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T. U N N E L. Prepared in accordance ºrith out line previously submitted, as a candidate for the Degree of C. E. BY ſ - HERMAN H. HANINK | B.S. in C. E. SYNOPSIS. The object of this thesis is to describe the design and method employed in the construction of the River Section of the La Salle Street Tunnel, which passes under the Chicago Piver, Chicago, Illinois. This tunnel, built for the Chicago Railºrays Company by the M. H. McGovern Company of Chicago, was finished in 1912. The old tunnel, still existing at the time Work was begun on the new tunnel, is described for the purpose of exhibiting the reasons for it is removal; it is then compared with the new tunnel, a general explana- tion of which follows, together with a brief account of the method used for water-proofing. The River Section is described in some detail. The steel shell is detailed, together with methods of building and placing the interior and exterior concrete parts. The excavation of the site of low bring also is discussed. The design of the cofferdams is next taken up. Two dams, one on each side of the river, serve the purpose of making connections with the land sections, and consist essentially of two parts. That part directly over the tiºnnel is constructed of timber, the remaining portion being made of steel sheet piling which extends the full width of the street and back into the land. These dams present some interesting features, especially that of an unusual head of water (fifty-four feet) against the steel portion. An explanation of the foundation for the tubes, the method of lowering the tunnel, the finis hing of the concreting and the removing of the Gofferdams, complete the article. It is to be hoped that the accompanying drawings and photographs will assist the reader to under 5t, and the text. tº I M Đ E X. DESCRIPTIVE. WATRPRO OFING. RIVER SECTION – STEEL, SHELL. Concrete Work in Tºry Dock. concreting While Floating. Fºxcavation of Trench. TEstºn of coºpFBTAM. Timber Portion. Hydro-static Pressure on Timber Portion. Steel Portion. Hydrostatic Prês Bll re on Steel Portion. Rracing. TEMPORARY FOUNDATION FOR TUBES. LOWERING TUBES. PHRMANENT FOUNITATION FOR TURES. CONCF TING BALANCE OF PIV; H SECTION. REMOVING COFF:FT) AMS. Page. 15. 16. 20. 2l. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. I N T E X T 0 D R A W T N G S. Plate. General Profile of old and New Tunnels with Details. 1. PRofile and Sections of River Section. 2. Plan of Cofferdam. 3. Section of Cofferdam. - - 4. Elevation of Cofferdam. 5. I, A S A I, L E S T R H. E. T. T. U N N E I, R. I V E R S E G T T O N. —oo Qoo- DESCRIPTIVE. The old La Salle Street Tunnel, used for cable ear service, extended along the center line of La Salle Street from a point near Randolph Street on the south to Michigan Street on the north, a distance of 1887 feet. It was built entirely of brick and completed in 1871 at a Goºst of $566,000.00. Thes maximum depth of Water over the River Section was about eighteen feet, which proved sufficient until the advent of lake carrying vessels of large tonnage and greater arart. Congress subsequently - passed an Act declaring the tunnel tº an obstruction to - navigation", and ordered the City of Chicago to remove it. Thug was brought about the construction of the new tunnel for trolley service, with a depth of twenty- --- seven feet of water over the river section. This tunnel is a double bore structure, extending from Randolph Street to Michigan Street, a distance of 2,000 feet. Each bore accommodates a single track, with ample room for cables ºf and conduits. At each end provision has been made for connection to any future subway, without inter- ference with street, c ºr service. The total cost of this fork was about $1,300,000.00. It seems surprising indeed that this amount is only slightly greater than twice the cost of the old tunnel. In place of the brick, always in a leaky condition, the new tunnel has thick concrete walls and arch, practically water-proof and is of considerably larger bore. It also has a well built and tight river section, in fact, owing to the steel covering, the dryest section of the tunnel. The comparison of these tºro tunnels affords one of the most impressive illustrations of the efficiency Of modern methods and materials. As will be noted from the general plan (Pl. 1), the permanent track is maintained at a three per cent. grade from the river section toward either end, while the temporary track is carried as a descending nine per cent. grade from the present street level to an intersection with the three per cent... grade. The track on the nine per cent. grade is carried by temporary beams, which were originally placed solely as struts or suppots for the side walls of the tunnel, and the tracks were to be supported on timber bents spaced between the struts. Upon the writer's suggestion they were slightly altered in arrangement and design and made to carry the track also. This portion of the Tunnel in each approach is single bore. The walls, however, are in alignment with those of the double bore, but the arch runs parallel to the temporary nine per cent. track. The drainage system consists of eight inch tile laid along the inverts of both bores and empty- ing into a sump near the north end of the river section. A three-foot drain leads to a stump that connects with a pump well, north of the north Tock, and a five-foot shaft connects the pump well with a pumping station on the street level. This shaft, is accessible for inspection through the wall of the Tunnel at this point. WATER PRO OFING. As shown in sketch on Pl. 1, the original plan for water proofing called for an eight-inch course of asphalt and brick extending from track grade up the Walls and over the arch. This Tſas to be covered with an eight-inch course of concrete. When the con– creting was first begun in the open cut from Station 0 + 00 to about Station 3 + 00, this scheme was followed, but, owing to the slowness with which the work had to be ----- executed, the Chicago Railways company accepted, as a substitute, McCormick Integral Water-proofing. This compound was in the form of a powder and was mixed dry with the cement and resacked for use. The entire cross- section of the Tunnel, except below the track grade, was built with waterproofed cement and paid ror per Square foot, on the original basis. This then gave a section of concrete 16 inches thicker than the previous neat line of monolithic concrete, and at the same time obviated considerable form work. It is difficult to determine whether this material actually did waterproof the con– Crete, or whether the concrete was naturally thick enough and dense enough to prevent seepage, but the fact remains that very femſ leaks resulted, and these were easily stopped by grouting under air pressure. RIVER SECTION. STEEL SHELL. — According th the original plans, the River Section was to have been constructed similarly to the double bore Land Section. This would have neces- sitated coffer-damming about half the River to permit a reasonable extent of Operation. But, owing to the re- fugal of the War Tepartment to allow this obstruction to navigation, it was decided to make this portion a one unit steel tube, equal to the full width of the |- | River, with an interior lining of reinforced concrete. These tubes do not form complete cylinders, as did the Tetroit design; neither is there a concrete encasement; but the two cylinders intersect and are separated by a vertical concrete wall which contains the longitudinal steel stiffening truss. The lining of the tubes varies in thickness from about two feet, at the crown to three and one-half feet in the invert. The only concrete placed outside the shell was that used to level off the top , and that, on the bottom, called the keel. The steel shell is 278 feet long , 27 feet high, and 41 feet wide, and is made in plates 3/8 Of an inch thick, 7 feet 6 inches wide, and about 19 feet long. The plates are stiffened by 6 by 3 1/2 inch z-bars, 57 feet long, bent to the required radius and Spaced 3 feet and 4 feet 6 inches. Butt splices were used for longitudinal joints with straps both inside and out. All circumferential joints were lap spliced and the edges of the plates were planed to a bevel and caulked. The top and bottom plates of each bore are connected by 6 X 6 X 3/8 inch angles, and riveted to the struts of the longitudinal truss. These struts are composed of two angles, 5 x 8 1/2 x 3/8 inches, double laced with 4 x 3/8 inch bars. The gussets are 3/8 inch plates. The diagonal longitudinal bars in -º pairs (one on each side of the struts) are 4 1/2 x 3/8 inches, about 24 feet long, and connect with six of the struts. The tubes are also stiffened by plate and angle gussets above and below the center wall at intervals of 7 1/2 feet. The top gussets form a level surface, but those at the bottom were made with a wide angle to provide for a drainage pipe. Near the ends of the tubes provision was made for connection to a cofferdam by riveting side plates or fins, with angle stiffeners and with an angle at the edge oto mesh in with the steel sheeting of the cofferdam. Within the space reserved for cofferdams, §t, eel shaft, 5 three feet in diamet, ºr were connected with each tube, sufficiently high to project out of the water when the tubes were sunk to place. Timber buikheads were built at each end of the tube, and all temporary bracing and concrete for the keel and center Trall were placed while in dry dock. The tubes were erected in the ship owners' dry dock, near Chicago Avenue and North Halstead Street. The material tº as teamed and transport, ed on scows from the shop of the company, which fabricated and built the steel tubes. A derrick, travelling On 8 track alongside of the dry dock, was used in the erection. The weight of the steel in the tubes was about 500 tons. Approximately loſ), 000 rivets were driven. *** –7- plank, with 12 X 12 timbers 1 foot apart behind them, - º - CONCRETE WORK IN DRY TOGK: – After the steel construc- tion had proceeded sufficiently, a concrete plant 733 erected near one end of the tubes. A 1-yd. mixer TT38 supported under a trestle work, Thich carried a Tº lat- form from one side of the dry dock to the other side. The material was brought from storage piles on the bank in wheel-barrows, and dumped into the mixer hopper from the platform. At the discharge of the mixer, runways led through the tubes on each side of the Center Wall. The first concret, G Work done ºf a $3 the ext, erior section beneath the tubes, which were supported on timbering about 3 feet above the floor of the dry dock, while the forms for the exterior section of concrete were supported on short posts under the tubes. The con– Grete Was then poured through holes in the steel shell. The work of concreting the center wall was then begun and the forms were built for it, so as to include a very Short section of both arch and invert. The forms were carried up gradually so as to permit dumping of concrete from wheel-barrows from runways. The runways were at first placed about 5 fººt above the bottom of the tube and later at about 5 feet, fºom the top. The end bulkheads consisted of 3 × 12 inch and diagonal braces of 10 X 10 timbers. The joints were caulked with oakum. The tubest were floated in this condition on November 21, 1910. The weight was then about 3,000 tons. They were towed to a wharf near the tunnel site ºthere the depth of the ºrater was sufficient to permit the completion of the interior concreting without grounding the tubes. CONCRETING WHILE FLOATING: — A new concrète arrange- ment was then devised for carrying on the work of lining the interior. Two 1-yard mixers were erected on plat— forms on the tubes at each end. The mixers were placed on rollers Bo that they could be used to chute concrete into the manholes at either tube. In this way the long wheel-barrow haul within the tubes was limited to one- half the total length of the tube. The shifting of the mixer ºf as a matter of five minutes' fork for two men. The two mixers were worked alternately on the two tubes and concrete was placed at the rate of about 200 yards in eight hours. - The form; Were placed first for a section of the invert about 5 feet in Width. This form consisted of a longitudinal bulkhead on the outside, embracing the steps, which were used as a base for the cable conduits. Above this point the forms were made of 2 X 6 inch shiplap, laid over segmental rings formed by two thicknesses or 2 X 12 inch plank and shaped to the radii indicated on the plans. Excavation of TRENGH:- This work was rendered most difficult by the depth of the water (26 ft. ) and the depth of the trench ( 54 ft.) below the surface of the water. The existence of the old tunnel floor ( see Pl. 1 Sec. CC. ) was also a problem. A dipper dredge was rigged up specially for the work. The dredge was equipped with a 2-yard dipper bucket on a 72-foot dipper arm and new spuds of extra length were added. It was at first thought that the dredge could excavate the trench and old invert without blasting, but owing to the length of the dipper arm and spuds, the river current, etc. , this was round impracticable. A drill boat containing four drills was then placed over the invert and in a period of about tºo weeks the invert was broken up. The material was loaded on scows by the arease, towed out into Lake Michigan and dumped. Upon the completion of the excavation, final precautions were taken by making accurate soundings of the trench. Next a rail was suspended by light cables at an eleva- tion slightly lower than that at which the tubes were to be set. This rail was carried across the river, and all boulders and fragments of bricks, which could possibly interfere with the correct placing of the tubes, were thus located. - —lo- º- --> - - DESIGN OF COFFEPTAM. It Will be remembered that in a previous paragraph, it was stated that projections of plates, or fins, had been placed on the tubes for connection to the cofferdam. The original idea was to lower that portion of the cofferdam which was directly on the tubes, into the area between the fins, as a crib after the tubes were lowered into place. There is always considerable risk, however, in lowering a crib of this character accurately into place and securing a watertight job. The only alternative was to construct this Grib on the tubes while they were yet floating, omitting sufficient concrete lining to off-set the added weight of the cribs. It was also necessary to determine the capacity of the tubes to carry these two end loads with- out, danger of buckling. In this case we have the con- dition of a beam 278 feet long, uniformly loaded on the bottom (upward hydrostatic pressure) and a concentrated load at each end. The center wall, consisting of steel columns and steel diagonals encased in concrete, acts as a stiffening web. - Section pp. (p. 5) shows the percentage of con- crete placed at this time. This cross-section of concrete, together with the steel shell and reinforcing system, proved —ll- ample to carry these added loads ºrithout danger of buckling. The center of gravity of the cross-section was raised but slightly, and the tubes were at all times in stable equilibrium. TIMBER PORTION:- That part of the cofferdam, --- which was built on the tubes before being submerged, was to be constructed of 12 X 12 inch timbers, and was designed on this basis. The projecting diaphragm plates on the tubes determined the dimensions of this º as 11 ft. 6 in. X 39 ft. on the outside. The water to ), º at 30 ft., giving 3 ft. as a safety in case of a rise be 27 ft. above the tubes, the height was determined in the Water. The longitudinal timbers were placed directly on one another, and of convenient lengths to locate splices at the centers of the uprights, which were also 12 X 12 inch X 30 reet. The end timbers were placed so as to leave alternate Spaces open in order to permit free con- nection with the remainder of the dam, insuring a good union of clay and also acting as a web between the two walls. The longitudinal timbers were drift bolted to each other at 3 foot intervals with 18 X 3/4 inch pointed spikes without heads; a 5/8 inch hole Was first arilled through one timber and then the spike Tas driven into the next timber. It was now necessary properly to locate the upright timbers and determine the size and number of tie rods. Owing to the fact that the 3 foot steel shafts are within this area, it was decided to place uprights on the center line and two other pairs, whose tie rods would just clear these shafts, thus making three pairs of uprights. The ends of the dam require no wales or tie rods, owing to its construction as described above. Tn computing the number and size of tie rods (see Pl. 4), the weight of the submerged clay was assumed to be eighty pounds per cubic foot. There is , of course, considerable variation of opinion as to the prºgures arising from cofferdam filling. However, the classe lºss of clay used in this case, led to the assumption that its angle of repose Will be represented by a slope of 3 1/2 to 1. rººm. formula P = 1/2 whº tan? (45°– 1/2 ; ) = 0.57 x 1/2 whº the unit pressure at any élevation normal to the wall will be 57% of the vertical head of clay. With clay at 80 pounds per cubic foot and h equal to 27 feet we find the pressure at the bottom to be 57% X 80 x 27 = 1231 pounds per square foot. - With this quantity as the base of a triangle and the º apex at datum, the pressures at various elevations were scaled and the rods spaced accordingly. It will be noted from the drawing (Pl. 5) that the tie rods be- tween the two center uprights support a distance of 5 ft. 6 in. to each side. All the tie rods were made —13– from 1 1/2 inch stock, upset at each end and with double nuts. The two bottom courses of timbers, being securely anchored to the concrete, required no tie rods. The following table gives the general information concerning one crib: Total feet B. M. 42703 Weight of Timber 80.2 tong. Displacement of Timber 106.9 tº Buoyancy of Timber 26.7 tº This indicates that it was necessary to pro- vide for the buoyancy of the timber. All asſistance of the drift bolts and anchors was neglected, and a 1 1/2 inch rod was placed at each corner, as shown on - Pl. 4 and 5. These were securely anchored in the con- crete on the tubes and provided ºrith turri buckles for tightening. This arrangement also aided mat 3rially in holding the cribs in alignment during the process of towing and lowering. To help stiffen the dam, l? X 12 in. cross timbers were placed at various points between the uprights, as buttresses in tightening the rods. In view of the fact that these large weights Öf the dams were to be placed on the ends of the tubes, it was necessary to provide suitable foundations for them. At this time, as before noted, the interior (3 OH- crete arch had not been finished. The absence of the concrete would have exposed portions of the steel shell -14- to this weight, which might have buckled them. As * - -- * * - "-- - -- --- º --- --- º shown on Pl. 4. and 5. the space between the fins was filled with concrete, the tºro overhanging volumes balancing eabh other by means of one inch reinforcing rods inserted in the concrete. These rods were con– tinuous over the top of the tubes and acted as saddles. The top of the concrete was carefully smoothed off level with the crown of the tube, leaving a projection of plates 8 inches above it. Also at this time were set the 3/4 inch anchor bolts, as shown on the drawings. Upon the completion of this concreting, the timber work was commenced, all timber being handled With a delerick scow, which also furnished compressed, air for the drills. work accordingly went forward rapidly. It was now necessary to provide for the hydro- static pressure that would come against the dam when the water had be ºn removed from one side. The plan of opera— tion was as follows: When the tubes were lowered to position and the filling of the tofferdam was finished, both the timber portion and the steel portion, a complete set of bracing made of 12 X 12 inch timbers fas set (floating ) and carefully Wedged against the dam and the land at Water level. The water was then pumped out in five foot stages and after each stage another set of bracing was placed and wedged, and so on down to Elevation -86. This placed an increasing head of water after each stage. In order -15– to shorten the time of this pressure and hasten the pumping, four tiers of this bracing were built, tied together, and forced into place with rock ballast. This method of procedure was made possible because of the accuracy with which the steel sheet piling had been driven, and 51so because of the shape of the enclosure. (See Pl. 3 showing off-set in sheeting. ) HYDRO-STATIC PRESSURE ON TIMBER PORTION. In anticipation of the hydro-static pressure against the dam, as the water in the enclosure was lowered, six I beams were set in a vertical position on the enclosure side of the dam, as shown on Pl. 4. These Tere securely anchored to the concrete on top Of the tube and temporarily fastened to the top with clamps. After lowering, the bracing was wedged directly against these beams. It was found that, as the water was pumped out of the enclosure, the maximum stress in the beams (19,000 pounds per square inch) developed When the water reached the elevation of –10, and the lowest tier of bracing at elevation —5. Under this condition, the beams had a span of 22 feet, Tith a unit pressure of 625 pounds per square foot on the river side of the dam. This unit, pressure was considered constant for the full span of 22 feet, although as a matter of fact, this was not quite true of the top 5 feet. It will be noted —lé- from the drawing, that the two I beams in the center of the dam, support a distance of 7 ft. 6 in. to each side. The three pairs of T beams were of the same size, being 24 inch beams at 80 pounds. The maximum reaction at the low ºr end of the center pair of I beams occurs when the water in the enclosure is lowered to elevation –15, and the span of the beams is 17 feet, that is, the distance from the lowest tier of bracing to the top of the tubes. This reaction is equal approximately to 119,000 pounds, and for this stress three 2 inch rods were used as anchors. Detail “BB” P1. 5 shows clearly the arrange- ment of these rods, which ran back through the dam, slightly pitched down, to an anchorage in the back web. They thus pulled against the concrete, which was banked over the pods between the two ºrebs. Temporary fastenings and spreaders Tºrºe employed to keep the beams parallel under loºd. Precatutions were taken to insure uniform loading by driving thin Wedges for the entire height of the bººm; . STEFL PORTION OF COFFERDAM: The remaining portion - of the cofferdam consisted entirely of steel sheet piling, in lengths of 45 feet to 65 feet. This piling was of º the type known as “Friestedt Symmetrical Piling w, consist— -17– ing in this case of a 15-inch channel at 33 pounds and two z bars, 4 1/8 x 3/8 inch at 9.2 pounds. This type of sheeting has an average section modulus per horizontal foot, of enclosure equal to 12.93. P1.3 shows in full lines the sheeting which had been driven prior to lowering the tubes. It was necessary to have this sheeting in place before submersion of the tubes in order to gain access for driving with a floating pile arivor. Triving was next started from each corner of the timber dam, pockets being formed of approx– imately the same width as the timber portion, and tied in with that portion previously driven. Thus it was necessary to have two laps in the falls of the pockets, a 5 shoºn on Pl. 3. All driving was done with a 4700 pound Arnott Steam Hammer, but, as the penetration was inconsiderable, the driving was easy. - All the pieces were provided with open holes ror 1. 1/2 inch rods, spaced at 6 foot centers (see P1.5. ). Upon the completion of these pockets, divers were set to Tork installing the tie rods. This work, of course, had to be left entirely to the divers, but they performed their york well. All the rods fºre provided ºrith 18 inches of thread at each end, and were of lengths suitable to various dimensions. All the rods passed through Wales made of two 6-inch channels with separators and were pro- -13– vided with 3/4-inch plate washers and double nuts at each end (see Pl. 3 and 5). As shown on Pl. 5, there remained after driving all the sheeting, large holes under the tubes between the first steel sheet piling adjacent to the timber portion of the dam and the lower quandrant of each tube. Owing to the extreme depth here, it was impossible to use clay filling, which would at once squeeze out. The following method was used for closing these gaps. The space beneath the tubes and between the diaphragma was first thoroughly cleaned of all slime that had accumulated down to good hard clay. This was 2 effected by means of pumping with a six-inch Morris centri- fugal, steam driven pump, which was mounted on the timber º º dam, the auction leading straight down to within about 5 feet of the bottom, then elbowing underneath the tubes with rubber hose. While the pump was running, two divers kept up a brisk stirring, so that this space was cleaned in a satisfactory manner. Next, under each diaphragm, as shown on Pl. 5, was built up a rowſ of bags filled about three-fourths full of cement, and these were thoroughly packed and tamped, effectually closing off the rockets. Two-inch grout pipes were set, leading from the top of the dam doºrn and under the tubes and ending in well points, the pipes being of various lengths. Around the pipes was carefully placed crushed stone, 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches in size, to fill up the entire -19- pocket as high as the top of the bags of cement. After this had been finished, purs cement grout was forced by means of air pressure, 80 to 100 pounds, into the crushed stone. At first it could not be determined whether concrete was being produced, but after a few trials, it could be seen from bubbles and the resistance to the air pressure, when it was time to stop forcing the rout through each pipe. generally grout #35 force through each pipe until plugged. After twenty-four hours, upon inspection, the concrete was hard and satisfactory. This process of filling in with stons and grouting was carried on up in 3-foot stages as shown on Pl. 5. This method not only effectually stopped any danger of leaks through this spandrel, but also gave firm anchorage to the sheet piling, and reduced its weakness due to extreme length by greatly stiffen- ing it. Before producing concrete by this method, experiments had been made ºrith Tremies, but owing to the horizontal distance which the concrete had to be forced this method was found to be unsatisfactory. In connection with the Tremie method, an attempt was made to overcome this horizontal travel of the concrete by means of a slight air pressure on the pipe, but this invariably ended in a sudden spouting of the concrete, causing a loss of most of the cement. The method used as described above was found *** - –20– very satisfactory, although somewhat slow. This grout- ing method was suggested by a number of well points which had been used for pumping along sewer trenches excavated in sand. It was found inadvisable to use any sand in the grout, as it clogged between the stones and bloºked the circulation of the grout. HYDRO-STATIC PREssung on STEEL poRrron. As in the cage of the timber portion of £he dam, there is an increasing hydro-static pressure ana a corresponding decrease of span, as the water in the enclosure is lottered. The inside and outside toys of piling exert an equal resistance to this pressure, which, exerted against the dam, can be aiviaea equally between these two rows, and it was a case of investigat— ing the strength of the piling to resist bending moment 33 & beam; the sheet piling in this case serving the §3rºle as the T beams on the timber portion of the dam previously described. The maximum stress was developed. When the water was lowered to elevation -15 and the span became 26 feet. This theoretical stress (about 36,000 pounds per square inch) is, for severºl reasons, much greate ºr than the actual stress. In the first place, the pockets formed by the steel sheet piling are comparatively narrow, and are rigidly supported, or fixed, at elevation -36. Also the first few sheeting adjacent to the timber portion of the dam, and those adjacent to the single row of piling –21– --- *" running back to the shore, are gripped throughout their entire length to practically rigid bodies. This side restraint is transmitted throughout the oute. and inner facing of the pocket, thus greatly starreñº ºne walls. In fact the river side of the pooket presents a steel diaphragm supported on all four eases, and * , practically impossible to obtain an accurate idea of the actual stresses involved. Any assistance from the natural inertia of the mass of clay in the pocket to resist the hydro-static pressure is also neglected. During the entire time of pumping out the enclosure, the dam was carefully observed for the purpose of detecting any possible signs of weakness. By reason of the rapidity with which the bracing was installed and wedged, it was not considered that there was any great risk at any time. corºppam BRACIng: owing to the constricted area of the enclosure in Thich the bracing was situated and the spacing of 5 foot centers, the stresses involved were comparat, ively small. This system of bracing was practically the same in the rest of the work G# the - - land section, a portion of mion was done in an open --- cut. The main thing to guard against was the pressures coming from the sides, caused by the weight of large –22- buildings and other unknown conditions. Since in a large system of bracing failure often occurs by up- heaving, it was necessary to watch carefully for indications of this, but it was not necessary at any time to provide ballast. TEMPORARY FOUNDATION FOR TURES :- As shown on Pl. 2 provision was made for a temporary foundation to take the Weight of the tubes until such time as a permanent - is: foundation could be made. For the temporary foundation two landing platforms were built, each 8 feet by 13 feet arid about 50 feet, from the ends of the tube. These were constructed of concrete and were merely a changed section or the regular keel. The elevation of the platforms when submerged was –54.0, and they landed on clumps of piles, which offered the proper resistance to the weight of the tube. Rather than drive long piling and saw them off to the required elevation, which would have been a tedious undertaking in that depth of water, maple rollers 8 inches in diameter, sharpened at, one end. and 5 to 6 feet long, Were used. In order to arive them and to determine their carrying capacity, a 9-inch wrought-iron pipe filled with §§hº was used as a follower. This pipe, 60 feet long, was provided at the bottom with a core of iron, inserted so as to leave a projection of pipe of about 1 foot, into which the roller was set. in place while being lowered by glamping device, which could be water surface by means of a cord, when the pile was in place. plain white marks to indicate the exact elevation of the top of the pile, and convenient and accurate gauges showing water elevation were near at hand. into place, was tapped lightly with a drop hammer until in each case by measuring directly from a point on the shore. of excavation, the resistance to driving varied slightly, but in every case it was more than equal to the weight of the follower and hammer. each pile is merely equal to this load, not including driving, and the water displacement being deducted, each pile has the following carrying capacity: –23– Weight of follower—-2040 pounds º * Sand------ 3.11.0 Trori ºore----------- 1090 Hämmer—---------------2000 T8:40 T}isplacement---------- 1677 Net------------5533 T The roller was held means of a simple loosened from the The pipe was also accurately gauged with The pile, with the follower, being lowered to grade, accurate location of the pile being obtained Owing to the irregularity in the surface On the assumption that ºt º º ºt º * ---- - Forty-two piles were driven in all, giving a total resistance, or carrying capacity, of 138 tons, which is very conservative in viewſ of the fact that all frictional resistance obtained from driving has been neglected. Since 100 tons of water ballast was determined upon as the weight to be used in lowering the tubes, this capacity was ample. LOWERING TUBES:- The timber dams being completed and the landing piles in place, the tubes were ready to be lowered. The method used was simple, Two pairs of girders 75 feet in span ſtere placed across the tubes, a pair at each end, supported on scows, to which ºf ere attached cable slings, wrapped about the tubes and -*. fastened to the shell to prevent creeping. These girders We're designed to carry a load of 60 tons per pair, or 120 tons, this being slightly in excess of the require- ment, . On each scow was placed a steam hoisting engine fed with steam from tugs standing by, which did the | towing to the site of lowering. the cables wrapped around the tubes led over the sheaves set on the girders and from there to the drum of the hoisting engines. In order to avoid unevenness during lowering, while letting in the Water ballast, each tube was divided into three compartments, as shown on Pl. 2. The inlet of water into these compartments was controlled on the tops of the adjacent stack, so that any compartment could be flooded at Will. Also suitable duplex pumps were installed in the tubes to remove water when necessary. Twenty-four hours previous to the time of lowering the tubes, the current in the river was checked by closing the gates at Lockport, Ill., at which point the sanitary District of Chicago maintain a dań and hydro-electric plant. With the current thus reduced, it was necessary to have only murricient Control of the tubes to check any tendency to lose alignment from other causes. For this purpose eight cables were used, three running upstream, three down, and one at each end. The cables all led to electric hoisting engines, furnished by the Street Railway Company, which were fed from nearby trolley lines. Breakwaters at the bridges and docks made suitable locations for these engines. As this, together with pre-arranged signals by megaphone, gave complete control of the tubes at all times, they were lowered to exact alignment arid grade without difficulty. From observations of the gauges on the bulkheads between the compartment, 3 for water ballast, it Was found that iss; than 100 tons of water were used in lowering. -26- PERMAN ENT FOUNDATION : - In yieſ of the fact, that the tubes when in position are ent, irely below the general elevation of the river bottom and in a comparatively narrow trench, sand is as guitable a mat, 3rial for a foundation as could be used, and is also the easiest and cheapest to install. This operation of placing a sand foundation was started at, once after the tubes had been set. For this purpose two steel sand carriers of the Lake Sand Company of Chicago, each of 600 cubic yards capacity, were used. These boats are provided With centrifugal sand pumps, With which they load them— selves in the lake. They are divided into six compart- ments, each, Then loaded, with a port hole inst above water line. To these port holes was secured an eight inch spiral riveted pipe, provided with a suitable intake hopper, the pipe leading straight down tangent to the tube as shown in Pi. 2. The pump was then started, dis- charging its water in a spray into the compartment at hand, causing a rapid flow of sand down the pipe and Ander the tube. This method worked successfully and about 3,000 yards of sand were placed in this way. During this operation it was necessary only to maintain careful inspection and see that at no time was there a greater amount of sand on one side of the tunnel than on the other, as an unbalanced wedging effect of the sand might have caused the tubes to shift. To safe- i. º -27- guard against this danger, water wras let into the tubes as the sand foundation increased in height. Precautions were taken against allowing any sand to run near the ends of the tubes ºthere the cofferdams were to be built, later on, as that might have caused $3rious leaks. CONCRETING BALANCE or FIVER SECTION. As noted before, there still remained a ſortion of the interior concrete lining to be placed. Thus far in concreting in the tubes, there had always been sufficient head room to permit the use of wheel-barrows, but these were not now available, as the remaining portion was at the top of the arch. Att, ention had at this time bee called to a concrète mixer which was able to mix and deliver a small batch of concrete (one-third cubic yard) by Pneumatic pressure. This machine consisted of a guitable receptacle, egg shapūd, with the pointed and down. On the top was a steel trap door, operated by means of a lever, which normally hung down into the mixer. The required amount of stone, Band, cement and water was dumped into the hopper, the trap was then shut, and the machine connected to the receiving tank of an air compressor (120 pounds). When the gauge on the mixer tank indicat, 3d 80 pounds, the valve in the discharge line was opened and the charge immediately started through the line, which led from the machine, located on the north dock, down the 3-foot –23– stack and along the arch of the tube to the point of º delivery. In this way it was possible to deliver concrete ºf . throughout the entire length of the tube from one set-up of the mixer, and the results were in every way equal to the other cond Tºet, a previously placed. The discharge line consisted of 6-inch spiral riveted pipe, which, however, was not very suitable because of the rivet heads. For all elbows and turns, sweeps were used, with a 5-foot radius instead of regular elbows, in order to cut down frictional resistance. - All mixing of ingredients took place ºfhile the material was passing through the line, tests having been made both with concrete and mixed ºolored poºrders. All tests showed a perfect mix, and the concrete was up to all the standards of the specifications. REMOVING GoFFERTAM:- After the connection of the land and river sections was completed, newſ dock *falls wºre constructed of timber, which rested on the land section just ahead of the end of the tubes. The river face of these docks was about 3 feet from the inside row of sheet piling of the cofferdam. As the timber ºork on these docks progressed upward, the bracing to the cofferdams was removed and replaced with short strut 5 to the new dock. After the completion of the docks, removal of the cofferdams was commenced. Owing -29– º to the concrete placed in the bottoms of the pockets between the sheet piling, it was impossible to pull the inside Tour. This rotºſ was then ºut off at elevation –30 by means of the oxygen acetylene torch. This burning was accomplished with little difficulty, as practically no water seeped through the cut to affect the flame. The next step ſtas the removal of the timber portion, which was done with a pile driver, by merely lifting the tiers of timber one from the other, slings being attached by a diver. The clay filling was exca wated and removed as it, slid into the river and hauled away in scows. The outside row of steel sheet piling was then pulled out, after which the inside row, which had been burned off, was removed. The greatest difficulty en- countered was in removing the outside row, owing to its adhesion to the concrete and the great friction between the individual pieces. Before this sheeting was pulled, the outstanding ends of all tie rods were sheared off by dropping on them a length of steel sheeting sharpened at one end. By skillful manipula- tion of the pile driver, all pieces were finally removed. Pº RSONNEL. The steel tubes described above were designed by E. G. & R. M. Shankland, Consulting Engineers, Chicago, Illinois; the land section of the tunnel was designed by the Board of Supervising Engineers, who represent the City's interest in the operation of all surface lines in Chicago. All work on the tunnel was subject to the inspection of both the Chicago Railways Co. and the Board. During the readjustment of the design of the cofferdams and the lowering of the tubes, the writer acted as assistant to the Chief Engineer, Mr. J. Z. Murphy, of the Chicago Railways Company, and later as Chief Engineer for the contractor in charge of the River Section. º - º - h º º l º | - H H = −. | ––––– 4° ºf ** H+ -- --------- - - - i i i sº § §: | 24 ºv. 2.- ºvº- § o º § º s | | --- º -- | - - +------ * * * - - - - - -- $ § * $ º H. &E & Aechaſt; / º: zeazzºe 5. ---------2” ºr ºn r- --~ ; : *** !. / N. : 4. *32- ºrºž ; : ‘......' . - | º 22 ºzz2 ºr zvez - ºf ºzzº **22-y2 was cº 222 2-zz 12-vº Zºvzzº Z-27 ºz. 2 ºr 7~Aazz. *** 2 &z==r *2. c22-. & 22/~r cºzzºzºo * vazz 22*2. PL. 2 - Hº: A/º. 22aº Zzaz t ré ** 3%"Azºo/, Æ2/*A*- /*, *e is § - ºver, 22.2%razeż ż ż22 - ===2Ae z*zzº º - º º º !, § | § - ‘S. | º ——ºzzo &c,… zze2/~ & - , & 32/2 24-22-4- T . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4% 2ZAze t - " . " - - - 2/2 Aºzzº ºzzºr's - l, - - - * - 3- Gºzzº &z-e < * , . - - **. : - - - - * ... " - - * - - . . . - ... “ . . . ‘. . . Wvºw/177Vº *WºWºźWºvº-vºzzº Žºwº/WZW, Rºy// \ vºwV)/)/WN 22 ºzza J7. 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