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Cſ ſ ºvº • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • as ºrº brºt ſº º 3 * , , , © ***--saeſ ) · · · · * * * e^x ******) º. &3 *** • ** ** 1 Y >-- - - #. : Tºllº f º ††† #| LIBRARYºº Yoº THE | 1 º, iſ ſii; Sºra;º -HTH] | | | | | | | | | * * * * > a iſ a 1 c ≤ a. a a -º |UNIVERS iſ AN SS ---- Sºº- ( ) TOF MICH, K. . . ºš . - ſº Lº: L.D. º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.U.C.T.C. C.J. L." l, º : * A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF Negligence of Municipal Corporations IN ALL ITS RELATIONS INCLUDING PRACTICE AND PROCED URE 2 : Nº. By S$ EDWARD FºwHITE co-AUTHOR of THOMPSON ON NEGLIGENCE INDIANAPOLIS THE BOBBS - MERRILL COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT 1920 BY THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY &\,\ \cºs\ 3- ºre- b '. §: * ~ * * 2 - \º - ?-- KT: ... . . ...” f...? * w_w - PREFACE The subject of municipal liability for negligence has given rise to a distinctive and respectable body of jurisprudence with well defined principles and limitations which it is the purpose of this volume to assemble and consider. The municipal corporation, as an institution and as a party to litigation, is singular in the incongruous attributes it combines. On the one hand it is a miniature common- wealth, administering within its boundaries a large measure of the governmental functions of the state, its creator. In this capacity it is clothed with much of the state’s immunity from liability for tort except where the state has specially made it amenable to such liability. On the other hand it acts in a private or proprietary capacity in the ownership and management of properties, utilities, and other municipal agencies, and where this is the case, there is not great dif- ficulty in the application of the general principles of the law of negligence. The matter of these commingled functions faces the investigator at every turn, and it is for this reason and to assist to a clearer understanding of the lines of separa- tion of these dual relations that this subject is first considered in this volume. Very closely related to this branch of the discussion is the matter of the responsibility of the municipality for the tortious acts of its various boards, officers, employes, and contractors, and this is given separate treatment before entry upon the main subject of the work. - The greater portion of the work, however, is given to the consideration of municipal liability for injuries to persons and property, the result of a lack of care on the part of the municipality in the construction, maintenance, and operation of specific municipal agencies and instrumentalities, such as Streets, alleys, sidewalks, sewers, public buildings and grounds, parks, utilities and other public improvements. In III iV PREFACE. this connection and as a part thereof is discussed the cor- relative obligation of the users of these instrumentalities to exercise care to avoid injury, the failure of which is equiva- lent to contributory negligence. This phase of the topic is presented with like particularity with reference to the specific subject under which it is sought to fix municipal liability. Scarcely less in importance than the preceding is the matter of the procedure by which the liability of the munici- pality is to be enforced, and very properly this is the subject of the concluding chapters of this book. This involves a con- sideration of the conditions precedent to the maintenance of actions and has called for the presentation of such pertinent practice topics as pleading, parties, evidence, instructions to juries, and the measure of the recovery in damages. All the foregoing matters are considered in detail and, At is believed, to an extent that has not hitherto been at- tempted. The endeavor has been to produce a book for prac- tical use on a subject of wide legal interest. EDWARD F. WHITE. Indianapolis, December 1, 1920. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. INTEODUCTORY. SECTION - 1. Municipal corporations defined. 2. Quasi-municipal corporations. 3. Co-existence of municipalities in same territory. 4. Dual nature of municipal Corporations. 5. Supremacy of legislature in the creation of municipal corporations. 6. Supremacy of legislature as to form of government—Commission form Of government. 7. The charter. 8. De facto municipal corporations. * 9. Collateral attack on existence of municipality. 10. Delegation of legislative power in general. 11. Supremacy of legislature in the powers conferred on municipalities. 12. Delegation of jegislative power—Ordinances and their construction. 13. Powers, of municipal corporations—Express and implied powerS. 14. Police power in general. 15. Police powers—Scope of exercise by municipal Corporations. 16. Re-delegation of power by municipal corporation. 17. Criminal liability of municipalities. 18. Dissolution of municipal corporations. CHAPTER II. GENERAL PRINCIPIES OF MUNICIPAL LIABILITY FOR INEGLIGENCE. SECTION 20. Scope of liability of municipal corporations for torts. 21. Reasons which uphold this liability. 22. Necessity that plaintiff sustain special damage. 23. Distinction between acts done in its governmental, public or political, and acts done in its private or proprietary capacity. 24. Examples of nonliability for governmental acts. 25. Examples of liability where the action relates to private business. 26. Distinction between discretionary and ministerial acts—Judicial and legislative actS. 27. Discretionary and ministerial acts further contrasted. 28. Further of discretionary or ministerial acts—Police powers. 29. What acts discretionary within this principle. 30. Ministerial duties positively imposed. 31. Not liable for defective plan, but liable for defective execution of public work. (v) TABLE OF CONTENTS 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. This distinction criticized, qualified, and repudiated. Ultra vires acts—Rule of nonliability. gº Limitations and qualification of the strict ultra wires doctrine. Cases where municipal corporations held liable for ultra vires acts. Illustrations of ultra wires acts for which municipal corporations held not liable. Liability of municipal corporations for injuries to their servants. Injury to municipal employes and applicability of compensation acts. Liability for negligence of licensees. Liable or not liable for injuries COnnected. With its Streets and Side- walks in general. Destruction of property by mobs. Liability for arrests and imprisonment under void ordinances. Liability as affected by fact that work is carried on outside of city limitS. Application of rules of admiralty to the question of the liability of cities. - Creation of new liabilities by statute. Effect of debt limitation on liability. Municipal liability for exemplary damages. CHAPTER III. NEGLIGENCE OF BOARDs, OFFICERs, AGENTs, AND EMPLOYEs. SECTION 50. Application of the doctrine of respondeat superior to municipal cor- porations in general. 51. Officers performing public Services. 52. Performance of public work by means of its own agents. 53. Considerations relating to the election or appointment of officers do- - ing the injury. 54. Independent commissions and boards. 55. Boards of public Works. 56. Boards of health, health officers and employes. {57. Boards of fire commissioners. 58. Highway boards, officers and employes, 59. Nonliability of counties for acts of highway officers, 60. Tiquor-licensing boards. 61. Commissioners of charities. 62. Transit commissioners. 63. Library commissions. 64. W Park commissioners and employes. 65. Street-cleaning department. 66. Fire department. 67. Police Officers. 68. Police judges. TABLE OF CONTENTS vii 69. City engineers. 70. Physicians of the poor. f 71. Ratification of tortious acts of agents and Servants. CHAPTER IV. NEGLIGENCE OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. SECTION 75. Who are independent contractors. 76. General principles of liability as between city and contractors. 77. Tiability of city where control of work reserved or assumed. f/8. Fffect of taking over work by city. 79. Application of principles and distinctions. 80. Liability for negligence of contractor in collateral matters. 81. Effect Of release in COntract. \ CHAPTER V. NEGLIGENCE IN THE MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. SECTION 85. WaterWorkS. - - 86. Failure of water supply, preventing fires from being extinguished. 87. Further of liability for injuries connected with the water department. 88. Electric light and power plants. 89. Gas Works, gas mains, explosion of gas, etc. 90. Wharves, docks and landings. 91. Ferries. 92. Toll bridges. 93. Belt railroad systems. CHAPTER VI. NEGLIGENCE IN CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. 95. Public buildings in general. 96. Elevators in public buildings. 97. Auditoriums and Other places maintained for entertainment or pleasure. 98. Market houses. 99. Public School houses and grounds. 100. Jails, prisons and workhouses. 101. Parks and play grounds. 102. Hospitals, viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 103. City pounds. 104. Electric-alarm Service. 105. Farms and farm buildingS. 106. Ice boats. CHAPTER VII. LIABILITY FOR NUISANCEs. 110. Municipal Corporations may not create or maintain nuisances. 111. Must use their own lands subject to the rights of other landowners. 112. Distinction between nuisances created for public and for private purposes. r n 113. Not liable for nuisances arising from non-exercise of their police - Or governmental pOWerS. • . 114. Not liable for nuisances arising from the improper exercise of their police or governmental powerS. 115. Whether liable for licensing nuisances. 116. Licensing fireworks and illuminationS. 117. Nuisance created in the handling Of Contagious diseases--Pest houses. 118. Nuisances Created is getting rid Of the city’s filth and garbage. 119. Dangerous nuisances attractive to children. 120. Failing to arrest the spread. Of noxious Weeds. 121. Power summarily to abate nuisanceS. 122. Removed by injunction. 123. Authority of municipality to declare what shall constitute nuisance. 124. Removal and trimming of trees in highways. 125. Indictment of municipality for failing to abate nuisances. 126. Liability of obstructors to indictment. 127. Liable for removing as a nuisance that which is no nuisance. 128. Barriers around park strips between curb and sidewalk. 129. Liability to private action for failure to abate. 130. Liability of citizens for negligence of Sanitary officers. 131. Creating or permitting nuisances in highways in general. 132. Further of highway nuisances. 133. Supposed distinction between public and private highway corpora- - tionS. 134. Not liable for injuries caused by permitting cannon to be fired in the public streets. 135. Not liable for injuries from boys coasting in the highways, 136. Injuries from boys playing ball in streets. 137. Other nuisances in respect of highways for which municipal cor- porations not liable. 138. Impediments to navigation. TABLE OF CONTENTS ix. CHAPTER VIII. SEWERS, DRAINS, CULVERTS. SECTION | 140. No liability for failing to construct. 141. Liability predicated on the ground of negligence. 142. Duty as to construction of drains in annexed territory. 143. What will constitute negligence rendering the municipality liable. 144. Explanation of propositions on which this liability predicated. 145. Whether liable for damages resulting from constructing sewers on a defective plan. r 146. Not bound to provide against extraordinary rainfalls. 147. Adoption of water courses for sewer purposes. 148. Sewer excavations. 149. Liable to connecting owners for negligent non-repair. 150. Abandonment of sewers already constructed. - 151. Landowner flooded by voluntarily connecting with public sewer. 152. Not liable to one wrongfully connecting with sewer. 153. Liability for nuisance caused by one making illegal connection with SeWer’. 154. Duty to construct suitable outlet for sewer. 155. Failing to construct drains to carry off surface-water. 156. Failing to construct drains to prevent obstruction of water flow- ing in natural channels. 157. Duty to use care to prevent obstruction of sewers, drains and CUlvertS. 158. Failing to arrest percolation of water. 159. Explosion of inflammable gases allowed to generate in sewer. 160. For what Sewers city liable—Sewers on lands of private owners— Adoption of private sewers. 161. Emptying Sewers into natural streams polluting their Waters. 162. Discharge of sewage on private lands. 163. Injuries to gas pipes, water pipes, etc., in the street, 164. Theory of non-liability where negligence is that of highway com- 1301SSIOIner. 165. Damages from water through failure to construct or negligence in Constructing and maintaining levees. 166. Liability of the state of New York for the flowage of land by a State Canal. 167. Contributory negligence of the property Owner. 168. Duty to file claim for injuries. 169. Measure and elements of damages. 170. No action unless damage greater than would flow from natural Cà UISOS. 171. Whether users of sewer jointly liable with City for defects in Sewel". TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER IX. INJURIES TO LAND FROM NEGLIGENCE IN MAEING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, OTHER THAN SEWERS. SECTION 175. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. No recovery for consequential injuries, but only for injuries result- ing from negligence. P Not an insurer against injury, but bound to exercise reasonable care. Not liable for consequences of extraordinary floods. Liability for negligence of Contractors. Negligently diverting flow of surface water—Stagnant Water. Collecting Surface water in large quantities and discharging it on private lands. Liable for permitting such use of streets as easts water upon adja- Cent land. - Diversion of Stream. Statutes authorizing the flooding of private lands. Deprivation of lateral support in making street improvements. Obstruction of natural streams flowing through city. Diversion of percolating waters. Injury from harbor buoys. - Negligently casting earth on private land. Overflow or leakage from standpipe owned by municipality. Contributory negligence, * Claims for injuries. CHAPTER X. THEORIES OF MUNICIPAL DIABILITY FOR HIGHWAY INJUFIES. SECTION * / 195. Liable in most of the States. 196. Liable on the theory of not abating nuisances. 197. Liable where the non-repair results in injury to adjacent property. 198. Liable only in case of Special damage. 199. Jurisdictions in which not liable. 200. Statutory liability in some states. 201. Liability under Wisconsin statutes. 202. Liability under Maine statutes. 203. Liability under Massachusetts statutes. 204. Liability or non-liability under various other statutes and charters. 205. Defects which result from an erroneous plan. 206. Defense of Want of funds to repair. 207. Relevant evidence as to funds to repair. 208. Municipal discretion in expending the funds. 209. Want of means produced by negligence of plaintiff a defense. 210. Iliabilities of Counties and townships. TABLE OF CONTENTS xi 211. Negligence in the repair of roads which form divisional lines be- tween different municipalities. CHAPTER XI. WHAT CONSTITUTES STIREETS, ALLEYS AND WAYS. SECTION. 215. Streets and alleys and their characteristics in general. 216. Delegation of control by state—Highways brought into the city by annexation. 217. Methods of establishment. 218. Necessity of formal ordinance or resolution. 219. Effect of want of authority to lay out highwayS. 220. Highways by dedication, acceptance and establishment. 221. What constitutes an acceptance. 222. Highways by public user and prescription. 223. Extent of the use, how far material—Segregation of portion of - COntinuous Street. - 224. Extent of right acquired by prescription. 225. User by the public and recognition and adoption by the city. 226. Making repairs and improvements and inviting public travel as evidence Of adoption. 227. Effect of corporate vote that street be made passable. 228. What if way has been fenced up. 229. Obligation to repair street improvements made by volunteers. 230. Discontinuance—Abandonment—Nonuser. 231. Winter roads. 232. Liability for defects in passageways to and from or alongside high- ways. | - 233. Liability for injuries in connection with private ways. 234. NO duty to repair foot-paths in public CommonS. 235. Bicycle-path.S. 236. Stairways in public buildings. CHAPTER XII. CARE REQUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE - OF HIGHWAYS. SECTION. 240. General Statement of doctrine. 241. Further Statements of the doctrine. 242. Bound to use active vigilance. 243. An absolute duty in what sense. 244. Proximate cause—Other concurring causes. 245. Meaning of term “out of repair”. TABLE OF CONTENTS Not liable for pure accidents—Not an insurer. Some particulars in which the duty or reasonable care is owing. Considerations relating to extent of use and location of street. Ordinary and extraordinary uses of . the highway. { Degree of care to be exercised with regard to sudden floods, wash- OutS, etc. - Care required with respect to alleys. No injury for a long period of time. Tests by which to gauge liability—Indictibility—Evidence such as Would charge highway Commissioner. CHAPTER XIII. NOTICE OF THE DEFECT As A CONDITION OF LIABILITY. SECTION. 255. Essential of express or implied notice of defect in general. 256. The doctrine of constructive or implied knowledge of defects. 257. An explanation of this principle—Negligent ignorance equivalent to actual knowledge. 258. Failure to repair within a reasonable time after notice. 259. Notice where obstruction Or defect caused by third person. 260. Burden of proof of notice. 261. Notice or negligent ignorance a question of fact. 262. Notice of a particular defect not necessary, but notice of general - bad condition in the vicinity sufficient. 263. Care required in discovering latent defects. 264. Notice of latent defects. - 265. Lapse of time from which notice inferred. 266. Short periods of time which have been held sufficient to impute Inotice. 267. Circumstances Where the time was too short to impute such notice. 268. Circumstances from which notice inferred without regard to lapse Of time. 269. IExpress notice how proved. 270. Notice to officer whose duty it is to repair—Road overseers, high- Way commissioners, etc. 271. Notice to the Officer, whose duty it is to communicate the infor- mation. 272. Delay by such officer in communicating such notice. 273. Notice to the mayor of the city. 274. Notice to policemen, firemen and other employes. 275. Notice to single members of the governing body of the city. 276. Evidence of Other like injuries from the same defect as a means of proving notice of it. & 277. Prior and subsequent repairs as a means of proving notice. 278. Other modes of proving notice. TABLE OF CONTENTS XIII. 279. 280. 281. 2S2. 283. 285. 2S6. 287. 288. 289. Other evidence on the question of notice. Statutes requiring express notice of defect, or that it shall have existed for twenty-four hours or Other specified time. Further of such statutes. Particularity in the decription of the defect in the notice. Notice of unreasonable uses of the highway—Temporary obstruc- ‘tions, etc. Notice not required of Obstructions made or authorized by the City itself. Notice of defective Construction not required. Other circumstances under which notice not required. Effect of safeguards becoming suddenly displaced. Failure of the person injured to give notice of the defect. City bound to take notice that an alley is a thoroughfare. CHAPTER XIV. DUTIES AND LIABILITIES WITH REFERENCE TO VARIOUS HIGHWAY DEFECTS AND OBSTRUCTIONS IN GENERATſ. SECTION. 290. General statement of duty to keep highway clear of defectS. 291. Statutory duty to keep streets clear of dangerous defectS. 292. To whom this duty of maintenance and repair inures. 293. Authority to control or direct travel on streets—Jitneys. 294. Duty to repair relates only to the use of the highway as a highway. 295. Not necessary that defect should endanger all modes Of travel. 296. What width of the road or street must be kept in repair. 297. Not ordinarily bound to make repairs outside of travelled path. 298. Especially at a distance therefrom. 299. Not liable to one injured in Consequence of leaving the travelled path without necessity. -- 300. Exception in case of dangerous defects outside of, but near the highway and in the general direction of travel. 301. Iimits of the highway within this rule. 302. Repair of streets in Outskirts of municipality. 303. Temporary obstructions of the streets for building purposes per- mitted. 304. Obstruction made by the city itself. • 305. Obstructions placed in the highway while repairing it. 306. No defense that obstruction was work Of independent Wrong-doer. 307. Illustrations and applications. 308. Liable for obstructions caused by contractors of public work. 309. Obstructions created by railroad and street railroad companies. 310. What Objects have been deemed actionable Obstructions. 311. Further of Objects which, have been deemed actionable ObstructionS. 312. What objects not deemed actionable Obstructions Or defectS. xiv. TABLE OF CONTENTS 313. Insignificant depressions. 314. Moving objects not generally deemed actionable obstructions. 315. Must keep roads safe for teams to pass each other. 316. Oiled streets—Skidding automobiles. 317. Unlighted StreetS. 318. What obstruction deemed the proximate, What the remote, Cause Of the injury. 319. Barbed and other wire fenceS. 320. Electric wireS. 321. Guy wires. 322. Liability for obstructions consisting of telegraph, telephone, electric - light and other poles. * CHAPTER XV. DANGEROUS EXCAVATIONS IN HIGHWAYS. SECTION. 325. Duty in respect of dangerous excavations. 326. Qualifications and denials of this duty. 327. Illustrations Of this duty. 328. Liable when in digging a Sewer, it leaves a dangerous excavation in the highway. * 329. Duty of the city to oversee the work of private excavators in the highway. 330. Rule where the excavation is the work of an independent con- tractor of public work. .* 331. Unguarded excavations in grounds around public buildingS. 332. Injuries from runways or drains between sidewalk and Curb. 333. Liability for dangerous excavations in unimproved streets. 334. Statutory liabilities and exemptions. 335. Illustrative cases where the city has been exonerated. 336. When negligence in this relation a question for a jury. 337. When the excavation is deemed the proximate cause of the injury. CHAPTER XVI. T.IGHTS AND BARRIERS AT DANGEROUS PLACES IN HIGHWAYS. SECTION. 340. Duty to erect barriers and establish signals in case of dangerous defects in the highway. 341. This duty nondelegable and not discharged by engaging a contractor to perform it. 342. Duty in case of sudden washouts, etc. 343. TXuty to erect guards or railings at dangerous places outside of but near highway limits. TABLE OF CONTENTS XV 344. 345. 346. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. What proximity of the defect to the highway raises this duty. Extent of this duty in populous Cities. No duty to erect barriers to keep people from Straying from the highway. Not bound to erect barriers to guard against dangers at a dis- tance from the highway. Duty to erect barriers where the road traverses dangerous em- bankmentS. Protecting safeguards where Street ends at dangerous embank- mentS and declivities. Barriers for protection of blind persons. Failure to erect barriers to prevent frightened horses from going Over embankments, etc. Duty to erect railings along the side of bridges, docks and piers. Duty to erect barriers in front of dangerous bridges. Duty to erect barriers where roads are cut in hillsides. Other obstructions and dangers to which this duty extends. Obstructions and dangers to which this duty does not extend. Temporary closing of streets being repaired. Temporary walks Over and around obstruction. Other such cases where the municipality has been held not liable. What barriers deemed sufficient. Sufficiency of fixed city lights to dispense with placing of tem- porary lights. No duty to maintain safeguards above a dam. When want of barrier is or is not the proximate cause of the accident. Removal of barriers by independent wrong-doers. CHAPTER XVII. OBJECTS IN OR NEAR HIGHWAY WHICH FRIGHTEN HORSES. SECTION. 365. Liability for objects tending to frighten ordinarily gentle and road- Wise horses. 366. Contrary doctrine in Massachusetts. 367. Liability where the object calculated to frighten horses is brought or left there by a contractor with the city. 368. What objects have been deemed calculated to frighten horses. 369. What objects have been held not to be such. 370. Movable objects generally held not to be such. 371. Steam road-rollers—Oil spreaders. 372. Whether the object must be the sole cause of the injury, 373. Other questions of proximate and remote cause. 374. And so where there is no loss of COntrol. 375. When question of nuisance or no nuisance is for the jury. xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XVIII. DEFECTS IN HIGHWAY CONCURRING WITH FRIGHT OF HORSE TO CAUSE INJURY. SECTION. 380. Doctrine that municipality not bound to make its highways safe for vicious, untrained, unmanageable or runaway horses. 381. Doctrine that municipality bound to make its highways Safe for horses frightened from Ordinary Casaulties of travel. 382. Whether bound to keep its roads safe for “skittish” horses. 383. No liability for injury to a horse that previously escapes and runs away. - 384. Otherwise where there is only a momentary loss Öf control. 385. Injuries from Collisions with runaway horses. CHAPTER XIX. OBJECTS FALLING ON HIGHWAY OR SIDEWALK. SECTION. 390. Power over its streets extends upward indefinitely. 391. Doctrine that the projecting objects, must be supported from the Street. 392. Fall of projecting signs, awnings and overhanging Sheds. 393. Fall Of bill boards. 394. Fall of dangerous WallS. 395. Fall of projecting cornices. 396. Fall of Snow and ice from adjacent roofs. 397. Fall Of Street decorations. 398. Fall of articles piled on or adjacent to sidewalks. 399. Fall of water pipes attached to buildings. 400. Objects thrown from adjacent roofs. 401, Fall of structures controlled by city. 402. Injuries from telegraph wires. 403. Trees endangering the highway. 404. Falling embankments, bluffs, etc. CHAPTER XX. BRIDGES, CAUSEWAYS AND TUNNELS. SECTION 405. What is a “bridge”? 406. Includes abutments and approaches. 407. Extends from bank to bank. 408. Duty to construct bridges. ~ 409. What political body or person bound to repair—Counties. TABLE OF CONTENTS xvii 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. Counties not everywhere liable for neglect of this duty. Towns or townships, when bound to repair. Incorporated cities, villages, etc., when bound to repair. Duty of municipality to repair bridges erected by others. Liability for the repair of bridges built by contractors and turned Over to the COunty. - Whether municipality liable for failing to keep Overhead railway bridges in repair. Exceptional rule on this subject in MašSachusetts. Bridges between two COUInties. Interstate bridges. Statutory joint liability for non-repair of bridges Statutory several liability for non-repair of bridgeS. Joint liability of city and street railway using bridge. Liability as between city, village, town or county. Measure of duty Ordinary or reasonable Care. No absolute test as to reasonable care in this relation. Duty to anticipate uses to which bridges will be Subjected. Actual Or Constructive notice Of defect. Diability for the insufficient plan of a bridge. Municipality not liable for mere mistakes of judgment of mechanics and engineers. Bound to a careful and continuing inspection. Not liable for latent defects. Nor for defects occurring suddenly and unexpectedly Bound to keep bridges safe for night, as well as day travel. Not bound to keep bridges safe for fast driving. Injury to workman and persons rightfully underneath bridge. Breaking down. of bridge under extraordinary loads. Whether breaking down of bridge prima facie evidence of negligence. Duty to keep bridges in repair throughout their entire width. Duty to safeguard with Suitable railings. Barriers and warnings in case of unsafe or washed out bridges. Liability for injuries from drawbridges or Swing bridges. Care required in respect of drawbridges. Precautions in repairing bridges—Barriers, Warnings, etc. Various defects in bridges which have or have not been deemed actionable. Defect or insufficiency must have been proximate cause of injury. Tiability for defective bridges over state canal. Defense of lack of funds with which to repair bridge. T}uty in respect of tunnels which form portions of the highway. Liability of city for injurios inflicted by bridge or tunnel companies using the city Streets as licensees. xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XXI. sIDEwALKs—DUTIES AND LIABILITIES IN GENERAL. SECTION 455. Sidewalks defined. - 456. No liability for failure to construct sidewalks. 457. Duty to repair highways and streets includes sidewalks and cross- WalkS. 458. Civil liability for failure to perform the duty of maintenance and Tepair. 459. Construction of charters and statutes creating the obligation to maintain and repair SidewalkS. 460. Measure of duty is ordinary or reasonable care. 461. Some particulars in which the duty of reasonable care is to be exercised—Method. Of Construction. 462. A primary duty which cannot be devolved upon others. 463. Whether liable for latent defects—Duty of inspection. 464. Liability as between the city and abutting lot-owner. 465. Primary liability of abutting owners. 466. Occupancy and obstruction of sidewalks by abutters. 467. City may have judgment over against wrong-doer. 468. Whether city liable jointly with the private wrong-doer. 469. Duty arises when sidewalks thrown open for public use. 470. Privately constructed sidewalks on private premises. 471. Abandonment of walkway by municipality. 472. Duty extends to Sidewalks not much travelled. 473. Whether obliged to keep sidewalks Safe for those who are not travelers, or for ordinary uses. 474. Injury of user of sidewalk by another lawfully using the walk. 475. Whether bound to keep Safe for both pedestrians and vehicles, including bicycles. 476. Whether bound to keep every portion in repair. 477. Duty to remove defects and obstructions. 478. Duty extends to defects caused by the city itself. 479. And to obstructions and defects created by wrong-doers, or by permission. 480. Notice to officers or agents of municipality of defective condition of Sidewalk. 481. Liability for defects in plan of construction of sidewalks. 482. Liability where the city has no fund with which to repair. 483. Liability of towns, villages, counties, etc., as distinguished from Cities. 484. Questions of proximate or remote cause in actions for sidewalk In Jll l’IeS. ^ - 485. Recovery by husband, for injury to wife. 486. Good and bad defenses to actions for sidewalk injuries. 487. Tiability for injury to walk. TABLE OF CONTENTS xix CHAPTER XXII. SIDEWALKS-SNOW AND ICE. SECTION 500. No liability for injuries caused by smooth deposits of ice and ShoW. 501. Qualifications and denials of this exemption from liability. 502. The doctrine in Massachusetts. 503. The doctrine in COnnecticut. 504. Climatic Conditions in different latitudes to be COnSidered. 505. Rule of exemption does not apply where way SO COnStructed as to cause accumulations of ice in particular places. 506. Nor where the way is improperly Or unskillfully built, increasing danger from ice. * 507. Nor where the danger is increased by reason of the Sidewalk being Otherwise Out Of repair. 508. Relaxation of rule with reference to cross walks. 509. Liability where ice and snow are deposited in an uneven condition. 510. Liability where snow is allowed to remain on the street and to be- i come packed or otherwise rendered dangerous by public travel. 511. Liability for failing to remove Snow from country roads. 512. Notice to municipality and opportunity to remove the snow or ice. 513. Defense that there was a safe part of the highway which the traveler might have taken. - - 514. Defense that there was an ordinance requiring property-owners to I'en 10 V6 SnOW. *. - 515. Injuries outside limits of highway or a sidewalk. 516. Snow and ice on sidewalk fronting public property. 517. Questions Of proximate and remote CauSe. 518. Contributory negligence. CHAPTER XXIII. SIDEWALKS-MISCETLANEOUS DUTIES AND LIABILITIES OF MUNICIPALITIES. SECTION 530. 531. Duty to place warning-signals where sidewalk is obstructed or interrupted. | Duty to guard or give warning of dangerous excavations, etc., near Sidewalk. Liability for defects consisting of perpendicular rises, jogs, pro- jections, Steps, etc. T)uty to erect railings on elevated Sidewalks. T3asement areas and areaways, coal-holes, cellarways, etc., in side- WV 9 |}x. - XX TABLE OF CONTENTS 535. Rule where such openings are defectively constructed or suffered to get Out of repair. - 536. Duty of municipality to guard such openings when they are ad- jacent to, but not in the sidewalk. 537. Duty of municipality to see that openings in Sidewalks are used in a Careful manner. 538. Not liable for injuries from temporary Openings, holes, etc. 539. Smooth surfaces—Slipperiness from other causes than Snow and ice. 540. What, defects and Obstructions in Sidewalks have afforded evidence Of negligence. 41. Further instances of defects in Sidewalks for which city held liable. 542. What defects and obstructions do not afford evidence of negligence. 543. Further instances where city exonerated. 544. Cases where the question whether the defect was actionable has been Submitted to the jury. CHAPTER XXIV. CROSSWALEKS. SECTION 555. Obligation to keep Crosswalks in repair. 556. Obligation extends to Children playing in Street. 557. Obligation to repair crosswalk used as covering for a drain. 558. Obligation to repair part of Street between sidewalk and Carriage- Way. 559. Obligation to repair crosswalks Constructed by private persons. 560. What defects in Crosswallºs not actionable. - 561. What defects in CrOSSwalks have been held actionable. 562. What are crosswalks within these principles. 563. Duty to construct and maintain gutter crossings. CHAPTER XXV. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE OF TRAVELER IN GENERAL. SECTION - 570. Contributory negligence bars recovery. 571. Traveler bound to exercise Ordinary care. 572. Application of the doctrine of proximate and remote cause. 573. How far traveler may rightfully assume that highway is safe. 574. Traveler not required to be vigilant in discovering defects and Obstructions. 575. Attention of traveler directed to other objects. 576. Duty of traveler to observe obvious defects and dangers. TABLE OF CONTENTS xxi 580. {581. 582. .583. 584. 585. .586. 587. 588. 589. 590. .591. * 592. Further of duty of travelers to discover and know of obvious dangerS. Duty of traveler to look ahead and to look Out. - When failure of traveler to make use of his faculties deemed negli- gence per Se. º Attempting obvious dangers. Injuries from Concealed and unknown defectS. Choice of ways. What uses of the highway will or will not preclude recovery. Injuries to workmen on highways. Attempting to pass over icy places. Further of attempts to pass over icy surfaces. When contributory negligence of traveler a question for jury and When for COUIrt. Examples where it went to the jury. What acts of travelers not negligent per se. - Imputed negligence in connection with highway injuries. Preventing the injury at moderate expense. Surgical treatment of the injury. CHAPTER XXVI. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE–EFFECT OF KNOWLEDGE OF EXISTENCE OF DEFECT. SECTION 595. Contributory negligence not necessarily imputed from knowledge of defective Condition Of highway. - 596. Illustrations of the foregoing rule. 397. Care required of traveler having knowledge of defect. 598. Travelers knowing of the defect but forgetting it at the time of the accident. 599. Proof of knowledge of defect. x 600. Miscalculation as to proximity to dangerous place. (601. Traveler knowing of defect, but supposing that it has been remedied. 602. Failure of husband to warn wife of danger—Wife warning husband. 603. Casting one’s self upon known and obvious defects—No recovery. 604. Illustrations Of this rule. 605. Other Such illustrations. 606. Knowledge of a dangerous defect and of a safer way. 607. ASSuming risks—Taking chances. xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XXVII. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE—DRIVING IN HIGHWAY. SECTION 610. Injuries from Careless driving. 611. Circumstances under which contributory negligence not imputed to the injured driver. 612. Fright or loss of control of traveler's horses. 613. The rate of speed at which one may travel upon the highway. 614. Incompetency of driver. 615. Driving with defective vehicle and harness. 616. Driving defective horses. * CHAPTER XXVIII. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE—DEFECTIVE SIDEWALES. SECTION 620. Knowledge of defect in sidewalk. 621. Knowledge of defect and of safe way around it. . 622. Attempting obvious danger. 623. Distraction of attention from Obvious defect. 624. Momentary forgetfulness of obvious danger. 625. Not bound to anticipate defectS. 626. Injuries due to misuse of Sidewalk. 627. Carrying articles which prevent view of the sidewalk. 628. Concealed and unknown defectS. CHAPTER XXIX. CONTRIBUTORY INEGILIGENCE–BRIDGES. SECTION * 630. In general—Knowledge of defect. 631. Care required in Crossing bridges. 632. When negligence to attempt to cross dangerous or defective bridge. 633. Going around an impassable bridge. , # 634. Subjecting bridges to extraordinary strain. CHAPTER XXX. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE—DEVIATION FROM TRAVELED ** WAY. SECTION 635. Deviating from traveled path. 636. Further of deviating from traveled path. TABLE OF CONTENTs xxiii 637. Pedestrian walking in the carriage path. 638. Circumstances under which such deviations excused. 639. Injuries to the traveler in consequence of not deviating from traveled path or sidewalk. 640. CrOSSing Street at place other than regular crossing. CHAPTER XXXI. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE–LNOCTURNAL TRAVELERS. SECTION 645. Right of nocturnal traveler to assume that highway is safe. 646. What if nocturnal traveler knows of a particular danger or defect. 647. Miscalculation as to location of known defect. 648. Degree of care required of nocturnal traveler. 649. Cases where contributory negligence not imputed to nocturnal traveler. 650. Circumstances under which nocturnal traveler knowing defect cannot recover as matter of law. CHAPTER XXXII. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE CHILDREN AND PERSONS NON SUI JURIS. SECTION 655. Contributory negligence of children upon highway. 656. Contributory negligence of parents or guardians. 657. Infant trespassers upon corporate premises. 658. Travelers who are blind or bodily infirm. 659. Intoxication of the injured person. l CHAPTER XXXIII. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE—VIOLATION OF STATUTES AND \ ORDINANCES. SECTION 660. Violation of statute or ordinance, when a defense. 661. Further of collateral violations of statute or ordinance. 662. Failure to register or pay licenses on automobiles and other vehicles. 663. Traveling on Sunday. xxiv. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXIV. NOTICE OF INJURY AS A CONDITION OF ACTION. SECTION 665. Demand and notice not necessary at common law. 666. Statutory requirements and general purpose of provisions. 667. Examples and construction of statutes requiring notice. 66S. Constitutionality of such statutes. 669. Retroactive effect of these statutes. 670. Election to sue under provision not requiring notice. 671. Form and sufficiency of the notice. 672. Notice must show intent to fix right of action. 673. Waiver of statutory requirements as to notice. 674. Essentials of time, place, cause and nature of injury in general. 675. Time when the accident happened. 676. Place of accident—What description Sufficient. 677. What mistakes and misdescriptions as to the place will be ex- CuSed. * 678. Instances Of Sufficient descriptions of place of accident. 679. Instances of insufficient descriptions of place Of accident. 680. Cause of the accident—Defect, insufficiency, want of repair, etc. 681. What inaccuracies excused in describing a defect. 682. What statements of the defect have been held sufficient. 683. What statements of the defect have been held insufficient. 684. Statement of the nature and extent of the injury. 685. Statement of manner in which accident OCCurred. 686. Statement of items and amount of damages. 687. Verification. Of notice. 688. Substantial defects in notice not amendable after action brought. 689. Notice within what time given. 690. Notice where the injury results in death. 691. Effect of disability of party to extend time. 692. Time for filing notice of additional injuries. 693. Notice, by whom given. 694. Notice, to whom given. 695. Claim, how adjudicated by the municipal body. 696. Time for commencement of action after filing notice. 697. Parol evidence to explain the notice. 698. Statutory requirements as to giving of notice by the city to the primary wrong-doer. 699. Pleading and proof of Service of notice. TABLE OF CONTENTS XXV CHAPTER XXXV. IRECOVERY OVER BY MUNICIPALITY IN HIGEIWAY CASES. SECTION 703. Municipal corporation may maintain action Over against Wrong- doer. 706. Whether wrong of third party must have been sole cause of injury— City in pari delicto. 707. Recovery over against abutter. 708. Judgment against corporation, how far conclusive against wrong- doing third party. - 709. Wisconsin statutes relating to actions against original wrong-doer, 710. Remedy over as between adjoining townships jointly liable for repairS. 711. Measure of damages in the action over. 712. Averments of declaration or complaint in action over. 713. Defenses to actions over by municipalities. CHAPTER XXXVI. REMEDY BY INDICTMENT FOR NON-REPAIR OF HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. SECTION 715. An ancient and established remedy. 716. How the obligation to repair arose so as to support this remedy. 717. Nature of condition to sustain indictment. 718. Dividing line roads. 719. When such indictments do not lie. 720. Form and sufficiency of such indictments. 721. Evidence under such indictment. 722. Form of the judgment. CHAPTER XXXVII. LIABILITY FOR NEGLIGENCE AS BETWEEN USERS OF STREETs AND HIGHWAYS. ART. 1. NEGLIGENCE, IN GENERAL, §§ 725-760. ART. 2. ContRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE, $$ 765-778. *- Art. 1. Negligence in General, §§ 725–760. SECTION 725. Introductory. - 726. New uses to which highway may be put—Automobiles and bicycles. 727. Degree of care exacted of travelers on the highway. 728. Injuries from collisions on the highway in generai—Control of team Or machine. xxvi TABLE OF CONTENTS 729. Care in towing dead cars. “ 730. Duty to keep to the right. 731. Law of the road in its application to automobileS. 732. Law Of the road in its application to bicycles. 733. Law of the road in its application to horseback riderS. 734. Cases where “law of the road” does not apply. 735. Driving on wrong side of street or highway. 736. Collisions with vehicles approaching from behind. 737. Duty where teams approach each other in the dark. 738. Care to be observed at Street Crossings and interSectionS. 739. Driving over sidewalks to and from private premises. 740. Construction of statutes and ordinances enjoining the duty of keep- ing to the right. 741. Liability for injuries from leaving horses unhitched and unattended. 742. Liability for injuries from teams standing upon the public StreetS. 743. Liability for damages arising from collisions with runaway horses. 744. Injuries to pedestrians from driving cattle in the highway. 745. Liability for injuries caused by fast driving and racing. 746. Relative rights of foot passengers and vehicles in the use of the Street in general. * 747. Running Over foot passengers at Crossings and between CrOSSingS. 748. Injuries by vehicles to persons at work on the public street. 749. Injuries by vehicles to other foot passengers on the public street. * 750. Liability for injuries arising from the breaking of vehicles, harness, etc. p - - 751. Driving or using highways in violation of statute or ordinance. 752. Fast driving and racing in violation of laws and ordinances. 753. Frightening the horses Of Other travelers. 754. Thriving vicious or unbroken horses. 755. Injuries by fire insurance patrols, street railway repair wagons, etc. 756. Injuries from fall of ice from wagons. 757. Injuries from the use of steam traction engines on the highway. 758. Negligence in unloading over a sidewalk. 759. Negligence in leading horses in the street. 760. Questions of evidence in general. Art. 2. Contributory Negligence, §§ 765-778. SECTION 765. General principles. 766. Contributory negligence of the person injured generally a ques- tion for jury. - 767. Not conclusive that person injured negligently exposed himself— Discovered peril—Last clear chance doctrine. 768. Defense that plaintiff was himself violating the law—Discovered peril. 769. Duty to look out for approaching vehicles. 770, Acts in emergencies and in the presence of imminent peril. 771. Care to be exercised by persons of poor eyesight. TABLE OF CONTENTS Xxvii 772. 773. Care to be exercised by children. Not Contributory negligence to fail to anticipate the negligence of a perSOIn driving in the road. Contributory negligence of foot passengers. DOCtrine of imputed negligence in cases Of collisions on the high- Way. Contributory negligence of bicyclists. Recovery where the concurring acts of third persons assist in pro- ducing catastrophe. Facts to which Contributory negligence not ascribed as matter of law. CHAPTER XXXVIII. PLEADINGS AND PARTIES IN ACTIONS AGAINST MUNICIPALITIES FOR NEGLIGENCE. SECTION 780. General principles. 781. Corporate existence of defendant. 782. Pleading consolidation of cities. 783. Averment that work was done in execution of a COrporate power. 784. Averment that street is a public Street. 785. Averment that negligent act was permitted by city. 786. Averment that the highway or bridge was one which the defendant Was bound to keep in repair. 787. Turther of averments as to duty to keep highways in repair. 788. Averring notice of the defect which caused injury. 789. Stating the place of the injury. 790. Describing the defect which caused the injury. 791. Objects in highway calculated to frighten horses. 792. Averring that defect was proximate cause of injury. 793. Snow and ice on sidewalk. 794. Pleading injury from maintenance of public nuisance. 795. Pleadings in actions for injuries from highway obstructions and eXCavations. 796. Pleadings in actions for injuries from defective sidewalks. 797. Pleadings in actions for injuries On Crosswalks. 798. Pleadings in actions for bridge injuries. 799. Pleadings in actions for Sewer injuries. 800. Pleading damages. -- 801. Pleading ordinances. 802. . Unnecessary allegations in complaint. 803. Allegation of Service of claim or notice of intent to sue. 804. Complaint in case of appeal from disallowance of claim by city. 805. Illustrations of sufficient pleadings. 806. Illustrations of insufficient petitions. 807. Plea or answer in general. xxviii TABLE OF CONTENTS ** 808. Contributory negligence—Plea. 809. Contributory neglicence—Negativing in complaint—Apparent on face of pleading. - 810. Plaintiff’s ignorance of defect need not be averred. 811. Variance between pleading and proof–IllustrationS. 812. Parties—Joinder. CHAPTER XXXIX. EVIDENCE, SECTION 815. Judicial notice. 816. Burden of proof and presumptionS. 817. Doctrine of res ipsa 100 uitur. 818. Expert and Opinion evidence. 819. Admissions and declarations—Res gestae. 820. Evidence necessary to charge municipal Corporation. 821. Various questions of evidence relating to the defect which caused the injury. 822. Evidence of official resolutions, reports, ordinances, etc. 823. Evidence of the conditions near the time of the accident. 824. Condition of the highway at Other places. 825. Evidence of apertures, defects, obstructions, etc. 826. Evidence that others had used the highway without accident. 827. Doctrine that evidence of other accidents to other persons is inad- missible. 828. Doctrine that Such evidence is admissible. 829. Evidence Of Subsequent repairs. 830. Other safe route which might have been taken. 831. Evidence of the habits of the plaintiff’s horse. 32. Barricades and lights at excavations. 833. Evidence to show that other horses, were frightened by object in highway. - 834. Evidence of careful and skillful habits of traveler. 835. Relevancy and irrelevancy of evidence in particular cases. 836. Evidence for the defendant. 837. Evidence of location of street in municipalities. 838. Proof of title of city to street. 839. Evidence in actions for injuries from Snow and ice. 840. Flvidence in actions for Cross walks injuries. 841. Evidence in actions for bridge injuries. 842, Evidence in actions for injuries from defective sewers. TABLE OF CONTENTS xxix CHAPTER XL. INSTRUCTIONS TO JURIES. SECTION 845. Essentials in general. 846. Diligence required in maintenance and repair. 847. Instructions on ordinary care in relation to streets and sidewalks. 848. Instructions that city is not an insurer. 849. Instructions as to burden of proof. 850. Instructions on notice to municipality of defect. 851. Instructions expressing care required in making public improve- Iment. 852. Instructions in actions for injuries from defects in highways. 853. Instructions in actions for Sidewalk injuries. 854. Instructions in actions for crosswalk injuries. 855. Temporary obstruction of sidewalks in course of repair. 856. Instructions on duty to place barriers at dangerous places. 857. Instructions as to consideration to be given to defects in vicinity of defect causing injury. & 858. Instructions in actions for bridge injuries. 859. Instructions in actions for injuries to property from Sewers and drains. - 860. Instructions in actions for injuries from Snow and ice. 861. Instructions in actions for injuries from blasting. 862. Instructions on contributory negligence, CHAPTER XLI. DAMAGES. SECTION - 865. Damages in general—General and special damages. 866. Nominal damages. 867. Exemplary damages. 868. Direct and proximate damages. 869. Prospective damages. 870. Disfigurement and mutilation. 871. Medical and nursing expenses. 872. Injuries enhanced by unskillful treatment by physician or surgeon. 873. Pain and Suffering as an element. 874. LOSS Of time. 875. Loss or impairment of earning power. 876. Duty to lighten consequential damages. 877. Mitigation of damages. 878. Injuries to property in general. 879. Flooding lands. 880. Overflow of sewers and maintenance as a nuisance. TABLE OF CONTENTS 881. 882. ‘883. 884. 885. Injury to property from excavations made by city. Injuries to vehicles and animals by defects in highway. Destruction of private waterworks system. Destruction of highway bridge. t Destruction of property to prevent spread of conflagration. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] A. Abbett v. Johnson Co., 114 Ind. 61 59 Abbey V. Watkins, 175 App. Div. 660 635 Abbott v. Board of County Com’rs, 94 Rans. 553 426, 438 V. Detroit, 150 Mich. 245 869 V. Dingus, 44 Okla. 567 727 V. Rockland, 105 Maine 147, 274, 281 App.), 500, 512 433, Springfield (Mo. 210 S. W. 443 v. Wolcott, 38 Vt. 666 Aben V. Ecorse Twp., 113 Mich. 9 261 Aberdeen Const. Co. v. Aberdeen, 84 Wash. 429 81 Abernathy v. Van Buren, 52 Mich. 383 Abilene v. Cowperthwait, 52 P:CanS. 324 457, V. Wright. 4 Kans. App. 708 871 Abrams v. Seattle. 60 Wash. 356 88 Acheson v. Denison &c. Ry. Co. (Tex. Civ. App.), 140 S. W. V. 610 Adair v. Spellman Seminary, 13 Ga. App. 600 215 Adams v. Averill, 87 Vt. 230 572, 578 V. Carlisle, 21 Pick. (Mass.) 146 198, V. Chicopee, 147 Mass. 440 V. Iola, Electric R. Co., 95 PÖans. 781 - V. John R. White & Son (R. I.), 103 Atl. 230 215 . Milwaukee, 144 Wis. 371. 123 . Minneapolis, 20 Minn. 484 782 . Natick, 13 Allen (Mass.) 834 505 266 : 429 343, 346, 347 v. Oshkosh, 71 Wis. 49 284 V. Salina, 58 Kans. 246 867 V. Thief River Falls, 84 Minn. 30 269, 590, 615 v. Wiggins Ferry Co., 27 MO. 95 767 Adams Exp. Co. v. Aldridge, 20 Colo. App. 74 727 Adamson v. New York, 188 N. Y. 255 41 Adelson v. New York, 156 App. T) iv. 115 A depe v. Thomasville, 9 Ga. App. 880 88 Adlington v. Viroqua, 155 Wis. 256 480. 467 \ - 122 Achey v. Marion, 126 Iowa, 47 285, 854 Acker v. New Castle, 48 Hun (N. Y.) 312 253 Ackeret v. Minneapolis, 129 Minn. 190 101, 693 Ackerman v. Williamsport, 227 - Pa. 591 * 290 Acme Realty Co. v. Schinasi, 215 N. Y. 495 216 Adair v. Atlanta, 124 Ga. 288 131, 472 465 Adsit v. Brady, 4 Hill (N. Y.), 630, 634 206 Afflick v. Bates, 21 R. I. 281 26, 28 Agler v. Michigan Agri. College, 181 Mich. 559 38 Agner v. Commonwealth, 103 Va. 811 9 Agnew v. Corunna, 55 Mich. 428 369 Ahern v. Kings Co., 33 Hun (N. Y.) 148 410 (xxxi) xxxii TABLE OF CASES [References Aire to Sections.] Ahonen v. Hryszko, 90 Ore. 451 752 Ahrens v. Rochester, 97 App. Div. (N. Y.) 480 145, 169, 667, 880 Aiken v. Metcalf, 90 Vt. 196 571, 731, 746, 773, 816 V. Metcalf (Vt.), 102 Atl. 330 738 v. Philadelphia, 9 Pa. Super. 50.2 195, 327, 329 Ake v. Pittsburgh, 238 Pa.. 371. 261 -Akers v. New York, 14 Misc. (N. Y.) 524 284, 351 Akin v. Madison County, 178 Iowa. 16.1 882 Akron v. Bone, 221 Fed. 944 50 v. McElligott, 166 Iowa. 297 13 Akron Water-Works Co. v. Brownless, 10 Ohio C. C. 620 86 Alabama City, G. & A. R. Co. v. Gadsden, 185 Ala. 263 666 Alabama. Great Southern R. Co. v. Barclay, 178 Ala. 124 122 Alabama, &c. Nav. Co. V. Georgia. Pac. R. Co., 87 Ala. 154 794 Albany v. Bro Wrm, 17 Ga. App. 707 244, 318, 812 V. Cunliff, 2 N. Y. 165 33, 36 JAlbee V., Floyd Co., 46 Iowa, 177 229, 406 Albert v. Bleeker St. R. Co., 2 Daly (N. Y.) 389 660, 741 V. New York, 75 App. IDiv. (N. Y.) 553 101, 655 Alberts v. Vernon, 96 Mich. 549 823, 828 Albertson v. Ansbacher, 102 Misc. (N. Y.) 527 Albion v. Hetrick, 90 Ind. 545 590, 59.5, 815 Albrecht v. Queens Co., 84 Hun (N. Y.) 399 Albritton v. Ransas City, 192 Mo. App. 574 265, 460, 500, 510, 585 Albuquerque v. Water Supply Co., 24 N. Mex. 368 Alden v. Minneapolis, 254 Aldrich v. Boston, 212 Mass. 512 745 410 8, 9 24 Minn. 175 466 v. Pelham, 510 v. 'Tripp, 11 R. I. 141 Aledo v. Honeyman, 208 Ill. 415 1 Gray (Mass.) 826, 827 27 Alexander v. Milwaukee, 16 Wis. 247 175, v. Mount Sterling, 71 Ill. 366 * v. New Castle, 115 Ind. 51. v. St. Joseph, 170 Mo. App. 376 - v. Statesville, 165 N. Car. 527 *- 246, 340, v. Vicksburg, 68 Miss. 564 Alexandria v. Young, 20 Ind. App. 672 468, Alger v. Lowell, 3 Allen (Mass.) 402 344, 345, 346, A. L. Lakey Co. . V. Kalarna ZOO, 138 Mich. 644 Allebrand V. Duquesne, Super. 218 Allegheny v. Campbell, 107 Pa. 530 Allegheny Co. MCI. 533 v. Gibson, 90 Pa.. St. 397 Allen v. Allen, 53 N. Y. Sup. 800 11 Pa. v. Broadwaters, 646, v. Bellingham, 95 Wash. 12 v. Boston, 159 Mass. 324 t 143, 144, v. Chippewa Falls, 52 Wis. 430 146, v. Cook, 21 F. I. 525 v. Decatur, 23 III. 332 v. Du Bois, 181 Pa.. St. 184 620, 622. v. East Buffalo Twp., 22 Pa. Co. Ct. 346 v. Fort Dodge, 183 Iowa 818 460, 500, 525, v. Hancock, 16 Vt. 230 Minden, 127 La. 403 v. West Bay City, 140 Mich. 111 , Co. v. Bacon, V. Allen 32 v. Creviston, 133 Ind. 39, 410, v. Ft. Wayne Water-Power Co., 17 Ind. App. 36 Allen town v. P.Craner, 73 Pa.. St. 406 27, 175, 179 255 337 479 659 185 33, 71. 90 69 648 41 423 29.3 880 250 280 17 639 257 860 615 3.25 687 96 Ind. 31, ’ 788 634 445 195 595 55 App. 807 70 Mich. 2.24 478 Alexander V. Albany, I) iv. 238 v. Big Rapids, Alliance v. Campbell, 17 Ohio C. C. 595 284, Alline v. Le Mars, 71 Iowa. 654 Allison v. Richmond, 51 MO. App. 133 Altamont v. Carter, 97 III. App. 196 Althouse v. Jamestown, 91 Wis. 46 285 635 TABLE OF CASES xxxiii [References Are to Sections.] Altnow v. Sibley, 30 Minn. 186 53, Alton v. Englis, 69 Ill. App. 197 v. Hope, 68 Ill. 167 195, Altoona v. Lotz, 114 Pa.. St. 238 Altpeter v. Postal Telegraph- Cable Co., 32 Cal. App. 738 § 124, Alvord v. Richmond, 3 Ohio N. P. 136 A. M. C. Medicine CO. v. Mont- real, Rap. Jud. Que., 15 C. S. 594 American Bolt Co. 158 Ala. 484 American Const. Co. v. Caswell (Tex. Civ. App.), 141 S. W. 1013 v. Davis (Tex. Civ. App.), 141 S. W. 1019 78, American Dist. Tel. Co. v. Old- ham, 148 Ky. 320 256, American Express Co. v. Terry, 126 Md. 25.4 Americus v. Gartner, 10 Ga. App. v. Forminell, 754 240, v. Johnson, 2 Ga. App. 378 571, v. Mitchell, 79 Ga. 807 v. Phillips, 13 Ga. App. 321 180, Amley v. Saginaw Milling Co., 195 Mich. 189 Ammermann v. Coal Tywp., 187 Pa. St. 326 Amos v. Fond du Lac, 46 Wis. 695 Amy v. Selma, 77 Ala. 103 Anchor v. Stewart, 270 Ill. 57 Anderson v. Albion, 64 Nebr. 280 460, 480, v. Bath, 42 Maine 346 v. Birmingham, 177 Ala. 302, v. East, 117 Ind. 126 26, 394, v. Feutsch, 31. Nev. 501 v. Fleming, 160 Ind. 597 76, 788, v. PCin near, 80 Wash. 638 v. Landers-Morrison-Chris- tenson Co., 127 Minn. 440 v. Minneapolis, 138 Minn. 350 v. Shackleford (F1a.), 76 SO. 343 15, v. Sparks, 142 Wis. 398 v. Sterritt, 95 P&ans. 483 199 639 197 606 215 67 146 746 131 132 322 727 241 847 127 285 760 635 709 222 853 372 666 395 340 809 752 122 Anderson V. Wilmington, 8 EHoust. (IDel.) 516 141, V. Wilmington, 2 Pern n. (Del.) 28 304, 319, Anderson Steamboat Co. v. King County, 84 Wash. 375 Andrews v. White Hall, 184 Ill. App. 298 476, Angell v. Lewis, 20 R. I. 391 v. West Bay City, 117 Mich. 685 Ankenbrand v. Philadelphia, 52 Pa. Super. Ct. 581 Anna v. Boren, 77 Ill. App. 408 469, Annapolis v. Stallings, 125 Md. 343 242, 256, Anne Arundel County V. Carr, 111 Md. 141 * 423, v. Duckett, 20 Md. 468 v. Watts, 112 Md. 353 Anselment v. Daniell, 4 Misc. (N. Y.) 144 748, Anthony v. Adams, 1 Metc. (Mass.) 284 26, 33, 36, v. Glens Falls, 4 App. Div. (N. Y.) 218 v. St. Joseph, 152 Mo. App. 180 Apker v. Hoquiam, 51 Wash. 567 266, 276, 303, 576, Apperson v. Tazro, 44 Ind. App. 186 734, 765, Appleton v. Nantucket, 121 IMass. 161 198, 290, v. New York, 82 Misc. (N. Y.) 258 v. New York, 148 N. Y. S. 870 534, v. Water Com’rs, 2 Hill (N. Y.) 432 Applewold v. Dosch, 239 Pa. 479 242 661 215 582 735 669 10}, 486 573 780 812 110 774 156 500 699 646 wo 310 215 535 52 726 788 16i 788 1.69 v. Taft, 20 R. I. 362 123 731 768 826 Archer v. Johnson City (Tenn.), 64 S. W. 474 540, Ardmore v. Colbert, 52 Okla. 235 v. Fowler (Okla.), 153 Pac. 1117 v. Orr, 35 Okla. 305 154, Arey v. Newton, 148 Mass. 598 295, 320, 650, Argenta, v. Realth, 130 Ark. 334 Argus v. Sturgis, 86 Mich. 344 469, Arkadelphia v. 49 Ark. j. 39 Windham, 661 13 xxxiv. TABLE OF CASES P.References Are to Sections.] 80 869 Arkansas City v. Payne, Rans. 353 - Arkansas Valley &c. Ry. Co. v. Bullen, 31 Okla. 36 Arline v. Laurens Co., 249 Arms v. Enoxville, 32 III. App. 604 Armstead V. Minn. 34 Armstrong v. Ackley, 71 Iowa 76 262 341 215 77 Ga. 410 134 129 751. Tounsberry, v. Auburn, 84 Nebr. 842 v. Tancashire &c. R. Co., 32. F. 10 Exch. 47 v. Medbury, 67 Mich. 250 v. St. Paul, 30 Minn. 299 Armstrong & Latta v. Philadel- phia, 249 Pa. 39 Arndt v. Cullman, 132 Ala. 540 Arnold v. Centralia, 197 T11. App. 73 775 824 184 50 815 41 .410 640 v. Henry Co., 81 Ga. 730 v. McKelvey, 253 Pa.. 324 v. Maryville, 110 Mo. App. 254 800 v. St. Louis, 152 Mo. 1.73 ii.9 v. San Francisco–Oakland Terminal Rys., 175 Cal. i. 614 v. San Jose, 81 Cal. 618 199 v. Stanford, 24 ICy. T. Rep. - 626 33, 113, v. Waterloo, 128 Iowa 410 Aron v. Wausau, 98 Wis. 592 116, Aronson v. Ricker, 185 Mo. App. 528 * Arthur v. Charleston, 51 W. Va. 132 260, 479, 530, Aryman v. Marshalltown, 90 Iowa. 350 819, 824 Asbury v. Albemarle, 162 N. Car. º, 247 4. v. Kansas City, 161 Mo. App. 496 226, 251 Aschoff v. Evansville, 34 Ind. App. 25 26, 86 Ashborn v. Waterbury, 70 Conn. 551 355, 659 Ashby v. Elsbury &c. Road Co., 99 Mo. App. 178 v. Erie, 85 Pa. St. 286 v. White, Tud. Raym. 938 Asher v. Independence, 177 Mo. App. 1 v. Council Bluffs, 164 Iowa, 661 305, 325 117 593 815 727 659 595 27, 54 50 88 Ashland v. Boggs, 161 Ky. 728 246, 256, 261, 426, Ashland Electric Power &c. Co. v. Ashland, 217 Fed. 158 Ashley v. Aberdeen, 46 Wash. 335 573, V. Ashley Lumber Co. (N. T)a.k.), 169 N. W. 87 v. Port Huron, 35 Mich. 296 155, 162, V. Wolcott, 11 Cush. (Mass.) 192 * 155, Ashton v. Newton, 134 Mass. 507 Askay v. Maloney, 85 Ore. 333 ASlen V. Charlotte, 35 App. Div. (N. Y.) 625 Astoria v. American La France Fire Engine Co., 225 Fed. 21. V. Astoria, &c. R. Co., 67 Ore. 538 Atchison v. Acheson, '9 Kans. App. 33 661, v. Chalis, 9 Rans. 603 v. Ring, 9 Pºlans. 550 195, 457, 479, v. Mayhood, 69 ſans. 672 v. Plunkett, 8 Kans. App. 308 [. V. Roge, 43 P.Cans. 605 v. Twine, 9 ſans. 350 Atchison Co. v. Sullivan, 7 Rans. App. 152 284, Atkin V. Hamilton, 24 Ont. App. 38.9 Atkinson v. Bond Hill, 1 Ohio N. P. 166 v. Chatham, 521 v. Chatham, 26 Cºnt. App. 332, 29 Ont. 518 322, v. Fisher (Nebr.), 93 N. W. 211 Athens v. Miller, 190 Ala. 82 88, Atherton v. Bancroft, 114 Mich. 241 462, 669, Athey v. Tennessee Coal, Iron &c. Co., 191 Ala. 646 Atlanta. v. Fuchanan, 76 Ga. 585 v. Champe, 66 Ga. 659 v. Hampton, 139 Ga. 389 v. Holcomb, 20 Ga. App. 601 162, v. Milam, 95 Ga. i 35 v. Perdue, 53 Ga. 608 195, 257, 266, v. Swiney, 20 Ga. App. 415 v. Thurman, 19 Ga. App. 531 573 13 628 13 180 156 13 309 845 150 869 232 573 825 41 309 603 705 616 571 666 818 25i 284. 222 476 169 472 4.32 530 TABLE OF CASES XXXV [References Are to Sections. Atlanta, V. Trussell, 21 Ga. App. 340 v. Williams, 15 Ga., App. 654 Atlanta St. R. Co. v. Walker, 93 Ga. 462 Atlantic &c. R. Co. v. Newton, 85 Ga. 517 V. Weir 63 Fla... 69 Atlee V. Packet Co., (U. S.) 389 Atterbury v. West, 139 Mo. App. 180 Attorney General V. Eau Claire, 37 Wis. 400 v. Grand Rapids, 175 Mich. 503 Atwood v. Biddeford, 99 Maine 7g Auberle v. McPCeesport, 179 Pa. 21. Wall. St. 321 438, 579, Aucoin v. New Orleans, 105 La. 271 458, 460, Aughtry v. Columbia (S. Car.), 98 S. E. 195 Augusta v. Cleveland (Ga.), 98 S. E. 345 v. Cleveland (Ga. App.), 98 141. 230 661 760 662 122 i 161 36 818 480 484 140 S. E. 738 56 V. Cone, 91 Ga. 714 284 v. Hafers, 59 Ga. 151 534 v. Hafers, 61 Ga. 48 828, 853 V. Hüdson, 88 Gal. 599 92 V. Jackson, 20 Ga. App. 710 131, 284, 290 v. Little, 1.15 Ga. 124 481 V. Lombard, 99 Gal. 282 50, 160 V. Mackey, 113 Ga. 64 27, 85 V. Marks, 124 Ga. 365 699 V. Owens, 111 Ga. 464 37, 875 V. Tharpe, 113 Ga. 152 292, 319, 476, 640, 655 Aurora, v. Bitner, 100 Ind. 396 559 V. Brown, 12 Ill. App. 122 595, 828 v. Colshire, 55 Ind. 484 222, 343, 352 v. Cox, 43 Nebr. 727 561, 797 V. Dale, 90 Ill. 46 595, 596 V, Fox, 78 Ind. 1 . 88.1 v. Gillett, 56 Ill. 132 155, 180 v. Hillman, 90 Ill. 61 - 262, 606, 659, 866 v. Parks, 21 Ill. App. 459 500, 510 v. Pennington, 92 III 564 277 V. Plummer, 122 Ill. App. 143 829 v. Pulfer, 56 III. 270 27, 228 v. Reed, 57 Ill. 29 155 Aurora v. Pockabrand, 47 III. App. 106 247, v. Scott, 82 Ill. App. 616, 573, 574, v. Scott, 185 III. 539 387, Austin v. Bellingham, 45 Wash. 460 V. Colgate (Tex. Civ. App.), 27 S. W. 896 v. Detroit &c. R. Co., Mich. 149 v. Ritz, 72 Tex. 391 241, 636, Austin’s Case, Vent. 183 715, Auto Transit Co. v. Ft. Worth (Tex. Civ. App.), 182 S. W. 685 Aver v. Norwich, 39 Conn. 376 Avery v. Baltimore, 192 Fed. 53 134 138, v. Syracuse, 29 Hun (N. Y.) 537 464, Ayer v. Norwich, 39 Conn. 376 200, 365, Ayres v. Hammondsport, 130 N. Y. 665 500, 506, IB. Babcock v. Guilford, 47 Vt. 519 679, Babson v. Rockport, 101 Mass. 93 343, 344, 351, 354, 384, 583, 612, Baca v. Albuquerque, 19 N. Mex. 472 Bachelder v. 339 Bachelor v. New Hampton, 60 N. H. 207 Morgan, 179 A1a. 310 649 265 270 184 788 716 293 365 187 828 375 509 693 614 50 578 218 10 587 694 825 535 13 Bachelors’ Club v. Woodburn, 60 Ore. 331 Backer v. Aspinwall, 255 Pa. 541 313, Bacon v. Antigo, 103 Wis. 10 v. Boston, 3 Cush. (Mass.) 174 296, 306, 307, 457, 460, 464, 476, 534, Badams v. Toronto, 24 Ont. App. 8 Paggage & Omnibus Transfer Co. v. Portland, 84 Ore. 343 Bagley v. Ludlow, 41 Vt. 425 198, 222, 240, 290, v. People, 43 Mich. 355 Bailey v. Benton, 61 Ore. 390 v. Birkhofer, 123 Iowa, 59 V. Boston, 116 Mass. 423 310 215 429 815 309 xxxvi TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Bailey v. Cambridge, 174 Mass. 188 v. Centerville, 108 Iowa, 20 816, Centerville, 115 Iowa, 27 l 276, v. Everett, 132 Mass. 441 674, Lawrence Co., 5 S. Dak. 393 v. New York, 2 IDenio (N. Y.) 433 New York, 3 Hill (N. Y.) 531 23, 25, 27, 50, 53, 85, . Osborn, 80 N. J. L. 333 . Spring Lake, 61 Wis. 227 Trumbull, 31 Conn. 581 282, 827, v. Winston, 157 N. Car. 252 76, 242, 257, 265, Baillargeon v. Myers, 27 Cal. App. 187 Baillie v. Wallace, 24 Idaho 706 , , 4, 132, 261, 266, 460, Bain v. Ft. Smith Light &c. Co., 116 Ark. 125 Balines v. Mansfield & Suburban T. Co., 62 Ore. 510 122, 131, Baird v. Baptist Society, 208 Ma SS. 29 Baker v. Close, V . Y. 92 727, v. Dedham, 16 Gray (Mass.) 393 203, v. Fall River, 187 Mass. 53 249, 292, v. Grand Rapids, 111 Mich. 447 328, 636, 640, v. Madison, 56 Wis. 374 v. North East Borough, 151 204 INT. Pa.. St. 234 268, v. Pendergast, 32 Ohio St. 494 752, v. Portland, 58 Maine 199 Ealcom v. Independence, 178 IOWa. 68.5 350, 574, 576, 599, Baldwin v. Greenwoods Tp k. Co., 40 Conn. 238 381, v. Springfield, 141 Mo. 205 241, 536, Baldwin’s Adm’r v. Maggard, 162 Ey. 424 13all v. El Paso, 5 TeX. Civ. App. 221 v. Independence, 41 Mo. App. 469 v. Neosho, 109 Mo. App. 683 v. Winchester, 32 N. H. 435 24, 502 857 597 682 410 176 112 260 828 285 13 309 665 746 226 660 649 247 304 760 661 540 738 620 260 256 51 Ballaine V. Seward, 5 Alaska, 734 Ballance v. Granite City, 188 Ill. App. 315 Ballard v. Ransas City, 110 Mo. App. 391 Ballew v. St. Joseph, 163 Mo. App. 297 - 221, 222, Balls v. Woodward, 51 Fed. 646 Balmat v. Argenta, 123 Ark. 175 Baltimore v. 427 182 IMG. - 241, 480, . Brannan, 14 Md. 227 . Holmes, 39 Mcl. 243 310, . Leonard, 129 Md. 621 . Marriott, 9 Md. 160 195, 196, 500, . Maryland, 166 Fed. 641 Merryman, 86 Mol. 584 O'Donnell, 53 Moi. 110 . Pendleton, 15 Md. 12 195, 290, 306, 307, . Stalfort, 123 Md. 269 . Wollman, 123 Md. 310 Baltimore &c. Tpk. Road y. Parks, 74 Moi. 282 Baltimore &c. R. Co. v. Gilmor, 125 Mo. 610 g 122, Baltimore City v. Beck, 96 Mid. 183 Baltimore County, v. Wilson, 9 Md. 207 Bamber v. Rochester, Pr. (N. Y.) 103 - Bancroft v. Newburgh, 67 Hun (N. Y.) 649 Bane v. Seattle, 80 'Wash. 141 Bannister v. St. Paul, 131 Minn. 448 Bannon v. New York, 150 App. Div. (N. Y.) 314 Baptist Church v. Bush (Ky.) 510 Baraboo v. Dwyer, 166 Wis. 372 Barber v. Roxbury, 11 Allen (Mass.) 318 314, Barber Asphalt &c. Co. v. Den- ver, 6.7 Fed. 65 Barbour v. Ellsworth, 67 Maine 2.91 V. Shebor, 177 A1a. 304 Barbour Co. v. Horne, 48 Ala. 566 410, Barclay v. Boston, 173 Mass. 310 - Bardwell v. 4.38 Barger v. Bissell, 188 Mich. 366 Bassett, : : ‘V. V. 63 HOW. McAtee, 8 13 816 875 676 286 222 573 27 596 76 501 340 185 341 3.26 158 12, 16 823 126 317 59 56 541 671 466 28 405 402 24 51, 56 578, 727 869 691 Jamaica, 15 Vt. 406 727 TABLE OF CASES xxxvii [References Are to Sections.] Barger v. Hickory, 130 N. Car. 550 v. Smith, 156 N. Car. 323 Barker v. Commonwealth, 19 Pa. St. 412 v. ICalamazoo, 146 Mich. 257 325, v. Savage, 45 N. Y. 191 746, 747, Barkley v. Highland Park, 199 Mich. 549 JBarks v. Jefferson Co., 119 Ala. 412, Barmore, Ex parte, 174 Cal. 286 12, 14 Barnard Realty Co. v. Butte, 48 Mont. 102 Barnes v. Barnett (Iowa), N. W. 365 . Brown, . Cars O:l, . Chicopee, 33 14 314 620 769 687 600 414 222 169 738 778 325 95 Mich. 576 33 Nev. 1 138 Mass. 67 346, 347 IDistrict of Columbia, 91 TJ. S. 540 4, 52, 53, 55, 195, 291 v. Marcus, 96 Iowa 675 577, 590, 622 v. Newton, 46 Iowa. 567 229, 255, 457, 469 v. Rumford, 96 Maine 315 . V 270, 590 v. St. Joseph, 151 MO. App. 523 460, 816 Barnett v. Contra Costa, Co., 67 Ca.1. 77 1Barnesville v. Ward, 85 Ohio St. 1. 128, 131, 645 410 Barney v. Hartford, 73 Wis. 95 790 v. Towell, 98 Mass. 570. 51, 52, 58 T}arney Dumping-Boat Co. V. New York, 40 Fed. 50 52 Barns v. Hannibal, 71 Mo. 449 182 Barnum v. Terpenning, 75 Mich. 557 744 Barr v. Ransas City, 105 Mo. 550 208, 257, 285, 595 13arree v. Cape Girardeau, 197 MO. 38.2 Barrett v. Brooks, 21 Iowa. 144 v. Hammond, 87 Wis. 654 262, 275, 463, 667, 678, 827 40 409 . Princeton, 135 Minn. 56 3.25 . St. Joseph, 53 Mo. 290 257 . Savannah, 9 Ga. App. 642 351 . Savannah, 13 Ga. App. 86 340 . Walworth, 64 Hun (N. Y.) 526 - : 369 Barribeau v. Detroit, 147 Mich. 119 |Barrickman v. Louisville, PÖy. 431 Barron v. Detroit, 94 Mich. 601 159 32, v. Watertown, 211 Mass. 46 460, 469, Barry v. Towell, 8 Allen (Mass.) 127 27, 155; 156, v. St. Louis, 17 Mo. 121 v. Terkildsen, 72 Cal. 254 - 573, Barstow v. Berlin, 34 Wis. 357 v. Augusta, 17 Maine 199 Barthold v. Philadelphia, 154 Pa. 109 Bartle v. Des Moines, 38 Iowa. 414 * Bartlett v. Cabot, 54 Vt. 242 683, v. Clarksburg, 45 W. Va. 393 v. Columbus, 101 Ga. 300 v. Hooksett, 48 N. H. 18 365, 368, 68 Maine 358 283, Rºy. L. v. Rittery, v. Paducah, 28 1174 Bartley v. New Orleans, 35 Tia. Ann. 1202 Barton v. Faeth, 193 Mo. App. 402 660, v. Montpelier, 30 Vt. 650 226, 511, 512, v. Springfield, 110 Mass. 131 623, 36 N. Y. 54 27, 149, Bartram v. Sharon, 71 Conn. 686 204, Bashford v. Rosenbaum Hard- ware Co., 120 Va. 1 574, Eassett v. Fish, 75 N. Y. 303 v. St. Joseph, 53 Mo. 290 195, Batcher v. Staples, 120 Minn. 86, V. Syracuse, Batdorff v. Oregon City, 53 Ore. 402 58, Bateman v. Ruth, 3 Daly (N. Y.) 378 575, Bates v. Rutland, 62 Vt. 178 v. Sharon, 45 Vt. 474 v. Westborough, 151 Mass. 174 Bath v. Blake, 97 III. App. 35 292, 678 601 98 871 180 76 575 575 306 101 46 684 23 33 370. 314 50 868 765 693 646 167 318 625 575 161 200 646 199 342 141 556 xxxviii TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Taton Rouge v. Cross (La.), 77 So. 121 Batty v. Duxbury, 24 Vt. 155 229, 290, 305, 306, Bauer v. Indianapolis, 99 Ind. 56 824, v. Rochester, 59 Hun (N. Y.) 615 Bauerle v. Philadelphia, 184 Pa. St. 545 Baugus v. Atlanta, 74 Tex. 629 Bausher v. St. Paul, 72 Minn. 539 666, Baustian v. Young, 152 Mo. 317 Baxter v. Cedar Rapids, 103 Iowa, 5.99 * 266, 561, Beach v. Frankenberger, 4 W. Va. 712 v. Leahy, 11 Rans. 23 v. Parmeter, 23 Pa. St. 196 v. St. Joseph, 192 Mich. 296 v. Scranton (Pa.), 5 Lack. Leg. N. 25 141, 145, 156, v. Seattle, 85 Wash. 379 355, Beall v. Athens Twp., 81 Mich. 536 298, v. Seattle, 28 Wash. 593 269, Bean v. Concord, 48 Vt. 30 v. Middlesborough, 22 Ky. L. Rep. 415 v. Philadelphia, 260 Pa. 278 576, v. Portland, 109 Maine 467 349, Bear v. Allentown, 148 Pa. St. 80 Eeard v. Ransas City, 96 Kans. 102 179, Bearðslee v. Columbia. Twp., 5 Lack, Leg. N. 290 246, 351, Beardsley v. Hartford, 50 Conn. 529 Beardstown v. Clark, App. 568 v. Smith, 150 Ill. 169 Peasley v. Beckley, 28 W. Va. 81 Beaton v. Milwaukee, 97 Wis. 416 500, v. St. Maries, 27 Idaho 638 Beatrice v. Forbes, 74 Nebr. 125 v. Reid, 41 Nebr. 214 Beattie v. Detroit, 129 Mich. 20 v. Detroit, 137 Mich. 319 Beaudeaux v. Cape Girardeau, 71 Mo. 392, 396 218, 104 II.1. 121. 342 826 243 628 459 686 263 628 222 1. 746 440 823 373 540 6.79 67 604 673 145 666 365 241. 559 815 506 865 622 243 330 250 222 Beaudin v. Bay City, 136 Mich. 333 249, Beaudoin y. De Lorimer, Rap. Jud. Que., 13 C. S. 477 Beauvais V. St. Louis, 169 MO. 500 IBeaver v. Eagle Grove, 116 Iowa. 485 Beazan v. Mason City, 58 Iowa, 233 469, Beck v. Buffalo, 50 App. Div. (N. Y.) 61 266, 510, 586, v. Carter, 68 N. Y. 283 v. Cox, 77 W. Va. 442, v. Germantown Cricket Club, 228 Pa. 173 Becker v. Schulte, 85 Mo. App. 57 Beckerle v. Weiman, 12 Mo. App. 3.54 Beckwith v. Whalen, 5 Lans. (N. Y.) 376 217, Bedford v. Neal, 143 Ind. 425 v. Woody, 23 Ind. App. 231 620, Bedford City v. Va. 296 571, Bedford &c. Typk. Bridge, in re, 14 Pa.. CO. Ct. 296 \, Beebe v. Greene, 34 R. I. 171 v. Schenectady R. Co., 167 App. Div. (N. Y.) 492 Beech v. Montreal, Rap. Jud. Que., 13 C. S. 187 Beecher v. Derby Bridge Co., 24 Conn. 491 240, Beekman v. New York, 18 Misc. (N. Y.) 509 506, Beeks v. Dickinson County, 131 IOWa. 244 Heem v. Davis (Idaho), 175 Pac. 959 Beeson v. Chicago, 75 Fed. 880 Beetz v. Brooklyn, 10 App. Div. (N. Y.) 382 Behan v. New York, 24 Fed. 239 Behrmann v. St. Louis, 273 Mo. 578 Beirness v. Missouri Valley, 162 Iowa, 720 267, 269, 484, 512, 532, 585, Beisegel v. New York &c. F. Co., 14 Abb. Pr. (N. S.) 29 Belk v. People, 123 I11. 584 Bell v. Cincinnati, 80 Ohio St. Sitwell, 110 292 28 595 483 595 328 15 816 74.1 768 417 620 809 597 409 671 340. 479 436 839 24 15 13 39 i87 56 822 760 778 1. 8, 37 v. Clarion, 113 Iowa, 126 640 TABLE OF CASES xxxix [References Are to Sections.] Be11 v . Clarion, 115 Iowa, 357 573, v. Foutch, 21 Iowa. 119 v. Greensboro, 170 N. Car. 179 V. Henderson, 24 BCy. L. Rep. 2434 256, 261, 264, v. Independence, 41 Mo. App. 469 v. Jacobs, 261 Pa. 204 730, v. Lessor, 143 Wis. 557 v. Savannah, 139 Ga. 298 30 Wash. 508 671, v. Wayne, 123 Mich. 386 v. West Point, 51 Miss. 262 v. York, 31 Nebr. 842 TXellamy v. Atlanta, 75 Ga. 167 Belles v. Rillner, 66 N. J. T. 561. Belleview v. England (ECy.), 118 V. Spokane, S. W. 994 501, Belleville v. Hoffman, 74 Ill. App. 503 30, Belleville v. Mitchell, 273 Ill. 136 Bellevue v. Rentz, 152 Ky. 426 Bellevue Gas & Oil Co. v. Carr (Okla.), 161 Pac. 203 242, 255, 261, 666, Belling V. Hamilton, 3 Ont. L. Rep. 318 Bellinger v. Hughes, 31 Ca1. App. 464 Beloud v. Sayre, Ct. 215 Belton v. Baxter, 54 N. Y. 245 637, 746, V. Turner (Tex. Civ. App.), 27 S. W. 831 262, 462, 482, 486, 824, Beltz v. Yonkers, 74 Hun (N. Y.) 56 Pa. Super. 73 265, v. Yonkers, 148, N. Y. 67 268, Belvidere v. Crichton, 81 Ill. App. 595 257, IBelvin v. Richmond, 85 Va. 574 Belyea, v. Port Huron, 136 Mich. 504 486, 595, Bermis v. Arlington, 114 Mass. 508 351, v. Temple, 162 Mass. 342 Benard v. Woonsocket Bobbin Co., 23 R. I. 209 Benden v. Nashua, 17 N. H. 477 Bender v. Minden, 124 Iowa. 685 256, 340, 622, 640 409 247 559 255 736 318 118 823 351 195 543 85 ſ) 74.1 582 381 12 303 780 247 731 479 749 828 573 542 265 600 366 83.3 793 175 656 Benedict v. Fond du Lac, 44 Wis. 495 240, Bennett v. Drullard, 27 Cal. App. 180 v. Everett, 191 Mass. 364 v. Fifield, 13 R. I. 139 v. Lovell, 12 R. I. 166 v. Marion, 102 Iowa. 425 v. Marion, 106 Iowa 328 v. Marion, 119 Iowa, 473 v. Mt. Vernon, 124 Iowa, 537 & * 76, v. New Jersey &c. Co., 36 N. J. L. 225 590, V. New Orleans, 14 lia. Ann. 120 V. Sing Sing, 60 Hun (N. Y.) 579 Benoit v. Miller (R. I.), 67 Atl. 87 v. Troy &c. R. Co., 154 N. Y. 223 - Bensel Const. Co. v. Homer, 2 Ga. App. 369 Benson v. Hoquiam, 67 Wash. 90 666, 346 Tarson, 133 Minn. . Madison, 101 Wis. 312 . Seattle, 78 Walsh. 541 . Waukesha, 74 Wis. 31 v. Wilmington, 9 Houst. (Del.) 359 141, Bentley v. Atlanta, 92 Ga. 623 Benton v. Montgomery (Ala.), 75 SO. 473 675, v. Philadelphia, 198 Pa.. St. 3.96 v. St. Louis, 217 Mo. 687 225, 240, v. St. Louis, 248 Mo. 98, 157, 284, Benware v. Pine Valley, 53 Wis. 527 666, 699, Bequette v. People’s Tran. Co., 2 Ore. 200 Berckhemer v. Empire Carrying : Corp., 172 App. Div. (N. Y.) 866 Berg v. Auburn, 140 Wis. 482 V. Milwaukee, 83 Wis. 599 v. Mitchell, 196 Ill. App. 50.9 Bergen v. Morton Amusement Co., 95 Misc. (N. Y.) 647 Berger v. Content, 47 Misc. (N. Y.), 390 v. Solvay, i56 App. Div. (N. Y.) 440 23, 818 13 340° 365 726 867 815 880 876 775 26 311 769 734 595 687 751. 683 689 866 879 1. 3 1. 812; 575 829 3.18 804 571. 738 305 862 752 15 355 xl TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Bernard v. Willamette Box &c. Co., 64 Ore. 223 122, Lernreither v. New York, 196. N. Y. 506 IBernstein WiS. 576 Berrenberg v. Boston, 137 Mass. 231 Berry v. Greenville, 84 S. Car. 122 460, v. Wauwatosa, 87 Wis. 401 Berwyn v. Berglund, 255 Ill. 498 Berz Co. v. People’s Gaslight & Coke Co., 209 Ill. App. 304 Bessenner v Whaley, 8 Ala. App. 423 21, 23, 40, 113, 241, 460, Best v. Birmingham (Ala. App.), 78 SO. 100 v. St. Joseph, 179 Mo. App. 330 507, Betham v. Philadelphia, 196 Pa. St. 302 IBethany v. 397 IBethel v. 95 INebr. 203 4.17, V. St. Joseph (Mo. App.), 180 S. W. 401 V. St. Joseph, 184 Mo. App. 388 . 249, Betten court v. Industrial Acci. Commission, 175 Cal. 559 Betterly v. Scranton (Pa.), 5 Lack. Leg. N. 179 141, 145, 149, v. Scranton, 208 Pa. 370 Betts v. Gloversville, 29 N. Y. St. 331 Betty's v. Denver Twp., 115 Mich. 228 429, Betz v. Limingi, 46 La. Ann. 1113 v. Milwaukee, 158 Lee, 124 III. App. Pawnee County, Beverage v. Rockport, 106 Maine 223 671, Beyer v. Athens, Tenn., 249 Fed. 849 - v. New York, 126 N. Y. S. 455 v. North Tonawanda, 183 N. Y. 338 Ribb Co. v. Dorsey, 90 Ga. 72 v. Harm, 110 Ga. 340 858, Bickel Asphalt Paving Co. v. Yeager, 176 Ky. 712 240, 256, 296, 573, Bidelman v. State, i. 10 N. Y. 232 166, 215 689 101 839 823 699 140 728 540 13 811 28, 33, 36 872 426 823 852 38 175 149 512 818 306 684 3 157 676 410 865 79.5 487 Bidwell v. Murray, 40 Hun (N. Y.) 192 Bieber v. St. Paul, 87 Minn. 35 460, New Orleans, 143 La. 157, Cullman, 178 Ala. 662 il3, Bieling v. Brooklyn, 120 N. Y. 98 Bierbach v. Goodyear Rubber Co., 15 Fed. 490 Biermann v. St. Louis, 120 Mo. 457 265, 460, 532, JBiesiegel v. Seymour, 58 Conn. 43 247, Biffer V. 562 Biegel v. 1077 |Bieker v. Chicago, 278 Ill. Bigelow v. P.Calamazoo, 97 Mich. 121 t v. Randolph, 14 Gray (Mass.) 543 v. Read, 51 Maine 325 372, 583, 741, v. Rutland, 4 Cush. (Mass.) 247 Springfield, 178 Mo. App. 463 v. Weston, 3 Pick. (Masy.) 267 198, 290, 310, Biggs v. Geneva, 100 App. Div. (N. Y.) 25 666, v. Geneva, 184 N. Y. 580 v. Huntington, 32 W. Va. 55 217, 300, 460, v. West Newton, 164 Pa. St. 341 Bill v. Norwich, 39 Conn. .222 257, 265, 54 Mo. ‘V. Billings V. App. 1 v. Worcester, 102 Mass. 329 281, 296, 500, 509, Bills v. P.Caukauna, 94 Wis. 310 319, Dunnaway, 24, 51, 58, 242. 544 , 292 157 50. 736 542, 674 14, 15 5(30 99 768 614 16, 50 479. 689 689 635 540 278 613 580 265 200 309 300 465 37 Utah v. Salt Take City, 507 240, 249, 573, Ringham v. Boston, 161 Mass. 3 v. Rollman, 256 Mo. 573 Binninger v. New York, 80 App. Div. (N. Y.) 438 JBirch v. Charleston Tight &c. Co., 113 III. App. 229 256, 296, v. Ward (Ala.), 75 SO. 566 Birchfield v. Diehl, 126 Ark. 115 Birdsell Mfg. Co. v. Lough man, 26 Ind. App. 359 - 7.43 TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] * Birdsong v. Mendenhall, 97 Miss. 544 * Birkett v. Enickerbocker Ice Co., 110 N. Y. 504 Birkhimer v. Sedalia (Mo. App.), 200 S. W. 298 31, Birmingham v. Carle, 191 Ala. 539 128, 240, 247, 468, 573, v. Crane, 175 Ala. 90 141, 145, 788, v. Dorer, 3 Brews. (Pa.) 69 290, 306, v. Edwards (Ala.,), 77 So. 841 256, 598, 624, 650, 666, 687, Gordon, 167 Ala. 334 457, 582, . Graves (Ala.), 76 So. 395 . Land, 137 Ala. 538 . Lewis, 92 Ala. 352 206, 340, 870, v. McCrary, 84 Ala. 469 284, 308, v. McEinnon (Ala.), 75 So. 487 271, 541, 675, v. Muller, 197 Ala. 554 266, 271, Pool, 169 Ala. 177 Starr, 112 Ala. 98 491, 573, 574, 577, 827, v. Tayloe, 105 Ala. 170 266, 574, 645, Birmingham, E. &c. R. Co. v. Stagg, 196 Ala. 612 Birmingham Ry. &c. Co. v. Aet- na. Accident &c. Co., 184 Ala. 601 v. Milbrat (Ala.), 78 So. 224 V. Smyer, 181 Ala. 121 : 595 747 600 582 842 326 623, 862 648 12]. 1.69 873 588 827 812 .788 828 826 Bixby v. Sioux City (Iowa), 164 131, 215, Birngruber v. Eastchester, 54 App. Div. (N. Y.) 80 Bisbing v. Asbury Park, 80 N. J. L. 416 23, Bisch of v. Merchants’ Nat. Bank, 75 Nebr. 888 IBishard v. Engelbeck, 180 Iowa. 1132 736, Bishop v. Centralia, 49 Wis. 669 222, v. New York, 21 Misc. (N. Y.) 598 - v. Savannah, 19 Ga. App. 196 v. Schuylkill (Pa.), 8 Atl. 449 246, Bitting v. Maxatawny Twp., 177 Pa. St. 213 29.4 46.9 101. 767 422 65 780 3 4. 4. N. W. 641 696 Bjork v. Tacoma, 76 Walsh. 225 85, 266 Black v. Baltimore, 7 Repr. 398 27 v. Manistee, 107 Mich. 60 585 Blackeley v. Troy, 18 Hun (N. Y.) 167 512 Blackington v. Rockland, 66 Maine 332 684 Black St., In re, 236 Pa.. 395 226, 230 Blackwell v. Ransas City, 76 Mo. App. 46 460, 464 v. Seattle, 97 Wash. 679 355, 544, 693 Blain v. Montezuma, 150 Iowa, . 141 340 Blaine v. Philadelphia, 33 Pa. & Super. Ct. 177 500 Blair v. Ft. Wayne, 51 Ind. App. 652 668 v. Granger, 24 R. I. 17 101, 660 Blaisdell v. Portland, 39 Maine 113 217 V. Stoneham, 229 Mass. 563 58 R1ake v. Bedford, 170 Iowa 128 275, 829 v. Ferris, 5 N. Y. 48 58, 77 v. Lowell, 143 Mass. 296 e 274, 279 v. Newfield, 68 Maine 365 2.99, v. Pontiac, 49 Ill. App. 543 67. V. St. Louis, 40 Mo. 569 195, 240, Blakely v. Laurens Co., 55 S. Car. 422 351, Blake-McE'all Co. v. Portland, 68 Cre. I26 23, 85, 95, Blakeman v. Wichita, 93 Kans. 444 41. Blakeslee v. Geneva, 61 App. T) iv. (N. Y.) 42 329 Bland v. Mobile, 142 AIa. 142 686 Blank V. Livonia. Twp., 95 Mich. 229 430 Blankenship v. King County, 68 Wash. 84 595 Blauwell v. Nyack, 9 Hun (N. Y.) 153 18 B1aycock v. Muskogee, 117 Fed. 125 - - 199 Bleistine v. Chelsea, 204 Mass. 105 257 Blessington v. Boston, 153 Mass. 4.09 243 Pliss v. 33a11, 99 Mass. 597 124 vº. Đeerfield, 1 3 Pick. (Mass.) i{)? 222 xiii TABLE OF CASES ^s. [References Are to Sections.] Bliss v. South Hadley, 145 Mass. 91. 655, v. Whitingham, 54 Vt. 172 V. Wilbraham, 8 Allen (Mass.) 564 382, 612, Biivens v. Sioux City, 85 Iowa. 346 Blocher v. Dieco, 30 BCy. T. 689 - 303, Block v. Worcester, 186 Mass. 526 Blodgett v. Boston, 8 Allen (Mass.) 237 200, 292, 294, 473, v. Royalton, 1.4 Vt. 288 Blood v. Bangor, 66 Maine 154 V. Hubbardston, 121 Mass. 233 280, v. Nashua, &c. R. Co., 2 Gray (Mass.) 140 V. Tyngsborough, 103 Mass. 50.9 600, Bloom v. Cullman, 197 Ala. 490 V. Orange (N. J. Sup.), 103 At H. 395 v. San Francisco, 64 Ca1. 503 Bloomfield v. West (Ind. App.), 121 N. E. 4 121, Bloomington v. Bay, 42 I11. 503 455, 457, v. Brokaw, 77 Ill. 194 155, v. Castello, 65 Ill. App. 407 V. Chicago &c. R. Co., 52 Ind. App. 510 24, 240, v. Legg, 115 T11, 9 v. Mueller, 71 Ili. App. 268 v. Murnin, 36 Ill. App. 647 Osterle, 139 Ill. 120 Read, 2 Ill. App. 542 240, v. Rogers, 9 Ind. App. 230 Bloor v. Delafield, 69 Wis. 273 270, 365, Blount v. MacDonald, 18 Ariz. 1 Bluffton v. McAfee, 12 Ind. App. 490 *. v. McAfee, 23 Ind. App. 112 581, Blumb v. Ransas, 84 MO. 112 Blume v. New Orleans, 104 La. 345 - Blum rich v. Highland Park, 131 Michi. 209 - Fly v. Haverhill, 110 Mass. 520 v. Whitehall, 120 N. Y. 506 510, Blyhi v. Waterville, 57 Minn. 115 205, 656 678 . 824 541 620 244 583 217 149 281 200 614 320 180 665 127 459 175 156 317 828 266 154 823 460 650 8.33 603 628 79 532 673 613 581 Works Co., 25 L. J. (Exch.) 212 Blynn v. Pontiac, 185 Mich. 35 Blyth v. Birmingham Water- 481 38 177 JBoard of Com’rs v. English, 88 Ohio St. 561 & 630 V. Henderson, 163 N. Car. 114 13 Board of Councilmen v. Butti- mer, 146 BCy. 815 50 v. Vanarsdail, 148 Ky. 507 340 Board of Council of Frankfort v. Rirby, 156 Ky. 741 561 Board of Directors V. Peterson, 64 Ore. 46 - 2, 4 Board of Education v. State Board of Education, 81 N. J. L. 211 5 v. Volk, 72 Ohio St. 469 99 IBoard of Health v. Vink, 184 Mich. 688 15 Board Of Public Works v. Hay- den, 13 Colo. App. 36 455 IBoard of Trustees v. New York (NJ. J. L.), 89 Atl. 773 230 EOard Of Water Corn’rs Of Hart- ford, In re, 87 Conn. 193 23 Bodah v. Deer Creek, 99 Wis. 509 312, 792 Boddington v. Kansas City, 95 PCans. 189 571 Bodewig v. Port Huron, 141 Mich. 564 56 Dodge v. Philadelphia, 167, Pa. St. 492 25 Bogart v. New York, 200 N. Y. 370 765 Bogle, Ex parte (Tex. Civ. App.), 179 S. W. 1193 º; 29.3 Bogorad v. Dix, 176 App. Div. (N. Y.) 774 760 Bogue v. Bennett, 156 Ind. 478 726 Bohen v. Waseca, 32 Minn. 176 457, 459 Bohl. v. Dell Rapids, 15 S. Dak. 619 317, 346, 650 Bohrm v. 206 Ill. App. 374 752 Boick v. Bissell, 80 Mich. 260 760, 766 Boise HDevelopment Co. v. Boise City, 30 Idaho 675 A. 13, 23, 34, 181, 185 Boland v. Scranton City, 59 Pa. TXalton, Super. Ct. 524 574 Bolger v. Chicago, 198 Ill. App. 123 159 Bolster v. Ithaca. St. R. Co., 79 App. Tºiv. (N. Y.) 239 215 v. Tawrence, 225 Mass. 387 50, 56, 97 TABLE OF CASES xiii [References Are to Sections.] Bolton v. Colder, 1 Watts (Pa.) 360 730, Boltz v. Sullivan, 101 Wis. 608 Pond v. Sedalia (Mo. App.), 194 S. W. 740 460, 535, Bond Hill v. Atkinson, 16 Ohio C. C. 470 603, Bonebrake v. Huntington Co., 141 Ind. 62 278, 410, 429, Boney v. Dublin, 145 Ga. 339 Bonge v. Winnetoon, 90 Nebr. 260 Bongner v. Ziegenhein, 165 MO. App. 328 Bonin v. Montreal, Rap. Jud. Que., 15 C. S. 492 Bonine v. Richmond, 75 Mo. 437 - 2 257, Bonneville v. Alpena, 158 Mich. 279 Bonneville County v. County, 24 Idaho 1 JBonny v. New York, 156 App. Div. (N. Y.) 287 460, Bookwalter v Borough of Mt. TJnion, 258 Pa.. 209 IBoone Co. v. Mutchler, 137 Ind. 140 409, 410, 590, 606, 632, 788, Booten v. Pinson, 77 W. Va. 412 Booth v. Meagher, 224 Mass. 472 Eorden’s Condensed Milk Co. v. Mosby, 250 Fed. 839 13Order v. Sedalia, 161. Mo. App. Bingham 633 587, 597, 13Orn v. Spokane, 27 Wash. 719 484, 668, 691, IBorst v. Sharon, 24 App. Div. (N. Y.) 599 666, Bosch v. Burlington &c. R. Co., 44 Iowa. 402 F3 Osco v. Boston Store of Chi- Calgo, 195 Ill. App. 133 13osler Hotel Co. v. Speed, 167 Rºy. 800 255, Boss v. Litton, 5 Car. & P. 407 637, Boston v. Berlin, 34 Wis. 357 V. Coon, 175 Mass. 283 329, 705, 10 Gray 705, Massachu- Worthington, (Mass.) 496 Boston Beer Co. v. setts, 97 U. S. 25 Boston Belting Co. v. 149 Mass. 44 Poston, In re, 221 Mass. 468 Postwick v. Griffin, 141 Ga. 120 Boswell v. Wakely, 149 Ind. 64 458, 575, V. Boston, 734 638 550 764 435 540 50 727 500 260 341 811 622 805 205 746 730 620 692 673 27 760 796 746 265 713 708 14 141 699 620 Bosworth v. Swansey, 10 Metc. (Mass.) 363 Bothell v. Seattle, 17 Wash. 263 Boucher v. New Haven, 40 Conn. 456 Bouga, v. Weare Twp., 109 Mich. 520 595, Boughner v. Bay City, 156 Mich. 193 - Boulder v. Niles, 9 Colo. 415 240, 509, v. Stewardson (Colo.), 143 Pac. 820 V. Weger, 17 Colo. App. 69 480, Boulton v. Columbia, 71 MO. App. 519 - v. Crowther, 2 Barn. & Cres. 703 Bourget v. Cambridge, 156 Mass. 391 129, v. Cambridge, 159 Mass. 388 266, Boutlier v. Malden, 226 Mass. 479 Bowden v. Kansas City, 69 Kans. 587 v. Rockland, 96 Maiſie 129 Bowe v. Scott, 113 Va. 499 POW en V. Flanagan, 84 Va. 313 V. Huntington, 35 W. Va. 682 460, Smith-Hall Grocery Co., 141 Ga. 721 Smith-Hall Grocery Co., 146 Ga. 157 v. State, 108 N. Y. 166 Bowers v. Machir (Tex, App.), 191 S. W. 758 Bowers v. Standard Fuel & Ice Co., 91 Wash. 400 BOWes V. Boston, 155 Mass. 344 366, 369, Bowie v. Ransas City, 51 Mo. 454 º 195, Bowler v. O’Connell, 172 Mass. 189 Bowles v. Ransas City, MO. App. 416 7, Bowley v. Mangrum, 3 Cal. App. 229 535, Bowling Green V. Rogers, 142 Ey. 588 Bowlsby v. Speer, 31 N. J. L. 351 IBowman v. Boston, 5 Cush. (Mass.) 1 217, 226, v. Onaha, 59 Nebr. 84 v. Tripp, 14 R. I. 242 v. Yy. Civ. 51 274, 663 620. 257 598 371. 816 620 175 578 260) 26 58 122 74.1 818 368 312 277 230 756 290, 754 628 100 156 227 119 279 xliv TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Bowser v. Wellington, 126 Mass. 391 Boxberger v. Ransas City, 68 Mo. App. 412 TBoyce v. California Stage Co., 25 Cal. 468 v. Shawangunk, 40 App. TXiv. (N. Y.) 593 423, Boyd v. Ames, 110 Iowa, 749 v. Chambers, 78 Jºy. 140 v. Derry, 68 N. H. 272 v. Duluth, 126 Minn. 33 v. Insurance Patrol, 113 Pa. St. 269 Philadelphia. Ins. Patrol, 113 Pa.. St. 269 66, 67, 69, 62 Mo. App. W. v. Springfield, 456 Boye v. Albert Lea, 74 Minn. 230 33, 34, TRoyer v. Tittle Falls, 5 App. Div. (N. Y.) 1 IBoyland v. New York, 1 Sandf. S. C. (N. Y.) 27 29, v. Parkersburg, 78 W. Va. 749 200, 510, 512, 582, Boyle v. Hazleton, 171 Pa.. St. 167 v. Mahoney City, 187 Pa. St. 1 v. Saginaw, 124 Mich. 348, 262, Bozeman V. St. Petersburg (Fla.), 76 So. 894 Praatz v. Fargo, 19 N. Dak. 538 240, 340, Brabham v. Hinds Co., 54 Miss. 363 Brabon v. Seattle, 29 Wash. 6 - 225, Bradbury v. Benton, 69 Maine 194 411, 674, v. Falmouth, 18 Maine 64 v. Lewiston, 95 Maine 216 279, Bradfield v. Ransas City (Mo. App.), 204 S. W. 819 874, Bradford v. Anniston, 92 Ala. 349 e 266, v. Barry, 254 Pa.. 303 Bradley v. Degnon Contracting Co., 80 Misc. (N. Y.) 90 131, 215, V. Jaeckel, 65 Misc. (N. Y.) 50.9 v. Spickardsville, App. 416 90 598, MO. , 769 257 760 631 862 18 204, 688 434 883 314 862 261 270 465 216 769 874 Bradt v. Albany, 5 Hun (N. Y.) 591 Brady v. Baltimore, 130 Md. 506 V. Chicago, 4 Biss. (U. S.) 448 440, V. Lowell, 3 Cush. (Mass.) 121 V. New York, 149 App. Div. (N. Y.) 816 V. Randleman, 159 N. Car. 434 v. Reg., 2 Can. Exch. 273 v. St. Joseph, 167 Mo. App. 423 571, Bragg v. Bangor, 51 Maine 532 w 282, 535, v. Rutland, 70 Vt. 606 Brailey v. Southborough, 6 Cush. (Mass.) 141 Brainard v. Connecticut River R. C.O., 7 Cush. (Mass.) 511 Brake v. Ransas City, 100 Mo. App. 611 480, 869, Branch v. Libbey, 78 Maine 321 Brann v. Hudson Falls, 169 App. HDiv. (N. Y.) 874 Brannen v. Kokomo &c. Co., 115 Ind. 115 Brannon v. Birmingham, 177 Ala. 419 666, v. Polk County, Ga. App. 417 Brantman v. Canby, 119 Minn. 3.96 - Brash v. St. Louis, 161 Mo. 433 Bratfisch v. Mason Twp., 120 Mich. 323 Braud v. Taxa. Cab Co. of New Orleans, 129 La. 781 Braunstein v. Louisville, 146 Ky. 777 Breckman v. Covington, 143 Ky. 444 Bredau v. York, 115 Wis. 554 Breen v. Cornwall, 73 Conn. 309 Breidenbach v. M. McCormick Co., 20 Cal. App. 184 Breil v. Buffalo, 90 Hun (N. Y.) 93 v. Buffalo, 144 N. Y. 163 Brember v. Jones, 67 N. H. 37 4 740, Bremer v. Milwaukee, 166 Wis. 164 Bremner v. Newcastle, 83 Maine 415 4 Erendlinger v. New Hanover, 3.48 Pa.. St. 93 604, 18 222 589 203 76 317 319 658 717 85 198 200 874 826 101 659 699 405 88 144 353 767 100 469 819 699 7.43 266 267 768 440 827 606 TABLE OF CASES EReferences Are to Sections.] Brenham v. Holle & Seelhorst (Tex. Civ. App.), 153 S. W. 345 12, 13 Brennan v. Albany, 143 App. DiV. (N. Y.) 752 V. Chicago, 170 Ill. App. 252 v. Friendship, 67 Wis. 223 612, v. New York, 67 Hun (N. Y.) 648 v. New York, 130 App. Div. (N. Y.) 267 509, v. Richardson, 38 App. DiV. (N. Y.) 463 v. Streator, 256 Ill. 468 241, 305, v. Weatherford, 53 Tex. 330 9 Brenner v. Chicago, 182 Ill. App. 162 625 760 348 226, 595, 676 Brentlinger v. Louisville R. Co., 156 Ey. 685 358, 571, 573 Bresnahan v. Gove, 71 N. H. 236 752 JBretsch v. Toledo, 1 Ohio N. P. 220 506 Brettman v. Braun, 37 Ill. App. 17 7.43 Breux v. Montreal, Rap. Jud. Que., 9 C. S. 503 117 Brewer, Ex parte, 68 Tex. Cr. App. 387 14, 15 Brewer v. New York, 31 App. IDiv. (N. Y.) 244 265 v. Sullivan Co., 199 Pa. 594 442 Brewster v. Forney (Tex. Civ. App.), 196 S. W. 636 118 Erickerhoff v. Board Of Educa- tion, 37 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 499 1. Bridge v. Oshkosh, 67 Wis. 195 819 v. Oshkosh, 71 Wis. 363 818 Bridger v. Asheville &c. R. Co., 27 S. C. 456 827 Briegel v. Philadelphia, \ 135 ºa. St. 451 111 Briggs v. Birmingham Ry. Co., 188 Ala. 262 v. Guilford, 8 Vt. 264 250, 342, 7 Gray &c. 12 633 Brigham. v. Edmunds, (Mass.) 359 Brightman v. Bristol, 65 Maine 426 v. Fairhaven, 7 Gray (Mass.) 271 Brightwell v. Kansas City, 153 Mo. App. 519 Briglia v. St. Paul, 134 Minn. 97 343, Brimmer v. Boston, 102 Mass. 19 Brinck v. Collier, 56 Mo. 160 33 41 200 101 36ſ) 36 218 Brink v. Grand Rapids, 144 Mich. 472 v. Troy Borough, Super. St. 607 53 Pa. Brinkley & Lassiter v. Norfolk 168 N. Car. 145, 29 Southern R. Co., 428 Brinkmeyer v. Ind. 18.7 Briscoe v. Mt. Vernon, 174 App. Div. (N. Y.) 200 Bristol Man. Co. v. Gridley, Conn. 201 Iristow v. National Wall Paper Co., 182 N. Y. /565 British Cast–Plate Manufactur- ers v. Meredith, 4 Term 794 Britt v. Ormaha, Concrete Stone Co., 99 Nebr. 300 Britton v. Cummington, 107 Mass. 347 343, 583, Broadwell v. Kansas City, 75 MO. 213 Broburg v. Des Moines, 63 Iowa. 523 264, Drodie v. 164 Ill., App. 335 BrOffee V. Mich. 89 Brokaw v. Stanwood, 79 Wash. 322 t Bronson v. Southbury, 37 Conn. 199 352, 438, v. Wallingford, 54 Conn. 513 v. Washington, 57 Conn. 346 Bronxville v. Lawrence Park Realty Co., 143 N. Y. S. 785 Brookline v. Loring, 229 Mass. 485 v. Westminster, 4 Vt. 224 Brooklyn v. Brooklyn City R. Co., 47 N. Y. S. 475 309, 705, Brooks v. Acton, 117 Mass. 204 612, V. Atlanta, 1 Ga. App. 678 v. Hart, 14 N. H. 307 730, v. Petersham, 1 6 G r a y (Mass.) 181 612, v. Schwerin, 54 N. Y. 343 º, 746, v. Somerville, 106 Mass. 271 240, 255, 279, v. Van Buren County (Iowa), 135 N. W. 1110 429, Brookville v. Arthurs, 130 Pa. St. 501 241, 423, 467, 479, 705, 707, Brookville &c. Typk. Co. v. Pum- phrey, 59 Ind. 78 F}vansville, 28 LeWistown, Grand Rapids, 127 4, 29 541 198 535 175 612 188 500 230 614 183 802 216 215 417 711 835 131 735 835 766 280 689 708 612 xlvi TABLE CF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Broschart v. Tuttle, 59 Conn. 1 Broughton v. Pensacola, 93 U. S. 266 Broult v. Hanson, 158 Mass. 17 734, Broussard, Ex parte, 74 Tex. Cr. App. 333 Browder v. Henderson, 182 PCy. 771 23, Brower v. New York, 3 Barb. (N. Y.) 254 110, Brown v. Atlanta, 66 Ga. 71 v. Blaine, 41 Wash. 28 v. Brashear, 22 Cal. App. 135 v. Buffalo &c. R. Co., 22 N. Y. 19.1 v. Cape Girardeau &c. Fload Co., 89 MO. 152 v. Cape Girardeau Co., 90 IMO. 377 V. Des Moines Steam. Bot- tling Works, 174 Iowa. 715 v. Durham, 141 N. Car. 249 V. European &c. P. Co., 58 Maine 384 v. Fairhaven, 47 Vt. 386 411, 418, V. F 1 O rid a. Chautauqua Assn., 59 Fla. 447 v. Galveston, 97 Tex. 1 v. Guyandotte, 34 W. Va. 299 23, v. Ithaca, 148 App. Div. (N. Y.) 477 180, v. Jefferson Co., 16 Iowa. 339 226, 353, v. Taurens Co., 38 S. Car. 282 : 351, 410, V. T.ouisburg, 126 N. Car. 701 329, 468, 479, v. Milledgeville, 20 Ga. App. 392 257, 259, 290, v. Mitts, 187 Mich. 469 v. Mt. Holly, 69 Vt. 364 v. New York, 32 Misc. (N. Y.) 571. w V. Otoe Co., 6 Nebr. 111 V. Owosso, 126 Mich. 91 672, v. Owosso, 130 Mich. 107 261, v. Pierce, 78 Nebr. 623 v. St. Johns, 187 Mich. 641 398, v. Salt Lake City, 33 Utah 222 v. Sargent, 1 Fost. & Fin- 112 763 18 74.1 1 11 17 () P- - i J 74 3 131 783 738 430 685 824 460 544 27 177 IBrown v. Schellenberg, 19 Pa. Super. Ct. 286 v. Scruggs, 632 v. Skowhegan, 82 141 Mo. App. Maine 273 232, v. Southbury, 53 Conn. 212 674, v. Southern R. Co. (S. Car.), 96 S. E. 701 309, 597, v. Stubbs, 128 Md. 129 v. Swanton, 69 Vt. 53 257, 262, v. Syracuse, 77 Hun (N. Y.) 411 v. Thayer, 212 Mass. 392 v. Towanda, 24 Pa. Super. Ct. 378 v. Vina.]]ha,Ver, 65 Maine 402 33, 51, v. West, 75 N. H. 463 v. White, 202 Pa.. St. 297 v. Wilmington, 4 Boyce’s (Del.) 492 67, Trown County v. Reya. Paha. ^ unty-, 88 Nebr. 117 Browne v. Bachman, 31 Tex. Civ. App. 430 3.29, 59.5, 822, v. Bentonville, 94 Ark. 80 Browning v. Aurora, 190 Mo. App. 477 157, 587, v. Cave Spring, 7 Ga. App. 724 v. Springfield, 17 Ill. 143 17, 195, Brownlee v. Alexis, 39 Ill. App. 135 262, 265, 270, 284, 285, Brownlow v. M et r O p O 1 it a n Board, 16 C. B. (N. S.) 546 110, Brownsville v. Arbuckle, 30 Ry. L. 414 Truch v. Philadelphia, 5 Pa. Dist. Rep. 718 v. Philadelphia, 181 Pa. St. 588 Truggenman v. York, 254 Pa, 430 v. York City, 63 Pa. Super Ct. 542 Bruhl v. Anderson, 189 Ill. App. 461 . Bruhnke v. La Crosse, 155 Wis. 485 - 24, Bruker v. Covington, 69 Ind. 33 - Brumbaugh v. Bedford, 23 Pitts. L. J. (N. S.) 462 Brummett v. Boston, 179 Mass. 26 727 110 2.94 684 828 15 834 655 745 195 56 58 585 659 409 834 50 595 631 459 460 138 598 576 577 179 179 774 110 624 314 484 TABLE OF CASEs xlvii IReferences Are to Sections.] Brundige v. Amsterdam, 31 Misc. (N. Y.) 375 Brunkow v. Waters, 131 Wis. 31 Brunson v. Santa Monica, 27 Cal. App. 89 Brunswick v. Bath, 90 Maine 479 Brush v. New York, 59 App. Div. (N. Y.) 12 240, 252, Brush Electric Co. v. Kelley, 126 Ind. 220 574, Brusso v. Buffalo, 90 N. Y. 679 284, Bryan v. Chester, 212 Pa.. 259 v. Landon, 3 Hun (N. Y.) 500 v. Macon, 91 Ga. 530 V. Malvern, 122 Ark. 379 V. Voss, 143 Pºy. 422 v. West Palm Beach (Fla.), 77 SO. 627 204, Bryant v. Biddeford, 39 Maine 193 - 240, v. Boston Elevated Ry., 212 Mass. 62 v. Orangeburg, 70 S. Car. 137 * v. Randolph, 133 N. Y. 70 309, v. Randolph, 38 N. Y. St. 956 v. St. Paul, 33 Minn. 289 v. Westbrook, 86 Maine 450 Brydon v. Detroit, 117 Mich. 296 JBuchanan v. Barre, 66 Vt. 129 v. Cranford Co., 112 App. Div. (N. Y.) 278 º Bucher v. South Bend, 20 Ind. App. 177 85 7.43 50 417 573 578 640 123 419 805 15 6 304 206 746 20 343 22.) 56 58 4.67 483 3.71 542 v. Sunbury Borough, 216 Pa.. 89 13uchholtz v. Radcliffe, 129 Iowa. 27 Buck v. Biddeford, 82 Maine 433 270, 311, 573, V. Glens Falls, 4 App. Div. (N. Y.) 323 Buckbee v. Brown, (N. Y.) 110 Buckley v. Kansas City, 95 Mo. App. 188 v. Kansas City, 156 Mo. 16 256, v. New Bedford, 155 Mass. 64 v. New York, 135 App. Div. (N. Y.) 512 Buerger v. Cincinnati, 17 Ohio 317 i Buesching v. St. Louis, App. 85 21 Wend. 576 574 500 Lºesching v. St. Louis Gaslight Co., 73 Mo. 219 252, Duffalo v. Holloway, 7 N. Y. 493 76, 290, 340, v. Stevenson, 207 N. Y. 258 Buffalo County v. Hull, 93 Nebr. 586 Euffalo Turnpike Co. v. Buffalo, 1 Thomp. & C. - (N. Y.) 537 Buford v. State, 72 Tex. 182 Bull v. Hotel Grunewald Co., 135 La. 802 v. Spokane, 46 Wash. 237 Eullard v. Independence (MO. App.), 176 S. W. 1066 Bullis v. Ball, 98 Wash. 342 Bullmaster v. St. Joseph, 70 Mo. App. 60 - 25, Bullock v. Durham, 64 Hun (N. Y.) 380 265, v. New York, 99 N. Y. 654 v. New York, 51 N. Y. Super. 36 Bunker v. Hudson, 122 Wis. 43 - 58, 188, Dunker Hill v. Pearson, 46 Ill. App. 47 Bunting v. Oak Creek Drainage Dist., 99 Nebr. 843 Eurbank v. Bethel Steam Mill Co., 75 Maine 373, 382 Burd v. Philadelphia, 223 Pa. 654 Burditt v. Winchester, 205 Mass. 493 Dureau Junction v. T.org, 56 Ill. App. 458 312, 369, Burford v. Grand Rapids, 53 Mich. 98 135, v. New York 26 App. Div. (N. Y.) 225 Burgel V. Greenfield, 120 Iowa. 432 e Burger v. Philadelphia, 196 Pa. St. 41 v. Taxicab Motor Co., Wash. 676 Burgess v. Morris (Q. B.), Ilaw T. Pep. 97 IBurke v. Baltimore, 127 Md. 554 V. District of Columbia, 42 App. D. C. 438 241, v. Lynn, 219 Mass. 302 v. Tricalli, 124 La. 774 v. Werlein, 143 ILa. 788 Y’ tº r1; ett v. State (Miss.), 33 SO. 23 JBurleson v. Reading, 5 12 269, 66 77 6 IMO. 1. i0 Mich. 417 76 18 727 509 595 767 882 669 595 560 699 580 54 753 582 284 380 314 330 7.43 751. 98 573 677 57 i 537 715 xlviii TABLE OF CASES II?eferences Are to Sections.] Burlington v. Gilbert, 31 Iowa. 356 Burnes v. St. Joseph, 91 Mo. App. 489 241, 298, 340, 611, IBurnett v. Greenville, 106 S. Car. 255 240, v. New York, 36 App. Div. (N. Y.) 458 Burnette v. St. Joseph, 112 MO. App. 668 674, JBurnham v. Boston, 10 Allen (Mass.) 290 e 222, 233, 290, 343, v. Byron Twp., 46 Mich. 555 v. Milwaukee, 155 Wis. 90 IBurns v. Bradford, 137 Pa.. St. 361 240, 264, v. District of Columbia, 91 TJ. S. 540 458, v. Elba, 32 Wis. 605 200, 201, 206, v. Emporia, 63 Kans. 285 v. Farmington, 31 App. Div. (N. Y.) 364 v. Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co. (Mo. App.), 187 S. W. 145 751, v. Schenectady, 24 Hun (N. Y.) 10 v. Yonkers, 83 Hun (N. Y.) 211 343, Burnside v. Everett, 186 Mass. 4 f 157, v. Smith (Ry.), 119 S. W. 744 Burr v. Plymouth, 48 Conn. 460 47, 512, FEurrell v. Greenville, 133 Mich. 235 484, v. Portland, 61 Ore. 105 v. Uncapher, 117 Pa. St. 353 * 275, 340, Burrill v. Augusta, 78 Maine 118 Burritt v. New Haven, 42 Conn. 174 IBurroughs v. Milwaukee, 110 TVW is. 478 247, JBurrows v. Lake Crystal, 61 Minn. 357 828, I3 urr Twp. v. Uncapher, 117 Pa. St. 353 Burt v. Boston, 122 Mass. 223 306, 463, 541, v. Wrigley, 43 Ill. App. 367 IBurton v. FCansas City, 181 MO. App. 427 341, 361, 573, Buscher v. Lafayette, 8 Ind. App. 590 175 612 2.94 803 345 200 131 532 459 659 261 368 760 828 842 257 589 13 590 66 175 560 830 590 284 824 563 Bush v. Geneva, 3 N. Y. S. C. (T. & C.) 409 257, v. Steinman, 1 Bos. & Pul. 404 - Bushnell v. Chicago, B. &c. R. Co., 259 Ill. 391 Buskirk v. Strickland, 47 Mich. 3.89 Bussel v. Ft. Dodge, i.26 Iowa, 308 Butcher v. Philadelphia, 202 Pa. St. 1 Butler v. Bangor, 67 Maine 385 v. Edgewater, 2 Silv. Sup. Ct. (N. Y.) 3 . Kansas City, 97 Ran. 239 . Malvern, 91 Iowa 397 Oxford, 69 Miss. 618 Oxford, 186 N. Y. 444 Walker, 98 Ala. 358 . White Plains, 59 IDiv. (N. Y.) 30 Butman v. Newton, 179 Mass. I 40, 52, Butterfield v. Boston, 148 Mass. 544 v. Forrester, 11 East 60 - 603, 610, 660, 661, Putterworth v. Henrietta, 25 Tex. Civ. App. 467 Button v. Frink, 51 Conn. 342 Buttrick v. Lowell, 1 Allen (Mass.) 172 Buttron v. Bride11, 228 Mo. 622 Butts v. Stowe, 53 Vt. 600 676, Butts County v. Hixon, 135 Ga. 26 Butz v. Cavanagh, 137 Mo. 503 Buzick v. Todman, 179 Iowa 1019 730, Byerly v. Anamosa, 79 Towa 204 343, 348, Byington v. Merrill, 112 Wis. 211 266, 510, IByne V. Americus, 6 Ga. App. 48 467, 211 Pa. 267, i App. Byrne v. Philadelphia, 598 v. Syracuse, 77 Hun (N. Y.) 411 v. Syracuse, 79 Hun (N. Y.) 555 v. Wheeling Can Co., 72 W. Wa. 600 122, 215, Byrnes v. Cohoes, 67 N. Y. 204 154, Byrns v. Moscow, 21 Tāaho 398 Byron v. State, 35 Wis. 313 29, 275 76. 127 184 582 575 290 16.1 56 822 373 241 18 161 366 440 767 86 743 67 284 6.79 4.09 119 738 351 790 705 264 265 309 230 155 5 718 TABLE OF CASES xlix IReferences Are to Sections.] C Cadwell v. Arnheim, 81 Hun (N. Y.) - 39 Cady v. Seattle, 42 Wash. 402 Cage v. Franklin Twp., 8 Pa. Super. 89 v. Franklin Twp., 11 Pa. Super. 533 241, Cahill V. Rochester, 9.6 App. Div. (N. Y.) 557 Cain v. Brown, 111 Mich. 657 V. State, 81 Miss. 420 v. Syracuse, 95 N. Y. 83 v. Pewaukee, 78 Wis. 66 365, 368, 699, v. Pewaukee, 86 Wis. 181 284, 370, 595, 606, Cairo &c. R. Co. v. Stevens, 73 Ind. 278 Calahan v. Mo11, 160 Wis. 523 Calder v. Walla, Walla, 6 Wash. 377 Caldwell v. Bauer, 179 Ind. 146 v. Detroit, 137 Mich. 667 v. George, 96 Miss. 484 v. Prunelle, 57 BCans. 511 Calhoun v. Milan, 64 Mo. App. 398 Calkins v. Hartford, 33 Conn. 57 Callahan V. Bean, 9 Allen (Mass.) 401 v. Des Moines, 63 Iowa. 705 v. Morris, 32 N. J. L. 161 v. Nevada, 170 Iowa, 719 121, v. Salt Lake City, 41 Utah 300 Gallender v. Marsh, 1 Pick. (Mass.) 418 175, Calwell v. Boone, 51 Iowa. 687 67, 71, Cambridge v. Charleston &c. P. Co., 7 Metc. (Mass.) 70 Camden v. Camden Village, Maine 530 Cameron v. Moncton, 37.2 Cameron &c. Mill Co. v. Ander- son, 98 Tex. 156 Camp v. State, 71 Fla. 381 Campbell v. Boston, 189 Mass. 7 464, . Chicago, 100 Ilí. App. 358 v. Chillicothe, 239 Mo. 455 255, 258, v. Chillicothe, 175 Mo. App. 436 v. Clinton, 94 Ill. App. 43 77 29 N. B. V 730 225 4.38 380 256 715 113 791 615 180 738 500 13 853 122 470 828 656 181 24 216 76 184 100 309 1. 459 736 5 581 573 275 874 50 Campbell v. Elkins, 58 W. Va. 308 225, 264, v. Fair Haven, 54 Vt. 336 v. Ralamazoo, 80 Mich. 655 256, 262, v. Montgomery, 53 Ala. 527 29, 196, v. St. John, 33 N. B. 131 V. Stanberry, 85 Mo. App. 159 325, v. Stillwater, 32 Minn. 308 309, v. Vanceburg, 30 JXy. T. 1340 141, v. Walker (Del. Super.), 78 Alt1. 601 v. Wichita, Union Terminal R. Co., 101 Rans. 817 Campbellsville V. Morgan, 150 Ey. 417 426, 438, Campion v. Decatur, 151 Ill. App. 161 Canada, Atlantic Transit Co. v. Chicago, 210 Fed. 7 Canady v. Coeur d’Alene Lum- ber Co., 21 Idaho 77 Canandaigua, V. Foster, 81 Hun (N. Y.) 147 479, Canavan v. Oil City, 183 Pa. St. 611 317, Candland v. Mellen, 46 Utah 519 Canfield v. East Stroudsburg, 19 Pa. Super. 649 269, 306, 532, V. Jackson, 112 Mich. 120 v. Newport, 24 Rºy. L. Rep. 2213 Cannaday v. Durham, 137 N. Car. 72 225, Cannelton v. Bush, 45 Ind. App. 638 Canning v. Williamstown, 1 Cush. (Mass.) 451 Cannon v. Americus, 11 Ga. App. 95 V. Lewis, 18 Mont. 402 577, V. Worcester, 225 Mass. 270 265, Canon City v. Cox, 55 Colo. 264 101, Canterbury v. Boston, 141 Mass. 215, 218 674, v. Ransas City, 149 Mo. App. 520 Canton v. TXewey, 71 Ill. App. 346 v. Shock, 66 Ohio St. 19 Canton Borough v. Williams, 67 Pa. Super. Ct. 239 215, 460 275 459 314 469 340 381 142 731 666 444 807 12 230 707 3.35 5.99 547 823 287 226 i57 873 16 595 535 666 680 509 561 185 224 I TABLE OF CASES [References Aire to Sections.] Cantwell v. Appleton, 71 Wis. 463 266, 275, 577, Capital Printing Co. v. Raleigh, 126 N. Car. 516 Capp v. St. Louis, 251 MO. 345 Carbondale v. Wade, 106 Ill. App. 654 Card v. Ellsworth, 65 Maine 547 365, Cardinal, Ex parte, 170 Cal. 519 Cardwell v. Austin (Tex. Civ. App.), 168 S. W. 385 132, Carey v. Hubbardston, 172 Mass. 106 v. Ransas City, 187 Mo. 715 Carl V. New Haven (Conn.), 107 Atl. 502 Carle v. DeSoto, 156 Mo. 443 333, Carleton v. Caribou, 88 Maine 461 Carlin v. Chicago, 262 Ill. 564 215, 248, v. Drisco.11, 50 N. J. L. 28 Carlisle v. Brisbane, 113 Pa.. St. 544 - v. Campbell, 151 Rºy. 279 240, 63 Ind. App. 475 122, v. Secrest, 25 PCy. L. Rep. 336 257, 595, Greenfield, 130 Wis. v. Pirtle, ‘Carlon V. 342 & Carlson v. Dunkirk, 138 App. Div. (N. Y.) 368 V. New York, 150 App. (N. Y.) 264 - v. Washburn, 159 Wis. Carlton v. Boudar, 118 Va. Carman v. New York, 14 Pr. (N. Y.) 301 Carmichael v. Texarkana, Fed. 845 Carney v. Marseilles, 136 Ill. 401 Carolus v. New York, 6 Bosw. (N. Y.) 15 Carpenter v. Cohoes, 81 N. Y. 21 Div. 340, 619 521 Abb. 116 v. Dickey, 26 N. Dak. 176 265, v. Nashua, 58 N. H. 37 v. Rolling, 107 Wis. 559 Carr v. Ashland, 62 N. H. 665 v. Northern Iliberties, 35 Pa. St. 324 26, 27, 140, Carradine v. Ford, 195 Mo. App. 684 746, 804 146 101 14 368 145 635 119 484 369 264 360 249 12 50 171 206 305 413 868 219 690 676 818 752 Carrick v. Southern Power Co., 157 N. Car. 378 115 Carrington v. St. Louis, 89 Mo. 208 * 67, 479 Carroll v. Allen, 20 R. I. 144 788 V. Allen, 20 R. I. 541 263 v. District of Columbia, 22 Ct. C1. (U. S.) 104 v. New Orleans R. &c. Co., 132 La. 683 285, 637 v. New York, 159 N. Y. 559 25 V. St. Louis, 4 Mo. App. 191 26 Carrollton . Furniture Man. Co. v. Carrollton, 104 Rºy. 525 90 Carson v. Dresden, 129 App. Div. (N. Y.) 728 v. Genessee, 9 Idaho 244 V. Springfield, 53 Mo. App. 289 879, v. Turrish, 140 Minn. 445 Carsteen v. Stratford, 67 Conn. 257, 284, 285, 639, Carswell v. Wilmington, 2 Marv. (Del.) 360 325, 573, 574, 577, Cartano v. Athena (Okla.), 176 175 816 624 880 727 , 676 %2.3 661 Pa. C. 789 257 Carter v. Brown, 136 Ark. 23 730, 746, 775 v. Chambers, 79 Ala. 223 - 727, 745, 747 v. Leaksville (N. Car.), 94 S. E. 6 425 v. Lineville, 117 Iowa, 532 606 v. Monticello, 68 Iowa, 178 268, v. Nunda, 55 App. Div. (N. Y.) 501 v. Rahway, 55 N. J. L. 177 V. St. Joseph, 152 MO. App. 503 675 v. Stowers, 72 W. Va. 662 6 Carterville v. Cook, 29 Ill. App. 4.95 Cartersville v. Cook, 129 Ill. 152 & 343, 533, 540 v. McGinnis, 142 Ga. 71 12, 14 Carthew V. Platteville, 147 Wis. 322 Carty v. Boeseke-Dawe Co., 2 275 658 204 476 667 Cal. App. 646 340 v. London, 18 Ont. 122 309 v. Winooski, 78 Vt. 104 100 Carville v. Westford, 163 Mass. 544 611 Carvin v. St. Louis, 151 Mo. 334 460 Casassa v. Seattle, 75 Wash. 367 686 Cascade Co. v. Great Falls, 18 Mont. 537 410 TABLE OF CASES li [References Are to Sections.] t Casey v. Chicago, 189 Ill. App. 188 249, 318 V. Chicago Ry. Co., 184 Ill. App. 439 308 V. Malden, 163 Mass. 507 655 v. New York, 217 N. Y. 192 544, 679, 695 Cash v. Casey-Hedges Co., 139 Tenn. 179 76 Caskey V. Tua. Belle, 101 Mo. App. 590 655 CaSOn v. Ottumwa, 102 Iowa, 99 265, 588 Central Covington v. Beiser, 29 IXy. L. 261 169 Central Park Com’rs, In re, 63 Barb. (N. Y.) 282 64 Central R. Co. v. Roche, 64 Ga. 635 760 v. State, 82 Moi. 647 611 Central Union Tel. Co. v. Con- neaut, 167 Fed. 274 Centralia. V. Baker, 36 Ill. App. 46 573 v. Krouse, 64 Ill. 19 240, 606, 658 v. Scott, 59 Ill., 129 195 v. Smith, 103 Mo. App. 438 15 v. Wright, 58 Ill. App. 51 878 Ceres, The, 7 W. N. C. (Pa.) 576 440 Chacey V. Fargo, 5 N. Dak. 173 540, 823, 871 C. Hacker Co. v. Joliet, 196 Ill. 270 Caspary v. Portland, 19 Ore. 496 50 Cassady v. Magher, 85 Ind. 228 727 Cassedy v. Stockbridge, 21 Vt. 391 240, 290, 336, 343, 352, 650 Cassel v. New York, 167 App. - IDiv. 831 76 Cassey v. Fitchburg, 162 Mass. 321 650 Cassidy v. Poughkeepsie, 71 Hun (N. Y.) 144 311 v. St. Joseph, 247 Mo. 197 2 3 Cassimus v. Levystein, 176 Ala. 365 132 Castle V. Guilford, 86 Vt. 540 438, 671 Caston v. Rock Hill, 107 S. Car. 124 121, 264, 457, 469 Cathcart v. Comstock, 56 Wis. 590 2 Catholic Bishop v. Chicago, 177 Ill. App. 187 39 Caton V. Sedalia, 62 Mo. App. 227 479 Catterlin v. Frankfort, 79 Ind. 547 707 Cauglin v. Campbell-Sell Bak- ing Co., 39 Colo. 148 74.1 Cavanagh v. Boston, 139 Mass. 426 33, 36 Caven v. Troy, 15 App. Div. (N. Y.) 163 811 Cavey v. Cincinnati, 32 Ohio Cir. Ct. R. 397, 85 Ohio St. 450 53.3 Caviness v. Vale, 86 Ore. 554 456, 465 Cecchi v. Lindsay, 24 Del. 185 726, 765 Cecola, v. 44 Cigar Co., 253 Pa. 623 774 Cedarland v. Thompson, 200 Mo. App. 618 465, 823 Center v. Finney, 17 Barb. (N. Y.) 94 727 Centerville v. Woods, 57 Ind. 192 195, 306, 705 App. 415 215 Chadbourne V. Exeter, 67 N. H. 190 691 Chadron v. Glover, 43 Nebr. 732 476 C..a for V. Long Beach, 174 Cal. 478 23, 95, 97 Chalkley v. Richmond, 88 Va. 402 141 Chamberlain v. Enfield, 43 N. H. 356 306, 365, 368, 370, 374, 831 v. Oshkosh, 84 Wis. 289 500, 506, 512 Chambérs v. Roanoke Industrial &c. Assn., 111 Va. 254 131, 200 Chambersburg Shoe Mfg. Co. v. Cumberland Valley R. Co., 240 Pa. 519 230 Champaign v. Jones, 32 Ill. App. 179 311 v. Jones, 132 Ill. 304 588 v. McInnis, 26 Ill. App. 338 242 v. Patterson, 50 Ill. 61 217, 555, 557 v. White, 38 III. App. 233 365 Charmplin v. Penn Yan, 34 Hun (N. Y.) 33 3.68 Chance v. St. Joseph, 195 Mo. App. 1 226, 349, 580, 638, 659 Chandler v. Fremont Co., 42 Iowa. 58 409 Chan Sing v. Astoria, 79 Ore. 411 12, 13 Chapleigh v. San Angelo, 167 U. S. 646 9 Chaplin v. Hawes, 3 Car. & P. 554 l 735, 768 Chapman v. Cook, 10 R. I. 304 347, 352 v. Milton, 31 W. Ya. 384 217, 240, 460 lii TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Chicago v. Baker, 95 T11. App. Chapman v. New Haven R. Co., 19 N. Y. 341 v. Nobleboro, 76 Maine 427 261, 671, v. Rochester, 110 N. Y. 273 Charles v. Boston Elevated R. Co., 230 Mass. 536 Charles A. Cowen & Co. Price, 20.3 Fed. 473 Charles Eneu Johnson Co. Philadelphia, 236 Pa. 510 Charlottesville v. Failes, 103 Va. 53 v. Jones, 123 Va. 682 423, 438, 444, Chartiers Twp. v. Langdon, 114 Pa.. St. 541 YW, W. V. Chase MO. Phillips, 122 Pa.. St. 601 v. Atchison &c. P. Co., 134 App. 655 V. Chicago, 20 Ill. App. 274 v. Cleveland, 44 Ohio St. 505 v. Lowell, 151 Mass. 422 v. Maine &c. R. Co., 77 Maine 62 v. Mayor, 9 La. Curry) 342 V. New York & C. R. Co., 208 Mass. 137 v. Seattle, 80 Wash. 61 256, 267, 597, V. Seattle Taxica, b & Trans- fer Co., 78 Wash. 537 Surry, 88 Maine 468 Tingdale Bros., 127 Minn. 401 Chase-Hibbard Milling Co. v. El- mira, 207 N. Y. 460 Chas. T. Derr Const. Co. v. Gel- ruth, 29 Okla. 538 Chatsworth v. Ward, 10 Ill. App. 75 f Chattanooga v. Reid, 103 Tenn. 616 Chenoa, v. PCramer, 109 Ill. App. - 85 Cherryvale v. Hawman, 80 Rans. 170 v. Studyvin, 76 Kans. 285 Chester v. First Nat. Bank, 9 Pa. Super. 517 Chevy Chase Sanatorium v. Dis- trict of Columbia, 46 App. D. C. 55.8 Chicago v. Apel, 50 Ill. App. 132 v. Atwood, 269 Ill. 624 v. Babcock, 143 T11. 358 (O. S.) (5 y 755 697 16.1 309 358 330 585 858 465 615 598 824 500 403 635 767 689 730 182 76, 77 255 129 256 41 31 467 413 V. V. V. . Dalle, 115 III. 386 . Davies, 110 Ill. App. 427 265, 469, Banker, 112 Ill. App. 94 Bixby, 84 III. 82 Chicago &c. R. Co., 275 Ill. 30 . Cohen, 139 Ill. App. 244 . Crooker, 2 Ill. App. 279 240, 257, 257, 265, . Dermody, 61 I11. 431 . Duffy, 117 III. App. 261 . Dunham Towing &c. Co., 175 Ill. App. 549 . Elzemann, 71 Ill. 131 Fitzgerald, 75 Ill. App. 174 577, 592, Fowler, 60 Ill. 322 * tº y V. . Hannon, 94 Ill. App. . Johnson, 53 Ill. '91 . Jones, . Joney, . Reefe, 114 Ill., 222 . Relly, . Kluever, 257 Ill. 317 - Langlass, 52 I11. 256 . Langlass, 66 ſ:1. 361 195, 257, France, 124 Ill. App. 648 . Gallagher, 44 Ill. 295 31, 32, 290, Gathman, 139 Ill. App. 253 Gavin, 1 Ill. App. 302 240, 423, Gillett, 91 Ill. App. 287 Glanville, 18 Ill. App. 308 Guilford, 99 Ill. App. 88 143 183 633 Hannon, 115 Ill. App. Harris, 113 Ill. App. Herz, 87 Ill. 541 Hesing, 83 Ill. 204 290, Hislop, 61 Ill. 86 340, Hogan, 59 Ill. App. 446 Honey, 10 Ill. App. 535 Hoy, 75 Ill. 530 365, 366, Huenerbein, 85 III. 594 . Jarvis, 226 Ill. 614 240, 823, 255, 66 II.1. 349 - 47, 867, 873, 60 Ill. 387 874, 292, 473, 583, 69 III. 475 47, 12, 13, . Kohlhof, 64 III. App. 349 47, 32, 257, 355, 457, 533, . Loebel, 228 Ill. 52 531. 752 240 12 589 265 823 873 815 15 873 595 266 597 835 405 441 788 241 873 226 625 195 3.25 447 606 871 368 879 828 290 875 77 655 867 293 127 432 123 575 473 867 875 257 TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Chicago v. McCabe, 93 Ill. App. 288 257, 263, 595 v. McCarthy, 61 Ill. App. 300 290, 590 v. McCarty, 75 Ill. 602 257 v. McCrudden, 92 Ill. App. 257 - N. 655 v. McCulloch, 10 Ill. App. 459 261, 265 v. McI)onald, 57 Ill. App. 250 317, 442 v. McDonald, 111 Ill. App. 436 500, C23 v. McGiven, 78 Ill. 347 240, 500 v. McRenna, 114 Ill. App. 270 358 v. McLean, 133 Ill. 148 588, 873 v. Major, 18 Ill. 349 3.25 v. Mandel, 264 Ill. 206 12, 13, 15 v. Martin, 49 Ill. 241, 246 27, 47, 228, 865, 867 v. Morse, 33 Ill. App. 61 573 v. Murdoch, 212 Ill. 9 76, 77, 815 v. Murdoch, 113 Ill. App. 656 861 v. Murphy, 84 Ill. 224 257 v. New York, C. &c. R. Co., 216 Fed. 735 29 v. Norton, 116 Ill. App. 570 532 v. Norton Milling Co., 97 Ill. App. 651 26, 46 v. O’Brennan, 65 Ill. 160 27, 800, 874 v. Pennsylvania. Co., 119 Fed. 497 41 v. Pennsylvania. Co., 252 II1. 185 15 v. Powers, 42 I11. 169 27, 276, 317, 822, 828, 836 v. Ramsey, 90 Ill. App. 271 39 v. Richardson, 75 Ill. App. 198 506, 621 v. Robbins, 2 Black (U. S.) 4.18 195, 303, 307, 457, 460, 479, 707, 708 v. Robbins, 4 Wall. (U. S.) 657 708 v. Ross, 257 I11. 76 13 v. Rustin, 99 Ill. App. 47 140, 146, 154 v. Sariders, 50 I11. App. 136 541 v. Seben, 62 Ill. App. 248 145 v. Seben, 165 Ill. 371 26, 818 v. Selz, 202 Ill. 545 780 v. Selz &c. Co., 202 III. 545 21, 85 v. Selz &c. Co., 104 Ill. App. 376 50 Chicago v. Sexton, 115 T11. 230 50 v. Sheehan, 113 Ill. 658 780 v. Smith, 48 Ill. 107 195 v. Stearns, 105 Ill. 554 850 v. Union Ice Cream Mfg. Co., * 252 II]. 311 11, 12 v. Vesey, 105 Ill. App. 191 - 823, 827 v. Walden W. Shaw Livery Co., 258 I11. 409 11, 12 v. Weber, 246 Ill. 304 121 v. White Transp. Co., 243 Fed. 358 44 v. Wright, 68 Ill. 586 441 Chicago League Ball Club V. Chicago, 77 Ill. App. 12 13, 41 Chicago, ER. H. &c. Co. v. Porter (Tex. Civ. App.), 166 S. W. 37 50 Chicago & West Suburban Ex- press Co. v. Berwyn, 174 Ill. App. 543 Chicago &c. R. Co. v. FCentwood, 49 Tua. Ann. 931 9 Langdale, 55 Wis. 116 . Lewis (Ark.), 145 S. W. 899 . McCarthy, 20 I11. 385 77 . Minneapolis, 238 Fed. 384 . Prescott, 59 Fed. 237 v. Spilker, 134 Ind. 380 Chickasha. v. Looney, 36 Okla. 155 v. White, 45 Okla. 631 Chico v. Supervisors, 118 Cal. 115 Chico High School Board v. Butte County, 118 Cal. 115 Chidsey v. Canton, 17 Conn. 475 v. Pascagoula, 102 Miss. 709 Child V. Boston, 4 Allen (Mass.) 41 26, 27, 31, 36, 51, 58, 140, 145, 149, 154, 155, Childress v. Nashville, 3 Sneed (Tenn.) 347 15 Childrey v. Huntington, 34 W. Va. 457 460, Childs v. Crawford Co., 176 Pa. St. 139 - 263, v. West Troy, 23 Hun (N. Y.) 68 340, 665, Chilton v. Carbondale, 160 Pa. St. 463 575, 595, V. St. Joseph, 143 Mo. 192 587, Chipstead v. Oliver, 137 Ga. 483 Chisholm v. State, 141 N. Y. 246 631, Chittenden v. Columbus, 26 Ohio Cir. Ct. 531 242 Y. . 13 200 180, 157 473 264 667 606 873 12 645 752 fiv TABLE OF CASES : [References Aire to Sections.] Chittick v. 632 Chope v. Eureka, 78 Cal. Chrestenson v. Harms, Dak. 360 Christman v. Meierhoffer, 116 Mo. App. 46 768, 832 Church v. Cherryfield, 33 Maine 460 v. Detroit, 64 Mich. 571 V. Howard City, 111 Mich. 298 647, 650 Churchill v. Albany, 65 Ore. 442 15 V. Grants Pass, 70 Ore. 233 11, 13 Cincinnati v. Armstrong, 33 Ohio Cir. Ct. F. 414 v. Baltimore &c. Ry., 1 Ohio App. 461 180 v. Fleischer, 63 Ohio St. 229 543 v. Frazer, 18 Ohio C. C. 50 257, 555 v. Frazier, 19 Ohio C. C. 004 854 v. Grebner, 25 Ohio Cir. Ct. Lake, 43 Ill. App. - 170 588 328 38 S. 727, 752 436 459 264 IR. 700 501 v. Hafer, 49 Ohio St. 60 865 v. Hiles, 3 Ohio App. 319 597 v. Morrissey, 87 Ohio St. - 525 77 v. Ryan, 34 Ohio Cir. Ct. R. 421 576 v. Stone, 5 Ohio St. 38 50, 77 v. White, 6 Pet. (U. S.) 431 220 Cincinnati & C. R. Co. v. Rose- ville, 76 Ohio St. 108 221 Circleville v. Neuding, St. 465 v. Sohn, 20 Ohio C. C. 368 32, 255 v. Sohn, 59 Ohio St. 285 205, 291 Citizens’ Gas &c. Co. v. Nichol- son, 152 Fed. 389 483, 595 Citizens St. R. Co. v. Ballard, 22 Ind. App. 151 573, 577, 595 City Cab &c. Co. v. Hayden, 73 41 Ohio 341 Wash. 24 15 City Council V. Jackson, 20 Ga. App. 710 115 Clancy v. Joplin (MO. App.), 181 S. W. 120 620, 828 Clapp v. Ellington, 51 Hun (N. Y.) 58 435, 634 Clapper v. Waterford, 131 N. Y. 382 819 Clarendon v. Betts (Tex. Civ. App.), 174 S. W. 958 111, 112 Clarissey v. Metropolitan Fire I}epartment, 1 Sweeney (N. Y.) 224 . 66 | Clark v. Adair Co., 79 Mo. 536 v. Barrington, 41 N. H. 44 381, v. Brookſield, 97 Mo. App. 16 v. Claambers, 3 Q. B. Div. 327 v. Chicago, 4 Biss. (U. S.) 486 V. Copake, 142 App. Div. (N. Y.) 202 200, v. Corinth, 41 Vt. 449 v. Davison, 118 Mich. 420 v. Epworth, 56 Iowa. 462 306, v. Fotheringham, 100 Wash. 12 v. Fry, 8 Ohio St. 379 General Motor Car Co., 177 Mo. App. 623 V. Lincoln Co., 1 Walsh. 518 . Lockport, 49 Barb. (N. Y.) 580 573, 585, Manchester, 62 N. H. 577 23, 657, Nicholasville, 27 BCy. L. Rep. 974 24, North Muskegon, 88 Mich. 308 781, 786, Pacific Power &c. Co., 91 Walsh. 130 Peckham, 9 R. I. 455 Richmond, 83 Va. 355 195, . Seattle, 102 Wash. 228 Sioux County, 178 Iowa 176 409, . The Commonwealth, 4 Pick. (Mass.) 125 Torrington, 79 Conn. 42, 460, . Tremont, 83 Maine 426 TJnion Ferry Co., 35 N. Y. 485 . Waltham, 128 Mass. 567 Wilmington, 5 Har. (Del.) 243 - 175, v. Wright, 167 N. Car. 646 Clark County v. Brod, 3 Ind. App. 585 Clarke v. Chicago, 159 Ill. App. 20 50, 67, v. Fremont, 83 Maine 426 v. Waltham, 128 Mass. 567 Clatskanie v. McDonald, 85 Cre. 670 Clay v. Wood, 5 Esp. 44 730, 410 615. 275 615 501 674 257 673 307 738 76 738 483 586 690 99 620 666 381 101 179 727 786 666 234 222 768 TABLE OF CASES Hy Clayards v. Dethick, 12 Ad. & El. (N. S.) 439 - Clay Center v. Jevons, 2 Kans. App. 568 Clay City v. Abner, 26 Rºy. L. Rep. 602 Clayton v. Brooks, 150 Ill. 97 606, 31 T11. App. 62 595, 824 v. Henderson, 103 Ry. 228 117 Cleburne v. Elder, 46 Tex. Civ. App. 399 Clemence v. Auburn, 66 N. Y. 334 27, 32, 195, Cleveland v. Ring, 132 U. S. 295 195, 303 815 274 596 337 241 645 v. Brooks, 606 457 v. Newson, 45 Mich. 62 v. Payne, 72 Ohio St. 347 v. Pittsford, 72 Hun (N. Y.) 552 v. St. Taul, 18 Minn. 279 r 195, 255, 290, v. Spier, 16 C. B. (N. S.) 399 610 340 583 v. Stofer, 52 Ohio St. 684 621 v. Watertown, 99 Misc. (N. Y.) 66 5 v. Watertown, 222 N. Y. 159 6 Cleveland Trinidad Paving Co. v. Mitchell, 42 Okla. 49 240, 255, 261, 468 Cleveland &c. R. Co. v. Cleve- land, 33 Ohio Cir. Ct. 482 217 v. Dunn, 61 Ill. App. 227 9 V. Dunn, 63 Ill. App. 531 9 v. Wynant, 114 Ind. 525 8.33 Clevenger v. Rushville, 90 Ind. 258 815 Clifford v. Tyman, 61 N. H. 508 734 Clifton v. Cummins, 165 Ky. 526 13 v. Williams, 69 Pa.. Super. Ct. 163 582 Clinard v. Winston-Salem, 173 N. Car. 356 24, 50 Cline v. Crescent City R. Co., 41 La. Ann. 1031 40, 241, 309, 812 v. Crescent City R. Co., 43 La. Ann. 327 309 Clinton v. Revere, 195 Mass. 151 318, 57.1 v. Wilson, 257 T11. 580 10, 12 Clinton County v. Davis, 162 Ind. 60 - 807 Cloney v. Ralamazoo, 124 Mich. 655 579 Clore v. McIntire, 120 Ind. 262 754 Close v. Chicago, 257 Ill. 47 131. Clough v. Sulphur, 42 Okla. 216 122 Cloughessey v. Waterbury, 51 Conn. 405 501, 503, 677 Cloverdale Homes v. Cloverdale, 182 Ala. 419 Clulow v. McClellan, 151 Pa. St. 583 Clure v. Sparta, 84 Wis. 269 Coates v. Canaan, 5.1 V t. 131 215 435 534 226, 57.1 v. District of Columbia, 42 App. D. C. 194 23 Cobb v. Bradford Tp., 232 Pa. 198 340, 823 v. Standish, 14 Maine 198 232, 614 Cobe v. Banton, 106 Maine 418 131 Coburn v. San Mateo Co., 75 Fed. 520 58 Cochran v. Boston, 211. Mass. 171 865 v. Charleston, 185 Ill. App. 79 240 v. Shepherdsville, 19 Ry. L. Rep. 1192 v. Springfield, 139 Mo. App. 673 571 Cochrane v. Frostburg, 81 Md. 54 26, 28, 29 Codner v. Bradford, 3 Pinn. (Wis.) 259 222, Coe College v. Cedar Rapids, 120 Iowa. 541 Coffeen V. Tang, 67 Ill. App. 359 265, Coffer v. Erickson, 61 Wash. 559 Coffey v. Berkley, 170 Cal. 258 v. Carthage, 186 Mo. 573 476, 573, 625, v. Carthage, 200 Mo. 616 Coffin v. Plymouth, 49 N. H. 173 Coggswell v. Lexington, 4 Cush. (Mass.) 307 198, 290, 298, 300, Cohen v. Chicago, 197 Ill. App. 377 v. New York, 113 N. Y. 532 131, 304, v. New York, 204 N. Y. 424 256, 258, 267, Cohn v. Ransas City, 108 Mo. 387 319 226 815. 575 435 4.08 817 476 222 310 381 3.68 340 Coker v. Atlanta, &c. R. Co., 123 Ga. 483 122 Colbert v. Ardmore, 31 Okla. 537 161 Colborn v. Wilmington, 4 Peri- new. (T) el.) 443 882 v. Groton, 66 N. H. iś1 $34 fvi TABLE OF CASES i£eferences Are to Sections.] Colby v. Beaver Dam, 34 Wis. 285 222, 257, 457, v. Portland, 85 Ore. 359 40, 242, 264, v. Uriassel, 61 Maine 304 Cole v. Dorr, 80 P ans. 251 v. Durham, 176 N. Car. 289 - 535, v. East St. Louis, 147 Ill. App. 234 v. Medina, 27 Barb. (N. Y.) 218 26, 27, V. Muscatine, 14 Iowa. 296 v. Nashville, 4 Sneed (Tenn.) 162 v. Newburyport, 129 Mass. 594 v. Scranton (Pa.), 4 Lack. Taeg. N. 287 v. Seaside, 80 Ore. 73 .” 13, 204, Colegrove v. Railroad Co., 20 N. Y. 492 Coleman v. Fargo, 8 N. Dak. 69 v. La Grande, 73 Ore. 521 v. Price, 54 Tex. Civ. App. 39 Coles County v. Allison, 23 Ill. 437 COle Motor Car Co. v. Ludorff, 61 Ind. App. 119 Coley v. Statesville, 121 N. Car. 301 Collett v. New York, Div. (N. Y.) 394 31, 32, 205, 317, 343, 355, 645, Colley v. Westbrook, 57 Maine 181 Collins v. Council Bluffs 32 Iowa. 324 195, 409, 500, 509, 869, 873, v. Dodge, 37 Minn. 503 640, V. Dorchester, 6 Cush. (Mass.) 396 282, 298, 343, v. Janesville, 11 Wis. 348 473, 598, v. Janesville, 107 Wis. 436 v. Janesville, 117 Wis. 415 v. Keokuk, 147 Iowa 605 v. Leafey, 124 Pa. St. 203 v. Marsh, 176 Cal. 639 v. New York, 173 N. Y. S. 451 5i App. 822, 826, v. Philadelphia, 93 Pa.. St. 272 140, 145, . Philadelphia, 227 Pa. 121 292, 473, y 132 263 216 812 694 85 118 100 647 261 875 645 827 624 678 575 122 727 767 676 146 541 Coll.ns v. Spokane, 64 Wash. 153 688, 699. Colorado City v. Hunt (Colo.), 138 Pac. 24 580. v. Liafe, 28 Colo. 468 50, 58 V. Smith, 17 Colo. App. 172 262. Colton v. Kansas City, 162 Mo. App. 429 472, 582 Columbia. v. Moulton, 182 U. S. 576 v. Phillips, 101 S. Car. 391 Columbia, Finance &c. Co. v. Louisville, 135 BCy. 570 Columbus v. Anglin, 120 785 241, V. Griggs, 113 Ga. 597 650 V. Noise, 63 Rans. 885 484, 790. V. Ogletree, 96 Ga. 177 241, 274. V. Ogletree, 102 Ga. 29.3 274 V. Penrod, 73 Ohio St. 209 341 v. Sims, 94 Ga. 483 317, 875 V. Strassner, 124 Ind. 482 275, 595, 787 Colvin v. Ward, 189 Ala. 198 13 Colwell v. Waterbury, 74 Conn. 568 24, 43 Combs v. Rirksville, 134 Mo. App. 645 582 Comery v. White, 40 R. I. 21 - 671, 676, Comiskie v. Ypsilanti, 116 Mich. 321 Commercial Elec. Light &c. Co. v. Tacoma, 20 Wash. 288 71 Commercial Security Co. v. Lee, 148 Ga. 597 i4 Commissioners of Charles Co. v. Mandanyohl, 93 Mol. 150 Commissioners &c. v. Baker, 44. Mö... 1 4 Commonwealth v. Allen, 11 Metc. (Mass.) 403 V. Allen, 148 Pa. St. 358 435, 578 15 96. Ga. 263, 573 686 582 740 757 4.09 322 v. Bird, 253 Pa. 364 V. BOSton, 97 Ma,SS. 55.8 v. Boston, 16 Pick. (Mass.) 442 227, v. Boyle County Fiscal Court, 113 Ey. 325 715 V. Bredin, 165 Pa.. 224 17 v Charlestown, i Pick. (Mass.) 180 411, 716 v. Clay, 224 Mass. 271 16 V. County Corn’rs, 14 Pa. Co. Ct. 299 v. Coupe, 128 Mass. 63 v. Crowninshield, 187 Mass. 221 715 409 717 752 TABLE OF CASES lvii [References Are to Sections.] Commonwealth v. Deerfield, 6 Cush. (Mass.) 449 V. Garmrmons, (Ma,SS.) 201 v. Illinois Cent. R. Co., 138 Ey. 749 v. Lansford, 3 Pa. Dist. 365 v. Mervis, 55 Pa. Super. Ct. 178 v. Miller, 47 Pa. Super. Ct. 193 v. Milman, 3 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 408 v. Moir, 199 Pa. 534 v. New Bethlehem Borough, 15 Pa.. CO. Ct. 158 V. Newbury, 2 Pick. (Mass.) 51 720, v. Newburyport, Mass. 129 v. Pete r s h a m, (Mass.) 119 v. Pray, 30 Mass. 359 v. Reed, 34 Pa.. St. 275 V. Slocum, 230 Mass. 180 V. Springfield, 7 Mass. 9 715, V. Stockbridge, 13 Mass. 294 23 Pick. 103 4 Pick. 217, v. Taunton, 16 Gray (Mass.) 228 v. Walton, 236 Pa. 220 v. Wilmington, 105 Mass. 599. 298, Commonwealth Water Co. v. Castleton, 171 N. Y. S. 542 Compton v. Revere, 179 Mass. 413 Comstock v. Georgetown Twp., 137 Mich. 541 435, v. Schuyerville, 139 App. Div. (N. Y.) 378 500, 675, COncordia, Fire Ins. CO. V. Sinn- mons Co., 167 Wis. 541 Condict v. Jersey City, 46 N. J. L. 157 Condon v. Chicago, 249 III. 596 v. Forest Park, 278 Ill. 218 Cone v. Detroit, 191 Mich. 198 58, 249, 277, Conelly v. Nashville, 100 Tenn. 262 Cones v. Benton County, 137 Ind. 404 Congdon v. Norwich, 37 Conn. 414 501, 585, Conklin v. Elmira, 11 App. Div. (N. Y.) 402 352, 406, 407 740 200 715 15 124 314 13 715 721 411 715 720 175 15 720 718- 717 34.7 16 223 800 699 86 55 666 14 829 24, 65 59 586 506 Conklin v. Thompson, 29 Barb. (N. Y.) 218 Conlon v. St. Paul, 70 Minn. 216 Conneaut v. Naef, 54 Ohio St. 529 585, Connell v. Woodward, 6 Miss. 665 v. Yazoo &c. R. Co., 141 La. 701 Connelly v. Boston, 206 Mass. 4 Conner v. Nevada, 188 MO. 148 222, 625, Conners v. Lowell, 158 Mass. 336, 338 676, Connersville V. 31 Ind. App. 218 265, Conneughton v. Brooklyn, 7 Misc. (N. Y.) 289 Connolly v. Boston, 64 v. Spokane, Snider, 117 Mass. 70 Wash. 160 v. Waltham, 156 Mass. 368 Connor v. Manchester, 73 N. H. 233 v. Salt Lake City, 248 v. Seattle, (6 Wash. 37 Conowingo Bridge Co. v. Hed- rick, 95 MG. 669 - Conrad v. Ellington, 104 Wis. 367 318, v. Green (N. J. L.), 94 Atl 390 v. Ithaca, 16 N. Y. 158 27, 182, 195, 457, v. Upper Augusta. Typ., 200 Pa.. 337 Conroy v. Twenty-third Street R. Co., 52 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 39 Considine v. Dubuque, 126 Iowa, 283 Consolidated Apartment House Co. v. Baltimore, 131 Md. 523 Consumers Co. v. Chicago, 208 III. App. 203 Conway V. Jefferson, 46 N. H. 28 Utah 521 200, v. Kinston, 169 N. Car. 577 119, v. New York, 139 App. Div. (N. Y.) 446 ...” Cook V. Ananosa, 66 Iowa, 427 263, v. Atlanta, 94 Ga. 613 606, 607, v. Barton, 6.3 Vt. 566 v. Earton. 66 V t. 65 116 29 306 877 678 423 663 535 85 37 674. 666, 630s 824. 774. 459 .610 578 $39 798 682 ‘iviii TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Cook v. Chariestown, 13 Allen (Mass.) 190 366, v. Danville, 116 Va. 383 241, v. De Ralb Co., 95 Ga. 218 v. Forgarty, 103 Iowa, 500 740, 175 Ca.1. 497 738, v. Milwaukee, 24 Wis. 270 200, 500, 501, 27 Wis. 19.1 542, v. Mohawk, 207 N. Y. 311 v. Montague, 115 Mass. 571 v. Nebraska City, 98 Nebr. 205 . - v. New Durham, 64 N. H. 419 v. Miller, v. Milwaukee, 79 Ill. App. 291 9 App. v. Piper, v. Standard Oil Co., IDiv. (N. Y.) 105 v. Topeka, 75 P.Cans. 534 Cooley V. Essex Co., 27 N. J. T. 415 23, Coolidge v. New York, 99 App. Div. (N. Y.) 175 435, Coombs v. Purrington, 42 Maine 3.32 637, Cooney v. Hartland, 95 I11. 516 Coonley v. Albany, 57 Hun (N. Y.) 327 v. Albany, 132 N. Y. 145 113, Cooper v. Kelly, 131 Ark. 6 v. Mills Co., 69 Iowa, 350 409, TWiS. 458 255, 257, v. Oelwein, 145 Iowa. 181 v. Scranton, 21 Pa. Super. 17 y. Waterloo, 88 Wis. 433 v. Milwaukee, 97 464, v. Waterloo, 98 Wis. 424 506, Coots v. Detroit, 75 Mich. 628 37, Cope v. Hampton Co., 42 S. Car. 17 Coppins v. Jefferson, 126 Wis. 578 598, Coppock v. Schlatter, 193 All. App. 255 Corbalis v. Newberry Twp. 132 Pa. St. 9 229, Corbett v. Troy, 53 Hun (N. Y.) 228 º Corbin v. Benton, 151 FCy. 483 255, 261, 3.68 312 410 776 . 752 50.9 543 185 366 828 756 749 699 410 472 640 164 23 185 747 423 850 258 145 4.67 585 292 638 747 336 265 817 Corbin v. Huntington, 81 W. Va. 154 128, 132, 532, 573, 587, v. Philadelphia, 195 Pa. St. 461 89 Corcoran v. Benicia, 96 Cal. 1 175, 179 v. Detroit, 95 Mich. 84 587, 824 v. Peekskill, 108 N. Y. 151 829 Corey v. Ann Arbor, 124 Mich. 134 267 v. Bath, 35 N. H. 531 200 v. Columbia, 88 S. Car. 553 571 Corinth v. Lawrence (PCy.), 127 S. W. 1009 531, 595 Corlett v. Leavenworth, 27 Rans. 597 673 650 Corley v. Cobb County (Ga. App.), 93 S. E. 1015 444 Corliss v. P.Ceawn, 207 Mass. 149 754 Cornelisen V. Atlanta, 146 Ga. 416 101 V. Atlanta, 19 Ga., App. 436 101 Cornelius v. Appleton, 22 Wis. 635 353, 354, 605 Cornet v. Meckel Realty & In- vestment Co. (Mo. App.), 187 S. W. 622 180 Corning v. Saginaw, 116 Mich. 74 440, 441 Cornwell v. Derochie, 24 Can. S. C. 301 540 Corona, Coal Co. v. White, 158 Ala. 627 74.1 Coronna v. Exeter, 13 Maine 321 279 Correll v. Cedar Rapids, 110 Iowa 333 118 Corry v. Columbia, 88 S. Car. 553 * 240 Corsicana v. Tobin, 23 Tex. Civ. App. 492 329, 705, 711, 713, 795, 852 Corson v. New York, 78 App. Div. (N. Y.) 481 540, 828 Cortland v. Herkirmer Co., 44 N. Y. 22 Corts v. District of Columbia, 18 D. C. 277 262, 512, 595 Cosner v. Centerville, 90 Iowa 33 819 606 Costello v. Conshohocken, 8 Pa. CO. Ct. 639 v. District of Columbia, 21 D. C. 508 340, 865 v. Riley County, 91 Rans. 532 - 140 435 TABLE OF CASES lix [References Are to Sections.] Costello's Case, 108 A1a. 45 Costich v. Rochester, 68 App. Div. (N. Y.) 623 Cotes V. Davenport, 9 Iowa, 227 2, 175, 176, Cotterill v. Starkey, 8 Car. & P. 691 734, 749, Cotton v. Wood, 8 C. B. (N. S.) 568 727, Couch v. Steel, 3 EI. & Bl. 402 Coudert v. Underhill, 107 App. Div. (N. Y.) 335 Coulter v. Independence, 168 Mo. App. 710 Councilman v. Galletcrl Borough, 49 Pa. Super, Ct. 138 Counter v. Couch, 8 Allen (Mass.) 436 660, Counts, Ex parte, 39 Nev. 61 County Court v. Grafton, 77 W. Va. 84 Covert v. Lovilia, 167 Iowa 163, - 582, Covington v. Asman, 113 Ky. 608, 24 Ry. L. 415 V. Belser, 137 Ky. 125 V. Bollwinkle (Ry.), 121 S. W. 664 205, 555, 655, v. Bryant, 7 Bush (Ky.) 248 V. Commonwealth, 173 U. S. 231 Diehl, 22 Ry. L. Rep. 955 v. Faulhaber, 177 Ky. 623 V. Gates (Ry.), 117 S. W. 342 V. Highlands Dist., 113 Ry. (312 v. Johnson (Ky.), 24 Ky. L. IRep. 602 468, W. Lee, 28 Ky., L. 492 V. Manwaring, 113 Ky. L. 592 v. Manwaring, 423 v. Miſes, 26 Ky. L. Rep. 609 V. Rosenberg, 177 Ky. 411 325, 75 B. Mon. V. 24 Ky. L. V. Southgate, (Ry.) 494 v. Visse, 158 Ky. 134 v. Westbay, 156 Ky. 839 195, 573, v. Whitney, 30 Rºy. L. 659 ‘Covington Co. v. Rinney, 45 Ala. 176 Covington Saw Mill &c. Co. v. Drexilius, 120 Ky. 493 292, Covington Transfér Co. v. Kelly, 36 Ohio St. 86 532, 126 867 851 750 7.43 199 121 215 597 457 460 516 290 5, 13 788 169 274 1 479 659 460 603 811 544 28 828 828 640 410 655 590 Cowan v. Adams Co., 142 Ind. 699 410 Coward v. Llewellyn, 209 Pa. 582 222 Cowell v. Colorado Springs, 3 Colo. 82 9 Cowgill v. St. Joseph, 180 Mo. W App. 327 512, 811 Cowie v. Seattle, 22 Wash. 659 255, 571, 595, Cowley v. Newmarket (1892) A. C. 345 199, COX V. Des Moines, 111 Iowa, 646 587, 628 v. Philadelphia, 165 Fed. 559 77 V. Westchester Tpk. Road, 33 Barb. (N. Y.) 414 Coyle v. McIntyre, 7 Houst. (Del.) 44 1, 4, 5 Crabtree v. Otterson, 22 App. Div. (N. Y.) 393 - Craig v. Charleston, 180 Ill. 154 v. Sedalia, 63 Mo. 417 240, Craine v. Metropolitan St. R. Co., 246 Mo. 393 Cramer v. Burlington, 512 v. Burlington, 42 Iowa 315 v. Burlington, 45 Iowa. 627 Crampton v. Ivie, 124 N. Car. 591 7.75 Cratty v. Bangor, 57 Maine 423 663 Crawford v. D'LO, 119 Miss. 28 103 v. Griffin, 113 Ga. 562 559 v. McElhinney, 171 Iowa, 606 747 v. New York, 68 App. Div. (N. Y.) 107 512, v. St. John, 34 N. B. 560 v. Wilson &c. Man. Co., 8 Misc. (N. Y.) 48 Crawfordsville v. Bond, 96 Ind. 236 v. Braden, 130 Ind. 149 v. Smith, 79 Ind. 308 v. Van Cleave, 39 Ind. App. 574 Creal v. Reokuk, 4 Greene (Iowa.) 47 175, 176, Cream City Bill Posting Co. v. Milwaukee, 158 Wis. 86 Creedon v. Kittery (Maine), 105 Atl. 124 Creighton v. Board of Hudson Co., 70 N. J. L. 350 Cremer v. Portland, 36 Wis. 92 Creps V. Columbia, 104 S. Car. 371 624 326 578 736 67 597 597 39 Iowa. - 278 659 829 839 50 655 154 815 383 14, 337 1.84 15 684 256 575 66 lx TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Crescent v. Anderson, 114 Pa. § {.. 643 59 0 Cressy v. Postville, 59 Iowa, 62 860 Crete v. Childs, 11 Nebr. 252 665 Crimrºlins v. Armstrong Trans- fer Express Co., 217 Mass. 155 746 Crisp v. London Co. (1899), 1 Q. B. 720 - 59 Crites v. New Richmond, 98 Wis. 55 620, 623, 624 Crocker v. Hartford, 66 Conn. 387 - 689 v. fšnickerbocker Tce Co., 92 N. Y. 652 v. Springfield, 110 Mass. 135 Crorrharty V. Boston, 127 Mass. 329 * 457, *Crombie v. O’Brien, 178 App. JDiv. (N. Y.) 807 773 Crorner v. Logansport, 38 Ind. App. 661 180, 877 Cronin v. Boston, 135 Mass. 110 683 ‘Crook v. People, 106 I11. 237 18 Crosby V. Boston, ii. 8 Mass. 71, 74. 255, 265, 279, 280, 534 v. Greenville, 183 Mich. 452 215 Crosółale v. Cynthiana, 21 BCy. T. 745 280 501. § 6 33, 68 Cross v. Chicago, 195 T11. App. 86. 673, 699 v. Sedalia (Mo. App.), 203 S. W. 648 - 500 Crossman v. Galveston (Tex. Civ. App.), 204 S. W. 128 123 Crotts v. Winston-Salem, 170 N. Car. 24 215 Crouch v. Commonwealth, 172 -- Jºy. 463 13 Crowley v. Strouse (Cal.), 33 Pa. C. 456 747 Crown Point v. Thompson, 31 Ind. App. 195 809 Crowther v. Yonkers, 15 N. Y. Supp. 588 340, 645 Crozier v. Read, 78 Hun. (N. Y.) 181 7.59 Cruden v. Fentham, 2 Esp. 685 735 Crum v. Wright, 82 Misc. (N. Y.) 419 l 760 Crumlich v. Harrisburg, 162 Pa. St. 624 311, Crumpton v. Solon, 11 Mairie 335 Crystal v. Des Moines, 6; Towa. 5 () 2 296 Crystal Spring Brook Trout FEatchery Co. v. Lornira, 165 Wis. 515 140, 170 Cuddon v. Eastwick, i. Salk. 192 1. Cuddy v. Horn, 46 Mich. 596 590, 775 Cuilo v. New York Edison Co., 85 Misc. (N. Y.) 6 131 Cullman v. McIMinn, 109 Ala. 614 661, 788 Cullom v. Justice, 161 I11. 372 620 Culp v. Reading Transit & Light CO. 250 Pa. 164 621 Culver v. Streator, 130 Ill. 238 67 Culverson v. Maryville, 67 MO. App. 343 639 Cunnberland v. Willson, 50 MCI. 138 33 Cumberland Telephone &c. Co. v. Calhoun, 151 PCy. 241 131 v. Yeiser, 141 PCy. 15 726 Cumming v. T. A. Gillespie Co., 62 N. J. L. 370 Cummings v. Hartford, 70 Conn. 115 242, 255, 274 832 v. Lobsitz, 42 Okla. 704 50, 121 v. New Rochelle, 38 App. I)iv. (N. Y.) 583 57.7 v. Syracuse, 100 N. Y. 637 v. Toledo, 12 Ohio C. C. 650 - 141, 169 v. Seymour, 79 Ind. 491 140 Cunius v. Edwardsville Borough, 63 Pa. Super. Ct. 118 Cunningham v. Belknap, 22 Ry. L. Hep. 1580 - 7.43 V. Castle, 127 App. Div. (N. Y.) 580 v. Clay Twp., 607 466 726 69 Rans. 373 243, 256, 571 v. Daldy, 119 App. Div. (N. Y.) 89 816 . Denver, 23 Colo. 18 258 St. Louis, 9.6 MO. 53 356 Seattle, 40 Wash. 59 66 . Thief River Falls, 84 Milan. 21 269, 590, 615 Curley v. Highwood, 210 Ill. App. 494 141, 880 Currari v. Boston, 151 Mass. 505 4, 67, 100 v. Chicago Great Western R. Co., 134 Minn. 392 23 v. St. Joseph, 264 Mo. 656 248 v. St. Joseph, 143 Mo. App. 618 220, 296, 469 Currier v. Concord, 68 N. H. 294 666, 673, 679 v. Towell, 16 Pick. (Mass.) 170 306, 309, 340, 355 Curry v. Buffalo, 135 N. Y. 366 666 y V. V. V TABLE OF CASES lxi [References Are to Sections.] Curry v. Erie City, 209 Pa. 283 573 v. Sioux City, 62 Iowa. 102 1. Curtin v. Metropolitan Street R. Co., 48 N. Y. S. 581 767 Curtis V. Grand Trunk R. Co. of Canada, 178 Mich. 382 132 V. Los Angeles, 172 Cal. 230 15 Curtiss v. Bovina, 138 Wis. 660 405 Cushing v. Bedford, 125 Mass. 526 33, 36, 366 V. Boston, 128 Mass. 330 534 v. Bowdlear (Okla.), 177 Pac. 561. 240, 257, 809, 829 v. High (Okla.), 175 Pa.c. 229 868, 876 Cushman Motor Works v. Lin- COln, 97 Nebr. 519 243, 290 Cusick v. Miller, 102 Kans. 663 578 V. Norwich, 40 Conn. 375 257 Cusimano v. New Orleans, La. 565 Custer v. New Philadelphia, 20 Ohio C. C. 177 23, 26 Cutcher v. Detroit, 139 Mich. 186 265, 309 Cutright v. Adams Express Co., 175 Ill. App. 269 Cutshall v. Reokuk (Iowa), 169 N. W. 677 543, 576, 816 Cutting v. Shelburne, 193 Mass. 123 440 611 1. 348 Czernia.k v. Chicago, 161 Ill. App. 360 595 ID, Dahl v. Salt Lake City, 45 Utah. 544 Dahmer v. Meridian, 208 Daily v. Maxwell, 152 Mo. App. 415 V. Worcester, 131 Mass. 452 346, 347 Dale v. Syracuse, 71 Hun (N. Y.) 449 309, 575 v. Webster Co., 76 Iowa 370 604, 680, Daley v. Watertown, 192 Mass. 116 Tallas v. Allen (Tex. Civ. App.), 40 S. W. 324 56, 878 V. Cooper (Tex. Civ. App.), 34 S. W. 321 v. Gill (Tex. Civ. App.), 199 S. W. 1144. " 15 V. Halford (Tex. Civ. App.), 210 S. W. 725 240, 348 v. Jones, 93 Tex. 38 540, 853 666 111 Miss. 393 790 179 284 726 Dallas v. Jones (Tex. Civ. App.), 54 S. W. 606 464, v. McAllister (Tex. Civ. App.), 39 S. W. 173 v. McCullough (Tex. Civ. App.), 95 S. W. 1121. 337, 788, v. Meyers (Tex. Civ. App.), 55 S. W. 742 269, 271, 277, 464, 707, 829, v. Moore, 32 Tex. Civ. App. 230 - 241, 255, 257, 262, 595, 684, 823, v. Muncton (Tex. Civ. App.), 83 S. W. 431 258, 262, v. Myers (Tex. Civ. App.), : 64 S. W. 683 v. Strayer (Tex. Civ. App.), 73 S. W. 980 206, v. Webb, 22 Tex. Civ. App. 48 141, 327, 336, v. Young (Tex. Civ. App.), 28 S. W. 1036 Dallenbach v. Burnham, 248 Ill. 468 Dalton v. Salem, 131 Mass. 553 v. Salem, 136 Mass. 278 v. Salem, 139 Mass. 91 v. Towanda, 215 Pa. 402; v. Upper Tyrone Twp., 137 Pa. St. 18 229, v. Wilson, 118 Ga. 100 Daly v. New Haven, 69 Conn. 644 v. St. Paul, JRep. 6 D’Amico V. BOSton, 599 Damkoehler v. Milwaukee, Wis. 144 Dammann v. St. Louis, 152 MO. 186 - Damon v. Boston, 149 Mass. 147 515, Mass. 66 661, Damonte v. Patton, 118 La. 530 741, 44 Iowa, 276 27, 155, Danbury &c. R. Co. v. Norwalk, 37 Conn. 109, 119 Dance v. Rome (Ga. App.), 99 S. E. 51 Dancer v. Mannington, 50 W. Va. 322 1 Minn. TX1st. 681, 176 Mass. 230, 124 v. Scituate, 119 Darmour v. Tiyons, 823 285 823 872 868 582 678 464 649 281 225 683 674 6.79 154 343 113 686 667 184 85 53.3 742 7.43 309 183 175 16 lxii TACLE OF CASEs [References Are to Sections.3 Danesch ocky v. Sieben, 195 MO. App. 470 IDanforth V. (Mass.) 242 Dangel v. Williams (Del. C. L.), 99 Atl. 84 Daniels v. Athens, 55 Ga. 609 217, 226, 406, . Clegg, 28 Mich. 32 7 30, . I.ebanon, 58 N. H. 284 . Racine, 98 Wis. 649 Randolph County Court, 69 W. Vº, "76 Danville V. Fox Ry. 476 v. Makemson, , ; 2 Ill. Apn. 11.2 348, 351, v. Robinson, 9 y Durell, 8 Allen : $ Va. i - 3 37, 292, 577, v. Vangundy, 29 Ill. App. 187 I)anville &c. Turnpike Co. V. Stewart, 2 Metc. (Ky.) 119 Dapper v. Milwaukee, 107 Wis. 88 500, Dardanelle v. Gillespie (Ark.), 172 S. W. 1036 Dardanelle Pontoon Bridge &c. Co. v. Croom, 95 Ark. 284 Darden v. Plymouth, 166 N. Car. 492 I)argan v. Mobile, 31 Ala. 469 67, 68 Maine 31, 140, Westmoreland, 52 N. H. 401 I)arlington v. New York, 31 N. Y. 164 Dart, Ex parte, 172 Cal. 47 Darville v. Board of Chosen Freeholders, 90 N. J. Taw 617 I}arling v. Bangor, 112 V. Dasher v. Harrisburg, 20 Pa. Super. 79 ldaugherty v. Metropolitan MO- tor Car Co., 85 Wash. 105 T)ave & Mose, The, 49 Fed. 389 Davelaar v. Milwaukee, 123 Wis. 413 167, Davenport v. Ruckman, 37 N. Y. 568 195, 457, 658, JDavey v. Janesville, 111 Wis. 628 Davidson v. New York, 24 Misc. (N. Y.) 560 TXavidson, Ex parte (Fla.), 79 So. 727 TXavies v. Mann, 10 Mee. & W. 546 767, 30.3 727 12 & 407 740 , 648 668 357 754 632 143 775 Þ10 15 42 B 595 10 3 15.2 2.3 41 1 5 4.38 152 774 90 169 8 2 815 65 13 H 768 Davies v. Queen, 20 Occ. N. 163 Lavignon v. Stan bridge Station, Jud. Que., 14 C. S. 116 310, Davis V. Ada. Co., 5 Idaho 126 V. Adrian, 147 Mich. 300 258, v. Alexander City, 137 Ala. 206 823, V. Allamakee Co., 40 Iowa 217 V. Austin, 22 Tex. Civ. App. 460 628, V. Bangor, 42 Maine 522 202, 314, 370, v. Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., 143 Ga. 436 V. Charlton, 140 Mass. 422 lvºp. v. Corry, 154 Pa. St. 598 255, V. Crawfordsville, 119 Ind. l V. Curling, 8 Q. B. 286 V. Dudley, 4 Allen (Mass.) 557 382, 383, 612, V. Guilford, 55 Conn. 351 V. J Ohn Breuner Co., Cal. 683 V. Tamoille Co. Plank Road Co., 27 Vt. 602 V. Lebanon, 108 Ry. 688 V. Leoninster, 1 A. l l e n (Mass.) 182 309, V. Michael Brewing Co., 31 S. Dak. 284 v. Montgomery, 51 Ala. 139 59, 167 v. Omaha, 47 Nebr. 836 317, 462, V. Rockport, 213 Mass. 279 V. Rome (Ga. App.), 98 S. E. 513 603 410 684 827 409 645 715 544 681 283 179 667 741. 265 578 133 66 416 743 113 479. 95 231 V. Rumney, 67 N. H. 591 V. Seattle, 37 Wash. 223 V. Snyder Twp., 196 Pa. St. 273 V. Spragg, 72 W. Va. 672 131, 132, V. Steuben School Twp., 19 Ind. App. 694 v. Wenatchee, 86 Wash. 13 78, 304, Davoust v. Alameda, 149 Cal. 69 Dawes v. Great Falls, 31 Mont. 9 Dawson v. Troy, Y.) 322 Tav v. Crossman, 1 Hun (N. Y.) 570 206, 49 Hun (N. 23, 68, 71 678 693 3.54 215. 2 655 88 667 873 633 TABLE OF CASES lxiii ¥ [References Are to Sections.] Day v. Milford, 5 Allen (Mass.) 98 280, v. Mount Pleasant, 70 Iowa, 193 534, Layton v. 76 Ohio St. 471 v. Lincoln, 39 Nebr. 74 v. Lory, 169 Ky. 94 v. Pease, 4 Ohio St. 80 32, 77, v. Rhotehamel, 90 Ohio 175 v. Taylor, 62 Ohio St. 11 258, 635, Paytona, V. Edson (Fla.), 34 So. 954 27, Deaconess Home and Hospital v. Bontjes, 104 Ill. App. 484 De Agramonte v. Mt. Vernon, 112 App. Div. (N. Y.) 291 IDealey V. Muller, 149 Mass. 432 - 769, I)ean v. Milford, 5 Watts & S. (Pa.) 545 V. Newcastle, 201 Pa. St. 51 v. Sharon, 72 Conn. 667 Deane v. Randolph, 132 Mass. 475 52 Decatur v. Besten, 169 III. 340 \ - 261, v. Besten, 69 Ill. App. 410 V. Fisher, 53 III. 407 47, v. Hamilton, 89 III. App. 561 Glaser, v. Stoops, 21 Ind. App. 397 325, Decker v. New York, 147 App. Div. (N. Y.) 691 313, V. Scranton, 151 Pa. St. 241 v. Seattle, 80 Wash. 137 IDecorah v. Gillis, 10 Iowa. 234 Decou v. Dexheimer (N. J. L.), 73 Atl. 49 De Courcey v. R. U. Delapenha, & Co., 169 App. Div. (N. Y.) 551 IXedrick v. Schinasi, Div. (N. Y.) 763 De Funiak Springs v. Perdue, 69 Fla. 326 De Garmo v. Vogt, 151 Ky. 847 284, 303, 466, 530, 544, 179 App. 392 536 241. 665 544 176 248 637 788 35 110 774 195 585 68 || , 58 472 77 867 320 661 3.36 507 67.1 9 731 464 464 22 570 De Grace v. Fletcher, 112 Md. 562 Dehanitz v. St. Paul, 73. Minn. 385 Dehaven v. Co., 150 Ey. 241 Danville Gaslight 534, 805 657 620 Dehlinger v. Chicago, 100 Ill. App. 314 DelCalb v. Ashley, 61 Ill. App. 647 Delamaine v. Revere, 229 Mass. 403 129, 143, Deland v. Cameron, 112 Mo. App. 704 265, 476, 571, 595, Delaplain v. Ransas City, 109 Mo. App. 107 Delaware, L. & W. R. Co. V. Madden, 241 Fed. 808 465, Delger v. St. Paul, 14 Fed. Rep. 567 IDell Rapids Mercantile Co. v. Dell Rapids, 11 S. Dak. 116 141, Delmar v. Venables, 125 Mā. 47 l 255, 579 278 155 601. 877 535 256 167 261 Delmonico v. New York, 1 Sandf. , S. C. (N. Y.) 222 De Long v. Oklahoma City, Ok1a. 398 De L'Or V. Symons, 93 Walsh. 231 47 Delphi v. Lowery, 74 Ind. 520 Delzell v. Indianapolis, 32 Ind. 45 De Mayo v. Kansas City (Mo.), 210 S. W. 380 De Moll v. New York, 163 App. Div. (N. Y.) 676 667, Dempsey v. Dubuque, 150 Iowa. 260 509, v. Rome, 94 Ga. 420 577, 595, TXenison v. Sanford (Tex. Civ. App.), 21 S. W. Rep. 784 v. Watts, 97 Iowa, 633 Denman v. Johnston, 85 Mich. 387 Dennis v. Elmira, Heights, 59 App. Div. (N. Y.) 404 233, Dennison v. Warren (Tex. Civ. App.), 36 S. W. 296 Denny v. Burlington, 155 N. Car. 33 Denver v. Aaron, 6 Colo. App. 232 240, V. Baldasari, 15 Colo. App. 157 415, V. Bradbury, 18 Colo. App. 441 v. Cochran, 17 Colo. App. 72 Davis, 37 Colo. 370 V. Dean, 10 Col O. 375 256, 264, 270, 274, v. Dunsmore, 7 ſolo. 328 195, 27, 50, 76 340 535 276 309 85 699 510 598 810 4.09 76 284 798 674 25 4 69 240 lxiv. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] i>enver v. Hickey, 9 Colo. App. i87 v. Hubbard, 29 Colo. 529 585, 28 Colo. 129 265, 821, v. Maurer, 47 Colo. 179 24, 50, 241, Moewes, 15 Colo. App. 28 240, 258, v. Monroe, 21 Colo. App. 312 v. Hyatt, Munroe, 21 Colo. App. 312 Murray, 18 Colo. App. 142 241, 265, 310, Perkins, 50 Colo. 159 . Peterson, 5 Colo. App. 41 Rhodes, 9 Colo. 554 77, . Rhodes, 24 Colo. App. 114 261, Saulcey, 5 Colo. App. 420 . Sherret, 88 Fed. 226 322, . Spencer, 34. Colo. 270 Stein, 25 Colo. 125 . Utzler, 38 Colo. 300 381, . Williams, 12 Colo. 475 T) enver Omnibus & Cab Co. v. Mills, 21 Colo. App. 582 660, Te Pere v. Hibbard, 104 Wis. 666 ‘V. : i 506, 542, I)eputy v. Rimmell, 73 W. Va. 595 578, Termont V. Detroit, 4 Mich. 435 IDerochie V. Cornwall, 21 Ont. App. 279 Derragon v. Rutland, 58 Vt. 128 IDerrington v. Poplar Bluff (Mo. App.), 186 S. W. 561 612, 817, 835, T) ervin v. Frenier, 91 Vt. 398 l 578, TXeryoe v. Saratoga Springs, 1 Hun (N. Y.) 341 IDes Moines v. Barber Asphalt Co., 208 Fed. 828 TY”TºStinnonville V. TMontreal, Rap. Jud. Que., 18 C. S. 470 512, T) esture v. New York &c. P. Co., 94 App. Div. (N. Y.) 251 - I)etamore v. Hindley, 83 Wash. 322 TXetroit v. Beckman, 34 Mich. 125 26, 31, 205, v. Blakeby, 21 Mich. 84 7, 24, 51, 516 853 877 574 852 620 655 678 141 509 255 875 460 74.1 459 752 585 731 160 506 799 852 746 50 706 517 658 14 326 Detroit v. Corey, 9 Mich. 165 27, 32, 77, 199, 290, v. Detroit United Ry., 173 Mich. 314 v. Osborne, 135 U. S. 492 v. Putnam, 45 Mich. 263 199, 200, Deufel v. Tong Island City, 19 App. Div. (N. Y.) 620 458, Develaar v. Milwaukee, 123 Wis. 413 Devenish v. Spokane, 21 Wash. 77 \ Devine v. Brunswick-Balke-Col- lender Co., 270 Ill. 504 V. Chicago, 166 Ill. App. 17 v. Chicago, 172 Ill. App. 246 328 12 2.91 459 514 819 265 760 667 . 294 v. Chicago, 178 Ill. App. 39 v. Fond du Lac, 113 Wis. 61 464, v. Pfaelzer, 277 I11. 255 Devlin v. St. Louis, 252 Mo. 203 Devney v. Boston, 223 Mass. 270 De Vore v. Auburn, 64 App. Div. (N. Y.) 84 671, Dewall v. Sioux City, 181 Iowa, 333 510, 582, Dewey v. Detroit, 15 Mich. 307, 313 26, 29, 195, 199, 240, Deyoe v. Saratoga, Springs, 1 FHun (N. Y.) 341 Diamond v. Brooklyn, (N. Y.) 640 v. Cowles, 174 Fed. 571 91 Hun v. North Attleborough, 219 Ma SS. 587 145, 169, 180, v. Weyerhaeuser, 178 Cal. 540 574 576 770 597 38 672 587 457 290 561 769 185 760 669 13 180 730 15 636 v. Chaffee, 70 Mich. 80 467, 199 707 Diamond Tron Works v. Minne- apolis, 129 Minn. 267 Dibrell v. Coleman (Tex. Civ. App.), 172 S. W. 550 Dick v. Los Angeles, App. 724 Tickerson v. Brittingham, 4 Boyce (27 Del.) 93 727, v. Okolona, 98 Ark. 206 Dickey, Ex parte, 76 W. Va. 576 T)ickey v. Maine Telegraph Co., 46 Maine 483 297, Dickie v. Boston &c. R. Co., 131 Mass. 516 v. Centralia, 91 Fash. 467 Dickinson v. Boston, 188 Mass. 595 34 Ca.1. 177, 683 689 88 TABLE CF CASES Ixy [References Are to Sections...I Dickinson v. ixelaware, L. &c. T. Co. (N. J. L.), 93 Atl. 703 V. Delaware, L. &c. R. Co., 90 N. J. L. 158 V. Rockingham, 45 Vt. 99 V. Worcester 7 A l l e n (Mass.) 19 i55, Dickson v. Hollister, 123 Pa. St. 421 Diehl v. Roberts, 134 Cal. 164 Diehm v. Cincinnati, 25 Ohio St. 305 Diel v. Ferguson, 156 Mo. App. 286 T}ier v. Voorhees, 200 Mich. 510 J)ieter v. Zbaren, 81 MO. App. 612 Diffenderfer v. Jeffersonville (ind. App.), 118 N. E. c.6 648, 659, Dignum v. Weaver (Mo. App.), 204 S. W. 566 * Di Iorio v. Jordan Marsh Co., 211 Mass. 280 Dillon v. Raleigh, 124 N. Car. 184 309, 318, 381, Dilluvio v. New York, 73 Misc. (N. Y.) 122 Dimock v. Suffield, 30 Conn. 129 365, Dinger v. New York, 101 App. Div. (N. Y.) 202 Dinneen v. Ottawa, 200 Ill. App. 303 265, 325, Dinsmore v. St. Louis, 192 Mo. 255 Dinwiddie Justices v. Chester- field Justices, 5 Call (Va.) 556 Dipper v. Milford, 167 Mass. 555 District of Columbia v. Armes, 107 U. S. 519 V. Ashton, 14 App. (D. C.) 57]. v. Aukward, 45 App. D. C. 155 587, v. Baltimore &c. R. Co., 1 Mackey (D. C.) 314 V. Blackman, 32 App. D. C. 32 465, v. Boswell, 6 App. (D. C.) 402 292, v. Brewer, 7 App. (ID. C.) 113 603, v. Burke, 46 App. D. C. 215 V. Cropley, 23 App. (D. C.) 232 99 873 578 727 81 (5 '746 57.1 820 606 824 145 District of Columbia, v. Crum- baugh, 13 App. (D. C.) 553 620, v. Dempsey, 13 App. (D. C.) 53.3 v. Donaldson, C. 259 v. Gray, 6 App. (D. C.) 314 v. Moulton, 182 U. S. 576 v. Payne, 13 App. (D. C.) 38 App. TX. 500 257, 255, 261, v. Pierce, 44 App. D. C. 126 31, v. Sullivan, 11 App. (D. C.) 533 v. Tyrrell, 41 App. D. C. 463 v. Washington, 44. App. D. C. 120 348, v. Washington Gas Light Co., 9 Mack. (T). C.) 39 v. Wood, 41 App. D. C. 101 Ditchett v. Spuyten Duyvil &c. R. Co., 5 Hun (N. Y.) 165 Dittrich v. Detroit, 98 Mich. 245 w 538, IDixon v. Baker, 65 Ill. 518 155, V. Butler Twp., 4 Pa. Dist. 754 v. Butler Twp., 4 Pa. Super. 333 v. Mayer, 186 Ill. App. 247 v. Missouri Pac. R. Co. (Rans.), 179 Pac. 548 v. Scott, 74 Ill. App. 277 Dixon Co. v. Barnes, 13 Nebr. 2.94 v. Chicago &c. R. Co., 1 Nebr. Unof. 240 Doak v. Saginaw Twp., 119 IMich. 680 351, 363, Doan v. Willow Springs, 101 Wis. 112 595, 598, Doane v. Lake St. &c. R. Co., 165 III. 510 Dobson v. Oneida, 106 App. Div. (N. Y.) 337 Dodge v. Granger, 17 R. I. 664 v. North Hudson, 17.7 Fed. 986 v. People, 113 III. 491 T}oeg. v. Cook, 126 Cal. 213 58, JDoherty v. Ayer, 197 Mass. 241 292, v. Waltham, 4 Gray (Mass.) 596 257, JDohrmann v. Hudson County, 84 N. J. L. 689 628 320 813. 823 371 544 535 862 *706 264 659 595 175 415 464 587 665 380 830 126 694 66 200. 812 662 lxvi TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Doke v. Davis County, 167 Iowa. 114 IXolan v. Charles J. Jacobs Co., 221 Mass. 256 132, Dolding v. St. Charles, 166 Mo. App. 403 . - Dollar v. Marquette, 123 Mich. 184 Dolloff v. Ayer, 162 Mass. 569 66, Domke v. 62 Wash. 629 Donable v. Harrisonburg, Va., 533 Donahue v. Newburyport, 211 Ma SS. 561 292, 574, 595, 596, Donaldson v. Boston, 16 Gray (Mass.) 508 265, 270, 278, 280, v. Dieterich, 247 Ill. 522 Dondero, Ex parte, 19 Cal. App. 66 Donnell v. Greensboro, Car. 330 Donnelly v. Cowen, 20 Misc. (N. Y.) 100 v. Fall River, 130 Mass. 115 Gunning, 104 164 N. v. Fall River, 132 Mass. 299 410 544 265 695 81 765 33 620 285 694 123 161 57.7 6.79 . 675 v. Tuuzerne (Pa.) 271 v. Rochester, Co., 9 Rulp 166 N. Y. 315 265, 480, 536, • . v. Tripp, 12 R. I. 97 IDonoho v. Vulcan Iron Works, 75 Mo. 401 292, v. Vulcan Iron Works, 7 MO. App. 447 Donohoe v. Fredlock, 72 W. Va. 712 # v. New York, 3 Daly (N. Y.) 65 v. Warren, 95 Wis. 367 T}onovan v. Board of Education, 85 N. Y. 117 v. Lambert, 139 Ill. App. 532 v. McAlpin, 85 N. Y. 185 v. Oswego, 42 App. Div. (N. Y.) 539 693, Dooley v. Meriden, 44 Conn. 117 v. Sullivan, 112 Ind. 451 113, 115, 479, T}oremus v. Paterson, 71 N. J. Eq. 789 v. Paterson, 474 73 N. J. Eq. 26, 409 544 33, 34, 36 583 473 127 27 373 99 735 99 812 501 603 161 880 Dorlon v. Brooklyn, 46 Barb. (N. Y.) 004 27, Dorn V. Oyster Bay, 84 Hun (N. Y.) 510 Dorrington v. Detroit, 223 Fed. 232 * Dorsett v. Greencastle, 141 Ind. 38 Dorsey v. Racine, 60 Wis. 292 ID’Orsi v. New York, 171 N. Y. S. 203 DOS dall V. Olmstead County, 30 Minn. 96 Dotton V. Albion, 50 Mich. 129 W. 257, v. Albion, 57 Mich. 575 w 267, Loty v. Port Jervis, 23 Misc. (N. Y.) 313 - Dougan V. Champlain TranSp. Co., 56 N. Y. 1 v. Seattle, 76 Wash. 621 544, IDougherty v. Horseheads, 159 N. Y. 154 v. Horseheads, 73 PHun (N Y.) 443 195, v. New York, 146 App. Div. (N. Y.) 727 v. Philadelphia, 210 Pa. 591 251 MO. 514 215, v. Upper Allen Twp., 12 Pa. Co. Ct. 304 Dougherty Co. v. New Solm, Ga. 811 Douglas v. Greenville, 92 S. Car. 374 * 12, 13, v. Montgomery, 118 Ala. Ala. 599 Doulon v. Clinton, 33 Iowa 397 257, Douvia v. Ottawa, 200 Ill. App. 131 284, 328, Dow v. Nora, Springs (Iowa), 160 N. W. 897 V. Oroville, 22 Cal. App. 215 340, 599, V. Portsmouth &c. St. R. Co., 70 N. H. 410 v. Weare, 68 N. H. 345 - Dowd v. Chicopee, 116 Mass. 93 Dowell v. Raleigh, 173 N. Car. 197 Dowlen, In re, 36 Minn. 430 Dowler v. Johnson, 225 N. Y. 39 V. St. Taouis, 107 50, 51, 95, 257 512 44 175 666 480 59 306 311 67 816 610 805 628 474 850 409 126 265 360 799 600 828 240 TAELO CF CASES Ixvii [References Are to Sections.] Townend v. Iansas City, 156 MO. 60 217, 221, T}ovines v. Hopkinton, 67 N. I. 456 DOW ney v. Boston, 184 Mass. 20 V. Taow, 22 App. T)iv. (N. Y.) 460 Downing v. Coatesville Borough, 214 Pa.. 291 DOwns V. Smyrna, 2 Penn. (Del.) 132 1, 256, 265, 788, Doyle v. Chattanooga, (Tenn.), 161 S. W. 997 v. Duluth, 74 Minn. 157 v. New York, 58 App. Div. (N. Y.) 588 v. Sandpoint, 18 Idaho 65.4 v. Vinalhaven, 66. Maine 348 v. Wragg, 1 Fost. & Fin. 7 T)rake v. Hudson River R. Co., 7 Barb. (N. Y.) 508 v. Ransas City, 190 Mo. 370 284, v. Lowell, 13 Metc. (Mass.) 292 v. Seattle, 30 Wash. 81 284, 330, Mass. 528 42 Wis. 6.96 v. Taylor, 203 IDraper v. Ironton, Dreher v. Fitchburg, 22 Wis. 675 381, Drennan v. Ringston, 23 Ont. App. 406 - \ Dressler v. Davis, 7 Wis. 527 Dreyfus V. Tsonergan, 73 Mo. App. 336 Drimnel v. Ransas City, 180. Mo. App. 339 220, 226, Driscoll v. New York, 11 Hun (N. Y.) 101 Drury v. Worcester, (Mass.) 44 Dublin v. Rea, 20 Ga. App. 718 V. Ogburn, 142 Ga. 840 Dubois v. Kingston, 102 N. Y. 219 312, 542, Du Bois v. Pancoast, 218 Fed. 60 - 242, v. Schell, 5 Ohio App. 30 Luchene V. Corporation 21 Pick. de Beauport, Rap. Jud. Que., 23 C. S. 80 Luckworth v. Springfield, 194 MO. App. 51 210, 216, 217, 225 366 305 625 220 815 226 694 309 33 21 7 750 309 463 240 615 510 727 12 850 575 217 113 88 623 817 731 231 T}udleston v. Chicago Heights, 175 Ill. App. 551 T}udley v. Bolles, 24 Wend. (N. Y.) 465 v. Buffalo, 73 Minn. 347 V. Flemingsburg, 24 PCy. Tu. * Rep. 1804 v. Westcott, 44 N. Y. St. Itep. 882 Duffy v. Dubuque, 63 Iowa. 171 300, v. New York, 149 App. Div. (N. Y.) 478 Duley v. Smithland, 174 Ky. 248 290, 317, 363, Duluth v. Duluth St. R. Co., 137 Minn. 286 Duncan v. Brown (Okla.), Pac. 79 V. Grand Rapids, 626 V. Greenville County, Car. 170 v. Philadelphia, 173 Pa. St. 550 263, 264, Duncan Electric &c. Co. v. Duncan (Okla.), 166 Pac. 10 48 121, 123, 75 Mich. 275, 282, 595, Iola, 92 Rams. 121 595, TXunham v. Rackliff, 71 Maine 345 - Dunkin v. Hoquiam, 56 Wash. 47 240, 648, Dunn v. Barnwell, 43 S. Car. 398 V. Commonwealth, 105 Ky. . 834 V. Gunn, 149 Ark. 583 v. Moratz, 92 Ill. App. 477 Dupont v. Port Chester, 204 N. Y. 351 Dupuis v. Fall River, 223 Mass. 73 Dupuy v. Union Twp., 46 N. J. L. 269 457, Durango v. Luttrell, 123 T)urant v. Allen Pa.C. 205 v. Castleberry, 699 v. Palmer, 29 N. J. T. 544 548, 645, Durbin V. Napoleon, 21 Ohio C. C. 160 172 121 Wis. 71 S. Dundas v. Lansing, 499 Drunfee v. (Okla.), 168 106 Miss. 18 Colo.’ 595 733 155 135 752 309 532 607 131 131 840 597 760 788 369 15 225 734 508 . 58 459 175 88 124 707 640 lxviii TABLIC CF CASES [References Are to Sections.] - Durham v. Bolivar, 106 Mo. App. 601 v. Spokane, 27 Wash. 615 684, 692, 694, IDurkee v. Janesville, 28 Wis. 464 Durkin v. Troy, 61 Barb. (N. Y.) 437 585, 606, Durochie v. Cornwall, 23 Ont. 355 Dutton v. Lansdowne, 10 Pa. Super. 204 v. Lansdowne, 198 Pa. St. 563 v. ix.nsdowne Borough, 44 W. N. C. (Pa.) 290 V. V., care, iT N. H. 34 Duval ºnty v. Charleston Lu Jink . . . . tc. CO., 45 Fla. 256 Duy v. ama, Western R. Co., Dwyer v. Salt Lake City, 19 TJtah 521 595, - 598, IXyer v. Tanbury, 85 Conn. 128 23, 24, v. Erie R. Co., 71 N. Y. 228 v. St. Paul, 27 Minn. 457 v. South P or t 1 a n d, Maine 119 Dygert v. Bradley, (N. Y.) 469 111. 50, 8 Wend. IE 15 a.ds Marshall Civ. App.), 29 S. W. 170 Eagan v. Buffalo, 173 N. Y. S. 474 v. Covington, V. (Tex. 166 Ky. 825 243, 259, v. Rochester, 68 Hun (N. Y.) 331 Eakins v. Chicago &c. R. Co., 126 IOWa. 324 Eames v. Northumberland, 44 N. H. 6.7 Baring v. Lansingh, 7 Wend. (N. Y.) 1.85 730, IEarl V. Cedar Rapids, 126 Iowa. 361 V. Pardington, 116 N. Y. S. 675 Earley v. Philadelphia, 83 Atl. 616 Earlville v. Carter, 2 Ill. 34 V. Carter, 6 Ill. App. 421 Tºast v. Amburn, 47 Ind. App. 530 App. 808 788 709 622 468 812 511 230 600 403 775 184 157 727 300 261 667 801 218 740 535 731 76 597 603 726 IEast Boyer Telephone Co. Vail, 106 Iowa, 226 Ilast Chicago v. Gilbert, 59 Ind. App. 613 595, 601, 666, East Dubuque v. Brugger, 118 Ill. App. 421 V. Burhyte, V. 173 Ill. 553 573, Easter v. El Dorado, 104 Rans. 57 Easterly v. Irwin, 99 Iowa, 694 Lastern Illinois State Normal School v. Charleston, 271 Ill. 602 - Eastman V. Clackarmas Co., 32 Fed. 24 v. Meredith, 36 N. H. 284 11, 24, 26, 27, 51, 111, Easton v. Turner, 117 Md. 111 East Prairie v. Greer (Mo. App.), 186 S. W. 952 East St. Louis V. Donahue, 77 Ill. App. 574 V. Dougherty, 490 V. Lockhead, 7 Mo. App. 83 V. Murphy, 89 Ill. App. 22 East (Tennessee University v. P:Cnoxville, 65 Tenn. 166 Eaton v. Manitowoc County, 44 Wis. 489 Eaton v. Weiser, 12 Idaho 544 88, V. Woburn, 127 Mass. 270 Ebert v. Pickaway County Com’rs, 75 Ohio St. 474 Eby V. Shenk, 11 Lanc. L. Rev. 337 745, Eckensberger V. Amend, 7 Misc. (N. Y.) 452 Eckerson v. Des Moines, IOWa. 452 Eckert v. New York, 59 App. Div. (N. Y.) 611 Eddy v. Elicottville, 35 App. Div. (N. Y.) 256 Edgerly v. Concord, 59 N. H. 78 74 Ill. App. 137 13, 216 816 500 788 41 42 23 270 112 124 10 620 646 448 178 1 2 200 , 294 369 749 749 6 309 100 51, 66 Edgerton v. New York, 27 Fed. 230 Edison Elec. Light &c. Co. v. Blomquist, 185. Fed. 615 IEdison Illuminating Co. Misch, 200 Mich. 114 Edmonds v. Tyler, 50 Okla. 257 Edmondson v. Moberly, 98 Mo. 523 Edmunds v. Chicago, App. 327 V. 203 III. 441 249 216 422 111 699 TABLE OF CASES lxix. [References Are to Sections.] Fidson v. Olathe, 81 Rans. 328 50 Edwards V. Hasel, 157 Iowa, 416 466, 534 v. Pittsburg Junction R. Co., 215 Pa.. 597 131 v. Raleigh, 150 N. Car. 276 31 v. Smith, 42 Okla. 544 215 v. Three Rivers, 102 Mich. 153 658 V. Worcester, 172 Mass. 104 818 V. Yarbrough (Mo. App.), 201 S. W. 972 731 JEffingham V. Surrells, 77 III. App. 460 144, 180 Egan v. New York, 175 App. Div. (N. Y.) 358 508 v. San Francisco, 165 Cal. 576 13 Ege v. Phoenix Brick &c. Co., 118 MO. App. 630 76, 77 Ehleiter v. Milwaukee, 121 Wis. 85 318 Ehrgott v. Mayor, 96 N. Y. 264 52 Ehrhardt v. Seattle, 40 Wash. 221 689 Ehrlich v. New York, 78 Misc. (IN. Y.) 373 655 Eichenhofer v. Philadelphia; 248 Pa.. 365 412, 427 Eicholtz v. Forest Park, 207 Ill. App. 494 309 Eickhoff v. Argenta, 120 Ark. 212 54 TEikenberry v. Bazaar Twp., 22. P:Cans. 556 199 Eklon v. Chelsea, 223 Mass. 213 203, 290 Blam v. Mt. Sterling, 132 Ky. 657 369 Elbert County v. Smith, 18 Ga." App. 776 422 v. Threlkeld, 145 Ga. 133 405, 630 El Dorado v. Drapeere, 5 Rans. App. 631 266, 620 v. Scruggs, 113 Ark. 239 54, 161 Tºldred v. Keenan, 149 N. Y. S. 376, 1079 514 fillenz v. Conrad, 123 Iowa. 522 730 IElgin v. Anderson, 89 Ill. App. 527 832 v. Eaton, 83 Ill. 535 y 184 v. NYofs, 200 III. 252 460, 823 v. Nofs, 212 Ill. 20 262 v. Renwick, 86 Ill. 498 613 v. Thompson, 98 Ill. App. 358 240, 368, 371, 833 Llgin Dairy Co. v. Shepherd (Ind. App.), 103 N. E. 433 Elias v. Lancaster, 203 Pa. St. 638 v. New Iberia, 137 La. 691 76, V. Rochester, 49 App. Div. (N. Y.) 597 271, Dlham V. State, 122 Md. 642 D1khart v. Ritter, 66 Ind. 136 479, 788, v. Witman, 121 Ind. 331 Elkins v. Donohoe, 74 W. Va. 335 Dllingson v. Leeds (N. Lak.), 169 N. W. 85 - Elliott v. Concord, 27 N. H. 204 200, 290, 306, v. Lisbon, 57 N. H. 27 V. O’Rourke, 40 R. I. 18.7 V. Pardee, 149 Cal. 516 Ellis v. Gas Consumers’ Co., 2 E1. & E1. 767 v. Iowa City, 29 Iowa. 229 175, v. Lowville, 7 Lans. (N. Y.) 434 V. Peru, 23 Ill. App. 35 Ellison v. Atlantic Refining Co., 62 Pa. Super. Ct. 370 Elmendorf v. Clark, 971 Elmore v. State, 81 Miss. 422 El Paso v. Causey, 1 Ill. App. 531 240, V. Dolan (Tex. Civ. App.), 25 S. W. 669 El Paso Co. v. Bish, 18 Colo. 474 El Paso Union Passenger Depot Co. v. Took (Tex. Civ. App.), 143 La. 201 S. W. 714 Elrod v. Franklin, 140 Tenn. 228 284, 304, Elsmere v. Tanner, 158 Ky. 681 241, 246, 532, 533, Elsner v. Hawkins, 113 Va. 47 Elson v. Waterford, 138 Fed. 1004 674,. Elster v. Seattle, 18 Wash. 304 265, Elwood v. Addison, 26 Ind. App. 28 300, v. Taughlin, 29 Ind. App. 667 788, Ely v. Parsons, 2 Conn. 382 v. St. Louis, 181 Mo. 723 26, 29, Elyton Land Co. v. Mingea, 89 Ala. 521 588, 738 563 88 281 5 869 . 620 122 500 309 200 578 76 180 457 620 738 768 715 812 310 410 699 877 544 12 699 823 79.2 809 457 232 809 lxx TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] (N. 747 E1ze v. Baumann, 2 Misc. Y.) 72 Embler v. Wallkill, 57 Hun (N. Y.) 384 199, 310 Emery v. Lowell, 104 Mass. 13 26, 27, 160 v. Miller, 231 Mass. 243 746 v. Philadelphia, 208 Pa. 492 - 320, 582 v. Waterville, 90 Maine 485 - t 280 Empey v. Lovell, 117 Minn. 520 - 832 Emporia v. Atchison, T. &c. Ry. Co., 94 Kans. 718 12 v. Schmidling, 33 Kans., 485 277, 595 v. White, 74 Rans. 864 320 Enders v. Chicago, 147 Ill. App. 406 340, 606 Engel v. Milwaukee, 158 Wis. 480 50 v. Minneapolis, 138 Minn. 4.38 274 v. New York, 146 N. Y. S. 307 240, 532 Engelking v. Spokane, 59 Wash. 446 40 Engle v. Mayor, 40 Fed. 51 52 English v. Ft. Worth (Tex. Civ. App.), 152 S. W. 179 666, 699 Engstrom v. Minneapolis, 78 Minn. 200 Enright V. 666 78 Gal. 288 246, 261, 572 1.54 N. 587, 824 25 410 788 Atlanta, v. Tubuque (Iowa), W. 301 Ensign v. Livingston Co., Hun (N. Y.) 20 TEnsley v. Smith, 165 Ala. 387 Epelett v. Sault Ste. Marie, 144 Mich. 392 Erd v. St. Paul, 22 Minn. 443 Erickson v. Manson, 180 Iowa. 378 132 EricSSOrl TV. Manchester, 3 Hughes (U. S.) 191 229, 233 Erie v. Caulkins, 85 Pa. St. 247 76, 77 606 265 277 v. Magil 1, 101 Pa. St. 616 v. Schwingle, 22 Pa.. St. 384 195, 206, 633 Erie Co. v. Commonwealth, 127 Pa.. St. 197 195 v. LeBoeuff Twp., 127 Pa. Erie School Dist. V. Fuess, 98 Pa.. St. 600 IErie Twp. v. Beamer, 71 BCans. 182 280, Ernst v. West Covington, 116 Ey. 850 Erwin v. Traud, 90 N. J. L. 289 Lsberg-Gunst Cigar Co. V. Portland, 34 Ore. 282 Escher v. Carroll County, Iowa, 627 423, 426, Eshelman v. Martin Twp., Pa. St. 68 ICskildsen v. Seattle, 583 159 630, 152 29 Walsh. 318, 6.J.5, Eskridge V. Lewis, 51 Rans. 376 781, 783, Esleeck v. Capwell (R. I.), 72 Atl. 819 IEsta.brook v. Duluth 172 N. W. 123 Estelle v. Lake 27 • Minn. 243 310, IEstes v. China, 56 Maine 407 27, 155, v. Troy, 5 Maine 368 Btheridge v. Philadelphia, Fed. 43 Ittor v. Tacoma, 77 Wash. 267 ICufaula V. Simmons, 86 Ala. 515 (Minn.), 257, Crystal, 26 Dugene v. Garrett, 87 Ore. 435 122, Eureka v. Neville, 70 Kans. 893 Dustace v. Jahns, 38 Cal. 3 Lustrom v. Neumoegen, 126 N. Y. S. ' 660 Evans V. Adams Express Co., 122 Ind. 362 728, 767, v. Atlanta, 139 Ga. 443 v. Brookville, 5 Pa. Super. 298 v. Charleston &c. R. Co., 108 Ga. 270 v. Cincinnati, 462 V. Concordia, 74 Rans. 70 v. Des Moines, 169 Iowa, 321 - 129, v. Hutchinson, 99 Kans. 477 265, 125 Iowa, 202 262, 285, v. Joplin, 84 Mo. App. 296 v. Philadelphia, 205 Pa.. St. 193 v. Sheboygan, 153 Wis. 287 v. Utica, 69 N. Y. 166 585, 586, 1 Ohio Dec. v. Iowa City, 33, 36 595 99 738 85 692 879 656 790 571 532 595 156 222 440 880 224 800 464 773 774 809 587 30 585 3.18 532 582 667 St. 197 409, 411 Firie R. Co. v. Jersey City, 83 N. J. L. 92 - 123 585 440 596 TABLE OF CASES lxxi [References Are to Sections.] Evanston v. Gunn, 99 U. S. 660 4, 206, Evansville v. Behme, 49 Ind. App. 448 240, 243, 255, v. Christy, 29 Ind. App. 44 v. Decker, 84 Ind. 325 140, 144, 145, 154, Frazier, 24 Ind. App. 628 257, 540, V. Pifer, 53 Ind. App. 452 V. Senhenn, 151 Ind. 42 79, V. Senhenn, 26 Ind. App. 362 v. v. Wilter, 86 Ind. 414 457, Eveleigh v. Hounsfield, 34 Hun (N. Y.) 140 Everard V. Mich. 48 Everett v. Council Bluffs, IOWa. 66 v. Sturges, 46 Pa. Super Ct. ' 612 Everly v. Adams, 95 Kans. 305 Dodge Bros., 202 46 23, IEverman v. Menomonie, 81 Wis. 624 536, Evers v. Long Island City, 78 Hun (N. Y.) 242 Everson v. Syracuse, 100 N. Y. 577 Ewald v. American News Co., 18 Misc. (N. Y.) 468 Ewen v. Philadelphia, St. 548 Ewing v. Toronto, 29 Ont. 197 Eyler v. Alleghany Co., 49 Moi. 257 194 Pa. E" Faber v. New York, 161 App. Div. (N. Y.) 203 Fahey v. Harvard, 62 III. 28 257, 708, F. A. Hihn Co. v. Santa Cruz, 170 Cal. 436 Fahrney v O'Donnell, 107 III. App. 608 730, Fair v. Philadelphia, 88 Pa. St. 309 140, v. Philadelphia, 6 W. N. C. (Pa.) 534 Fairbanks v. Independent Meat Market, 4 Alaska, 147 Fairbury v. Rogers, 2 Ill. App. 96 476, Fairfax v. Giraud, 35 Okla. 659 206, 573, 458 258 650 177 788 796 255 261. 480 446 738 127 759 50 824 160 67 736 362 621 410 532 712 224 735 143 27 13 543 816 Elairfield v. Hornick, 53 Ill. App. 558 Fairgrieve v. Moberly, App. 31 Fairlawn Coal Co. v. Scranton, 148 Pa. St. 231 Faith v. Atlanta, 78 Ga. 779 705, 706, 707, Falender v. Atkins (Ind.), 114 N. IE. 965 Eales v. Dearborn, 1 Pick. (Mass.) 344 660, 730, 735, Falldin v. Seattle, 57 Wash. 307 803, Falls Twp. v. Steward, 3 Rans. App. 403 632, Fanning v. Chicago, 194 Ill. App. 574 251, Farley v. New York, 152 N. Y. 222 66, 250, 274, 587, Farmers' & Mechanics' Savings Bank v. Lockport, 89 Misc. (N. Y.) 157 IFarmers &c. Tel. Co. v. Boswell Tel. Co. (Ind.), 119 N. E. 513 Farnsworth v. Mt. Holly, 63 Vt. 293 679, , v. Tampa Elec. Co., 62 Fla. 166 * Farnum v. 'Concord, 2 N. H. 392 198, 297, 607, Farquar v. Roseburg, 18 Ore. 271 241, Farr v. Ware, 173 Mass. 403 39 MO. 23, Farrar v. Greene, 32 Maine 574 372, Farras v. Winona, 71 Minn. 22 Farrell v. Dubuque, 129 Iowa. 447 V. North Salem, 139 App. Div (N. Y.) 164 v. Oldtown, 69 Maine, 72 297, 369, v. Ontario (Cal. App.), 173 Pa.C. 392 - V. Ontario (Cal. App.), 178 Pac. 740 Farrelly v. Cincinnati, 2 Disney (Ohio) 516 Farrington v. Cheponis, 84 Conn. 1. Passett v. Roxbury, 55 Vt. 552 Faulk v. Iowa Co., 103 Iowa 442 Faulkner v. Aurora, 85 Ind. 130 Fay v. Lindley, 58 Hun (N. Y.) 601 340, 571, F. C. Labiobe, The, 28 Fed. 377 257 310 146 "Z08 230 740 823 809 311 588 220 216 683 726 633 423 25 615 351 397 348 370 179 179 198 135 587 611 314 573 106 lxxii TABLE OF CASES [References Aire to Sections.] Feather v. Reading, 155 Pa. St. 187 Fee v. Columbus, 168 Pa.. St. 382 - 257, 263, 264, 270, Feehan v. Slater, 89 Conn. 697 Feeley v. Melrose, 205 Mass. 329 Fehrman v. Pine River, 118 Wis. 150 - 241, E"eldman v. Riccordino, 58 Pa. Super. Ct. 114 IFellowes v. New Haven, 44 Conn. 240 $ Fenninmore v. New Orleans, La. Ann. 124 Fenton v. Second Ave. R. Co., 56 Hun (N. Y.) 99 IFerguson v. Davis Co., 57 Iowa, 601 423, 427, v. McDonald, 66 FIa. 494 v. Newburgh, 174 App. Div. (N. Y.) 554 Southwold Twp., 27 Ont. 66 Fernbach v. Waterloo, 76 Iowa. 598 Ferrel v. Ellis, 129 Iowa. 614 20 TV. 578 57.1 768 662 3.18 135 184 90 774 873 13 310 661 815 823 650 25 Ferron v. King, 210 Mass. 75 466, Ferry v. Waukegan, 196 Ill. App. 81 613, Feudl v. New Britain, 88 Conn. 125 Fewell v. Meridian, 90 Miss. 380 141, 145, Field v. Malster, 88 Md. 691 Fife v. Oshkosh, 89 Wis. 540 Fifield v. Phoenix (Ariz.), Pa. G. 916 - Finch v. Bangor, 133 Mich. 149 241, v. Ottawa, 190 Fed. 299 Fink v. St. Louis, 71 Mo. 52 Finkelstein v. New York, 183 App. Div. (N. Y.) 539 Finley v. FCendallville, App. 430 Finn v. Adrian, Finnane v. Perry, 36 45 Ind. 93 Mich. 504 164 Iowa, 171 501, Finnegan v. Sioux City, 112 Iowa, 232 Finney v. District of Columbia, 47 App. D. C. 48 First Nat. Bank v. Tyson, A1a. 457 Fischer v. St. Louis, 189 Mo. 567 Fisher v. Boston, 104 Mass. 87 144 23, 147 815 464 116 305 320 144 100 150 646 824 573 45.5 126 647 66 Fisher v. Cambridge, 133 N. Y. 527 - v. Cedar Rapids &c. R. Co., 177 Iowa, 406 v. Mechanicville, 94 Misc. (N. Y.) 134 v. Mt. Vernon, 41 App. Div. (N. Y.) 293 265, v. Newbern, 140 N. Car. 506 v. New York, 93 Misc. (N. Y.) 481 v. Pioneer Const. Co., 62 Colo. 538 Fisher Land &c. Co. v. Borde- lon, 52 La. Ann. 429 Fisk v. Worcester, 219 Mass. 428 Fiske v. Forsyth Dyeing &c. Co., 57 Conn. 118 * Fitch v. Hartford, 92 Conn. 365 240, 284, Fithian v. Degnon Contracting Co., 175 App. Div. (N. Y.) 386 308, IFitzgerald v. Berlin, 51 Wis. 81 t 536, v. Berlin, 64 Wis. 203 v. Binghamton, 40 Hun (N. Y.) 332 v. Boston, 220 Mass. 503 v. Concord, 140 N. Car. 110 v. Ottawa, 22 Ont. App. 297 v. Sattler (Nebr.), 168 N. W. 5.99 Sharon, 143 Iowa, 730 v. Wolburn, 109 Mass. 204, 205 505, 509, Fitzpatrick v. Darby, 184 Pa. St. 645 v. Slocum, 89 N. Y. 358 52, Fitzsimmons v. Isman, 151 N. Y. S. 552 - Fix v. Bellew-Merritt Co., App. Div. (N. Y.) 579 V. 138 Flagg v. Hudson, 142 Mass. 280 V. Worcester, 13 Gray (Mass.) 601 155, 156, Flanders v. Franklin, 70 N. H. 168 145, v. Norwood, 141 Mass. 17 Flansburg v. Elbridge, 205 N. Y. 423 Flaxman v. New York, 98 Misc. (N. Y.) 88 Fleichman v. Polar Wave Ice &c. Co., 3.48 Mo. App. 117 Fleming v. Anawan Scott Mills, 22 R. i. 211 443 2.93 13 320 23. 98. 13. 74.1 544 824 543 296. 52 258 160. 13. 162 512 542 159 607 487 363 175 155 309 270 67 () 373 745 * TABLE CF CASES' Ixxiii Fleming v. Elgin, J. &c. R. Co., 275 Ill. 486 v. Memphis, 126 Tenn. 331 v. Springfield, 154 Mass. 520 v. Wilmerding Borough, 223 Pa., 295 Fletcher v. Auburn &c. IR. 25 W end. (N. Y.) 462 v. Barnet, 43 Vt. 192 v. Ellsworth, 53 Iºans. 751 V. Rylands, L. F. 1 TX.Ch. 265 v. Scotten, 74 Mich. 212 Flint v. Connecticut Iasºam E’aving Co., 92 Conn. 576 Flintjer v. Ransas City (Mo. App.), 204 S. W. 951 Flood v. Reeley Brewing Co., 175 Ill. App. 441 Flora v. Naney, 136 Ill. 45 223, 469, v. Pruett, 81 I11. App. 161 Florence v. Woodruff, 178 Ala. Co., 137 , 28, 122, Flori v. St. Louis, 3 MO. App. 231 27, v. St. Louis, 69 Mo. 341 Flower v. Witkovsky, 69 Mich. 3.71 Floyd County v. Baker (Ga. App.), 74 S. E. 936 Fluckiger v. Seattle (Wash.), 174 Pa.C. 456 I'lutmus v. Newport, 175 Ky. 817 Flynn v. Boston, 153 Mass. 372 V. Canton Co., 40 Md. 312 v. Hurd, 118 N. Y. 19 v. Neosho, 114 Mo. 567 Fockler v. Kansas City, 94 Mo. App. 464 Foels v. Tonawanda, 75 Hun (N. Y.) 363 266, Fogg v. Nahant, 98 Mass. 578 382, 383, 384, Foley v. East Flamborough Twp., 26 Ont. App. 43 V. Dast Flamborough Twp., 29 Ont. 139 v. New York, (N. Y.) 586 v. New York, 95 App. Div. (N. Y.) 374 v. Ray, 27 R. I. 127 240, 248, v. Troy, 45 Hun (N. Y.) 397 Folk v. Milwaukee, 108 Wis. 359 1 App. Div. 24, f 180 105 819 512 479 260 99 [References Are to Sections.] Follman v. Mankato, 35 Minn. 522 Folsom v. Underhill, 36 Vt. 580 217, 226, 595, 597, Toncannon v. Kirksville, 88 Mo. App. 279 Fonda v. Sharon Springs, Misc. (N. Y.) 101 . Fong Yuen v. Los Angeles, 47 Cal. 531 Toog v. Nahant, 98 Mass. 578 Foote v. American Products Co., 195 Pa.. St. 190 730, v. American Products Co., 201 Pa. 510 Forbell v. New York, 164 N. Y. 522 Forbes v. Onaha, 79 Nebr. 6 Ford v. Braintree, 64 Vt. 144 v. Charles Warner Co., 1 Marv. (Del.) 88 70 590 829 879 74.1 v. Des Moines, 106 Iowa 94 506, v. Great Falls, 46 Mont. 292 195, v. Hine Bros. Co., 237 Ill. 463 v. Kansas City, 181 Mo. 137 v. Umatilla, Co., 15 Ore. 313, 319 571, v. Whiteman, 2 Penn. (Del.) 355 727, Forde v. Nichols, St. 729 Fordham v. Gouverneur, 160 N. Y. 541 631, Foremain v. Crowley, 143 Ta. 654 Forker v. Sandy Lake, 130 Pa. St. 123 457, 472, 544, Forks Twp. v. King, 84 Pa. St. 230 Forney v. Geldmacher, 113 v. Mounger (Tex. Civ. App.), 36 N. Y. 75 MO. 210 S. W. 240 121, Porseyth v. Oswego, 107 App. Div. (N. Y.) 1.87 666, 673, Torster v. Ransas City, 15.3 MO. App. 504 - - Forsyth v. Atlanta, 45 Ga. 152 Ft. Covington . v. United States &c. R. Co., 8 App. Div. (N. Y.) 223 } Fortin v. Easthampton, 142 Mass. 486 676, 684, V. Easthampton, 145 Mass. 196 266, Fortner v. Wabash R. Co., 162 III. App. 1. $81. 23 884 697 27.4 lxxiv. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Fort Scott v. Brothers, 20 Rans. 455 Ft. Smith v. Hunt, 72 Ark. 556 v. York, 52 Ark. 84 Ft. Smith Light &c. Co. v. Ft. Smith, 202 Fed. 581 Ft. Wayne v. Bender, 57 Ind. App. 689 666, V. Breese, 123 Ind. 581 v. Coombs, 107 Ind. 75, 81 140, 149, 154, 160, v. De Witt, 47 Ind. 391 255, 257, 9 Ind. App. 620 266, 306, 307, V. Patterson, 3 Ind. App. 34 Ft. Wayne Cooperage Co. v. Page (Ind. App.), 82 N. E. 83 Ft. Worth v. Crawford, 64 Tex. 202 sh V. Duryee, V. Johnson, 84 Tex. 137 V. Mansfield, 44 Tex. Civ. App. 372 g v. Patterson (Tex. Civ. App.), 196 S. W. 251 V. Shero, 16 Tex. Civ. App. - 487 689, Ft. Worth St. R. Co. v. Allen (Tex Civ. App.), 39 S. W. 125 Foshay v. Glenn Haven, 25 Wis. 288 365, Foster v. Bellaire, 127 Mich. 13 Boston, 127 Mass. 290 . Chicago, 197 Ill. 264 Curtis, 213 Mass. 79 . Frank Parmelee Co., 179 Ill. App. 21 738, Goddard, 40 Maine 64 : y "728 Lookout Water Co., 3 Lea. (Tenn.) 42 v. Rural Municipality, Manitoba, 416 141, St. Louis, 71 Mo. 157 Tryon, 169 N. Car. 182 242, 261, Des Moines, 164 V. 12 V. V. Fountain v. Iowa, 316 Foutz v. Los Angeles, 167 Cal. 487 Fow v. Adams Express Co., 68 Pa. Super. Ct. 345 Fowle v. Alexandria, 3 Pet. (U. S.) 398 Fowler v. Gardner, 505 v. Jersey Shore, Super. 366 169 Mass. 17 Pa. 457 320 199 14 675 620 167 788 877 265 7.91 112 574 225 337 694 705 368 673 269 730 747 734 ECansas City, 114 Mo. App. . 216 86 143 31 265 271 Fowler v. Linquist, 138 Ind. 566 * 222, 606, v. Strawberry Hill, 74 Iowa. 644 - - Fox v. Chelsea, 171 Mass. 297 . Clarke, 25 R. I. 515 . Glastenbury, 29 Conn. 204 . Great Atlantic. & Pacific Tea Co., 84 N. J. L. 726 . Joliet, 150 Ill. App. 491 . Manchester, 183 N. Y. 141 . Philadelphia, 209 Pa. 127 . Richmond, 19 Ky. L. Rep. 326 33, 68, Foxen V. Santa, Barbara, 166 Cal. 77 33, I'Oxwell v. Sullivan, 34 R. I. 538 676, Foxworthy v. Hastings, 25 Nebr. I 33 469, 501, Foy v. Winston, 126 N. Car. 381 284, 325, 329, v. Winston, 135 N. Car. 439 Francis v. Franklin Twp., 179 Fa. St. 195 Francois v. Hanff, 77 N. J. L. 364 Frank v. New York, 75 Misc. (N. Y.) 472 - v. Warsaw, 198 N. Y. 463 Frank C. Weber Co. v. Steven- son Grocery Co., 194 Ill. App. 4.32 Franke v. St. Louis, 110 Mo. 516 Frankel v. Hudson, 271 Mo. 495 v. Norris, 252 Pa. 14 578, Frankfort v. Allen, 26 Ey. L. Rep. 581 v. Buttinner, 146 Ey. 815 v. Coleman, 19 Ind. App. 368 257, 455, 620, v. Commonwealth, 25 BCy. L. Rep. 311 Frankfort Gen. Ins. Co. of Frankfort-on-the-Maine, Ger- Imany, v. Milwaukee, 164 Wis. 77 532, Franklin v. Harter, 127 Ind. 446 v. House, 104 Tenn. 1 255, v. Smith, 175 Ind. 236 v. Worcester, 204 Mass. 22 Franklin County v. Huff, 43 Tex. Civ. App. 355 Franklin Wharf Co. v. Portland, 67 Maine 46 - Franks v. Holly Grove, 93 Ark. 250 Frantz v. Jacobs, 88 BCy. 525 : : 612 V241 505 475 597 640 147 640 96 100 36 699 512 658 543 411 7.43 735 390 770 769 119 2.85 796 113 671 536 267 796 265 122 310 42 28 TABLE OF CASEs lxxv [References Are to Sections.] Frary v. Allen Twp., 91 Mich. (, 66 557, Frºsch v. New Ulm, 130 Minn. 41 Trashella v. Taylor, 157 N. Y. S. 88.1 Frazee v. Cedar Rapids, 151 Iowa, 251. Frazer v. Lewiston, 76 Maine 531 Frazier v. Butler, 172 Pa. St. 407 235, 271, Freburg v. Davenport, 63 Iowa. 119 155, Frederick v. Columbus, 3 Ohio N. P. 36 - V. Columbus, 58 Ohio St. 538 V. Iſale, 42 Mont. 143 V. Joplin (Mo. App.), 201 S. W. 1147 I'redericktown v. Fox, 84 Mo. 59 Frce v. District of Columbia, 1 D. C. 608 Freel v. Wanamaker, 205 Pa. 279 Freeland v. Muscatine, 9 Iowa 461 v. Stillman, 49 Rans. 197 Freeman v. Green (Mo. App.), 186 S. W. 1166 15, Freeport v. Isbell, 83 Ill. 440 27, 290, E’rego v. Honeybrook, 160 Pa. St. 76 Frcligh v. Saugerties, 70 Hun (N. Y.) 589 679, Fremont v. Reating, 96 Ohio 468 French v. Boston, 129 Mass. 592 199, v. Brunswick, 21 Maine, 29 198, 278, 290, 310, French Lick v. Allen, 63 Ind. App. 649 6C6, Frotz v. Edmond (Okla.), 168 Pac. 800 IFriclº v. Ransas City, 117 MO. App. 488 Friday v. Moorhead, 84 Minn. 273 Eriedman v. New York, 63 Misc. (N. Y.) 310 276, v. Snare & Triest Co., 71 N. J. L. 605 738 317 3.06 696 15 440 470 670 83 585 530 Eritsch v. Allegheny, 91 Pa.. St. 226 Fritz v. Kansas City, 84 Mo. 632 296, v. Watertown, 21 S. Dak. 280 Frogy v. Rutledge, 167 Ky. 182 Frohs v. Dubuque, 109 Iowa. 219 278, 823, 828, 169 Iowa, 431 261, 340, Trost v. Portland, 11 Maine, 271 198, 290, 305, 306, 310, 314, V. Topeka. 98 Rans. 636 Frostburg v. Dufty, 70 Md. 47 29, 167, V. Dubuque, v. Hitchins, 70 Md. 56 v. Wineland, 98 Md. 239 Frostman v. Stirrat & Goetz Inv. CO. 65 Wash. 608 Fruh v. Philadelphia, 1 Pa. IXist. Rep. 248 Try v. Albemarle Co., 195 B'. S. Royster Guano Co. v. Lum- ber Co., 168 N. Car. 337 Fuchs v. St. Louis, 133 Mo. v. St. Louis, 167 Mo. 86 Va. 168 620 159, v. Schmidt, 8 Daly (N. Y.) 317 - Fugere v. Cook, 27 F. T. 134 Fuhrmann v. Coddington En- gineering Co., 156 Wis. 650 Fulleam v. Muscatine, 57 Iowa. 457 - - I'uller v. Atlanta, 66 Ga. 80 175, V. Hyde Park, 162 Mass. 51 676, v. Jackson, 82 Mich. 480 257, 270, 275, 282, 469, V. Jackson, 92 Mich. 197 282, 459, Fulliam v. Muscatine, 70 Iowa. 436 - - Fulsome v. Concord, 40 Vt. 135 Fulton v. Green, 103 Ill. App. 96 v. Mohr, 200 Mich. 538 v. Tucker, 3 Hun (N. Y.) 529 Fulton Co. v. Rickel, . 106 Ind. 501 374 437 471 752 829 573 479 §0 141 836 124 303 610 58, 59 132 815 842 464 667 303 591 176 677 589 823 606 869 595 578 705 365 Fulton Iron &c. Works v. Kim- Friend v. Burleigh, 53 Nebr. 674 v. Ingersoll, 39 Nebr. 717 B'risbee v. Hawkeye Land Co., 170 Iowa. 540 ball Twp., 52 Mich. 146 Furlong v. Broadway &c. R. Co. (MS.) citing 6 Daly (N. Y.) 214 - 411 lxxvi TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Turnell v. St. Paul, 20 Minn. 1.17 264, 457, F. W. Woolworth Co. v. Seattle (Wash.), 177 Pac. 664 G. Gabbert v. Union Depot Bridge & Terminal R. Co. (Mo. App.), 183 S. W. 673 - Gaetjens v. New York, 132 App. T}iv. (N. Y.) 394 V. New York, 146 App. Div. (N. Y.) 495 Gaffney v. Montreal, Fèap. Jud. Que., 16 C. S. 260 v. New York, 218 N. Y. 225 - 256, Gagan v. Janesville, 106 Wis. 662 790, Gage v. Pittsfield Twp., 120 Mich. 436 - - v. Vienna, 196 Ill. App. 585 & 241, 255, Gagnier v. Fargo, 11 N. Dak. 73 292, Gahagan v. Boston &c. R. Co., 1 Allen (Mass.) 187 Gaines v. New York, 156 App. iyiv. (N. Y.) 789 355, v. New York, 215 N. Y. 533 Gainesboro v. Gore, 131 Tenn. 35 Gainesville v. Dunlap, 147 Ga. 344 Gallesburg v. Higley, 61 III. 287 265, 457, V. Rahn, 45 III. App. 351 - 555, 592, Gallagher v. St. Paul, 28 Fed. 305 131, v. Tipton, 152 Mo. App. 412 v. Westmorland, 31 N. B. 194 Gallamore v. Olympia, 34 Wash. 379 625, 667, 784, 788, Gallup v. Saginaw, 170 Mich. 195 Galveston v. Brown, 28 Tex. Civ. App. 274 - v. Dazet (Tex.), 19 S. W. 142 - 264, v. Hemmis, 72 Tex. 558 292, Posnainsky, 62 Tex. 118 Reagan (Tex. Civ. App.), 43 S. W. 48 - v. Smith, 80 Tex. 69 Galveston Commercial Assn. v. Ort (Tex. Civ. App.), 165 S. W. 90.7 122, G3.}veston & C. R. Co. v. White (Tex. Civ. App.), 32 S. W. 186 ‘V’s "We 459 1 GT 512 811 309 571 475 834 428 365 103 13 541 87.2 132 340 26 873 33 312 645 344 310 257 Galv ºn v. New York, 112 N. Y. 223 Gan Ilon v. Hargadon, 10 Allen (Miass.) 106 Garbanati v. Durango, 30 Colo. 358 Gardner v. New London, 63 Conn. 267 666, V. Paulson, 117 Ill. App. 17 V. Wasco Co., 37 Ore. 392 v. Weymouth, 155 Mass. 595, 597 676, 677, Garfield v. Toronto, 22 Ont. App. 128 Caribaldi V. 284 Garitee v. Baltimore, 53 Md. 422 Carland Chain Co. v. Rankin Borough, 226 Pa. 389 Garnan v. Waverly, 166 Ill. App. 399 Garmany v. Gainsville Civ. App.), 41 S. W. 730 Garmon V. Bangor, 38 Maine 443 Garnett v. Hamilton, 69 Kans. 866 256, 574, V. Slater, 56 Mo. App. 207 %. v. Smith, 72 Rans. 664 620, Garratt v. Canandaigua, 40 N. Y. O’Connor, 210 III. (Tex. St. 944 Garrett v. Winterich, 44 Ind. App. 322 Garrigan v. Berry, 12 Allen (Mass.) 84 730, Garrison v. New York, 5 Bosw. (N. Y.) 497 Garside v. New York Transp. Co., 14 C. Fed. 588 Garske v. Ridgeville, 123 Wis. 50.3 666, 674, Gartland v. New York Zoological Society, 135 App, Div. (N. Y.) 163 Garvey v. Harbison-Walker Re- fractories Co., 213 Pa. 177 Gary v. Geisel, 59 Ind. App. 565 613, v. Much, 180 Ind. 26 Gaskins v. Atlanta, 73 Ga. 746 Gaston v. Bailey, 24 Ind. App. 24 Gatewood v. Frankfort, 170 Ky. 292 25, 261, 360, Gaudin v. Carthage, 59 Hun (N. Y.) 619 Gaughan v. Philadelphia, 119 Pa. St. 503 v. St. Paul, 119 Minn. 63 457 658 675 257 595 6.79 146 466 90 145 620 270 597 667 225 789 31 876 T34 27 767 697 101 . 122 661 230 317 589 312 131. 2.94 667 TABLE OF CASES lxxvii. [References Are to Sections.] Gaustad v. Enderlin, 23 N. Dak. 525 Gavett v. Jackson, 109 Mich. 408, Gay v. Cambridge, 128 Mass. 387 665, 666, Gaylord v. New Britain, 58 Conn. 398 Geary v. Chicago, 161 Ill. App. 461 132, 340, 468, Gee v. Hopkinsville, 154 Ry. 263 317, Geer v. Des Moines, 183 IoWa, 837 460, 461, 573, Geiger v. St. Joseph (Mo. App.), 198 S. W. 78 Gelford v. Hartford, 85 Conn. 689 Gellenbeck v. Mobridge (S. Da.k.), 166 N. W. 631 266, 463, 594, Geneva, v. Brush Electric Co., 50 EHun 147 v. Brush Electric &c. Co., 28 N. Y. St. 284 Gensler v. Kemble, 227 Pa. 508 Gent v. New York, Seld. Notes (N. Y.) 240 George V. Haverhill, 110 Mass. 506 457, 573, 575, 825, V. St. Joseph, 97 Mo. App. 56 Georgetown v. Cantrell, 158 Ky. 378 v. Groff, 136 Ky. 662 340, 571, 869, 873, v. Kelly (Ky.), 123 S. W. 251 161, Georgetown Water &c. Co. v. Neale, 137 Ry. 197 George Weidemann Brewing Co. v. Parmelee, 167 Ky. 303 Georgia. R. & Electric Co. v. Tompkins, 138 Ga. 596 2.10, Gerald v. Boston, 108 Mass. 580 573, 585, Gerber v. Eansas City, 105 Mo. App. 191 258, v. Philadelphia, 60 Pa. Super. Ct. 119 266, 340, Gerdes v. Christopher &c. Co., 124 MO. 347 575, Gerhard v. Ford Motor Co., 155 Mich. 618 Germaine v. Muslzegon, 105 Mich. 213 - t German Alliance Ins. Home Water Supply Co., Fed. 764 Co. v. 174 667 505 689 506 534 4.08 574 157 140 699 706 322 i 31 76 836 692 705 875 169 86 747 466 586 340 646 823 769 86 German-American Sav. Bank V. Spokane, 17 Vy ash. 315 Gerriert v. Louisville, 155 Ky. 589 & 5, Gerow v. Liberty, 106 App. DiV. (N. Y.) 357 Gerst v. St. Louis, 185 Mo. 191 148, Getzoff v. New York, 51 App. I)iv. (N. Y.) Geuder &c. Co. v. Milwaukee, 147 Wis. 491 141, 143, 145, 146, 177, 285. Ghenn v. Provincetown, 105 Mass. 313 240, Giaconi V. 60 Ore. 12 31, 40, 76, Gianfortone v. New Orleans, 61 Fed. 64 Gibbons v. Paducah &c. R. Co. (Ill.), 120 N. E. 500 v. Phoenix, 39 N. Y. St. 658 v. Williams, 135 Mass. 33.3 Gibbs v. Girard, 32 Ohio Cir. Ct. R. 422 290, V. Monett, 163 Mo. App. 105 251, 561, v. Trustees of Liverpool T}ocks, 3 Hurl. & N. 164 Gibney v. State, 137 N. Y. Gibson v. Denison, 153 Iowa 320 606, v. Huntington, 38 W. Va. 177 23, 26, 240, 292, v. Jackson, 1 Miss. Dec. 46 v. Johnson, 4 Ill. App. 288 v. Preston, L. R. 5 Q. B. 218 Giddings v. Ira, 54 Vt. 346 Gielen v. Florence, 94 Nebr. 619 Giffen v. Lewiston, 6 Idaho 231 459, 620, 625, Gifford v. Jennings, 190 Mass. 54 Astoria, , Gift v. Reading, 3 Pa. Super. 359 141, Gigoux v. Yamhill County, 73 Ore. 212 405, Giſbane v. Lent (R. I.), 104 Atl. 77 309, 357, 530, 571, 573, Gilbert v. Boston, 139 Mass. 313 595, v. Burque, 72 N. H. 521 V. Manchester, 55 N. H. 298 V. New York, 173 App. Div. (N. Y.) 359 689, v. Roxbury, 100 Mass. 185 Gilboy v. Detroit, 115 Mich. 121 Gilbreath v. Greensboro, 153 N. Car. 396 26 216 667 88.1 542 880 835 240 532 580 340 443 621 404 632 500 199 675 544 870 731 145 841 575 596 727 23.8 694 500 56 225 lxxviii TABLE CF CASES *TReferences Aire to Sections.] Gilchrist v. South Omaha, 36 Nebr. 163 Giles V. Shenandoah, 111 IOWa. 83 674, Gillard v. Chester, 212 Pa.. 338 Gillespie v. Lincoln, 35 Nebr. 34 v. Newburgh, 54 N. Y. 468 v. Shafer, 69 Pa. Super. Ct. 3.89 Gillet v. Logan County, 256 Gillett v. Kinderhook, 77 Hun 604 Gillis V. Cambridge Gaslight Co., 202 McsS. 222 535, Gillison v. Charleston, 16 W. Va., 282 155, 162, 179, Gillmor v. Salt Lake City, 32 |Utah 180 Gillrie v. Lockport, 122 N. Y. 403 Gil, uly v. Madison, 63 Wis. 518 Gilman v. Deerfield, 15 Gray (Mass.) 577 575, 595, V. Haley, 7 Ill. App. 349 2 J }, v. Laconia, 55 N. H. 130 4, 27, 51, 52, 111, 175, Gilmartin v. New York 55 Barb. (N. Y.) 239 v. Philadelphia, 201 Pa. 518 v. Standish-Barnes Co., 40 R. I. 219 Gilmer v. Atlanta, 77 Ga. 688 Gilmore v. Ross, 72 Maine 194 V. State (Miss.), 33 SO. 171 Gilpatrick v. Biddeford, 54 Maine 93 58, 217, Gilson v. Cadillac (Mich.), 95 N. W. 1084 Ginter v. O’Donoghue App.), 179 S. 732 Ginther v. Yorkville, 3 Super. 403 Ginzler v. Birmingham, 6 Ala. App. 666 Giovanni V. Fed. 303 Girtºnan v. Eaton, 64 Fla. 69 Giuricevic v. Tacoma, 57 Wash. 329 665, Givens v. App. 705 G1adeh v. Pac. 418 Glading v. Philadelphia, 202 Pa. St. 324 Glancy v. VICECees Rocks Bor- ough, 243 Pa. 216 67 Ill. (MO. +--- * Pa. Philadelphia, 59 Tºaris, 5 Tex. Seattle (Wash.), 29 J 68 | 5 : 3 879 8 . (5 1C ) 16 O 25 , 760 803 Civ, 67 145 i., a ntz v. South Bend, 106 Ind. 3.05 Clasgow v. Altoona, 27 Pa. Super. Ct. 55 147, v. Gillen waters, 23 P Cy. T. Hep. 2375 76, 319, Clasier v. Hebron, 131 N. Y. 447 C. laub v. Goshen. Twp., 7, Kulp (Pa.) 292, 240, 343, 606, ( . .eason v. Barnett, 106 Ky. 125 V. P.Cirksville, 13.6 MO. App. 521 * - v. Weber, 155 Ky. 43 Clenn v. Ardmore, 32 Okla. 414 v. York County, 6 Rich. (S. C.) 412 ^len Ridge v. Stout, 58 N. J. L. 598 C ucose Refining Co. v. Chicago, 38 Fed. 209 15, 169 640 356 646 28 175 113 123 Cºnau v. Ackerman, 166 Ky. 258 . 119, 249, 284, C ºn acco v. Pederson, 154 N. Y. S. 12 C. ^d "ard v. Harpswell, 88 Maine 228 58, V. Lincoln, 69 Nebr. 594 200, 280, Godfrey v. Elizabeth City, 173 N. Car. 696 V. New York, 104 App. Div. (N. Y.) 357 468, v. New York, 185 N. Y. 563 Goeltz v. Ashland, 75 Wis. 642 241, 606, 635, Coetz v. Butler (Pa.), 1 Cent. Rep. 592 Coetzke v. Chicago, 174 Ill. App. 446 Coff v. Akers, 1 Misc. 468 v. Little Falls, 47 N. Y. St. 729 Goins v. Moberly, (N. Y.) 127 IMO. 116 460, Gold v. Philadelphia, 115 Pa.. St. 184 Colden v. Clinton, 54 Mo. App. 100 218, 284, 285, 309, 787, Coldfield v. Golden Cycle Min- ing Co., 60 Colo. 220 Goldstein v. Chicago &c. R. Co., 46 Wis. 404 Goldsworthy v. T.inden, 75 Wis. 24 270, 310, C ºnes v. Illinois Printing Co., 205 Ill. App. 5 Conyeau v. Milton, 48 Vt. 172 468 71 788 31i 573. 308 655. 24 - 88 749 501 476 198 828 230 605. 694 303 691 TABLE OF CASES lxxix [References Are to Sections.] Gonzales v. Galveston, 84 Tex. 2 Gonzalez v. Pensacola, 65 Fla. 241 247, Good v. Altoona, 162 Pa.. St. 493 Goodfellow v. New York, 100 N. Y. 15 265, Goodhue v. Dix, 2 Gray (Mass.) 181 Goodin v. Des Moines, 55 Iowa, 67 232, 233, 346, Goodland v. Popejoy, 98 Rans. 183 Goodman v. Kahoka, 100 Mo. App. 278 261, v. Taylor, 5 Car. & P. 410 Goodno v. Oshkosh, 28 Wis. 300 257, 265, 874, Goodnough v. Oshkosh, 24 Wis. 549 - 257, Goodrich v. Chicago, 20 Ill. 445 26, Good Roads Dist. v. Washing- ton County, 27 Idaho 732 Goodson v. Des IMoines, 66 Iowa. 255 Goodwin v. IMass. 529 460, v. Gardner, 84 Ma ine 278 v. Reidsville, 60 N. Car. 411 Fall River, 228 * 23, Goodwyn v. Shreveport, 134 La. 820 460, Goosuch v. Swan, 109 Tenn. 36 Gordon v. Ormaha, 71 Nebr. 570 v. Silver Creek, 197 N. Y. 509 v. Sullivan, 116 Wis. 543 464, Gorham v. Cooperstown, 59 N. Y. 660 * v. Chicago, B. &c. R. Co., 255 MO. 483 Gorney v. New York, 102 App. Div. (N. Y.) 259 Goshen v. Alford, 154 Ind. 58 327, v. England, 119 Trid. 368 818, 828, 876, Gosport v. Evans, 112 Ind. 133 500, 543, 595, Gottlieb v. New York, 164 App. Div. (N. Y.) 225 Gottsberger v. New York, 9 Misc. (N. Y.) 349 90, Gottwald v. Bernheimer, 6 Daly (N. Y.) 212 Gould v. Boston, 120 Ma.S.S. 300 30 J 780 161 274 730 470 118 484 74.1 875 265 27 405 824 691 68 4 130 532 74.1 20 111 823 820 230 50 79.5 877 603 464 312 7A 3 234 Gould v. Schermer, 101 Iowa, 582 - + Z o, v. Topeka, 32 P&ans. 485 Gower v. Madisonville, 182 Ky. 89 500, Graff v. Baltimore, 107 Mó. 544 Graham v. Albert Lea, 48 Munn. 201 455, . Boston, 156 Mass. 75 292, . Detroit, 174 Mich. 538 . Greenville, 67 Tex. 62 . Hagamann, 270 Ill. 25.2 New Rochelle, 120 App. Div. (N. Y.) 414 v. Oxford, 105 Iowa. 705 261, 540, 585, 620, v. Philadelphia, 19 Pa. Super. 292 v. Poughl:eepsie, 68 Anp. Div. (N. Y.) 262 v. Queen Victoria, &c. Park, 28 Ont. 1 101, v. Rockford, 238 Ill. 214 55, Cranbs v. Birmingham (Ala.), 80 So. 874 200, 666, 668, Gram Const. Co. v. Minneapolis, St. P. &c. R. Co., 36 N. Dalk. 164 Grand Forks v. Allman, 153 Fed. 532 - v. Paulsness, 293 Grand Rapids v. Wyman, Mich. 516, 9 N. W. 833 Crand Rapids &c. R. Co. v. Hunt- ley, 38 Mich. 540 Grand Trunk Western R. Co. v. South Bend, 174 Ind. 203 Granger v. Pulaski Co., 26 Ark. 3'ſ t : 19 . N. Dak. 46 v. Seneca Falls, 45 Hun (N. Y.) 60 Grant v. Brainerd, 86 Minn. 126 348, v. Brooklyn, 41 Barb. (N. Y.) 381 340, 355, v. Dickson City Borough, 235 Pa. 536 226, v. Enfield, 11 App. Div. (N. Y.) 358 V. Erie, 69 Pa.. St. 420 v. Fitchburg, 160 Mass. 16 v. Stillwater, 35 Minn. 242 Grant Co. v. Lake Co., 17 Ore. 453 Grapes v. Sheldon, 119 Iowa. 112 616 225 560 27 469 29.4 215 769 541 622 610 510 356 67.1 671 215 694 200 282 200 410 31 406 874 4.08 241. 656 303 410 269 lxxx TABLE OF CASEs [References Are to Sections.] Grass v. Seattle, 100 Wash. 542 Grattan v. Williamston, 116 Mich. 462 Graves v. Battle Creek, 95 Mich. 266 v. Otis, 2 Hill (N. Y.) 466 v. Portland R., Light & Power Co., 66 Ore. 232 v. Shattuck, 35 N. H. 257 Gravey v. New York, 117 App. Div. (N. Y.) 773 Gray v. Batesville, 74 Ark. 519 v. Brooklyn, 10 Abb. Pr. (N. S.) (N. Y.) 186 Brooklyn, 50 Barb. (N. Y.) 365 T)anbury, 54 Conn. 574 Fox, 69 Pa. Super. Ct. 218 Griffin, V. V. V. 111 Ga. 361 26, 67, Tompkins, 40 N. Y. St. 546 TV. V. Grays v. Bibb Co., 94 Ga. 698 Grayville v. Whitaker, 85 Ill. 439 - 240, 352, 423, Green v. Bridge Creek, 38 'Wis. 449 200, 220, 233, 347, v. Canaan, 29 Conn. 157 v. Danby, 12 Vt. 338 200, v. Eden, 24 Ind. App. 583 v. Hollidaysburg Borough, 236 Pa.. 430 \ v. Muskingum Co., 23 Ohio C. C. 43 v. Nebagamain, 113 Wis. 508 v. Philadelphia, 63 Pa. Super. Ct. 121 v. Port Jervis, 55 App. TXiv. (N. Y.) 58 v. Reading, 9 Watts (Pa.) 38.2 v. Reedsburg, 162 Wis. 101 88, 267, v. Spencer, 67 Iowa 410 Green County v. Shortell, 116 Ry. 108 Greene v. Cook, 219 Mass. 121 v. O’Connor, 18 R. I. 56 v. San Antonio (Tex. Civ. App.), 178 S. W. 6 Greene Co. v. Ewbanks, 80 Ala. 204 - Greenfield v. Roback, 45 Ind. App. 70 Greenland v. Chaplin, 243 5 TExch. 532 262 588 457 584 240 285 412 159 459 309 738 100 7.43 410 4.38 413 220 636 752 512 816 665 13 220 15 409 241 n Greenleaf v. Norridgwook, 82 Maine 62 - Greensboro v. McGibbony, 93 Ga. 672 412, 413, V. Robinson, 19 Ga. App. 199 290, 317, 337, 340, 587, Greenville v. Branch (Tex. Civ. App.), 152 S. W. 478 v. Britton, 19 Tex. Civ. App. 79 v. Ward, 94 S. Car. 321 Greenville Water Co. v. Beck- ham, 55 Tex. Civ. App. 87 Greenwood v. Callahan, 111 Mass. 298 V. Louisville, 13 Bush (Ry.) 226 Greer County v. Clarke, 12 Okla. 197 Gregg v. Wilmington, 155 N. Car. 18 - Gregorius v. Corning, 140 App. Div. (N. Y.) 701 Gregory v. Adams, 14 Gray (Mass.) 242 295, 435, 583, Greil v. Stollenwerck (Ala.), 78 SO. T 9 122, Gribben v. Franklin, 175 Ind. 500 Gribble v. Sioux City, 390 Gridley v. Bloomington, 47 Grier v. Samuel, ID'el.) 74 Griffin v. Auburn, 38 Iowa. 570, 68 III. 707, 4 Boyce (27 731, 735, 58 N. H. 121 Boston, 182 Mass. 409 Johnson, 84 Ga. 279 Marion, 163 Iowa. 465 500, 512, . New York, 9 N. Y. 456 26, 29, 265, 306, 596, . Sanbornton, 44 N. H. 246 . Stewart, 22 Ga. App. 362 555, 686, Williamson, 6 W. Va. 312 195, Griffith v. Denver, 55 Colo. 37 460, 532, Griggs v. Fleckenstein, 14 Minn. 81 660, 741, 743, Grinnes v. Keene, 52 N. H. 330 v. Louisville &c. R. Co., 3 Ind. App. 573 Grimm v. Clark TXelivery Car Co., 199 III. App. 553 V. V. 680 866 671 50, 88 129 15 86 660 66 18 273 634 308 666 583 708 766 314 424 563 605 198 780 240 828 777 290 7.43 774 TABLE OF CASES lxxxi EReferences Are to Sections.] Grimm v. Washburn, 100 Wis. 229 265, Grinage v. McGlinchey, 62 Pa. Super. Ct. 294 Griswold v. Camp, 149 Wis. 399 500, v. Wichita, 99 Rans. 502 Grobbel V. Board of Water Com’rs, 181 Mich. 364 - Grogan v. Broadway Foundry Co., 87 Mo. 321, 326 v. Worcester, 140 Mass. 227 Gropp v. Great Atlantic &c. Co., 141 App. Div. (N. Y.) 372 Gross v. Foster, 134 App. Div. (N. Y.) 243 v. Pittsburgh, 243 Pa. 525 v. Portsmouth, 68 N. H. 266 Grossenbach v. Milwaukee, 65 Wis. 31. Grouch v. Heffner, 184 Mo. App. 365 Groundwater v. Washington, 92 Wis. , 56 603, Grove v. Fort Wayne, 45 Ind. 429 320, 390, 395, V. Kansas City, 75 Mo. 672 279, Groves v. Rochester, 39 Hun (N. Y.) 5 Grube v. St. Paul, 34 Minn. 402 Grundy v. Janesville, 84 Wis. 574 829, Grusenmeyer v. Logansport, 76 Ind. 549 Gsakes v. Oneida, 180 App. 912 Gubasko v. New York, 12 TXally (N. Y.) 1.83 v. New York, 16 N. Y. St. Rep. 690 Gude v. Mankato, 30 Minn. 256 Guest v. Church Hill, 90 Mól. 689 Guidoni v. Wheeler, 230 Fed. 93 12, 14, Gulfport v. Shepperd, 116 Miss. 807 465 514 38 2 394 682 754 772 261 87 500 341 66 835 815 281 403 263 262 284 15 439 • 15, 24 Gulf &c. R. Co. v. Gasskamp, 69 Tex. 545 v. Matthews, 100 Tex. 63 v. Sandifer, 29 Tex. Civ. App. 356 351, Gulick v. Clarke, 51 MO. App. 26 747, 748, 749, 767, Gullikson v. McDonald, 62 Minn. 278 67, Gulline W. Lowell, 144 Mass. 491 292, 583, Gunlack v. Montreal, Rap. Jud. Que., 17 C. S. 294 255, 595 582 4.38 774 100 655 606 Gunning v. Ring (Mass.), 118 N. E. 233 535, 816 Gurney v. Piel, 105 Maine 501 731 v. Rockport, 93 Maine 360 280, 512, 585 Guthrie v. Philadelphia, 73 Fed. 688 \ 44, 106 v. Swan, 3 Okla. 116 296, 325 v. Swan, 5 Okla. 779 195, 530, 573, 574 v. Thistle, 5 Okla. 517 460, 620, 645 Gutkind v. Elroy, 97 Wis. 649 620 Gutowski v. Baltimore, 127 Md. 502 23 Gutzman v. Ft. Worth (Tex. Civ. App.), 155 S. W. 1182 290 Gwinnett Co. v. Dunn, 74 Ga. 358 410 IH Haake v. Davis, 166 MO. App. 249 745 Habacker v. Lancaster Twp., 9 Pa. Super. 553 363 Haberlil v. Boston, 190 Mass. 358 131 Hackenyos v. St. Louis (Mo.), 203 S. W. 986 675 Hackett v. Alarmito Sanitary IDairy Co., 90 Nebr. 200 736, 766 Haldacheck, Ex parte, 165 Cal. 416 15 Hadfield v. Lundin, 98 Wash. 657 15, 294 Haefelin v. McDonald, 96 App. . Div. (N. Y.) 213 32, 76 Hafford v. Bedford, 16 Gray (Mass.) 297 51, 58, 66, 67 Hafner v. Chester, 108 S. C. 346 823 Hafner Mfg. Co. v. St. Louis, 262 MO. 621 . 215 Hageage v. District of Colum- 'bia, 42 App. D. C. 109 251 Hager v. Wharton Twp., 200 Pa. 281 285 Hagerstown v. Crowl, 128 Md. 556 23, 303, 340, 655 v. Foltz, 133 MG. 52 484 v. Pºlotz, 93 McI. 437 23 Haggerty v. Lewiston, 95 Maine 374 542 H. A. Hillmer Co. v. Behr, 264 II]. 568 r 122 Haight v. Elmira, 42 App. Div. (N. Y.) 391 512 Haines v. Barclay Twp., 181 Pa. St. 521 297 v. Lewiston, 84 Maine 18 288 V. Milton, 213 Mass. 446 440 lxxxii TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Haire v. Ransas, 76 Mo. 438 Hale v. Dutant, 39 Tex. 667 v. Weston, 40 W. Va. 313 Haley v. Boston, 191 Mass. 291 24, Haley & Lang Co. v. Huron, 36 S. Dak. 6 / 146, 167, IHalifax v. Lordly, 20 Can. S. C. 505 - - FIall v. Austin, 73 Minn. 134 v. Cadillac, 114 Mich. 99 800, 811, v. Concord, 71 N. H. 367 v. Fond du Lac, 42 Wis. 274 257, 265, v. Manchester, 39 N. H. 296 v. Manchester, 40 N. H. 410 217, v. Manson, 90 Iowa, 585 v. Manson, 99 Iowa. 698 344, 577, v. Norwalk, 65 Conn. 310 v. Olean, 82 Misc. (N. Y.) 300 v. Ripley, 119 Mass. 135 660, 742, 752, v. St. Joseph, 163 Mo. App. 214 311, 583, Shenandoah, IOWa. 735 v. Shenandoah, 1.192 v. Spokane, 79 Wash. 303 v. Unity, 57 Maine 529 167 787 645 204 26 667 317 195 877 58 875 218 457 648 595 204 290 768 638 Hamilton v. Buffalo, 55 App. Div. (N. Y.) 423 517, v. Buffalo, 173 N. Y. 72 v. Cambridge, 219 Mass. 418 v. Carthage, 24 Ill. 22 v. Cutts, 4 Mass. 349 v. Detroit, 105 Mich. 514 EHamilton Co. v. Mighels, 7 Ohio St. 109 v. Noblesville Twp., 4 Ind. App. 145 Bianmilton, Harris & Co. v. Lar- imer, 183 Ind. 429 Hamlin v. Biddeford, 95 Maine 308 Ham macher v. New Berlin, 124 Wis. 249 296, Hammock v. Tacoma, 40 Wash. 539 v. Tacoma, 44 Wash. 623 265, 463, Hammond v. Jahnke, 178 Ind. 177 257, 270, 309, V. Mukwa, 40 Wis. 35 179 IoWa, 232, THaller v. St. Louis, 176 Mo. 606 PHallowell v. Richland Twp., 65 Pa. Super. Ct. 210 426, FHallum v. Ormro, 122 Wis. 337 - 256, Halm v. Hudson County, 78 N. J. L. 712 Halpin v. P&ansas, 76 Mo. 335 v. New York, 82. App. Div. (N. Y.) , 311 Halstead v. Warsaw, IDiv. (N. Y.) 39 v. Warsaw, 59 N. Y. Supp. 518 Harm v. Lewiston, 94 Maine 265 & 280, v. New York, 70 N. Y. 459 v. Wales, 58 Maine 222 Hamill v. Lancaster County, 225 Pa. 448 v. Territilli, 174 * IHamilton v. Ashbrook, 62 Ohio St. 511 43 App. 195 T11. App. 828 699 297 3.71 443 265 409 265 1.65 306, 309, 6 33 Ind. App. 92, 792, 140 Minn. v. Winslow, Hampton v. Duluth, 303 Handy v. Meridian, 114 Mich. 454 Haney v. Kansas, 94 Mo. 334 v. Pinckney, 155 Mich. 656 684, Haniford v. P.Cansas City, 103 Mo. 172 181, 218, Hanley v. Huntington, 37 W. Va. 578 Hanlon v. FCeokuk, 7 Iowa, 488 V. South Boston &c. R. Co., 129 Mass. 310 742, Hannan v. Kansas City, 187 Mo. App. 315 141, Hannibal v. Campbell, 86 Fed. 297 - * , Hannibal &c. R. Co. v. Marion County, 36 Mo. 294 Hannigan v. Wright, (Del.) 537 BHannon v. Gladstone, 136 Mich. 621 V. St. Louis Co., 62 Mo. 313 Hanousek v. Marshalltown, 130 IOwa 550 Hanrahan v. Chicago, 145 Ill. App. 38 v. Chicago, 209 Ill. 5 Penn. App. 630 243, 673 542 816 9 705 328 1, 24, 25, 59 411 752 4. 635 TABLE OF CASES lxxxiii [References Are to Sections.] Hanrahan v. Cochran, 12 App. Div. (N. Y.) 91 PHanscom v. Boston, 141 Mass. 242 260, 26 5, Hanson v. Anamosa, 177 Iowa. 101. 248, 472, 544, 574, 597, 599, 620, 824, V. Nolting 182 III. App. 546 V. Warren (Pa.), 14 Atl. 405 Hanvey v. Rochester, 35 Barb. (N. Y.) 177 Harcourt v. Asbury Park, 62 N. J. L. 158 Hardcastle v. Bielby, Q. B. 709 Harden v. Jackson, 137 Mich. 271 (1892) 1 Harder v. Matthews, 67 Wash. 487 578, Hardin v. Coffman, 60 Ohio St. 527 435, v. Moline, 179 Ill. App. 101 v. Corinth, 105 Miss. 99 Harding v. Boston, 163 Mass. 14 Hardwick v. Moss, 7 Hurl. & N. 136 Hardy v. Brooklyn, 90 N. Y. 435 52, 154, v. Brooklyn, 7 Abb. N. Cas. (N. Y.) 403 v. Keene, 52 N. H. 370 24, 51, 290, 292, 306, V. West Coast Const. Co., 174 N. Car. 320 340, 341, IHarford Co. v. Wise, 75 Mol. 38 Hargreaves v. Yonkers, 47 App. Div. (N. Y.) 642 Hari v. Ohio Twp., Saline Co., 62 Eans. 315 Harker v. Gruhl, 177 Harman v. Lynchburg, 33 Gratt. (Va.) 37 33, Harman v. Parsons, 81 W. Va. 197 128, v. St. Louis, 137 Mo. 494 v. Chicago, 110 III. 400 Harniss v. Bulpitt, 1 Cal. App. 140 122, EHarpell v. Curtis, 1 E. D. Smith (N. Y.) 78 Harper v. Milwaukee, 30 Wis. 365 27, 77, 110, 200, 201, v. Topeka, 92 Kans. 11 Harrell v. Macon, 1 Ga. App. 413 62 Ind. App. Harrell, Ex parte, (Fla.), 79 So. 166 7 52 312 853 466 513 36 2. 6 291 461 769 634 27.4 405 77 159 145 310 572 427 312 j.13 14 131 773 257 101 582 14 Harrigan v. Brooklyn, 52 Hun (N. Y.) 615 v. Brooklyn, 67 Hun (N. Y.) 85 v. Wilmington, 8 (Del.) 140 Harrinnan v. Boston, 114 Mass. 241 257, 265, 280, Harrington v. Buffalo, 121 N. Y. 147 504, 509, v. Greenville, N. Car. 632 Harris v. Baker, 4 Mau. & Sel. 27 V. Bremerton, v. Commercial Ice Co., Pa.. St. 278 - v. Great Barrington, Mass. 271 v. Johnson, 174 Cal. 55 \ 73, 735, Mt. Vernon, 41 Wash. 444 Newbury, 128 Mass. 321 311, 672, Nesbit, 24 Ala. 398 v. Rome, 10 Ga. App. 409 157, v. Vigo County, 121 Ind. 299 Houst. 159 85 Walsh. 64 153 169 296, y ‘V. Harrison v. Albia, 144 Iowa. 132 v. Ayrshire, 123 Iowa, 528 v. Davis COnst. Co., App. D. C. 255 Harrodsburg v. Vanardsall, 148 42 Ey. 507 Harrold Bros. v. Americus, 142 Ga. 686 Hart v. Brooklyn, 36 Barb. (N. Y.) 226 257, 264, 265, v. Neillsville, 125 Wis. 546 145, 141 Wis. 3 145, 130 Mich. v. Neillsville, V. New Haven, 181 v. Red Cedar, 63 Wis. 634 Harter v. Marshall (Tex. Civ. s App.), 36 S. W. 294 Hartford v. Graves, App. 677 v. Talcott, 8 Rans. 48 , Conn. 525 464, 501, Hartford Co. v. Wise, 71 Md. 43 Hartman v. Chicago, 282 I11. 511 v. Lowenstein, 90 Misc. (N. Y.) 686 v. Muscatine, 511 198, 70 Iowa. 543. 312 281 510 24 317 90 774 610 660 824 696 180 79.2 672 469 76 467 215 457 162 167 270 340 189 265 707 lxxxiv. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Hartnet v. New York, 127 N. Y. S. 295 Hartnett v. 38.2 |Hartrick V. Iowa, 31 FHartsell v. Asheville, 164 N. C. 201 - 514, V. Asheville, 166 N. Car. 633 689, FIartshorn v. South Reading, 3 Allen (Mass.) 504 v. Worcester County, Mass. 111 Hart Township v. Noret, Mich. 427 705, FHartwell v. Ryde Commission- ers, 4 Best & S. 361 Hartwig v. Knapwurst, 178 Ill. App. 409 738, IHarvard v. Senger, 34 Ill. App. 223 296, 543, 576, v. Stiles, 54 Nebr. 26 V. Wilson, 100 Ill. App. 9 FIarvard College v. Stearnes, 15 Gray (Mass.) 1 PHarvey v. Bonner Springs, 102 Išans. 9 V. Chester, 211 Pa. 563 V. Clarinda, 111 Iowa, 528 351, 363, V. Hillsdale, 86 Mich. 330 v. Malden, 188 Mass. 133 v. Northwood, 65 N. H. 117 v. Territory, 11 Okla. 156 Harwood v. Lowell, 4 Cush. (Mass.) 310 V. Oakham, 152 Mass. 421 Haseltine v. Nuss, 97 Rans. 228 Haskell v. Cutting, 159 N. Y. S. 669 534, 535, V. Des Moines, 74 Iowa. 110 v. Howard, 269 I11. 550 V. Webb (Tex. Civ. App.), 140 S. W. 127 111, IHass v. Booth, 182 Mich. 173 264, v. White Haven Borough, 54 Pa. Sup. Ct. 75 THathaway v. Everett, 205 Mass. 246 - Hathorn V. Natural Carbonic Gas Co., 194 N. Y. 326 Hatter v. Dodge Bros., 202 Mich. 97 Hattiesburg v. Geigor (Miss.), 79 So. 846 Haus V. Bethlehem, 12 Tripp, 231 Mass. Earmington, 108 113 191 460 731 464 691 691 200 184 706 199 745 595 800 595 200 41 4.62 595 243 582 688 815 200 635 215 816 821 15 118 392 26, 50 67 186 760 37 Hausman v. Brown (Ala.), 77 So. 993 - |Hausmann v. Madison, 85 Wis. 187 500, 574, Haverstraw v. Eckerson, 192 N. Y. 54 - - EHaVre De Grace v. Fletcher, 112 MId. 562 200, Hawes v. Fox Lake, 33 Wis. 438 v. Milton, 213 Mass. 446 FHawkes v. Chester, 70 Vt. 271 Hawkins v. New York, 54. App. Div. (N. Y.) 258 v. Riley, 17 B. Mon. (PCy.) 101 v. Springfield, 194 Mo. App. 151 24, 66, Hawley v. Gloversville, 4 App. IDiv. (N. Y.) 343 274, v. Saranac, 157 Mich. 70 Hawks ‘V. Charlemont, Mass. 414 v. Northampton, 116 Mass. 420 306, 307, V. Northampton, 121 Mass. 10 Hawxhurst v. New York, 43 Hun (N. Y.) 299 v. New York, 43 Hun (N. Y.) 588 Haxton v. Kansas City, 190 Mo. 53 241, 573, Hay v. Baraboo, 127 Wis. 1 200, v. Cohoes Co., 2 N. Y. 159 V. Le Neve, 2 Shaw Sc. App. 405 Hayden v. Attleborough, 7 Gray (Mass.) 338 226, 227, 300, 343, 344, V. Joline, 137 App. Div. 755 v. McColly, 166 Mo. App. 675 Hayes v. Cambridge, 136 Mass. 402 V. Cambridge, 138 Mass. 461 V. Hillsdale, 113 Mich. 44 V. Hyde Park, i53 Mass. 514 311, Oshkosh, 33 Wis. 314 St. Clair, 173 Mich. 631 7. Seattle, 43 Wash. 500 . Vancouver, 61 Wash. 536 West Bay City, 91 Mich. 418 314, Playman v. New York. 163 App. Div. (N. Y.) 195 Hayne v. San Francisco, 174 Cal. 185 Haynes v. Burlington, 38 Vt. 350 107 * . 132 576 184 398 381 426 430 267 727 157 484 674 52 309 573 417 422 873 464 176 775 352 816 730 207 514 824 590 684 532 157 317 309 134 Pa.. St. 13 52 TABLE OF CASES lxxxv [References Are to Sections.] Haynes v. Hillsdale, 113 Mich. 44 v. Seattle, 83 Wash. 51 Haynes Automobile Co. v. Sin- nett, 46 Ind. App. 110 Jiays v. Columbia, 159 Mo. App. 431 205, v. Miller, 77 Pa. St. 238 v. Poplar Bluff, 263 Mo. 516 278 691 726 840 760 13, 15, 16 IHaywood v. Charlestown, 34 N. EH. 23 V. Hamm, 77 Conn. 158 741, EHazel v. 30 JXy. T. 627 66, Hazelrigg v. Frankfort, 29 Ky. L. 207 267, Iłazleton v. Atlanta, 144 Ga. 775 Owensboro, BHazzard v. Carstairs, 244 Pa. 122 v. Council Bluffs, 106 318, v. Council Bluffs, 87 Iowa, 51 242, Fieacock v. State, 105 N. Y. 246 157, FIealdsburg Elec. Light &c. Co. V. Healdsburg, 5 Cal. App. 558 FHealy v. Johnson, 127 Iowa, 221 v. Kansas City (Mo.), 211 S. W. 59 50, 101, V. New York, 3 Hun (N. Y.) 708 IHeaphy v. United States Wood Preserving Co., 161. App. Div. (N. Y.) 161 Hearn v. Chicago, 20 Ill. App. 249 255, 269, 271, v. Waterloo (Iowa), 169 N. W. 392 THearst's Chicago American v. Spiss, 117 Ill. App. 436 Heartt v. Downers Grove, 278 Ill. 92 Heater v. Chicago & A. R. Co., 200 Ill. App. 331 Heath v. Manson, 147 Cal. 694 257, v. Seattle Taxicab Co., 73 VVa.Sh. 177 Hebbard v. Berlin, 66 N. H. 623 Hebbe v. Maple Creek, 121 Wis. 668 Hebenheimer v. St. Louis, 269 M.O. 92 285, 460, 535, 628, 822, Heberling v. Warrensburg, 204 Mo. 604 79 Iowa. 218 7.43 3.18 317 731 821 310 166 33 74.1 659 305 275 648 392 13 465 PHeckman v. Cohen, 90 N. J. L. 322 v. Evenson, 7 N. Dak. 173 573, 581, 637, 645, 862 Hedges v. Jºansas City, 18 MO. 745 App. 62 573, 574 v. Madison Co., 6 Ill. 567 410 PHedrick v. Lanz, 170 Iowa, 437 200, 435 v. St. Joseph, 138 MO. App. 3.96 i 131. Heeney v. Sprague, 11 Jö. I. 456 464. Heether v. Huntsville, 121 Mo. App. 495 585 Heffern v. Haverstraw, 143 App. Div. (N. Y.) 527 - 578 Hefferon v. Reeves, 140 Minn. 505 658 Heffron, Ex parte, 179 Mo. App. 639 122 Heidenreich v. Bremmer, 260 Ill. 439 738 Heidenwag v. Philadelphia, 168 Pa. St. 72 442 Heigel v. Wichita, Co., 84 Tex. 392 410 Heilner v. Union County, 7 Ore. 83 788 Heils v. Cincinnati Traction Co., 33 Ohio Cir. Ct. P. i. 22 812 Heim v. McCall, 239 U. S. 175 11 Hein v. Fairchild, 87 Wis. 258 336, 611, 677 Heino v. Grand Rapids (Mich.), 168 N. W. 512 4, 101 Heisey v. Rapho Twp., 181 Pa. St. 561 573, 601, 616 Heiss v. Tancaster, 203 Pa. St. 260 r 563, 824 Heland v. Towell, 3 Allen (Mass.) 407 661 Heldmaier v. Tarman, 88 Ill. App. 209 727 Helena v. Wooten, 98 Ark. 156 390 PHelena, Light &c. Co. v. Helena, 47 Mont. 18 13, 14 Hellan v. Supply Taundry Co., 94 Walsh. 683 738 Heller v. Sedalia, 53 Mo. 159 66 v. Stremmel, 52 Mo. 309 2 Hellinger v. New York, 95 Misc. (N. Y.) 394 122 Heman Const. Co. v. St. Louis, 256 MO. 332 184 Hembling v. Grand Rapids, 99 Mich. 292, 294 242, 249, 538 Hemming v. New Haven, 82 Conn. 661 292, 662 lxxxvi TABLE OF CASEs [References Are to Sections.] |Hernphill v. Boston, 8 Cush. (Mass.) 195 v. Morehouse, 162 MO. App. 566 221, 222, Hendershott v. Grand Rapids, 142 Mich. 140 v. Ottumwa, 46 Iowa, 658 175, Henderson v. Clayton, 22 Ey. L. Rep. 283 v. Davis, 106 N. Car. 88 v. Dennis, 157 Ky. 192 v. Fields (Tex. Civ. App.), 194 S. W. 1003 284, . Herron, 152 Ky. 341 161, McClain, 102 Rºy. 402 . Minneapolis, 32 Minn. 319 O'Haloran, 114 Ky. 186 Pargny, 15 Ry. L. Rep. 745 Reed, 23 Ry. T. Rep. 463 Robinson, 152 PCy. 245 . Sandefur, 11 Bush. (P Y.) 541 P&le Opfert V. 90 Minn. 158 694, v. Minneapolis, 93 Minn. 118 101, ICleyle v. Oswego, 109 App. Div. (N. Y.) 330 IS line v. Sterling, 337 Jºling v. Buffalo, 72 Hun (N. Y.) 541 512, V. Kansas City, 27 Mo. App. 231 V. Thompson - M. c T) on a 1 d JKlein v. Dallas, TV. 6 Pa. Super. 72 Hun (N. Minneapolis, 208 Ill. App. Lumber Co., 127 Minn. 468 Rlinger v. Bickel, 117 Pa. St. 326, 339 PClipp v. Hoyt, 99 Rans. 14 IClipper v. Coffey, 44 Md. 117 , Jºlokow v. Harbaugh, 166 Wis. 262 727, 746, ICnapfie v. Knickerbocker Ice Co., 84 N. Y. 488 JKnapp v. Barrett, 216 N. Y. 226 574, v. Deer Creek, 162 Wis. 168 Knepfle v. Lauffer, 182 Rºy. 514 357, ICnickerbocker Co. v. Seattle, 69 Walsh. 336 f Enight v. Baltimore, 97 Md. 647 v. Kansas City, 113 Mo. App. 561 V. Kansas City, 138 Mo. App. 153 573, Rniss v. Duquesne, 255 Pa. 417 Enouff v. Logansport, 26 Ind. App. 202 P&n Owlton v. Augusta, 84 Maine 572 288, v. Pittsfield, 62 N. H. 535 232, 340, RnOx v. Golding, 46 Ind. App. 634 258, v. Sterling, 73 III. 214 705, Ynox Co. v. Montgomery, 109 Ind. 69 Išnoxville v. Cain, 128 Tenn. 250 - 469 300 542 749 606 789 284 675 815 241. 731 127 205 660 773 578 191 576 405 603 265 597 336 363 356 343 669 708 Rnoxville v. Cox, 103 Tenn. 368 577, 595, v. Lively, 141 Tenn. 22 50, 310, JKnudsen v. Muskegon, 158 Mich. 185 P&n upfle V. Co., 84 N. Y. 488 Robs v. Minneapolis, 159 |P:Coch. V. Ashland, P:Cnickerbocker Icé 741, 22 Minn. 26, 27, 110, 88 Wis. 603 257, V. Denver, 24 Colo. App. 406 v. Edgewater, 14 Hun (N. Y.) 544 573, v. Williamsport, 195 Pa.. St. 488 307, 317, 318, P:Coenig v. Arcadia, 75 Wis. 62 V. Senrau, 197 Ill. App. 624 Roepke v. Milwaukee, 112 Wis. 475 506, 507, Koeppen V. Sedalia, 89 Mo. App. 648 33, Roester v. Ottumwa, 34 Iowa. 41 290, P&Ohlhof v. Chicago, 192 Ill. 249 455, Rokomo v. Boring, 24 Ind. App. 552 V. Loy, 185 Ind. 18 23, JKolb v. Fond du Lac, 118 Wis. 3.11 Rollock v. Madison, 84 Wis. 458 306, 308, Roontz v. District of Columbia, 24 App. (D. C.) 59 v. New York Mail Co., 72 N. J. L. 530 Roplitz v. St. Paul, 373 P:Copper v. Bernhardt, 91 N. J. T. 697 - FCornazsewska v. West Chicago St. R. Co., 76 Ill. App. 366 FCornetzski v. Detroit, 94 Mich. 341 . P&IOrtendick V. Wis. 413 FCortlang v. Mt. Vernon, App. Div. (N. Y.) 535 Roshland v. Cherry, App. 440 Rossman v. St. Louis, 15.3 MO. 293 241, Rost v. Ashland Borough, 236 Pa. 164 290, P&Ovalrik v. 86 Nebr. 440 425, 86 Minn. Waterford, 142 129 13 Cal. Saline County, 598 574 67.1 76 () 1 il. 585 290 597 572 436 738 793 175 327 473 582 101 678 709 31, 76 74.1 590 660. 576 824 512 221 862 32.2 631 C TABLE OF CASES f [References Are to Sections.] Roy v. Chicago, 263 Ill. 122 Rraljer v. Snare & Triest Co., 221 Fed. 255 50, PCrall v. New York, 60 N. Y. Supp. 661 666, Rºraimer v. Los Angeles, 147 Cal. 668 º T&ranz v. Baltimore, 64 Mol. 491 154, 1&rause v. Davis Co., 44 Iowa, 141 409, v. Merrill, 115 Wis. 526 v. Wilton (N. I.) a.k.), 168 N. W. 172 595, 598, 599, ICraver v. Sºmith, 164 Ry. 674 P&rebs v. Heitmann, 104 App. Div. (N. Y.) 173 J&risch v. Chicago, 150 Ill. App. 197 T:Crisinger v. Creston, 141 Iowa, 154 T{roin v. New York, 177 App. Div. (N. Y.) 738 JKrucker v. St. Joseph, 195 MO. App. 101 509, Ruchler v. Milwaukee, 165 Wis. 320 300, JKuehn v. Milwaukee, 92 Wis. 263 Kuehl v. Bettendorf, 179 Iowa. 1. Ruehne v. Brown, 257 Pa. 37 Ruhn v. Chicago, 178 Ill. App. 411 v. Port Townsend, 12 Wash. 605 v. Walker Twp., 306 Runkel v. Chicago, 37 Ill. App. 3.25 Runtsch v. New Haven, 83 Mo. App. 174 , Kunz v. Troy, 104 N. Y. 344 FCusterer v. Beaver Dam, Wis. 146 r Eurel v. Shamokin, 237 Pa. 211 Eurrle v. Baltimore, 113 Md. 63 Kurtz v. Tourison, 241 Pa. 425 97 Mich. 52 T, Tabarre v. New Orleans, 106 La. 458 Ta Breck v. Hoquiam, 95 Wash. 463 * 290, Lackland v. North Missouri R. Co., 31 Mo. 180 Laclede-Christy Clay Products Co. v. St. Louis, 246 Mo. 446 216, 12, 15 434 667 169 160 410 659 816 161 220 265 679 . 6.79 532 118 230 746 285 824 655 788 610 146 578 458 46.9 309 230 La Clef v. Concordia, 41 BCans. 323 Lacon V. Page, 48 Ill. 499 La conte v. Kenosha, 149 Wis. 343 667 Lacour v. New York, 3 Duer (N. Y.) 406 º 26, 175, Lacy v. Winn, 4 Pa. Dist. R. 4.09 720, Tadle v. Chicago, 204 IIl. App. 475 Ladoga. V. Linn, 9 Ind. App. 14 La Fave v. Superior, 104 Wis. 454 544 Lafayette v. Ashby, 8 Ind. App. 214 275, 788, V. Blood, 40 Ind. 62 534, 538, v. Larson, 73 Ind. 367 f 270, 275, 277, 279, V. Timberlake, 88 Ind. 330 v. Weaver, 92 Ind. 477 805, v. West, 43 Ind. App. 325 La Groue v. New Orleans, 114 La. 253 Lahner v. Williams, 428 La Junta, v. Burns, 46 Colo. 436 788 Lake Shore &c. R. Co. v. Mil- ler, 25 Mich. 274 Lakewood v. Swift, 32 Ohio Cir. Ct. F. 470 Laks v. Risselstein, 168 N. Y. S. 608 Lalor v. New York, 208 N. Y. 431 v. New York, 147 App. Div. (N. Y.) 649 336, Lamb v. Cedar Rapids, 108 Iowa, 629 310, v. Pike Twp., 516 - 210, Lambert v. Norfolk, 108 Va. 259 v. Pembroke, 66 N. H. 280 - 257, 261, 469, Lamont v. Stavanaugh, 129 Minn. 321 36, 50 La MOure v. Lasell, 26 N. Dak, 638 - Lampe v. San Francisco, 124 Cal. 546 175, 179 Lamphier v. Karch, 59 Ind. App. 100 475 176 776 3.18 3.68 805 788 46.9 113 810 809 76 112 Iowa, 100 590 312 573 869 2.1 5 Pa.. 3.25 873 540 122 661 411 Lamport v. Board of Com’rs, 137 La. 784 45 Lanark v. Dougherty, 45 Ill. App. 266 541 TABLE OF CASES ci [References Are to Sections.] lancaster v. Columbia, 104 S. Car. 228 486, V. Walter, 25 Rºy. L. Rep. 21.89 304, Tancaster Ave. Imp. Co. v. Phoades, 116 Pa.. St. 377 Landau v. New York, 180 N. Y. 48 Lander v. Bath, 85 Maine 141 Landoldt v. Norwich, 37 Conn. 615 501, Landry v. Lake Charles, 125 La. 210 175, Lanford v. Alfriend, 147 Ga. 799 Tangan v. Atchison, 35 Rans. 3.18 390, Langdon v. Chartiers Twp., 131 Pa. St. 77 Langguth v. Village of Glencoe, 253 Ill. 505 Langley v. Augusta, 118 Ga. 590 - 1, Tzane v. Concord, 70 N. H. 485 v. Crombie, 12 Pick. (Mass.) 177 V. Hancock, 142 N. Y. 510 58, 354, v. Hancock, 67 Hun (N. Y.) 623 - V. Lewiston, 91 Maine 292 369, v. Sargent, 217 Fed. 237 y. Syracuse, 12 App. Div. (N. Y.) 118 v. Wheeler, 35 Hun (N. Y.) 606 v. Woodbury Twp., 58 Iowa, 462 Laney v. Chesterfield Co., 29 S. Car. 140 Lang v. St. Louis, 262 Mo. 454 Langford v. San Diego Electric IR. Co., 174 Cal. 729 Tangforth Bridge, Case of, Cro. Car. 365 Langhamrmer v. Manchester, IOWa. 295 Langworthy v. Green Twp., 88 IMich. 207 818, 823, v. Green Twp., 95 Mich. 93 Tannon v. Chicago, 159 Ill. App. 595 318, Lansing v. Jenison, 201 Mich. 491 V. Toolan, 99 37 Mich. 152 26, 31, 32, Lansingburg Board of Health, In re, 43 App. Div. (N. Y.) 236 853 398 77 116 181 162 118 727 356 99 570 871 730 824 373 3.81 13 326 1 La Porte V. Osborn, 43 Ind. App. 100 LaIPOrte Co. v. Ind. App. 566 Laprairie v. Hot Springs, Ark. 346 Laramie County V. County, 92 U. S. 307 Larce v. Shenandoah, 106 Iowa, 426 Larkin V. Boston, 128 Mass. 521 671, 675, 112 Minn. Ellsworth, 9 124 Albany v. Minneapolis, 311 Tarmon V. District of Columbia, 5 Mack. (ID. C.) 330 265, Larned v. Holt, 74 Wash. 274 Larrabee v. Cloverdale, 131 Cal. 96 V. Peabody, 128 Mass. 561 97, Larsen V. Salt Lake City, 44 TJ tah 437 v. Sedro-Woolley, 49, Wash . 134 v. Ward Corby Co., 198 Ill. App. 109 Larsh v. Strasser, 183 Iowa. 1360 738, Larson v. Grand Forks, 3 Dak. 307 - v. Furlong, 50 Wis. 681 v. Ring, 43 Minn. 88 La Salle V. Evans, 111 Ill. App. 69 v. Porterfield, 114 264, v. Wright, 56 Ill. App. 294 Lasityr v. Olympia, 61 Wash. 651 138 Ill. H 284, 457, Latell v. Cunningham, 122 Minn. 144 259, 535, Laue v. Madison, 86 Wis. 453 Laufer v. Traction Co., 68 Conn. 475 Laughlin v. Seattle Taxicab & Transfer Co., 84 Wash. 342 Laurel V. Blue, 1 Ind. App. 128 42, Laurelle v. Bush, 17 Cal. App. 409 Laurens County v. McLendon, 19 Ga. App. 246 Laurie v. Ballard, 25 Wash. 127 261, 262, Tautenbacher v. Philadelphia, 217 Pa.. 318 576, L2 utenschlager v. Seattle, 77 Walsh. 12 290, 357, 530, 789 634 13 5 620 6.79 671 874 76 179 3.31 6 299 745 765 392 127 822 361 265 612 464 544 682 726 767 67 15 414 824 627 582 TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Lautrman v. New York, 157 App. Div. (N. Y.) 219 Laverdure v. New York, 28 App. Div. (N. Y.) 65 Lavery v. Manchester, 58 N. H. 444 Lavigne v. New Haven, 75 Conn. 693 Law v. Bryant Asphaltic Paving Co., 175 Iowa, 747 v. Fairfield, 46 Vt. 425 Lawatsch v. Kingston, 68 Misc. (N. Y.) 236 161, Lawless v. Troy, 44 N. Y. St. 735 Lawrence v. Board of Frankfort, 162 Ey. 528 v. Davis, 8 Pºlans. App. 225 v. Fairhaven, 5 Gray (Mass.) 110 27, 215, 222, 110, v. Littell, 9 ſans. App. 130 587, 59.5, 598, v. McAlvin, 109 Mass. 311 V. Mount Vernon, 35 Maine 100 v. New York, 173 App. Div. (N. Y.) 144 v. Nissen, 173 N. Car. 359 12, Lawrenceburg v. Lay, 149 PCy. 490 Lawson v. Connolly, 375 V. Sea,ttle, 6 Wash. 184 Lawton v. Harlºins, 34 Okla. 545 v. Hills, 53 Okla. 243 257, 261, v. Steele, 119 N. Y. 226 v. Weathersfield, 74 Vt. 41 Lay v. Adrian, 75 Mich. 438 Lazelle V. Newfane, 69 Vt. 306 438, Leach v. Asman, 130 Tenn. 510 V. Moxon, 3 Wils. 461 77, Leahan v. Cochran, 178 Mass. 566 665, 21 Misc. 175 Mich. Learned v. New York, (N. Y.) 601 Leary v. Newburyport, Mass. 225 V. Yonkers, 95 App. (N. Y.) 126 Leavenworth v. Casey, McCahon (Rans.) 124 26, 27 Leavill v. Western Rentucky Asylum, 122 Ky. 213 Tiebanon v. Gordon, 99 Mo. App. 277 216 50, IDiv. 686 581 625 812 308 676 169 512 827 540 111 797 56 222 842 123 357 15 66 265 127 672 841 631 727 175 838 6.79 267 176 102 14 828 798 829 742 210 512 206 824 269 290 446 674 175 230 409 410 144 118 369 46.9 12 58 506 469 145 15 354 392 267 Lebanon v. Graves, 178 Ky. 749 265, 290, 539, 544, 570, 587, 599, 628, V. McCoy 12 Ind. App. 500 v. Schwartz, 4 Ohio . App. 173 Le Baron v. Joslin, 41 Mich. 313 Leber v. FCelley Island Lime &c. Co., 21 Ohio C. C. 173 v. Ring County, 69 Wash. 134 Leclerc v. Montreal, Rap. Jud. Que. 15 C. S. 205 Tedbetter v. Rirksville, 167 Mo. App. 195 Ledgerwood v. Webster City, 93 Iowa. 726 Ledoux v. Nashua, 75 N. H. 481 Lee v. Barkhampsted, 46 Conn. 213 v. Berne, 79 App. Div. (N. Y.) 214 v. Greenwich, 48 App. Div. (N. Y.) 391 669, v. Minneapolis, 22 Minn. 13 v. Port Huron, 128 Mich. 533 v. Sandy Hill, 40 N. Y. 442 34, 36, v. Sills, 95 Miss. 623 1,ee Co. v. Yarborough, 85 Ala. 590 Leeds v. Richmond, 102 Ind. 372 Lefrois v. Monroe Co., 24 App. Div. (N. Y.) 421 111, Legault v. St. Paul, Rap. Jud. Que. 12 C. S. 479 - Leggett V. Watertown, 55 App. Div. (N. Y.) 321 460, Le Gois v. State, 80 Tex. Cr. 356 Lehigh Water Co., Appeal of, 102 Pa.. 515 - Lehigh Val. Transp. Co. v. Chi- cago, 141 Ill. App. 618 Lehmann v. Brooklyn, 30 App. Div. (N. Y.) 305 Lehn v. Brooklyn, 46 N. Y. St. 548 v. San Francisco, 66 Cal. 76 Lehon v. Atlanta, 16 Ga. App. 64 Leicester v. Pittsfield, 6 Vt. 245 240, 343, 352, Leighton v. Dean, 117 Maine 40 Leipsic v. Gerdennan, 68 Ohio St. 1 * Leitchfield Mercantile Co. v. Commonwealth, 143 Ky. 163 131. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Lemman v. Spokane, 38 Wash. 98 Lemon v. NeW ton, 134 Mass. 476 * 33, 36 Lenderink v. Rockford, 135 Mich. 531 Lenhart v. Hoquiam, 168 Lennon v. Seattle, 69 Wash. 447 Leonard v. Barth, 61 N. H. 67 .688, 183 Mass. 68 261, 360, 479, v. Butte, 25 Mont. 410 276, v. Holyoke, 138 Mass. 78 v. Hornellsville, 58 N. Y. Supp. 266 Leslie v. Grand Rapids, Mich. 28 V. Lewiston, 62 Maine 468 200, 232, 297, Lessenger v. (Iowa), 168 N. W. 803 21, Lester v. Pittsford, 7 Vt. 158 LeVasseur v. Haverstraw, 45 N. Y. St. Rep. 6 v. Berlin, 75 N. H. 146 LeVenite V. Lancaster, 215 Pa. 576 76 Levie Directors v. Houston, 71 I11. 318 1. Leviºn v. Onaha, 102 Nebr. 328 50, 67 ſ Levine v. Pittsburgh, 252 Pa. 181 240, 246 Levitt v. Wilson, 72 Rans. 160 9 Levy v. New York, 1 Sandf. (N. Y.) 465 29, 113 v. Salt Lake City, 3 Utah 63 85 Lewenthal v. New York, 61 Barb. (N. Y.) 511 Lewis v. Atlanta, 77 Ga. 756 v. Denver City Water Works Co., 19 Colo. 236 v. Drainage Commissioners, 161 Ill. App. 570 3 Gleason, 123 N. Y. S. 36 823 Independence, 54 MO. App. 183 658, 800 Pingree Nat. 47 TJ talh 35 122, 132 v. Seattle Taxicab Co., 72 Wash. 320 . 578 v. Springfield, 142 Mo. App. 84 Lewisville v. Batson, App. 21 255, Lexington v. Auger, Rep. 24 620 77 86 Wash. 666 804 V. Boston, 587 544 694 120 635 Harlan 155 818 312 157 27 821 i2 ‘V. V. v. Bank, 162 29 Ind. 262, 267, 4 Ky. T. 640, 479 873 Lexington v. Batson, 118 Ky. 489 v. Cooper, 148 Ky. 17 241, 246, v. Finn, 149 Ey. 146 v. Henderson, 180 Ry. 650 Teynaud v. Cherry, 203 Ill. App. 541 L’Herault v. Minneapolis, 69 Minn. 261 Libby v. Portland, 105 Maine 370 Lichtenberg v. Meriden, 100 Iowa. 221 v. Seattle, 94 Wash. 391 265, Lichtenstein v. New York, 159 N. Y. 500 - v. New York, 29 App. TXiv. (N. Y.) 542 Liffin v. Beverly, 145 Mass. 549 Lifschitz v. Chicago, 194 Ill. App. 488 Ilightcap v. Lehigh Valley R. CO. of New Jersey, 90 N. J. L. 620 - Lilly V. Indianapolis, 648 - v. Scranton, 18 Fa. Co. Ct. 433 66, v. Woodstock, 59 Conn. 219 675, Linck v. Titchfield, 31 Ill. App. 118 Lincoln v. (Mass.) 590 . Boston, 148 Mass. 578 101, 114, 116, . Calvert, 39 Nebr. 305 . Detroit, 101 Mich. 245 . Finkle, 41 Nebr. 575 . Grant, 38 Nebr. 369 . Janesch, 63 Nebr. 149 Ind. Barre, 5 Cush. V : 707 514, . O’Brien, 56 Neb. 761 464, v. Pirner, 59 Nebr. 634 257, 263, 460, 464, 535, v. Smith, 28 Nebr. 762 208, 241, 257, 264, 423, v. Stalley, 32 Nebr. 63 v. Walker, 18 Nebr. 244 v. Woodward, 19 Nebr. 259 Tuincoln Safe Deposit Co. v. New York, 210 N. Y. 34 Lincoln Twp. V. P. Coenig, 10 ECans. App. 504 318, Tuind v. Beck, 37 Ill. App. 430 Lindblom V. Seattle, 86 Wash. 805 673, V. 532 150 146 179 266 105 623 311 585 512 680 366 284 3.11 666 666 707 677 476 479 340 265 131 3.54 740 689 civ TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Linderman v. Hershberger, 47 Pa. Super Ct. 308, 314 Lindholm v. St. Paul, 19 Minn. 245 27, 195, 226, 255, Lindley v. Detroit, 131 Mich. 8 673, Lindquist V. Seattle, 67 Wash. 230 620, 625, 674, Lindsay v. Cecchi, 3 Boyce’s (26 Del.) 133 v. Des Moines, 68 Iowa 368 208, v. Kansas City, 195 Mo. 166 v. Sherman (Tex. Civ. App.), 36 S. W. 1019 v. Winn, 3 Pa.. Dist. R. 811 726, Lindsey v. Des Moines, 74 Iowa, 111 f Lindsley v. Dallas Consol. St. R. Co. (Tex. Civ. App.), 200 S. W. 207 Lineberg v. St. Paul, 71 Minn. 245 Link v. New York, 82 App. Div. (N. Y.) 486 v. Skeeles, 207 Ill. App. 48 731, Tinn v. Duquesne, 204 Pa.. St. 551 Linstroth v. Peper (Mo. App.), 188 S. W. 1125 ° Linton v. Coupe, 138 App. Div. (N. Y.) 518 Lipscornb v. Bessenner, 161 Ala. 173 Litchfield v. Anglin, 83 Ili. App. 55 v. Southworth, 67 Ill. App. 398 Tittle v. Brockton, 123 Mass. 511 v. Hackett, 116 U. S. 366 590, v. Holyoke, 177 Mass. 114 V. Lenoir, 151 N. Car. 415 122, v. Madison, 49 Wis, 605 67, Littlefield v. Norwich, 40 Conn. 406 v. Webster, 90 Maine 213 263, Taittle Rock v. Fitzgerald, 59 Ark. 494 466 265 683 684 839 341 154 776 13 119 536 751. 145 602 775 95 16.1 115 195 280 45.5 v. Reinman, 107 Ark. 174 14, 15 I little Rock R. &c. Co. v. Dowell, 101 Ark. 223 12 Littleton v. Richardson, 34 N. H. 179 Littman v. New York, 36 App. Div. (N. Y.) 189 Livermore V. Camden, 3 N. J. L. 507 23, Livingston v. Barney, 62 Colo. 528 V. McIDonald, 21 Iowa, 160 v. St. Joseph, 174 Mo. App. 636 Livingstone v. Dole (Iowa), 167 N. W. 639 293, 578, 640, Ljungberg V. North Mankato, 87 Minn. 484 261, Llewellyn v. Wilkes-Barre, 254 . IPa. 196 261, Lloy v. Dartmouth, 30 N. S. 208 Lloyd v. Bowen, 170 N. Car. 216 v. New York, 5 N. Y. 369 - 25, 27, 32, Loan v. Boston, 106 Mass. 450 457, Loar v. Heinz, 28 Ill. App. 584 Lobdell v. New Bedford, 1 Mass. 153 LOberg v. Amherst, 87 Wis. 634 283, Lobravico v. New York, 155 App. Div. (N. Y.) 184 143, Locke v. Greene, 100 Walsh. 397 Lockhart v. Lichenthaler, 46 Pa. St. 151 Lockport v. Licht, 221 Ill. 35 305, v. Licht, 113 Ill. App. 613 580, v. Richards, 81 Ill. App. 533 2:57, 484, Lockridge v. Railroad Co., 161 Iowa, 74 Lockwood v. Dover, 73 N. H. 209 31, 54, v. New York, 2 Hilt (N. Y.) 66 Lockwood & Strickland Co. v. Chicago, 279 Ill. 445 215, Lodi Twp. v. State, 53 N. J. L. 259 T/O ever v. Sedalia, 77 Mo. 431 Logan v. Childs, 51 Fla. 238 v. New Bedford, 157 Mass. 534 356, Logansport v. Arner, 70 Ind. 80 v. Dick, 70 Ind. 65 76, v. Justice, 74 Ind. 378. 275, v. Rihm, 159 Ind. 68 v. Newby, 49 Ind. App. 674 141, 705 89 199 766 180 501 747 67.1 266 879 74.1 50 541 428 257 558 157 746 590. 57.1 597 572 662 141 76 230 715 4.38 815 533 132 788 79.2 145 TABLE OF CASES CW Logansport v. Smith, 47, Ind. App. 64 v. Wright, 25 Ind. 512 Lohr v. Phillipsburg, i56 Pa. St. 246 v. Phillipsburg, 165 Pa.. St. 109 263, Loker v. Brookline, 13 Pick. (Mass.) 343, 347. 209, I_ombard v. Chicago, 4 Biss. (U. S.) 460 195, 240, 457, 576, 874, v. East Tawas, 86 Mich. 14 469, Taombardi v. Bates & RogerS. Const. Co., 88 Wash. 243 London, Ex parte, 73 TeX. App. 208 Cº. London v. Goldsmith, 16 Can. S. C. 231 Londoner v. Denver, 52 Colo. 15 J_onergan v. Martin, 53 N. Y. St. 320 Long v. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 151 Ry. 1 - v. Birmingham, 161 Ala. 427 v. Chicago, 178 Ill. App. 577 - 205, v. Neenah, 128 Wis. 40 V. Ottumwa. Ry. &c. Co., 162 Iowa, 11 v. Sweeten, 123 Md. 88 Long Beach v. T.isenby, 175 Cal. 575 5, Longfellow v. Seattle, 76 Wash. 509 Longwell v. P.Cansas City, MO. App. 480 Ilonsdale Co. v. Woonsocket, 25 F. I. 428 Looney v. Joliet, 49 III. App. 621 242, v. Sioux City, 163 Towa, 604 T.Orah V. Rinehart, 243 Pa.. 231 Lord v. Atlanta, 17 Ga. App. 113 v. Lamonte, 72 Conn. 37 v. Mobile, 113 Ala. 360 206, 266, 458, 464, 482, 573, 574, 780, 785, Lordly v. Halifax, 24 Nov. Sco. 199 1. Lorence v. Ellensburgh, 12 Wash. 341 241, 88 27 264 823 511 875 828 360 15 532 5 766 225 66 276 41 746 264 13 867 101 185 274 , 50 728 88 57.1 815 543 265 [References Are to Sections.] Lorocque v. Montreal, Rap. Jud. Que. 19 C. S. 527 Los Angeles v. State Insustrial Acc. Comm., 34 Cal. App. 31 Los Angeles Cennetery Assn. V. Los Angeles, 103 Cal. 461 Los Angeles Gas &c. Co. v. LOS Angeles, 241 Fed. 912 Losch v. St. Charles, 65 Mich. 555 - T,oth v. Columbia. Theater Co., 197 Mo. 328 Touden v. Starr, 171 Iowa, 528 Loughran v. Des Moines, 72 Iowa, 382 º Touisiana v. New Orleans, 109 TJ. S. 285 Touisville v. Arrowsmith, 145 Ey. 498 210, 309, v. Bailey, 25 Ky. L. Rep. 6 v. Bott, 151 Ky. 578 265, v. Brewer, 24 Ey. T. Rep. 1671 265, Bridwell, 150 Ky. 589 66, 249, . Carter, 142 Ky. 443 . Dahl, 170 Ky. 281 Davis, 157 Ky. 189 Frank, 154 IXy. 254 Gimpeel, 22 Ey. L. 1110 FTall, 28 Ky. L. 1064 Hans, 167 Ky. 160 Hart, 143 Ky. 171 Haugh, 157 Ry. 643 240, 544, v. Hayden, 154 Ky. 258 460, . Hehermann, 161 Ky. 523 . Heitkemper, 169 ſy. 167 244, Johnson, 69 S. W. 803 241, 117 Ky. 841 241, 266, 311, v. T.ambert (Ky.), 116 S. W. 261 264, v. Tenehan, 149 BCy. 537 255, 21 Ky. T. Rep. V 24, i v. Reher, v. McGill, 718 . Metropolitan Realty Co., 168 Ky. 204 . Michels, 71 S. W. 511. . Monroe, 163 Ky. 412 . Nicholls, 158 Rºy. 516 O’Malley, 21 ſy. L. Rep. 873 1 54, 668, 696, . Parsons, 150 rºy. 420 s V 141 33 179 14 459 39 () 200 880 41 780 544 309 598 3.18 24 544 707 144 807 54 f. 3.18 64() 535 24 3.18 640, 27.4 668 Lorenz v. New Orleans, 114 La. 802 - v. New Orleans, 114 Tua. 802 Loretz v. New York, 132 N. Y. S. 988 258, 284, 500, Ilorf v. Detroit, 145 Mich. 265 Lorig v. Davenport, 99 Towa, 479 266 655 585 463 278 467 310 26i. 468 880 13 cvi TABLE OF CASES I References Are to Sections.] + Louisville v. Shanahan, 56 S. W. 808 330, v. Tompkins (Ky.), 122 S. "W. 174 305, v. Uebelhor, 142 Ey. 151 532, v. Vaughn, 180 Ry. 681 283, 304, 311, 573, 575 Louisville Bridge Co. v. Iring, 180 Ky. 729 - Louisville &c. R. Co. v. Case, 9 Bush (Ky.) 728. - v. Creek, 130 Ind. 139 V. Good, 113 Ind. 544 v. Mulverhill, 147 Ey. 360 V. Thompson, 107 Ind. 442 852 578 824 578 765 775 590 79.2 240 79.2 Love v. Atlanta, 95 Ga. 129 56, 65 v. Raleigh, 116 N. Car. 296 33, 36, Lovejoy v. Dolan, 10 Cush. (Mass.) 495 730, Loven guth V. Bloomington, 71 Ill. 238 Low v. Windham, 75 Maine 113 Lowe v. Clinton, 133 Mass. 526 676, V. Lawrenceburg, 177 Ind. 629 Lowell v. Boston &c. R. Co., 23 Pick. (Mass.) 24 76, 705, 711, v. Moscow, 12 Maine 300 v. Proprietors, 104 Mass. 18 v. Short, 4 Cush. (Mass.) 275 705, v. S. p a u 1 d in g, 4 Cush. (Mass.) 217 306, v. Watertown Twp., 58 Mich. 558 620, Lower Macungie Twp. v. Merk- Jhoffer, 71 Pa. St. 276 * , 343, 381, 382, Lowery v. New York Ice Co., 26 Misc. (N. Y.) 163 v. Spokane, 83 Wash. 300 Lowrey v. Delphi, 55 Ind. 250 Lowry v. Lynch, 57 Ill. App. 323 - 730, Loyd v. Columbus, 90 Ga. 20 33, Lubbers v. Manlins Twp., 172 Mich. 387 Lucarelli v. Boston Elevated R. Co., 213 Mass. 454 Lucas County v. English, Ohio Cir. Ct. R. 246 35 Luck v. Ripen, 52 Wis, 193 821, Luckey v. Kansas City, 169 Mo. App. 666 116 734 606 684 679 122 713 217 309 711 705 646 612 756 684 195 749 36 856 655 630 835 662 765 125 340 598 878 230 12 18 597 41 265 477 Ludlºe v. Burck, 160 Wis. 440 Ludlow v. Commonwealth, 147 Ey. 706 V. Fargo, 3 N. Dak. 485 26, 40, v. Stetson, 163 BCy. 327 V. Yonkers, 43 Barb. (N. Y.) 493 Tudlow Ave., In re, Div. (N. Y.) 839 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. v. Chi- cago, 181 Ill. App. 388 Luehrman v. Shelby Taxing Dist., 2 Lea (Tenn.) 425 Lueking V. Sedalia, 180 Mo. App. 203 539, Luke v. Brooklyn, 43 Barb. (N. Y.) 54 Lunch v. Buffalo, 6 Misc. (N. Y.) 583 Lund v. Seattle, 99 Wash. 300 v. Tyngsboro, 11. Lundahl V. Ransas City (Mass.) 563 App.), 209 S. W. 564 Lundbeck v. Brooklyn, 26 Div. (N. Y.) 595 Lundon V. Chicago, 83 Ill. 208 Taundy v. Sedalia, 162 Mo. 218 121, 124, 257, 264, Lush v. Dora, 224 Fed. 650 v. Parkersburg, 127 701 Lusſey v. Nashville, 61 Tenn. 144 Lutcher &c. Lumber CO. V. Dyson (Tex. Civ. App.), 30 S. W. 61 Lutenbacher v. Mitchell-Borne Const. Co., 136 La. 805 Luther v. Batavia, 169 App. Div. (N. Y.), 71 v. State, 177 Ind. 619 v. Winnisinnmet Co., 9 Cush. (Mass.) 171 155, v. Worcester, 97 Mass. 269 Lutton v. Vernon, 62 Conn. 1 Luxford v. Denver (Colo.), 176 Pac. 833 - Lyford v. Jacobs, 110 Minn. 158 Lyle v. Detroit, 157 Mich. 438 Lyman v. Amherst, 107 Mass. 164 App. (MO. App. App. App. 390, IOWa. 339 343, 351, 354, v. Dale, 262 Mo. 353 v. Dale, 156 Mo. App. 427 v. Green Bay, 91 Wis. 488 v. Hampshire Co., 138 Mass. 74, 77 672, 678, v. Hampshire Co., 140 Mass. 311, 3 N. E. 211 410, Cush. 596 532 828 274 403 12 563 878 789 69 161 294 756 509 '645 39 730 699 595 7.59 741 57.1 694 422 TABLE OF CASES cvii IReferences Are to Sections.] Lyman v. Potsdam, 173 App. Div. (N. Y.) 390 118, 266, 290, Lynch v. Boston, 186 Mass. 148 v. New York, 76 N. Y. 60 175, 179, 312 312 180 v. Northview, 73 W. Va. 609 215 v. North Yakima, 37 Wash. 657 V. Nurdin, 1 Q. B. 29 V. Springfield, 174 Mass 430 Tynchburg v. Wallace, 95 Va. 640 265, 510, 512, Lynde v. Rockland, 66 Maine 309 Tynds v. Plymouth, 73 Vt. 216 Tayon V. Cambridge, 136 Mass. 419 v. Grand Rapids 121 Wis. 609 575, 597, Tuogansport, 9 Ind. App. 21 240, 242, 500, 555, 571, v. Brookline, 119 Mass. 200, 484, 583, 132 Mass. V. Toyons 491 V. Cambridge, 534 . Child, 61 N. H. 72 . TXesotelle, 124 Mass. 387 Grand Rapids, 121 Wis. 609 Greeley County, 95 Nebr. 104 Jordan, 117 Maine 117 Ited Wing, 76 Minn. 20 262, 620, 676, 694, St. Joseph, 112 Mo. App. 681 : M Maantum v. Madison, 104 Wis. 272 McAdams v. 789 - McAlister v. Clark, 33 Conn. 91 McAllister v. Albany, 18 - Ore. 426 v. Bridgeport, 72. Conn. 733 McArthur V Saginaw, 58 Mich. 357 McAuley v. 503 Macauley v. New York, 67 N. Y. 602 - 25, McAuliffe v. 15 Colo. App. 337 McAvoy v. Paterson Brewing Co., 78 N. J. L. 633 McBride v. Akron, 12 Ohio C. C. 610 McCabe v. Buffalo, 63 Hun (N. Y.) 635 McCook, 71 Nebr. Boston, 113 Mass. Victor, 29, 56 615 85 585 51. 841 317 790 840 590 691 734 663 624 423 662 824 680 612 150 15 330 267 312 50.9 612 100 747 McCabe v. Butte, 46 Mont. 65 573, v. Cambridge, 134 Mass. 484 .* 676, 681, v. Hammond, 34 Wis. 590 v. New York, 155 App. DiV. (N. Y.) 262 v. Whitman, 187 Mass. 484 McCaffrey v. Albany, 13. Hun (N. Y.) 613 McCalla, v. Multnomah Co., 3 Ore. 424 195, 409, McCann v. Waltham, 163 Mass. 344 McCarroll v. Kansas City, Mo. App. 283 McCarron v. Philadelphia, 46 Pa. Super. Ct. 145 McCart v. Jasper County, 18 Ga. App. 769 --- McCarthy v. Boston, 338 v. Dedham, 188 Mass. 204 v. Fulton 175 App. Div (N. Y.) 293 v. Fulton, 182 App. Div. (N. Y.) 337 506, v. Leeds, 116 Maine 275 199, . Munising, 136 Mich. 622 . Portland, 67 Maine 167 . Stoneham, .223 Mass. 173 . 284, 340, 571, v. Syracuse, 46 N. Y. 194 McCartney v. Philadelphia, Pa. Super. 257 v. Washington, 382 McCarton v. New York, 149 App. Div. (N. Y.) 516 Maccarty v. Brookline, 114 Mass. 527 280, McCarty v. Leary, 118 Mass. 509 v. Mountain View, i56 Tenn. 133 McCauley v. Greenville (Miss.), 37 So. 818 *. McClammy v. Spokane, 36 Wash. 339 341, McClay v. Philadelphia, 224 Pa. 174 McClellan v. Graves, 19 Md. 351 McClintock v. Great Falls, 53 Mont. 221 McCloskey v. Chautauqua Lake Ice Co., 174 Pa.. St. 34 V. Dubois, 4 Pa. Super. 181 v. Moies, 19 F. I. 297 241, 280, 64 188 Mass. . 22 124 Iowa. 54, 595 694 268 10 $02 166) 410' 58 355 656 630 220 694 667 507 662 249 583 699 27 169 680 99 283. 760 667. 790 595 611 27 11 7 56 265 290 cviii TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] McClosky v. Dubois, 4 Pa. Super. 181 McClung v. Pennsylvania, Taxi- meter Cab Co., 252 Pa. 478 738, McClure v. Red Wing, 28 Minn. 186 146, v. Sparta, 84 Wis. 269 McCollum V. South Omaha, Nebr. 413 McCormb v. Chicago, 263 I11. 510 McCombs v. Akron, 15 Ohio 474 McConnell V. Osage, 80 Iowa, 293 84 McConway v. Philadelphia, 209 Pa. 236 • McCook v. McAdams, 76 Nebr. 1 146, 842, 859, v. Parsons, 77 Nebr. 132 McCool V. Grand Rapids, Mich. 41 McConnel v. Dewey, 5 Nebr. 385 McConnell v. St. Charles (Mo.), 204 S. W. 1075 McCord v. High, 24 Iowa 336 McCOrkle V. Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co., 107 La. 461 McCormack v. Boston &c. R. Co., 188 Mass. 342 V. Patchin, 5.3 MO. 33 26, v. Robin, 126. T.a. 594 200, McCormick V. Amsterdam, 43 N. Y. St. 604 v. Monroe, 64 Mo. App. 197 v. St. Louis &c. Ry. Co., 20 Mo. App. 640 v. Washington Twp., 112 Pa. St. 185 428, v. Weaver, 144 Mich. 6 McCoull v. Manchester, 85 Va. 579 131, McCoy v. Utica, 143 App. Div. (N. Y.) 634 v. Wichita, 86 Kans. 943 7 571, McCracken v. Markesan, 76 Wis. 499 McCray v. Fairmont, 46 W. Va. 442 McCreary v. Boston &c. R. Co., 153 Mass. 300 McCrowell v. (Tenn.) 685 McCullom v. Black Hawk Co., 21 58 Bristol, 5 Lea. Iowa. 409 McCune v. Missoula, 10 Mont. 146 823 775 182 484 666 676 184 278 560 880 470 312 67 111 727 741 218 573 435 131 306 McCutcheon v. Terminal Sta- tion Cornmission, 88 Misc. (N. Y.) 148 215, 224, V. Terminal Station Com- Imission of Buffalo, 88 Misc. (N. Y.) 601 McDade v. Chester, 117 Pa. St. 414 26, 113, MacDermid V. Seattle, 93 Wash. 167 270, McDermott v. Conley, 58 Hun (N. Y.) 602 V. Ida County (Iowa), 171 N. "W. 690 V. Kingston, 19 Hun (N. Y.) 198 McDevitt v. St. Paul, 66 Minn. 14 McDonald v. Ashland, 78 Wis. 251 - V. BOW ditch, 201 Mass. 339 V. Butler, 10 Ga. App. 845 V. Dickenson, 24 Ont. App. 31 V. Duluth, 93 Minn. 206 32, V. Philadelphia, 248 Pa. 145 McDonald v. Modine 182 Ill. App. 429 v. St. Paul, 82 Minn. 308 V. Savoy, 110 Mass. 49 760, v. Snelling, 14 Allen (Mass.) 290 v. Spring Valley (Ill.), 120 N. E. 476 v. Toledo, 6.3 Fed. 60 512, v. Troy, 36 N. Y. St. 704 Macdonald v. Yarrmouth TW p., 29 Ont. 259 McDonnell v. Philadelphia, IPa.. CO. Ct. 672 McDonough v. Virginia, City, 6 Nev. 90 - 27, McDougal1 v. Boston, “134 Mass. 149 - v. Salem, 110 Mass. 21 200, McDowell v. Auburn, 197 N. Y. 529 McElroy v. Albany, 65 Ga. 387 McEniry v. Tri-City. Ry. Co., 254 I11. 99 McEvoy v. Sault Ste. Marie, 136 Mich. 172 199, 270, 306, McFadden v. Jewell, 119 Iowa, 321 McFarland v. Ermp Oria. Twp., 59 Kans. 568 255, v. Muscatine, 98 Iowa 199 McFarlane v. Boston El. R. Co., 194 Mass. 183 12 230 222 853 485 693 746 36 3.68 285 260 694 676 67 126 689 76 346 667 573 TABLE OF CASES cix [References A re to Sections.] McFarlane v. Milwaukee, 51 Wis. 691 709 v. Sullivan, 99 Wis. 361 3.18 TMcFeeters v. New York, 102 App. Div. (N. Y.) 32 267, 364 McGaffigan v. Boston, 149 Mass. 289 .* 535 McGahie v. McClennen, 86 App. Div. (N. Y.) 263 g 7.43 McGarry v. Loomis, 63 N. Y. 104 292, 309 McGary v. Lafayette, 4 La. Ann. 440 47, 71 v. Lafayette, 12 Rob. (Tia.) 668 - 40, 47, 71 McGill v. District of Columbia, 4 Mack. (D. C.) 70 534 McGinity v. New York, 5 Duer. (N. Y.) 674 257 McGinnis v. Brunbelow, 141 Ga. 97 • 745 v. Hyman, 63 Misc. (N. Y.) 316 620 v. Medway, 176 Mass. 67 60 McGinty v. Reokuk, 66 Iowa. 725 606, 650 McGoldrick v. New York & C. R. Co., 49 N. Y. St. 566 589 McGovern v. Boston, 229 Mass. 394 50, 62 McGown v. Washington, 108 Maine 541 270 McGrail v. P.Calamazoo, 94 Mich. 52 463, 588, 827 McGrath v. Bloomer, 73 Wis. 29 310 v. New York &c. R. Co., 63 IN. Y. 522 760 v. Marion, 19 Ky. 673 42 McGraw v. District of Columbia, 3 App. D. C. 405 v. Marion, 98 Ey. 673 McGray v. Lafayette, 12 Rob. (La.) 674 * 867 McGregor v. Boyle, 34 Iowa, 268 101 67 27, 111, 141 v. Harwich Twp., 29 Can. S. C. 443 McGuiness v. New York, 52. How. Pr. (N. Y.) 450 27, 96 McGuinness v. Allison Realty Co., 46 Misc. (N. Y.) 8 29, 55 v. Worcester, 160 Mass. 272 501, 646 McGuire v. Spence, 91 N. Y. 303 292, 309 McHale v. Throop, 13 Pa. Super. 394 \ 85, 261 McHenry v. Ransas City, 101. ECans. 180 666, 671, 312 675 McHenry v. Parkersburg, 66 W. Va. 533 - 141, McHugh v. Consolidated Gas Co., 86 Misc. (N. Y.) 327 358, v. Minocqua, 102 Wis. 291 462, 67 Minn. 441 317, 346, 63 Pa. v. St. Paul, McIlhenney v. Baker, Super. Ct. 385 v. Ransas City, 188 MO. App. 218 v. Philadelphia, 21 Pa, 44 533, v. Wilmington, 127 N. Car. 146 McInery v. St. Joseph, 45 Mo. App. 296 McInnes v. Egremont, 5 Ont. I,. F&ep. 713 * McIntee v. Middletown, 80 App. Div. (N. Y.) 434 667, McIntosh V. Johnson, 160 App. I)iv. (N. Y.) 563 McIntyre v. Orner, 166 Ind. 57 Mack v. Salem, 6 Ore, 275 Mackay v. Commission of Port, "77 Ore. 611 v. Salt Lake City, 29 Utah 247 413, McP&ee v. New York, 135 App. Tyiv. (N. Y.) 829 McEeigue v. Janesville, 68 Wis. 50 275, 595, McRel1ar v. Detroit, 57 Mich. 158 w 280, McPCeller v. Monitor Twp., 78 IMich. 485 411, McFCelvin v. London, 22 Ont. 70 - 318, McRenna v. Bates, 19 R. I. 610 v. New York, 47 N. Y. S. 541 v. St. Louis, 6 Mo. App. 320 McKenzie v. Northfield, 30 Minn. 456 265, McPCeown v. Foster, 159 N. Y. S. 47 Mackey v. T Locke, 28 N. Y. St. 281 v. Vicksburg, 64 Miss. 777 McKim v. Philadelphia, 217 Pa. 243 McRinney v. Brown (Tex. Civ. App.), 81 S. W. 88 206, McKinnon v. Birmingham, 196 Ala. 56 865 576 469 348 768 587 57.1 67 141 352 694 15 778 257 54 686 267 690 500 715 705 694 543 66 595 535 541 675 CX. TABLE OF CASES I Feeferences Are to Sections.] McICissick v. St. Louis, 154 Mo. 588 261, McI or mick v. West Bay City, 110 Mich. 265 Maclam v. Marquette, 148 Mich. 480 McLane V. (Del.) 481 McLaughlin v. Corry, 77 Pa.. St. 109 195, 198, 265, 290, 500, 509, 875, v. Griffin (Iowa.), 135 N. W. 1107 v. Relly, 230 Pa.. 251 296, v. Philadelphia. Traction Co., 175 Pa.. St. 565 McLaury V. McGregor, 717 McLean v. Boston; 180 Mass. 69 v. Lewiston, 8 Idaho 472 McLeansboro v. Lay, 29 Ill. App. 478 265, v. Trannmel, 109 Ill. App. 524 256, 261, 460, McLees v. Anderson, 82 S. Car. 565 McLellan v. Assiniboia, 5 Mani- toba L. Rep. 265 McLemore v. West End, 159 Ala. 235 296, McLeod v. Spokane, 26 Wash. 346 486, McLoughlin v. Philadelphia, 142 Hºa. St. 80 McMahon v. Borland, 262 Ill. 358 Sharpe, 2 Harr. 54 Iowa. v. Dubuque, 107 Iowa, 62 v. Harvard, 213 Mass. 20 v. Kelly, 30 N. Y. St. 915 v. Salem, 25 App.. DiV. (N. Y.) 1. v. Second Ave. R. Co., 75 N. Y. 231 McManamon v. Hanover, 232 Pa. 439 McManus v. Woolverton, Y. St. 107 McMaugh v. Milwaukee, 32 Wis. 200 McMasters v. Lincoln, 101 Nebr. 278 285, McMillian v. Clinton (MO. App.), 210 S. W. 918 McMulkin V. App. 331 IMcMullen v. Middletown, 187 N. Y. 37 v. New York, 104 App. Div. (N. Y.) 337 47 N. Chicago, 92 Ill. 480 272 514 730 877 658 465 241 689 459 476 625 51 3.18 534 312 215 878 337 7.43 240 3.81 322 3.71 77 McNally v. 350 V. Cohoes, 202 McNamara v. Beck, 21 Ind. App. 483 v. Clintonville, 62 Wis. 207 McNaughton v. Elkhart, 85 Ind. 384 McNeil V. Boston, 178 Mass. 326 99, V. Cape Girardeau, 153 Mo. App. 424 824, v. South Pasadena, 166 Cal. 153 g McNerney v. Reading City, 150 Pa.. St. 611 McNiell v. Cape Girardeau (Mo.), 190 S. W. 327 V. Cape Girardeau, 153 Mo. 127 N. Y. 279, 280, 53 Hun (N. Y.) Cohoes, App. 424 v. Cape Girardeau (MO. App.), 140 S. W. 1196 McNish v. Peekskill, 22 App. .Div. (N. Y.) 631 v. Peekskill, 91 Hun (N. Y.) 324 456, McNulty v. Cambridge, 130 MalSS. 275 672, 691, V. Tſudwig & Co., 153 App. Div. (N. Y.) 206 132, Macomb v. Smithers, 6 Ill. App. 4 Macomber V. 212 V. Taunton, Nichols, 34 Mich. 726, Mass. 255 100 297, 298, Macon v. Dannenberg, 113 Ga. 1111 157, 167, 169, V. Leonard, 13 Ga. App. 387 V. Morris, 10 Ga. App. 298 216, 274, v. Small, 108 Ga. 309 169, V. Smith, 14 Ga. App. 703 V. Stringfield (Gal. App.), 85 S. E. 684 McPherson v. Buffalo, 13 App. Div. (N. Y.) 502 V. District of Columbia, 7 Mack. (D. C.) 561 V. New York, 204 N. Y. 430 McQuaid v. Warsaw, 201 III. App. 136 249, 312, 666, 694, McQueen v. Elkhart, 14 Ind. App. 671 460, 481, McQuillan v. Seattle, 10 Wash. 464 595, 597, 598, v. Seattle, 13 Wash. 600 281 668 756 877 707 236 534 693 392 757 31.0 879 222 302 880 240 686 284 95 699 500 624 257 TABLE OF CASES cxi [References Are to Sections.] TMcQuillian v. St. Mary's, 31 Ont. 401 McSherry v. Canandaigua, 35 N. Y. St. 432 V. Canandaigua, 612 1McVee v. Watertown, (N. Y.) 306 McVoy V. P.Cnoxville, 85 19 McWilliams v. Rome, 581 V. Rome, 142 Ga. 848 Macy v. Indianapolis, 17 Ind. 267 tº 26, Madden v. Delaware, L. & W. R. Co., 234 Fed. 731 v. Rensington Vestry (1892), 1 Q. B. 614 v. Springfield, 131 Mass. 441 667, 683, Madigan v. Schaghticoke, 128 N. Y. S. 800 * Madill v. Caledon Twp., 3 Ont. L. 66 Madison v. Antigo, 153 Wis. 448 262, 277, V. Baker, 103 Ind. 41 v. Brown, 89 Ind. 48 Madison Twp., Greenwood Co., V. Scott, 9 P.Cans. App. 871 Madisonville v. Bishop, 23 Ky. L. Rep. 23.63 v. Hardman, 29 Ky. L. 253 129 N. Y. 270, 92 Hun 469, Tenn. 138 Ga. V. Pennberton, 25 Ey. I. Pep. 347 226, 255, 261, v. Stewart (Ky.), 121 S. W. 421 532, 648, Magaha, V. Hagerstown, 95 Mol. 62 241, 500, 501, Magee v. Brooklyn, 18 App. Div. (N. Y.) 22 v. Jones County, 161 Iowa. 296 406, 438, 444, v. Troy, 48 Hun (N. Y.) 383 257, IMaggi v. Cutts, 123 Mass. 535 Maggs v. Seattle, 86 Wash. 427 Magill v. Lancaster Co., 39 S. Car. 27 Maguire v. Middlesex R. Co., 115 Mass. 239 - Mahan v. Everett, 50 La. Ann. 1162 Mahanay v. Scholly, 136 Mahar v. Lochen, 166 Wis. 152 Mahnke v. Freer, 126 Mich. 572 84 Pa.. St. 676 457 459 656 660 53 50 184 465 693 248 . 620 587 788 788 270 41 162 595 659 640 842 688 303 831 689 132 753 Mahnken v. Monmouth Co., 62 N. J. L. 404 573, 574, 575 Mahogany v. Ward, 16 R. I. 479 751 Mahon v. New York, 10 Misc. (N. Y.) 664 64 Mahoney v. Helena, 96 Fed. 790 542 v. Ransas City, 10.6 MO. App. 39 868, 879 v. Metropolitan R. CO., 104 Mass. 73 596 Major Reybold, The, 111 Fed. 414 # 25 Major Taylor & Co. v. Harding, 182 Ry. 236 738, 7.45, 765 Makepeace V. Waterbury, 74 Conn. 360 - 220 Maki v. Cloquet, 116 Minn. 17 595, 620, 788 Malchow v. Teoti, 95 Kans. 787 132 Malden &c. R. Co. v. Charles- town, 8 Allen (Mass.) 245 203, 422 Maldosky v. Germania. Bank, 127 N. Y. S. 292 Malette V. Spokane, 68 Wash. 578 13 Malkan v. Carlin, 105 App. Div. (N. Y.) 640 Malloy v. Wallzer Twp., 77 Mich. 448 340, 343, Malone v. Quincy, 66 Fla. 52 13, 121 Maloney v. Pradley Contracting Co., 84 Misc. (N. Y.) 452 285, 57.1 v. Cook, 21 R. I. 471 679, 688 v. New York, 154 App. Div. (N. Y.) 608 340, 580 Maloy v. New York &c. R. Co., 58 Barb. (N. Y.) 182 v. St. Paul, 54 Minn. 398 595, 624 52 Pa,. t 465 303 856 648 Malpass v. Philadelphia, Super. Ct. 250 Manchester v. Clarkson, 195 Mich. 354 222 v. Ericsson, 105 U. S. 347 229, 233 v. Hartford, 30 Conn. 118 257, 265, 457, 464, 469 Mancuso v. Ransas City, 74 MO. * App. 138 458, 812 Manderschid V. Dubuque, 25 . Iowa. 108 381 29 IOW. a 73 195, 829 Manhattan Bridge Three-Cent I line v. Third Avenue Ry. CO., 154 App. Div. (N. Y.) 704. v. Dublique, 132 cxii TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Manly v. Abernethy, 167 N. Car. 220 Manning v. Woodstock, 59 Conn. 224 - 675, Mannix v. Frost, 100 Misc. (N. Y.) 36 Manross v. Oil City, 178 Pa. St. 276 : Mansfield v. Brister, 76 Ohio St. 270 V. Herndon, 134 La. 10 v. Moore, 124 Ill. 132 469, V. Moore, 21 Ill. App. 326 284, IManske v. Milwaukee, 123 Wis. 172 Manthey v. Rauenbuchler, 71 App. Div. (N. Y.) 17 3 - Manuel v. Curnberland Co., 98 N. Car. 9 Mappin v. Washington Co., 99 Ga. 130 243, 409, IMarcus v. Medford, 161 Wis. 155 Mareck v. Chicago, 89 Ill. App. 358 Marine v. Graham, 67 Ca.1. 130 Marin Water & Power Co. v. Sausalito, 168 Cal. 587 Marion v. Criolo, 278 Ill. 159 Marion Co. v. Riggs, 24 P.Cans. 255 Marion County Const. Co. V. Claycomb, 52 Ind. App. 681 Marius v. Motor Delivery Co., 146 App. Div. (N. Y.) 608 Mark v. Fritsch, 195 N. Y. 282 Markel v. St. Louis, 57 Mo. 189 Markey v. Queens Co., 154 N. Y. 675 * Markle v. Berwick, 142 Pa. St. 85 IMarks v. Rome, 145 Ga. 399 v. Seattle, 88 Walsh. 61 Marmer v. Richard Carvel Co., 167 N. Y. S. 850 Marquette v. Cleary, 37 . Mich. 296 31, 457, Marquis v. Messier, 39 R. I. 563 Marriott v. Stanley, 1 Scott N. R. 392 Marseilles v. Howland, 124 Ill. 547 v. Howland, 23 Ill. App. 101 412, IMarsh v. Boyden, 33 R. I. 519 v. Philadelphia, 8 Pa. Dist. Rep. 340 76, 10, 215 684 14 585. 161 15. 480 285 66 74.1 100 410 582 274 455 4 13 410 340 655 731 265 410 141 667 689 535 465 662 660 422 413 731 j 78 Marshall v. IOwa, 508 V. Buffalo, 50 App. Div. Y.) 149 V. Buffalo, 63 App. Div. (N. Y.) 603 v. Ipswich, 110 Mass. 552 359, v. Louisiana. State Rice Milling Co., 144 La. 828 v. McAllister, 18 Tex. Civ. App. 159 423, v. Pekin, 276 Ill. 187 Marsland V. Murray, 148 Mass. 91 741, Martens v. Brady, 264 III. 178 Martin v. Board of Fire Com’rs., Belle Plains, 106 (N. 132 La. 188 v. Brooklyn, 1 Hill (N. Y.) 5.45 26, V. Butte, 34 Mont. 281 V. Chelsea, 175 Mass. 516 327, V. Columbus, 93 Rans. 79 240, v. St. Joseph, 136 Mo. App. 316 v. Upcher, 3 Ad. & El. (N. S.) 662 Martinovich v. Wooley, 128 Cal. 141 * Martinsville v. Shirley, 84 546 Marvin v. New Bedford, 158 Mass. 464 544, 824, Maryland v. General Stevedor- ing Co., 213 Fed. 51 Ind. v. Miller, 194 Fed. 775 23, 90, Maryon V. Atlanta (Ga.), 99 S. B. 116 Mason v. Birkenhead, 6 Hurl. & N. 72 V. Ellsworth, 32 Maine 271 278, v. Philadelphia, 205 Pa.. St. 177 v. Spartanburg Co., Car. 390 v. Winthrop, 40 S. 196 Mass. 18 258, 270, v. West, 61. App. Div. (N. Y.) 40 Massey v. Columbus, 75 Ga. 658 V. Oates, 143 Ala. 248 Massillon v. Huff, 32 Ohio Cir. Ct. R. 33.3 MassOth v. Delaware &c. Canal Co., 64 N. Y. 524 585 41 41 636 55 661. 38 767 & 216 66 29 460 334 296 141 677 455 188 827 39 138 686 667 873 246 424 457 726 576 77 i24 760 TABLE OF CASES cxiii [References Aire to Sections.] Masters v. Bowling Green, 101 Fed. 101 - v. Troy, 50 Hun (N. Y.) 485 195, 504, v. Warren, 27 Conn. 293 Masterson v. Mount Vernon, 58 N. Y. 391 307, v. New York &c. R. Co., 84 N. Y. 247 V. Panhandle & S. F. R. Co. (Tex. Civ. App.), 193 S. W. 461 Matheny v. Aiken, 68 S. Car. 163 Matthews v. Cedar Rapids, 80 Iowa, 459 580, v. New York, 78 App. Div. (N. Y.) 422 Mattimore v. Erie, 144 Pa. St. 14 Mattlage v. Boards of Hudson and Bergen Counties (N. J. L.), 60 Atl. Rep. 195 * Mattoon v. Faller, 217 Ill. 273 V. WOrland, 97 Ill. App. 13 256, 575, 623, Mauch v. Hartford, 112 Wis. 40 269, Mauch Chunk v. FCline, 100 Pa. St. 119 g 500, Maultby v. 28 P:Can S. 745 595, Maus v. Mahoning Twp., 24 Pa. Super. Ct. 624 v. Springfield, 101 Mo. 613 195, 218, 258, 265, Maxim v. Champion, 50 Hun (N. Y.) 88 242, 252, 253, 343, Maximilian v. New York; 62 N. TV. 160 Maxon v. Walsh. 142 Maxwell v. City, 7 Phila. (Pa.) 137 May V. Anaconda, 26 Mont. 140 45, 226, 310, v. Boston, i50 Mass. 517 v. Brooklyn, 44 N. Y. St. 3.68 v. Brooklyn, TY. St. 552 222, IMaybury v. Standish, 56 Maine 342 Mayer v. Anderson, 36 Cal. App. 740 v. Mellette (Ind. App.), 114 N. E. 241 660, 738, 752, Ileavenworth, School District, 5 46 N. 42 828 873 326 582 161 827 264 398 4.09 582 788 270 507 645 595 348 * 51, 58, 61 2 27 645 689 645, 222 770 Mayfield V. Hughley, 135 Ky. 532 258, 265, Mayhew v. Boyce, 1 Stark. 423 May O V. Baraga, 178 Mich. 171 500, Mayor v. Brooke, 7 Ad. & Ell. (N. S.) 339 V. Everson, 18 R. I. 748 v. Randolph, 4 Watts & S. (Pa.) 514 v. Ray, 19 Wall. 468 - Sheffield, 4 Wall. (U. S.) 189 - v. Spear, 66 Ga. 304 v. Poultney, 25 Md. 107 29, Mayrant V. Columbia, 77 S. Car. 281 Mayronne v. Keegan; 661 Maysville v. Brooks, 145 Ky. 526 141, 146, 160, 110 Ky. 670 296, v. Guilfoyle, 23 Ky. T. 43 V. Stanton, 12 BCy. T. Rep. 586 230, Mead v. Derby, 40 Conn. 205 v. Etobicoke Twp., 18 Ont. - 438 V. Strauss, 202 Mass. 399 Meares v. Wilmington, 9 Tred. L. (31 N. Car.) 73 (U. S.) TV. 117 La. v. Guilfoyle, 4,69 734 507 T67 317 13 2.17 160 145 3.18 185 623 598 879 200 415 464 Mears v. Spokane, 22 Wash. 323 , 680, Mechanicsburg v. Meredith, 54 III. 84 Meck V. Nebraska, Telephone Co., 96 Nebr. 539 Medina v. Perkins, 48 Mich. 67 Medlin V. Spazier, 23 Cal. App. 242 • \ Meek v. Whitechapel Board, 2 Fost. & Fin. 144 Meeker v. East Orange, J. L. 623 v. Fairfield, 187 Meenach v. Crawford (Mo.), 187 S. W. 879 640, 727, Megins v. Duluth, 97 Minn. 23 Mehan v. St. Louis, 217 MO. 35 Mehlos v. Milwaukee, 156 Wis. 591 Meidenbauer v. Pewaukee, WiS. 326 Meier V. Wagner, 27 Cal. 579 77 N. 25 Colo. App. 162 296, App. 360 210 578 177 iss 840 731 667 790 3.81. 760 cxiv. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Meiners v. St. Tuouis, 130 Mo. 274 241 Mellen v. Western R. Co., 4 Gray (Mass.) 301 156 Mellor v. Bridgeport, 14 Mont. Co. L. Rep. (Pa.) 184 #582 Meltzer v. Chicago, 152 Ill. App. 334 ) 121 171 Ey. 571, 738, 774 Memphis v. Rimbrough, 12 Heisk. (Tenn.) 133 25, 27, 90 v. Lasser, 9 Humph. (Tenn.) Melville v. Rollwage, 607 757 32, 290, 327 v. Memphis Water Co., 5 EHeisk. (Tenn.) 495 18 v. Miiler, 78 Mo. App. 67 707 v. State, 133 Tenn. 83 293 Memphis St. Ry. Co. v. Rapid Transit Co. (Tenn.), 179 S. W. 635 122 v. Rapid Transit Co., 138 Tenn. 594 15 Menard V. Bay City, 114 Mich. 450 k 544 v. Boston &c. R. Co., 150 Mass. 386 829 Mendel v. Wheeling, 28 W. Va. 233 66, 86 Mendenhall. v. Burton, 42 Rans. 570 ** 9 Mendota, v. Fay, 1 Ill. App. 418 195 Meneely v. Kinser Const. Co., 128 App. Div. (N. Y.) 799 77 Menzies v. Interstate Pav. Co., 106 App. Div. (N. Y.) 107 Meracle v. Down, 64 Wis. 323 Meridian v. Crook, 109 Miss. 700 240, 532, v. Hyde (Miss.), 11 So. 108 v. McEeath, 80 . Miss. 485 v. Steinback, 79 Miss. 447 Merina. Twp. v. Perkins, 48 Mich. 67 428 Meriwether v. Garrett, 102 U. S. 472 13 Merkle v. Bennington, 58 Mich. * 156 850 Merrifield v. Worcester, 110 Mass. 216 27, 31, 161, Merrill v. Claremont, 58 N. H. 468 v. Hampden, 26 Maine 234 202, 240, v. North Yarmouth, 78 Maine 200 v. Portland, 4 Cliff. (U. S.) 138 484 778 816 606 598 3.25 383 365 604 459 Merrill v. Van Buren, 125 Ark. 248 13, v. Wilbraham, 11 Gray (Mass.) 154 306, Merriman v. Phillipsburg, 158 Pa. St. 78 343, Merritt v. Einloch Tel. Co., 215 IMO. 299 Mertz v. Brooklyn, 33 N. Y. St. 577 Meruk v. New York, 223 N. Y. 271 Merwin v. Utica, 172 App. Div. (N. Y.) 51 532, 671, 673, Meserve v. Libby, 115 Maine 282 655, Messenger v. Bridgetown, 33 N. S. 291 312, Messer v. Gulf, C. &c. R. CO. (Tex. Civ. App.), 153 S. W. 9.28 Messersmith v. Buffalo, 138 App. Div. (N. Y.) 427 Metcalf v. Boston, 158 Mass. 284 232, Methodist Episcopal Church. V. Wyandotte, 31 J&ans. 721 Metropolis v. Moreland, 206 Ill. App. 357 Metropolitan Ins. Co. v. Clark, 145 Wis. 181 . 741, Metropolitan West Side Elec- tric Ry. v. Chicago, 261 Ill. 624 Metz v. Asheville, 150 N. Car. 748 v. Butte, 27 Mont. 506 Metzger v. Chicago, 103 Ill. App. 605 Meyer v. Ransas City, 108 Mo. 408 & Meyers v. Barrett, 167 App. Div. (N. Y.) 170 v. Philadelphia, 217 Pa. 159 Michaelson v. Charleston, 71 W. "Va. 35 220, Michigan Cent. Ry. Co. v. Mil- ler, 172 Mich. 201 - Michigan City v. Ballance, Ind. 334 v. Boeckling, 123 122 Ind. 39 39, v. Phillips, 163 Ind. 449 v. Werner, 186 Ind. 149 50, 440, Mickelson v. Fischer, 81 Wash. 423 - 578, Middle Pºittitas Irrigation Dist. v. Peterson, 4 Wash. 147 127 307 4.38 284 667 168 699 727 616 140 85 296 184 13 743 10 50 850 500 260 760 75 796 215 788 310 256 667 773 TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Middlesfield v. Church Mills Knitting Co., 160 Mass. 267 Middleton V. Cedar Falls, 173 IOW a 619 340, 640, 648, 835, Midway v. Lloyd, 24 Ky. L. Rep. 2448 240, 241, Migliacco v. Smith Fuel Co., 151 IOWa. 705 Milan, The, 1 Lush. 388, 403 Miles v. Brooklyn, 98 App. Div. (N. Y.) 195 v. Lynn, 130 Mass, 398 v. Richardson County, Nebr. 29.4 Milford v. Bangor R. &c. 106 Maine 316 v. Holbrook, 9 Allen (Mass.) 17 705, Millcreek Twp. v. Perry (Pa.), 12 Atl. 149 570, Milledge” v. Kansas City, 100 Mo. App. 490 284, Milledgeville v. Cooley, 55 Ga. 17 195, v. Sternbridge, 139 Ga. 692 169, 95 TOWa. 5 ~, 285, v. Bradford, 186 Pa.. St. 164 v. Canton, 112 Mo. App. 322 248, 256, 265, 270, 462, 463, 472, v. Detroit, 156 Mich. 630 v. Duluth, 134 Minn. 418 100 425, Co., Miller v. Boone Co., 290, 300, v. Eldon (Iowa), 170 N. W. 377 v. Flash Chernical CO., 230 Mass. 419 v. Harrison County (Iowa), 153 N. W. 1033 v. Hastings, 25 Pa. Super. Ct. 569 v. P.Calaïmazoo, 140 Mich. 494 v. Minneapolis, 75 Minn. 131 v. Missouri Wrecking CO: (MO.), 187 S. W. 45 261, 266, Idaho 28 258, 264, 472, Newport News, 101 Va. 432 v. New York, 104 App. Div. (N. Y.) 33 v. New York Taxicab Co., 120 N. Y. S. 889 v. North Adams, 182 Mass. 569 v. Mullan, 17 411 854 255 74.1 775 180 672 426 86 708 646 821 206 180 4.38 505 816 24 340 655 4.38 67 86 398 824 113 Miller v. Perris Irr. Dist., 85 Fed. 693 v. St. Paul, 38 Minn. 134 532, 542, v. Springfield, 177 Mass. 373 679, v. State, 161 App. Div. (N. Y.) 891 V. Toledo, 1 Ohio Dec. 186 v. United Rys. CO., 155 MO. App. 528 Millett v. Princeton, 167 Ind. 582 Milliken V. Denny, 19 Mills v. Brooklyn, 32 N. Y. 489 26, 27, 140, 146, V. Oquawka, 200 Ill. App. 119 476, v. Philadelphia, 187 Pa. St. 287 Mill Village Borough v. Nypano F. Co., 254 Pa. 65 Milostan v. Chicago, 148 Ill. App. 540 Milwaukee v. TXavis, 6 Wis. 377 27, v. Raulf, 164 Wis. 172 12, v. Ruplinger, 155 Wis. 391 Miner v. Franklin, 78 N. H. 240 318, 348, App. Div. 135 N. Car. v. Rembt, 178 (N. Y.) 173 Mineral City v. Gilbow, 81 Ohio -St. 263 Mineral County Court v. Pied- mont, 72 W. Va. 296 Miners v. Ausfresser, 99 Misc. (N. Y.) 236 535, Minick v. Troy, 83 N. Y. 514 Minkley v. Springwells, Mich. 347 113 Minns V. Onnermee, Rep. 579 Minor v. Stevens, 65 Wash. 423 Minton v. Syracuse, 172 App. Div. (N. Y.) 39 40, 200, 284, Mintzer v. Hogg, 192 Pa. St. 137 Miranda, v. Collinsville, 206 IIl. App. 166 532, Mischke v. Seattle, 26 Wash. 616 303, Missano v. New York, 17 App. Div. (N. Y.) 536 v. New York, 160 N. Y. 123 65, 671, Missouri Pac. R. Co. v. Hackett, 54 BCans. 316 2 Ont. T. 821 680 658 145 74.1 29 251 542 595 312 131 220. 15 57.1 610 348 13 816 686 534 727 508 465. 694 623 65 381 cxvi. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Missouri &c. R. Co. v. Matherly, 35 -Tex. Civ. App. 604 Missotiri &c. Tel. Co. v. Vander- Vort, 71 P.CanS. 101 Mitchell v. Brady, 258 V. Brown (MO. 190 S. W. 354 727, v. Chisholm, 116 Minn. 323 V. Dannenmora, 178 App. Div. (N. Y.) 239 V. Denver, 33 Colo. 37 Plattsburg, 33 MO. App. 555 v. Richmond, 107 Va. 193 V. Rockland, 41 Maine 3.63 30 BCy. L. App.), 738 666 512 222 853 650 36, 56 Rockland, 52 Maine 118, 125 51, 71, . St. Louis &c. P. Co., 116 Mo. App. 81 Tell City (Ind. App.), 81 N. E. 594 317, v. Worcester, 129 Mass. 525 666, 690, TMitchell County v. Dixon, 20 Ga. App. 21 406, 630, Mittiestadt v. Morrison, 76 Wis. 265 Mixer v. Herrick, 78 Vt. 349 Moakley v. MacAdaras, 165 Mo. App. 467 Mobile v. Fowler, 147 Ala. 403 v. Rimball, 102 U. S. 691 V. Shaw, 149 Ala. 599 v. Watson, 116 U. S. 289 V. Webster, 4 Ala. App. 470 Mobile County v. Maddox, 195 Ala. 336 Mobile Light & R. Co. v. S. D. Copeland, 15 Ala. App. 235 Mobridge v. Brown, 39 S. Dak. 270 . * Mobus v. Waitsfield, 75 Vt. 122 411, 444, Mochler v. Shaftsbury, 46 Vt. 580 Modern Nelson (Tex. Civ. App.), S. W. 17 Moebus v. Herrmann, 108 N. Y. 3.49 746, TMoeller v. Rugby, IN. TXa.k. 4.38 TMOest v. Buffalo, 193 N. Y. 615 Moffit v. Asheville, 103 N. Car. 237 Mogk v. New York &c. Tel. Co., 78 App. Div. (N. Y.) 560 578, Order Of Praetorians V. 162 30 1.99 221 597 691 798 "752 535 535 807 113 240 257 410 240 14 798 315 15 747 650 96 581 Mohney v. Cook, 26 Pa.. St. 342 Moline v. Johnson, 205 Ill. App. 241 Mollinow v. Rafter, 89 Misc. (N. Y.) 495 Molloy v. Walker Twp., 77 Mich. 448 240, 278, Molway v. Chicago, 239 Ill. 486 249, 292, Momence v. FCendall, 14 Ill. App. 229 Monds v. Dunn, 163 N. Car. 108 88, 274, Monett v. Carmpbell (Mo. App.), 204 S. W. 32 Monies V. Lynn, 119 Mass. 273 255, V. Lynn, 121 Mass. 442 Monje v. Grand Rapids, 122 Mich. 645 - 3.29, 337, Monk v. New Utrecht, 104 N. Y. 552 199, 200, 205, 206, 207, 479, Monmouth v. Sullivan, 8 Ill. App. 50 2.99, Mono County v. Industrial Ac- cident Comm., 175 Cal. 752 Monongahela, City V. Fischer, 111 Pa. St. 9 296, Monroe v. Leach, 7 Metc. (Mass.) 274 Monroe Co. v. Flynt, 80 Ga. 489 Monroeville v. Weihl, 2 Ohio Dec. 343 Montain v. Fargo, 38 N. Dak. 432 56, Montezuma, v. Law, 1 Ga. App. 579 33, v. Wilson, 82 Ga. 206 Monticello v. Bates, 163 BCy. 38 v. Bates, 169 Ey. 258 V. Condo, 47 Ind. App. 490 300, V. Fox, 3 Ind. App. 481 v. Rennard, 7 Ind. App. 135 Montgomery, Ex parte, 163 Cal. 457 Montgomery v. Bradley, 159 Ala. 230 340, v. Gilmer, 33 Ala. 116 27, 141, 195, v. Reese, 146 Ala. 410 v. Ross (Ala.), 70 So. 634 246, 285, 481, 544, 574, v. Scott, 34 Wis. 338 v. Stephens, 14 Ala. App. 274 141, v. Supple (Ala. App.), 80 So. 139 663 666 67 587 726 650 580 15 279 280 695 659 346 38 460 766 410 577 77 409 257 15 15 595 155 266 15 573 2.94 581 597 612 842 296 TABLE OF CASES cxvii [References Are to Sections.] Montgomery v. Wright, 72 Ala. 411 - 460, 646, v. Wyche, 169 Ala. 181 265, 595, 788, Montgomery Co. v. Coffer, berry, 14 Iñd. App. 701 v. Montgomery, 195 Ala. 197 Montgomery St. R. Co. v. Smith, 146 Ala. 316 Montpelier v. McMahon, 85 Vt. 275 122, Montreal v. Gauthier, Rap. Jud. Que., 7 Q. B. 100 Moody v. Osgood, 54 N. Y. 488 v. Saratoga Springs, 163 N. Y. 581 v. Shelby Twp., 110 Mich. 3.96 IMoon v. Ionia, 81 Mich. 635 206, 258, v. Middletown, 14 Ohio C. C. 498 325, 577, TMooney v. Edison Elec. Il- luminating Light Co., 185 Mass. 547 v. Hauck, 1 Ohio App. 432 v. Luzerne, 186 Pa. St. 161 v. St. Marys, 15 Ohio C. C. 446 v. Trow Directory Co., 2 Misc. (N. Y.) 238 Moore v. Abbott, 32 Maine 46 372, v. Burlington, 49 Iowa. 136 v. Cape Girardeau, 103 Mo. 470 218, 220, 222, v. Carolina. Power &c. Co.,’ 163 N. Car. 300 124, v. Gadsden, 93 N. Y. 12 v. Hazelton Twp., 118 Mich. 425 v. Huntington, 31 W. Va. 842 572, 581, 622, 109 Mich. 176 262, 472, 800, v. FCalamazoo, 815 877 410 689 597 232 26 773 118 788 268 §95 442 752 384 276 225 215 464 628 828 v. Renockee Twp., 75 Mich. - 332 204, v. Ropplin (Tex. Civ. App.), 135 S. W. 1033 v. Lambeth Water-Works, 17 Q. B. Div. 462 - v. Meroney, 154 N. Car. 158 v. Minneapolis, 19 Minn. 300 195, 255, v. Mobile, 1 Stew. (Ala.) 284 v. Oceanic Steam Nav. Co., 24 Fed. 237 - 270 131 199 225 459 240 90 Moore v. Platteville, 78 Wis. 644 478, v. Richmond, 85 Va. 538 241, 257, 574, 648, v. Shreveport, 3 La. Ann. 645 199, Moore Mfg. Co. v. Springfield- Southwestern Ry. Co., 256 Mo. 167 - Mooresville V. Spoon App.), 118 N. E. 686 246, CO., (Ind. 571, MO Orland v. Mitchell 10 Iowa, 374 Mootry v. Danbury, 45 Conn. 550 141, Moran v. New York, 98 App. IDiv. (N. Y.) 301 512, v. Pullman Palace Car Co., 134 Mo. 641 v. St. Paul, 54 Minn. 279 v. Salt Lake City (Utah), 173 Pa.C. 702 v. Smith, 114 Maine 55 Moreauville v. Boyer, 138 La. 1070 º Moreland V. Co., 40 Iowa, 394 229, 406, Moren v. New York, 163 App. Div. (N. Y.) 561 Moret v. George A. Fuller Co., 195 Mass. 118 573, Morgan v. Danbury, 67 Conn. 484 v. TYes Moines, 60 Fed. 208 v. Fremont Co., 92 Iowa 644 423, 57 Maine 375 200, 297, 181 Mo. App. 3.48 246, 290, v. Rirksville (Mo. App.), 179 S. W. 755 580, 823, v. Lewiston, 91 Maine 566 v. Penn Yan, 42 App. Div. (N. Y.) 582 285, v. Penn Yan, 59 N. Y. Supp. 504 329, v. Rhinelander, 105 Wis. 138 Mitchell v. Hallowell, v. Rirksville, v. Shelbyville (TCy.), 121 S. W. 617 v. Stowe (Vt.), 104 Atl. 339 821 827 597 122 648 4.09 182 514 113 667 694 746 216 409 696 825 141 667 818. 347 622 853 686 650 579 695 100 50, 51, 85 v. Tarboro, 174 N. Car. 104 115 Morgan County v. Glass, 139 Ga. 415 406, v. Pritchett, 85 Ind. 68 4.38 409 cxviii TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] IMorgan Park v. Chicago, 255 Ill. 190 Morgan’s LOuisiana, &c. P. CO. v. White, 136 La. 1074 Moriarty V. Lewiston, 98 Maine 482 242, 290, V. New York, 132 App. Div. (N. Y.) 10 Morin v. Nunan (N. J.), 103 Atl. 378 Morley v. Buchanan, 124 Mich. i28 V. Columbia, 88 MO. 106 . Morrell v. Pana, 207 Ill. App. 609 113, 140, v. Peck, 88 N. Y. 398 Morrill v. Deering, 3 N. H. 53 V. Kansas City (MO. App.), 179 S. W. 759 241, Morris v. Council Bluffs, 65 Iowa. 343 v. East Haven, 41 Conn. 252 t - v. Fagan, 85 N. J. L. 617 V. Interurban St. R. Co., 100 App. Div. (N. Y.) 295 329, v. Philadelphia, 195 Pa.. St. 37.2 542, v. Salt Lake City, 35 Utah. 474 v. State, 65 Tex. 53 Morris Co. v. Hough, 55 N. J. L. 628 266, 406, 409, 411, IMorrison v. Clark, 196 Ala. 670 611, 730, 731, 735, 736, v. Conley Taxicab Co., 94 Walsh. 436 . Eau Claire, 115 Wis. 538 . Ironwood, 189 Mich. 117 . Lawrence, 98 Ma SS. 219 . Madison, 96 Wis. 452 . Shelby Co., 116 Ind. 431 --~ 603, Syracuse, 45 App. Div. (N. Y.) 421 Syracuse, 53 App. (N. Y.) 490 IMorrissey v. Cincinnati, 33 Ohio Cir. St. F. 541 V. Cleveland, C., C. & St. L. IR. Co., 61 Ind., App. 90 Morse v. Belfast, 77 Maine 44 v. Boston, 109 Mass. 446 v. Richmond, 41 Vt. 435 365, , 381, v. Troy, 38 Hun (N. Y.) 301 v. Worcester, 139 Mass. 389 111, : v. V. Div. 7 9 541 266 15 180 67 161 638 257 290 156 '760 745 570 76 25 475 77 597 296 509 368 229 161 f Morsman v. Rockland, 9i Maine 264 Mortagna v. Aztec Asphalt Co., 154 N. Y. S. 184 Mortell v. Clark, 272 I11. 201 Morton v. Frankfort, 55 Maine 46 290, v. Gloster, 46 Maine 520 Moser v. Burlington, 162 N. Car. 141 110, 145, .V. Legniti, 76 Misc. (N. Y.) 216 Moses v. Pittsburgh &c. R. Co., 21 III. 516 Mosey v. Troy, 61 Barb. (N. Y.) 580 195, 257, Mosheuvel v. District of Colum- bia, 17 App. (D. C.) 401 Mosier v. Butler County, |Kans. 708 V. Butler County, 825 v. East Stroudsburg Bor- Ough, 53 Pa. Super. Ct. 377 Moskovitz v. Lighte, 68 Hun (N. Y.) 102 MOSS V. Augusta, 93 Ga. 797 v. Burlington, 60 Iowa, 438 Mosso v. E. H. Stanton Co., 75 Walsh. 220 MOsteller v. Rome, 141 Ga. 140 Motlow v. State, 125 Tenn. 547 Moulton v. Aldrich, 28 Kans. 300 741, 752, v. Fargo (N. TXa.k.), 167 N. W. 717 Sandford, 51. Maine 127 343, 372, 7i Maine' 82 91 Rans. V. Scarborough, 267 v. Scruton, Mound City v. Mason, 392 Moundsville v. Yost, 75 W. Va. 224 Mt. Carmel v. Blackburn, 53 I11. App. 658 559, v. Guthridge, App. 632 Mt. Morris v. 98 [11. App. 373 223, 265, Mt. Oliver v. Goldbach, 244 Pa. 56 Mt. Pleasa'ºt v. Beckwith, 100 U. S. 514 Mt. Sterling v. Crummy, 73 Ill. App. 572 620, 639, V. 39 Maine 287 262 Ill. 52 Ill. Ranode, 23, 24, 351 581 12 305 768 161 625 309 501 606 275 422 360 747 67 380 578 423 12 778 56 612 25 826 12 10 620 327 302 122 18 876 TABLE OF CASES cxix [References Aire to Sections.] . Mount Vernon v. Brooks, 39 Ill. App. 426 206, 460, 533, 571, v. Cockrum, 59 Ill. App. 540 V. DuSouchett, 2 Ind. 586 V. Hoehn, 22 Ind. App. 282 Mower v. Leicester, 9 Mass. 250 Moxley v. Pike County, 276 Mo. 449 50, Moy Quon v. M. Furuya. Co., 81 Wash. 526 Moye v. Reddick, 20 Ga. App. 649 Moyer v. Oshkosh, 151 Wis. 586 671, v. Walden W. Shaw Livery Co., 205 Ill. App. 273 Mueller v. Milwaukee, 110 Wis. 623 500, v. Ross Twp., 152 Pa. St. 3.99 Mugler v. Kansas, 123 U. S. 623 Mulcairns v. Janesville, 67 Wis. 24 Mulhern v. Philadelphia. Home- Made Bread Co., 257 Pa. 22 Mullen v. Glens Falls, 11 App. Div. (N. Y.) 275 Muller v. District of Columbia, 5 Mackey 280 Mulligan v. Homestead Borough, 243 Pa. 361 Mullins v. Siegel-Cooper Co., 183 N. Y. 129 Mulvane v. South Topeka, 45 Rans. 45 222, 225, Muncie v. Hey, 164 Ind. 570 r 241, 266, V. Spence, 33 Ind. App. 599 Munday v. Newton, 167 N. Car. 656 Munger v. Waterloo, 83 Iowa. 559 262, Munger Oil &c. Co. v. Groesbeck (Tex. Civ. App.), 194 S. W. 1121 - Municipal Paving Co. v. Dono- Van Co. (Tex. Civ. App.), 142 S. W. 644 Munley v. Sugar Notch Borough, 215 Pa.. 228 IMunn v. Finger, 66 Fla. 572 V. Hudson, 61 App. T)iv. (N. Y.) 343 141, 145, v. Pittsburg, 40 Pa. St. 364 1Murcott v. New York, 181 App. Div. (N. Y.) 171 Murdaugh v. Oxford Borough, 214 Pa. 384 258, 658 443 607 3.81 199 195 730 15 693 768 509 610 121 25, 50, 66 746 369 622 655 541 232 501 3.18 26 823 12 3.71 149 154 6CW 463 6 Del. 48 127, 131, Murdock v. Warwick, 4 Gray (Mass.) 178 612, Murphy V. Atlantic Highlands, 77 N. J. L. 452 v. Brooklyn, 118 N. Y. 575 v. Buffalo, 38 Hun (N. Y.) 49 California, 225 U. S. 623 v. C. A. Webb & Co., 156 N. Car. 402 v. Chicago, 29 Ill. 279 175, V. Chicago, 185 Ill. App. 252 v. Dayton, 7 Ohio N. P. 227 V. Fond du Lac, 23 Wis. 365 V. Ft. Edward, 158 App. Div. (N. Y.) 342 691, V. Ft. Edward, 79 Misc. (N. Y.) 296 45, v. Girardville, 16 Pa.. Co. Ct. 153 603, V. Gloucester, 105 Mass. 470 - 346, . Herold Co., 137 Wis. 609 EHugh Nawn Contracting Co., 223 Mass. 404 50, 62, . Indianapolis, 83 Ind. 76 . Indianapolis, 158 Ind. 238 . Lowell, 124 Mass. 564 . Needham, 176 Mass. 422 Murden V. Lewes, y : . Orr, 96 N. Y. 14 . St. Paul, 130 Minn. 410 675, v. Seneca Falls, 57 App. Div. (N. Y.) 438 v. Weidmann Cooperage Co., 1 App. Div. (N. Y.) 283 v. Worcester, 159 Mass. 546 Murphysboro v. Baker, 34 Ill. App. 657 v. O’Reily, 36 III. App. 157 v. Woolsey, 47 Ill. App. 447 343, 533, Murray v. Boston, 219 Mass. 501 85, y . Butte, 35 Mont. 161 . Butte, 51 Mont. 258 . Grass Take, 125 Mich. 2 . Tuiebmann, 231 Mass. 7 . Onaha, 66 Nebr. 279 Seattle, 96 Wash. 646 671, v. Woodson CO., 58 P&ans. 1 Muscatine Turn Verein V. Funck, Sl. 8 Iowa, 469 i 52, 873 616 157 328 694 15 11 309 599 460 866 699 422 606 347 573 308 809 141 27 58 747 , 796 675 749 260 257 266 656 175 110 676 56 746 71 675 423 13 CXX TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] Muse v. Lexington, 1.10 Tenn. 655 Musgrave v. Studebaker Bros. CO. Of Utah, 48 Utah 410 IMusick V. Latrobe, 184 Pa.. St. 375 251, 289, Muskogee v. Miller, 45 Okla. 414 240, Musselman v. Hatfield, 202 Pa. St. 489 ºr Myers v. Asheville, 165 N. Car. 703 V. Dixon, 3 Jones & Sp. (N. Y.) 390 V. Hinds, 110 Mich. 300 V. New York, 154 App. Div. (N. Y.) 713 535, V. Priest, 145 lowa. 81 131, V. San Francisco, 42 Cal. 215 47, Springfield, 112 Mass. 489 290, 340, V. *. N INafziger v. Mahan (Mo. App.), 191 S. W. 1080 INagel v. Buffalo, 34 Hun (N. Y.) - 1. 666, Nally v. Saginaw, 197 Mich. 106 JNappanee v. Ruckman, 7 Ind. App. 361 590, 788, 789, 809, 811, INash v. South Hadley, 145 Mass. 105 690, Nashville v. Brown, 9 Heisk. (Tenn.) 1 76, 195, 290, v. Burns, 131. Tenn. 281 v. Mason, 137 Tenn. 169 v. Singer & Johnson Ferti- lizer Co., 127 Tenn. (Cates) 107 V. Sutherland, 94 Tenn. 356 141, TNason v. Boston, 14 Allen (Mass.) 508 500, v. West, 31 Misc. (N. Y.) 583 Natchez v. Lewis, 90 Miss. 310 v. Shields, 74 Miss. 871 National Casket CO. V. POWar, 137 Ey. 156 Navailles V. Diehlman, 124 La. 421 18 729 3.81 606 746 732 575 200 867 355 745 699 38 869 691 457 101 118 243 160 512 726 598 309 731 770 Naylor v. Salt Lake City, 9 Utah 491 Neal v. Boston, 160 Mass. 518 V. Gilmore, 141 Mich. 519 V. Marion, 126 N. Car. 412 603, 606, V. Marion, 129 N. Car. 345 456, 469, 471, 570, 573, 595, 606, v. Renda.11, 98 Maine 69 Neanow v. Uttech, 46 Wis. 581 Nebraska City v. Campbell, 2 Black (U. S.) 591 V. Lamp kin, 6 Nebr. 27 V. Rathbone, 20 Nebr. 288 Neddo v. Ticonderoga, 77 Hun (N. Y.) 524 Neely v. \People's R. Co. Super.), 89 Atl. 211 Neff V. Wellesley, 148 Mass. 487 Nehring v. Charles M. Monroe Stationery Co. (Mo. App.), 191 (Del. S. W. 1054 Neihardt v. Minneapolis, 112 Minn. 149 296, 302, Neill V. Gates, 152 Mo. 585 Neilson v. Worcester, 219 Mass. 88 354, 500, Neinsteil v. Smith, 21 III. App. 235 Nelson v. Canisteo, 100 N. Y. 89 V. Hedin (Iowa), 169 N. W. 37 728, 766, V. Kansas City, 170 Mo. App. 542 175, v. Rockford, 186 Ill. App. 288 423, 425, v. Spokane, 45 Wash. 31 v. Spokane, 104 Wash. 219 23, Nelson County Court v. Wash- 310 823 121 667 853 730 660) 195 175 50+ 573 658 748 3.63 16 502 240 195 767 532 435 635 101 818 74.1 69 () 588 573 620 Navarre v. Benton Harbor, 126 Mich. 618 Navasota, v. Pearce, 46 Tex. 525 INave v. Flack, 90 Ind. 205 Naylor v. Haviland, 88 Conn. 256 * 578, 507 199 826 731. ington County Court, 14 B. Mon. (Ey.) 92 Nerney v. Reading, 150 Pa. St. 611 Nesbit v. Crosby, 74 Conn. 554 v. Topeka, 87 Rans. 394 Nesbitt V. Greenville, 69 Miss. 22 401, 587, Nessen v. New Orleans, 134 La. 45.5 131, 295, 541, Nessler v. New York House Wrecking Co., 156 App. Div. (N. Y.) 348 Neuert v. Boston, 120 Mass. 338 314, Neverre v. Toronto, 27 Ont. 651 402 582 TABLE OF CASES exxi [References Are to Sections.] Neville v. Chicago, 154 Ill. App. 537 Nevin v. Rochester, 19 Alb. L. J. 315 Nevins v. Peoria, 41 III. 502, 515 76, 77, 155, 162, New Albany v. Lines, 21. Ind. App. 380 v. McCulloch, 127 Ind. 500 206, 242, 571, 802, 3 Ind. App. 321 179, v. Slider, 21. Thd. App. 392 V. Stirr, 34 Ind. App. 615 Newark V. Chestnut Hill Land Co., 77 N. J. E. 23 V. Jones, 16 Ohio C. C. 563 v. McDowell, 16 Ohio C. C. 556 442, New Brighton v. Piersol, 107 Pa. 280 Newbury v. Connecticut &c. P. Co., 25 V t. 377 Newcastle v. Grubbs, 171 Ind. 482 **: 343, V. Harvey, 54 Ind. App. 243 New Castle V. Pºurtz, 210 Pa. 183 Newcomb v. Boston Prot. TXept., 146 Mass. 596 742, Newcomerstown v. Dickenson, 32 Ohio Cir. Ct. R. 311 New Decatur v. Chappell, 2 Ala. App. 564 - New dick v. Harmilton, 18 Ohio C. C. 266 50, Newell v. Stony Point, 59 App. Div. (N. Y.) 237 New Hamburg v. Waterloo Co., 22 Can. S. Car. 296 TNewhouse v. Miller, 35 Ind. 463 JNew Jersey &c. R. Co. v. Jersey City, 68 N. J. L. 108 New F.CiOWa. v. Craven, 46 Rans. 114 TNewlands v. Towa. Ry. &c. Co., 179 Iowa, 228 124, Newlin Twp. v. Davis, 77 Pa. St. 31.7 229, 352, Newman v. Alhambra, (Cal.), 175 Pac. 414 77, v. JErnst, 31 N. Y. St. 1 New Orleans v. Collins, 52 La. Ann. 973 v. Kaufman, V. Ray, 138 Tua. 897 15, v. Eerr, 50 La. Ann. 413 23, 41, v. Ile E1anc, i. 39 Ta. 113 12, 195, 24 (), 868 805 783 118 371 161 442 867 623 118 707 7 55 124 666 850 422 605 221 100 21.5 179 751. 14 131 86 2^ 3 New Orleans v. Lenfant, 126 La. 455 v. New Orleans Water Co., 142 U. S. 79. V. Shuler, 140 La. 657 Newport v. Lewis, 155 Ky. 832 v. Miller, 93 BCy. 22 265, 544, v. Zimmerman, 152 Ry. 582 270, 274, 276, Newport News v. Scott, 103 Va. 794 220, 340, New Rochelle v. New Rochelle Coal & Lumber Co., 83 Misc. Rep. (N. Y.) 194 215, Newton V. Ellis, 5 El. & Bl. 115 76, v. McSweeney, 225 Mass. 402 v. Peoria, 132 III. App. 651 Newvahner v. Wabash R. Co. (Mo.), 105 S. W. 21 TNew Whatcom v. Fairhaven Land Co., 24 Wash. 493 New York v. Brady, 70 Hun (N. Y.) 250 v. Brady, 81 Hun (N. Y.) 440 v. Brown, 27 Misc. (N. Y.) 218 v. Corn, 133 App. Div. (N. Y.) 1 341, v. Dimick, 20 Abbot N. C. (N. Y.) 15 v. Dimick, 49 Hun (N. Y.) 241 705, v. Furze, 3 Hill (N. Y.) 612 26, 27, 195, v. Gerry, 100 Misc. (N. Y.) 297 V. Hearst, 142 App. (N. Y.) 343 V. Knickerbócker Trust Co., T) iv. 104 App. Div. (N. Y.) 223 122, 131, v. Leef, 128 N. Y. S. 676 v. Lloyd, 148 App. Div. (N. Y.) 146 v. Tord, 17 Wend. (N. Y.) 285 v. Pentz, 24 Wend. (N. Y.) 668 v. Rice, 198 N. Y. 124 122, v. Sheffield, 4 Wall. (U. S.) 189 195, v. Workman, 6.7 Fed. 347 New York &c. T.umber Co. v. Brooklyn, 71 N. Y. 580 131 5 466 256 824 535 656. 230) 667 868 828 185 708 540, 514 534 70% 788 459 815 466 3.16 860 885 131 263 66 51. cxxii TABLE OF CASES IReferences Are to Sections.] New York &c. R. Co. v. Stein- brenner, 47 N. J. L. 161 590, New York Life Ins. Co. v. Sav- age, 58 Fed. .338 New York Steam Co. v. Foun- dation Co., 195 N. Y. 43 Niblett v. Nashville, 12 Heisk. (Tenn.) .684 343, Nicastro v. Chicago, 175 Ill. App. 634 66, Nichol v. Nashville, 9 FHumph. (Tenn.) 252 Nicholas V. Peck, 21 ft. I. 404 Nichols v. Athens, 66 Maine 402 365, v. Boston, 98 Mass. 39 v. Brunswick, 3 Cliff. (U. S.) 81 343, 344, v. Collinsville, 165 Ill. App. 457 v. Duluth, 40 Minn. 389 v. Fountain, 165 N. Car. 166 50, v. Laurens, 96 Iowa, 388 gº 585, v. Manchester, 84 Conn. 710 v. Marsland, L. R. 10 Exch. 255 * * - v. Minneapolis, 33 Minn. 430 266, 595, v. Pittsfield 209 JH'a, 240 v. St. TWI)., 44 Minn. 494 311, Nicholson v. Detroit, 129 Mich. 246 Paul, V. Jackson County, 20 Ga. App. 394 406, v. Philadelphia, 194 Pa. St. 460 581, v. South Omaha, 77 Nebr. 710 Nicks v. Marshall, 24 Wis. 139 Nicodemo v. Southböro, 173 Mass. 455 Niehaus Bros. Co. v. Contra Costa. Water Co., 159 Cal. 305 Nielson v. Cedar County, 70 Nebr. 637 Niles Waterworks v. Niles, Mich. 311 Nilson v. Kalispell, 47 Mont. 416 59 573, 574, Nims v. Troy, 3 N. Y. S. C. 5 27, v. Troy, 59 N. Y. 500 195, Nisbet v. Atlanta, 97 Ga. 650 Sitz v. Toledo, 22 Ohio C. C. 454 269, 775 645 184 536 699 1, 5 603 369 90 61.2 330 184 100 639 582 177 337 4.04 56 411 587 597 597 230 86 871 4. 809 879 880 100 3.25 Niven v. Rochester, "76 N. Y. 619 195, Noble v. Hanna, 74 Ill. App. 564 620, v. Richmond, 31 Gratt. (Va.) 271 195, 255, 257, Noblesville Gas &c. Co. v. Loehr, 124 Ind. 79 Nocks v. Whiting, 126 Iowa. 405 Nokomis v. Farley, 113 II.1. App. 161 256, v. Salter, 61 Ill. App. 150 Nolan v. New Britain, 69 Conn. 668 Noll v. Seattle, 29 Wash. 28 479, 480, Noonan v. Albany, 79 N. Y. 470 v. Tawrence, 130 Mass. 161 Norbeck v. Philadelphia, 224 Pa. 30 76, Norfolk v. Anthony, 11.7 V a. 777 95, v. Johnakin, 94 Va. 285 Normal v. Bright, 125 Ill. App. 478 V. Gresharm, 49 III. App. 196 V. Webb, 91 I11. App. 183 355, Norman v. Ince, 8 Okla. 412 v. Teel, 12 Okla. 69 241, 274, Norman Milling &c. Co. v. Beth- urem, 41 Okla. 735 Norris v. Anthony, 193 Mass. 225 v. Baltimore, 44 McI. 598 v. Haverhill, 65 N. H. 89 v. Litchfield, 35 N. H. 271 343, v. Philadelphia, 49 Pa. Super. Ct. 641 v. Saxton, 158 Mass. 46 Norristown v. Fitzpatrick, 94 Pa. St. 121 v. Moyer, Pa. St. 355 198, 290, 306, North Chicago Street R. Co. V. Louis, 35 Ill. App. 477 v. Louis, 138 Ill. 9 Northdruft v. Lincoln, 66 Nebr. 430 255, Northern Bank of New York, In re, 85 Misc, (N. Y.) 594 Northern Transp. Co. v. Chicago, 99 U. S. 635 175, Northern Westchester Tighting Co. v. Ossining, 154 App. Div. (N. Y.) 78.9 North Jersey St. R. Co. v. Mor- hart, 64 N. J. L. 236 67 623 658 260 645 2.94 460 620 16.1 530 4. 683 240 98 317 582 541 486 189 500 215 746 218 352 77 734 134 310 "743 7.43 262 1. 184 215 776 TABLE OF CASES cxxiii IReferences Are to Sections.] INorth Little Rock v. Rose (Ark.), 206 S. W. 449 INorth Manchester Tri-County &c. ASSn. V. Wilcox, 4 Ind. App. 141 INorth Manheim Twp. v. Arnold, 119 Pa. St. 380, 388 365, Northridge V. Atlantic Ave. R. Co., 15 Misc. (N. Y.) 66 l 745, 752, Northrup v. Pontiac, 159 Mich. 250 Northumberland v. Atlantic &c. F. Co., 35 N. H. 574 INorth Vernon v. Voegler, Ind. 314 - Norton V. P.Cramer, 103 31, 179, 428, 180 Mo. 536 261, v. Mansfield, 16 Mass. 48 v. New Bedford, 166 Mass. 48 37, New York, 16 Misc. (N. Y.) 303 666, 671, 693, v. Peck, 3 Wis. 714 v. St. Louis, 97 Mo. 537 812, 86 Conn. 406, St. 242 500, Norwich v. Breed, 30 Conn. 535 343, 705, 707, INorwood v. Gobrecht-Geyer Co., 2 Ohio App. 18 v. Hauk, 19 Ohio C. C. 656 V. Somerville, 159 Mass. 105 Nothdurft v. Lincoln, 75 Nebr. 76 \ Nourse v. Victory, 51 Vi. 275 Nowell v. Wright, 3 A11en (Mass.) 166 Noyes V. Boscawen, 64 N. H. 361 w V. Gardner, 147 Mass. 505 257, v. Morristown, 1 Vt. 353 TNudd. v. Lansdowne, 7 Del. Co. IRep. (Pa.) 170 Nunez v. Emanuel County, Ga. App. 219 Nuthals v. Green Bay, 162 Wis. 434 Nutting v. St. Paul, 3.71 V. INorwalk v. Podmore, 658 v. Tuttle, 73 Ohio 22 73 Minn. O Oakdale v. Sanders, 155 Ey. 352 t 216, Oakes Mfg. Co. v. New York, 206 N. Y. 221 12 727 3.68 755 532 218 878 476 33 803 860 437 620 157 590 60.4 699 684 290 85 Oakes Mfg. Co. v. New York, App. Div. (N. Y.) 130 Oak Harbor V. P.Callagher, 52 Ohio St., 183 240, Oakland V. Oakland Water Front Co., 162 Cal. 675 Oakland R. Co. v. Fielding, 48 Pa.. St. 320 Oberheim v. Reeside, 265 121, O’Brien v. Burroughs Adding Mach. CO., 191 Mo. App. 501 V. New York, 65 Hun (N. Y.) 116 Md. 112 v. New York, 182 App. Div. (N. Y.) 810 54, 240, 242, 269, v. St. Paul, 18 Minn. 176 27, v. St. Paul, 25 Minn. 331 162, 175, v. St. Paul, 116 Minn. 249 539, v. Syracuse, 31 App. Div. (N. Y.) 328 v. Woburn, 184 Mass. 598 v. Worcester, 172 Mass. 348 O’Bryan v. Armsterdam, 74 Hun (N. Y.) 136 312, v. State, i.82 N. Y. S. 1098 O’Chander v. Dakota, County, 90 Nebr. 3 O’Connell v. Davenport, 164 Iowa. 95 v. Merchants’ Tel. Co., 167 Ky. 468 23, O'Connor v. New York, 29 N. Y. St. Pep. 502 267, v. Pittsburgh, 18 Pa.. St. 18.7 26, 175, O'Daly v. Touisville, 156 Ky, 815 Odell v. Schroeder, 58 Ill. 353 67, Odom v. Schmidt, 52 La. Ann. 2129 º Odon v. Dobbs, 25 Ind. App. 522 O'Donnell v. Hannibal, 144 Mo. App. 155 v. Tange, 162 Mich. 654 V. North Attleborough, 212 Mass. 243 V. North Attleborough, 222 Mass. 591 88, V. Syracuse, 184 N. Y. 1 V. Syracuse, 102 App. Div. (N. Y.) 80 141, 145, 146, 154, O'Dowd v. Newnham, 13 Ga. App. 220 26 393 230 613 122 131 276 110 180 676 544 815 880. 811 631 409 . 305 76 504 184 66 100 736 296 263 748 23 321 185 694 747 cxxiv. TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] O'Dwyer v. Northern Market Co., 24 App. (D. C.) 81 261, 540 v. O’Brien, 13 App. Div. (N. Y.) 570 Oesterreich v. Detroit, 137 Mich. 415 574, 595, 674 O'Fallon v. Ohio &c. R. Co., 45 Ill. App. 572 Ogg v. Lansing, 603 406 35 Iowa, 495 56, 70 Ogle v. Curmberland, 90 Mā. 59 221, 226 Minn. 311 O’Gorman v. Morris, 26 267 O'Hagan v. Dillon, 10 Jones & Sp. (N. Y.) 456 O'Hara v. Brooklyn, T) iv. (N. Y.) 176 V. Buffalo, 39 App. Div. (N. Y.) 443 3.29, 620 O'Hare v. Lieb, 66 III. App. 549 815 O'Harra v. Portland, 3 Ore. 525 286 Ohio & C. R. Co. v. Hawkins, 1 659 57 App. 512 Ind. App. 213 809 Oh I v. Bethlehem Twp., 199 Pa. 588 318 Ohliger v. Toledo, 20 Ohio C. C. 142 573, 597 Oil City & C. Bridge Co. v. Jack- son, 114 Pa.. St. 321 2.94 O’Reeffe v. New York, 29 App. Div. (N. Y.) 524 517 Oklahoma City v. Meyers, 4 Okla. 686 540 v. Welsh, 3 Okla. 288 284 48 Rans. 435 574, 630, 640 O'Laughlin v. Dubuque, 42 Iowa. 539 297, 299 O'Leary v. Water Commission- ers, 79 Mich. 281 2, 87 Olin v. Bradford City, 21 Pa. Super. Ct. 7 Olinger, In re, (N. Y.) 96 Olive v. Westmount, Rap. Jud. Que., 16 C. S. 426 500, Oliver v. Denver, 13 Colo. App. 345 317, v. Ransas City, 69 Mo. 79 - 195, Olathe v. Mizee, 160 App. Div. 515 481. 456 v. La Valle, 36 Wis. 592 436 v. Worcester, 102 Mass. 489 23, 25, 95, 112, 199, 217, Olmstead v. Pound Ridge, 71 234 Hun (N. Y.) 25 666 Olney v. Riley, 39 Ill. App. 401 240 v. Wharf, 115 Ill. 519 175 O'Loughlin v. Pawnee City, 88 Nebr. 244 285, 472 Olson v. Chippewa Falls, 71 WiS. 55.8 343, 348, 357 v. Luck, 103 Wis. 337 824 v. St. Paul (Minn.), 170 N. "W. 586 501, 504, V. Worcester, 142 Mass. 536 Olsson v. Lawrence Twp., 99 Kans. 42 438 Olympia. v. Lermon, 93 Wash. 508 224 Omaha. v. Jensen, 35 Nebr. 68 284, v. Rochem, 74 Nebr. 718 V. Olmstead, 5 Nebr. 446 v. Philadelphia, Mortgage &c. Co., 88 Nebr. 519 465, v. Randolph, 30 Nebr. 699 222, Nebr. 244 19, 226, v. Yancey, .91 Nebr. 261 Onaha, L. &c. Co. v. Lincoln, 97 Nebr. 122 O’Malley v. Lexington, 99 Mo. App. 695 218, O'Meara v. New York, 1 Daly (N. Y.) 425 66 O'Neal v. Windham, 24 Ont. App. 341 - O'Neil v. Bates, 839 268 264 195 705 233 v. Richards, 49 657 705 216 369 20 F. I. 793 -.” - 603, v. Chelsea, 208 Mass. 307 240, 341, 86 TMich. 263, v. East Windsor, 63 Conn. 150 660, Hanscom, 175 Mass. 313 New Haven, 80. Conn. 154 Squire, 230 Mass. 294 666, v. West Branch, 81 Mich. 546 262, O'Neill v. Dry Dock &c. F. Co., 36 N. Y. St. 934 V. Lowell, 6 Allen (Mass.) 110 511, V. New Orleans, 30 La. Ann. 220 4, 40 Onen v. Herkimer, 172 Mich. 593 35, 162 Opdyke v. Public Service R. Co., 78 N. J. T. 576 Opitz v. Schenck, 178 Cal. 636 Opo Censky v. South Ornaha, 101. Nebr. 336 25 Orcutt v. PCittery Point Bridge Co., 53 Maine 500 607 595 v. Deerfield Twp., - 610 661 862 296 . 693 46.9 834 836 423 752 583 TABLE OF CASES CXXV [References Are to Sections.] Ord v. Nash, 50 Nebr. 335 226, O’Reilly v. Syracuse, 49 App. Div. (N. Y.) 538 Orlando v. Heard, 29 Fla. 581 788, v. Pragg, 31 Fla. 111 35, Orleans v. Perry, 24 Nebr. 831 600, Orme v. Richmond, 79 Va. 86 Oro Electric Corporation v. Rail- road Commission, 169 Cal. 466 O'Rourke v. Monroe, 98 Mich. 520 V. New York, 17 App. Div. (N. Y.) 349 V. Sioux Falls, 4 S. Dak. 47 23, 134, Orr v. Garibold, 85 Ga. 373 V. Oldtown, 99 Maine 190 'Orrick v. Akers, 109 Mo. App. 662 & Orton v. Virginia. Carolina. Chemical Co., 142 La. 790 OSage City v. Brown, 27 Kans. 74 457, 544, 595, Csborn v. Jenkinson, 100 Iowa. 432 v. Mt. Vernon, 197 III. App. 267 *& 296, 571, v. Shreveport, 143 Ta. 932 Osborne v. Detroit, 32 Fed. 36 262, 516, 622, 824, . Hamilton, 29 Kans. 1 Ringston, 23 Ont. 382 North Tarrytown, 180 App. JDiv. (N. Y.) 224 v. Oakland, 49 Nebr. 340 v. Pulaski Light &c. Co., 95 Va. 16 Osgood v. Maxwell, 35 Oshkosh v. Campbell, 151 Wis. 567 15, Csterhout v. Bethlehem, 55 App. T)iv. (N. Y.) 198 * 256, Osternmeier v. Ringman-St. T, Ouis Implement Co., 255 MO. 128 Ostrander v. Lansing, 111 Mich. 693 Ostrom v. San Antonio, 94 Tex. 523 v. San Antonio, 30 Tex. Civ. App. 462 Otis v. Jamesville, 47 Wis. 422 Ottawa v. Black, 10 Kans. App. . 78 N. H. 460 560 789 127 647 344 13 356 317 317 766 63.5 15 161 596 769 661 15 828 570 120 539 661 312 584 37 25 867 590 823 Ottawa. v. Washa.baugh, 11 Rans. 124 Ottenberg v. Ryan & Riley Co., 130 Md. 38 Ottersbach v. Philadelphia, Pa.. St. 111 Otto v. Wolf, 106 Pa. St. 608 Ottolengui v. Seattle, 59 Wash. 37 Ottumwa, v. Parks, 43 Iowa 119 Ouimette v. Chicago, 242 Ill. 501 Ouverson v. Grafton, 5 N. Dak. 281 365, 368, 590, Overms v. Charlotte, 159 N. Car. 332 Overhouser v. American Cereal Co., 118 Iowa, 417 Overpeck v. Rapid City, 14 S. 161 Dalk. 507 336, 587, Overton V. Waterloo, 164 Iowa, 332 573, Owen v. Chicago, 10 Ill. App. 465 460, v. Derry, 71 N. H. 405 v. Ft. Dodge, 98 Iowa. 281 275, 571, 645, v. New York, 141 App. Div. (N. Y.) 217 31, 512, 516, Owens v. Chicago, 162 Ill. App. 109 V. Georgia, Tife Ins. Co., 165 Ry. 507 v. Iowa County (Iowa), 169 N. W. 388 442, v. Milwaukee, 47 Wis. 461 195, 457 76 89 260 220 711 675 61.2 63.5 776 882 575 57.1 691 677 816 481 468 841 570 Owensboro v. Evans, 172 Ky. 831 12 v. Williams (Ky.), 116 S. W. 439 595, v. Hayne, 114 Ill. App. 21 265, 596, v. Stricklin, 45 Ill. App. 288 623 265 280 460 Owosso V. Michigan Cent. R. Co. (Mich.), 150 N. W. 323 15 Ozier v. Hinesburg, 44 V to 220 257, 635 * P Pabst Brewing Co. v. Milwau- kee (Wis.), 133 N. W. 1112 34 Pacific Coast R. Co. v. Porter, 74 Cal. 261 2 Pacific Paper Co. v. Portland, 68 Ore. 120 21, 23, 85 Pack v. New York, 8 N. Y. 489 314 v. New York, 8 N. Y. 222 76, 77, 79 Packard v. New Bedford, 9 Al- len (Mass.) 200 836 v. Voltz, 94 Iowa, 277 164 Padelford v. Eagle Grove, 117 Iowa, 616 256, 788, 853 cxxvi TABLE OF CASES [References Are to Sections.] IPadock v. Syracuse, 61 Hun (N. Y.) 8 IPaducah v. Johnson, 29 Ey. L. 532 IPaducah R. &c. Co. v. Ledsinger, 23 P.Cy. L. Rep. 441 Pagan v. Highland, 152 Ill. App. 607 Page v. McClure, 79 Vt. 83 v. Weathersfield, 13 Vt. 424 217, 226, Paine v. Brockton, 138 Mass. 564 v. Port of Seattle, 70 Wash. 29.4 Painter v. Pittsburgh, 46 Pa. St. 213 IPalestine v. Addington Civ. App.), 75 S. W. 322 V. Hassell, 15 Tex. Civ. App. 519 266, v. Siler, 225 Ill. 630 33, Pallotta, v. Jackson Light & Traction CO., 107 Miss. 61 IPalmberg v. Kinney, 65 Ore. 220 IPalmer v. Andover, 2 Cush. (Mass.) 600 343, 344, 352, 372, v. Barker, 11 Maine 338 v. Cedar . Rapids, 165 Iowa, 595 v. Concord, 48 N. H. 211 Lincoln, 5 Nebr. 137 Bortsmouth, 43 N. H. 265 240, 290, 292, 306, v. St. Albans, 60 Vt. 427 IPalmer Transp. Co. v. Long, 140 Jºy. 111 Iºana v. Taylor, 56 Ill. App. 60 Papworth v. Milwaukee, 64 Wis. (Tex. 38.9 706, Paragould v. Lawson, 88 Ark. 478 Parcells v. Auburn, 77 Hun (N. Y.) 138 647, IPardey v. Mechanicsville, 112 Iowa, 68 Paris v. Baldwin, 169 Ey. 802 167, 876, v. Green Island, 38 N. Y. St. 373 v. Hall, 131 Ark. 104 v. People, 27 Ill. 74 IParish v. Baird, 160 N. Y. 302 v. Huntington, 57 W. Va. 286 v. Yorkville, 106 S. Car. 23 Tºaris Mountain Water CO. V. Greenville (S. Car.), 96 S. E. 545 683 788 265 671 815 "76 578 540 573 730 127 615 730 666 41 76 6.13 50 '741 265 659 125 487 853 161 11 Park v. Adams County, 3 Ind. App. 536 410, Park Commissioners v. Prinz, 127 Ey. 460 Parke v. Seattle, 5 Wash. 1, 184, Parke County v. Sappenfield, 6 Ind. App. 577 410, 438, v. Wagner, 138 Ind. 609 Parker v. Adams, 12 Metc. (Mass.) 4.15 660, 727, V. Atchison, 58 Rans. 29 . Boston, 175 Mass. 501 v. Boston &c. R. Co., 3 Cush. (Mass.) 107 352, . T)es Moines, 53 Iowa, 679 . Fairmont, 72 W. Va. 688 . Lowell, 11 Gray (Mass.) 353 27, 156, 182, 394, v. Ottumwa, 113 Iowa, 649 V . v. Pittsfield, 88 Vt. 155 v. Portland Pub. Co., 69 Maine 75 v. Spalding County, 134 Ga. 69 k v. Springfield, 147 Mass. 391 Parkhill v. Brighton, 61 Iowa, 103 Parkin v. Grayson-Owen Co., 25 Ca1. App. 269 Parks v. Miller, 185 N. Y. 529 v. Newburyport, 10 Gray (Mass.) 28 155, Parmenter v. Marion, 113 Towa. 297 26, 484, Parr v. Board of Corn’rs Of Shawnee Co., 70 P.Cans. 111 Parrish v. Huntington, 57 W. Va. 286 460, 478, 544, v. Richmond, 119 Va. 180 v. Yorkville, 96 S. Car. 24 Parsons v. Ft. Worth, 26 Tex. Civ. App. 273 56, v. Lindsay, 26 Rans. 426 v. Goshen, 11 Pick. (Mass.) 3.96 33, v. Manchester, 67 N. H. 163 Pasadena v. Stimson, 91 Cal. 238 Pascagoula, V. PCirkwood, 86 Miss. 630 582, Pass Christian v. Fernandez, 100 Miss. 76 Pastore v. Tivingston, 72 Misc. (N. Y.) 555 Pastorino V. Detroit, 5 Patch v. Covington, 17 B. Mon. (P