Architectural iº B 4,3555 | 0 & C ( F 2 "ºl CLEVELAND MARKET || DATA HANDBOOK REAL PROPERTY INVENTORY OF METROPOLITAN CLEVELAND INCORPORATED NOT FOR PROFIT O F F I C E R S President Secretary RAY MOND T. CRAGIN O. W. L. COFFIN Vice-President Treasurer ABRAM GARFIELD STEWART ANTHONY HOWARD WHIPPLE GREEN T R U S T E E S J. B. ANDERSON Commercial Survey Engineer The Ohio Bell Telephone Company STEWART ANTHONY A88istant Vice-President The Cleveland Trust Company ROBERT F. BINGHAM Thompson, Hine & Flory, Attorneys LEYTON E. CARTER Director, The Cleveland Foundation O. W. L. COFFIN Vice-Chairman, Regional War Labor Board SIDNEY B. CONGDON President, National City Bank RAYMOND T. CRAGIN Cragin, Lang & Co., Realtors IRVING W. DISTEL Vice-President, Society for Savings WALTER L. FLORY Thompson, Hine & Flory, Attorneys ABRAM GARFIELD Garfield, Harris, Robinson & Schafer Architects HOWARD WHIPPLE GREEN Director, Real Property Inventory of Metropolitan Cleveland JOHN F. HEHIR Budget Commissioner, Cuyahoga County A. R. HORR Vice-President, The Cleveland Trust Company ELMER L. LINDSETH President, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company CHARLES F. MCCAHILL Vice-President and General Manager The Cleveland New8 W. J. MCCARTER General Manager, Cleveland Transit System J. C. MCHANNAN Chairman of the Board, Central National Bank JOHN G. MEILINK General Manager, The Cleveland Press J. FRENCH ROBINSON President, The East Ohio Gas Company WILLIAM E. ROE Vice-President, Central National Bank HENRY S. SHERMAN President, Society for Savings JOSEPH T. SWEENY Director of Finance, City of Cleveland H. R. TEMPLETON Vice-President, The Cleveland Trust Company J. A. WAN BUREN Business Manager, The Cleveland Plain Dealer MICHAEL WACH Clerk-Treasurer, Board of Education, Cleveland JAMES B. WOLF Manager, Real Estate Department The National City Bank CLEVELAND MARKET DATA HANDBOOK 1945 Edition HOWARD WHIPPLE GREEN REAL PROPERTY INVENTORY OF METROPOLITAN CLEVELAND Architectural Library HC | () 7 C (, R 2 | 74 E CopyRIGHT, 1945 BY REAL PROPERTY INventory of MetRopolitan ClevelAND Cleveland, Ohio ALL RIGHTs Reserved t CR & ve 2--&ale Q Cº-º-º: Sºº-º-º- -t (5 sº Presenting Cleveland A Great and Growing Market The Cleveland community is a rich market for all commodities. An intimate understanding of this market, its size, rate of growth, and business activities, is profit- able. Its population has increased during the war period. More families now live in Cuyahoga County. Water con- sumption has reached new heights, wages in the manu- facturing industry have risen, its high department store sales volume is maintained. Pig iron production is at record heights, post office receipts have increased, tele- phone subscribers are at new heights, and street car riders are numerous, while automobile sales are off and auto- mobile registration has declined. Receipts of coal by rail and ore by boat are high, bank resources reached all-time heights, postal savings and bank debits are up. Construc- tion of new buildings is depressed; large numbers of deeds and mortgages are filed and many cancelled. Tax rates have gone down and tax income and tax collections up. Such information is highlighted in these pages of illustrated text and presented statistically on charts and tables. The Bureau of the Census makes available detailed information for each of the 347 census tracts or small, geographically constant neighborhoods in Cuyahoga County and the Cleveland Metropolitan District once every 10 years. A continuous Real Property Inventory keeps vital parts of this information current. Such living facts presented by census tracts make it easy to study the Cleveland market for any product. 1945 2 edition Cleveland—Ohio’s Largest City Cleveland is the largest city in Ohio. It is one of 14 cities in Cuyahoga County. These 14 cities, 41 vil- lages, and 5 townships make up the county. Estimated 'Civilian Population Cuyahoga County Q July 1, 1944 Place Number Total . . . . . . . . . . . 1,233,882 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . 866,508 Lakewood . . . . . . . . . 65,927 Cleveland Heights . . . . . 54,522 East Cleveland . . . . . . 37,223 Euclid . . . . . . . . . . 27,168 Shaker Heights . . . . . . 25,339 Parma . . . . . . . . . . 18,715 Garfield Heights . . . . . . 18,191 Maple Heights . . . . . . . 9,375 Rocky River . . . . . . . 9,100 University Heights . . . . . 8,485 South Euclid . . . . . . . 8,055 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . 7,696 Berea . . . . . . . . . . . 7,007 41 Villages . . . . . . . . 63,324 5 Townships . . . . . . . . 7,247 Source: Real Property Inventory of Metropolitan Cleveland. CLEVELAND % CUYAHOGA COUNTY 1945 Larger Than 4 Entire States Edition 3 Cuyahoga COUNTY is larger than 4 entire states taken together. It is larger than any one of 17 individual states or the District of Columbia. Civilian Population of Cuyahoga County, 17 States, and the District of Columbia November 1, 1943 State Population Cuyahoga County . . . . . . 1,228,803 Nebraska . . . . . . . . . 1,176,023 Oregon . . . . . . . . . . 1,172,674 Colorado . . . . . . . . . 1,067,095 District of Columbia . . . . 816,982 Maine . . . . . . . . . . 782,312 Rhode Island . . . . . . . 694,616 Utah . . . . . . . . . . . 583,572 Arizona . . . . . . . . . . 569,357 South Dakota . . . . . . . 544,866 North Dakota . . . . . . . 536,510 New Mexico . . . . . . . . 490,119 Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . 473,166 Montana. . . . . . . . tº e 470,033 New Hampshire . . . . . . 453,333 Vermont . . . . . . . . . 316,074 Delaware . . . . e e º & 273,614 Wyoming . . . . . . . . . 235,739 Nevada . . . . . . . . . . 130,637 FO U R Source: Bureau of the Census. CUYAHOGA ENT | RE STATES COUNTY 1945 4 edition A Compact Community THE Cleveland Metropolitan District is the third most densely populated metropolitan district in the United States. Only the metropolitan districts of New York and Chicago exceed that of Cleveland in density. This means a compact area to cultivate. Ten Most Densely Populated Metropolitan Districts April 1, 1940 Square Persons per Metropolitan District Miles Sq. Mile New York–N. E. New Jersey 2,560.9 4,565.0 Chicago, Ill. . . . . . . . . 1,184.2 3,799.3 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . 336.2 3,613.8 Milwaukee, Wis. . . . . . . 250.3 3,157.6 Philadelphia, Pa. . . . . . . 1,021.3 2,838.2 Detroit, Mich. . . . . . . . 856.3 2,681.1 Charlotte, N. C. . . . . . . 47.0 2,404.0 Decatur, Ill. . . . . . . . . 27.5 2,391.4 Shreveport, La. . . . . . . . 48.4 2,318.7 Boston, Mass. . . . . . . . 1,062.3 2,212.7 Source: Bureau of the Census. DISTRICT Cuyahoga County had a civilian population of 1,228,803 on November 1, 1943, according to the Bureau of the Census estimate. This was .97 per cent of the One Per Cent of the Nation civilian population of the United States. I.O.O .75 . 5 O .25 | * .OO Population of Cuyahoga County Year Population Year Population 1810 . . 1,459 1890 . . .309,970 1820 . . 6,328 1900 . . 439,120 1830 . . 10,373 1910 . . 637,425 1840 . . 26,506 1920 . . 943,495 1850 . . 48,099 1930 - 1,201,455 1860 . . 78,033 1940 , 1,217,250 1870 . . 132,010 1943 1,228,803e 1880 . . 196,943 1944 . 1,233,882e eEstimated. Source: Bureau of the Census; Real Property Inventory of Metropolitan Cleveland. PER CENT OF UNITED STATES POPULATION |N CUYHOGA COUNTY | 8 || O | 83O | 95 C. 1870 | 89 O O | 9 | | 93 O 1945 Edition 5 More Workers and Buyers A LARGER percentage of the county's population now is of the “buying” age, 15 to 59, than in 1900. There are fewer children and more old people. 4.OO AGE DIST R |BUT | ON CUYA HOGA COUNTY |94O 2. O O | OO U Nº * R * Seventy-five Per cent Native White * e.7 Seven TY-FIVE per cent of Cuyahoga County's population was native white, 18 per cent foreign-born white, and 7 per cent Negro on April 1, 1940. Population by Race and Nativity April 1, 1940 Nativity Number Per Cent Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,217,250 100.0 Native white . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906,626 74.5 Foreign-born white . . . . . . . . . . . 222,978 18.3 Poland . . . . . . . 27,960 2.3 Czechoslovakia . . . 26,040 2.1 Italy . . . . . . . . 24,033 2.0 Hungary . . . . . . 23,883 2.0 Germany . . . . . . 21,042 1.7 Yugoslavia . . . . . 16,097 1.3 Russia (U.S.S.R.) . . 14,772 1.2 Austria . . . . . . . 12,080 & 1.0 England . . . . . . 10,739 .9 Canada–Other . . . 8,691 .7 Irish Free State (Eire) . 6,399 .5 Scotland . . . . . . 5,542 .5 Rumania . . . . . . 4,782 .4 Lithuania . . . . . . 4,331 .4 Sweden . . . . . . . 2,448 .2 Greece . . . . . . . 2,077 .2 Northern Ireland . . . 1,247 .1 ‘Palestine and Syria . . 1,140 .1 Finland . . . . . . . 1,027 .1 Wales . . . . . . . 944 .1 Switzerland . . . . . 909 .1 Netherlands . . . . . 810 .1 Canada-French . . . 784 .1 France . . . . . . . 744 sk Denmark . . . . . . 741 Sk Norway . . . . . . . 681 sis Turkey, all . . . . . . 640 2: Latvia . . . . . . . 446 3: Other . . . . . . . . 1,999 .2 Negro . . . . . . . . . . 87,145 7.2 Other races . . . . . . . . 501 :: *Less than 0.05 per cent. Source: Bureau of the Census. 1945 8 Edition Foreign-Born White Population Decreases Its foreign-born white population is aging and dis- appearing. Within a few years marketing within the Cleveland area will be confined almost entirely to native- born Americans. FOREIGN – BORN W H | T E BY AGE UNDER 15 YEARS 6O + YEARS | 5 TO 59 YEARS OF AGE Its Negro population has increased decade by decade. Larger proportions are workers and buyers. Negro Population in Cuyahoga County Year Number 1900 . . . . . . . . . . . 6,189 1910 . . . . . . . . . . . 8,763 1920 . . . . . . . . . . . 35,347 1930 . . . . . . . . e - tº 74,827 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . 87,145 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000e eBstimate. Source: Bureau of the Census. PER CENT OF POPULAT | ON - NEGRO O 2 4. 6 83 |O | 9 OO | 9 || O | 92O | 93 O |94.O 1944 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ The county's population lives in 360,465 family groups. These are the buying-units for most commodities. Families are increasing faster than population. Every new family needs all sorts of services and commodities. 4OO Families Are Buying-Units Families in Cuyahoga County Families Place October 1944 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360,465 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . 247,878 Lakewood . . . . . . . . . . 21,824 Cleveland Heights . . . . . . 16,624 East Cleveland . . . . . . . 12,689 Euclid . . . . . . . . . . . 8,279 Shaker Heights . . . . . . . 7,326 Parma . . . . . . . . . tº e 5,332 Garfield Heights . . . . . . . 4,987 Rocky River . . . . . . . . 2,823 Maple Heights . . . . . . . . 2,563 South Euclid . . . . . . . . 2,393 University Heights . . . . . . 2,357 Berea . . . . . . . . e - e. e. 2,143 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . 2,110 41 Villages . . . . . . . . . 19,644 5 Townships . . . . . . . . . 1,493 Source. Real Property Inventory of Metropolitan Cleveland. OCCUPI E D FAM | LY UN | TS EACH OCTOBER 35C) 3OO 25 O O | || || || || || || || 1932 1934. 1936 I938 1940 1942 1944 1945 Edition 9 10 1945 A Community of Diversified Industries Frty-five per cent of the county's population 14 years and over were gainful workers on April 1, 1940. They were employed in a variety of industries. Labor Force by Industry Group Cuyahoga County April 1, 1940 Industry Group Total labor force Employed . tº 4 & 4 × & º – e. Agriculture, forestry and fishery . Mining . Construction Manufacturing . . . . . . . Food and kindred products Textile-mill products . * * * * * Apparel and other fabricated textile prod. Logging . . . . . . . . Sawmills and planing mills * Furniture, store fix., misc. wooden goods Paper and allied products . . . . . . . Printing, publishing and allied industries Chemicals and allied products . Petroleum and coal products Leather and leather products Stone, clay and glass products . Iron and steel and their products . Nonferrous metals and their products . Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automobiles and automobile equipment . Transportation equipment . Other and not specified . # * Transportation, communication, utilities Wholesale and retail trade , Finance, insurance and real estate Business and repair services . Domestic service . Personal services . . . & ſº s g g g g gº Amusement, recreation, and related services Professional and related services . Government . $ Industry not reported Unemployed . Source: Bureau of the Census. Total 546,370 453,649 3,220 373 18,173 172,956 9,617 4,148 9,555 9 432 3,282 2,258 10,037 8,168 2,466 328 2,043 49,770 8,322 36,629 14,402 3,642 7,848 36,783 92,582 19,090 10,167 20,421 18,277 4,353 37,442 15, 186 4,626 92,721 Male 396,362 325,890 2,997 334 17,753 141,808 7,707 1,768 2,979 9 395 2,784 1,515 8,153 6,511 2,134 280 1,737 46,079 7,669 30,114 12,635 3,263 6,076 32,419 63,012 12,868 8,911 2,221 9,375 3,428 15,923 12,126 2,715 70,472 Female 150,008 127,759 223 39 420 31,148 1,910 2,380 6,576 0 37 498 743 1,884 1,657 332 48 306 3,691 653 6,515 1,767 379 1,772 4,364 29,570 6,222 1,256 18,200 8,902 925 21,519 3,060 1,911 22,249 High Weekly Earnings *11 EARN INGS in the manufacturing industries were higher in Cuyahoga County than in the rest of the United States–$51.91 in the first quarter of 1943 in the county compared with $41.16 in the United States. And Cuy- ahoga County's workers have the “know how.” Average Weekly Earnings First Quarter of 1943 Cuyahoga County Average Type of Industry Weekly Eearnings Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46.70 Agriculture, forestry, fishing . . . . . . . . 29.03 Mining and quarrying . . . . * - - - e. 41.31 Bituminous coal mining . . & . . . . $41.88 Other mining and quarrying . . . . . . . . 36.82 $51.9 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57.84 Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.91 Food and kindred products . . . . . . . 38.78 Tobacco manufactures . . . . . . . . . . 20.79 Textile-mill products . . . . . . . . . . . 33.04 Apparel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.65 Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.32 Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.23 Paper and allied products . . . . . . . . . 38.09 Printing and publishing . . . . . . . . . . 43.08 Chemicals and products . . . . . . . . . . 46.55 Petroleum and coal products . . . . . . . 52.10 Rubber products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.98 Leather and products . . . . . . . . . . . 36.82 Stone, clay, and glass products . . . . . . 38.71 Iron, steel and products . . . . . . . . . . 54.11 Transportation equipment excl. aircraft . . . 50.54 Aircraft and parts . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.62 Nonferrous metals . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.41 Electrical machinery . . . . . . . . . . 47.02 Machinery, not electrical . . * * - - . 55.91 Automobiles and equipment . . . . . . . . 51.71 Miscellaneous manufacturing * * . . . 42.56 Transportation and utilities . . . . . . . . 40.50 Street railways, trucking, etc. . . . . . . 37.60 Telephone and telegraph . . . . . . . . . 45.11 Electric, gas, other utilities . . . . . . . . 41.66 Wholesale and retail trade . . . . . . . . 34.82 Wholesale trade . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.50 Retail trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.71 Finance, insurance, real estate . . . . . . 40.97 Banks, securities, and finance . . . . . . 46.04 Insurance carriers and agents . . . . . . . 48.02 Real estate dealers, etc. . . . . . . . . . . 28.38 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.14 Hotels, rooming houses . . . . . . . . . . 21.87 Personal services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.62 Motion pictures and amusements . . . . . 21.33 Other service industries . . . . . . . . . . 38.86 UNITED Not elsewhere classified . . . . . . . . . 49.39 CUYAHOGA STATES Source: Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation. COUNTY 12 tº Its Wage Earners Outnumbered 12 States’ Cuyahoga County had more wage earners in the manufacturing industries in 1939 than 12 entire states and the District of Columbia taken together and more than any one of 30 individual states. There were nearly twice as many in Cuyahoga County in 1944 as in 1939. Wage Earners in the Manufacturing Industries 1939 State Number Cuyahoga County . . . . . . 125,876 Alabama . . . . . . . . . . 116,800 Rhode Island . . . . . . . . 106,275 Washington . 90,324 Minnesota 79,753 Maine - - 75,656 West Virginia 74,989 Louisiana . 71,218 Iowa . 65,314 Oregon 63,622 Kentucky . 62,794 New Hampshire . 55,781 Florida . 52,732 Mississippi 46,359 Arkansas 36,256 Kansas . . 31,614 Oklahoma . 28,114 Colorado 23,719 Vermont 21,759 Delaware . 20,392 Nebraska . 18,807 Utah . 11,555 Idaho . 10,877 Montana . . * - e. e. e. g. e. 9,171 District of Columbia . . . . . 7,877 TWELVE Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . 6,096 South Dakota . . . . . . . . 5,538 - E. NT | RE Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . 3,484 CUYAHOGA New Mexico . . . . . . . . . 3,250 ST ATES North Dakota . . . . . . . . 2,637 COUNTY Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . 1,093 Source: Bureau of the Census. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * *** *** *** Pºsº sº. -- *_* > * > si re. -- (< *_* *.*.* -*_*- *.*.*, *.* *.*.*...*.*.* *-* *.*.*.*.*exº~"e"sºº".”s”.”e sº." -" - - - sº sº, s , , , -------_-_* < *_-_ _e_s_s •.e. e. ---_e_-_-_e_-_e_e_ _-_-_* * * * *.*.*.*.*.*.* -º-º-º-º-º-º: ... º. ºf 3 -º-º-º-º-º: " -:A -º-; --., --> --> ---...-: …": .…..: 2-2 º' -- ...-: *-º-º-º- .--------, -º-º-º-º-º-º: --> --> --...----'--------> -->. . ...:"..…". .*.*.*.*.*.*...* : *.*.* * * *.*.*.*.*.*, *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* tº sº." -- ºr -º-º- ºr- sists’s sº cº-º. --> --> -ºs. "----, "--- ** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *-*. "...”. --> *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* * * * *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *.x. →...→ * ~ *-º-º-º-º: ***** - 2:... … . . … º.º.º.’..…--º-º-º-º-º-º- $º-" ºr -º- :---. ---. 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Sºlºl). º º sº *ººsºººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº... .º.º.º.º.e.'s ºſs ººººº º-ºw v -º-º: *.*.*.*. º ºxº~~~~~~~eº.º.º.es sº-ºººººe”,”e"e", "sºsºsºsº.” "º"e", "ºº"e"e"º"e"s, "e"sºº" sººººººººº, - e. º.º. *.*.*.*.*I*T*Xº"exºſe exº~.e. º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******** * * * *.*.*...I sºº' ---, *.*.*... .º.º. º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º. º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º. ºººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº, "...º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º." --~~~~~~~~…º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº Its Pay Rolls Exceeded 13 Entire States’ Cuyahoga County's wage earners in the manufac- turing industries received more wages in 1939 than those in 13 entire states and the District of Columbia taken together and more than those in any one of 35 indi- vidual states. Wages in the manufacturing industries in Cuyahoga County were three times as high in 1944 as in 1939. Wages Paid in the Manufacturing Industries 1945 Edition 13 | 3 ENT | RE STATES * is sº sº- ºre. Tº • *.*.*.*…º.º.o.”.” 1939 State Amount Cuyahoga County . $178,521,574 Maryland 156,782,654 Texas . 128,138,703 Washington 118,326,333 Virginia . 115,538,622 Tennessee 109,661,769 Georgia 108,083,478 Rhode Island 105,406,950 Minnesota 96,886,925 Alabama 92,017,970 West Virginia 88,487,433 South Carolina 86,616,242 Oregon 77,585,546 Iowa 73,466,119 Maine . 68,434,288 Kentucky 61,902,354 Louisiana 55,083,540 New Hampshire 52,735,240 Florida 37,883,204 Kansas 36,938,032 Oklahoma . 30,465,185 Colorado 28,391,933 Mississippi . 27,437,088 Arkansas 24,577,234 Delaware 21,959,627 Vermont . 21,232,355 Nebraska 20,623,550 Idaho . . . 12,754,127 Montana 12,148,428 Utah * - 11,967,762 District of Columbia 11,772,280 Arizona 7,162,639 South Dakota 6,035,524 Wyoming 4,757,094 New Mexico . 2,912,993 North Dakota 2,771,468 Nevada 1,642,397 Source: Bureau of the Census. CUYAHOGA COUNTY **a*a*a*a*a*a*a*sºsºsºsºsºsºs"sº -I-I- 1945 14 Edition Its Manufactured Products Exceeded Q 9 10 Entire States Cuyahoga County's manufactured products are valued at more than the products manufactured in 1939 in 10 entire states and the District of Columbia and more than those manufactured in any one of 33 indi- vidual states. Dollar-volume of manufactured goods in Cuyahoga County in 1944 was three times that in 1939. Value of Manufactured Products 1939 State Amount Cuyahoga County $996,703,560 Virginia . 988,813,246 Minnesota . 845,771,514 Tennessee 728,087,825 Iowa 718,531,801 Georgia 677,402,657 Washington 636,649,809 Alabama . 574,670,690 Louisiana & 565,265,273 Rhode Island 516,390,541 Kentucky 481,029,771 Kansas 464,353,506 West Virginia 441,840,388 South Carolina . 397,512,863 Oregon 365,374,436 Maine . 345,368,595 Oklahoma . 312,168,499 Nebraska 273,524,581 Florida tº º 241,538,534 New Hampshire 237,396,015 Colorado 221,642,666 Mississippi . 174,937,294 Utah 167,172,226 Arkansas 160,166,984 Montana 151,885,026 Delaware 114,753,652 Vermont . 103,154,301 Arizona 97,529,481 Idaho . & 90,475,147 T E. N South Dakota 81,171,887 District of Columbia 79,875,299 ENT | R E. Wyoming 45,423,103 CUYAHOGA North Dakota 43,767,082 STAT E. S New Mexico . 25,123,641 CO U NTY Nevada 20,581,713 Source: Bureau of the Census. Cleveland Is Near the Center of Things Cleveland is located in the northern part of Ohio on the south shore of Lake Erie at the mouth of Cuyahoga river—midway between Detroit and Buffalo. It is where coal and ore meet, with ample supplies of limestone nearby. It is easy and economical to reach more people from Cleveland than from any other large city in the nation. Fifty-six per cent of the population of the United States live within 500 miles of Cleveland (1943). Sixty-five per cent of the nation's wholesale sales are transacted within 500 miles of Cleveland (1939). Seventy-three per cent of the country's production normally takes place within 500 miles of Cleveland (1939). Most large central and eastern cities are within an over- night pullman ride from Cleveland. More people can be reached by a $1.20 station-to-sta- tion telephone call than from any other large American city. Telegrams containing 10 words can be sent to New York City or St. Louis for 48 cents; to Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Detroit, for less. Regular mail leaves Cleveland throughout the day and night-overnight to the Atlantic Seaboard or St. Louis. Parcel post packages take a day to Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, or Washington, D. C. This is ample time for a large percentage of the country's population to get delivery from Cleveland. * Railway express packages leaving Cleveland for Chi- cago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Cincinnati, or Indian- apolis are normally delivered the next morning; for New York, in the afternoon. Motor freight arrives the next day in these large busy cities. 1945 Edition15 16 ºl. Clevelanders Are Air-Minded Clevelºp has the world's largest municipal airport. Two and a half hours by plane is ample to reach most midwest and eastern cities. Air traffic in 1944, with 48,644 ships clearing with 571,686 passengers, was greater than at any time since the airport opened in 1925. The Cleveland Municipal Airport is the pivot of the Government's aeronautical laboratory development. | | | THOUSANDS OF PLANES AND PASSENGERS CLEVELAND AIRPORT 1928 - 1945 so - PLANE's 4. L PAssº-NGERs - | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | . O tº Tºº lººd as sea ice as a gas ºf 1937 gºa tº gao sº. A Good Place to Live Clevelands summers are somewhat cooler with fewer extreme days, and winters are less severe than those of inland cities at the same latitude. Lake Erie tempers Cleveland's climate. With an average of 27°F. in January and 71° F. in July, the extremes are not great. The average annual rainfall is 34 inches, well distributed throughout the year. Pleasant neighborhoods, convenient to stores, schools, and churches; friendly, helpful citizens; good shopping facilities (with a wide variety of selections); a healthful place with a good water supply and safe milk; able medical and dental practitioners, and fine hospital facilities; good parks and a famous metropolitan park system make Cleveland a good place in which to live. Its public school system and those of its suburbs are outstanding in the field of progressive education. Its numerous parochial and private schools, colleges, univer- sities and its well-known School of engineering provide complete facilities for secondary and higher education. The small neighborhood churches, stately cathedrals, and magnificent temples provide religious services for all faiths and creeds. Many of the finest cultural advantages are to be found in Cleveland—the Cleveland Public Library with its out- standing business information bureau and its 36 neighbor- hood branches and stations; the excellent symphony orchestra housed in its magnificent Severance Hall; in- teresting museums: Cleveland Museum of Art with the world-famous “Guelph Treasures,” Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Western Reserve Historical Society Library and Museum, and the Cleveland Health Museum (the first in the Western Hemisphere); the Play House in its thirtieth year; Cain Park Theatre, the only munici- pally-owned and operated outdoor theatre in America; the Public Auditorium with 13,000 seats in the main hall providing for numerous huge conventions throughout the year and ample facilities for a week of Metropolitan Grand Opera each spring. erº.17 1945 1 8 Edition Its Families Live In Singles and Doubles Two-thirds of the families in Cuyahoga County live in one-family or two-family dwellings, 43 per cent and 23 per cent, respectively. Twelve per cent of the families live in large apartment houses. Two-fifths own their own homes. Rents and values decreased during the depression. Rents are still frozen. Values have increased during the past few years. Median Rent and Value of Homes Cuyahoga County Cleveland 1930 1940 1930 1940 Monthly rent . . . . $38.97 $27.63 $36.25 $25.35 Value . . . . . . . . 7,758, 4,471 6,971 3,705 Source: Bureau of the Census. OWNED MEDIAN MONTHLY MEDIAN H O MES RENT VALUE **** ises. *** 3 6 2 5 39. 90 B 7. % 6, 9 7 Ž / C / / / $4 4 7 C C C C L L L L L E. E. E. E. E. ſº V V V V V C / L L L L L A A A AE. AE N N N N N E. E. 2% 2% % 2% 2. 2. E. Z D Places to Live Also Hard to Find in Cleveland New construction discouraged by the depression has been further retarded by wartime shortages of men and materials. Vacant family units have decreased to rock bottom – only 1,790 in October 1944. All but 326 of these were held for sale, were already rented and waiting for new occupant, or for other reasons were not available to those seeking places to live. | 2 — PERCENTAGE OF FAM | LY UN I TS VACANT — OCTOBER OF EACH YEAR 8 193 4. 1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 O 2 192 193 1945 Edition 1 9 1945 1945 20 Edition soorerFF- 250 NAT I ONAL DE BT e YEAR END} NG J U N E 3O 190 O - 1944 2OO (ſ) OC <ſ —l — O O 5 150 (ſ) Z O L – CD |OO 5 O 19CO 1905 |9| O |9||5 1920 1925 1930 1935 | 94.O 1945 | OO CHART 2 9 O * RECE | PTS AND EXPEND ITURES ; 8 O : UN | T ED STATES GOVERNMENT : YEAR END ING JUNE 3O : 7O # | 9C) O - 1944. : (ſ) i § 60 : — : —l : O ſº O : Li- : O 50 : (ſ) : 2 : O ; I Hao ; cº : 3O # 2O : *: ; |O #—% ŁXPEND ITU RES .." * * *"…”.2/ _j^ ``vania- ees • *** se RECE | PTS ol- - | [905 |9|O 1915 1920 1925 193O 1935 1940 f 16URES ON PAGE 54 |9|OO 1945 Jóition 21 | 80 ſchART 3 |6O N AT | ON A L |N COM E PRO DU C E D | 9 OO – |943 | 4 O | 20 |OO 8 O 6O 4.O 2O O |90O |9|| O 1905 |9||5 |92 O 193 19 2 |93 º 4. OO CHA R T 4 | | || 38O | f ; # 36O 34O | F EDERAL RESERVE BOARD | N DEX OF | N DUST R | A L UN | TED STATES | 32O |--|-- PRODUCT | ON * 3.%* | | 9 || 9 - 1945 | (ADJUSTED) 28O 26O 24O 220 2OO | 6O 14O ; : sº. :: : | _T} : #: ; : : ſ DURABLE Goods j : : * 1s a |OO 35 - 1939 f 8O TOTAL | - • 2^* º | | ; : : V \ * : NON – DURABLE GOODS #N #–% | ‘. º:*. o 4O 2O 19CO 1905 | 9 || O |9||5 1920 1925 {93O 1935 1940 Fi GURES ON PAGE 54. 1945 1945 ; 22Edition t eoſarrºr-E - | EST |MATED LABOR FORCE EMFLOYE D AND UNEMPLOYEID 7O *. UNITED STATES 6O LA BOR FORCE EMPLOY ED 50 Y EMPLOYED - NOT | N Agºgul TuRE º _^2. N--~-2^ \- * * ~--~~~ * * * -**--~~ º ,----º-r" 47 4O A 2^ ,--~~~~~ --~~~ EMPLOYED - NOT | N AG R T CULTURE - MALE .*** 3O ,’S = -r S --~~ N=-- —r 2 ">~ 2^ ~~~~~~. . . gº _2^- _- + --" Tº"--~~~ Y---------- * as sº 2O {- ENMPLOYED - NOT ||N *:::::::::::::::::--------~~~~~~ _----" gº ~~ wº 2S--~~~~ _---" |O *º e-‘s e - * ===w= **-wr: EMPLOYED.N.AGRiculture e Gºº e” e e gº “..... ...' *...”. .." “... ...”.* *....”. ...“ e” ..*** •e •e *. .." • **** see **. e” **. © “. ... ." :::::::-" *** --...-H...- ... • ** "------. "........" ...”. **. .*...*****. *. e° º ess” • ejee e o " “........." ****... :-}.......” “------... *ēe see ...-----" *e see ee eº ***4 eeeee EMPLOYE D - } N AGR CULTURE - MALE UN E M PLOY ED UN EMPLOY E D – F EMALE EMPLOYED - IN AGR1cul-TURE- FEMALE ..” ..***** • * *.. ..*****. esee"ee Q .****. ..*-x. e G *e ol- “ſ . . .”. J F M A M J J A S O N 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S o N D J F M A M J J A B O N D J F M A M J J A s o N D 1 94 O $ 9.4 | 942 | 943 1944 FIGURES ON PAGE 55 1945 1945 Edition 23 1,600 CHA R T 6 POPULATION CUYAHOGA COUNT Y I,4OO EST | MATED M |DYEAR | 9 OO – 1944 1,200 l,OOO BOO 6OO 4OO 2OO 375 350 CLEVELAND | 900 | 9C) | 9 | | 9 | 40 1945 CH A RT 7 FAMILIES CUYAHOGA COUNT Y EST IMATED MIDYEAR |9 OO - |94 4. 3OO 275 25 O 225 2OO | 75 |5 O | 25 | OO 75 5 O 25 —— cu EVELAND | [T] aſſ -Ill. -Tiſ 1900 | 905 | 9 |O 1915 | 92O |925 F1GURES ON PAGE 57 AND 66 | 930 | 935 |94O | 94.5 1945 24 Edition 3 5 CH A R T 8 ~g B | RTHS AND DEATHS CUYAHOGA COUNTY 19 O O - 1944 3O - ------- - ------- - -- 25 - mº º % ENTIRE BAR — EST MATED B1RTHS IN COUNTY % ZZZ B | RTH S RECORDED IN REST OF COUNTY % & B | RTHS RECORDED IN CLEVELAND º % 2. ź % º % % DEATHS RECORDED IN COUNT Y % Ž % % 44 &| |% 2. % (/) 2O % A z I-1 % % % % % <ſ – % (ſ) ID 2 Ø (4. H. [T][] 2 15 [-] 22. * % | O 5 * O | 9 OO 1905 | 9 |O | 9 |5 |92O |925 1945 | 6 CH A R T 9 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES CUYAHOGA COUNT Y |4 19 OO – |944 – | 2 -- | O ENT IRE BAR — MARRIAGES % D VORCES – T }. 2 à a D Pºmº O I Pº H. }*-------------- --—--~~~. ------ --—--------— —----- - - - - - - 2 ęsº * prºmº H 6 ſº -º-º-º- - -------- 4. 2 O | 9 OO | 905 |9|O 1915 | 92O 1925 |945 FIGURES ON PAGE 4.4. 1945 Edition 25 |9 O CONSUMERS FRICE INDEX FOR MODERATE | NCOME FAM | LIES | 70 C L EVELAND 19 || 4 - 1945 | 935 – 1939 = |OO [OO FUEL AND LIGHT 9 O ALL | T E MS | 9 || 5 | 92O i 925 !93O | 935 |94O 1945 CONSU M E. RS' FR | CE INDEX FOR MODERATE | N COME FAM | LIES | C LOTHING | CL EV E LAND |9|| 4 - 1945 1935 - 1939 = | OO - FUR NISHINGS |O O * * * - * * *** - ~ * Mi SCE L L A NEOUS I T E MS 80 4 O 3O | 9 || 5 | 92O |925 | 930 | 935 1940 1945 FiGURES ON PAGE 58 1945 26 Edition CHA RT 12 WATER SUPPLY AVERAGE NUMBER OF GALLONS PUMPED PER DAY GREATER CLEVELAND 190 O – 1944 25 O 225 2OO | 75 O uſ) | 25 OO S NOITTI | VN N ! S NOTTI \/ © 75 1945 ADVERT |S|NG LINEAGE ENGLISH DAIL! ES CLEVELAND 1928 - 1944 C H A R T | 4 [|NNNNNNNNNNN NNNN [T] CLASSIFIED Z ```` |NNNNNNNN LOCAL Hiſ] NNNNNN NATIONAL Ñ |ÑŅŇ `N [N ['(|||)(||NNNNNN NSSSSSS [ LINNN ['(||||NNNN rººms NNNNNNNNNN – |NNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN |NNNNNNNNN 50 4 O cº)(\]- S N O | Tl|Tl | VN N ! OOOO NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION AVERAGE ENGLISH DA ||L |ES OCTOBER | 1921 - 1945 eoor==== | 3 7OO 6OO 5 OO O . 3OO 2OO OO SO N \7 S T O H L N | 1945 194O 1935 1930 1945 1940 |935 1930 1925 FIGURES ON PAGE 57 1945 l,000 8OO CH A RT 15 NUMBER OF ADVERT | SEMENTS OF FAM | LY UN | TS FOR RENT 4 OO Edition 27 CH A RT | 6 — N A PARTMENT HOUSES- 3 OO 2OO /* N 1940 * / N T ~ -- —’ \ /~ \ \ \_2^ N N J** ...” ~ * ~ ~ * SS 2 - ^* | OO 550 5 OO CHA R T | 7 - | N ON E-FAMILY AND / \ TWO-FAM | LY DWELL | NGS - 45 O ſ 4 OO 35C) 3 OO 25 O 2OO 1945 75 28 Edition C HART | 8 e FURN | SHED HOUSES FOR RENT 15 O CHA RT 19 25 O 2OO | 5 O * 5 O º *...** •º HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT al———————— 5 OO CHART 2 | NUMBER OF ADVERT | SEMENTS OF ROOMS AND ROOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT 4OO o * N) 3OO f | \ | \ | \- | $ W- | \ ..] | \ 'íºs \ | \ | f 3O IOO |OO | 102 eſt, 29 il CHART 22 | 35 CHA RT 23 \ | \ WANTED ROOMS I 3O OR ROOMS AND BOARD | | ſ | TED HOUSES ſh 25 W J W W | \ Z | \ & / W 2O -*— \ ,’ \ * vº Y º | A Nº. A. | 5 H \ º * \ / / s' f \\ - Sº Aſ if I75 S O 5 * : S i 165 $ 5 to : O : 16O 3 : 3 : $ * (J . É 15.5 2, se" > Sk: Iº) Qu te Z 15O (J -; à > Å O (J | \ & # 145 $2 I º N + sº § © * * | YS | \a I : / U.” | 14O < ; / sº Yv ãi | ; : /F : / ; f /~ 130 Aºa : V. ; | /~~~ : N & F # / | 20 # f * A | 15 # 4 !--- *mseams""" sºme same aft. i gy W **. f * ...; _ſ, | |O ": # | * RENT_^ I —r— Ally---Aſ-H+ / |O5 A * 2 Y f Wi « –3– / \ | # / ; s/ / \ .li / : ALL TEMS/, / XZ. / *N-TF--~~ A |OO /--- ~. § Z / *N Zi *N A 2. /* * - G e g 3 / *——ºf L/ i j \--/ \|_/ \ <--|--~~ º go!--Fº | A *-f A 85 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 FIGURE3 ON PAGE 50 *.31 êooſe ºf as H EMFLOYMENT | N CUYAHOGA COUNTY 1930 – 1945 | OO | ------- º F-I- | | | | 500 º C:\! ź \ 40 O Zºº. 3 W 2 < Vº (ſ) | ID O I H. | 2 | CC * | Lil CD > II) 2 300 w | 2OO ! | | | | OO O § º | 930 193| 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 194] 1942 1943 1945 EST IMATED NUMBER OF JOBLESS PERSONS | N CUYAHOGA DIRECT AND WORK RELIEF CASES | N CUYAHOGA COUNTY MONTHLY INDEX OF DEFARTMENT STORE SALES | N CLEVELAND 1935-1939 = too ! FIGUREs on PAGES, so . :s : 1945 34 Edition CATY MANAGER CHART 3 | SEMl-MONTHLY DEPARTMENTAL PAYROLLS-CITY OF CLEVELAND BURT ON PA'ſ CUT RES *— GE NE RAL A D M | NIS T R AT I O N :- Mayor-cit Y council-LAw DEPT. civil 1–- — SA F ET Y UT | Li Ti E. S *— — † |||||| I- ºrs ——- ——ºd º - - — | --in- Illilill||||Illilill|| |||||||Inhillilill|||||||||IIIllllllllll |||||||||||Illilill||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| S E R V J C E MAY OR LAUS C H E —H-Hºº- MAYOR BU 2 | ALL DEPARTMENTS º : |: º FIGURES ON PAGE 59 CHART 3O - NUMBER OF ENMFLOYEES SEMI-MONTHLY DEFARTMENTAL FAYROLLS-CITY OF CLEVELAND MaYor' Mill ER— CITY MANAGE (JAN.25 R AN.25 To JAN.28) MAYOR 3LY THIN Y OR LAUS CH MAYOR BU R KE TRANSi T WO R K R E L | EF III (ſ) O 2 2 i - < | W. P. A. Uſ) | > O | ſl- ...mmm...halmillilmillililllllllliſillilillllllll immim immº-l. o | I | | | | | I | | O_ | | || GENERAL. A D M INIST R AT I O N - Mayor-city council-Law DEPT-civil service- city PLAN-zoNING APPEALs-Boxing ANP w8ESTLING commissiº-Municipal-ºr IC º | | | || | | - | r | | -- - - ºn | | | | | : ~. | * , | | | | | | | | | || | #" l l l iſºl. | |, | | | | | | || U U . . | - H- | | O = a- - - F | N An C. E. | | -i. | | | 2 4 T | | | tº º SAF ET Y 3 | - Cº. 2 tal ſo | 2 o D ~ I — 2 welfare | O 3 | r ſ UT I L I.T | ES | | UT I L IT i ES EXCLU DI NG T R ANSI T |||||| l g 1— PA 5 ks | I 4. I i SER y | C. F. 2 I O 1929 193O 193 | 1932 1933 | 93 193 | 936 | 937 | 93 1939 1940 j94 | 94.2 (943 1944 1945 FIGURES ON PAGE 59 1942 MAYOR L Ausch E ALL DE PARTMENTS 1943 1944. MAYor Burke 1945 1945 Edition 33 1945 Edition 35 | 80 CHART 32 -- | 70 |6O | | N DEX OF DE PART MENT STORE SALES A N D CHA M BER OF COM M ERCE | N DEX OF ENM PLOYMENT 150 |40 DEPART NME NT STORE SALES | 3O | 935 – 1939 = |OO | 20 | | O |OO 9 O 8O E M P LOYMENT INDEX \! 7O V Z | 923 – 1925 = | OO \ ſ 6O 4 O 3.5 3 O 2.5 2. O ... 5 |9 OO |9 O5 |9|O 1920 1925 1930 1935 194C) 1945 airff–sº P|G |RON PRODUCTION CUYAHOGA AND LORA] N COUNTIES | 9 |3 - 1944 ..ll O | 900 | 905 5 | 92O F1GURES ON PAGE 60 | 9 |O | 9 | 1945 Edition 36 uſ) <+ © N N N [−] | 93O O 1945 194O | 935 | 925 | 92 F1 GURES ON PAGE & O | 905 | 9 || O | 9 |5 90C) ====13========== ==) oN •KÑÑŅŅI [−−−|−|−–L––L–––––––1––––- ––L––L-I-IF|NN } } 2© G.[−–zo Z O O Lu = 0,---- - Og;$? !), lºÚ) -|-----j OC -2|•)E =| QCC=% (…)• ----!8|O(/)- 3 #1II –|£ șiI I|· §||<<|N* }N]}}|N- |-={H-|æ CY«),•« ----(r)(ſ)(\j(\j----->---- 1945 39 Edition | 9 OO - 1944 , SHIPMENTS OF GOODS BY RAILROAD OUTEOUND Ñ N` … :) (v. º. -^^^~ Ņ *>—ſ | № |SS N N N N |- --- -- ~ ÑÑŅŇ ÑÑŅ NNN ` NÒ 1945 ````` Ñ NÒN N N`N 194 O | 935 ```` N N ```` ` N SS N NN N ÑŅ N N``` NNNN Ñ `N N N NNNNNN |NNN |SS N 2. NNN N`N N N - | RON ORE – NET TONS TOTAL – NET TONS OTHER – NET TONS & 1930 |N N` N` Ñ N N N | N N` N`N N Ñ SSS RNN NOEN ```` N Ņ N ```` ```` ß R` N N N ```` ```` N N```` ```` N\\< > N\\NJ*… - -<� ^, NN Ñ `````` N |925 |N N N Ņ RN Ñ Ñ N N N ```` N N N № №SN ```` N N N N N NOEN N N N N | 920 |N BOUND | 9 O O – | 94.4 |9||5 Ñ N```` Ņ Ņ N N` N SSSSSSS §§ §§ §§ SHIPMENTS OF GOODS BY RAILROAD OTHER – NET TONS — COAL – NET TONS (/) 2 O ſ– }– LJ Z | ä H– O |- | 9 OO 24[arrºr-o- 22 F 2O | 8 | 6 14|H (\]O S NO | TT|| VN N | S N O L g 1945 | 9 |5 -Y,Ķ。 ĶŒ ÇQ&>>Çý№, 24 CHART 4 | 6H 22. 2O | 8 st C\! S NOITTI VN C NĮ SNO_L OO |925 | 93C) 1935 1940 | 92O F1 GURES ON PAGE 6 O | 9 |O 1905 1900 1945 Editiny. 40 1945 1920 FIGURES ON PAGE 60 uſ) Š| NĘNN- [NS__'), SS| –[−] Ñ-NNNNNN:· ź oN` ||NNNNN OO<<<).$ az H ºNNN 5 ', ğN—ON + $ŽN8| N· < 0 gNN NBÑ N| ſN NZ- - ∞–L––L––L––L–– | Nuſ)Ñ { N--)(_)SS) Q)N-•-,N~ ūE !| RN–L-Ñm. %?Q <ł|N N!ºk?§ §N | Ō! * …-<{ È Ã ã §s--№{{ 3 }}NN H-Ď ۩ ✉–èu żĒ ēN SCN-|||||||||||||||uſ) ? ?||||||||||||||||||||$ -> 3 ź3|||||||||||||||||||||||N 00| ||||||||||||ß L uſ) ģ[5 Ø RUNNING AND PAID UP STOCK jº % % % % % S S DEPOSITS AND DUE OTHER INSTITUTIONS % º ż % £ ; - ſiſ N 6O ----- - % % % % % % %|Rs T S. %% “ *%%|S|N|Ris 40 zº % % - % .* Z Z 7 %%% Z. % ań. 2O A --- O - 1900 | 905 | 9 |O 1920 1925 | 930 1935 1940 1945 |9||5 F1 GURES ON PAGE 6 | 1945 Edition 44 1945 1940 1935 1920 |925 | 93O FIGURES ON PAGE 62 | 905 | 9 |O | 9 |5 |9 OO uſ) § | N[] LINN['(|||)N [[CNN DOETINO[−]] DOEN|ÈDOEN LINS, | RN DOEN DERNuſ) [S_1} IN | T. 3|N F|N OCNNO ))['(||N$ ſrTTNINN• «æL (/)|ŅNL–L–|N á a['(|||)(||N∞ |ŘNN Ű ģ|:|| NNNN=== „| |N > ?NNNNNNNNNNNN$|-N û , ° §ÑÑÑŅŅI=====L) ( ż # 9 àN````————————['(||N L-5:&`````NN––––-|N O F- tº $Ñ_-ODN u 5’`-º :!$+[N > ſo«-» ID(f) –1? !!�C) O$ $LJ2 >Ëſ§ | 5 % B EyQLJ | P- ö. ğ|- ?ODr. | (_) $ –1$$(_)~D); } O(/)#3ſo>-H-?;? ? C)#| 9ź|- ſn (/) > 9śī£>=O9? · § §§$ | № eÅ å Ë đğ ,> | #E E &æLuj„ O ¿ $¢ £ģĶ$ $ $ ſă ſă ſg ºg•ſň ſň ſ O---- uſ)uſ)§. NN ğ[]||N||||• ſ[][][] 5|§ È &8?C)ŞȘo siONCCO(O<ſ Ğ S\}\/TITIOC] JO SNO|TTT||WN, NISON\/S|[\OH_1 N | 1945 45 Edition 23,000 }|[N |N | |N || [−]|Ņ || [ | , S ||N D-NŘNN| | :| NN c.|—TS Ë , ||-NS- OC H-L|N 8Z? ?|NNNNNN O SÌ5ē ir| # Ğ ğ# ¿|-- <£ 1§ ſä.||į $2 $ ?9 ģË|| 6 iſ º# Ēģ|| ( $ſº e o|||- | IZDğ áā||||| [1] ©È įd||| D5 à ã|[ (/)§ Ù ù|| Ë șă și| № ģē ģ| !!! !! !!, È| (\]È # ? º.| O –J ud Q|-| | | | \ ^• £| s CſN| $[][][]| &ſoſostſvOOO(O<†Cvj SQNV/ST)OH)_L N | 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 | 9 |5 | 9 |O | 905 19CO DEEDS F|LED CUYAHOGA COUNTY 19 O O - 19 4. 4. ----------¬-I-ſ-r--r--r--~~~!) |… t-))))-- 7O CHART 53 6 O 50 4. O O m) SOJN\/S|[\OHL NI 2Of 1945 |9|O |9||5 | 92O F; GURES ON PAGE 63 ſº | 900 |O O 1945 46 Edition CHART 54 7O MORTGAGES FILED 6 O CUYAHOGA COUNT Y 19 OO – |944 5 O 4 O - - - 3O - - 2O | 9 OO | 905 | 9 |O | 9 |5 | 92 659,820,000 |O 9 2 5 | 93O | 935 194O 1945 450 CHART 55 * * DOLLAR VOLUME OF MORTGAGES Fl LED CUYAHOGA COUNTY |9 OO – |94. 4. 4OO–- 3.5 O 3OO 2OO | |OO | | 90C) 1905 | 9 |O |9||5 1920 1925 | 93C) 1935 194 FIGURES ON PAGE 63 2 5 O 5 O O O 1945 1945 Editio 47 70Errºr-rº MORTGAGES CANCELLED 66) CUYAHOGA COUNT Y | 9 || O - 1944 5 O - - - - - --------- --- 4O | || (/) | v O 2 <[ (ſ) a 30 I H. w 2 2O - - - O = ---|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| | | | - | 900 | 905 | 9 |O | 915 | 92O | 925 | 93O 1935 194C) 1945 4oop-ºf-g: t DOLLAR VOLUME OF MORTGAGES CANCELLED C UYAHO GA COUNT Y | 9 || O - 1944 - --- -- 3OO - - - (ſ) OC <ſ —l – O O § 2OO Uſ) 2 O T – c. > 2 | OO oº:: —º: —º | 9 |5 | 92O | 925 | 930 | 935 i84O reas * FIGURES ON PAGE 63 1945 48 Edition 3.5 ſarºf E5 DUPLICATE VALUATIONS TAX | 3 TGV/T}| \, ^\% LON TV LO CUYAHOGA COUNT Y J. 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H-Ø● í ſ CDCCø, O DT) SPECIAL ASSESSMENTs GENERAL LEVY - 3O 20 [-] o! _ſ] i | i i i i F_1 I I I I l_1 | | f it i i | 900 1905 | 9 |O | 9 |5 1920 |925 | 93C) |935 1946/ 1945 F1 GURES ON PAGES 35 AND 66 1945 Edition 5 l 22Errºr-zz 2| te PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST-TO-MATURITY ON BONDS ISSUED BY CUYAHOGA COUNTY 2O =r-e- |9 OO – |943 | 9 | 8 | 7 - S | 6 || R N N N | 5 |H --~~------- - | 4 3 | 2 | O 9 BOND ISSUES BY PURPOSE BUILDINGs, BRIDGES, Poor RELIEF, ETC COUNTY ROADS – COUNTY PORT | ON - - SPEC iaL ASSESSMENT - ROADS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - SEWER AND WATER NN = SS - --------------- ---------- --------- - N UPPER PORT | ON OF EACH BAR - TOTAL AMOUNT OF INTEREST – TO - MATUR IT Y N § LOWER PORTION OF EACH BAR — AMOUNT OF BONDS ISSUED N A \ HHR -- - -------- - -------- ſ §§ N § N § --- - ––– º -----, ------ -— ------------, \ H º `- JOHN A zºº. º, AUDITOR S A W †: DEPUTY D -------- - N s ---, -º- ºr - ºr----> → - -- – §§N N NHS § s Nijºjº HH S § §§§ R ||N N N#NNN N NL R NäNSN N N SS N § }- §§N — tº º s O | 900 1905 |-9 |O 1915 | 92O | 925 | 930 | 935 1940 j945 ! Q4-) 52 Edition 3rº-zz | AMOUNT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE EACH YEAR ON OUTSTANDING BONDS OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY | | | 928 – 1965 | OH- – – — — — — --- |- - BUILDINGs, BRIDGES AND STATE HighwAY Bonds CouTSIDE 10 MILL LIMITAT to N) BRIDGES, Poor RELIEF AND Road Bonds ( INSIDE to MILL LIMITATION ) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROAD BONDS ( ; NSIDE 10 MILL LIMITATION } SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEWER AND WATER BONDS (I NSA DE 10 MILL Li MITATION) º 8 C 8 3 & : &S -º : § § : 3.& : : & § § N s wº Exxº CºCrº Excº 3. 8& 333 C. º Öxxº [XXX xxx; Ç º º $3 C Sºxx KXX X& Q& ſº - & % º Ş. º Q —h- UPPER PORT iON OF EACH BAR — AMOUNT OF INTEREST PAYABLE ºw-ºw- & & | º & N & § º: 2. & 4 | -- s §H . ------- *—-º-º-º-º- - N § ! […] J/ Ş. T º - N & gº * N N & & § {N LOWER PORTION OF EACH BAR — AMOUNT OF PRINCIPAL PAYABLE 3– RHN NHRHN- > *-au =TE N RS N ^ º Nº N N. N Nijelºr As N 3 & 3 & 3 SN º & 2|Hibºkºłąąś #NHSHHsi-Hº & KY 33 & 83 & & W Q Q 3 & & 3 & 3 & & § & 3 & § N § § § § "cuyAHoga count Y DEBT REPort 1893 – 1965" s: 3 & #3 & 3 & 83 & 83 & & & Sº §§§ § § N JOHN A ZANGERt. E . COUNTY AUD I TOR & & 3 #3 & #3 ° & º 'º 3 3 & #3; 3 & 8 W Nks > & 3 & 3 & & & Kº Kº Kºš & 3 & & 8 - A w LEzGus, DEPUTY ;3 & 3 & 3 & 3 || || & S&_{3& & N RSS - | || 3:3: 3 & 83 ° - & §§ § NTT = 3 & 3 3 & º 3& £& § 3; 3. & N. º- & & & & ºxyl ºxº - & & E wº- O - - - | 93O 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1975 3 C CHART 66 O | 9 OO - 1944 2 5 ial – —- ſº go « T T- – H § 2 OH- - -- - - º z — F- O |- 2 —l º---- - -––.- – - - -—------ * — º t- o |- F- >- pºem º: | 5 - - § – L PERSONAL PROPERTY & (L REAL ESTATE gº- – —1 I 3 — o: Gl. | O !— I -- ? -—— — ſl [] .5 –– --º-º- - F- O | 9 OO | 9 O5 |9|O | 915 1920 1925 193O | 935 1940 1945 F1GURES ON PAGE 66 1945 Ed: ‘to-n 5 3 4, 5 O CHART 67 4 OO 3.5C) 3 OO 2 50 2 OOH | 5 O | A | OO | 5 O TAX CLEVELAND |9 OO – 1944 RATE PER $ 1 OO VALUATION O |905 19 O | 9 s 5 |9|| | 92 oop-rººf-ºr 80 7O CURRENT GENERAL LEVY REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROFERTY CLEVELAND | 9 O O - 1943 6 O 5 O 4. O 3O 2OH−–— — — — — — — — — — | 900 | | SOE |9|O 1915 | 92G 1925 F GURES ON PAGE 66 |93O |935 1940 |945 1945 54 Edition Table 1– NATIONAL INCOME PRODUCED, PUBLIC DEBT, GOLD STOCK, EMPLOYMENT, BANK DEBITS AND INTEREST RATES: 1910-1944 United States Government T Index of Wage Earner Bank Debits in Millions National Publi Mºy Employment in d |T Dow- Il COIne i- if- tº DH.10. Manufacturing Indus Total Outside reasury Year | Produced |Receipts º º Debt Stock g try 141 ||New York Bonds | Call Jones in in in in in in Total Durable Non- Cities City Cleveland | Yield Money * Millions |Millions | Miſſions | Miſſions | Millions | Millions otal || Goods R. Monthly Average a L945 $20,213 l944 $44,149 |$93,744|$–49,595|$201,003|| 21, 173| 166.6|| 227.7 118.5|$67,328|$38,530|$16,251 l.92 | 1.00|| 143.32 1945) #147,927|22,282 78,182|-55,900||136,696 22,388 168.7| 227.8 122.1 59,648] 34,951 || 14, 230|| 1.9l l.00||134.81 1942 lzl,568 12,799; 32,491 -19,692|| 72,422 22,737| 152.3| 191.5 lzl. 4| 46,115| 28,535 | ll,852 2.02 | 1.00| 107.24 1941| 96,857| 7,607 12,775 -5, 168|| 48,961 22,624 132.1|| 153.8 llā.0|| 40,958| 24,881 || 9,183 || 1.95 || 1.00||121.82 1940 77,574| 5,387| 9,127| -3, 740 || 42,968] 19,963| lo'7.5|| 115.5| 101.3| 33,960 | 19,745 8,022 2.21 | 1.00||134.74 1939| 70,829| 5, 165| 8,765 -3,600| 40,440 l6, llo 100.0|| 100. O| 100.0|| 32,461| 17,260 6,780 || 2.36 l.00||142.66 l938 64, 200| 5,855 7,304 -l, 449 37,165| lz,963 92.7 88, 7 95.7| 31,119 || 17,054 6,069 2.56 l,00||132.44 1937| 71,513| 5,029| 8,281| -3, 252| 36,425 | 12,318| llz.2| llb.8| 106.8. 36,087| 19,601 || 7,571 2.68|| 1.00|166.36 1936 64,924| 4, 116 9,068 -4,952 33,779| 10,608| 102.3| 103.3| 101.3| 35,717| 18,306 6,866 2,65 •91 || 162.25 1935| 55,719| 3,800 7,583| -3,783| 28, 7Ol|| 9,116 94.3| 90.9| 97.0|| 31, 18l. 15,847 5,614| 2.79 • 56 l?0.00 1934. 49,455, 3,116 6,370 -3,254| 27,053| 7,856 88.5|| 82.5| 93.4| 27,625] 13,796 || 4,738|| 3.12| l.00| 98.28 1933| 42,322 2,080 4,325 -2,245 22,539| 4,318|| 75.8|| 65.5| 84.0] 25,701 | 12,205 3,842 3.31 | 1.16|| 83.73 1932 39,963| 2,006 4,947 -2,941 19,487 3,919 68.5 60.1 75.1| 26,864| 12,867 4,889 3.68 2. O5| 64,57 1931 54,479| 3,317| 4,091 -774 16,801| 4,956 80.7| 77.1. 83.4| 40,113 18,127 7,822 || 3.34 l. 74|138.58 1930 | 68,858| 4, 178] 3,994 184| 16, 185| 4,535 | 95.5| 99.8 91.9| 55,163 23,110 || 9,882 3.29 2.94| 236.34 1929 83,326|| 4,033| 3,848 185| 16,931| 4,324 log.5|| 121.0|| 100.5| 77,919 27,662 ll, 439| 3.60 || 7.6l 311.24 1928 77,470| 4,042 3,644 398 17,604 4, 109 || 103.0| lll .3 96.4| 67,200 25,516 || 10,188 3. 33 6,04 || 2:26.21 1927 | 75,608| 4,129 || 3,494 635 | 18,510 || 4,587| 102.8| 109.9| 97.1| 56,155] 23,525 || 9,793 || 3.34| 4.06 175.94 1926 75,286 3,903 3,585 378 19,643 4,447| 105.1 || 116.7 95.7| 50,663| 22,408 9,088 3.68 4.50 | 153,08 1925 71,719 3,780 3,530 250 20,516 4,360 | 103.1 || 113.3 94.9| 47,505 21,391 8,359 3. 86 4, 20 || 134.52 1924 68, 448| 4,012 3,507 505 21, 25l 4,488 99.6 || 109 . 8 91.5| 40,974 19,013 7,588 4.06 3,08; 99.68 l923 67,333| 4,007 3,697 310 22,350 4,050 | 107.2 || 118.6 98.3| 38,644 18,777 7,774 4.36 4.85 94.92 1922 58,263| 4,109 3,795 314|| 22,964. 3,785| 93.7 cº -| 36,614| lé,626 6,588 4.30 || 4.29| 93.17 1921 57,907 5,625 5,538 87 23,976 3,275 84.9 tºº - || 33,253 15,995 6,422 5. O9 5.98 || 73, 48 1920 70,876; 6,695 6,482 213 24,298 2,865 llo.6 & e -| 40,252 | 20,133 9, 18O 5.32 7.72 | 90.04 1919 || 65,490 5,152 18,523 -13,371 25,482 3,113| llo.2 * - tº - 37,941| 17,598 || 7,836 4.73 || 6.27| 99.78 1918 59,297 3,665| 12,698 -9,033 || 12,244|| 3,163 * * & º gº sº sº - || 5.24 81.0l 1917 48, l8l l, 124 l, 978 •854 2,976 3,220 gº tº . º cº ſº sº gº 3.33 87.79 1916 39,965 783 734 49 l, 225 2,445 «º * * * * * > gº tº º gºe 2.57| 95.38 1915 33,456 698 761 • 63 l, 191 1,986 sº-º. &_º sº sº sº tº e tº 1.98 || 74. 40 1914 || 32,098 735 735 - | 1, 188| 1,891 sº tº fº 4- º sº - || 3, 72| 81, O3 1913 32,441 724 725 -l l, l03 l,871 Gº * --> * * * tº e ſº gº tº * 3, 26 || 79.51 1912 30,355 693 690 3 l, 194 l,818 dº tº e ſº º sº tº e 3.67 * 1911 || 28,997.| 702 691 ll 1,154 1,753 gº tº * * wº dº ſº • 2.58 tº 1910 29, 117 676 694 -18 l, 147 l.,636 iº ſº is a ſº * * sº - 2.99 gº º SOURCE Column 1 – Bureauftof Foreign | and Domestic Commerce, 1929-1944, 1900-1928 based on Doctor Robert Martin's income estimates published by the National Industrial Con- ference Board Columns 2 to 6 – Annual Report of Secretary of Treasury — first three columns show ordinary receipts and expenditures based on warrants issued, 1900-1915; based on daily treasury statements (unrevised) 1916 to date, next column based on daily treasury statements (revised), next column refers to june 30 Columns 7 to 9 — Bureau of Labor Statistics, adjusted to 1939 Census of Manufactures Indexes for years prior to 1939 adjusted from 1923 1925 base Columns 10 to 12 — Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System, average &f reports for 11 months in 1933, March not available because of Bank Holiday Column 13–Average yield of U S Treasury Bonds published by Survey of Current Business Column 14 – Call loans, renewal, of New York Stock Exchange as published by Survey of Current Business — Ogle, Dunne and company 1900 to 1920 and Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System 1921 to date,Column 15 – Dow-Jones average of 30 industrial shares based on closing quotations furnished by Wall Street Journal and published by Survey of Current Business(exchange closed July 31 to December 11, 1914) Table 2.-SELECTED INDEXES SHOWING BUSINESS TRENDS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1940 - 1944 - Value of Index of Dollar Volume of Index of C es Cººn Weekly Wage in Retail sº Income Payments Cash Value of Słłº Whole- Stock Prices Indus- Awarded Manufacturing Industry P eV Farm | Foreign Trade t sale (1935-1939 = 100) Year ! trial & Depart-Passenger Income 1923-1925 – 100. Price Prices Produc- Resi Durablelº, i. £i. * ( tº Index (1926 354 20 ion rºes1- UiTaole Stores II) 1935-39 = 100) , -39'ſ e º tio Total dential Total Goods R. ~ - gº Millions Gº 100) Imports expertº 100) * Railroads 1945 l944 235 4l 16 334.2 || 466.6 204. 7 186 - 156,794| 233.4 || 253.8 || 101 3513 || 125.5 || 104.0 | 101 - 7 1Ol. O 1943 239 68 40 316.4 || 44l. l l 194.4 138 - |141,717| 211.4 || 238.4 88 280 | 125.6 | LO3. l. 94.1 88.7 1942 199 166 82 242. 2 || 321.3 | 165. O 124 - |ll3,824|169.6 | 193.0 72 174 || 116.5 98.8 71.3 66.1 1941 l62 125 89 16 7.5 || 202. 3 || 133.5 110 155 89,425||132.9 || 140.1 83 97 | LO5.2 87.3 80. 4 70. 6 1940 l25 82 72 ll4.5 || 125.1 | 104.1 94 15l 75,706| llz.5 || 104.6 68 88 || 10O. 2 78.5 87.9 71 el lº:39 109 72 61 100. O || LOO ... O | 100 . O 90 100 71,016 || 105.5 98.8 60 70 99.4 77.l. 94.8 74.7 1938 89 64 44 85.8 79.2 92.4 85 73 66,584. 98.9 96.4 51 68 || 100.8 78.6 90, i. 69.5 1937 1135 59 41 ll?.9 || 120. l()5.8 92 12O 72, 213| 107.2 llo. O 80 73 || 102.7 86.3 | ll 8, 1 129.8 1936 105 55 37 94.5 94.6 94.3 88 116 68, llé| 101.2 | 104.9 62 54 99. l. 80.8 || 115.2 l36.5 1935 87 37 2l 8l. 6 75.1 87.9 79 92 58,728 87.2 88.9 53 50 98, l 80.0 82.2 90.2 1934 75 32 12 71. O 6l. 5 80.8 75 63 53,978. 80.2 79. 4 43 47 95.7 74.9 73, 4 ll.0.1 1933 69 25 ll 55.2 43. l 67. O 67 48 46, 808 69.5 66.6 37 37 92.4 65.9 59, 9 100.8 1932 58 28 13 5l. 4 39.2 63.5 69 39 49,295| 73.2 59.5 34 35 97.6 64.8 41.8 69.5 1931 75 63 37 74.7 65.2 83, 9 92 7O 63,520, 94.3 79 - 9 54 53 | LO8, 7 73. O 78.5 191.3 1930 91 92 50 98.5 98.2 98, 6 102 103 74,646||110.9 ll3.1 79 84 ll9.4 86. 4 || 127.0 331.5 1929 110 ll'7 87 121.6 || 130.4 ll3.0 lll l63 82,374 122.3 || 141.7 113 115 122.5 95.3 171, i. 390.7 1928 99 135 126 ll 4. 0 || 119.9 || 108.1 108 134 sº - || 138.9 106 1135 | 122.6 96. 7 || 139, 4 340.9 1927 95 129 Ll” ll2.8 || ll 5.9 || 109.6 107 tº º tº - || 134.9 108 LO7 | 124.0 95 - 4 || 107.0 315.8 1926 96 129 121 ll4.8 || 122.9 106.8 106 º tº - || 132.5 114 106 || 126 - 4 || 100.0 90.3 265. 1 1925 90 122 124 lll .3 || ll8.5 | 104.5 103 &_* * - - || 157. 9 109 108 || 125. 4 || 105.5 79.9 237.5 1924 82 94 95 105.7 || 112.4 99.1 99 tº º cº - || 128.2 93 lO1 | 122.2 98.0 62. 9 203.5 1923 88 84 8l. 115. 3 || 121. O || 105.7 98 tº tº • 119.9 98 91 || 121.9 || 100.6 60. 1 190.6 1922 73 79 68 89.4 * > tº 88 * . dº - || 107.8 80 84 || 119 - 7 96.7 58.4 192.7 1921 58 56 44 835.3 tºº 4 tº 87 tº sº • 102.2 65 98 || 127.7 97.6 46.7 l63.8 1920 75 63 30 129 - 1 tº-e * - 94 « º tº e - || 158.1 136 181 || 143.2 | 154.4 59.8 l69 , 6 1919 72 63 44 107.9 & &= 78 * > tº • | 183. ]. 101 174 || 124.5 || 138.6 65.6 186.5 1918 * - e. * gº º gºe tºº * - gº tºº • 168. 8 78 135 | LO7.5 || 151.3 51.2 182.1 1917 * * &Le sº sº dº * * & sº wº - || 154.8 76 137 91.6 || 117.5 * > tº 1916 † tº tº sº * * sº wº tºº * > 97.2 62 l2O 77.9 85.5 tº º 1915 dº ſº dº * * gº tº tº º tº º tºº º 80, 3 46 78 72.5 69.5 gº tº gº 1914 gº tº º a * * gº $º * * {º * * * tº 75,9 46 46 71 - 8 68.1 gº {-, } 1913 * > gº & ºt tºº tºº dº gº * tº gº 78.4 46 55 70. 7 69.8 & ºt º 1912 dº º gº tº º tº-e tº tºº dº •º 4 º' º sº tº gºe ſº- tº gº tº 1911 tº º tº sº tº tº º tºº tº wº gº º &_º * > gº sº º •. & 1910 gº tº f : tº dº dº * > * ... º. tº ºt tº fº sº nº º « » tº b wº tºº NOTE, Indexes based on 1923-1925 as T00 unless otherwise indicated SOURCESTColumn.T. Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System Columns 2 and 3 — Survey of Current Business from monthly figures reported by the F W Dodge Corporation. Columns 4 to 6–Bureau of Labor Statistics, adjusted to 1939 Census of Manufactures. Indexes for years prior tol939 adjusted from 1923 1925 base Column 7 — Board of Governors of Federal, Reserve System, based on daily average dollar sales Column 8 — Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, based on monthly unitsales and average realized price computed from monthly registration. & income from marketings of 37 important farm products Columns 12 and 13. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, ºbased on value of total general imports and of total merchandise exports and re-exports Column 14 — Bureau of Labor Statistics, based on cost!of goods purchased by wage earners and lower-salaried workers in 32 large cities. Column 15 — Bureau of Labor Statistics Columns 16 and 17 — Survey of Current Business, based on ratio of market value of stocks to 1926 market value with adjustments for stock dividends, Standard Statistics Column 9 and 10 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce CHARTS ON PAGES 20 AND 21 Column 11— Bureau of Agricultural Economics, based on cash split-ups and so forth as compiled by 1945 Table 3–PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, UNITED STATES: 1940-1945 (Excluding institutional population) Edition 55 Civilian Labor Force (in thousands) Employed Nonworkers É. Month Total Unemployed (in thousands) (in thousands) Total Nonagricultural Agricultural Total Male Female || Total Male Female | Total Male | Female | Total Male |Female | Total || Male |Female || Total || Male | Female Total 1940 Jan. tº º º sº tº gº gº tº º dº tº- * tºº *Eº tº º tºº sº gº gº tºº 400,000 Feb. tº 4-> tºº sº ſº wº tº- º tº tº ſº tº tº sº * tº e tº º ºp wº 400,000 Mar. 53,020 |40,010||13,010|45,060|33,820 |ll, 240 |36,550|25,820 |10,730 | 8,510|8,000 510 |7,960|6, 190 |l, 770 |46,620 |9,500 |37,120 400,000 Apr. 53,310|40,220 | 13,090|45,510|34,250 |ll, 260 |36,530|25,960|10,570 | 8,980|8,290 690 |7,800|5, 970 |l,830 |46,370|9,310|37,060 400,000 May 53,890 |40,640 | 13, 250|46,400|35,090 |ll, 310|36,480|26, 220 | 10, 260 |_9,920 8,870 |l,050 |7,490|5,550 |l, 940 |45,860|8,910 |36,950 500,000 June |55,560|41,710| 13,850||47,840|36,260 |ll,580 |36,950 27,090|| 9,860 10,890|9,170 l,720 |7,720|5,450 |2,270 |44,290|7,880 |36,410 500,000 July 56,420 |42,570 13,850|48,010|36,680 il, 330 37,350|27,270|10,080 |10,660|9,410 |l, 250 |8,410|5,890 |2,520 |43,530|7,050 |36,480 500,000 Aug. 56,050|42,300||13,750|48,070|36,770 |ll, 300 |38,070|27,850 | 10,220 |10,000|8,920 | 1,080 |7,980|5,530 |2,450 43,940|7,300|36,640 500,000 sept |54,390|40,820 13,570|48, 190|36,380 |ll,810 |37,900|27,590|10,310|10,290|8,790 1,500 |6, 200|4,440 1,760 |45,640|8,760 |36,880 500,000 Oct. 53,840|40,610| 13,230||47,310|35,850 |ll,460 37,730|27,400|10,330 ,580|8,450 1,130 |6,530|4,760 |l, 770 |46,230||8,950 |37,280 700,000 Nov. 53,090|40,460 | 12,630 |46,520 |35,550 |10,970 |38,240|27,620 |10,620 | 8, 280|7,930 350 |6,570|4, 910 |l,660 |46,980||9,050 |37,930 800,000 Dec. 52,740|40,210 | 12,530|46,420 |35,390 |ll,030 |38,490|27,830 |10,660 | 7,930|7,560 370 |6,320|4, 820 |l,500 |47,350 ||9,260 |38,090 800,000 l941 Jan. 52,350 |40,010 12,340||45,550 :::::9 10,730 |38,000|27,550 | 10,450 7,550|7,270 280 |6,800|5,190 1,610 |47,780 ||9,450 |38,330 900,000 Feb. 52,200|39,840 | 12,360|45,830|27;850|10,780 |38,360|27,850 | 10,510 || 7,470|7,200 270 |6,370|4, 790 |l,580 |47,880 ||9,530 |38,350 | 1,000,000 Mar. 51,950|39,660 | 12,290|46,000 35,120 | 10,880 |38,380|27, 760|10,620 | 7,620 || 7,360 260 |5,950|4,540 |l, 410 |48,040||9,570 |38,470 l, 200,000 Apr. 53,090|40,230|| 12,860||47,280|35,920 |ll, 360 |38,870|28, 180|10,690 | 8,410|7,740 670 |5,810|4, 310 |l,500 |46,760 |8,820 |37,940 | 1,400,000 May 53,880|40,270||13,610|48,760|36,570 |12, 190 39,550 28,610| 10,940 || 9, 210|7,960 | 1,250 |5,120 |3,700 |1,420 |45,880|8,630 |37,250 | 1,600,000 June 56,130|41,790 14,340|50,610|37,990 |12,620 |40,510|29,480|ll,030 |10, 100|8,510 | 1,590 |5,520 |3,800 |l, 720 |43,650 |7,070 |36,580 1,700,000 July 56,550|42,150 14,400|51,310||38,570 |12,740 |41,380|30, 100|ll, 280 || 9,930|8,470|1,460 |5,240|3,580 |l,660 |43,210|6,650 |36,560 | 1,800,000 Aug. 56,500|42,020 || 14,480|51,550|38,610|12,940 |42,140|30,560|ll,580 || 9,410|8,050 | 1,360 |4,950|3,410 |l, 540 143,270 ||6,730 |36,540 | 1,900,000 sept 154,990|40,650 14,340|50,820 37,770 |13,050 |41,520 |30,060 |ll, 460 || 9,300|7,710|l, 590 |4, 170|2,880 |l, 290 44,800|8,070 |36,730 || 2,000,000 Oct. 54,070|39,940 || 14,130|50,610|37,620 | 12,990 |41,730|30, 110|ll,620 | 8,880|7,510 | 1,370 |3,460|2,320 |l, 140 |45,790|8,800 |36,990 2,000,000 Nov. 53,820 |39,860 | 13,960|50,370|37,470 | 12,900 |42,020' 30, llo ll.910 || 8,350|7, 360 990 |3,450|2,390 |l,060 |46, 130|8,910 |37,220 | 2,000,000 Dec. 53,680|39,910| 13,770|50,370|37,520 | 12,850 |42,870|30,530 14,340] 7,500|6,990 510 |3,310|2,390 920 |46,300|8,840 |37,460 2,100,000 1942 Jan. 52,970|39,720 | 13,250 49.080|36,910 |12,170 |41,750|29,990 |ll, 760 | 7,330|6,920 410 |3,890|2,810 |l,080 |47,050||9,010 |38,040 || 2,100,000 Feb. 53;2|10|39;860 13,350|49,560|37,180 | 12,380 |42,060|30, 140 ll, 920 | 7,500|7,040 460 |3,650|2, 680 970 |46,730|8,750 |37,980 || 2,400,000 Mar. [53,460|39,890 13,570|50,230||37,570 lz,660 |42, 540|30,400||12, 140 || 7,690|7, 170 520 |3,230||2,320 910 |46,280|8,470 |37,810 || 2,700,000 Apr. 53,850|39,710 || 14, 140|5l, llo|37,820 |13,290 |42,690|30,330|12,360 | 8,420 || 7,490 930 |2, 740|l,890 850 |45,530 ||8,250 |37,280 || 3,000,000 May 54,340|39,820 14,520 |52,030|38,360 |13,670 |42,980|30,740|12,240 || 9,050|7,620 1,430 (2,310||1,460 850 44,830|7,880 |36,950 | 3,300,000 June |56,260|40,790 | 15,470|53,710|39,180 || 14,530 |43,480|| 31,070 | 12,410 |10, 230|8, llo || 2, 120 |2,550|l, 610 940 |42,460||6,430 |36,030 || 3,600,000 July 56,770|4l, 220 15,550|54; 340 39,710 ||14,630 |44, 340|| 31,510 | 12,830 |10,000|8, 200|l,800 |2,430|l, 510 920 |41,910|5,910 |36,000 || 3,900,000 Aug. 56,340|40,790 | 15,550|54,390|39,510 || 14,880 |44,690|| 31,470 | 13,220 9,700|8,040 | 1,660 |l, 950|l, 280 670 |42,000|5,970 |36,030 || 4,200,000 Sept |54,410|38,970 15,440|52,920 38,030 ||14,890 |44,060|| 30, 750|13,310 | 8,860|7,280 | 1,580 |l,490 940 550 |43,640|7,460 |36, 180 || 4,600,000 Oct. 54,630|38,820 | 15,810|53,170|37,930 |15,240 |43,790|30,370 | 13,420 || 9,380|7,560 |l,820 |1,460 890 570 |43,120 |7,220 |35,900 || 5, 200,000 Nov. 54,080|38,270 lb,810|52,600|37,370 15,230 |44, 410|30,340|14,070 | 8, 190|7,030|l, 160 |l,480 900 580 |43,070|7, 130 |35,940 5,800,000 Dec. 53,630|37,610 lb,020 ||52,230||36,800 |15,430 |44,850|30, 130|14,720 | 7,380||6,670 710 |l, 400 8LO 590 |43,090|7,310 |35,780 6,400,000 1945 Jan. 52,720 ||36,850 15,870|51,350|36,040 15,310|44, 240|| 29,610|14,630 || 7, 110|6,430 680 Il, 370 810 560 |43,390 ||7,430 |35,960 | 7,000,000 Feb. 52,540||36,410| 16, 130|51,210|35,640 | 15,570 |44, 130|29, 240|14,890 || 7,080|6,400 680 |l, 330 770 560 |43,240|7,500 |35,740 || 7,500,000 Mar. 52,290|36,020 | 16,270 ||51,230|35,410 | 15,820 |44,000|28,910 | 15,090 | 7,230||6,500 730 |1,060 6L6) 450 |43,060|7,440 |35,620 | 8,000,000 Apr. 52,540|35,990 | 16,550|51, 590|35,470 |16,120 |43,720 |28,680 | 15,040 | 7,870|6,790 | 1,080 950 52O 430 42,420 ||7,060 |35,360 | 8,400,000 May 53,550||36,260|17,290|52,630|35,730 |16,900 |43,720 |28,520 | 15, 200 | 8,910|7,210|1,700 92O 530 390 |41,200 ||6,570 |34,630 || 8,700,000 June 55,220 ||36,880|18,340|54,000|36,220 | 17,780 |44, 180|28,610|15,570 9,820 || 7,610|2, 210 |l, 220 660 560 |39,230|5,620 |33,610 || 8,900,000 July 56,040||37,380 | 18,660|54,750|36,670 |18,080 |45,050|29,050 | 16,000 || 9,700|7,620 |2,080 |l, 290 710 580 |38,320|4,970 |33,350 || 9,300,000 Aug. 55,440||36,990|18,450|54,370|36,440 |17,930 |44,730|28,890|15,840 || 9,640|7,550 |2,090 |1,070 550 520 |38,800|5,170 |33,630 || 9,600,000 Sept 53,910|35,700||18,210|52,950|35,210 || 17,740 |43,900|28, 270 | 15,630 || 9,050||6,940 |2, 110 96.O 490 470 |40,150|6, 260 33,890 9,800,000 Oct. 53,080|35,310|| 17,770|52,170|34,820 |17,350 |43,770|28,070 15,700 8,400|6,750 |l,650 910 49 O 420 |40,850|6,470 |34,380 |10,000,000 Nov. 52,550|35,080|17,470 ||51,680|34,640 17,040 |43,980|28,130 | 15,850 7,700|6, 510 | 1, 190 870 440 430 41,310||6, 610 |34,700 10,100,000 Dec. 51,900|34,780|17,120 |51, Olo. 34,220 | 16,790 |44, 190|28,080 | 16, 110 || 6,820 |6, 140 680 390 560 330 |4l,810|6,720 35,090 |10,300,000 l944 Jan. [51,430|34,640 | 16,790|50,350 33,990 |16,360 |43,750|27,970 15,780 || 6,600|6,020 580 |l,080 650 430 42,230||6, 780 |35,450 10,500,000 Feb. 51,150|34,520 16,630|50,260; 34,010 | 16,250 |43,610|27,880 | 15,730 | 6,650|6,130 520 890 510 380 |42,410|6,740 |35,670 |10,700,000 Mar. 51,360|34,480 | 16,880|50,490|34,010 |16,480 |43,580|27,680 | 15,900 | 6,910|6,330 58O 870 470 400 |42, 180|6, 740 |35,440 |10,800,000 Apr. 52,060|34,880|17, 180|51,290 34,440 |16,850 |43,790|27,750 | 16,040 || 7,500|6,690 810 770 440 330 |41,300||6,130 |35,170 |ll, l00,000 May 52,840||34,910| 17,930|51,960; 34,490 |17,470 |43,360|27,400 15,960 8,600|7,090 |l, 510 880 420 460 |40,380|5,920 |34,460 |ll, 200,000 June 54,220 |35,540|18,680|53,220; 35,040 18, 180 |43,660|| 27,600|16,060 9,560|7,440 |2, 120 |l, COO 500 500 |38,870|5,130 |33,740 |ll, 400,000 July 55,000|35,890| 19, 110|54,000; 35,410 |18,590 |44,330|27,890 | 16,440 || 9,670|7,520 |2, 150 |l,000 480 520 37,980|4,640 |33,340 |ll,600,000 Aug. 54,010||35,570 18,440|53,170; 35,140|18,030 |44,600|28, 170|16,430 || 8,570|| 6,970 | 1,600 840 430 410 ||38,920 |4,880 |34,040 |ll, 700,000 Sept 153,030|34,590 18,440|52,250, 34,190 |18,060 43,580|27,430|16, loo 8,670 6,760 | 1,910 780 400 380 |39,880 |5,810 |34,070 |ll,800,000 Oct. 52,870|34,410 | 18, 460|52,240; 34,100 |18,140 |43,490|27,320 | 16,170 8,750|6, 780 | 1,970 63O 3].O 320 |40,090 |5,990 |34,100 |ll, 900,000 Nov. 52,210|34,060 | 18, 150|5l, 530|33,710 |17,820 |43,390|27,260 | 16, 130 8, 140||6,450 | 1,690 68O 350 330 |40,740 ||6, 240 |34,500 |ll,900,000 Dec. 151,250|33,720 17,530|50,570|33,320|17,250 |43,480|27,220 |16,260 7,090|6,100 990 630 400 280 |41,710|6,540 |35,170 |ll,900,000 1945 Jan. 50,960|33,650|17,310|50, 12033,160 |16,960 |43,430|27, 230 | 16,200 || 6,690|5,930 76O 840 490 350 |42,080||6,660 |35,420 |ll,900,000 Feb. 51,430|33,660 17,770 |50,550; 33,170 |17,380 |43,760|27,270 16,490 6,790|5,900 890 88O 490 390 |4l,640||6,620 |35,020 |12,000,000 Mar. 51,660|33,720 | 17,940|50,830: 33,230 |17,600 |43,540|27,060 | 16,480 7, 290|6, 170|1, 120 83O 490 340 41,330|6,440 |34,890 |12,000,000 Apr. 51,930|33,840|18,090|51,160|33,410 #17,750 |43,410|26,940 16,470 7,750|6,470 |l, 280 770 430 340 41,090||6,320 |34,770 |12, loo,000 May 52,030|33,790|18,240|51,300; 33,360 |17,940 |43,350||26,910 | 16,440 7,950|6,450 1,500 730 430 300 |41,000 ||6,330 |34,670 |12, 200,000 June 153,140||34,380 18,760|52,060,33,800 |18, 260 |42,970|26,840 |16, 130 9,090|6,960 |2, 130 |l,080 580 500 39,830|5,640 |34,190 lz,300,000 July 53,750||34,940|18,810|52,660: 34,380 |18, 280 43,520 |27,350 16,170 9, 140|7,030|2, llo |l,090 560 530 39,360|5,170 |34, 190 |12,300,000 §: 54,350 |35,020 | 19,330 |53, 520 34,590 |18,930 |44,470 9,050 83O l2,300,000 Sep Oct. Nove Dec , CHART ON PAGE 22 1945 56 Edition Table 4.—DEMOGRAPHICAL DATA RELATING TO THE MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY AND THE CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN DISTRICT Family Units Created Dwelli A - - - - Population Families 1932-1944 Family W*& Tax Rate :3. PopulatIOIl Families Estimated Estimated New Units Foreclosed per $100 Minor Civil Division April April * tº Re- * and Sold * Square Midyear Midyear Con- del Demolished by Sheriff Valuation Miles 1940 1940 1944 1944 Total Struc- model | 1932-1944 |PY 1944 º 1ng 1932-1944 tion Cuyahoga County 458.22 | 1,217,250 | 336,519 |1,233,882 |358,869 |*46,913 443,934 2,979 | *8,335 | 24,847 Fourteen Cities 160.72 | 1,157,157 320,658 |1,163,311|337,910 |*39,291 |*36,432 2,859 | *s, 273 || 23,376 Five Cities 96.57 | 1,065,376 296,464 |1,049,519 |305,488 |*26, 155 |*23,411 2,744 | *8,225 | 20,241 Cleveland 73. 18 878,336 242,267 || 366,508 |247,189 |*20,296 |*17,880 | 2,416 | *8,117 | 16,430 | *2.98 Lakewood 5 - 66 69, 160 20,842 65,927 21,784 997 899 98 56 | 1,294 | a 2.59 Cleveland Heights 8 . L7 54,992 || 15, 190 54, 522 | 16,577 2,278 || 2,225 53 9 | 1,400 2.42 East Cleveland 3. O2 39,495 || 12,131 37,223 | 12,641 459 303 156 435 737 92.57 Shaker Heights 6.54 23,393 6,034 25,339 7,297 2, 125 || 2, 104 2l tºº. 470 f2.39 Euclid LO , 78 17,866 4,780 27,168 7,993 | *5,002 | *4,990 lò {E_i 674 2.56 Carfield Heights 6.95 16,989 4, 289 18, 191 || 4,929 810 789 21 tº 58] | 83. O7 Parma 2O = O8 16,365 4, 246 18, 715 5, 285 | 1,257 || 1,243 l4 * . 725 2.96 Rocky River 4 - 73 8,291 2, 361 9, 100 2,814 | 1,060 || 1,044 l6 LO 236 2.8.l. Bedford 4.85 7,390 l, 912 7,696 || 2,095 256 250 6 16 198 2.84 Maple Heights 5. 55 Č,728 l, 712 9,375 2,483 99 l 990 l 5 393 | hº-35 South Euclid 4. W5 6,146 l,680 8,055 2,386 l, 107 || 1,102 5 4 186 2.78 Berea 4.68 6,025 l,656 7,007 || 2,081 | *1,007 age 8 39 l2 140 2.85 University Heights l,80 5,981 l,558 8,485 2,356 l, 645 || 1,645 s tº l 87 2.67 Forty-one Villages 266 , 89 54,01l l4,815 63,324 | 19,475 6,543 || 6,435 108 46 l, 415 Bay 4. 60 3,356 l, Ol4 4,023 l, 475 590 590 tºº l 124 2.67 Beachwood 4.56 372 102 443 L33 61 61 wº ſº ll 2, 62 Bentleyville” 2. 7]. ll 7 3l 116 39 l? 17 tº. 2 4 2. lº Bratenahl l.05 l, 350 336 l, 304 349 9 9 ºp l 19 l. 80 Brecksville” 19.83 l,900 517 2, 138 609 2O3 199 4. tº- 27 2. 52 Broadview Heights” l2.99 l, l’Al 3O4 l, 362 476 221 217 4 l 23 12.65 Brooklyn 4. 15 l, 108 289 3,268 862 a834 a829 5 gº 28 2.76 Brooklyn Heights l. 84 496 l43 587 158 354 34 tºº * * * 8 2.4-l Brook Park 9 , 64 l, 122 299 l, ll.9 333 80 76 4. 4 25 2.67 Chagrin Falls* 2. O9 2,505 743 2,331 886 44 43 l 14 35 2.85 Cuyahoga Heights 3.35 674 171 684 18O 35 26 9 ll 3 l. 34 Fairview 3.64 4,700 l, 266 5,366 | 1,562 452 428 4. t- 265 || 33.25 Gates Mills. 9, ll 906 255 864 352 38 38 *_º tºp 4 2,352 Glenwillow 2.90 218 59 2O2 58 32 30 2 l l 1. 55 Highland Heights 4.99 356 97 449 128 5l. 50 l l 8 2. lº Hunting Valley* 7. O2 336 99 298 124 35 29 4 2 2 1.88 Independence 9 . Of l,815 , 470 2,033 6O2 l4l l38 3 º 38 2. 47 Lunndale ... lo 445 109 426 ll.O 8 5 3 tºº 12 l. 85 Lyndhurst 4.65 2,391 647 3, Ols 876 464 461 3 l lo'7 2.8.l. Mayfield 3.94 448 129 52O 159 75 72 3 l 7 2.52 Mayfield Heights 4.16 2,696 734 2,825 859 146 l44 2 tº LOO 2.96 Middleburgh Heights 8. 19 l, 225 32O l, 309 373 LOO 98 2 º 21 k; • 95 Moreland Hills” 7s 21 561 175 593 260 88 88 * tºº 7 2. lb Newburgh Heights . 55 3,830 l,070 3,702 l, 108 18 15 3 gºs 56 l. 85 North Olmsted ll. 50 3,487 975 4,135 | 1,233 329 328 l sº 99 2.95 North Randall . 78 92 28 88 15 2 2 sº g-e tº º 1} • 95 North Royalton” 21. lº 2,559 673 3,009 967 414 409 5 sº 46 1.92 Olmsted Falls L. 22 754 2O2 780 258 59 57 2 * > 26 2.90 Orange" 3 - 47 492 l31 660 198 lll ll l tº º ſº- 4. 1. 75 Parkview l. O6 208 58 277 98 66 62 4 º 5 2.5]- Parma Heights 4.02 l, 330 353 l,576 462 136 133 3 dº 43 2.80 Pepper Pike * 7.37 423 82 742 174 102 102 * > tº 5 2. 29 Richmond Heights 4.50 507 148 58O 190 68 67 l tº 15 | *l. 58 Seven Hills 5 - 15 555 156 758 225 LOO 99 l Gº 6 2.56 Solon's 20 - 30 1,508 421 1,651 542 207 206 l * 36 | *2.26 Strongsville. " 25. OO 2,216 616 2,527 788 281 272 9 l 49 2. lº Valley View 6 - 15 753 208 368 267 86 84 2 l 22 l. 43 Warrensville Heights 3. 98 l, 175 316 2, 230 640 409 | 407 2 tºp 35 | 92.87 Westlake 16. 35 3, 200 871 3, 697 | 1,094 325 312 13 tº º 70 2.45 Westview 2. l.9 407 113 436 134 43 37 6 3 10 | P2. 20 Woodmere . 40 277 85 333 l19 51 50 l l 9 l. 37 Five Townships 30.6l 6,082 l,046 7,247 l, 484 || 1,079 l,067 l2 16 56 Bedford” 15.60 2, 106 587 2,983 889 665 661 4. 8 22 || 91.78 Chagrin Falls” • 55 24 5 26 ll 7 6 l l 2 1.93 Olmsted 10.84 l,585 415 l,876 536 390 386 4. 6 25 2. O6 River Edge . 62 76 27 71 27 l4 lA *_º l l 2. 20 Warrensville 3. O2 2,291 l: 2,291 21 3 gº 3 sº 6 1.62 Metropolitan District 337.98 || 1,214,943 335,885 |1,230,400 |358,253 45,550 || 42,601 || 2,949 8,505 || 24,849 In Cuyahoga County 300, 56 l, 199,961 || 331, 736 |l, 214,047 |352,377 44,399 || 41,456 2,943 8,304 24, 57.1 In Lake County 37 - 42 l4,982 4, 149 16,353 || 5,876 l, 151 || 1,145 6 l 278 Lakeline ... l.2 77 25 68 59 ll ll tº º iſ tº 2 l. 36 Waite Hills 3.41 289 70 265 85 7" 7 * * tº . 1 | *l. 37 Wickliffe 4.08 3,155 805 3,696 917 247 245 2 * 49 2. O8 Willoughby Village 2.57 4,364 l, 183 4,497 | 1,232 153 15l. 2 &= - 77 1, 89 Willoughby Township 24.83 6, 182 1,809 6, 475 3,040 496 495 l l ll.9 | *1.51 Willowick 2.4l 915 257 l, 352 543 237 236 l wº 30 2,235 NOTE * In Cuvahoga County but not in Cleveland Metropolitan District aincludes 8678 units creat red hv government housing program bincludes 2538 units demolished to make way,for govern- ment housing ‘In Shaker Heights school district S3 32 din East Cleveland school district $2 24 * in Cleveland school district $2.19 'In Cleveland school district $205 &In Cleveland school dis- trict $2.33 air, ( text and Heights school ustrict $2 on ‘In North Royalton school district $2 29 In Rocky River school district $3 U6- “In Woodmore Village school district $1 71 y ille school district $2 28 "in South Euchd school district'S1 99 mln Orange Village school district $2 29 °In Orange Village school district $2 62. Pin Olmsted Falls school district $239 orange Village school district $1 41 "In Willoughby Township $1,29 °ln Willoughby Village $139 *In Brecks- q In Table 5– DEMOGRAPHICAL DATA RELATING TO CUYAHOGA COUNTY 1945 Edition 57 Consumers’ Price Index for Moderate Income Families: Average 1935-1939 = 100 Population Families * Water Pumped Year || Estimated Estimated | Births” | Deaths” Marriages | Divorces + Gallons Midyear Midyear *- Fuel House- Miscel- per Day Total Food |Clothing| Rent and furnishing l Light Goods a116 OUIS 1945 1944; 1,233,900 358,869| 22,771 13,234 10,098 4, 182 129, 2 || 142. O | 140.35 | 115. 7 ll.4.9 l36.3| l?0.4 |217,690,000 1943 | 1,227,700 || 351,715 || 25, 224|| 13,817 ll,028| 3,94l 127. 1 || 142.6 | 133. O | 115.4 ll3. 6 125.6 | 115.8 |202, 700,000 1942||1,224,500 || 344,719 || 25,225 | 12, 761 l2,945 3,148 118.9 || 125. 8 126 . 4 || 115.8 ll 2.0 l23.5 ll0.4 |lo 4, 7CO ,000 1941 l, 221,300 336,810 21,333 l2, 582 13,889 2,785 107.2 || 107.7 107.9 || 11] ... O 110.4 110.0 | 102.8 l8l, OOO,000 1940ſ l, 218, 100 || 327,434 18,842 l?,469 13,959 || 3,158 101.5 98.4 l01.9 || 107. 8 108 - 2 10O. 4 99.5 |163,000,000 | 1939||1,216, 100 322,600 17,481 | 12,378 10,987| 3,504 10l. l| 96.8 100. 7 | LO'7. 4 108. 7 loo. 5 100.7 |157, 210,000 1938||1,214, 500 319,900 | 18, 175 ll,829 9, 766 2,956 lol.6, 99.1 | 101.8 lo'7.2 99. 1 lol. 6 || 101.4 |149, 250,000 1937] 1,212,900 || 317,100; 17,099 || 12, 764 lo, 810 3, 148 102.6 || 104.0 103.8 || 102.6 98.2 loG.O | 101.0 [160,450,000 1936 1,211,300 || 311,000 | 16,334 l3, 154 9, 804 || 3,244 98.2| 100. 8 97.6 93.0 98. O 96 . 6 98.9 |165, 730,000 1935 | 1,209, 700 305,200 16,021 | 12,349 8,728 3, 117 97. 1 99.8, 96.5 90.9 96.9 95. 8 98.2 |l49, 330,000 1934|l,208,200 299, 400 || 15,794 | 12, 124 8, 714 2,979 935, 6 9 l. 2 94.4 90 - O 99 - 8 935. 8 96.3 |155, 470,000 ! 333 l, 206, 600 293,500 15, 401 ll, 362 7, 243 2,257 90.3 82.7 89.4 93.4 10 l. 2 85.8 95.6 |l 47, 600,000 1932 | 1,205,000 292,800 l6, 755 12,096 5,821 2,596 93. O 79 - 8 88.6 lll .. 8 102.4 8]... 6 98.2 |140, 150,000 1931 || 1,203,400 296,000 | 18, 186 12, 219 8, 168] 3,360 102.4 94. () 96 . 6 || 130, 4 103.5 94.8 98.6 lä7, 540,000 1930|l,201,800 299,200 | 20,053 | 12,027 10,597 3,583 115. O || 120. 1 108. 7 || 140.4 lC4.6 106.7 lol. 2 |l'4, 390,000 1929 |l, 182,600 294,000 || 19,629 || 13, lê2 l2,330 3,395 ll.8. 7 || 130. 6 ll3.4 143.4 104. 7 ll l. l 98.2 |l 74, 820,000 1928 1,157, 400 || 286, 100 20, 345 | 12,448 ll, 345 3,415 iig.2 | l30. 6 ll 4.2 l45. 2 l O5. O lll .. 4 98.4 |ló4, 200,000 1927 | 1,132, 200 278, 100 21, 630 | ll, 387 ll, 320 3,686 12l. 8 || 136 - 0 | 115.6 | 15O. 4 105. 6 l17. 8 97.2 |lóO, 970,000 1926 l, l07, 100 270, 200 || 21,968 l2,634 ll, 707 || 3,416 l23. 8 || 140. 2 | 117.5 154. 7 106.6 l2O, 83 95.6 |176,790,000 1925 | 1,081,900 262,200 22,819 ll, 459 ll, 483 2,956 1235, 6 || 136.9 ll.9.2 158. 8 l O2 . 6 125. O 95.4 |ló2, 370,000 1924 |l,056,700 || 254,300 23,848 lo,956 ll, ll3 2,503 120, 2 || 122.2 122.3 l6O .. 7 97.5 127.3 95.7 |lāl, 180,000 1923 || 1,031,600 246,300 23,953 ll, 309 12, 201 2,468 120.6 || 124.4 123.7 lbſ. 9 96, 8 133.4 94.8 |148, 440,000 1922 || 1,006, 400 || 238,400 24,572 10,410 ll,088 l, 942 115.5 || 117. 9 ll.9 , 6 154. 5 85. 4 113.6 94.6 |133,820,000 1921 981, 200 230,400 || 26,912 || 10, 193 ll, l:38 2,162 124.2 | 124.2) 138.8 l85.8 78. O l26.2 | 101.5 |128, 300, OOO 1920 956, 100 224,500 || 26,866 ll, 485 13,617 | 2,218 l-42. O l69.4| 187, 6 l 47.4 77.0 165.4 || 101.8 l40, 340,000 | 1919 927, 700 214,600 25,083 ll, 446 ll, 169 l, 738 122.3 || 155. O' l'72. O | ll 7.8 62. 2 l4l. 8 81.2 |127,580,000 1918 896, 200 | 206,800 28,323 14,743 9, 759 l, 352 ll.0. 7 || 148 - 0 || 140.4 105. O 60 . 8 118.9 75.3 |123, 540, OCO 1917 864, 700 198,900 27,931 | 12, 153 l2, l’Al l, 449 92.2 || 124.9 99.6 | LOO .. 3 5O. 7 86, 8 64.4 |103, 380,000 1916 833, 200 191, l00 || 25,519 ll, 233 10, 313 902 77, 7 || 103.2 81.8 90, 9 44. O 70.3 53.6 95,670,000 1915 801, 600 | 183,300 22,313 9,881 8,998 807 67.9 85. 1 70.7 90. 2 40. 1 6l. 5 45.7 || 79, 990, Ono 1914 770, loo 175,500 21,724 9, 187 8,848 694 66.6 82 - 5 69.5 90. l. 4O ... O 58. 8 45.0 | Bl, 980,000 1913 738,600 | 167,600 | 19,35l 9,749 8, 778] 1,655 º - - 4-> &= * * - || 76,810,000 1912 707,000 | 159,800 18,796 9, 105 7,839 l, 148 º - - sº “º <-- - | 73,080,000 1911 675, 500 | 152,000 | 19, 109 8,897 7,043 | 1,086 º - - -> º º - || 65, 390,000 lºl O 644, OOO | 1.44,100 18,974 9,081 7, 166 l,038 - - - e- sº & a - 6l, 500,000 *Estimated for complete registrations. **Estimated for years prior to 1909 ***Bureau of Labor Statistics Index converted from 1923-1925 base to 1935 1939 base. furnished by the Department of Public Utilities, City of Cleveland. Data showſ in last column Table 6.— NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION, ADVERTISING LINEAGE, AND MEDIAN ADVERTISED RENTALS: GREATER CLEVELAND N I - - e - - §. Advertising Lineage -- Daily Newspapers Median of Advertised Rents Indexes º ised Rents Year English H --- ſ — — — — — — ——— r— - Daily Total National Local classified | Total || 1-Family 2-Family | *P* Total || 1-Family]2-Family | * Average Inents InêntS 1945 610,200 1944 || 597,400 || 30,866,857 |7, 153,126 |16,090, 186 7,623, 545 |$31.90 380.52 #32.71 $32.17 | 81.3 || 148.8 9 l. 4 90. 4 1943 595,300 || 36,416, 227 ||8,309, 424 |18, 8.8l, 206 |9, 225, 597.| 35.54 82.04 || 35.75 36 . OO 9 O - 5 || L5] .. 6 99.9 || 101 - 2 1942 583,900 || 32,598,479 ||6,890, 133 |18,809, 363 |6,898, 983 || 48.27 || 78.96 || 44.06 40. 88 || 123. 0 || 145.9 || 123. l ll 4.9 194l 590,500 || 34,127, 799|8,04l, 791 |19,098, 319 |6,987, 689 47.65 || 64.92 || 42.10 45. 02 || 12 l. 4 || 120 . O | 117. 6 || 126. 5 1940 || 575,000 || 33,079, 145||7,976, 195|l8,362,008 |6, 741, 272 || 41.31 || 57.50 38.62 38. 15 || 105. 2 || 106. 2 | 107.9 || 107.2 1939 574,000 || 25,748,311||5,760,271 ||14,988, 165 |4,999,875 || 38.8l || 53.33 36.52 36 - 73 || 98.9 98.5 102. O || 103.2 1938 || 549,000 || 24, 736,318||5,162,641 ||14,974, 207 |4,599, 470 || 38.54 || 53.54 35.62 36. 29 || 98.2 98.9 99.5 l{}2. O 1937 || 555,500 30,793, 192||7,171,502 |18, 253,596 |5,368,094 || 43, 75 || 61,35 | 40.83 40. 60 l lll. 5 - || 113.4 ll4.1 ll 4. l 1936 526,500 || 29, 246,526 ||7,279,013 |17,327,954 4,639, 559 || 41.38 || 54.69 35.88 34. 38 || 105. 4 || 101.1 : 100. 2 96 . 6 1935 | 502,600 26, 162,507 ||6,562, lll 15,827,517 |3,772,879 33.75 47.71 30.19 29.92 || 86. O 88 - 2 84.3 84. l 1934 492, 100 25,309,577||6, 128, 5.70 | 15,761,990 |3,419,017| 28.58 || 39 69 25.62 26. 235 | 72.8 73. 3 71.6 73. 7 1933 || 481,900 21,999; 229||5,604,523||13,256, 826 (3,137,880 29.00 || 37.90 24.88 27.81 | 73.9 7C - O 69 - 5 78.2 1932 || 523,800 23,330, 477||6, 140, 259 |13,156, 233 4,033,985 35.62 || 46.88 || 33.12 33. 75 || 9 O. 7 86. 6 92.5 94.9 1931 || 568,600 || 31,630,326||8,282,408 |18,037,810 |5,310, 108 || 39.88 || 52.29 36.50 39. 21 | 101.6 96.6 || 102. O | 110. 2 1930 598,700 33,298,393 ||9,667, 841 17,750,443 |5,880, 109 43.79 || 55.62 41.33 43. 12 || 111. 6 || 102.8 ll 5. 4 || 121.2 1929 || 600,400 || 37,562,256 ||ll, 123, 184|19,299, 321 |7, 139, 75l 44.83 || 58,96 || 41.67 42. 69 114. 2 || 108.9 | 116. 4 || 120. O 1928 610,300 || 35,759, 625||9,703, 911 || 19, 184,457 |6,871,257 43.75 || 55.00 | 40.83 42. 69 lll .. 5 || 101.6 ll4. 1 | 120. O 1927 | 670,600 36,099, 525 ||8,273, 169 |20,937, 6ll |6,888, 7.45| 45. OO || 58.38 40.00 44. 46 114. 6 || 107.9 lll .. 7 || 125. O 1926 | 668,900 || 37,005, 080 || 7,653, 12l 21, 283,576 |8,068, 383 45.42 || 58.12 41.83 45. 25 | 115. 7 || 107. 4 || 116. 8 127. 2 1925 || 602,600 - - - - || 48. 29 || 6 l. O4 47.25 4.7. 58 || 123. O || 112.8 132, 0 || 133. 7 1924 591,500 º - * - || 52.08 || 62.50 50 - 29 52.19 132.7 || 115.5 140.5 146.7 1923 || 596,700 - * º - || 56.25 || 67.88 53.33 53.85 143.3 125. 4 149. O 15 + .. 4 1922 || 530,900 - - --> - || 46. OO || 61.04 41.62 45.77 ll:7.2 || 112.5 llº. 3 128.6 1921 506,300 - - º - || 53.75 || 66.25 48.33 53.21 133.9 || 122.4 135. Q 143.3 1920 || 514,900 - - tº- - 67.50 || 77.29 61.46 68.08 l'72. O fil42. 3 171.7 l.2 1.3 1919 502,900 * º † : - 44.3a 47.83 35.58 44.75 | 1.3.1 38.4 99 - 4 1 2 5 .. 8 1918 sº- - º cº-e - || 32.83 || 43.02 27.42 33.33 || 33-3 || 73.3 | 76.6 gº. 6 1917 sº- - - t- - 33.96 || 33.55 28.15 32.77|| 36.5 || 73.3 75.3 92.1 1916 mº - - º - 26. 12 || 33.98 i 23.52 26. O4 || 6 6.5 62.8 65. 7 73.2 1915 --> - - & - 22. 76 || 26.35 20.50 23.21 38.9 || 48.7 57.3 65. 2 1914 <- º- sº tºº - 24. 62 || 29. 83 20 - 31 24.83 || 62, 7 55.1 56.7 32.8 1913 * - - - tº e - || 24, 17 || 31 . 62 | 19.25 24.7l 31. 3 || 58.4 3. 8 69.4 1912 sº - - tº e - 22. 33 || 27.50 17.83 22.04 || 56.9 || 50.8 49.8 61. 9 1911 sº - º gºe - 22, 42 || 25. 42 | 18.21 22. OO 57.1 47. O 5O. 9 6l. 8 1910 sº - - º - 23. 29 || 24.96 || 17.83 22.83 || 59.3 46. 1 49.8 64. 2 Data shown in column 1 obtained through the courtesy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer and in columns 2 to 5, through the courtesy of The Cleveland Press CHARTS ON PAGES 23 TO 30 ” 1945 58 Edition Table 7– COST OF LIVING, EARNINGS, EMPLOYMENT, AND HOUSING IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY BY MONTHS. 1938-1945 Whipple Green Column 14 — Works Project Administration, CHART ON PAGE 30 Consumers' Price Index for Moderate Income Average Average * E. º * Family Units Created Families Average 1935-1939 = 100 Wºłyſiºlºs ºjºlestimated Estimated Family Units by Use and Demolished Month House Fº*k, §ºn Hours * N.E." Number Number Vacant New ' Re- All Food | Cloth Rent É. § Misc. Inãºf †. wº. Labor |Employed Jº- on WPA Total º: Per §: model Pºl- Items 1ng Ice ings (Dollars)! (Cents) Force p Number|6.t tion ing 1S 1938 Jan. 4- * - {- &- gº gº - 24.06| 54.0|| 33.5|536,896 || 415,425] 121,471 28, 176 sº *-*. - || 3. l Feb. tº º sº &= - 4- sº * = -| 24.15| 54.2| 33.5|536,943|409,813 lz7, 130|4l, 420 tº * - • 3.2 Mar. 10l. l| 97.3| 102.4 lo'7.4| 99.6| 102.3 lol. 4; 24.15| 54.2| 33.5 536,990 |400,435 l86,555 52,777 sº Eº - || 3.35 Apr. tº sº º-º. * * tº- * = - 24.63| 54.0|34.3| 537,038 399, 190| 137,848|63,437 ſº tºº - || 5, 2 May «º • * sº tº- tº * -| 24.18 54.1| 33.6 537,085|381,482| 155,603 | 66,969 G- * • 3, 3 June | 101.8 99.7| 102.0|107.1 98.0|| 102.0 lol. 7] 23.78 53.7| 33.3|537,131|374,257|162,874. 72,651 gº gº - 3.3| (Total for year) July &= dº &m, gº * = tº º -| 24.46 54.1|34.0|537, 178|370,329 ré6,849|75,971 º * - - || 3.3|2,203 223| 5ll Aug. gº sº *-* ſº- &=º gº - 25.55 54.1 35.5|537,224|377,825] 159,399 || 76,433 * * gº: • 35, 3 sept. lol.9| loo. 1] lol. 5, 107.1 99.3| 101.2| 101.7| 26.32 53.9| 36.7|537,272|394, 270|143,002 || 79,252 tº º sº - || 3. l. Oct. * * & e- sº gºe tº - 27.25 54.2|37.8||537,316 |402, 258|135,058 78,130 |330,023 ||320,286 9,737 3.0 Nove tºº * = º gº * * * ºn - 27.8l 54.3| 38.5|537,639|409,281| 128,358|74,925 * * * > - || 3.0 Dec. lol. 4: 99.4| 101.3 lo'7.1| 99.6|| 100.8| 101.0| 28.02 || 54.3| 38.8||537,962 436,320|| 101,642; 72,051 sº cº- - || 3 - 2 1939 Jan. sº $ tº: sº tº --> &= * : - 28.22 54.4 39.0|538,284|403,010| 135,274 68,429 gº gº - 3.2 Feb. gº tº sº- sº º 4- tº -| 28. 17| 54.3| 39.0|538,606 |402,892||135,714| 70,959 4 ºr * : - || 3.5 Mar. 10l.O. 96.5 loo. 5| 107.l.. 109. l. loo. Of 100.9| 27.85 54.4| 38.5|538,928|408,406| 130,522 || 64,770 º tº º - || 3.3| (Total for year) Apr. sº sº + º gº tº mº -| 27.42 54.4 37.9|539, 249 |4ll, 328|127,921|58,253 sº *-*. - || 3.2|3,682| 284| 872 May * º * * º 4- sº -| 26.85| 53.7|37.6 539,571. 407,753||131,818, 53,126 wº gºe - || 3. O June 100.8 96.1 loo.3| lo'7.4 107.4| 100.3| 100.9| 27.26 54.1| 37.9 |539,892|| 410,668||129,224|| 51,510 gº tº • 3 - O July gº 4- * * tº e sº *º- - 27.30 || 53.6| 38.3|540,213|400,608||139,605|45,195 º tº- - || 3.0 Aug. tº- * * * * * º º -| 28.17| 53.9| 39.3|540,533|409,418|131,115|| 33,884 sº * > - 2.9 Sept. 101.7. 98.9| 100.5| 107.7| 108.6 99.8|100.6 28.57| 54.1| 39.7|540,854|432, ll.9| 108,735|31,339 * * *_* - || 2.8 || 343| 13 7 Oct. gº tº Gº &º tº a {-e tº - 29.16 || 54.2|40.3| 541, 174|448,491| 92,683| 31, 106 |332,999 |323,586 9,413| 2.8| 332 9 18 Nov., tº a {-> *º * * E. tº º – 28.89 54.1|40.1|542,121|462,575|| 79,546|30,304 |333,337 ||323,337] 10,000 2.9 438|| 19 2 Dec. 100.9| 95.7 lol. 5, 107.6|109.6| 102.0] loo.3| 29.54|| 54.5|40.5|543,065|485,338|| 57,727 33,814|333,686 |323,342; 10,344| 2.9 231 9 2 1940 Jan. E- gº t- dº tº- tº º -| 28.69 54.2| 39.8||543,662|450, 191| 93,471 35,140 |334, 14l 323,783 10,358| 3.1| 155 8 28 Feb. sº º sº * > e- e- -| 28.82 54.3| 39.9|546,179 |449,500. 96,679| 34,978 |334,353 |323,776|| 10,365| 3.1 237 7| 38 Mar. 100.7. 95.9 102.0 lo'7.6|109.5 100.9| 99.2| 28.32 54.3| 39.2|546,370|453,649| 90,683| 33,486 |334,478 324, 109|10,369|| 3.1 || 307| 16 28 Apr. sº $º * tº 4- *E* -| 28.70 || 55.2|39. l|550,030|454,691 95,339| 32,480 |334,649 |324,988 9,706| 2.9| 461| 19, 140 May * * tº sº sº sº sº - 28.56 || 54.9| 39.1|555,378||457,150 98,228| 29,843 |334,877 |325,835, 9,042| 2.7| 49.4| 27| 76 June | 101.5 99.0 102.0 lo'7.9| 107.6|| 100.3 99.3| 28.50 54.8|39. l|549,833|458,166|| 91,667| 24,927 ||335,281 |327, 234 8,047| 2.4 l,099 || 15 lll July tº sº º * - sº º - 28.9l 54.9| 39.6 |558,994|456,635 | 102,359| 21,970 335,691 |327,634 8,057| 2.4| 546|| 35| 34 Aug. * , sº 4-6 e tº- * > -| 29.70 || 55.0|40.4|502,060 |462,947| 89,113|23,031 |336,771 |329,362| 7,409 2.2 514| 17| 34 Sept. 102.2 100.4 lol.8 108.0 lo'7.5| 100. l. 100.1| 30.19 || 55.5|40.6 |539, 108|470,733| 68,375|22,156 |337,318 |330,234 7,084] 2.1 535| 30| 18 Oct. 101.5 97.8 lol. 8, 108.0|| 108.6| 99.7| 100.5, 30.80 56.2|40.8||538,606 |479,690) 58,916|21,793 |337,925 |331,380 6,545| l.9| 1,288| 34 33 Nov. 101.2| 96.7 lol. 8, 108.0|| 108.9 100.3| 100.4 30.58|| 55.8|40.8||543,488|484,297 59, 191|21, 161 |338,363 |331,596| 6,767 2.0|| 347| 28|| 31 Dec. 102.0 98.7 lol.8|108.l.. 108.9| 100.9| 100.6|| 31.24| 56.0|41.3|554,588|495,220 59,368|21,651 |339,654 |332,521 7,133. 2.1] 366 9| 25 1941 Jan. 102.1 99.2 lol. 5|los.l.. 108.9| 101.2 loo. 5 31.97 || 56.3| 41.8||547,675|| 484,910 62,765| 20,216 |340,004 || 332,524 7,480 2.2 621| 10 15 Feb. 102.2 99.3| 101.3|108.4| 108.9| 102.3| 100.5, 31.97 56.5|41.7|547,874|488, 180| 59,694| 19,977 |340,364 |332,876|| 7,488; 2.2: 287| 19 8 Mar. 102.9| 100.3| 102.1|109.0 108.9| 104.2 100.7 32.77 56.7| 42.3|549,324|495,763| 53,561|17,436 |340,987 |333,485| 7,502 || 2.2| 439| 32| 42 Apr. 103.6 lo2. l. lo2.3| 109.3| 108.9| 104.4 100.9| 33.75 || 48.2| 42.4|554,699 || 508,035| 46,664|15. 703 ||341,251 |334,085| 7, 166| 2.1 54l 15| 33 May | 104.3| 103.4 lo2.5|llO.0|| 109.1 106.5| 101.1 35.16 59.2] 43.1|552,348||513,241 39,107|14,692 |341,689 |335, 197| 6,492| l.9 || 512| 19| 38 June | 106.2 107.8] 102.9| llo. 2 log .2|108.6 lo2.3| 35.75|| 59.8|43.3|557,400|520,789| 36,611||13,955 |342,207 ||336,389| 5,818| 1.7| 633| 19| 25 July 107.1 108.7 106.2 llO.2| llo.6||110.8 102.4 34.85| 60. l. 42.4|554,752|522,840|| 31,912| 9,838|342,703 ||337,220 5,483| l.6 || 618| 23 780 Aug. 109.0 llz. l|ll0. l. 110.8 lll.8||112.5| 102.8 36.71 61.2|43.4|558,406 |528,000|| 30,406| 9,762 |342,585 |337,456 5,139| l.5 597.| 10| 33 Sept. ll0.9| ll4.1 ll A.3| ll?.9| llz.0 llā.3| 103.8 36.7l 6l.0 43.5|559,423|533,108| 26,315|| 9,129 |343,193 ||338,388 4,805 | 1.4|| 518; 16| 21 Oct. lll. 7| ll4.0 llā.9| ll3.2| 112.0 ll6.7| 105.8| 37.0l 6l. 7|43.4|556,221|534,257 21,964, 8,825 |343,768 |339,266; 4,502| l.3| 664; 32| 23 nov. llz.9|ll6.4 ll:7.1 llā.6| llz.0 ll:7.9| 106.5| 37.30 | 62.4|43.3|557,689 536,042| 21,647| 8,887|344,422 |339,945| 4,477 l.3| 470 | 18; 300 Dec. ll3.3| 115.0 lib.8||116.4 ll?.O. 120.0|| 106.7| 36.99 || 62.5|43.0 556,679 537, llz| 19,567| 8,229 |344,967 ||340, 482, 4,485| 1.3| 320|| 13| l4 * 1942 Jan. ll4.7 ll:7.8|120.4|ll6.4 llz.0| 12l. 7, 107.5 38.92 | 63.0|44.3|553,121 527,842|| 25,279| 7,962 |345,549 |341,057 4,492| l.3| 322| 16| 132 Feb. llā.2| llb. 1 120.6|ll6.4 llz. 0 122.4 lob.6|| 39.9l 64.2|44.5|558,742|534,131| 24,611| 7,739 |345,874 |341,378 4,496 || 1.3|l,00 20|| 41 Mar. ll'7.0| lz0.5| lz5.7|ll7.0 llz. O| 123.7 log.6 39.90 64.8|44.2 560,555|538,098 22,457| 7,115|346,767 ||342,259| 4,508| l.3| 337| 38 6 Apr. ll7.9| 122.3| 127.2|ll8.0 lll .3| 124.0| 109.8 40.09 || 65.1|44.2|558,637 540,066 18,571| 5,995 |347, 420 |342,904 4,516 l.3| 492|| 25| 21 May | 118.8 l84. l. 127.4|ll8.4 lll .5| 124.1 llo.4 40.34 65.3|44.3|558,114|542,668| 15,446 5,263 |347,875 |343,701 4, 174| l.2 | 504|| 25, 27 June | 118.8 lz7.4 lz7.2|ll2.0 ll? .0|123.7 llo.5, 40.96 | 66.3|44.3|560,532 547,447| 13,085| 4,574 |348,523 ||344,689| 3,834 l. l || 333| 21| 24 July 119.2| 126.7|127.2| ll:5.5|ll2.1 lz3.6 ll0.4 43.00 | 66.6|45.7|560,067|549, 719| 10,348| 3,641 |349,083 ||345,592| 3,491 l.0 | 180| 19| 30 Aug. |ll8.9| lz5.8 lz7.2|115.3|ll2.1|123.4 llo. 5 42.59 || 67.2|45.l|562,731|553,573| 9,158| 3,016 |349,462 |346,317| 3, 145| .9| 310| 28 l8 Sept. ll.9.6| 127.3| lz8.4|ll 5. l|ll2.1|123.9| llo. 5; 44.17 | 68.4|45.7|563,442 556,870 6,572 2,839 |349,691 |346,893| 2,798 .8| 216 2l 13 Oct. 121.4|131.8|128.4 llā.0 llz.2|123.9| lll .3| 44.37 | 68.3|45.9 |572,127|567,414| 4,713| 2,075 |350,100 |346,965 3,135 | .9| 363| 52| 18 Nov. 122.0|| 132.5 lz8.3| llā.0|ll2.3|123.9| ll3.1 45.17 | 69.1|46.l|578,769 |575,398 || 3,371| 1,860 |350, 440 |347,286 3, 154| .9| 239| 35| 10 Dec. lz2.9||134.8 l28.2|ll3.2|112.3|123.9| ll3.2| 45.93| 69.0|46.7|594,549 |591,438|| 3,111 || 1,439 |350,780 |347,974 2,806 .8 73| 43 5 1943 Jan. lz3.l] lºº.6 lz9. l|ll5.2 ll3.0| lz4.0|113.6, 46.00 | 68.9|46.8||581,656 |579,582] 2,074 833 |351,122 |348,313| 2,809 .8 92 || 21} 10 Feb. 123.8|135.9| 129.2|ll5.2 ll3.1|124. l. ll4.4 49.38 || 71.4|48.0|584,998 |583,507 l, 491 383 |351,550 |349,089| 2,461 .7| 152| 21 6 Mar. H125.5||139.6|| 130.8|ll5.3 ll3.5| 124.6 ll4.9| 48.83 || 70.0|| 48.3|589,463|588,580 885 - |351,914 |349,451] 2,463 .7| 343| 38 13 Apr. lz6.2|14l. 4 131.0 llā.3| 113.7|125.0|ll4.9| 48.83 || 70.6|| 48.0|589,397 || 588,912 485 - |352,383 ||349,916| 2,467| .7| 452 || 31|| 12 May | 128. O| 146.3| 131.0|ll 5.3||113.7| 125.0|ll5.0|| 50.23 71.4|48.6 586,536 |586,023 513 - |352,895 |350,425 2,470 .7| 415 || 23| 16 June | 129.2 149.5||130.8 115.4 ll3.5|l25.1| llā.3| 50.88 71.5|49.0|589,902|589,525 377 - |353,482 |351,715| 1,767 .5 || 483| 6l 14 July | 127.9| 145.0|133.0|ll5.4; 113.5||125.4; 115.4| 51.73 || 71.3| 49.2|587,830 |587,619 2ll - |354,445 |353,027| 1,418| .4 303| 90 9 Aug. 128.0|| 145.2|133.4 llā.4 ll3.5|125.7 llā.5 50.88 || 71.5|49.0|583,283|583,123 160 - |355,055 |353,635| 1,420 .4| 703|| 143 9 Sept. 128.3| 143.9||136.2 llā.5 ll3.5| 126.1| ll'7.3| 51.30 || 71.9|49.1 |581,725 |581,544 181 - |355,665 |354,083 l,582 .4 646 || 42|| 13 Oct. 128.5 143.9 136.5|ll5.5, 113.5| 127.0 ll:7.7| 52.31 || 72.7| 49.4|582,551 |582,403 l48 - |356,508 355,082] 1,426 .4| 495| 72| 21 Nov. 128.2| 143.1 136.7| llā.5 ll3.5 lz7. l. ll 7.7| 52.17 | 72.1|49.6 |586,597 |586,450 147 - |357, 186 |355,757| 1,429 .4| 376 | 120 8 Dec. 128.3| 142.6|| 137.7|115.6 ll4.6|127.7|117.9| 51.66 | 72.4|49. l] 587,559 |587,305 254 - |357, 755 |355,969] 1,789 .5 209 53 9 1944 Jan. 127.7 l40.8| 137.9| llā.6 ll4.7|127.7|117.8| 52.60 | 72.9|49.5|574,002 |573,821 181 - |358,253 |356,462. 1,791 .5| 245| 77 7 Feb. 127.8] 140.6| 138.2 ll3.6 lla.8|127.9| lla.5) 52.89 | 72.7 49.8||572,651 |572,407 244 - |358,518 |356,725] 1,793 .5 436| llll 37 Mar. 127.8 l40.3| 138.7|llă.7|114.8|128.9|118.5 52.38 || 72.4|49.6|570,787 |570,507 280 - |358,814 |357,020, 1,794 | .5 564 15l 19 Apr. 128.8 14l. 7: 138.8||115.7| ll4.8|135.8|ll.9.3 53.07 || 72.6|49.7|568,023 |567, 802 221 - |359,352 |357,555] 1,797] .5| 602 || 46 9 May | 128.9| l41.9||139.0|ll5.6|ll4.9| 137. l. ll.9.5 52.82 | 72.8|49.7|565,977|565,628 349 - |360,099 |358,659 1,440 | .4|| 237| 14 ll June lz8.9| 141.3||139.4|ll5.7|ll3.0|138.5|ll.9.9| 53.25 | 73.2|49.8||568,570 |568,216 354 - |360, 717 359,274] 1,443 .4|l,019 | 16| 15 July | 130.5 l44.6|139.7 llā.7 llā.0|139.0| 121.1| 53.40 73.6|49.7|567,525 567,391 134 - |360,964 (359,159| 1,805 .5 297 4 || 42 Aug. 130.6| 144.3| 140.6 ll:5.7 ll 5.3| 139.5 lzl. 6| 53.69 | 73.6|49.9 |563,240 |563,117 123 - 361,968 |360, 158| 1,810 | .5 l41| 17 25 Sept. 130.4|142.8|142.4 llā.8 ll:5.3||139.7|121.9| 53.6l 73.7|49.8||561,642 |561,496 146 - |362,255, 360,465), l,790.1 .5 47 3 3 Oct. 130. l. l41.9 142.6 115.8 llā.3||139.7|122.l. 53.54 | 73.8|49.7|562,496 562,394 LO2 - |362,410° 360,960° 1,450° .4° 63 7| 142 Nov. 130.4 l42.6|| 142.9|ll5.8 ll3.3||139.8|122.2| 53.84 || 73.8|49.9 |566,486 |566,285 2Ol - |362,318° 360,869. 1,449* .4° 37| 13 18 Dec. 129. 1, 140.6|| 143.7|115.9| lla. l l 4l.9||122.3| 53.54 | 73.6|49.8||576,691 |576,432 259 - |362,370°|360,921° 1,449* .4° 33| 24, 23 l945 | Jan. 129.8|140.8 144.0|llă.9 112.2 l4l.9| 122.5| 53.25 | 73.4|49.7|568,729 |568,538 19]. - |362,397°|360,947° 1,450° .4° 200° 15° 15° Feb. 129.7|140.1 l44.3|ll5.8 ll?.4|143.6|122.5| 54.43 | 73.8||50.3|569,878||569,694 184 - |362,439e 360,989e 1,450° .4° 2008 15° 15° Mar. lz9.7|139.6 l45. l|ll5.8|ll2.5 l43.9| 122.6 54.50 | 73.7|50.4|567,595|567,423 172 - |362,639°|361,188° 1,451* .4° 2009 15° 15° Apr. ; 130. l. 140.7| l45.5|ll5.8 llz.5 l44.3| 122.6 53.9l | 73.9|49.9 562,128 |561,998 130 - |362,839°361,388° 1,451° .3° 2009 15° 15° May |131.7|144.6|| 145.4 llā.7 ll3.6|| 145.9| 122.6| 55.40 | 73.8|49.6|557,129 |556,930 199 - |363,039e1361,950e 1,089e .3e 2009 15e 15e June 132.3| 146.4 145.5|ll 5.7|113.6 145.9| 122.8| 52.88 || 73.9|49.2|548,517|548,264 253 - |363,239e |362,149e 1,090e .3e 2009 15° 15'e July |132. l. 145.8|145.5|ll5.7| ll3.6|146.7|122.8| 52.88 | 73.9|49.2|551,818||551,500 518 - |363,439e 362,349e 1,090e .3e 2009 15e 15e Aug. 132. l l 45.6 l45.0| ll 5.7 ll3.7|146.8|122.9| 46.77 74.5|44.8||546,151 |545,630 521 - |363,639e 362,548? 1,091? .3e 200? 15° 15e Sept. 47.98 || 74.7|43.9 |552,455 |541,863| 10,592 tº Oct. 48, 40 75, 7 || 45, 7 Nov. Dec. NOTE. * Male only f Estimated SOURCES. Columns 1 to 8 "Bureau of Labor Statistics, Columns 9 to 10 The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Columns #1 to 13 from A-SHEET-A-WEEK prepared by Howard 1945 Editiºn 59 Table 8.- UNEMPLOYMENT, RELIEF AND RELIEF EXPENDITURES, FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS: SALES TAX RECEIPTS FOR COUNTY, AND EMPLOYEES OF CITY OF CLEVELAND 1928-1944 Estimated Number - Relief Expenditures Excluding Federal Savings and Prepaid Sales Tax Employees of the in Labor Force Number of Relief Cases Administration an Associations Receipts City of Cleveland Year In Thousands Dollars Pavroll Total Jobless Peſ Total Direct Work - Number Share Accounts In Per Number In Cent Total Direct Work in Thousands Thousands Family Thousands 1945 1944|| 568,174 216 1. ll, 278 || 11, 189 89|$ 6, 260|$ 6,203 $ 57 10 $41,992 $14,094 $39.27 14,671 $34,646 1943 585,958 57.7 •l 16,966 16,660 306 7,038|| 6,873 165 1O 31,652 13,531|| 38.47| 14,376 33, ll 4 1942|| 565, 116 13,060 2.3 27,845 22,536 5,309| ll,681 7,777 3,904 LO 24,745 13,097 37.99 || 13,455 27,207 194l| 554,374 37,518 6.8| 43,329 28,308 15,021. 20,919 9,871 ll,048 10 24,374 14, 186 42.12 10,849 19,854 1940|| 548, 191| 83,616 15.3| 65,453 || 34,914; 30, 539) 32,911| ll, 409| 21,502 10 20, 606 ll,437| 34.93| ll,328 19,466 1939| 540,208 lló,657 21.6 88,491 || 36,676|| 51,815| 47,420; 10,899. 36,521 10 17,603 9,860 30.56| ll, 458 19, 676 1938|| 537,223 139,649 26.0|| 101,094 || 34,469| 66,625, 59,366| ll, 743, 47,623 LO 14,777 8,456 26.43| 10,475 17,718 1937| 534,024 55,254 10.3 60,510 || 34,516 25,994| 31, 291| 12,039 || 19,252 8 9,613 10,734 33.85| lo, 711 17,358 1936 525,384 77,340 14. 7 77,565 || 38,875 38,690 39,850 || 12,083| 27,767 - - ll,955 38.44|| 10,898 l6,284 1935 | 517,258 90,508 17.5 91,402 || 79,049 lz,353| 32,568|| 25,868 6, 700 -- - 9,989 32.73| 10,949 14,515 1934|| 508,909 || 108,332 21.3 68,527. 53,535 la,992| 28,668| l'7,216| ll, 452 - º tº -| 10, 152 13,068 1933| 500, 54l 154,539 30.9 52,995 || 47,678 5,317| 14,506| ll, 191 3,315 wº º tº- - 10,102 12,712 1932| 501,000 || 173,296 34.6 29,758. 29,758 - 6,459 6,459 sº - - º - 9,759 14,606 1931 507,784 lz6,619 24. 9 16,547 lb, 547 - 4,084 4,084 -> - - - - 10,627 18, 653 1930 || 514,768 74,628 l4.5 7,653 7,653 - l,809 1,809 *e - - º - 9,643 18,396 1929 *- tº , ems 3,629 3,629 l, l96 l, 196 º --> - smſ &º 9,458 17,525 1928 {-> tºº tº- 3,499 3,499 tº- l,055 l, 055 wº dº º- tº -> tº- •- Note: Direct and Work Relief Administration and W P A supervision amounting to $243,798 and 111 employees in 1936, $1,021,591 and 868 in 1937, and $2,064,280 and 1,665 in 1938 omitted from columns 16 and 17 : Less than 0.5 per cent SOURCE Columns l to 3 from A SHEET A-WEEK prepared by Howard Whipple Green Columns 4 to 13 from “Two Hundred Millions for Relief" published by the Cleveland Health Council Columns 14 and 15 from data tabulated by State Treasurers Office (Tax on uncooked food removed on November 11, 1936) Columns 16 and 17 from Mayor's office, City of Cleveland Table 9.— WAGE EARNERS, WAGES, AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY AND IN CLEVELAND, AND STOCKS TRADED ON CLEVELAND STOCK EXCHANGE : 1899-1944 Cleveland Cuyahoga County Cleveland Stock Exchange Year In Thousands * Wage Wages Value of Value Added º Wage Wages Value of Value Added §º valueſ Inents Earners Products by Manufacture Inents Earners Products by Manufacture Traded allle 1945 - NOTE - 1944 - 233,800° $647,500,000°33,406,000,000°31,672,300,000° Not estimated because of the changes in 451. $10,976 1943 - 247,300e 647,000,000e, 3,403, 500,000e, 1,671, loo, Oode the proportions of the countys' industries 541 9,863 1942 - 216,800° 474,400,000° 2,495,300,000°| l, 225, 200,000° in Cleveland proper caused by war plant 422 8,228 194l - 185,500e) 338,000,000e, 1,777,800,000e 872,900,000e construction. Ratio will be reestablished 566 ll,769 l940 - 147,500° 224,800,000e, 1,182,400,000e 580,500,000e by next census of manufactures. 55l 12, 159 1939| 2,576|125,876 178,521, 574 996,703, 560 489,383,375 |2,330 llz,092 |$158,272,247 |$ 881,629,869 $433,737,418 503| 10,767 1938 - 119,200e 157,000,000e 808,000,000 386,000,000 - || 108,700e, 142,000,000e 736,000,000e, 351,000,000e 408 7,268 1937|2, 222 146,053. 207,346,818 l,072,090,462 509,502,989 |2,034|132,481 | 186,652,027 966,935,327. 461,640,354 612| 16,767 1936 - 132, 200° 173,800,000e 895,800,000° 426,900,000 -|llo, 2009| 156,000,000e 803,400,000e, 384, 200,000%. 788 22,042 1935|2,276|126,568 152,374,847 783,342,143 374,287,833 (2,090 |ll4,161 | 136,804,647 700,370,132 || 335,472, 144 || 529| 13,956 l934 - llo,500° 131,900,000%. 679, loo,000e, 329,900,000 - lo?,700e, 118,400,000e 609, 700,000e, 295,900,000e, 321 7,862 1933|l, 962|103,333 99,448,000 512,946,434 253,192,616 J1,803 || 95, 189 91, Oll, 274 471,324, 205 || 231, 737,346 488 9,718 L932 -| 93,200e 95,400,000° 495,900,000e 246,600,000 - 85,700e 87,000,000e 455,500,000e, 225,600,000e 407 7,909 1931|2,284 109,887. 134,370,333 703,662,798 352,382,384 J2,098 || 101,090 - || 122,440, 771 647,846,037_| 323,002,006 || 519 17,720 1930 - 133,800° 185,400,000% 985,500,000° 490,500,000 - 121,900°| 168,900,000° 905,900,000° 450,400,000%. 779| 32,286 s 1929 |2,781 lºl, 256 251,942,813 | 1,359,322,549 672,401,607 2,573 || 146,881 229, 159,652 1,245, 433,855 - 617,506,974 2,007| 101,386 1928 e= º - e- tº- -|133,400e, 206,400,000e | 1,094,800,000e 526,500,000°2,118; 113,796 1927 sº º * e- - 2, 251 |131, 146 | 201,092,055 l,040, 753, 742 || 484, 235,511 |l, 264 66,067 1926 tº º * 4- sº 4- - 139,000e, 212,000,000e l, 124,600,000e 515,700,000el,035, 41,570 1925 iº - - º - |2,212||132,852, 201,377,925 | 1,094, 779,556_| 494,887,942 |l,859| 58,802 L924 tº º - - - - | 126,900°| 188,200,000e l, old, 800,000° 457,300,000° 737| 25,824 1923 º - - - - |2, 133 141,648 || 205,387,834 | 1,096,503,361 || 493, 427,000 || 846 || 35,253 1922 º - - - - - 119,000e | 162,800,000e 852,600,000e, 382, 200,000e 834 30,450 1921 £º º tº- - - |2, 256 | 103,336 132,943,882 682,948,388 304, 861,427 | 864] 23,115 1920 º -º gº º -- tº º sº º - || 943| 40,706 l919 dº º - tº- - |2,946 157,730 2ll, 206, 276 l,091,577,490 478, 128,046 726 37,920 1914 º º - sº – 2, 345 || 103,317 67,351,000 352,418,000 | 153,925,000 47 4,019 1909 * tº wº tº- º - |2, 148 | 84,728 48,053,000 271, 960,833 ll:7,045,810 l78 7,092 l904 se sº - º - |l, 616 || 64, 04l 33,450,000 171,924,000 || 74,346,000 81. 5,244 1899 º tº -> - - 1,350 55,341 26,518,000 139,356,000 62,891,000 - - TWOTE: e Estimated The estimated figures in this table are calculated by a formula found fairly accurate prior to the war Funknown Wartime Felationship of employment to payrolls tº value of pro- ducts may have changed. SOURCES. Columns 1 to 10— Census of Manufactures. Columns 11 and 12 – Cleveland Stock Exchange, first opened on April 16, 1900, figures include special committee sales made during the period the cxchange was closed, July 31-November 23, 1914. Table 10–WAGE EARNERS, WAGES, RETAIL SALES AND WHOLESALE BUSINESS IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY: 1929-1939 Retail Business Wholesale Business Dollar Value of Sales in Thousands Total Q Estab wº #. Furni- |Lumbe Other Estab wº- Sales Y e Eating General * I Lumber, Stores Stab- 1I]. ear lish- Eº *: And | Merchan- Apparel Grº Filling ture, Build- || Drug | Includ. I lish- * ; Thou- ments of Total Food Dºnking dise Group º Stations House- !, ing. Stores ing ments * s sands Dollars Places | Group Filling §: Hardwaré Liquor Dollars of Stations Stores Dollars 1939|16,716 58,367|65,452|506,426 125,562 |48,243 94,650|35,602|58,723 |25,738|21,182 21,817 | 19,692 |55,217 |2,287|23,958||47,785| 959,724 1935||16,526 53,960|55,089| 412,109 ||109,969 |32,513 80,257|33, 174|45,511 |22,518|16,360 15,006 || 16,596 |40,205 |2, 176|22,072|40,243| 690,359 1933|16,008|37,562|42,994|321,441 || 90,612|19,271 | 66,708|21, 170|33,719 |20, 115||14, 294 | 12,789 15, 272 |27,491 |2,081|18,583|31,723| 537,808 1929 14,825|51,808| 76,900|612,630 ||148,344|29, 153|ll2,942|57,523| 90,448 |25, 215|39,924|32,253|21,717 |55, lll 2,021|25,622 |53,336||1,175,C22 SOURCE * Census of Business CHARTS ON PAGES 30 TO 34 1945 60 Edition Table ll. GENERAL lNDEXES OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY, GREATER CLEVELAND AND CUYAHOGA COUNTY Tons of & Passenger Car Automobile E: of Pig Iron Postal Telephone Subscribers Street Car Riders eS Registration P* | Index* of | Produced Receipts December 31 Cuyahoga County Cuvahoga County Year | Store Sales mployment Cuyahoga l º rº JT P (1935-39 = and Lorain Calendar Yea Residential Business Number Gross Revenue New Used assenger Trucks 100) Counties Cleveland t Cars L945 1944 l?4 159.4 |4,034,000 |$13,501,000 244, 900 36,400 |479,810,000 $23,220,000 900 73,800 297,100 23,500 1945 l65 l68.4 |4, 230,000 | ll, 750,000 245,600 34,000 |470,530,000 22,010,000 2,500 91,700 514,400 24,700 l942 156 147.6 |3,969,000 || 10,909,000 224,500 33,800 |408,650,000 18,840,000 4,700 110,500 322,3CO 28,400 194] lº!O 126.3 |3,838,000 || 10, 252,000 | 198,300 35, 100 |353,960,000 | 15,660,000 || 56, 200 235,600 339,500 28, 100 1940 ll.4 100.4 3, 135,000 9, 623,000 || 170,700 || 34,900 |34l, 210,000 14,550,000 49, 500 195,700 314,900 26, 100 1939 lC)5 85.7 2,520,000 9, 167,000 | 154,700 33,800 |325,750,000 || 14,010, 00 34, 300 163,600 299,900 || 25,400 L938 96 ° 76.1 | 1,355,000 8,609,000 || 143,400 32,800 |313, 290,000 || 13,720,000 21,300 132,200 290, 100 26, 100 1937 ll O lol. 1 || 2,643,000 || 9, 127,000 || 137,400 32,400 328,410,000 || 14,950,000 || 49, 200 | 194,400 293, 700 27,300 1936 LO2 96.8 2,419,000 8, 757,000 | 120,600 30,900 |383,860,000 | 15,890,000 27,500 133,500 280, 700 26,800 1955 87 87.9 l, 881,000 7,908,000 llo,800 29, 200 |326,550,000 14, 220,000 || 34,800 148,000 || 265,800 25,500 l934 84 Bl. 5 1, 456,000 || 7,634,000 || 107,100 28,700 |310,760,000 || 14,060,000 || 27,400 133,500 || 251,000 24,200 1933 71 67.2 l, 566,000 7, 195,000 || 104,500 28, 100 |274, 500,000 | 12,640,000 21, 800 101,700 243,100 23,600 1952 69 62.2 851,000 || 7,648,000 | 116,400 29, 300 |249,390,000 | 13,030,000 || 14,300 87,500 250,300 || 25,000 1931 94 75. O | 1,512,000 | 8,552,000 || 144,100 || 32,400 |254, 550,000 | 15,030,000 || 24,900 | 106,500 264,400 27,900 193O loš 90.1 2,553,000 9,622,000 || 146,000 || 32,300 |303,000,000 || 17,770,000 || 34,400 126,700 270,000 || 29,000 l229 ll.9 _08.6 || 3,404,000 || 10, 122,000 || 146,400 31, 700 |357, 370,000 | 18, 580,000 || 51,600 153, 100 264,300 29,500 1928 109 99.9 || 3,348,000 9,880,000 | 127,000 || 30, 100 |361,600,000 | 18, 550,000 || 39,100 134,300 240, 700 28,500 1927 109 98.2 2,968, 000 9, 802,000 ll:7, 200 28,700 |370,650,000 | 18,920,000 || 32,200 121,900 225,700 28,300 lºg 26 108 loº.2 3, 180,000 || 9,407,000 || 110,200 27,300 |388,410,000 | 18, 160,000 || 38,700 | 130,300 211,300 27,300 1925 108 99.0 |3, 135,000 | 8,790,000 || 101,500 25, 800 |387,670,000 17,380,000 || 38,600 110,000 | 186,700 26,600 1924 105 95.0 2, 732,000 8,039,000 93,500 24, 400 |390,420,000 || 17,460,000 || 31, 100 67,700 | 168,200 25,300 lº23 LO7 106.0 2,956,000 7,501,000 87,000 || 23,300 |417,410,000 le, 490,000 * > 62,800 141,500 22,900 1922 94 93.6 2,374,000 6,694,000 82,400 24, 000 |402, 260,000 17,080,000 & - || 109,200 19,900 1921 90 81.3 l, 400,000 || 6,060,000 | 68,900 | 16,700 |399, 430,000 || 17,800,000 Gº - 91,300 17,800 1920 106 - 2,833,000 6, 46l,000 62,700 | 15, 200 |450,930,000 17,560,000 tº e sº 76, 6:00 | 16,000 1919 81 - 2,273,000 || 5,592,000 gº - |402,810,000 15,660,000 º * * gº tº e 1918 * * - 2,587,000 5, 155,000 tº- - 375, 570,000 lz,440,000 * * tº- gº º l917 {-} - || 2,464,000 || 4,396,000 tº - |398, 380,000 | 10, 260,000 tºº * : º gº 1916 iº – 2,587,000 3,961,000 * > - |375, 380,000 9,600,000 tºº dº * sº 1915 tº - 2,083,000 || 3,378,000 tºº - |333, 470,000 || 8,540,000 tºº Ǻ tºº gºs 1914 gº - |l,613,000 || 3,356,000 - - |325,660,000 || 7,740,000 tºº º cº wº 1913 sº- - 2, 195,000 3,074,000 sº - |3ll, 310,000 || 7, 190,000 gº tº- • * * . 1912 imº º- - 2,697,000 º - |287,090,000 || 6,680,000 & sºn tº e gº 1911 & Fº sº gº 2, 522,000 gºe - |262,040,000 6, 420,000 * * £º º iº 1910 º 4 * * - || 2,300,000 * * - |228,610,000 | 6, 180,000 gºe tº tº gº ~:T573.7975–707 *Fiscal year-nāing June 30 for T500 ETSTE. Data shown in column 1 furnished by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, in column 2, , from The Cleveland chamber of Commerce Monthly Employment Survey, in column 3 turnished The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce by the magazine “Steel." in column 1 obtained thröugh the courtesy of the office of the Postmaster.of Cleveland in columns 5 and 6, througn the courtesy of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, in columns / and 8, through the courtesy of The Cleveland Railway Company, in columns 9 and 10 compiled by Cleveland Automotive Trade Association, Inc. from bills of sa’e filed with County Clerk: and in columns l l and 12 furnished by the Registrar oſ Motor Vehicles of the State of Ohio Table 12– INDEXES OF TRANSPORTATION ACTIVITY, RAIL, WATER, AND AIR GREATER CLEVELAND Car Loadings LCL Car Loadings Shipment of Goods by Railroad Shipment of Goods by Lake Air Traffic Thousands of Cars and Net Tons(Thousands of Cars and Net Tons Thousands of Net Tons Thousands of Net Tons Cleveland Airport Year Outbound I Inbound Outbound Inbound Outbound Inbound Outbound Inbound e - Ships Passengers Cars l Tons Cars Tons | Cars | Tons | Cars | Tons Total Iron Ore! Total Coal Total Coal Total | Iron Ore 1945 1944 381 |17,832 367 |15,744 || 101 494 76 226 |18,326 |ll, 942 |15,970 | 8,632 1,589 l, 315 |ll, 406 || 9,846 |48,644 |571,686 1943 366 | 16,903 || 376 l6, 197 97 467 | 73 216 |17,370 [10,421 l6,414 | 8, 177 | 1,478 || 1,334 |10, 727 | 9,577 35,368 369,002 1942 371 |17,370 379 |15,716 96 413 79 l89 |17,784 |ll, 747 15,905 || 8, 142 l, 168 961 [12,397 |ll, 102 |35,782 |346,656 194l 370 l6,309 376 14,889 ll.9 405 99 177 |16,712 |ll,086 lb., O66 9,203 || 2,096 || 1,416 18, 110 |14,900 |40,540 |396,400 1940 282 |ll,527 311||12,494 | 103 274 || 86 134 |ll,801 || 8,693 |12,628 9,324 2,286 l,557 |14,342 |ll, 282 |34,890 312,700 1939 224 9,589 280 |ll,073 98 256 91 129 || 9,845 6,257 |ll, 202 || 7,208 || 2,328 l, 444 |ll,828 8,291 33,918 |214, 18l lº38 129 4,658 226 8,588 93 303 77 157 4,961 2, 273 || 8,745 5,553 1,786 1,044 5,335 3,097 |28,676 |178,330 1937 269 12,068 329 |13,039 || 102 362 84 194 12,430 | 8,393 |13, 233 8,145 || 2,691 l,665 [14,695 |ll, 296 |28, 172 152,154 1936 26l ll, 787 324 |12,574 94 319 80 l63 |12, 106 || 8,238 |12,737 7,890 2,630 | 1,547 |13, 298 |10, 149 |33, 140 |184,006 1935 | 191 7,712 277 |10,819 93 272 76 135 | 7,984 || 4,605 |10,954 || 7, 150 2,545 1,622 8,419 6,110 |31, 148 151,898 1934 156 5,888 273 |10,692 98 255 77 129 6,143 3, 152 |10,821 7, 255 2,627 l,884 6,032 4,520 |27,418 (108,159 1933 149 5,912 255 9,999 || 104 23O 81 125 6,142 3,687 |10, 124 6,431 2,673 l, 742 7,094 5, 190 |26,739 105,336 1932 93 2,699 232 9,066 97 235 89 135 | 2,934 495 || 9, 201 || 5, 786 1,929 | 1,491 2,305 1,080 |26,522 | 81,023 1931 l66 5, 764 308 |ll, 387 tº a 3534 tº- 209 || 6,098 2,819 |ll,596 || 6,776 1,953 1,553 4,832 3,868 |27,068 63,317 1930 235 | 9,439 407 15, 311 tº 465 * º 27l 9,904 5,618 15,582 8,587 2, 198 || 1,875 9,752 8, 260 |21,211 || 36,461 1929 358 l4,467 522 |19,837 tº º 594 tº a 361|15,061 8,762 |20, 198 |10, 199 2,626 2, 170 ||14, 233 |12, 263 |14,455 15,825 1928 tº º º tº e º gº tº- - - |12,673 6,992 |17,309 || 8,799 || 1,363 974 12,094 |10, 313 gº sº 1927 e tº º tº º tº sº tº tº e - |ll,001 || 6, 231 15,508 8,822 || 1, 204 920 |10,965 9, 126 sº * 1926 * * * gº tº º & # = * * gº - |ll,895 7, 16l 14,986 || 9,048 761 529 |12,225 10,577 º sº 1925 tºº º sº sº gº sº wº - |13,355 6,969 |13,280 8,568 666 408 |ll, 426 9,818 wº º 1924 gº gº & Cº. ſº * * * tºº sº - |10,895 || 4,493 16,368 9,065 l, 951 | 1,753 | 8,633 7,415 * = gº 1923 sº sº i- tº * > G- º - |ll,601 || 7,299 || 19, 143 |10,397 2,975 2,619 |ll, 48l. 10,055 *Eº *g 1922 dº tº º, * { sº tº º tº gº - || 9,104 || 4, 720 |14, 274 || 7,412 l,578 | 1,372 || 9,348 8,048 º: gº 1921 tºº gº tº tº- sº g-e s = - 5,948 2,579 18, lla 6,998 || 2,678 2,423 3,523 2,867 tº &= 1920 * > tºº * --> tº-e tº º ſº * * * - |ll,076 6, 24l 13, 153 8,496 2, 108 l,647 10,355 8,957 º & 1919 tº & ºt º sº tº sº sº - |ll, 437 5,893 |15,655 8,346 3,016 2,529 9,320 8,363 *E º * - s 1918 wº sº tºº º 4-> ſº- †- - 13,728 7,671 |16,927 - || 3,853 3,221 |12,043 |10,927 sº º 1917 tº º gº * tº # = tº º * = e- - ||14,375 6,931 14,026 - 2,502 1,964 |ll, 781 |lo,332 tº tº- l916 sº º $º- <º * - 2 sº & º - 9,287 || 7,957 |12,582 - || 3,423 2,827 |13, 155 |ll,937 sº * * 1915 tº º º # * > * † tº eºs tº- - 6,152 6,087 |10,772 - || 3,067 2,620 9,565 | 8,405 * &=º 1914 tº e dºs g-e tº-e º º tºº tº º - 12,175 4,320 |20, 346 - 3,650 3,205 || 7,263 6, 182 *E* * 1913 fº gº sº sº tºº. * ſº - |ll,561 - 15, 129 - || 5,608 || 4,890 10,880 9,870 &= - sº 1912 - gº & ºf tº tº $º I º - || 9,337 - ||14,666 - 4,470 3,354 9,826 8,910 sº *Eº 1911 se gº tº º &E º ,- * > tºge - || 8, 199 - |13, 229 - 4,927 4, 135 | 6,023 5, 134 &= - &= - 1910 tº tº- * * tº tº ſº º sº tºº - || 8,922 - |13,700 - 5,335 | 4,397 || 8,051 7,096 | {E_* º Data shown in columns 1 to 8 and in columns 9 and Airports City of Cleveland 11 f CHARTS ON PAGES 32 AND 35 TO 40 or the years 1917 to date were obtained through the courtesy o the Transportation Department of The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and for previous years they were taken trom the annual reports of The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce as “freight forwarded by rail” and as “freight received by rail "In columns 10 and 12 the data were obtained through the courtesy of The ore and Coal Exchange in columns 13 to 16, from the Great Lakes Division of the Army Engineers Office and in columns 17 and 18 from the Commissioner of 1945 Table 13.− DATA RELATING TO BANKING INSTITUTIONS: GREATER CLEVELAND Edition 61 Resources in Dollars Liabilities in Dollars Number Total - Surplus Year of 1I] Deposits Savings o rp Loans Stocks, Bonds, Other Due Capital and Other Banks Dollars Mortgages, Etc Resources jº. º to Banks Stock º Liabilities 1945 1944 13 2,076,385,000 || 494,455,000 l, 186,220,000 || 395, 710,000 ||l, 172, 7ll,000 | 672,614,000 | 115,665,000 || 50,959,000 | 40,388,000 | 24,048,000 lº.43 l3 l,836, 180,000 | 406,940,000 |l,042,600,000 || 386,640,000 ||l,073,050,000 || 550,560,000 | 107,150,000 || 51, 760,000 33,700,000 | 19,960,000 l942 13 l, 319,490,000 || 375, Olo,000 570,260,000 | 374,220,000 654,470,000 || 463,780,000 101,960, OOO | 53,260,000 29, 130,000 | 16,890,000 1941 l3 l, 170, 740,000 || 391,030,000 368,730,000 || 410,990, 000 511,460,000 451,050,000 lob,970,000 || 54,310,000 || 26,500,000 18, 460,000 1940 L5 l, Ol3,840, 000 || 326,020,000 288, 740,000 || 399,080,000 398,540,000 429, 470,000 89, 190, OOO 55,770,000 24,440,000 | 16,430,000 l939 13 919,680,000 || 285,320,000 316, Olo,000 || 318,350,000 342,020,000 | 406,000,000 77,260,000 57,600,000 || 21,750,000 || 15,050,000 1938 l3 848,540,000 || 265,460,000 306,470,000 || 276,610,000 285,390,000 406, 740,000 64, 180,000 || 56, 140,000 | 19,510,000 | 16,640,000 1937 12 836,250,000 288,980, 000 314,900,000 232,370,000 288,550,000 || 398,250,000 63,890, 000 || 52,850,000 || 17,030,000 | 15,680,000 l936 12 794, 240,000 265,940,000 301,640,000 226,660,000 271,640,000 383, 820,000 59,650,000 || 54,900,000 || 13,340,000 || 10,890,000 1935 13 716,090,000 267,800,000 259,550,000 | 188, 740,000 217,520,000 || 375, 430,000 46,010, OOO 55,650,000 ll, 990, 000 9,490,000 1934 l3 651,830,000 || 268,020,000 233, 590,000 | 150, 220,000 189,930,000 || 344,040,000 35,680,000 || 53,580,000 || 13, 150,000 | 15,460,000 1933 l3 573, 470,000 || 284, 570,000 167,950,000 | 120,950,000 149, 280,000 || 323,600,000 29,640,000 || 32,150,000 21, 770,000 || 17,030,000 1932 l4 973,620,000 || 556,560,000 218,750,000 | 198,340,000 215, 250,000 || 513, 350,000 52,300,000 || 52,250,000 || 49,990,000 || 90,480,000 1931 l6 l, 158,210,000 | 685,070,000 242,070,000 || 231,070,000 280,070,000 628, 710,000 75, 150,000 || 57,950,000 || 60, llo, Ono 56,220,000 1930 17 l, 240,870,000 || 768, 740,000 227,620,000 | 244,510,000 313,920,000 || 670, 710,000 79,630,000 || 58,540,000 || 60,790,000 || 57,280,000 1929 17 l, 199,410,000 || 744, 130,000 227, 160,000 228, 120,000 320,330,000 640, 370,000 64,690, OOO | 55,660,000 56,730,000 61,630,000 1928 2O l, 146,750,000 || 700, 710,000 230,740,000 | 215,300,000 291,240,000 | 631, 400,000 64,830,000 || 49,480,000 48,680,000 | 61,120,000 1927 18 l,091,410,000 | 68l, 570,000 213,690,000 | 196, 150,000 284,370,000 602,300,000 58,600,000 || 48, 780,000 44, 690,000 52,670,000 1926 18 l,058, 430,000 | 664, ll0,000 199, 140,000 | 195, 180,000 286,720,000 571,680,000 53,390, OOO || 48,090,000 44, 620,000 || 53,930, 000 1925 2O l,007, 660,000 | 630,630,000 189,530,000 | 187,500,000 270,900,000 || 532,460,000 50,370,000 || 48,240,000 || 46,910,000 58,780, OOO 1924 2O 933, 160,000 || 574,620,000 181,790,000 176, 750,000 263,030,000 || 494,090,000 50, 550, OOO 48,350,000 || 4l, 250,000 || 35,890, OOO 1923 2O 854, 210,000 || 544, 140,000 153,000,000 | 157,070,000 253,890,000 || 437,500,000 44,470,000 || 47,580,000 || 39,990, 000 || 30,780,000 1922 18 769,640,000 || 493,500,000 143,670,000 || 132,470,000 228, 770,000 || 381, llo,000 42, 160,000 || 47,060,000 || 38,290,000 || 32,250,000 1921 22 761, 370,000 || 499,040,000 136,910,000 | 125, 420,000 215,870, 000 || 349, Olo,000 38,770,000 || 41,450,000 || 38,450,000 || 77,820,000 1920 23 768,870,000 || 470,930,000 142, 770,000 || 155, 170,000 244,810,000 || 340, 560,000 57,380,000 30, 190,000 41,400,000 || 54,530,000 1919 27 704, 190,000 || 383,070,000 173,880,000 || 147,240,000 230,500,000 ſ 290,680,000 62,860, OOO 28, 130,000 || 35,640, 000 || 56,380,000 1918 30 6ll, 970,000 || 282,930,000 l63, 600,000 lé5,440,000 195,520,000 || 253, 920,000 59,670,000 || 27,570,000 || 33,330,000 || 41,910,000 l217 32 580,460,000 296,000,000 150,390,000 || 134,070,000 l72,970,000 269, 790,000 65,250,000 || 25,950,000 || 31,400,000 | 15, 100,000 1916 52 498,280,000 || 246,450,000 128, 120,000 | 123,710,000 136,390,000 || 239, 710,000 62,690,000 24, 280,000 || 27,750,000 7,460,000 lº l8 32 408, 650,000 | 203,140,000 lo'7, 780,000 97, 730,000 103,290,000 | 200,660,000 46,880, OOO 23,560,000 || 25,920, 000 8,340,000 1914 32 379,310,000 | 192,730,000 104,290,000 82,290,000 86, 870,000 | 193, 990,000 40,610,000 || 23,410,000 24, 720,000 9,710,000 1915 35l. 363,880,000 | 185,330,000 97,430,000 81,120,000 87,570,000 | 182,230,000 39,570,000 22,580,000 23,360,000 8,520,000 l212 30 339, 450,000 | 169,620,000 92,690,000 77, 140,000 Bl,800,000 | 168, 020,000 37,950, 000 21,000,000 21,530,000 : 150,000 1911 31 319,470,000 | 161,020,000 || 84,850,000 73,600,000 73,440,000 | 158,820,000 36,590,000 | 20, 780,000 20,300,000 s ,540,000 1910 31 299,950, 000 156,670,000 77,480,000 65, 800,000 69, 510,000 147,730,000 33,640,000 | 20, 650,000 | 18,820,000 9,570,000 Data obtained through the courtesy of H B Flinkers Table 14.—BANK CLEARINGS AND DEBITS, POSTAL SAVINGS, AND DATA RELATING TO BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS: GREATER CLEVELAND —I Bank Bank Postal Building and Loan Associations arl * Debits º - iºn; Assets in Dollars Liabilities in Dollars in in 1.In Total Cash on Hand * Year Mil- Mil- Thou No in Real Estate and Deposits Oth Running Credits on Reserves Deposits Other lions lions sands Dollars Loans Furniture in Other Å. and Loans and and and due Liabilities of Dol- of Dol. of Dol- Fixtures Financial Paid up Real Estate | Undivided Other lars lars lars Institutions Stock Profits Institutions | 1945 1944 16, 25l ll, 239 23, 739 40 lll,807,000 || 70,832,000 l, 953,000 8,835,000 |30, 187,000 9,378,000 26,000 8,569,000 | 85,200,000 86,340,000 l?45 l4, 230 |10,602 |2|l, lá3 42 95, 237,000 || 66,623,000 || 3,426,000 |ll,098, 000 || 14,090,000 || 8,251,000 ll,000 | 7,957,000 67,391,000 |ll, 617,000 1942 |ll,852 || 9,381 |l'7, 337 43 32,475,000 || 6l, 370,000 | 6,028,000 8,484,000 6,593,000 || 6,600,000 22,000 || 7,438, OOO 57,509,000 10,906,000 194l || 9, 183 || 7, 761 | 16, 710 43 77,300,000 || 58,210,000 || 9, Olo,000 6, 770,000 3,310,000 || 6, 128,000 39,000 6,549,000 || 50,897,000 || 13, 686,000 1940ſ 8,022 5, 734 16,710 45 71,410,000 || 51,090,000 |12, Ol4,000 || 5, 251,000 || 3,051,000||12,490,000 51,000 6, 215,000 |39,980, 000 | 12, 657, 400 1939 || 6, 730 5,028 lá, 710 49 67, 500,000 || 46,010, 000 14, 229,000 || 4,096, COO | 3, 121,000||13, 120,000 262,000 |6, 145,000 36,080, 000 ill, 847, 500 1938 6,069 4,352 |17,030 53 66, 800,000 || 43, 710,000 15, 965. OOO 3,717,000 || 3,409,900||13,670,000 681,000 || 6,535, OOO 34,600,000 ill, 316, 800 1937 || 7,571 5, 128 l7, 680 55 70, 130,000 || 45,350,000 |16,576,600 2,976,000 || 5, 229,300||16,930,000 | 1,062,000 7, 114,000 |34,370,000 |lo, 657,200 1936 6,866 || 4, 265 |17,890 55 70,360,000 || 42,540,000 | 18, 464,500 3, 211,000 6, 144, 100 || 19,690,000 l, 418,000 || 7,435, no O |32,910, 000 8, 903, 400 1935 | 5, 614 || 3,417 |l8, 050 59 75,960,000 || 51,080,000 |17,487,000 | 1,956,000 || 5,440,600|26,540,000 || 4, Ol'7,000 |7,194,000 |32,200,000 | 6,012,700 1934 || 4, 738 2,979 |19, 140 61 85,470,000 || 63,000,000 | 16,355,200 1,192,000 || 4,927, 200|29,770,000 || 3, 750,000 || 7,443,000 |37,450,000 || 7,061,400 1933 || 3,842 2,531 |20,670 69 |102,660,000 || 81,960,000 16,566,400 982,000 || 3, 147, 200|35,150,000 || 4,453,000 || 7,534,000 |45,730,000 9, 797,300 1932 4, 889 3,344 |10,820 74 |132,850,000 ||109,970,000 | 18, 131,200 l,892,000 2,854,500|48,600,000 || 4, 885,000 |9,690,000 |55,870,000 |13,800, 700 1931 7,822 5, 124 6, 520 75 |140,360,000 ||l21,250,000 || 14, 134, 100 2, 736,000 || 2,235,000|51,890,000 || 5, 122,000 9,094,000 |60,480,000 13,772,800 1930 9,882 | 6,638 640 81 |161,240,000 ||142,950,000 |10,601, 100 5,070,000 2,621,400|58,070,000 || 4,664,000 |8,902,000 76,670,000 |12,938,300 1929 |ll, 439 7,964 160 87 |l&4,630,000 ||l64, 790,000 || 9,081,300 6,994,000 || 3,768,500|62, 770,000 6, 295,000 9,5 : o,000 |94,850,000 |ll, 153,500 1928||10, 188 6,913 180 91 |185, 190,000 ||168, 140,000 || 7, 107,000 8.047,000 l,897,400|65,250,000 7,075,000 |9,095,000 92.110,000 |ll, 655, 200 1927 9,793 6,457 180 Data for fiscal year, starting July 1 for each year 1915 to 1926, that is, from July 1, 1915 to June 30, 1927 1926 9,088 6, 179 200 100 168,220,000 ||153,890,000 || 5,490, 200 7,625,000 | 1,215, 200|62,440,000 | 8, 216,000 8,458,000 79,790,000 || 9,316,500 1925 | 8, 359 5,997 240 || 106 |156,600,000 ||142,910,000 || 4,411,900 || 7,378,000 | 1,904, 700|62,470,000 || 8,579,000 |8,577,000 |67,080,000 || 9,898, 100 l924 7, 588 5,441 300 | 122 |l46,910,000 ||134,660,000 3,700, 700 7,337,000 | 1,208,700|59,360,000 |10, 990,000 7,218,000 |60,200,000 || 9,141,000 1923 || 7,774 5,550 360 139 |140,760,000 ||130,630,000 2, 767,400 6, 147,000 l, 210,600|54,680,000 | 13, 313,000 6,321,000 |57,390,000 9,052, 600 1922 6,588 || 4,646 440 || 133 |107,330,000 || 97,800,000 | 2,331, 200 6,312,000 891, 700|45,460,000 || 9,510,000 |4, 771,000 || 41,890, OOO 5,703, 200 1921 6,422 || 4,667 610 || 100 83,800,000 || 78,580,000 l, 243,900 || 3,229,000 743,000 ||37,650,000 || 4, 09 1,000 |3,986,000 |3l, O30,000 || 7,038,300 1920 || 9,180 6,877 | 1,020 8O 71, 130,000 || 66,330,000 935,000 2,888,000 972,000 || 32, llo,000 || 4, 182,000 |3,355,000 |27, 170,000 4,314,500 1919 || 7,836 5,482 | 1,280 67 55, 530,000 || 50,920,000 418,900 3,366,000 822,400|26,250,000 5,453,000 2,623,000 | 18,390,000 2,814,400 1918 - 4,340 l,580 53 39, 710,000 || 36,410,000 176,300 | 1,868,000 l, 257,000 || 20,910, 000 || 2,323,000 |2, lll,000 | 12,440,000 | 1,927,300 1917 - 3,730 | 1,330 49 35, 230,000 || 33,280,000 169,700 1,316,000 467, 200||18,300,000 2, 337,000 |l,815,000 | 10,750,000 2,030,900 1916 - || 2,474 860 45 29, 400,000 || 27, 180,000 133, 200 | 1,715,000 376,400||14, 210,000 | 2,890,000 | 1,468,000 || 9,650,000 1, 181, 700 1915 - l, 552 52O 35 22, 710,000 || 20, 970,000 107,200 | 1,592,000 38, 700 || ll, 930,000 2, 257,000 l, 217,000 || 7, 160,000 148,400 1914 - l, 238 440 29 17,350,000 || 16,510,000 205, 100 549,000 90, 200 || 9,440,000 l, 323,000 981,000 || 5,240,000 377,800 1913 - || 1,276 330 26 15, 350,000 || 14, 280,000 245, 400 774,000 55,300|| 3,480,000 | 1, 228,000 848,000 4,470, OOO 321,800 1912 - l, 150 270 23 13, 790,000 || 12,830,000 235, 200 665,000 64, 100 || 7,670,000 1, 191,000 757,000 || 3,910,000 257,500 1911 - | 1,013 lOO 21. 12,510,000 || ll, 730,000 219,000 536,000 27,900 || 7, 210, OOO 963,000 689,000 || 3,420,000 224,600 1910 - l, OOl * 2O ll, 310,000 || 10,440,000 263, 700 580,000 28,400|| 6,800,000. 826, 000 603,000 || 2, 990, 000 88,800 CHARTS ON PAGES 41 TO 43 62 ent, Table 15.-DATA RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY-DOLLAR-VOLUME OF NEW CONSTRUCTION AND FAMILY UNITS CREATED: 16 CITIES AND VILLAGES IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY | Seven Cities and Villages Nine Cities and Villages Sixteen || Seven * º Nine Y Cities Cities Cleve- Lake- º: d. Shaker | Euclid tº: Cities Garfield Parma Bed- || Maple |Rocky Bay | Fair- Lynd-[South ear and and hand wood Heights | land Heights Hàº. vii. Heights ford Heights River view hurst Euclid Villages || Villages ę illages DOLLAR VOLUME OF NEW CONSTRUCTION IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS–TOTAL 1945 8. 1944|+19,954||=17,483 |*10,596 68 243 373| 900 ±5, 185| lla 2,471| 695 || 273| 196 || 342 135 7 9 || 567 247 1943 |*28,948|=23,952 |*14,732 772 465 || 784. 583|*6,616 || 4 || 4,996|| 970 | 802 303|2,260 159 ll 43 | LO9 || 259 1942 |*30,671|*25, 201 |*13,578 240 | 1,150 25| 421 |*9,311| 476 || 5,470|| 754|1,257| 202|1,639| 335| 284 184| 248 || 567 194l a 44,286|a:34,900 alb,665 617 | 2,286 ll'7|3,212 6,896 |3,107 || 9,386|| 833 |l,596 || 380 || 399||1,407 |1,031 935 | 821 |l,984 1940 a.38, 165|a:31, 286 alg,317 764 2,188 || 780 |3,156 2,373 |2,708 || 6,879| 528 928 227 270|1,338 887 630 || 495 |l,576 1939 22,963| 18,918 || 9,110 570 2,578 6l|2,607 | 1,390 2,602 || 4,045| l8l 373 76 || 173|l, 250 || 496 || 399 201 | 896 1938 |., 13,496 || all, 288 |e 4,368 546 l,847 90 l,853 | 1,139 |l, 445 || 2, 208|| 154| 228| 44 62| 646 307 | 181 | 159 || 427 ig37|*25,247|*22,538 |*15,041 478 2, lla | 156 |3, 14l 704 906 2,709| 227| 383| 36 54 || 951 | 201 || 243 | 16O || 454 1936 || 14, 103| ll,914 || 4,263 633 2, 154 125|2,805 902 | 1,032 2, 189 74 239 93 25|l,089 204 || 196 || 80 | 189 1935 | 6,384|| 5,475 l,686 365 703 93 1,552 435 | 64l 909 41 || 101 || 26 23| 459 92 | 68 || 21 78 1934 2,662|| 2,312 890 242 215 26 || 532 143 264 350 28 75 5 2| 101 20 || 61 | 13 45 1933 3,264|| 2,971 l, 448 l45 292 19| 589 l42 336 293 31 57 6 ll | 124 23 7 2 32 1932 || 9, 186|| 8,388 || 6,609 313 400 42 589 l5O || 285 798 35 | 218 l? 69 || 143 99 || 62 ll | L51 1931 | 19,241|| 16,335 | 7, 178 734 || 1,333 | 732|2,555 | 1,548|2, 255 2,906|| 314|| 828| l42 llo || 516 || 172 | 166 || 65|| 593 1930 44, 184|| 39,309| 27, 124 | 1,476 2,489 | 802|5,140 | 1,232 | 1,046 4,875|| 548|1,331 || 132 230|| 1,064 230 || 437 | 169 | 734 1929 || 52,727| 44, 226 27,917 | 1,755 2,378 (1,903|6,434 2,973 || 866 | 8,50l||1,273|2,300| 206 || 453 |1,513 288 590 349 |l,529 1928 76,413| 67,073 || 45,451 4,852 4,144 625||7,321 2,566 2, lla 9,340|l,544|2,480 455 909|l, ll 4 || 368 810 286 |l, 374 1927 | 67,833| 57,320 | 36,148 || 3,337 || 5,287|1, 185|8,832 | 1,894 | 637|10,513|2,632|2,940 | 857 909||1,406 | 402 || 431 || 370 || 566 1926 86, 107|| 77,738 54,882 || 4,398 || 7,205 |1,490|7,452 1,651 660 | 8,369|2,220 |l, B64| 616 | 682| 964 302 || 416 || 265|l,040 l925 -|| 91,570 || 60, 610 || 6, 239 || 9,352 |3,901 |9,102 || l, 797 |_569 º &= } º º < * , * it tº cº tº tº-e Year } DOLLAR VOLUME OF NEW CONSTRUCTION IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS– RESIDENTIAL 1945 1944 |*17,594|*15,412 |_*8,695 38 234 370 | 897|35,078| 100 || 2, 182| 662| 253| 20 315|| 122 6 6 || 561 237 1943 |*26,783|*22,086 |*13,643 758 446 691 581 |*5,967 - || 4,697.| 955 783 || 365 |2,044|| 150 9 || 40 | LO4 || 247 1942 |*19,238||*14,404 |,47,937 161 1,137 l2| 419 |*4,323| 415 || 4,834|| 673|l, 232 177|1,232| 324 278 ll3 243| 562 1941 |*30,920 |*22,437 |ºll, 422 435 | 2, 156 63|2,629 2,945|2,787 || 8,483| 642 l,518| 253 377|1,215 1,027 911 || 765|l, 775 1940 |*30, 171|*23,670 |*12,782 703 2,099 28|3, 153 2,335|2,570 6, 50l|| 424| 803| 200| 247|1,283| 886 || 607 || 477|1,574 1939 18, 122|| 14, 277 5, 134 437 2,343 42| 2,482 l, 377| 2,462 3,845|| 168|| 345 67 || 150 | 1,204 || 493 347 | 198 || 873 1938 ll, 150|| || 9,109 || 3,034 400 l, 74l 57|1,608 824|1,445 2,041|| 132| 198| 37 57| 62O || 3O2 || 176 | 158 || 36|l 1937 |*19,306||alé, 902 | *9,923 403 | 1,942 || 108|2,946 675|| 905 || 2,404|| 131| 270 ll 46| 911 | 199’| 236 || 157 || 443 1936 ll, 145|| 9,249 2,442 357 | 1,717 94| 2,771 836|l,032 1,896 56 || 17O || 35 21| 956 | 202 || 192 77 | 187 1935 | 5,037| 4, 218 857 238 675 22|l,366 419 || 64l 819 34 783 || 12 O| 454 91 60 | 20 70 1934 l,85l| l, 533 295 143 l'78 LO 509 158 || 260 318 23 62 3 O 97 20 60 | 12 4l 1933 2,249 || 1,988 6l3 ll.9 268 LO 512 150 || 336 261 24 5l. 4. 8| Ll2 22 6 2 32 1932 3,338|| 2,661 1, 137 254 295 5 555 138|| 277 677 22 l?O 9 24 135 98 || 60 ll | 1.48 1931 || 10,610|| 7,997 2,593 469 l, 142 5|2,449 579| 760 2,613| 272 771 || 44 91 500 | 169 152 58 556 1930 20,905|| 16,554 6, 202 l, 102 || 2,368| 712|4,052 l, 102 | 1,016 || 4,351|| 511 l, 242| 87| 200 805 227 420 | 160 | 699 1929 || 31,677|| 24,008 ll, 955 l, 425 | 1,941 || 358 6,095 | 1,396 || 838 || 7,669||1, 186|l, 940 || 139| 282|1,459| 284 568 || 320 |l, 491 1928 || 43,615|| 35,537 l8, 124 3,818 3,838 || 48l. 6,396 | 1,889 991 | 8,078||1,507| 2,321| 212 860 l,05l 348 545 263 971 1927 43,871|| 35,596 || 17,738| 2,874| 4,472 | 963| 7, 160 | 1,785| 604 || 8,275|2,052|2, 257| 502 | Bló | 1,159 || 321 || 412 || 305 || 451 1926 54,135|| 47,139| 28,738 3, 244 5,857 |l, 257| 5,907 | 1,500| 636 6,996|2, 156|1,783| 526 625| 638| 291 || 373 || 246 358 1925 -|| 67,679 | 40,669 5, 255 | 8,581 |3,491. 7,537 | 1,581| 565 * e tº º * & Cº. sº tº- tº a tº º tº * : Year DOLLAR VOLUME OF NEW CONSTRUCTION IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS – NON-RESIDENTIAL 1945 1944 2, 350|| 2,061 | 1,891 3O 9 3 3 107 18 289 33 20 || 176 27 13 l 3 6 10 1943 2, 165| l,866 l,089 l4 19 93 2 649 * | 299 15 19 18 || 216 9 2 3 5 12 1942 ll, 433|| 10,797 5,64l 79 l3 l3 2| 4,988 61 636 81. 25 25 | 407 ll 6 || 71 5 5 194l 13,366|| 12,463 7, 243 182 L3O 54| 583 3,951 320 903|| 191 78 || 127 22 192 4 || 24 56 209 1940 7,994| 7,616 || 6,535 6]. 89 752 3 38|| 138 378|| 104 || 125 27 23 55 l 23 | 18 2 1939 || 4,84l|| 4,641 || 3,976 133 235 19 || 125 lº || 140 200 13 28 9 23 46 3 52 3 23 1938 2,346|| 2, 179| l, 334 l46 106 33 245 315 2% 167 22 3O 7 5 26 5 5 l 66 1937 5,801 || 5,496 || 4,978 75 l'70 48 || 195 29 l 305 96 || 113 || 25 8 40 2 7 3 ll 1936 || 2,958|| 2,665 l,821 276 437 3l 54 66 x: 293 18 69 58 4 lºº 2 4 3 2 1935 | 1,347|| 1, 257 829 l27 28 71 186 16 * 90 7 23| l4 23 5 l 8 l 8 1934 811 779 595 99 37 16 23 5 4 32 5 15 2 2 4 x l l 4. 1933 l,015 983 835 26 24 9 77 l2 O 32 7 6 2 3 12 l l × sk 1932 5,848|| 5, 727 | 5,472 59 105 37 34 12 8 l2]. ll 48 3 45 8 l 2 2. 3 1931 || 8,631|| 8,338 || 4,585 265 191 | 727 | LO6 969||1,495 293 42 57 98 19 16 3 || 14 7 37 1930 23, 279| 22,755 20,922 374 l21 90|l,088 150 30 524 37 89 || 45 3O || 259 3 17 9 35 1929 21,050|| 20, 218 15,962 330 437|1,545| 339| 1,577 28 832 87 360 | 67 l'7l 54 4 22 || 29 38 1928 32,798|| 31,536 27,327 | 1,034 306 || 144|| 925 677|1, 123 | 1,262 37 || 159 || 243 49 63 20 265 || 23 403 1927 23,962| 21,724 18,410 463 815 222|1,672 109 33 2,238|| 580 | 683 355 93 || 247 81 19 || 65|| 115 1926 31,972|| 30,599 || 26, 144| l, 154|| 1,348 233|1,545 15l. 24 1,373 64 8L | 90 57 326 Ll 45 19 | 682 1925 -|| 23, 891 || 19,94l 984 T7l |_4lO]l,565 2L6 4. tºº º gº * * * º º sº * > tº Year FAMILY UNITS PROVIDED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION l945 1944 | #4, 223| *3,790 a2,391 7 49 88| 167 |*1,074 l4 433| 125 58 4 65 29 l l 108 42 1943 | *6,562| *5,564 | a 3,566 218 123| 165| 125 |*1,367 * : 998 || 189 190 | 735 | 436 33 2 8 20 47 1942 | *3,847| *2,884 || al., 775 34 58 2 54 | a 905 56 963|| 134 254 || 38 27O 55 48 || 19 43 || 102 1941 a 5,080 a.3,705 a 2,229 8O 285 9 276 482 | 344 1,375|| 123| 283 || 48 85 | 151 | 157 137 lll . 280 1940 a 5,391 || a 4,292 a2,749 168 314 3| 356 382 320 | 1,099 85 159 || 42 57 176 | 151 || 99 || 71 || 259 1939 2,932|| 2,286 | 1,020 61 353 6 || 296 242 || 308 646 37 68 || 17 36 || 174 81 53 33 || L47 1938 . , 1,725|| 1,375 563 79 272 6 || 136 l48 || 171 350 3O 47 8 15 83 52 26 29 60 1937 ag,461| ag, loš a2,273 53 303 lO | 248 lC)8 llO 356 25 58 2 10 || 104 28 || 30 24 75 1936 | 1,578|| 1,278 488 47 260 9 217 l29 || 128 300 12 40 8 6 || 127 31 || 28 13 35 1935 683 554 l'77 33 94 2 | LOO 70 78 129 8 l6 2 O 60 15 || 10 4 14 1934 254 199 59 19 24 l 36 26 34 55 5 15 2 O 14 4. 8 2 5 1933 347 287 109 2O 43 l 40 28 46 60 7 15 l 4 17 7 l l 9 1932 558 425 181 75 47 2 55 29 36 153 9 4l 5 6 2l 13 9 2 27 1931 l, 620 || 1,174 498 89 185 l 211 98 92 446 51 | 153 8 18 64 26 24 | 12 90 1930 3,137| 2,420 | 1,178 252 275 56 343 l90 || 126 717 91 || 256 || 19 4l | LOO 26 62 21 | LOl 1929 || 4,725|| 3,512 2,143 280 295 350 || 425 233 106 || 1,213| 219 398 || 24 58 172 36 102 || 38 l66 1928 6,766|| 5,388 3, 167 504 583 || || 36|| 564 316 llb| 1,378| 277 435 | 40 l64 lz8 43 96 || 46 | 1.49 1927 7,658|| 6, 145 || 3,631 561 658 || 258 635 32O 82 | 1,513| 376 || 460 | 119 l'72 | 136 42 85 47 76 1926 9,390 || 8,056 5,427 645 797 || 332 || 494 276 87| l, 334|| 409 || 376 | 108 140 86 43 | 73 || 38 61 1925 | 13,427| lz,045 8, 209 929 1,119 807 || 623 282 76 | 1,382|| 497 || 327 47 | 124 lll 31 lló | 73 56 *Indicates amounts less than Includes government housing Data prior to 1932 obtained through the courtesy of The Bureau of Busmess Research, The Ohio State University. CHART ON PAGE 44 1945 Edition 63 Table 16–FAMILY UNITS CONSTRUCTED AND DEMOLISHED AND LOTS RECORDED: CUYAHOGA COUNTY º Family Units Demolished Lots Recorded Y § º: Cleve East New- °ar || by New Cuyahoga Rest of Cuyahoga || Cleve- || Lake- * ... [Shaker . . Garfiel Rocky Bed- Maple |South Fair- Chagrin Rest of Cºus County Cleveland County County land wood H. sº º: Heights Euclid Heights Parma River ford Heights|Euclid Berea #. view Falls County Cuy. Co. tº-g 1945 1944|"5,482 b 559 b539| 20° 327 || 327 * tº * tº * * sº &º tº tº * -º º sº * º sº- sº º <º 1943 |g|7,381 140 153 7 530 || 191 tº sº wº - || 315 º tºº tº a tº- sº gº * tº sº ſº tº a 24 1942|34,529| – “363 °337| 26 81 2O tºº tº * > gº 25 º- &º 4- sº me º * > G. : sº gº 36 1941|f6,214| 81,332| 81,313| 19 915 75 - || 14l a º - || 344 ll 22 8 wº -2 7 30 - || 54 - 225 1940 |hé,349 i 596 1579 17 l, 186 15 52 62 gºe 19| 131 - || 253 37 :- - 90 l4 sºs * * • 513 1939 || 3,682 j 872 J853; 19 921 4l - || 126 ſº- 4 58 * * tº Gº * -º -1 || 15 tºº * - sº - || 678 1938 |, 2, 203 5ll 492 || 19 269 || -68 tº tºº ſº tº tº & & sº tºº - 20 ll tºº * - || 306 1937|k3,835 426 407 || 19 243 l.9 - lºl 354 tº 37 : ; - ºg tº tº tº 22 tºº Gº sº sº * = * : 1936 l,829 496 483 || 13 86 sº wº 7 tº e * : dº {-º º * -º * † dº tº fº sº º * - 79 1935 847| 11,392 ll, 367| 25 l4 -2 23 sº sº tº - 7 gº tº e- sº tº tº º * * * tº E_ • * sº 1934 363 In 757 In 726 || 31 8 -2 •º gºe tº tº º * * 3 iº g- tº sº e tº º sº gº 7 1933 463 486 479 7 - L|| - 15 tº sº tº e &_º gºe l4 * * tº º sº sº g- tº tº e º tº º * * 1932 735 4.18 415 3 220 47 -2 -3 º 73 •l tºº 3 &= - gº - -3 21 tº tº wº 85 l931 gº tºº dº tº º 178 l tº e º tº sº 17 | 112 6 * * tº tº 5 &E à-. * > cº 37 1930 wº * * gº dº 410 || 119 4. 16 62 25 sº -1 º * * - -21 3O * - - 172 tºº 4 1929 {-º tº sº gºe 4,396 || 510 gº 31 18| 681 tºº 78 97 || 42 tº 26 970 l6 - || 172 - |l,755 1928 º tº gº º 4,034|| 668 37 -5 - || 458 8 || 126 || 760 | 105 tº 48 6 287 - || 278 - 1,258 1927 tº dº gº º 8,663 || 586 61 || 317 i º 65 224 198|l,014 || 346 - |l, lz9 1,099 || 269 - || 50 - |3,305 l926 # * tº- sº - 17,787|3,952 4 || 6 lº 76 494 | 897|1,050 |2,076 274 533 |l,366 || 318 279 - 246 - |5,607 1925 gº sº º - || 13,923|2,685 60 | 154 || 118 21 767 || 457 |l,671 376 | 106 |2,043 || 146 74 -Il 598 22 |4,626 1924 * - tºº &_g - || 12,695|l,569 15 263 99 || 151| 847 |l,505 |2, 747 | 72 - |l, 503 || 339 5 - || 36 - |3,544 l923 tº º º tº 7,452||1,065 ll4| 191 53 81| 1,077 |, 194 |2,019 || 191| 366 296 || 42 | 128 - || 99 - |l,536 1922 tº e tº a sº & 9,616||1, 292 || 372 778 4l | 104 || 438 |l, 100 |2,307 || 21 || 430 || 754 588 tº - || 76 - |l,315 1921 tº gº sº &_ 9,777|2,167| 248 || 370 134 914 || 982 |l,369 217 | 20 || 757 | 506 tº º - || 459 19 |l,613 l920 * > tºº sº - || 22,978||7,071. 442 822 97|1,823|3,428 1,146|2,102 | 166 607 313||1,597 tº ºt 91 || 28O - |2,993 1919 {Eº º tºº tºº 8,654||3,228 l, 231 28 - 1,103 || 788 21 - 639 || 76 65 123 tº - || 339 - |l, Ol3 1918 gº º tºº tº º ſº 3,040||1,673 - lll 18 8 57 18 554 || 106 tº 99 * . tº- 6 E - - || 390 1917 tº tºº * - - ll,835||5,368|| 515 961 | 128 448| 974 299||1,346 | –58 || 137 - 37 •r - || 3541 - 1,339 lº 16 & e dº <--> - || 10,331||5,047 l,049 1,002 || 284 6O || 305 42 l? - || 102 38 165 ~ | 112 || 212 - |l,516 1915 sº tº dº - || 12, 230|5,419 560 l,660 | 898 || 1,122 || -383 |l, 293 308 - || 269 98 || 271 sº 36 tºº - || 679 l914 º sº * > * * 8, 109||3,914 || 119 || 973 || 444 |l, ll? - || 186 - || 23 | 16 - || 237 * * 4-se wº - 1,080 1915 tº * - e. * gº 5,715||4,391 || 197| 396 86 | 127 | 101 gº tº a - || 45 - || 16 - l24 || 14 - || 219 1912 {º tº <--> 5,271||3,470 98 || 362 31 || 575 || 155 gº gº tºº - || 218 || 45 * > sº tº • 3519 1911 dº gº $º sº 5,600|2,967| 574 495 187 | 184|| 253' gº 46 64 - 226 98 tº º 8O | 20 - || 406 1910 tº º tº º 4,375||3:003|| 3ii1,377|| 13% - 63 tºº º tº I tº - 7 Cº. • - || 46 4 *Includes 2,022 units created by public housing programs. *Includes 200 government trailers demolished “Includes 2,708 units created by public housing “Includes 814 units created by public housing. ished to make way for public housing. "Includes 135 units created by public housing FIncludes 977 units demolished to make way for public housing *Includes 1,849 units created by public housing. to make way for public housing jincludes 244 units demolished to make way for public housing units demolished to make way for public housing. * *Includes 1,150 units created by public housing. *Includes 114 units demol- *Includes 207 units demolished *Includes 606 units demolished to make way for public housing "Includes 240 Table 17–IDATA RELATING TO TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AND MORTGAGE FINANCE: CUYAHOGA COUNTY Mortgages Filed Mortgages Canceled Property Foreclosed and Sold by Sheriff Year º: Total 1-Family | 2-Family || 4-Family | Larger Other er Nº Number Dollars Number Dollars Total | Dwellings Dwellings | Dwellings |Apartments|Apartments'Dwellings | Buildings || and Lan 1945 1944 || 37,408 23, 168|$206,080,000 29,501 |$149,520,000 787 l62 108 17 35 16 l8 96 529 1943 || 31,520 22,650 | 143, 140,000 || 29, 169 | 191, 320,000 640 195 ll 8 22 2 l6 37 l31 314 1942 31, 228 22,256 lla,050,000 24,874 121,870,000 846 34l 195 47 6 18 75 165 340 194l 34,763 23,580 | 134, 160,000 || 20,482 132, 130,000 l, 108 550 298 99 10 29 ll.4 185 373 1940 30,501 19,883 149,760,000 15, 738 133,750,000 l, 203 815 482 164 32 45 92 213 175 1939 27,624 18,669 || 132,600,000 || 14, 254 69,340,000 l, 976 l, 403 854 265 50 35 199 347 226 1938 23,793 l3, 315 81,640,000 ll, 271 56,620,000 3, 224 2,614 1,666 537 80 66 275 456 L74 1937 29,790 15, 249 166,330,000 13,334 80, 780,000 6,539 4,003 2, 522 897 83 75 426 651 785 1936 26,494 15,719 72,790,000 14,916 78,350,000 5,037 3,992 2,242 l, ll 4 l42 LOIL 393 719 326 1935 | 20,640 19,455 418,420,000 20, 159 lă0, 270,000 || 4,896 3,897 2,075 l,089 130 l67 436 806 1935 1934 || 16,090 27, 275 105,550,000 || 31,319 || 122,390,000 2, 191 l, 651 940 373 65 91. l84 462 78 1933 15,766 5,971 l?0,240,000 6,948 39,290,000 2, 223 l, 679 l, 000 378 6l. 8L 159 386 158 1952 20,964 7,010 44,930,000 8,275 39, 150,000 4,097 2,975 l,926 597 66 128 258 545 57.7 1931 || 25,053 14, 207 94,960,000 || 14, 746 72,910,000 3,566 2, 185 l, 389 453 70 90 183 39 4 987 L930 29, 240 22,4ll | 127,910,000 20,004 || 95,540,000 || 3,974 2,024 l, 341 367 48 90 178 40 l. l,549 1929 35,873 29,567 157,240,000 25,917 | 119, 700,000 3,496 2,095 l, 350 435l. 60 89 L65 369 l,032 1928 39,209 38,963 229,350,000 || 33,307 | 156,540,000 3,088 l, 719 l, 04l 376 40 103 159 386 983 1927| 43,631 49,278 || 314,080,000 || 39,523 193,850,000 2,099 l, 235 695 269 36 98 lº'7 279 585 1926 47, 747 53,247 || 379,690,000 41,04l 210,590,000 l, 448 868 562 176 16 56 58 L96 3584 1925 || 55,463 59,662 335,550,000 43,075 | 182,510,000 - tº º sº tºº tº e sº sº dº tº º 1924 || 51,84l 54,458 || 311,050,000 39,225 | 161,360,000 gº • * 4.- : * - * * * - e sº sº • 1923 || 50,066 56,188 345,580,000 42,279 l65, Olo, OOO <--> tº a sº gº tº- tº-e dº * º sº 1922 || 38,094 || 43,592 || 255,270,000 30,024 124, 450,000 s º sº sº gº * † * : tº a 4- 1921] 34,390 34,624 187,970,000 24, 450 75,710,000 gº * ſº tº gºs *E. sº sº tº- 1920 49,154 || 43,980 | 202,180,000 || 33,863 98,090,000 & º tºº sº sº ſº gº tº º º * * 1919 43,931 40,491 | 167,230,000 || 28, 197 75,610,000 «-» * * tº + ºr tº e & º º sº gº 1918 26,747 20,927 62,630,000 | 16,853 35,450,000 * * sº wº gº tº ºt tº º tº º *º gº tº 1917 34,685 33,252 110, 120,000 24, 462 57,290,000 dº tº tº gº sº gº tº tº & e. tº º 1916 || 30,962 30,743 || 100,330,000 21,314 51,130,000 gº tº cº- gº tº tº gº dºe tº 1915 26, 196 25,897 || 659,820,000 || 15, 732 33,570,000 gº tº tº * -º & tº tº- * tº sº tºº 1914 || 25,596 21,482 | 183,230,000 14, 209 53,080,000 tº tº º tº gº tº º tºº fºr *E, $º 1913 23,743 16,235 | 87,600,000 ll, 360 23,570,000 sº sº : * sº ſº tº * * gº gº 1912 20,879 18,215 51,850,000 12,613 23,620,000 sº sº sº * } sº tº gº tº º * * * 1911 || 19,417 17,486 || 117, 110,000 ll,939 23,950, 000 † - * * tºº sº sº tºº * - ſº * > 1910 18,967 15,837 38,540,000 ll, 430 21, 160,000 * dº sº tº-º g- tº sº es. ſº Tata shown in column 1 obtained from the office of the County Recorder, and in columns 2 to 5, through the courtesy of t CHARTS ON PAGES 45 TO 47 he Cuyahoga Abstract Title and Trust Company 1945 64 Edition Table 18–DATA RELATING TO TAX DUPLICATE VALUATIONS IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY : 1910-1944 Real Estate and Public Utility Year Total Real Estate Public Personal Property” Total Utility Total Land" Buildings 1945 1944 $1,721,614,891 || $1,527,903,461 || $ 495,983,320 || $1,031,920, 14l $195,711,430 1943 || $2,079,993,108 l, 740, 136,800 l,547,895,830 498,077,020 l,049,818,810 192,240,970 $339,856,308 1942 2,004, 189,936 l,688, 262,300 l, 488, 718,800 521,052,630 967,666, 17O 199,543,500 315,927,636 l94l 1,923,954, 758 l,658,278,820 1,462, 915,340 534, 723,830 928, 189,510 195,365,480 265,675,938 1940 l,829,733,945 l,626,377,340 l, 433,625,010 534,738,370 898,886,640 192,752,330 203,356,605 1939 l,799,078,998 l,608, 317,030 l, 417,946,660 534,573,650 883,373, Olo 190,370,370 190,761,968 1938 l, 797, 347, 259 l,605,785,210 l, 413, 796,470 536,256,960 887,539,510 191,988,740 191,562,049 1937 l,783,964,399 l,582,019,430 1,388,120,890 533,832,310 854,288,580 193,898,540 201,944,969 1956 l, 747,894,944 l,580,465,830 1,386,883,380 565,482,520 821,400,860 193,582,450 167,429,114 1935 l, 732,613, Oll l, 581,138,330 l, 386,253,810 565,754,250 820,499,560 194,884,520 151,474,681 1934 l, 737,188, 188 l,587, 103,380 l, 387,882,710 566, 262,470 821,620,240 199,220,670 150,084,808 1933 l, 754, 440,793 l,617,670,800 l,393,992, 740 560,325,060 833,667,680 223,678,060 136,769,993 1932 2,066,313, 138 l, 915,363,660 l,680,047,300 701,035,420 979, Oll,880 235,316,640 150,949,198 L931 2,378,597,629 2, 185,017, 180 l, 919,946,820 834,791,560 1,085, 155,260 265,070,360 193,580,449 1930 2,914,824, 100 tºº 2,121,645,000 935,547,290 l, 186,097,710 793, 179, 100 1929 2,968,766,600 , - 2,169,783, 130 l,023,174, 360 l, 146,608, 770 798,983,470 1928 2,916,604,060 tº º 2,116, 144,070 l,045,053,390 1,071,090,680 800, 459,990 1927 2,990,976,840 *E* 2, 195,887,890 l, 162,222,230 l, O23,665,660 795,088,950 l926 2,900,604, 590 º 2,090,045,590 l, llb,366,870 971,678, 720 810,559,000 1925 2,971,615,830 tº 2, 142,228,550 l, 234,664,910 907,563,640 829,387,280 1924 2,933,287,380 sº 2,081,633,310 l, 255,929,990 825,703,320 851,654,070 1923 2,400,735,750 4- ºr l, 566,504, 820 865,027,960 701,476,860 834,230,930 1922 2,021,719,550 tºº l,332,778,030 693,795,760 638,982,270 688,941, 520 1921 2, 158,770,550 º l, 295, 504, 740 693,445,130 602,059,610 863,265,810 1920 2,218,020,410 gº l, 405,649,640 860,272,200 545, 100,130 812,370, 770 1919 l, 743,068,085 sº l,028, 147,710 533,816,330 494,33l, 380 714,920,375 1918 1,609,619,910 *E* 983,440,680 527,046, 290 456,394,390 626,179,230 1917 l, 491,086,810 & º 945,397, 160 541,930, 400 403,466,760 545,689,650 1916 l, 212,943, 650 * * 792, 866, Olo 334,459, llo 458,406,900 420,077,640 1915 l, ll.9,491, 760 * = - 750,818,420 333,239,110 4.17,579,310 368,673,410 1914 l, 375,006, 405 tºº 697,573,610 gº tº a 677,432,795 1913 957,792,490 sº 643,261,550 tº “º 314,530,940 1912 900,812,535 tºº 620,510,460 wº tº º 280,302,075 1911 841,292,975 º 605,519,960 sº sº 235,773, olā 1910 316,467,575 i_* 232,580,360 gº tº 83,387,215 *Includes mineral rights. **Tangible personal property 1931 to date. Based upon data obtained from the office of the County Auditor Table 19– CURRENT TAX LEVY IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY: 1910-1944 Total Real Estate Personal Property Year Total G. and ersonal Property Total General Special Penalties Total Tangible Classified 1945 1944 $48,301,976 $2,603, 534 1943 $64,489,666 - || $51,806,859 48, b39,242 2,966,827 $300, 790 |$12,682,807 $9,437,592 || $3,245,215 1942 65,613,555 * * 52,973,345 48,715,574 3,913,549 344, 222 12, 640,210 9, 272,744 3,367,466 1941 64,694, 253 gº 53,014,608 48,396,608 4, 250,123 367,877 ll, 679,645 8,001, 778 3,677,867 l940 62,853,925 sº 53, 158,265 47,866,631 4,896, 347 395, 287 9,695,660 6, 497,482 3, 198, 178 1939 61,813, 275 tº º 53,259,981 47,613,895 5,229,092 416,994 8,553,294 5,764,257 2,789,037 lºğ8 59,727, 123 tº 51,889,927 44,918,563 6,499,994 471,370 7,837, 197 5,483,029 2,354,168 1937 59,762,032 tº º 50,584,391 42,187,771 7,876,655 519,965 9, 177,641 5,470,235 3,707,406 1936 60,445,583 tºº 52,375,652 42,60l., 214 9, 200,687 573,751 8,069,931 4,616,829 3,453,102 1935 64,543, 4l6 dºe 57,499, 285 46,755,587 9,991, 7ll 751,987 7,044,131 4,642,580 2,401,551 1934 62,934,858 * --> 56, 107,060 44,145,938 ll, 106,212 854,910 6,827,798 4,309,359 2,518,439 1933 66,146,166 sº 60, 178,979 46,646,439 12,397,665 l, 134,875 5,967,187 3,957,235 2,009,952 1932 73, 161,168 tºº, 65, 249,744 50,673, 870 | 13,368,652 1, 207,222 7,911,424 4,096,670 3,814, 754 1931 84,938,964 wº 74,280,634 58,080, 192 | 15,096,078 l, 104,364 10,658,330 5,226,381 5,431,949 1930 93,998,579 76,290,114 tº - | 16,836, 100 872, 365 gº gº º gº 1929 92,528,345 74,467,999 tºº - || 17,373,591 686, 755 &º tºº sº 1928 86,775,528 70,276,550 # * - | 16,030,797 468, 181 ºf tº º º l227 87,413,883 71,122,977 tº º - 15,819,097 471,809 sº cº * * 1926 82,361,515 67,379,510 * - || 14,614,935 367,070 dº tº • * 1925 78,495,510 65,086,900 tº - 13,115,795 292,815 gº º tº º gº 1924 70,468,661 60,323,816 º gº 9,889,763 255,082 * - tº º tº º 1923 64,530,427 56,570, 462 sº tº 7,760,483 199,482 tº º gº * * 1922 55,305,201 49, 182,566 *Eº º 5,976,854 145,781 tºº & e * - 1921 56,362,483 51,606, 4ll gº wº 4,606,882 149, 192 * . gºe º 1920 52,868,714 48,480, 174 # , tº 4, 104,820 101,720 gº cº gº 1919 32,837,081 29,444, 345 º dº 3,340,083 52,653 ** * º sº l918 26,958,931 23,900,400 º * * 3,002, 265 56,267 dº • tº 1917 25,382, 575 21,988,666 &_º wº 3,345,418 48,491 * , •º « , 1916 21, 185,699 17,852,957 wº tº 3,301,278 31, 464 { { tº tºº 1915 18,966,840 16, 132,396 tº º « » 2,809,271 25, 173 º sº * e 1914 18,281,053 15,988,319 gº º {=} 2,268,976 23,758 tºº tº * * 1913 16,316,795 14, 193,627 * > & 2,104,024 19, 144 tº tº º tº 1912 13, 791, 466 ll, 792,139 tºº * - l, 984, 4ll 14,916 { } &º cº 1911 12,652,384 ll, Olb,826 tº sº 1,612, 270 21, 288 * - dº * 1910 13,168,761 10,787,741 sº tº 2,363,567 17,453 tº gº tº tº Based upon data obtained from the office of the County Auditor w CHARTS ON PAGES 48 AND 49 1945 Edition 65 Table 20–COLLECTIONS OF CURRENT TAXES IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY: 1910-1944 Total Real Estate Personal Property Year Total General and Personal Property” Total General Special Penalties Total Tangible Classified 1945 1944 1943 || $58,370,849 || $ - || $46,002, 713 || $45,013,074 $ 951,014 || $ 38,625 £12,368,136 $9,033,998 ,334, 138 1942 57,897,399 gº 46,429,891 45,092,215 1,290,669 47,007 ll, 467,508 7,826,636 3,640,872 1941 55,376, 44l • * * 45,870, 066 44,450,554 1,374,275 45, 237 9,506,375 6,344,740 3,161,635 lºº!C) 54,746,424 4 º' 45,296,967 43,582,707 1,667,066 47,194 9,449, 457 6,298,093 3, 151,364 1939 52,953,954 dº 44,744,798 43,140,299 l,561,778 42,721 8,209,156 5,473,396 2,735,760 1938 50,018,392 wº 42,521,844 40,578, 101 1,891,025 52,718 7,496,548 5, 190,687 2,305,861 1937 48,993,547 * * 40,224,614 37,841,824 2,326,726 56,064 8,768,933 5, 166,742 3,602, 191 1936 48,169,104 tº e 40,445,342 38,176,099 2,211,297 57,946 7, 723,762 4,371,457 3,352,305 1935 49,496,076 tº 42,753,965 40,472,606 2, 199,431 81,928 6, 742, lll 4,386,485 2,355,626 1954 46,029, 107 &Eº 39,584, 213 37,047,419 2,412, ll:5 124,679 6, 444,894 3,995, 170 2,449,724 1933 44,234,955 * * 38,735,683 36, 156,489 2,408,491 170,703 5,499,272 3,559,752 l,939,520 1932 45,638,842 sº 38,994,947 37,012,580 1,974,527 7,840 6,643,895 3,338,360 3,305,535 1931 60,513,873 gº tº 50,858,459 45,783,663 4,984,046 90,750 9,655,414 4,446,129 5, 209,285 1930 76,794,096 67,479,840 {E_* * > 9, 174,606 139,650 tº . * : sº 1929 80,776,267 67,981,900 º tº 12,594,273 200,094 tº tº tº a 1928 77,156,245 64,447,245 tº º *E º 12,548,525 l60,475 tº º a tº * , 1927 78, 118,980 65,287,951 * gº 12,658,827 172,202 º * * “º 1926 74, 484, 244 62,217,464 &-> gº 12, 139, 132 lz7,648 * * sº tºº 1925 72,265,668 60,808,649 º {-º ll, 336,615 120,404 * * & tº º 1924 64,996,84l 56,344, 723 cº wº 8,526,606 125,512 tº º wº * * * 1923 59,745,942 53,304,154 tº tº 6,44l,788 $º º dº º 1922 51, 168,623 46,226,825 tº ſº gº 4,94l,798 * , tº e tºº cº 1921 52,350,492 48,728,585 • * * > 3,621,907 † gº & a tº º 1920 49,148,152 45,832, 167 * > º 3,315,985 sº gº tº & 1919 30,923,012 28, 282,633 ſº tº º 2,640, 379 {º tº tº º tº ºt l918 25,542,606 22,949,723 ſº * 2,592,883 tº-e tº gº sº 1917 23,367,140 20,787,034 tºº gº 2,580, 106 lº gº tº e & 1916 19,770,287 17,026,773 tº º ſº-º: 2,743,514 dº tº º - . gº 1915 18, 140,349 15,628,574 tº º # * 2,511, 775 sº • * tº º tº º 1914 16,145,774 l4, Olă, 515 * * - | . 2, 130, 259 tº tº sº * Lº 1913 15,399,138 13,414,667 tºº * * 1,984,471 wº º cº cº-º; 1912 13,171,385 ll, 343,592 tº tºº l,827,793 º {E_º cº-e # ºr 1911 lz, 112,623 10,653,586 tºº tº l, 459,037 dº cº tº º gº 1910 12,678,4ll 10,451,417 † ſº tº 2,226,994 tºº tºº tº tº º TºIncludes penalties prior to 1924 TBased upon data obtained from the office of the County Auditor Table 21— DELINQUENT TAXES AND COLLECTIONS OF DELINQUENT TAXES IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY: 1910-1944 Delinquent Taxes Collection of Delinquent Taxes Year Real Estate Personal Property * Total Total General Special Total General Special Total Tangible Classified 1945 º 1944|$75,981, 169 |$36,361,240 |$39,619,929 1943 || 76,459,688 || 36,508,553 || 39,951,135 $7,450,700 $6,597,972 ||,4,029,744 $2,568,228 |$852,728 708,775 |$143,953 1942 || 74,945,012 || 36,428,526 38,516,486 6,410,459 5,502,029 || 4,039,603 l, 462,426 908,430 712,681 195,749 1941 73,440,520 || 36,282,054 37,158,466 7,040,545 6,041,032 || 4, 224,957 l,816,075 999,513 848,730 150,783 1940 || 74,701,151 || 36,143,453 38,557,698 || 10,309,122 9,546,539 || 4,568,457 4,978,082 762, 583 599,869 l62,714 1939| 78,818,344|| 35,761,823 43,056,521 13,601,776|| 13,109,583 || 4,569,347 8,540,236 492, 193 350,612 141,581 1938 79,883,426 || 35,520,195 || 44, 363,231 ll, 48l., 131|| 10,978,815 || 4,583,253 6,395,562 502,316 355,388 146,928 1937| 81,759,382 || 37,748,085 44, Oll, 297 || 13,547, 742|| 12,891,228 || 7,087,911 5,803,317 656,514 426,909 229,605 1936 87,276,584|| 40,845,073 || 46,431,5ll 18,227,143|| 17,697, 195 || 7,978,571 9,718,624 529,948 377,496 152,452 1935 82,423,608 || 42,242,906 | 40,180,702 || 10,558,421|| 10,039,416 || 8,360,319 1,679,097 519,005 431,563 87,442 1934 || 81,833,074|| 43,733,958 38,099, llé 16,825,761|| 16,092,739 || 9,395,195 6,697,544 733,022 535,402 197,620 1933| 74,084, 740 || 39,565,057 | 34,519,683 14,312, 106|| 13,765,099 || 7,403,375 6,361, 724 547,007 tº « . . 1932 || 53,239,526 || 27,044,482 26, 195,044 5,701,809 5,588,367 || 3,234,749 2,353,618 113,442 e- gº 1931 || 33,553,738|| 16,447,790 17,105,948 4,240,682 3,880,261 || 2,953, 101 927, 160 360, 421 sº º 1930 21,901,840 || ll, 236,224|| 10,665,616 4,449,526 4, 248,483 || 3,010,918 1,237,565 201,043 º sº 1929 18,938,955| ll,022,723 7,916, 232 7,974,569 7,683,304 || 5,720,699 1,962,605 291,265 tº e * Lº 1928|| 17,005,082|| 10,651,875 6,353,207 7, 130,922 6, 757,395 || 4,794,646 l, 962, 749 373,527 º 4 tº 1927 | 13,799,792 8,885,247 4,914,545 5,847,975 5,540,938 || 1,428, 103 4, 112,835 307,037 tº º tº- 1926 || 10,306,611 6,858,232 3,448,379 4, 182,047 3,802,699 || 2,543,969 1,258,730 379,348 tº cºe 1925 8,087,690 5,302,623 2,785,067 4,048,503 3,395,641 || 2, 198,060 l,197,581 652,862 tº º tº 1924 6, 754,389 4,268,638 2,485,75l 3,710,082 2,940,316 || 1,877,533 l,062,783 769,766 tº º t- 1923 5,989,095 3,587,720 2,401,375 3,322, 245 2,685,595 || 1,508,284 l, 177,311 636,650 tºº º 1922 4,657,027 3,339,488 l,317,539 2,838,965 2,379,810 || 1,616,654 763,156 459,155 sº tº º 1921 4,179,123 2,653,673 l,525,450 2,421,347 2, 278,501 || l,231, lll l,047,390 142,846 tº tº º 1920 2,891,814 l, 496,885 l, 396,929 l, 345,443 l, 217,196 655,010 562, 186 128,247 fºLe tº ºr 1919 2,304, 173 l, 280,299 1,023,874 l, 109,999 959,798 844,632 115,166 150,201 gº dº 1918 2,337,534 l, 144,667 1,192,867 1,299,628 l, 162,620 581,201 581, 413 137,008 tº º º 1917 1,547,267 826,251 721,016 797,412 750,568 462,495 288,073 46,844 is tº wº 1916 969,348 569,105 400,243 625,668 565,029 320,518 244, 5ll 60,639 dº * > 1915 751,470 501,377 250,093 1,246,107 502,961 340,311 l62,650 743,146 º º 1914 832,244 579,332 252,912 663,145 581,048 437,000 144,048 82,097 tº-e * , 1913 871,450 525, 187 346,263 596,434 471,156 248,834 222,322 125,278 tºº * > 1912 819,350 478,010 341,340 450,992 398,760 240,925 157,835 52,232 tº-e tº 1911 655,319 379,980 275,339 408, 160 310,059 202,126 lo'7,933 98, 101 i º • * 1910 579,970 312,502 267,468 315,932 310, 149 179,269 130,880 5,783 tº º tºº Based upon data obtained from the office of the County Auditor CHARTS ON PAGES 49 AND 50 1945 66 Edition Table 22– ESTIMATED POPULATION TAX DUPLICATE VALUATIONS TAX RATE, AND LEVY IN CLEVELAND: 1910-1944 Population Tax Duplicate, Valuations T General Tax Levy Year || Estimated P Personal Fº P Midvear Total cºa Real Estate Land” Buildings Froperty Amount cºa 1945 1944|| 866,500 930, 300,042 $306,425,660 $623,874,382 $2.98 1943| 859,000 || $1,373,919,620 $1,599 958,669,720 307, 750,350 || 650,919,370 |$415,249,900 2.98|$40,987,293 $47.72 1942| 866,500 l, 331,078,369| l,536 923,921,510 || 328,368,400 595,553, llO | 407, 156,859 3.13 || 41,706,865 || 48.13 194l| 866,100 l, 289,368,330 1,489 921,539,420 340,939, llo || 580,600,310|| 367,828,910 || 3.18| 4l, 102,034 |47. 46 1940 877,600 | 1,221,995, l'72 | 1,392 904,408,410 || 340,602,430 563,805,980 || 317,586,762 3.19 39,299, 149 |44.78 1939 || 880,100 l, 202,052,105 l, 366 896,839,140 || 340,808,290 556,030,850 305,212,965 3.20 38,447,827 43.69 1938 882,600 | 1,208, 155,231 l, 369 899,645,210 342,004,650 557,640,560 308,510,021 3.02 || 36,519,393 || 41.38 1937| 885,000 l, 210,636,241 | 1,368 888,359,930 339,798, 780 548,561, 150 | 322, 276,311 2.83 || 34,311,830 38.77 1936 887,400 l, 183,178, 180 l, 333 887,487,410 364, 100,330 523,386,080 295,690, 770 2.86 || 33,876,267 ||38.17 1935 889,800 l, 173, llā,608 l,518 890,407, 190 364,265,250 | 526, 141,940 282, 708, 418 3.20 | 37,569,364 42.22 1934|| 892, 200 l, 178,596,998 || 1,321 893, 188,690 364,634,430 528,554,260 285,408,308 2.99 || 35,278,870 || 39.54 1933 897,600 | 1,213,211,013 | 1,352 900,162,900 357,866,920 542,295,980 || 313,048, 113 2.99 || 35,781,583 || 39.86 1932 | 897,000 | 1,421,299,218 l,585| l,086,382,570 447,935,060 | 638, 447,510 || 334,916,648 || 2.76 38,748,376 |43.20 1931|| 897,300 | 1,629,910,739 1,815| 1,225,418,540 520,074,880 || 705,343,660 | 403,592,199 || 2.76 44,372,585 |49.45 1930 | 899,800 2,032, 430,540 2,259 || 1,383, 145,000 | 604,332,660 | 778,812,340 | 649, 285,540 a2.72 55, 198,564 61.35 1929 | 893,600 2,038,573,490 2,281| 1,384, 140,620 | 633,975,590 750, 165,030 || 654,432,870 2.62 53,416,042 59.78 1928| 884,500 | 1,995,627,250 2,256 || 1,355, 762,980 637,815,730 717,947,250 | 639,864,270 2.53 50,477,988 || 57.07 1927| 873,700 | 2,092, 159,170 2,395 || 1,448, 797,450 | 755,920,060 | 692,877,390 643,361, 720 | 2.50 52,291,782 59.85 1926 864,500 2,099,800, 260 2,429 || 1,440, 167,870 771, 207,410 | 668,960,460 659,632,390 2.4l 50,613,154 58.55 1925 | 855,400 2,168,243,440 2,535 | 1,488,558,620 854, 182, 160 | 634,376,460 | 679,.684,820 2.31 50,081,518 58.55 1924| 846,300 || 2,153,809, 380 2,545 || 1,456,300,120 | 870,055,060 586,245,060 | 697,509,260 2.19 || 47,166,481 55.73 1923 || 837,200 | 1,867, 162,970 2, 230|| 1, 178,134,400 | 645,055,060 533,079,340 | 689,028,570 2.42 45,178,332 53.96 1922 | 819,600 l,569, 306, 730 1,915 996,963,330 506,696, 200 490,267,130 572,343,400 2.49 || 39,071,607 || 47.67 1921 | 810,500 | 1,704, 280,880 2, 103 975,308,540 507,700,490 467,608,050 | .728,972,340 2.46 || 41,920,296 || 51.72 1920 | 801,400 | 1,753,246, 190 2, 188|| 1,073,842,860 | 644,045,620 429, 797, 240 679,403,330 2.28 || 39,967,216 |49.87 1919 || 785,400 l, 389,051,290 | 1,769 794,464,320 | 400,735,100 || 393,729,220 | 594,586,970 |*1.78 24,651,234 || 31.39 1918 || 762,500 1,298,048,920 | 1,702 773,853,200 tº - || 524, 195,720 || al. 56 20, 180,554 26.47 1917 | 736,500 | 1, 198, 713,560 1,628 747,785,510 º - || 450,928,050 al. 56 | 18,639,996 || 25.31 1916 || 712, 200 969, 767,060 1,362 621,990,470 gº - || 347, 776,590 || al. 56 | 15,079,878 21.17 1915 | 689,300 891, 331,835 | 1,293 588,410,530 º - 302,921,305 | 1.53 13,637, 377 | 19.78 1914 | 665,300 872,385,855 1,311 564,245,260 tº- - 308, 140,595 | 1.5l 13, 173,026 | 19.80 1913 | 642,500 8l4, 308,510 | l, 267 544, 425, 170 Gº - || 269,883,340 | 1.55 | 12,621,779 | 19.64 1912 6ll, 400 756,831, 185 | 1, 238 518,552,210 tº - || 238,278,975 l.36 || 10,292,904 | 16.83 1911 588,300 714,804,625 l, 215 506,812, 210 tºº - 207,992,415 | 1.3 9,721,343 | 16.52 1910 || 565,400 274, 970,605 486 201,505,120 * * - | 73,465,485 3.48 9,568,977 | 16.92 *Includes mineral rights. *Rate shown is $ 005 greater than actual rate Based upon data obtained from the office of the County Auditor Table 23– GROSS INDEBTEDNESS, COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS DEBT REQUIREMENTS AND TAX LEVIED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES: 1910-1944 County Requirements Tax Levied for County Indebtedness Year Gross ty Principal Interest County Purposes Indebtedness G l Special Special General Special . For For Other Total #. Assessment General Assessment É. .. Assessment County County OI, CIS Bonds Bonds Bonds Oil CiS Bonds , Debt Purposes 1945 1944 $32,221,000 || $14,980,697 |$17,240, 303 |$1,416, 120 |$2,069,380 $568,718 503, 200|$3,384,837 |$ 4,878,915 1943|$206,998, 280 || 34,580, 200 || 16,465,791 || 18, 114,409 || 1,485,095 || 2,272, 105 627,018 565,756 || 3,233,765 5,292,906 1942 226,402, 276 || 37,012, 200 || 17,979,530 | 19,032,670 | 1,513,739 2,498,261 | 731,074 704, 286 || 3,356, 144 5,253,994 1941| 219,650,726 || 38,128,700 || 18,474,368 || 19,654,332 || 1,441, 739 2,204, 761 || 777,712 769, 49.4|| 3,673, 164 5,168,778 1940 228,082,912 || 39,798,050 || 20,047,080 | 19,750,970 | 1,672, 713 2,096,638 | 848,272 835,523 2,674, 578 || 6,593,008 1939| 235,055,668 || 40,047,350| 20, 139,276 | 19,908,074] 1,632, 196 || 1,695, 104 893, 412 853,678] 2, 102,714 7,040,086 1938 231,874,569 || 41,381,550 || 21,098,632 20,282,918 1,859,357 | 1,974,843 938,667 954, 255] 1,889,367 5,906,238 1937] 231,812,096 || 39, 542,850 || 18,636,919 20,905,931 || 2,238,287| 2,623,013 923, 161 l, Oll,823| l, 945,737 6,374,340 1936 243,548,510 | 40,977,750 || 19,821,271 || 21, 156,479 || 2,384,352 2,859,248 999,005 || 1,052,349| 1,945,316 || 7,231, 191 1935 255,048,889 || 43,248,055 || 21, 262,392 || 21,985,664 2,502,521 3,041,785 l,076, 426 l,088,094| 2,351,347 8,937,419 1934| 266,014, 770 44,592,050 || 22,304,601 || 22, 287,449 || 2,600, 760 | 3,066,385 l, 120,338 l,090,463| 2,386,013 8,030,505 1933 273,758, 368 46,025, 250 || 23,810,943 22, 214,307 || 2,241,342 2,859,858 |l, lla, 409 l,075,293 2,894,347 7,441,076 1932 278,356,096 || 43,118,664 || 20,047, 725 || 23,070,939 2,072,282 2,752,232 947, 290 l,090, 133 3,570,645 7,685,389 1931 || 289,873,877 || 44,684, 114 || 20,696,614 || 23,987,500 2,093,889 2,841,561 | 867,413 l, 106,200 || 3,275, 122 || 8,591,706 1930| 297,783, 130 || 43,405,414 || 19,067,374 || 24,338,040 2, 002,960 2,694,340 788, lll l, llz,724 || 3,040, 453 || 10,482,873 1929 298,944,834 36,863,275 || 14,760,006 || 22, 103,269 || 1,673, 732 || 2,237,429 534, 211 875,300 2,577,483 10,466,387 1928 284,596,091 || 26,343,755 || ll, 477,954 || 14,865,801 || 1,443,563 | 1,516,061 537, loa 686,699 || 1,992,624 8,866, 185 1927 273,048,336 º - - º sº <- - || 1,870,258 || 8,375,932 1926 263,209,666 º tº- e- sº- ~. tº - || 1,865,959 8,747,643 1925 243,598,772 gºe - - - gº º - || 1,972,856 5,943,529 1924 214,486,229 - * tº- - sº dº sº -> 817, 214 5,780,923 1923 || 195,814,558 - º -> sº - gº - | 1,672,833 5, 187,030 1922 172,187,546 * > º - º tºº tº- - || 1,465,342 3, 152,872 1921 | 154,532,785 & e tº- - º º º - | 1,577,845 4, 206,364 1920 | 128,997,770 º tº- - dº *Eº •º - || 1,602, 742 4,124,187 1919 llā,973,619 º - 4- º sº * - - || 1,238,276 2,870,659 1918 107,742,735 tº e a- -> ‘E- &ºe º - || 1,487,611 2,321,394 1917 | 102,357,074 º º- - º sº º - || 1,801,531 1,967,042 1916 92,370,820 sº tº- - tºº º tº- - || 1,516, 180 l,549, 414 1915 86,285,391 º 4- - º * > gº - || 1,363,653 1,465, 75l 1914 73,918,654 º e- - &º gº gº - 1,160,780 l,962,684 1913 59,546,513 t_ -> ſº- & & e º - 1,187,471 l, 219,845 l912 - sº - - º tº s tº- --> 939,007 l, laj,923 l911 - º Gº- -> --> º º - 1,028,901 1,060,702 1910 - tº-e tº- --> .- tº c - - 629, 138 1,445,307 Based upon data obtained from the office of the County Auditor CHARTS ON PAGES 49 AND 52 TO 53 INDEX CLEVELAND MARKET DATA HANDBOOK Page Number Page Number Subject Text | Chart | Table Advertised rentals, index of median rent--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57 median rent in dollars----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 57 Advertising lineage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 57 Age distribution of population - - - - - - - - - - - 6 6 - - Agricultural employment, United States---| -- 22 55 Air traffic at Cleveland Airport_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 16 60 Apartment houses * foreclosed and sold by sheriff------ - - - - - - - - 63 number of ads for rent and wanted - - - - - | – | 27–29 || -- Apparel group, retail sales----- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 59 Area, of county and minor civil divisions -- || -- * - 56 of metropolitan districts -- - - - - - - - - 4 - 4 Assessments, special bonds of Cuyahoga County-- - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 51, 52 | 66 collections in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - 49 65 delinquency in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - || -- 50 65 levy in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - 48 64 Assets of building and loan associations - - - || -- 43 61 Automobiles index of sales for the United States -- - - - || -- - - 54 - registrations and sales in Cuy. Co.------ 1 38 60 Automotive group, retail sales - - - - - - - - - || -- - - 59 Bank clearings- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - || -- 42 61 debits in Cleveland - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - || -- 42 61 in 141 cities---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 outside of New York City - - - - - - - || -- * - 54 resources by type--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 61 Banking institutions -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 41 61 Births in Cuyahoga County---- - - - - - - * * 24 57 Bonds county------------------------------ _ _ | 51, 52 | 66 yield on United States treasury bonds. -- - || -- --- 54 Building and loan associations - - - - - - - - - - || -- 43 61 Buildings foreclosed and sold by sheriff----- - - - - - || -- -- 63 valuation in Cleveland -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 66 in Cuyahoga County--- - - - - - - || – 48 64 Business retail and wholesale in Cuyahoga County | - - -- ,59 telephone subscribers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 36 60 Call-money on New York Stock Exchange - || -- - - 54 Capital stock, banking institutions - - - - - - - - * * 61 Carloadings in cars and in tons - - - - - - - - - - 1 * -- 60 Cash on hand, building and loan assns. - - - || -- - - 61 Circulation, daily newspapers in English - - - || -- 26 57 Classified advertising lineage by type - - - - - || -- 26 57 Clearings, bank - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 61 Clothing, index of cost - - *-* * ~ * -- a-- *- * = - amº. 25, 30 57, 58 Coal inbound by rail . ~ * *... -- * ~ * * *- := - 1 39 60 outbound by lake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 60 Collections, tax, Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - 49 65 Construction dollar-volume - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 62 family units, in Cuyahoga County-- - - - - - -- 58, 63 in minor civil divisions - - - - || -- --- 56 * in 16 cities and villages -- - - || -- 44 62 index of value of contracts, U. S. - - - - - - - -- - - 54 Consumer’s price index---- - - - - - - - - - - - - || - 25, 30|57, 58 Contracts awarded, index of value - - - - - - -, - - - - 54 Cost of living indexes Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - || -- |25, 30 57, 58 United States - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | . . sm - 54 Country of birth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - 7 Credits on loans and real estate - - - - - - - || -- 43 61 Subject Text | Chart | Table Deaths in Cuyahoga County--- - - - - - - - - - --- - 24 57 Debits, bank in Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 61 in 141 cities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 outside New York City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 Debt Cuyahoga County-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 51, 52 | 66 grOSS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 66 public, United States - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * 20 54 Deeds filed in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - 1 45 63 Deficit in Federal financing_- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 54 Delinquency º tax collection in Cuyahoga County - - - - - 1 49 65 tax levy in Cuyahoga County--- - - - - - - - - - 50 65 Demolitions in family units in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - || 58, 63 in minor civil divisions_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - 56 Department store sales index for Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ | 32, 35 | 60 for United States. - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *-*. * * 54 Deposits banking institutions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *- :- 41 61 building and loan associations--- - - - - - - - wº- a-- 43 61 Direct relief in Cuyahoga County CaSeS---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * -s. 32 59 expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - * mºm, 59 Divorces in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - *- º 24 57 Dow-Jones industrial averages - - - - - - - - - - - 4- º - - 54 Drug stores, retail sales - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 Durable goods employment index for United States -- - - || -- -- - 54 pay roll index for United States - - - - - - - - - - * *-*. 54 Dwellings constructed family units, in Cuyahoga County-- - - || -- - - || 58, 63 in minor civil divisions_ _ _ ! -- ** * 56 in 16 cities and villages---| -- 44 62 index of value of contracts, U. S.- - - - - - - - - 54 foreclosed, in Cuyahoga County-- - - - - - - - - - - 63 in minor civil divisions - - - - - - - - * * 56 Eating and drinking places, retail sales -- - - || -- * * 59 Employment City of Cleveland - - - - - ** - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 33, 34 59 index of Cleveland Cham. of Com. - - - - - - || - 35 60 for the United States - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 54 in manufacturing, retail, and wholesale --| 10 _ _ 10, 59 United States, by sex - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 55 Establishments, number - <-2 = ** * *- - - - - * 59 Expenditures relief - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 United States government-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 54 Exports, index of value - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - 54 Families Cuyahoga County--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 23 9,57 minor civil divisions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 - 9,56 number by months, Cuyahoga County -- || -- - - 58 Family units constructed, in Cuyahoga County - /- - - - - || -- - - || 58, 63 in minor civil divisions -- - - - - - * * 56 in 16 cities and villages - - - - || - 44 62 demolished, in Cuyahoga County--- - - - - - --- - - || 58, 63 in minor civil divisions -- - - - || -- * * 56 total and occupied by month - - - - - - - - - - - * * 58 vacant in Cuyahoga County----------- 19 19 58 Farm income, index for the United States-- || -- - -- 54 1945 68 Edition CLEVELAND MARKET DATA HANDBOOK Pa * Pa Ul Subject ge Number Subject ge Number Text | Chart | Table Text | Chart | Table Federal savings and loan associations Monetary gold stock in the United States. w --> -- 54 number - - - - - - … *- - - - - - - - -º- ºr * * - - - - * - - * * - - 59 Mortgages, number and dollar-volume share accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - 59 cancelled - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 47 63 jº stations, retail sales - -- * = <= *-* - *- : * * - 59 filed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1. 46 63 O * index of cost- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25, 30 57, 58 National advertising lineage - - - - - - - - - - 26 57 stores, retail sales - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - 59 Nativity of population in Cuy. Co. - - - - - - - 7 - -- * * Foreclosures and sales by sheriff Negro population, Cuyahoga County - - - - 7 -- - 7 in Cuyahoga County * ~ *-* * * * *- * * * - - - 63 New car sales in Cuyahoga County - - - - - 1 38 60 in minor civil divisions - - - - - - - - - - - 56 index for United States - - - - --- --- 54 Foreign trade, indexes of value. - - - - - - - - - - - 54 New construction Fuel and light, index of cost - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~~ 25 57, 58 dollar-volume - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 44 62 Furniture group, retail sales - - - - - - - - - || - - 59 family units, in Cuyahoga County-- - -- 58, 63 in minor civil divisions - - - 56 Gainful workers in Cuyahoga County - - - 10 31 |58, 59 in 16 cities and villages - 44 62 General Newspaper bonds, Cuyahoga County---- - - - - - - - - - - 51, 52 | 66 . advertised rental indexes - - - - - - - - - - --- - - 57 tax collections, Cuyahoga County - - - - - 1 49 65 advertising lineage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 26 57 tax delinquency, Cuyahoga County-- 50 65 circulation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:4 " 26 57 tax levy, Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- 53 66 New York Stock Exchange Cuyahoga County---- - - - - - - 1 48 64 call-money rate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 Gold stock, monetary" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - 54 Dow-Jones industrial averages - - - - - - - - --- - - 54 Goods shipped industrial stocks index - - - - - - - * m-: * * *** - || * - 54 by lake - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 40 60 railroad stocks index-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 54 by rail - - - * * * * * * * * * * *-* -- * = * * * *- 1 39 60 Nonagricultural employment, U. S.- - - - - - - * 22 55 Gross indebtedness of Cuyahoga County 50 66 Nondurable goods employment index for the United States-- 21 54 House—furnishing goods, index of cost - - - - - || - 25 57, 58 payroll index for the United States - - - - - 54 Nonworkers, United States - - - - - - - - - - - || - 22 55 }. index of value - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 Non-residential construction, dollar-volume | - --- 62 In COIſle index, cash farm - - - - - - -- - --- - - 54 One-family dwellings payments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 advertised rental indexes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *s- ºr 57 produced, national <-- *-* * *-* ** - ºr * * 21 54 foreclosed and sold by sheriff-- - - - - 5 - 63 Indebtedness Owned homes, per cent - - - - - -- 18 18 * * Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 51, 52 66 gross of county - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 50 66 Passenger cars Industrial - index for sales of United States * - I " - - 54 production, index for the United States - - || - - - 54 registration and sales in Cuy. Co. - 1 38 60 stocks, index of . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 Passengers leaving Cleveland Airport _ 16 16 60 Interest rates, call-money - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 54 Payments, income, index - - - - - - - - - - 54 Iron ore Pay rolls inbound by lake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 40 60 City of Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33, 34 59 outbound by rail - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- 39 60 manufacturing industries, certain states - || 13 - - 13 Cleveland - - - - || - - 59 Jobless in Cuyahoga County. - - - - -- 10 32 58, 59 Cuy. Co. - - - - - 13 - 13, 59 index for U. S. * - - - 54 Labor force retail and wholesale trade - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 by sex, United States - - - - - - - - - - - - wº-, -, - 22 55 Penalties on real estate tax | in Cuyahoga County--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 31 58, 59 added, Cuyahoga County - - - - -- - 48 64 Lake traffic- * * *- : * * * * - - - - - 40 60 collected, Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - * * --- 65 Land Personal property tax * sub-lots recorded . - - 45 63 collections in Cuyahoga County - - - - - -- 65 vacant, foreclosed and sold by sheriff. . - - 63 levy in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - *- 48 64 valuation, Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 66 valuation in Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 52 66 Cuyahoga County----- - - - - -- 48 64 Cuyahoga County - - * : *r- 48 64 Liabilities Pig iron production - - - - - - - - --- 1 35 60 banking institutions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 61 Population building and loan associations - - - - - --- 43 61 age, Cuyahoga County. - - - - - - 6 6 - Lineage, advertising - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 57 certain states - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - 3 Loadings, car - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 60 Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 23 66 Loans country of birth, Cuyahoga County - - - - 7 - - - - banking institutions - - - - - - 41 61 Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - || 2, 3, 5 || 23 57 building and loan associations -- - - - - - 43 61 fourteen years and over, United States. - || -- 22 55 Local advertising lineage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 57 metropolitan districts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - 4 Lots recorded in Cuyahoga County. - - - - 45 63 minor civil divisions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - 56 Lumber, blóg., haw. stores, retail sales - - - - --- 59 Postal receipts in the Cleveland District 1 36 60 & | Postal savings in the Cleveland District - - 1 42 61 Manufacturing industries | | Price, index in Cuyahoga County and in Cleveland - 59 industrial stocks - - - - - - - - - -- - 54 index of employment in the U. S.--- - || - 21 54 median advertised rental - - - - - - - - - - - - 57 pay rolls in the United States - 54 wholesale - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - 54 Marriages in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - -- 24 57 Production Median advertised rental index------ - - --- - 57 industrial in the United States - - - - - - - - - - - 54 Metropolitan districts, area- - - - - - - 4 | 4 pig iron in Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties 1 35 60 Military personnel, United States - - - - * * 22 55 Products manufactured in Cuy. Co. Miscellaneous items, index of cost - - - - * 25 | 57, 58 value and value added by manufacture - || -- - - 59 CLEVELAND MARKET DATA HANDBOOK 1945 Edition 69 Page Number Page Number Subject Text | Chart | Table Public debt of the United States------ - - - - || -- 20 54 Public utility valuation in Cuy. Co. -- - - - - --> -s. 48 64 Rainfall------------------------------- 17 - - - - Railroad shipments -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 39 60 Rate of interest, call-money - - - - - - - - - - - || -- - - 54 Real estate sub-lots recorded - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - || - 45 63 tax collections, in Cuyahoga County - - - - || -- 49 65 tax delinquency, in Cuyahoga County- - - || -- 50 65 tax levied, in Cuyahoga County-- - - - - - - - 48 64 valuation, in Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 66 in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - || -- 48 64 Receipts and expenditures of United States -- - - - - - 20 54 postal ---------------------------- 1 36 60 Registration of automobiles in Cuy. Co. -- 1 38 60. Relief, in Cuyahoga County Cases - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 59 expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - || - - - 59 §ºdeling family units created by - - - - - * - - - 56 ent Bureau of Labor Statistics, index -- - - - - - || – 25, 30 || 57,85 median monthly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 - - 57 Reserves and undivided profits. -- - - - - - - - - - 43 61 Residential construction dollar-volume - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 62 family units, in Cuyahoga County-- - - - - _ _ 58, 63 in minor civil divisions - - - - || -- - - 56 in 16 cities and villages -- - - || -- 44 62 index, value of contracts awarded in U. S. - - 54 Resources, banking institutions----- - - - - 1 41 61 Retail sales, in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - 59 department store, index for Cleveland . . 1 || 32, 35 ; I U. S. - - - - - - - - - - - new car, index for the United States -- - - - - - 54 Revenue, street car riders - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 37 60 Sales automobile in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - 1 38 60 department store, index for Cleveland - - 1 || 32, 35 | 60 in retail and wholesale establishments -- - || -- - 59 new car, index for the United States -- - - - - 54 tax receipts in Cuyahoga County-- - - - - || -- - 59 Savings deposits in banking institutions -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 61 in building and loan associations - - - - - - - - 43 61 postal ------------------------------ 1 42 61 Shares traded, Cleveland Stock Exchange - || -- - - 59 Sheriff's sales in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 63 in minor civil divisions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 Shipment of goods by lake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 40 60 by rail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 39 60 Special assessments bonds of Cuyahoga County- - - - - - - - - - - - - - || 51, 52 | 66 collection in Cuyahoga County--- - - - - - - - 49 65 delinquency in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - 50 65 levy in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 64 Stock, building and loan associations --- - - - 43 61 Stocks held by banks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 61 index of industrial and railroad---- - - - - - - - - 54 transactions on Cleyeland Stock Ex. -- - - || -- - - 59 Subject Text | Chart | Table Street car riders and gross revenue - - - - - - - 1 37 60 Sub-lots recorded in Cuyahoga County---- || - 45 63 Subscribers, telephone in Cleveland Dist.-- 1 36 60 Surplus or deficit, United States govt. -- - || -- 20 54 and undivided profits, banking inst. - - - || -- 61 Tangible personal property collections in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - -- - 65 levy in Cuyahoga County - - - - - - - - - - || - - 64 Tax duplicate collection, in Cuyahoga County - - - 1 49 65 current levy in Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53 66 for county purposes - - - - - - 66 in Cuyahoga County - - - - - 1 48 64 delinquencies in Cuyahoga County - - - 50 65 rate in Cleveland -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 53 66 in minor civil divisions - - - - - - - - - - - 56 valuations, in Cleveland--- - - - - - - - - - - 52 66 f in Cuyahoga County - - - - - || - 48 64 Telephone, subscribers in Cleveland Dist. - 1 36 60 Temperature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 - - - Treasury bonds, yield - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *- - -- 54 Trucks, registration in Cuyahoga County. - || – 38 60 Two-family dwellings advertised rental index-- - - - - - - - - - - | - - - 47 foreclosed and sold by sheriff - - - - - - - - || -- - - 63 Unemployment by sex, United States - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 55 jobless estimated for Cuyahoga County. - || - 32 58, 59 United States government debt------------------------------- — — 20 54 receipts and expenditures - - - - -- - - - - - - 20 54 yield on Treasury bonds - - - - - - - - - 54 Vacant lots and land foreclosed - - - - - - || – - - 63 Valuation personal property, in Cuyahoga County. -- 48 64 public utility, in Cuyahoga County_ _ _ _ _ 48 64 real estate, in Cleveland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 66 in Cuyahoga County - - 48 64 Value added by manufacture - - - - - - - - - - - 59 of construction contracts awarded - - - - - - 54 of owned homes -- - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - 18 18 of products of manufacturing industry - - || 14 59 shares traded, Cleveland Stock Exchange - - 59 | Wage earners | i City of Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - 59 in manufacturing by states - - - 12 12 in manufacturing, retail, and wholesale 3 | 59 Wages paid average weekly in Cuyahoga County - - 11 30 68 employees of City of Cleveland - - - - - - 33, 34 59 in manufacturing, retail, and wholesal - - - 59 Water pumped-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 26 57 Wholesale business in Cuyahoga County - || -- - - {59 Wholesale price index for the United States - || -- - 54 Workers, labor force in Cuyahoga County - - 31 58, 59 Work relief in Cuyahoga County CaSeS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 59 expenditures- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 Yield on United States treasury bonds - - - - || - - - 54 THIS MONOGRAPH presenting statistics relating to this community is but one part of the more extensive publications resulting from the continuous research conducted by the REAL PROPERTY INVENTORY OF METROPOLITAN CLEVELAND covering the population, properties, and business of Metropolitan Cleveland 1001 Huron Road Cleveland 15, Ohio