t !/iº P R o P E R T Y of ACTs THE CORPORATION THE CITY OF WASHINGTow; PASSED BY THE SIXTEENTH councIL. et essessessessessessees we PRINTED BY or DER OF THE council. cITY OF WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY JACOB GIDEON, JUNIOR. a geset ºpes one set tº escºs ºde ACTS OF THE CORPORATION OF gº- THE CITY of Washivg|Tow. *.*.*.*.* sº - E. CHAP. A AN ACT authorizing the payment of a balance due for repairing the tobacco warehouse. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the sum of thirty-eight dollars and sixty-eight and a half cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of the general fund, to Henry Ingle, commissioner of the third ward, to discharge the debt due for repairing the tobacco warehouse, which has ex- ceeded the amount heretofore appropriated for that purpose. + JApproved, 25th June, 1818. -ºs) ºr a CHAP. 2. AN ACT placing the superintendance of certain ex- penditures of the temporary work house in the trustees of the poor, and making an appropriation for the support thereof. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That 4. from and after the passage of this act, the temporary penitentiary, or work house, shall, so far as relates to provisions and fuel, for the persons confined to labor therein, be merged in, and considered as part of the poor house establishment; and all acts, or parts of acts, which require a separate account to be rendered of such provisions and fuel, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That for the support of the poor, infirm and diseased of the city of Washing- ton, and for the purchase of raw materials and imple- ments for the work house and infirmary, for the year ending on the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, the sum of two thousand dol- lars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid to the order of the trustees of the poor in such sums, and at such times, as they may deem most con- ducive to the interest of the respective institutions under their superintendance, out of any monies to the credit of the general fund, not otherwise appropriated, to be charged to the respective wards in proportion to their taxation. - .ſlpproved, 25th June, 1818. •-sºº Cº- CHAP. 3. AN ACT making an appropriation for the temporary relief of such poor persons as may be afflicted with any infectious disease. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of the general fund, and expended under the direction of the 5 trustees of the poor, for the purpose of affording relief to such poor persons as may be afflicted, in the city of Washington, with any contagious disease, and during the continuance of such disease. ...Approved, 25th June, 1818. CHAP. 4. AN ACT to authorize the purchase of a Bull for the Fourth ward Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the commissioner of the Fourth ward be, and he is hereby directed to purchase a Bull for the use of the said ward, and that the sum of forty dollars, out of the funds thereof, be, and the same is hereby appropriated for that purpose. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Bull, when purchased, shall be provided for, and taken care of, in the manner heretofore provided for by law. • Approved, 25th June, 1818. s-º-º-º- J CHAP. 5. AN ACT making an appropriation for the purchase of a Bull for the First ward. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That a sum not exceeding fifty dollars be, and hereby is appropriated for the purchase of a Bull for the First ward, to be paid out of the funds of the said ward. 6 Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said appropria. tion shall be expended by the commissioner of the Tirst ward, whose duty it shall be to procure the Bull, and a collar with the name of the ward and city thereon, and take the same into his charge; and that all neces- sary expenses attending the keeping of the same shall be defrayed as provided for in the act, entitled “An act making an appropriation for the purchase of Bulls,” passed on the twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. JApproved, 11th July, 1818. CHAP. 6. AN ACT to authorize a loan for the use of the city of Washington, and for funding the debt due by the corporation. • , Be it enacted by the board of aldermon and board of common council of the city of Washington, That a loan to an amount not exceeding sixty thousand dollars be. and the same is hereby authorized, and that books for receiving subscriptions to the same, be opened under the direction of the mayor, at such bank as he may deem proper, on the 27th day of July instant, to con- tinue open for ten days, and that the sums which shall be subscribed be payable at the time of subscribing in the current coin of the United States, the notes of the bank of the United States, the notes of the banks of the district of Columbia, the due bills of one dollar issued in pursuance of acts of this corporation, and in any negotiable notes, bonds, or other properly liquidat- ed evidences of debt due by the corporation to any banks or individuals: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the mayor 7 from disposing of the said loan at private sale, to any individual or individuals, bank or banks, or bodies politic or corporate, on advantageous terms (not selling for less than par) before the said twenty-seventh day of July. §º. 2. And be it enacted, That for any sum sub- scribed to the said loan, by any person or persons, body politic or corporate, the subscriber or subscribers, shall be entitled to a certificate stating that the corporation of the city of Washington, owe to the said person or per- sons, body politic or corporate, the sum to be therein expressed, bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, payable quarter yearly : Provided, a certificate shall not be granted, nor subscription received for a sum under fifty dollars. Sec. 3. ...And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the mayor to appoint an officer of one of the banks of this city as agent for receiving subscriptions to said loan, and the said agent shall deliver to the person or persons subscribing, a receipt for the amount paid by him, her or them, and make out two certified lists of the subscribers to the loan, specifying the amount subscribed by each, one of which lists to be returned to the mayor, and the other to the register, within ten days after the time prescribed by this act for closing the subscription books; and it shall thereupon, be the duty of the register to issue certificates, in con- formity with the second section of this act, which shall be signed by the mayor, and countersigned by the register. Sec. 4. .ſhed be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the register to enter in books to be kept by him for that purpose, to the credit of the respective subscribers to said loan, the sum or sums, to which they shall respectively be entitled, to transfer the said stock upon the said books, from time to time as shall be requisite; to furnish the agent who shall, from time to time, be appointed by the mayor, with a list of the 8 stockholders, at least ten days before the expiration of each quarter year, and generally to do and perform such acts as may be requisite and proper to carry this act into effect, according to the spirit and meaning thereof. Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the interest upon the said stock, as the same shall become due, shall be payable quarter yearly ; that is to say, on the first day of April, July, October and January in each year, beginning on the first day of October next. And it shall be the duty of the mayor, ten days before the expiration of each quarter year, to issue his warrant on the treasurer in favor of the agent, or such other person or persons, as he may, from time to time appoint for that purpose, for the amount of interest which may be due on the stock; and the said agent shall, as he may pay the said interest, require and take from each stock- holder, or his, her or their attorney, a receipt therefor, to be written in a book to be provided for that purpose; and shali return said receipt book to the register, within thirty days after each quarter year, and that fifteen days before the commencement of each quarter after the first, the agent shall furnish the register with a list, stating the amount of unclaimed interest in his hands. Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the stock which shall be created by this act, shall be transferrable only on the books of the register by the owner or owners of such stock, his, her or their attorney, properly constituted and appointed. And it shall be the duty of the register, when any transfer shall be so made, to give to the person having a right thereto, a certificate thereof; but no transfer shall be made of any such stock, on the books of the register, within ten days prior to the expiration of each quarter year. Sec. 7...ſlnd be it enacted, That iſ the whole amount of the loan authorized by this act shall have been subscribed within the time limited. it shall be the duty of the mayor to set apart so much thereof as may be 9 necessary, and apply the same to the redemntion of so much of the existing debt ºf the cº, º is, as a tall not have been received in payment of the subscriptions to the loan aforesaid, Sec. 8. Jind be it enacted, That the monies arising from taxes on real and personal property, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, be, and the same are hereby pledged and appropriated for the payme. of the interest on the stock which shall be created by the aforesaid loan; and the faith of the corporation is hereby pledged, to provide and appropriate hereafter permanent and sufficient funds for the redemption of the principal of the stock to be created in pursuance of this āct, and shall be at liberty to apply the same frºm and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, but not before, And it shałł be the duty of the mayor to lay before the two boards at their meeting in the month of May annually, a full state- ment of his proceedings and of the agents appºinted under this act; and shail make a special report to the two boards, at their meeting in the mouth of Qctober next. , - . . . . - -- Sec. 9...flnd be it enacted, ‘I’hat there be allowed to the agent to be appointed in pursuance of this act, as a compensation for his services in superintending the subscriptions, a commission of one-fourth of one per centum on the amount subscribed, and that he be also allowed as a compensation for his services end risk in the payment of interest, a commission of two per cent, on the interest paid; and there shall be allowed and paid to the register, in consideration of the duties imposed upon him by this act, in addition to the salary already allowed him by law, the sum of two hundred dollars per annum, payable half yearly, and out of the galary. •. • - w Sec. 40. dnd be it enacted, That for deſraying the - . . . .” . . . . . . . 2 - ... ". . . . , ; ; ; ; ; sº ł W 40 expense of procuring books, printing certificates, paying the commission of one-fourth of one per cent. allowed to the agent on the amount subscribed, and for defraying any other incidental and necessary expenses incurred in carrying into effect the provisions of this act, the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any monies to the credit of the general fund, not otherwise appro- priated. -- Sec. 41. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts passed by this corporation authorizing tie borrowing of money, so far as the same have not been carried into effect, be, and they are hereby repeal- ed. * •Approved, 11th July, 1818. •-sºº Cºm- CHAP. 7. AN ACT making provision for the redemption of the debt due by the corporation of the city of Wash- ington, and for the payment of the interest thereof. Whereas, justice and the support of the public credit of this corporation, require that provision should be made for the redemption of the debt due by the Satne, upon equitable terms: therefore, Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That out of the revenue arising from taxes imposed by this corporation on real and personal property, one-fourth thereof shall be set apart and appropriated, and heredy is set apart, appropriated and pledged for the purpose of paying the interest and redeeming the debt due by this corporation; and the mayor is hereby authorized 11. | and required to apply the same to the payment of the interest as the same may become due, on the debt at present due by this corporation, and the balance remain- ing, after paying the interest as afºresaid, to apply to the purchase, at any rate, not exceeding par, of the sººk created by “An act to authorize a loan for the use of the city of Washington, and for funding the debt dae by this corporation,” or the stock of the bank . of the United States, or of any of the banks in the tº strict of Columbia of creditable standing, or the stock of the United States; the said balance to be created as a sinking fund, to meet the redemption of the stock authorized by the said recited act, and at the time con- templated by the said act: and it shall be the duty of the mayor to report to the two boards at their meeting in May annually, a full statement of his proceedings under authority of the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That of the loan of sixty thousand dollars, authorized by an act, entitled “An act to authorize a loan for the use of the city of Wash- ington, and for funding the debt due by the corporation,” the following sums be charged to the respective wards; that is to say, to the first ward, the sum of five thousand four hundred and eighty-five dollars: to the second ward, the sum of ten thousand four hundred and seventy- nine dollars: to the third ward, the sum of fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty-nine dollars: to the fourth ward, the sum of three thousand five hundred and one dollars: to the general fund of the corporation, the sum of twenty-six thousand and six dollars, which last sum shall be charged to the respective wards, as the same may hereafter be applied by law, not exceeding to any one ward its just proportion. . . . . . . . . Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the collectors of taxes for this corporation, each for his respective ward, are hereby authorized and directed to separate and set apart, out of each deposit, the amount arising from the 42 taxes hereinbefore pledged, and deposit the same to the credit of the sinking fund, and make return thereof to the register of the city, at the time. and in the same manner as returns are made by each collector of the monies deposited by him to the credit of the several ward-, respectively, and all monies from said fund shall be drawn by warrant, in the usual form, specifying the object to which it is to be applied: Provided, that no money be drawn for any other purpose than those here- inbefºre specified. - dpproved, 11th July, 1818. \ CHAP. s. AN ACT in addition to the act to amend “An act to establish and endow a permanent institution for the education of youth in the city of Washington.” Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That from and after the passage of this act, the school of the first district shall be conducted upon the principles of instructing poor scholars, and shall have the same number of trustees, and elected in like manner as the school of the second district. Sec. 2. had be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts providing for the eiection of trustees, from among contributors to public schools, and which annu- ally appropriates fifteen hundred dollars, be, and the same are hereby repealed. . . . . . . . . ... Sec. 3. And #9 it enacted, That the sum of one thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriat- ed for the support of the school of the first district, for the year ending on the twenty-eighth day of June, eighteen hundred and nineteen, to be paid out of the N 13 funds of the first and second wards, in proportion to their taxation, no part of which shall be expended, except in the instruction of poor children. - Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the school of the first district shall be, and they are hereby authorized to place at a school, for the purpose of receiving a higher grade of instruction, any scholars of the school authorized by this act, who shall have arrived at such a degree of improvement as to warrant the same, and that a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriat- ed to enable them so to do; Provided, that no more than ten dollars per quarter shall be paid for each scholar so placed for higher instruction. Jīpproved, 11th July, 1818. sº-º-º- CHAP. 9. AN ACT making an appropriation for the support of the school in the second district. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That for the support of the public school for the second district, for one year from the twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, to the twenty- eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, the sum of six hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid to the treasurer of the board of trustees of said school, quarter yearly. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appro- priated for the purpose of defraying incidental expenses and making some repairs and improvements in and 44 about the school edifice, as the board of trustees shall Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the foregoing sums be paid out of any monies in the treasury, to the credit of the third and fourth wards, in proportion to the num- ber of pupils educated from each ward, not otherwise appropriated. . . . . . 4pproved, 14th July, 1818. . - - -** § AN ACT for the more effectually supplying the in- - habitants of Washington city with water. --- Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That for the more effectually supplying the inhabitants of the said city with water, and the more readily to extinguish fire, the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to direct the making of reservoirs at the scite of any of the present hydrants, or at those which may be hereafter authorized to be erected, of a dimension not less than ten feet square, and of such depth as the situation may require, not less than eight feet; the expense of which shall be defrayed in the same manner as is at present provided for sinking of wells and the erection of pumps: Provided, the said reservoirs shall be constructed of the best materials of brick or stone, upon a bed of clay, to be well and firmly rammed, and the cement, or mortar, used in forming the said reservoir, shall be water proof. . . . . . approved, 14th July, 1818. * 45 CHAP. 44. AN ACT supplementary to the act, entitled “An act for the preservation of springs, wells, hydrants and pumps and for other purposes.” Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washinº, ton, That to enable the mayor to carry into effect the provisions of the second section of the act to which this is a supple- ment, a sum not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated. •Approved, 11th July, 1818. CHAP 42. AN ACT to compel collectors to give a detailed bill of - taxes. Bo it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of the collectors, in their respective wards, in making out the accounts of taxes due to this corporation, to state particularly, the number of the square and lot, with the assessment value thereof, also the value of the improve- ments and personal property, together with the aggre- gate amount of tax due thereon. •lpproved, 11th July, 1818. CHAP. 43. AN ACT to authorize the mayor to appoint an addi- tional wood corder and coal measurer. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council, of the city of Washington, That the 46 mayor be, and is hereby authorized to appoint, with the consent of the board of aldermen, an additional wood corder and coal measurer for the city of Washington, who shall reside south of L street south, and between Fourth street east and South Capitol street. - Approved, 11th July, 1818. - *... tº *º-se CHAP. 44. AN ACT making compensation to John Law, for a revison of the laws of the corporation. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board ºf cºmmon council of the city of Washington, That #, e sum of two hundred dollars be, and the same is ºterºy appropriated, as a full compensation to John i.aw, for preparing a revision of the laws of this corpo- ration, in pursuance of an act, entitled “An act directing the mayºr to cause the laws of the corporation of the city of Washington to be revised,” passed on the twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen ; and that the same be paid out of any money in the treasury to the credit of the general fund not otherwise appropriated. 4pproved, 11th July, 1818. CHAP, 15, . . . . AN ACT to compensate F. G. De Kraft for copying the squares of the city of Washington, and to repeal the act therein mentioned. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and bagrd f of common council of the city of Washington, That 17 in addition to the sum already paid to F. C. De Kraft for copying the squares of the city of Washington, for the use of the corporation thereof, there be allowed and aid him the further sum of one hundred dollars, which shall be in full compensation for said copies. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the sum aforesaid be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money to the credit of the general fund not other- wise appropriated. - - Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled “An act making a further appropriation for Frederick Cornelius I)e Krafft, for copying the squares and gra- duations of the city of Washington,” passed on the twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, be, and the same is hereby repealed. •Approved, 11th July, 1818. CHAP. 16. AN ACT making an appropriation for the casual repairs of streets, bridges and footways, and for the removal of nuisances. - Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That for the casual repairs of streets, bridges and footways, and for the removal of nuisances, the sum of twelve hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriat- ed, to be expended in equal proportions in the res- pective wards, under the superintendance of the come missioner of each ward. .Approved, 11th July, 4818. 3 48 CHAP. Ay. AN ACT making appropriations for defraying the general expenses of the corporation of the city of Washington, for the year ending on the second Māonday in June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. * - Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of comixon council of the city of Washington, Tirat for defraying the general expenses of the corporation of the city of Washington, for the year ending on the second Monday in June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby appropriated for the purposes herein- after mentioned, that is to say ; • ‘ For compensation to the mayor, five hundred dollars. For compensation to the register, in addition to the fees and emoluments granted by law, eight hundred dollars. - For compensation to the treasurer, two hundred and fifty dollars. º ." For compensation to the surveyor, three hundred dollars. - F or compensation to the members of the board of aldermen and board of common council, being twenty members, at two dollars per day, for twenty-five days, one thousand dollars. For compensation to the secretaries of the two boards, being one hundred and fifty dollars each, three hundred dollars. - For compensation to the commissioners, being two hundred dollars each, eight hundred dollars. For compensation to the constables, being one hun- dred dollars each, subject, however, to the terms and con- ditions prescribed by an act passed thirtieth May, one lºud eight hundred and seven, five hundred dol. &TS• 49 For compensation to the inspector of tobacco, two hundred dollars. For compensation to the clerks of markets, being seventy-five cents for each day they shall attend their respective markets on market days, and estimated at two hundred and eight market days, for four markets, and extra allowance to the clerk of the market in the second ward, six hundred and ninety-four dollars: Pro- vided nevertheless, that if it shall appear to the mayor that either of the markets is not frequented or used, that the compensation of the clerk attached to that market shall thereupon cease. * - For support of the poor, aged and infirm of the city of Washington, to be expended under the direction of the trustees of the poor, five hundred dollars. for compensation to the trustees of the poor, being two dollars for each trustee, for each day he shall attend any general meeting of the trustees, a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to four assessors at three dollars per day, for six days, seventy-two dollars. For compensation to the members of the board of appeal, four members at three dollars per day, for ten days, one hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation to the assistant to the register, three hundred dollars. For compensation to the sealer of weights and measures, any law to the contrary notwithstanding, one hundred dollars. - • For payment of the interest due on the bank debts of this corporation, or so much as may be necessary for that purpose, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars. For defraying the general expenses of the city council, including house rent, fuel, stationary and other incidental expenses, to be expended under the direction of the register, or so much as may be necessary for that purpose, five hundred and fifty dollars. - - 20 For compensation to the constables for killing dogs, or so much as may be necessary for that purpose, fifty dollars. * • * Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the sums of money hereby appropriated shall be paid out of the general fund or aecount of the corporation, and whenever there shall not be a sufficient sum to the credit of said account to meet the appropriations made by this act, the mayor in that case, is hereby authorized to draw by warrant from the funds of the several wards, such sums as may be necessary, and in the proportions as by law directed, and place the same to the credit of the general account; and it shall be the duty of the mayor not to draw any warrant for a ward expenditure, unless he shall be satisfied that there are sufficient funds for all objects of a general nature. •Approved, 11th July, 4818. * > * ºmºs CHAP. 48. AN ACT to set the kirb stone and pave the footways on the west side of Seventh street west, between D and F streets north ; also on the east side of Seventh street west, between E and F streets north. Whereas more than two-thirds of the proprietors of occupied houses on squares numbered four hundred and thirty, and four hundred and thirty-one fronting on the west side of Seventh street west, between D and F street north; also on square numbered four hundred and fifty-six, fronting on the east side of Seventh street west, between E and F streets north, have expressed their desire of improving the same, by setting the kirb stone and gravelling or laying the foot pavement, agree- ably le the graduation of the city of Washington : Therefore, * 24 Be it enacted by the board of aldermen aud board of common council of the city of Washington, That a tax of two dollars per front foot of the ground or lots in said squares numbered four hundred and thirty, and four hundred and thirty-one, fronting on the west side of-Seventh street west, between D and F streets north, with the exception of those lots on the latter square owned by the United States; also, on square num- bered four hundred and fify-six, fronting on the east side of Seventh street west, between E. and F streets north. be, and the same is hereby laid, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, to be collected in the manner as prescribed by law for the collection of other taxes on real property in said city: Provided, that no more of said taxes be collected than will be necessary for that purpose. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commissioner of the second ward to ascer- tain the proper graduation of both sides of Seventh street west, between D and F streets north, and the pro- portions belonging to the proprietors of the lots thereon, in the squares above recited, and deposit a certified plan thereof with the register of the city. And immediately after the first day of September next, the said commis- sioner shall proceed to set the the kirb stone and pave the footways, according to the graduation thereof: Provided, that any of the proprietors of the lots afore- said may, on or before the said first day of September, cause the same to be done at his, her or their own ex- pense, and when approved by the commissioner afore- said, the tax hereby laid on their respective lots shall be, and the same is hereby released. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in order to carry into effect the object of this act without delay, the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to advance to said commissioner, such sum as he may deem sufficient for that purpose, not exceeding one thousand dollars, 22 out of any money belonging to the second ward, not otherwise appropriated. And the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paving the gutters in front of the aforesaid squares. on Seventh street west, to be paid in like manner. .Approved, 14th July, 1848. CHAP. 19. AN ACT to set the kirb stone and pave the foot-ways on the south side of square numbered four hundred and fifty-eight; on the west side of square numbered four hundred and thirty-two; on the south side of square numbered four hundred and seven ; and on the south side of square numbered four hundred and thirty-two. Whereas more than two-thirds of the proprietors of occupied houses on the south side of square numbered four hundred and fifty-eight, fronting on an avenue; the proprietors of two-thirds of the occupied houses on the west side of square numbered four hundred and thirty-two, between D street and the open space, opposite the centre market; the proprietors of two- thirds of the occupied houses on the south side of square numbered four hundred and seven, between Eighth and Ninth streets west; and the proprietors of more than two-thirds of the occupied houses on the south side of square numbered four hundred and thirty- two, between Seventh and Eighth streets west, have expressed their desire of improving the same by setting the kirb stone, and laying the foot pavement, agreeably to the graduation of the city of Washington—Therefore Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That 23 a tax of two dollars and fifty cents per front foot of the ground or lots in the said squares numbered four hun- dred and fifty-eight, fronting south on an avenue; four hundred and thirty-two, fronting west, between D street north, and the open space opposite the centre market; four hundred and seven, fronting south, be- tween Eighth and Ninth streets west, and square num- bered four hundred and thirty-two, fronting south, be- tween Seventh and Eighth streets west be, and the same is hereby laid, for the purposes hereinafter men- tioned, to be collected in the manner as provided by law for the collection of other taxes on real property in the said city: Provided, that no more of the above tax be collected than will be necessary for that pur- YOSø. t Sec, 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commissioner of the second ward to ascer- tain the proper graduation of said part of an avenue, open space and street aforesaid, the number of front feet, and the proportion belonging to each of the several proprietors, and deposit a certified plan or plans thereof with the register of the city, and immediately after the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and nine- teen, the commissioner of the second ward shall proceed to set the kirb stone, and lay the foot pavement with good paving brick, according to the graduation and regulation of the city of Washington : Provided never. theless, that each or any of the proprietors may, on or before the first day of July, one thousand eight hun- dred and nineteen, cause their proportion of the same to be done, at his, her, or their own expense; and if approved by said commissioner, the tax hereby laid on such part or portion of the said property, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in order to carry into effect the object of this act without delay, the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to advance to 24 said commissioner such sum as he may deem sufficient for that purpºse, not exceeding one thousand dollars, out of any unoley belonging to the second ward, not otherwise appropriated. - - - •Approved, 11th July, 1818. emºumºmºmºmº CHAP. 20. AN ACT to pave the footway on the south side of square numbered four hundred and fifty-nine. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of cowmon council of the city of Washington, That a fax of two dollars and fifty cents per front foot of the ground or lots in square numbered four hundred and fifty-nine, on the south side of said square, be, and the same is hereby laid, for the purpose of improving the foot way thereof, by setting the kirb stone, and laying the foot pavement, agreeably to the graduation of the city of Washington, to be collected in the manner provided by law for the collection of taxes on real property in said city : Provided, that no more of the tax be collected than will be necessary for that purpose. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commissioner of the second ward to ascer. tain the proper graduation of that part of the street, proposed as above to be improved, the number of front feet, and the proportion belonging to each of the several proprietors, and deposit a certified plan of the same with the register of the city; and immediately after the first day of September next, the commissioner of the second ward shall proceed to set the kirb stone, and to lay the foot pavement, of good paving bricks, according to the graduation and regulation of the said city: 25 Provided, that each of the proprietors, or owners may, on or befºre flat said first day of Sepientber hex. Cººse the same to be doue, at his, her, or their own exiºsse, and, if approved by the said commissioner, the tax here- by laid on such part or portion of the property, shall be, and the same is hereby released. Sec. 3. ..And be it enacted, That in order to carry into effect the object of this act without delay, the mayor be, and he is hereiny authorized to advance to the commissioner of the second ward, such sum as he may deem sufficient for that purpose, not exceeding three hundred doilars. Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of paving adjoining said kirl, stone, the sam of seventy-five dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any unonies to the credit of the second ward, not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the act passed on the sixteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, for improving the foot ways on the south side of square numbered four hundred and fifty-nine, be, and the same is hereby repealed. .Approved, 11th July, 1818. **** CHAP. 24 AN ACT to set the kirb stone and pave the footways on the north and south sides of East Capitol street, from First to Second streets east. Whereas more than two-thirds of the proprietors of the inhabited houses fronting on both sides of East Capitol street, between First and Second streets east, have expressed their desire of improving the same, by setting the kirb stone and laying the foot pavement, agreeably to the graduation of the city of Washington: Therefore, 4. £6 Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That a tax not exceeding two dollars and fifty cents per front foot of the lots fronting on the north and south sides of East Capitol street, between First street east and Second street east, be, and the same is hereby laid for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, to be col- lected in the manner prescribed by law fºr the collec- tion of other taxes on real property in said city: Pro- . vided, that no more of said taxes be collected than wili be necessary for that purpose. - Sec. 2, Jind be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commissioner of the third ward to ascertain the proper graduation of both sides of East Capitol street, between First street east and Second street east, and deposit a certified plan thereof with the register of the city. And immediately after the first day of Septem- ber next the said commissioner shall proceed to set the kirh stone and pave the footways, according to the gra- duation thereof, with good paving bricks: Provided, how- ever, that if any of the proprietors of any of the lots front- ing on said street, within the space aforesaid, may, on or before the said first day of September next, cause the same to be done at his, her or their own expense, and, when ap- proved by the commissioner aforesaid, the tax hereby laid on their respective lots, shall be, and the same is hereby released. - Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That, in order to carry into effect the object of this act without delay, the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, to advance to said commissioner such sum as he may deem sufficient for that purpose, not exceeding one thousand dollars, out of any money belonging to the third ward ; and the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paving the gutters on both sides of that part of £ast Capitol street, hereby directed to be improved, to be paid in manner aforesaid. •Approved, 11th July, 1818. 27 CHAP. 22. AN ACT supplementary to an act, entitled “An act to authorize a ioan for the use of the city of Wash- ington, and for funding the debt due by this corpo- ration,” passed on the eleventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. W Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to re-open and keep open the books for receiving sub- scriptions "o the loan authorized by an act, entitled “An act to authorize a loan for the use of the city of Wash- ington, and for funding the debt due by this corpora- tion,” passed on the eleventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, until the whole amount of said loan shall have been subscribed. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the register of this corporation be, and he is hereby authorized and direct- ed to issue certificates of stock for all monies which have been or may be subscribed, agreeably to the pro- visions of the second section of the act to which this is a supplement. And all monies subscribed by any individual, company, bank, or body corporate, for which certificates may have been given, shall be provided for and redeemed, agreeably to the provisions of an act, entitled “An act making provision for the redemption of the debt due by the corporation of the city of Washington, and for the payment of the interest thereon,” passed on the eleventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, any thing in any former act to the contrary notwithstanding. * •Approved, 47th October. 4848. 28 CHAP. 23. AN ACT directing a general assessment of property in the city of Washington and the appointment of a board of appeal. - - - Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, to appoint, forth- with, with the advice and consent of the board of alder- men, four fit and proper persons, one from each ward, as assessors of real and personal property in the city of Wash- ington, each of whom, before he enters on the duties of his office, shall take an oath or affirmation before one of the justices of the peace for Washington county, “diligently, “faithfully and impartially to perform the several duties “ enjoined on him by this act, to the best of his skill “ and judgment, without favor or affection, ilatted “ malice or ill will;” which oath or affirmation shall be filed in the office of the register. . - Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of sāid assessors, within twenty days after their appoint- ment, jointly, to commence, and, before the first Monday in April next, to complete a true and just assessment of the property, real and personal, in the city of Wash- ington, designating, in separate lists, the assessment of property in each ward, and in all other respects to per- form the duties required of assessors in the act of the twenty-seventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, entitled “An act directing a new assess- ment, and authorizing the appointment of ward asses- sors, and for other purposes.” - Sec. 3. ...And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the mayor to appoint, with the consent of the , board of aldermen, four intelligent and discreet persons, one rom each ward, who shall constitute a board of appeal, who shall each take an oath or affirmation, “well 29 ud truly to perform the duties of his office, without artiality or prejudice, to the best of his skill and dgment.” And the said board shall meet at the uncil chamber on the fourth Monday in April next, d continue to meet for ten days successively, exclusive Sundays, for the purpose of hearing and determining appeals which may be made from the assessment fore directed to be made. And the said board of peal shall perform all the duties required of the yard of appeal by the aforementioned act of the twenty- venth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and teen. - Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That each of the assessors be appointed in pursuance of this act, shall receive, s a compensation for his services, the sum of two hun- red and twenty-five dollars ; and each member of the oard of appeal, to be appointed in pursuance of this 3t, shall receive, as a compensation for his services, wenty dollars; to be paid out of any money in the 'easury to the credit of the general fund, not otherwise ppropriated. e .ipproved, 17th October, 1818. ** CHAP. 24. AN ACT to authorize the mayor to issue certificates. of stock for monies advanced on account of improve. ments. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That. for carrying into effect the several laws passed, or to be passed, authorizing improvements of avenues, streets, bridges, or other public purposes, in the city of Wash. ington, it shall be Jr…" ' "… the mayor to borrow from 30 any individual, or body politic or corporate, the amount of money appropriated for any certain object or oijects, and the monies so borrowed, shall be applied under the direction of the mayor, in such manner as is or shall be provided by law, to the objects for which said thoney shall have freen borrowed : Provided, titat all persons, bodies politic or corporate, advancing alonies to the cor- poration untier tilis provision, shall receive therefor cer- tificates of stock, in the funds of this corporation, bearing an annual interest of six per cent. payable quarterly, to wit: on the first day of January, April, July, and 0cto- ber, in each year. and redeemable at the end of twelve years from the date of such certificates, respectively : Provided also, that no certificate of stock shall be issued under the provisions of this act for any sum under fifty dollars : Provided, however, that nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to exteiiti to any ad- vance of money for improvements, without interest, which have been, or hereafter may be made, by any person or persons, under existing laws, or iaws Here- after to be made. º - Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all the certificates of stock to be issued on the authority of this act, and all the interest paid thereon, shall be charged to the respec- tive wards in which the improvements, thereby effected, shall be made. * Sec. 3. .ind be it enacted, That the faith of the cor- poration of the city of Washingtºn be, and the same is hereby pledged, to provide sufficient funds, out of the revenues of the respective wards, for the payment of the interest of the stock hereby authorized, and the redemp- tion of the principal at the times they shall severally become due. - .äpproved, 19th October, 1818. 31 CHAP. 25. AN ACT making appropriations for the improvement of streets and avenues in the city of Washington. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the following appropriations be, and the same are here- by made, to be expended under the direction of the commissioners of the respective wards, with two assis- tant commissioners to be appointed by the mayor, from the neighbourhood of the several appropriations as follows, to wit: For improving the following streets in the first ward: K street, from the Pennsylvania avenue to the lower bridge over Rock creek, two hundred dollars. F street, from Seventeenth to Twentieth street, one hundred and fifty dollars. - G street, from Davidson’s wharf, to Seventeenth street, one hundred dollars. H street, from Pennsylvania avenue to Twenty- Second street, one hundred and fifty dollars. S street north, from Nineteenth to Twentieth street, fifty dollars. Fourteenth street, from D street north to Canal street, five hundred dollars. Twentieth street, from Pennsylvania avenue to E street, one hundred dollars. Twenty-Second street, from New York avenue to Pennsylvania avenue, three hundred dollars Nineteenth street, from Pennsylvania avenue to H street, fifty dollars. In the Second Ward. Tor graduating and gravelling Thirteenth and an Half street west, from the Potomac river to Maryland 32 avenue, and for building a wall and abutment on the south side of Water street from the Steam boat wharf to the wharf erected by Peter Lenox, five hundred dol- lars. For gravelling E street north, from Eleventh to Twelfth street west, one hundred dollars. For gravelling H. street north, from sixth to Seventh street west, two hundred and forty dollars. For gr. duating and gravelling the centre market square on the south side of the market house, and for extending the sewer on the west side of Seventh street, from Pennsylvania avenue to Canal street, five hundred doilars. - For completing the graduation and gravelling of Fourteenth street west, from D street north to Canal or B streets north, five hundred dollars. For gravelling Seventh street west, from D to F streets north, four hundred and fifty dollars. In the Third Ward. For improving the south west part of the circular road around the Capitol square, from New Jersey avenue to its intersection with Pennsylvania avenue, four hundred dollars. For improving the Capitol Hill market house, one hundred and fifty dollars. For gravelling and improving Pennsylvania avenue, from the Capitol square to Fourth street east, two hun- dred dollars. For improving Virginia avenue, from New Jersey avenue to Fourth street east, seventy-five dollars. For improving N street south, from Second street west to Third street east, one hundred dollars. For gravelling North Capitol street, three hundred dollars. - $3.8 For improving Fourth street east, from Virginia avenue to the Eastern Branch, two hundred dollars, to be charged in equal proportions to the third and fourth wards. * * For improving Second street east, from Maryland avenue to D street south, two hundred dollars. In the Fourth Ward. For improving Pennsylvania avenue, from Fourth street east to the Eastern Branch bridge, two hundred dollars. For improving Maryland avenue, from Fourth street east to the north-eastern boundary of the city, two hundred dollars. For improving K street south, from Eighth street east to Pennsylvania avenue, two hundred dollars. For improving G street south, from Sixth to Tenth streets east, one hundred and fifty dollars. For building a bridge on Eleventh street east, and improving the street from G to I streets south, one hun- dred dollars. For improving the market square, one hundred dol- lars. º ..Approved, 19th October, 1818. eamº ºms CHAP. 26. . AN ACT making an appropriation for securing the abutments on each side of the upper bridge over rock Creek. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of eommon council of the city of Washington, That for - § * 34 one moiety of the expense to be incurred by the Levy court of Washington county, in securing the abutments on each side of the upper bridge over Rock creek, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid ont of any unoney to the credit of the general fund no otherwise appropriated. .ſlpproved, 19th October, 1818. *ºmºs CHAP. 27. AN ACT making an appropriation for completing the bridge across the canal on New Jersey avenue. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the sum of two thousand six hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty-one and a half cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for completing the bridge across the canal on New Jersey avenue, to be paid out of any monies to the credit of the third ward not otherwise appropri- ated, to be expended under the direction of the commis- sioners appoinied by the mayor to superintend said ini- provement ; and the mayor is hereby authorized to borrow the above sum from any person, company, or bank within the city of Washington. . & Jīpproved, 19th October, 1818. * Dººms CHAP. 28. AN ACT to open and gravel a carriage way on the east side of square numbered one hundred and sixty- SeV011. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the 35 commissioner of the first ward be, and he is hereby au- thorized to open and gravel a carriage way of forty feet wide on the east side of square numbered one hundred and sixty-seven, from Pennsylvania avenue to north H street: Provided, the sum to be expended thereon shall not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars : And Provid- ed also, that the proprietor or proprietors of the said square will advance the money for that purpose, to be reimbursed to ilim or them, without interest, out of any money to the credit of the first ward, after the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, not otherwise appropriated. . . . Approved, 19th October, 1818. CHAP. 29. AN ACT making a further appropriation for the support of the poor, aged, and infirm of the city of Washington. . . . . . - Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the sum of five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for the support of the poor, aged and infirm of the city of Washington for the year ending on the first Monday in September, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, in addition to the sums heretofore appropriated, and that the same be expended for that object, under the direction of the trustees of the poor. - .Approved, 19th October, 1818. 86 CHAP. 30. AN ACT amendatory of the several acts respecting city commissioners. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That from and after the first day of January next, all im- provements of avenues, streets, bridges, or other objects of public expenditure, shall be made by contract with the lowest bidder, notice of which shall be given by the ward commissioner, and two reputable assistant commissioners, to be appointed by the mayor, who are freeholders, and residents of the ward in which such improvements are contemplated, by advertising the same in a public newspaper, printed in the city of Washington, for at least one week previous to closing the contract, in which shall be stated the nature of the work, and the style and manner in which it is to be completed; and the - said commissioners shall be au- thorized to make the contract and decide on its fulfil- ment, agreeably to the terms and spirit thereof, which contract shall be deposited with the register. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That no advances in money shall be made to a contractor for making im- provements until he shall have commenced the work, nor then in greater sums, than, in the opinion of the commissioners, the labor and materials actually bestow- ed on the work amount to ; nor shall any credit be given said contractor, on the books of the register, until he produces a certificate, signed by said commissioners, or any two of them (including the commissioner of the ward) that the work has been completed according to the true intent and meaning of the contract, when the balance remaining due thereon shall be paid. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That no commissioner or commissioners shall have the power to apply an appro- 87 priation made for one object, or any part thereof, to any other object, under the penalty of fifty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered by an action on his bond, or deducted out of his annual compensation. approved, 19th October, 1818. CHAP. 31. AN ACT granting certain fees to the police constables in addition to their present compensation. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That from and after the passage of this act, the fees hereinafter mentioned shall be paid to the constables respectively; that is to say, for every person taken to the temporary workhouse, on the commitment of the mayor or other justice of the peace, seventy-five cents; for each person taken to the jail of Washington county on the commit- ment as aforesaid, fifty cents; for each person taken to the lock-up-houses of the respective wards, in confor- mity to the provisions of any law of the corporation, or by order of the mayor or other justice of the peace, twenty-five cents; for each slave, publicly whipped by them, respectively, on the order of the mayor or other jus- tice of the peace, for infractions of the laws of this corpo- ration, fifty cents. And each constable shall, at the end of every half year, present to the mayor, a statement, under oath, of the fees to which he is entitled under the pro- visions of this act; giving dates of the respective items, and the names of the respective magistrates on whose authority such persons have been committed or otherwise punished, who shall then be authorized to pay the same. .ſlpproved, 19th October, 1848. 38 CHAP. 32. AN ACT to fix the compensation of ſhe ward assessars for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That in lieu of the compensation at present allowed by law to the assessors of the several wards, the following sums be allowed and paid to them respectively, for their services during the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen ; that is to say, to the assessor of the first ward, thirty dollars; to the assessor of the second ward, forty-five dollars ; to the assessor of the third ward, thirty dollars; to the assessor of the fourth ward, twenty- five dollars, and that the several sums abovementioned, shall be paid out of the general fund of the corporation, and charged to the several wards, in the proportions hereby appropriated, .Approved, 19th October, 1818. *º-ºº ºssº CHAP. 33. AN ACT for the relief of the commissioner of the third ward. * Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the sum of sixteen dollars and sixty-eight cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any monies to the credit of the third ward, not otherwise appropriated, for refunding the above sum expended by the commis- sioner of the third ward, in paying the balance due for repairing the market house on the Capitol Hill. ..Approved, 49th October, 1818. 39 CHAP. 34, AN ACT to set the kirb stone and pave the footway, on the south side of square 322 and for other purposes. Whereas more than two-thirds of the proprietors of occupied houses on the south side of square number three hundred and twenty-two have expressed their desire to set the kiri, stone, and brick pave the footway agreeable to the graduation of the city of Washington, Therefore, Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That a tax of two dollars and fifty cents per front foot of the ground or lots in the said square number three hundred and twenty- two, fronting on Pennsylvania avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets west be, and the same is here- by laid, for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, to be collected in the manner as prescribed, by law, for the collection of other taxes on real property in said city : Provided, that no more of the above tax be collected than will be necessary for that purpose. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commissioner of the second ward to ascertain the proper graduation of the said part of an avenue, the number of front feet, and the proportion belonging to each of the several proprietors and deposit a certified plan thereof with the register of the city, and immediately af. ter the first day of November next, the commissioner of the second ward shall proceed to set the kirb stone, and to lay the foot pavement with good paving brick, according to the graduation and regulation of the said city: Provided, nevertheless, that each or any of the proprietors may, on or before the first day of November next, cause their proportion of the same to be done, at his, her or their own expense, and, if approved of by the commissioner, the tax hereby laid on such part or portion of the said property, shall be, and the same is hereby released, - 40 Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the mayor, in order to carry into effect the object of this act, without delay, be, and he hereby is authorized, to advance to the said commissioner, such sum as he may deem sufficient for that purpose, not exceeding one hundred and fifty dol- lars, out of any money belonging to the second ward not otherwise appropriated. And the sum of seventy- five dollars is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paving the gutter of the said part of an avenue, to be paid in like manner. •Approved, 19th October, 1818. * Cº-ºs- CHAP. 35. AN ACT making an appropriation for improving South Capitol street. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That for improving South Capitol street, from the Capitol square to the Presbyterian church, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appro- priated, to be paid out of the funds of the third ward. •Approved, 5th JWovember, 1818. == º * CHAP. 36. AN ACT supplementary to the act, authorizing the appointment of inspectors and measurers of lumber. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That 4ſ. from and after the first day of January next, all boards, plank, joists, scantling, and all square timber, not exceeding eight inches square, all shingles and lathes brought to this market and offered for sale within the jurisdiction of this corporation, shall, when sold, be Inspected and measured by the inspectors and measurers of lumber. - - Sec. 2. And be .it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the inspectors of lumber, to mark, in legible figures, the number of feet contained in each board, plank, joist, scantling or square timber, and also to mark, in like legible figures, the different qualities, to wit: first, second, and third qualities in all white pine ; and in all yellow pine two qualities, merchantable and cullings, as they, in their judgment, may define and determine. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all boards, plank, joists, or scantling, not exceeding eight inches square, that is sound, be measured by the rule of board measure, except boards under one inch thick, which shall be measured on the surface, and marked agreeably to the quality: all unsound, worm eaten, irregular sawed boards, plank, or scantling, all wind-shaken, mill- dewed or very knotty boards, plank, or scantling, shall be deemed of inferior quality, and shall be condemned and marked with a cross made thereon, thus X, the rotten and wind shaken parts shall not be included in the measurement. All shingles shall be, in the opiñion of the inspector, of sufficient thickness, and of good sound wood, free from rots, splits or twist, and of good merchantable quality; all lathes for plaistering shall be put up and packed in bundles of one hundred each, and not to be less than four feet long, and of sufficient width and thickness, and shall he inspected, if required by the seller or purchaser. Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That no inspector of lumber, shall be permitted to purchase, or appoint any 42 deputy to purchase any lumber for him, except for his own use, on pain of forfeiting his office. Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said inspectors shall be entitled to receive, as a compensation for inspecting, measuring and marking all boards, plank and scantling, in addition to what is already allowed, the sum of ten cents per thousand feet, board measure, and for inspecting all shingles, they shall be entitled to receive the sum of twenty cents per thousand, and for all lathes the sum of ten cents per thousand, the one half to be paid by the buyer, and the other half by the seller. Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That any person or persons buying or selling lumber contrary to the pro- visions of this act, shall forfeit and pay for every offence, the sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered as other fines and penalties are in similar cases, one-half to be paid by the seller, the other half by the purchaser, and one-half of the fines and penalties for the use of this corporation, the other half to go to the informer. Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. - .Approved, 17th JW'ovember, 1818. *Osº Gºmes CHAP. 37. AN ACT to carry into effect certain resolutions au. thorizing the raising of money by lottery. Whereas the board of aldermen and board of com- mon council of the city of Washington have passed four resolutions, to wit: the first in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and sixteen, the second and third in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, 43 and the fourth in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, declaring it expedient to raise by lottery the sum of ten thousand dollars each, for the purpose of building, establishing and endowing two public. school houses, on the Lancasterian system, for building a penitentiary, and building a town house or city hall, which resolutions have been approved by the president of the United States, agreeably to the provisions of the sixth section of the act of congress, entitled “An act further to amend the charter of the city of Washington;” therefore, in order to carry the objects of the said resolutions into effect: Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint seven citizens to act as managers for the purposes aforesaid, whose duty it shall be to agree on a scheme of a lottery, to raise the sum of forty thousand dollars, (clear of expenses) and to sell the said lottery, or dispose of the tickets therein to the best advantage, with the least possible delay, and diligently to attend to the drawing of the said lottery, which shall be in the city of Wash- ington: Provided however, that if the said managers, or a majority of them, should sell the said lottery, the in- dividual or individuals purchasing the same, shall have the power of making a scheme for the aforesaid lottery, and within sixty days after the drawing of the lottery shall be finished, which shall not exceed one year from the commencement of the drawing, to pay and satisfy the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn by them, and within seventy days from and after the time of drawing shall be finished as aforesaid, to pay over the balance, after deducting all necessary expenses, into the city treasury. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That before the said managers proceed to sell or dispose of any tickets in the said lottery, they shall, respectively, give bond to .44 this corporation in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, with good and sufficient security, to be approved by the mayor, conditioned that they will diligently and im- partially exercise and perform the duties and authority vested in them by this act. • . • * Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That full power and authority is hereby given to the said managers, or a majority of them, to appoint all necessary agents, clerks, and servants, and to do and perform all such acts and things which may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and to fill up and supply vacancies in their own body, on the terms and conditions hereinbefore mentioned." .Approved, 17th JVovember, 1818. CHAP. 38. - AN ACT making an appropriation for repairs and im- provements of the infirmary. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That for the purpose of plaistering the garrets in the infirmary, the sum of one hundred and thirty-three dollars and ninety-seven cents, be, and the same is hereby appro- priated, to be paid out of the general fund of the cor- poration. - •Approved, 24th December, 1818. CHAP. 39. AN ACT making an appropriation for repairing the West Market house. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That a sum 45 not exceeding six hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for the purpose of putting the West Market house in a complete state of repair, and adding thereto sheds, and a new scale house, gravelling around the house and completing the set of weights. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the foregoing appro- priation shall be paid out of any money in the treasury, to the credit of the first ward, not otherwise appropriated, and shall be expended under the direction of the com- missioner of the said ward, with two assistant commis- sioners to be appointed by the mayor. . ...Approved, 24th December, 4818. sº-ºº- CHAP. 40. AN ACT to authorize the holding of markets in the Capitol Hill and West market houses, on Saturday evenings. * Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That from and after the first day of April next, the clerks of the market house on the Capitol Hill and the West market house be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to open the said market houses for the purpose of hold- ing a market therein, respectively, every Saturday even- ing, from the hour of four o’clock, to that of eight o’clock of the same evening; to be conducted and governed, in every respect, as the present markets are now conducted and governed, under existing laws for the regulation of markets in the city of Washington. • g .Approved, 9th March, 1819. 46 CHAP. 44. AN ACT making a further appropriation for repairing .* the bridges over Rock creek. - Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That in addition to the sum already appropriated, for paying one moiety of the expense incurred by the levy court of Washington county, for repairing the bridges over Rock creek, the further sum of one hundred and one dollars and twenty-two and a half cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any monies to the credit of the general fund, not otherwise appropriat- ed. - Jīpproved, 9th March, {819. CHAP. 42. AN ACT making an appropriation for the completion of the engine house in the fourth ward. Iłe it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the ~. sum of one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and twenty-four cents be, and the same is hereby appropriat- ed, for the completion of the engine house in the fourth ward. 3. Sec. 2...flnd be it enacted, That the sum herein appro- priated, be paid out of any unexpended monies appro- priated for the purchase of a fire engine for the fourth ward, by an act passed on the twenty-fourth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixteen •Approved, 9th March, 1819. 47 CHAP. 43. AN ACT for the relief of Henry Ingle. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That for refunding to Henry Ingle, for certain discounts paid by him in procuring money to carry into effect the appro- priations for conveying water from Carroll’s spring, for the completion of the market house, and for the im- provements on South M and East Fourth streets, the sum of seventeen dollars and seventy cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of the funds of the third ward. - .Approved, 9th JMarch, 1819. *ºne § CHAP. 44. AN ACT to amend the act, entitled “An act amendatory of the several acts respecting city commissioners.” Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the first section of the act, entitled “An act amendatory of the several acts respecting city commissioners,” passed on the nineteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, shall be so construed as to au- thorize the mayor to cause such improvements and re- pairs of streets, avenues, and bridges, as he shall deem expedient, to be done, as heretofore, by the commission- ers of the respective wards. - .ſlpproved, 13th April, 1819. 48 CHAP. 45. AN ACT making an appropriation for the purchase of additional apparatus for the use of the different ward fire companies. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of eommon council of the city of Washington, That for the purchase of additional apparatus for the use of the four ward fire companies, the sum of four hundred dol- lars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be divided equally among the said companies, and to be paid out of any monies to the credit of the respective wards; the said sum to be expended under the direction of the mayor. .1pproved, 13th April, 1819. CHAP. q6. AN ACT for the purchase and erection of alarm bells. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the sum of one thousand dollars be, and the same is here- by appropriated, for the purchase and erection of four bells, for the purpose of giving the alarm in case of fires, each of a weight not exceeding five hundred pounds, to be placed on the top of the several ward market houses; to be expended under the direction of the mayor, out of any funds to the credit of the respective wards. - Jīpproved, 13th dyril, 1819. 49 CHAP. 47. AN ACT for the relief of William A Bradley. Be it endicted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That for the purpose of re-funding to William A. Bradley for certain monies by him advanced, and expended by the commissioners, over and above the appropriations, for opening and improving North Capitol street, the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars and sixty-five cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any monies in the treasury, to the credit of the third ward, not otherwise appropriated. JApproved, 13th April, 1849. *sº ºn- {}}{AP. 48. AN ACT to prevent goats running at large within the city of Washington. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That from and after the publication of this act, it shall be the duty of the police constables, and lawful for any other per- son, to kill and destroy any animal of the goat kind, that shall be found running at large within the city of . Washington. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the constables shall be allowed the same compensation for killing and burying goats, as they are, under existing acts, allowed for killing and burying dogs within the city of Wash- ington. * . Approved, Afth May, 1849. 7 50 CHAP. 49. *., AN ACT supplementary to the act, entitled “An act directing a general assessment of property in the city of Washington, and the appointment of a board of ap- peals,” passed seventeenth day of October, eightee hundred and eighteen. t Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the further time of twenty days, from and after the seven- teenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen (exclusive of Sundays) be; and the same is hereby allowed to the board of appeals, appointed under the act to which this is a supplement, for the purposes therein contained. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid board shall have power to hear and decide on all appeals: to abate, increase, alter and amend any assessment pre- viously made, and to equalize the valuation of all assess- able property within the said city, whether the same be appealed from or not, so as to place it on a footing with other property of equal value; any thing in the act to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstand- ing; and each of the members of the said board shall receive for his services a compensation of two dollars for every day he shall attend in the performance of the duties imposed by this act. / Sec. 3. ..And be it enacted, That the aforesaid board of appeals shall give three days previous notice of their meeting and final adjournment, in the newspapers of Washington, and shall moreover notify in writing, or otherwise, those owners of property in this city, the amount of whose assessment may be altered by them, of the amount at which it shall have been finally fixed, .dpproved, JMay 12th, 1819. 5 | CHAP. 50. AN ACT making an appropriation for building a bridge over the canal, and for other purposes. JBe it emucted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause a good and substantial bridge, with a draw, not less than twenty-six feet wide, to be built over the canal, at its intersection with Fourteenth street west, and to have the said street opened and improved, from the south side of the canal to Maryland avenue, so soon as the canal company, or any person or persons shall have caused to be completed a good cause-way, from the line of the canal to the south shore of the Tiber, with a good front wall or abutment of stone, free of expense to the corporation : Provided, that the approbation of the president of the United States be first obtained, in writing, to said Fourteenth street being laid out and graduated through the public mall. . . . . Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the sum of twenty- five hundred dollars for the erection and completion of said bridge, and the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for opening and improving said Fourteenth street west, from the canal to Maryland avenue be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be charged in equal proportions to the first and second wards. ſ Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said bridge and street shall be done by contract, and commenced under the direction of the mayor, so soon as any individual or individuals shall advance the money for the purposes aforesaid, to be reimbursed by this corporation, to such individual or individuals (without interest) seven years after the said bridge shall have been completed. 52 Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the mayor shall not be authorized to cause the provisions of this act to be carried into execution, until he shall have entered into a contract with some individual or individuals, binding him or them, under a sufficient penalty, to furnish such further sums as may be found necessary by the corpora- tion to complete the erection of the said bridge, and graduating and gravelling the aforesaid part of a street, upon the terms and conditions as provided by the third section of this act. Jlpproved, May 12th, 1819. CHAP. 54. AN ACT making appropriations for the improvement of certain streets and avenues, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropri- ated. In the First Ward. For improving Pennsylvania avenue, from Fourteenth street west to Rock creek, three hundred dollars. For improving M street north, from Nineteenth street west to Twentieth street west, one hundred dollars. In the Second Ward. F or improving Pennsylvania avenue, between Second and Fourteenth streets west, six hundred dollars. 53 For graduating and gravelling Twelfth Street west, from F to H streets north, the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars. - - ~ In the Third Ward. For improving Pennsylvania avenue, from Capitol square to Fourth street east, three hundred dollars. For paving the floor of the Capitol Hill market house with brick, two hundred dollars. For improving Maryland 'avenue, from the Capitol square to Fourth street east, two hundred dollars. In the Fourth Ward, For improving Pennsylvania avenue, from Fourth street east to the Pastern branch bridge, three hundred dollars. - • For improving Maryland avenue, from Fourth street to the boundary line of the city, the sum of four hundred dollars. For graduating and gravelling L street south, from Fourth to Sixth streets east, one bundred and fifty dol- lars. | For improving K street, from Eighth street east to the Eastern branch bridge, three hundred and fifty dol- lars. - - Sec. 2. Jind be it enacted, That the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized and impowered to carry the above appropriations immediately into effect, to be paid out of any money to the credit of the several wards in which the improvements are to be made. approved, 12th JMay, 1819. 54 CHAP. 52. AN ACT making appropriations for defraying the ex- penses of ihe ensuing election for members of the corporation of the city of Washington, and for other purposes. ; Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the sum of thirty dollars be, and the same is hereby appro- priated, for defraying the expenses of the ensuing elec- tion for members of the city council; and the further sum of twenty-two dollars and seventy-five cents for paying any balance which may be due on accoutsi ºf any former election ; to be paid out of any monies to the credit of the general fund. Approved, May 12th, 1819. º-ºº ºn-es CHAP. 53. AN ACT supplementary to the act, entitled “An act making appropriations for defraying the general ex- penses of the corporation of the city of Washington, for the year ending on the second Monday in June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. -: Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That in addition to the sum already appropriated by the act, to which this is a supplement, passed on the eleventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for compensation to the 55 alembers of the board of aldermen and board of com- mon council, to be paid out of any money to the credit of the general fund not otherwise appropriated. Approved, Muy 12th, 1819. CHAP. 54. * AN ACT to audit and adjust the accounts of William - Waters, and others. * Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the trustees of the poor be, and they are hereby directed to audit, adjust, and pay the accounts of William Waters, William R. Cozens, William Batty, John G. Jolies, and Nathan Moore, for attending certain cases of the small pox, on just and equitable terms. * Jīpproved, JMay 12th, 1819. ~º-º-º- CHAP. 55. AN ACT for the relief James Greenleaf, and others. Be it enacted by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the register of this corporation be, and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to audit and settle the tax account of Pratt and others, Greenleaf and Eliot and James Greenleaf, on the following principles, to wit; charge the aforementioned parties, severally, with the whole amount of taxes, which have accrued on the property 56 now assessed in their names, jointly or individually, since the first assessment of property in this city, and all other property on which any or all of the aforemen- tioned parties claim the right of paying the taxes; at the said time crediting the said parties, jointly or indi- vidually, as the case may be, with the amount actually raised by the sale of said property under the direction of the collector of the second ward, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, in proportion to the amount so raised on the property of each individual or company of the parties concerned, passing to the credit of the aforesaid parties (on account of future taxes) the excess or balance which may appear to be due (if any) to each party after settling their tax account, including the tax for the year one thousand eight hun- dred and eighteen, in the same proportion as is herein before directed. - Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all interests actually paid by Pratt and others, Greenleaf and Eliot, and James Greenleaf, for redeeming their property sold in eighteen hundred and seventeen, for taxes due this cor- poration prior to the passage of this act, not exceeding ten per centum per annum, shall, upon producing a receipt or voucher therefor, be passed to the credit of the party whose property has been so redeemed, on account of future taxes, agreeably to the provisions of the first section of this act, any thing in any former law to the contrary notwithstanding. - Sec. 3. Jind be it enacted, That the provisions of this act shall not take effect, until the parties named in the first section thereof, file, either in person or by attor- ney, in the office of the Register of the corporation, a full and entire discharge, in writing, of any claim or claims which they respectively may be supposed to have against the Corporation, by reason of the illegality or irregularity of the sales for taxes during the year eighteen 57 hundred and seventeen, or at any former period; and also the respective declarations of their assent, that, in relation to the right of the several purchases at any of the said sales, the said sales shall be held to be valid and binding, as if they had not been illegally or irregu- larly held or conducted. Approved, JMay 12th, 1849. * 38 REsolutions. CHAP. 56. RESOLUTION to raise, by lottery, ten thousand dollars for the purposes therein mentioned. Itesolved by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That it is expedient to raise, by lottery, the sum of ten thousand dollars (clear of expenses) in addition to the sums here- tofore authorized, for the following objects, to wit: for building, establishing and endowing public schools, for building a penitentiary, and for building a town house or city hall, in the city of Washington. Resolved, That the mayor present the foregoing resolution to the president of the United States, and respectfully solicit his approbation. ..Approved, 19th October, 1818. J!pproved, JW ovember 4th, 1818, JAMES MONROE. -sºº Gº- CHAP. 57. REsolution affixing names to certain avenues. Resolved by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the 59 following avenues in the city of Washington, shall hereafter be designated by the names hereinafter res- pectively annexed thereto, to wit: • The avenue, as laid out on the ground plan of the city, running in a north eastern direction, from the open space formed by the intersection of East Capitol street, with Massachusetts, North Carolina and Kentucky avenues, to the boundary of the city, Tennessee Avenue. The avenue, as laid out on the ground plan of the city, running in a south western direction, from the Judiciary square, to Canal street, Louisiana flvenue. The avenue, as laid out on the ground plan of the city, running in a south eastern direction, from Fifteenth street west, to Canal street, Ohio Avenue. The avenue, as laid out on the ground plan of the city running in a south eastern direction from the Judi- ciary square to First street east, Indiana Avenue. Resolved, That the mayor be requested to present the aforegoing resolution to the president of the United States, and respectfully solicit his approbation. .Approved, 19th October, 1848. ..Approved, JW ovember 4th, 1848, JAMES MON ROE. * * ºr s CHAP. 58. RESOLUTION concerning the renewal and amend. ments of the charter of the city of Washington. Resolved by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That a joint committee, to consist of two members of each board be appointed, in conjunction with the mayor, 60 whose duty it shall be, to prepare and have presented to congress, at the present session thereof, a petition praying for the renewal of the charter of the city; and that they be instructed to endeavour to procure the enactment of the following provisions, as amendments to the said charter, to wit: . * * A mayor’s court to be created with such judicial powers, officers and organization as congress may deem expedient. - f The mayor to be vested with authority to remove any of the officers of the corporation at pleasure. Of the powers of the Corporation. The corporation, in addition to the powers already possessed, to have the power of opening alleys through the squares, and of extending those already made : of increasing the aunount of tax for paving foot-ways and setting kirb stones, to three dollars per front foot, and of laying such tax, upon application of a majority of the owners of the property, upon any portion of a street; of laying a tax for paving carriage ways of the streets, not exceeding the actual expenses thereof; of adding ten per cent. per annum on, and in adition to the tax imposed, upon any individuals refusing or neglect. ing to pay such special taxes within thirty days after the improvements shall have been made by order of the corporation ; of regulating from time to time, the prices of builders’ work; of creating a board of health, and providing for the appointment of such officers as may be necessary to enforce its regulations; of selling. improved property for taxes under the same regulations as now exist with regard to the sale of unimproved property ; of changing the present regulations concern. ing the redemption of property sold for taxes, so as to enable the owners thereof, to redeem the same by 61 depositing the sum necessary in the hands of some officer of the corporation; of prohibiting the transpor- tation of slaves through the city, or depositing them in the city for the purpose of transportation by negro traders, or other persons, with authority to provide for the punishment of the violators of the laws on this subject, their agents or assistants, by fine or imprison- ment. Of the Public Grounds. The commissioner of the public buildings, to be directed to reimburse to the corporation, a moiety of the expense which may be incurred, in opening and im- proving any street or streets, which form the boundary, or adjoin any of the United States’ squares or reserva- tions, or which may pass through the same, and to cause the kirb stones to be set, and foot-ways to be paved on the side of any such street, adjoining any such square, whenever the corporation shall order the like improvements to be made by the proprietors of the lots opposite or adjoining thereto. - f (ºf the Levy Cºurt. The corporation to be exempi from contributions to the levy court on account of the erection or repairs of bridges over Rock creek; but to be vested with the sole controul, and chargeable with the expense of building or repairing; the bridge at the termination of K street north. / Of the Transfers of Real Property. The clerk of the circuit court of the county of Wash- * - º - * § y dº ington to be directed, to deposit. semi-annually, to wit: 62 on the first Mondays of January and July, a correct list of all transfers of real property in the city, so far as can be ascertained, by the records in his office, to have taken place during the preceding half year, in the office of . the register, or other officer appointed by the corpora- tion to receive the same. • The register of wills for the county of Washington to be directed to deposit semi-annually, on the first Mondays of January and July, a correct list of transfers of real property in the city, so far as can be ascertained by the records of his office, to have taken place in the course of inheritance, or by bequest, during the preced- ing half year, in the office of the register or other officer appointed by the corporatien to receive the same. . The corporation to be directed to make compensation to the clerk of the circuit court and to the register of wills for those services, not exceeding six cents for each transfer on said lists. JApproved, 47th Movember, 1848. •-ºº-º-º- CHAP. 59. RESOLUTION requesting a general meeting of the citizens to be convened. Whereas the mayor of the city of Washington having laid before the board of aldermen and board of common council, a communication from the honorable John C. Herbert, chairman of the committee of the District of Columbia in the house of Representatives of the United States, requesting that a deputation may be appointed by the munici. pal authorities of the city, to confer with said com- (53 mittee on the subject of that part of the message of the president of the United States of the seventeenth ultimo, which relates to the creation of a local government for said district; and, whereas, the two boards believe that the expres- sion of any opinion, or the performance of any act, in behalf of their constituents upon that subject, are not amongst the duties or powers delegated to them; but of right belong to the people them- selves :-Therefore, - Resolved by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the mayor be, and he hereby is requested to convene on the thirtieth instant, by proclamation, the people of this city in general meeting, that they may make an expres- sion of their sentiments in relation to the subject of the aforementioned communication ; and, that he be re- quested to communicate the result of the deliberations of said meeting to the two boards on Saturday the second day of January next. ! | Itesolved, That the aforegoing preamble and resolu- tion be published in the National Intelligencer and City Gazette. - \ .ipproved, 24th December, 1818. *_ºme- * º CHAP. 60. RESOLUTION authorizing the mayor to offer a re- ward for the apprehension of incendiaries. Resolved by the board of aldermen and board of common council of the city of Washington, That the mayor be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered 64 to issue his proclamation, offering a reward of a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons who may have been concerned in causing any of the late fires, and that the same be paid out of any unappropriated monies to the credit of the general fund. } •Approved, 13th .April, 1819. sixTEENTH councIL. ... ." * — ºf 30: 33- *** J. List of the Officers of the Corporation. Benjamin G. Orr, JMayor. William Hewitt, Register. Henry Whetcroft, Treasurer. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF • AL DERMEN. James H. Handy, Joseph Forrest, ; First Ward. Christopher Andrews, Thomas H. Gillis, - ; Second Ward. Alexander M'Cormick, President, tº , • John G. Macdonald, ; Third Ward. Joseph Cassin, t … Samuel Miller, } Fourth Ward. William Hewitt, Secretary. MEMBERS OF THE BoARD of common councIL. John N. Moulder, * George M’Daniel, First Ward. William O'Neal, ; George Sweeny, President, James M. Varnum, - Second Ward. Enoch Reynolds, , - James Young, John Chalmers, Third Ward. Henry Tims, Israel Little, John B. Forrest, w Fourth Ward. Thomas Reynolds, Pontius D. Stelle, Secretary. . . SURVEYor. Joseph Elgar. 66 TRUSTEES OF THE POOR, Thomas Barclay, for the first } - Enoch Reynolds, for the second Ward. I J Alexander M'Cormick, for the third Thomas Haliday, for the fourth John Chalmers, for Greenleaf's Point. INSPEctor of TopAcco. Michael Lowe. COLLECTORS. Joseph Brumley, for the first T Joseph Ingle, for the second Ward William Ingle, for the third tº George Adams, for the fourth Assessors. William Worthington, for the first Thomas Hughes, for the second l Woºd Daniel Rapine, for the third -- (UT’(l. John Crabb, for the fourth J \ MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF APPEAL. Thomas Carberry, for the first Y Thomas Dougherty, for the second Ward Samuel Burch, for the third (17°0'. Isaac S Middleton, for the fourth • * CITY commissionERs. . William Waters, for the first * - John Sessford, for the second Wardſ Henry Ingle, for the third John W. Brashears, for the fourth J CITY CONSTABLES, Nathan Moore, for the first Ward. Thomas Edmonston, for the second Launcelot Griffin, for the third ! . . George Adams, for the fourth J Samuel A. Childs, additional. 67 WOOD CORDERS AND COAL MEASURERS. Thomas Taylor, junior, for the first Thomas Burch, for the second Ward George Sandford, for the third (LTOl. }. Wilson, for the fourth William Wise, for Greenleaf's point, Benjamin Bryan, additional. INSPECTORS AND MEASURERS OF LUMBER. Benjamin Bryan, - Clotworthy Stephenson • Joseph Harbaugh, James Middleton, Thomas Wilson, Thomas Sandiford, jr. CLERKS OF THE MARKETS. Philip Williams, for the west - James B. Herd, for the centre Benson ºś. for the Capitol Hill arket-houses. Joseph Wilson, for the Easterm-branch J Amon Woodward, contractor to keep Pumps and Hydrants in repavr. CONTENTS. -ºš O. ºe- Page. An Act authorizing the payment of a balance due for repairing the tobacco warehouse, ( ) º ſº º º © An Act placing the superintendance of certain expenditures of the temporary workhouse in the trustees of the poor, and making an appropriation for the support thereof, . . . An Act making an appropriation for the temporary relief of such poor persons as may be afflicted with any infectious disease, . . e c e e o e º e An Act to authorize the purchase of a Bull for the fourth ward, An Act making an appropriation for the purchase of a Bull for the first ward, e Qe e e e • * An Act to authorize a loan for the use of the city of Washing- ton, and for funding the debt-due by the corporation, , , . An Act making provision for the redemption of the debt due - by the º of the city of Washington, and for the payment of the interest thereof, . e º o o An Act in addition to the act to amend “An Act to establish and endow a permanent institution for the education of youth in the city of Washington,” . . . . . . An Act making an appropriation for the support of the school in the second district, . . . . . . . . An Act for the more effectually supplying the inhabitants of Washington city with water, º e e • An Act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act for the pre- servation of springs, wells, hydrants and pumps and for other purposes,” o e ... • * e O An Act to compel collectors to give a detail bill of taxes, An Act to authorize the mayor to appoint an additional wood corder and coal measurer, . . e e G © An Act making compensation to John Law, for a revision of the laws of the corporation, & 6 G e e º An Act to compensate F.C. De Kraft for copying the squares of the city of Washington, and to repeal the act therein mentioned, . . º e e ‘ e © e © An Act making an appropriation for the casual repairs of streets, bridges and footways, and for the removal of nuisances, 's 3 . 10' 12 13 14 . j 5 15 15 16 * 16 - 70 An Act making appropriations for defraying the general ex- penses of the corporation of the city of Washington, for the year ending on the second Monday in June, one thou- sand eight hundred and nineteen, {º * º tº An Act to set the kirbstone and pave the footways on the west side of Seventh street west, between D and F streets north; also on the east side of Seventh street west, be- tween E and F streets north, . . . º te º An Act to set the kirbstone and pave the footways on the south side of square numbered four hundred and fifty-eight; on the west side of square numbered four hundred and thirty- two ; on the south side of square numbered four hundred and seven ; and on the south side of square numbered four hundred and thirty-two, e e e © An Act to pave the footway on the south side of square num- bered four hundred and fifty-nine, tº ſº º An Act to set the kirb stone and pave the footways on the north and south sides of East Capitol street, from First to Second streets east, e º © & º º An Act supplementary to an act, entitled “An act to authorize a loan for the use of the city of Washington, and for funding the debt due by this corporation,” passed on the eleventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, e º º º e • • tº An Act directing a general assessment of property in the city of Washington and the appointment of a board of appeal, An act to authorize the mayor to issue certificates of stock for monies advanced on account of improvements, © An Act making appropriations for the improvement of streets and avenues in the city of Washington, e e An Act making an appropriation for securing the abutments on each side of the upper bridge over Rock creek, . . An Act making an appropriation for completing the bridge across the canal on New Jersey avenue, we ſº An Act to open and gravel a carriage way on the east side of square numbered one hundred and sixty-seven, º An Act making a further appropriation for the support of the poor, aged, and infirm of the city of Washington, An Act amendatory of the several acts respecting city com- mlSSIOllerS, ſº gº © © e e e gº An Act granting certain fees to the police constables in addi- tion to their present compensation, e Gº tº An Act to fix the compensation of the ward assessors for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, . 18 20 22 24 25 27 28 71 An Act for the relief of the commissioner of the third ward, An Act to set the kirb stone and pave the footway, on the south side of square 322, and for other purposes, An Act making an appropriation for improving South Capitol street, e © º tº e tº e * } º An Act supplementary to the act, authorizing the appointment of inspectors and measurers of lumber, © e An Act to carry into effect certain resolutions authorizing the raising of money by lottery, • s gº º An Act making an appropriation for repairs and improvements of the infirmary, * § e ‘º tº tº An Act making an appropriation for repairing the West Mar- ket house, . © © tº tº gº g * g An Act to authorize the holding of markets in the Capitol Hill and West market houses, on Saturday evenings, º An Act making a further appropriation for repairing the bridges over Rock creek, . . e tº tº • , , , gº An Act making an appropriation for the completion of the en- gine house in the fourth ward, An Act for the relief of Henry Ingle, gº tº º An Act to amend the act, entitled “An act amendatory of the several acts respecting city commissioners,” ſº º An Act making an appropriation for the purchase of additional apparatus for the use of the different ward fire companies, An Act for the purchase and erection of alarm bells, An Act for the relief of William A. Bradley, tº º An Act to prevent goats from running at large within the city of Washington, • • . . . wº ge An Act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act directing a general assessment of property in the city of Washington, and the appointment of a board of appeal,” passed seven- teenth day of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, An Act making an appropriation for building a bridge over the canal, and for other purposes, tº g dº e An Act making appropriations for the improvement of certain streets and avenues, and for other purposes, * g An Act making appropriations for deſraying the expenses of the ensuing election for members of the corporation of the city of Washington, and for other purposes, e An Act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act making ap- propriations for defraying the general expenses of the cor- 39 40 40 42 44 44 46 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 51 54 poration of the city of Washington, for the year ending . on the second Monday in June, one thousand eight hun- dred and nineteen. tº * gº 54 72 An Act to auditand adjust the accounts of William Waters and others, , . ſº tº tº • . . . . . An Act for the relief of James Greenleaf, and others, Resolution to raise, by lottery, ten thousand dollars for the pur- poses therein mentioned, * > © Resolution affixing names of certain avenues, g . G. Resolution concerning the renewal and amendments of the char- ter, of the city of Washington, . . . . Resolution requesting a general meeting of the citizens to be 55 55 58 58 59 62 , convened, º s — e tº • • Resolution authorizing the mayor to offer a reward for the ap- prehension of incendiaries. . . . List of Officers of the Corporation, © Q $ 63. 65 • . . r r - - * - --- .* i - - e - - * $. •. - * - - * W. º - .* * t -: - * - ~, f r - - CHIGA |iliſill gº” - t - - . - - - • º & 1. - - g * - R * *" - - w - - r” - - * f - ** •. & * e - r - - • t - - - 4. t . . . * * • *-*. * * - . . . - * * - i - * . . . * : - & , t - f * - º * - *. - - . . . - - * º t - > - 1. º - - t - - º -