CATALOGUE PARSONS LIBKA AY University of MICHIGAN OF THE SPANISH PRODUCTIONS * SENT TO THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS. 1851. LONDON: PRINTED BY SCHULZE AND CO., 13, POLAND STREET. 1851. 690 } + * CATALOGUE OF THE SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. PARSONS LIGHA CATALOGUE University of MICHIGAN OF THE SPANISH PRODUCTIONS SENT TO THE London. GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, 1851. LONDON: PRINTED BY SCHULZE AND CO., 13, POLAND STREET. 1851. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. I. RAW MATERIALS. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat.. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi.] Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 1 12 CLASS I. MINING, QUARRYING, METALLURGICAL OPERA- TIONS, AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. Spain is one of the richest countries in mineral productions. There are few which she cannot boast of: coal, iron, silver, lead, copper, mercury, &c., abound in various of its districts, and from which the inhabitants chiefly derive their sub- sistence; but they are not worked on such an extensive line as they may, and will be within a few years. The produce of IRON in the year 1846 amounted in the Peninsula to more than 650,000 quintals (606,450 cwt.), and its value to 40,000,000 of reals (£416,635). The Spanish Iron Section at the Industrial Exhibition is only represented by a small number of exhibitors: Biscay, Madrid, Barcelona, and many other districts have not exhibited anything. THE FACTORY OF SAN PEDRO DE ARAYA, ALAVA. 1. Sparry iron from the Sierra de Ar- laban, in the same province. Very abundantly and generally found in a vein four yards thick, easily worked. The price of these ores at the mine, 2 reals per quintal (54d. per cwt.) 2. Ditto. 3. The same ore calcined. 4. Red hæmatite from the same Sierra, in round pieces and knobs. 5. Ditto. 6. Fire sandstone, from the vicinity of Araya, used in this factory. 7. Castinas, from the same place. 8. Coal of Asturias employed in this factory. 9. Beech-charcoal employed in the same. Very abundant. 2 FIRST PRODUCES. 10. Grey pig-iron. 11. Clear grey ditto. 12. White, called atruchada, ditto. 13. Slag. SECOND PRODUCES. 14. Raw iron, pudled. 15. Ditto, refined. THIRD PRODUCES. 16. Raw iron, drawn. 17. Ditto, completely refined. The price of the cast-iron is 40 reals per quintal (8s. 104d. per cwt.), and that of the malleable iron, 80 reals per quintal (17s. 94d. per cwt.) This factory, recently established, has at hand all the raw materials, except the coal, which is brought from Asturias. It may produce 25,000 quintals of cast and malleable iron per annum (23,325 cwt.) D. J. B. CERAIN, Maestu, ALAVA. Manufacturer, 1. Stone-iron from the Somorrostro mines in the province of Biscay, em- ployed in the iron-works of the exhi- bitor. The iron mines of Somorrostro, near Bilboa, where this ore comes from, yield abundantly, and supply many other factories. 2. The same ore calcined. 3. Slag. 4. Samples of soft iron in different forms, wrought in a Catalonian forge. These samples are obtained from the former ore. Price, 66 to 104 reals per quintal (14s. 8 d. to £1. 3s. 1 d. per cwt.) B .. 2 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. of the Articles. Cat. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns aud Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. 3 13 4 22 LO 5 в 4 7 17 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. 28. Micaceous iron with hydroxide, from Bacarés. It is employed in the iron-works of the same place. 29. Iron of great softness, obtained at the factory of Bacarés, in a Catalonian forge, by using oak and other char- coals. Principally consumed in the immediate neighbourhood. Price 120 reals per quintal (£1. 6s. 8d. per cwt.) 30. Soft iron from Ohanes, obtained from the iron-clay of Beires, in a Ca- talonian forge, which produces 6 quin- tals (5.6 cwt.) per day, and are sold at 64 reals per quintal (14s. 3d. per cwt.) This iron is very malleable, and on this account much esteemed and consumed in Almeria and Canjayar. D. F. AMOR, CORDOVA. Stone-iron from Villafranca. At this place the ore forms an entire moun- tain of considerable size. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GUIPUZCOA. 1. Iron-stone from Orulantequieta, in the town of Mutilva, found in beds of from 1 to 5 yards in thickness. 2. Ditto from Aldaes Iturry, found in beds of from 1 to 4 yards thick. Prices of both, 2 reals per quintal macho of 150 lb. (7s. 5d. per ton.) These ores are employed in the iron- works of Segura and Cegama, mixed with three parts of iron-stone of Somorrostro. The product obtained in a Catalonian forge is worth 104 to 108 reals per quin- tal macho of 150 lb. (15s. 5d. to 16s. d. per cwt.) D. COA, Eibar, GUIPUZ- 8 19 Samples of smelting iron. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LEON. 4. Hydroxide of iron from Yugueros, Er- cina. It occurs in layers of 1.16 yard thick, alternating with others of clay, and contains 30 per cent of iron. Price 22 maravedis per quintal (2s. 10d. per ton.) 5. Peroxide of iron from Matahanes, Ar- golejo. Found in veins of yard thick. It contains 40 per cent of iron. Price 6 maravedis per quintal (9 d. per ton.) (93d. 6. Hydroxide of iron from Espinadal, Saelites. Found in bunches. It con- tains 40 per cent of iron. Price, 3 ma- ravedis per quintal (44d. per ton.) 7. Ferruginous chalk-stone from Colie, Boñar. Found in continuous layers of yard thick. It contains 10 per cent of iron. Price, 5 maravedis per quintal (74d. per ton.) 8. Iron-clay from Saelices, Cistierna. Found in layers of great thickness, enveloping the bunches of hydroxide of iron. It contains 40 per cent of iron. Price, 3 maravedis per quintal (44d per ton.) 9. Ferruginous sandstone from Aljico, Cistierna. Found in continuous layers of 3 yards thick. It contains 30 per cent of iron. Price, 4 maravedis per quintal (64d. per ton.) The five former ores mixed with the coke, Nos. 2 and 3., presented by the same Inspector of Mines, produce at the foundry of the PALENTINA LEONESA COMPANY, in Sabero, the following arti- cles : 10. Grey pig-iron, smelted in a blast- furnace. Used for forging and cast- ing. Price, 11 reals per quintal (2s. 6d. per cwt.) 11. White-grey pig-iron. in forging. Only used 12. Forged and refined iron from the two former Nos. 10. and 11., which yield 72 per cent. It costs 37 reals per quintal (8s. 44d. per cwt.), and is sold 64 reals (14s. 3d. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MALAGA. 5. Magnetic iron from Marbella. This vein has been surveyed 200 yards in depth, and is extraordinarily rich. The ore is worked in nine blast-furnaces at Rio Verde and Malaga, and is after- wards refined and cast in the latter place. It yields an average of 60 per cent, and the annual produce amounts to 180,000 quintals (167,740 cwt.) RAW MATERIALS.] 3 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of the Offi. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. 9 23 10 15 11 21 8. Pyrite of iron and copper, from the Sierra Bermeja, at Benahavis. It ap- pears in lodes, winding in serpentine. D. J. GIRO, Malaga. Specimens of iron, from the works of EL ANGEL. Prices First class, 108 reals per quintal (£1 4s. 03d. per cwt.) Second class, ditto, ditto. Third class, 100 ditto (£1. 2s. 3d. per cwt.) Fourth class, 112 ditto (£1. 4s. 11d. ditto.) Fifth class, 96 ditto (£1. 1s. 44d. ditto.) Sixth class, ditto (£1. 1s. 44d. ditto.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, OVIEDO. Peroxide of iron, from Castañedo del Monte. Ditto, from Bayo. Ferruginous sand, from San Andres. Hydroxide of iron, from San Claudio. At the above works the mineral is found of a yard to 1 yard in thickness. It is used at the ROYAL MANUFACTORY OF TRUBIA for cannon and machine-casts. Price, 3 reals per quintal (Sd. per cwt.) Red oxide of iron, from Colunga. Hæmatite, from Monte Aranio. Oligiste, from the same place. The three latter ores are not at present worked. THE LEONESA-ASTURIAN COMPANY, Pola de Lena, OVIEDO. Specimens of steel. reals per arroba, £4. 9s. per cwt.) Prices, 40 to 100 (£1. 15s. 7d. to 12 20 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, SALAMANCA. It 8. Hydroxide of iron, from the San An- tonio mine at Alamos, Alberca. contains 45 per cent of iron, and is worked with charcoal, in Catalonian forges, at the ASUNCION FACTORY, in Macarro. 9. Carbonate of iron, from the Benefi- cencia mine, at Herrerias, in Hergui- juela. It contains 40 per cent of iron. 13 14 24 This ore is worked as the former, in the NUESTRA SENORA DEL CARMEN FACTORY, at Garzon. THE FACTORY OF LA MERCED, Guriezo, SANTANDER. Bar-iron, rod-iron, &c. Prices, 92 to 112 reals per quintal (£1. 5s. to £1. 4s. 11d. per cwt.) according to the size. THE PEDROSO IRON COM- PANY, Pedroso, SEVILLE. Different specimens of cast-iron, rod- iron, plate-iron, &c. The ores employed in this factory are oligiste, magnetic and hydrated. There are five water-wheels of 150 horse-power, and a steam-engine of 50 horse-power, which only works in the summer when the waters of the river are scarce; three blast furnaces, and eleven others of different classes; seven forges, &c. The fuel used in the blast-furnaces is charcoal; but in the rest, coals from Villanueva del Rio, four leagues distant, are employed. The factory produces 50,000 quintals (46,650 cwt.), but would produce 75,000, (69,975 cwt.) The products are of superior quality, but its prices are yet rather high: cast-iron, 38 reals per quintal, (8s. 51d. per cwt ;) soft-iron of first passage rolled, 60 reals per quintal (13s. 44d. per cwt.,) and the other classes, from 100 to 120 reals per quintal, (£1. 2s. to £1. 6s. 83d. per cwt.) The territory of the Spanish Peninsula is one of the richest of Europe in SILVER, and possesses great advantage over the other nations. Spain till these late years, has produced 184,158 marcos, (113,533 lbs. troy) of silver, whose value has surpassed 35,000,000 of reals, (£364.583. 6s. 8d.;) but since the discovery of the Hiendela- encina mines in the province of Guadala- jara, that produce has much increased. One of these mines alone, in the said province, has already yielded upwards of 20,000,000 of reals, (£208,333.) According to the last documents pub- lished by the Spanish Government, that country produced in 1846, 547,143 quin- 4 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Cat. of the Articles. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of the Offi. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles, 15 3 16 13 tals (510,484 cwt.) of lead, whose value amounted to 37,000,000 of reals, (£385,416.) D. A. O., GUADALAJARA. Silver ore from the mines discovered six years ago at Hiendelaencina, province of Guadalajara, the produce of which has SO much attracted the attention of miners. All the operations in these mines are executed in a very perfect, and at the same time a very cheap manner. Whole villages have been established in the neighbourhood. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. 1. Argentiferous galena, from Sierra Almagrera. The argentiferous depo- sits of this Sierra are generally ac- knowledged. The price of the first kind of galena, like the sample, is 240 reals per quintal (53s. 5d. per cwt.) Middling ditto, 100 reals ditto (22s. 3d. per cwt.) Inferior ditto, 50 ditto (11s. 1d. per cwt) At present they are worked in eight fac- tories, and the silver they produce is sold at 23 reals 8 maravedis per oz. (5s. 2 d. per oz. troy). The greater portion of it is exported to France. 2. Silver refined at Cuevas, in the fac- tory of Soler, accompanied by samples of the argentiferous galena from which it is produced; and others of lead and litharge of different qualities. The prices of the galena and silver, as the former. 3. Ditto, obtained in the Carmelita Fac- tory, from the ores of the Carmen mine, in the Sierra Almagrera. Price 23 reals 8 maravedis per oz. (5s. 24d. per oz. troy.) The mine and factory are going on with activity. 4. Galena from the Sierra de Gador. This ore belongs to the variety called metal acerado, the richest in lead of the best quality. There are many mines that abundantly afford this galena, being the principal riches of the country. The price on the ground is 32 reals per quintal (7s. Jd per cwt.), but variable The lead it produces is exported in great quantities, at the price of 55 reals per quintal (12s. 3d. per cwt.) 5. Galena, from the Sierra de Gador. This variety is called metal de hoja. It is sold, as taken from the mine, to the potteries, at 40 reals per quintal (88. 104d. per cwt.) This galena is the most productive ore of all the Sierra, though not the most abundant. There is a great exportation of it. 6. Ditto, called de hoja, from Padules, a nearly opened mine, perfectly well situated. Price, as the former. 7. Ditto, from the Sierra de Gador, a variety called metal de luz, very rich in lead of the best quality. There are many mines that produce this galena in abundance, being the principal productions of the country. Its price at the mine, 32 reals per quintal (7s. 1½d. per cwt.) The lead which it pro- duces is sold at 55 reals per quintal, (12s. 3d. per cwt.,) and exported in great quantities. 8. Ditto, from a newly opened mine in Padules, Sierra de Grador. Very abun- dant. Price at the mine, 20 reals per quintal, (4s. 6d. per cwt.) The lead it produces is principally exported to foreign countries at the price of 55 reals per quintal, (12s. 3d. per cwt.) 9. Ditto, called de hoja, with blende and sulphuret of iron, from Velez Rubio. The mines are not at present worked, in consequence of the difficulty of reduction, but according to the last calculations it will be soon succes- fully worked. 10. Ditto, from Carboneras, a vein that has only recently been worked, and as yet without any fixed price. 11. Carbonate of lead from Padules. The mines are very abundant, and go on actively and succesfully. Price, 201 reals per quintal, (4s. 6d. per cwt.) The lead it produces is obtained by re- verberatory furnaces, and is almost all exported to foreign countries, princi- pally France, at the price of 55 reals per quintal, (12s. 3d. per cwt.) } RAW MATERIALS.] 5 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. 10 Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi, Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Cat. of the Articles. 17 16 12. Lead of first-rate quality, very mal- leable. Its price, taken on an ave- rage, is 55 reals per quintal, (12s. 3d. per cwt.) A small portion of this lead is destined to the white lead manu- factory of Almeria, and the rest exported to foreign countries. 13. Ditto, of first quality, obtained from the ores of the Sierra de Gador. Treatment, use, and price, as the former. 31. Thirteen samples of sheet-lead from to inch thick, and from 6 to 7 feet wide, made of the best lead pro- duced from the ores of the Sierra de Gador, by cylinders, in the factory of D. M. A. Heredia, at Adra. Its price, from 90 to 98 reals per quintal, (£1.‡d. to £1. 1s. 94d. per cwt.,) according to the size. Consumed at home and exported. 32. Lead in tubes, obtained from the galenas of Sierra de Gador at the same manufactory. Prices at the factory, from 90 to 100 reals per quintal, (20s. d. to 21s. 9 d. per cwt.,) according to the size. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GRANADA. 21. Specimen of ores of lead and zinc, from the Sierra de Gador, found in very irregular deposits imbedded in the transition limestone, similar to that of the Sierra de Gador. It con- tains 15 per cent of lead, and a great quantity of zinc. The lead has been hitherto the only ore worked, but they begin to work the zinc. 19 Renteria, 8 miles distant from the mine, is 4 reals per quintal (1s. 1d. per cwt.) 7. Galena worked at Mocorrotz, and found in a vertical vein of variable thickness. Fluor-spar accompanies this ore. 8. Ditto, from Olaquiñeta. Found more or less associated with blende; iron and copper pyrites are also met with, but in small quantity. 9. Ore of Artzorrotz, consisting of ga- lena, with more or less blende and iron, and copper pyrites. 10. Galena, from Lastaolaburo, contain- ing blende in divers proportions, and also copper and iron pyrites, accom- panied with fluor-spar and quartz. 11. Ditto, from Olaquiñeta. The same as No. 8, but of another mine. THE DIRECTOR OF MINES, LINARES. 1. Sulphuret of lead, from the Arra- yanes mine, known by the commercial name of alquifou, used in the potteries. Consumed at home. Price, 7 to 8 reals per arroba (6s. 24d. to 7s. 13d. per cwt.) 2. Lead after the first smelting from the above ore, and employed for founder- ing, not being so pure as the alquifou. It contains 8 to 9 adarmes of silver per quintal, or to s Price, 1 $200 50 reals per quintal (11s. 14d. per cwt.) 20 14 LEAD MINING ASSOCIATION, LINARES. Lead ore. 18 4 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, 21 18 GUIPUZCOA. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LUGO. 3. Galena from Lordiz, where it is found more or less mixed with sulphuret of zinc in a layer 2 feet thick. 4. Blende and galena, from Tizcoch. These two species of ore are found in great abundance in a vein of iron- spar, about 14 yards in width 6. Blende worked at Miatzegorrieta. It is met with in great abundance near the surface, in a layer of spar-iron of 3 yards width. The market price at 22 19 1. Argentiferous ores, from the mines of MESSRS. REMISA and Co. 2. Samples of lead obtained in a large trial-foundry. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MALAGA. 1. Galena, with iron pyrites, from Mijas. The vein now worked produces on an average 38 per cent of lead, and 8 6 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of the Offi. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos, of the Offi. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. 23 adarmes of silver per quintal of ditto, or. Price at the mine, 3 reals per quintal (9 per cwt.) 2. Galena, with hydroxide of iron, from Mijas. It is reduced in reverberatory furnaces. Price, the same as above. 3. Galena, fine grain, from the Sierra de Nerja, found in layers and bunches in a crystalline limestone. It affords 40 per cent of lead of good quality. Common price. 4. Blendeous and antimonial galena, from Marbella, explored in 60 yards depth in the transition. It produces 40 per cent. of lead and 2 oz. of silver per quintal of ditto, or sÙo. This last year 4,000 quintals (3,730 cwt.) have been sold at Carthagena, at the price of 20 reals per quintal (4s. 5žd. per cwt.) 7. Graphite, or black lead, from the Cueva Sibujas, in the Sierra Bermeja, in the district of Benahavis. Found in knobs imbedded in serpentine. These mines have been worked for a century, and have yielded more than 400,000 quintals (373,200 cwt.). It has been surveyed to the depth of 70 yards, and promises an abundant produce. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MURCIA. 1. Argentiferous galena, in contact with sulphuret of zinc, from the San José mine, in Mazarron, containing 14 per cent. of lead and 2 oz. of silver per quintal of ditto, or abʊ. 2. Sulphuret of zinc, in contact with iron pyrites, from the same mine. This mineral always accompanies the galena No. 1, and is exhibited to show the abundance with which it occurs in the deposit of Mazarron. 3. Argentiferous galena, from Cartha- gena, in contact with sulphuret of zinc, from the Josefita mine. It con- tains 12 per cent. of lead and 2 oz. of silver per quintal of ditto, or góð. 4. Ditto, in contact with sulphuret of zinc and iron pyrites, from the same mine, with blende and clay predomi- nating. 5. Ditto, in contact with iron pyrites, from the same mine. In this speci- men, the galena appears in a confused crystalline mass, having abandoned the blende with which it is usually united, and associated with iron py- rites. It contains 29 per cent. of lead and 2:56 oz. of silver per quintal of the latter, or 5. 6. Iron pyrites, in contact with argenti- ferous galena, from the Bilbao mine. In this sample the pyrites appear in a foliaceous form, alternating with very thin layers of argentiferous galena. This sort of ore, which contains 4 per cent. of lead, and only signs of silver, is used in working the ancient slags. 7. Ditto, in contact with argentiferous galena, from the same mine. It is the same species as the former, but in this specimen the galena predominates. in broader plates. 8. Ditto, in contact with argentiferous galena, from the same mine. In this sample the pyrites appear traversing the clayschist, which is the rock where the metallic layer is enclosed; the galena is sprinkled with some particles of copper pyrites. 9. Argentiferous galena, in contact with iron and copper pyrites, from the same mine. In this specimen, the galena forins the principal mass; it effects an irregular crystallization, appears pierced in various ways by pyrites, and preserves the clayey mat- ter in which it is found imbedded. This ore contains 32 per cent. of lead and 2 oz. of silver per quintal, or 717• 10. Ditto, from the same mine. In this specimen, the galena is nearly divested of impurities, and with a tendency to form bands. It contains 60 per cent. of lead and 2:58 oz. of silver per quintal, or o 1 11. Ditto, from the Porvenir mine. In this example the same tendency is seen, and a group of crystals of a large size, sprinkled with iron pyrites, which has also invaded some parts of the mass. 12. Ditto, from the same mine. The plates which form the mass of this specimen are closely united. Some particles of pyrites of iron and copper alone interfere with its impurity. It contains 68 per cent. of lead, and the RAW MATERIALS.] 7 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi. Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. same quantity of silver as the prece- ding. 13. Argentiferous galena, crystallized, from the Alianza mine. The galena here appears of a cuticular form, and accompanied by blende and iron py- rites It contains 14 per cent of lead, and 2 oz. of silver per quintal of ditto, or so. 14. Ditto, from the same mine. Simi- lar to the preceding, but not so pure. 15. Ditto, granular, from the Española mine. It appears in contact with the carbonated ores, forming isolated no- dules. Contains 50 per cent of lead, and 2 oz. of silver per quintal of the latter, or bo• The 16. Ditto, in contact with the carbonate of lead, from the same mine. mutual contact of both substances in this specimen is clearly shown. It con- tains 66 per cent of lead, and 1.89 oz. of silver per quintal or so. 17. Ditto, from the same mine. Similar to the former, but with the carbonate of lead predominating in a greater degree. 18. Platy galena, disseminated in a clayey mass, from the Santana mine. It contains 12 per cent of lead, and 2 oz. of silver per quintal, or gòc. 19. Carbonate of lead in contact with iron, from the Española mine. This species, which is comparatively rare, is worked together with other poorer ores. It produces 25 per cent of lead, and 1 oz. of silver per quintal, Οι τέσσ 20. Ditto, a variety of the former, and its produce is the same as the above. 21. Nodules of carbonate of lead and crystals of quartz, united by a mass of iron-clay, from the Enrique 8° mine. This ore is rare, and is found in iso- lated lumps in the layers of iron-clay which accompany the carbonated ores. Its produce is in about the same ratio as the preceding. 22. Nodules of carbonate of lead ad- herent by a mass of iron-clay, from the same mine. It is one of a species which is found in the Sierra de Carta- gena. The matrix is clayey, and serves as a cement to the grains of carbonate of lead. 23. Carbonate of lead in a mass of quartz, from the Afortunada mine. In this specimen the latter is so inti- mately united with the carbonate, that at first sight it appears to be an homogeneous mass. It contains 37 per cent of lead, and 1.37 oz. of silver per quintal, or 1163. 24. Crystals of carbonate of lead, united by a clay-iron cement, from the Ra- faela mine. 25. Ditto, from the Relampago mine, so intimately united as to form an homo- geneous mass. 26. Ditto, from the same mine. The carbonate in this specimen forms bands of different colours. 27. Ditto, from the same mine. A con- fused crystallization in capillary needles. The 28. Ditto, from the Sol mine. grouping of crystals in such clean confusely united prisms, makes this sample a very remarkable one. 29. Ditto, from the Relampago mine, in flat and long prisms, covered with arsenio-phosphate. 30. Ditto from the same mine, but with the crystals more clearly seen. 31. Arsenio-phosphate of lead, from the same mine, in hexagonal prisms, with crystals of carbonate. The size and purity of the crystals makes this a very beautiful mineralogical sample. 32. Arsenio sulphuret and arsenio-phos- phate of lead, from the same mine. 33. Specimen of the same, but with the band of arsenio-sulphuret more dis- tinct. 34. Crystallized arsenio-phosphate, from the same mine, composed of quartz and crystals of arsenio-phosphate and carbonate of lead. It is a very rare kind. 35. Carbonate of lead, imbedded in a mass of iron-clay, from the Eloisa mine. This ore is the most general in the country, and though the pro- duce is only 8 per cent. the ease with which it is smelted, and its abundance render it valuable. 36. Ditto, with quartzy matrix, from the Enrique 8° mine. It contains 8 per cent. of lead and oz of silver per quintal of the latter, or . 37. Ditto, mixed with ferro-hydrate, from the same mine. It contains only 7 per cent of lead. 8 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 38. Carbonate of lead, from the Eloisa mine, with mixture of sulphate and small grains of quartz in the ferro- hydrate. It contains 10 per cent. of lead, and oz. of silver per quintal of ditto or 39. Ditto. latter. 0. Another specimen of the 40. Ditto, in crystals, united by an iron- clay cement, from the Rafaela mine. 41. Ditto, in crystals, from the Serrano mine. In this the crystals are only slightly adherent. 42. Ditto, mixed with the ferro-hydrate, from the same mine. This ore, though of small produce, containing only 5 per cent of lead, is worked mixed with others. 43. Ditto, in powder, in a mass of iron- clay, from the Sobresaliente mine. Much sought for by the founders on account of its great fusibility. It af- fords 10 per cent of lead, but the car- bonate being in a pulverized state, much care is required in its transport- ation. 44. Ditto, from the San Antonio mine, similar to the preceding, but having greater compactness in the matrix. 45. Ditto, earthy, mixed with carbonate of iron, from the Rafaela mine. 46. Ditto, crystallized, mixed with ferro- hydrate, from the Inglesa mine. Very abundant, and contains 10 per cent of lead. • 47. Ditto, in crystals of quartz, from the Enrique 8° mine. The carbonate in this specimen is in a mass, and the crys- tals of quartz are in groups. It contains 15 per cent. of lead, and 1 oz. of sil- ver per quintal of ditto, or TOO 48. Ditto, with quartz, from the same mine. Richer in lead than the pre- ceding, as it contains 25 per cent. 49. Ditto, crossed by a band of sul- phate, from the Rafaela mine. The black band which forms the nucleus of the mass is the sulphate, which must have been derived from the de- composition of the galena. It is a very rare species, and contains 67 per cent of lead, and no silver. 50. Sulphate of lead, in a mass, with ferro-hydrate, from the Mosqueteros mine. Contains 8 per cent of lead. 51. Ditto, from the Dolores mine. Like the former, but more compact, and accompanied with quartz. 52. Sulphate of lead, massive, from the Relampago mine. Like the preceding, but richer, affording 35 per cent. 53. Carbonate and sulphate of lead, with ferro-hydrate, from the Rafaela mine. Contains 22 per cent. of lead. 54. Sulphate of lead, massive, with ferro-hydrate, from the Relampago mine. It is the principal ore of that mine, and affords the same quantity of lead as the preceding. 55. Ditto, massive, from the same mine, but of a finer grain than the former. 56. Mass composed of crystalline grains of sulphate of lead, in contact or covered with ferro-hydrate. It is not very abundant, but affords 53 per cent. of lead, and 1 oz. of silver per quintal, or Tooo. I 57. Sulphate of lead, crossing a mass of carbonate, and crystals of the latter. A variety of the preceding. 61. Ancient lead slag. It contains 6 per cent. of lead, and 1 oz. of silver per quintal, or Tooo. Spain under the Romans possessed most extensive mines, and mining and metal- lurgical processes were considerably ad- vanced. Pliny describes many of these; and from the statements made by that author and others, it is probable that the mines of Spain yielded nearly all the silver, lead, and copper to the Roman empire. The enormous heaps of slag, known as Roman scoria, the refuse of their works, still contains a sufficient quantity of silver to repay for working them. 62. Ancient lead slag, belonging to a more remote period than the prece- ding. 63. Roman litharge, commonly found in lumps by the side of the ancient scoria. This specimen contains 51 per cent. of lead, without the slightest trace of silver, a circumstance which appears to prove that the art of ex- tracting minerals was very advanced amongst the ancients. 54. Small round piece of carbonate or phosphate of lead, called garvillo de RAW MATERIALS.] 9 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. ! Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Cat. rambla, washed down by the moun- tain torrents. It contains 13.50 per cent. of lead, and 3 oz. of silver per quintal of ditto, or • 65. Ore, called gandinga de rambla, par- ticles more minute than the preceding. The specimen exhibited has been pro- duced by washing. It contains 20 per cent. of lead, and 2 oz. of silver per quintal of the latter, or sʊ. 66. Ancient slag, similar to No. 61, called from its flattened form, tejil- lo. 67. Ditto, similar to the preceding, called menuda, from its smaller size. 68. Ore, called gandinga de escoria, pro- duced from washings or residuum of the slag called no tiene mas. 69. Ditto, like the preceding. 1 • The minutest particles which escape the former processes, on being submitted to a washing, produce this specimen. It contains 15 per cent. of lead and 1.25 oz. of silver, or 120 70. Ore, called gandinga de escoria, simi- lar to No. 68, but thicker. 74. Crystals of lead, obtained by Pattin- son's method in the Lozana Factory in Carthagena. The introduction of Pattinson's process of de-silvering lead into Spain, has been very important to the mineral interests of that country, as they are now enabled to work lead ores containing a small per centage of silver, which previously did not pay for extracting by any other method. 75. Lead from the smelting of the gan- dinga de escoria, specimen No. 68., from the Cartagenera Factory. It has only slight traces of silver. 76. Ditto, from the Bona Factory. Pro- duced from the union of carbonates of lead with slag Nos. 66, 67, and 69. It contains 1 oz. of silver per quintal, or 1 1066 • 77. Ditto, extracted by Pattinson's me- thod. 78. Ditto, from the San Isidoro Factory, from ancient slag, similar to Nos. 62 and 70. Slight traces of silver. 79. Ditto, from the San Jorge Factory, produced from the mixture of argen- tiferous ores of the Sierra Almagrera with those of the district. The lead 24 25 26 15 20 affords 6.68 oz. of silver per quintal, or by. 80. Lead, from litharge, made by the English process in the same factory. It contains oz. of silver per quintal, or 6100. 6-400 81. Ditto, hard, before crystallization, from the Lozana Factory. It is after- wards reduced in reverberatory fur- naces. It contains 1.80 oz. of silver per quintal, or 5. 82. Ditto, soft, from the same factory. The latest produce of crystallization. It contains oz. of silver per ton, or 1 64000 83. Ditto, prepared after the English process, from the same factory. It contains 7 oz. of silver per quintal, org. 84. Stalactitic iron, with crystals of car- bonate of lead, from the Relampago mine. THE SAME EXHIBITOR, Mur- CIA. 1. Sample of argentiferous galena, weighing 7 arrobas and 10 lib (1.72 cwt.), from the Carmen mine, one of which works the celebrated vein called El Jaroso, at the Sierra Almagrera. This ore contains 43 per cent of lead, and 12.80 oz. of silver per quintal, or. 2. Earths, of the same mine. They contain 2 per cent of lead and 7.40 adarmes of silver per quintal, or • THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, OVIEDO. Sulphuret of lead, from the Trapisonda mine. Ditto, from the Conde de Toreno mine. These ores contain 70 per cent of lead, but they are not at present worked. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, SALAMANCA. 3. Sulphuret of lead, from the Morilla mine, Campillo de Salvatierra. Found in a vein of 6 to 12 inches thick. It contains 62 per cent of lead, and is only employed in potteries. Price, 50 reals per quintal (118. 14d. per cwt.) 10 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 27 28 20 4. Carbonate of lead, from the same mine, mixed with the preceding. It contains 38 per cent. of lead, and of silver. 1 1500 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, TARRAGONA. Four samples of galena, from the govern- ment mines of Falset, one weighing 1 cwt., and the others 12 lbs. each. The produce of this ore amounts to 6000 quintals, (5,598 cwt.) per annum, which are sent to Tortosa, Barcelona, and Marseilles. Price of the first quality, 44 reals per quintal, (9s. 9 d. per cwt.) Second quality, 40 reals per quintal (8s. 104d. per cwt.) Third quality, 38 reals per quintal (8s. 5 d. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ZAMORA. 1 Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 600 31 1. Carbonate and phosphate of lead, con- taining 42 per cent. of lead, and of silver. It appears in a vein vary- ing in thickness from 4 to 14 inches, in the Santa Clara mine, at Losacio. Its treatment is very difficult on ac- count of its combination with anti- mony and arsenic. 2. Argentiferous lead, produced from the former. It contains a small quantity of arsenic and antimony, which renders its smelting difficult. MARTE MINING PANY, Losacio, ZAMORA. 29 THE 10 Specimen of silver. Ditto of lead. 30 11 COM- THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, SARAGOSSA. 1. Argentiferous galena, from the San Vicente mine, district of Fombuena : lead, 28 per cent.; silver, 2 oz. per quintal, or go. 1 800 3. Ditto, from the Desgraciada mine, district of Ateca; lead, 22 per cent.; silver, 3 oz. per quintal or. Price, 5 reals per quintal, (1s. 14d. per cwt.) 5. Antimonial galena, from the Nuestra señora de los Dolores mine, in the same district; lead, 18 per cent.; antimony, 13 32 16 33 12 per cent.; silver 14 oz. per quintal, 1 or Price, 5 reals per quintal, 1066 (1s. 1d. per cwt.) 6. Sulphuret of lead and antimony, from the Ascension mine, district of Nombrega; lead, 22 per cent.; anti- mony, 8 per cent.; silver, 2 oz. per quintal, or Price, 5 reals per quin- tal (1s. 1d. per cwt.) 800* BO The industry of COPPER, according to the statistics published in 1846, pro- duces 12,000 quintals (11.196 cwt.) per annum, the value of which amounted to 5,000,000 of reals (£52,083). This cop- per principally belongs to the mines of Rio Tinto, and the greatest part is em- ployed in coining, and for the use of vessels of the navy. These last years many other mines begin to be worked, and it is be- lieved this class of industry will be in- creased. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. 23. Blue and green carbonate of copper, from Velez Rubio. At present not worked. 24. Carbonate and oxide of copper, from Bayarque. 25. Grey copper, argentiferous and car- bonated, from Velez Rubio. 26. Copper refined in the factory of San Miguel, district of Benahadus. Price; 105 reals per arroba, (£4. 13s. 5 d. per cwt.) 27. Grey copper, worked in the district of Turre. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, Granada. 20. Ore of sulphuret of copper, from the Rafaela mine, in the Sierra Nevada, district of Huejarsierra. This mine was abandoned for some time, but it is now worked. THE DIRECTOR OF MINES OF RIO TINTO, HUELVA. 1. Grey copper from the Preciosa mine. It contains 22 per cent. of copper, and 0.125 of silver. Price, 60 reals per quintal, (13s. 4d. per cwt.) RAW MATERIALS.] 11 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 34 15 2. Raw mineral ore, proceeding from the vein of double pyrites of iron and copper. This ore, which affords, on an average 5 per cent. of copper, appears in a mass of irregular form, and of large dimension. The mine produces 50,000 quintals, (46,650 cwt.) per annum. 3. Ore prepared by slow roasting, ex- posed to the open air in piles, and worked by the damping process. 4. Bar of forged iron, covered with a case of copper precipitated from the waters of the Rio Tinto, which, tra- versing excavations made at different epochs, some very remote, carry sul- phate of copper in solution. 5. Bar of cast iron, covered with a case of copper, precipitated, by the action of the iron, from the waters charged with sulphates of iron and copper. 6. Bar of fine copper, produced from the refining of the case of the class No. 4, performed in a reverberatory furnace. 7. Cake of fine copper, resulting from the refining, in crucibles, of the scales of No. 5. Price, 95 reals per arroba (£4 4s. 6d. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, OVIEDO. 1. Blue carbonate of copper, from the Milagro mine. 2. Grey carbonate of copper, from the same mine. These ores, found in lumps of different sizes, are of a supe- rior quality, and all exported to fo- reign countries. Its price, 20 reals per quintal (4s. 5 d. per cwt.) 37 25 D. V. FERNANDEZ, SEVILLE. 38 26 39 40 Cake of fine copper. Easily worked. Price, 90 reals per arroba (£4 Os. Id. per cwt.) D. J. IBARRA, SEVIlle. A mass of copper. Half ditto, ditto. Price, 90 reals per arroba (£4 Os. 1d. per cwt.) 20 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, 4 41 15 35 9 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, SARAGOSSA. 2. Ore of copper, from the Imperial mine, containing 18 per cent. 7. Ore of copper, from the Maria mine, district of Biel, containing 15 per cent. 8. Argentiferous copper, from the Men- sula mine, district of Calcera. Copper, 11 per cent.; silver, 8 oz. per quintal, or 200* The mines of Riopar are the only ones in the Peninsula where the ZINC is much worked. The quantity obtained in 1846 amounted to 6,510 quintals (6,074 cwt.), but these last years it has a good deal increased. The factory of San Juan de Alcaraz employs a great quantity of it in the making of zinc plates, and in the ma- nufacture of kitchen and other utensils. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GUIPUZCOA. Calamine, from Astovide. Very abun- dant, and contains 55 per cent. of zinc. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, OVIEDO. Calamine, from the Casualidad mine Not yet worked. 36 SANTANDER. Copper pyrites, from the Constancia mine, town of Camaleño, district of Potes. The ore affords 20 per cent. of copper. UNITED MINES SEVILLE. COMPANY, Fine copper, from Castillos de las Guardas. Price, SS reals per arroba (£3 18s. 4d. per cwt.) The produce of TIN is not so great as that of other metals, but some ores lately discovered begin now to be worked. The provinces of Galicia and Zamora, to which the following samples belong, have pro- duced these last years from 40 to 50 quin- tals (37 to 461 cwt.) 12 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi-Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. 42 18 43 20 44 13 Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ORENSE. Specimens of tin, from the factory of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, situated in Bearon, belonging to D. D. A. Mer- ELLIZ. Very pure, and on this ac- count much sought for. Price, 395 reals per quintal (£4 7s. 10d. per cwt.). Employed for home consumption. The ores from which this tin is derived are of the Aurora, Tojalino, and Carmen mines, its price being 70 reals per quintal (15s. 9d. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ZAMORA. 5. Ore of oxide of tin, partially argenti- ferous, containing 55 per cent. of tin, found in irregular veins in the Santa Clotilde mine. 6. Tin obtained from the same mine. It costs 230 reals a quintal (£2 11s. 2d. per cwt.), and is sold at 440 reals per quintal (£4 17s. 11d. per cwt.) The celebrated and well-known mines of MERCURY of Almaden are worked in veins of very considerable thickness, oc- curring in the rocks of La Mancha. Not- withstanding the active operations carried on in these mines for many centuries, the depth has not exceeded 150 fathoms; but the principal vein has a thickness of from 30 to 50 feet, and the magnitude is still more considerable where the veins intersect. The mines yield native mer- cury and the sulphuret, the latter (cinna- bar), containing a very large quantity of metal. The veins extend for a consider- able distance, running east and west from Almaden. They furnish annually upwards of 22,000 quintals (20,526 cwt.) of mer- cury, which has formed these last years more than the three-quarters of the whole produce of all the countries. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. 20. Sulphuret of mercury, from Tijola. 21. Ditto, from Bayarque. These veins are not yet worked. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 45 6 22. Quicksilver, obtained from the pre- ceding ores. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, Almaden, CIUDAD REAL. Ores and their products, from the mines called Pozo, Castillo, Concepcion, Valdeazo- quel, and Entre dicho, situated in Almaden and Almadenejos, towns to the west of the province of Ciudad Real, and so much celebrated by their deposits. 1. Micaceous clay-slate, from the lower Silurian formation. 2. Calymene tristani, from this forma- tion. 3. Fragment of Calymene tristani. 4. Sandstone with Sprirtfer trigonalis, and other bivalves from the Devonian formation. 5. Compact Eufotite, in contact with the vein of the Concepcion mine. 6. Virgin quicksilver from the same mine. 7. Ditto, from the Valdeazoquel mines. 8. Ditto, from the Entredicho mine. 9. Iron pyrites combined with the virgin quicksilver of the Concepcion mine. 10. Crystallized cinnabar and virgin quicksilver from the same mine. 11. Crystallized barytes, with virgin quicksilver from the same mine. 12. Calcareous spar, from the same mine. The ores of the Concepcion mine contain 0.976 per cent. 13. Slaty cinnabar, from the Valdea- zoquel mine. 14. Sandstone impregnated with cinna- bar, from the same mine. The ores of the Valdeazoquel mine, contain 1.114 per cent. 15. Quicksilver ore, called Corneo, from the Entredicho mine. 16. Similar ore, called Piedra frailesca, from the same mine. 17. Quartzite, with portions of cinna- bar, from the mines of Almaden. 18. Ditto, from the upper Silurian rocks, which form the veins of the mines of Almaden. 19. Brown sand-stone, called Solera, variegated with cinnabar and globules of quicksilver, from the vein of San Francisco. 20. A specimen more penetrated with RAW MATERIALS.] 13 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Alcated the Off. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 46 15 Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. the crystallization of the cinnabar, a 47 little distinct, from San Diego. 21. A specimen of still richer quality, from San Pedro. 22. Another ditto, with the crystals very distinct. 23. Cinnabar, or upper ore, from San Nicolas. 24. Plate of cinnabar worked and po- lished, from the same. 25. Slate, from San Pedro. 26. Breccia, or Piedra-frailesca, with crystals of lime-spar with joints of cinnabar. 27. Native quicksilver, from San Pedro. 28. Artificial sublimate. 29. Vermillion. 30. Slag, from the upper ore. 31. Ditto, from the Solera, or China. 32. Goniatites and some other fossils, from the Devonian formation. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, OVIEDO. 8. Cinnabar, from Mieres. 9. Ditto, from the Deseada mine. 10. Ditto, from the Considerada mine. 11. Ditto, from the Paillet. This ore is of good quality, and found in lumps of different sizes. 27. Quicksilver, from the distillations made by the Anglo-Asturiana Com- pany, at their works in the district of Mieres. 21. Ditto, from the distillations made by the Union Asturiana Company, in the same district. The whole of the quicksilver produced at these mines is sold to the Government at 1,100 reals per quintal (£12 4s. 9d. per cwt.) Auriferous ores and sands occur very frequently in the Spanish Peninsula, but they have only been slightly taken in the River Sil, and furnished in 1846, 50 mar- cos (31 lb. troy) of gold, the value of which amounted to 160,000 reals (£1,666. 13s.). In the provinces of Gerona, Granada, &c., where the gold occurs either in crystal- line rocks or as a transported product, several companies have been lately formed to dig it up. કો 48 16 49 17 50 18 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GERONA. Two samples of auriferous quartz from the Carolina mine, at Culera, weigh- ing 18 and 5 lb. This ore is richer than that of the Boresowik, from the Urals. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GRANADA. Auriferous sands, from the Barranco de Doña Juana. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LEON. 20. Native Gold. 21. Auriferous earths. These minerals belong to the alluvions in the valley formed by the river Pequeño, in the Upper Cabrera. These alluvions cover a large extent of surface in the pro- vince, and promise future success. In the last Industrial Exhibition, held at Madrid, a pepito, weighing 181 adarmes, taken in the river Espino, district of Astorga, was shown. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, CORUNNA. 1. Specimen of nickel ore, weighing 2 lb., from the neighbourhood of Cape Ortegal. Price at the mine, 8 reals per quintal (1s. 9d. per cwt.) 2. Ditto, with efflorescences of hydro- carbonate of nickel. 3. Native sulphate of nickel, crystal- lized, proceeding from the natural vitriolization of the ore No. 1. Price 320 reals per lib. (£3. 4s. per lb. avoird.) 4. Hydrated oxide of nickel, from the decomposition of the sulphate No. 3. Same price. 5. Pure metallic nickel, obtained from the reduction of the oxalate of nickel proceeding from the decomposition of the sulphate No. 3, and by the re- duction of the oxide No. 4. Price 1,600 reals per lib. (£16. perlb. avoird.) | 14 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi ficated Nos. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Cat. of the Articles. 51 19 52 20 53 10 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MALAGA. 6. Antimoniuret of nickel, from Carra- traca. Appears in nodules, or nuclei, imbedded in a serpentine much per- vaded by felspar. It now begins to be worked in a factory established at Malaga, which has sold 500 quintals (466 cwt.) at the price of 20 reals each (4s. 5d. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ZAMORA. 3. Silicate of antimony, containing 60 per cent. of antimony, found in a vein of from 6 to 24 inches thick in the Generala mine, of the same district. THE MARTE MINING COM- PANY, Losacio, ZAMORA. Ore and regulus of antimony. 56 16 54 11 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, SARAGOSSA. 55 16 4. Antimony from the Paraiso mine, at Ateca. Price, 176 reals per quintal £1 19s. 1d. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GRANADA. 18. Cobalt ore from the Leon de Oro mine, discovered a year ago, and begins now to be worked, promising success. 19. Oxide of cobalt, from Albuñuelas, where it is found in the greatest abun- dance. The chief deposits of COAL in Spain are in Langreo, and other parts of the pro- vince of Asturias; in Espiel and Belmez, Cordova; in Utrilla and Aliaga, Teruel : in the mountains of Leon, from Orbo to Reinosa; in the valley of Ter in Catalonia, and in many other places. Several of those which have been hitherto neglected are now beginning to be worked. The de- posits of Asturias, which are the most con- siderable, are chiefly of the carboniferous period, and rise from beneath tertiary rocks, covering the plains of Leon and 57 4 58 17 Castille. They are highly inclined, and consist of numerous alternations of grit and shale, with thin beds of limestone, together with coal seams, one of which is of good quality, and nearly 9 feet thick. After these, and below them, appear a multitude of other seams, of older date than the coal of other countries of Europe; and connected with these beds, but always below them, are several beds of hæma- tite, one of which is of pure ore, 50 feet thick, and extending to a considerable distance. These coal-fields, on the whole, must be regarded as of great value and extensive range, though till now, the want of perfect means of transport, have not allowed of their being worked to advantage. The railway of Langreo, which will soon be finished, will greatly diminish the price of these coals, which are rather high, and give a new impulse to Spanish industry. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GRANADA. 2. Coal. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GUIPUZCOA. 5. Lignite from Iquelzo-putzuco-ondoa ; the thickness of the bed is from 2 to 4 feet. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LEON. 1. Coal, from the Sucesiva mine, at Saelices, Cistierna, found in a layer of 2.33 yards thick. It costs at the coal- pit 22 maravedis per quintal, (1s. 5d. per ton,) and is sold at 1 reals a quintal, (6s. 8d. per ton.) 2. Coke, from the preceding coal, ob- tained in the open air, yielding 55 It costs 1 reals a quintal per cent. (6s. 8d. per ton), and is sold at 3½ reals (15s. 9d. per ton.) 3. Ditto, obtained from the same coal, yielding 65 per cent. This coal costs 1 real and 24 maravedis per quintal (3s. Id. per ton), and is sold at 3 reals 24 maravedis (16s. 6d. per ton.) These cokes are consumed in the iron-works of the Palentina Leonesa Company, at Sabero. RAW MATERIALS.] 15 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi.| Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 59 15 · THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, 62 28 OVIEDO. 60 27 61 Coal from the Leonesa Asturiana Com- pany, district of Pola de Lena. Consumed in the iron-works at the same place. The steel produced by this company has been also exhibited by the same inspector, and already mentioned in this catalogue. Ditto, from the mines of D. L. LILLO, district of Sama de Langreo. Price at the coal-pit, 28 maravedis per quintal (3s. 8d. per ton); at Gijon, 3 reals (13s. 4d. per ton.) It It is principally used for home consumption and ex- portation. Ditto, from the Anglo-Asturiana Com- pany, district of Muris. Consumed in the iron-works at the same place. Ditto, from the Investigadora Com- pany, district of Siero. Its price and consumption like that of Sama de Langreo. Coke from the mines of the DUKE OF RIANSARES, in Langreo. Thickness of the vein, yard. Very abundant, and of good quality. 6 reals per quin- tal (£1 6s. 8d. per ton.) It will have a great sale when the railroad of Lan- greo is finished. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, PALENCIA. 1. Coal, from the mines of the Barruelo. Various veins have been discovered, of 3, 8, and 12 feet in thickness. Five of these mines are worked. The superior coal, 14 maravedis per arroba (7s. 6d. per ton); inferior, 8 maravedis (4s. 2d. per ton.) 2. Coke from the same works, made in the open air, in heaps, which give from 200 to 400 arrobas (461 to 93 cwt.), according to their volume. 100 parts of coal produce 45 of coke. The first kind, 1 real per arroba (17s. 9d. per cwt.) THE GUADALQUIVIR PANY, SEVILLE. COM- Coal. Produce, 24,000 cwt. It costs at the pit 3d. per cwt. Price at Seville, 4 reals per quintal (10s. 9d. per cwt ) 63 31 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, SORIA. Mineral asphalte, found in an extent of more than 2 leagues (7 miles), im- pregnating sandstone layers of consi- derable thickness, which form the base of the range of mountains of Picofrentes. This sort of bitume is employed in pavement, but is likely to be used in tarring cords, making varnishes, and other similar purposes. Price at seaport, 80 to 100 reals per quintal, (17s. 9d., to £1. 2s. 3d. per cwt.) Spain abounds with crystalline rocks of all kinds, among which are included a vast variety of MARBLES in all conditions, from the finest statuary marble, to others which are only adapted for building pur- poses. The former are chiefly metamor- phic, and of doubtful age, and occur specially in the Sierra Nevada, etc. The oolitic rocks, which are developed to a great extent in Old and New Castille, and the cretaceous rocks of the northern districts of Spain yield large supplies of the more varied and less perfectly crystal- lized varieties. These kinds of marbles are not all exhibited in the Spanish section. THE ROYAL MADRID. Marbles. LIBRARY OF 1-5. Different kinds. 6. From the River Pinzon, ASTURIAS. 7, 8. Calatayud, SARAGOSSA. 9. Tortosa. 10. Biscay. 11. Añorve, NAVARRE. 12. Sierra de Moncayo, ARAGON. 13, 14. Calatrau. 15. Puebla de Arbroton. 16, 17. Cuenca. 18, 19. Alcaria de Irriepar. 20, 21. Cogolludo. 22. Loronteras. 23. Cabrera, SIGUENZA. 24, 25. Unknown quarries. 26, 27. Caballar, SEGOVIA. 28, 29. Montes de Toledo. 30. Bañuela de Talavera de la Reina 31. Montes Claros. 32. Buitrago, MADRID. 16 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of ficated Nos. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi- Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi- Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 64 13 33. Monasterio. 34-37. Valencia. 38. Murviedro, VALENCIA. 39. Calix, ditto. 40. Almodovar. 41, 42. Murcia. 43-45. Granada. 46, 47. Malaga. 48, 49. Ronda. 50, 51. Cabra, CORDOVA. 52, 53, Moron. 54. Bailen. 55. Estepa. 56. Ayamonte. 57. Sierra Morena. 58. Cordova. 59. Sierra Morena. 60-63. Consuegra, MANCHA. 64-66. Urda. 67, 68. Villamayor. 69, 70. Puerto Lapiche. 71, 72. Salceda. 73. Manzanares. 74. Santander. 75-83. Espejon. 84, 85. Lastra de Cuellar. 86. Castro Mocho. 87. Leon. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. 38. Breccia-form marble, from Almeria. 39. White marble, from Macael. This and the gray marbles are abundant and of very good quality. It is used for baths, chimney-pieces, consoles, and other articles; the finer grained for sculpture. At present it is used only in Spain; but the sumption would be much greater if there were a road from the quarry to a sea-port. Price, 8 reals per Spanish cubic foot (2s. 1d. per Eng- lish cubic foot). con- 40. Gray marble, from Macael. Very abundant, but in want of roads to the sea-side. The same price as the former. 41. Marble, from Dalias. Very abun- dant. At present only used in that place and Berja, but its consumption is expected to be much increased in consequence of the proximity of the quarry to the Port of Adra. 42. Black marble from Dalias. Ditto. 65 29 66 16 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, CORDOVA. Marbles from Cabra. Cabra is situated amongst the triassic rocks of Spain, but, like many other localities in the Penin- sula, is rich in metamorphic limestones and marbles. All the following speci- mens are taken from the quarries, with- out paying anything to the proprietor, and employed in building purposes, mill- stones, &c. 1. Marble from Fuente de los Frailes. Much esteemed, although friable in the working. 2. Ditto, from the quarries of Acebu- char. Much valued, susceptible of a high polish, harder and less fragile than the preceding. 3. Ditto, from the same formation as the preceding, only differing in the colour and direction of its vein. 4. Ditto, from Mojon, in the same for- mation, worked at the surface, capable of a high polish, not at all brittle, and can be extracted in blocks of the largest size. 5. The same as No. 3. 6. Marble, from Lanchares. The quarry is very rich, and the marble is of a great hardness, without veins, and principally used for millstones. 8. Ditto, from the Cerro de Nuestra Señora, a mountain of crystallization of nearly pure carbonate of lime, called in the neighbourhood piedra de agua (water-stone). Different species are found, principally of an extra- ordinary whiteness, at other times veined. Crystals of carbonate of pris- mo-rectangular form are abundant in the quarries. Not used in the country. 9. Ditto. Like the preceding. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GRANADA. 1. Tortoiseshell marbles, with whitish veins, from the district of Alfacar. The quarry is now not worked. 2. Ash-coloured marble, with yellowish veins, from the district of the town of Montefrio. Now not worked. 3. Reddish-grey marble, from the Sierra Elvira. Excellent for monumental architecture, and capable of high RAW MATERIALS.] 17 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos, of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. polish. Price, 8 reals per cubic foot (2s. 1d. c. f.) 4. Red marble, with yellow, green, and white veins, from the district of Falle de Luque. The works suspended for want of orders. Price, 25 reals per cubic foot (6s. 10d. c. f.) 5. White marble, from the district of La Peza. Abundantly worked. Price, 10 reals per cubic foot (2s. 9d. c. f.) 6. Red marble, with darker veins of the same colour, from Alora. Abundant, and in full operation. Price, 11 reals per cubic foot (3s. c. f.) 7. Dark-grey marble, with white veins, from Pinos Fuente, Sierra Elvira. Very abundant, and in active operation. Price, 8 reals per cubic foot (2s. Id. c. f.) 8. Black marble, with white veins, from the Sierra Nevada. The quarry is not at present in operation. 67 D. 68 30 D. 69 17 9. Dark grey marble, from Cacin. The works suspended. 70 19 10. White marble, with blue veins, from Loja. Its scarcity and excellent qua- lity make it a high price; 30 reals per cubic foot (8s. 3d. c. f.) 11. Marble, with blue and yellow veins, from Alora. Notwithstanding its beauty, the excavation is suspended. 12. Ash-coloured marble, with dark veins, from La Peza. The quarries are in operation. Price, 10 reals per cubic foot (2s. 9d. c. f.) 13. Jasper-marble, dark or brown, with a white vein, from the Sierra Elvira. The abundant quarries are in opera- tion. Price, 9 reals per cubic foot (2s. 6d. c. f.) 14. Chesnut-coloured marble, with white veins, from Lanjaron. In operation, and, on account of its scarcity and excellent quality, is a high price. 25 reals per cubic foot (6s. 10d. c. f.) 15. Chesnut and white marbles, from Lanjaron. In operation. Same price. 16. Grey marble, with white veins, from Sierra Elvira. In operation. Price, 8 reals per cubic foot (2s. 1d. c. f.) 17. Serpentine, from Huejar Sierra. This quarry is known from a remote epoch. The columns of the altars of Las Salesas, at Madrid, and San Miguel, at Granada, are of this mar- ble. 71 72 15 GUIPUZCOA. Samples of marbles from Azpeitia. This marble is employed for tables, chim- ney-pieces, &c., in the adjoining manufactory. Price, 9 reals per Spanish square foot, (2s per English square foot.) HUELVA. Samples of marbles from a quarry in the district of Fuente Heridos. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LEON. 17. Marbles of various colours, from the neighbourhood of Boñar, used in ornamenting edifices. 18. Ditto, of different colours, from the neighbourhood of Cueta, used for the same purposes. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MALAGA. 10. Serpentine, with undulating and platy colouring, from Dialaga, district of Marbella, where there are beautiful quarries. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, OVIEDO. 1. Black marble, veined with spar, from Hevia, district of Siero. 2. Breccia marble, from Latores, district of Oviedo. 3. Red marble, from Navanco, same dis- trict. 4. Red marble, veined with spar, from San Julian de los Prados, same dis- trict. 5. White marble, from Lozana, district of Piloña. 32 D. SARAGOSSA. 1. Marble, from Calatorao. Very abun- dant. Price, per cubic vara: viz. Raw, 6 reals, (1s. Sd. per cubic yard.) Polished, 42 reals, (11s. Sd. per cubic yard.) 2 and 3. Ditto, from Fuentes de Ebro. Scarce. Price, per cubic vara, viz. : Raw, 26 reals, (7s. 1d. per cubic yard.) Polished, 100 reals, (£1.7s. 8d. per cubic yard.) 4, 5, 6. Ditto from Alhama. Abundant. D * 18 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 73 Price, per cubic vara, viz. : Raw, 40 reals, (11s. per cubic yard.) Polished, 160 reals, (£2. 4s. per cubic yard.) 7, 8. Alabaster, from Roden. 34 D. J. SANTOS Y DIAZ, Havannah, CUBA. 74 43 75 13 76 42 Specimens of marbles. D. F. PRATS, ÁLAVA. Limestone. Very abundant. Hydraulic lime of superior quality. The quarry and factory are very near the town of Vitoria, the capital of the province. Price of the latter, 18 reals per fanega (2s. 4d. per bushel). THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. Puzzolana, from Nijar. Very abundant. Not worked, but being near the sea, it will be soon appreciated, and well repay the working. 35. Kaolin, from Nijar. Very good quality; found in great abundance, and used at the earthenware factory of Seville. Price, 3 reals per quintal, (8d. per cwt.) 43. Fire-clay, from Sorbus. At present solely employed in the earthenware manufacture; but it might be used in the making of good fire-brick and crucibles. D. CADIZ. 4. Meerschaum, from San Lucar. Em- ployed in making different kitchen objects and crucibles, as the accom- panying sample. 78 18 79 19 80 20 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LUGO. Specimens of kaolin and fire-clay, used in the Sargadelos Factory. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MALAGA. 9. Fictile, or plastic clay, used for pot- tery, and the finest for modelling, as may be seen in the three terra-cotta figures exhibited. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ZAMORA. 7. Fire-clay, called Barro de Zamora. Its abundance and excellent quality have originated a large and extensive trade in kitchen utensils and cruci- bles, all at a very low price. 81 45 D. 82 83 Lorca, MURCIA. Selenite, or crystallized sulphate of lime, from the Serrata hills. It is exceed- ingly cheap, 1 reals per faneya (21d. per bushel). 49 A D. A. DE LA CUESTA, SANTAN- DER. Sulphate of lime. 20 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, 77 17 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LEON. 84 36 13. Kaolin, from the district of Gradoso, found in beds of large dimension, and used in the fabrication of fire- bricks. 14. Ditto, from Terjera. Fit to be used in the manufacture of china. 15. Fire-clay, from Gradoso, found in layers beneath the kaolin, and em- ployed in making fire-bricks in con- junction with the same. 85 13 ZAMORA. Yellow rock crystal, from the mine Carmen del Brazil, situated at Maja- ditas, district of Villasbuenas. It is worked like the topaz, and known in commerce by the name of Bohemian topazes. Varies much in price, ac- cording to the clearness and colour of its crystals. THE ANANA SALT WORKS, ALAVA. Common salt. Native crystallized salt. This salt is of superior quality, and sold to the Go- vernment at 4 reals per fanega (6žd. per bushel). THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. Salt. Mixed with clay. Its produce amounts to 50,000 fanegas (78,500 RAW MATERIALS.] 19 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi-Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 86 39 87 88 bushels) per annum, which are sold at 52 reals a fanega (6s. 10d. per bushel). All consumed in the country. Total value, 2,500,000 reals (£26,037 10s.) D. M. ELIAS, BARCELONA. A large sample of native salt, from Car- dona, and 50 pieces, forming one of the best collections. 43 D. M. MAISTERRA, Lorca, MUR- 89 33 90 38 91 33 CIA. Native salt in crystals. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MURCIA. 58, 59, and 60. Three samples of alumi- nous schist, from the Perules quarry. D. OVIEDO. Jet in the natural state, from Villaviciosa. Ditto, polished. Not at present worked; notwithstanding, it is manufactured into various articles, which are sold in the neighbourhood at a very low price. D. J. ANGULO, BARCELONA. Specimen of native soda. Price, 40 reals per quintal (8s. 10d. per cwt.) Sulphate of soda, proceeding from run- ning waters in the immediate neigh- bourhood of Cervera. Price, 8 reals per quintal (1s. 9d. per cwt.) D. LANDS. CANARY IS- 2. Carbonate of soda, a native mineral, of which there is a stratum running al- most horizontally along the brow and the sides of the Peak of Teneriffe, and from which is extracted the product No. 101. 92 42 A D. CADIZ. Crystallized sulphur, from the aban- doned mine of Cunil. 93 45 D. MURCIA. Sulphurous marl, with compact native sulphur, from the hills of Serrata, district of Lorca. Sulphur. Price, 7 reals per arroba (6s. 8d. per cwt.) 94 46 D. 95 96 D. I. DURANGO Y TRIGO, TERUEL. Sulphur, from the mines of the pro- vince. 49 D. A. CONCHA, CACERES. Phosphate of lime. 16 97 13 98 19 The phosphorite of Estremadura exists as a vein, or in veins, coming to the sur- face near Logrosan, a few leagues east of Caceres. The surrounding rocks, on which it seems to rest, are of granite, and a layer of clay-slate covers it. The direction of the phosphorite is N.N.E. to S.S.W.; the width varies from 5 or 6 to 16 feet its depth has not been proved to a greater extent than 10 feet, but is pro- bably considerable, and it has been traced for some miles. It contains 81.15 of phosphate of lime, and 14 of fluoride calcium. It is very indestructible, re- sisting the action of the weather. The imperfect means of transport have till now rendered this mineral of but little value to agricultural or chemical pur- poses. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, GRANADA. Sulphate of magnesia, from Cullar de Basa, where it is produced by the natural evaporation of a considerable spring situated in that district. It is sold at the very low price of 45 reals per arroba (4s. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. 37. Silicate of magnesia, or soap-stone, from Somontin. It is very abundant, but only small quantities are worked for the textile factories of Catalonia. Price, 8 reals per quintal (1s. 9d. per cwt.) at the quarry. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MALAGA. Fuller's clay, used in the Antequera cloths and baize factories. 20 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces, of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. CLASS II. CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS GENERALLY. 99 37 D. 100 35 ALICANTE, Specimens of barilla. Barilla is pre- pared to some extent in the provin- ces of Valencia and Murcia, from the salsola sativa, and the salicornia, which are there cultivated for the purpose. On the salt marshes and lateral deposits on the southern coast, these plants grow wild, and are used for the same purpose. commercial value depends on the per centage of alkali it contains. The THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, BURGOS. 1. Glauberite, from the mines of Cerezo, found in great abundance, situated between horizontal layers of limestone and clay. Exhibited to illustrate the following chemical products. 2. Crystallized sulphate of soda, pro- duced from the glauberite. It is sold at 3 reals per arroba (2s. 8d. per cwt.) 3. Sulphate of soda, anhydrous, or cal- cined sulphate, from the same. 6 reals per arroba (5s. 4d. per cwt.). This industry is now beginning, and pro- duces 10,000 arrobas (2,332 cwt.), which is consumed in the country, but is capable of great increase. Glauberite is an anhy- drous sulphate of soda and lime, and is found chiefly in some parts of Spain, dis- seminated in common salt. It has only been found crystalline, and the crystals injure on exposure to a damp atmosphere. The district of Burgos is chiefly in the upper oolitic or cretaceous series. 101 33 D. LANDS. 102 41 CANARY IS- 1. Carbonate of soda, extracted from the salsola soda, No. 91, which is produced in great abundance in these islands. D. F. SEMPEREDE, Elche, ALI- CANTE. A lump of kelp, manufactured from the 103 42 D. 104 45 105 106 13 salicornia, a plant cultivated in the same province. 30 reals per quintal (6s. 8d. per cwt.) GRANADA. 1. Barilla seed, produced at Guadix and Benalua. Price, 21 reals per fanega (1s. 83d per bushel), 2. Stone barilla, from Benalua. Price, 24 reals per quintal (5s. 4d. per cwt.) MURCIA. D. 1. Barilla plant. Very large specimen. 10 reals per fanega (1s. 3žd. per bushel. 2. Barilla, or subcarbonate of soda. 18 reals per quintal (4s. per cwt.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. 31. Potash, made in the district of Maria. This is the produce of the first wash- ing of the ashes; it is afterwards cal- cined and refined. Price, 80 reals per quintal (17s. 95d. per cwt.) En- tirely consumed in the Peninsula. 32. Potash, calcined, produced from the vegetable ashes in the same district. 120 reals per quintal (£1 Os. 8d. per cwt.) Consumed in the country. 33. Nitrate of potash, from a factory in the district of Cuevas, obtained from the organic detritus gathered in very frequented roads and other places. It is entirely consumed in the country. Price, 280 reals per quintal (£3 2s. 3d. per cwt.) 44 D. M. PAULO Y BARTOLINI, SARAGOSSA. Nitrate of potash. The saltpetre from which this nitrate is obtained is met with even in the promenades and streets of Saragossa. 107 239 D. F. BESCansa, Corunna. Cream of tartar. Price, 320 reals per quintal (£3. 11s. 2d. per cwt.) 108 THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MURCIA. 72. Crystallized alum, from the San Sebustian Factory, produced from the aluminous schists, exhibited by the same INSPECTOR. RAW MATERIALS.] 21 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 109 73. Crystallized alum. Like the pre- ceding, but of superior quality. 40 D. A. J. MAURAUDY, Carthagena, MURCIA. Specimens of alum manufactured by the exhibitor. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. during combustion. Price, 3 reals per lib. (7d. per lb. avoird.) 116 242 D. A. C. SANTO, Matanzas, CUBA. Pharmaceutical products. 110 45 D. MURCIA. MEDICINE PLANTS. 111 47 112 Alum of first kind, or refined, used as a mordant. From the Barcelonesa Fac- tory, in Mazarron. D. J. YUST & Co., Lorca, MURCIA. Specimen of artificial sulphur. employed in the manufacture of gun- powder. Price, 7 reals per arroba (6s. 8d. per cwt.) 117 129 D. P. V. ZABALA, Vitoria, ALA- It is 118 130 D. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, MURCIA. 12. Samples of white-lead, from the factory of D. M. A. HEREDIA, at Adra, obtained from the ores of Sierra de Gador. Prices First quality, 135 reals per quin- tal (£1. 10s. per cwt.); second quality, 125 reals (£1. Os. 7d.) It is partly con- sumed in the Peninsula and partly ex- ported. 19. Samples of white-lead prepared with oil for painting purposes, from the same manufactory. Prices First quality, 180 reals per quintal (£2. per cwt.); second quality, 168 reals (£1. 1s. 5d. per cwt.) 119 VA. Extract of aconite. Very abundant in the province. Price, 100 reals per lib. (20s. per lb. avoird.) gamanza. ALMERIA. Peganum harmala, called estaca-rocin and It grows abundantly in many parts of the province, being em- ployed successfully in St. Vitus's dance, paralysis, &c. 59 D. Cucumus colocynthis, called fuera fruto. It is used as an antidote for poison, and is exported in great quantities to France and England. Salvia officinalis. It contains a great deal of volatile oil; and Mr. Proust, the chemist, has extracted camphor from it. Fine and rough sedge. 120 131 D. ISLES. ALMERIA. Palma, BALEARIC 113 THE WIDOW OF D. F. AL MARZA, MURCIA. 121 117 114 240 115 Three specimens of white-lead of the best quality. Price, 48 reals per arroba (£2. 2s. 2d. per cwt.) D. P. V. ZABALA, Vitoria, ALAVA. Schwreinford green. All the materials employed are of Spanish production. Price, 125 reals per arroba (£5. 11s. 3d. per cwt., or 1s. per lb. avoird.) 247 D. P. M. GOLFERICHS & D. J. P. CUGAT, BARCELONA. Liquid gas, free from smell and smoke Majorca coralina (Fucus helminthocortos). D. J. ISERN, BARCELONA. 1 Antirrhinum asarina, from Monserrat. 2 Alquilegia vulgaris, 3 Asphodelus fistulosus, 4 Andryala incano, 5 Anthyllis tetraphylla, 6 Anthyllis cytisoides, 7 Acer kispanicum, 8 Acer monspessulanum, 9 Acer platanoides, 10 Anagallis cærulea, 11 Asplenium trichomanes, 12 Asplenium drium, scolopen- 13 Arbutus unedo, Ditto. Monjuich. Pie de Monser- rat, Barcelona. Montalegre. Monserrat. Fich. Monsen. Barcelona. Monsen. Monserrat. Montalegre. 22 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. from Barcelona. 14 Althea officinalis, 15 Atropa belladonna, 16 Buphtalnum spinosum, 17 Bupleurum pyreneum, 18 Bupleurum fruticosum, 19 Betonica officinalis, 20 Convallaria polygona- tum, Monserrat. Barcelona. Monserrat. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto. 21 Convallaria verticillata, Monsen. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description aad Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 73 Ranunculus gramineus,from Monserrat. 74 Ramondia pyrenaica, 75 Rubus fruticosus, 76 Rosmarinus officinalis, 77 Rubus idæus, 78 Sambucus racemosa, 79 Satureja montana. Ditto. Monjuich. Ditto. Monserrat. Ditto. Ditto. 80 Scrophularia nodosa, Ditto. 81 Solidago virga-aurea, Ditto. 82 Saxifraga cotyledon, Ditto. 83 Sideritis hirsuta, Ditto. 84 Stachys hirta, 22 Calendula officinalis, 23 Conyza intermedia, 24 Conyza squarrosa, 25 Colutea arborescens, 26 Carduus marianus, 27 Cynoglossum pictum, 28 Capparis spinosa, 29 Coris monspeliensis, 30 Coriaria myrtifolia, 31 Digitalis lutea, 32 Daphne mezereon, 33 Euphrasia lutea, 34 Euphrasia officinalis 35 Erodium supracanum, 36 Echium violaceum, 37 Eryngium maritimum, 38 Fraxinus excelsior, 39 Gladiolus communis, 40 Globularia nana, 41 Globularia vulgaris, 42 Globularia alypum, 43 Galeopsis ladanum, 44 Galeopsis letrahit, 45 Humulus Lupulus, 46 Hyssopus officinalis, 47 Ilex aquifolium, 48 Lithospermum officinale, 49 Lonicera Caprifolium, 50 Lonicera Xylosteum, 51 Lamium amplexicaulis, 52 Lavandula stochas, 53 Lilium martagon, 54 Melilotus parviflora, 55 Myosotis palustris. 56 Marrubium vulgare, 57 Melissa grandiflora, 58 Narcissus juncifolius, 59 Nepeta cataria, 60 Orchis bifolia, 61 Orchis maculata, 62 Osiris alba, 63 Olea sativa. 64 Prenanthes purpurea, 65 Phlomis lychuitis, 66 Phlomis herbaventi, 67 Punica granalum, 68 Poterium sanguisorba, 69 Psoralea bituminosa, 70 Prunella grandiflora, 71 Passerina hirsuta, 72 Ranunculus bulbosus, Monserrat. Ditto. Ditto. Montalegre. Barcelona. Ditto. Montalegre. Monjuich. Badalona. Montalegre. Monsen. Monserrat. Plana de Vich. Monserrat. Monjuich. Barcelona. Monserrat. Monjuich. Monserrat. Ditto. San Geronimo. Vich. Monsen. Ditto. Vich. Monserrat. Monistrol. Barcelona. Monserrat. Barcelona. Monserrat. Barcelona. San Geronimo. Monistrol. Barcelona. Monserrat. Begas. Moncada. Tibidabo. Monserrat. Monjuich. Esparraguera. Monserrat. Ditto. Vich. Esparraguera. Monserrat. Montalegre. Monserrat. Monjuich. Monserrat. 85 Stachys maritima, 86 Sinapis nigra, 87 Stachys sylvatica, 88 Sanicula europea, 89 Salvia officinalis, 90 Smilax aspera, 91 Trichonema codium bulbo- 92 Tamus communis, 93 Taxus baccata, Barcelona. Ditto. San Andres de Palomar. Monsen. Montalegre. Moncado. Monjuich. Ditto. Montalegre. Monserrat. 94 Thymus acynos, Monistrol. 95 Thymus serpyllum, Monsen. 96 Teucrium chamæpitys, Castell de Fiell. Monistrol. de 97 Teucrium polium, 98 Teucrium scorodoniu, 99 Viola canina, 100 Veronica latifolia, 101 Veronica officinalis, 102 Veronica anagallis, 103 Verbascum thapsus, 104 Vinca minor, 105 Viburnum tinus, Monsen. Caldas Monvull. Monserrat. Ditto. Monjuich. Montalegre. Barcelona. Montalegre. Some of these plants are productions exclu- sively of the country. 122 D. CADIZ. Mustard seed (Sinapis nigra), from San Lu- car. Wild; much used in medicine. Price, 30 reals per arroba, (£1. 5s. d. per cwt.) 123 119 D. 124 99 LANDS. CANARY Is- Euphorbia lathyris, known in the islands as tartaguillo. Abundant in Teneriffe, from which is extracted a purging emetic oil. Three samples of squill (Scilla maritima), found in great quantities on the northern coast of Teneriffe. AGRICULTURAL BOARD, Cor- DOVA. Fleawort. Price, 25 reals per arroba, (£1. 2s 3d. per cwt.) RAW MATERIALS.] 23 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi-Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 125 126 121 D. J. AMOR, CORDova. Squill; very abundant. Sarsaparilla; abundant. Price, 15 reals per arroba, (13s. 4d. per cwt.) D. J. PLANELLAS, Santiago, Co- RUNNA. 1. Helleborus fœtidus. 3 reals per Spanish lb. (73d. per lb. avoird.) 2. Reseda luteola. 3. Polygola vulgaris. 3 reals per lb. (7d. per lb. avoird.) 4. Saponaria officinalis. 2 reals per lb. (5d. per lb. avoird.) 5. Hypericum perforatum. Same price. 6. Androsemum officinale. as No. 1. 7. Potentilla tormentilla. The same price Same price. 8. Conium maculatum. Same price. 9. Sambucus nigra. 2 reals per lb. (5d. per lb. avoird.) 10. Valeriana officinalis. 4 reals per lb. (10d. per lb. avoird.) 11. Arnica montana. Same price. 12. Spilanthus oleraceus. 8 reals per lb. (1s. 8d. per lb. avoird.) 13. Lappa major. 3 reals per lb. (7gd. per lb. avoird.) 14. Gentiana lutea. Same price. 15. Chironia centaurium. (5d. per lb. avoird.) 16. Solanum dulcamara. Same price. 11. Cynoglossa officinalis. 12. Saxifraga granulata. 13. Arnica montana. 14. Arbutus uva-ursi. 15. Achilegia vulgaris. 16. Tormentilla. These plants grow wild. D. 128 HUELVA. Roots of Althea, Gliscyrrhica and Aristo- lochia; very abundant, but of inferior quality. Mustard seed; scarce. Price, 2 reals per lb. (5d. per lb. avoird.) Fleawort seed; scarce. Dulcamara, from Bollulos del Condado. real per lb. (gd. per lb. avoird.) Palma christi. It grows in all the province. Price, 1 real per lb. (23d. per lb. avoird.) Plum-tree gum and almond-tree gum; ex- cellent and very abundant. 1 real per lb. (2 d. per lb. avoird.) Alder flowers; scarce. Price, real per lb. (13. per lb. avoird.) Blistering fly. Same as the Italian species. Price, 15 to 18 reals per lb. (3s. 1žd. to 3s. 9d. per lb. avoird.) HUESCA. 1. Sage, (Salvia officinalis). 2. Foxglove, (Digitalis purpurea). 3. Camomile. (Anthemis). 4. Aristolochia. 5. Liquorice, (Glyscirrhiza). 129 123 D. 2 reals per lb. 17. Datura stramonium. 3 reals per lb. (7d. per lb. avoird.) 18. Digitalis purpurea. 2 reals per lb. (5d. per lb. avoird.) 19. Narcissus pseudo Narcissus. 5 reals per lb. (1s. d. per lb. avoird.) per lb. avoird.) 6. Fleawort, (Psyllium). 7. Aconite, or monk's hood, (Aconitus.) 8. Lacimum, (Potenfila napellus.) 9. Wormwood, (Artemisia aragonensis). 10. Wormwood, (Artemisia camphorata.) These herbs grow wild. RODRIGUEZ 3 reals per 130 124 D. M. CIA, LEON. 20. Asphodelus ramosus. 2 reals per lb. (5d. 21. Eyperus longus. Same price. 22. Anthoxanthum odoratum. lb. (7d. per lb. avoird.) 23. Polystechum filix mas. Same price. 24. Scolopendricum officinale. 2 reals per lb. (5d. per lb. avoird.) 1. Angelica silvestris. 2. Valeriana officinalis. 3. Belladona. 127 79 D. 122 4. Pulsatilla. 5. Gentiana. 6. Convolvulus turphetum. 7. Alchemilla vulgaris. 8. Digitalis purpurea. 9. Onosma echioides. 10. Polyogonum bistorta. GERONA. PALEN- 1. Lichen islandicus, from Burdango. Price, 20 reals per arroba, (17s. 9ŝd. per cwt.) 2. Lime flowers (Filia europea), from Fal- deburon. Price, 40 reals per arroba, (1. 15s. 7 d. per cwt.) 3. Violet flowers, from the mountain of Babia. 4 reals per lb. (10d. per lb. avoird.) 4. Arnica flowers, from the mountain of Faldeburon. 60 reals per arroba, (£2 10s. 1d. per cwt.) 131 125 D.- 1. Artemisia arborescens. 2. Quercus torriglia, MALAGA. 24 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi, Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 3. Atropa belladonna. 4. Cotula aurea. 5. Viola odorata. 132 242 D. J. CANALES, MALAGA. A Essence of lemons, made by the exhibitor. Price, 22 reals per Spanish lb. (4s. 7d. per lb. avoird.) 133 170 D. MURCIA. Liquorice. Price, 2 reals per lb. (64d. per lb. avoird.) 139 134 BECK & COMPANY, SEVILLE. 1-3. Liquorice paste. 4. Root (rhizoma). The rhizomes of the Glyscyrrhyza glabra furnish, on decoction, a dark-coloured extrac- tive matter, containing a large proportion of sugar. This is inspissated in the usual man- and forms the liquorice of commerce. It is grown and manufactured to a consider- able extent in the provinces of Seville, Va- lencia, and Catalonia. ner, VALENCIA. Liquorice extract. 4 reals per lb. (10d. per 140 D. lb. avoird.) Linseed-oil, made in Lorca. Price, 50 reals per arroba, (£2. 4s. 6d. per cwt.) 134 118 D. S. ALVAREZ CALLEJA, Apo- 166 thecary, Villaviciosa, OVIEDO. 1. Extract of aconite. 32 reals per lb. (6s. 8d. per lb. avoird.) 2. Extract of belladona. The same price. 3. Extract of lettuce. The same price. 4. Extract of foxglove. The same price. 5. Extract of orange-peel. 40 reals per lb. (8s. 4d. per lb. avoird.) 6. Extract of sarsaparilla. 14 reals per lb. of 24 oz. (1s. 114d. per lb. avoird.) 7. Nut-oil. Price, 40 reals per arroba. (£1 15s. 74d. per cwt.) 8. Honey of sarsaparilla. 14 reals per lb. of 24 oz. (1s. 14d. per lb. avoird.) 135 120 D. 136 137 OVIEDO. Prepared sarsaparilla. Price, 3 reals per lb. (7gd. per lb. avoird.) Prunus spinosus. Valeriana officinalis; root. 3 reals per lb. (7 per lb. avoird.) Gentiana officinalis; root. The same price. Corqueja; flower. 4 reals per lb. (10d. per lb. avoird.) Digitalis purpurea; leaves. 8 reals per lb. (1s. 8d. per lb. avoird.) Carqueja; slips, with flower. 4 reals per lb. (10d. per lb. avoird.) D. Arnica. PONTEVEDRA. 126 D. M. BARTOLOMÉ, SEGOVIA. Sage leaves, from Tejadilla. Price, 2 reals per lb. (5d. per lb. avoird.) 138 133 D. J. VAZQUEZ, Seville. A Liquorice. Price, 12 reals per arroba (10s. 84d. per cwt.) Squill (Urgiena scilla). 141 91 D. 142 143 128 A 144 ZAMORA. Squill, called albarrana. Very abundant, and of superior quality. Price, 5 reals per arroba (4s. 51d. per cwt. Lichen, from the Puebla de Sanabria. Superior quality. 50 reals per arroba (£2 4s. 6d. per cwt.) Camomile, from Villafafila. D. Excellent quality, and very cheap, from 3 to 5 reals per arroba (2s. 8d. to 4s. 54d. per cwt.) green; and 7 to 10 reals ditto (6s. 24d. to 8s. 10 d. per cwt.) dried. SARAGOSSA. 1. Fleawort (Plantago psyllium). 2. Ditto (Lichen pulmonalis). 3. Bryony (Brionia alba). 4. Houndstongue (Cynoglossa officinalis). 5. Viper's bugloss (Echium vulgaris). 6. Melitot (Trifolicum melitotus), from Jus- libol. 7. Liquorice (Glyscyrrhyza glabra.) ACADEMY OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY, SARAGOSSA. 1. Lichen islandicus. 2. Lichen pulmonalis. 3. Salvia officinalis. 4. Digitalis purpurea. 5. Anthemis nobilis. 6. Gentiana lutea. 7. Valeriana officinalis. 8. Aristolochia rotunda. 9. Arnica montana. 10. Atropa belladona 11. Smilax aspera. 12. Glyscyrrhyza. 127 D. J. DURANGO Y TRIGO, SA- RAGOSSA. 1. Lichen (Cetraria islandica). 2. Wormwood (Artemisia adsinthium). RAW MATERIALS.] 25 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Nos. of Naines of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- 3. Sage (Salvia officinalis). 152 SO D. 4. Leopard's bane (Arnica montana). 5. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). CLASS III. SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. Spain, owing to her geographical po- sition, possesses the finest climate in Europe, and has the greatest range of vegetable productions. All the cereals are grown in the more northern and eastern provinces, and in elevated districts, while the cotton-tree, the sugar-cane, and other tropical plants, are cultivated suc- cessfully in the south and west provinces. The cheapness of all the agricultural pro- ducts is very remarkable at these spots, and it would be the same at the sea ports, were not the means of transport so imper- fect as to double and treble the prices. New roads which the government is now promoting, will make a material differ- ence in the price. 145 56 D. ALBACETE. Wheat. Price, 35 to 40 reals per fanega, (4s. 6d. to 5s. 2d. per bushel.) 146130 D. 153 60 154 GRANADA. 1. Wheat called chapado or cuchareta, from Guadix, very heavy. Price, 40! reals per fanega. (5s. 2d. per bushel.) 2. Ditto, fanfarron lampiño, from Guo- dia. Price, 37 reals per fanega, (4s. 9d. per bushel.) 3. Ditto, chapado or cuchareta, from Bayo. Price, 36 reals per fanega, (4s. 8d. per bushel.) 4. Ditto, fanfarron lampiño, from the same place. Price, 40 reals per fanega, (5s. 2d. per bushel) D. HUELVA. Specimens of the best kinds of wheat grown in La Palma, which constitutes its principal riches. Price, 48 reals per fanega, (68. 3d. per bushel.) 81 D, 155 SS HUESCA. Wheat called Escanda menor, (Triticum á estivum et hivernum,) from Jaca, 26 reals per fanega, (3s. 4d. per bushel.) Ditto, candeal, from Barbastro and Hu- esca. Price, 40 reals per fanega, (58. 2d. per bushel.) D. F. MONFORT, Cinca, HUESCA. Torrente del Wheat. Price, 17 reals per faneça (2s. 24d. per bushel). ALMERIA. Wheat, from the Sierra de Filabres. 147 57 D. J. M. BADILLO, CIUDAD REAL. Wheat of two kinds, called macho and candeal. 156 82 D. 148 58 D. R. GUZMAN, CIUDAD REAL. Wheat of two kinds, called jijona and candeal. 149 75 D. A. SALIDO, CIUDAD REAL. White wheat, called candeal de raspa. 157 64 150 D. GERONA. White wheat, called Escanda menor. 151 €2 D. N. NUNO, GUADALAJARA. White wheat, candeal, from Tortola. 158 61 Price, 34 reals per funega, (4s 5d. per bushel.) JAEN. Wheat called redondillo lampiño (Triti- cum lincanum), from Alcalá la Real. Produces excellent flour. Price, 30 reals per fanega (3s. 10d. per bushel). Ditto, called fanfarron lampiño, from Uveda. Price, 30 reals per fanega (3s. 10d. per bushel). D. J. A. CEA, Leon. Wheat chamorro, called blanquillo (Triti- cum hivernum var), from l'aldavida. Price, 25 reals per fanega (3s. 3d. per bushel). D. J. PINAN, LEON. Wheat called mocho or chamorro. from Valdavida. The same price. E 26 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos, of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. 159 85 D. J. P. CASADO, MALAGA. 169 Wheat called chamorro. Price, 38 reals 69 D. M. M. FERNANDEZ DE COR- DOBA, Constantina, SEVILLE. White wheat, called papalina. Price, 42 reals per fanega (5s. 5d. per bushel). VALENCIA. 160 65 D. F. MACORRA, MALAGA. Price, 48 170 72 D. 161 87 D. 162 87 per fanega (4s. 11d. per bushel). Wheat called recio or claro. reals per fanega (68. 3d. per bushel.) MURCIA. Wheat called blanquillo (variety of Triti- cum hivernum), from Lorca. Price, 50 reals per fanega (6s. 6d. per bushel). Ditto, called racemoso (Triticum composi- tum). Price 30 to 40 reals per fanega (3s. 10d. to 5s. 2d. per bushel). D. 5. White wheat. Price, 40 reals per fanega (5s. 2d. per bushel). 6. Ditto, from Alberique. Same price. 7. Ditto, called canivano. Same price. 8. Ditto, red. Same price. 171 66 D. VALLADOLID. Wheat, from Medina del Campo. Price, 26 reals per fanega (3s. 4d. per bushel). Ditto, from Pedrosa. Same price. Ditto, from Gomeznarro. Same price. MURCIA. 1. Wheat called racemoso, many earred. Price, 45 reals per fanega (5s. 10d per bushel). 172 91 D. 2. White wheat. Price, 50 reals per fanega (6s. 6d. per bushel). ZAMORA. White wheat, from Hiniesta. Price, 20 reals per faneya (2s. 7d. per bushel). Ditto, from Piedrafita de Castro. Same price. SARAGOSSA. Wheat called ambrilla. It is consumed in Saragossa and Catalonia. Price, 15 reals per fanega of Aragon. D. E. PENAFIEL, CIUDAD REAL. Panic (Ceuchrus spicatus). 163 63 D. OVIEDO. White wheat called escanda menor. Price, 44 reals per fanega (5s. 8d. per bushel). 173 92 D. 164 D. SEGOVIA. White wheat, called candeal, from Villa- castin. Price, 27 reals per fanega (3s. 6d. per bushel). 174 77 Wheat called mocho or chamorro, from the same place. Price, 30 reals per funega (3s. 10d. per bushel). 175 165 71 D. A. BECERRIL, SEGOVIA. 176 87 D. Wheat called candeal. Price, 27 reals per fanega (3s. 6d. per bushel). 166 70 D. J. GINOVES, SEGOVIA. Wheat, called chamorro. 30 reals per faneya (3s. 10d. per bushel). D. M. BENITO, CIUDAD REAL. Panic (Millium sorghum). MURCIA. Black panic (Ceuchrus spicatus), from Lorca. It serves to feed the poor people, who prefer it to maize. It is much consumed at Lorca. Price, 30 to 36 reals per fanega (3s. 10d. to 4s. 8d. per bushel). Three samples of the grain produced by the panic. D. M. PIEDROLA, Churriana, MA- LAGA. Specimen of Indian wheat. 167 68 D. J. TERNERO, SEVILLe. Wheat for seed, called pinton, from Mar- chena. Price, 44 reals per fanega (5s. 8d. per bushel). 177 84 168 67 D. M. M. DE TORRES, SEVILLE. Wheat for seed, called cerrado de color, from Arahal. Price, 45 reals per fanega (5s. 10d. per bushel). 178 73 D. J. ENRIQUEZ, ALICANTE. White maize, or Indian corn. Price, 125 to 130 reals per cahiz. RAW MATERIALS.] 27 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 179 76 THE MUNICIPAL TION, CASTELLON. CORPORA- Specimens of white and yellow maize, from the vicinity of this town. Both species are exported in large quan- tities. It supplies also the consump- tion of 40,000 inhabitants. Price, 72 reals per cahiz. GERONA. Specimens of white, yellow and red maize. 180 79 D. 181 SO D. GRANADA. White maize, from Almuñecar. Price, 30 reals per fanega (3s. 10d. per bushel). 182 D. HUELVA. Maize, from Gibraleon. Price 26 reals. per fanega (3s. 4d. per bushel). 189 75 D. A. SALIDO, CIUDAD REAL. Rye. 190 88 D. A. MONFORT, Torrente del Cinca, HUESCA. Rye. Rice is cultivated in Spain in the pro- vinces of Valencia, Castellon, &c. on the Mediterranean shore, to a very consider- able extent. 191 72 D. VALENCIA. Common and white rice in husk. Price, 14 reals per arroba (12s. 54d. per cwt.) Ditto, moscado. 16 reals ditto (14s. 2d. per cwt) Ditto, largo. 15 reals ditto (13s. 4d. per cwt.) Ditto, superior. 16 reals ditto (14s. 2d. per cwt.) 183 $3 D. J. BARRIENTOS, MALAGA. Maize. Price, 36 reals per fanega (4s. 8d. per bushel). 192 72 D. VALENCIA. Ears of nine varieties of rice. 184 63 D. OVIEDO. White and yellow maize. Price, 30 reals per fanega (3s. 10d. per bushel). 193 89 D. V. MARTINEZ Y PERIS. Rice. 185 72 D. VALENCIA. 194 D. CASTELLON. Four varieties of maize. 186 92 D. SARAGOSSA. Yellow maize. 195 $5 Ditto, called ambrilla. They serve to feed the cattle. Price, 8 reals per fanega, of Aragon. 187 74 D. J. COLOM, San Lucar, CADIZ. Pearl barley (Hordum vulgare nudum). It is reaped in spring and autumn, and therefore greatly appreciated. Price, 38 reals per fanega (4s. lld. per bushel). 196 72 D. 197 93 D. 188 D. J. LLANSO, BARCELOna. Sarothamnus cathalannicus webb. This plant grows spontaneously, it is a special product of the country, and serves as food for cattle. 198 81 D. Specimen of caroub, from Benicarló. Price, 3 to 4 reals per arroba (2s. 8d. to 3s. 64d. per cwt.) D. J. P. CASADO, MALAGA. Caroub (Ceratonia siliquosa). Price, 4 reals per arroba (3s. 6žd. per cwt.) Four varieties of caroub. Price, 4 to 5 reals per arrola (4s. to 4s. 10d. per cwt.) HUELVA. Beans. Price, 25 to 30 reals per fanega (3s. 4d. to 3s. 10d. per bushel). Jaca, HUESCA. Beans (Phaseolus). Price, 36 reals per funega (4s. 8d. per bushel.) VALENCIA. 28 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi- Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Cat. of the Articles. Round beans. Price, 24 reals per fanega (3s. 1 d. per bushel). Ditto, from Gomeznarro. Price, 90 reals per fanega, (11s. 8d. per bushel.) 199 88 D. F. MONFORT, Torrente del Cinca, HUESCA. 209 D. ZAMORA. 200 98 Beans of two qualities. Price, 16 and 18 maravedis per Spanish lb. (11 to 13d. per lb. avoird.) D. F. A. VALGOMA, LEON. Two varieties of beans, from Cacabelos. Price, 30 reals per fanega (3s. 10d. per bushel). J 201 86 D. 202 72 D. MURCIA. Beans for seed, called paniceras. Price, 12 to 15 reals per arroba (10s. 8d. to 13s. 4d. per cwt.) Pinet, VALENCIA. French beans. Price, 14 reals per arroba, (12s. 5 d. per cwt.) 203 91 D. bria, ZAMOra. 204 92 D. 210 Chick-peas, from Fuente Sauco. Good quality. Price, 120 reals per fanega, (15s. 7d. per bushel.) Ditto, from Guarrate. Same quality and price. 84 D. M. PIEDROLA, Malaga. 1. Sweet potato, (Convulvulus batata.) Price, 10 reals per arroba, (8s. 10d. per cwt.) The sweet potato is the batata edulis of modern botanists, and belongs to the convulvulus tribe. It is a special article of the province of Malaga, and exceedingly esteemed. It grows prin- cipally in Nerja (the best) and Benal. 2. White sweet potato, smaller than the former, called batatin. Price, 20 reals per arroba, (17s. 9d. per cwt.) VALENCIA. Puebla de Sana- 211 72 D. SARAGOSSA. French beans. Price, 50 reals per fanega, (6s. 6d. per bushel.) French beans, from Moncayo. Price, 28 reals per fanega, of Arragon. 1. Legume called guijos, or pitos. 2. A species of caroub, called alcarceña, or yeros. 205 75 D. A. SALIDO, CIUDAD REAL. 212 213 206 94 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, MALAGA. Cyperus esculentus (Chufas). Price, 16 reals per arroba, (14s. 2d. per cwt.) 90 D. J. M. FERNANDEZ VITORES, VALLADOLID. Wheaten flour of three qualities. First, 10 reals per arroba, (9s. 4d. per cwt.) Second, 8 reals per ditto, (7s. 6d. per cwt.) Third, 7 reals, per ditto, (6s. 2d. per cwt.) PORTILLA BROTHERS, SEVILLE. Wheaten flour of three qualities. First, 20 reals per arroba, (17s. 92. per cwt.) Second, 19 reals per ditto, (16s. 101d. per cwt.) 207 95 208 96 Chick-peas, (cicer arietinum,) from Alfa- mate. Superior quality. Price, 170 reals per fanega, (£1. 2s. 1d. per bushel.) D. V. GIL, SEGOVIA. Chick-peas, from Escobar. Price, 100 reals per fanega, (13s. per bushel,) on the ground. D. VALLADOLID. Chick-peas, from Alaejos. Price 140 reals per fanega, (18s. 2d. per bushel.) 214 Third, 18 reals per ditto, (16s. per cwt.) THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, CORDOVA. Raisins. 215 105 D. J. CASADO, MALAGA. Muscatel raisin, from Velez. Price, 30 reals per arroba (£1. 6s. 8d. per cwt.) RAW MATERIALS.] 29 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Off Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 216 75 217 218 92 D. A. SALIDO, CIUDAD REAL. Raisin-must. DONNA B. LOPEZ, CIUDAD REAL. Raisin-syrup (Arrope). D. SARAGOSSA. Raisin-must, from Longares. It is made with white raisins, but is used prin- cipally for presents, and has a very delicious flavour. Price, 1 reals per Spanish lb. (33d. per lb. avoird.) 228 107 D. J. OLMO, Malaga. Plums, from Priego, of the kind called imperial. Same price as the former. All these plums are simply dried in the sun. 229 D. 230 SS HUESCA. 219 99 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, CORDOVA. Dried figs, from Montoro. Price, 20 reals per arroba (17s. 9d. per cwt.) 220 103 D. G. A. ARAMBARRI, CORDOVA. Dried figs, from Montilla. Price 60 reals per arroba (£2. 13s. 4d. per cwt.) HUELVA. Dried peaches (Persicorum frustula exi- cata), from Monzon. Price, 48 reals per arroba (£2 2s. 8d. per cwt.) D. F. MONFORT, HUESCA. Dried peaches, from Torrente del Cinca. Price, 3 reals per lib. (Sd. per lb. avoird.) 231 82 D. JAEN. Dried peaches, from Alcaudate. Price, 50 reals per arroba (£2 4s. 6d. per cwt.) Ditto, from Bedmar. Same price. Dried peaches, from Priego. Superior quality. Same price. 221 D. 232 107 D. J. OLMO, MALAGA. Dried figs, from Lepe. Price, 25 to 30 reals per fanega (3s. 4d. to 3s. 10d. per bushel.) 233 92 D. 222 SS D. J. MONFORT, HUESCA. Dried figs. Price, 17 maravedis per lb. (1 d. per lb. avoird.) 223 107 D. J. OLMO, MALAGA. Dried figs. 224 106 D. J. ENRIQUEZ, MALAGA. Dried figs. Price, 22 reals per fanega (2s. 10d. per bushel) SARAGOSSA. Dried peaches, from Calatayud. Fine flavour. All consumed in the same town. Price, 48 reals per fanega of Aragon. 234 97 D. ALICANTE. Almonds. Five species, viz. : 1. Pestaneta. 180 reals per cahiz. 2. Planeta. 120 ditto. 3. Blanqueta. 180 ditto. 4. Bitter. 120 ditto. 5. Batle. 180 ditto. 225 92 D SARAGOSSA. Dried figs, from Caspe. 48 reals per fanega of Aragon. 235 $1 D. All these figs are simply dried in the sun. 226 100 D. J. ALBEAR, CORDOVA. Sweet-smelling plums, from Montilla. Price, 40 reals per arroba (£1 15s. 4d. per cwt.) 227 101 D. G. ARAMBARRI, CORDOVA. Sweet-smelling plums. Price, 20 reals per arroba (17s. 9d. per cwt.) 236 85 HUESCA. Almonds (Amigdalus comunis), from Graus. Price, 76 reals per arroba (£3. 7s. Sd. per cwt.) D. J. P. CASADO. Sweet almonds, called larga, from Alora, Price, 90 reals per fanega (11s. 8d. per bushel). 237 94 D. Almonds. MALAGA. # 30 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos.of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi-Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles, 238 114 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, 248 81 D. TARRAGONA. Almonds, called mollares, in husk, from Reus and Falset. Price, 100 reals per cuartera (12s. 9d. per bushel). Ditto, called esperanza, in grain, from Reus. Price, 280 reals per quintal 249 98 (£3. 2s. 3d. per cwt.) 239 D. The produce amounts to 60,000 cuar- teras (128,000 bushels), which is ex- ported to London and other countries. GERONA. Chesnuts. Price, 72 to 80 reals per cuartera (7s. to 7s. 6d. per bushel). HUELVA. Chesnuts, from Galarosa. Price, 12 to 16 reals per fanega (1s. 6d. to 2s. 5d. per bushel). It is one of the principal products of this country. 240 D. 241 98 D. F. A. VALGOMA, Leon. Chesnuts, from Cacabelos. A very 250 HUESCA. Walnuts (Inglan regia), from Ayerbe. Price, 16 reals per fanega (2s. 1d. per bushel). D. F. A. VALGOMA, LEON. Walnuts, from Cacabelos. 24 reals per fanega (3s. 1 d. per bushel). 94 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, MALAGA. Walnuts, called fanfarronas, from Ron- da. Price, 8 reals (1s. 8d.) a hun- dred. 251 110 D. OVIEDO. Walnuts. Price, 40 reals per fanega (5s. 2 d. per bushel). SARAGOSSA. Walnuts from Calatayud. Price, 32 reals per fanega of Aragon. 252 92 D. abundant article. Price, 8 reals per arroba (7s. 1½d. per cwt.) 242 D. E. RODRIGUEZ RADILLO, LEON. Chesnuts, from Corullon. 243 94 Price, 1 real per arroba (10d. per cwt.) THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, 244 110 D. MALAGA. Chesnuts, from Ronda. Price, 40 reals per fanega (5s. 2d. per bushel). OVIEDO. Chesnuts. Price, 20 reals per fanega 253 D. Small nuts. 254 110 D. GERONA. OVIEDO. Small nuts, principally exported to Eng- land. Price, 70 reals per fanega (9s. 1d. per bushel). 255 114 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, (2s. 7d. per bushel). ported to England. Principally ex- 256 99 245 115 D. BADAJOZ. Sweet acorns. 246 93 D. HUELVA. Large acorns, from Cambres mayores. Used as fodder for cattle. 247 104 D. M. LABAT, CORDOVA. Giant walnuts, of a peculiar kind, from Palma del Rio. 21 reals (64d.) a hun- dred. TARRAGONA. Small nuts, called negreta, from Reus and Falset. Price, 66 reals per cuar- tera (6s. 51d. per bushel). Here is a produce of 100,000 cuarteras (213,333 bushels), almost all of which is exported. THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, CORDOVA. Olives of four species, viz. : 1. 2. Manzanilla. Price, 90 reals per fanega (11s. 8d. per bushel). 3. Ocales. Price, 70 reals per fanega (9s. 1d. per bushel). 4. Campanilla. Price, 70 reals per fa- nega (9s. 1d. per bushel). 257 108 D. J. MARQUEZ, Malaga. Olives, from Alora and Casarabonela. RAW MATERIALS.] 31 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 258 259 260 They are very mild, and easily sepa- rated from the stone. Price, 50 reals per fanega (6s. 6d. per bushel). 111 D. J. ZAMBRANO, SEVILLE. Olives, called de figura, from Rinconada. Very singular kind. Price, 50 reals per fanega (6s. 6d. per bushel). 112 D. M. Carabé, Seville. Olives, called manzanilla de la Reina. Same price as the former. 113 D. J. J. LESACA, SEVILLE. Giant olives, called gordales, from Pa- dron. Price, 120 reals per fanega (15s. 7d. per bushel). 261 72 D. VALENCIA. Earth-nut (Archi hypogea). Price, 25 reals per fanega (3s. 3d. per bushel). 268 169 D. M. FERNANDEZ, MALAGA. Olive oil, filtered. Price, 80 reals per arroba (£3 11s. 24d. per cwt.) 269 171 D. SEVILLE. Olive oil, of the best quality. 270 173 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, VALENCIA. Olive oil, by D. V. TORTOSA. Price, 60 to 80 reals per arroba (£2 13s. 4d. to £3 11s. 2 d. per cwt.) Ditto, by D. J. CARRASCOSA, from Bu- 80 reals per arroba (£3 11s. 24d. ñol. per cwt.) 271 174 THE COUNT OF SOBRADIEL, SARAGOSSA. Olive oil. Price, 64 reals per arroba of Aragon (£2 17s. per cwt.) 262 164 D. Olive oil. ALMERIA. 263 167 D. C. J. MONTESINOS, BADAJOZ. Olive oil, from Alburquerque. 272 133 D. R. MANSO, LOGRONNO. Capsicum, called de izco. 273 86 MURCIA. Capsicum, called de flor. Price, 30 reals per arrola (£1 6s. 8d. per cwt. Ditto, ground. Price, 40 reals per ar- roba (£1 15s. 74d per cwt.) THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, CORDOVA. Mustard, from Santaella. Price, 16 reals per arrola (£2 17s. per cwt.) 126 D. M. GONZALEZ CARVAJAL, Ilavanah. CUBA. 264 165 D. CORDOVA. Olive oil, from Almodovar del Rio, pro- duced from the wild olive. Good quality and taste, notwithstanding its Source. Price, 40 reals per arroba (£1 15s. 7 d. per cwt.) 274 99 265 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, 275 B CORDOVA. Olive oil, from Torres Cabrera. 1. Drawn from pression. 44 reals per arroba (£1 19s. Id. per cwt.) 2. Drawn without pression. 40 ditto (£1 15s. 7d. per cwt.) 266 168 D. J. ZAYAS, GRANADA. Olive oil, from the village of Nigüelas. 267 172 D. A. DIEZ DE RIBERA, Gra- | NADA. Olive oil, from Santa Fé. Not clarified. Price, 45 per reals arroba (£2 per cwt.) A Cigars. 276 126 D. B. GOMEZ ALVERIC, Havanah, CUBA. Cigars of different kinds. 277 127 D. F. FERNANDEZ, B CUBA. Paper cigarettes. Havanah, 278 151 PARTAGAS & CO., Havannah, CUBA. Case of cigars. 32 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Off. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 279 248 THE CENTRAL FACTORY OF 285 TOBACCO, Manilla, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Small box containing ten small packets of cigarettes of different kinds. Eight small boxes containing cigars of the various forms and sizes, manufac- tured with picked Cagayan leaf. 280 250 THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY, Manilla, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 281 A A collection in three frames of the dif- ferent qualities of tobacco-leaf em- ployed in the Government factories in Manilla and other places. The leaf from Cagayan is the only one manu- factured for exportation. Six cases with cigars of different kinds. D. J. BOTANA Y BARBUTIO, PONTEVEDRA. Starch extracted from the seed called Don Diego de Noche. Price, 1 reals per lb. (34d. per lb. avoird.) 282 128 D. G. MIRAT, SALAMANCA. Superfine starch, in stick and powder. Price, 34 reals per arroba (£1. 10s. 3ğd. per cwt.) 283 80 286 179 A D. J. J. ARRIETA, Havannah, CUBA. White sugar, from the works Flor de Cuba. This sugar is obtained at once from the juice-cane on an improved method, and though not completely refined, is of a very superior quality in such a state. D. J. ZULUELA, Havannah, CUBA. Samples of sugar. 287 179 D. S. MARTINEZ, Vitoria, ALAVA. Sweetmeats made from different fruits. Good quality, and a great consump- tion. Very cheap. Price, 3 reals, 288 289 10 maravedis per lib. (7d. per lb. avoird.) 177 D. R. ALVARGONZALEZ, OVIEDO. Preserved fruits, fishes, meats, &c, from Gijon. Very well confectioned. The prices are: Pears, prunes called claudias, peaches called pavias, apricots, &c., 14 to 15 reals (2s. 11d. to 3s. 1 d.) per case. Cod, salmon, lobster, shrimps, &c., 11 to 18 reals (2s. 3 d. to 3s. 9d,) per case. Beef, partridge, &c., 7 to 11 reals (1s. 5 d. to 28. 3 d.) per case. Milk, 9 reals (1s. 103d.) per case. They are exported to foreign countries, principally to America. THE NUNNERY OF SAN PE- LAYO, OVIedo. The Spanish SUGAR Section, notwith- standing its colonies being very renowned in this article, is not abundantly repre- sented. There are, however, some sam- ples that deserve attention, for the man- ner in which they are worked, and their 290 178 D. quality. D. GRANADA. Sugar-canes from Almuñecar. Price, 1 reals per arroba (1s. 4d. per cwt.) 284 176 D. J. N, ENRIQUEZ, MALAGA. Refined sugar from the cane grown in Velez Malaya. The factory was esta- blished at Torre del Mar in 1846. Price, 60 reals per arroba (£2. 13s. 4d. per cwt.) | 12 cases of preserved fruits. Price, 5 reals (is. d.) each. HUESCA. Chocolate, from Barbastro. Price, 6 reals per lb. (1s. 3d. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, from Ayerbe. The same price. 291 D. ZAMORA. Biscuits. Price, 4 reals per lb. (104d. per lb.) 292 104 D. M. LABAT, CORDOVA. Orange-flowers honey, from Palma del Rio. Good quality, and superior to that of Arabia. Price, 80 reals per arroba (£3. 11s. 23d. per cwt. RAW MATERIALS.]* PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. PARSONS LINGAY University 33 Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 293 181 D. M. ABAD, 294 185 189 A CORDOVA. Same price as Orange-flower honey. the former. D. J. M. BENJUMEA, SEVILle. Orange-flower honey. Price, 30 reals per arrola, (£1. 6s. 8d.) per cwt. 295 180 D. A. MOLINA, CIUDAD REAL. Virgin honey, from Moral de Calatrava, Price, 80 reals per arroba, (£6.11s.23d. per cwt.) 296 184 D. E. CENTENERA, GUADALA- 297 JARA. Honey in the comb, from Alondiga. Price, 34 reals per arroba, (£1.10s. 3ģd. per cwt.) 183 D. C. ESCUDERO, GUADALAJARA. Honey in the comb, from Belmonte. Price, 24 reals per arroba, (£1. 1s. 44d. per cwt.) 298 182 D. F. COLMENERO, GUADALAJARA. Honey in the comb, from Tomellosa. Ditto, clarified. Price, 34 reals per arroba, (£1. 10s. 3 d. per cwt.) 304 D. tains the most improved apparatus, and for the superiority of its produc- tions, will probably be very suc- cessful. HUELVA. Wax, from Zalamea la Real. Annual produce, 8,000 lib. (8,384 lb. avoird.) Price, 4 to 7 reals per lib. (9 d. to 1s. 6d. per lb. avoird.) 305 182 D. J. COLMENERO, GUADALAJARA. White wax, from Tomellosa. Price, 10 reals per lib. (2s. per lb. avoird.) Yellow wax. 8 reals per lib. (1s. 7d. per lb. avoird.) 306 137 D. J. GISBERT, ALICANTE. 307 138 D. Weld, from Onil, (reseda luteola.) Price, 13 reals per arroba, (11s. 6d. per cwt.) - CADIZ. Madder-root, (rubia tinctorum), of spon- taneous growth, from San Lucar. 6 reals per arroba (5s. 4d. per cwt.) CANARY ISLANDS. in almost all the islands. Carmine powder, produce of the same 308 141 D. 299 139 C D. HUELVA. Madder-root, wild, and very abundant Honey, from Hinojos. Price, 30 to 60 reals per arroba (£1. 6s. 8d. to £2. 13s. 4d. per cwt.) 300 D. HUESCA. root. Weld. Cheese, from Hecho. Price, 3 reals per 309 139 DONA E. CABELLO, CIUDAD lb. (7d. per lb. avoird.) 301 139 D. V. CONTI, CORUNNA. A Beef, two qualities. Bacon, with and without bones. Pork, cured in the American manner, REAL. Saffron (Crocus sativus). 310 79 D. GERONA. Weld. 34 reals per quintal (7s. 6d. per cwt.) 302 139 D. B OVIEDO. Hams, from Avilés. Price, 40 reals per arroba, (£1. 15s. 74d. per cwt.) 311 D. HUELVA. CLASS IV. VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL SUBSTANCES, CHIEFLY USED IN MANUFACTURES, AS IM- PLEMENTS OR FOR ORNAMENT. 303 241 FLORES, CALDERON, & COM- PANY, Ontoria del Pinar, BURGOS. Resins and Spirits of Turpentine. The establishment of this company con- Madder. 8 reals per lib. (1s. 7d. per lb.) avoird.) Consumed at Valencia. MURCIA. 312 86 D. ; Madder-root. It grows abundantly. Prices: green, 8 to 10 reals per ar- roba (5s. 4d. to Ss. 103d. per cwt.) dried, 30 to 32 reals, ditto (£1 68. 83d. to £1 Ss. 5 d. per cwt.); in powder, 50 to 60 reals, ditto (£2 4s. 6d. to £2 13s. 44d. per cwt.) Weld. 30 to 40 reals per quintal (68. 8d. to 8s. 104d. per cwt.) F. 34 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Root of alcanet (Anchusa tinctoria.) 45 reals per fanega (5s. 10d. per cwt ) 313 144 D. A. MATESANZ, SEGOVIA. Madder, in powder. 314 140 D. Z. MATESANZ, SEGOVIA. Madder, from Cuellar. 30 reals per arroba (£1 6s. 8d. per cwt.) Ditto, ground or in powder. Superior quality. 50 reals per arroba (£2 4s. 6d. per cwt.) Inferior ditto. 45 ditto (£2 ditto). 315 143 D. R. SEMOVILLA, SEGOVIA. Madder, from Cuellar. 316 145 D. J. MARTINEZ, SEVILLE. Weld. 25 reals per arroba (£1 2s. 3d. per cwt.) 317 142 D. VALLADOLID. Madder, plant. 31 reals per arroba (£1. 7s. 7d. per cwt.) Ditto, powder. 41 ditto. (£3. 6s. 5‡d. cwt.) 318 147 D. J. MARCOS, VALLADOLID. Extract of madder. 7 reals per lib. (1s. 44d. per lb. avoird.) 319 146 D. 320 91 D. 321 323 162 D. J. B. VILLARS, SEVILLE. Raw cotton. 324 D. 325 158 D. MURCIA. Rush (Macrochlea tenacissima) of spon. taneous growth. Price, 8 reals per carga. HUESCA. Rush, from Callen. Price, 2 reals per arroba (1s. 93d. per cwt.) 326 153 THE MUNICIPAL TION, CASTELLON. CORPORA- Raw hemp, very strong. Price, 160 reals per quintal (£1. 15s. 6d. per cwt.) 327 152 D. J. M. CALDERON, GRANADA. Hemp seed. Raw hemp (cannabis sativa). Combed hemp. 328 | 172 D. A. DIEZ DE RIBERA, Gra- NADA. Cleaned hemp, very strong. Price, 45 reals per arroba (£2. per cwt.) 329 158 D. HUESCA. Hemp (Cannabis sativa). Price, 44 reals per arroba (£1. 19s. 1d. per cwt). Raw hemp. VALLADOLID. 330 154 D. 4 reals Summach, from Torrelobaton. per arrola (3s. 6d. per cwt.) ZAMORA. Madder. 2 reals per arroba (2s. 23d. per cwt.) Weld. Superior quality. 8 reals per lib. (Is. 74d. per lb. avoird.) 148 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, 322 92 SARAGOSSA. Madder. Weld. Woad (Isalis tinctoria). Safflower (Carthamus tinctoria). Used in dyeing silk and cotton. Summach. Wild plant. D. SARAGOSSA. Saffron; 132 reals per lib. (£1. 6s. 4d per. lb. avoird.) It is consumed in the ma- nufactories of Catalonia and Valencia. 331 Raw hemp. MURCIA. Cleaned hemp, from Cehegin. Price, 34 to 36 reals per arroba (£1. 10s. 3 d. to £1. 12s. per cwt.) 163 THE COUNT OF RIPALDA, Va- LENCIA. Combed hemp. 332 156 D. P. MARTINEZ, VALENCIA. Unbroken hemp, second quality. 333 155 D. Broken hemp, first quality. Price, 100 reals per arroba (£4. 9s. per cwt.) Ditto, cleaned, first quality. Price, 100 reals per arroba (£4. 9s. per cwt.) Ditto, second quality. Price, 80 reals per arroba (£3. 11s. 24d. per cwt.) White hemp. Price, 110 reals per arro- ba (£4.7s 10d. per cwt.) SARAGOSSA. Hemp, raw and cleaned, from Cala- tayud. RAW MATERIALS.] 35 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi-Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 334 152 D. J. M. CALDERON, GRANADA. Linseed. Flax (Linum usitatissimum). 335 158 D. 336 98 HUESCA. Flax. Price, 76 reals per arroba (£3. 6s. 10. per cwt.) D. F. VALGOMA, Cacabelos, LEON. Various skeins of combed flax. Price, 2 reals per lb. (4 per lb. avoird.) 337 159 D. J. PINAN, Leon. Uncleaned flax, from Calaberas. Price, 1 real, 24 maravedis per lib. (4d. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, from lega de Monasterios. Same price. 338 154 D. MURCIA. Linseed, from Lorca. Price, 38 reals per fanega (4s. 11d. per bushel). 339 161 D. P. DE LAS HERAS, SEGOVIA. 340 341 91 Raw flax. Combed flax. Price, 2 reals per lib. (4 d. per lb. avoird.) D. SEGOVIA. Uncleaned flax, from Sepulveda. Price, 50 reals per arroba (£2. 4s. 6d. per cwt.) D. ZAMORA. Flax, from Camazana. Price, 2 reals per lib. (4 per lb. avoird.) Ditto, from Puebla de Sanabria. Price, 24reals per lib. (6d. per lb. avoird.) 342 155 D. Flax, from Borja. 343 D. 344 SARAGOSSA. MURCIA. Fibre, called pita, of the Agave Ameri- cana, of spontaneous growth. 157 D. R. DE LA SAGRA, MADRID. Vegetable and textile products from the Island of Cuba, viz. : 1. Trunk of tree, called Daguilla (La- getta lintcaria), showing the textile substance of the interior liber. 2. Large piece of the interior liber of the same. The following articles are exhibited as Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. samples proceeding from the former tex- tile products: 3. Cord made from the subcortical fibres. This cord is preferred to all other kinds in the island of Cuba, on ac- count of its great strength. 4. Cord made from the textile fibres of leaves of the palm. 5. Mat made from the same substance. 6. Cord made from the textile fibre of the tree called magagna (Paritium elatum. Much used in the island. 7. Yarn, extracted from the Senegal hemp (Hibiscus canabinus), acclimated in the Botanical Garden of the Ha- vannah. 8. Cord made from the same yarn. 345 160 D. A. VINAS, PUERTO RICO. Fibre from the trunk of the plantain- tree (Musa sapientum), in its raw state. 346 235 THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY, Manilla, PHILLIPINE ISLANDS. Sample of Bejuco. Seven samples of filaments of Bejuco. 347 186 THE AGRONOMICAL CABINET OF THE BOTANICAL GAR- DEN, MADRID. Specimens of woods, 225 in number, employed in the construction of furni- ture and ornaments, the produce of the island of Cuba. POPULAR SPANISH NAMES. Abey macho. Abey hembra. Acana. Agracejo. Agracejo carbo- nero. Aquedita. Almendro. Almendro sil- vestre. Arard. Arbol del cuerno. Ateje kembra. Ayua amarilla. Ayua macho. Ayua hembra, Azucarero de montaña. BOTANIC NAMES. Jacaranda Sagræana, D.-C. Pappigia excelsa, RICH. Sideroxylum pallidum, SPR. Ardisia cubana, ALPH. D.-C. Excœcaria? Picramnia pentandra, Sw. Laplacea Curtyana, RICH. Dipholis salicifolia, ALPH. D.-C. Bucida buceras, LIN. Acacia coruigera, LIN. Cordia Valenzuelana, RICH. Zanthoxylum bombacifo- lium, RICH. Z. lanceolatum, POIRET. Z. juglandifolium, D.-C. Icica Edwigia, RICH. 36 [RAW MATERIALS PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of the Offi Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. POPULAR SPANISH NAMES. Bagà. Baria. Bijaguara. Boniato blanco. Brasil. Boniato amarillo. BOTANIC NAMES. Anona palustris, LIN. Cordia gerascanthoïdes, KUNTH. Colubrina ferruginea, BRONG. Nectandra boniato, RICH. Oreodaphne? alba, RICH. {Caesalpinia, bijuga, Sw. C. horrida, RICH. Brasilete colorado. Cæsalpinia crista, LIN. Bucare. Cabo de hacha. Caju. Caimito. Caimitillo. Erythrina umbrosa, KUNTH. Trichilia spondioides, JACQ. Schmidelia nervosa, RICH. Chrysophyllum cainito, LIN. C. microphyllum, D.-C. Canella alba, MURRAY. Swietenia mahogoni, LIN. Carne de doncella. Byrsonia lucida, KUNth. Cedrela odorata, LIN. Eriodendron anfractuosum, D.-C. Canela blanca. Caoba. Cedro. Ceiba. Ceibon de arrogo. Chicharron. Cigua. Ciguaraya. Ciruelo. Cocuyo. Copal. Copey. Cordoban. Cuala amarilla. Cuaba blanca. Cunjani. Curbana, V. Ca- nela blanca. Dagame. Daguilla. Ebano. Encina. Frijolillo. Fustete. Gia blanca. Gia brava. Goao. Pachira emarginata, RICH. Chicharronia intermedia, RICH. Nectandra cigua, RICH. Trichilia Havanensis, JACQ. Spondias purpurea, LIN. Bumelia nigra, Sw. Icica copal, RICH. Clusia rosea, LIN. Miconia piramidalis, D.-C. Amyris maritima, JACQ. A. silvatica, Jacq. Cerasus occidentalis, LOISE- LEUR. Calycophyllum candidissi- mum, V. Lagetta lintearia, Juss. L. Valenzuelana, RICH. Dyospiros. (?) Quercus. (?) Lonchocarpus latifolius, KUNTH. Broussonetia tinctoria, POPULAR SPANISH NAMES. Guaguaci. Guamà. Guamà de costa. Guana. Guara. BOTANIC NAMES. Lætia apetala, JACQ. L. longifolia, RICH. L. crenata, Rich. Lonchocarpus KUNTH. Malvacæ. ? Malvacæ. ? sericeus, Cupania glabra, Sw. C. tomentosa, Sw. C. crenata, C. triquetra, RICH. Guara colorada. Cupania macrophylla, RICH. Guavico. Xylopia obtusifolia, RICH, Guayabo agrio. "" silvestre. cotorrero. Psidium pomiferum, LIN. >> Guayabillo. Guayacan. Guayacuncillo. Guimba, V. Gua- vico. Eugenia guayabillo, RICH. Guayacum officinale, LIN. Guayacum verticale, OR- TEGA. Guira cimarrona. Crescentia Guira criolla. Hueso. Jaboncillo. Jagua. Jaguey hembra. Jaguey macho. Jibà. Jiqui, V. Cocuyo. Jobo. Jocuma. Júcaro. Laurel amarillo, V. Boniato amarillo. Laurel blanco. Laurel de cuabal. Lengua de vaca. Levica, V. Laurel KUNTH. Cassearia alba, RICH. C. ramiflora, VAHL. Commocladia dentata, JACQ. blanco. Goao de costa. Rhus metopium, LIN. Lloron. Granadillo. Brya ebenus, D.-C. Guacima amarilla. Luhea platypetala, RICH. Guacima baria. Guacimilla. Guacimilla de costa. Xylopia Cubensis, RICH. Celtis macrophylla, KUNTH. C. lævigata, Wild. Prockia crucis, LIN. Maboa. Macurige. Maco. Majagua. Majagua de Cuba, V. Guamà. KUNTH. acuminata, Crescentia cujete, LIN. Drypetes alba, POIT. Sappindus saponaria, LIN. Genipa americana, LIN. Ficus (?) Ficus propulnea, WILD. Erythroxyllum D.-C. E. obtusum, D.-C. brevipes, E. Havanense, Jaco. E. alaternifolium. E. rufum, RICH. Spondias lutea, LIN. Dipholis salicifolia, ALPH. D.-C. Bucida capitata, VAHL. Oreodaphne? alba, RICH. Anona bullata, RICH. Egiphyla Martinicensis, LIN. Malanea lucida, RICH. Cameraria latifolia, JACQ. Cupania oppositifolia, RICH. Drypetes glanca, VAHL. Paritium elatum, RICH. Majagua macho. Belotia greviæfolia, Ricи. RAW MATERIALS.] 37 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- POPULAR SPANISH NAMES. Manaju. Malagueta. Mangle blanco. Mangle colorado. Moruro. BOTANIC NAMES. ƒ Eugenia pimenta, D.-C. {Eugenia piant, E. valenzuelana, RICH. Malpighia (?) Avicennia tomentosa, JACQ. Rhizophora mangle, LIN. Acacia arborea, WILD. Moruro de costa. Acacia litoralis, RICH. Mora. Nog àl. Ocuje. Palo blanco. V. Vibona. Palo cachimba, Palo de Caja, V. Caja. Palo carbonero, V. Agracejo carbo- nero. Palo santo, V. Guayacan. Peralejo. Pico de gallo. Pimienta. V. Ma- lagueta. Pino. Quiebra hacha. Ramon. Raspa lengua. Roble amarillo. Roble blanco. Roble guayo. Roble negro. Roble pricto. Sabicù. } Sangre de doncella. V. Carne de don- cella. Sapote. Sapote de culebra. Sapote negro. Torcido. Morus celtidifolia? KUNTH. Juglans cinerea, LIN. Calophyllum càlaba, Jacq. Simarouba glauca, D.-C. Malpighia. (?) Cynometra cubensis, RICH. Pinus occidentalis, Sw. Copaifera hymenæfolia, MORIC. Trophis americana, LIN. Cassearia hirsuta, Sw. Cytharexylum caudatum, LIN. Tecoma lencoxylon, MART. Ehretia bourreria, LIN. Ehretia tinifolia, LIN. Acacia formosa, KUNTH. Sapota achras, MILL. Lucuma serpentaria, KUNTH, Diospyros laurifolia, RICH. Mouriria Valenzuela, RICH. Tengue. V. Moru- Ubero de playa. l'aca-buey. Vigueta de Na- Yaiti. Yamào. POPULAR SPANISH NAMES. BOTANIC NAMES. Excæcaria lucida, Sw. Guarea trichiloides, LIN. { Yanilla. Ximenia americana, LIN. Conocarpus erecta, KUNTH. Schmidelia comminia, Sw. Yaya. { Uvaria neglecta, RICH. Oxandra virgata, RICH. Mouriria myrtiloides, Poi- Yana. Yaya cimarrona. Yayajabico. { RET. Colubrina reclinata, BRONG. Erithalis fruticosa, LIN. The above list is taken from the botanical section of the natural and political history of the Island of Cuba, by M. R. de la SAGRA. 348 187 THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY, Manilla, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Collection of 213 specimens of different species of wood-growing in the Phi- lippine Islands. The CORK in Spain is an article very abundant, and its quality is much esteemed in foreign markets, particularly in London. Some years there is an exportation which amounts to upwards of 16,000,000 reals. (£166,666. 13s. 4d.) 349 | 189 D. GERONA. Cork, 13 samples, in sheets. Price, 300 reals per quintal (£3. 6s. 9d. per cwt.) Bottle-corks of ten different sizes. Prices per 1,000, viz. : No. 1. £5. 4s. 2d. 2 and 3. £2. 12s. Id. "" 4. £1. Os. 10d. 5. £2. 1s. Sd. وو 10. Vibona. ranjo. Viriji. Yaba. Yagruma macho. Yaimiqui, V. Car- ne de doncella. Yaicuage. Coccoloba ubifera, Jacq. Curatella americana, LIN. Erithalis pentagonia, D.-C. Ilex cassine, AITON. Eugenia ferruginea, RICH. Andira inermis, KUNTH. Panax ondulata, AUB. Hypelate paniculata, CAMBES. 6. 6s. 3d. 7. 58. 24d. 8, 9 and 10. 4s. 2d. Besides corks, there are manufactured several other articles, as cigar-cases, bon- nets, walking-sticks, &c. 350 D. HUELVA. Cork in sheets and bungs, from Higuera. Price, 20 to 30 reals per quintal, (4s. 54d. to 6s. 8d. per cwt.) at the tree. 351 18S D. J. GUINART, SEVILLE. Corks and bungs. Good quality and manufacture. Price, 80 reals, (16s. 8d.) per 1000 bungs. 38 [RAW MATERIALS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos, of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 352 226 D. HUELVA. Price, 34 Common wool, from Palma. to 40 reals per arroba, (£1. 10s. 3d. to £1. 15s. 7 d. per cwt.) Fine wool, from the flocks fed in the Sierra de Andevalo. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Spun Silk, though belonging to Class XIII., is included in this, to avoid separating it from Raw Silk. 360 195 THE BARON OF FINESTRAT, Price, 45 reals 361 per arroba, (£2. per cwt.) 353 230 D. J. HERNANDEZ, MADRID. Black and white wool, from Salamanca, viz. : 1. Unwashed, for cloth. 2. Ditto, for worsted. 3. Wool, washed before shearing, or in the Saxon style. 4. Wool, sheared last February. Price, 100 reals per arroba, (£4. 9s. per cwt.) 354 227 THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY, Tudela, NAVARRA. Wool. Price, 58 reals per arroba, (£2. 11s. 7 d. per cwt.) 355 224 D. V. MUNICIO, Casla, SEGOVIA. Specimens of wool. Price, 80 reals per arroba, (£3. 11s. 2d. per cwt.) 356 225 D. S. MONTERO, SEVILLE. Samples of fine wool, unwashed, from Alcala del Rio. Price, 52 reals per arroba, (£2. 6s. 34d. per cwt.) 357 228 D. M. BARRASA, VALLADOLID. 358 220 D. White wool, washed. Price, 3 reals per lib. (7d. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, carded. Price, 3 reals per lib. (8gd. per lb. avoird.) Brown wool, washed. Price, 3 reals per lib. (74d. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, carded. Price, 4 reals, 8 mara- vedis, per lib. (9 d. per lb. avoird.) Black and white wool. Saragossa. Ditto, worsted, from Ejea. 359 231 D. D. DELGADO, SARAGOSSA. Hare's hair. Price, 12 to 70 reals per lib. (2s. 4 d. to 14s. per lb. avoird.) ALICANTE. Skein of silk. Very rare. D. J. CASTELLS, Esparraguera, BAR- CELONA. Spun silk. 80 reals per lib. (17s. per lb. avoird.) 362 204 D. F. MARGARIT, BARCELONA. Spun silk. 363 D. R. RODRIGUEZ LEAL, CA- CERES. Silk with 4 cocoons. 104 reals per Spanish lb. (£1. Os. 9d. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, with 6 cocoons. lb. (£1. per lb. avoird) Ditto, with 8 cocoons. (19s. per lb. avoird.) 100 reals per 95 reals per lb. Ditto, white of China, with 6 cocoons. 108 reals per lb. (£1. 1s. 10d. per lb. avoird.) 90 reals per Ditto, with 10 cocoons. lb. (18s. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, with 12 cocoons. lb. (17s. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, with 14 cocoons. lb. (16s. per lb. avoird.) 85 reals per 80 reals per 364 207 REY AND COMPANY, Talavera, CACERES. Spun silk, with 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 cocoons. Price, 120, 115, 110, 105, and 100 reals per lb. (£1. 4s., £1. 3s., £1. 2s., £1. 1s., and £1. per lb. avoird.) 365 213 THE WIDOW OF ALCALA AND SON, Talavera, CACERES. Specimens of silk. 4 to 5 Cocoons. 104 reals per lb. (£1. Os. 934. per lb. avoird.) 5 to 6 cocoons. 100 reals per lb. (£1. per lb. avoird.) 5 to 6 cocoons, white of China. 112 reals per lb. (£2. 2s. 4zd. per lb. avoird.) 4 to 5 cocoons, superior quality. 130 reals per lb. (£1. 6s. per lb. avoird.) Rabbit's hair. Price, 10 to 25 reals per 366 196 D. S. CRUZ, Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, lib. (2s. to 5s. per lb. avoird.) CANARY ISLANDS. Silk obtained from the annual worm called Marsellés. RAW MATERIALS.] 39 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Ditto, from the Trevoltino. Ditto, from the crossed breed of both kinds of worms. These worms are fed with the Philippine mulberry-tree. 367 212 D. J. GINER, Villarreal, CASTELLON. Spun silk, from the Mas and Raikó worms. Price, 73 to 81 reals per lb. (14s. 7 d. to 16s. 2 d. per lb. avoird.) 368 202 D. F. MONFORT, Torrente del Cinca, 208 369 84 HUESCA. Silk, 6 cocoons. 68 reals per lb. (13s. 7gd. per lb. avoird.) 2. Ditto, from the worm called Trevol- tino. The same price. 3 Ditto, from the worm of Raikó. 72 reals per lb. (14s. 4 d. per lb. avoird.) 4. Ditto, from the worm of Turkey. The same price. D. M. PIEDROLA, MALAGA. Silk from the worm from China, called Mas, produced in Churriana. 370 205 D. J. GARCIA, MURCIA. 371 203 D. Spun silk, worked on the Arabian sys- tem. 90 reals per lb. (18s. per lb. avoird.) MURCIA. Skein of spun silk, of the kind called candongo, worked by the ancient sys- tem and machines used by the Ara- bians. 60 reals per lb. (12s. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, called Medio conchal. 42 reals per lb. (8s. 44d. per lb. avoird.) Ditto, called Conchal. 40 reals per lb. (Ss. per lb. avoird.) Chain of double spun silk, called Capil- lejo. 60 reals per lb. (12s. per lb. avoird.) Skeins of spun silk, worked à la Pied- mont. Price, 30 reals per lb. (6s. per lb. avoird.) Skeins, round, and coarse. Price, 19 reals per lib. (3s 93d. per lb. avoird.) 372 197 D. J. PUJALS, VALENCIA. Skeins of silk of 4, 5, 6 and 7 cocoons. Price, 64 to 70 reals per lb. (12s. 9d. to 148. per lb. avoird.) 373 198 D. S. GONZALEZ, VALENCIA. Five samples of spun silk of 4, 5, 6, 9 and 14 cocoons. Price, 80 to 90 reals per lb. (16s. to 18s. per lb. avoird.) 374 210 D. T. TRENOR, VALENCIA. Spun silk, from the factory of Vinalesa. White and yellow, of 3, 4, 5 and 6 cocoons. Price, 86, 84, 82 and 80 reals per lb. 17s. 2 d., 16s. 9 d., 16s., 16s. 4 d., and 16s. per lb. avoird.) 375 209 THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD, VALENCIA. Spun silk, from the Mas, Chornet, and Raikó worms. 376 215 DOTRES, GASPAR AND COM- PANY, VALENCIA. 377 White silk spun with 4, 6 and 7 cocoons. Price, 110, 105 and 100 reals per lib. (£1. 2s., £1. 1s. and £1. per lb. avoird.) Yellow silk spun with 5, 7 and 8 co- coons. Price, 103, 98 and 96 reais per lib (£1.7d., 19s. 7d. and 19s. 23d. per lb. avoird.) The machinery in this manufactory is worked by steam power. It has 96 cu- vettes, and spins 18,000 lib. (18,810 lb. avoird.) of silk per annum, working only ten months. There are 30 men and 178 women and girls employed in it. 211 D. M. M. REINOSO, VALLADOLID. Spun silk, from the Mas and Raikó worms. 378 206 FERRER AND COMPANY, Roda, 379 BARCELONA. Floss-silk. D. J. ENRIQUEZ, ALICANTE. Cochineal of the first quality. Price 18 to 20 reals per lb. of 12 oz. (48. 9zd. to 5s. 5d, per lb. avoird.) 380 149 D. J. DE LA CRUZ, CANARY IS- 201 381 136 D. LANDS. Cochineal. HUELVA. Kermes, for dyeing red. 40 [MACHINERY. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 382 150 D. E. MERON, MALAGA Cochineal. Price, 20 reals per lib. (4s. per lb. avoird.) 383 151 D. M. GOMEZ ALCAIDE, Ma- LAGA. Cochineal. Price, 20 reals per lib. (4s. per lb. avoird.) 384 385 192 A D. J. CAPILLA, MALAGA. Cochineal. Price, 20 reals per lb. (4s. per lb. avoird.) D. J. B. BERENGUER, VALENCIA. Cochineal. Its price is exceedingly low, being 15 reals per lib. (3s. per lb. avoird.) CLASS V. II. MACHINERY. MACHINES FOR DIRECT USE. CLASS VI. MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND TOOLS. 386 252 D. J. CARRERAS Y ALBERICH, BARCELONA. Fifty samples of brass and steel combs for weaving; 110 to 6 teeth per inch. Price per 100, 2 to 40 reals (6d. to 8s. 4d.) 387 253 D. G. DEU, BARCELONA. Cards. Prices: sheets, 26 to 44 reals (5s. 5d. to 9s. 2d) each; bands, 6 to 20 reals (1s. 3d. to 4s. 2d.) per foot. 388 254 D. P. ALEMAN, EZCARAY. Cards. Sheet, No. 24, 36 inches in length, 5 inches in width; 32 reals (68. 8d.) Ditto. Sheet, No. 22, 29 inches in length, 4 inches in width; 29 reals (6s. 03d.) Ditto. Sheet, No. 24, same size; 31 reals (68. 5d.) Ditto. Bands, from 1 to 2 inches wide; 4 to 74 reals (10d. to ls. 6d.) per foot. 389 255 D. J. SASTACHS, Barcelona. Brass-wire and iron-wire cloth of differ- ent kinds, for paper making. The widest, 5 feet; 10d. to 1s. 8d. per square foot. Pair of paper moulds, with royal mark, £2. 16s. 3d. 390 256 D. J. IBARRA, Placencia, GUIPUZ- 391 A COA. Different kinds of files, from 3 to 20 inches in length. Prices: the small- est, 12 reals (2s. 6d.) per dozen; the largest, 250 to 350 reals (£2. 12s. Id. to £3. 11s. 3d.) per dozen. D. L. LARRANAGA, Eibar, GUI- PUZCOA. A file of 18 inches. dis (2s. 3 d.) 11 reals 8 marave- A file of 14 inches. 6 reals (1s. 3d.) Three files of 17 inches, 8 reals (1s. 9d.) each. Four ditto of 15 inches. 7 reals (1s. 5 d.) each. All these files are very remarkable for their temper. CLASS VII. CIVIL ENGINEERING. CLASS VIII. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ORDNANCE, ARMOUR, ACCOUTREMENTS, &c. 392 191 THE ROYAL ARSENAL OF CAR- THAGENA, MURCIA. Eleven samples of cordage of first class, untarred, 9 to 376 threads. Resist- ance, from 4 to 292 quintals (4% to 272 cwt.) Price of every one, 324 reals per quintal (£3. 12s. 1d. per cwt.) Six samples of the same, second class; 54 to 352 threads. Resistance, 25.78 MACHINERY.] 41 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Cat. of the Articles. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of the Offi. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. to 232 quintals (24 to 210 cwt.) Price, 301 reals per quintal (£3. 6s. 11 d. per cwt.) Nine samples of cordage of first_class, tarred; 72 to 420 threads. Resist- ance, 32 to 398 quintals (30 to 371 cwt.) Price, 310 reals per quintal £3. 8s. 11 d. per cwt.) Eight samples of the same, second class; 60 to 264 threads. Resistance, 25.78 to 232 quintals (24 to 210 cwt.) Price, 285 reals per quintal (£3. 3s. 5d. per cwt.) Two samples of the same, third class; 39 and 49 threads. Resistance, 21.50 and 33.68 quintals (20 and 314 cwt.) Price, 240 reals per quintal (£2. 13s. 44d. per cwt.) Four samples of twine. Prices, viz. : No. 1. 658 reals per quintal (£7. 6s. 4 d. per cwt.) 2. 600 reals per quintal (£6. 13s. 6d. per cwt.) 3. 423 reals per quintal (£4. 14s. 1 d. per cwt.) 4. 393 reals per quintal (£4. 15s. 93d, per cwt.) Ten samples of sail-cloth; 1,080 to 1,130 threads; 25 inches wide after being wove, of the usual length of 39 to 42 varas (36 to 38 yards), and a weight of 25 8 to 40.8 quintals (24 to 38 cwt.) Resistance, 40 to 70 quintals (37 to 65 cwt.) Price, 63 to 7 reals per vara (1s. 5¾d. to 1s. sid. per yard). All these cordages and sail-cloths are made with hemp from Orihuela, province of Murcia. That employed in cordage costs 160 reals per quintal (£1. 15s. 74d. per cwt.), and that for sail-cloth, 195 reals per quintal (£2. 3s. 4d per cwt.) Besides what has been exhibited by the ROYAL ARSENAL OF CARTHAGENA, there are several other similar samples of flax and hemp, which are included in Class XIV, to avoid separating them from cords and linens of the same fac- tories. 393 266 THE FACTORY OF THE RO- YAL ORDNANCE, TOLEDO. A dagger, engraved, enamelled and gilt, with an engraved and gilt sheath. Price, 400 reals (£4. 3s. 4d.) Sabre-blade for an officer of cavalry, engraved. Sword-blade for an officer of artillery, inlaid, engraved and gilt. Two sword-blades for officers of artil- lery, enamelled and damaskined. Cavalry officer's sword-blade with spring, engraved. Ditto, engraved, gilt and enamelled, in the form of a serpent. Sword-blade, old fashion, engraved, enamelled and coloured. Infantry officer's sword-blade with spring, engraved, with silver hilt in the form of a serpent's head. A morocco case with silver clasps, con- taining a silver sheath in the form of a serpent. Ancient halberd, engraved and gilt. Price, 300 reals (£3. 2s. 6d.) The prices of the blades of all kinds in this royal manufactory are as follow: SWORD BLADES. Cavalry. 50 · General Officer. . . . 76 reals Officer of Infantry.. 36 (15s. 10d.) (7s. 6d. (10s. 5d.) >> Artillery.. 36 (7s. 6d.) >> Civ. Guard 38 (7s. 11d) >> (7s. 11d.) Halberdier 38 Spring sword for Infantry, 500 reals (£5. 4s. 2d.) SABRE BLADES. · General Officer So reals Officer of Infantry.. 40 Cavalry 48 Grenadier, 30 inches in length. . . . . 25 Rifleman, 22 inches in length . ... 24 Spring sabre for Ca- valry. . . . 600 دو " (16s. 8d.) ( Ss. 4d.) (10s. Od.) ( 5s. 24d.) ( 5s. Od.) (£6. 5s.) 58. od. 28. ld. 1s. 3d. HUNTING KNIFE BLADES. Regular size. Middling ditto Small ditto . 394 267 D. MANUEL ISASI, LONDON. A sword, the sheath of which has the form of a serpent, manufactured by the ROYAL ORDNANCE, at Toledo. This specimen of extreme elasticity shows the exquisite temper of the arms made in this factory, which established their ancient and actual celebrity. G 42 [MACHINERY. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- ficated Nos Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Cat. of the Articles. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of the Offi. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. 395 263 THE FACTORY OF THE RO- YAL ORDNANCE, SEVILLE. A bronze bomb-cannon, 9-inch caliber. Weight, 6,570 lib. (6,898 lb. avoird.) Price, 67,300 reals (£701. Os. 10d.) 396 265 THE FACTORY OF THE RO- YAL ORDNANCE, PLASENCIA. An infantry percussion musket and bayonet. Price, 142 reals (£1. 9s. 7d.) 262 THE ROYAL ORDNANCE, MA- 397 DRID. A howitzer of wrought iron, 16-inch caliber, made at Oñate by the Car- lists, during the last civil war in the Peninsula, remarkable for the manner in which it has been constructed. A mortar of wrought iron, 9-inch caliber. 398 269 D. C. ARETIO, Eibar, GUIPUZCOA. Two fowling-pieces. Price, 72 reals (15s.) each. 399 268 D. G. IBARZABAL, GUIPUZCOA. 401 270 A. 402 13 D. M. GARATE, Eibar, GUIPUZCOA. A six-barrelled pistol. Price, 400 reals (£4 3s. 4d.) THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, ALMERIA. Eleven kinds of shot, from the factory of D. L. QUESADA, at 64 reals per quintal (14s. 24d. per cwt.) Sixteen kinds of shot, from the factory of D. M. A. HEREDIA, from Adra, at 66 to 68 reals per quintal (14s. 8d. to 15s. Id. per cwt.) They are partly sold in Spain, but the greatest portion are exported to foreign countries, principally to America. CLASS IX. AGRICULTURAL MACHINES AND IMPLE- MENTS. Two fowling-pieces. (13s. 9d.) each. Price, 66 reals 400 264 D. E. ZULOAGA, Eibar, GUIPUZ- A. COA. Two pairs of pistols with their appur- tenances, in wrought iron damascened over a gold ground, worked into fan- tastic forms and figures, as filagree, from the butt to the muzzle. Very remarkable articles, Two hunting-knives, made of forged iron. They are ornamented, as well as the former articles, with reliefs, incrustations and damascenes. Cavalry sword, with figures, arabes- ques, &c., and damaskined with gold and silver. A fowling-piece double-barrelled gun, mounted in the English fashion. Prices, according to the style, 1,200 to 1,600 reals (£12. 10s. to £16. 13s. 4d. each. Single-barrelled gun, mounted in the Spanish fashion. In the manufactory of ZULOAGA, esta- blished five years since, all the materials used are of native produce, and thirty workmen are employed. CLASS X. PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, The manufacture of musical and surgi- cal instruments, though represented in the Spanish section by a small number of articles, are not neglected in that country. On the contrary, Madrid, Barcelona, and other places have already several factories for the manufacture of these articles, and in the last exhibition held in the former town, in November, 1850, there were some telegraphic apparatus, clocks for churches, more than twenty pianofortes, and a large number of wind-instruments of wood and metal. 403 271 D. E. OPPELT, MALAGA. Different kinds of lenses. 1, 2, 6. Bi-convex lenses that, com- bined, serve for fusing metals. Prices, 200, 95 and 6 reals (£2. 1s. 8d., 19s. and Is. 3d.) 3, 4. Ditto, for cosmoramas or camera- obscura. Prices, 40 and 10 reals (8s. 4d, and 2s. 1d.) 7,8,9. Achromatic telescopical lenses. Prices, 320, 100 and 90 reals (£3. 6s. 8d, £1. 1s. and 18s. 9.) MANUFACTURES.] 43 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Off. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi-Nos. of ficated the Off. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. 10-13, and 17-22. Lenses for specta- cles. Price, 25 to 30 reals (58. 21d. to 6s. 3d.) per pair. 14, 15, 16. Pebble crystals. 70 reals (14s. 7d. per pair. 23-26. Bi-convex lenses for micro- scopes. Prices, 20 to 50 reals (4s. 2d. to 10s. 5d.) 404 272 D. J. GALLEGOS, MALAGA. Guitar-harp, a newly-invented instru- ment, which comprises the harp, guitar and violoncello. It has thirty- five strings, twenty-six of which, by means of twenty-one pegs, act upon the harp part, producing in their full extent the diatonic and chromatic scales. Six strings belong to the part of the guitar, in the centre of the instrument. The violoncello part, for the pizzicato, has three silver strings, which, being acted on by eighteen pegs, produces the fundamental basis which the established key requires. An appropriated pedestal supports the material weight and lever force of this instrument, which can conse- quently be managed freely by the player either sitting or standing. 405 273 D. P. CORT Y MARTI, MADRID Orthopaedical apparatus. Prices: No. 1. 320 reals (£3. 6s. Sd.); No. 2. 340 reals (£3. 10s. ICd.); and No. 3. 2,880 reals (£30.) Lasts. Prices: No. 1. 320 reals (£3. 6s. 8d.); and No. 2. 120 reals (£1. 5s.) 406 274 D. J. LEON, MADRID. Sets of artificial teeth. Price, 2,000 to 5,000 reals (£20. 16s. Ed to £52. 1s. Ed.), according to the nature or com- position of the teeth. 407 249 D. J. A. JAREN, Havannah, Cuba. Trusses, invented by the exhibitor. III. MANUFACTURES. CLASS X I. CLASS XII. COTTON. WOOLLEN AND WORSTED. D. MALAGA. Baizes. 409 253 D. C. SASTRE, Lorca, MURCIA. Woollen cloth, 1800 yarns; 7 palmos (14 yards.) A. The manufacture of COTTON in Spain 408 253 MORENO BROTHERS, Antequera, has its seat in the provinces of Catalonia. During these latter years many large facto- ries have been established in this district, some of which, as the España Industrial, will have 25,000 spindles and a suitable number of looms. Their standing capital may be estimated at a value of £3,500,000, with a sum in circulation no less than £280,000. In Malaga, Cadix, and other places, there are also very remarkable cotton factories, which together with all the others of the kingdom, consumed in 1850 a quantity of raw cotton, that may be estimated at 29,000,000 lbs. with more than 900,000 spindles. Notwithstanding this, neither of the cotton factories of Spain have sent pro- ducts to the Exhibition. 410 253 411 C. D. N. CRUZ ARCAS, Lorca, MURCIA. Woollen cloth, 2000 yarns, 7 palmos (1 yards) wide; 21 reals per vara (48. 74d. per yard). 253 D. J. MENDEZ, Lorca, MURCIA. Woollen cloth, 2000 yarns; 24 reals B. per vara (5s. 51d. per yard). Ditto, 1800 yarns; 21 reals per vara (48. 74d. per yard). 412 253 TRUEBA Y CAMPO, SANTANDER. E. Woollen cloths, from their factory at 7 For M 44 [MANUFACTURES PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- ficated Nos. Nos. of the Offi Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Renedo, district of Pielagos, recently established. Prices; black and blue, 80 to 112 reals, per vara (18s. 2½d. to £1. 5s. 54d. per yard). Green. 70 to 90 reals per vara (15s. 11d. to £1. Os. 5 d. 413 233 THE 414 415 231 A. ALCALDE OF SANTA MARIA DE NIEVA. SEGOVIA. Coarse woollen cloth. Much used in clothing for peasants and labourers. Prices; first quality, 34 reals per vara (7s. 83d. per yard); second quality, 22 reals per vara (5s. per yard). D. M. CARBONELL, Alcoy, ALI- CANTE. A travelling wrapper in the Jerezana style. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- TION. Lucena, CASTELLON. A fulled cloth mantle or blanquet. markable for its thickness and cheap- Price, 80 reals, (16s. 8d.) ness. Re- 416 232 THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- TION, Morella, CASTELLON. Travelling-wrapper; very rich 400 reals, (£4. 3s. 4d.) Price, Two sashes. Price, 80 reals, (16s. 8d.) each. CLASS XIII. SILK AND VELVET. The samples of spun silk are included in Class IV., in order to join them with the raw silk from which they originate. 417 199 D. 418 MURCIA. Prices: Silk-worm gut, for fishing. superior quality, 60 reals, (16s. 6d.) per 1000; first ditto, 22 reals, (4s. 7d.), and second ditto, 18 reals, (3s. 9d.) 217 D. R. AMIGO Y SAURY, Manufac- turer, BARCELONA. Pieces of silk-stuffs for umbrellas. Prices from 17 to 21 reals per vara, (3s. 10žd. to 4s. 94d. per yard.) 419 216 D. J. ROIG, Manufacturer, BARCE- LONA. An image of Christ, in silk-stuff, imi- tating an engraving. 420 213 THE WIDOW OF ALCALA AND SON, Talavera, CACERES. Silk stuffs. The prices of the products from this factory, are: blue sarcenet, for umbrellas, with border, 3s. 3d. per yard; green ditto, 3s. 8d. per yard; shot gros ditto, 4s. 2d. per yard; pocket and neck handkerchiefs, from 3s. 9d. to 4s. 7d. each; crimson double sash, five yards in length, 13s. 421 218 D. M. CASTILLO, SEVILLE, Silk stuffs. 422 214 D. V. ORDUNNA, Manufacturer, VA- LENCIA. Patterns of Silk stuff, viz: Eight patterns of various colours for draperies. Price, 8 reals per vara, (1s. 93d. per yard.) Two ditto of brocatelle, superior double shot. Price, 58 reals per vara, (13s. 24d. per yard.) Three ditto of dress pieces of chiné and damasked gros. Price, 36 reals per vara, (8s. 24d. per yard.) Four ditto, of brocatelle, single shot. The same price. Eight ditto of velvet, of various colours. Price, 60 reals per vara, (13s. 74d. per yard.) Six ditto of waistcoats of figured velvet, of different colours. Price, 68 reals, (14s. 2d.) each. Three ditto of waistcoats of damask. Price, 24 reals, (5s. each.) Six ditto of waistcoats of velvet. Price, 30 reals, (6s. 3d.) each. 423 274 D. F. DE SENA SORNI, Manufac- turer, VALENCIA. A. Patterns of silk bands of Spanish deco- rations. The prices are the following: Isabel la Catolica, Carlos III, San Hermenegildo. and San Fernando, 6s. 8d. per yard. Carlos III, (narrow band), 4s. 2d. per yard. Isabel la Catolica, (second grade,) 2s. 6d. per yard. DOLW MANUFACTURES.] 45 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi. Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. | Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Maria Luisa, 3s. 4d. per yard. Patterns of silk bands for bell-pulls; wide, 3s. 4d. per yard; narrow, 2s. 6d. per yard. Fringes for carriages; first class, 3s. 4d. per yard; second, 1s. 8d.; third, ls. 5d. 424 219 THE GUILDS' MANUFACTUR- ING COMPANY, and EZCARAY. Silk and gold stuffs: TALAVERA 1. Velvet. Price, 64 reals per vara, (14s. 6d. per yard). 2. 3. 4. Gobelen, 124 reals per vara, (£1. 8s. 21d. per yard.) 5. Gros 65 reals per vara, (14s. 91d. per yard). 6. Gold tissue : 460 reals per vara, (£5. 4s. 74d. per yard). 7. Caneton: 24 reals per vara, (5s. 5½d. per yard). 8. 9. Damask. The same price. 10. Striped. 50 reals per vara, (11s. 4žd. per yard). 11. Seven kerchiefs. 32 reals (6s. 8d. each). CLASS XIV. MANUFACTURES FROM FLAX AND HEMP. 425 194 | THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- TION, CASTELLON. 426 190 Twine and packthread. Linens 3 to 7 reals per vara (83d. to 1s. 7d. per yard.) Ropes of different kinds, viz. : Cable; a piece of 800 varas (731 yards). 40 reals (8s. 4d.) Cord; a piece of 12 varas (11 yards). 35 reals (7s. 3 d.) Ditto; 10 varas (94 yards). 15 reals (3s. 1 d.) Ditto; 10 varas (9 yards). 12 reals (2s. 6d.) Ditto; 10 varas (94 yards). 4 to 8 reals 10d. to 1s. 8d.) Ditto; 10 varas (94 yards). 6 to 8 reals (1s. 3d. to 1s. 8d.) All these articles are peculiarly remark- able for their strength. Wallet of canvas, 150 reals, (£1.11s. 3d.) D. I. CASTELL, BARCELONA. Sail cloth. Esparraguera, 427 193 D. F. ORTEGA Y SOLER, Ferrol, CORUNNA. Samples of linen from the manufactory of ISABEL II at Rojal. The prices of the different linen cloths of this establishment are as follows: White sail-cloths, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. Prices, 8, 71, 7 and 65 reals per vara (93d., 1s. 3 d., ls. 7d. and 1s. 54d. per yard). Unbleached ditto, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Prices, 6, 6, 54, 5, 5 and 6 reals per vara (1s. 54d., ls. 4 d., Is. 3 d., 1s. 3d., 1s. 2 d. and 1s. 41d. per yard). ་ Coutil, white and blue, two kinds. 6 and 7 reals per vara (1s. 54d. and 1s. 7d. per yard); white and rose, 32 inches wide. 7 reals per vara (1s. 7d. per yard). Plugastel; 3 to 64 reals per vara (104d. to 1s. 6d. per yard) according to its width and quality. Drill, No 11 white, 5 reals per vara (1s. 3d per yard.) No. 16. 6 reals per vara (1s. 43d per yard); white and rose, white and blue, white (good qua- lity) and Scotch, 29 inches wide, 8 reals per vara (1s. 94d per yard.) Towels, 5 reals (1s. 1d.) each. The power in this factory is a water- wheel, 60 horse power. 428 192 ESCUDERO AND AZARA, Cervera del Rio Alhama, SORIA. Sail-cloth woven in hand-looms. 429 156 D. P. MARTINEZ, VALENCIA. Twine. Price, 200 reals per arroba (£8. 18s. per cwt.) Sail cloth of first quality; 6 reals per vara (1s. 43d. per yard). Cotonina, of second quality; 5 reals per vara (1s. 3d. per yard). Samples of hemp cordage, first quality; 54 reals per arroba (£2. 8s. per cwt.) Samples of hemp cordage, second qua- lity, tarred; 60 reals per arroba (£2. 15s. 44d. per cwt) 430 234 THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY, Manilla, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Piece of yloylo stuff; 14 yards broad. Various pieces for a blouse. Piece of jusi, and a shawl of jusi, both worked. These samples are products of the Bi- sayas Islands. 46 [MANUFACTURES. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns aud ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles, CLASS XV. MIXED FABRICS, &c. CLASS XVI. LEATHER, SKIN S, & c. 431 249 D. L. J. VIGNAUX, BARCELONA. A. Twelve calf-skins tanned and varnished, for boots, &c. These skins are brought from Denmark, in rough, and tanned and varnished in the manufactory of the exhibitor with fir-bark. The quality of the varnish is much im- proved, owing to the little heat it has undergone in manufacturing, as well as in tanning, it having been made almost without lime and without fer- mented waters. Price, 30 reals, (6s. 3d) each. Six calf-skins tanned and prepared in white, for varnishing; of the same kind as the former, and manufactured in precisely the same manner. Price, 20 reals, (4s. 2d.) each. Six calf-skins, tanned and dressed in white, for boots, &c.; in the same. style as those prepared for varnish- ing, the only difference consisting in a greater quantity of grease of cod-fish being used on them, which has for its object and purpose their being used for the back and other parts of boots not varnished. Price, 21 reals, (4s. 6d.) each, Two hides varnished on one side and engraved for the use of carriages. They are from two fat cattle from Cata- lonia and Castille, and tanned with oak bark of the same country. Price, 300 reals, (£3. 2s. 6d.) each. This exhibitor has a large manufactory at Barcelona, in which all the workmen are Spanish and disciples of Vignaux. 432 249 D. S. ROIG, San Martin de Provensals, B. BARCELONA. Morocco of different colours. Prices, red, 50 to 60 reals, (10s. 5d. to 12s. 6d.) each; violet, blue, green, and yellow, 40 to 50 reals, (8s. 4d. to 10s. 5d.); pale colours, 30 to 40 reals, (6s. 3d. to 8s. 4d.); and bronzed, 36 to 40 reals, (7s. 6d. to 8s. 4d.) CLASS XVII. PAPER, &c. Up to the last ten years, almost all the paper made in Spain was produced by hand paper machines, but since the last civil war more than twenty endless paper factories have been established in many of the provinces distant from each other, which supply the wants of writing, draw- ing and printing. Neither of these fac- tories, nor the various ones of hanging paper, more recently erected, have exhi- bited one single specimen. CLASS XVIII. WOVEN ARTICLES, &c., AS SPECIMENS OF PRINTING OR DYEING. CLASS XIX. LACE, EMBROIDERY, &c. The Spanish industry of lace, blonde, and other articles has been, and is long known and esteemed. Its seat is in Cata- lonia and other places, where the work- people, which amount to thousands, are scattered to a great extent in many small villages. Some few good patterns are exhibited from the above province; but Almagro, a town so long ago renowned for its products of good quality, and par- ticularly for the extreme lowness of its prices, has not presented anything. 433 276 MIR, BROTHERS, BARCELONA. Lace trimmings. 434 223 MARGARIT AND ENA. BARCE- LONA. Scarf of black lace. Price, 6,000 reals (£62. 10s.) Dress, composed of skirt, body, sleeves, &c. Price, 10,000 reals (£104. 3s. 4d.) Veil of white blonde, 2,000 reals (£20. 16s. sd.) Mantilla of black blonde; 2,500 reals (£26. Os. 10d.) Ditto of satin with black blonde; 1,600 reals (16. 13s. 4d.) These exhibitors use the silk produced by the worms of their own lands, and MANUFACTURES.] 47 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi.| Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 435 221 222 employ in their factory 1,550 workmen, with a suitable number of masters and draughtsmen. D. J. FITER, BARCELONA. 1. Large kerchief of black blonde with flowers. Price at the factory, 8,000 reals (£83. 6s sd.) 2. Mantilla of black blonde, same pat- tern, 3,000 reals (£31. 5s.) 3. Veil of white blonde. The same price. 4. Two ditto of black blonde, 3,000 reals (£31. 5s.) 5. A dress of black blonde, with coloured flowers, (£416. 13s. 4ď.) Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. CLASS XX. ARTICLES OF CLOTHING FOR IMMEDIATE, PERSONAL OR DOMESTIC USE. 440 256 D. R. BELMONTE, SALAMANCA. Two felt hats. Price, 7 reals (1s. 51d) each at the factory. 441 272 D. B. SETTIER, VALENCIA. 40,000 reals 442 The exhibitor has a large manufactory of all sorts of blondes and laces, gold and silver, &c. He employs 2,500 work- men. 436 237 DONA R. GILART, MADRID. The baby-linen made for the late Prince of Asturias. Shield of the Royal arms of Spain, richly embroidered on velvet with silver and gold. 437 238 D. MADRID. Embroidered shirt. 438 236 D. Manilla. PHI- LIPPINE ISLANDS. A. Thirty-three samples of straw hats, made with straw of the country. Prices plain, for ladies, 40 to 60 reals (8s. 4d. to 12s. 6d.) each. Ditto, for children, 32 to 50 reals (5s. 8d. to 10s. 5d.) 258 VILARDET & CALLEJAS, VAL- LADOLID. Gentlemen's kid gloves. 102 reals (£1. 1s. 3d.) per dozen. Ladies' ditto. 90 reals (18s. 9d.) per dozen. Lamb-skin gloves, viz.: First quality, for gentlemen. 72 reals (15s) per dozen. For ladies. 66 reals (13s. 9d.) Second quality, for gentlemen. 60 reals (12s. 6d.) Ladies. 54 reals (11s. 3d.) Third quality, for gentlemen. 54 reals (11s. 3d.) per dozen. For ladies. 48 reals (108) 443 194 THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- TION, CASTELLon. Hemp sandals (Alpargatas). Price 4 to 12 reals (10d. to 2s. 6d.) a pair. This sort of sandal is the common shoe of peasants, carriers, muleteers, &c., in many provinces of Spain. Pina muslin dress, manufactured from the fibre of the pine apple, and em- broidered entirely by hand by Doña N. Margarita, of Manilla. 439 235 THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY, Manilla, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. An apron. Four handkerchiefs. Three camisets. Four collars and cuffs. Two collars. All these articles are embroidered in pine. One of the handkerchiefs remains on the frame in which it was worked. In a parcel are the instruments used for cutting the filaments, &c. Six dresses and six shawls with cheques and stripes, woven with jusi. CLASS XXI. CUTLERY AND EDGE TOOLS. CLASS XXII. IRON AND GENERAL HARDWARE. 444 260 D. T. DE MIGUEL, MADRID. Iron bedstead, with the arms of Spain, and engraved gilt ornaments. It has a spring to sit up in bed. This manufacturer has a very large es- tablishment, where machinery and every 48 [MANUFACTUres. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. kind of ornamental iron work is made. More than 200 operatives are employed in-doors, and many out. 445 259 D. T. MIGUEL, Manufacturer, and D. J. SANCHEZ PESCADOR, Engraver, MADRID. Bedstead of cast-steel, with bronze or- naments, chased and gilt. 446 257 D. J. CALLEJO, MADRID. Locksmiths' work, made by the exhi- bitor for the new building destined for the Congress of Deputies. 447 258 D. C. BAECHES, MADRID. 448 449 A. A pair of stirrups. Price, 1000 reals, (£10. 8s. 4d.) D. COA. Eibar, GUIPUZ- Twelve flat-irons. Price, 34 reals per arroba, (£1. 10s. 3d. per cwt.) CLASS XXIII. WORKINGS IN PRECIOUS METALS, JEWEL- LERY, ARTICLES OF LUXURY, &c. 261 D. P. MORATILLA, Madrid. Tabernacle of silver-gilt and gold, set with diamonds and precious stones, seven feet and a half in height, and weighing 209 lbs. avoird. It consists of a base with bas-reliefs in dead silver on its four sides, one of them representing the Lord's Supper. On the angles of this base are four kneel- ing angels, also in massive dead silver, and the Evangelists higher up on a central column. At the top is the Host, surrounded with diamonds, the whole surmounted by the cross, com- posed also of precious stones. This tabernacle has been made for the cathedral at Arequipa, (Peru), and its cost amounts to £5000., without the diamonds and precious stones. 450 264 D. E. ZULOAGA, MADRID. Case to contain a title of nobility of Castille, of wrought iron, with reliefs, incrustations and damascines of gold and silver, in the same style as the pair of pistols, included in Class VIII. under number 400, exhibited by the same manufacturer. 451 275 D. G. IRABURU, MADRID. Different kinds of decorations. prices are as follow: The Toison de oro, £20. 16s. Collar of ditto, £5. 4s. Carlos III: collar and cross, £29. 3s.; cross for the band, £13. 10s.; cross of Knight-commander, £9. 7s. San Fernando: cross, £13. 10s.; star, £8. 6s. Isabel la Catolica, £16. 12s. San Hermenegildo, £8. 12s. Maria Luisa, £10. 8s. Military orders: Alcantara, £1; San- tiago, £2. 16s.; Montesa, £1. 5s., and Calatrava, the same price. CLASS XXIV. GLASS. Many of the provinces of Spain, par- ticularly those of the north, possess manufactories of glass that partly supply their own wants. Some of these establishments produce very remarkable articles, not only for their good quality, but principally for their cheapness. Corunna for its bottles and casting glass; Gijon (Oviedo) for its shades; La Luisiana, in the neigh- bourhood of Reinosa (Santander) for plate-glass; Recuenco, Cadalso (Ma- drid), for all kind of articles of common use; Seville, and many other places, by different circum- stances, enjoy in the country some reputation. Withall, none of these factories have sent their products to the Exhibition. CLASS XXV. CERAMIC MANUFACTURE, &c. What has been said respecting the glass, may be applied to Ceramic industry, which, for the materials employed, form, solidity, and low price of its articles, is quite worthy of inspection. The earthen- ware termed Majolica, the porous MANUFACTURES.] 49 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. 1 Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi-Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Off. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 452 453 18 53 earthenware, and the large oil and wine jars, of which there are but a middling- sized sample, are a special product of the Spanish Peninsula. The factories of fine earthenware of La Moncloa, Valdemorillo, (Madrid), Seville, Sargadelos (Galicia), some of them recently open quite upon an improved system, and other ancient factories for the Majolica, in Talavera (Caceres,) Triana (Seville,) Manises and Alcora (Valencia,) &c., manufacture a great part of the articles for home con- sumption, but neither of them have sent anything to the Exhibition. THE INSPECTOR OF MINES, LUGO. 1. Fire-bricks used in the Sargadelos factory. 2. Crucibles and fire-bricks from Lugo. 3. Fire-bricks, from the neighbourhood of Santiago. THE AULENCIA COMPANY, Valdemorillo, MADRID. Fire-bricks. Price, 55 to 60 reals (11s. 5 d. to 12s. 6d. per 100) accord- ing to the form. This factory, at the last Exhibition in Madrid, presented a complete collection of fire-bricks and fine earthenware. 454 54 TEGER & COMPANY, SEGOVIA. 455 55 Pavement-tiles. D. R. GONZALEZ Y VALLS, VALENCIA. Twenty-two frames, with earthenware tiles. The factory of the exhibitor is one of the largest in the province of Valencia, where this branch of industry has its principal seat. The prices are as follow: Frame 1. with 16 tiles, 6 reals (1s. 3d.) per tile. 11 2. 3. 456 51 52 Frame 14. with 9 tiles, 4 reals ( 10d.) per tile. 15. 9 4 " ( 10d.) 16. 6 5 (1s. d.) 17. 6 6 (1s. 3d.) 18. 6 1 2 d.) 19. 6 1 2 d.) 20. 4 1품 ​3 d.) 21. 6 2d.) " 22. 6 (2d.) These tiles are consumed at home, and exported to foreign countries, principally to America. D. M. ISASI, LONDON. Porous water-bottle (Alcarraza), from Chiclana, CADIX. Large earthen jar (Tinaja), from Toboso, Mancha, generally used in Spain for conserving oil and wine, CLASS XXVI. DECORATIVE FURNITURE, &c. Some articles of this class are included in Class XXX, especially on account of the mosaic work. CLASS XXVII, MANUFACTURES IN MINERAL SUBSTANCES, ARTIFICIAL STONES, &c. 457 55 A THE APOLYTOMENE PANY, MADRID. COM- Specimens of articles made of apolyzoo, or artificial marble. 1. A vase for ornament, or to contain flowers. Price, 50 reals (10s. 5d.) 2. A turned baluster, 30 reals (6s. 3d.) 3. Three small busts of children. 16 16 4 ¡ 10d.) 10d.) 4. 12 6 (1s. 3d. 5. 12 >> 6 (1s. 3d. 6. 9 (1s. 3d.) 7. 9 (1s. 3d.) 8. 9 6 (1s. 3d.) 9. "} 9 6 (1s. 3d.) 10. 11 " (1s 8d.) 458 11. 9 (ls. 3d.) 12. 9 J 5 (1s. d.) 13. 9 ( 10d.) III. CLASS XXVIII. MANUFACTURES FROM ANIMAL SUB- STANCES, &c. D. J. BOTAna, Madrid. An inlaid work with shells, £5. Os. 4d. H 50 [FINE ARTS. PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of ficated the Offi. Nos. Cat. Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat, of the Articles. CLASS XXIX. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES, SOAPS, CANDLES, &c. 459 245 D. J. J. BERT & CO. Star Factory, MADRID and GIJON. 246 White oleine soap. Price, 40 reals per arroba (£1. 15s. 7d. per cwt.) Yellow oleine soap. 36 reals 36 reals per arroba (£1. 12s. per cwt.) Animal stearine candles Wholesale price, 6 reals per lib. (1s. 24d. per İb. avoird.) Vegetable stearine candles, or lights of vegetable wax. Wholesale price, 6 reals per lib. (1s. 2 d. per lb. avoird.) Wax tapers of vegetable stearine. Same price. Sample of sulphuric acid of 60º Baumé. 20 reals per arroba (17s. 9žd. per cwt.) Ditto of nitric acid of 36º Baumé. 52 reals per arroba (£2. 6s. 3d. per cwt.) These specimens of acids, made in the same factory, are exhibited as materials employed in the extraction of stearine. Stearine candles are made from the mix- ture of stearic and margaric acids, pre- pared from animal fats, which consist chiefly of stearine, margarine and oleine, and the sweet principle of oils, it is, gly- cerine, or sugar of oils. There are 120 work people, mostly wo- men, employed on the two Star Factories. 460 243 D. E. LEON Y RICO, MADRID. Hard soap. The peculiarity of this soap consists in its being made without the agency of heat, which permits it to be sold at 10 reals per arroba (8s. 10d. per cwt.) less than the usual price. 461 244 D. J. GIRO, MALAGA. 462 275 A. Mottled soap. Price, 125 reals per ar- roba (£5. 118. 3d. per cwt.) THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY, Manilla, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Soap made from purified palm-oil. 463 286 D. A. PASCUAL Y ABAD, Va- LENCIA. Paintings for fans. The prices vary from 8 to 66 reals (1s. 8d. to 13s. 9d.) per dozen. 464 287 D. R. MITJANA, MALAGA. 465 Paintings for fans. This exhibitor has a large establishment of this branch of industry, in which 10 lithographic presses are continually at work. He employs a considerable number of women and children, and manufac- tures from 6,000 to 8,000 fans daily, the greater portion of which are wholly finished at this factory, entirely avoiding the importation of fans in that part of the kingdom. The prices are as follow: Fans of white fir, open worked, from 7d. to 9d each. Ditto, varnished, common, 1s. to ls. 5d. each. Ditto, open-worked and varnished, 2s. to 3s. 6d. each. Ditto, varnished and japanned, the same price. Ditto, imitating the Chinese, 2s. 8d. D. P. DOMEREY, BARCELONA. A gas lamp. CLASS XXX. IV. FINE ARTS. SCULPTURE, MODELS, PLASTIC ART, &c. 466 280 THE FACTORY OF THE ROYAL ORDNANCE, Trubia, OVIEDO. A bust in bronze of her Majesty the Queen of Spain. Price, 12,000 reals, (£125.) A bust in iron of his Majesty the King of Spain, as taken from the mould. Price. 1200 reals, (£12. 10s.) 467 281 D. J. B. NAURI, MADRID. 1. Group of gilt bronze figures, repre- senting an incident at a bull-fight. Price, 1700 reals, (£17. 14s. 2d.) FINE ARTS.] 51 PRICED LIST OF SPANISH PRODUCTIONS. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. Classi- Nos. of Names of the Exhibitors, Towns and ficated the Offi. Provinces of their Residences, Description and Prices Nos. Cat. of the Articles. 4st 2. Bronzed group, representing the same. 1500 reals, (£19. 12s. 6d.) 3. Bronze figure representing a picador. Price, 2000 reals, (£20. 16s. 8d.) 468 282 D. A. PENA, 469 281 A. MADRID. Terra-cotta figures, representing an Andalusian smuggler. Price, 1000 reals (£10. 8s. 4d.) D. R. GUTRERRIEZ DE LEON, MALAGA. Three terra-cotta figures. 470 271 PEREZ & COMPANY, BARCE- A. LONA. An octagonal table of inlaid wood; the top consists of various designs and the arms of Spain and England. It contains 3,000,000 pieces, the arms of England alone, in a space of 3 inches by 2, consisting of 53,000. All this work is not made by the usual mode of wood- cutting and inlaying; this branch of in- dustry having been introduced by the exhibitors. Price at London, £1,100. 471 270 D. M. MEDINA, MADRID, Calle del Rio. Secretaire, with inlaid ornaments and arabesques of natural wood, but the green. Price, £1250. 472 285 D. M. JIMENEZ, Madrid. Two wood mosaic pictures. 473 THE FACTORY OF THE ROYAL ORDNANCE, Trubia, OVIEDO. Four lithographic prints, made in the manufactory of Trubia, representing some parts of the building, water- wheel, &c. These samples show the success obtained by the lithographic press established in the said factory. Price, 3 reals, (7§d.) each. 474 283 D. R. CONTRERAS, Aranjuez, Ma- DRID. Arabesque details from the Alhambra at Granada. 475 289 D. J. MATA AGUILERA, MADRID. Model of the bull-fighting circus of Madrid, (one half of the whole) repre- senting it nearly full of spectators, with four thousand wooden figures, exhi- biting in the arena different incidents in a bull-fight. In the seats of the amphitheatre, and the foregrounds are figures in the several provincial cos- tumes of Spain, and outside are various vendors of fruits, fans, and other arti- cles with boys' games, visitors to the circus, &c. INDEX. Acids, pag. 50; acorns, 30; almonds, 30; alum, 20, 21; antimony, 14; apolyzoo, 49; arabesques, 51; as- phalte, 15. Baizes, 43; baluster, 49; bands, 44, 45; barley, 27; barrilla, 20; beans, 28; bedsteads, 47, 48; bejuco, 35; biscuits, 32; blendes, 5; blondes, 46, 47; bomb-cannon, 42; bottle, 49; bricks, 49; broca- telle, 45; bronze figures, 50, 51; circus (model), 51; busts, 49, 50. Cables, 45; calamine, 11; candles, 50; capsicum, 31; cards, 40; caroub, 27; ceramic manufacture, 48; charcoal, 1; cheese, 33; chesnuts, 30; chocolate, 32; chick-peas, 28; cigars, 32; cinnabar, 12, 13; clays, 18, 19; coal, 14, 15; cobalt, 14; cochineal, 39, 40; coke, 14, 16; combs, 40; copper, 10, 11; cords, 45; cordage, 40, 41, 45; cork, 37; coutils, 45; cotton, 34, 43; cream of tartar, 20; crucibles, 49; cyperus sculentus, 28. Dagger, 41; daguilla, 35; damask, 45; decorations, 48; drills, 45. Earths, 9, 13; earth-nut, 31; embroidered articles, 47. Fans, 50; figs, 29; files, 40; flax, 35; flat-irons, 48; floss silk, 39; flour, 28, 29; fossils, 13; fowling- pieces, 42; fringes, 45. Galena, 3—10; gas, 21; glass, 48; glauberite, 20; gloves, 47; gobelin, 45; gold, 13; gold-stuffs, 45; graphite, 6; guitar-harp, 43. Hair, 38; halberd, 41; hams, 33; hats, 47; hemps, 34; honeys, 32, 33; howitzer, 42; hunting-knives, 41, 42. Iloylo stuff, 45; Indian corn, 27; Indian wheat, 26; iron, 1-3. Jar, 49; jet, 19; jusi-stuff, 47. Kaolin, 18, 19; kelp, 20. Lace, 46; lamp, 50; lasts, 43; lead, 3-10; lenses, 42, 43; lime, 18, 19; lignite, 14; lin 8; lithographic prints, 51. Madder, 33, 34; magnesia, 19; maize, mantles, 44; marbles, 15-18; marl, 19; medicine plants, 21- 25; mercury, 13, 14; merschaum, 18; morocco, 46; mortar, 42; musket, 42; mustards, 32. Nickel, 13, 14. Olives, 31; olive-oils, 31; orthopedical apparatus, 43, Pack-thread, 45; panic, 26; paper, 46; paper-moulds, 40; peaches, 29; phosphorite, 19; pina, 47; pis- tols, 42; pita, 35; plantain-tree (fibre), 35; plu- gastels, 45; plums, 29; potash, 20; potatoes, 28 ; preserved fruits, 32; preserved meats, 32, 33; puzo- lana, 18. Quartz, 13; quicksilver, 12, 13. Raisins, 29; resins, 33; rice, 27; rock-crystal, 18; ropes, 45; rush, 34; rye, 27. Sabres, 41; saffron, 33, 34; sail-cloths, 45; salts, 18, 19; sands, 13; sandals, 47; sandstones, 1; sashes, 44; schist, 19; secretaire, 51; selenite, 18; shawls, 47; shells, 49; shield, 47; shot, 42; silks, 38, 39; silk-stuffs, 44, 45; silver, 3-10; skins, 46; slags, 8, 9; slate, 13; soaps, 50; soda, 19, 20; starch, 32; steel, 3; stirrup, 48; sugar, 32; sulphur, 19, 21; summach, 34; sweetmeats, 32; swords, 41, 42. Tabernacle, 48; table (mosaic), 51; tapers, 50; teeth, 43; terra-cotta figures, 51; tiles, 49; tin, 12, 13; tobacco, 31; towels, 45; trusses, 43; turpentine, 33; twine, 41-45. Vase, 49; velvet, 44, 45. Walnuts, 30; wallet, 45; wax, 33; weld, 33, 34; wheat, 25, 26; white-lead, 21; wire-cloths, 40; woad, 34; woods, 35-37; wools, 38; woollen clothes, 43, 44; wrappers, 44. Zinc, 5, 6, 12, 13. *** THE END. LONDON: Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street.