2 - .. \ * i º Astron. Obs. : QB i 559 * wood, an * - - lº; NEW MEASUREMENTs of THE DISTANCE loº - OF THE SUN. 2. . l * * *- ******p re- BY * } r. v = ' ' ' ' ' ..., r}, i ; * → . . . . . . º a ferr - A. R. HINKS, M. A. FROM THE SMITHSONIAN REPORT FOR 1905, PAGES 101–118. (No. 1deo.) WASHIN(#TON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 19 () 7. - Astronsmical Observ, fory oger ºvaroRY L. BRARY 9 P. NEW MEASUREMENTs of THE DISTANCE ºf OF THE SUN. .-- }}Y ºr , ſº 4 P. 1, 1" A, ſº A. R. IIINKS, M. A. --> FROM TH E SM ITI ISON IAN REPORT FOR 1905, PA(; ES 101-118. (No. 1669.) WASH IN (;"I'()N: (+() VII: NMIN'T PRINT1 NC; () FFICE. 1907. NEW MEASUREMENTS () F THE I) ISTANCE OF THE SUN." Hy A. R. H IN ks, M. A. - When I received the honor of an invitation to lecture at the School of Military Engineering on some astronomical subject, I had little difficulty in making my choice of a topic. There is just one subject on which I may speak with some little first-hand knowledge; and by great good fortune that subject is concerned with a problem which has both in its nature and its history a connection with the Corps of Royal Engineers. The problem of the determination of the distance of the sun is, in some respects at least, the most fundamental in the whole range of astronomy, for the number which represents it is involved in almost any calculation of distances and masses, of sizes and densities, either of planets or their satellites or of the stars. The distance of the sun bears somewhat the same relation to other problems of celestial sur- veying as the size and shape of the earth bear to terrestrial. It may not always appear on the surface, but it is generally concealed some- where in the depths of the calculations. And I am compelled to confess that in one respect the earth measurers have the advantage over astronomers. The utmost that the astronomer can do is to show that the distance of the sun is so many times the radius of the earth. Ibut ask him to put it into miles and he is powerless to do so until the geodesists have told him how large the earth is; and it is there that, in the very nature of the case, we are compelled to depend in the end upon the scientific labors of your corps. a Lecture delivered at the Royal Engineers' Institute on February 9, 1905. Reprinted, by permission, from the IRoyal Engineers' Journal, Volume II, No. 1, July, 1905, Chatham, England, Itoyal Engineers' Institute. 101 l68986 | ()2 NEW MEASUREMENTS () F DISTANOE OF SUN. 1)istance of sun corresponding lo different values of the solar parallaa and Clarke's figure of 1880. 7T, Miles, Rilometers. Af 8.760 93,321,000 | 150, 180,000 8.770 214,000 | 150,010, 000 s'780 108,000 | 1.49, 8:10,000 S-700 2,000 670,000 8:800 92,896,000 500,000 8 '81() 701,000 330,000 S 820 (86,000 || 1:19, 160,000 S 8:30 581,000 || 1:18,990, 000 S "S:[() 176,000 820,000 A difference of 0:01" in the parallax is equivalent to 106,000 miles, or 170,000 kilometers. Let us look at the matter for a moment as a problem in pure Sur- veying. To measure the distance of the sun we have as a base a chord somewhat less than the diameter of the earth, since observa- tions can not be made on a heavenly body when it is actually on the horizon. Suppose we put our base line at nine-tenths of the diam- eter. Our problem is to determine the distance of a body so far away that the whole diameter of the earth subtends at it an angle of only about 17.6 seconds of arc; and with our somewhat diminished base this angle is reduced to a little less than 15 seconds. I believe that the length of your base upon the great lines of Chatham is about 1,730 feet. Imagine that from that base you had to determine with an accuracy greater than one in a thousand the distance of an inter- sected point about 4,500 miles away, as far away as Chicago, and you have a problem which is by comparison simplicity itself. For the ends of our 7,000-mile base are not visible from each other, being on opposite sides of the world, and our angles at the base must be determined by a complicated reference to the zenith, with all the well-known impossibilities of determining absolute places in the sky increased by the special difficulties that arise when the object to be observed is the sun. You will readily grant that to determine the distance of the sun by direct observation of that body is impossible, unless you are content with an accuracy of about 1 in 10. Now, it is a curious fact that there is a way of obtaining the dis- tance of the sun with an accuracy of 10 per cent with no other instru- ment than a clock keeping accurate time. You do it by observing the times of minima of the variable star Algol. Every two days twenty-one hour's Algol drops more than a magnitude, and does this with a regularity which would be unfailing were it not for the fact that at one season of the year we are nearer the star by nearly the whole diameter of the earth's orbit than we are at the opposite NEW MEASUREMENTS () F DISTA NOE OF SUN. 103 season; and light takes about sixteen minutes to traverse that dis- tance. In the middle of November the eclipses of Algol are taking place eight minutes earlier than the average. In May, could we observe the star so near the sun, they would be found eight minutes behind their time; and a practised observer could, on a long series of observations, determine that inequality, with a total range of sixteen minutes, well within two minutes—that is to say, with an accuracy of about 10 per cent. We have then only to combine this quantity with the known velocity of light and we have a measure of the sun's distance. A mere curiosity in itself, it will serve to introduce us to Some indirect ways of determining the distance of the sun which have, both practically and historically, a peculiar interest and im- portance. At the present time we are in the thick of a new determination of the distance of the sun on a scale of operations greater than has been Known before. More than fifty observatories of the Northern Iſemi- sphere are engaged more or less deeply on the work, which has occu- pied a great many of us closely for the last four years and will give plenty of trouble to some of us for several years to come. Before we enter upon the consideration of the new method and the new opportunities we might well pause to answer the question, which is by no means superfluous, IIow does it come about that, at the end of the nineteenth century, which had seen attempts almost innumerable to measure the distance of the sun, the result was still so much in doubt that it was worth while to concentrate quite a large proportion of the total astronomical energy of the world upon a new attempt : I believe that we shall find some explanation of this fact if we examine the history of the various values of the solar parallax that were used in the Nautical Almanac during the nineteenth century. A determination of the distance of the sun by direct observation of the sun itself is impracticable; the sun is too difficult an object to observe with any great accuracy; its distance is too great, and our base is too small for any method of direct trigonometrical survey to be possible. But we can in effect diminish its distance by substitut- ing for it one of the planets, which can be more accurately observed, for when the distance of any one planet from the earth is known, the dimensions of other orbits follow by the application of Kepler's third law. And at the same time we can, as we shall see, secure the ines- timable advantage that the measures to be made are relative and not absolute. Let me digress for a moment-to insist upon the importance of this distinction. If you wished to find the difference in latitude and lon- gitude between your Institute and the trigonometrical point at Dar- land, you might determine the latitude and longitude of each and take the differences, or you might triangulate from one to the other. 1()4 NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANCE OF SUN. One is an absolute method, the other a relative, and it is scarcely necessary to emphasize the difference in accuracy between the two. We shall see that, various as are the kinds of measurement which may be made to contribute to a knowledge of the solar parallax, they are all of them relative measurements. For example, one may ob- serve the displacement of the planet Mars among the stars, as seen from a northern and a Southern station—say Greenwich and the Cape—or one may observe the displacement of the place of Venus in transit across the Sun from stations suitably chosen. In each case we are measuring the displacement as viewed from different stations of a near object with respect to one farther off, the displacement of Mars among the stars or of Venus against the sun. We have secured the advantages that the parallactic displacement to be measured is greater than that of the sun itself; that the objects to be observed, Mars or Venus, are better adapted for observation, and that the meas- ures are relative. . In the middle of the eighteenth century Lacaille made observations of Mars at the Cape of Good Hope, which were compared with others made at various observatories in Europe, and he deduced a parallax of about ten seconds. In the same century there occurred the two famous transits of Venus of 1761 and 1769, which were very exten- sively observed, among others by Captain Cook on his celebrated ex- pedition for that purpose to the South Seas. Many and various were the results obtained by different discussions of the observations, lying between eight and one-half and nine and one-half seconds, but decid- edly less than the parallax found from Mars, and we find that at the beginning of the nineteenth century the Nautical Almanac adopted a value in round numbers, nine seconds, as the best that could be made of them. Values of the solar parallaa, used in the Nautical Almanac during the nineteenth century. . 7: 1801-18% --------------------------------------------------------- 9” 1884–1809 ------------------------------------ gº- 8 .5776” Encke, from transits of Venus, 1761 and 1769. 1870-1881 ------------------------------------------------------ ___ 8 -95." Leverrier, from parallactic inequality of moon (1858). 1882–1900 ------------------------- -------------------------------- 8.848” Newcomb, from general mean of many methods (1867). . - In 1824 the German astronomer Encke submitted to a very search- ing examination the collected results of the transit of 1769 and deduced the result 8-5776 seconds, which, with its imposing train of decimals intact, was incorporated in our Nautical Almanac for 1834; survived until 1869, and was responsible for the statement, which many of us can remember in the schoolbooks, that the distance of the sun is 95,000,000 miles. - . . . NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANCE OF SUN. 105 Meanwhile the attack upon the problem had been maintained in Several different ways, and particularly by an indirect method that has many points of interest. - In the lunar theory there occurs, among the short-period perturba- tions to which the motion of the moon is subject, an inequality in a period of a month which depends upon the fact that the disturbing action of the Sun is greater on that half of the moon’s orbit which lies toward the sun than upon the other half. The result of this is that the moon is more than two minutes behind at first quarter and two minutes ahead at last quarter of the place which she would occupy were there no perturbation. It is clear that the magnitude of the effect must depend upon the ratio of the distances of the sun and moon from the earth; and since the effect is large, an oscillation either way of about one hundred and twenty-five seconds, this should give a strong determination of the solar parallax, provided that the moon can be observed with the required accuracy and that the theo- retical relation between the perturbation and the solar parallax is firmly established. In 1858 Leverrier found in this way a value of 895 seconds; several other determinations supported this large value, and practically all the determinations made since 1830, how- ever much they might disagree among themselves, agreed at any rate in one thing, that Encke's value was much too small. We find, there- fore, that in the Nautical Almanac for 1870, published in 1866, Leverrier's value, 8 95 seconds, is adopted, and the official distance of the Sun changed at one swoop from 95,000,000 to 91,000,000 miles. I3ut now preparations were in full swing for the observations of the transit of Venus of 1874 and 1882, which for many years had been eagerly awaited in the full expectation and belief that then, with all the manifold improvements in the arts of observation, in the inven- tion of the heliometer and the application of photography to celestial measurement, the question of the solar parallax would be definitely settled. We can not do more than glance at the most beautiful and most complicated geometrical problems involved in the consideration of all the circumstances of a transit of Venus. But these two diagrams" will show some of the circumstances of the very important phenomena, the times of internal contact at ingress and egress, the times when Venus is just completely on the sun and just about to begin to go off. Great preparations were made for observing these times of ingress and egress, and the results would undoubtedly have been successful had it not been for the cruel way in which the geometrical sharpness of the phenomenon is ruined by the lighting a Showing the passage of the earth through the cones enveloping the Sun and Venus. (Not reproduced.—EDR.) SM 1905 11 106 NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANCE OF SUN. up of the atmosphere of Venus; there was no instant when tangency was perceptible, and, to be frank, the transit of Venus as a means of determining the distance of the sun was a failure. The photographic and heliometer observations had for various reasons met with no better success than the observations of contacts; there was no con- sistency about the results. But just as the preparations for the transits were beginning in 1867 Prof. Simon Newcomb had published an elaborate discussion of the solar parallax based upon several different methods. With Some of these we are already familiar, and I will call attention to one only, the last, which we have not as yet discussed. Components of Nellycomb’s value. *. 7t Newcomb, “Observation of Mars, 1862 °-____________________ Seconds—- 8 '855 Hall, “Observation of Mars, 1862 "------------------------------ (lo____ 8 ‘842 IHansen, Stone, and Newcomb, from “Parallactic inequality of moon" -------------------------------------------------- Seconds__ 8 '83S Newcomb, “I unar equation of the earth "----------------------- dO____ 8 '809 IPOwalky, “Transit of Venus, 1769 °––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– dO_ _ _ _ 8 ‘832 Foucault’s “Velocity of light,” and Struve's “Aberration const.”———do____ 8.860 Weighted mean------------------------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — seconds__ 8:848 It is an effect of aberration that every star describes yearly in the sky an ellipse of which the Semimajor axis is about 20:5 seconds, and this number is called the constant of aberration. It is the ratio of the velocity of the earth in its orbit to the velocity of light. When the constant is known and the velocity of light is known, the velocity of the earth in its orbit is known; and since the time of describing that orbit is also known, the size of the orbit and the distance of the earth from the Sun follow immediately. * In 1876 it appeared then that there was strong evidence against the value 8 95 seconds; and without waiting for the results of the tran- sit of Venus expeditions, the Nautical Almanac adopted for the while the value 8-848 seconds found by Newcomb from this galaxy of results which looked so accordant; and that value was first used in the Almanac for 1882, the year of the second transit. But meanwhile Sir David Gill, who had observed the transit of 1874 at Mauritius and had made up his mind very definitely that no good would come out of the transit of 1882, had borrowed Lord Lindsay’s heliometer and established himself on the island of Ascen- sion to observe with the heliometer the opposition in 1877 of the planet Mars. Every night the observing station in Mars Bay was carried some six or seven thousand miles by the rotation of the earth and the planet thereby displaced among the stars by some forty Sec- onds. The heliometer is by far the most refined instrument for the NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANCE OF SUN. 107 visual measurement of distance from star to star; the observations extended over months instead of hours; they could be pursued without any of the disquieting feelings that a temporary breakdown would ruin everything; and they were brought to a successful end in a paral- lax of 8-78 seconds. But one doubt was cast upon the result. Was it possible that the red color of Mars had influenced the measures syste- matically? It could not be denied that the effect of the dispersion of the air, which gave the planet a blue fringe above that might be lost in the blue sky, and a red fringe below that, would be indistinguish- able from the red planet itself, might have produced some effect; and Sir David Gill resolved to try again, utilizing this time three minor planets farther away than Mars, with less parallax therefore but with disks so small that they were indistinguishable from stars. In 1888 and 1889 five observatories, the Cape in the Southern Hemisphere, and Yale, Göttingen, Leipzig, and the Radcliffe Obser- vatory at Oxford in the Northern Hemisphere, combined to observe the planets Victoria, Iris, and Sappho with the heliometer. The labor was immense. The observations proved to be so accurate that they demanded the use in a great part of the work of eight figure logarithms. When only a few years ago the whole work was published in two enormous volumes of Annals of the Cape Obser- vatory, it might well have been thought that here was the last word of observation for many years. Yet we are now attacking the problem with more energy than ever. About ten years ago the end of the century was in sight, and there was a general impression abroad that it was time to set one's house in order and to make a good start on the 1st of January, 1901. The directors of the four nautical almanacs (the British, French, German, and American) resolved to meet in Paris in 1896, and with the help of certain distinguished advisers to agree upon a uniform set of con- stants to be adopted in all the Almanacs from the year 1901. Among . these constants was the Solar parallax. We may summarize the infor- mation which was at the disposal of the conference thus: Solar parallax from— Seconds. Gill's heliometer, minor planets --------------------- *— — — — — — — —- — — — — — S - S02 Constant of aberration of light----------------------------------- S. 799 Parallactic inequality of moon ––––––––––––––--------------------- S 74).ſ. Mass of earth from motion of Inode of Venus alone---------________ S 7(52 Mass of earth from secular variation of four inner planets_________ S - T54) Gill’s heliometer measures of minor planets gave 8-802 seconds, and no other direct observational result could be compared with this; the transits of Venus were discredited even though some of the final results had not, and have not even now, been published. The most recent determinations of the constant of the aberration of light gave 8-799 Seconds, the parallactic inequality of the moon, 8 794 seconds. 108 NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANOT OF SUN. There were thus three powerful methods which converged upon a value close to 8:80 seconds. But to set against them was a method which we have not yet noticed. s . The perturbations in the motions of other planets produced by the earth depend upon the mass of the earth, and from them that mass :an be determined. There is further a well-known relation between the mass of the earth, the value of the gravitation constant, the length of the year, and the distance of the sun, from which the latter may therefore be derived when we know the others. Professor Newcomb had thus determined the parallax in two different ways, and had found two results agreeing closely among themselves, with mean 8-76 seconds, but differing widely from the others. No explanation of this divergence could be found. But the evidence was 3 to 1 in favor of 8:80 seconds, and 8:80 seconds was adopted in 1896 as the value to be used in all the almanacs from the beginning of this century. It might well have been thought that the question would have been allowed to rest there for a while. At the end of a century of labor four principal results had emerged, and there was a majority of 3 to 1 in favor of 8:80 seconds. But there is a phenomenon, known in politics as the swing of the pendulum or the flowing tide, by whose operation a majority hardly won begins immediately to melt away. A like phenomenon appears to affect the solar parallax. We have seen how its adopted value has swung from 8:57 to 8 95 seconds, and back again to 8.85 and 8:80 seconds. Scarcely had the resolution of the Paris Conference been taken than the majority in favor of 8.80 seconds began to melt away. The beginning of the century had been chosen as an auspicious moment in which to make a change, without considering that there were at the end of the preceding century many investigations just then drawing to a close. The value of the aberra- tion constant corresponding to 8:80 seconds is 20:478 seconds. Al- most every determination of that constant published since 1896—and there are many—had come out above 20:50 seconds, many of these a long way above. I’urther investigation of the parallactic inequality of the moon had not only altered the observed value of the inequality, but had modified the theoretical relation by which the parallax is deduced therefrom. The evidence for 8:80 seconds was giving way badly; and before the 1901 Almanac came into use we had this revised table propounded by one of the chief instigators of the adoption of 8 '80 seconds. The majority was now 3 to 1 in favor of a value at least as low as 8.77 seconds. - Ičevised table, Solar parallax from— Seconds, Gill's heliometer, minor planets ------------------- .* - * * * * * * * * * * * * = 8 : S02 Constant of aberration of light----------------------------------- S. 77 Parallactic inequality of moon, probably-------------------------- S. 77 Mass of earth from secular variations---------------------------- 8 : 750 NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANCE OF SUN. 109 I suppose that there will always be two opinions upon the question: Is the adopted value of the solar parallax to depend upon direct observation or are the indirect determinations through the constant of aberration, the parallactic inequality, and the mass of the earth to be allowed a weight in some proportion to their numbers? I take it that those of us who have determined the parallax by direct obser- vations may not unnaturally look upon these indirect methods as interesting confirmations of our result if they agree with it, while if they differ there must be something wrong with them. Put in the absence of a direct determination of overwhelming weight there must always be a feeling of uneasiness when one sees three or more results conspiring to deny the truth of one. And however that may be, it is certainly true that about the year 1898 there was a very gen- eral suspicion abroad that the value 8:80 seconds was too large. At this moment there came a curious stroke of fortune. Doctor Witt, of the Urania Sternwarte, Berlin, was engaged in a photo- FIG. 1.-Eros campaign 1900–01. Distribution of Observatories, graphic Search for a minor planet which had long been lost. IIe failed, but found instead a minor planet for which one would will- ingly barter the remaining five hundred odd; a minor planet indeed, but moving in a most remarkable orbit, lying for the most part within that of Mars, very eccentric, considerably inclined to the elliptic, and approaching the earth on favorable occasions within about 15,000,000 miles. It was immediately recognized that here was a new opportunity for determining the solar parallax and that the determination must be made at once or left alone for thirty years, for a comparatively favorable opposition was due in 1900 and no more good ones till 1930 and 1937. At the meeting of the permanent committee which directs the making of the astrographic chart and 'atalogue of the whole sky it was resolved to invite a great coopera- tion of observatories to make a combined onslaught on the problem. The suggestion was readily taken up, with an alacrity, indeed, which might almost have suggested that the observatories concerned had nothing to do and were glad of a job, an imputation which is immedi- 11() NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANCE OF SUTN. ately rejected when one finds that some of the most energetic partici- pants were precisely those observatories that had their hands most full with the astrographic chart (fig. 1). Dy a cruel stroke of fate Sir David Gill at the Cape was compelled to remain a spectator of the work, for the planet came so far north that it was practically unob- servable in the Southern Hemisphere, while in England we had the unique spectacle of a planet north of the zenith. Figure 2, borrowed from Professor Wilson's articles in Popular Astronomy, shows very clearly the circumstances. Corresponding DEC, 30 DEC. f6 JAN. 24 Nov.30 JAN, 28 NOV N N' . N. FEB, 13 & DEC 30 DEC 16 "Oct. 31 2^ (YJAN. 24 NOV, 30 \ * - - - FEB, 28 /2 NOV, 15 OCT,16. / JAN 28. \ / oct. 31 oct. I' FEB 13 w W \ OCT, 16 \ FEB. 28 \ \ OCT. 1. | . . UN | vehnal- S | Eouſnox | | N / N ſ N / / N / N / % N / ... " / O “A co / CO F THE EAW QS / Q \ WS / / Q- \ zº \ 2^ 3, 963 -31 Clarke, 1866 ------------------------------------------------------ 3,963 -28 Clarke, 1878------------------------------------------------------ 3, 963 -37 Clarke, 1880 ------------------------------------------------------ 3, 963 “29 Extreme range of these determinations is only 1% in 4,000. 118 NEW MEASUREMENTS OF DISTANCE OF SUN. But it is interesting to speculate whether astronomers will ever be in the position to say, “We have now determined the solar parallax in seconds of arc to a higher degree of accuracy than that of the measurement of the earth,” and to call upon geodesists for better re- sults. I can conceive only one direction in which we may be able to worry the successors in your corps of Everest and Clarke. Is the form of the equator a circle or an ellipse? I believe that there is some slight evidence for ellipticity, and that it has been put as high as one in three thousand. If that is so, it is just barely possible that we may have to introduce into the computation of the parallax factors for different observatories a term depending upon the shape of the equator. But I confess that this prospect is remote, and that for many years, in all probability, geodesists who achieve accuracies of one in a hundred thousand and even talk of one in a million will be able to take a serene view of the labors of astronomers to arrive at the distance of the sun to one part in ten thousand.