~KFWOKT- OF THE Wineland Historical and Antiquarian Society. Cctober 9tſ., 1894. Öineland, 9). ©). 1895. G RAFF, Punt, Wineland, N. J. §. r * * s -' s º | --!\ VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. THE history oſ Vineland dates from August 8th. 1861, when its founder, Chas. K. Landis, drove the first stake to mark the centre of the prospective town. The growth of the settlement during the succeeding years was phenomenal; settlers coming in large numbers, the Eastern and Middle States being largely represent- ed. Before the close of 1863, the project of forming a society whose object should be to collect and preserve the early history, was discussed and so favorably that the organization of the VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY was effected, January 6th. 1864. The Constitution of the society declared the object to be, “to collect and preserve historical and current accounts of events, persons, inventions, scientific investigation, photographs, drawings, models and specimens, and all other matters of a similar character connected with the interest of Vine- land.” For a number of years the Society took an active part in the growth and de- velopement of the place, holding regular meetings of its own, providing a lecture course for the citizens and prospering in its chosen work. The Society became an incorporate body, July 13th. IS68. The anniversary of the founding of Vineland was celebrated by this Society for many years and it was voted the 8th of August should be observed as a holiday in Vineland. The Library Association having been organized in 1876, the Historical Society uuited with them in sustaining a reading room and circulating library. Through the lack of financial support the effort to keep the movement alive was finally a- bandoned, and after many clianges and losses the maining books of the Associa- tion were added to those of the Society. t \wing to the death and relimoval of some of the society’s most active members the regular meetings were often adjourned and finally discontinued ſor want of a quorum and the organization passed through a very trying period, sustained how- ever by a few persons who recognized its importance to posterity and had faith in - its ultimate success. During the summer of 1893 an effort was made to revive the interest in the society which resulted most favorably, and before the close of the year, through the liberality of two of Vineland's philanthropic citizens, Mr. J. S. Shepard and Mr. D. F. Morrill, a centrally located lot was secured and a substantial building placed thereon. The Society, thus generously provided with a permanent home, began the ar- rangement and classification of its various collections which in due time were ready for inspection and the building opened to the public, July 7th. 1894. The in- creasing demands of the society requiring more room, it was decided to build an addition sufficient for its present needs. Mr. J. S. Shepard again came forward with a liberal subscription, which he subsequently increased, amounting to near- ly one half of the estimated cost. Other donations having been received, work was commenced. At the Annual Meeting, October 9th., several of new members were added and the prospects of the Society were reported as very encouraging. Regular meetings were resumed and the work of the organization will be extended as circumstances shall permit. - - The Library, in addition to several hundred pamphlets, contains nearly 2000 volunles. Files of the Vineland newspapers from the first issue have been pre- served, as well as other publications of the local press. A special effort is being made to secure the writings of Vineland Authors, a number of such productions having already been obtained. A collection of relics and curiosities, many of local interest, have been placed on exhibition and attract the attention of visitors. The co-operation of the citizens of Vineland is earnestly desired in extend- ing the usefulness of the Society, by furnishing biographical data, portraits and local views, donations of books and pamphlets, relics and curiosities, and by be- coming identified with the organization as members. VINELAND HISTORICAL & ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY © DANIEL F. MORRILL, FRANK D. ANDREws, TRUSTEES, 1894-95. DANIEL F. MORRILL, MARCUS FRY, REv. D. H. KING, JOSEPH MASON. HONORARY MEMBER John S. SHEPARD. LIFF. M.F.MBERS. Daniel F. Morrill, Charles K. Landis, C. B. Bagster, P. P. Baker, Marcus Fry, B. F. Ladd, Mrs. Campbell, Frank D. Andrews, Mrs. Charity L. Mabbett, E. C. Bidwell, M. D., Oliver D. Graves, Prof. Marcius Willson, Henry T. Manly, Miss V. C. Sherburne. Mrs. Amelia S. Shepard, Miss Amelia S. Burgess, President. Secretary and Treasurer. FRANK D. ANDREWS, MRS. O. D. GRAVES, DR. E. C. BIDWELL. Nov. I6, 1888. Nov. 18, “ Dec. 1, 1889. Feb. Io, 1890. “ 22, “ Apr. 7, “ Sept. { { Dec. 7. 1893. Dec. 7. 1893. “ 7. “ March I. 1894. “ I. “ Oct. 9. “ Nov. 14 “ Dec. I 2 “ Dec. I 2. ‘‘ Bartlett, Herbert C. Beck, J. Lee. M. D. Becker, Cuno Bidwell, E. H. M. D. Braidwood, T. W. Cohle, Mrs. F. A. Graff, Charles F. Graves, Mrs. O. D. Hall, Miss Mary E. King, Rev. D. H. Luce, N. C. Mason, Joseph ANNUAL MEMBERS. Miller, John J. Morrill, Mrs. A. H. Norton, Mrs. L. A. Russell, D. A. Skinner, B. C. Street, Thomas Tompkins, Miss M. Webster, Prof. N. B. Welch, Charles E. Welch, T. B. M. D. Weston. R. M. ELECTED AT THE NOVEMBER MEETING. Anderson, C. H. Decker, Austin R. Durgin, Harrison Lee, Mrs Mary H. Ashworth, John P. Cook, Joseph Hazlet, Wm. R. DECEMBER MEETING, McGeorge, Wm. Sibley, L. D. Walls, Frank H. Wilson. Harry Lord, Capt. C. P. Kellogg, Rev. D. O. Tucker. Joseph &reasurer's (Report, 1893.294. I893. CASH RECEIVED, Sept. . Cash ſrom T. W. Braidwood, as donation, $ 5.OO Oct. II. “ { { Treas. S. P. C. C. 4.3O “ II. “ { { Treas. Scientific Society, 3.OO ‘‘ 20. “ John S. Shepard, donation for purchase of lot 650. OO Nov. 20. “ Marcus Fry. donation, 2. OO ‘‘ 20. “ T. B. Welch, M. D. i ( 5. OO “ 2 I. “ Cash, { { I. OO “ 2I. “ J. F. Bray. { { I.O.O “ 24. “ Miss G. E. Webster { { I. OO “ 24. “ H. S. Alvord, * { I. OO “ 25. “ Pardon Gifford, { { I. OO “ 25. “ Cash, { { I. OO “ 27. “ J. M. Simpkins, { { I. OO “ 7. Kimball, Prince & Co., { { 5. OO Dec. 4. M. G. Marshall, { { I. OO “ I4. Charles Garrison, Sr. { { I. OO ‘‘ 9. R. Fellows, M. D. { { I. OO ‘‘ 9 Mrs E. R. Dickinson, { { I. OO I894, - Feb. I9. Cash from C. R. Wiley, M. D., donation, $ I.OO Mar. I3. { { B. F. Ladd, 2. OO Sept. 3 { { J. S. Shepard, donation for additional room, 5oloo “ 3. { { { { recording deeds, 2. OO ‘‘ 4, { { For aunual and life member's fees and dues, 64.60 Oct. 6. * { Loan of books, .4 I - $804:7 I I893 CASH PAID OUT Oct. 31. Paid E. Morley for moving building to Peach St. $ 3O.co Nov. 20. ‘‘ Mrs. L. A. Norton for lot on Seventh St. 650.OO ‘‘ 20, “ Recording deed, I, OO “ 5. “ F. Morley on account, moving building to 7th St. 17.5o Dec. 2. ‘‘ Charles Dowling for laying foundation, 13.75 ‘‘ Io. “ E. Morley on account for moving building, 5. OO “ 14. “ Charles Garrison, Sr. for stone, 2 I.90 Mar. 3. “ E. Morley on account for moving building, 5. OO Apr. 14. “ { { in full of account for moving building, 6.5o Oct. 5. “ Package of postal cards, .25 $75 (.oo Amount received, Oct. 9, 1894. $804,71 Amount paid out, 75 I, OO Amount on hand $53,71 GIVERS OF BOOKS & PAMPHLETS. TO THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY & LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. BOOKS. PAMPHILETS Andrews, Emma B. Vineland, N. J. 3 Andrews, Frank D. ( * 3I 50 Bailey, Mrs. C. D. { { I Bidwell, Dr. E. C. { % I Buffalo Historical Society, I I Dowling, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vineland, N. J. Flood, Miss Lenora * & Fry, Marcius 6 a 4. Grand Rapids, (Mich.) Board of Trade, Graves, O. D. Vineland, N. J. 7 King, Rev. D. H. { { Landis, Charles K. { { Munger, Mrs. Victoria { { I New Jersey Board of Health, I { % State Geologist. I New York World, Shields, Miss Jane Vineland, N. J. 2 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 9 Trustees for Children of Shalam, Dona Anna, N. M. I United States, Bureau of Education, Civil Service Commissioners, Department of the Interior, 6 3O Department of War, 5 Wilson, Albert Vineland, N. J. Young, William T. ( & 6 NEWSPAPERS. Evening Journal, Vineland, N. J. Republican, & & Morning Star, Independent, News, Every Saturday, Recorder. . I : I Traveler's Record, Hartford, Conn. Christian Arbritrater. Richmond Ind. MISCELLANEOUS GIFTS, ANDREws, FRANK I). Two bound volumes of Vineland Weekly. { { Six “ & 4 Oſ { { Independent. BRAIDwooD, T. VV. Step ladder. { { Lumber and Nails, valued at $2.75. BURBA NK, B. B. Ten unbound serials. CI, ARK, A. S. Specimen of cartridge used in Llowing up Hell Gate, East River. FRY, MARCIUS Register of the Vineland House, 1877. 4 & Certificate of stock, Vineland R. R. GRA VHS, O. D. Mammoth paper 70 pps. San Francisco FXaminer. GRIGG, THOMAS Wood cut. LANDIs, Charles K. Speech before N. J. Legislature. I, H.ECH BROS. Lumber and Sash, value $4,75. 49 NORTON, M RS. I. A. Two Chairs. PIXLEY, A. R. Luumber, valued at $4,50. Schrod ER, MRs. M. B. Specimen of fractional currency. SHIELDS, MISS JANE Map of Vineland. STEELE, THOS. B. Six Indian arrow points. TAYLOR, DR. A. C. Case of drawing instruments. WEBSTER, PROF. N. B. Colonial and Confederate currency. WILLIAMS, R. A. Seven Vineland views. ſmāī RSITY OFMcHaAN. |||||||||||||||| "ägöß07óżāšîă" *.