19 i f m ba; X.o.F . Rev. JAMES GRISWOLD MERRILL, Davenport, Iowa. .1; y.c.X'. WILLIAM FESSENDEN MERRILLJ Peoria, Ill. ; X.b.T". A. B. Amherst College, 1865; and Lieutenant in the 3rd Regiment of Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, 1864 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1865. II*JAMES ALEXANDER RIHEA, Montgomery, Ala. W. v.z'. Major in the Confederate Army. JOSEPH BRAINARD RHIEAJ Marion, Va. zu/.6. ""*FRAZA AuGusTus STEARNS, Amherst, Mass. ; Z.k.f'. 1st Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant of the 21st Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Vol- unteers, 1861-2; killed in the battle of Newberne, N. C., March 14, 1862. WARREN BURZILLAR STICKNEYJ Boston, Mass. I.r.X'. Honorary A. M. Amherst College, x868; Lieutenant in the 99th (Colored) Infantry Regi- ment; Superintendent of the Freedmen's Bureau for Northern Louisiana, z865. Rev. BAMAN NELSON STONE, Fryeburg, Me. 0; T.t.p'. Instructor in Leicester Academy, 1865; B. D. Bangor Theological Seminary, 1869 ; Pastor of the Congregational Church at Loudon, N. H., x869-74 ; at Fryeburg, 1874-7; of the New Jerusalem Church, since 1877. Hon. WILLIAM GILLON THoMPSoN,f Detroit, Mich. I m.X'. 2nd Lieutenant in the 6th Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers, 1862-64 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1864; Member of the Staff of General Mott. GAMMA CHAPTER. 145 ""*JOHN MARSHALL WITNEY, M. D., Boston, Mass. Nav . Assistant Surgeon in the United States Navy, x864; died on the United States steamer " Norwich," St. John's River, Fla. Class of 1864. JouN BROWN DUNBAR, Topeka, Kans. ci; N.x.V. Principal of the Classical Department of the Alexander Institute, White Plains, N. Y., 1868-70; Professor of Greek and Latin in Washburn College, since 1870 18"2*Rev. EDGAR LOWELL FOSTER, St. Stephen, N. B. 1; t.d.f. WILLIAM BARROWS GROVER,f Belehertow1, Mass. 6.W..P Rev. CHARLES MARION LAMSON, Worcester, Mass. 0 m; q.m.4d. Instructor in Latin in Amherst College, 1865-7; Instructor in English, 1868-9. FREEMAN LATIIROP,f Grand Rapids, Mich. J.p.q. Rev. JAMES HATTRICK LEE, Canandaigua, N. Y. J;;A .z.V. 2nd Lieutenant in the 4th Regiment of Massachgsetts Heavy Artillery, x864-5. FARQUIARSON GRIFFITH MCDONALD, New York City. J.y.6'. Valedictorian, X864. HENRY FRANKLIN SEARS, Charlestown, Mass. I; 6.0.V. Principal of the High School, Haydenville, Mass., x864-5; of the High School, Hollis- ton, 1863-8; Sub-Master in the Bunker Hill Grammar School, since 1868. Rev. HENRY MARTYN TENNEY, Steubenville, Ohio. 1T j 0; 4.a.re. WILLIAM WELLINGTON TYLER, Chicopee, Mass. T2; .m.j?. Salutatorian, 1864. GEORGE HENRY WHITCOMB, Worcester, Mass. 0T t; .tu.zf. Class of 1865. FRANCIS RICHMOND ALLEN, Boston, Mass. ;i; J.w.. Rev. THOMAs EARLE BARD, Victor, N. Y. 0 p n; F.e.T . Rev. ALBERT GALLIFORD BALE, Melrose, Mass. ; i A; &.g.Z. Rev. HORACE FRANKLIN BARNES, Winchester, Mass. . 1; .z. p. 2877*JAMES HOWARD EATON, Ph. D., Beloit, Wis. T ci; X.a.E'. Instructor in Chemistry and Geology in Amherst College, x867--8; Professor of Chem- istry and Mineralogy in Beloitollege, z869-77 Rev. SERENO DWIGHT GAMMELL, Boxford, Mass. '; . ist Lieutenant in the 45th Infantry Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, x864-5. 146 GAMMA CHAPTER. JOSEPH GOODIHUE HOUGHTON, Brooklyn, N. Y. 0 .; P.Y.H'. Rev. SAMUEL VALENTINE MCDUFFIE,4 Ludlow Centre, Mass. P.m.E. Lieutenant in the United States Signal Corps, 1863-5. ROBERT McEWEN,4 Cleveland, Ohio. ; H.a.Z. GEORGE COOKE MERRILL, Andover, Mass. f c; X.v.T'. Teacher in the Scientific Department of Phillips Academy, 1866-9; Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Science in Washburn College, Topeka, Kans., 1869-75; Peabody in- structor in Natural Science in Phillips Academy, since 1875. EDWARD PAYSON SMITH, Worcester, Mass. 2 ,; K.g.Z'. Principal of the High School, Hinsdale, Mass., Y865-7 ; Professor of English and Mod- ern Languages in the Institute of Industrial Science, Worcester, Mass., since 1872. Rev. HENRY MATHER TYLER, Northampton, Mass. 0 i1; F.s. V. Walker Instructor in Latin in Amherst College, 1867-9; Professor of Greek and German in Knox College, 1869-72, and of Greek and Latin in Smith College, since 1877. Class of 1866. lS1"*Rev. LABAN WHEATON ALLEN, hanover, Mass. f ; yb.T'. [JOHN] PLINY BARTLETT,t Cincinnati, Ohio. 0 ; X.y. HERBERT LAWRENCE BRIDGMAN, New York City. N N; Tg; X.z.45. HENRY HARRISON MERRIAM,t Worcester, Mass. ; I.q.Z. CHARLES RUSSELL PAINE, San Bernardino, Cal. T; ZETA CHAPTER. 165 Hon. JOHN BEAR DoANE COGSWELL, Yarmouth, Mass. 15 1 I; !.r.X. LL.B. Harvard College, 1852; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1857; United States District Attorney for Wisconsin, xS61-70; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1871-4; Commissioner to procure memorial statues for the Memorial Hall of Congress; Member of the Massachusetts Senate, since 1876 ; President of the Senate, 1877 and £878. RICHARD HAYES, St. Louis, Mo. > 0; p.Y.6. Professor of Mathematics and Physics in the St. Louis High School, since £862. JOHN ORDRONAUX, M. D., Roslyn, N. Y. A.Z*.I'. LL. B. Harvard College, 1852; M. D. National Medical College, 1859; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the National Medical College and in the Law School of Colum- bia College, since x86o; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the Law School of Colum- bian College, 2865-73; in the University of Vermont, 1865-73; in the Medical Department of Dartmouth College, since 1864; and in the Law School of Boston University, since 1873 ; Orator of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1866; Commencement Orator of the Medi- cal Department of the University of Vermont, 1865; and of the National Medical College, x869 and 1870; appointed by President Lincoln Surgeon to the Board of Enrolment of the zst Congressional District of New York, x863; State Commissioner in Lunacy, since 1873; appointed to codify and revise the Lunacy Statutes of New York, 1874; author of " Hints on Health in Armies" (s86s), "Manual for Military Surgeons on the Examination of Re- cruits and Discharge of Soldiers" (£863), a " Metrical translation of the Code of Health of the School of Salernum" (s869), "The Jurisprudence of Medicine in its relations to the Law of Contracts, Torts and Evidence" (S69)); " Commentaries on the Lunacy Laws of the State of New York" (1878), " Centennial Ode of Dartmouth College" (x868); Contributor to the Dartmouth; cf. Song Book, p. 87. WILLIAM ALEXANDER READ, New Bedford, Mass. ; rlv.T'. ALFRED RUSSELL, Detroit, Mich. 2 5 T; z.7r.F'. LL. B. Harvard College, £852; United States District Attorney for the District of Michigan, 186s-9. Class of 1851. Rev. EDWARD AICEN, M. D., Amherst, N. H. 15; r.p.gi. B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, x855; M. D. Yale College, x861; Missionary at Hans, Beirut, and Kerr Shima, Syria, x855-8 ; Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the New England Female Medical College, Boston,Mass. ""*GEORGE BELL, Cincinnati, Ohio. 0; B.x.zl'. 1870*WILLIAM HENRY BURLEIGH, M. D., Lawrence, Mass. ; p; I.p.6. M. D. Bowdoin College, 1854; Poet at the Convention of x855, held with the Beta. Rev. RICHARD BAXTER FOSTERt Osborne, Kans. X.R. Adjutant of the 62nd (Colored) Infantry Regiment of United States Volunteers, 2862-5 ; Principal of Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City, Mo. ""*MILO WALiJRIDGE GRow, Acworth, N. H. 15 ; K.r. Captured from the Confederate Army and died a prisoner at Camp Lookout, Md. JOHN SADIN PIERCE, St. Louis, Mo. 2$ 1 0 ; X.p.4J. \./ 166 ZETA CHAPTER. ""72*Rev. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN RAY, New Ipswich, N. I. 1 n; . .p'. - HENRY EDMUND SAWYER, New Britain, Conn. T T; P..p'. Principal of the Academy, Francestown, N. H., 1851-3; of the High School, Great Falls, N. H., 1854-7; and of the High School, Concord, N. H., x857-65; Superintendent of Schools for the City of Middletown, Conn., 1865-78; Principal of the State Normal School, New Britain, Conn., since 1873; Member of the New Hampshire Historical Society ; Asso- ciate Editor of the New England Journal of Education; Editor of a " Metric Manual for Schools; the Decimal System of Measures and Weights, with Exercises and Problems" (1878). Rev. HENRY WILLARD, Plain View, Minn. T2; /Lu.J'. B. D. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1856. Class of 1852. JOHN BELL, M. D., Manchester, N. II. ?I §; 6.4.. M. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1854; Assistant Surgeon of the 5th Regiment of Cavalry of the United States Army, ;861-5. JonN II BUTTRICK, Lowell, Mass. ci; 6.y.V. Cashier of the Wamesit Bank, Lowell, 1853-77; Treasurer of the Lowell and Lawrence, and Salem and Lowell Railroads, till 877. JAMES STARRETT DURANT, M. D., Danville, Vt. 1. D. Dartmouth College, 185S; Principal of the Phillips Academy, Danville, x855-8. I"O*THEODORE FRENCI, St. Paul, Minn. T2 il ; 1.p.E'. I"S*OLIVER HOLMES GOULD, Manchester, N. H. .D. ~. 18I*GEORGE ADDISON HUNT, Quincy, Ill. 2r; J./.T'. City Attorney of Quincy, x859. 1860*LEONARD 1ORACE LEE, Newburg, N. Y. S; n; o.x.v. FREDERICK VOSE MARCY, Quincy, Ill. ; 6Xr.I. City Attorney of Quincy, x86o. "*BENJAMIN SWAN MARSH, Woodstock, Vt. ( I; p.XV. IRVING MORSE,f Boston, Mass. .7.v. EDWIN PIERCE, Ashburnham, Mass. iT; 6.13.1. Instructor in Classics in Seneca Collegiate Institute, Ovid, N. Y., 1852-6 ; Professor of Languages in Yellow Springs College, Des Moines, Iowa ; Principal of Pavonia Grammar School, Jersey City, z863. 1856*FREDERICK AUGUSTUS SMITH, M. D., Leominster, Mass. 1T 2; .v1.F. M. D. Dartmouth College, x835. Rev. ELNATfIAN ELLSWORTH STRONG, Waltham, Mass. P; qz..Vt B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, 18 5. \016% ZETA CHAPTER. 167 Class of 1853. ""*CIARLES SULLIVAN BLOOD,f St. Louis, Mo. A.o. CLARENCE LINDEN BURNET, Brooklyn, N. Y. T; p..r. LL. B. Albany Law School, 1858; Paymaster in the United States Navyi 1862-5. Rev.HORATIo NELSON BURTON, D. D., Kalamazoo, Mich. (191; p.).L-. 13. D. Andover Theological Seminary, x856; Delegate to the National Council of Con- gregational Churches, 1877. Rev. HENRY FAIRBANKS, St. Johnsbury, Vt. : j ; 2 i U; p.p.Z'. B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, x857 ; Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy in Dartmouth College, x859-65 ; Professor of Natural History, 1865-8; Trustee of Dartmouth College, since 1870. HENRY WOOBBURY MOORE, M. D., Gillisonville, S. C. pqv.T'. Surgeon in the Confederate Army, 186x-5. s""*HENRY ELIJAH STANTON, Petersburg, Va. ; g tr; Ad.p.'. Principal of the High School, Petersburg, x854-5; Professor of Languages and Mathe- matics in Leavenworth Collegiate Institute, Petersburg, z855-6. Rev. FRANCIS CUI NS STATHAM, Greensborough, Ga. .T ; u..D.O'. B. D. Princeton Theological Seminary, x856; Missionary at Bellevue, Ga., and Ocala, Fla., x856-8; Assistant at St. Luke's Church, Brooklyn, St. Bartholorew, Calvary, Trinity and St. Peter's Churches, New York City, since x862. IS?*EDWARD JEsUP Woon, Goshen, Ind. 1 1 ; .7r. T'. Captain in the 48th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, 1861-2; Major, 1862-3 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, 163; Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding, x863-5; greatly distinguished in battle at Iuka, Corinth, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills;*Vicksburg and Chattanooga. Class of 1854- JouN GOLTnwArr AnAMs, New York City. I 0; c.p.2'. Instructor in the High School at Charlestown, Mass., x867-9. HENRY WILDER ALLEN, New York City. IT; 6A.H'. Assistant United States District Attorney of New York; Register in Bankruptcy, New York City, since 1867. CHARLES HTILLIARD CRAM, Chicago, Ill. d; 9.1/2. JOHN DAVENPORT CREHORE, Cleveland, Ohio. 2 ; l.e.'. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics in Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. SAMUEL Woo DANA, M. D., New York City. p.c.Y'. M. D. Columbia College, x858; Surgeon in the New York City Dispensary, x86o-64. l**Hon. SIMEON Dow FARNSWORTII, Manchester, N. H. T 0 ; .co4.. Editor of the Manchester American; Clerk of the New Hampshire Legislature, x857-9; Assistant Paymaster and Major in the United States Army, x861-5 ; Member of the New X Hampshire Legislature, 1867. 168 ZETA CHAPTER. ""1.*JoHN FULLER GILLIS, Millbury, Mass. W ; p.7'.f. RANNEY GREENE, JR., Houston, TeX. ; q;(P.O.&. 2nd Lieutenant and Captain in the (Confederate) Crescent Regiment, New Orleans Vol- unteers, X862-5; Inspector-General of the Conscript Bureau, Louisiana; Aide to Lieutenant- General Kirby Smith; Manager of the Houston Direct Navigation Company, x876. GEORGE HASELTINE, LL. D., New York City. C r; T i ZI; $Xd".'. Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Wis- consin. GEORGE OWEN MOODY, M. D., Titusville, Pa. 1 T 0 ; .b.M'. M. D. Dartmouth College, z862. Rev. WILLIAM GRAY NOWELL, Weymouth, Mass. It .; .m.N'. Master in the Boston High School; Superintendent of Schools, Weymouth,-since 1877. i$73*HOWARD MALCOLM RANDLETT, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. J.a.A'. M. D. Harvard College, 1864; Assistant Surgeon of the 64th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1863-4; Assistant Surgeon in the United States Navy, appointed z864. WILLIAM HENRY STUART, Richmond, Me. P~j."~. Cashier of the Richmond National Bank. 1IS2*ALBERT PURINGTON WHITTEMORE, Lisbon, Me. z.p.X'. Killed at Vicksburg, Miss. STEPHEN JEWETT YOUNG, Brunswick, Me. 2$ 0 ; l.g. '. Salutatorian, :859; Instructor in Modern Languages in Bowdoin College, :862-4; Ad- junct Professor of the same, x864-5; Professor, 1865-77; Librarian, x863-9, and Treasurer, since 1877 ; Member of the Maine Legislature, :878. Class of i86o. AMOs LAWRENCE ALLEN, Alfred, Me. 4 if; 7r.3.' . Clerk in the 5th Auditor's Office, Washington, z864-6 and z868; in the Post Office of the House of Representatives, x869-70; Clerk of all the Judicial Courts in York County, since 1871, term to expire 88o. Rev. NICHOLAS EMERY BOYD, San Francisco, Cal. f 0; A.a.p'. Salutatorian, :86o. SAMUEL STILLMAN BOrn, St. Louis, Mo. d n; 6.n.M'. iHon. HORACE HARMON BURBANK, Saco, Me. ; qtb.,u'. Principal of the High School, West Newfield, x860-6x ; Quartermaster Sergeant in the 27th Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers, 1863 ; 1st Lieutenant in the 32d Regiment, 1864; Captain, 1865; taken prisoner at the Mine Explosion, Pittsburgh, Va., July 30, 1864; escaped at Columbia, S. C., February 17, x865, and joined General Sherman's Army; Member of the Maine Legislature, 1866; Register of Probate for York County, 1869-77'; Bail Commissioner for York County, appointed 1873; Partner with John S. Derby (Kajpa, '68), since 1875; Judge Advocate-General on Governor Connor's Staff, since 1876; County Attorney, since 1878; City Solicitor of Saco, since 1877, and Member of the Board of Hcalth. SAMUEL MCINTYRE CAME, Alfred, Me. ; p.a.v'. ABNER HARRIsON DAVIS, Portland, Me. -; 2$ i; p..N'. Principal of the High School, Salem, Mass.t; Instructor in Latin in Bowdoin College ; Clerk of the United States Circuit Court. 41 218 KAPPA CHAPTER. JAMES IENRYR lons HEWETT,J Thomaston, Me. .c.M. Deputy Collector of Customs for the Port of Thomaston. EZEKIEL ROBINSON MAYO, Emporium, Pa. p.i./7. Captain of the 3rd Maine Battery. "4*ABR AM NEWELL RowE, Yarmouth, Me. .6b4v'. Died at Winchester, Va.; cf. Song Book, p. 54. Enwxw BERGER SCHERTZER, St. Louis, Mo. 2$ ; 6.q.A. lS"*EDWARD WETMORE SMITII, Hallowell, Ae. ; qpa. DAVID OSGOOD STETSON, Mattoon, 11. 1; p.n.M'. Hon. JOSEPH WHITE SYMONDS, Portland, Me. 0 W; .O.c/. English Oration, x86o ; Judge of the Superior Court, 1872-8. Class of 1861 CHARLES GRANDISON ATKINS, Bucksport, Me. 0 T ; X./. State Commissioner on the Fisheries. I-Ion. LUCILIUs ALONZO EMERY, Ellsworth, Me. Ti ; J'.n.4'. English Oration, z86z; Senator of the State of Maine, 1874-6; Attorney-General of the State of Maine, 2876-8; Admitted to the bar of the United States Supreme Court, 2877; Fel- low of the Maine Historical Society, since £877 ; Overseer of Bowdoin College. SIDNEY MICHAEL FINGER, Newton, N. C. I ; 6.B.X'. .HENRY JEWETT FURBER,f New York City. I'.d.D JS"5*SAMUEL JORDAN, Poland, Me. fT 0; q).qP. P 1. Paymaster in the United States Navy. STEPIIEN HART MANNING, Wilmington, N. C. 2$ U; A.dr.3. Quartermaster Sergeant in the ast Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers, i86:; ist Lieutenant and Quartermaster in the 5th Regiment; Captain and Assistant Quartermaster in the 6th Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac, with rank of Major; Chief Quarter- master, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel; Chief Quartermaster of the Department of Texas, with rank of Colonel; Brevet Major; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel ; Brevet Colonel; Brevet Brigadier-General,1865 ; Sheriff of New Hanover County, N. C., since 2874; Mem- ber of the State Constitutional Convention, 1875-8. ALPIIEUS SPRING PACKARD, JR., M. D., Salem, Mass. 1I T U; r.m.a. Al. D. Bowdoin College, 2864; Lecturer on Entomology in the Massachusetts Agri- cultural College, in the Maine Agricultural College, and in Bowdoid College ; United States Entomological Commissioner, 1877-8; Fellow of the National Academy of Science, and of the Peabody Academy of Science, Salem; of the Imperial Zoological and Botanical Society of Vienna; and of the Entomological Societies of St. Petersburg and Belgiume author of " Guide to the Study of Insects" (Salem, %869, pp. 702, 2nd ed., 2876), " Our Coin- mon Insects" (Salem, 1873, PP- 236, and Boston, 1877, pp. 225), " Comparative Embryology: KAPPA CHAPTER. 219 Life Histories of Animals, including Man" (New York, 1876, 8vo., pp. 243), " Monograph of the Phalzemidw of the United States" (New York, 1876, pp. 607), "Half-Hours with Insects" (Boston, 1877); Editor of the A rerican Naturalist; Contributor to the 7ournal of the Boston Society of Natural History, the Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1877, the New York Nation, and other periodicals. 188"*MANUEL EBENEZER SHELLJ Newton, N. C. T t; p.B.F'. Class of 1862. I"C*FREDERIC HENRY BEECHER, Georgetown, Nass. t ;).a.7f. 1st Lieutenant in the 16th Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers ; cf. " Memorial of F. H. Beecher" (x868). ALBION BURBANK, Exeter, N. H. f Q T; 4.n./J. Principal of the High School. Rev. SYLVESTER BURNHAM, Hamilton, N. Y. Salutatorian, 1862; Professor of Mathematics in the Western University of Pennsyl- vania, x863-4; Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis in Hamilton Theological Seminary, since 1875. JOSEPH WEBBER CHADWICK, Malden, Mass. t Q; p.a. Principal of New Hampton Academy ; Sub-Master of the Latin School, Boston. SAMUEL PAGE DAME, Sharon, Pa. l.y.x. "".*GEORGE WILLIAM EDwARDst Gorham, Me. 1 5 .; pa.#. and Lieutenaht in the 16th Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers; died at Fredericks- burg, Va. FRANK ALPINE HILL, Chelsea, Mass. T 2 T ; .rm.B . English Oration, 1862; Principal of the High School, Chelsea. DORVILLE LIBBEY, San Francisco, Cal. d.0. . English Oration, x862; Professor of Mathematics in the Western University of Penn- sylvania. AUGUSTUs NEWBERT LINsCoTT, Chicago, Ill. 7; tx... Captain in the ist Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers. Rev. JoHN ThOMAS MAGRATH, Battle Creek, Mich. 4. .o,. Rev. EDWARD NEWMAN PACKARD, Evanston, Ill. 21u; 4.P.#. English Oration, a862; Tutor in Bowdoin College, x863-5; Instructor in Mathematics, x865-7 ; Adjunct Professor, 1867-8. Class of .i863. CHARLES UPIIAM BELL, Lawrence, Mass. ..Z. ""1*TIIOMAs TAYLOR BEVERAGE, Thbmaston, Me. o n; .4.a. V. I""*GEORGE EDGAR BROWN, Washington, D. C. d.6.zf. 1st Lieutenant in the 22nd Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers, 1862-3; Major Corps d'Afrique, 1863-5; Solicitor of Patents, 1865-73. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeri eeeeeeerre nme rreeiwwrni..weeeee r nieneeeeeee:. w. nni er eee ii.rr w r w 220 KAPPA CHAPTER. "*EDWIN DAMEf Saco, Me. A eo; A E.b.. JOhN WHEELER DUxBURY, Boston, Mass. T; z.A.T. Hon. GEORGE ADDISON EMERY, Saco, Me. . .X . Judge of the Municipal Court. ThOMAS MARTIN GIVEEN, Brunswick, Me. 2$ T1T IU; qt.m.%'. Rev. GEORGE GoODwwN HARRIMAN, Urbana, Ohio. -i; O.t. . Principal of the High School, Belfast, Me., 1863-4; and of the High School, Great Falls, N. H., 1864-6; Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the New London Literary and Scientific Institution, 1870-73 ; Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Urbana, since 1873. Rev. GIDEON LiBY, Plattville, Ill. P ; z.y/, ADONIRAM JUDSON PICKARD, M. D., Pensacola, Fla. T 0; A.c.q[. ist Lieutenant in the and Cavalry Regiment of Maine Volunteers; Deputy Collector of the Port of Pensacola. HORACE LOan PIPER, Washington, D. C. q.a.X'. LL. B. Columbian University, x868 ; 2nd Lieutenant in the 27th Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers ; ist Lieutenant of the 4th United States (Colored) Infantry; Brevet Major ; United States Immigration Commissioner, 1873, Rev. [SAMUEL Pn.LIPS] NEWMAN SMYTH, Quincy, Ill. Til f; A.p.FC. English Oration, 1863; ist Lieutenant in the :6th Infantry Regiment of Maine Volun- teers, 1864-5; Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the United States Naval Academy. UG"*SEWELL COFFIN WEYMOUTI,f Portland, Mc. (p.g.r . ALEXANDER DRUMMOND WILLARD, Washington, D. C. i ; F.b.4'. English Oration, x863; LL. B. Columbian University, x869; Clerk in the United States Treasury Department. Class of 1864. CHARLES BENNETT, Mattoon, Ill. T Ft; .N.H. OWEN WARREN DAVIS, JR., Bangor, Me. Aac.EC. JOHN DEERING, JR.,f Washington, D. C. A.s.p. 1S?*JOIN EMERY Dow, JR., Augusta, Me. LL. B. Harvard College, 1866; died May 7, 1878. IS"*GEORGE MARCUS GORDON, Saco, Me. B.n.zf. JOHN CALVIN HARKNESS, Wilmington, Del. P. G.Z5. Principal of the High School, Camden, Me., 1861, and of Angelica Academy, New York, x866; President of the Delaware State Normal University, x866-76; Principal of Harkness' Academy, since x876 ; Editor of Harkness' fagazine, since 1872; author of "Normal Prin- ciples in Education" (x869), and " Birds-Eye View of Wilmington, Del." (1874). V-% KAPPA CHAPTER. 221 2$ ; qta.d. 6X;.. JHENRY NASON WEST HlOYT, New Brighton, Pa. Superintendent of Schools. FRANKLIN LITTLEFIELD, Saco, Me. Rev. WILLIM IIHENRY PIERSON, Somerville, Mass. Pastor of the Congregational Church, Winter Hill, Mass. Class of 1865. WILLIAM HENRY HlARRISON ANDREWS,4 Boston, Mass. Quartermaster of the rzth Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers. JOhN BRADBURY COTTON, Lewiston, Me. HISetTORATIO SUMNER DRESSER, Reading, Pa. - JAMES FREDERIC DUDLEY, Wlliamsport, Pa. FRANCIS LORD IAYES, Boston, Mass. English Oration, 1865. MELVIN JOSEPHH HILL, Wakefield, Mass. Principal of the High School. EDWIN JARVIS MILLAY, Bowdoinham, Me. Member of the Maine Legislature. JOSErP EUGENE MOORE, Thomaston, Me. 9 T Member of the Maine Legislature, x878. ..fl. '"S rT 0; ; 2 i ; jV.x.zL !fd .r 4.f.E'. 4 ; 3.t.6T. Class of 1866. CHARLES MCCULLOCH BEECHER, Bridgeport, Conn. 24 i ; p.m. T CIIARLES AUGUSTUS BOARDMAN, Boston, Mass. TP ; 4..Z. SYLVESTER BENJAMIN CARTER, Newburyport, Mass. 0; 13 T ; q.r.ZC. President of the Common Council of the City of Newburyport, 1875. WILLIAM OGDEN HOUGII,f Portland, Me. P.s. Tc. HIRAM BARTLETT LAWRENCE, Holyoke, Mass. Tt; .g. T . Principal of the Grammar School, since 2872. Rev. GEORGE ThOMAS PACKARD, Bangor, Me. A; 4.d.Te. Contributor of a History of Bowdoin College to Scrit ner's Monthly. Rev. FRANCIS STORER TILACIIER, Berlin, Mass. 0.h.e. B. D. Harvard College, 2873. JOhN FRANCIS WALKER,f South Berwick, Me. .g.Z. Cashier of the Berwick National Bank. ! i 222 KAPPA CHAPTER. Class of 1867. MELVIN FRANKLIN AnEY, Fort Dodge, Iowa. i&E ; E.e.O'. Principal of East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Me.; Superintendent of Schools, Fort Dodge, Iowa. JOTHAM FRANKLIN CLARK, Portland, Me. $ZT ; A'.&.. OREN COBB, Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. 2$; Tlc.2. Principal of the Boys' Boarding School. lS"*RoLLo MARBLE COLE, Paris, Me. T 0; z.m.HC. Died at Paris Hill, Me., September 13, 1868. USHER WARD CUTTS, Orange, N. J. T a fT; z1.a.i . Principal of the Academy, Fryeburg, Me., 1867-70; of the High School, -Lexington, Mass., x871-2, and of the High School, Orange, N. J., since x872; Superintendent of Schools, Orange, N. J., since x876. JAMES PAYSON DIXON, Great Falls, N. H. 6.m.W. English Oration, x867; Principal of the High School. "B75*WILLIAM STICKNEY HUsE, Newburyport, Mass. T.d.H. 1""*FRANK BENTON MILDRAM,t Wells, Me. I.o.HC. A. B. Harvard College,.=867 ; Member of the Maine Legislature. GEORGE TINGEY SEWALL, Old Town, Me. T po ; T.n.Z. English Oration, 1867; cf. Song Book, pp. 52, 128. FREDERICK KING SMYTTI, Lancaster, Pa. T 2 d; 4.w.4. Instructor in Mathematics and Gymnastics in Bowdoin College ; Professor of Mathe- matics in Franklin and Marshall College, since 1877. ELBRIDGE YORK TURNERf Auburn, Me. f; A.y.. Principal of the High School, Carver's Harbor, Me. Class of 1868. JOHN SAYWARD DERBY, Saco, Me. T 0 c; E.s.P;. Judge of the Municipal Court; Partner of H. H. Burbank (Kay/a, '6o), since 1875. LLEWELLYN SPRAGUE HAM, Litchfield, Me. T2 i 0; T.l.Ot. ROBERT LAWRENCE PACKARD, Washington, D. C. f l6; E.a.O9. Salutatorian, x868; Tutor in Bowdoin College, x869; Professor of Chemistry in Maine Agricultural College; Adjunct Professor of Chemistry applied to the Arts in Bowdoin College, x872-5; Assistant Examiner in the United States Patent Office. CHARLES AUGUSTUS RING, M. D., Portland, Me. 7I 0; v.g.p . ROBERT GIVEEK SAWYER,f San Francisco, Cal. j; E.m.6% i F - "Y' KAPPA CHAPTER. 223 GEORGE ADAMS SMYTu, Ph. D., Burlington, Vt. 0 Ag t iI; E.S.6. Ph. D. Friedrich Wilhelms Universitat, Berlin, Germany, 1876; English Oration, 1868 ; Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in the University of Vermont, since 1876 ; Contrib- utor to the 7ournalof Chemistry: author of pamphlets on Chemistry. WILLIAM TuxoM WELLS, North Wakefield, N. H. 2$ 0; T.w.Pt. Postmaster. Class of 1869. CHARLES HOYT BANGSJ Portland, Me. 4.a.fl. FREDERICK HENRY BOARDMAN, Minneapolis, Minn. 2$ ; !... CHARLES ABRAHAM COLE, Weston, Conn. T gI; Erni.i. Instructor in Weston Military Academy; permanent address, Paris, Me. OSCAR PORTER CUNNINGHAM, Orono, Me. T 0; q.rar. GEORGE WEEKS HALE, M. D., Sedgwick, Me. II ; .l.n7. M. D. Columbia College, 1872. HENRY BREWER QUINBY, Washington, D. C. -; $ ; p.6.1% Aide to Governor Straw, of New Hampshire, with rank of Colonel, 1871-2; permanent address, Lake Village, N. H. FRANK WHITMAN RING, Portland, Me. J 0 ; 6.h.I . HIRAM TUELL, Marlborough, Mass. T; 4.c.C. Principal of the High School. Class of 1870. LEROY ZUINGLIUS COLLINS, Lancaster, Mass. 2t T ; x.a.4. Principal of the High School. ORVILLE BOARDMAN GRANT, Providence, R. I. 151I; zA.c.x. Principal of the Federal Street Grammar School. WILLIS OWARD MEADs, Buffalo, N. Y. V; 6... WALLACE KILBOURNE OAKES, M. D., Auburn, Me. T II; zI.F.21. M. D. Columbia College, £873; Member of the Common Council of the City of Auburn. ROWLAND MARCY PECK, Ellsworth, Me. 2 o; 4.m.O . ERASTUs FULTON REDMAN, Ellsworth, Me. 1T I ; .n.K . JOiiN BLAKEMAN REDMAN, Ellsworth, Me. T2 0; i01. City Solicitor of Ellsworth. Rev. WILLIAM EDWARD SPEAR, Rockland, Me. 2$ 0 ; A.m. 0. "17*ARTIIUR JACKSON UPTON,t Salem, Mass. ' 62.O. Died in San Francisco, Cal. .m 224 KAPPA CHAPTER. Class of 1871. NEWTON FREEMAN CURTIS, M.D.,White Plains, N.Y. n, 0 Ti; Z.c.A. M. D. Columbia College, 1874. JAMES LEWIs LOMBARDt Creston, Iowa. !.a.q. EDWARD PAGE MITCHELL, New York City. - i; P U; 6.o.2. Literary Editor of the New York Sun. VERNON DANA PRICE, Louisville, Ky. T f T0; zI.w.NC. Class of 1872. ARThUR BURRILL AYER,f Methuen, Mass. Z..MC. Rev. WARREN FRANKLIN BICKFORD, Winthrop, Me. 2; B.4.co. B. D. Bangor Theological Seminary, 1876. FREDERIc GEORGE Dow, New York City. RN=4i; O1f ci; 6.f.Nt. LL. B. Columbia College, 1875. WESTON LEwIs, Gardiner, Me. . II T; P.o./. Treasurer of the Gardiner Savings Institution. Rev. SIMEON PEASE MEADS, Oakland, Cal. 0 P; .a.pi. I$h"*FREEMAN ALONZo RICKER, Portland, Me. 24 ; p.c.X:. Died December 31, 1877, at Martinsville, N. Y. HAROLD WILDER, Hingham, Mass. TA b II; 6.g.p". Principal of the Academy, Barre, 1873.6, and of the High School, Hingham, since 1876. Class of 1873. ALBERT JOEL BOARDMAN, Marion, Iowa. i; '; S.z.A". NATHAN DANE APPLETON CLARKE, Lynn, Mass. T1 P b; p.a.a,. English Oration, 1873. AUGUSTUS LUTHER CROCKER, Portland, Me. t ci; z.r.1, WILLIAM GREEN FASSETTJ Portland, Me. As.A". ROYAL ERASTUs GOULD, Biddeford, Me. f ; 6.g.. Superintendent of Schools. FRANCIS MARCH HATCH, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. T 2Tf 0; A..1,2. JoHN GODDARD .PHILLIPS,f Boston, Mass. 0 1; cp.f.co. ANDREW PETERS WISWELL, Ellsworth, Me. d; 24 0; 2. V KAPPA CHAPTER. 225 Class of 187. JOaN DICKINSON BOYDENJf Tamworth, N. H. 4.a.B". ELBRIDGE GERRY, JR., Portland, Me. 0 1 0II; E.c.X". ROTIIEUS AUGUSTUs GRAY, M. D., Red Bluff, Cal. ; Tj 17; T..E". WILLIAM HENRY MOULTON, Portland, Me. 4i 1; q.XP. CHARLES CHIESLEY SPRINGER, Yarmouth, Me. ; .i.r'. Tutor in Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey, 1872-5. 242, *57 PSI CHAPTER. Ion. CHARLES HANSON TOLL, Del Norte, Colo. ; T; TA T 9; J.O.w. Prosecuting Attorney of Rio Grande County, Colo., 1876; Judge of Rio Grande Coun- ty, since r8y7. Rev. HEZEKIAH WEBSTER,t Auburn, N. Y. U; T.w. . Tutor in Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey, 1874-7. Class of 1873- Rev. EDWARD EvERETT BACON,f Norway, Me. B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, x877. HAL BELL, New York City. LL. B. Columbia College, x875. Rev. ChARLES FREDERICK Goss, Limestone, N. Y. GEORGE WILLIAM MILES, Auburn, N. Y. 'z.p.%'. d; 4 o b; T.d.A,. TTu; ep.l.d. Joh N \VILLIAM O'BR IE N, D enver, Cob0. Tj TAT T i 3'; &~f.GOL. Principal of the Griffith Institute, Springville, N. Y., 873-5. DAVID BOYD WARD, M. D., Wheeling, W. Va. TAT; I.e.ff. M. D. Columbia College, 1876; Member of the Wheeling Medical Society and Curator of its Museum ; admitted at the Zeta. Class of 1874. Rev. CHARLES CARROLL JEMENWAY, Auburn, N.Y. ; Q TAI T T ; 2J.r./6,. Professor of Ancient Languages in Pritchett Institute, Glasgow, Mo., 1874-6 ; Associate Editor, in charge of the Psi, of the 9th General Catalogue of the Psi UPSILON Fraternity, x878. JOHN BRIGHAM RICHARDSON, Oakland, Cal. 2 X 3 Q P I; R.a.X,. LL. B. Hamilton College, 1876. PERRY HIRAM SMITIH, JR., Chleago, Ill. ;TAI ;IF.f. - LL. B. Columbia College, 1876. Rev. CHARLES HENRY VANWIE, Lyon's Falls, N. Y. t.O.. Class of 1875. Rev. EJIENEZER BAKER Conn, Auburn, N. Y. $; Q T9 TAT y g a; T.n.y'. Principal of the High School, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1875-6. CHAUNCEY STrAFFER TRUAX, Constantinople, Turkey. $ 4 ± ; ; I ' S.0.p. LL. P. Columbia College, 1877; Tutor in Robert College, since 1877. FLORIAN EMERsON WEBsTER,f Sennett, N. Y. 41T; y.u.,. t 9 " f f -16 Y V . _ _ _~ f ~ nni nii piiiyl iiilii 0144 PSI CHAPTER. 243 Class of 1876. EDWARD CHARLES STRINGER, Mft. Morris, N.Y. ; lt f ; p.c.6',. Principal of the Academy, Mount Morris, N. Y., 1876-8. Class of 1877. FRED HOLLISTER FAY, Auburn, N. Y. ; T2 lW 0 b; p.r.E. CHARLES SUMNER HOYT, Auburn, N. Y. : ; &TAI n 0I; p.n.E,. Instructor in the Preparatory Department of the College of New Jersey, 1877-8. GEORGE WEBSTER KIMBERLEY, Towanda, Pa. :; Class of 1878. WILLIAM HERMAN ANDERSONJ Castile, N. Y. THOMAS FRANKLIN FROST,J Moravia, N. Y. LAWRENCE DWIGuT OLMSTEAD, New York City. ; WALTER RALEIGH PRESCOTT, New York City. CHARLES I-OwELL RAY, Moravia, N. Y. LESTER BARKER -RUGGLES,I Bath, N. Y. Class of 1879. GEORGE EARL DUNIIAM, Johnstown, N. Y. ROBERT NEWTON HAwLEY,f Milwaukee, Wis. Cf. Song Book, pp. 86, 104. CLARK ANSON MILLERJ Mohawk, N. Y. MCNEIL ABRAM VERNON SEYMOUR, M ount Morris, JAMES LOWRY SKILLIN, Mount Morris, N. Y. EDWARD WELCH WHITE, Mount Morris, N. Y. Class of 1880. JOIIN tAVENPORT BIGELOw, Clinton, N. Y. MYRON ERNEST CARMER, Dryden, N. Y. 0 ; J.A.l,. 4.6.T7. O 'W T 0 T; N.a.2". d; I II ; O. C.". - 0d; .c.Z,. T II' On; .z.I,. pf.t.2,. firt; ep., N.Y. i; J n; 6.g.Pj. 4.F.Pp. 1j I0P U ; xu z. . Jr SA.p. 244 PSI CHAPTER. Class of 1881. - CLARENCE KnUM CHAMBERLAIN, Seneca Falls, N. Y. A.f.PF. IRVING MONTGOMERY HODGES, Batavia, N. Y. A.f.P. WALTER LORING KINSLEY, Angola, N. Y. z.f.P,. HERBERT PETER WHITE, Forestville, N. Y. l.f.P,. GURDON WALTER WILLIAMS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Af.p. Class of 1882. GEORGE IOPKINS LAWTON, Rome, N. Y. y.s. . ELMER CHARLES SHERMAN, Springville, N. Y. A.k.XO. ROBERT LONGLEY TAYLOR, Rome, N. Y. 2.1.0. (195.) 1  a._ F. ..- FI l ~(f 5 f , r .'4 ._. ; J, - t ;. , :_ 4. . S Yj i e ! r _ f y. F, PA XI ©HAPTER WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. Class of 1835. HARVEY BRADBURN LANE, New York City. I.f*. . Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Wesleyan University, 1339-40; Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1840-43; of Greek and Latin, :843-8; and of the Greek Language and Literature, 1848-61; Trustee, 1871-4. Class of 1837- Rev. ERASTUS WENTWoRTTI, D. D., Fort Edward, N. Y. v.11 *.v. D. D. Allegheny College, 185o; President of McKendree College, 1846-50; Professor of Natural Sciences in Dickinson College, 1850-54; Missionary of the Methodist Church, stationed at Foo Chow, China, 1854-62; Editor of the Ladies' Refository, 1872-6; Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1868, 1872 and 1876 ; Con- tributor to the Methodist Quarterly, Christian Advocate, and Zion's Herald, and to Mc- Clintock and Strong's (Xi,'44) Encyclopedia; one of the Editors of the " Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church" (1878). Class of 1840. Rev. WILLIAM RHODES BAGNALL, Chelsea, Mass. ; 0 p. q."y. Tutor in Wesleyan University, 1842-6; Principal of Providence Conference Seminary, East Greenwich, R. I., 1847-9. Class of 1841. HENRY WRIGH1T ADAMS, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. ft. V' 0.A. M. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1865; received Forty Letters Patent for his Inven- tions, 1851-73; author of " A Song in the Night: or, the Book of Job in Poetry" (1864). Ion. JOHN WESLEY NORTH, Riverside, Cal. P.(*.°y'. Member of the Minnesota Territorial Legislature, 185x:; of the Minnesota Constitutional Convention, 1857; and of the National Republican Convention, x86o ; Surveyor-General of Nevada; Judge of the Supreme Court of Nevada, elected 186o; President of the Southern California Colony Association, 1871-5. 246 XI CHAPTER. Rev. RICHARD SUTTON RuST, D.D., LL.D., Cincinnati, 0. ; i/. p0.4. Principal of Ellington School, Ellington, Conn., 1841-3; and of the High School,Middle- town, Conn., 1843-5 ; Principal of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Northfield, 1845-50; State Commissioner of Common Schools for New Hampshire; President of Wilber- force University, 1859-64; and of the Wesleyan Female College, Cincinnati, x864-7; Secre- tary of the Freedmen's Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, since 1867; Dele- gate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1872; Founder and First Editor of The A merican Pulp it,1845. Class of 1842. DANIEL AYEs, A. D., LL. D.J Brooklyn, N. Y. JT*y'. A. B. College of New Jersey, 1842; 1. D. University of the City of New York, x845; LL. D. Wesleyan University, z856; Professor of Surgery in Long Island Medical College. Rev. JAMES PIKE, .D. D.,f South New Market, N. I. T.-.p. D. D. Wesleyan University, 1873; Colonel of the 16th Infantry Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, x862-4; Member of the United States House of Representatives; Presiding Elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, since 1872 ; Delegate to the General Conference, x860, 7864, x868 and 1872; Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1862-71. Class ol 1843. Rev. MICAH JoNES TALBOT ID. D., Phenix, R. 1. E. 01/. D. D. Wesleyan University, 1872; Principal of Providence Conference Seminary, :858-62; Contributor to the Fall River News, 1856-8 and x867; and to the Bristol Phxnix, 1864-7; Superintendent of Schools, Newport, R. I., 1865-6; Editor of the Newport Daily News, x866-7; Presiding Elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church, x869-74; Delegate to the General Conference, x868 and 1872. Class of 1844. ""*Hon. ORAN FAVILLE, Waverly, Iowa. ; #.. Principal of Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt.; Professor of Ancient Languages in McKendree College, 1852-3; President of Ohio Wesleyan Female College, Delaware, Ohio, 1853-5; Judge of Mitchell County, Iowa ; Lieutenant-Governor of Iowa; President of the State Board of Education; Visitor to the United States Military Academy, W est Point, 1863; Editor of the Iowa School .ournal, 1863-7; State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion of Iowa, x864-6; President of the State Teachers' Association. Rev. FRANCIS SOUTHACK HOYT, D. D., Cincinnati, Ohio. i; e ; p.O.N. D. D. Ohio Wesleyan University, 1872; President of Willametta University, 1854-6o; Professor of Natural Science in Ohio Wesleyan University, 1860-66, and of Biblical Litera- ture and Theology, x866-72; Editor of the Western C&ristian advocate, since x872; Dele- gate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 186o, :872 and 1876. Rev. RUSSELL ZELOTES MASON, LL. D., Appleton, Wis. T; If.JI.4. LL. D. Wisconsin State University, x866; Salutatorian, 1844 ; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science in MlcKendree College, 1851-4; in Lawrence University, x854-65; Acting President, z859-6:; President, :86x-$i; Mayor of Appleton, :865. XI CHAPTER. 247 CHARLES THOMAS POOLER, Deansville, N. Y. 3; 2$; p.A.A. Principal of the High School, Middletown, Conn., 1845-6; of Independent Academy, Potsdam, N. Y., 1853-7 ; of Deansville Academy, x86-3 ; Superintendent of Schools, Akron, Ohio, 1857-60; School Commissioner of Oneida County, N. Y., 1863-72; President of the New York State School Commissioners' and City Superintendents' Association, elected z867; Contributor to the New York State Educational journal. WILLIAM CHASE PRESCOTT, London, England. d d; 0m; B.Z.. Principal of the High School, Malden, Miss., 1845; Deputy Secretary of State for New Hampshire, 1848-9; Colonel of New Hampshire Volunteers, appointed 185o; President of the Bowditch Insurance Company, Salem, Mass., 1851-2, and of the Hamilton Insurance Company, Salem, Mass., elected 1852; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1856-7; Justice of the Municipal Court, Salem, Mass., appointed 1857 ; United States Deputy Sur- veyor of Customs for the Port of Boston, 1861-4; Foreign Secretary of the Continental Life Insurance Company, 1870-74. JAMES STRONG, S. T. D., Madison, N. J. , 2$; ..A. S. T. D. Wesleyan University,x856; Valedictorian, 1844; Instructor in Troy Conference Academy, 1844-6; President of the Flushing Railroad Company; Professor of Biblical Literature and Acting President of Troy University, 1858-63; Professor of Exegetical Theology in Drew Theological Seminary, since 1868; Lay Delegate to the General Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1872; Member of the Anglo-American Bible Revision Committee, since 1872; Member of the Palestine Exploration Society, since 1872; Conductor of a Scientific and Literary Party in the East, 1873-4; Photographer and Pub- lisher of 300 Views of Egypt, the Desert of Sinai and Palestine, 1874 ; Contributor to the Ladies' Re/ository, National Re/ository, Methodist Quarterly, Zion's Herald, The Methodist, the New York Christian Advocate, Western Christian Advocate and the Sunday School World; author of " An Address delivered before the Psr UPsILON Fraternity at Middletown, at its 33d Annual Convention" (Cincinnati, x868, 8vo, pp. zo), "English Harmony and Exposition of the Gospels" (1852), " Abridgment of the English Harmony" (1853), "Sunday School Question Books" 5 vols., " Greek Harmony of the Gospels" (1854), "Compendium of Theology" (:854), "Epitome of Greek Grammar" (1856), "Epitome of Hebrew Grammar" (1857), " The True Mean "-an address at the 25th Anniversary of Troy Conference Academy (x858), " Sunday School Labor "-a prize. essay (1855), " Theological Compend for Advanced Scholars" (1859), " Epitome of Chaldee Grammar" (1869), "Analysis of the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans and to the Hebrews, and of the Book of Revela- tions" (1873), " Tables of Biblical Chronology" (1875), " Introduction and Analysis of the Book of Ecclesiastes" (1877), "A Literal Translation of the Book of Ecclesiastes" (1877), "An Exposition and Vindication of Solomon's Songs" (1878); Editor of "Stier's Words of the Lord Jesus" (1863), the volume on "Esther," of Lange's Commentaries.(2873), the volume on "Daniel," of Lange's Commentaries(1877); Editor, with John McClintock,D. D., of " An Encyclopxdia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature " (New York, 8vo, 1o vols., mooo pp. each, 8th vol. in press); Orator of the Convention of 1865, held with the Xi. Class of 1845. ""*STEPHEN CROWELL DILLINGIAM, Sandwich, Mass. ji; 0 ; N.L.p. Instructor in Lawrence Academy, Falmouth, Mass., 1845-50; and in Spring Hill Board- ing School, Sandwich, Mass., 1852-3 ; Chairman of the School Board, Sandwich. x K 248 XI CHAPTER. *ELISIIA BOANERGES HARVEY, Wilkesbarre, Pa. :; T2; /.R.$. Registrar of Wills for Luzerne County, Pa., 1848-50 ; District Attorney, appointed 1856; Superintendent of Schools in Wilkesbarre, x851-6; Colonel of the 7th Pennsylvania Re- serves, x861-2 ; Burgess of Wilkesbarre, 1867-9 ; Alderman, 1868-72. 1868*ELI HUBBARD, Louisville, Miss. ; /.S.$. Principal of the Seminary, Macon, Miss., 1853-61. l"*Rev. JOSEPH JAMESON LANE, Summerfield, Ala. m; 0 T; ?/.S.A. Valedictorian, 1845; Instructor in Mathematics in Centenary Institute, Summerfield, Ala., and Principal of the Female Department. IIIRAm FRANCIS SAVAGE, Crescent, N. Y. i ; f..D.A. Principal of the Academy, Bakersfield, Vt., 1850-53; of the Boarding School, Edinburg, N. Y., 1853-6; of the Academy, Weaversville, Pa., 1857-63; of Norwich Collegiate Institu- tion, Norwich, Conn., x863-8; and of the Academy, Jonesville, N. Y., x869-77. Class of 1846. DIXON ALEXANDER, M. D., Fayette, Iowa. 0 f; .$. M. D. Castleton Medical College, 1848 ; Surgeon of the 16th Infantry Regiment of Iowa Volunteers, x865. I"*ZEBINA THOMAS DEAN, M. D., Milan, Ohio. ; T Jj t T 10; l.r.4. M. D. Cleveland Medical College, 1849, and Cincinnati Medical College, 1850. Rev. ALBERT SCHUYLER GRAVES, Brooklyn, N. Y. .; ; B.p.A. Principal of Cazenovia Seminary, 1864-9 ; Presiding Elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, x86o.64 and since 1876; Delegate to the General Conference, 1864 and x868. "111*BENJAMIN ThOMAS HOYT, Greencastle, Ind. ; T; r.Tpb'. Principal of the High School, Middletown, Conn., 1846-9; of the High School, Chelsea, Mass., 1849-52; and of the Institute, Lawrenceburg, Ind., 1852-4; Associate Editor of the Indiana School 7ournal, 1854-6; Principal of the Indiana Female College, x856-8; Pro- fessor of Latin in Indiana Asbury University, 1858-6o; and of Belles-Lettres and History, :863-7- ion. LEwIS FULLER JONES, Mariposa, Cal. ; JT I p Ub; 0-. c.X. Judge of Mailposa County, 1864-9; cf. Song Book, p. 84. ISS*CUARLES SILLIMAN KENDALL, New Lebanon, N. Y. 2$ 1T 2 T; B..h. Class of 1847. JOnN COLBURN, Lansingburg, N. Y. Ig Ub; P.d.p. Valedictorian, 1847 ; Address, National Soldiers' Home, Hampton, Va. Hon. CORNELIUS COLE, San Francisco, Cal. 4.4*.i . Editor of the San Francisco Daily Times, x856-7; District Attorney for the City and County of Sacramento, 1859-62; Member of the United States House of Representatives, 1863-5 ; United States Senator from the State of California, 1867-73, and Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, :869-73. XI CHAPTER. 249 HENRY A COOLIDGE, Litchfield, Ill. 5i5; 1 T 0b; y-1.... Editor of the Madison County Whig, Cazenovia, N. I., 1848-57; of the Litchf/eld 7ournal, 1857-63; and of The Leader, Shelb'yville, Ill., x863--4. Rev. JAMES ALEXANDER DEAN, D. D., Mystic, Conn. Il T; J. V.0. D. D. Ohio Wesleyan University, 1873; Principal of South Lowell Academy, N. C., 1849 and x853-4; Adjunct Professor in Randolph Macon College, 1852; President of Ohio Wesleyan Female College, Delaware, Ohio, 1855; of Mansfield Female College, 1856; of Asbury Female Institute, Greencastle, Ind., 1857-9; and of East Tennessee Wesleyan University, 1872-5. Rev. JoSEPH ELIJAH KING, Fort Edward, N. Y. 5 i; T II; P.p.&. D. D. Union College, 1863; Ph. D. Regents of the University of 'New York, 1872; Principal of the Seminary, Newbury, Vt., 1848-54 ; of Fort Plain Seminary, N. Y., 1854-5, and of Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, since 855; Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1856 and 1864 ; Trustee of Wesleyan University, since x871, and of Syracuse University, since 187z; Orator of the Convention of 1866, held with the Ufsison; Poet of the Convention of x869, held with the Theta. Rev. SILAS WRIGIT ROBINS, Manchester, Conn. S.F.Y'. Salutatorian, 1847. Class of 1848. ""*Rev. JONATHAN EBENEZEIL BARNES, Darien, Conn. 2f 0 ; y.w. a. JoHN OSCAR BRONSON, M. D.,I New York City. 3 ; y.e.A. Professor of Surgery in the New York Preparatory School of Medicine, 1858-60; Surgeon of Volunteers, 1862-5. JOHN CURRIER CLARKE, St. Clair, Mich. ?; IL f 0 ; O.c.C. Principal of Northfield Seminary, N. H., 1850-52; Superintendent of Schools for St. Clair County, 1867-71; Cashier of the First National Bank of St. Clair; Trustee of Albion College. ""S*WILLIAM WARNER CLARKE, Rochester, N. Y. 5; T 0; Z..p'. Principal of Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, 1850-53; Acting Professor of Mathe- matics in Genesee College, 1864. Rev. JAMES ELIJAH LATIMER, D. D., Auburndale,.Mass. ICI 0; X.y.v. D. D. Wesleyan University, x868; Valedictorian, 1848; Principal of New Hampshire Conference Seminary, 1851-4; and of Fort Plain Seminary, N. Y., 1854-8; Professor of Languages in the Elmira Female College, 1859-6o, and of Historical Theology in the School of Theology of Boston University, 1870-75; and of Systematic Theology, since 1875; Dean of the School of Theology, since 1874. Rev. RALZA MORSE MANLY, Richmond, Va. ig 0 n; f'.a.p. Principal of the Academy, Northfield, Vt., 1852-4; of Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., :858-6o; and of New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Northfield, N. H., 1860-62; Editor of the Vermont Christian fessenger, 1853-7 ; Chaplain of the :6th Infantry Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, x862-3, and of the ist United States (Colored) Cavalry, 1863-5; Superintendent of Schools for the Freedmen's Bureau of Virginia, 1865-70; Principal of the State Normal School (Colored) of Virginia, since x867; Member of the Common Council and School Board of Richmond ; United States Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, 1878. 250 XI CHAPTER. Rev. BENJAMIN TITUS ROBERTS, Rochester, N. Y. 0 3 T; .x.fi. Editor of the Earnest Christian, since 186o ; Principal of the Seminary, Chili, N. V., 1870; President, since 1876 ; General Superintendent of the Free Methodist Church, since 186o. Class of 1849. CHARLES ROLTAN DEAN, New York City. 4 2; 4.R.x'. President of Lowndesborough Female Institute, 1852-6 ; Superintendent of Schools, San- dusky, Ohio, 1871-2. IIon. LORENZO Dow, Paris, France. A I; X.c.z. Judge of tye Supreme Court of Kansas under the Leavenworth Constitution, 1858: Mayor of Topeka, and Editor of the Kansas Tribune, 1859; Address, care of Walter Brown & Son, Npw York City. Rev. LORENZO MARSHALL, Waterford, N. Y. ? ; 6.psp'. Chaplain of the r92nd Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x865; Presiding Elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, since £872. Rev. JohN PEGG, Ju., Waterbury, Conn. 2 (I P ; .7.1 )?*JULIUS ROWLEY POMEROY, New York City. $A f T0; t4.f. Principal of the Academy, Rensselaerville, N. Y., 1849-50; Law Partner of W. P. Chambers (TAeta, '48), and W. H. Boughton (Lan:bda, '57), for twenty years. ""*GEORGE WASHINGTON PRATT, Boston, Mass. :; 0; A.a. Graduated In Music at Leipsic, 1851z; Professor of Music, 1852-6 ; cf. Song Book, p. 44. Class of 185o. Rev. JABEZ BRooxs, D. D., Minneapolis, Minn. T1 ItT II; Z.7r ". D. D. Lawrence University, £867; Professor of Mathematics in Lawrence University, 1851-a; Principal of the Preparatory Department of Hamline University, 1854-7; President . of Hamline University, 1861-9; Member of the State Normal Board of Instruction, 1863 and £867; United States Commissioner on Indian Payments, £863; Delegate to the General Con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1864 ; President of the Minnesota State Teach- ers' Association, £867; Professor of Greek in the University of Minnesota, since 1869. Rev. EDWARD HYDE JARLOWJ Fort Dodge, Iowa. 6.m.j'. ALBERT HARRISON HOYT, Cincinnati, Ohio. - ; 2$ t T 0b; o.z.y. Member of the Board of Education of New Hampshire, 1852 and 1853; Clerk of the Supreme and Superior Courts of Rockingham County, N. 11., 1853-6 ; Major in the United States Army, 1862-5; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1865; Editor of the Ilisioricaland GenealogicalRegister, 1868-76; Professor of History and Literature in the Classical and En- glish Institute, Cincinnati, since 1877; Member of the American Antiquarian Society, New Orleans Academy of Sciences, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New En- gland Historic Genealogical Society, and of the Pennsylvania, Western Reserve, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, Delaware and Virginia Historical Societies. XI CHAPTER. ' 251 Rev. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LARRABEE, LaFayette, Ala. ; Ac; 0.6.y'. Principal of the Female Institute, Columbus, Miss., 1857-65; President of Aberdeen Fe- male College, 1866-8, and of Tuscaloosa Female College, 1872-6, and of the Academy, LaFayette, since 1876. FRANK PULVER, Paterson, N. J. -r.F. Rev.WILLIAM BEINIIAUER SILDER, LL.D.,NeWYOrk City. ; 0 T; q;.hap'. Ph. D. University of New York, 1868; M. D. Detroit Homceopathic College, 1873; LL. D. Iowa Wesleyan University, 1874; Salutatorian,185o; Professor in the College of the City of New York, 1851-70; President of Albion College, 1870-71 ; Public Instructor, Detroit, Mich., 1871-3, and New York City, since 1873; Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in De- troit Homoeopathic College, 1872; Editor of "Progressive Lessons in Greek" (1864), a "Latin Course" (1867), and "Elementary Latin Grammar" (1868). Class of 1851. ""57*ADIN BROOKS, M. D., Red Wing, Minn. g; p.X.S'. M. D. Albany Medical College, 1856; died October 4, 1857. Hon.ARTlUR BENJAMIN CALEF, Middletown, Conn. i ;; 2$ I 0 ; P.v.y'. Clerk of the Superior Court of Middlesex County, Conn., 1853-61; Member of the Com- mon Council of the City of Middletown, 1854-5; Treasurer of the State of Connecticut, x855-6; Attorney of the City of Middletown, 1858; Delegate to the National Republican Convention, 186o; Postmaster of Middletown under President Lincoln, 186-9; Founder of the Calef Oratorical Prize in Wesleyan University,i862; President of the Alumni As- sociation of Wesleyan University, z862-6; Alderman of the City of Middletown, 1875-6; Trustee of Wesleyan University, since x862; President of the Incorporated Association of the Xi Chapter of PSI UPSILON, I867-77. Rev. JAMES MONROE CARROLL, Westville, Conn. ~2.zl. B. D. Union Theological Seminary, 1854.- 18"3*WILLIAMI McKENDREE GARTON,f Grand Rapids, Mich. t o; 6.$. . '570tDELOS GARY, Oswego, N. Y. ; 0 A I; J.4.q. Principal of the High School, Oswego, N.Y.; Deputy Sheriff of Oswego County, 1858-61; Captain in the 147th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-3; Recorder, 1867-70; died at Binghamton, N. Y., July 27, 1870. CuARLES FREDERIC GERRY, Sudbury, Mass. - ; T2 AT 0 t; .f.y'. Instructor in the Boston Mercantile Academy, 1852-6 ; President of the Hyde Park Savings Bank, Hyde Park, Mass., 1871-7; Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1877; author of " Poems," and of a series of books for boys (unpublished) ; cf. Song Book, p. 122. SETH PARKER HOLWAY, San Francisco, Cal. 11g 0; qp s.c5.'. Deputy Collector of Customs for the port of Barnstable, Mass., 1857-61. Rev. ANDREW McKEOWN, D. D., Auburndale, Mass. Z. ". D. D. Wesleyan University,'1873; Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1876; Pastor at Auburndale, since 1877. 252 XI CHAPTER. Class of 1852. ""*FRANK BAKERJ New York City. J.d. '. Died at St. Nicholas Hotel, April 22, 1873. Rev. CHARLES WESLEY BENNETT, D.D., Syracuse, N.Y. T2 ; r.D.&-'. D. D. Genesee College, 1870; Principal of the Seminary, Stanstead, Canada, 1852-4; of Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, 1856-8 and 1864-6, and of the Academy, Lowville, N. Y., 1861-2 ; Superintendent of Schools, Schenectady, N. Y., 186o-6z ; Professor of History and Logic in Syracuse University, since 1871; Delegate to the General Conference of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, 1872 ; Contributor to the Maethodist Quarterly, "Appleton's New Encyclopmdia," and " McClintock and Strong's Encyclopadia." IS"*WILLIAM TYNG SMITH BRACKETT, M. D.,t Providence, R. I. Ph.6'. M. D. Harvard College, 1854. Rev. GEORGE WASHINGTON BaoWN,4 Keene, N. H. p.k.l'. JOAN RISLEY ELDREDt Kingston, R. I. 6.s.0'. Rev.CALVIN SEARS HARRINGTON, D.D., Middletown, Conn. ; ; z.c. P D. D. Ohio Wesleyan University, 1877; Salutatorian, 1852; Principal of New Hamp- shire Conference Seminary,1855-6o; Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in Wesleyan University, 1861-3, and of the Latin Language and Literature, since 1863; Dele- gate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1872; Contributor to the Methodist Quarterly Review, and to Zion's Herald; Editor of " Titi Macci Plauti Captivi, Trinummus, et Rudens" (187o); one of the Editors of the "Hymnal of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church " (1878); cf. Song Book, pp. 9, 32, 67. 1858*RAL PH MARGARUM POMEROY,t Jamestown, Cal. X.b.z'. GEORGE WILLIAM WENDELL, Plainfield, N. J. 2$ 4 T !0 ; 0.s.'. Professor in Wilberforce University, 2859-62; Clerk in the Internal Revenue Bureau of the Treasury Department, Washington, D.C., x863-5; Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, New York City, 1865-75- JOHN WESLEY WITCIIER,t Virginia City, Nev. K.hp'. AARON WHITE, Canastota, N. Y. ;- A p; .q.T'. Principal of the Academy, Sauquoit, N. Y.,,1866-9, and of the Union Free School and Academy, Canastota, N. Y., since 1870. Class of 1853- Ion. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BURNHAM, South Boston, Mass. I ; A..L. Principal of the Seminary, Lewiston, Ill., 1854-6; Lieutenant and Acting Captain in the 87th United States Infantry (Colored), 186;; Superintendent of Freedmen's Schools of Louisiana, 1866; Special Justice of the South Boston Municipal Court, since 1874; Editor of " Volume XXIX of the Annual Digest of Decisions of Courts in the United States for 1869"; Editor, in part, of the Annual Digest, since 3870 ; author of sheet music entitled "The West- ern Refuge-a Centennial Ode" (1876); Poet at the 7th Quadrennial of the Xi, 1873. XI CHAPTER. 253 JOhN THOMAS DICKINSON, Abingdon, Ill. ;WT 0 Principal of Hedding Seminary and Central Illinois Female College, Abingdon, Ill., 1858-67; of the High School, Altoona, Ill., 1867-71; of Grand Prairie Seminary and Com- mercial College, Onarga, Ill., x871-7, and of the High School, Chatsworth, Ill., 1877-8; Professor of Mathematics in Hedding College, since 1878. Rev. ALBERT ETIIRIDGEj NMarseilles, Ill. i 0; OP.E'. Honorary A. At. Wesleyan University, 1862. '"*FRANKLIN HANNAIsS, Fairfield, N. Y. 4A; 2 i -g ; 4.q. T'. Captain in the 81st Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1861-2; mortally wounded at Fair Oaks, Va., and died August 9, 1862. Rev.SYLVESTER HILL OPDYKE, Mariner's Harbor, N.Y. O W ci; 2.c. '. B. D. Union Theological Seminary, 1857; Presiding Elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1873-7; Pastor of Summerfield Church, Staten Island, since 1877. Rev. CIARLEs RHODES POMEROY, D.D., Emporia, Kans. g1 ; 6.E'. D. D. Baker University, 1874; Salutatorian, 1853; Principal of Union Village Academy, N. Y., 1855-6; ofthe Seminary, Cooperstown, N. Y., 1856-7; of the High School, Rochester, N. Y., 1857-9, and of Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1859-6o; President of the State Normal School, Emporia, Kans., since 1873. Class of 1854- Rev. HENRY BAKER, New York City. ; ; 6.s.T'. Rev. JUSTIN SPAULDING BARROWS, Brookfield, Mass. $ 1 ; i0; p.n.2'. Honorary A. 15. Wesleyan University, 1874. Rev. WILLIAM CASE BOWEN, Bordentown, N. J. T 1; I.A.P ' Principal of Drewville Institute, z854-6; of the Academy, Skaneateles, N. Y., 1869-75, and of Bordentown Female College, since 1875. Rev. CALVIN BEACh! FORD, Hartford, Conn. PHILI DELANO HAMMOND, Indianapolis, Ind. ; c; .v.2'. Principal of the High School, Chicopee Falls, Mass, 1851-5; of the Seminary, Coopers- town, N. Y., 1855-7, and of the Seminary, Danville, Ill., 1857-6o; Chaplain of the 35th Infantry Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, x861-2; Superintendent of Schools for Vermillion County, Ill., x865-6; Founder and Editor of the Commercial, Danville, IlL., 1866-?; Contributor to the Daily 7ournal, LaFayette, Ind., x869-72; to the Indianapolis Sentinel, 1873-5 ; and to the Indianapolis Daily News, since x876; Residence at Zionsville, Ind. EuORY FISKE HOLWAY, ' .p. '8"*Rev. FENNER EMoRY KING, Corydon, Iowa. Tig 0i; J.c.i. Principal of Appleton Academy, Mount Vernon, N. H., 1854-5; of the Seminary, Newbury, 1858-6t, and of the Academy, Jonesville, N. Y., £864-7. Rev. JOsEPh HUGHES KNOWLES, Orange, N. J. 2Igo;$.h.2'. 254 XI CHAPTER. Rev. GEORGE STEVENS, Lincoln, Ill. -T t; y.S.9'. Instructor in the Collegiate Institute, Fort Edward, N. Y., 1854-9; and in the Seminary, Fulton, Ill., 1859-63; Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the State of Illinois, z863-4; Pastor at Lincoln,-1ll., since October 1o, 1877. Rev. RILEY TREDWAY TAYLOR, D. D., Beaver, Pa.;6.7r.H'. D.D. Allegheny College, 1871 ; Principal of the Wesleyan Institute, Newark, N. J., x856-7; Instructor in Languages in the Female College, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1857-8,; Principal of the High School, Marlborough, Ohio, 1858-9; President of Beaver College and Musical Insti- tute, since 1859. Rev. ABRAHAM MERRILL WHEELER, Craftshury, Vt. 9 T t0; p.g.Z'. Principal of Wesleyan Female Seminary, Springfield, Vt., 1855-6; of the High Schools at Urbana, Ill., 1857-6o, Bellows Falls, Vt., x860-62, and Great Falls, N. H., 1862-3 ; and of the Wesleyan Seminary and Female Collegiate Institute, Springfield, Vt., 1864-7; Trustee of Wesleyan University, since 1877. JAMES COOKE VANBENSCIIOTEN, LL. D.,f Middletown, Conn. O.-.#. A. M. Madison University, 1857; LL. D. University of Rochester, 1875; Principal of the College Institute, Oxford, N. Y., 1857-8 ; and of the High School, Lyons, N. Y.,1862-3; Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in Wesleyan University, since 1864; admitted at the Theta. Class of 1855 ChARLES CANDEE BALDWIN, Cleveland, Ohio. , ; P; Ac.2. LL. B. Harvard College, 1857; Founder of the Western Reserve Historical Society. Rev. DAVID COPELAND, D. D., Ph. D., Kingston, Pa. .40.K'. Ph. D. Lafayette College, 1875; ,D. D. Wesleyan University, 1877, and Syracuse Uni- versity, 1877; Principal of Griffith Institute, Springville, N. Y., 185865 ; President of the Female College, Hillsborough, Ohio, 1865.72, and of Wyoming Seminary, since 1872. Rev. HENRY LUMMIS, Monson, Mass. T 10; P.nm.2'. Valedictorian, 1855; Principal of the High School, Lynn, Mass., 1857-60; and of tho New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1862-5; Professor of Latin in Lasell Female Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., x865-8; Pastor, since s868. Rev. ELIAS RAYMOND PENNOYER, East Orange,N.J. 3;V2Tg f;IKp.O'. Salutatorian, z855; Principal of the Institute, Drewville, N. Y., 1862-5, and of Ash- land School, East Orange, N. J., since s86q ; cf. Song Book, p. 77. ALDEN GAGE WILCOX,t St. Louis, Mo. - X.A.1. Principal of the Lynn School, St. Louis, since 1867. l8l*Rev. SAMUEL WESLEY WOOD, Basking Ridge, N.J. n; 2$ TIA; 6.o.H. Rev. CHARLES WESLEY CUSnING, D. D.,t Cleveland, Ohio. T.-.P. D. D. East Tennessee Wesleyan University, 1878; Honorary A. M. Wesleyan Univer. sity, 1855; Principal of the Seminary, Newbury, Vt. ; Principal of Lasell Female Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., 1864-74; Pastor of Christ Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 18758; Agent of the Italian Bible Society, since 1878. .1 I XI CHAPTER. 255 Class of 1856. - ""*CIIARLES OLMSTEAD BUDINGTON,t Leyden, Mass. .4.1'. EDWARD JOHNSON, Lynn, Mass. T m 0; X J.'. Instructor in Ancient Languages in East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Me., x856-7; in Providence Conference Seminary, East Greenwich, Conn, 1857-8 ; in the Sem- inary, Amenia, N. Y., 1858-62; in the Female College, Platsburgh, Pa., s862-4; and in Lasell Female Seminary, 1864-5 ; Principal of the Academy Stanstead, Canada, 1865-7, and of the Private High School, Lynn, Mass., since 1868. Rev. CHARLES HENRY PAYNE, Delaware, Ohio. :; TAig T 1 0; F.s. p'. D. D. Dickinson College, 1870; LL. D. Ohio State University, 1876; Pastor of Arch Street and Spring Garden Churches, Philadelphia Pa., and of St. Paul's, Cincinnati, Ohio; President of Ohio Wesleyan University, since 1876 ; author of " Daniel the Uncompromising Young Man," "The Social Glass," " Our American Sabbath-shall it be a Holiday or a Holyday?" "The Bible, the Nation and the Common School " one of the Editors of the " Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church," 1878. DANIEL POMEROY, New York City. $ ; 6.xP'. Salutatorian, 1056. JAMES MARGARUM POMEROY, Little Rock, Ark. 0 ; atz.~. Captain in the 16th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x861-2; Major of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment of Kansas Volunteers, 1862, and of the 9th Cavalry, 1862-4; Lieutenant-Colonel of tho 4th Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps, 1865-6; Brevot Colonel; Colonel; Inspector-General of the State of Arkansas, appointed 1874 ; Adjutant- General of Arkansas, appointed 1877; Editor of "Debates and Proceedings of the Arkansas Constituticnal Convention" (x868), "The Constitution of Arkansas" (1868), "Report of the Impeachment Trial of Chief Justice McClure " (1871), and " Digest of the Constitution of Ar- kansas of 1874" (1876). GEORGE CROSBY SMITh, Carmel, N. Y. 2 t 0 ; z..1F~. Principal of the Institute, Drewville, N. Y., x856-7; of the Seminary, Newbury, Vt., 1862-5; of Drew Ladies' Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1866.76, and of Drew Seminary and Fe- male College, since 1876. Class of 1857. LORENZO Dow BLANCHARD, New York City. , ; p.4. HENRY AARON BUDINGTON, Greenfield, Mass. i; T 0; .s.P'. Principal of the Academy, Bound Brook, N. J., 1859-60; Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue, Greenfield, Mass., 1862-9; Editor of the Franklin County Times, since 1869. JOAN WESLEY CURRIER, Alton, N. H. ; 1 c; Xp. 0'. LL. B. Albany Law School, 186r; Principal of the High School, Alton, N. H., :8c8-60; District Attorney, 1810-75; Clerk of the New Hampshire Senate. Rev. JOsEPh HENRY JAMESt Burnside, Conn. ; p.p.HJ. Chaplain of the 12th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-4. s"*HoMER GOODALL KELSEY,t Belvidere, Ill. !P i. 256 XI CHAPTER. RCV.WILLARD FRANCIS MALLALIEU, Boston, Mass. i 0 ; y ci0; q.6&r. D. D. East Tennessee Wesleyan University, 1874 ; President of Central Tennessee Col- lege, z867-8; Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1872; Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society ; Secretary of the New England Educational Society. Rev. JOHN PETERSON, Ware, Mass. i; TA Ti0; F.n.r'. Salutatorian, 1857. WILLIAM HENRY SUTTON, Philadelphia, Pa. T.T*.oa. Class of 1858. Rev.GEORGE STORRS CHADBOURNE, Worcester, Mass. ; 0 TAI ; A.w.K'. Associate Principal of Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 186o-63; Pastor of Grace Church, Worcester, since 1876. Rev. CHARLES ALLEN GILBERT,t Gainesville, Fla. T 0 ; a.e.5. Rev. DANIEL CLARK KNOWLES, Lawrence, Mass. 2 '2 1 jf ; 0.6.;. Captain in the 48th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1863-2; Principal of the Seminary, Pennington, N. J., x863-6 ; Pastor at Lawrence, since 1878; author of "A Life that Speaketh-a Biography of Rev. Geo. P. Wilson" (1874). WILLIAM ALBERT REYNOLDS, Boston, Mass. ; 2 f T b; P.g.x'. Salutatorian, x858; Principal of the School, Dover, Del., 1858-65, and of the Classical and Mathematical Institute, Wilmington, Del., s865-76; Master in the Boston Latin School, since 1876. Class of 1859. BENJAMIN HICKS CIIENEY, M.-ID.,t New Haven, Conn. i; p.r.Af. 1I. D. University of Louisiana, 1861; Acting Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army, :86z-2; Assistant Surgeon of the 41st Ohio Volunteers, 1862-4; Examining Surgeon of the Provost Marshal's Bureau for the 6th District of Illinois, 2864-5; Associate Editor of the A4f.dicalinvestigator, 1871-3; Examining Surgeon for Pensions, since 1874. Rev. GEORGE GAMALIEL DAINs, Gouverneur, N. Y. '; il1ege, Sackville, N. B., x867-9. Rev. JAMES MARCUS KING, D. D., New York City. .; I4 TT ; E.p.X'. D. D. Wesleyan University, 1877; Instructor in the Institute, Fort Edward, N. Y., :862-8; Pastor at Troy, N. Y., 2868-71; at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., z871-4; at St. John's Church, New York City, 1874-7; and at Washington Square, since 1877. K XI CHAPTERS 259 IS*PERRY GREEN POWELLJ Porter, Mich. CHARLEs TAUILMAN REED, Camden, N. J. 6.C.TI. Class of 1863. Rev. GREENLEAF GREELY BAKER, Baltimore, Ad. f 0; E.z.yt. Pastor of the Madison Square Methodist Episcopal Church, since 1876. l8"-*GEO2GE STOERS BATES,4 Great Falls, N. H. E.y.X . Principal of the Grammar School, Great Falls, 1862-4 ; died November 25, 2872. Rev. JAMES CLARK WATSON COKE, Ph. D., Washington, Iowa. qta. 7r. Ph. D. Cornell College, 2876; Principal of the High School, East Bridgewater, Mass., x862-3; and of the Vermont Methodist Seminary, 1872-4,; Delegate to the General Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1872; Delegate of the General Conference to the National Council of Congregational Churches, 1872; Pastor at Burlington, Iowa, 1874-7, 9,nd at Washington, Iowa, since 2877. I CLARENCE PORTER KIDDERtt Wilkesbarre, Pa. V ; zI.p.x'. Rev. WINFIELD SCOTT SMYTII, Cazenovia, N. Y. 2$ T2 T c m; E3.#.. Ph. D. Syracuse University, 1876; M. Ac. Eastman's National Business College, 2863; Principal of Wyoming Commercial College, Kingston, Pa., 1863-4; Associate Principal of Wyoming Seminary, 1865-9; Principal of Cazenovia Seminary, since 1869; Trustee of Wesleyan University, since 2871; author of "History of Cazenovia Seminary" (1877). Rev. ALEXANDER CHILsON STEVENS, Brooklyn, N. Y. 0 i T1; T.w.f. Class of 1864. WILLARD SPENCER ALLEN,f East Boston, Mass. E.w. !. ,fember of the School Board of the City of Boston, 1872-6; Clerk of the Municipal Court of the East Boston District, since 1874 ; Editor of the "Genealogy of Samuel Allen, of Windsor, Conn." (1876). 1""6*Rev. JACOB WORTHEN HALL AMES, Cromwell, Conn. -; Q ; E.t.4. Valedictorian, 1864; died'in Middletown, Conn., June 12, 1866. Rev. hENRY BAKER, Cincinnati, Ohio. $ L; E.0.v. Pastor of the Walnut Hills Methodist Episcopal Church, since 1877. Rev. JEDEDIAH IIDURKEE BEEMAN, Springfield, Vt. t ; v.n.Z. Assistant Principal of the House of Refuge, Randall's Island, 2864-5; Principal of Leake and Watts Orphan House, :865-6; Presiding Elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, since 1875; Delagate to the General Conference, 1876. GEORGE SLOCUM BENNETT, Wilkesbarre, Pa. -i; I I P T mII; v.m.S. ""*JAMES HERVEY DANDY, Jn.,j Rahway, N. J. v.t.j . Captain in the xooth Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers; Major; Acting Colonel of the 7th Pennsylvania Reserves ; fell while leading the regiment against Fort Greg, Petersburg, Va. S A. ._ . . - u uu ri+ nu irurr wwr iuir. inr rirr rw.wr wniWnrr / 260 XI CHAPTER. JAMES HENRY EASTMANJ Jamesburgh, N. J. e.r.rp'. Superintendent of the Connecticut State Industrial School for Girls, Middletown, Conn., 1873-4, and of the New Jersey State Reform School, since 1874. Rev. GEORGE FORSYTH, Bueksport, Me. T..T. Principal of the Academy, Catawissa, Pa., 1866-7, and of East Maine Conference Sem. inary, since 1872. IS"*MosEs ASBUiY HILL,t Norwalk, Cone. v.w.6'. Lieutenant, Captain and Major of Volunteers, z86x-5; died July 1x, 1867. Rev. JESSE LYMAN HURLBUT, Hoboken, N. J. 2 14 V; V.Z.6'. Editor of" The Lesson Compend" (1876, 1877, 2878, 3 vols.). CHARLES HARVEY LANEt New York City. 0 ci; T.g.0 . RICHARD WATSON NEWHAL, New York City. 0; .k.. Member of the Connecticut Legislature, 1877. Rev. CHARLES ENOS PAGE) Chardon, Ohio. T'g6'. Pastor of the Congregational Church at Huntsburg, Ohio, since 1874. THEODORE DWIGHT SIIEPIIERDf Norwalk, Ohio. 14 0; E.a. 0. WILLIAM SHERIDEN TODD, M. D., Ridgefield, Conn. E.p. . At. D. Columbia College, 1869. Rev. ALBERT HARMON WYATT, Durham, Conn. 01T J T i 06; P.-X. Chaplain of the zogth Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-4. Rev. SIDNEY DEAN,4 Warren, R. I. Z--. Member of the Rhode Island Legislature,'1853-4; Member of the United States House of Representatives, x855-9, and Chairman of the Committee on Public Expenditures, 1857-9; Pastor at Pawtucket, Providence and Warren, z86o-65; Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, :86o; Editor of the Providence Evening Press, and of the Morning Star, since x865; Contributor to the New York tndef indent; author of several published Sermons and Addresses. Rev. CHATRLES NELSON SMITITH Lynn, Mass. T.-. '. Honorary A. At. Wesleyan University, 3864 ; Presiding Elder In the Methodist Episco- pal Church, 2875-6. Class of 1865. Rev. WELLESLEY WELLINGTON BOWDISII, Brooklyn, N. Y. 0 ; E.W.F. Pastor at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1866-9; at Bridgeport, 1869-72; at New York City, :872-5; at Carroll Park, Brooklyn, 1875-7; at First Place, since x877. ROBERT NEWTON EDDY) Cazenovia, N. Y. 0; v.n.E. Lieutenant in the 114th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, x862-3.0 Rev. GEORGE AUGUSTUS GRAVES, Mianus, Conn. ci; E.W.C. B. D. Union Theological Seminary, x869; Pastor at Mianus, since x877. -1% XI CHAPTER. 261 Rev. Cvuus AUGUSTUS JOHNSON, Greenwich, N. Y. v.z.E'. B. D. Union Theological Seminary, 1868; Pastor at Greenwich, since 1873. Rev. WILLIAM VALENTINE KELLEY, Newark, N. J. 2$ ) I E ; .k.v. Author of" Life and Times of John Brown "-an Oration delivered at the 8th Quad- rennial Celebration of the Xi(1877). JONAThAN BURWELL KILDOURNEf Middletown, Conn. e.S.)?. Treasurer of the Middletown Savings Bank, since £877. Rev. JAMES MUDGE, Lucknow, India. 1 I; e.k. r'. B. D. Boston University, 1870; Editor of the Lucknow jVitness, since 1873; author of " Handbook of Methodism " (1876), and " Good Stories for the Family Circle and the Leisure Hour" (Lucknow, 1878). JACOB NEAL PERKINS, Syracuse, N. Y. fl; 4.o.Zt. S*'ILLIAM HENRY RICHMAN, St. Louis, Mo. ; T.m.e. LL. B. Albany Law School, 1866. Rev. RICHARD HUBBARD RUST, Fall River, Mass. i; e.m.t B. D. Union Theological Seminary, x868; Pastor at Fall River, since 1877. Rev. GEORGE LEwIs WESTGATE, Middletown, Conn. :; Q41 IT 0; e.a.T T. Salutatorian, 1865; Orator at the 7th Quadrennial Celebration of the Xi, 1873; Pastor at Middletown, since 1876. Rev. JUBA HowE VORCE4j Birmingham, Conn. c'.". A. B. Middlebury College, x865; S. T. B. Yale College, 1870; Pastor at Derby, Conn. Class of i866. 18* LARMON ROELLAS ABBOTT,West Winsted, Conn. %; 2 41 If 0; pd. T. Instructor in Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., x866-72; died July 12, 872. GEORGE GARY Busu, Ph. D., Turin, N. Y. 2; . Ph. D. Syracuse University, 1878; Principal of the Academy, Attica, N. Y., 1866-7; Superintendent of Schools, Geneseo, Ill., 1868-9 ; Instructor in Vermont Methodist Seminary, 1869-74. LuCius STARR MILLER4 J.M.T. WILLIAM HERBERT MOONEYj Chicago, Ill. c; P.a.-r. AUGUSTUs FREDERICKNIGTINGALE,Wright's Grove,Ill. 01 I ; .n. f. Valedictorian, :866; Professor of Ancient Languages in Upper Iowa University, :866-8; Acting President of the Woman's College of the Northwestern University, 1868-71:; Profes- sor of Ancient Languages in Simpson Centenary College, 1871-2; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Omaha, Nebr., 1872-4; Principal of the High School, Lake View,Ill., 1874-6, and of the High School, Wrights Grove, since 1876. WESLEY SHERMAN, M. D.j Brooklyn, N. Y. ; qpn.4. 262 XI CHAPTER. Rev.ALEXANDER HARRISON TUTTLE, Hackettstown, N.J. ; 1g; 6.c.T'. ADNER ENSIGN GBns,f Westfield, Mass. A. M. Williams College, x866; Principal of the High School, Westfield. Class of 1867. I86*CHARLEs LORENZO BARROWS,f Weston, Vt. A.g.4. Rev. JOsEPII ALBERTSON DILKS, Windsor, N. J. p; p Instructor in the Semipary, Pennington, N. J., x867-8 ; Vice-Principal, x868-72; Princi- pal, :872-6. DAvID BENSON FuRlBER, Westfield, Mass. 2$T; v.h.v . Sergeant in the Signal Corps of the Army of the James, 1863-5; Instructor in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1867-8, and in the High School, Westfield, x868-74. Rev. EMORY JAMES IAYNES, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; 01j; z.l.t. Rev. CHARLES EDWARD MANDEVILLE, Rockford, Ill. T; P .rn.H". Principal of Jennings Seminary, Aurora, Ill., x873-6. HIENRY CLAY MIOHENER,t Doylestown, Pa. 0 ; 6.c.Ji'. "BDRev. WILLIAM FORMAN MORRIS, Tinton Falls, N. J. p.h.P . B. D. Drew Theological Seminary, x869. GEORGE GARDNER STEPIIENSON,t Amenia, N. Y. 6.r.2. SAMUEL HOYT TROWBRIDGE, Glasgow, Mo. Instructor in Pritchett Collegiate Institute, x869-73, and since 1875 ; Assistant in Geology and Entomology in Agassiz's Museum, 2874-5. HORACE REED WILLIAMS, M. D.,f New York City. ; Am.HC. MELVIN BLAKE COPELAND,t Middletown, Conn. Z.. Cashier of the Middletown National Bank, since %855;.Treasurer of the Incorporated Association of the Xi, x867-78; Building Committee, with D. W. Northrop (Xi, '68), for the erection of the Xi Chapter House, 1877-8. Class of 1868. EDMUND GRIFFIN BUTLER, Wilkesbarre, Pa. i; TI 0; 0.s.O'. LESLIE BINGIIAM COOKE, Watertown, N. Y. OW g 0; k.y.Or. Salutatorian, x868; Assistant Engineer of the Missouri Valley and other Railroads, 1869-72; Chief Engineer of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg and other Railroads, since 1873. ROBERT McLEAN CUMNOCK, Evanston, Ill. A 0; z.a.1. Professor cf Elocution in the Northwestern University, since :868, and in Drew Theo. logical Seminary, Madison, N. J., since 1878; Editor of a series of Readers. f XIVCHAPTER. 263 ELMER NULL HANCOCK, New Orleans, La. TT 0; 4.r.O . LL. B. Albany Law School, 1869; Address, care of The Time:. Rev. THEODORE MEYER HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio. 0; .. . Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 1874. Rev. ENSIGN MCTIIESNEY, Taunton, Mass. p T I; .O.7A . Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1876. Rev. ALBERT JULIUS NAST, Cincinnati, Ohio. ; ZA.U.K . Professor of German in Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, 1868; and of Ancient Languages, Anglo-Saxon and German, in the Cincinnati Wesleyan College. since 1878 ; Contributor to the Christliche Apologete, 1877; Translator of the "Larger Catechism " of William Nast, D. D. (1868), and of the " Smaller Catechism" (1869). Ion. DAVID WARD NORTHROP, Middletown,Conn. '; 2$ TI IT 0; p.f.S. LL. B. Albany Law School, 1870; Law Partner of A. B. Calef (Xi, '5z), since 1871; Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court of Middlesex County, 1870-73; Member of the Con- necticut Legislature, 1871; Judge of Probate for the District of Middletown, since 1873; Building Committee, with M. B, Copeland (Xi,'67), for the erection of the Xi Chapter House, 1877-8. EVERETT IRVING RACRETT, Orient, N. Y. TAT T 0; 4.n.P. LL. B. Albany Law School, 1870. REUBEN LITCI ROBERTS, Boston, Mass. O.F.p. Rev. ORANGE WALTER SCOTT,J Concord, N. H. f. CHARLES S4MIT,f Preston, Wis. 0; t.n.O. ALEXANDER DALLAS BACHE SMEADT Fort Laramie, Wyo. Z.2.Nr. A. B. Dickinson College, 1868; 1st Lieutenant in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army, since 1873. WILLIAM TRI.KETT,f Carlisle, Pa. ..v . A. B. Dickinson College, 1868; Professor of Modern Languages in Dickinson College, 1872-5. Rev. CHARLES WESLEY WINCIIESTER,f Hornellsville, N. Y. Z.90 *.1 A. B. Genesee College, x867; A. M. Syracuse University ; cf. Song Book, pp. 6, 39, 99. Class of 1869. HENRY SMITH CARIIART, Evanston, Ill. T2 TAT; zl.m.II'. Valedictorian, z869; Professor of Civil Engineering in Northwestern University.,1872-4; and of Physics, since 1874. Rev. DAVID CASLER, Detroit, Mich. 4.m.zr. Rev. NATHAN GILBERT CHENEY, Nynee Tal, India. J X.a.Kt. B. D. General Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H., z866; Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church in India, since 1875. 1 04. XlK 264 XI CHAPTER. "O*JOIIN SAMUEL GREENFIELD, Meriden, Conn. 0 ; 4.i.i. SAMUEL ROBINSON KELLEY, Boston, Mass. p.a.H . Rev. TAMERLANE PLINY MARSH, Chicago, Ill. TA1T 1 1v ;qPy.Lt. Chief Clerk in the Quartermaster's Department under General Brown, 1864. FRANK EDWARD PORTER, M. D., Auburndale, Mass. -; A 0 ; dx.i. M. D. Harvard College, x873; Surgeon in the Massachusetts General Hospital, x872-4. ""*JOHN HALE POWERS, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4 t T ZII; 4.6./. Rev. GEORGE EDWARD REED; Stamford, Conn. 0 0; p.u.r'. Rev. HENRY ALANSON STARKS, Chatham, N. Y. A; T; qn.Hr. 13. D. Boston University, 1872. JOSEPH DAME WEEKs, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; A.r./. Managing Editor of the American Manufacturer, 1873-5; Associate Editor of the Iron Age, since 1876. CALEB TIlOMAS WINCHESTER, Middletown, Conn. 1 T P z; 4.h.H. Librarian of Wesleyan University, x86973; Olin Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, since 2873; Associate Editor of the "Alumni Record of Wesleyan University" (11873). Rev. WILBERFORCE WELLSt Patterson, N. Y. B. A*. A. B. Dickinson College. Class of 1870. DARiuS BAKtER, Newport, R. I. T Ig T n; zn.lt. Salutatorian, x870; Tutor in Wesleyan University, 1872-4; Judge of Probate, since 1877. FRANCIS BARTLETT BEERS,t Brooklyn, N. Y. 0 ; Aq.J'. Rev. LEON CHESTER FIELD, Haverhill, Mass. ; 0; .t.KC. Valedictorian, 1870; President of Claflin University, x873-4; Member of the American Philological Association ; Contributor to the Ladie:' Refository; author of "Latin Anal- ysis and Parsing," and " Analysis of the Latin Verb" (:870). Rev. BENJAMIN GILL, Wilbraham, Mass. T 0 ; i.e.0'. Instructor in Wesleyan Academy, since 2872. Rev. SAMUEL PARKER HAMMOND, Hackensack, N. J. f 0 ; Xi.k Rev. JOHN WESLEY KNAPP,f Broadway, N. J. p.6.,'. Rev. GEORGE HARRISON MCGREW, Kingwood, W. Va. C h 0; .-IJ©. LL. B. Harvard College, 1873; B. D. Drew Theological Seminary, 1876; Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church, stationed at Moradabad, India, since 2876. IIOWARD AUGUSTUS McKENNY, Gorham, Me. 4..I(. k _ 'N XI CHAPTER. 265 HIRAM LORENZO PEET,f Dubuque, Iowa. 'J..A. Professor in Washington University, 1873-6. Rev. WILLIAM JONATHAN SMITH, East Bridgewater, Mass. 0 b ; r.t.I!. MARVIN WALLACE VANDENBURG, Fort Edward, N.Y. 8 n; X.a.K5. Instructor in the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, since 1874. JOSEPH KENNARD WELLS, Trenton, N. J. 2$ 4; .i.K . LL. B., 1874. Class of 1871. Rev. WILLIAM HENRY COOKt Ashburnham, Mass. ; Glo.A.'. Rev.ROBERT WILLIAM CARR FARNSWORTH,West Dennis,Lass. ; /J.r.$. Captain in the 32nd (Colored) Infantry Regiment of United States Volunteers, 1864-5. CHARLES HENRY FULLERf Montpelier, Vt. o; 6.8. WILLIAM FLETCHER GRAVESJ Indianapolis, Ind. .co.Nt. A. B. Illinois Wesleyan University, 1871. Rev. ROBERT WEAVER JONES, Brooklyn, N. Y. I I T ; J.p.; Rev.WATSoN ELI KNox, West Springfield, Mass. T 0 ; z.. . Principal of the Seminary, Felton, Del., x872-4. Joh N H E NRY LOWMAN, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio. j ; 4 i T:; J..Mr. M. D. Wooster University, 1873; Resident Physician in Charity Hospital, Cleveland, 1872-4 ; Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in Wooster University, since :875. Rev. NORMAN JAIRUS SQUIRES, North Manchester, Conn. Q ; &.t.5. B. D. General Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H., x865. XS"*CIIARLES BRAINERD TiiOMAS,f Santa Rosa, Cal. U; V.p.Ne. JohN SHEPARD MORGAN4 Rochester, N. Y. T.At*1. A. B. Genesee College, 1871; Valedictorian. Class of 1872. l69*IIOWARD EMORY ALCOTTt Mount Holly, N. J. ; 1b.pd. Rev. EDXiN ALoNZo BLARE, Babylon, N. Y. ; 2 o ; z.c.N'. Rev. JOHN AYER CASs, Somerville, Mass. ; j i; .d.r'. Author of " Is there a Hell?" (Boston, 1878). Rev. PERRY CHANDLER, Gorham, N. H. 2 v; A. .Ml. Rev. ALMoN EVERETT HALL, Stamford, Vt. 2 1 ; .f.pu. Rev. JAMES HOWARD HAND,t Southam'pton, N. Y. 14 T 0 U; J.g.N'. n rr - r ' ia ._. rr t 266 XI CHAPTER. LEVERETT MARSDEN IIUBBARD,J Wallingford, Conn. 6.a.N'. LL. B. Albany Law School, x870; Postmaster at Wallingford, since 1875. Rev. MARTIN VANBUREN KNOXf Baldwin City, Kans. z.i.Mt. Captain of United States (Colored) Infantry ; Professor in Baker University. ADDISON BROWN POLANDt Ilion, N. Y. t; .j.p. Honorary A. M. Wesleyan University, 1876; Principal of the High School, Ilion, since 1874. ""-**Rev. DAMON CLARKE PORTER, East Boston, Mass. 0 fl; A.k.N'. HENRY TOWNSEND SCUDDER, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 4TA IT P b0m ; .y.v'. EUGENE ALONZO WEBSTER, Charleston, S. C. J11; A.m.M . Editor of The Free Citizen. Class of 1873- JOSEPn AUGUSTUS ADLINGTON, Rochester, N. Y. f; p.y.co. LL. B. Columbia College, 1875; Salutatorian, x873; ist Lieutenant in the 12th Cavalry Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, 1864-5; Judge Advocate, 1865-6. Rev. ARITIIUR PRINCE ADAMS,4 Beverly, Mass. v.c.Ai. A. B. Wesleyan University, 1874. Rev. GEORGE JAY BROWN, Troy, N. Y. T P omn; p.s.z. R. D. Drew Theological Seminary, 1876; Instructor in Drew Theological Seminary, 1874-5- Rev. WILLIAM BUNKER COLEMAN, Collinsville, Conn. A.M.&. B. D. Berkeley Divinity School, 1876. GEORGE WILLIAM ELLIOTT4f Rochester, N. Y. 18 y o; A.b.W. A. B. Syracuse University, 1873; Assistant Editor of the Northern Cristian Advocate, 1873-4; Night Editor of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle; Associate Editor, since 1877; cf. Song Book, p. 131. CHARLES HAMLIN FURBER, Lowell, Mass. Jet Pm 5; 9.a.O,. I WILLIAM HENRY LAWRENCE, M. D.,f Tomhannock, N. Y. M. D. University of the City of New York, 1877. OLIN LEVINGS LIVESEY, New London, Conn. I T CnA LES ROGER LORDt Ipswich, Mass. JONATHAN MAGIE MEEKER,f Elizabeth, N. J. ARTHUR TAYLOR NEALE, Middletown, Conn. T Assistant in Practical Chemistry in Wesleyan University, x874-7. Rev. ISAAC HENRY PACKARD, Melrose, Mass. G.n.c. t ; .w.a . qpa.6. 0; p.y.A,. OT7; 2.z12, 2; M.c.cr,. L." Vol" XI CHAPTER. 267 BENJAMIN BENNETT PENFIELD, Xenia, Ohio. .h.co. Professor of Languages and Mathematics in Xenia College, since 1875. Rev. HENRY THORNE SELL, Lysander, N. Y. zl.d.A. Rev. JOEL OSMON STIERBURN, Randolph, Vt. ; 4G ac; qpe.G. GEORGE HENRY SMITH, Maiden, Mass. , T m ? %; Rp.f.&. LL. B. Boston University, 1876. l""*SANDFORD BATTERSIIALL WASIIBURNEJ Fort Edward, N. Y. +.g..". 11*FRANCIS ASBURY WINCH,t Northfield, Vt. z5; 1d.j.d. Class of 1874. BENJAMIN JARVIS ADAMS, Ml. D., Flatbush, N. Y. JIg; Z.e.ft". M. D. Columbia College, 1877; Resident Physician in Kings County Hospital, 1877-8; Address, for 1878-9, care of Rev. B. M. Adams, New Haven, Conn. ALBERT LAFORREST BACHELLER, Lowell, Mass. 19 f1c; 4.a. . Principal of the Colburn Grammar School, since 1874. JAMES HALSTEAD BOUCHER4, Rochester, N. Y. 0; p.a.B. ID"*BENJAMIN WEBSTER BRIERLYt Norwich, Conn. H.g.fT. Rev. JOSlIUA ROGErS BUCKELEW, West Suffield, Conn. 6 o 8; 6.e.f. Rev. DANIEL DORCHESTER, JR., Hopkinton, Mass. ; 0 ; qi;.a. . Instructor in Vermont Methodist Seminary, 1874-6. GEORGE ADDISON EMERSONJ Bristol, N. H. J.u. p6. LL. B. Harvard College, 1875. Rev. JosEp BROWN HAMBLEN, JR., South Thomaston, Me. n; .q. . CHARLES WESLEY SMILEY, Madison, N. J. N N N ; 2f T0; 4.e.Vr. Assistant Librarian of Drew Theological Seminary, 1874-5 ; Instructor in Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J.,1875-6, and in Drew Seminary and Female College, Carmel, N. Y., 1876-7 ; Editor of the Ninth General Catalogue of the Psi UPSiLoN Fraternity (1878). Rev. EDWIN PITMAN STEVENS, Albany, N. Y. 0 . J ; 4.a.fl. B. D. Boston University, 1877; Address, Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. EMORY IIARLOW TALBOT, Boston, Mass. T T0 b; LA.b. Yf News Editor of the Hartford Daily Times, 1874-7 ; Night Editor of the Boston Glioe, since 1877; Contributor to the Ladies' Rejository and Zion's Werald. ./} 268 I XI CHAPTER. Class of 1875. IS?*ALFRED WILLISTON ADAMSJ Provineetown, Mass. TtI d I; J..y. Donor of aoo Volumes to the Xi Library ; died at Danville, N. Y., April 23, 1875- ARTHUR LEONARD ANDREWS, Albany, N. Y. T 1; 16i.x. Rev. LEONARD LEMON BEEMAN, Bellows Falls, Vt. T 0 ; F.s.'. ALFRED EDGAR BEST, Waterford, N. Y. ; z.i.F . Principal of the Academy, Georgetown, Delaware, 1876-7; Assistant Editor of the Wilmington Morning heral d, 1877-8. OLIVER ALLEN COLEMAN, Cooperstown, N. Y. JI T T; P .r.X,. FR ANCIS ASBURY CRANDALL, New York City. b ; t.b.X,. MOSEs EUGENE CULVER, Middletown, Conn. r; X.w.X1. Rev. JUNIUS GUILFORD FALLON, Chatham Centre, N. Y. 0 ; d.d.L". THOMAS RAYMOND KNEIL, Poultney, Vt. Ij n; rp.v.X,. Principal of the High School, lelchertown, Mass., 1877-8; Instructor in Troy Confer- ence Academy, since 1878. CYRUS COLIGNA LOvEJOY, Kingston, Pa. ' P11; H.r. F. Instructor in Wyoming Seminary, since 1876. ChARLES PHELPS,f Tolland, Conn. qP.O.F. MATTHEW VERNER SIMPSON, Philadelphia, Pa. ft; A.e.y . Rev. GEORGE SKENE,f Hoosick Falls, N. Y. ABRAhAM SUTTON UNDERIIILL, Sing Sing, N. Y. ; 0 ; 6.e.f. Rev. JOSEPH ZwEIFELt Adamsville, N. Y. z.s.X1. Class of 1876. WILLIAM BORDEN BALDWINJ Fall River, Mass. Rev. DANIEL MOORE BATES, JR.,j Shanghai, China. Ak. . B. D. Berkeley Divinity School, 1878; Missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, stationed in China, since 1878; Address, care of Chancellor G. H. Bates, Wilmington, Del. GEORGE SILAS COLEMAN, Cooperstown, N. Y. t i; J l T A ; p.a.,. First Grade of Honor, 1876; Recipient of eight College prizes, 1873-6. BENJAMIN COULBOURN CONNER,WlliamspOrt, Pa. 0 II T T u; d.4.1I. Instructor in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., since 1876. CIIARLES EDWARD DAVIS, Webster, Mass. T2JJ ig P T; A s. ,. Instructor in Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1876-7; Principal of the High School, Webster, since x877. i r 9 a r XI CHAPTER. 269 Rev. TIMOTHY PRESCOTT FROsTJtWoodstock, Vt. T 0; 4.w.i,. Rev. WILLIAM MCNAn GILLIS, Landgrove, Vt. S; A . ""?*LEWIS lENRY NOBLE,t Westfield, Mass. ; .x. 04. CALVIN BUTTERFIELD TUTTLEt Lynn, Mass. &.. EDWARD ARTHUR WILKIE, Ashburnharn, Mass. 0 m 7II; tv.,. First Grade of Honor, 1876; Instructor in Cusbing Academy, since 1876; Contributor to Zion'sHerald. Class of 1877. JEREMIAI FRANCIS CALEF, Middletown, Conn. 4I 0 a; 6.k.2 ,. WILLiS GAYLORD CLARKE, St. Clair, Mihe. j II Tb ; Ax.. First Grade of Honor, 1877; Recipient of 1o College prizes, 1874-7; Squires Scholar, Registrar and Assistant Librarian in.Wesleyan University, 1877-8. CLARENCE PETER COBURN, Malden, Mass. 0cr; zI.a.E". Instructor in the Normal School, Waynesboro, Ga., £877-8. IIENRY PRENTICE COOKE, JR., Watertown, N. Y. 2; 6.qp. WILLIAM HENRY FAIRCrLD,tFairfield, Vt.- .. .. HOWARD NEWTON KNIGHT,f Providence, P. I. p.n.E,. EDWARD SAMUEL LEWIS,f Groesbeek, Ohio. A. B. Boston University, 1877; Instructor in the High School, Groesbeck, since 1877. EUGENE WEST MANNING, Wilmington, Del. 4 f, C' ; i..H". CHARLES HENRY RAYMOND, Wilbraham, Mass. I; . UPSILON UIAPTER9 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Class of 1854. Rev. AMOS JUDSON BARRETT, Rochester, N. Y. r.0$4'. Principal of Nunda Literary Institute. 1854-9; of Kingsville Academy, 1859-67; of Low. viUle Academy, 1867-70, and of Rochester Collegiate Institute, since z870. Class of 1856. Rev. DANIEL BoWEN, Mandarin, Fla. Z. W.P. Assistant Librarian of the University of Rochester, 2857-8. Rev. MELVIN JAMESON, Bassein, Burmah. T.T*o.. Missionary of the Baptist Church, stationed in Burmah, since 3873. Class of 1858. ALMON CLEMATUS BACON, Tahlequah, Indian Territory. 2 f; X.cI'. ""11*EGBERT HUED, New York City. ; 4.. Rev. HENRY LYMAN MoREfIoUSE, Rochester, N. Y. ; 5 P; X.2.B'. Class of 1859. "4*IRA COLLINS CLARK, Rochester, N. Y. 2$ 0 ; X.D. Y'. Adjutant of the 14oth Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862. Jo[IN PECK COLBY, LL. D., St. Louis, Mo. i; ; x.G.B. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the Eclectic Medical College, St. Louis, Mo. Ion. JOSHUA GAsIILL, Lockport, N. Y. 3 II fl II; A.F.B. City Clerk, 1865; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, x865-6; City Treasurer, =870-7a; Surrogate of Niagara County, since 1872; cf. Song Book, p. so. EDWARD POWELL GOULD, Erie, Pa. 2$ T g ; and Lieutenant in the 27th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1861; 1st Lieu- tenant and Captain, %862; Chief Clerk of the Department of State, Albany, N. Y., 1872-3. 288 UPSILON CHAPTER. I"*GEORGE WASHINGTON HOUGIITON, Fishkill Plains, N.Y. f; ,. TV. '. Rev. HENRY HOBART VANDEUSENt Paris, Ill. J.A.I . A. B. Hobart College, 1859; Professor of Latin in Racine College, 1875-6. Class of 186o. NORMAN AUSTIN BARRETTrJ Plainwell, Mich. TI.a.B. Captain in the 7th Cavalry Regiment of Ohio Volunteers EDWIN PETER MARCH, New York City. T p d; K.f.w'. Admitted atthe Delta. "863*SYLVANUS SIIULER WILCOX, Albany, N. Y. ; i fT 06; A.6.B'. Captain in the 15rst Regiment of New York Volunteers ; died in the service. FRANCIS AsnunrY WILLIAMS, Corning, N. Y. 4 t A ; Z.qp. . Class of 1861. HORACE BELDENt Brockport, N. Y. 04 ; $.c. W. SENECA COON, Union City, Pa. b 0 ; I.r.B. CHARLES AYRAULT DEWEY, Rochester, N. Y. if Ig f o; A-ds/ WILLIAM SMITU ELY, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. wTiE ft ; 2.l.pi. M. D. Columbia College, 1867; Assistant Surgeon of the zolth Regiment of New York Volunteers, 1862-3; Surgeon, x865; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1865. AShER BENTON EVANS,f Lockport, N. Y. 7.x.p1. A. B. Madison University ; Principal of the Lockport Normal School, 1876. I$?S*GEORGE FRANKLIN GARDNER, Loekport, N. Y. T t 0 r; A.g. IRA HOLMES, Chicago, Ill. i ; A.m.B'. ad Lieut. In the 3d Cavalry Regiment of New York Volunteers; President of the Second National Bank, 1875. Class of 1862. DANIEL SMITh BENJAMIN, Rochester, N. Y. g it 0; .y. y. Professor of Latin and Greek in Rochester Free Academy ; Principal of Benjamin's High School, 1875. ALBERT WEIGIITMAN CRANDALL, LOS Angeles, Cal. W! f 0 b6; a~h-P;. REUBEN TRUE PETTENGILL, Chicago, Ill. T Ja 0 U; y.c. . GEORGE MILLER PINNEY,f Oakland, Cal. W; c.t. y. United States Marshal of Montana, 1865-7. UPSILON CHAPTER. 289 S"4*CLINTON JACKSON SHELDON, Albany, N. Y. ; T 0; P.6.pf. ion. ALBION WINEGAR TOURGEE, Raleigh, N. C. 0 ; X.y.X'. Captain in the zo5th Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, x861-5: Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, 1863-75; author. under the nom de plume of Henry Churton, of " Toi- nette" (N. Y., 1874, 12mo.); Delegate to the Constitutional Convention of North Carolina, :868 and 1875' Code Commissioner of North Carolina, x868-70; United States Pension Agent, since 1876: Editor of the "North Carolina Form Book " (1869), "Annotated Code of North Carolina" (1877), and "Standing Cases " (1878); cf. Song Book, pp. 75, 82, o. RUSSELL MUMFORD TUTTLE, Hornellsville, N. Y. 2$ QT [ 0 T; T4.x'. 2nd Lieutenant in the ro7th Infantry Regiment of New York Volunteers; Editor of the Hornellsville Times. $""*JOSEPII WEBSTERJ Saybrook, Ohio. 0; ,d.c.x . 1st Lieutenant in the 27th Regiment of New York Volunteers; killed in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. Class of 1863. Rev. HENRY COOPER, Miarion, N. Y. QT1T i P 8S; Z.gfi'. GEORGE CLINTON DENSMORE, Brooklyn, N. Y. f 0; y./L.A0. Rev.. WILLIAM MIARvIN JONES, New York City. II w. JAMES STILLMAN, Westerly, R.I.2f 1 0 ; B.p.6'. Class of 1864. WILLIAM BARDWELL BURKE, Rochester, N. Y. 2$ 0 P 0 I; y..d'. "*'WILLIAM EMMETT ORRJ Albany, N. Y. 2$ T o P Ii; N.h. t. 1st Lieutenant in the 9th Regiment of New York Heavy Artillery ; died in the service; admitted at the Theta. Rev. CHARLES WILTSHIRE WOOD, New Bridge, N. J. o9 0; .z.J. Pastor at Cherry Hill, Bergen County, N. J., since 1877. ISAAC FEUDINAND QUINBY, LL. D.,t Rochester, N. Y. T. *.1Q'. LL. D. Hobart College, 1869; Honorary A. M. University of Rochester, 1852, and Ho- bart College, 1852; Graduated at the United States Military Academy, West Point, 1843 ; Bre- vet 2nd Lieutenant in the 2nd United States Artillery, 1843; 1st Lieutenant in the 3rd United States Artillery, 2845; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in the United States Military Academy, 1844-6; Harris Professor of Mathematics and Natural Phi- losophy in the University of Rochester, since :85x; Colonel of the 13th Regiment of Neir York Volunteers, x861; Brigadier-General, x862; Provost Marshal of the 28th Congres- sional District of New York, 1864; United States Marshal of the Northern District of New York, since x869. t X94 UPSILON CHAPTER. Class of 1865. ALVIN LESTER BARTON, Rochester, N. Y. 4.y.T . IIOMER IoYT HENDEE, Buffalo, N. Y. i1 0; .t.TV Rev. PHIIP LOVERING JONES, Philadelphia, Pa. 0111 ; qtw.E. Buna LEWis, Lockport, N. Y. 2f f; '.C.E. Superintendent of Schools at Elgin, Ill., 1865-6, and at Charleston, Ill., x866-7; Assistant Principal of the Rochester Free Academy, x869-72; Principal of the Penn Yan Academy, x872. IIEN Y LORD ROBINSON, Cleveland, Ohio. ; A.g.v'. WILLIAM LINCOLN SAGE, Rochester, N. Y. i ; ; .D.4. RICHARD HENRY WARFIELD, Healdsburah, Cal. b; !ly.r. 2nd Lieutenant in the loth Regiment of New York Engineers, x864; sst Lieutenant; Deputy Collector of Customs, Rochester, N. V., 1870-72; Supervisor, 1871-; Cashier of the Healdsburgh National Bank, since 1877. Class of r866. SAMUEL STILLMAN BAINBRIDGEJ Jamestown, N. Y. "sb*HENRY WHITEHOUSE BRACKETT, Rochester, N. Y. JAMES RENWICK CAMPBELLJ Rochester, N. Y. Major of the x4oth Regiment of New York Volunteers. Rev. JOsEPH ALLEN ELY, Orange Valley, N. J. i; 0 JOuN HORACE MCGUIREj Rochester, N. Y. Captain in the x8th New York Battery. CHARLES EUGENE SIIATTUCK,t Blossburgh, Pa. HERVE IDWIGHT WILKINS, Rochester, N. Y. EDWARD WITHERSPOON, Rochester, N. Y. WILLIAM ELLIOT WITHERSPOON, Rochester, N. Y. ; z.p.r. .p.r'. !l.n.r. TIE8 I I; A.r.Et. J7.n. ' S; I'.h.E'. e ; HI.y.x'. i; T 0 ; fi.J.Tr. Til 20 T;P.s.r'. Class of 1867. CHARLES MONTGOMERY ALLEN, Rochester, N. Y. 2$ 411T 0 b5; q.e.&. Rev. CHARLES PIERPONT COIT, Rochester, N. Y. .J.t. GEORGE HENRY POx, M. U., New York City. T; T 0 T; 2.m.o'. M. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1869 ; Surgeon to the New York Dispensary; Editor of " Photographic Illustrations of Skin Diseases." UPSILON CHAPTER. 291 Rev. ROBERT STUART McARTHUR, New York City. GEORGE WASHINGTON STANTON, Rochester, N. Y. ;1 ; rxl.gi. Class of 1868. Rev. JAMES MURRAY BAILEY, Cincinnati, Ohio. 02$ T ; #.7f/. SAMUEL BYRON COLLINS, Chicago, 1l. i; .X. Admitted at the Psi. ELIAS AUGUSTUS TUTTLE,f Fall River, Mass. qp . Admitted at the xi. Rev. SAMUEL ALLAN LATTIMORE, LL. D.,t Rochester, N. Y. ALTO.M'. A. B. Indiana Asbury University, r85o; Ph. D., 1873; LL. D. Hamilton College, 1873; Tutor in Indiana Asbury University, 1850-52; Professor of Greek, 1852-6o; Professor of Natural Science in Gonesce College, 186o-67; and of Chemistry in the University of Rochester, since 1867; Contributor to the New York Aration. Rev. TrOMAS JEFFERSON MORGAN, D. D.,t Chicago, Ill. '- M.A*.N'. D. D. University of Chicago, 1874; Brevet Brigadier-General of the 1st (Colored) Corps of the Army of the Cumberland, 1864; Principal of the State Normal School, Omaha, Nebr., 1872-4; Professor of Homiletics and the History of Doctrines in the Baptist Union Theological Seminary, since 1874. CHARLES EvERTS RIDER, M. D.f Rochester, N. Y. N. *.P'I". It. D. University of Vermont, x863 ; Honorary A. M. University of Rochester, 1866; Professor of Ophthalmology and Diseases of the Ear in the College of Medicine of Syracuse University, since 1871. Class of 1869. HENRY NEWELL ALLEN, Rochester, N. Y. Ig; .1.0'. ALBERT TENNYSON BARRETT, Winchester, Tenn. T1? Il ; z.r.K'. Professor of Mathematics in Mary Sharp College, since 1870. "5"EDWARD HARVEY CLARKt Lyndonville, N. Y. 1 !; tP.7r.xr. Rev. THEODORE BANKS HOLLAND, West Newton, Mass. 2$ IjI; 6'.m.'. DANIEL LYNDON JOHNSTON, Rochester, N. Y. 0 o 0; lI.l.t. ADELBERT J MCCORMICK,f Medina, N. Y. 11.A.i. JOHN PAGE MUNRO, Syracuse, N. Y. 1jT; zl.n.p'. Class of 1870. JOHN HUESTIS BARRY, Rochester, N. Y. i; z.v.K'. EZRA ALBERT BARTLETT, Albany, N. Y. ; ig i 0; p.i.K!. ! i - -- --- - - ----- --- ..... ^ ^ R i. s aim nuu 7 292 UPSILON CHAPTER. ~; 2$ ~ Of; SARDIUs DELANCEY BENTLEY, Rochester, N. Y. ROIERT COLGATE, JR.,f New York City. ""*JoHN QUINCY HEAD, Utica, N. Y. RICHARD PINKNEY MARVIN, JR., Akron, Ohio. -. Mayor of the City of Akron. d; y e T;6.b.o. 0; N.i.j. A.E.co. S; T 0 Cr II; 1P.s.0. Class of 1871. HENRY BENJAMIN BAKER, Rochester, N. Y. 0 ; A..' EDWARD TALBOT ELY, M. D., New York City. ; $ W T 0; 2.u.S'. 1. D. Columbia College, 1874; Resident Physician at the Lennox Presbyterian Hos pital, x875; author of "Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda." LAWRENCE TYRELL JONES, Syracuse, N. Y. fl? ; 70 B Davis, G. P. . 66 iB Day, J. C. §57 -B *Dunham, G. 2. -59 .B Dunning,W. B...63jIB Fellowes, C. 2. §56 B *Fellowes, F., Jr. §56 B Ford, C. B. 912 545 Hawley, 0. F. .". 66 B Hawley, 3. K. 47 Y-' Hi-nman, WN. L.§ 53 B H-ollister, A. N. 58 SB Jones, G. A. 45 A1 Karr, XV. S. =5r F Miller, A. D. e 64 B Morton, XV. B. a 57 10 Olmsted, F. II. X 74 B *Perkins, 2. I-I. $ 59 B *Perkins, 0. C. ± 61 B *Pynchon, \'V. L. + 5o0 Roberts, Henry §77 B Robinson, I-. C. § 53 B *Robinson, L. F. § 433RusC.T 75B Sprague, J. IH. x Sr iA Stanton, L. 2. § 55 B Stowe, C. 2. It 75 A tTaintor, J. U. x 66 B f*Talcott, _George § 55 B rTrumbull, J. H. 1142" B Twichell, 3. II. a 59 B Warner, C. B. " j 51[ Yr 3 Welles, 2. T. § 64 B XWillcox, L. S. . ". 50 B If1a)-w nton. B3oardman, AT. B. ac~o P Raym ond, R. F. --- Sr 5s n on Robbins, 2. XV. =43 -B 7 KIilItngly. Atwood, H. C. --783 Litcizfilcl. Andrews, C. B. §58 -r IBrinsmade,W B. + 40 B X Woodruff, G.MA. §57 B I - -_- _ _ _ - - . - ___ _ __ _ _ _.. 11% 340 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Ligme. *Griswvold, John 1 57 B Nichols, A. B. - So B Perkins, Jos. §5qg 2 Aradison. B *Haxid, C. Mi. C 50.l Manchester. Robbins, F. W.-- So Robbins, -S. 'W. c 47,5 Marble Dale. Sperry, G. T. 72 Bl MAeriden. French, J. It. = 56 B *Greenfield, J. S. 69 , Tait, John .". 54 Bl *Tibbals, A. C. - 74 B MAianus. Graves, G. A. m 65 Middletown. Bacon, C. E. - 78 ans . - Calef, A. B. §1 ,. Calef, A. B., Jr. - Si Calef, J. F. -- 77 *Cone, E. S. -51i B Copeland, MA. B. $ 676- Crawford, A. B. e 76 Z Culver, M. E. § 75- Gordy, J. P. =75 *Griswold, A. §959 + Hall, Lovell § 66 B Harrington,C.S. -= 52 H-arrington, K.P. -- 82, Hazen, A. WV. c 63 Z H-azen, L. R. 4 70 Z Hulbert, T. H. - So *Judd, C. 0. - 78 JdGT. 1*Kelley, J. S. =- 40 B Kilbourne, J. B. $ 65 Mott, WV. A. -- 825 Neale, A. T. - 735 Northrop, D. W. § 63i5 Sumner, E. A. -7S8 VanBenschoten,J.= 54 , VanBenschoten,J..--. 77 1r Ward, H.D. A. § 42 B Westgate, G. L. m 65 ,S aeWinchcester,C.T. = 69 5 .Milford. *Grinnell, F. L. - 75 VanBuren, J. H. e 73 .Mlton. Harrison, G. J. a043 B B mAystic. Dean, J. A. M 47 5# Williams, A. = 77 B Mystic .Bridge. Clif t, WV. A. ac41 A Nepaug. Knight, DAl. C46 F' New Britain. Sawyer, H. E. 51 iZ New lidven. Anderson, W. D. .-. 62 B Babcock, H. H. 53 B Bacon, A. T. - 73 B *Baldwin, E. L.§ 42 B *Baldwin, I.. S. §47 B Baldwin, S. E. = 6i B Barbour, XV. R. - So -B Bennett, J. II. 0 73 B Benton, H1. E. 72 B *Blake, E. F. j 58 B * Blakeslee, H. C._ + 52 B1 Bliss, C. F. - So B Bowers, E. A. - 79 B Bushnell, S. C. c 74 B Cheney, B. H. .-. 59 , Coe,E.Be -=62 B Cowles, E. L. + 72 B Dana, E. S. = 70 B Dexter, F. B. = 61 IB Eaton, D. C. = 57 B *ElliottXVe He § 4 B *Foote, H. W. - 66 B Foster, J. P. C. .-. 69 B Fox, G.L. -=74 B Gilbert, C. M. . - 78 B Gilbert, 0. E. - 78 B Gray, H. XV. $ 58 B Grinnell, 0. B. = 70 B Hawes, Edward ca55 K Hazen, H. A. = 71 Z Hodges, A. C. - -7 B *I-ooker, J. We..54 s B *Ives, Wilbur .". 63 B Jenkins, E. H-. 1 72 .B Kennedy, D. A. = 74 B Lobdell, F. e 58 P *Lum, H. Mf. - 67 B Lyman, O. E. -76 B Marsh, 0. C. =6o B Mendell, Ellis c 74 B Metzger, S. C. - So B Mosman, XV. D. c 70 P Newcomb, 0. B. a 56 A Oaks, H. A. ..~ B Packard, L. R. = 56 B Pardee, H. E. §56 B Parker, XV. N. - 79 I? Peck, F. I1. 56 B *Porter, J. A. .'. 42 B Robertson, A. H-. § 72 B *Robinson, E. - 67 B Rowland, E. S. xC 76 B Sanborn, W. It. - 78 B *Sandford, 1I1. -45 B *Starr, 0. 62 B Sumner, W. 0.= 63 B Thacher, A. B. =74 B Thacher, E. S, 0 72 B Thacher, J. K. =f68 B Thacher, J. S. - 77 B Townsend,WV.K. § 71 B Trowbridge, H. -8So B *Twining, 'I. XV.§ 58 B VanName, A. =58 B *XWalker, A. E. .-. 64 if V~elch, H. Al. .'. 75 .B *W~heeler, WX. I 55 B XWhite, C. A. ±54 XWhite, H. D. §51 B XWhite, 0. 5. § 64 B W Xhite, P.. 5. 59 B XWhitney, Eli ± 69 B *XWhittelsey, C. H. 1 53 B XWilcox, Ml. - 78 .B XWilliams, F. XV. - 79 B *XWood, XV. C. =f68 B XWoolsey, T. S. = 72 B XWright, PR. XV. I 4,2B XWurts, R. - 78 BI New London. Beckwith, F. J. -- 78 B Bond, H-. R. $ 53 B Coit, Alfred § 56 B 1 Analytical chemist. 4 %I PEN THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 34' Coit, Robert Collester,3E. IB. Field, H. P. *H-urlbut, J. Latimer, C. B. Livesey, 0. L. Morgan, G. S. *Perkins, W. L. *Porter, E. L. Tayl'or, J. P. §50 = 73 -8So c 49 -81 )C 73 -78 57 I57 c 62 B Bidgefleld. r1 *Hawvley, E. S. -- 42 r' *Hawley, F. E. - 5 BJ Todd, Y. S. . o . 4 Br ockville. 43 Burpee, L. F. -79 r Hyde, H. F. C 59 B ,Salisbury. B :*H-olley, J. C. F 59 Mitchel, C. L. c 62 B Sa ybrool". A Thurston, R. B. c 41 South Glastonbury. 2^ Elliott, J. E. c5 . B B K p Thompson. Holbrook, L. Scarls, C. E3. Tolland. Phelps, Charles X 432 63s 75 'H Wallingford. Hubbard, L. At. § 72 Maren Colton, W. S. c 50 B3 New Aflford, Green, H. S. - 79 Schroeder, J. F. e649 New Preston. Whittlesey,AM. - So .Waterbury. Bridgrnan, A. Ml. 73 Crosby, Ml. S. = 5o Gay, Moses 75 Mintie, R. L. ..76 Pegg, John, Jr. in 49 Platt, L. A. - 79 r1 M Hp NYorth arlanceeter. J Soutlhington.- Squires, N. J. c 71 ,~ Bradley, F. B. ± 64 B F' North Stamford. Brush, Jesse c 54 A .North TMoodstock. *Brown, T. H. c 6o .B Norwalk;. .*Ferry, O. S.§4B *Iill, M. A. 164 11. Lockwood,F.St.J. $49 IB Wilson, J. WS. § 54 B Norwich. Al my, L. B. .". 73 B *Brierly, B. WS. a-- 74 Zr Carroll, A. P. ±71 2 Gould, AD. . + 65 0 Harland, E. § 53 B *Mfowry,D. S. - 48 B Ripley, G. C. § 62 B Sayles,.F. T. -8St F Selden, J. HL - 78 I' Thomas, G. H. - 77 B *Trumbull, E3. B. § 5 r B I v -urlv ,. G5 South Manchiester. Cheney, K. D. I 6o2 Cheney, R. 0. 4± 62 2 South .iNorwalk. Benedict, G. 'S. .'. 74 B Southport. * Alvord, E3. J. *JBulkley, J. E3. *Bulkley, ML Gilman, C. Ml. Stamford. 'Child, C. G. IFosdick, S. P. King, IH. U. R eed, G. E3. Reid, C. L. 'Willcox, G. B. Stonington, Elliot, H. B. Tafivlle. Knight, 0. T. Terryville. Griggs, L. S. Th~omaston Backus, J. NV. 3 - 63 6x §63 §55 -r 79 = 73 n 69 = 77 c 48 B B B B B B z I Vest .Avon. *Woodford, 0. L. c 50 B WTest Haven. Lines, E. S. a 72 B West Meriden. Smith, 33. V. - 78 B Weston. Cole, C. A. = 6g9IX Westport. Lewis, A. N. e 52 B West Sufield. Buckelew, J. I. M 74 , Eldlerkin, J. c 5,2 B Ifestvillc. Carroll, J.MA. n 51 TWest TWinsted. *Abbbtt, L. R. = 66 Alvord, C. L. 4: 77 B Ilrethcr.9iteld. Warner, A. S. .". 42 Z XWillson, J. -.74 B Iillimantic. H~atheway, A. L. --- 79 B Windhsam. *XWarner, G.1-i. -- 51 F Woodward, P.H.§ 55 B * (313.) c 40 4 Oxford. Torrence, 0. P. Portland Lee, WSm. B. e 75 C 49 B B r x 632 c 6o F c 46 B Putnam. Davenport, J. R. -1- 51 IIII bIIY II1 ^IMA rIY Y f IIYI i 342 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Camden. Bancroft, E. H. j/6by Frame, T. C. .-. 61 Georgetown. Walton, O. S. - So ..f H a: DELA WARE. Lewes. Carpenter, H. C. = 73 Wilmington. Conant, H. - 78 Frost, W. J. e 46 0 Jr A Harkness, J. C. Higgins, A. Manning, E.%W. Smith, W. H. Wales, L. E. Walter, J. R. (12.) -64 K S61 B -77 Z -79 B 7x A DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. W1ashington. Adams, A. C. .'. 70 Bliss, H. C. § 68 *Brown, G. E. § 63 Chickering, J. J. - 79 Collier, Peter ' 61 *Cotton, C. T. x 48 Cushman, M. B. x 61 Dean, C. R. x 77 Deane, L. 49 Deering, J., Jr. § 64 *Eaton, D. L: $ 51 Gaines, E. P. § 41 t.Practical chemist Gainesville. Gilbert, C. A. e 58 Jacksonville. Babcock, W. H. 47 Mitchell, Neal - 79 Jfnj's Ferry. Wright, E. H. .-. 42 h' K B B I 12 K B I', B P Pi Grammer, C. § 43 B Harper, W. H. - 8 B Howe, F. H. g 70 q Hunt, Thomas ( 76 B Huntington, A. J. 6 42 2 Huntington,D.L. .* 55 B Kimball, S. I. x 55 K Marble, E. M. § 64 r Morrison, D. C. x 59 r Mussey, R. D. § 54 Z Nairn, J. J. - 79 B Packard, It. L. x 68 K Parkinson,V.D. - 78 Z *Pearson, W. G. 0 54 A FL ORI.DA. Mandarin. Bowen, Daniel 56 Tr Milton. Keyser, W. S. - So B Pensacola. Pickard, A. J. . . 63 K Potter, Hiram x 52 1 GEORGIA. Greeniborough. *Fuller, F. C. § 48 B Statham, F. C. e 53 Z McIntosh. *Bacon, S. W. - 243. Macon. Clark, J. 0. A. n n51 2 Mount Vernon. *Cooper, W. C. =41 2 Savannah. Clay, Joseph o6o B *Couper, H. § 49 B Piper, H. L. x 63 Quinby, H. B. -69 Scott, F. A. x 69 Seely, F. A. x 55 *Smitlh, J. S. .'. 58 Snell, W. B. § 45 Stevens, C. C. x 63 Storrs, C. § 50 Sunderland, B. p 41 Townsend, I. T. e 47 Whittlesey,G.P. -78 Willard, A. D. x 63 Wing, G. C. § 71 (39") K K I3. VT B B K Z B A A Atlanta. McCandless,J.M.- 77 A Smyth, W. H. + 56 K Augusta. Adams, I. S. - 2-6o 2 Sibley, G. R. + 61 B Brnnswici. Day, Henry C. x 59 A Cartersville. Akerman, A. T. § 42 Z Port Valley. *Dodge, T. A. + 47 Y Sanford. Foster, E. K. § 63 B Tallahasse. Foster, C. H. § 59 B Hatfield, S. P. + 62 Z (xx.) Elliott, W. H. .*. 57.4 *Hartridge, C. J. ... 52 2 *Hough, E. C. §49 B Johnston, J. II. + 52 B Ludden, Wm. 5o B *Parkman, S. B. § 57.A *Waring, J. F. N 52 B *White, R. M. e40 1 Toccoa. Gready, W. P. p 42 B JVay's Station. *Arnold, T. C. V 59 2 (24.) IF .o. . I "' t THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. ILLINOIS. 343 Abingdon. Dickinson, J. T. = 53 Albany. Paddock, Z. D. m 46 I Alton. Munger, H. E. J 63 S *Wilhiams, H., Jr. .-. 48 K Aurora. Clark, T. H. *Gibson, C. J. Jackson, J. L. = 55 ,46 O S72 S1 Belvidere. *Fuller, W. A. - 75 *Kelsey, H. G. - 57 B H Bloomington. Benjamin, R.AM. § 53 I' Moss, C. M. = 77 I Brig/don. 'Hills, E. N. - 78 Z Bristol. Hopkins, J. C. - 81 /2 Hopkins, W.H. --79 d2 Carrollton. Hyde, Smith H. p 57 B Centralia. Perrine, D. G. = 73 12 Arthur, W. C. x 77 d2 Clement, E. W. - o1d2 29 Wabash av. 4o Langley av. Asay, Wm. C. -So B Cobb, A. W. 72.A 22 Calumet ax. 12 State. *Atherton, L. IV. 50 K Collins, S. B. + 68 r Avery, George 0 53 0 Cram, C. II. 54 Z 437 Wabash ar. 29 Lake. Bannard, H. C. + - 69 B Cram, N. D. - 81 Z 29 Wabash av. 29 Lake. Barnard, Philip - 78 X Crane, J. B. § 66 IF Barr, Alfred E. - So 1, 41 Otis Block. 298S. Halsted. SCresswell,Thomas § 68 a Barton,F. EM. + 64 4 Dakin, R. L. $ 53 31 220 Kinzie. 136 LaSalle. Bennett, T. E. + 51 Vf Dauchy, G. K. 48 6 38 Dearborn. 17 South Canal. Bentley, Cyrus §44 2 Davidson, J. G. x 721 132 LaSalle. 134 LaSalle. Blair, B. A. + 66T' ;Day, Francis R. - 81 Blair, E. T. - 7 B 951 Prairie av. 230 Michigan av. *Dickerson, J. S. b 48 Y Booth, Hlenry § 40 B Doddridge, A. F. x 73 i City Hall. 33 Times Building. Bowen, Ira P. x 69 d2 Downs, T. V. p 40 4 326 Cass. I Grove'Varklway, 41st st. Boyce, S. L. § 73 B Durkee, R. P. H. § 58A 84 Washington. 84 Washington. Brown, Abram x 67 Z Dyer, Louis = 71 12 46 Madison. iso Dearborn. *Brown, C. F. .-. 67 U Eastman, S. C. § 73 F Browning, G. W. § 77 d 27 Times Building. z8o South Clark. Ewing, A. H. x 69 B Buckingham, E. + 48 B Clarendon House. Central Elevator. Farwell, J. V., Jr. - 79 B Butler, H. M. § 76 B Ferry, C. H. § 72 B 483 W. Washington. 88 LaSalle. ' Calkins, C. R. x 7112 Ferry, J.IV.- $ 73 I 49 22d st. 286 IN est Washington. Carter, A. D. § 68 g Foote, E., Jr. ±+43 It 257 Clark. Union Foundry Works. Carter, Ernest - 79 B Fowler, C. N. § 76 B3 853 Indiana av. 97 Clark. Carter, Leslie § 73 B Gaytes, C. C. § S 18 Ashland Block. ,34 Monroe. Charnley, C. Al. +- 65 B *Goodwin, G. P. § 50 IC 242 South Water. Goodwin, M. M. - 8111 Charnley, James-+ 65 B Greene, Edwin § 63 Z 242 South Water. Journal Office. Charnley, W. II. - 71 B Grover, O. D. - 82D 242 South Water. Drexel Boulevard,41st st. Cheney, J. L. - 77 . Grover, R. W. x 771, 674 West Monroe. Drexel Boulevard, 4st st. Clapp, John W. x 54 I' Grover, T. W. § 74 B 87 Dearborn. 69 Dearborn. Clarke, G. C. x 58 '- Grover, Zuing's = 422 270 LaSalle. 935 Wabash av. Champaijn. *Baker, W. M. = 47 Peterson,E.VanL.-+'.58 K- 0) % .Chatsam. Jones, John D. p 61 7 Chebanse. Chase, A. B. -+ 66 Z Chisvago. Abell, James E. § 52 71 r42 LaSalle. Adams, Isaac, Jr. § 74 !F 48 South Clark. Adams, S. H. s 63 3V' x29 Western av. Andrews, Eben'r x 61 B Care Andrews & Bro. Andrews, J. W. + 76 B 578 Wabash av. It , %NIO -1114*( 344 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Hadley, w. C. - o80d2 1709 Prairie av. Hale, A. B. - 82 Hall, Ward H. x 7812 Wabash av., 42d st. Hall, Wm. W. § 7212 x32 LaSalle. Hawley, C. DeF. - 76 B 21o LaSalle. Hayes, F. W. C. - o80d2 1113 Prairie av. Hewitt, E. S. x 58 F' 96 LaSalle. Higbee, H. § 75 B 38 Ashland Block. Hiles, T. L. ± 77 09 686X WestWashington. Hills, Chas. B. - 82 d2 287 Ellis av. Holmes, Ira x 61 T1 229 Michigan av. Honor6, A. C. § 6912) 1003 Wabash av. Honord, N. K. x 7712? Wabash av., 42d st. Hotchkiss, E. P. § 5 'I 142 LaSalle. Howard, C. H. 59 K i1 Fifth av. Ingham, G. C. § 7312? 70 Dearborn. Johnson, F. P. x 75 (9 oo7 Wabash av. Johnston, S. § 55 A 22 Portland Block. Jones, M. O. 0 7012 36 Clark. Keen, W. B.,.Jr. +:6912, 38 Madison. Keeney, C. P. x 761d2 169 LaSalle. Lane, Eben'r § 69 I 22 Otis Block. Langland, James 77d2 Daily News. Lemen, T. A. § 77 Tr 28 LaSalle. Lewis, C. L. §7612 221 Randolph. Lewis, M. 0. § 741t2 172 LaSalle. Lincoln, J.L.,Jr. + 73 196 North State. Linscott, A. N. § 62 IC 2o City Hall. McVeagh, F. - 62 B 29 Wabash av. Magruder, B. D. § 56 B 95 Dearborn. Manierre, George § 68 B 20 Calumet av. Marsh, T. P. in 69 Parsonage, St. Paul's Ch. Mason, A. B. § 71 B 4o Dearborn. Mason, E. G. § 6o B 4o Dearborn. Mason, H. B. § 70 B 94 Washington. *Mather, E. T. ± 64 B Miller, H. H. C. § 68 !P 13 Hawley Block. *Miller, J. C. § 48 Vr Mills, L. L. § 69 9P Criminal Court Building. Mitchell, H. B. If7612 40 South Canal. Moonev, W. H. x 66 , 197 Lake. Morgan, T. J. = 68 1^ Morgan Park. Naylor, C. W. --81D Nicholes, C. W. 7512 208 LaSalle. Northrup,G.W.,Jr.-Si T3 Olson, Edward = 73d2 University. Otis, Charles T. + 7412 973 Prairie av. Packard, F. W. § 72 1r 18o Clark. Pardee, T. 0 38 0 210 South Water. Patterson, J. C. § 66 B 78 Dearborn. Patterson, R. A. - 78 B Peabody, Charles c 43 2 52 Madison. Peabody, H. G. ± 76 Z Western Electric Mtg Co. Perkins, N. C. § 57 B 86 LaSallc. Pettengill, R. T. x 62 2" 233 LaSalle. Powell, W. B. - So D 40 St. John's Place. Reese, H. H. x 79 I 333 V. Adams. Ritchie, W. C. 1 52 F' x55 Michigan av. Rogers, G. M. § 76 B 230 South Ashland av. Rogers, H. B. § 65 1 iom North Clark. Roney, T. C. -7812 285 Vernon av. *Shepard, T., Jr. $ 48 r Sheppard, R. D. m 6912 2023 West Monroe. Sherer, W. G. - 81 2 503 Vernon av. Sisson, W. E. ' 75 !P 307 W. Jackson. *Skinner, R. j 62 B Smith, E. F. ± 77 ' 223 LaSalle. Smith, P. H. § 46 VT 71 Washington. Smith, P. H., Jr. § 74 Vr 6g Dearborn. Stevens, H. S. § 72 P 94 Washington. Thompson, D. D. .- 41 0 240 Wabash av. Thompson, J. L. § 56 Z 97 Clark. Thompson, T. M. § 51 P 784 Fulton. Thorns, J. C. - 782 847 W. Congress. Tichenor, L. B. x 7412 227 South Clark. Towle, C. A. c 64 Z 576 W. Erie. Trumbull. L. M. § 75 d2 287 Lake av. Twiss, R. B. § 7S 1 3 Methodist Church Block. Underwood,'N.T. § 72 P 97 Clark. VanSchaack,H.C. -8 12 37 22d st. Warren, C. A. § 74 Hawley Block. Wetherell, J. M.- +57 2 Wheeler, N. C. § 7312 33 Portland Block. Wheeler, Samuel ± 68 B x55 State. Whitacre, C. C. - So odi xx Lake av. |Whiteside, T. C. § 58 O 42 Major Block. Whitney, E. W. .'. 75 B 174 NVarren av. Whittemore,W.C. x 55 B 76 Michigan av. *Wilder, D. P. § 51A Williams, E. F. c 56 B Drexel Boulevard. Wood, L. L. § 66 Z 157 Clark. Young, Kimball § 73 i 207 Dearborn. i Actor. 'St - w.wr w w ni nrirr n n THE GEC Columbia. *Clapp, Fayette ..482 Delavan. *Thurston, 1.B. .Cx52.r7 .Edwardsville. Root, Lucius I. P 47 0 Evanston. Bradley, L. D. § 7711B Carhart, H. S. =6g9, Cumnock,R. McL.= 68Z Haven, 0. B. .= 70 4) Packard, E. N. c 62 K Farina. Gove, Frank XV.- 78 Z .Freeport. *Dakin, F. B. = 513Jr Jenkins, H. D. p 64 V'~ Gales burgh. Edwards, R. A. = 76 Z, Ellsworth, A. A.' c 58 I' Havana. *Crane, Byron A. -- 69 ! Hebron Ehle, G. L. 39 & Jacksonville. Barnes, W. H. § 65 49 Crampton, R. C. = 5 x B Coff, M. L. b 780, W'hittlesey, M. KC. c 44 B3 JToliet. ~Gardner, J. P. -8112 Gardner, W. A. - 78-(), Hyde, L. H. - 82 (1I) Rowell, N. J. -- 78-0, Snapp, C. D. xC 791d2 Lake Forest. Henderson, T. .'. 62 P Hewitt, J. HI. = 59 B ,Lee Centre. *Wright, B. AM. c 39 1' Lincoln. Stevens, George m 54 Litelifield'. ,Coolidge, H-. A. V 47Z ;OGRAPHICA L DISTRIBUTION. 345 lontbardi. Phelps, S. W c 48 Jl Marseilles. Etliridge, A. C 530-4 MAattoon. Bennett, Charles§ 64 K, Stetson, D. 0. :+ 6o KI . faywood. Granger, H. C. P 71 !1P . ~oline. Gunnell,BE.S. -S oPr Lewis, Eugene § 64 Z Lewis, IH. B. §72 Z Mloro. *Flagg, XV. C. s 54 -B Miforrisonz. Mason, J. H. x 75 0 .2kw Salem, *Reynolds, J. Be. . 5.P Oregon. Hoyt, A. S. P 72V'r Ottawa. Johnston, 3. B.e 7312 Osman, E. G. 791d2 PFaris. VanDeusen, H.H. e 59 1" Peoria. Bartlett, S. C. . 67 Z Bartlett, XV. H. -.71 Beasley, A. WVe x 74 Z Ives, Frank x 7612 MeGuffey, E. Ml. = 76 I Merrill, WVe F. x 63 -P Proctor, J. C. . 75 Z Proctor, F. F. § 75 Z Tyng, A. C., Jr.. 73 S1i Petersburgh. Clark, A. We - 771~ Plattvilic. Libby, Gideon m 63 KL Polo. Morse, WV. H. - 8212 Princeton. Johnson, J. C. "-- So 12 Quincy. Bushnell, W. B.. 65 B Fay, Charles M. -a. 62 yr *Hunt, C. A. 52 Z Mfarcy, F. V. § 52 Z Smyth, S. P. N. p 63 K Riverside. ,De~olyer, C. F.± 7512 Rlockford. Lyman, J. B. . . 4117r Mandeville, C. B. in 67 , Rigs, J.D.S. =781d2 *Root, J. B. 65 t!P XWilliams, C. L. 47 V' Rock Island. Dana, C. P. 7IA Rodman, R. S. "- 79.21 SheffielId. Mercer, J. A. = 71 P Sprinigfield. Haynie, B. C. - 79 IB Latham, G. C. 65 B Seymour, G. F. e 50 A Tyndale, H. H. § 77 AT Wilson, B. B. § 64 4i Sterling. Dinsmoor, 3. § 75 Z Sycamore. Crassie, 'r. C. c 57 17 Taylorsville. IHebberd, S. S. § 59 ~ Tolono. Palmer, 0. C. =65 Z Urbana. *Alexander, 0. 0. §585(& Hubbard, T. S. $ 49 -B Wh'Iite Hall. Potts, L. B. 68 4i l1,7imigton. Odell, XV. H. $ 52 B W1oodstock. Stewart, XV. H. § 41 & W-rght's Grove. Nighitingale,A.F. = 66 44 L(2*64.) 346 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. INDIANA. Crawfordsville. Gibson, G. R. ; *Goss, G. F. = 41 0 Graves, Wm. F. Delphi. Hammond, P. D.; Beck, Larry G. = 76 p McElroy, J. F. Schermerhorn,B.F.§ 40 ( Richardson, L. H. Stiles, T. L. Evantsville. Vinton, L. Darby, Win. J. / 69 Walradt, H. M. Gilchrist, A. § 59) Fort Wayne. LaFayette. Aldrich, C. H. 9 75 ' *Blackburn, J. A. Barrett, J. M. 75q! Davidson, J. T. Potter, Wi. H. + 75 ! Mayo, C. T. Smith, S. R. - 79 ( Stuart, C. B. Goshen. Sthart, T. A. *Wood, E. J. § @53 Z Vance, S. C. Greencastle. LaPorte. *Hoyt, B. T. = 46 3 Bliss, F. L. Groves. Swift, L. B. Lucas, Wm. E. = 77 X Logansport. Indianapolis. Stetson, H. L. Allen, C. B., Jr. b 78 D *Stuart, Wm. Z. *Fletcher, E. T. - m 5oY. Stuart, Will V. - $ 74 !P § 71 Z x 54 Z 76 Z 73 Z t 71£' .75 1' S75 B = 70 !D -78 KI $ 68 I @ 73 1 9 74£ + 62 1 = 77 T =70 !P b 76 1. § 331'I -801 Michigan City. Selleck, W. H. +.72 1 New Albany.. Phelps, M. H. = 76 B Plymouth. Oglesbee,R. B. -- 82 ! Terre Haute. Bacon, Thos. R. c 72 B Henderson, C. R. b 70D Minshall, Chas. -- 82 X Union City. Smith, H. H. t 75 I Vincennes. Arnold, E. A. .'. 49 B Wabash. Pettit, J. U. § 39 9 *Pettit, O. C. 1 500 -Washington. Turner, C. C. - 78 B -(44.) INDIAN TERRITORY. Tahlequah. Bacon, A. C. = 58 1 10 WA. Buriingfon. Creston. Bingham, G. W. y 63 Z Lombard, J. L. Cedar Rapids. Whittlesey, N. H. Adams, Henry A. x 73 qD Davenport. Burkhalter, E. R. p 62 A Brewster, W. C. Pomeroy, E. F. ± 6o £ Lewis, I P. - £7arlcs City. Merrill, J. G. Case, Almon G. $ 55 Perry, Wm. S. Clinton. Denmark. Chase, Chas. W. § 62 Z Edson, Henry K. *Spencer, George. = 42 0 TDsjfines. Coryrlon. Mitchell, John *King, Fenner E. = 54 ,q Murphy, J. R. Council l Tfs. *Seely, John F. Brewer, M. P. § 66 V' Doon. *Lockwood, J. D. $ 58 £ Rice, Henry D.q $71 K a 71 B $ 53B =74 Z c 63 £ e 54.A =44 P § 57.Z b 49 V< § 6o B 4/ 55 0 Dubuque. Clark, Chas. M. Daniels, F. B. Ham, Moses M. Peet, Hiram L. Stebbins, Alfred ± 56 A § 7X A [ 550 § 70 Z + 6o ' Fayette. Alexander, D. .-. 46 : Fort Dodge. Arey, Melvin F. = 67 K Hawley,Theodore § 50 V Richards, George N 40 ) Grinnell. Gilmore, Q. A. . $ 45.Z Grundy Centre. Warner, G.XW. y61 in w swwi i iiii rrrrrr n ii i i i ii rir ^ wir unr r 347 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Ilamburgh. I James, Win. K. -- 78 B! Iowa City. Currier, A. N. . 56 Z Hammond, W. G. 49 Holton, C. AM. 631f MAcG'regor. Mapel, John J. - 72 ! .Mfanche ster. Crosby, Chas. S.§ 46 K Arkansas City. Haywood, C. R. $,67' Z Badw~in City. Knox, Ml. VanB. = 72,:$ Mlarcucs. Sioux City. Robeson, A.H. B. V 6g B Allison, J. P. $54 A Smith, B. F. x 58.P Marion. Storm Lake. Boardmnan, A. J. ± 73K, Odell, Jos. B. § 74 0 Muficcatine. Washington. - Carskaddan, J. D. § 5r Y Coxe, J. C. W. mn 63 ,. Smith, Elliott H.. 75 !P Wazverly. *Favillc Oran §44 ,f Osage. Webster Caity. Browne, M. Ml. § 6r 7 Baldwin, F. O. =n7Z (49.) Junction City. Austin, Jas. H. § 67 0 Osborne. Foster, R. B. Ottawa. Pierce, Geo. T. c 51 7 'V 43 j La Cgne. Blood, Caleb 6 4 x2 Blue Rapids. .Ladore. Sears, In' eo. L,... § 52 1f Brown, C. J. § 69 Wr *Morse, Frank C. wn 61x Thacher, It. W. $ 5g9Vy r arsons. Emrporia. Lmd Pomeroy, C. R. .= 53 - We , Trmnd. Taylor, Edwin H1.= 56 Z Eureka. I LwrncP erry. Pasos L . 51V Thompson, E. D. 0550 Haynes, Atu .§6 Fort Leavenworth. I taenotl.Thayer, Gilman, J. H. 54 t Bar eDeo N. +~C*Lenoir, Thos. B. 56 I1 Fort Riley. I Pierce, Claud. B. §54 Z Topeka. Reynolds, Chas. e 43 }1*Slhaw, Lucius S. § 57 Z Blakesley, Linus c 6o BR IKghlandL Swan, Daniel Ml. § 66 (7 Dunbar, John B. . 641' Edgerly, S. J. v59 Z' Wood, Nathan H-. § 54 6)lWtmore. Ilolton. * anhattana. DeForest, H. C. e- 63 B Havens, D. NV. c 43 B Smyth, B. B. V' 54 K (30.) KfENATUCKY. 'Covington. Chase, Geo. A. = 44 -P Jfay ?sville. *Easton, Henry C. -- 76 r Coiston, R. T. §7212 1 Blaisdbll,-1. RIt.= 6o Thomas, Chas. IH..". 73B Durett, H.TR92 Ocsbr'h VanBuren,Wm.A.-78 B Luse, Frank V. _=,478 i*lwenna J. . f50 Henderson. *M1oody, Win. S. - 71 B Prs Soaper, Rob. C. ± 70 1 *North, A. \V. - 52 B fBet ae . 6 Hlopkinsville. Price, V. D. ±7r K BetJmsH.§6 'iery OierH ..62zTowne, P. A. 481d2 Richmiond. *Pery, Oive H. '. 6 r ampelmeier,T.J.--7S T Walker, B. W. - So B Lozisvdle. I Sharu~sburg. Allen, C. J. F. 55 B3 ,ay/lefild. Colegrove, B. H. § 49 B Bangs, John B. + 574A Tice, Win. XV. § 55 0; Versailles. Bloom, I. N. - 78 B -*aiJh . =4 Bockee, Jacob S. -.-b2 B I Librarian. (25.)Jon . 481 1 348 I THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Albemarle. - Kittredge,J.K.G. V 51 A Alexandria. *Elgee, C. LeD. § 56 A Baton Rouge. *VanPelt, J. C. x 50 4 Acw Iberia. Sampson, Junius + 71 A New Orleans. Alexander, W. S. c 58 B LOUISIANA. Bayne, Thos. L. § 47 B Rogers, U. F. § 59A *Belcher, John W. +-47 . Rogers, W. 0. § 494d Bush, Reuben G. * 75d2 *Smedes, T. L. = 52 A *Cook, Byron F. = 48 Smith, Jos. L. § 57 B Dolsen, Chas. H. + 464J *Tappan, Benj. S. § 48 B Eaton, Stephen M. $ 55 K *Tinkham, A. H. + 41 2 Eustis, George - 8 X St. Franzisville. Greenwood,M.M- 58 B *Powell, John D. § 41 B Hancock, E. N. 68 , Hood, Thos. B. + 55 K Terre Bonne. *Hughes, A. DeB. § 55 B *Gibson, Claude 58 B *Packard, N. F. a 422 (25.) MAINE. Alfred. Belfast. Allen, Amos L. § 6o K Alden, Walter B. .'. 47K Came, Sam. McI. § 6 K Brooks, John G. .-. 48 Z Auburn. Biddeford. Beede, Josh. W. .'. 58 Z Freeman, Jas. R. .. 74 Z Oakes,Wallace K.... 70 K Goodwin, Frank J. x 73 F' Rowe, W. H. G. .. 76 K Goodwin, John M. § 45 K Stimson,Fred.M. +76 K Gould, Royal E. § 73 K Tinker, Anson P. c 68 B *Pierce, Clar'ce M. - 74 Z Turner, E. Y. = 67 K Booth Bay. Augusta. Pike, Clarence - 8 Z *Dow, John E., Jr. § 64 K Bowdoinham. *Ellis, Jos. W. ..46 K * 1 s .K. i 5MillayEdwin J. § 65 K *Hutchins, C. K. = 58 KA ly, EwnJ ~I Bangor. Bridgton. Adams, J.B. e 53 K Brown, Henry P. 54 K *Bartlett, I. D. § 43 K Brunswick. Curtis,'nm. J. x 75I Barrows, Win. G. §39 K Javis,OwenW.,Jr.t64 I ? Carmichael, H'y =-67 r Dillingham,F. H. - 771K Curtis, John M. - 82 K Emery, Marcellus 53K Giveen, Thos. Al. § 63 K Field, Ed. At. .'. 45 K *Lincoln, John D. .". 43 K Goodenow, H. C. § 53 K Perry, Albert H. - 82 K Hamlin, C. C. § 57K Perry, Curtis A.=- 77 K Packard, Geo. T. e 66 A Potter, Barrett -78 K Paine, Levi L. = 56 B *Whiting, Jasper S. 47 K *Shepard, Geo. H. a 55 K Young, StephenJ. = 59 K Speare, S. L. B. c 54 Z Stetson, Chas. P. § 55 B Bucksport. Atkins, Chas. G. x 6z K Clarke, C. D. - 78 z Buck, Edward + 52 B Jameson, John S. - So IC Forsyth, George m 64 ,, Larrabee, C. W. § 44 K Buxton. Packard, C. A. .-. 48 K Howe, Geo. W.. b 59K1' Calais. Harvey, Donald --82 F Castine. Rogers,LincolnA.= 75 K Deer ie. Spofford, Chas. A. § 46 K Dennysnille. Lincoln,ArthurT.-- So P Dizmont. Gould, Lyman ... 45 K Eastport. French, John H. § 552 Wellman, Al. H. e 51 A Ellsworth. Emery, Lucilius A.§ 6i K Peck, Rowlandf. .'. 70 K Redman,Erast'sF. 7oic Redman, John B. § 70K Ropes, C. J. Ii. e 72 B Wiswell,AndrewP.§ 73 K Exeter. Walker, John a 58 P Fryeburgh. Barrows, Geo. B. § 42 Z Bradley,Dan'1W. .'. 75 Z *Bradley, John J. - 75 Z Stone, Baman N. s63 P Gardiner. Clay, Lorenzo § 43 Z Larrabee, E. W. -8 IK Lewis, Weston $ 72K _+ .r' 671x 349 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Seabu: Waitt, Card,, *Edvai McKc Thorn Warre Hardii Hardii *Smith, Stinsoi Washl Burled Crosb3 Page, Bourn Mlortoi *Fiske, pry, Chas. B..= 77 K Manchester. Jackson, C. E. B.$ 49 K Win . C. 76K Wadsworth, I. N. jV 45 Ki Little, Frank H. -- Si[ K G'orham, .filltown. Lynde, Frank J. x 77IC John H. -- 79 Z Pond, Jeremiah E. c 53 K'i McCobb, H-enry -- 74- rds, Geo. W. 6.-C)orid Kl Maxcy, H-arry L. - So IC II.A.V 0 Z ilbur k S Merrill Chas. B. .47 IC -nny, 1-.A v *0,Savage, Wibr 8I Merrill, Johan C. .. iIC ;bs, San'l B. = 77.Z *Tenney, Sam'l W. c 561ki MitchellJohn AM. e 43 IC n, H. P. § 70 B3 North Berwick. Moulton, WWm. H. $74K Ijallowell. Prescott, Wni.W. = 77 Z Palmer,Frern't Ml. x 77 IC ing,Car 1l E. -- Sr K Patten, Daniel D. = 55 Z ng,HenryF. = 50 IC "ror"""Qi. Pierce, Lewis § 52 IC" ,EdwardW'. -- 6o Ki Bacon, Edward E. c 73lU'Qutinby, Thos. F. .'. 7609 n,Harry H-IS--82ICi unhmSia . 4 Rcker, F. A. ±72 IK bur, John - 82 IK Horne, HermanL. 74 Z Ring, Clias. A. .'. 68 IC Ilampden. Old Town. Ring, Frank W. .', 69 A" gDani C...58SK' Sewall, George T.§ 67 K Ring, Henry W. - 79 IC y, Daniel ±55 K Sewall, James W. + 77 IC Symonds, Jos, XV. § o IC Sewall, Joseph + 78KI Tash, Thomas = 42 K Iloulton. Townsend,Geo;.-1 r81IC Millard K. "- 79 K Orono. Wtros,.. 2A KenebnkCnnngamO. P. §g69IC \ells, Spencer 0 49 IC eHaebertEL.-gI Paris. Wells, Walter f 52 IC n,Edw'dW. . . 48 c Black, Alvah § 45K *Weymouth, S. C. -- 63 IC Lat.*Cole, Rollo Ml. = 671, Wilson, Henry B. -- So K .elan.-4 2Pmbo, Wilson, John W. - Sr IC .Lewiston. Rogers,Albion Q. -- Si ICi .Tresquc Isle. -.,.. D - - ... _ .. DownesIHenrv R. svzIK '.~otton, j olla iB. 5 Ai Ftrye, Wm. P. § o IC Hayes, Benj. F. =55 IC Howe, James A. =^S59IC 'Savage, Albert IR.§ 71 Z Stanton, J. Y. = -- 6KI Limerick;. *Burbank,Chas.H. =7 IK *Burbank, Jos. D. -- 59 IC .Lisbon. *\Vhittemore; A. P. 159 Ki .Litchield, Ham, Llewellyn S.-= 65lI IHawes, Chas. T.= 76 IC Plimpton,WarnO.- 82 IC .Livermore. Gould, Asa H. b 422x .Lubec. *Ring, Andrew, Jr. -- 54HI .Afacki as. Sargent, Charles§ 76IC -' Smith, Henry H..". 77 IC .rPita.. Jordan, Cyrus =58SK Poland. *Jordan, Samuel $ 6i1I Portland. Bangs, Chas. H. ± 69gK Brown, Philip G. x 77K Call, Win. T. -- So IC *Carter, Frank . ". 632 Chase, Warren P. : 57 Z Clark, Frank E. a 73 Z Clark, Jotham F. x 67IC Clarke, Chas. L. -- 75 IC Clifford, Chas. F. §49 IK Crocker, Aug. L.± 73KI Davis, Abner H. x 6o K *Deane, Henry P. § 44KI Edmond,Geo.W. -- 73 P Fassett, Wmn. G. §7j3IC Gerry,Elbridge, jr. 7§1 IK Gilman, Chas. Hi.-- 52 IC Hay, Chas. M. -'S -o IC Hough, Win. 0. x 66 lC Richmond. Stuart, Win. H11 $59K. Rlockland. Cilley, Jonathan P. 58 SK Spear, Wm. E. § 7o0K ~Saco. Burbank, H. HI. §6o K *Dame, Edwin -63K Derby, John S. § 68KI Emery, Geo. A. ' 631K Goodenow, J. HO 52 K *Gordon, Ceo. M. -- 64 IC Leavitt, Byron C. --SrzZ Littlefield,Frank'n : 64,IC *Southgate; John B. c 53 KC Varny,ElwoodF.- 79 IC S'earsport. Porter, Frank Ml. - 82 K ,Sedgwick. Hale, Geo. W. .'. 69 K - X oror' 1350 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Sidney. Davies, 0. C. S. -- 79 K Skowlbegan. Cushing, John S. .'. 54 K Sou/tIlirwick. Buricigh, Chas. H-. § 75 Z B~urleigh, John Ml. -- 78 K Burl eigh,WValterA. x So KC *Harriman, D. P. 6 43 K Walker, John F.$b66 K South Tbomzaston. H~amblen, J.B.jr.m 174 ~ Spring Vale. *Paine, John St.C. -- 49 K l nomas/on. *Beverage, T. T. ---63 Kf Hewett, J. . II. §1.6o IK Moore, Jos. E. § 65 Kf Smith, Samuel E. -- 78 K Walker, John E. - Si K W~aidobnrnugh. Bulfinch, John J. a 5aoK Wl'a/erbo rough. Dearing. H. S. - 79 Z Wa/erville. Haviland, C. T.+ 71 09 Wrst IBaldwin. Freeman, ChasM. § 45 1K Pierce, Geo. W. 1/ 57 If Winslow. Johnson, Chas. F.- 79 K Il'un/lsrop. Bickford,. W. F. c 72 K *Webb, Francis E: § 53 K Woodl ford's. *Toothaker, Horace ca59 Z Wi heelwright,J.O.- Si K Yarmouth. Bates, Geo. F. --82K Freeman, Elias D.§ 75 F' *Rowe, Abram N. = 6o K Springer, Chas. C.= 74 K (217") Starndish.IiCN Swasey, George R. § 75 K *Mildram, F. B. § 67K Lr, Steep Falls. Wells .Depot. LrJer. H. 55 K Staple;, John W. = 76 Z Annapolis. Lanman, Chas. R. =- 71 1: Pocomoke City. Southgate, Wm- S. c 5Y K Renshaw, Rob. H. 0 54.A Hilliard, F. \V. e 52 A Trerry, Nat. M. = 67 -PF *Smull, Win. G. .". 50 (9i Port Tobacco. Baltimore. *Williams,Good'nG§ 44 B Mitchell, John H. q 61 B Adams,Herbertfl. = 72 r E aseon. Queenslown. Baker, G. G. m 63 ,' Eastman, Chas.F. 4' 69 Fr*Bogle, Robert ' 394 Bond, Hugh L. § 4, L1aPlata. Salisbcr. Carter, Bernard § 55 A Chapman, Rob. F. .. 62 B3 Gordy,\Vilbur F. -So8Z Chandler, Geo. 1I. § bo Z -Longwoods. I Snnoli. Chapman, N F. P' 38dfl Trimble, David C. 1/ 52 A *Martin, Edward D. § 42 F *Clarke, Daniel §.4 Clarke, Win. B. F 74 -PF N1'ew Market. i Syk-esnille. Daves, Edward G.= 54 A Stephenson, Jas. e 43 A' Baldwin,Chas.\V. m 6r B *Erving, Langdon §55 A New WTindsor. ITestminster. Hodges John S. B. e 50 A Bufflngton, J. F. .". 52 F' Nicholson, Isaac L. e 6g Z *Ioffman,lloward -: 61 Holmes, Theo. J. c 53 BI Oakland.L Artist. Jacobsen, John J. 0 56 -A Pennington, C. J. :§ 46 B (33.) Ac/on. \Vood, Frankln P. a 68b Z Adams. Lewis, Arthur G. = 69 Z Allston. *Fowvler, Arch. C. . ". 6o 0 A mlicerst. Bissell, Arthur D. - 79 F Chickering, J. K. = 69 P 4{ MASSA CHUSETTS. Clark, Win. S. = 48Ff Loth rop, Chas. D. C 49FT Clarke, John Ml.= 77 F Marsh, Ed. B. = 76 F 5Conkey,IlthamarF.§ 43 F' Mather, R. H. = 57 11 Cooper, Chas. W... 73 1' Nash, Henry C. = 5 Y F Cooper, James I.§ 73 I" Parker, Henry W.= 431F ElFwell, Levi H1. =75 - FI Peck, Henr P. -- 781F Esty, Win. C. = 6o.PF!Read, Hanson L. x 481' Goodell,Henryl-. = 62v I Root, Elihu = 67 I" Harris, Elijah P. = 55 rF *Russell, L. S. -- 6r.F Jamneson, John F. -- 79 F Seelye, J. H. = 491A' VJK 351,17 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Seelye, W. J. *Stearns, F. A. Tyler, John M. Tyler, Wm.S. - 79 1P 63 r = 731' = 30 -P Andover. *Byers, Peter S. = 5z A Comstock, D. Y. = 73 1F Eaton, Geo. T. = 78 T' Eaton, Win.XV. =681' Goldsmith, W. G. 57 A Hartwell, C. S. - 77 1P Johnson, F. H. c 56 A *Leavitt, D. D. - 59 Z Merrill, Geo. C. = 65 1 Noyes, Chas. L.- - 75 B Smyth, E. C. =48 Ki Arlington. Hodgdon, R. L. .. 45 K Arlington Heights. Dwelly, Geo. R. = 53 B Ashburnham. Cook, Wm. H. m 71 $ Pierce, Edwin = 52 Z Wilkie, Ed. A. = 76 ' Ashfield. Green, Lewis e 44 1' Ashland. Morong, Thomas c 48 1r Athol. Parsons, James C. u 551 " Auburndak. Latimer, Jas. E. = 48 Z McKeown,And'w m 51 Porter, Frank E. ... 69 Barre. Babbitt, Chas. A. - 79 Z Brown, Geo. A. - 8o B *Woods, Sam'i F. § 56 B Belchertown. Grover, Wm. B. 64 V Berlin. Durston, Alfred S. c 7911 Thacher,Francis S. i 66 KI Beverly. Adams, Arthur P. In 73 ,. Lefavour,Issachar = 42 1' *Nourse, John F. = 43 B Billerica. Hazen, Henry A. T 54 Z Bolton. Edwards, Benj. A. b. 412 Boston. Abbott, Ira A. § 70 Z 47 Court. Allen, Francis R. + 65 1' 12 Fairfield. Allen, Fred'k B. c 63 P' I3 Brimmer. Al en, G. Walter 63 B 27 Court. Allen, James M.-. 72 A 3A Pemberton square. Allen, Lowell D. + 73 A 31 Pemberton square. Ames, Fisher § 58 A 2 Pemberton square. Amory, Wm., Jr. - 55 A 202 Devonshire. Andrew, Sam' W. x 71 B x6 India. Andrews,W.H.H. § 65 K 28 State. *Austin, Percy § 71 A, Babcock,Fran's E. O 74 A 1o East Brookline. Barker, Wm. T. ± 73.Ax 2:6 Devonshire. Bartlett, N. S. - 71 A 19! Commonwealth av. *Bartlett, P. NV. = 432 *Bass, Wm. H. O 53 -V Beard, James F. x 72 Z 514 Harrison av. Belmont, Chas. - 81 tP 5 Decatur. Bent, Samuel A. 61 B log Boylston. Blodgett,Caleb,Jr. § 56 Z 35 ourt. Boardman, C. A. ± 66 Ii 16 Kilby. Boardman, H. J. § 58 Z 35 Court. *Booth, Moses K. § 47 0 Bridgman, R. L. Y71- 2 7LCourt. Bri ham, L. F. §42 Z court House. Brooks, Jas. W. § 552 40 Pearl. Brown, David H. +6 Z 23 Hawley. Brown, J. Willard = 62 r7 33 White. Browne, E. I. § 5 A 4 Pemberton square. Bryant, John D. § 53 A 69 Sears Building. Buck, Aug. H. = 491' 20 Beacon. Bumstead, N.W. + 55 B , 148 Tremont. Burgess, Arthur 0 72 A 62 Beacon. Burgess, Walter 0 72 A 24 Exchange place. Burr, LaFayette $ 482 22 Central. *Burr, Sam'l C. § 5oK .Bush, SolonAW. u452 9 Park square. Butler, John H. § 46 Z 23 Court. Came, Chas. G. 49 B 262 Washington. Capron, George x 472 46 Congress. Chase, Chas. W. x 72 A 83 Broad. Cheever, Tracy P. § 432' 5 Tremont. Child, Linus M. § 55 B 27 Tremont Row. Clark, Chas. P. x 56 Z 224 Federal. Clark, J. M. -+- 652 6 Oliver. Codman, E. W. $ 54 A 29 Sears.Building. Colburn, Theo. E. 0 54 A Studio Building; Collar, Wm. C. = 59 643 Warren. Collier, Hiram P. - 8 F Hotel Vendome. Crowninshield,B. + 58 A 70 Franklin. Dexter, George + 55 A 29 Exchange place.. Dickinson,M.F.,Jr.§ 62 . 34 Pemberton square. Dickinson,Sidney 74 , Journal Office. *Dorr, Hazen - 58 A Dunbar, J. Newell 67 B 70 Cedar. Duxbury,John W. x 63 K xog State. Dyer, E. P., Jr. 6z1' Jamaica Plains. Earle, Ed. B. + 67 P 63 Commercial. - V WIN 352 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Earle, Jas. H. 67 F Jeffries, Benj. J. .". 54A Parker, Arthur T. x 76 I 20 Hawley. 15 Chestnut. i 6 South Market. *Emerson, L. F. = 49 K Jewell, Harvey § 44 Z Parkhurst, H. E. 1 73 -r Farwell, ParrisT. - So1 ' 37 Equitable uilding. 381 Columbus av. 658 Tremont. Jewell, Wm. E. § 56 Z Parkhurst, L. H. x 72 A Fernald, John P. x 67 r -82 Devonshire. 701 Tremont. Field, W. A. §55 Z *Johnston, Alex. c 67 R?, *Peabody, Owen G.§ 42 Z 43 Rutland square. Kelley, Sam'l R. = 69 $ Penhallow, C. S. x 74 A *Field, Wm. P. 51 A Music Hall. ix Central. Fisk, Francis S. § 3 Z Kimball, David P. $ 56A Perkins, Aug.-T. § 5I A U. S. Court 1-ouse. 200 Washington, 112 Beacon. Kimball,FrankR. -76 K Phillips, Iohn G.-+ 73 K Fiske, JohnM. X-56B mb(Salem, Mass.) 21 1earl. Fosom,Geo.McK.= 57 A Knapp, Geo. B. x 59r *Phipps, James M. ... 422 8 lboouh. 29 Beacon, *Pike, Samuel J. = 47 K Forbes, oo u. = 75 Lawrie, Alvah K. x 73 - i1Pinkerton, J. M. § 41 B Fb756 Treont. 477 Washington. 53 Devonshire. F6remothVn. J. 57 LawrieAndrewD.= 73 F Poole, Benj. § 66 B schoo i.J §480 Shawmut ar. 247 Washington. Foster, Dwight § 48 B Lincoln, A. L., Jr. § 72 A *Pratt, Geo. W. = 49 q Congress and Milk. *s Tremont. Putnam, G. B. = 611' Foster, R. S. B. -78B Lincoln,1 78 V. Brookline. s8 Chestnut. 3 tyrtle. Reynolds, Wm.A. = 58 Z French, Asa § 51 B Littlefield, J. A. X 52 T Latin School. 5 Tremont. Post Office. Rice, Alex. H. -- 44 0 *Gay, A. M. =-50 , Lyman, Theodore = 55 A 34 Union Park. G , Commonwealth av. Richardson, H. .". 52 A Goodrich, F. E. 64 B3 McKenzie,Wm. 5. 6 55 A 23Bacn Globe Office. Tremont Temple.23Bao.JB. 5Z MciJhnW O Richardson,M.H. .'. 73A Goodrich, J . 57 Z Mim Jon I. §44 x3h Charles. 5 out Probate Building. Robbins, WI. L. - 8Sz I' Goodwin, John C. ' 73 A *Maddock, Alfred ± 61 70 bent. - Green, Sam'l A. ... 51 A Mallalieu, W. F. 2n 57 3 Roberts, Geo. L. § 59 3 25 Kneeland. toj W. Canton. 95 Milk. Hall, Frank R. § 72 A Manning, J. At. c 50 o Roberts, J. L. S. § 61 3 14 Pemberton square. Old South Parsonage. 95 Milk. Hardy, Alpheus 67 -r Merrill, Moses = 56 A Roberts, R. L. § 68 , 32 Sears Building. Bedford st. Latin School. 95 Milk. Hayes, Francis L. § 65 K *Miles, James B. c 49 B Rockwell, A. P. 55 B 31 Pemberton square. Morong, A. B. .'. 71 I' 33 Fairfield. Haynes,HenryW.-= 51 A 6x4 Tremont. *Rowe, Wm. H. O 53 A Hill, George C. If45.B Morse, Irving x 52 Z Russell, A. H. - S1I' Boston Post. Nettleton, E. P. § 56 B 3 St. James av. Hodgats, John M. x 64 j 2 Pemberton square. Sanford, Alpheus § 76 K 223 Dudley. Nickerson, S. D. § 45 B 33 School. Holden, Geo. H. t 75 B 498 Washington. Sears, Geo. G. - 8o F 9 Bowdoin square. Nourse, Fred. R. O 71 A zoo Pinckney. Howard, Chas. T. 56 A so Mount Vernon. Seavey, Manson = 61 Z 59 Doane. Ordway, John M. = 44 Z English High School. Howe, Elmer P. § 76 B *Osgood, Lewis W. § 6o Slade, G. A. 72 B 24 Pemberton square.e, Calvin G. 13 India. Hunt, Horace § 47Z Page, Smith, J. H. x 77 Z 202 Dartmouth. Pane, Bernard e63 Z Herald Building. Hurd, Francis V. § 52 A Paine, Rob.T., Jr. § 55 A Sprague,.H. B. = 52 B 194 Washington. x6 Pemberton square. 202 Dartmouth. Hyde, Henry D. § 6i F Palfrey,FrancisW. § 5' A Spring, Chas. H. .'. 56 Z 14 Pemberton square. 13 Exchange. 40 Harrison av. Palmer, Albert $ 58 Z 4 I Traveling actor. 24 Forest Lane pl. =Organist. 9'R. R. Pres't. \s-q LAO 353 i THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Stackpole, J. L. § 57 A *Whitney, John M - 35 Congress. Whitney, Wm. E. Stearns, Geo. W. -78 F Williams C. S. H 2T3 Wlest Srnfed.nPmtonsq Stedman, C. E. 52 A 9 PeflurtoO sq 748 Dudley. Boston Ii~ghla Stedman, George .-. 71 A Dunning, A. E. 4 Park square. Stedman, H. R. .-. 71 A 1oxford. x67 Roxbury. Gammell, S. D. *Stetson, C. B. § 54 K Boyton. Stevens, Oliver § 48 K *James, Horace 8s Devonshire.J Stevens, Oliver C. § 76 K Braintree. 7 East Newton. Eesn .A Stevens, Wm. B. § 65 Z Emerson, T. A. 40 Water. Brighton. Stickney, W. B. + 63 F Strong, Wm. C. 23 Penberton square. Stimpson, L. L. § 76 Z Brimfield. 13 Pembetton square. *Parker, Oscar B. Stone, Philip S. 1 72. Broekeo. 61 Court.Brctn Strong, Ed. A. 55 F Kelsey, Hiram L 9Pearl. Strong, Geo. A. - 8 F Brookfteld. 37 Brimmer. Barrows, Justin S Talbot, Emery H. 74 Z Williams, Fred. 3 Globe Office.J Tirrell, Chas. Q. § 66 Z Brookline. 20 Court square. *Dwight, Howard Tower, Gideon D. § 66 U GoddardWar'n,J 42 Court. 9 Homer, Win, B. Tucker, GilmanH. x 61 Z Hwe, R .H. *Tyler, John E. .-. 42 Z Waldo, C. H. VanBrunt, Henry o 54A Bed. 2 Pemberton squire. - Wade, Levi C. § 66 B Whipple, Geo. N. 48 Congress.C *Wainwright, I. P. +55 A C'ambridgp \Wakefield, T. H. § 70 Z Abbott, Edward 82 Devonshire. Agassiz, A. E. R Waldo, Chas. S. -i- 742 Brearley,Sam'l,Jr. 57 Kilby. EverettOliverH. Ware, Arthur L. x 73 A Goodwin,Wm.W. Milk and Congress. Gray, Geo. Z. *Ware, Robert .. 52 A Gurney, E. W. *Washburn, F. L. § 44 K Hartwell, E. M. Wheelock, L. A.- = 522 Henshaw, J. O. Rice School. *Lowell, Jas. J. Whi ple, E. P. T 50 Noble, G. W. C. rr inckney.OreJonJ. Whitcomb, C. W. - 76 Z Orne, Joh, Jr. White, George § 48 B Peirce, Jas. M. 5 Tremont. Rolfe, Wn.J White,Willard M. § 72 r Stone, William 40 Water. Williston, L. R. ..*..63 r - 77 B [.§560 are. ands. c 67 B c 651P c 40 B Camibridgeport. Bliss, Edward P. x 73 A Keniston, Jas. M. .-. 68 1' Raymond,Walter x 73 A Canton. Savary, Wm. H. u 57 B i a 63 B V 45 Z -68F .c 61 % . 54 J.4 72 17 I 57A r. 8 71 Z 67 F 6NY --79 . -78 F e. 6o d r. 71 . . 73 A ..=_51 A e 58 A = 52 A -73 F -- 79 # 58 A = 58 A = 551' = 53 A 9F O65 B = '501' Charlestown. *Bradlee, Wm. C. = 45 Z Emery, Caleb = 42 Z Lawrence, C. R. $ 724A Parker, R. H. ± 62 Z Riddle, George ' 74A Sears, Henry F. =64F- Twombly, A. S. c 54 B Chelnford. Sprague, F. M. a 67 B Chelsea. Blagnall, Wm. R. ± 40 , Chamberlain, M. § 44 Z Freeman, S. ± 54 K Hill, Frank A. = 62 K Chester. Walradt,ArthurE.- 8o B Chicopee. Richardson, R. B. = 69 B Tyler, Wm. W. ± 64 F Chicopee Falls. *Bellamy, Wm.P. - 64 B Clinton. Birchmore, J. W. e 46 B College Hill. Schneider,Jerome = 52 F Concord. Whitney, Jas. L. = 56 B Dancers. *Brown, Samuel | 58 K .Dedham. Paul, Isaac F. - 78 Z Dor-chester. Tucker,HerbertA.- 82 F Ufford, Walter S. -82 F East Boston. Allen, Willard S. § 64 Z *Porter, Damon C. M 72 : l Actor. 2Llbrarian. F, 354 THE GEOGRAPHICAL :DISTRIBUTION. East }aridqewater. Franklin. Smith, Vim. J. tin 70 Z Knapp, Jas. I1..-- 82 F' East Cambridge. Gardner. Clarke,MlauriceD. 7! P Collester, F. M. -= 77 F' Coburn, Geo. A. .'. 68 I' Georgetown. Easthamnpton. *Beecher, Fred'c H1- j62 K Adams, Jos. H. -- 70 r, Gloucester. Bassett, Vim. G.§ 65 B *DyrFanln --7K Mferriam, Alex. it. c72 B yrFanln3 8 Sawyer, Henry HI. X 7!11' Great .Barrington. East Somerville. Lester, John C. = 77 Z Allen, Geo. E. ec50,o2,;Noxon, Willis F. =77Z Sanborn, Jos. H.- 79 Z' Scott, Harry H. =71 Z East Taunton. Greenfed Reed, Fred'k A. c 43 I' Aiken, John A. 74 .Z .Edgartown. Budington, H. A. 57 Reid, Geo. D. b 74 B3*Raymond, E. F.§ 51 A .Enfield. Iadles . *Blair, Austin C. 0 52 I' Ayres, Edward =; 78 r Kimball, Vim. B. 4V 56 1' Ayres, Rowland c 411 .F Towne, Solon R. .'. 72 Z Fairiaven. Ihanover. Carruthers, Vim. e 53 Ic Aln aanV.c6 Fall River. Ilarrison Square. Baldwin, Vim. B. x 76 $ Smith, Libridge =r4r1s Graves, H-enry C. 6 56 PV Ila eld. Rust, Rich'd H. m 65 VWoods, R. McE. c 69g F Tuttle, Elias A. :+ 6831 If'almzilhJlaverltill. *Shiverjck, A. F. 1 62 B3Fed eo . m7 Fitchburg. Jlingham. Colony, Geo. D. .'. 43 "Z Horton, Ed. A. u 69 qfi Dickinon, C. P. x 77 B 'Wilder, Harold = 721K Kellogg, John E. fO69 1,.lolliston. Miller, E. P. --.72 A Adams, Geo. M. c 44 IC Richardson, J. F. X 721A Ladd, Jos. 11. § 67 .E Shepley, F. B. 73 A Ilolyolce *Vose, Geo. F. ,t 159 -2 Brooks, Vim.1iI. ~76.Z Wood;Fredk If ~ ~Buckland, Jos. P. 57 B Florence. Lawrence, H-. B. = 66 K Cobb, Elisha C. c 571F Newton, Jas. .1I. +5g.Z Look, Frank N. X 77 FP Rand, S. B. 6 66 F Foxborougli. Skeele, Amos e 64 I *Carlton, Cyrus H. b 61"6 .Eopkinton. Framng/rtamn. Dorchester,D., Jr. m 74 ,:: Esty, Const. C. § 45 BI Hudson. Hastings, L. S. = 70.3 *Wakefield, L. E. b 42 B Iiyde Park. Ciles, Alfred E. § 442y Lord, Chas. R.. O 73 Nourse, John Wi. -- 78 J~amaica Plain. Howe, Edward - 59 Z3 Pratt, Frank S. x 752 Lakeville. Thacher, I. C. £741 0 Lancaster. Bartol, Ceo. Ml. U 422E Collins, LeR. Z. = 7o0K Lawrence. Bell, Chas. U. Brewvster, J. L. *Burleigh, IVi. H Coit, Joshua IHerrick, FH. 0. Knowles, D. C. Thompson,WV.L. 63 K 611.Z "'51ZL £753 B 1'44K in 5 8 § 58 .Z LeAnox. Parkhurst, C. HI. e 66 P Leominster. Savage, Vim. H. us588IK *Smith, F: A. .'. 52.Z Lexington. Merriam, N. 1H. - 78 FP .Leyden. *Budington, C. 0. - 56 Lincoln. Williams, R. . P.. =76 .Z Littleton. Ilartwell,Wm.W.- 8r IF Lowell. Bacheller, A.LaF. =741N Buttrick, John H-. $5,2d,.Z *Chase, Chas. A. = 65 1, Christie, FrankA. - Si 1-' Furber, Chas. H. x 73$ Gaibraith, John -- 79 Cordon, Geo. A. + 46.3 Kyle, Warren 0. - 77 FV Rowell, E. T. I 61.Z 1'Sheriff. i wwrr . rnr in ^ y, 1 0% THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 355 Seabury, Jos. B. c 69 1' *Sherman, Ed. F. 43 Z Stevens, Geo. W. 49 Z Ludlow Centre.. McDuffie, S. V. c 65 P Lynn. Clarke, N. D. A. § 73 K Currier, A. H. C 57]C' Johnson, Edward = 56 Johnson, Wm. P. - 8 Z Phillips, Ed. K. § 57 F. Smith, Chas. N. m 64 Z Tuttle, C. B. § 76 1- *Weston, F. W. -472: Maiden. Chadwick,Jos.W. = 62 K Coburn, C. P. = 77,) Moore, A. W. c 64 Z Smith, Geo. H. § 73 , XMansfield. Ide, Jacob, Jr. 0 48 I' Marblehead. Knowland, T. E. - 78 Z *Whittemore,H.H. .-. 52 A Marlborough. Tuell, Hiram = 69 K ,Marshfield. Allen, John H. m 70 Z *Gardner, Benj. b 432: Medfield.' Mathewson, A. B. x 782 Medford. *Porter, Geo. D. § 5 A Melrose. Bale, Albert G. c 65 P Barrett, Wm. E. - So Z *Farnsworth,W.C. § 53 Packard, L H. m 73 Z Methuen. Ayer, Arthur B. A' 72K Farnham, S. C. m 70 Z 3iddleborough. *Tribou, N. M. .'. 57y Miford. Parker, Geo. G. § 52 1 Millbury. Fowler, Ed. S. - 79 B *Gillis, John F. + 54 Z Millville. Mansfield, H. F. + 6725 Mfonson. Lummis, Henry M55, Sumner, Chas. B. c 62 B Natick. Baston, Fred'c O. = 75 K Needham. ,Clarke, Sam'l G. 51.x. *Spalding, A. F. 47~' Neponset Village. *Allen, It. H. c 62 P New Bedford. Dexter, Henry M. f 40 B Howland,Wm.D. 0 742 Reed, Wm. A. 1/50Z Newburyport. Carter, S. B. x 66K *Emerson, John E. c 44 1' *Huse, Wm. S. § 67 IK Johnson, J. Q. A. - 78 B Merrill, Oliver B. = 6o P *Robinson, J. D. +r 51 A Tatterson, H, J. =74 79 New England Village. Smith, Alfred M. t 722 New Marlborough. Pettibone, C. H. - 73 Z Newton. Buckingham,L.H.= 51 A Clarke, A. L. 58 B Farlow, John W.-+ 74 A *Neal, Ed. H. § 52A1 Newton Centre. Furber, Daniel L. c 43 Z Lawrence,Amos E. a 40 B Newton Upper Palls. Mansfield, A. T. * 683 Newtonville. Henshaw,Marsh'11= 45 ..' Waterhouse, F. A.= 57KIi Weeks, Edwin L.1 700 I Artist. North Adams. Munger, T. T. c 5xiB Northampton. *Barrett, E. B. .'. 58 P Chilson, H. B. § 76 P Clark, Frank E. x 77 B " Dana, Wm. S. §71 Z Dickinson, C. H. - 8 P Dickinson,Edw'd - 76 P Edwards, HenryL. c47 F Fisk, Samuel A. .'. 44 B Fisk, Samuel A. - 77 B Trask, Wm. E. O 40 4 Tyler, Henry M. = 65 P Warner, L. J. ± 73 P Watson, Arthur § 73 B North Andover. Foster,Horacet.- 79 Z 'Weil, Geo. L. -8oX Northborough. Flagg, Ed. W. - 78 B North Brookfield. Clay, Chas. M. = 69 Z *Poland, Jos. D. --49 P Nortlqfeld. Putnam, S. P. u 62 Z North Leominster. *Cooley, Henry E. c 63 3 North Wymouth. *Terry, John C. = 67 P North lWoburn.. Anderson, Chas.,Jr.c 69 V Norton. *Wells, Rufus P. c 42 P Oakkam. FairbankJohn B. § 67 P Palmer. *Aikin, And P. i 62 Fullerton, B. M. c 6r P Holbrook,Wm.E.-- 76 P Whiting, Wm. I. = 76P Peabody. Perkins, Benj. C. 48 Z Stimpson, Thos.M. § 50 P Upton, Francis R.- 75 IC 1 356 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Pittsfeld. Allen, John F. =+ 65 B Avery, Rush E. = 70 Z *Boltwood, Edward § 6o B Cooley, Arthur N. - 78 B Jenkins, J. L. c 51 B Kernochan, J. A. 53 A Pollock, Geo. E. -- 78 B Spear, Chas. V. = 46 FI Plymouth. B Jackson, Isaic M. § 76 B Princeton. *Pratt, Chas. H. - 5o B *Skinner,HenryC. -_59P F Provincetown. *Adams, A. W. - 75 Z Quinc4. Anderson, L. W. = 46 Z Bush, Geo. G. = 66 Z Greeley, Ed. A. = 76 Z *Upton, A. J. Upton, J. C. F. Woods, Geo. H. - 70 E x 8K 533 Reading. Barrows, Wm. Willcox, Wm. H. Rehoboth. Tilton, Geo. H. c 4341 c 431 c 7o T Sandwich. *Dillingham, S. C. = 45 Z Sharon. Weston, Henry C. c 66 F Shelburne Falls. Field, Clifton L. - So. £ Sherborn. *Dowse, Jos. P. - 46 .r ,Somerville. Bryant, Albert c 62 F Cass, John A. m 72 Z Hobson, William § 49 K *Howe, Phineas b 47 Pierson, Wm. H. c 64 A" South Abington. Dyer, Eben'r A. - 82 F Dyer, Edward O. -7 8 ' Towle, Henry F. = 76 Z Southborough. Brewer, Geo. E. = 74 FI South Boston. Burnham. Benj. F. § 53 Rand, Edward A. c 57 K Walker, C. A. .-. 42 Z South Framingham. Robinson, E. M. + 71 Z South iladley Falls. Miller, Ezekiel L. § 43 South Iarwick. Nickerson, F. O. = 78 Nickerson, H. G. = 78 Springfield. Adams,-Geo. D. - 79 1r Birnie, D. P. - 78 B Calkins, Marshall ... 53 6 *Chapin, R. L. V 42 F Coffran, F. H. - 77 I' Colburn, W. W. = 6 Z Cone, Luther H. c 47 B Dickinson, E. H. - 79 F- Griggs, G. B. x 72 T, Gunn, Elisha --73 A Haile, Wm. H. + 56 Z Jessup, R. J. 76 B Kirkham, J.W. x 72 B Lawton, Sanford .-- 52 B Manson, Chas. A..-. 64 Z Maynard, E. B. § 67 Z Mayo, A. D. u 74 I Merriam, E. F. x 70 B Merriam, G. S. 64 B Merriam, J. F. c 67 B Morris, Edward § 62 F Pomeroy, Wm. M. 6 F Shurtleff, W. S. 54 JB. Smith, D. P. .-- 51 B Smith, Jas. B. -82 Z Stebbins, John M. § 48 Z Taylor, A. B. - 78 B Towne, W. A. = 7717, Walker, Geo. § 42 Z Wells, Gideon § 58 B Sierling. Perkins, Benj. F. c 59 Z Still River. Willard, John B. u 42 Stockbridge. Donaldson,H.H. - 79 B Stoneham. Stevens, W. F. .6. 9 Z Sudbury. Gerry, Chas. F. x 5 z Willard, W. A. P. is 58 P Sunderland. *Peck, David e 49 B Taunton. Dexter, Henry M. 67 B Learoyd, Chas. H. c 58 A Lovering, H. M. ± 6j McChesney, E. m 68 Z Sproat, Thos. C. 71 B Williams, Geo. E. § 50 Upton. Marsh, Frank J. c 70 F Uzribdge. Cobb,Wm. H. c 67FI Wakefield. Hill, Melvin J. = 65 if White, Edson W. - 8 Z White, Selim S. - 78 Z Rockland. Gleason, Jubal C. .'. 63 FV Rockville. Bucklin, S. F. V 69 B Rowley. ' *Dole, Hallett - Go Fr Salem. Abbott, Alfred A. § 41 Q Choate, Geo. F. § 43 K Grindal, H. W. - So K Hagar, Daniel B. = 643 Harrington, Chas.- 77 K Loring, Geo. B. V 38 Fl Northend,Vm.D. § 43 K Northend,Vm.W.- So i Packard, A. S., Jr. = 61iK *Perry, Jairus W. § 46 K Perry, William - 77 K Pousland, C. F. ± 72 A Putnam, II. B. c o F *Scripture, J. O. e 6o Z Thompson, A. J. .-. 58 K F , . 357"- THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Waltham. Clarke, Reuel B. Stron, E. E. lVWare. Peterson, John Tuttle, Vm. G. Warren. *Carpenter, H. S. Forbes, Jesse F. Watertown. Abbott, N. D. Hosmer, Alfred Townsend, L. T. Vebster. Davis, Chas. E. Sweetser, S. B. M4Wst fedford. =561 White, Wm. H. = 67 T' c 52 Z i West Medway. Bell, James M. c 544 m 57 $ Westminster. C 46 F Cooledge, Chas. E. c 701'V West Newton. . 53 1'*Drummond, J. P. c 43 K c 74 1 *Holland, T. B. b 69 1' Woburn. Kelley, Seth W. -. 6q Z § 77 B 53 A =59 Z = 76 $ m 6o $ West Acton. Thompson,Nathan c 6i1' lVestborough. Clark, Edward W. c 44 Z Harvey, Edwin B.... 9 $5 West Dennis. Farnsworth, R.W. m 71 $5 Westfield. Furber, D. B. =67$ Gibbs, A. E. , = 66 $ *Noble, L. H. - 76$, Smith, P. C. * +.71B Thayer, L. H. -82F' Adrian. Cornelius,J.D.H. = 65 ! Hadley, Edwin § 61 !k Ann Arbor. /Adams, Chas. K. = 6z Angell, James B. = 492E )'Ooge, M. L. = 62 Ajunster, E. S. .'. 56 A HarringtonM.I. = 68 di -Knight, Geo. W. - 78 !P ,'Morris, Geo. S. = 61 Z Otis, Wm. A. o 78 SP Smith, H. W. - So 8 Stringham, D. H. - 78 !P West Roxbury. Clark, Benj. P. - Si1'r 1 Vest Springfield. *Bagg, Daniel T. c 41 0 *Chapin, John M. c 68 B Knox, Watson E. Di 71 $ Nichols, A. R. = 59. 1weymnouth. Lewis, Francis W. § 66 Z Nowell, Wm. G. = 59K -Whitinsville. Whitin, Wm. H. *1 63 B Wilbraham. Gill, Benjamin = 70 Raymond, C. H. = 77 $ Wilmington. Noyes, Daniel P. c 40 B Tolman, Sam'I-I.c 48 Z Winchester. Barnes, Horace F. b 65 1' Metcalf, Richard u 251. Vollaston. Zabriskie, F. N. e 5 oA Worcester. Brovn, Henry W. U 52A Clfadbourne, G. S.m 58 $ Clark, Chas..W. § 75 B Estabrook, Jas. E. § 5 B Horr, Geo. B. 6 542 Lamson, Chas.M. c 64 F Merriam, H. H. x 66 P *Mighill, Nath'l c 6o P *A4iller, J. C. B. -- 69P Parker, Henry L. 56 Z Phillips, Geo. W. c 61 Pratt, Edward R. + 73 A Rice, Wm. W.- § 46 K Smith, Chas. H. - 77 P Smith, Edward P. = 65 F' Stevens, Wm. C. = 76 P Swan, Geo. § 47 Thayer, Eli -= 5 2 Thayer, Webster - So Z Thompson, T. W. C 59 Z *Washburn, H. H. - 592 Whitcomb, G. H. ± 641F Wrentham. Ware, L. E. & 77X Yarmouth. Cogswell, J. B. D. § 50 Z Dodge, John W. c 57 1' (670.) MICHIGAN. AWalter, E. L. = 68 4 'Birmingham. ,Watson, Jas. C. = 57-0 Satterlee, Wm. A. = 77 P Wheele, J. McC. § 41 0 *Wines, Henry 1I. .. 66 # . -lote Battle Cree.usgve, H. . -82 Magrath, J. T. e 62 Coldwater. Aldrich, Abram J. 65 (P Bay City. Barlow, Henry H. § 70 !P Childs, Frank E. = 68 T' McGowan, J. H. § 61 0 Gustin, R. F. K. § 76 !P *Parkhurst, J. S. + 64 V' McGraw,Thos.H. & 69 .P " Detroit Smalley, Wm. T. x 77 !P Aikman, Wm., Jr. § 724- Berrien Springs. Ayres, Jos. S. § 77 4' Dougherty, S. K. --78 P Baker, Geo. D. p 6o 4 Y. A x --- rrnrrire re ewrrneues roi.e r K , 358 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Calr ai 9Chesebrough,W.G. x 68 1 Clark, R. WV., Jr. e 65 J Davison, C. M. $ 38 6) Grant, Schuyler. x 64 P Henry, A.McK. ' 67 !TP Howard, Jas. B. 77 B Hubbard, Ed. K.- 78 ' Hubbard, H. G. 1 73A Jacobs, A. P. § 73 !F Jacobs, C. H. x 75 !P Johnston, C. H. -8Si0 Kerr, Theo. F. .". 69 mihEalk7 Leonard, C. H. .'. 72 (9 Lightner, C. M. -S81 !P 1tightner, C. A. -- 52 Sl Lightner, WT. H.§ 77 P Mallary, R. DeW. c 72 I1 Mason, Chas. E. :s-f69 B Ostrom, John N. + 77 X Pitkin, Thos. 14. = 621B Pope, Willard S. + 5T V' Potter, C. WT. H. = 76 0 *Pratt, Gilbert E.§ 57 N9 Russell, Alfred § 50 Z ,Sherrill, Edwin S. -So80 Stebbins, Calvin it 62 F Stokes, Fred'c A. -- 79 1B 'Taylor, Elisha § 37 () 'Thompson, W. G.§ 63 1' XWiliams, G. M. §79 X East Saginawo. Rust, George : 73 q5 Rust, John J. ± 75 0D Eaton Rapid%. XWilliams, Walter WV. 70 0k Fenton. Cochran, Ceo. B. §7" !T Flint. Clark, Alpheus W. x 74 !f Parker, 3. X. -75 !P Grand Rapids. Adams, Edw'd Ml. § 71 !T /,D'Ooge, Becnj. L. - S1ts1P Chemist. Furbish,Frank L. 1 75 K *Garton, NV. McK. 0 5' Z Johnson, Geo. S. + 73 !P Lathrop, Freeman § 64 .£ Morris, Moseley e 5S8'if Paddock,Chas.E. -- So s 346 W. 2oth. Guernsey, E., Jr. - 81. A 18 W. 23d. Gulliver, Wm. C. § 70 B 120 Broadway. *Hadley, Henry H. C 47 B Hale, Albert W. + 53A 71 Broadway. Hall, Elial F. 49 B 37 Nassau- Hall, Frank L. § 72 B 220 Broadway. Hall, George W. + 6o2 86 Worth. Halsey, Jos. B. x 68 A 82 W. zth. Hamlin, Geo. S. § 63 B 3 Broad. Hammond, G. M. -79.A 43 W-54th. Hanford, Walter ± 6.1 B 466 Broome. Harper,Jos.W.,Jr.+ 48 A 331.Pearl. *Harris, Chas. T. .". 4641 Harrison, B. N. 59 B 120 Broadway. Hasbrouck, P. W. x 61 .A 75 Hudlson. Haseltine, Geolge § 54 Z 247 Broadway. Hatch, Henry P. $ 74 B 34 Wall. Hatch, John R. x 77 B - S Nassau. Hawley, David § 46 B 206 Broadway. Iawley,HenryE. + 6o B 140 Pearl. Hayden, HenryW. § 75 A 120 Broadway. Heath, Daniel C.+ 68 P 20 Bond. Hendrickson,J.B. + 52 B 58 Cedar. Henriques, J. U. - 81 A 24 W. xoth. Henry, Jacob H. § 71 A 52 William. Herrick, Albert B. § 66 B Post Office Building. Hewitt, Thos. B. § 64 -B xZx Broadway. *Hill, Chas. B. § 61 B Hill, James K. § 54 B 37 Wall. Hill, Walter C. = 73 A toS W. 59th. - Hillhouse, James § 75 B 37 Wall. Hinrichs, F. W. § 74A 9 Pine. Hoey, John S. + 65 , 616'Fifth av. Holden, Robert e 47 A 1517 Broadway. Holland, J. G. 51 -P 743 Broadway. Holme, John S. 6 48 V' 150 E. 45th. Hooker, Wim. A. + 66A J. T. Davies, 220 B'way. Hoppin, WW.,Jr. § 6 3 6z Liberty. *Hosford, Fred'k - 62 4d Houghton, Geo.H. e 424d I H. 29th. Houston, Fran's H.$ 59 B 96 Liberty. Howard, H.W.B. ± 72 B 27 Park place. Howard, R. B. 56 K 63 Ilible House. Hoyt, Gerald L. ± 72 B 54 Stone. Hoyt, Wm. S. k -66 A 94 Fifth av. Hubbard,HenryW.$ 66 i 56 Reade. *Hubbs, Isaac G. = 404d Hunt, Thos. G. + 6o B 137 Front. Huntington, Sam'l § 63 B xii Broadway. *Hurd, Egbert § 58 T Hurlbut, H.A.,Jr. $ 63 A 54 Wall. Hurlbut, Wm. H. ± 6o B 470 Broome. Hutchins, A. S. - 79 P' 40 Wall. Hutchins, Waldo § 42 P 40 Wall. Hutton, Fred'c R. = 73 A 47 E..gth. Iddings, Louis M. 72 45 Tribune Office. Ingersoll, S. H. + 53 6C 300 Mulberry. Irving, Alex. D. $ 62 A 54 William. Isham, Samuel O 75 B 128 Madison av. Ives, H. Brayton $ 6x B 4 Broad. Jackson, Jos. C. § 57 B So Broadway. Jaffrey, Robert $ 42A 46 Wall. Jenkins, Frank 74 B 27 Park Place. Johnson, Henry L.$ 6o B 4 Exchange court. Johnson, HenryM.- 77 B 428 W. 16th. Johnson, Wm. M. ± 61 B 428 W. 16th. Johnston, J. H. x 77 B 8 Fifth av. Johnston, J. T. § 394d 8 Fifth av. *Johnston, W. M. + 4611 Jones, Edward R. $ 6o A 6r Wall. Jones, Harry M. O 69 A 8 W. 9th. Jones, James D. § 71 B X52 Broadway. Jones, Silas R. e 53 0- 17r B'way; Irvington, N.J. Jones, Wi. M. C 63 T 130 W. 3oth. Joslyn, Edwin M.- 78 B 50 IV. 29th. Judd, Orrin B. 642 - M.E.R.R., Bleecker st., E. Judson, Fred'c A. 64 B 9 S. William. Kelley, Robert § 70 B 20 assau. Kello g,EdwinM.A... 46 A 257 roadway. *Kemble, William + 71 A *Kimball, Gen. W. x 444J *King, Aug. E. § 51 4 King, Edward $ 532 56 Wall. King, James M. m 62 R 8o Macdougal. King, Rufus o 6o 4 St.Nicholas Club,x2 E.29th. Knevals, S. P. § 53 B 32 Park place. Lambert, E. W. .. 54 B 120 Broadway. Lambert,SanXW. - So B 2 E. 37th. . c le or IPrv I I - lI 1 ----- I 111 IIIi flAn lI r 4 --w lx 374 THE GE Lane, Chas. H. x 64 , 453 Broome. Lane. Harvey B. = 35 $ x6o E. 61st. Lane, Henry F. 6 5o 39 Park row. *Latham, Chas. F. $ 48 Z Latting, Chas. P. § 73 B 93 Nassau. Lawrence, E. A. + 43 Z 1o Murray. Lawrence, H. E. + 49 314 Broadway. Lawrence,Thos.T. 0 56 A 130 Madison av. Leavitt, John W. + 45 A ,6 Wall. LedyardLewis C. § 72 A 66 Wall. *Lee, Nathan A. § 5o B Lewis,John VanB. § 70 V 237 Broadway. Lewis, Theo. F. ± 48 A 44 Broadway. Lexow, Chas. K. § 73 A. 39 Nassau. Lincoln, Geo. F. § 70 B 49 Nassau. Lincoln, Rufus P.... 62 .r 22 W. 3rst. Lindley, Chas. L. - 77 A 41 E. 12th. Little, A. Robbins 1 51 B 34 Lafayette place. Livingston, H. - 79 B 258 Madison av. *Lloyd, Chas. H. c 6T 4 Lockwood, C. E. .'. 65 B 301 Mott. Loder, Jeremiah § 46 A 79 Cedar. Lord, Daniel, Jr. § 66 A 320 Broadway. Lord, Franklin B. § 70 A. 120 Broadway. Lord, George DeF. § 54 B 120 Broadway. *Lord, Jeremiah S. r 36 4 Lowry, Robert e 50 4 123 E 60th. Lyman, Hart 73 B Tribune Office. Lyman, Joseph ± 73 A 31 Burling Slip. Lyman, Sam'l H. § 61 B 14 P. O. Building. Librarian. )GRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. McAlpine,Geo.L. - 79 B 673 Fifth av. McArthur, R. S. b 67 r 233 W. 2oth. McCauley,H.B.,Jr- 774 339 Second a.. *McCrackan, F. L. - 60 A! McCutchen,S.St.J. § 70 B 2 Nassau. *McDonald, A. B. o 52 A McDonald, F. G. $ 64 I' 1o Nassau. Mackenzie, H. G. x 74 A 346 Broadway. MacKie, James S... 45 0 55 Broadway. McLean, Chas. F. § 64 B 12 Wall. McLean, Ward x 43 0 23 and 35 Astor House. McNeilly, Robert .. 60 I 339 W. 32d. Mali, HenryW.T. 65, 68 Worth. *Mali, Wm ,W. 644J Mandeville,H. A. - 794J 327 E. 124th. Manice, W. DeF. 51 B 46 Pine. Mann, M. D. .'. 67 B 1s W.43d. March, Edwin P. + 6o T2 91 Water. Marsh, Nathaniel § 70 A 23 Park row. *Marsh, Walter R. § 59 4 Marslhall,Chas.H . 58 A 38 Burling Slip. Marshall,Fred c P. § 72A 6S Wall. Marshall, HenryR.+ 73 A 31 Union sq. Marshall, James p 57 B 5o Bible Iouse. Marston, Chas. E. $ 63 Z 40 Wall. Martin, Newell § 75 B 56 Wall. Martin, Wm. M. § 63 A 9 Pine. Martindale, Edw'd § 36 6 71 Broadway. Mason, Eben 0 524 205 Lexington av. *Mason, John M. § 40 A Mathews, Albert 42 B1 31 Pine. Mead, Fred'k, Jr. x 71 B 338 PearL Mead, Herman R.O 77 B x W. 56th. Meade, Chas. H. x 524 345 Broadway. *Meech, Wm. B. § 394d Meyers, John K. + 68 4 378 Broadway. Millard, Henry B. .-. 55 yr 47 E. 25th. Miller, Geo. A. § 63 Z 66 Wall. Milliken, Geo. F. - 79 A z63 Madison av. Minor, Chas. W. § 74 B 23 Park row. Minturn, John W.+ 59 A 78 South. Minturn, R. B.,Jr.+ 56A 78 South. Mitchell, Edw'd P.T 71 K Sun Office. Mitchell, Wm., Jr. § 68 A 62 Wall. Montgomery, F. .-. 76 B Bellevue llosp. Med. Coll. * Moore, Chas. C. O 474d Lexington av., Both st. Moore, Geo. H. 1 424 soot Fifth av. *Moore, John W. + 594d Morgan, 'Chas. L. + 67 B 70South. Morgan, Wm. D. 58 B 70 South. Morgan, Wm. F. § 65 4 32o Broadway. - *Morris, Lewis + 48 A Morrison, H. P. - 8o 4 32 North Moore. Morse, Richard C. p 62 B 52 E. 23d. Morton, James p 45 B 2s Alai en Lane. Mott, Hooper S. O 77 A Morrisania. Mott, Wm. F. § 64A 32 Park place. MulfordDavidlH.: 46 B 379 E. 123d. Murphy, E. D. p 494d 46 Catharine. Mygatt, John T. +:58 V 7z Broadway. Neilson, Alfred $ 664 70 Broadway. Nesmith, Rob't D. .*. 6o A 12 E. 23d. - Librarian. M w T THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRI Newell, Geo. B. § 69 4 9 Nassau. Newell, Samuel § 57 A 55Pine Newhall,Rich'dW.§ 64 X 239 Broadway. Nichols,Wash'n R. § 52 A 4o Reade. Nicoll, Edward L. § 65 4 149 Broadway. Norton, Chas. L. 59 B 27 Park place. Nott, Frederick J..-. 74 2^ 228 E. 124th. Noyes, Dan. J., Jr. g 6r Z 62 Cedar. Noyes, Henry D. .-- .i 4 73 Madison av. Oakley, Alfred P. -- 82 A 41 N. 39th. Ogden, Aaron § 49A-4 66 Exchange place. *Ogden, Schuyler - 67 A Ogden, Walter x 70 A 25 Pine. Olmstead, D. H. § 46 Y' so Wall. Olmstead, L. D. - 78 Yf 4 W. 27th. Opdyke, H. B. $ 6o 4 12o Broadway. Opdyke, W. S. § 56 4 20 Nassau. Osborne, James G.$ 56 A 54 Broad. *Ostrander, Alex. § 47 Yf Overhiser, J. C. = 544 220 E. x4th. Owen, Henry E. .-. 64 B 38 W. 56th. Packer, Wm. S. § 66 B 49 Nassau. Paine, Robert T. .'. 58 8) 32 Chambers. Palen, George +694d 87 Gold. *Parker, Edw'd G. § 47 B Parker, Fred'k S. § 73 B 46 P. 0. Building. *Parker, J. C., Jr. § 54 A *Parker, Jas. H. - 38 4 Parker,Willard,Jr..'. 66 A 41 E. 12th. Parsons, George $ 76 K 39 Pine. PattersonChas.H. $ 64 Z 28 Wall. Peaslee, Edw'd H. .. 72 B 29 Madison av. *Peet, Dudley .'. 52 B Peet, Isaac L. = 45 B Tenth av., W. x62d st. Pell, Alfred $55 A 37'Wall. Pell, Howland x 76 A 37 Wall. *Pell, Robert S. 56 A Perkins, Chas. E. x 70 B 96 Thomas. Perry, ClarenceW.- 82 4 203 %V. Std. Pfenning, Louis - So 4 403 E-.1-2d. -Phelps, Benj. K. 53 B 32Park place. Phelps, W. Walter § 6o B 26 Exchange place. Pierson, John S. x 40.4 7 Beekman. *PinckneyJ. H. H. § 51 YT Pine, Tohn B. - 77 -A 48 IV. 120th. Pirsson, Aug. C. § 72 A4 Pitkin, Walter S. § 58 B 20 Nassau. Platt, Frank H. § 77 B r P. 0. Building. *Pollen, Geo. C. O 49 A Pomeroy, Daniel + 56 Z 746 Broadway. Pomeroy,HenryK. x 75 A 46 Broad.1 *Pomeroy,Julius R. § 49 $ *Poor, Arthur H. +-51 A Potter, C. N. § 42 - 61 Wall. Potter, Frederick - 78 B 26 Lafayette place. *Potts, George E. + 6r 4 Powers, C. VanV. - 81 22 Wi. 48th1. Powers,W.VanV. - 77 A 22 W. 48th. Pratt, Henry C. § 57 B 293 Broadway. Pratt, Henry R. .'. 67 Y' West Farms. *Pray, Isaac C. 33 -r Prescott,WalterR.-- 78 Y' 40 W. gth. Prime, G.Wendell p 56 A 32 W.39th. Pryor, James NV. - 78 A 25 Gramercy park. Purdy, A. E. M. .". 57 4 288 Madison av. BUTION. 375 Quackenbos, G.P. = 43 A 33 W-. 28th. Ray, Tames 0 56A1 214\V-123d. Raymond, C. W. + 76 X Dep't Docks, Barrow st. Raymond, H. W.. 69 B 12 W. 9th. Rees, Benj. F. x 74A 37 Ferry. Remsen, Henry '§ 711A 5 Wall. Rhodes, W. E. -- 71 A 204 Pearl. Rice, Edward B. - 764 79 %N . soth. Rice,.Edwin T. § 45 Z 59 Liberty. *Rice, James C. § 54 B Richards, Sam'l T. c 46 B 218 Fulton. Rider, John M. § 73 0 29 Wall. Riggs, Benj. C. .-. 65 B 56 Wall. *Roberts, Chas. + 47 U Roberts, Oliver E. x 42 A 30 Wall. Rockwell, Geo. J. - 72 4 20 E. 42d. 'Rodman, Wm. D. x 76 F 59 Liberty. Rogers, Hoffman 0 68 A 21 W. 42d. Rollins, Daniel G. § 6o Z 32 Chambers. . Romaine, L. G. - 82 A 8 W. 47th. Rood, Ogden N. = 52 B Fourth av., E. 49th st. Roome, C. M. - 8o A 29 IW. 52d. Roome, H C. x 61 r 294 Broadway. Roome, W. H. - 80 A 29 W. 52d. Roome, NV. J. x 78,4 266 IV. 21st. Roosevelt, N. L. x 664J 176 Broadway. Root, Samuel C. x 75 A 46 E. 49th. Rosenthal, L. P. = 77 Z 340 E. 6oth. Ross, William B. § 52 B 3 Broad. Rossiter, EhrickK. n 75 x 658 Broadway. 376 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRI Rowley, Levi + 37 0 18R Duane. Ruppaner,Antoine.'. As A Fifth Avenue Hotel. Sage, Wim. H. :L 65 B 67 Wall. Salisbury, F. S. ± 66 B 694 Broadway. Sanborn, Thos. L. = 58 Z r4 East Boulevard. *Sanderson, J. W. - 43 4 Sands, Philip J. 0 63 A 75 E. 33d. Sargent, G. 11. ± 53A 35 Chambers. Scliieffelin, G. R. § 55A 71 Broadway. Scott, Lauren S. § 47 B 42 Pine. Scribner, J. M., Jr. § 59 0 102 Broadway. Sedgwick, John § 47 4 County C. H. Seeley, Geo. P. x 79 A St. James Hotel. *Seymour, Edward + 58 B Shattuck,John W.- 70 B 55 Leonard. Shaw, Chas. H. - 78 B Washington Heights. Sherman, Chas. A. § 634J - 69 Wall. Sherman, George x 75 A r6 W. loth. Sherman, John T. § 74 A 33 Wall. Silber, Wm. B. =5o,-- 2111 Fifth ar. Silliman,Benj., Jr. 0 70 B 20 Nassau. Silliman, Chas.A.+ : 5 A 40 Front. Skidmore, John D. 9 49 A 55 Liberty. Slade, Francis H.+ 54 B 66 Worth. Slade, John M. -- 51 B 66 Worth. Smalley,\al'ceA.- 79 A 20 W. 26th. Smith, Edmund M.§ 74 -P 31 W. i8th. Smith, Eugene 9 59 B 25 Nassau.. Smith, George P. § 66. 54 William. Smith, Henry G. - 81' 2o E. 25th. Smith, Horace M. +: 51 B 173 Broadway. Smith,John Cotton e 47JK 7 W. oth. Smith, John W. x 56 1F 42 Murray. Smith, Justus § 51 171 Broadway. Smith, Lenox + 65 A 43 Cedar. Smith, Thos. E. V. § 77 B I W. 56th, Soren, George W. § 54 A 3 Broad. Soule, Charles E. § 42 IC I6g Broadway. *Southack,J.W.,Jr. .'. 6o A *Soutter, Robert § 61 4 Spalding, Geo.A. .-. 72 B 42 E. 126th. Spear, Asa A 66 F' 22 Pine.. Spies, Henry H. - 78 34 322 E. 124th. Spink, Erwin I. 53 0 5 Beckman. *Stanton, E. D. $ 48 B Stanton, John R. -- Si A 419 W. 23d. Starkweather,C.C. § 74 B 35 Broadway. Stebbins, R., Jr. -- 56 A z8 Cottage place. Stedman, Edm'd C.$ 53 B 8o Broadway. StedmanErnest G. § 67 B 79 Cedar. Steele, Sanford H. § 70 Z 99 Nassau. Stephenson,W.W. § 54 4 247 Broadway. Stevens, Alex. H. $ 54 B1 36 Wall. Stevens, Fred'k XW. 58 B 16N all. Stevenson, R. W. § 75 4 149 Broadway. Stevenson,V.K.,Jr. § 6841 4 Pine. Stimson, Fred'k J. § 77 B. 33V. 49th. Stiinson, L. A. .". 63 B 72 Madison av. Stokes, Thomas + 65 4 13 Cliff. Stone, James K. r c 6 1 WV. 59th, near Ninth .v. Storrs, Frank § 74 A 34 Wall. BUTION. Strong, Chas. E. § 43 P 68 Wall. *Strong, Geo. C. 55 0 Strong, John R. '72A 120 Broadway. *Sturges,Arthur P. - 64 A Suydam, Chas. C. 56A 149 Broadway. Sweet, Preston I. 5 58 B 345 lBroadway. Sweetser,John H. 57 P 356 Broadway. *Symonds,Wm. L. 4 54 K Taft, Enos N. § g 515B 64 Wall. *Taft, Marcus L. .-. 42 4 *Tailer, Henry A. §52A *Tailer, James T. 571 Taintor, Chas. N. 65 B 758 Broadway. Talbot, Augustus x 66 A 62 Fifth av. Talbot,Richmond-+ 66 A 21 Cortland. Thacher, Thomas § 71 B s4 William. Thomas, Aaron S. 1 69 B 88 Chambers. Thompson, C. H. .". 67 P Thompson, D. G. § 69 P 59 Wall. Thompson, G. M. 65 B 19 Barclay. Thorne, Geo. W. +i- 672 97. Gold. Tillou, Edward § 69 A 220 Broadway. Todd, Robert W. § 66 B 229 Broadway. Townsend, IH. P. § 41 B 13 Chambers. Townsend,J.M.,Jr.§ 74 B it Pine. *Tracy, Fred'k A. § 6o A Trask, C. H., Jr. - 82 A 32 W. 37th. *Travis, Robert, Jr. C 47 A *Trow, Geo. W. t 58 B Trowbridge, Geo. - 78 B 35 W. 25th. . Tuck, Edward $ 62 Z 8 Wall. Tucker, XWm. J. p 61 Z 57 Park av. Tyler, Mason W. § 62 P x65 9roadway. *VanBuren, F. R. §63A yiiir ll It III II II / I I II 11A III I I I rr l lll It Vanderlij .: 76 E. 9gr *aderpoel, J. *Van Dozer, A. VanSinderen,1 54 Wall.. VanVolkenburl 220 Broadway, VanVorst, IH. ( County 0.11. Van~Vinkle, Is, 293 Broadway. Van Wyck, B. 7z Broadway. VanZandt, F.. 24jW. 1oth. Vincent, AM.JR, Voflmann4A.L 414 E. 5'st. *Wainwrighit,H, Walden, Russc 5o Nall.- Wlker, Joseph, 289 Fifth av. \Vard. Eghert 5 Beaver. *WardlVim. W Warren, John 247 NV'. 38th. Waters, Edw'd 1220Broadway. *Waters, L. H. Watkins, lieze] 132 Broadway. Watts, Robert 49 W. 36th. Webb, Ch1as. S Fifth Avenue Webb, Geo. C. 14 IW. 38th. Welch, Jos. A. 3 Broad. *Welles, Jas. H Wells, Chas. F 206 Broadway Wells, Mt. C. 255 Broadway Wenner, Geo. 528 5th. *Wesson, Chas. Wesson,Frank 46 E. 26th. Wesson, Fred' 75 William. Weston, Theo, 12o Broadway *Wetmore,11P. THE GEOGRAPHICAL.. DISTRIBUTION. M. b 5r 4 Wheelock,Wm. E..". 73 B Young, h' 523 WV. 24th. 48 N assa A. §62 A White, Erskine N. p 54 B S. 53jA i21 W.azISt. Nia A. § 54B White, Geo. EL. $ 66 B Porter, A 3 Broad. "gh §f66 B White, John J. § 49Zt 55 Liberty. Roberts, C, §4 p White, NormanJr.--821A *Rumnsey,; 286 Lexington av." =ac§ 481A White, Thos. HI. .". 6o B1 427 Fourth av. Pc l 3, § 76 A Whitin, Lewis F.± 64 B PcF 112 Worth. 0q A. x 782~ *Whiting, JR. EL. K. J 52 Ki Brown,Y Whitlock, Bartlett x 77 U Hasbrouc P 54 A 750 Broadway. Whitney, Vim. C. § 63 BI ..K.- 77 X? x Tryon row. Carskadd Wickes, Thos. P. §74 .B Shoecraft :.P. --45 A 2 Tryon row. ell § 74 B Wiener, Richi'd G. .". 75 4d 16o E. both. Rackett, ,Jr.- 8o A Wightman. F. B. §5iA 229 Broadway. 63 A Wild, Daniel G. §S57 Z *Beardsle, r65 Broadway. Dowed, P § 49 B Wilkinson, A. §71 A *Gat ,De S. .'. 62 Z 237ad Broadway. Kelley, W illard, J. LeB. -T 54 A Stebbins, ILE. § 72A 127 Church. = *Wu L'lliams, 11. L. 5- 6 A = 47 \Villiams, H. JR. .". 67$ Johnson, kiali § 59 1 45 E. 71st. Williams, It..HII-1- 7511A " 59.x1 6 Broadway. Baldwin, *Wilson, Jas. XV. = 49 D Curtiss,t >. 5iA *Wilson, Wm. C. § 52,d 02 Hotel.. 6 Winant, H. D. - 7824 Youngs, § 76 525 Madison av'. f Woodruff, C. T. e 49 B . 1 § 53 B 218 E. 46th. Fox, Cho [. Wi~1'Woodworth, N.B. -- Sr A " 43 r 8 E. 32d. - §68 1r Work, C. Frank $7r1.Ad Hayt, Ed . 36 Broad. : 7 § B Work, James H. § 67A "-1220 Broadway. *Chaddocl U. 165 B Wyckoff, Peter B. .". 68.r 5 AN'. 37th.Herc IH. §i 63 B Wyman, Chas. D. § 72d2 Hrrck B.- 78 11 79 Tenth av. Tilden, 3 Yard, john § 75 B p 'c -;68ib1 eoma,60N.a23d. Ars t eaaR. T. -784d arencSt + 53 B 1302E. 78th.Larn .r. 4A Yeaman, S. AI. - Suherla .j r.-i- 911 2302E. 78th.Suhra .37/ l ason §6o.B eao. gara .Falls. Obert A.§ 59 r' r'h Chili. B. H. -=76 Z DeW.C. -- 454 Nunda. ,tcher C. §62' (9 lensburgls. )avid W. - 76 B ck, Louis §37 0 Oneida. San, C. §54'F :, B. N. -=791I1 Orient. EL 1 § 6s H Oswaego. yS. R. 360a ascal MT. . . 72 I' elos §51,H Roh't W. x 74 B HenryH. p 62 B Owego. Chas. F. ± 55 B Oxaford. Wim. JR. b 62 ,Z1 Oscar H.§ 58 0 ester Bay. Win. J. §72"AX inted .Post. as. J. J-61 Q Patterson. lw'd K. +774 Pavilicn. :k, 0.0C.-- 57 1' ,D. S. x.67 ' *ohn N.. 66 V' ('7 Yrn. ephen B. -=- 8n2T e, John B. §72":X .Perry. ;nd,W. T. = 78.1' ll. --- _ II IIAII I II III. 1-1 -C iP 378 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Phelps, Allen, Chas. Ml. q 67 2" Kirk, Hyland C.= 72,1' Allen, Henry N. § 69 2" *Peck, Lewis V' 44W "Ailing, Joseph T. X 76 2r Pittsford. Bacon, Theodore § 53 IB Guernsey, FredW.- 79 2" Baker, Henry B. O 7!1 Hargous, Louis J. p 73 F Barrett, Amos J. b 54 2" Barry, John H. --70 1" Plattsburghi. Barton, Alvin L.§ 65 2' Clark, Nath'l V. --- 79,54 Benjamin, D. S. = 62 1' Smyth, Henry M. e 7! A Bentley, S. D. § 70 ]- Plymouth. Bosworth, W. H. =5$S V" Cushman, Dan B. § 76 B Boucher, Jas. H. x 74Z 'Brackett, H. W. --- 66 1" Port Ohester. Brown, Frank A. - 82 2F Ward, \Vm. L. - 79A1*Busell, Byron XV. §7! A Port Henry.- Buell, Jesse XV. ,", 74 2" CaseWin. H. IT 66 (U Buell, Walter § 74 2" Burke, XWm. B. - 64 2" Potsdam. Campbell, Jas. R. x 66 2' Tisdale, Wmn.AM. -- 82 Z*"Clark, Ira C. § s59 2' Turner, Duncan 36 (0 Clarke, Edw'd S. -- 76 13 Poughiccesie. *Clarke, '''Wi. . =48 11 Currier,AndrewF.-78 7? Cogswell,XWm. N. --- 78 2r' Dullois, C., Jr. § 68 B. Coit, Chas. P. p 67 2" Parker, Edw'd H. . . 46 Z Craig, Oscar § 56G(0 Reid, Lewis F. = 75 B Day, Belden S. - 81'2'' Tallman, John F.- 79111 Day, M ahlon - So 2" Van+Gieson, A. P. r 49,~J Dewey, Chas. A. £ 6r 2" Dolley, Chas. S. -- 791I' Prtsugls. Durand, H. C. " - 8,2 1' Higby, John C. $61 yr Elliott, Geo. XV. I 73 ~ Eliwanger, H. B. 73,4 Pmdtney. Eliwanger, W. D. - -76 B3 Bradbury, Ziba N.p 59 B; Ely, William S. .'. 6i 2' Randolph. Fenner, Edw'd B.§ 67.1' Edwards, Jas. T. =GoZ Frost, Albert G. -- Si 2' ,Iiiemond*Gilbert, Edwin S. = 55 1' Richmondlia..e O Gorton, Chas. X'V. x 76?2 Voco, Ths. . C 6 ~ Grosvenor, 0. G. X 77 2' JMckmomzd hill. Harris, Albert H.- Si I'' Perrin, Edwin 0.-- 77 B Hart, Edward P.= 72 2" Ride's Alis. Hayden, J. Alex. -- 78 1" I~idi A ls. Hollister, Geo. C. x 77 F Rider, Francis V. - 78 U) Howe, Henry B. -- 79 2F Riverdale. Hunn, Joseph S.§ 76 B Delafield, M. L. p 56 A Jennings, E. R.t-- 82 T R ver;,end. Johnston, Dan'l L. §69g2F Millard, Jas. L. ±_-65 A IKimball, H. C. -- 82 F" Stacpol, G =. F - 7 z *Lattimore, S. A. =68 2F - Lee, XWm. B. - 77 2" Rochester. McGuire, J. H. § 66 1" Adlington, Jos. A.§ 73 ZVq *McLean, Thos.K -- 71 2' McMath, M. H. -- 79F MlcPhail,Edw%'d I.--- o ' McPhail, Percy R.- 8xr1- Mann, Parker 175 F Montgomery,G.R.- 8t 1~ Morehouse, H. L. b 58 1- Morgan, John S. §73E~ Mixer, Albert H.= 48 W" Muinford, Geo. E.$ 5 r7 Newton, Chas. L. x 73 F Perkins, Geo. H. x 72 F' Quinby, Isaac F. = 64 2- *Raymond, A. W.- 77 F' Rew, Henry P. -- 79 Y Rider, Chas. E. .". 68 F^ Roberts, Benj. TP. 71148,Z Sage, XWm. L. ± 65 F- Seelye, Ogden x 6o d Shaffer, Wmn. H: x 71 F- Shuart, XWm. HI. § 7517 Stanton, Geo. XV. 0 671F Steele, John Ml. § 72 1' Strong, Aug. H. 6 57 B Sumner, Chas. R. .". 74 F Tracy, Elmer C. 8,2z1F \Vagstaff, A. J. x 76 B XWebb, XWi. XV. § 71 1~ Wilkins, H. D. = 66 F' Williams, C. At. 71 F" XWitherspoon, E. § 65 1^ Witherspoon, XV. .-66 2F Rome. *Cady, Rush P'. [62 Vt Higgins, John D. + 48 Yf *Kinney, S. R. 50oVW *Knapp, im 1H. j 6oV' Lawton, Geo. I1. - 82 Vr Reese, XWi. IH. in 70 52' Stevens, Edw'd L. § 55 U) Taylor, James I3. P 5611C Taylor, Robert L.- 82 Y" Rondout. Clark, Isaac p 561B Roosa, DeX~itt § 75 B Schoonmaker, P. E. x71z1 Rioslryn. Ordronaux, J. .'. 50 Z RtoxhurV. Keator, Bruce 'S. ---"79qRB Designer. . 'fir t, I . I . ON -I Ift THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 379 Rushville. *Foote, Ozias P. = 430I Rye. Brewster, C. B. e 63 B Chandler, Jos. H. = 77 B Sag Harbor. Carpenter, E. A. § 542. S .Johnsville. Smith, D. C. : 75 0 Saratoga Springs. Hamilton, Wm. A.... 68B Hathorn, F. H. x 67 B *Shepherd, D. § 40 U3 Southgate, C. F. 1 71 I San quoit. Tucker, F. P. 571ff Scarsdale. *Nelson,Edw'd D. + 41 4r Schenectady. *Banker John N. 4 45 O Comstock, N. F. + 666) Davis, James E. V 47 60 Jackson, Allan H. 53 6) *Jackson, Alonzo C. 142 6) *Jackson, John K. + 53 6 Jackson, Sam'l W. § 42 0 Lamoroux, W. =446) Lyon, Jos. A. 6o 6) *McCamus, Ed #'d .-. 45 6 *Mjathews, John 1 38 6 Maxon, Ethan A.+ 61 6 Maxon, Frank - 79 B Morse, Oliver C. x 68 B *Ostrom, David H.- 58 6 Price, Isaiah B. = 72 01 Rogers, John H. e 542 VanIngen, Jas. L. .. 40 6 Veeder, John = 75 6) *Whitehorne,A.M.- 69 0 Seneca Falls. Avery, Frank C. --8zG *Backus, Wm. H. +' 3606) Bickford, Robert + i 51A ChamberlainC.K.-8 3f Latham, W. A. S. - 81 X Lawrence, J. S. - 80S Pollard, W. J. - 82 0) 1 Hotel proprietor. Sennett. Webster, F. E. V 75 t Seward. *Ottman, Norman = 500 Sherburne. *Cushman, I. LaF. § 45 B Sing Shiq. Stiles, Chas. S., Jr.= 71 PI Todd, Albert V 50 B? Underhill, A. S. x 75 , Woolsey, C. W. 0 6x 4 Smithtown. Smith, DuBois § 76 zl Somers, *Monilaws, eo. p 39 0 <halmpton. Hand, James H. in 72 Z South Bryon. Prentice, A. C. 1' 66 0 South New Berlin. Scott, Walter b 68 0 Southold. Elmer, C. DeV, C. 57 0 South Plymouth. Benedict, Geo. B.- Si Z8 Springville. Sherman,ElmerC.- Sn 32 Spuyten Duyvil. Sage, Eugene E. + 77 A Stapleton. (Clifton, Staten Island.) Birmingham,E. F.- 794 Dix, Joseph K. - 8 4 Syracuse. Babcock, M. D. - 791H Baldwin, C. G. § 71 31 Bennett, C.. = 52 Bennett, W. C. - 79 H Brooks, Jas. B. § 69 Z Burt, Oliver T. +:44 0( Congdon, A. S. -- 79H Congdon, C.A. §75.Th Corbett, Patrick § 66 Vr Esmond, Fred C. = 77Th French, Porter M.- 8o H Gilbert, Jas. M. = 75 IT laven, Albert C. -7711 Haven, Theo. W.- S H Holden, Chas. I). 0 771IT Holden, Willis A.- 79lI Htchkiss, D. H. - So H Howlett,AlfredA.- Si H Jones, Law'ce T. § 71 T Kingsley, E. A. § 69 0 McCarthy, D., Jr. 75 X Metcalf, Geo. R. .'. 72 1' Mix, Robert J. - 79Th Moore, Chas. E. + 70 6 Mowatt, John E. - So IT Munro, Jacob W. § 75 2 Munro, John P. § 69 AT Perkins, Jacob N. § 65 Plaisted,Elwyn D.§ 77IT *Platt, John H. 50 Y *Rexford, Steuben § 42 B *Rhoades, HerveyF.§ 43 0 Roberts, A. DeW. x 63 Yr Smith, Chas. C. - oITh Stevens, Wm. J. - 82 H Warner, Geo. B. - o H Weston, Homer § 67 B Wheeler, C. B. § 38 White, Horatio S. = 73 A Wright, Edw'd C. § 71 3f Tarrytown. Olmsted, C., Jr. - SoX Smith, Chas., Jr. § 76 P Tivoli. Clark, James S. e o50A Tomhannock. Lawrence,Wm.H..'. 73 Z Tray. Bacon, John B. 68 0 Bement, R. B. C. + 68,4 *Boies, William 52 B *Brinsmade, I-.W. - B51B Brown, Geo. J. m 73$" Caird, James e 67 1 Carpenter, C. E. - 82 X Crandall, E. L. - 79 0 *Cushman, E. F. -1 360 Gould, Geo. V. § 73 B Howe, John K.-+ 71 B *Lewis, T ayler .". 494 Sea captain. _ i 380 r oC THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. I I Lyon, Job P. -S10 McClellan, S. P. r-Si0 Newman, John In 33 0 Sae, John T. 63 0 Seymour, Wi. W. . ". 751B Sharpe, John E. + 63 0 *Starbuck, Walter t 62 0 *Stewart, M. H. = 37.0 *Tibbits, George §45 0 Voorhees, Theo. + O3A Webber, Geo. N. P-521P Whiton, H. B. ..50 0 Trumamsburgh. lBiggs, C. P. :t-7S X Utica. Butler, Chas. A. x 5iz T Butler, John Ml. $ 43 Vr Carpenter, C. F. + 76,X Carpenter, Geo. - So A Carpenter, WV. H. ---So AX *Childs, W. B. 64 V Curran, Geo. L. 63 11 Doolittle, C. A.§ 72 1' Doolittle, WV. S. -- 76 IR Fincke, F. G. §73A Goodier, L. B. -- 77 11 Hartley, Isaac S. r 52A4 *Head, John Q. 70 1- *Hurlburt, H. D. -- 75 1- Mann, Jas. F. 59 B Porter, D. D. 711P Seymour, H. + 67 B Watson, WV. IiH . 5 2 *XWells, T. S. 56 v XWheeler, F. B. :+ 761B V Tictor. Babb, Thos. E. ac65 P WTalden. Schoonmakcr,MI.V.r 39 0 Scott, John E. x 53 0 lT''rrenrsburgh. *Richards, S. T.+ 4409 Warsaw. *Darling, Vim. IH. - 55P Harrington, Aug.§ 56FP Warwick. *Prentice,ErastusL.m 55 P Waterford. Best, Alfred E. +175 , Marshall, Lorenzo Inl 49 A Waltrloo. Hiadley,SterlingG. q 36 0 *Pliillips,Llurrouglis § 49 Z lTatertown. Ball, Wooster 0. -:- 77 Z Cooke, H. P., Jr. -- 77+~ Cooke, Leslie B. + 63 V Seymour, Fred'c x 67 11 Shepard, XWm. J. § 771-4 XWalker, Ceo. IL - 8Si,'X \Vickes, XWm. K. = 701" Winslow, J. C. §77 Z .Waterville. Allen, George .'. 7'5 2F Wiilson, Claudlo .". 71 P' W atkins. Griswold, T. L. = 53 -r Stull, B. B. 0 65 r West Bloomfield. *Russ, John Al. --50'x llrevtt Chesfer. Adee, Bdwr'd Al.-- So B .lirstfield1. *Bliss, H. J" §53 Paterson, G.W., Jr. $45 Z lT'stmoreland. *Jackson, Vim. H. = 55 U7 Williams, A. G. t'45 U' We'st New Brighton. Burgess, George =- 474A *Carey, Geo. H. § 6rA West Point. *Bailey; Sam'l S. - 59 0 *Wells, Mlinot Ml. C 42 0 WTest Troy. Culver, Chas. .h.. - 78 6) M1ors, Frank E. x 790 Shiland, John C. .". 770O White Plains. *Chandler, R. C.= 474d Curtis, Newton F.:. 7! K TWT ;oming. Forbes, GeorgeM. = 78 T Forbes, John F.= 78 T Yonkers. Atkins, A. B. e 44 0 Butler, W.A. ~43.D Clark, S. S. 73 B Freeland, IH. R. 61 Gorton, C. B. ~71 (1, *Odell, XWilliam 0 6o 4 Shults, Langrave = 72 6 Skinner, John NVi. = 43 B Smith, Duncan § 554 (162 r) NYOJ2TEJ1 AROLINA. Columbia. New Blerne. Raleigh. *Brabble, Bdm'd C. § 57 Z *Daves, John -.53 A Smedes, John E. C. c 5o0 "Fietvle Howe, Vim. Hi. § 47 B Tourgee,AlbionXV.§ 62 1 Slocom, Albert H. ±57 -V.Aewotn. Wilmningon.. i6K Finer, Sidney '14. -± 6tzh Mannig, S . 16 I llsborough. *Shell, Manuel B. j 6t ICt (ii.) Collins, Josiah § 524A *Smyth, Chas. "Vi. = 54K ; Sherilt ' 1 I II il 1 Iii I l II II I IIIIII I I I II 11 A 3g I THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. .. .. ., Akron. Marvin, R. P., Jr. Ashland. McNulty, Vim. J.- Avondale. § 5oT - 80 09 Blake, Alfred F. c 62 I Cardington. Pennock, Wm. C. - 82 I Chardon. Page, Chas. E. c 64 Chillicothe. Richardson, Wm. = 64 Z Wilson, Thos. K. f 77 I Cincinnati. Anderson, N. L. ± 58 A 120 E. 4th. Avery, Chas. H. 75 B z Masonic Temple. Bailey, James M. ' 68 T1 255 Longworth. Baker, George S. = 76 2P Baker, Henry ts 64 $- Walnut Hills. Bartlett, J. Pliny x 66 T 137 Walnut. *Bell, George $ 51 Z *Blackman, G. C. .'. 4r 0( Blake, Leonard 72 1 Gazette Office. Boyden,%Ienry . 641B Times Offce. Brown, R. H., Jr. 1 57 B Gas and Coke Co.'s Office. Brown, T. A. H. 72 Gazette Office. Collins, Isaac C. § 46 B 148 Walnut. Dexter, Charles o p iA 65 Pike. Folsom, Richard ± 57 F 54Walnut. Gest, John B. x 68 I 44 Walnut. Goodhue,Frank D. § 77 B 41s W.6th. Hall, Wm. A. - 66 I 296 Broadway. Hanna, Thomas § 72 I 2z IW. d. Hatch, john F. § 69 Z SS W.3d. I Universalist clergyman. OHIO. Hewes, John H. x 70 -D 166 Main. Hollister, H. C. - 78 B Mount Auburn. Hopkins, F. W. - So B Fourth and Race. Howe, Andrew J. .'. 53 A 2 W . 4th. Hoyt, Albert H. = 50 g Classical and English Inst. Hoyt, Francis S. 44 $ 190 UW. 4th. Huntington, D.W. § 73 B Johnson Building. Huntington, S. J. x 75 B :8: IWest Pearl. Irwin, Lewis Wa. § 73 B 82 W. 3d. *Kelley, Henry P. = 67 I Maxwell, L., Jr. § 74 ' 82 W3d. *Mills, Edward 4 41 B Morrill, Henry A. § 6o Z 1683 Walnut. Nast, Albert J. = 68 Z Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll. *Page, Erwin x 41 A Parkinson, R. H. § 70 Z 8 IV. 3d. *Powers, John H.- 69 Proctor,.Edwin R.'o 68 1 (Washington C. H., Ohio) Procter, Percy f72 1 Gazette Office. Rawson, Joseph + 72 A yoo Sycamore. *Robinson, G. C. in 56 B Rust, Richard S. in 41 g- 190 NP. 4th. Seely, Wm. W. .'. 62 J} 118 W. 7th. Shaffer, Frank H. 77 B 9 East Canal. Shaffer, Lewis W.+ 76 1) g East Canal. Smith, Rufus B. § 76 B 47 Auburn. . Taft, Harry W. --o80 B 6o Auburn av. Taft, Wm. . - 78 B 6o Auburn av. *Thompson, N. S. - 65 I *White, Moses H. I 42 Z 22 Ohio. 1 Librarian. Williams, Roderic x 74 B Central av , 5th-st. Wilshire, Geo. P. x 71 B , O: E. 4th. Wright, Daniel T. § 47 B 66 W. 3d. Circleville. Florence, G. A. y 72 I Cleveland. Abel, John J. -So t Arms, Chas. C. .". 65 Z Bacon, Richard § 73 X Baldwin, Chas. C. ± 55 Baldwin, Seth C. +460 Bridgman, Isaac = 56 Z Chamberlain, R. L. § 61 B Collins, Chas. T. c67 B Coon, John § 471B Crehore, John D. + 54 Z Cushing, C. W. I n55 Dickman, F. J. 462 Fitch, James 47 B Hartness, Jas. A. 59 Z House, T. Ml. m 681$ Kiock, Geo. F. F78 1 Lowman, J. H. .'. 71 $ McEwen, Robert x 65 I' Morgan, Chas. H. + 78 B *Mygatt, Geo. S. § 52 B *Palmer, Wm. H.. 64 B Parker, Wilbur --SoiB *Perkins, Jacob 1 42 B Pomeroy, Chas. S. p 54 A Raymond, S. A. 70 11 Robinson, H. L. § 65 T Sexton, Allan IT. -79 X *Smith, Howard P. x 69 1 Spencer, Frank 0.---8o B Tyler, Chas. V. 71 1I Wheeler, John W. .- 63 r Worthington,Geo. x 772 Columbus. *Brasse, Morton E. § 63 9 Chittenden, Ii. T. 551 B Deshler, JohnG. x 73 1 Gamble, Sam'l C. = 76 Z Gill, Wilson L. x 75 Z Hamilton,Wi.D.-- So 1 I R. R. President. c I 382 r THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. *Hebard, Daniel j 6o B Linn, Talford P. + 72 1 McCune, John P. - 78 B Moore, Wm. E. p 47 B Neil, John G. O 53iA Nelson, Chas. L. - So B Platt, Ruth'd H. § 74 B Smead, Geo. L. .= 59 F' *Steele, J. McC. e44 Z Stewart, Wm. C. § 69 1 Dayton. Noyes, Bainb'e C. = 67 Z Stoddard, E. F. ± 67B Tomlinson,John R. 1 70 I Wood,Ephraim M. +57 B Zeller, D-. M.M.. § 64 (9 Delaware. Hills, Harry N. - 77 1 Payne, Chas. H. = 56 , Dresden. Austin, L. L. H. - 8 1 Lemert, Robert $ 64 1 Dublin. Pinney, Chas. L. 70 I Gallipolis. Langley, Jas. E. 072 F Spalding, E. E. = 8 2 F Gambie. Benson, Harry C. - 77 I Greenville. Crider, Rollin F. - 82 X Groesbeck. Lewis, Edw'd S. - = 77 .Hanging Rock. Adams, Thos. M. x 74 B Ironton. Willard, F. G. -- 82 I Lancaster. Boerstler, Chas B. § 64 1 Boving, Geo. J. v 64 1 Brasee, Geo. B. V 65 1 ' Sheriff. Oregon City. Leland, Alonzo = 44 2'1 Lebanon. Probasco, Sam. W. § 69 I Simonton, L. 69 I London. Dun, Angus W. V 8o I Dun, Charles B. 0 77 l Dun, John G., Jr. 0 75 1 lMassillon. Ricks,Augustus J.+ 65 I Aiddletown. Tytus, Edward J. t 68 P. ,Milan. *Dean, Z. T. .-. 46 Z M3ount Vernon. Curtis, Henry L. § 62 I Peterman, C. P. S-- 8o I Norwalk. Sawyer, Frank - 79 I Shepherd, T. D. § 64 $ Oberlin. Brand, James c 66 B Churchill. C. H. = 45 Z Smith, Judson = 5 Q White,.Geo. H. = 70 I' Painesville. Axtell, Salmon B. - 77 1 Sanford, Henry P. t 50 B .Piqa. Burton, John H. e 67 I Portsmouth. Coates, Joseph P..- 8r. 1 Johnson, S. M.T. x 76 1 Waller, Henry D.- 74 1 Ravenna. Carnahan, Jas. C. - So , Salem. Deming, Win. L. ±+77 Xt Sandusk. Anderson, Geo. F.-- 82 1 Brown, Wim. C. - Sr X Coffin, Chas. L. - 82 ! Hubbard, Chas. L. § 73 B Phinney, Arthur § 64 B OREGON. Salem. Hudson, Nath'l .'. 42 4J Saybrook. *Webster, Joseph j 62 1 Springborough, Whipple, E. V, = 67 Z SprIIgfeld. Goode, Frank C. § 73 B *Sym, John - 42 A Steubenville. Gallagher, Charles $ 67 I Tenney, Henry M. c 64 I' T"19n. Martin, R. DeL. - So B Toledo. *Collins, Frank § 59 0 Dunham, Oren - 79 !F Pierce, Henry D. + 72 Z Pugsley, Isaac P. § 64 B Roff, Frank E. - 81 Royce, Chas. H. +:66 1 Swayne, F. G. B. § 72 B Taylor, Thos. A. + 76 T Thomas, Edwin A, § 55 Z Williams, Harry + 6o 1' Williams, Wm. W. P 43 17 ,Urbana. IHarriman, Geo. G. b 63 K Weaver, Geo. A. § 63 Z W1arren. Glidden, Chas. E. § 57 r Wauseon. Barber, Edwin L. - 82 X Wellsville. *Gilbert, Al. M. e 61 I Wilmington. Fish, Samuel II. = 74 -P Xenia. Penfield, Benj. B. = 73 + Yellow Springs. Clark, Orrin B. = 7212 Youngstown Kelly, William + 74 B (i85.) Knight, Nap'n B. § 60 (3.) %PA " I "ik I qi-q- - -- - sk C 383 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Allegheny. Heath, Frank E. e 76X Allentown. Wood, Jacob W. § 66 P Ashland. Spinney,Albion P. § 47 K Beaver. Johnson, M M. = 57 - Taylor, Riley T. m 54 Z Blovsburgh. Shattuck, Chas. E. x 66 T' Bradford. Roberts,'Geo L. = 73 Buck Mountain. Westfall,Edw'd J. .. 66 & Butler. Bredin, Geo. S. -,81X Bredin, S. L. C. .. 54 D) Cambridge. Grassie, William P 52 P Carlisle. lrickett, William § 68 Z Ca aaua. Earle, Cornelius p 45 4 Chadd's Ford. Randolph, N. A. 79X a Columbia. Nourse, Chas. J. t 72 A .Danville. *lalliday, H. II. -- 38 !1 Dauphin. Meeker, David C. P 434d Doylestown. Lear, Henry § 69 B Michener,HenryC. § 67 ,2 Easton. Jones, Robert I. § 63 P E5ensburg. Barker,August's V. § 72 Z Emporium. Boynton,Austin C. x 72 0 Mayo, Ezekiel R. § 6o K PENNSYL VANIA. Enterprise. *Sprague, Oscar L. § 44 IF Erie. Downing, J. F. x 52 P. Gould, Edw'd P. § 591 Mills, Wm. H. C 492 Falls. Dershimer, A. A. -78 B Firendsville. Mulford, Elisha e 55 B Gap. Timlow, Philip J. P 37 6 Glenwood. Grow, Galusha A. § 44 P Great Bend Village. Chase, Simeon B. $ 5031' Greeneastle. Ziegler, Geo. F. = 66 P Green Tree. *Steele, Thos. C. p 63 B iHarford. Cobb, Charles N. T 7711" .Iarritburgh. Chamberlain,Jas.I. § 73 B Jldmiesburg. Millett, Daniel C. e 46.A Jionesdale. *Dalrymple, S. B. e 53 D Dimmick, WV. E. -- 78 B Minor, Charles S. § 41 B Peck, Luther W. M 454J Ivy Jllls. Saulnier, T. P. x 594J Johnstown. Lynch, Frank B. - 8r Kingston. Copeland, David = 55 Lovejoy, Cyrus C.= 7 $ Welter,Joshua L. -82 II lIttanning. Reynolds,Jefferson § 50 6 Knox. Eddy, William .'. 592 Laceyville. Nevins, Wm. R. § 46 B Lancaster. Arms, Chas. J 63 B Muhlenberg, E.D.+ 5o 1 Reilly, Edw'd D. 9 52 B Smyth, Fred'k K. = 67 K Yundt, Edwin H. § 59 B Lanrsborough. Lyons, Francis A.+± 6 o .ileadville. Bugbee, L. H. m 54P Cary, George L.- = 52 A 3fillersville. Westlake, Jas. W.= 57 & Milton. Chamberlain, F. = 76 B Mervine, Chas. S. = 77 B Montrose. Jessup, Wm. H. § 49 B New Brighton. Hoyt, H. N. W. =64 K Parkersburgh. *Bent, Thos. A. - 74 B Philadelphia. Adams, Henry W. .'. 41 g 920 South xth. Atkins, Alfred C. - 79 2 7925 North l2th. Austin, Sam'l I-. § 38 0 729 South 7th. Bald, John D. 4 45 B 725 South 5th. Barclay, Charles - 76X 133 Girard. Barnes, James N. 48 B 4209 Aalnut. Bedell, Bradbury § 76 B 225 South 6th. Breed, Wm. P. p 434d 258 South i6th. Brown, Alex, L. 69 .B ro Arch st. *Brown, Henry A. 65 B BrowningChas.H.I 68 I 6th and Chestnut. Y 6l 384 . THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIB Burnett, Chas. H. .. 64 B 127 South 18th. Camac, William .- .50 A 206 Walnut. Chase, R. H. 52 A Spruce and $, 16th. Child, Chas. S. + 702 217 Chestnut. Cuyler, T. DeW. § 74 B 704 Walnut. Davies, Thos. F. c 53 B 727 Pine. Davis, Robert S. o60 B Spruce and x8th. Davis, Wm S. 53 A 232 Walnut. *Dwight, Thos. B. 59 B Echfeldt,Thos.H.- -Si 1 2624 Mount Vernon. Edmands, John 1 47 B 1403 Filbert. Farr, William W. e 64 1 3902 Walnut. Foster, Chas. I-I. 55 Ii 7404 South z3th. Foster, Joshua = 394d S. Broad and Pine. Frost,rEdward I.- 74 A 21oo Chestnut. Gobrecht, Chas. J. § 46 B 4506 Kingsessing. Hansell, H. F. .-. 77 254 South 16th. Harmar, James L. § 61 Bj .708 Walnut. Heywood, Jos. C. § 55 A 930 Spruce. Howe, Arthur W. - So Ingham, XVm. H. 67 B 222 Walnut. Jackson, Milton $ 67 f 68 North 8th. Jones, Philip L. 6 65 1" 1410 South 13th.- Keator, John F. § 77 B 1026 « alnut. IKynett, Alpha G. = 78 Z: 2209 Spring Garden. I Kynett, Harry H.- 82 OZ 2209 Spring Garden. Lawrence, W. M. 6 71 I' 2421 North x3th. Linville, Jacob H. + 48 (9 2023 Walnut. *Marvin, Edwin C. = 45 S Mathews, S. R. C. -- 49Q 4oo Chestnut. ~ Librarian. Melick, Leoni § 74 B 627 Walnut. Morrison, A. M. r e 47 A 4200 Pine. Neill, Henry P 34 I' 334 South 9th. Northrop, George § 43 B 426 Walnut. Parsons, James § 56 F 32 South 3d. Patten,FranklinW.§ 74 B 32 South 3d. Perkins, Sam'l C. § 48 B 627 Walnut. Price, Joseph .-. 75 313 North 9th. Purves,GuillermoC.§ 64 B 18:2 Pine. *Randlett, H. M. .'. 59 i Rhodes, Jas. M. ± 692w xoo6 Spruce. Richardson, C. F. j 71 Z 61o Chestnut. *Schott, Guy B. § 41 B *Seibert, James J. 6 57 09 Simpson, E. Owen e 6 1 438 Lyceum av. Simpson, A. V. 75 ,- 3111 Spring Garden. Smith, Winthrop $ 69 T 4q South 3d. Stein, Chas. C. § 71 A 522 Walnut. Sutton, Wm. H. 57 721 Walnut. Temple, Benj. L. § 63 09 232 South 6th. ValentineJohn K. § 55 Z 223 South 5th. Warren, H. M. ---oZ n1o North x7th. Wells,Wilberforce c 69 Z Weston,Rosw'll,Jr.§ 57 A 42 South 3d. Wheeler, Wm. F. ± 52 A 19 South 4th. Williams, A1. H. c 64 B 2222 Chestnut. Brown, James P. § 62 B Brown, John C. x 65 B Childs, Albert H. ± 61 B Christy, Thos. C. .'. 70 9a Crane, Edw'd P. = 5r 4 Dalzell, John § 65 B Forsyth, Chas. S. + 6 2 Holmes, Wm. D. - Si X UTION. Jackson, John B. O 67 1 Johnston, Ross ± 70 B- Laughlin, H. A. ± 61i2 Lee, John Al. .. 7x I McClintock,W.L.± 62 B *McClurg, William 1 62 B McCormick, G. T. § 6o2 Messler, R. V. - So B Metcalf, N. W. ± 462 Schoyer, Sam'l B. - 82 ! Stevenson,Wm.L.- 67 B Weeks, Joseph D. 69 Williams, G. W. - Si1' Pittston. *Strong, Theo. C. - 78 B Troxell, Edgar R. .-. 72 B Pottsville. Church,Walter S. + 56 Z Dewees,Francis P. § 53 9 Green, David B. § 52 B Swallow, Edw'd E.= 74 B Reading. *Dresser, H. S. ± 65 K Scranton. Archbald, R. W. § 71 B Boies, Henry M. ± 59 B Hand, Alfred § 57 B Post, IsaacJ. §6o B Slin's Grove. *Townsend, A. = 36 Q Sharon. Dame, Samuel P. + 62 K Slroudsburgh. Brodhead,Geo.M.- 82 $ Swissvale. Williams, N. S, -- 77 P lTtusville. Chandler,Wm. F. - 79 F1 Gibbs, Chas. L. x 73 1' Moody, Geo. O. .5. }g K Towanda. Buck, Sam Ward § 76 0 Kimberley, G. W. = 77 y1 *Montanye,G.DeL. § 56 V Morrow, Paul D. § 52 IF Troy. Paine, Chas. F. .L 62 I r.F%. THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 385 Tunkhannock. Ansart, Felix § 59 B Turbutuille. *Barr, Andrew p 37 O Union City. Coon, Seneca = 61 23 Warren. Rogers. L. A. +: 47 11 West Alexander. Lester, Wm. H. = 78 F' Barrington Centre Cady, Isaac F. = 45 2 Bristol. *DeWolfe, F. LeB. 672. Cumberland Hill. Jenckes, Thos. A. 77-2 East Greenwich. Burdick, W. L. - 82 Kingston. Eldred, John R. .onsdale. Macleod, Wm. A. West Chester. Barber. Wm. T. § 73 R Jackson. Edw'd .-. 74 () Mars, George L. -= 67 <' lVilkesbarre. Bennett, Geo. S. $ 64 Butler. Edmund G. 4 68 $ Davis, Rees .'. 63 1W *Harvey. Elisha B. 4 45 Z Kidder,Clarence P.§ 63 Z Landmesser, L. B. § 7t B Loomis, Geo. P. - 82 1H! Payne, Hubbard B. § 6r $ RHODE ISLAND. Portsmouth. Macomber, W. P. O 77 B Providence. Allen, Henry C. ± 732:F Ames, Edward C. § 672 Arnold, Sam'l G. § 4T Bailey, Thos. B. $ 762x, Bailey, Wm. W. =64" Barrows, Edwin x 57 B Beach, David N. C 72 .3 Beckwith, Daniel + 702 Beckwith, T., 2d - 8o. Binney, William $ 45 B Blodget, William $ 712 *BollesNicholas B. x 562 *Brackett, WN. T. S..'. 52 Z.. Bradford, M.B.L.-- S 2 Brownell, S. E. +422 Bucklin, Wm. T. x 672 Bullock, Jerauld 0 742W Butts, Geo. WV. - So B *Carr, Jeremiah 0..'. 48 2 Carrington, E.,Jr. 0 73 2 Chapin, Edw'd P. ± 702 Child, Edward F. $ 712 Clark, Howard L.+ 762 Collins,Geo.L.,Jr. .'. 732 Crocker, Geo. G. 55 A Dart,William B. t 572' Dearth, XWm. G. $ 55 2 DeWolfe, Jas. A. . . 61 2 DeWolfe, J.Halsey' 572 Dexter, Arthur F. § 54 1W Diman, Jer. L. = 51 2 1 President of Ins. Co. Thomas, Isaac M. + 67 0 Wadhams, M. W.-- So Z Williams,E.H.,Jr. + 72 B Williamsport. Andrus,Daniel S. ± 5423 Conner, Benj. C. = 76 3 Crocker, Wm. D. § 73 B Dudley, James F. x 65 J Munson, R. H. - 79 B York. Eichelberger, M.S. § 58 B (199.) Dorrance, C. T. x 67-2 Dorrance, J. K. x 642 Dorrance, S. R. ± 632 *Dunn,RobinsonP. =432 Dunnell, Thos. 752 Durfee, Samuel S.- 8Y Durfee, Thomas § 462 Eames, Benj. T. §43 B Ely, William - 782 Farnum,Alexander$ 522 Farnum, Frank A.- 792 Farnum, Henry 0.- 782 Gammell,Wm.,Jr.- 782 Gardner, Rathb'e - 772" Goddard, R. H. I. + 582 Granger, D. L. D.§ 742 Grant, Frank B. 69 Grant,HenryT.,Jr. 692 Grant,Orvilie B. = 70 I Gray, Horatio 6 492 Green, Arnold § 582 Greene, E. A., Jr. x 762 Ham, Albert E. .-. 642 Harkness, Albert = 422 Harris, Rich'd B. -822 Hayes, Fred'c -812 Hoppin, Fred'k S. § 56 B *Ives, R. H., Jr. x 572 Jenkins, M. B. 0 552 Knight, How'd N. x 77 Z *Knight, Walter B. ± 702 Knight, Webster ± 762 *Leach, James E. =482 Lincoln, Jas. G. - 83o Lippitt, Chas. W. ± 652 Lippitt, Henry F.- 782 '52 N § 77.r .fNewsport.i, Baker, Darius 70 Fearing, Geo. R. O 6o A *H ammond, H. B. 51 r Malcom, Chas. H. 53 Sands, Mahlon D.0 61 A Wetmore, Geo. P. § 67 B Pawtucket. *Clapp, Edwin § 49 r Dunnell, Wm.N. 732 Tucker, Wm. P. e 541K Peace .Dale. Hazard, John N. ± 572 Hazard, Rowl'd G. = 492 Phenix. Howard, Chas. T. - 782 Talbot, Micah J. in 43 $ 3 Machinist. wrir i iw rr unrrr inuw wrn n rr uirrrr iii i 386 i u n wreeeeee e sii * rer eeeeuuu . ee~e~eu~t -- THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Lippitt, Robert L.- 822; Lyon, Merrick =412 Mason, Arthur L. ± 7x 2 Mason, Earl P. t 692 Mathewson. P. A. - So 2 *Metcalf, John H. O 722' Miller, W. B. M. - 782 Morris. John O 502V Nightingale, C. A.- 782'- Nightingale, F. A.- 782 Ormsbee, John H.- 8o 26 Owen, Franklin P. 74 F Parker, Shubael S. 6 46 V' Payne, Chas. H. -823 Phillips, Wm. B. = 8 2 'Pierce, John O 56 2 Rhodes, Wm. C. + 642"4 Richardson,J.,Jr. - 823 Richmond, Philip - 822. Rogers, Horatio 55 2 Sackett,Fred'c M. + 61 2 Seabury, Nath'l - 822"0 Shedd, Chas. E. + 78 2 Sherman, Wm. H.- 8o B Sprague,Frank E. + 73 B Taft, Edward P. $ 542 Thomas, N. P S. §68 B Tillinghast, H. A.- 822x Tillinghast, James § 492, Tingley,Rich'd H.+ 762 Tobey, John F. § 552 Tobey, Thomas F. j 592 Vose, James G. c 51 B Waterman, H. P. O 742' Waterman, Marcus 1 55 2 Waterman, Paul - 80 3 Artist. Waterman,Rich'd x 592 *Waterman, Steph.+ 462 Waterman,W. B. - 823 Watson, Matthew $ 732 Tiverton. *Durfee, Simeon B. u 512 Warren. Dean, Sidney 64 Z *Smith, Joseph x592 Westerly. Stillman, James = 63 T Wick ford. Talbot,Wm.R.,Jr.+ 57 A 11oonsocket. Robinson, H. H § 682F (133.) SOUTH CAROLTNA. Aiken. Perry, James L. - 79 9 LaRoehe, Jas. H.- 77 6 *Wells, Henry D. + 51 B Barnwell. Columbia. *Brown, Clinton C. § 48 B *Dunbar, James A. § 62 B Charleston. -Gllisonvile. *Alston, J. J. P. 57 A Moore, Henry W. .-- 53 Z *Blake, James P. = 62 B Palfrey, Alfred C. §-6o B Oakley Depot. *Parks, George -+ 452 Rhett, Alfred M. v 51 A Orangeburgh. Bull, Norman H. x SoC . DeTreville,W.,Jr. + 77 ( Fenn, Elipha W. / 6 1 ' Webster,EugeneA. § 72 ' Robertsville. Lawton, Wm. S. (16.) 462 Chattanooga. Baxter, Geo. A. .". 71 I Parkinson, Geo. B. § 75 Z1 Wyatt, Henry D. .-. 71 Z Knoxville. Alexander, Eben = 73 B Baxter, Wm. M. § 70 I Easton,MortonW..= 63 B McGuffey,Chas. D. § 63 1 Terry, Adrian +52 B TENNESSEE. Washburn,Wm. P.§ 5 I' La Grange. *Johnson, David B. -44K Memphis. Livermore, A. S. ± 58 6 .Yashville. *Allison, Sam'l P. § 47 B Baxter, Louis T. 71 1 Berry, Coburn D. § 68 BI Hoyte, James W. p 47 U Lea, Robert B. § 71 1. Lindsley, A.V.,Jr. + 69 B *Poindexter, G. G. Y 50 K Trimble, James § 68 B Watson,Samuel,Jr.§ 68 B Watson, Win. P. i 69 B .lWinchester. Barrett, Albert T. = 69 2- (22.) t I we\ i irrr.iuuu mr iinrirrr r io iu iiurr. irrr rr rioirir im rr 387- THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. TEXAS. Austin. *Murrah, Pendleton § 482 Raymond, J. H. - 78 !P Hearne. Bryan. Cramer,ReubenM.= 77 Z Doremus, John W. e 760D Cramer, Thos. E. V 73 Z Dallas. Houston. Hall, William L. F7 r Goodwin, John W.+ 44 K Greene, R., Jr. x 54 Z FRrt Stockton. Foot, Alex. P. $ 61 B Pope, Benj. F. .-. 64 Smith, Hosea H. = 42 K Galveston. St. Jo. Bickford, Jos. M.- +55 Z Anderson, James p 72 Vr San Antonio. Henson, Rufus A. § 49 B *Lewis, Henry M. § 41.0 - Pike, Chas. E., Jr. = 75 r Sherman. Jordan, James B. = 512 Weldon. Baldwin,James G. A 700( (z8.) UTAH. Opmir. Salt Lake City. Sager, Wm. B. + 66 q McNiece, R. G.* p 67 Z Barnard. Newcomb,Fred.WV. c 72 Z Bellows Falls. Beeman, L. L. in 75 Bennington. *Hubbard, C. H. C 40 B Bradford. *McKeen,Geo. W. - 46 Z White, Noel B. g 71 Z Brandon. Mead, Wm. E. - 81 Selden, Edw'd D. - 44 11 Selden, Rob't W. - So B Brookfield. *Peck, Marshall R. c 70 Z Burlington. Castle, Chas A. -Si Z Smyth. Geo. A. = 63 K Willard, Andrew J.c 53 B Centre Rutland. Ripley, Chas H ± 65 0 Ripley, Edw'd H. ± 62 0 Chelsea. *Steele, Geo. H. - 45 Z Chester. Chapman, Jos, S. c 65 Z VERMONT. Corinth. *Clement,M.VanB.--.66 Z Craftsbury. Wheeler, A. M. in 54 Z Danville. " Durant, James S..-. 52 Z Derby Line. *Steele, Benj. H. § 57 Z East Bethel. *Hebard, Milton -422 . airfield. Fairchild, Wim. H. § 77 Z .Fayetteville. Holland, Jos. B. .'. 58 Z Glover. Thomas, C. B. c 55 -P Hardwiek. Ward, Herbert H.- 79Z,5 Ihartford. French, Oscar H. - St Z *Hazen, Win. O. - 71 Z Landegrore. Gillis, Wm. McN. in 76 , JfcIndoe's Falls. GilchristOscar J. .'. 71 Z Monteith, II. R. =: 69 Z Nanchester. Bates, Marvin S. V 71 Z Burton,George W.-78 B Fletcher, James = 43 Z JMontpelier. Blair, Arthur W. = 72 Z Dana, Israel P. x 71 A Fuller, Chas. H. x 71 Hincks, John H. c 72 B Houghton,J.C.,Jr. $ 62 P Huse, Hiram A. 65 Z Parkhurst, Chas. M 78 Z North Bennington. Henry, Foster b 452 Yorthfiel. *Winch, Francis A.- 73 $ ,North Iartlanfl. Dunbar, Jos. H. - q Z North. Thefford. Morey, Lewis V. 2s 76 Z Norwich. *Hazen, Jos. M. - 48 Z *Partridge, C. B. = 44 Z Smith, Lyndon A.- 8o Z Peheham. Bunker, Chas, A. = 64 Z ,, , 4 .. r"x 3 88 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. PittIsford. Hitchcock,Ernest- 79 Hitchcock,Merrll- Si P .Poultney. Kneil, Thos. R.= 75 , Putney. Dodge, Austin c 61 r la nIplh. Sherburn, Joel 0. m 73Z Rickif ord. Arms, George F. - So0 Puffer, Vin. Ml. - 82 $ Rapedt. Sheldon,James A. 44 B) Rutland. Veazey, Wleelic G.§ 59 Z Ryegate. *Symmes, Pig. S. -- 62 Z ,St. .Johnsbury. Fairbanks, Henry =53 Z Harriman, H. J. - 79 Z Mitchell, Frank A.= 77 1 Springfield. Beeman, J. D. m 64Z Cox, Dorran B. -- 82 Stamford. Hall, Almon E. 'm 72 Sutton. Otis, Joseph P. § 72 Z Union Village. Blanchard, Ferd'd .". 74 Z Vergennes. Woodbridge, E.D. .". 683B W1aitsfielel. Robinson, S. H. c 73 Z 31aterbury. Palmer, Edwin F. § 62 Z Wlest Brattleboro. Merrill, Chas. H. c 67 Z Westminnster. Ward1 Fayette J. 76 I 1 Oarsman. 1Vstminster lWest. *Wardwell, Granv'e c 48 Z IMeston. *Barrows, Chas. L.- 67 Z WVindham. Jones, Emory H. 0 73 Z Windsor. Bishop, Edward N. x 66 Z Pierce, Win. L. --So Z W oodstock. Ainsworth, F. C. .'. 73,Z Carrigan,Edw'd C. F 77 Z Dana, Henry S. § 49 Z Dana, John C. § 78 Z French, W. C., Jr. - So 7 Frost, T. Prescott 1n 76 . Hazen, Chas. C. - So 7 *Mlarsh, Benj. S.§ 52 7 Soutbgate, Fred C.§ 74 7 Southgate, R. S. x 55 Z Washburn, C. H. - So 7 (87.) .Petersburq. *Stanton, Henry E. = 53 7 portsmonuth. *Kimball, Jas. M. P4444 Richmond. Manly, Raiza Al. =48Z W1inchester. Brent, Chas. L. §49 B (14") vi RGINIA. Burke's Station. Jfeusville. Lee, Wmn. H. F. V 58 A VanNess, A. LaR. § 6710 Charlttesvlle. farion. Charottsvile. Rhea, Joseph B.± 63 P Mallet, John W. = 53 P Mleherrin. Fredericksburg. *Galushia, Myron H. e 55 0 Wallace, John G. .'. 4g9.7) Norfolk. *BrookeWin. N. = 5 Kempsville. Duffield, Chas. B. §42aIP Bell, James E. .:. 462 Okeson, Nich's A. e 43 09 WASHINGTON. Oak .Point. Olympia. J *Mason, Chas. H.§ 49 2 Abernethy, Alex. S.+ 70 ZJ Houghton, Jos. H. x 55 P (3.) WESTViR GINIA. Rifngwood. j Wheeling. Ward, David B3. .'. 7331' McGrew, Geo. 'H. mn 70 , *Eoff, Chas. XV. -- A' (3.) xU ri-.. r..n - u rn r i r r rr r r r it i - r r - -r THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 389 WISCONSIN. Appleton. *Ballard, Anson § 45 y' Barteau,Morris R.t 45 Y1' Mason, Russell Z.= 44 Z *Packard,Frederick § 48 B Phinney,James M. x 43 Vt *Pomeroy, Henry = 43 6) Baygfeld. Wing, Isaac H. x 56 K Beloit. Blaisdell, Joshua J. c 46 Z Bushnell, George c 42 B Bushnell, Geo. E..-. 76 B *Eaton, James H. = 65,.r Whitney, H. M. = 64 B Williams, Charles + 43 Z Berlin. Page, Emery Hi. 6 472 Bloomington. Chambers, Geo. H.9 57 (9 Dartford. Sherwood, J. C. ± 44 VI Delavan. Topping, Henry - S £2 Fan Claire. Dudley, Jos. F. c 58 Z Lockwood,Win'.H.p 47 4 Wheeler, N. M. = 75 H Fond du La e. Brown, John H. I.e 52 A Cone, Elijah g 55 B Forrest, Wm. S. 75 Z Griffin, Ezra L. . 47 Z Shepard, Chas. E. § 70 B Stowe, Addison F.- 82 d2 FFulton. Sayre, David F. § 4441 Geneva Lake. Ingham, Elmer T.- 8i d Green Bay. Libbey, Oliver x 59K Tracy, John J. § 64 Z Janesville. Eldredge, B. B § 45 V *Little, Thos. H. .55 Jordan. *King, Hesden + 400O Iieno.ha. - Goffe, James R. = 73. La Crosse. Abbott, Aug. L. - 8o2 Lancaster. Clarke, Peleg A. -'. 53 W1 .Madisoa. Adams, Benj. F. V 45 er' Bowman, J. McC. § 40 0 Owen, Edward T. = 72 B Richards, Chas. H. c 6o B . Ailwakee. Button, Henry H.+ 422E Chandler,Geo.W.+ 6o U Cramer, Edward x 71 B Dodge, James H.§ 52 T1 *Gifford, Charles + 452! Hamilton, C. H. ± 69 Hawley, Rob't N. .-. 7931' Johnson, E. G. - 75 17 Kitchel,CourtneyS.§ 65 B. Martin, Chas. B. - 79 B Orton, John Jay § 42 B Spinney, Chas. E. = 55 1 Story, Willis E. - 7 B Waldo, Otis H. - 79 11 Wyman, Chas. T. + 56 (9 New London. Sterling, Wm.'A. + 53A New Richmond.- Livermore, A. H. C 68 P Oconto. Ellis, Robert x 5S K Oshkosh. *Everett, Arthur '.= 64 r Haight, James A. - 79 X Portage. Staley, Jonathan b 75 d2 .Prescott. Davis, Albert S. V 59 K Preston. Smith, Charles § 68 $ Racine. Converse, John H.= 57 A DeKoven, James e 51 A Elmendorf, J. J. e 45 A *Palmer, Albert R. Q 3g P Wentworth, J. T. a 46 6 Remington. Joy, James V 69 B Ripon. Durlin, Fayette e 49 T ,, Shopiere. Parker, Henry S. V 43 Z Sparta. Patt; Benj. F. b 78 d2 Sturgeon Bay. Scudder, Henry T. 9 72 , WTatertown. Nasiota- Hall, Daniel 9450 xemper, Lewis A. e 49 A nilV§4it6ater. eTcenah. *Day, Aaron - 42 Z Robinson, N. S. .'. 51 K (77.) WY OMING. Green River City. Fort Laramie. Sleeper, John W. § 71 !D Smead, A. D. B. 168 $ 1 . 390 THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Gratz, Austria. Bissell, Edwin C. c 55r Bassein, Burmah. Jameson, Melvin b 56 T Rangoon, Burmah. Rose, Abram T. b 5011' Montreal, Canada. Blackman, C. S. + 57 B Brainerd, Thos. C..'-. 59 B Lyman, Charles x 71 B *Sanborn, John S. § 42 Z Steele, Thos. L. 47 Z Quebec, Canada. Lampson, George § 55 B Sherbrooke, Canada. Brooks, Edw'd T. N 50 Z Brooks, Sam'IT. .". 47 Z Lawrence, H.D. = 73 Z Toronto, Canada. Smith, Goldwin = 45 X Wakefield. Canada. Maguire, Hugh p 71 I Santiago, Chip. *Barnard, John A. + 48 11 Herboso, Fern'do - 794ZI Tailnhiano, Chili. Trumbull, Jas. H. .. 48 B V.'paraiso, Chili. Trumbull, David C 42 1? *Trumbull, David - 76 B Trumbull, John - 78 B Trumbull, Steph'n- 8o B Ilien Shang, China. Chung-Lung - 79 B Shanghai, C'cina. Woodruff, F. E. x 64 B Bates, Daniel M. C 76 Z- Teinsin, China. Chapin, Lyman D.p 58 r IHavana, Cuba. *Lopez, Raymond 0 462 Cairo, Egypt. Farman, E. E. §55r FOREIGN. Bacup, England. Gregory, C. W. b 7312 Bristol, England. Gardiner, H. N. = 78 I' 28 Victoria place, Clifton. London, England. Coffin, Harold L. - 79 X 94 Cornwall Gardens,S.W. Lamson, Wm. 0. e 4904d Pierce, Josiah, Jr. + 46 1C Stevens, Henry + 43 B 4 Trafalgar square, W. C. Manchester, England. Towne, Edward C. c 56 B 19 York pl., Oxford Road. Paris, France, Dow, Lorenzo 49 0- Jones, Luther M. O 60 B 23 Avenue de Wagram. Kernochan, W. S. § 42 A Morgan, John B. e 64 A Roosevelt, C. Y. O 664rJ Simpson, Lewis A. x 72 2 Dresden, Germany. Pond, Isaac = 47 - Leipsic, Germany. Johnston, T. H. = 74 q Pinnebcrg; holstein. Fiske, J hn S. x 63 B B-mbay, India. Kittredge,Geo.A. +-55.B Lucknow, India. Mudge, James in 65 Z Mladura, india. Chandler, John S. c 70 B Nynee Tat, India. Cheney,NathanG. in 69 , Sholapoor, India. Harding, Charles e 53 B Capri, Italy. Smith, Edwin O 42 4 Florence, Italy. *Mickell, Wm. G. O 452 Mills, Lgw'ce H. e 58J = Miner. Venice, Italy. Grist, Franklin R. 1 48 B Tokio, Japan. Houghton,Wm.A.= 73 B Kanda, Naibu - 791' Yokohama, Japan. Greene, Daniel C. c 64 Z isrida de Yucatan, Afexco. Casares, David v56.A St. Jo/in, New Brunswick. King, George E. 59 King, Stephen J. ± 59 z Tuck, Samuel P. + 5$ P St. Stephen, New Brunswick. *Foster, Edgar L. c 641' Todd, Chas. F. 541I Todd, Wm. H. .-. 53k haliffax, Nova Sco'ia. DeMille, James = 54.9 Johnston, H. W. x 54 Pieton, Nova Scotia. Jost, Cranswick m.62 Z Berlin, Prussia. Buller, W. D. - 75 'i' Hansvoigter Platz 2. Puerto Patu. San Domingo. Crosby, Allen H. + 684, Ionolulu. Sandwich Islands. Frear, Walter p 5is B Hartwell,Alfred S. § 58 A Hatch, Francis M. § 73 K McGrew, L. K. -+73 1 G'asgow, Scotland. Moore, M. M. $ 464d Stiles, Henry R. .-. 52 4 Buenos Ayres, S. A. *Hale, Oscar A. o 6 Z Ayer, J. McM. .". 6o Z T'eve, Switzerland. Connolly, John T.o 61 4 Beirut, Syria. Jessup, Henry H. p 51 B Lewis, Edwin R. = 61 I Porter, Harvey = 70 1' X Artist. N 7 it 39 j THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Constantinople, Turkey. Truax,Chaun'y S. = 75 V!I' lMosud, Turkey. Greene, Joseph K. c 55 K *Lobdell, Henry C 49 r Grosvenor, E.- A. = 671'P XKarpoot,- Turkey. (85.) Savage, Chas. A. = 7x z Barnum,Herm'nN.p 52.V' Crane, John W. s511 Hodge, Geo. E. x 53 P Prescott, \Vm. C. § 44Z Drake, William + 541B Hoiway, Emory F. § 54 P-: Scarritt, Win. R. 1)691-' Edwards, Presley J. 55 B King, James 5. 155 V' Stetson, John D. § 58 Ii Ford, Arthur L. 70 A Knapp, Cyrus F. 57 A Stuart, John F. 592 Harlowv, Edw'd H. e 50 Z':- Lee, Edward E. 56 A \Vebster, John R. § 61 IB Harper, John S. ± 7412 Lyman, Elisha S. § 62 B Williams, Egb't D. x 710-) Hobson, John L. 62 A Miller, Lucius S. x 66Z (20.) SUMMARY BY STATES. . EASTERN. WESTERN. II States. Towns. Names. Living. Dead. Maine ... .. .... 72 217 183 34 New Hampshire.. 65 249 115 34 Vermont ........ 53 87 72 15 Mascuet.:86 670 572 93 Rhode Island .... 17 133 119 14 Connecticut ...... 92 313 247 66 485 :56;, 1308 26L MIDDLE. i _ New York.... 76r :62r 2383 238 ' New Jersey....9 132 1118 24 Pennsylvania... . 68 199 181: 118 Delaware......4 122 122 O 386 1964 x694 270 SOUTHERN. States Towns. Namres. Living. Dead. Ohio......... 49 185 164 21 Indiana ........ 19 44 37 7 Iltinois.... ....6o 264 238 2 %]ichigan....41V 127 zi8 9 Wisconisin r.. .36 77 67 I0 1innesota ...5 3 4! 34 7 Iowa...... 20 49 44 5 Nebraska........ 6 8 8 0 Kansas........ 23 30 27 3 Indian Territory. : : : o New M exico.. z : Iz 1 0 Colorado ...9 15 15 0 W'yoming...2 2 2 o Montana..... 1r 2 1: 290 846 757 89 PACIFIC. Caliornia.. 24 81 69 12 Oregon......... 2 3 3 0 Washiington.. 2 3 2' 1 Nevada.........1t 3 3 0 Utahc... ........ 2 2 2 0 Arizona....... r2 2 2 0 33 94 81 23 TOTALS. Eastern ....485 :568 1308 261 Middle.......386 :964 2694 .270 Southern.... . 139 350 266 84 We-;ern......290 846 757 89 Pacific ......... 33 94 81: 13 Foreign .....49 85 77 8 Unknowni.... 0 20 20 0 2382 4928 4203 725 Maryland. .... 2 5 33 Dist. of Columbia 1 39 Virginia ......12 24 West Virginia... 2 3 Norih Carolina.. 7 22 South Carolina... 8 16 Georgia.. .... 12 24 Florida.... . 8 II Alabama... 20...io 13 Mississippi..:: z 13 Louisiana...7 25 Texas....... :81 Arkansas......3 4 Missouri. ......25 79 IKentucky....=r 25 Tennessee....6 22 139 350 26 7 34 5 1 0 4 2 I 6 5 to 6 23 xr: 8 5 6 7 4 0 68 21 19 6 29 3 266 84 F ' iiuiilwi-t _ w " i riA n ri innAn S SUMMARY OF OCCUPATIONS. PROFESSIONAL.-Lawyers, 18o ; Clergymen, 690 (Congregational, 241; Episcopal, 125; Methodist, 124; Presbyterian, 96; Baptist, 66; Uni- tarian, 20; Reformed, 9; Swedenborgian, 3; Reformed Episcopal, 2; Roman Catholic, 1; Lutheran, 1; Christian, 1;' Universalist, 1); Phy- sicians, 326, . . . . . . . . SEMI-PROFESSIONAL.-Teachers, 539; Students, 835 ; Authors, Editors, etc., 114; Engineers, 75; Architects, iS ; Chemists, j; Geologist, 1; Or- ganist, i.; Artists, 7; Librarians, 6; Actors, 3, . MERCANTILE.-Merchants, etc., 333; Manufacturers, 136; 'Bankers, 125 ; Clerks, Agents, etc., 287; Corporation Presidents, 3; Miners, 2; Hotel Proprietors, 3 ; Telegraph Operator, 1; Florist, z, . . MIsCELLANEOUs.-Farmers, 8o; Soldiers, 47; Sheriffs, 3; Machinists, 2; Designer, x; Sea Captain, i; Oarsman, i; No Occupation, 92; Un- known, zo, . . . . . . . . SUMMARY OF CITY LISTS. 2196 1602 891 239 4928 Living. Dead. Total.' Living. Dead. Total Living. Dead. Total. New York.....6:8 99 717 Albany........26 3 29 Jersey City ... 22 1 13 Boston ........163 25 183 Amherst ...... 23 3 26 Louisville .....2to 3 13 Chicago........T48 10 258 Troy........... 17 7 24 New London.. 10 3 13 Brooklyn......:i6 24 140 Worcester..... 19 3 22 Northampton... 22 1 13 Providence ... 98 9 107 Auburn .......2i8 3 21 Hanover.......9 3 12 Rochester..... 77 7 84 Pittsburgh .... 20 1 2 Lowell ........ 10 2 12 New Haven... 59 20 79 Schenectady... 13 7 20 Minneapolis... 1 2 12 Philadelphia.. 6: 6 67 Utica.... .....:16 4 20 Andover ...... 9 2 x St. Louis....... 48 9 57 Ithaca...........19 0 29 Elizabeth...... 2o 1 t Cincinnati .... 44 9 53 New Orleans.. 12 7 29 Norwich....... 8 3 It Portland ...... 40 4 44 ± Baltimore...... 13 5 x8 Toledo ........ to 1 it Hartford ---...33 9 42 Salem .... .... 15 3 z8 Wilkesbarre... 1o x Syracuse-...-.-37 3 40 Cambridge.... i5 1 16 Woodstock.... to 211 Buffalo ....... 31 8 39 Columbus...... 13 3 16 Brunswick..... 8 2 20 San Francisco. 33 6 39 Concord....... 14 1 5 Indianapolis... 9 210 Washington... 34 5 39 Milwaukee.....214 2 15 Manchester.... 8 2 xc Detroit..------34 t 35 Newark........14 2 1 5 Nashville...... 8 2 10 Cleveland. ... 28 4 32 St. Paul........ 12 3 15 Oakland....... 9 1 to 1iddletown... 26 4 30 Bangor ....... 12 2 24 Saco.......... 7 3 10 Springfield .... 29 1 30 'Ann Arbor ... u 3 14 Savannah...... 5 5 10 The 6o city lists, named above, contain 2621 names (2260 names of living and 361 of deceased members), and include all lists of 10 or more. Six towns contain 9 names each; 7 towns, 8 each; 13 towns, 7 each; 22 towns, 6 each ; 35 towns, 5 each ; 42 towns, 4 each ; 85 towns, 3 each; 244 towns, 2 each ; 868 towns, one each -making a total of 4908 in 1382 towns and cities. The residences of 20 are un- known. i nw r i nnr niw wwwnwYr nw rw ww wnwr"rwr rii iw w wrm urrrrrrr+r ni r rr. INDE2h. The figures after each name indicate the page on which it will be found in the Catalogue. Abbey O 1875 Samuel W. 26 Abbott 6 1841 Alfred A. ro Z 1866 Alson B. 179 2 88o Augustus L. 126 A 1851 Austin 35 Z 186o Bennett T. 257 A r86o Edward 39 Z 1870 Ira A. 181 Z 1866 Larmon R. 261 B 1877 Nathan D. 104 K 1858 William A. 216 !P 1873 Henry A. 309 Akerman 2 i86o Henry S. 122 Z 1842 4 1841 Henry W. 245 P 1872- Herbert B. 151 Alcott !P 1874 Isaac, Jr. 309 -4 1872 Z 1854 John G. 167 Klden K 1853 Jonathan E.212 hK'1847 P 1870 Joseph H. 149 P 1856 Oliver M. 138 Aldrich A 1878 Samuel F. 205 !F1865 W 1863 Samuel H. 238 qi 1875 K 1855 Samuel S. 213 B 1858 Thatcher M. 72 Alexande B 1874 Thomas M. 99 1846 Amos T. 157 Howard E. 265 Walter B. 209 Abram J. 305 Charles H. 310 r Dixon Abel !P i88o John J. Abell 3f 1852 James E. Abernethy Z 1870 Ale:;. S. Ackerman A iS56 James H. Adee B r88o Edward M. io 312 235 181 37 Adlington 3 1873 Joseph A. Adriance Z 1873 Samuel W. B 1873 Eben - 1858 Oliver 0. B i858 Valter S. Alger A Horatio, Jr. 248 97 21 72 275 266 184 Adams 3 1875 Alfred W. 268 !P 1870 Arthur C. 307 1873 Arthur P. 266 3f 1845 Benjamin F.230 1874 BenjaminJ. 267 .r 1863 Charles D. 144 B 1866 Charles H. 87 1 i861 Charles K. 304 P 1869 Edward A. 148 O 1871 Edward AL 308 B 1865 Elmer B. 85 B 1862 Frederic 79. P 1879 George D. 154 -M 1844 George M. 208 Agassiz A 1855 Alex'r E. R. 278 Aikin $ 1862 Andrew P. 258 Aiken . Z 1846 Charles A. 162 Z 1851 Edward 165 P 1857 Georg E. - 18 Z 1874 John A. 858 Z 1858 John F. 171 Allen K 186o Amos L. 217 B 1873 Arthur H. 97 B 1867 Beverly 88 B 1855 Charles J. F. 66 2.1867 Charles M. 290 A 1878 Charles S. 205 ,2 1878 Cyrus B , Jr. 317 B 1857 Edmund T. 70 'P 1868 Francis R. 145 P 1863 Frederick B. 144 T 1875 George 293 2 1850 George E. 117 B 1863 G. Walter 82 2 1873 Henry C. 124 2" 1869 Henry N. 291 Z 1854 Henry W. 167 A 1872 James Al. 283 B 1865 John F. 85 Z 1870 John H. 18 Aikman A 1846 William A 1872 William, Jr. 33 42 Ainsworth Z 1873 Frederick C.184 I k. VAR I rv 394. INDEX. P 1866 Laban W. 146 A 1873 Lowell D. 284 ' 1862 Rowland H.143 $ 1864 Willard S. 259 6 1857 William C. 20 Z 1855 Wm. H. H. 168 A 1878 William P. 205 B 1879 William P. io8 Alling T" 1876 Joseph T. 293 Allison A 1854 John P. 277, B 1847 Samuel P. 54 Almy B 1873 Leonard B. 97 Alston A 1857 John J. P. 281 Alvord B 1877 Charles L. 104 B 1852 Edward J. 61 4 1876 Henry C. 43 4 1862 John N. 39 Ames 2 1867 Edward C. 123 A 1858 Fisher 282 3 1864 Jacob W.H.259 Amory A 1855 William, Jr. 279 Anderson 11 1869 Charles, Jr. 240 A 1853 Cor. VanA. 196 6 1849 George B. T5 I 1882 George F. 302 f 1872 James 241 Z 1846 Luther\W. 162 A 1858 Nicholas L. 282 B 1862 William D. 79 Vf 1878 William H. 243 Andrew . A 1872 James E. 203 B 1877 James P. o4 B 1876 John W. 102 B 1870 John W., Jr. 92 K 1865 Wm. H. H. 221 Andrus 2 1854 Daniel S. 119 Angell A 1879 Harold G. 206 2 1849 James B. 117 Ansart B 1859 Felix 74 Anthon 6 1854 Edward 19 Anthony 2 1846 Frank W. ii6 Apgar U)1857 William 20 Archbald B 1871 Robert W. 94 Arey K 1867 Melvin F. 222 Armsk Z 1865 Charles C. 178 B 1863 Charles J. 82, 3 188o Goodsil F. 270 Armstrong P 186o Luther 141 Arnold T' 1873 Adoniram J.292 B 1849 Edward A. 57 B 1871 Frank 94 2 1841 Samuel G. 113 2 1859 Thomas C. 121 B 1876 William 102 Arrowsmith A 1876 Harold 204 Atherton K 185o Lemuel W. 211 Atkins o 1844 Addison B. 12 Z 1879 Alfred C. 270 K 1861 Charles G. 218 Atkinson Z 1871 Geo. H.,Jr.182 Atwater .B 1844 Isaac 51 Atwell P' 1874 Geo. W. Jr. 152 Atwood B 1869 Frank 9r 2 1878 Henry C. 125 Auchineloss A 1864 Edgar S. 40 B 1871 Frederic L. 94 B 1879 Hugh D. 1o8 Austin 6 1853 Clem. LeF. 17 & 1867 James H. 23 I 1882 Levi L. H. 302 A 1871 Percy 282 6 1838 Samuel H. 8 Averill P 1870 James 0. 149 Avery B 1875 Charles H, 101 U 1881 Frank C. 27 U 1853 George 17 Z 1870 Rush E. 181 Axtell I 1877 Salmon B. 301 Aycrigg A 1881 Benjamin, Jr.44 Ayer K 1872 Arthur B. 224 Z 186o JamesMcM.173 Ayers Z 1842 Daniel 246 Z 1863 Jeremiah E.176 Il B 1871 Samuel W. 94 Arthur Andrews 3 1875 Arthur L. P 1858 Charles B. B x86r Ebenezer 268 139 78 6 1848 Chester A. 15 12 1877 William C. 317 Asay B o880 William C. 11o A rPr )" g fi Am Rh 09 A 1 R P9 395I INDEX. Ayres j' 1878 Edward 0 1877 Joseph S. r 1841 Rowland H 188 Stephen B. 154 311 128 321 Babb I 1865 Thomas E. 145 Babbitt Z 1879 Charles A. 188 Babcock O 1847 Charles 14 X 188o Chas E. P. 327 A 1849 Edward C. 194 A 1874 Francis-E. 285 B 1853 Henry H. 63 B 1840 James S. 45 o 1845 John H. 13 H 1879 Maltbie D. 320 o 1841 Theodore 10 B 1847 William H. 54 Bacheller $ i874 Albert LaF.267 Backus B 1846 Joseph W. 53, . ' 1848 Samuel 232 o 1836 William H. 7 Bacon I B 1873 Alfred T. 97 2 1858 Almon C. 287 X .1879 Charles P. 326 r 1878 Clarence E.269 31' 1873 Edward E. 242 o 1868 John B. 24 X 1873 Richard 325 2 1843 Sumner W. 114 B 1853 Theodore 63 B 1872 Thomas R. g5 B 1865 Wilbur R. 85 B 1858 William P. 72 Banall . 1840 William R. 245 Bailey T 1868 James 1ff. 291 0 1859 Samuel S. 21. 2 1876 Thomas B. 125 2 1864 WilliamW. 122 Bainbridge T 1866 Samuel S. 290 Baird A 1863 William C. 40 Baker 1 7879 Charles H. 270 x Z870 Darius 264 U 1871 David S. 25 I 1877 Eugene V. 104 ,: 1852 Frank .252 A 1852 Frederick 36 A i86o George D. 39 !P 1876 George S. 311 Z 1863 GreenleafG.259 Z 1854 Henry 253 4 1864 Henry 259 1' 1871 Henry B. 292 Z 1846 John G. 162 K 1847 William M. 209 Balch Bale r 1865 Albert G. 145 Ball Z 1877 Wooster 0. 187 Ballard 3f 1845 Anson 230 Bancroft , 1861 Edgar H. 258 2 1852 Lucius W. 118 Bangs E 1869 Charles H. 223 A 1845 Francis N. 33 A 1878 Francis S. 205 A 1857 John B. 38 .A 1843 Stephen B. 31 Banker U 1845 Bannard B 1877 B 1869 B 1876 Banta A 1847 Barber X 1882 B 1873 John N. 13 Arthur U. Henry C. Otto T. 105 91 102 Matthias 34 Edwin L. 328 William T. 97 Z 1865 Frank K. Bald B 1845 John D. 178 52 Barbour A 1871 Robert 202 B iSo William R. 110 Barclay . Baldwin '1876 B 185o Abra. DeW. g8B 5S 185 Charles C. 254Barkalow y 1871 Charles G. 241 B 1854 B 1861 Charles W. 78 Barker B 1842 Edward L. 47 Z 1872 Vf 1867 Edwin 240 B 1856 Z 1874 Frank 0. 185 B 1879 B 1872 Frederic H. 95 A 1873 o 1870 James G. 24 B 1847 Roger S. 54 Barling o 1846 Seth C. 14 B 1878 B 1861 Simeon E. 78 Z 1876 William B. 268 Barlow x i862 William R. 258 j 11870 Charles 325 John S. 65 Augustus V.183 George P. 68 Ralph 108 William T. 284 Henry A. xo6 Henry H. 307 BaLg 5 1841 Daniel T. B 1869 Lyman H. Baaley & 1843 Sargent V. 9' g I2 396 INDEX. Barnard TC 1843 Ichabod D. 207 Beadle B 1848 John A. 55 F 1866 J. Pliny 146 B 1862 Heber H. 79 X 1878 Philip 326 A 1871 Nelson S. 282 o 1837 Robert 7 2 1843 Percival W.114 Beadleston B 1849 Robert P. 57 Z 1867 Samuel C. 179 A 1862 William H. 39 Z 1847 William H. 162 Barnes Z 1871 William H. 182 Bean O 1853 Delos N. . 17 r 1851 Curtis C. 17 $ 1879 Everett 270 nartole B 1866 Henry B. 87 2 1842 George M. 113 e i88o Howard D. 227 P 1865 Horace F. 145 P 1871 James A. 15o Barton Beard B 1848 James N. 5 T 1865 Alvin L. 290 Z 1872 James F. 183 Z 1848 Jonathan E. 249 4 1864 Enos M. 40 45 1879 Orlando F. 312 BartowvBeardsley !P 1850 Orlando1M. 303 .r 1877 Edmond 153 B 1874 Pearce 9 . A 1878,Archibald S.205 P 1873 Henry W. 151 !P 1865 William H. 305 A 1874 Charles S. 204 U 1836 Samuel R. 7 B 1855 William H.L.66 Bass Beasley Barnum B 1869 Everette M. 9' Z 1874 Alfred W. 185 r 1852 Herman N. 134 01856 Lyman K. 19 6 1858 Samuel S. 21 Beck Barr r 1853" William H. 135 P 1876 Larry G. 153 2 ,1880 Alfred E. 318 & 1837 Andrew 7 Bassett Becker B 5B W86 Xilliam G. 85 0 1851 Gilbert W. 17 Barrett 2^ 1869 Albert T. 291 Baston Beckley 1' 1854 Amos J. 287 K 1875 Frederic 0. 225 4 1874 Samuel L. 42 P z858 Edward B. 139 0 1875 James Al. 310 Bates Beckwith T 186o Norman A. 288 3 1876 Dan. M., Jr.268 2 1870 Daniel 124 Z 188o William E. 189 1866 Erskine S. 23 B 1878 Fred J. 106 K 1882 George F. 227; 1 1857 George A. 138 Barrows , 1863 George S. 259 2 188o Truman,2d126 Z 1867 Charles L. 262 Z 1871 Marvin S. 182 B 1857 Edwin- 70 Bedell Z 1842 George B. 157 Baxter B 1876 Bradbury 103 3 1854 Justin S. 253 I 1871. George A. 300 A 1843 William 31 I 1871 Louis T. 300 Beebe K 1839 William G. 207 -I 1870 William M. 299 V 1847 Alex. McW 231 Barry Bayliss B 1871 Clarence E. 94 1T 1870 John H. 291 A 1865 Benjamin H. 40 IB 1873 Willam W. 97 B 1841 William T.S. 46 Bayne Beecher Bartean h 1847 Thomas L. 54 K i866 Chas. M4cC. 221 ! 1845 Morris R. 230 BIIC 1862 Frederic H. 219 Beach Z 1848 James C. 163 Bartlett A 1844 Alfred B. 192 Z 1872 Edwin J. 183 B 1872 David N. 951 Beede 2"1870 Ezra A. 291 6 1838 John H. E. .8 Z 1858 Joshua W. 171 LN .' w kAL Beckman A 1865 Henry R. 200 A 1869 Jas. W., Jr. 202 A 1864 John N. 200 Beeman ' 1864 Jedediah D.259 , 1875 Leonard L. 268 Beers A 187o Francis B. 264 A 1881 Lucius H. 206 Belcher B 1845 John S. 52 I' .1847 John W. 131 Belden T 1861 Horace 288 Belknap r 1844 John S. 130 A 1869 Robert L. 202 Bell,. Z 1844 Charles H. 160 K 1863 Charles U. 219 Z 1851 George 165 A 1879 George L. 44 4 1882 Henry F. 44A V' 1873 Hal 242 4 1868 Jameg C, Jr. 24 Z 1846 James E. 116 4 1854 James M. 37 Z 1852 John 166 F 1855 John D. 136 Bellamy B 1864 Wiliam P. 83 Belmont 0 1881 Charles 312 Bement A 1867 Edward N. 41 A 1868 Robert B.C. 41 Benedict Aei88o Charles S. 44 3 1881 GeorgefB. 271 B 1874 George W. 99 B 1871 Seelye 94 INDEX. Benjamin T 1862 Daniel S. 288 A 1856 Eastburn 197 I' 1853 Reuben M. 135 -P 1852 Theo. H. 134 Bennet' | 1839 David S. B. 29 Bennett K 1864 Charles 220 !P 1872 Charles G. 308 Z 1852 Charles W. 252 41872 Frank D. 308 Z 1864 George S. 259 B 1873 Joseph H. 98 V' 1855 Morris A. 236 5! 1851 Thomas E. 234 II 1879 William C. 320 Benson B 1876 Frank S. 103 I 1877 Harry C. 301 Bent B 1865 Joseph A. 85 B 1861 Samuel A. 78 B 1874 Thomas A. 99 Bentley 2 1844 Cyrus 115 T 1870 Sardius D. 292 T 1879 Uriah 294 Benton B 1872 Herbert E. 95 Berry B 1868 Coburn D. 9o Z 1864 John H. 177 Best 5 1875 Alfred E. 268 Betts B 1867 Charles W. 88 B 1865 Eben M. 86 B 1864 Frederic H. 83 Beverage K 1863 Thomas T. 219 Bickford Z 1855 Joseph M. 168 A 1851 Robert 273 K 1872 Warren F. 224 397 Biddle B 1866 Charles P. 87 Bigelow B 1852 Albert 61 . ' 188o John D. 243 B 1879 Poultney -1o Biggs X 1878 Chauncy P. 326 Biugham Z 1863 George W. 176 Bininger A 1869 Jacob 202 B 1874 William B. 99 Binney B 1845 William 52 A 1854 William G. 277 Binns A 1863 William C. 200 Birchmore B 1846 John W. 53 Birmingham A 1879 Ernest F. 44 Birnie B 1878 Douglas P. 1o6 Bishop Z 1866 Edward N. 179 B 188o William D. no Bissel I' 1855 Edwin C. 136 Bissell I' 1879 Arthur D. 154 B 185o Champion 58 i1 1868 George N. 306 Bittinger. Z 1856 John Q. 170 Black K 1845 Alvah 208 2' 1873 William A. 292 Blackburn 41868 Francis A. 3o6 S1 1870 Julius A. 307 398 Blackman B 1857 Charles S. 70 () 1841 George C. 11 Blagden A 1856 George 280 B 1869 Silliman 97 Blair Z 1872 Arthur W. 183 F' 1852 Austin C. 134 T 1866 Burdett A. 239 X 1872 Charles H. 323 -B 1879 Edward T. 108 Blaisdell Si86o Henry R. 257 2 1846 Joshua J. 16,2 Blake I 1862 Alfred F. 297 B 1858 Edward F. 72 r 1872 Edwin A. 265 B 1862 James P. 79 I 1872 Leonard 300 Blakeslee B 1852 Henry C. 61 Blakesley B 186o Linus 75 Blanchard 2 1865 Edward R. 123 Z 1874 Ferdinand 185 H 1857 Lorenzo D. 255 Blauvelt 4 1864 Cornelius R. 40 Bliss ' B 188o Charles F. 1nio A 1873 Edward P. 284 1i 7877 Frederick L.311 A 1851 George 273 6 1853 Harmon J. 17 Z 1868 Henry C. 18o B 185o William R. 58 Blodget 2 1871 William 124 Blodgett Z 1856 Caleb, Jr. 169 INDEX. Blood 2 1844 Caleb 115 Z 1853 Charles S. -167 Bloodgood A 1846 John H. 33 A 1845 William E. 33 Bloom B 7878 Isadore N. 1o6 Boardman B 1873 Albert B. 98 K 1873 Albert J. 224 K 1866 Charles A. 221 A 1871 Edward C. 282 K 1869 Fred'k II. 223 Z 1858 Halsey J. 171 P 186a Moses B. 141 Bockee B 1862 Jacob S. 80 Boerstler I 1864 Charles E. 298 Bogert A 1852 Charles L. 196 A 1878 HenryL. 205 Bogle A 1839 Robert 29 Boies B 186o Charles A. 76 l' 1851 Ethan E. 134 B 1859 Henry M. 74 Boles B 1852 William 6r Bolles 23 1856 Nicholas B. 720 Boltwood B x86o Edward 76 Bond B 1853 Henry R. 63 4 1848 Hugh L. 34 Booth B 1840 Henry 45 o 1847 Moss K. 14 Bosworth f 1858 NathanielP.237 U 185r Solomon D. 17 V 1858 William H. 237 Boucher A 1874 James H. 267 Boughton A 1858 William H. 198 Bourne K 1879 Herbert E. 226 Bovin I 1864 George J. 298 Bowdish Z 1865 Welles. w. 260 Bowdoin A 1854 George S. 278 Bowen 2 x856 Daniel 287 B 1878 HerbertW.1o6 D, 1869 Ira P. 315 H 1854 William C. 253 Bowers B 1879 Edward A. 1o8 B 1879 Lloyd W. 108 Bowman 6 1840 John McC. 1o Boyce B 1873 Simeon L. 98 Boyd A 1878 Charles S. 205 K x86o Nicholas E. 217 K x86o Samuel S. 217 A 1871 William W. 282 Boyden B 1864 Henry P. 84 K 1874 John D. 225 Boyesen 2' 1868 Hjalmar H.324 Bonney U) 1848 George W. A 1844 Samuel W. I5 32 ~-i% 'fNW. -4 L4 A '' Njolk 7kZ/ INDEX. 399 INDEX. 399 Austin C. 25 Boynton 6 1872 B 1858 Brabblec Z 1857 Austin C. 25 George M. 72 Edmund C. 170 Bredin X 1881 George S. 327 6 1854 Stephen L.C.18 Breed 4 1843 William P. 32 Brent B 1849 Charles L. 57 B 1861 James H. 78 Brockway Z 1870 Daniel G. Brodhead B 1859 Henry Bronson P So Charles E. B 1865 Edward B. 5 1848 John 0. Isl 74 r55 86 249 Brackett T 1866 Henry IV. 290 5 1852 Wm. T. S. 252 Bradbury 4 1846 Edward G. B 1859 Ziba N. Braddock, B 1869 Winfield S. Brewer -P 1874 George E. B i85o John H. T i866 Morris P. 33 74 91 152 59 239 Bradford Yj 1867 Amory H. 240 B 1873 Edward A. 98 2 1878 Moses B. L.125 Bradlee Z 1845 Bradley Z 1875 !P 1870 B 1864 Z 1875 B 1877 0 1849 William C. 161 Daniel W. 185 Franklin 307 Franklin B. 84 John J. 185 Luther D. 105 Thomas B. 151 Brewster B 1868 Chauncey B. 90 Z 1861 John L. 174 B 1855 Lyman D. 66 B 1853 William C. 63 Bridgham 2 x867 Joseph 123. A 1871 William H. 202 Bridgman 1' 1873 ArthurM. 151 P 1866 Herbert L. 146 Z 1856 Isaac 16g P 1871 Raymond L.15o Brierly 5 1874 Benj. W. 267 Briggcs r1 1875 George A. 310 A 1879 Henry E. 270 Brigham Z 1842 Lincoln F. 157 Brinsmade B 1851 Horatio W. 6o B 1840 William B. 45 Brooke 2 1852 William N. 118 Brooks 5 1851 Adin 251 Z 185o Edward T. 164 A 1851 George '95 50 oJabez 250 Z 1869 James B.. i8o 2 1855 James W. 120 B 1875 James W. 101 B 1865 John E. 86 Z 1848 John G. 163 Z 1847 Samuel T. 162 Z 1876 William H. 186 Brower A 1878 A 1877 Chas. Deli. 205 Ogden 205 Bradner B 1857 Lester 70 Bragg B 1868 Brainerd B 1859 William C. 90 Thomas C. 74 Brand B 1866 James 87 Brown Z 1867 Abram 179 A 1852 Addison 275 B 1869 Alex. L. 91 X 1882 Arthur P. 328 Z 1859 Calvin H. 172 Vf 1869 Channing J.240 A 1849 Charles H. 194 A 186o Clarence S. 199 B 1848 Clinton C. 55 o 1867 Cornelius F. 23 Z 1861 David H. 174 B 1876 David W. 103 !P 1880 Edward M 312 P 1882 Frank A. 295 A 1872 Frederic A.203 B ISSo George A. 110 It 1863 George E. 219 H 1873 George J. 266 B 1874 George S. 99 4 1852 George W. 252 2 1841 George W. 113 Brasee Brisbin I 1865 George B. 298 B 1846 John B. 53 0 1863 Morton E. 22 Britton Brearley B 1866 George F. 87 A 1871 Samuel, Jr. 283 U 1849 Winchester i6 Breckenridge Broadhead A i86i John S. 258 5 1882 George M. 271 k * 0^ 'K - 14, jl , 40© INDEX. 400 INDEX. X 1875 Goodwin N.325 B 1865 Henry A. 86 IC 1854 Henry P. 213 A 1846 Henry W. 33 A 1852 Henry W. 275 A 1877 Herbert P. 205 O 1836 James 7 B 1862 James P. 80 Z 1865 James W. 178 B 1865 John C. 86 A 1859 John C. 199 A 1852 John H. H. 196 Z 1845 Joseph B. 161 r 1862 Joseph W. 143 B 185o Oliver 59 A 1866 Paul M. S. 41 K 1877 Philip G. 226 BI 1857 Rob. H., Jr. 70 K 1858 Samuel 216 H 1878 Shirley E. 319 B 1860 Thaddeus H. 76 0 1852 Theodore 17 s' 1872 Thos. A. H. 308 X 18SI William C. 327 Browne Z 1878 Albert 0. 188, A 1855 Edward I. 279 Z 1861 Milton M. 174 Brownell 2 1842 Stephen E. 113 Browning I 1868 Charles H. 299 P 1861 Frederick 142 !P 1877 GranvilleW.xII Bruce 2 1874 James M. 293 Brundage A 1879 William M. 270 Brush A 1861 Henry M. 39 A 1854 Jesse 37 Bryant T' 1862 Albert 143 A 1853 John D. 276 Buck I 1849 Augustus H.132 B 1852 Edward 61 A 1871 Gordon S. 202 B 1876 Horace R. 103 Z 1862 John R. 258 11 1875 Milton D. 319 0 1876 Sam W. 26 Buckbee 1846 Charles A. 230 Buckelew Z 1874 Joshua R. 267 Buckingham B 1848 Ebenezer 55 B 1866 John 87 A 1851 Lucius H. 273 Buckland B 1857 Joseph P. 70 Buckley A 1878 Charles G. 43 A 1874 Charles R. 204 A 1843 Thos. C.T. 191 A 1868 William T. 201 Bucklin B 1869 Sylvester F. 91 2 1867 William T. 123 Budington Z 1856 Charles 0. 255 3 1857 Henry A. 255, Buell ' A 1871 Byron W. 283 B 1869 Franklin S. 91 P 1874 Jesse W. 293 2 1874 Walter 293 Buffington P 1852 John F. 134 Buffum B 1877 Edgar S. 105 B 1879 Harry A. 1o8 Bulkley B 1875 Alpheus T. 101 B 1863 James E. 82 B 1861 Milton 78 Bull S 188o Norman H. 27 Bullard F 186o Henry 141 Bullock 2 1874 Jerauld 125 Bumstead B 1855 Nathaniel W.66 Bunker Z 1864 Charles A. 177 Burbank K 1862 Albion 219 K 1857 Charles H. 215 IC 186o Horace H. 217 IC 1859 Joseph D. 216 Burch B 1847 'John C. 54 Burchard B 1865 Oscar R. 86 Burdick 4 1882 Wiltham L. 271 Burgess A 1872 Arthur 283 A 1847 George 34 A 1872 Walter 283 Burke T 1864 William B. 289 Burkhalter A 1862 Edward R. 40 Burleigh Z 1875 Charles H. 186 K 1858 Daniel C. 216 Z 1878 Edward S. 188 K 1878 John M. 226 It 1880 Walter A. 227 Z 1851 William H. 165 Z 1872 William R. 183 Bugbee P 1854 Lucius H. Bruyn Bulfinch 0 1843 William V.N.12 ;I i85o John J. 136 211 1 III IIi Y ^ YYYYYI YY IIIII YYY YYYYI 4oi. INDEX. Burlingham Yf 1848 Aaron H. 232 Burnap 0 1879 Edwards B. 27 Burnet Z 1853 Clarence L. 167 Burnett B 1864 Charles H. 84 4 1863 James B. 40 Burnham Z 1853 Benjamin F.252 Z 1874 Silas H. 185 K 1862 Sylvester 219 Burpee B 1879 Lucien F. 108 Burr 2 1848 LaFayette 117 K .185o Samuel C. 211 Burrows 1 1864 Fred. S. 298 Burt 6 x844 Oliver T. 12t Burton B 1878 George W. 106 Z 1853 Horatio N. 167 I 1867 John H. 299 YT 1846 John L. 230 Bush A 1881 Edward R. 206 $ 1866 George G. 261 d2 1875 1Reuben G. 316 21845 Solon V. 115 Bushnell B 1842 George 47 B 1876 George E. 103 B 1874 Samuel C. gg B 1865 William B. 86 Butler A 1853 Abram O. 36 3f 1851 Charles A. 234 1 u868 Edmund G. 262 B 1857 Francis E. 70 B 1876 Henry M. 103 Z 1846 John H. 1621 5' 1848 John M. 232 A 1878 Willard P. 205 A 1843 William A. 32 Yr 1870 William AT. 241 Butterworth A 1874 George F. 204 Button 2 1842 Henry H. 113 Buttrick Z 1852 John H. 166 Butts B 188o George W. r1o Byers A 1851 Peter S. 273 Cady 2 1845 Isaac F. ,115 X 1876 Jeremiah K.325' 7 1862 Rush P. 238 Caird I 1867 James 299 Calef 3 1851 Arthur B. 251 Z 188z ArthurB.,Jr.271 $ 1877 Jeremiah F. 269 Calkins d2 1871 Charles R. 315 0 1853 Marshall 18 B 1856 P. Wolcott 68 Call K 188o William T. 227 Camac A 1850 William 195 Cambreling A 1849 Churchill J.194 Came B 1849 Charles G. 57 K 186o SamuelMcI.217 Camerden A 1867 Frederick A.41 Cammann A 1856 Henry J. 197 A 186o Jacob L. 199 Camp B 1870 James B. 92 Campbell A 1855 Allan S. 37 1 1864 Arch'd M. 298 A 1868 Benj. H. 201 B 1872 Clarence 95 B 1879 Donald Y. roS A 1855 Irving S. 37 F 1866 James R. 290 A 185o AMalcolm 195 2 1841 Thomas C. 113 Campfield 4 1859 Nathan P. 38 Ca ron Oi185o Eliab W. z6 2 1847 George . 16 B 1853 Samuel M. 63 Capwell 4 1881 Benjamin A. 44 Card Z 1879 John H. 188 U 1859 William L. 21 Carey A 1868 Charles T. 201 A 1861 George H. 199 Carhart 1 i869 Henry S. 263 Carlton K 1856 Cyrus H. 215 Carmer IF 188o Myron E. 243 Carmichael P 1867 Henry 147 Carnahan H 188o James C. 270 Carpenter X 1882 Calvin E. 328 X 1876 Charles F. 325 2 1854 Everett A. 119 X Sri "S vJp f 402 INDEX. SS1861 Frank H. 122 X 1880 George 327 P 1853 Harvey S. 135 6 1873 Henry C. 25 2 1854 William B. I19 X 188o William H. 327 Carpentier A 1848 Horace W. 193 Carr A 1855 Gouverneur 37 2 1848 Jeremiah 0.117 Carrigan Z 1877 Edward C. 187 Carrington B 1859 Edward 74 2 1873 Edward, Jr. 124 Carroll 2 1871 Adams P. 124 A 1853 Charles 276 , 1851 James M. 251 Carruthers K 1853 William 212 Carskaddan Yr 1854 Clarence 236 1 1851 Jer. DeW. 235 Carter 4i 1868 AdoniramD.3o6, A 1855 Bernard 279 It 1862 Buel C. 80 Z 1857 Daniel R. 170 B 1879 Ernest io8 2, 1863 Frank 122 B 1873 Leslie 98 K 1866 Sylvester B. 221 Cary A 1852 George L. 275 A 1855 Samuel H. 279 Casares A 1856 David 280 Case & -1855 Almon G. 19 6 i866 William H. 23 Cass Z 1872 John A. 265 Castner A 1879 HamiltonY.2o6 Cate Z 1867 Almon F. 179 Catlin B 1862 Arnold W. So B 1856 Charles T. 68 B 1859 Basket D. 74 B 1853 Julius, Jr. 63 Chadbourne 3 1858 George S. 256 Chaddock P 1857 Orange C. 138 Chadwick Ii 1862 Joseph W. 219 Chamberlain F 1881 Clarence K. 244 A x861 Daniel D. 39 B 1862 Daniel H. So Z 1844 Mellen 16o B x86x Robert L. 78 Z 1845 William 14. 161 Chamberlinj B 1876 Frank 103 B 1873 James I. 98 Chambers 6 1857 George H. 20 6 1848 William P. i5 Champlin B 1856 John D; 68 Chandler Z 186o George H. 173 6 186o George W. 221 B 1870 John S. 92 B 1877 Joseph H. 105 K 1842 Paul L. 207 , 1872 Perry 265 A 1847 Robert C. 34 r 1879 William F. 294 Chapin . 2 1870 Edward P. 124 P 186o George F. 141, B P P 1868 John M. 1858 Lyman D. 1845 Noah A. 1842 Roswell L. 90 139 161 I28 Chapman W 1839 Benjamin F.229 B 1867 John H. 88 Z 1865 Joseph S. 178 A 1838 Nathan F. 29 B 1862 Robert F. So B 185o Robert H. 59 Charnley B 1865 Charles M. B 1865 James I; 1871 Walter H. 86 86 94 Chase Z 1866 Adino B. 179 Z i865 Charles A. 178 Z 1862 Charles W. 175 A 1872 Charles W. 283 F 1844 George A. 130 Z 1877 Ira A. 187 A 1852 Reginald H.275 W 1850 Simeon B. 234 Z 1857 Warren P. 170 Cheever 2 1843 Tracy P. 114 Cheney C 1859 Benj. H. 256 T 1877 James L. 294 186o Knight D. 122 - 1869 Nathan G. 263 . 1862 RichardO. 122 Chesebrough I 1868 Wm. G. L. 299 Chesley Z 188o Andros P. 189 Chickering P 1879 John J. 154 P 1869 Joseph K. 148 Child B 1855 Calvin G. 66 2 1870 Charles S. 124 2 1871 Edward F. 124 B x855 Linus M. 67 Casler ,, 1869 David kyI 263 i . ../ r fi r , . i . " 0 &" . ww 403 INDEX. i - # Childs B x86x Albert H. 78 B 1863 Daniel B. 82 B 1840oEnochL. 45 1868 Frank E. 240 B 1846 Henry 53 A 1847 Thomas S. 34 Yr 1864 Wallace B. 239 A 1847 XVent. L. 193 Chilson F 1876 Henshaw B.153. Chittenden B 1855 Henry T. B 1874 Horace H. .B 1855 Sterne 67 99 67 Choate K 1843 Christie 1, 1881 George F. 207 Frank A. 155 Christy 4$ 1870 Thomas C. Chun-Lung B 1879 307 xo8 A 1877 Charles A. 205 A 1856 Charles M. 197 Z 1856 Charles P. 169 B 1875 Charles W. 1or 1' 1869 Edward H. 291 Z 1844 Edward W.16o Z 1873 Frank E. 184 B 1877 Frank E. 105 A 1882 Horace 2o6A 2 1876 Howard L. 125 2" 1859 Ira C. 287 B 1856 Isaac 68 2 185i JamesO. A. 118 A 185o James S. 195 2 1865 John M. 123 IK 1867 Jotham F. 222 Z 185o Lewis W. 164 $ 1879 Nath'l W. 270 d2 1872 Orrin B. 315, A 1865 Rufus W.,Jr.4o B 1873 Salter S. 98 K 1855 Thomas H. 213 A 1877 William L. 43 !P 1875 William R. 310 1 1848 William S. 131 Clarke B 1858 Addison L. 72 H 1878 Charles D. 269 K 1875 Charles L. 225 A 1854 Daniel 277 B 1876 Edward S. 103 r 1858 George C. 139 w 1848 John C. 249 T 1877 John M. 153 F 188o Lorenzo M. 155 F 1871 Maurice D. 150 K 1873 NathanD.A.224 V 1853 Peleg A. 236 P 1856 Reuel B. r38 A 1851 Samuel G. 273 P 1871 Selah M. 150 Z 1862 StephenW.175 I' 1874 William B. 152 B 1849 William B. 57 B 1869 William C. 91 Z 1848 William W. 249 i 1877 Willis G. 269 Clay Z 1869 Charles M. 180 B 1860 Joseph 76 Z 1843 Lorenzo 158 Clement d2 188o Ernest W. 318 Z 1866 Martin V.B.179 Z 1863 Nath'I H. 176 Cleveland P 1847 Abijah P. 131 Y' 1869 FrederickE.24o Clifford K 1849 Charles E. 210 Clift 4 1841 William A. 30 Clough Z 185o Lucien B. 164 Coates I 1881 Joseph P. 302 Cobb A 1872 Albert W. 283 11 1877 Charles N. 319 V' 1875 Ebenezer B.242 B 1872 Edw. B., Jr. 95 P 1857 Elisha G. 138 P 1855 James T. 136 K 1867 Oren 222 P 1867 William H. 147 Coburn Z 1877 Clarence P. 269 P 1868 George A. 148 Cochran !P 1872 George.E. 308 i 1870 Varnum B. 307 Cochrane Z 1858 Andrew D. 171 Z 1859 Warren R. 172 Codman A 1854 Edward W. 277 Coe B 1862 Edward B. So 8 1878 Henry E. i06 Coffey A 1847 William S. 193 Coffin SP 1882 Charles L. 313 Z 1872 George C. 183 X 1879 Harold L. 326 Church 6 x856 Charles T. r9 Z x856 Walter S. 169 Churchill Z 1845 Charles H. 161 Cilley Z 1843 Bradbury P.158 K 1858 JonathanP.216 Clapp B 1842 Alexander H.48 P 1849 Edwin 132 1848 Fayette 117 P 1859 Henry L. 140 P 1854 John W. 136 Clark 4 1874 AlpheusXW. 309 T' 1877 And'n W. 294 Z 1858 Augustus B.171 .P 1881 Benjamin P.155 '4 r 404 Coffran F 1877 Frank H. 153 Cogswell Z i85o John B. D. x65 r 1878 William N. 294 Coit B 1856 Alfred 68 T 1867 Charles P. 290 B 1853 Joshua 63 B i85o Robert 59 Colburn N 1847 John 248 A 1854 TheodoreE.277 Z 1861 William W. 174 Colby Z 1863 Henry L. 176 F 1859 John P. 287 Cole B 1877 Arthur W. 105 K 1869 Charles A. 223 * 1847 Cornelius 248 K 1867 Rollo M. 222 Colegrove B 1849 Bela H. 57 Coleman 3 1876 George S. 268 Z 1875 Oliver A. 268 Z 1873 William B. 266 Colgate 4 1849 ,John HI. 34 B 1877 Richard M. 15 T 1870 Robert, Jr. 292 Collar P 1859 William C. 140 Colles A 1851 James, Jr. 195 Collcster I" 1873 Eugene B. 151 P 1877 Frank M. 153 Collier A 1857 Edward A. 38 a 1868 Gerrit S. 24 r i88i Hiram P. 155 B 1866 Maurice D.. 87 "0 186i Peter 78 TonDX. Collins B 1867 Charles T. 88 O 1859 Frank 21 2 [873 Geo. L., Jr. 124 B 1846 Isaac C. 53 A 1852 Josiah 275 K 1870 LeRoy Z. 223 F 1868 Samuel B. 291 K 188o William R. 227 Colony Z 1843 George D. 158 Colston d2 1872 Richard T. 315 Colt B x868 LeBaronfB. 9o Colton B 1840 George H. 45 B 1848 Henry M. 55 B 1844 Theron G. 51 B 1850 Willis S. 59 Combs 6 1854 John H. 18 Comstock P 1873 David Y. 151 6 1866 Norman F. 23 Conant X 1878 Heywood 326 Condit Z 1868 Aaron D. 180 Cone B 1851 Edward S. 6o B 1855 Elijah 67 B 1847 Luther H. 54 Coney B 1876 George E. 103 Congdon H 1879 Albert S. 320 JI 1875 Chester A. 319 A 1854 Henry M.. 197 2 1867 Horace L. 123 Conger .4 1871 Clarence R. 203 Conkey F 1843 Ithamar F. 129 Conklin 4 1877 Douglas 43 Conkling O 1836 Cornelius S. 7 Conner 1 i876 Benjamin C.268 Connolly A 1861 John T. 39 Constant A 1880 Samuel V. 206 Converse Z x863 Charles B. 176 A 1857 John H. 281 Cook A 1876 Baldwin G. 43 1848'Byron F. 232 E1871 William IH. 265 Z 1863 William N. 176 Cooke x i877 HenryP.,Jr.269 1 i868 Leslie B. 262 Cooledge P 1870 Charles E. 149 Cooley B 1878 Arthur N. 106 B 1863 Henry E. 82 Coolidge 3' 1847 Henry A. 249 1863 Orville V. 304 Coon B 1847 John 54 2 x861 Seneca 288 Cooper -P' 1873 Charles W. 151 T 1863 Henry 289 r 1873 James I. , 151 2 1841 Wilson C. 113 Copeland A 1855 David 254 1867 Melvin D. 262 I r -h INDX. 405 1. 27 268 Corbett Z 1877 Reuben M. 187 7 1866 Patrick 239 Z 1873 Thomas E. 184 Culver 6) 1878 Charles N ! T87 Moses E. Cornelius !P 1865 James D.H.3o5 Cornell A 1876 George B. 204 A i85o John F. D. i95 Corning A 1849 James L. 34 Cornish -P 1845 Edward J. 130 Cortelyou B 1863 Adrian V. 82 Cory B 1877 Levi NV. 105 Cotton B 1848 Charles T. 55 K 1865 John B. 221! Coudert A i85o Frederic R. 195 Coultas , 88o And. J., Jr. 270 Crampton B 185x Rufus C. Crandall V 1862 Albert W. (9 1879 Edward L. Z. 1875 Francis A. Crane 1869 Byron A. A 1851 Edward P. A 1855 John W. A 1881 Joseph O. 7 i866 Justus B. B 1879 Oliver T. Crawford Z 1876 Alex. D3, Crehoro Z 1854 John D. Cresswell 4 1868 Thomas Crider X 1882 Rollin F. 6o 288 27 268 307 35, 37 206 239 108 x86 167 306 328 Cummings Z 1869 George J. i8o B 1870 Jotham H. 93 Cumnoek $ 1868 Rob't McL. 262 Cunningham K 1869 Oscar P. 223 Curran B 1863 George L. 82 B 1870 John E. 93 Currier K 1857 Albert H. 215 Z 1856 Amos N. 169 B 1878 Andrew F. io6 H 1857 John NV. 255 Curtis A 1878 Benjamin F.205 I 1862 Henry L. 297 IC 1882 John M. 227 K 1871 Newton F. 224 K 1875 , William J. 225 Curtiss M' 1845 Lucius B. 230 6 1858 Oscar H. 21 Cushing 1855 Charles W. 254 If 1854 John S. 213 Cushnman B 1876 Dan B. 103 0 1836 Edward F. 7 B 1845 Isaac LaF. 52 V 1861 Marshall B. 142 Cutler . .' 1873 Dwight G; x51 Cutter B 1875 Charles F. 101 Cutts K 1867 Usher'W. 222 Cuyler B 1874 Thos. DeW. 99 I Couper B 1849 Hamilton Cowles B 1872 Edward L. Cox M 1882 Dorran B. Coxe ,. 1863 James C.W. Cozzens ( 1845 Henry Craig 6 1856 Oscar Cram Z 1854 Charles H. Z 1881 Nathan D. Cramer J 1871 Edward 57 96 271 259 13 '9 167 189 94 Crittenden 6 x856 Edward W. ig Crocker C 1873 Augustus L.224 A 1882 Frank B. 206A A 1855 George G. 279 B 1873 William D. 98 Crosby X1 A 1868 Allen I. 41 K 1846 Charles S. 209 I 1855 Daniel 214 I x85o Minott S. 133 Cross A 1845 George H. 192 Z i862 Oliver L. 176 Crowell B 1845 Josiah B. 52 Crowninshield A 1858 Benj. W. 282 I 1 s 406 K'2, 0" ' r INDEX. Dains Z 1859 George G. 256 Dakin V' 1858 Edward S. 237 V'1 1851 Francis E. 235 Y' 1853 Geo. W. B. 236 V' 1851 Henry M. 235 Y' 1853 Richard L. 236 Dally Z 1859 Jonathan H.256 Dalrymple U 1853 Samuel B. xS Dalzell B x865 John 86 Dame Z 188o Dana P. 189 IC 1863 Edwin 220 Ii 1862 Samuel P. 219 Dana Z 1872 Charles L. 184 A 1871 Charles P. 283 B 1870 Edward S. 93 Z 1849 Henry S. 164 A 1871 Israel P. 283 Z 1878 John C. 188 Z 1854 Samuel W. 167 Z 1871 William S. 182 Dandy Z 1864 Jas. H., Jr. 259 Danforth Z 188o George H. 189 x i861 Richard H. 258 Daniel A 88o Leslie M. 44 Daniels A 1871 Francis B. 283 F 1853 Henry E. 135 Darby 0 1869 William J. 307 Darlington A 1877 James H. 43 Darrell B 1866 George F. 87 Dart 2 1857 William B. 121 Dauchy 6 1848 George K. 15 D'Autremont X 1872 Charles, Jr. 323 Davenport Vf 1848 Gideon W. 233 1 1870 Henry A. 149 B 1877 James P. 105 P 185x Jesse R. 134 Daves A 1854 Edward G. 277 A 1853 John 276 Davidson lI 1878 James T. 226 d2 1872 Jay G. 315 Davies A 1866 Julien T. 201 K 1879 Oscar C. S. 226 B 1853 Thomas F. 63 Davis K x86o Abner H. 217 K 1859 Albert S. 216 U 1856 Alson C. 1 N x876 Charles E. 268 B 1878 Ernest 106 B 1865 Gustavus P. 87 6 1847 James E. 14 O 1848 John E. 15 Z 1882 Loyal L. 271 K 1864 OwenW.,Jr.22o V 1863 Rees 238 B 186o Robert S. 76 A 1878 Thomas M. 206 A 1853 William S. 276 Davison o 1838 Clement M. 8 1 1881 Belden S. 295 4 881 Francis R. 312 B 1845 Guy B. 52 B 1845 Henry 52 4 1859 Henry C. 38 B 1857 John C. 70 F 188o Mahlon 294 B 1862 Melville C. So Dayton 6 1838 Isaac 8 Dean Z 1849 Charles R. 250 .2 1877 Charles R. 317 a 1847 James A. 249 45 1868 Oliver H. 306 1864 Sidney 260 - 1846 Zebina T. 248 Deane IC 1844 Henry P. 208 IC 1849 Llewellyn 210 Dearborn S.1857 JohnL. 281 Dearing Z 1879- Howard S. 18S Dearth 2 1855 William G. 120 Decker II 18iCasper G. 320 7' 1866 George H. 240 Deering iC 1864 John, Jr. 220 DeForest A 1871 George B. 203 B 1863 Henry C. 82 B 1876 Henry W. 103 A 1872 Lockwood 203 B 1870 Robert W. 93 DeGolyer d2 1875 Charles F. 316 DeGroot 6 1840 Henry W. in DeGrove B 1869 Edward R. 91 Darling A 8i Elisha C. P 1855 William I. 3S Day 136 1 1842 Aaron 157 1 -%Wf% X, -INDE2C.40 ww 407' DeKoven A x851 James Delafield 195 B x86o Francis 76 A 1856 Maturin L. 197 DeMille 2 1854 James r9 A 1848 Richard M. 193 Deming B 1872 Charles C. 96 B .1872 Henry C. 96 X 1.877 William L. 326 Demorest A1881 WilliamC.2o6A Denham J 1865 Alexander 40 Dennis B 1872 Frederic S. 96 Denny 1854 Arthur S. 119 B 1854 Thomas 65 Densmore T 1863 George C. 289 Denton B 1869 Frank B. 91 DePeu . 1S8o John 155 Depew B 1856 Chauncey M.68 DePuga A 1856 Manuel, Jr. 197 Derby li 1868 John S. 222 Dershimer B 1878 Arch. A. xo6 Deruyter A 1851 John, Jr. 195 Deshler I 1873 JohnG. 300 DeTreville 9 1877 Wm. J., Jr. 26 Dewees o 1853 Francis P. 18 Dewey T 1861 Charles A. 288 o 1858 Edmund H. 21 DeWolf 2 1857 John H. 121 DeWolfe 2 1867 Fran. LeB. 123 2 1861 James A. 122 Dexter Mr 1854 Arthur F. 236 A 1851 Charles 273 B 1861 Franklin B. 78 A 1855 George 279 B 1840 Henry M. 46 B 1867 Henry M. 88 Dickerson Y' 1848 James S. 233 Dickey k Z S88o George A. 189 Dickinson r x88 Charles H. 155 B 1877 Charles P. 105 P 1876 Edward 153 P 1879 Edwin H. 155 17 188H Jenry A. 321 5 1853 John T. 253 A 185x Legh R. 195 1' 1862 Marq.F.,Jr. 143 1' 1874 Sidney 152 Z 1843 William 159 Dickman 2 1846 Franklin J. 116 Dickson B 1845 Andrew F. 52 I 1867 George G. 299 Dilks , 1867 Joseph A. 262 Dillingham K 1877 Fred'k H. 226 4 1845 Stephen C. 247 Diman 2 185r Jeremiah L. 118 Dimmick B 1878 Walter E. io6 Dimock B 1874 George E. 99 B 1863 Henry F. 82 B 1847 Samuel R. 54 Dinsmoor Z 1875 Jarvis x86 Dix A 1849 Baldwin Ij4 4 188o Joseph K. 44 A 1848 Morgan 194 Dixon Ir 1867 James P. 222 Doane A 1855 Augustus S. 197 Doddridge I 1873 Albert F. 300 Dodge P 1S6x Austin 142 B 1860 Charles C. 76 B 1857 David S. 70 V 1852 James H. 235 P -1857 John W. 138 ' 1847 Thomas A. 231 Doe Z 1849 Charles C. 164 Dole P 1866 Hallett 141 Dolley 27 1879 Charles S. 320 Dolsen 4 1846 Charles H. 33 Donaldson B 1879 Henry H. zo8 L il~ t 408 D'O 4i 4i n i i ti rr wmr~rx INDEX. oge 1881 Benjamin L.312 1862 Martin L. 304 Doolittle P 1872 Charles A. B 1876 William S. Dorchester $ 1874 Daniel, Jr. Doremus O 1876 John W. Dorman B 1854 Lester M. Dorr A 1858 Hazen - Dorrance 2 1867 Charles T. 2 1864 John K. 2 1863 Samuel R. Dougherty F 1878 Samuel K. Douglas B i85r William K. Dow K 1872 Frederic G. K 1864 John E., Jr. Z 1849 Lorenzo Z 1849 Moses F. Dowd 1' 1872 Pascal M. Downes K 1853 Henry R. Downing F. 1852 Jerome F. Downs A 1845 Charles A. A [840 John V.. - Dowse F 1846 Joseph P. Drake 151 103 267 26 65 282 123 123 122 154 6o 224 220 250 164 15' 212 '34 33 30 131 Draper A 1880 Frank 206 A 1845 George B. 192 Z 1849 Gideon, Jr. 164 A 1851 William H. 196 Dresser K 1865 Horatio S. 221 Drummond I 1843 Joseph P. 208 DuBois B 1868 Cornelius, Jr.go B 1867 John J. 88 A 1864 Matthew B.2oo Dudley B 1877 Edward M. 105 P 1852 George E. K 1865 James F. Z 1858 Joseph F. Duer A i86o Beverly C. Dufflield P 1842,Charles B. Dumont A 1852 Robert S. Dun I 88o Angus W. 1 1877 Charles B. 1 1875 John G., Jr. Dunbar B 1862 James A. P 1864 John B. Z 1879 Joseph H. B 1867 J. Newell Duncan Z 1857 Robert H. Z 1858 Samuel A. Dunham 135 221 171 199 128 36 301 301 301 8o 145 z88 89 170 171 Dunn 23 1843 Robinson P.114 Dunnell 2 1875 Thomas 125 2 1873 William W. 124 Dunning B 1867 Albert E. 89 B 1876 AugustusW.103 o 1839 Benjamin F. 9 o 1868 David M. 24 B 1874 Jacob A. R. 99 A 188o Robert B. 44 B 1863 William B. 82 Dunster A 1856 Edward S. 280 Durand 2 1882 Harrison C. 295 Durant Z 1852 James S. 166 Durfee 188o Samuel S. 126 1851 Simeon B. ii8 2 1846 Thomas 116 Durkee B 1849 Franklin A. 57 A 1858 Rich. P. H. 198 Durlin V 1849 Fayette 233 Durrett 2 1849 Reuben T. 117 Durston II 1879 Alfred S. 320 Duxbury I 1863 John W. 220 Dwelly B 1853 George R. 64 Dwight A 1857 Howard 281 B 1859 Thomas B. 74 Dyer P 1882 Ebenezer A.156 P 1861 Eben. P., Jr.142 B 1874 Edward R. 99 B 1859 George E. 74 31 1879 George E. 243 7 1847 Moses E. 231 ! 1879 Oren 312 Dunlap P 1855 George E. 136 A 1854 Elias G., Jr. 197 A 1845 John 192 R 1854 William 65 xf) , (Clow INDEX. 409 r r878 Edward 0. K 1878 Franklyn d2 1871 Louis 154 226 3I5 Eames B 1843 Benjamin T. 49 Earle A 1845 Cornelius r 1867 Edward B. P 1867 James H. 33 147 147 Eastman P 1869 Charles F. 148 Z 1864 James H. 260 r 1869 John H. 149 ( 1873 Sidney C. 309 Easton B 1876 Henry C. 103 B 1863 Morton W. 82 Eaton B 1857 Daniel C. 70 B i86o D. Cady 76 K i85r Daniel L. 211 P 1878 George T. 154 P 1865 James H. 145 Ii 1855 Stephen M. 214 2 1845 William H. 115 P 1868 William W, 148 Edwards B 1857 Alfred L. 70 2 1841 Benj. A. 113 0 1848 Carlton 15 B 1866 Charles A. 87 IC 1862 George W. 219' T 1847 Henry L. 131 : 186o James T. 257 A 1869 Lewis 202 B 1855 Presley J. 67 Z 1876 Richard A. 186 Egerton A 1856 Raymond 280 Egleston B 1861 William C. 78 Elile 6 1839 George L. g Eichelberger B 1858 Martin S. 72 Elderkin B 1852 John 61 Ellwanger 4 1873 Henry B. 42 B 1876 NVm. DeL. 103 Elmer 6 1857 C. DeV. C. 20- Elwell P 1875 Levi H. 152 Ely 2T 1871 Edward T. 292 P 1878 George S. 154 2" 1866 Joseph A. 290 A 1854 Leicester K.197 2 1878 William 125 ' 1861 William S. 288 Elmendorf A 1845 John J. 192 i I- Eldred Z 1852 John R. 252 Emerson $ 1874 George A. 267 A 1882 Henry, Jr. 206A I' 1844 John E. 130 K 1849 Lincoln F. 210 Z 1862 Luther W. 176 U 1852 Sidney T. 17 l; 1863 Thomas A. 82 A 1853 William, Jr.196 Emery Z 1842 Caleb 157 IC 1863 George A. 220 IC 1861 Lucilius A. 218 If 1853 Marcellus 212 Eldredge W 1845 Barnabas B.230 B 1843 Hallam 49 Echalaz A 1851 John F. 196 Eldridge A O.. C'L...i.. "^A E~fedt1 179 Chnaries 200 Eekfeldt .11J S iB8i Thomas I. 271 A i I i-6 Chas. LeD. 28o Enaland 1862 George A. Eddy $ 1865 Robert N. A x88o Samuel A. 2 1859 William Edgerly Z 1859 Samuel J. Edmands B 1847 John Edmond P 1873 George W. - I 258 260 44 121 172 54 152 130 194 Elliot 4 184o Henry B. 30 B 1844 William H. 51 Elliott X 1881 George R. 327 , 1873 George W. 266 1 1857 John E. 138 A 1857 William H. 281 Ellis I 1846 Joseph W. 209 IC i858 Robert 216 Ellsworth P 1858 Alfred A. 139 P 1844 Erastus W. 130 i Eno B i86o Henry C. 76 B 1869 John C. 91 Eoff A 1855 Charles NV. 197 Erving A 1853 John A 1855 Langdon Esmond H 1877 Fred C. Estabrook B 1851 James E' Edson r 7844 Henry K. ,,4 1848 John 276 279 319 6o I IIII IIIYYYr YYY Yr q II IIIII IIIIIYYIYYIIIItl111 YYYY11 Illl 11 ZY6 i4to I - 410 INDEX. I Esty B 1845 Constant. C. 52 F i86o William C. 141 Ethridge N 1853 Albert 253 Eustis X 1881 George 327 Evans Z 1872 Alfred R. 184 T 1861 Asher B. 288 B 1874 Thomas G. 99 Everett !P 1864 Arthur 305 A 1873 Oliver H. 284 Ewers W 185o Henry F. 234 Ewing B 1869 Alexander H.91 B 1848 Samuel A. 56 Eyland A 1872 George C., Jr.42 Fairbank I' 1867 John B. 147 Fairbanks Z 1853 Henry 167 Fairchild H 1877 XWilliam H. 269 Farnham Z 1870 Schuyler C. 181 Farnsworth Z 1871 Robert W.C.265 Z 1854 Simeon D. 167 I' 1853 William C. 135 Farnum 2 1852 Alexander 11S 2 1879 Frank A. 126 2 1878 Henry 0. 125 Farr I 1864 William W. 298 Farrington A 1853 William G. 196 Farris, B 1847 Robert P. 54 Farwell B 1879 John V., Jr. 1o8 I' 188o Parris T. 155 Fassett K 1873 William G. 224 Faulkner 11 187o Henry J. 93 B 1859 Samuel D. 74 Faust I 1857 John W. 138 Faville A 1844 Oran 246 Fay V 1862 Charles M. 238 V' 1877 Fred H. 243 Fearing A 186o George R. 199 Fellowes B 1856 Charles E. 68 B 1856 Francis, Jr. 68 Fenn P 1861 Elipha W. 142 Fenner r 1867 Edward B. 147 Ferguson A 1876 William M. 43 Fernald P 1867 John P. 147 Ferris X 88o George F. 327 Ferry B 1872 Charles H. 96 4 1873 James W. 309 B 1844 Orris S. 51 Fewsmith B 1844 William 51 Field Z 1878 Brayton A. 188 P 188o Clifton L. 155 K 1845 Edward M. 208 P 1880 Henry P. 155 187o Leon C. 264 B 1841 Maunsell B. 47 A x843 Theodore W.32 Z 1855 Walb'ge A. 168 ' A 1851 William P. 273 Finch B 1849 Francis M. 57 Fineke A 1873 FrederickG.284 Finger K 1861 Sidney M. 218 Finney B 1847 Thomas M. 54 Fish T 1873 Frederick S.292 A x882' James H. 44A T' 1874 Samuel H. 152 Fisher A x856 Edward T. 280 A 1852 George H. 275 A 1855 Henry N. 37 Fisk Z 1843 Francis S. 159 B 1844 Samuel A. 5Y B 1877 Samuel A. 105 Fales K 1848 David Fallon Z 1875 Junius G. Fancher 0 1881 Henry R. Fanning A 1840 Charles Farlow A 1874 John W. Farman ,P 1855 Elbert E. 210 268 27 33 285 137 ^T! VIII 1 I I I ICI I I I Irl II I I ^1111111 I - - 'r w INDEX. 4"X Fiske Vr I$51 D. Willard 2 1844 Elijah W. B 1856 Jdhn M. B 1863 John S. Fitch X 1875 George H. B 1847 James Flagg B 1878 Edward W. B 1854 Willard C. Flanders Z 1871 Charles N. Fletcher 3218So Elijah T. Z 1858 Frank H. I 1881 George H. Z 1843 James Forrest 235 Z 1875 William S. 115 69 Forsaith 82 Z 1857 William J. Forsyth 325 2 1856 Charles S. 54 Z 1864 George io6 Fosdick 65 B 1879 Samuel P. 186 170 120 260 108 Freeman K 1845 Charles M. 4 1876 Charles Q. A 188o Cuyler r 1875 Elias D. . A 1849 George L. Z 1874 James R. 4 1872 John C. K 1854 Samuel 0 1850 Samuel T. 209 43 44 153 194 185 42 213 16 - i 118 171 312 159 Flint Z i88o Thomas, Jr.189 Florence I 1872 Gustavus A.300 F+ IJrnv nnen Foster K 1855 Benjamin B.214 B 1859 Charles H. 74 K 1855 Charles H. 214 B 1848 Dwight 56 P 1864 Edgar L. 145 B 1863 Eleazar K. 82 A 1868 Fred'c DeP.201 2 1879 Horace K. 189 A 1867 James P. 41 Z 1858 John 171 A 1874 John H. 204 B 1869 John P. C. 91 4 1839 Joshua 29 Z 1851 Richard B.~165 B 1878 Roger S. B. 1o6 Fowler O 186o Archibald C. 22 B 1876 Charles N. 103 B 1879 Edward S. io8 B 186o William 76 6) 1836 Charles 71 French B 1851 Asa 60 A 1857 Francis O. 281 r 1881 Frederick E.155 2 1855 John H. 120 ( 1841 John McA. 11 B 1856 Joseph R. 69 Z 1881 Oscar H. 189 II 188o Porter M. 320 Z 1852 Theodore 166 Z 1880 WarrenC.Jr.189 Frisbee P 186o Edward S. 141 Frissell B 1874 Hollis B. 99 Frost 1 1881 Albert G. 295 A 1874 Edward I. 204 1f 1878 Thomas F. 243 Z 1876 Timothy P. 269 A 1846 William J. 192 Frye K 1850 William P. 211 Fuller A 1862 Charles D. 200 Z 1871 Charles H. 265 B 1848 Frederick C. 56 B 1875 Wilber A. w1i B 1861 William H. 78 Fullerton' I' 1861 Bradford M.142 Fulton X 1874 Louis M. 325 Folsom' A 1857 Geo. McK. 281 P 1857 Richard 138 Foote K 1843 Erastus, Jr. 208 B 1866 Harry W. 87 0 1843 Ozias P. 12 Forbes T 1877 Francis W. 294 r 1875 George F. 152 1" 1878 George M. 294 P 1874 Jesse F. 152 T 1878 John F. 294 Ford A 1870 Arthur L. 202 1854 Calvin B. 253 2 1870 Isaac N. 124 0 1875 Silas W. 26 , 4 1879 Worth'n C. 206 Fox 0 1861 2' 1867 B 1874 Frame 0 1861 Francis A 1877 Frear Charles J. George IH. George L. 22 290 99 Thomas C. 22 Clarence W.205 B 1851 Walter Freeland A 1862 Henry R. A 1851 William H. 6o 40 36 Funkhouser A 1877 Millard F. Z 1871 Robert M. Z 1871 Tilden S. 43 182 pa lI I I III II I ~ Y I 111 lle- - - _ L.) bh 412 Furber , 1873 Charles H. 266 Z 1843 Daniel L. 159 $ 1867 David B. 262 K x861 Henry J. 218 Furbish K 1875 Frank L. 225 Gaines B 1841 Edmund P. 47 Galbraith 1879 John 270 Gale s 1868 Edmund W-3o6 Z 1868 Eugene B. 18o o 1856 Harlow A. 20 Gallagher I 1867 Charles 299 I 1864 George 298 Gallien A 1882 Brace M. 271 Gallup A 1875 Howard 204 Galusha O 1855 Myron H. i9 Gamble Z 1876 Samuel C. i86 Gambrill A 1854 Charles D. 277 Gammell F 1865 Sereno D. 145 2 1878 William, Jr. 126 Gardiner -P 1878 Harry N. 154 Gardner 2 1843 Benjamin 114 T 1861 George F. 288 d2 1881 James P. 318 2 1877 Rathbone 125 d2 1878 William A. 317 Garland Z 1866 James S. 179 Garrettson Z 188o Frederick P.189 INDEX. Garton Gilbert A 1851 WM. MeK. 251 $ 1858 Charles A. 256 .,B 1878 Charles M. ic6 Garver r 1855 Edwin S. 137 B 1875 John A. 'o1 B 1878 George E. 107 Gary . II 1875 James M. 319 Gary A1i88o John H. 44 y 185x Delos 251 1 186x Mathev M. 297 Gaskill B 1878 William T. 107 T 1859 Joshua 287 Gilchrist Gay & 1859 Alexander 21 r 185o Augustin.M.133 Z 1871 Oscar J. x82 l' 1875 Moses 153 Giles Gaytes 2 1844 Alfred E. 115 .' 1858 C. Carol 139 Gill Geer $ 1870 Benjamin 264 o 1843 Asahel C. 12 Z 1875 Wilson L. 186 6 1845 Walter, Jr. 3 Gillespie George A 1862 George W. 200 o 1858 Archibald 21 Gillet A 1882 Jeffer'n D.2o6A A 1868 Elmslie M. 201 Z 1844 John H. 16o Z 1878 John P. 188 Gillis Gerry Z i854'John F. 168 1 851 Charles F. 251 - 1876 Wm. McN. 269 K 1874 Elbridge, Jr.225 Gilman Gest K 1882 Charles H. 227 I 1868 John B. 299 1 1863 Charles M. 83 If 1854 Jeremiah H.213 Gibbens A 1855 Edwin A. 279 Gilmore Gibbs Z 1845 Quincy A. 161 1 x866 Abner E. 262 Giveen T 1873 Charles L. 292 K 1863 Thomas M. 220 Gibson Gleason 6) 1846 Charles J. 14 . 1863 Jubal C. 44 .B 1858 Claude 72 qI 1874 George R. 310! Glen A 1854 Hanson C. 37 6 i85o Elias B. 16 V 1859 William C. 237 6 1844 Samuel 12 Giddings Glidden 6 1852 Augustine H.17 r 1857 Charles E. 138 Gifford Glover 2 1845 Charles 115 B 1878 William B. 107 /L ,x -v )c Ylo INDEX. Gluck X 1874 James F. 325 Gobrecht , B 1846 Charles J. 53 Goddard 2 1858 Robert H.I.I21 Z 1871 Warren, Jr. 182 Goff 12 1878 Matthew L. 317 Goffe !1 1873 James R. 309 Goldsmith A 1857 William G. 281 Goodale ) 1838 Lawrence J. 8 6 1836 Samuel 7 Goode B 1873 Frank C. 98 Goodell P 1862 Henry H. 143 Goodenow K 1853 Henry C. 212 K 1852 John H. 212 Goodhue B 1877 Frank D. 105 Z 1867 Horace, Jr. 179 Goodier B 1877 Lewis E. 105 Goodman B 1867 Charles H. 89 Goodrich B 1864 Frederick E. 84 P 1870 George E. 149 Z 1857 John B. 170 Goodwin P 1873 Frank J. 152 K 185o George P. 211 U 1848 Hannibal 15 A 1876 Jaspar T. 205 A 1873 John C. 284 K 1845 John M. 209 K 1844 John W. 208 1I 1881 Montg'y M.320 B 1858 Sheldon 72 A 1851 William W. 273 Goodyear B 1867 William H. 89 Gordon Z 1846 George A. 162 K 1864 George M. 220 Z 186o James S. 257 Gordy r 1878 John P. 269 A 188o Wilbur F. 270 Gorham A 1857 George 281 Gorton 45 1871 Charles E. 308 2" 1876 Charles W. 293 O 1854 Cyrus .L. 18 Goss Uf 1873 Charles F. 242 19 1841 Gustavus F. it O 1846 Simon S. 14 Gott B 1873 Joseph W. 981 o 1837 Joseph W. 8 Gould B 1877 Anthony 1051 2 1842 Asa H. 1141 U 1865 David H. 231 2" 1859 Edward P. 2871 13 1873 George XV. 981 K 1845 Lyman 29 Z 1852 Oliver H. 166 K 187S Royal E. 224 Gone 4 1878 Frank W. 188 Grace 6 1869 Seymour M. 24 Grammer B 1843 Christopher 49 413 Granger 2 1874 DanielL.D.125 B 1843 Gideon 49 4P 1871 Henry C. 308 Grannis I 1862 W. H. DeL.297 Grant 2 1869 Frank B. 124 2 1869 Henry T.,Jr.124 K 1870 Orville B. 223 P 1864 Schuyler 305 Grassie P 1857 Thomas G. 138 P 1852 William 135 Graves Z 1846 Albert S. 248 1 i865 George A. 260 P 1856 Henry C. 138 A 1871 William F. 265 Gray A i86o Albert Z. 39 A 1858 George Z. 38 A 1858 Henry W. 38 2 1849 Horatio 117 A 1865 John C. 41 K 1874 Rotheus A. 225 Gready B 1842 William P. 48 Greeley Z 1876 Edward A. 186 Z 1845 Edward H. 161 Z 188 William B. 189 Green 2 1858 Arnold 121 B 1852 David B. 62 B 1879 Henry S. 109 -P 1844 Lewis 130 A x81 Samuel A. 274 P i86o Thomas R. 141 Greene Z 1864 Daniel C. 177 2 1876 Edw. A., Jr. 125 Z 1863 Edwin 177 K 1855 Joseph K. 214 Z 1854 Ranney, Jr. 168 V 414 INDEX. Greenfield Grover Iale Z 1869 John S. 264 d2 1882 Oliver D. 318 J 1882 Albert B. 313 £2 1877 Ralph W. 3i7 A 1853 Albert W. 196 Greenwood B 1874 Thomas W. zoo K 1869 George W. 223 B 1858 Moses M. 72 P 1864 William B 145 Z 186o Oscar A. 173 2 1842 Zuinglius 114 Haley Gregory W. 174 £1873 CorneliusW-316 Grow Z 186o JohnW. x A 1856 David E. 37 P 1844 Galusha A. 130 Hall Z 1851 Milo W. 165 Z -1872 Almon E. 265 Griffin Z 1865 Charles C. 178 Z 1861 Charles H. 174 Grubb B 1842 Charles H. 48 Z 1847 Ezra L. 163 B 1873 Charles R. 98 ) 1845 Daniel 13 188o Martin W. 270 B 1849 Elial F. 57 Guernsey B 1872 Frank L. 96 Griggs A 1881 Egbert, Jr. 44 A 1872 Frank R. 283 B 1872 George B. 96 ' 1879 Fred W. 294 2 x86o George W. 122 P 186o Leverett S. 141 B 1866 Lovell 87 1869 Rufus T. 241 Guild Z 1847 Richard 163 T 1876 Alex. W. 293 d2 1878 Ward H. 317 Grimes I 1866 William A. 298 6) 1840 J. Stanley 1o Gulliver r 1871 William L. 15o B 1870 William C. 93 £2 1872 William W. 316 Grindal K 1$$o Herbert W. 227 Gunn Halliday A 1873 Elisha 284 A 1838 Henry H. 29 Grinnell ulallock, B 1875 Frank L. xoi Gunnell . 1882 Frank K. 271 B 1870 George B. 93 P 1880 Emory S. 155 A 1859 Irving 199 IHalloway B 1875 Morton 101 Gurney A 1864 William W. 40 B 1880 William M. Hio A 1852 Ephraim W.275 Halsey Grist Gustin A 1868 Joseph B. 202 B 1848 Franklin R. 56 q 1876 Robert F.K.311 Halstead Griswold Hadley A x88o John C. 44 A 1859 Allen 256 Z 1844 Amos 16o Halsted B 1857 John 70 0 1861 Edwin 304 B 1874 William S. loo B 1879 Robert R. 109 B 1847 Henry H. 54 11am . r1853 Theoph. L. 135 6 1836 Sterling G. 7 1864 Albert E. 123 Grose d 188o Walter C. 318 Z 1871 Charles H. 182 T 1876 Howard B. 293 Hagar K 1868 Llewellyn S.222 Gross & 1843 Daniel B. 12 6 1855 Moses M. 19 A 1868 John L., Jr. 201 Hamblen !P 1873 Robert S. 309 lHaight 1874 JosephB.,Jr.267 B 1847 Dugald C. 55 Grosvenor X 1879 James A. 326 Hamilton P 1867 Edwin A. 147 0 1869 Charles H. 307 Z 1859 Joseph W. 172 Haile BI'1868 William A. 90 ' 1877 Oliver G. 294j Z 1856 William H. 169 1 188o William D. 301 4K)-% r..K?.4 INDEX. ell Hamlin K 1857 Charles C. 215 B 1869 Frdnk H. 91 B 1863 George S. 83 Hammond A 1879 Greme M. 206 I' 1851 Henry B. 134 3 1854 Philip D. 253 -Z 1870 Samuel P.- 264 F 1849 William G. 132 Hancock 1 i868 Elmer N. 263 Hand B 1857 Alfred 71 B 185o Chauncey M.59 $ 1872 James H. 265 Hanford B 1861 Walter 78 Hanna 1 1872 Thomas 300 Hannahs , 1853 Franklin 253 Hansell 2 1877 Howard F. 1251 Harbison 45 1867 Robert 306 Harding K 1881 Carroll E. 227 B 1853 Charles 64 K 185o Henry F. 211 Hardon F 1855 Charles 137 Hardy - r 1867 Alpheus 148 F 1868 Arthur S. 148 Hargous " 1873 Louis J. 292 Hargraves [C 1877 Frank H. 226 Harland B 1853 Edward 64 Harlow $ 185o Edward H. 250 Harmar B x861 James L. 78 Harmon B 1872 Dana 96 Harper d2 1874 John 5. 316 A 1848 Jos. W., Jr. 194 B i88o William H. ino Harriman K 1843 David P. 208 K 1863 George G. 220 Z 1879 Herbert J. 189 Harrington r 1856 Augustus 138 2 18s2 Calvin S. 252 K 1877 Charles 226 P 1847 George F. 131 Z 1882 Karl P. 271 1~ 868 Mark W. 306 Harris 2' 1881 Albert H. 295 4 1846 Charles T. 33 r 1855 Elijah P. 137 2 1882 Rich'd B. 126A Harrison B 1859 Burton N. 74 4 1843 George J. 12 B 1876 Stephen D. 103 Hart T 1872 Edward P. 292 K 1853 Edwin J. 212 Z 1875 William H.186 Hartley 4 1852 Isaac S. 36 Hartness Z 1859 James A. 172 Hartridge . . 1852 Charles J. 1x8 41P Hartwell A 1858 Alfred S. 282 T 1877. Charles S. 153 P 1873 Edward Al. 152 P 188z William W. 155 Harvey O 1837 Charles W. 8 P 1882 Donald 156 Z 1859 Edwin B. 256 A 1845 Elisha B. 248 Hasbrouck U 1837 Louis 8 A 1861 Price W 99 Haseltine Z 1854 George 168 Haskell B 1858 Robert C. 72 Hastings & 1876 Franklin T. 26 Z 1870 Lemuel S. 181 Hatch V' 1845 ChaunceyL.230 K 1873 Francis M. 224 B 1874 Henry P. Zoo Z 1869 John E. 180 B 1877 iohn R. 105 Hatfield g 1862 Samuel P. 258 Hatheway B 1879 Amos L. iog' Hathorn B 1867 Frank H. 89 Haven H 1877 Alfred C. 319 sP 1870 Otis E. 307 HY 1881 Theo. W. 320 Havens B 1843 Daniel W. 49 Haviland & 1871 Charles T. 25 Hawes K 1876 Charles T. 225 K 1855 Edward 214 Harkness 2 1842 Albert K [864 John C. 114 220 hrr x 4k6 tN ' 4I6 T. INDEX. Hawley B 1876 Chas. DeF. 103 B 1846 David 53 B 1842 Elijah S. 48 P 1855 Franklin E. 137 B 1866 George F. 88 B i86o Henry E. 76 0 1841 James S. II V 1847 Joseph R. 232 V' 1879 Robert N. 243 f 185o Theodore 234 Hay Z 188o Charles M. 227 Hayden A 1875 Henry W. 204 2° 1878 James A. 294 Hayes K 1855 Benjamin F.214 K 1865 Francis L. 221 I181 Frederic 126 d2 188o Fred'k W.C318 Z 185o Richard 165 Hayman 4'1874 Frank C. 370 Haynes Z 1862 Arthur D. 176 Z 1867 Emory J. 262 A 1873 Henry H. 284 A 1851 Henry W. 274 Haynie B 1869 Edwin C. 1o9 -Hayt i 1877 Edward K. 43 Haywood Z 1867 Cassius R. 179, Hazard 2 1857 John N. 121 2 1849 Rowland G. 117 B 1871 William T. 94 Hazen Z 1863 Azel W. 177 Z 7880 Charles C. 189 A 18S1 George H. 44 Z 1854 Henry A 168 Z 1871 Henry A. 182 Z 1848 Joseph M. 163 Z 1870 Lucius R. 181 Z 1871 William 0. 182 Head T 1870 John Q. 292 Heald B 1873 John O. 98 Heath P 1868 Daniel C. 148 X 1876 Frank E.. 325 Z 1865 Isaac L. 178 Hebard B 1860 Daniel 76 2 1842 Milton 114 Hebberd H 1859 Stephen S. 256 Hemenway IF 1874 Charles C. 242 Hendee 2 1865 Homer H. 2go Henderson d2 1870 Charles R. 315 1 7862 Thomas 143 Hendrickson B 1852 John B. 62 Henriques 4 1881 Julian U. 44 Henry -A P 1867. Alb't McK.3o6 .2 1845 Foster 115 A 1871 Jacob H. 203 Henshaw !P 1879 John 0. 312 P 1845 Marshall 130 Henson B 1849 Rufus A. 57 Herboso 4 1879 Fcrnando 44 Herrick B 1866 Albert B. 88 P 1867 Dwight S. 747 Z 1881 Francis H. 189 K 1844 Horatio G. 208 A 1861 James K. 39 Hewes B 1870 John H. 93 Hewett K 186o James H.H.218 K 1855 Obadiah B. 214 P 1869 Water'n T. 149 Hewitt P 1858 Elijah S. 139 B 1859 John H. 74 B 1864 Thomas B. 84 Heywood A 1855 Joseph C. 279 Higbee B 1875 Harry 101 Higby 3f 1861 John C. 238 Higgins B 1861 Anthony 78 3f 1848 John D. 233 Hiles . (3) 1877 Theron L. 26 Hill B 1861 Charles B. 78 K 1862 Frank A. 219 B 1845 George C. 52 B 1854 James K. 65 K 1865 Melvin J. 221 1 i864 Moses A. 260 A 1873 Walter C. 284 Hillhouse B 1875 James 701 Hilliard A 1852 Francis W. 275 Hillis o 1872 William J. 25 Hills d2 1882 Charles B. 318 Z 1878 Edward N. 188 X 188o Harold E. 327 1 1877 Harry N. 301 ftc __ ri i u r irr C K; INDEX. 417 Hincks B 1872 John H. 96 Hine B 1877 Thomas A. 105 inman !P 1869 John E. 307 B 1853 William L. 64 Hinrichs A 1874 Fred'ic W. 204 Hitchcock Z1879 Ernest 270 B 1879 Henry 109 $ 1881 Merrill 271 Hobbs Z 1862 George F. 176 Hobson A 1862 John L. 200 K 1849 William 210 Hodgats 2 1864 John M. 123 Hodgdon K 1845 Richard L. 209 Hodge 1' 1853 George E. 136 Hodges B 1877 Alpheus C. 105 V 1881 Irving M. 244 A 185o John S. B. 195 Iloey A 1865 John S. 41 Hoffman 2 1861 Howard 122 Holbrook 2 1843 Lowell 114 1' 1876 William E. 153 Holden H 1877 Charles D. 319 B 1875 George H. xoi A 1847 Robert 193 H 1879 Willis A. 320 Holland - Hoppin Z 1858 Joseph B. 171 B 1856 Frederick S. 69 F 1851 Josiah G. 134 2 1861 Wm. W., Jr.122 T 1869 Theodore B.291 Horne Hollett Z 1874 Herman L. 185 H 1878 Rhod'k P. 319 Horr Holley 2 1854 George E. 1ug B 1859 John C. 74 Horton Hollister 4i 1869 Edward A. 307 B 1858 Arthur N. 72 hbosford B 1840 Gideon H. 46 A 1862 Frederick 40 B 1878 Howard C. 107 Hosmer B 1848 Shelton 56 A 1853 Alfred 276 Holme W 1848 John S. 233 Holmes F 1861 Ira 288 B 1868 John R. go 0 1878 Lyman S. 27 A 1857 Philip W. 198 B 1853 Theodore J. 64 X 1881 William D. 327 Holton W 1863'Charles M. 238 Holway H 1854 Emory F. 253 Z 1851 Seth P. 251 Homer r 1867 William B. 147 Honor6 D 1869 Adrian C. 315 D 1877 Natt K. 317 Hood K 1855 Thomas B. 214 Z 1865 Wendell P. 178 Hooker B 1854 John W. 65 A 1866 William A. 201 Hopkins B 188o Frank W. 1no D 188 John C. 318 d2 1879 William H. 318 Hotchkiss H 1880 David H. 320 Yi 1851 Edward P. .235 A 1881 Lucius W. 206A B 1875 William H. io1 Hough B 1849 Edward C. 57 K 1866 William 0. 221 Houghton 4 1842 George H. 31 2' 1859 George XV. 288. r 1862 James C.,Jr.143 P 1865 Joseph G. 146 P 1855 Joseph H. 137 B 1873 William A. 98 house ,z s868 Theo. M. 263 Houston B 1859 Francis H. 75 Howard K 1859 Charles H. 216 A 1856 Charles T. 280 2 1878 Charles T. 126 B 1873 Frank W. g8 B 1875 Guy 101 B 1872 HenryW. B. 96 B 1877 James B. 105 K 1856 Rowland B. 215 Howe A 1853 AndrewJ. 276 ''F 418 INDEX. 2 188o Arthur W. 126 Hughitt Z 1859 Edward 172 P 1863 Emmons 144 B 1876 Elmer P. 103 ,' 1855 William E. 137 qI7870 Frank H. 307 K 1859 George W. 216 Hulbert T2 1879 Henry B. 294 2 i88o Thomas H. 126 K 1859 James A. 216 B 1871 John K. 94 Humphrey 2 1847 Phineas 116 B 1874 Charles E. 100 2 1866 Reginald H.123 3f 1847 Theodore F.232 B 1847 William H. 55 Howland Humphreys 2 1874 William D. 125 U)x837 David 8 lHowlett llunn Howlett Bun$76 Joseph S. 103 II 1881 Alfred A. 320 B Hoysradt Hunt B 1877 Albert 1a5 Z 1852 George A.166 Z 7847 Horace 163 Hoyt B 1876 Thomas 103 S o1850 Albert H. 250 B i86o Thomas G. 76 Yf1872 Arthur S. 241 .n Z 1846 Benjamin T.248 Huntigton 3f1870 Charles K. 247 2 1842 AdoniramJ.174 731877 Charles S. 243 B 1855 David L. 67 Z 1844 Francis S. 246 B 1873 Dwight W. 98 B 1872 Gerald L. 96 B 1863 Samuel 83 K 1864 HenryN.W.h227 B 7875 Samuel J. ioi A 7866 William S. 207 Hurd R-oyte T i858 Egbert 287 6) 1847 James V. 14 A 1852 Francis W. 275 h'ubbard - 7863 Henry M. 304 B 1873 Charles L. 98 iurlburt B 1840 Chauncey H.46 - 1875 Hiram D. 293 (1 7878 Edward K. 31r Hurlbut S1845 Eli 248 A 1863 HenryA.,Jr.200 B 7875 Frank E. '701 84JseL 6 A 1873 Henry G. 284 B 1849 JosephL. 2 4i1866 Henry W. 305 B 186o William H. 76 I' 1879 LeRoy W. 155 B , 1872 Leverett M. 266 Huse B 1849 Thomas S. 57 Z 1865 Hiram A. 178 Hubbs K 1867 William S. 222 4 1840 Isaac G. 30 Hutchins Hudson P 1879 Augustus S.1xas A 1842 Nathaniel 31 2 1859 BenjaminT.121 B 1849 Charles J. 58 Hughes K 1858 Charles K. 216 B 1855 Aug. DeB. 67 P 1842 Waldo 129 Hutchinson Z 1875 Stillman H. 186 Hutton A 1873 Frederic R. 203 A 1857 Mancius H. 38 Hyde .V 1861 Henry D. 142 P 1859 Henry F. 140 4i 1882 Louis H. 313 B 1855 Simeon T. 67 B 7857 Smith H. 71 Iddings 41i s7872 Louis M. 308 ilde P 7848 Jacob, Jr. 131 In 5-1rsoll I-)1853 Stephen H. 18 Ingham ) 1847 Albert C. 14 d2 1881 Elmer T. 318 d2 1873 George C. 316 B 1867 William H. 89 Irving A 1862 Alex. D. 200 Irwin B 1873 Lewis W. 98 Isbell 6 1871 Nelson G. 25 Isham B 1875 Samuel 101 Ives d2 1876 Frank 317 B 1861 H.Brayton 79 2 1857 Rob. H.,Jr. 121 B 1863 Wilbur 83 Jackson 6 1853 Allan H. 18 69 1842 Alonzo C. ii T 1857 David G. 237 O 1874 Edward 25 B 1852 George E. 62 IC 1849 George E.B.21 6 1852 George P. 17 NV INDX.41 INDEX. 4I9 B 1876 Isaac M. 103 I 1867 John B. 299 & 1853 John K. r8 d2 1872 John L. 316 B 1857 Joseph C. 71 !P 1807 Milton 306 & 1842 Samuel W. it B 1871 Schuyler B. 94 Y' 1855 William H. 236 Jacobs 0 1873 Albert P. 309 4' 1875 Charles H. 310 Jessup B 1851 Henry H. 6o B 1876 Robert J. 103 B 1849 William H. 58 Jewell Z 1844 Harvey 16o Z 1856 Wiliam E. 169 Jewett B 1878 Carlton R. 107 . A 186o Edward R. i99 Z 1873 Emory H. 184 A 1845 George A. 192 A 1869 Harry M. 202 B 1871 James D. 94 7 186rJohn D. 238 2' 1871 LawrenceT.292 Z 1846 Lewis F. 248 B x860 Luther M. 77 . 1870 Mahlon O. 315 1 i865 Philip L. 2go I' 1863 ftobert I. 144 , 1871 Robert W. 265 6 1853 Silas R. 18 r 1863 William M.289 I I i Jacobsen A 1856 John J. 280 Jaffrey A 1842 Robert 191 James B 184o Horace 46 5 1857 Joseph H. 255 B 1878 William K. 107 Jameson r 1872 Henry W. 96 x x879 John F. 155 K 188o John S. 227 T 1856 Melvin 287 Jeffries A 1854 Benjamin J.277 A 1856 Edward P. 280 Jenckes 2 1877 Thomas A. 125 Jenkins B 1872 Edward H. 96 B 1874 Frank 1oo T 1864 Hermon D. 239 B 1851 Jpnathan L. 6o 2 1855 Moses B. 120 Jenlgs A 1849 Grenville T. 34 Jenness Z 1861 Benjamin F.174 Jennings 1 .1882 Edward R. 295 Jerrell $ 1882 Herbert P. 271 Johnson B 1855 Charles F. 67 K 1879 Charles F. 226 1 r865 Cyrus A. 261 K 1844 David B. 208 A 1856 Edward 255 I 1875 Edward G. 301 A 1856 Francis H. 280 6 1875 Frank P. 26 !P 1873 George S. 309 X 1873 Henry C. 325 B 186o Henry L. 76 B 1877 Henry M. 105 O 1838 James S. 8 d2 i88o John C. 318 B 1878 John Q. A. 107 I' 1857 Marshall M.139 A 1865 Samuel E. 41 1 1876 SamuelM.T.301 1! 1846 Solomon B. 231 B 1861 William M. 79 Z 88o William P. 189 A 1879 Willis F. 441 Johnston B 1867 Alexander 89 45 1881 Collins H. 312 1' 1869 Daniel L. 291 2 1854 Henry W. 119 £2 1873 James B. 316 B 1852 James H. 62. B 1877 John H. 105 A 1839 John T. 30 B 1870 Ross 93 A 1855 Samuel 279 4' 1874 Theo. H. 310 X 188o William E. 327 A 1846 William M. 192 Jones A 1882 Chas. H. G.44A B 1875 Dwight A. 102 Jordan K 1858 Cyrus 2 1851 James B. K 1861 Samuel Joslyn B 1878 Edwin M. 216 118 218 107 Jost , 1862 Cranswick 258 Joy B 1869 James Judd 3 1878 Charles 0. Z 1881 George T. 2 1842 Orrin B. 92 269 271 H4 Judkins H 186o George J. 257 Judson B 1864 Frederic A. 84 Kanda P 1879 Naibu 155 Karr r i8i William S. 134 Keator B 1879 Bruce S. 109 B 1877 John F. 105 Keeler A 1876 John F. 43 ' I ow 7 420 Keen n 1869 Wm. B., Jr. 315 Keeney d2 1876 Charles P. 317 Kelley I 1867 Henry P. 299 B 1840 John S. 46 B 1870 Robert 93 B 1874 Robert'W. £00 1 869 Samuel R. 264 Z 1869 Seth . 4So 1 £865 William V. 261 Kellogg B 1858 Chauncey S. 72 A 1846 Edwin M. 193 r 1869 John E. 149 4 1869 Marm'ke B. 307 Kelly B 1874 William zoo Kelsey B 1878 Clarence H.107 T 188o Frank W. 294 Z1861 Hiram L. 258 A 1857 Homer G. 255 Kemble A 1871 William 203 Kemper A 1849 Lewis A. 194 Kendall Z 1846 Charles S. 248 T 1882 Hugh H. 295 Keniston .r 1868 James M. 148 Kennady 2 1850 John W. 118 Kennedy B 1874 David A. 100 Kennett B 1863 Thomas A. 83 Kernoehan A 1853 John A. 196 A 1842 William S. 191 INDEX. Kerr ( 1869 Theodore F.307 X 1879 Walter C. 326 Keyser B 188o William S. £10 Kidder K £863 Clarence P. 259 Kiersted X 1875 Everest B. 325 Kilbourne Z 1865 Jonathan B. 261 Kimball A £856 David P. 280 K 1876 Frank R. 225 B 1879 George M. iog A 1844 George W. 33 2 1882 Harold C. 295 B 1852 Henry DeL. 62 4 1844 James M. 33 Z 1856 John £69 B 1858 John E. 72 K 1855 Sumner L 214 P 1856 William B. 138 Kimberley Yt 1877 George W. 243 King A 1851 Augustus E. 36 A 1853 Edward 276 1 £854 Fenner E. 253 Z 1859 George E. 257 O £840 Hesden £0 Z £873 Hiram U. 184 Z 1862 James M. 258 IF 1855 James S. 236 'Z 1847 Joseph E. 249 B 1880 Preston io A 186o Rufus 39 1 £859 Stephen J. 257 Kingsley r 1867 Edward A. 147 O 1869 Edwin A. 24 Kinne B 1848 William 56 Kinney Y" 1871 Henry A. 241 V' 185o Sidney R. 234 Kinsley Vr 1881 Walter L. 244 Kirk .P 1872 Hyland C. £s1 Kirkham .B 1872 James W. 96 Kitchel B 1862 Cornelius L. 8o B 1865 Courtney S. 86 B 1867 Luther H. 89 Kittredge B 1855 George A.. 67 A 1851 Joseph K.G.274 Kivel Z 1876 John 186 Klock I 1878 George F. 301 Klots A 1848 George M. 194 Knapp A 1857 Cyrus F. 198 P 1859-gGeorge B. 140 P 1882 James H- . 156 , 1870 John W. 264 V 186o William H. 237 Kneil , 1875 Thomas R. 268 Knevals B 188o Edward W. 11o B 1853 Sherman P. 64 Knight P 1871 Earle 308 ( 1878 George W- 311 1 £877 Howard N. 269 r 1846 Merrick 131 0 1860 Napoleon B. 22 2 1863 Orray T. 122 2 1870 Walter B. 124 2 1876 Webster 125 Knouse A 1851 William H. 36 Knowland Z 1878 Thomas E. 188 V Knowles $ i858 Daniel C. 256 , 1854 Joseph H. 253 Knox H 1872 Mart. VanB.266 , 1871 Watson E. 265 Kyle P 1877 Warren 0. 154 Kynett 0,1878 Alpha G. 269 M 1882 Harry-H. 272 Lacey A 1879 Harry 0. 206 A 1874 Louis F. 204 Ladd Z 1867 Joseph H. 179 Laighton S1857 Joshua J. 215 Lambert B 1854 Edward W. 65 B 1880 Samuel W. nto o 1871 William H. 25 Lamoroux o 1844 Wendell 12 Lamprey Z 1862 Henry P. 176 Z 1863 Maitland C. 177 Lampson B 1855 George 67 B 1862 William 80 Lamson P 1864 Charles M. 145 A 1849 William 0. 34 Landmesser B 1871 Lewis B. 94 Landon A 1843 Dillon S. 32 Lane , 1864 Charles H. 26o I F1869 Ebenezer 299 1835 Harvey B. 245 2 1850 Henry F. 118 1845 JosephJ. 248 INDEX. Langland £2 1877 James 317 Langley r 1872 James E. i5II Lanman B 1871 Charles R. 94 Lansing J & 1875 John G. 26 LaRoche & 1877 James H. 26 Larrabee , x85o BenjaminF.251 K x844 Charles W. 208 K x881 Edgar W. 227 Latham Z 1848 Charles F. 163 B 1865 George C. 86 X x88 Wm. A. S. 327 Lathrop F 1864 Freeman 145 B 1869 Gardiner 92 Latimer F 1881 Charles B. 56 Z 1848 James E. 249 LaTouretto A 1848 James A. M. 34 Lattimore 1' 1868 Samuel A. 291 Latting B 1873 Charles P. 98 Laughlin 2 1861 Henry A. 122 Lawrence B 1840 Amos E. 46 A 1872 Charles R. 283 Z 1843 Edward A. 159 Z 1873 Henry D. 184 A 1849 Henry E. 194, K 1866 Hiram B. 221 X 880 James S. 327 X 1872 John B. 323 A 1856 Thomas T. 197 421 Z 1873 William H. 266 F 1871 William M. ISO Lawrie P 1873 Alvah K. 152 F 1873 Andrew D. 152 Lawson & 185o Isaac 16 Lawton 1f 1882 George H. 244 B 1852 Sanford 62 2 1846 William S. 116 Lea B 1871 Robert B. 95 Leach 2 1848 James E. 117 F 1861 Joseph A. 142 Lear B 1869 Henry 92 Learoyd A 1858 Charles H. 282 Leavitt Z 18$1 Byron C. 190 Z 1859 Dearborn D.172 A 1845 John W. 192 A7 1856 Thomas 215 LeBourgeois B 1876 Joseph C. 103 Ledyard A 1872 Lewis C. 283 Lee A 1856 Edward E. 197 P 1864 James H. 145 1 1871 John M. 300 Z x852 Leonard H. 166 B 1850 Nathan A. 59 T 1877 WNilliamB. 294 B73 1849 William B. 58 A 1858 Wm. H. F. 282 Leeds A 1847 Daniel W. 34 A? 1843 Samuel'P. 32 Lefavour r 1842 Issachar 129 422 Leland 2 1844 Alonzo 115 Lemen T 1877 TheodoreA.294 Lemert 1 1864 Robert 298 Lenoir K 1856 Thomas B. 215 Lent B 1843 John A. 49 Leonard Z 1870 Abiel 181 6 1872 Charles H. 25 Z 1859 Leverett 172 Z 1872 Nath'LtW. 184 Z 1859 Reeves 172 Lester Yr 185o Henry C. 234 Z 1877 John C. 187 - P1878 William H. 154 Lewis B 1852 Alonzo N. 62 Z 1869 Arthur G. 181 2 1865 Burr 290 12 1876 Charles L. 317 B 1870 Edward A. 93 P 1877 Edward S. 269 F 1861 Edwin R. 142 Z 1864 Eugene 177 Z 1866 Francis W. 179 Z 1872 Henry E. 184 6 1841 Henry M. r i Z 1874 Homer P. 185 F 1870 John VanB.241 d2 1874 Martin 0. 316 A 1849 Tayler 34 A 1848 Theodore F.194 K 1872 Weston 224 Lexow' A 1873 Charles K. 284 Libbey K 1862 Dorville 219 K 1859 Oliver 217- Libby K 1863 Gideon 220 f"t/ / INDEX. _ Lightner 0 1881 Charles M. 312 1882 Clarence A. 313 4' 1877 William H. 311 Lincoln A 1872 Albert L.,Jr.283 r 1879 Arthur T. 155 2 1861 Charles H. 122 B 1870 George F. 93 2 x88o James G. 126 K 1843 John D. 208 2 1873 John L., Jr. 124 r 1862 Rufus P. 143 Lindley A 1877 Charles L. 205 Lindsley B 1869 Ad.VanS.,Jr.92 Lines B 1872 Edwin S. 96 Linn I 1872 Talford P. 300 Linscott K 1862 Augustus N.219 Linville o 1848 Jacob H. 15 Li itt x865 Charles W. 123 2 1878 Henry F. 126 2 1882 Robert L. 126A Little B 1851 A. Robbins 60 K 1881 Frank H. 227 K 1855 Thomas H. 214 Littlefield K 1864 Franklin 221 r 1852 James A. 135; Littlejohn O 1845 Abram N. 13 Livermore . 1868 Albert H. 148 S 1858 Alonzo S. - 21 Livesey A 1873 Olin L. 266 Livingston B 1879 Herman 109 Lloyd A 186r Charles H. 39 Lobdell V 1858 Francis 139 F 1849 Henry 132 Lockwood B 1865 Charles E. 86 B 1876 Edward L. 103 B 1849 Fred'k St. J. 58 A 1848 John 194 V 1858 John D. 139 A 1847 William H. 34 Loder 4 1862 Benjamin H.40 A 1846 Jeremiah 193 Lombard B 1854 James K. 65 K 1871 James L. 224 Long V 1845 Josiah H. 130 Look V 1877Frank N. 154 Loomis IT 1882 George P. 321 6 1855 Horace B. 19 IF 1845 Isaac N., Jr. 230 P 188o Peter B., Jr. 312 V 1868 RoderickM.240 Lopez 2 1846 Raymond i16 Lord - 1873 Charles R. 266 A 1866 Daniel, Jr. 201 A 1870 Franklin B. 202 B3 1854 George DeF.65 K 1855 Jercmiah H.214 A 1836 Jeremiah S. 29 B 1866 Theodore A. 88 Loring P 1838 George B. 128 Lothrop V 1849 Charles D. 132 Z 1844 Joshua R. x6o ), 110 INDEX. Lovejoy Z 1875 Cyrus C. 268 Lovering 2 1861 Henry M. 122 Low Z 1857 George A. 170 Lowell A 1858 James J. 282 Lowman Z 1871 John H. 265 Lowry A 185o Robert 35 Lucas X 1877 William E. 326 Ludden B 185o William 59 Lum B 1867 Harpin M. 89 Lummis - M 1855 Henry 254 Luquer A 1852 Lea Y96 A 1858 Nicholas,Jr.198 Luse (1) 1878 Frank V. 311 Lyman B 1871 Charles 95 B 1862 Elisha S. So A 1874 Frank 285 B 1873 Hart 98 -P 1841 Jabez B. 128 A 1873 Joseph 284 B 1876 Oliver E. 103 B 186r Samuel H. 79 A 1855 Theodore 279 Lynch , 1882 Frank B. 271 Lynde If 1877 Frank J. 226 Lyon 3 1859 Asa P. 257 6 1881 Job P. 27 O 186o Joseph A. 22 2 1841 Merrick 113 Lyons L 86o Francis A. 22 4' 1872 Herbert H. 308 McAlpine B 1879 George L. 109 McArthur T 1867 Robert S. 291 McBride 6) 1879 John 27 McCamus 6 1845 Edward 13 McCandless A 1877 John M. 43 McCarroll B 1878 Harry B. 107 McCarthy X 1875 Dennis, Jr. 325 McCauley 4 1877 Hugh B. 43 McChesney Z 1868 Ensign 263 McClellan 6 1881 Samuel P. 27 McClintock B 1862 Walter L. So McClure B 1870 James G. K. 93 McClurg B 1862 Williani 8 MeCobb 2 1874 Henry 125 McCormick T 1869 Adelbert J. 291 $ 1881 Charles W. 271 2 186o George T. 122 423 McCrackan A 186o Francis L. 199 MeCune B 1878 John P. 107 A 1843 William 191 McCutchen B 1870 Samuel St.J. 93 McDonald A 1852 Arch'ld B. 196 F 1864 Farquh'n G. 145 McDonnell 6) 1879 Edward 27 McDowell 11 1881 Boyd 320 McDufflie F 1865 Samuel V. 146 McElroy Z 1876 James F. i86 McEwen F 1865 Robert 146 McGilton ,. 1881 William W. 271 McGowan P '86x Jonas H. 304 McGraw .P 1869 Thomas H. 149 McGrew ' 187o George H. 264 1 1873 Louis K. 300 McGuffey I 1863 Charles D. 298 1 1876 Edward M. 301 McGuire 2 x866 John H. 290 No~een Z 1846 George W. 162 McKenny ,M 1870 Howard A. 264 Mackenzie A 1874 Henry G. 204 . .- ! r 424 McKenzie A 1855 William S. 279 McKeown Z 1851 Andrew 251 MacKie o 1845 James S. 13 McKin D 1844 John W. 13 McKinney B 1868 William A. 90 McKinstry X 188o Charles H. 327 McKnight B 1876 Everett J. 104 McLallen B 1847 PhilemonE. .55 McLean B 1864 Charles F. 84 T 1871 Thomas K. 292 o 1843 Ward 12 MacLellan B 1858 George D. 72 Macleod 1, 1877 William A, 154 McMaster f 1868 George E. 240 IF 1847 Guy H. 232 McMath T 1879 Morrison H.294 MeMullan o 1875 Charles S. 26 MacNaughton B 1871 James, 95 McNeilly I 186o Robert 297 McNiece Z 1867 Robert G. 179 INDEX. Macomber Z 1874 Thomas 185 B 1877 William P. 1o5 McPhail T" 88o Edward I. 295 .T 1881 Percy R. 295 McVeagh B x862 Franklin 81 MeViccar F 1847 John T. 232 Maddock .P x861 Alfred 142 Mag ratlh K 1862 John T. 219 Magruder B x856 Benjamin D. 69 Maguire I 1871 Hugh 300, Major U 1845 John W. 13 Malcom 2 1853 Charles 11. 19 Mali A 1865 Henry W. T.41 J 1864 William W. 40 Mallalieu $ 1857 Willard F. 256 Mallary P 1872 Ray'd DeW.i5s Mallet P 1853 John W. 136 Mandeville 4 1879 Charles D. 44 A 1867 Charles E. 262 4 1879 Henry A. 44 Manice B x851 Wm. DeF. 6o Manierre B 1868 George go Manley A 1858 James R. 198 Manly $ 1848 Ralza M. 249 Mann B 1859 James F. 75 B 1867 Matthew D. 89 1T 1875 Parker 293 Manning A 1877 Eugene W. 269 P 185o Jacob M. 133 K 1861 Stephen H. 218 Manross B 185o Newton S. 59 Mansfield 2 1868 Albert T. 123 2 7867 Henry F. 123 Manson Z 1864 Charles A. x77 Mapel ( 1872 John J. 309 Marble V' 1864 Edgar M. 239 March T" x86o Edwin P. 288 Marcy Z 1852 FrederickV.166 Marden Z 1862 Henry 176 Maris ( 1867 George L. 306 Marsh Z 1852.Benjamin S.166 P 18:6 Edward B. 153 P 1870 Frank J. 149 B 1845 John T. 52 A 1870 Nathaniel 202 B 186o Othniel C. 77 Z1869 T. Pliny 264 A x859 Walter R. 38 Marshall A 1858 Charles H. x98 A 1872 Frederic P. 203 A 1873 Henry R. 203 r' McNulty . , 0 iSSo William J. 271 *q 1 INDEX. 425 B 1857 James 71 Matthews Merriam B 1861 John E. 79 X 1882 Peter B. 328 B 1872 Alexander R.96 Z 1849 Lorenzo 250 0 1871 Wm. H., Jr. 25 B 1870 Edward F. 93 B 1864 George S. 84 Niarston Maxey P 1866 Henry H. 146 Z 1863 Charles E. 177 K 188o Harry L. 227 B31867 James F. 89 Martin Maxon P 1878 Nath'l H. 154 B 1879 Charles B. 109 & 1861 Ethan A. 22 Merrill P 1842 Edward D. 129 B 1879 Frank 109 K 1847 Charles B. 210 Z 1863 George K. 177 Z 1847Charles B.2x 0 1865 Henry B. 23 Maxwell Z 1867 Charles H. 179 B 1875 Newell 102 0 1842 David 11 P 1865 George C. 146 B r88o Robert DeL.xio A 1857 John A. 38 P 1863 James G. 144 A 1863 William M. 200 ' 1874 Law'ce, Jr. 310 I851 John C. 211 Z 1856 John L. 169 Martindale Maynard A 1856 Moses 280 6 1836 Edward 7 Z 1867 Elisha B. 179 - 1860 Oliver B. 141 P 1863 William F. 144 Marvin Mayo U 1845 Edwin C. 14 1 1874 Amory D. 300 Merritt B 1876 Joseph H. 104 I 1868 Charles T. 299 B 1844 Joseph K. 51 F 1870 Rich. P., Jr. 292 K 186o Ezekiel R. 218 Mervine Miason Mead B 1877 Charles S. 105 B 1871 Alfred B. 95 6 1841 Cornelius S. 11 Messenger 2 1871 Arthur L. 124 B 1871 Frederick. Jr.94 -X 1880 HiramJ. 327 B 1869 Charles E. 92 B 1877 Herman R. 105 2 1849 Charles H. 117 3 1881 William E. 271 Messler 2 1869 Earl P. 124 Meade B r88o Remsen V. 11o A 1852 Eben 36 A 1880 Edward A. 44 A 1852 Charles H. 36 Metcalf A 1865 Edw. DeW. 41 Meads B 1875 Augustus T.1o2 B i86o Edward G. 77 K 1872 Simeon P. 224 P 1872 George R. 151 B 1870 Henry B. 93 I 1870 Willis H. 23 1872 John H. 124 U 1875 John H. 26 2 1846 Nath'l WV. 116 A 1840 John M. 191 i Mee 2 1851 Richard 118 A 1863 Lewis D. 40 Z 1871 Joseph 182 Metzger a 1844 Russell Z. 246 A 1862 Theodore W.40 Meech B i88o Simon C. no Miather A 1839 William B. 30 Meyers B 1864 Edward T. 84 Meeker A 1868 John K. 41 P 1857 Richard H. 139 A 1843 David C. 32 Michener \fathews ZA 1873 Jonathan M.266 z 1867 Henry C. 262 B 1842 Albert 48 Melick Miekell D 1838 John 8 B 1874 Leon a 00 2 1845 William G. 115 O 1849 Samuel R. C.16 Mendell Middleton Vfathewson B 1874 Ellis Too B 185g John C. 75 2 1878 Arnold B. 126 B 1858 Arthur 73 Mercer Mighill x 880 Philip A. 126 l 11871 Joseph A. 308 P x86o Nathaniel 14r , r'2 x~cj I - 4 .% 'VA 426 J&P ;7l_ 14 INDEX. Mildram K x867 Frank B. 222 Miles T 1881 Benjamin F.295 A 1849 Edward C. 35 Vt 1873 George W. 242 B 1849 James B. 58 Millard Yt 1855 Henry B. 236 A 1865 James L. 41 Millay K 1865 Edwin J. 221 Miller B 1864 Alanson D. 84 Vf 1862 Benjamin F.238 V 1879 Clark A. 243 A 185o David M 35 A 1872 Ernest P. 284 2 1843 Ezekiel L. 114 Z 1863 George A. 177 B 1870 George D. 94 1868 Hump. H.C.3o6 Y' 1848 John C. 233 .r 1869 Joseph C. B. 149 A 1845 Leonard P. 192 , 1866 Lucius S. 261 6 1848 Timothy W. 15 2 1878 Wm. B. M. 126 0 1875 Will'by D. 310 Minturn A 1859 John W. 199 A 1856 RobertB.,Jr.197 Mitchell A 1851 Charles C. 274 K 1871 Edward P. 224 K 1877 Frank A. 226 B 1875 Franklin B. 102 .2 1876 Harley B. 317 d2 1874 James A. 316 Z 1857 John 170 B 1861 John H. 79 K 1843 John M. 208 -P 1879 Neal 155 A 1868 William, Jr. 202 6 B Z .I? A Z B' 1877 DeWitt C. 1868 Frank 1842 George H. 1853 Henry W. 1877 Howell C. 1859 John W. 1865 Joseph E. 1846 Michael M. 1881 William 1847 William E. Mix H 1879 Robert J. Mixer Y' 1848 Albert H. Mogg H 1878 Curtis E. Moneypenny A 1847 John Monilaws U 1839 George Monroe B 1874 George E. 320 233 319 193 9 I00 Morehouse B 1852 David O. 1' 1858 Henry L. Morey Z 1876 Lewis W. Morgan B 1878 Charles H. B 1867 Charles L. A 1867 Edward I. X 1849 Edward J. X 1878 Edw. J., Jr. B 1878 George S. A 1864 John B. ~ 1871 John S. T 1868 Thomas J. B 1858 William D. A 1865 William F. 26 90 31 167 311 38 221 33 190 55 62 287 186 107 89 41 324 326 107 200 265 291 73 41 Morley ' 1879 Horatio T. 312 Millett A 1846 Daniel C. r93 Milliken A 1879 George F. 206 A 1849 William T.B.35 Mills B 1841 Edward 47 A x858 Lawrence H. 38 4' 1869 Luther L. .307 1 7849 William H. 117 Minor B 1841 Charles S. 47 B 1874 Charles W. zoo Minshall X 1882 Charles 328 Mintie B 1876 Robert L. 1o4 Montanye 11 1856 Geo.DeLa. 237 Monteith " Z 1869 Henry R. z8r Montgnomery B 1876 Frank r 1881 Guy R. Morong r 1871 Arthur B. .P 1848 Thomas Morrill 2 1843 Daniel F. Z 186o Henry A. Morris r 1862 Edward Z 1861 George S. 2 185o John A 1848 Lewis Vr 1858 Mosely A 1867 William F. 104 295 150 13r 115 174 '43 175 118 194 237 262 Moody K 1859 George O. 217 B 1871 William S. 95 Mooney A x866 William H. 261 Moore Z 1864 Albert W. 177 A 1847 Charles C. 34 0 1870 Charles E. 24, Morrison A 1847 Arch'ld M. 193 I' 1859 Dugald C. 237 A i88o Henry P. 44 B 1846 Roderick M .53 %IF PI I INDEX. Morrow Munn 3!' 1852 Paul D. 236 0 186i Thaddeus E. 22 Mors Munro & 1879 Frank E. 27 T 1875 Jacob W. 293 Morse 3f 1844 John 229 P 1861 Frank C. 258 7' 1869 John P. 291 Z 1852 Irving 166 Munroe B 1868 Oliver C. 90 B 1843 Edward 50 B 1862 Richard C. 81 d2 1882 William H. 318 Munson B 1843 Frederick 50 Morton B 1879 Robert H. 109 Z 1877 Albert H. 187 Ii 1848 Edward W. 210 Murdock B 1845 James 52 4! 1857 James A. 38 O 1857 William D. 20 Murphy Mosman 4A 1849 Elijah D. 35 -P 1870 William D. 149 3f 1849 John R. 233 Moss 11 1877 Charles M. 319 Mott A 1877 Hopper S. 205 A 1882 Wilbur A. 272 A 1864 William F. 200 Moulton K 1874 William H. 225 Mowatt II 188o John E. 320 Mowry B 1848 David S. 56 Mudge 4i 1866 Alfred E. 305 1 i865 James 261 Muhlenburg B 1850 Edward D. 59 Mulford B 1846 David H. 53 B 1855 Elisha 67 Mumford 1851 George E. 235 Munger & 1863 Henry E. 22 B 1851 Theodore T.6r Murrah 2 1848 Pendleton 117 Murray B 1871 Frederic E. 95 2 1850 James 0. 118 B 188o William D. xnio Musgrave P 1882 Harry M. 313 Mussey Z 1854 Reuben D. i68 427 Neale N 1873 Arthur T. 266 Neil A 1853 John G. 276 Neill F 1842 Edward D. 129 r 1834 Henry 127 Neilson J 1866 Alfred 41 Nelson B 188o Charles L. ino 4 1841 Edward D. 30 B 1846 Rensselaer R.53 Nesmith A 186o Robert D. 19q Nettleton B 1856 Edward P. 69 Nevins B 1846 William R. 53 Newcomb Z 1872 Fred'kW. 184 A 1856 George B. 197 Newell Z 1864 Arthur C. 177 d 1869 George B. 42 A 1857 Samuel 281 Newhall ..r 1869 Charles S. 149 Z 1864 Richard w.26o Newlands B 1867 Frank G. 89 Newman U 1838 John 9 Newton F 1873 Charles L. 293 Z 1843 Ezra, Jr. 159 Z 1859 James H. 172 Nicholes d2 1875 Charles W. 316 Nichols B 188o Alfred B. 11o .r 1859 Alpheus R. 140 Mygatt B 1852 George S. Yf 1858 John T. Nairn B 1879 John J. Naphthaly B 1863 Joseph Nash A 1856 Frank P. P 1851 Henry C. r 1859 William A. Nast Z 1868 Albert J. 62 237 109 83 281 134 140 263 Neal A 1852 Edward H. 275 r%.t, 428 A 1852 Wash'ton R.196 T' 1874 William H. 293 Nicholson Z 1869 Isaac L. 181 Nickerson ,4 1878 Frederic O. 270 ' 1878 Herbert G. 270 B 1845 Sereno D. 52 Nicoll A 1865 Edward L. 41 A 1841 William 30 Nightingale 1 i866 Augustus F.261 2 1878 Crawford A.126 2 1878 FrederickA.126 Nisbet F 1878 Charles S. 154 Noble A 1858 GeorgeW.C.282 Z 1876 Lewis H. 269 K 1857 Thomas K. 215 North B 1852 Angelo W. 62 Z 1841 John W. 245 Northend K 1843 William D. 208 A' 188o WilliamW. 227 Northrop Z 1868 D. Ward 263 B 1843 George 50 Northrup T 1881 Geo.W., Jr. 295 Norton B 1859 Charles L. 75 X 188o James E. 327 Nott T 1874 Frederick J.293 Nourse A 1872 Charles J. 203 A 1871 Frederic R.283 IB 1843 John F. 50 Z 1878 John W. 270 INDEX. Nowell Olson E 185 William G. 217 .2 1873 Edward 316 Noxon Olssen Z 1877 Willis E. 187 A 1846 William W. 193 Noyes Opdyke Z 1867 Bainb'ge C.8 o AJ1856 Charles W. 37 B 1875 Charles L. 102 A 186o Henry B. 39 Z 1861 Daniel J., Jr.175 : 1853 Sylvester H.253 NB 1840 Daniel P. 46 A 1856 William S. 37 ,1\I847 Daniel W. 14 X 1876 Fred'k W. 325 Ord A 1851 Henry D. 36 B 1873 Joseph P. 98 Oakes -'Ordronaux K 1870 Wallace K. 223 Z 185o John 165 Oakley .Ordway A 1882 Alfred P. 26A B 88o Henry C. Ino Oaks Z 1844 John M. 16o B 1875 Henry A. 102 Ormsbee 2 1880 John H. 126 O'Brien Orne ' 1873 John W. 242 r 1855 John, Jr. 137 Odell Orr A 1877 Benj. B., Jr. 25 T 1864 William E. 289 0 1874 Joseph E. 25 A 186o William 39 Orton B 1852 William H. 62 B 1842 John J. 48 Odlin Osborn Z 1881 Arthur F. Igo 1878 Henry L. 270 Ogden Osborne A 1849 Aaron 194 P 1859 Cyrus P. 140 A 1867 Schuyler 201 A 1856 James G. 198 A 1870 Walter 202 Oglesbee Osgood Oglebe H 186o Lewis W. 257 4 1882 Rollo B. 313 Osman Okeson 12 1879 Eaton G. 318 0 1843 Nicholas A. 12 Ostrander Olendorf f 1847 Alexander 232 B 1869 John, Jr. 92O OlmsteadOstrom Olmstead 0 1858 David H. 21 Yr 1846 Dwight H. 231 X 1877 John N. 326 Y'' 1878 Law'nce D. 243 O Otis Olmsted 12 1874 Charles T. 316 X 88o Charles, Jr. 327 Z 1872 Joseph P. 184 B 1874 Frank H. xoo ! 1878 William A. 311 a 1 4-~y 0 03 3e kqoz - 429 INDEX. Ottman U 1850 Norman Overhiser A 1854 John C. 16 37 Owen B 1872 Edward T. 96 I' 1874 Franklin P. 152 B 1864 Henry E. 84 0 1859 Pascal H. 21 Packard K 1861 Alph. S., Jr, 218 K 1842 Charles 207 K 1848 Charles A. 210 I i85o David T. 133 K 1862 Edward N. 219 B 1848 Frederick 56 F' 1872 Fred'ic W. 151 K 1866 George T. 221 Z 1873 Isaac H. 266 B 1856 Lewis R. 69 2 1842 Noah F. 114 K 1868 Robert L. 222 K 1851 William A. 211 Palen A 1869 George, Jr. 42 Palfrey B 186o Alfred C. 77 A 1851 Francis W. 274 Palmer 6 1857 Abiel W. - 20 Z 186o Alanson 174 Z 1858 Albert 171 P 1839 Albert R. 128 Z 1862 Edwin F. r76 K 1877 Fremont M. 226 1P 1864 George C. 305 VT 1861 Napoleon .238 Z 1865 Ormaon C. 178 B 1864 William H. 84 Z 186o Wilson 174 Parkhurst Z 1878 Charles F 1866 Charles H. P 1873 Howard E. V 1864 John S. A 1872 Louis H. Parkinson Z 1873 Charles E. Z 1875 George B. Z 1870 Robert H. Z 1878 William D. 188 146 152 239 284 184 186 181 188 Parkman A 1857 Samuel B. 281 Parks 2 1845 George u5 Parmly A 1842 Pardee B 1856 Henry E. ( 1838 Theron Parish A 1858 Samuel B. Park B 1861 William E. Wheel'ck H 191 69 9 38 79 Packer B T866 William S. Paddock 8 68o Charles E. lY- 1.846 Z. Darwin Parsons K 1876 George A 1879 Herbert F 1856 James F 1855 James C. Y'r 1849 Levi B 1872 Lewis G. W 1865 Lyman W. Partridge Z 1844 Charles E. F 1854 George B 188o Sidney C. 88 312 231 225 206 138 137 234 96 239 161 136 110 Parke X x88x X 1879 Henry T. 327 Robert A. 326 Page A 1852 Calhin G. 275 1864 Charles E. 260 2 1847 Emery H. 116 A 1841 Erwin 30 1843 Harrison C. 115 B 1862 Merritt C. S1 K 1879 Millard K. 226 Paine Z 1863 Bernard 177 I 1862 Charles F. 297 P 1866 Charles R. 146 IC 1849 John St. C. 211 B 1856 Levi L. 69 6) 1858 Robert T. 21 A 1855 Rob't T.,Jr.279 Painter A 1881 T. A., Jr. 2o6A Parker K 1876 Arthur T. 225 Z 1847 Daniel H. 163 B 1847 Edward G. 55 Z 1846 Edward H. 162 B 1873 Frederick S. 98 0 1852 George G. 17 Z 1841 Henry E. 157 Z 1856 Henry L. 169 Z 1843 Henry S. 159 P 1843 Henry W. 129 A 1854 James C.,Jr.197 A 1838 James H. 29 4 1875 JonathanW-310 F 1868 Oscar B. 148 Z 1862 Retire H. 176 T 1846 Shubael S. 231 B 188o Wilbur 110 A 1866 Willard, Jr. 201 B 1879 William N. 109j Patt d 1878 Benjamin F.317 Patten Z 1855 Daniel D. 168 B 1874 Franklin W.roo A 1858 Henry L. 282 Z 1861 William R. 175 Patterson Z 1864 Charles H. .178 Z 1848 Geo. W., Jr. 163 Z 1881 George IV. 1o 7 1848 James W. 163 B 1866 John C. 88 B 1878 Raymond A.107 Paul Z 1878 Isaac F. 188 -)d -, -f ) 430 Payne Pa1856 Charles H. 255 2 1882 Charles H. 126A x r861 HubbardfB. 258 Peabody J 1843 Charles 32 Z 1876 Henry G. .86 Z 1842 Owen G. 157 Peake A 1843 Charles F. 191 Pearson Z 88i Edward N. 190 A 1854 William G. 278 Pease B 1856 George E. H.69 Peaslee B 1872 Edward H. 96 Peck A 1858 Aaron 38 B 1849 David 58 U 1862 Fletcher C. 22 B 1856 Frank H. 69 4 1845 George 53 I' 1849 Henry N. 132 F 1878 Henry P. 154 F 1862 Jonas O. 143 Y' 1844 Lewis 229 4 1845 Luther W. 33 Z 1870 Marshall R. 181 K 1870 Rowland M.223 Peet 11 1852 Dudley 62 3 1870 Hiram L. 265 * B 1845 Isaac L. 53 B 1878 John N. 107 Peg A 1849 John, Jr. 250 Peirce A 1853 James M. 276 Pell A x855 Alfred 197 A -1876 Howland 205 A 1856 Robert S. 198 Penfield , 1873 Benjamin B.267 INDEX. Penhallow A 8o.....r ht*rlc q 1i 174C ' aries . Pennell 1 i868 Galusha Pennington B 1846 Charles J. Pennock I 1882 William C. Pennoyer $ 1855 Elias R. Perkins 2 1859 Albert C. A 1851 Auguscus T. Z 1848 Benjamin C Z 1859 Benjamin F B 1870 Charles E. B 1859 Edward H. B 1861 George C. 2" 1872 George -H. B 1842 Jacob ' 1865 Jacob N. 3 1859 Joseph 1841 Nehiah M. B 1857 Norman C. B 1848 Samuel C. F 1857 Winslow L. Perrin B 1877 Edwin O. Perrine d2 1873 David G. Perry K 1882 Albert H. 4 1882 ClarenceY K 1877 Curtis A. B 1863 David B. 6 1879 James L. K 1846 Jarius W. B 1873 John T. I 1862 Oliver H. IK 1877 William Z 1842 William G. A 1854 William S. Peshine J 1847 John W. Peterman 285 I 1880 Charles P. 30r Peterson 306 2 1858 Elh'nVanL. 21 A 1857 John 256 53Pettengill " 27 1862Reuben T. 288 Pettibone 302 6 1849 Albert W. 16 Z 1878 Charles H. 188 254 Pettit o) 1839 John U. 9 O 185o Ossian C. 16 172 Phelps .274 B 1853 Benjamin K.64 .163 3 1875 Charles 268 .172 A 1862 Charles O. 40 94 B 1876 Myron H. 104 75 A 1848 Samuel W. 34 79 B 1860 William W. 77 292 48 Philbrick 261 Z 1881 John F. 190 121 Philip 229 A 8 C. '9 71 1843 John 191 56 Phillips .139 Z 1849 Burroughs 164 T 1857 Edward K. 139 105 P I1861 George W. 142 K 1873 John G. 224 2 1858 William B.'121 316 K 1842 William E. 207 Phinney 227 B 1864 Arthur 84 .44A Vf 1843 James M. 229 83 Phipps 27 2 1842 James M. 114 209 Pickard 99 K 1863 Adoniram J.220 297 226 Pickering 157 Z 1859 Charles W. 172 278 Pierce Z 1874 Clarence M.185 34 Z 1854 Claudius B. 168 YYI YYY ^ I III II Y IYYYII - YY S YY Y+IIIr IYIY 431 INDEX. Z 1852 Edwin 166 B 1843 George T. 50 K 1857 George W. 215 Z 1872 Henry D. 184 2 1856 John 120 Z 1851 John S. 165 K 1846 Josiah,Jr. 209 K 1852 Lewis 212 Z 188o William L. 189 Pierson A 1840 John S. 30 K 1864 William H. 221 Pike K 1851 Bennett 211 r 1875 Chas E.,Jr. '53 Z 188o Clarence 189 Z 1842 James 246 K 1847 Samuel J. 210 Pinckney 3f 1851 John H. H. 235 Pine A 1877 John B. 205 Pinkerton - B 1841 John M. 47 Pinneo B 1864 Joseph 0. 84 Pinney I11870 Charles L. 299 T 1862 George Ml. 288 Piper K 1863 Horace L. 220 Pirsson A 1872 AugustusC. 203 Pitcher 6 1845 Joseph R. 14 Pitkin B 1862 Thomas H. 81 B 1858 Walter S. 73 Plaisted IT 1877 Elwyn D. 319 Platt B 1877 Frank H. 105 Yf 185o John H. 234 B 1879 Lewis A. 109 B 1874 Ruth'fordH.ioo Plimpton X 1882 Warren O. 228 Poindexter - K 185o George G. 211 Poland Z 1872 Addison B. 266 r 1849 Joseph D. 132 Polhemus B 1879 Adrian S. 109 Pollard 0 1882 William J. 27. Pollen .4 1849 George C. 194 Pollock B 1878 George E. 107 Pomeroy Z 1853 Charles R. 253 A 1854 Charles S. 197 1 i856 Daniel 255 Z 1879 Edward S. 270 F 186o Elihu F. 141 1 1843 Henry 12 F 1848 Isaac 131 Z 1856 James M. 255 Z 1849 Julius R. 250 X 1852 Ralph M. 252 Z 1861 William 258 r 1861 William M. 142 Pomroy A 1875 Henry K. 204 Pond ( 1880 Aug'sVanR-312 2 1847 Isaac 116 K 1853 Jeremiah E. 212 Poole . B 1866 Benjamin 88 Pooler Z 1844 Charles T. 247 Poor A 1851 Arthur H. 274 Pope Vf 1864 Benjamin F.239 bY 1865 John T. 123 YT 1851 Willard S. 235 Porter F 1859 Albert A. 140 Z 1872 Damon C. 266 F 1871 Dwight D. 15o B 1857 Edward L. 71 H 1869 Frank E. 264 K 1882 Frank M. 228 A 1851 George D. 274 F 1870 Harvey . 15o B 1842 John A. 48 X 1879 Luther H. 326 Post !P 1879 Henry C. 312 B 186o Isaac J. 77 B 1875 John A. 102 Poston B 1873 John M. 99 Potter K 1878 Barrett 226 @ 1876 Chas. W.H. 311 6) 1842 Clarkson N. 11 B 1878 Frederick 107 B 1872 Henry S. 96 Yr 1852 Hiram 236 @ 1875 William H. 310 Potts A r861 George E. 39 4 1868 Lorenzo B. 306 B 1854 William S. 65 Pousland A'1872 Charles F. 284 Powell U 1873 Henry A. 25 B 1841 John D. 47 Z 1862 Perry G. 259- A2 188o Walter B. 318 Powers A 1881 Cor.VanV.2o6A Z 1869 John H. 264 A 1877 Wm.VanV. 205 Pratt B 185o Charles H. 59 A 1873 Edward R. 284' r(G ! a 432 2 1875 Frank S. 125, 1 x849 George W. 250 6 1857 Gilbert E. 20 F 1878 H. DeV.,Jr. 154 B 1857 Henry C. 7[ It 1867 Henry R. 240 B 1864 William H.B.84 Pray r 1853 Isaac C. 127 Prendergast A 1871 James 203 Prentice O 1866 Adelbert C. 23 - '1855 Erastus L. 137 Prentiss X 1861 Albert N. 324 Prescott Z 1856 Benjamin F.169 I'r 1878 Walter R. 243 5 1844 William C. 247 Z 1877 William W. 187 Price o 1872 Isaiah B. 25 !P1875 Jacob C. 310 o 1875 Joseph 26 K 1871 Vernon D. 224 Prichard A 1873 Joseph V. 284 Prime A 1856 G. Wendell 198 Probasco I 1869 Samuel W. 299 Procter Ir168 Edwin R. 299 1 1872 Percy 300 Proctor Z 1875 Franklin F.186 Z 1864E John C. 178 Z 1875 John C.' 186 Z 1863 John M. 177 Prudden B 1869 Theodore P. 92 Pryor A 1878 James W. 206 )r% INDEX. Puffer , 1882 William M.272 Pugsley B 1864 Isaac P. 85 Pulver 185o Frank 251 Purdy A 1857 Alfred E. M. 38 Purves B 1864 Guillermo C. 85 Putnam P. 1861 Granville B.142 P 186o Hiram B. 141 Z 1843 John N. 159 Z 1862 Samuel P. 176 A 1843 Samuel W. .32 Pynchon 6- 1850 William L. 16 Quackenbos A 1843 George P. 191 Quimby 5 1859 Silas E. 257 Quinby K 1869 Henry B. 223 r1 1864 Isaac F. 289 6 1876 Thomas F. 26 Rackett 1 i868 Everett I. 263 Rand K 1857 Edward A. 215 P 1866 Stephen B. 146 Randlett K 1859 Howard M. 217 Randolph A 1867 Hector C. F.201 X 1879 NathanielA.326 Rankin A 1876 Egbert G. 205 Ranney SP 1876 Edward H. 311 Rawson A 1872 Joseph 284 Ray Z 1851 Benjamin F.166 W 1878 Charles H. 243 I' 1870 Edward C. 241 A 1856 James 198 Z 1877 Robert A. 187 Raymond 1^ 1877 Arthur W. 294 5 1877 Charles H. 269 X 1876 Charles W. 325 A 1851 Edward F. 274 B 1869 Henry W. 92 SP 1878 James H. 311 Z 1881 Robert F. 271 B 1870 Samuel A. 94 A 1873 Walter 284 Read It 1846 Daniel 231 F 1848 Hanson L. 132 Z 1850 William A. 165 Redfield P 1877 Henry S. 154 Redmani K 1870 Erastus F. 223 K 1870 John B. 223 Reed , 1862 Charles T. 259 F 1843 FrederickA.129 S1869 George E. 264 4P 1872 Homer 309 o 1851 John 17 B 1877 Orville 105 Rees A 1874 Benjamin F.204 A 1872 John K. 203 Reese I 1879 Henry H. 301 I' 1870 William H. 241 Reeve B 1870 Chas. McC. 94 Reid o 1836 Archibald 7 B 1877 Clarence L. 105 i r NL %Pq 433 INDEX. " i B 1874 George D. 100 B 1843 Horace H. 50 B 1875 Lewis F. 102 B 1847 Lewis H. 55 Reilly . B 1852 Edward D. 62 Remsen A 1871 Henry 203 A 1866 Phoenix 201 Renshaw A 1854 Robert A. 278 Rew T 1879 Henry P. 294 Rexford B 1842 Steuben 48 Reynolds A 1843 Charles 192 o 1850 Jefferson 16 P 1855 Joseph B. 137 Z 1858 William A. 256 Rhea P 1863 James.A. 144 P 1863 Joseph B. 144 Rhett A 1851 Alfred M. 274 Rhoades (O 1843 Hervey F. 12 Rhodes 2 1869 James M. 124 A 1871 Wallace E. 283 s 1864 William C. 123 Rice O 1844 Alexander H.13 A 1876 Edward B. 43 Z 1845 Edwin T. 161 a 1855 Henry D. 1g P 1870 Hugh B. 150 B 1854 James C. 66 I' 1846 William W.209 Rich 3 1878 Burdett A. 270 $ 1881 Elton S. 271 Richards B 1871 Benjamin S. 95 Z i855 Chandler 168 B 86o Charles H. 77 o 1840 George 10 & 1844 Samuel T. 13 B 1846 Samuel T. 53 Richardson Z 1871 Charles F. 183 P i86o Charles H. 141 Z 1864 Cyrus 178 Z 1873 Erving L. 185 A 1852 Horace 276 2 1882 James, Jr. 126A Y' 1874 John B. 242 A 1872 John F. 284 Z 1873 Lucian H. 185 A 1873 Maurice H. 284 B 1869 Rufus B. 92 Z 1864 William 178 Richman A 1865 William H. 261 Richmond 2 1882 Philip 126A Ricker K 1872 Freeman A. 224 Ricks I 1865 Augustus J. 298 Riddle A 1874 George 285 Rider T 1868 Charles E. 29r U 1878 Francis V. 27 0 1873 John hl. 25 Ridgway T' 1876 Charles W: 293 Riggs B 1865 Benjamin C. 86 A 1870 George W. 202 d2 1878 John D. S. 317 Riley B 1858 Isaac 73 Ring K 1854 Andrew, Jr. 213 K 1868 Charles A. 222 K 1869 Frank W. 223 K 1879 Henry W. 226 .i 1865 Charles H. 23 & 1862 Edward H. 22 B 1862 George C. 8z Ri ton i88o Benjamin H. 27 Rising 1f 1864 Willard B. 239 Ritchie P 1852 William C. 135 Robbins B 1843 Edward W. 50 Z i88o Fred'k V. 271 Z1847 Silas WV. 249 P i88o Wilford L. 156 Robert B 1869 Howell W. 92 Roberts Y' 1863 Allen DeW.238 Z 1848 BenjaminT.250 Z 1876 Benson H. 186 O 1847 Charles 15 0 1839 DeWitt C. 9 I2: 1873 Gcorge L. 293 1859 George L.' 257 B 1866 Henry 88 .B' 1877 Henry xo6 B4 1861 John L. S. 258 A 1842 Oliver E. g1i ,1868 ReubenL. 263 Robertson B 1872 Abram H. g6 A 1878 Daniel L. 270 Robeson B 1869 Abel H. B. 92 SP 1875 HenryJ. 310 Robins A 186o Edward P. igg Robinson K 1843 Charles P. 208 B 1867 Ernest 89 Z 1871 Eugene M. 183 brt x _WA & t1,Zfi 434 B 1856 George C. 69 B 1853 Henry C. 64 2 1868 Henry H. 123 2 1865 Henry L. 290 A 1851 Joshua D. 274 B 1843 Lucius F. 50 K 1851 NathanielS.212 B 1852 SamuelC. 62 Z 1873 Stephen H. 185 B 1841 William E. 47 r185 William P. 236 Rochester T 1876 Thomas M. 293 Rockwell B 1855 Alfred P. 67 A 1872 George J. 42 Rodman B 1879 Robert S. 109 4 1840 Thomas H. 30 P 1876 William D. 153 Roe ' 1864 John H. 239 RoIT ! Px881 Frank E. 312 Rogers K 1881 Albion Q. 227 B 1876 George M. 104 1 1865 Henry B. 298 A 1868 Hoffman 202 2 1855 Horatio 120 21854 John H. I20 K 1875 Lincoln'A. 225 Yf 1847 Llewelyn A.232 A 1859 Uriah F. 38 A 1849 William O. 35 Rolfe - ro1849 William J. 132 Roller Z 1870 William W. 182 Rollins Z x860 Daniel G. 174 Romaine A 1882 L6once G. 2o6A Ronan 0 1867 Edward D. 23 f - f-hf INDEX. Roney d2 1878 Thomas C. 318 Rood B 1852 Ogden N. 62 Roome A 188o Claudius M.2o6 F 1861 Henry C. 142 4 iSo William H. 2o6 A 11878 William J. 43 Roos & 1872 Elbert S. 25 Roosa B 1875 DeWitt 102 Roosevelt A 1866 Charles Y. 41 A 1866 Nicholas L. 41 Root B 1861 Alexander P. 79 r 1867 Elihu 147 O 1848 John 15 !P 1865 John B. 305 &] 1847 Lucius I. 18 A 1875 Samuel C. 204 Ropes B 1872 Charles J. H.97 Rose . V 1850 Abram T. 234 Rosenthal Z 1877 Louis P. 187 Ross K 1855 Ezekiel 214 B 1852 William B. 62 Rossell I 1865 Clifford B. 298 Rossiter X 1875 Ehrick K. 325 Rowan 0 1837 Edward S. . 8 Rowe K i860 Abram N. 218 r 1859 Benjamin F.140 A 1853 William H. 276 K 1876 Wm. H. G. 225 Rowell Z x861 Edward T. 175 Z 1843 Enoch P. 159 12 1878 NathanielJ-318 Z 1855 William K. 169 Rowland B 1876 Edward S. 104 Rowley Q 1837 Levi 8 Royce B 1866 Charles H. 88 Ruggles 31' 1878 Lester B. 243 YT 1849 William B. 234 Rumsey A 1845 DeWitt C. 33 Ruppaner A 1855 Antoine 279 Russ B 1875 Charles T. 102 r 150 John M. 234 Russell Zs 185o Alfred 165 P 1881 Arthur H. 156 A 1882 Charles E. 44A B 1844 Hollis 51 A 1875 Isaac F. 42 P 1861 Lowell S. 142 A 1875 William H. 42 Rust d 1871 Charles A. 308 41 1873 George 309 4 1875 John J. 310 Z 1865 Richard H. 261 z 1841 Richard S. 246 Sackett 2 861 Frederic M. 122 Sage .A 1877 Edward E. 205 B 1876 Leveritt H. 104 B 1865 William H. 87 I' 1865 W. Lincoln 290 wr i +I r """" /' INDEX.' S - 435 Sager 1 i866 William B. 305 Salisbury B 1866 Frederick S. 88 Salter B 1852 Charles C. 63 Sampson A 1871 Junius 283 Sanborn Z 1876 Edward P. 186 Z 1842 John S. 158 Z 1879 Joseph H. 189 Z 1858 Thomas L. 171 Z 1867 Walter H. 18o B 1878 William R. 107 Sanderson 4 1843 John W. 32 Sandford B 1845 Henry 53 Sands A 1861 Mahlon D. xg9 A 1863 Philip J. 200 Sanford K 1876 Alpheus 225 B 185o Henry P. 59 B 1872 John 97 Sanger A 1874 William C. 285 Sargent K 1876 Charles 225 A 1853 George H. 277 Satterlee 4l 1877 William A. 311 Saulnier 4 1859 TheophilusP.38 Savage Z 1871 Albert R. 183 Z 1871 Charles A. 183 $ 1845 Hiram F. 248 .B 1846 Josiah 54 K 1858 Wilbur 216 K 1858 William H. 216 Savary B 1857 William H. 71 Sawyer 1 1879 Frank 301 Z 1851 Henry E.. 166 r 1871 Henry H. 15o K 1868 Robert G. 222 Saxe A 1853 John G. 277 U 1863 John T. 22 Sayles 1' 1881 FrederickT. i56 Sayre J 1844 David F. 33 Scarritt r 1869 William R. 149 Schermerhorn ( 184o Barnard F. 10 Schertzer K 186o Edwin B. 218 Schieffelin A 1855 George R. 197 Schneider P 1852 Jerome 135 Schoonmaker 6 1839 Martin V. 9 2" 1871 Peter E. 292 Schott B 1841 Guy B. 47 Schoyer 4i 1882 Samuel B. 313 Schroeder A 1849 John F. 194 Schuyler B 1859 Eugene 75 4 1837 George W. 29 Schwab B 1878 LawrenceH.107 Scott Z 1847 Albert S. 163 B 1869 Frank A. 92 Z 1871 Harry H. 183 6 1853 John E. 18 X 1872 Joseph W. 323 B 1847 Lauren S. 55 1 i868 Orange W. 263 & 1868 Walter 24 X 1872 Wash'tonlI.323 ! 1873 Zar D. 309 Scribner o 1859 John M., Jr. 21 Scripture Z 186o James O. 174 Scudder B 188o Doremus io A 1840 Henry M. 30 - 1872 Henry T. 266 Seabury K 1877 Charles B. 226 P 1869 Joseph B. 149 2 1882 Nathaniel 126A Seaman A 1879 Alfred P.W. 206 A 1845 Richard S. 33 Searle 1855 William S. 237 Searls - B 1868 Charles E. 90 Sears PV S88o George G. 155 r. 1864 Henry F. 145 X 1882 Stephen P. 328 P 1852 Theodore 0.135 Seavey Z 1861 Manson 175 Sedgwick A 1847 John 34 Seeley A 1879 George P. 206 Seely B 1855 Franklin A. 67 B 186o John F. 77 B 1862 William W. 8x II I! 1 /III IIII I II IY IIYI ^Ilf 436 Seelye I' 1849 Julius H. J x86o Ogden r 1879 William J. Seibert & 1857 James J. Selden 133 39 155 20 B 1848 Charles 56 11 1844 Edward D. i r 1878 Joseph H. 154 B 188o Robert W. no Sell A 1873 Henry T. 267 Selleck o 1872 William H. 25 Sellew Z 1866 Walter A. 179 Serviss ) 1874 Lawrence A. 26 Sewall K 1867 George T. 222 K 1877 James W. 226 Z 1877 John L. 187' K 1878 Joseph 226 Seward O 1849 Frederick W.i6 Sexton X 1879 Allan H. 326 Seymour B 1858 Edward 73 P 1867 Frederic 147 A 185o George F. 195 B 1867. Horatio 89 Yr 1879 McNeilA.V.243 B 1875 William W. 102 Shackelford X 1872 Joel W. 323 Shackford X 1835 Charles C. 324 Shaffer B 1877 Frank H. 1o6 INDEX. B 1876 Lewis W. 104 ' 1871 William H. 292 Sharp 1 i86o Benjamin S.257 Sharpe & 1868 John E. 24 Shattuck ' x866 Charles E. 290 B 1870 John'W. 94 Shaw B 1878 Charles H. 107 Z 1857 Lucius S. 170 Shearer B 186x Sextus, Jr. 79 Shedd 2 1878 Charles E. 126 Sheffield , 1880 Charles A. 271 Sheldon V 1862 Clinton J. 289 B 1844 James A. 51 Shell K 1861 Manuel E. 219 Shepard B 1870 Charles E. 94 K 1855 George H. 214 I' 1848 Thomas, Jr. 132 Z 1877 William J. 269 Shepherd 0 1840 Daniel io Z 1864 TheodoreD.26o Shepley A 1873 Francis B. 285 B 188o John F. 110 Sheppard 12 1869 Robert D. 315 Sherburn A 1873 Joel 0. 267 Sherer d2 1881 William G. 318 Sherman A 1863 Charles A. 40 Z 1843 Edward F. 159 1882 Elmer C. 244 A 1875 George. 204 A 1874 JohnT. 204 1 i866 Wesley 261 B 188o William H. iio Sherrill (P i88o Edwin S. 312 Sherwood V' 1844 John C. 229 Shiland& 6 1877 John C. 26 Shipley F 185o Henry 133 Shiverick B 1862 Andrew F. 81 Shoecraft IT 1879 Byron N. 320 Shoemaker ! 1882 Bowen W. 313 Shuart II 1875 William H. 319 Shults () 1872 Langrave 25 Shumway 6 1858 John P. 21 Shurtlefi' B 1854 William S. 66 Sibley B 1861 George R. 79 Sirnor 1870 Isaac S. 241 Silber x i8so William B. 251 Silliman B 1870 Benjamin, Jr.94 A 185o Charles A. 195 Simmons P 1871 Arthur R. -3150 1 i860 Ichabod -257 I 437 INDEX. Simontonf 1 1869 Leonidas 299 Simpson I 1861 E. Owen 297 T 1872 Lewis A. 292 H 1875 Matthew V.268 Sisson !i 1875 Wesley E. Skeele I 1864 Amos Skene z 1875 George Skidmore A 1849 John D. Skillin V 1879 James L. 31O 298 268 195 243 Skinner F 1859 Henry C.1 B 1843 John W. B 1862 Richard B 1850 William W. Slade B 1854 Francis H.. B 1872 Gustavus A. B 1851 John M. 140 50 59 66 97 Smith 2 1872 Alfred M. 124 F 1858 Benjamin F.139 Zr r868 Charles 263 P 1876 Charles, Jr. 153 H1 i88o Charles C. 320 r 1877 Charles H. 154 , 1864 Charles N. 260 H 1881 David B. 320 B 1851 David P. 61 & 1875 DeWitt C. 26 A 1876 DuBois 205 2x855 Duncan 120 I' 1874 EdmundM.152 B 1856 Edward A. 69 1' 1865 Edward P. 146 B 1878 Edward W. 107 K 186o Edward W. 218 J 1842 Edwin 31 2 1841 Elbridge 113 0 1875 Elliott H. 310 1877 Ernest F. 311 B 1859 Eugene 75 B 1872 Frank H. 97 Z 1852 Frederick A.'66 Z 1856 George C. 255 Z 1873 George H. 267 A 1866 George P. 201 X 1845 Goldwin 3241 I 1875 Harry H. 301 P 1881 Henry G. 156 K 1877 Henry H. 226 45 r88o Herbert W. 312 B 1851 Horace M. 61 IC 1842 Hosea H. 207 1 1869 Howard P. 299 B 1840 James 46 Z 1882 James B. 272 K 1847 John C. 210 P 1856 John W. 1381 2 1859 Joseph 121 B 1857 Joseph L. 71 Yi 1858 Joseph S. 237 P 1859 Judson 140 Z 1877 Justin H. 187 A 1851 Justus 274 A 1865 Lenox 2001 Y' 1846 Lewis 2311 ' 1859 Luther R. 141 Z 88o Lyndon A. 189 Yr 1846 Perry H. 231 1 ' 1874 Perry H.,Jr.242 B 1871 Philip C. 95 Z 1849 Robert 164 B 1876 Rufus B. 104 K 1878 Samuel E. 226 B 1865 SidneyV., Jr.87 P 1879 Spencer R. 312 !P 1875 Stewart W. 310 B 1877 Thos. E. V. io6 I 1861 Thomas M. 297 O 1842 William B. 12 B 1879 William H. 109 A 1870 William J. 265 B 186oW illiam T. 77 r 1869 Winthrop 149 Smull o 1850 William G. 16 Smyth K 1854 Charles W. 213 K 1854 Edward B. 213 K 1848 Egbert C. 210 K 1867 Fred'k K. 222 K 1868 George A. 223 A 1871 Henry M. 203 K 1863 S. P. New'n 220 K 1856 William H. 215 Z 1863 Winfield S. 259 Snapp d2 1879 Charles D. 318 Snell K 1845 William B. 209 Snook 0 1879 Frank L. 27 Srow 1 1879 Francis A. 294 0 i86o George 22 T 1881 Irving M. 295 Soaper I 187o Robert C. 300 Sleeper Z 1857 HiramL..Jr.17o 4P 1871 John W- 308 Slocomb P 1857 Albert H. 139 Smalley A 1879 Wallace A. 206 !D 1877 William T. 311 Smead 3 1868 Alex. D. B. 263 1' 1859 George L. 140 Smedes A 1850 John E. C. 195 A 1852 Thomas L. 196 Smiley " 1874 Charles W. 267j Soren A 1854 George W. 278 Soule K 1842 Charles E. 207 1 1847 George 131 Southack A x86o JohnW., Jr. 199 'a 438 Southgato I 1871 Charles F. 300 Z 1874 Fred C. 185 K 1853 John B. 212 Z 1855 Robert S. 169 K 1851 William S. 212 Soutter A 186r Robert 39 Spader A 1879 Vanderbilt 206 Spalding 2 1847 Amos F. 116 Z 1858 Edward E. 171 B 1872 George A. g7 K 1853 John F. 212 Sparrow B 1854 Orson C. 66 Spaulding F 186x- Lysander T.142 Spear F 1866 Asa A. 146 P 1846 Charles V. 131 IT 1870 William E. 223 Speare Z 1854 Steph. L. B. 168 Spencer B 1878 Charles L. 107 B 188o Edward C. 110 B 1880 Frank O. 111 o 1842 George 12 Sperry B 1872 George T. 97 Spies A 1878 Henry H. 43 Spink o 1853 Erwin I. 18 Spinney E 1847 Albion P. 210 T 1855 Charles E. 137 Spofford K 1846 Charles A. 209 i INDEX. Sprague B 1873 Frank E. 99 B 1867 Franklin M. 89 B 1852 Homer B. 63 A 1851 Joseph H. 274 Y '1844 Oscar L. 229 Spring Z 1856 Charles H. 170 Springer K 1874 Charles C. 225 Sproat B 1871 Thomas C. 95 Squires A 1871 Norman J. 265 Stackpole Z 1872 George F. 184 A 1857 Joseph L. 281 Staley d2 1875 Jonathan 316 Stanchfield P 1876 John B, 153 Stanton A 1856 Alex. M. 198, B 1848 Edmund D. 561 A 1858 Francis 198 2 1867 George W. 291 Z 1853 Henry E. 167 A 1881 John R. 2o6Aj IC 1856 Jonath'n Y. 215 K 1855 Levi W. 2141 B 1855 Lewis E. 67 Staples Z 1876 John W. 187 Starbuck 6 1862 Walter 22 Starks Z 1869 Henry A. 264 Starkweather B 1874 Chauncey C.loo Starr B 1862 Grosvenor Si A 1847 Melanct'n W.34 Statham Z 1853 Francis C. 167 St. Olair K 1849 William H. 211 Stearns P 1863 Frazar A. 144 P 1878 George W. 154 P 1843 Josiah M. 129 Stebbins P i86o Alfred 141 P 1862 Calvin 143 B 1862 Henry H. 8r a 1840 James io Z 1848 John M. 163 A x856 Russell, Jr. 198 Stedman A 1852 Charles E. 276 B 1853 Edmund C. 64 B 1867 Ernest G. 89 A 1871 George 283 A 1871 Henry R. 283 Steele Z" 1857 BenjaminH.171 Z 1845 George H. 161 U 1849 John B., Jr. 16 Z 1844 John McC. 161 T 1872 John M. 292 Z 1870 Sanford H. 182 B 1863 Thomas C. 83 Z 1847 Thomas L. 163 Stein A 1871 Charles C. 283 Stelle B 1871 George R. 95 Stephenson " 1867 George G. 262 A 1843 James ' 192 A 1854 William W. 37 Sterling 4 1853 William A. 36 Stetson K 1854 Charles B. 213 B 1855 Charles P. 67 K 186o David 0. 218 S2 1876 Herbert L. 317 K 1858 John D. 216 ,rr ~ XL C71IR- -- -A' INDEX. 439 I Stevens $ 1863 Alex. C. 259 B 1854 Alexander H.66, Z 1863 Chester C. 177 0 1852 Edward 17 U 1855 Edward L. 1g Z 1874 Edwin P. 267 B 1858 Fred'k W. 73 Z 1854 George 254 Z 1849 George W. 164 P 7872 Harry S. 151 B3 1843 Henry 50 B 1864 Ledyard 85 K 1848 Oliver 210 K 1876 Oliver C. 225 Z 1865 William B. 178 P 1876 William C. 153 I 1882 William J. 321 Z 1869 Winthrop F.181 Stevenson A 1875 Richard W. 42 A 1868 VernonK.,Jr.41 B 1867 William L. 89 Stewart 6 1879 James 27 O 1837 Merwin H. 8 6( 1845 Walter 74 1 1869 William C. 299 & 1841 William H. r Stickney P 1863 Warren B. 144 Z 1856 William W.170 Stiles P 1871 Chas. S., Jr. 150 A 1852 Henry R. 36 B 185r Richard C. 61 O 1870 -Robert B. 24 P 187r Theodore L.15o Still Z 1878 John J. 188 Stillman r 7863 James 289 Stimson B 1877 Frederick J.106 K 1876 Fred M. 225 B 1865 Henry A.' 87 B 1872 John W. 97 B 1863 Lewis A. 83 Stinson K 1882 Harry H. 228 Stockwell Z 1878 George E. 270 Stoddard B 7867 Ebenezer F. 89 Stokes B 1879 Frederic A. 709 A 1865 Thomas 41 Stone P 1863 Baman N. 144 B 1878 Charles M. 107 1 1861 James K. 297 A 1872 Philip S. 284 B 1865 William 87 Storke PZ' 1876 Frederic E. 153 Storrs B 1850 Cordial 59 A 1874 Frank 204 Story B 1879 Willis E. 709 Stover X 1875 Charles 325 Stowe ' 2 1882 Addison F. 318 A 7874 Charles E. 285 Straw A 1872 Herman F. 284 Stringer ' .1876 Edward C. 243 Stringlham P 1878 Douglass H.311 Strong B 1857 Augustus H. i1 P 1843 Charles E. 129 P 1855 Edward A. 137 Z 1852 Elnathan E.166 So1880 George A. 155 B 1871 George A. 95 (0 1855 George C. 19 , 1844 James 247 A 1872 John R. 203 B 1878 TheodoreC.707 Z 1845 William C. 161 Strout Z tS8o Charles H. 789 Stryker B 1848 John L. 56 Stuart 2 1847 Amb'se P. S.i16 P 1873 Charles B. 152 Z 1871 Francis H. 183 2 1859 John F. 121 T 1874 Thomas A. 152 K 1859 William H.2I7 P 7833 William Z. 127 P 188o willIV. 155 Stull IF 1865 Eugene B. 239 Sturges A 1864 Arthur P. 2oo B 1841 Hezekiah 47 Sturtevant 0 1843 John B. 72 Suffern B 1876 Charles 104 Sunner B 1862 Charles B. 81 1 1874 Charles R. 293 Z 1878 Edward A. 270 B 1863 William G. 83 Sunderland 4 1841 Byron 31 Sutherland T2 1878 Ward T. 294 Sutton 1 7857 William H. 256 Stimpson 2 1876'Lorenzo L. 187 P 7850 Thomas M. 133 'I Suydan A 1856 Charles C. 198 %40'Z x I~' 440 INDEX. Swallow B 1874 Edward E. 100 Swan 6 x866 Daniel M. 23 P 7847 George 737 S wasoy IC 1875 George R. 225 Talbot A i866 Augustus ' Z 1874 Emory H. Z 1870 Ethelbert Z 18'43 Micah J. Z 7872 Ralph A i866 Richmond A 1857 'William R. 201 267 782 246 184 201 198S 68 320 Swayne Taleotv B 1872 Frank G. B. 97 B 1855 George Terry B 7852 Adrian P 1871 Israel N. P 7367 John C. I' 1867 Nath'l M. Thacher B 7874 Alfred B. B 1872 Edward S. K i866 Francis S. 6 1841 Isaiah C. B i868 James K. n1 1877 John S. V' 1859 Ralph WV. B 1871 Thomas Thayer 2 7845 'Eli P 7882 Lucius H. Z iS8o Webster 63 750 '47 '47 100 97 221 II 90 loG 237 95 715 r56 Sweet B i858 Preston I. Sweetser P 7862 Charles H. P 1857 John H. 3 iS6o Sanford B. Swift !P 1870 Lucius B. Swinburne & 7874 Fitch J. B 1879 Louis J. S ym A 7842 John Tailman 11 1879 John F. 73 743 739 257 308 26 709 791 Tappan B 7848 Benjamin, Jr.56 Tash K( 1842 Thomas Tatterson Z 1874 Harry J. Taylor B 1878 Arthur B. Z i856 Edwin H. 6) 7837 Elisha o 7843 George I. IC i856 James H. 6 7877 James I. B 7862 John P. A 1844 Joseph P. 11I 7877 Joseph WV. i': 7854 Riley T. V" 7882 Robert L. 2T 7876 Thomas A. (9 1838 William .4 iS8o William A. 207 Svmmes Z 7862 Algernon S. 776 Symonds . K xS6o Joseph XV. ~278 IC 7854 William L. 273 707 770 8 72 275 26 8i 792 379 254 244 293 9 206 Taft 2 7854 B i851i B iS80o zI 1842 B 1878 Taller A 1852 A 1857 Edward P. Enos N. Harry W.J Marcus L. William H. 720 37 107 Thomas B. x86g Aaron 5. 92 3' i87x Charles B. 265 BI 7873 Charles H. 99 P i855 Chauncey B.137 Z r855 Edwin A. 769 -B 'z858 Elisha 5. 73 B 7877 George H. io6 6 1867 Isaac iM. 24 B i868 Nath'l P. 5. 90 Thombs Z 1877 Samuel B. 787 Thompson B 7846 Abijah H. 54 K 7858 Andrew J. 276 P 1867 Charles H. 747 o 1847 Daniel D. ix P 1869 Daniel G. i49 o i855 Edtvard D. 79 B i865 Gouvern'r M.87 4 x877 Isaac M. B. 43 Z i88x John F. 277 Z 1856 John L. 770 P 7861 Nathan 742 I 7865 Nathan 5. 298 P 7851 Thomas M. 734 Z 7359 Thomas XV.173 P 7863 XWilliam G. 744 Z '858 XWilliam L. 172 t 18 WSoXilliam M. 3"' Teaft 4 x87' Vernor J. 311 Temple 6 1863 Benjamin L. 22 Henry A. 796 James T. 198 Taint Bi1 Taft ,B 3 or :865 Charles N. 866 James U. 854 John Ten Eyek B) 7879 Henry J. 109 83 66 Tenney Z 7859 Asa XV. '73 P i 864 Henry M. 745 K 7856 Samuel W. 275 ... .. .,.. .... 11 - iceZ7 INDEX. Thorns 2 1878 John C. 126 Thorne A 1867 George W. 201 Thurston 1 1852 BenjaminE.135 K 1841 Richard B. 207 Tibbals B 1874 Arthur C. xoo Tibbits & 1845 George 14 o 1846 John B. 14 Tice 6 1855 William W. 19 Tichenor n 1874 Lyman B. 316 Tighe B 1879 Ambrose 109 Tilden 1f 1866 John N. 240 Tillinghast 2 1882 Henry A. 126A 2 1849 James 117 Tillou A 1869 Edward 202 Tilton r 1870 George H. 150 Timlow 'v 1837 Philip J. 8 Tingley . 2 1876 Richard H. 125 Tinker B 1868 Anson P. 90 4 1882 John L. 44A Tobey 2 1855 John F. 120 2 1859 Thomas F. 121 Todd B i85o Albert 60 K 1854 Charles F. 213 B 1866 Robert W. 88 K 1853 William H. 213 $ 1864 William S. 260 Toll ' 1872 Charles H. 242 Tolman Z 1848 Samuel H. 164 Tomlinson I 1870 John R. 300 Tompkins V' 1871 Fred'k W. 241. Toothaker Z 1859 Horace 173 To ping 2 1881 Henry 318 Torrence B i875 George P. 102 Torrey A 1881 FranklinB.2o6A Tourgee T" 1862 Albion W. 289 Tower U I866 Gideon D. 23 Towle Z 1864 Charles A. 178 Z 1875 Charles C. 186 Z 1876 Henry F. 187 A 1851 Joseph W. 275 Towne B I856 Edward C. 69 3/ 1848 Paul A. 233 Z 1872 Solon R. 184 -V 1877 Walter A. 154 Townsend U 1836 Absalom 7 K 1881 George H. 227 44' B 1841 Henry P. 47 A 1847 Israel J. .193 A 1847 Israel L. 193 B 1874 JamesM.,Jr.ioo Z 1859 Luther T. 173 7 1866 William J. 240 B 1871 William K. 95 Tracy 1' 1882 Elmer C. 295 A 186o FrederickA.199 Z 1864 John J. 178 P 186o Melville M. 141 Trask A 1882 C. H., Jr. 206A * 1840 Edward 30 A 1840 William E. 30 Travis A 1847 Robert, Jr. 193 Tribou 2 1857 Nahum M. 121 Trickett A 1868 William 263 Trimble A 1852 David C. 276 B 1868 James go Troutt A 1871 James M. 283 Trow B 1858 George W. 73 Trowbridge B 1878 George 107 B 180 Henry III Z 1867 Samuel H. 262 !> 1876 Step.VanR. 311 Troxell B 1872 Edgar R. 97 Truax Vr 1875 Chauncey S.242 0 1876 James R. 26 Trumbower 11 1881 William M. 320 Trumbull . B 1842 David 48 B 1876 David 1o4 Tinkham 2 1841 Alanson H. 113 Tirrell Z 1866 Charles Q. 179 Tisdale Z1882 William M. 272 r , 442 B 1851 Edwin B. 61 B 1842 James H. 48 'B 1848 James H. 56 B 1878 John 108 d2 1875 Lyman M. 317 B 188o Stephen 11x: Tuck Z 1862 Edward 176 P 1858 Samuel P. 140 Tucker V' 1857 Francis P. 237 Z 1861 Gilman H. 175 P 1882 Herbert A. 156 * B 1855 Luther H. 68 Z 1861 William J. 175 K 1854 William P. 213 Tuckerman B1851 George S. 61 Tuell K 1869 Hiram 223 Turner B 1878 Cyrus C. 1o8 O 1836 Duncan 7 K 1867 Elbridge Y. 222 X 188o Samuel B. 327 Turrell !P 1864 John L. 305 Tuthill A 1842 Franklin 31 A 1843 George M. 32 Tuttle 1 i866 Alex. H. 262 $ 1876 Calvin B. 269 T 1868 Elias A. 291 O 1836 George W. 7 T 1862 Russell M. 289 U) 1864 Sidney 23 P 1846 William G. 131 Twichell B 1859 Joseph H. 75 Twining B 1858 Theodore W.73 Twiss d2 1875 Richard B. 317 INDEX. Twombly VanBuren B 1854 Alexander S. 66 A 1863 Frank R. 200 B 1873 James H. 99 Tyler B 1876 Joseph 5. 104 1 1871 Charles W. 300 B 1878 William A. 08 P i865 Henry M. 146 Z 1842 John E. 158 Vance P 1873 John M. 152 P 1862 Samuel C. 144 P 1862 Mason W. 144 r 183o William S. 127 Van enburg P 1864 William W. 145 1870 Marvin W. 265 Tyndale Vanderlip X 1877 Hector H. 326 A 1851 George M. 36 Tyng Vanderpoel l 1873 Alex. G., Jr. 309 A 1862 John A. 200 Tytus Vanderveer B 1868 Edward J. 90 0 1841 JohnW. 11 Ufl'ord VanDeusen P 1882 Walter S. 156 T.1859 Henry H. 288 Uline VanDuzer o 1853 Oscar M. 18 A 1853 Archibald S.96 Underhill VanGieson Z 1875 Abraham S. 268 A 1849 Acmon P. 35 1' 1845 Henry B. 130 Vauln Underwood B 1874 Burt 1oo B 1875 George 102 J 1872 William T. 309 VanHore UpB 1877 Andrew B. 1o6 Upham Z 1871 Warren 183. VanIngen h 0 1840 James L. 10 Upjohn X 1880 Richard R. 327 VanName B 1858 Addison 73 Upton K 1870 Arthur J. 223 VanNess K 1875 Francis R. 225 0 1867 Arch'd LaR. 24 K i88o Joseph C. F.227 VanPelt Valentine A 1850 James C. 35 2 1855 John K. 169 VanRensselaer VanBenschoten 0 1838 Maunsell 9 l' 1854 JamesRC. 254 ,VnSchaack P 1877 John R. '54 Vncac d2 1881 Henry C. 318 VanBrunt A 1854 Henry 278 VanSchoonhoven 0 1853 Ralph 8 B 1867 Edward 89 p°r i nim . .i iini iui . o iu.rr .. .rr.. ui r u...r umw i i 4LV 443 INDEX. VanSinderen B 1854 Adrian 66 VanVolkenburgh B 1866 Thomas S. 88 VanVorst O 1839 Hooper C. 9 VanWie f 1874 Charles H. 242 VanWinkle A 1848 Isaac 194 VanWyck A 1876 Benjamin 5.205 VanZandt 4 1878 Edward A. 43 Varney K 1879 Elwood F. 226 Z 1843 John R. 159 Veazey Z 1859 WheelockG.173 Vedder U 1839 Edmund B. 9 Veeder 6 1875 John 26 Vernon A 1853 Philip H. 36 Vincent A 1854 Marvin R. 197 Vinton P 1875 Lindley 153 Volkmann X 1877 Arthur L.K.326 Voorhees A 1868 Theodore 202 Vorce Z 1865 Jubal H. 261 Wadhams Z 1880 Moses W. Wadsworth K 1845 Isaac N. Wagstaff B 1876 Alfred J. Wainwright A 1845 Henry P. A 1855 Isaac P. Wait A x88o How'd St.C, Waitt K 1876 William G. Wakefield B 1842 Leander E. Z 1870 Thomas H. Walden B 1874 Russell Waldo 2 1874 Charles S. 2 1879 Clarence H. B 1879 Otis H. Wales B 1845 Leonard E. Walker B 1864 Alfred E. Z 1870 Charles J. B 1874 Charles R. Z 1842 Clement A. B 1SSo Eugene W. Z- 1842 George Z 1881 George H. P 1858 John K 188 John E. K 1866 John F. B 1844 Joseph B. A x88o Joseph, Jr. B 1877 Nath'l U. Wallace B 1849 John G. Z' 1867 Robert M. Waller I 1874 Henry D. 189 Walradt B 88o Arthur E. III B 1875 Henry M. 102 Walsworth O 1844 Edward B. 13 Walter 1 i868 Edward L. 306 A 1871 Joseph R. 283 Walton A 1856 John F. 198 $ 188o Olin S. 271 B 188o Paul III Ward . Y" 1873 David B. 242 A 1863 Egbert 200 P 1876 Fayette J. 153 B 1842 Henry D. A. 49 Z 1879 Herbert H.270 A 1879 William L. 206 B 1849 William W. 58 Wardwell Z 1848 Granville 164 Ware A 1873 Arthur L. 285 X 1877 Lyman E. 326 A 1852 Robert 276 Warfield r 1865 Richard H. 290 Waring B 1852 Joseph F. 63 Warner Z 1842 Abner S. 158 T 1851 Charles D. 235 II 188o George B. 320 P 1851 George H. 134 , 1861 George W. 258 P 1873 Luther J. 152 U 1858 William P. 21 Warren Vose B 1859 George F. B i85 James G. Wade B 1866 Levi C. 75s 61 88 Z 1874 Albert P. 558 ! 1874 Charles A. 180 188o Henry M. B 1870 Henry P. -B 1865 Henry W. 3001 Z 1862 John S. 185 310 271 94 87 176 o c 10 . OOX ' V- F%1011/ .444 INDEX. Washburn Z i88o Charles H. 189 K 1844 Frederick L.208 2 1859 Henry H. 121 K 1882 John 228 .P 1851 William P. 134 Washburne ,r 1873 Sandford B.267 Wasson Y" 1867 Thurlow B. 240 Waterbury U 1854 Daniel 19 T 1882 Willard E. 295 Waterhouse K 1857 Francis A. 215 K 1882 Hiram T. 228 Waterman K 1857 Granville C.215 2 1874 Harold P. 125 2 1855 Marcus 120 2 188o Paul 126 2 1859 Richard 121 2 1846 Stephen 116 2 1882 William B.126A Webb A 1851 Charles S. 36 K 1853 Francis E. 213 B 1876 George C. 104 T 1871 William W.292 Webber P 1852 George N. 135 W 1856 K 1852 Z 1869 J 1879 K 1868 Welter II882 Wendell B 1878 Z 1852 B 188v Thomas S. 237 Walter 212 Wilberforce 264 William H. 44 William T. 223 Joshua L. 321 BenjaminR.ao8 George W. 252 TenEyck Irn Webster B 1879. Benjamin 4i i88o Edward L. Z 1872 Eugene A. V 1875 Florian E. 1f 1870 Hanson S. Yr 1872 Hezekiah B 1861 John R. T x862 Joseph 1865 William 0. Weed 6 1875 Truman Weeks 6 1870 Edwin L. P 1871 Eugene J. Z 1862 Joseph D. , 1869 Joseph D. Weil K 188o George L. 109 312 266 242 241 2421 79 289 239 26. 24 308 175 264 227- Wenner B 1865 George U. 87 Wentworth Z 1837 Erastus 245 6 1846 John T. 14 Wesson B 1863 Charles H. 83 B 1878 Frank B. 1o8 B 1868 Frederic 91 Westfall 6 1866 Edward J. 23 Westgate Pz 1865 George L. 261 Waters A 1872 P 1847 Edward E. 284 Lemuel H. 131 Watkins B 1859 Hezekiah Watson B 1873 Arthur P 1857 James C. B 188o James H. 2 1873 Matthew B 1868 Samuel, Jr. 2 1852 William H. B 1869 William P. Watts A 1859 Robert 75 99 303 III 124 9o "19 92 199 Welch B 1875 Harm'us M.102 B 1853 Joseph A. 64 B 1869 Theodore F. 92 Welles B 1864 Edgar T. 85 P 1843 James H. 129 Wellman A 1851 Merritt H. 196 Wells 1' 1868 Charles F. 148 Ii 1875 Christo'r H.225 B 1858 Gideon 73 B 1851 HenryD. 61 3 1870 Joseph K. 265 B 1857 Manning C. 71 6 1842 Minot At. 12 P 1842 Rufus P. 129 K 1849 Spencer 211 Westlake 10 1857 James W. Weston 2 1847 Francis W. 116 r 1866 Henry C. 146 B 1867 Homer 89 A 1858 Roswell, Jr. 1g8 B1853 Theodore 64 Wetherell 2 1857 James M. 121 Wetling Yr 1867 Theodore X3.240 Wetmore B 1867 George P. 89 A 1849 Pros'r M.,Jr.195 Weymouth IK 1863 Sewell C. 220 20 Weatherbee B 1875 Edwin H. 102 Weaver - Z 1863 George A. 177 . rz 1,9 445 "I INDEX. Wheeler Z 1854 AbrahamM.254 o 1838 Crayton B. 91 B-1876 Frank E. 104 S1881 Frederick S. 44 P 1868 Hil'd H..,Jr.148 o 1841 John McC. ii £ 1863 John W. 298 4P 1873 Monroe 309 1I1875 Nath'lIM. 319 d2 1873 Newton C. 316 B 1868 Samuel 91 B 1855 William 68 A 1852 William F. 276 Wheelock 2 1852 Lucius A. 119 B 1873 William E. 99 Wheelwright K I1881 John 0. P. 227 Whidden Z 1879 John W. 189 Whipple P 1850 Edwin P. 133 Z 1867 Ezekiel W. 18o P 1878 George N. 154 W hitacre 0 i88o Charles C. 312 & 1839 Henry 9 B 1851 Henry D. 61 ,:: 1882 Henry S. 272 f 1881 Herbert P. 244 A 1873 Horatio S. 285 A 1849 John J. 195 Z 1842 Moses H. I58 Z 1871 Noel B. 183 A 1882 Norm'n,Jr.2o6A B 1864 Oliver S. 85 B 1859 Roger S. 75 6' 1840 Rufus M. 10 Z 1878 Selim S. 188 B 186o Thomas H. 77 P 1872 Willard M. 151 I 1867 William H. 147 Whitehead Vr 1848 William M. 233 Whitehorne 0 1869 Arthur M. 24 Whittelsey B 1853 Charles H. 65 Whittemore K 1859 Albert P. 217 A 1852 Hora'oH.F.276 B 1855 Williams C. 68 Whittlesey B 1878 George P. r08 B 1844 Martin K. 51 I ISSO Mills 295 B 1871 Nathan H. 95 Wick A 1853 Jacob H. 36 Wickes B 1874 Thomas P. ioi T 1870 William K. 150 Wicks V 1862 Edward B. 238 Wickson V 1869 Edward J. 241 Wiener A 1875 Richard G. 42 Wiggin Z 1862 AugustusW.176 Wightrnan Z 1851 Frederick B. 36 Wilbor 1^ 1875 Remus F. 293 Wilbur U 1871 Herbert S. 25 Whiteside 0 1858 Thomas C. Whitin B 1864 Lewis F. B 1863 William H. 211 85 83 Whiting 6 1867 Henry C. K 1847 Jasper S. IK 1852 Robert E. 1' 1876 William I Whitcher $ x85z John W . 252 Whitcomb Whitlock, Z1876 Charles W. 187 6 87Brlt r 186t George 1. 145 177Bartlett White I Whitney Z 1852 Aaron 252 B 1869 Eli B 1853 Andrew D. 64 B 1875 Eugene M Z i868 Carlos i80 Bo x864oHenryM. B 1854 Charles A. 66 B x856 James L. Z iBSo Edson W. 189 P 1863 John M. S X879 Edward W. 243 I' 1842 Samuel W 1854 Erskine N. 66 B 1863 William C 2 1856 Francis W. 120 B x877 William E2 X iS8o FrederickD-327 Whiton B 1848 George 56 0 1850 Henry B. B i88o George D. nII B 1866 George E. 88 Whittaker P 1870 George H. 150 1' 1855 Ozi W. 24 210 K.212 H. 153 26 92 r. 102 .85 69 '45 V. 129 83 L. 06 16 137 Wilcox Z 1855 Alden G. B 1878 Marion 2, 186o Sylvanus S. Wild Z 1857 Daniel G. Wilder A 18st David P. K 1872 Harold 0 1856 John Wiley A 1877 George L. A 1878 Osgood S. 254 zoS 288 171 275 224 20 43 43 I 440 p"Voo" INDEX. Wilkie A 1876 Edward A. 269 Wilkins T 1866 Herve D. 290 'Wilkinson A Ik871Almadus 283 B i88o Laurence x 1 Willard K 1863 Alex. D. 220 B 1853 Andrew J. 65 1 1882 Francis G. 302 Z 1851 Henry 166 A 1854 James LeB.197 2 1842 John B. 114 F 1858 Wm. A. P. 140 1f 1845 Xerxes A. 230 Willcox B 1848 Giles B. 56 B 1850 Lucian S. 6o J 1843 William H. 32 Willey Z 1845 Samuel H. 161 Williams o 1858 Alfred A. C. 21 -Y 1845 Arnon G. 230 * 1877 Arthur o6o Z 1843 Charles 159 O 1856 Chas. H. S. 20 1847 Charles L. 232 T 1871 Charles M. 292 B 1856 Edward F. 70 B 1872 Edw. H., Jr. 97 O 1871 Eghert D. 25 1 1860 Francis A. 288 T 1872 Frederic J. 151 B 1879 Fred'k W. 109 Z 1844 George C. 161 2 185o George E. 18 X 1879 Gershom M.326 B 1844 Goodwin G. 52 V 1881 Gurdon W. 244 P 1869 Harry 149 X x868 Henry S. 324 K 1848 Hezek'h, Jr.21o Z 1867 Horace R. 262 A 1856 Howell L. 198 B 1864 Moseley H. 85 V 1877 Nathan S. 154J A 1875 Richard H. 204 B 1874 Roderic 101 Z 1876 Rufus P. 187 B 1873 Seth W. 99 !P 1870 Walter W. 308 B 1877 William P. 106 P 1843 William W. 129 Willis Z 1877 John W. 188 (P 1873 Josiah W. 309 IP 1862 Nathan E. 144 Williston P 1850 Lyman R. 133 Willson B 1874 Jared 101 Wilshire B 1871 George P. 95 Wilson 4i 1864 Bluford B. 305 T 1871 Claudio 150 K 88o Henry B. 227 H1 1879 James W. 320 U 1849 James W. 16 K 1881 John W. 227 B 1854 Joseph W. 66 I 1877 Thomas K. 301 4 1852 William C. 36 Winnt Winslow P 1870 Edward C. 15o Z 1877 John C. i88 Wiswell K 1873 Andrew P. 224 Witherspoon 2" x866 Edward 290 P 1866 William E. 290 Wood 1^ 1864 Charles W. 289 Z 1853 Edward J. 167 B 1857 Ephraim M. 71 Z 1868 Franklin P. i8o .P 1866 J. Winslow 146 Z i866 Lewis L. 179 U 1854 Nathan H. 19 Z 1855 Samuel W. 254 B 1879 Stephen C. 109 B x868 William C. 91 B 1872 William P. 97 Woodbridge B 1868 Enoch D. Woodford B 185o Oswald L. 91 6o Woodhull W 1861 Aaron McC.238 A 1878 Henry D. 43 Winch Z 1873 Francis A. 267 Winchester 1869 Caleb T. -64 Z x868 Charles W. 263 Windes d2 1875 William H. 317 Woodman Z 1842 John S. Woodruff X 1876 Charles P. B 1849 Curtiss T. B 1864 Francis E. B 1857 George M. B 1879 Timothy L. Woods N, 1859 Frederick 2 1853 George H. P 1869 Rob. McE. B x856 Samuel F. 158 325 56 85 71 109 257 119 149 70 Wines 4i 1866 Wing A 1871 K 1856 Winkler x 1843 Henry H. 305 George C. 283 Isaac H. 215 Edwin T. 115 Woodward B 1855 Patrick H. 68 Woodworth A 1881 Newell B. 2o6A 44r INDEX. 447 Woolsey A 1861 Charles W 39 A 1862 Edward J. 40 B 1872 Theodore S. 97 Worcester B 1876 Edwin D. 104 Wordin B 1878 Thomas C. 108 Work A 1871 George F. 203 A 1867 James H. 201 Worth Z 1871 Sidney 183 Worthington 2 1877 George 125 Wrampelmeier (P 1878 Theodore J.311 Wright Z 188o Albert J. 271 B 1847 Daniel T. 55 Yt 1871 Edward C. 241; P 1842 Elijah H. 129 I' 1839 EphraimM.128 X 1879 Frank A. 326 X 1882 George H. 328 Z 1873 John H. 185 B 1842 Robert W. 4 Wurts B 1878 Rudolf o8o B 1878 Wm. L. R. 1o8 Wyatt Z 1864 Albert H. 260 Z 1871 HenryfD 183 Wyckoff F 1868 Peter B. 148 Wyman 12 1872 Charles D. 316 D 1856 Charles T. 20 Yard B 1875 John 102 Yeaman A 1878 Robert T. 43 A 1878 Stephen M. 43 Yocom o 1856 Thomas S. 20 Young B 1848 Benjamin D. 56 T 1875 Fred'k W. 293 A 185o John 35 Z 1878 John E. r88 !i 1873 Kimball 09 B 186o Mason 77 K x859 Stephen J. 217 Yundt B 1859 Edwin H. 75 Zabriskie A 1878 Cornelius B. 43 A 1850 Francis N. 35 A 1870 George 42 Zeller O 1864 David M. M. 23 Ziegler l' 1866 George F. 146 Zweifel $ 1875 Joseph 268 Names received too late to be inserted in the Alphabetical Index at the proper places : Castle Naylor Roberts Z 1881 Charles A.189 1 1881 Charles W. 318 'd 188o William H. 44 Clark Pfenning Youngs A 1882 B. P. 206A A 188o Louis 44 .X 1872 William J. 328 Reading Xi188z William B. 328 .N -f 9-w 4e24 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. THETA CHAPTER. 1836. JAMES BROWN. Valedictorian, 836. 1836. S. GOODALE. Removed from Fremont to Columbus, Nebr. 1836. A. REID. Died February 27, 1847, at Argyle, N. Y., cf. Evangelical Refosi- tory, May, 1847. 1838. J. NEWMAN. Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, 186x; D. D. Wesleyan University, i86r. 1838. W. TAYLOR. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Wash- ington Institute, New York City ; Principal of Classical and French School; Instructor on board the United States School-ship North Caro- lina, in New York Harbor ; Editor of the Whig Press; Inspector of New York City Schools, six years ; Chairman of the Committee of the New York Legislature on Schools and Colleges, 1852-3. 1842. A. C. JACKsoN. Went down on board a man-of-war in the China sea. 1842. C. N. POTTER. Author of " The Need of Limiting Legislation and Patron- age" (1878) and of "Investigation of Electoral Frauds" (1878). 1843. WARD McLEAN. Name formerly William McLean ; changed 1848. 1844. W. LAMOROUx. Name formerly M. Wendell Lamoreux ; Acting Professor of Modern Languages in Union College, 1862-4 ; Professor of Rhetoric, since 1876. 1845. J. H. BABcocK. Removed from Benicia to San Jos6, Cal. 1846. S. C. BALDWIN. Manager of the Marietta, Pittsburgh and Cleveland Rail- road. 1846. J. B. TIDBITS. Tutor in Union College, 1847-8. 1847. M. K. BooTh. Member of the Massachusetts Legislature, 185L- 1847. J. W. HOYTE. Name formerly J. W. Hoyt. 1849. WINCHESTER BRITTON. Name formerly Sebra W. Britton. 1849. F. W. SEWARD. LL. D. Union College, 1878. 1851. G. W. BECKER. Died April 77, 187I, of wounds received in the battle of Pleasant Hill, La 1853. A. H. JACKSON Stationed at Fort Shaw, Mont., 1878. 1854. S. L. C. BREDIN. Name should read Stephen [Lowry Collins] Bredin. 1855. A. G. CASE. President of the First National Bank of Charles City; Judge of the Superior Court; Member of the Iowa Legislature. 1855. M. A. HAM. Member of the National Democratic Committee, since 1868 1855. H. B. LooMIs. Instructor in the Academy, Albany, N. Y., 1862. 1A I Il i l u i ylw Y - -- _- nlunpgl l ll II 450 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1856. C. T. CHURCH. Chief Engineer of the Midland Railroad. 1856. A. C. DAVIS. Colonel of the 2d Kansas Cavalry, 1861-2 ; law partner of S. T. Freeman, Theta, 185o. 1857. W. D. MORTON. Removed to Hartford, Conn. 1858. A. A. C. WILLIAMs, M. D. Assistant Surgeon of the 1st New York Heavy Artillery, 1862 ; Surgeon of Berdan's Sharpshooters. 186o. GEORGE SNOW. Removed 1878 to the Canal Appraiser's office, Albany, N. Y. 1863. J. T. SAXE. Instructor in the Academy, Albany, N. Y., 1862-3. 1867. H. C. WHITING. Ph. D. Illinois Wesleyan University, 1876; Contributor to McClintock and Strong's Encyclopxdia ; Vice-Principal of Pennington Seminary, since 1878. 1871. W. H. MATTHEWS, JR. Glens Falls, N. Y. 1871. E. D. WILLIAMS. Residence unknown. There is no such post office as Southtown, N. Y. 1872. C. H. LEONARD. Author of "Hair; its Growth, Care, Diseases and Treat- ment " (1878). 1872. I. B. PRICE. Adjunct Professor, 1875-8; Professor, since 1878 18i4. E. JACKSON, M. D. West Chester, Pa. 1875. S. W. ABBEY. LL. B. Albany Law School, 1878. 1878. L. S. HOLMEs. Address for 1878-9, Hornellsville, N. Y. DELTA CHAPTER. N. F. CHAPMAN, '38; J. V. DOWNS, I. G. Huns, J. S. PIERSON, T. H. ROD- MAN, '40 ; E. D. NELSON, W. NICOLL, E. PAGE, B. SUNDERLAND, '41; F. TUTIILL, '32; C. PEABODY, G. M. TUTHILL, '43; G. T. JENKS, '49; E. S. AUCHINCLOsS, E. M. BARTON, W. W. MALI, '64; J. S. HOEY, and H. W. T. MALI, '65, should each be marked with f. 1836. J. S. LORD. (This name belongs in Theta list.) D. D. New York Univer- sity, 1859; died April 2, 1869; cf. "In Memoriam-a Funeral Sermon by Rev. E. H. Gillett, D. D." (New York, 8vo., 1869). 1839. J. T. JOHNSTON. Director of the Union Theological School, since 1870. 1839. W. B. MEACH. Latin Salutatory, 1839. 1840. H. M. SCUDDER. M. D. University of the City of New York, 1853. 1842. G. H. HOUGHTON. Valedictorian, 1842. 1842. G. H. MOORE. Orator of the Convention of 1854, held with the Delta. 1842. F. TUTHILL. M. D. University of the City of New York, 1844. 1843. W. P. BREED and D. C. MEEKER. English Salutatory, 1843 (divided). 1843. T. W. FIELD and S. P. LEEDS. Latin Salutatory, 1843 (divided). W. H. WILLCOX. Valedictory, 1843. 1844. D. F. SAYRE. English Salutatory, 1844. 1845. G. PECK. M. D. Columbia College, 1847; A. M. College of New Jersey, 1867. 1845. C. A. DOWNS. English Salutatory, 1845. L. W. PECK. Valedictory, 1845. 1845. R, S. SEAMAN. M. D. Columbia College, 1851. K ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 451 1846. W. AIKNMAN. English Salutatory, 1846. D. D. University of the City of New York, 1869; Trustee of Wells Female College, since 1878. 1847. R. C. CHANDLER. Died at Hunt's Point, West Farms, N. Y. 1847. T. S. CHILDS. Valedictory, 1847. D. D. University of the City of New York, 1862; author of " Redemption ; or is Expiation a IEiction" (1877); resigned Professorship, 1878. 1848. S. W. PHELPS. Latin Salutatory, 1848. 1849. E. C. MILES. Latin Salutatory, 1849. 1849. A. P. VANGIESON. English Salutatory, 1849. 1850. D. M. MILLER. Died, I855. 1850. JOHN YOUNG. Latin Salutatory, i85o. 1850. F. N. ZABRISKIE. English Salutatory, 185o. 1851. E. P. CRANE. English Salutatory, 1851. 1851. H. D. NOYEs. Valedictory, I851. , 1852. EBEN MASON. Resides in Brooklyn. 1852. H. R. STILES. Superintendent of an Asylum for the Insane, since 1878. 1853. W. A. STERLING. Valedictory, 1853. 1853. P. H. VERNON. English Salutatory, 7853; Member of the New Jersey Leg- islature, 1879. 1854. JESSE BRUSH. Valedictory, 1854. 1855 I. S. CAMPBELL. English Salutatory, x855. x856. J. H. ACKERMAN. Judge of the Police Court of the City of Plainfield, 1870. 1856. C. W. OPDYKE. Latin Salutatory, 1856. 1856. W. S. OPDYKE. Valedictory, I856. 1857. E. A. COLLIER. Valedictory, 1857. M. H. HUTTON. Latin Salutatory, 1857. 1858. A. PECK. Removed to Williamsburg, N. Y. 1859. W. R. MARSH. LL. B.; 1st Lieutenantf in the 15th Engineer Brigade of New York Volunteers. 1859. J. W. MOORE. Latin Salutatory, 1859. 1859. U. F. ROGERS. English Salutatory, 1859. r86o. G. D, BAKER. D. D. Olivet College, 1877. 186o. A. Z. GRAY. English Salutatory, 186o. x861. D. D. CHAMIBERLAIN. Trustee of Wesleyan University, since 1865; Honor- - ary A. M. Wesleyan University, 1870. 1861. J. K. HERRICiK. Residence unknown. 1861. C. W. WOOLSEY. 1st Lieutenant and Aide to General Meade. 1862. F. HOSFORD. Died while a Student in Union Theological Seminary, not having been ordained. 1864. E. M. BARTON: Admitted at the Usilon. 1864. C. R. BLAUVELT. English Salutatory, 1864. x865. J. C. GRAY. LL. B.' Harvard College, 1866. 1865. H. W. T. MALI. Captain in the 2oth Infantry Regiment of New York Vol- unteers. 452 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1865. V. F. MORGAN. LL. B. Columbia College. 1866. P. M. S. BROWN. Graduated at Upsala, Sweden, 1864. 1867. E. N. BEMENT. Was a member of Class of x866. 1872. W. AIMMAN, JR. English Salutatory, .872. 1872. G. J. ROcKWELL. Member of the United States Expedition to Siberia to observe the transit of Venus, 1874. 1875. I. F. RUSSELL. Latin Salutatory, 1875. 1875. R. W. STEVENSON. English Salutatory, 1875. 1876. H. C. ALVORD. Greek Salutatory, 1876. 1877. E. K. HAYT. Latin Salutatory, 1877. 1877. H. B. McCAULEY, JR. Secretary of the Intercollegiate Literary Association, since 1876. 1877. I. NI. B. T HOMPSON. Valedictorian, 1877. 1879. E. F. BIRMINGHAM and J. K. Dix, '8o. Post office, address, Stapleton, but residence at Clifton, Staten Island. BETA CHAPTER. 1840. W. B. BRINSMADE. Removed from Litchfield to Washington, Conn. 1840. G. H. COLTON. Salutatorian, 1840. 1840. H. M. DEXTER. Pastor in Manchester, N. H., 1844-9, and in Boston, 1849-67; Lecturer at Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1878, and at Andover Theological Seminary, since 1877 ; author of " The C6ngregationalism of the Last Three Hundred Years, as seen in its Literature " (in press); Resi- dence at Greystones, New Bedford, Mass. Business address, Boston, Mass. 1840. G. H. HOLLISTER. Address either Bridgeport or Litchfield, Conn. 1842. J. H. TRUMBULL. Member of the National Academy of Sciences, since 1872, and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, since 1877; Foreign Corresponding Secretary of the American Antiquarian Society, since 1874. 1843. D. W. HAVENS. Author of " Historical Discourse, delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Dedication of the Old Stone Meeting House in East Haven, Conn." (1874), and of "History of the Town of East Haven, Conn." (1650 pp., unpublished). 1845. A. F. DICKSON. Dartmouth College Fletcher Prize ($Soo), 1878. r846. J. W. BIItCIMORE. Rehnoved to Albilene, Kans. 1848. S. A. EWING. Died of wounds received in the battle of Cold Harbor, and was buried in Philadelphia, Pa. 1848. B. S. TAPPAN. Captain in a Louisiana regiment of Confederate Infantry, 1861-3. 1849. R. P. BARNARD. Trustee of Greene Union School, 1857-69; President of the Corporation of Greene, 1869. 1849. C. Q. CAME. Author of "Poem delivered at the Centennial Celebration at Buxton, Maine;" died at-Bpston Highlands, January 16, 1879. X849... B.-H, COLEGROVE. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Erie County, N.Y., 1856-8; United States Indian Agent for the State of New York, 1857-61, ^d ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 453 1849. F. M. FINCH. Librarian of the Cornell Free Public Library. 1849. C. T. WOODRUFF. Secretary of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Connecticut, 1864-9; Trustee of the Hospital for the Insane of the State of Connecticut, and Secretary of the Board,1866-9; Editor of The Mission Leaf, since 1871. " 1850. J. H. BREWER. Admitted at the Sigma. 1850. OLIVER BROWN. B. D. Andover Theological eminary, 1857. 185o. RBERT COIT. Treasurer of the New London Northern Railroad, since 1867. 1850. C. M. HAND. Died from wounds and exposure in the Valley of the Rappa- hannock, October 5, 1865. 1850. N. S. MANROss. Author of "Report to the Mexican and Pacific Mining and Land Company." 1851. E. S. CONE. Cf. Song Book, p. 75. 1851. A. R. LITTLE. Assistant Professor in the United States Naval Academy, 1865-9 ; Examiner of Claims in the United States War Department, 1874-8. 1852. H. D. KIMBALL. Geological Explorer of the Catskills and Lecturer on Ge- ology. 1853. E. C. STEDMAN. Alumni Poet at Yale College, 1878; for Biographical Sketch cf. Scribner's Monthly, Nov., 1873- 1853. A. D. WIT. Yale Literary Essay Medal, 1851; Officer of the Legion of Honor of France, since 1878. 1854. W. C. FLAGG. Yale Literary Essay Medal, 1852. 1854. A. H. STEVENS. President of the Yale Navy, 1853-4. 1854. A. VANSINDEREN. President of the Mercantile Library, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1878. 1855. N. W. BUMSTEAD. President of the Yale Navy, 1854-5. 1855. S. T. HYDE._ Died at Hartford, Conn., June 2, 1877. 1855. G. A. KITTREDGE. Said to have returned from Bombay. I855. A. P. ROCKWELL. Captain in the 1st Connecticut Artillery, 1861 ; President of the Eastern Railroad, since 1876. 1856.. P. W. CALKINs. Author of "Life of W. W. Baldwin, of Philadelphia" (1867), and of many printed sermons; contributor to Bibliotheca Sacra and the Presbyterian Quarterly. 1856. J. D. CIIAMPLIN. Editor of the Sentinel, 1865-9; Editor of "Fox's Mission to Russia" (1873). 1856. ALFRED COIT. State Commissioner and Member of the Gettysburg Soldiers' National Cemetery Association, 1864; Member of the State Board of Edu- cation, 1865-8 ; Judge of Probate of New London District, 1875-6; died January 17, 1879. X856. C. M. DEPEW. Orator at the Centennial Celebration of the Formation of the Government of the State of New York. 1856. C. E. FELLOWES. Reporter of the Supreme Court of Errors, 1872-3; Audi- tor of the City of Hartford, 1872-3. Rb 454 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1856. J. R. FRENCH. Private Secretary to Collector J. Z. Goodrich, of the Boston Custom House, 1861-2; Principal of the High School, Thomaston, Conn., 1870-4. 1856. B. D. MAGRUDER. Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Chicago, Ill., appointed 1868; Vice-President of the Yale Alumni Association, 1876. 1856. E. P. NETTLETON. Chief of Ordnance to General Weitzel, 1863-4; Provost Marshal of' the General Department of Alabama, 1865; Assistant City So- licitor of Boston, since 1876. 1856. L. R. PACKARD. Assistant Professor of Greek in Yale College, 1863-6 ; Hill- house Professor of Greek, since 1867. 1856. L. L. PAINE. D. D. Yale College, 1875. 1856. H. E. PARDEE. Member .of the Common Council, 1861-3 ; Prosecuting Grand Juror of New Haven, 1863-4; Clerk of the City Court, 1863-6; Clerk of the Board of Road Commissioners, one year ; Member of the Board of Compensation, five years ; Attorney of the City of New Haven, 1869-71. x856. J. L. WHITNEY. Assistant in the Boston Public Library, 1869-70; Principal Assistant, 1870-4; Assistant Superintendent, since 1874. 1857. D. C.'EATON. Editor of "The Ferns of North America, with colored plates, by J. H. Emerson " (Salem, 1878-9; in 20 parts). 1857. A. H. STRONG. Yale Literary Essay Medal, 1856. 1858. W. P. BACON. President of the Yale Navy, 1857-8. 1858. CLAUDE GInSON. 1st Lieutenant of Louisiana Artillery (Confederate), x861; Captain of a Light Battery, 1862; died Spring, 1863. 1858. IsAAC RILEY. Died October, 1878. 1859. T. B. DwicwT. Died August, 1878. 1859. S. D. FAULKNER. Judge of Livingston County; died, 1878. 1859. C. H. FOSTER. Disbursing Officer of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1868; Clerk of the Supreme Court of Florida, 1868-73, and since 1877; Treasurer of the State of Florida, 1873-7; Colonel and Chief Commissary of Subsistence for the Florida State Militia, 1870-77; Residence and Orange Groves, at Manatee, Fla. . 1859. J. H. HEWITT. Acting President of Lake Forest University, since 1878. 1859. J. C. MIDDLETON. S. T. D. Hobart College, 1878 ; Warden of the Cathedral Schools of Long Island, since 1876. 1859. C. L. NORTON. Residence at Farmington; Conn. 1859. E. SCHUYLER. United States Consul at Birmingham, England, since 1878; Translator of L. Tolstoy's "The Cossacks" (1878). 1861. G. R. SIBLEY. Member of the Georgia Legislature, 1878. 1862. E. S. LYMAN. President of the Yale Navy, 1861-2; Residence unknown. 1863. C. J. ARMs. Honorary A. M. Yale College, 1875 ; Associate Editor of the Pittsburgh Commercial, 1873-6; Editor of the Lancaster Examiner and Express, since 1876. 1863. H. E. COOLEY. Tutor in the Connecticut Commercial Institute. 1863. G. L. CURRAN. President of the Yale Navy, 1862-3. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 455 1863. E. K. FOSTER. State's Attorney for the 4th Judicial Circuit of Florida, 1868-70. 1863. T. A. KENNETT. Publisher of the Dry Goods Reporter. 1863. L. A. STIMsON. Surgeon to the Presbyterian Hospital, 1876; Professor of Pathological Anatomy in the University of the City of New York, since 1878; author of " Manual of Operative Surgery" (Philadelphia, 1878); Translator of Gosselius' "Clinical Surgery" (Philadelphia, 1878); contribu- tor to Popular Science Monthly, and various medical periodicals. 1863. XV. G. SUMNER. Contributor to Scribner's Monthly. 1865. S. V. SMITH. Residence at San Rafael, Cal.; business at San Francisco. 1865. H. A. STINSON. Called to the ist Congregational Church, Springfield, Mass. 1866. R. W. TODD. Said to have removed from New York City. 1867. H. M. DEXTER. Literary Editor of The Congregationalist, since 18-8. 1867. HORATIO SEYMOUR. State Engineer for New York, since 1877. 1867. F. M. SPRAGUE. Add Rev. and Captain, 1862; 1st Lieutenant, 1861-2. 1869. R. B. RichARDSON. Principal of the High School, Chicopee, Mass., since 1878. 1869. F. A. SCOTT. Instructor in German in the University of Michigan, 1873-5 ; still connected with Johns Hopkins University. 1870. E. F. MERRIAM. Editor and Publisher of the Sunday Afternoon Magazine, since 1878. 1871. F. L. AUCHINCLOSs. Died at Yokohama, Japan, November 18, 1878. 1871. C. R. LANMAN. Assistant Professor of Sanscrit in Johns Hopkins University, since 1878. 1872. D. N. BEACI. Accepted call to Providenee, R. I., December, 1878. 1872. F. S. DENNIS. Member 'of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, since 1877. 1872. E. T. OWEN. Professor of Modern Languages in the University of Wiscon- sin, since 1878; address, Madison, Wis. 1872. L. G. PARSONS. President of the Yale Navy, 1871-2. 1872. F. H. SMITE. Removed from Albany, N. Y., to Greeley, Colo. 1872. W. P. WooD. LL. B. Columbia College, 1874; Master in Chancery; Cap- tain and Judge Advocate in the 9th New Jersey National Guards. 1873. EDEN ALEXANDER. Professor in East Tennessee University. 1873. J. H. VANBUREN. Removed from Milford to Seymour, Conn. 1874. G. W. BENEDICT. M. D. Columbia College, 1878. 1874. T. DEW. CUYLER. Attorney for the Pennsylvania Railroad. 1874. W. S. HALSTED. House Physician in Bellevue Hospital, 1876-7. - 1874. ELLIS MENDELL. S. T. B. Yale College, 1878; address, New Haven, Conn. 1874. C. W. MINOR. Address, Stamford, Conn. 1875. W. A. FULLER.' Died at Denver, Colo., January 13, 1877. 1875. H. A. OAKs. President of the Yale Navy, 1874-5. 1875. XW X. SEYMOUR. M. D. Harvard College, 1878. 1875. E. H. WEATHERDEE. Law Office at Post Office Building, New York City. 4 '.y AIII I 1. II IIA I .lllrll II s5 456 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1875.. H. M. WELCH. Studied medicine at the College of Physicans and Surgeons, New York City, and died at the Hospital, September 18, 1877. 1875. E. W. WHITNEY. Probably M. D.; Assistant House Surgeon at the Cook County Hospital. 1876. C. N. FoWLER. LL. B. University of Chicago, 1878. 1876. E. P. HOW& President of the Yale Navy, 1875-6. 1876. J. S. VANBUREN. 1878, at Yokohama, Japan; address, care of .Joseph E. Sheffield, New Haven, Conn. 1877. G. H. THoMAs. Law Student at New Haven, Conn., 1878. 1877. ARTHUR WILLIAMS. Medical Student at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. 1879. D. Y. CAMPBELL. Changes to class of 188o. SIGMA CHAPTER. 1841. S. G. ARNOLD. Summer residence at Middletown, R. I. 1841. G. W. BROWN. Thought to have gone to Kansas to assist in. making it a free State; practiced law, and died there. 1841. MERRICK LYON. Principal of the Waterman street Classical and English School, 1841-5 ; President of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, 1872-3 and 1873-4, and of the American Institute of Instruction, 1874-6: Member of the Public School Committee of Providence, 1855-73, and since 1876. 185o. H. F. LANE. Tutor in Columbian College, 1850-2. 1852. W. N. BROOKE. Professor in Norfolk Military Academy. 1852. C. H. MALCOM. Professor in Bates College, 1874; Secretary of the A. P. So- ciety, 1876; Pastor of the Second Baptist Church, Newport, R. I., 1856-76; author of "Triune Education" (1854), "Faith and Form" (1868), "Liber- ty Concerning Communion" (1868), "The Quakers and the Baptists" (1869), " The Founder of Rhode Island" (1870), " Beauty of Odd-Fellow- ship " (1870), " The Antwerp Peace Conference" (1877). 1854. H-1. W. JOHNSTON. Agent of the Department of Marine and Fisheries for the _ Province of Nova Scotia. 1859. B. T. HUTCHINs. Lieutenant in the 3d United States Cavalry, 1861; 1st Lieutenant in the 6th United States Cavalry, 1862; Captain, 1865 ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the 1st Cavalry Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, 1864; Brevet Major in the United States Army, 1865-9 ; B. D. Protestant Episcopal Divinity School, 1876; Rector of Trinity Church, since 1876. x86o. H. S. ADAMS, Said to have removed from Brooklyn to Augusta, Ga. GAMMA CHAPTER. 183o. W. S. TYLER.' Author of "The Teaching of Christ Respecting Eternal Punishment" (1878). 1853. R. M. BENJAMIN. Principal of Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass., 1853-4. 1853. G. E. H ODGE; Residence doubtful. 1853. J. W. MALLET. A. B. Trinity College, Dublin, 1853; Ph. D. University of Gbttengen, 1852; M. D. University of Louisiana, 1868; LL. D. College of William and Mary (Va.) and University of Mississippi, 1872. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 457 1854. L. H. BUGBEE. D. D. Ohio Wesleyan University, x869. 1855. E. P. HARRIS. Professor of Modern Languages and Natural Science in Vic- toria College, 1859-66. 1858. C. B. ANDREWS. Member of the Connecticut Legislature, 1878 ; Governor of the State of Connecticut, 1879. 1858. L. D. CHAPIN. Missionary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, stationed at Teintsin, China. 1859. JUDSON SMITH. Tutor in Greek and Latin. in Oberlin College, 1862-4; In- structor in Mathematics and Mental Philosophy in Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1864-6. 1862. J. O. PECK. D. D. Lawrence University, Ip74. x863. W. G. THOMPSON. Member of the Common Council of Detroit, 1874 and 1875; President, 1875 ; Delegate to the National Republican Convention, 1876. 1864. C. M. LAMSON. Instructor in Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass.,. 1864-5. x866. C. H. PARKHURST. Principal of the High School, Amherst, Mass., 1867-9. 1866. S. B. RAND. Missionary at Maulmain, British Burmah. 1867. C. H. THoMPSON. In Europe, 1878. Residence unknown. 1867. W. H. WHITE. Studying History at Berlin, Germany, 1878-9. 1868. D. C. HEATH. Removed to Boston, Mass. 1868. H. H. WHEELER, JR. Permanent address, South Butler, N. Y. 1869. W. R. SCARRITT. Add " Rev." Residence unknown. 1869. D. G. THOMPSON. Instructor in Latin in the High School, Springfield, Mass.,_ 1870-2 ; contributor to Mind, 1877 and 1878. 1870. W. D. MOSMAN. Superintendent of City Missions, New Haven, Conn., since 1877. 1870. G. H. WHITE. Principal of the High School, Hadley, Mass., 1870-3. 1871. T. L. STILES. Removed from Indianapolis to Tucson, Ariz. 1872. H. B. ADAMS. Lecturer on History in Smith College, 1878. - 1872. P. M. DowD. M. D. University of the City of New York, 1877; House Physician at Bellevue Hospital, 1877-8. 1873. A. M. BRIDGMAN. Editor (with M. Gay, Gamma, '75) of the Waterbury Val- ley Index, since 1877. 1873. G. W. EDMOND. Residence uncertain. Has been at Auburn, Me. 1873. E. M. HARTWELL. M. D. Cincinnati, 1878; address, 70 West 7th st., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. 1874. E. M. SMITH. Thought to have left New York City. 1875. MosES GAY. Editor (with A. M. Bridgman, Gamma, '73) of the Waterbury Valley Index, since 1877. 1876. W. D. RODMAN. Residence, 35 Garden place, Brooklyn; N. Y. 1876. W. H. WHITING. Principal of the high School, Palmer, Mass., since 1878. 1877. C. S. HARTWELL. Studying at Theological Seminary, Hartford, Con;,: 1878-9. 458 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1877. W.-A. MACLEOD. B. S. Boston University, 1876; Boston address, 523 Co- lumbus av. 1878. EDWARD AYRES. Principal of Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass., since 1878. 1878. E. O. DYER. Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn., 1878-9; will soon sail for China as a missionary. 1878. H. N. GARDINER. Instructor in the Academy, Glens Falls, N. Y., since 1878. 1878. W. H. LESTER. Principal of the High School, West Alexander, Pa., since 1878. 1878. J. H. SELDEN. Studying at Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn., 1878-9. 1878. G. W. STEARNS. Studying at Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass., 1878-9. ZETA CHAPTER. - 1842. J. S. WOODMAN. Associate Founder of the Chandler Scientific School. 1843. F. S. FISK. Uses the Spelling " Fiske." 1843. D. L. FURJ3ER. D. D. Dartmouth College, 1874. 1844. E. W. CLARK. B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, 1847. 1844. HARVEY JEWELL. LL. D. Dartmouth College, 1875. 1846. G. A. GORDON. Member of the Elliott Society of Natural History (Charles- ton, S. C.); of the South Carolina Historical Society; of the New Hamp- shire Historical Society, and of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. 1849. G. W. STEVENS. Alderman of the City of Lowell, 1873 and 1874. 1850. JOHN ORDRONAUX. LL. D. Trinity College, 1870; Member of the Medico- Legal Society of Paris, since 1870. 150. ALFRED RUSSELL. Phi Beta Kappa Orator at the University of Vermont, 1878. 185o. H. E. SAWYER. Secretary of the American Institute of Instruction, 1878. 1853. H. N. BURTON. S. T. D. Dartmouth College, 1875. 1853. I. W. MOORE. M. D. South Carolina Medical College, 1856. 1853. E. J. WOOD. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, at Goshen, Ind. 1854. R. D. MUSSEY. Secretary of the Psi UPSILON Association of Washington, D. C., since 1878. 1855. W. H. H. ALLEN. Has been Register in Bankruptcy in the United States Court. 1855. J. M. BICKFORD. Colonel of a Confederate Regiment, 1864. 1855. D. D. PATTEN. Principal of the High School, Woburn, Mass., and of the High School, Portland, Me. 1855. CHANDLER RICHARDS. Judge of Probate. 1856. C. P. CLARK. Lieutenant in the United States Navy, 1862-5 ; General Manager of the N. Y. and N. E. Railroad, since 1877. x856. A. N. CURRIER. Professor of Latin and Greek in Iowa State University, since 1867, ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 459 1856. B. F. PRESCOTT. Vice-President of the New Hampshire Antiquarian Socie. ty ; Governor of New Hampshire, 1877-9. 1857. E. C. BRABBLE. Captain of Infantry, 1861; Colonel, 1862 ; Major of the 1st N. C. Battalion of Volunteers, 1861. , 1857. D. R. CARTER. Died at Winchester, Va. 1857. JOHN MITCHELL. County Attorney and not County Clerk ; Colonel of Cav- alry, 1862-4; re-elected Judge for four years, 1877. 1858. J. F. AIKEN. Author of "History of Liberty." 1858. J. W. BEEDE. M. D. Bellevue Hospital College, 1864; Member of the City Council; Chairman of the School Committee. 1858. E. E. SPALDING. Superintendent of Schools, Gallipolis, Ohio. 1859. J. W. GROSVENOR. M. D. Bellevue Hospital Medical College 1859. J. H. NEWTON. Member of the Common Council of Holyoke, 1876. 1859. L. T. TOWNSEND. D. D. Dartmouth College, 1871. 1862. J. S. WARREN. M. D. Jefferson Medical College, 1864. 1865.' C. C. ARMS. M. D. Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1868. 1865. J. S. CHAPMAN. B. D. Lane Theological Seminary. 1865. -H. A. HUSE. Instructor in the State Normal School, Randolph, Vt., 1871-2; Assistant Librarian, 1868-72; State Librarian, since 1873. 2866. J. S. GARLAND. LL. B. St. Louis Law School. 1866. L. L. WoOD. LL. B. University of Michigan, 1868. 1867. C. H. MERRILL. B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, 1870. 1867. B. C. NOYES. Middle name should be Chaplin. 1868. H. C. BLIss. LL. B. Columbian University. 1868. F. P. WOOD. Instructor in Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., 1866-8; B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, 1871. 1869. G. J. CUMMINGS. Vice-President of the American Institute of Instruction, 1878. x869. J. E. HATCH. LL. B. Columbian University, 1871. 1869. I. L. NICHOLSON. B. D. Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary, Alex- andria, Va., 1871. I870. R. E. AVERY. Associate Principal of Maplewood Young Ladies' Institute, since 1878; residence changed from Poultney, Vt., to Pittsfield, Mass. 1870. A. LEONARD. Removed from St. Louis, Mo., to Hannibal, N. Y. 1870. S. H. STEELE. LL. B. Columbian University, 1871; Clerk of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Revision' of Law, 1870-1. 1871. M. S. BATES. Principal of the Academy, Bristol, Vt., 1871-2; Professor in Burr and Burton Seminary, since 1872. 1871. R. M. FUNKHOUSER. M. D. University of the City of New York. 1871. T. S. FUNKIIOUSER. LL. B. University of Virginia. 1873. S. W. ADRIANCE. Writes his name S. Winchester Adriance. 1875. J. J. BRADLEY., Drowned in Lovenell Pond, Fryeburg, June 7, 1876. 1876. R. A. EDWARDS. Professor of English Literature and Rhetoric in Knox Col- lege, since 1878. i i i i iii 460 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1876. L. W. MOREY. Permanent address, North Thetford, Vt. 1876. E. P. SANBORN. Principal of the High School, South Abington, Mass., 1877-8. 1876. H. F. TOWLE. 'Principal of the Grammar School, Quincy, Mass., 1878, and of the High School, South Abington, Mass., since 1878. 1876. R. P. WILLIAMS. A. M. Harvard College, 1878; Principal of the High School, Lincoln, Mass., since 1878. 1877. E. C. CARRIGAN. Address, for 1878-9, Littleton, N. H. 1877. W. E. NOXON. Principal of the High School, Housatonic, 1877-8, and at Port Jefferson, N. Y., since 1878. 1877. W. W. PRESCOTT. Principal at Northfield, Vt., since 1877. 1877. R. A. RAY. Principal of the High School, Townsend, Mass., 1874-5; In. structor in the High School, Concord, N. H., 1876-8. 1877. J. L. SEWALL. Principal at Olivet, since 1877. 1877. J. H. SMITH. Assistant Superintendent of the United States Educational Exhibit at the Paris Exposition, 1878. 1877, S. B. T HOMBS. Student of Medicine, Portland, Me., since 1877. 1877. J. W. WILLIS. Instructor in Latin in the St. Paul High School, since 1878. 1877. J. C. WINSLOW. Law Student, Columbia College, since 1878. 1878. ISAAC F. PAUL. Principal of the High School, Fitzwilliam, N. H., since 1878. The following gentlemen, of the Class of 1882, in Dartmouth College, have been pledged by PSI UPSILON, but will not be initiated until May, 1879: WILLIAM WENTWORTH ALLEN, Alton, N. H.; CLARENCE EASTMAN CROSS, Manches- ter, N. H.; MOTT ALVAII CUMMINGS, Claremont, N. H.; CHARLES FRAN- CIS GARDNER, Sacramento, Cal.; FREDERIC HENRY GARMAN, North Orange, Mass.; FRED HARRISON KNIGHT, Saco, Me.; PAUL LANG, Ox- ford, N. H.; JOHN BOUTON LAWRENCE, South Norwalk, Conn.; LUTHER' BARTLETT LITTLE, Webster, N. H. ; FREDERIC CLARENCE NEWTON, Manchester, N. H.; HENRY HORATIO PARKER, Hanover, N. H. (son of Professor Henry E. Parker, Zeta, 1841); CHARLES RoY PARTRIDGE, El- mira, N. Y.; ISAAC EMERSON PEARL, Farmington, N. H.; WILLIAM GEORGE POOR, Andover, Mass. ; JOHN LEAR SEVERENCE, Lawrence, Mass.; FRANK HURON WALLACE, Epsom, N. H. LAMBDA CHAPTER. 1843. W. MCCUNE. Not Valedictorian but Greek Salutatorian, the highest honor. 1843. C. REYNOLDS. Chaplain of the 2d Kansas Cavalry at one time. 1845. H. P. WAINWRIGHT. Greek Salutatorian, 1845. 1846. W. W. OLSSEN. Greek Salutatorian, 1846. i847.+W. L. CHILDS. A. B. Columbian College, 1844. 1847. ROBERT HOLDEN. Latin Salutatory, 1847. 1848. M. Dix. Author of "Sermons Doctrinal and Practical " (1878). 1852. H. A. TAILER. Inspector of Common Schools for the 15th Ward of New York City. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 461 1855. C. W. EoFF. Died January 31, 1854. 1856. E. E. LEE. Student at Dartmouth College, 1851-2. 1869. R. L. BELKNAP. Honorary A. B. College of New Jersey, 1869; Founder of the New York Delta of Phi Beta Kappa, 1868 ; Captain and Commissary in the 1st Brigade of National Guards of the State of New York ; Major and Engineer, 1874; Major and Inspector, 1874-7 ; Acting Assistant Inspector- General, 1875 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff, since 1877. 1871. W. KEMBLE. Killed by an explosion in Delaware, 1877. KAPPA CHAPTER. 1842. W E. PHILLIPS. Removed from Hot Springs, Ark., to Chicago, Ill.; Chap- lain of St. Luke's Hospital, since 1878. 1842. H. H. SMITH. Superintendent of Schools, Atlanta, Ga., and Houston, Tex. 1843. J. D. LINCOLN. Overseer of Bowdoin College ; Lecturer in the Medical De- partment. 1845. I. N. WADSWORTH. Member of the Maine Legislature, 1864 and 1876; Supervisor of Schools. 1846. C. A. SPOFFORD. Speaker, 1855-6. 1848. E. C. SMITH. Editor of Church and State at one time; author of a volume of Essays. 1850 W. P. FRYE. Aide to the Governor of Maine, with rank of Major. 185o. G. P. GOODWIN. Died at Evanston, Ill., June 12, 1878. z85o. H. F. HARDING. Financial Agent of the Academy, Hallowell. 1853. H. C. GOODENOW. Judge of the Police Court of the City of Bangor, since 1873. 1853. J. B. SOUTHGATE. Died at Scarsborough, Me. 1854. H. P. BROWN. Not at Bridgton, Me. 1854. J. S. CUSHING. Pension Surgeon, since 1873; Trustee, since 1876. 1854. C. B. STETSON. Author of "Technical Education" (1873)- 1854. W. L. SYMONDS. Contributor to Knickerbocker. 1854 \W. P. TUCKER. Editor of the "Catalogue of Library of Bowdoin College" (1858). 1855. C. H. FOsTER. Major of United States Volunteers. 1855. B. F. HAYES. B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, 1858; Principal of Lap- ham Institute, North Scituate, R. I., 1863-5 ; Professor of Modern Lan- guages in Bates College, 1865-9, and of Psychology, since 1870. 1855. O. B. HEWETT. Principal of a Public School, Chicago, Ill.,.1857; Judge of Probate ; Captain in the 2d Cavalry Regiment, of Nebraska Volunteers; Chief Clerk of the Couneil of the Territorial Legislature; Clerk of the State Senate; District Attorney of the 2d Judicial District, four years; Member of the United States House of Representatives, elected 1878. 1855. E. Ross. Address, for 1879, New Castle, Me. 1855. Ls W. STANTON. Instructor in Greek and Latin in the Maine State Semi- nary, 1860-3; Professor at Bates College, 1863-5; Principal of the High School, Newburyport, Mass., and of the Literary Institution, New Hamp- ton, N. H.; Acting Professor of Latin in Union College, one year. 4.62 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 0856. C. H. CARLTON. B. D. Newton Theological Seminary, r86o. x856. R. B. HOWARD. B. D. Bangor Theological Seminary, r86o. 1856. T. B. LENOIR. Inspector-General of State Troops (Confederate) in Mississip- pi, 1863-4; Adjutant-General of the State of Mississippi, 1864-5 ; died December 1i, 1874. 1856. W. H. SMYTH. Removed from Atlanta, Ga., to Chicago, Ill.; Brevet Major of the 16th United States Infantry ; United States Marshal for Georgia, 1876; United States Commissioner at Chicago. 1856. J. Y. STANTON. Instructor in the Literary Institution, New Hampton, N. H., 1856-9; Principal of the Academy, Derry, N. H., 1862-3; B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, 18(2. 1856. S. W. TENNEY. B. D. Bangor Theological Seminary, 186r, and Agent of the Christian Commission, in which service he died. 1856. I. H. WING. Police Judge of Hudson City, Wis., 1861. 1857. C. C. HAMLIN. Major of the 18th Infantry Regiment of Maine Volunteers, and of the 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, 1862-3; Assistant Adjutant-General of United States Volunteers in the 25th Division, 3d Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1863-4; Assistant Inspector of Artillery and Brigadier-General, 1864-5; City Solicitor of Bangor, 1865-7; Register in bankruptcy, since 1867 ; author of'" Insolvent Laws of Maine " (1878). 1857. E. A. RAND. Author of "Kindling Wood' Jimmy and Christmas Jack" (1878). 1858. J. P. CILLEY. Member of the Maine Legislature, 1867; Deputy Collector of Customs, 1867-71; Member of the Common Council of the City of Rock. land, 1873-5; Member of the Maine Historical Society; Corresponding Member of the New Hampshire Historical Society; contributor to the Maine Genealogical Magazine. x86o. N. E. BOYD. Clerk of Customs and Superintendent of Warehouses at Port- land, 1863-7; B. D. Meadville Theological Seminary, 1871 ; Pastor of the Independent (Free Religious) Church at Canastota, N. Y., 1875-6. 186o. A. N. RowE. Lieutenant in the 30th Maine Volunteers; died November 21, 1864. x86o. J. W. SYMoNDs. City Solicitor of Portland, 1870-3; Judge of the Superior Court for the County of Cumberland, 1872-8; Associate Justice of the Su- preme Judicial Court of Maine, since 1878. 186x. L. A. EMERY. Prosecuting Attorney of Hancock County, 1867-71 ; City So- licitor of Ellsworth, since 1870. 1861. S. M. FINGER. Member of the North Carolina Legislature ; Senator of the State of North Carolina, 1878. i86z. S. JORDAN. Acting Assistant Paymaster in the United States Navy, 1861-5. 1861. A. S. PACKARD, JR. Professor of Geology and Zoology in Brown University, since 1878 ; Editor of the "Zoology of the Vertebrates, by Dr. MacAllister, of the University of Dublin, revised for American Students " (1878). 1861. M. E. ShELL. Probably should be Schell. Died in 1862 from disease con- tracted in the (Confederate) Army. 1862. A. N. LINSCOTT. Prosecuting Attorney of Chicago. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 463 1862. J. T. MAGRATH. Declined election as Missionary Bishop of Cape Palmas, Africa. 1863. S. P. N. SMYTH. Author of "The Religious Feelings: a Study for Faith" (1877). 1868. C. A. RING. Al. D. Columbia College, 1873. x869. G. W. HALE. Studying Medicine in Paris, France, 1878-9. 1869. F. W. RING. M. D. Boivdoin College, 1878. . 1870. W. E. SPEAR. Studying Law. Omits " Rev." 1874. C. C. SPRINGER. Instructor in Modern Languages in Boidoin College, 1876-7. 1875. W. J. CURTIS. Law Clerk at 10 Wall street, New'York; address, for 1879, 115 E. 14th street, New York City. 1875. G. R. SwASEY. LL. B. Boston University, 1878. * PSI CHAPTER. x844. LEWIs PECK. Died, 1878. 1846. C. A. BUCKBEE. B. D. Madison University, 1848. 1846. S. B. JOHNSON. B. D. Madison University, 1848. 1847. M. E. DUNHAM. D. D. American University of Philadelphia, 1878. 1847. J. R. HAWLEY. Re-elected to the United States House of Representatives, 1878. 1847. A. OSTRANDER. Died August, 1878; Secretary and Treasurer, 1871-8. 1848. A. H. BJRLINGHAM. B. D. Madison University, 185o. 1849. L. PARSONS. B. D. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1854. 1849. W. B. RUGGLES. LL. B. Hamilton College, 1858- 1862. B. F. MILLER. B. D. Union Theological Seminary, 1868. 1863. R. DAVIS. M. D. Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1867. 1864. B. F. POPE.A M. D. Albany Medical College, 1864. 1866. J. N. TILDEN. M. D. Long Island Medical College, 1864. 1867. H. R. PRATT. M. D. University of Michigan, 1867. 1869. C. ANDERSON, JR. B. D. Andover Theological Seminary, 1874. 1870. J. VANB. LEWIS. Assistant State Reporter of the New York Supreme Court. 1872. J. ANDERSON. B. D. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1876. 1872. A. S. HOYT. B. D. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1878. 1872. C. H. TOLL. Member of the Colorado Legislature, 1879. 1873. C. F. Goss. B. D. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1876. 1873. - .W O'BRIEN. LL. B. Columbia College, 1878. 1874. C. H. VANWIE. B. D. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1877. 1876. E. C. STRINGER. Permanent address, Dansville, N. Y. 1877. G. W. KIMBERLEY. Associate Principal of the Union School, Deposit, N. Y., 1877-8 ; Instructor in the Susquehannah Collegiate Institute, Towanda, Pa., since 1878. 1878. W. H. ANDERSON. Address, Auburn, N. Y. 464 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, XI CHAPTER. 1842. D. AYRES. Founder of the Ayres Prize in Wesleyan University, 1863 1842. J. PIKE. Member of Congress, I855-9. 1845. H. F. SAVAGE. Removed from Crescent to Conklingville, N. Y. 1846. A. S. GRAVES. Has received D. D. 1847. J. E. KING. Poet at the 8th Quadrennial Celebration of the Xi Chapter, 1877. 1848. J. O. BRONSON. Professor of Anatomy in the New York Me dical College, 1860-"1; Surgeon of Volunteers, 1862 and 1865. 184?. J. C. CLARKE. Principal of New Hampshire Conference Seniinary, North.. field, N. H., 7850-2. 1848. J. E. LATIMER. Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, 1872; Orator at the 6th Quadrennial Celebration of the Xi Chapter, 1868. 1850. E. H. HARLOW. Said to have removed to Virginia. 1851. S. P. HOLWAY. Member of the Common Council and Attorney of the City of Middletown, Conn., 1856-7; Cashier of the State Investment and 'In surance Company of San Francisco, 1875'; Mayor's Clerk gnd Clerk-of the Board of Health for the city and county of San Francisco, since 1875 1853. B. F. BURNHAM. Has resigned position of Special Justice. 1853. C. R. POMEROY, D. D. Simpson Centenary College, 1874, and not from ' Baker University._ 1854. P. D. HAMMoND. Poet at the 6th Quadrennial Celebration of the Xi Chap- ter, 1868. 1854. E. F. HOLWAY. Address, care of S. P. Holway, San Francisco, Cal. 1855. C. W. CUSHING, Removed to Italy. Address, care of Italian Bible Society, Philadelphia, Pa. 1863. W. S. SAIYTH. Resigned Principalship of Cazenovia Seminary, 1878. 1864. M. A. HILL. Aide fo General Parke and Commissary of Subsistence, 7863 ; Chief Commissary of Subsistence on the Staffs of General Smith and Gen- eral Ord, 1863-4 ; Inspecting Commissary of the Division of "the Gulf, on the Staff of General Sheridan, 1865 ; Breyet Major, 1865. 1865. J. MUDGE.- Author of "Historical Sketch of the Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church'? (1877), and "Doctrines of God's Holy Word as held by the M. E. Church" (1878). 1865. J. N. PERKINs. Instructor' in Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, 'and in Gouverneur Seminary. 1866. G. G. BUSIL Present address, Quincy, Mass. 1867. H. R. WILLIAMS. M. D. Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1870, and Charity Hospital, 1870. . 1868. R. M. CUMNoCK. Editor of "Choice Readings for Public and Private Enter- tainments " (1878). 1868. D. W. NoRTHRoP. Instructor in Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, 1868-9; Secretary of the Board of Education of the City of Middletown, since 1877. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 465 1869. H. S. CARHART. Contributor to the Popular Science Mfonthly. 1869. W. WELLS. Removed to 3831 Warren street, West Philadelphia, Pa. A. B. Dickinson College, 1866; Instructor in Latin and Greek in Penriington Seminary, 1866-8. 1875. O. A. COLEMAN. Removed to Detroit, Mich. - 1876. G. S. COLEMAN. Removed to 51 W. 37th street, New York City. 1878. J. W. NOURSE. Greek Prize, Intercollegiate Contest, 1878-9. 1879. W. M. BRUNDAGE. Class of 1880. ALPHA CHAPTER. x851. A. M. RHETT. Chief of Police of the city of Charleston, S. C., 1878. 1852. H. W. BROWN. Song Writer ; cf. Song Book, p. i32. 1852. J. COLLINS. Aide on the Staff of General Leventhorpe, 1864-5. 1853. CHARLES CARROLL. Contributor to Harper'Ms Aonthly. 1854. J. P. ALLISON. Cashier of the Citizens' National Bank ; Acting Couiity Treasurer of Woodbury County, Iowa, since 1878. 1855. A. RUPPANER. President of the Gcethe Club of New York City, since 1878; Member of the Juries at the Paris Exposition, 1878. 1856. D. P. KIMBALL. Treasurer of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad. 1858. W. H. F. LEE. 2d Lieutenant in the' 6th United States Irifantry, 1857-9 ; Colonel of Cavalry (Confederate) under General Loring, 186z ; Major and Acting Colonel of Loring's Cavalry, 1861; Lieutenant-Colonel of the 9th Virginia Cavalry, 1861-2; Colonel; Brigadier-General of Cavalry, 1862-3; Captured and held, in solitary confinement, in Fortress Monroe, five months, as hostage for two United States Captains in Libby Prison, 1863-4; appointed Major-General of Cavalry, March, 1864, commanding under Gen- eral Stuart and General Wade Hampton ; Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865. 1871. W. W. BoYD. D. D, Shurtleff College, 1878. 1872. C. R. LAWRENCE. Cashier of the Bunker Hill National Bank. 1872. J. F. RICHARDSON. Government Clerk at Montpelier, Vt., 1878-9. 1873. H. H. HAYNES. Removed to Colorado, 1878. 1873. W. C. HILL. Instructor in Charlier's Institute, 1878-9. UPSILON CHAPTER. 1858. A. C. BACON..' Instructor in the Cherokee Seminary, Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, Indian-Territory, since 1877. 1859I. . H. VANDEUSEN. Removed to Wisconsin, 1878. 186o. S. S. WILcOX. 1st Lieutenant and Captain, x862- killed at Locust Grove, Va. 1861. S. COON. Taught at Niagara Falls, 1867 70. x861. G. F. GARDNER. Thought to have died in 1864 instead of 1870; 1862, D. S. BENJAMIN. Professor in the Free Academy, 1862-4. 1862. C. J. SHELDON. Died at Dubique, Iowa. z862. A. W. TOURGEE. Editor of the Union Ray, Greensboro, N; 6.; iB67. 466 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1862. R. M. TUTTLE. 2d Lieutenant, 1863 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1864; Brevet Cap- tain, 1865. 1865. B. LEWIS. Principal of Union School, Mt. Morris, 1873-6; Instructor in Natural Science in Union School, Lockport, N. Y., since 1876. " 1867. G. H. Fox. Surgeon, 1875; Clinical Professor of . Diseases of the Skin, Woman's Medical College, New York Infirmary, since 1877. 1869. T: B. HOLLAND. Died, 1878. 1871. E. T. ELY. Assistant to the Chair of Ophthalmology in the Medical De- partment of New YorkUniversity and Assistant Surgeon in the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, since 1875; Attending Surgeon in Charity Hospital, since 1878. 1871. W. H. SHAFFER. Special Deputy County Clerk of Monroe County, since 1878. 1873. C. L. GIBBs. Address, for 1878-9, Edenburg, Knox, P. O., Pa. 1873. L. J. HARGOUS. Winter address, 435 Fifth av., New York City. 1875. P. MIANN. Art Student in Germany, 1878-9. 1876. H. B. GROSE. New York Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune; office at the New York Times. 1877. F. W. FORBES. Instructor in Languages in the Normal School, Buffalo, N.Y., since 1877. 1877. W. B. LEE. Class-of 1879, College of New Jersey. 1878. G. M. FORBES. Teaching in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1878-9. 1878. J. F. FORBES. Teaching in Mount Morris, N. Y., [878-9. 1878. XV. T. SUTHERLAND. Instructor in the Deaf and Dumb Institute, Rochester, N. Y., since 1878. IOTA CHAPTER. 186o. R. MCNEILLY. M. D. Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio. x861. E. O. SIMPSON. B. D. Gambier Theological Seminary, 1863. 1864. C. E. BOERSTLER. Said to have removed to Dallas, Te. 1864. F. S. BURROWS. Said to have removed to Chicago, IlL. 1867. J. H. BURTON. Valedictorian, 1867. 1871. L. T. BAXTER. Clerk of the United States District Court, since 1878. 1871. C. W. TYLER. Assistant Editor of the Cleveland Herald.. 1872. L. BLAKE. Address, I878-9, Gambier, Ohio. 1877. H. C. BENSON. Cadet at the United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., since 187.8. 187g. H. H. REESE. Address, [878-9, Chicago, Ill. PilI CHAPTER 1857. J. C. WATSON. Elected Professor of Astronomy in the University of Wiscon- sin, and Director of the Washburn Observatory, 1878. 1868. M. W. HARRINGTON. Professor in the State University at Baton Rouge, La., singe 1878. ADITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 467 1871. J. A. MERCER. Add to Charter Members named on page 6. 1873. R. S. GRoss. Assistant Minister of St. Peter's Church, New York, since 1878. 1874. T. H. JOHNSTON. Removed from Leipsic to Strasbourg, 1878. OMEGA CHAPTER. 1872. O. B. CLARK. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in Indiana State University, since 1878. 1873. E. OLSON. Instructor in Greek and German in the University of Chicago, 1875-8 ; Adjunct Professor of Greek Language and Literature, since 1878. 1875. L. M. TRUMBULL. Permanent address, Decatur, Ill. 1878. -W. A. GARDNER. Address, for 1878-9, Chicago, Ill. 1878. J. D. S. RIGGS. Instructor in the Salt Lake Academy, and Principal of the Commercial Department, since 1878; address, Salt Lake City, Utah. P1 CHAPTER. - 1875. N. Af. WHEELER. Principal of the Wesleyan Seminary, Eau Claire, Wis., since 1878. 1878. C. E. MOGG. Should read Rev. C. E. Mogg. r88i. M. M. GoODWIN. Removed to Chicago, Ill. CHI CHAPTER. x868. H. H. BoYESEN. Author of "Falconberg" (cf. Scribner's Afonthly). 1873. H. C. JOHNSON. LL. B. Hamilton College, 1875 ; Head Master of the Ury - House School, 1875-7. 1876. C. F. CARPENTER. Address, for 1878-9, Stock Yard Hotel, 61st st., New York. 1876. C. W. RAYMOND. C. E. Cornell University, 1878; Assistant Engineer in the Department of Docks in New York City, since 1876. 1879. C. P. BACON. Removed to Elmira, N. Y.; Editor of The Diamond, 18'78, and of the Elmira Daily Gazette, since 1878. 1879. A. H. SEXTON. Address, for 1878-9, Ann Arbor, Mich. Permanent ad- dress, care of E. B. Hale & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ADDITIONAL NAMES. The following names of recently admitted members were received too late to be in- cluded in the Chapter lists, and are not counted in any of the statistical tables: No. 4929. B, 1880. WILMORE ANWAY, Florida, N. Y. A.R. 0". " 4930. B, 188o. LEROY BLISS PECKHAM, Lebanon, Conn. d2.R.,. " 4931, B, 88o. FREDERICK PLATT SKINNER, Owego, N. Y. A..K, ." 4932. A, 1881. FREDERICK WILLIAM REID, New York City. .fi.A,. " 4933. A, 18S1. ALVAN HOWARD VANSINDEREN, Brooklyn, N. Y. N.p.. " 4934. A, 1882. WILLIAM T. LAWSON, New York City. 3.f. 4935, 7, 1882. WILLIAM WADSWORTH RUSSELL, Yonkers, N. Y. N.r.$. " 4936. A, 1881. EUGENE FREDERICK PEARCE, Brooklyn, N. Y. .f.A " 468 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. No. 4937. r, [882. ROLAND COTTON SMITH, New York City. Xm.O. "f4938. H, 1882. GEORGE HIRAM KENNEDY, Syracuse, N. Y. A.p.Z,. " 4939. H, 1882. CLAYTON LEONARD MOREY, Lockport, N. Y K.r.A . 4940. A, i88. GEORGE SHARP RAYMER, New York City. A.1.AJ. A. B. Harvard College, x878. MISCELLANEOUS. A ;876. B. G. COOK. M D. Columbia College, 1879. B 1853. EDWARD HARLAND. Not Clerk in the Patent Office. B 1853. E. C. STEDMAN.- Phi Bela Kappa Poet at Harvard College, 1877. B 1871. S. B. JACKSON. Speaker df the Assembly of the New Jersey Legislature, 1879. E 1876. G. E. CONEY. Address for 1879, [50 West 34th street, New York City. Z 1857. L. S. SHAW. Had-removed to Lawrence, Kans., where lie was residing at the time of his decease. Z 1859. L. T. TOWNSEND. Author of "Elements of General and Christian The: ology " (i879). K 1872. H. WILDER. Has left Hingham, Mass.; resides at Barre, MAiss: V 1859. R. W. THACHER. Removed from Ottawa, Kansas, to Albany, N. Y. 7'1879. R. N. HAWLEY. M. D. Columbia College, [879. A 1854. C. A. GILBERT. Removed from Gainesville, Fla., to Key West, Fla. 1 [859. G. G. DAINEs. Has again becomd Principal of Wesleyan'Seniinai, Ant. werp, N. Y. 2 1870. M. W. VANDENBURG. M. D. University of the City of New York, 1879. Page 335. POMEROY BROTHERS. Add WILLIAM POMEROY, Z .1861, making it a group of five brothers. Page 381. J. E. HATCH. Removed from 8 W. 3d st. to V5 W. 4th street. Pate 391. G. E. HODGE. Marked unknown, should be in New York City list: The-statistical tables include the names of 725 deceased members. Since those were made up the following-deaths have occurred: B 1849. C. G. CAME. Died at Boston Highlands, Mass., January 16, I879. B 1856. ALFRED COIT. Died at New London, Conn., January 17, 1879. 2 1859. WILIAM EDDY. Died at Edenburg, Pa., February 13, 1879. Si1853. MARCELLUS EMERY. Died at Bangor, Me., February 23, 1879. A 1851. JAMES DEKOVEN. Died at Racine, Wis., March 19, 1879. The number of members vho have received the degree of Ph. 'D. is-41 ;of D. D., 128, and of LL. D., 49. yr n rrr.rrirn rmni r+rrnrrrr rrrm rrr i r rr.Y.r r iiu u ii r V " I -9 s T .1 ! * J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : '=- Y b ... ° tY"t ,+ . - . .y= ''x1 t ttrt{1 r F r~ " +J y,,r b + /., , r f , y f K- a 1 ,., 7r /..t, - "', z ;,,'"' r i .5 , e.,, ;".. 7 f °4 fr. ,\ '1 : ' ~ ' ti. ""- , '" A- , , ; ' . r-- % /r ' ,- .x".r ; :Cy -~ ', .} { I ,i, r ' 'k '' -i z ' , + r .r , r . t~~~: r _t _ "- t F , '< aT, r ' Y -' 3: . w . + .y' 1;.. 4 r -r .y {. (' ""-, N "M x t: _t r ...: r rK r ^Y .T ' ' E r , . . ~, ' "t ,,% ~ ~ i' a y -"'%.I ."- -t ., rIn . .-t' - , ,' '.,s ti ... y-i a t F -'S , v ~ .. - / } >l .k'j f 4 "4'- r . "Y 7 s ^ '1' ' > --4 s F z,: r. v 4 -- fr t ti /-(r t / -K-).A0£ . l 3 ." . 7 +4.r rY O ..4 ti4 't $T9 'b+ s y, ! r y " yF - . g i x -,t , , J S : E x < 4 ,4 4 r.4-t rt s 1 L S _i 1- T Cr. ' 1, !J," lv . . : r.J 'A I- I - .4.4+ ;* ~+~ ,C .. fi,- R>z F s-1. .-- f i ; _ ti a - r a4.t.4.4r- -,<,-) ~ -t ,F ..; ".t 7_v.r 4 q -. y :,6,}r.; :;i ;"4- - _--4" t - ; <-I- r s ^,. " a f,,,, ' "j , " - 1,' ,.a" "i +k_ -'- ,_ie 1.,s., er " t ; a, x _', , ,- " - ,,'i 1 , ,r . t:'..-4.'4 { ~ "x r N\- ,,. ^r': -r_' , i r 4+6 c, .4 .^< _FR ' ^ i ,. t", F+l:, F ; ,. r4 ti ":... ..- . ., - t"< .4' , '( i'St 1- ,}, ;Y . . ,' ,, r '.".44, ,1 .° ,s 44 , - -, , " - t 1-' . YJ , k ',.' ' , _ J < "t ..4447 .4 .r s .'..._4 '; - '1 s. .a-y'7' - '": r - Y 1. .I;f i .4-" -.. - '_ ', =r -'r ;e '1.4y -' '< .. ~ .' c .4...4 " ' r -,r +c; .t4,Ta " y ' r n4. 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