º º º º º º º º | | - º º º º º º º º : º º - i. º º º 0.058 AN ANAIYSIS OF THE LEARNING PROCESS IN THE SNAIL, by Elizabeth I. Thompsons A DISSERTATION submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 1916. ii • TABLE OF CONTENTS e Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I • Modifiability studied by a method analogous to the Pawlow salivary reflex method – learning thorough conditioned stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1. Outline of Problem • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 * Material and methods in general • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Response to the food stimulus • . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * 8 A. The response a reflexe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 Be The number and duration of reactions in normal food stimulus response . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4. Response to the conditioned food stimulus, stmultaneous food and pressure stimuli . . . . . . . . .17 As Special apparatus and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 B. Experiments which show lack of response of untrained snails to pressure alone . . . . . . 21. C - Training experiments to determine res- ponse to the conditioned food stimulus first food pressure series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. De Experiments with pressure alone on train- ed snails; association • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 36 Be Experiments to determine the effect of training on the food pressure response - second food pressure series • . . . . . . . . . . . . a 40 5. Summary Of Observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 6. Discussion of modifiability through the method of Simultaneous stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 II • Modifiability studied by the labyrinth method. . . . . . . 60 1. Introduction.....................................60 2* Apparatus and material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 63 3. Experiments on preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 A. Experiments to test right-left preference . . .67 B. Experiments to test preference for an ascending or descending path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 4 * Experiments on learning the U shaped labyrinth: choice of right and left paths: punishment filure to get air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 iii 5. Experiments with Y shaped labyrinth: roughness of as a warning signal: electric shock punish- ment • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -106 6 * Experiments with Y shaped labyrinth: mechanical signal as warning signal: electric shock punish- ment • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 136 7. Summary of Observations • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161. 8 * Discussion of learning by the labyrinth methode . . eló5 III • Conclusions • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 IV. Literature cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 iv. Fig. Fig. - Fige Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. le 2. 3. 4 • 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS • showing the apparatus which required the simultaneous application to the Snail of food and pressure, and pressure alone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Curve showing distribution of reactions per 50 trials with the food-pressure stimulses for each of two Snails (4, 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Showing the U shaped labyrinth used in the right-left discrimination tests • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e6? Showing the apparatus used to control light conditions, the Y shaped labyrinth, and the rheostat; used to control the electric current employed in administering the shock. . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 1 in a series of 282 right-left discrimina- tion tests, extending over a period of 48 days. ... elC3 Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 2 in a series of 307 right-left discrimination tests, extending over a period of 54 days . . . . . . . . 104 Showing the distribution of error for snail Noe 3 in a series of 299 right-left discrimination tests, extending over a period of 54 days. . . . . . . .105 Showing the distribution of error in the rough- shock-Smooth tests for snail No. 9 in a total of 215 trials extending over a period of 38 days • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -130 Showing distribution of error in the rough- shock-Sfflooth tests for Snail No. 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -131. 10. Showing the distribution of error in the rough- Fig.11. Fig.12. shock-Smooth tests for snail No. 11 in a total of 178 trials extending over a period of 25 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Showing the distribution of error in the rough- shock-smooth tests for snail No. 27 in a total of 57 trials extending over a period of 12 days . .133 Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 19 in a series of 141 tests, extending over a period of 19 days, in which a mechanical stimulus was used in connection with the electric shock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * -134 Fig. 13. Fig. 14 • Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 21 in a series of 174 tests, extending over a period of 27 days, in which a mechanical stimulus was used in connection with the electric shock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 155 Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 22 in a series of 184 tests, extending over a period of 27 days, in which a mechanical stim— ulus was used in connection with the electrič shocke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -156 Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 9 in a series of 147 tests, extending over a period of 21 days, in which a mechanical stimulus was used in connection with the electric shock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 10 in a series of 173 tests, extending over a period of 23 days, in which a mechanical Stimulus was used in connection with the electric shock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Showing the distribution of error for snail No. 13 in a series of 121 trials, extending over a period of 17 days, in which a mechanical Stimulus was used in connection with the electric shock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 AM AMALYSIS OF THE TEARNING PROCESS IN THE SMAIL, PHYSA GyPINA SAY. INTRODUCTION, The experiments included in this paper were begun with the purpose of determining the ability of snails to discrim- inate between sensory stimuli • To this end a method was adopted analogous to the salivary reflex method of Pawlow. Its use showed, among other things, a form of modifiability of behavior that could be interpreted only as learning- the capacity to form associations • The original plan to use this capacity as a basis for studies in discrimination was then changed. The discrimination experiment s were deferred and the work was continued in order to determine if the snail, which can form associations, can also solve a simple labyrinth. The paper thus falls into two parts - Part one deals with modifiability as disclosed by the method of conditioned stimuli - with the power to form simple associations • Part two takes up the further question of the ability of the snail to solve a labyrinth and discusses the relation of this to the formation of simple associations • It is the purpose of the writer to return to the study of discrimination • To Professor Jacob Reighard, who suggested the original problem and under who se direction the work was done, the writer is indebted for constant as sistance, to Professor John F. Shepard she is indebted for criticism and suggestions for the use of the labyrinth method, to Professor George Re LaRue, aid in designing of the apparatus and to Horace B. A Baker and Harold Cummins for the identification of the Snails. I, MODIFIABILITY AS DISCLOSED BY A METHOD ANALOGOUS TO THE PAWLOW SALIVARY REFLEX METHOD, le Outline of the Problems The snail, Physa gyrina Say, like many other species, has the habit of crawling suspended from the surface film of the water. Its shell is then below and the ventral surfaces of the muscular foot and the head are exposed to view from above. The mouth may then often be seem to open and close many times in succession. Dawson (1911) found that when the region within a millimeter or two of the mouth was touched with a bit of food or a cle an glass rod, a chewing motion of the mouth parts began which "would continue for perhaps an hour or so, even if the animal were placed in fresh clean water." She found that the same stimuli applied to other parts of the animal produced no move- ments of the mouth parts. Familiarity with the mouth movements of this snail suggested that it might be a reflex of the same definite character as the salivary reflex made use of by Pawlow and his pupils in their studies of association and discrimination in the dog. Pawlow (1904) opened the duct of the parotid gland of a dog to the outside by means of a fistula. He then measured the secretion and determined its quality (viscosity), when induced, first by the odor or sight of food unaccompanied by other experimental stimuli. Pawlow called this food stimulus an "unconditioned" stimulus. He then measured the secretion induced by food stimulation in the presence of an auxiliary (or secondary) stimulus such as sound or color. This he called a "conditioned" stimulus. After using the conditioned stimulus for a time, he omitted the primary stimulus (food) and found that the secretion was induced by the auxiliary stimulus, the tone or color, alone . He believed that he had shown conclusive- ly that the animal had formed an association between the two stimuli since at first it had not reacted to the secondary stimulus, but after this stimulus had been used for a time in connection with the primary or food stimulus it had reacted to the secondary stimulus alone - Then by changing slightly the tone, color or other secondary stimulus used, he determined Whether the animal reacted to this altered stimulus and to what extent • A change in the reaction was taken as evidence that the animal discriminated between the original and the altered stimulus. Thus power to discriminate between stimuli was tested. Pawlow and his followers believed that the method could be used on only a limited number of mammals. "Its obvious limitation appears in the number of organisms with which it may be employed. Evidently it cannot be used for the study of animals which lack salivary glands, and even among those animals which do possess the se glands there are many which surely would not lend themselves satisfactorily to the method. It seems the refore as if Pawlow's method were especially import- ant in animal psychology as a means to the intensive study of the mental life of a limited number of mammals." (Yerkes and Morgulis, 1909). The oretically, however, this method is applicable to any organism that responds to a stimulation by a specific, measurable reflex of muscles or glands. Such reflexes occur in many of the lower forms; among them is the mouth movement of Physa. It was decided then to determine: (1). The character of the response following a single application of a food stimulus to the mouth parts of the snail. Such a response consists of one or more reactions. A single complete movement - one reaction - may be compared to the secretion of a drop of saliva in the Pawlow experi- ments. A determination of the number of reactions per response was deemed comparable to Pawlow 's measurement s of the salivary - secretion induced by food alone or resulting from an "uncondition- ed" stimulus • (2). Following this the application of two stimuli together, that is, food to the mouth parts and pressure at a fixed distance from the mouth, would, it was believed, correspond to Pawlow's "conditioned" stimulus • The number of reactions constituting each response would correspond to his measurements of saliva under such cond it ions • (3). It was then planned to apply the associated or auxiliary stimulus alone in the absence of food, in order to determine from the presence or absence of reactions resulting, whether or not an association had been formed between the two stimuli. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODs. The snails used in the exp eriments were collected in an oxbow pond that had been completely cut off from a small Greek • Several hundred were brought into the laboratory and placed in large glass aquaria containing water plants such as slodea and spirogyra. An effort was made to have the environ- ment in the se aquaria as nearly like the natural habit at as possible • Besides the water plants upon which snails usually feed, fresh lettuce was placed in the aquaria • They at e this in comparatively large quantities, and seemed to prefer it to other plant food. When the tank containing recently captured snails was jarred or disturbed in any way, they would instantly expel the air from the lung, retract into their shells, and drop from the surface film, upon which they were crawlins, to the bottom of the tank. Many of them frequently remained motion- less on the bottom for an hour or more before they again sought the surface and refilled their lungs. It became necessary therefore, to "tame" the snails which were to be used in the experiments, to so) accustom them to handling that they would remain extended and retain the air in the lung while they were being worked upon. About twenty specimens of approximately the same size were selected for the tests. These were placed in two bacteria dishes. In each aish was about a liter of water with water plants and as much lettuce as the snails would eat . The snails were taken in the hand at intervals and moved about under water. Each was held in the hand beneath the water until it emerged from the shell and suspended itself from the surface film. They gradually became accustomed to this handling to such an extent that they could be moved from dish to dish, at the will of the operator without retracting or expelling the air from the lung , The se "tamed" snails were then divided into two groups. Each individual was numbered by means of white water-proof paint applied to the shell after it had been thoroughly area. These groups were worked on alternate days. Each group was starved for a period of wenty-four hours before tº ests were made • The snails belonging to the group were thus believed to be in approximately the same state of hunger at the time of experimentation. After a group had been worked on it was allowed to feed for twenty-four hours and was again starved, before it was used, In this way an attempt was made to obtain physiological uniformity among the snails directly under observ- ation. The physical conditions were also kept as uniform as possible • The whole series of daily exp eriments was carried on at approximately the same hour • Each snail in turn was placed in a clean dish of fresh, filtered tap water. - The water was of the same depth and at the same (room) temper- ature as that in which the snails had been living. The light- ing was at all times uniform with that in which the animals had been living. Each individual was put through a series of ten tests per day with one exception (check series Table I) and a separate record made of each. 3. THE RESPONSE TO THE FOOD STIMULUS. In order to utilize the snails it was necessary to know: (1) Whether the mouth reactions occur only as the result of external stimulation, and (2) Their consistency as to the number of reactions and the duration of the response following a single stimulus. Should they occur regularly as the result of external stimula- tion and only then they must be regarded as "involuntary" responses or reflexes, available for the purpose of the experiments. Upon the constancy and duration of the response." ends its value for quantitative uses. As The response to the food stimulus a reflex: It was found by observation that the mouth movements of Physa. were induced not only by food and mechanical st imulation of the mouth region, but that they sometimes occurred when no such stimuli could be detected. Such apparently voluntary movements might be due to the stimuli from microscopic particles in the water. A check series of experiment s was deemed necess- ary in order to determine whether or not the mouth reactions might normally occur without external stimulation and if so under what conditions and with what frequency . In the se tests each snail, under the controlled conditions just ment ioned, was in turn held in the hand of the operator until it suspended it- self from the surface film. It was then permitted to move about, and was touched only when necessary to keep it from crawling down the sides of the dish. At such times it was pushed gent ly toward the center of the tank with a sterile glass rod • Each animal was thus kept crawling on the surface film for an average period of forty-five minutes under constant observation and a record was made of each mouth reaction. It was found to be impossible to keep the snail absolutely free from all chance stimulation of the mouth. It has been shown that the animal uses the same method of locomotion in crawling on the surface film that it does in moving over any substratum, that is, it crawls along a mucous path which it secretes as it moves and which remains behind it resting on the surface of the water. (Parker, 1912); (Dawson, 1911). The mucus thus left on the surface may reach the mouth of the snail as it moved about . In several instances this mucus was observed to touch the mouth parts and such contact was followed by reactions. These are noted in the following table • Stimulation of this sort is the probable cause of all other reactions that occur in the test series. 10 T. A B L & I. Showing the number of reactions of the mouth of six individuals of Physa gyrina says kept under observation in filtered tap water for 32% hours, when not stimulated by the application of food to the mouth region. The snails had been without food for 24 hours preceding the tests • They were divided into two groups of three each and tested on alternating days. No. of Noe of Period of No e Of mouth Noe of mouth No e Of egg snail, days observation reactions, reactions masses deposit- tested in minutes no visible Fºotº ed in 24 hours - each day e stimulus • stimulations preceding testse 60 45 60 60 60 60 18 19 60 45 60 60 60 60 60 45 60 60 60 20 21 30 60 60 60 60 60 22 30 60 60 60 60 60 23 30 60 60 60 60 60 Total time of observation, 32.75 hrs • Total number of reactions, 38, Total number of reactions, no visible cause 17 44.73% Total number of reactions, mucous stimulation 21 55.26% Average number of reactions per hour le16 Average number of reactions, no visible cause, per hr s 51 O :i 11 This table shows that when six snails were kept under observation for nearly thirty-three hours (about five and a half hours each) in filtered tap water only 38 mouth reactions were observed, an average of 1.16 per hour. If we allow for each reaction 1.25 second s the duration of the 38 reactions is 47.50 seconds. of the 38 reactions 21 or 55.2% were observed to be due to mucus stimulation and the remainder were probably due to the same cause - Owing to the fact that the mucus is colorless, and, as it occurs on the surface of the water - transparent, it is exceedingly difficult to deter- mine its presence at all times. Any attempt to bring it into view by the addition of color such as powdered carmine would only serve to make it more effective as a stimulus. The re- actions which did occur can then be accounted for . The mouth reactions of Physa may, then, be regarded as a true re- flex, an "unlearned response" (Watson, 1914), which occurs normally as the result of external stimulation of the mouth or the tissues immediately surrounding it. For experimental purposes we may say that the reaction occurs only as the re- sult of external stimulation. If now, the snail were placed in water freed from microscopic particles by filtration and the mouth reactions were practically always induced by bring- ins food directly into contact with the mouth, the reactions must be regarded as reflexes, that is, involuntary - Such a series of reactions then might be interpreted as an "uncon- ditioned reflex" (Pawlow, 1904). The number of the reactions and the duration of the series prove an available substitute 12 for the measurements of saliva in inquiries into the be- havior of a group of animals widely separated from mammals. B. Number and Duration of Reaction in the Normal Food Stimulus Response. The snails which were used in all of the remaining tests had been fed upon lettuce while in the laboratory; for this reason lettuce was used as a food stimulus in all the experiments. A small piece taken from a fresh leaf was applied to the normally inactive mouth of the snail by means of forceps and immediately withdrawn. This stimulus served to start movements of the mouth parts, and an exact record of the number of reactions thus induced was kept for each in- dividual. During work a record was also made of the length of time that the reactions persisted that is, the duration of the response. Tº a b 1 e II. Showing the number of reactions of the mouth of two individuals of Physa gyrina Say, resulting from a single application of food to the mouth. The tests were made in filtered tap water on alternating days. The snails had been starved for 24 hours preceding the tests, No e Of Noe of Serial No. for No e Of No. of Duration snail. days Moe of *food trial reactions of response tested, Trial, stimulus" for per in sece º- seriesa ãays responses 4. 1. l 1. l l l 2 2 2 O O 3 3. 3. 1 1. 4. 4. 4. 6 10 5- 10 5-10 5-10 - 0. Totals 10 8 12 Ave per response 2 e66 1.5 2 11 11 l l l 12 12 2 6 10 13 13 3 38 50 14 14 4. * x O 15 15 5 l l 16 16 tº 6 1. l 17 17 7 3. 5 18 18 8 l l 19-20 19-20 9-10 O O Totals 10 51 69 Ave per response 7,28 1.35 3. - 21 21 l O O 22 22 2 1. l 23 23 3 l 1 24 24 4. 1. l 25 25 5 l l 26 26 6 1 1. 27 27 7 2 3 28 28 8 O O 29 29 9 l l 30 30 10 0. O Totals 10 8 9 Ave per response lel4 1.12 4. 31 31 l 3 4. 32 32 2 2 2 33 33 3. l l 34 3 4. l l 35 35 5 l l 36 36 6 2 2 37 37 7 l l 38 38 8 2 2 39- 40 39-40 9-10 O O 14 No. of No. of Serial No e for No. of No e Of Duration snail, days no, of * food. trial reactions of response tested trial. stimulus" for per in series • ‘lays responsºle seconds • 24- Totals 10 . 13 14 Ave per - response 1.62 1.07 5, 41 4l l ll 15 42 42 2 6 8 43 43 3. O O 44 44 4. 3. 3. 45 45 5 l l 46 46 6 O O - 47- 50 47–50 7-10 * x O Totals 10 21 27 Ave per response 5,25 le28 *Gases in which lack of response was due to known mechanical disturbance indicated by x• Total number of trials, 50 Total number of stimuli followed by response, 29 Per cent, of stimuli followed by response, 58% Total mumber of reactions, 101 Average number of reactions per trial, 2a02 Average mumber of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, 3.e48 Total time of reactions, 2.18 mine Average time of reaction, le?9 secs Average number of reactions per minutes 46.5l. TABLE II (continued) No. of No. of Serial Noe for No e Of No. Of Duration Snails days noe of "food trial reactions of response tested, trial stimulus" for per in seriesa day. £889918&a Bººs 5 1. l 1 l 24 30 2- 4 2-4 2-4 O O 5-10 5-10 5-10 * x O Totals 10 24 30 AV e. per º response 24 le25 2 ll 11 l 5 10 12 12 2 l l 13 13. 3 * x O 14 14 4. O O 15 15 5 l l 16 16 6 1. l 17 17 7 2 3 18 18 8 l 1. 19 - 20 19-20 9–10 * x O Totals, 10 11 17 Ave per response, 1.83 1.54 3. 21 21 l l l 22. 22 2 l l 23 23 3. 1. 1. 24 24 4. 2 3. 25 25 5 2 3 26 26 6 l l 27-30 27-30 7-10 *::: O Totals 10 8 10 AV, per le33 1s25 response 4. 31 31 l 3 3. 32 32 2 4. 5 33 33 3. 4. 5 34 34 4. 2 2 35 35 5 l l 36 36 6 l l 37 3? 7 l l 38 38 8 1 1. 39 39 9 4. 4. 40 40 10 1 l Totals 10 22 24 AVs per response 2e2 leO9 * TABLE II (continued) No. of No. of Serial Moe for No. of No. Of Duration Snails days No. Of *food trial reactions of re- tested. trial stimulus" for per sponse series • to-days _responses in sece 5 5 41 4l 1 19 22 42 42 2 20 22 43 43 3. 5 6 44 44 4. 10 12 45 45 5 4. 8 46 46 6 6 5 47 4? 7 1 l 48 48 8 O O 49 49 9 3. 4. 50 50 10 6 8 Totals 10 º 88 AVs 8,22 1.18 *Gases in which lack of response was due to known mechanical disturbance indicated by x• Total number of trials, 50 Total mumber of stimuli followed by response, - 32 Per cent • of stimuli followed by response, 64% Total number of reactions, 139 Average number of reactions per trial, 2.78 Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, 4s 35 Total time of reactions, 2.81 mine Average time per reaction, - la?l sece Average mumber of reactions per minute, 45.9 Summary snails 4 and 5, Total number of stimuli (trials) 100 Total number of stimuli followed by response 61 Per cent s of stimuli followed by response, 61% Table II shows that when a food stimulus is applied to the mouth region of Physa gyrina Say, response occurs in 61% of 100 trials with two snails. The individual records show that the number of reactions making up the response varies from 1 to 38. The first 30 trials of the series of 50 trials for snail 4 shows 67 reactions, while the following 20 trials give 34 reactions with an average of 2.83 reactions per response. In the case of snail 5 the corresponding numbers are 43 and 96 reactions with an average per response of 3. 3 and 5.05. This indicates in the case of snail 5 a. tendency to recover during the second part of the series from the inhibiting effect of the manipulation (adaptation). In snail 4 the recovery may be delayed beyond the limits of the series. The series is in both cases too short to afford anything more than a suggestion as to the occurence of adap- tation. The absence of reaction in certain trials, the wide variation in their number in those trials in which they occur and in the differences between individual snails is brought out in the summary (p.48) and is discussed later. The average number of reactions per response furnishes a means of comparison of the results here obtained with those recorded in the part of this paper which deals with the si- multaneous use of two stimuli. 4 • . RESPONSE TO THE CONDITIONED FOOD STIMULUS: SIMULTANEOUS APPLICATION OF FOOD AND PRESSURE. There is then determined the number of reactions of the mouth parts induced by a single definite stimulation and constituting a single response, the duration of the response 18 and of the single reaction. The stimulus according to Pawlow's terminology would be "unconditioned" or primary. An attempt was next made to use a "conditioned" or double stimulus by the simultaneous application of pressure and food. A. Special Apparatus and Methods. This required the construction of a Special apparatus which would ſhake possible the application of a uniform pressure at a fixed distance from the food stimulus when the latter was applied to the mouth of the Snail. Out of the several appliances tried, the one here pictured (fig. 1) gave the best results. |9 /ºz / * *-A, 3% ecoſ/Meſa/-C 5/ee/Weeze;-2 %2/224 6/€ 0//€2.7%; – A, Aºoz///ooA, - /º Aºssz//e/OºA, -67, J/22//; –//, Jazz/2ceo/wz/32. /72. / J/ou/22 /e Žs 2.5 ea'/7//e ex/2e2/zze/3 */c/? /eſ///Zea. Zºe 5/2724//zzzzeozs 2/2/2//ozzo Zºe 37.2/ of /&oo/2/72///e352/2 2.7///e352/2 2/6/ze. 20 (A) was a wire nail which served as a handle. A small strip of sheet metal (B) 5mm in width, and bent in the form of a square cornered U, was soldered to its end. B contained two smooth edged holes, one directly above the other and both as large as would permit the free movement through them of smooth steel rod (C) which was made from a No. 5 sewing needle. C was kept from dropping through the holes, by a fine wire (D) which was passed through the eye of the needle. To the lower end of the rod C was soldered a U shaped piece made of no. 30 platinum wire. One limb of the U (E) 16mm in length ended in a small hook. The other limb (F) -18mm in length, ended in a three-pronged, dull pointed platinum fork 3mm wide and turned at right angles to the base of the U shaped piece. (A) was held in the hand of the operator and the fork on the lower end of F was al- lowed to rest; on the exposed ventral surface of the snail at the same time that food (a small piece of lettuce rolled between the fingers to form an inverted cone) suspended from the hook at the lower end of E was applied to the mouth of the snail. The free movement of the lower part of the ap- paratus permitted by the smooth edged holes in B, made it possible for the operator to manipulate the apparatus in such a way that it remained practically stationary upon the sur- face of the snail during the period of stimulation in spite of the constant motion of the animal. 21 B. Experiments which show lack of response of un- trained snails to pressure alone. Before using the apparatus in experiments with the conditioned stimulus, a series of twenty trials was made on each of six snails in order to learn whether the application to the foot of the pressure fork alone induced response. The snails were starved for twenty-four hours previous to the experiments and each was tested in filtered tap water. The above described apparatus without food was applied t;o the upturned ventral surface of the foot. It was placed upon the animal in such a way that the food hook was just above the mouth. Pressure was thus applied to the same part of the foot that would receive it if the double stimuli, food and pressure, were being applied together, In the total of 120 trials 4 responses occurred (3.33%) and these were probably due to mucous stimulation. Pressure alone, as applied with the apparatus used is followed by response in SO small a percentage of the trials that its occurrence does not vitiate the experiments which follow . C. Experiments to determine response to the con- ditioned food stimulus: first food and pressure series. By means of the food-pressure apparatus, food and uniform pressure were next applied simultaneously in a long series of trials. Both stimuli were immediately withdrawn and the number of reactions of the mouth counted and recorded as before . Table III shows the record obtained in this attempt to form an association between two dissimilar stimuli applied simultaneously. T. A B L R III. Showing the mumber of reactions of the mouth of two individuals of Physa gyrina Say, resulting from the simultaneous application of two dissimilar stimuli, food and pressure. The tests were made in filtered tap water on alter- nating days. The snails had been starved for 24 hours preceding the tests • Noa of Moe of Serial No e for No e of No e of Duration Snails days No e of *food & trial reactions of response tested, trial. pressure" for per in stimulus days responses SëC e series • 4. 6 51-60 1-10 1-10 O O 7 61-70 11-20 1-10 O O 8 71-80 21-30 1-10 O () 9 81-9) 31-40 1–10 O O 10 91-100 41-50 1-10 O O 11 100-110 51-60 1-10 Q O Totals 60 O O 12 111 61 l 4. 5 112 62 2 l l 113 63. 3. 2 2 114-120 64-70 4-10 O O Totals 10 7 8 Ave per response 2e33 lslå. 13 121-130 71-80 1-10 O O 14 131 81 l O O 132 82 2 1. l 133 83 3 8 10 134-140 84-90 4-10 O O Totals 10 9 11 Ave per response, 4.5 le22 15 14l 91 l l l 142 92. 2 l 1 143 93 3 O O 144 94 4. 2 2 145–150 95-100 5-10 O O Totals, 10 4. 4. AV, per response, le:33 1s0 16 151-166 101-110 1-10 0. O 17 161 111 l 16. 18 162 112 2 6 8 163 113 3. O O 164 114 4. l l 165 115 5 l l 166 116 6 O O 167 117 7 l l 168 118 8 l l 169 119 9 2 2 170 120 10 O O Ave per response, 4.0 1.14 WI*t 99°g *estrodser ºted "Ay 62 tº: OH: STS-10, O O OT-6 09T-69 T OT2-602 OT 6 8 83T 803 O O l AgT *03 g g 9 99T 902 O * * g gg.T goz - y º y Tºgſ *Og 2 g 2 £gT 2O2 OT 8 2 zgT 2O2 6 8 T Tgſ TO2 I? gT"T 28*TT * 9Strodser red "Ay 28 TA OI STG40. O O OT-6 OgT-65T 002-66T 0 * * 8 Styl 96T T T l £ºt º,6T O O 9 9tt 96T 2 º g gºt góT † OT y tº I #61 6 8 º 25T 26T. gº Og 2 gº'ſ 26t 22 6T. T TTL T6T. O3 gT"T ***I 9suodser red "AW T8 2. 8Tefloº O O OT-9 OWI-92T 06T-99T 9 l g gºT 99T g * ty ºg I #9T º Og 2 22T 99T 8 9 2 29t 29T A3 92 T Tºt T81 6T. A0°T 0°2 estrodser red "Ay gT ºt OT stºol. O O OT-6 02.T-62T 08T-6A.T I T 8 92T 8A.T T T l A2T All g 2 9 92T 9A.T 9 g g gºt gAT : 2 ty ºt *A.T g 2 º £2T £AT O O 2 22T 3A.T T T T TzT TAT 8T +2. * separes * • oes •estrodser "Aap sn'ſ nurſ 4s up red &Og meanssezd “Tepitº *peºseº estroëſset go stroy 49eer Tepitº * poojas 30 °oN s&ep *I ſetts UIO****ngſ go "oft go •ort £og "ON Tepares 30 °0N 30 *ON TV555)T-IITSTTE 24 TABLE III (cont.) No. of No. of Serial Moe for No. of Noe of Duration Snail days No. of *food & trial reactions of response tested a trial a pressure" for per in stimulus days responses $3& e series a 4- 22 211 161 1. l l 212 l62 2 O O 213 163 3 l l 214 164 4. l l 215 165 5 l l 216 166 6 l l 217-220 167-170 7–10 O O Totals 10 5 5 AV, per response 1s0 1.0 23 221 171 l 10 15. 222 172 2 12 16. 223 173 3. 2 2 224 174 4. l l 225 175 5 l l 226 176 6 4. 5 227 177 7 l l 228 178 8 9 12 229 179 9 3 4. 230 18O 10 1 1. Totals 10 44 56 Ave per response 4.4 le27 24 231-240 181-190 1-10 O O 25 241 191 l 4. 5 242 192 2 l l 243 193 3 4. 5 244 194 4. 1. l 245 195 5 l l 246 196 6 4. 5 24? 197 7 1. l 248-250 198-200 8-10 O 0. Ave per response 2e28 le18 * 26 251 201 l 2 2 252 2O2 2 3. 4. 253 203 3. 6 8 254 204 4. l l 255 205 5 l l 256 2O6 6 2 2 257 2O7 7 2 2 258 208 8 3 4. 259 209 9 2 2 260 210 10 2 2 Totals, 10 24 28 Av. per response 2 © 4. 1.16 |-mm-mm 25 Table III (Conte). Moe of Noe of Serial Moe for Moe of No e Of. Duration Snail, days Moe of *food & trial reactions of response tested, trial, pressure" for per in stimulus days responses $6&e _ _ series º 24- 27 261 211 1 3 4. 262 212 2 4. 5 263 213 3. 5 6 264 214 4. O O 265 215 5 l 1. 266-270 216-220 6-10 O O Totals 10 13 16 Ave per response, 3.25 le23 28 271 221 l 4. 5 2?2 222 2 l l 273 223 3 2 2 274 224 4. 1. 1. 275 225 5 l 1. 276 226 6 4. 5 277 227 7 l l 278 228 8 1 l 279 229 9 2 2 280 230 10 l l Totals 10 18 20 Ave per response, 1.8 lell 29 281 231 1 l l 282 332 2 1 1 283 233 3. l l 284 234 4. l 1. 285 235 5 l l 286-290 236-240 6-10 O O Totals 10 5 5 Ave per responses leO 1-0 30. 291 24l l 10 12 292 242 2 l 1 293 243 3. 1 l 294 244 4. 1 : 1 295 245 5 l l 296. 246 6 l 1. 297-300 247-250 7-10 0 O Totals 10 15 17 Ave per responses 2.5 le13 26 TABLE III (conte - Nos of No. of Serial No. for No. of No. of Duration. Snail, days No e of "food & trial reactions of response tested, trial. pressure" for per in stimulus day. response e $863 e series a 4– - 31 301 251 l 4. 5 3O2 252 2 5 6 303 253. 3. 5 6 Totals, 3. lá 17 Average per responses 4.66 le21 *Gases in which lack of response was due to known mechanical disturbance indicated by x• Total number of trials, 253 Total number of stimuli followed by response 99 Per cente of stimuli followed by response, 35% Total number of reactions, 393; Average mumber of reactions per trial, 1.55 Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurreds 3.e.96 Total time of reactions, 7.58 mine Average time per reaction, 1.15 sec. Average number of reactions per minutes 5.1 s64 A2 O O OT OWI T T 6 62T T T 8 99T g ty l, A&T gt £T 9 9&T ºt TT g gºT 03 AT ty *gſ 63 92 º 22T T T g 39T O O T TºT 60*T £8°T 2T TT OT O O Ot-º. 09:T-431 T T 9 92T g º g gºt T T ſy 52T º º 2 92.1 T T 2 2.3T. T T T T2T 9I*T 9°t, 92 T2 OT O O OT-E. 02.T-ATT g ty 9 9II 9 g g gTT O O ty #TT 9 9 º gTT 9 g 2 2TT g ty T TTI O O O3 Ö O Ot-I OTT-IOT O O OT-I OOT-I6 *I*T O**t 9T tyT OT O O OT-2 O6-28 9T ºt 2 29 O O T I9 O 0 09 O O OT-I 09-TA, O O OT-I OA-T9 Ö O -OT-I 09-Ig O O OT-I Ogºtty O O OT-I Ot-Tº: O O OT-I Og-T3 O O OT-I Oz-IT Ö O OT-I OT-I -- WESTIST •oes up • estiodser • ſep sntºs estrodser ared £oy metrisserd. 30 stroy: Oeer Tºrº, º pooga, utopºeiringſ 30 °oſſ 30 *ON £og "ON O6T 68T 89T A8T 99T g8T $8T £8T 39T T8T O8T-14.T 9A.T gAT *A.T £AT 2AT TAT OLT-A9T 99T g3T #9T 99T 39T T9T 09T-Tºt OgT-Tºyſ OWI-291 22T TºT OgE-T2T OzT-ITI OTT-IOT OOT-I5 06-19 08-IA), O4,-IQ 09-Og 6T. 8T *esuodser red “Ay *stemo!, *e strodser AT gT red “AW *steºo. *steq of estrodser Tyt | £ed "AW *ste §o. *steşol, *Terrº JO "OM Tepares *peºseº s&ep Jºo "ON *Tºurs JO "OM TESWIFT55TTTTTTTV 28 TABLE III. (cont No. of No. of Serial Snaile days No. of tested, trial. TE Totals AV, per response 20 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199-200 Totals, AV, per response, 2l 201-210 22 211-220 Totals, 23 221 222 223 224 225-230 Totals, Ave per response, 24 231 232 233 234 235 236-240 Totals, AVs per response, 25 241 242 243 244 245-250 Totals, Ave per response, No e for Noe of No. Of Duration *food & trial reactions of pressure" for per response stimulus day, response. in sece —series, - 10 74 85 9.25 le14 141 l l l 142 2 1. l 143 3. 2 2 144 4. 2 2 145 5 6 8 146 6 7 8 147 7 3. 4. 148 8 l l 149-150 9-10 O O 10 23 27 2.87 le13. 151-160 1-10 O O 161-170 10 O O 20 O O 171 1. 4. 5 172 2 5 6 173 3. 3. 4. 174 4. 1 l 175-180 5-10 O O 10 13 16 3.25 1.25 181 l 1 l 182 2 O Q 183 3. O O 184 4. l 1. 185 5 1. l 186-190 6-10 O O 10 3. 3. 1.0 1.0 191 l 10 12 192 2 1. l 193 3 l l 194 4. 1. l 195-200 5-10 O O 10 13 15 3.25 1.15 29 TABLE III (cont.) No. of No. of Serial No. for No. of No. Of Duration Snails days No. of "food & trial reactions of tested. trials pressure" for per response stimulus day. responses in sece series • 5 Ł 26 251 201 l 3. 4. 252 202 2 2 2 253 203 3 5 6 254 204 4. 1 l 255 205 5 l l 256 206 6 l l 257 207 7 l l 258 208 8 l 1 259 209 9 l 1. 260 210 10 1 l Totals 10 17 19 Ave per responses 1.7 lell 27 261-270 211-220 1-10 O O 28 271-280 221-230 1-10 O O Totals, 20 O O 29 281 231 1. l 1. 282 232 2 2 2 283 233 3. 1 l 284. 234 4. l 1. 285-290 235-240 5-10 O O Totals, 10 5 5 Ave per response, le25 leO 30 291 24l l 5 6 292 242 2 1. l 293 243 3. 4. 5 294 244 4. 4. 5 295 245 5 4. 5 296 246 6 5 6 297 247 7 l l 298 248 8 3 4. 299 249 9 l l 300 250 10 O O Totals 10 28 34 Ave per response 3ell 1.21 TABLE III (cont.) Total number of trials, Total number of stimuli followed by responses Per cent 2 of stimuli followed by response, Total mumber of reactions, Average number of reactions per trials Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, Total time of reactions, Average time per reactions Average number of reactions per minute, Summary snails 4 and 5. Total mumber of stimuli (trials) Total mumber of stimuli followed by response Per cent * of stimuli followed by responses 250 62 24% 225 0.9 3.62 4e53 mine lell sec. 51.92 503 161 32% TABLE III A The table shows for snail 4, the distribution of re- sponses of each ten trials of the first 250 trials shown in Table III. The numerators of the fractions in column 2 are the number of reactions for the ten trials, the denominators are the number of responses. The values in Column 4 are obtained by dividing the numbers in column 3 by the numera- tors in column 2. Trials No. No. Reactions Total duration Average duration per response. in Seconds of of the reactions the responses of in Column 2. the ten trials of Column 1. 1- 60 0 61 - 70 7/3=2.33 8 l. 14 71 - 80 O O O 81- 90 9/2=4.5 ll 1.22 91-100 4/3=1.33 4. 1.0 101-110 O O O 111-120 28/7-4.0 32 1. 14 121-130 14/7 =2.0 15 1. O'7 131-140 72/5 =14.4 81 l. 12 141-150 71/6=ll.8 82 l. 15 151-160 34/6-5.66 39 l. 14 161-170 5/5-l 5 1.00 171-180 44/10=4.4 56 1. 27 181-190 O O O 191–200 16/7 =2.28 19 1.18 201-210 24/10=2.4 28 1. 16 211-220 13/4=3.25 16 1.23 221-230 18/10=1.8 2O l, ll 231-240 5/5=l 5 1... O 241-250 15/6 =2.5 17 1.13 251-253 14/3-4.66 17 1.21 TABLE III B. Trials Total No. Av. No. of Total No. Av. no. of of reactions reactions of reactions reactions Snail 4 per response Snail 5. per response. l- 50 O 0. O 0. 51-100 20 0.4 14 0.21 101-150 185 3. 7 132 2. 64 151-200 99 2. O 29 O. 58 201-250 75 l. 5 50 l.0 From Table III it appears that when two stimuli were applied simultaneously, food to the mouth and pressure to the foot, there was at first an inhibitory effect upon the reflex. This is shown in the first 60 to 80 trials in which no reaction followed the application of the double stimulus. A slight inhibition continued throughout this series of tests as indicated by the average number of reactions per response, that for snail 4 being 3.96, and for snail 5, 3.62 as com— pared with averages of 3.48, and 4.35 for the same snails (Table II) in the tests in which the "unconditioned" stimulus, food, was used. For the food-pressure response the aver- ages in the numkſerical order of the six snails 3.96, 3.62, l. 96, 4.1, l. 58, 3.78, or a mean for all Six snails of 3.18. The corresponding values for the normal food response are 3.48, 4.35, 6.5, 6.5, 3, 4, 10.93, with a mean value of 5.86 for the six snails. Along with the reduction in the number of reactions there is in the food-pressure response an accel- eration of the individual reaction as compared with that of normal food response . At the same time the average dura- tion of the reactions in the food-pressure response is less than that of the normal food response. Expressed in number of reactions per minute the values are 51.84, 51.92, 65.45, 5l. 72, 56.7, 50. 84 with a mean of 54. 74. The corresponding values for the normal food responsº.6.51, 45.9, 46.15, 46.51, 44.44, 48.00, with a mean of 46.25. Under food-pressure stimulation the reactions thus occur at the rate of 8.49 more per minute than under the normal food stimulus. The distribution of the reactions over the series of 250 trials is shown for snails 4 and 5, in Tables III A and III B and is represented by the graph figure 2. From these it appears that the number of reactions increases from 0 in the early trials to from 20 to 60 in trials 50 to 100 and reaches a maxium in trials 100 to 150. It becomes less in the subsequent trials although there is some recovery in trials 200 to 250 in the case of snail 5. Table III A also shows the great fluctuation in the number of reactions per response . While fluctuating, the numbers nevertheless show a general tendency of increasing to a maximum in the neigh- borhood of trial 150 and then diminishing toward trial 250. Table III A shows two other facts worthy of note. Of the no-response trials, two sets (71–80 and 101-110) fall within t; he first; 101 trials while but one (181-190) occurs in the final 140 trials of the series. In other words the no- response trials make up 18% of the first 110 trials and but 7% of the final 140 trials. They are lacking in the region of maximum response. The further general fact to be noted is the relative uniformity in the average duration of the reactions of separate responses. The method of timing the response duration by means of the stop watch is necessarily inaccurate, especially with values which, as in this case, are frequently in the neighborhood of a second. If a more accurate method were available greater uniformity might be expected. With the method employed it is noteworthy that the agreement is so close. The food-pressure series thus shows the following characteristics; (1) an absence of reaction at its beginning, 36 3 (2) a rise to a maximum number of reactions per response ; (3) a subsequent decline in the number of reactions per re- sponse; (4) a less average number of reactions per response as compared with the normal food series; (5) an accelera- tion in the number of reactions per minute; (6) a fairly constant reaction duration. This is doubtless characteris– tic of all Series. D. Experiments with pressure alone on trained snails: association: The third part of the problem called for the applica- tion of the secondary stimulus alone. Any mouth reactions which might follow (beyond those attributed to chance stimu- lation of the mouth), would, according to the Pawlow theory, be evidence that an association had been formed between the essential or primary or "unconditioned" stimulus and the secondary – or in this case, between food and pressure. The series of tests was carried on in exactly the same man- ner as the experiments just described. The same apparatus was used but no food was placed upon the food hook. Since the food hook was shorter than the pressure fork (fig. 1) it did not touch the mouth, which therefore received neither food nor mechanical stimulation. The pressure fork was ap- plied to the usual place on the ventral surface of the Snail. The following table (IV) shows the results obtained. 37 Table IV. Showing the number of reactions of the mouth of two individuals of Physa gyrina Say, resulting from the application of pressure alone as a stimulus, after an attempt had been made to establish an association between the two stimuli, food and pressure (Table III). The tests were made in filtered tap water on alternating days. The snails had been starved for 24 hours preceding the tests. - No. of No. of Serial No. No , for No. of No. of Duration Snail days of trial "pressure" trial reactions of tested stimulus for day per response response series S & C S = 4 31. 304 l 4 * 3 4. 305 2 5 1. 1. 306 3 6 1. l 3O7 4. 7 l 1. 3O8 5 8 l 1. 309 6 9 1. 1. 310 7 10 O O Totals 7 8 9 Av. per response 1. l. 33 l. 12 32 311 8 l l 1. 312 9 2 1. l 3.13–320 10-17 3-10 O O Totals 10 2 2 Av. per response 1.0 1.0 33 321-330 18-27 1-10 O O 34 331-340 28-37 1-10 O O * For trials 1-3 on the 31st day see Table III (31st. day). Total number of trials (last 20 trials omitted) 17 Total number of stimuli followed by response 8 Per cent of stimuli followed by response 47% Total number of reactions 10 Average number of reactions per trial 0. 58 Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred 1. 25 Total time of react; ions - ll Sec. Average time per reaction l. 1 Sec. Average number of reactions per minute (estimated) 54.54 TABLE IV (continued) No. of No. of Serial No. for No. of No. of Duration of Snail days No. of "pressure" trial reactions response in tested trial stimulus for day per Sé G = Series response 5 31 3Ol l l 11 14 - 3O2 2 2 l 1 303 3 3 l l 304 4. 4. 12 14 305 5 5 l 1. 306 6 6 5 6 307 7 7 3 4. 308-310 8-10 8-10 O O Totals 10 34 4l Av. per response 4.85 1. 22 32 3.11 ll l l 1. 312 - 12 2 l l 3.13-320 13-20 3-10 O O Totals 10 2 2 Av. per response 1.0 l.0 33 321-330 21-30 l-10 O O 34 331-340 31-40 1-10 O O Total number of trials (last 20 omitted) 20 Total number of stimuli followed by response 9 Per cent of stimuli followed by response 45% Total number of reactions - 36 Average number of reactions per trial 1.8 Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred 4. Total time of reactions - 43 Sec. Average time per reaction - 1 - 19 Sec. Average number of reactions per minute (estimated) 50.42 Summary snails 4 and 5 Total number of stimuli (trials) 37 Total number of stimuli followed by response 17 Per cent of stimuli followed by response 45.9% 39 Table IV shows that when the secondary stimulus, pres– sure, alone was applied to the mouth of Physa, the mouth reacted in 17 out of 37 trials With two individuals, or in 45.9% of the trials. No mucous stimulation was observed. The average number of reactions per response was for snail 4, 1.25 and for snail 5, 4.0 (Table IV). Snails Nos. 6, 7, 8, 14 were given a similar series of tests which are not here tabulated in detail but are summarized in Table W. C. These showed the following average number of reactions per response 4.92, 6.09, 8.0, 3.8. The mean for the six snails is 4.67. The mean for the normali food series is for six snails 5.86. For the food-pressure Series it is 3.18. The average duration of reactions for the pressure response of trained snails is less than for the normal food response. The average rate per minute is 53.9, 7.65 reactions per minute in excess of that of the normal food re- Sponse . These trials followed 48 hours after the completion of the training in the food-pressure series. In the case of snail 4, response followed the first nine trials. The last; two of these are separated by an interval of 48 hours from the first Seven. The effect of training thus persisted for 96 hours. Similar results were obtained from Snails, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 14. Immediately following the mouth response to pressure of trained snail No. 4 (Table IV) seven successive applications of pressure gave no response. Similar results were obtained with the other five snails. Snails which before training gave no response to pres– Sure, gave, following training, a response consisting of a series of mouth reactions. This response is given on the first trial and continues to be given in trials extending over a period of 96 hour S. It then suddenly ceases. There is no response of the mouth to subsequent stimulation of the foot by pressure. E. Experiments to determine the effect of training on food-pressure response: Second food-pressure series. It was believed that another series of tests on the same snails, reintroducing the same "conditioned" stimulus, would be of interest in showing the ease or difficulty in re- establishing the reflex. As noted in Table IV, the snails were tested on two experimental days after pressure alone had failed to be effective as a stimulus . Allowing for the alter- nation of experimental days, made necessary by the twenty-four hours of starving previous to experimentation, the second series of tests using food and pressure as a stimulus, was started approximately 120 hours after the disappearance of reaction upon the application of pressure as a stimulus. Fifty tests were given and the results appear in Tables V and VI D. 41 Tº A B I. E. We Showing the number of reactions of the mouth of two individuals of Physa gyrina Say, Resulting from the simultaneous application of food and pressure after the complete disappearance (Table IV) of the effect of the association established between these two stimuli (Table III) • The tests were made in filtered tap water, on alternating days. The snails had been starved for 24 hours preceding the tests • Moe of Moe of Serial Mos No. for No e Of Moe of Duration snails days Of *food & trial reactions Of tested. trials pressure" for per response stimulus, days responses in sece £nd series. 4. 35 341 l l 11 13. 342 2 2 10 12 343 3. 3. 2 3. 344-350 4-10 4-10 O O Totals, 10 23 28 Ave per response, 7,66 1.21 36 351 11 l 3. 5 352 12. 2 3. 5 353 13; 3. 7 10 354 14 4. 6 8 355 15 5 3 5 356 16 6 2 3 357 17 7 1. 1 358 18 8 2 3. 359 19 9 2 3. 360 20 10 2 3 Totals, 10 31 46 Ave per response, -- 3.1 1.e48 37 361 2]. l 8 11 362 22 2 6 8 363 23 3. 3. 5 364 24 4. 8 10 365 25 5 2 4. 366 26 6 5 8 367 27 7 6 9 368 28 8 7 10 369 29. 9 5 7 370 3 O 10 3 5 Totals, 10 53 77 Ave per responses 5,3 le45 TABLE. W. (Cont.) Moe of Moe of serial No. No a for No e Of Moe of Duration snails days of "food & trial reactions of tested, trial. pressure" for per response stimulus, daye responses in sece 2nd series. 4– 38 371 31 l 29 35 372 32 2 9 12 373 3.5 3 9 12 374, 34 4. 4. 6 375 35 5 4. 6 376 36 6 3. 5 377 37 7 6 9 378 38 8 4. 6 379 39 9 3. 5 380 40 10 9 11 Totals, 10 80 105 Ave per response, 8 1.31 39 381 41 l 3 5 382 42 2 3. , 5 383 43 3. 2 3. 384 44 4. 2 3 385 45 5 3 5 386 46 6 2 3. 387 47 7 3 5 388 48 8 2 3 389 49 9 3 5 390 50 10 1 l Totals, 10 24 38 Ave per response, 2.4 1.16 Total number of trials, 50 Total number of stimuli followed by response, 43 Per cents of stimuli followed by response, 86% Total number of reactions, 211 Average number of reactions per trial, - 4s.22 Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, 4.9 Total time of reactions, 4.9 mine Average time per reaction, la:39 sece Average number of reactions per minute, 43.16. TABLE. We (continued). No. of Noe of Serial No, Noe for Moe of Noe of Duration snails days of ºfood & trial reactions of re- testede trials pressure" for per sponse stimulus, daye response, in sece - Bui series • 5 35 341 l l 9 11 342 2 2 8 10 343 3. 3. 1 1. 344 4. 4. 2 3 345 5 5 l 1 346-350 6-10 6-10 O O Totals, 10 21 26 Ave per response, 4.2 1.23 36. 351 11 l l l 352 12 2 5 7 353 13 3. 5 9 354 14 4. 13 16 355 15 5 2 3 356 16 6 3. 5 357 17 7 2 3. 358 18 8 6 8 359- 360 19–20 9-1) O O Totals, - 10 37 52 Ave per - responses 4s62 1.e4 37 361 21 1 5 7 362 22 2 4. 6 363 23 3. 4. 6 364 24 4. 2 4. 365 25 5 9 14 366 26 6 15 20 367 27 7 10 13 368 . 28 8 8 11 369 29 9 5 7 370 30 10 2 3 Totals, 10 64 91 Ave per responses - 6.4 1,48 TABLE We (cont inued) No.2 of Moe of Serial Noe for No. of No. of Duration snail. days Moe of "food & trial reactions of response - tested, trial pressure" for per in stimulus, days responsee $6C e 2nd series • 38 371 31 l 5 11 372 32 2 5 11 373 33 3 3 6 374 34 4. 4. 8 375 35 5 4 8 376 36 6 1 l 377 37 7 2 5 378 38 8 2 5 379 39 9 3. 6 380 40 10 6 12 Totals 10 35 73. Ave per response, 3 e5 2,08 Total mumber of trials, 40 Total number of stimuli followed by response, 33 Per cent of stimuli followed by response, 82.5% Total number of reactions, 15? Average number of reactions per trial, 3,92 Average mumber of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, 4,75 Total time of reactions, 4s 33 mine Average time per reaction, 1s54 sec, Average number of reactions per minute, 38,96. Summary snails 4 and 5. - Total number of stimuli (trials) 90 Total number of stimuli followed by response, 76 Per cent of stimuli followed by response, 84.4% 45 Table V shows that movements of the mouth occurred in 76 out of 90 trials, with two individuals, or in 84.4% of the trials. The first series of tests in which the "conditioned." stimulus was used showed reaction occurring in #61 out of 100 trials or 61%, when food alone was used as a stimulus (Table II). These differences show the wearing away of the inhibi- tion caused by the secondary stimulus (Table III) and by the experimental manipulation. The mean number of reactions per response for Snails 4 and 5...e., 0.91 less than for the normal food response and l.01 more than in the food-pressure series With untrained snails. The inhibition of the response to food by the pressure stimulus has nearly disappeared. T A B 1, E WIe showing a summary of the number of reactions of the mouth of four individuals of Physa gyrina Say, resulting from (A) food stimulus alone, cf. Table II; (B) food and pressure used simultaneously, cfe Table III; (G) pressure alone, cf. , Table IV; (D) food and pressure used simultaneously, 2nd, series, cf. Table W. The tests were made in filtered tap water on alternating days, The snails has been starved for 24 hours preceding the tests, Snail Snail Snail Snail A. Stimulus Food. 6 7 8 14 Total number of trials, 42 50 60 60 Total mumber of stimuli followed by response 2 8 38 4? 32 Per cent, of stimuli followed by reaction, 19% 76% 78.3% 53.3% Total number of reactions, 52 24? 143 350 Average number of reactions per trial 1.23 5.14 2.38 5.83 Average mumber of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, 6.5 6.5 3,4 10.93 Total time of reactions (minutes) 1,13. 5,33 3,23 7.35 Average time per reaction (seconds) 1s5 le29 1,39 le25 Average number of reactions per mine 46 elä 46.51 44,44 48. Be Stimulus Food and Pressure. Total number of trials, 250 250 253 250 Total number of stimuli followed by responses 33 82. 53 47 Per cente of stimuli followed by reaction, 13.2% 32.8% 20.9% 18.8% Total number of reactions, 65 337 84 182 Average number of reactions per trial, 0.26 1.34 0.03 0.72 Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, le.96 4.1 1.58 3,87 Total time of reactions (minutes) le? 6,56 1.5 3.6 Average time per reaction (seconds) lel le16 1.07 1.18 Average number of reactions per mine 65.445 5le'?? 56 e? 50,84 Ce Stimulus Pressure. Total number of trials, 30 20 17 20 Total mumber of stimuli followed by response, 13 11 3. 5 Per cents of stimuli followed by reaction, 43.3% 55% 17.5% 25% Total number of reactions, 64, 67 24 19 Average number of reactions per trial, 2.13 3.35 le4l 0.95 Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurred, 4,92 6,09 8s 3.8 Total time of reactions (minutes) 1.28 le35 0.5 0.38 Average time per reaction (seconds) 142 le? 1.25 1.21 Average mumber of reactions per mine 64 alé 64,16 48, 49.54 47 TABLE WI. (conte) D. Stimulus Food and Pressure (2nd series). Total mumber of trials, Total number of stimuli followed by responses Per cente of stimuli followed by reactions Total mumber of reactions, Average number of reactions per trial, Average number of reactions in only those trials in which response occurreds Total time of reactions (minutes) Average time per reaction (seconds) Average number of reactions per mine Snail 6 50 16. 32% 123 2,46 7.68 2,51 le21 49.54 Snail 50 72% 173 3.e46 4,8 3,78 ls31. 45.8 Snail 50 88% 158 3al6 3,59 3,28 le24 48 e38 Snail 14 25 120 2-4 4.8 2a53 le?6 47,61 48 5. Summary of Observations. 1. All observations and experiments were made on the Physa gyrina Say while suspended from the surface film in a dish of filtered tap-water. In this position the lower surfaces of the foot and head are exposed and the movements of the mouth are visible . 2. When food (lettuce) or an inert substance (glass rod) is quickly applied to such a snail on or near the mouth and im- mediately withdrawn there results a response which consists of one or more opening and closing movements of the mouth. A Single opening and closing of the mouth is referred to as a reaction. A response consists of one or many reactions in succession and takes place after the Withdrawal of the stimula- - ting substance. 3. Before the snails were used they were "tamed" by handling until they no longer visibly reacted to the mechanical distur- - bances incidental to the experiments. 4. All experiments were conducted under approximately uniform physical conditions, that is in filtered tap water at room tem- perature and with constant light intensity. 5. In all tests except those of the preliminary series each snail was used at intervals of forty-eight hours. It was al- lowed to feed freely during the first half of this period but was given no food during the second half of the period. By thus controlling the food an attempt was made to have all snails in the same physiological state at the time of using them. 6. As a means of detecting variations in physiological state a record was kept of the egg masses deposited by each snail, but no relation was found between the egg-laying activity and 49 any results of the experiments. 7. Each snail was distinguished by a number painted on the shell and a separate record was kept for each. 8. After a preliminary series of experiments involving six snails (nos. 18–23), six other snails were used in the remain- ing experiments. For two of these (4, 5) complete records are presented in Tables II, III, IV, v, p ºr the remaining *****44ff. four (6, 7, 8, 14) a summary of results is given in Table VI, p46. 9. Reactions of the mouth do not occur in the absence of ex- ternal stimulation (preliminary test series). six snails (nos. 18–23, Table I, p. 44) were kept under observation for a total period of 32.75 hours (an average of 5.47 hours each), without stimulation. During this time but eight responses - occurred with a total of 38 reactions. Three of the responses were seen to follow contact of the mouth of the snail with parts of the mucous track left by the animal in its normal movements on the surface film. The remaining five responses probably followed similar contact with this nearly invisible mucus. For experimental purposes the mouth response may be said to occur only as the result of the external stimulation. It is "in- voluntary." The error introduced into later experiments as a result of unobserved mucous stimulation is not enough to vitiate the experiments. 10. The normal food-response. When food was applied to the mouth and at once withdrawn response followed in 61% of the tests (average for snails 4 and 5). The average response consisted of 3.93 reactions . The average time of reaction was 1.25 sec. or 46.2 reactions per minute, Table II, p. 13. ll. The average number of reactions constituting the normal food-response varied with the individual snail as follows: No. 4, 3.48; No. 5, 4.35: Nos. 6 and 7, 6.5; No. 8, 3.4; No. 14, 10.93. The mean for all six snails is 5.86. 12. The average duration of a single reaction in the normal food-response is much more nearly the same in different in- dividuals than is the number of reactions constituting a re- Sp011Se . This average in seconds for the six snails in the order of paragraph ll is, 1.29, 1.21, 1.3, l. 29, 1.39, 1.25. The values are obtained by dividing the duration of the re- sponse in seconds (as obtained with a stop watch) by the number of its component reactions . At the above rate the number of reactions per minute for the six snails would be 46.51, 45.9, 46 - 15, 46.51, 44.44, 48.0, or 8 mean of 46.25 reactions per minute. - 13. An apparatus (food-pressure apparatus, Fig. 1, p. 17) was devised for the simultaneous application of two unlike stimuli, food to the mouth and pressure to the foot, at a fixed distance from the mouth. 14. Pressure response of untrained snails. By means of the food-pressure apparatus pressure was applied to the foot at a fixed distance from the mouth. No stimulus Was applied to any other part of the animal . in one hundred twenty applications of pressure to two Snails (60 each) but four responses were ob- tained. Response thus occurred to 3.3% of the applications of pressure . The responses were probably due to chance stimu- lation by inucus. Response to pressure on the foot with the apparatus used, occurs in so small a percent of cases that it does not affect the experiments Summarized below. 15. Food-pressure response . When food was applied to t; he mouth and pressure to the foot at the same instant no response followed in the first 60 to 80 trials, in two series of 250 trials each (snails 4, 5). Response followed in the remaining trials (170-190) of each series. With six snails and 376 re- ponses the average number of reactions per response was 3.42 as compared with 5.86 with the same snails when the food stimu- lus alone was used (Tables III, VI, B. p.22,4%), The Snails are referred to as "trained." - 16. Pressure response of trained snails. Forty-eight hours after the completion of their training, pressure alone was ap- piled to the foot of the six trained snails (paragraph 15). In the case of Snail no. 4 response followed the first nine Strials. The last two of these were separated by an interval of 48 hours from the first Seven. The effect of training thus persisted for 96 hours. Similar results were obtained from snails 5, 6, 7, 8, 14 (Tables IV, VI, C, p.37f;46). 17. Cessation of pressure response in trained snails. Im- mediately following the ninth response to pressure of trained snail no. 4 ſparagraph 16) seven successive applications of pressure gave no response ; 48 hours later ten applications gave no response ; 96 hours after the last response ten applications failed to give any response. Similar results were obtained with the other five snails. Cessation of response to preSSlire after training is sudden and final (Tables IV, VI, C, p.37;49. 18. 120 hours after the last response to pressure of snail no. 4 (paragraph 16) a series of 50 trials was run on this snail by the simultaneous application of food and pressure. Response 52 followed the first three trials and occurred in 86% of the sub- sequent trials (cf. paragraph lä), with an average of 4.9 reactions. Similar results were obtained with snail no. 5. The average number of reactions per response was 4.84 for the two snails, 0.91 less than for the normal food response (para- graph 10) and 1.01 more than in the first food-pressure series (paragraph 15). The interference of the pressure stimulus with the response to food has nearly disappeared. (Tables IV, WI, B, pp.37 and 46). - 19. The average number of reactions in the food-pressure re- sponse is less than the number in the normal food response. The numbers for the six snails in their numerical order is 3.96, 3.62, 1.96 (Table III), 4.1, l. 58 and 3.87 (Table WI, B, p. 46). The average for the six snails is 3.18. Application of pressure to the foot at the same time with food to the mouth shortens the response. 20. The average duration of the reaction is less in the food- pressure responses than in the normal food response. The num- ber per minute for the six snails in numerical order is 51.84, 51.92, 65.45, 51. 72, 56.7, 50.84 Tables III, WI, B, pp. 2% and 46). This is a mean distribution of 54 - 74, or 8.49 reactions per minute in excess of the normal food response. (paragraph 12). 21. In the food-pressure series, the average number of reactions per ten trials rises to a maximum in the neighborhood of the 150th response in a series of 250 trials and then declines to- ward the end of the series – Table IIIA and graph, figure 2. 22. The average number of reactions per response resulting from the application of pressure alone to the foot of trained snails (paragraph 16) is greater than the average number resulting from the application of either food or food-pressure stimulation The numbers for the six snails in their numerical order is l 25, 4.0, 4.92, 6.09, 8.0, 3.8, or a mean of 4.67 reactions per re- Sponse . These averages differ more than those of either food or food-pressure responses (Tables II, III and WI, A and B). 23. The average duration of the reactions resulting from the pressure stimulus alone on the foot of the trained snails is less than that of the normal food response. This is shown by the average number of reactions per minute for the six snails, 53.9, which is 7.65 more than with the normal food response (Tables IV and VI, C). The reaction duration is notably con- stant. 6 º DI SCUSSION - A. Method. The experimental method used in this research will be called the method of training by the use of simultaneous stimuli. The term may be applied to any pro- cedure in which two unlike stimuli are applied together, to the one of which the animal has previously responded by a definite reflex, but to the other of which it has failed to respond by the same reflex. The purpose is to establish response to the second stimulus alone . The stimuli may be referred to as primary and secondary and the primary stimulus may be called "conditioned" when used with the secondary (Paw- low's terms). The term, as thus defined, includes the sali- vary reflex method of Pawlow. Comparison of the method with the salivary reflex method. The Pawlow method has been described (p.3 ff ). It: requires that the responses to the primary stimulus be a re- flex, a so-called involuntary response, and that it be measur- able . In order to meet the first requirement the response must , (a) occur only in response to external stimulation, (b) "always" occur in response to external stimulation; that is, it should occur with sufficient regularity to be available for experimental uses. That the mouth response of Physa occurs only in re- sponse to stimulation of the mouth region has been shown. In six animals carefully guarded from such stimulation for a to- tal period of nearly thirty-three hours (about five and half hours to each animal) the response occurred but eight times. Three of these responses were due to observed accidental 55 stimulation and the rest were doubtless due to the same cause. On the other hand, as the tables show, stimulation of the mouth region induces the response in a sufficient percentage of trials to make it available for experimental purposes. The response is therefore a reflex available for these purposes. The response of Physa to stimulation of the mouth re- gion unaccompanied by other stimulation will be referred to as the normal food response. It consists of one or more opening and closing movements of the mouth. Each complete opening and closing movement is spoken of as a reaction. The response is measurable in terms of the number of its reactions as well as in duration. An inspection of the tables shows very great fluctuation in the numerical value of the response. B. Probable causes of fluctuation in response are not difficult, to find . They arise in part from the accidents of manipulation and are in part due to the physiological state of the snails. It is not an easy matter to apply a stimulus to the mouth of a snail in motion and àelicately suspended from the surface film. The difficulty is increased when two stimu- li must be accurately placed at the same time. If the pres- sure is applied with the pressure fork strictly vertical, it is only that of the weight of the movable part of the apparatus and should be constant . Slight deviation from the vertical is inevitable and must result in occasional variation in pressure and in the manner in which the food reaches the mouth. These accidents should shorten response. That unskilled manipulation sometimes inhibits response entirely is clear from those cases marked X in the tables. It is fair to assume that they partial- 56. ly inhibit other responses. They depend in part on the phys- iological state of the operator. Added to these personal factors the tendency to produce irregularity in response are vibrations of an unstable building due to slamming of doors, passing of street cars and movements of people. Other accidents prolong response . Probably at times portions of food are re- tained in the mouth of the snail and the response may be pro- longed. At times accidental stimulation from unobserved mu- cus secreted by the snail, is added to that of the food on the hook and response is prolonged. That the physiological state of the animal is in part responsible for fluctuations in response is indicated by the no-response shown in tables II, and III. Some of these were known to be due to mechanical disturbance and are marked x in the tables. Others were probably due to disturbance. Others again may be attributed to the physiological state of fatigue, although it is believed that the method of testing the snails alternately practically eliminated this element. It is note- Worthy that a large percentage of the no-response trials occurs at the end of the day's series. This may be attributed to fatigue or adaptation - in either case a changed physiological state . With a more delicate apparatus, and particularly the elimination of external disturbances such as the vibrations caused by sudden jars beyond the limits of the experimental room, responses of more constant value might be obtained. It is quite possible that responses obtained by more refined aeth- ods would equal those of the salivary reflex method in con- stancy. - / 57 Throughout each of the tables it is to be noted that the duration of the individual reaction is reasonably uni- form. It fluctuates mainly between 1.0 and 1.25 Seconds. The fluctuations may be attributed to the method of timing with a stop watch. Were a better method available for the purpose, much greater uniformity in the reaction duration would doubtless appear. The uniformity actually found is striking and indicates that the use of the single reaction as a unit for measuring the response is justified. The unit; is probably as accurate as the drop of saliva. That the method described in this paper would yield results if used in the study of discrimination in the snails the Writer does not doubt, . It seems to offer for this pur- pose whatever advantage the Pawlow method affords although possibly in a less degree. It is also available in working out many of the details of the association process in a sta- tistical way. The data presented in this paper show that the beha- vior of the snail is modified by two processes, adaptation and learning. Adaptation appears throughout the experiments and needs no extended discussion. It is enough to cite the following instances. Others will doubtless appear from a study of the tables. (a ). The snails became "tame." When first brought into the laboratory they expel the air from the lung and drop from the surface film when in the least disturbed. AFTER A TIME they no longer drop from the surface film under any mod– erate stimulation. To secure the expulsion of air from the lungs it is then neccessary to use mechanical means. (b) The snails recover from inhibition of the mouth response due to manipulation. This appears in Table III. Here inhibition is more marked in the first 60–80 trials; after that the snails recover and the number of reactions per response increases as the trials proceed until it reaches a maximum toward the middle of the series. (c) A waning of response occurs in the series of trials shown in Table III. Following a maximum number of reactions per response toward the middle of the series, the number grad- ually diminishes to the end of the series tries. The snails are becoming adapted to the stimulus (anticipatory?) which is not followed by its wonted reward. The same thing occurs in the pressure response of trained snails shown in Table IV. Here response is entirely lacking toward the end of the series. (d) The absence of the response in the final trials on many days series appears in Table III. This may be due to fatigue, but is more likely the result of adaptation. Other cases of adaptation in the snail appear in the paper sh Dawson (1911) and in the work of Nagel (1894). - Learning, modifiability by association. snails ºntº gave no mouth response to pressure on the foot, were so modi- fied by the simultaneous application of pressure to the foot and food to the mouth, that they then gave the mouth response to pressure on the foot . The effect of training with the simultaneous stimuli persisted for ninety-six hours after the cessation of training . Objectively this persistence of the training effect stimulates memory. Its psychological im- 59 plication is not discussed here. The training process was accompanied by a shortening of the average duration of the individual reactions, in other Words in an increase in their rate, as compared with the rate obtaining when the food Stimulus alone was used. This ac- celeration is no doubt due to the unwonted stimulus applied to the foot and may be taken as evidence (if any is needed) that this stimulus was effective. The training process was accompanied by a reduction in the average number of reactions per response and this again may be attributed to the unworted foot-stimulus and may be accepted as evidence of its effec- tiveness. Notable in the training series of trials is the in- crease in the number (average) of reactions per response after the initial inhibition. The average number of reactions per ten trials rises to a maximum in the neighborhood of the 150th trial and then declines. It is probable that the training has produced its maximum effect in the neighborhood of the 150th trial. This could only be learned by testing the ef- fect of training in a number of Snails trained for various per- iods. Such a series of tests would probably show that snails whose training was interrupted when it had produced its maxi- mum effect, would show responses extending over a longer per- iod and with a greater average number of reactions. At any rate the relation of the length of the training period to the strength and persistence of its effect could thus be statis- tically investigated. 60 II - MODIFIABILITY STUDIED BY THE LABYRINTH METHOD. l: Introduction. The evidence of learning in the snail, Physa gyrina Say, obtained by the use of the method of simulº- taneous stimuli suggested the query whether the snail could solve a simple labyrinth. Failure to solve the labyrinth would be evidence that this requires a capacity beyond that of forming simple associations. The labyrinth method has been used ex- tensively in nearly all groups of vertebrates, less extensive- ly among invertebrates. Notable among the work on the latter group is the work of Yerkes (1902) on the crayfish Carcinus ranulatus, Yerkes and Huggins (1903) on habit formation in the crayfish Gambarus affinis, Fielde (1901) and Shepard (1916) on ants, and Yerkes (1912) on earthworms, Just as the natural habits of rats in running about in narrow horizontal passages suggested to Small (1899) a series of such passages for experimental work, so the structure and habits of Physe suggested an upright or vertical path. Physa. breathes air and does not remain under water indefinitely when the so called lung is full of air. When a new supply of oxygen is required it commonly seeks the surface of the water, al- though bubbles below the surface are some times "tapped" for air by the snail (Dawson 1911). In order to gain the surface it ordinarily crawls up the stems of water plants growing in its natural habitat. It seems then as though the tests might be placed on a purely natural basis by mechanically depriving the snail of air and placing it at the base of an upright path 61 leading to the surface of the water. The animal's need for air furnishes the motive necessary to action. This need also suggested a natural punishment and reward for a correct or incorrect choice of paths, that is, the attainment of air at the end of the path or failure to get it. 02 7 7.5 25. 5/ouž27 Že Z/3/ 727 Azzzz/7 už ž očáe/ /2/zce o vas. 2,-/o/z7 azzz7 o že Z/2v27 zzzce55 Zo Z7e5z///27ce o//Že vvo/a/ - A5,- 5/2oyzzy27 oz//zzz Za zoerezo výž a coo/7 zo Ze zázez- C- /7o/vzo/7Ž / Azz/ro/ // 4 /e7a74 75e vá/c/, azzo/orez žhe ze /2ázoŽ o //7e ožov o že /zz/ . 63 2- Apparatus and Material. The labyrinth used had the form of a rectuangular U on an upright stem. (Fig. 3) One arm of the U reached the surface of the water while the other was so much shorter that the snail could not reach the surface from its tip. Warious materials were tried eit in the con- struction of the apparatus, such as cardboard coated with paraffine to protect it from the water, metal, mica, and celluloid. The latter was finally selected because the surface of this material is like that of glass upon which snails crawl readily and also because it could be easily cut and manipul— ated should it be decided to alter the form of the path, Trans- parent celluloid 2 1/2 cm. in thickness was used in constructing the path (fig. 3). The upright arms A and B were 8 1/2 mm. by 4.9 cm., the base of the U – C was 8.5 mm. by 4.25 cm. This rested on an upright stem D 8.5 mm by 3.6 cm, the base which was cemented into a block of lead E, 2.1 cm by l.6 cm by 6 mm. The celluoid part of the apparatus was carefully Squared to the lead base before the cement was allowed to harden. Since Physa in crawling up anything but a broad sur- face has a tendency to crawl in spiral direction, as may be readily demonstrated by allowing it to crawl up a glass rod placed upright in the aquarium, it was necessary to keep the animal confined to one side of the apparatus, in order to test out its right or left preference. In an attempt to accomplish this, the celluloid path was backed with galvanized, 1/2 inch meshed wire netting, so cut that the entire path was bordered by a "picket fence" of wire, the pickets extending outward in the same plane as the path rather than at right 64 º angles to it. By cutting out every other "picket" the re- maining wires were just far enough apart to make it mechan- ically impossible for the snail to pull its shell between them. This decide proved an effective but not an absolute barrier, in as much as the animal occasionally managed to crawl over the end of a "picket." The number of crossings became so reduced by its use, that this source of error was practically eliminated. The wire was cemented to the path by means of celluloid dissolved in acetone. The wires them- Selves and the lead base were also coated with this material, So that all parts of the completed apparatus with which the Snail would come in contact were either made of celluloid or coated with it. This apparatus when in use was placed in the exact center of the experimental tank, thus bringing it directly under the centered light, so that the rays fall- ing on each branch of the path A and B (fig. 3) were of equal intensity and thus the possibility of phototropism dir- ecting the course of the snail was avoided a Tap Water at room temperature was used in the experimental tank. This tem- perature varied within the limits of a degree or two but it will appear later in the records of the experiments that the Variations in temperature were the cause of no irregular- ities in the results, 65 Ž4. Ž% 5/ou/22 Zºe 9227&s 2.322/72%/72% co/o/// cozz/ozs, eaze.”zezz/zz/, /s/.22e2/22– /2/2/2/3 Z/52.7//z /ø/a/~ eyoe”/zzeº, cº////eos/2/2/sea /z co/o/22 7%e e/ec// cºre/7/2/2//oyed///722/zz/º/zz 7%e 3/oz A. 66 In order to conduct the experiments under controlled lighting conditions and thus avoid any possible phototropic influence it was deemed advisable to create special condi- tions governing the light and keep them uniform throughout the experiments (Fig. 4). An experimental tank consisting of a battery jar 6 inches high and 4 inches in diameter was painted black on the outside and a level floor was obtained by means of a false bottom made of weighted paraf- fine • The center of the bottom was marked in the paraffinee This tank, during experimentation, was placed in the center of a "house" constructed from gray beaver-board fastened together with strips of gummed paper and painted dead black on the inside • The walls were 26 cm, by 38 cm, with a strip 19 cm, by 5 cm. cut from the lower edge on three sides for ventilation. *or this purpose also small holes uniformly spaced were punched 2 cm, from the upper edge of the four sides. The fourth wall, the one next the operator, had a horizontal slit 2 cm. wide cut in it at 10 cms from the tope The part of this wall below the slit was made removable • With the lower part of the fourth wall removed the operator could prepare experiment S without taking the tank from the "house." When the movable part of the fourth wall was replaced there remained a slit 2 cm. in width, through which observations could be made. The top of the "house" was ground glass above which at a distance of 4 cm. was an 8 candle power electric light. This was centered over the "house" and held in a stationary position by means of a wooden frame • 67 two thicknesses of ordinary medium weight white paper were placed on top of the ground glass to further weaken and diffuse the light. The room in which the apparatus was located was darkened during experimentation. This appara- tus was used without change throughout the experiments, The labyrinth itself was varied to conform with the require- ments of each set of experiments. All snails used were tamed, individually numbered and kept under the same condi- tions as in the experiments with simultaneous Stimuli • 3. Experiments on preference • Two different kinds of preference tests were carried out , The first, was to find whether a tendency to turn to the right or left exist- ed. The assymetry of the animal suggested the possibility. The second part of the test was to find any possible pre- ference for an ascending or descending pathe A • Experiment to test right or left preference. In the first series an unpainted glass dish of beaker type, containing tap water at room temperature was placed in the center of the experimental "house" and the ventilating spaces at the bottom of the walls of the "house" were block- ed to exclude light. The air was forced from the lung of the snail by pressing its body gently back into its shells It was then placed against the side of the dish at the four points of the compas in turn. It was allowed in each case to crawl up the side of the dish for air. The path was sketched and its right or left divergence from a perpendicular noted. The snails were handled with forceps and always placed on the horizontal bottom of the dish at right angles to the surface to be traveled. The mucous trail left Orl the sides of the dish was broken up after each trial by brusing the traveled surface with a clean camel's hair brush. Three snails Nos. 15, 16 and 17 were used and four tests given each on two consecutive days. The record follows: TABLE WII. Showing the deviation from a perpendicular shown by three individuals of Physa &# Say, in following an unconfined path up the side of a cylindrical glass dish in search of aire Trial Snail Snail Snail number 15 16 17 First day l Left; Right Right 2 Right Theft; Right 3 Left Right Right 4. Left Left: Right Second day l Theft; Left Right 2 Ileft Left Ileft; 3 Right Right Right 4 Right Left Right TOTAL - 5I, 3R 51, 3R LI, 7R Total number of trials 24 Total number of deviations to the right 13 approximately 54% Total number of deviations to the left li approximately 45% This experiment was based upon the normal behavior of the snail in its search for air, its path from the bottom of the dish to the surface was not limited in any way • Besides the record just given, three points of general interest were observed: 69 le. At no time during these experiments did the snail appear to make any effort to obtain air except at the surface of the water. In as much as the depth of the water in the experimental tank was greater than that in the home aquarium, the observations conflict with those of Dawson (1911) which refer, however, to young snailss 2. The touching of the tentacles to the surface of the dish, at intervals, on either side of the path of the snail appeared in no case to alter the direct- ion of the path, 3. There appeared to be no effort on the part of the snails under observation in these experiments, to re-distribute its weight by shifting the shell from side to side. Such shifting of the shell might exert a pull upon the body of the animal, strong enough to turn it; in one direction more than anothere In the second series of preference tests the U-shaped labyrinth was used. Both of the upright arms reached the Surface of the water so that, a choice of either did not result in punishments Six snails were used. They were divided into two groups of three each and tested on alternate days. This division was made because six snails could not be worked each day during the time at the disposal of the operators and it was deemed advisable to have records from more than three snails. Each snail in each group of three was given - -- 70 ten trials per day. Enough fresh tap water at room temperature was placed in the experimental tank to reach the top of the arms of the U apparatus resting in the center of the dish. The Snail was taken from the bacteria dish in which it was kept at room temperature, and held in the hand while the body was gently pressed back into the shell by means of a dull metal seeker. In this way the snail was compelled to expell air from its lunge. The animalſº, now negatively geotropic, was placed on the base of the U - E (Fig. 3) by means of long forceps. The apex of the shell rested on base E while the opening of the shell touched the stem D. Thus when the snail came out of its shell, which it usually did almost immediately, it at once started to crawl up the stem D to the surface. At the top of D it turned either to the right or left on the cross bar C and then moved up either arm A or B to the surface of the water where it was permitted to obtain air. It was then lifted off with the hand, as gently as possible and returned to its individual dish where it was allowed to feed undisturbed While the other two snails of the group were tested in a similar way. After each test the celluloid apparatus was removed to a separate dish of water and thoroughly cleaned with a stiff brush in order to remove the mucous trial left by the tested snail and thus make it impossible for the next snail to follow the traile A complete record was made for each test given to each individual snail. Yerkes (1912) method, modified to suit the experiments, was adopted in making the records • Outlines of 71 the labyrinth were drawn on separate slips of paper and the course chosen by each snail traced on one of these, The time required for the trip was taken with a stop-watch. The additional data of date, time of day, and temperature were added to the slip, and a record was also made of the eggs, if any, which had been deposited within twentyefour hours previous to the tests. It was thought that a later analysis of the records might show some relation between the physiological condition of the animal caused by egg laying, and the results of the experiments. The following table shows the results obtained from a series of forty tests on each of six snails: 72 Tº A B L E VIIIa Showing the right and left preference of six individuals of Physa gyrina Say, which had been deprived of air and placed at the base of a vertical U shaped path resting on an upright stems. Both arms of the U reached the surface. The horizontal of the U necessitated a choice of paths (figs 2) • The snails had been starved for 24 hours preceding the tests. The apparatus was thoroughly cleaned between tests • Nos of No. of No. Of Moe of Noe of snail. days trials left right testede per days choices a Choices a Bºss 15 l 10 8 2 O 16 - 10 7 3 0 17 - 10 7 3. O ** 24 2 10 2 8 O 25 10 1. 9 l 26 10 2 8 l 15 3 10 5 5 O 16 10 5 5 l 17 10 8 2 l 24 4. 10 3. 7 O 25 10 5 5 O 26 IO 4. 6 O 15 5 10 6 4. O 16 10 1 9 O 17 10 5 5 O 24 6 10 3 7 l 25 - 10 2 8 1 26 10 3. 7 l 15 7 10 8 2 O 16 10 6 4. O 17 10 9 l l 24 8 10 2 8 O 25 10 8 2 O 26 10 6 4. l Total mumber of trials 240 Total number of left turns 116 approximately 48% Total number of right turns 124 approximately 52% 73 * Experiments to test preference for an ascending or descending path. If the cross bar of the U should not be horizontal, the snail after ascending the stem would have a choice of a descending path on one side and an ascending path on the other. In a set of preference tests an attempt was made to determine whether the animal showed preference for either of these paths. In order to tilt the labyrinth at various angles the experimental tank was placed on a small board 8 1/2 in. by 10 in. by 1/4 in. made of three layers to insure an unwarped surfaced. One end of the board was pierced by two screw eyes set one inch from the edge. By turning these screws the board, together with the apparatus resting upon it, could be readily adjusted to any angle. The angle used in each experiment was measured with a Sterret spirit level. The slant of the right and left sides of the path was frequently and irregularly reversed in order to avoid any possible right and left habit formation during experimentations These tests were like those just described, in the tilting of the appartus. The records were made in the same way. The tabulated results followe TABLE IX, Showing the tendency of six individuals of Physa gyrina Bay, to follow an ascending or a descending path when the apparatus was tilted at angles varying between 57* and 7° 47' from the horizontal. The U shaped apparatus (fig. 2) was used, both arms of the U reaching the surface. It was cleaned between tests. The snails had been starved for 24 hours pre- ceding the tests. - - Moe of No. Of No. Of No. Of No e Of Deviation trans- snail. days trials "up" *down” verse bar from ºtested per choices • choices e a horizontale ãº- 15 l 10 7 3. 09 57? 2 10 9 l 3 10 6 4 4. 10 4. 6 5 10 6 4. Totals 50 32 18 6 10 5 5 O° 23° 7 10 3. 7 19 54° 8 10 7 3. 3° 49'? 9 10 5 5 5° 44? 10 10 8 2 7° 40? Totals 50 28 22 16 l 10 7 3. Oo 57? 2 10 7 3 3 10 3. 7 4. 10 4. 6 5 10 5 5 Totals - 50 26. 24 º 6 10 7 3 O° 23'ſ 7 10 2 8 19 54° 8 10 4. 6 3° 49'? 9 10 5 5 5° 44? 10 10 6 4. 79 40? Totals, 50 24 26 17s 1 10 7 3. o° 57° 2 10 7 3. 3. 10 5 5 4. 10 9 1. - 5 10 3 7 Totals, 50 31 19 66 10 7 3 O° 23'ſ 7 10 6 4. 1° 54? 8 10 5 5 3° 49'? 9 10 6 4. 5° 44? 10 10 6 4. 70 40" Totals 50 30 20 TABLE IX (continued) 75 Noe of No. Of No. of No e of No. of Deviation of snail. days trials "up" *down” horizontal testede per day. choices choices r. i.es les 24 1 10 6 O”57 2 10 6 4. 3 10 3. 7 4. 10 9 l 5 10 5 5 Totals 50 29 21 6 10 7 3 09 23? 7 10 6 4. 1° 54° 8 10 5 5 3° 49? 9 10 6 4. 5° 44? 10 10 10 O 70 40t Totals - 50 34 16 25 l 10 5 5 Oo 57° 2 10 5 5 3 10 5 5 4. 10 5 5 5 10 6 4. Totals 50 26 24 6 10 6 4. 09 25° 7 10 4. 6 1° 54? 8 10 4. 6 3° 49'? 9 10 7 3. 5° 44? 10 10 8 2 7° 40? Totals 50 29 21 26 l 10 3. 7 Oo 57° 3. 10 8 2 4. 10 5 5 5 10 6 4. Totals 50 28 22 6 10 4. 6 0° 23? 7 10 4. 6 19 54° 8 10 6 4. 3° 49'? 9 10 6 4. 5° 44? 10 10 5 5 7° 40? Totals 50 25 25 Total mumber of trials 600 Total mamber of trials in which ascending path was chosen 34° 57% Total number of trials in which descending path was chosenzā8 43% TABLE IX A. Summary of Table IX, showing an arrangement of the choices of the six snails tested according to the angle made by the cross bar of the U with a horizontal. Snail Angle of inclination to horizontal of cross bar of U- No. shaped labyrinth, degrees. 0 - 1 1 - 2 3 - 4 5-- s 7 – 8 up down up down up down up down up down 15 32 18 3 7 7 3 5 5 8 2 Totals # # 16 26 24 2 8 4 6 5 5 6 4 Totals # # 17 31 19 6 4. 5 5 6 4. 6 4. Totals z: # 24, 29 21 6 4 5 5 6 4 10 O 7 – 3 Totals 36 24 25 26 24 4 6 4. 6 7 3 8 2 Totals # # 26 28 22 4 6 6 4 6 4. 5 5 Totals # # * : # *, *, *, *, *, *, * * 77 Table IX shows that when six individuals were given a choice of an ascending or a descending path, both of which ended at the surface, and when the angle of deviation from a horizontal at the point of selection was not greater than 7°40', the ascending path was chosen in 342 trials out of 600 or in 57% of the trials. An arrangement of the choices according to the angle made by the cross bar with the horizon- tal is shown in Table IX A. This shows a strong tendency to follow the upward path only at the angle 7-8 degrees. In further experiments the cross bar of the U was kept horizon- tal. • - 4. Experiments_on_learning the U-shaped labyrinth; Choice gf right and left path; punishment failure to get aire In as ::= much as the snails showed a slight tendency to turn toward the right in the preference tests, the right arm of the U-shaped path was now shortened by cutting 2 cm. from the upper ende A choice of this arm would lead to punishment (failure to get air) and would be a wrong choice • When a wrong choice was made the snail had to retrace its path to the point of choice where it usually continued its course along the horizontal bar and up the long arm to the surface of the water • This was the only modification made in the apparatus for the learn- ing experiments. The methods of handling the animals and the apparatus were the same as in the preceding tests • Three snails were used in these experiments. They were at first tested every other day but it soon seemed advisable to test them every day. The three snails were worked in turn and as 78 many trips given each as was possible in the time at the disposal of the experimenter. The number of trips per day varied considerably because it was found that sometimes individual snails refused to start up the labyrinth. At such times they were frequently allowed to remain at the base of the stem for a considerable length of time in the hope that the tests might be continued in regular order. Some- times, however, work on the individual snail so affected, had to be discontinued for the day. When a snail lost its hold on the labyrinth and dropped to the bottom of the tank during its test, it was immediately started up again and this Second trip was given the same serial number as the previous One with a Small letter after it; e The same method of record- ing the observations was used as that described for the pre- ference tests. A record was also made of the "latent" period, that is, the time between the placing of the animal at the base of the stem and the actual start on the upward path, Although noted in the tabulations this record appears to have no bearing on the results of the experiments, since fluctua- tions were probably due in part to the fact that the snail Still retained a small amount of air in its lung, delaying Slightly its need of a fresh supply, In constructing curves based upon these records the percentage of errors or wrong choices for each snail per day was used. An analysis of the records appéared to show no relation between the latent periods, oviposition, the time required for the trip and the number of errors, T A B L E X. Showing the choice of choices made by three individuals of Physa, in attempting to reach the surface of the water for airs. A U shaped labyrinth was used. The right arm was so short that the snail could not obtain air by following it (punishment), while air might be obtained at the top of the left arm (reward). The apparatus was cleaned between trials. The snails had been starved for 24 hours preceding the tests. *Indicates that an egg mass was deposited by the snail during the 24 hours immediately preceding the tests on the day markede No. of No. of No. Of Moe of No. of No e of Iatent. Duration snail. days trial trial correct incorrect period of trip tested for for or left or right seconds Séº e series day. choices choices • - 1 *1 l l l O 90 181 2 2 1. O 58 98 3. 3. O l 69 340 4. 4. 1. O 27 132 5 5 l O 72 124 6 6 l O 45 92 Totals 6 5 1. 361 96? 83% 16% Av. 60.16 Av.161.16 *2 7 1. l O 14 82 8 2 l O 62 148 9 3. 0. l 149 265 10 4. l Q 89 117 11 5 1 O 92 128 12 6 O l 135 222 13 7 1. O 90 12.5 14 8 l O 43 109 Totals 8 6 2 674 1196 75% 25% Av. 84.25 Av 149.5 *3 15 l l O 49 82. 16. 2 l Q 70 94 17 3. l O , 145 74 18 4. 1. 0. 329 83 19 5 1. O 195 75 20 6 l O 135 109 21 7 0. l 409 220 Totals 7 6 l 1332 737 85% 14% Av. 190.28 Av. 105-28 *4. 22 l 1 O 185 154 23 2 O l 169 132 24 2a 1. O 64 90 25 2b l O 28 88 26 3 l O 183; 171 27 4. 1 Q 38 95 28 5 1. O 50 77 Totals, 7 6 1. 717 80? 85% 14% Av. 102.42 Av 115.28 80 ABLE * (contal No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Latent Dºration snail, days trial trial correct incorrect period. of trip tested for for of left or right secs. sec. series • day — choices — choices 1 5 29 1. 1. O 174 132 - 30 2 1. O 40 150 31 3. 1. O 95 78 32 4. 1. O 83 193 33 5 O l 73 171 34 5a l O 72 100 Totals, 6 5 1 537 824 83% 16% Av 89.5 Av. 137.33 *6 35 l 1. O 185 103 36 2 l 0. 210 87 37 3. 1. O 69 112 38 4. O l 49 212. 39 4a 0 1 43 163 40 4b O 1. 19 82 41 4c 1. 0 40 92 42 5 O l 45 269 Totals, 8 4. 4. 660 1120 50% 50% Av 82.5 Av. 140 7 43 l l O 27 108 44 2 O l 70 344 45 3. l Q 93. 1.59 46 4. l 0. 198 191 4? 5 1. O 112 107 48 6 O l 30 169 49 6a O 1 31 233 50 6b 1 O 52 95 Totals, 8 5 3. 613 1406 62% 37% Av. 76.62 Av. 175.75 8 51 1 1. O 52 114 52. 2 l O 94 103 53 3 l O 34 113 54 4. l 0 69 112 55 5 l O 54 136 56 6 Q 1. 88 262 57 7 O l 51 363 Totals, 7 5 2 442 1203 71% 28% Av.63.14 Av. 171.85 *9 58 1 l Q 131 118 59 2 l Q 35 99 6) 3. l Q 64 94 61 4. 1. Q 80 87 62 5 l O 53 97 Totals, 5 5 O 363 495 100% Ave 72.6 Åve 99 TABLE * (cont). No. of Moe of Not of No. of Nos of Nos of 18tent. Duration. Snails days trial trial correct incorrect period of trip tested for for or left or right secs secs. mº-T- series's ãay choices — choices - l 10 63 1. 1. O 83 145 64 2 Q l 152 496 65 3. O 1. 48 314 66 4 1 O 100 184 67 5 l Q 79 112 Totals, 5 3. 2 462 1251 60% 40% Av. 92.4 av. 250.2 *11 68 l l O 97 191 69 2 1 O 57 94. 70 3. 1 0. 152 96. 71 4. O 1 154 351 72 5 O l 47 493 º 6 0 1 74 263 74 6a 1 O 53 115 Totals, 7 4. 3. 634 1603 57% 42% Av. 90.57 Av. 229 *12 75 1 O 1. 13? 417 76 2 O 1. 84 463 77 3 O 1 50 325 78 4. 0. l 108 264 79 5 l O 40 93 80 6 O 1. 33 319 81 7 l O 76 122 Totals, 7 2 5 528 2003 28% 71% Av. 75.42 Av. 286.14 13 82 1. 1 O 188 133 83. 2 O 1. 49 265 84 3. 0 l 320 431 85 4. 0 l 180 662 86. 5 l O 120 167 87 6 O 1. 128 3.18 88 7 O 1. 4? 279 Totals, 7. 2 5 1032 2255 - 28% 71% Av.147.42 Ave 322-14 *14 89 l l Q 42 148 90 2 O l 14? 250 91 3. O l 44 322. 92. 3a 0. 1 114 24? 93 {ºb O 1 15 196 94 3c Q 1. 155 192 95 3d 0 l 187 258 96. 3e O l 59 414 97 4. Q 1 88 256 98 5 O 1. 62 325 99 6 O 1. 66 345 Totals 11 1. 10 979 2953 º 9% 90% Ave.89 Av. 268.45 TABLE X (contal No. of Moe of Moe of No. of No. of No. of Patent. Duration snails days trial trial correct incorrect period of trip tested for for or left or right $663 e $3C e series day choices choices, 1. *15 100 l O 1. 73 1058 101 2 O l 50 37; 102 3. O l 55 454 103 3a 1. O 62 129 Totals 4. 1 3. 238 2014 25% 75% Av 59.5 Av. 503.5 16 104 l l O 31 155 105 2 1. O 107 107 106 3. l O 176 133 107 4. l O 128 154 108 5 1 O 88 13ſ. 109 6 O l 64 266 110 7 0 - l 110 188 111 7a l O 14 108 Totals, 8 6 2 718 1248 75% 25% Av.89.75 Av. 156 *17 112 l l O 71 134 113 2 O 1 89 770 114 3 1 Q 53 160 115 4. O l 75 294 116 5 O 1. 78 571 117 6 l O 77 156 118 7 l O 43 182 Totals, 7 4. 3. 486. 2267 57% 42% Ave 69,42 Ave 323s 85 18 119 l l O 52 149 120 2 l 0 75 138 121 3. 1 Q 65 165 122 4. O l 50 729 123 5 O l 101 307 Totals, 5 3. 2 343 1488 60% 40% Av. 68-6 Av. 297.6 19 124 l O l 37 528 125 2 O 1. 206 263 126 3. O l 88 261 12? 4. O 1. 73 1039 138 5 l O 95. 162 Totals, 5 l 4. 499 2253 20% 80% Av. 99.8 Av. 450.6 20 129 1 Q 1 45 622 139 la l O 38 129 131 2 1 O 3? 197 132 3. Q 1 81 348 133 4. 1. 0. 85 172. 134 5 l O 135 14? Totals, 6 4. 2 421 1615 66% 33% Ave 70,16 Av. 269,16 TABíº R. (conte) No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Patent. Duration snail, days trial trial correct incorrect period of trip tested for for or left or right 86 Ce sèC e series a day. choices choices, 1. *21 135 l 1 O , 97 245 136 2 O 1. 57 354 137 2a 1. O 33 199 138 3. l O 151 177 139 4. 1 O 97 201 140 5 0 1. 82. 855 Totals 6 4. 2 517 2031 66% 33% Av.86.16, Av.338.5 *22 141 1 1 O 74 204 142 2 1. O 140 138 143 3. 1. O 76 186 144 4. 1. O 71 133 145 5 O 1 76 594 146 5a 1. O 36 103 Totals, 6 5 1. 473 1358 83% 16% Ave 78.83 Av. 226.33 23 14? l l O 67 199 148 2 O 1 194 349 149 3. 1. O 94. 222 150 4. l O 55 177 151 5 1. 0 109 119 152 6 l O 86. 154. 153 7 O l 89 728 154 7a. 1. O 37 144 Totals, 8 6 2 731 2092 75% 25% Ave 91.37 Ave 261.5 24 155 1 O l 75 1316 156 2 O 1. 268 492 157 3 O 1. 287 401 158 3a O 1. 40 584 159 3b 1 O 94 155 160 4. O 1. 13.1 623 Totals, 6 1. 5 895 3571 16% 83% Av,149,16Ave 595-16 25 161 l O 1. 45 13:13 162 2 O 1. 71 730 163 3. O 1. 51. 274 164 4. O 1. 42 313. 165 5 O 1 64 338 Totals, 5 O 5 273 2968 - 100% Ave 54 e6 Ave 593-6 26 166 1 O l 52 1712. - 167 2 1. Q 95. 175 168 3. O 1. 74 549 169 3a O 1. 42 645 170 3b 1. O 42 163 Totals, 5 2 3 305 3244 40% 60% Av-61 Av,648.8 84 || TABLE Xe (cont.) No. of Moe of Noe of No. of Moe of No. of Patient Duration snail, days trial trial correct incorrect period of trip tested for for or left or right $6 Ce 88C e series • day. choices choices a *27 171 1. l O 118 164 172 2 () 1 162 473 173 3 O 1. 12? 824 174 3a O l 168 462. 175 4 O 1 90 720 Totals, 5 l 4. 665 2645 20% 80% Av.133 Ave 528.6 28 176. l O 1. 86 821 177 2 O l 69. 718 178 3. O 1. 121 489 179 4. O l 38. 805 180 5 O 1 60 3.11 Totals, 5 O 5 374, 3.144 100% Ave 74.8 Ave 628.8 29 181 l 0 1. 52 1774 182 2 l O 58 215 183 3 O 1. 61 915 184 4. O l 70 344 4. 1. 3. 24l 3248 Totals, 25% 75% Ave 60.25 Ave.812 30 185 1 O l 50 2364 186 2 O l 180 750 187 3. O l 216 1325 Totals, 3. O 3 446 4439 100% Avel48,66Ave1479,66 31 188 l l O 126 276. 189 2 1 00 37 203 190 3 1 Q 48 118 191 4. O l 44 641 192 5 O 1. 71 466 Totals, 5 3. 2 326 1704 60% 40% Avs 65.2 Ave 340,8 32 193 1 O 1. 75 354 194 2 O 1. 105 1200 195 3. l O 101 1835 196 4 1 O 70 206 197 5 l O 48 139 Totals, 5 3. 2 399 2082 60% 40% Av. 79.8 Ave 416.4 85 TABLE X (contal No. of No. of snails No. of days trial trial tested. for for series • ãays. T1 *33 198 1. 199 200 201 202 No e of 51. f Totals, 34 203 204 205 206 207 Totals, 35 208 209 210 211 i Totals, *36 212 213 214 215 216 i Totals, 37 217 218 219 22 221 ; Totals, 222 223 224 225 226 *38 ; Nos of correct; or 1eft; choicess i *i | 7 % 4. : i20% 40% No e Of £atent. Duration incorrect period of trip or right Sece sed, choices • - 1. 89 595. l 65 124 || l 76 797 || 1. 56 1380 || l 120 760 5 406, 3656 100% Ave 81.2 Av. 731.2 1. 41 1740 1 33 910 1. 74 559 O 75 123 l 32 912 4. 255 4244 80% Av.5l Ave 848.8 O 10 197 1. 182. 648. O 72. 172 O 123 164 1. 387 1181 25% Ave 96.75 Av. 295.25 O 48 120 O 53. 143 l 48 1271 1. 108 394 1 99 630 3. 361 2558 60% Av. 72.2 Avt 511.6 1. 64 283 1 60 3.18 1. 75 910 O 42 218 l 54 355 4. 295 2084 80% Ave 59 Av. 416.8 1. 21 526 Q 26 18? O 49 133 l 43 58? 1. 72 330 3. 211 1763 60% Ave 42e2 Ave 352.6 BLE X cont No. of Nos of Nos of Nos of No. of No. of Latent. Duration snail. days trial trial correct incorrect period of trip testeds for for or left or right 86 G e 86 G e 1. series a days choices a choices a 39 227 l 1 O 28 170 228 2 O 1. 98 462 229 3. O l 45 42? 230 3a 1 O 23 114 231 4. 1. O 4? 131 Totals 5 3. 2 24l 1304 60% 40% Ave 48.2 Av. 260.8 40 23? l l O 103 109 233 2 O l 128 652 234 3. O 1. 5 414 235 3a O l 25 338 236 4. l O 80 151 Totals, 5 2 3. 394 1664 40% 60% Avs?8.8 Ave 332-8 4l 237 1. l O 125 121. 238 2 l 0. 61 12? 239 3 * O l 58 254 240 4 0 l 164 482 241 5 O 1. 81 388 Totals, 5 ^2. 3. 489 1372 40% 60% Ave 97.8 Ave 274.4 42 242 1. 1. O 95 154 243 2 O l 60 265 244 3 O 1. 66 275 245 4. O 1. 66 555 246 5 1. 0 130 139 Totals, 5 2 3. 417 1388 40% 60% Av. 83.4 Ave 277.4 *43 24? 1. 1. O 65 197 248 2 : 1. O 33 122 249 3 1 O 3? 135 250 4 O 1 90 730 251 5 0 1. 73 625 Totals, 5 3. 2 298 1809 60% 40% Av. 59.6 Av. 36.1.8 | || 44 252 1 1 O 64 123 253 2 l O 59 93. 254 3 l Q 39 119 255 4. O 1 63 364 256 5 O 1 70 311 257 6 1 O 58 141 258 7 O l 36 218 259 8 O 1. 48 250 Totals, 8 4. 4. 43? 1619 º 50% 50% Av. 54.68 Ave 202,37 TABLE Xs (cont.) No. of No. Of snail. days tested. 1 45 Totals, *46 Totals, 47 Totals, 48 Totals, No. of trial for series • 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272. 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 No e of trial for —days— i i No e of correct; or left choices O l O 6l13 l%%% No. of Latent. Duration incorrect period of trip or right $60 e $90 e —choicess 1. 210 681 O 86. 108 1. 113 532 2 409 1321 66% Ave 136.33 Ave 440,33 1. 43 745 O 90 105 1. 20 182 1. 23. 740 I 75 1784. l 50 1386 l 112 477 l 23 438 7 436 585? 87% Ave 54 e5 Ave 732-12 O 69 130 1. 58 1379 1. 35, 492. l 99 734 1. 126 358 1. 79 358 5 466 3873, 83% Ave 77-6 Ave 645.5 O 20 300. l 55 510 1. 103 1785 O 77 285 O 143 521 O 67 466 2 465 3867 33% Ave 77.5 Ave 644.5 5 u_m in a r Y- 88 Smail Day No e of Correct Incorrect Latent Duration l trials or left or right period of trip Choices choices. Seº e 86&e *1 6 5 l 361 96? *2 8 6 2 874 1196. *3 7 6 l 1332 737 *4 7 6 l 717 80? 5 6 5 l 537 824 *6 8 4. 4 660 1120 7 8 5 3. 613 1406 8 7 5 2 442 1203 *9 5 5 O 363 495 10 5 3. 2 462 1251 *11 7 4. 3. 634 1603 *12 ºr. 2 5 528 2003 13 7 2 5 1032 2255 *14 11 l 10 979 2953 *15 4. 1. 3 238 2014 16 8 6 2 718 1248 *17 7 4 3. 486 226? 18 5 3. 2 343 1488 19 5 1 4. 499 2253 20 6 4. 2 421 1615 *21 6 4. 2 517 2031 22 6 5 l 473 13:58 23 8 6 2 731 2092 24 6 l 5 895 3571 25 5 O 5 273. 2968 26 5 2. 3 305 3244 *27 5 1 4. 665 2643 28 5 O 5 374 3.144 29 4. l 3. 24l 3248 30 3. O 3. 446 4439 31 5 3. 2 326 1704 32 5 3. 2 399 2082. *33 5 O 5 406 3656 34 5 1. 4 255 4244 35 4. 3. l 387 1181 *36 5 2 3. 361 2558 37 5 l 4. 295 2084 *38 5 2 3 211 1763 39 5 3. 2 24l 1304 40 5 2 3 394 1664 41 5 2 3. 489 1372 42 5 2 3. 417 1388 *43- 5 3. 2 298 1809 44 8 4. 4. 43? 1619 45 3 l 2 409 1321 *46 8 l 7 436 585? 47 6 1 5 466 3873, 48 6 4. 2 465 3867 Total number of trials, - 282 Total number of correct or left choices, 136 Approximately 48% Total number of incorrect or right. " 146 Approximately 52% Total latent (sec.) 23651 | Total duration of trials (secs) 101789 Average latent time (sec.) 83.86 Average duration of trials (sec.) 360s 95 | 69 - 2*III "AW #".9 • Ay %00T 933 Aº O g g steş0. Og'I TST O T g 99. gTT 26 O T ty gº gTT 9ty O T º º 28 6ty O T g º 26 88 O T T 29. 9* 22°gtz"Av 99°62 "Av Ž99 | %22 - 362T 992 ty 3. 90 “stego 1,6T Oº T O tºg T2 3ºz 22 T 0. g 02 #6 08 O T º 63 OżT 92 O T 2 92 J.03 33 I O 2 #3 gtº 83 T O T 92 G 9**T2 "Av gºt "Av Žow %09 | *EOI T22 2 3 g *stenoi 2.2 99. T O g gº º 6% T O ty #3 gOT T2 O T g 22 06 #9 O T 2 22 O9t Ty O T T T2 ** 992 "Ay Ag".g. "Av Žug %2* 2002 292 ſy 2 l *ste: ol Otºy g!, T O l O3 gg3 OT T O 9 6T gº Og T O g 9T TA3 99. T O º AT #8 92 O T º 9T 68 gy O I 2 gT 80T 6T. O T T *I ºf 25-26 "AW 39°gº”AW %00T 62/. gº O 9 9 *steno, 08 Tg.T O I 9 2T 36 6T. O T l 2T - 99 gT O T 9 TT - 69 º O T g OT 26 gº O T ty 6 tºgi 02 0 T º 8 - | #2T Tº O T 2 !. 18 03 O T T 9 34. | 9°ggT*AW 2°12'Av Žoz %09 698, 99T T ty g *stegoſ - J.0T 92 O T g g T6 Ot, O T * ty 68 02 O T 2 2 A6 O2 O T 2 3. 388– 8 T O T T T 3 •998 • Q98 Tº seop Otto seopoulo diprº pop red ºu?pa to 4.Jet to Alep Tºp 1% 30 tropºrt GI 4tre+tº 49estrootr I $oe.1.100 ºrog • ON JO "ON •A ext •TTEUS - TFSTESSTYāſāyī. | 90 TABLE * (contal Smail. Dºy Moe of No. for Correct Incorrect Latent. Duration trials day. or left or right period of trip - choices choicess $80 e 88Cs 2 7 37 l Q 1. 20 469 38 2 1 O 45 94. 39 3. O l 50 490 40 3a O l 25 511 - 41 4. 1. O 44 111 42 5 l O 37 92. Totals, 6 3. 5 221 176? 50% 50% Av.56.83, Av. 294.5 8 43 l O 1. 50 787 44 2 O l 45 594 45 3. O l 35 355 46 4. l O 24 87 47 5 l Q 68 126 48 6 l O 354 124 Totals, 6 3. 3. 574 2073, 50% 50% Av. 95.83 Av. 345.5 *9 49 l O l 54 1012 50 2 O l 42 589 51 3 l O 81 123 52 4. O l 52 596, 53 5 1 Q 230 71 Totals, 5 2 3 459 2391 40% 60% Ave 91.8 Ave 478,2 10 54 l O l 60 488 55 2 O 1. 34 520 56 2a Q l 18 210 57 3 O 1. 53 560 58 4. l O 101 111 59 5 O 1 41 722 Totals, 6 l 5 307 2609 - 16% 83% Av.51,16 Ave 434.85 *11 60 l 0 l 57 195 61 la l O 18 130 62 2 l O 44 93 63 3. O 1 95 303 64 4. 1 O 68 123 65 5 O l 59 208 66 6 0 l 44 391 67 68. O 1 37 106 68 6b O l 33 396 Totals, 9 3 6 455 1945 33% 66% Av. 50.55 Ave 216-11 91 TABLE X (contal Smail Day Moe of Nos for Correct Incorrect ſatent. Duration trial. day or left or right period of trip - choices choices • 36C e 36Ce 2 *12 69 l O 1 33 886 70 2 O l 57 586 71 3 O 1. 98 639 72 4. 1. O 35 103 73 5 l O 95 71 74 6 O 1 30 188 75 6a l O 26 89 76 7 l 0 6? 93 Totals, 8 4. 4. 441 2655 50% 50% Av. 55.12, Av.531.87 13 77 l 1 O 75 111 78 2 O l 45 322 79 3. O 1 96. 868 80 4. O l 56 496 81 5 l 0 164 90 82 6 l O 218 73 83. 7 l O 117 116 Totals, 7 4. 3 771 2086 57% 42% Av. 110.14 Ave?98 14 84 l O l 99 479 85 2 l O 35 103 - 86 3 O 1. 47 218 -- 87 4. 1. O 41 156 88 5 O 1 42 178 89 5a l O 31 72 90 6 1 O 60 148 Totals, 7 4. 3. 355 1354 57% 42% Avs50.71 Av.193s 42 *15 91 l 1 O 71 182 92 2 l O 111 118 93 3 O l 37 3.19 Totals, 3 2 l 219 619 66% 33% Av. 73 Av. 206.33 16 94 l l O 37 164 95 2 l O 65 125 96 3 O l 145 295 97 4. O l 47 326 98 5 O 1 89 228 99 6 l O 405 111 100 7 O 1 227 888 101 7a O 1 38 191 102 7b 1 O 3.11 l62 Totals, 9 4. 5 1364 2490 44% 55% Av.151.55 Av.276.66 36 tºt"gów "Av wt"91. "Av ºgs %WT 9992 Alſº 9 T l, “stego; tºº, 6% T O g 99T gº 32T T O ety A&T 9Iº 38 TT O ſy 99T 286 93 T O º g2T 699, TGT T O 2 ty2T 99T 22 O T eT 22T 202 39 T O T gºt 334 2°69g "Aw 9°64t "Av Žow %09 97.62 668 2 2 g “stego! 68 6/3 O T g TºT 32T 9A3 O T y Oºt ºt? 68 O t 2 62T 099 I6 T O g 9:T 2991 #9 T O T A2T T2 9°ºgy "Av z*62t "Av Ž09 %Ow 1939: 9t,9 º 2 3 “stego; *6 OTI T O g 92T 23 T 95t O T ty gzT gºg £2T T O º *::I 993 £1. T O 2 22T *II #8T O T T 22T 03 9°492 "Aw 9"09t"Av Žoz %09 982T *06 T ty g *stenol Gº? º O T g T3T 92I AgT O T º 02.T 99T 02.T O T º 6TT T89 #TT T O 2 9TT 28 9/, O T T ATI 6T. tº."ggy "Ay gs".9 "Av ŽI. %92 TA02 gT9 g g l *ste; Ol 9TT 23 O T ºg 9TT 263 AOT T O g gTT ºt? tº T O * #TT 92% g? T O eg 2TT gº? #02 T O 2 2TT OTT Oºt 0 T 2 TTT 882T 22 T O T OTT 8T * T.",62 "Aw tº.”02t "Av Žew %g *902 gT6 º ty l, *ste,0. OOT 18T O T l 60T 2T2 I92 O T 9 80T A39 Tº T O g J.0T ØT9 29t T O ty 90T 38 09 O T 2 gOT 2TT 82 O T 2 *OT 92.2 gg T O T 20T At –?— • 998 * @35 *seopoulo seppoup diprº go pop rad 413 par to 3.J. QT TO A'ep Tºtº tropºeingſ 419481 ºperatoonſ $oetroo tog "OM go "on &etſ Tºus tº) y ºrigwi. | gº." TOg "Ay 222 * Ay %g. %gg L003 826 9. T ty - Oºg gº T O & ŽAT 38A 93? T O 2 TAT ºt g0T 0. T *T OAT Tgg O29. T 0 T 691 62 ** TT9 °AW gº Tºg "Aw %00T Ag03 902I g O g 869 90.9 T O g 99T 30g T92 T O ty 19T ºgº 6T2 T O º 99T Tºé †T T O g gºt 9.9% 902 T O T #9T 82 9°0% "AW 9°90tay %09 Žog #022 tºg # T g 22% º T O g 99T Tº: 602 O T ty 39T &Oty 63 T O 2 T9T 392 º T O 2 : 09T T6A, Ol. T O T 63T. *2+ g?”T6TT"AW gºgg't"AW %0g %0g gºt, 229 2 g ty 06T. 86 O T tºg 99T 9932 68 T O 92 AgT ºgT 632 O T 2 99T £38T 9A.T T O T ggT 93 9° E.gif, "AW 2"g22*AW %09 %0w | 6933 99TT 2 g g | 22% 092 T 0. g ºg I 283 Og O T ty 2.3T. | 063 ºt T O 2 zgT O890 922 T 00 g TGT | GT2 *Og O T T Og't gº g"TgºtAW gº"Ogg "Aw %00T - 90%; TOTPI * O ty TVO2 Dºg T O g 65T *29 62% T O *32 99T 2T6T ºg T O g ºt 6T.9 T6T. T O T 95T tº *T*932°AV 25°18'ſ "AW %t %g8 - º,69 T 2T2T T 9 !, A22 902 T O l gºt - 222 93 O T 9 ºt | 92% 662 O T g gºt 69T 26T. O T ty zºt 09T #TT O T º TºT ºf 2/2 O T g Ott tº T 3/. O T T 62T 32 * 398 * 99; *seepotſo Seopoulo dy:14 Jo pop red quºr to 4.Jet go *Aep *Tºp 14 u014ernºr queºuſ 4oe.r.toouſ $oe.rºop rog "on go •oM &I 26 º, (*#100) *x ºrgvi “stead. "stead “stead. “stego *stead *stead *steº Iſsus *6 9°4.9% say #"##g "Aw %09 %0w & 99 tº 22AT 2 g g ST840, 52% 68T T O # 2O3 L0AT Sty T O º 2O3 g:T ºtg O T tº: TO2 A3 tº 8 T - O 3. 003 Ot/T 62T 0 T T 66T 99. gº." T9:. "AW gº 96 °AW %g/ ºgg Mºog *69. º T ſy *steq of O69 09T T O º 86T 323 Oºt O T ez A6T. 826T. O9 T 0. 2 96T 509. Tºg T O T g&T 924. **999 °AW G. “AW %09 %02 36A3 g/.2 ſy T g - * stegoſ. OTS tºy T O teſ, *6t - 9%, Sty T O * . 26T. $82 Oty T O 2 26T. Og't º:T O T 2 T6T 209 02.T T O T 06T tºº CTOt"Ay Aga "Av Žoot O303 g&TT g O g *ste §ol. #60T 222 T O g 68T 9IºT 90.9 T O ty 88T *89 202 T O º A8T 312T 2TT T O 2 99T gº º T O T g&T 22 9°199 °AW 9°02't"AV %09 %02 80% £39 º T º *stºod 38.2 09: T O 2 #91 ºf S 20ty T O ez 291 g26*I ITT T O 2 , 381 §6 09 O T *T T8T 6t/T 6: T O T 08T 32 gº."20ttº AWG3°28 °AW %0g %0g TT99 222 2 2 y *sſeq9. 02.TT 36 T O º 6AT Ogg Eg O T 2 9A.T | 92.9 9A. O T 2 All gſt/9 gCT T O T 9A.T tº 162t"Avg.2°wtz "Av Ž00T T682 ºf 9 º O º *steq 0. OºtyT 6AT T 0. º g/T 8Tºt 2OT T O 2 *AT - | gºt T 292 T 0. T 2AT 02: 3. | *29s •oes WGSSTOTS 5.357575 - dº.14 Jo pop-rađ Auºr to 43.91 to •A ep "Tep.rº Top 4ernºr ºue:ye'ſ 499.1 rootri 4oerroo rog •oſt go •on "Aeq ITGWS ("quoo) y ºrgWT TABIs A (contal Sºails. Day. No. of No. for correct Incorrect Latent; Duration trial. day, or left or right period of trip choices choices • $80 e $63 Ge 2. 37 204 l O l 46 58 205 la O l 52 3136 206 2 O 1 15? 1102 207 3 O l 29 710 208 4. O l 44 820 Totals 5 O 5 328 5826 100% Av. 68.6 Av. 1165.2 *38 209 l O l 40 414 210 la l O 50 119 211 2 O l 62 811 212 3. O l 60 357 213 4. O 1 43 478 Totals, 5 l 4. 255 21.79 20% 80% Ave 51 Ave 435.8 39 214 1. O 1 22:5 823 215 2 0. 1 43 2571 216 3. 1 O 32 139 217 4 O l 55 723 218 5 O l 4? 2143 Totals, 5 1. 4 400 6399 20% 80% Ave 80 Ave 1279.8 *40 219 1. O l 372 1689 220 2 0 l 40 371 221 3. O l 36 1170 222 4. O l 53 1005 223 5 O l 50 420 Totals, 5 0 5 551 4655 100% Av.110.2 Av. 931 41 224 l O 1 65 468 225 2 O l 342 762 226 3 l O 92. 224 227 4. l O 161 111 228 5 O 1 69 767 Totals, 5 2 3 739 2332 40% 60% Avel45,8 Ave 466,4 42 229 l O l 70 570 230 2 l O 77 124 231 3 1 O 41 148 232 4. 1 O 183 12.5 233 5 0 1 155 691 Totals, - 5 3. 2 526 1658 - 60% 40% Avalø5.2 Ave 331.6 43 234 l l O 108 19? 235 2 O 1 49 357 236 3. 1 O 278 156 237 4. l O 90 145 238 5 l 0 68 152 TABLE * (contal 96 Smails Day No. of Mo, for Correct Incorrect Laterit. Duration trial. day. or left or right period of trip choices choices, 880 e 89Cs. TE Totals, 43 5 4. l 593; 100? - 80% 20% Av. 118.6 Av. 201.4 *44 239 l O l 43 282. 240 2 O l 142 440 241 3 Q l 210 3.18 242 4. Q l 105 1175 243 5 O 1. 31 296 Totals, 5 O 5 531 2511 100% Avloé.2 Ave 502.2 45 244 1 l O 260 178 245 2 0 l 211 969 246 3. 1. O 51 138 247 4. 1. O 71 168 248 5 O l 55 535 249 6 1 O 75 298 250 7 O l 64 1551 251 7a. O 1. 57 756 Totals, 8 4. 4. 844 45.93 50% 50% Av. 105.5 A.V. 574 el? 46 252 l O l 80 798 253 2 O l 37 1078 254 3 O l 41 1486 Totals, 3 O 3. 158 3362 100% Av. 52.66 Av. 1120.66 4? 255 1. O l 105 1116 256 la 1 O 60 210 257 2 l O 83. 195 258 3. O 1. 75 848 259 4. 1 O 142 216. 260 5 l O 99 249 261 6 O l 107 604 Totals, 7 4. 3 671 3438 57% 42% Ave 95.85 Ave 491.14. 48 262 1 O l 148 1591 263 2 O l 104 1994 264 3. l 0 191 124 265 4. O l 40 846 266 4a O l 1006 856 267 5 ... O l 162 728 Totals, 6 1 5 1651 5838 16% 83% Av.269,16 Av. 873-16 | 97 TABLE Ka (conts) Snails Day Moe of No. for Correct Incorrect Latent. Duration trial day or left or right period of trip choice. choices BeCa 88C a 2 49 268 l O l 294 585. 269 2 O l 42 255 270 3. O l 68 478 271 4. O l 40 790 272 5 l Q 198 278 273 6 O l 82. 628 Totals, 6 l 5 724 301.4 16% 83% Av. 120.66 Av.502,33 *50 274 l O l 135 158 275 la O 1 26 843 276 2 O l 33 327 277 3. l O 142 173 278 4. O l 37 412 279 5 O l 80 650 280 5a O l 54 1972 281 6 1 O 38 198 282 7 O 1. 75 448 283, 8 O l 75 570 Totals, 10 2 8 693. 5751 20% 80% Av. 69.3 Avså75.1 51 284 l O l 2? 985 285 la 1 O 28 116 286 2 O 1 58 220 287 3 O l 110 635 288 4. O 1 72 1496 Totals, 5 l 4. 295 34.52 20% 80% Ave 59 Av. 690.4 52 289 l O l 75 1562 290 la O l 49 793 291 2 O l 117 1128 292 3. O l 51 558 293 3a l Q 50 121 294 4. 0 l 154 755 295 4a l O 50 154 Totals, 7 2 5 546 5051 28% 7.1% Ave 78 Ave 721 a 57 ! 53 296 1 0 l 175 1992 29? 2 O 1. 210 5.99 298 5 0 l 310 608 239 3a O l 446 400 300 4. O 1 93 490 301 43. O 1. 285 680 Totals, 6 O 6 1519 4769 100% Ave 253,16 Av •794.83 98 T A B I. E. K. (cont Snails Day, Noe of Noe for Correct Incorrect ſatent Duration trial. day. or left or right period of Trip choice choices $80 e $83.8 2 54 302 1 O 1 168 92.2 303 la l O 66 144 304 2 O l 119 386 305 3. O l 13? 991 306 4. 0 l 405 306 30? 5 O l 93 455 Totals, 6 l 5 988 3204 16% 83% Av.164.66 Av. 534 99 TABLE ** [Contal 5 m. m. In a r ya | Snail Day No. of Correct Incorrect Latent Duration - | 2 trials or left or right Period of trip choices a choices, - sect 800 e 1. 5 4. l 136 769 - *2 8 8 O 365 739 | *3 7 3. 4. 263 2002 | *4 5 3. 2 221 1074 5 6 2 4. 238 1292 *6 5 5 O 437 556 7, 6 3 3 221 1767 8 6 3 3. 574 2073, *9 5 2 3. 459 2391 - 10 6 l 5 307 2609 - *11 9 3 6 455 1945 *12 8 4. 4. 441 2655 | *13 7 4. 3. 771 2086 14 7 4. 3 355 1354 *15 3 2 1. 219 619 | 16 9 4. 5 1364 2490 17 7 4. 3. 915 2084 *18 7 2 5 615 3071 19 5 4. l 904 1288 20 5 2 3. 646 2324 21 5 3. 2 899 2.946 *22 7 l 6 547 34.66 23 7 6 l 1312 1597 24 4. 0 4. 1401 5406 25 5 2 3 1166 2289 26 4. 2 2 622 4765 *27 5 1 4. 534 2204 28 5 O 5 1206 305? 29 4. l 3. 92.8 2007 *30 3 O 3 643 38.91 31 4. 2. 2 333 56.11 32 5 l 4. 653 3408 33 5 O 5 1185. 5050 *34 5 1 4. 375 2792. *35 4. l 3. 394 304? 36 5 2 3. 1722 2438 37 5 O 5 328 58.26 º *38 5 l 4. 255 21.79 39 5 l 4. 400 6399 *40 5 O 5 551 4655 41 5 2 3. 729 2332 42 5 3 2. 526 1658 45 5 4. l 593 100? *44 5 O 5 531 24ll 45 8 4. 4. 844 4593, 46 3. O 3 158 3362 4? 7 4. 3. 671 3498 48 6 l 5 1651 5239 49 6 1 5 724 3014 *50 10 2 8 693. 5751 100 TABLE * (contal Day Noe of Correct Incorrect Latent trials or left or right period choices choices Bege 51 5 1. 4. 295. 52 7 2 5 54? 53 6 O 6 1519 54 6 l 5 988 Total number of trials, Total number of correct or left choices Total mumber of incorrect or right choices Total latent time (sec.) 35829 Ave latent time (sec.) Total duration of trips (sec.) 157562 513,23 Av. duration of trips (sec.) Duration of trip 36C e 34.52 5051 4769 3204 Approximately 38% Approximately 62% 101 5 tº m in a £ V. Table X (cont.) Snail Day Noe of Correct Incorrect. Laternt Duration | trials or left or right period of trip choices choices. S60 e $8& e T3 ºl 2 1 l 80 507 *2 … 7 4. 3 332 1931 || 3. 6 5 l 401 1255 *4 5 O 5 510 1552 5 6 1 5 260 2882 | 6 7 2 5 915 1513 - 7 5 2 3. 559 3637 | 8 6 I 5 170 3807 9 5 4 l 344 798 10 5 2 3 266 2521 *11 6 3 3. 347 1664 *12 7 4. 3. 25? 3227 13 7 2 5 752 3389 14 7 3 4. 755 3676, *15 3 l 2 135 2503 16 7 3 4. 1607 1859 17 7 3 4. 948 2545 | *18 5 1 4. 510 1753 | 19 5 2 3 751. 2681 20 5 2 3. 840 4931 21 4. 2 2 305 1570 22 4. 1. 3. 363 3?41 *23 8 6 2 694 2083 24 4. 3. 1. 303 787 *25 7 2 5 948 2774 26 5 2 3. 652 904 * 27 5 2 3. 7.59 2054 28 5 2 3. 42? 1378 *29 5 1 4 1314. 2240 30 5 1 4. 381 2420 31 4. 3 l 546 1768 32 5 l 4. 890 3665 *33 5 l 4. 281 1682. 34 5 2 3. 479 3857 35 4. O 4. 322 2762 36 5 3. 2 546 1229 37 5 Q 5 472 2805 *38 5 2 3. 445 1443 *39 5 4. 1. 197 602 40 5 l 4. 140 1515 *41 5 4. l 280 1025 42 5 1 4. 482. 1203 43 5 l 4. 763 1921 44 5 1. 4. 409 1852 45 8 2 6 873 2646 46 3 l 2 779 2281 47 7 6 l 635. 801 48 5 3. 2 333 969 49 6 1 5 429 1644 *50 10 3. 7 787 3.245 *% 102 3 u. In m_a_r. Ye TABLE X (conts). Snail Day Nos of Çorrect; Incorrect trials or left; or right choices choices, Laterſ; Duration period of trip 3. 51 8 O 8 52 7 3. 4. 53 6 O 6. *54 6 2 4. Total number of trials Total number of correct or left choices, Total number of incorrect or right choices, Total latent time (sec.) 39C a 88C e 1.188 324? 605 3121 811 2971 847 1494 299 113 Approximately 38% 186 Approximately 62% 304.24 Av. latent time (sec.) 101,75 Total duration of trips (sec.) 118330 Av. duration of trips (sec.) 395,71 T A B L E X A. Summary or left-right discrimination tests. Snail 1. 2 3. Total number of trials,.. 282 307 299 Per cent. of incorrect choices, 52 62 62 Av. latent time (sec.) 83.86 116.6 101.75 Ave duration of trips (sec.) 360.65 513,23 395.71 - |-|-----------|-± _|-------|------ 103 ° C (7 E E 'ON "X & OA WAHN ’’Oo (),assia º ºita.-… ntax|- ----|-- * Cu tº £ € ¥ ON "X & O.Ä. MAE N ^ ' OO (ESSE Æ TE-1-1 naxa 106 Table X shows that in a total of 888 trials on three individuals of Physa, in a series of tests offering a choice of right and left paths, with a reward for the correct choice (left), the incorrect path (right) was followed in 58.8% of the trials. The graphs (figs. 5, 6, 7, p.ſ.º.) show very great irregularity in the time distribution of the right and wrong choices. There are days when the record is perfect, other days when all choices are wrong. Between these is even in- termediate condition. But with all their fluctuations the curves rise toward the end. The number of wrong choices in- creases as the series lengthens. A slight excess of incor- rect choices is to be expected on account of the tendency to turn to the right shown in the right-left preference tests. That this excess should increase toward the end of the series is unexpected. The significance of this is discussed in another place . These records show no indication of learning. 5- Experiments with the Y-shaped labyrinth: rough- ness of path as a warning sign: electric shock punishment. It seemed either that the problem itself was too difficult or that the reward and punishment were not great enough to force its solution. In its natural habitat; the Snail often depends on plant stems as a means of reaching the surface of the water when a fresh supply of oxygen is needed. The stems must frequently be too short . The problem is then familiar to the snail and should be easy . To make the problem still easier it was decided to modify the labyrinth as follows: 1. A Y-shaped labyrinth was used so that the snail could make a choice immediately upon reaching the top of the stem of the 107 Y. The Y was made of glass tubing. 2. The snail was not confined to one side of it. Owing to the spiral course fol- lowed by the ascending animal, there was no right and left choice. 3. One side of the Y was made rough and the other left smooth. The choice was between rough and smooth. The training series has shown that the snail feels the delicate pressure on the foot of the three pronged pressure fork of food-pressure apparatus (fig. 1). It should therefore feel the difference between a rough and smooth path. 4. For the failure-to-get-air punishment with the U-shaped labyrinth there was substituted the electric shock. Reward was the getting of air. Glass tubing, 5mm in diameter, in the form of a Y was used. One arm of the Y, 4.5 cm. in length, reached the sur- face of the water. The other arm, 3.5 cm. in length, was short enough so that the animals could not reach the surface The stem of the Y was 3cm long. Two (No. 23) silk insulated copper wires were passed through the stem to the upper end of the short arm, where they connected with two fine platinum wire (No. 26) rings passing around the end of the short arm close enough together so that an electric current could be passed between them, when proper connections were made • The upper ends of both arms were then closed with sealing wax to keep out the water. A hollow base, 4-cm by 2Gm by 1.5cm of lead was made, in order to permit an outlet for the wires • These passed from the lower end of the stem of the Y into a rubber tube which carried them, protected from the water, through the metal base, along the floor of the experimental 108 tank and upward to the outside. Outside of the experimental "house" the wires passed through a switch, within easy reach of the operator, and were then connected with a graphite rheo- stat and the regular 220 volt lighting system. By careful experimentation it was found that a current of 0.3 voltage caused them to draw backward into the shell to such an extent that they lost their hold on the glass tubing and dropped to the bottom of the tank. The short arm of the Y from the - point of divergence to within a millimeter or so of the plat- inum wires was roughened by means of a band of block tin 2mm in width and lmm thick passing around it in a spiral. The metal was then insulated with a coat of liquid celluloid and further roughened by a coat of coarse cutting sand imbedded in the celluloid before it haraenea. These precautions ap- peared desirable because it seemed possible that enough mucus might be secreted by the snail in crawling over sand alone, | to fill in the spaces between the grains and thus make a - smooth surface upon which to travel. This hardly seemed pos- sible over the ridges of metal used, inasmuch as they were far enough separated so that the snail had to sink down into the space between, in passing over them. If the Snail turned toward the short arm at the top of the stem it immediately came in contact with the rough ridges and a little later with the bare electric wires at which point the punishment was ad- ministered by closing the circuit. No attempt was made to keep the snail on one side of the apparatus. It sometimes crawled in an irregular spiral but frequently kept on one side • The whole apparatus was made shorter than the celluloid laby- rinth previously used, in order to shorten the time used in 109 each test and thus make a greater number of tests possible in a given time. The methods of manipulation and cleaning the apparatus were the same as in the previous tests, and in order to avoid any possible tendency of the snail to follow the same path in consecutive trips, the labyrinth was frequently turned so that; the short arm was as often toward the left as the right. The "map" method before described was adopted in mak- ing the records. Four snails were used and a total of 664 trials given. The curves were based upon the percentages of errors for each snail per day. - º º º - - º - - -- 110 Table Xl. Showing the number of correct and incorrect turns made by three individuals of Physa, in their attempts to reach the surface of the water on the Y apparatus. Error was punished by an electric shock of 0.3 volt- age • The Warning stimulus was roughness. The apparatus was cleaned between trials. The snails were starved for 24 hours preceding tests. *Indicates that an egg mass had been deposited by the snail during the 24 hours immediately precéding the tests of the day marked. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of latent Duration of snail days trial trial correct incorrect period trips sec. tested for for day choices choices sec. series 9 l l 1 - l O 132 66 2 2 O 1. 245 120 3 3 O l 285 223 Totals - 3 1 2 662 389 33% 66% Av. 220.66 Av. 129.66 2 4. l O 1 90 18O 3 5 l 1 O 121 133 6 2 l O 186 149 7 3 1 O 130 69 Totals 3 3 O 43? 351 1% 0 Av 145.66, Av. 117. 4. 8 1 1 O 210 111 9 2 O l 102 214 10 2a. O l 195 80 11 2b O Ik 151 99 12 3 O 1. 103 376 Totals 5 l 4. 761 880 º 20% 80% Av. 152.2 Av. 176. 5 13 l O l 76 87 14 la l O 110 63 15 2 O 1. 76 364 16 3 O l 298 152 17 3a. O l k55 368 Totals 5 l 4 715 1034 20% 80% av. 143 Av. 206.8 6 18 1 O l 146 205 19 la l O 39 74 20 2 O 1 78 477 21 3 O 1. 44 416 Totals l 3 30, 1142 25% 75% A, 76.75 Av 285.5 111 TABLE XI. (contal No. of No. of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. of Latent Duration snail. days trial trial correct incorrect period of trip tested for for choices choices • §e Ce 36C e series day 9 22 l l O 184 76 23 2 O l 96. 151 24 2a O l 49 135 25 2b l O 235 83. 26 3 O l 90 87 27 38. l O 583. 98 28 4. O 1. 281 76 Totals 7 3. 4 1518 706 42% 57% Av.216.85. Avl()0.85 29 1 l O 92. 83. 30 2 O l 90 164 31 3. O l 87 59 32 3a O l 43 64 33 3b l O 90 55 34 4. l O 448 82. Totals 6 3 3. 850 50? 50% 50% Av. 141.66Av. 84.5 9 35 1 l O 192. 72. 36. 2 l O 104 107 37 3 l O 105 142 38 4. O l 722 178 39. 5 O 1 136 88 40 5a 0. l 189 6? 41 5h l O 130 145 Totals 7 4. 3 1578 799 57% 42% Av. 225.42 Avil4.14 10 42 l l Q 125 51 43 2 l O 59. 75 Totals 2 2 O 184 126 100% Av. 92 Av, 63 11 44 1 O 1 102 502 45 2 O l 34 596, 46 2a 0 1. 56 605 4? 3 0 l 56 214. 48 3a O l 24 472 Totals 5 O 5 272 2389 100% Ave 54,4 Av. 477.8 112 TABLE XI (cont.) Snail Day No. of No. for Correct Incorrect Latent Duration trial day choices choices period of trip $6 Ce 36C e 9 12 49 l l 0 64 54 50 2 1 O 84 72 51 3 0 l 48 436 52 4 0 l 85 166 53 4a O 1. 21 95 54 4b l O 42 106 55 5 O l 80 64 56 5a O 1. 196 206 Totals, 8 3. 5 620 11.99 37% 62% Av. 77.5 Av. 149.87 13 57 1 l O 48 75. 58 2 1. O 29. 280 59 3. 1. O 39. 73 Totals 3 3. O 116 428 100% Avs 38.66 Ave 142 s.66 14 60 1 O 1. 135 115 61 la 1. 0 30 59 62 2 O 1 112 459. 63 2a. O l 32 177 Totals 4. 1 3. 309 810 25% 75% Av,77.25 Av.202.5 15 64 l 1. O 50 71 65 2 O l 12.9 60 66 2a O 1 122 67 67 2b l O 54 60 68 3. l O 81 206 Totals 5 3. 2 436 464 60% 40% Av. 87.2 Av. 92.8 16 69 l 1. O 43 85 70 2 O l 10 43. 71 2a O l 93. 88 72. 2h O 1. 34 66 73 26 1. O 46 69 74 3. l O 58 129 Totals 6 3 3. 284 480 50% 50% Av. 47.33 Av. 80 17 75 1. l O 50 95. 76. 2 l O 57 163 77 3. 1 O 70 198 78 4. 0 l 94 107 79 4a 0 l 4? 60 Totals 5 3. 2 3.18 623 60% 40% Av. 63.6 Av. 124.6 113 TABLE XI (contal Snail Day No. of No. for Gorrect Incorrect Latent. Duration trial. day. choices choices period of trip 36C e 88C, e. T 9 - - 18 80 l O l 61 584 81 la l O 21 5? 82 2 O 1. 55 156 83 3. l O 26 98 84 4. O l 65 69 85 4a l O 53 66 86. 5 O 1 47 186 Totals 7 3. 4. 328 1216 42% 57% Av. 46.85 Av. 173.71 19 87 l O 1 40 423 88 2 l O 79 82 89 3. O l 34 472 90 3a O 1. 28 215 91 3h l O 41 166 Totals 5 2 3. 222 1358 40% 60% Av. 44.4 Av. 271.6 20 92 l 1. O 10 60 93. 2 Q 1. 62 121 94 2a O 1 12. 222 95 2h l O 23. 22.8 Totals 4. 2 2 107 631 50% 50% Av. 26.75 Av. 157.75 21 96 l O l 50 23? 97 la l O 42 66 98 2 l O 86. 79 99 3. 1. O 41 86 100 4. O l 74. 212 Totals, 5 3. 2 293 680 60% 40% Ave 58.6 Ave 136 22 101 1 O l 27 228 102 2 1. O 66 120 103 3. O l 123 121 104 3a l O 171 77 105 4. 1. Q 50 63 106 5 1. O 129 67 Totals 6 4. 2 566 676 66% 33% Av. 94.33 Av. 112.66 #TT - aw"8&t "Av 99 °Av Ž92 %t. 568 90% g º l stºło, 29T ºg I O T Qig gºt gTT 09 T 0. 3G ºg I *6t 88 T O º 22T OOT 62 O T ty 39T TST Tºy O T º Tºº 01. gº O T 2 02T A6 2g 0 T T &T 92 9°ººt *gy g”vot "Av Žow %09 97.91 g?0T y 9 OT Ste: Oil, º, 89 O T 99 92T 6TT gAT T O q9 J2T TºT tº T O eg 92T 66 Tºg T O 9 gºt 66 AET O T g #2T 08 g: O T ty 23T. A62 #8 O T º 22T #9 02T O T 2 T2T §§ A8 O T et 02.T gt ºg T O T 6TT g3 9°69t"Aw 2°64.1 "Aw yog %0% 9%, 969 2 2 g stºod 29 * O T 2 9It 86 T8 O T ot ATT 923 96 T O qT 9TT 29 º T O et gTT E32 gº T O T #TT tº: 92°g91 "Aw g8° 49'ſ "Av Žw %g AgTT goTT º ty l ST840ſ, It'T 53 O T * 2II TOg 26/, O T q2 &TT góI A3 I O tºg TTT TO2 gt T O º Ott ggſ 62 O T 2 60T 39 º, O T et 80T 86T. 56 T O I 10T 92 3 • Ogºs • ºpes d; tº go pop red seopogo sexygotſo Aep Tºyºtº tropºeing 4tre+G'ſ 409.trootſ I 399.1:100 atog "on go "on &eq I getIS TVºISSJTFTſäWi gTT 92°gl.2"Av zw'81. "Av ºt. %92 £39: 6% g 2 l stºol tºº. º T O ot) 99T 699 TºT T 00 qty A9T 933 ggT T O ety 99T 3:33 º:S T O ty gºt g2T g3 O T º #9T *6 9ty O T 2 99T gº ºg T O T 29I Ig 2**gga"Av gº"99 "Aw ſaw %g 959T ggy 2 ty * sTeflo, gö 8/. O T g Tºt 08 º O T º 09T - 9&tº º T O tºº 631 gy: ſº T O º 99T 682 Ot, O T 2 AgI gTI 99 O T eT 99T TOt, 02t T O I ggſ O2 gz"Tºg "Av 29 "Av ºgl. %gg gSOT 2T2 º T †, stº0. 389 Tyt O T ot tºgT 22T 99. T O qT 2gT ºf T 09 T O *T 39t g3T 08 T O T TGT 62 99t"Av ºg"g "Av Žt. %92 g02T A.Tº g 2 l sTeflo, T6 #9 O T q2 Ogt gó O9 T O eg 69t #03 06 T O 2 gºt 232 O2 O T ot ºT gº 09 T O qT 95T £633 62 T O et gºt 90T º, T O T ºt 92 902"Av 29°19'Av Ž29 %ly 9%T 25ty g º 9 stººd, §6 tºot O T ty gºt 89 Tg O T pº gºt gº Oty T O og Tºt IgE ſº I O º oft 96 Tº T O tºg 62T 29T gº, T O 2 92T TT2 Og O T g ºT O28 98 T 0 I 92T 12 6 *993 * oes dyrº go potted "seopouo geopoulo Alep Tºp 14 utop:4ernºr #194 ºf 49erroot.I +09:trop ºrog "on go "on Keq T ſeas [**Too) "Iz ºrgyi 9TT çOT 92 O T eg 2AT 3.11. 29 T O 3. 3AT *6 º O T qT TAT º: 99 T O eT OAT £52 º T O T 9T. 2 SESS" "Sºss 6 2 6 diprº go poºred se:op Otº seopotº Rep Tºtº, 9°64.T"Ay tº 28 °Ay %08 %02 669 3:Tºy º T g “stegoſ 292 Tº O T pT 2O2 892 62 T O ot 2O2 T9T 99 I O qT TO2 29 38 T O st 003 98 6LT T O T 66T 92 36T *AW 8t, "AW %99 %22 2gTT 982 ty g 9 *steşog ATT 09 O T T2 96T. I6 º T O eg A6T 293 gg T O 3. 96t ge 83 O T qT º6T g/, 6T T O et #6T 222 29 T O T 26T. gº gºggt-Avg.9°gg "Av Ž99 %22 96. 96T ſy 2 9 * stegol; 99T 62 O T p? 26T. 0.33 63 T O og T6T 99T AT I O q2 06T. 99 62 T O tºg 68T 98 9ty T O g 99T A9 92 O T I A8T º 202°AV 29°45°AW %0g %0g tºg I92 ty º 9 *steñoſ. I6 #T O T ety 99T 9ty'ſ gT T O ty g&T 99 º, O I º #9T A6 º O I g 28T A32 39 O T ot 28T 631 9ty I O qT T8T 829: º, T O tº I 08T 886 Tºg T O T 6LT 22 6°zız"Ay 8-99 "Av Žog %0g 63/.3 999 g g OT stº0. 3T9. 29 T O G9 8AT #25. º T O 9 All 96 gº O T g 9A.T go? O8 O T ty gAT 98 gST O T º *AT trop yernºr ºne ºf 4 oetro out 4oe.r.too rog "ort go "on "ſetſ "TTeuS {{ISSFTYTITV LII 9°wgt'ay 9°6′ "Av Ž09 %0% º,9 602 2 2 g GT840, 99T OOT O T o: gtz 92T Tº T O q2 Tyſz *6 0: T O tºg ºtz tººt º T O 2 gtz 2OT gº O T T TT2 Sº geºg2 "Av gy "Av Žgg %WI #59T TOg 9 T !. stº0. 09 Og O T g Otz gº 9T T O 9t 602 22g 22 T O pT 902 #TT 22 T O ot 103 1.6 T2 T O qT 902 90T $36 T O eT go: 093 G9 T O T #02 12 6 * obsT. Tºg - diprº go popted seºp Otto Seopotºo Aep Tº T3 utopºeirnºf 311940ſ 409.trootſ 309.txop ºrog •ort go • ON Reg TTeuS [**100) †gº. 118 TABLE XI (cont.) 5 tº m in a r yi Snail Day No. of Correct; Incorrect Laterſt Duration 9 trials choices Choices period of trip - Søø e $6G e l 3 l 2 662 389 2 l O l 90 180 3. 3. 3. O 4&f 35.1 4. 5 l 4. 761 880 *5 5 l 4 715 1034 *6 4. l 3 307 1142 7 7 3 4. 1518 706. 8 6 35 3. 850 507 9 7 4. 3. 1578 799 10 2 2 O 184 126 11 5 O 5 272 2389 12 8 3 5 620 11.99 13 3 3. O 116 428 14 4. l 3. 309 810 15 5 3. 2 436 464 16 6 3. 3. 284 480 17 5 3. 2 3.18 623 18 7 3 4. 328 1216 | 19 5 2 3. 222 1358 20 4. 2 2 107 631 21 5 3 2 293 680 22 6 4. 2 566 676. 23 7 4. 35 1105 1157 24 5 2 3. 896 748 25 10 6 4. 1045 1646 26 7 5 2 476. 899 - 27 8 3 5 493 1648 28 7 2 5 4.17 1302 29 4. 1 3 212 1085 30 7 4. 3. 465 1648 31 7 2 5 549 2627 32 10 5 5 668 2728 33 8 4 4. 381 24.24 34 6 2 4. 196 795. 35 6 2 4. 288 1152. 36 5 1. 4. 412. 899 37 7 1 6 301 1644 38 5 2 3 249 674 Total number of trials, 215 Total number of correct trials, 95 Approximately 44% Total mumber of incorrect trials, 120 tº 56% Total latent time (sec.) 19126 Ave latent time (sec.) 88.95 Total duration of trips (sec.) 59.270 - Av. duration of trips (sec.) 275.9 119 TABLE XI (contal snail Dºw No. of no. for correct incorrect latent. Duration 10 trial. day choices choices period. of trip - $63& © - 58&s l 1. l + 0 94 78 2 2 O l 571 50 3. 2a O l 555 1.59 4. 3. O l 141 91 5 3a O l 76 84 6 3b O l 56 137 totals, 6 l 5 1493. 599 - 16% 83% Av. 248.83 Av. 99.83 2 7 1 l O 301 88 8 2 O l 533 215 9 3. 1. O 273. 92 totals, 3 2 l 1107 395. 66% 33% Av. 369 Av. 131.66 3 10 l 1. O 75 85. 11 2 O 1 106 74 12 2a l O 422 110 13 3. O 1. 289 89 14 3a O l 493. 11? 15 3b 1 O 156 100 Totals, 6 3. 3. 1541 575 50% 50% Av.256.83 Av. 95.83. 4. 16 l l O 93 130 5 17 l 1. 0 64 76. 18 2 O 1. 107 209 19 2a O 1 73 748 Totals, 3 1 2 244 1033 33% 66% Av. 81.33 Av. 344,33 6 20 l l O 117 82 21 2 O l 1735 85 22 2a O l 140 31? Totals, 3 1 2 430 484 33% 66% Av.145.33 Av. 161.33 7 23. l O l 129 77 • 24 la O 1. 22 65 25 1b l O 12. 83 26 2 1 0 194. 88 27 3 l O 520 64 28 4. O l 71 80 Totals, 6 3 3. 948 457 50% 50% Av. 158 Av. 76 •16 O2T - tt'ozt "Av w”égz "Av Ž99 %22 T80T 6992 9 * º 6 “stego! 299; O6 T O qty ºg 69 003 T O tºy ºg 28 º T O º 39 98 gog O T Qº Ig 36 3.9% T O $22 Óg T9 8T3 T O º 6? ITT 99ty O T eg 9ty 69 ggT T O g Aff Sºt OżT O T T 9ty 2T **g.91 "Aw 9°24t"Av Žow %09 A38 299 2 º g stºol 6t/T *6 O T qº gº A22 02.T I O *32 ºt, 93.T TTT T O º 9ty 00T gº O T 2 gº gTT 2O3 O T T It, TT 202 "Av 9' 192*Av Ž09 %Ow OTOT 622T 9. g g sts:0 8/. 90T T O tºg Of g29 T69 T O º 62 68 gºt O T eg 82 OTT 9, T O g !º 90T TºT O T T 92 OT g"99 "Aw gºggg"Aw 70g %g &T TTA, T T 2 GT840, 8/. Ogg T O g gº gé T6T. O T T *g 6 9°gTT "Ay 912"Av Ž09 %02 993 O62T ty T g stºol 90, 02/. T O G2 22 00I º T O 2 º &T 92T O T qT Tg 92T 69 T O *T 02 g2T TOI T O T 62 9 *998 *995 OT digitº go poºred seopouo Seopouo • Åep Teºtº utopºeing quequT 39erroot. I 49erstoo roy "on go • on Aeſt Ipat's * † ºn ºf T2T - go? G8 t; O g g5 *% gg O T q} *6 99 29 T O º º6 98, 33 T O y 36 Agº 69 T O pg T6 A89 28 T O Og O6 93 #3 T O Clº 68 99 gAT T O tºg 89 93 O3T. T O º A8 g6 gº O T 2 98 º, #9 O T T 38 AT gº."921 "Aw zt"09 "Av Žog %0g #TOT T8) y ty 8 stºol. 88 tºty O T qīy *S Ag OOT T O q} 28 6/, 2/. T O ety 28 9ty? 64. O T º T8 198 º O T 2 O8 g3 º O T QT 6/, *A 62 T O eT 8/. TOg 98 T O T ll. 9T 22°921 "Aw £9°otz"Av Ž99 %22 9T8 g32T ty g 9 Ste:0. gºT º O T 92 9, 49 29T T O Q2 g/, 99 O6 T O eg º, 29 A88 T O 2 £1. gº 9I. O T et 31. Ogº 29 T O T Tl gT 22°922 “aw 99°gs "Av Ž28 %9°9t 02O2 */[g g T 9 stºol J.8 O2 O T tºg Oż. 9TT 26 T O º 69 A69 59T T O q2 99 £89 48 T O º: A9 22T 00I T O 2 99 gº Ty T O I g3 WI tº 621 "Aw tº 26 "Av Žol. %02 T62T T26 l º OI ste §0, 29T 09 O T g º TA º O T q} 29 922 T2 T O º 29 º, ºg T O ty T9 *02 #2T T O 9. 09 *OT TTT T O 92 63 9A.T 08 T O q2 83 OTT 28T T O ez A9 26 gº T O 2 99. 09 69T O T T 33 2T WQSST *998 *seºp Otto Seo OU′o *Asp Teºtº OT d;14 go poºred 4oerzoon I $oe.1.100 toy "on 30 * on Aeq T Taus *IOTºernºr ºtte 461 - [THES5THFHITV: 99°goz Ae tº "tº AW 99 %tt 228T 094. 8 T 6 sTeºol 29 ggg T O tºg 22T ç93 #9 T O º TºT OżT OTT O T 92 Oºt 234. 92 T 0. q: 62T O9 09 T O eg 92T T6 Ot, T O 2 A2T gº º T O qT 92T Og 06 T O et gºt 98 *9 T O T †ZI T2 T2°64.TAW gº”gg"Aw %Il. %tz 6033 36TT OT ſy #T - sTeq0. tºg 92 T O 99 £2T AO2 gºT T O q9 zzt º/, º T O $9 T2T 99 gºt T O 9 02.T. º,9. 99 T O ºg 6TT 362 O2 T O g 9II T8 #8 O T qº ATT 699, 92 T O ety 9TT 3A. 99 T O ty gTL *6 gº? O T Clº tyTI tº, tº T O tºg gTT 29 IºT T O º 2TT 99 09 O T 2 TTT 99 86 O T T OTI 02 2°6′. "Av z*98 "Av Ž08 %02 962 Tº º T g Ste:0. 99 gT O T pI 6OI 69 22T T O ot 80T 69 g3 T O qT AOT 86 99T T O *T 90T 2OT 22T T O T g0T 6T 1.4.”29*Av III "Av Žwº %gg gº. 62gT º g 6 §IS30 09 Og O T pg *OT £6 , 29 T O og 2OT 99 39 T O Qig 2OT 6? º T O eg TOT 23 . gº T O g OOT 99T Tgg O T ty 66 A9 692 O T 2 86 34. tºº O T 2 A6 69 O6 O T T 96 gv"wet"Av 21-gu, *ay $2. %2 62O2 £28 8 º II Tºs Tººes diprº go pop red seogouo seppouo Rep Tºtº tROTºrnq queºf 49ert Courſ 499.1.100 TOJ: "ON go "ON: "4U 00 IX ºfº. 2.3T. g”66T •AW 23*69*AW %0g %0g º,6TT 692 2 9. 9 sIeq0. A99, 6. T O y #9T A. : 6t, O T º £9T T8 33 O T q2 29T 82g ºff T O tº: T9. Ig OOT T O 2 09T £8 99. O T T 63T. 92 29°gTTAe 99°9TL*AW %I9 %9T Ogºſt 093I 6 2 TT ST840ſ 02.T T6% T O tºº 99T gº 83T T O ty ºg T. T3T º T O pº 99T 633 0. T O oº: ggſ 83 22 T O Qº Tºgſ I9 O9 I O tºg £gT TA gOT T O º 39t 99 8ty O T q2 TGT 39 #9 T O tºz OgT £gT gºT T 0 2 651 803 09 O T T 8ty't gº 22° N.OT"Aegg"99 °AW %22 %99 - 332 902 T 3. º GT840. 25T 89. O T 2 #T T8 2. O T *T 95t 66 º, T O T gºt #2 9*T21"AW #"63 °AW %09 %02 939 A63 ty T g STS30 392 22 T O Clº ºT 8/. O2 T O *g gºt 29 CIT T O 2 2.91. 08 99 O T 2 TºT 9, § T O T Offſ 23 tº.”972Aetº."gºt "Av Žºg %2% ºAT Tº OT º 2 l ºte:0. *OT 90T O T tºg 62T TO” TºT T O g 82T 26 23T. O T * ºT OTT g32 O T tºg 92T AOT 09T T O º g2T #39 OTT T O 2 tº I 682 ATT T O T 22T 22 Ot * QºS *998 pop-red seopogo seopoulo •A ep *Tepitº, d; ºr: Jo que: el 49erroot. I qoerrot) roy "oft go "on A'aq THºus UIOT33aºn(I - ſºa5)--THEVſ #2T 90T"Ay 25°9'5"AY %g8 %wt 99/. 62& 9 T !. sTeq0 Tº tºg O T 2 66T 993 92 T O et 86T 39 32 T O pT A6T 6. Tſ, T O ot 96T º, 38 T O qT 36T 92T º I O eT *6T £6 99 T = O T £6T Og 92TAv g”60I*Av Žg. %gg 800T 948 9 g 8 stºol ºg 692 O T º 26T. g/, 062 O T g T6t Ozº 22 T O 9T 06T 99T AT T .0 QT 68T Ig 22 T O ot 99T #6 gº T O qT A8T #9 22 T O eT 99T #8 A6 T O T g8T 62 - | 9°29 "Avº"6". "Av Ž02 %09 gtº A62 T ty g GT840, A6 º O T tºty *ST 26 2AT T O º 28T tº, 3A. O T º 281 81. 32 O T 2 T8T 2. gº O T T 08T 92 90°20t"AW 26°49*AW %99 %22 9%T 6TOT OT g gT Ste:{0}, 9:I 33 O T º, 6A.T A3 09 T O º, 8AT 22T ll. T O l l/T Og 9T T O 99 9A.T. *6t 9% T O p3 gAT 992 º T O 99 *ALT J.9 OOT I O q9 2AT #9 º T O e3 3A.T 29 99T T O 9 T.A.T Ol. 8/. O T tºg OAT 0. ll. T O g 69T 9A 09 O T ty 99T 9. 09 O T 2 º,9T 99 88 O T g 99T 99 69 T O t g3T. A3 OI è Q98 * 998 * - diprº go poſited seppouo seogouo Kep Teºt:} TIOT:48.ſhºt 4tre+G'ſ 409.tºroot. I 409.tx00 tog •oſt go • ON Aeq Tſºng (ºwoo) "IY TGVſ 125 TABLE XI. (cont.) | Duration | Snails Day No. of Moe for Gorrect Incorrect Latent of trip 10 trial day choices choices péfiod 89&e _ 36&e | - 31 200 T 44 76 | 201 36 76 202 40 106 203 56 98 204 72. 61 ; 248 417 Ava 49-6 Av. 83,4 5 Totals 32 205 206 2O7 208 209 210 98 130 66 92 56 125 70 225 35 168 60 94 i 24. 76 Totals 6 385 834 Ave 64,16 Avel39 33 211 l 71 130 212 la 36 595. 213 lb. 28 309 | 214 lc 90 185 | Totals 4. 225 1219 - Ave 56°25 Ave:304.75 | - - 126 Summary Snail Day No. of Correct; Incorrect; Latent. Duration of 10 trials choices choices period trip Sec Seº e l 6 1 5 1493 599 2 3 2 l 1107 395 3 6 5 3 1541 575 4. 1. 1. O 93 130 5 3 1. 2 244 1033 6 3 1. 2 430 484 7 6 3 3 948 457 8 5 l 4. 1390 568 9 2 1 1. 711 173 10 5 2 3 1339 1010 11 5 3 2 863 827 12 9 3 6 2659 1081 15 10 3 7 931 1391 14– ... 6 l 5 514 2030 15 6 2 4. 1265 818 16 8 4. 4. 481 1014 17 11 3 8 833 2029 18 9 5 4. 1539 745 19 5 1. 4. 431 396 20 14 4. 10 11.95 2509 21 9 1. 8 760 1833 £22 7 3 4. 1041 1727 23 5 1. 4. 297 658 24 3 2 1. 206 322 25 11 2 9 1280 1250 26 6 3 3 359 1197 27 15 5 10 1019 1546 28 5 4. 1 397 413 29 8 2 6 876 1008 30 7 1. 6 339 756 31 5 2 3 248 4.17 32 6 3 3 385 834 33 4. l 3 225 1219 Total number of trials 214 Total number of correct trials 75 Approximately 35% Total number of incorrect trials 139 Approximately 65% Total latent time (sec.) 27439 Ave latent time (sec.) 128 e21 Total duration of trips (sec.) 3.1444 Av. duration of trips (sec.) 146.93 127 Summary Snail Day Moe of 11 trials l 4. 2 6 3 5 4. 9 5 7 6 5 7 8 8 7 9 5 10 3 11 9 12 6 13 9 14 6 15 5 16 8 17 7 18 10 19 7 20 9 21 7 22 7 23 7 24 8 25 14 Total number of trials Correct; choices TABLE XI (continued) • Total number of correct trials Total number of incorrect trials Total latent time (sec.) Ave latent time (sec.? Total duration of trips Total duration of trips | $60 e $6&e | Incorrect choices Laterit; period Seºe 223 2265 674 1536 1716 684 1229 965 810 409 1044 819 1237 859 542 1124 1344 842 790 463 528 358 587 931 1578 178 75 Approximately 42% 103 Approximately 58% 23557 132e34 21273 119e 5 Duration of trip S6 Ge . 563 1136 319 904 863 1146 2852 717 4.38 262 872 503 785 530 681 890 730 1060 698 640 460 749 800 853 1821 128 TABLE XI (continued) Summary Snail Day No. of correct Incorrect Latent Duration of trip 27 trials choices choices period Sece $90 e 1 4. 2 2 57.7 552 2 3 1. 2 61? - 823 3 5 1. 4. 797 2965 4. 6 1. 5 1908 1339 5 5 1. 4. 1294 2267 6 4. O 4. 752 - 2940 7 4. 2 2 944 1574 8 7 O 7. 1119 2379 9 5 4. l 1915 729 10 6 2 4. 849 1352 11 5 3 2 735 1131 12 3 l 2 865 1304 Total number of trials 57 Total number of correct trials 18 Approximately 32% Total number of incorrect trials 39 Approximately 68% Total latent time (sec.) - 12372 - Aver, "latent time (sec.) 217 s 22 Total duration of trips (sec. 7 19355 Aver, duration of trips (sec.) 339e 56 129 TABLE XI Ae Summary of rough-shock smooth tests. Snail 9 215 Total number of trials % of incorrect choices 56 Av. latent time (sec.) 88s. 95 Av. duration of trips (sec.) 275.9 10 214 65 128.21 146,93 11 1.78 58 132e34 119e 5 27 57 68 217 e22 339,56 © NQ* Cu tº £ € ¥ O N ' >ł ſłO A MAE N ^ ' OO (HESSE Æ TE-1) na xa r-+ # |S}EEE2.É. 2. t $|# }· q º ec ‘o N ×o), NA-IN : ‘oo (Hassa º na aºnax 34 * Cu tº € £ ¥ ON "XH", O A MATH IN ‘’ O C (HESSE (8 (1:1-1-1/n)× 135 Table XI shows the trials of four snails on the rough- shock smooth Y shaped labyrinth. These cover periods of 38, 35,25, and 12 days and involve 215, 214, 178 and 57 trials or a total of 664 trials. Of these 401 or 60.3% give wrong choices. The curves show great irregularity especially in the first third of their courses • Nearly all the days on which the choices were either all right or all wrong fall in this part of the curves. After this the curves fluttuate less from the fifty per cent - level, but rise slightly as they proceed. In this series the Snails climb a labyrinth of cylindrical glass and are free to move on any side of it; there is no question of right or left. The choice is made between rough and smooth. No rough-Smooth preference tests were made, but there is evident in this series a tendency to prefer the rough side and that in spite of the punishment which the choice brings. Not only is a preference shown for the rough side, buths shown by the upward tendency of the curves this preference increases with the lengthening of the series. This may be taken as additional evidence that rough- ness was an effective stimulus. The further significance of these facts is considered in the discussione 136 - 6- Experiments with Y shaped labyrinth: mechanical stimulation as warning signal. The results treated in Table XI and in the group of figures 8, 9, 10, ll, show no indication of learning. It is believed that the large per- centage of error might have been lowered in a greater number of tests, but this would probably not account for the type of curve obtained. It was then suggested by Dr. John º'. Shepard that while the snails were unable to solve the labyrinth they might nevertheless be able to form a simple association under the conditions of the labyrinth experiments. They might show on the labyrinth a capacity equal to that developed under tests with simultaneous stimuli. A series of tests was there- fore carried out, using the Y apparatus with the electric shock punishment but modified as follows: 1: In place of roughness on the shock side a mechanical warning stimulus was used which could be observed to effect the snail. 2: The wrong arm of the labyrinth was shortened so that the shock followed immediately on the warning stimulus. The time rela- tion of the two stimuli was similar to that in Yerkes (1912) experiments with earth worms and approached that of the method of simultaneous stimuli • The Y apparatus just described was used in a slightly modified form. All traces of the sand and metal were removed. The long arm of the Y was shortened to 3 cm, in order to bring the reward nearer the point of divergence of the paths, while the short arm was reduced to 1.5 cm. in length in order to bring the punishment nearer to the point of the path which necessi tated choice of the part 137 of the snails. The snail was placed at the base of the path in the usual way. If at the top of the stem, the 'short arm was chosen, as soon as the turn was made, the tentacles and head were stroked with a hair. This was fastened to the end of a small stick so that it could be handled by the operator. This tactile stimulus was immediately followed by the usual electric shock. The fact that the tentacles were withdrawn and the animal recoiled slightly when touched with the hair, showed conclusively that the tactile stimulus was effective. While Gheck tests showed that the irritation was not severe enough to make this stimulus serve as a punish- ment. Six snails were used and the usual method of record- ing and curve plotting was followed e - 138 TABLE XII. Showing the number of correct, incorrect , and correct by association trials in a series of tests in which an electric shock was used as punishmant in connection with a mechanical warning stimulus. The Y apparatus was used with the arms shortened to 3cm and l. 5cm. In case of error in choice the snail was stroked across the dorsal head region with a hair and then given a shock - of 0.3 voltage, The apparatus was cleaned between tests. Four snails were used and they had been starved 24 hours preceding the tests. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. Of Duration snail days trial tria i correct Choices errors of tested for tor choices correct - trip, sec. - series day by º associa- tion 9. l l l O O l 134 2 2 l O O 70 3 3 O O l 98 4 3a O O l lić 5 4. O O l 171 6 5 O O l 27]. 7 6 O O l 135 8 7 l O O 66 9 8 O O 1. 175 Totals 9. 2 O 7 1236 22% 77% Av. 137.33 2 LO l O O l 140 ll 2 O l O 147 12 3 l O O 103 13 4. O l O 21C 14 5 O l O 33]. 15 6 l O O 135 Totals 6 2 3 l 965 33% 50% 16% Av. 160.83 3 16 l l O O 70 17 2 l O O 128 18 3 O O l 274 19 3a O l O 39]. 2O 4 O O l 440 21 5 O O l 1428 22 5a O O l 234 º 23 6 l O O 124 Totals 8 3 1 4 3O89 37% 12% 50% Av. 386. 12 4 24 l O l O 181 25 2 l O O 70 26 3 O l O 211 27 4. l O O 95 28 5 l O O 92 39 6 l O O 94 3O 7 l O O 124 139 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Duration snail days trial trial correct choices errors of tested for for choices correct trip, sec. series day by - associa- 3 tion Totals - 7 5 3. O 867 71% 28% Av. 123.85 5 3.1 l O O l 196 32 2 O O l 33.I. 33 3 O O l 432 34 4 l O O 85 35 5 O O l 585 36 6 l O O 99 37 7 O l O 403 Totals 7 2 l 4. 3.131 28% 14% 57% Av. 304.42 6 38 l O l O 163 39 2 l O O 92 40 3 l O O GO 4l 4. l O O 69 42 5 O O l 490 43 6 l O O 92 44 7 l O O 227 45 8 l O O 77 Totals 8 6. l l 1270 75% 12% 12% Av. 158.75 7 46 l O O l 165 47 2 O O 1. 173 48 3 l 0. O 63 49 4. l O O 69 50 5 l O O 82 51 6 O O l 910 53 7 l O O 95 53 8 O l O 372 Totals 8 4 l 3 1929 50% 12% 37% Av. 241. 12 8 54 l l O O 70 55 2 O O l 2O5 56 3 l º O O 47 57 4. O O l 273 58 4a l O O 53 59 5 l O O 52 6O 6 O l O 514 6l. 7 O l O 261 62 8 l O O 92 Totals 9 5. 2 2 1566 55% 22% 33% Av. 174 140 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Duration snail days trial trial correct choices errors Of test ed for for choices correct trip, sec. séries day by - associa- 3– tion | 9 63 l O O l 14.6 64 la l O O 57 65 2 O O 1. 230 66 2a l O O 53 67 3 O O l 391 68 4 O O l 321 69 4a O O l 453 70 4b O O l 379 Totals 8 2 O 6 1939 25% 75% Av. 241.12 10 71 l O O l 179 72 2 O l O 270 73 3 O O l l2O 74 3a O l O l39 75 4. O l O 256 76 5 O l O 341 77 6 O l O 559 Totals 7 O 5 2. 1864. 7.1% 28% Av. 266.28 il 78 l 1 O O 449 79 2 l O O 40 8O 3 O O l 5.15 81 4 O O l 460 82 5 l O O 61 83 6 O O l 151 84 6a O O l 912 Totals 7 3 O 4. 2 L88 42% 57% 312.5 12 85 l l O O 63 86 2 l O O 56 37 3 l O O C32 38 4 l O O 72 89 5 O 1 O 197 90 6 l O O 53 Totals - 6 5 l O 492 83% 16% Av. 83 TWT 2.2° tº T. "AW %gg %g. I2? T O 2 9 8 st Bºol. 4,8 O O T 8 22T #6 Q O T 4. 22T 68 O Q T 9 T2T 99 O O T G O2T *T2, O T O ſº 6 TT 28 O O T 2 3TT fºº, O O I 2 2.TT 322 O T O T 9TT º, T 23 ° 95T * AW %Og ºog T38 Q 2 2 9 ST24OT. 4,0T O O I 9 GIT #OT O O T g #TT I9T O T O f 2TT 04. O O I 2 2TT #23 O T O 2 TTT GT3 O T O T OTT 9T 2% 36 AW - %2% %.g 689 O 2 # & ST 240. 39 O O T 4. 6OT 89 O T O 9 3OT OTT O T O g 2,OT GG Q O T # 90T 62. O O T 2 GOT 2G O O T 3. *OI Od,3 O T O }T 2OT gT Q02 "AW #91 %22 %0g OO2T T 2 2 9 ST 240. 22T O T O 9 2OT 2g O O T º IOI 2O2 O T O f OOT 24, O O T 2 66 O8T O O T 2 36 O9% T O O T 4,6 #T g’ 2.2t Aw $97 %9T %99 394. T T f 9 ST cºol, O9 O O T 9 96 9% O O T 9. G6 29 O Q T # 76 6OT O T O 2 26. O62 TT O O 2 26 2,6 Q O T T I6 2T UOT 3. - 6 -er oossa Áq. Åep Sø E.I.98 * oes “d pa q. 3.09.I.I.O 2 & 9 of QUIo J.O.J. J.O.J. pº 3.89% J.O 8.T.O.I.I.9 899 || OUIQ 3.09.I.I.O o Tø I.I.T. Tø II 3. 8 Aup Tº eu 8 UIOT 3.8.1th(I IO " ON. J.O. " ON TO “ON JO” ON JO “ON JO - ON I.O." ON 142 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Durat, ion snail days trial trial correct choices errors of test ed for for choices correct trip, sec. series day by associa- 9 tion 18 124 l l O O 90 125 2 l O O 50 l26 3 O l O 328 127 4 l O O Il O 128 5 l O O 8O 129 6 l O O 76 130 7 l O O 560 Totals 7 6 l O 1294 85% 14% Av. 184.85 19 131 l O l O 86 l32 2 O l O 89 133 3 l O O ll.0. 134 4. l O O 96 135 5 1 O O 196 136 6 l O O 126 Totals 6 4. 2 O 703 66% 33% Av. 117. 16 2O 137 l O O l 425 138 la O l O 585 139 2 l O O 1.65 - 140 3 l O O 51 14l 4. O l O 3O8 Totals 5 2 2 l lA34 40% 40% 20% Av. 286.8 2l 143 l l O O 79 lá3 2 l O O 60 144 3 O l O 754 lA5 4 l O O 74 146 5 () O l 546 147 5a l O O 63 Totals 6 4 l 1 1575 66% 16% 16% Av. 362.5 - 143 Summary |Snail Day No. of Correct Correct by Incorrect Duration 9 trials choices association choices in sec. l 9 2 O 7 1236 2 6 2 3 l 965 - 3 8 3. l 4. 3O89 4 7 5 2 O 867 5 7 2 l 4. 2131 6 8 6 l l 127C 7 8 4. l 3 1929 8 9 5 2 2 1566 9 8 2 O 6 1929 10 7 O 5 2 1864 ll 7. 3 O 4 21.88 12 6 5 l O 492 13 6 4. l l 765 14 6 3 2 l 1200 15 7 4. 3 O 689 16 6 3 3 O 88.1 17 8 6 2 O 1431 18 7 6. l O 1394 19 6 4. 2 O 703 2O 5 2 2 l 1434 21 6 4. l l 1575 Total number of trials 147 Total number correct by chance 75 Approximately 51% Total number correct by association 34 Approximately 33% Total number incorrect 38 Approximately 26% Total duration in seconds 2.94.98 - W. duration in seconds - 200. 66 - - 144 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Duration º snail days trial trial correct choices errors of tested for for choices correct trip, sec. series day by associa- 19 tion l l l O O l 137 3 2 O O l 195 3 2a O O l 67 4 2b O O l 109 5 2c O O l LO3 6 3 l O O 76 7 4. O O l 556 8 4a O O l 219 9 4b l O O 55 Totals 9 2 O 7 1517 22% 71% Av. 168.55 2 10 l l O O 46 ll. 2 l O O 35 12 3 l O O 47 13 4 O l O 257 14 5 l O O 58 15 6 l O O 75 16 7 O l O 184 17 8 l O O 58 Totals 8 6 2 O 756 75% 25% Av. 94.5 3 18 l l O O 54 19 2 O O l 29'? 2O 3a O l O 233 31 3 l O O 64 22 4 O 1. O 195 33 5 O l O 133 24 6 l O O 77 25 7 l O O 8O Totals 8 4 3 l 1133 50% 37% 12% Av. 141.62 4 26 l O l O 46 27 2 O l O 289 28 3 O l O 2OO 29 4. O O l 236 3O 5 l O O 37 3]. 6 O O l 4.1.1 Totals 6 l 3 2 1299 16% 50% 33% Av. 216.5 145. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Duration snail days trial trial correct choices errors of test ed for for choices correct trip, sec. series day by - associa- 19 tion 5 32 l l O O 72 33 3 O O l 90 34 2a l O O 36 35 3 O l () 145 36 4. O O l 237 37 4a 1. O O 57 Totals 6 3 l 2 637 50% 16% 33% Av. 106. 16 6 38 l l O O 60 39 2 l O O 65 40 3 l Q O 56 4l 4. O l O 156 42 5 l O O 246 Totals 5 4. l O 583 80% 20% Av. 116.6 7 43 l O O l 765 44 la O O l 122 45 lb O l O 315 46 2 l O O 70 47 3 l O O 87 48 4. O l O 270 Totals 6 2 3 2 1629 33% 33% 33% Av. 371.5 8 49 l l O O 45 50 2 l O O 76 5l. 3 l O O 74 53 4. l O O ll2 53 5 O l O 426 Totals 5 4. l O 733 80% 20% Av. 146.6 9 54 l l O O 1Ol 55 2 l O O 81 56 3 l O O 58 57 4 O O l 7OO 58 4a l O O 59 59 5 l O O 83 60 6 O l O 323 Totals 7 5 l l 1405 7.1% 14% 14% Av. 200.71 146. No. of No. Of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Duration snail days trial trial correct choices errors of test ed for for choices correct trip, seq. - series day by associa- 19 tion 10 61 | () 1. O 264 62 2 O l O 141 63 3 l O O 58 64 4 O l O 92 65 5 l O O 52 63 6 O O l 354 67 6a O O l 370 68 7 l O O 82 Totals 8 3 3 2 1413 37% 37% 25% Av. , 176.63 ll. 69 l l O O 7]. 70 2 O O l 382 71 2a l O O 3O 72 3 l O O 105 73 4 l O O 152 - 74 5 O l O 358 75 6 l O O 103 Totals 7 5 l l 1331 71% 14% 14% Av. 175.85 12 76 l l O O 65 77 2 l O O 72 78 3 l O O 65 79 4. l Q O 58 8O 5 l O O 68 81 6 O O l 306 82 6a l O O 12O Totals 7 6 O l 754 85% 14% Av. 107.71 13 83 l l O O 204 84 2 l O O 42 85 3 l O O 48 86 4 O l O 150 3? 5. 0 O l 312 88 5a l O O 83 89 6 O O l 429 90 6a O O l 303 Totals 8 4. l 3 1572 50% 12% 37% Av. 196.5 147. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Durat iOn snail days trial trial correct choices errors of test ed for for choices correct trip, sec • series day - by associaa. 19 tion 14 91 l l O O 33 92 2 l O O 54 93 3 O l O 197 94 4 O O l 74 95 4a O l O 225 96 5 l O O 64 97 6 l O O 87 98 7 O l O 95 Totals 8 4 3 l 829 50% 37% 12% Av. 103.63 15 99 l l O O 44 LOO 2 O l O 195 101 3 O O l 155 103 3a l © O 62 LO3 4. l O O 69 104 5 O l O 664 Totals 6 3 2 l 118O 50% 33% 16% Av. 196.66 i 6 105 l l O O 75 lò6 2 l O O 5l. 107 3 l O O 67 108 4. l O O 42 109 5 O l O 485 ll.0 6 l O O 68 Totals 6 5 l O 788 83% 16% Av. 131.33 17 lll l O l O 2O6 113 2 l O O 62 ll3 3 l O O l63 ll.4 4 l O O 78 l15 5 l O O 76 lló 6 O l O 390 Totals 6 4 2 O 975 66% 33% Av. 163.5 18 117 l O l O 163 118 2 l O O 5l 119 3 l O O 64 120 4. l O O 73 131 5 l O O 247 123 6 O l O 297 Totals 6 4 2 O 895 66% 33% Av. 149. 16 148. No. of No. of No. of Duration No. of No. of No. of No. snail days trial trial correct choices errors of test ed for for choices correct trip, sec, series day by - associa- 19 t; ion 19 123 l l O O 87 l24 2 l O O 50 135 3 O l O 3O2 126 4 O l O 510 13? 5 O O l 88 128 5a O O l 1Ol Totals 6 2 2 2 1138 33% 33% 33% Av. 189.66 2O 129 l l O O 86 130 2 O O l 148 131 2a l O O 72 l32 3 O l O 363 133 4 l O O 58 134 5 l O O 93 Totals 6 4. l l 82O 66% 16% 16% Av. 1136.66 21 135 l l O O 58 136 2 O O l 210 137 2a O l O 564 138 3 l O O 49 139 4 l O O 56 l40 5 O O l 439 141 5a O l O 86 Totals 7 3 2 2 lăl2 42% 28% 28% Av. 216 Day No. of Correct Correct by trials choices association Summary Snail 19 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO ll 12 13 l4 15 l6 17 18 19 2O 21 Total number Total number |Total number |Total number Total º of trials correct by chance correct by association incorrect | - duration of trips in seconds ": duration of trips in seconds Incorrect; choices 14l 78 34 29 22799 161.69 Duration in sec. 1517 756 ll.33 1399 63? 583 1629 733 lA05 l413 l231 754 1572 829 118O 788 975 895 1138 82O 1512 Approximately 55% Approximately 34% Approximately 31% l49. TABLE XII (continued) Summary Snail Day No. of Correct Correct by Incorrect Duration | 10 trials choices association choices in see. l 7 3 O 4 786 2 5 5 O O 581 3 ll. 7 O 4 3359 4 1O 4. O 6 992 5 7 3 O 4. 773 6 6 3 O 3 21.18 7 8 5 O 3 803 8 5 3 O 2 26? 9 9 4. 2 3 1200 1C 1C) 2 l 7 2735 ll 7. 4. l 2 829 12 7 5 l l 986 13 6 2 l 3. 1826 l4 9 4. l 4. 1367 15 9 4. 2 3 787 l6 8 4. O 4. 1011 17 7 5 l l 415 18 l'O 2 O 8 1821 39 7 5 2 O 629 2O 6 2 4. O 1274 21 6 l 4. l 1010 22 7 3 l 3 1093 23 6 4 l l 1957 | Total number of trials 173 Total number correct by chance 84 Approximately 48% | Total number correct by association 22 Approximately 13% | Total number incorrect 67 Approximately 39% Total duration of trips in seconds 276.18 Av. rātāration of trips in seconds 139. 64 15l. TABLE XIII (continued). Summary Snail Day No. of Correct Correct by 13 trials association l 5 O O 2 5 3 O 3 1O 6 O 4. 5 3 O 5 6 3 O 6 5 4 O 7 lC) 5 l 8 5 4 O 9 10 5 l 10 7 2 l ll 7 3 l 12 8 4. O 13 8 6 O l4 9 5 2 15 8 3 4. 16 6 3 2 17 7 3 2 Total number of trials | Total number correct by chance Total number correct by association Total number incorrect - Total rate (sec) Av. rate (sec.) Incorrect l2] 62 14 45 341.71 199.76 Rate 36 C. 1651 2402 1829 1OOO 1155 388 23.90 616 2640 2654 1220 1471 686 1909 620 454 1086 Approximately 51% Approximately 12% Approximately 37% TABLE XII (continued) 152. Summary Snail Day No. of Correct Correct by Incorrect Rate 21 trials association - 8&C e l 6 5 O l 821 2 8 6 O 2 1311 3 8 3 O 5 1850 4. 7 2 l 4. 1576 5 6 2 O 4 1471 6 8 2 3. 4. 2263 7 7 5 O 2 934 8 8 6 l l 890 9 8 8 O O €692 l O 5 l O 4 1596 ll. 4. 3 O l 673 12 5 3 2 O 987 13 6 3 2 l 589 14 5 5 O O 533 15 6 3 3. l 730 16 7 6 O l 71.2 l? 7 4 O 3 830 18 7 6 O l 1173 19 6 3 l 2 2262 2O 6 4. O 2 1059 21 5 4. l O 664 22 6 4 l l 893 23 8 4 O 4 2O8O 24 6 2 2 2 1708 25 5 2 2 l 1364 26 8 4. l 3. 1294 27 6 3 2 l 1233 Total number of trials 174 - Total number correct by chance 103 Approximately 59% Total number correct by association 2O Approximately #3% | Total number incorrect - 5l Approximately 39% | Total rate (sec.) 3.21.78 Av. rate (sec.) 184. 93 TABLE XII (continued). 153. Summary Snail Day No. of Correct Correct by Incorrect Rate 22 trials association . 88C a l 6 l O 5 1283 2 8 2 l 5 l403 3 7 4. O 3 994 4. 6 3 l 2 998 5 8 l O 7 1778 6 8 5 l 2 1334 7 8 3 l 4. 1866 8 12 l l 10 23.48 9 7 2 l 4 1657 10 5 O O 5 1031 11 5 4. O I 856 12 6 4. O 2 1583 13 7 4 O 3 158 14 5 2 O 3 776 15 9 3 2 4. 1257 l6 7 4 O 3 1048 17 9 4 l 4 1738 18 6 5 O l 1010 19 7 4. l 2 1040 2O 7 2 O 5 2546 21 5 2 l 2 2384 22 5 l 4 O 1217 23 7 3 2 2 1850 24 6 3 2 l 1219 25 6 4 l 1 690 26 6 4 l l 599 27 6 4. l l 79 | Total number of trials 174 Total number correct by chance 79 Approximately 45% Total number correct by association 22 Approximately 13% Total number incorrect 73 Approximately 42% Total rate (sec.) 3.6865 Av. rate (sec.) 211.86 TABLE XII As Summary of tests in which a mechanical stimulus was used in Connection with electric shocke Snail 9 19 10 13 21 22 Total number of trials 147 141 173 121 174 174 % of choices correct by Chance 51 55 48 62 59 45 % of choices correct by - * association 23 24 13. 14 12 13. % of incorrect choices 26 21 39 45 29 42 Ave duration of trips in second, 200,66 161,69 139,64. 199.76 184-93 211.86 155. ºd vee ſon ºxidox ſº^āN “oo wassa º na a anay, °C. Vºº ’o’º ‘X’Hok M3N (oo gass= xº -iº-ſanayı lă8. . ºd º £ € ſon ºxido, ſw = N * oo aessaº T13-i-antaxa � ©° C º Eº (o N ' >ł słox Awa N (oo aessa ºg~13 dae nax l60. Table XII shows that in a total of 930 trials on six individuals of Physa, 51.2% were correct by chance; that is, the correct path was chosen without contact with the warm- ing stimulus. In 15.6% of the trials the correct path was chosen after contact with the warning stimulus, but without punishment, showing that a weak association had been formed between the two stimuli. In 32.5% of the trials, the warm- ing stimulus was disregarded and punishment received. This shows that the behavior of the snails tested was modified during the experiments in as much as they apparently learned to recognize the warning stimulus and turned back before receiving the electric shock. The snails profited by experience - The slightly downward tendency of the jagged curves based on these records tries. i2.'s, is, 15, 16, 17pºsſ) ShoWS an erratic decrease in error, weak association and limited associative memory • - - - --- - -- 161. 7. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS, 1. All observations and experiments were made on the snail Physa gyrina Say while in tap water at room temperature and under uniform light ing conditions. 2. When the air is pressed from the lung of Physa and it is placed in the water at the base of a U-shaped labyrinth supported on an upright stem, it crawls up the stem and along the arms of the U to the surface of the water. Fig. 3, p.6% 3. Experiments to test right or left preference : first Series • In a series of 24 trials in which three individuals of Physa were deprived of air and placed on the bottom near the wall of a glass dish filled with water, and allowed to crawl unhindered to the surface of the water, the path chosen deviated from a perpendicular toward the right in 54.1% of the trials and toward the left in 45.8% of the trials. This showed that the natural path chosen by the three snails tested, in traveling over a flat unrestricted substratum to the surface of the water for air, in a comparatively small number of trials, deviated some- what to the right. Table VII, p. 68 4. Experiments to test right and left preference.” second series • When the U apparatus (paragraph lº) is bordered by a "picket fence" of wires, the snail is forced to travel on one side • When it reaches the top of the stem it must turn toward either the right or left end of the horizontal bar of the u to reach the surface of the water. Fig. 3, p.6% 5. In a series of 240 trials in which the two arms of 162. the U were identical and both reached the surface of the water, the three snails tested followed the right arm in 51.6% of the trials and the left arm in 48.3%, showing a slight right prefer- ence for the snails tested. Table VIII, p. 7% assessº” to test preference for an ascending or In order to determine the lack or presence of a preference for an ascending or a descending path, the U shaped labyrinth was so tilted that the bar of the U deviated from a horizontal at angles varying from 57" to 7° 40'. In 600 trials the three snails tested chose the descending arm in 43% of the trials and the ascending arm in 57%, showing a slight preference for an ascending path. Table IX, p. 74 7. In subsequent experiments in which the U. labyrinth was used the horizontal bar was kept level. 8. In the experiments to test learning, complete records are presented for two individuals in each series of tests and summaries of results are given for additional snails tested- 9. Experiments on learning the U-shaped labyrinth a In a series of 888 tests on three individuals of Physa, using the U-shaped labyrinth with the right arm shortened so that a snail could not reach the surface of the water from its upper end, thus making failure to obtain air serve as a punishment incident to the choice of this arm, 58.8% of the turns were toward the right, that is, incorrect, and 41.8% toward the left or correct. There is then shown no evidence of ability in the snail to distinguish right or left in connection with failure to obtain air (punishment) and the attainment of air (reward). Table X, p. 77 10. The curves based on these trials show irregularity at the beginning and an upward tendency toward the latter end, indicating an increase in the tendency to turn toward the right as the trials proceed. Figs. 5-7, p. 123-125 11. Experiments with Y-shaped labyrinth: roughness of the path as a warning stimulus: electric shock as punishment. In a series of 664 tests a Y-shaped path of glass tubing, un- limited by wires, was used. One arm of the Y gave access to the surface of the water and the other was shortened and supplied with wires over which a 0.3 volt electric current could be sent. The space between the point of divergence of the two arms and the wires was roughened. The four snails tested chose the short arm or punishment in 60.3% of the trials. This series of tests then shows no indication of learning. Table XI, p. //o 12. The curves based on these trials show less irregular- ity than those in the preceding tests (paragraph 10) but the same upward tendency toward the latter end, indicating an increas- ing frequency of rough-shock choices as the trials proceed. Figs. 8-11, p. 150-133. 13. Experiments with Y-shaped labyrinth: mechanical stimu- lation as warning signal. In a series of 930 tests the Y appar- atus was used but instead of roughness in connection with the electric shock, the snail was stroked on the tentacles and dorsal head region with a hair, preceding the shock if a wrong choice were made. Check tests showed that the irritation caused by the warning stimulus was not sufficient to cause it to serve as a l64. punishment. The six snails tested chose the short arm and punishment in 32.5% of the trials, the long arm, by chance in 51.2% and the long arm through association in 15.6%. Modification of behavior through the formation of an association between the two stimuli, one serving as punishment, the other as a warning signal, is thus shown • Table XII, p. 157. 14. The curves based on these trials show irregularity throughout but a downward tendency toward the latter end indicat- ing the formation of a weak association between the two stimuli used. rise. H3-17, p. 155-157. 15. The last series of experiments (paragraph 13) shows results comparable to those obtained in the first part of the present work which indicated an association formed between two dissimilar stimuli, food and pressure, in a series of tests based on the Pawlow salivary methode -º- --- l65. 8. Discussion. The foregoing attempt to learn whether the man san solve a simple vertical U- or Y-shaped labyrinth fallº into three Series. 1. In the first of these there was used a U-shaped labyrinth supported on a stem and bordered by a paling of wires so that the snail could crawl up but one side of it. At the top of the stem ºw had a choice of a right or left path. If the right path were chosen it led to the right vertical bar of the U from the top of which the snail could not reach the surface of the water. If the left path were chosen it led to the vertical bar of the U, longer than the right, from the top of which the snail could fill its lung with air. The upward course of the snail is in search of air. Choice of the right path resulted in failure to get air which was assumed to act as punishment. Such a choice was regarded as incorrect. Choice of the left; path led to the attainment of air, which was regarded as reward and such choice was registered as correct. Preliminary tests showed that the snails have a slight preference for the right path, preference possibly related to the assymetry of the animal. It was to be expected that this right preference would appear at the beginning of the series of learning tests, but that it would be soon corrected by the result of the learning process. If the snails actually learned and a curve were plotted showing their percentage of errors from eadh successive day's experience, this curve would start somewhere 166. above the 50% level on account of the right preference, which would result in an excess of incorrect choices. If the snail did not learn and were in no way affected by its experiences with the labyrinth the curve of errors might be expected to follow the fifty per cent, level while fluctuating above and below it. An inspection of the graphs for this series shows that they follow neither one of the courses predicted. They are quite irregular, but show with the progress of time, a distinct rise above the fifty per cent. level. The snails not only do not learn, but their percent age of errors increases as the series of trials lengthens. Nothing has been detected in the physical environment to direct the snail toward either side. Tt is in a symmetrical environment as to structure of labyrinth, surround- ing tank and house, lighting and temperature • The cause of the increasing tendency to turn toward the right must then be sought in the animal itself. We may say that with the progress of the trials the animal's preference for a turn toward the right increases. If we assume that the disturbances incident to the experimental - handling of the animal increase its natural tendency to turn to the right we have an "explanation" of the upward course of our curve showing the distribution of errors over the series of trials. This increasing tendency to turn toward the right might inhibit learning. While the curves do not show that the animals learn, they cannot be accepted as final evidence that the animals might not learn unier other conditions. Had punishment been pro- l67. vided on the left side of the labyrinth and reward on the right side, then the right preference, increasing with the series, would have resulted in an error-distribution curve dropping toward the zero level. Such a Gurve, showing a decrease in the percentage of errors as it proceeded, might have been taken as final evidence of learning, had not the right-left preference tests been performed, 2. In the second series of labyrinth tests the U-shaped labyrinth was discarded and in its place was used a Y-shaped labyrinth of cylindrical glass tubing. Owing to the snails tendency to crawl in a spiral such a labyrinth offers no choices of right or left; the snail is free to move in any direction in order to reach its top. One arm of this labyrinth was made rough While the other remained smooth. Thus roughness Served as a means of discrimination between the two. At the upper end of the rough arm the snail received an electric shock. The rough- ness served as a warning signal of the approaching shock, no rough-smooth preference tests were made • The curves again show much irregularity, but not so much as those with the U-shaped labyrinth. There are again days on which all choices are correct and other days on which all are incorrect. Nearly all of these days, however, fall in the first third of the curves, with the result that this part is much more irregular than that which follows. After their first thirds the curves remain nearer the fifty per cent, level, but on the whole tend to lie above it. In other words, the percentage of error | l68, again increases as the series lengthens. As it was suggested that in the case of the U-shaped labyrinth the increase in error percentage was due to an increase in right preference, so it may be suggested that it is here due to increase in roughness- preference. Experiments are needed to test the existence of roughness preference. - If the punishment had been placed on the smooth arm of the labyrinth and there had been no learning, the curve would nevertheless have descended toward the O level on account of the roughness preference. The result would have been an appar- ent decrease in error percentage with the progress of the curve, an apparent evidence of learning, really however an increase of roughness preference. 3. The third series of labyrinth tests was planned, to test the capacity of the snail to form associations on the labyrinth that it had failed to solve. The Y shaped labyrinth was used, but all traces of roughness were removed. The short arm was shortened still more making the interval between the warning stimulus and the punishment less than in the preceding tests. The warning stimulus adopted was the irritation caused by stroking the dorsal head region and tentacles of the snail with a hair. That this stimulus was an irritation was evidenced by the fact that its use caused the snail to withdraw its tent;- acles, and at times to ſpartially retract its head toward the edge of its shell. Check tests, however, showed that the irrit:- ation was not severe enough in itself to act as punishment • The labyrinth as before offered no choice of right or left - 169. The curves of error percent age show much irregularity but a slight downward tendency. In 15.8% of the to tal of 930 trials, the snails changed their course from the wrong to the right path after contact with the warning stimus but before the shock (punishment) was received. Since the warning stimulus was known to irritate the animal, there could have been no prefer- ence for the wrong side of the labyrinth to offset the associative effect of the shock (punishment). The 15% of correct-by-associa- tion trials, then, represents the strength of the association formed between the warning stimulus and the punishment, no part of which could have been masked through preference for the signal stimulus used. This series of tests then shows the formation of a weak association between two stimuli, one used as a warn- ing of the punishment to follow if the course be not changed. Physa then, profits by experience, but cannot be said to solve a labyrinth. The work with the modified apparatus is merely confirmatory of that by the method of simultaneous stimuli. It shows no greater capacity on the part of the snail than was made evident by that methods Observational work on mollusks has been reported, but little experimental work has been done on this group of animals, none along the lines of the present work. Kollman (1877) attributed consciousness to Octopus vulgaris, basing his con- clusions, however, on observation rather than experiment . In his analysis of this report, Schneider (1909) explains the behavior observed as reflexive, not conscious, and hence l'70. typical of any of the lower animals. Pieron (1909) concludes that the octopus is capable of learning, and although Kafka (1914) - reports this work he does not analyze it. Modifiability of behavior then may be attributed to members of the Cephalopod group. Perion experimented on the waning of the effect of stimuli inducing reflexive action in Limmea stagnalis and Littorina, which he terms memory. Associative memory, as observ- ed in the present work was believed to be an added proof of learning, but no attempt was made to determing its exact dur- ation nor the way in which it developed. The work of Pieron is here of interest only in that it deals with so-called memory in closely related forms • 171 . Tſſ - Conclusions • 1 * The present work on the snail Physa gyrina Say, gives much evidence of capacity for adaptation- the getting- used-te-the-stimulus. This is quite apart from evidence fo fatigue which appears in some places. 2. In addition to adaptation its behavior is modifi- able by experience in another way. As the result of prolonged training with two simultaneous stimuli it is found to have acquired response to one of these stimuli to which it did not before respond. It has formed an association between the two stimuli • 3. This definite acquired response is retained for four days beyond the completion of the training (memory). 4. When put through a long series of tests with the simplest form of labyrinth, under controlled conditions it: shows no capacity to solve the labyrinthe 5. On a similar labyrinth it gives evidence of the capacity to form associations • 6. The capacity to form associations does not then suffice for the solution of the 'simplest labyrinth, that is, "selective" ability is apparently lacking- 172, 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14 • 15. 16. IV. Literature cited. Dawson, J., 1911. 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