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P ERMIT, Sir, a son, emboldened by Your Majesty's gracious reception of his father's humble attempt, to prove himself worthy of º, the trust reposed in him ; a son still more deeply indebted to Your Majesty's generous protection, even than his lamented father was while he lived,—humbly to approach Your Majesty with a Second Edition of his father's Catalogue of the Plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew ; a work rendered ne- cessary to the public, not only by the number of valuable plants continually sent home by Your Majesty's collectors abroad, but also by the extensive influx of curious exotics poured into it of late by Your' Majesty's subjects, that munificent patronage which has rendered Botany a favourite pursuit among all the classes of Your Majesty's people. - a 3 Among vi DEDICATIO N. Among the trusts conſided by Your Majes- ty's gracious goodness to the superintendance and direction of your devoted servant, the Botanic Garden is not the only one that re- ceives the heartfelt gratitude of an enlight- ened nation; the grassy lawns of the Royal Pleasure-grounds exhibit a still more inter- esting spectacle: it is there, Sir, where Your Majesty has, by a degree of foresight, 'of judgement, and of patience, which are seldom united in one character, triumphed over the prejudices of your subjects, and, in defiance of ancient and deeply rooted opinions, esta- blished, by Your Majesty's own efforts, what for ages past has been deemed impossible,_ the growth of the superfine wools of Spain in the happy climate of Britain. Anxious to emulate his father's industry, his son has never ceased to dedicate to the study of Botany the hours of leisure allowed him by his horticultural duties; he also has received the learned aid to which his father was so deeply indebted. But earnest as his father D E ID I C A TION. vii father was to deserve those marks of Royal condescension which were the pride and the glory of his latter days, still more anxiously does his son look forward in the humble hope that his work may not be deemed unworthy of Your Majesty's gracious notice. Should he also be honoured with that approbation which made his father happy, the utmost wishes will be fulfilled, and the highest ambition entirely gratified, of his heart; who is, with unfeigned humility and uninterrupted attachnient, Your Majesty's most devoted servant, WILLIAM TOWNSEND AITON. P. R. E. F. A. C. E. In order to render this edition as convenient as possible to the English reader, for whose use the Catalogue has been principally compiled, and at the same time to show to those foreigners into whose hands it may fall, that Englishmen have not of late years been inattentive to the advancement of their favourite study, care has been taken to refer in the synonyms to all the figures that have appeared in the numerous periodical works lately published, not excepting the few that have already been quoted by Willdenow, in his edition of the Species Plantarum : in the case of new foreign publications, such figures only are quoted from them, as are not cited by Willdenow. When no modern figure could be met with, an older one has been selected from the synonyms of Willdenow, preference having been always given to a coloured figure, when a good one could be found; the Hortus Romanus however, and Kniphof's Bo- tanica in originali, have not been made use of; these books not having been deemed likely to assist ef. fectually the studies of young botanists. Throughout PREFACE. Throughout the whole of this Catalogue, an at- tempt is made to trace back, as far as possible, how long each plant has been cultivated in the British gardens, and to fix, with as much precision as the nature of the subject would allow, the epoch of its introduction. This, like all new undertakings, will be liable to many corrections. For the use, there- fore, of those who may undertake to improve it, a chronological list of the printed authorities that have been made use of is annexed. 1548. Turner’s names of herbes. 1551. Turner’s herbal, part 1. 1562. — — — part 2. 1568. — — — part 3. 1570. Lobelii adversaria. 1573. Tusser's 500 points of good husbandry. 1596. Catalogus horti Johannis Gerardi. 1597. Gerard’s herbal. 1605. Lobelii adversariorum pars altera. 1629. Parkinson’s paradisus. 1633. Gerard’s herbal, enlarged by Johnson. 1640. Parkinson’s herbal. 1648. Catalogus horti Oxoniensis. 1656. Catalogus horti Johannis Tradescanti, in musee Tradescantiano. 1658. Catalogus horti Oxoniensis, cura Ph. Stephani et Gul. Brownei. 1680. Morisoni historia plantarum Oxoniensis, pars 2. 1683. Sutherland’s horius Edinburgensis. 1686. Raji historia plantarum, tom. 1. 1687. Raji PREFACE. Yi 1687. Raji historia plantarum, tom. 2. 1691. Plukenetii phytographia, pars 1 & 2. 1692. — — — — — pars 3. 1696. — — — — — pars 4, seu Almages- tllm. 1699. Historia plantarum Oxoniensis, pars 3, absoluta a J. Bobartio. 1700. Plukenetii mantissa almagesti. 1704. Raji historia plantarum, tom. 3. 1705. Plukenetii amaltheum. 1711–1715. Petiver’s botanicum hortense, in the Phi- losophical transactions, vol. 27, 28, 29. 1716. Bradley’s history of succulent plants, 1 decade. 1717. — — — — — — — 2 decade. 1724. Catalogue of trees sold by Robert Furber, in Mil- ler's gardener's and florist’s dictionary. 1725. Bradley’s history of succulent plants, 3 decade. 1727. — — — — — — — 4 and 5 de- cade. 1728. Martyn plantarum rariorum decas 1. 1729. — — — — — — decas 2. 1730. — — — — — — decas 3. Catalogue of plants propagated for sale in the gar- dens near London. 1731. Miller's gardener's dictionary, 1st edition. 1732. Dillenii hortus Elthamensis. Martyn plantarum rariorum decas 4. 1736. — — — — — — decas 5. 1737. Miller's gardener’s dictionary, 3d edition. 1739. Rand horti Chelseiani index. * 1743. Miller's gardener's dictionary, 4th edition. 1748. — — — — — — 5th edition. 1752. — — — — — — 6th edition. y 1755– xii PREFACE. 1755–1760. Miller's figures of plants described in the Gardener’s dictionary. . . : 1759. Miller's gardener's dictionary, 7th edition. 1768. — — — — — — — — 8th edition. Several manuscripts preserved in the Sloanean Collection at the British Museum have been made use of in this part of the work, particularly No. 3370, entitled Horti regii Hamptoniensis ex- oticarum plantarum catalogus, by Dr. Gray. On a blank page in this book is the following IIlêIIl Ge randum: “This Catalogue I took from one which “the Intendant of the garden they were in at “Hampton-court lent to me upon the place, with “liberty sufficient to inspect the plants: they were “brought from Soesdyke, a house belonging to “Mr. Bentink, afterwards Earl of Portland, about “ the year 1690, and given by him to King & William.” - 4. The abbreviation Br, Mus. H. S. signifies the Sloanean Hortus siccus, kept in the British Mu- seum; from whence much information, principally concerning the plants cultivated by the Duchess of Beaufort, has been obtained. R. S. means the spe- cimens of plants annually, in obedience to Sir Hans Sloane’s will, presented by the Company of Apothecaries to the Royal Society, part of which are deposited in the library belonging to that body, in Somerset Place, and the remainder in the British Museum. On PREFACE. xiii On the authority of various letters and other papers communicated by Michael Collinson, esq. many plants are said to have been introduced by his father, Mr. Peter Collinson, of Mill-Hill. Mr. Knowlton, formerly gardener to James She- rard, M.D. at Eltham, gave a variety of useful information, to which his name is always annexed. He died in 1782, at the age of 90. His nephew, Thomas Knowlton, esq. has also presented the author with manuscript collections, containing much interesting matter of a similar nature. The nume- rous friends of the author, and particularly those who cultivate exotics in the neighbourhood of Lon- don, with a degree of skill and success not to be exceeded in any country, have unanimously favoured him with their best assistance: to these worthy men his acknowledgements are most justly due, for a mass of useful information, relative to the in- troduction of plants, which could have been derived from no other source than that of their practical experience. The late Mr. James Lee, nurseryman at the Vine- yard, Hammersmith, who remembered the gardens of Archibald duke of Argyle, at Whitton, near Hounslow, cultivated with much care and liberal expense, furnished the Author's Father with a list of the trees that were introduced by His Grace. From xiv PREF ACE. From his own memory the Author's Father stated several plants to have been cultivated by Mr. Ph. Miller, in the Physic. Garden at Chelsea, though no reference is made to them in his Gardener's Dictionary. Some plants are by tradition known to have been introduced by Robert James Lord Petre, but the times when are utterly forgot: to remedy, as much as possible this inconvenience, they are always stated as having been introduced before 1742, the time of his lordship’s death. Mr. Miller, in his Dictionary, often mentions plants as having been sent to him by Dr. Houstoun; but he frequently omits the time when he received them: these, therefore, are in like manner stated as having been introduced before the period of the Doctor's decease, which happened in 1733. BOOKS BOOKS QUOTED. Abbott’s insects. The natural history of the rarer Lepi- dopterous Insects of Georgia, collected from the observations of J. Abbott, by J. E. Smith, 2 vols. London, 1797. 4to. Act. acad, patav. Saggi scientifici e letterarii dell’Ac- cademia di Padova. Padova, 1786, seqq. 4to. Act. berolin. Memoires de l’Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres. Berlin, 4to. Act. harlem. Verhandelingen uitgegeeven door de Hol- landse Maatschappye der Weetenschappen te Haar- lem. Haarlem, 1754, seqq. 8vo. Act. helvet. Acta Helvetica physico, mathematico, bo- tanico-medica. Basileae, 1751, seqq. 4to. Act, palat. ... Historia et Commentationes Academiae Electoralis Scientiarum et Elegantiorum Literarum Theodoro-Palatinae. Mannhemii, 1766, seqq. 4to. Act. paris. Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, avec les Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique. Paris, 1702, seqq. 4to. Act. petropol. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae pro annis 1777–1782. Petropoli, 1778–1786. 4to. Act. soc. mat. scrut. hafn. Skrivter af Naturhistorie Selskabet. Kióbenhavn, 1790, seqq. 8vo. Act. stockholm. Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Hand- lingar. Stockholm, 1739, seqq. 8vo. Act. upsal. Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsali- ensis ad a. 1740–1750. Stockholmiae, 1744– | 75 l. 4tº). , - Actes xvi. BOOKS QUOTED. Actes de la soc. d’hist. nat. de Paris. Actes de la So- ciété d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Tom. 1. 1 par- tie. Paris, 1792. fol. Aldini hort. farmes. Tob. Aldini rariorum plantarum quae continentur in Horto Farnesiano descriptio. Romae, 1625. fol. * Allion. pedem. Car. Allionii Flora Pedemontana. Tomi 3. Augustae Taurinorum, 1785. fol. Alp. aegypt. Prosp. Alpini de plantis AEgypti liber. Patavii, 1640. 4to. Alp. exot. Prosp. Alpini de plantis exoticis libri 2, Venetiis, 1629. 4to. .. , Amman. ruthen. Stirpium rariorum in Imperio Rutheno sponte provenientium icones et descriptiones collec- tae a Jo. Ammano. Petropoli, 1739. 4to. Anales de ciencias naturales. Madrid, 1799, seqq. 8vo. Andrews’s geran. Geraniums, or a monograph of the genus Geranium, by H. C. Andrews. London, 1805, seqq. 4to. Andrews’s heaths. Coloured engravings of Heaths, by H. C. Andrews. Vol. 1–3. London, 1802—1809. fol. - Andrews's reposit. The Botanist's repository for new and rare plants, by H. Andrews. London, 1797, seqq. 4to. Annales du Museum. Annales du Museum d’Histoire naturelle, parles Professeurs de cet établissement. Paris, 1802, seqq. 4to. - Annals of lot. Annals of Botany, by C. Konig and J. Sims. 2 vols. London, 1805, 1806. 8vo. Arduin. mem. Memorie di osservazioni, e disperienze sopra la coltura, e gli usi di varie piante, da P. Ar- duino. Padova, 1766. 4to. Arduin. spec. Petr. Arduini animadversionum botani- carum specimen 1. Patavii, 1759. Specimen 2. Venetiis, 1764. 4to. . -- Aullet guian. Histoire des plantes de la Guiane Fran- coise, par M. Fusée Aublet. Tomes 4. Paris, 1775. 4to. Barrel. BOOKS QUOTED. xvii Barrel, ic. Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae, iconibus aeneis exhibità, a Jac. Barre- liero. Parisiis, 1714, fol. Bauh. hist. Historia plantarum universalis Joh. Bauhini et Joh. Henr. Cherleri. Tomi 3. Ebroduni, 1650, 1651. fol. Bauh. pin. Casp. Bauhini Pinax theatri botanici. Ba- sileae, 1671. 4to. - Bauh. prodr. Casp. Bauhini II60%00,0s Theatri botanici. Basileae, 1671. 4to. & Bauh. theatr. Casp. Bauhini Theatri botanici liber pri- mus. Basileae, 1658. fol. Bellardi app. f. pedem. Lud. Bellardi appendix ad flo- ram Pedemontanam. Aug. Taurin. 1192. 4to. Berg. cap. Petr. Jon. Bergii descriptiones plantarum ex Capite bonae spei. Stockholmiae, 1767. 8vo. Besl. eyst. Bas. Besleri Hortus Eystettensis. 1613. fol. Blair's lot. essays. In Patr. Blair's botanick essays, London, 1720, 8vo. ; , a plate inscribed: These, and many other succulent plants, are to be sold . by Mr. Thomas Fairchild, at Hoxton. Boccon. mus. Museo di piante rare, di Don Paulo Boc- come. Venetia, 1697. 4to. Boccon. sic. Icones et descriptiones rariorum plantarum Siciliae, Melitae, Galliae et Italiae ; auctore Paulo Boccone. Oxonii, 1674. 4to. Boerh. lugdb. Herm. Boerhaave Index alter plantarum quae in horto Academiae Lugduno Batavae aluntur. Tomi 2. Lugd. Batav. 1720. 4to. Bondt monogr. Nic. Bondt Dissertatio de cortice Geof- fraeae surinamensis. Lugd. Batav. 1788. Svo. Botan. magaz. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, conti- nued by James Sims (and J. Bellenden Ker.) Lon. don, 1801, seqq. 8vo. & Bradl, succ. Ric. Bradley historia plantarum succulen- tarum. Decades 5. Londini, 1716–1727. 4to. V. O. J. I. b Breyn, xviii f; OOKS QUOTEf). Breyn. cent. Jac. Breynii exoticarum aliarumque mi- nus cognitarum plantarum centuria prima. Gedani, 1678. fol. * Breyn, ic. Jac. Breynii Icones rariorum et exoticarum plantarum. Gedani, 1739. 4to. Brotero lusitan. Fel. Avellar Brotero Flora Lusitanica. Partes 2. Olissipone, 1804. 4to. Brot. phyt. lusit. F el. Avellar Brotero Phitographia Lu- sitaniae selection. Fascic. i. Olissipone, 1801. fol. Broughton hort. east. Hortus Eastensis, or a catalogue of exotic plants in the garden of Hinton East, Esq. in the mountains of Liguanea, in the Island of Ja- maica, by (Arthur Broughton,) Kingston, 1792. 4to. St. Jago de la Vega, 1794. 4to. Brown asclep. Rob. Brown on the Asclepiadeae. (Edin- burgh, 1810.) 8vo. Part of the 1st volume of the Transactions of the Wernerian Society, not yet published. Brown. jam. The civil and natural history of Jamaica, by Patr. Browne. London, 1756, fol. Brown prodr. Rob. Brown Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae van-Diemen. Vol. 1. Lon- dini, 1810. 8vo, Bulletin. Bulletin des sciences, par la Société Philoma- tique. Paris, 1797, seqq. 4to. Bulliard herb, de la France. Herbier de la France, par Mr. Bulliard. Paris. fol. Bulliard paris. ... Flora Parisiensis, par Mr. Bulliard. Tomes 5. Paris, 1776–1780. 8vo. Burm. afr. Jo. Burmanni rariorum Africanarum plan- tarum Decades 10. Amstelaedami, 1738, 1739. 4to. Burm, fl. cap. Nic. Laur. Burmanni prodromus Florae Capensis; ad calcem libri sequentis. . Burm. ind. Nic. Laur. Burmanni Flora Indica. Lugd. Batav. 1768, 4to. Burm. zeyl. Jo. Burmanni Thesaurus Zeylanicus. Amstelaedami, 1737, 4to. Buack. BOOKS GUOTED, x X. Bufl. cent. Joh. Chr. Buxbaumi plantarum minus cog- nitarum Centuriae 5. Petropoli, 1728–1740. 4to. Camer. epit. De plantis epitome Petr. Andr. Matthioli, aucta a Joach. Camerario. Francof, ad Moen. 1586. 4to. Camer. hort. Joach: Camerarii hortus medicus et phi- losophicus. Francofurti, 1588. 4to. Catesb. carol. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, by Mark Catesby. 2 vols. London, 1731, 1743. fol. Cavanill. diss. Monadelphiae classis dissertationes de- cem, auctore Ant. Jos. Cavanilles. Parisiis, 1785 —Matriti, 1790. 4to. Cavanill. ic. Ant. Jos. Cavanilles Icones et descriptio- nes plantarum, quae aut sponte in Hispania crescunt, aut in hortis hospitantur. Voll. 6. Matriti, 1791 —180i. fol. - Clus. hist. Car. Clusii rariorum plantarum historia. Antwerpiae, 1601. fol. - Column. ecphr. Fab. Columnae minus cognitarum stir- pium expéo.gig. Romae, 1616, 4to. i Column. phytol. Fab. Columnae pvroëzczvos, sive plan- tarum aliquot historia. Mediolani, 1744. 4to. Commel. hort. Horti medici Amstelodamensis rariorum plantarnm descriptio et icones, auctore Jo. Com- melino. Amstelodami, 1697. Pars altera, auctore Casp. Commelino. 1701. fol. Commel. prael. Casp. Commelini praeludia botanica. Lugd. Batav. 1703. 4to. Commel. rar. Casp. Commelini plantae rariores exotica: horti medici Amsteludamensis. Lugd. Bat. 1706. 4t O. tº . - Comment. petropol. Commentarii Academiae Scientia- rum Imperialis Petropolitanae. Tomi 14. Petro- poli, 1728–175 i. 4to. Commentar, gotting. Commentarii, Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. Tomi 4, ad annos 1751 —1754. Gottingae, 4to. b 2 Commentaf. 2. 3. Books &UoTEL. Commcitat. gotting. Commentationes Societatis Regiae. Scientiarum Gottingensis. Gottingae, 1779, seqq.4to. Corn. Canad. Jac. Cornuti Canadensium plantarum, aliarumque nondum editarum historia. Parisiis, 1635. 4to. Curtis lond. Flora Londinerisis, by William Curtis. 2 vols. London, 1777, 1798. fol. Curtis magaz. The Botanical Magazine, or flower- garden displayed, by William Curtis. Vol. 1–14. London, 1787–1800. 8vo. Cyrill, monogr. Dom. Cyrilli Cyperus Papyrus. Parmae, l 796. fol. max. Cyrill, meapol. Dom. Cyrilli plantarum rariorum regni Neapolitani fasciculus 1. et 2. Neapoli, 1788, 1792. fol. Dalech, hist. Historia generalis plantarum. Tomi 2. Lugduni, 1586. fol. D’Asso arag. (Ign. de Asso) Synopsis stirpium indi- genarum Aragoniae. Massiliae, 1779. 4to. Decand. astrag. Augustini Pyrami Decandolle Astraga- logia. Parisiis, 1802. fol. Decand...fl. franc. Flore Française. Troisième édition, par MM. de Lamarck et Decandolle. Tomes 4. Paris, 1805. 8vo. Delaroche eryng. Eryngiorum historia, auctore F. De- laroche. Parisiis, 1808. fol. De la Roche pl. mov. Dan. de la Roche descriptiones plantarum aliquot novarum. Lugd. Bat. 1766. 4to. Desfont. atlant. Flora Atlantica, auctore Renato Des- fontaines. Tomi 2. Parisiis. 4to. Dill. elth, Joh. Jac. Dillenii Hortus Elthamensis. Voll. 2. Londini, 1732, fol. Dod. pempt. Remb. Dodonaei stirpium historiae pemp- tades sex. Antwerpiae, 16 i 6. fol. Jodart mem. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des plan- tes, par M. Dodart, Paris, 1676. fol. Donn BOOKS QUOTT. D. xxi Donu canlal. Hortus Cantabrigiensis, by James Donn. Third edition. Cambridge, 1804. 8vo. Douglas descr. of the Guernsey Lily. A description of the Guernsey Lilly, by James Douglas. London, 1737. fol. Douglas hist. of the Coffee-tree. A description and hi- story of the Coffee-tree, by J. Döuglas. London, 1727. fol. Du Halde chin, Description de l’Empire de la Chine, et de la Tartarie Chinoise, par le P. J. B. du Halde. Tomes 4. Paris, 1735. fol. Du Hamel arb. Traité des Arbres et Arbustes, qui se cultivent en France en pleine terre, par M. Du Hamel Du Monceau. Tomes 2. Paris, 1755. 4to. Edit, prior. Hortus Kewensis, by W. Aiton. 3 vols. . London, 1789, 8vo. Edwards’s birds. A natural history of Birds, by Ge. Edwards. 2d part. London, 1747. 4to. Ehret pict. Plantae et Papiliones rariores, depictae et aeri incisae a Ge. Dion. Ehret. Tabulae 15. Lon- dini, 1748–1759. fol. Engl. lot. English Botany, by J. E. Smith, the figures by J. Sowerby. London, 1790, seqq., 8vo. Evelyn's kalend, hort. Kalendarium hortense, by John Evelyn. Printed with the following: Evelyn's sylva. Sylva, or a discourse of Forest Trees, by John Evelyn. London, 1664. fol. Evelyn's sylva by Hunter. Silva, by John Evelyn, with notes by A. Hunter. York, 1776. 4to. Feuillée it. Journal des observations faites sur les cötes orientalcs de l’Amérique Méridionale, par le R. P. Louis Feuillée. Tomes 3. Paris, 1714, 1725. 4to. Fl. dan. Icones plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Daniae et Norwegiae, editae a Ge. Chr. CEder, Oth. Frid. Müller, et Mart. Vahl. Hafniae, 1762, seqq. fol. Fl. Graeca. Flora Graeca, sive plantarum rariorum his- toria, quas in provinciis aut insulis Graecia legit, - wnvestigavit, xxii B O OKS QUOTEI), investigavit, et depingi curavit Joh. Sibthorp; chaº racteres omnium, descriptiones et synonyma elabo- ravit Jac. Edv. Smith. Vol. 1. Londini, 1806. fol. Forsk. descr. Flora AEgyptiaco-Arabica, sive descrip- tiones plantarum, quas per Ægyptum inferiorem et Arabiain Felicem detexit Petr. Forskál. Havniae, 1775. 4to, " Forsk. ic. Icones rerum naturalium, quas in itinere orientali depingi curavit Petr. Forskál. Havniae, 1776. fol, Fuchs. hist. Leon. Fuchsii de historia stirpium com- mentarii. Basileae, 1542. fol. Furber’s catal. A catalogue of plants sold by Mr. Robert Furber; in the 2d volume of the Gardener’s $ and Florist's dictionary, by Ph. Miller. London, 1724. 8vo. Q Gaertn. sem. Jos. Gaertner de fructibus et seminibus plantarum. Voll. 2. Stutgardiae, 1788, 1791.4to. Garid, prov. Histoire, des plantes qui naissent en Pro- vence, et principalement aux environs d'Aix, par Mr. Garidel. Paris, 1719. fol. Gen, pl. Car, a Linné Genera plantarum. Editio oc- tava, curante J. C. D. Schreber. Woll. 2. Fran- cof. 1789, 1791. 8vo. Ger. emac. J. Gerard’s herball, enlarged by Th. John- son. London, 1633. fol. - Ger, herb. J. Gerard’s herball. London, 1597. fol. Ger. prov. Lud. Gerard Flora Gallo-Provincialis. Parisiis, 1761.8yo. Gmel. it. Sam. G. Gimelins Reise durch Russland. 1–3 Theil. St. Petersburg, 1774. 4to. Gmel. sibir. Jo. Ge. Gmelin Flora Sibirica. Tomi 4. Petropoli, 1747–1769. 4to. - Gouan fl. monsp. Ant. Gouan Flora Monspeliaca. Lugduni, 1765. 8vo. Gouan illustr., Ant. Gouan illustrationes et observatio- nes botanicae. Tiguri, 1773, fol. - Gron, E O OKS QUOTED, xxiii Gron. virg, ed. 1. Joh. Fred. Gronovii Flora Virgi- * ginica. Partes 2. Lugd. Batav. 1743. 8vo. Gron. virg. ed. 2. Lugd. Batav. 1762, 4to. Grosier descr. of China. A general description of Chi- na, translated from the French of the Abbé Grosier. 2 vols. London, 1788. 8vo. Hall. hist. Alb. v. Haller historia stirpium indigenarum Helvetiae inchoata. Tomi 3. Bernae, 1768. fol. Hall. opusc. Halleri Opuscula botanica. Gottingae, l 749. 8vo. Haworth mesembr. Observations or the genus Mesem- bryanthemum, by Adrian Hardy Haworth. Lon- don, 1794. 8vo. Haworth misc. mat. Miscellanca naturalia, autore A. H. Haworth. Londini, 1803. 8vo. Heisteri monogr. Laur. Heisteri descriptio Brunsvigiae, novi generis plantae. Brunsvigae, 1753. fol. Herm. lugdb. Pauli Hermanni catalogus Horti Acade- mici Lugduno-Batavi. Lugd. Batav. 1687. 8vo. Herm. paradis. P. Hermanni Paradisus Batavus. Lugd. Batav. 1705. 4to. Hoffm. et Link lusit. Flore Portugaise par J. C. Comte de Hoffmansegg et H. F. Link. Berlin, 1809. fol. Hort. angl. A catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Flowers, which are propagated for sale in the Gar- dens near London. London, 1730. fol. Hort. Ger. Catalogus arborum, fruticum ac plantarum, tam indigenarum, quam exoticarum, in horto Jo- hannis Gerardi nascentium. Londini, 1596, fol. Hori. oacon. edit. l. Catalogus plantarum Horti Medici Oxoniensis. Oxonii, 1648. 8vo. Hort. Oxon. edit. 2. Catalogus Horti Botanici Oxoni- ensis, cura Phil. Stephani et Gul. Brounei. Oxonii, 1658. 8vo. Hort. upton. Hortus Uptonensis, or a catalogue of stove and greenhouse plants, in Dr. Fothergill’s garden at Upton, at the time of his decease, (by J. C. Lett- Som. London, 1783.) 8vo, Host xxiv Books cuote D. Host gram, austr. Nic. Thomae Host icones et descrip- tiones Graminum Austriacorum. Vol. 1–3. Vin- dobonae, 1801–1805. fol. Houtt. nat. hist. Natuurlyke historie of nitvoerige be- schryving der Dieren, Planten en Mineraalen, volgens het samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus, (door Mart, Houttuyn.) Tweede Deel. 14 vols. Amsterdam, 1773–1783. 8vo. Jacqu. amer. Nic. Jos. Jacquin selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia. Viennae, 1763. fol. Jacqu, austr. N. J. Jacquin Flora Austriaca. Voll. 5. Viennae, 1773–1778. fol. Jacqu. collect. N. J. Jacquin Collectanea ad Botani- cam, Chemiam et Historiam Naturalem spectantia. Voll. 4. et Supplementum. Vindobonae, 1786– 1796. 4to. Jacqu fragm. N. J. Jacquin Fragmenta botanica. Fa- W scic. I et 2. Viennae, 1800, 1801. fol. Jacqu, hort, schoenbr. Plantarum rariorum Horti Caesa- rei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones, opera N. J. Jacquin. Vol. 1–3. Viennae, 1797, 1798. fol. Jacqu, hort. vindob. N. J. Jacquin Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis. Tomi 3. Viennae, 1770–1776. fol. Jacqu. ic. Icones plantarum rariorum, editae a N. J. Jacquin. Voll. 3. 'Vindobonae, 1781—1793. fol. Jacqu. miscell. N. J. Jacquin Miscellanea Austriaca ad Botanicam, Chemiam et Historiam Naturalem spectantia. Voll. 2. Vindobonae, 1778–1781. 4to. Jacqu. olis. N. J. Jacquin Observationum Botanicarum Partes 4. Viennae, 1764–1771. fol. Jacqu. Oacal. Oxalis, monographia iconibus illustrata, autore N. J. Jaquin. Viennae, 1794. 4to. Icon. hort, kew. Delineations of exotick plants, culti- wated in the Royal garden at Kew, drawn by Fran- cis Bauer, published by W.T. Aiton. London, 1796, seqq. fol. Icon. Kampfer. Icones selectae plantarum, quas in Ja- ponia collegit et delineavit Engelb. Kaempfer; ex ... ' - arche- BOOKS QUOTED. XXV archetypis in Museo Britannico asservatis (edidit Jos. Banks.) Londini, 1791. fol. Johns. it. cant. (Thom. Johnson) Descriptio itineris plantarum investigationis ergo suscepti in agrum Cantianum. (Londini,) 1632. 8vo. Journal d’hist. nat. Journal d'histoire naturelle, redigé par MM. Lamarck, Bruguiere, Olivier, Haüy et Pelletier. Paris, 1792, seqq. 8vo. Juss. gen. Ant, Laur. de Jussieu Genera plantarum. Parisiis, 1789. 8vo, Kaempf, amoen. Engelb. Kaempfer Amoenitatum exoti- carum fasciculi 5. Lemgovias, 1712. 4to. Knorr thes. Thesaurus rei herbariae hortensisque univer- salis; apud Ge. Wolfg. Knorrii haeredes. Voll. 2. Nürnberg, 1770. fol. Koen. monandr. Joh. Gerh. Koenig descriptiones Mo- nandrarum, impr. cum Fasciculo tertio Observatio- num botanicarum A. J. Retzii, Lipsiae, 1783. fol. - Lalillard, now. holl. Novae Hollandiae plantarum speci- men, auctore Jac. Jul. Labillardiere. Tomi 2. Pari- siis, 1804, 1806. 4to, Labillard. syr. Icones plantarum Syriae rariorum, auc- tore Jac. Jul. Labillardiere. Decas 1 et 2. Lute- tiae Paris. 1791. 4to. Lamarck encycl. Encyclopédie méthodique: Botani- que, par M. le Chevalier de Lamarck. Paris, 1783, seqq. 4to. Lamarck illustr. Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique destrois regnes de la nature. Botanique. Illustra- tion des genres, par M. de Lamarck. Paris, 1791, Seqq. 4to. Lambert’s Cinchona. A description of the genus Cin- chona. London, 1797. 4to., Lambert's Pinus. A description of the genus Pinus, by Aylmer Bourke Lambert. London, 1803. fol. Lapeyr. pyren. Figures de la Flore des Pyrenées, par Phil. Picot Lapeyrouse. Tome 1. Paris, 1795. fol. • L’Herit, BQOKS QUOTED, L’Herit. erod, Erodium. (The first sheet of an intend- ed shorter monographie of the Geranium.) 8vo. L’Herit. geran. Car. Lud. L'Heritier Geraniologia. Parisiis, 1787, 1788. fol. (Only plates; the letter- press is still wanted.) + L’Herit. sert. angl. Car. Lud. L'Heritier Sertum An- glicum. Parisiis, 1788. fol. 4. L’Herit. stirp. mov. Stirpes novae descriptionibus et ico- nibus illustratae a Car. Lud. L’Heritier. Parisiis, 1784, 1785. fol. Linn. amaenitat. acad. Caroli Linnaei Amoenitates aca- demicae. Voll. 10. Holmiae, 1749–1769. Erlangae, 1785, 1790. 8vo. * e T Linn. fil. dec. Car. Linnaei fil. Decas. 1. plantarum ra- riorum Horti Upsaliensis. Stockholmiæ, 1762, fol. Car. v. Linné Decas 2. plantarum rariorum Horti Upsaliensis. ib. 1763. fol. Linn; fil, fascic, ... Car. C. a Linné Plantarum rariorum Horti Upsaliensis Fasciculus 1. Lipsiae, 1767. fol. Linn. fl. 2:eyl. Car. Linnaei Flora zeylanica. Holmiae, 1747. 8vo. Linn. gen, pl. edit. 1. Car. Linnaei Genera plantarum. Lugd. Batav. 1737. 8vo. - Linn. gen. pl. edit. 6. Car. v. Linné Genera plantarum. Holmiae, 1764. 8vo. Linn. hort, cliffort. Car. Linnaei Hortus Cliffortianus. Amstelodami, 1737. fol. Linn. hort. ups. Car. Linnaei Hortus Upsaliensis. IHol- miae, 1748. 8vo. - Linn. mant. Car. a Linné Mantissa plantarum Gene- rum editionis 6. et Specierum editionis 2.' Holmiæ, 1767. 8vo. - - Mantissa plantarum altera. Holmize, 1771. 8vo. Linn. soc. transact. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. London, 1791, seqq. 4to. Linn. sp. pl. Car. Linnaei Species plantarum. Tomi 2. Linn, BOOKS QUOTED. xxvii JLinn, suppl. Supplementum plantarum Systematis ve- getabilium editionis 13. Generum plantarum edi- tionis 6. et Specierum plantarum editionis 2. editum a Car, a Linné (filio.) Brunsvigae, 1781. 8vo. Linn. syst. veget. edit. 13. Car. a Linné Systema vege- tabilium. Gottingae et Gothae, 1774, 8vo. Lobel. adv. Stirpium adversaria nova, authoribus Petro Pema et Matthia de Lobel. Londini, 1571. fol. Matthiae de Lobel adversariorum altera pars, ib. 1605. fol. - Lobel, hist. Plantarum seu stirpium historia Matthiae de Lobel. Antwerpiae, 1576. fol. Lobel. ic. Plantarum seu stirpium icones. Antwerpia, 1591. 4to obl. # Laesel. pruss. Joh. Loeselii Flora Prussica, auxit et edidit Joh. Gottsched. Regiomonti, 1703. 4to. Lour. cochinch, Jo. de Loureiro Flora Cochinchinensis. Tomi 2. Olyssipone, 1790, 4to. - Magn. lot. monsp. Petri Magnol Botanicum Monspeli- ense. Lugduni, 1676. 8vo. • Magm. hort. monsp. Petri Magnol Hortus Regius Mons- peliensis. Monspelii, 1697. 8vo. . Marcgr. brasil. (Guil. Pisonis et Ge. Marcgravii) His- toria naturalis Brasiliae. Lugd. Bat. et Amstelod. 1648. fol. * Martyn dec, Jo. Martyn historia plantarum rariorum. (Decades 5.) Londini 1728 (–1736.) fol. Masson stap. Stapeliae novae, or A collection of several new species of that genus, discovered in the interior parts of Africa, by Francis Masson. London, 1796. fol. Matthiol. comment. Petri Andr. Matthioli Commentarii in libros Dioscoricis de medica materia. Venetiis, 1565. fol. - Meerb. ic. 1. Afbeeldingen van zeldzaame gewassen, door Nic. Meerburgh. Leyden, 1775. fol. Meerb. ic. 2. Plantarum selectarum icones pictae, editae a Nic. Meerburg. Lugd. Bat. 1798, fol. Mem. xxviii BOOKS QUOTED. Mem, de l’Institut, sc. phys. Mémoires de l’Institut national des Sciences et Arts. Sciences Mathéma- tiques et Physiques. Paris, an 6, seqq. 4to. Mémoires de la Société d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. Paris, an 7. 4to. Mémoires sur les Chinois, parles Missionaires de Pe- kin. Tomes 15. Paris, 1776–1791. 4to. Merian surin. Maria Sibylla Merian de generatione et me- tamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium. Haga: Comitum, 1726. fol. Merr. pin. Christoph. Merrett Pinax rerum naturalium Britannicarum. Londini, 1667. 8vo. Mich. gen. Nova plantarum genera, auctore Petro Ant. Michelio. Florentiae, 1729. fol. Mich., hort. florent. Petri Ant; Michelii Catalogus plantarum Horti Caesarei Florentini. Florentiae, 1748. fol. Mich. querc. Histoire des Chênes de l’Amérique Septen- trionale, par André Michaux. Paris, 1801. fol. Michaux amer. Andr. Michaux Flora Boreali-America- na. Tomi 2. Parisiis, 1803. 8vo. º Mill. dict. Phil. Miller's Gardener's Dictionary. The * eighth edition. London, 1768. fol. Mill, dict. edit. 1. — Lond. 1731. fol. 3. —— Lond. 1737. fol. 4. — Lond. 1743, fol. 5. Lond. 1748. fol. 6. — Lond, 1752. fol. 7. — Lond. 1757. fol. 3. Lond. 1768. fol. Mill. ic. Figures of plants, described in the Gardener's Dictionary, by Phil. Miller. 2 vols. London, 1760. fol. J. Mill. ic. 7 coloured plates of plants, by John Miller, 1780. fol. J. Miller illustr. Joh. Miller Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei, Londini, 1777, fol. - - J. F. Mill. BOQKS QUOTED. xxix J. F. Mill. ic. 60 coloured plates of plants and animals, by John Fred. Miller. 1776–1794. fol. Miscell. taurin. Mélanges de Philosophie et de Mathé- matique de la Société Royale de Turin. Tome 3me. Turin, 1766. 4to. Miss Lawr. passionfl. 6 numbers of coloured figures of Passionflowers, by Miss Lawrance. fol. Miss Lawr. ros. A collection of Roses from nature, by Miss Lawrance. London, 1799. fol. 90 plates. Moench hort. weissenst. Verzeichniss ausländischer Bäume und Stauden des Lustschlosses Weissenstein bey Cassel, von Conr. Mönch. Frankf. und Leipz. 1785. 8vo. Moris, hist. Rob. Morison Historia plantarum univer- salis Oxoniensis. Pars 2. Oxonii, 1680. Pars 3. absoluta a Jac. Bobartio. 1699. fol. J. G. Müller sp. pl. Joh. Gotthilf Müller Species plan- tarum. Decas 1. Berlin, 1757. fol. Mus. tradesc. Musaeum Tradescantianum. London, 1656. 8vo. {} Nov. act. ac. mat. cur. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Aca- demiae Caesarea” Naturae Curiosorum. Norimber- gae, 1757, seqq. 4to. . - Nov. act. m. sc. Berolin. Der Gesselschaft Naturfor- schender Freunde zu Berlin Neue Schriften. Ber- lin, 1795, seqq. 4to. Nov. act. petropol. Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. Petropoli, 1787, seqq. 4tO. Nov. act. upsal. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientia- rum Upsaliensis. Upsaliae, 1773, seqq. 4to. Mov. comm. gotting. Novi Commentarii Societatis Re- giae Scientiarum Gottingensis. Tomi 8. Gottingae et Gothae, 1771–1778. 4to. Nov. comm. petropol. Novi Commentarii Academiae Sci- entiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. Tomi 20. Pe- tropoli, 1750–1776, 4to. . Nºve XXX books auoteſ}. Nye samling af det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. Kióbenhavn, 1781, seqq. 4to. Orford catal. A catalogue of the plants in the garden of John Blackburne, Esq. at Orford, Lancashire; by Adam Neal. Warrington, 1779. 8vo. Orteg. decad. Cas. Gom. Ortegae novarum aut rariorum plantarum horti Reg. Botan. Matrit. descriptionum decades. Matriti, 1797, seqq. 4to: - Osb. it. Pehr Osbecks Dagbok of ver en Ostindisk resa. Stockholm, 1757. 8vo. * - - tº Pallas astrag. Species Astragalorum descriptae et ico- nibus coloratis illustratae a P. S. Pallas. Lipsiae, 1800. fol. Pallas it. P.S. Pallas Reise durch verschiedene provint- zen des Russischen Reichs. 3 Theile. Petersburg, 1771–1776. 4to. • Pallas ross. Flora Rossica, edidit P. S. Pallas. Tomi I. Pars 1. & 2. Petropoli, 1784, 1788. fol. Park. paradis. J. Parkinson Paradisi in Sole Paradisus terrestris. London, 1629. fol. Park, theatr. J. Parkinson Theatrum botanicum. Lon- don, 1640. fol. . - • * M. Park's travels. Travels in the interior districts of Africa, by Mungo Park. London, 1799. 4to. Paters. it. A narrative of four journeys into the coun- try of the Hottentots, and Caffraria, by Will. Pa- terson. London, 1789, 4to. Pet, gaz. Jac. Petiver Gazophylacium naturae et artis. fol. - - > Petit mov. gem. Lettres d'un Médecin (M. Petit), dont la troisième contient trois nouveaux genres de plan- tes, et quelques nouvelles espèces. Namur, 1710. 4tC). st Philosoph. transact. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. London, 1665, seqq, 4to. Piccivoli hort. panciat. Hortus Panciaticus, o sia cata- logo delle plante, esotiche nel giardino della villa detta; BOOKS QUOTED. xxxi detta la Loggia, presso a Firenze, di proprietà dell’ ill. Sig. Marchese Nicc. Panciatichi, descritto da Gius. Piccivoli. Firenze, 1783, 4to. Pis, bras. Gul, Pisonis de Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica libri 14. Amstelaedami, 1658. fol. Plant. grass. Histoire des Plantes grasses, par A. P. Decandolle, avec leurs figures en couleurs, dessinées par P. J. Redouté. Paris, an 7, Seqq. 4to. Plat’s garden of Eden. The garden of Eden, by Sir Hugh Plat, Knt. London, 1660. 8vo. Pluk. alm. Leon. Plukenett Almagestum Botanicum. Londini, 1696. 4to. Pluk. amalth. L. Plukenett Amaltheum Botanicum. Londini, 1795. 4to. Pluk. mant. L. Plukenett Mantissa Almagesti Botanici. Londini, 1700. 4to. Pluk. phyt. L. Plukenett Phytographia. Londini, 1691, 1692. 4to. Plum. amer. Déscription des plantes de l’Amérique, avec leurs figures, par le R. P. Charles Plumier. Paris, 1693. fol. s - - Plum. ic. Plantarum Americanarum fasciculi 10, con- timentes plantas quas olim Car. Plumierius de- texit et depinxit, edidit Jo. Burmannius. Amstelae- dami, 1755–1760. fol. - Poit. et turp. arbr. fruit. Traité des Arbres fruitiers, par Du Hamel Du Monceau ; nouvelle édition, aug- mentée, par A. Poiteau et P. Turpin. Paris, 1807, seqq. fol. Poit. et turp. f. paris. Flore Parisienne, par A. Poi- teau et P. Turpin. Paris, 1808, seqq. fol. Ponce bald. Jo. Ponae Plantae, quae in Baldo monte et in via ab Verona ad Baldum reperiuntur: — impr. cum Clusii Historia plantarum. Quer fl. 9span. Continuacion de la Flora Española, que escribia Don Jos. Quer, ordenada, suplida y publicada por Don Cas. Gom. de Ortega. Tomo 6. Madrid, 1784. 4to. - Raj. xxxii #OOKS QUO'FED. Raj, hist. Jo. Raji Historia plantarum. Tomi 3. Lon- dini, 1686–1704. fol. Rand chels. Is. Rand Horti Medici Chelsejani index compendiarius. Londini, 1739. 8vo. Rauw. it. Der vierte thail Leonh. Rauwolfen, etlicher schöner aussländischer kreuter, deren in seiner Rayss in die Morgenländer gethon, gedacht wirt, lebendige contrafactur. Laugingen, 1583. 4to. Ray’s letters. Philosophical letters between the late Mr. Ray and several of his correspondents, pub- lished by W. Derham. London, 1718. 8vo. Rea's flora. Flora, or A complete Florilege, by John Rea. London, 1665. fol. Redouté liliac. Les Liliacées, par P. J. Redouté. Paris, 1802, seqq. fol. Regn. lot. La Botanique mise à la portée de tout le monde, ou Collection des plantes d'usage dans la Médecine, dans les Alimens et dans les Arts; par les Sº et D* Regnault. Paris, 1774. fol. Reliqu. houst. Reliquiae Houstounianae, seu Planta- rum in America Meridionali a Gul. Houstoun col- Tectarum icones, manu propria aere incisae ; cum descriptionibus e schedis ejusdem, in Bibliotheca Jos. Banks assérvatis. Londini, 1781. 4to. Renealm. spec. Pauli Renealmi Specimen historiae plan- tarum. Parisiis, 1611. 4tó. Relzii obs. And. Jah. Retzii Observationum botanica- rum fasciculi 6. Lipsiae, 1779–1791. fol. Reynier mem. pour l'hist. nat. de la Suisse. Mémoires pour servir à l’Histoire physique et naturelle de la Suisse, redigés par M. Reynier et par M. Struve. Tome 1. Lausanne, 1788. 8vo. - Rheed. mal. Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, adornatus per [Henr., wan Rheede van Drakenstein. Tomi 12, Amstelaedami, 1678–1703, fol. Rivin. monop. Aug. Quir. Rivini Ordo plantarum, quae sunt flore irregulari monopetalo. Lipsiae, 1691. fol. . Rivin, Books auotier). xxxiii \, Rivin. monop. suppl. loo supplemental plates to the preceding book; unpublished. . . Rivin. tetrap. Aug. Quir. Rivini Ordo plantarum, quae sunt flore irregulari tetrapetalo. Lipsiae, 1691. fol. Rivin. pentap. A. Q. Rivini Ordo plantarum, quae sunt flore irregulari pentapetalo. Lipsiae, 1699. fol. Rob. c. 319 plates of plants engraved by Nic. Robert, A. Bosse et Lud. de Chastillon. fol. º Röm. archiv. Archiv für die Botanik, herausgegeben von Joh. Jac. Römer. Leipzig, 1796, seqq. 4to. Roth abhandl. Botanische abhandlungen und beobach- tungen von Albr.Wilh. Roth. Nürnberg, 1787. 4to. Roth catal, bot. Alb. Guil. Roth Catalecta botanica. Fascic, i. et 2. Lipsiae, 1797, 1800. 8vo. Rottl. gram. Descriptionum et iconum rariores et pro maxima parte novas plantas illustrantium Liber 1. conscriptus a Christ. Friis Rottböll. Hafniae, 1773. fol. s Rowl. corom. Plants of the coast of Coromandel, by Will. Roxburgh. London, 1795, seqq. fol. max. - Roy. lugdb. Adr. van Royen Florae Leydensis prodro- mus, exhibens plantas, quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo alumtur. Lugd. Batav. 1740. 8vo. Rudl. elys. Campi Elysii liber 2dus, opera Olai Rud. beckii, Patris et filii. Upsala, 1701. fol. Ruiz et Pavon prodr. Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis pro- dromus, sive novorum generum descriptiones et icones; por Don Hipolito Ruiz y Don Joseph Pa- von. (latine et hispanice.) Madrid, 1794. fol. Rumph. aml. Ge. Everh. Rumphii Herbarium Am- boinense. Partes 6, et Auctarium. Amstelaeda- mi, 1750–1755.. fol. . - Salisb. paradis. The Paradisus Londinensis, contain- ing plants cultivated in the vicinity of the metro- polis; the descriptions by Rich. Anth. Salisbury, the figures by Will. Hooker, London, 1806, seqq. 410. - VOIL, 1. - - C - Salist. xxxiv. * Books quoted. Salisb. prodr. Prodromus stirpium in Horto ad Chapél Allerton vigentium, auctore R. A. Salisbury. Lon- dini, 1796, 8vo. - - Salisb, stirp. rar. R. A. Salisbury Icones stirpium ra- riorum descriptionibus illustratae, Londini, 1791. fol. max. - * * Salmon's herb. Will. Salmon's English herbal. 2 Vols. London, 1710, 171 . fol. & Schkuhr handb. Botanisches handbuch von Christ. Schkuhr. 3 Theile. Wittenberg, 1791–1803. 8vo. Schkuhr nachtr. Nachtrag oder die zweyte hālfte der Riedgräser, von Chr. Schkuhr. Wittenberg, 1806. 8VO. Schmidel ic. Cas, Christoph. Schmidel Icones planta- rum. Manipulus 1–3. Norimbergae, 1762—Er- langae, 1797, fol. Schmidt arb. Oesterreichs allgemeine Baumzucht, oder abbildulgen in-und ausländischer Bäume und Strä- uche, deren ampflanzung in Oesterreich móglich und niizlich ist, von Franz Schmidt. Wien, 1792, seqq. fol. - Schneevoogt ic. Icones plantarum rariorum, delineavit et in aes incidit Henr. Schwegman, edidit et descrip- tiones addidit G. Voorhelm Schneevoogt. Haer- lem, 1793, seqq. fol. Schousb. marocc. P. K. A. Schousboe's beobachtungen iber das gewächsreich in Marokko. 1 Theil. Ko- penhagen, 1801. 8vo. - Schrader's journal. Journal für die Botanik, herausge- geben von Schrader. Göttingen, 1799, seqq. 8vo. Schrader’s neu.journal. Neues Journal für die Botanik, herausgegeben von Schrader. 1 Band. Erfurt, 1806. 8VO. t Schrad. sert. hannov. Sertum Hannoveranum, seu plantae rariores, quae in Hortis Regiis Hannoverae vicinis coluntur, descriptae ab Henr. Ad. Schrader, delineatae et sculptae a Jo. Christoph. Wendland. Vol. 1. Fascic. 1–3. Goettingee, 1795–1797. fol. - Schrad. B O OKS QUOTEI), XXX y Schrad, veron. H. A. Schrader Commentatio super Ve- ronicis spicatis Linnaei. Gottingae, 1803, 8vo. Schreb. gram. Joh. Chr. Dan, Schreber's beschreibung der Gräser. Leipzig, 1766, seqq. fol. Schriften der Berlinischen Gesellschaft Naturforschen- der Freunde. 6 Bände. Berlin, 1780–1785. 8vo. Schwencke leschryv. der gewassen. ... Kruidkundige be- schryving der Gewassen, welke heedendaagsch meest in gebruik zyn, door Mart. Wilh. Schwencke, Gravenhag, 1766. 8vo. Scop. carn. Jo. Ant. Scopoli Flora Carniolica. Tomi 2. Viennae, 1772. 8vo. Scop. insulr. J. A. Scopoli delicia Florae et Faunae Insubricae. Partes 3. Ticini, 1786–1788. fol. Seb, thes. Alb. Sebae locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri descriptio. Tomi 4. Amstelaedami, 1734 —1765. fol. - Secondat du Chéne. Mémoires sur l'histoire naturelle du Chéne, par M. de Secondat. Paris, 1785, fol. Segu. veron. Plantae Veronenses, auctore Jo. Franc. Seguierio. Voll. 3. Veronae, 1745, 1754. 8vo. Select specim. Select specimens of British plants (pub- lished by Strickland Freeman, from the drawings of Miss Charlotte and Miss Juliana Sabina Strick- land.) No. 1 and 2. London, 1797, 1809. fol. Sloan. jam. A voyage to the Islands Madera, Barba- dos, Nieves, S. Christopher's, and Jamaica, with the natural history of the last of those islands, by Hans Sloane. 2 Vols. London, 1707, 1725. fol. Smith erot. lot. Exotic Botany, by James Edw. Smith, the figures by James Sowerby. 2 Vols. London, 1804—l S08. 4to. Smith fl. brit. Flora Britannica, auctore Jac. Edv. Smith. Vol. 1–3. Londini, 1800, 1804. 8vo. Smith ict. pict. Icones pictae plantarum rariorum, auc- tore Jac. Edv. Smith. Fascic. 1–3. London, 1790–1793. fol. - c 2 Smith xxxvi BOOKS QUOTED, Smith inedit. Plantarum icones hacienus inedite, auc. tore J. E. Smith. Fascic. 1–3. —1791. fol. - . . . . . S Smith new holl. A specimen of the botany of New Holland, by J. E. Smith. London, 1793. 4to. Smith prodr. ft. grac. Jac. Edv. Smith, Florae Graeca, prodromus. Vol. 1. Londini, 1806, 1809, 8vo, Smith spicil. Spicilegium botanicum, auctore J. E. Smith. Fascic. 1 et 2. Londini, 1791, 1792. fol. Smith's tracts. Tracts relating to natural history, by J. E. Smith. London, 1798, 8vo. . . . . Sole’s mints. Menthae Britannicæ, being a new botani- cal arrangement of all the British Mints hitherto discovered, by W. Sole. Bath, 1794. fol. Sonnerat it. ind. Voyage aux Indes Orientales et à la Chine, par M. Somaerat. Tomes 2. Paris, 1782, 4to, Sonnerat nouv. guin. Voyage à la Nouvelle Guinée, par M. Sonnerat. Paris, 1776. 4to. Sutherl. hort. edin. Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis, or a catalogue of the plants in the Physical Garden at Edinburgh, by James Sutherland. Edinburgh, 1683, 8vo. - Swartz fl. ind, acc. Londini, 1789 Ol. Swartz Flora Indiae Occiden- talis. Tomi 3. Erlangae, 1797—1806. 8vo. Swartz obs. Observationes botanicæ; auctore Ol. Swartz. Erlanga, 1791. 8vo, - Suartz prodr. Nova genera et species plantarum, seu prodromus descriptionis vegetabilium, quae sub iti- mere in Indian Occidentalem annis 1783–87 diges- sit Olof Swartz. Holmiae, Ups. et Ab. 1788. 8vo. Svensk lot, Svensk botanik, atgifven af J.W. Palm- struch, med text författad af. C. Quensel. 1–3 Bandet. Stockholm, 1802—1804. 8vo. Symes's Ava. An account of an Embassy to the king- * dom of Ava, by Mich. Symes, London, 1800. 4to. Talern, ic. Eicones plantarum. (eaedem ac in Taberna- pmontani Kräuterbuch.) Francofurti, 1590.4 to obl. Thompson's BOOKS QUOTED, xxxvii Thompson's bot. displ. Botany displayed, by John Thompson, with plates designed by A. Nunes. No. 1–4. London, 1798. 4to. Thumb. Erica. Car. Petr. Thunberg Praeside Dissertatio de Erica. Upsaliae, 1785. 4to. - y Thunb. Gardenia. C. P. Thunberg Diss. de Gardenia. Upsaliae, 1780. 4to. - - Thunb. japon. C. P. Thunberg Flora Japonica. Lip- siae, 1784. 8vo. Thunt. prodr. Prodromus plantarum Capensium, quas, in Promontorio bonae spei Africes, annis 1772– 1775, collegit C. P. Thunberg, Partes 2, Upsalia, I 794, 1800. 8vo. * Thunb. Protea. C. P. Thunberg Diss. de Protea. Ups. 1781. 4to. t Till. pis. Mich. Aug. Tilli catalogus plantarum Horti Pisani. Florentiae, 1723. fol. . Tournef inst. Jos. Pitton Tournefort Institutiones rei herbariae. Tomi 3. Lugduni, 1719. 4to. Tournef. it. Relation d'un voyage du Levant, par M. Pitton de Tournefort. Tomes 2. Paris, 1717. 4to. Transact. of the Amer. Soc. Transactions of the Ame- rican Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Philadelphia, 1771, Seqq. 4to. - - * . Trew ehret. Plantae selectae, quarum imagines pinxit Ge. Dion. Ehret, collegit et illustravit Christoph. Jac. Trew. Norimbergae, 1750–1773. fol. Trew pl. rar. Plantae rariores, quas depingendas a rique incidendas curavit Chr. Jac. Trew. Norimbergae, 1763. fol. z & Plantae rariores, quarum primam decadem accuravit C. J. Trew, posteriorum curam suscepit Ben. Chr. Vogel. Decas 2. Norimbergae, 1779. fol. . Triumf obs. Observationes de ortu ac vegetatione plan- tarum, cum novarum stirpium historia iconibus il- lustrata, auctore Jo. Bapt. Triumfetti. Roma, | 685. 4to, Triumf. xxxviii Books quoted. Triumf prael. Praelusio ad publicas herbarum osten- siones, a Jo. B. Triumfetti, cui accesserunt nova- rum stirpium descriptiones et icones. Romae, 1700. 4to. ' - Turn. herb. Will. Turner's herball. London, 1551. fol. Turn. herb. part 1, 2d edit.—The first parte. Collen, - 1568. fol. part 2. ——The seconde parte. Col- len, 1562. fol. part 3. – .The thirde parte. Col- len, 1568. fol. Turner’s names of herbes. The names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duche, and Frenche, wyth the commune names that Herbaries and Apotecaries use; by Will. Turner. London, 8vo. (The de- dication is dated March 15, 1548, that is 1549, as the year then began the 25th of March.) Tussac flore des antill. Flore des Antilles, par F. R. de - Tussac. Tome 1. Paris, 1808. fol. Tusser. Five hundreth points of good husbandry united to as many of good huswiferie, first devised, and nowe lately augmented with diverse approved les- sons concerning hopps and gardening; by Thomas Tusser. London, 1573. 4to. - Usteri’s annal. der botan. Annalen der Botanik, herans- gegeben von Paul Usteri. 1–24 Stück. Zürich, 1791.-Leipzig, 1800. 8vo. Uster. magaz. Magazin für die Botanik, herausgegeben von Joh. Jac. Römer und Paul Usteri. 4 Bände. Zürich, 1787–1790. 8vo. ...” Wahl enumer. Mart. Vahlii Enumeratio plantarum, vel ab aliis vel ab ipso observatarum. Vol. 1 et 2. Havnia, 1804, 1805. 8vo. Wahl symb. Mart. Vahl Symbolae botanicae. Partes 3. avniae, 1790–1794. fol. Waill. paris. , Seb. Vaillant Botanicum Parisiense. Leide et Amsterdam, 1727. fol. Wandelli Books quot ED, xxxix Vandelli monogr. Dom. Vandelli Dissertatio de arbore Draconis, seu Dracaena. Olisipone, 1768. 8vo. Wenten. Cels. Description des plantes nouvelles et peu connues, cultivées dans le jardin de J. M. Cels, avec figures; par E. P. Ventenat. Paris, 1800. fol. Wenten. choic. Choix de plantes, dont la plupart sont cultivées dans le jardin de Cels; par E. P. Vente- nat. Paris, 1803. fol. Penten. malmais. Jardin de la Malmaison, par E. P. Ventenat. Paris, 1803. (seqq.) fol. Villars dauph. Histoire des plantes de Dauphiné, par M. Villars. Tomes 3. Grenoble, 1786–1789. 8vo. Wolck. noril. Joh. Go. Volckameri Flora Noribergensis. Noribergae, 1700. 4to. Voyage de Labillard. Relation du voyage à la recherche de la Perouse; par le C* Labillardiere. Tomes 2. Paris, an 8. 4to ; avec Atlas, fol. Voyage d’Olivier. Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, par G. A. Olivier. Tomes 6. Paris, an 9–1807. 8vo. ; avec Atlas, fol. Waldst. et Kitail. hung. Franc. Comitis Waldstein et Pauli Kitaibel Descriptiones et icones plantarum rariorum Hungariae. Tom. I et 2. Viennae, 1802, 1805. fol. - Walt. carolin. Flora Caroliniana, auctore Thomas Walter. Londini, 1788. 8vo. - Walth. hort. Designatio plantarum, quas hortus Aug. Frid. Waltheri complectitur ; accedunt novae plan- tarum icones 24. Lipsiae, 1735. 8vo. Web. et Mohr archiv. Archiv für die systematische na- turgeschichte, herausgegeben von Friedr. Weber und D. M. H. Mohr. 1 Bandes 1 Stück. Leip- zig, 1804. 8vo. - Weinm. phytanth. Joh. Wilh. Weinmann Phytantho- zaiconographia. 4 Bände. Regensburg, 1737– 1742. fol. - Wendl., eric. Ericarum icones et descriptiones, auctore Joh. Christoph. Wendland. Fascic. 1–17. Han- nover, 1798–1806. 4to. Wendl. x! BOOKS QUO't EI5. Mendl, hort. herrenhus. Hortus Herrenhusanus, aud- - tore J. C. Wendland. Fascic, 1–4. Hannovera, 1798–1801, fol. * . * - * ' - Wendl. obs. Botanische beobachtungen, von J. c. : Wendland. Hannover, 1798, fol. - Wendl, sert. hannov. Sertum Hannoverahum, auctore : J. C. Wendland. Vol. 1. Fascic. 4. Hannoverae, 1798. fol. (Priores fasciculos vide supra, Schrader.) Wheler's journey into Greece. A journey into Greece, by George Wheler. London, 1682. fol. White's voyage. Journal of a voyage to New South Wales, by John White. London, 1790, 4to. Willden, amaranth. Historia Amaranthorum, auttore Car. Lud. Willdenow. Turici, 1790. fol. Willden. arb. Berlinische baumzucht, von C. L. Will- denow. Berlin, 1796. 8vo. • ‘ IVillden, hort, lerolin. C. L. Willdenow Hortus Be- rolinensis. Tom. 1. Berolini, 1806. fol. Willden. sp. pl. Car, a Linné Species plantarum, edi- tio quarta, curante C. L. Willdenow. Betolini, 1797, seqq. 8vo. . . . . . . . - * Wolff lemn. Commentatio de Lemna, auctore Jo. Frid. Wolff. Altorf. et Norimb. 1801. 4to. Zanon. hist. Jac. Zanonii rariorum stirpium historia. Bononiae, 1742. fol. , , Zorn ic. Icones plantarum medicinalium. (von Joh. Zorn.) Cent. 1–5. Nürnberg, 1779–1784, 8vo. ABBREVIATIONS. F. Frame. D. S. * — Dry Stove. G. H. ºmºsº * Green House. H. — — . Hardy. S. — — . Stove. G). * *ºmºs Annual. & - º-esº- -º-º: Biennial. 21. tºº-º- — . . Perennial. %. tºº — Shrubby. • Classis Classis I. M O N A N D R J A MONOGYN/A. CANNA. Gen. pl. 1. Anthera simplex, filamenti margini adnata. Stylus crassus, claviformis. Stigma obtusum. Caps. 3- locularis. Sem. globosa, numerosa. 1. C. corollae limbo interiore trifido : laciniis lanceo- indica. latis acuminatis strictis. Roscoe in linn. Soc. transact. 8. p. 338. r Canna indica 2. rubra. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 3. Canna indica. J. Miller illustr. Redouté liliac.201. Common Indian Reed, or Shot. Nat. of both Indies. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 28. Fl. most part of the Year. S. 2ſ. 2. C. corolla limbo interiore trifido : laciniis emar- coccinea. ginatis strictis. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 338. Canna indica y. coccinea. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 3. Canna indica. Botan. magaz. 454. Scarlet Indian Reed. ſat. of America. - Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 1. Cannacorus 4. Fl. most part of the Year. S. 24. 3. C. corollaº limbo interiore trifido : laciniis reflexis. patens. Roscoe in linn. Soc. transact. 8, p. 338. VOL. I. B Canna MONANDRIA Monogyni.A. Canna. lutea. glauca. flaccida. Canna indica 3. patens. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 3. Spreading-flower'd Indian Reed. - Nat. - Cult. before 1778. Fl. most part of the Year. S. 24. . C. corollae limbo interiore bifido. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 338. Canna indica 3. lutea. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 3. Yellow Indian Reed. Nat. of the East Indies. - Cult. 1629, by Mr. John Parkinson. Park. para- dis. 376. - Fl. June and July. * - S. 21. . C. corollae limbo interiore trifido : laciniis ovatis strictis, nectario trilobato fimbriato. Roscoe in linn. Soc. transact. 8. p. 339. Canna glauca. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 4. Smith exot. lot. 2. p. 83. t. 102. Glaucous-leaved Indian Reed. Nat. of America. - Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill, elth. 69. t. 59. f. 69. - - Fl. July. - • S. l. . C. corollae limbo interiore trifido : laciniis flacci- dis. Hoscoe in linn. Soc. transact. 8. p. 339. Canna glauca 6. flaccida. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 4. Canna flaccida. Salisb. stirp. rar. 3. t. 2. Thomp- son’s botany displayed, t. 1. Redouté liliac. 107. Flaccid Indian Reed. - Nat. of South Carolina. Cult. 1788, by Richard Anthony Salisbury, Esq. Fl. July. S. l. MARANTA. Gen. pl. 7. Anthera simplex, filamento adnata. Stylus petali- formis. Stigma subtrigonum. Sem. 1. arundina- 1. M. culmo ramoso herbaceo, foliis ovato-lanceo- Céſ' •' latis MonANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Maranta. latis subtus pilosiusculis. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 339. Maranta arundinacea. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 13. Redoute liliac. 57. - Indian Arrow-root. Nat. of South America. Introd. before 1732, by William Houstoun, M.D. Martyn dec. 4. p. 39. Fl. July and August. S. 21. THALIA. Gen. pl. 10. Anthera simplex, ovata, filamento proprio depresso innixa. Stylus brevis, ab anthera deflexus. Stig- ma perforatum, ringens. Caps. 2-locularis. 1. T. calyce bifloro, culmo arundinaceo pulverulento, foliis apice revolutis. Roscoe in linn, soc. trans- act. 8. p. 340. Thalia? dealbata. Single plate of J. Fraser. Mealy Thalia. Nat. of South Carolina. Introd. 1791, by Mr. John Fraser. Fl. July and August. S. 21. HEDYCHIUM. Koen, monandr. 73. Anthera duplex. Filam. geniculatum, extra an- theram non elongatum. Stylus filamento duplo longior, filiformis, tenacissimus, in sulco anthe- rae receptus. . 1. HEDYCHIUM. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 10. Botan. magaz. 708. Sweet-scented Garland-flower. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. before 1791, by Robert Udny, Esq. Fl. July–September. S. 2/ ALPINIA. Gen. pl. 5. Anthera duplex. Filam. extra antheram non elon- gatum. Stylus longitudine filamenti, in sulco B 2 antherae dealbata, coronari- 7/772, MonANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Alpinia. antherae receptus. Stigma obsolete trigonum. Caps. Carmosa. racemosa. 1. A. nectario trifido, foliis ovato-lanceolatis apice revolutis, capsulis striatis. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 345. Alpinia racemosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1 1. . . Alpinia racemosa alba, cannacori foliis. Plum. ic. 1 1. t. 20. Cluster'd Alpinia. •, Nat. of the West Indies. - - Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 6. F. - - S. 21. occidenta- 2. A. nectario emarginato, foliis lanceolato-ovatis lis. glaberrimis. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 345. Alpinia occidentalis. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 12. Occidental Alpinia. - Naf. of Jamaica. - Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. - F!. S. Y. Allughas. 3. A. nectario bilobato, foliis lanceolatis integerrimis, capsulis subspongiosis. Roscoe in linn. soc. trans- act. 8. p. 346. * Hellenia Alughas. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 4. An- drews's reposit. 501. Ceylon Alpinia. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1796, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. February, March. S. 21. mutans. 4. A. nectario obsolete trilobato margine involuto, foliis lanceolatis, capsula membranacea lanugi- nosa. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 346. Smith eacol. bol. 2. p. 93. t. 106. Globba mutans. Redouté liliac. 60. Renealmia nutans. Andrews's reposit. 360. Sin- * gle plate by Syd. Edwards. . . Drooping Alpinia. Naf. Mon ANDRIA Monogyn1A. Alpinia. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. about 1792, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. Spring and Summer. S. 21. 5. A. nectario ovato-oblongo apice semibifido, foliis calcarata. ensiformibus, capsula hirta. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 347. Renealmia calcarata. Andrews’s reposit. 421. Globba erecta. Redouté liliac. 174. Upright flowering Alpinia. - Nat, of the East Indies. William Roaburgh, M. D. Introd. 1804, by Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. Fl. September. S. 21. - ZINGIBER. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 347. Anthera duplex. Filam. extra antheram elonga- tum, apice subulatum, sulcatum. Stylus in sul- co antherae receptus. 1. Z. bracteis ovato-lanceolatis, laciniis corollae revo- officinale. lutis, nectario trilobato. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 348. Amomum Zingiber. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 6. Jacqu, hort, windob. 1. p. 31. t. 75. Narrow-leaved Ginger. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. before 1605, by Edward Lord Zouch. Lobel. adv. pars alt. 67. Fl. September. S. 21. 2. Z. bracteis ovatis obtusis, laciniis corollae erectis Zerumlet. acutis, nectario bilobato. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8, p. 348. Smith exot. lot. 2. p. 105. t. l l 2. - Amonum Zerumbet. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 6. Jacqu. hort, windob. 3. p. 30. t. 54. Broad- MonANDRIA Monogynia. Zingiber. Broad-leaved Ginger. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1690, in the Royal garden at Hampton-court. Catal. mscr. Fl. September–November. S. 21. Mioga. 3. Z. laciniis corolle acutis concavis equalibus, nec- tario ovato concavo, Roscoe in linn. soc. trans- act. 8. p. 348. - - Amonum Mioga. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 7. Icon. Kaempfer. 1. Japanese Ginger. Nat. of Japan. Introd. 1796, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. w Fl. - S. M. purpure- 4. Z. bracteis ovatis coloratis, laciniis corollae erectis, !!7%, nectario bilobato. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact, 8. p. 348. - Purple-bracted Ginger. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1796, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. September. S. 2ſ. COSTUS. Gen. pl. 4. Anthera duplex. Filam. extra antheram elonga- tum, apice ovato-lanceolatum, planum. Caps. 3-locularis, extus dehiscens. Sem. numerosa. speciosus. 1. C. nectario obsolete trilobato undulato fimbriato, foliis, subtus sericeo-villosis. Roscoe in linn, soc. transact. 8. p. 349. - - Costus speciosus, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 11. Costus arabicus. Jacqu. ic. l. t. 1. Large flower'd Costus. Nat. of the East Indies. -- Introd. MoMANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Costus. 7. Introd. 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. August and September. S. 2ſ. 2. C. nectario ovato integerrimo, foliis utrinque gla- arabict.s. bris. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8, p. 349. Costus arabicus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 10. Arabian Costus. Nat. of both Indies. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 6. Fl. August. S. 21. 3. C. nectario undulato subtrifido, foliis acuminatis spicatus. integerrimis nitidis basi attenua.is. Roscoe in linn, soc. transact. 8. p. 350. Costus spicatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 10. Alpinia spicata. Jacqu, amer. 1. t. 1. Brazilian Costus. Nat. of Brazil and the West Indies. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. Fl. June. S. 24. KAEMPFERIA. Gen. pl. 9. Anthera duplex. Filam, extra antheram elongatum, apice bilobatum. Corolla laciniae lineares, acutae. 1. K. nectarii laciniis dorsalibus lanceolatis acutis; an- rotunda. tica bipartita: lacinulis obovatis, foliis oblongis subtus coloratis. Roscoe in linn, soc. transact. 8. p. 351. Kaempferia rotunda. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 15. Botan. magaz. 920. Kaempferia Ronga. Jacqu, hort. Schoenbr. 3. p. 37. t. 317. Redouté liliac. 49. Round-rooted Kaempferia. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. s. Fl. July and August. - * S. l. 2. K. nectarii laciniis dorsalibus obtusis obsolete tri- Galanga. lobatis; MonANDRIA Monogynia. Kaempferia. lobatis; antica biloba undulata, foliis ovatis sub- tus pallidis. Roscoe in linn, soc. transact. 8, p. 351. Kaempferia Galanga. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 15. Redouté liliac. 144. Botan. magaz. 850. Galangale. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1724, by Charles Dubois, Esq. Mill, ic. 18. Fl. June–September. S. 21. angusti- 3. K. nectarii laciniis dorsalibus linearibus obtusis; folia. Afzelii. antica emarginata, foliis lanceolatis subtus pal- lescentibus. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 351. Narrow-leaved Kaempferia. Nat. of the East Indies. - Introd. 1797, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. e Fl. March and April. S. 2/. AMOMUM. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8, p. 351. Anthera duplex. Filam. extra antheram elongatum, apice trilobatum, basi utrinque apperidiculatum. 1. A. scapo brevissimo, floribus aggregatis, foliis distantibus ovato-acuminatis integerrimis glabris. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8, p. 354. Amomum exscapum. Sims in annals of bot. 1. p. 549. t. 13. Sweet-scented Amomum. Nat. of Sierra Leone. Introd. 1795, by Adam Afzelius, M. D. Fl. May and June. S. 21. CURCUMA. Gen. pl. 8. Anthera duplex, bicalcarata. Filam. petaliforme, trilobatum : lobo intermedio antherifero, Zedoaria, 1. C. foliis ovatis acuminatis, bracteis emarginatis. Roscoe in linn. Soc. transact. 8. p. 354. Amonum MonANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Curcuma, 9 Amomum Zedoaria Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 7. Kua. Rheed. mal. 1 1. p. 13. t. 7. Broad-leaved Zedoary. Nat. of the East Indies. William Roaburgh, M. D. Introd. 1797, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. all the Summer. S. 24. 2. C. foliis ovato-lanceolatis, bracteis spatulatis. longa. Roscoe in linn. soc. transact. 8. p. 355. Curcuma longa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 14. Amomum Curcuma. Jacqu, hort. vindob. 3. p. 5. t. 4. Long rooted Turmerick. Na+. of the East Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. F. August. S. 2! • GLOBBA. Gen. pl. 54. Anthera duplex. Filam. lineare, incurvatum, lon- gissimum, appendiculatuin. Stylus laxus, fili- formis, in medio antherae receptus. Stigma in- crassatum. Nectarium utrinque bifidum. 1. G. filamenti appendiculo bilunato, spica foliis bre-marantina. viore, bracteis late ellipticis calyce longioribus. Roscoe in linn. Soc. transact. 8. p. 356. Smith erot. lot. 2, p. 85. t. 103. Marantine Globba. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1800, by Lady Amelia Hume. Fl. July and August. S. l. PHILYDRUM. Gen. pl. 1703. Spatha i-flora. Cal. O. Cor. 4-petala, irregula- ris. Caps. 3-locularis, polysperma. 1. Philydrum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 17. Botan, lanugino- magaz. 783. - i $71,772, Woolly 16) MonANDRIA Monogynia. Philydrum. hirsuta. %"{{C67770S6. Coromata. Woolly Philydrum. Nat. of China, Cochinchina, and New South Wales. Introd. 1801, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. : - - - Fl. June and July. S. 3. LOPEZIA. Jacqu. collect. suppl. 4. Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala, inaequalis. Caps. 4-valvis, 4-locularis, polysperma. 1. L. foliis ovatis villosis, caule tereti hirsuto. Pahl enumer. 1. p. 3. - Lopezia hirsuta. Jacqu. collect. suppl. 5. t. 15. f. 4. Lopezia mexicana 3. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 18. Hairy Mexican Lopezia. ... Nat. of Mexico. Introd. 1796, by Mr. John Hunnemann. Fl. September–November. S. G). 2. L. foliis glabris, caule tetragono glabro, racemis compositis foliosis. Lopezia racemosa. Curtis magaz. 254. Lopezia mexicana &. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 18. Smooth Mexican Lopezia. - Nat. of Mexico. - Introd. 1792, by James Edward Smith, M.D. Fl. in the Autumn. - S. G). 3. L. foliis lucidis, caule angulato e petiolis decur- rentibus, corymbis inferne foliosis. Lopezia coronata. Andrews's reposit. 551. Coronet-flowering Lopezia. Nat. of Mexico. Introd. 1805, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. July–September. H. G). BOERHAAVIA. Gen. pl. 13. Cal, margo integerrimus. Cor. 1-pet, campanulata, plicata. Sem. 1, nudum, inferum. 1. B. caule Mona NDRIA MONOGYNIA. Boerhaavia. | 1 2 B. caule tetragono glabro, internodiis viscosis, flo- erecta. ribus corymboso-paniculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 19. Jacqu, hort. vindob. 1. p. 2. t. 5, 6. Upright Hogweed. Nat. of both Indies. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M. D. Mill. dict. edit. 8. Fl. July–September. - S. 21. . B. caule tereti pubescente, floribus capitato-corym- diffusa. bosis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 20. Valerianella curassavica, semine aspero viscoso. § Herm. parad. 237. cum tal. Spreading Hogweed. Nat. of both Indies. . - Cult 1690, in the Royal garden at Hampton-court. Catal. mscr. - Fl. August and September. S. D!. . B. caule teretiusculo hirsuto, floribus capitatis. hirsuta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 20. Jacqu. hort. vindob. 1. . 3. t. 7, sº trailing Hogweed. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M. D. Mill. dict. edit. 7. n. 4. Fl. May–August. S. 2 . . B. caule erecto, floribus umbellatis diandris, foliis scandens. cordatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 21. Jacqu, hort. windol. 1. p. 2. t. 4. Climbing Hogweed. Naf. of Jamaica. Cult. 1691, in the Royal garden at Hampton-court. Pluk. phyt. t. 13. f. 7. Fl. April–September. º S. 2. POLLCHIA. Gen. pl. 1705. Cal. 1-phyllus, 5-dentatus. Cor. O. Sem. 1. Re- cept. squamae baccatae, fructus includentes. 1. Pol- 19 MoRANDRIA Monogyni A. Pollichia. campes- tris. herbacea. fruticosa. arabica. ^ 1. Pollichi A. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 23. Smith spicil. 1. t. 1. Whorl-leaved Pollichia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Colonel William Paterson. -“ . Introd. 1780, by the Countess of Strathmore. Fl. September. G. H. 3. SALICORNIA. Gen. pl. 14. Cal. ventriculosus, integer. Pet. O. Sem. 1. . S. herbacea patula, articulis apice compressis emarginato bifidis, spicis axillaribus oppositis pedunculatis, squamis obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. ! ... p. 23. sº annua. Engl. lot. 415. Marsh jointed Glass-wort, or Salt-wort. Nat. of Britain. - - Fl. August and September. H. G). . S. caule erecto fruticoso, articulis ranulorum an- cipitibus, squamis floralibus truncatis membra- naceis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 24. Kali. Camer. epit. 246. - Shrubby Samphire, or jointed Glass-wort. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. August and September. H. H. . . S. foliis alternis vaginantibus obtusis dehiscenti- bus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 25. Kali geniculatum minus Moris. hist. 2. p. 610. s. 5. t. 33. f. 7. ' Arabian jointed Glass-wort. Nat. of Arabia. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Philip Miller. F/. - - S. P. HIPPURIS. Gen. pl. 15. Cal. margo 2 lobus. Pet. O. Stigma simplex. Sem. l. 1. H. fo- MONANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Hippuris. 13 1. H. foliis stellatis plurimis linearibus acutis. Will- vulgaris. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 26. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 763. Poit. et Turp. fl. paris. 1. p. 1. t. 1. Mare's tail. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May. H. 2ſ - DIGYNHA. CORISPERMUM. Gen. pl. 16. Cal. O. Petala 2. Sem. 1, ovale, nudum. I. C. spicis terminalibus, foliis linearibus enerviis hyssopifo- muticis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 28. Fl. Graeca lium. l. 1). l. t. 1. - Hºa Tickseed. ſat. of the south of France and Russia. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Fl. July. H. G). 2 . C. spicis axillaribus squarrosis, foliis lanceolato- squarro. acuminatis pungentibus nervosis. Willden. sp. sum. pl. 1. p. 28. Pallas ross. 2. p. 1 13. t. 99. Rough-spiked Tickseed. Nat. of Russia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. 72. 2. Fl. August and September. H, O. CALLITRICHE. Gen. pl. 17. Cal. O. Pet. 2. Stigmata acuta. Sem. 4, com- pressa, nuda, hinc marginato-alata. 1. CALLITRICHE. Smith fl. lirit. I. p. 8. Engl. lot. aquatica. 722. Aquatic star-headed Chickweed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April–October. * H. O. BLITUM, 14 MONANDRIA DIGYNIA. capitatum. 1. virgatum. 2. arundina- 1. Cé0. BLITUM. Gen. pl. 18. Cal. 3-fidus. Pet. O. Sem. 1. calyce baccato. B. capitellis spicatis terminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 30. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 3. t. 2. Berry-headed Strawberry-Blite. Nat. of Austria. * Cult. 1633, by Mr. John Parkinson. Ger. emac. 326. f. 8. Fl. May–August. H. O. B. capitellis sparsis lateralibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 30. Curtis magaz. 276. Poit. et Turp. fl. paris. 1. p. 4. t 3. Slender branched Strawberry-Blite. Nat. of France and Spain, Cult. before 1680, in the Oxford garden. Moris. hist. 1. p. 606. s. 5. t. 32. f. 2. Fl. May–September. H. G). CINNA. Gen. pl. 20. Cal. Gluma 2-valvis, 1-flor. Cor. Gluma 2-valvis. Sem. 1. CINNA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 31. Reedy Cinna. " Nat. of Canada. Introd. 1789, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June. H. 2ſ. Classis Classis II. D I A N D R I A MO WOGYNTA. NYCTANTHES. Gen. pl. 21. conf. p. 819. Corolla hypocrateriformis: laciniae truncatae. Cap- sula bilocularis, marginata. Semina solitaria. 1. NYCTANTHEs. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 35. Arbor Manjapumeram. Rheed, mal. 1. p. 35. t. 21. tristis. Square-stalked Nyctanthes. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1781, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. F/. S. 2. JASMINUM. Gen. pl. 22. Corolla hypocrateriformis, 5–8-fida. Bacca dicce- ca. Semina solitaria, arillata. * Foliis simplicibus. 1. J. foliis oppositis simplicibus ellipticis ovatis sub- Sambac. cordatisque membranaceis opacis, ramulis petio- lisque pubescentibus, laciniis calycinis subulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 35. & flore simplici. Jasminum limonii folio conjugato. Burm: zeyl. 128. #. 58. f. 2. Single-flowered Arabian Jasmine. 6 floribus 16 DIANDRIA Monogyni A. Jasminum. 6 floribus multiplicatis, laciniis oblongis acutis tubo brevioribus. Jasminum Sambac var. flore pleno. Andrews’s re- posit. 497. Common double Arabian Jasmine. Y floribus plenis, laciniis subrotundis tubo longi- oribus. Kudda-mulla. Rheed mal. 6. p. 89. tº 51. Great-flower'd double Arabian or Tuscan Jasmine. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1665. Rea's flora 25. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. 2 . t hirsutum. 2. J. foliis oppositis ovatis cordatisve ramisque hirsu- tis, foliolis calycinis linearibus hirsutis. Smith eacot. lot. 2. p. 117. t. 1 18. Jasminum hirsutum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 36. Jasminum pubescens. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 37. Jasminum multiflorum. Andrews’s reposit. 496. Hairy Indian Jasmine, Nat. of China and the East Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Nyctanthes 2. Fl. August. S. k . gracile. 3. J. foliis oppositis simplicibus ovato-ellipticis, ca- lycibus laevibus campanulatis: dentibus brevis- simis. Jasminum gracile. Andrews’s reposit. 127. Jasminum geniculatum. Venten. choia, 8. Slender-stem’d Jasmine. Nat. of Norfolk Island. Introd. 1791, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. most part of the Summer and Autumn. G.H. 2. glaucum. 4, J. foliis oppositis simplicibus lanceolatis mitidis, laciniis calycinis subulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 37. Penten. Cels. 55. Jasminum rivulare. Salisb. stirp. rar. 15. t. 8. Glaucous DIANDRIA MONogyNtA. Jasminum. 17 Glaucous-leaved Jasmine. * * Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. g Fl. August. G. H. W. . * * Foliis termafis. 5. J. foliis oppositis termatis: ramulorum floriferorum auricula- simplicibus, calycibus angulatis ramisque tereti- tum. bus pubescentibus. ſºilſilen. sp. pl. 1. p. 38. Auriculated Jasmine. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bārt. K. B. Fl. June–September. S. 2. 6. J. foliis oppositis ternatis: foliolis ovatis subcor- azoricum, datisque undulatis, ramulis glabris teretibus, co- roſla laciniis tubo aequalibus. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 39. • & Jasminum azoricum trifoliatum, flore albo odora- tissimo. Commel, hort. 1. p. 159. t. 82. Azorian Jasmine. Nat. of Madeira. Cult. 1724. Furber’s catal, s Fl. May–November. G. H. H. . 7 . J. foliis alternisternatis: foliolis obovatis cuneifor-fruticans. mibusque obtusis, ramis angulatis, laciniis caly- ciniš subulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 39. Botan. magaz. 461 , . g Common yellow Jasmine. * * * Nat. of the South of Europe, and the Levant. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 390. - Fl. May–October, H. W. . 8. J. foliis alternis actitis termatis pinnatisque, ramis humile. angulatis, laciniis calycinis brevissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 40. - Jasminum humile luteum. Knorr thes. H. tab. I. Yellow Italian Jasmine. Wat. WCL. I. © Cult, I & DIANDRIA Monogyni A. Jasminum. odoratissi- ºlt!772, officinale. grandi ()- Tº/???, trifoliata. Cult. 1656, by Mr. John Tradescant Jun. Mus. Trad. l 27. Fl. July–September. H. W. . 9. J. foliis alternis obtusiusculis ternatis pinnatis- que, ramis teretibus, laciniis calycinis brevissi- mis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 49. Curtis magaz. 285. Yellow Indian Jasmine. Nat. of Madeira. * Cult. 1656, by Mr. John Tradescant Jun. Mus. Trad. 127. Fl. May–November. G. H. W. . * * * Follis pinnatis. 10. J. foliis oppositis pinnatis: foliolis acuminatis, gemmulis erectiusculis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 40. Curtis magaz. 31. Common white Jasmine. Nat. Cult. 1548. Turner's names of herbes. sign. Duj. Fl. June–October. H. : . 11. J. foliis oppositis pinnatis : foliolis obtusiusculis, gemmulis horizontalibus. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 41. Jasminum hispanicum flore majore externe rubente. Knorr thes. 1. tab. I. 1. Spanish or Catalonian Jasmine. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1629. Park. parad. 406. m. 2. Fl. June–October. * G. H. W. GALIPEA. Juss. gen. 418. Cal. 4-5-gonus, 4-5-dentatus. Cor. hypocraterif. profunde 4-5-partita. Slam. 4: duo sterilia. 1. GALIPEA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 41. Galipea trifoliata. Aullet guian. 662. t. 269. Three-leaved Galipea. Nat. of Guiana. Introd. píANDRIA MöNoGYNIA. Galipea. 19 introd. 1803, by purchase from the captors of a French vessel. S. b. LIGUSTRUM. Gen. pl. 23. Cor. 4-fida. Bacca 4-sperma. 1. L. foliis lanceolatis acutiusculis, panicula coarctata. vulgare. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 41. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 764. Poit. et Turp. ft. paris. 1. p. 5. t. 4. Common Privet. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. 2 . 2. L. foliis ovato-oblongis acuminatis supra lucidis, lucidum. panicula divaricatissima. hinese Privet. Wax-tree. Nat. of China. Introd. about 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July–September. H. P. . PHILLYREA, Gen. pl. 24. Cor. 4-fida. Bacca 1-sperma. 1. P. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis integris serratisque, media. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 42. & foliis oblongo-lanceolatis. ligustri- Phillyrea ligustrifolia. Mill. dict. folia. Phillyrea III. Clus. hist. 1. p. 52. Privet-leaved Phillyrea. 3 foliis lanceolatis, ramis erectis virgatis. virgata. Long-branch'd Phillyrea. '), foliis lanceolatis, ramis divaricato-pendulis. pendula. Drooping Phillyrea. | 3 folius oblongo-lanceolatis, ramis suberectis. oleaefolia. Phillyrea 8. Ephesiacae folio. . Pluk. alm. 295. t. 310. f. 5. Olive-leaved Phillyrea. C 2 s foliis 90 . DIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Phillyrea. buxifolia, a foliis ovali-oblongis obtusiusculis. Box-leaved Phillyrea. Nat, of the South of Europe. Cult. 1597, by the Earl of Essex. Ger. herb. 1209. f. 2. Fl, May and June. H. W. . º 2. P. foliis lineari-lanceolatis integerrimis. Willden. ſolia. sp. pl. 1. p. 43. lanceolata. o. foliis lanceolatis, ramis rectis. Phillyrea IV. Clus. hist. 1. p. 52. Common narrow-leaved Phillyrea. rosmarini– 3 foliis lanceolato-subulatis elongatis, ramis rectis. folia. Phillyrea rosmarinifolia. Mill. dict. Phillyrea V. Clus. hist. i. p. 52. Rosemary-leaved Phillyrea. brachiata. Y foliis oblongo-lanceolatis brevioribus, ramis diva- ricatis. Dwarf Phillyrea. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1597, by the Earl of Essex. Ger. herb. 1209. • 1. Fl. May and June. H. P. katifolia. 3. P. foliis ovato-cordatis serratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. tº p. 43. * laevis. & foliis ovatis planis obsolete serratis. Phillyrea latifolia. Mill. dict. d Phillyrea arbor. Lobel, ic. 2. p. 132. Barth. hist. 1. p. 540. Smooth broad-leaved Phillyrea. spinosa. 3 foliis ovato-oblongis acutis argute serratis planis. Phillyrea latifolia. F. Graeca I. p. 2. t. 2. Phillyrea spinosa. Mill, dict. Phillyrea I. Clus. hist. 1. p. 51. Prickly broad-leaved Phillyrea. obliqua. y follis lanceolato-oblongis acutis serratis oblique * flexis. Phillyrea II. Clus. hist. i. p. 52. Ilex-leaved Phillyrea. Nat, of the South of Europe. a" Cult. prANDRIA Monogyni A. Phillyrea. ~2] Cult. 1597, by the Earl of Essex. Ger. herb. 1210. f 3. Fl. May and June. H. H. . OLEA. Gen. pl. 25. Cor. 4-fida: laciniis subovatis. Drupa mono- sperma. 1. O. foliis lanceolatis integerrimis, racemis axillari- europaea. bus coarctatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 44. - * & foliis lanceolatis planis subtus incanis. COII] IIl Ll IllS. Olea europaea. Fl. Graeca 1. p. 3. l. 3. Common European Olive. 8 foliis lineari-lanceolatis planis subtus argenteis. longifolia. Long-leaved European Olive. * &º wº 'y foliis oblongis planis subtus incanis. latifolia. Broad-leaved European Olive. º 3 foliis lanceolatis subtus ferrugineis. ferruginea. Iron-coloured European Olive. '-- e foliis oblongis oblique flexis subtus pallidis. obliqua. t 6 Twisted-leaved European Olive. tº º ºr - foliis oblongo-ovalibus, ramis patentibus divaricatis, buxifolia. Box-leaved European Olive. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 422, Fl. June—August. G. H. W. . O. foliis ovatis integerrimis, racemis paniculaefor- capensis. mibus divaricatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 45. º foliis ovato-oblongis rigidis planis, pctiolis rubris. coriacea. Sideroxylum foliis subrotundis integris. Burm. afr. 234. t. 81. f. 2. Leathery-leaved Cape Olive. foliis ellipticis undulatis, petiolis viridibus. undulata. Olea undulata. Jacqu, hort. schoenbr. 1. p. 1. t. 2. Wave-leaved Cape Olive. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult, before 1730, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. €lth. 193. t. 160. f. 194. º Fl. June–September. G. H. P. 3, O, foliis 22 DIANDRIA Monogyni.A. Olea. americana. 3. Q. foliis lanceolato-ellipticis integerrimis, racemis angustatis, bracteis omnibus persistentibus con- natis parvis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 45. Ligustrum lauri folio, fructu violaceo. Catesb. ca- rol. 1. t. 61. American Olive. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Philip Miller. Fl. June. º G. H. H. excelsa. 4. O. foliis ellipticis acutis, bracteis perfoliatis: in- *- fimis cyathiformibus persistentibus; superiori- bus deciduis magnis foliaceis, Willden. sp. pl. 1, . 46. - Laurel-leaved Olive. Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1784. Fl. May. G. H. h. jragrams. 5. O. foliis lanceolatis serratis, pedunculis lateralibus aggregatis unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 46, Thunb. japon. 18. t. 2. - . . Sweet-scented Olive. Nat. of Cochinchina, China, and Japan. Introd; 1771, by Benjamin Torin, Esq. Fl. July and August. ' ' ' ' ' G. H. H. . NOTELAEA. Venten. choir, 25. Pet. 4, per paria ope staminum ad basin connexa, t Drupa. longifolia. 1. N. foliis lanceolatis acuminatis subreclinatis, race- mis longitudine petiolorum. Venten. choic, 25. Olea apetala. Andrews's reposit. 316. º Long-leaved Notelaea. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. . . . . . tº * Fl. March–July. G. H. W. ligustrina. 2. N. foliis lanceolatis acutis suberoctis, racemis lon- gitudine foliorum. Venten. choir, fol. 25. l. • Privetr p1ANDRIA Monogy NIA. Notelaea, 23 Privet-leaved Notelaea. Nat. of Van Diemen’s Island. Introd. 1807, by Philip Gidley King, Esq. Fl. July and August. G. H. P. CHIONANTHUS. Gen. pl. 26. Cor. 4-fida: laciniis longissimis. Drupae nucleus striatus. 1. C. panicula terminali trifida, pedunculis trifloris, virginica. foliis acutis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 46. * foliis ovato-ellipticis. latifolia. Amelanchier virginiana, laurocerasi folio. Catesb. carol. 1. t. 68. Broad-leaved Fringe-tree. § foliis lanceolatis. angusti- Narrow-leaved Fringe-tree. folia. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1736, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll, mscr. Fl. June and July. H. H. . 2. C. paniculis trichotomis, ultimis floribus subcapi- compacta. tatis, calycibus villosis, foliis lanceolato-oblongis, antheris acuminatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 47. Chionanthus caribaea, Jacq. collect. 2. p. 110. tab. 6. f. 1. Caribean Fringe-tree. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr, Alexander Anderson. Int, od. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. F. S. b . SYRINGA. Gen. pl. 28. Cor. 4-fida. Capsula bilocularis. 1. S. foliis ovato-cordatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 48. vulgaris. a floribus carruleis. Schkuhr handl, 1. p. 8, t. 2, carulea. Common blue Lilac. 5 floribus violaceis. Curtis magaz. 183. violacea. Lilac vulgaris. Poit. et Turp. f. paris, 1. p.7. t. 5. Common purple Lilac, 'y floribus 34 DIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Syringa. alba. chinensis, persica. caºrulea, alba. laciniata. syringi- #. 'Y floribus albis. 8 y Common white Lilac. Nat. of Persia. Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 1213. f. 2 F. April and May. H. W. . S. foliis ovato-lanceolatis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 48. Chinese Lilac. Nat. of China. Introd. before 1795, by Mons, Williams. Fl. May and June, H. H. . S. foliis lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 48. foliis simplicibus, floribus capruleis. Botan, magaz, 486. Blue Persian Lilac. foliis simplicibus, floribus albis. White Persian Lilac. foliis pinnatifidis. Schmidt arb. 2. t. 79. Cut-leaved Persian Lilac. Nat. of Persia. Cult. before 1640, by Mr. John Tradescant. Park. theatr. 1467. f. 3, Fl. May. H. W. , CATALPA. Juss. gen. 138. £or. 5-fida, irregularis. Cal. 2-partitus, Stam. 3 sterilia. Caps, 2-locularis. Sem. apice et basi membranaceo-papposa. . C. foliis cordatis planis. Sims in botan. magaz. 1094. |Bignonia Catalpa. JWillden, sp. pl. 3. p. 289. Schmidt arb. 1. p. 42, t, 41. Common Catalpa, Nat, of North America. e Introd, about 1726, by Mr. Mark Catesby, Hort. angl. 13. n. 4. Fl. July and August, H. W. . 2. C. foliis plan DRIA MONOGYNIA. Catalpa. 25 2. C. foliis oblongis undulatis. Sims in botan, ma- longissima. gaz. fol. 1094, b. Bignonia longissima. Willden. sp. pl. 3. p. 290. Bignonia arbor folio singular undulato, siliquis lon- gissimis et angustissimis. Plum, ic. 47. t. 57. Wave-leaved Catalpa. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1777, by Thomas Clark, M. D. Pl. S. H. . PIMELEA. Smith new holl. 1. p. 31. Cor. 4-fida. Cal. . nullus. Stam. fauci inserta. Nua, corticata, unilocularis. 1. P. foliis lineari-lanceolatis, capitulis terminalibus linifolia. involucratis, corolla extus viliosa. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 50. Smith new holl. 1. p. 31. t. 11. Botan. magaz. 891. Flax-leaved Pimelea. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1793, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. February–August. G. H. H. FONTANESIA. Labillard. syr. 1. p. 9. Cor. dipetala. Cal. 4-partitus, inferus. Caps. membranacea, non dehiscens, 2-locularis: loculis monospermis, 1. FontàNESIA. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 52. Lalil- phillyrae- lard. syr. 1. p. 9. t. 1. oides. “, Phillyrea-leaved Fontanesia, Nat. of Syria. Introd. 1787, by Mons. Cels. F. August. H. * . CIRCAEA. Gen. pl. 31. Cor. dipetala, Cal. 2-phyllus, superus. Caps, bi- locularis, non dehiscens; loculis monospermis. 1, C. caule £6 DIANDRIA MonocyNIA. Circaea. lutetiana. alpina. sibirica. virginica. 1. C. caule erecto, foliis ovatis subserratis hirsutis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 53. Circaea lutetiana. Curtis, lond. Engl. lot. 1056. Enchanter's Nightshade. JNat. of Britain. F. June–August. H. M. 2. C. caule ramosissimo depresso, foliis cordatis den- ſtatis nitidis glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 53. Circaea alpina. Engl. lot. 1057. Mountain Enchanter's Nightshade. Nat. of Britain. * Fl. June–September. H. M. VERONICA. Gen. pl. 32, Cor. limbo 4-partito : lacinia infima angustiore, Caps. 2-locularis. * Flores terminales, spicati. 1. V. foliis senis septenisve lanceolatis acutis serratis superne lationibus, spica solitaria. Schrad. ve- ‘ron. 17. Veronica sibirica, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 54. Veronica spicata altissima, foliis verticillatim dis- positis. Amman. ruthen. 20. t. 4. Siberian Speedwell, Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1779, by Chevalier Thunberg. Fl. July and August. H. M. 2. V. foliis quatermis quinisve lanceolatis acutis serra- tis, spicis pluribus. Schrad. veron. 18. Veronica virginica. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 51. Hoffmann in commentat. gotting. 15, p. 112, t. l. wº *s a floribus albis. White-flower'd Virginian Speedwell. § floribus incarnatis. Blush-flower'd Virginian Speedwell. Nat. of Virginia, Cult, DLANDRIA Monogynia, Veronica. gy Cult. 1714, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Br. mus. H. S. 336, fol. 42. Fl. July–September. H. 21. 3, V. foliis subserratis cauleque incano-tomentosis: incana. radicalibus oblongo-obovatis in petiolum decur- rentibus; caulinis oppositis alternisve oblongis basi attenuatis. Schrad. veron. 19. Veronica incana. IVillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 56. Hoff- mann in commentat. gotting. 15. p. 123. t. 6. Hoary Speedwell. Nat. of Russia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. 71. 14. Fl. July–September. H. l. 4. V. foliis oppositis crematis cauleque pubescentibus: spicata. radicalibus oblongo-obovatis in petiolum de- currentibus; caulinis oblongis basi attenuatis. Schrad. veron. 20. Veronica spicata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 56. Engl. bot. 2. Poit, et Turp. f. paris. I. p. 19. t. 19. Upright-spiked male Speedwell. Nat. of England. Fl. June—August. H. l. 5. V. foliis oppositis crenatis cauleque pubescentibus: hybrida. radicalibus petiolatis ovatis; caulinus subsessilibus oblongis. Schrad. veron. 22. Veronica hybrida, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 57. Engl. bot. 673. Welsh Speedwell. Nat. of Wales. Fl. June–August. H. M. ' 6. V. foliis oppositis ternis quaternisve cordato-lan- longifolia. ceolatis acuminatis duplicato-serratis cauleque pubescenti-tomentosis. Schrad veron. 26. t. 2. • 1 - Veronica longifolia. Linn, sp. pl. 13. *s a flore DIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Veronica. pinnata. laciniata. incisa. & flore caeruleo. * Veronica maritima. Fl. dan. 374. Blue-flower'd long-leaved Speedwell. 6 flore albo. White-flower'd long-leaved Speedwell. 'y flore incarnato. Flesh-colour'd long-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of Germany. Cult. 1570, by Mr. Hugh Morgan. Lobel. adv. 145. * Fl. June—August. H. nº, ** Flores terminales, racemosi. 7. V. foliis subfasciculatis filiformibus pinnatis: pin- nis dentatis integerrimisve. Schrad. veron. 32. Veronica pinnata. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 57. Hoff- mann in commentat. gotting. 15. p. 130. t. 10. Wing'd-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1776, by Chevalier Murray. Fl. July. H. n. 8. V. foliis subfasciculatis breviter petiolatis linearibus pinnatifidis, racemo subsolitario, laciniis calyci- nis oblongo-ovatis Schrad. veron. 32. Veronica laciniata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 58. Jagg'd-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1780, by William Pitcairn, M.D. Fl. June and July. H. M. 9. V. foliis subfasciculatis petiolatis lanceolatis pinna- tifidis, racemis pluribus, laciniis calycinis lanceo- latis. Schrad. verom. 33. Veronica incisa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 58. Cut-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1779, by Messrs. Kennedy and Lee. Fl. July and August. H. M. 10. V. foliis DIAND RIA MONOGYNIA. Veronica. 29 * e 10. V. foliis ternis quaternisve subsessilibus lanceola- spuria. tis simpliciter serratis : serraturis aequalibus. Schrad. veron. 36. Veronica spuria. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 55. Gmel. it. 1. p. 169. t. 39. Bastard Speedwell. Nat. of Siberia. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 1. 71. 2. Fl. May and June. H. M. *** Flores terminales, corymboso-racemosi. 11. V. corymbo terminali, scapo nudo. Willden. sp. aphylla. pl. 1. p. 60. , Veronica parva saxatilis, cauliculis nudis. Segu. veron. 1. p. 241. t. 3. f. 2. Naked-stalk’d Speedwell. Nat. of Switzerland and Italy. Introd. 1775, by the Doctors Pitcairn and Fo- thergill. Fl. May. H. p. 12. V. corymbo terminali, caule adscendente diphyllo, bellidi- foliis obtusis crematis, calycibus hirsutis. Will-oides. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 60. Veronica caule simplici, foliis scabris serratis ova- tis, spica pauciflora. Hall, hist. n. 543. t. 15. 1. Daisy-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland. Introd. 1775, by the Doctors Pitcairn and Fo- thergill. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 13. V. corymbo terminali, caule adscendente, foliis gentianoi- lanceolatis margine cartilagineis : inferioribus des. connatis vaginantibus. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 61. Fl. graca, 1. p. 5. t. 5. Botan, magaz. 1002. Venten. malmais. 86. Gentian-leaved Speedwell. ſat. of the Levant. Cult. 30 brANDRIA Monogyni.A. Veronica. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 5. 72. 31. Fl. May and June. H. M. futiculosa. 14. V. corymbo terminali, foliis lanceolatis obtusius- culis subdenticulatis, calycinis foliolis acutis, caulibus fruticulosis. Willden, sp. pl. i. p. 61. Engl. bot. 1028. Flesh-colour'd shrubby Speedwell. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. July. H. º 4 scratilis. 15. V. corymbo terminali, foliis ellipticis obtusis in- tegerrimis ciliatis, calycinis foliolis obtusis, caulibus fruticosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 62. Engl. bot. 1027. Blue Rock Speedwell. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. July. H. it. elpina. 16. V. corymbo terminali, foliis oppositis oblongo- lanceolatis acutis dentatis, calycibus hispidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 63. Engl. lot. 484. Alpine Speedwell. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. May. H. M. serpylli- 17. V. racemo terminali subspicato, foliis ovatis folia. glabris crematis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 64. Curtis lond. Engl, bot. 1075. Smooth Speedwell. Paul's Betony. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May–July. H. M. * * * * Flores axillares, racemosi. officinalis. 18. V. spicis lateralibus pedunculatis, foliis opposi- tis obovato-subrotundis pilosis annuis, caule procumbente hirto, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 59. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 765. Svensk lot. 159. Poit. et Turp. fl. paris. 1. p. 12. t. 8. Officinal male Speedwell. Nat. DIANDRIA Monogyni.A. Veronica. 31 19. 2O. 21. 22. 23. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May—July. H. P. V. spicis lateralibus pedunculatis, foliis oppositis Allionii, subrotundis nitidis rigidis, caule glabro repente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 59. Veronica pyrenaica. Allion. pedem. 1. p. 73. t. 46. f. 3. Shining-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1748. Mill. dict. edit. 5. n. 10. Fl. June–August. H. W. . V. racemis axillaribus paucifloris, foliis ellipticis decussata. perennantibus integerrimis, caule fruticoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 60. Curtis magaz. 242. Cross-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of Falkland Islands. Introd. 1776, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. July and August. G. H. 12. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis ovatis planis, caule Becca- repente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 64. Curtis bunga. lond. Engl lot. 655. Brooklime Speedwell. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. p. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis lanceolatis serratis, Anagallis. caule erecto. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 65. Curtis lond. Engl lot. 781. Svensk lot. 127. Long-leaved water Speedwell. Nat. of Eritain. Fl. July. H. G). V. racemis lateralibus alternis: pedicellis pendu- scutellata. lis, follis linearibus integerrimis. H/illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 65. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 782. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 15. t. 13. Narrow-leaved water Speedwell. Naţ. 33 Dr.ANDRIA Monogy NtA. Veronica. prostrata. gronta?id- Chamae- drys. Nat, of Britain. --- 'Fl. June and July. H. M. 24. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis oblongo-ovatisserra- tis, caulibus prostratis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 67. Veronica angustifolia minor. Rivin. monopet. 95. Trailing Speedwell. Nat. of Germany and Italy. Introd. 1774, by Chevalier Murray. * Fl. May and June. H. M. 25. V. racemis lateralibus elongatis filiformibus, foliis ovatis petiolatis obtusis grosse serratis, caule petiolisque hirtis. , Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 68. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 766. Poit. et Turp. ji. paris. 1. p. 14. t. 10. Mountain Speedwell. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. Y. 26. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis ovatis sessilibus ru- gosis dentatis, caule bifariam piloso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 69. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 623. Poit: et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 13. t. 9. Germander Speedwell. Wild Germander. Nat. of Britain. * Fl. May and June. H. 11. 27. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis pinnatifidis glabris acutis basi attennuatis, calycibus inaequalibus, pedicellis capillaribus bractea longioribus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 69. Veronica heterophylla. Salisb. stirp. rar. 7. t. 4. Oriental Speedwell. JNat. of the Levant. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 5. 77. 33. Fl. July and August. H. M. erientalis. austriaca. 28. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis pilosiusculis lineari- bus pinnatifidis : laciniis infimis longioribus di- varicatls, diANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Veronica. 33 varicatis, calycibus pilosiusculis, pedunculis bractea brevioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 70. Veronica austriaca et multifida. Jacq. austr. 4. p. 15. t. 329. - Austrian Speedwell. Nat. of Austria. * g Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict, edit, 5. 72. A 7. Fl. June—August. H. 2ſ. 29. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis cordatis sessilibus ar- gute serratis acuminatis, caule stricto, foliolis calycinis quaternis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 71. Veronica urticaefolia. Jacqu. austr. 1. p. 37. t. 59. Nettle-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of Austria and Switzerland. Introd. 1776, by Nicholas Joseph de Jacquin, M.D. Fl. June and July. H. 2p. 30. V. racemis lateralibus, foliis cordatis sessilibus ru- gosis obtuse serratis, caule stricto, foliolis caly- cinis quinis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 71. Veronica pseudo-chamaedrys. Jacqu. austr. 1. p.37. t. 60. Broad-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of Austria and Switzerland. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. edit. 5. 71. 18. - F. May and June. H. M. 31. V. racemis lateralibus longissimis, foliis lanceola- tis termis serratis, caule adscendente. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 71. Panicled Speedwell. Nat. of Russia. s Introd. 1797, by Mr. John Hunnemann, , , Fl. June and July. H, aſ . ***** Pedunculis unifloris. wrticaefo- lia. latifolia, paniculata. 32. V. floribus solitariis pedunculatis, foliis cordatis agrestis, VOL. I. IO petiolatis, #, 84 Di ANDRIA MONogy NIA, Veronica. petiolatis, caule pubescente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 72. Cºriis lond. Engl. lot. 783. - Procumbent Speedwell. Germander Chickweed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. - H. O. arvensis. 33. V. floribus solitariis, foliisque cordatis subsessili- bus, caule hirto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 73. ... Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 734. Wall Speedwell. Speedwell Chickweed. Nat. of Britain. - w Fl. May. - - H. G. hederifolia. 34. V. floribus solitariis, foliis cordatis planis quinque- w lobis pedunculo brevioribus, calycinis ovatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 73. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 784. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 23. f. 26. * Ivy-leaved Speedwell. Small Henbit. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April–June. - H. G). triphyllos. 35. V. floribus solitariis pedunculatis, foliis digitato- - partitis, caule patulo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 74. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 26. Fl. graeca, 1. p. 8. t, 10. - Finger'd Speedwell. Upright Chickweed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April and May. H. G). verna. 36, V. floribus solitariis subsessilibus, foliis digitato- partitis: summis indivisis, caule stricto. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 75. Engl. lot. 25. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 21. t. 22. Vernal Speedwell. Nat. of England. Fl. April and May. H. G). acinifolia. 37. V. floribus pedunculatis solitaris, foliis ovatis gla- - bris crematis, caule erecto subpiloso. Willden. Sp. DIANDRIA Monogyni A. Veronica. 35. 38. sp. pl. 1. p. 75. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 32. f. 23. Basil-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1788, by Edmund Davall, Esq. Fl. April and May. H. G). * V. floribus solitariis sessilibus; foliis oblongis ob- peregrina. tusiusculis dentatis integrisque, caule erecto. Smith in linn, soc. transact. 1. p. 192. Veronica peregrina. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 76. F. dan. 407. w Knotgrass-leaved Speedwell. Nat. of the North of Europe. Cult. 1680. Moris, hist. 2. p. 322. n. 19. Fl. May and June. H. G). JUSTICIA. Gen. pl. 35. Cal. simplex vel duplex. Cor. irregularis vel sub- regularis. Caps. 2-valvis, 2-locularis: dissepi- mentum valvis contrarium : retinaculis semi- num uncinulatis. * Calyce duplici. . J. paniculis axillaribus dichotomis. Pahl enumer. bicalycilla- 1. p. 113. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 81. ta. Dianthera bicalyculata. Retzius in act. stockholm. 1775. p. 297. t. 9, - Malabar Justicia. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1785, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. August. S. G). ** Calyce simplici, corollis bilaliatis; labiis in- * divisis. . J. umbellis axillaribus trifloris, bracteis cuneifor- sewangula- - mibus, foliis ovatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 115. ris. Justicia sexangularis. Willden, sp. pl. i. p. 83. Chickweed-leaved Justicia. ID 2 Nat. 36 DIANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Justicia. Nat, of South America. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M.D. Mill. dict. edit. 5. n. 1. Fl. July. S. G). *** Calyce simplici, corollis bilabiatis: labiis divisis. Ecbolium. 3. J. spicis terminalibus tetragonis imbricatis, bracteis ovalibus foliisque oblongo-ovatis acuminatis, ga- lea lineari. Vahl enumer. 1. p. 117. Justicia Ecbolium. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 85. Carim-curini. Rheed. mal. 2. p. 31. t. 10. Long-spiked Justicia. Nat of the East Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. 77. 8. Fl. March—August. S. 2. caccinea. 4. J. spicis terminalibus, bracteis foliisque ellipticis, corollarum galealanceolata apice reflexa, stigmate bilamellao. Pahl enumer. i. p. 121. Justicia coccinea. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 86. Smith ic. pict. 8. Curtis magaz. 132. * * Scarlet-flower'd Justicia, * Nat. of South America. Introd. about 1770. F. February. S. 2. quadriftda. 5. J. floribus axillaribus solitariis sessilibus; terminali- bus spicatis secundis, foliis lanceolatis. Wahl enu- mer. 1. p. 124. Justicia virgularis. Salisb. paradis. 50. Twigg'd Justicia. & Nat. of Mexico. Introd. 1795, by the Marchioness of Bute. Fi. most part of the Summer. --- S. 2. withda. 6. J. racemis terminalibus subramosis, calycibus sub- verticillatis glabris, foliis lanceolato-elhipticis utrinque attenuatis petiolatis. Wahl enumer. 1. - p. 127. *. * * Justicia p1ANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Justicia. 37 Justicia nitida. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 88. Andrews's reposit. 570. Glossy Justicia. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1790, by Edward Elcock, Esq. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. k . 7. J. racemis axillaribus terminalibusque, floribus picta. verticillatis, foliis ellipticis pictis. Wahl enu- mer. 1. p. 128. Justicia picta. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 88. Tsjude-maram. Rheed. mal. 6. p. 111, t, 60. Painted Justicia. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. before 1780, by John Fothergill, M. D. Hort. upton. 31. Fl. July and August. S. K. 8. J. racemis terminalibus compositis: racemulis se- secunda. cundis multifloris, bracteis setaceis, foliis ova- to-oblongis attenuatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 133. Justicia secunda. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 91. Side-flowering Justicia. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. W Fl. S. H. . 9. J. spicis terminalibus subcapitatis, foliis ellipticis lucida. nervosis bullatis lucidis, labio corollae superiore lanceolato. Wahl enumer. 2. p. 400. Justicia lucida. Andrews's reposit. 313. Botan, magaz. 1014. Shining-leaved Justicia. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1795, by Edward Elcock, Esq. Fl. July and August. S. h. 10. J. spicis terminalibus foliosis hispidis, foliis lan- ciliaris. ceolatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 134. Justicia ciliaris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 90. Justicia 38 DIANDRIA MøNoGYNIA. Justicia. Justicia ciliata. Jacqu, hort. vindol. 2. p. 47. t. 104. Ciliated Justicia. Nat. Introd. 1780, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July and August. S. G). Gendarus- 1 1.J. spicis terminalibus foliosis, floribus verticillatis, Sú. foliis lanceolatis elongatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 134. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 87. Vada-kodi. Rheed. mal. 9, p. 79. t. 42. Willow-leaved Justicia. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart, K. B. * Fl. June and July. - S. h. carthagi- 12. J. spicis axillaribus terminalibusque, bracteis ob- *ensis. longis imbricatis ciliatis obtusis. Wahl enumer, 1. . 136. Jºãº carthaginensis. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 86. Jacqu, amer, 5. t. 5. Carthaginian Justicia. Nat. of Carthagena and Martinico. Introd. 1792, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June and July. S. K. annericana. 13. J. spicis axillaribus, floribus confertis, pedunculis procum- 'lens. elongatis alternis, foliis lanceolatis. Wahl emu- mer. 1. p. 140. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 92. Gratiolae affinis floridana, floribus et capsulis in spica brevi, longis pediculis, ex foliorum alis prodeuntibus innixis. Pluk, amalth. 114. t. 423. f. 5. - American Justicia. Nat. of North America. - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. Dianthera. Fl. July and August. 2 H. 21. 14. J. spicis lateralibus. terminalibusque, calycibus tetraphyllis p1AND RIA MONOGYNIA. Justicia. 39 tetraphyllis linearibus pilosis, labio inferiore gla- briusculo, foliis oblongis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 140. Justicia procumbens. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 87. Euphrasia alsines angustiore folio, rubiae modo spicata, golcondaea. Pluk. alm. 142. t. 56, f. 3. Procumbent Justicia. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1798, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. S. 21. 15. J. spicis axillaribus terminalibusque filiformibus, comata. spiculis verticillatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 142. Justicia comata, JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 94. Antirrhinum minus angustifolium, flore dilute purpureo. Sloan. jam. I. p. 160. t. 103. f. 2. Balsam Herb. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1795, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. S. 21. 16. J. spicis axillaribus terminalibusque, floribus in- eustachia- ferme geminis; superne solitariis, bracteis cu- na. neatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 144. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 93. Justicia eustachiana. Jacqu. amer. 4. t. 4. Eustachian Justicia. Nat. of St. Eustachia and Martinico. Introd. 1799, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - Fl. August and September. - S. K. 17. J. pedunculis axillaribus dichotomis, foliis ellip- nasuta. ticisintegerrimis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 144. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 90. Justicia nasuta. Curtis magaz. 325. White-flower'd Indian Justicia. Nat, of the East Indies. William Roxburgh, º o - & Introd, 40 DIANDRIA MONOGYNTA. Justicia. Introd. 17g), by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl, most part of the Year. S. K. . pectoralis. 18. J. panicula terminali dichotoma, floribus spicatis remotis. Pahl enumer. 1. p. 144. Justicia pectoralis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 93. Jacqu. amer. 3. t. 3. Fork’d Justicia. Jamaica Garden Balsam. Nat. of the West Indies, Introd. 1787, by Mr. Alexander Anderson. Fl. May and June. S. l. periploca- 19, J. floribus axillaribus solitariis terminalibus spi- jolia. catis, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis, foliis ovatis attenuatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 147. Justicia periplocafolia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 98. Jacq. collect, suppl. p. 5. t. 7. f. 2. Periploca-leaved Justicia. Nat. of South America. Introd. 1799, by the Marchioness of Bute. Fl. June. S. W. . furcata, 20, J. villosa, floribus axillaribus sessilibus subsolita- sº 2 riis terminalibus termis, foliis lanceolato-ovatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 147. Justicia peruviana. Willden, sp, pl. 1. p. 97. Curtis magaz. 430, Peruvian Justicia. Nat. of Peru. Introd. 1795, by the Marchioness of Bute, Pl, most part of the Summer. S. 2. lithosper- 21. J. floribus axillaribus subverticillatis sessilibus, mifolia. bracteis linearibus, foliis lanceolatis. Wahl enu- - mer. 1. p. 151. Justicialithospermifolia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 95. Jacqu. hort. Schoenbr. 1. p. 3. t. 4, Gromwell-leaved Justicia. - Nat. of Peru, - - Introd. DIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Justicia. 4} Introd. 1796, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. h. **** Calyce simplici, corollis ringentibus. 2 #. 2. J. spicis axillaribus oppositis, bracteis ovatis acu- Adhatoda. tis nervosis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 153. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 96. Botan, magaz. 861. Malabar Nut. Nat. of Ceylon. Cult. 1699, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Br. mus. Sloan. mscr. 525. and 3329. Fl. May–July. G. H. H. . 23. J. spicis axillaribus terminalibusque secundis vil- pectinata. , losis, bracteis dorsalibus lanceolatis bifariis : basi margine membranaceis. Wahl enumer. 1, p. 154. Justicia pectinata. Linn, sp. pl. 22. Rowl. co- rom. 2. p. 29. t. 153. Justicia parviflora. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 101. Small-flower'd Justicia. Nat. of the East Indies. . Introd. 1798, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June and July. S. 2. 24. J. spicis terminalibus, bracteis ovatis acuminatis Betonica. venoso-reticulatis, foliis lanceolato-ovatis petio- latis. Pahl enum. 1. p. 156. Bem-curini. Rheed. mal. 2. p. 33. t. 21. Betony-leaved Justicia. & Nat. of the East Indies, Cult. 1737, by Mr. Samuel Brewer. Knewlton Jun. mscr. Fl. S. h. 25. J. pedunculis axillaribus subtrifloris, foliis lance- hyssopifo- olatis obtusis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 162. lia. Justicia hyssopifolia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 97. * * - Hyssop- 42 DIANDRIA MoxoGYNLA. ... Justicia. orchioides. 26. 7ter?JOSſ. spinosa, Hyssop-leaved Justicia. , Snap Tree. 27. 28. Nat. of the Canary Islands. Cult. , 1690, in the Royal garden at Hampton- court. Mill. ic. 9. t. 13. Fl. March—August. G. H. W. . J. pedunculis axillaribus solitariis unifloris, foliis lanceolatis utrinque acutis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 162. r Justicia orchioides. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 98. Venten. malmais. 51. - Broom-leaved Justicia. e Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. August and September. G. H. W. ***** Calyce simplici, corollis subaequalibus. J. spicis axillaribus terminalibusque imbricatis, bracteis oblongis venosis foliisque ovatis acu- minatis. Wahl enumer, 1. p. 164. Justicia pulchella. Roach. corom. 2. p. 41. t. 177. Eranthemum pulchellum. Andrews's reposit. 88. Ruellia varians. Pentenat. cels. 46. Blue-flower'd Justicia, - Nat. of the East Indies, William Roxburgh, M.D. Introd. 1796, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. most part of the Year. - S. W. . J, pedunculis subuniforis, foliis oblongis, spinis. axillaribus. Wahl enumer. 1, p. 167. Willden, sp. pl. 1, p. 100. Justicia spinosa. Jacqu. amer. 2, t, 2. f. 1, Jamaica Thorny Justicia, Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M.D. Mill. dict. edit. 8. *. - Fl. July and August. S. W. , GRATIOLA. Gen. pl. 37. Cor. irregularis resupinata. Stam. 2 sterilia, Caps. 2-locu- p1ANDRIA MONOGYN1A. Gratiola. 43 2-locularis. Cal. 7-phyllus ; 2 exterioribus patulis. 1. G. foliis lanceolatis serratis, floribus pedunculatis. officinalis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 102. Fl. dan. 363. Hedge-hyssop. - Naf. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1568. Turn. herb. part 3. fol. 33. Fl. June–August. 2. G. foliis oblongis integris, pedunculis unifloris Monnieria. foliis longioribus, caule declinato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 102. Rowl. corom. 2. p. 41. t. 1 78. Thyme-leaved Gratiola. Nat. of both Indies, and the South Sea Islands. Introd. 1772, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July–September. S. 21. 3. G. caule repente, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acute veronicifo- serratis, floribus terminalibus oppositis. Will- lia. dem. sp. pl. 1. p. 103. Pee-tjanga-pulpam. Rheed. mal. 9. p. 115. t. 59. Speedwell-leaved Gratiola. Snap-grass. Nat, of the East Indies. - Introd. 1798, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June–September. S. 3. 4. G. foliis lanceolatis obtusis subdentatis. Will virginica. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 104. Virginian Hedge-hyssop. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. 72. 2. Fl. August. - H. M. SCHWENKIA. Gen. pl. 38. Cor. Subaequalis: fauce plicata, glandulosa. Stam. 3 sterilia. Caps. bilocularis, polysperma. 1. Schwen- 44 DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Schwenkia. americana. I. Schwenkia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 106, Schwenke pinnata. beschryv. der gewassen, p. 328. t. 1. Guinea Schwenkia. - Nat. of Guinea. Introd. 1781, by Messrs. Kennedy and Lee. Fl. August and September. S. 3. CALCEOLARIA. Gen. pl. 39. Cor. ringens, inflata. Caps. 2-locularis, bivalvis. Cal. 4-partitus, aequalis. - 1. C. foliis pinnatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 106. Curtis magaz. 41. Wing'd-leav'd Calceolaria, or Slipper-wort. Nat. of Peru. Introd. 1773, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. . * - Fl. July–September. S. G). Fothergil-2. C., foliis spathulatis integerrimis, pedunculis sca- lii. piformibus unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 108. Curtis magaz. 348. Fothergill's &ºis, or Slipper-wort. Nat. of the Falkland Islands. Introd. 1777, by John Fothergill, M.D. Fl. May–August. G. H. 3. . PINGUICULA. Gen. pl. 40. Cor. ringens, calcarata. Cal. bilabiatus, 5-fidus. Caps. 1-locularis. lusitanica. 1. P. scapo nutante pubescente, nectario conico- ºvulgaris. subulato, foliis reticulato-venosis. Willden. sp., pl. 1. p. 109. * Pinguicula lusitanica. Engl. lot. 145. Pale Butterwort. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. - H. M., 2. P. nectario conico recto longitudine petali, labio superiore bilobo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 110. . - Pingui- prANDRIA Monogyni A. Pinguicula. 45 Pinguicula vulgaris. Engl. lot. 70. Svensk lot. 36. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 27. t. 29. Common Butter-wort. - Nat. of Britain. - Fl. May. - - H. l. 3. P. nectario subulato reflexo petalis breviore. Will- alpina. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 111. - Pinguicula alpina. Fl. dan. 453. Alpine Butter-wort. Nat. of the Alps of Lapland, Switzerland, and Austria. . - - Introd. 1794, by Isaac Swainson, Esq. Fl. April. H. 21. UTRICULARIA. Gen. pl. 41. Cor. ringens, calcarata. Cal. 2-phyllus, aequalis. Caps. unilocularis. * 1. U. nectario conico, scapo paucifloro. Willden. sp. vulgaris, pl. 1. p. 112. Engl. lot. 253. Poit. et Turp. ft. paris. 1. p. 29. t. 30. Common Bladderwort. Hooded Milfoil, Nat. of Britain. - - Fl. June and July. H. 21. 2. U. nectario carinato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1 12. minor. Engl. lot. 254. Schmidel ic. 79. t. 21. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. 1. p. 30. t. 31. - Lesser Hooded-Milfoil. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. iſ . GHINIA. Gen. pl. 42. Cal. quinquearistatus. Cor. ringens: limbo quinque- fido. Nur carnosa, 4-locularis. Sem, solitaria. 1. G. fructibus quadrispinosis, foliis glabris. Will- spinosa. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1 14. Verbena curassavica. Linn. sp. pl. 28. Vero- 46 Brandria Monogynia. Ghinia. Veronica similis fruticosa curassavica teucrii foliis flore galericulato. Herm, paradis. 240. cum tab. Thorny-fruited Ghinia. Nat. of the West Indies. - Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M. D. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Verbena 17. Fl. August. S. O. STACHYTARPHETA. Pahl enumer. i. p. 90s. Jussieu in annales du museum, 7. p. 75. Cal. tubulosus, 4-dentatus. Cor. hypocrateriformis, inaequalis, 5-fida, curva. Stam. 4: 2 sterilia. Sem. 2. indica. 1. S. foliis lanceolato-oblongis basi attenuatis remote dentatis cauleque glaberrimis, bracteis lineari- lanceolatis. }. enumer. 1. p. 206. Verbena indica. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 115. Indian Bastard Vervain. Nat. of Ceylon. - Cult. 1732, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. m. 547. Fl. August and September. * S. G). jamaican- 2. S. foliis oblongo-ovatis dentato-serratis glabris, sis. ramis hirtis, bracteis ovatis calyce brevioribus. Wahl enumer. i. p. 206. * Verbena jamaicensis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 115. Cymburus urticaefolius. Salisb. paradis. 53. Jamaica Bastard Vervain. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1714, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Br. Mus, H. S. 136. fol. 45. Fl. June–September. S. 3. orubica. 3. S. foliis ovatis serratis scabris rugosis, caule fruti- coso, bracteis ovatis calyce majoribus. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 208. Verbena orubica. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 115. Sherardia urticae folio subtus incano floribus vio- laceis. Ehret pict. t. 5. f. 1. Orubian Bastard Vervain. Nat. of Panama. Cult. pi ANDRIA Monogy NIA. Stachytarpheta. 4? Cult. before 1699, in the Royal garden at Hamp- ton-court. Moris. hist. 3. p. 419. m. , 2. Fl. June—August. # G. H. &. 4. S. foliis ovatis serratis rugosis cauleque subincano, mutabilis. bracteis lanceolatis calyce brevioribus. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 208. Botan. magaz. 976. Verbena mutabilis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 115. Andrews’s reposit. 435. Venten, malmais. 36. Cymburus mutabilis. Salist. paradis. 49. Changeable-flower’d Bastard Vervain. . Nat. of South America. Introd. 1801, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - Fl. most part of the Summer. S. h. 5. S. foliis ovatis obtusis serratis, spicis laxis, bracteis prismatica. subulatis calyce brevioribus. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 209. - Verbena prismatica. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1 16. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 208. Germander-leaved Bastard Vervain. JNat. of the West Indies. Cult. before 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris. hist. 3. p. 418. n. 5. - Fl. May and June. S. 3. . LYCOPUS. Gen. pl. 44. Cor. 4-fida: lacinia unica emarginata. Stamina • * distantia. Sem. 4, retusa. I. L. foliis sinuato-serratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 120, europaus. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. I 105. Fl. dan. 1081. Water Horehound. Gipsywort. JNat. of Britain. * Fl. July and August. H. M. 2. L. foliis basi pinnatifido-serratis. PPillden. sp. exaltatus. pl. 1. p. 12 I. Fl. gracca, 1. p. 9. t. 12. - Italian Water Horehound. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 48 ptANDRIA Monogynia, Lycopus. virginicus. carrulea. mariana. pulegioides. Cult. 1739, Rand. Chels. n. 2. Fl. July and August. - H. 21. 3. L. foliis aequaliter serrulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 12.1 . vº Water Horehound. Nat. of Virginia. . Cult, 1760, by Mr. James Gordon. Fl. August and September. H. 24. AMETHYSTEA. Gen. pl. 45. Cor. 5-fida; lacinia infima patentiore. Stam. ap- proximata. Calya subcampanulatus. Sem. 4, gibba. 1. AMETHYstEA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 121. Amethystina. Haller in act. upsal. 1742, p. 51. & 4. Blue Amethyst. Nat. of Siberia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 7. Fl. June and July. H. G). CUNILA. Gen. pl. 46. Cor. ringens: labio superiore erecto, plano. Fila- menta castrata duo. Semina 4. 1. C. foliis ovatis serratis, corymbis terminalibus di- chotomis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 122. Calamintha erecta virginiana mucronato folio gla- bro. Moris. hist. 3. p. 413. 3. 1 1. t. 19. f. 7. Mint-leaved Cunila. Nat. of North America. - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Millcr. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Satureja 5. * * Fl. July–September. H. 21. 2. C. foliis oblongis bidentatis, floribus verticillatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 122. Pennyroyal-leaved Cunila. Nat. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Cunila. 49 3 2 Nat. of North America. Introd. 1777, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. August. H. G). . C. foliis ovalibus integerrimis, floribus verticilla- thymoides. tis, caule tetragono, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 123. Thyme-leaved Cunila. Nat. of the South of France. Cult. before 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris. hist. 3. p. 404. S. 1 1. t. 19. f. 6. Fl. June—August. H. G.). ZIZIPHORA. Gen. pl. 47. Cor. ringens : , labio superiore reflexo, integro. Cal. filiformis. Sem, 4. , Z. fasciculis terminalibus, foliis ovatis. Willden. capitata, sp. pl. 1. p. 123. Fl. graca 1. p. 10. t. 13. Oval-leaved Ziziphora. Nat. of Syria. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. 72. 1 . Fl. July and August. - H. G.). . Z. foliis ovatis, floribus racemoso-Spicatis, brac- hispanica. teis obovatis nervosis acutis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 124. Spanish Ziziphora. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7, 7t. 3. Fl. June. H. G). . Z. floribus lateralibus, foliis lanceolatis. Willden, tenuior, sp. pl. 1. p. 124. Acinos syriaca, folio mucronato, capsulis hirsutis. Moris. hist. 3. p. 404. S. 1 1. t. 19. f. 3, 4. Spear-leaved Ziziphora. Nat. of the Levant. V OL. I. Jº Cult. DIANDRIA Monogynia. Ziziphora. acinoides. serpyllacea. Pouschkini. fistulosa. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 6. 72. 2. - Fl. June and July. A. H. G). Introd. 1786, by William Pitcairn, M.D. Fl. July and August. 5. 6. l. . Z. floribus lateralibus, foliis ovatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 124. Thyme-leaved Ziziphora. Nat. of Siberia. H. M. Z, capitulis terminalibus ovalibus, foliis ovatis subserratis : floralibus subsimilibus integerri- mis ciliatis. Sims in botan. magaz. 906. Sweet-scented Ziziphora. . . . . . Nat. of Mount Caucasus. - Introd. 1803, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - - - Fl. July and August. r - H. & . Z. capitulis subglobosis verticillatis hirsutis, foliis orbiculato-ovatis subdentatis, staminibus ex- sertis, caulibus prostratis. Sims in botan. magaz. 1093. Hairy-headed Ziziphora. Nat. of Mount Caucasus. Introd. 1803, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. August. - H. &. MONARDA. Gen. pl. 48. Cor. inaequalis : labio superiore lineari, filamenta involvente. Semina 4. - - M. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis cordatis villosis pla- mis. Iſillden.sp. pl. 1. p. 124. . . . & Monarda fistulosa. J. Miller illustr. Purple Canada Monarda. 6 Monarda fistulosa var. Curtis magaz. 145. Crimson Canada Monarda. Nat. 151ANDRIA MONOGYN1A. Monardā. '51 Nat. of Canada. Cult. 1656, by Mr. John Tradescant, jun. Mus. tradesc. 148. * * Fl. June—August. H. M. 2. M. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi rotundato-atte- oblongata. 'nuatis villosis planis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 125. Long-leaved Monarda. Nat. of North America. 1 i Cult. 1761, by Mr. James Gordon. . . . . Fl. July–September. H. M. 3. M. foliis ovatis glabris, capitulis verticillatis, flori- didyma. bus subdidynamis, caule acutangulo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 125. Botan. magaz. 546. Scarlet Monarda. Oswego Tea. } Nat. of North America. * , Introd. before 1752, by Peter Collinson, Esq. . . . . *- Knowlton jun. mscr. ? t A. Fl. June—August. H. M. 4. M. foliis ovato-lanceolatis cordatis glabris rugosis, rugosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 125. \ White Monarda. Nat. of North America. • Cult. 1761, by Mr. James Gordon. Fl. July–September. H. 21. 5. M. foliis ovato-lanceolatis basi rotundatis inaequa- clinopodia. libus glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 125. Wild Basil-leaved Monarda. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. 1771, by Mr. William Malcolm. Fl. July. H. M. 6. M. floribus verticillatis, corollis punctatis, bracteis punctata. " coloratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 126. Andrews's reposit. 546. Spotted Monarda. Nat. of North America. - E 2 Cult. 32 DIANDRIA Monogynia. Monarda. eiliata. officinalis. chilensis. aegyptiaca. 2 l Cult. 1714, by Mr. Thomas Fairchild. Philosoph. transact. m. 346. p. 358. n. 109. Fl. June–October. H. & . . M. floribus verticillatis, corollis involucro lon- gioribus. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 126. Clinopodium angustifolium non ramosum, flore ... caeruleo. Pluk. alm. 110. t. 164. f. 3. Virginian Ciliated Monarda. Nat. of Virginia. Introd. 1798, by Mr. Fr. Masson. Fl. July. H. M. ROSMARINUS. Gen. pl. 49. Cor. inaequalis : labio superiore bipartito. Fila- menta longa, curva, simplicia cum dente. . R. foliis sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 126. Fl. Graeca i. p. 11. t. 14. Common Rosemary. Nat. of the South of Europe and the Levant. Cult. 1548, Turner's names of herbes, sign. Ej. Fl. January–May. H. . R. foliis petiolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 127. Chili Rosemary. Nat. of Chili. Introd. 1795, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July. G. H. H. SALVIA. Gen. pl. 50. Cor. inaequalis. Filamenta transverse pedicello affixa. . S. foliis lanceolatis denticulatis, floribus peduncu- latis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 127. Jacqu, hort. windob. 2. p. 49. t. 108. Egyptian Sage. Nat. of Egypt, and the Canary Islands, Introd. DIANDRIA Monogyni A. Salvia. 59. Introd. 1770, by Mous. Richard. Fl. June and July. H. G). 2. S. foliis lineari-oblongis dentato-pinnatifidis, ver- dentata. ticillis bifloris, laciniis calycinis obtusis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 128. Tooth-leaved Sage. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. F. December—January. G. H. H. . 3. S. foliis lineari-lanceolatis, floribus digynis, caly- cretica. cibus diphyllis. 17 illden. sp. pl. i. p. 128. Salvia tenuifolia. Riv. monop. suppl. 57. Cretan Sage. Nat. of the Island of Candia. Cult. 1760, by Mr. James Gordon. Fl. June—August. H. : . 4. S. foliis radicalibus lyratis dentatis, corokarum lyrata. galea brevissima. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 128. Melissa atrorubens, bugulae folio. Dill, elth. 219. t. 175. f. 216. Lyre-leaved Sage. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1728, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. elth. loc. cit. Fl. June—August. H. l. 5. S. foliis linearibus integerrimis pubescentibus ses- Halliziana. silibus, floribus verticillato-spicatis, bracteis ovatis acuminatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 129. Siberian Sage. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1795, by John Bell, Esq. - Fl. July–October. H. l. 6. S. foliis lanceolato-ovatis crenulatis, verticillis officinalis. paucifloris, calycibus mucronatis. Willden. sp. l. 1. p. 129. Regn. lot. p ‘g Garden DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Salvia. grandiflora. 7. trilola. 8. pomifera. 9. Garden Sage. - - Nat. of the South of Europe. * * Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 623. j. 1. - Fl. June and July. H. (2. S. foliis cordato-oblongis crenatis, verticillis mul- tifloris, calycibus acutis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 130. Salvia tomentosa. Mill. dict. Salvia flore magno. Riv. monop. suppl. 55. Broad-leaved Balsamic Sage. Nat. . . . Cult. before 1616, by Matthias de L'Obel. Bauh. hist. 3. p. 305. * Fl. June–September. H. M. S. tomentosa, foliis petiolatis rugosissimis trilobis: lobo intermedio producto oblongo; lateralibus ovatis obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 130. Fl. Graeca 1. p. 13. t. 17. Three-lobed Sage. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June and July. H. W. . S. foliis cordato-ellipticis obtusis tomentosis mar- gine crenulato-undulatis, verticillis confertis, calycibus trifidis obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 130. Fl. Graeca 1. p. 12. t. 15. Apple-bearing Sage. Nat. of the Island of Candia. Cult. 1699, by the Hon. Charles Howard. Moris. hist. 3. p. 399. n. 4. Fl. July and August. H. l. urticifolia. 10, S. foliis ovato-oblongis duplicato-serratis, caly- cibus tridentatis: lacinia summa tridentata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 131. it tº Horminum virginianum erectum urticae foliis, - - - - flore DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Salvia. 55 flore minore. Moris. hist. 3. p. 395. s. 11. t. 13. f. 31. Nettle-leaved Sage. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1799, by Mr. Fr. Masson. Fl. June and July. H. ). 11. S. foliis cordatis rugosis crenato-aequaliter serra- tiliaefolia. tis acutis, calycibus glabriusculis aristatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 131. Jacqu, hort. Schoenbr. 3. p. 2. t. 254. Lime-leaved Sage. Nat. of South America. Introd. 1793, by William Forsyth, Esq. Fl. June–August. G. H. 21. 12. S. foliis oblongis crematis, corollarum galea se- viridis. miorbiculata, calycibus fructiferis reflexis. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 132. Fl. Gracca 1. p. 15. t. 19. Green-topp'd Sage. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 7. Horminum 5. Fl. July and August. H. G. 13. S. foliis obtusis crematis, bracteis summis steri- Horminum. libus majoribus coloratis. Pſillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 132. Fl. Graeca 1. p. 15. t. 20. o, coma violacea. Purple-topp'd Sage, or Annual Clary. 6 coma rubra. Red-topp'd Sage, or Annual Clary. Naf. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June and July. H. G). 14. S. foliis oblongis cordatis rugosis crematis, pilis virgata. caulis calycisque apice glandulosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 133. Poit, et Turp. f. paris. t. 34. Long-branch’d Sage. Nat. 56 DIANDRIA MonogYNIA. Salvia. sylvestris. 11677707'OSd. syriaca. viscosa, 16. | 7. } 8. Nat. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Fl. July–November. H. M. . S. foliis cordatis rugosis biserratis, bracteis colo- ratis flore brevioribus acuminatis, pilis caulis calycisque simplicibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 183. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. t. 35. Spotted-stalk’d Bohemian Sage. Nat, of Austria and Bohemia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. Sclarea 8. Fl. June–October. H. 21. S. foliis cordato-lanceolatis serratis planis, brac- teis coloratis, corollae labio infimo reflexo, Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 134, Spear-leaved Sage. Nat. of Austria and Tartary. Cult. 1728, by Mr. Ph. Miller, R. S. n. 342. Fl. June–October. H. ll, S. foliis cordatis dentatis: inferioribus repandis, bracteis cordatis brevibus acutis, calycibus to- mentosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 134. Syrian Sage. Nat, of the Levant, - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller, Mill. dict. edit. 7, Sclarea 6. F. July, G. H. H. , S. foliis oblongis obtusis eroso-crenatis viscidis, floribus verticillatis, bracteis cordatis acutis, Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 134, Jacqu, ic, 1. t. 5, Clammy Sage, Nat. of Italy. Introd. 1773, by John Earl of Bute, Fl. May and June, H. ly, hºmatodes, 19. S. foliis cordato-ovatis rugosis tomentosis, calyci- bus hispidis, radice tuberosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 135, e Horminum DIANDRIA MONOGYN1A, Salvia. $7 2O. 21. 22. 23. Horminum sanguineum asphodeli radice. Tri- tumf obs. 69. cum tal. Italian Bloody Sage. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris, hist. 3. p. 394. n. 15. Fl. July and August. H. 21. S. foliis cordato-oblongis crenatis: summis am- pratensis. plexicaulibus, verticillis subnudis, corollis galea glutinosis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 135. Engl. bot. 153. Meadow Sage, or Clary. Nat. of England. Fl. May–November. H. Y. S. foliis ovatis eroso-dentatis, floribus nutantibus, bicolor. lacinia media labii inferioris corollae concava. PWillden.sp. pl. 1. p. 136. Jacqu.hort. schoonlir, 1. p. 4. t. 7. Salisb. paradis. l I3. Two-colour'd Sage. Nat. of Barbary. - - Introd. 1793, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June and July. * H. M. S. foliis cordatis: lateralibus sublobatis; summis indica. sessilibus, verticillis subnudis remotissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 136. Curtis magaz. 395. Indian Sage. Nat. of India. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller, Mill. dict. edit. 1. Sclarea 5. Fl. May–July. H. 21. S. foliis cordatis obtusis crenatis subtomentosis, dominica, corollis calyce angustioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 137. Swartz obs. 18. t. 1. f. 1. Dominica Sage. JNat, of the West Indies, Cult. 53 DIANDRIA Monogy NIA, Salvia. verbenaca. 24. scabra. 25. runcinata. 26. clandestina. 27. Cult, 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict, edit. 7, 7. 9. - ". . '. Fl. July. S. li. S. foliis serratis sinuatis laeviusculis, corollis ca- lyce angustioribus. Iſillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 137. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 154. - Wild English Clary. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. June–October. H. 3. . 21, S. scabra, foliis lyratis dentatis rugosis, caule pa- niculato ramoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 137. Rough-leaved Sage. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. I 774. Fl. most part of the Summer. - G. H. P. S. scabra, foliis runcinato-pinnatifidis dentatis, floribus spicatis verticillatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 138. Jacqu, hort. Schoenbr. 1. p. 5. t. 8. Runcinated Sage. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Fr. Masson. Fl. June and July. G. H. H. , S. foliis serratis pinnatifidis rugosissimis, spica obtusa, corollis calyce angustioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 138. Fl. graca 1. p. 18. t. 24. Cut-leaved Sage. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1739. Rand chels. Horminum 3. Fl. May—July. H. 3. austriaca. 28. S. foliis ovatis cordatisque eroso-sinuatis: radica- libus petiolatis, caule subaphyllo, staminibus corolla duplo longioribus. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 138. Jacqu. austr. 2. p. 8. t. 112. Austrian Sage. r Nat. of Austria. --- w Introd. DIANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Salvia. Introd. 1776, by Nicholas Joseph de Jacquin, Fl. June and July. H. l. 29. S. foliis cordato-oblongis erosis, staminibus corol- disermas. lam aquantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 139. Salvia caule fruticoso, foliis ovato-sinuatis crena- tis rugosis hirsutis. Arduin. Spec. 1. p. 9. t. 1. Long-spiked Sage. Nat. of Syria. Introd. 1773, by Chevalier Murray. Fl. July. H. M. 30. S. foliis cordatis oblongo-lanceolatis eroso-crena- rugosa. tis rugosis pilosiusculis, staminibus corolla bre- vioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 139. Wrinkled-leaved Sage. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1775. - * . Fl. July and August. G. H. P. 31. S. foliis oblongis subcordatis inaequilateralibus ru- nubia. gosis crenatis basi subauritis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 139. sº nubia. Murray in commentat. g3tting. 1778, p. 90. t. 3. Nubian Sage. Nat. of Africa. Introd. 1784, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. June and July. G. H. M. 32. S. foliis sinuatis angulatis crenato-dentatis, caly- milotica. cum dentibus spinosis, angulis margineque fau- cis ciliatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 140. Salvia nilotica. Jacqu, hort. vindob. 3. p. 48. t. 92. Nilotick Sage. - Nat. of Egypt. - - Cult. before 1780, by John Fothergill, M. D. Hort. upton. 40. - Fl, June—August. - H. G). 33. S. fo- 50. DIANDRIA Monogyni A. Salvia. mea:icana, formosa. coccinea. pseudococ- cinea. hispanica. 33. S. foliis ovatis utrinque acuminatis serratis. Will, den. sp. pl. 1. p. 140. Cavanill.ic. 1. p. 16. t. 26. Mexican Sage. . . . . Nat. of Mexico. Cult. 1724, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill. eith. 339. t. 254. f. 330. - Fl. May–July. G. H. W. . 34. S. foliis subcordatis, corollarum galea barbata, ca- lycibus trilobis, caule frutescente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 140. Curtis magaz. 376. Shining-leaved Sage. Nat. of Peru. Introd. 1783, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. W. 35. S. foliis cordatis acutis tomentosis serratis, corol- lis calyce duplo longioribus angustioribus. Will- dem. sp. pl. 1. p. 141. Salvia coccinea. Murray in commentat. gotting. 1778. p. 86. t. 1. Scarlet-flower'd Sage. - Nat. of East Florida, Mr. James Bartram Cult. 1774. Fl. most part of the Year. S. h. 36. S. foliis ovatis acutis serratis basi inaequalibus, caule piloso, corollis calyce duplo longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 141. Salvia pseudococcinea. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 209. Pale Scarlet Sage. Nat. of South America. z Introd. 1797, by the Marchioness of Bute. Fl. June—August. S. 2. 37. S. foliis ovatis, petiolis utrinque mucronatis, spi- cis imbricatis, calycibus trifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 141. Salvia foliis cordato-ovatis serratis rugosis. Arduin, spec. 1. p. 10, t, 2. Spanish: p1ANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Salvia. 61 Spanish Sage. \ Nat. of Spain and Italy. § Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Hor- minum l. ... sº - Fl. June—August. H. G). 38. S. foliis inferioribus lyratis; summis cordatis, abyssinica. floribus verticillatis, calycibus mucronatis cili- atis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 142. Jacqu, ic. 1: . t. 6. - : * Abyssinian Sage. -- - Nat. of Africa. Introd. 1775, by James Bruce, Esq. Fl. June and July. G. H. 1, 39. S. foliis cordatis crenato-dentatis, verticillis sub- verticillata. 40. 4 I. Nat. of Germany and Italy. nudis, stylo eorollae labio inferiori incumbente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 142. - - - Horminum spurium. Riv. monop. 38. Whorl-flower'd Sage. Nat. of Germany. Cult. 1658, in the Oxford Garden. Hort. oacon. edit. 2. p. 79. Horminum 4. - Fl. June–November. H. l. S. foliis cordatis crenato-dentatis : inferioribus napifolia. hastatis lyratisque, verticillis subnudis, labio superiore breviore. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 143. Salvia napifolia. Jacqu, hort. vindob. 2. p. 71. e. t. 152. - Rape-leaved Sage. Nat. of Italy and France. . Introd. 1776, by Nicholas Joseph de Jacquin, M.D. Fl. June and July. H. l. S. foliis cordato-sagittatis serratis acutis. Willden. glutinosa. sp. pl. 1. p. 143. Horminum flore luteo. Riv. monop. 35. - Yellow Sage. Cult. DLANDRIA MONOGYN1A. Salvia. F. June–November. . . ; ; ; Cult. I 596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. f : . . . . . . . . H. T!. . . . . . . . . . canariensis. 42. S. foliis hastato-triangularibus oblongis crenatis aurita. africana. Gº?? 60. *3 colorata. # obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 144. Trew pl. 7-0.7°. 2. p. 17. t. 19. - Canary Sage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nat. of the Canary Islands. . . . . 43. Cult, 1697, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Br, mus. Sloan. mscr. 3357. fol. 62. "- Fl. June–September. G. H. h. S. villosa, foliis ovatis dentatis auriculatis, floribus tº verticillato-spicatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 144. Ear’d-leaved Sage. y * Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. 44. 45. 46. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. H. . S. foliis subrotundis serratis basi truncatis den- tatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 144. Salvia africana frutescens scorodoniae foliis, flore violaceo. Commel, hort. 2. p. 181. t. 91. Blue-flower'd African Sage. - - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1731. Mill. dict. edit. l. n. 12. Fl. April–June. - G. H. h. S. foliis subrotundis integerrimis basi truncatis dentatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 145. Curtis magaz. 182. Gold-flower'd African Sage. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. - Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 1. 72. 13. - Fl. May—November. G. H. H. S. foliis ellipticis subintegerrimis tomentosis, ca- lycis limbo membranaceo colorato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 145. . . . Salvia DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Salvia. 63. Salvia foliis integerrimis. Mill, ic. 150. t. 225. f. 2. Entire-leaved colour'd Sage. . . . . . . . . Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. . . . . . - cºſt before 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. oc. cit. • Fl. July and August. G. H. h. 47. S. foliis ovatis crematis, rugulosis incanis; calyci- chamaedry- bus stellato-villosis, caule decumbente. Wahl oides. enumer. 1. p. 25 1. - . . . . . - Salvia chaemaedryoides. Cavan. ic. 2. p. 77. t. 197. - Botan. Inagaz. 808. - Salvia chamaedrifolia. Andrews’s reposit. 416. Salvia chamaedrys. Willden. hort. berol. 29. Germander Sage. Nat. of Mexico. .* . . . Introd. 1795, by the Marchioness of Bute. Fl. June—November. : ' '. G. H. W. . 48. S. foliis obovato-cuneiformibus denticulatis nudis, paniculata. caule frutescente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 145. Salvia. Mill. ic. 150. t. 225. f. 1. Panicled Sage. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. ic. loc. cit. Fl. June–September. G. H. W. . 49. S. foliis oblongis repandis, calycibus spinosis, spinosa. bracteis cordatis mucronatis concavis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 546. Jacqu. ic. l. t. 7. Thorny-calyx’d Sage. : Nat. of Egypt. - Introd. 1789, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - Fl. June. G. H. 3. 50. S., foliis rugosis cordatis oblongis villosis serratis, Sclarea. bracteis floralibus calyce longioribus concavis acuminatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 147. F. grºca 1. p. 18. t. 25. - . Common 64 plant RIA Monogynia. Salvia, Common Clary. Nat. of Syria and Italy. Cult, 1562, Turn, herb. part 2. fol. 70. Fl. July–September. H. &. ceratophyl- 51. S. foliis rugosis pinnatifidis lanatis, verticillis la. - summis sterilibus. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 148. Horminum rugoso verrucosoque folio cornu cervi exprimente. Pluk. alm. 186. t. 194. f. 5. Horn-leaved Sage. Nat. of Persia. Cult. before 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris. hist. 3. p. 393. s. 1 1. t. 13. f. 6. Fl. July and August. H. 3. AEthiopis. 52. S. foliis oblongis erosis lamatis, verticillis Janatis, bracteis recurvatis subspinosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 148. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 7. t. 211. Woolly Sage. Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 242. Fl. May and June. H. 3. argeltea. 53. S. foliis oblongis dentato-angulatis Janatis, verti- cillis summis sterilibus, bracteis concavis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 149. Fl. grapca 1. p. 20. t. 27. Jacqu, hort. schoenbr. 1. p. 4. t. 6. Silvery-leaved Sage. - Nat. of the Island of Candia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. diet. edit. 7. Sclarea 4. Fl. May–August. H. 3. pinnata. 54. S. hirsuta viscosa, foliºs interrupte pinnatis : fo- liolis oblongis erosis inaequilateribus, calycibus inflatis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 226. Salvia pinnata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 149. Salvia latifolia hirsutissima pinnata. Boerh. lugdl. 1. p. 167. cum tal. - Wing'd-leaved Sage. - Nat. p1ANDRIA Monogyny A. Salvia. 65 Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 1. fl. 1 1. Fl. July. H. 3. . 55. S. foliis interrupte pinnatis, caule frutescente interrupta, erecto. Wahl. enumer. 1. p. 226. Schoust. 7morocc. 6. t. 1. Ash-leaved Sage. Nat. of Barbary. Cult. 1798, in Cambridge garden, Donn cantal, Fl. most part of the Summer. H. W. . 56. S. foliis pinnatifidis rugosis villosis, caule pani- ceratophyl- culato ramosissimo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 151. loides. Salvia ceratophylloides. Arduin. spec. 2. p. 12. t. 2. * Branchy Sage. Nat. of Egypt. - Introd. 1771, by Mons. Richard. Fl. June–August. H. 3. . 57. S. foliis lyrato-auriculatis, caule subaphyllo, Forskohlii. corolla galea semibifida. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 151. Hort. berolin. 20. Fl. gracca I. p. 16. t. 21. Botan. magaz. 988. Forskohl’s Sage. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1800. Donn cantab, Fl. July and August. H. M. 58. S. foliis, cordatis obsolete quinquelobis erosis, mutans. caule subrotundo, racemis nutantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 151. Waldst. et Kitaib. hung. 1. p. 63. t. 62. Nodding Sage. Nat. of Russia. - Introd. 1780, by Chevalier Pallas. Fl. June–September. H. M. 59. S. foliis lanceolatis crematis, caule subnudo, ra- letonicae- cemis cernuis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 152. folia, VOL. I. F Betony- 66 DiANDRiA Monogynia. Salvia. eanadensis. scabrius- cula. anisata. persica. Betony-leaved Sage. Nat. of Russia. - Introd. 1804, by Mr. Holboel. . Fl. June and July. . H. f. COLLINSONIA, Gen. pl. 31. Cor. maequalis: labio inferiore multifido, capillari. Sem. 1, perfectum. . C. foſis ovatis cauſibusque glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 152. Collinsonia. Linn. hort. cliff. 14. t. 5. Nettle-leaved Collinsonia. Nat. of North America. - - Introd. 1735, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll. mscr Fl. August–October. H. f. . C. foliis ovatis subcordatis pilosiusculis, caule pilo- siusculo scabrido. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 152. Rough-stalk’d Collinsonia. - Nat. of East Florida. Mr. John Bartram. Cult. 1776, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. G. H. li. i. C. floribus tetrandris. Sims in botan. mag. 1213. Anise-scented Collinsonia. Nat. of South Carolina. Cult. 1806, by John Walker, Esq. Fl. October. H. p. MORPNA. Gen. pl. 52. Cor. inaequalis. Cal. fructus 1-phyllus, dentatus. Cal. floris bifidus. Sem. 1, sub calyce floris. . MoR1NA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 152. Fl, graeca 1. p. 20. t. 28. Morina orientalis. Mill. dict. Persian Morina. Nat. of Persia. Cult: before 1740. Mill, dict, edit. 8. Fl. July and August. G. H. l. ACAENA, DIANDRIA Monogynia. 67 A CAEN A. Gen. pl. 218. Ancistrum. Gen. pl. 56. Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. O. Stigma multipartitum. Drupa exsucca, hispida, 1-locularis. 1. A foliolis oblongis incisis, pedunculis scapifor- latelrosa. mibus, spicis elongatis, fructibus undique ar- matis, caulibus demersis. Wahl enumer. 1. p. 293. - Ancistrum latebrosum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 155. Hairy Acana. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. F. May and June. G. H. M. 2. A. foliis remotis : foliolis cuneatis serratis subtus Sangui- sericeis, spicis globosis, caule decumbente, sorbae. Wahl. enumer. '1. p. 294. Ancistrum Sanguisorbae. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 154. Burnet-leaved Acaºna. Nat. of New Zealand. Introd. 1796, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June. H. 21. 3. A. foliolis oblongis subcuneatisque subtus villosis, ovalifolia. spicis globosis, caule repente. Pahl enumer. 1. p. 295. Ancistrum repens. Venten cels 6. Creeping Peruvian Acana. Nat. of Peru. dºk Introd. 1809, by Mons. Cels. Fl. May and June. H. M. 4. A. foliis tri-quinquepartitis: laciniis linearibus lucida. subtus villosis, spicis oblongis, caule subde- merso. Vahl enumer, 1. p. 296. Ancistrum lucidam. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 155. Lamark illustr. 1. p. 77. t. 22. f. 3. - Shining Acaria. - Nut. of the Falkland Islands. F 2 Introd. 68 DIANDRIA Monogyni A. Acana. Introd. 1777, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. May and June. G. H. M. lavigata. 5. A. foliolis ovalibus cremato-incisis supra glabris ; subtus canescentibus, spica terminali cylindri- ca; inferioribus globosis, caule decumbente. Ancistrum magellanicum 3. Lamark illustr. 1. p. 76. Smooth Acana. Nat. of the Streights of Magellan. Introd. 1790, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. June—August. H. 21. DIGYNIA. ANTHOXANTHUM. Gen. pl. 58. Cal. Gluma bivalvis, uniflora. Cor. Gluma bi- valvis, acuminata, aristata. Sem. 1. odoratum. 1. A. spica oblonga ovata, flosculis subpedunculatis arista longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 156. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 647. Hostgram. austr. 1. p. 5. t. 5. Svensk lot. I 1. Poit. et Turp. ft. paris. t. 39. Sweet-scented Vernal Grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May. H. 24. CRYPSIS.. Gen. pl. 1710. Cal. Gluma bivalvis, uniflora. Cor. gluma bi- valvis, mutica. aculeata. 1. CRYPSIs. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 158. Host - gram. austr. 1. p. 24. t. 31. Prickly Crypsis. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1783, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. August, H. G. TRIGY. PIANDRIA TRIGYNIA. 69 ! . 3 TR / G Y WIA. PIPER. Gen. pl. 59. Cal. O. Cor. O. Bacca monosperma. P. foliis ovatis subseptemnerviis glabris, petiolis nigrum. simplicissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 159. Molago-codi. Rheed, mal. 7, p. 23. t. 12, Black Pepper. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1790, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. F/. S. h. . P. foliis ovatis oblongiusculis acuminatis septem- Betle. nerviis, petiolis bidentatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . I 59. Bălți. Rheed. mal. 7, p. 29. t. 15. Betle Pepper. Nat. of the East Indies. Cultivated in China. Mr. William Kerr, Introd. 1804, by the Hon. Court of Directors of the E. I. C. in the Henry Addington, Captain Kirkpatrick. Fl. S. h. . P. foliis obovatis obtusis venosis, spica solitaria clusiaefo- terminali. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 159. lium. Piper clusiaefolium. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 212. Balsam-tree-leaved Pepper. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Alex. Anderson. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. Fl. May. S. 2 . . P. foliis lanceolato-ovatis quinquenerviis rugosis. Amalago. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 160. Piper longum arboreum altius. Sloan. jam. 1. p. 134. t. 87. f. 1. Rough- DIANDRIA TRIGYNIA. Piper. reticulatum. aduncum, macrophyl- lum. Hispidum, Rough leaved Pepper. Nat. of Jamaica. • . . Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. 72. 3. Fl. S. K. . 5. P. foliis cordatis septemnerviis reticulatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 162. - Saururus botryitis major arborescens, foliis plan- tagineis. Plum. amer. 57. t. 75. Netted Pepper. Nat. of the West Indies. - Cult, 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 5. Saururus 5. Fl. August. S. W. . 6. P. foliis oblongo-ovatis acuminatis basiinaequali- bus venosis, spicis solitariis axillaribus uncinatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 162. 4. Piper aduncum. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 210. Hook'd Pepper. Spanish Elder. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 5. Saururus 3. Fl. May. S. h. 7. P. foliis elliptico-ovatis acuminatis glabris basi inaequalibus venosis, petiolis appendiculatis, spicis axillaribus solitariis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 163. - - Broad-leaved Pepper. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1800, by Mr. Thomas Hoy. F/. S. H. . 8. P. foliis ovatis acuminatis obliquis hirsutis rugo- sis : nervis alternis venosis, spicis erectis. Iſill- dem. p. pl. 1. p. 163. Piper hirsutum. Swartz fl. ind, occ. 1. p. 60. Hairy-leaved Pepper. * * * * Nat. of Jamaica. Messrs. Wiles and Smith. ! Introd, *, DIANDRIA TRIGYNIA. Piper. 7 i £ntrod. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. Fl. July. - S. W. . 9. P. foliis lanceolato-ovatis basi obliquis glabris ni- mitidum. tidis. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 163. Shining leaved Pepper. Nat, of Jamaica. Messrs. Perrin and Smith. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. Fl. May and June. S. H. . io. P. foliis cordatis petiolatis, caule herbaceo. JWill. pellucidura. den, sp. pl. 1. p. 163. Saururus minor procumbens botryitis, folio crasso cordato. Plum. amer. 54. t. 72. Pellucid-leaved Pepper. Nat. of South America. 'ult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 5. Saururus 8. Fl. April–September. S. G). # 1. P. subherbaceum, foliis lanceolato-ovatis amplex- amplexi- icaulibus nervosis carnosis, caule erecto sim- caule. plici. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 165. Stem-leaved Pepper. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Chr. Smith. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. º Fl. most part of the Summer. S. 1ſ. 12. P. foliis obovatis obtusissimis, pedunculis termi- magnolice- nalibus ramosis, caule ramisque radicantibus. folium. Pahl enumer. 1. p. 338. - Piper magnoliaefolium. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 213, Magnolia-leaved Pepper. Nat. of the West Indies. - Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. Fl. January–March. S. 21. 13. P. foliis obovatis enerviis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. obtusifo- p. 165. Trew ehret. 54. t. 96. lium. Blunt- 7 £2 DIANDRIA TRIGYN1A. Piper. peltatum. umbel- latum. polysia- chyon. pulchellum. Blunt-leaved Pepper. Naț. of the West Indies. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Saururus. , Fl. April–September. S. 21. 14. P. foliis peltatis orbiculato-cordatis obtusis repan- dis, spicis umbellatis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 166. Saururus arborescens, foliis amplis rotundis et umbilicatis. Plum. amer. 56. t. 74. Peltated Pepper. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 5. Saururus 6, Fl. S. 21. 15. P. foliis orbiculato-cordatis acuminatis venosis, spicis umbellatis, caule erecto sulcato pubes- cente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 167. Piper umbellatum. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 216. Umbell’d Pepper. Santa Maria Leaf. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dici. edit. 5. Saururus 7. F. May–July. S. W. . 16. P. foliis verticillatis rhombeo-ovatis integerrimis petiolatis trinerviis pubescentibus. Willden, sp. pl. i. p. 167. Piper obtusifolium. Jacqu, ic. l. t. 9. Many-spiked Pepper. Mat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1775, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. S. 2: . 17. P. foliis quaternis subsessilibus oblongis enervis integerrimis, spicis terminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 169. Small-leaved Pepper. Nat. of Jamaica. Thomas Clark, M. D. Introd. 1778, by William Forsyth, Esq. Fl, July–September. - S. 2ſ. Classis 73 Classis III. TRI A N DRIA MONOGYNIA. VALERIANA. Gen. pl. 60. Cal. Q. Cor. 1-petala, basi hinc gibba, supera. # Sem. 1. 1. V. floribus monandris caudatis, foliis lanceolatis rubra. integerrimis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 175. Engl. bot. 1531. - Red Valerian. Nat. of England. Fl. June–October. H. 2ſ. 2. V. floribus monandris caudatis, foliis linearibus angusti- integerrimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 175. Fl. folia. gracca. 1. p. 22. . t. 29. Narrow-leaved Red Valerian. Nat. of France, Switzerland, and Italy. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller, Mill. dict. edit. 1. 77. 6. Fl. May—July. - H. M. . 13. V. floribus monandris, foliis pinnatifidis. Will- Calcitrapa. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 175, Fl. grasca 1. p. 22. t. 30. - Cut-leaved Valerian. Nat. of Portugal. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 319, Fl. May—July. * H. O. 4. V. floribus triandris dioicis, foliis pinnatis integer- dioica. rimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 176. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 628. Poit. et Turp. f. paris._t. 41. * Marsh 74 TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Valeriana. officinalis. Phu. tripteris. *montana. Marsh Valerian. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. 2 . 5. V. floribus triandris, foliis ormmibus pinnatis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 177. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 698. Svensk lot. 25. Great wild Valerian. Nat, of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. l. 6. V. floribus triandris, foliis caulinis pinnatis; ra- dicalibus indivisis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 177. Regn, bot. Garden Valerian. Nat. of Germany. Cult. 1597. Ger. herb. 917. f. 1. Fl. May–July. H. ll, 7. V. floribus triandris, foliis dentatis: radicalibus cordatis; caulinisternatis ovato-oblongis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 177. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 38. #. 268. Three-leaved Valerian. º Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. edit. 6. n. 9. Fl. March—May, H. M. 8, V. floribus triandris, foliis ovato-oblongis sub- dentatis, canle simplici. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 178. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 38, t. 269. Mountain Valerian. - Nat. of Austria and Switzerland. Cult. 1748, by Mr, Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. 6d. 5. 77. 1 2. # Fl. June–July, H. l. 9. V. floribus triandris, foliis ovato-oblongis obtusis integerrimis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 178. Jacqu. collect. 1. p. 24, 4, 1. . . - Celtic Valerian, celtica. Nat, TRIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Valeriana. 75 Nat. of Switzerland, and Austria. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. edit. 5, 77. 1 5. Fl. June. H. 21. 10. V. floribus triandris, foliis radicalibus lanceolatis integerrimis; reliquis pinnatifidis. Willden. Sp. pl. i. p. 178. Nardus montana longius radicata. Camer. epit. 16. Tuberºus rooted Valerian. Naf. of the South of Europe. Cult 1629, by Mr. John Tradescant. Park. pa- 1 adis. 386. n. 2. - Fl. May and June. H. M. 11. V. floribus triandris, foliis subdentatis: radica- libus ovatis; caulinis lineari-lanceolatis. Will- den. sp. pl. i. p. 179. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 37. t. 267. Rock Valerian. Nat, of Austria. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 5, 72. i 3. Fl. July. H. M. 12. V. floribus triandris, foliis caulinis cordatis den- tatis petiolatis: summis ternatis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 279. Engl. lot. 1591. º Heart-leaved Valerian. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. May and June. - H. 24. 13. V. floribus tetrandris apqualibus, foliis pinnatifi- dis, seminibus paleae ovali adnatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 181. Botan. Imagaz. 714. Siberian Valerian. Nat. of Siberia. - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. n. 8. Fl. May and June. H. G). tuberosa. saratiſts, pyrenaica. 14. V. flo- sibirica, 76 TRIANDRIA Monogyni.A., Valeriana, Cornu- copicº. Locusta. vesicaria. coronafa. 14. V. floribus diandris ringentibus, foliis ovatis sessi- libus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 181. Fl. graca 1. p. 23. t. 32. Purple Valerian. Nat. of Barbary, Spain, and Sicily. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. May–August. H. G. 15.V. floribus triandris, caule dichotomo, foliis lineari- 16. lingulatis obtusis. Smith fl.brit. 1. p. 39. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 811, Valeriana olitoria. , Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 182. Corn-sallad. Lamb's-lettuce. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April and May. H. G). V. floribus triandris, caule dichotomo, foliis lan- ceolatisintegerrimis, fructu tridentato: dentibus binis brevissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 183. Engl. lot. 1370. A Oval-fruited Corn-sallad. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April–June. H. G.), 17. 18. V. floribus triandris, caule dichotomo, foliis lan- ceolatis dentatis, fructu inflato globoso. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 183. , Fl, graca 1. p. 25. t. 34, Bladder-cupp'd Corn-Valerian. Nat. of the island of Candia. Cult. 1739. Rand chels. 204. Valerianella 5. Fl. April and May. H, O, V. floribus triandris, caule dichotomo, foliis lan- ceolatis dentatis, fructu sexdentato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 184. r Valerianella altera tenuifolia, semine scabiosae stellato. Column. ecphr. 1. p. 207. t. 209. Prickly-seeded Corn-Valerian. Nat, of Portugal. - Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. Valerianella 4. Fl. April–June, 19, V, flo- TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Valeriana. 77 19. V. floribus triandris, caule dichotomo, foliis lan- discoidea. ceolatis dentatis, fructu duodecimdentato : den- tibus uncinatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 184. Pseudovaleriana annua, semine coronato, major lusitanica. Moris. hist. 3. p. 104. s. 7. t. 16. . 29. Hook-seeded Corn-Valerian. Nat. of Italy and Spain. Cult. 1731. Mill. dict. edit. l. n. 4. Fl. May–July. H. G). OXY BAPHUS. Calyxhymenia. Orteg. decad. 1. p. 5. Cal. 5-fidus, campanulatus. Cor. infundibuli- formis. Nua 5-gona, 1- sperma, calyce expla–2. nato persistenti circumdata. 1. OxyBAPHUs. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 185. Curtis viscosus. magaz. 434. Viscid Umbrella-wort. Nat. of Peru. Introd. 1793, by William Forsyth, Esq. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. 24. CNEORUM. Gen. pl. 8s. Cal. 3-dentatus. Petala 3, a qualia. Bacca 3-COCCà. 1. CNEORUM. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 187. tricoccum. Chamaelea. Camer. epit. 973. Widow-wail. t Nat. of the South of France, and Spain. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard, Hort. ger. Fl. May–September. G. H. H. COMOCLADIA. Gen. pl. 66. Cal. 3-partitus. Cor. 3-partita. Drupa oblonga: nuce biloba. 1. C. for 78 rRIANDRIA MoRogyNIA. Comocladia. integrifolia. 1. C. foliis pinnatist, foliolis petiolatis ovatis acumi- º natis integerrimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 187. Prunus racemosa. Sloan.jam. 2. p. 131. t. 222.f. 1. Entire-leaved Maiden Plum. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1778, by William Forsyth, Esq. ' F. S. h. dentata. 2. C. foliis pinnatis: foliolis petiolatis oblongis spi- noso-dentatis basi cuneatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 1 88. cºin dentata. Jacqu. amer. 13. t. 173. f. 4. Tooth-leaved Maiden Plum. Nat. of the West Indies. , Introd. 1790, by Mr. Alexander Anderson. Fl, July. S. h. ilicifolia. 3. C., foliis pinnatis; foliolis sessilibus ovatis tri- dentatis basi subrotundis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 188. Dodonaea aquifoliifolio tricuspidato. Plum.ic. 108. t. 1 18. f. 1. Holly-leaved Maiden-Plum. Nat. of the Caribee Islands. Introd. 1789, by Hinton East, Esq. F. S. h. MELOTHRIA. Gen. pl. 68. Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. campanulata, 1-petala. Bacca 3-locularis, polysperma. pendula. 1. MELOTHRIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 189. * Bryonia olivae fructu minor, Plum. ic. 55. t. 66. • 2. - rºom Melothria. Nat. of America. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Fl. June and July. S. G). ORTEGIA. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. - 79 2 1. ORTEGIA. Gen. pl. 70. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. o. Caps. 1-locularis. Sem. plurima. . O. caule ramoso, pedunculis multifloris. Willden. hispanica. sp. pl. 1. p. 190. . Ortega hispanica. Cavanill, ic. 1. p. 35. t. 47. Spanish Ortegia. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 8. Fl. June and July. H. 21. . O. caule dichotomo, pedunculis unifloris. Will- dichotoma. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 190. Ortegia dichotoma. Allioni in miscell. tauri- mens. 3. p. 176. t. 4. f. 1. Fork’d Ortegia. Naf. of Italy. Introd. 1781, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. August and September. H. M. LOEFLINGIA. Gen. pl. 71. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala, minima. Caps. 1-locularis, 3-valvis. . L. foliis subulatis mucronatis, floribus axillaribus histanica. sessilibus. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 191. Loeflingia hispanica. Cavanill. ic. 1. p. 64. t. 94. Spanish Loeflingia. Nat. of Spain. Introd. 1770, by Mons. Richard. Fl. June. H. G). POLYCNEMUM. Gen. pl. 72. Cal. 3-phyllus. Pet. 5, calyciformia. Sem. 1, . . . subnudum. - P. triandrum, foliis subulatis triquetris, caule dif- arvense, fuso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 192. - Poly- 50 tRIANDRIA Monogynia. Polycnemum, volubilis. 1767°727/S, versicolor. Polycnemum arvense. Jacqu. austr. 4. p. 34. t. 365. Trailing Polycnemum. Nat. of Italy, France, and Germany. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 568. f. 3. Fl. July. H. G). HIPPOCRATEA. Gen. pl. 73. Cal. 5-partitus. Petala 5. Caps. 3, obcordatae. 1. H. foliis ovatis acutis crenatis, racemis corym- bosis axillaribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 193. Hippocratea scandens. Jacqu. amer. p. 9. t. 9. Climbing Hippocratea. Nat. of South America. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Coa. F. --- - S. 2. CROCUS. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 221. Botan. nagaz. 1110. Spatha plerumque 2-valvis: valvula interior multo angustior. Cor. infundibuliformis : Tulus lon- gissimus, basi subterraneus; Limbus 6-partitus, regularis. Stigmata 3. * Vermº. 1. C. corollae fauce pilis glandulosis clausa. Crocus vernus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 195. Engl. bot. 344. Botan. magaz.860. Redouté liliac. 266. , Spring Crocus. Nat. of England. Fl. February–April. H. 21. 2. C. Stigmatibus convoluto-cucullatis lobato-incisis antheras a quantibus. Crocus versicolor. Ker in botan. magaz. 1110. Party-coloured Crocus. Nat. Cult. rRIANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Crocus: 81 Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 162. n. 7. " . Fl. February and March. + H. M. 3. C. foliis flore longioribus, stigmatibus antheras biflorus, parum superantibus. * * Crocus biflorus. Mill. dict. Andrews's reposit. 362. Botan. magaz. 845. Yellow-bottom’d White Crocus. Scotch Crocus, Nat. Cult. 1629; Park, paradis. 162. n. 10. F. February and March. H. M. 4. C. corollae laciniis exterioribus revolutis. susianits. Crocus Susianus. Ker in botan, magaz. 652. Cloth of Gold Crocus. Nat. of Turkey. Cult. before 1605, by Edward Lord Zouch. Lobel. adv. pars alt. 497. Fl. February and March." º H. l. 5. C. stigmatibus longitudine inequalibus antheras sulphureus. longe superantibus. - Crocus suiphureus. Ker in botan. magaz. 938. Worst Yellow or Old Cloth of Gold Crocus. Nut. - , , , - Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 163. f. 10. et 166. n. 23. Fl. February and March. H. M. 6. C. filamentis glanduloso-pilosis; antheris stigmata maesiacus. superantibus. * * Crocus maesiacus. Ker in botan: magaz. 1111. Crocus aureus. Fl. graca 1. p. 25. t. 35. Crocus agenaeflorus. Salisb. paradis. 106. Crocus luteus. Redouté liliac. 196. Crocus vernus. Curtis magaz. 45. Crocus sativus. J. Miller illustr. Common Yellow Crocus. Nat. of Turkey. - Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 166. n. 22. Fl. February–April. H. li. ** Autumnales. 7. C. Stigmatibus longissimis reflexis apice crematis. sativus: WOI, , , , G Crocus 82 TRIANDRIA Monogyni.A. Crocus. Crocus sativus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 194. Regn. bot. Redouté liliac. 173. Crocus autumnalis. Engl. lot. 343. Saffron Crocus. Nat. of England. Fl. September and October. H. H. serotinus. 8. C. Stigmatibus erectis multipartitis, foliis cum flore prodeuntibus. Crocus serotinus. Salisb. paradis. 30. Botan. magaz. 1267. Fate-flowering Crocus. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 168. n. 4. Fl. October and November. H. lf. nudiflorus. 9. C. Stigmatibus erectis multipartitis, foliis post anthesin demum prodeuntibus. Crocus nudiflorus. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 41. Engl. bot. 491. Crocus multifidus. Ramond in bulletin, n. 41. p. 129. t. 8. Naked-flower’d Crocus. Nat. of England. - - Fl. October and November. H. Ols. TRICHONEMA. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 222. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. tubus brevissimus: limbus aequalis, regularis. Filam, pubescentia. Stig- mata 3, bipartita. Bulboco- I. T. foliis linearibus canaliculatis. dium. Trichonema Bulbocodium. Ker in annals of bot. I. p. 223. Ixia Bulbocodium. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 196. Curtis magaz. 265. Fl. gracca 1. p. 26. t. 36. Redouté liliac. 88. Channel-leaved Trichonema. Nat. of the South of Europe and Barbary. Cult. 1739, in Chelsea garden. Rand chels. Bul- bocodium. F. March and April. H. Y. - # T. fo- TRIANDRIA MonoGYN14. Trichonemia. - 83 2, T. foliis linearibus nervosis margine incrassatis. cruciatum. Trichönema cruciatum. Ker in botan. magaz. 575. Ixia cruciata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 197. Square-leaved Trichönema. 5. 4 Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. . . . . Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. 260. Bulbocodium. . . . - * Fl. May. - G. H. 21. OBs. Folia subtetraquetra, e costa utrinque ele- vata, et marginibus incrassatis. - - Plures certe hujus generis species, et Euro- paeae, et Africanae, ulteriori Botanicorum inves- tigationi relinquendae. GEISSORHIZA. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 223. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. tubulosa i limbus 6-par- titus, patens, regularis. Stylus inclinatus. Caps. ovalis, trigona. - - - 1. G. foliis radicalibus linearibus acutis, caule glabro, Rochensis. fovea nectarifera baseds laciniarum corollae. Ixia Rochensis. Botan, magaz. 598. Plaid Geissorhiza. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1790, by Richard Anthony Salisbury, Esq. F!, May. G. H. 21. 2. G. foliis radicalibus linearibus acutis, caule villoso. secunda, Ixia secunda. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 197. Jacqu. ic, 2. t. 277. collect. 4. p. 180. Botan, magaz. 597, 1105. - Ixia pusilla. Andrews's reposit. 245. One-rank'd Geissorhiza. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. - Fl. May. G. H. 11. 3. G. foliis radicalibus ensiformi-linearibus obtusis. obtusata. Geissorhiza obtusata. Ker in botan. magaz. 672. Yellow-flower'd Geisserhiza. Nät. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. James Niven. º - & 2 Introd. rat ANDRIA Mosogyny A. Geissorhiza. earcisa. radiata. falcata. cinnamo- *mea. Introd. 1801, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. May. G. H. M. . G. foliis radicalibus ovato-oblongis. Ixia excisa. Willden, sp, pl. 1. p. 207. Botan. magaz. 584. & Short-leaved Geissorhiza. & Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1789, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. April and May. . . G. H. M. HESPERANTHA. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 224. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. tubulosa ; limbus 6-par- titus, regularis. Stigmata 3, ad tubum usque distincta. Caps, oblonga, trigona. . H. foliis fistulosis. Hesperantha radiata. Ker in botan, magaz. 790. PXia radiata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 202. Botan. 7magaz. 573. Ixia fistulosa. Andrews's reposit. 59. Nodding-flower'd Hesperantha. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1794, by the Dowager Lady de Clifford. Fl. April–June. G. H. lf. . H. foliis radicalibus falcatis planis. Ixia falcata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 207. Botan. , magaz. 566. Ixia cinnamomea. Andrews’s reposit. 44. Sickle-leaved Hesperantha. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. April and May. , G. H. lt. £ . H. foliis radicalibus falcatis undulato-crispis. Hesperantha cinnamomea. Ker in botan. magaz. 1054. $ Ixia cinnamomea. , Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 199. Cinnamon-colour'd Hesperantha. Nat. TRIANDRIA MoNogYNIA. Hesperantha. 85 Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. April and May. G. H. 11. SPARAXIS. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 225. Spatha 2-valvis, scarioso-membranacea, apice la- cera. Cor. tubulosa. Stigmata 3, recurva. Caps. oblongo-globosa. . S. spathis maculatis, corolla limbo regulari. tricolor. Ixia tricolor. Curtis magaz. 381. Schneevogt ic. 39. Redouté liliac. 129. Three-colour'd Sparaxis. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1789. Fl. May. - G. H. 11. . S. spathis maculatis, corollae limbo bilabiato. bicolor. Ixia bicolor. Botan, magaz. 548. • Gladiolus bicolor. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 216. Two-colour'd Sparaxis. Nat, of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1786, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. March. G, H. l. . S. spathis lineatis, corollae limbo regulari: laci- grandiflora. niis obovato-oblongis. Ixia grandiflora. Botan, magaz. 541. Redouté liliac. 139. Ixia aristata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 203. Andrews's reposit. 87. - - Ixia holosericea. Jacqu. hort. Schaenbr. 1, p. 9. t. 17. Purple-flower'd Sparaxis. 8 Sparaxis grandiflora var. 3. Ker in botan. magaz, 779. Streak’d-flower'd Sparaxis. Nat, of the Cape of Good Hope. - Cult. TRLANDRIA Monogynia. Sparaxis. bulbifera. linearis. aulica. patens. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. ic. 158. t. 237. - Fl. April. G. H. 21. 4. S. spathis lineatis, corollae limbo regulari: laciniis ellipticis. Ixia bulbifera. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 204. An- drews's reposit. 48. Botan, magaz. 545. Re- douté liliac. 128. Bulb-bearing Sparaxis. . . Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. 158. t. 236. f. 2. - Fl. May and June. G. H. ht. IXIA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 226. Conf. lot. mag. 1013. - Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. tubus gracilis; limbus re- gularis. Stigmata 3, angusta, recurva. Caps. globoso-ovata. . I. foliis linearibus ;. convexis, scapo simplici erecto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 201. Ixia capillaris &. gracillima. Botan. magaz, 570. Slender Ixia. *, Nai. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1796, by R. A. Salisbury, Esq. Salist. odr. 37. n. 22. Fl. April and May. G. H. l. . I. foliis ensiformibus, corollae tubo turbinato. Ixia aulica. , Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 207. Ixia capillaris y. aulica. Botan. magaz. 1013. Rose-colour’d Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. - F. April. º G. H. M. 3. I. corollae tubo filiformi, limbo campanulato-pa- tente, stigmatibus antheras subaequantibus. º- Ixia TRHANDRIA MONogYNIA. " Ixia. Ixia patens. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 201. Botan. magaz. 522. Redouté liliac. 140. º Ixia filiformis. Wenten. Cels 48. Redouté liliac. 30. Ixia aristata. Schneevogt ic. 32. Spreading-flower'd Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1779, by William Pitcairn, M.D. Fl. April. G. H. 21. 4. I. corollae tubo gracili paulatim ampliato, limbo flexuosa. - * campanulato-contracto : laciniis paten- tlbul.S. - . . Ixia flexuosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 202. Ker in botan. magaz. 624. . . . Ixia capitata war. stellata. Andrews’s reposit. 232. Ixia polystachya. Redouté liliac. 126. . . . Bending-stalk’d Ixia. r Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1757, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. 104. t. 156. f. 2. • . . Fl. May. c. H. D. 5. I. corollae limbo patente basi maculato, stigmati- conica. bus non ultra basin antherarum divisis. Ixiaconica. Salisb. prodr. 36. Botan. magaz. 539. Redouté diliac. 138. Ixia capitata var. flore aurantio. Andrews’s repo- sit. 50. Ixia fusco-citrina. Redouté liliac. 86. Orange-colour’d Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1757, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. ic, 104. t. 156. f. 1. - Fl. April and May. G. H. M. 6. I. filamentis in tubum connatis. monadel- Ixia monadelpha. De la Roche pl. nov. p. 22. Ker pha. in botan. magaz. 607. Ixia columnaris. Salisb. prodr. 36. Andrews's *eposit. 203, 21 1, 213, 250. Galaxia ixiaeflora. Redouté liliac, 41. Monadelphous Ixia. - ºf a s Mat. 88. TRIANDRIA Monogyni A. Ixia, columel- laris. maculata, erecta, Not...of the Cape of Good Hope. . Cult, 1792, by R. A. Salisbury, Esq. Fl. April. G. H. ll, . I. filamentis basi connatis. Ixia columellaris. Ker in botan. magaz. 630. Ixia columnaris var. angustifolia, Andrews’s re- pasit. 392. Variegated Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. f Introd. 1790, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. August, G. H. 7ſ. 8. I. corollae limbo campanulato-patente basi macu- lato, stigmatibus ad tubum usque distinctis. Ixia maculata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 205. Botan. magaz. 549, 789, 1285. Andrews's reposit. 196, 256. Redouté liliac. 137. Jacqu, hort. schaenbr. 1. p. 9. t. 19++23. Schneevogt ic. 6, 25. Ixia capitata var. ovata. Andrews's reposit, 23. Ixia capitata var. flore albo, fundo nigro. An- drews's reposit. 159. Ixia spicatavar. viridi-nigra. Andrews's reposit. 29, Spotted Ixia. * Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. before 1780, by John Fothergill, M. D. Hort. upton. 31. Fl. May and June. G. H. M. . I. corollae limbo patente immaculato, stigmati- bus ad tubum usque distinctis. Ixia erecta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 204. Jacqu. hort. schaembr. 1. p. 9. t. 18. Ker in botan. magaz. 623, 1173. Ixia polystachia. Andrews’s reposit. 155. Ixia dubia. Venten, choix. 10. Redouté liliac. 64. Upright Ixta. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1757, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. 104, t. 155. f. 2. - F. May and June. G. H. M. i0. I. co- TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ixia. $9 § 0. i 1. 12. ! 3. I. corollae limbo hemisphaerico-campanulato, stig- crateroides. matibus antheras Superantibus. Ixia crateroides. Ker in botan. magaz. 594. Ixia speciosa. Andrews's reposit. 186. Crimson Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. about 1778, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May. G. H. 24. H. corollae tubo spathã duplo longiore, limbi laci- retusa. niis oblongis, stigmatibus fisso-hiantibus. . Ixia retusa. Salisb. prodr. 35. Ixia polystachya. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 275, collect. 3. p.269. Botan. magaz. 629. . " * Ixia polystachia var. incarnata. Andrews's repo- sit. 128. - Lily of the Valley-scented Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1793, by Richard Anthony Salisbury, Esq. Fl. January and February, G. H. M. I. corollae tubo longitudine spathae, limbi laciniis scillaris. spatulatis concavis, stigmatibus infundibulifor- mibus. Ixia scillaris. Linn. sp. pl. 52. Ker. in botan. magaz. 542. Redouté liliac. 127. Ixia pentandra. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 207. Ixia reflexa. Andrews’s reposit. 14. Ixiaº polystachyae varietas. Jacqu, collect. suppl. 159. t. 2. f. 1. - - Squill-flower'd Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope, Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. January. p G. H. 11. I. foliis undulato-crispis. crispa. Ixia crispa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 199. Botan. - magaz. 599. - Curl’d-leaved Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. F}, April and May. ANO- TRIANDRIA. Monogy RIA: juncea. crispa. viridis. - 1. .* ANOMATHECA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 227. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. hypocrateriformis. Stig- mata 3, bipartita. Caps. papilloso-pruinosa. ANoMATHECA. Ker in annals of bot. i. p. 227. Lapeyrotisia juncea. Ker in botan. magaz. 606. Gladiolus junceus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 217. l Redouté liliac. 141. Gladiolus polystachius. Andrews's reposit. 66. Cut-leaved Anomatheca. Nat...of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1791, by R. A. śy, Esq. Herb. Banks. * * Fl. April and May. G. H. M. TRITONIA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 227. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. tubulosa; limbus sexparti- tus, subregularis. Stigmata 3, patentia. Sem. nec alata, nec baccata. . T. foliis undulato-crispis, corollae laciniis planis, Tritonia crispa. Ker in botan. magaz. 678. Gladiolus crispus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 210. Andrews’s reposit. 142. Curl’d-leaved Tritonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May. G. H. M. . T. scapo triquetro: angulis membranaceis. Gladiolus viridis. Edit. prior. addenda 481. Green-flower'd Tritonia. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1788. t Fl. July. G. H. 21. OBs. Singularis corollis viridibus, externe striis obsolete purpureis. - 3. T. spa- rRIANDRIA Monogyni A. Tritonia. 91 3. T. spathae valvula exteriore cuspidata, corollae tu- rosea. bo longissimo, limbi lacinia suprema majore. Gladiolus roseus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 217. Tritonia capensis. Ker in botan. magaz. 618. Houttuynia capensis. Houtt. nat. hist. 12, p. 448. b. 85. f. 3. Rosy #. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1793, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. June and July. G. H. Y. 4. T. spathae valvula exteriore obtusa apice triden- longiflora, .* tata, corollae tubo longissimo, limbi laciniis aequalibus. - Ixia longiflora. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 203. (ex- cluso synonymo Jacquini priore) Curtis ma- gaz. 256. Redouté liliac. 34. Long-flower'd Tritonia. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. April–June. G. H. I. 5. T. corollae lacinia Suprema majore; exterioribus lineata. retusis. Gladiolus lineatus. Salisb. prodr. 40. Botan. magaz. 487. Redouté liliac. 55. - fxia squalida 3. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 206. #. Tritonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good H ope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. May. ***, G. H. 21. 6. T. spathae valvula exteriore obtusa apice triden- securigera. tata, limbi laciniis tribus inferioribus basicallo- - sis: callo unguiformi perpendiculari. Gladiolus securiger. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 219. Curtis magaz. 383. Montbretia securigera. Redouté liliac. 53. Dwarf Copper-colour’d Tritonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 92 TRIANDRIA Monogynia, Tritonia. jlava. squalida. fenestrata. crocata. Introd. 1774. § Fl. May. - G. H. M. 7. T. spatha- valvula exteriore cuspidata, limbi laci- niis tribus inferioribus basi callosis: callo un- guiformi perpendiculari. $ Gladiolus flavus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 218. Yellow Tritonia. . Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Colonel William Paterson. * Introd. 1780, by the Countess of Strathmore. Fl. February and March. G. H. l. 8. T. corollae limbo campanulato: laciniis approxi- matis, inferne margine hyalinis. Tritonia squalida, Ker in botan. magaz. 581. Ixia squalida &. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 206. Ixia hyalina. Redouté liliac. 87. Sweet-scented Tritonia. | Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. May. G. H. 21. 9, T. corollae limbo infundibuliformi : laciniis di- stantibus, inferne margine hyalinis. Tritonia fenestrata. Ker in botan. magaz. 704. Ixia fenestrata. Jacqu, ic, 2. t. 289. collect. 3. p. 270. Qpen-flower'd Tritonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd, 1801, by Mr. William Salisbury. Fl. May and June. , G. H. M. 10. T. corollae limbo campanulato, basi hyalino. Ixia crocata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 205, Curtis ºmagaz. 184. - Crocus-flower’d Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. 160. t. 239. f. 2. Fl. May and June, G. H. M. l l. T. CO- TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Tritonia. 93 . 11. T. corollae laciniis tribus exterioribus gibbis, intus basi maculatis carinatisque. sº Tritonia deusta. Ker in botan. magaz. 622. Ixia deusta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 205. Ixia miniata. B. Redouté liliac. 89. Ixia crocata var. nigra maculata. Andrews’s re- posit. 134. Tall Copper-colour’d Tritonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. May. G. H. 21. 12. T. corollae limbo infundibuliformi: laciniarum margine concolore. Tritonia miniata. Ker in botan. magaz. 609. Ixia miniata. Jacqu. hort. Schoenbr. 1. p. 10. t. 24. ;’ .. Late-flower'd Tritonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1795. . F. August. . G. H. Y. WATSONIA. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 229. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. tubulosa; limbus 6-parti- tus. Stigmata 3, filiformia, bipartita: laciniis recurvis. Caps. cartilaginea, polysperma. 1. W. foliis teretibus fistulosis. Watsonia spicata. Ker in botan. magaz.fol. 553. C. Ixia spicata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 200. Ixia cepacea. Redouté liliac. 96. Ixia fistulosa. Botan. magaz. 523. Gladiolus fistulosus. Jacqu. hort. . schoenbr. 1. p. 8. t. 16. Hollow-leaved Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. deusta. miniata. spicata. “TRIANISRIA MONOGYNºtA. Watsohia. planta- ginea. punctata. marginata. 3"OSé&, Cult. 1791, by Mr. William Malcolm. Herb. Banks. Fl. May. G. H. l. 2. W. foliis superioribus lineari-ensiformibus; infi- mo fistuloso compresso. Watsonia plantaginea. Botan. magaz. 553. Ixia plantaginea. Willden. sp. pl. douté liliac. 198. Fox-tail Ixia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, . Mr. Francis Masson. y Fl. June and Ju 3. W. foliis linearibus angustissimis. Ixia punctata. Andrews's reposit. Dotted-flower'd Watsonia. , i. p. 200. Re- G. H. lf, 177. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. James Niven. Introd. 1800, by George Hibbert, F. April and May. Esq. G. H. 11. 4. W. foliis ensiformibus margine inerassatis, spicu- lis pluribus adpressis, corolla infundibuliformiz fauce sexdentata. Watsonia marginata. Ker in botan. magaz. 608. Gladiolus marginatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 217. Broad-leaved Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis lMasson. Introd. 1774. Fl. June. G. H. al. 5. W. foliis ensiformibus margine incrassatis, spi- culis pluribus confertis, corollae limbo subcam- panulato, fauce nuda. Watsonia rosea. Ker in botan. magaz. 1072. Gladiolus pyramidatus. Andrews’s reposit. 335. Gladioli iridifolii varietas. Jacqui. Pyramidal-spiked Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. ic. 2. t. 235, Cult. TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Watsonia. §§ Cult. 1803, by the Dowager Lady de Clifford. Fl. July and August. G. H. 11. 6. W. foliis ensiformibus brevissimis, corollae limbo brevifolia. patente : laciniis, interioribus latioribus. Watsonia brevifolia. Ker in botan. magaz. 601. Antholyza spicata. Andrews’s reposit. 56. Gladiolus testaceus. Wahl enumer. 2. p. 105. Short-leaved Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. J. Pringle, Esq. Introd. 1794, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May. G. H. 21. 7. W. corollis recurvis: tubo spatha longiore; limbi iridifolia. laciniis aeutis. & Gladiolus iridifolius. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 234. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 215. (excluso synonymo Gla- dioli cardinalis.) Iris-leaved Watsonia. 8 Watsonia iridifolia 3. fulgens. Ker in botan, ma- gaz. 600. Antholyza fulgens. Andrews's reposit. 192. Scarlet Iris-leaved Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope, Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1795. Fl. May. G. H. M. 8. W. corollis recurvis: tubo spatha longiore; Himbi Meriana. laciniis obtusis. Watsonia Meriana. Ker in botan. magaz. 1194. Gladiolus Merianus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 214. Redouté liliac. I 1. Antholyza Meriana. Curtis magaz. 418. Red-flower'd Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. º Cult. 1750, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Trew ehret. I 1. t. 40. Fl. May and June. G. H. f. 9. W. corollis recurvis: tubo longitudine spathae; humilis. limbi laciniis acutis. Watsonia §6 rātand Ria Monogysia. Watsonia. aletroides. Cunonia. Watsonius. 10. & 2. Watsonia humilis. Kenin botan. magaz.631, ſig5. Gladiolus laccatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 215. Lake-colour’d Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1754, by Capt. Hutchinson. Mill.ic. 198. #. 297. f. 2. Fl. May and June. G. H. Y. W. corollis recurvis: fauce laciniis limbi fere qua- druplo longiore. floribus rubris. Antholyza Merianella. Curtis magaz. 441. Gladiolus tubulosus. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 229, collect, 4. , l 53. Ráñºra Aletris-like Watsonia. floribus variegatis. * Watsonia aletroides. Botan. magaz. 533. Antholyza tubulosa. Andrews’s reposit. 174. Variegated Aletris-like Watsonia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. May and June. G. H. M. GLADIOLUS. Ker in annals of bot. i. p. 230. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. tubulosa: limbus 6-partitus, irregularis. Stam. adscendentia. Stigmata 3. Sem. alata. . G. foliis lineari-ensiformibus, corollae lacinia su- prema longissima; infimá minima, Gladiolus Cunonia. Gaertn. sem. I. p. 31. t. 1 1. Antholyza Cunonia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 222. J. F. Mill, ic. 1. Curtis magaz. 343. Redouté liliac. 12. Scarlet-flower'd Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1756, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill.ic. 75. t. 113. Fl. May and June. G. H. l. G. foliis lineari ensiformibus utrinque tricostatis, corollae fauce cylindrica limbi laciniis longiore. t Gladiolus TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Gladiolus. 97 Gladiolus Watsonius. JPillaen. sp. pl. 1. p. 214. Botan. magaz. 450, 569. - Gladiolus praecox. Andrews's reposit. 38. Watson's Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1791, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. February–April. G. H. l. 3. G. foliis tetragonis quadrisulcatis, corollae lacinia quadrangu. Suprema longissima ; infima minima subulata, laris. Gladiolus quadrangularis. Ker in botan. magaz. 567. Gladiolus abbreviatus. Andrews’s reposit. 166. Antholyza quadrangularis. Burm. fl. cap. Antholyza-like Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1799, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. March and April. G. H. 1. 4. G. corollae lacinia suprema spatulata divaricata viperatus. incurva ; lateralibus rhombeo-ovatis patentibus; inferioribus spatulatis acutis dependentibus. Gladiolus viperatus. Ker in botan. magaz. 688. Gladiolus alatus. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 216. Gladiolus orchidiflorus. Andrews’s reposit. 241. Perfumed Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1787. Fl. April and May. G. H. 11. 5. G. corollae lacinia Suprema obovata recurva ; late- alatus. ralibus rhombeo-ovatis patentibus; inferioribus spatulatis acuminatis dependentibus. Gladiolus alatus. Linn. sp. pl. 53. Ker in botan. magaz. 586. Andrews's reposit. 8. Wing'd-flower'd Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. 21. Y O L. I. H 6. G. co- 98 TRIANDRIA MonogYNIA. Gladiolus. 776/77761 q Q1070s sis. brevifolius. hirsutus. 6. G. corolla lacinia suprema fornicata; lateralibus rhombeo-ovatis patentibus; inferioribus depen- dentibus spatulatis obtusis cum acumine. Gladiolus namaquensis. Ker in botan, magaz. 592. Gladiolus galeatus. Andrews’s reposit. 122. Helmet-flower'd Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. James Niven. wº Introd. 1800, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. May and June. G. H. 21. 7. G. bulbi sterilis folio unico lineari pubescente, bulbo florifero aphyllo, corollis subringentibus. Gladiolus brevifolius. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 213. Jacqu. fragm. 3. t. 2.f. 3. Gladiolus carneus. Andrews’s reposit. 240. Gladiolus hirsutus &. et 3. Ker in botan. magaz, 727, 992. Short-leaved Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd, 1802, by Mr. John Middlemist. Fl. December and January. G. H. li. 9. G. foliis lineari-ensiformibus pubescentibus, co- rollis fere regularibus. Gladiolus hirsutus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 214. Redouté liliac. 273. Gladiolus hirsutus roseus. Ker in botan, maga: 574. Gladiolus roseus. Andrews’s reposit. 11. Hairy Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1795, by John Ord, Esq. Fl. May and June. G. H. 2; , 9. G. foliis lineari-ensiformibus utrinque tricostatis, versicolor. corollae laciniis fauce longioribus. Gladiolus versicolor. Andrews's reposit. 19. Gladiolus versicolor 2. Ker in botan. magaz. 1042. Changeable Corn-flag. 1 * ſat. TRIAN DRIA MONOGYNIA. Gladiolus. 99 10. ! I . 13. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. J Pringle, Esq. Introd. 1794, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May and June. G. H. 24. G. foliis tetragonis quadrisulcatis, corollae laciniis tristis. subaequalibus. Gladiolus tristis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 210. Bo- tan. magaz. 272, 1098. Redouté liliac. 35. Gladiolus concolor. Salist. paradis. 8. Square-leaved Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1745, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Trew eliret. 10. t. 39. Fl. May and June. G. H. 21. G. foliis linearibus margine utrinque costatis; gracilis. nervo medio fere obsoleto. Gladiolus gracilis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 211. Bo- tan. magaz. 562. Slender Corn-flag. Nat. of the Gape of Good Hope. Cult. 1800, by Messrs. Grimwood and Wykes. Fl. March and April. G. H. 31. . G. foliis linearibus medio utrinque costatis, vaginis recurvus. radicalibus maculatis. Gladiolus recurvus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 208. (excluso synonymo Thunbergii.) Ker in botan. *magaz. 578. Gladiolus carinatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 211. Gladiolus ringens. Andrews's reposit. 27, 227. Redouté liliae. 123. Gladiolus alatus. Schneevogt ic, 12. Spotted-sheath’d Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph, Miller. Mill, ic. 157. t. 235. f. 2. r Fl. April and May. G. H. 21. G. corollae tubo spathã longiore : limbi lacinia carneus. suprema reliquis lationi : apice convoluto re- H 2 curvo ; 100 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Gladiolus. cuspidatus. blandus. angustus. 14. 15. curvo ; lateralibus patentibus apice convolutis ; inferioribus, angustioribus dependentibus: in- fima angustissima. Gladiolus, carneus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 213. (exclusis synonymis, praeter Jacquini.) Ker in botan. magaz. 591. Gladiolus cuspidatus. Andrews's reposit. 147. Re- douté liliac. 36. Flesh-colour’d Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1796, by Mr. Richard Williams. Fl. May and June. G. H. 11. G. corollae tubo duplo longiore laciniis limbi acu- minatis undulatis reflexis. Gladiolus cuspidatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 210. Botan. magaz. 582. Redouté liliac. 136. Gladiolus cuspidatus var. petalis crispis. Andrews's reposit. 219. Gladiolus undulatus. Linn. mant. 27. Tall Corn-flag. Nat, of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis. Masson. Fl. April and May. G. H. 21. G. corollae tubo spathā breviore; limbo campa- nulato subringente : lacinia suprema concava; tribus inferioribus angustioribus maculatis. Gladiolus blandus. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 220. Ker in lotan. magaz. 625, 645, 648. Andrews’s re- postt. 99. - - Gladiolus albidus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 211. Gladiolus campanulatus. Andrews’s reposit. 188. Gladiolus carneus. Redouté liliac. 65. Blush-colour’d Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. - Fl. June. G. PH. 21. 16. G. foliis linearibus medio utrinque costatis, co- rolla tubo spathã longiore; limbi laciniis tribus * - infe- TRIANDRIA MONOGYN.I.A.. Gladiolus. 101 inferioribus macula triangulari pedunculata no- tatt S. Gladiolus angustus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 218. (excluso synonymo Thunbergii.) Ker in botan. magaz. 602. Andrews’s reposit. 589. Narrow-leaved Cornflag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1757, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. ic. 95. t. 142. f. 2. - Fl. May and June. - G. H. Ol. 17. G. corollis erectis infundibuliformibus : laciniis undulatus. undulatis : tribus inferioribus dimidio fere bre- vioribus. * Gladiolus undulatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 218. (excluso synonymo Linn. mant.) Ker in botan. ºnagaz. 538, 647. Schneevogt ic. 19. Redouté liliac. 122. Gladiolus striatus. Andrews's reposit. 111. Wave-flower'd Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1760, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. ic. 198. Fl. April and May. G. H. 21. 18. G. corollis erectis: limbo turbinato-campanulato: floribun- laciniis longitudine aequalibus: Suprema latione. dus. Gladiolus floribundus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 219. Ker in botan. magaz. 610. Gladiolus grandiflorus. Andrews's reposit. 1 18. Large-flower'd Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1788, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. June and July. G. H. Y. 19. G. corollis erectis : limbo campanulato : laciniis Milleri. longitudine aequalibus: Suprema lateralibus an- gustiore. Gladiolus Milleri. Ker in botan. magaz. 632. Antholyza spicata. Mill. dict. Miller's Corn-flag. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. I O2 TRIANDRIA MONogyNIA. Gladiolus. Cult. 1751, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill.ic. 27. t. 40. Fl. April and May. G. H. 11. cardinalis. 20. G. spicis pluribus secundis, corollae laciniis tribus inferioribus macula alba lanceolata notatis. Gladiolus cardinalis. Curtis magaz. 135. Schnee- vogt ic. 27. Redouté liliac. 112. Superb Corn-flag. . - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1789, by Mr. John Graeffer. Fl. July and August. G. H. l. byzantinus. 21. G. spica disticha, corollae lacinia suprema late- ralibus tecta; tribus inferioribus macula alba marginata lineari-lanceolata notatis. Gladiolus byzantinus. Mill. dict. Ker in botan. magaz. 874. Turkish Corn-flag. Nat. of Turkey Cult. 1629. Park, paradis. I 91. f. 3. Fl. June and July. H. l. communis. 22. G. spica secunda, corollae lacinia suprema latera- zº" libus tecta; tribus inferioribus macula alba li- neari-lanceolata notatis: infima maxima. Gladiolus communis. Curtis magaz. 86. Redouté liliac, 267. : Gladiolus. Riv. monop. 110. Common Corn-flag. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. June and July. H. 21. segetum. 23. G. spica secunda, corollae lacinia suprema divari- cata; tribus inferioribus subaequalibus macula alba marginata lineari-lanceolata notatis. Gladiolus segetum. Ker in botan. magaz. 719. Gladiolus communis. Fl. graca I. p. 27. t. 37. Bulliard herb. de la France. Round-seeded Corn-flag. Nat. of the South of Europe. - Cult. TRIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Gladiolus. J Q3 Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. June and July. H. Y. Obs. Species tres ultimae ab auctoribus recentiori- bus nomine Gladioli communis conjunctae. MELASPHAERULA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 231. Spatha 2-valvis. Cor. hexapetaloideo-sexpartita: laciniae cuspidatae, aequales. Stigmata 3, re- curva. Caps. 3-loba. 1. MELASPHAERULA. Ker in botan. magaz. 615. (Pub- graminea. lished Jan. i. 1803.) Diasia iridifolia. Decandolle in Bulletin, n. 80. Brumaire an 12. (Oct. Nov. 1803.) Redouté liliac. 54. Gladiolus gramineus. PWillden. sp. pt. 1. p. 221. Andrews’s reposit. 62. - Grass-leaved Melasphaerula. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. Most part of the Year. G. H. M. ANTHOLYZA. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 232. Spatha 2 valvis. Cor. tubulosa: limbus ringens, difformis. Stigmata 3, simplicia. Sem. Sub- globosa. 1. A. foliis ensiformibus nervosis, corollae lacinia su- athiopica. prema longissima porrecta ; reliquis recurvis. Antholyza aethiopica. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 222. J. F. Mill. ic. 9. Botan, magaz. 561, 172. Andrews's reposit. 210. Redouté liliac. I lo. Antholyza ringens. Andrews's reposit, 32. Flag-leaved Antholyza. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Philip Miller. Fl. May and June. - G. H. l. BABI- ~...”. . . I Q4: TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Thunbergii. ringens. tubiflora. I. BABIANA. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 233. Spatha 2-valvis: valvula interior bipartita. Cor. tubulosa; limbus 6-partitus. Stigmata 3, pa- tentia, Sem. baecata. B. foliis villosis, corollis ringentibus. Babiana Thunbergii. Ker in annals of bot. I. p. 233. Antholyza plicata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 223. Many-spiked Babiana. w Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. - Fl. April. r G. H. l. . B. foliis glabris, corollis ringentibus. Babiana ringens. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 233. Antholyza ringens. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 223. Gladiolo aethiopico similis planta angustifolia. Commel. hort. 1. p. 81. t. 41. Gaping-flower'd Babiana. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. edit. 6. Antholyza. Fl. May and June. G. H. M. . B. corollae tubo filiformi-clavato triplo longiore limbo irregulari : lacinia Suprema divaricata. Babiana tubiflora &. Ker in botan. magaz. 847. Gladiolus tubiflorus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 219. Gladiolus inclinatus. Redouté liliac. 44. Babiana tubiflora 3. Ker in botan, magaz. 680. Gladiolus tubatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 219. Redouté liliac. 264. Gladiolus longiflorus. Andrews's reposit. 5. Long-tubed Babiana. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. June. G. H. Ol. 4. B. CO = TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Babiana. 10% 4. B. corolla tubo filiformi duplo longiore limbo re- spathacea. gulari: laciniis alternis obtusis cum acumine. Babiana spathacea. Ker in botan. magaz. 638. Gladiolus spathaceus. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 221. Stiff-leaved Babiana. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1801, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. June. G. H. 21. 5. B. corollae laciniis fauce longioribus, linea longi- tudinali Saturatione notatis. Babiana sambucina. Ker in botan. magaz. 1019. Elder-flower-scented Babiana. Nal. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1799, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. April and May. G. H. M. 6. B. corollae laciniis triplo fere longioribus tubo. Babiana sulphurea. Ker in botan. magaz. 1053. Gladiolus sulphureus. Jacqu. iv. 2. t. 239. col- lect. 3. p. 258. . Gladiolus plicatus. Andrews’s reposit. 268. Pale-flower’d Babiana. ſat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May and June. G. H. 21. samlucina. sulphurea. 7. B. corollae laciniis longitudine tubi, subaequalibus: plicala. alternis subundulatis: suprema apice convoluta. Babiana plicata. Ker in botan. magaz. 576. Gladiolus plicatus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 220. exclusis synonymis Jacquini, Linnaei et Breynii. Sweet-scented Babiana. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. , 774, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. 71. 8. B. corollis infundibuliformibus regularibus : laci- niis tubo vix longioribus planis. Babiana stricta. Ker in botan. magaz. 621, 637. Gladiolus strictus. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 220. Gladi- stricta. fb6 TRIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Babiana. villosa. rubro- cyanea. thyrsiflora. - 9 º Gladiolus plicatus. Linn. sp. pl. 53. Upright Babiana. Nat, of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1757, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. ic. 103. t. 155. f. 1. Fl. June. G. H. 24. B. corollae tubo filiformi longitudine limbi regu- laris campanulati: laciniis alternis obtusis cum acumine. Babiana villosa. Ker in botan. magaz. 583. Ixia villosa. Edit. prior. 1. p. 58. 10. Ixia pumicea. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 198. Gladiolus mucronatus. Redouté liliac. 142. Dark-red Babiana. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1778, by Patrick Russell, M. D. Fl. August. G. H. 11. B. corollae limbo patentissimo : laciniis rhomboi- deis basi maculatis. Babiana rubro-cyanea. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 234. Ixia rubro-cyanea. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 198. 1. Curtis magaz.410. Ixia villosa. Schneevogt ic. 16. Red-blue Babiana. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Massan. Introd. 1794. Fl. May and June. G. H. 11. WACHENDORFIA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 234. Bot. mag. 1060. Cor. infera, 6-partita, irregularis. Caps, trilocula- ris. Sen. Solitaria. W. foliis perennantibus glabris, panicula coarctata. Wachendorfia thyrsiflora. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 248. TRIANDRIA Monogyni.A. Wachendorfia. 107 p. 248. Ker in botan. magaz. 1060. Redouté liliac. 93. Tall-flowering Wachendorfia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 7. Addenda. - Fl. May and June. G. H. 21. . W. foliis annuis glabris, panicula patente. paniculata. Wachendorfia paniculata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 248. Smith ic. pict. 5. Botan. magaz. 616. Panicled Wachendorfia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1700, by Dr. Uvedale. Pluk. nant. 70. Fl. February. G. H. 21. . W. foliis lineari-ensiformibus villosis. hirsuta. Wachendorfia hirsuta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 249. Wachendorfia villosa. Andrews's reposit. 398. Hairy Wachendorfia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1687. Raj. hist. 2. p. 1 168. n. 9. Fl. June. G. H. 21. . W. foliis elliptico-ensiformibus hirsutis. brevifolia. Wachendorfia brevifolia. Ker in lot. mag. 1166. Short-leaved Wachendorfia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Richard Williams. Fl. March and April. G. H. 21. XIPHIDIUM. Gen. pl. 84. Cor. infera, hexapetala, regularis. Caps. 3-locu- laris, polysperma. . X. foliis hirsutis, petalls ovatis. Willden. sp. caeruleum. pl. 1. p. 248. Xiphidium caeruleum. Aullet guian. 1. p. 33. t. 1 1. Hirsute-leaved Xiphidium, Nat. of Guiana. • Introd. IUS, TRIANDRIA Monogynia, Xiphidium. corymbosa. viscosa. cyanea. capitata. Fl. Introd., 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. - Fl. * . . S. h. DILATRIS. Ker in annals of bot. i. p. 235. Cor. Supera, 6-petala, regularis. Filamentum unum reliquis brevius; Anthera majore. Stig- ma simplex. Caps. 3-locularis. Sem. solitaria. . D. petalis ovatis, panicula hirsuta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 246. Smith exot. lot. i. p. 29. t. 16. Broad-petal’d Dilatris. - - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1790, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May. G. H. I. . D. petalis linearibus, panicula villoso-viscida. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 247. Clammy Dilatris. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. - G. H. Y. ARISTEA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 236. Cor. Supera, 6-petaloidea, regularis, post anthe- sin spiraliter contorta, persistens. Caps. 3-lo- cularis, polysperma. . A. floribus capitatis, spathis multipartito-laceris. Aristea cyanea. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 223. Bo- tan. magaz. 458. Andrews's reposit. 10. Grass-leaved Aristea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. * cº 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. X1a 2. Fl. April–June. G. H. 11. 2. A. florum capitulis alternis, spathis integris. Aristea capitata, Ker in botan, magaz. 605. Aristea TRIANDRIA Mo Nogy NIA. Aristea. *109 Aristea major. Andrews's reposit. 160. Moraea caerulea. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 243. Gladiolus capitatus. Linn. sp. pl. 53. Tallest Aristea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1790, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. July and August. G. H. M. . A. floribus alternis, corollae laciniis aequalibus. spiralis. Moraea spiralis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 240. Botan. magaz. 520. Spiral-flower'd Aristea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. April and May. - G. H. l. . A. floribus alternis, corolla laciniis tribus mi- melaleuca. noribus. Aristea melaleuca. Ker in botan. magaz. 1277. Moraea melaleuca. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 240. Moraea lugens. Linn. suppl. 99. Three-colour’d Aristea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1786, by Mr. Fr. Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. M. WITSENIA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 236. Bot. mag. 895. Cor. tubulosa: limbo 6-partito. Stigma levissime trifidum. Caps. 3-locularis, polysperma. . W. floribus spicatis, corolla laciniis exterioribus maura, extus tornell to Sl S. - Witsenia maura. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 247. Re- douté liliac. 245. Downy-flower'd Witsenia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1790, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. G. H. M. 2. W. flo- I O TRIANDRIA Monogyni A. Witsenia. A corymbosa. corymbosa. jleruosa. collina. 2. W. floribus corymbosis, corollis glabris. Witsenia corymbosa. Ker in botan. magaz. 895. Smith eacot. lot. 2. p. 17. t. 68. Corymbose Witsenia. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. James Niven. Introd. 1803, |. George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. Spring and Autumn. G. H. 21. LAPEYROUSIA. Ker in annals of lot. i. p. 237. Cor. hypocrateriformis: tubus longior limbo 6-par- tito. Stigmata 3, bipartita. Caps, membra- nacea, polysperma. 1. L. floribus corymbosis, staminibus patentissimis. Lapeyrousia corymbosa. Ker in bot. mag. 595. Ixia corymbosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 199. Ixia crispifolia. Andrews's reposit. 35. Level-topp'd Lapeyrousia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1791, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. 21. MORAEA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 238. Cor. 6-petaloidea, post anthesiu superne involuta, inferne spiraliter contorta, demum decidua. Caps. polysperma. 1. M. corollae laciniis subaequalibus oblongis patenti- bus, filamentis basi connatis. - Moraea flexuosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 243. Ker in botan. magaz. 695. Flexuose Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1803, by E. J. A. Woodford, Esq. G. Fl. April and May. - H. f. 2. M. corollae laciniis subaequalibus obovatis paten- tissimis, filamentis in cylindrum connatis. Moraea TRIANDRIA MONOGYN1A. Moraea. ! I l Moraea collina. Ker in bot. mag. 1033, 1103. Moraea miniata. Andrews’s reposit. 404. Moraea juncea. Linn. sp. pl. 59. Sisyrinchiuin collinum. /Willden.sp. pl. 3. p. 578. Redouté liliac. 250. Equal-flower'd Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1768, by M. Philip Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 8. 77. 2. Fl. May. G. H. Y. 3. M. corollae laciniis basi maculatis et punctatis : tribus interioribus dimidio brevioribus et multo angustioribus erectis. Moraea pavonia. Ker in botan. magaz. 1247. Iris pavonia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 238. Jacqu. hort. Schoenbr. 1. p. 6. t. 10. Andrews’s re- posit. 364. Peacock Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. about 1790, by Messrs. Grimwood and Barret. Fl. May and June. G. H. n!. 4. M. corollae laciniis interioribus linearibus, inter- dum deficientibus. Moraea tripetala. Ker in botan. magaz. 702. Iris tripetala. IVillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 230. Three-petal-like Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1802, by E. J. A. Woodford, Esq. tºl. April and May. G. H. M. 1. 5. M. corollae laciniis exterioribus patentissimis bar- batis; interioribus minimis apice tridentatis: dente intermedio longiore. Moraea tricuspis. Ker in botan. magaz. 696, 772. Iris tricuspis. IWilſden. sp. pl. 1. p. 231. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 222. collect. 4. p. 99. t. 9. f. 1. Iris pavonia. Curtis magaz. 168. Vieusseuxia pavonia. tripetala. tricuspis. 112 TRIANDRIA Monogyni A. Moraea. tenuis. wnguicu- lata. edulis. longiflora. Vieusseuxia glaucopis. Redouté liliac. 42. Trident-petal’d Moraea. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1776, by Mr. Francis Masson. - Fl. June. - G. H. 11. 6. M. corollae laciniis exterioribus deflexis barbatis; interioribus minimis apice tridentatis: dente in- termedio longiore involuto." Moraea tenuis. Ker in botan. magaz. 1047. Iris tricuspis var. floribus minoribus. Jacqu, ic. 2, t. 222. collect. 4. p. 100. Brown-flower'd Moraea. J Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1807, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. . Fl. May. G. H. M. 7. M. corollae laciniis exterioribus imberbibus; in- terioribus minimis apice tridentatis. Moraea unguiculata. Ker in botan. magaz. 593. Long-claw’d Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. J. Niven. Intred. 1802, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. May. G. H. M. 8. M. folio inſimo omnium longissimo, corolla la- ciniis omnibus patentissimis : alternis mino- ribus. Moraea edulis. Ker in botan. magaz. 613, 1238. Iris edulis. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 239. Iris longifolia. Schneevogt ic. 20." Andrews's re- posit. 45. Long-leaved Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. about 1792, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. June. G. H. M., 9. M. corolla tubo filiformi longissimo; limbi laci- niis omnibus reflexis. Moraea longiflora. Ker in lotan, magaz. 712. Long-flower'd Moraea. - w r T- at , TRIANDRIA MONoGYNIA. Moraea. | 13 10. 1 1. 12. 13. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. J. Niven. Introd. 1801, by George Hibbert, Esq. F. June. G. H. l. M. folio infimo spiraliter torto, caule glabro, ra- bituminosa. II) \S 391 SCOS18. Moraea bituminosa. Ker in botan. magaz. 1045. Iris bituminosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 239. Clammy Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. April and May. G. H. p. M. foliis rectiusculis, caule et ramis viscosis. viscaria. Iris viscaria. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 239. Botan. magaz. 587. Bird-limed Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1800, by E. J. A. Woodford, Esq. Fl. June. G. H. M. M. caule paniculato ramosissimo, corollae laciniis ramosa. subaequalibus deflexis. Moraea ramosa. Ker in botan, magaz. 771. Branching Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1789, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. p. M. foliis glaberrimis, caule ramis et pedunculis tristis. villosis. Moraea sordescens. Redouté liliac. 71. Moraea tricolor. Andrews’s reposit. 83. Moraea vegeta. Linn. sp. pl. 59. Iris tristis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 239. Botan. magaz. 577. Dull-colour'd Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. n. 1. • – “. F. May. G. H. M. WOL. I. I 14. M. fo- . I 14 TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Moraea." crispa. Sisyrinchi- 2/772, ciliata. papiliona- Cé0. iridioides. 14. M. foliis longitudine fere scapi, corollae laciniis. omnibus patentissimis: alternis minoribus. Moraea crispa. Ker in botan, magaz. 759, 1284. 15. 16. Iris crispa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 238. Short-spathed Moraea. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. - Introd. 1803, by Mr. William Salisbury. Fl. April. G. H. 21. M. corollae tubo filiformi longissimo ; limbi laci- niis alternis erectis. - Moraea Sisyrinchium. Ker in annals of lot. 1. . 24 l. iſ: Sisyrinchium. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 234. Fl. graca 1. p. 30. t. 42. Redouté liliac. 29. Crocus-rooted Moraea, or Spanish-nut. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1597. Ger. herb. 94. f. 1. Fl. May and June. - H. Ol. M. foliis ciliatis, corollae laciniis interioribus erectis. -- Moraea ciliata. Ker in botan, magaz. 1012, 1061. Iris ciliata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 224. Fringed-leaved Moraea. I 7. 18. Nat of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. - G. H. 21. M. foliis pubescentibus, corollae laciniis omnibus patentibus. - Moraea papilionacea. Ker in botan. magaz. 750. Iris papilionacea. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 238. Butterfly Moraea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. - Introd. 795, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May. G. H. M. M. foliis perennantibus equitantibus, corollae la- ciniis patentibus : alternis duplo latioribus. Moraea iridioides. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 244. Ker in botan. magaz. 693. Redouté liliac. 45. - - - Sword- ºrri ANDRIA MONoGYN1A. Moraea. - i is Sword-leaved Moraea. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. 159. t. 239. f. 1. Fl. May and June. - G. H. 21 ; IRIS. Ker in annals of lot. i. p. 242. Cor. 6-partita: laciniis alternis reflexis. Stigmata petaliformia. * Radice crassa, solida, horizontali. Imberles. 1. I. foliis ensiformibus, petalis alternis stigmate mi- Pseud- noribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 232. Curtis Acorus. lond. Engl. lot. 578. Svensk lot. I 10. Re- douté liliac. 235. Poit. et Turp. fl. paris. t. 46. Yellow Iris. Water Flower-de-luce. Nat. of Britain. + Fl. June. H. 11. 2. I. foliis ensiformibus, scapo subtereti, germini- ochroleuca. bus hexagonis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 233. Curtis magaz. 61. Trew ehret. 56. t. 100. Pale yellow-flower'd Iris. Nat. of the Levant. , - - - Cult. 1757, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. ic. t. 154. Fl. July. H. 1ſ. 3. I. foliis ensiformibus: radicalibus longissimis, halophila. scapo tereti, germinibus hexagonis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 233. Iris spuria 3, halophila. Ker in botan, magaz. 1131. Long-leaved Iris. - Nat. of Siberia. A - - - Introd. 1780, by Chevalier Pallas. Fl. July–September. 4. I. foliis linearibus, scapo subtrifloro tereti, germi- spuria. nibus hexagonis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 237. * Iris halophila. Botan. magaz. 875. major. I 2 {3 Iris I 16 TRIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Iris. minor. foetidissi- 77?0. graminea. sibirica. virginica. versicolor. {3 Iris spuria. Curtis magaz. 58. Bastard Iris. Nat. of Germany. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. 77. 14. Fl. July. H. M. . I. foliis ensiformibus, scapo uniangulato. Will- den. sp. pl. i. p. 232. Engl. lot. 596. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. t. 45. Stinking Iris, or Gladwyn. Roast-beef plant. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June. H. 2ſ. . I. foliis linearibus, scapo subbifloro ancipiti, ger- minibus hexagonis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 236. Iris graminea. Ker in botan. magaz. 681. Grass-leaved Iris." Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1597. Ger. herb. 52. f. 5. Fl. June. H. iſ . . I. foliis linearibus, scapo subtrifloro tereti, germi- nibus trigonis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 237. Curtis magaz. 50, 1163. Iris pratensis. Redouté liliac. 237. Siberian Iris. Nat. of Austria, Switzerland and Siberia. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. May and June. H. l. . I. foliis ensiformibus, scapo ancipiti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 232. Iris virginica. Ker in botan. magaz. 703. Virginian Iris. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Philip Miller. Fl. June. H. iſ . 9. I. foliis ensiformibus, scapo tereti flexuoso, ger- minibus subtrigonis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 233. Curtis magaz. 21. © Various- TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Iris. 117 Various-colour’d Iris. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill, elth. t. 155. Fl. May and June. H. 2ſ. 10. I. foliis linearibus planis, scapo unifloro, laciniis corollae alternis aequantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 235. g iſ: Virginiana pumila, S. Chamaeiris verna an- ustifolia, flore purpuro-ca-ruleo odorato. Pluk. alm. 198. t. 196. f. 6. . Spring Iris. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. 1748. Mill. dict. edit. 5. n. 60. Fl. April and May. H. M. 11. I. foliis linearibus longioribus scapo unifloro, la- ciniis corollae alternis minoribus. Iris ruthenica. Ker in botan. magaz. 1123. Pigmy Iris. • * Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1804, by Mr. Conrad Loddiges. Fl. May. H. M. ** Radice crassa, solida, horizontali. Barbatae. 12. I. foliis ensiformibus glabris, scapo unifloro, pe- talis rotundatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 225. Curtis magaz. 91. Redouté liliac. 18. Chalcedonian Iris. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. March and April. H. M. 13. I. barba cristata, scapo subunifloro longitudine foliorum, germinibus trigonis, petalis subaequa- libus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 225. Smith spi- cil. 12. t. 13. Curtis magaz. 412. Crested Iris. - Nat. of North America. Introd. 2/627°720, ruthenica. susiana. cristata. 1 3 TRIANDRIA Monogyn1A. Iris. pumila. § - lutescens. subbiflora. variegata. 14. Introd. 1756, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll, mscr. Fl. May. - H. 11. I. scapo unifloro foliis ensiformibus glabris bre- viore, tubo exserto, petalis oblongis obtusis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 224. Iris pumila. Botan. magaz. 9, 1209. Poit. et Turp. ji. paris. t. 47. Dwarf Iris. Nat. of Austria. - Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. April and May. H, ). 15. 16. I. scapo subunifloro foliis ensiformibus glabris longiore, tubo spathis incluso, petalis oblongis obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 225. Pale yellow Dwarf Iris. Nat. of Germany and France. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 5. m. 52. Fl. April and May, H. M. I. scapo subunifloro foliis ensiformibus vix bre- viore, corollae tubo germen cylindricum sexstri- atum subaequante. Iris subbiflora. Brotero lusitan. 1. p. 50. Ker in botan, magaz. 1130. Purple Iris. Nat. of Portugal. Cult, 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. April and May. H. M. . I. foliis ensiformibus glabris a quantibus scapum multiflorum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 227. Iris variegata. Curtis magaz. 16. Jacqu. austr. 1. p. 7... t. 5. - Variegated Iris. Nat. of Hungary. - Cult. 1597. Ger. herb. 51.f. 1. - Fl. May and June. H. 21. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Iris. 1 19 i 8. } 9. 2O. 2. l. 22. I. foliis ensiformibus glabris erectis brevioribus lurida. scapo multifioro, laciniis corollae exterioribus revolutis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 229. Iris lurida. Ker in botan, magaz. 669, 986. Dingy Iris. - Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Philip Miller. Fl. April. H. M. I. foliis ensiformibus glabris erectis brevioribus sambucina. scapo multifloro, laciniis corollae deflexis planis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 228. Curtis magaz. 187. Elder-scented Iris. Iris squalens. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 228. (ex- cluso synonymo Jacquini.) Botan. magaz. 787. Brown-flower'd Iris. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1658, in Oxford garden. Hort. Oacom. ed. 2. p. 86. n. 10. Fl. June. H. 21. I. foliis ensiformibus glabris brevioribus scapo florentina. subbifloro. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 226. Ker in botan. magaz. 67 l. Fl. graeca I. p. 28. t. 39. Redouté liliac. 23. Florentine Iris. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. May and June. H. M. . . I, foliis ensiformibus glabris falcatis brevioribus germanica. scapo multifloro, tubo germine longiore. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 229. Iris germanica. Ker in botan, magaz. 670. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. t. 48. German Iris, or Flower-de-Luce. Nat. of Germany. Cult. 1573. Tusser fol. 40. Fl. May and June. H. M. I. foliis ensiformibus glabris falcatis brevioribus pallida. scapo 120 TRIANDRIA Monegynia. Iris. aphylla. jimbriata, dichotoma, tuberosa, scapo multifloro, tubo longitudine germinis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 230. Iris pallida. Ker in botan. magaz. 685. Iris odoratissima. Jacqu, hort. schoºnlir, 1. p. 5. t. 9. Iris germanica. Fl. graeca 1. p. 29. t. 40. Pale Turkey Iris. Nat. of Turkey. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. May and June. H. lt. 23. I. foliis ensiformibus glabris aequantibus scapum multiflorum subnudum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 227. - Iris aphylla. Ker in botan. magaz. 870. Orange-flower-scented Iris. Nat. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 5. 72. 32. - Fl. May and June. . H. l. 24. I. foliis scapo compresso multifloro vix breviori- bus, stigmatibus fimbriatis. Wenten. Cels 9. Redouté liliac. 152. Iris chinensis. Curtis magaz. 373. Chinese Iris. Nat. of China. a Introd. 1792, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - F. May and June. G. H. lt. 25. I, foliis ensiformibus glabris, caule paniculato te- reti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 230. Iris dichotoma. Pallas it. 3. p. 712. t.A. f. 2. Fork’d Iris. Nat. of Dauria. Introd. 1784, by John Bell, Esq. Fl. August. H. M. *** Radice tuberosa. Imleriis. 26. 1. foliº tetragonis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 240. - Botan. TrrANDRIA Monogy NIA. Iris. I 21 Botan. magaz. 531. Fl. graca 1. p. 29. t. 41. Redouté #. 48. - Snake’s head Iris. Nat. of the Levant. Cult 1597. Ger, herb. 94. f. 2. Fl. March and April. H. M. * * * * Radice bullosa. Imberbes. 27. I. foliis ensiformibus canaliculato-subulatis, scapo 2Ciphioides. bifloro, petalis stigmate multo latioribus, ger- mine acute angulato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 231. Iris Xiphioides. Ker in botan. magaz. 687. Re- douté liliac. 212. Great bulbous-rooted Iris. Nat. of Spain. - Cult. 1571, in the gardens near Bristol. Clus. hist. 1. p. 21 1. Fl. June. H. 21. 28. I. foliis ensiformibus canaliculato-subulatis, scapo Xiphium. bifloro, petalis stigmate fere angustioribus, ger- mine tereti-trigono. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 231. Iris Xiphium. Ker in botan. magaz. 686. Small bulbous-rooted Iris. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. June. H. l. 29. I. foliis canaliculatis, scapo bifloro, corollae laciniis lusitanica. interioribus emarginatis, germine subincluso. Iris lusitanica. Ker in botan, magaz. 679. Portuguese Iris. Nat. of Portugal. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. April. H. M. 30. I. foliis linearibus planis, scapo unifloro, laciniis persioa. corollae alternis brevioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 235. Iris persica. Curtis magaz. 1. Redouté liliac. 189. Persian Iris. Nat. 1 22 TRIANDRIA Monogyni.A. Iris. Northiana. martinicen- $is. paludosa. Nat. of Persia. Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 172. n. 2. Fl. March. H. 21. MARICA. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 244. Cor. 6-petaloidea, inaequalis. Stam. opposita angulis styli triquetri. . M. scapo alato ensiformi. Marica Northiana. Ker in botan. magaz. 654. Moraea vaginata. Redouté liliac. 56. Moraea Northiana. Andrews's reposit. 255. Ferraria elegans. Salisb. prodr. 42. Broad-stem’d Marica. Nat. of Brazil. Introd. 1789, by Mrs. North. Fl. April–August. S. l. . M. scapo tereti, foliis planis. Marica martinicensis. Ker in annals of bot. 1. p. 245. Iris martinicensis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 238. Curtis magaz. 416. Redouté liliac. 172, Martinico Marica. i Nat. of the Islands of St. Lucia and Martinico. Introd. 1782, by Mr. Alexander Anderson. Fl. June, ! S. 21. . M. scapo tereti, foliis plicatis. Marica paludosa. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 246. Ker in botan, magaz. 646, Marsh Marica, Nat. of Guiana. - Introd. 1792, by Mr, Alexander Anderson. Fl. July and August. S. M. PARDANTHUS. Ker in annals of bot. i. p. 246. Cor. 6-petaloidea, regularis, aequalis. Caps. poly- sperma. Sem, receptaculo centrali, libro in- Sert3. - - * , , 1. PAR- TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Pardanthus. lºš J. PARDANTHUs. Ker in annals of lot. 1. p. 247. Moraea chinensis. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 245. Ixia chinensis. Curtis magaz. 17 l. J. G. Müller sp. pl. - Belamcanda chinensis. Redouté liliac. 121. Chinese Pardanthus. • Nat. of the East Indies, China, and Japan. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. Ixia 1. Fl. June and July. H. D1. COMMELINA. Gen. pl. 86. Cor. 6-petala. Nectaria 3, cruciata, filamentis propriis inserta. Sem, papilla embryotega in- Structa, - * * Dipetalae, ol duo petala majora. J. C. corollis inaequalibus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acutis, caule repente glabro. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 249. Schmidel ic. 158. t. 40, 41. Redouté biliac. 206. t Common American Commelina. Nat. of America. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill.elth.93. t. 78. f. 89. . Fl. June and July, H. G). 2. C. corollis inaequalibus, foliis lanceolatis glabris, caule decumbente, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 250. Schmidel ic. l 13. t. 30. African Commelina. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. edit. 7. 72. 3. Fl. May–October. S. 21. 3. C. corollis inaequalibus, foliis ovatis obtusis, caule repente. Willden... sp. pl. i. p. 250. Murray in commentat. gotting. 1779. p. 18. t. 5. Bengal Commelina. - gº Nat, chinensis. communis. africana. lengalensis. 124 TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Commelina. Nat. of Bengal. - Introd. 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. h Fl. June. . S. l. erecta. 4. C. corollis inaequalibus. foliis ovato-lanceolatis, caule erecto scabro simplicissimo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 250. * Commelina erecta, ampliore subcaeruleo flore. Dill, elth. 94. t. 77. f. 88. Upright blue Commelina. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill, loc. cit. Fl. August and September. H. 21. * * Tripetala : petalis tribus majorilus. virginica. 5. C. corollis subaequalibus, foliis lanceolatis subpe- tiolatis ore barbatis, caulibus erectis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 251. \ - Ephemerum phalangoides virginianum majus erectum. Pluk. alm. 135. t. 174. f. 4. Virginian Commelina. Nat. of Virginia. * Cult. 1779, by John Blackburne, Esq. Orford - Cat. 19. - w Fl. June. --- H. Y. tuberosa. 6. C. corollis aequalibus, foliis sessilibus ovato-lan- ceolatis subciliatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 251. Schmidel ic. 192. t. 49. Andrews’s reposit. 399. Redouté liliac. 108. Tuberous-rooted Commelina. Nat. of Mexico. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill, elth.94. t, 79. f. 90. - Fl. June and July. S. 21. spirata. 7. C. corollis aequalibus, foliis lanceolatis, floribus paniculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 253. Spear-leaved Commelina. ‘. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. TRIANDRIA Monogy NIA. Commelina. 125 Introd. 1783, by John Earl of Bute. Fl. July and August. S. G) CALLISIA. Gen. pl. 87. Cal. 3-phyllus. Pet. 3. Antherae geminae. Caps. 2-locularis. 1. CALLISIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 254. repens. Hapalanthus repens. Jacqu. amer. 1 1. t. 11. Creeping Callisia. Nat. of the West ndies. Introd. 1776, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. June and July. S. 21. KYLLINGIA. Gen. pl. 91. Ament. ovatum S. oblongum, imbricatum. Cal. 2-valvis. Cor. 2-valvis. 1. K. culmo filiformi triquetro, capitulo globoso ses- monocepha- sili, involucro triphyllo longissimo. Willden. la. sp. pl. 1. p. 256. Rottb. gram. 13. t. 4. f. 4. One-headed Kyllingia. Nat. of both Indies. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. Fl. June and July. S. li. 2. K. capitulis terminalibus subternis glomeratis ses- triceps. silibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 256. Rottl. gram. 14. t. 4. f. 6. Three-headed Kyllingia. Naț. of both Indies. Introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. September—November. S. 21. 3. K. umbella terminali, spicis sessilibus peduncula- umbellata. tisque cylindricis squarrosis, involucro univer- sali polvphyllo; partiali triphyllo: Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 257. Rottb. gram. 15. t. 4. f. 2. Umbell’d Kyllingia. Nat, 126 TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Kyllingiá, Mariscus. matcromatus. nigricans. compressus. 1. 2. 3. 4. Nat. of the East Indies. - Introd. 1789, by Walter Ewer, Esq. Fl. July and August. S. 1. SCHOENUS. Gen. pl. 92. Gluma paleaceae, univalves, congestaº. Cor. 9. Sem. 1, Subrotundum, inter glumas. S. culmo tereti, foliis margine dorsoque aculeatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 259. Engl. lot. 950. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 37. t. 53. Prickly, or Long-rooted Bog-rush. Nat. of England. . Fl. July and August. H. M. S. culmo tereti nudo, spiculis ovatis fasciculatis, involucro subhexaphyllo, foliis canaliculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 259. Fl. gracca 1. p. 30. f. 43. Cluster’d Bog-rush. Nat. of the South of Europe and the Levant. Introd. 1781, by P. M. A. Broussonet, M.D. Fl. April and May. H. l. S. culmo tereti nudo, capitulo ovato, involucri diphylli valvula altera subulata longa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 261. Engl, bot. 1121. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 37. t. 54. Black Bog-rush. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. * H. M. S. culmo teretiusculo nudo, spica disticha invo- lucro monophyllobreviore: spiculis multifloris, foliis planis. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 44. Engl. bot. 791. Scirpus caricis. Pillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 292. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 39. t. 57. Flat spiked Bog-rush. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. July. H. nº 5. S. cul- TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Schoenus. 127 5. S. culmo tereti nudo, spica disticha involucro rufus. monophyllo obtuso longiore: spiculis pauci- floris, foliis canaliculatis. Smith fl. lirit. 1. p. 45. Engl. bot. 1010. Brown Bog-rush. Nat. of Scotland. ºf Fl. July. H. li. 6. S. culmo tereti nudo, spica composita, floribus monoicus. monoicis, foliis canaliculatis scabris. Engl. bot. 1410. * Monoecious Bog-rush. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. p. RHYNCHOSPORA. Wahl enumer. 2. p. 238. Squamae paleaceae: infimae vacuaº. Cor. O. Sem. 1, coronatum stylo persistente indurato, basi lati- tudine seminis. 1. R. spicis corymboso-fasciculatis, culmo superne alba. triquetro, foliis linearibus canaliculatis, setis seminis decem. Rhynchospora alba. Vahl enumer. 2. p. 236. Schoenus albus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 267. Engl. bot. 985. White-headed Rhynchospora. Nat. of Britain. Fl. August. H. 24. 2. R. spicis corymboso-fasciculatis, culmo triquetro, fusca. foliis setaceis, setis seminis tribus. Rhynchospora alba 3. Wahl enumer. 2. p. 236. Schoenus fuscus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 262. Engl. bot. 1575. Brown-headed Rhynchospora. Nat. of Wales and Ireland. Fl. August. H. M. CYPERUS. R2& TRIANDRIA Monogy NIA, CYPERUS. Gen. pl. 93. Glumae paleaceae, distiche imbricatae. Cor. 0. Sem. 1, nudum. pannonicus. 1. C. culmo obsolete triquetro prostrato, spicis sub- quaternis sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 273. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 47. t. 70. Dwarf Cyperus. Nat. of Hungary. Introd. 1781, by Abbé Pourret. Fl. July and August. H. G. viscosus. 2. C. culmo triquetro, foliis convoluto-teretibus, umbella composita, spiculis oblongis capitato- glomeratis, involucro longissimo. jºi. sp. pl. 1. p. 276. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 295. Clammy Cyperus. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1781, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. May–August. S. l. flavescens. 3. C. culmo triquetro nudo, umbella subcomposita triphylla, spicis confertis lanceolatis, glumis ob- tusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 279. Fl. graca 1. p. 33. t. 47. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 48. t. 72. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. t. 74. Yellow Cyperus. Nat. of France and Germany. Introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July–September. H. 3. . juscus. 4. C. culmo triquetro, umbella composita triphylla, spicis linearibus confertis, glumis acutis imbri- catis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 280. Fl. gracca 1. p. 34. t 48. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 49. t. 73. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. t. 75. Brown Cyperus. * Nat. of France, Germany, and Switzerland. Introd. 1777, by Mr. Thomas Blackie. Fl. July–September. H. 5. C. cul- TRIANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Cyperus. T29 5. C. culmo triquetro nudo, umbella simplici.spi- strigosus. culis linearibus confertissimis horizontalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 281. , , Cyperus. Rottl. gram. 40. n. 52. t. 11. f. 3. Bristled-spiked Cyperus. - Nat. of the West Indies. ‘. . - Introd. 1786, by the Lord Bishop of Carlisle. Fl. July and August. . . S. 1ſ. 6. C. culmo triquetro nudo, umbella foliosa, radi- esculentus. cum tuberibus ovatis zonis imbricatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 284. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 50. t. 75. Eatable Cyperus. Rush-nut. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1597. Ger, herb. 28. f. 2. - Fl. July. H. M. 7. C. culmo triquetro folioso, umbella foliosa supra- longus. decomposita, pedunculis nudis, spicis alternis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 285. Engl. lot. 1309. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 51. t. 76. Sweet Cyperus. English Galingale. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. 21. 8. C. culmo triquetro, umbella decomposita, pedun-fastigiatus. culis longissimis filiformibus subquinquefidis, * spicis plurimis linearibus sparsis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 285. Rottl. gram. 32. t. 7. f. 2. Lofty Cyperus. • Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. 2. 9. C. culmo triquetro nudo, umbella involucris lon- Papyrus, giore, involucellis triphyllis setaceis longioribus spiculis termis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 288. Cyrilli monographia. Parmae 1796. fol. tab. 1, 2. Paper Cyperus. Egyptian Papyrus. WOL. I. K. Nat. 30 TRIANDRIA Monogyni.A. Cyperus. Nat. of Sicily and Egypt. , , , Introd. 1802, by A. B. Lambert, Esq. Fl. July–September. s S. l. alternifo- 10. C. culmo triquetró, foliis in summo culmo con- lius. fertis, umbellis axillaribus compositis, spiculis linearibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 289. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 298. f Alternate-leav'd Cyperus. Nat. of the Island of Madagascar. Introd. 1781, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. February and March. S. 21. SCIRPUS. Gen. pl. 94. Glumae paleaceae, undique imbricatae. . Cor. 0. & Sem. 1, imberbe. * Spica unica. palustris. 1. S. culmo tereti nudo, spica subovata terminali. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 291. Engl. lot. 131. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 38. t. 55. Poit. et Turp. fl. paris. t. 59. Marsh creeping Club-rush. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. l. multicau- 2. S. culmo tereti basi vaginato, spica ovata terminali, lis. glumis obtusis aequalibus, radice fibrosa. Smith j. brit. 1. p. 48. Engl. lot. 1187. Many-stalk’d Club-rush. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. li. ca’spitosus. 3. S. culmo striato nudo, spica terminali bivalvi, calycinis glumis inaequalibus ovali-oblongis mu- crone viridi terminatis: altera majore spicam aequante, radicibus squamosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 292. Engl. lot. 1029. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 40. t. 59. Scaly-stalk’d Club-rush. Nat. TRIANDRIA Monogyni.A. Scirpus. 131 Nat. of Britain. r F. July. H. 21. 4. S. culmo tereti striato basi vaginato, spica termi- pauciflorus. ºnali pauciflora glumis exterioribus longiore. Smith fl. brit. i. p. 50. Engl, bot. i.122. Host gram, austr. 3. p. 40. t. 58. Scirpus Baeothryon. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 293. Chocolate-headed Club-rush. * Nat. of Britain. • F. August. H. 21. 5. S. culmo tereti nudo setiformi, spica ovata bival- acicularis. vi, seminibus nudis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 295. Engl. lot. 749. Host gram, austr. 3. p. 41. t. 60. Needle upright Club-rush. - * Nat. of Britain. 4. Fl. July. H. 21. 6. S. culmis teretibus nudis alternis, caule folioso fluitans. flaccido. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 295. Engl. bot. 216. Fl. dan. 1082. : Floating Club-rush. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. l. ** Culmo tereti polystachyo. 7. S. culmo tereti nudo, spicis ovatis pluribus pe- lacustris. dunculatis terminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 296. Engl. lot. 666. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 41. t. 61. Svensk bot. 150. Tall Club, rush. Bull-rush. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. . . H. n. 8. S. culmo tereti nudo, spicis subglobosis glome- Holoschae- ratis pedunculatis: pedunculo diphyllo inaequali mus. º mucronato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 297. Engl. tº. bot. 1612. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 42. t. 62. Round cluster-headed Club-rush. K 2 Nat, 132 triandria Mosogynia. Scirpus. ? Gºd?!?!S, $6taceus. triqueter. maritimus, Not. of England. Fl. July. H. Y! & 9. S. culmo tereti nudo, capitulo laterali conglobato, bractea reflexa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 298. Jacqu. austr. 5. p. 23. t. 448. Scirpus holoschaemus y. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 53. Roman Club-rush. Nat, of England. Fl. July. .* H. M. 10. S. culmo mudo setaceo, spica terminali sessili. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 298. Engl."bot. 1693. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 44, t. 65. Poit. et Turp. f. paris. t. 68. Least Club-rush. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. G). *** Culmo triquetro, panicula nuda. 11. S. culmo triquetro nudo, spicis subsessilibus pe- dunculatisque mucronem aequantibus. Will- den. sp. . 1. p. 302. Engl. lot. 1694. Triangular Club-rush, or Bull-rush. Nat. of England. Fl. August. H. li. **** Culmo triquetro, panicula foliacea. 12. S. culmo triquetro, panicula conglobata foliacea, spicularum squamis trifidis ; intermedia subu- lata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 306. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 542. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 45. t. 67. s Salt-marsh Club-rush. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July–September. H. M. 13. S. culmo triquetro nudo, umbella foliosa prolife- ra, spiculis subrotundis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. luxulae. p. 307. Graſner, TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. 133 Gramen cyperoides orientale. Pluk. mant. 97. t. 417. f. 3. Cluster’d Indian Club-rush. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1776, by Lady Ann Monson. Fl. August and September. S. l. 14. S. culmo triquetro folioso, umbella foliacea, pe-sylvaticus. dunculis nudis supradecompositis, spicis con- fertis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 307. Engl. lot. 919. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 46. t. 68. Wood-Club-rush. Millet Cyperus-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl, July and August. H. M. ERIOPHORUM. Gen. pl. 95. Glumae paleaceae, undique imbricatae. Cor. 0. Sem. 1, lana longissima cinctum. 1. E. culmis vaginatisteretibus, spica scariosa. Will- vaginatum. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 312. Engl. lot. 873. Poit. et Turp. fl, paris. t. 49. Eriophorum cespitosum. Host gram. austr. 1. p. 30, t. 39, Hare's-tail Cotton-grass. Nat, of Britain. Fl. March–April. H. M. 2. E. culmis teretibus, foliis planis, spicis pedun- polysta- culatis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 312, Engl. lot. chyon. 563, Svensk lot. 180. * Broad-leaved Cotton-grass, Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 3. E. culmis foliosis teretibus, foliis canaliculato- angustifo- triquetris, spicis pedunculatis erectis. Willden, lium. sp. pl. 1, p. 313, Engl. lot. 564, Eriophorum polystachyon. Curtis lond. Host gram. austr. 1. p. 29, t. 37. Common Cotton-grass, Nat, d 34 TRIANDRIA Monogynia. Eriophorum. Nat. of Britain. f Fl. April. t H. l. .# $º virginicum. 4. E. culmis foliosis teretibus, foliis planis, spica erecta, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 313. Gramen tomentosum virginianum, panicula ma- gis compacta, aureo colore perfusa. Pluk. alm. 179. t. 299. f. 4. Virginian Cotton-grass. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1802, by H. R. H. The Duke of Kent. Fl. most part of the Summer. H. l. cyperinum. 5. E. culmis teretibus foliosis, panicula suprade- composita prolifera, spiculis subtermis. Will- den...sp. pl. 1. p. 313. Cyperus miliaceus ex provincia mariana. Pluk. mant. 62. t. 419. f. 3. Cyperine Cotton-grass. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1802, by H. R. H. The Duke of Kent. Fl. most part of the Summer, H. l. alpinum. 6. E. culmis nudis triquetris, spica pappo breviore. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 314. Engl. lot. 311. Host gram. austr. 1. p. 31. t. 40. Alpine &º. * Nat. of Scotland. Fl. July. H. NARDUS. Gen. pl. 97. Cal. O. Cor. 2-valvis. stricta. 1. N. spica setacea recta secunda. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 314. Engl. bot. , 290. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 4. t. 4. Svensk lot. 174, Mat-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. 21. LYGEUM. TRIAN DRIA M ONOGYNIA. | 85 2. LYGEUM. Gen. pl. 99. Spatha 1-phylla. Corolla binae supra idem ger- men. Nua bilocularis. . LYGEUM. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 316. Spartum. Spartum herba alterum. Clus. hist. 2. p. 220. f. 2. Rush-leaved Lygeum. Nat. of Spain. Introd. 1776, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May and June. H. l. CENCHRUS. Gen. pl. 1574. Involucr. laciniatum, echinatum, 3- s. 4-florum. Cal. 2-valvis, 2-florus. Corolla 2-valvis, mu- tica. Styl. bifidus. . C. paniculae ramis simplicissimis, corollis retror- lappaceus. sum hispidis, calycibus trivalvibus bifloris. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 316. , Bur Cench rus. Nat. of India. Introd. 1773, by John Earl of Bute. Fl. July. S. G). C. spica ovata simplici. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 317. capitatus, Fl. graca 1. p. 8 1. t. 100. Sesleria echinata. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 6. t. 8. Oval-spiked Cenchius. Nat. of Italy and the South of France. Introd. 1771, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July and August. H. G). . C. spica oblonga conglomerata. Willden. sp. pl. 1, echinatus. p. 317. Cavanill, ic. 5. p. 39. t. 462. Rough-spiked Cenchrus. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1691, by Mr. Doody. Pluk. phyt. t. 92.f. 3. Fl. August–December. S. G). 4. C. spi- 136 TRIANDRIA Monogyni A. Cenchrus. ciliaris. 4. C. spica involucellis setaceis ciliatis quadrifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 318. Ciliated Cenchrus. . Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1777, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July and August. S. 6). DIGYNIA. CORNUCOPIAE. Gen. pl. 101. Involucr: 1-phyllum, infundibuliforme, crenatum, multiflorum. Calya, 2-valvis. Cor. 1-valvis. cucullatum. 1. C. spica mutica, cucullo crenato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 319. Smith spicil. 13, t. 14. Fl. gra- ca. 1. p. 37. t. 51. Hooded Cornucopiae. Nat. of the Levant. Introd. 1788, by John Sibthorp, M.D. Fl. August. H. G). SACCHARUM. Gen. pl. 104. Cal. 2-valvis, lanugine longa involucratus. Cor. 2-valvis. officinarum. 1. S. floribus paniculatis, foliis planis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 321. Arundo saccharifera. Sloan. jam. 1. p. 108. t. 66. Common Sugar-cane. Nat. of both Indies. Cult. before 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 35. F. S. 21. PEROTIS. Gen. pl. 1714. Cal, nullus. Cor. bivalvis: valvulae aequales aris- tatae, lanugine involucrata. 1. P. cul- tRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Perotis. 137 1. P. culmo simplici, foliis undulatis, geniculis gla- latiſolia. bris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 324. Tsjeria-Kuren-pullu. Rheed, mal. 12. p. 117. t. 62, Spiked Perotis. w Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1777, by Daniel Charles Solander, I.L.D. Fl. August and September. S. G). PHALARIS. Gen. pl. 106. Cal. 2-valvis, carinatus, longitudine aequalis, co- rollain includens. i. P. panicula mutica subovata spiciformi, glumis canariensis. calycinis navicularibus integris, corolla quadri- walvi : valvulis exterioribus lanceolatis glabris; interioribus villosis. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 326. Engl. tot. 1310. F. graeca 1. p. 40. t. 55. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 28. t. 38. KCommon Canary-grass. Nat. of Britain. I’l. June —August. H. G). 2. P. panicula mutica cylindracea spiciformi, glumis aquatica. calycinis navicularibus subdenticulatis, corolla trivalvi : valvulis interioribus willosis ; exteriore minuta subulata. Pillaen. sp. pl. i. p. 326. Pł. graeca i. p. 42. t. 57. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 29. i. 39. Water Canary-grass. Nat. of Egypt. Introd. 1778, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. June and July. IH. G). 3. P. panicula mutica cylindrica spiciformi, glumis phleoides. calycinis carinatis integerrimis scabriusculis, corolla bivalvi glabritiscula. H^illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 328. Engl, bot. 459. Ilost gram. austr. 2. p. 26. t. 34. Cat's-tail Canary-grass. Nat. of England. - F. July and August. H. G.). - 4, 1’, pa- r28 • TRIANDRIA DiGYNEA....Phalaris. . arenaria. . atriculata. parado.ca. 4. P. panicula mutica cylindrica. spiciformi, glumis calycinis carinatis integerrimis ciliatis, culmo ranoso. Willden. sp. pt. i. p. 328. Engl. bot. 222. Sea Canary-grass. Nat. of England. . Fl. July and August. . . . . H. G). 5. P. panicula ovata spiciforni, glumis calycinis na- vicularibus: dorso dilatato, arista receptaculi glu- mis longiore. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 329. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 6. t. 7: Alopecurus utriculatus. Fl. grapca 1. p. 47. t. 63. Bladder'd Canary-grass. • Nat. of Italy. - - Introd. 1777, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. June—August. -H. G). 6. P. panicula mutica oblonga spiciformi, glumis calycinis navicularibus unidentalis, corolla bi- valvi glabra, fiosculis infimis praemorsis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 329. F. graeca I. p. 43. t. 58. Host gram austr. 2. p. 30. t. 40. Bristled-spiked Canary-grass. Nat. of the Levant. Cult, 1687. Raj. hist. 2. p. 1248. Fl. June and July. H. G). PASPALUM. Gen. pl. 107. Cal. 2-valvis, orbiculatus. Cor. ejusdem magni- tudınis. Stigmata penicilliformia. scrobicula- iºu?”. 1. P. spicis alternis, rachi membranacea, floribus alternis, calycibus multinerviis extus scrobicu- latis. Pſillaen. sp. pl. 1. p. 330. Houtt. nat. hist. 13. p. 165. t. 89. f. 3. Dimpled Paspalum. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1778, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July–September. S. 21. 2. P. spi- TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Paspalum. 139 - 2. P. spicis paniculatis verticillato-aggregatis. Will- panicula- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 331. - . i tum. Panicled Paspalum. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1782, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July and August. S. G). 3. P. spiculis spicatis, rachi undulata, floribus alter- stolonife- nis secundis, caule geniculato basi prostrato rum. stolonifero. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 33i. Paspalum racemosum. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 302. Purple Paspalum. Nat. of Peru. . . . . Introd. about 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. . Fl. July and August. “. S. 21. 4. P. spicis duabus erectiusculis : altera sessili, flos- distichum. culis oblongis glabris, culmo adscendente. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 332. Swartz obs. 35. t. 2. f. 1. Two-spiked Paspalum. - t Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1776, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. July. S. 3. PANICUM. Gen. pl. 108. Cor. 3-valvis: valvula tertia minima. * Spicata. i. P. spica tereti, involucris setaceis villosis unifloris sericeum. longitudine flosculorum, foliis planis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 334. - ... - Silky Panic-grass. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1780, by John Earl of Bute. Fl. June–September. S. G). 2. P. spica verticillata, racemulis quaternis, involu- verticilla- cellis unifloris bisetis, culmis diffusis. Willden. tum, sp. pl. 1. 140 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Panicum. glaucum. viride. germani- Cºll???, italicum. ... sp. pl. 1. p. 334. Curtis lond, Engl. bot. 874. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 11. t. 13. Rough Panic-grass. Nat. of England. - Fl. July and August. - H. G). 3. P. spica tereti, involucellis bifloris fasciculato-pilo- sis, seminibus undulato-rugosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 335. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 13. t. 16. Glaucous Panic-grass. - Nat. of the South of Europe. . . Introd. 1771, by Mons. Richard. - Fl. July and August. H. G). 4. P. spica tereti, involucellis bifloris fasciculato-pi- losis, seminibus nervosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 335. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 875. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 12. t. 14. - Green Panic-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. t H. G). 5. P. spica composita coarctata: spiculis glomeratis, involucellis setaceis flore longioribus, rachi hir- suta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 336. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 12. t. 15. German Panic-grass. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1548, in Sion garden. Turner's names of herbes, sign. Fj. Fl. July. H. G). 6. P. spica composita basi interrupta mutante: spicu- lis glomeratis, involucellis setaceis flore malto longioribus, rachi tomentosa. Willden, sp. pl. i. p. 336. - Panicum italicum s. panicula majore. Bauh, the- ałr. 519. - Italian Panic-grass. - Nat, of both Indies. r - * Cult, TRIANDRIA DIGYNtA. Panicum. 141 Cult, before 1616, by Matthias de L'Obel. Park. theatr. 1139. f. 2. F. July and August. S. G). 7. P. spicis alternis secundis ; spiculis subdivisis, Crus corvi. glūmis subaristatis hispidis, rachi trigona. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 337. Crow's-foot Panic-grass. Nat. of the East . Introd. 1781, by Mons. Thouin. & F. July and August. S. G). 8. P. spicis, alternis conjugatisque: spiculis subdi- Crus galli. visis, glumis aristatis hispidis, rachi quinquan- gulari. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 337. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 876. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 15. t. 19. Loose Panic-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. G). 9. P. spicis alternis secundis muticis ovatis scabris, colonum. rachi teretiuscula. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 338. Gramen paniceum minimum. Ehret pict. t. 3. f.3. Purple Panic-grass. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1699, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Sloan. mss. 525 and 3349. * F. July and August. 10. P. spicis alternis sessilibus secundis, valvulis ca- lºrizoides. lycinis binis corolla multo brevioribus retusis, tertia longitudine corollae. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 338. Gramen paniceum multiplici spica Maderaspata- num. Pluk. alm, 174. t. 191.f. 1. Briza-like Panic-grass. Nat. of the East Indies. William Roxburgh, M.D. Introd. 1801, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. F/. June. S. d'. 11. P. spi- 142 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Panicum. hirtellum. 11. P. spica composita: spiculis adpressis alternis, ca- lycibus geminis : valvulis omnibus aristatis : extima longissima. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 340. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 36. t. 52. Rough-hair’d Panic-grass, or Scotch-grass. Nat. of the South of Europe and the West Indies. Introd. 1795, by Mr. John Fairbairn. Fl. June and July. ; S. 3. . ‘t. sanguinale. 12. P. spicis digitatis: basi interiori nodosis, floscu- lis geminis muticis, vaginis foliorum punctatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 342. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 849. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 14. t. 17. Cock's-foot Panic-grass. - Nat. of England. Fl. August. H. G). Bactylon. 13. P. spicis digitatis patentibus : basi interiore vil- losis, floribus solitariis, sarmentis repentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 342. Engl. lot. 850. Fl. graeca 1. p. 45. t. 60. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 15. t. 18. Creeping Panic-grass. Nat. of England. # Fl. July. H. 21. filiforme. 14. P. spicis subdigitatis approximatis erectis filifor- mibus, rachi flexuosa, dentibus bifloris : altero sessili, valvula interiore minutissima, culmo fo– liisque glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 343. Close-spiked Panic-grass. Nat. of North America. - Introd. 1781, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July–September. H. G). aegyptia- 15. P. spicis subdigitatis approximatis erectis filifor- C2/777, mibus, rachi flexuosa, dentibus bifloris, floribus pedicellatis, valvula interiore trinervia, culmo foliisque pilosis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 343. Panicum filiforme. Jacqu. obs. 3. p. 18. t. 70. Egyptian Panic-grass. ſat. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Panicum. # 43 #Nat. . . . 4 ; 4; introd. 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. * * , Fl. July. *. S. G). 16. P. panicula umbellata, racemis subquaternis, glu- cimicinum. ma caſycina altera ciliata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 344." $ . . * Spotted Panic-grass. § * Nat. of India. Introd. 1778, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. . Fl. July–September. º S. G. ** Paniculata. 17. P. panicula patente, staminibus pistillisoue colo- coloratum. ratis, culmo ramoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 347. Jacqu. ic. I. t. 12. Colour’d Panic-grass. Nat. of Egypt. Introd. 1771, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July and August. •e. S. G). 18. P. panicula virgata, foliis divaricatis. IWillden. repens. e sp. pl. i. p. 347. Fl. graca 1. p. 45. t. 61. Slender Panic-grass. Nat. . . . . Cultivated in the East Indies. Claude Russell, F.sq. Introd. 1777, by Patrick Russell, M. D. Fl. July–September. S. G). 19. P. panicula laxa flaccida, foliorum vaginis hirtis, miliaceum. glumis mucronatis nervosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 348. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 16. t. 20. Millet Panic-grass. Nat. of the East Indies. # e. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. July. S. G). 20. P. panicula capillari erecta patente, pedunculis capillare. strictis, calycibus acuminatis laevibus, foliº- ruña 144 TRIAN piùA pigynra. Panicum. rum vaginis hirsutissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 349. . - Hair-panicled Panic-grass. Nat. of Virginia and Jamaica. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. S. G). Fl. June—August. latifolium. 21. P. paniculae racemis lateralibus simplicibus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis collo pilosis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 350. • Milium virginianum, lato brevigue folio, pani- cula rariore. Moris, hist. 3. p. 196. s. 8. t. 5. 4. - rºtº- Panic-grass. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1765, by Mr. John Cree. - Fl. August and September. H. M. arborescens. 22. P. paniculatum ramosissimum, foliis ovato-ob- longis acuminatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 351. Tree Panic-grass. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. March and April. S. 2. virgatum. 23. P. panicula virgata, glumis acuminatis laevibus: extima dehiscente. Willdeu. sp. pl. 1. p. 352. Long-panicled Panic-grass. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1781, by Mr. William Curtis. Fl. August and September. H. 21. brevifolium. 24. P. paniculatum, foliorum vaginis longitudinaliter ciliatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 353. Gramen miliaceum latiori folio. Pluk. alm. 176. t. 189. f. 4. Short-leaved Panic-grass. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1791, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. | ... • Ft. June. S. G). 25. P. pani- TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Panicum. 145 25. P. paniculis brevibus muticis, culmo ramosissimo divarica- divaricatissimo, pedicellis bifloris ; altero bre- tum. viore. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 354. Jacqu. hort. schoenbr. 1. p. 10. t. 25. Straddling Panic-grass. Nat. of Jamaica. * Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. S. 21. PHLEUM. Gen. pl. 109. Cal. 2-valvis, sessilis, linearis, truncatus: apice bicuspidato. Cor. inclusa. 1. P. spica cylindrica longissima ciliata, culmo erecto. pratense. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 354. Engl. lot. 1076. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 7. t. 9. Svensk lot. 23. Common Cat's-tail-grass. Timothy-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. 21. 2. P. spică ovato-cylindracea, aristis longitudine alpinum. lumarum. Smith fl. bril. 1. p. 69. Phleum alpinum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 355. Engl. lot. 519. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 8. f. 10. Alpine Cat's-tail-grass. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. July, H. l. 3. P. paniculā cylindrică spiciformi, glumis nudis panicula- sursum incrassatis, culmo ramoso. Smith fl. tum. brit. 1. p. 70. Engl. lot. 1077. Phalaris aspera. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 328. Host 'gram, austr. 2. p. 28. t. 37. º Panicled Cat’s tail-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. G). VOL. I. i. ALO- t 146 indicus. bullosus. pratensis. alpinus. agrestis. geniculatus. 6. A culmo spicato infracto, corollis muticis. Will- ~y TRIAN blº IA for GYNIA, ALOPECURUS. Gen. pl. 102. Cal. 2-valvis. Cor. 1-valvis. 1. A. spica tereti, involucellis setaceis fasciculatis bifloris, pedunculis villosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 356. Giant Fox-tail-grass. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1739. Rand chels. Panicum 4. * * Fl. July–October. S. G). . A. culmo erecto, spica cylindrica, radice bulbosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 356. Engl. lot. 1249. Bulbous Fox-tail-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July. * H. 24. . A. culmo spicato erecto, glumis villosis, corollis muticis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 357. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 759. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 24. t. 31. Svensk lot. 14. Meadow Fox-tail-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May. H. 21. . A. culmo erecto laevi, spica ovata, glumis villosis muticis aristae corollinae subaequalibus. Smith fl. brit. 3. p. 1386. Engl. lot. 1126. Alpine Fox-tail-grass. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. May and June. H. M. . A. culmo spicato erecto, glumis laevibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 357. Engl. lot. 848. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 9. t. 12. Alopecurus myosuroides. Curtis lond. Slender Fox-tail-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. 21. & den. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Alopecurus. 147 den. sp. pl. 1. p. 358. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 1250. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 24. t. 32. Floating Fox-tail-grass. - Nat. of Britain. - Fl. May–August. H. l. . A. culmo adscendente geniculato, spica compo- fulvus. sita cylindrica, glumis obtusis ciliatis, arista longitudine calycis, antheris subrotundis. Engl. bot. 1467. - Orange-spiked Fox-tail-grass. Nat. of England. - Fl. June. H. 21. MILIUM. Gen. pl. 110. Cal. 2-valvis, uniflorus : valvulis subaequalibus. Corolla brevissima. Stigmata penicilliformia. . M. panicula subspicata, floribus aristatis. Will- lendigerum. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 359. Engl. lot. 1107. Fl. graca 1. p. 49. t. 65. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 17. t. 24. - Panic Millet-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. August. H. G. . M. floribus paniculatis dispersis muticis. Will- effusum. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 360. Curtis lond. Engl. w bot. 1106. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 16. t. 22. Svensk bot. 162. Common Millet-grass. Nat. of Britain. - - Fl. June and July. H. Y. . M. floribus paniculatis aristatis. Willden. sp. paradoxum. pl. 1. p. 360. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 16. t. 23. Black-seeded Millet-grass. Nat. of the South of France. Introd. 1771, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July, H. G). I, 2 * AGROS- " I 48 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Spica venti. panicea. miliacea. \ AGROSTIS. Gen. pl. 111. Gal. 2-valvis, uniflorus, corolla paulo minor. Stigmata longitudinaliter hispida. * Aristatae. 1. A. petalo exteriore arista recta stricta longissima, panicula patula. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 361. Engl. bot. 951. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 32. t. 47. Silky Bent-grass. Nat. of England. - Fl. June and July. H. O. 2. A. panicula subspicata, ramis ramulisque fascicu- latis, valvulis calycinis alterague corollina ari- statis: arista corollina brevissima. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 363. Engl. bot. 1704. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 32. t. 46. Phleum crinitum. Fl. grapca 1. p. 46. t. 62. Bearded Bent-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. G). 3. A. petalo exteriore arista terminali recta stricta mediocri. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 363. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 31. t. 45. Milium arundimaceum. Fl. graeca 1. p. 50, t. 66. Millet Bent-grass. - s Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1778, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July. H. M. 4. A. calycibus elongatis, petalorum arista dorsali recurva, cuſhnis prostratis subramosis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 367. Engl. lot. 1856. Brown Bent-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. - H. M. canina. littoralis. 5. A. calycibus lineari-lanceolatis aristatis, corollā nuda, aristā sub-terminali rectā, culmis de- cumbentibus. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Agrostis. 149 cumbentibus. Smith fl. brit, 1. p. 78. Engl. bot. 1251. Sea-side Bent-grass. Nat. of England, Fl. August. H. iſ . 6. A. calycibus lanceolatis, corollā basi aristatà: setacea. aristā geniculatà, foliis radicalibus setaceis. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 79. Engl. lot. 1188. Agrostis setacea. Curtis lond. Bristly Bent-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. 21. * * Mattica. 7. A. paniculā patente : ramulis divaricatis capillari- vulgaris. bus, calycibus aequalibus, petalo interiore du- plo breviore retuso. Smith fl. brit. l. p. 79. Engl. lot. 1671. Fine Bent-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. 21. 8. A. paniculae ramulis patentibus muticis, culmo stolonifera. repente, calycibus aequalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 369. Eng/. lot. 1532. Creeping Bent-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. G.). 9. A. panicula laxa, calycibus muticis argualibus, alla. culmo repente. Pillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 371. Engl. bot. 1 189. 1 * * , - Marsh Bent-grass. Nal. of Britain, Fl. July. H. M. 10. A. panicula mutica filiformi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. minima. p. 372. Knappia agrostidea. Engl. lot. 1127. Smallest Bent-grass. Tat. 150 TRIANDRIA preyNIA. Agrostis. mericana. indica. linearis. lenta. I 2. I 3. I 4. Nat. of Wales. - Fl. March and April. H. G.). .A. panicula oblonga congesta, calycibus corollis- que acuminatis subaequalibus muticis. Will- dem. sp. pl. 1. p. 374. - Mexican Bent-grass. Nat. of South America. Introd. 1780, by Mr. Gilbert Alexander. Fl. June–September. H. 21. A. panicula contracta mutica: racemis lateralibus erectis alternis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 375. Indian Bent-grass. - lNat. of India. Introd. 1773, by John Earl of Bute. Fl. July and August. S. G). A. spicis subquaternis digitatis, flosculis unilatera- libus alternis adpressis muticis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 375. Linear-leaved Bent-grass. - Nat. of the East Indies. William Roxburgh, M. D. - Introd. 1796, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. July and August. H. M. A. spicis subternis umbellatis, flosculis muticis oblongis acutis: valvulis calycinis subaequalibus, foliis vaginisque glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 375. Fork’d Bent-grass. Nat. of the East Indies. John Gerard Koenig, , M. D. - Introd. 1778, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - - - Fl. July and August. S. G). AIRA. Gen. pl. 112. Çal. 2-valvis, 2-florus. Flosculi absºlue interjeeto - rudimento. 1. A. pa- TRIANDRIA DIGYNLA. Aira. I 5.1 1. A. paniculā spicatā, calycibus pedunculo longiori- cristata. bus, petalis acuminatis inaequalibus. Smith fl. lirit. i. p. 83. Engl. lot. 648. Poa cristata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 402. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 54. t. 75. Crested Hair-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. l!. 2. A. panicula patente, floribus muticis laevibus ca- aquatica. lyce longioribus, foliis planis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 376. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. I 557. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 30. t. 41. Water Hair-grass. Nat. of Britain. { Fl. May and June. H. l. 3. A foliis planis, panicula patente; petalis hºsi vil- caespitosa. losis aristatisque: arista recta brevi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 378. Engl. lot. 1453. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 31. t. 42. Svensk lot. 132. Turfy Hair-grass. Nat. of Britain. Pt. August. H. l. 4. A. foliis setaceis, culmis subnudis, panicula di- flexuosa. varicata, pedunculis flexuosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 378. Engl. lot. 1519. Schreb. gram. 2. p. 57. t. 30. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 32. t. 43. Waved Mountain Hair-grass. Nat. of Pritain. gº Fl. July and August. H. M. 5. A. foliis setaceis : summo spathaceo paniculam canescens. inferne involvente. JPillden. sp. pl. i. p. 379. Engl. lot. 1190. Fl. dan. 1023. Grey Hair-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. l. 6. A. foliis setaceis : vaginis angulatis, floribus pa- praecox. niculato-spicatis, flosculis basi aristatis. JP ill- den. I 32 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Aira. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 380. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 1296. Early Hair-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. O. caryophyl- 7. A foliis setaceis, panicula divaricata, floribus ari- © statis distantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 380. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 812, Host gram. austr. 2. p. 33. t. 44, Silver Hair-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. G), MELICA. Gen. pl. 113. Cal. 2-valvis, 2-florus. Rudimentum floris inter * flosculos. eiliata. 1, M. flosculi inferioris petalo exteriore ciliato. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 381. Fl. graca 1. p. 54. i. 70. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 10, t. 12. Ciliated Melic-grass. Nat. of the North of Europe. Introd. 1771, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July. - H. O. Aztañs. 2. M. petalis imberbibus, panicula mutante simplici. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 382. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 1059. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 9. t. 10. Mountain Melic-grass. • Nat. of Britain. F2. June and July, H. 2; . uniãora, 3. M. panicula rara, calycibus bifloris : flosculo al- tero hermaphrodito; altero neutro. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 383. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1058. . Host gram. austr. 2. p. 9. t. 11. Wood Melic-grass. Nai. of Britain. Fl. May and June. * , H. 21. 4. M. paz TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Melica. - 153 4. M. panicula coarctata, floribus cylindricis. Will. caerulea- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 383. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 750. Host gram. austr. 2, p. 7. t. 8. Purple Melic-grass. • ' Nat. of Britain. F/. August. H. 21. .5. M. petalis imberbibus, panicula coarctata secun- altissima. da. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 385. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 8. t. 9. Tall Melic-grass. Nat. of Siberia and Hungary, Introd. 1770, by Mons. Richard. Fl. August, H. 21. SESLERIA. Juss. gen. 31. Cal. bivalvis, subtriflorus, aristatus. Cor. bival- vis: waivula exteriore tridentata; interiore bi- dentata. 1. S. spica ovato-oblonga imbricata, bracteis alternis. caerulea. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 94. Engl. lot. 1613. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 69. t. 98. Svensk bot. 210. - Cynosurus caeruleus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 414. Blue Moor-grass. - Nat. of Britain. Fl. April–July. . H. 21. POA. Gen. pl. 114. Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Spicula ovata: valvulis margine scariosis, acutiusculis. 1. P. panicula diffusa, spiculis sexfloris linearibus. aquatica, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 385. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1315. Fl. dan. 920. Host gram, austr, 2. p. 44. t. 60. Svensk lot. 30. Reed Meadow-grass. * JNat. of Britain. - Fl. July. - - H. 11. - - 2. P. pa- 154 TRIANDRIA DIGYN1A. Poa. juitans. procum- dens. alpina. jlexuosa. tara. catsia. 2. P. panicula ramosa divaricata, spiculis adpressis teretibus multifloris, flosculis obtusis septem- nerviis basi duplicato-nervosis. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 95. Engl. lot. 1520. Svensk lot. 102. Festuca fluitans. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 426. Cur- tis lond. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 55. t. 77. Floating Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. all Summer. H. Ol. 3. P. panicula lanceolata secunda coarctata scabra, rachi tereti, spiculis subquinquefloris, flosculis obtusiusculis nervosis. Smith fl. lirit. 1. p. 98. Poa procumbens. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 532. Procumbent Sea Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. G). 4. P. panicula diffusa ramosissima, spiculis sex floris cordatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 386. Engl. lot. 1003. Fl. dan. 807. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 49. t. 67. Alpine Meadow-grass. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. June and July. H. lg. 5. P. paniculā flexuosá, spiculis trifloris, glumis ova- tis basi villo connexis, stipulis omnibus lanceo- latis. Smith fl. lirit. 1. p. 101. Engl. lot. 1123. Zigzag Meadow-grass. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. July. H. M. 6. P. panicula contracta subracemosa, spiculis tri- floris basi dorsoque pubescentibus. Willden. sp. pt. 1. p. 386. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 11. t. 15. Loose-spiked Meadow-grass. JNat. of Bohemia and Silesia. Introd. 1800, by Mr. Hunnemann. Fl. June and July. H. lf. 7. P. panicula diffusa, spiculis ovatis quinquefloris, glumis TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Poa. 1.5% glumis lanceolatis subsericeis liberis, stipulis brevissimis obtusis. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 103. Engl. lot. 1719. * Sea-green Meadow-grass. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. June and July. H. M. 8. P. panicula subdiffusa, spiculis trifloris basi pu- trivialis. bescentibus, culmo erecto tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 387. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1072. Host gram. attstr. 2. p. 45. t. 62. Roughish Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June—August. H. 21. 9. P. panicula diffusa, spiculis quinquefloris glabris, pratensis. culmo erecto tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 388. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1073. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 44. t. 61. Smooth-stalked Meadow-grass. Mat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. 2ſ. 10. P. panicula diffusa, spiculis ovatis subtrifloris, humilis. glumis acutis villo connexis, stipula brevissima obtusa. Smith fl. brit. 3. p. 1387. Poa subcaerulea. Engl. lot. 1004. Short blueish Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June. H. l. 11. P. panicula diffusa : angulis rectis, spiculis ob- annua. tusis, culmo obliquo compresso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 390. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1141. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 46. t. 64. Svensk lot. 126. Annual Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April–September. H. G. 12. P. panicula patente, pedicellis flexuosis, spiculis Eragrostis. serratis decemfloris, glumis trinerviis. Willden. Sp. 156 TRIANDRIA DiGYN1A. Poa. sp. pl. 1. p. 392. Fl. graca 1. p. 57. t. 73. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 50. t. 69. Spreading Meadow-grass. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris. hist. 3. p. 203. S. 8. t. 6. f. 47. Fl. July. H. G). alyssinica. 13. P. panicula capillari laxa erecta, spiculis quadri- floris laevibus lineari-lanceolatis, foliis glabris subconvolutis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 394. Jacqu. ic. l. t. 17. Smooth upright Meadow-grass. Nat. Cultivated in Abyssinia. James Bruce, Esq. mň. I 775. Fl. August and September. G. H. G.), capillaris. 14. P. panicula laxa patentissima capillari, foliis pilo- sis, culmo ramosissimo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 394. Gramen paniculatum virginianum, locustis mini- mis. Moris, hist. 3. p. 202. s. 8. t. 6. f. 33. Hair-panicled Meadow-grass. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1781, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. October and November, H. G). tenella, 15. P. panicula oblonga capillari subverticillata, flori- bus sexfloris minutissimis mutantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 395. * & Gramen paniculatum, locustis tenuissimis subro- tundis. Burm. zeyl. I 10. t. 47. f. 3. Small Meadow-grass. Nat. of the East Indies. Infrod. 1781, by Mons. Thouin, Fl. July and August. S. G). maritima. 16. P. panicula subsecunda, spiculis multifloris tere- tiusculis, flosculis distantibus, culmo adscen- dente. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 396. Engl. lot. | | 40s º Creeping TRIANDRIA D1GYNIA. Poa. 157 Creeping Sea. Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. M. 17. P. panicula lanceolata subramosa secunda: ramu- rigida. lis alternis secundis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 396. Curtis lond. Engl. &ot. 1371. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 53. t. 74. Hard Meadow-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. June. H. G). 18. P. panicula coarctata secunda, culmo obliquo compressa. compresso. IVillaen. sp. pl. 1. p. 397. Engl. lot. 365. Fl. dan. 742. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 51. t. 70. Flat-stalked Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. º Fl. July and August. H. G). 19. P. paniculā attenuatä erectá, spiculis ovatis sub- glauca. trifloris, glumis subretusis basi villosis, stipulà brevissimä. Smith fl. brit. 3. p. 1388. Poa glauca. Fl. dan. 964. Engl. lot. 1720. Slender glaucous Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. PH. I. 20. P. panicula attenuata, spiculis subbifloris mucro- memoralis. natis scabris, culmo incurvo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 399. Engl. lot. 1265. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 51. t. 7 l. Wood Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June. H. M. 21. P. panicula secunda patentiuscula, spiculis quadri- bullosa. floris. IV iſlden. sp. pl. 1. p. 399. Engl. lot. 1071. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 47. t. 65. Bulbous Meadow-grass. .* Aat. of England. Fl. July. H. Y. 22. P. pa- 158 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Poa. distans. 22, ciliaris. 23. decumbens. 24. minor. 1. P. paniculae ramis subdivisis, floribus quinque- floris, flosculis distantibus obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 401. Engl. lot. 986. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 46. t. 63. Poa retroflexa. Curtis lond. Reflex’d Meadow-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. 21. P. panicula contracta, glumarum valvulis inte- rioribus piloso-ciliatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 402. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 304. Ciliated Meadow-grass. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July and August. S. G). P. panicula subsimplici coarctata erecta, spiculis ovatis quadrifloris longitudine calycis, stipulis ciliaribus. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 107. Engl. bot. 792. Festuca decumbens. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 424. Decumbent Meadow-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. 7ſ . * BRIZA. Gen. pl. 115. Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Spicula disticha: val- vulis cordatis, obtusis: interiore minuta. B. spiculis triangulis, calyce flosculis (7) longiore, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 403. Engl. bot. 1316. Fl. graca 1. p. 58. t. 74. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 22. i. 28. Small Quaking-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. l. B. spiculis ovatis, calyce flosculis (7) a quali. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 403. Spanish Quaking-grass. virens. 2. Nat. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Briza. 159 Nat. of Spain. Introd, 1787, by Mr. Zier. Fl. July. H. G). . B. spiculis ovatis, calyce flosculis (7) breviore. media. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 404. Engl. lot. 340. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 22. t. 29. Common Quaking-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. G). . B. spiculis cordatis: flosculis septendecim. Will- **ma. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 405. Curtis magaz. 357. Fl. graeca. 1. p. 60. t. 76. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 23. t. 30. Great Quaking-grass. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1633. Ger. emac. 87. f. 3. Fl. J une and July. H. G). . B. spiculis lanceolatis, flosculis viginti. Willden. Eragrostis. sp. pl. 1. p. 405. Schreb. gram. 2. p. 83. t. 39. Branch'd Quaking-grass, or Love-grass. Nat. of the South of Europe. introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July and August. H. G). UNIOLA., Gen. pl. 116. Cal, multivalvis. Spicula ovata, carinata. . U. paniculata, spiculis ovatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. paniculata. p. 406. . . º Grämen myloicophoron oxyphyllon carolinia- num. Catesb. car. 1. p. 32. t. 32. Panicled Uniola, or Sea-side Oat. Nat. of Carolina. zº Iºwa, by the Rev. Henry Mühlenberg, ‘F. june. H. 21. * 2. U. Sub- 160 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Uniola. spicata. cynosuroi- des. stricta. patens. glomerat (I. U. subspicata, foliis involutis rigidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 406. Spiked Uniola, or Sea-side Oat. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1789, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June and July. * H. l. DACTYLIS. Gen. pl. 117. Cal. 2-valvis, compressus : altera valvula majore, Carlhata. . D. spicis sparsis secundis numerosis, floribus arcte imbricatis, culmo erecto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 407. Dactylis cynosuroides. Linn. fil. fascic. I. p. 17. f. 9. -- American Cock's-foot-grass. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1781, by Mr. William Curtis. Fl. August and September. H. 2ſ. . D. spicis terminalibus subgeminis, floribus remo- tis adpressis, culmis foliisque strictis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 407. Engl. bot. 380. Smooth Cock's-foot-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. August. H. 2ſ. . D. spicis sparsis secundis paucis, floribus arcte imbricatis, caule decumbente, foliis paten- tissimis. Spreading Cock's-foot-grass. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1781, by Mr. William Curtis. Fl. July and August. H. M. . D. panicula secunda glomerata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 408. Engl. bot. 335. Fl. dan. 743. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 67. t. 94. Svensk bot. 32. Rough Cock's-foot-grass. lat, TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Dactylis. 161 Nat. of Britain. Fl. June—August. H. M. CYNOSURUS. Gen. pl. 118. Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Recept. proprium unilaterale, foliaceum. 1. C. bracteis pinnatifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 411. cristatus. Engl. lot. 316. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 63. t. 96. Svensk lot. 66. Crested Dog's-tail-grass. Nat. of Britain. F. August. H. M. 2. C. bracteis pinnato-paleaceis aristatis. Willden. echinatus. sp. pl. 1. p. 412. Engl. lot. 1333. Fl. Graeca 1. p. 61. t. 78. Host gram. austr. 2. p. 67. t. 95. Rough Dog's-tail-grass. Nat. of England. - Fl. August. H. G). 3. C. spica composita : spiculis sparsis: fructiferis erucaefor- erectis, calycibus uni-biflorisque : glumis obtu- mis. sis navicularibus: carina obtusa, corollis acumi- natis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 412. Beckmannia erucaeformis. Host gram. austr. 3. p. 5. t. 6. Linear-spiked Dog's-tail-grass. Nat. of Hungary, Russia, and Hudson’s Bay. Introd. 1773, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July. H. G). 4. C. spica secunda, calycis gluma interiore spiculis Lima. subjecta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 413. Cavanill. ic. l. p. 62. t. 91. Imbricated Dog's-tail-grass. Nat. of Spain. Introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July and August. s H. O. 5. C. spiculis secundis alternis sessilibus rigidis ob- durus. tusis appressis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 413. M WOL. I. Poa 162 TRIANDRIA D1GYN1A, Cynosurus. 607 (IC(1721/Se - rerraNDRIA Monogynia. Hakea. 207 culi, corollis sericeis, capsulis gibbosis subno- dosis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 18q. prodr. 382. . . . . . . Oblique-flower'd Hakea. . . . Nat. of New Holland. . Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. . . . F. * - G. H. W. ** Folia teretia. Capsulae juxta apicem bicalcaratae. 3. H. foliis filiformibus indivisis subtus basi obsole-gillosa. tissime suicatis ramisque subpubescentibus, ra- - mulis pedunculisque hirsutis, corollis glabrius- culis, capsulis gibbosis intus lacunosis, seminis ala semielliptica; nucleo lacunoso basi margi- nato. Brown in linn, soc. transact. 10. p. 181. prodr. 382. . . . . : Hakea gibbosa. Cavanill, ic. 6. p. 24. t. 534. Hakea pubescens. Schrad. sert. hannov. 3. p. 27. Conchium gibbosum. Smith in linn. soc. trans- act. 9. p. 119. ‘. . . . . . Banksia gibbosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 536. Gibbous-fruited Hakea. - Nat. of New South Wales. . Introd. about 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. May and June. G. H. H. . 4. H. foliis filiformibus indivisis glabris subtus infra acicularis. medium obsolete sulcatis longitudine fructus, ramulis ultimis subsericels, pedunculis hirsutis corollas glaberrimas subaequantibus, capsulis gibbosis subrugosis intus lacunosis. Brown in #. soc. transact. 10. p. 181. prodr. 383. Hakea sericea. Schrad. sert, hannov. 3. p. 27. Conchium aciculare. Venten, malmais. 111. Smith in linn. soc. transact. 9, p. 121. Needle-leaved Hakea. . . Nat. of New South Wales. Introd; about 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June–August. G. H. W. . 5. H. ſo- zos TETRANDRIA Monogynia. Hakea. suaveolens. jlorida. S. ilicifolia. nitida. 5. H. foliis filiformibus pinnatifidis passimaue indi- visis supra sulcatis, floribus racemosis glabris : rachi tomentosa, capsulis gibbosis. Broun in linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 182, prodr. 383. Sweet-smelling Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. . G. H. H. . *** Folia plana. 6. H. foliis angusto-lanceolatis spinuloso-dentatis minutissime punctatis: marginibus scabriuscu- lis, ramulis pedunculoque communi brevissimo pubescentibus, capsulis bicalcaratis convexius- culis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 183. prodr. 384. - Many-flower'd Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. * Fl. May and June. G. H. W. . 7. H. foliis circumscriptione ovalibus opacis sinuato- dentatis spinulosis subpetiolatis, ramis tomen- tosis, capsulis bicalcaratis ovatis gibbosis apice compressis intus scrobiculatis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 184. prodr. 384. Holly-leaved Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. July–September. G. H. W. . 8. H. foliis lanceolatis oblongisve basi attenuatis spinuloso-paucidentatis integrisque nitidis sub- venosis ramulisque glaberrimis, capsulis bical- caratis gibbosiusculis intus laeviusculis. Brown in linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 184. prodr. 384. Shining-leaved Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. June and July. G. H. H. 9. H. fo- TETRANDRIA Monogyni.A. Hakea. 209 9. H. foliis sinuato-dentatis nitidis subvenosis: basi dilatata cordata amplexicauli, caule prostrato, ramis glabris, capsulis ecalcaratis. Brown in linn. soc, transact. 10, p. 184. prodr. 384. Stem-clasping Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. F. G. H. H. 10. H. foliis angulato-dentatis apice dilatatis cuneatis: basi cordata amplexicauli, caule prostrato, ra- mis pubescentibus, capsulis ecalcaratis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 184. prodr. 384. Trailing Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. F. G. H. W. 11. H. foliis pinnatifidis bipinnatifidisve linearibus planis, corollis ferrugineo-tomentosis, capsulis ecalcaratis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 184. prodr. 384. Conchium ceratophyllum. Smith in linn. soc. transact. 9. p. 124. Horn-leaved Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. G. H. H. #. 12. H. foliis obovatis trinervibus reticulato-venosis undulatis spinoso-dentatis, capsulis ecalcaratis tumidis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 185. prodr. 384. Wave-leaved Hakea. a' Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. F/. G. H. P. 13. H. foliis lanceolatis integerrimis uninervibus ob- solete venosis mucronulo spinoso: superioribus pubescentibus, ramulus tomentosis, capsulister- WOL. I. P minalibus amplexi- caulis. prostrata. ceratophyl- undulata. oleifolia. : 330 .*ETRANDRIA Monogynia. Hakea. saligna. . . cinerea. d minalibus bicalcaratis gibbosis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10, p. 185. prodr. 385. Conchium oleifolium. Smith in linn. soc. trans- act. 9, p. 124. Olive-leaved Hakea. - Nat. of New Holland. Archibald Menzies, Esq. Introd. 1794. - 4 * - Fl. , G. H. P. 14. H. foliis elongato-lanceolatis integerrimis uniner- vibus acutis apiculo sphacelato; omnibus ra- mulisque glaberrimis, capsulis axillaribus gibbo- sis: apice compresso utrinque carinato. Brown in linn. Soc., transact, 10. p. 185. prodr. 385. Conchium salignum. Smith in linn. soc. trans- act. 9. p. 124. Embothrium salignum. Andrews’s reposit. 215. Embothrium salicifolium. Venten, cels 8. Willow-leaved Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Introd. about 1791, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. March—July. G. H. W. 15. H. foliis lineari-lanceolatis elongatis integerrimis trinervibus obsolete venosis scabriusculis apicu- lo Sphacelato, ramulis squamisque involucri to- mentosis, capsulis lanceolatis acuminatis sub- compressis ecalcaratis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 186. prodr. 385. Hoaryºleaved Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. G. H. H. dactyloides. 16. H. foliis integerrimis triplinervibus venosis obo- vato-oblongis aversis, ramulis angulatis, pedi- cellis pilosis, corollis glabris, capsulis ecalcara- tis: cortice verrucoso. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 186. prodr. 385. Hakea dactyloides. Cavanill. i.e. 6. p. 25. t. 585. Conchium dactyloides. Penten, malmais. 110. Smith in linn, soc. transact. 10. p. 123. * Banksia 214 TETRANDRIA Monogyni A. Banksia. nutans. ericifolia. spinulosa. ventricosis apice compressiusculis. Brown in linn, soc, transact. 10. p. 203. prodr. 391. Round-fruited Banksia. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. G. H. W. . 3. B. foliis acerosis integerrimis mucronulatis, amen- tis nutantibus, corollis sericeis, folliculis apice dilatatis depressis. Brown in linn. soc. trans- act. 10. p. 203. prodr. 391. Nodding-flower'd Banksia. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. July–September. G. H. W. 4. B. foliis acerosis emarginato-bidentatis (unguicula- ribus): marginibus integerrimis, amentis elon- gatis, corollis sericeis, stigmate capitato. Brown in linn, soc. transact. 10. p. 203. prodr. 391. Banksia ericaefolia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 536. Andrews’s reposit. 156. Botan. magaz. 738. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 27. t. 538. Heath-leaved Banksia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1788, by Mr. Thomas Watson. Fl. Spring and Autumn. G. H. P. 5. B. foliis (adultis) acerosis (1—3-uncialibus) apice tridentatis: dente intermedio longiore ; margi- nibus spinuloso-dentatis integerrimisve, corollis basi intus imberbibus, stigmate subulato. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 203. prodr. 392, Banksia spinulosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 536. Smith new holl. 13. #. 4. Andrews’s reposit. 457, Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 26. t. 537. Spiny Banksia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. about 1788, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - Fl. December—May. G. H. W. 6, B. foliis TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Lomatia. 213. vis corollae immersa. Glandulae hypogynae 3. Folliculus 1-locul, polyspermus. Sem. apice alata. Involucrum nullum. 1. L. foliis bipinnatifidis glaberrimis ; pinnulis cu- silaifolia. neato-linearibus lanceolatisve incisis acutis mu- cronatis reticulato-venosis, racemis glaberrimis elongatis divisis simplicibusve. Brown in linn. soc. , transact. 10. p. 199. prodr, 389. Botan. magaz. 1272. * , Embothrium silaifolium. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 539. Smith new holl. 23. t. 8. Embothrium herbaceum. Cavanill, ic. 4. p. 58. 't. 384. Cut-leaved Lomatia. - Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1792, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. * Fl. June—August. G. H. W. . BANKSIA. Brown in linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 202. Cor. 1-petala. Stam. apicibus concavis corollae immersa. Squamulae hypogynae 4. Folliculus ligneus, 2-locul. loculis 1-spermis; dissepimen- to libero, bifido. Amentum flosculorum pari- bus tribracteatis. 1. B. foliis acerosis integerrimis muticis (unguicula- pulchella. ribus), corollae unguibus lanatis; laminis gla- bris, stigmate depresso-capitato. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 202. prodr. 391. Small-flower’d Banksia, Nat. of New Holland, Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1805. Fl. G. H. W. 2. B. foliis acerosis integerrimis mucronulatis (unci- sphaerocar- alibus), corollae unguibus laminisque hirsutis, pa. stigmate subulato, strobilis globosis, folliculis * ventri- 212 TETRANbRIA Monogynia. XYLOMELUM. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 189. Pét. 4, supra medium staminifera, apice revolu- ta. Glandulae hypogynae 4. Stigma clavatum. Folliculus incrassato-ligneus, 1-locul. loculo ex- centrico. Sem. apice alata. pyriforme. 1. XYLoMELUM. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 189. prodr. 387. Banksia pyriformis. Gaertn. sem. 1. p. 220. t. 47. Hakea piriformis. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 25. t. 536. Pear-fruited Xylomelum. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1789, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - ſ F. G. H. W. . TELOPEA. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 197. Cor. 4-fida, irregularis: tubo longitudinaliter fisso. Stam. apicibus concavis corollae immersa. Glan- dula hypogyna, subannularis. Folliculus 1-locul. polyspermus. , Sem. apice alata. Involucrum imbricatum, deciduum. speciosissi- 1. T. foliis cuneato-oblongis inciso-dentatis venosis 7720, involucrisque glaberrimis. Brown in linn, soc. transact. 10. p. 198. prodr. 388. Embothrium speciosissimum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 537. Smith new holl. 19. t. 7. Botan, ma- gaz. 1128. Embothrium speciosum. Salisb. paradis. I 11. Embothrium spathulatum. Cavanill. ic. 4. p. 60. t. 388. Splendid Telopea, or Warrata'h. Nat. of New South Wales. - Introd, about 1789, by the Dowager Lady de Clifford. Fl. May—July. ' G. H. P. LOMATIA. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 199. Cor. 4-petala, irregularis. Stam. apicibus conca- $ vis TETRANbRIA Monogynia. Hakea. £1 | 17. Banksia dactyloides. Gaertn. sem. 1. p. 221. t. 47. Nervous-leaved Hakea. Nat. of New South Wales. Cult. 1790. Fl. June–August. G. H. W. H. foliis integerrimis quinquenervibus reticulato- venosis ellipticis ovalibusve muticis, pedicellis corollisque glabris, capsulis ecalcaratis acutis gibbosis: cortice nitido. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 19. p. 187, prodr. 386, Conchium ellipticum. Smith in linn, soc, trans- act. 9. p. 123. Oval-leaved Hakea. Nat. of New Holland. Archibald Menzies, Esq. Introd. 1794. F. G. H. H. LAMBERTIA. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 187. Cor. 4-fida; laciniis spiraliter revolutis, stamini- feris. Squamulae hypogynae 4. Stigma subu- latum. Folliculus i-locul. coriaceo-ligneus. Sem. marginata. Involucrum imbricatum, co- loratum, deciduum. Recept. planum. corollam atquantibus, stylis pilosis, folliculis hine cuspidatis; inde bicornibus, foliis lineari- lanceolatis cuspidato-mucronatis margine revo- lutis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 188. prodr. 387. Lambertia formosa. Smith in linn. soc. trans- act. 4. p. 223. tab. 20. Andrews's reposit. 69. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 32. t. 547. Protea nectarina. Wendl, sert. hannov. 4. p. 5. t. 21. t Red-flower'd Lambertia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1788, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, Fl. June—August. G. H. b. P 2 XYLO- elliptica. . L. involucris septemfloris : foliolis interioribus jormosa. TETRANDRIA MONoGYNIA. Banksia. 215 6. B. foliis linearibus superne spinuloso-dentatis occidentalis. subtus aveniis, bracteis amenti apice glabris, corollis marcescentibus : unguibus basi intus barbatis, folliculis ventricosis tomentosis: apice compressiusculo nudo, caule fruticoso, ramulis glabris. Brown in linn. Soc, transact. 10. p. 204. prodr. 392. West coast Banksia. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. G. H. R. 7. B. foliis elongato-linearibus spinuloso-dentatis littoralis. basi attenuatis subtus aveniis, corollis deciduis, folliculis compressis bracteisque strobili apice tomentosis, caule arboreo, ramulis tomentosis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 204. prodr. 392. Sea-side Banksia. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. G. H. P. 8. B. foliis linearibus truncatis mucronulatis integer- marginata. rimis dentatisve : venulis subtus inconspicuis, ramis ultimis hirsutis, bracteis amenti apice glabris: majoribus acutis, caule fruticoso. Brown in linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 204. prodr. 392. Banksia marginata. Cavanišl. ic. 6. p. 29. t. 544. Various-leaved Banksia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1804, by Mr. George Caley. Fl. May–August. G. H. W. . 9. B. foliis verticillatis oblongo-lanceolatis integris integrifolia. mucronulatis : subtus venulis reticulantibus conspicuis, folliculis tomentosis, caule arboreo. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 206. prodr. 393. Banksia integrifolia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 535. Cavanill, ic. 6. p. 30. t. 546. Banksia 216. TETRANDRIA Monogy NIA. Banksia. Banksia oleaefolia. Cavanill, ic. 6. p. 30. t. 545. Entire-leaved Banksia. . - Nat. of New South Wales. ' - Introd. 1788, by Mr. Thomas Watson Fl. ! G. H. W. ºverticillata. 10.B. foliis verticillatis lingulato-oblongis obtusis muticis: subtus aveniis niveis, bracteis amenti tomentosis obtusis; involucrantibus hirsutis, caule arboreo. Brown in linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 207. prodr. 394. Verticillate Banksia. Nat. of New Holland. Archibald Menzies, Esq. Introd. 1794. Fl. July–October. G. H. W. coecinea. I 1. B. foliis alternis cuneato-obovatis oblongisve den- tatis truncatis costatis reticulato-venosis basi transversis, bracteis subulatis corollisque lana- tis, stigmate pyramidali. Brown ...'. SOC, transact. 10. p. 207, prodr. 394. Scarlet-flowered Banksia. - Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. G. H. P. . paludosa. 12. B. foliis, subverticillatis cuneato-oblongis sub- truncatis basi attenuatis superne dentato-serratis margine subrecurvis: subtus costatis reticulato- venosis, petiolis ramulisque glabris, corollis sericeis, caule fruticoso. Brown in linn, soc. transact. 10, p. 207, prodr. 394. Marshy Banksia. . - - Nat. of New South Wales. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1865. . . . . . Fl. January–March. G. H. W. , oblongifo- 13. B. foliis sparsis angusto-oblongis truncatis den- lia, tato-serratis basi acutiusculis: subtus costatis reticulato-venosis, petiolis ramulisque tomento- sis, bracteis majoribus amenti acuminatis, i. TO]]}} Tera ANDRIA Monogyni A. Banksia. *17: rollis sericeis, caule fruticoso. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 208. prodr. 394. Banksia oblongifolia. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 28. t. 542. - Oblong-leaved Banksia. Nat. of New South Wales. - w Introd. about 1788, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy." Fl. * G. H. P. 14. B. foliis obovato-oblongis spinuloso-serratis basi latifolia. acutis : subtus costatis reticulatis cinereo-to- mentosis, corollae unguibus sericels; laminis glabris, caule fruticoso. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 208. prodr. 394. - Banksia robur. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 29. t. 543. Broad-leaved Banksia. - Nat. of New South Wales. Cult. 1802, by Mr. Thomas Hoy. Fl. - - x G. H. W. 15. B. foliis cuneiformibus planis sparsis truncatis marcescens. superne dentato-Serratis: basi acutiuscula, ra- - mis tomentosis, corollis persistentibus follicu- lisque glabris. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 208. prodr. 395. Banksia praemorsa. Andrews's reposit. 258. Short-leaved Banksia. r - Nat. of New Holland. Archibald Menzies, Esq. Introd. 1794. •. Fl. most part of the Year. G. H. W. 16. B. foliis elongato-linearibus truncatis basi atte- attenuata. nuatis superne serratis: subtus costatis reticu- latis areolis tomentosis, bracteis apice hirsutis, corollis glabris, folliculis tomentosis. Brown in linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 209. prodr. 395. Smooth-flower’d Banksia. . . . . . . . . . Nat. of New Holland. Archibald Menzies, Esq. Introd. 1794, - e • . . . . G.H. P. 17. B. fo- * - - ". . . § 8. TETRAN bria Monogynia. Banksia. Serraia. 17. B. foliis lato-linearibus elongatis truncatis basi attenuatis serratis : subtus reticulatis glabrius- culis, stylo imo pulvereo-pubescente, stigmate cylindraceo sulcato : basi oblique incrassata, caule arboreo. Brown in linn. soc. iransact, 10. p. 209. prodr. 395. - Banksia serrata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 535. An- drews’s reposit. 82. Saw-leaved Banksia. |Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1788, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. July–September. G. H. W. . quercifolia, 18. B. foliis oblongo-cuneatis subtruncatis glabris serrato-incisis: incisuris mucronatis, corollis aristatis, folliculis glabriusculis. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 210. prodr. 396. Oak-leaved Banksia. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1805. Fl. G. H. P. Speciosa. 19. B. foliis linearibus pinnatifidis : lebis triangulari- semiovatis mucronatis subtus niveis obsolete nervosis, corollis superne lanatis, stylo pube- scente, folliculis tomentosis. Brown in linn. soe. transact. 10. p. 210. prodr. 396. Long-leaved Banksia. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1805. - F. : s G. H. W. grandis. 20. B. foliis pinnatifidis ; lobis triangulari-ovatis acu- tis planis subtus nervosis glabriusculis, corollis folliculisque glabris. Brown in linn, soe. hans- act. 10. p. 210, prodr. 396. Banksia grandis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 535. Great-flowered Banksia. * Naff, of New Holland. Archibald Menzies, Esq. Introd. 1794. - Fl; G. H. P. 21. B. fo- rerrANDRIA MonogYNIA. Banksia. 219. 21. B. foliis pinnatifidis : lobis sinuatis dentatisve, caule prostrato. Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 21 1. prodr. 396. Banksia repens. Voyage de Labillard. 1. p. 412. £. 23. $ - . . Creeping Banksia. * - Nai. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. F. G. H. W. DRY ANDRA, Brown in linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 211. Cor. 1-petala. Stam. apicibus concavis corollas immersa. Squamulae hypogynae 4. Folliculus ligneus, 2-locul. loculis -spermis; dissepi- mento libero, bifido. Receptac. commune pla- num, involucro imbricato, 1. D. foliis cuneiformibus inciso-serratis, involucri bracteis striatis: exterioribus glabriusculis, co- rollis glabris, stigmate subclavato obtuso. JBrown prodr. 397, Linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 2 #2. Many-flower'd Dryandra, Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. - F. most part of the Year. G. H. W. , 2. D. foliis cuneiformibus sinuato-dentatis spinosis petiolatis, involucri bracteis omnibus laevibus sericels, corollis superne barbatis, stigmate subulato-filiformi acuto. Brown prodr. 397. Linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 212. Wedge-leaved Dryandra. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. November–February. - G. H. H. . 3. D. foliis pinnatifidis ; lobis triangularibus planis divaricatis rectis spinoso-mucronatis: terminali proximis longiore; subtus reticulatis vénulis repens. ..?. floribunda. Cu??eafa. f audiš, armala. 220 TETRANDRIA Mosogynia, Dryandra. nudis, ramis corollisque glabris, stylo basi pu- bescente, stigmate subulato sulcato. Brown in linn. Soc, transact. 10. p. 213. prodr. 397. Acute-leaved Dryandra. - Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. F. . . . . . . . . G. H. P. formosa. 4. D. foliis elongato-linearibus pinnatifidis ; lobis scaleno-triangularibus muticis planis subtus niveis, involucris tomentosis: bracteis interio- ribus lineari-oblongis, receptaculo paleaceo. Brown prodr. 397. Linn. soc. transact. 10, p. 213. tab. 3. • +. Splendid Dryandra. - Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. most part of the Year. G. H. W. . * plumosa. 5. D. foliis elongato-linearibus pinnatifidis ; lobis isoscelo-triangularibus mucronulatis margine . subrecurvis subtus niveis, involucri bracteis interioribus plumoso-aristatis, receptaculo epa- leato. Brown prodr. 398. Linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 214. - Feather-flowered Dryandra. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. F. - - G. H. P. obtusa. t;. D. foliis linearibus pinnatifidis caule decumbente tomentoso longioribus: lobis triangularibus obtusis subtus niveis margine incrassato-recur- vis, involucri bracteis exterioribus ovatis; in- terioribus lineari-oblongis. Brown in linn, soc, transact. 10. p. 214. prodr. 398. Obtuse-leaved Dryandra. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. * 3 - > * - G. H. H. , Fl, 7. D, fo. TETRANDRIA Monogyni A. . Dryandra. 221 7. D. foliis linearibus pinnatifidis caulem glabrum nivea. subaequantibus : lobis scaleno-triangularibus acutis mucronulatis subtus niveis margine re- curvis, involucri bracteis lineari-lanceolatis glabris ciliatis, corollis hirsutis stylo breviori- bus. Brown prodr. 398. Linn. soc. transact. 10. . 214. Béiº nivea. Voyage de Labillard. 1. p. 412. f. 24. - White-leaved Dryandra. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. - Fl. July–September. G. H. P. 8. D. foliis linearibus pinnatifidis longissimis acutis longifolia. subtus cinereo-tomentosis: basi attenuata in- tegerrima; lobis triangularibus adscendentibus decurrentibus margine recurvis, involucri brac- teis elongato-linearibus subulato-acuminatis margine barbatis extus glabris, corollaº unguibus basi lanatis superne pubescentibus; laminis pilosiusculis, caule tomentoso. Brown prodr. 398. Linn. Soc. transact. 10. p. 215. Long-leaved Dryandra. . Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1805. - FZ. - - G. H. P. 9. D. foliis elongato-linearibus pinnatifidis subtrun- tenuifolia. catis subtus niveis : basi attenuata integerrima petioliformi; lobis triangularibus decurrentibus divaricatis margine recurvis, involucro longi- tudine florum : bracteis tomentosis: exteriori- bus ovato-lanceolatis, corolla stylum subae- quante : unguibus basi lanatis superne cauleque glabris; laminis subsericeis. Brown prodr. 398. Linn. soc. transact. 10. p. 215. Fine-leaved Dryandra. - Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. March–May, - G. H. h. GLO- 222 retrandRIA Monogynia, longifolia. Alypum. vulgaris. spinosa. Fl. May. GLOBULARIA. Gen. pl. 146. Cal. communis imbricatus ; proprius tubulatus, inferus. Corollulae labio superiore 2-partito ; inferiore tripartito. Receptac. paleaceum. . G. caule fruticoso, foliis omnibus lineari-lance- olatis integerrimis, capitulis axillaribus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 539. - Alypum sive Herba terribilis. Sloan. jam. 1. p. 19. t. 5. f. 3. Long-leaved Globularia. Nat. of Madeira. - . . . . Introd. 1775, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. . . . Fl. July and August. G. H. b. . G. caule fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis tridentatis integrisque, capitulis terminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 540. Alypum monspelianum. Nissole in act. paris. 1712. p. 341. t. 18. - Three-toothed-leaved Globularia. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 199. f. 1. Fl. August–November. G. H. H. . G. caule herbaceo, foliis radicalibus tridentatis; caulinis lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 540. Schkuhr handl. 1. p. 65. t. 21. - Common Globularia, or Blue Daisy. Nat. of Europe. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 529. f. 8. * * Fl. May and June. - H. M. . G. foliis radicalibus crenato-aculeatis; caulinis integerrimis mucronatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p.'541. Prickly-leaved Globularia. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 529. n. 9. * G. H. M. 5. G. caule rRTRAN oria Monogynia. Globularia. -223 5. G. caule subnudo, foliis cuneiformibus tricuspi- cordifolia. datis: intermedio minimo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. .- p. 541. Jacq. austr. 3. p. 26. t. 245. Wedge-leaved Globularia. Nat. of Hungary, Austria, and Switzerland. Cult. 1633. Ger. emac. 723. f. 13. Fl. June and July. - H. l. I l 2 . G. caule nudo, foliis integerrimis lanceolatis. nudicaulis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 542. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 17. t. 230. Naked-stalked Globularia. Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. p. 322. n. 5. Fl. July. - - . CEPHALANTHUS. Gen. pl. 147. Cal. communis 0: proprius superus, infundibu- liformis. Recept, globosum, pilosum, Caps. 4.-locul. non dehiscens. Sem. solitaria. H. M. . CEPHALANTHUs. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 543. occidenta- Schmidt arb. 1. p. 45. t. 45. lis. American Button-wood. Nat. of North America. - Introd. 1735, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Collins. 772SS. Fl. August. H. H. DIPSACUS. Gen. pl. 148. - Cal. communis polyphyllus; proprius superus. Recept. paleaceum. . D. foliis sessilibus serratis, paleis uncinatis. fullonum. Willdem. sp. pl. 1. p. 543. Engl. lot. 2080. Manured or Fuller’s Teasel. - Nat. of Britain. - Fl. July. - H. 3. . D. foliis sessilibus serratis, paleis, rectis. Will- sylvestris. den. sp. pl. , i. p. 544. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1032. Fl. dan. 965. Wild 224 TETRANDRIA Monogynia, Dipsacus. Wild Teasel. . . Nat. of Britain. - • * , F. July, - . . - H. & g laciniatus. 3. D. foliis connatis sinuatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. pilosus. alpina. rigida. p. 544. Jacqu- austr. 5. p. 2. t. 403. Cut-leaved Teasel. Nat. of Germany. -- Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort, edin. 104. m. 5. . Fl. July and August. * H. &. 4. D. foliis petiolatis appendiculatis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 544. Curtis lond. ... Engl. lot. 877. Small Teasel. Shepherd's-staff. Nat. of Britain. ... " Fl. August. - H. &. SCABIOSA. Gen. pl. 149. Cal. communis polyphyllus; proprius duplex, su- perus. Recept. paleaceum s. nudum. * Corollulis quadriftdis. 1. S. corollulis quadrifidis aequalibus, calycibus im- bricatis, floribus cernuis, foliis pinnatis: , fo- liolis lanceolatis serratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 545. - Scabiosa alpina centauroides. Besl. eyst. aest. 9. #. 8.f. 1. Alpine Scabious. . - Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland and Italy. Cult, 1570, by Mr. Hugh Morgan. Lobel. adv. 233. , , Fl. June and July. * *- H. M. 2. S. corollulis quadrifidis subradiantibus, calycibus imbricatis obtusis, foliis lanceolatis serratis au- riculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 546. Scabiosa africana frutescens. Commel. hort. 2. p. 185. t. 93. * - Rough-leaved Scabious. . Nat, retraNDRIA Monogyni A. Scabiosar 225 Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. i. 7. l l . - Fl. July. - - ". G. H. % . 3. S. corollulis quadrifidis aequalibus, calycibus im- attenuata, bricatis: squamis oblongis obtusis, foliis li- mearibus glabris integris basique pinnatifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 546. Narrow-leaved Scabious. - - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. - - Introd. 1774. • . Fl. July–September. G. H. K. 4. S. corollulis quadrifidis aequalibus, calycibus pa- transylva- leisque aristatis, foliis radicalibus lyratis; cau- nica. linis pinnatifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 547. Jacqu, hort. vindob. 2. p. 50. t. 11 l. Transylvanian Scabious. * Nat. of Transylvania. - Cult. 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris. hist. 3. £3. 77. 13. - - Fl. July. * . w H. G). 5. S. corollulis quadrifidis a qualibus, calycibus imbri- syriaca, catis paleisque aristatis, caule dichotomo, foliis lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 547. Scabiosa fruticans latifolia alba. Moris, hist. 3. p. 46. s. 6. t. 14.f. 14. Syrian Scabious. Nat. of Syria. Cult. 1633. Ger. emac. 724. f. 17. Fl. July. * - H. G). 6. S. corollulis quadrifidis subaequalibus, squamis ca- leucantha. lycinis ovatis imbricatis, foliis pinnatifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 547. - - - White-flower'd Scabious. - 3, . Nat. of the South of France. . vol., I. Q. Cult, TerrANi RIA Monogyni A. §cabios3. Succisa. Cult. 1633. Ger, emac. 721. f. 8. Fl. September and October. H. M. 7. S. corollulis quadrifidis aequalibus, caule simplici, ramis approximatis, foliis lanceolato-ovatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 548. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 878. Devil’s-bit Scabious. at. of Britain. F. August–October. H. lt. integrifolia. 3. S. corollulis quadrifidis radiantibus, foliis indivi- **, tatarica. arvensis. wralensä, sis: radicalibus ovatis serratis; rameis lanceo- , latis, caule herbaceo. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 548. Red-flower'd Annual Scabious. Nat. of France and Switzerland. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 5. 7. 8. Fl. June–August. h. G). 9. S. corollulis quadrifidis radiantibus, caule hispido, foliis lanceolatis pinnatifidis ; lobis subimbrica- tis. #. sp. pl. 1. p. 550. Scabiosa flosculis quadrifidis, foliis pinnatifidis : laciniis lateralibus erectiusculis. Act.npsal.1744. . l I. t. 1. gº Scabious. Nat. of Russia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7. fl. 6. Fl. June and July. H. d . 10. S. corollulis quadrifidis radiantibus, foliis pinna- tifidis incisis, caule hispido. . Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 550. Curtis lond. Engl. bol. 659. Field Scabious. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July–October. H. 24. 11. S. corollulis quadrifidis radiantibus, foliis radicali- Yus simplicibus; caulinis decussive pinnatis, pa- tetº ferrANDREA Monogynia. Scabiosa. #37 12. 13. 15. leis aridis apice reflexis. Willden.sp.pl. 1. p. 550. Murray in comment, gotting. 1782. p. 13. t. 4. [Jralian Scabious. Nat, of Siberia. Introd. 1789, by Mr. John Hunnemann. Fl. July and August. H. G). S. corollulis quadrifidis radiantibus, foliis omnibus sylvatica. indivisis ovato-oblongis serratis, caule hispido. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 551. Jacqu. ausir. 4. p. 32. t. 362. Broad-leaved Scabious. Nat. of Austria and Switzerland. Cult. 1633. Ger. emac. 721. f. 6. Fl. July. H. p. ** Corollulis quinquefidis. S. corollulis quinquefidis, calycibus brevissimis, gramuntia. foliis caulinis bipinnatis filiformibuš. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 55i. cº Scabious. Nat. of the South of France. Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 583. º F jūy and August. H. l. . S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis radi- columbaria. calibus ovatis crematis; caulinis pinnatis seta- ceis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 552. Engl. bot. 1311. Small Scabious. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June—August. H. lg. S. corollulis quinquefidis a qualibus calyce brevio- sicula. ribus, foliis lyrato-pinnatifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 533. Scabiosa divaricata. Jacqu, hort, windob. 1, p. 5. t. 15. Sicilian Scabious. Nat. of Sicily. 'º. 2 Jntrod. 228 TETRANDRIA MonoGYN1A. Scabiosa. Introd. 1783, by Abbé Pourret. Fl. August, H. O. maritima. 16. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus calyee bre- * vioribus, foliis pinnatis: summis linearibus integerrimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 554. Scabiosa maritima parva. Bauh, hist. 3. p. 7. Sea Scabious, Nat. of Italy and France. Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 310. n. 2. Fl. July. H. G). stellata. 17. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis dis- sectis, receptaculis florum subrotundis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 554. Scabiosa major hispanica. Clus. hist. 2. p. 1. Starry Scabious. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. July and August. H. G). prolifera. 18. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, floribus sub- sessilibus, caule prolifero, foliis indivisis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 554. Scabiosa stellata humilis integrifolia prolifera. Herm, paradis. 223. cum tab. Prolific Scabious. Nat. of Egypt. Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 309. n. 4. º - Fl. July and August. H. G). atropurpu- 19. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis dis- 760, sectis, receptaculis florum subulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 555. Curtis magaz. 247. Sweet Scabious. Nat. Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 324. n. 3. Fl. July–September. H. 3. . 20. S. CO = Tetr ANDRIA MoxoGYNIA. Scabiosa. 229 20. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis pin- argentea. natifidis ; laciniis linearibus, pedunculis lon- gissimis, caule tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 555. Desfont. in annales du museum 1 1. p. 167. t. 24. Silvery Scabious. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1713, by Mr. Thomas Fairchild. Philosoph. transact. n. 337. p. 58. n. 88. Fl. June–October. H. 21. 21. S. corollulis quinquefidis a qualibus, foliis sim- africana, plicibus incisis, caule fruticoso. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 556. * Scabiosa africana frutescens. Herm. paradis. 219. cum tal. African Scabious. Nat. of Africa. Introd. 1690, by the Earl of Portland. Br. mus. Sloan mss. 3370. Fl. July–October. G. H. H. . 22. S. corollis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis indivisis lucida, ellipticis serratis lucidis petiolatis. Shining-leaved Scabious. Nat. of the Azores. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1779. F. June—August. H. 21. 23. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis lan- cretica. ceolatis subintegerrimis, caule fruticoso. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 557. Scabiosa stellata, folio non dissecto. Moris, hist. 3. p. 49. s. 6. t. 15. J. 31. Cretan Scabious. Nat. of Candia and Sicily. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. June–October. G. H. W. . 24. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis lineari- gramini- lanceolatis integerrimis, caule herbaceo. Will- folia. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 558. Waldst. et Kitaib. hung. 2. p. 206. t. 188. Grass- £39 TETRA*DRIA Monogynia, Scabiosa. CQ?!C01860, Jyrata. palaestina. isetensis, Grass-leaved Scabious, - Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland and Italy. Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl, hort. edin. 310. n, 3. P. July. G. H. li. 25. S. torolludis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis lan- ceolatis utrinque attenuatis hispidis basi conna- tis, calycibus internis externos bis superantibus. Sims in botan. magaz. 886. £aucasian Scabious. Nat. of Mount Caucasus. Antrod. 1803, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. July and August. H. M. 26. S. corollulis radiantibus, laciniis integris, foliis inferioribus oblongis serratis; superioribus basi pinnatifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 558, Lyrate-leaved Scabious. Aſat. of Turkey. Introd. 1799, by John Hawkins, Esq. Fl. July and August. * G. H. & , 27. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus : laciniisom- nibus trifidis, foliis indivisis subserratis: sum- mis basi pinnatifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 558, Jacqu. hort. vindol. 1. p. 42. t. 96. Palestine Scabious, Nat. of Palestine. Jntrod, 1771, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July and August. H. G. 28. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus calyce lon- gioribus, foliis bipinnatis linearibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 559. Scabiosa corollulis quinquefidis, foliis duplicato- pinnatis setaceis. Gmel. silir, 2, p. 214. t. 88. j. 1. 5iberian Scabious. #Nat. of Siberia. Gult. 1801. Donn cantab. Fl. July and August. H. & . rETRANDRIA Monogyni A. Scabiosa. ſº £231 29. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis radi- ucranica. calibus pinnatifidis ; caulinis linearibus basi ci- liatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 559. Scabiosa. Gmel. sibir. 2. p. 213. n. 6. t. 87. Ukraine Scabious. Nat. of Ukraine. Introd. 1795, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. September. - G. H. 3. 30. S. corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus, foliis bipin- ochroleuca, natis linearibus. Willden. sp. pl. I. p. 559. Jacqu. austr. 5. p. 19. t. 439. Pale-flower'd Scabious. Nat. of Germany. Cult, 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger, herb. 584. . 7. Fl. July and August. H. G). 31. S. corollulis quinquefidis ina-qualibus, caule her- papposa. baceo erecto, foliis pinnatifidis, seminibus ari- statis plumosoque-papposis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 560. Downy-headed Scabious. Nat, of the South of Europe. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. n. 23. Fl. July. p H. G). KNAUTIA. Gen. pl. 150. Cal. communis oblongus, simplex, quinqueflorus; proprius simplex, superus. Corollulae irregu- lares. Recept. nudum. 1. K. foliis incisis, corollulis quinis calyce longiori- orientalis. bus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 561. Schkuhr handb. i. p. 70. t. 22. Red-flower'd Oriental Knautia. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1713. Philosoph. transact. n. 337. p. 58. 71. 87. JFl. June–September. H. G). 2. K. for 232 TETRANDRIA Monogyni A. Knautia, propontica, asperdº paleata. tenuior. 2. K. foliis superioribus lanceolatis integerrimis, co- rollulis denis calyci aequalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 561. Scabiosa orientalis, foliis superioribus integris, flore parvo purpureo, calyce longo gracili. Till. pis. 153. t. 48. Purple-flower'd Oriental Knautia. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. 72. 2. F3. June—August. H. & . OPERCULARIA. Gen. pl. 152. Cal. communis campanulatus, 3- s. 6-florus, 6-s. 9-dentatus; proprius 0. Corollulae 4- s. 5-fidae, aequales. Semina solitaria, receptaculo immersa. . O. floribus capitatis, calyce sulcato glabro. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 564. Jussieu in annales du museum 4. p. 427, t. 70. f. 1. Rough-seeded Opercularia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. * - Fl. June and July, G. H. W. . O. receptaculo globoso paleaceo. Young in linn, soc. transact. 3. p. 30. t. 5. Chaffy Opercularia. Nat. of New South Wales, Introd. 1793, by Mr. William Curtis, Fl. July and August, t G. H. Y. SPERMACOCE. Gen. pl. 155. Cor. 1-petala, infundibulif. Sem. 2, bidentata. . S. glabra, foliis lanceolatis, staminibus inclusis, floribus verticillatis, seminibus hirtis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 568. Schkuhr handl. 1. p. 71. £. 22. Slender Button-weed, Naf. TETRANDRIA Monogy NIA. Spermacoce. e33 Nat. of Carolina and the West Indies. ' Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. elth. 370. t. 277. f. 359. Fl. June—August. H. O. 2. S. glabra, foliis ovatis, staminibus exsertis, flo- latifolia. ribus verticillatis, stipulis ciliatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 569. Spermacoce latifolia. Aublet guian. 1. p. 55. t. 19. . 1. Broad-leaved Button-weed. Nat. of Guiana. Introd. 1803, by Purchase from the Captors of a French vessel. F. July. S. 3. 3. S. glabra, foliis subsessilibus lanceolatis, floribus radicans. verticillatis, caule procumbente radicante. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 570. Spermacoce radicans. Aublet guian. 1. p. 58. t. 20. f. 4. Rooting Button-weed. Nat. of Guiana. Introd. 1803, by Purchase from the Captures of a French vessel. Fl. July. S. 21. 4. S. glabra, foliis lanceolatis, verticillis globosis. verticillata, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 570. Spermacoce verticillis globosis. Dill, eith. 369. t. 277. f. 358. Whorl-flower’d Button-weed. Nat. of Africa. Cult. 1732, by Mr. James Sherard, M. D. Dill. loc. cit. Fl. June—August. *. S. P. & 5. S. hispida, foliis obovatis obliquatis. Willden. hispida, sp. pl. 1: p. 572. Murray in mov. comm. got- ting. 3. p. 77. t. 6. * Bristly procumbent Button-weed. Nat, 234 TRTRANDRIA Moxogyri A, Spermacpce. arvensis, odorata. arvensis. taurina. Nat. of the East Indies. Jntrod. 1781, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. August and September, $. G). SHERARDIA, Gen. pl. 156. Cor. 1-petala, infundibulif. Sem. 2, tridentata. 1. S. foliis omnibus verticillatis, floribus terminali- bus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 574. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 891. Blue Sherardia, or Little Field Madder, Nat, of Britain, g Fl. all the Summer. H. G). ASPERULA. Gen. pl. 157. Cor. 1-petala, infundibulif. Sem. 2, globosa. 1, A. foliis octonis lanceolatis, florum fasciculis pe- dunculatis. , Willden. sp. pl. 1. p, 575. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 755. Sweet-scented Woodruff. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June, H. 2ſ. 2. A. foliis senis, floribus terminalibus sessilibus aggregatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 576. Asperula caerulea. Dod. pempt. 355. Field Woodruff. Nat. of France and Germany. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. July. H. G), 3. A. foliis quaternis ovato-lanceolatis, floribus fas- ciculatis terminalibus, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 576. Rubia laevis Taurinensium. Lob. ic. 800. Broad-leaved Woodruff. Mat, of the Alps of Switzerland and Italy, Cult, 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Ru- beola 3. * Fl. April–June. H. 21. 4. A. fo- retrasonia Monocysia. Asperula. 235 4. A. foliis quaternis oblongis lateralibus revolutis crassifolia, obtusiusculis pubescentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 577. Thick-leaved Woodruff. Nat. of the Levant. Introd. 1775, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. June. H. g. 5. A. foliis linearibus: inferioribus senis; intermediis tinctoria, uaternis, caule flaccido, floribus plerisque tri- dis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 578. Galium album. Tabern. ic. 151. Narrow-leaved Woodruff. Nat. of France, Sweden, and Siberia. Cult. 1764, by Mr. James Gordon. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 6. A. foliis quaternis linearibus: superioribus oppo- cynanchica. sitis, caude erecto, floribus quadrifidis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1: p. 579. Engl. lot. 33. Small Woodruff, or Squinancy-wort. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. Ot. 7. A. foliis quaternis ellipticis obsolete nervosis lae- lavigata, vibus margine glabris, fructibus scabris. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 579. Rubia quadrifolia semine duplici hispido. Moris. hist. 3. p. 329. s. 9. t. 21. f. 4. ' Shining Woodruff. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1775, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. June, H. l. HOU8TONIA. Gen. pl. 161. £or, l-petala, infundibulif. Caps. 2-locularis, 2-sperma, supera. i. H., foliis radicalibus ovatis, caule composito, pe- coerulea, dunculis primis bifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 583. Curtis ºnagaz. 370. Blue- 235 TerraNDRIA MÖRöéysia. Houstonia, A purpurea. rubioides. cruciatum. palustre. Bocconi. Blue-flower'd Houstonia. *** * Nat. of North America. * .* Introd. 1785, by Archibald Menzies, Esq. Fl. most part of the Summer. H. ll, 2. H. foliis ovato-lanceolatis, corymbis terminalibus, floribus superis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 584. Purple-flower'd Houstonia. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1800, by Mr. Fr. Masson. Fl, most part of the Summer. H, ). GALIUM. Gen. pl. 162. Cor. 1-petala, plana, Sem. 2, subrotunda. * Fructu glabro. 1. G. foliis quatermis lanceolato-ovatis aequalibus subtus scabris, caule erecto, fructibus glabris, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 584. Madder-leaved Bed-straw. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1775, by the Doctors Pitcairn and Fo- thergill. Fl. July. H. M. 2. G. foliis quaternis ovatis hirsutis, caule superne simplici piloso, pedunculis lateralibus diphyllis. Smith fl. brit. i. p. 178. Engl. lot. 143. Valantia cruciata. Willden. sp. pl. 4. p. 951. Cross-wort. , Mug-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. - H. 2ſ. 3. G. foliis quaternis obovatis inaequalibus, caulibus diffusis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 585. Engl. bot. 1857. White Water Bed straw. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. July and August. H. 2ſ , 4, G. foliis senis subasperis mucronatis, pedunculis sub- TETRANDRIA Monogyni A. Galium.' 237 subtrichotomis, caulibus tetragonis prostratis basi pubescentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 587. Rubeola alpina saxatilis tenuifolia. Boccon, mus. 145. t. 10 l. Boccone’s Bed-straw. Nat. of Germany, Switzerland and France. Introd. 1801, by Mr. John Hunnemann. Fl. May and June. H. l. 5. G. foliis senis obovatis obtusis, caule ramosissi- mo procumbente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 588. Engi. lot. 815. Smooth Heath Bed-straw. Nat. of Britain. Pl, most part of the Summer. H. M. 6. G. foliis suboctonis lanceolatis antrorsum aculea- to-serrulatis mucronatis, paniculis trichotomis, caule laviusculo flaccido. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 176. Engl. lot. 2067. Upright Marsh Bed-straw. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 7. G. foliis suboctonis lanceolatis margine, cauleque retrorsum aculeatis, pedunculis axillaribus tri- floris, fructu granulato mutante. Smith fl. brit. I. p. 176. Engl. lot. 1641. Corn Bed-straw. Three-flower'd Goose-grass. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. G). 8. G. foliis octonis hispidis linearibus acuminatis subimbricatis, pedunculis dichotomis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 589. Engl. lot. 74. Least Bed-straw. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. p. 9. G. foliis octonis linearibus sulcatis, ramis flori- feris brevibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 590. Curtis lond. Engl, bot. 660. Svensk lot. 165. Yellow saratile. erectum. tricorne. pusillum. Q/67"?!???, 238 trºn Antara Monogyria. Galium. Mollugo: sylvaticum. binifolium. rigidum. aristatum, Yellow Jºed-straw. Cheese Rennet. Mat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. M. 10. G. foliis octonis ovato-linearibus subserratis pa- tentissimis mucronatis, caule flaccido, ramis patentibus. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 590. Engl. bot. 1673. Great Hedge Bed-straw. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. p. 11. G. foliis octonis laevibus subtus scabris; floralibus binis, pedunculis capillaribus, caule lavi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 591. Wood Bed-straw. - Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1658, in the Oxford Garder. Hort, oacon. edit. 2. p. 67. n. 5. Fl. July. H. l. 12. G. foliis subseptenis lineari-lanceolatis lavibus, pedunculis capillaribus, caule erecto tetragono. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 591. Rubia lavis linifolia montis virginis. Barrel, ic. 583. Flax-leaved Bed-straw. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7, n. 8. Fl. June and July. H. l. 13. G. foliis verticillatis linearibus supra scabris, pa- niculis divaricatis, caule erecto tereti piloso- scabriusculo. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 592. Rigid Bed-straw. Nat. Introd. 1778. * Fl. June. H. 11. 14. G. foliis, octonis lanceolatis laevibus, panicula capillari, petalis aristatis, seminibus glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 592. p p Rubia TerrANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Galium. 339 I 5. Rubia laevis limifolia, floribus albis montis virginis. Boccon. mus. 83. t. 75. Bearded Bed-straw. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1699. Moris. hist. 3. p. 33.1, n. 8. Fl. July. H. l. G. foliis verticillatis linearibus, pedunculis di- glaucum. chotomis, caule lavi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 593. Jacq. austr. 1. p. 51. t. 81. Glaucous Bed-straw. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1710. Philosoph. transact. n. 325. p. 47. 72. l l . Fl. June–September. H. M. 16. G. foliis verticillatis lineari-setaceis, pedunculis purpureum. 1 S. capillaribus folio longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 593. Purple Bed-straw. Nat. of Italy and Switzerland. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph, Miller. Mill, dict. edit, 1. 72. 3. Fl. June and July. H. M. . G. foliis verticillatis linearibus patulis, pedunculis rulrum. brevissimis. PWillden, sp. pl. 1. p. 594. Gallium rubro flore. Clus. hist. 2. p. 175. Red-flower’d Bed-straw. Nat. of Italy and Carniola. Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 967. j. 3. Fl. June—August. H. 21. ** Fructu scaliro. G. foliis senis lanceolatis retrorsum Serrato-aculea- uliginosum. tis mucronatis rigidis, corollis fructu majoribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 595. Engl. lot. 1972. Rough Marsh Bed-straw. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. M. 19. G. fo. º - - £40 anglicum. boreale. Aparine. pilosum. gracum. TETRANDRIA Monogyni.A. Galium. 19. G. foliis subsenis lanceolatis mucronatis margine, caulegue scabris, pedunculis bifidis, fructu gra- nulato. Smith fl. lirit. i. p. 179. Engl. #. 384. ſ - Wall Bed-straw. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. M. ^ *** Fructu hispido. 20. G. foliis quaternis lanceolatis trinervis glabris, caule erecto, seminibus hispidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 595. Engl, bot. 105. Fl. dan. 1024. Svensk lot. 122. Cross-leaved Bed-straw. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. July. H. M. 21. G. foliis octonis lanceolatis: carinis scabris re- trorsum aculeatis, geniculis willosis, fructibus hispidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 597. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 816. . Goose-grass, or Cleavers. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May–August. H. G). * * * * Fructu villoso. 22. G. foliis quaternis subovalibus pilosis enerviis, seminibus pilosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 599. Hairy Bed-straw. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1778, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. June and July. H. lt. 23. G. hirtum, foliis subsenis lineari-lanceolatis, cau- libus lignosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 600. Galium montanum creticum. Alp, exot. 167. t. 166. Candian Bed-straw. Nat. of the Island of Candia. . Introd. 1798, by John Hawkins, Esq. Fl, July. - H. l. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 241 CRUCIANELLA. Gen. pl. 163. Cor. 1-petala, infundibulif. tubo filiformi; limbo unguiculato. Cal. 2-phyllus. Sem. 2, linearia. 1. C. erecta, foliis senis linearibus, floribus spicatis, angustifo- Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 601. Smith exot. lot. 2, lia. p. 99. t. 109. Narrow-leaved Crucianella. Nat. of the South of France. Cult. 1658, in Oxford Garden. Hort, oacon, ed. 2. p. 161. Fl. June and July. H. O. 2. C. procumbens, foliis quaternis lanceolatis, flo- latifolia. ribus spicatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 601. Schmi- del ic. 87. t. 23, 24. Broad-leaved Crucianella. Nat. of the South of France. Cult. 1633. Ger. emac. 1119. f. 4. Fl. June and July. H. G). 3. C. foliis quaternis sublinearibus, floribus spicatis &gyptiaca. quinquefidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 601. Egyptian Crucianella. Nat. of Egypt. Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July. H. G). 4. C. diffusa, foliis margine revolutis, bracteis li- patula. , neari-subulatis scabriusculis, floribus sparsis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 602. Spreading Crucianella. Nat. of Spain. Introd. 1798, by Mr. Thomas Gibbs. Fl. July. H. G). 5. C. erecta, foliis subsenis linearibus pubescentibus, pubescens. capitulis pedunculatis axillaribus et terminali- bus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 602. Pubescent Crucianella. WOL. I. R Nat. 242 TETRANDRIA Monogynia. Crucianella. maritima. monspelta- Cal, tinctorum. peregrina. lucida. 7. Nat. of the Island of Candia. . . . Introd. 1799, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. . . . Fl. July and August. G. H. 2ſ. . C. procumbens suffruticosa foliis, quaternis mu- cronatis, floribus oppositis quinquefidis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 602. Rubia marina. Clus. hist. 2. p. 176. Sea Crucianella. Nat. of the South of France. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 275. n. 6. Fl. June and July. G. H. W. C. procumbens, foliis acutis : caulinis quaternis ovatis; rameis linearibus, floribus spicatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 603. Montpellier Crucianella. Nat. of the South of France and the Levant. Introd. 1791, by Professor Allioni. Fl. July and August. H. O. RUBIA. Gen. pl. 164. Cor. 1-petala, campanulata. Bacca. 2, mono- • * sperma. . R. foliis annuis, caule aculeato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 603. Regn. lot. Dyers' Madder. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. June. H. l. . R. foliis perennantibus linearibus supra laevibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 604. Engl. lot. 851. Wild Madder. Nat. of England. Fl. July. * H. l. 3. R. foliis perennantibus senis ellipticis lucidis, caule lavi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 605. * Shining TETRANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Rubia. 243 Shining-leaved Madder. Nat. of Majorca. Introd. 1762, by Mr. James Gordon. . . Fl. July. - G. H. W. . . R. foliis perennantibus ellipticis margine carina- fruticosa. que aculeatis, caule frutescente aspero. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 605. Rubia fruticosa. Jacqu, ic. l. t. 25. Prickly-leaved Madder. Nat. of the Canary Islands. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1779. Fl. September. G. H. W. . R. foliis perennantibus linearibus supra scabris. angustifo- Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 605. lia. Narrow-leaved Madder. Nat. of Minorca. Introd. 1772, by Mons. Richard. Fl. July and August. G. H. W. . . R. foliis perennantibus quaternis cordatis. Will- cordifolia. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 605. Pallas it. 3. p. 715. tab. L. f. 1. Heart-leaved Madder. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1783, by John Bell, Esq. Fl. July. H. l. CATESBAEA. Gen. pl. 166. Cor. 1-petala, infundibulif. supera. Stamina in- tra faucem. Bacca bilocularis, polysperma. . C. corollis tubo longissimo, baccis ovalibus. spinosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 608. Curtis magaz. 131. Lily Thorn. Nat. of the Island of Providence. - Introd. 1726, by Mr. Mark Catesby. Mill. dict. edit. 8. { Fl. most part of the Summer. S. 2 . R 2 IXORA. 244 “ TETRASISRIA MonogySIA. IXORA. Gén, pl. 167, Cor. 1-petala, infundibulif. honga, supera. . Sla- - mina supra faucem. Bacca 4-sperma. 1. I. foliis sessilibus ellipticis obtusis mucromatis, co- " " ' rymbisterminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 609. Cărtis magaz, 169. Schneevogt ic: I. Scarlet Ixora. * Nat. of the East Indies. t ntrod. 1690, by the Earl'of Portland. Br. Mus. * “Sloan. mss. 3370. . " Fl. July and August. + - .4 S. P. . coccinea. "A .* parviflora. 2. I. foliis subsessilibus lanceolato-oblongis, panicu- “. . . . . . . … la terminali. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 609. Wahl symbol. 3: p. 11. t. 52. * > Small-flower'd Ixora. Nat. of the East Indies. William Rowburgh, M. D. . . -Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. August–October. S. 2. alla. , 3. I. foliis ovato-lanceolatis, floribus fasciculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 609. t Bem-schetti. Rheed. mal. 2. p. 19. t. 14. White Ixora. * - - - - - * , Nat. of the East Indies. cº before 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. * Fl. June. W. S. h. PAVETTA. Gen. pl. 168. Cor. 1-petala, infundibulif. supera. Stigma cur- vum. Bacca 2-sperma. ândica. 1. P. glabra, foliis lanceolato-ellipticis, stipulis intus glabris, calycibus obsolete quadridentatis, flo- ribus fasciculatis. Willden, sp. pl. 1, p. 610. Pavetta. Rheed. mal. 5. p. 19. t. 10. Indian Pavetta. -- Nat. of the East Indies. *: Introd. TETRANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Pavetta. 245 Introd. 1791, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. August–October. S. 2 . BOUVARDIA. Salisb. paradis. 88. Cal. 4-phyllus, dentibus quibusdam interjectis. Cor. tubulosa. Antherae inclusae. Caps. 2- partibilis, polysperma. Sem. marginata. J. BouvARDIA. Salisb. paradis. 88. triphylla. Houstonia coccinea. Andrews’s reposit. 106. Ixora americana. Jacq. hort. Schoenbr. 3. p. 4. t. 257. Ixora termifolia. Cavanill, ic. 4. p. 3. t. 305. Three-leaved Bouvardia. Nat. of Mexico. Introd. 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. H. SIDERODENDRUM. Gen. pl. 169. Cor. 1-petala, hypocrateriformis. Cal. 4-denta- tus. Bacca dicocca, 2-locul. Sem. Solitaria. 1. SIDE Roden DRUM. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 612. triflorum. Sideroxyloides ferreum. Jacq. amer. 19. t. 175. Three-flower'd Iron-tree. * Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Alex. Anderson. Introd. 1793, in H.M.S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. --- \. Fl. w S. P. . CHOMELIA. Gen. pl. 171. Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. hypocrateriformis, 4-par- tita. Stigmata 2, crassiuseula. Drupa infera : nuce 2-loculari. $ 1. CHOMELIA. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 613. Jacqu. spinosa. amer. 18. tab. 13. * †. Thorny Chomelia. t * * Nat. 246 TerBANDRIA Monogyni.A. Chomelia. repens. repens. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Aleac. Anderson. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. + F. S. 2. MITCHELLA. Gen. pl. 174. Cor. 1-petalae, superae, binae eidem germini. Stigm. 4. Bacca bifida, 4-sperma. . MITCHELLA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 617. *. Syringa baccifera. Catesb. carol. 1. p. 21. t. 20. Creeping Mitchella. Nai. of North America. Introd. about 1761, by Mr. John Bartram. Fl. June. H. W. . COCCOCYPSILUM. Gen. pl. 1721. Cal. 4-partitus, superus. Cor, infundibuliformis. Stylus semibifidus. Bacca inflata, 2-locularis, polysperma. . C. caule herbaceo repente, foliis ovatis, floribus confertis axillaribus sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 618. Coccocipsilum herbaceum repens. Brown jam. 144. t. 6. f. 1. Creeping Coccocypsilum. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Alex. Anderson. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. Fl. May. S. 21. CALLICARPA. Gen. pl. 175. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-fida. Bacca 4-sperma. . C. foliis serratis subtus tomentosis. Willden. sp. americana. pl. 1. p. 619. Frutex baccifer verticillatus. Catesb.carol. 2. p. 47. t. 47. American Callicarpa. Nat. of North America. Introd. TETRANDRIA Monogy NIA. Callicarpa. 247 Introd. 1724, by Mr. Mark Catesby. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Johnsonia. F. S. 2 . 2. C. foliis ovatis denticulatis per petiolum semi- cana. decurrentibus, subtus villoso-canis, paniculis dichotomis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 620. Malabar Hoary Callicarpa. Nat. of the East Indies. W. Roxburgh, M. D. Introd. 1799, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. F. S. 2. 3. C. foliis ovatis basi rotundatis integerrimis sub- lanata. denticulatis, supra rugosis; subtus ramisque lanato-tomentosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 620. Woolly Callicarpa. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1788, by A. P. Hove, Esq. Fl. June and July. S. 2. 4. C. foliis lanceolato-ellipticis, crenatis attenuatis, macrophyl- supra rugosis; subtus ramisque tomentoso-in-la. canis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 620. Wahl symb. 3. p. 13. t. 53. Long-leaved Callicarpa. Nat. of India. Introd. 1808, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. F. S. h. 5. C. foliis lato-lanceolatis serratis subtus scabrius-ferruginea. culis, cymis terminalibus axillaribusque. Will- den sp. pl. 1. p. 620. Rusty Callicarpa. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June and July. S. 2. WITHER- 248 retRANDRIA Monogynia, solanacea, mucronata. squamosa, ericoides. WITHERINGIA. Gen. pl. 1725. Cor. subcampanulata: tubo quadrigibbo. Cal. minimus, obsolete 4-dentatus. Pericarp, 2-lo- culare. 1. WITHERINGIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 622, L’Herit. sert. angl. 33. t. 1. Yellow-flower'd Witheringia, Nat. of South America. Cult. before 1742, by Robert James Lord Petre. Fl. most part of the Year. . . . S. l. PENAEA. Gen. pl. 182. Cal. 2-phyllus, Cor. campanulata, Stylus 4- angularis. Caps. tetragona, 4-locularis, 8- sperma. 1. P. floribus terminalibus, foliis acuminatis glabris, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 626. Venten, malmais. 87. Heart-leaved Penaea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. F. $: G. H. h e 2. P. foliis rhombeo-cuneiformibus carnosis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 628. Scaly Penaea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. June and July. G. H. W. . BLAERIA. Gen. pl. 183. Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. 4-fida. Stamina receptaculo inserta. Caps. 4-locularis, polysperma. 1. B. antheris muticis exsertis, calycibus tetraphyllis, bracteis ternis longitudine calycis, foliis qua- termis oblongo-acerosis pilosis imbricatis. Will- den. sp. pl. i. p. 629. Erica carnea, floribus etfoliis villosis. Pet. gaz.471. t. 2.f. 10. t Heath- TETRANDRIA MoxoGYNIA. Blaeria. 249. Heath-leaved Blaeria. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. August–November. G. H. R. . B. antheris muticis exsertis, foliis quaternis ovatis articulata. glabris, florum capitulis cernuis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 629. Jointed Blaeria. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. W. . . B. antheris muticis inclusis, foliis quaternis ovatis purpurea. subciliatis, floribus umbellatis, caule flexuoso erecto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 630. Purple Blaeria. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1791, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. W. ... B. antheris muticis subexsertis, calycibus mono- muscosa. phyllis pilosis, corollis campanulatis superne pilosis, floribus axillaribus, stigmatibus peltatis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 630. Moss-leaved Blaeria. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. June—August. G, H. P. . B. antheris aristatis, foliis quaternis glabris, ca- ciliaris. lyce lacero ciliato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 631. Ciliated Blaeria. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. June—August. G. H. W. BUDDLEA. Gen. pl. 184. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-fida. Stamina ex incisuris. Caps, 2-sulca, 2-locularis, polysperma. 1. B. fo- 350 TETRANDRIA Monogyni A. Buddlea. globosa. salvifolia. Jiliforme. major. 1. B. foliis lanceolatis acuminatis crenulatis subtus tomentoso-albis, capitulis globosis oppositis pe— dunculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 632. Curtis magaz. 174. Hope in act. harlem. vol. 20. part. 2. pag. 417. t. 11. Round-headed Buddlea. Nat. of Chili. Introd. 1774, by Messrs. Kennedy and Lee. Fl. May and June. H. W. . 2. B. foliis lanceolatis cordatis crenatis rugosis subtus tomentosis, floribus paniculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 632. Jacqu. hort. schoºnbr. 1. p. 12. t. 28. * Sage-leaved Buddlea. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1760, by Mr. Philip Miller. Fl. August and September. G. H. H. . EXACUM. Gen. pl. 185. Gal. quadrifidus. Cor. hypocrateriformis: tubo ventricoso. Caps. bisulca, bilocularis, poly- sperma, apice dehiscens. Stigma capitatum. 1. E. foliis sessilibus, caule filiformi dichotomo, pe- dunculis elongatis. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 182. Engl. bot. 235. Exacum filiforme. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 638. Least Gentianella. Nat. of England. Fl. July. H. G). PLANTAGO. Gen. pl. 186. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-fida : limbo reflexo. Sta- mina longissima. Caps. 2-locularis, circum- SCISS3 , * Scapo nudo. 1. P. foliis ovatis glabris, scapo tereti, spica floscu- lis imbricatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 641. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1558, Svensk lot. 93. Greater L'RANDRIA Monogyni A. Plantago. 251 Greater Plantain. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May–July. H. M. 2. P. foliis obovatis nitidis undulatis subcarnosis crassa. subsessilibus, scapo inferne compresso, floribus imbricatis basi remotis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 641. Plantago crispa. Jacqu, collect, suppl. 34. t. 16. Thick-leaved Plantain. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1793, by Mr. C. A. Broberg. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 3. P. foliis ovatis glabris, scapo angulato, spica flos- asiatica. culis distinctis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 642. Asiatic Plantain. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1787, by Mons. Thouin. Fl, July. H. G). 4. P. foliis ovatis subdenticulatis pubescentibus no- maxima. vemnerviis, spica cylindrica imbricata, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 642. Jacqu, ic. 1. t. 26. Broad-leaved Plantain. Nat. of Siberia. Cult. 1763, by Mr. James Gordon. Fl. July and August. H. 21. 5. P. foliis ovato-lanceolatis pubescentibus, spica media. cylindrica, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 642. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 1559. Höary Plantain. INat."of Britain. Fl. May—July. H. 21. 6. P. foliis lanceolato-ovatis pubescentibus subden- virginica. ticulatis, spicis floribus remotis, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 643. Plantago media incana virginiana serratis foliis, annua. Moris. hist. 3. p. 259. s. 8. t. 15. f. 8. Vir- 252 TETRANDRIA MONoGYNIA. Plantago. altissima. lanceolata. capensis. Lagopus. lusitanica. Virginian Plantain. Nat. of North America. Cult. before 1688, by Mr. Derby. Raij hist. 2. p. 1889. e Fl. June–September. H. G). 7. P. foliis lanceolatis quinquenerviis dentatis gla- bris, spica oblongo-cylindrica, scapo angulato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 643. Jacqu. obs. 4. t. 83. Tall Plantain. Nat. of Italy. Introd. 1774, by Nicholas Joseph de Jacquin, M. D e F. june and July. H. 21. h 8. P. foliis lanceolatis, spica subovata nuda, scapo angulato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 643. Curtis ; Engl. lot. ...? p p ..Rib-wort Plantain. Nat. of Britain. * * Fl. May—July. H. 2ſ. 9. P. foliis ellipticis, spicae floribus distinctis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 644. Cape Plantain. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1788. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. W. . 10. P. foliis lanceolatis subdenticulatis, spica ovata hirsuta, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 644. Plantago angustifolia, paniculis lagopi. Weinm. phytanth. 4. t. 820. Jig. a. Round-headed Plantain. Nat. of Spain and Portugal. Cult. 1683, by James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 273. m. 5. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 11. P. foliis lato-lanceolatis trinerviis subdentatis sub- pilosis, scapo angulato, spica oblonga hirsuta. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 644. \ Plan- TETRANDRIA Monogy NIA. Plantago. 253 Plantago trinervia latifolia minor incana hispanica. Barrel. ic. 119. t. 745. Portugal Plantain. Nat. of Spain. Introd. 1781, by P. M. A. Broussonet, M.D. Fl. July and August. H. l. 12. P. foliis lanceolatis obliquis villosis, spical cylin- allicans. drica erecta, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 645. Holosteum salmanticense majus. Clus, hist. 2. p. 110. Woolly Plantain. Nat. of France and Spain. Introd. 1776, by Mons. Richard. Fl. June–September. H. M. 13. P. foliis linearibus ciliatis, spica cylindrica, scapo hirsuta. hirsuto, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 645. Jacqu. hort. Schoenbr. 3. p. 4. t. 258. Hairy Plantain. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1801, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June and July. G. H. 3. 14. P. foliis linearibus planis, scapo tereti hirsuto, alpina. spica oblonga erecta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 645. Jacqu. hort. vindob. 2. p. 58. t. 125. Alpine Plantain. Nat. of Austria and Switzerland. Introd. 1774, by William Pitcairn, M. D. Fl. June and July. H. M. 15. P. foliis lineari-lanceolatis pilosis scapo tereti hir- Bellardi. suto altioribus, spica ovata erecta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 646. Plantago Bellardi. Allion, pedem. 1. p. 82. t. 85. 3 f. 3. Bellardi’s Plantain. Nat. of Italy and Spain. Introd. 254 TETRANDRIA MonogyniA. Plantago. cretica. maritima. subulata. Tecurvata. Serraria. Introd. 1797, by Joseph Correa de Serra, LL.D. Fl. July. H. G.) 16. P. foliis linearibus, scapo tereti brevissimo lanato, 17. 18. 19. spica * nutante. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 646. Lºdium creticum. Clus. hist. 2. p. 111. Cretan Plantain. : Nat. of the Island of Candia. Cult. before 1711, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Philosoph, transact. n. 332. p. 391. n. 49. Fl. June and July. H. G). P. foliis semicylindraceis integerrimis basi lanatis, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 647. Engl. bot. 175. Sea Plantain. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. * * H. M. P. foliis subulatis triquetris striatis scabris, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 647. Serpentina omnium minima. Lobel. ic. 439. Awl-leaved Plantain. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. ger. Fl. July. H. M. P. foliis linearibus canaliculatis recurvatis nudis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 647. Plantago incurvata. Murray in commentat. got- ting. 1780, p. 19. t. 6. Recurved-leaved Plantain. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1799, by Mr. John Hunnemann. Fl. June and July. H. &. 20. P. foliis lanceolatis quinquenerviis dentato-serra- tis, scapo tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 648. Plantago apula laciniata bulbosa, Column. ecphr. 1. p. 258. t. 259. Saw- TETRANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Plantago. 255 Saw-leaved bulbous Plantain. Naf. of Italy and Barbary. Introd. before 1640, by Mr. William Boël. Park. theatr. 495. n. 4. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 21. P. foliis linearibus dentatis, scapo tereti. Will- Coronopus. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 648. Engl. lot. 892. Buckshorn Plantain. Star of the Earth. Nat. of Britain. Fl. all Summer. H. G). 22. P. foliis linearibus subdentatis, scapo tereti, spica Loeflingii. ovata: bracteis carinatis membranaceis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 649. Jacqu, hort, windob. 2. p. 58. t. 126. Narrow-leaved Plantain. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. G. 23. P. foliis pinnatis: pinnis inaequalibus et distanti- Cornuti, bus, scapo tereti, stylis longissimis, filamentis brevissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 649. Jacqu. ic. l. i. 27. Cut-leaved Plantain. Nat. Introd. 1801, by Mr. John Hunnemann. Fl. July and August. H. M. ** Caulescentes. 24. P. caule erecto simplici, foliis lanceolatis subcar- amplexi- nosis integerrimis amplexicaulibus, capitulis sub- caulis. ovatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 650. Plantago amplexicaulis. Cavanill. ic. 2. p. 22. t. 125. Stem-leaved Plantain. Nat. of Spain. Introd. 1797, by the Marchioness of Bute. Fl. June and July. H. G). 25. P. caule ramoso herbaceo, foliis subdentatis re- Psyllium. curvatis, 256 TETRANDRIA MøNogynia. Plantago. squarrOSQ. indica. pumila. Cynops. curvatis, capitulis aphyllis. Wilden. p. pl. 1. p. 650. Regn. bot. * : * - . . y Cſammy Plantain. . . . 27. Nat, of the South of Europe, and the Canary Islands. - - Cult. 1562. Turn. herb, part 2. fol. 105 verso. Fl. July and August. H. G). . P. herbacea, caulibus ramosis diffusis decumben— tibus, foliis linearibus integerrimis, capitulis squarrosis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 650. Plantago aegyptiaca. Jacqu. ic, 1. t. 28. Leafy-spiked Plantain. Nat, of Egypt. - Introd. 1787, by Mr. Zier. - Fl. August and September. H. o. P. caule ramoso herbaceo, foliis integerrimis re- flexis, capitulis foliosis. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 651. Indian Plantain. 28. 29. Nat. of the South of Europe. Nat. of Egypt and India. Cult. before 1780. Fl. July and August. . - H. G). P. caule ramoso herbaceo, foliis integerrimis car- nosis, ramis laevibus. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p.651. Plantago exigua. Murray in commentat. got- ting. 1778, p. 94. t. 5. Dwarf Annual Plantain. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. 1790, by Mr. John Hunnemann. Fl. July and August. - H. G). P. caule ramoso, suffruticoso, foliis integerrimis filiformibus strictis, capitulis subfoliatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 651. - Psyllium majus sempervirens. Weinm.phytanth. 4. t. 837. fig. a. - - Shrubby Plantain. Cult. TETRANDRIA Monogyni.A. Plantago. 257 30. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. May–August. H. W. . P. caule ramoso fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis den- afra. tatis, capitulis aphyllis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 652. Psyllium foliis crenatis, indicum. Moris. hist. 3. p. 262... s. 8. t. 17. f. 4. Barbary Plantain. Mat. of Sicily. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 277. n. 3. Fl. June. H. &. SCOPARIA. Gen. pl. 187. Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. 4-partita, rotata. Caps. 1-locularis, 2-valvis, polysperma. . S. foliis ternis, floribus pedunculatis. Will- dulcis. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 652. Veronica americana erecta frutescens et ramosa. Herm. paradis. 241. cum tal. Sweet Scoparia. Mat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1730, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. n. 450. Fl. June–September. S. G). CENTUNCULUS. Gen. pl. 189. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-fida, patens. Stamina bre- via. Caps. 1-locularis, circumscissa. . CENTUNculus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 653. minimus, Engl. lot. 531. cº, or Bastard Pimpernel. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. W. . SANGUISORBA. Gen. pl. 190. Cal. 2-phyllus inferus. Cor. supera. Germen inter calycem corollamgue. . S. spicis ovatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 653. Officinalis. Engl. lot. 1312. e WOL. I. S & Pim- TETRANDRIA Monogy NIA. Sanguisorba. media. canadensis. vil iginea. capensis. & Pimpinella sanguisorba major. Bauh. pin. 160, Great Burnet. 6 Pimpinella major rigida praealta auriculata Sā-, bauda. Boccon. mus. 19. t. 9. * Ear-leav'd Burnet. * Nat. & of Britain, and 3 of Italy. Fl. June–August. H. l. 2. S. spicis cylindricis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 654. Pimpinella spica breviori seu glomerata. Zanon. hist. 181. t. 138. º Short-spiked Great Burnet. Nat. of Canada. Introd. 1785, by John Bell, Esq. Fl. July–September. H., 21. 3. S. spicis longissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 654. Pimpinella maxima canadensis. Corn, canad. 175. t. 174. Canadian Great Burnet. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1633. Ger. emac. 1046. n. 3. Fl. June–September. H. li. CISSUS. Gen. pl. 192. Bacca 1-sperma, cincta calyce Corollaque quadri- partita. +- 1. C. foliis cordato-subrotundis lobatis subindivisis- que villosis dentatis. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 655. Arbuscula baccifera circumplicatilis, vitigineo fo- lio subtus lanato, fructu racemoso fervidiore odoro. Pluk. mºunt. 27. t. 337. f. 2. Vine-leaved Cissus. Nat. of India. Introd, about 1772. Fl. S., b. 2. C. foliis quinquangularibus dentatis subtus ferru- gineo-tomentosis, floribus subcapitatis, Will- den. sp. pl. 1, p. 655. Căpe TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Cissus. 259 Cape Cissus. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1792. Fl. G. H. W. . C. foliis ovatis laxe serratis glabriusculis subtus antarctica, glandulosis. Wenten. choix. 21. Kanguru Vine. Nat. of New South Wales. - Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June—August. G. H. P. . C. foliis subcordatis nudis setaceo-serratis, ramu- Sicyoides. listeretibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 656. Jacqu. aſher. 22. t. I 5. * * Heart-leaved Cissus. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. before 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Fl: S. 2. . C. foliis dentatis carnosis serrato-dentatis, caule quadrangu- tetragono tumidiusculo. . Willden. sp. pl. l. laris. . 657. sº quadragonus. Forsk, ic. t. 2. Square-stalked Cissus. Nat. of Arabia and the East Indies. Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. S. 2. . C. foliis ternatis obovatis glabris carnosis incisis. acida. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 657. Jacqu. hort. schaembr. 1. p. 14. t. 33. Acid Cissus. Nat. of Jamaica. * Cult. 1692, in the Royal garden at Hampton Court. Pluk, phyt. t. 152, f. 2. Fl. S. 2. * & S 2 7. C. for 869. TETRANDRIA Monogyni A. Cissus, trifoliata. tºtatºr 0. quinata. alpinum. suetica. 7. C. foliis ternatis subrotundis hirsutis subdentatis, ramis membranaceo-angulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 658. Bryonia alba triphylla maxima. Sloan. jam. 1. p. 233. t. 144. f. 2. Three-leaved Jamaica Cissus. Nat. of Jamaica. * Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Bryonia 7. F. S. 2 . 8. C. foliis quinatis : foliolis indivisis serratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 659. Five-leaved Japan Cissus. Nat. of Japan. Introd. 1790, by William Price, Esq. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. P. 9. C. foliis quinatis: foliolis obovato-cuneiformibus Superne Serratis. # Wedge-leaved Cissus. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Francis Masson. f Introd., 1790. Fl. July. º G. H. * , EPIMEDIUM. Gen. pl. 193. Nectaria 4, cyathiformia, petalis incumbentia. Cor. 4-petala. Cal. caducus. Siliqua. 1. EPIMEDIUM. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 660. Engl. lot. 438. Barren-wort. Nat. of England. Fl. April and May. H. Y. CORNUS. Gen. pl. 194. Involucrum 4-phyllum saepius. Petala supera, 4. Drupa nuce 2-loculari. * Involucratae timbellatae. 1. C. herbacea, foliis omnibus oppositis sessilibus DerWOS16. % TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Cornus. 261. nervosis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 660. Engl. bot. 310. Svensk bot. 201. Dwarf Cornel. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June. H. l. 2. C. herbacea, foliis summis verticillatis subpetio- canadensis. latis venosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 661. Bo- tan. magaz. 880. Canadian Dogwood. Nat. of Canada. Introd. 1774, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. July and August. H. M. 3. C. arborea, involucro maximo : foliolis obcorda- jlorida. tis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 661. Botan. ma- gaz. 526. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 6. t. 62. Great-flower'd Dogwood. Nat. of North America. Cult. before 1731, by Mr. Fairchild. Catesb. carol. 1. p. 27. Fl. April and May. H. H. . 4. C. arborea, umbellis involucrum aequantibus. mascula. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 661. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 7... t. 63. Cornelian Cherry, or Dogwood. Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. February–April. H. H. . ** Nudae cymosae. 5. C. ramis rectis, foliis ovatis concoloribus, cymis sanguinea. depressis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 662. Engl. bot. 249. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 1 1. t. 66. Wild Cornel-tree, or Dogwood. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. P. 6. C. ramis recurvatis, foliis lato-ovatis subtus ca- alba. mis, cymis depressis. I?’ illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 662. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 10, t. 65. White- 262 TETRANDRIA Monogyni.A. Cornus. White-berried Dogwood. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. before 1741. Mill, ic. 1. p. 69. t. 104. Fl. June–September. H. W. sericea. 7. C. ramis patulis, foliis ovatis subtus ferrugineo- * * sericeis, cymis depressis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 663. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 9. i. 64. Blue-berried Dogwood. Nat. of North America. Cult. before 1683, by Bishop Compton. Ray's detters 171. Amomum novae angliae. Fl. August. H. P. circinata. 8. C. ramis verrucosis, foliis orbiculatis subtus to- mentosis canis, cymis depressis. Willden. Sp. pl. 1. p. 663. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 14. t. 69. Pensylvanian Dogwood. Nat. of North America. Introd, about 1784, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. July and August. H. K. . stricta. 9. C. ramis strictis, foliis ovatis concoloribus nudi- paniculata, 10. alternifolia, 11. usculis, cymis paniculatis. Willden. sp. pl. l. p. 663. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 12. t. 67. Upright Dogwood. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Fl. June and July. H. W. . C. ramis erectis, foliis ovatis subtus canis, cymis paniculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 664. Schmidt arb. 2. p. 13. t. 68. New Holland Dogwood. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Fl. June and July. H. P. C. foliis, alternis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 664. Schmidt arb. 2, p. 15, t. 70. Alternate- TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Cornus. 263 Alternate-leaved Dogwood. Naf. of North America. Cult. 1760, by Mr. James Gordon. a" Fl. September. H. P. SAMARA. Gen. pl. 195. Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. 4-petala. Stamina basi pe- tali immersa. Stigma infundibuliforme. Dru- pa 1-sperma. 1. S. floribus pentandris, foliis ellipticis. Willden. pentandra. sp. pl. 1. p. 665. Pentandrous Samara. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. about 1770. Fl. November–February. G. H. W. FAGARA. Gen. pl. 196. ' Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-petala. Caps. 2-valvis, mo- nosperma. 1. F. foliis pinnatis: foliolis obovatis emarginatis, Pterota. etiolo communi marginato articulato inermi. . Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 666. Pterota. Brown jam. 146. t. 5. f. 1. Lentiscus-leaved Fagara, Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Fl. August and September. S. K. 2. F. foliis pinnatis: foliolis oblongis basi inaequali- Piperita. bus crematis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 667. Piper japonicum. Kaempf, amoen. 892. t. 893. Ash-leaved Fagara. Nat. of Japan, Introd. 1773, by Sir James Cockburn, Bart. Fl. September. G. H. W. 3. F. foliis pinnatis: foliolis cuneiformibus emargi- tragodes, natis, petiolo communi alato-articulato aculeato. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 667. Fagara TETRANDRIA Monogyn LA. Fagara. barlerioides, martinicen- $$$e trifoliata, Fagara tragodes. Jacqu. amer. 21. t. 14. Prickly-leaved Fagara. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 7, Schinus 2. Fl. S. W. . MONETIA. Gen. pl. 198. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-petala. Bacca 2-locul. Sem. solitaria. 1. M. spinis quaternis, foliis utrinque glabris. Will- dem. sp. pl. 1. p. 669. Monetia barlerioides. L'Herit, stirp. nov. 1. t. 1. Four-spined Monetia. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Fl. July. S. K. . AEGIPHILA. Gen. pl. 173. Cal. 4-dentatus. Cor. 4-fida. Styl. semibifidus. Bacca 2-locul. loculis 2-spermis. 1. AE. foliis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis glabris, ra- mis diffusis, paniculis terminalibus axillaribus- ve, calycibus glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 615. AEgiphila martinicensis. Jacqu. obs. 2. p. 3. t. 27. Martinico AEgiphila. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1780, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. November. S. h. PTELEA. Gen. pl. 1505. Cor. 4-petala. Cal. 4-partitus, inferus. Stig- ºnata 2. Samara subrotunda, centro , mono- sperma. 1. PTELEA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 670. Schmidt arb. 2. t. 76. Shrubby Trefoil. Nat. of North America. Introd, TETRANDRIA Monogynia. Ptelea. 265 Introd. before 1704, by the Rev. John Banister. Mill. ic. 2. p. 141. t. 21 1. Fl. June and July. H. W. LUDWIGIA. Gen. pl. 204. Cor. 4-petala, Cal. 4-partitus. Caps. 4-gona, 4-locularis, infera, polysperma. . L. glabra, foliis alternis lanceolatis, pedunculis unifloris axillaribus, caule erecto anguloso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 672. Lamark illustr. 1. p. 312. t. 77. Alternate-leaved Ludwigia. Nat. of Virginia. Introd. before 1752, by Thomas Dale, M. D. Mill. dict, edit. 6. m. 1. Fl. June and July. H. O. OLDENLANDIA. Gen. pl. 205. Cor. tetrapetala. , Cal. 4-partitus. Caps. 2-locu- laris, infera, polysperma. . O. umbellis nudis lateralibus alternis, foliis linea- ribus, Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 676. Roxb. co- 'rom. 1. p. 2. t. 3. Umbell’d Oldenlandia. Indian Madder. Nat. of the East Indies. William Roaclurgh, M.D. Introd. 1792, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. S. l. . O. pedunculis multifloris, foliis lineari-lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 676. Oldenlandia humilis hyssopifolia. Ehret pict, t. 2. f. I. et t . 4. Hyssop-leaved Oldenlandia. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. 144. Fl. June–October. S. G). AMMANNIA. Gen. pl. 206. Cor. 4-petala, calyci inserta, vel nulla. Cal. 1-phyl- lus, alternifolia. umlellata. corym losa, TETRANDRIA Monogyni.A. Ammannia. latifolia. ramosior. delilis. palustris. lus, plicatus, 8-dentatus, inferus. Caps. 4- locularis. 1. A. foliis semiamplexicaulibus, caule tetragono, ramis erectis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 678. Aparines folio anomala. Sloan.jam. 1. p. 44. t. 7. . 4. Broad-leaved Ammannia. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd, before 1733, by William Houstoun, M. D. Mill. dict. edit 8. Fl. July and August. S. O. 2. A. foliis semiamplexicaulibus, caule tetragono, ra- 2 $º 9 mis patentissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 678. Branching Ammannia. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 7. 2 72. 2., Fl. July. H. G). 3. A. foliis lanceolatis basi attenuatis, caule ramoso, floribus fasciculatis axillaribus, capsulis bilocu- laribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 678. Cluster-flower'd Ammannia. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1778, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. S. G). ISNARDIA. Gen. pl. 207. Cor nulla. Cal. 4-fidus. Caps. 4-locularis, cincta calyce. 1. ISNARDIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 680. Schkuhr handb. 1. p. 84. t. 25. Marsh Isnardia. Nat. of Europe, North America, and the West Indies. * Introd. 1776, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. July. H. G). TRAPA. "TETRANP RIA MONOGYNTA, 267 TRAPA. Gen. pl. 208. Cor. 4-petala. Cal. 4-partitus. Nur spinis 4, oppositis cincta, quae calycis folia fuere. . T. mucibus quadricornibus, spinis patentibus. natans. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 681. Schkuhr handl. 1. p. 85. t. 25. European Water-caltrops. Nat. of Europe. Introd. 1781, by Daniel Charles Solander, LL.D. Fl. June—August. H. G). . T. nucibus bicornibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 681. bicornis. Gaertn. sem. 2. p. 84. t. 95. Chinese Water-caltrops. Nat. of China. Af -- Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. G. H. M. DORSTENIA. Gen. pl. 209. Receptacul, commune 1-phyllum, carnosum, in quo Semina Solitaria nidulantur. . D. scapis radicatis, foliis cordato-ovalibus obtusis brasiliensis. crenulatis, receptaculis orbiculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 682. Caa-apia. Marcgr. brasil. 52. Pis. brasil. 232. Brazilian Dorstenia. Nat. of South America. Introd. 1792, by Admiral Phillip. Fl. March and April. S. l. . D. scapis radicatis, foliis cordatis angulatis acu- Houstoni. tis, receptaculis quadrangulis. Willden. sp. pl. l. p. 682. # Dorstenia dentariae radice, folio minus laciniato. Houst. in philosoph. transact. 37, p. 196, t. 2. Houstoun's Dorstenia. Nat, of South America. Cult. sós TETRANDRIA Monogyn LA. Dorstenia. Contrajer- 2}{ls acaulis. lanceolata. Cult, before 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 5. n. 2. Fl. June and July. S. l. 3. D. scapis radicatis, foliis pinnatifido-palmatis ser- ratis, receptaculis quadrangulis. Willden. Sp- pl. 1. p. 683. Jacqu, ic. 3. t. 614. Contrajerva root, or Dorstenia. Nat. of South America and the West Indies. Cult. before 1748, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. edit. 5. m. 1. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. 21. POTHOS. Gen. pl. 210. Spatha. Spadix simplex floribus tectus. Cal. o. Petala quatuor. Bacca disperma. J. P. foliis lanceolatis integerrimis enerviis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 684. Jacqu. amer. 240. t. 153. Stemless Pothos. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1790, by Edward Elcock, Esq. Fl. Spring and Summer. S. l. 2. P. foliis lanceolatis integerrimis trinerviis, scapo apice triquetro. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 684. Arum foliis rigidis angustis et acuminatis. Plum. amer. 47. t. 62. Lance-leaved Barbadoes Pothos. Nat. of Barbadoes. .* Introd. 1790, by Edward Elcock, Esq. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. aſ . 3. P. foliis ovato-lanceolatis integris nervosis puncta- violacea. tis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 685. Blue-fruited Jamaica Pothos. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd., 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. ' Fl. April–June. S. li. 4. P. fo- TetraNDRIA MONOGYNIA. Pothos. 269 4. P. foliis ellipticis venosis: venis simplicibus paral- lelis. Botan, magaz. 603. Sweet-scented Pothos. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Alex. Anderson. Introd. 1789. Fl. April and May. S. 71. cannaefolia. 5. P. foliis oblongis acuminatis integerrimis venosis, cr assimer- costa media folii tricarinata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. via. p. 685. Jacqu. ic. 3. t. 609. Thick-nerved Pothos. Nat. of South America. Introd. 1796, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. S. 21. 6. P. foliis cordatis acutis, spatha longitudine spa- cordata. dicis cylindrici. Pothos cordata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 685. Arum acinis amethystinis, flore parvo. Plumn. ic. 26. t. 38. Heart-leaved Pothos. Nat. of America. Introd. about 1770, by John Hope, M. D. Fl. April. S. l. 7. P. foliis cordatis acuminatis, spatha breviore spa- macrophyl- dice cylindrico. la. Pothos macrophylla. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 686. Pothos grandifolia. Jacqu, ic. 3. t. 610. Large-leaved Pothos. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. about 1794, by Messrs Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May and June. S. 21. 8. P. foliis cordatis obtusissimis. obfusifolia. Blunt-leaved Pothos. Nat. of Barbadoes. Introd. 1790, by Edward Elcock, Esq. Fl. May and June. & S. M. aro TETRANDRIA Monogynta. Pothos, faetida. pentaphyl- ia. jaginea. inconspicu- 2/5 s 9. P. foliis cordatis acutis, spadice subgloboso. Bö- tan. magaz. 836. Dracontium foetidum. Willden. sp. pl. 2. p. 288. Scunkweed. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1735, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Catesb. carol. 2. p. 71. Fl. March and April. H. M. 10. P. foliis digitatis quinatis ovatis acuminatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 687. Dracontium pentaphyllum. Aullet guian. 2. p. 837. t. 326. Five-leaved Pothos. Nat. of Cayenne. , Introd. 1803, by Purchase, from the Capture of a French Vessel. Fl. October and November. S. ii. CURTISIA. Gen. pl. 1729. Cal. 4-part. Petala 4. Drupa supera, subro- tunda, succulenta: Nuce 4–5-locul. 1. CURTISIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p 687. Sideroxylum foliis acuminatis dentatis, fructu monopyreno flavo. Burm. afr. 235. t. 82. Beech-leaved Curtisia, or Hassagay-tree. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1775. Fl. G. H. H. . CHLORANTHUS. Gen. pl. 1730. Cal. O. Petalum 3-lobum, lateri germinis insi- dens. Anth. petalo accretae. Bacca 1-sperma. 1. CHLoRANTHUs. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 688. L’Herit. sert. angl. p. 35. i. 2. Tea-leaved Chloranthus, or Chu-lan. Nat. of Chiina. Introd. 1781, by James Lind, M.D. * Pl, most part of the Year, S. 2. ELAE- TETRANDRIA Mosogyni.A. 371 ELAEAGNUS. Gen. pl. 213. Cor. nulla. Cal. 4-fidus, campanulatus, superus. Drupa infra calycem campanulatum. 1. E. foliis lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 688, angustifo- Pallas ross. 1. p. 10. t. 4. lia. Narrow-leaved Oleaster. Nat. of the South of Europe, and the Levant. Cult. 1633, by Mr. John Parkinson. Ger. emac. 1491. f. 2. Fl. July. H. P. 2. E. foliis oblongis ovatis opacis. Willden sp. pl. 1. orientalis, p. 689. Pallas ross. 1. p. 11. t. 5. Oriental Oleaster. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1748, by Mr. Ph. Mill. Mill. dict. ed. 5. 7t. l. Fl. July and August. G. H. H. 3. E. foliis ovatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 689. latifolia. Elaeagnus foliis rotundis maculatis. Burm. zeyl.92. t. 39. f. 2. Broad-leaved Oleaster. Nat. of China and the East Indies. Cult. before 1712, in the Royal gardens at Hamp- ton-court. Philosoph. transact. m. 337.p. 221. 77. 160. Fl. July and August. S. P. STRUTHIOLA. Gen. pl. 216. Cor. O. Cal. tubulosus : ore glandulis plerun - que 8. Bacca exsucca, 1-sperma. 1. S. foliis linearibus glabris, antheris inclusis. juniperina, Struthiola juniperina. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 692. Struthiola erecta. Curtis magaz. 222. "Juniper-leaved Struthiola. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Fl, most part of the Year. G. H. W. . 2. S. fo- 272 TETRANDRIA Monogynia. Struthiola. ovata. imbricata. to mentosa. virgata. pubescens. 2. S. foliis ovato-lanceolatis glabris, antherarum api- cibus exsertis. w Struthiola ovata. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 693. An- drews's reposit. 119. Oval-leaved Struthiola. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1792. Fl. February—June. G. H. W. 3. S. foliis ovato-lanceolatis subciliatis, calycis glan- dulis quatuor. Struthiola imbricata. Andrews's reposit. 113. Tiled-leaved Struthiola. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1794, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. Spring and Autumn. G. H. P. 4. S. foliis ovatis tomentosis, calycis glandulis duo- decim. Struthiola tomentosa. Andrews’s reposit. 334. Downy-leaved Struthiola. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. James Niven. Introd. 1799, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. August and September. G. H. W. 5. S. foliis lanceolatis ciliatis, bracteis longitudine germinis. Struthiola virgata. Linn, mant. 41. Struthiola ciliata. Andrews’s reposit. 139, 149. Twiggy Struthiola. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1779, by John Blackburne, Esq. Oxford. catal. 64. Fl. May–August. * G. H. H. . 6. S. foliis linearibus ciliatis, bracteis germine lon- gioribus. Struthiola pubescens. Retzii obs. 3. p. 26. Bor tan. magaz. 1213. Struthiola virgata. Smith's erot. lot. 1. p. 89. t. 46. Downy Struthiola. Nat. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Struthiola. 373 Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1790. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. W. RIVINA. Gen. pl. 219. Cor. 4-petala, persistens. Cal. nullus. Bacca 1-sperma: Semine lentiformi. 1. R. racemis simplicibus, floribus tetrandris, foliis humilis. pubescentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 694. Amaranthus baccifer circaeae foliis. Commel. hort. 1. p. 127. t. 66. Downy Rivina. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. before 1699, in Chelsea Garden. Moris. hist. 3. p. 522. n. 23. Fl. most part of the Year. S. 2. 2. R. racemis simplicibus, floribus tetrandris, foliis laevis. ovatis acuminatis glabris planis, caule tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 694. Smooth Rivina. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1733, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. n. 586. Fl. most part of the Year. S. P. 3. R. racemis simplicibus, floribus tetrandris, foliis brasiliensis. ovatis undulato-rugosis, caule sulcato. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 695. Wave-leaved Rivina. Nat. of Brazil. Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June and July. S. 2 . 4. R. racemis simplicibus, floribus octandris dode- octandra. candrisve. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 695. Rivina sarmentosa. Brown jam. 149. t. 23. f. 2. Climbing Rivina. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult, before 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. edit. 6. n. 2. Fl. May and June. S. 2. WOL. I. T CAM- 974 TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. monspelia- CQ. vulgaris. alpina. Aphanes. CAMPHOROSMA. Gen. pl. 221. Cal. urceolatus : dentibus 2 oppositis, alternisque minimis. Cor. nulla. Caps. 1-sperma. 1. C. foliis hirsutis linearibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 696. Schkuhr handb. 1. p. 86. t. 26. Hairy Camphorosma. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 568. f. 1. Fl. August and September. G. H. W. ALCHEMILLA. Gen. pl. 222. Cal. 8-fidus. Cor. O. Sem. 1. . A. foliis reniformibus movemlobis acute dentatis, corymbis terminalibus. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 698. Engl. lot. 597. Common Ladies’ Mantle. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June—August. H. 21. .A. foliis digitatis serratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 698. Engl. bot. 244. Alpine Ladies’ Mantle. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. Y. ...A. foliis tripartitis: laciniis trifidis pubescentibus, floribus axillaribus glomeratis monandris. Will- den.sp. pl. 1. p. 699. Alchemilla arvensis. Engl. lot. 1011. Aphanes arvensis. Fl. dan. 973. Field Ladies’ Mantle, Parsley Piert. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May. H. G). DIGY. TETRANDRIA DIGYNIA, 275 DIGYNIA. BUFFONIA. Gen. pl. 225. Cal, 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-petala. Caps. 1-locularis, 2-sperma. 1. BUFront A. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 700. Engl. tenuifolia. bot. 1313. Slender Buffonia. Nat. of England. Fl. June. H. G). HAMAMELIS. Gen. pl. 226. Involucrum triphyllum. Cal. proprius 4-phyllus. Petala 4. Nur bicornis, 2-locularis. 1. HAMAMELIs. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 701. J. Mil- virginica. ler illustr. Witch Hazel. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1736, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll. mss. Fl. November—May. H. H. . CUSCUTA. Gen. pl. 227. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 1-petala. Caps. 2-locularis. 1. C. floribus subsessilibus, corolla fauce nuda, stig- europaea, matibus acutis. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 282. Engl. lot. 378. Great Dodder. Nat. of England. * * Fl. August and September. H. G). 2. C. floribus sessilibus, staminibus basi squama Epithy- crenata munitis, stigmatibus acutis. Smith fl. mum. brit. 1. p. 283. Cuscuta europaea. Engl. lot. 55. Lesser Dodder. T 2 Nat. TETRANDRIA DIGYNIA. Cuscuta. chinensis. procumbens. pendulum. Mat. of Britain. F. August. H. 24. 3. C. floribus paniculatis quinquefidis, calyce angu- loso longitudine corollae. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 704. Chinese Dodder. Nat. of China. Introd. 1803, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. August and September. G. H. G.). HYPECOUM. Gen. pl. 228. Cal. 2-phyllus. Petala 4: exterioribus duobus latioribus. Fructus siliqua. 1. H. siliquis arcuatis compressis articulatis, petalis binis majoribus obtuse trilobis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 704. Schkuhr handl. 1. p. 90. t. 27. Procumbent Hypecoum. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June and July. H. G). 2. H. siliquis cernuis teretibus cylindricis, petalis majoribus obtuse trilobis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 705. Cuminum sylvestre siliquatum Penae. Dalech. hist. 698. Pendulous Hypecoum. Nat. of the South of France. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 372. f. 2. Fl. June and July. H. G). 3. H. siliquis erectis teretibus torulosis petalis ma- 6 rect 14777. joribus emarginatis trilobis, petiolis pilosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 705. Hypecoon tenuifolium siliquis erectis teretibus. Amman ruthen. 58, t. 9. Erect Hypecoum. Nat, of Siberia. Cult, TETRANDRIA DIGYNIA. Hypecoum. 277 2 3. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 72. 3. Fl. May and June. H. 3. TETRAGYN/A. ILEX. Gen. pl. 232. Cal. 4-dentatus. Cor. rotata. Stylus O. Bacca 4-sperma. . I. foliis ovatis acutis spinosis nitidis undulatis, Aquifolium. floribus axillaribus subumbellatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 707. , Engl. lot. 496. Ilex aculeata baccifera. Bauh. pin. 425. vulgaris. Common Holly. foliis dentatis spinosis integrisque. heterophyl- Various-leaved Holly. la. foliis crassioribus aequaliter serratis. crassifolia. Thick-leaved Holly. foliis angustioribus recurvatis. I'êCLlr Va., Slender Holly. foliis supra echinatis. ferox. Hedge-hog Holly. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. P. . I. foliis ovatis acutis spinosis glabris planis, flo- opaca. ribus ad basin ramulorum annotinorum sparsis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 708. Ilex quercifolia. Meerb. ic. 2. t. 5. Carolina Holly. Nat. of Carolina. Cult. 1744, by Archibald Duke of Argyle. Fl. May and June. H. W. . I, foliis oblongis serratis: serraturis ciliato-spi- crocea. mosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 708. º African 275 TETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. Ilex. Perado. Primoides. Cassine. latifolia. angustifo- lia. vomitoria. African Holly. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1794. Fl. May and June. G. H. H. . 4. I. foliis ovatis cum acumine inermibus subinte- gris. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 708. Ilex crassifolia. Meerb. ic. 2. t. 6. Thick-leaved Smooth Holly. Nat. of Madeira. Introd. 1760, by Mr. James Gordon. Fl. April and May. G. H. H. . 5. I. foliis elliptico-lanceolatis acutis deciduis serra- tis : serraturis muticis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 709. Deciduous Holly. Nat. of North America. Cult. before 1760, by Archibald Duke of Argyle. Fl. July. H. H. . 6. I. foliis alternis distantibus sempervirentibus lan- ceolatis serratis: serraturis acuminatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 709. & foliis lanceolato-oblongis serratis. Agrifolium carolinense. Catesb. carol. 1. p. 31. t. 31. Broad-leaved Dahoon Holly. 6 foliis lanceolatis subintegerrimis. Willden. hort. berolin. 31. * Narrow-leaved Dahoon Holly. Nat. of North America. Introd. about 1726, by Mr. Mark Catesby. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Fl. August. H. W. 7. I. foliis alternis distantibus oblongis obtusiusculis crenato-serratis: serraturis muticis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 709. Cassine vera floridanorum. Catesb.carol. 2. p. 57. #. 57. * South TETRAND RIA TETRAGYNIA. Ilex. Q 7 9 º & > South Sea Tea, or Evergreen Cassine. Naf. of West Florida. Cult. 1700. Pluk. Anant. 40. t. 376. f. 2. Fl. H. P. . I. foliis ovalibus integris seu rariter serratis, pe- canadensis. dunculis solitariis longis unifloris, fructu obtuse subtetragono. Michaux amer. 2. p. 229. t. 49. Canadian Ilex. ſat. of North America. Introd. 1802, by Mons. Cels. Fl. April and May. H. W. . COLDENIA. Gen. pl. 233. Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. infundibuliſ. Styli 4. Nuces 2, biloculares. . Cold ENIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 712. procumlens. Teucri facie bisnagarica tetracoccos rostrata. Pluk. alm. 363. t. 64. f. 6. Trailing Coldenia. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris. hist. 3. p. 423. n. 22. Fl. July and August. S. G). POTAMOGETON. Gen. pl. 234. Cal. O. Petala 4. Stylus nullus. Semina 4. . P. foliis natantibus petiolatis ellipticis acutis basi malans. rotundatis subcordatis. Willden. sp. pl. l. p. 712. Engl. bol. 1822. |Broad-leaved Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. August. H. lf. . P. foliis natantibus longe petiolatis lanceolato- fluitaris, ovatis utrinque attenuatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 713. Engl. lot. 1286. Long-leaved Floating Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. iſ . fo 280 TETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. heterophyl- lum. perfoliatum. densum. (ucens. crispum. compres- S1/???, pectinatum. 3. P. foliis superioribus petiolatis ellipticis utrinque attenuatis; inferioribus confertis sessilibus li- nearibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 713. Engl. bot. 1285. Various-leaved Pondweed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July–September. H. 2ſ. 4. P. foliis cordatis amplexicaulibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 713. Engl. lot. 168. Perfoliate Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. l. 5. P. foliis ovatis acuminatis oppositis confertis, caulibus dichotomis, spica quadriflora. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 714. Engl. lot. 397. Close-leaved Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June. H. l. 6. P. foliis lanceolatis planis in petiolos desinentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 714. Engl. lot. 376. Shining Pond-weed. INat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. M. 7. P. foliis lanceolatis alternis oppositisve undulatis serratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 714. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 1012. Curl’d Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. l. 8. P. foliis linearibus obtusis, caule compresso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 715. Engl. lot. 418. Flat-stalk’d Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. M. 9. P. foliis Setaceis parallelis approximatis distichis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 715. Engl. lot. 323. Fennel- TETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. 284 1 O. 1 l. Fennel-leaved Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. 21. P. foliis lineari-lanceolatis alternis sessilibus stipula gramineum. latioribus. Willden. sp. pi. 1. p. 716. Fl. dam. 222. Grassy Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. * H. 21. P. foliis linearibus oppositis alternisque distinctis pusillum. basi patentibus, caule tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 717. Engl. lot. 215. Small Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. 21. RUPPIA. Gen. pl. 235. Cor. O. Cal. O. Sem. 4, pedicellata. . RUPPIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 717. Engl. maritima. bot. 136. Sea Ruppia. Tassel Pond-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. l!. SAGINA. Gen. pl. 236. Cal. 4-phyllus. Petala 4. Caps. 4-locularis, 4- valvis, polysperma. . S. ramis procumbentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. procumbens. p. 718. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 880. Procumbent Pearl-wort. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May–September. * H. O. . S. caule erectiusculo pubescente, floribus alternis apetala. apetalis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 719. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 881. Annual Small-flower'd Pearl-wort. Nat. TETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. "Sagina. erecta, 77??!SC0S6. millegrana. e- wragoga. Rhacoma. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May and June. H. G.). 3. S. caule erecto subunifloro. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 719. Curtis lond. Engl. bol. 609. Fl. dan. 845. Upright Pearl-wort. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April and May. H. G). TILLAEA. Gen. pl. 237. Cal. 3- s. 4-partitus. Petala 3 s. 4, aequalia. Caps. 3 S. 4, polysperma. 1. T. procumbens, floribus trifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 721. Engl. lot. 116. Mossy Tillaea. Nat. of England. Fl. June–October. - H. G). RADIOLA. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 202. Cal. multifidus. Pet. 4. Caps. 8-locul. 8-valvis. 1. RADIOLA. Smith fl.brit. 1. p. 202. Engl. lot. 893. Linum Radiola. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1542. All-seed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. G). MYGINDA. Gen. pl. 238. Cal. 4-partitus. Petala 4. Drupa globosa. 1. M. foliis subcordatis acuminatis subserratis pu- bescentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 722. Myginda uragoga. Jacqu, amer. 24. t. 16. Saw-leaved Myginda. Nat. of South America. *- Introd, 1790, by Messrs Lee and Kennedy. Fl. August and September. S. 2. 2. M. foliis lanceolato-ovatis obtusis crematis, flo- ribus TETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. Myginda. 283 ribus monogynis, stylo quadrifido. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 722. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 311. Blunt-leaved Myginda. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1798, by Charles Green, Esq. F/. S. 2. 3. M. foliis ellipticis crematis subcoriaceis, stigmati- latifolia. bus 2–4 sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 722. Broad-leaved Myginda. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1795, by Messrs. Malcolm. Fl. April and May. S. 2. Classis peruvia- num. indicum. parvi O- ?????, Classis V. P E N T A N D RIA MONOGYNIA. HELIOTROPIUM. Gen. pl. 239. Cor. hypocrateriformis, 5-fida, interjectis denti- bus: fauce nuda. 1. H. foliis lanceolato-ovatis, caule fruticoso, spicis numerosis aggregato-corymbosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 740. Curtis magaz. 141. Peruvian Turnsole, or Heliotrope. Nat. of Peru. Cult, before 1757, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill.ic. 96. #. 144. Fl, most part of the Year. G. H. P. 2. H. foliis cordato-ovatis acutis scabriusculis, spicis solitariis, fructibus bifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 740. Heliotropium americanum caeruleum. Dodart Them. 83. Indian Turnsole, or Heliotrope. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1713. Philosoph. iransact. n. 337. p. 60. 72. 95. Fl. July and August. S. G). 3. H. foliis ovatis rugosis scabris oppositis alternis- que, spicis conjugatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 74.1 Q ſe Heliotropium barbadense, parietariae folio, flore albo minimo. Dill. elth. 178. t. 146. f. 175. Small-flower'd Turnsole, or Heliotrope. Nat. PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Heliotropium. 285 Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill. loc. cit. Fl. July–September. S. 3. 4. H. foliis ovatis integerrimis tomentosis rugosis, europaeum. spicis conjugatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 741. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 4. t. 207. European Turnsole, or Heliotrope. Nat. of Italy and France. Cult. 1562, by William Turner, M. D. Turn, herb. part 2. fol. 13 verso. Fl. June–October. H. G). 5. H. foliis ovatis, integerrimis tomentosis plicatis, supinum. spicis solitariis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 742. Gouan fl. monsp. 17. cum tab. Trailing Turnsole, or Heliotrope. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 438. n. 2. F. June and July. H. G). 6. H. foliis lanceolato-linearibus glabris aveniis, spi- curassavi- cis conjugatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 743. cum. Heliotropium americanum procumbens, facie lini umbilicati. Herm. paradis. 183. cum tal. Glaucous Turnsole, or Heliotrope. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. n. 473. Fi. June and July. S. 3. . MYOSOTIS. Gen. pl. 240. Cor. hypocrateriformis, 5-fida, emarginata: fauce clausa fornicibus. 1. M. seminibus laevibus, caule subsimplici, foliis scorpioides, lanceolatis obtusis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 746. Myosotis scorpioides. Curtis lond. Svensk bot. 72. Myosotis palustris. Engl. lot. 1973. Marsh Mouse-ear Scorpion-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April–August. H. 21. 2. M. se- 286 PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Myosotis. * arvensis. 2. M. seminibus laevibus, caule ramoso, foliis obo- vato-lanceolatis hirtis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 747. Myosotis scorpioides. Engl. lot. 480. fig. sinistra. Field Scorpion-grass. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April–August. H. G). virginiana. 3. M., seminibus aculeatis glochidibus, foliis ovato- oblongis, ramis divaricatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 748. cºm virginianum. Moris. hist. 3. p. 449. s. 11. t. 30. f. 9. Virginian Scorpion-grass. Nal. of Virginia. Cult. before 1699, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Moris. loc. citat. Fl. June and July. H. 3. . Lappula. 4. M. seminibus aculeatis glochidibus, foliis lanceo- latis pilosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 749. Cynoglossum minus. Bauh. hist. 3. p. 600. Prickly-seeded Scorpion-grass. Nat. of Europe. Cult. 1656, by Mr. John Tradescant, Jun. Mus. trad. 107. Fl. April–August. H. G). pectinata. 5. M. seminibus apice setosis, racemis rectis, foliis ovato-lanceolatis villosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 750. Camtschatca Scorpion-grass. Nat. of Siberia aud Camtschatca. Introd. 1797, by Joseph Bush, Esq. Fl. June and July. H. l. LITHOSPERMUM. Gen. pl. 241. Cor. infundibulif. fauce perforata, nuda. Cal. 5-partitus. officinale. 1. L. seminibus laevibus, corollis vix calycem supe- rantibus, foliis lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 751. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Lithospermum. 287 p. 751. Engl. lot. 137. Fl. dan. 1084. Svensk bot. 177. Common Gromwell. Grey Millet. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May–August. H. li. 2. L. seminibus rugosis, corollis vix calycem su- arvense. perantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 751. Engl. bot. 123. w Corn Gromwell. Bastard Alkanet. Nat. of Britain. *. Fl. May and June. H. G). 3. L. foliis subovalibus nervosis, corollis acuminatis. virginia- Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 752. 7??&772, Lithospermum latifolium virginianum, flore albido longiore. Moris. hist. 3. p. 447. s. 1 1. t. 28. • 3. vſ in Gromwell. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 71. 4. Fl. June. H. 21. 4. L. foliis lineari-lanceolatis acutis, spicis termina- apulum. libus secundis, bracteis lanceolatis, seminibus muricatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 752. Echioides butea minima apula campestris. Column. ecphr. 1. p. 184. t. 185. Small Gromwell. Nat. of the South of Europe, Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Myosotis 3. Fl. June and July. H. G). 5. L. ramis floriferis lateralibus, bracteis cordatis orientale. amplexicaulibus. IVillaen, sp. pl. 1. p. 753. Botan, magaz, 515. Yellow Gromwell. Nat, of the Levant. Cult. 288- PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Lithospermum. purpureo- caruleum. fruticosum. tenuiflorum. dispermum. paniculata. Cult. 1713, in Chelsea Garden. Philosoph, trans- act. n. 337, p. 60. n. 94. - ". Fl. May and June. - H. 21. . L. seminibus laevibus, corollis calycem multotieg superantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 754. Engl. bot. 117. Creeping or Purple Gromwell. Nat. of England. Fl. May. . IH. 21. . L. fruticosum, foliis linearibus hispidis, stamini- bus corollam aquantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 754. Buglossum fruticosum, rorismarini folio. Garid. prom. 68. t. 15. Shrubby Gromwell. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 24. m. 5. Fl. May and June. H. lt. . L. foliis lineari-lanceolatis strigosis, corollis fili- formibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 755. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 313. Slender-flower'd Gromwell. Nat. of Egypt. Cult. 1796. Donn cantab. Fl. May and June. H. G). . L. seminibus duobus, calycibus patentibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 755. Linn...fil. dec. 13. t. 7. Two-seeded Gromwell. Nat. of Spain. introd. 1799, by the Marchioness of Bute. Fl. June and July. H. G). ANCHUSA. Gen. pl. 242. Cor. infundibulif. fauce clausa formicibus. Sem. basi insculpta. 1. A. foliis lanceolatis strigosis integerrimis, pani- cula PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Anchusa. 289 cula dichotoma divaricata, floribus peduncula- tis, calycibus quinquepartitis: laciniis subula- tis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 756. Panicled Bugloss. Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1777. Fl. May and June. H. 3. 2. A. foliis lanceolatis callosis villosis, racemis tri- capensis. chotomis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 756. An- drews's reposit. 336. Cape Bugloss. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. James Niven. Introd. about 1800, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. July. & G. H. 3. * 3. A. foliis lanceolatis strigosis, spicis secundis im- officinalis. bricatis, calycibus quinquepartitis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 756. Engl. lot. 662. Common Alkanet. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June–October. H. M. 4. A. foliis lucidis strigosis, racemis bipartitis di- italica. phyllis, floribus subaequalibus fauce barbatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 756. Anchusa italica. Trew pl. rar. p. 14. t. 18. \. Italian Bugloss. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1597. Ger. herb. 655. f. 1. Fl. most part of the Summer. H. 3. 5. A. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis integris, floribus spi- angustifo- catis, calycibus quinquefidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. lia. . 757. e 6. Bººm creticum majus flore albo. Boerh. lugd. b. 1. p. 189. White-flower'd, narrow-leaved Bugloss. 6 Buglossum sylvestre majus nigrum. . . Zanon. hist. 57. t. 39. Purple-flower'd, narrow-leaved Bugloss. WOL. I. U Nat. P£N'ſANæri A MéRé69Nº.4. Anchtisa. tundulata. tinctoria. sempervis. 7°6??.S. efficinale,” P Evergreen Hound's-tongue, Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. H649. Park.. theatr. 765. n. 1. Fl. May and June. H. M. 6. A. strigosa, foliis lineatibus dentatis, pedicellis bractea minoribus, calycibus fructiſeris inflatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 757. Anchusa, angustis dentatis foliis, hispanica. Bar- rel. ic, 578, Waved-leaved Bugloss. Nat. of Spain and Portugal. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. Buglossum 6. Fl. July and August. H. 21. 7. A. tomentosa, foliis lanceolatis obtusis, staminibus corolla brevioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 758. Lithospermum tinctorium. Andrews's reposit. 576. Dyer’s Bugloss. Nat. of Montpellier. & *. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl, June–October. * P.I. 2ſ. 8. A. pedunculis diphyllis oapitatis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 759, Engi, bot, 45. Evergreen Alkanet. Naz. of Britain. * Fl. May and June. H. M., CYNOGLOSSUM. Gen. pl. 243. Cor. infundibulif. fauce clausa fornicibus. Semina depressa, interiore tantum latere stylo affixa. . 1. C. staminibus corolla brevibribus, foliis lato-lan- ceolatis basi attenuatis tomentosis sessilibus, laciniis calycinis oblongis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 760. Curtis lond. "Engl, bot. 924. a. Cynoglossum mºus vulgate. Banh. pin. 957. Common Hound’s-tongue. § Cynoglossum sempervirens. Bauh, pin, 857. Mat. PenfantriA MONogyNIA. Cynoglossum. §§§ Nat. of Britain. Fl. June. H. &. 2. C. staminibus corollabrevioribus, foliis spatulato- lanceolatis lucidis nudiusculis subtus scabris. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 216. Engl. bat. 1642. Cynoglossum officinale 3. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 760. Gºved Hound’s-tongue. Nat. of Britain. F. June. H. &. 3. C. corollis calyci subaequalibus : laciniis subro- tundo-dilatatis, foliis lanceolatis tomentosis: superioribus basi cordatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 761. Cynoglossum creticum II. Clus. hist. 2. p. 162. Madeira Hound’s-tongue. Nat. of Madeira. Cult. 1658, in Oxford Garden. Hort. oacon. ed. 2. p. 53. n. 10. Fl. August. H. 3 . 4. C. corollis calvce duplo longioribus, foliis lanceo- latis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 762. Cynoglossum ereticum I. Clus. hist. 2. p. 162. Silvery-leaved Hound’s-tongue. Nat. of Spain and the Levant. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June and July. H. &. 5. C. foliis cordatis amplexicaulibus glabris, mar- gine lavibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 765. Omphalodes lusitanica elation, cynoglossi folio. Mill. ic. 127. t. 190. f. 1. Portugal Navel-wort, or Hound's-tongue. Nat. of Portugal. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Philip Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. Onohalodes 2. . F. July and August. H. G. 6. C. foliis lineari-lanceolatis glabris, margine den. ticulato-scabris. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 765. [] 2 Cynoglossum sylvaticum. pictum. cheirifoli- 247/2e lusitani- C!!77!e linifolium. $93. * PENTANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Cynoglossums lanatum. Omphalo- des. angustifo- tº “s lia. officinalis. Cynoglossum minus album, lini foliis glaucis, semine umbilicato. Moris. hist. 3. p. 449. s. 1 1. t. 30. f. 11. Flax-leaved Hound’s-tongue, or Venus's Navel- wort. Nat. of Portugal. Cult. 1648, in Oxford Garden. Hort. oºcon. ed. 1. p. 31. m. 1. Fl. June—August. H. G.). . C. calycibus tomentoso-lanatis, corollarum limbo acuto profunde quinquefido, racemulis cernuis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 766. Woolly Hound’s-tongue. Nat. of the Levant. Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. June. G. H. M. . C. foliis radicalibus ovato-cordatis; caulinis ova- tis petiolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 766. Cur- tis magaz. 7. Comfrey-leaved Hound's tongue. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1633. Ger. emac. 806. f. 4. Fl. March–May. H. M. PULMONARIA. Gen. pl. 244. Cor. infundibuliformis, fauce pervia. Cal. pris- matico-5-gonus. . P. foliis radicalibus lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 768. Engl. lot. 1628. Narrow-leaved Lung-wort. Nat. of England and Wales. Fl. April and May. H. l. 2. P. foliis radicalibus ovato-cordatis scabris. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 768. Engl. bot. 1 18. Svensk bot. 135. & Common Lung-wort. Nat. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Pulmonaria. *93 Nat. of England. Fl. May. H. M. . P. calycibus abbreviatis quinquepartitis hispidis, paniculata. foliis ovato-oblongis acuminatis pilosiusculis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 769. floribus caeruleis. Blue-flower'd panicled Lung-wort. floribus albis. Af White-flower'd panicled Lung-wort. Nat of Hudson's Bay. Introd. 1778, by Daniel Charles Solander, LL.D. Fl. May and June. H. M. . P. calycibus abbreviatis glaberrimis, foliis lanceo- virginica. latis obtusiusculis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 769. Curtis magaz. 160. Virginian Lung-wort. Naț. of North America. Cult. 1699, in Chelsea Garden. Moris. hist. 3. p. 444. n. 6. Fl. March–May. H. l. . P. calycibus abbreviatis, foliis radicalibus corda- sibirica. tis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 770. Anchusa. Gmel. sibir. 4. p. 75. n. 15. t. 39. Siberian Lung-wort. Nat. of North America. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1801. Fl. June and July. H. 2p. . P. calycibus abbreviatis, foliis ovatis, caule ra- maritima. moso procumbente. ſ/illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 770. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 368. Sea Lung-wort. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. Y. SYMPHYTUM. Gen. pl. 245. Corollac limbus tubulato-ventricosus: fauce clausa radiis subulatis. 1. S. for PENTANDRIA Monogrwia. Symphytum. officinale. tuberosum, orientale. asperri- 4mºttºs ..ºnajor. 1. S. foliis, ovato-lanceolatis decurrentibus. Will- iden. sp. pl. 1. p. 770. Curtis lond, Engl. bot. 8 17. Select specim, 10. Common Comfrey. JNat. of Britain. Fl. May—July. JH. 21. 2. S. foliis semidecurrentibus : summis oppositis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 771, Engl. lot. 1502. Tuberous-rooted Comfrey. Nat. of Scotland. Fl. May–October. H. l. 8. S. foliis ovatis subpetiolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 771. Symphytum constantinopolitanum boraginis folio et facie, flore albo. Buach. cent. 5. p. 36. t. 68. Eastern Comfrey. Nat. of Turkey. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. 77. 15. Fl. May–July. H. 21. 4. S. caulibus aculeatis, foliis ovalibus acutis pedun- culatis: floralibus oppositis, racemis geminis. Sims in botan. magaz. 929. Prickly Comfrey. Nat. of Caucasus. - Introd. 1799, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. most part of the Summer. CERINTHE. Gen. pl. 246. H. 11, Corolla limbus tubulato-ventricosus : fauce per- via. Sem. 2, bilocularia. 1. C. corollis obtusis patulis apice ventricosis cam- panulatis, staminibus corollabrevioribus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 772. Curtis magaz. 333. Great Honey-wort. Nat, of the South of Europe. Cult. iś96, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. July and August. H. G.), 2, C. coy restANDRIA Monogyn1A. Cerinthe. 895 2. C. corollis obtusis patulis cylindricis, staminibus aspera. corollae aequalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 772. Cerinthe quorundam major, flavo flore. Bauh. hist. 3. p. 602. Rough Honey-wort. Mat. of the South of Europe. Cult, 1633. Ger, emac, 538. f. 2. Fl. July and August. H. G). 3. C. foliis amplexicaulibus integris, corollis acutis minor. clausis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 772. Jacqu. austr. 2. p. 15. t. 124. Small Honey-wort. Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1570, by Mr. Hugh Morgan. Lobel, adv. 172. Fl. June–October. H. & . ONOSMA. Gen. pl. 247. Corolla campanulata: fauce pervia. Semina 4. 1. O. corollis ventricosis, foliis lineari-lanceolatis simplicissi- hirtis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 773. Gºmel, ma. silir. 4. p. 76. t. 40. Siberian simple Omosma. Nat. of Siberia. Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller, Mill, dict. ed. 8. Fl. April–June. H. l. 2. O. caulibus simplicibus e basi multicipe, foliis taurica. lineari-lanceolatis utrinque albo-pilosis, fructi- bus erectis. Sims in botan. magaz. 889. Golden-flower'd Gnosma. Nat. of Caucasus. Count Apollos Muskin Push- kin. Introd. 1801, by the Right Hon. Sir Jºseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. April–June. H. M. 3. O. corollis cylindricis acutis, fructibus pendulis, orientalis. foliis linearibus hirtis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 773. Oriental Onosma. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. *96 PENTANDRIA Monogrini A. Onoshid. \ echioides. sericea. officinalis. indica. africana. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict, ed. 6. Symphytum 11. * Fl. May and June. * G. H. li. 4. O. corollis cylindricis obtusis, fructibus erectis, foliis lanceolatis hispidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 774. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 52. t. 295. Hairy Onosma. º Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 24. n. 6. Fl. March—June. H. nſ. 5. O, foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis sericeo-vil- losis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 774. Silky-leaved Onosma. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1752. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Symphytum 12. Fl. June and July. H. l. BORAGO. Gen. pl. 248. Cor. rotata: fauce radiis elausa. 1. B. foliis omnibus alternis, calycibus patentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 776. Engl. bot. 36. Common Borage. Nat. of England. Fl. June–September. H. G). 2. B. foliis ramificationum oppositis amplexicaulibus, pedunculis unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 776. Cynoglossoides folio caulem amplexante. Isnard in act. paris. 1718, p. 257. t. 10. Indian-Borage. * * w Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 71. 4. F. June–October. G. H. (3). 3. B. foliis oppositis petiolatis ovatis, pedunculis multifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 777. - - - - t Cynoglossoides PENTANDRIA Monogyn1A. Borago. 297 Cynoglossoides africana verrucosa et hispida. Isnard in act. paris. 1718. p. 261. t. 11. African Borage. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope, Cult. 1759, by Mr.Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed.7. m.3. Fl. July and August. G. H. G.). 4. B. foliis rameis alternis sessilibus, pedunculis uni- zeylanica. floris, calycibus inauritis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 777. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 314. Ceylon Borage. Nat. of the East Indies. William Roaburgh, M.D. Introd. 1799, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. S. 6). 5. B. calycibus tubo corollae brevioribus, foliis cor- orientalis, datis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 778. . Botago constantinopolitana. Mill.ic.l.. p. 45. t. 68. Oriental Borage. Nat. of Turkey. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed.6. m.5. Fl. March–May. H. l. ASPERUGO. Gen. pl. 249. Cal. fructus compressus: lamellis plano-parallelis, Sln llātl S. 1. A. calycibus fructus compressis. Willden. sp. procumbens. pſ. 1. p. 778. Engl. lot. 661. German Mad-wort. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April and May. H. G). LYCOPSIS. Gen. pl. 250. Corolla tubo incurvato. 1. L. foliis integerrimis, caule prostrato, calycibus vesicaria. frutescentibus inflatis pendulis. Willden. sp. g pl. 1. p. 779. Echioides flore pullo. Rivin. monop. 8. . . * Bladder- PenrandRIA Mosognia. Lycepsis. pulla. variegata. arvensis. orientalis, fruticosum. Bladder-podded Wild Bugloss. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1686. Raj. hist. 1. p. 495. n. 7. Fl. May–July. H. G). . L. foliis integerrimis, caule erecto, calycibus frutescentibus inflatis pendulis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 779. Jacqu. austr. 2. p. 53. t. 188. Dark-flower'd Wild Bugloss. Nat. of Germany. Cult. 1648, in Oxford Garden. Hort. ocon. ed. 1. p. 19. Echium 1. Fl. June and July. H. 21. . L. foliis repandis dentatis callosis, caule decum- bente, corollis cernuis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 780. Buglossoides cretica. Rivin, monop. 9. Variegated, Wild Bugloss. Nat. of the Island of Candia. Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 57. n. 1. F. June and July. . H. G), . L. foliis lanceolatis hispidis, calycibus florescen- tibus erectis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 780. Cur- tis lond. Engl. bot. 938. - Small Bugloss. IVat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. G). . L. foliis ovatis integerrimis scabris, calycibus erec- tis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 781. Driental Wild Bugloss. Nat. of the Levant. Introd. 1796, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July. H. G). ECHIUM. Gen. pl. 251. Cor. irregularis, fauce nuda. 1. E. caule fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis basi attentia- tºs PENTANDRIA Monogyn IA. Echium, £299 tis villoso-strigosis aveniis, foliolis calycints lan- ceolatis acutis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 781. Jacqu. hort. schoenbr. 1. p. 15. t. 34. Shrubby Viper's Bugloss. Mat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 77. 7. Fl. May and June. G. H. W. . 2. E. caule fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis nervosis ra- candicans. misque hirsutis, foliolis calycinis oblongis lan- ceolatisque acutis, stylis hittis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 782. Jacqu, c. i. t. 30. Hoary Tree Viper's Bugloss. Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Francis Masson, Introd. 1777. Fl. May. G H. P. s. E. cauke glabro, foliis lanceolatis supra scabris, grandiño- floribus cymosis aequalibus, corollarum tubo rum. kongissimo. Wenten. malmais. 97. Echium grandiflorum. Andrews's reposit. 20. Large-flower'd Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1787. Fl. June and July. G. H. H. 4. E. caule fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis basi attenuatis giganteum. pilosis: pilis brevissimis, bracteis calycibusque strigosis, staminibus corolla longioribus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 782. Pºnten. malmais. 71. Gigantic Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of the Canary Islands. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1779. Fl. July–September, G. H. &. 5. E. cauſe fruticoso stricto ramoso, foliis oblongo- strictum, lanceolatis pilosis, corollis subcampanulatis, staminibus corolla longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 783. Jacqu, hort. schoºnbr. 1. p. 15. t. 35. Upright Viper’s Bugloss. Aut.cf the Canary Islands, Mr. Francis Masson. Introd, 300 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Echium. argenteum. lavigatum. glabrum, fastuosum. nervosum. 6. , 7. 10. Introd. 1779. - - * Fl. most part of the Year. - G. H. 3. E. caule foliisque lanceolatis acutis sericeo-villo- sis, spica terminali simplici foliosa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 783. . . . Silvery Viper's Bugloss. * Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1789, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. June and July. G. H. H. E. caule glabro, foliis lanceolatis glabris ciliato- spinosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 785. Smooth-stalk’d Viper's Bugloss. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. June and July. G. H. W. . E. caule glabro, foliis lanceolatis glabris margine scabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 785. Echium glaucophyllum. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 312. Seagreen-leaved Viper's Bugloss. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1791, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. W. . E. caule fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis nervosis ra- misque sericeis, foliolis calycinis lanceolatis acutis, stylis hirtis, racemis cylindricis. Fastuous Viper’s Bugloss. - Nat. of the Canary Islands. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1779. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. H. . E. caule fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis nervosis ra- misque sericeis, foliolis calycinis linearibus ob- tusiusculis, stylis hirtis, racemis ovatis. Sinewy-leaved Viper's Bugloss. Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1777. Fl. June—August. - G. H. W. 11. E. caule PENTANBRIA Monogyni.A. Echium. 301 ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. E. caule villoso, foliis ensiformi-ellipticis villosis, spica composita lineari-oblonga. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 786. Spiked Dwarf Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1799, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. March–May. G. H. W. E. foliis radicalibus ovatis lineatis petiolatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 786. Echium lato plantaginis folio italicum. Barrel. ic. 145. t. 1026. Plantain-leaved Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of Italy. * Introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July–October. H. G). E. caule herbaceo piloso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis strigoso-hirsutis: inferioribus nervosis, corollis subaequalibus, staminibus corolla longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 786. Engl. lot. 2081. White Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of Jersey. Fl. July. H. &. E. caule erecto hispido, foliis lineari-lanceolatis hispidis, spica composita terminali, corollis subaequalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 787. Echium rubrum. Jacqu. austr. 5. p. 27, tab. app. 3. Red Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of Hungary. Introd. 1791, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. H. 3. E. caule tuberculato hispido, foliis caulinis lan- ceolatis hispidis, floribus spicatis lateralibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 787. Engl. lot. 181. Common Blue Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of Britain. Fl, June and July. H. 3. . 16. E. co- spicatum. plantagine- Z!???, italicum. rubrum. vulgare. 30% brºtANbRIA Monogyni A. Echium. f violaceam. 16. E. corollis stamina aequantibus, tubo calyce bre- viore. Willdan. sp. pl. 1. p. 788. Violet-flower'd Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1658, in Oxford Garden. Horá. oxon. 6d. 2. p. 57. n. 5. Fl. July. t H. G). creticum. 17. E. caule procumbente, calycibus frutescentibus * * distantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 788. Cretan Viper’s Bugloss. Nač. of the Levant. Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 108. n. 2. - Fl. July–September. H. G). orientale. 18. E. caule ramoso, foliis caulinis ovatis, floribus solitariis lateralibus. Willden, sp, pl. 1. p. 789. Trew pl. rar. 1. t. 1. Oriental Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of the Levant. Introd. 1780, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July. H. G). Iusitanicum. 19. E. corollis stamine longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 789. t Portugal Viper's Bugloss, Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict, ed. ! . 72. 4. * Fl. July and August. H. O. jffn- 20. E. caule erecto dichotomo, foliis caulinis ovali- parviflo oblongis, corollis subaequalibus, calyeem vix superantibus genitalibus, corolla duplo brevi- oribus. Roth catal, bot. 2. p. 14. 4nnals of lot. 1. p. 320. Small-flower'd Viper’s Bugloss. Nat. of Barbary. Cult. 1798. Bºm cantab. - - Fl. July and August. H. G). MES- Tºéſſº, PENTANDRIA Monogynia: 303 º MESSERSCHMIDIA. Gen. pl. 252. Cor. infundibulif. fauce nuda. Bacca suberosa, bipartibilis : singulo dispermo. . M. caule fruticoso, foliis petiolatis, corollis hy- fruticosa. pocrateriformibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 789. Shrubby Messerschmidia. Nat. of the Canary Islands. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1779. Fl. June–October. G. H. P. . M. caule herbaceo, foliis sessilibus, corollis in- Arguzia. fundibuliformibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 790. Messerschmidia. Helenstreit in nov. comm. petro- pol. 8, p. 315. t. 1 1. Herbaceous Messerschmidia. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1780, by Chevalier Pallas. Fl. H. 21. TOURNEFORTIA. Gen. pl. 253. Bacca 2-locularis, disperma, supera, apice duo- bus poris perforata. . T. foliis ovatis acuminatis glabris, petalis reflexis, volubilis. caule volubili. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 791. Bryonia aigra fruticosa. Sloan. jam. 1. p. 234. t. 143. f. 2. Climbing Tournefortia. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. Pittonia 4. Fl. July and August. S. K. . . T. foliis ovato-lanceolatis hirtis, pedunculis ramo-foetidissima. sis, spicis pendulis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 792. Pittonia racemosa, nicotianae foliis foetidissimis. Plum. ic. 226. t. 230. Tobacco-leaved Tournefortia. Nat. of Jamaica. y Cult. 304 PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Tournefortia. humilis. cymosa. suffruticosa. prostrata. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Pittonia. Fl. September. S. 2. ..T. foliis lanceolatis sessilibus, spicis simplicibus recurvis lateralibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 792. Pittonia humilis, anchusae folio. Plum. ic. 227. f. 2. Dwarf Tournefortia. # Nat. of South America. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Pittonia 3. Fl. May and June. S. W. . . T. foliis ovatis integerrimis nudis, spicis cymosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 793. Jacqu, ic. l. t. 31. Broad-leaved Tournefortia. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1777, by Mr. William Malcolm. Fl. July. --- S. K. º . T. foliis sublanceolatis incanis, caule suffruticoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 794. Hoary-leaved Tournefortia. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 77. 7. F!. S. W. . * NOLAN.A. Gen. pl. 254. Cor. campanulata. Stylus inter germina. Nu- ces 5, 2—4-loculares. . NoLAN A. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 794. Botan. magaz. 731. Trailing Nolana. Nat. of Peru. Cult. 1761, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Philosoph. trans- act. vol. 53. p. 130. * Fl. July–S. ptember. H. O. DIAPENS. A. Gen. pl. 255. Cor. hypocraterif. Cal. 5-phyllus, imbricatus for liolis PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Diapensia. 305 Jiolis tribus. Stamina tubo corollae imposita. Caps. 3-locularis. 1. DIAPENSIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 795. Botan, lapponica. magaz. I 108. Diapensia obtusifolia. Salisb. paradis. 104. Lapland Diapensia. Nat. of the Alps of Lapland. Introd. about 1801, by the Right Honourable Charles Greville. Fl. February and March. H. 24. ARETIA. Gen. pl. 256. Cor. hypocraterif. 5-fida : tubo ovato. Stigma depresso-capitatum. Caps. 1-locularis, globo- sa, subpentasperma. . A. foliis imbricatis, floribus subsessilibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 795. Schkuhr handb. 1. p. 106. t. 32. Imbricated Aretia. Nat. of Switzerland. Introd. 1775, by the Doctors Pitcairn and Fo- thergill. Fl. May and June. H. M. . A. foliis linearibus patentibus, floribus peduncu- latis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 795. Jacqu, austr. 5. p. 36. t. app. 18. Linear-leaved Aretia. Nat. of Switzerland. Introd. 1775, by the Doctors Pitcairn and Fo- thergill. Fl. May and June. H. M. . A. foliis linearibus recurvatis, floribus subsessili- bus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 796. Primula sedifolia. Salist. paradis. 107. Grass-leaved Aretia. Nat. of the Pyrenees. Introd. 1787, by Mons. Cels. Fl. May and June. H. 21. VOL. I. X AN- helvetica. alpina. Vitaliana. 306 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA, ca ANDROSACE. Gen. pl. 257. Involucrum umbellulae. Corollae tubus ovatus: ore glanduloso. Caps. 1-locularis, globosa. maxima. 1. A. perianthiis fructuum maximis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 796. Jacqu. austr. 4. p. 16. t. 331. Oval-leaved Androsace. Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 425. ſº Fl. March—June. H. Go. elongata. 2. A. foliis lanceolatis dentatis, umbella fructifera elongata, corollis calyce angulato brevioribus. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 797, Jacqu. austr. 4. p. 16. t. 330. Cluster-flower’d Androsace. Nat. of Austria. Introd. 1776, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. April and May. H. G). septentrio- 3. A. foliis lanceolatis dentatis glabris, perianthiis malis. angulatis corolla brevioribus. Willden.sp. pl. l. p. 798. Fl. dan. 7. Tooth-leaved Androsace. Nat. of Russia and Lapland. Cult. 1755, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, ic. 20. t. 30. f. 2. Fl. April and May. H. G). willosa. 4. A. foliis pilosis, perianthiis hirsutis. Linn. sp. pl. 203. Botan. magaz. 743. Hairy Androsace. Nat. of Austria and Switzerland. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed.7. m.3. Fl. June—August. H. M. bactea. 5. A. foliis lanceolatis glabris, umbella involucris multoties longiore. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 799. Botan. magaz. 868, 981. * Grass-leaved Androsace. Nat. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Androsace. 307 Nat. of Austria. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. m.3. Fl. June. H. M. 6. A foliis subulatis glabris, umbella involucra ae- Carned. quante. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 800. Sedum alpinum alterum. Column. ecphr. 2. p. 64. t. 65. f. 2. Awl-leaved Androsace. Nat. of Switzerland. Introd. 1768, by Professor de Saussure. Fl. July and August. H. M. PRIMULA. Gen. pl. 258. Involucr.umbellulae. Corollaº tubus cylindricus: ore patulo. 1. P. foliis dentatis rugosis, scapis unifloris, corollae vulgaris. limbo plano. Smith fl. brit. 222. Engl. lot. 4. ' a Primula acaulis. Curtis lond. Primula elatior 8. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 801. Common Primrose. 6 Primula acaulis flore pleno carned. Curtis ma- ga2. 229. Double Primrose. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April. H. 21. 2. P. foliis dentatis rugosis medio contractis, scapo elation. multifloro, corollae limbo plano. Smith fl. bril. 1. p. 223. Engl. bot. 5 13. Primula elatior 2. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 801. Oxlip. Great Cowslip. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April. H. l. 3. P. foliis dentatis rugosis medio contractis, scapo veris, multifloro, corollae limbo concavo. Smith fl. lirit. 1. p. 223. Engl. lot. 5. Primula veris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 800. Svensk lot. 5. X 2 Primula 3O8 PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Primula. farinosa. cortusoides. villosa. nivalis. longifolia. Primula officinalis. Curtis lond. Common Cowslip, or Paigle. Nat. of Britain. Fl. April. H. lſ. 4. P. foliis rugosis crenatis glabris subtus farinosis, umbella erecta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 802. Cur- tis lond. Engl. lot. 6. Bird’s-eye Primrose. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. 21. 5. P. foliis rugosis lobatis, scapo multifloro. JVill- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 802. Curtis magaz. 399. An- drews’s reposit. 7. Jacqu. hort. Schoenbr. 3. p. 5. t. 259. Cortusa-leaved Primula. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1791, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May—July. H. l. 6. P. foliis planis serrulatis hirsutis. IWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 803. & floribus purpureis. Curtis magaz. 14. Purple hairy Auricula, or Bear’s-ear. 6 floribus albis. Botan. magaz. 1161. White hairy Auricula, or Bear’s-ear. Nat. of Carinthia and Switzerland. Introd. 1768, by Professor de Saussure. Fl. April–May. H. M. 7. P. foliis lanceolatis planis argute dentatis glaberri- mis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 803. Primula nivalis. Pallas it. 3. p. 723. tab. G. & j. 2. Snowy Primrose. Nat. of Dauria. Introd. 1790, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. April and May. H. W. . 8. P. foliis spathulatis denticulatis utrinque nudis post PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Primula: 309 post florescentiam elongatis erectiusculis, um- bella erecta multiflora. Curtis magaz. 392. Primula auriculata. Venten. cels 42. Long-leaved Primula. Nat. of the Levant. Introd. about 1790, by Messrs. Grimwood and Barret. Fl. April and May. H. l. 9. P. foliis obovatis serrato-dentatis albo marginatis, marginata. scapo multifloro, involucri foliolis pedunculis brevioribus. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 804. Cur- tis magaz. 191. Silver-edged Primula. Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland. Introd. 1777, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. March and April. H. 21. 10. P. foliis serratis glabris obovatis, scapo multifloro Auricula. circiter longitudine foliorum. /Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 804. Jacqu. ausir. 5. p. 7... t. 415. & Sanicula alpina lutea. Bauh. pin. 242. Yellow Auricula, or Bear’s-ear. 8 Sanicula alpina purpurea. Bauh. pin. 242. Purple Auricula, or Bear's-ear. Y Sanicula alpina flore variegato. Bauh. pin. 242. Variegated Auricula, or Bear's-ear. s Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland and Austria. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. April and May. H. 21. 11. P. foliis integerrimis ellipticis adoras subcrenato- integri- cartilagines, umbella erecta, calycibus longe folia. tubulosis obtusissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 805. Botan. magaz. 942. Entire-leaved Primrose. * Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland, Austria, and the Pyrenees. Introd. 1792, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. June and July. H. l. 12. P. for 310 PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Primula. Jinmarchica. 12. P. foliis integerrimis ovatis longe petiolatis, um- viscosa. Matthioli. alpina. bella pauciflora erecta, corolla infundibuliformi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 806. - Primula integrifolia. Fl. dan. 188. Norwegian Primrose. Nat. of the mountains of Norway. Cult. 1798. Donn cantab. Fl. H. l. 13. P. foliis ovatis integerrimis villoso-viscosis, um- bella erecta, corollis hypocrateriformibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 806. Primula viscosa. Allion. pedem. 1. p. 93. t. 5. f. 1. Clammy Primrose. Nat. of the Alps of Piedmont. Introd. 1792, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. April. H. 21. CORTUSA. Gen. pl. 259. Cor. rotata: fauce annulo elevato., Caps. 1-locu- laris, ovalis: apice 5-valvi. 1. C. calycibus corolla brevioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 807. Botan. magaz. 987. Andrews's reposit. 1. Jacqu, ic. l. t. 32. Bear’s-ear Sanicle. Nat. of Siberia and Austria. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. April–June. H. 21. . SOLDANELLA. Gen. pl. 260. Cor. campanulata, lacero-multifida. Caps. 1-lo- cularis, apice multidentata. 1. SoldANELLA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 808. Cur- tis magaz. 49. Alpine Soldanella. Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland. Cult. 1656, by Mr. John Tradescant. Mus. tra- desc. 169. Fl. April. H. 21. DODE- PENTAND RIA MONOGYNIA. 3 l 1 s 3 DODECATHEON. Gen. pl. 261. Cor, rotata, reflexa. Stam. tubo insidentia. Caps. 1-locularis, oblonga. . DoDECATHEoN. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 808. Cur- Meadia. tis magaz. 12. Virginian Cowslip. INat. of North America. Cult. 1744, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Catesb. carol. append. 1. Fl. April–June. H. iſ . CYCLAMEN. Gen. pl. 262. Cor. rotata, reflexa, tubo brevissimo : fauce pro- minente. Bacca tecta capsula. . C. foliis orbiculatis cordatis integerrimis. Will- coum. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 809. Curtis magaz. 4. Round-leaved Cyclamen. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. F. February. H. l. . C. foliis orbiculatis cordatis crematis. Willden, europaeum. sp. pl. 1. p. 809. Jacqu. austr. 5. p. l. t. 401. Common European ë. Nat. of Austria. - Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. April. H. 24. . C. foliis oblongo-ovatis cordatis crematis. Will- persicum. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 809. Curtis magaz:44. Persian Cyclamen. Nat. of the Island of Cyprus. John Sibthorp, M.D. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. n.5. F}. February–April. G. H. M. . C. foliis cordatis angulatis denticulatis. Willden, hederafoli- sp. pl. 1. p. 810. Botan. magaz. 1001. $4771. Cyclamen europaeum. Engl. lot. 548. Regn. lot. Ivy- 312 PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Cyclamen. nymphoi- des. indica. erallata. Ovala. Ivy-leaved Cyclamen. Nat. of England. - Fl. April. H. 1. MENYANTHES. Gen. pl. 263. Cor. hirsuta. Stigma 2-fidum. Caps. 1-locularis. . M. foliis cordatis integerrimis, corollis ciliatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 810. Engl. lot. 217. Fringed Buck-bean. - Nat. of England. Fl. June and July. H. 21. . M. foliis cordatis subcrematis, petiolis floriferis, corollis interne pilosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 811. Botan. magaz. 658. Indian Buck-bean. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1792, by Captain Parker. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. l. . M. foliis orbiculato-cordatis subpeltatis subcrena- tis, caule paniculato. Sims in botan, ma- gaz. 1029. Tall Buck-bean. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1805, by Messrs. Whitley and Brames. Fl. November–February. S. 1. . M. foliis ovatis petiolatis, caule paniculato. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 811. Villarsia ovata. Venten. choia, 9. Oval-leaved Buck-bean. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1786, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. M. . M. foliis ternatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 81 1. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 495. Svensk lot. 22. Common Buck-bean. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. - H. lt. Hof. PENTANDRIA MONOGY NIA, - 3.13 HOTTONIA. Gen. pl. 265. Cor. hypocraterif. Stamina tubo corollae imposita. Caps. 1-locularis. 1. H. floribus verticillatis pedunculatis. Willden. sp. palustris. pl. 1. p. 812. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 364. Water Violet, or Feather-foil. Nat. of England. w Fl. July and August. H. 21. HYDROPHYLLUM. Gen. pl. 267. Cor. campanulata, interne striis 5, melliferis, lon- gitudinalibus. Stigm. 2-fidum. Caps. globo- sa, 2-valvis. - - 1. H. foliis pinnatifidis. H^illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 814. virginicum. Schkuhr handb. 1. p. 114. t. 35. Virginian Water-leaf. Nat. of North America. - Cult. 1739, by Mr. Philip Miller. Rand chels. Fl. May and June. H. 21. 2. H. foliis lobato-angulatis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. canadense. p. 815. Lamark illustr. 1. p. 426. t. 97. f. 2. Canadian Water-leaf. Nat. of Canada. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Philip Miller. Fl. May. H. 21. ELLISIA. Gen. pl. 268. Cor. infundibuliformis, angusta. Bacca sicca, 2-locularis, 2-valvis. Sem. 2, punctata : al- tero supra alterum. i. ELLISIA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 815. Nycteleg. Planta lithospermo affinis. Ehret in nov. act. ac. * nat. curios. 2. p. 330. t. 7. f. 1. Cut-leaved Ellisia. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. 1755, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Ehret loc. citat. Fl. July and August. \ H. G.). --- - LYSI- 314 PENTANDRIA Monogynia. vulgaris. Epheme- 77,772. dubia. stricta. thyrsiflora. LYSIMACHIA. Gen. pl. 269. Cor. rotata. Caps. globosa, mucronata, 10-valvis. * Pedunculis racemosis. . L. paniculata, racemis terminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 816. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 761. Yellow Loose-strife. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July–September. H. M. . L. racemis terminalibus, petalis obovatis patulis, foliis lineari-lanceolatis sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 816. º - Ephemerum spurium Lobelii. Rob. ic. Willow-leaved Loose-strife. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1730, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. n. 430. Fl. July–September. H. 21. . L. racemis terminalibus, petalis conniventibus, staminibus corolla brevioribus, foliis lanceola- tis petiolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 817. Lysimachia atro-purpurea. Murray in commen- tat. gotting. 1782. p. 6... t. 1. Purple-flower'd Loose-strife. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 72. 4.) Fl. July and August. H. 3. . L. racemis terminalibus, petalis lanceolatis patu- lis, foliis lanceolatis sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 818. Lysimachia bulbifera. Curtis magaz. 104. Upright Loose-strife. Nat. of North America. Introd. about 1781, by Mr. William Curtis. Fl. July and August. H. 21. 5. L. racemis lateralibus pedunculatis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 818. Engl. lot, 176. Tufted Loose-strife. Nat. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Lysimachia. 315 Nat. of England. Fl. May–July. H. g. ** Pedunculis unifloris. . L. foliis subquaternis subsessilibus, pedunculis punctata. verticillatis unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 819. Jacqu. austr. 4. p. 34. t. 366. - Four-leaved Loose-strife. Nat. of Holland. Cult. 1658, in Oxford Garden. Hort. oacon. ed. 2. ſ. 100. 77. 10. Fl. July and August. H. 21. . L. foliis oppositis sessilibus linearibus longissimis, quadriflora- pedunculis quaternis terminalibus unifloris. Sims in botan. magaz. 660. Four-flower’d Loose-strife. - Nat. of North America. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1798. … - Fl. July and August. H. 24. . L. petiolis ciliatis, floribus cernuis. Linn. spec. ciliata. pl. 210. Lysimachia quadrifolia 3. Willden. sp. pl. 1. . 8 19. Liºn canadensis jalapae foliis. Walth. hort. 32. t. 12. - Ciliated Loose strife. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1732, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. m. 537. Fl. July and August. H. l. . L. calycibus corollam superantibus, caule erecto Linum stel- ramosissimo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 820. tatum. Linum minimum stellatum. Magn. bol, monsp. 163. t. 162. Small Loose-strife. $t Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1658, in Oxford Garden. Hort, ozon. ed. 2. - p. 97. 72, l. Fl. June. H. G). 10. L. fo- 316 PENTANDRIA MONoGYN1A. Lysimachia. memorum. 10. L. foliis ovatis acutis, floribus solitariis, caule procumbente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 820. Cur- tis lond. Engl. lot. 527. Yellow Pimpernel, or Wood Loose-strife. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May–July. H. 21. Nummula- 1 1. L. foliis subcordatis, floribus solitariis, caule re- ria. pente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 821. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 528. * Money-wort, or Creeping Loose-strife. Nat. of Britain. ſº Fl. June and July. H. l. ANAGALLIS. Gen. pl. 270. Cor. rotata. Caps. circumscissa. arvensis. 1. A, follis indivisis, caule procumbente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 821. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 529. Svensk lot. 123. Scarlet Pimpernel. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July–September. H G). fruticosa. 2. A. foliis ternis cordato-lanceolatis amplexicauli- bus, caule fruticoso tereti : ramis angulosis. Penten. choir 14. Botan. magaz. 831. ſº Anagallis grandiflora. Andrews's reposit. 367. Great-flower'd shrubby Pimpernel. Nat. of Morocco. Introd. about 1803, by the Dowager Lady de Clifford. Pl. June and July. G. H. 3. Monelli. 3. A foliis indivisis, caule erecto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 822. Curtis magaz. 319. Italian Blue Piumpernel. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1648, in Oxford Garden. Hort. oacon. edii. 1. p. 4. n. 8. Fl. May–September. G. H. 21. 4. A. fo- PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Anagallis. 317 4. A. foliis cordatis amplexicaulibus, caule compres- latifolia. so. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 823. Meerb. ic. l. t. 22. r Broad-leaved Pimpernel. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Fl. July. H. G). 5. A foliis linearibus, caule erecto. Willden. sp. linifolia, pl. 1. p. 823. - Anagallis angustifolia. Salist. prodr. 121. Flax-leaved Pimpernel. Nat. of Portugal. Cult 1796, by R. A. Salisbury, Esq. Fl. June and July. H. G). 6. A. foliis ovatis acutiusculis, caule repente. Will- tenella. den. sp. pl. l. p. 823. Curtis lond. Engl. tjof. 530. Bog Pimpernel. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. August and September. H. 21. SPIGELLA. Gen. pl. 272. Cor. infundibulif., Caps. didyma, 1-locularis, polysperma. 1. S. caule herbaceo, foliis summis quaternis. Will- Anthelmia. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 824. - Anthelmenthia quadriphylla. Brown jam. 156, t. 37. f. 3. Annual Worm-grass, Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 72. l. 4 Fl. July. S. G). 2. S. caule tetragono, foliis omnibus oppositis. marilandi- Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 825. Curtis magaz. So. ca. Perennial Worm-grass. - Nat. of North America. Cult. 1694, by Mr. Jacob Bobart. Br. mus. Sloan. mss. 3343. - Fl. July and August, H. M. - . * LISI- 318; PENTANDRIA MonogYNIA. dongifolius. ersertils. pontica. - indica. LISLANTHUs. Gen. pl. 214. Cor. tubo ventricoso ; laciniis recurvatis. Cal. ca- rinatus. Stigm. bilobum. Caps. 2-locularis, oblonga. 1. L. foliis lanceolatis acutis pubescentibus, caule tereti. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 826. - Lisianthus erectus, foliis lanceolatis, floribus singu- laribus terminalibus. Brown jam, 157. t. 9...f. 1. Long-leaved Lisianthus. Nat. of Jamaica. Messrs. Smith and Perrin. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. W. Bligh. - . Fl. June and July. - - S. W. . 2. L. foliis ovato-lanceolatis, pedunculis trichotomis, genitalibus longissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 828. Oval-leaved Lisianthus. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Captain William Bligh. - Fl. - S. 2. AZALEA. Gen. pl. 277. Cor. campanulata. Stamina receptaculo inserta. $ Caps. 5-locularis. I. A. foliis nitidis lanceolatis utrinque glabris, race- mis terminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 830. Curtis magaz. 433. Andrews’s reposit. 16. Yellow Azalea. r - Nat. of Turkey. - Introd. 1793, by John Bell, Esq. Fl. May and June. H. 2. 2. A. floribus subsolitariis, calycibus pilosis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 831. Tsutsusi. Kaempf, amoen. 845. t. 846. Indian Azalea. Nat. of China. Introd. 1808, by the Hon. Court of Directors i. - tilt PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Azalea. 3.19 the E. I. C. in the ship Cuffnels, Capt. Well- bank. Fl. G. H. P. 3. A. foliis ovatis, corollis pilosis, staminibus lon- gissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 831. & floribus coccineis. Curtis magaz. 180. Deep-scarlet Azalea. 8 floribus saturate rubris, calycibus minutis. Deep-red Azalea. 'y floribus pallide rubicundis; tubo basi rubro, caly- cibus foliaceis. Pale-red Azalea. 3 floribus albidis, calycibus mediocribus. Early White Azalea. a florum limbo pallido ; tubo rubro, calyce parvo, ramulis pilosis. Trew ehret. 16. t. 48. Red and white Azalea. & floribus rubicundis : lacinia infima alba, calycibus foliaceis. Variegated Azalea. º, floribus carneis usque ad basin quinquepartitis. Downy Azalea. * Nat. of North America. Introd. 1734, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll, mss. Fl. May and June. IH. P. 4. A. foliis margine scabris, corollis piloso-glutino- sis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 831. Meerb. ic. 2. t. 9. o, floribus albis, ramis diffusis, foliis saturate viridi- bus lucidis. Common white Azalea. . nudiflora. coccinea. rutilans. Caſtle3 = alba. bicolor. papiliona- Ce3!, partita. viscosa. odorata. 6 floribus albis : carinis carneis, stylis elongatis apice vittata. rubris, foliis pallidis ovato-oblongis. White-striped flower'd Azalea. 'y floribus albis ad basin usque divisis, foliis saturate viridibus lucidis. Narrow-petal’d white Azalea. 3 floribus albis, foliis subtus glaucis, stylis corolla longioribus. Cluster-flower'd white Azalea. fl & Ila e fissa. floribunda. 320 PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Azalea. glauca. procumbens. incarnata. purpura- SC67?.S. a floribus albis, foliis utrinque glaucis : junioribus supra pilis adspersis. Glaucous Azalea. Nat. of North America. - Introd. 1734, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll. mss. Fl. a 3 and y July and August, 3 and a June. H. W. . 5. A. ramis diffuso-procumbentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p 832. Engl. bot. 865. - Trailing Azalea. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. April and May. '- - H. W, . SPRENGELLA. Smith's tracts 270. Cal. 5-partit. persistens. Cor. 5-petala. Stam. receptaculo inserta. Anth. connatae. Caps. 5-locularis, 5-valvis: dissepimentis e medio valvularum. - 1. SPRENGELIA. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 833. Smith's tracts 272. t. 2. Andrews’s reposit. 2. Brown prodr. 555. - - - - - - Flesh-colour'd Sprengelia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1793, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. April–June. G. H. W. . EPACRIS. Brown prodr. 550. Cal. coloratus, multibracteatus: bracteis coloratis. Cor. tubulosa : limbo imberbi. Stam. epipetala: Antheris supra medium peltatis. Squamulae hypogynae 5. Caps. placentis columnae centrali adnatis. 1. E. calycis foliolis acuminatis tubum corollae ae- quantibus, foliis cucullatis subsessilibus: acu- mine recurvo basin superante ; floralibus corol- lam acquantibus. Brown prodr. 550. Epacris pungens. Botan. magaz. 844. Rigid Epacris. - - Nat, of New South Wales. Mr. George Caley. Introd. PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Epacris.” 321 Introd. 1803, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - . . . Fl. January–March. G. H. P. 2. E. calycis foliolis acuminatis tubum corollae ae- pulchella. quantibus, foliis, concaviusculis : basi, acumen patulum superante ; floralibus corolla breviori- bus, spica basiflora. Brown prodr. 550. Epacris pulchella. Cavanill. ic. 4. p. 26. t. 345. Botan. magaz. 1170. Sweet-scented Epacris. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. about 1804, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. July and August. G. H. W. . 3. E. corollis cylindraceis calyce quater longioribus, grandiflora. floribus pendulis, foliis acuminatis planis. Brown prodr. 550. ... sº Epacris grandiflora. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 834. Smith exot. lot. 1. p. 75. t. 39. Botan. ma- gaz. 982. - Crimson Epacris. * Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. about 1803, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. May and June. G. H. W. 4. E. floribus nutantibus, foliis lanceolatis erectis obtusifolia, subimbricatis: apice calloso obtusiusculo, ca- - lycibus obtusis, longitudine tubi, staminibus in- clusis. Brown prodr. 551. Epacris obtusifolia. Smith exot, bot. 1. p. 77. t.40. Blunt-leaved Epacris. - Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. about 1804, by Messrs. Loddiges. Fl. May and June. G. H. W. ANDERSONIA. Brown prodr. 553. Cal. coloratus, bracteis foliaceis 2 pluribusve im- bricatus. Cor. longitudine calycis : limbi laci- niis basi barbatis. Stam. hypogyna : Antheris infra medium affixis. Squamulae hypogynae 5, WOL., I, Y. - nuns 332 PENTANbRIA Monogyni A. Andersonia. sprengeli- oides. viridiflora. triflora. tuliflora. nunc connatae. Caps. placentis columnae cen- traliadnatis. 1. A. foliis patulis : acumine plano. Brown prodr. 554. | .* Sprengelia-like Andersonia. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. º Fl. most part of the Year. G. H. W. STYPHELIA. Brown prodr. 537. Cal. bracteis 4, pluribusve. Cor. elongato-tubu- losa: tubo intus juxta basin fasciculis 5 villorum; limbo laciniis revolutis, barbatis. Filam. ex- serta. Drupa subexsucca, putamine osseo, so- lido, 5-loculari. 1. S. foliis obovato-oblongis obtusis mucronulatis planis supra laevibus margine parum scabris flo- ribusque divaricatis. Brown prodr. 537. Styphelia viridis. Andrews’s reposit. 312. Green-flower'd Styphelia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1791, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. April and May. G. H. R. 2. S. foliis elliptico-vel oblongo-lanceolatis planis º: paginis marginibusque lavibus, ramu- is glabris, floribus corymboso-approximatis, pedunculis 1—3-floris. Brown prodr. 537. Styphelia triflora. Andrews's reposit. 72. Three-flower'd Styphelia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1796, by George Hibbert, Esq. Fl. June—August. G. H. H. 3. S. foliis lineari-obovatis mucronatis supra scabri- usculis margine revolutis, floribus nutantibus. Brown prodr. 537. Styphelia tubiflora. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 835. Smith new holl. 45. t. 14. Crimson Styphelia. * Nat. PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Styphelia. $823 Nat. of New South Wales. * Introd. 1802, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. G. H. H. LEUCOPOGON. Brown prod. 341. Cal. bibracteatus. Cor. infundib. limbo patente, longitudinaliter barbato. Filam. inclusa. Dru- pa 2–5-locularis, baccata vel exsucca, nunc Crustacea. . L. spicis nutantibus aggregatis, ovariis bilocula- lanceolatus. ribus, drupis ovalibus, foliis lanceolatis planis trimerviis, ramulis glabris. Brown prodr. 541. sº lanceolata. Smith new holl. 49. (ex- clusis synonymis.) Styphelia parviflora. Andrews's reposit. 287. Styphelia Gnidium. Penten. malmais, 23. Small-flower'd Leucopogon. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1790, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. May–August. G. H. H. PLUMBAGO. Gen. pl. 281. Cor. infundibulif. Stamina squamis basin corol- la claudentibus inserta. Stigma 5-fidum. Sem. l, oblongum, tunicatum. . P. foliis amplexicaulibus lanceolatis scabris, caule europaea. stricto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 837. Schkuhr handb. 1. p. 1 18. t. 36. European Lead-wort. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult, 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. September and October. H. M. . P. foliis petiolatis ovatis glabris, caule filiformi. zeylanica. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 837. Tumba-codiveli. Rheed. mal. 10. p. 15. t. 8. Ceylon Lead-wort. Nat. of the East Indies. Y 2 Cult. Sºft PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Plumbago. *OSéO2, scandens. tristis. paniculata. Fl. April–September. Cult. 1731, by Mr.Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. g". 2. S. K. . i. P. foliis petiolatis ovatis glabris subdenticulatis, caule geniculis gibbosis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 838. Curtis magaz. 230. Rose-colour’d Lead-wort. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd, 1777, by John Fothergill, M. D. Fl. July. S. b. . P. foliis petiolatis ovatis glabris, caule flexuoso scandente. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 838. Dentellaria lychnioides sylvatica scandens, flore albo, Sloan. jam. 1. p. 21 1. t. 133. f. 1. Climbing Lead-wort. - Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. before 1699, in the Royal garden at Hamp- ton-court. Moris. hist. 3. p. 599. n. 2. Fl. July and August. - S. h. . P. foliis obovatis retusis glabris. * * * * , Dark-flower'd Lead-wort. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1792. Fl. May and June. G. H. H. . PHLOX. Gen. pl. 284. Cor. hypocraterif. Filam. inaequalia. Stigm. 3-fidum. Cal. prismaticus. Caps. 3-locularis, 1-sperma. . P. foliis lanceolatis planis margine scabris, caule Jaevi, corymbis paniculatis, corollae laciniis ro- tundatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 839. Mill. ic. 2. p. 137. t. 205. f. 2. Panicled Phlox. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill. elth. 205. t. 166. f. 203. . Fl. August and September. H. M. . 2. P. fo- PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Phlox. 323 2. P. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis subundulatis margine undulata. scabris, caule lavi, corymbis paniculatis, co- rollae laciniis subretusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 840. Waved-leaved Phlox. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Philip Miller. Fl. July and August. H. l. 3. P. foliis ovato-lanceolatis undique lavibus, caule suaveolens. glaberrimo, racemo paniculato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 840. White-flower'd Phlox. Nat. of North America. Introd. about 1766, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Fl. July and August. H. M. 4. P. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis glabris, caule scabri- maculata. usculo, racemo corymboso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 840. Jacqu, hort. vind. 2. p. 58. t. 127. Spotted-stalk’d Phlox. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1740, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll. mss. Fl. August. H. l. 5. P. foliis ovatis cordatisve acutis glabris, caule sca- pyramida- bro, racemo pyramidali, dentibus calycinis sub-lis. erectis. Smith exot. lot. 2. p. 55. t. 87. Pyramidal Phlox. Nat. of North America. Introd. before 1800, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. June—August. H. l. 6. P. foliis lanceolatis villosis, caule erecto, corym- pilosa. bo terminali. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 840. Lychnidea umbellifera, blattariae accedens virgi- niana unajor, repens. Pluk. alm. 233. t. 98. f. 1. Hairy-leaved Phlox. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 7. 6 72, O. Fl. May and June. H. M. 7. P. fo- s26 rent ANDRIA Monogynia. Phlox. carolina, 7. glaberrima, 8. divaricata. 9. prostrala. 10. stolonifera. 11. P. foliis lanceolatis laevibus, caule scabro, corym- bis subfastigiatis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 841. Lychnidea caroliniana. Mart. dec. 1. t. 10. Carolina Phlox. Nat. of Carolina. Cult. before 1728. Mart. loc. cit. Fl. July–September. H. lg. P. foliis lineari-lanceolatis glabris, caule erecto, corymbo terminali. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 841. Lychnidea folio melampyri. Dill. elth. 203. t. 166. f. 202. Smooth Phlox. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1725, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. n. 175. Fl. June—August. H. l. P. foliis lato-lanceolatis: superioribus alternis, caule bifido, pedunculis geminis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 844. Curtis magaz, 163. Early-flowering Phlox. JNat. of North America. Cult. 1746, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Coll, mss. Fl. April–June. H. ll. P. foliis ovatis obovatisve, caule prostrato, co- rymbo terminali. Trailing Phlox. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1792, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. w Fl. April and May. H. l. P. stolonibus repentibus, foliis spatulato-obovatis. Botan. magaz. 563. Phlox reptans. Michaux amer. 1. p. 145, Ven- ten. malmais, 107. Creeping Phlox. Nal. of Georgia. Introd. 1800, by Messrs. Fraser, Fl, June–September, . PENTAND RIA MONOGYNIA. Phlox. 327 12. P. foliis ovatis, floribus solitariis. Willden. sp. ovata. pl. 1. p. 842. Botan. magaz. 528. Ovate-leaved Phlox. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. n. 7. Fl. May—July. H. M. 13. P. foliis subulatis hirsutis, floribus oppositis. Subulata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 842. Curtis magaz. 411. Awl-leaved Phlox. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1786, by Mr. John Fraser. Fl. April–June. H. M. 14. P. foliis setaceis glabris, floribus solitariis. Will- setacea. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 842. Curtis magaz. 415. Fine-leaved Phlox. Nat. of Carolina. Introd. 1786, by Mr. John Fraser. Fl. April and May. H. lg. CONVOLVULUS. Gen. pl. 287. Cor. campanulata, plicata. Stigm. 2. Caps. 2-locularis: loculis dispermis. * Caule volubili. 1. C. foliis sagittatis utrinque acutis, pedunculis arvensis. subunifloris. Willden. sp. pſ. 1. p. 844. Cur- tis lond. Engl. lot. 312. Small Bind-weed. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June–September. H. M. 2. C. foliis sagittatis postice truncatis, pedunculis sepium. tetragonis unifloris. IVillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 844. & floribus albis. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 313. Great Hedge Bind-weed. 6 floribus incarnatis. Botan. magaz. 732, American Hedge Bind-weed. Nat. 348 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Convolvulus. Nat. 2 of Britain, 3 of North America. Fl. July and August. H. M. Scammonia. 3. C. foliis sagittatis postice truncatis, pedunculis pannifolius. sibiricus. farinosus. Medium. teretibus subtrifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 845. Convolvulus syriacus, Scammonia Syriaca. Mill. ic. 1. p. 68. t. 102. Scammony Bind weed. Nat. of the Levant. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. F. July and August. H. 21. 4. C. foliis cordato-hastatis hirsutis, pedunculis sub- trifloris, bracteis linearibus a calyce remotis. Convolvulus pannifolius. Salisb. paradis. 20. Cloth-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. Cult. 1805, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. August and September. G. H. W. 5. C. foliis cordatis acuminatis laevibus, pedunculis bifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 846. Convolvulus rupestris. Pallas it. 3. p. 723. tab. K. Siberian Bind-weed. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1779, by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy. Fl. July and August. H. O. 6. C. foliis cordatis acuminatis repandis, pedunculis trifloris, caule farinoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 846. Salisb. paradis. 45. Mealy-stalk’d Bind weed. Nat. of Madeira. Introd. 1777, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May and June. G. H. 1. 7. C. foliis lineari-lanceolatis attenuatis acutis basi dilatatis dentatis, foliolis calycinis sagittatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 848. Tala-neli. Rheed, mal. 1 1. p. 113. t. 55. Arrow-headed Bind-weed. Nat. penTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. 329 | O. 1 l . Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1778, by William Roxburgh, M.D. Fl. July and August. S. G). . C. foliis spathulato-linearibus apice tridentatis tridentatus. basi dilatatis dentatis, foliolis calycinis ellipticis cuspidatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 848. Sendera-clandi. Rheed. mal. 1 1. p. 133. t. 65. Trifid Bind-weed. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1778, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - Fl. July and August. S. G). . C. foliis cordatis integris panduriformibus, caly- panduratus. cibus laevibus. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 850. Convolvulus megalorhizos flore amplo lacteo; fundo purpureo. Dull, elth. 101. t. 85. f. 99. Virginian Bind-weed. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. elth. boc. citat. Fl. June–September. G. H. 21. C. foliis cordatis integris trilobisque villosis, ca- carolinus. lycibus laevibus, capsults hirsutis, pedunculis subbifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 85 I. Convolvulus folio hederaceo, arvensis, flore di- lute purpureo. Dill. ellh. 100. t. 84. f. 98. Carolina Bind-weed. Nat. of Carolina. - Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. elth. loc. cit. - Fl. July and August. H. M. C. foliis cordatis integris trilobisque, corollis in- hederaceus, divisis, fructibus erectis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 851. Convolvulus flore purpureo, calyce punctato. Dill, elth. 99. t. 83. f. 96, infer. Ivy-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. 330 PENTANDRIA Monogy N1A. Convolvulus. Nil. purpureus. obscurus. 12. Nat. of Asia, Africa, and America. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill, elth. loc. citat. - ,- Fl. June and July. - H. G). C. foliis cordatis trilobis, corollis semiquinque- fidis, pedunculis petiolo brevioribus. . Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 851. Curtis magaz. 188. - Blue Bind-weed. 13. 14. Nat. of America. Cult. before 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 715. Fl. July–September. S. G). C. foliis cordatis indivisis, fructibus cernuis, pedi- cellis incrassatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 852. Convolvulus purpureus. Curtis magaz. 113. Great Purple Bind-weed, or 8.jjis major. Convolvulus minor folio subrotundo. Dill. elth. 97. t. 82. f. 94. e Small purple Bind-weed. -- Convolvulus purpureus var. elation. Sims in lo- tan. magaz. 1005. Tall spotted-flower'd Bind-weed. Nat. of America. . Cult. 1629, by Mr. John Parkinson. Park. pa- radis. 359. - Fl. June–September. H. G). C. foliis cordatis acuminatis, pedunculis filifor- mibus unifloris calycibusque glabris, caule hir- sutissimo. Willden sp. pl. i. p. 852. Convolvulus flore minore lacteo, fundo atro ru- bente. Dill. elth. 98. t. 83. f. 95. Hairy Bind-weed. - - Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill, elth. loc. citat. Fl. July and August. S. G). ,- I 5. C. fo- PENTANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Convolvulus. 331 15. C. foliis cordatis hastatis quinquenerviis, caule repente hispido tuberifero. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 853. Kappa-kelengu. Rheed. mal. 7. p. 95. t. 50. Tuberous-rooted Bind-weed. Nat. of both Indies. . 16. 17. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller, Rand chels. 58. | 8. j9. Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 780. Fl. t S. l. C. foliis cordatis ovatis acuminatis integerrimis glaberritnis, caule petiolisque glabris. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p 853. Tiru-tali. Rheed. mal. 1 1. p. 109. t. 53. Great Ceylon Bind-weed. - Nat. of Ceylon. 3. - Introd. 1799, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July. - S. 24. C. foliis cordatis, caule volubili, pedunculis um- bellatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 857. Convolvulus luteus polyanthos. Plum, amer. 88. t. 102. Umbelled Bind-weed. Nat. of the West Indies. 77. 32. Fl. June and July. S. 21. C. follis oblongis subcordatis acutis, caule suffru- ticoso laevi, pedunculis trifloris multiflorisque, Shrubby Madeira Bind-weed, Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1788. Fl. July, G. H. Q1, C. foliis cordatis pubescentibus, caule perenni villoso, pedunculis multifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 858. Botan. magaz. 1228. Canary Bind-weed. - Nat, of the Canary Islands. Cult, Batatas. maximus. umbellatus. suffrutico- $145, canariensis, 332 PENTANDRIA MoxoGYNIA. Convolvulus. muricatus. Turpe- thum. speciosus. Jalapa. 20. 2l. 22. 23. Cult. 1690, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Br. Mus. H. S. 139. fol. 63. Fl. May–September. G. H. W. C. foliis cordatis, pedunculis incrassatis calycibus- que lavibus, caule muricato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 858. Ipomoea muricata. Jacqu, hori. schaembr. 3. p. 40. #. 323. Rough-stalk’d Bind-weed. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1777, by Daniel Charles Solander, LL.D. Fl. July and August. S. G). C. foliis cordatis angulatis, caule membranaceo quadrangulari, pedunculis multifloris. Will- den. sp. pl. ić. 859. Convolvulus indicus alatus maximus. Herm. lugdb. 177. t. 178, 179. Square-stalk’d Bind-weed. §. of Ceylon. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Philip Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. n. 34. & Fl. S. 21. C. foliis cordatis subtus tomentoso-sericeis, pe- dunculis petiolo longioribus umbelliferis, caly- cibus acutis, caule volubili. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 859. Smith ic. pict. 17. Broad-leaved Bind-weed. Nal. of the East Indies. Introd. 1778, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. S. b. C. caule volubili, foliis ovatis subcordatis obtusis obsolete repandis subtus villosis, pedunculis unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 860. Desfont. in amnal. du mus. 2. p. 126, t, 40, 41. Jalap Bind-weed. Nat. of America. Introd. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. 333 24. 25. 27. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M.D. Mill. dict. ed. 6. n. 18. F. August and September. S. h. C. tomentoso-sericeus, foliis cordato-oblongis ob- tusis, pedunculis bifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 862. Convolvulus crenatus. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 315. Peruvian Bind-weed. Nai. of Peru. Introd. 1799, by the Marchioness of Bute. Fl. August and September. G. H. Y. C. foliis cordato-sagittatis postice sinuato-repan- dis, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis subbifloris, caule volubili. Sims in botan. magaz. 1067. Maiden-blush Bind-weed. Nat. of New South Wales. Mr. George Caley. Introd. 1803, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. * Fl. June—August. G. H. 3. . C. foliis cordatis sinuatis sericels: lobis repandis, pedunculis bifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 862. Curtis magaz. 359. Convolvulus argenteus Altheae folio. Bauh. pin. 295. Mallow-leaved Bind-weed. Convolvulus argenteus elegantissimus, foliis te- nuiter incisis. Tournef. inst. 85. Silky-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. 2 of the Levant, 3 of Sicily. Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 294. f. 4. F. June–September. G. H. lg. C. foliis septemlobo-palmatis hispidis ; lobo me- dio sinuato producto, pedunculis axillaribus so- litariis longissimis articulatis. Sims in botan. magaz. 943. Bryony-leaved Bind-weed. Mat. Herman- nice. erulescens. althaeoides. bryoniaefo- lius. 334 PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Convolvulus. Nat. of China. Introd. 1802, by Isaac Swainson, Esq. Fl. June—August. H. H. cairicus. 28. C. foliis palmatis glabris serrulatis, stipulis folii- formibus palmatis, axillis tomentosis, calycibus pedunculatis lavibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 863. Botan. magaz. 699. Jagged-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. of Egypt. Cult, before 2680. Moris. hist. 1. p. 19. n. 5. Fl. June and July. G. H. M. macrocar- 29. C. foliis palmato-pedatis quinquepartitis, pedun- pus. culis unifloris. . Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 864. Convolvulus polyphyllus, flore et fructu purpureis maximis. Plum, ic. 80. t. 91. f. 1. Long-fruited Bind-weed. Nat, of South America. * Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. 77. 27. Fl. July and August. S. G). paniculatus. 30. C. foliis palmatis: lobis septemis ovatis acutis in- tegerrimis, pedunculis paniculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 865. Pal-modecca. Rheed. mal. 1 1. p. 101. t 49. Panicled Bind-weed. Nat. of the East Indies. * Introd. 1799, by Mr. Thomas Gibbs. Fl. July. S. 21. quinquefoli. 31. C. foliis digitatis glabris dentatis, pedunculis lae- 215, vibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 865. Convolvulus quinquefolius glaber americanus. Pluk. alm. 116. t. 167. f. 6. Smooth five-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. of America. Cult. before 1692, by Bishop Compton. Pluk. loc. cit. Fl. July and August. S. G). 32. C. fo- PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Convolvulus. 335 32. C. foliis digitatis quinis pilosis integerrimis, caule pentaphyl- 33. 34. 35. piloso. Wilſden. sp. pl. 1. p. 866. lus. Ipomoea pentaphylla. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 319. Hairy five-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. 58. 72. 25. Fl. August and September. S. G). ** Caule non volubili. C. foliis cordato-ovatis, pedunculis unifloris, siculus. bracteis lanceolatis, floribus sessilibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 866. Convolvulus siculus minor flore parvo auriculato. Boccon, sic. 89. t. 48. Small-flower’d Bind-weed. Nat. of the South of Europe. Introd. before 1640, by Mr. William Boel. Park. theatr. 172. f. 5. Fl. June—August. H. G). C. foliis lanceolatis obtusis nudis lineatis, ramis pentapeta- declinatis, floribus solitariis semiquinquefidis. loides. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 867. Convolvulus humilis. Jacqu. collect. 4. p. 209. t. 22. f. 2. Majorca Bind-weed. Nat. of Majorca. Introd. 1789, by Mr. John Hunnemann. Fl. June. H. G). C. foliis lanceolatis sericeis lineatis petiolatis, pe- lineatus. dunculis bifloris, calycibus sericeis subfoliaceis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 867. Convolvulus serpens maritimus spica-folius. Tri- umf obs. 91. cum fig. Dwarf Bind-weed. Nat. of France and Spain. Cult. 1714, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Br. Mus. H. S. 139, fol. 27. Fl. June. H. lt. & 36. C. hir- 336 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Convolvulus. saxatilis. Cneorum. binearis. 36. C. hirsutissimus, foliis linearibus, floribus eapi- tatis, calycibus acuminatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 868. º * Convolvulus rectus villosus argenteus angustissimo folio. Boccon. mus. 138. t. 96. Rock Bind weed. Nat. of Spain and Italy. Cult. 1796, by R. A. Sálisbury, Esq. Fl. June. G. H. 2ſ. 37. C. foliis lanceolatis tomentosis, floribus umbella- tis, calycibus hirsutis, caule erectiusculo. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 868. Botan. magaz. 459. Silvery-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. of Spain and the Levant. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 361. f. 4. Fl. May–September. G. H. P. 38. C. caulibus erectis fruticosis, foliis linearibus acutis piloso-sericeis, floribus terminalibus um- bellato-paniculatis, calycibus pilosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 869. Curtis magaz. 289. Narrow-leaved Bilid-weed. Nat. Cult. before 1770, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Herb. Banks. Fl. May–September. G. H. H. . Cantabrica. 39. C. foliis lineari-lanceolatis acutis, caule ramosq scoparius. erectiusculo, calycibus pilosis, pedunculis sub- bifloris, Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 869. a caulibus decumbentibus. Jacqu. austr. 3. p. 53. t. 296. Decumbent flax-leaved Bind-weed. 8 caule erecto ramoso. Upright flax-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1680, in Oxford Garden. Moris. hist. 2. . 19. 7.3. Fl. most part of the Summer. H. l. 40. C. foliis linearibus pilosiusculis, pedunculis sub- trifloris, PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. 337 triflóris, calycibus sericeis ovatis acutis, caule fruticoso, ramis virgatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 872. Venten. choiac. 24. Broom Bind-weed. . . . . . . . . Nat. of the Canary Islands. . . . . Cult. 1733, in Chelsea Garden. R. S. m. 558. Fl. August and Septembér, G. H. H. t ..] : 41. C. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi attenuatis subpi- floridus. losis, ramis floriferis, pedunculisque paniculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 873. . . . . . . . . . Convolvulus floridus. Jacqu. ic. l. t. 34. Many-flower’d Bind-weed. . . . . . . . . . Nat. of the Canary Islands. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 779. . . . . . . . Fl. August and September. * G. H. P . 42. C. foliis cordatis pubescentibus, caule recto, pe- dunculis unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 873. Virginian Small-upright Bind-weed. . . . Nat. of North America., ii. Introd, 1796, by William Hamilton, Esq. Fl. July. . . . H. 3. 43. C. foliis lanceolato-ovatis glabris, caule declinato, floribus solitariis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 874. Curtis magaz. 27. -" - Trailing Bind-weed, or Convelvulus minor. Nat. of Barbary, Spain, and Sicily. - Cult. 1629, by Mr. John Parkinson. Park. para- dis. 361. f. 3. - Fl. June—August. H. G). 44. C. foliis reniformibus, pedunculis unifloris. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 876. Engl. lot. 314. Sea Bind-weed. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. June and July. H. l. 45. C. foliis bilobis, pedunculis unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 876. + Spithamae- ZlS. tricolor. Soldanella. Pes caprae. VOL. I. Z Scho- 338 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. Schovanna-adamboe. Rheed, mal. 1 1. p. 117. t. 57. Thick-leaved Bind-weed. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1770, by Mons. Richard. Fl. June and July. S. G). brasiliensis. 46. C. foliis emarginatis basibiglandulosis, peduncu- Quamoclit. coccinea. l 2 lacunosa. arº J lis trifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 877. Convolvulus marinus catharticus, folio rotundo, flore purpureo. Plum. amer. 89. t. 104. Brazilian Bind-weed. Nat. of South America. - Introd. before 1726, by Mr. Mark Catesby. Mill. dict. ed. 1. n. 4. - Fl. June and July. S. 21. IPOMCEA. Gen. pl. 288. Cor. infundibulif. Stigma capitato-globosum. Caps. 3-locularis. . I. foliis pinnatifidis linearibus, floribus subsolita- riis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 879. Curtis ma- gaz. 244. Wing'd-leaved Ipomoea. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 358. m. 3. Fl, July–September. S. G). . I. foliis cordatis acuminatis basi angulatis, pe- dunculis multifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 880. Curtis magaz. 221. Scarlet-flower'd Ipomoea. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult, before 1713, by Mr. Darby. Philosoph. transact. vol. 28. p. 203. n. 91. Fl. June–September. H. G). . I. foliis cordatis acuminatis scrobiculatis basi an- gulatis, pedunculis subunifloris flore brevioribus. //illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 881. Convolvulus stellatus, periplocaº rotundioris folio. Dill, elth. 103. t. 87. f. 102. Starry .” & 3 & 339 Starry Ipomoea. Nat. of North America. - Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 164. m. 5. Fl. July. H. G). 4. I. foliis cordatis acutis integerrimis, pedunculis unifloris solitariis foliis aequalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 881. * Quamoclit solani folio, flore roseo. Plum, ic. 82. t. 94. f. 1. Nightshade-leaved Ipomoea. Nat. of America. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed.7. m. 3. Fl. August. S. 3. 5. I. foliis palmatis: lobis septenis lanceolatis acutis integerrimis, pedunculis trifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 881. - Convolvulus major heptaphyllus, flore sulphureo odorato. Sloan. jam. 1. p. 152. t. 96. f. 2. Tuberous-rooted Ipomoea. - . . Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 1. Convolvulus 11. Fl. - S. 21. 6. I. foliis cordatis acutis integerrimis, caule aculea- to, floribus termis, corollis indivisis. . Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 882. Botan, magaz. 752. Jacqu. hort. schoenbr. 1. p. 16. t. 36. Prickly Ipomoea. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1773, by John Earl of Bute. Fl. July and August. S. G). 7.I. foliis cordatis, pedunculis multifloris, perian- thio exteriore orbiculari, corollis campanulatis lobatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 882. ' Adamboe. Rheed. mal. 1 1. p. 175. t. 56. Bell-flower'd Ipomoea. Nat. of the East Indies. solanifolia. tuberosa. lona now. campanu- lata. Z 2 Introd. . 340 l PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Ipomoea. Introd, 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. \ - Fl. August and September. . . . . . . S. G). s? . violacea. 8. I. foliis cordatis integerrimis, floribus confertis, corollis indivisis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 883. uamoclit follis amplissimis cordiformibus. Plum. ic. 81. t. 93. f. 1. Purple-flower'd Ipomoea. Nat. of South America. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill, elth.102. t. 86. t. 100. # Fl. August. > t * * S. G). CQ7°72601. 9. I. foliis cordatis glabris, pedunculis multifloris, +,& corollis marginatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 883. Jacqu, amer. 26. t. 18. Flesh-colour-flower'd Ipomoea. Nat. of South America. Introd. 1799, by the Marchioness of Buté. Fl. August. S. G). repanda. 10. I. foliis cordatis oblongis repandis, pedunculis ra- mosis cymosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 883. Sa- list. paradis. 81. Scollop’d Ipomoea. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Aleac. Anderson. Introd. 1793. Fl. August. S. l. glaucifolia. 11. I. foliis sagittatis postice truncatis, pedunculis bi- floris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 884. Convolvulus stellatus arvensis, folio glauco. Dill. elth. 103. t. 87. f. 101. Glaucous-leaved Ipomoea. Nat. of Mexico. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill. loc. cit. Fl. May—July. S. 21. triloba. 12. I. foliis trilobis cordatis, pedunculis trifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 884. Three-leaved Ipomoea. Nat. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ipomoea. 34 I 13. 14. 1 5. 16. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Convolvulus 29. Fl. June and July. ' H. G. I. foliis trilobis cordatis, pedunculis multifloris hederifolia. racemosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 885. Quamoclit hederae folio trifido. Plum, ic. 82. t. 93. f. 2. Ivy-leaved Ipomoea. Nat. of South America. Introd. 1773, by Nicholas Joseph de Jacquin, M.D. Fl. July. H. G). I. foliis trilobis, floribus aggregatis. Willden, sp. hepaticifo- pl. 1. p. 885. Burm. ind. 50. t. 20. f. 2. lia. Hepatica-leaved Ipomoea. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. 77. 7. Fl. August and September. S. O. I. foliis cordatis acuminatis pilosis, floribus ag- tamnifolia. gregatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 885. Volubilis caroliniensis, tamni folio subhirsuto. Dill. elth. 428. t. 318. f. 410. Tamnus-leaved Ipomoea. Nat. of Carolina. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill, elth. loc. citat. Fl. July. & H. G). I. foliis palmatis, floribus aggregatis. Willden. Pes tigridis. sp. pl. 1. p. 886. Volubilis zeylanica, Pes tigrinus dicta. Dill. elth. 429. t. 318. f. 411. Palmated Ipomoea. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill, elth. !oc. citat. F. August. S. G). POLE- 343 PENTANDKiA. Mosogysia. POLEMONIUM. Gen. pl. 28g. Cor. 5-partita, fundo clauso valvis staminiferis. Stigma 3-fidum. Caps. 3-locularis, supera: caruleum. 1. P. foliis pinnatis, floribus erectis, calycibus co- rollae tubo longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 886. Engl. bot. 14. a flore caeruleo. Blue-flower'd Greek Valerian. Jacob’s Ladder. 6 flore albo. White-flower'd Greek Valerian. Nat. of England. º Fl. May—July. H. lf. reptans. 2. P. foliis pinnatis, septemis, floribus terminalibus nutantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 886. Polemonium. Mill. ic. 2. p. 140. t. 209. Creeping Greek Valerian. Nat. of North America. * , Cult. 1758, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill.ic. loc. citat. Fl. April and May. H. l. IPOMOPSIS. Michaux amer. 1. p. 141. Cal. 5-fidus, basi membranaceus. Cor. infundi- bulif. Stigma 3-fidum. Caps. supera, 3-locu- laris, 3-valvis. Sem. pauca, angulata. elegans. 1. I. caule erecto stricto, corolla triplo longiore ca- lyce. Smith erot. bot. 1. p. 23. t. 13. Cantua coronopifolia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 879. Scarlet Ipomopsis. Af Nat. of Carolina. Introd. before 1726, by Mr. Mark Catesby. Dill. elth. 321. Fl. August and September. S. 3. . inconspicua. 2. I. caule ramoso diffuso, corolla vix longiore ca- lyce. Smith exot. lot. 1. p. 25. i. 14. Little Blue Ipomopsis. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1793, by Mr. Thomas Hoy. Fl. November. H. G). COBCEA. PENTAND RIA MONOGYNIA. 343 COBCEA. Cavanill. ic. 1. p. 11. Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. campanulata. Stam. declinata, demum spiralia. Caps. 3—5-locularis. Sem. plurima, imbricata. • CoBCEA. Botan, magaz. 851. Andrews's repo- sit. 342. Climbing Coboea. Nat. of Mexico. Introd. 1792, by James Edward Smith, M. D. Fl. most part of the Year. G. H. R. LIGHTFOOTIA. L'Herit. sert. angl. 4. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala, fundo clauso val- vis staminiferis. Stigma 3–5-fidum. Caps. 3–5-locularis, 3–5-valvis, semisupera. . L. foliis petalisque lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 887. Smith eacot. lot. 2. p. 19. t. 69. Lance-leaved Lightfootia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. July. G. H. P. . L. foliis subulatis, petalis linearibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 888. L’Herit. sert. angl. 4. t. 5. Awl-leaved Lightfootia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1787. Fl. August. G. H. 24. IASIONE. Gen. pl. 1362. Involucr. 10-fidum. Cal. 5-partit. Cor. 5-petala, regularis. Antherae basi cohaerentes. Caps. in- fera, bilocularis, polysperma. . IASIONE. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 888. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 882. Sheep’s-bit. Sheep’s-Scabious. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. H. G). CAM- scandens. orycoccoi- des. subulata. 7montaſia. 344 PENTAND RIA MONOGY NIA'. : ; cenisia. pulla. gracilis. grandiflora. CAMPANULA. Gen. pl. 290. Cor. campanulata, fundo clauso valvis staminife- ris. ... Stigma 3-fidum. Caps. infera, poris la- teralibus dehiscens. * Foliis laviorilus. . C. caulibus unifloris, foliis ovatis glabris integer- rimis subciliatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 889. Allion. pedem 1. p. 108. t. 6. f. 2. Ciliated Bell flower. - Nat. of Switzerland. Introd. 1775, by the Doctors Pitcairn and Fo- thergill. Fl. June and July. \ H. 21. . C. cauliculis unifloris, foliis caulinis ovatis cre- natis, calycibus cernuis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 890. Jacqu, austr. 3. p. 46. t. 285. Russet Bell-flower. Nat. of Austria. Cuſt. 1779, by John Blackburne, Esq. Orford catal. n. 1. Fl. July. H. iſ . . C. foliis lineari-lanceolatis obsolete serratis, caule dichotomo, floribus solitariis terminalibus. Will- dem. sp. pl. 1. p. 891. Smith eacot. lot. i. p. 87. t. 45. Botan. magaz. 691. Campanula wincaeflora. Wenten. malmais. 12. Slender Bell-flower. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. about 1794, by Mr. William Curtis. Fl, most part of the Summer. G. H. 2p. . C. foliis ternis oblongis serratis, caule unifloro, flore patulo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 891. Cur- tis magaz. 352. - Great-flower’d Bell-flower. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1782, by John Bell, Esq. I'l. July. . . PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Campanula. 345 5. verticillatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 892. Pallas 6. . C. foliis omnibus cordatis serratis petiolatis gla- C. foliis subsenis lanceolatis dentatis, floribus verticillata. it. 3. p. 719. t. G ºf 1. Whorl’d-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1783, by John Bell, Esq. . . Fl. June. H. M. C. glabra, foliis radicalibus oblongis reniformi- rotundi- busque dentatis; caulinis linearibus integerri- folia. mis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 892. Curtis (ond. Engl. lot. 866. Fl. dan. 1086. Round-leaved Bell-flower. Campanula pumila. Botan. magaz. 512. Dwarf round leaved Bell-flower. Naf. of Britain. JFl. June and July. H. 21. ... • s - Aº ‘g A ºr tº º - *- - º carpatica. bris, ramis filiformibus unifloris. Willden. sp. * - - pl. 1. p. 894. Curtis magaz. 117. Carpatian Bell flower. - - Nat. of the Carpatian Alps. Introd. 1774, by Nicholas Joseph de Jacquin, M. D. Fl. June and July. H. ). . C. cauliculisteretibus strictis glabris, foliis lineari- Lolelioides. lanceolatis denticulatis, corollis subinfundibuli- formibus trifidis quadrifidisque. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 894. * * * * * Small-flower’d Bell-flower. - Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1777. - Fl. July and August. H. G). . C. foliis strictis: radicalibus lanceolato-ovalibus, patula. panicula patula. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 896. Tºngl. lot. 42. - - Spreading Bell-flower. Mat. of England. Fl. July and August. - H. 3. 10. C. fo- 346 PENTANDRIA MonogynīA. Câmpanula. Rapuncu- persicifolia. pyramida- lis. americana. nitida. 10. C. foliis undulatis: radicalibus lanceolato-ovali- bus, panicula, coarctata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 896. Engl. lot. 283. Fl. dan. 855. Rampion Bell-flower. Nat. of England. Fl. July–September. H. 3 . 11. C. foliis radicalibus obovatis; caulinis lanceolato- linearibus subserratis sessilibus remotis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 897. Fl. dan. 1087. Peach-leaved Bell-flower. 6 varietas maxima. Curtis magaz. 397. Greatest Peach-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of the Northern Parts of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. F/. July–September. H. l. 12. C. foliis laevibus serratis cordatis : caulinis lan- ceolatis, caulibus junceis simplicibus, umbellis sessilibus lateralibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 898. Pyramidal Bell-flower. Nat. of Carniola. f Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. July–October. H. 21. 13. C. foliis cordatis lanceolatisque serratis, petiolis inferiorum ciliatis, floribus axillaribus sessilibus, corollis quinquepartitis planis, stylis corolla longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 898. American Bell-flower. - Nat. of Pennsylvania. Introd. 1763, by Mr. John Bartram. Fl. July. H. cf. 14. C. foliis oblongis crenatis laevigatis: caulinis lan- ceolatis subintegris, corollis campanulato-rota- tis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 899. Campanula americana minor, flore caeruleo patulo. Rob. ic. Smooth-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of North America. - Cult. PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Campanula, 347 I 5. I6. i8. 19. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. 77. 1 2. Fl. July. H. 2ſ. C. foliis cordatis serratis laevibus, thyrso terminali, laciniis calycinis subulatis, corolla rotato-patula. Smith prodr. ft. gracae 1. p. 138. Campanula versicolor. Andrews’s reposit. 396. Various-colour’d Bell-flower. lat. of Greece. Introd. 1788, by John Sibthorp, M.D. Fl. July and August. H. )ſ. C. foliis lanceolatis : caulinis acute serratis, flo- ribus paniculatis nutantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 899. Jacqu. hort. Schoenbr. 3. p. 46. t. 335. Lily-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of Siberia. Introd. 1784, by Mons. Thouin. ~ Fl. most part of the Summer. H, 2/. . C. foliis rhomboidibus serratis, spica secunda, calycibus dentatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 899. Rapunculum Teucriifolio. Barrel. ic. 567. Germander-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland. Introd. 1775, by the Doctors Piteairn and Fother- ill. Fºly. H. M. ** Foliis scabris. C. caule tereti striato glabro, foliis ovato-lanceo- latis duplicato-Serratis, pedunculis axillaribus unifloris erectis, calycibus glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 900. Engl. lot. 302. Fl. dan. 782. Giant [.. ell-flower. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July. H. 21. C. foliis cordato-lanceolatis, caule ramoso, flori- bus secundis sparsis, calycibus reflexis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 901. Engl, bot. 1369. Creeping versicolor. dilifolia. rhomboidea. latifolia. Rapuncu- loides. 348 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Campanula. 6:27trett. 20. Creeping. Bell-flower. . . . . . . . . Nat. of England. * Fl. June and July. . . H. li. C. foliis ovato-oblongis sessilibus serratis utrinque pilosis, caule simplici angulato, floribus pani- culatis. Botan. magaz. 551. Azure Bell-flower. collina. 2} bonomiensis. 22. *. . C. foliis ovato-lanceolatis Nat. of Switzerland. * Cult. 1778, by William Forsyth, Esq. Herb. Banks." * | - Fl. June and July. H. 2ſ. *** crenulatis in petiolum decurrentibus, panicula laxa subsecunda, corol- lis cyathiformibus : laciniis revolutis pilosis, foliolis calycinis erectis glabris corollis multo brevioribus. Sims in botan. magaz. 927. Sage-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of Caucasus. Count Apollos Mussin Push- kin. - ...” - Introd. 1803, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. -- Fl. July and August. - . . H. 21. C. foliis ovato-lanceolatis subtus scabris sessilibus, caule paniculato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 901. Campanula s. Cervicaria bonomiensis, flore parvo. Moris. hist. 2. p. 461. s. 5. t. 4. f. 38. Panicled Bell-flower. Nat. of Italy. Introd. 1773, by John Earl of Bute. Fl. August and September. H. 1. Trachelium, 23. C. caule angulato, foliis petiolatis, calycibus ci- liatis, pedunculis trifidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 903. Engl, bot. 12. Fl. dan. 1026. Nettle-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August, H. Aſ . 24. C. caule PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Campanula. 349 24. C. caule angulato simplici glabriusculo, foliis glomerata, scabris oblongo-lanceolatis cordatis sessilibus, capitulo glomerato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 903. Engl. tot. 90. - Cluster’d Bell-flower. Nat. of Britain. Fl. May–September. H. I. 25. C. hispida, floribus sessilibus, capitulo terminali, Cervicaria. foliis lanceolato-Mnearibus undulatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 901. Fl. dan. 787. Waved-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of Sweden and Germany. .. Cult. 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 8. Fl. July. * * - H. &. 26. C. hispida, racemo ovato oblongo terminali, thyrsoidea. caule simplicissimo, foliis lanceolato-linearibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 905. Botan, magaz. 1290. Jacqu. austr. 5. p. 5. t. 411. - Long-spiked Bell-flower. Nat. of Germany: . . . Introd. 1785, by William Pitcairn, M.D. Fl. July. - - H. 3. . 27. C. capsulis quinquelocularibus obtectis, caule in- Medium, divisoerecto folioso, floribus erectis. PVill- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 908. - Campanula hortensis, folio et flore oblongo. Knorr thes. 1. tal. G. 2. Canterbury Bell-flower. Nat. of Germany and Italy. Cult. before 1597. Ger, herb. 362. Fl. June–September. H. 3 . 28. C. capsulis quinquelocularibus obtectis, caule barbata. simplicissimo subunifolio, foliis lanceolatis, co- rollis barbatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 908. Bo- tam. magaz. 1258. Bearded or One-leafed Bell-flower. Nat. of Italy and Switzerland. Cult. 350 PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Campanula. spicata. alpina. mailis. saxatilis. alliaria fo bia. Cult. 1752, by Mr.Ph. Miller. Mill, dict.ed.6. n. 23. Fl. June and July. H. lf. 29. C. hispida, spica laxa, floribus alternis, foliis li- nearibus integerrimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 909. Allion. pedem. 1. p. 1 12. t. 46. f. 2. et t. 47. f. 1. Spiked Bell-flower. Nat. of Switzerland. Introd. 1786, by William Pitcairn, M.D. Fl. July. H. 3. 30. C. caule simplici, pedunculis unifloris axillaribus diphyllis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 909. Botan. magaz. 957. Alpine Bell-flower. |Nat. of the Alps of Switzerland. 4. Cult. 1779, by John Blackburne, Esq. Orford catal. p. 14. Fl. July. H. 21. 31. C. capsulis quinquelocularibus obtectis peduncu- latis, caule prostrato, foliis suborbiculatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 910. Curtis magaz.404. Soft Bell-flower. Nat. of Syria, Sicily, and Spain. Cult. 1788, by Mr. John Fairbairn. F. most part of the Year. G. H. Ol. 32. C. capsulis quinque carinatis obtectis, floribus alternis nutantibus, foliis obovatis crenatis. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 910. Campanula cretica saxatilis, bellidis folio, magno flore. Barrel. ic. 79. t. 813. Rock Bell-flower. Nat. of the Island of Candia. Cult. before 1768, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. n. 17. Fl. May–August. - G. H. lf. 33. C. capsulis obtectis, foliis radicalibus reniformi- bus duplicato-dentatis; caulinis ovatis dentatis sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 910. Sa- lisb. parad. 26. Campanula PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Campanula. 35l. 34. 35. 36. 37. Campanula macrophylla. Sims in botan, ma- gaz. 912. Alliaria-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of Mount Caucasus. Count Apollos Mus- sin Pushkin. - - Introd. 1803, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart, K. B. - Fl. July–September. H. 2ſ. C. capsulis trilocularibus obtectis, caule panicu- sibirica. lato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 911. Botan. ma- gaz. 659. Siberian Bell-flower. Nat. of Siberia and Austria. Introd. 1783, by William Pitcairn, M. D. Fl. July–September. - H. 3. C. capsulis obtectis pedunculatis, foliis serratis: laciniata. radicalibus lyratis; caulinis lanceolatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 911. Andrews's reposit. 385. Jagged-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of Greece. - Introd. 1788, by John Sibthorp, M. D. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. M. C. capsulis quinquelocularibus, foliis ellipticis aurea. serratis glabris, floribus subpaniculatis quinque- partitis, caulibus fruticosis carnosis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 912. Venten. malmais. 116. Golden Bell-flower. Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1777. - - Fl. August and September. G. H. H. . C. capsulis columnaribus quinquelocularibus, caule fruticosa. fruticoso, foliis lineari-subulatis, pedunculis longissimis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 912. shºy Bell-flower. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Fr. Masson. Fl. August. G. H. P. 38. C. caule 352 PENTANDRIA Monogyny A. Campanula. Speculum. hybrida. Prismato- carpus. pentagonia. perfoliata. 38, C. caule ramosissimo diffuso, foliis oblongis sub- crenatiº, floribus solitariis, capsulis prismaticis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 912. Curtis magaz. 102. Venus's Looking-glass, or Bell-flower. Nat of the South of Europe. Introd. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. May—July. H. G). 39. C. caule basi subramoso stricto, foliis oblongis crenatis, calycibus aggregatis corolla longiori- bus, capsulis prismaticis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 913. Engl. lot. 375. - Corn Bell-flower. Nat. of England. k Fl. May—July. H. G.). 40. C. capsulis linearihus bilocularibus, foliis lanceo- latis laxe serratis glaberrimis, caule decumbente. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 913. Prismatocarpus nitidus. L'Herit. sert. angl. 2. t. 3. Long-capsuled Bell-flower. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1787. - Fl. September. - r G. H. G. 41. C. caule subdiviso ramosissimo, foliis linearibus acuminatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 914. Des- font. in annales du museum 1 1. p. 143. t. 18. Five-angled Bell-flower. - Nat. of Turkey. Cult. before 1686, by Mr. John Ray. Raji hist. 1. p. 742. n. 2. F. June and July. H. G). 42. C. caule simplici, foliis cordatis dentatis amplexi- caulibus, floribus sessilibus aggregatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 915. Campanula pentagonia perfoliata. Moris, hist. 2. p. 457. s. 5. f. 2. f. 23. Perfoliate Bell-flower. Nat. of North America. Cult. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Campanula. 353 43. Cult. 1680. Moris. hist. loc. citat. Fl. June. H. G). C. foliis lanceolatis dentatis hispidis, pedunculis capensis. longissimis, capsulis strigosis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 915. Botan. 7magaz. 782. Cape Bell-flower. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1803, by Messrs. Napier and Chandler. Fl. June and July. G. H. G). 44. C. foliis cordatis quinquelobis petiolatis glabris, hederacea. 45. caule laxo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 916. Engl. bot. 73. Ivy-leaved Bell-flower. Nat. of England. Fl. May–August. H. O. C. caule dichotomo, foliis sessilibus : superiori- Erinus. bus oppositis tridentatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 917. Erini s. Rapunculi minimum genus. Column. phytol. 122. t. 37. Fork’d Bell-flower. Nat. of Spain, Italy, and the South of France. Cult, 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. 72. 29. Fl. July and August. - H. G). ROELLA. Gen. pl. 291. Cor. infundibulif. fundo clauso valvulis stamini- feris. Stigma 2-fidum. Caps. 2-locularis, cy- lindrica, infera. - . R. foliis lanceolatis ciliatis, floribus solitariis ter- ciliata. minalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 918. Curtis magaz. 378. - Ciliated Roella. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. July–September. G. H. W. VOL. I. 2 A 9. R. foliis 3.54 PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Roella. squarrosa. 2. R. foliis ovatis dentatis, ciliatis, floribus termina- libus aggregatis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 918. Trailing #. p p Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. June. sº * G. H. l. decurrens. 3. R. foliis lanceolatis ciliatis integerrimis decurren- tibus, floribus solitariis terminalibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 918. L'Herit.sert. angl. 4. t. 6. Decurrent Roella. * Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1787. Fl. September. G. H. G). PHYTEUMA. Gen. pl. 292. Cor. rotata, 5-partita: laciniis linearibus. , Stig- ma 2- s. 3-fidum. Caps. 2- s. 3-locularis, infera. hemisphae- 1. P. capitulo subrotundo, bracteis ovatis, foliis li- rica. nearibus subintegerrimis caule vix brevioribus. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 920. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 333. Linear-leaved Rampion. Nat. of Switzerland. º Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. Rapunculus 8. Fl. July. H. l. CO772OSCE, 2. P. fasciculo terminali sessili, foliis dentatis: ra- dicalibus cordatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 921. Jacqu. austr. 5. p. 56. t. app. 50. Tufted Rampion. Nat. of Austria and Italy. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Rapunculus 3. Fl. June and July. H. &. orbicularis. 3. P. capitulo subrotundo, foliis serratis: radicalibus cordatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 921. Engl. bot. 142. Round-headed Rampion. Nat. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Phyteuma. 355 Nat. of England. Fl. June—August. H. 2ſ. 4. P. spica oblonga elongata, stylis pilosiusculis tri- spicata. fidis, foliis radicalibus cordatis duplicato-den- tatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 923. Fl. dan. 362. Schkuhr handl. 1. p. 130. t. 39. Spiked Rampion. Nat. of Europe. Cult. 1597. Ger. herb. 369. f. 1. Fl. June. H. D1. 5. P. floribus sparsis subternis, caule simplici erecto, campanu- foliis ovatis crematis subtus pubescentibus sessi- loides. libus. Sims in botan, magaz. 1015. Three-flower'd Phyteuma. Nat. of Mount Caucasus. Introd. 1804, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July and August. H. D. Ö. P. foliis pinnatis, floribus cymosis. Willden. sp. pinnata, pl. 1. p. 925. Penten, cels 52. Wing'd-leaved Rampion. Nat. of the Island of Candia. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 649. f. 5. F/. G. H. 21. TRACHELIUM. Gen. pl. 293. Cor. infundibulif. Stigma globosum. Caps. tri- locularis, infera. - 1. T. ramosum erectum, foliis ovatis serratis planis. caeruleum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 926. Schkuhr handl. 1. p. 131. t. 40. Blue Throat-wort. Nat. of Italy and the Levant. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 645. n. 8. Fl. July–September. H. 3. 2. T. ramosissimum diffusum, ramis divaricatis re- diffusum, curvis, foliis subulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 926. 42 A 2 Shrubby PENTANDRIA Monogyn LA. Trachelium. linearis. simplex. wnidentata. pinifolia. Dortman- 77 (i.e. Shrubby Throat-wort. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. August. G. H. k . LOBELIA. Gen. pl. 1363. Cal. 5-fid. Cor. 1-petala, irregularis. Anth. co- haerentes. Caps. infera, 2- s. 3-locularis. 1. L. foliis integerrimis linearibus glabris, caule erecto. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 937. Linear-leaved Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1791, by Mr. Francis Masson. F}, G. H. H. . 2. L. foliis integerrimis linearibus villosis, caule erecto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 937. Simple-stalk’d Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Int, od. 1794, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. & . 3. L. foliis linearibus utrinque unidentatis. Single-tooth'd Lobelia. ſº Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1794. Fl. May–August. G. H. p , 4. L. fruticosa, foliis linearibus confertis integerri- mis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 937. Rapuntium aethiopicum, violaceo galeato flore, foliis pinastri. Breyn. cent. 173. t. 87. Pine-leaved Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. Rapuntium 13. Fl. May–August. G. H. 2 . 5. L. foliis linearibus bilocularibus integerrimis, sca- po simplici subnudo racemoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 938. Engl. lot. 140. Water PENTANDRIA Mosogynia. Lobelia. 357 Water Lobelia. Nat. of Britain. * Fl. July and August. H. M. 6. L. foliis lanceolatis integerrimis, racemo spicato. Tupa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 938. Rapuntium spicatum, foliis acutis, vulgo Tupa. Feuillée it. 2. p. 739. t. 29. Willow-leaved Lobelia. Nat. of Chili. Archibald Menzies, Esq. Introd. 1794. Fl. June—August. l G. H. W. 7. L. foliis ovatis dentatis hirsutis, caule erecto sim- bellidifolia. plici. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 941. Daisy-leaved Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1790. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. 2p. 8. L. caule erecto, foliis lanceolatis dentatis, racemo triquetra. terminali aphyllo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 941. Triangular Lobelia. -- Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, by Mr. Fr. Masson. - Fl. May–September. G. H. M. 9. L. foliis lanceolatis dentatis, pedunculis brevissi- longiflora. mis lateralibus, tubo corollae filiformi longissi- mo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 942. Jacqu. hort. vindol. 1. p. 10. t. 27. Long-flower'd Lobelia. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Trachelium 6. Fl. June—August. S. 2ſ. 10. L. erecta glabra, foliis infimis oblongis dentatis; secunda. superioribus lanceolatis integris, pedunculis ra- cemosis secundis. ... Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 943. Side-flowering Lobelia. Nat. 358 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Lobelia. alata. assurgens. cardinalis. debilis. gracilis. 1 l. 12. 13. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1790, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. May–August. G. H. 21. L. floribus axillaribus, caule alato, foliis radicali- "bus, ovato-lanceolatis: dentibus glandulosis re- flexis. Labillard. nov. holl. 1. p. 51. t. 72. Wing'd-stem’d Lobelia. Nat. of New South Wales. Mr. George Caley. Introd. 1804, by the Right Hon, Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. M. L. foliis lato-lanceolatis serratis inferne denticu- latis decurrentibus, racemis compositis termina- libus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 944. Andrews's reposit. 553. - Purple Jamaica Lobelia. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1787, by Mr. Alexander Anderson. Fl. June—November. S. 2 . L. caule erecto, foliis lato-lanceolatis serratis, spicata terminali secunda. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 944. Curtis magaz. 320. * Scarlet Lobelia, or Cardinal’s-flower. Nat. of Virginia. 14. 15. Cult. 1629, by Mr. John Parkinson. Park. pa- rad. 355. f. 6. Fl. July–October. H. M. L. erecta, foliis lanceolatis serratis glabris, pedun- culis lateralibus folio longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 945. Feeble Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. July and August. G. H. G). L. foliis ovatis incisis, caule diviso, racemis ter- minalibus subnudis, corollae labio superiore barbato. Sims in botan. magaz. 741. Lobelia PENTANDRIA MONOGYN1A. Lobelia, 359 16. 17. 18. 19. Lobelia gracilis. Andrews’s reposit. 340. Slender-stem'd Lobelia. Nat. of New South Wales. Mr. George Caley. Introd. 1801, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. JFl. July–October. G. H. G). L. caule erecto, foliis ovato-lanceolatis subserratis, siphilitica. calycum sinubus reflexis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 945. Jacqu, ic. 3. t. 597. . Blue Lobelia, or Cardinal’s-flower. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. 1665. Rea's flora 148. f Fl. August–October. H. l. L. caule suffruticoso, foliis oblongis glabris serra- surinamen- tis, floribus axillaribus pedunculatis. Willden, sis. sp. pl. 1. p. 946. Curtis magaz. 225. Andrews's reposit. 502. Shrubby Surinam Lobelia. Nat. of the West Indies. - Introd. 1786, by Mr. Alexander Anderson. Fl. January—July. S. 2. L. caule erecto, foliis ovatis subserratis pedunculo inflata. longioribus, capsulis inflatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. - p. 946. Linn. in act. upsal. 1741. p. 23. t. 1. Bladder-podded Lobelia. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Rapuntium 6. Fl. July and August. H. G). L. caule erecto, foliis cordatis obsolete dentatis cliffortiana. petiolatis, corymbo terminali. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 946. Linn. hort. cliffort. 426. t. 26. Purple American Lobelia. Nat. of America. & Cult. 1733, in Chelsea Garden. R. S. m. 588. Fl. July–October. H. G). 20. L. caule erectiusculo, foliis inferioribus subrotun- urens, dis 360 pentandRIA Monogynia. Lobelia. goodenioi- des. ninula. Laurentia. Erinus. dis crenatis; superioribus lanceolatis serratis, flo- ribus racemosis, Willden. . sp. pl. 1. p. 946. 'Acrid Lobelia. Mat. of England. Fºl. June. H. 1. 21. L. caule erecto simplicissimo, foliis pubescenti- bus: radicalibus obovatis integerrimis; caulinis lanceolatis apice subcrematis, #. racemosis, corollis superne fissis. Willden. hort. berolin. 30. Goodenia-like Lobelia. Nat. of North America. Mr. Francis Masson. . Hatrod. 1799. Fl. June—August. - H. l. 22. L. foliis radicalibus ovatis, scapis capillaribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 947. Small Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1772, by Mons. Richard. Fl. June–September. G. H. Y. 23. L. caule prostrato, foliis lanceolato-ovalibus cre- natis, caule ramoso, pedunculis solitariis uniflo- ris longissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 947. Laurentia annua minima flore caeruleo. Mich. gen. 18. 14. Italian annual Lobelia. Nat. of Italy. Introd. 1778, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July. G. H. G). 24. L. caule patulo, foliis lanceolatis subdentatis, pe- dunculis longissimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 948. Botan. magaz. 901. Ascending Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. Trachelium 5. Fl. June–September, G. H. M. 25. L. cau- PENTANDRIA MonogYNIA. Lobelia. 361 25. 26. 27. L. caulibus prostratis filiformibus, foliis petiolatis erinoides. oblongis dentatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 949. Campanula minor africana ermi facie, caulibus procumbentibus. Herm. lugdb. 108. t. 109. Trailing Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Rapuntium 10. - Fl. July and August. G. H. &. L. caulibus angulatis prostratis foliisque lanceo- pubescens. latis dentatis hirtis, pedunculis axillaribus uni- floris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 950. Jacqu. hort. schoenbr. 2. p. 26. t. 178. - Lobelia alyssifolia. Salisb. stirp. rar. 19. t. 10. Downy leaved Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Colonel Paterson. Introd. 1780, by the Countess of Strathmore. Fl. May–August. G. H. 21. L. caulibus patulis, foliis inferioribus oblongis bicolor. dentatis pubescentibus subsessilibus, corollis bi- labiatis: labio Superiore reflexo. Botan, ma- gaz., 514. Spotted Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. before 1795. Fl. June–September. G. H. G. . L. caulibus procumbentibus, foliis lanceolatis ser- lutea. ratis, floribus sessilibus subspicatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 950. Rapuntium foliis oblongis dentatis, flore luteo spicato, flagellis procumbentibus. Burm. afr. 101. t. 39. f. 1. Yellow Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1774, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. June and July. G. H. G). 29, L. foliis ovalibus crematis lanatis, floribus laterali- hirsuta, bus solitariis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 951. Rapun- 362 PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Lobelia. Rapuntium foliis subrotundis hirtis, flore ex alis solitario. Burm. afr. 105. t. 40. f. 2. Hairy Lobelia. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Rapuntium 7. Fl, most part of the Summer. G. H. W. coronopi- 30. L. foliis lanceolatis dentatis, pedunculis longissi-s, Jolia. mis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 952. Botan. ma- gaz. 644. - Buck's-horn Lobelia. - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Rapuntium 14. t Fl. July and August. G. H. 11. cre??. 31. L. foliis lanceolatis crematis glabris, caule volu- - bili. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 952. Notch'd-leaved Lobelia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1794, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. April and May. G. H. M. CYPHIA. Berg. cap. 173. Cal. 5-fidus. Pet. 5, linearia, supera. Filam. pilosa, cohaerentia. Anth. liberae. Stigma cer- nuum, gibbosum. volubilis. 1. C. foliis integris dentatisque linearibus, caule vo- - - lubili. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 952. Twining Cyphia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1795, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. G. H. Y. bulbosa. 2. C. foliis digitatis : foliolis pinnatifidis, caule - erecto. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 953. Rapuntium tuberosum foliis multifidis, floribus spicatis. Burm. afr, 99. t. 38. f. 2. Bulbous Cyphia. Nat, of the Cape of Good Hope. - Introd. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Cyphia. 3:63 Introd. 1791, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. August and September. G. H. f. GOODENIA. Brown prodr. 574. Cal. superus : limbo 5-partito : laciniis a quali- bus. Antherae distinctae. Stylus simplex. Caps. 2-locularis: dissepimento parallelo. Sem. im- bricata, compressa. 1. G. suffruticosa erecta glabra, pedunculis trifidis ovata. trichotomisve, foliis ovatis acutis dentato-serra- tis: axillis barbatis, calycis laciniis subulato- filiformibus capsula lineari parum brevioribus, seminibus uniseriatis. Brown prodr. 576. Goodenia ovata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 954. An- drews's reposit. 68. Venten. cels 3. Mem. de l'institut, sc. phys. 2. p. 321. t. 10. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 4. t. 506. - Oval-leaved Goodenia. Nat. of New South Wales. Colonel Paterson. Introd. 1793, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. W. 2. G. herbacea erecta glanduloso-pubescens, pedun- grandiflora. culis trifidis vel trichotomis simplicibusve, ra- mis striato-angulatis, foliis inferioribus lyratis; rameis subovatis acutis, stylo longitudinaliter lanato. Brown prodr. 576. Goodenia grandiflora. Sims in botan, magaz. 890. Large-flower'd Goodenia. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1802, by Messrs. Whitley and Brames. Fl. August. - G. H. 6. EUTHALES. Brown prodr. 579. Cal. inferus, tubulosus, 5-fidus, inaequalis. Co- 'rollae tubus infra germini adhaerens, apice hinc fissus; limbus bilabiatus. Antherae distinctae. Stigmatis indusium bilabiatum. Caps. 4-val- vis, basibilocularis. Sem, imbricata, compressa. 1. EU- 364 PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Euthales. trinervis. Lobelia. crassifolia. microcarpa. 1. 1. 2. 3. EUTHALEs. Brown prodr. 580. Welleja trinervis. Lalillard. nov. holl. i. p. 54. #. 77. - Goodenia tenella. Andrews's reposit. 466. Botan. magaz. 1 137. Three-nerved Euthales. - * Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1803, by Mr. Peter Good. Fl. most part of the Year. G. H. M. SCAEVOLA. Brown prodr. 582. Cor. hinc longitudinaliter fissa, genitalia exserens; limbo inde secundo, 5-partito: laciniis alatis, conformibus. Antherae distinctae. Stigmatis indusium ciliatum. Drupa infera. S. foliis obovatis glabris integerrimis, calyce in- diviso brevissimo. - - Scaevola Lobelia. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 955. Lobelia frutescens. Mill. dict. Lobelia frutescens, portulacae folio. Plum, ic. 157. t. 165. f. 1. Shrubby Purslane-leaved Scaevola. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1724, by Mr. Mark Catesby. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Fl. - S. 2 . S. suffruticosa adscendens glaberrima, foliis sub- carnosis dentatis obovatis passim lanceolatis, bracteis subtendentibus integris, stigmatis in- dusio ore nudiusculo. Brown prodr. 584. Scaevola crassifolia. Lalillard. now. holl. 1. p. 56. i. 79. Thick-leaved Scaevola. Nat. of New Holland. Robert Brown, Esq. Introd. 1805. Fl. August–October. G. H. K. .S. herbacea pubescens, foliis cuneatis vel ovalibus orbiculatisve dentatis basi attenuatis, spica sim- plici, * . PENTANDRIA Monogyny A. Scaevola. 365 plici, bracteis subtendentibus dentatis, calyce lobato, corolla tubo intus barbato: pilis faucis acutis capitatisque, stylo longitudinaliter villoso. Brown prodr. 585. Scaevola microcarpa. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 6. t. 509. Goodenia albida. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 954. Goodenia laevigata. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 954. Curtis magaz. 287. - Small-fruited Scaevola. Nat. of New South Wales. Introd. 1790, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - Fl. all the Summer. G. H. M. 4. S. herbacea diffusa pubescens, foliis spathulatis suaveolens. carnosis: axillis barbatis, bracteis subtendenti- bus lineari-lanceolatis. Brown prodr. 585. Goodenia calendulacea. Andrews’s reposit. 22. Sweet-scented Scaevola. Nat. of New South Wales. Colonel Paterson. Introd. 1793. - Fl. August and September. G. H. 24. SAMOLUS. Gen. pl. 294. Cor. subcampanulata. Stam. 5 antherifera laciniis limbi opposita, 5 alterna sterilia. Caps. 1-locu- laris, semi-infera. 1. S. caule erecto, foliis omnibus obovatis oblongis- Valerandi. ve obtusis membranaceis, racemo corymboso : pedicellis medio bracteatis, capsula subglobosa. Brown prodr. 428. Samolus Valerandi. Iſillden. . sp. pl. 1. p. 927. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 703. Brook-weed, or Water Pimpernel. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June—August. H. 21. 2. S. caule tereti ramoso folioso, foliis radicalibus littoralis. spathulatis; caulinis sublanceolatis, calycis la- ciniis acutis. Brown prodr. 428. Sheffi. 366 PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Samolus. orientalis. americana. lavigata. I. I. Sheffieldia incana. Labillard, nov. holl. 1. p. 40. t. 54. ~ Sea-side Brook-weed. Nat. of New South Wales. Mr. George Caley. Introd. 1806, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July–September. G. H. M. NAUCLEA. Gen. pl. 295. Cor. infundibulif. Caps. infera, bilocularis, po- lysperma. Recept. commune globosum, pilo- Sll II] . - N. foliis oblongis acutis, pedunculis aequalibus, staminibus longitudine corollae. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 928. - * Katou tsjaca. Rheed. mal. 3. p. 29. t. 33. Oriental Nauclea. Nat. of the East Indies. William Roaclurgh, M.D. Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - F. S. h. RONDELETIA. Gen. pl. 296. Cor. infundibuliformis: fauce incrassata. Caps. 2-locularis, infera, polysperma, subrotunda, COrOnata. - R. foliis sessilibus, panicula dichotoma. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 930. r g Rondeletia arborescens, tini facie. Plum, ic. 237. t. 242. f. 1. American Rondeletia. Nat. of the West Indies. - Cult. before 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller, Mill, dict. ed. 6. Fl. August. - S. 2 . niculis trichotomis axillaribus. Smooth-leaved Rondeletia. 2. R. foliis petiolatis ellipticis acutis glaberrimis, pa- Nat. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Rondeletia. 267 Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. William Anderson. Introd. 1790. Fl. July and August. S. P. 3. R. foliis petiolatis ovato-oblongis acutis pilosis, hirta. paniculis tricholomis axillaribus. Hairy Rondeletia. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. about 1776, by John Blackburne, Esq. S. P. F. June—August. * { Obs. Valde affinis R. odorațae, differt vero in flo- rescentia axillari et foliis majoribus, acutioni- bus, supra non scabris, basi vix cordatis, petio- lisque longioribus. Tulus corollae huic calyce duplo tantum longior. Stylus extra faucem ex- Sertus. Stigmata erecta, conniventia. Corolia e luteo rufescens. PORTLANDIA. Gen. pl. 299. Cor.clavato-infundibulif. Antherae longitudina- les. Caps. pentagona, retusa, 2-locularis, po- lysperma, coronata calyce 5-phyllo. i. P. floribus pentandris, foliis lanceolato-ellinticis, grandiflora. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 935. Smith ic, pict. G. Curtis magaz. 286. Schneevogt ic. 4. Great-flower’d Portlandia. Nat. of Jamaica. Introd. 1775, by — Ellis, Esq. Fl. July and August. S. h. 2. P. floribus hexandris, tubo subincurvo, pedun- hearandra. culis ternatis, foliis ovatis. Willden. sp. pſ. 1. p. 936. Coutarea speciosa. Aubl. guian. 1. p. 314. t. 122. Laurel leaved Portlandia. Nat. of Guiana. Introd. 1803, by purchase from the Captors of a French Vessel. F. - S. P. GAR. 368 - PENTANDRIA MonoGynra. GARDENIA. Gen. pl. 416. Bacca infera, 2-locularis, polysperma. Antherae sessiles in fauce corollac. Stigma bilamellatum. * Inermes. radicans. 1. G. inermis, foliis lanceolatis, corollis hypocrateri- formibus obtusis, calyce angulato, caule radi- cante. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1225. Andrews's ºreposit. 491. ". Rooting Gardenia. Nat. . . . . Cult. in the Chinese Gardens. Mr. W. Kerr. º Introd. 1804, by the Hon. Court of Directors of the E. I. C. in the Henry Addington, Capt. Kirkpatrick. - Fl. March—June. - G. H. H. Jlorida. 2. G. inermis, foliis ellipticis, corollis hypocrateri- formibus, calycinis laciniis verticalibus lan- ceolato-subulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1225. a flore simplici. - Single-flower'd Gardenia, or Cape Jasmine. 6 flore pleno. - Jasminum ramo unifloro pleno, petalis coriaceis. Ehret pict. t. 15. * . Double-flower'd Gardenia, or Cape Jasmine. Nat. of Cochinchina, China, Japan, and the South Sea Islands. Introd. about 1754, by Capt. Hutchinson. Philos. transact. vol. 51. p. 933. . Fl. July–October. S. K. . longiflora. 3. G. inermis, foliis oblongis, corollis infundibuli- formibus: limbo revoluto. Randia longiflora. , Salist. paradis. 93. Long-flower'd Gardenia. Nat. of Sierra Leone. - Introd. about 1796, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. - - Fl. August and September. S. 2 . # 4. G. iner- PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Gardenia. 369 4. G. inermis, foliis, ellipticis, corollis hypocrateri- Thunber- formibus, calycibus latere rumpentibus : laciniis gia. apice dilatatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1226. Botan. magaz. 1004. Thompson's bot. displ. 10. Gardenia crassicaulis. Salisb. paradis. 46. Starry Gardenia. Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. 1773, by Sir James Cockburn, Bart. Fl. January–March. S. T. 5. G. inermis, foliis obovato-subrotundis, corollis latifolia. hypocrateriformibus, laciniis calycinis subulatis obtuse carinatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1226. Rowl. corom. 2. p. 18. t. 134. Broad-leaved Gardenia. Nat. of the East Indies. r Introd. 1787, by Richard Anthony Salisbury, Esq. Fl. S. º. 6. G. inermis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, pedunculis Genipa. axillaribus multifloris, corollis hypocraterifor- mibus : tubo abbreviato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1228. Genipa fructu ovato. Plum. ic. 127. t. 136. American Genip-tree. Nat. of South America. * Cult. 1779, by John Blackburne, Esq. Oford catal. Genipa. F. S. K. . 7. G. inermis, foliis oblongis, stipulis subulatis, la- Rothman- ciniis calycinis subulatis teretibus longitudine nia. tubi, tubo glabro ampliato brevi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1228. Rothmannia capensis. Thunberg in act. stock- holm. 1776. p. 67. t. 2. * Spotted-flower'd Gardenia. * at. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1774. Fl. July. S. K. . WOL., I, 2 B * * Spi- 370 PENTANDRIA Monogyn1A. Gardenia. * * Spinosae. wliginosa. 8. G. soinosa, ramis cicatrisatis apice bispinosis, foliis oblongo-ovatis obtusis, fauce corollae villo- sa. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1228. Rowl, co- rom. 2. p. 19. t. 135. Marsh Gardenia. . d * , * Nat. of the East Indies. William Romburgh, M.D. Introd. 1802, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July–September. , S, 2 . spinosa. 9. G. spinosa, spinis foliis ellipticis utrinque acutis longioribus, calycinis laciniis obtusis, germine corollaque hirsutis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1229. Gardenia spinosa. Thunb. gardenia, n. 7... t. 2.f4. -- . Thorny Gardenia. . Nat. of China. Mr. William Kerr. Introd. 1804, by the Hon. Court of Directors of , , , the E. I. C. in the Henry Addington, Capt. Kirkpatrick. F. " . G. H. H. .*, * dumetorum. 10. G. spinosa, spinis foliis obovatis acutiusculis longioribus, calycinis laciniis rotundatis, ger- mine glabro, corolla hirsuta. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1229. Roacb. corom. 2. p. 19. t. 136. Bushy Gardenia. Nat. of the East Indies. John Gerard Koenig, M.D. Introd. 1777, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. S. % & Randia. 11. G. spinosa, spinis ramulorum terminalibus binis, foliis ovato-subrotundis, corollis hypocrateri- formibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1230. Randia foliis subrotundis confertis, summis ra- mulis bispiniferis, floribus solitariis. Brown jam. 143. t. 8. f. 1. Round-leaved Gardenia. Nat. of the West ſndies. Introd. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Gardenia. 7 3 12. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M. D. Mill. dict. ed. 8. Randia. F. S. H. . G. spinosa, foliis ellipticis utrinque acutis spinis longioribus, floribus sessilibus, corollis glabris. // illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1230. - Gardenia micranthus. Thunb. gardenia, n. 8. t. 1. • 2. sº Gardenia. Nat. of China. Mr. Pl’illiam Kerr. Introd. 1806, by the Hom. Court of Directors of the E. I. C. in the Hope, Capt. Pendergrass. J * - tº e e }~ e * OXYANTHUS. Decand. in annal. du mus. 9. p. 218. Cor. tubus filiformis, longissimus. Antherae in fauce sessiles. Stigma simplex. Fruct, in- ferus, bilocularis, polyspermus. . Oxy. ANTHUs. Decand. in annal. du mus. 9. p. 218. Gardenia tubiflora. Andrews’s reposit. 183. Tube-flower'd Oxyanthus. Nat. of Sierra Leone. Introd. 1789, by Messrs. Kennedy and Lee. Fl. July. S. I. . $. WEBERA. Gen. pl. 1733. Bacca infera, 2-locularis. Stigma clavatum, - 10-sulcatum. . W. inermis, foliis oblongis acutis, corymbo ter- minali. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1224. Cupi. Rheed. mal. 2. p. 37. i. 23. Corymbed Webera. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Rondeletia 2. F}. S. I. . tº B 2 CIN- micranthus. speciosus. corymbosa, 37.2 PENTA NORIA MONOGY NIA, caribaea. floriſunda. pubens. pubescens. CINCHONA. Gen. pl. 301. Cor. infandibuliformis. Caps. infera, 2-locularis, 2-partibilis: dissepimento parallelo. . C. pedunculis axillaribus unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 959. Andrews’s reposit. 481. Caribaean Cinchona. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1780, by William Philp Perrin, Esq. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. P. . . C. panicula terminali, capsulis turbinatis laevibus, foliis ellipticis acuminatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 959. Lambert’s cinchona, 27. t. 7. Many-flower'd Cinchona. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1794, by Mr. Alex. Anderson. F!. S. h. PINCKNEYA. Michaua amer. 103. Cal. lacinia una maxima, foliiformis. Stam. ex- serta. ... Stigma obtuse bilobum. Caps. infera, 2-partibilis. Sem. numerosa, alata. . PIN cKNEY.A. Michaua amer. 105. t. 13. Downy Pinckneya. Nat. of Georgia. Introd. 1786, by Mr. John Fraser. Fl. June and July. G. H. 12. MUSSAENDA. Gen. pl. 326. Cor. infundibulif. Stigmata 2, crassiuscula. Bac- ca oblonga, infera. Sem. quadrifariam disposita. . M. ramis foliisque pubescentibus, tubo corollae multoties longiore laciniis calycinis. Chinese Mussaenda. Nat. of China. Mr. William Kerr. Introd. 1805, by the Hon. Court of Directors of the E. I.C. in the Winchelsea, Capt. Campbell. Fl. May–September. G. H. W. . OBS. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Mussaenda. 373 QBs. Calyce brevissimo differt a Mussaenda fron- dosa, cui calycis foliola linearia, tubo corollae parum breviora. PSYCHOTRIA. Gen. pl. 313. Cal. 5-dentatus, coronans. Cor. tubulosa. Bac- ca globosa. Sem. 2, hemisphaerica, sulcata. 1. P. stipulis ovatis persistentibus, foliis ellipticis citrifolia. acuminatis subcoriaceis, paniculis brevibus, bac- cis oblongis costatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 963. Citron-leaved Psychotria. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Alex. Anderson. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. F!. S. W. . 2. P. stipulis amplexicaulibus retusis, foliis ovatis parasitica. acuminatis aveniis subsucculentis, racemis ter- minalibus axillaribusve compositis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 965. Viscoides pendulum. Jacqu. amer, 73. t. 51. f. 1. Parasitic Psychotria. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1802, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. most part of the Year. S. 2 . 3. P. stipulis ovatis bifidis, racemo terminali com- brachiata. posito, ramis brachiatis, floribus aggregatis ses- silibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 966. Cross-branch'd Psychotria. Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Alex. Anderson. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. F. S. Q. 4. P. caule herbaceo repente, foliis cordatis petiola- herbacea. tis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 967. Psychotria herbacea. Jacqu. amer. 66. t. 46. Herbaceous Psychotria. Mat, of Jamaica. , Messrs. Wiles and Smith. y - Introd. 374 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Psychotria. arabica. occidentalis. 2. racemosa. 1. 1. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. . Fl. April–June. S. 21. COFFEA. Gen. pl. 3 14. Cor. hypocrateriformis. Stam. supra tubum. Bac- ca infera, disperma. Sem. arillata. C. foliis oblongo-ovatis acuminatis, pedunculis axillaribus aggregatis, corollis quinquefidis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 973. Botan. magaz. 1303. Arabian Coffee-tree. Nat. of Yemen. - Cult. 1696, by Bishop Compton. Douglas hi- story of the coffee-tree, p. 21. Fl. September–November. S. 2 . C. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis, panicula pauciflora trifida terminali, corollis quadrifidis, baccis monospermis, ramulis tetragonis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 974. Coffea occidentalis. Jacqu. amer. 67. t. 47. Western Coffee-tree. - w Nat. of the West Indies. Mr. Christ. Smith. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. - 4. Fl. • J. S. 2. CHIOCOCCA. Gen. pl. 3.15. Cor. infundibuliformis, aequalis. Bacca 1-locu- laris, 2-sperma, infera. C. foliis ovatis acuminatis, racemis subdivisis ax- illaribus secundis submutantibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 975. Andrews's reposit. 284. Snow-berry Bush. ... - - Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1729, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. elth. 306, t. 228. f. 295. • Fl. September. S. 2. CEPHA- PENTANDRIA MONOGY NIA, º 375 l. CEPHAELIS, Callicocca. Gen. pl. 316. Flores capitati, involucrati. Cor. tubulosa. Stigma 2-partitum. Bacca disperma. Receptaculum paleaceum. e . C. capitulis globosis terminalibus, pedunculis elata. elongatis, involucro diphyllo, foliis glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 978. Tall Cephaëlis. Nat. of Jamaica. Messrs. Perrin and Smith. Introd., 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. F. - * S. 2. HAMELLIA. Gen. pl. 305. Cor. 5-fida. Bacca 5-locularis, infera, polysperma. H. racemis terminalibus coloratis, foliis termis vil- patens. loso-pubescentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 980. Smith eacot. lot. 1. p. 45. t. 24. Spreading scarlet Hamellia. Nat. of St. Domingo. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph, Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. Periclymenum 4. Fl. July and August. º S. b. . H. racemis terminalibus axillaribusque, corollis ventricosa. campanulatis ventricosis, foliis termis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 981. Hamellia grandiflora. Salisb, paradis. 55. Large-flower'd Hamellia. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd 1778, by Thomas Clark, M. D. Fl. September–November. S h MORINDA. Gen. pl. 3.17. Flores aggregati, monopetali. Stigma 2-fidum. Drupae aggregatae. 1. M. arborea, pedunculis solitariis. JWillden. sp. citrifolia. pl. 1. p. 992. Cada- 376 PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Morinda, Cada; pilava, Rheed, mal. 1. p. 97. t. 52. Broad-leaved Morinda. Nat. of Otaheite. Messrs. Wiles and Smith. Introd., 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. F., S. 2. Royoc, 2, M. procumbens. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 992. Jacqu, hort. vind. 1. p. 6. t. ió. Laurel-leaved Morinda. Nat. of the West Indies. Messrs. Wiles and Smith. Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. Fl. July–October. S. # , ERITHALIS. Gen. pl. 324. Cor. 5-partita: , laciniis recurvis. Cal. urceola- tus, Bacca 10-locularis, infera. ſruticosa. 1. E. foliis obovatis, cymis compositis pedunculatis terminalibus. Willden. sp., pl. 1. p. 996. Erithalis fruticulosa, foliis obovatis crassis mitidis oppositis, pedunculis racemosis ad alas supe- riores. Brown jam. 165, t. 17. f. 3. Sweet-scented Shrubby Erithalis. Nat. of the West Indies. Thomas Dancer, M.D. Introd., 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. - Fl. July–August. S. h. SERISSA, Juss, gen. 209, Cor. infundibulif, fauce ciliata; laciniis limbi sub- trilobis. Bacca infera, 2-sperma. foetida, 1. SERIssa. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 1061. Lycium japonicum. Curtis magaz. 361. Japanese Serissa. 6 floribus plenis. Double Japanese Serissa. Nat, PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Serissa. 377 Mat. of Japan. Introd. 1787, by Mons. Cels. F. most part of the Summer. G. H. W. LONICERA. Gen. pl. 319. Cor. 1-petala, irregularis. Bacca polysperma, 2-locularis, infera. * Periclymena, caule volubili. . L. floribus ringentibus verticillatis terminalibus, Caprifoli- foliis deciduis : summis connato-perfoliatis. um. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 982. Lonicera Caprifolium. Engl. lot. 799. Schmidt alba. arl. t. 105. Pale perfoliate Honey-suckle. Lonicera Caprifolium italicum. Schmidt arb. rubra. d. 106. Italian early red Honey-suckle. Nat. 2 of England, 3 of the South of Europe. Fl. May and June. H. W. . . L. verticillis subcapitatis bracteolatis, foliis deci- dioica. duis subtus glaucis : Summis connato-perfolia- tis, corollis ringentibus basi gibbis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 983. Lonicera media. Schmidt arb. t. 109. Glaucous Honey-suckle. Nat. of North America. Introd. 1766, by Peter Collinson, Esq. Fl. June and July. H. W. . L. spicis subnudis terminalibus, foliis oblongis : sempervi- summis connato-perfoliatis, corollis subaequali- rems. bus: tubo superne ventricoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 983. foliis subrotundis. Botan, magaz. 781. Schmidt major. arb. t. 104. Great Trumpet Honey-suckle. ; foliis oblongis. - minor. Small Trumpet Honey-suckle. Nat. of North America. Cult. 37.8 PENTANDRIA MONogy NIA, Lonicera. grata. implerg. Periclyme- 7221772, vulgaris. serotina. belgica. quercifolia. japonica. Cult. 1656, by Mr. John Tradescant, Jun. Mus. trad. 95. Fl. May–August, H. W. . 4. L. floribus verticillatis terminalibus, foliis peren- nantibus obovatis subtus glaucis : summis con- nato-subperfoliatis, corollis ringentibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 984. Ever-green Honey-suckle. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1730. Hort. angl. 15. n. 10. t. 8. Fl. June–October, H. W. . 5. L. floribus ringentibus verticillatis, bracteis laevi- bus, foliis perennantibus glabris oblongis; su- erioribus connato-perfoliatis; summis dilatatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 984. Botan, magaz. 640. Minorca Honey-suckle. Nat. of Minorca. Introd. about 1772, by Mons. Richard. Fl. June–September. H. H. . 6. L. floribus ringentibus capitatis terminalibus, fo- liis deciduis : omnibus distinctis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 984. & Lonicera Periclymenum. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 800. Fl. dan. 908. Schmidt arb. t. 107. Svensk lot. 140. Common Honey-suckle, or Woodbine. 6 Lonicera Periclymenum serotinum. Schmidt arb. t. 108. Late red Honey-suckle. 'y Caprifolium germanicum floribus speciosis. Hort. angl. 15. m. 5. t. 6. Dutch Honey-suckle. & Periclymenum foliis quercinis, Merr. pin. 92. Oak-leaved Honey-suckle. Nal. o. and 3 of Britain. Fl. May—July. H. (2. 7. L. floribus binis terminalibus sessilibus, foliis om- nibus PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Lonicera. 379 10. 1 l. * nibus distinctis, caule volubili, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 985. Andrews's reposit. 583. Japanese Honey-suckle. Nat. of China. Mr. JWilliam Kerr. Introd. 1806, by the Hon. Court of Directors of the E. I. C. in the Hope, Capt. Pendergrass. Fl. July and August, G. H. P. pedunculis lifloris, d * * Chamaecerasa, . L. pedunculis bifloris, baccis distinctis, foliis ellip- migra. ticis integerrimis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 985. Schmidt arb. t. 1 1 0. Black-berried Honey-suckle. Nat. of Switzerland and France. Cult. 1597. Ger. herb. 411. f. 1. Fl. March and April. H. P. . L. pedunculis bifloris, baccis distinctis, foliis tatarica. cordatis obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 986. Jacqu. ic. l. t. 37. Schmidt arb. t. 111. Tartarian Honey-suckle. Nat. of Russia. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed.6. n. 7. Fl. April and May. H. P. L. pedunculis bifloris, baccis distinctis, foliis in- Xylosteum. tegerrimis pubescentibus. , Willden. sp. pl. 1. p.986. Engl. lot. 916. Fl. dan. 808. Schmidt arb. t. 1 13. Fly Honey-suckle. Nat. of England. Fl. June and July. H. P. . L. pedunculis bifloris, baccis distinctis, foliis pyrenaica. obovato-lanceolatis glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 987. Xylosteon Pyrenaicum. Magn. hort. monsp. 209, cum tal. * Pyrenean Honey-suckle. Nat. of the Pyrenean Mountains. Cult. 380 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Lonicera. alpigena. carrulea. flexuosa. *- - ‘Symphori- carpos. Diervilla. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. Xylosteon. Fl. May. H. W. . 12. L. pedunculis bifloris, baccis coadunatis didymis, foliis ovali-lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 987. Schmidt arb. t. 112. Red-berried Honey-suckle. Nat. of Switzerland and Austria. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. April and May. H. P. 13. L. pedunculis bifloris, baccis coadumatis globosis, stylis indivisis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 988. Jacqu. austr. 5. p. 35. t. app. 17. Schmidt arb. t. 1 14. Blue-berried Honey-suckle. Nat. of Switzerland. Cult. 1629. Park. parad. 405. n. 3. Fl. March and April. H. W. 14. L. floribus subsessilibus, baccis distinctis, foliis ovatis integris glabris, caule flexuoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 989. Flexuose Honey-suckle. Nat. of China. Mr. William Kerr. Introd. 1806, by the Hon. Court of Directors of the E. I. C. in the Hope, Capt. Pendergrass. Fl. July–September. G. H. W. . *** Caule erecto, pedunculis multifloris. 15. L. capitulis lateralibus pedunculatis, foliis petio- latis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 989. Schmidt arb. t. I l 5. Shrubby St. Peter's Wort. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1730. Hort. angl. t. 20. Fl. August and September. H. W. . 16. L. racemis terminalibus, foliis serratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 989. Schmidt arb. t. 1 16. Yellow-flower'd Honey-suckle. Nat. PENTANDRIA MonogyniA. Lonicera. 384 Nat. of North America. Cult. 1739, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels, p. 68. F. June. H. h. TRIOSTEUM. Gen. pl. 320. Cor. monopetala, º: Cal. longitudine corollae. Bacca 3-locularis, 1-sperma, infera. . T. foliis, connatis, floribus sessilibus verticillatis. perfoliatum. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 990. Schkuhr handb. 1. p. 135. t. 41. Perfoliate Fever-root. Nat. of North America. Cult. before 1730, by James Sherard, M.D., Dill. elth. 394. t. 293. Fl. June and July. H. 21. . T. foliis connatis, pedunculis oppositis unifloris. angustifo- Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 991. tium. Periclymenum herbaceum rectum virginianum. Pluk. alm. 287. t. 104. f. 2. Narrow-leaved Fever-root. Nat. of Virginia. Introd. before 1699, by the Rev. John Banister. Moris. hist. 3. p. 535. n. 8. Fl. June–August. H. M. CONOCARPUS. Gen. pl. 321. Cor. 5-petala, aut nulla. Sem. nuda, solitaria, infera. Flores aggregati. . C. erecta, foliis lanceolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. erecta. p. 994. Manghala arbor curassavica, foliis salignis. Ca- tesb. car. 2. p. 33. t. 33. Upright Button-tree. Nat. of Jamaica. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 6. 7t. 1. Fl. S. P. . 2. C. pro- 382 PENTANDRIA Monogy NIA. Conocarpus. procumbens. dichotoma. Jalapa. longiflora. Fl. 2. C. procumbens, foliis obovatis. Willden, sp. pl. 1: p. 995. Jacqui amer. 79. t. 52. f. 2, Procumbent Button-tree. Nat. of Cuba. Introd. }730, by William Houstoun, M. D. Mill. dict. ed. 8. n. 2. - * - S. 2. MIRABILIS. Gen. pl. 283. º Cor. infundibulif, supera. Cal. inferus. Necta- rium globosum, germen includens. . M. floribus sessilibus axillaribus erectis solitariis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 999. Jalapa officinarum. Martyn dec. 1. Forked Marvel of Peru. Nat. of Mexico. * Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 348. n. 9. Fl. July and August. G. H. pt. 2. M. floribus congestis pedunculatis, foliis glabris. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 999. Curtis magaz. 371. & Jalapa flore purpureo. Tournef inst. 129. Common Marvel of Peru. 6 Jalapa flore flavo. Tournef inst. 129. Yellow Marvel of Peru. y Jalapa flore exalbido. Tournef inst. 129. White Marvel of Peru. & Jalapa flore ex purpureo et luteo mixto. Tournef. inst. 129. Yellow striped Marvel of Peru. Nat. of both Indies. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June–September. S. 21. . M. floribus congestis sessilibus, foliis pubescenti- bus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 999. Smith eacot. bot. 1. p. 43. t. 23. - Sweet-scented Marvel of Peru. Nat. of Mexico. - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. Fl. July–September. G. H. 21. CORIS, PENTAND RIA MONOGY NIA, - 383 CORIS. Gen. pl. 329. Cor. 1-petala, irregularis. Calya spinosus. Caps. 5-valvis, supera. 1. Coris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1000. º monspeli- Symphytum petraeum. Camer. epit. 699. ensis. Montpelier Coris. - Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1640. Park. theatr. 571. f. 3. F. June and July. G. H. &. VERBASCUM. Gen. pl. 331. Cor. rotata, subinaequalis. Caps. 2-locularis, 2-valvis. 1. V. foliis decurrentibus utrinque tomentosis, caule Thapsus. simplici. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1001. Engl. bot. 549. Sverisk lot. 79. Great Mullein, or High Taper. Nat. of Britain. Fl. July and August. H. &. 2. V. caule erecto simplici, foliis ovalibus sessilibus ovalifolium. dentato-crenatis superne glabriusculis, floribus spicatis. Sims in botan, magaz. 1037. Oval-leaved Mullein. Nat. of Mount Caucasus. Introd, about 1804, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. July–September. H. 2ſ. 3. V. foliis decurrentibus, caule ramoso. Willden. Thapsoides. sp. pl. 1. p. 1001. Verbascum angustifolium ramosum, flore aureo, folio crassiore. Bauh. hist. 3. p. 872. Bastard Mullein. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. H. 3. 4. V. foliis sublyratis, floribus sessilibus. Willden. Boerhaavii. sp. pl. 1. p. 1002. Ver- 384 *ENTANDRIA Mosogynia. Verbascum. haemorrhoi- dale. phlomoides. Lychnitis. Verbascum foliis radicalibus ovatis petiolatis, cau- linis oblongis sessilibus subtus tomentosis ser- ratis. Mill, ic. 2. p. 182. t. 273. Annual Mullein. Nat. of the South of Europe. - Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph.Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. n.5. F}. July. - H. G). 5. V. foliis ovato-oblongis basi attenuatis tomentosis obsolete crenulatis, racemis spiciformibus elon- gatis, fasciculis florum ebracteatis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 1002. Madeira Mutlein. f Nat. of Madeira. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1777. - * -- Fl. June–August. G. H. 3. 6. V. foliis ovatis utrinque tomentosis: inferioribus petiolatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1002. Verbascum foliis obovatis sessilibus tomentosis; spica composita, interrupta, bracteis cordato- lanceolatis. Manch hass. n. 170. t. 4. Woolly Mullein. Nat. of Italy. Cult. 1739, § Mr. Ph. Miller. Rand chels. n. 2. Fl. June and July. H. a . 7. V. foliis cuneiformi-oblongis supra denudatis, caule angulato paniculato. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 250. Engl. lot. 58. Verbascum Lychnitis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1003. White Mullein. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June—August. H. 3. . 8. V. foliis ovato-oblongis subserratis utrinque pul- verulentis, caule tereti paniculato. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 251. Engl. bot. 487. Yellow hoary Mullein. Norfolk Mullein. Nat. of England. 3- Fl. July. H. & . pulverulen- t?!?!. 9. V. foliis pent ANDRIA Monogynia. Verbaseum. 385 9. V. foliis subvillosis rugosis: caulinis subsessilibus ferrugine- aequaliter crenatis; radicalibus oblongis cordatis um. duplicate-crematis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1004. Andrews's reposit. 162. Rusty Mullein. Nat. of the South of Europe. r Cult. 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Sutherl. hort. edin. 51. - Fl. May–August. H. M. 10. V. foliis cordato-oblongis petiolatis, Willden. nigrum. sp. pl. 1. p. 1004. Engl, bot. 59. Fl. dan. 1088. Dark or Black Mullein. Nat. of England. - Fl. June—August. H. 21. 11. V. foliis ovatis nudis crenatis radicalibus, caule phaeniceum. subnudo racemoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1004. Botan. magaz. 885. Purple-flower'd Mullein. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. May–July. H. Aſ . 12. V. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis dentatis sessilibus: virgatum. radicalibus sublyratis pubescentibus, caule ra- moso, floribus aggregatis subsessilibus. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 252. Engl. lot. 550. Large-flower'd Mullein. - Nat. of England. • F. August. H. 3. 13. V. foliis amplexicaulibus oblongis glabris serratis, Blattaria. pedunculis unifloris solitariis. Smith fl. brit. 1. p. 253. Engl. bot. 393. Select specim. 6. Verbascum Blattaria. Willden. sp.£º . p. 1005. & Blattaria lutea folio longolaciniato. Bauh, pin. 240. Yellow-flower'd Moth Mullein. 8 Battaria alba. Bauh. pin. 241. White-flower'd Moth. Mullein. Nat. of England. Fl. July and August. .. H. 3. V.O.L., I, 2 C. 14, V. fo- S86 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Verbascum. sinuatum. pinnatifi- dum. Osleckii. Myconi. 14. V. foliis radicalibus pinnatifido-repandis tomento- 15. 16. 17. sis; caulinis amplexicaulibus nudiusculis; ra- meis primis oppositis. Willden. sp. pl. l. p. 1006. Verbascum foliis papaveris corniculati. Camer. epit. 882. Scollop-leaved Mullein. Nat. of Montpelier and Florence. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 241. Fl. July and August. H. &. V. foliis lineari-lanceolatis pinnatifidis : laciniis obtusis dentatis, floribus sessilibus glomeratis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1006. Pinnatifid Mullein. Nat. of the Archipelago Islands. Introd. 1788, by John Sibthorp, M. D. Fl. May. G. H. M. V. foliis incisis nudis, caule folioso, calycibus lamatis, pedunculis bifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1006. Blattaria orientalis, bugulae folio, flore maximo virescente, lituris luteis in semicirculum striato. Tourn. it. 2. p. 181. cum tab. Osbeck’s Mullein. Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. Blattaria 13. Fl. July and August. H. &. V. foliis lanatis radicalibus, scapo nudo. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1007. Curtis magaz. 236. Borage-leaved Mullein. . Nat. of the Pyrenees. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. 72. 8. Fl. May. * H. l. DATURA. Gen. pl. 332. 4. Cor, infundibulif. plicata. Cal. tubulosus, angu- latus, deciduus. Caps. 4-valvis. 1. D. pe- PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Datura. 387 1. D. pericarpiis spinosis erectis ovatis: spinis sum-ferox. mis maximis convergentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1007. Stramonium ferox. Zanon. hist. 212. t. 162. Chinese Thorn-apple. - Nat. of China. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. Stramonium 3. Fl. July–September. H. G). 2. D. pericarpiis spinosis erectis ovatis, foliis ovatis Stramoni- º Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1008. Curtis um. ond. Engl. lot. 1288. Svensk lot. 43. • 'A Common Thorn-apple. Nat. of England. Fl. July. º H. G). 3. D. pericarpiis spinosis erectis ovatis, foliis corda- Tatula. tis glabris dentatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1008. Meerb. ic. 2. t. 13. Blue Thorn-apple. lVat. Cult. 1629, by Mr. John Parkinson. Park. pa- radis. 360. n. 2. Fl. July. H. G). * 4. D. pericarpiis tuberculatis mutantibus globosis, fastuosa. foliis ovatis angulatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1008. Stramonium fructu spinoso rotundo, flore duplici triplicive. Knorr thes. 1. tab. S. 11. - Purple Thorn-apple. , * Nat. of Egypt. w Cult. 1629. Park. paradis. 362, n. 4. Fl. July–November. H. G. 5. D. pericarpiis spinosis mutantibus globosis, foliis Metel. cordatis subintegris pubescentibus, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1009. Hummatu. Rheed. mal. 2. p. 47. t. 28. Downy Thorn-apple. . . 2 c 2 Nat. 388 PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Datura. lavis. arborea. grandiflora. miger. I . Nat. of Asia, Africa, and the Canary Islands. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June–September. H. G). . D. pericarpiis glabris inermibus erectis, foliis gla- bris, caule fistuloso herbaceo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1009. Datura inermis. Jacqu, hort, windol. 3. p. 44. t.82. Smooth-fruited Thorn-apple. Nat. of Africa. Introd. 1780, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July–September. H. G). . D. pericarpiis glabris inermibus nutantibus, caule arboreo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1009. Thomp- son’s bot. displ. 3. Tree Thorn-apple. Nat. of Peru. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M.D. Mill. dict, ed. 8. n. 7. Fl. August. S. h. SOLANDRA. Gen. pl. 1732. Cal. rumpens. Cor. clavato-infundibulif. maxi- ma. Bacca 4-locul. polysperma. SoLANDRA. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 936. Jacqu. hort. schoenbr. 1. p. 21. t. 45. Great-flower'd Solandra. Nat. of Jamaica. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1781. Fl. March. S. h. HYOSCYAMUs. Gen. pl. 333. Cor. infundibulif. obtusa. Stam. inclinata. Caps. operculata, 2-locularis. . H. foliis amplexicaulibus sinuatis, floribus sessi- libus. HZillden, sp. pl. 1. p. 1010. Engl. lot. 591. Svensk lot. 21. - Common Henbane. Nat. of Britain. Fl. June and July. & H. Cº. 2. H. fo- PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Hyoscyamus. 389 2. H. foliis caulinis petiolatis cordatis sinuatis acutis; reticulatus. floralibus integerrimis, corollis ventricosis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1010. Hyoscyamus rubello flore. Rob. ic. Egyptian Henbane. Nat. of Egypt. Cult. 1646. Park. theatr. 363. n. 4. Fl. July. - H. O. 3. H. foliis petiolatis sinuatis obtusis, floribus sessili- allus, bus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 101 1. Bulliard herbier de la France, 99. - White Henbane. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 107. - Fl. August. H. G. 4. H. foliis petiolatis dentatis acutis, floribus pedun- aureus. culatis, fructibus pendulis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1011. Curtis magaz. 87. Golden-flower'd Henbane. Nat. of the Levant. t Cult. 1640, by Mr. John Parkinson. Park. the- atr. 362. f. 3. Fl. March—October, G. H. 3. 5. H. foliis lanceolatis dentatis : floralibus inferiori- pusillus. . bus binis, calycibus spinosis. JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1012. Hyosciamus pusillus aureus americanus, antirrhini foliis glabris. Pluk. alm, 188. t. 37. f. 5. Dwarf Henbane. Nat. of Persia. Cult. before 1691, by Mr. George London. Pluk. loc. citat. Fl. July. H. G). 6. H. foliis ovatis integerrimis, calycibus inflatis physaloides. subglobosis. Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 1012. Bo- tan. magaz. 852. Purple-flower'd Henbane. Nat. of Siberia. - Introd. 390 PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Hyoscyamus. Scopolia, Tabacum. łatifolia. angusti- folia. fruticosa. undulata, . . . ; . . . F. May, . . . Introd. 1777, by Messrs. Gordon and Graeffer. ... Fl, March and April. ! H. l. 7. H. foliis ovatis integris, calycibus inflatis campa- nulatis laevibus. Willden, sp, pl. 1, p. 1013, Botan. magaz. 1126. .* Nightshade-leaved Henbane, 2, Nat. of Carniola. * * * Introd. 1780, by Mr. Daniel Grimwood. ! } H. 21, NicotiaNA. Gen. pl. 334. Cor, infundibulif limbo plicato. Stam. inclinata. Caps. 2-valvis, 2-locularis. 1. N. foliis lanceolato-ovatis sessilibus decurrentibus, floribus acutis, Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1014. Regn. iiot, c. Nicotiana major latifolia. Bauh. pin. 169. Broad-leaved Virginian Tobacco, 8 Nicotiana foliis lanceolatis acutis sessilibus, caly- cibus acutis, tubo floris longissimo. Mill. dict, Narrow-leaved Virginian Tobacco, Nat. of America. Cult, before 1570. Lobel. &dv, 251, * Fl. July and August, H. G), 2. N. foliis lanceolatis subpetiolatis amplexicaulibus, floribus acutis, caule frutescente. Willden, sp, pl. 1. p. 1014. Regn. lot, º Shrubby Tobacco, Nat. of China. Cult. before 1699, by the Duchess of Beaufort, Br, mus, sloan. mss, 525, and 3349. Fl. July and August. G. H. W. . 3. N. foliis radicalibus ovatis subundulatis obtusis; caulinis acutis, tubo longissimo ; limbo plano obtusissimo. Sims in botan. magaz. 673. Nicotiana undulata. Venten, malmais. 10, New-Holland Tobacco. Nat, of New South Wales. Col. Paterson. Introd, PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Nicotiana. 391 Introd. 1800, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. ll. 4. N. foliis petiolatis ovatis integerrimis, floribus rustica. obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1014. Common Tobacco. Nat. of America. Cult. 1570. Lobel. adv. 107. Fl. July–September. . H. G). 5. N. foliis petiolatis cordatis integerrimis, floribus paniculata. paniculatis obtusis clavatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1014. Linn. in act. stockholm. 1753. p. 40. t. 1. Panicled Tobacco. Nat. of Peru. Cult. 1752, by Mr.Ph. Miller, Mill. dict. ed. 6. n. 2. Fl. July–September. H. G). 6. N. foliis petiolatis cordatis integerrimis, floribus glutinosa, racemosis secundis subringentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1015. Andrews’s reposit. 484. Clammy Tobacco, Nat. of Peru. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller, Mill. dict. ed. 7. 71. 10. Fl. July–September. H. G). 7. N. foliis oblongo-ovalibus radicalibus, floribus ra- pusilla, cemosis acutus, JWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1015. Nicotiana foliis ovato-lanceolatis obtusis rugosis, calycibus brevissimis. Mill, ic. 2. p. 124. t. 185. • 2. Primrose-leaved Tobacco. Nat. of Vera Cruz. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M.D. Mill. ic. loc, citat. Fl. August. S. 3. ATROPA. 392 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Mandrago- ra. Belladonna. physaloides. frutescens. somniſera. ATROPA. Gen. pl. 335. Cor. campanulata. Stam. distantia. Bacca glo- bosa, 2-locularis. . A. acaulis, scapis unifloris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1016. Regn. lot. Mandrake. - Nat. of the South of Europe and the Levant. Cult. 1548. Turner's names of herbes, sign. Eiij. Fl. March and April. H. l. . A. caule herbaceo, foliis ovatis integris. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1017. Curtis lond. Engl. bot. 592. Fl. dan. 758. Dwale, or Deadly Nightshade. Nat. of Britain. - Fl. June and July. H. M. . A. caule herbaceo, foliis sinuate-angulatis, caly- cibus clausis acutangulis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1017. Jacqu. obs. 4. p. 12. t. 98. Blue-flower'd Atropa. Nat. of Peru. - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph, Miller. Mill. dict, ed. 7. Physalis 18. Fl. July–September. S. G). . A. caule fruticoso, pedunculis confertis, foliis cor- dato-ovatis obtusis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1019. Physalis suberosa. Cavanill, ic. 2. p. 1. t. 102. Shrubby Atropa. - Nat. of Spain. Cult. 1737, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 3. Belladonna 3. Fl. January–March. G. H. W. . PHYSALIS. Gen. pl. 336. Cor. rotata. Stam. conniventia. Bacca intra calycem inflatum, bilocularis. * Peremmes. 1. P. caule fruticoso, ramis rectis, floribus confertis. Will- PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Physalis. 393 Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 1019. Cavanill ic. 2. p. 2. f. O3. Cluster'd Winter Cherry. Nat. of Spain and Mexico. Cult. 1596, by Mr, John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. July and August, G. H. W. . 2. P. caule fruticoso, foliis oblongis integris glabris, aristata, ramis petiolis pedunculisque lanuginosis, den- ticulis calycinis aristatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1020. Bearded Winter Cherry. Nat. of the Canary Islands. Mr. Francis Masson. Introd. 1779. Fl. G. H. P. 3. P. caule fruticoso, ramis flexuosis, floribus con- flexuosa. fertis. Millden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1020. Pevetti. Rheed. mal. 4. p. 113. t. 55. Flexuose Winter Cherry. Nat. of the East Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. m.8. Fl. July and August. G. H. P. 4. P. caule fruticoso, foliis ovatis pilosis, floribus arborescens. solitariis, corollis revolutis. PWillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1020. Physalis foliis ovato-lanceolatis integerrimis op- positis, caule fruticoso. Mill. ic. 2. p. 138. t. 206. f. 2. Shrubby Winter Cherry. Nat. of Campeachy. Introd. before 1733, by William Houstoun, M. D. Mill. ic. loc. citat. Fl. June—August. S. H. 5. P. caule fruticoso, foliis ovatis tomentosis. Will- curassavica. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1020. Solanum vesicarium curassavicum. Pluk. alm. 352. t. I 11. f. 5. Curassavian Winter Cherry. Nat. 394 PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Physalis. Nat. of South America. Cult. 1699, by Viscount Falkland. Moris. hist. 3. p. 527. n. 26. . . - Fl. June–September. S. l. viscosa. 6. P. foliis geminis repandis obtusis subtomentosis, *r caule herbaceo superme paniculato. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1021. Jacqu, hort. vindob. 2. p. 64. t. 136. Clammy Winter Cherry. Nat. of America. " J Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. elth. 1 1. t. 10. f. 10. - Fl. July. G. H. 11. pensylvani- 7. P. foliis ovatis subrepandis obtusis nudiusculis, Cº., floribus geminis, caule herbaceo. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1021. - Pensylvanian Winter Cherry. Nat. of North America. Cult. 1726, by Mr. Ph. Miller. R. S. n. 207. Fl. July–September. | H. ll. Alkekengi. 8. P., foliis geminis integris acutis, caule herbaceo inferne subramoso. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1022. Regn. lot. - Common Winter Cherry. Nat. of the South of Europe. Cult. , 1548, in Sion garden. Turner's names of herbes, sign. Giiij. Fl. July–September. H. M. peruviana, 9. P. procumbens, foliis cordatis integerrimis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1022. Peruvian Winter Cherry. Nat. of South America. Introd. about 1772. Pl. April–October, S. Q. ** Annua. angulata, 10. P. ramosissima, ramis, angulatis glabris, foliis ovatis dentatis, Willden, sp. pl. 1, p. *::: Alke- PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Physalis. 395 Alkekengi indicum glabrum, chemopodii folio. Dill, elth. 13. t. 12. f. 12. -. Angular-branch'd Winter Cherry. Nat. of both Indies. - Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M.D. Dill, elth. loc. citat. * * * , Fl. June–September. H. G). 11. P. ramosissima, foliis villoso-viscosis cordatis, pubescens. floribus pendulis, calycibus fructiferis subro- - tundo-globosis angulatis. . Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1023. • , Alkekengi virginianum, fructu luteo. Feuill. it. 3. to. 5. t. 1. - Downy Winter Cherry. . . Nat. of America. - Cult. 1640, by Mr. John Tradescant. Park. theatr. 462. n. 2. Fl. July and August. S. G). 12. P. ramosissima, pedunculis fructiferis folio vil- minima. loso longioribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1024. Pee-inota-inodien. Rheed. mal. 10. p. 141. t. 71. Small Winter Cherry. Nat. of the East Indies. , - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 8. 71. 1 2. . . . Fl. July and August. S. G). 13. P. ramosissima, foliis villosis, pedunculis strictis, pruinosa. Willden, sp. pl. 1, p. 1024. - Alkekeng barbadense, nanum, alliariae folio. Dill, elth. 10. t. 9...f. 9. Hairy annual Winter Cherry. Nat. of America. - Cult. 1726, by Mr. Philip Miller. R. S. n. 203. Fl. July and August. - H. G). 14. P. ramosissima, caule procumbente tereti hirsuto, prostrata. foliis subcarnosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1024. # Andrews’s reposit. 75. Trailing Winter Cherry, * t * Nat. PENTANDRIA Monogynia, Physalis. verbascifo- lium. , , º, &rºſſ icula- turnt. PS eudo- capsicum. diphyllum. Nat. of Peru. - : . . . . .'; - . . . . Introd. 1782, by Mons. Thouin. . . . . Fl. August and September. : S. G). SOLANUM. Gen. pl. 337. Cor. rotata. Antherae subcoalitae, apice poroge- mino dehiscentes. Bacca 2-locularis. . . . * Inermia. i : . 1. S. caule inermi fruticoso, foliis ovatis tomentosis integerrimis, "corymbis bifi †† r - - ymbis bifidis terminalibus. W.illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1625. . . - Solanum verbascifolium. Jacqu, hort, wind. 1. p. 5. f. 13. - Mullein-leaved Nightshade. . . . Nat. of the West Indies. - Introd. before 1749, by Mr. Mark Catesby. Mill. dict. ed. 8. m. 24. ". Fl. June and July. S. h. 2. S. caule inermi fruticoso, foliis ovatis acuminatis tomentosis integerrimis, stipulis cordatis, co- rymbis bifidis terminalibus. Willden.sp. pl. 1. p. 1025. • . - Solanum mauritianum. Scop. insubr. 3. p. 16. t.8. Ear-leaved Nightshade. . . . Nat. of the Islands of Madagascar, Mauritius, and Bourbon. * * Introd, 1773, by Mons. Richard. - Fl. - : S. 2 . 3. S. caule inermi fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis repan- dis, umbellis sessilibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1026. - Pseudocapsicum, Dod. pempt. 718. Shrubby Nightshade, or Winter Cherry. Nat. of Madeira. * . . . - Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June–September. . . G. H. H. 4. S. caule inermi fruticoso, foliis geminis ; altero minore, floribus cymosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1027. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 322. . . . . - - - f Two- PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Solanum. 397 & 8 Two-leaved Nightshade. Nat. of the West Indies. Cult, before 1699. Moris. hist. 3. p. 522. n. 21. Fl. June and July. S. b. . S. caule inermi fruticoso scandente, foliis corda- Dulcamara. tis glabris: superioribus auriculatis, corymbis oppositifoliis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1028. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 565. Svensk lot. 20. Solanum scandens, seu Dulcamara. Bauh. pin. 167. Common Woody Nightshade or Bitter-sweet. Solanum dulcamarum africanum, foliis crassis hirsutis. Dill. eith. 365. t. 273. f. 352. African Woody Nightshade. Nat. o. of Britain, 3 of Africa. Fl. June and July. • H. 3 G. H. H. . . S. caule inermi subherbaceo angulato flexuoso sca- quercifoli- bro, foliis pinnatifidis, racemis cymosis. Will- um. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1030. Oak-leaved Nightshade. Nat, of Peru. Introd. 1787, by Mons. Vare. Fl. July. - H. 24. . S. caule fruticoso inermi glaberrimo, foliis pin- laciniatum. natifidis : laciniis lanceolatis acutis, paniculis axillaribus binis ternisve. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1030. Curtis magaz. 349. Cut-leaved Nightshade. Nat. of New Zealand. The Right Hon. Sir Jo- seph Banks, Bart. K. B. Introd. 1772. Fl. July and August. G. H. P. . S. caule inermi herbaceo laevi, teretiusculo pro- radicans. strato radicante, foliis pinnatifidis, racemis cy- mosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1031, Linn. Jil. dec. 1. p. 19. t. i0. Rooting Nightshade. Nat. of Peru. -- Introd. 398 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Solanum. Introd. 1771, by Mons. Richard. - Fl. July and August. * @. G. H. lt. * havanense. 9. S. caule inermi frutescente, foliis oblongo-lan- ceolatis integerrimis nitidis, racemis axillaribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1031. - Solanum havanense. Jacqu. amer. 49. t. 35. Havannah Nightshade. Nat. of the West Indies. Messrs. Perrin and Smith. - - Introd. 1793, in H. M. S. Providence, by Capt. William Bligh. Fl. July and August. S. 2. racemosum. 10. S. caule inermi frutescente, foliis lanceolatis re- corymbo- S2A/12. pandis undulatis, racemis longis rectis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1031. Jacqu. amer. 50. t. 36. Wave-leaved Nightshade. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1781, by Mr. Francis Masson. Fl. S. W. . I 1. S. caule inermi suffruticoso, follis ovato-lanceo- latis integris basi acuminatis, floribus corym- bosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1031. Jacqu. łc. l. t. 40. Corymbed Peruvian Nightshade. Nat. of Peru. "Introd. 1786, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. July. S. l. bonariense. 12. S. caule subinermi fruticoso, foliis ovato-oblon- gis sinuato-repandis scabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1032. - Solanum bonariense arborescens, papas floribus. Dill. elth. 364. t. 272. f. 351. Tree Nightshade. Nat. of Buenos Ayres. Cult. 1727, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill.elth. loc. citat. - Fl. June–September. .G. H. W. 13. S. caule PENTANDRIA Monogyni.A. Solanum. 399 13. Fl. most part of the Summer. 14. 15. Love-apple. 16. Fl. July–September. S. caule inermi suffruticoso, foliis cuneatis repan- dis glabris. . Willden, sp. pl. 1. p. 1032. Solanum caule inermi suffruticoso, foliis oblongo- ovatis sinuatis glabris. Mill.ic. 2. p. 196. t. 294. Large-fruited Nightshade. Mat. of Peru. cºil. ii.39, by Mr.Ph. Miller. Mill.ic. loc. citat. S. 2. S. caule inermi herbaceo, foliis pinnatis integerri- mis, pedunculis subdivisis. Willden. sp. pl. ! . p. 1033. Regn. bot. - Common Potato. Nat. of Peru. - Cult. 1597, by Mr. John Fl. July and August. * * Gerard. Ger. herb. 781. H. M. S. caule inermi herbaceo, foliis pinnatis incisis, racemis bipartitis aphyllis, fructibus glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1033. Regn. lot. Nat. of South America. . . Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. H. G). S. caule inermi herbaceo, foliis ovatis dentato-an- gulatis, racemis distichis nutantibus. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1035. Curtis lond. Engl. lot. 566. Svensk botan. 61. Solanum officinarum. Bauh. pinn. 166. Common or Garden Nightshade. Solanum ramis teretibus villosis, foliis angulatis subvillosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1035. Yellow-berried Nightshade. Solanum ramis angulatis dentatis, foliis integerri- mis glabris. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1035. Large black-berried Nightshade. Solanum ramis angulatis dentatis, foliis repandis glabris. . W.illden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1035. Small black-berried Nightshade. Solanum caule inermi herbaceo glabro, foliis ob- * * longo- 4770. C7°OC(17°- pon. tuberosum. Ly copersi- C2/7/2. nigrum. vulgatum. villosum. guineense. virginicum. £ 1. rubrum. 400 PENTANDRIA MonoGYNIA. Solaritint. longo-ovatis acuminatis dentatis glabris, um: bellis nutantibus. Mill. dict. Red-berried Nightshade. Nat, a of Britain, 3 of Barbadoes, y of Guinea, 3 of Virginia, and s of the West Indies. Fl. July. H. G). cethiopicum. 17. S. caule inermi herbaceo, foliis ovatis, repando- angulatis, pedunculis fertilibus unifloris cernuis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1036. Jacqui. hort. vind. 1. p. 4. t. 12. - Ethiopian Nightshade. Nat. Cult. before 1597, by Mr. John Gerard. Ger. herb. 276. - Fl. July. G. H. G). betaceum. 18. S. caule fruticoso inermi, foliis ovato-actitis cras- sis: limbo crispo, florum racemis pendulis. Cavanill. ic. 6. p. 15. t. 524. Solanum betaceum. Audrews’s reposit. 511. Beet-leaved Nightshade. Nat. Introd. 1803, by James Edward Smith, M. D. Fl. June and July. S. 2. Melongena. 19. S. caule inermi herbaceo, foliis ovatis tomentosis, - pedunculis pendulis incrassatis, calycibus iner- mibias. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1036. Regn. lot. Egg-plant Nightshade. Nat. of Asia, Africa, and America. Cult. 1596, by Mr. John Gerard. Hort. Ger. Fl. June and July. G. H. G). stylinerme. 20. S. caule subinermi fruticoso, foliis lanceolato- * ellipticis integerrimis supra glabris; subtus to- mentosis, cymis farinosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1037. - Solanum subinerme. Jacqu. amer. 50, t. 40. f.3. Spear-leaved Nightshade. - Nat. of the West Indies. - tº. Cult. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Solanum. 40 i Cult, before 1752, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 6. n. 20. Fl. July and August. S. W. . 21. S. caule subinermi suffruticoso radicante, turio- muricatum. nibus muricatis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis inte- gris pubescentibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1037. Q Melongena laurifolia, fructu turbinato variegato. Feuill. it. 2. p. 735. t. 26. Warted Nightshade. Nat. of Peru. Introd. 1785, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. S. 2. ** Aculeata. 22. S. caule aculeato herbaceo, foliis cordatis angula- feror, tis tomentosis aculeatis, baccis hirtis calyce ob- tectis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1039. Malabar Nightshade. Nat. of the East Indies. - Introd. 1795, by Sir George Staunton, Bart. Fl. August and September. S. 21. 23. S. caule fruticoso aculeato hirto, foliis cordato- campechi- oblongis quinquelobis dentalis, calycibus acu- ense. leatissimis. PPillden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1039. Solanum campechiense calycibus echinatis. Dill. elth. 361. t. 268. f. 347. Purple-spined Nightshade. Nat. of America. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill, elth. loc. citat. \ , . Fl. July. G. H. 13. *…** 24. S. caule aculeato herbaceo, foliis cordatis angu- Thammo- lato-lobatis: utrinque villosis aculeatis. Will- sum. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1040. * Solanum barbadense spinosum annuum, fructu aureo rotundiore pyri parvi inversi forma et magnitudine. Pluk. alm. 350, t. 226. f. 1. Nipple Nightshade, or Bachelor’s Pear. WOL. I. 2 D Nat. 402 PENTANDRIA MonogYN1A. Solanum. virginia- 72?!???. Jacquini. indicum. Nat, of the West India Islands. Introd. 1699, by Mr. James Rede. Moris, hist, 3. p. 525. n. 1 1. Fl. July and August. S. G). 25. S. caule erecto aculeato, foliis pinnatifidis undi- que aculeatis : laciniis sinuatis obtusis; mar- gine ciliatis, calycibus aculeatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1041. Solanum americanum laciniatum spinosissimum. Dill. elth. 360. t. 267. f. 346. Virginian Nightshade. Nat. of Virginia. Cult. before 1662, by Mr. John Tradescant, Jun. Raj. hist. 674. n. 9. Fl. most part of the Summer. S. 3. 26. S. caule decumbente diffuso aculeato, foliis pin- natifidis undique aculeatis : laciniis sinuatis ob- tectis; margine nudis, calycibus aculeatis. Will- den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1041. Solanum virginianum. Jacqu. ic. 2. t. 332. Jacquin's Nightshade. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. about 1804, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. Fl. September and October. S. G). 27. S. caule aculeato fruticoso, foliis cuneiformibus angulatis subvillosis integerrimis: aculeis utrin- que rectis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1042. Solanum indicum spinosum, flore borraginis. Dill. elth. 362. t. 270. f. 349. Indian Nightshade. Nat. of both Indies. Cult. 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill, elth. loc. citat. Fl. July. S. h. carolinense. 28. S. caule aculeato annuo, foliis hastato-angulatis aculeis utrinque tectis, racemis laxis. Will- den. sp. pl. l, p. 1043. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 33 l . g Carolina PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Solanum. 403 Carolina Nightshade. Nat. of Carolina. cult. ii.33, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. 29. 30. 32. elth. 361. t. 269. f. 348. Fl. July–September. G. H. 21. S. caule aculeato fruticoso tereti, foliis pinnatifi- do-sinuatis sparse aculeatis nudis, calycibus aculeatis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1043. Solanum pomiferum frutescens africanum spino- sum nigricans, borraginis flore, foliis profunde laciniatis. Herm, lugdb. 573. t. 575. Black spined Nightshade. Nat. of Africa. Cult. before 1688, by Bishop Compton. Raj. hist. 1799. n. 15. - - Fl. June and July. - G. H. W. S. caule aculeato suffruticoso, foliis oblongis acutis sinuato-pinnatifidis tomentosis, aculeis rectis subcoccineis. Poiret in Encyclop. method. 4. p. 299. Smith eacot. lot. 2. p. 9. t. 64. Orange-thorn’d Nightshade. Nat. of Madagascar. ! Introd. 1789, by Mons. Thouin. Fl. August and September. S. K. . S. aculeatum, foliis cordatis repandis margine albis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1044. Jacqu, ic, 1. £. 45. White-margin’d Nightshade. Nat. of Africa. James Bruce, Esq. Introd. 1775. Fl. most part of the Summer. G. H. P. S. caule aculeato fruticoso, foliis cordatis angula- to-lobatis integris subinermibus subtus tomen- tosiusculis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1044. Solanum stramonifolium. Jacqu, ic, 1. t. 44. Broad-leaved Nightshade. Nat. of the West Indies. Introd. 1778, by Messrs. Kennedy and Lee. Fl. June–September. S. . 2. 2 D 2 33, S. caule sodoméum. Pyracan- tha. margina- tum. stramonif.- diurn. 404 PENTANDRIA Monogyni A. Solanum. Vespertilio. 33. £07me?lio- 34. S747??, bahamense. 35. giganteum. 36. S. caule aculeato fruticoso, foliis cordatis integris, corollis subirregularibus, anthera ima produc- tiore. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1045. Wendl. hort. herrenhus. 4. p. 5. t. 21. ; , Nycterium cordifolium. Wenten. malmais. 85. Canary Nightshade. tº i Nat. of the Canary Islands. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1779. . . . . tº Fl. Märch and April. ' G. H. H. S. caule aculeato fruticoso : aculeis acerosis, foliis cordatis inerinibus subrepandis : tenellis pulve- rulentis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1045. Solanum africanum spinosum, folio canescente undulato. Triumf prael. 49. cum. tab. Woolly Nightshade. - . . . Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Introd. before 1662, by Mr. John Tradescant, Jun. Raj. hist. 1. p. 674. n. 10. Fl. June and July. . . G. H. W. . S. caule aculeato fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis re- pandis obtusis margine reflexis, racemis simpli- cibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1046. Solanum bahamense spinosum, petalis angustis reflexis. Dill, elth. 363. t. 271. f. 350. Bahama Nightshade. - Nat. of the Bahama Islands. - - cº before 1732, by James Sherard, M. D. Dill. oc. cit. - Fl. June and July. G. H. P. S. caule aculeato fruticoso : aculeis tomentosis, foliis lanceolatis acutis inermibus supra glabris; subtus tomentosis et incanis, racemis dichoto- mis cymosis terminalibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1046. Jacqu, ic. 2. t. 328. /* Tall Nightshade. - + - Nat. of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Fr. Masson. Introd. 1792. - Pl, June and July. * * * G. H. W. | 37. S. caule PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Solanum. 406 37. S. caule aculeato fruticoso, foliis lanceolatis acu- âgneum. 38. 39. minatis basi utrinque revolutis, racemis simpli- cibus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1048. Jacqu, hort. vind. 1. p. 5. t. 14. Red-spined Nightshade. Nat. of South America. - - Cult. 1714, by the Duchess of Beaufort. Br. Mus. H. S. 133. fol. 28. - Fl. March–November. S. 2. S. caule aculeato fruticoso, foliis cuneiformi- trilolatum. angulatis subtrilobis obtusis glabris, floribus racemosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1049. Burm. ând. 57. t. 22. f. 2. - Three-lobed Nightshade. - Nat. of both Indies. - Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill, dict. ed. 7. 72. 32. - Fl. August. S. h. *** Spinosa. S. caule fruticoso spinoso, foliis ellipticis. Will- lycioides. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1050. Jacqu, ic. l. t. 46. •: Box-thorn Nightshade. Nat. of Peru. Introd. about 1791, by Mr. C. A. Broberg. Fl. May and June. S. P. 4. © CAPSICUM. Gen. pl. 338. Cor. rotata. Bacca exsucca. . C. caule herbaceo, pedunculis solitariis. Willden, annuum. sp. pl. 1. p. 1059. Knorr thes. 2. tab. C. 6. Capsicum siliquis longis propendentibus. Tournef. *71st. I 52. Long-podded Capsicum. Capsicum caule herbaceo, fructu ovato. Mill, dict. Olive Capsicum. Nat. of both Indies. Cult, 1548. Turner's names of herles, sign. Fij. Fl. June and July. . S. G). 2. C. caule 406 PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Capsicum. baccatum. grossum. frutescens. cerasiforme. Nur vomi- Cºl. 2. C. caule fruticoso laevi, pedunculis geminis. Will- 5. den. sp. pl. 1. p. 1050. Capsicum minus, fructu parvo pyramidali erecto. Sloan. jam. 1. p. 240. t. 146. f. 2. Small-fruited Capsicum, or Bird Pepper. Nat. of both Indies. Cult. 1731, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 1. 72. 14. Fl. June–September. S. 2 . . C. caule suffrutescente, fructibus incrassatis variis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1051. Piper indicum maximum rotundum erectum. Besl. eyst, aut. l. t. 1 1. f. 1. Heart-shaped Capsicum, or Bell-pepper. Nat. of both Indies. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed.7. m. 3. Fl. July. S. 3. . C. caule fruticoso, pedunculis solitariis, fructibus oblongis. Willden. sp. pl. i. p. 1051. Capsicum indicum. Rumph. amb. 5. p. 247. t. 88. f. l. 3. 4. Shrubby Capsicum. Nat. of both Indies. - Cult. 1656, by Mr. John Tradescant, Jun. Tradesc. 777/S. 95. Fl. June–September. S. 2. C. caule fruticoso, pedunculis solitariis, fructibus globosis. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1051. Cherry Pepper Capsicum. Nat. Cult. 1759, by Mr. Ph. Miller. Mill. dict. ed. 7. m. 5. Fl. June—August. H. G). STRYCHNOS. Gen. pl. 339. Cor. 5-fida. Bacca 1-locularis, cortice lignoso. . S. foliis ovatis, caule inermi. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. } 052. Roach. CO7"O772. J. p. 8, t, 4. Poison-nut. Nat. PENTANDRIA MONogYNIA. Strychnos. 407 Mat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1778, by Patrick Russell, M. D. Fl. S. 2. 2. S. foliis oppositis ovatis acutis quintuplinerviis potatorum. venosis, cymis axillaribus. Willden. sp. pl. 1. p. 1052. Strychnos potatorum. Rowl. corom. 1. p. 9. t. 5. Clearing-nut. Nat. of the East Indies. William Roxburgh, M.D. Introd. 1794, by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. F. S. h. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME, Bichard Taylor and Co., Printers, Shoe-Lane, London. 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Price 21, 2s, and on royal Paper, with first Impressions of the Plates, Price 3!. 3s. in extra Boards. “ in Mr. weld this illustrious and beautiful scenery, has found an accurate and able delineator. His pen and his pencil have both beer employed with effect, and we have seldom seen a work that combines more classical illustration with a laigh degree of graphic excellence. Q. uart. Rev. ESSAYS on the ANATOMY of EXPRES. SION IN PAINTING. By CHARLES BELL. Containing, 1. Of the Uses of Anatomy to the Painter. Of the Study of the Antique, and of the Academy Figure. 2. Of the Skull. Of the Distinctions of Character in dif- ferent Ages. Comparison of the Antique with Natural Character.—3 and 4. Of the Muscles of the Face, in Man and Animals.-5. Of the Expression of Passion as illus- trated by a Comparison of the Muscles of the Face in Man and Animals. Of the Muscles peculiar to Man, and their Effects in bestowing Human Expression.—6. Of the individual Passions. 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By WILLIAM NICHOLSON, Author and Proprietor of the Philosophical Journal, and various other Chemical, Philosophical, and Mathematical Works, Illustrated with 156 elegant Engravings, by Lowry and Scott. Neatly printed by IWhittingham. *** This Work may be had complete in 6 vols. 8vo. Price fil. 6s in Boards; or taken Monthly, in Twelve Parts, price 10s. 6d. each. THE NEW CYCLOPEDIA ; OR, UNI- VERSAL DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, AND LI- TERATURE. Formed upon a more enlarged Plan of Ar- rangement than the Dictionary of Mr. Chambers; compre- hending the various Articles of that Work, with Additions and Improvements ; together with the new Subjects of Biography, Geography, and History; and adapted to the present State of Literature and Science. By ABRAHAM REES, D.D. F.R.S. Editor of the last Edition of Mr. Chambers's Dictionary; with the Assistance of eminent professional Gentlemen. Illustrated with new Plates, including Maps, engraved for the Work by some of the most distinguished Artists. The First Edition of this new Work consisted of 5000 Copies, and a Second Edition of all the carly Parts have been already called for. The following are its principal Recommendations. 1. The Plan of this Work is intended as an Improve- ment upon similar Publications, being a Medium between the Plan of a Dictionary and that of Treatises; and com. prehending the Advantages of each. The History and Outlines of each Science are given under its appropriate TÉtle; and its various Divisions, which can be more satis- factorily explained in separate Articles than in the Body of a Treatise, are introduced under their respective Terms. 2. The Editor is of acknowledged Learning and Indus- try, and of unquestionable Experience in this ſhepartment of literary Labour; the greater Part of his Life having heen employed in editing and improving the last Edition of Mr. Chambers's Dictionary, and in collecting Materials for the present Work. 3. Among the Gentlemen who have engaged to contri. bute their Assistance to this Work, are many of distin. guished Eminence. 4. The Embellishments are of a very superior Descrip- tion, and will form, when completed, an incomparably more elegant and correct Set of scientific and other Plates than has ever been produced. The scientific Subjects are engraved by Mr. Lowry, whose accurate Knowledge and improved Method of Execution, in this Branch of the Art, have not heen equalled. The Subjects of Natural History, &c. are chiefly engraved by Mr. Milton and Mr. Scott, with correspunding Taste and Beauty. The I)rawings are almost wholly new. The Plates which are already engraved, are from Urawings by Messrs. Flax- man, Howard, Stubbs, Lowry, E&wards, Donovan, Sowerby, Strutt, Mushett, E. Aikin, P. Nicholson, Daniel, Nayler, Aliderson, Kirkman, Farey, junior, &c. 5. The Maps will be double the Size usually given in similar Publications, and are drawn and engraved under the Direction of Mr. Arrowsmith. 6. Parts 1. to XXVII. are already published, and may be had either periodically or together, Price 20s. each, in Boards, and arrangements have lately been made to pub- lish the succeeding Parts every two Monthé, till the whole Wörk he completed. 7. A few Copies are printed off on royal paper, with proof impressions of the plates, price 11, 16s. each Part. THE BRITISH THEATRE; or, a COL- LECTION OF PLAYS, which are acted at the Tileatres Royal Drury-Lane. Covent-Garden, and Haymarket, printed under the Authority and by Permission of the Managers from the Prompt Books, with Biographical and Critical Remarks. By Mrs. 1 NCHRA LD. With elegant Engravings. In 25 vols. royal 18mo. Price fl. 16s. 6d. in Boards; or on fine Paper, with Portraits and Proof Impressions of the Plates. Price 13t. in Bgards. The following are the Plays contained in this work, which may he purchased separately, Price is. each : 1. Mountaineers; 2. Speed the Plough ; 3. Wheel of For - tune; 4. Lovers' Vows; 5. Inkle and Yarico; 6. Isabella; T. Wild Oats; 8. Douglas; 9. Stranger; 10. Country Girl ; 11. Dramatist; 12. Hamlet; 13. Grecian Daughter; 14. Busy Body; 15. John Bull; 16. Tancred and Sigismun. da ; 17. All in the Wrong; 18. Macbeth ; 19. Bold Stroke for a Wife; 20. Poor Gentleman; 21. Such Things Are; 22. Oroonoko ; 23. Love in a Village; 24. Ruad to Ruin; 25. Jane Shore; 26. Clandestine Marriage; 27. Edward the Black Prince; 28. Merry Wives of Windsor; 29. Rule a Wife and have a Wife; 30. Mourning Bride; 31. Cure for the Heart Ache; 32. All for Love; 33. Way to Keep Him; 34. King John; 35. She Stoops to Conquer; 36. 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Child of Nature—Wedding Day—Midnight Hour—Raising the Wind–Matrimony—Ella Rosenberg—Blind Boy—Who's the Dupe—Love a la Mode—Hartford Bridge—Netley Ab- bey—The Turnpike Gate—Lork and Key—The Register Office—The Apprentice—The Critic—The Sultan–Rosina —High Life Below Stairs—Bon Ton—The Mock Doctor— The Devil to Pay—The Irish Widow—The Minor—The Mayor of Garratt—The Lyar—Flora—The Birth-day—The Jew and the Doctor.—The Irishman in London—The Pri- soner at large—The Poor Soldier—The Farmer—The High- land Reel—Two Strings to your Bow—The Déserter—All the World's a Stage—Lying Valet—The Citizen—Three Weeks after Marriage—Catherine and Petruchio–Padlock —Miss in her Teens—The Quaker—The Guardian—The Deuce is in Him—Edgar and Emmeline—Richard Coetry de Lion—The Maid of the Oaks—Tom Thumb–The Doctor and the Apothecary—The First Floor—The Adopted Child —Tile Farm house—Lodoiska—Ways and Means-The School for A:thors—Midas—The Waterman—The Author —The Old Maid—The Miller of Mansfield—Comus. 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Tran- slated from the most approved Originals, with Notes. By THOMAS JOHNES, Esq. The Original of this valuable Work has never hefore been translated into English; and as there are only 300 Copies printed of this Edition, it is requested that those Persons who wish to be possessed of Copies will imme. dately transmit their Names to the Publishers, In 4 vols. royal 4to. printed uniformly with the First Edition of Froissart, 'at the Hafod Press, and illustrated by 50 Engravings. Price 211. in Boards. Another Edition of this Work, in 12 vols. 8vo. is in a state of forwardness. SIR JOHN FROISSART'S CHRONICLES of ENGLAND, FRANCE, SPAIN, and the adjoining Couli- tries, from the latter Part of the Reign of Edward II. to the Coronation of Henry IV. Newly translated from the Frerich Editions, with Variations and Additions from many celebrated MSS. By THQMAS John ES, Esq. M. P. To which is prefixed, a Life of the Author, an Essay on his Works, a Criticism on his History, and a Dissertation on liis Poetry. The Third Edition, in 12 vols. 8vo. Price 71.4s. in Boards. * Floissart is an historian consulted and cited by * whose subject leads him to the period in which he wrote; he chief, if not the only authentic source"of information we are pos- sessed of with † to one of the proudest and most striking por: tions of our national annals. The engravings from old illuminated MSS. which accompany the present º of the work, are useful as well as curious ornaments. As the authenticity of the SQu TCeS fruin which they are taken cannot be doubted, they present valu- , able pictures of the costume of the timgs: We consider the tran- slation of Froissart's Chronicles by Mr. Johnes as, an undertaking of great importance, and even of high nātional interest.” crif. Rev. MEMOIRS OF JOHN LORD DE JOIN- Wilſ. 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Price 4.4s. in Boards. . . . . - “”The unquestionable fidelity of the writer, his situation near the presence of the King, the simplicity in which he relates all that he beheid-quorumºus pars inagna fuit ; and, above all, the perspi; cuous and interesting flicture which is exhibited ºf the manners of that period, render these memoirs, in an English dress, peculiarly wa,uable.” Rrit. Crit. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF COLONEL HUTCHINSON, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town, Representative of the County of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the Town of Nottingham in the first Parliament of Charles II.3.c. . With original Anec- dotes of many of the most distinguished of his Contem- poraries, and a Summary Review of Public Affairs: written by his Widow, Lucy, daughter of Sir Allen Aspley, Lieute- nant of the Tower, &c. Now first published, from the original Manuscript, By the Rev. JULius HUTCHINSON. 'fo which is prefixed, the Life of Mrs. Hutchinson, written by herself, a Fragment. Embellished with two elegantly engraved Portraits, and a View of Nottingham Castle. The 3d Edit. In two vols. 8vo. Price it. 1s. A few Copies of the 4to. are remaining on large paper, price 22. 12s. 6d. in Boards. - ... • “The present volume forins a valuable addition tº our re- writer is tile gords, and is justly entitled to, stand by the side, of those of . Rushworth, Clarendon, and Ludlow.” Mon - - • “we have not oſten met with any thing inore interesti urious than this wolume.” Edi - "Năvățâna MILITARY MEMOIRs of as and C GREAT BRITAIN, from 1727 to 1783. — By RobekT BEATSON, Esq. LL.D. . The 2d Edit. W | iſ a continuation."6 vols. 8vo. 31.3s. Bds. i. A POLITICAL INDEX to the HISTO. Ries of GREAt Britain and IRELAND; or a Com. plete Register of the Her editary Honours, Public ºffices, and Persons in Office, from the earliest Periods to the, present Time. By RGBERT BEATSON, LL. D. The Third Édition, corrected and much enlarged, in 3 vols. 8vo. 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The work, is full of biographical no- tices, cºurious anecdotes, local peculiarities, charters, presentments, &c. &c.; and what is not less deserving praise, the extracts from Registers are so various, that certificates may be obtained if neces- sary of upwards of a thousand eminent names, exclusive of inscrip- tions on monuments. The labour of such an undertaking is so mani- fest, and its utility at the same time so obvious, that it seems a sort of public duty to promote it by all possible accommodation. We have no cicult that when finished this will be the most comprehensive ac- count of London that has ever been published.” Brit. Crit. ANECDOTES OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS of LONDON during the 18th Century, includ- ing the Charities, Depravities, Diesses, and Amusements of the Citizens of London, during that Period, with a Re- view of the State of Society in 1807. 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THE HISTORY of the ANGLO-SAXONS. The first volume containing their History before their invasion of Britain, and their subsequent History in Eng- land to the Norman. º including the Life of A1, frēd, and the Accºunt of the St *:::: and Pirates of the Nºrth—the Second Volumé, describing their Manners; *. i ..". | • *; *:- - ** * Fº voyages, TRAVELs, GEOGRAPHY, AND TOPOGRAPHY. 5, Government, Laws, Poetry, Literature, Religion, and Lan- guage. By SHARON TURNER, F.A.S. - in 2 vols. 4to. Price 3. 3s. in Boards, the Second Edi. tion, corrected and enlarged, with an Introduction, on the History of Britain before the Arrival of the Romans. “we regard Mr Turner's work as a very valuable addition, tº our national histories, from numerous and recondite sources he has Collected much that is interesting and curious, respecting both the imanners and the events of the periods which he describes. There certainly was occasion for such a work, and the execution of r 'leaves no room to regret that it devolved on Mr. 'Purner.” Erl. Ret'. LIVES of ANCIENT PHILOSOPHERS, translated from the French of FENELON, with Noles and a Life of the Author. By the Rev. J CORMACK, M.A. 'lil 2 vols, foolscap 8vo. The 2d Edit. printed by Ballan- tyne. Price 125. in Boards. An ACCOUNT of the LIFE and WRITINGS of J AM ES BRUCE, of Kinnard, Esq. F.R.S. Author of Travels to discever the Source of the Nile. , By A L.EXAN DER MURI AY, F.A.S.E. And Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. In 1 vol 4to. Price 2/ 12s. 6d. in Boards. A BIOGRAPHICAL PEERAGE of tho EMPIRE of Glt EAT BRITA IN; in which are Menoirs and Characters of the most celebrated Persons of each Family. Volume I. II. and III. (containing the Peerage of Eng- land and Scotland,) with the Arms neatly engraven on Wood. Price 24s. in Bds. In the Press, and in a State of considerable forward- ness, Volume IV. containing the Peerage of Ireland. 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The Original of this Work has always been regarded as an interesting Memorial of the State of Literature aud learned Men in France, and some other Countries, during a Period comprising the whole Reign of Louis XIV. The Translator has annexed a large Body of Notes, in which Sketches are given of the Characters, private and literary, of all the distinguished Persons mentioned in the Work. - ENQUIRIE8, Historical and Moral, re. specting the Character of Nations, and the Progress of Society, exhibiting a View of the moral History of Man, of the Manners and Characters of Nations, and the Cir- cumstances on which these are dependant; also a view of Society as it exists in the earlier Stages of its Progress. By HUGH MURRAY. - In 1 vol. 8vo. Price 10s. 6d. in Boards. • The HISTORY of the RISE, PROGRESS, | and . ACCOMPLISHMENT of the Al;0 LITION of the SLAVE TRADE. ... By T. CLARKSON, M.A. in 2 vols. 8vo. with illustrative Engravings. Price 1.4s. 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Price.31.13s.6d. in Boards, and enbellished with Portraits, and the Arms of the different Families. . - *** A few Copies are printed on fine Royal Paper, with Proof impressions of the Plates, price Six Guineas. THE HISTORY of EGYPT ; from the ear- liest Accounts uſ that Country till the Expulsion of the French from Alexandria in the Year 1801. By JAMES wilson, D.D., . . A new Edit. In 3 vols. 8vo. Price il. 4s. in Boards. * Dr Wilson is urquestionably a man of talents; and the Arapi- dity of his narrative, and his flow of language, give considerable animation to his pages.” M. Ret': cº THE HISTORY of SPAIN ; from the ear- liest Period to the Close of the Year 1809. By JOHN BIGLAND. in 2 vols. 8vo, Price 11.4s. Bds. VOYAGES, TRAVELS, GEOGRAPHY, AND TOPOGRAPHP. A COLLECTION of VOYAGES and TRA- VELS in EUROPE, being the first portion of a General Collection of Voyages and Travels; forming a complete History of the origin and progress of discovery, liy Sea and Land, ſrom the earliest ages to the present time. h’receded by all Historical lºrrotſ inction, and critical Ca talogue of Books of Voyages and Travels, and illustrated and adorned with numerºus Engravings. By JOHN P N KERTON, Author of “ Modern Geography,” &c. In 6 vols. 4to. with Engravings. Price 13t. 13s. Rds. I'o be continued in Monthly Parts. Price 10s. 6d. each. The first six Volumes of “A new General Collection of Voyages and Travels,” comprising the Narratives of the European Travellers, are now submitted to the Public. In several collections of this kind, it has happened that the Voyages and Travels in Europe, by being reserved to the last, have been either omitted, or given in sunall detached portions. The arrangement here adopted, has at least supplied that defect, without hazarding a similar imper. fection in relation to any other quatter of the globe. The usext division of this Collection, will contain the ac- count of travellers that relate to Asia, which will also be published separately as soon as it can be completed, with. out waiting for the regular course of monthly delivery. The remainder of the Work, containing the descriptions of Africa and America, will be brought forward in similar detached portions, for the accommodation of persons who || may prefer this mode of publication. The publication in Monthly Parts will, however, be continued as before. The Editor and Proprietors find from the vast mass of valuable materials which have offered themselves for se. lection, that they cannot, without injuring the utility and interest of their Work by the omission of some, and the a bridgement of other in portant documents, calculate upon completing it in less than sixteen volumes. They announce this with the less regret, on account of the gene- ral approbation with which their plan has been received. MODERN GEOGRAPHY. A Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Colonies; with the Oceans, Seas, and Isles, in all Parts of the World ; including the most recent Discoveries and pºlitical Alte- rations. Digested on a new Plani. . By JOHN PINKERTON. The Astronomical introduction by the Rev. S. Vince, A M. F.R.S and Plumian Professor of Astronounv., and Experimental Philosophy, in the University of Cambridge. with numerous Maps, drawn under the Direction, and with the latest Improvements of Arrowsmith, and en- graved by Lowry. To the Whole are added. a Catalogue of the best Maps and Books of Travels and Voyages, in all Languages; and an ample Index. In 3 vols. 4to. Price 6t. 6s. in Boards. & “Mr. P. has presented us with a production, which we need not be ashāmed to' own as of British growth, which is not a mºre bookseller's job, but is the fruit of the persevering study of a man of letters, and has been conducted on the principles and for the advancement of science.” Mon. Ret). - Numb. I. to III. (to be continued every Two Months), A NEW MODERN ATLAS. By John PINkerton. The Maps are engraved in the Size called A new Edition. Af / 6 PRINTED For LoNGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME. Colombier, from Drawings executed under Mr. Pinker- ton's Eye; with all the Advantages afforded by the latest Improvements in Geographical Precision; and they ex- hibit the utmost Beauty the State of the Arts can admit. It is calculated that the Work will be completed in 20 Numbers, each containing Three Maps. Price One Guinea. A GEOGRAPHICAL and HISTORICAL VIEW of the WORLD; exhibiting a complete Delinea- tion of the matural and artificial features of each Coun. try ; and a succinct narrative of the origin of the differ. ent Nations, their Political Revolutions, and progress in Arts, Sciences, Literature, Commerce, &c. The whole comprising all that is important in the Geography of the Globe and the History of Mankind. - By JOHN BIG LAND. . Author of “Letters on Ancient and Modern History,” &c. In Five large Volumes, 8vo. Price 3!. 13s. 6d. Boards. This Work is upon a Plan entirely new, and will be found much more comprehensive than any compendium of Geography and History hitherto published. The Geo. graphy of each Country, and its Natural History, are here treated at-considerable length, and from the latest autho- rities; the principal Cities, with the objects of curiosity or interest contained in them, are fully described, as are also such Edifices and other works of human art, as were thought deserving of notice. The Political and Civil His- fory of each nation succeeds, in which the aim of the Au- thor has been in narrating its principal revolutions, to trace its progress in the arts of civilized life. To the His- tory is added, an account of the present state, political and moral, of every country, exhibiting the rank it sustains in the scale of Civilization, and its relative importance among nations. - A VIEW OF SPAIN; comprising a descrip- (tive Itinerary of each Province, and a general Statistical Account of the Country; including its Population, Agri- Culture, Manufactures, Commerce and Finances; its Ga- wernment, Civil, and Ecclesiastical Establishments; the State of the Arts, Sciences, and Literature; its Mainers, Customs, Natural History, &c. By ALEXANDER DE LABORDE. - Translated from the French. In 5 vols. 8vo. with an Atlas of the Roads of Spain, and other Maps of the Country, &c. Price 3. 13s.6d. Boards. * This publication contains a vast accumulation of important §etails, and is the most comprehensive and ratisfactory work on the subject.” Ecl. Rev. - - THE GEOGRAPHICAL, NATURAL, and ClVIL HISTORY of CHILI. Translated from the Ori- ginal Italian of the ABBE DON J. IGNATIUS MOLINA. To which are added, Notes from the Spanish and French Version, and two Appendixes, by the English Editor. In 2 vols. 8vo. with a hº of the Country. Price 18s. Boards. ..“We are particularly glad at the present moment to be able to irect our readers to the works of Molina, in their own language. nateyer is calculated to increase our knowledge of South Ame. rica, is now of the greatest importance, and the region which is the subject of the work before is, is certainly among the most in. §eresting of that, neglected world. There aré few, we are inclined fo think, who will nºt be disposed to look for themselves into this interesting and satisfactory performance.” Ed. Rev. A VIEW of the ANCIENT and PRESENT STATE of the ZETLAND ISLANDS ; including their Civil, Political, and Natural History, Antiquities, and an Ac. count of their Agriculture, Fisheries, Commerce, and the State of Society and Manners. * - . By ARTHUR EDMONDSTON, M.D. . In 2 vols. 8vo, illustrated by a Map. 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Containing an accurate De- scription of the Government, Manners, Customs, Religion, ºtent, Boundaries, Soil, Climate, Produce, Revenue, Trade, Manufactures, &c. &c. of the several Nations that compose that extensive Empire. By W. TookE, F.R.S. 2d Edit. In 3 large vols. 8vo. Price 1L. 1 1s. 6d. in Boards. An ACCOUNT of JAMAICA, and its IN- HABITANTS. By a GENTLEMAN, long resident in the West Indies. In 8vo. Price is. 6d. in Boards. - “The present work contains a great deal, of useful information fespecting Jamaica. Mon. Rev. * - LETTERS from CANADA; written during a residence there, in the years 1806, 1801, 1808, showing the present State of Canada, its Productions, Trades, Com- mercial Importance, and Political Relations. Illustrative of the Laws, the Manners of the People, and the Peculi- arities of the Country and Climate. Exhibiting also, the Commercial Importance of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Cape Breton; and their increasing Ability in conjunc- tion with Canada, to furnish the necessary supplies of Lumber and Provisions to our West India Islands. By HUGH GRAY. In Octavo, with a Map. Prict 12s. Boards, * These letters appear to be the result of much careful obser- vation, and are written with great good sense. It is an entertain- ing, and must be a useful publication.” Brit. Crit. TRAVELS through the SOUTH of FRANCE, and the Interior of the Provinces of Provence and Lan- guedoc, in the Years 1807 and 1803, by a Route never before performed, being along the Banks of the Loire, the Isere, and the Garonme, through the greater Part of their Course. Made by Permission of the French Government. By Lieut. COLONEL PINKNEY, of the North American Native Rangers. In 1 vol. 4to. Price il. 5s. Boards. A DESCRIPTION of CEYLON, containing an Account of the Country, inhabitants, and natural Pro- ductions: with Narratives of a Tour round the lsland in 1800, the Campaign in Candy in 1803, and a Journey to Ramisseram in 1804. By the Rev. J. CORD1NER, A.M. Late Chaplain to the Garrison of Columbo. In two vols. 4to. illustrated by twenty-five Engravings ſrom original Drawings. Price St. 13s.6d. in Boards. .. * considered as volumes of Travels, Mr. Cordiner's labours must enjoy a respectable rank among useful and agreeable publications. Tć those who either wish to go to India, or have friends there, this “ Description of Ceylon' will be peculiarly agreeable.” Anti jaa. TRAVELS in SOUTH AMERICA during the year 1801, 1802, 1803; and 1804; containing a Descrip- tion of the Captain. Generalship of Caraccas, and an Ac- count of the Discovery, Conquest, Topography, Legislature, Commerce, Finance, and Natural Productions of the Coun- try; with a View of the Manners and Customs of the Spa- niards and the Native Indians. By F. DEPONS, *** Translated from the French. In 2 Vols. 8vo. with a Map of the Country. Price it. 1s. THE TRAVELS of CAPTAINSLEWIS and CLARKE, from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Co- lumbia Rivers, to the Pacific QCean ; performed in the Years 1804, 1805, and 1805. By Order of the Government of the United States; containing Delineations of the Manners, Customs, Religion, &c. of the Indians; compiled from various authentic Sources and original Documents; and a summary of the Statistical View of the Indian Nations, from the official communication of MERIWETHER LEWIS. In 8vo, illustrated with a Map of the Country inhabited by the Tribes of Western Indians. Price 9s. 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NOTES on the WEST INDIES, written during the Expedition under the Command of the late Ge. neral Sir Ralph Abercromby. By G. PINCKARD, M.D. - in 3 vols. 8vo. Price 11. 10s. in Boards. ** This work is an extremely valuable addition to our information upon Colonial Affairs. It abounds in facts the result of actual ob- servation.” Edinb, Rev. - * MEDICINE, surgery, AND CHEMISTRY. 7 The NEW UNIVERSAL GAZETTEER ; er, GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, containing a De- scription of all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, Cities, Towns, Forts, Seas, Harbours, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, and Capes, in the known World; with the Go- vernment, Customs, Manners, and Religion of the Inha- bitants; the Extent, Boundaries, and natural Productions of each Country; the Trade, Manufactories, and Curio- sities of the Cities and Towns, collected from the best Authors; their Longitude, Latitude, Bearings, and Dis- tances, from the best and most authentic Charts. By the Rev. 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If ever there was a book º fºſ reference to a vast variety of persons it is this, which bears at the same time every ulark of the utmost accuracy that the nature of the matter con- tained will allow us to expect.” Brit. Crit. “We embrace the first opportunity of congratulating the public in the acquisition of this useful performanee, and of offering Mr. Carlisle that commen- dation to which his diligence and indefatigable industry, are emi- nently entitled. A compilation of this kind, executed with patience and fidelity, has long been a desideratum, and the task of filling IETE MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND CHEMISTRY. —f- up this hiatus in our libraries, could not have fallen into better hands.” Mon. Rev. - - THESCENERY, ANTIQUITIES, and BIO- GRAPHY OF SOUTH WALES, from Materials collected during Two Excursions in the Year 1803. By BENJAMIN HEATH MALKIN, Esq. M. A. F. S. A. In 1 vol. 4to, illustrated with Views, drawn and engraved by Laporte, and a Map of the Country. 21. 12s. 6d, Boarda. Also a 2nd Edit. in 2 vols. 8vo. Price ll. 1s. in Boards. “Mr. Malkin d’splays a mastery of style, and is an instructive companion ; we have no hesitation in assigning liiin a place in the first class of Tourists.” M. Rev. NORTH WALES; including its Scenery, An- tiquities, Customs, and some Sketches of .ts Natural His- tory; delineated from Two Excursions through all the interesting Parts of that Cauntry, during the Summer, of 1798 and 1801. By the Rev. W. BINGLEY, A. M. In 2 vols. 8vo. 2d Edit. with a new and accurate Map, Frontispieces, and several favourite Welsh Airs. 1.1s. Bds. ** We have no hesitation in dec.aring that these volumes deserve to be ranked among the best performances of the kind; nor will any one hereafter act wisely, wilo should visit North Wales, without Inaking them his companion.” Brit. Crit. GLEANINGS through WALES, HOLLAND, ANI) west PH A L1A. by Mr. PRATT. - The Sixth Edition. In 3 vols. Price 1.4s. in Boards. GLEANINGS in ENGLAND ; descriptive of the Countenance, Mind, and Character of the Country. By Mr. PRATT. In 3 vols. 8vo. Price il. 13s. in Boards. SUMMER EXCURSIONS through parts of Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, and South Wales. By ELIZABETH ISABELLA SPENCE. In 2 vols. 12mo, with Frontispiece. Price 10s. 6d. Bd2. “Miss Spence is an agreeable traveller. Crit. Rev. -º- THE PHARMACOPOEIA of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICI ANS OF LONDON. 1809. Trans- lated into English, with Notes, &c. By R. POWELL, M.D. Fellow of the College, Physician to St. Bartholemew's and the Magdalen Hospitals. The . Second Edition, re- vised and corrected. l iſ 8vo, Price 10s. 6d. Roards. Two Tables on Pasteboard, exhibiting at one View, the Relations of the last and present Pharmacopoeia. 3s.6d. PHARMACOPOEIA COLLEGIIREGALIS MEDICoruM LoNDINENSls. 1809. In 18mo: Price 4s. SURGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Part I. on the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases, and on Aneurisms. By JOHN ABERNETHY, F.R.S. In 8vo. Price 7s. Boards. Under the Title of SURGICAL OBSERVATIONS will be re-published, in Succession, with considerable Addi- tions, Part II. Containing Observations,on the Origin and Treatment of Pseudo Syphilitic Diseases, and on Diseases of the Urethra.—Part 111. Observations on Injuries of the Head, and Miscellaneous Subjects.-Part IV. Observa- tions on Chronic Abscesses and Tumours. THE PRINCIPLES of Surgery; Volume the First; as they relate to Wounds, Ulcers, and Fistulas; Aneurisms, and Wounded Arteries, Fractures of the Limbs, and the Duties of the Military and Hospital Surgeon. By JOHN BELL, Surgeon. In 1 large vol. royal 4to. illustrated by Eighty Engravings, unany of them accurately coloured from Nature. Price 4!.4s. Volume the Second; containing the Operations of Surgery, as they relate to the Anatomy and Diseases of the Urethra and Bladder, aud the Anatomy and Diseases of the Scull and Brain. In Two Paris, royal 4to. illustrated by mumerous Engravings. Price 5l. 5s. Volume the Third; being Con- sultations and Operations, on jhe more important Sur." gical Diseases, containing a Series of Cases, calculated to iſiustrate chiefly the Doctrine of Tumours, and other ir- regular Parts of Surgery, and to instruct the young Sur- geon how to form his Prognostics, and to plan his Opera- tions. In royal 4to, illustrated with 37 Engiº ings. Price ºl. 25. in Boards. * ** THE ANATOMY of the HUMAN BODY. By JOHN and CHARLES BELL, Surgeons, Edinburgh. In 4 vols. royal 8vo. The Two first Volumes of the above Work contain the Anatomy of the Bones, Muscles, and Joints; and of the Heart and Arteries; with numerous Engravings. Price 12. 10s. in Boards. The Third Volume contains the Anatomy of the Brain, and Description of the Course of the Nerves, and the Anatomy of the Eye and Ear, with Engravings. Price 16s. in Boards. The Fourth contains the Anatomy of the Viscera of the Abdomen, the Parts in the Male and Female Pelvis, and the Lymphatic System, with an Appendix and Engravings, which com- pletes the Work, royal 8vo. Price 15s. in Boards. ENGRAVINGS of the ARTERIES, illus- trating the Second Volume of the Anatomy of the Human Body, by JOHN BELL, Surgeon ; and serving as an Intro- duction to the Surgery of the Arteries, by CHARLES BELL, Surgeon. Superbly printed in imperial 8vo. and beautifully cºloured. The Second Edit. Price 1b. 18. Bds. “We have seen no work better calculated for giving clear ideas on this important branch of anatomy, and we strongly recorn- mend it to our medical friends, as at once a very useful and highly ornamental addition to their libraries.” M. Rev. THE ANATOMY of the BRAIN ; explained in a Series of Engravings, beautifully coloured, with a Dissertation on the Cornmunication between the Ventri- cles of the Brain. By CHARLES BELL, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, of Edinburgh. In royal 4to. Price 22.2s. in Boards. ** We have here a Ejiº, which reflects much credit on the author's anatomical knowledge, and on his skill as an artist. The plates are executed in a very superior style of correctness and elegance.” M. Rev. A SERIES of ENGRAVINGS, explaining the COURSE of the NERVES. By CHARLES BELL, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. On royal 4to. with letter-press Descriptions. Price 1b. 18. in Boards. “These engravings are in the author's usual style of correctness and elegance, and they may therefore be regarded as a valuable acquisition to the medical library.” M. Rev. ENGRAVINGS of the BONES, MUSCLES, and JOINTS, illustrating the First Volume of the Ana- tomy of the Human Body. By JOHN BELL, Surgeon. 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Price One Guinea, in Boards. •,• The Proprietors of Mr. MURRAY's Grammatical Works flatter themselves, that the present imprºved edition of the whole, it two volumes, octavo, in a large letter, and on superſºme paper, will be received by the Public with approbation. The Author has, on this occasion, levised the Grammar, enlarged it very, considerably, and adapted the whole to the purposes in view. the additions occupy more than ninety pages of the first volume, and are inter- spersed throughout the book. In its present state, the work may be considered as almost a new performance. It contains an ample exhibition of the principles of English Grammar, and a copious illustratiºn of those principles; with many positions and discus- sions which, it is presumed, will be found not destitute of originality. To teachers of the language, and to others, who wish to extend their knowledge of the grammatical art, or to consult the work as a book of reference, these vo- lumes may be particularly acceptable, and may be thought worthy of a place in their libraries. • An ENGLISH SPELLING BOOK; with Reading Lessons adapted to the Capacities of Children : in Three Parts, calculated to advance the Learners by na; tural and easy Gradations; and to teach Orthography aud Pronunciation together. By LINDLEY MURRAY, In demy 18mo. 9th Edit. Price 1s. 6d. bound. …' *we recommend to the public this most important little volume, as the only work with which we are acquainted, in the English language, for teaching children to read, written by a phi: losopher and a man of taste.” Lit. yourn. “We can recommend it as the best work of the kind which has lately fallen under our inspection.” Anti yac. . “In this book are several useful things, not commonly ſound in such works.” Brit. 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Designed for the younger Classes of Learners. 26th Edit. Price is, bound. ENGLISH EXERCISES, adapted to MUR- RAY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, consisting of Exem- plifications of the Partz of Speech, Instances of False Orthography, Violations of the Rules of Syntax, Defects in Punctuation, and Violations of the Rules respecting Per. spicuity and Accuracy. Designed for the Benefit of Private Learners, as well as for the Use of Schools. Price 2s. 6d. A KEY to the ENGLISH EXERCISES; ealeulated to enable private Learners to become their own Instructors in Grammar and Composition. 2s. 6d. bound. The Exercises and Key may be had together. 4s. 6d. “Mr. Murray's English Grammar, English Exercises, and Abridg- ment of the Grammar, claim our attention, on account of their being composed on the principle we have so frequently recom- mended, o §§ religious and moral improvement with the elements of scientific knowledge. The late learned Dr. Blair gave his opinion of it in the following terms:— Mr. Lindley Murray's Grammar, with the Exercises and the Key in a separate volume, I esteem as a most excellent performance. ... I think it superior to any work of that nature we have yet had ; and am persuaded that it is, by much, the best Grammar, of the English language extant. On syntax, in particular, he has shown a wonderful degree of acuteness and precision, in ascertaining the propriety of language, and in rectifying the numberless errors which writers are apt to commit. Most useful these books must certainly be to all who are applying themselves to the arts of composition.” Guard. of Educ. INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH READER; or a Selection of Pieces, in Prose and Poe- try, &c. By LINDLEY MURRAY. 3s, bound. ** This introduction may be safely recommended, and put into the hands of youth : and the rules and observations for assisting jº, to . with propriety, form to it a very suitable introduc. ion ” M. 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A Ro- mance; interspersed with some Pieces of Poetry. - - By ANN RADCLEFE, Author of the Romance of the Forest. The Sixth Edition, in 4 vols. 12mo, Price il. 4s. in Boards. THE ROMANCE of the FOREST; inter- spersed with some Pieces of Poetry. By A. RADCLIFFE. The Seventh Edition, in 3 vols. 12mo. Price 15s. in Boards. A SICILIAN ROMANCE. By ANN RADCLIFFE. -- The Fourth Edition, in 2 Vols. 12mo, Price 8s. in Boards, THE CASTLES of ATHLEN and DUN. BAYNE, a Highland Story. By ANN RADCLI FFE. Third Edition. 12mo. Price 3s. 6d. in Boards. ROMANTIC TALES. By M. G. LEWIS, Anthor of the Monk, Adelgitha, &c. In 4 vols. 12mo. Price 12.4s. in Boards. WOMAN ; or IDA of ATHENS. By Miss OWENSON. Author of the “Wild Irish Girl,”“The Novice of St. Dominick,” &c. In 4 vols. 12mo. Price 11. 1s. Bds. ‘‘ She has produced a very elegant, ingenious, and affecting Novel, which derives, a peculiar charm from the climate, and the manners with which it is connected.” Ann. Rev. 1808. 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A SELECTION of CURIOUS ARTICLES from the GENTLEMAN's MAGAZINE ; containing, 1. Ré. searches, Historical and Antiquarian ; 2. Ancient and Mo- dern Literature, Criticism, and Philology : 3, Philosophy and Natural History; 4. Letters to and from eminent Per- sons; 5. Miscellaneous Articles, including Anecdotes of extraordinary Persons, useful Projects and inventions, &c. &c. In 3 large vols. 8vo. Price it. 16s. * - *** Extract of a letter from Mr. Gibbon, the Historian, to Mr. Nichols, dated Lausanne, February 24, 1792. ** I am tempted to embrace this opportunity of suggesting to you the idea of a work, which must be surely well received by tye Pub- lic. That voluminous series (Gentleman's Magazine) of more than threescore years now contains a great number of literary, historical, and miscellaneous articles of real value: they are at present buried in a heap of temporary rubbish; but if properly chosen and ciassed *:::::"; revive to great advantage in a new publication of a mo- & Tate Size.” - effusion of a superior mind. There is sterling good sense in most of her remarks on books, manners, education, &c. and a great share of originality. , She always appears to us in a light at ºnce respectable and amiable. Her understanding is strong, her fancy lively, her sensibility acute. She has the art of placing sº; thing before our eyes; we see her, we hear her, and we jecomé acquainted with: her ; , and when we shut her book, we See In to take leave of a friend.” Ann. Rev. 2 MEMOIRS of an AMERICAN LADY, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. 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Price Qs. in Boards. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the Olt I ENTAL LIBRARY of the late TIP:FOO SULTAN of MYSORE. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of Hyder Aly Khan, and his Son, Tippoo Sultan. & By CHARLES STEWART, Esq. M.A.S. Late Major of the Bengal Establishment, and Professor of Oriental Languages in the Honourable East India Com- pany’s College at Hertford. In 1 vol. 4to, Price 4!. 4s. Bas. As only 250 have been printed of this Work, it is re- quested that early application be made for Copies. “. The pleasures, we have experienced in perusing these sheets, has been considcrably heightened by our confidence in the accu. racy of the contents, (Major Stewart giving notes and references from the most authentic materials,) and from the nodest, tinas- suming manner in which the whole is written. The work Major Stewart proposed to write, was one of great curiosity to all classes of readers, and a desideratum of real consequence to Oriental scholars.” Brit. Crit, DeC. 1809. AN INTRODUCTION to the KNOW- LEDGE of rare and va}uable Editions of the GREEK and LATIN CLASSICS. including an Account of Polyglot Bibles; the best Greek. and Greek and Latin Editions of the Septuagint amid New Testament, the Scriptores de Re Rustica, Greek Romances, and Lexicons, and Grannmars By the Rev. T. FRUGNALL DIBDIN, F.S.A. in 2 vols. crown 8vo. the 3d Edit, with additional Authors. and Biographical Notices (chiefly of English Authors.) Price 18s, in Boards. - ''. We are decidedly of opinion that no bibliographical col- lection can be complete without Mr. Dibdin's volumes, which are, independent of the solid information they contain, frequently enlivened by literary anecdotes, and rendered generally interest- ing by great variety of observation and acuteness of remark.” Britº Crit. THE BIBLIOMANIA; or BOOK MAD. 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