UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | SSKOUERIS PENINSULAM AMCNAM 1837 SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE TUEROR CIRCUMSPICE MAT GIFT OF REGENTLL HUBBARD 17 کے Joseph Bexill c Har Ptu borgt Foneph Havance Battersea ( Erfamphece. 1901 Jan Hubbard Imag. Voy. PR 372) F26 1763 : 22 WWW WWW : KENWES WS RONOW "We w www PRWAW >> NEKI US W WS www Wiki Stih Street www loge: *XXXX XX WWW.93 ACCP VA WA WWW WWW 132 AM * 從 ​ko ws www. For X w. * wy. 16. REN Narede WWW WWW.1918 . we will ::* wa .. ... = 60 WWW www. * views RE CAPT. LEMUELGULLIVE New Wantsuse பந்தம் Splendide Merdae Hon V O LUME III. OF THE AUTHOR's WORKS. CONTAINING, TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations of the World, In Four Parts, viz. 1. A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. II. A VOYAGE to BROBDINGNAG. TII. A VOYAGE to LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, and JAPAN. IV. A VOYAGE to the COUNTRY of the HOUYHNHNMS. By LEMUEL GULLIVER, firſt a Surgeon, and then a Captain, of ſeveral Ships. Retroq; Vulgus abhorret ab bis. D U B L I N: Printed by GEORGE FAULKNER, MDCCLXII. Τ' ΗΕ CONTENTS PA RT I. C H A P. I. The Autbar giveth fome Accounnt of himſelf and Family bis fir Inducement, to travel. He is hipwrecked and faimeth for his Life ; gets ſafe en Shore in the Country of Lilliput , is made a Prijoner, and capa ried up the Country. Page CHA P. II. The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by ferutral of the Nobility, cometh to ſee the Aubor in bis Confinement. The Emperor's Perſon and Habit defiribed. Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language. He gaineth Favour by his mild Diſpoſition. His Pock- rts are ſearched, and his Srward and Pillots taken from biex Page 12 A CHAP CO N T E N T S. CHA P. III. The Author diverts the Emperor and his Nobility of both Sexes in a very uncommon Manner. The Diverſions of the Court of Lilliput defcribed. The Author bath bis Liberty granted him upon certain Conditions. Page 22 CHAP. IV. Mildendo the Metropolis of Lilliput defcribed, together wiih the Emperor's Palace. A Converſation between the Author and a principal Secretary, concerning the Affairs of that Empire.' The Author's Offers to ſerve the Emperor in his Wars. Page 30 CH A P. V. The Author, by an extraordinary Stratagem, prevents an Invaſion. A bigb Title of Honour is conferred upon him. Embaſſadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefuſcu, and ſue for Peace. The Empreſs's Apart- ment on fire by an Accident. The Author inſtrumental in ſaving the reſt of the Palace. Page 36 CH A P. VI. Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput; their Learning, Laws, and Cuſtoms. The Manner of educating their Chil- dren. The Author's Way of Living in that Country. His Vindication of a great Lady. Page 43 CHA P. VII. The Author being informed of a Deſign to accuſe bim of High-Treaſon, maketh bis Eſcape to Blefuſcu. His Reception there. Page 53 С НА Р. Ο Ο Ν Τ Ε Ν Τ S. C H A P. VIII. The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds Meant to leave Blefuſcu, and after some Difficulties returneth Jaje ta bis native Country. Page 62 PART II. C H A P. I. A grear Storm deſcribed. The Long-boat fent to fetch Water, the Author goeth with it to diſcover the Coun- try. He is left on Shore, is frized by one of the Na- fites, and carried to a Farmer's Houſe. His Recen- tion there, with ſeveral Accidents that happenerb so bin A Defcripton of the Inhabitants. Page 69 CHA P. II. A Defeription of the Farmer's Daughter. The Aurbor carried to a Markel-Town, and then to the Metropolis. The Particulars of bis Journey. Page 82 CH A P. III. Thu Autbar fent for to Court. The Queen bays him of his Mafter the Farmer, and preſenteth him the King. He diſputes with his Majeſty's great Scholars. An partment at Court provided for the Author. He is in bigh Favour with the Queen. He ſandeth up for the Honour of his own Country. His Quarrels with the ween's Dwarf Page 28 CHA P. IV The Coniry deſcribed. A Propoſal for carraiting mo dora Ma. Ihe King's Palace, and forno A. coast of A 2 CON TEN T S. Page 99 the Metropolis. The Author's Way of travelling. The chief Temple deſcribed. CHAP. V. Several Adventures that happened to the Author. The Execution of a Criminal. The Author Merweth his Skill in Navigation. Page 104 CH A P. VI. Several Contrivances of the Author to pleaſe the King and Queen. He jeweth his Skill in Muſick. The King enquireth into the State of Europe, which the Author relateth to him. The King's Obſervations thereon. Page 114 CHA P. VII. The Author's Love of his Country. He maketh a Propo- ſal of much Advantage to the King, which is rejett- ed. The King's great Ignorance in Politicks. The Learning of that Country very imperfect and confined. The Laws and military Affairs, and Parties in the State. Page 123 CH A P. VIII. The King and Queen make a Progreſs to the Frontiers. Tbe Author attends them. The Manner in which he leaves the Country very particularly related. returns to England. He Page 130 PART III. CHAP. I. The Author felteth out onbis Third Voyage. Is taken by Pyrates. The Halice of a Dutchman. His Arrival at an Iuud. He is received into Laputa. 143 CHAP CO N T E N T S. CH A P. II. The Humours and. Diſpoſitions of the Laputians deferib- An Account of their Learning. Of the King and his Court. The Author's Reception there. The Inhabitants ſubjeet to Fears and Diſquietudes. An Account of the Women. Page 149 CH A P III. A Phænomenon folved by modern Philoſophy and Aflrono- my. The Laputians great Improvements in the latter. The King's Method of ſuppreſling Inſurre&tions Page 158 CH A P. IV. The Author leaveth Laputa, is conveyed 10 Balnibarbi, arriveth at the Metropolis, A Deſcription of the Metropolis and the Country adjoining. The Author hoſpitably received by a great Lord. His Converſa- tion with that Lord. Page 163 C H A P. V. The Author permitted to ſee the grand Academy of La- gado. The Academy largely deſcribed. The Arts wherein the Profeſors employ themſelves. Page 170 CH A P. VI. A further Account of the Academy. The Author pro- poſeth ſome Improvements, which are honourably re- ceived Page 177 CHAP. VII. The Author leaveth Lagado, arriveth at Maldonada. No Ship ready. He taketh a ſhort Voyage to Glubb- dubdrib. His Reception by the Governor. Page 183 CHAP CONTENT S. CHA P. VIII. A further Account of Glubbdubdrib. Antient and mo- dern Hiſtory corrected. Page 187 CH A P. IX. The Author returns to Maldonada. Saileth to the King- dom of Luggnagg. The Author confined. He is fent for to Court. The Manner of his Admittance. The King's great Lenity to bis Subjects. Page 193 CH A P. X. The Luggnaggians commended. A particular Deſcrip- tion of the Struldbruggs, with many Converſations between the Author and ſome eminent Perſons upon that Subject. C HA P. XI. The Author leaveth Luggnagg, and ſaileth to Japan. From thence he returneth in a Dutch Ship to Am- ſterdam, and from Amſterdam to England. Page 206 Page 197 IV. PART CH A P. I. The Author fetteth out as Captain of a Ship His Men conſpire againſt him, confine him a long Time to his Cabbin, ſet him on Shore in an unknown Land. He traveleth up into the Country. The Yahoos, a ſirange Sort of Animal, deſcribed. The Author meeteth two Houyhnhnms. Page 211 CH A P. II. The Author conduited by a Houyhnhnm to bis Houſe The Houſe deſcribed. The Authors Reception. The Food of the Houyhnhams. The Autbor in Difren for Page 231 er earn the Language. The be CON TEN T S. for want of Meat, is at lalt relieved. His Manner of feeding in that Country. Page 218 CHA P. III. Houyhnhnm his Maſter afiſeth in teaching him. The Language deſcribed. Several Houyhnhnms of Qua- lity come out of Curioſity to ſee the Author. He giveth bis Mafter a ſhort Account of his Voyage. Page 225 CH A P. IV. The Houyhnhnms Notion of Truth and Fallbood. The Autbor's Diſcourſe diſapproved by his Mafter. The Author givelb a more particular Account of bimfelf, and the Accidents of his Voyage. CHAP. V. The Author, at his Maſter's Commands, informeth bim of the State of England. The Cauſes of War among the Princes of Europe. The Author beginneth to ex- plain the Engliſh Conftitution Page 236 C H A P. VI. Anne. The Charalter of a firft Miniſter in the Courts of Europe. Page 243 CH A P. VII. The Author's great Love of bis Native Country. His Mafler's Obſervations upon the Conſtitution and Ada miniſtration of England, as deſcribed by the Author, with parallel Cafes and Compariſons. His Mahler's Obſervations upon human Nature. Page 250 CH A P. VIII. The Author relateth ſeveral Particulars of the Yahoos. The great Virtues of the Houyhnhnms. The Educa. tion and Exerciſe of their Youth. Their general Aſembly. Page 258 CH A P. CONTENT S. . . The Le CHA P. IX. A Grand Debate at the General Aſembly of the Houy hnhnms; and how it was determined. ing of the Houyhnhms. Their Buildings. Their Manner of Burials, The Defectiveneſs of their Language. Page 265 CH A P. X. The Author's æconomy and happy Life among the Houy- hnhnms. His great Improvement in Virtue, by con- verſing with them. Their Converſations. The Au- thor hath Notice given him by his Mafter that he mult depart from the Country. He falleth into a Swoon for Grief, but ſubmitteth. He contriveth and finiſheth aCa- noo, by the Help of a Fellow-Servant, and puts to Sea at a Venture. Page 171 C H A P. XI. The Author's dangerous Voyage. He arriveth at New . Holland, hoping to ſettle there. Is wounded with an Arrow by one of the Natives. Is ſeized and carried by Force into a Portugueze Ship. The great Civilites of the Captain. The Author arrivetb at England, Page 279 CHA P. XII. . The Author's Veracity. His Deſign in publiſhing this Work. His Cenfure of thoſe Travellers who werve from the Truth. The Author cleareth himſelf from a- my finifter Ends in writing. An Objection anſwered. The Method of planting Colonies. His Native Coun- try commended. The Right of the Crown, to those Countries deſcribed by the Author, is juflified. The Difficulty of conquering them. The Author taketb bis laſt Leave of the Reader ; propoſeth bis Manner of Living for the future ; giveth good Advice, and con- cladeth. Page 287 TRAVELS Plater Part.1Page) Hogs P Mintaong I Good Fortime I Naſlaw SUNDA SUMATRA e Sillabar PRINS WY Straits of Sunda అని సంచలన ను అందులో ముందు .. . Blefuſcu . Lilliput Diſcovered AD. 1699. Mintendo Dimenu Land TRA VEL S. PART 1. A VOYAGE to Lilliput. CHAPTER I. The Author giveth ſome Account of himſelf and Family: his firft Inducements to travel. He is ſhipwrecked, and ſwimeth for his Life ; getteth ſafe on Shoar in the Country of Lilliput ; is made a Priſoner, and car- ried up the Country. M Y Father had a ſmall Eftate in Notting- hamſhire; I was the Third of five Sons. He fent me to Emanuel-College in Cam- bridge, at fourteen Years old, where I refided three Years, and applied myſelf cloſe to my Studies : But the Charge of maintaining me (although I had a very ſcanty Allowance) being too great for a narrow Fortune, I was bound Appren- tice to Mr. James Bates, an eminent Surgeon in London, with whom I continued four Years ; and my VOL. III. Father B. AVOYAGE to LILLIPUT. Father now and then ſending me ſmall Sums of Money, I laid them out in learning Navigation, and other parts of the Mathematicks, uſeful to thoſe who intend to travel, as I always believed it would be ſome time or other my Fortune to do. When I left Mr. Bates, I went down to my Father ; where, by the Aſſiſtance of him and my Uncle Fohn, and ſome other Relations, I got forty Pounds, and a Promiſe of thirty Pounds a Year to maintain me at Leyden ; There I ſtudied Phyfick two Years and feven Months, knowing it would be uſeful in long Voyages. Soon after my Return from Leyden, I was recom- mended by my good Maſter Mr. Bates, to be Sur- geon to the Swallow, Captain Abraham Pannell, Com- mander, with whom I continued three Years and a half, making a Voyage or two into the Levant, and ſome other parts. When I came back I reſolved to ſettle in London, to which Mr. Bates, my Maſter, en- couraged me; and by him I was recommended to ſeveral Patients. I took part of a ſmall Houſe in the Old-Jury; and being adviſed to alter my Condition, I married Mrs. Mary Burton, fecond Daughter to Mr, Edmond Burton, Hofier, in Newgate-Street, with whom I received four Hundred Pounds for a Por- tion. But, my good Mafter Bares dying in two Years after, and I having few Friends, my Buſineſs began to fail ; for my Conſcience would not fuffer me to imitate the bad Practice of too many among my Bre- thren. Having therefore conſulted with my Wife, and ſome of my Acquaintance, I determined to go a- gain to Sea. I was Surgeon ſucceſſively in two Ships, and made ſeveral Voyages, for fix Years, to the Eaft and Weft-Indies; by which I got ſome Ad- dition to my Fortune. My Hours of Leiſure I ſpent in reading the beſt Authors, antient and mo- dern ; being always provided with a good Number of Books ; and when I was aſhore, in obſerving the Manners and Diſpoſitions of the People, as well as A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT. as learning their Language ; wherein I had a great Facility by the Strength of my Memory. The laſt of theſe Voyages not proving very fortu- nate, I grew weary of the Sea, and intended to ſtay at home with my wife and Family. I removed from the Old-Jury to Fetter-Lane, and from thence to Wap- ping, hoping to get Buſineſs among the Sailors ; but it would not turn to Account. After three Years Ex- pectation that 'Things would mend, I accepted an ad- vantageous Offer from Captain William Pritchard, Maſter of the Antelope, who was making a Voyage to the South-Sea. We ſet ſail from Brifloh, May the 4th, 1699, and our Voyage at firſt was very proſperous. It would not be proper, for fome Reaſons, to trouble the Reader with the Particulars of our Adventures in thoſe Seas: Let it fuffice to inform him, that in our Paſſage from thence to the East Indies, we were driven by a violent Storm to the North-Weſt of Van Diemen's Land. By an Obſervation, we found ourſelves in the Latitude of 30 Degrees 2 Minutes South. Twelve of our Crew were dead by immoderate Labour, and ill Food; the Reſt were in a very weak Condition. On the Fifth of November, which was the Beginning of Summer in thoſe Parts, the Weather being very hazy, the Seamen eſpyed a Rock within half a Cable's Length of the Ship; but the Wind was ſo ſtrong, that we were drived directly upon it, and immediately ſplit. Six of the Crew, of whom I was one, having let down the Boat into the Sea, made a Shift to get clear of the Ship, and the Rock. We rowed by my Com putation, about three Leagues, until we were able to work no longer, being already ſpent with Labour while we were in the Ship. We therefore truſted ourſelves to the Mercy of the Waves ; and in about half an hour the Boat was overſet by a ſudden Flurry from the North. What became 'of my Companions in the Boat, as well as thule who eſcaped on the Rock, or were left in the Vellel, I cannot tell ; but conclude they were all loft. For my own Part, I ſwam as Fortune directed me, and was puſhed forwards by Wind A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. were Wind and Tide. I often let my Legs drop, and could feel no Bottom : But when I was almoſt gone, and able to ftruggle no longer, I found myſelf within my Depth; and by this Time the Storm was much abated. The Declivity was ſo ſmall, that I walked near a Mile before I got to the Shore, which I conjectured was about Eight o'Clock in the Evening. I then ad- vanced forward near half a Mile, but could not diſ- cover any Sign of Houſes or Inhabitants; at leaſt I was in ſo weak a Condition, that I did not obferve them. I was extreamly tired, and with that, and the Heat of the Weather, and about half a Pint of Bran- dy that I drank as I left the Ship, I found myſelf much inclined to ſleep. I lay down on the Graſs, which was very ſhort and ſoft; where I ſlept founder than ever I remember to have done in my Life, and, as I reckoned, about nine Hours; for when I awaked, it was juſt Day-light. I attempted to riſe, but was not able to ſtir: For, as I happened to lie on my ed on each Side to the Ground; and my Hair, which wasılong and thick, tied down in the ſame Manner. I likewiſe felt ſeveral flender Ligatures acroſs my Body, from my Arm-pits to my Thighs. I could only look upwards ; the Sun began to grow hot, and the Light offended mine Eyes. I heard a confuſed Noiſe about me; but, in the Poſture I lay, could ſee nothing ex- cept the Sky. In a little Time I felt ſomething alive moving on my left Leg, which advancing gently for- ward over my Breaſt, came almoſt up to my Chin when bending mine Eyes downwards as much as I could, I perceived it to be a human Creature not fix Inches high, with a Bow and Arrow in his Hands, and a Quiver at his Back. In the mean Time, I felt at leaſt forty more of the fame Kind (as I conjectured) following the Firſt. I was in the utmof Aftoniſhment, and roared ſo loud, that they all ran Back in a Fright; and ſome of them, as I was afterwards told, were hurt with the Falls they got by leaping from my Sides up- on the Ground. However, they foon returned ; and one A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT. 5 one of them who ventared ſo far as to get a full Sight of my Face, lifting up his Hands and Eyes by way of Admiration, cried out in a fhrill but Diltin&t Voice, Hekinah Degul: The others repeated the ſame Words ſeveral Times, but I then knew not what they meant. I lay all this while, as the Reader may believe, in great Uneaſineſs : At length ſtruggling to get looſe, I had the Fortune to break the Strings, and wrench out the Pegs that faſtened my left Arm to the Ground; for by lifting it up to my Face, I diſcovered the Methods they had taken to bind me; and, at the ſame time, with a violent Pull, which gave me exceſlive Pain, I little looſened the Strings that tied down my Hair on the left Side; ſo that I was juſt able to turn my Head about two Inches : But the Creatures ran off a ſecond Time, before I could ſeize them ; whereupon there was a great Shout in a very ſhrill Accent ; and after it ceaſed, I heard one of them cry aloud, Tolgo Phonac ; when in an Inſtant I felt above an hundred Arrows diſcharged on my left Hand, which pricked me like ſo many Needles; and beſides they fhot another Flight into the Air, as we do Bombs in Europe ; whereof many, I fuppofe fell ou my Body, (though I feltthem not) and ſome on my Face, which I immediately co- vered with my left Hand, When this Shower of Ar- rows was over, I fell a groaning with Grief and Pain; and then ſtriving again to get looſe, they diſcharged an- other Volley larger than the Firft ; and ſome of them attempted with Spears to ſtick me in the Sides ; but, by good Luck, I had on me a Buff Jerkin, which they could not pierce. I thought it the moſt prudent Me- thod to lie ftill ; and my Deſign was to continue ſo until Night, when my left Hand being already looſe. I could eaſily free myſelf: And as for the Inhabitants, I had Reaſon to believe I might be a Match for thegreat- eſt Armies they could bring againſt me, if they were all of the fame Size with him that I faw. But Fortune diſpoſed otherwiſe of me. When the People obſerved I was quiet they diſcharged no more Arrows: But by the Noiſe encreaſing, I knew their Numbers were grearer: B 3 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. greater ; and about four Yards from me, over-againſt my right Ear, I heard a knocking for above an Hour, like People at work; when turning my Head that Way, as well as the Pegs and Strings would permit me, I ſawa Stage erected about a Foot and a half from the Ground, capable of holding four of the Inhabitants, with two or three Ladders to mountit: From whence one of them, who ſeemed to be a Perſon of Quality, made me a long Speech, whereof I underſtood not one Syllable. But I ſhould have mentioned, that before the princi. pal Perſon began his Oration, he cried out three Times Langro Debul fan: (theſe Words and the former were afterwards repeated and explained to me.) Whereupon immediately about fifty of the Inhabitants came, and cut the Strings that faſtened the left side of my Head, which gave me the Liberty of turning it to the Right, and of obſerving the Perſon and Geſture of him who was to Speak. He appeared to be of a middle Age, and taller than any of the other three who attended him ; where- of one was a Page, who held up his Train, and ſeemed to be ſomewhat longer than my middle Finger; the other two ſtood one on each Side to ſupport him. He acted every Part of an Orator; and I could obſerve many Periods of Threatenings, and others of Promiſes, Pity, and Kindneſs. I anſwered in a few Words, butin the moſt ſubmiſſive Manner, lifting up my left Hand and both my Eyes to the Son, as calling him for a Witneſs; and being almoſt famiſhed with Hunger, having not eaten a Morſel for ſome Hours before. I left the Ship, I found the Demands of Nature ſo ſtrong upon me, that I could not forbear ſhewing my Impatience (per- haps againſt the ſtri&t Rules of Decency) by putting my Finger frequently on my Mouth, to fignify that I want- od Food. The Hurgo (for ſo they call a great Lord, as I afterwards learnt) underſtood me very well: He de- ſcended from the Stage, and commanded that ſeveral Ladders ſhould be applied to my Sides, on which above an hundred of the Inhabitants mounted, and walked towards my Mouth, laden with Baſkets full of Meat, which had been provided and ſent thither by the King's Orders, A Voyage to LILLIPUT. 7 Orders, upon the firſt Intelligence he received of me. I obſerved there was the Fleſh of ſeveral Animals, but could not diſtinguiſh them by the Tafte. There were Shoulders, Legs, and Loms haped like thoſe of Mut- ton, and very well dreiled, but finaller than the Wings of a Lark. I eat them by two or three ať a Mouth- ful, and took three Loaves at a Time, about the Big- neſs of Muſket Bullets. They ſupplied me as faſt as they could, ſhewing a thoufand Marks of Wonder and Aſtoniſhment at my Bolk and Appetite. I then made another Sign that I wanted Drink. They found by my eating that a ſmall Quantity would not ſuffice me; and being a moft ingenious People, they ſlung up with great Dexterity one of their largeſt Hogſheads; then rolled it towards my Hand, and beat out the Top; I drank it off at a Draught, which I might well do, for it hardly held half a Pint, and taſted like a ſmall Wine of Burgundy, but much more delicious. They brought me a ſecond Hogſhead, which I drank in the ſame manner, and made Signs for more, but they had none to give me. When I had performed theſe Wonders, they ſhouted for loy, and danced upon my Breaſt, re- peating ſeveral times as they did at first, Hekinah De- gul. They made me a Sign that I ſhould throw down the two Hogſheads, but firſt warned the People below to ſtand out of the Way, crying aloud Borach Mivola; and when they ſaw the Veſſels in the Air, there was an univerſal Shout of Hekinah Degul. I confeſs I was often tempted, while they were paffing backwards and forwards on my Body, to ſeize forty or fifty of the firſt that came in my Reach, and daſh them againſt the Ground. But the Remembrance of what I had felt, which probably might not be the worſt they could do, and the Promiſe of Honour I made them, for fo I interpreted my ſabinillive Behaviour, ſoon drove out thoſe Imaginations. Befides, I now conſidered myſelf, as bound by the Laws of Hoſpitality to a People who had treated me with fo much Expence and Magnifi- cence. However, in my Thoughts I could rot ſuffi- ciently wonder at the Intrepidity of thoſe diminutive B 4 Mortals 8 A VOYAGE 10 LILLIPYT. Mortals, who durft venture to mount and walk on my Body, while one of my Hands was at Liberty, with- oat trembling at the very sight of fo prodigious a Crea- ture as I muſt appear to them. After ſome time, when they obſerved that I made no more Demands for Meat, there appeared before me a Perſon of high Rank from his Imperial Majeſty. His Excellency having mounted on the Small of my right Leg, advanced forwards up to my Face, with about a Dozen of his Retinue; and producing his Credentials under the Signet Royal, which he applied cloſe to mine Eyes, ſpoke about ten Minutes, without any Signs of Anger, but with a kind of determinate Reſolation; often pointing forwards, which, as I afterwards found, was towards the capital City, about half a Mile diſtant, whither it was agreed by his Majeſty in Council that I muſt be conveyed. I anſwered in few Words, but to Purpoſe, and made a Sign with my Hand that was looſe, putting it to the other, (but over his Excellency's Head, for fear of hurting him or his Train) and then to my own Head and Body, to ſignify that I deſired my Liberty. It appeared that he underſtood me well enough ; for he fhook his Head by way of Diſapprobation, and held hi: Hand in a Poſture to ſhew that I muſt be carried as a Priſoner. However, he made other Signs to let me underſtand that I ſhould have Meat and Drink enough, and very good Treatment. Whereupon I once more thought of attempting to break my Bonds ; but again, when I felt the Smart of their Arrows upon my Face and Hands, which were all in Bliſters, and many of the Darts ſtill ſticking in them ; and obſerving likewiſe, that the Number of my Enemies encreaſed, I gave Tokens to let them know that they might do with me what they pleaſed. Upon this, the Hurgo and his Train withdrew with much Civility and chearful Countenances. Soon after I heard a general Shout, with frequent Repetitions of the Words Peplom Selan, and I felt great numbers of the People on my left Side, relaxing the Cords to ſuch a Degree, that I was able to turn upon my Right, and to caſe myſelf with making Water; A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. Water; which I very plentifully did, to the great Aſtoniſhment of the People, who conjecturing by my Motions what I was going to do, immediately opened to the Right and Left on that Side, to avoid the Tor- rent which fell with ſuch Noiſe and Violence from me. But before this, they had daubed my Face and both my Hands with a Sort of Ointment very pleaſant to the Smell, which in a few Minutes removed all the Smart of their Arrows. Theſe Circumſtances, added to the Refreſhment I had received by their Vi&tuals and Drink, which were very nouriſhing, diſpoſed me to ſleep. I ſlept about eight Hours, as I was after- wards aſſured ; and it was no Wonder ; for the Phy- ficians, by the Emperor's Order, had mingled a ſleep- ing Potion in the Hogſheads of Wine. It ſeems, that upon the firſt Moment I was diſco- vered ſleeping on the Ground after my landing, the Emperor had early Notice of it by an Expreſs; and determined in Council, that I ſhould be tied in the Manner I have related (which was done in the Night while I ſlept) that Plenty of Meat and Drink thould be ſent me, and a Machine prepared to carry me to the capital City This Reſolution perhaps may appear very bold and dangerous, and I am confident would not be imitated by any Prince in Europe on the like Occaſion ; how. ever, in my Opinion, it was extremely prudent as well as generous. For ſuppoſing theſe People had endea- voured to kill me with their Spears and Arrows while I was aſleep : I ſhould certainly have awaked with the firit Senfe of Smart, which might fo far have rouſed my Rage and Strength, as to enable me to break the Strings wherewith I was tied; after which, as they were not able to make Reſiſtance, ſo they could expect no Mercy ama These People are moſt excellent Mathematicians, and arrived to a great Perfection in Mechanicks by the Countenance and Encouragement of the Emperor, who is a renowned Patron of Learning. This Prince hath ſeveral Machines fixed on Wheels, for the Car- 5 riage B° 5 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. riage of Trees and other great Weights. He often buildeth his largeft Men of War, whereof ſome are nine Feet long, in the Woods where the Timber grows, and has them carried on theſe Engines three or four hundred Yards to the Sea. Five hundred Carpenters and Engineers were immediately ſet at work to pre- pare the greateſt Engine they had. It was a Frame of Wood raiſed three Inches from the Ground, about ſeven Feet long and four wide, moving upon twenty- two Wheels. The Shout I heard, was upon the Ar- rival of this Engine, which, it ſeemeth, fet out in four Hours after iny Landing: "It was brought parallel to me as I lay. But the principal Difficulty was to raiſe and place me in this Vehicle. Eighty Poles, each of one Foot high, were ereated for this purpoſe, and very ftrong Cords of the Bigneſs of Packthread, were faften- ed by Hooks to many Bandages, which the Workmen had girt round my Neck, my Hands, my Body, and my Legs. Nine hundred of the ſtrongeſt Men were employed to draw up theſe Cords by many Pullies faſtened on the Poles ; and thus in leſs than three Hours, I was raiſed and flung into the Engine, and there tied faſt. All this I was told; for while the whole Operation was performing, I lay in a profound Sleep, by the Force of that foporiferous Medicine infuſed in- to my Liquor. Fifteen hundred of the Emperor's largeſt Hories, each about four Inches and an half high, were employed to draw me towards the Metropolis, which, as I ſaid, was half a Mile diſtant. ABOUT four Hours after we be an our Journey, I awaked by a very ridiculous Accident; for the Carriage being ſtopt a while to adjuſt ſomething that was out of Order, two or three of the young Natives had the Curioſity to fee how I looked when I was aſleep; they climbed up into the Engine, and advancing very ſoftly to my Face, one of them, an Officer in the Guards, put the ſharp End of his Half pike a good Way up into my left Noftril, which tickled my Noſe like a Straw, and made me ſneeze violently : Whereupon they ſtole off unperceived ; and it was three weeks before I knew A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. knew the Cauſe of my awaking ſo ſuddenly. We made a long March the remaining Part of the Day, and reſted at Night with five hundred Guards on each Side of me, half with Torches, and half with Bows and Arrows, ready to ſhoot me if I ſhould offer to ſtir. The next Morning at Sun-riſe we continued our March, and arrived within two hundred Yards of the City Gates about Noon. The Emperor, and all his Court, came out to meet us; but his great Officers would by no Means fuffer his Majeſty to endanger his Perſon by mounting on my Body. Ar the Place where the Carriage ſtopt, there ſtood an ancient Temple, eſteemed to be the largeſt in the whole Kingdom ; which having been polluted fome Years before by an unnatural Murder, was, according to the Zeal of thoſe People, looked upon as prophane, and therefore had been applied to common Uſe, and all the Ornaments and Furniture carried away. In this Edifice it was determined I ſhould lodge. The great Gate fronting to the North was about four Feet high, and almoſt two Feet wide, through which I could eaſily creep. On each side of the Gate was a ſmall Window not above fix Inches from the Ground : Into that on the left Side, the King's Smiths conveyed fourſcore and eleven Chains, like thoſe that hang to a Lady's Watch in Europe, and almoſt as large, which were locked to my left Leg with fix and thirty Pad- locks. Over-againſt this Temple, on the other Side of the great Highway, at twenty Feet Diſtance, there was a Turret at leaſt five Feet high. Here the Em- peror aſcended with many principal Lords of his Court, to have an opportunity of viewing me, as I was told, for I could not ſee them. It was reckoned, that above an hundred thouſand Inhabitants came out of the Town upon the ſame Errand; and in ſpight of my Guards, I believe there could not be fewer than ten thouſand, at ſeveral Times, who mounted upon my Body by the Help of Ladders. But a Proclamation was ſoon iſſued to forbid it, upon Pain of Death. When the Workmen found it was impoſtable for me to break A VOYAGE break looſe, they cut all the Strings that bound me; whereupon I roſe up with as melancholy a Diſpoſition as ever I had in my Life. But the Noiſe and Afto- niſhment of the People at feeing me riſe and walk, are not to be expreſſed. The Chains that held my left Leg were about two Yards long, and gave me not only the Liberty of walking backwards and for- wards in a Semicircle ; but being fixed within four Inches of the Gate, allowed me to creep in, and lie at my full Length in the Temple. . CH A P. II. The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by ſeveral of the No. bility, cometh to ſee the Author in his Confinement. The Emperor's Perſon and Habit deſcribed. Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language. He gaineth Favour by his mild Diſpoſition. His Pockets are ſearched, and his sword and Piſtols taken from him. WHEN HEN I found myſelf on my Feet, I looked about me, and muſt confeſs, I never beheld a more entertaining Proſpect. The Country round appeared like a continued Garden ; and the incloſed Fields, which were generally forty Feet ſquare, reſembled fo many Beds of Flowers. Theſe Fields were intermingled with Woods of half a Stang, and the talleſt Trees, as I could judge, appeared to be feven Feet high. I viewed the Town on my left Hand, which looked like the painted Scene of a City in a Theatre. I had been for ſome Hours extremely preſſed by the Neceſſities of Nature ; which was no Wonder, it be- ing almoſt two Days fince I had laſt diſburthened my felf. I was under great Difficulties between Urgency and VOYAGE 10 LILLIPUT. 13 and Shame. The beſt Expedient I could think on was, to creep into my Houſe, which I accordingly did; and ſhutting the Gate after me, I went as far as the Length of my Chain would ſuffer; and diſcharged my Body of that uneaſy Load. But this was the only Time I was ever guilty of ſo uncleanly an A&ion; for which I cannot but hope the candid Reader will give ſome Allowance, after he hath maturely and impartially coufidered my Caſe, and the Diſtreſs I was in. From this Time my conſtant Practice was, as ſoon as I role, to perform that Buſineſs in open Air, at the full Ex- tent of my Chain ; and due Care was taken every Morning, before Company came, that the offenſive Matter ſhould be carried off in Wheel barrows, by two Servants appointed for that Purpoſe. I would not have dwelt ſo long upon a Circumſtance, that perhaps at firſt Sight may appear not very momentous, if I had not thought it neceſſary to juſtify my Character in point of Cleanlineſs to the World, which, I an told, fome of my Maligners have been pleaſed, upon this and her Occaſions, to call in Queſtion WHEN this Adventure was at an end, I came back out of my Houſe, having Occaſion for freſh Air The Einperor was already defcended from the Tower, and advancing on Horſeback towards me, which had like to have coſt him dear; for the Beaſt, altho' very well trained, yet wholly unuſed to ſuch a Sight, which ap- peared as if a Mountain moved before him, reared up on his hirder Feer. But that Prince, who is an excel- lent Horſeman, kept his Seat, until his Attendants ran in, and held the Bridle, while his Majeſty had Time to diſmount. When he alighted, he ſurveyed me round with great Admiration, but kept beyond the Length of my Chains. He ordered his Cooks and Butlers, who were already prepared, to give me Vic- tuals and Drink, which they puſhed forward in a Sort of Vehicle upon Wheels until I could reach them. I took theſe Vehicles, and ſoon emptied them all; twenty of them were filled with Meat, and ten with Liquor ; each of the former afforded me two or three good Mouthfuls, 14 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. Mouthfuls, and I emptied the Liquor of ten Veffels, which was contained in earthen Vials, into one Vehicle, drinking it off at a Draught; and fo I did with the reſt. The Empreſs, and young Princes of the Blood, of both Sexes, attended by many Ladies, ſat at ſome Di- ſtance in their Chairs, but upon the Accident that hap- pened to the Emperor's Horſe, they alighted, and came near his Perſon ; which I am now going to deſcribe. He is taller by almoſt the Breadth of my Nail, than any of his Court, which alone is enough to ſtrike an Awe into his Beholders. His Features are ſtrong and mal- culine, with an Auftrian Lip, an arched Noſe, his Complexion olive, his Countenance erect, his Body and Limbs well proportioned, all his Motions graceful, and his Deportment majeſtick. He was then paſt his Prime, being twenty-eight Years and three Quarters old, of which he had reigned about ſeven, in great Fe- licity, and generally victorious. For the better Conve- nience of beholding him, I lay on my Side, ſo that my Face was parallel to his, and he ſtood but three Yards off: However, I have had him fince many times in my Hand, and therefore cannot be deceived in the Deſcrip- tion. His Dreſs was very plain and ſimple, the Faſhion of it between the Afiatick and the European, but he had on his Head a light Helmet of Gold, adorned with Jewels, and a Plume on the Creſt. He held bis Sword drawn in his Hand, to defend himſelf, if I ſhould happen to break looſe; it was almoſt three Inches long, the Hilt and Scabbard were Gold enriched with Diamonds. His Voice was ſhrill, but very clear and articulate, and I could diſtinctly hear it when I ſtood up. The Ladies and Courtiers were all moſt magnificently clad, ſo that the Spot they ſtood upon ſeemed to reſemble a Petti- coat ſpread on the Ground, embroidered with Figures of Gold and Silver. His Imperial Majeſty ſpoke often to me, and I returned Anſwers, but neither of us could underſtand a Syllable. There were ſeveral of his Prieſts and Lawyers preſent, (as I conjectured by their Habits) who were commanded to addreſs themſelves to me, and I ſpoke to them in as many Languages as I had the leaſt A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. 15 leaft Smattering of, which were High and Low Datch, Latin, French, Spaniſh, Italian, and Lingua Franca ; but all to no Purpoſe. After about two Hours the Court retired, and I was left with a ſtrong Guard, to prevent the Impertinence, and probably the Malice of the Rabble, who were very impatient to croud about me as near as they durft; and ſome of them had the Impudence to ſhoot their Arrows at me as I ſate on the Ground by the Door of my Houſe; whereof one very narrowly miſſed my left Eye. But the Colonel ordera ed fix of the Ring-leaders to be ſeized, and thought no Puniſhment fo proper as to deliver them bound into my Hands, which ſome of his Soldiers accordingly did, puſhing them forwards with the But ends of their Pikes into my Reach: I took them all in my right Hand, put five of them into my Coat Pocket: and as to the fixth, I made a Countenance as if I would eat him alive. The poor Man ſqualled terribly, and the Co- lonel and his Officers were in much Pain, eſpecially when they ſaw me take out my Penknife : But I ſoon put them out of Fear: for looking mildly, and imme- diately cutting the Strings he was bound with, I ſet him gently on the Ground, and away he ran. I treat- ed the reſt in the ſame Manner, taking them one by one out of my Pocket ; and I obſerved both the Sol- diers and People were highly delighted with this Mark ef my Clemency, which was repreſented very much to my Advantage at Court. TOWARDS Night I got with ſome Difficulty into my Houſe, where I lay on the Ground, and continued to do ſo about a Fortnight; during which Time the Emperor gave Orders to have a Bed prepared for me. Six hundred Beds of the common Meaſure were brought in Carriages, and worked up in my Houſe; an hundred and hfty of their Beds ſown together made up the Breadth and Length, and theſe were four double, which however kept me but very indifferently from the Hardneſs of the Floor, that was of ſmooth Stone. By the ſame Computation they provided me with Sheets, Blankets, and Coverlets, tolerable enough for 76 A Vorace to LILLIPUT. for one who had been ſo long inured to Hardſhips as I. As the News of my Arrival (pread through the Kingdom, it brought prodigious Numbers of rich, idle, and curious People to ſee me; fo that the Villages were almoſt emptied, and great Neglect of Tillage and Houſhold Affairs muſt have enſued, if his Imperial Ma- jeſty had not provided by ſeveral Proclamations and Orders of State againſt this Inconveniency. He di- rected that thoſe, who had already beheld me, ſhould return home, and not preſume to come within fifty Yards of my Houſe, without Licence from Court; whereby the Secretaries of State got conſiderable Fees. In the mean Time, the Emperor held frequent Councils to debate what Courſe ſhould be taken with me; and I was afterwards affured by a particular Friend, a Perſon of great Quality, who was as much in the Se- cret as any, that the Court was under many Difficul- ties concerning me. They apprehended my breaking looſe ; that my Diet would be very expenſive, and might cauſe a Famine. Sometimes they determined to ftarve me, or at leaſt to ſhoot me in the Face and Hands with poiſoned Arrows, which would ſoon diſpatch me: But again they conſidered, that the Stench of fo large a Carcaſe might produce a Plague in the Metropolis, and probably ſpread through the whole Kingdom. In the Midſt of theſe Conſultations, ſeveral Officers of the Army went to the Door of the great Council-Cham ber, and two of them being admitted, gave an Account of my Behaviour to the ſix Criminals above-mentioned; which made ſo favourable an Impreſſion in the Breaſt of his Majeſty and the whole Board, in my Behalf, that an Imperial Commiſſion was iſſued out, obliging all the Villages nine hundred Yards round the City, to deliver in every Morning fix Beeves, forty Sheep, and other Vi&tuals for my Subſiſtence; together with a pro- portionable Quantity of Bread and Wine, and other Liquors. For the due Payment of which his Majeſty gave A fignments upon his Treaſury. For this Prince lives chiefly upon his own Demeſnes ; feldom, except upon A Voyage to Lillipur. 17 upon great Occaſions raiſing anySubſidies upon his Sub- jects, who are bound to attend him in his Wars at their own Expence. An Eſtabliſhment was alſo made of fix hundred Perſons to be my Domeſticks, who had board- Wages allowed for their Maintenance, and Tents built for them very eonveniently on each side of my Door. It was likewiſe ordered, that three hundred Taylors ſhould make me a Suit of Cloaths after the Faſhion of the Country: That fix of his Majeſty's greateſt Scho- lars ſhould be employed to inſtruct me in their Lan- guage: And, laſtly, that the Emperor's Horſes, and thoſe of the Nobility, and Troops of Guards, ſhould be exerciſed in my Sight, to accuſtom themſelves to me. All theſe Orders were duly put in Execution ; and in about three weeks I made a great Progreſs in learning their Language ; during which Time, the Emperor frequently honoured me with his Vifits, and was pleaſed to affift my Maſters in teaching me. We began already to converſe together in fome Sort; and the firſt Words I learnt, were to expreſs my Deſire, that he would pleaſe to give me my Liberty, which I every Day repeated on my knees. His Anſwer, as I could apprehend, was, that this muſt be a Work of Time, not to be thought on without the Advice of his Council; and that firſt I muft Lumos Kelmin peſo def- mar lon Empolo ; that is, Swear a Peace with him and his Kingdom. However, that I ſhould be uſed with all Kindneſs; and he adviſed me to acquire, by my Pa- tience and diſcreet Behaviour, the good Opinion of himſelf and his Subjects. He deſired I would not take it ill, if he gave Orders to certain proper Officers to ſearch me; for probably I might carry about me ſeve- ral Weapons, which muſt needs be dangerous Things, if they anſwered the Bulk of fo prodigious a Perſon. I ſaid, his Majeſty ſhould be ſatisfied, for I was ready to ftrip myſelf, and turn up my Pockets before him. This I delivered, part in Words, and part in Signs. He replied, that by the Laws of the Kingdom, I muſt be ſearched by two of his Officers: That he knew this could not be done without my Conſent and Aſſiſtance; That 18 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. That he had ſo good an Opinion of my Generoſity and Juſtice, as to truſt their perſons in my Hands : T'hat, whatever they took from me ſhould be returned when I left the Country, or paid for at the Rate which I would ſet upon them. * I took up the two Officers in my Hands, put them firſt into my Coat-Pockets, and then into every other Pocket about me, except my two Fobs, and another ſecret Pocket which I had no Mind ſhould be ſearched, wherein I had ſome little Neceſſa- ries of no Conſequence to any but myſelf. In one of my Fobs there was a Silver Watch, and in the other a ſmall Quantity of Gold in a Purſe. Theſe Gentlemen, having Pen, Ink and Paper about them, made an exact Inventory of every Thing they faw; and when they had done, deſired I would ſet them down, that they might deliver it to the Emperor. This Inventory I afterwards tranſlated into Engliſh, and is Word for Words as follows. Imprimis, In the right Coat- Pocket of the Great Man Mountain (for ſo I interpret the Words Quinbus Fleſtrin) after the ſtricteſt Search, we found only one great Piece of coarſe Cloth, large enough to be a Foot- Cloth for your Majeſty's chief Room of State. In the left Pocket, we ſaw a huge Silver Cheſt, with a Cover of the ſame Metal, which we, the Searchers were not able to lift. We deſired it ſhould be opened ; and one of us ſtepping into it, found himſelf up the Mid-leg in a fort of Duft, ſome Part whereof flying up to our Faces, ſet us both a fneezing for ſeveral Times together. In his right Waiſtcoat Pocket, we found a prodigious Bundle of white thin Subſtances, folded one over ano- ther, about the Bigneſs of three Men, tied with a ftrong Cable, and marked with black Figures; which we humbly conceive to be Writings ; every Letter al. moſt half as large as the Palm of our Hands. In the Left there was a ſort of Engine, from the Back of which were extended twenty long Poles, reſembling the Palliſadoes before your Majeſty's Court; wherewith we conjecture the Man Mountain combs his Head; for we did not always trouble him with Queſtions, becauſe we A Voyage to LILLIPUT. we found it a great Dificulty to make him underſtand In the large Pocket on the right side of his mid- dle Cover, (fo I tranſlate the Word Ranfu-Lo, by which they meant my Breeches) we ſaw a hollow Pil- lar of Iron, about the Length of a Man, faſtened to a ſtrong Piece of Timber, larger than the Pillar, and upon one side of the Pillar were huge Pieces of Iron ſticking out, cut into ſtrange Figures; which we know not what to make of. In the left Pocket, another En- gine of the ſame Kind. In the ſmaller Pocket on the right Side, were ſeveral round flat Pieces of white and red Metal, of different Bulk : Some of the White, which ſeemed to be Silver, were ſo large and heavy, that my Comrade and I could hardly lift them. In the left Pocket were two black Pillars irregularly ſhaped : We could not, without Difficulty, reach the Top of them as we ſtood at the Bottom of his Pocket : One of them was covered, and ſeemed all of a Piece; but at the upper End of the other, there appeared a white round Subſtance, about twice the Bigneſs of our Heads. Within each of theſe was incloſed a prodigious Plate of Steel; which, by our Orders, we obliged him to thew us, becauſe we apprehended they might be dangerous Engines. He took them out of their Caſes, and told us, that in his own Country his Practice was to ſhave his Beard with one of theſe, and to cut his Meat with the other. There were two Pockets which we could not enter : Theſe he called his Fobs: they were two large Slits cut into the Top of his middle Cover, but ſqueezed cloſe by the Prefiure of his Belly. Out of the right Fob hung a great Silver Chain, with a wonderful kind of Engine at the Bottom. We directed him to draw out whatever was at the End of that Chain; which appeared to be a Globe, half Silver, and half of fome tranſparent Metal: For on the tranſparent Side we faw certain ſtrange Figures circularly drawn, and thought we could touch them, until we found our Fingers ſtopt with that lucid Subſtance. He put this Engine to our Ears, which made an inceſſant Noiſe like that of a Water-Mill. And we conjecture it is either ſome un- known 20 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. known Animal, or the God that he worſhips: But we are more inclined to the latter Opinion, becaaſe he al- ſured us, (if we underſtood him right, for he expreſſed himſelf very imperfe&tly) that he ſeldom did any Thing without conſulting it. He called it his Oracle, and ſaid it pointed out the Time for every Action of his Life. From the left Fob he took out a Net almoſt large enough for a Fiſherman, but contrived to open and ſhut like a Purſe, and ſerved him for the ſame Uſe: We found therein ſeveral maſſy Pieces of yel. low Metal, which, if they be of real Gold, muſt be of immenſe Value. Having thus, in Obedience to your Majeſty's Com- mands, diligently fearched all his Pockets, we obſerv- ed a Girdle about his Waiſt made of the Hide of ſome prodigious Animal; from which, on the left Side, hung a Sword of the Length of five Men; and on the right, a Bag or Pouch divided into two Cells ; each Cell ca- pable of holding three of your Majeſty's Subjects. In one of theſe Cells were ſeveral Globes, or Balls of a moſt ponderous Metal, about the Bigneſs of our Heads, and required a ſtrong Hand to lift them : The other Cell contained a Heap of certain black Grains, but of no great Bulk or Weight, for we could hold above fifty of them in the Palms of our Hands. This is an exact Inventory of what we found about the Body of the Man Mountain ; who uſed us with great Civility, and due Reſpect to your Majeſty's Com- miſſion. Signed and ſealed on the fourth Day of the eighty-ninth Moon of your Majeſty's aufpicious Reign. Clefren Frelock, Marſi Frelack. When this Inventory was read over to the Emperor, he directed me to deliver up the ſeveral Particulars. He firſt called for my Scymiter, which I took out, Scabbard and all. In the mean Time he ordered three thouſand of the choiceſt Troops, who then attended him, to ſurround me at a Diſtance, with their Bows and Arrows juſt ready to diſcharge : But I did not ob- ferve A Vorace to LILLIPUT. 21 ſerve it ; for mine Eyes were wholly fixed upon his Majeſty. He then defired me to draw my Scymiter, which although it had got ſome Ruſt by the Sea-Water, was in moft Parts exceeding bright. I did ſo, and im- mediately all the Troops gave a Shout between Terror and Surprize ; for the Sun ſhone clear, and the Re- flection dazzled their Eyes, as I waved the Scymiter to and fro in my Hand. His Majeſty, who is a moft magnanimous Prince, was leſs daunted than I could expect: he ordered me to return it into the Scabbard, and caſt it on the Ground as gently as I could, about fix Foot from the End of my Chains. The next Thing he demanded was one of the hollow Iron Pillars, by which he meant my Pocket-Piſtols. I drew it out, and at his Defire, as-well as I could, expreſſed to him the Uſe of it, and charging it only with Powder, which by the Cloſeneſs of my Pouch, happened to eſcape wetting in the Sea, (an Inconvenience that all prudent Mari- ners take eſpecial Care to provide againſt) I firſt cau- tioned the Emperor not to be afraid ; and then I let it off in the Air. The Aftoniſhment here was much greater than at the Sight of my Scymiter. Hundreds fell down as if they had been ſtruck dead ; and even the Emperor, although he ſtood his Ground, could not recover himſelf for ſome time. I delivered up both my Piſtols in the ſame Manner as I had done my Scymiter, and then my Pouch of Powder and Bullets; begging him that the former might be kept from Fire ; for it would kindle with the ſmalleſt Spark, and blow up his Imperial Palace into the Air. I likewiſe delivered up my Watch, which the Emperor was very curious to fee; and commanded two of his talleſt Yeomen of the Guards to bear it on a Pole upon their Shoulders, as Draymen in England do a Barrel of Ale. He was a- mazed at the continual Noiſe it made, and the Motion of the Minute-Hand, which he could eafily diſcern; for their Sight is much more acute than ours : He aſked the Opinions of his learned Men about him, which were various and remote, as the Reader may well imagine without my repeating ; although indeed, I could A VOYAGE 10 LILLIPOT. could not very perfectly underſtand them. I then gave up my Silver and Copper Money, my Purſe with nine large Pieces of Gold, and ſome ſmaller ones ; my Knife and Razor, my Comb and Silver Snuff-Box, my Hand- kerchief and Journal Book. My Scymiter, Piſtols, and Pouch, were conveyed in Carriages to his Majeſty's Stores ; but the reſt of my Goods were returned me. I HAD, as I before obſerved, one private Pocket which eſcaped their Search, wherein there was a Pair of Spectacles (which I ſometimes uſe for the Weak- neſs of mine Eyes) a Pocket Perſpective, and ſeveral other little Conveniencies ; which being of no Conſe- quence to the Emperor, I did not think myſelf bound in Honour to diſcover; and I apprehended they might be loſt or ſpoiled if I ventured them out of my Por- feflion. CH A P. III. The Author diverts the Emperor and his Nobility of both Sexes, in a very uncommon Manner. The Di verfions of the Court of Lilliput defcribed. The Au- thar bath his Liberty granted him upon certaix Can- TY Gentleneſs and good Behaviour had gained M' ſo far on the Emperor and his Court, and in- deed upon the Army and People in general, that I be- gan to conceive Hopes of getting my Liberty in a ſhort Time. I took all polible Methods to cultivate this fa- vourable Diſpoſition. The Natives came by Degrees to be leſs apprehenſive of any Danger from me. I would ſometimes lie down, and let five or fix of them dance on my Hand. And at laſt the Boys and Girls would venture to come and play at Hide and Seek in my Hair. I had now made a good Progreſs in underſtanding and ſpeaking A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. Speaking their Language. The Emperor had a Miud one Day to entertain me with ſeveral of the Country Shows; wherein they exceed all Nations I have known, both for Dexterity and Magnificence. I was diverted with none ſo much as that of the Rope-Dan- cers, performed upon a ſlender white Thread, extend- ed about two Foot, and twelve Inches from the Ground. Upon which, I ſhall defire Liberty, with the Reader's Patience, to enlarge a little. Tuis Diverfion is only practiſed by thoſe Perſons, who are Candidates for great Employments, and high Favour, at Court. They are trained in this Art from their Youth, and are not always of noble Birth, or li- beral Education. When a great Office is vacant, ei- ther by Death or Diſgrace, (which often happens) five or fix of thoſe Candidates petition the Emperor to en- tertain his Majeſty and the Court with a Dance on the Rope; and whoever jumps the higheſt without falling, fucceeds in the Office. Very often the chief Miniſters themſelves are commanded to thew their Skill, and to convince the Emperor that they have not loſt their Fa- colcy, Flimap, the Treaſurer, is allowed to cut a Caper on the ſtrait Rope, at leaſt an Inch higher than any other Lord in the whole Empire. I have ſeen him do the Summerſet ſeveral Times together, upon a Trencher fixed on a Rope, which is no thicker than a common Packthread in England. My Friend Reldre- Jal, principal Secretary for private Affairs, is, in my Opinion, if I am not partial, the ſecond after the Trea- arer; the reſt of the great Officers are much upon a Par. TUESE Diverſions are often attended with fatal Ace cidents, whereof great Numbers are on Record, I myſelf have ſeen two or three Candidates break a Limb, Rac the Danger is much greater, when the Minifters abemſelves are commanded to ſhew their Dexterity: Fon by contending to excel themſelves and their Fel- Clows, they train ſo far, that there is hardly one of theni who hath not received a Fall; and ſome of them two vitieě. I was aſſured, that a Year or two before my Arrival, 24 A Vorace to LILLIPUT. Arrival, Flimnap would have infallibly broke his Neck, if one of the King's Cushions, that accidentally lay on the Ground, had not weakened the Force of his Fall. There is likewiſe another Diverfion, which is only fhewn before the Emperor and Empreſs, and firſt Mi. nifter, upon particular Occaſions. The Emperor lays on a Tablethree fine filken Threads of fix Inches long. One is Blue, the other Red, and the third Green. Theſe Threads are propoſed as Prizes, for thoſe Per- fons whom the Emperor hath a Mind to diſtinguiſh by a particular Mark of his Favour. The Ceremony is performed in his Majeſty's great Chamber of State ; where the Candidates are to undergo a Trial of Dexteri- ty very different from the former; and ſuch as I have not obſerved the leaſt Reſemblance of in any other Country of the old or the new World. The Emperor holds a Stick in his Hands, both Ends parallel to the Horizon, while the Candidates advancing one by one, fome- times leap over the Stick, and ſometimes creep under it backwards and forwards ſeveral Times, according as the Stick is advanced or depreſſed. Sometimes the Emperor holds one End of the Stick, and his firſt Mi. nifter the other; ſometimes the Miniſter hath it entires ly to himſelf. Whoever performs his Part with moſt Ágility, and holds out the longeſt in leaping and creep- ing, is rewarded with the blue-coloured Silk ; the Red is given to the next, and the Green to the third, which they all wear girt twice round about the Middle; and you ſee few great Perſons about this Court, who are . The Horſes of the Army, and thoſe of the Royal Stables, having been daily led before me, were no longer fhy, but would come up to my very Feet, without ſtart- ing. The Riders would leap them over my Hand as I held it on the Ground; and one of the Emperor's Huntf- men upon a large Courſer, took my Foot, Shoeand all which was indeed a prodigious Leap. I had the good Fortune to divert the Emperor one Day, after a very extraordinary Manner. I deſired he would order ſeve- rål Sticks of two Foot high, and the Thickneſs of an ordhary A Vorace to LILLIPUT. ordinary Cane, to be brought me ; whereupon his Ma- jeſly commanded the Maſter of his Woods to give Di- tertions accordingly; and the next Morning fix Wood- men arrived with as many Carriages, drawn by eight Horſes to cach. I took nine of thele Sticks, and fixing them firmly in the Ground in a Quadrangular Figure, two Foot and a half ſquare; I took four other Sticks and tied them parallel at each Corner, about two Foot from the Ground; then I faſtened my Handkerchief to che nine Sticks that ſtood directed; and extended it on all Sides, until it was tight as the Top of a Drum; and the four parallel Sticks riſing about five Inches higher than the Handkerchief, ſerved as Ledges on each side. When 1 had finiſhed my Work, I deſired the Emperor to let a Troop of his belt Horfe, twenty-four in Num- ber, come and exerciſe upon this Plain. His Majeſty approved of the Propoſal, and I took them up one by one in my Hands, ready mounted and armed, with the proper Officers to exerciſe them. As ſoon as they got anto Order, they divided into two Parties, performed mock Skirmiſhes, diſcharged blunt Arrows, drew their Swords, fled and purſued, attacked and retired ; and in fort diſcovered the beſt military Diſcipline I ever be- keld. The parallel Sticks ſecured them and their Horſes from falling over the Stage; and the Emperor was ſo much delighted, that he ordered this Entertainment to be repeated ſeveral Days; and once was pleaſed to be lifted up, and give the Word of Command ; and, with great Difficulty perſuaded even the Empreſs herſelf to Iet me hold her in her cloſe Chair, within two Yards of the Stage, from whence ſhe was able to take a full View of the whole Performance. It was my good For- tude that no ill Accident happened in theſe Entertain- sanent's only once a fiery Horle that belonged to one of the Captains, pawing with his Hoof, ſtruck a Hole in my Handkerchief, and his Foot ſlipping, he overthret is Rider and himſelf, but I immediately relieved them both Por cavering the Hole with one Hand, I fez do:the Troop with the other, in the ſame Mannet So II. 26 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. as I took them up. The Horſe that fell was ſtrained in the left Shoulder, but the Rider got no Hurt; and I repaired my Handkerchief as well as I could : How- ever, I would not truſt to the Strength of it any more in ſuch dangerous Enterprizes. About two or three Days before I was ſet at Liber- ty, as I was entertaining the Court with theſe Kind of Feats, there arrived an Expreſs to inform his Majeſty, that ſome of his Subjects, riding near the Place where I was firſt taken up, had ſeen a great black ſubſtance lying on the Ground, very oddly ſhaped, extending its Édges round as wide as his Majeſty's Bedchamber, and riſing up in the Middle as high as a Man: That, it was no living Creature, as they at firſt apprehended ; for it lay on the Graſs without Motion, and ſome of them had walked round it ſeveral Times : That, by mounting upon each other's Shoulders, they had got to the Top, which was flat and even; and ſtamping upon it they found it was hollow within : That, they humbly con- ceived it might be ſomething belonging to the Man- Mountain ; and, if his Majelty pleaſed, they would un- dertake to bring it with only five Horſes. I preſently knew what they meant: and was glad at Heart to re- ceive this Intelligence. It ſeems, upon my firſt reach- ing the Shore, after our Shipwreck, I was in ſuch Confuſion, that before I came to the Place where I went to ſleep, my Hat, which I had faſtened with a String to my Head while I was rowing, and had ſtuck on all the Time I was ſwimming, fell off after I came to Land ; the String, as I conjecture, breaking by ſome Accident which I never obſerved, but thought my Hat had been loſt at Sea. I intreated his Imperial Majeſty to give Orders it might be brought to me as ſoon as poſſible, deſcribing to him the Ule and Nature of it: And the next Day the Waggons arrived with it, but not in a very good Condition ; they had bored two Holes in the Brim, within an Inch and a half of the Edge, and faſtened two Hooks in the Holes; theſe Hooks were tied by a long Cord to the Harneſs, and thus & VOYAGE to LilliPUT. 27 ner. thus my Hat was dragged along for above half an is neith Mile : But the Ground in that Country being extremely (mooth and level, it received leſs Damage than I expected. Two Days after this Adventure, the Emperor have. ing ordered that Part of his Army, which quarters in and about his Metropolis, to be in a Readineſs, took a Fancy of diverting himſelf in a very ſingular Man- He deäred I would ſtand like a Colous, with my Legs as far alunder as I conveniently could. He then commanded his General (who was an old expe- rienced Leader, and a great Patron of mine) to draw up the Troops in cloſe Order, and march them un- der me; the Foot by twenty-four in a Breaſt, and the Horſe by fixteen, with Drums beating, Colours fly. ing, and Pikes advanced This Body conſiſted of three thouſand Foot, and a thouſand Horſe. His Majelly gave Orders upon Pain of Death, that every Soldier in his March ſhould obſerve the ſtricteſt De- cency, with regard to my Perſon; which, however, could not prevene ſome of the younger Officers froin tuſning up their Eyes as they paſſed under me. And to confeſs the Truth, my Breeches were at chat Time in ſo ill a Condition, that they afforded ſome Oppor- tunities for Laughter and Admiration. I iad ſent ſo many Memorials and Petitions for my Liberty, that his Majeſty at length mentioned the Matrer firſt in the Cabinet, and then in a full Council ; where it was oppoſed by none, except Skyrelis Polgo- 1998, who was pleafed, without any Provocation, to be my mortal Enemy. Bar it was carried againſt him by the wliole Board, and confirmed by the Emperor. That Miniſter was Galbet, or Admiral of the Realin; very much in his Maſter's Confidence, and a Perſon weit verled in Affairs, but of a moroſe and four Com. pletion. However, he was at length perfuaded to cómply : but prevailed that the Articles aud Conditions upon which I ſhould be ſet free, and to which I muſt ſwear, ſhould be drawn up by himſelf. Theſe Arti. C 2 28 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. in the Manner of my own Country, and afterwards in cles were brought to me by Skyreh Bolgolam in Per- fon, attended by two under Secretaries, and ſeveral Perſons of Diſtinction. After they were read, I was demanded to ſwear to the Performance of them ; firſt the Method preſcribed by their Laws; which was to hold my right Foot in my left Hand, to place the middle Finger of my right Hand on the Crown of my Head, and my Thumb on the Tip of my right Ear. But, becauſe the Reader may perhaps be curious to have ſome Idea of the Style and Manner of Expreſ- Sion peculiar to that People, as well as to know the which I recovered my Liberty ; I have made a Tranſlation of the whole Inſtrument, Word for Word, as near as I was able; which I here offer to the Publick. Articles opon GOLBASTO MOMAREN EVLAME GURDILO SHEFIN MuLLY ULLY Gue, Moft Mighty Emperor of Lilli- put, Delight and Terror of the Univerſe, whoſe Do- minions extend five thouſand Bluftrugs, (about twelve Miles in Circumference) to the Extremities of the Globe : Monarch of all Monarchs : Taller than the Sons of Men ; whoſe Feet preſs down to the Center, and whoſe Head Itriketh againſt theSun: At whoſeNod the Princes of the Earth fhake their Knees; pleaſant as the Spring, comfortable as the Summer, fruitful as Autumn, dreadful as Winter. His moſt ſublime Ma- jeſty propoſeth to the Man-Mountain, lately arrived at our Celeſtial Dominions, the following Articles, which by a folemn Oath he ſhall be obliged to perform. First, The Man-Mountain ſhall not depart from our Dominions, without our Licence under our Great Seal. Secondly, He ſhall not preſume to come into our Metropolis, without our expreſs Orders ; at which Time, the Inhabitants ſhall have two Hours Warning to keep within Doors. Thirdly, The ſaid Man-Mountain ſhall confine his Walks to our principal þigh Roads; and not offer 29 . A VOYACE to LILLIPUT. offer to walk or lie down in a Meadow, or Field of Corn. FOURTHLY, As he walks the ſaid Roads, he ſhall take the utmoſt Care not to trample upon the Bodies of any of our loving Subjects, their Horſes, or Car- riages; nor take any of our faid Subjects into his PIFTHLY, If an Expreſs require extraordinary Dir. patch : the Man-Mountain ſhall be obliged to carry in his Pocket the Meſſenger and Horſe, a fix Days Journey once in every Moon, and return the ſaid Meſſenger back (if ſo required) fafe to our Imperial Preſence. SixTHLY, He ſhall be our Ally againſt our Enenice In the Iſland of Blefufcu, and to his utmoſt deſtray their Fleet, which is now preparing to invade Us. SEVENTHLY, That the ſaid Man. Mountain (hall, at luis Times of Leiſure, be aiding and aſſiſting to our Workmen, in helping to raiſe certain great Stones, to- wards covering the Wall of the principal Park, and other our Royal Buildings. EiONTHLY, That the ſaid Man-Mountain ſhall, in two Moons Time, deliver in an exact Survey of the Circumference of our Dominions, by a Compatation of his own Paces round the Coaſt. LASTLY, That upon his ſolemn Oath to obſerve all the above Articles, the ſaid Man-Mountain ſhall have a dhily Allowance of Meat and Drink, fufficient for the Support of 1724 of our Subjects; with free Acceſs to our Royal Perſon, and other Marks of our Favour. Given at our Palace at Belfaborac the twelfth Day of the ninety-firit Moon of our Reign. I swore and ſubſcribed to theſe Articles with great Chearfulneſs and Content, although ſome of them were not fo honourable as I could have wiſhed ; which pro- ceeded wholly from the Malice of Skyreſh Bolgolam the High Admiral ; whereupon my Chains were imme- dately unlocked, and I was at full Liberty : The Em- peror himſelf, in Perſon, did me the Honour to be by at the whole Ceremony. I made my Acknowledge- mients C 3 30 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. ments, by proſtrating myſelf at his Majeſty's Feet But he commanded me to riſe; and after many gra- cious Expreffions, which to avoid the Cenſure of Va- nity, I ſhall not repeat; he added, that he hoped I ſhould prove a uſeful Servant, and well deſerve all the Favours he had already conferred upon me, or might do for the future. The Reader may pleaſe to obſerve, that in the laſt Article for the Recovery of my Liberty, the Emperor itipulateth to allow me a Quantity of Meat and Drink fufficient for the Support of 1724 Lilliputians. Some Time after, aſking a Friend at Court how they came to fix on that determinate Number? he told me, that his Majeſty's Mathematicians, having taken the Height of my Body by the Help of a Quadrant, and finding it to exceed theirs in the Proportion of twelve to one, they concluded from the similarity of their Bodies, that mine muſt contain at leaſt 1724 of theirs, and conſequently would require as much Food as was ne- ceſſary to ſupport that Number of Lilliputians. By which, the Reader may conceive an Idea of the In- genuity of that people, as well as the prudent and exact Oeconomy of ſo great a Prince, CH A P. IV. Mildendo, the Metropolis of Lilliput, deſcribed, toge- ther with the Emperor's Palace. A Converſation between the duthor and a principal Secretary, con- cerning the Affairs of that Empire: The Author's Offers to ſerve the Emperor in bis Wars. THI HE firſt Requeſt I made after I had obtained my Liberty, was, that I might have Licence to ſee Mildendo, the Metropolis ; which the Emperor eaſily granted me; but with a ſpecial Charge to do no Hurt, A VOYAGE TO Lillirut. 32 Hurt, either to the Inhabitants, or their Houſes. The People had Notice by Proclamation of my Deſign to viſit the Town. The Wall which encompaſſed it, is (wo Foot and an half high, and at leaſt cleven Inches bruad, ſo that a Coach and Horſes may be driven very fafely round it, and it is flanked with ſtrong Towers a ten Foot Dillance. I ſtepe over the great Weffers Gate, and paſſed very gently, and ſideling through the two principal Streets, only in my ſhort Waiſtcoat, for fear of damaging the Roofs and Eves of the Houſes with the Skirts of my Coat. I walked with the utmoſt Circumſpection, to avoid treading on any Stragglers, who might remain in the Streets, although the Orders were very ſtrict, that all People ſhould keep in their Houſes, at their own Peril . The Garret Windows and Tops of Houſes were ſo crowded with Spectators, that I thought in all my Travels I had not ſeen a more pos pulous Place. The City is an exact Square, each Side of the Walls being five hundred Foot long. The iwa great Streets, which run croſs and divide ir into low Quarters, are five Foot wide. The Lanes and Alleys which I could not enter, but only viewed them as I pafled, are from twelve to eighteen Inches. The Town is capable of holding five hundred thouſand Souls. The Houſes are from three to five Scories. The Shops and Markets well provided. The Emperor's Palace is in the Center of the City, where the two great Streets meet. It is incloſed by a Wall of two Foot high, and twenty Foot diſtant from the Buildings. I had his Majeſty's Permiſſion to flep over this Wall; and the Space being fo wide between that and the Palace, I could eaſily view it on every Side. The outward Court is a Square of forty Foot, and in- cladeth two other Courts: In the inmoft are the Royal Apartments, which I was very deſirous to fee, but found * extremely difficult ; for the great Gates, from one Square into another, were bat eighteen Inches lögh, and feven Inches wide. Now the Buildings of the outer Court were at leaſt five Foot high ; and it was impoſſible for me to ſtride over them, without infinite Damage C4 32 & VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. Damage to the Pile, although the Walls were ſtrongly built of hewn Stone, and four Inches thick. At the ſame time, the Emperor had a great Deſire that I ſhould ſee the Magnificence of his Palace : But this I was not able to do until three Days after, which I ſpent in cutring down with my Knife ſome of the largeſt Trees in the Royal Park, about an hundred Yards diſtant from the City. Of theſe Trees I made two Stools, each about three Foot high, and ftrong enough to bear my Weight, . The People having received Notice a ſecond Time, I went again through the City to the Palace, with my two Stools in my Hands. When I came to the Side of the outer Court, I ſtood upon one Stool, and took the other in my Hand: This I liſted over the Roof, and gently ſet it down on the Space between the firſt and ſecond Court, which was eight Foot wide. I then flept over the Buildings very conveniently from one Stool to the other, and drew up the firſt after me with a hooked Stick. By this Contrivance I got into the inmoft Court ; and lying down upon my Side, I ap. plied my Face to the Windows of the middle Stories, which were left open on Purpoſe, and diſcovered the moft ſplendid Apartments that can be imagined. There I ſaw the Empreſs, and the young Princes in their ſe- veral Lodgings, with their chief Attendants about them. Her Imperial Majeſty was pleaſed to ſmile very graciouſly upon me, and gave me out of the Window ber Hand to kiſs. Dut I fhall not anticipate the Reader with further Deſcriptions of this Kind, becauſe I reſerve them for a grcater Work, which is now almoſt ready for the Preſs; containing a general Deſcription of this Empire, from its firſt Erection, through a long Series of Princes, with a peculiar Account of their Wars and Politicks, Laws, Learning, and Religion ; their Plants and Animals, their peculiar Manners and Cuſtoms, with other Mat- ters very curious and uſeful ; my chief Deſign at pre- ſent being only to relate {uch Events and Tranſactions as happened to the Publick, or to myſelf, during a Reſidence of about nine Months in that Empire. ONE Site 1 VOYACE to LILLIPUT. 33 One Morning, about a Fortnight after I had obtain- ed my Liberty ; Reldreſal, Principal Secretary (as they ftyle him) of private Affairs, came to my Houſe, at- tended only by one Servant. He ordered his Coach to wait at a Diſtance, and deſired I would give him an Hour's Audience; which I readily conſented to, on Account of his Quality, and Perſonal Merits, as well as of the many good Offices he had done me during my Sollicitations at Court. I offered to lie down, that he might the more conveniently reach my Ear; but he choſe rather to let me hold him in my Hand during our Converſation. He began with Compliments on my Liberty; ſaid, he might pretend to ſome Merit in it; but, however, added, that if it had not been for the preſent Situation of Things at Court, perhaps I might not have obtained it ſo ſoon. For, ſaid he, as flouriſh- ing a Condition as we appear to be in to Foreigners, we labour under two mighty Evils; a violent Faction at Home, and the Danger of an Invaſion by a moſt potent Enemy from AbroadAs to the firſt, you are to underſtand, that for above ſeventy Moons paſt, there have been two ſtruggling Parties in this Empire under the Names of Trameckfan, and Slameckfan, from the high and low Heels on their Shoes, by which they diſtinguiſh themſelves. It is alledged indeed that the high Heels are moſt agreeable to our ancient Conſtitution ; but, however this be, his Majeſty hath determined to make uſe of only low Heels in the Adminiſtration of the Government, and all Offices in the Gift of the Crown , as you can- not but obſerve ; and particularly, that his Majeſty's Imperial Heels are lower at leaſt by a Drurr than any of his Court; ( Drurr is a Meaſure about the fourteenth Part of an Inch.) The Animoſities between theſe two Parties run ſo high, that they will neither eat nor drink, nor talk with each other. We compute the Trameck- fan, or High-Heels, to exceed us in Number; but the Power is wholly on our Side. We apprehend his Im- perial Highneſs, the Heir to the Crown, to have ſome Tendency towards the High-Heels ; at leaſt we can plainly CS 34 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. plainly diſcover one of his Heels higher than the other ; which giveth him a Hobble in his Gait. Now, in the Midſt of theſe inteſtine Diſquiets, we are threatened with an Invaſion from the Iſland of Blefuſcu, which is the other great Empire of the Univerſe, almoſt as large and powerful as this of his Majeſty. For, as to what we have heard you affirm, that there are other King- doms and States in the World, inhabited by human Creatures as large as yourſelf, our Philoſophers are in much Doubt; and would rather conjecture that you dropt from the Moon, or one of the Stars ; becauſe it is certain, that an hundred Mortals of your Bulk, would, in a ſhort Time, deſtroy all the Fruits and Cattle of his Majeſty's Dominions. Befides, our Hiſtories of fix . thouſand Moons make no mention of any other Re- gions, than the two great Empires of Lilliput and Ble- fufcu. Which two mighty Powers have, as I was go- ing to tell you, been engaged in a moſt obſtinate War for fix and thirty Moons palt. It began upon the fol. lowing Occafion. It is allowed on all Hands, that the primitive Way of breaking Eggs before we eat them, was opon the larger End. But his preſent Majeſty's Grandfather, while he was a Boy, going to eat an. Egg, and breaking it according to the ancient Practice, happened to cut one of his Fingers. Whereupon the Emperor his Father, publiſhed an Ediệt, commanding all his Subjects, upon great Penalties, to break the ſmaller End of their Eggs. The People fo highly re- ſented this Law, that our Hiſtories tell us, there have been fix Rebellions raiſed on that Account; wherein one Emperor loſt his Life, and another his Crown.. Theſe civil Conimotions were conſtantly fomented by the Monarchs of Blefuſcu; and when they were quell- ed, the Exiles always fled for Refuge to that Empire. It is computed, that eleven thouſand- Perſons have, at ſeveral Times, fuffcred Death rather than ſubmit to break their Eggs at the finaller End. Many hundred large Volames have been publiſhed upon this Contro. verſy : But the Books of the Big-Endians have been long forbidden, and the whole Party rendered inca - pable A Vorage to LILLIPUT. 35 pable by Law of holding Employments. During the Courſe of theſe Troubles, the Emperors of Blefuſcu did frequently expoftulate by their Ambaffadors, ac- cuſing us of making a Schiſm in Religion, by offending againſt a fundamental Doctrine of our great Prophet Luſtrog, in the fifty-fourth Chapter of the Brundrecal, (which is their Alcoran.) This, however, is thought to be a meer Strain upon the Text: For the Words are theſe ; That all true Believers ſhall break their Eggs at the convenient End : And which is the conve- nient End, ſeemeth, in my humble Opinion, to be left to every Man's Conſcience, or at leaſt in the Power of the chief Magiſtrate to determine. Now the Big Ex- dian Exiles have found ſo much Credit in the Emperor of Blefufcu's Court; and ſo much private Aliſtance and Encouragement from their Party here at Home, that a bloody War hath been carried on between the two Empires for fix and thirty Moons with various Succeſs; during which Time we have loſt forty ca- pital Ships, and a much greater Number of ſmaller Veſſels, together with thirty thouſand of our beſt Sea- men and Soldiers ; and the Damage received by the Enemy is reckoned to be ſomewhat greater than ours. However, they have now equipped a numerous Flect, and are juſt preparing to make a Deſcent upon us : And his Imperial Majeſty, placing great Confidence in your Valour and Strength, hath commanded me to lay this Account of his Affairs before you. I desired the Secretary to preſent my humble Duty to the Emperor, and to let him know, that I thought it would not become me, who was a Fo- reigner, to interfere with Parties ; but I was ready, with the Hazard of my Life, to defend his Perſon and State againſt all Invaders. Ο Η Α Ρ. 36 & VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. CH A P. V. The Author by an extraordinary Stratagem preventeth an Invaſion. A bigb Title of Honour is conferred upon him. Ambaſadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefufcu, and fue for Peate. The Emprefi's Apart- ment on Fire by an Accident : the Author inſtrumen- tal in javing the reſt of the Palace. THE Empire of Blefufcu is an Iſland fituated to the North North-Eaſt Side of Lilliput, from whence it is parted only by a Channel of eight hun- dred Yards wide. I had not yet feen it, and upon this Notice of an intended Invaſion, I avoided ap- pearing on that Side of the Coaſt, for fear of being diſcovered by ſome of the Enemies Ships, who had re- ceived no Intelligence of me; all Intercourſe between the two Empires having been ſtrictly forbidden dure- ing the War, upon Pain of Death; and an Embargo laid by our Emperor upon all Veſfels whatſoever. I communicated to his Majeſty a Project I had formed of ſeizing the Enemy's whole Fleet; which, as our Scouts affured us, lay at Anchor in the Harbour ready to fail with the firſt fair Wind. I conſulted the moſt experienced Seamen, upon the Depth of the Channel, which they had often plummed; who told me, that in the Middle, at high Water, it was ſeventy Glumglaffs deep, which is about fix Foot of European Meaſure ; and the reſt of it fifty Glumgluffs at moſt. I walked to the North-Eaſt Coaſt over-againſt Blefuſcu; where lying down behind a Hillock, I took out my ſmall Pocket Perſpective Glaſs, and viewed the Enemy's Fleet at Anchor, conſiſting of about fifty Men of War, and a great Number of Tranſports : I then came back to my Houſe, and gave Orders (for which I had a Warrant) A Voyage to LILLIPUT, 37 Warrant) for a great Quantity of the ſtrongeſt Cable and Bars of Iron : the Cable was about as thick as Packthread, and the Bars of the Length and Size of a Knitting-Needle. I trebled the Cable to make it ſtronger ; and for the ſame Reaſon I twiſted three of the Iron Bars together, binding the Extremities into a Hook. Having thus fixed fifty Hooks to as many Cables, I went back to the North-Eaſt Coaſt, and put, ting off my Coat, Shoes, and Stockings, walking into the Sea in my Leathern Jerkin, about half an Hour be- fore high Water, I waded with what Hafte I could, and ſwam in the Middle about thirty Yards until I felt the Ground ; I arrived to the Fleet in leſs than half an Hour. The Enemy was ſo frighted when they ſaw me, that they leaped out of their Ships, and ſwam to Shore; where there could not be fewer than thirty thouſand Souls. I then took my Tackling, and faſt- ning a Hook to the Hole at the Prow of each, I tyed all the Cords together at the End. While I was thus employed, the Enemy diſcharged ſeveral Thouſand Arrows, many of which ſtuck in my Hands and Face ; and beſides the exceſſive Smart, gave me much Diſ. turbance in my Work. My greateſt Apprehenſion was for mine Eyes, which I ſhould have infallibly loſt, if I had not ſuddenly thought of an Expedient. I kept, amongſt other little Neceſſaries, a Pair of Spectacles in a private Pocket, which, as I obſerved before, had eſcaped the Emperor's Searchers. Theſe I took out, and faſtened as ſtrongly as I could upon my Noſe ; and thus armed went on boldly with my Work in ſpight of the Enemy's Arrows; many of which ſtruck againft the Glaſſes of my Spectacles, but without any other Effe&, further than a little to diſcompoſe them. I had now faſtened all the Hooks, and taking the Knot in my Hand, began to pull ; but not a Ship would ftir, for they were all too faſt held by their Anchors ; fo that the boldeſt Part of my Enterprize remained. I therefore let go the Cord, and leaving the Hooks, fixed to the Ships, I refolutely cut with my Knife the Cables that faſtened the Anchors ; receiving above two hundred 38 A VOYACE to LILIPUT: : hundred Shots in my Face and Hands : Then I took up the knotted End of the Cables to which my Hooks were tyed; and with great Eaſe drew fifty of the Ene- my's largeſt Men of War after me. The Blefufcudians, who had not the leaſt Imagi- nation of what I intended, were at firſt confounded with Aſtoniſhment. They had feen me cut the Cables, and thought my Deſign was only to let the Ships run a-drift, or fall foul on each other : Bat when they per- ceived the whole Fleet moving in Order, and ſaw me pulling at the End; they fet up ſuch a Scream of Grief and Deſpair, that it is almoſt impoſſible to de- ſcribe or conceive. When I had got out of Danger, I ſtopt a while to pick out the Arrows that ſtuck in my Hands and Face, and rubbed on ſome of the ſame Ointment that was given me at my firſt Arrival, as I have formerly mentioned. I then took off my Spec- tacles and waiting about an Hour, until the Tide was a little fallen, I waded through the Middle with my Cargo, and arrived fafe at the Royal Port of Lilliput The Emperor and his wholé Court ſtood on the Shore, expecting the Iflue of this great Adventure. They ſaw the Ships inove forward in a large Half- Moon, but could not diſcern me, who was up to my Breaſt in Water. When I advanced to the Middle of the Channel, they were yet more in Pain, becauſe I was under Water to my Neck. The Emperor con- cluded me to be drowned, and that the Enemy's Fleet was approaching in a hoſtile Manner: But he was foon eaſed of his Fears; for the Channel growing ſhal- lower every Srep I made, I came in a ſhort Time within Hearing; and holding up the End of the Cable by which the Fleet was faſtened, I cryed in a loud Voice, Long live the moſt puiffant Emperor of Lilli- put ! This great Prince received me at my Landing with all poſible Encomiums, and created me a Nardac upon the Spot, which is the higheſt Title of Honour among them, His a. A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT: 39 His Majeſty deſired I would take fome otherOppor- tunity of bringing all the reſt of his Enemies Ships in- to his Ports. And ſo unmeaſurable is the Ambition of Princes, that he ſeemed to think of nothing leſs than reducing the whole Empire of Blefufcu into a Pro- vince, and governing it by a Viceroy ; of deſtroying the Big-Endian Exiles, and compelling that People to break the ſmaller End of their Eggs; by which he would remain ſole Monarch of the whole World. But I endeavoured to divert him from this Defigh, by many Arguments drawn from the Topicks of Policy as well as Juſtice: And I plainly proteſted, that I would never be an Inſtrument of bringing a free and brave People into Slavery : And when the Matter was debated in Council, the wiſeft Part of the Miniſtry were of my Opinion. This open bold Declaration of mine was ſo oppoſite to the Schemes and Politicks of his Imperial Majeſty, that he could never forgive me : He mentioned it in a very artful Manner at Council, where, I was told, that ſome of the wiſelt appeared, at leaſt by their Si- lence, to be of my Opinion ; but others, who were my ſecret Enemies, could not forbear ſome Expreſs fions which by a Side wind reflected on me. And from this Time began an Intrigue between his Ma- jeſty, and a Junta of Miniſters maliciouſly bent againſt me, which broke out in leſs than two Months, and had like to have ended in my utter Deſtruction. Of ſo little Weight are the greatef Services to Princes, when into the Ballance with a Refuſal to gratify their Paſſions. About three Weeks after this Exploit, there arrived a ſolemn Embaſſy from Blefuſcu, with humble Offers of a Peace; which was ſoon concluded tions very advantageous to our Emperor; wherewith I ſhall not trouble the Reader. There were ſix Am- baſſadors, with a Train of about five Hundred Per- lors ; and their Entry was very magnificent, ſuitable to the Grandeur of their Maſter, and the Importance of their Buſineſs. When their Treaty was finiſhed, wherein put upon Condi- 40 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. wherein I did them ſeveral good Offices by the Credit I now had, or at leaſt appeared to have at Court their Excellencies, who were privately told how much I had been their Friend, made me a Viſit in Form. They began with many Compliments upon my Va- lour and Generoſity, invited me to that Kingdom in the Emperor their Maſter's Name; and deſired me to fhew them ſome Proofs of my prodigious Strength, of which they had heard ſo many Wonders; wherein I readily obliged them, but ſhall not interrupt the Reader with the Particulars. When I had for ſome time entertained their Excel lencies to their infinite Satisfaction and Surprize, I'de- fired they would do me the Honour to preſent my moft humble Reſpects to the Emperor their Mafter, the Renown of whoſe Virtues had ſo juſtly filled the whole World with Admiration, and whole Royal Per- fon ( reſolved to attend before I returned to my own Country. Accordingly the next Time I had the Honour to ſee our Emperor, I deſired his general Licence to wait on the Blefufcudian Monarch, which he was pleaſed to grant me, as I could plainly perceive, in a very cold Manner ; but could not gueſs the Rea- fon, until I had a Whiſper from a certain Perſon, that Flimnap and Bolgolam had repreſented my Intercourſe with thoſe Ambaſſadors, as a mark of Diſaffection, from which I am ſure my Heart was wholly free. And this was the firſt time I began to conceive ſome imperfect Idea of Courts and Miniſters. It is to be obſerved, that theſe Ambaſſadors ſpoke to me by an Interpreter ; the Languages of both Em- pires differing as much from each other as any two in Europe, and each Nation priding itſelf upon the Anti- quity, Beauty, and Energy of their own Tongues, with an avowed Contempt for that of their Neighbour: Yet our Emperor, ftanding upon the Advantage he had got by the Seizure of their Fleet, obliged them to de- liver their Credentials, and inake their Speech in the Lilliputian Tongue.' And it muſt be confeffed, that from the great Intercourſe of Trade and Commerce be- tween A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. 42 tween both Realms ; from the continual Reception of Exiles, which is mutual among them ; and from the Cuſtom in each Empire to ſend their young Nobility and richer Gentry to the other, in order to poliſh them. felves, by ſeeing the World, and underſtanding Men and Manners; there are few Perſons of Diftin&tion, or Merchants, or Seamen, who dwell in the Maritime Parts, but what can hold Converfation in bothTongues ; as I found ſome Weeks after, when I went to pay my Reſpects to the Emperor of Blefuſcu, which in the Midſt of great Misfortunes, through the Malice of my Enemies, proved a very happy Adventure to me, as I ſhall relate in its proper Place. The Reader may remember, that when I figned thoſe Articles upon which I recovered my Liberty, there were ſome which I diſliked upon Account of their being too fervile, neither could any thing but an extreme Neceſſity have forced me to fubmit. But be- ing now a Nardac, of the higheſt Rank in that Em- pire, fuch Ofices were looked upon as below my Dig- nity, and the Emperor (to do him Juftice) never once mentioned them to me. However, it was not long before I had an Opportunity of doing his Majeſty, at leaft, as I then thought, a moſt ſignal Service. I was alarmed at Midnight with the Cries of many Hundred People at my Door; by which being fuddenly awaked I was in ſome kind of Terror. I heard the Word Burglum repeated inceſſantly; ſeveral of the Emperor's Court making their Way through the Croud, intreated me to come immediately to the Palace, where her Im- perial Majeſty's Apartment was on Fire, by the Care. leſſneſs of a Maid of Honour, who fell aſleep while ſhe was reading a Romance. I got ap in an Inſtant : and Orders being given to clear the Way before me; and it being likewiſe a Moonſhine Night, I made a ſhift to get to the Palace without trampling on any of the People. I found they had already applied Lad- ders to the Walls of the Apartment, and were well provided with Buckets, but the water was at ſome Diſtance. Theſe Buckets were about the Size of a large 42 A Voyage to Lillipur. large Thimble, and the poor People ſupplied me with them as faſt as they could ; but the Flame was ſo violent, that they did little Good. I might eaſily have ftifled it with my Coat, which I unfortunately left be- hind me for Hafte, and came away only in my Lea- thern Jerkin. The Caſe ſeemed wholly deſperate and deplorable; and this magnificent Palace would have been burnt down to the Ground, if, by a Preſence of Mind, unuſual to me, I had not ſuddenly thought of an Expedient. I had the Evening before drank plen- tifully of a moſt delicious Wine, called Glimigrim, (the Blefufcudians call it Flaner, but ours is eſteemed the better Sort which is very diuretick. By the luckieſt Chance in the World, I had not diſcharged myſelf of any Part of it. The Heat I had contracted by coming very near the Flames, and by my labouring to quench them, made the Wine begin to operate by Urine; which I voided in ſuch a Quantity, and ap- plied ſo well to the proper Places, that in three Mi- nutes the Fire was wholly extinguiſhed ; and the reſt of that noble Pile, which had coſt ſo many Ages in erecting, preſerved from Deſtruction. It was now Day-light, and I returned to my Houſe, without waiting to congratulate with the Emperor ; becauſe, although I had done a very eminent Piece of Service, yet I could not tell how his Majeſty might reſent the Manner by which I had performed it: For, by the fundamental Laws of the Realm, it is Capital in any Perſon, of what Quality ſoever, to make Water within the Precincts of the Palace. But I was a little comforted by a Meſſage from his Majeſty, that he would give Orders to the Grand Juſticiary for paſſing my Par- don in Form ; which, however, I could not obtain. And I was privately aſſured, that the Empreſs, con- ceiving the greateſt Abhorrence of what I had done, removed to the moſt diſtant Side of the Court, firmly reſolved that thoſe Buildings ſhould never be repaired for her Uſe; and, in the Prefence of her chief Confi- dents, could not forbear vowing Revenge. c H A P. A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. 43 C H A P. VI. Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput ; their Learning, Laws, and Cuſtoms. The Manner of Educating their Chil- dren. The Author's Way of living in that Country His Vindication of a great Lady. A LTHOUCH I intend to leave the Deſcription of this Empire to a particular Treatiſe, yet in the mean Time I am content to gratify the curious Reader with ſome general Ideas. As the common Size of the Natives is ſomewhat under fix Inches, ſo there is an exact Proportion in all other Animals, as well as Plants and Trees: For Inſtance, the talleſt Horſes and Oxen are between four and five Inches in Height, the Sheep an Inch and a half, more or leſs ; their Geele about the Bigneſs of a Sparrow; and ſo the ſeveral Grada- tions downward, until you come to the ſmalleſt, which, to my Sight, were almoſt inviſible; but Nature hath adapted the Eyes of the Lilliputians to all Objects pro. per for their Views : They ſee with great Exactneſs, but at no great Diſtance. And to ſhow the Sharpneſs of their Sight towards Obje&ts that are near, I have been much pleafed with a Cook pulling a Lark, which was not ſo large as a common Fly; and a young Girl threading an inviſible Needle with inviſible Silk. Their talleſt Trees are about ſeven Feet high; I mean fome of thoſe in the great Royal Park, the Tops whereof I could but juſt reach with my Fiſt clinched. The other Vegetables are in the ſame Proportion : But this I leave to the Reader's Imagination. I shall ſay but little at preſent of their Learning, which for many Ages hath flouriſhed in all its Branches among them: But their Manner of Writing is very pe- culiar; being neither from the Left to the Right, like the 44 A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. the Faper to e the Europeans ; nor from the Right to the Left, like the Arabians ; nor from up to down, like the Chineſe ; nor from down to up, like the Caſcagians; but aflant from one Corner of the Paper to the other, like Ladies in England. They bury their Dead with their Heads directly downwards ; becauſe they hold an Opinion, that in eleven Thouſand Moons they are all to riſe again ; in which Period, the Earth (which they conceive to be flat) will turn upſide down, and by this Means they fall, at the Reſurrection, be found ready ftanding on their Feet. The Learned among them confeſs the Ab- furdity of this Doctrine ; but the Practice ſtill conti- nueth, in Compliance to the Vulgar. There are ſome Laws and Cuſtoms in this Empire very peculiar; and if they were not ſo directly contra- ry to thoſe of my own dear Country, I ſhould be tempt. ed to ſay a little in their Juſtification. It is only to be wiſhed, that they were as well executed. The firſt I fall mention, relateth to Informers. All Crimes a- gainſt the State are puniſhed here with the utmoſt Se- verity; but if the Perſon accuſed make his Innocence plainly to appear upon his Trial, the Accuſer is imme diately put to an ignominious Death; and out of his Goods or Lands, the innocent Perſon is quadruply re- compenſed for the Loſs of his Time, for the Danger he underwent, for the Hardſhip of his Impriſonment, and for all the Charges he hath been at in making his Defence. Or, if that Fund be deficient, it is largely fupplied by the Crown. The Emperor doth alſo con. fer on him ſome publick Mark of his Favour; and Proclamation is made of his Innocence through the whole City. They look upon Fraud as a greater Crime than Theft, and therefore ſeldom fail to punish it with Death: For they alledge, that Care and Vigilance, with a very common Underſtanding, may preſerve a Man's Goods from Thieves; but Honeſty hath no Fence a- gainſt ſuperior Cunning : And fince it is neceſſary that there ſhould be a perpetual Intercourſe of buying and felling CA VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. 45 felling, and dealing upon Credit; where Fraud is per- mitted or connived at, or hath no Law to puniſh it, the honeſt Dealer is always undone, and the Knave gets the Advantage. I remember when I was once inter ceding with the King for a Criminal who had wrong- ed his Maſter of a great Sum of Money, which he had received by Order, and ran away with; and hap- pening to tell his Majeſty, by way of Extenuation, that it was only a Breach of Truſt; the Emperor thought it monſtrous in me to offer, as a Defence, the greateſt Aggravation of the Crime: And truly, I had little to ſay in Return, farther than the common An- ſwer, that different Nations had different Cuſtoms ; for, I confels, I was heartily aſhamed. ALTHOUGH we uſually call Reward and Puniſhment, the two Hinges upon which all Government turneth; yet I could never obſerve this Maxim to be put in Practice by any Nation except that of Lilliput Who- ever can there bring ſufficient Proof, that he hath ftri&tly obſerved the Laws of his Country for Seventy- three Moons, hath a Claim to certain Privileges, ac- cording to his Quality and Condition of Life, with a proportionable Sum of Money out of a Fund appro- priated for that Uſe: He likewiſe acquires the Title of Snilpall, or Legal, which is added to his Name, but doth not deſcend to his poſterity. And theſe People thought it a prodigious Defect of Policy among us, when I told them that our Laws were enforced only by Penalties, without any Mention of Reward. It is upon this Account, that the Image of Juſtice, in their Courts of Judicature, is formed with fix Eyes, two be- fore, as many behind, and on each side one, to ſignify Circumſpection ; with a Bag of gold open in her right Hand, and a Sword ſheathed in her left, to fhew ſhe is more diſpoſed to reward than to puniſh. In chuſing Perſons for all Employments, they have more regard to good Morals than to great Abilities: For, fince Government is neceſſary to Mankind, they believe that the common Size of human Underſtand- ings, is fitted to fome Station or other; and that Pro- vidence 46 A Voyage to Lilliput. vidence never intended to make the Management of publick Affairs a Myſtery, to be comprehended only by a few Perſons of ſublime Genius, of which there feldom are three born in an Age : But, they ſuppoſe Truth, Juftice, Temperance, and the like, to be in every Man's Power ; the Practice of which Virtues, af- fiſted by Experience and a good Intention, would qua- lify any Man for the Service of his Country, except where a Courſe of Study is required. But they thought the Want of Moral Virtues was ſo far from being fup- plied by fuperior Endowments of the Mind, that Em- ployments could never be put into ſuch dangerous Hands as thoſe of Perſons ſo qualified ; and at leaſt, that the Miſtakes committed by Ignorance in a virtuous Diſpoſition, would never be of ſuch fatal Conſequence to the Publick Weal, as the Practices of a Man, whoſe Inclinations led him to be corrupt, and had great Abili. ties to manage, to multiply, and defend his Corruptions. In like Manner, the Diſbelief of a Divine Provi- dence renders a Man uncapable of holding any publick Station : For, ſince Kings avow themſelves to be the Deputies of Providence, the Lilliputians think nothing can be more abſurd than for a Prince to employ ſuch Men as diſown the Authority under which he acteth. In relating theſe and the following Laws, I would only be underſtood to mean the original Inſtitutions, and not the moſt ſcandalous Corruptions into which theſe People are fallen by the degenerate Nature of Man. For as to that infamous Practiſe of acquiring great Employments by dancing on the Rope, or Badges of Favour and Diſtinction by leaping over Sticks, and creeping under them; the Reader is to obſerve that they were firſt introduced by the Grand-father of the Em- peror now reigning ; and grew to the preſent Height, by the gradual Increaſe of Party and Faction. INGRATITUDE is among them a capital Crime, as we read it to have been in ſome other Countries : For they reaſon thus; that whoever makes ill Returns to his Benefactor, muft needs be a common Enemy to the reſt of A Voyage to LILLIPUT. 47 of Mankind ; from whom they have received no Obli- gation ; and therefore ſuch a Man is not fit to live. Their Notions relating to the Duties of Parents and Children differ extremely from ours. For, fince the Conjunction of Male and Female is founded upon the great Law of Nature, in order to propagate and continue the Species ; the Lilliputians will needs have it, that Men and Women are joined together like other Animals, by the Motives of Concupiſcence; and that their Tenderneſs towards their Young, proceedeth from the like natural Principle : For which Reaſon they will never allow, that a Child is under any Obligation to his Father for begetting him, or to his Mother for bringing him into the World ; which, conſidering the Miſeries of human Life, was neither a Benefit in it ſelf, nor intended ſo by his parents, whoſe Thoughts in their Love-encounters were otherwiſe employed. Upon theſe, and the like Reaſonings, their Opinion is, that Parents are the laſt of all others to be truſted with the Education of their own Children: And therefore they have in every Town publick Nurſeries, where all Parents, except Cottagers and Labourers, are obli- ged to ſend their Infants of both Sexes to be reared and educated when they come to the Age of twenty Moons; at which Time they are ſuppoſed to have ſome Rudi- ments of Docility. Theſe Schools are of ſeveral Kinds, ſuited to different Qualities, and to both Sexes. They have certain Profeſſors well ſkilled in preparing Chil- dren for ſuch a Condition of Life as befits the Rank of their Parents, and their own Capacities as well as In- clinations. I ſhall firſt ſay ſomething of the Male Nurſeries, and then of the Female. The Norſeries for Males of Noble or Eminent Birth ; are provided withg rave and learned Profeſſors, and their ſeveral Deputies. The Clothes and Food of the Children are plain and ſimple. They are bred UP in the Principles of Honour, Juftice, Courage, Model- ty, Clemency, Religion, and Love of their Country : They are always employed in ſome Buſineſs, except in the Times of eating and ſleeping, which are very fhort, 48 A VOYACE to LILLIPUT. ſhort, and two Hours for Diverſions, conſiſting of bodi- ly Exerciſe. They are dreſſed by Men until four Years of Age, and then are obliged to dreſs themſelves, al- though their Quality be ever ſo great ; and the Wo- men Attendants, who are aged proportionably to ours at fifty, perform only the moſt menial Offices. They are never ſuffered to converſe with Servants, but go together in ſmall or greater Numbers to take their Diverſions, and always in the Preſence of a Profeſſor, or one of his Deputies ; whereby they avoid thoſe early bad Impreſſions of Folly and Vice to which our Children are ſubject. Their Parents are ſuffered to ſee them only twice a Year ; the Viſits are not to laft a- bove an Hour ; they are allowed to kiſs the Child at Meeting and Parting : but a Profeffor, who always flandeth by on thoſe Occafions, will not ſuffer them to whiſper or uſe any fondling Expreſſions or bring any Preſents of Toys, Sweet-meats, and the like. The Penſion from each Family for the Education and Entertainment of a Child, upon Failure of due Payment, is levyed by the Emperor's Officers. The Nurſeries for Children of ordinary Gentlemen, Merchants, Traders, and Handicrafts, are managed proportionably after the fame Manner; only thoſe de- figned for Trades, are put out Apprentices at ſeven Years old; whereas thoſe of Perſons of Quality con- tinue in their Exerciſes until Fifteen, which anſwers to Cne and Twenty with us: But the Confinement is gradually leffened for the laſt three Years. In the Female Nurſeries, the young Girls of Quali- ty are educated much like the Males, only they are dreſſed by orderly Servants of their own Sex, but al- ways in the Preſence of a Profesor or Deputy, until they come to dreſs themſelves, which is at five Years old. And if it be found that theſe Nurſes ever preſume to entertain the Girls with frightful or fooliſh Stories, or the common Follies pra&tiſed by Chamber-Maids among us ; they are publickly whipped thrice about the City, impriſoned for a Year, and baniſhed for Life to the molt A VEYAGE to Lillirut. baniſhed for Lire to the moſt deſolate Parts of the Country. Thus the young Ladies there, are as much aſhamed of being Cowards and Fools, as the Men; and deſpiſe all perſonal Ornaments beyond Decency and Cleanlineſs ; neither did I perceive any Difference in their Education, made by their Difference of Sex, only that the Exerciſes of the Females were not altogether ſo robuſt; and that ſome Rules were given them re- lating to domeſtick Life, and a ſmaller Compaſs of Learning was enjoyned them: For, their Maxim is, that among People of Quality, a Wife ſhould be al- ways a reaſonable and agreeable Companion, becauſe ſhe cannot always be young. When the Girls are twelve Years old, which among them is the marriage- able Age, their Parents or Guardians take them home, with great Expreſſions of Gratitude to the Profeſſors, and ſeldom without Tears of the young Lady and her Companions. In the Nurſeries of Females of the meaner Sort, the Children are inſtructed in all kinds of Works pro- per for their Sex, and their ſeveral Degrees : Thoſe intended for Apprentices are diſmiſſed at ſeven Years old, the reſt are kept to eleven. The meaner Families who have Children at theſe Nurſeries, are obliged, beſides their annual Penſion, which is as low as poſſible, to return to the Steward of the Nurſery, a ſmall monthly Share of their Gettings, to be a Portion for the Child: and therefore all Pa- rents are limited in their Expences by the Law. For the Lilliputians think that nothing can be more unjuſt, than that People, in Subſervience to their own Appe- tites, ſhould bring Children into the World, and leave the Burthen of ſupporting them on the Publick. As to Perfons of Quality, they give Security to appropri- ate a certain Sum for each Child, ſuitable to their Con- dition ; and theſe Funds are always managed with good Huſbandry, and the moſt exadt Juſtice. The Cottagers and Labourers keep their Children at home, their Buſineſs being only to till and cultivate the Earth; and therefore their Education is of little Vol. III. D Conſe- 50 A VOYAGE to Lillirur. Conſequence to the Publick, but the Old and Diſeaſed among them are ſupported by Hoſpitals : For Begging is a Trade unknown in this Empire. And here it may perhaps divert the curious Rea- der, to give ſome Account of my Domeſticks, and my Manner of living in this Country, during a Reſidence of nine Months and thirteen Days. Having a Head mechanically turned, and being likewiſe forced by Ne. ceflity, I had made for myſelf a Table and Chair con- venient enough, out of the largef Trees in the Royal Park. Two hundred Sempitreffes were employed to make me Shirts, and Linen for my Bed and Table, all of the ſtrongeſt and coarſelt Kind they could get; which, however, they were forced to quilt together into ſeveral Folds; for the thickeſt was fome Degrees finer than Lawn. Their Lanch is uſually three Inches wide, and three Paot make a Piece. The Semp- ſtreſſes took my Meaſure as I lay on the Ground, one ſtanding at my Neck, and another at my Mid-Leg. with a ſtrong Cord extended, that each held by the End, while the third meafured the Length of the Cord with a Rule of an Inch long. Then they mea- ſured my right Thumb, and deſired no more ; for by a mathematical Computation, that twice round the Thumb is once round the Wriſt, and ſo on to the Neck and the Waiſt , and by the Held of my old Shirt, which I diſplayed on the Ground before them for a Pattern, they fitted me exaaly. Three hundred Tay- lors were employed in the fame Manner to make me Clothes, but they had another Contrivance for taking my Meaſure. I kneeled down, and they raiſed a Lad- der from the Ground to my Neck s upon this Ladder one of them mounted, and he ler fall a Plum-Line from my Collar to the Floos, which juſt anſwered the Length of my Coat; but my Waiſt and Arms I mea- fured myſelf. When my Clothes were finiſhed, which was done in my Hooſe, (for the largeſt of theirs would not have been able to hold them) they looked like the Patch-work made by the Ladies in England, only that mine were all of a Colour. I HAP A VOYAGE 60 LILLIPUT. 50 & I HAD three hundred Cooks to dreſs my Vi&tuals, ån little convenient Huts built about my Houſe, where they and their Families lived, and prepared me two Diſhes a-piece. I took up twenty Waiters in my Hand, and placed thein on the Table ; an hundred more attended below on the Ground, ſome with Diſhes of Meat, and ſome with Barrels of Wine, and other Liquors, ſlung on their Shoulders; all which the Wait- ers above drew up as I wanted, in a very ingenious Manner, by certain Cords, as we draw the Bucket up a Well in Europe. A Difh of their Meat was a good Mouthful, and a Barrel of their Liquor a reaſonable Draught. Their Mutton yields to ours, but their Beef is excellent. I have had a Sirloin ſo large, that I have been forced to make three Bits of it; but this is rare. My Servants were aſtoniſhed to fee me eat it, Bones and all, as in our Country we do the Leg of a Lark. Their Geeſe and Turkeys I uſually eat at a Mouthful, and I muſt confeſs they far exceed ours. Of their ſmaller Fowl I could take up twenty or thirty at the End of my Knife. - One Day his Imperial Majeſty being informed of my Way of living, deſired that himſelf and his Royal Confort, with the young Princes of the Blood of both Sexes, might have the Happineſs (as he was pleaſed to call it) of dining with me. They came accordingly, and I placed them upon Chairs of State on my Table, juſt over againſt me, with their Guards about them. Flinnap the Lord High Treaſurer attended there like- wiſe, with his white Staff; and I obſerved he often looked on me with a ſour Countenance, which I would not ſeem to regard, but eat more than uſual, in Ho- nour to my dear Country, as well as to fill the Court with Admiration. I have ſome private Reaſons to be- lieve, that this Vifit from his Majeſty gave Flimnap an Opportunity of doing meill Ofices to his Maſter. That Minifter had always been my ſecret Enemy, although he outwardly careſſed me more than was uſual to the Moroſeneſs of his Nature. He repreſented to the Em- peror D 2 'A Voyage to Lilliput. peror the low Condition of his Treaſury; That he was forced to take up Money at great Diſcount; That Er chequer Bills would not circulate under nine per Cenés, below Par; That I had coſt his Majeſty above a Mil- lion and a half of Sprugs, (their greateſt Gold Coin, about the Bigneſs of a Spangle;) and upon the Whole, That it would be adviſeable in the Emperor to take the first fair Occaſion of difimiſling me. I am here obiiged to vindicate the Reputation of an excellenr Lady, who was an innocent Sofferer upon my Account. The Treaſurer took a Fancy to be jea- Jous of his Wife, from the Malice of ſome evil Tongues, who informed him that her Grace had taken a violent Aftection for my Perſon ; and the Court Scandal ran for fome Time, that ſhe once caine privately to, my Lodging. This I ſolemnly declare to be a moſt infa- mous Falfhood, without any Grounds, farther than that her Grace was pleaſed to treat me with all inno- cent Marks of Freedom and Friendſhip. I own ſhe came often to my Houſe, but always publickly for ever without three more in the Coach, who were ufu ally her Siſter, and young Daughter and fame parti. cular Acquaintance; but this was common to many ntkit Ladies of the Court. And I fill appeal to my Servants round, whether they at any Time law a Coach atray Door without knowing what Perſons were m it. On thoſe Occaſions, when a Servanthad given me No. tice, my Cuſtom was to go immediately to the Door; and after paying my Reſpects, to take up the Coach 24 two Borſes very carefully in my Hands, for it Lüzre were fix Horſes, the Poſillion always unharnelle four) and place them on a Table, where I had fixed a moveable Rim quite round, of five Inches tágh, to pietent Accidents. And I have often had four Coaches and Horſes at once on my Table full of Company wwel fit in my Chair leaning my Face towards them a and when I was engaged with one Set, the Coachmen xgald gently drive the others round my 'Tabie, I have pulled many an Afternoon very agreeably in thele Convcrfationis; But I defy the Treaſurer or his two las KA VOYAGE 10 LALIFOT. merg (I will name them, and let them make their Lelt of it) Clujirid and Drunlo, to prove that any Pere lon ever came to me incognito, except the Secretary Keldrefat, wło was fent by expreſs Command of his Imperial Majefy, as I have before related, I ſhould no: ivve dwelt ſo long upon this particular, if it had gør been a Point wherein the Reputation of a great Lady is to nearly concerned ; to ſay nothing of iny own ; although I had the Honour to be a Nardar which the Treaſurer himſelf is not; for all the World katave he is only a Glamglam, a Tide inferior by one Degree, as that of a Marquiſ is to a Deke in Pagland': Yet I allow he preceded me in Right of his Pot. Thele falle Inforniations, which I afterwards came to the Knowledge of, by an Accident not proper to men. lion, made the Trealurer fhew his Lady for ſome date An ill Countenance, and me a worſe. For rhongo he were at lal undeceived and reconciled to her, yet I loft all Credit with him ; and found my Intereft de- chine very fun with the Emperor himſelí, who was in- dead too much governed by that Favourite. CH A P. VII. Truthor, being informed of a Deſign to acele bien lighi Torafon, makuch bis Ejčape ta Blefufca. His BERG EFORE I proceed to give an Account of my leaving this Kingdom, it may be proper to in- form the Reader of a private Intrigue, which had been tot two Mouths forming against me. kmen been bitherto all my Life a Stranger to Courts, for which I was unqualified by the Meannel of my Condition. I had indeed heard and read enough of the Diſpoſitions of great Princes and Miniſters, but D3 never A VOYAGE LILLIPUT. never expeéled to have found ſuch terrible Effees of them in fo remote a Country, governed, as I thought, by very different Maxims from thoſe in Europe. When I was juſt preparing to pay my Attendance on the Emperor of Blefuſcu; a conſiderable Perſon at Court (to whom I had been very ſerviceable at a Time when he lay under the higheſt Diſpleaſure of his Im- perial Majeſty) came to my Houfe very privately at Night in a cloſe Chair, and, without fending his Name, deſired Admitrance: The Chairmen were diſmiſſed ; put the Chair, with his Lordſhip in it, into my Coat- Pocket, and giving Orders to a truſty Servant to ſay I was indiſpofed and gone to ſleep, I faſtened the Door of my Houſe, placed the Chair on the Table, accord- ing to my uſual Cuſtom, and fat down by it. After he coirmon Salutations were over, obſerving his Lorde ship's Countenance full of Concern ; and inquiring inca the Reaſon, he deſired I would hear him with Pari. ence, in a Matter that highly concerned my Honour and my Life. His Speech was to the following Effect, for I took Notes of is as foon as he left me: You are to know, ſaid be, that ſeveral Committees of Council have been lately called in the moſt private Manner on your Account. And it is but two Days fince his Majelly came to a full Reſolutions, You are very fenfible that Skyris Bolcolan (Galbur, or High. Admiral) hath been your mortal Enemy al. moſt ever ſince your Arrival. His original Reaſons I know not ; but his Hatred is much increaſed ſince your great Succeſs againſt Blefufu, by which his Glory, as Admiral, is obſcured. This Lord, in Con junction with Flimntap the High Treaſurer, whoſe En- mity againſt you is notorious on Account of his Lady ; Limtoc the General, Lalcon the Chamberlain, and Balmuff" the Grand Juſticiary, have prepared Articles of Impeachment againſt you, for Treaſon, and other capital Crimes. This Preface made me ſo impatient, being conſcious of my own Merit and Innocence, that I was going to interrupt ; when he intreated me to be filent; and thus proceeded. Our A VOYACE to LILLIPUT. 55 Our of Gratitude for the Favours you have done me, I procured Information of the whole Proceedings, and a Copy of the Articles, wherein I venture my Head for your Service. Articles of Impeachment again Quinbus Fleſtrin, (the Man-Mountain.) ARTICLE I. 7 Hereas, by a Statute made in the Reign of his Imperial Majeſty Calin Deffar Plune, it is en- acted, That whoever hall make Water within the Precincts of the Royal Palace, ſhall be liable to the Pains and Penalcies of High-Treaſon : Notwithſtand- ing, the faid Quinbus Fleſtrin, in open Breach of the ſaid Law, under Colour of extinguiſhing the Fire kindled in the Apartment of his Majeſty's moſt dear Imperial Conſort, did maliciouſly, traiterouſly, and deviliſhly, by Diſcharge of his Urine, put out the ſaid Fire kindled in the ſaid Apartment, lying and being within the Precincts of the ſaid Royal Palace; againſt the Sta- tute in that Cafe provided, &c. againſt the Duty, &*c. A R T ICL E II. That the ſaid Quinbus Flefrin having brought the Imperial Fleet of Blefufcu into the Royal Port, and being afterwards commanded by his Imperial Majeſty to ſeize all the other Ships of the ſaid Emperor of Blefuſcu, and reduce that Empire to a Province, to be governed by a Viceroy from hence; and to deſtroy and put to Death not only all the Big-Endian Exiles, but likewiſe all the People of that Empire, who would not immediately forſake the Big-Endian Hereſy: He the faid Fleirin, like a falſe Traitor againſt his moſt auſpi- cious, ſerene, Imperial Majeſty, did petition to be ex- cuſed from the ſaid Service, upon Pretence of Unwil. lingneſs to force the Conſciences, to deſtroy the Liber- ties and Lives of an innocent People. D 4 AR: Voyage to LILLIPUT. ARTICLE HII. THAT, whereas certain Ambaſſadors arrived from the Court of Blefufcu to ſue for Peace in his Majeſty's Court: He the faid Fleirin did, like a falle Traitor alu, alet, comfort, and divert the faid Amballadors although he knew them to be Servants to a Prince who was lately an open Enemy to his Imperial Majeſty, and in open War againſt his ſaid Majeſty. ARTICLE IV. TRÁT, the ſaid Quinbus Flellris, contrary to the Duty of a faithful Subje&t, is now preparing to make a Voyage to the Court and Empire of Blefuſcu, for which he hath received only verbal Licence front bis Imperial Majeſty; and, under Colour of the said li- coace, doth fallly and traiterouſly intend to take the faid Voyage, and thereby to aid, comfort, and abet the Emperor of Blefulcu, fo late an Enemy, and in open War with his Imperial Majeſty aforeſaid, Taare are ſome other Articles, but theſe are the moſt important, of which I have read you an Abſtract. In the ſeveral Debates upon this Impeachment, it með be confefled that his Majeily gave many Marks of his great Lenity, often urging the Services you had sene hiraj and endeavouring to extenuate your Crimes. The Treaſurer and Admiral infifted that you ſhould be puz to nie moſt painful and ignominious Death by fer- ting Fire on your Houſe at Night, and the General was to attend with twenty thouſand Men armed with poiſoned Arrows, to ſhoot you on the Face and Hands. Some of your Servants were to have private Orders to Strei a poiſonous Joice on your Shirts and Stectes which would ſbon make you tear your own Fleikan Bics in the utmold Torture. The General cime into the faune Orinion's ſo that for a long Time there was a Majority againſt you. But his Majeſty reſolving, if pofbule, A Voyace 10 Lilliput. 57 poſſible, to ſpare your Life, at laſt brought off the Chamberlain, Uron this Incident, Redrefal, principal Secretary for private Adars, who always approved himſelf you true Friend, was commanded by the Emperor to de. Liverhis Opinion, which he accordingly did, and there. in juſtified the good Thoughts you have of him. He allowed your Crimes to be great ; but that ſtill there was room for Mercy, the moſt commendable Virtue in a Prince, and for which his Majeſty was fo juftly cele- brated. He ſaid, the Friendſhip between you and him was ſo well known to the World, that perhaps the moſt honourable Board might think himn partial: How- ever, in Obedience to the Command he bad received, he would freely offer his Sentiments. That, if his Ma- jeſty, in Confideration of your Services, and purſuant to his own merciful Diſpoſition, would pleaſe to ſpare your Life, and only give order to put out both your Eyes : he bumbly conceived, that by this Expedient, Follice might in fome Meaſure be ſatisfied, and all the World wodd amplaud the Lenity of the Ejowetor, as well as the fair and generous Proceedings of thoſe who have the Honour to be his Counſellors, That, the Loſs of your Eyes would be no Impediment to your bodily Strength, by which you might fill be uſeful to his Majeſty. That, Blindneſs, is an Addition to Cou- rage, by concealing Dangers from us. That, the Fear you had for your Eyes, was the greateſt Difficulty in brasing over the Enemy's Fleet; and it would be fuf. ficient for you to ſee by the Eyes of the Miniſters, luce dhe greatest Princes do no more. This Propoſal was received with the utmoſt Dilap- probation by the whole Board. Bolcolan, the Adm Il could nor preferve his Temper ; blåt riſing up in Fury ſaid, he wondered how the Secretary durft pre- ſume to give his Opinion for preſerving the Life of a Raytor Tliat, the Services you had rei formed, ivez, by all the Realons of State, the great Aesrashdion of your Crimes, That, you, who were able to extinguila the Dire, by diſcharge of Urine in her Maja's Apsi- ment DS 58 4 Vonage to LLIPOT. inént (which he mentioned with Horror ) might at ans another Time, raiſe an Inundation by the fame Meants to crown the whole Palace; and the fame Strength which enabled you to bring over the Enemy's Fleet, might ſerve, upon the firſt Diſcontent, to carry it back: That he had good Reaſons to think you were a Big- Endian in your Heart ; and as Treaſon beginneth in the Heart before it appeareth in Overt-Acts ; ſo he ac- cuſed you as a Traytor on that Account, and there- fore inſiſted you ſhould be put to Death. The Treaſurer was of the fame Opinion ; he few cd to what Streights his Majeſty's Revenue was redua ced by the Charge of maintaining you, which would foon grow inſupportable : That the Secretary's Expe- dient of putting out your Eyes, was ſo far from being a Remedy againſt this Evil, that it would probably in- creaſe it ; as it is manifeſt from the common Practice of blinding ſome kind of Fowl, after which they fed the fafler, and grow ſooner fat: That his facred Majeſty and the Council, who are your Judges, were in their own Conſciences fully convinced of your Goilt; which was a fufficient Argument to condemn you to Death, without the formal Proofs required by the firik Letter But his Imperial Majeſty, fully determined againſt carital Puniſhment, was graciouſly pleaſed to ſay, that fisice the Council thought the Loſs of your Eyes too caly a Cenfure, ſome other may be inflicted hereafter. And your Friend the Secretary humbly deſiring to be heard amin, in Anſwer to what the Treaſurer had objected concerning the great Charge his Majeſty was at in main- taining you; faid, that his Excellency, who had the fole Ditpoſal of the Emperor's Revenue, might cally provide againit this Evil, by gradually leſening your Etablishment; by which, for want of fufficient Food, you would grow weak and faint, and loſe your Appe- tite, and conſequently decay and confume in a few Highs reither would the Stench of your Carcais be then lo dangerous, when it ſhould become inore th:12. Mall dimiailhed, and immediately upon your Deatli, fve A VOYAGE to LILLIPAT. 59 five or fix Thouſand of his Majeſty's Subjects might, in two or three Days, cut your bleſh from your Bones, take it away by Cart-loads, and bury it in diftant Parts to prevent Infection ; leaving the Skeleton as a Mo. nument of Admiration to Poſterity. Thus, by the great Friendihip of the Secretary, the whole Affair was compromiſed. It was ſtrictly enjoined, that the Project of ſtarving you by Degrees ſhould be kept a Secret ; but the Sentence of putting out your Eyes was entered on the Books; none diſſent. ing except Bolgolam the Admiral, who being a Crea- ture of the Empreſs, wao perpetually inſtigated by her Majeſty to infiſt upon your Death ; ſhe having borne perpetual Malice againſt you, on Account of that in. famous and illegal Method you took to extinguiſh the Fire in her Apartment. In three Days yeur Friend the Secretary will be di. rected to come to your Houſe, and read before you the Articles of Impeachment ; and then to fignify the great Lexity and Favour of his Mejeſty and Council ; whereby you are only condemned to the Loſs of your Eyes, which his Majelly doch not queſtion you will gratefully and hambly ſubmit to, and twenty of his Majeſty's Surgeons will arieod, in order to ſee the Operation well performed by diſcharging very ſharp pointed Arrows into the Balls of your Eyes, as you lie on the Ground. I Leave to your Prudence what Meaſures you take; and to avoid Safpicion, I muſt immediately re- turn in as private a Manner as I came. *- His Lordſhip didſ o, and I remained alone, under many Doubts and Perplexities of Mind. It was a Cuſtom introduced by this Prince and his Miniſtry, (very different, as I have been aſſured, from the Practices of fornier Times) that after the Court had decreed any cruel Execution, either to gratify the Monarch's Refentment, or the Malice of a Favourite ; the Emperor always mede a Speech to his whole Coun- cil, exprefling his great Lenity and Tenderneſs, as Qua- Vitics kucun and most ded by all