- B 383112 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. LIST OF | MASTERS, MATES, PILOTS, AND ENGINEERS : ܝ ܐ OF MERCHANT STEAM AND OTHER MOTOR VESSELS . LICENSED DURING THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1897. Authority: Section 4411, Revised Statutes of the United States. 1 K #10!!!...!!!:;::::777.212:1::::::: WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1898. i | Mihini Miti 218172 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE تبادل UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN !ILION, Arcümidt's main TIITOR VB Will my SHENIUL AMI AMUL STATES CURSPICE 21.UOLAIDO JANVILO Denunta MIHING baini Antoin : . 1 1 : STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. LIST OF MASTERS, MATES, PILOTS, AND ENGINEERS OF MERCHANT STEAM AND OTHER MOTOR VESSELS LICENSED DURING THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1897. Authority: Section 4411, Revised Statutes of the United States. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1898. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Document No. 2025. Steamboat-Inspection Service. FIRST SUPERVISING DISTRICT. something LOCAL DISTRICT OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. این مهم ترین Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—San Francisco, Cal. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issne. Name, No. of No. of Date ofi license. issue.* issue.. 11, 4,4 . 10, Annable, Davis 217 Apr. 16 Hayerup, C. C. V. A... A69331 Ans, Anders A 242 1,1 Apr. 28 Lyng, Mads M... 172 Alman, Amandus 424 1,6 Aug. 13 Lewis, Almond V.. 82 Bray, Isaiah 41 8,8 Jan. 20 McArthur, Henry D... A.69368 Bennett, Jno. J 151 2, 2 Mar. 17 McDonald, Abner. 96 Buchanan, Duncan 304 5,5 May 28 Morley, James T... 165 Bates, Geo. O 325 11, 11 Jus 12 McKinuon, George 188 Boyd, Thomas 345 1,9 June 24 Mogensen, S. f .. 255 Baufield, Richard.. 384 8, July 22 Mainwaring, James 488 Baker, George A 468 5, Sept. 10 Marcucci, Domingo. 580 Bertelsen, Claus J 598 1,5 Nov. 23 Marshall, George A 69340 Blackman, Arthur M.. A 69346 5,9 | Dec. 14 Montgomery, P, D 559 Cohnheïna Edmund. 25 Jan. 8 Monroe, George E 49 Cardell, Frederick 43 1,1 Jan. 20 Newth, Ernest w A 69319 Cameron, Elwd. I 88 $, 4 Feb. 18 O'Connor, James W. 61 Cogan, Bernard 100 2,2 | Feb. 23 Pettersen, Cliristian E. 485 Cauffman, Harry T 137 12,- Mar. 11 Pellow, James A. 597 Clark, Charles W. 246 14, A pr. 30 Pierrott, Henry C. 289 Clark, Wm. A. 506 2,4 Sept. 30 Roberts, Rowland. 15 Debost, Adolph. 23 Jan. 6 Read, Roby D... 180 Devoll, David F. 125 Mar. 6 Rennie, James 327 Dinsmore, Fredk. B.... 297 10,-- May 26 Robinson, John F.. A69309 Durfee, Saml. B.. 389 6,9 July 23 Simmons, Abram T 114 Ellis, Thomas L... 70 6,6 Feb. 8 Simpson, John 542 Eckler, Louis O. 160 1,6 | Mar. 20 Taylor, Elenry A 69326 Evelyn, George E. 205 8, Apr. 9 Tobey, Alvin J 22 Ellis, Wm. A 358 10,-- July 3 Tilton, James A.. 113 Gram, Andrew L 44 1,5 Jan. 21 Townsend, Henry C. 578 Giese, Gustav R 561 1,1 Nov. 3 Verry, Charles... 152 Hamilton, James. 12 2,2 | Jan. 4 Wells, Jolin Calvin 428 Herriman, Fred L. 351 2,2 June 29 Zolling, Richard 223 1,6 Dec. 4 1,6 Mar. 24 15,- Feb. 15 1,1 Dec. 28 Feb. 20 2,9 Mar. 23 9, 13 Mar. 31 13, 13 May 3 7,7 Sept. 20 19, 19 Nov. 11 17, 20 Dec. 9 2,3 Nov. 3 7,- Jan. 25 4,4 Nov. 29 1,3 Teb. 3 1,1 Sept. 18 1,1 Nov. 23 7,7 | May 24 6,6 Jan. 4 4, Mar. 27 5,5 June 14 5,6 Nov. 24 Mar. 3 3,3 Oct. 22 1, 2 Dec. 2 2, 2 | Jan. 6 6,6 Mar. 2 Nov. 11 Mar. 17 7,7 Aug. 16 1,7 Apr. 17 1,5 1, 1 1,2 ROI 1,2 6,6 Master's and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—San Francisco, Cal. 3216, 1,1 Wat oε-b Allen, George A 4 21, 25 Jan. 2 Buckard, Mathew 437 6,9 Aug. 20 Alexander, Ezekiel 24 22,- Jan. 7 Brisco, Wm. M.... 438 6,11 Do. Anies, 1). S.... 26 4, Jan. 9 Brown), Henry 444 7,7 Aug. 25 Andersou, Andrew 42 7,10 Jan. 20 Brown, William 455 13, 13 Aug. 31 Anderson, John. 65 14, 16 Feb. 5 Badger, Wm.C. 5,8 Jan. 2 Ackley, H.S 71 21, Feb. 9 Blaker, Jas. C.... 28 11, 16 Jan. 11 Adams, Jno. M 94 15, 15 Feb. 19 Bayly, George 16, 16 Jan. 13 Anderson, C. II. K 130 13,- Mar. 9 Benson, Ben. J 50 1, 3 Jan. 25 Ahlin, Karl A 178 Mar. 25 Behrens, Wm. C 83 9, 10 Feb. 15 Anderson, Oscar. 186 9, 15 Mar. 30 Blair, Jno. G. 87 6,- Feb. 17 Anderson, Marquitt 210 6,9 Apr. 13 Beers, George W.. 93 1,8 Ieb. 19 Anderson, Peter M. 283 16, 16 May 20 Brandt, Martin A 99 9,9 Feb. 23 Augerstein, L. E.. 305 15, 18 May 29 Bruguiero, C.J 107 7, 10 Feb. 25 Audrews, Jer. M. 352 6,9 June 29 Brown, Charles 134 6,6 | Mar. 10 Anderson, Edwd. 363 2,9 July 8 Bruun, Jens C.. 135 20, 25 Mar. 11 Ankers, George. 393 9, 12 July 27 Brown, Jno. K.. 153 25, 27 Mar. 18 Anderson, Magons A.. 398 *5,11 July 28 Blethen, James H.. 156 4,4 Mar. 19 Anfindsen, Ole. 408 10, 10 | Aug. 5 Bodfish, Hartson H. 184 1,6 Mar. 29 Anderson, Robt. W 420 15,18 Aug. 12 Bonifield, Saml .. 195 10, 10 Apr. 5 Anderson, George 444 7,16 Aug. 24 Beck, John C.. 196 1,1 | Apr. 6 a Anderson, Chas. J 514 Oct. 12 Brown, Geo. W .. 203 8, Apr. 8 Asplund, Ad.F 532 1,7 Oct. 16 Brooks, Alex. W. 207 20, 20 Apr. 10 Anderson, Chas. J 536 1,4 Oct. 18 Boese, Gerhard 225 11, 14 Apr. 19 Anderson, Augusti 538 9, 11 Oct. 19 Bash, Juhu.. 232 4,8 Apr. 23 Anderson, Anders 592 4,0 Nov, 20 Banning, Hancock 248 1,7 May 1 Adler, John O.. A69339 1, 11 Dec. 8 Brodburst, Jno. C.. 252 3,5 Do. Allen, Chas. E A 69369 10, 12 Dec. 20 Bennett, Jas. H.. 253 13, May 3 Anderson, Jno. T 487 10, 15 Sept. 20 Beck, Martin W 272 1, 1 May 11 Anderson, Charles A 69371 Dec. 8 Bradley, Richard 373 | 17, 18 | July 17 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 3 8, 13 Ro-classed 1, 2 131246 content SERVICE. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION Masters and pilots licensed –San Francisco, Cal.—Continued. . Nane. No. of No. of Date of licenso. issue.* issue. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. issile.* issue. 1,11 0 9, 11 8,8 6,9 9,9 * 2,2 16, 4,8 Barry, Ralph 380 7, July 19 Erikson, Fred 419 16, 20 Aug. 11 Bomo, Peter 426 13, 13 | Aug. 14 Edwards, Peter 425 9, 10 Aug. 14 Bovyer, Stephen T. 129 7,9 Aug. 16 Ellsworth, Juo. 433 11, 11 Aug. 17 Bagge, Charles.. 431 1, 1 Do. Epas, Geo. H... 509 22, 22 Oct. 4 Bucknam, R. D 477 10, 10,- Sept. 15 Erdwan, Ludwig 550 10,13 Oct. 28 Boiles, O. F 484 | 25, 25 Sept. 17 Emerson, Carl . 594 10, 11 Nov. 22 Bratemos, Joo. S.. 508 1. ñ Oct. 2 Emerson, Jacob. A 69313 10,12 Nov. 26 Bott, Johan 515 10, 10 Oct. 12 Edwards, E.S. A 69355 12, 15 Dec. 18 Benson, Ben.C. 516 26, 29 Do. T'onratt, Enos. 5 24, 34 Jan. 2 - Brooks, James 521 24, 27 Oct. 13 Freeman, Joshua 17 10,- Jan. 4 Brokaw, Gilbert H. 526 7,9 Oct. 15 Fox, Louis E.. 38 3,6 Jan. 19 ? Bridgett, Geo. E 548 4,5 Oct. 27 Fahrenholtz, Jno. J. 159 10,13 Mar. 19 Brown, Rout. S 596 1,3 Nov. 24 Foster, Frank L 162 8, 12 Mar. 22 Budde, E. F. T A 69323 Nov. 30 Fields, John M 218 19, 23 Apr. 16 Banning, Wm. A 69329 13, 13 Dec. 3 Farris, John R... 247 | 23, 31 Apr. 30 Barron, Richard E. A 69333 17. 17 Dec. 7 Furman, L. M... 256 1,8 May May 3 Bell, Horace G A 69357 15, 18 Dec. 18 Fosen, Christian J 265 9, 10 May 10 Beaclı, John 1 A 69348 6,7 Dec. 15 Fagerlund, Gus. M. 320 9, 10 June 7 Brown, Julian HI H.. A 69358 9, 10 Dec. 18 Forsman, Wm. T.. 353 22, 23 June 29 Conway, George 7 Jan. 2 Fletcher, Leroy D 355 7,7 June 30 Chambers, Jolin 7425, 25 Fab. 10 Frederickson, Wm 383 17, 22 July 22 Colvill, Edward L 76 14, 14 Fob. 11 Flaberty, Martin. 386 1,3 Do. Collins, Patrick. 98 2,5 Feb. 23 Ferguson, Waller H ... 416 7,11 Aug. 9 Colburn, Walter M 145 10, 11 Mar. 13 Torrest. Chas. M 492 1,1 Sept. 20 Colly, Peter. 179 Mar. 26 Friele, Daniel E.. 562 21, 21 Nov. 3 Carlson, Johan.. 189 Mar. 31 Fulton, Wm. E... 585 4,7 | Nov. 13 Cornwall, Whitney 190 1, ] Apr. 2 Gronberg, Daniel A... A 69365 Dec. 23 Christensen), Jorgen 213 5, 7 Apr. 13 Grares, Sewell F. - 37 | 19, 20 Jan. 19 Cunningham, Juo. H. 214 3,7 Apr. 14 Gregory, Hugh H. 56 16, 16,- Jan. 29 Cousins, Nahum L., 215 9, 10 Do. Gibson, James S 63 10, 10 Feb. 5 Carson, Jno. A.. 216 7,8 Apr. 15 Gronn, August 81 1,1 Feb. 15 Cruthers. Frank FI 228 17, 20 Apr. 22 Groat, Jobu.. 104 2,2 Feb. 24 Caughell, Jamies 270 15, 15 May 11 Garvin, Geo. S 112 3,5 Mar. 2 Campbell, James H 275 1, 1 DIay 13 Goodell, Geo. H 139 | 10, 12 Mar. 11 Carison, J. A. W.. 282 1,5 May 20 Greenleaf, Silas N 154 Mar. 18 Carroll, James 291 24,24 May 24 Gatiney, Wm. S.. 155 1,1 Do. Crowell, Gustavus. 318 June 7 Gallagher, Jas. P 212 15, 21 Apr. 13 Cullicutt, John S 331 8,8 June 16 Grethe, Edmund. 222 7,7 | Apr. 17 Carter, Daniel A... 364 12, - July 9 Goodall, Chas. M.. 235 20, 24 Apr. 24 Christopherson, Peter 368 11, 11 11, 11 ) July 13 Gustafson, Chas 236 Do. Clairville, Walter. 413 16, 21 | Ang. 7 Green, Frank ... 261 12, 15 May 6 Cousins, H. E... 454 19, 20 Aug. 27 Garwich, Trauk 299 13,18 May 27 (Cassel, Charles P ... 456 1,2 | Aug. 31 Gibson), Geo. Iv... 309 1,1 June 1 Cattarinich, Joseph.... 462 7,10 Sept. 4 Gonzales, Martin 323 22, 24 June 10 Coudrey, James M. 482 13, 13 Sept. 17 Gilboy, Bernarii 376 8,8 July 17 Crosscup, Horace B.... 529 6,9 Oct. 6 Godfrey, Joseph E.... 401 | 12, 16 July 29 Curley, James E... 586 11, 12 Nov. 16 Gonzales, Henry. 471 5, 9 Sept. 13 Conimo, Reuben 600 12, 12 Nov. 24 Green, Charles.. 495 9,13 Sept. 23 Cuilds, Walter. A 69316 10, 12 Nov. 27 Graham, Daniel 505 24, 24 Sept. 30 Crook, Henry J... A69328 2,8 Dec. 3 Goodall, Harry W 525 1,1 Oct. 14 Driscoll, D. C 3 20, 24 Jan. 2 Gage, Jno. W 545 16, 16 Oct. 26 Davies, David 23 9, 15 Jan. 22 Gerne, John .. 560 10,10 Nov. 3 Daniels, Wm. F 46 2,9 Feb. 17 Gould, Nathaniel 568 14, 14 Nov. 5 Deoring, Thos. P.... 85 | 16, 21 16, 21 Feb. 19 Gunderson, Thos A69318 Nov. 29 Dearborn, Ras. A. 146 Mar. 13 Gielow, C. C.F... A 69320 2, 9 Do. Day, William 149 7,9 Mar. 16 Gerdon, Aug. J. A 69332 11, 11 Dec. 6 Dornfeld, F.E 245 10, 10 Apr. 30 Gray, Charles. A 69336 10, 20 Dec 7 David, Geo. W 254 8,8 May 3 Gray, Wm.J... A 69364 23, 23, 23 Dec. 23 Doran, Peter. 391 10, 12 July 24 Hansen, Peter 8 6,9 2 Donaldson, Adam. 394 9,11 July 28 Harvey, Lewis P 16 10, 16 Jan. 4 Duncan, John. 396 6,6 Do. Haskell, Dan. H 29 21, 21 Jan. 11 Denny, James E. 400 18, 18 Ang . 5 Hansen, Claus C 39 11, 12 Jan. 20 Dowdell, Thomas 421 11, 16 Aug. 12 Harding, Henry A. 60 Feb. 2 Dannevig, Martin 427 7,- Aug. 14 Flugbes, John. 66 4,8) Feb. 5 Dunnigan, L. A 445 6,8 Aug. 24 Harkins, John 73 Tob. 11 Dettmers, George 448 14, 14 Do. Hackett, John 84 Feb. 16 Duerrebeck, 'Theo 510 8, 10 Oct. 6 Hansen, Jorgen P. 116 7,7 Mar. 4 Dollarc, Jno. A 524 10,13 Oct. 14 Hogan, Thomas. 117 2,5 Do. Deering. Fred C 534 Oct. 18 Hays, James M. 118 5,7 Mar. 5 Dart, John C 543 2,2 Oct. 25 Hansen, Jens E. 124 4,6 Mar. 6 Debuey, Gerard. 577 27, 27 Nov. 11 Hughes, Henry M. 144 11, 13 Mar. 12 Dickson, Ricbard .. A 69310 5,8 Nov. 24 Hamm, Heinrich S 148 9,9 Mar. 15 Vonglass, James H A69345 15, Dec. 14 Hague, Chas. J. 158 18, 18 Mar. 19 Devitt, Henry A 69356 Dec. 18 Hart, Frank W. 174 10,23 Mar. 24 Dow, James M. A69370 7, 11 Dec. 29 Hansen, Rasmus E. 191. | 15, 15 Apr. 3 Erikson, Oskar 55 1,4 Jan. 27 Howe, William 192 2,7 Do. Ellefsen, Charles. 58 4,7 Feb. 1. Hardwick, Ewd. N 194 4,7 Apr. Apr. 5 Esser, Alexr. 107 8,12 Mar. 23 Heath, Charles R 201 | 11, 19 | Apr. Apr. 7 Erskine, Mel. 170 26, 26 Mar. 24 Heegard, Charles V... 206 3,3 Apr. 9 Erikson, John 204 12, 12 ! Apr. Apr. 8li Hansen, Andrew P .... 211 8,10 ' Apr. 13 *Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 8,10 6,7 . Jan. 8,9 10, 21 6,8 5, 12 1,8 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 5 Masters and pilots licensed-San Francisco, Cal.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Apr. 19 9,9 11, 15 3,3 3,11 10, 11 8, 10 1 Haaven, Lewis G.... 226 5,- Kennedy, James D.. 294 4,10 May 25: Harloe, Marcus 260 7,8 | May 5 Kabler. Asa C ... 308 3,9 June 1 Hinkle, Caspar E 322 2, 6 June 8 Keith, James 310 9, 9 Jure 2: Hansen, Oliver 329 20, 20 June 14 Kato, Frans L 411 5,11 Aug. 6. Hansen, Louis . 332 6,8 June 16 Klitgaard, Ch. F. 417 2, 3 | Aug. 11 Harde, Bernhard.. 333 4, 11 Do. Killuan, Henry C. 478 13, 14 Sept. 15. Harrison, Geo. H. 338 18, 28 June 21 Kommerow, Peter 500 10, 11 Sept. 25. Hibberd; Isaac N 348 9, Junie 26 Kenealy, William. 513 15, 15 Oct. 11 Hamilton, Jas. T.... 359 11, 12 July 5 Knudsen, Chr. A 530 1,7 | Oct. 16. Hansen, Charles E.... 366 | 17, 22 July 13 Konghan, J.J.K.. 565 Nov. 4. Henderson, Wm. 379 8,8 July 19 Kendall, William 571 1,1 Nov. 8. Hatch, 2. J 387 10, – July 23 Lindquist, Charles E... 27 4,8 Jan. 11 Higginson, Wm. H.... 390 2,11 July 24 Leland, H. D 72 3, 21 Feb. Hall, Andw.L 397 5,9 July 28 Lee, John... 86 5,5 Feb. 17. Higgins, Walter F.... 400 8,10 July 29 Larsen, Conrad B 90 1,1 Feu. 29 Howland, Jno. S 412 2, Aug. 6 Lucas, Fred. G 121 14, Matr. 6 Hatch, Aug. J... 473 10, Sept. 14 Liebig, Emil 141 10, 12 Mar. 12: Hickey, John. 475 | 10, 16 Sept. 15 Lazzarevich, Louis 150 1,1 Mar. 16 Hogan, Michael.. 483 2,10 Sept. 17 Low, John 257 1,1 May 3. Hinton, J. Milo 496 25, 28 Sept. 24 Luttrell, James F. 262 1,1 May 6. Henderson, L. F. B.. 504 6, 8 Sept. 29 Lingren, Oliver 263 23, 23 May 7 Farvey, Geo. H 527 24, 24, 26 Oct. 15 | Lossius, Jacob J., 266 2,2 May 10 Hansen, John. 539 19, 19 Oct. 20 Lupr, Frederick 280 1,6 May 19 Hansen, Edward .. 544 20, 22 Oct. 20 Larco, Andrew 303 1,1 May 28 Hamilton, John. 555 Nov. 1 Lawrence, Melville ... 317 June Z Higgins, James F.. 558 11, 12 Nov. 3 Larbig Nicolas 319 20, 25 Do Hemsworth, Michael 570 16, 19 Nov. 8 Lawless, Rolt. T., 326 14, 17 June 14: Hunter, William. 584 19, 20 Nov. 13 Lind, Francis G. 360 15, 17 15, 17 July 6. Haires, Wn. .. A 69325 15, 16 Dec. 2 Le Sack, Edward 367 July 13: Hayward, Henry M. A69338 17,17 Dec. 8 Levinson, Hans 0. 371 July 150 Holdsworth, Thos A69341 19, 25 Dec. 10 Leale, Johy 374 22, 23 July 17 Hansen, Jorgen. A69362 11, 11 Dec. 23 Lindquist, Charles G.. 382 5,8 July 21 Hondlette, C A 69366 9,9 Dec, 24 Lindberg, Nils. 410 11, 12 Aug. 5 Irvine, Villian 19 8, 13 Jan. 4 Lowry, Jolu H... 415 | 12, 13 12. 13 Aug. 7 Jorgensen, Carl J 1 9,9 Jan. 2 Long, James S... 472 9, 13 Sept. 13 Jensen, Albert P 2 9, 10 Do. Littlefield, Edwin S.. 523 16, 17 Oct. 13 Johnson, Andrew 14 7, 12 Jan. 4 Larsson, Peter L. 533 1,7 Oct. 18 Jorgensen, Michael ... 34 4,8 Jan. 15 Lawson, Robt. J 552 19, 19 Oct. 30 Jordan, Fred. W 78 9, Feb. 13 Love, Geo. W 566 Nor. 5 Jacobsen, Jacob E... 120 8,8 Mar. 5 Lockyer, Thos. C 587 16, 16 Nov. 16 Jacobsen, Richd. E.... 122 1,3 Mar. 6 Lee, Bertinius 593 3. 10 Nov, 22 Jorgensen, Daniel 126 1,1 Do. Lindell, Charles A 69312 1,8 Nov. 26: Johnson, Peter L. 127 9, 12 Alar. 8 Lewis, John 4 69314 8,14 Do. Johnson, Peter 131 9, 9 Mar. 9 Leland, Geo. V A09330 16, 20 Dec. 3 Johansen, Ole A 140 1,4 Mar. 11 Leale, Im.G A169334 24, 24 Dec. 7 Johnson, Gust 161 7, 10 Mar. 20 Larsen, Lers F. 209317 1,1 Dec. 14 Jensen, Ole 177 10, 10 Mar. 25 Lucky, Charles J A69350 24, 25 Dec. 16 Jones, Jolin T. 237 11, 15 Apr. 24 McKenzie, John T 9 | 25, 29 Jan. 2 Jorgensen, Ole 239 15, 17 Apr. 27 Malinquist, Carl Y 45 1,9 Jan. 22 Johnston, L. W 249 13, 13 May 1 Melon, John A..., 54 18, 18 Jan. 27 Johnson, Edwa 250 11, 11 Do. McNeill, Chas.,.jr 62 | 15, 15 Fel). 4 Johansen, Alfred 264 2,5 | May 7 Moller, Jacob J 67 Tel. 5 Johnson, Chas. A 274 2, 6 May 13 McMurtry, Charles 75 19, 20) Feb. 11 Johnsuu, Nills 277 1,1 May 17 Mortensen, Thomas. 89 9,14 Feb. 18 Johnsou, Otto J.. 279 5, 7 May 19 Moe, Carl.. 101 10, 11 Feb. 23 Jones, Peter 324 9, 10 June 11 McLean, Allexr 102 7, Do. Jensen, Carl P 328 June 14 Miller, James. 109 Feb. 27 Johnson, Victor .. 349 10, 10 June 28 McGregor, A. H 111 10. 10 Mar: 2 Jacobs, Jacob D. 369 10,10 July 14 Mortensen, Paul 129 7,9 Mar. 91 Johnson, Fred. M 385 10, 11 July 22 Morehouse, Geo. F 164 8,8 Mar. 22 Johnson, William. 403 10, 13 July 30 McKenna, James 171 11, 11 Mar. 24 Johannsen, Jorgen. 434 9, 10 Aug. 17 Milestone, Wu. H .. 175 Mar. 25. Johanson, John A 436 6,9 Aug. 19 McFarland, John 182 15. 15 Mar. 27 Jepsen, Rasmus A 442 10, 15 Aug. 23 McDonald, D.R... 188 27, Mar. 29 Jordan, Newell B 453 6, Aug. 28 McNeill, Clarles.. 199 Johnson, Peter A 18, 18 Apr. Apr. 6 469 10, 15 Sept. 10 Morris, Arthur A.. 208 Jewell, Frank A. Apr. 10 486 16, 20 Sept. 18 McLean, James 238 3,10 | Apr. 26 James, Daniel. 494 15, 15 Sept. 23 Mason, Phillip HI 2-43 Johnson, Olof. 9, 9 Apr. 29 503 1,2 Sept. 28 McLean, Wm. H.. 244 14, 22 Johnson, Charles B Apr. 30 528 18, 18 Oct. 16 Montell, Edgar H. 258 16, 19 May James, Nathl. T. 546 1, 2 Oct. 27 Martin Matthew.. 268 7, 10 diay 11 Jolinston, William 567 1,1 Nov. 5 Melone, Geo. H.. 284 1,1 Jensen, Fred. May 20 509 4,9 Nov. 6 Miller, Frederick. 293 Jansen, Aug. 9,9 May 25 573 11, 16 Nov. S Matsen, Carl,jr 302 1,1 May 28 Jessen, Gus. M 588 21, 21 Nov. 16 Madsen, Mads. J.. 307 10,10 Junie 1 Joy, lns 599 23, 23 Nov. 24 Minor, Roberi 312 12, 12 June 2 Krimplioff, F.J. H. G 219 9, 10 Apr. 16 Mo:Murtry, William. 313 20, 20 Do. Klinker, C. J.F.J. 220 4,6 Do. Murphy, William. 314 10,17 June 4 Kidston, William 271 10, 10 May 11 Macgenn, Thos. J 316 8, Do. Knaicke, Frank F 281 7,7 | May 20 Mclütyre, Jas. B. 334 1,1 i June 17 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades.. 1 1 2,5 ) 1,1 2.1, 94 11, 12 12, 6 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed—San Francisco, Cal.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. (issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. 2, 12 4,6 1, 1 10,10 Do. 11, 21 5, 10 1,1 9,9 Moller, Jens N... 336 7,9 June 18 Rideout, James R. 278 23, 23 May 18 Menzies, Stewart 350 3,3 June 28 Rickards, Wm. J 287 10, 14 May 21 Montague, Javies P.... 441 25, 25 Aug. 23 Rosendall, Vm 346 1,1 June 24 McNeill, Danl. H. .. 449 1,1 Aug. 25 Rideout, Ben. R. 375 10, 13 July 17 Marshel, Heury P.. 461 8, 10 Sept. 3 Richter, William 406 Aug 3 McIntire, Henry. 474 6,6 Sept. 15 Russell, VD.J. 407 16, Aug. 4 McKechnie, Donald... 499 14, 16 Sept. 25 Rodin, Charles F. 414 2,2 | Aug. 7 Matheson, J110. A.. 512 10,12 Oct. 6 Ray, Winslow 435 | 12, 12 Aug. 19 Miller, A.R... 553 16, 22 Nov. 1 Randall, Clement 443 13, 13 13, 13 Aug. 23 Myrick, John E. 595 22, 24 Nov. 22 Roberts, Robert H... 481 8,8 Sept. 17 Morley, Frank E... A 69322 11, 12 Nov. 30 Rasmusen, Rasmus 498 26, 28 Sept. 25 Morton, Elijah. A 69344 23, 24 Dec. 11 Reicliman, Gustav 517 | 13, 13 Oct. 12 Madeson, Charles- A 69367 1,1 Dec. 24 Rogers, Ephraim T 547 19, 21 Oct. 27 Nelson, ..ndrew 33 12, 12 Jan. 13 Rydell, Charlie F 551 1,1 Oct. 28 Nielsen, Thos. A... 47 9, 9 Jan. 23 Randall, Wm. M 572 4,7 Nov. 8 Nutsen, Charles 59 7,9 Feb. 2 Rasmusen, Wm. A 583 2,7 Nov. 13 Nelson, Charles N 115 6, 9 Mar. 3 Reed, Wm. H. 590 9, 11 Nov. 19 Nelson, Heiuds C.. 234 11, 13 Apr. 24 Richardson, Nic. J A 69327 Dec. 2 Nopander, Louis N 306 2, 11 June ] Robinson, Henry G A 69342 Dec. 10 Nelson, Nels P.... 356 11, 21 July 1 Remington, James K.. A69351 23, 23 Dec. 16 Nelson, John 418 Aug. 11 Stofen, John J 11 23, 23 Jau. 4 Nicolson), Alexr. 519 16, 22 Oct. 12 Scott, George 13 19, 19 Nielsen, Peter 589 Nov. 17 Smith, Samuel P 18 8,8 Do. Nielsen, Peter A 69317 Nov. 29 Starrs, Andy J 51 8,- Jan. 25 Odeu, Wm.T 10 5,9 Jan. 4 Scliute, Ti.C... 68 11, - Fol. 6 Oakley. John R.. ... 128 11, 11 Mar. 8 Schorbolm, Honry A. 77 8, 20 Teb. 12 Olsen, Peter 183 3,7 Mar. 29 | Schuler, Charles W.. 79 7,7 Feb. 15 O'Neili, Patrick 2401 1,5 Apr. 27 Saunders, James W. 110 8, Mar. 2 Olsen, Alta. L.. 251 1,10 May 1 Schiappocasse, Giov ... 132 Mar. 10 Vakley, G.H.. 311 / 22, 22 June 2 Sears, John B. 142 12, 16 Mar. 12 Olsen, Antoue 76 1,1 Sept. 15 Schmidt, Fred. H 147 4,8 Mar. 15 Olsson, Otto T 480 1,4 Sept. 16 Saulit, Carl 157 4, 7 Mar. 19 Olsen, Peter 511 7, 13 Oct. S Seaman, Geo. W. 166 7,9 Mar. 23 O'Neill, Daniel... 522 8,8 Oct. 13 Spaulding, Geo. C.... 176 3, Mar. 23 Palmer, Charles R 52 1, 7 Jan. 26 Spreckels, John D...., 185 1,1 Mar. 29 Peterson, John 57 | 10, 10 Tel. 1 Shaw, David K... 187 Mar. 30 Petersen, Henry 69 5,8 Feb. 8 Stockletih, Job 198 16, 16 Apr. 6 Petersen, Robert. 95 1,7 Feb. 19 Staunara, Edwin F 233 14,16 Apr. 23 Pillsbury, Albert F. 123 10, Mar. 6 Smith, William 227 1,9 Apr. 20 Provost, Nelson... 163 10, 11 Mar. 22 Sclinal%, Claus 239 9,9 May 5 Poole, William. 168 21, 21 Mar. 23 Sliea, John.. 269 1, 1 May 11 Pauzer, Alfred M 197 26, 30 Ajir. 6 Sharkey, Jawes. 273 6,8 May 12 Pippey, Robt. N.... 2861 7,7 May 21 Stephens, Charles. 300 10, 14 May 27 Pollamus, a.al.. 290 21, 24 May 21 Sinimie, James W... 342 11, 11 Juno 22 Poleman, Edwin ... 29219, 19 Do. Smith, Frank. 343 12, 27 Jun 23 Peterson, Frerlerick 298 1,1 May 26 Salmon, Colin. 347 8,8 June 25 Parker, 0. O. W. 301 May 28 Sonernd, Peter O. 362 1,1 July 8 Preble, llred H... 315 7,11 June 4 Sharp, Robt. W 372 15, 20 July 16 Potvin, Henry 339 8, 12 June 21 Schuler, August. 377 13, 21 July 19 Paul, Audrew R 340 3,7 June 21 Strand, Conrail 388 3,7 1 July 23 I julklan, Geo. H .. 341 Do. Schwarz, Richard 404 11, 14 Ang. 2 Park, Jno. B 354 | 10, 10 June 30 Seabury, Ww. B 405 21,21 | Do. Pollardus. Isaac 381 19, 19 July 21. Smith, Alexander.. 423 16,16 lng. 13 Pomin, Ernest 399) 2:3, 23 July 28 Sawtelle, Eugeno W 432 1,9 Aug. 16 Petersen, Surco. 402 11, 14 July 30 Spencer, George 440 19, 19 Aug. 21 Preble, Fred J 448 1, 9 ug. 25 Sial, Jasper 452 13, 22 Aug. 28° Paton, George 451 25, 25 Aug. 26 Swalli, Janies W 157 7,7 ! Aug. 31 Paulsen, Reinhold J ... 458 1.9 Aug. 31 Swan, Charles F 465 8,8 Sept. 8 Pierce, Geo. H 464 5, 10 Sept. 8 Somerville, Jolu. 490 Sept. 20 Parsons, En. D 466 2,9 Sept. 10 Searlo, Robti. R... 491 21, 21 Do. Pomin. Joseph HI 467 22, 22 Do. Silovich, Jolin 507 8,10 Oct. 3 Price, Thomas H... 470 1 20, 30 Sept. 11 Schroder, Charles F... 520 2,5 Oct. 11 Pettersen, Chr. M 489 3,4 Sept. 20 Stark, \m. H. 549 Oct. 28 Plum!), vm. W 493 1,2 Sept. 23 Salveson, Reier 556 9,9 Nov. 2 Petzinyer, Jacob F 535 12, 16 Oct. 18 Smith, Tsaas L.. 557 7,11 Nov. 3 Peterson, C. G.1... 557 7, 10 Nov. 1 Smith, Horace P. 574 6, 6 Nov. 9 Pike, Filliamı.. 361 15, 15 Nov. 4 Smith, llebry. 582 15, 15 15, 15 Nov. 12 Petersen, Peter H. A 69352 4.8 Dec. 16 Smith, Henry D. A 69311 10, 12 Nor. 26 Quinton, Robert A 69315 10, 12 Nov. 27 Sniith, J. Tremaino A69335 | 10, 14 10, 14 Dec. 7 Ross, Jolu.. 20 17, 17 Jan. 5 i Snow, John H. A 69337 1.1 Dec. 8 Ridcout, Ernest V 35 7,9 Jan. 18 Smitli, Henry A69363 17.17 Dec. 23 Ryan, Thomas A 64 6,9 Fel), 5 Tilton, Chas. O ..., 21 5,9 Jan. 6 Reed, Alfred.. 97 6,9 Feb. 20 Thompson, Charles SO 21, 22 Feb. 15 Roberts, John 103 13, 13 Tcb. 23 Tyler, W.C... 105 21, 23 Feb. 24 Ritchie, Andrew L 119 4,6 Mar. 5 Thomas, Howard C.... 108 / 11, Feb. 25 Rees, Joli... 209 20, 26 Apr. 10 Thomas. Wellington.. 133 12, 12 Mar. 10 Rogers, Wm. W 229 19, 22 Apr. 23 Turner, John 193 | 10,19 Rideont, Walter R. Apr. 5 230 2.5 Do. Trelethen, E.H 241 9, 10 Richardson, John. Apr. 28 231 11, 12 Do, Tlirane, P. C. L 267 8,8 May 11 Rasmusen, Bernard. 270 5, 6 | May 14 Teetzen, Albert C.. 295 i 13, 13 May 26 * Number of issue of current giacie and the number of issues of all grades. 4,- 8,10 í ) 5, 10 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 7 Masters and pilots licensed-San Francisco, Cal.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. lissue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. 2,2 2,5 4,6 Tonnesson, Hans M... 335 | 20, 20 Juno 17 Thompson, Rich 357 13, 22 July 2 Thwing, Milton.. 365 1,8 July 9 Titchworth, Chas. O 370 1,8 July 14 Terschuren, Geo 378 23, 23 July 19 Thomsen, Dan. C 395 19,19 19, 19 July 28 Tyson, Mitchell. 430 3,5 | Aug. 16 Turner, Louis H.. 439 7, 7 | Aug. 21 Tibbetts, Walter G 459 1,1 Aug. 31 Tonlesson, Tolues 460 5,7 Sept. 1 Trewren, Jos. F... 479 2,8 Sept. 16 Trask, GG 497 4,7 Sept. 24 Tedtsen, Andrew 501 10, 15 Sept. 28 Taylor, Edward P...... 531 8, 11 Oct. 16 Tulan, John T 537 15, 15 Oct. 19 Tribble, Wm.T T. 540 13, 18 13, 18 Oct. 20 Thompson, John S 563 1,8 Nov. 4 Thaxter, Wm. S.... 576 14, 16 Nov. 11 Tilton, Ben. F... A 69321 1, 1 Nov. 29 Titchworth, Caspar A 69343 13,16 Dec. 11 Thompson, Albert A 69360 I)ec. 21 Talbot, Stanwood E.... A 69361 Do. Urry, Alfred... A 69324 15, 16 Dec. 1 Von Helms, Jno 106 25, 26 Teb. 24 Von Speidern, Jno 138 Mar. 11 Van Pelt, D. F 288 12, 22 May 22 Von Dahlern, J. 330 June 15 Van Oterendorp, K 422 Aug. 12 Vance, L.R.. A 69349 16, Dec. 16 Ward, Phillip D 30 10, 13 Jan. 11 Willett. Walter E. 31 ! 3, 9 Jan. 12 Wheeler, Eben D.. 36 23, 23 Jan. 18 Weber, Charles H... Woodward, Jno. A Walsh, John. Wallace, Thomas Wilson, Wm. D.. Wilson, Olof P White, Howard R.... Wright, Goorge. Wilson, James.. Walrig, Jno. G Williams, Chas. H Wilson, Thomas Watson, Harry R Walton, Austin N.. Wheeler, Roscoe Ward, William Whitney, Geo. H. Warner, Fredk Weber, C. H., jr .. Wheeler, George, jr. Wright, William. Wright, Thos. A. Wadale, Jesse Wickberg, Sven F.... Whiteside, Joseph Wester, George.. Wirschuleit. E. A.. Wheeler, Stephen J Young, Edwd. E. Yates, Albert F.. Zaddart, Frank B. 40 20, 20 Jan. 20 48 18, 18 Jan. 25 53 1,1 Jan. 27 92 25, 26 Feb. 19 136 11, 14 Mar. 11 143 Mar. 12 173 19,19 Mar. 24 200 Apr. 7 202 7, 12 Do. 221 11, 11 Apr. Apr. 17 224 9, 9 Apr. 19 285 6,7 May 20 296 7, May 26 321 June 7 337 26, 29 June 19 344 12,18 June 24 361 7, 13 July 7 392 2,5 July 26 450 2,6 Aug. 26 463 3,5 Sept. 8 502 6,9 Sept. 28 541 13, 15 Oct. 21 575 17, 23 Nov. 11 579 8,8 Do. 581 8,8 Do. A 69353 1,1 Dec. 17 A09354 2,2 Do. A69369 11, 11 Dec. 29 518 Oct. 12 591 Nov. 19 169 Mar. 24 4,6 6,10 1,4 4,9 9,9 1, 1 5,7 1,1 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-San Francisco, Cal. 1, 1 6,6 3,3 2 Anderson, Androw V 12 5, 5 Jan. 11 Berg, Peter A... 311 5,5 Oct. 18 Anderson, John A 30 1,1 Jan. 25 Bohrsing, Edward 342 Nov. 23 Allstrom, Emil G 49 0,6 Iob. 11 Christensen, Charles. 52 14, 14 Feb. 13 Andersson, Andrew W. 67 3,3 Feb. 25 Chalmers, S. H... 59 4,4 Feb. 19 Anderson, Andrew 68 3,3 Feb. 26 Cornell, Squire H. 75 4,4 Mar. 2 Anderson, Fred P... 76 17,17 Mar. 3 Calling, Axel R 145 2,2 A pr. 10 Atthove, Wm.J... 78 1,1 Do. Cavaco, Jos.J.. 151 6 Apr. 19 Anderson, Bernbard E. 103 3,3 Mar. 11 Crangle, W.J 154 2,2 | Apr. 21 Anderson, Jon A .... 155 6,6 Apr. 22 Clapmau, E. B. B 161 9,9 Apr. 23 Andersen, Arnt. 202 2,2 May 25 Croon, Peter. 178 1,1 ) May 6. Anderson, Fredk 243 7, 7 July 30 Crowley, John 189 3,3 May 14 Aust, Walter C.. 246 2, 2 Aug. 2 Carson, Charles.. 204 1,1 May 26 Anderson, Edward 256 10,10 10,10 Aug. 16 Cole, Wm. R. 214 2, 2 June 12 Axelsen, Christian. 257 5, 5 Aug. 17 Crowley, John 237 10,10 July 20 Anderson, Peter 273 6,6 | Sept. 3 Coutli, Robert 241 July 27 Aufindsen, Bernard.... 284 7,7 Sept. 15 Carlson, Frank O 271 2,2 Aug. 31 Anderson, David 303 2, 2 Oct. 6 Coleman, John J. 296 6,6 Sept. 27 Anderson, A. G 312 2,2 Oct. 20 Christensen, N.J 298 3,3 Sept. 29 Anderson, Emil. 327 6,6 Nov. Nov. 6 Coursell, Sher. A. 331 5,4 Nov. 9 Adamson, Wm. 337 9,9 Nor. 16 Christensen, Lars J.... 340 5,5 Nov. 22 Boyd, Thomas 10 8,8 Jan. 11 Doyle, Thos 7 1,1 Jan. 7 Boynildsen, John 13 6, 6 Jan. 12 Dallerup, John.. 25 8,8 Jan. 21 Bennett, Wm. G 54 5, 5 Feb. 18 Dolliver, Chas.J. 44 Feb. 5 Brown, Charles A. 83 6, 6 Mar. 4 Dippel, William 50 Feb. 13 Bloom, Thorald D. 97 5,5 Mar. 8 Dahlin, John A.. 53 3,3 Feb. 17 Burditt, Henry H. 104 5,5 Mar. 11 Daeveritz, Otto ..... 80 Mar. 3 Bennett, Reginald . 114 3,3 Mar. 22 Dent, George S 139 4,4 Apr. 6 Beckley, Henry (). 133 4, 4 Apr. 1 Davies, James 181 1,1 May 7 Benediktsen, Jno 134 1,1 Do. Davies, William 198 3,3 May 21 Boudich, Richd. W... 140 4,4 Apr. 6 Dorn, Charles 211 6, 6 June 5 Black, M. Louis.. 159 1,1 Apr. 23 Delano. Robt. G... 304 7,7 Oct. 7 Bowen, James 168 4,4 Apr. 29 Daggett, Franklin 329 Nor. 9 Brooks, Fred W 171 Dallquist, N. Aug 352 Dec. 6 Burns, Peter.. 191 3,3 May 17 Davis, Charles F 361 1,1 Dec. 13 Bark. Frithiof... 197 5, 5 May 21 Dethlofsen, John P... 375 9,9 Dec. 24 Birkholm, Fred. S... 207 3,3 June 1 Eart, Geo. H. 8 5,5 Jan. 8 Bjorkengren, Charles . 218 8,8 June 19 Engelbrettsen, Edwd.. 29 8,8 Jan. 25 Baldwin, Louis S 225 3,3 July 6 Egan, John H.... 65 1, 1 Feb. 23 Batchelder, Wm. H.. 232 4,4 July 13 Eckland, Charles 98 3,3 Mar. 8 Baker, Charles. 253 2,2 Aug. 13 Erikson, Antaari. 167 2,2 Apr. 29 Becker, N.A.T. 283 3,3 Sept. 15 Engelbretsen, Hans.. 177 1,1 May 5 Bostrom, Chas. A 288 6,6 | Sept. 17 Edwardson, John.. 185 6,6 | May 12 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 1,1 3,3 5,5 - 1, 1 Apr. 30 13, 14 2,2 8 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 8 Mates licensed-San Francisco, Cal.—Continued. Namo. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. 1,1 1 6,6 5,5 8,8 Estvold, Saml. R 203 5,5 May 26 Kramer, Saml. TI.. 24 2,2 Jan. 20 Ericcson, Charles. 259 5, 5 dug. 17 Karlson, Nils F 35 2,2 Feb. 1 Erikson, Erik. 262 6,6 Aug. 21 Klintborn, Fred 55 3,3 Feb. 18 Ellessen, John 371 2,2 Dec. 21 Kerne, Howard 56 | 13, 13 13, 13 Feb. 19 Fisher, William. 4 3,3 Jan. 4 Karlson, John .. 61 4,4 Feb. 23 Fitzmaurice, George 11 6,6 | Jan. 11 Kummer, Max. 92 3, 3 Mar. 8 Fosen, Lind Q 47 3,3 Feb. 10 Krebs, Wm.G 190 1, 1 May 15 Furman, Lawrence M.. 90 8,8 Mar. 8 Kitt, Elias P... 195 2,2 May 18 Flanders, Robt. N... 116 Mar. 22 Kirkwood, Alexr 268 6,6 Aug. 27 Funder, Peter.. 206 11, 11 May 28 Kuhlman, Emil... 281 1,1 Sept. 13 Frantzon, Charles O... 250 2, 2,2 Aug. 3 Lundine, John.. 2 7,7 Jan. 2 Fjarem, Fritzof... 317 1,1 Oct. 23 Larson, Louis... 19 7,7 Jan. 16 Fitzmaurice, Lionel.. 376 8,8 Dec. 28 Larsson, Charles S. 22 1,1 Jan. 19 Gustafson, Charles 37 4,4 Feb. 1 Leary, Stephen S 81 1,1 Mar. 3 Goken, John C.... 69 9,9 Feb. 26 Lilzegren, Fred. 94 6, 6 Mar. 8 Gartbley: John 121 4,4 Mar. 25 Long, Frank A A 110 1,1 Mar. 16 Gibson, Geo. E... 148 3,3 | A.pr. 15 Lewis, Harry. 157 1,1 Apr. 23 Guthrie, James 188 7,7 May 14 Lane, James M 182 5,5 | May 10 Gurney, James M ... 338 3,3 Nov. 17 Lindberg, Charles O 285 7,7 Sept. 16 Hansen, Ole... 14 12, 12 Jan. 12 Lord, James W 363 4,4 Dec. 15 Hansen, Thom. 62 4,4 Feb. 23 Mattson, Mathias A... 31 6,6 Jan. 26 Hansen, John A .. 66 8,8 Feb. 24 Mitchell, Jno.J.C 39 1,1 Feb. 2 Hollm, Alfred 82 Mar. 4 Mellin, Charles B. 40 Feb. 3 Hotkens, Isaac 86 8,8 Mar. 6 Malmsten, Aug. 45 2, 2 Feb. 5 Hyde, Caleb H. 91 10, 10 Mar. 8 Mellin, Arvid E 60 10,10 Feb. 23 Holland, Charles J 96 2,2 Do. Menzell, Alexr 84 6,6 Mar. 4 Hayes, Éenry. 107 7,7 | Mar. 15 Martin, Jno. J 85 1,1 Mar. 5 Holmberg, Alfred... 143 5, 5 Apr. 8 Mortensen, Jno. P 113 | 10,10 Mar. 20 Hansen, Frank P.. 172 1,1 | Apr. 30 McNevin Edmond, jr.. 118 Mar. 23 Holmberg, John 201 5,5 May 25 McNulty, Christopher. 122 7,7 Mar. 25 Flansen, Magnus. 210 6, 6 June 5 Moore, Thomas 128 1,1 Mar. 27 Hanlon, Thos. P 226 | 10, 10 July 8 Mikkelson, Chester P.. 129 1,1 Mar. 29 Hansen, Bernhard .. 234 3,3 July 17 McKay, Robert B... 137 2,2 Apr. 2 2 Hartwick, Charles. 235 7,7 Do. Marscball, Charles H.. 158 7,7 | Apr. 23 Haworth, Joseph M. 212 2,2 July 28 Malmoos, Andrew 163 6, 6 | Apr. 26 Horger, Otter H 249 1, 1 Aug. 2 McNeil, Roderick... 169 4,4 Apr. 29 Hansen, Charles 258 8,8 Aug. 17 Martin, Jno. F. 174 13, 13 13,13 May 3 Hennig, Paul J 286 1,1 Sept. 16 Moreno, John.. 175 2,2 May 5 Hughes, John.. 292 8,8 Sept. 20 Mallett, Chas. W 179 6,6 May Healey, Edwin J.... 293 3,3 Sept. 21 Mikkelson, Robert. 183 6,6 May 10 Harrisson, Massillon. 307 3,3 Oct. 9 McGrath, Patrick 222 1,1 Juno 24 Hakla, Martin 308 1,1 Oct. 13 McCarthy, Patrick . 227 6,6 July 9 Hansen, Haus J 314 1,1 Oct. 20 Mathew's, Thos. 263 8,8 Aug. 23 Hansen, L.C. G 319 6,6 Oct. 27 McKellar, John. 264 6,6 Do. Hansen, Lers 345 6,6 Nov. 27 McKenzie, Wim. 301 1,1 Oct. 2 Helander, Jno. F 349 6,0 Nor. 29 Meyer, Peter C 305 4,4 Oct. 8 Hilton, Albert 350 5, 5 Nov. 30 Marr, Joseph E 306 7,7 Oct. 9 Hyvarnien, Jno. W 353 10, 10 Dec. 6 Miller, James F.. 323 Nov. 3 Holmes, Hans H.. 380 3,3 Dec. 14 Morgan, Elisha 324 2,2 Do. Hansen, Oluf R.. 362 5,5 Do. Morton, Henry E 332 5,5 Nov. 11 Hansen, Her. G 374 1,1 Dec. 23 Miller, Geo.J, L 333 Nov. 13 Hyde, John A. 377 12, 12 12, 12 Dec. 31 Mercer, Wm. H. 359 6,6 Dec. 13 Iverseu, William. .. 170 5,5 Apr. 30 Macomber, Wm. F.. 370 2,2 Dec. 18 Iversen, John.. 176 5,5 May 5 Nelson, Nicolas 17 1,1 Jan. 14 Irvin, Thomas 290 7,7 Sept. 20 Nielsen, Andrew 73 5,5 Mar. 1 Ingelbretson, J.M 321 Oct. 29 Nelson, Fredk. A 77 1, 1 | Mar. 3 Jamieson, Thos. A 58 1,1 Ieb. 19 Nielsen, Conrad 88 4,4 Mar. 6 Jones, Hugh P. 71 5,5 Ieb. 26 Nicolson, Norman 102 4,4 Mar. 10 Johnson, John 79 1,1 Mar. 3 Nilsen, Winciau 112 3,3 Mar. 17 Johnson, Oscar 99 8,8 Mar. 8 Nielsen, Peter 115 7,7 Mar. 22 Johnson, Edwd. E 124 Mar. 25 Nichols, Gustav 141 7,7 Apr. 7 Johnstone, Geo. M 130 Mar. 29 Nilsson, Axel.. 164 6,6 Apr. 27 Jolinson, áron T.. 147 6, 6 Apr. 13 Nielsen, Thomas 186 5, 5 May 13 Johnson, John C. 156 9, 9 Apr. 22 Nelson, Andrew W 247 7,7 Aug. 2 Jonsson, Petter.. 165 7,7 s pr. 27 Nyman, Henry. 269 7,7 Aug. 27 Jorgensen, Toldus K... 173 6,6 May 1 Nelson, Andrew P 280 5,5 Sept. 11 Johnsou Hjalmar 200 1,1 May 24 Nordberg, Fred 282 7,7 Sept. 13 Johnson, Henry A 215 5,5 | June 12 Nilsson, Oscar 299 7,7 Oct. 2 Johnson, Geo. EL 216 8,8 June 14 Nelson, Thomas. 320 Oct. 29 Jacabsen, Nels A 219 3,3 June 22 O'Brien, Chas. J... 34 6,6 Jan. 29 Jones, Hugh L.. 224 2,2 July 2 Olsen, Louis A.. 36 6,6 Teb. 1 Jensen, Jeppe 255 8,8 Aug. 14 O'Brien, Patrick 57 13, 13 Feb. 19 Johnson, A.M 291 3,3 Sept. 20 Olsen, John 101 5,5 Mar. 10 Johnson, Oscar 294 1,1 Sept. 22 Olsen, Hakan E. 221 June 23 Johansen, J.P.C 326 7, 7 Nov. 6 Olsen, Edward 248 1,1 | Aug. 2 Johnson, Peter J... 334 1,1 Nov. 13 Olsen, Lars E 274 5,5 Sept. 4 Johansen, Ole A.. 354 1,1 Dec. S Olsen, John. 341 3,3 Nov. 23 Johannesen, Henrik 366 6,6 Dec. 10 Olsen, Otto 343 4,4 Nov. 24 Jorgensen, W.S. E.. 11, 11 Dec. 18 Pagel, wm.J. 43 10, 10 Teb. 4 Johnson, Oscar... 372 1,1 | Dec. 21 Peterson, Gustav 89 5, 5 i Mar. 6 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 5,5 1,1 1,1 7,7 3,3 BA 369 | 11, STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 9 Mates licensed—San Francisco, Cal.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Jissue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. 4,4 6,6 6,6 5,5 5, 5 9,9 212 9,9 0 Petersen, Mauritz Park, Lewis B Poulsen, Peter Pedersen, John P Payne, Her. T. Poulsen, Lauritz J Parle, Micbael C Petterson, Johan A Petersen, Andrew Quayle, Leopold.. Robertson, Robert Reinertsen, Jno. A.. Ryan, Jer. A. Roberts, Henry Rudbach, Jno. O Reid, James. Robinson, Francis Rex, Joseph H... Rex, Wm.C.... Radmer, Auton Rae, Robert A Reiner, Charles. Rideout, Benjamin. Ross, John W Reichelt, E.L Rogers, Wm. J.C Roberts, Wm. H ... Stone, John F.. Smith, Edwd. O.. Sepp, Andrew Scott, John Smith, Henry Schon, Jens P Smith, Rudolf Scoular, James .. Speier, Jacob Schillinsky, Carl. Samuels, Andrew. Sund, Charles W Spohn, Wm. Seaton, Thos. J Slate, Arthur H Smith, John E... Sundgren, Svante N. ... Spence, Edward Schlemier, F. W Smith, Carl A.. Swanson, Charles. Sorensen, TVald. C Shaughnessy, James. Sullivan, John F 123 3,3 Mar. 25 166 7,7 Apr. 28 205 7,7 May 28 208 June 3 310 4,4 Oct. 16 316 Oct. 21 339 2, 2 Nov. 17 357 Dec. 9 368 2,2 Dec. 17 132 1,1 Mar. 31 5 9,9 Jan. 5 18 Jan. 15 20 1,1 Jan. 19 28 Jan. 23 33 | 11, 11 Jan. 27 109 1,1 Mar. 15 126 8,8 Mar. 26 146 Apr. 12 187 5,5 May 4 209 5,5 June 5 Juno 8 213 5,5 June 12 231 1,4 July 12 236 7,7 July 19 240 10,10 10, 10 July 26 330 Nov. 9 347 13, 13 Nor. 29 1 6, 6 Jan. 2 3 2, 2 Do. 9 3,3 Jan. 11 16 Jan. 12 21 12, 12 Jan. 19 23 8,8 Do. 32 5,5 Jan. 27 38 1,1 Feb. 2 42 1,1 Teb. 4 46 3,3 Feb. S 63 3,3 Feb. 23 74 Mar. 1 93 3,3 Mar. 8 105 7,7 Mar. 12 111 6,6 Mar. 16 135 8,8 Apr. 2 138 Apr. 5 144 9,9. Apr. 9 149 7,7 Apr. 16 150 1,1 Apr. 17 152 6,6 Apr. 21 160 2,2 Apr. 23 180 6, 6 May 7 193 8, 8 May 17 2, 2 Sellman, John Schmidt, John Saletsky, John A Stephenson, Wm Scott, David Stannard, Wm. Shannon, Thomas . Sandberg, Samuel Strom, Olaus. Spar, John.. Spring, Henry C.. Stewart, David. Schwartz, Charles Smith, Geo. W. Smith, James W Stindt, Fredk. Soderdahl, C. O Thatcher, Jas. J Thorsen, Lars Thy-boo, Peter Thompson, Thos. H.... Turper, Frank H. Thiel, Albert Todd, James W.. Turloff, John F... Thomsen, Einer Voodrey, Ell K ... Volquardsen, Ang Volker, Charles... Vega, Frank. Vile, Charles. Varley, James M.. Wilson, Gustaf H... Wickman, Karl E. Walwick, Anthon Walkei, Hugh.. Whitten, Joseph B.... Wikander, Charles Winkel, George.. Wickstrom, Aug. W Wescott, Wm. Wittke, Paul Wilson, Edwa. P.. Wilson, J10. L... \Viseman, Wash. A Weiding, Andrew Ward, Edwd. A. Watson, WVm.D West, Ellsworth L..... Yates, Emil B Zeh, George H. 199 1, 1 | May 22 220 10, 10 June 22 223 1,1 June 30 228 4,4 July 12 261 H, Aug. 21 265 2,2 Aug. 24 270 5,5 Aug. 27 279 4,4 Sept. 8 302 6, 6 Oct. 4 313 5,5 Oct. 20 315 6,6 Oct. 21 322 | 16, 16 Nov. 1 325 3,3 Nov. 3 328 3,3 Nov. 8 331 3,3 Dec. 1 358 1,1 Dec. 10 367 1,1 Dec. 16 64 1,1 | Feb. 23 100 4,4 Mar. 10 192 4,4 May 17 276 1,1 Sept. 4 309 5,5 Oct. 16 318 3,3 Oct. 27 346 2,2 Nov. 27 356 9,9 Doc. 9 365 1, 1 Dec. 15 70 1,1 Feb. 26 162 7,7 | Apr. 26 196 1,1 | May 18 229 3,3 | July 12 244 5,5 July 31 260 9,9 Avg. 21 26 1,1 Jan. 23 27 5,5 Do. 51 2,2 Feb. 13 87 4,4 Mar. 16 108 | 11, 11 Mar. 15 119 6,6 Mar. 24 120 5,5 Mar. 25 230 5,5 July 12 233 5, 5 | July 15 252 1, 1 Aug. 7 266 6, 6 Aug. 25 267 3, 3 Aug. 27 277 6, 6 Sept. 7 287 6,6 Sept. 17 295 6, 6 | Sept. 24 341 Nov. 24 348 4,4 Nov. 29 297 3, 3 Sept. 28 136 4, 4 Apr. 2 3,3 5,5 4,4 9, 9 Mates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—San Francisco, Cal. 5,9 3, 25 Alexander, Jesse L Bowen, Harry Bolger, James. Boyle, Alexander Carlson, Olof. Christensen, 0. S... Cutten, Charles Chlemens, Julius Downey, M.R Fisher, Owen T Falkenburg, Wm Frederick, Robert Gundersen, Peter Gage, Wm. E.. Hunter, James G Hobbs, Geo. L. 356 41 117 335 95 106 275 373 194 254 278 300 127 272 48 217 2,2 Dec. 8 Feb. 3 5,9 Mar. 23 Nov. 15 5,5 Mar. 8 1,1 Mar. 12 14, 14 Sept. 4 2,5 Dec. 23 1,1 May 17 1,1 Aug. 13 7,10 Sept. 7 1,3 Oct. 2 2,5 Mar. 27 8,11 Aug. 31 2, 21 Feb. 10 5, 10 June 19 Hansen, Ole C.... Koehler, Barth.. Kram, Olaf T.. Licht, Conrad. Marshall, Edwd. T.... Morgan, John.. Naylor, Saml. G... (strowski, C.A.B... Olsen, Bent Polsson, Adolph Schirmer, Wm Salisbury, Danie) Simpson, Henry Strem, August.. Wright, John A.. 239 15 125 1421 184 : 238 364 6 289 251 72 131 245 336 153 3,3 July 22 4,4 Jan. 12 5, 5 | Mar. 26 3, 6 Apr. 7 2,2 May 11 1,3 July 22 10, 10 Dec. 15 6,7 Jan. 5 3, + Sept. 18 3,3 Aug. 5 3,8 Feb. 27 4, 5 Mar. 29 6,9 July 31 2,5 Nov. 15 5,7 A pr. 21 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 10 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—San Francisco, Cal. Name. No. of No. of | Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No of Date of license. issue.* issue. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. 1.1 1, 12 2 1,1 Mar. 26 12 1,9 June 2 3 15 Apr. 8 9 1,4 May 13 6 Apr. 9 24 6, 12 Oct. 19 27 5,5 Dec. 4 1 2,2 Feb. 20 18 8,9 Aug. 9 15 1,4 June 29 28 Dec. 21 16 1,7 July 15 23 1,1 Oct. 9 4 1,1 | Apr. 8 7 Apr. 14 14 5, 12 June 10 8 4,4 May 3 20 1,1 Aug. 20 11, 12 Nov. 10 5 1, 1 Apr. 8 21 10,10 10,10 Sept. 22 26 9,14 Dec. 2 17 2,6 July 20 19 5. 7 Aug. 19 22 2,2 | Sept. 22 29 1,8 Dec. 29 13 1,2 June 8 10 1,1 May 17 11 1, 4 ) May 28 2, 2 Avery, Charles Beuson, Wm. A.. Cabler, A.N. Carlson, Andrew Denman, Joun O. Dorges, Gus .. Dunnells, S. S... Grimm, Peter J... Griffin, John H Hesse, Diedrich Hoffman, John C... Johnson, Erwin Lee, Eugene S Murphy, Frank J. McNoble, Emery L. Merx, Herman Nevins, James G... Nielsen, Emil H Niles, James M Petzinger, A. W Penso, John Peterson, Jens .. Rideout, Eugeno. Stephenson, John Seabers, Chas. A.. Traung, George E Torgersen, Oluf B Woldt. D. W Wold, Peter T Second-class pilots. Anderson, Paul. Anderson, Niels Barber, James B... Bachman, Charles A.. Bliss, C.T Barrett, Alfd. J Cooley, Wm. I Colonby, Martin Dreaper. Calvin P Deuny, John. Eckley, John L Fay, Nahum,.jr Farley, Damel Flanders, Albert C.. Freese, Wm. F... Gustafson, Lars A... Henriksen, Olans Hansen, Peter Hansen, Andreas Hanto, Jorgen E. Funkin, Edmond Hansen, Alfred Hughes, Thomas Jarvis, Wm. C. Johnson, Charles A. Liudell, John M Lauritzen, Hans P..... Meyns, Claus Moore, Zemro S. Michaelis, Julius Moller, Nicolai. McCann, R. W Noronha, M.M. Nelson, Andrew Pederson, Peder Parker, John C.. Paulsen, J. L... Preston, Joh... Remington, Geo. W Reinhold, Frank W Smith, Oliver. Seileman, Chas. T Stewart, Clas. E. Sandstrom, Emil A. Smallman, Wm Taggart, Jolin E Weatherbee, O. H.. Wilkinson, Fred. D... 37 1,1 June 12 41 2,2 July 2 63 12, 12 12, 12 Nov. 22 65 3,3 Dec. 14 19 2,2 Mar. 29 23 9,9 Apr. 6 21 7,7 Apr. 1 43 2, 2 July 8 13 5,5 Mar. 9 15 3,3 Mar. 15 24 1,1 Apr. 12 42 5,5 July 6 51 11,11 Aug. 20 16 2,2 Mar. 16 30 7,.7 May 12 6 2,2 Feb. 17 26 2, 2 Apr. 21 57 .6: 6 Oct. 25 62 3,3 Nov. 22 25 9, 9 A pr. 14 33 1,1 May 20 27 4,4 Apr. 26 29 1,1 May May 8 31 3,3 May 14 60 6, 6 Nov. 16 64 9,9 Dec. 10 14 2, 11 Mar. 11 32 13, 13 May 19 52 6,6 Aug. 27 25 | 11, 3 Special pilots. > 18 6, 6 Mar. 22 20 i, 1 Mar. 29 10 6,6 Mar. 2 28 0,0 May 6 47 9,9 July 28 56 2,2 Oct. 12 34 1,1 Junie 2 38 7,7 June 17 8 4,4 Tel. 20 58 13, 13 Nov. 6 1 10,10 Jan. 4 17 Mar. 17 46 8,8 July 28 49 3,3 Aug. 9 66 1,5 Dec. 21 12 1,1 Mar. 8 3 Jal. 22 5 2,2 Tob. 10 22 1,1 Apr. 2 Bigger, Olin M... Bonner, John Dalton, John P Fulton, Clarence . Graham, Henry A Goodair, Ed.D. Howard, George Haughton, Ed. H Hammer, Robt. TV Keane, David .. O'Brien, M.R.. Rodolph, Charles T Spero, George Sibley, David Thorrold, Eliza Tavlor, Charles H.. Wilson, Fred. G Werder, Louis. 2 56 36 66 :44 61 9 11 50 35 55 7 4 48 53 59 39 2,2 Jan. 6 2,2 Oct. 12 8,8 June 11 1,5 Dec. 21 8,8 July 16 1,1 Nov. 18 1,1 Mar. 1 4,4 Mar, Mar. 3 1,1 Aug. 11 1,1 June 8 4,4 Oct. 6 1,1 Feb. 18 5, 5 Feb. 1 1,1 Aug. 3 1, 1 Aug. 27 1,1 Nov. 11 2, 2 June 28 3,3 July 22 9,9 6,6 45 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—San Francisco, Cai. 2 5 3,3 Chittenden, C.R Ditty, Hal. F Emerick, Wm. J Greene, George B Jan. 23 Hinckley, H.G 6,6 Sept. 20 Murplıy, James E. 5,5 June 8 Thomas, Jesse H 6,11 Dec. 3 6 1 4 3,3 Sept. 20 2,2 Jan. 4 5,5 July 16 7 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—San Francisco, Cal. !! Chief engineers Chief engineers (ocean). (occan)—Continued. Alison, Wm. H 45 12, 17 Feb. 1 Bessing, Tos. J. 48 , 7, 12 Feb. 4 Adelseck, Frank.. 116 12, 20 Mar. 22 Bullone, Edw. E 51 | 11, 16 Heb. 5 Ames, Geo. S... 249 21, 25 June 7 Beggs, Saml. C 71 10,17 Feb. 23 Armstrong, John 309 6,7 July 20 Bulger, Martin. 81 39 Mar. 1 Anderson, John. 382 7, 13 Sept. 17 Brunbrook, A.F. 82 12 Mar. 2 Bunting, Wm. L 36 4,9 Jan. 27 Burke, Joseph F... 107 6,11 Mar. 18 Bartmess, Lloyd C... 38 2,7; Jan. 28 Bragg, Frank... 111 13, 17 Mar. 19 * Number of issue of current grade and the nuuber of issues of all grades. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 11 Engineer's licensed—San Francisco, Cal.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. i 9 20 8, 20 1 13, 19 4,9 Olief engineers Chief engineers (ocean)- Continued. (ocean)-Continued. Bulger, John K.. 112 10,16 Mar. 19 Forbes, Jolin R.. 124 | 22, 26 Mar. 27 Burrill, Wm. P 240 8, 16 May 29 Ferguson, George H 319 --, 12 July 28 Bowen, wm 251 9, 14 June 10 Fox, Joseph E 403 13, 15 Oct. 15 Birkinshaw, George 351 12 Aug. 19 Foster, Edwa 391 -, 27 Sept. 28 Barnce, Monroo. 375 Aug. 30 Farrell, Jübn 123 Oct. 28 Black, Edwin C 376 15 Aug. 31 Foord, James 434 27, 28 Nov. 5 Brolley, Archd. B 379 1,1 | Sept. 13 Ferguson, James. 454 8,18 Nov. 15 Bitley, Frank W.. 392 7, 9 Sept. 29 Fisher, James. 487 6, 13 Dec. 6 Bird, Edward .. 396 6,15 Oct. 6 Fredericks, Wm. G 507 15, 15, 20 Dec. 14 Blanchard, Frank R... 398 6, 16 Oct. 9 | Furlong, S.J.. 510 Dec. 16 Blum, Charles 417 1,8 Oct. 25 Fairfield, Daniel 522 6, 11 Dec. 18 Burleman, Henry 497 1. 26 Dec. 10 Flanagan, Patrick 385 6,6 Sept. 20 Bulger, T1108. D. 537 5, 12 Dec. 29 Green, Lawrence N.... 101 1,5 Mar. 12 Campbell, John. 1127 1,1 Mar. 29 Gray, Daniel C.... † 194 1,1 May 1 Chisholm, John J... 133 12 Mar. 30 Goodrich, Addisov. 232 10, 18 May 26 Cloak, Harry B 166 13, 17 Apr. 19 Graham, John 237 2,2 Díay 28 Cook, John † 186 1,1 | Apr. 27 Grundell, James H. 252 i, June 10 Caughey, James 1187 1,1 Apr. 28 Griffitlı, Samuel... 294 5, 10 July 10 Crosby, George 197 14, 18 May it Gilliam, Wm. d. 316 12, 17 July 26 Carrick, Daniel 210 20, 27 May May 14 Gardner, Fred. A 339 13, 17 Aug. 6 Carballo, Manuel 215 2. 7 May 17 Gruprell, Charles L.... 355 9, 11 Aug. 19 Church, Saml. H 220 5,11 May 19 Gould, Frank C... 362 6, 11 Aug. 23 Cradick, Martin 246 3, 12 Juunc 7 Gasslander, Fritz 397 4, 10 (ct. 6 Croghan, Francis 261 June 17 Griffin, John W... 466 20, 28 20, 28 Nov. 24 Criglar, Wm. L 265 , 22 June 19 Godbeer, Wm.. 475 3,11 Nov. 29 Cooper, Herbert H. 280 6, 14 Julie 29 Garrey, James D 479 1, 11 Nov. 30 Collins, Henry. 288 6, 15 July 6 Hyde, Alexander. 24 5, 5 Jan. 16 Comistock. Rufus 302 S, 12 July 23 Haines, S. N 40 16 Jan. 30 Christensen, Henry 324 1, 20 July 30 Holtz, Gustav 117 5, 10 Mar. 23 Cherry, C. C 361 5, 6 Aug. 23 Hogan, Wm. F. 136 10,16 Mar. 31 Croſts, JobnJ 400 19,34 Oct. 12 Hackley, Robi.J.. 144 26 Apr. 5 Courtney, Daniel. 421 2,10 Oct. 27 Horne, wm 153 7, 11 Apr. 12 Cowperthwaite, Jno. J. 442 17, 23 Nov. 8 Holland, Wm 203 8,14 | May 10 Creamer, Jno. C. 471 13, 17 Nov. 29 Hansen, Gunder 230 8,14 May 26 Cramp, Ellwn. E 472 6, 12 Do. Holland, John J 254 5,11 June 11 Cooksou, Frank. 474 25 Do. Heeney, Thou.J.. 279 5, 10 June 29 Cunningham, Poter 4SS 15, 25 Dec. 6 Houghton, Ed.D... 308 2,8 July 19 Campbell, Peter M. 514 9.9 Dec. 16 Hamilton, Joseph. 371 2,8 Aug. 27 Conùelly, Bernard A.. 532 6, 12 Dec. 27 Hickey, Owen 389 2, 15 Sept. 25 Cousins, Wm 534 10,17 Dec. 28 Fawxhurst, Sarol. W.. 407 - 31 Oct. 9 Coombs. Wm. M 377 7,11 Sept. 1 Heeney, Thos. F.. 413 4, 22 Oct. 20 Dixon, Henry V 19 3,3 Jan, 12 Helland, F. C. H 431 22, 22 No. 5 Duncan, Emile. 43 13. 17 Jan, 30 Hartel, Fred R. 449 Nou, 11 Dolaji, Joseph P 01 1,7 Feb. 15 Howland, John 451 7,9 Do. Donahue, Daniel 95 17 Mar. 9 Herlily, P. E 467 13, 20 Nov. 26 Dorward, Joseplı E 105 6. 6 Mar. 15 Hayes, Patrick 473 1,8 Nov. 29 Doe, ()tis F. 131 3, 10 Mar. 30 Houston, Thios. T 181 8, 12 Dec. 2 Dorrity, Anthony 140 17, 27 Apr. 1 Howel), John 505 11, 22 Dec'. ] De Jausserand, N 148 16, 17 1 pr. 7 Harrison, Ben.. 515 13, 17 Dec. 17 Dunn, Michael . 154 19, 22 Apr. 12 Harrigan, Peter.. 519 1, 17 Do. Donnelly, John 162 8,14 Apr. 17 Howell, James 528 1,8 Dec. 23 Donnelly, Wm. F 175 7,12 A pr. 22 Harley, John. 531 12 Dec. 27 Deturbe, John 178 9, 19 Apr. 23 Johnston, Wm. A 33 10, 15 Jan. 26 Driscoll, James L 228 9, 19 May 25 Jones, Wui. L.. 94 6, 13 Mar. 9 Dawsett, George 253 2-1, 2-4 June 11 Jones, Joseph H 135 26, 26 Mar. 31 Davidson, John 269 7, 16 June 22 Jensen. Ch. L.. 196 Mar 3 Duly, Edward, 272 1. 1 June 24 Johnson, Charles H. 229 - 12 May 26 Dawson, James A. 283 9, 15 July 2 Jones, John A.. 273 16, 23 Jue 24 Dill, Alexr.. 293 3,3 July 10 Jones, Abraham B... +10 16, Oct. 20 Delaney, Joseph 301 -,8 July 17 Jarrett, Charles A. +436 Nov. 5 Dominguez, Richd. A 3.17 3, 12 Ang. 13 Jackson, John F.. 458 12, 16 Nor. 17 Dunne, John C... 405 4,7 Oct. 16 Johnson, Peter G 486 11, 24 Dec. 6 Dully, Peter 422 14, 16 Oct. 28 Jones, Frank d. 511 14, 19 Dec. 16 Dickson, George 430 4,9 Nov. 2 Kidd, John V. 34 15 Jan. 27 Drennon. Wm. H 433 6, 10 Nov. 5 Kelly Jolin. 125 12, 15 Mar. 29 Dinton, Oliver M 469 6,11 Nov. 27 Kellen, John J + 219 1,1 | May 18 Drouillard, Jolin 504 6, 10 Dec. 14 Koenig, Albert ... † 267 Juno 21 Deveron, Duncan 523 12, 17 Dec. 21 Kingsland, George R 282 13, 18 July 2 Davis, Robert... 530 1, 13 Dec. 24 Killgorc, Robt. R 298 12, 17 July 15 Dean, Francis. 536 5, 10 Dec. 28 Kemy, Edwd. H 329 10 Evers, Frank .. Aug. 2 103 3,3 Apr. 17 Koller, James E 394 10, 16 Oct. 1 English, John 167 3,7 s pr. 19 Koen, Charles J 428 1,10 Nov. 1 Ely, Georgo. 468 20,30 Nov. 26 Kress, lug. A 463 15, 21 Nor, 23 Ellis, Joni E. 478 7, 13 Nov. 30 Kull, Jolin H 516 8, 15 Dec, 17 Fox, William 55 7,7 | Fel). Tel. 8 Kelly, Wm. H. 517 12 Do. Fletcher, Harry 99 10, 15 Mar. 12 Lee, Cbarles A.... 42 5,9 Jan. 30 French, Edwa. J 113 Mar. 19 Linderman Gustar 52 2, S I Feb. Fel). 5 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. † Gasoline. 1 0,9 - 1,1 1,1 1 5, TO 12 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed—San Francisco, Cal.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issile. 3, 10 — 16 وت 4, 11 Jan. , 3 1 11, 16 6, 10 Chief engineers Chief engineers (occan)-Continued. (ocean)-Continued. Logan, Wm. D ... 89 9 Mar. 6 O'Donnell, Wm. H 399 4, 11 Oct. 11 Lindley, Wm. D 106 10 Mar. 16 Offerman, Geo. H 414 6, 10 Oct. 22 Lacey, Charles C 119 22 Mar. 25 O'Neill, James 444 7, 16 Nov. 8 Lindsay, Geo. R.. 152 17,17 Apr. 10 O'Reilly, Charles 459 6, 12 Nov. 18 Lamson, Henry 158 Apr. 16 Ormond, Wm.. 525 7,8 Dec. 23 Lowe, Janies 170 17 Apr. 21 Prosch, Oscar. 14 12,21 Jan. 9 Lehners, Carl F 202 10, 17 May 8 Plaskett, Peter L 57 16, 16 Feb. 11 Low, Jobu A 1204 1,1 May 10 Pierson, Willard H 59 12, 17 Do. Lewis, Charles y 241 1,1 May 29 Porter, Thos. A. 96 25, 25 Mar. 9 Lappin, Thomas. 302 July 17 Pierson, Richd.R 139 9,14 Apr. 1 Lochart, Geo. N 304 5, 10 Do. Plait, Wm. A +165 1,1 Apr. 17 Lange, Ernest 322 2,8 July 30 Peters, C. G.F.. † 172 1,1 Apr. 21 Lampman, Henry. 331 37 Aug. 3 Purcell, Alexr 180 1,14 Apr. 24 Lermond, C. G.. 356 7, 13 | Aug. 19 Porter, I'm. 181 Do. Livinger, Louis V +370 1,1 aug. 27 Pendergast, James W 184 5, 10 Apr. 26 Lux, Henry. 496 7,11 Dec. 9 Parsons, Charles B 216 3,9 May 17 Likins, Frank.. 535 1, 12 Dec. 28 Polhanus, A. A.. 226 20 May 24 Morse, Charles E... 17 2, S Jan. 11 Perry, John V. B. 245 10, 17 June 3 Martin, David C. 1 7, 12 2 Peacock, Lewis .. 275 5, 9 June 26 Mathews, Jos. HI 47 31 Feb. 3 Patterson, Frank W 317 8,10 July 27 McEvoy, James 58 8, 15 Fel. 11 Phillips, Wm. A 383 | 15, 15 15, 15 Sept. 17 Mehaffey, Wm.. 66 21 Feb. 20 Pearce, Wm 104 20, 26 Oct. 16 McDermott, D. A 92 18, 22 Mar. 8 Packwood, Fm 424 Oct. 28 Milstead, Jas. W 93 8,11 Mar. 9 9 | Poole, Charles V 476 S Nov. 29 Murphy, Bernard J.. 114 5, 10 Mar. 20 Peverly, Robert. 533 2, 2 Dec. 28 McGovern, Martin V.. * 118 1,1 Mar. 24 Quigley, Tbos. J 29 14, 20 Jan, 21 Montgomery, Robert... 120 20 Mar. 25 Quarngtrom, Karl. † 151 1, 1 Apr. 9 Munn, William 122 8 Do. Quinlan, James H 258 4, 11 June 14 McStay, John J 126 13, 19 Mar. 29 Reid, David.... 4 16, 22 Jan. 4 Merriman, Geo. M... 132 Mar. 30 Roberts, Henry D 5 9, 12 Do. Morrisey, Jas. H... 145 14 A pr. 5 Russell. James 72 2,8 Feb. 24 Mcanney, B... 146 29 Apr. 6 Robinson, Richd. G 76 17, 22 Feb. 26 McNeill, Henry. † 149 1,1 Apr. 7 Redmond, Saml.. 85 10,16 Mar. 5 McMullin, Harry F.. 150 1,6 Apr. 9 Rossitor, Paul .. 109 22, 22 Mar. 19 Mahoney, James. 182 18 Apr. 26 Reynolds, Michael 121 17, 21 Mar. 25 Marshali, James. 183 13, 21 Do. Richardson, Rout 164 Morris, Edward T... 12, 12 Apr. 17 225 4,4 May 22 Ruftiner, E.C... 189 1, 18 Apr. 30 McIntosh, John F... 227 8 May 25 Reedl, James 306 13, 31 | July 19 McDonald, Alex. 247 5, 25 June 7 Richards, James S 369 14, 20 Martin, Alld. 1 Aug. 27 † 248 1,1 ) June 7 Rapbaol, Jaş. G. 439 9, 14 Nov. 5 McColgan, Dennis 276 12 June 28 Robinson, Jos. H. 453 8, 12 Nov. 13 McFeeley, Charles 284 3,9 July 3 Raymond, Henry 485 6,11 Dec. 6 Manpie, Emmet M... 287 22, 29 July 6. Regan, James.. 538 8,16 Dec. 29 Moir, George 296 11 July 13 Shepherd, Altd 8 27, 32 5 McDonald, Vm. 305 2,2 July 17 Schneider, Hubert. 9 Jan. 6 Mecredy, Wm. J 314 15 July 24 Solunith, George 20 11 Jan. 15 McCarthy, John 323 6, 12 July 30 Strow, Julius C 31 6,9 Jan. 25 Munroe, Robert. 325 10, 15 Do. Sutherland, James 32 Do. McKeon, John... 332 -, 24 aug. 3 Scandrett, Alfa. J... 35 6, 10 Jan. 27 Mansshardt, Aug. 338 1,7 | Aug. 5 Stalıl, Rudolph A.,jr. 87 Mar. 5 McClure, Wm 346 33 Aug. 13 Smith, Peter L.. 90 15 Mar. 8 Murray, Joho. 373 2, 2 Aug. 28 Sullivan, Jpo. D. 100 | 12, 16 Mar. 12 Miller, Harry 387 4,10 Sept. 23 Stewart, Jobu, jr. t123 1,1 Mar. 25 McMillan, Hugh. 393 4,9 Sept. 30 Spencer, Thos. W 130 5, 11 Mar. 30 Moningar, Jos. S 411 Oct. 20 Simpson, Henry R 185 Martlaud, B. K Apr. 27 425 2,8 Oct. 29 Sawdon, Thos. T. 190 3,11 Miller, J. E. A Apr. 30 429 7, 12 Nov. 1 Sullivan, John J 233 8 McIver, James May 26 438 7,17 Nov. 5 Sampson, Ernest . 256 16 June 12 Martland, Wm. K.... 427 13, 18 Nov. 1 Shannon, W. H. 285 Morris, Theodore -, 16 | July 3 440 7,10 Nov. 5 Stevenson, John 295 Mitchell, J. M. B... 17, 24 July 10 452 5, 13 Nov. 13 Seavey, Jolin J 303 Molloy, Edvard.. 10,18 July 17 464 6, 10 Nov. 24 Smith, Axel... 315 Murphy, Jno.J 15, 25 July 26 484 | 13, 19 Doc. 6 Steen, Tliarald.. 333 Meenan, Hugh. 2,9 Aug. 4 524 18 Dec. 21 Suyder, Chaus. W 365 McConologue, Jas Aug. 25 539 Dec. 31 Shepard, Fredk. F.. 395 7,13 Oct. 1 Nicholson. J.A. 10 13 Jan. 6 Smiley, Fred. 415 15, 24 Oct. 23 Nicksou, Frank. 7128 Mar. 29 Schoppe, C.S. WA 435 Neiman, \m. H. 5, 10 | Nov. 5 218 --, 23 May 18 Sellander, Fred 441 Nov. 0 Nixon, Fred 259 24, 25 June 14 Sullivan, Thios.J. 450 Nov. 11 Neal, William 357 3,5 | Aug. 20 Smith, Joseph H 465 16, 22 Nov. 24 Ojeda, Robt. V 2 3, 8 Jan. 2 Selfridge, Thos. A 480 10,10 Dec. 1 O'Brien, Jola E 56 4,9 Feb. 10 Schnetter, Paul. 491 7,14 Dec. 8 O'Neill, Bernard 134 1, 12 Mar. 31 Stewart, Thos. G 506 5. 12 Dec. 14 O'Donnell, Francis... 142 6, 12 Apr. 2 Salmon, Thomas 508 2,6 Dec. 15 Osborne, Eeury 179 13, 25 Apr. 24 Scotti , George 512 36 Dec. 16 O'Neill, Robt. P. 231 6, 12 May 26 Talman, E. W 7 27 Jan, 5 O'Callaghan, Wm.. 335 26 Aug. 5 Tomlin. Richard E.. 28 15 Jan. 20 *Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. # Gasoline. --, 8 1 Jan. 1 4,9 1 4,6 1,10 1 1, 10 3,3 > - 20 7, 24 1,1 16, 25 1,8 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 13 Engineer's licensed-San Irancisco, Cal.--Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Jissue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue.* issue. COCO -18 344 | 19, 4, 22 3,9 7 8, 12 14 3 Jan. 8,14 - 15 5, 20 8,13 ) Chief enginecrs Chief engineers (ocean)-Continued. (inland)-Continued. Thompson, Harvey K.. 54 15 Fel). 8 Camp, James G. 255 7, 13 June 11 Townsend, Wm. A.. 91 6,11 Mar. 8 Carlin, Wm. J 257 12, 16 June 12 Tabrett, Henry C 14] 2, 2 Apr. 2 Conway, Patrick. 290 18, 26 July 9 Thiron, Henry L. 195 18 May 3 Curley, Jolin J.. 292 - 16 July 23 Tuckey, Alfred L... | 211 1,1 May 14 Carlson, John . 336 16, 24 | Aug. 5 Talbot, Joseph. † 214 1,1 May 15 Crawford, Thos 19, 22 Aug. 11 True, Charles S. 250 13, 13 June 9 Carroll, George C 378 23 Sept. 4 Turkington, R. R 262 9,14 June 17 Comstock, H. O 386 2,4 Sept. 22 Tucker, Edwin TV 345 17, 19 sug. 12 Cunningham, Henry 402 | 10, 18 Oct. 15 Thompson, Charles 445 NOV. 8 Condon, Michael.. 527 Doc. 23 Tracey, Charles H.. 493 4, 13 Dec. 8 Duperu, Wm. A.. 62 19, 22 Feb. 17 Urbanek, Jno. P 235 11 May 28 Deveraux, Wm.J 84 2, 5 Mar. 5 Venable, Joseph 88 8,14 Mar. 6 Don, Robert 359 15, 20 Aug. 21 Van Duzer, Oliver.. 353 34 Aug. 19 Dobson, Arlalbert 384 19 Wolters, Henry J Sept. 20 22 Jan. 16 Douglass, Wm. H 494 1,8 Dec. 8 Williams, Alld. E... 23 10,16 Do. Damon, M.N 499 9, 12 Dec. 11 Wolfe, Edward 41 11, 18 Jan. 30 Donovan, Patk.. 518 21, 23 Dec. 17 Woods, Edward P.. 44 13, 23 Do. Ellsworth, Jno. O 349 Walton, Wm. G Ang. 17 60 5, 14 Feu. 13 | Elliott, E.M ... 380 5, 6 Sept. 13 Wall, Axel C 63 3,8 Feb. 18 Timbreath, Frank 110 12,14 Mar. 19 White, Wm. V 64 11 Do. Flood, Alvalı .. 137 20, 26 Wiggins, Wm. H Apr. 1 103 24, 31 Mar. 13 Fawcett, John A. 343 24, 24 Aug. 10 Whitaker, Joba 188 29 Apr. 28 Foley, Wm. J... 388 1,5 Sept. 25 Waltenbaugh, Geo. W † 222 1,1 May 22 Fickus, P.J... 482 5, 10 Dec. 2 Vosser, Richd. S 278 5,9 June 29 Grippin, Joseph 12 22 8 Woods, Joseph 291 4,9 July 8 Golf, Henry F. 83 11, 22 Mar. 3 Way, George w 307 --, 15 July 19 : Green, John A.. 115 Mar. 22 Watson, John W 321 9,9 July 30 Gomez, Robert .. 143 1,4 Apr. 2 Williams, Thos. A.. 328 4,8 Aug. 2 Goff, Jacob T 155 Apr. 13 Wood, Irving W. 337 11, 17 Aug. 5 Gunn, Fergus. 239 14, 21 Wallace. Henry W May 29 340 9, 13 Ang. 6 Grubb, C. W 341 5,5 Aug. 9 Warin, William 358 5,14 Aug. 21 Grace, David .. 354 12,16 12, 16 Aug. 19 Wolters, John B 364 1, 6 Aug. 24 Gonzales, Ambroso 360 6,10 Aug. 23 Williams, Morgan W.. 390 | 19, 26 Sept. 28 Gorman, Denis. 401 19, 23 Oct. - 14 Wallace, Charles. 412 Oct. 20 Hanell, Wm 3 1, JI Jan. Wynn, John E. 443 Nov. 8 Harvey, Ben. F. 25 20 Jan. 18 Winning, Ed. S. 502 32 Dec. 14 Hepry, Watson H. 49 19, 22 Feb. 4 Witherby, Charles S 529 5, 10 Dec, 24 Hughes, Humphrey 68 13,17 Feb. 20 Young, George 171 Apr. 21 Henery, Sam] 78 30 Teb. 27 Young, Androw 318 13, 21 July 28 Harper, Alex. J. 138 9, 12 1 Young, Wm 326 10,13 July 31 Hennequin, Aug. 156 2,7 Apr. 14 Humes, Edwa. W 157 18 Do. Chief engineers Hickens, John. 169 7,13 Apr. 20 (inland). Henery, Vm 174 18, 20 Apr. 22 Hawkins, Pit.. 193 2. 8 May 1 Andrews, John 50 7, JO Tel. 5 Hart, Samuel.. 206 4,10 May 11 Aldrich, Wm. H. 70 14 Feb. 23 Hooge, Hamilton .. 213 May 1+ Andrade, Joseph S... 73 7, 10 Fob. 26 Elarrison, Thomas 263 19, 25 June 17 Anderson, Thos.. 102 15, 23 Mar. 13 Hunt, George E.P... 270 | 10, 10 June 22 Anderson, Ole 108 10,16 Mar. 19 Healey, Abrabam. 286 5,8 July 3 Anderson, Henry J 173 12, 20 Apr. 22 Harvey, Johu W.. 366 11, 23 Aug. 25 Anderson, Andrew T.. 408 7,10 Oct. 19 H-Iuckins, Wm. 416 21, 21, 22 Oct. 25 Frown, Justus 16 Jan. 11 Halloran, Denis.. 462 14, 15 Nov. 22 Berry, Michael. 53 13,16 Feb. 5 Isom, Jaines W. 176 3,9 Baldwin, Calviu P.. A pr. 23 69 19, 21 Feb. 23 Johnstone, Harry E. 205 3,7 May 10 Beade, Joseph H. 75 16, 17 | Tob. 26 Johnson, Ezekiel T.... 513 12 Dec. 16 Bauman, Henry. 97 Mar. 10 Kay, Joseph 13 25, 28 Jan. 9 Buhr, Paul.... 159 10,13 Apr. 16 Keyer, John E.. 191 25 May 1 Brown, Charles 160 Apr. 17 Keen, Wm. A... 209 1,5 May 13 Bail, Emil F 192 3,9 May 1 Kerr, John. 334 10, 15 aug. 5 Babue, Johu T. 242 3,8 June 1 King, Dennis ... 368 18, 22 Aug. 27 Barber, Wm. K 260 9, 12 June 14 Leadbetter, Robert 18 Jan. 11 Barron, Janies G. 274 10, 13 June 25 Lawler, Wilson.. 21 - 25 Jan. 16 Bliss, D. L., jr. 277 2,2 June 28 Long, Alvin ... 86 11, 17 Mar. 5 Boyd, Geo. W 297 3, 10 July 15 Larsen, Christian. 161 19, 23 A pr. 17 Byler, Tyre A. 311 24, 24 July 23 Lo Ballister, A. E... 300 4, - July 16 Bonner, John 330 11 Aug. 2 Lamb, Villis. 455 12,19 Nov. 15 Binder, William 418 8, 12 Oct. 26 Linden, David S. 521 6, 11 Dec. 18 Brassil, Thomas 457 3,8 Nov. 16 Morris, Geo. W. 74 5,5 Feb. 26 Byram, Frank B 470 5, 6 Nov. 29 Magpusen, Frank . 147 4,7 Caso, James I 6 Jan. 5 McGuy, Frank.. 198 1, 5 May 5 Cumwiugs, E. F 27 14 Jan. 19 McNeill, Charles d.... † 201 1,1 ) May May 7 Cosgrove, John 80 Tob. 27 McGowen, John 238 1,6 May 28 Cross, Thos. E 98 11, 16 Mar. 11 Muzzy, H.S 243 36 June 1 Cocbran, John H. † 200 May 6 McDonald, Johu 268 June 22 Conner, Daniel.. 208 19 May 12 Miller, David N. 299 8 July 16 Campbell, Robt. J ... 212 0,10 1 May 14 McComb, Ed.... 350 | 17, 20 Aug. 18 *Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. Gasoline. 5,11 A pr. 5, 11 24, 26 1 1,6 I -17 9, 11 Apr. 6 - 12 , 28, 30 1,1. 23 14 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Tingineer's licensed-San Francisco, Cal.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. 2,8 4, 23 1,1 1,1 1 1, 12 > 1 3,5 1 C 1 1, 5 1 Mahoney, Edwa 352 7,11 | Aug. 19 Ahlin, Nils E. + 150 1,1 Juno 15 Miller, Joseph 363 3, 7 Aug. 24 Bliss, C.T 6 2, 6 July 13 Menish, Joseph 381 15, 15 Sept. 17 Baker, Wm. L 10 1, 10 July 28 McDowell, Thos 406 13, 13 Oct. 16 Carlson, John. 105 2, 10 Apr. 12 Mocine, Juo.C. 437 5, 5 | Nov. 5 Clark, A. W 123 2, 13 May 10 Mibach, Henry J 456 10, 13 Nov. 16 Chubbuck, Frank 170 2, 2 July 2 Murray, Rhody 489 2,7 Dec. 6 Davis, Henry 267 2,5 Oct. 23 McClain, Jolin. 490 15, 18 Do. Griftin, John H 214 2, 15 Aug. 9 Myers, Michael H 495 27, 29 Dec. 7 Hesse, Diedrich. 167 June 29 May, Fulton H. 503 Dec. 19 Hunkin, Edward 212 2,6 Aug. 7 McDowell, Wm. J 520 13, 17 Dec. 14 Johnson, Axel E. 137 2, 5 May 25 Myers, Russeil A 374 21, 22 Aug. 30 Larco, Audrew R † 144 1,1 Juno 4 Nelson, Wm. D 39 13,16 Jan. 28 Larson, Emil L + 157 1,1 June 22 O'Doll, Isaac 168 10,15 Apr. 20 Murphy, Wm. F.. †76 Mar. 18 Pitts, Goorge W 129 6,9 Mar. 30 Markwell, Alonzo J † 87 1,1 Mar. 27 Parker, John B 266 9, 11 June 21 Mikkelsen, Hans L.... +93 1,1 Apr. 2 Pitts, Wash. R. 281 34 | July 2 Nelson, Nels P.. † 84 Mar. 26 Peterson, Henry D 289 , 19 July 7 Power, Thomas. 284 2,7 Nov. 19 Pepper, Albert "EL 310 4,7 July 21 Roberts, John 292 1, 3 Dec. 1 Persons, Louis.. 367 7, 13 Aug. 26 Sumpter, Andw.J 199 2, 3 July 27 Persons, Thomas O.. 447 6, 16 Nov. 11 Walker, Henry 91 1, 5 Mar. 30 Parritt, Alvin S... 448 8 Do. Wilson, Charles 155 2,2 June 21 Pendleton, C. L 492 8,11 Doc. 8 Wetseli, Geo. W 156 June 22 Pepper, Hart D 501 12 Dec. 13 Wilkinson, F.C... 175 2,11 July 9 Roland, Geo. L 234 31 May 27 Wentworth, Frank 208 2,3 Aug. 5 Rodgers, Charles A. 244 11 Junie 2 Rush, Charles A.. 264 4,6 June 17 First assistant engi- Rose, Ben. V. 372 10 Aug. 28 neers (ocean). Rogers, Henry 446 6,6 Nov. 11 Savage, Patrick ... 15 16, 18 Jan. 9 Anderson, Alexander.. 7 1,2 Jan. 6 Sampson, Charles .... 30 24, 26 Jan. 23 Alison, Rufus B... 36 9, 12 Jan. 26 Stevens, Alexr. 37 1, 1 Jan. 27 Armstrong, Howard R. 50 Feb. 11 Stanley, Ira N 46 8,11 Teb. 2 Archer, James. 265 2,7 Oct. 18 Stevens, Jolm. 104 17 Mar. 15 Agnow, lugh A 29046 12, 15 Dec. 10 Scott, Walter 177 16, 23 Apr. 23 Brown, Phillip T. 62 7 Feb. 24 Springsteen, Ben. F 217 37 May 18 Bird, Johu 0.. 67 Mar. 3 Sevan, Geo. J 221 2,7 May 21 Blundell, Walter. 97 5,8 Apr. 7 Small, Fredk. A. 224 7,12 May 22 Boden, Henry E... 142 1,6 June 2 Stull, John F 327 1,6 Aug. 2 Baker, Joseph 178 1, 3 July 10 Skinner, Frank G... 420 15, 19 Oct. 26 Bain, Wm. A. 224 2,6 Aug. 18 Sullivan, James.. 460 13 Nov. 22 Bromley, TValter F. 251 8, 11 Sept. 29 Surder, John .. 500 8,8 Dec. 11 Beede, S. MCD 293 Dec. 2 Svendsen, S.A 540 7,11 Dec. 31 Carrick, John C 49 1,5 Feb. 9 Terry, C. H 26 Jan. 18 Claussen, Gus. F 146 6,9 June 11 Todman, Moses E.. 65 6,11 Feb. 18 Cooper, Arthur W 187 1,7 July 14 Tennant, Richa. J 77 6 Feb. 26 Curran, Dan.J 218 1,3 Aug. 11 Tindall, Geo. G 199 8, 13 May 6 Carpie, Geo. W. 243 2, 9 Sept. 15 Thurston, Sam). D.. 342 11 Aug. 10 Cowan, Hugl. 246 2,7 Sept. 20 Thayer, James E 348 7,10 Aug. 16 Condrin, James T.. 271 Nov. 1 Turpin, R. IV 409 Oct. 19 Costello, Robert A 29054 1,8 Dec. 23 Traynor, John 477 3, 11 Nov. 30 Cruder, George A29059 | 10, 10 Dec. 27 Teygart, John 483 3,7 Dec. 4 Derrick, Louis M 2 Jan. 2 Taylor, i'm 509 8, 12 Dec. 15 Drew, Thomas 103 13, 16 Apr. 12 Thompson, Wm 526 8, 14 Dec. 23 Durham, Clas. H 128 5,9 May 15 Vosser, Thos. J 67 Feb. 20 Daltou, Wm. E.. 134 1,4 May 24 Willey, Marshall C. 223 18, 19 May 22 Duuleavy, Wm. O.... 191 1,4 July 16 Wiseman, John A 236 :11, 16 May 28 Dill, John W.... 282 1,5 Nov. 9 Wosser, JohnJ 271 9, 12 June 22 Dykemani, John J A 29051 2, 3 Dec. 18 Whyerr, Johu H. 313 3,17 July 23 Evans, John 227 15 Aug. 19 Vallace, John F.. 320 1,3 July 28 Erskine, Andrew N... 286 1,1 Nov. 24 Wilson, James D 419 Oct. 26 Fitzpatrick, John 4 1, 6 Jan. 5 Wilson, John E. 426 11, 14 Oct. 30 Flanagan, James. A 29057 1,7 Dec. 27 Wilson, James T... 432 7, 14 Nov. 5 Getlitie, Fred. C.. 34 3,7 Jan. 25 Wheeler, Bert 461 4,9 Nov. 22 Green, Jolm.. 229 6, 27 Ang. 26 Wheat, Joseph W 498 1, 6 Dec. 10 Grant, Robert. 248 3,6 Sept. 22 Young, Charles E.... 79 | 20, 21 Teb. 27 Garratt, Joseph W 262 9, 13 Oct. 14 Young, Charles J 207 13 May 11 Handley, Janies E. 107 2,5 | Apr. 13 Zimmerman, C. W 11 25, 26 Jan. 8 Hansson, Rudolph 136 11,15 May 25 Horgan, Cornelius 203 1,5 July 31 Engincers in charge of Hughes, James S 221 8,10 Aug. 17 steamers of 100 tons Huson, Charles L 236 2,5 Sept. 3 and under, and over Haldkiar, James 255 Oct. 7 10 tons. Hall, Basil. 280 3,3 Nov. 8 Jerome, Arthur E... 11 3,6 Jan. 9 Allin, Andrew † 82 1,1 Mar. 25 James, Frank v. 149 3,8 June 14 Anderson, Niels † 83 1,1 Mar. 26 il Jessen, Lorenzo.. † 206 1,1 ) Aug. 5 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. † Gasoline. co 3,5 27 3 中 ​1 4, 12 2,9 4,8 8,12 - 16 1 4, 10 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, 15 Engineers licensed-San Francisco, Cal.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. First assistant engi- neers (ocean)-Cont'd. Second assistant engi- neers (ocean)-Cont'd. 74 1 - -,7 - 9 1,6 -,6 1, 10 1, 13 Koen, Charles J... 74 3,9 Mar. 17 Lennox, Frank W 241 8,8 Sept. 13 Kuhn, John T 133 5, 8 May 21 Lafferty, Wm. B.. 277 2,6 Nov. 5 Knox, Wm... 258 1,4 Oct. 11 McCabe, Richd. A 152 1,2 June 17 Kramer, Francis M A 29048 2,5 Dec. 16 McDonald, Chas. G 183 1, 2 July 13 Lane, Wm. 1 3 2, 10 Jan. 5 McArdle, Peter 197 14,15 14, 15 July 26 Larson, John M.. 9 3,7 Jan. 7 Nairn, John.. 27 2,5 Jan. 23 Long, John H.. 148 2,6 June 12 O'Connor, James T 290 4,7 Nov. 29 Murphy, Edward 13 7 Jan. 12 Powell, John M. 37 3,5 Jan. 27 Morse, George L 20 2,8 Jan. 16 Potter, Ben F 77 1,4 Mar. 19 Maher, James C... 55 6, 13 Feb. 15 Plumb, Amasa C.. 145 1,2 June 8 McNally, John. 63 14 Feb. 25 Poole, Abraham R.. A 29061 11, 16 11, 16 Dec. 30 McQuade, Edward 65 3,7 Feb. 26 Rafter, Wm. 14 Jan. 12 McDonald, Edwd. G 94 Apr. 3 Reid, Andrew 138 2,4 May 25 Murphy, Joseph 181 8 July 13 Regan, Jeremiah.. 190 1,4 July 16 Mihan, Patrick T 184 Do.. Short, Miles. 10 1, 15 Jan. 28 Murphy, Honry 231 6,9 Aug. 30 Siuith, Edgar E 44 3,3 Feb. Feb. 2 McDermott, John 233 1, 5 Aug. 31 Stark, Archibald 99 Apr. 9 Murray, Richard J. 273 6, 17 Nov. 1 Soryanivich, Frank 232 1, 2 Aug. 31 Martin, Cornelius L A29053 Dec. 21 Stevenson, Thos 238 9, 11 Sep. 10 Nicol, Wm. S.. 121 2,5 May 8 Smith, Charles A 297 1,3 Dec. 6 O'Hara, Charles. 78 Mar. 20 Wall, Charles J 32 2,7 Jan. 25 Putzar, Edwd. L 79 4,8 Mar. 22 Wesner, Louis C.. 33 10,12 Do. Petersen, G. H.C 132 3,8 May 21 Waterman, Edwd. H. 89 2,5 Mar. 29 Quinn, George W 42 1,4 Jan. 30 Warner, Josiah B: 140 5, 11 May 26 Riordan, Patrick J 60 7, 10 Feb. 23 Winkler, Henry C 186 1, 3 July 14 Reed, J. Albert 272 2,7 Nov. 1 Walker, Wm.. 288 1, 2 Nov. 26 Rice, Charles A.. A29063 3,9 Dec. 30 Smith, James W 22 3,12 Jan. 20 Third assistant engi- Stackhouse, Charles - 58 | 11, 14 Feb. 18 ncer's (ocean). Shanahan, D 88 1,7 Mar. 29 Spencer, R. B 159 12,15 June 23 Anderson, Peter 200 10,10 10, 10 July 28 Slattery, Wm.J. 160 2,4 June 24 Anderson, George 275 1,1 Nov. 3 Steel, Thomas W. 176 1,4 | July 9 Anderson, Martin 73 1,1 Mar. 15 Sperry, Chas. C + 209 1,1 | Aug. 6 Bone, John C.. 19 3,3 Jan. 16 Sullivau, W.D. E 278 1,5 Nov. 25 Bone, Mark I. 26 2, 2 Jan. 23 Scott, George F 287 1, 5 Nov. 26 Byrnes, George 53 10, 10 Feb. 12 Spencer, James M 285 2,5 Nov. 22 Brown, Georgo E. 122 1,1 May 8 Trcacy, Thomas 85 7,10 Mar. 27 Bailey, Charles M 143 7,7 June % Thorn, Saml. W 225 2,5 Aug. 19 Buchanan, James C.... 151 3,3 June 17 Venker, Harry H 5 5,9 Jan. 6 Berg, Gustaf. 162 2,2 June 25 Vivian, Charles 45 5,5 Feb. 9 Bereridge, Wm. O 192 1,1 July 16 Wooten, Henry G 1 4,8 Jan. 2 Brewer, Fred A... 194 1, 1 July 20 Wilkinson, Richd. E... 256 9 Oct. 8 Brady, Edward 237 6,6 Sept. 8 Young, Thomas J 38 3,5 Jan. 27 Barry, Ralph E 253 1,1 Oct. 4 Bromley, Geo. S... 276 1,1 Nov. af Second assistant engi- Clark, Geo. F 39 1, 1 Jan. 28 neers (ocean). Carson, Charles, jr 48 1,1 Feb. 9 Carroll, Tlos. H. 213 1,1 Aug. 9 Armes, George A 219 1, 2 Aug. 13 Cuuningliam, M. C 228 2, 2 Aug. 25 Bermingham, John, jr.. 75 Mar. 18 Conner, Daniel. 257 | 18, 18 Oct. 11 Brady, Thomas H... 108 2,4 June 30 Cronan, W.M. 260 2,2 Oct. 12 Burtschell, Wm 263 8,11 | Oct. 14 Dahl, Charles W 17 6,6 Jan. 16 Cleary, Tlios.. 16 7,8 Jan. 16 Denmark, Rufus H 51 2,2 Teb. 11 Clements, Jno. T 25 4,6 Jan. 22 Dunham, Azariah. 61 3,3 Feb. 23 Corcoran, Jno. J 28 10, 12 Jan. 23 Drennon, Geo. W 127 May 14 Campbell, H. F 254 7,9 Oct. 4 Dougherty, George 141 2, 2 May 28 Cousins, Richard J A29055 4,11 Dec. 23 Daggett, Harry M 180 3,3 | July 12 Debney, Alld. W. 41 1, 2 Jan. 28 Evans, Alfred J. 12 8,8 Jan. 11 Everett, Edwd. V.. 92 7,9 Mar. 31 Evaus, Ernest 52 1,1 Feb. 11 Fitzimmons, James C.. 110 5, 7 Apr. 22 Emberton, Thomas 185 5,5 July 14 Floud, J. I.R... 2:47 8, 9 Sep. 21 Efforil, Robt. J.... 244 1,1 Sept. 15 Flynn, John T. 294 1,2 Dec. 3 Growney, George 204 1,1 July 31 Grabai, lym 15 1,2 Jan. 15 Gray, Michael 269 1,1 Oct. 26 Gutierrez, Edw. S. 35 Jan. 25 Grundell, Richd. M 281 6,6 Nor. 9 Hayes, Harry B. 43 1,4 Jan. 29 Haughton, John W 47 1,1 Feb. 9 Hannan, John 66 5,7 Mar. 1 Harrington, William... 108 2,2 Apr. 19 Hayward, Harry F. 147 2,5 Juue 12 Hackett, Jaines.. 161 8,8 June 25 Harvey, Norval P... 226 1,3 Aug. 19 Hough, Ernest 173 1,1 July 6 Holtzman, Irv. K 249 4,6 Sept. 23 Holtz, Ricları 270 1,1 Oct. 27 Hennig, Jolin. 268 2, 4 Oct. 26 Irvine, Charles.... 242 1,1 ) Sept. 15 Harvel, George A 283 1,6 Nov. 13 Jacobsen, James R. A29056 7,7 Dec. 27 Jones, Vĩm. V. 6 Jan. 6 Killgore, Edwin R..... 102 1,1 A pr. 12 Jacobowitz, Sig. A29047 Dec. 15 Kenney, Geo. W 220 1,1 | Aug. 16 Kennedy, Thomas 80 1, 2 Mar. 24 Lawlor, Dan. M 130 4,4 May 20 Kirk, James 54 7,8 Feb. 15 Lochhead, John. 289 12, 12 Nov. 27 Kinsey, Frank J. 104 8, 9 Apr. 12 McKenna, Jos. D.. 174 1,1 | July 8 Little, Joseph M.. 31 6,10 | Jan. 25 Moller, Henry.. 188 2,2 1 July 15 Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. † Gasoline. 3. orio 273 1,2 . 1,4 5,6 16 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-San Francisco, Cal. Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of (No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. First assistant engi. neers (inland)-Cont'd. 7,7 1,1 8, 12 Jan. Third assistant engi- neer's (ocean)-Cont'd. McDonnell, Thomas McKinnon, M.A.. Nation, John.. Nicol, Alesander. O'Meara, Michael Panetto, Fred. Poulson, John N Patterson, Elmer L ... Putzar, Frank, Padgett, Wm. T. Purdie, John S Reed, Lon. J... Ruffner, Clarence.. Rogers, Frank N Ryan, Johu M.... Richardson, Charles.. Robinson, Richd. G., jr. Reed, Chester C.. Steen, Emil... Smith, Edgar C Sullivan, James F Smith, Isaac H., jr Shipman, Stephen A... Sellander, Henry. Stott, Joseph H. Swain, Elliott W. Tiernan, Charles T... TVardell, Arthur P Ward, James. Warner, Frederick Winslow, Edwd. N 217 A 29049 202 296 118 30 71 70 86 125 165 24 46 115 163 196 223 A 29062 90 113 129 210 291 300 A29058 A29060 239 172 2:10 266 299 6,6 Aug. 11 1,1 Dec. 17 7,7 July 31 1,1 Dec. 6 7,7 May 5 Jan. 25 Mar. 8 1,1 Mar, 6 2,2 | Mar. 27 1,1 | May 10 2,2 Juus 28 2, 2 Jan. 22 7,7 Tel. 9 1,1 Apr. 28 2,2 June 26 13, 13 July 26 2,2 Aug. 18 2,2 Dec. 30 1,1 Mar. 30 1,1 Apr. 24 2,2 May 15 4,4 Aug. 7 2,2 Sept. 29 1,1 Dec. 8 1,1 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 2,2 Sept. 1 1,1 July 2 2,2 Sept. 11 1,1 Oct. 19 2,2 Dec. 8 Horton, Leander Hanson, Fakon Jackson, Frank Kiley, Matt.... Kane, James C.. Long, John M... Lowe, John. McCluskoy, Henry Murphy, Thomas McDonald, Fred A.... McDonald, Austin Maynard, Ernost. McKinnon, John W. Murray, John J.. Matlean, John H. McDermott, Thos.. Nash, James Nessen, Jos. B Osmau, Wm.C.. Olsen, Charles Putzar, Louis.. Pierce, Franklin Parrish, Henry C Reitz, Ben F Regan, John Rowe, George. Rooney, Joseph. Roberts, William Sarnpson, Arthur Swisher, L. M. Stahl; Michael J Stone, George W... Todil, Jefferson Tuckey, Bertram. Tabảney, Patrick Thompson, G.H.. Vaughn, Richard Williams, Ernest C .... Werpess, Axel C.. Woods, Enos... West, Wm. E.. Yates, Wm. H Young, James 100 11, 14 July 1 252 5,5 Oct. 4 109 9 Apr. 22 A29045 1,1 Dec. 9 126 2,2 May 11 235 6, 11 Sept. 3 23 11, 13 Jan. 21 8 6 10 10, 23 Jan. 19 59 5,7 Feb. 18 124 9,9 May 10 139 1,2 May 26 158 5,5 June 23 179 4,4 July 12 211 4,4 Aug. 7 296 | 12,18 Dec. 4 120 7 May 7 A 29050 5,8 Tlec. 18 135 3,3 May 24 207 3,3 Aug. 5 116 10,10 May 4 131 7,7 May 20 279 Nov. 8 100 12 Apr. 10 111 1,2 A pr. 23 215 3,6 | Aug. 11 222 3, 7 | Aug. 17 234 5, Sept. 1 98 2,2 Apr. 8 164 4, 6 June 26 166 4,7 Juno 29 A 29052 9 Dec. 20 114 1,1 | Apr. 24 205 3,3 Aug. 4 274 Nov. 2 81 4,4 Mar. 25 21 4,4 | Jan. 19 101 5,5 Apr. 10 119 4,4 May 6 182 10, 10 July 13 250 1,1 Sept. 29 171 12, 18 July 2 261 Oct. 12 5,6 5,5 First assistant engineers (inland). 5,7 1,1 Third assistant engi- neer (inland). Andrews, Geo. F... Anderson, John Algren, Wm. W Brown, Jacob Balkwill, Harry J Braden, Henry Browo, Francis Christensen, Martin Cook, Wm. 1 Callaghan, Thos Corson, Geo. H.. Driscoll, Dau F... Doane, O. K... Eunor. Larıgford Ely, Geo. S. B., jr.. Fitzgerald, Geo. R Fick, John E... Farley, Edward.. Gans, Martin E.. Hyde, Joseph H Havin, Wm.c Huber, Frank... Hardy, Edwiu B... Hamon, Thos. H 72 193 245 29 68 195 264 18 117 153 154 259 295 112 189 95 198 230 177 56 57 69 96 106 4,6 Mar. 15 5, 6 July 17 1,1 Sept. 16 1, 1 Jan. 23 1,1 Mar. 5 4,4 July 20 1,1 Oct. 16 2,2 Jan. 16 2,2 May 4 4.4 June 17 2,6 June 21 2, 2 Oct. 12 4, 13 Doc. 4. 3,3 Apr. 24 1,1 July 16 2,2 Apr. 5 4,8 July 27 12, 14 Aug. 28 3,3 July 9 3,6 | Feb. 17 6 Do. 9, 12 Mar. 5 4,5 Apr. 6 4, 4 ) Apr. 12 Harris, Marshall C..... 64 5,5 Feb. 25 Special engineers. 7,7 Bigger, James M.. Bridges, Jos. A Brandt, C. H. W Bradley. Hiram T Escola, Edwd.E. Farquhar, John Lohry, Edwa. M. 1 5 7 2 Jan. 7 1,1 July 13 5,5 Nov. 26 1,1 Feb. 15 1,1 Aug. 3 1,1 Mar. 5 6,6 June 11 LOCAL DISTRICT OF PORTLAND, OREG. Master licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Portland, Oreg. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. 'issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Frazer, F. E... 1011 1 June 9 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 17 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Portland, Oreg. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, lissue. issue. Name. No. of No. of | Date of liceuse. issue.* issue. 3,9 1,9 13, apr. 7 26, 994 | 16, 17, 4,7 2,5 1,3 22,- 24, 18, 16. Do. 25,- 4,7 *22, 1 3,9 Abues, C. E.. 963 1,7 Mar. 22 Grabam, J.N 1075 6,6 Sept. 6 Adams, Goo. W.. 1020 15, June 21 Geer, Arcbie. 1077 10, 12 Sept. 7 Alden, C. M.. 1026 1,6 July July 2 Gates, A. 1 1105 Nov. 10 Allyn, Julius 1044 10, 13 July 26 Grav, James T 1109 23, Nov. 15 Butler, C. H... 919 | 23, Jan. 22 Gordon, Alex 1112 Nov. 16 Brunger, D.G. .. 944 6, 6 Feb. 19 Harriman, Cy. 952 Mar. 2 Boelling, v 961 14, 14 Maj. 22 Hadlock, Samuel 962 1,7 Mai. 22 Brock, E. D 970 22, Hatch, E. L.. 968 5,9 Apr. 5 Baughiwan, E. W 973 Apr. 14 Howes, R. E. 987 | 16, May 11 Burgy, Joseph 984 18, 18 May 6 Hobson. VV. H May 21 Brown, J. W 985 18,18 Do. Hackett, M.A 1000 May 25 Bureau, Chas 995 16,16 May 22 Hosford, O. W 1007 6,9 June 5 Bell, Miles. 1002 22, May 27 Hosford, L. P 1013 June 11 Baughman, F. C 2005 9, 11 Juve 5 Hill, C.0) 1036 | 14, July 19 Braun, J.A 1012 June 11 Hall. J.T 1058 7,9 Aug. 4 Byrne, P.J. 1030 July 3 Harlois, F.C.. 1086 11, 12 Sept. 28 Bailey, L. A 1051 July 31 Flooghkirk, C.I. 1095 10, 11 Oct. 20 Buchanan, W. S... 1063 Ang. 9 Hill, Vinpie 1106 10,10 Nov. 15 Brock. R.M.C.. 1074 19, Sept. 3 Jones, F.B.. 936 Fel). 5 Betts, W.d.... 1079 13. Sept. 16 Jolipson. Andrew 965 9,11 | Spr. 1 Blanchard, Dean.. 1089 Oct. 1 Jones, W.E.. 988 1,3 | May 12 Burrows, H.D 1097 12, 13 Oct. 26 Johnstone, W.J 989 9, 10 Beard, A. E 1114 16, Nov, 24 Johnson, E 1021 June 21 Babbidge, J. W 1120 i 27, Dec. 1 Jenks, N. F. 1047 2,2 July 28 Bonser, J.H 1128 18 Dec. 13 Jaggy, John ... 1053 11, 12 Aug. 3 Copeland, J. E 903 1,4 Jan. A Johnson, Theodore 1078 5,- Sept. 14 Church, J.O.. 910 2,8 Jan. 9 James, d. L.. 1099 10,10 Oct. 28 Campbell, Thos. 911 10, 12 Jan. 12 Kindred, H.P.. 93724, Feb. 6 Coulter, J. P 924 20, Jan. 25 Kelly, John 975 14, Apr. 16 Copley, Robt... 927 14. Jan. 26 Kruse, A. O.. 980 Apr. 23 Cornwall, N. J 955 16, Mar. 13 Kellogg: Orrin. 982 19, Apr. 29 Colson, Samuel 960 12, 15 Mar. 18 Kerr, James 1024 ll, June 25 Church, A. EL 964 Mar. 22 Kamn, C.T.. 1043 14, 14 July 23 Campbell, C.. 990 19, May 15 Kuaggs, L.C 1062 12, 12 Aug. 9 Coe, H.C 1009 17, June 8 Kellogg, Joseph 1131 23, Dec. 14 Crang, T. H. 1016 16, June 17 Lewis, Chas 906 15, Jan. 6 Caples, Hez. 1045 12, July 26 Latham, Thos 907 15, Do. Cox, James 1066 12, Aug. 16 Loomis, E.C. 916 6,7 Jan. 19 Campbell, J. E 1116 16, Nov. 24 Lilp, M 958 6, 13 Mar. 17 Crim, P.E. 1133 15,- Dec. 15 Lightner, J.R 969 14. 14 Apr. 6 Delude, Nelson 912 Jan. 14 Laue. N.H.. 993 18,- May 21 Dodge, Freeman 920 10,10 Jan. 22 Loll, E.. 1028 1, 12 July 2 Doig, Thos. 925 Jan. 26 Lee, Alval 1039 6,6 July 20 Dunham, R. J.. 951 3,6 Mar. 1 Lewis, F.G 1052 9, 11 Aug. 2 Dillon, Wm. 974 14, 14 Apr. 15 Lakin, E. C 1057 19, Aug. 4 DasiJ.H. 991 May 18 Lucas, F. M. 1067 6,6 Aug. 18 Dobbins, D. W 1001 13, May 25 Larkios, W. E 1111 13, 15 13, 15 Nov. 16 Daris, W.A. 1023 10, June 25 Leneve, Geo. W. 1135 2, 12 Dec. 16 Dubeck, Frank 1064 14, Aug, 10 Magny, Edward 931 4,4 Jan. 28 Duvham, H. W 1118 | 16, Nov. 29 Miller, J.D.. 939 15, Tel. 8 De Puy, A. S.. 1124 5,6 Dec. 6 Matthews, H. A. 940 Feb. 12 Erast, Jacob. Feb. 6 McNulty, John 942 Feb. 17 Ewry, Geo. T... 941 13, 13 Feb. 15 Malcolm, Alex. 949 9, Feb. 25 Edwards, C. E 997 May 22 McFarlane, M. F 950 5,7 Mar. 1 Exon, J. V 1008 11, 11 June 7 Miller, C. S 971 2, 2 Apr. 8 Erickson, John 1014 13, 13 June 15 McNelly, G. F 996 2,5 May 22 Evans, F. G... 1061 10, Ang. 7 Morrisey, Roger 1006 June 5 Empken, Henry 1071 24, -- Aug. 26 Morgan, M. G. 1027 16, July 2 Elrod, W.F.. 1083 9, 9 Sept. 21 McCulloch, Hugh. 1029 4,8 Fitch, F.E. 932 Jan. 29 McVicar, D.J.. 1055 17, Aug. 4 Foster, W. H 9418 15, Feb. 24 Martineau, M. 1070 12, 12 Aug. 23 Fuller, C. H. 967 19, 2 Mitchell, W. E.. 1084 14, Sept. 21 Fisher, J. N.. 1035 23, - July 9 Mayee, James. 1087 26, Oct. 1 Frederick, Robt 1060 S, 8 Aug. 6 Malcolm, P.S... 1113 3, Nor. 24 Ferchen, P. E... 1091 13,13 Oct. 4 Mountain, Thos 1121 1,7 Dec. 1 Flavel, Geo. C 1102 21, Nov. 1 Neill. TT 935 13, 14 Feb. Fisher, A.C. 1122 20, Dec. 3 Neilson, J. E 1037 14, 16 July 20 Gregory, W.E. 909 9, 10 Jan. 7 Nelson, 1092 1,9 (ct. 13 Gore, G.A. 914 22. Jan. 18 Nesbitt. W.E.. 1115 7,7 Nor, 24 Graham, A. W 928 10, 10 Jan. 27 Oluey. Kane . 10.16 15,- July 26 Graham, J.M 929 11, 11 Do. Peter's01), John 918 9, 10 Jan. 22 Gray, A. W 954 Mar. 4 Parker, E. P. 946 15, Feb. 23 Graham, J. C 956 1,1 Mar. 15 Pease, s. L 1004 21, June 2 Gray, J. H. D 957 14, - | Mar. 17 Patterson, W. H 1015 13, 14 June 21 Gray, TV.P 986 May 8 Popie, W. H 1022 | 15, 15 June 24 Grabam, A. B 1015 12, 12 June 17 Parker, J 1041 9, July 20 Graham, James 1048 4,4 July 29 Parker, Thomas 1076 16, Sept. 6 Groves, H. T.. 1065 9, 11 Arg. 11 Pillsbury, A. B... 1088 22 (ct. 1 Gunderson, C. S... 1068 Aug. 18 Pease. Geo. A 1096 | 24, Oct. 23 Good, James 1073 14, 14 Sept. 2. Perry, V.N 1108 9, Nov. 15 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 10, 11, 17, 938 | 17, 26, 14,- A 5. 3 1 Vo. 6,6 Apr. ) 21; - 25, 15, — 57_2 18 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Master's and pilots licensed--Portland, Oreg.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. $ 17, ,- Apr. 16 Apr. 22 1 16, 2,10 Rentz, John. Rathbone, E.J..... Raabe, Geo Randall, S. B.. Reeve, Harry Roberts, Daniel... Randles, Thos Richardson, Chas... Randall, John. Robertsov, James Reynolds. Geo. C.... Roberts, Manly Reed, Grenville Short, IV. P Staples, L. S Short, S. V.. Spinner, Chas. Seymour, G.. Suith, J.ET Smith, J.L. Sper.cer, E. V Spong, A. J Sharer, Delmer Snow, W.C. Smith, Wm. H Slaver, G.M... Scott, U.B. Sanborn. I. B. Sundman, Jolin Sberwan, John. Sanders, Chas Schrader, Paul.. Stump, J.F Smith, Wm. E... Stevens, Francis ... Staples, DI. D Snyrer, Levi.. Shaver, Lincoln. . 901 14,17 Jan. 2 Sass, Albert... 905 8,8 Jan. 5 Sullivan, Edward 917 19,- Jan. 21 Smith, Edward... 922 23, Jan. 23 Slaver, J. W.. 933 7,7 Jan. 30 Snith, Josiah 976 18, Stevens, B. F... 1003 6, June 1 Trullinger, P A 1010 | 12, 12 July 20 Troup, J. W 1083 13, 15 Sept. 28 Tatton, James 1104 15, Nov. 8 Turner, H.B... 1123 10, 10 Dec. 6 Tell, J. EL 1126 13, Dec. 9 Taylor, W. W.. 1130 | 22, Dec. 14 Turner, J.L 902 11, 11 Jan. 2 Taylor, Geo. W 908 | 10, 10 Jan. 6 Vai Auken, Henry 913 Jan. 18 Weir, W.G 926 15, Jan. 26 Walker, G. M.. 943 11, Feb. 17 Wood, Geo. W. 945 2,2 Feb. 23 Works, E. H 947 | 17, Feb. 24 Whitcomb, W. H 977 22, pr. 17 Wood, 2.C... 978 7,9 Apr. 21 Weber, Henry 983 5, 6 May Whitcomb, W.P 998 12, 16 May 24 Varren, W.E.. 1010 25, June 9 Wilson, C.E 1019 11, 12 June 21 Wade, Henry 102516, July 1 Whitcoinb, J.P 1031 23, July 3 Wilson, Fred. 1042 7,11 ! July 23 TVeir, C. W 1054 Aug. 4 Wand, O.S.. 1059 1, Aug. 6 White, Thos. D 1069 10, Aug. 19 Wilkinson, V.O.... 1072 | 22, Aug. 30 Welch, J. W 1081 3,6 Sept. 18 Wright, E. W.. 1082 | 16, Sept. 20 Yeager, J. E.. 1090 | 18, Oct. 4 Young, R. J. 1094 13, 13 Oct. 19 Zumwalt, John 1098 12, 12 Oct. 28 1101 2, 10 Nov. 1 1117 13, 14 Nov. 29 1119 | 17, Dec. 1 1125 16, Dec. 8 1132 Dec. 15 1134 21., Dec. 16 953 11, 11 Mar. 4 959 | 21, Mar. 17 979 | 14, 1017 | 19, June 18 1038 | 14, July 20 1056 | 13, 18 Aug. + 1093 14, Oct. 18 1136 16, Dec. 21 1127 | 13, 13 Dec. 9 904 | 17, Jan. 4 915 Jau. 18 921 ( 14, Jan. 22 923 4,6 Jan. 23 930 | 15, Jan. 28 934 4,9 Feb. 1 966 972 | 23, Apr. 12 981 5,7 ! Apr. 26 999 7, May 25 1032 | 10, 10 July 6 1033 16, Do. 1034 July 8 1049 7,7 July 29 1050 | 19, July 30 1100 Oct. 29 1103 11,-- Nov. 8 1107 | 12, 13 Nov. 15 1110 Do. 1080 12, 12 Sept. 17 1129 11, 12 Dec. 13 992 3,10 May 19 4, Apr. 2 20, 16, 9,9 10, 11 Jates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Portland, Oreg. Andersou, Peter ... Allen, 0. II. Anderson, J.J Beyer, Albert. Brown, E.C.. Blassing, Wm Cunningham, S. W Cordiner, P.C. Carr, James. Cliristopherson, Henry Dilliugur, s Dalton, E. E Ducett, C. DI Erickson, John Elliott, llartin. Ferguson, John. Frisk, C. E... Graham. Lloyd Gandy, Frank Gleason, Wm. J..... Holmes, L. S... Hoyt, E.C. Hammerstrom, . E Hamilton, W.S Hegdale, O. F. Hoover, J.L Halfpapp, F. W.. Hastorf, Chas. Ipian, IV.E.. Johnson, J.A 561 7,7 Feb. 17 574 2,2 Apr. 23 577 8,8 May 12 551 4,4 Jan. 2 563 1,1 Aar. 1 589 2,2 July 2 551 2, Jan. 14 556 7.7 Jan. 22 567 9, 9 Mar. 16 618 2,2 | Dec. 20 558 9,9 Jan. 23 584 4,4 ! June 8 617 12, - Dec. 8 553 2, 2 Jan. 9 573 4,4 Apr. 19 562 5, 5 Füb. 20 610 7,7 Oct. 4 555 8.8 Jan. 18 590 9, 9 July 15 613 4,1 Oct. 2:3 560 12, 12, - Feb. S 569 5,5 Apr. 1 570 8,8 pr. 5 580 8, 8 May 15 583 1, 1 Jume 5 596 7,7 aug. 9 60% 10, 10 Sept. 13 612 8,8 Oct. 14 592 8,8 July 26 565 7,7 Mar. 1 Johanson, Otto Learelle, W.F... DlcAuley, James. Morgan, Chas. Morck, E. A Morris, Juan. McIntosh, d. W Maliuquist. Frank.. IcNeill, . Nelson, Clias Olsen, Andrew. O'Brien, Henry Origh, Jobn Popham. Thos Peterson, S. G.. Raabe, Clyde Reimond, W.J Russell, W. E. Shannon. Jolin . Smith, J. L., jr Scammon, S. H. Seun, Heury Swenson, Aa. Svenson, R.. Thompson, W.S .. Wickstrom, Chas Wickstrom, I. G Whitehead, E. K.. Winant, VV. D Wilmot, Robt... 593 9,9 Suly 27 586 1,1 June 21 559 5, 5 Feb. 1 566 3,3 Mar. 11 571 3,3 A pr. 12 588 2, 2 June 25 594 3,3 July 27 603 8.8 Sept. 10 605 8,8 Sept. 19 575 2,2 Apr. 23 597 2,2 Aug. 12 607 10, Sept. 27 608 4, Do. 598 9,9 Aug. 25 606 9,9 Sept. 21 572 1,1 Apr. 14 576 1, 1 May 12 609 3,3 Oct. 1 564 5, 5! Mar. 1 568 1,1 Apr. 1 599 5,5 ! Aug. 30 600 8, 8 Sept. 6 614 8,8 Nov. 13 616 7,7 Nov. 29 581 4, May 24 578 | 10, 10 May 12 582 1, 1 May 26 591 9,9 July 19 601 11, 11 Sept. 8 611 9,9 Oct. 8 8 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 19 Mates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Portland, Oreg. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. * Date of isg11e. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Baruum, d. C. Leary, John Larsen, Andrew Starr, Wu.. 552 587 602 579 15, 5,5 Jan. 2 June 24 6, 6 Sept. 8 9,9 May 14 Trapi), J.G. Tackaberry, Edward .. Woir, L. C.... White, Joseph.. 557 595 585 615 3,- Jan. 22 9,9 Lug. 6 3,3 June 12 9,- Nov. 18 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Portland, Oreg. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. 3,3 Allen, P.R Anderson, C. J... Dunn, Wm. E.. Ditmar, J.A.. Hedges, Wm. F... Inman, TV. E. Larsen, John Riggs. Arthur Simpson, 1m Senn, Albert. Turppa, Isaac 205 211 201 202 206 207 204 210 203 209 208 1,1 1., 9 1,4 4. 8 14, 16 1,8 1.8 1, 3 15, 15 1,2 1,2 Nov. 16 Dec. 20 Jau. 19 Mar. 20 Dec. 4 Dec. 8 Oct. 18 Dec. 1. Oct. 18 Dec. 13 Dec. 9 3 2,2 Second-class pilots. 6,6 . 1,1 .ܐ Halbert, C. A. Hayden, Eugene. Innan, R. D Jones, B. F Jordan, Peter. Joues, Robt. Jahn, C.F. Johnson, F. A Johnson, Chas Jensen, L. P Johanson, N.P Kane, VV.J Kyle, Wm. M. Karnowsky, A. C.. Leverett, J.P Lichtwerk, Cbag Larson, Wm Lockwood, H. B... Logan, S.A. Lainly, J.A. McCloskey, T. W Michell, P.E.. McIntire, J. M. Niemela, J. d. Nosler, A. L Nolan, G.O.. Neely, T.J Nelsou, F. D.. O'Connor, Jolu. Oerkwitz, C. E Pendergrass, M. P .. Parrott, W.E. Pickernell, John. Rehfeld, Wm Rogers, S.C.. Rober, A.F. Rogers, Auson. Rogers. H. H. Rooke, James, jr Richardson, J. Roith, J. V Rich, C. W Stayton, C.P Salte, d. E. Steear', Tlios Smitli, Milton. Skibbe, Max. Taylor, G. W Tharer, Claud Wall, James H Wolf's, Joseph Wing, W. W. Vallis, R. C.. Webb, R. D... Young, C. H.. Averill, J.S Arthur, F Astrup, H. F Ames, J.D. Bullard, C.A Babbidge, W. W Biake, J.G.. Bean, F.C. Bell. Geo. A. Barr, T.S... Balbo, Frank. Brazee. AL Boone, J.T Bateman, Edgar Bertrands, Alex Chapman, H. D Carlson, John.. Clark, AB Coyle, A.. Cann, A. Cary, W. H. H Chipman, E. E Davis, T. W Dove, E. P.. Dempsey, Andrew Davis, L. E Eccles. Im Farrin, IV.B. Finoly, Harry Gamage, E. Ü Grounds, B Gaither, GP Giles, J. H Gorilon, W.S Griffon, J. E Hurd. A.F. Flall, d.J Hanthorn. C. B Haslam, Harry Henion, F. N Horberg, P. A Herrington, J.C 207 231 272 294 219 232 246 251 263 266 271 274 277 285 290 239 245 240 279 282 286 288 213 216 242 255 284 252 278 211 223 225 2:10 243 273 209 215 222 227 230 235 253 268 1, ) Sept. 22 297 7,7 Dec. 20 292 Dec. 3 205 13,13 Jan. 18 224 16, 16 A pr. 1 226 ! 7,7 Apr. 5 238 1,1 May 27 248 12,— July 15 256 1,1 Aug. 6 260 10,12 Aug. 16 295 13, 13 Dec. 16 241 June 4 265 4, 4 Sept. 20 267 3,3 Sept. 22 220 8,8 Mar. 1 234 12, 12 May 8 237 5,5 May 24 254 7,7 July 30 264 7,7 Sept. 14 287 14, Nov. 8 217 3,3 Feb. 15 276 Oct. 15 291 9,9 Nov. 29 212 2,2 Feb. 2 214 6,6 Feb. 4 2:47 6,6 June 21 261 3,3 Aug. 16 269 1,1 Sept. 22 210 4,4 Jan. 28 296 8, Dec. 18 233 5,5 Apr. 29 258 9,9 Aug. 10 283 15, 15 Nov. 4 201 12,12 Jan. 2 218 Feb. 18 236 1, 1 May 12 247 6, 6 July 15 250 3.3 July 23 259 2.2 dur. 16 262 3,3 275 3,3 Oct. 8 280 10,10 Nov. 1 203 4, 1 Jan. 2 206 Jan. 18 221 8. S War. 19 228 1.1 Apr. 12 293 9, 9 Dec. 4 204 3,3 | Jan. 14 281 2. 2 Nov. 3 202 Jan. 2 208 9,9 Jan. 23 257 2,2 | Aug. 10 270 1,1 Sept. 22 289 5, Nov. 19 229 3,3 Apr. 20 Jan. 23 2, 2 Apr. 22 2,2 Oct. 1 2,2 Dec. 15 2. 2 Feb. 23 5,7 Apr. 24 9,9 July 6 2,2 July 27 10,10 Sept. 1 14, 14 Sept. 21 6, 6 Sept. 28 3,3 Oct. 4 8,8 Oct. 19 1,7 Nov. 6 7,8 Nov. 26 2,2 June 1 2, 2 June 25 2.2 July 20 2,2 Oct. 25 Nov. 3 Nov. 8 9,9 Nov. 13 14, 14 Feb. 3 4.4 Fel), 15 8,8 June 14 1.1 ng 4 4, Nov. 4 1,1 July 27 | Oct. 19 7,7 Jan. 30 9,9 Mar. 27 6. 6 Apr. 1 9,9 Jue 2 June 15 2, 2 Oct. 1 10, 10. Jan. 25 9,9 Feb. 10 Mar. 22 6,6 pr. 9 5,5 Apr. 21 1. 1 May 11 1,1 July 27 7,7 8,8 3,3 0 ) Aug. 26 11, -- 6, 6 1 7,7 1 2, 2 1,1 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—-Portland, Oreg. Yettick, Chas. 102 101 103 Stepp. J. E.. Wheeler, W.S 6,6 May 21 2,2 Apr. 17 4,4 Sept. 24 *Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 20 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Portland, Oreg. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. liss nic.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. issue. issile. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. I 21, 1 |-19 2,4 3 20, Apr. 26 Aug. 30 1 3 6,6 4, 15. , | | | 19 | | | 12 L Aug. 16 Si 9,- Anderson, J.J 1101 6,6 Dec. 11 Cox, James 1036 10, Aug. 16 Christiansen, W. A. N 949 - 10 Mar. 10 | Crawfour, G. 1. 1047 | 20, Aug. 31 Coates, Harry 988 18, Apr. 29 Carey, Jolin 1049 Do. Crim. P.H. 1001 15, May 27 Coates, Joseph 1051 10 Sept. 8 Davies, Enoch 921 35, Jau. 27 Cushing, C. B. 1053 12, Sept. 13 Driscoll, James 925 22,- Jan. 30 Campbell, G. W 1070 11, Oct. 12 Dudley, A.J 932 10, 10 Feb. 10 Dunham, S. W 915 14, Jan. 22 Drennon, James 958 10, – Mar. 27 Dodge. Freeman 996 16 May 10 Daniel, Otto 1090 2, 3 Nov. 29 De Hul, P. 11 1024 24, July 17 Eberle, A. 11 1082 9, 14 Nov. 3 Delini, C.R 1062 10, 13 Sept. 27 Fox, J. C... 913 | 14,- Jan. 20 De Puu, H.S.. 1096 5,5 Dec. 6 Hildebrand, J. F 928 Feb. 3 Eppler, J. E 933 20, Feb. 11 Hare, J. W 960 11, 13 Mar. 27 Ej'perly, Albert, jr 936 7 Feb. 15 Hutchings, J. A.. 984 8, Epperly, Albert, sr. 937 Do. Hughes, A. B 1045 ! 21, ffverson, W.T... 946 10, Mar. 4 Kane, J. E 9201 9 Jan. 26 ! livans. F. G... 1033 20, Aug. 6 Lewis, T. F 1037 20, Aug. 16 Evans, C. W 1058 16, Sept. 20 Leabo, S. V 1093 12 Dec. 2 ; Eraas. H. T 1074 12 Oct. 18 Mudge, S. V 901 16 Jan. 2 Edwards, C. E 1102 Dec. 15 Menzies, Stewart 905 Jan. 4 Ferrell, J. C.... 910 | 20, 20,- Jan. 18 McCuilough, A 914 15, Jan. 22 Fuller. Geo 934 14, 14 Feb. 13 Mitchell, C. F 919 Jau. 2.5 Frye, H.2.. 954 2,7 Mar. 18 Messerle, John. 974 10 Apr. 15 Fields, D. A 1005 5,8 June 5 Moran, Thomas 999 16, May 26 Fellows, A.J 1021 20, July 8 McMillan, David... 1014 6, July 2 Filler, C. H. 1032 11,11 Aug. 3 McIntosh, Jolin 2015 | 14, Do. Forstner, A. H. 1039 20, Montgomery, R.. 101922, July 6 Goulding: H 918 12, Jan. 25 Overton, D. 17 904 11, 12 Jan. 4 Gill, S. F. 947 Mar. 5 Pape, Henry 1048 16,- Aug. 31 Grinn, J. A 963 2,10 Apr. 5 Ross, Geo. M. 906 6,8 Jan. 5 Graham, James 979 Apr. 21 Russell, Thomas 959) 21, Mar. 27 Granlund, Chas 1020 3,7 July 8 Roberts, G. L 1055 19, Sept. 13 Gilbreath, James 1040 11, 14 Aug. 23 Smith, C.T. 930 20, Feb. 5 Gates, F.F... 1076 21, Oct. 21 Smith, Thomas 1012 26, Ang. 28 Goss, J.J 1077 8, Oct. 22 Scott, Jamos 1061 11, 14 Sept. 21 Gore, C.E. 1085 18, Nov. 23 Smith, Renben. 1078 | 12, Oct. 25 Harris, W.E... 908 | 15, Jan. 6 Smith. H. F 1094 8, Dec. 3 Healy, Thomas 977 6, A pr. 19 Taylor, E. A .994 5,5 | Mas 6 Hays, F.J 978 14, Do. Welch, M.. 942 15, Mar. 1 Hanlin, IV. L 1002 15, June 1 Yocum, Moses 1038 11, 11 | Aug. 16 Holman, H... 1003 15, Do. Hemstreet, C.H 1004 6,6 June 2 Chief engineers Hall, A.J 1011 13, June 21 (inland). Hague, C.J 1050 | 11, 14 Sept. 6 Hass. Dick 1064 5, 9 Sept. 28 Anderson, C. O 939 15, Tel. 23 Hendricks, A. L 1065 12 Do. Andrews, A. B.. 948 9, Mar. 10 Harney, J. TV 1083 | 14, Nor. 6 Anderson, John 957 32, Nar. 25 Hall, 10m A 1089 16 Nor. 29 Alyward, James 1012 0,14 July 1 Holtman, W. H 1098 10, Dec. 9 Arndt, I. B 1023 5, July 15 Holmes, W.S 1,099 Do. Anderson, A 1057 | 13, 15 Sept. 18 Hackett, E. A 1103 9, Dec. 18 Book, Gurley 909 13, Jan. 7 Hardy, T.J 1106 28, Dec. 20 Brothers, Uria 951 10, -Mar. 12 Jackson, Albert. 911 13, Jan. 18 Boles, Frank. 953 9,9 Mar. 18 Jolinstone, J. H 926 7, 7 Feb. 2 Blackwood, F. E 962 3,9 Apr. 3 Jennings, C.E. 2006 17, June 7 Brown, Andrew 968 10, 15 Apr. 12 Jordan, Peter 1060 --, 16 Sept. 21 Barrow's, Frank 980 15, Apr. 21 Jane, W.J... 902 -6 Jan. 2 Brown, J. W. 993 - 14 May 6 Kern, E.A. 14 Jan. 22 Brazee, A. L 1000 8, May 26 Kingswood, F.S. 976 Apr. 19 Brock, E. D 1071 14 Oct. 13 Kellogg. Jason. 982 22, Apr. 23 Brown, James 1075 22, Oct. 20 Kellogg, E.D 983 8,9 Do. Blake, J. B.... 1084 9 Nov. 16 Kellogg, C.D.. 986 -, 3 Apr. 26 Brunger, Frank. 1087 19, Nov. 26 Kellogg, Elisha. 1052 22, Sept. 8 Bender, Minis 1092 12, Dec. 1. Kaiser, TV.P... 1097 3,7 Dec. 7 Brown, Geo.J.. 1104 13, 14 Dec. 18 Liise. H. A..jr 924 14., Jan. 29 Bellew, J. W. 1107 Dec. 23 Linley, H.J 927 6 Feb. 2 Cairn, Philip. 931 10, 15 Feb. 9 Lambo, Louis.. 967 32, pr. 10 Clough, Henry 952 7, 15 Mar. 13 Lewis, Wm 1043 Aug. 28 Carr, C. E.. 961 10, 10 Mar. 27 Lockwood, C. L 1088 13, Nov. 26 Clem, L. L 964 7, Apr. 5 Lightncr, C.C.. 1091 6,6 Nov. 29 Carnahan, J.H.. 970 12, Apr. 13 McDermott, m. E.... 903 7, Jan. 2 Collyer, J. W 987 | 15, Apr. 27 Morgan, Evan 923 12, Jan. 27 Clem, W. A 990 10, May 3 Marshall, Ilm. H 920 17, Tel. Campbell, C 998 12,12 May 15 Multhaut, Jacol) 935 15, Tel). 15 Carroll, James 1008 14, 18 June 14 Mack, A.J 943 14, Mar. 1 Cole, Luther. 1029 24, July 27 Munson, F.S.. 945 16, Mar. 2 Cunningham, Joseph 1034 19, Aug. 9 Maher, Wm.. 965 16, Canıpbell, Horace... Apr. S 1035 16, | Aug. 16 Mallery, S. W 972 5 Apr. 14 * Number of issue of curreut grade and the number of issues of all grades. [ 19, L. 916 | 14, 5. 11, 26,0 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION 21 SERVICE. Engineers licensed—Portland, Oreg.-Continued. . Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)--Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. - 1 31, 11,– 1 8, 10 9, 10 11, 1 4,7 7,7 6,6 Munger, Alvert. 973 20, Apr. 15 Davis, L. E 413 7,7 Feb. 19 Moudy, W.H. 981 / 14, Apr. 23 Daly, F.A 486 1,1 Oct. 20 Molloy, Joho 997 5, May 12 Davis, E. W 489 10, 10, – Oct. 22 McDermott, J.J. 1007 17, June 9 Eccles, Wm. 493 3,3 Nov. 4 McCulls, s. 1016 14, 14 July 2 Fox, F. A. 490 12 Nov. 1 Marshall, Jolin 1031 July 30 Goud, James 434 11, spr. 12 Moon, C. L. 1059 7,7 Sept. 21 Grow, Wm... 44.7 May 29 Moody, Z. A 1067 13, Oct. 7 Godilard, C. E. 487 1,1 Oct. 21 Malavey, J.R 1069 5, Oct. 11 Fanthorn, C. B... 428 1,1 Mar. 22 McFoeley, E.D 1073 15, Oct. 16 Hill, C. O 433 11 Apr. 12 Newsome, W.E.. 995 17, May 8 Hendricks, R. A 452 7,7 June 21 Nute, C. H. 1025 10,14 July 19 Hausen, Edward.. 461 4,4 July 28 O'Bryan, M. W 985 11 Apr. 26 Hanley, John 464 9, Aug. 19 Oerkwitz, C. H.. 1017 15 July 3 Inman, R. D..... 408 1,1 Feb. 6 O'Neill, Michael 1054 18, Sept. 13 Johnson, Robt.. 436 13, 13,— Apr. 24 Pride, Wm.. 922 11 Jan. 27 Jensen, John 442 5,5 May 12 Parker, E. P 940 11, 11 Feb. 23 Knowles, Geo. O... 401 4,4 Jan. 4 Phillips, John. 950 13, 15 Mar. 12 Logan, S. A 470 6, 6 Sept. 14 Perkins, C. O 975 9, 10 Apr. 16 Malnoe, A.L... 453 1, 1 June 24 Prettyman, J.T. 1026 11, 11 July 19 Digers, Albert 460 2,2 July 27 Peebles, G.J.. 1063 6,6 Sept. 28 Morgan, W. V 462 1,1 July 29 Philbrick, W. H... 1080 Oct. 29 McIrwin, J.E. 479 6, - Oct. 4. Rolandson, James. 917 Jan, 22 Munro. Joseph 481 5,5 Oct. 7 Randles, Thos 1018 10, 12 July 3 Michell, F.E.. 491 Nov. 1 Ross, A. E.. 1095 12, 15 Dec. 3 Ogle, J.C 457 3, July 20 Roberts, Daniel.. 1105 9, Dec. 20 Porell, C. E.. 421 7,7 | Mar. 6 Seymour, G 907 10, Jan. 5 Pitman, Jonathan 471 10 Sept. 15 Shepard. T.S 938 16, Feb. 18 Petit, Herbert 485 1,1 Oct. 13 Sharer, Lincoln 9444 Mar. 2 Rogers, S.C... 414 5,5 Feb. 20 Schilling, J. E 955 Mar. 22 Rober, AF 449 6,6 June 2 Sraith, AL 966 10, 13 Apr. 10 Rooke, J. V 494 5,5 Nov. 8 Stearps. Edvard 989 9,- May 1 Serery, D. E 416 5,5 Feb. 24 Sheen, John.. 991 12 May 3 Safely, Tim 431 9, Apr. 7 Smith, FF 1009 13, 14 June 18 Spritli, B. T 435 1,1 Ap:. 13 Smith, T.C 1010 22, Do. Snyder, A.M 456 1,1 July 15 Stevens, C.D 1022 9, July 15 Smith, James 459 1, 1 July 22 Smith, F. A 1027 1,4 July 20 Schubbe, C. H... 468 6,- Stutsman, Henry Sept. 6 1028 9, 12 July 23 Smith, E.S.. 483 Oct. 12 Suurers, Abner. 1046 14, Any: 30 Tozier, R. E 495 1,1 Nov. 17 Schmidt, dugust 1066 13, (ct. 4 Uhlman, Robt 499 Dec. 3 Tackaberry, Thos 941 12.12 Feb. 25 Wilson, Oscar 438 Apr. 29 Thompson, C. W.. 956 13 Mar. 22 Vren, Marion 448 1, 1 June 1 Thayer, G. EI 969 3,3 Apr. 12 Wall, John 466 , Aug. 30 Towne, M.J 1041 8,9 Wilson, L. E. 480 3,3 Oct. 6 Tibbetts, F. MI 1072 9 Oct. 1 Young. C.O. 476 1,1 Oct. 1 Tracy, C. IT 1079 Oct. 25 Zunwalt, O. L. 473 Vai Auken, Henry 8 Sept. 23 1081 4 Nov. 1 Vickers, Elias 1100 15. 15 Dec. 11 First assistant engineer Worsley, W.S. 971 17, Apr. 13 (ocean). Willett, A. T 992 5,8 May 4 Weatherford, L.. 1013 9401 13, Gates, W'm. FI July 1 -, 4 Dec. 20 TVinterbotham, H.J 1030 16, July 30 Wiggipton, J. Ġ First assistant engi. 1068 12, 12 Oot. 8 Weir, C. W 10S6 Nov. 26 neers (inland). Yout, Robt 912 2,5 Jan. 18 Akins, Sage. 405 6, 6 Jan. 8 Yeager, G. 19 1044 13,- Aug, 30 Anderson, O. A 482 Oct. 9 Yeager, J.H.. 1056 -, 16 Sept. 17 Bobannon, J.D. 496 Nov. 17 Engineers in charge of Carroll, Jobn 141 5,- May 11 stearner's of 100 tons Campbell, E.S 192 3,3 Nov. 1 and under, and over Dannebier, G. A 410 4,4 Feb. 10 10 tons. Doir, F. (.. 454 4,4 July 3 Eliasen, E. P.. 411 4,4 4 Feb. 11 dllen, Ward 403 4, 7 Epperly, Jerome. 425 3, 3 Mar. 12 Adams. Geo. W $18 11, 12 Feb. 25 Ernst. J 467 7,7 Sept. 1 Armsworthy, W.D 477 1. 1 Oct. 1 Fiztgerall, Thos. C 440 7,7 May May 4 Brunnigan, D.B 424 1, 1 Mar. 9 Ferchen, Fİ. E.. 177 Nov. 20 Beeson, W.A 427 1 1.1 War. 22 Hallett, H 429 7 Mar. 25 Brainard, E. 451 11, — June 9 Kelly, C. A 417 1,1 Feb. 25 Bernhardt, Wm. 458 3,3 July 22 McGionis, James 132 12, 12 A pr. 10 Bean, E. A. 465 1, 1 Aug. 30 Jatbers, John. 437 5,5 Apr. 28 Blanchard, Dean. 478 - 11 Oct. 1 cikle, L. L 145 1,1 May 26 Cornwall, N.J 426 1 8 8,- Mar. 13 [cCarthy, MI ... 446 12, May 27 Colielt, J. TV 443 2,2 | May 13 Rockett. R. P 4044 Jan. 7 Cummings. Geo. E 450 June 5 Rooke, Thos 407 4, Jan. 29 Campbell, G. S 472 1, 1 Sept. 22 Robertson, J. W ASS Oct. 22 Davis, 2.C.. 409 13 Feb. 9 Smock, D. E 406 Jan. 27 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 3,3 14, Aug. 23 . 1 11, 13,- 1,1 6,6 Jan. 3, 1,1 8 1,1 1 22 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Portland, Oreg.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, lissue.* issue. First assistant engi- neers (inland)—Cont'd. Third assistant engi. neers (ocean). 1,1 569 463 130 455 4, Sept. 6 5, Aug. 16 4,4 Apr. Apr. 6 -,9 July 3 Binder, E. C Carstens, A... Ingleton, Janies Minor, J.I. I... Watts, Thos. F 498 422 439 415 500 Nov. 29 1,1 Mar. 8 9,9 May 1 6,6 Feb. 23 Dec. 6 1,1 Special engineers. 12, Thomas, V.R Van Avery, E. M. Wendel, J. F. Walkley, Robt. Second assistant engi. neer's (ocean). Amesbury, E. W... Conolly, Å. E.. Duke, W.R. Fox, FL Ecaly, 15m Miller, B. L Swan, W.S Second assistant engi- neers (inland). Stayton, C. P Simmons, H.C 484 419 423 412 475 420 444 lisillió ī Oct. 12 4 Mar. 2 DIar. 8 3 Feb. 18 3 Sept. 27 Mar. 4 3 May 26 - Alleu, Edward... Coyle, F Joluson, 11'n. A. Larson, TV Lillard, Ellsworth Pierce, Tlios. E.. Puskelin, John Roberts, N.P... Skinner, Geo.. Starr, C. E Walters, E. E 204 209 210 203 207 201 211 208 202 205 206 2,2 July 20 2,2 Oct. 25 2,2 Dec. 15 8, 8 May 24 1,1 Aug. 21 3,3 Jan. 2 4,4 Dec. 20 3,3 (ct. 11 Feb. 17 5,5 July 20 2,2 | Ang. 19 402 474 4,4 4, Jan. 7 Sept. 25 LOCAL DISTRICT OF SEATTLE, WASH. Dlasters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Seattle, Wash. Nanie. No. 01 No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.** issue. (( Mar. 1,6 11, Baillie, Willian K... Blaine, James C Burleigh, W.A.. Bradley, Charles H... Connell, William A. Crockett, E. E. do Otte, D. F. A. George, William E.... Grant, A. H. Jordan, J.I Keller, Albert W Lennan, James E 785 808 8:23 884 814 867 730 648 831 802 784 622 Sept. 3 1,1 Selit. 22 1, 1 Oct. 11 Dec. 15 1,9 Sept. 27 1,1 Dec. 3 June 8 Mar. 10 Oct. 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 3 25 Leighton, Arthur Lloyd, A.H. McA llep, J. IV. New Gard, L. C.C Patterson, James B... Pendleton, A.S.. Roberts, George Raynor, Charles E.... Smith, William J. Sadler, S. N... Wallace, David .. 644 5,6 8 665 5, Apr. 5 637 15, Feb. 19 680 1, Apr. 21 697 May 4 837 1,1 Oct. 19 700 | 16, Mar. 6 S12 1,1 | Sept. 27 S03 1.1 Sept. 18 878 1,1 Dec.. 13 689 Apr. 29 sin Marco | | | | | 15, Jan Blasters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Seattle, Wash. | | . 5,9 9, 11, 1,5 2,6 10, 3,7 19, Ames, C. V.. 645 6, Mar. 9 Brown, C. L. W.. 760 8, July 22 Ash, George 646 2. Do. Bowden, Charles E 761 3, Do. Anderson, 0. A. 742 13, June 22 Byram, George M. 762 Do. Anderson, John 872 Dec. S Broin, Patrick 771 3,8 Aug. 5 Axteil, Walter. 888 Dec. 17 Baker, William E 774 Auy. 11 Bryant, W. H. 603 Jan. 8 Briglitman, B. F. 786 Sept. 3 Byron, J.L 607 16, Jan. 12 Burnham, A.J... 791 1, Septi . 9 Bendegard, Morten 618 11. Jan. 21 Brandow, John H. 792 3, Sept. 10 Brown, R. G 621 1,5 Jan. 22 Baughman, E. G 795 9, Sept. 15 Bensou, D 623 17, Jan. 25 Benjanin, A.O 800 8, Sept. 16 Blekum, Harold 629 Feb. 2 Bucklin, E.F 817 Sept. 30 Barrington, E. M 649 7, Mar, 15 Brown, M.F. 819 5,9 Do. Bergman, C. E... 663 13, A pr. 1 BULTOW'S, E. R 829 S, Oct. 16 Bullene, Howard H.. 672 S, Apr. 9 Bullong. John S.. 840 10, Oct. 22 Barrington, E. G 685 1 1,6 Apr. 26 Brightman, William B. 842 Oct. 26 Brooks, J. ir 702 May 7 Barr, Jolin C..... 849 12, Nor. 5 Browufield, C.D 70822, Mar 12 Bailey, Charles T 851 13, Nor, 8 Burns, James. 714 3, 8 May 17 Bailey, Henry. 857 19,- Nor. 17 Brydsen, Charles 715 2,7 May 18 Benham, A. A 862 1,7 Nov. 27 Beccher, Herbert F 734 15, June 12 Bruce, William E SSO Dec. 13 Butler, Thomas. 738 , June 18 Binylon, John R. 881 Tec. 14 Boyce, John H.. 740 8, June 21 Clancer, C. E 676 Apr. 15 Barlow, George V 748 10, – July 5 Cade, Haris 603 2, 4 Mar 1 Benson, George 753 5, 12 July 13 Crockett, GA 695 6, Do. Bull, Knud 756 5,8 July 21 Chester, Martin 696 11, Do. Burueson, Allen P.... 758 Do. Coffin, Thomas .. 701 12. Mar 6 *Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 21, 16, 4,9 | | 23. S. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 23 Masters and pilots licensed-Seattle, Frash.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. gi 752 | 13, 2,5 10, ||!! 1 16, 5 Aug. 31 10, 626 13, 15, Bizoorooool 13, (จ 13, 1 Carter, Henry 739 9 June 19 Jetterson, E. H.. 890 25,- Dec. 21 Call, Charles A 741 6, June 22 Kelton, Thomas 606 15, Jan. 11 Coffin, E. B.... 747 5,8 July 2 Kirkaldie. J. B.. 608 9, Jan. 13 Curtis, James F.. July 12 Kunkler, B. P.. 699 May 6 Cusliman, Thomas G.. 759 8, Juls 21 Kilcup, John M.. 728 3, 8 May 29 Clinger, F. W. 772 Aug. 10 Kalstrom, Charles E... 767 5, 10 July 31 Connor, Richard 821 11, Oct. 7 Kildall, Peter C 770 3,6 Aug. 4 Campbell, E. A 856 9. Nov. 16 Keepy. G. W 816 1, 8 Sept. 30 Chapman, J.H... 870 | 14, Dec. 7 Keen. F. W S32 2,4 Oct. 19 Denny, S. T 619 Jan. 21 Kraft, Charles T SG011, 11, - Nov. 24 Dickson, Thomas A. 628 5, 9 Jan. 30 Knight, Richard. 883 5, 9 Dec. 14 Davis, C.S. 642 12, Mar. 1 Leighton, H 617 5,8 Jan. 20 Davis, R. E 652 5 Mar. 18 Libby, Elmer E... 633 6, Feb. 8 Davis. D.T 660 15, Mar. 24 Libby, Jolu B 662 17, Mar. 27 Downing, Jolin C 691 1, May 1 Lermond, Percy 677 2.7 Apr. 16 Dyer, Charles P... 704 8, May 7 Lyle, Thomas. 692 5, May 1 Dixon, Joliu 707 8 May 11 Leech, Jolin. 711 8, May 15 Drisko, W.F. 717 1, 5 May 19 Loveland, A.R 725 7, May 26 De France, Henry 775 24, Aug. 26 Le Ballister. A. E.. 781 6, Delaney, William J.. 777 Aug. 27 Laytou, F. K 799 6, Sept. 16 Dodge. Jos. E.. 788 12, Sept. 3 Larsen, Lars. 850 Nov. S Doney, G. W 794 5, 11 Sept. 13 Merwin, V.K. 602 10, Jan. 8 Davis, Charles M., sr 820 20, Oct. 7 McDonald, H. H 604 6, Do. Duffy, Thomas. 825 8, Oct. 12 Manter, Charles C 5,9 Jan. 28 Drisko, 2. F.. 846 2,8 Nov. 3 McCoy. J.A. 631 Feb. 8 Davis, J.L. 868 8, Dec. 6 Mitchell, J. F.T 634 7, Feb. 9 Ellwards, A. J 616 11, Jan. 19 McAlpine, A.N 635 16, Feb. 12 Ellis, 11. H 673 15, Apr. 12 Marn, Winfield. 641 8, Feb. 26 Ellsmore, Jobn 705 Day 10 McAlmond, Henry 654 6. Mar. 19 Easter, i'. W... 751 8 Juls 9 Morgan, James 661 Mar. 25 Evans, George J.. 797 1,1 Sept. 15 McMilliu, T. H .. 678 Apr. 19 Edwards, W.F 810 Sept. 24 McMasters, George H 703 7, May 7 Farrer, Erwin 647 Mar. 9 Mathews, Charles 706 3,7 May 10 Flint, C.A.. 659 8 Mar. 22 Messegee, George D .. 723 14, May 22 Fisher, John.. 681 Apr. 21 Munson, C.H.. 724 8, May 24 Fussell, John. 721 8, May 22 Murray, Frank 733 June 10 Falk, Peter 852 8, — Nov. 9 McGregor, G. W. 736 | 26, June 17 Fyre, Augus. 854 19 7 Nor. 11 Marcusen, A. 745 2,6 June 28 Gore, William 624 22, Jan. 25 Mitclell, John R 746 June 2!) Gustafson, E 640 9, Heb. 24 McFarland, Robert 769 3, Aug. 2 Griffin, Walter L.. 664 1,7 Apr. 3 Mouroe, Josepla 776 30, Aug. 26 Griggs, dlexander. 667 4, Apr. 6 Madison, Charles 7 80 7, 9 Aug. 31 Goding, E 668 15, Apr. 7 May, Thomas 783 6, 9 Sept. 2 Gilmore, James 674 15, Marniout, T. A.. 790 7,- Sept. 8 Green, T.. 679 8, Apr. 21 Milburi, Thomas 801 2,7 Sept. 17 Gatter, F. W... 763 10, July 22 Monroe, Joseph TV 805 8-Sept. 21 Grounds, Frank 796 13, Sept. 15 Matbiason, Audrew 813 1, 8 Sept. 27 Green, Joshua 815 5,7 | Selit. 29 MC\Villians, Walter 818 Sept. 30 Grant, Thomas 839 Oct. 22 Miller, Edvard ... S36 15, Oct. 19 Gillespie, H.J.. 876 14, Dec. 11 Mings, Frederick .. 845 1.10 Nov. .1 Gilmore, Charles F... 886 10, Dec. 16 Murray, J.D.. 877 3,6 Dec. 11 Hansen, Gunder 610 1,7 Jan. 13 Morrison, B. H 879 4, Dec. 13 Henspeter, L 613 9, Jan. 18 Nelson, Svante 601 4,7 Jan. 5 Holmes, E. W. 650 18, Mar. 16 Nickels, E. T ... 605 18, – Jan. 9 Hamlin, James W 655 5, Mar. 20 Nielson, Antone: 609 3,6 Jan. 13 Horne, . V. 671 9, Apr. 8 Nielsen, Thomas. 611 9, Jan. 18 Harrington, N.S 684 1, Nash, Frauk... 682 15, Hunt, E. E.. 731 9, June 9 Nichols, Melville 71910, May 21 Hansen, C. E. 735 8. June 17! Nibue, Jolin H .. 727 | 11, May 29 Harris, Benjamin 764 20. July 22 Newhall, William 729) 3,4 June 8 Hansen, August.. 765 12, Do. Nixon, John E... 809 14, Sept. 23 Hennessey, A. F.. 778 Noring, Tilliam.. 871 5, Dec. S Hall, Charlos F 793 15, Sept. 11 O'Brien, John A. 614 5, Jan 18 Hunter, James C. 804 16, Sept. 21 Olsen, Ole... 732 8, June 10 Hill, George L 811 10. Sept. 24 Oliver, J. L 750 9, July S Hastings, L. B 830 16, Oct. 18 Orr, Cyrus. 757 1,3 July 21 Hort, S. A 833 13, Oct. 19 Olson, O. G... 782 5,8 Sept. 2 Hansen, John. 847 Nov. 4 Olsen, Christian 885 Dec. 16 Hansen, Henry A 858 2,6 Nor. 17 Price. I. N... 615 Jan. 19 Hall, Robert ... - $65 7, Nov. 20 Parker, Herbert DI... 627 . Jan. 29 Heunessey, James 882 15, - Dec. 1-4 Primrose, IV. H. .. 690 10, Jackson, H. F. 612 5,5 Jan. 18 Powers, Thomas.J 709 12, May 13 Jolinson, H. K. A. 625 Jan. 2.1 Parker, G. E... 712 18, May 15 Jones, H. B 083 2, Apr. 22 Pitcher, N 720 7, Dlay 21 Jackson, Samuel.. 722 20, May 22 Pearson, John P S24 11, — (ct. 11 Johnson, J. W.R 743 8. June 26 Piorce, II. M. 835 Oct. 19 Jordison, John. 853 9, Nov, 11. Ramwell, Henry 632 Feb. 8 Jenkins, George s. 855 1,4 Nor. 15 Race, H, M... 656 15. Mar. 22 Javolisen, Jacob 866 6,9 Dec. 2 Rogers, NL 658 Mar. 23 Jensen, T.A 889 15, | Dec. 20 Rosendal, George 773 7 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 1 Apr. 13 10, 17, spr. 24 Apr. 22 Sa Aug. 28 C 10, – 9, 9 ga Apr. 30 6, E 1,5 3,6 15, Ang. 10 24 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-Seattle, Wash.-Continued. Name, No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. 6, ।। 1,6 Reed, John C.. Redding, Thomas Rugar, E. V Russell, David.. Redmond, Jos. H. Smith, E. W Swanton, G. W Shibles, Peter P... Sprague, C. W Stetson, alfred F Sproul. A.M Spaulding, A. P.. Strure, H.K.. Seyinore, W.B.. Stone, George F Smith, William Stretch, Benjamin Shroll, J. T Strean, A. T.. Spubn, Carl. Swift, E. A. Sloan, John A Sudlow. T. M Snyder, W. A Sinclair, C. W. Suow, S. F Studdert, W.J.M. Shibles, F. E.. S22 | 19, Oct. 9 834 8, Oct. 19 841 3,8 Oct. 22 844 1,4 Oct. 28 S48 10, Nov. 5 620 14, Jan. 21 630 2, Feb. 5 638 7, Feb. 20 639 15, Feb. 24 643 9, Mar. 1 653 6, Mar. 19 670 1, Apr. 8 694 9 Jiay 1 713 15, - Mas 15 716 1,6 | May 19 718 4, May 20 737 3 June 18 749 7, July 7 755 16 July 19 787 13, Sept. 3 826 7, Oct. 14 827 6, Oct. 15 828 Do. 838 9, Oct. 19 843 7, Oct. 27 859 4, Nov. 19 864 6, Nov. 29 887 4, Dec. 17 orion timing | || !!!! Thompson, John R.. .... Tackabery, J.D Tew, Thomas S Troutman, Daniel. Thompson, Marshall C. Thomas, W.R... Tew, Fred A. Turner, Harry: Vanderhoof, J. F... Willey, Lafayette. White, George H Wyman. Fred E. Worth, Frank Wise, Frank D.. Wittum, V. S.... Woodman, F.A.. Wood, Alex. Willey, P. L White, Francis M. West, F.C. Wilson. F.A..... Waite, Willian J... Williamson, William Wilson, Peter... Whitney, B. B Warren, Frank S Walters, M.R.... 651 639 688 766 779 789 798 806 698 636 666 669 675 656 687 710 726 744 754 768 807 861 863 869 873 874 875 1,4 Mar. 18 21, Mar. 24 3, Apr. 28 July 27 9, Aug. 28 9, Sept. 7 3,5 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 8, May 5 6, Feb. 15 11, Apr. 6 3,7 Apr. 8 24,- Apr. 13 9, Apr. 27 12, Apr. 28 8, May 15 May 29 14, June 26 8, July 19 5,7 Aug. 2 Sept. 22 13, Nov. 26 22, Nov. 29 5, Dec. 6 3,5 Dec. 8 10,- Dec. 10 6,9 Dec. 11 11, 7, | 5, Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897.-Seattle, Wash. fel. Aug. 26 NOW food i Augur, Thomas TV anderson, T. E.. Arey, Charles L. Allenby, Walter Anderson, John P Bradley, Charles F Bonate, Louis.. Bourke, Michael Brierly, Benj.R. Barlow, Samuel Bucey, Joseph Bailey, a.s. Burnham, A. B Bragdon, E. E Creager, H.P Chappell, Frank. Clarke, Bert Clements. Frank J Carr, W.B Carroll, Patrick. Curtis, George. Cadwell, Charles C.. Cristman, Bert.. Dalr, James Doyle, Stephen Davidson, Andrew Donovau, Thomas Dutt'v, Patrick. Docilridge, John Dockar. Joli J Dabi, Regnor Drake, Charles F Dyer, A.C Edwards, Michael Eisler, Whitney I Taurnie, Edward P.. Farrow, Ferkin, Peter M Harding, W.G.. "Iahn, Oscar Hutchinson, M Hansen, John.. Holbrook, R. B Fale. Albert K Henderson, C. H ... Faldorsen, Edward M Hannah. B. IT Jensen, J. A Johnson, Sven 406 425 478 489 494 413 434 436 438 446 463 476 491 495 416 427 432 433 451 459 481 483 490 104 409 417 428 452 154 465 471 474 480 439 442 401 450 176 402 407 429 431 440 444 462 482 493 414 415 6 Jau. S 7 Mar. 19 1 Sept. 4 4 Nov. 20 3 Nov. 27 5 4 4 pr. 17 7 Apr. 20 4 spr. 22 3 May 28 1 Aug. 6 ວ້ Auy. 28 Nov. 24 Dec. 3 Teb. 6 8 Mar. 22 1 Apr. 15 1 Apr. 16 6 June 10 14 July 17 10 Sept. 11 2. Sept. 15 3 Nov. 24 1 Jan. 7 1 Jan. 20 5 Feb. 9 5 Apr. 5 4 June 14 6 Juve Is 1 Aug. 10 3 Aug. 28 6 Do. of Sept. 7 5 dpr. 23 1 May 5 6 Jau. 4 9 June 10 8 aug. 31 1 Jau. 5 2 Jar. 13 1 Apr. 3 1 Apr. 15 3 Apr. 28 6 May 20 7 Aug. 4 7 Sept. 14 8: Nov. 26 8 Feb. 5 7 Do. Johnson, Joba... Johnson. John A. Johnson, Fretz.. Johak, Williain E Jolinson, Henry N Jackson, Thomas Lien, U.DL... Larsen, O. B Lindfors, Ludwig. Lewis, D. T... Lauderking. G. M Luark, James. Leblond, Phillip Mangan, W. H.. McCarthy, Charles P.. May, William. Melville, George F.... McLeod, N.S Mackenzie, J. R.. Marshall, James. Nelson, Peter. Norrby, Charles G Olsen, Ole:. Olsen. E Olsen, Joon. Pinkertou, Victor. Russell, Thomas W... Rathke, Charles Reed, John W Swanberg. E. Smith, L, 0 Smith, Charles Suderman, Gus Smith, Goorge Sauford, William W Smith, William P Salley, Charles B Swanson, J. A Stanforci, George Stewart. Charles D Thompson, Andrew Thorne, John West, Spencer L Westburg, G. W Weber, Charles Woodin, Jolin S.. Whitney, William F... Wilson, Charles 443 453 466 467 469 48S 408 410 441 4:47 470 472 484 430 437 461 464 479 485 197 423 456 405 460 468 455 403 421 496 418 419 420 122 424 445 448 457 458 477 486 411 412 426 435 449 473 487 492 4 May May 19 3 June 18 7 Aug. 11 5 Aug. 13 8 Aug. 23 5 Nov. 12 2 Jan. 13 3 Jan. 23 8 May 3 6 June 2 1 4 dug. 28 6 Oct. 2 2 Apr. 6 2 Apr. 22 7 July 31 2 Aug. 10 1 Sept. 4 1 Oct. 12 1 Dec. 4 7 Mar. 13 7 June 29 4 Jan. 7 4 July 27 1 Ang. 23 3 Juno 23 4 7 11 Mar. 12 1 Dec. 3 6 Feb. 10 5 Feb. 16 7 Tel. 26 8 Mar. 13 7 Mar. 18 2 May 22 2 June 7 6 June 18 7 July 9 1 Sept. 4 7 Oct. 19 4 Feb. 3 2 Feb. 4 1 Mar. 22 8 Apr. 20 2 June 9 1 9 Nov. 12 7 Nor. 26 Jan. Aug. 28 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE25 . . Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Seattle, Wash. Name. No. of No. of license. issue.* Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. : ll, Q I 2,8 ܕ܀ 4,4 11, 114 । 20, To 9. 11, - 1,4 1,2 1,3 6,- Alay Bradley, Charles H 116 2,6 Ang. 19 Hunt, A. R 6902 1, 3 Sept. 15 Craig, Benjamin 113 July 13 Jones, John D. 108 2,2 Jan. 23 Connell, William A. 114 Do. Jobuson, M.J 129 1,4 Mar. 12 Francis, Edward H... 102 8, Jan. 30 Jamieson, Robert 148 2, 2 Apr. 28 Gregory, William E. 112 June 9 Jewell, Frank C... 164 1,4 June 7 George, William E..... 121 16, Nov. 29 Jones, Henry A. 167 7,- June 10 Hunter, J.C.. 115 1, Aug. 6 Johnson, John 194 1,- Aug. 26 Jepsen, Lars... 105 1, Mar. 15 Jensen, Joseph 6905 1,1 Sept. 29 Jensen, Edward S 117 4,4 Oct. 14 Joluson, Barney 6910 Oct. 19 Keen, J. V.. 103 Feb. 1 Jackson, Robert W 6933 1,1 Dec. 15 Lennan, James E 101 8, Jan. 25 Kildall, Simon 104 2,3 Jan. 14 Lloyd, H. A.. 110 1l, May 17 Kronal, Chiarles 116 9,- | Feb. 15 Leech, John. 122 1, Dec. 17 Kenney, Will J 130 1, 2 Mar. 18 McAllep, J. W. 104 3, Feb. 19 Karr, Cyrus J 133 4,5 Mar. 20 Marden, H. H. 106 9, Mar. 29 King, Charles F 181 July 21 Patterson, J. B... 108 May 4 Krull, L. S... 192 7,8 Ang. 17 Roberts, George 109 2, May 6 Lorenz, C.O. 176 | 12,- July 5 Robinson, E. N 118 7, Nov. 2 Lyng, John. 188 3,7 Ang. 3 Snow, S. F 119 1. Nov. 19 Leake. Eerbert T.. 6909 7,8 Oct. 14 Thompson, William. . 111 4, June 5 Lundstrom, A. G. 6920 1, 2 Nov. 9 Wallace. Darid 107 10, Apr. 29 Lorouz, E 6925 6, 11 Nov. 19 Waite, William J.. 120 Nov. 22 Maloney, Robert. 101 1,5 Jan. 5 McGregor, C.L 110 3,6 | Feb. 2 Second-class pilots. MCMilliu, W. C. 121 8, Mar. 9 Morisset, Louis. 157 1, 5 May 19 Malaney, Tbomas W.. 166 June 10 anderson, August 126 5,7 Mar. 11 Martin, J.F.. 169 3,— June 12 Anderson, O. B 142 2,4 Apr. 14 McReary. 8. E 6919 1,4 Oct. 28 Anderson, John L 178 6,7 July 7 Majo, Francis A 6917 Oct. 29 Anner, Albert 6919 1,5 Nov. 4 Madison, Martin. 6926 1,5 Nov. 27 Buckley, M.G 111 9, Tel. 6 Myers, Ira... 6942 1,4 Dec. 21 Blekum, E... 112 Do. Nelson, F.C. 151 May 4 Burley, Thomas S.... 125 Mar. 11 Olsen, Vack 6906 (ct. 2 Brerlesen, Edwin 132 6 Mar. 19 Olsen, O. DI .. 6934 1, 3 Dec, 16 Budlong, G. E.. 137 7,- Apr. 3 Parker, W. A., sr 102 Jan. 7 Benjamin, W.S.. 152 1,1 7 Piokerton, Fred 103 7,8 Jan. 11 Barwell, Srank L... 160 1,4 Alay 24 Parker, Howell 158 1,1 | May 19 Basford, Charles E.... 163 1, 3 June 2 Penfield, Howard 168 5, S June 12 Bradford, Villiam 185 4,8 July 26 Purvis, Robert L.. 173 5,5 June 24 Bartsch, George 190 3,4 Aug. 9 Palmakott, Peter.. 189 9, Aug. 4 Burrows, C.E. 195 4, 5 Piper, David. 6904 1,1 Sept. 28 Bozarth. A. J 198 3,5 Aug. 31 Peterson, E. W 6922 3,6 Nov. 13 Brunn, Simon 6908 Oct. 13 Fage, James 6932 1,8 Dec. 11 Benson, Martin 6937 5, Dec. 17 Ruse, David 115 2,4 Feb. 12 Barlotr, Harry 6941 1,2 Dec. 21 Russell, J. W 147 3,6 Apr. 24 Curtis, Valter K 105 2,3 Jan. 14 Reed, Alfred W 174 June 25 Crockett, William. 113 Feb. 10 Riddle, H. A 6901 2,5 Sept. 13 Campbell, Malcolm 118 , Tel. 20 Riddle, R. W 6911 6,7 Oct. 20 Carltov, John A.. 144 A pr. 17 Raymond, W. L.. 6939 1,1 Dec. 17 Collins, John W... 105 1,- pr. 19 Sutherland, John 106 2,4 Jan. 15 Cuthbertson, R R.. 15.4 Mar 12 Soper, Arthur J.. 114 7,8 | Feb. 10 Cummings, John 180 1,1 July 19 Starr, Frank. 123 Mar. 10 Curtis, Alvin 187 7,8 Aug. 3 Smith, Lewis W 141 7, pr. 13 Clymer, Henry V 197 Aug. 28 Sprague, I. B 153 2, May 11 Cummins, William N.. 200 1,1 Sept. 11 Stenger, L. U 162 2. 2 May 28 Call, Cbarles W... 6940 1,1 Dec. 17 Snith, E. C.. 175 1, June 25 Doyle, James J 155 2,7 May 12 Şucarer, George W . 193 3,6 Aug. 25 Durgan, Charles R.. 6911 1,1 Oct. 23 Sewell, C. J 6903 -4,5 Sept. 16 Davis, Herbert E 6924 5,8 Nov. 19 Stetson, W.L 6913 3,5 Oct. 22 Darling, Lester L. 6935 8,9 Dec. 17 Sherman, F.M. 6923 6,8 Nov. 15 Eames, George H 117 5, Feb. 17 Schulze, Herman 6929 1, 2 Dec. 6 Erlirards, William B... 122 4, Mar, 9 Towle, d.d. 119 2, 3 Feb. 23 Erickson, E... 182 7,8 July 22 Thoresen, Thore. 120 2,4 Mar. 8 Fritzinger, I. W 107 7,9 Jan. 22 Thomas, 4. W.. 124 1,2 Mar. 11 Foss, Peter 150 3,5 May 3 Tarte, W.R.. 143 8, — A pr. 16 Ferris, E.D. 6931 9, Dec. 11 Tollaksen, M. E... 177 3,5 July 6 Harrington, Frank S. 109 Jan. 30 Thornton, Edward.... 184 July 26 Hastings, (). ..... 128 7,8 Mar. 12 Tliurston, AR 6912 2, 3 Oct. 20 Haynes, Thomas S 131 1,7 Mar. 18 Tibbits, C. E. 6915 9, Oct. 27 Humphreys, Chris'pher 135 1,3 Mar. 23 Trerorah, W. E 6918 2,7 Nov. 1 Elealy, James 140 15, Apr. 13 Tabell, Bertel.. 6936 2, Dec. 17 Harrison, M. L... 146 1,5 Apr. 21 Verde, Joseph. 6927 1,7 Dec. 3 Herbert, Joseph 149 8. Apr. 29 Wallace. Charles.. 127 Mar. 11 Hamilton, John. 156 2,7 May 13 Vadleigh, A.S 136 2, Mar. 29 Harris, G. A 161 8, Maj 25 Viman, Chance.. 159 S, May 24 Hall, S. Y.. 172 1,4 Juve 24 Williams, Charles H.. 165 June 9 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. Aug. 28 ا ا ا 3, 5 2,4 5,7 1,1 4,7 8, 11, - . 13,- 5,- 1,6 8. 26 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Seattle, Wash.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Special pilots. Wilde, H. A Wilson, E.F Winchester, Frank Wilson, Howard E.. Willson, Thomas A. Wahl, R. W... Walker, H. L Yorke, S. E 171 12, - June 19 179 1l, July 19 183 1,5 July 201 186 4,7 July 30 196 11, - Aug. 28 6930 1,5 Dec. 7 6938 2,4 Dec. 17 191 3, 3 Aug. 11 Churchill, L. M Foss, Andrew.. Ginnette, R. E. McLaughlin, John McKay, S. G. Parke, James M Warner, E.C... Ward, H. E 139 6928 170 134 6907 199 138 6921 3,3 Apr. 7 3,3 Dec. 6 3,3 June 12 1,1 Mar. 20 3,3 Oct. 8 1,1 Aug. 31 5,5 Apr. 3 1,1 Nov. 13 . Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Seattle, Wash. Andrews, Charles V Anderson, John.. Brown, F.M Clark, NY. A Deming, F. G Dumnson. Joseph. Davis, J. G. Dahlgreen, Peter. Flower, G. H.. Green, Charles. Herriman, Albert 65 77 53 75 51 60 76 79 58 55 52 2 June 17 Hicks, Charles . 2 Oct. S Hardy, N. D... 2 Teb. 26 Krag, H.F.L 1 Sept. 23 Kellogg, J. D. 4 Jan. 4 Lister, S. G 3 June 5 McLean, 2 Oct. 5 Mahler, H. D... 5 Dec. 10 Murphy, Thomas 3 May 15 Villar, James. 5 Apr. 20 ! Olsen, Frank. 1 Jan. 6 Robison, F. A.. 56 70 61 64 57 66 68 71 78 72 59 1 Apr. 24 1 July 20 2 June 8 1 June 11 1 Apr. 28 3 June 18 2 July 5 11 July 26 4 Dec. 10 1 Aug. 1 May 27 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--Seattle, IFashi. 1 Ohief engineers (ocean). Chinf engineers (ocean2)— Continued. 0 ) 9 5 -10 4, 6 > 1 1 9 - 20 : Aug. 23 1 3 1 3 17 3 1 Adams, Herbert 614 11 Jan. 11 Newhall. Frank H 652 -, 14 Feb. 23 Blinn, Villiam P 611 14 Do. Nelson, Thorrald S03 - 9 Sept. 8 Bragdon, John H 637 15 Feb. 5 O'Neal, John A 681 6,8 Apr. 6 Brightman, A.L 642 12 Feb. 12 Primurose, J. 622 11 Jan. 15 Benjamin, T. C...... 767 15 July 26 Pierce, R. V.. 851 13 Nov. 12 Brownfield, Charles H 776 18 Aug. 11 Peterson, Fred. 882 26 Dec. 22 Biggs, Albert E.. 799 Sept. 6 Ross, Robert, B 837 Oct. 22 Barnes, Paul.. 856 3. 3 Nov. 22 Rice, Burgess W. 843 26 Nov. 4 Callaban, D. 617 11 Jau. 14 Smitli, Charles W.. 635 22 Feb. 4 Clark, C. J 664 10 Mar. 18 Snyder, W. A 661 31 Mar. 9 Cosper, F.B 672 15 Mar. 23, Sanders, Sewell . 680 11 s pr. 3 Cross, Daniel T 762 5 July 19 Sutton, Samuel 696 14 Apr. 25 Dieckhoff. Edward.. 713 .8 May 10 Short, Tbomas. 709 3,8 May 4 De Laundy, David I.... 860 14 Nov. 29 Snyder, John A. 747 June 25 Duane, H. M 878 23 Dec. 17 Smith, R.S 782 19 Duumett, Clement 8844 12 Dec. 28 Spieseke. Oswin 815 13 Sept. 20 Foley, Thomas. 720 11 May 25 Turner, R. A... 659 21 Mar. 6 Gilson, G. N... 714 21 ) May 11 Tinsley, Charles 763 15 July 21 Granger, David 869 16 Dec. 4 Var Tassell, Philip 648 35 Feb. 13 Harkins, H 643 Fel). 9 Van Tassell, William S00 12 Sept. 6 Headland, William 658 17 Mar. 5 Wickson, S.S... 766 17 July 24 Hodgson, Pearson 689 .7 Apr. 17 Wolford, Charles H.. 863 15 Nov. 30 Hoyle, William 690 18 Do. Harlow, L 692 15 Apr. 19 Chief cugineers (in- Hale, William S 732 13 June 5 land). Holcomli, A. N... 751 14 June 29 Haughton, John 788 17 Aug. 28 Airey, Robert.. 655 Mar. 1 Heals, Maurice S22 6 Sept. 27 Atwell, Cyrus B 701 -,9 A pr. 28 Hutton, John 875 7 Dec. 11 Ancel's011, A. M. 739 6, 6 June 16 Jackling, William B... 841 19 Oct. 28 Antone, Nicholas 769 15 Aug. 4 Kummer, Arthur 623 9 Jan. 16 Arery, James.. 773 16 Aug. 7 Kelly, George.. 699 23 Apr. 27 Anderson, Albert.. 785 13 Aug. 26 King, Clarence. 879 14 Dec. 21 Anderson, A. A. 817 5,5 Sept. 21 Lord, H.C 712 19 May 10 Allen, S. TV 8-14 13 Nov. 4 Ludlow, J.R.. 725 10 May 31 Baravell, W. S.. 602 11 June 7 Law, William . 757 27 July 12 Biggs, Charles W 630 1, 2 June 26 Lent, George 759 16 July 17 Bowen, Charles A 651 17 Feb. 18 Lawson, H.C 864 19 Nor. 30 Baldwin, W. L... 663 14 Mar. 18 McCorkle, A. M.. 607 19 Jan. 8 Butcher, Frederick ... 671 5,7 Mar. 23 McLeau, Frank 636 23 Feb. 4 Beaulieu, George S 692 16 Apr. 19 McGill, J S42 22 Nov. 2 Bilbins, F. IT 693 10 Apr. 22 Mitchell, Thomas G... 858 10 Nov. 2.1 Breymen, Charles. 694 9 Apr. 24 * Number of issue of current građe and the number of issues of all grades. —, 22 1 3 - 1 > 1 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 27 Engineer's licensed-Seattle, Wash.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue.* Date of is$110. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue." issue. í 4,5 1 4,4 11 1 3 1 ) 1 1 8,8 5,6 13 -- 1 Jan. 7 1 1 Chief engineers Chief engincers (inland)—Continued. (inland)— Continued. Bergman, Peter. 722 12 May 28 Hunt, A. M.. 780 9 Ang. 18 Banks, William. 745 2 June 23 Hawley, F.L 789 7 Aug. 28 Bliss, Arthur 778 9 Aug. 11 Hiller, Samuel S57 Nov. 24 Bywater, W.M 786 9 Aug. 28 Hicks, Charles.. 885 1,1 Dec. 29 Bogardus, T. I 796 5,5 Sept. 3 Johnson, Lewis A 665 12 Mar. 18 Bitoix, Yves M. L 813 8,8 Sept. 16 Johnson, Andrew. 795 8,8 Sept. 3 Burell, T $21 3,5 Sept. 27 Joslin, Frank 868 8,8 Dec. 4 Bird, F. 1.. 831 10 Oct. 19 Kent, Henry E.. 603 9 Jan. 7 Bretlanıl, Alfred L. 850 2, 2 Nov. 11 Kingsbury, George A. .. 606 Jan. 8 Clemons, William.. 615 5,5 Jan. 11 Kerr, Alexander.. 684 7,7 dpr. 6 Coulter, Charles A. 620 14 Jan. 15 Klovborg, N 754 July 6 Corre, Frank.. 647 15 Feb. 13 Kennedy, James 755 6,8 Do. Cayo, Felix 662 18 Mar. 10 Kashevaroit, William. 761 13 July 19 Curtis, J.F 678 13 Apr. 2 Kinsey, William L..... 791 12 Sept. 2 Case, O. A 705 13 May 3 Kennelly, J. H.. 797 19 Sept. 4 Campbell, l'illiam... 708 17 May 4 Kiny, William N. 802 11 Sept. 7 Clough, Edwin S... 711 11 May 9 Keliie, David. 847 Nor. 5 Crandell, L. P. 721 12 Alay 27 Kent, Villiam S 883 S, S Dec. 23 Compton, T. H 727 14 Juue 3 Lauderkin, G. M. 640) 11 Feb. S Colman, J.M 758 July 14 Lyons, William. 645 9 Feb. 10 Clough, IV. E. 801 4,4 Sept. 7 Larsen, Suren. 717 7, 7 May 19 Clough, E. G... 806 Sept. 11 Levake, A.S... 745 9 June 26 Colman, George L.. 810 5, 5 Sept. 15 Laughlin, Mat. 829 7.7 Oct. 11 Cavender, J. E.... 836 6,6 Oct. 22 Lathbiry. James 839 14 Oct. 23 Carr, Patrick 845 9 Nor. 4 Lorenz, Otto. 852 9 Nor. 13 Cutler, albert. 848 7,7 Nor. 6 Leake, Irrin V.. 865 11 Nov, 30 Cox, William A... 853 6, 8 Nov. 15 Maun, Frank.. 601 Jan. 6 Compton, George M. 867 5, 8 Dec. 3 Madison, Frank 604 5,5 Jan. 7 Decker, Lorace 608 4,4 8 Marmont, W.A.. 605 9 Jan. 8 Donaldson, J.J 646 15 Feb. 12 Merrill, George E. 618 18 Jan. 14 Denny, Henry L., 050 22 Feb. 16 McKenzie, Dillian. 625 6,6 Jan. 18 Daris, W.M. 666 17 Mar. 18 Manning, H.. 633 - 12 Jan. 29 Donglass, John T 668 6,7 Mar. 19 McConnell, Alex. 641 2, 4 Feb. 8 Danforth, Manly 673 16 Mar. 24 Mahan, William J.... 68S 7,7 Apr. 15 Dumar, H.T 675 11 Mar. 30 McCarruglier, Joseph. 698 16 Apr. 27 Denny, 0.0... - 682 20 Apr. 6 McKenzie, W. W 740 7,7 June 17 Davis, John 697 10 Apr. 27 McLeod, Robert 749 S June 29 Durige, W.P. 744 June 23 Matthews, Lewis C.... 772 12 dug. 6 Drew, Oscar 798 13 Sept. 4 McCullough, Robert... 779 7,7 Davidson, William Aug. 16 805 6,7 Sept. 10 Muuson, J.K. 794 7,7 Dealy, Richard M 818 6 Sept. 23 Mosler, Charles A... 812 13 Durgan, James Sept. 16 854 24. Nov. 15 Moran, Robert.. 827 3,3 Oct..8 Delaney, C.E.. 862 10 Nov. 30 McDowell, Matthew'. 833 14 Oct. 19 Drury, J.R 866 10 Dec. 2 Morrison, George B. 859 7, 7 Nor. 27 Ellis, R. E 880 3,6 Dec. 21 McDowell, George A 876 2. 4 Dec. 11 Fornan, D.J 612 16 Jan. 11 Nelsuri, Horatio. 654 Mar. 1 Fuller, Hiram 644 Feb. 10 Newman, Henry W.... 715 12 May 14 Follett, Charles S... 677 10 Apr. 2 Nelson, J.C... 774 11 Fishburn, William Aug. 9 686 5,5 Apr. 8 Noves, A.M 777 5,5 Aug. 11 Foss, Irer 706 2,6 May 3 O'Brien, William 781 Fast, Axel Aug. 19 723 1, 5 || May 28 Perring, N.C.. 626 16 Jan. 21 Flint, Harry F 730 8 Juuie 4 Parker, Williair A.... 628 — ..9 Jau. 25 Fox, Thomas J 737 June 15 Preest, John.. 683 18 Farmer, Howard W dur. 6 768 5. 5 Ang. 3 Peacock. William J 684 7,7 Apr. 8 Fraser, A.M.. 787 15 Peters, Harry B... 703 2,4 Fairbairn, J. E.. A pr. 29 804 5.5 Sept. 9 Papst, C. 718 8, 8 May 20 Farley, M. H.. 807 14 Sept. 14 Peel, John 726 1,2 June 2 Fraser, Daniel 835 13 Oct. 22 Parks, L. G 731 6,6 June 4 Finn, L.J. 840 5,7 Oct. 27 Pearson, J. W 760 Fagan, John. -, 13 July 17 877 17 Dec. 17 Pelce. Thomas. SU9 23 Sept. 11 Grinwala, C.H. 613 18 Jiul. 11 Peel, Louis... 816 13 Green, C.E Sept. 2:1 024 9 Jan. 18 Peregoy, D.O. 828 20 Oct. 8 Grimsley, J.H. 656 13 Mar. 12 Pillow, Peter. 830 20 Oct. 19 Griffiths, James 707 May 4 Parks, George F 86.1 1,5 Nov. 29 Gates, W. IV. 716 15 May 17 Robinson, Richard S... 619 7, 7 Jan. 14 Goggins, William 734 5, 6 June 7 Rose, Perry S. 621 1,4 | Jau. 15 Guptill, Fred L.. 765 11 July 25 Rounds, M 627 2,2 Jan. 22 Gard, Patrick 781 12 Aug. 36 Rogers, Frank E 687 18 Grounds, Fleury W Apr. 9 873 6,6 Dec. 10 Reed, Roger. 700 5, 5 Apr. 27 Hall, el. E... 616 6,6 Jan. 13 Sale, C. J.B.. 609 14 Jan. 9 Hill. George W 653 7 Feb. 24 Schott, Charles H 610 7,7 Jan. 11 Hausen, Ole L 667 2, 4 Mar. 19 Sprague. Fred A 629 7,7 Jan. 25 Harrison, E.L 669 5, 5 Mar. 20 Short. Thomas 631 3,3 Jau. 27 Hill, Lafayette MI... 676 6, 6 Alar. 30 Smith, L. D ... 635 6,6 Feb. 6 Hughes, James A... 733 3,3 June 5 Sain, Villiam T.. 649 5, 5 Feb. 15 Hulinan, Frank. 735 17 June 9 Short, William M 657 Mar. 5 Hamblet, Alonzo 756 14 July 6 Snyder, George A. 600 y * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 6,6 Sept. 3 1 1 1 -- 10 6,6 . 4,4 - 5, 6 Aug. 28 1 1 1,2 1 1 6,6 1, 2 Har. 28 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Seattle, Wash.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons—Continued. Do. ) - 12 1,1 1 1 1,4 - > Still, Edwin... 674 16 Mar. 29 Hayne, Carl F 383 Oct. 12 Searle, P.B 679 13 Apr. 3 Johnson, Andrew. 340 3,3 May 27 Smith, William A.. 695 14 Apr. 24 Lavin, John... 334 5, 6 May 5 Sain, Francis G 704 2,3 May 1 Morgan, Francis A.. 333 1,3 Apr. 30 Studdert, Hugh 728 6,6 June 4 Oliver, W.H.... 306 5,5 Jan. 27 Smith, James 729 - 14 Do. O'Connor, George L. L.... 307 . 3,3 Do. Stone, E. B.... 738 2, 4 June 16 Overman, Evau 319 5,5 Mar. 29 Sipple, Edward J 746 1,3 June 24 Peters, Charles J. 313 Mar. 11 Sewell, John R.. 752 6,6 July 3 Payette, George 320 5,5 | Mar. 29 Swan, George G 753 14 | July Scott, Franklin K. 309 3,3 | Feb. 1 Simdurs, Otto 783 1,2 Aug. 25 Sanford, Marion 316 1,1 Mar. 24 Simpson, W.P 793 13 Sept. 3 Sandell, andrew P..... 397 2,3 Dec. 9 Smith, James 814 8, 8 Sept. 16 Tarte, Alfred A. 322 8,8 Apr. 3 Slater, G. W... 819 7,7 Sept. 24 Whipple, C. A 311 2,2 Teb. 9 Snyder, Samuel S 820 10 Wadleigh, A.S 318 7,7 Mar. 29 Siggins, James 824 7,7 Oct. 2 Williams, H. E.. 330 1 1, 2 Apr. 28 Stromberg, John A 825 6,6 Oct. 4 Wheeler, G. M.. 331 1,1 Do. Scott, J. W 8341 7,7 Oct. 19 Wilson, E.J 335 1, 1 May 6 Sperry, Charles B 846 16 Nov. 5 Westerman, George. 344 5, 5 Juro 7 Stanley, J.C.. 849 13 Nov. Ward, Stephen F 365 7,7 Aug. 14 Snyder, E. A 855 5, 5 Nov. 19 Yerion, S.B.... 301 3,3 Jan. 11 Tucker, H. R 632 12 Jan. 27 Trumbull, H. A 719 -9 May 24 I'irst cossistant engi- Tew, Oren L 724 7,8 May 31 neers (occan). Tanner, John E... 743 6,6 June 21 Torpey, A.A. 750 —7 June 29 Downing, W E 358 6 July 23 Tarte, John F.. 792 ---, 16 Sept. 3 Foley, Michael. 9701 1, 3 Dec. 29 Trout, Jolin.. 808 8, 8 Sept. 14 Halloran, John.. 396 15 Nov. 24 Thomas, Erskine 811 Sept. 15 Jones, Levin T., jr 315 - 5 Mar. 22 Thompson, Fred R... 823 5,5 Sept. 30 Leech, John.. 367 --, 10 Aug. 23 Thornton, H. M. 838 11 Oct. 23 Neill, George 382 Oct. 12 Taylor, W.M.. 870 11 Dec. 6 Ryan, Alfred 323 6,9 Apr. 8 Vanwart, Edwin. 871 8,8 Do. Ryan, John C 378 -,9 Oct. 1 Womer, F.E. 634 11 Feb. 3 Svanberg, J.F 391 Oct. 27 Wade, Herbert 639 6,7 Feb. 8 Wyer, John. 366 6 | Aug. 23 Williams, C. A... 670 5, 6 Mar. 22 Woolery, W.B... 702 15 ápr. 29 First assistant engi- Wysong, Oty 710 10 May 7 neers (inland). Wright, Charles W.. 736 11 June 10 Veiss, V. E.. 741 5,5 June 18 Anderson, Frank 0.... 304 4,4 Jan. 14 White, J.A. 742 11 Do. Alliug, W.C.... 370 2,2 Sept. 11 Woods, Charles 764 9 July 22 Anderson, Fred. 380 1,1 Oct. 8 Williamson, J. T. 770 7,7 Aug. 4 Brantigam, M. O 302 4,4 Jan. 11 Williamson, J. A 771 12 Aug. 6 Bates, J.A.. 326 2,2 Apr. 14 Wilson, James . 775 2, 3 Aug. 10 Burke, James E... 327 3,3 apr. 16 Wilson, Henry 826 14 Oct. 5 Burell, Peter ... 338 3,3 May 17 Williams, 1. j. 832 18 Oct. 19 Burnham, Clarence 360 1, 1 July 27 Williams, Ezra S74 1 Dec. 11 Boyd, A. W .... 371 3, 3 Sept. 16 West, John E... 881 21 Dec. 21 Bury, Ernest 372 2,2 Sept. 20 Zikmand, Frank.. 790 10 Aug. 28 Baatz, T. O.. 384 2, 2 Oct. 14 Zent, James A. 872 6, 6 Dec. 10 Burks, Irvin 392 1,1 Nov. 9 Cadwalader, H.I.. 362 1, 1 July 31 Engineers in charge of Carpenter, George W 390 1,1 Oct. 27 steamer's of 100 tons Crawford, Sherman L.. 393 1, 1 Nov. 12 and under, and over Davis, John C 379 1,1 Oct. ī 10 tonus. Gatier, Frank D 375 2,2 Sept. 27 Gearing, Alberto 381 3,3 Oct. 11 Allen, Joseph C... 321 Mar. 29 Hyde, Thomas B.. 339 1,1 May 17 Axton, Charles W 349 June 16 Huckleby, Frank 369 3,3 Sept. 8 Barrows, Will A 305 Jan. 15 Keel, Jefferson. 343 3,3 June 5 Butler, L. A 336 5, 5 May 10 Kellogg, E. E 357 1, 1 July 21 Billings, Grant 347 7,7 June 16 Kelly, E. B.. 376 Sept. 28 Byvater, C.M 350 15 Juino 17 Livingstou, J.J. 353 2,2 June 23 Brown, Henry 355 5,5 July 3 Lahr, George W 363 dug. 6 Bierseth, Nicholas 377 1,5 Sept. 28 Loren%, C. O 399 Dec. 20 Cade, E. B. 314 3, 3 Mar. 13 VcConnell. Samuel 332 2, 3 Apr. 29 Compton, Bert 3:37 14 May 14 Morck, William 341 1,1 May 29 Cavanaugh, R 388 5,5 (ct. 5 Moss, Bernard 351 3 June 18 Curtis, A.E. 395 1,1 | Nov. 17 Martin, Owen. 354 1, 1 June 24 Dalton, Patrick. 345 5, 6 June 7 Morgan, G. 389 2,2 Oct. 26 Fletcher, H. W.. 364 dug. 9 Palnier, Bert... 398 3 Dec. 16 Green. Wells.. 303 3,3 Jan. 13 Risser, Frank 352, 3,3 June 22 Goodell, Frank H... 324 5, 5 pr. 13 Richardson, R. E 361 3,3 July 30 Hauke, Clirist 329 9 pr. 24 Roush, Louis 400 3,3 Dec. 24 Healey, Thomas B 375 3 | Sept. 23 Smith, Willian A 317 2,2 | Mar. 27 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. NO C -,7 , 13 ., 5,5 1,1 1 د سر من مر د م ن م ن دا 1,3 . STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 29 Engineer's licensed-Seattle, IPask.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. First assistant engi- neer's (inland)–Cont'd. Third assistant engi- neers (ocean). Sharpnack, M.C.... Stewart, Eugene. Smith, John A. Weatherwax, B. M Wood, Robert 342 368 385 348 386 14 May 29 1, 1 Aug. 31 1,1 Oct. 18 2,2 June 16 5,5 Oct. 22 Holmgreu, Charles Mitchell, J. A..., De Launay, Scott A Hanlon, William Tucker, G. W... 308 346 359 356 394 2, 2 Jan. 28 3,3 June 10 3, 5 July 27 -,3 July 21 Nov. 13 1,1 Second assistant engi- ncer's (ocean). Third assistant engi- neers (inland). Familton, William Vincent, Selby.. De Stephauo, Albert... Huf, Philip B... Parsons, Edward A... 312 325 374 328 387 1,1 Mar. 6 1, 1 Apr. 13 1,3 Sept. 24 6,6 Apr. 22 2,4 Oct. 22 Special engineers. Second assistant engi- ncers (inland). Coulter, James S Harrison, R. B... Smith, R. V. Utter, William A. 101 103 104 102 1 Aug. 31 4 Oct. 14 1 Dec. 13 1 Oct. 11 Harringer, Joseph... 310 7 Feb. 5 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. SECOND SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, N. Y. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New York, N. Y. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No, of | Date of license. issue. issue. Apr. 30 Apr. 26 Armour, A. V Archibalıl, Daniel B Ariustrong, Richard W Acboru, A I... Atkins, George N. Ansell, John N Albrecht Frauz Burland, Johu w Beckwith, George E.. Bermpobl, Henry Brandt, Charles Bjornebo, Jens A.J... Bennett, Wesley. Beynon, Henry L Bence, Edwin. Boyce, Fred S. Bloomsburgh, Robert Bennett, James Barrett, W. W Beattie, James Bradsbaw, Jobu Beveridge, Hugh Broowhead, John A... Bond, Robert Ballon, William H.. Birkhan, Charles Buck. E. P. Bakel, E. Breen, Michael Bennett, William H... Bull, Oscar Cowell, John í Christensen, Albert Corning, Benjamin. Clapp, R.C Cowell, John.. Clinkskel, James Cote, Lewis.... Carneron, Charles. Cornell. George Coonan. William H Curtis, James R.. Corning, Frank W.. Campling, H. W Cooper, James H Cates. Eugene W Cadilell, Loren ( Chambers, John Campbell, H.R. Crosby, P. E Clenrenning, Thomas Cushman, John F... Crasso, John.. Crocker, Charles W... Dunkerton, Thomas Deifosse, Edward Dahlsteilt, A.F. Dillon, Robert Durant, w. W Dyer, Frank E... Dick, George . Deans, Thomas Duck, F.J.. Downs, Cleveland.... Daggett. Josiah T Delano, C.C Dow. John C. Dean, Harry Delano, Charles W. ... 30 A1275 A1373 A1417 A 1574 A1713 A1788 A2517 A 1202 A 1273 A1283 A1337 A1405 A1521 A 1547 A 1586 1775 A 1924 A 1957 A 2090 A 2129 A2250 A2318 A 2334 A 2363 A 2385 A 2459 A2102 A2637 A7876 A7998 A 8066 A1246 A1283 A1649 A 1648 A1712 4 1719 A1726 A1792 4 1807 11812 1870 A 2016 A2076 12301 A12445 A 2479 A 2570 A 2582 A 2632 7809 75.4 8007 A 8009 11265 A1266 41304 1431 41511 A 1675 1718 A 1913 A1914 A2130 A2188 A2278 A 23464 42565 2589 1 Jan. 18 Dann, Johu 2 Feb. 6 Dixou, Hiram.. 1 Feb. 20 Douwley, Peter 3 Mar. 23 Dunhau, Jonathon W 9 A pr. 19 Decker, Coruelius V... 3 May May 3 Dallas, Thomas P.. 7 Sept. 9 Evans, Thomas L. 14 Jan. 2 Eagles, James C 5 Jan. 18 Evans, John. 6 Jan. 20 Erald, Ernest. 10 Jan. 28 Fisher, John HI Mar. 2 Freeman, Charles H... 25 Mar. 16 Forbes, Alexander G .. 2 Mar. 19 Ferguson, Henry V ... 6 Mar. 26 First, Thomas T 15 Fairfield. Edwin 21 May 24 French, Charles A 3 May 27 Furlong, Charles A.... 3 June 17 Fay, Howard 112 June 25 Grater, Harry 24 July 19 Genn, Manley 5 Aug. 2 Graut, Willian L... 4) Aug. 4 Gibsou, Alfred C 2 Aug. 10 Gaskill, Jolin H 10 Aug. 14 Griggs, Benjamin. 7 Aug. 27 Gunter, Alfred 10 Sept 23 Gage, Edwin N.. 7 Sept. 30 Harksen, Joseph H... 7 Oct. 27 Hill, George A. 14 Nov. 29 Feinke, Horst 10 Dec. 14 Higvee, Jonas E... 6 Jan. 14 Harvey, John. 6 Jan. 19 Holbert, Charles A 9 Apr. 8 Hansen, Alexander 2 Apr. 14 Hoyt, Benjamin F., jr.. 14 Apr. 19 Howes, William N... 7 Do. Healy, Patrick J.. 3 Apr. 20 Hoge, Frederick L... 9 May 3 Harstedt, William H.. 6 May 6 Haubaway, Robert A. 2 May 7 Harvey, W.A... fi May 15 Hinmali, Frank W. 1 Sune 7 Hannali, William J 1 June 16 Holway, H.N.... 18 July 29 Haiy, Alexander. 15 Herdl. John. 1 Sept. 1 Henteoll, Clarence 9 Sept. 18 Hopkins Warren M... 7 Sept. 20 Hanlou, S. J 2 Sept. 29 Hollman, Carl d.. 1 Oct. 11 Harrison, Williara .. 5 Nov. 18 Henderson, Frerlerick 1 Dec. 1 Hellberg, Frederick .. 8 Dec. 2 Hitchcock, James C.... 5 Jan. 16 Haake, Oscar : 10 Do. lIowes, Daniel W Jan. 22 Hazard, William A., jr. 3 Fel). 23 Hall, Frank... 4 Mar. 13 Houglitou, Frauk A. 13 Hansen, Christen 6 Apr. 19 Ibsen, George Cid 2 May 2-1 Irvine, E.T. 2 Do. Johnstone, Alan S..... 10 June 25 Janison, Join C.. 1 July 6 Jackson, Matthew 2 July 24 Johansson. August 12 Aug. 5 Johuson, George S.... 12 Sept. 17 Jordan, Frank 18 | Sept. 21 | Johnson, F.H. A7831 A8772 A7930 A7983 A 8023 A8087 A1400 A1536 A 1566 A8006 41370 A1411 A1614 A1731 A1989 A 2625 A7937 7977 A8099 A 1315 A2041 2050 12112 A2153 A 2361 A 2636 A.8058 124.4 A1365 A 1383 A 1389 A 1551 A1723 A1757 A 1786 A1803 A1871 Ai889 A1951 A1996 A2055 42099 A2199 A2205 A 2296 A 2333 A2346 A 2374 A25:56 A 2679 A 2680 A7821 A7849 A7863 A7874 7959 A 8018 A8071 A8098 A8112 A1893 2100 A1329 A 1353 A1426 A 1470 A1721 A 2480 A 2549 6 Oct. 18 8 Oct. 26 1 Nov. 12 1 Nov. 24 4 Dec. 6 5 Dec. 20 6 Feb. 16 3 Mar. 17 6 Mar. 23 14 Dec. 1 8 Feb. 6 1 Feb. 18 10 Apr. 1 11 s pr. 21 6 Jan. 2 7 Sept. 28 1 Nov. 15 5 Nov. 23 10 Dec. 24 7 Jau. 23 11 June 10 4 Juno 16 10 June 22 5 June 29 24 Aug. 10 7 Sept. 30 3 Dec. 11 14 Jan. 13 9 Feb. 5 7 Feb. 10 2 Feb. 13 5 Mar. 20 0 Apr. 20 10 9 May 3 0 May May 6 1 May 17 1 May 19 11 May 26 7 June 2 1 Juno 11 13 June 21 4 July 7 6 July 9 2 July 28 4 Ang. 4 2 Any 5 16 Aug. 11 8 Sept. 13 8 Oct. 7 9 Do. 19 Oct. 16 8 Oct. 21 5 Oct. 26 8 Oct. 27 5 Nor. 19 17 Dec. 4 11 Dec. 15 6 Dec. 24 8 Dec. 29 1 May 19 4 June 19 4 Jan. 27 6 Feb. 2 Feb. 23 11 Mar. 3 16 Apr. 19 3 Sept. 1 9 Sept. 15 Ang. 25 spr. 13 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 31 Masters licensed- New York, N. F.-Continuerl. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Oct. Jail. Jones, Huplirey. Krause, Carl F. É... Knight, F. B... Koester, Henry Kendall, Charles S.. Kuhuast, George L. E. Keves, W. Stuart P.... Kalhaige, S. V Kruusieck, J. H. F. Kirkby, John Kay, Frederick S Kellerhouse, John Lightbourne, Joseph A Low, Horatio Lambert, E. B. Laruie, Edwin F.... Lynch, Daniel Lynch, Henry Leighton, Thaddeus O Luce, George I.... Littlefield, Charles E Leidig, William C Leg!, E.C. Long, William Low, Philip B. McIntyre, Isaac A. Merithew, Jeremiah ... McLeod, James S. T Meakim, William McKenzie, Daniel... Muesfeldt, Fred McLean, Walter L McKenzie, John W Millington, H.S.. McDonald, George. McGray, A.N Marsters, K. R.. Marmion, John C. Morse, W.J Mathisen, Charles McIntyre, John. McDonald, Henry Marsden, Christopher.. McArthur, Charles Madison, George. Morelouse, William A. Macauley, Allan Mills, A. R MacKnight, Thomas M Moore, A. A Myer, F. H McIntosh, Charles E.. Mveckler, C. E..., Mitchener, iarvou Morle, Montague H. McDonall, James H.... McGillinay, James G.. Mitchell, George.. Norton, C. E.. Nugent, Richard MCD Norregaard, Oscar Nielsen, Hans (). Olendorf, Arnold L Osborn, l'alph Olson, Lars E. A Parker, Harry Petrie, Peier Conrad.. Proctor, Joseph W Passow, F. 1 Piland, John. Porrer, Leander II Peterson, Peter L. Puillips, George 1 Porter, William B Patten, Alden Pearsons, Fred H Pearce, Edward. Rossiter, Benjamin Robertson, A A7850 A1262 A1390 21517 41522 A1546 A 1885 A2358 A2484 A 2675 A7900 A80:30 A1482 A 1504 41694 A1981 A1988 A2319 A2394 A2467 A 2500 A2529 A2645 A7825 A7950 A 1208 A 1297 A 1439 A 1676 41727 A1735 A1781 A 1834 A1855 A1946 A1977 A 2001 A2116 A2147 A2186 A 2210 A2341 A2355 A2383 A 2:388 42420 2481 10 Oct. 21 1 Jan. 16 1 Feb. 13 8 Mar. 15 6 Mar. 16 7 Mar. 19 5 May 18 2 Aug. 9 3 Sept. 2 6 6 3 Nov. 3 6 Dec. 7 5 Mar. 6 6 Mar. 11 1 Apr. 15 4 June 1 4 June 2 12 Aug. 2 15 Aug. 16 4 Aug. 30 11 Sept. 1 4 Sopt. 13 1 Oct. 1 4 Oct. 16 12 Nov. 17 1 Jan. 4. 3 Jau. 21 8 Feb. 24 4 Apr. 13 2 dpr. 20 2 Apr. 21 1 May 1 2 May 11 2 May 14 8 May 26 5 June 1 6 Juno 3 12 June 23 2 June 28 26 July 6 1 July 9 1 Aug. 5 4 Auy: 6 12 Aug. 13 2 Aug. 14 2 Aug. 20 4 Sept. 1 4 Sept. 17 5 Sept. 30 4 Oct. 2 5 Oct. 27 2 Do. 9 Nov. 1 2 Nov. 19 ] Dec. 3 3 Dec. 6 3 Dec. 7 6 Dec. 23 2 Sept. 8 Sept.30 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 21 6 May 26 4 July 6 3 Oct. 16 11 Jan. 19 10 Feb. 20 5 May 17 3 July 20 6 4 Oct. 15 5 Oct. 26 2 Nov. 6 + Nor. 9 2 Nov. 17 8 Nov. 22 2 Dec. 28 9 Jan. 13 6 Jan. 26 Ross, Charles E.... Reilly, Thomas Ryer, Fuster. Rulon, Jobuc Ruton, Charles Rasmiss01), Robert Reith, Janies Rowlauc, Robert Russell, Frederick W.. Riley, E. G... Rogers, C. J.... Rogers, Josepb T Ryder, George M Roberts, William J.. Robbins, E. L.. Ruckwell, C.O. Ryder, F.C. Reed, Josiah W.. Ross, Duucau S Randle, William G..... Rickmers, Peter C.. Sears, Obadiah B Stanuard, William A Scott, James W... Segrave, Thomas G Swift, Harry R Smith, William A.P.. Smith, Frank C. W... Sukeforth, G. E.. Sewall, E.R.... Skillings, John F Sorenson. George Stoney, Stephen. Seeley, George Schive, H.F... Sauson, John V Sweeney, L.C. .. Shaube. A. L. Staples, John M Stead, Thomas. Stead, James Smith, S. D.... Sheldrake, Richard Schoonmaker, Walter.. Smith, James D. Turner, T. J Treniper, J.N .. Towuisend, Henry L Tapley, Robert E Thompson, William T Tuuner, F. E... Thomson, d.G Thompson, Willis M ... Turner, James. Thomas, Charles W., Van Gelder, Frank Van Cott, William S... Watis. James. Wetherell, James. Woolsey, Alzamora.... Tillett. William M Wolcott, George T. Williams, John Willsun, Geory'e Webster, Charles T... Wider, E. H ... Walling. James S.. Wayland, John A... Willis, James. Woodrick. Williani Williams. Frederick H. Warngren, Frederick. Watkins, Frederick Whitney, Heury Wallis, Francis M Young, Peleg H. Young, George. Young, V. E A 1323 A1466 A 1550 A1605 A1697 21725 A 2042 2014 A2:38 2429 A 2585 A2622 A 2650 a 2667 A2700 A7829 A7864 A7922 A 8081 A 8068 A8075 A1227 A1348 41362 A190 41780 81856 A 1884 A 2002 A2025 A 2075 A2091 A2151 A 2168 A2177 A2178 A2191 A 2289 A 2382 A 24141 A2417 A 249: A 2682 A7846 A 8036 A1380 41610 A1763 A 2019 A 2083 A7914 1923 47972 47988 A7996 A 1703 A7813 21425 A14:15 A1022 A1702 21746 A1806 A1809 A1923 A1983 A 2098 A 2262 A 2263 A 2456 A 2528 A 2550 A2626 A 8024 A 8634 A 1544 A1829 2533 2 Jan. 26 9 Mar. 2 1 Mar. 19 9 Mar. 30 25 Apr. 16 5 Apr. 20 13 June 10 7 Do. 15 Aug. 4 12 Aug. 23 9 Sept. 21 4 Sept. 27 10 Oct. 1 6 Oct. 4 10 Oct. 13 9 Oct. 16 9 Oct. 26 6 Nov. 9 9 Dec. 17 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 16 9 8 15 Feb. 1 3 Feb. 4 5 Nar. 8 1, May 1 3 May 14 5 May 18 12 June 3 4 June S 11 June 15 18 June 17 9 June 29 2 July 1 3 July 2 6 Do. 2 July 6 4 July 28 7 Aug. 13 8 | Aug. 19 22 dug. 30 7 7 Sept. 7 6 Oct. 7 6 Oct. 21 2 Dec. 7 3 Feb. 9 10 Mar. 31 2 Apr. 28 4 Jun. 7 7 Jun, 16 5 Nov. 9 2 Nov. 11 6. Nov. 233 9 Nov. 26 1 Nov. 27 3 Apr. 16 7 Oct. 14 2 Feb. 23 6 Feb. 26 12 Apr. 2 8 Apr. 16 19 Apr. 23 4 May 6 9 May 6 5 May 24 1 June ] 12 June 19 3 July 21 14 Do. 15 Aug. 27 7 Sept. 11 4 Sept. 15 4 Sept. 28 5 Dec. 6 12 Dec. 7 1 Mar. 18 5 May 10 Sept. 13 12563م 14 A2640 A 2659 A7878 07879 A7894 A7957 A80.15 4 8020 18037 A8096 2510 A2638 28064 A 8092 A 1948 A2190 A7826 41282 A 1:19 A1373 A 2256 A 2324 A7817 A7867 A 7908 17918 A8303 A 7971 A8110 A 12-15 A1321 Aug. 2 32 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-New York, N. Y. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Apr. 12 Apr. 28 18 . Any 21 Arvidson, Albin Allen, George D Allen, S. J Appleby, William P.. Arvidson, John A Ahlers, John H Allison, S. M.... Anderson, Gustav Allen, James ... Anthony, John H. Avery, Fred G... Anderson, Jolin .. Anthony, Peter L... Adler, anton Allen, Charles E... Applegate, J.P Aldrich, William H.. Armstrong, R.J Arata, Angelo J Arnolu, George Aspinwall, J. A Alleu, John B. Arey, E.R. Anderson, H.O. Ackerly, Noah P. Atkins, Aarou E Abrams, S. A... Aumack, Charles K. Allen, George D Arena, Antonio. Atkinson, S. B.. Atwell, Frederick A. Allen, Nelson B.... Androvett, Daniel allen, William H.... Ahlers, Job R Allen, Sereno G. Ayre, Robert Ackerman, William. Beaupre, Edward Bernard, Walter J Bengtson, Hans P ... Branduw, Walter Betts, John Bunuell, Grant Brooks, Elias G. Baker, Stephen Butler, F. A Betts, Henry E Bowman, William F.. Bowman, L. A... Brodhead, Frederick K Brewster, J. W Beers, James R. Blakeman, Alfred ... Branagan, William Barton, Thomas... Barrett, William B Bradley, Charles P Bell, F. 1 Beujamin, William P Bloodgood, Lewis Benjamin, A. B Bieling, Robert Brewster, Charles S.... Brandor, Charles. Bartow, E. V.. Burus, James Breitfeld. Peter N Bagger, H. A Bravagan, Frank Burley, Joseph Briggs, Allison Barstow, H. 1. Brickley, Villiam C.. Boyd, Jol S... Brundage, Thomas S... Bailey, Robert.. Braisteil, J.L Bishop, Joshua Benthling, Julias. A1235 A1269 A1272 A1311 A1327 A1341 A1374 A 1535 A1567 A1582 A 1654 A1707 A1759 A1764 A1879 A 1892 A1990 A 1995 A 2152 A2232 A2243 2273 A2332 A 2426 A2474 A2487 A 2506 A 2530 A2542 A 2545 A2358 A2628 47895 A 8013 A8014 A8053 A 8059 A8103 A8109 A1230 A1233 A1250 A1254 A1261 A1276 A1299 A1314 A1324 A 1330 A1334 A1335 A 1345 A1349 A1363 A1367 A1372 A 1379 A1381 A1422 A1442 A1444 A1450 A1456 A 1461 A 1475 A14S5 A 1486 A1494 A 1508 A 1512 A1514 A1526 A 1530 A1532 A1539 A1569 A1572 A 1573 A 1598 A1611 A1627 3 | Jan. 12 15 Jau. 18 16 Do. 24 Jan. 23 2 Jan. 27 19 Jan. 29 8 Feb. 6 let Mar. 17 14 Mar. 23 22 Mar. 24 S Apr. 9 9 dpr. 17 9 A pr. 26 11 18 May 18 18 May 19 3 Junie 2 Do. 25 June 29 24 July 15 21 July 17 10 July 23 ñ dug. 4 11 8 Aug. 31 24 Sept. 3 11 Sept. S IS Sept. 13 11 Sept. 14 10 Do. 6 Sept. 16 19 Sept. 28 10 Nov. 1 23 Dec. 3 5 Do. 16 Dec. 10 8 Dec. 11 2 Dec. 27 9 Dec. 28 8 Jan. 11 4 Do. 3 Jan. 15 22 Do. 17 Jan. 16 5 Jan. 18 10 Jan. 21 28 Jan. 23 16 Jan. 26 6 Jan. 27 9 Do. 6 Jan. 28 9 Jau. 30 9 Tob. 1 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 6 12 Do. 7 Feb. 8 13 Do. 14 Tel. 20 15 Fel). 25 4 Feb. 26 20 Teb. 27 11 Do. 4 Mar. 1 11 Mar. 5 32 Mar. 8 16 Do. 23 Mar. 10 11 Mar. 12 12 Mar. 13 10 Mar. 15 23 Mar. 16 26 Do. 9 Mar. 17 17 Do. 14 Mar. 23 Do. S Do. 17 Mar. 29 42 Mar. 31 8 Apr. 5 Beckwith, Joseph. Blake, Henry Buckley, Michael F... Brackin, John .. Burger, E. Janies Bogart, Fraukc Bringe, Neils M Beckwith, S.T. Barry, William J Brown, Charles H. Bishop, Jolin H. Byers, James Brown, George FL Borden, Johu w Burns, Frauk P.. Bush, Edward Barrett, H. P Burns, John W. Barker, Willian Burvauk, John .. Brewster, Charles Bayles, Samuel H. Blaslaud, Fred R. Bridges, William Brooks, E. A.... Baker, Jeremiah Beruliardt, E. V Brandow, John A.. Bouker, William C Beckwith, George M... Boyd. John N.. Byxbee, Frederick L. Bohlen, Henry Bush, Jobu Bishop, George Bohlen, Andrew Brooks, R. B.... Borries, August Beyley, Edvard. Beebe, Henry Briggs, Grore S.. Bunker, H. G ... Barrett, De Witt. Beebe, W. V.... Boaz, R.B Bentley, S. V. P Baker, William H Brundage, James T Buckhout, William Burdick, Benjamin L Bolau, T. W.... Burns, John A.. Brandow, Warren Bowen, C. M.. Blair, William A.. Byxbee, Charles S Burrows, John H Barrett, R.J... Byrne, Harry J Bunce, C. M Briggs, Theodore B Beckwith, James M.. Briggs, M. K... Brower, James H. Brooks, Charles M Burns, James F Bewis, Henry. Bryan), George W Braisted, Abraham Baker, Morris Briggs, John E. Brown, John W Bucklout, L. D Brow, George E Bacon, William.. Butler, H. C.. Beatty, George W Byfield, Frederick Biaiuard, William P... Briggs, Frealon.. Blauch, Edward A1643 A 1644 A 1674 A1689 41717 A1724 41732 A1734 A1752 A1769 A1777 A1800 A1811 A1815 A 1874 A1880 A1902 1903 A1904 A 1911 A 1920 A1935 A1914 A 1963 A 1973 A1975 A 1987 A1993 A 2011 A 2013 A 2017 2023 A2030 A 2031 A2039 A2054 A2055 A2085 A 2004 A2095 A2111 A 2113 A2134 A2160 A2166 A 2174 A2189 A2213 A2219 A 2235 A 2253 A2266 A2285 A 2286 A2295 A2316 A2329 A2330 A2366 A 2369 A 2378 A2387 A2389 A2393 A 2403 A 2413 A 2425 A 2435 A 2461 A 2465 A 246S A2497 A2498 A 2504 A 2511 A2515 A 2522 A2557 A 2560 A2567 A 2581 13 Apr. 7 S Do. 11 8 Apr. 15 33 Apr. 19 10 Apr. 20 il Apr. 21 16 Do. 1 Apr. 24 9 Apr. 29 6 Apr. 30 17 May 5 19 May 7 5 May 8 17 May 17 13 May 18 8 May 21 18 May 22 15 Do. 24 L'o. 7 May 24 10 May 25 12 May 26 12 May 28 16 June 1 13 Do. Do. 24 June 2 15 June 5 10 June 7 9 Do. 15 June 8 8 Do. 11 Do. 14 Jue 10 13 June 11 23 June 14 5 June 17 15 June 18 15 Do. 16 June 22 19 Do. 2 June 27 12 June 29 21 June 30 21 July 1 15 July 6 16 July 10 10 | July 12 17 July 16 15 July 20 22 July 22 12 July 26 18 July 27 5 July 28 15 Aug. 2 16 Aug. 3 17 Aug. 4 15 Aug. 10 10 Aug. 11 21 Aug. 12 20 Ang. 14 28 Aug. 16 15 Do. 23 Aug. 18 6 Aug. 19 4. Aug. 21 12 26 Aug. 28 13 Aug. 30 9 Do. 12 Sept. 7 16 Do. 14 Sept. 8 10 Do. 19 Sept. 9 13 Sept. 10 12 Sept. 16 30 Do. 16 Sept. 18 6 Sept. 20 Aug. 23 17 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 33 Masters and pilots licensed-New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Blix. Lewis TV Bloomer, Isaac Bargy, G. AI Blooiner, C. A Bowman, E. A Burton, John J Bearse, Henry A Barles, E. E. Bush, Nicholas Bullock, Sheldon Bishop, Elbert F.. Betts, F. V Brandov, Edwin Bouton, Villiam H.. Bartlett, Sylvanus L Baird, John.. Branagan, C.T. Bunn, Ellis Broin, John Burns, Patrick Baird, R. J Browu, Thomas Braley, . D.... Barker, George R.. Boehm, John Bruder, Charles H. Bennett, William.. Bender, Philip P Brown, William Bui'ns, Tolix. Bradles, dmvrose. Beers, W. Leroy... Brinkerhoff, Cornel's H Baldwin, George. Berry, George 1 Bunt, Nerins N Barnes, George F Bockoven, George M Biddulph, Joseph A Barker, Edgar H Bassett, Joseph W Bauer, Jacob. Byrnes, Wºilliam.. Bullinger, Charles E.. Becle, Martin... Baker, Eleazer. Barstoly, John E... Bozeth, T. H Baulsir, Johu N Branagan, John. Baker, William F.. Brandow, George Baldwin, Elias B., Birilsall, Bergen Cazer, William. Craven, William E Cooper, J. N. Crossley, W. W Coleman. John J Corbeit, John H Cubberly, Daniel M.. Connors, William . Captain, Samuel S... Cameron, David. Coleman, M.J Cordsen, Cliristopher Cook, Joel A... Collrer, Dioses .. Castle, Charles E Clark, R. M Crockett, Frank P. Colville, George H. Chambers, William H. Churchill, John S.... Crimmins, P.J... Cox, James A.... Costello, Michael Chadwick, Joseph P... Carpenter, Hovard J.. Corson, James B. Callaway. Edvard .. A 2595 A 2009 A2610 A 2618 A2633 : A 2635 A2654 12660 A.2661 A2674 2677 A2689 12692 42695 A7811 17916 47824 A7836 A7841 87815 47851 A7862 A7869 A7887 17889 47893 A7909 47912 47921 A7941 A 7944 A7951 27960 A7961 47967 A7975 47981 47990 18000 18027 48039 S040 A8044 A 8045 A8046 28080 8085 A8078 A 8093 A8095 A $106 AS107 A8111 48116 A1215 A1935 211238 A1242 21.1249 41290 1303 A1306 A1313 1352 A1398 A1420 A1433 A1479 A1459 21484 41488 A 1489 A 1192 41506 1516 81519 A1527 41535 A 1552 41559 1587 15 Sept. 22 Carr, E. P..... 19 Sept. 24 Collins, George L..... S Do. Creighton, D.-I.. 20 Sept. 27 Conway, Ambrose 11 Sept. 30 Cox, William, jr 13 Do. Clary, Harry F 24 Oct. 1 Coon, alexander 11 Oct. 2 Campbell, Grant 1. Oct. 1 Clark, George. 35 Oct. 5 Cores, James H. 11 Oct. 6 Craig, W.N... 20 Oct. 9 Coffey, Thomas P 21 Do. Cassidy, Hugh. 16 Oct. 11 Cai peuter, E. D... 18 Oct. 1.1 Clark, Jesse F.. 15 Oct. 15 Cunuingham, Wm. H 13 Oct. 16 Crabbe. Cyrus E.. 13 Oct. 19 Conuer, Fenry P 19 Oct. 20 Cann, John W 18 Oct. 21 Clausen, Claus. 13 Do. Coffey, Daniel J. 6 Oct. Oct. 25 Cherry, Peter 25 Oct. 26 Couleu, Timothy 17 Oct. 29 Clark, Charles H 17 Do. Cook, d. J.. 11 Nov. 1 Carman, Edward 23 Nov. 8 Conklin, Willian .. 16 Nov. 9 Corwin, James B. 15 Nov. 10 Coleman, Blake W 17 | Nov. 15 Coley, George. 20 Do. Clarke, G. T 11 Nov. 17 Cameron, Jobu . 24 Nov. 19 Chase, H.M. 16 Do. Church, Jonn 15 Nov. 22 Cole, Benjamin A.. 18 Nov. 23 Chadwick, Joseph P... 10 Nov. 24 Conway, Thomas J.... 24 Nov. 26 Collyer, F.F.. '12 Nov. 29 Cox, William 17 Dec. 6 Colter. Thomas 12 Dec. 8 Carter, Charles II. 16 Do. Collyer, Robert 16 Do. Chipman, JI. T.. 332 Dec. 9 Conway, James M. 2 Do. Curtis, m. E. H.. 18 Dec. 17 Carpenter, George F 10 Dec. 20 Corwin, Setli 11 Dec. 16 Conner, James E 24 Dec. 21 Carley, James F 19 Dec. 22 Church, Jolin. 21 Dec. 27 Cochrane, James. 27 Do. Clark, VVilliam H. H... 29 Dec. 28 Cole, Charles L 7 Dec. 30 Cobb, Winfred B. 6 Jan. Clark, \Villian R 15 Jau. S Camp, Frederick A 17 J:un. 12 Cox, Jolin S..... 3 Jan. 13 Callister, Thomas B.... 13 Jau. 15 Cook, James T.. 6 Jan. 20 Cochran, TVilliam. 10 Jan. 22 Coutudy, E.J.. 20 Do. Cole, William. 25 Jan. 23 | Cavan, George 6 Feb. 2 Curran, Joliu 12 Feb. 15 Coster, F. J... 4 Feb. 20, Clinton, James A 26 Feb. 21 Churchill, Thomas. 14 Feb. 27 i Crossman, James A. 7 Mar. 1: Craumer, Joseph A.. 15 Mar. 6 Courray, Peter.. 14 War. 8 Conner, A.B.. 19 Do. Chase, George F 12 Mar. 9 Catherine, Theodore ... 11 Mar. 11 Cole. George E.. 6 Mar. 1.5 Chichester, Ira K..... 17 Do. Collins, Johu P 14 Mar. 16 Colter, John R..: 8 Mar. 17 Chase, Daniel C.... 10 Mar. 20 Calhoun, Charles R.... 10 Jlar. 22 Crowell, H. H.. Jar. 26 i Cramer, Samuel B A1594 21597 41606 A 1620 A 1630 A1639 A1652 11657 41669 1679 A1682 A1733 A1738 1755 A1761 A1799 A1814 A1818 A1830 A1833 A1840 A1813 A1816 41859 A 1878 A1882 A1888 A1936 A 1945. A1958 1967 41972 1976 AJ991 A 2009 42015 A 2018 A 2037 A 2038 A 2096 A 2097 A 2118 A2138 A2112 A2172 A2187 A2192 A2195 A 2201 12203 A2209 2223 A2230 2238 A2245 A2217 22255 2264 A2270 A2274 A 2310 A 2313 A2349 12350 A2379 2451 A2475 i A2186 # 2503 A2508 2513 A 2546 2578 A2586 A2601 A 2031 A2639 A2651 A2662 A 2665 A2670 7 Mar. 27 9 Do. 10 Mar. 30 12 Apr. 2 15 Apr. 5 11 Apr. 6 27 spr. 9 11 Do. 18 Apr. 12 3 Apr. 13 10 Apr. 14 13 Apr. 21 17 Apr. 22 15 Apr. 26 Do. 15 May 5 18 May 7 10 May Das 8 14 May 10 6 May 11 10 Do. 14 Do. :5 May 12 17 May 15 8 May 18 25 Do. 14 May 19 17 May 25 23 May 26 9 May 27 13 May 29 11 Do. 18 June 1 19 June 2 12 June 5 31 June 7 3 Do. 14 June 10 32 Do. 15 June 18 8 Do. 10 June 23 15 June 26 June 28 8 July 1 21 July 6 15 Do. 13 July July 7 10 Do. 25 July 8 15 July 9 26 July 13 20 July 15 10 July 16 25 July 17 20 July 19 18 July 20 18 July 22 10 Do. 11 July 23 15 July 31 12 Ang2 18 Aug. 6 16 Do. 17 dug. 13 19 Aug. 26 1S Aug. 31 17 Sept. 3 7 Sept. S 9 Do. 17 Sept. 9 14 Sept. 14 16 Sept. 20 10 Sept. 21 25 Sept. 23 19 Sept. 29 3 Sept. 30 20 1 2 Oct. 2 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 5 O 27 . Oct. 57- -3 34 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. diaster's and pilots licensed Ver Tork, V. F.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of) Date of license. issue. issue. Jan. A Conine, Charles J A7812 Carty, James 17 47858 Collins, John B A7871 Colton, Thomas A 7881 Clark, O. A. A7885 Carroll, Frank .. ATSS8 Cusbing, John A. R... A7929 Conine, Eli B A7955 Crowley, Orin V A7978 Crawford, Ellward A7984 Coogan, W.Frederick .. AS003 Cross, James J.... A 8004 Coles, Samuel 28025 Craig, James A8028 Cunningham, Robert H 8031 Cuvningham, Edward . A 8056 Culver, Robert C. AS063 Cbarlton, George T A 8091 Callaban, Francis A 8094 Corrigan, Daniel F. A8113 Dillon, John G.. A 1206 De Grott, William. A 1223 Dodd, TVilliam A 1231 Davies, William A 1236 Deats, Edvin 0. 1237 De Pay, Melrin. 112741 Dumont, A.T... A1331 Dimmers. Joseph A 1361 Deats, Charles & 1366 Deming, H.R A1377 Divine, Patrick A1435 Daly, Michael J... 11454 Dove, Jacob... A1476 Dick, Philip A]4x7 Decker, James F. A 1498 Davids, Ellis A1563 Deede, N. E... A1013 Detzel, Peter 11634 Dewing, George E 1705 Doust, E. d. 41722 Davis, TValter N A1813 Davis, S. W. A1835 Drake, Jacob B A 1839 Dreis, Richard A1845 Donovan, Oliver TV A 1849 Day, Abel P A1986 Dole, Ira E.. A 1912 Davis, Joseph W A 1918 Deats, James R A1947 Dwyer, John F A 1959 Degroot, R. P A1982 Davenport, Charles S.. A 2012 Dayton, Edwin A2073 Davis, Joseph P A 2074 Dawson, John J A2101 Downer, Abner 2125 Darling, Charles F A2133 Derendorf, Sanford B.. A2137 Dougherty, Daniel J... A2148 Donner, É.J. A2155 Deacon, M.F. A2159 Damers, John .. 2163 Deming, George E., jr A 2200 Daly, John... A2233 Daniels, James .. A2211 Davis. S. H. A 2260 Diefenbach, J.C A2268 Donovan, Timothy 2299 Dreyer, T. L A2327 Davis, S. H 42371 Doyle, B. E.. A 2101 Durie, James 42407 Dearstyne, Paul 42428 Dann, Nicholas 42434 Durham, William. A 2439 Dayton, Sereno T A2443 Demmary, John R A 2448 De Noyelles, Leri L... A2464 Davis. Charles W... A 2469 Deming, George A 2526 Doyle, Byron A 2569 19 Oct. 14 Duffy, John. 4 Oct. 25 Davis, A.J 7 Oct. 26 Delamater, George W. 22 Oct. 28 Douglass, John 20 Do. Daris, Baylies 16 Oct. 29 Dar, O. G 4 Nov, 12 Day: F.T 22 Nov. 18 De Nyse, Heury C 5 Nov. 23 Donos, Thomas J. 7 Nov. 24 Dar, John J 16 Nov. 30 Dailey. John B. 7 Do. Deakype, E. H.. 10 Dec. 6 Delaneyi James. 12 Do. Dunbar, Charles. 10 Dec. 10 Dumont, Tom... 12 Dec. 11 Deming, Willian H. 3 Dec. 13 Dolau, Lawrence 8 Dec. 20 Davis. James E.. 14 Dec. 21 Drake, Charles E.. 7 Dec. 29 Derby. Peter 11 2 De Norelles. Daniel... 15 Jan. 8 Downing. Edward P 14 Jan. 11 Everett, Charles P..... 24 Jan. 12 Eiseman, William. 27 Do. Eldridge, Tilliam H. 18 Jan. 18 Eldridge, Robert B..... 27 Jan. 27 Ellis, James. 11 Feb. 4 Emmons. James G 18 Feb. 5 Edgett. Tilliam I. 20 Feb. 8 Earls, George 12 Feb. 24 Enmous. Job V 5 Feb. 27 Ellis. R. B 7 Mar. 5 Edwards, John V.,,jr 23 Mar. 8 Eneas, Albert A 7 Mar. 10 Ellis, Charles A 23 Mar. 23 Eldridge, Janies 11 Apr. 1 Early, Thomas. 24 A pr. 6 Eldridge, E.L 29 spr. 17 Erans, Joseph L. 4 Apr. 19 Eldridge. R. d. 2 May 7 Edwards, Porter. 16 May 11 Edwards, Hiram.. 17 Do. Edwards, Amandus... 12 May 12 Eares, Colin S... S Do, Elkins, Alexander. 5 May 18 Easton, R. J... 16 Mar 22 Erans, Tilliam F... 8 May 24 Edwards, H. B 7 May 26 Erickson, Frank. 7 May 28 French, W. S 1s June 1 Freeman, E.R... 14 June 5 Forsyth, Alexander J. 21 June 15 Franklin, John 18 Do. Fagan, James, jr 12 June 21 Ford, TVilliam G. 31 June 24 Falion, James R. 13 June 26 Ferris, Andrew 17 Do. Francisco. R. F 16 June 29 Flannery, John J 28 June 29 Fitzgerald, Blichael.. 12 Do. Forbes. Joseph P... 6 June 29 Floyd, Wellington W 10 July 7 Foley: Patrick 8 July 15 Felver, Samuel F 18 Juls 16 Foster, Thomas N 12 July 21 Fairchild, Samuel G 21 July 22 Flannery, James T 15 July 29 Fitzgerald, Robert... 8 Fernald, S. D..... 13 Aug. 11 Finnerts, Edward 13 Aug. 17 Frank. Nicbolas 7 Aug. 18 Feeney, James 11 Aug. 23 Flord, Thomas R 17 Do. Froehlich, Charles 13 Aug. 24 Farrell, Thomas N.. 10 Aug. 25 Foster, Albert G. 14 Aug. 26 Ford, Joseph P 26 Aug. 30 Fountain, Joliu G.... 9 Fountain, John B.. jr... 15 Sept. 11 Floor, Theodore D 28' Sept. 18 Fielder. Benjamin. A2616 4 2019 Á 2630 A 2663 A 2671 A2683 A 2694 A7804 A7813 A7913 A7928 A7933 A7962 A7968 A8017 A8026 A8086 A 8067 A8074 8077 A8101 A8119 A1212 A1229 21307 A1319 A 1375 A 1491 1747 A1766 21861 A1974 A2033 A2126 A2154 12198 A 2202 A2325 A2390 A 2400 A 2423 2438 A 2535 A 2590 A2620 A2634 A7830 A7857 A 7945 A1234 A 1287 A 1302 A 1308 A 1328 41355 A1384 A 1388 A1397 A1409 1410 A1413 A 1423 A 1428 A 1555 A1581 A1596 41616 A1617 A]618 A1637 A 1668 A1742 A 1743 A1773 A1793 AJ823 A1836 A1852 A1865 A 1876 A1925 18 Sept. 25 29 Sept. 27 7 Sept. 28 24 OCT. 4 25 Oct. 5 15 , lict. S 25 Oct. 11 201 Oct. 13 4 Oct. 20 27 Nov. 9 19 Nov. 12 20 Nor. 13 19 Nor. 20 22 Nov. 22 16 Dec. 4 24 Dec. 6 12 Dec. 20 13 Dec. 14 21 Dec. 15 4 Dec. 16 18 Dec. 24 19 Dec. 31 6 Jan). 4 16 Jan. 7 6 Jan. 23 25 Jan. 25 18 Feb. 8 22 Mar. 8 3 Apr. 23 16 Apr. 28 19 May 15 12 June 1 8 June 9 17 June 24 6 June 29 15 July 7 9 Do. 5 Aug. 3 9 Aug. 16 17 Aug. 17 7 Aug. 21 9 Aug. 24 4 Sept. 13 8 Sept. 21 14 Sept. 27 8 Sept. 30 15 i Oct. 18 14 Oct. 23 7 Nov. 16 5 Jan. 12 20 Jan. 19 8 Jan. 22 17 Jan. 23 15 Jan. 27 10 Fel. 2 18 Feb. 10 11 Feb. 11 17 Feb. 15 9 Feb. 18 17 Do. 29 Do. 1 Feb. 20 13 Feb. 23 25 Mar. 20 12 Mar. 25 2 Mar. 27 6 Apr. 1 14 Do. 27 Do. 9 Apr. 6 22 Apr. 12 19 Apr. 22 8 Apr. 23 14 Apr. 29 15 May 4 17 May 10 + May 11 27 May 13 9 May 17 22 May 18 13 May 24 dug. 3 Aug. 31 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 35 Masters and pilots licensed— Vew York, V. 1.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.! issue. issue. Vame. No. of No. of! Date of license. | issue. issue. Do. Fritzer, Henry Ferdou. John Frear, Elting Fickett, Arthur C Fields, Horace Frost, Richard Flyun, William Fletcher, Joseph Freston, Thonias. Flannery, John Fish, William A Foster, Charles Flannery, William H Flynn, Charles. Fenlon, Thomas Fanning. E. Olin .. Fish, William E.. Froligh, Solomon H. Flood, Charles A.. Farrell, William Foland, Charles Fish, Henry C. Farley, John E. Finger, Henry L. Francisco, George N... Fulton, Alexander P... Fuller, Albert G Fori; John J... Gibson, George W Godner, William H... Gallagher, James A. Garrett, John Griftin, O.C.. Gibson, John Gannon, Joba. Gates, Charles A Gibson, John Golden, John Glasser, Harry Gaines, Charles Gegg, Henry W.. Gibbs, Seth D.... Green, Seaman Grace, Patrick Grant, Daniel J.. Grifling. W.F.. Gillin, P. M. Gibbs, Charles I.. Gabrielsen, August. Geasa, William Gully, John.. Golden, Isaac Gardner, Joseph A Groce, Melzar. Gallagher, Charles Grifling, George E Gross, Loring F Gorham, V.S.. Goodridge, Jobu C., jr. Griffin, Sylvester Goldsmith, William F. Grimes, William. Gully, John.. Garvin, James S Gifford, J. V.M Greeu, George W Gee', Erastus Gedney. William L Glover, H. H.. Gove, A.E. Gorman, William A. Garrett, James E Goldsmith, S. K.. Green, James Gibbs, a.cl Gilkinson, John H. Greenwood, George. Grace, I. P... Grntches, Jervis. Gibbons, John. Gerry. Elbridge T 41933 A1992 A 2008 A 2051 A 2067 A2122 A2173 42225 A 2279 A2309 A2311 A2340 A2345 42365 A2397 A 2398 42432 2516 A2573 42577 A 25881 A2597 22676 A7924 A7938 A7952 A8041 A8102 A1211 A1293 A1309 A1378 A1407 A1452 A 1464 A 1469 41513 A1533 A 1629 A1653 A1656 A 1664 A1678 A1691 A1728 A1740 A 1753 A1802 A1804 A1896 A1898 A1938 A 2066 A2068 A 2092 A 2140 A 2197 A2212 A2237 A3239 A 2280 A2287 A2321 A2336 A2370 A2372 A2462 A24SS A2531 A 2538 A2544 A2613 A 2642 A 2698 A7808 A7834 A 7866 A7898 A7976 A 8003 A 8008 22 May 25 Godfrey, N. W 14 June 2 Holden, Wyckoff 16 June Hallock, Vincent 7 June 11 Hillary, Niles... 16 June 15 Hudson, Albert N 10 June 23 Forton, William O.. 10 July 1 Hyde, Ardent.. 7 July 13 Harm, Louis. 16 July 24 Hartz, John 14 July July 31 Flickmann, A. L 17 Aug. 2 Hall. Stephen S. 25 Any 5 Elunter, Robert... 4 Do. Huntley: L. E... 3 Aug. 10 Hegeman, John R., jr. 8 Auy. 17 Hemstreet, Charles 18 Do. Hall, B. F 10 Aug. 23 Hart, Andrew 35 Sept. 9 Harry, A.J. 7 Sept. 18 Hulings, William.. 32 Sept. 20 Hill, Edwarıl 18 Sept. 21 Head, John McD 22 Sept. 22 Henderson, M.G 17 Oct. 6 Hall, G. V. 14 Nov. 11 Elamoud, John N. 9 Nov. 15 Hallock, C.H.. 15 Nov. 17 Howard. Joseph B... 21 Dec. 8 Helms, Leri.. 15 Dec. 27 Harding, Frank 3 Jan. 4 Haig, A. N... 15 Jan. 20 Hutton, William 12 Jan. 23 Hycle, John C... 16 Feb. 8 Hanavay, James 18 Feb. 18 Hager, Robert C.. 17 Feb. 27 Hagson, John.. 9 Mar. 2 Hayford, F. A 28 Mar. 3 Harens, Lorenzo 20 Mar. 15 Hobbie, Charles E 15 Mar. 17 Harrold, James 4 Apr. 5 Halsey, George S 14 Apr. 9 Hansen, Charles 12 Do. Hall, William H 13 Holmes, Charles H. 14 Apr. 13 Hamilton, Charles A.. 24 Apr. 15 Hutchinson, Joseph S. 12 Apr. 21 Horsman, Martin 9 Apr. 22 Hawkins. Charles A.. 6 Apr. 24 Hudson, John M.. 11 May 6 Hennessy, 0. F. 5 Do. Hilman, E. L 19 | May 19 Hamilton, John. 28 May May 20 Hubbs, Charles I 11 May 25 Hefferinan, James F.. 14 June 14 Howell, George G. 16 June 15 Hiller, Matthew 10 June 17 Howe, Robert M 7 June 28 Hubbard, A. H. 17 July 7 Haley, John B 17 July 10 Hazlett, A. V.. 17 | July 16 Hall, Alexander G 23 Do. Hanlon, Alexander 10 July 24 Familtou, William W.. 10 July 27 Hubbard, N. A... 12 Hawkins, A.M 7 Aug. 4 Hammond, George 25 Aug. 11 Hoagland, Wyckoff, jr 10 Da. Faraway, Lawrenco.. 25 Aug. 21 Hill, George H.. 10 Sept. + Harker, Stephen 1S Sept. 13 Hardy, E.J.. 17 Do. Hopkins, John. 10 Sept. 14 Hill, H. J 8 Sept. 24 Harper, George 19 Oct. 1 Hall, George L. 14 Oct. 12 Hubbs, James G. 14 Oct. 14 Hock, Philip... 22 Oct. 18 Hennessy, Andrew 12 Oct. 26 Hopkins, Charles 5 Nov. 1 Holley, John. 26 Nov. 23 Hale, A. W 13 Dec. 1 Hullee, William H.. 15 Do. ! Hull, N. A. A8118 A1216 A1218 A1219 A1220 A1239 A1258 A 1268 A1271 A1278 A 1291 A1317 A1332 A1343 A1392 A1394 21399 A1412 A 1432 A1436 A1463 A1473 A1480 A1481 A1531 A1540 A1570 A 1571 A1577 A 1599 A 1604 A1623 A 1638 A 1645 A1646 A 1655 A1658 A1670 A1681 A1683 A 1690 A1729 A1741 A1767 A1768 A1774 A1779 A1783 A1796 A 1805 A1821 A1841 A 1857 A1877 A1881 A 1883 A1890 A 1927 A1928 A1949 A 1979 A 2007 A2021 A 2027 A 2032 A 2043 A 2061 A 2071 A2078 A2079 A 2082 A 2084 A 2102 12107 A2144 A2145 A2182 A 2183 A2206 A2211 A 2224 14 Dec. 31 14 Jan. 5 8 Jan. 6 17 Do. 5 Do. 11 Jan. 12. 10 Jan. 16 4 Jan. 18 9 Do. 14 Do. 13 Jan. 19 20 Jan. 25 12 Jan. 27 5 Jan. 30 11 Feb. 15 16 18 Feb. 16 13 Feb. 18 19 Feb. 24 17 Do. 11 Mar. 2 8 Mar. 4 7 Mar. 5 14 Mar. 6 23 Alar. 17 15 Do. 14 Mar. 23 10 Do. 12 Mar. 25 30 Mar. 29 3 Dlar. 30 7 Apr. 2 21 Apr. 6 6 Apr. 8 6 Do. 6 Apr. 9 12 Do. 19 spr. 12 13 Apr. 14 14 Do. 13 Apr. 15 14 Apr. 21 21 Apr. 22 5 Apr. 28 27 Do. 10 Apr. 29 14. May 1 25 Do. 19 May 5 17 May May 6 6 May 8 5 May 11 11 May 14 13 May 18 22 Do. 25 Do. 24 May 19 16 May 24 :9 Do, 17 May 26 8 June 1 21 June 4 5 June 7 10 8 9 June 9 10 June 10 14 June 14 19 June 15 12 June 16 16 Do. 15 Do. 18 June 17 13 June 21 26 Juve 22 22 June 28 31 Do. 16 July July 3 3 Do. 25 July 9 23 July 10 16 | July 13 Apr. 10 Aug. 2 June 36 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. . dlaster's and pilots licensed--New York, N. F.-Continued. . Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nawe. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Hoagland, L. H Harrington, George. Hulphers, Johu G. Harrington, J.. Hallenbeck, C. E Hogan, James J... Hallock, H. B Harris, Charles F Hyer, Job E.. Elegevrald. John Hallenbeck, William. Hennessy, Joseph... Holliday, John... Higgins, Prescott P... Hallock, Edgar E Hearon. James.. Henry, Daniel M. Eladcock, T. M. Haparay, John.. Hallock, F.U Hiller, Adelbert Helf, Joseph Hawkins, George W. Higgins, Howard L... Hill, IP. S..... Harrey, Abrabam II. Harrington, Timothy Hall, W.A. Hennessy, James. Higgins, L. F Hillary, L.J Hamlen, Fred M. Hammond, Marcus d.. Hemstreet, Eugene. Haines, Peter, jr. Hanlon, Peter Hallenbeck, G. H Homniel, Alex. Halsey, Abram 0.G... Hall, Georgo T Haskill, Charles M. Hearon, Isaac... Hallock, alsher G .... Haraway, Jobi J Hughes, Jouu R Hodges, Henry I Hulsaver, Timothy. Hanlon, John. Hamilton, Harvey Holmes, Samuel Hyer, John... Håle, Charles M Hunt, William E... Isaacson, Andrew Itzeu, George T Irelan, lieubeu Jenney, Nathau H. Jansen, Neils. Jolipson, Charles G.. Johansson, d. J.. Johnson, Frank Jennings, Sylvester June, Alexander W... Jayne, Austiu Jackson, Joseph i Jeffrey, Leander Johnson, Theodore C.. Jenks, Joseph.. Johnson, August Jones, George F Jackson, Carll. Jobuson, L. Gerrish... Johnson, C. B. Jayne, d. TV.. Jensen, Lonis M. Johnson, F.d Jenks, Julius. Jacobs, B.F.. Johnson, Emil K Jones, Williana Joice, Thomas A2236 22.12 A 2249 A2271 42277 22290 A2:302 42307 A2308 2328 A2331 A2339 A2384 A2396 A 2399 A 2410 A2418 A2419 42136 24-19 A 2403 $2471 A2173 A 2482 A 2502 42507 A2521 A2551 A2571 A 2593 A 2007 A2615 A 2668 A 2693 A7802 47803 A7814 A7896 47916 A7919 17947 A7985 A8010 AS012 A8016 A8019 A8022 A8052 A 8083 18084 AS065 18069 A8070 A 1565 A 2064 A 2380 11280 A1292 A1305 1333 A 1338 A 1395 A1458 1468 41549 2 1633 A 1650 A1699 1850 1895 A1922 A1930 A 2020 A2284 A 2337 2127 12144 A 2608 12649 417910 A7964 16 July 16 Johnson, Jolin E..... 21 July 17 Jarvis, Benjamin 21 July 19 Jaycox, Dyer S.. 19 July 22 Killmer, John L. 17 July 24 Keyser, Levis 12 July 21 Kelly, R. B 16 July 30 Kellam, Eli A.. 31 Do. Kabler, Otto 22 July 31 Kinner, John H.. il · Aug. 3 Kavanagh, Edward 25 Aug. 4 Kimble, Joseph A 5 Do. Koller, Charles H 18 Ang. 14 Keyes, Thomas 6 dug. 16 Knott, Edwin.. 22 Aug. 17 Kennedy, James P..... 20 Aug. 19 Kerney, Montgomery M 18. Aug. 20 Kaba, laxvell.. 10 Do. Kipp, Leonard .. 11 Aug. 23 Kave, William 15 Aug. 26 Kelly, William H 13 dug. 28 Kenns, Neil 26 aug. 31 Keut, William H.. 20 Do. Kirkland, Robert 15 Sept. 2 Keeler, Vincent. 15 Sept. 7 Knapp, John ? 10 Sept. 8 Keyes, James 11 Sept. 10 Kelly, John. 4 Sept. 15 King, Francis.. 13 Sept. 18 Kenelly, John J. 23 Sept. 22 Keegan, Edward F. 10 Sept. 23 Kruse, Heury L. 6 Sept. 25 Kelly, Lemuel R. 9 i Oct. 4 Kirby, Mark. 19 Oct. 11 Kuudsen, L. M 12 Oct. 13 Kuiffeu, C. H... 16 Do. Kenney, George E 19 Oct. 15 Kane, John .. 16 Nov. 1 Kelly, Bernard. 16 Nov. 9 Knapp, Roswell M 18 Nov. 10 Kelly, John H... S Nov. 16 Keller, Robert B 12 Nov. 24 Kretzner, A.C 12 Dec. 2 Kay, J. Nevins 9 Dec. 3 Kerr, David A. 1:) Dec. 4 Kinney. James M 10 Do. Keene, John J. A 10 Dec. 6 Kelly, Michael... 14 Dec. 10 Kenney, William B.... 19 Dec. 20 Luckenbach, Edward .. 8 Do. Lewis, George W.. 14 Dec. 14 Luther, Horace 13 Dec. 15 | List. Willian A .. 16 Do. Luther, Thomas B 6 Mar. 23 Lockwood. Henry i June 17 Leonard, Peter 19 dug. 13 Lowberg, Samuel 21 Jan. 19 Limond, William S 1 Jan. 201 Ludlam, J.S J.S... 11 Jan. 22 Letts, Moses d. 8 Jau. 27 Lake, Edırarrl F. 1 Jan. 28 Leroy, Henry D 8 Feb. 15 T.ee, TVilliam E 4 Mar. 1 Leonard. IV.F... 13 Mar. 3 Laughlin, Joseph 31 Mar. 19 Loesch. James A 8 Apr. 5 Lind, Charles. 8 Apr. 8 Lockwood, William 26 Lucas, James L.. 11 May 12 Leouard, DI, H.. 21 Nay 19 ! Lane, T. R 12 May 24 Lord, James 8 Lent, William (.. 23 June 7 Lamscha, Herman 27 | July 26 Lawrence, Olef M.. 7 Aug. 4 Lyon, John 8 Aug. 23 Loring, Walter G 11 Aug. 25 Loring, William G.. 3 Sept. 23 Long, J. V.P.... 11 Oct. 1 Leary, Dennis 17 Nov. 8Lewis, James F 11 Nov. 22 il Lake, Lehman B.. A8050 A 8051 A S088 A1232 A1263 1270 12941 A1301 11320 41387 A1404 A1434 11478 1392 11609 A1636 A1708 A1820 41831 A1908 A1952 A 2005 A2038 A 2060 A 2088 A 2283 A 2298 A2326 A 2360 A 2386 A2408 42452 A 2512 'A 2548 A2556 A 2596 42603 A2656 A 2666 A7877 27899 A7926 A7927 17931 27939 27969 A8082 A8104 A1205 A1209 A1214 1248 1259 1298 A 1316 A1346 A 1385 11396 A1403 A1446 A.1457 A1774 A1495 A1509 41541 A 1556 A 1568 A 1575 41584 11585 A1620 16.31 A1673 A1698 A 1700 A 1701 À 1711 A1739 A 1756 A1772 21778 11 Dec. 10 8 Do. 22 Dec. 20 18 Jan. 11 10 Jan. 16 22 Jan. 18 28 Jan. 20 12 Jan. 22 19 Jan. 26 25 Feb. 11 9. Feb. 17 27 Teb. 24 13 Mar. 5 8 Mar. 27 S Mar. 31 18 Apr. 6 16 Apr. 17 32 May 8 12 May 11 17 May 22 24 May 27 15 June 4 20) June 8 10 June 14 18 June 17 15 | July 26 19 July 29 15 | aug. 3 3 Aug. 9 20 Aug. 14 12 Aug. 18 26 Aug. 27 4 Sept. 9 5 Sept. 14 14 Sept. 16 16 Sept. 22 6 Sept. 23 11 Oct. 1 16 Oct. 4 5 Oct. 27 18 Nov. 3 12 Nov. 11 3 Do. 3 Nov. 12 12 Nov. 15 21 Nov. 22 14 Dec. 18 12 Dec. 27 20 Jan. 2 25 Jan. 20 Do. 13 Jan. 15 27 Jan. 16 31 Jan. 21 20 Jan. 25 11 Feb. 1 17 Kel). 3.0 21 Feb. 15 17 Feb. 17 12 Feb. 27 13 Do. 7 Mar. if 12 Mar. 10 16 Mar. 12 5 Mar. 18 7 Mar. 20 12 Mar. 22 8 Mar. 24 18 Alar. 25 19 Mar. 26 14 Apr. 2 21 Apr. 5 17 | Apr. 8 A pr. 16 10 Do. 9 Do. 13 Apr. 17 15 24 Apr. 26 22 Ajr. 29 7 Apr. 30 Apr. 16 Do. Apr. 12 Apr. 22 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 37 Masters and pilots licensed-New Fork, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse.issue. issue. Apr. 23 Apr. 25 Apr. 26 Aug. 25 Love, Isaac A A 1784 Littlefield, William, jr. A1791 Leiris, John R... A1810 Lund, Hans A1816 Lawson, Louis Louis .... A 1872 Longstreet, Charles H. A1937 Lyons, M. Í A1933 Loader, Charles. A1971 Leek, John R *1986 Larsen, Hans M A]998 Lyons, William A 2063 Luttgen, Walther. A2127 Longstreet, Moses E.. A2128 Lansing, William Al... A2153 Langley, William H. A2156 Larian, Newtou. A 2204 Lundberg. Honry A 2248 Luce, R. H A 2267 Love, D). I A2276 Littlefield, W. B.. A2304 Leighton, Charles P., A2368 Larsen, Andrew A 2373 Lewis, R. H.. A2377 Lowell, W.B..... A2424 Lounsberg, Joseph P.. A 2431 Lasher, Robert É. A2433 Lapsley, Claud A 2441 Luther. Andrew B.. A2453 Loir, William B.. A2455 Lockwood, Wm. F. F A 2490 Lawson, Van Voorhis P A 2493 Lloyd, Theodore P.... A2494 Leech, John A2559 Lamb, Joseph B. A7844 Low, George T.. 47882 Langton, James A..... A7902 Loucks, Henry s A 7915 Leach, William A 7920 Lacy, William A7956 Lobdell. Joseph R A7973 Lamb, Joseph. A7979 Lautare, Fernan A7982 L’Homwedieu, Jno. W A 7991 Lind, E.G. A7993 Lewis, William H.. A7995 Long, Abram K. A S002 Lynch, John A8035 Lawson, Thomas. A 8057 Leek, John R.. A 8079 Moon, Frederick.. A1213 McGaughey, Denis A1243 McCarty, John. A 1257 McCarroll, John J. A1279 McCarty, Daniel A1284 Millner, William. 21312 McKillop, Michael... A1318 McClain, Daniel. A1322 Monroe, Duncan A1325 Meehan, John A A1342 McAllister, Charles E.. A1347 Matthews, George E... A1358 McAllister, James T... A1371 Miller, Cland .... A1393 Milliken, GN 1408 Mott, William E. A1416 Marsh, A bram H A1424 Moguin, William C A1440 McKeon, Miles A1453 Miller, Robert A1472 Multee, James L.. A 1479 McDaid. B. J A 1534 Moran, William A 1548 Miller, Frederick C.... A1553 Melvin, B. D... A1557 Moore, John C .. A 1362 Mackey, George A 1593 Morey, John T.. A1595 Meyers, Charles A1001 Morrisey, William A 160S Morton, Sherwood A1621 Mallison, C.W... A 1041 22 May May 3 McGinniss, Patrick.... 15 Do. Miller; Leonard 10 May 7 Mouell, Abram B 11 May 8 Musier. George M 11 May 17 Macbetli, Barksdale ... 23 May 25 Marell, É. J. 9 May 27 McNall, Solomon J 6 May 29 Morris, T. L. 27 June 1 McGuire, James 8 June 3 Merritt, Henry 5 June 14 Morris, E.T 5 June 24 Miller, Patrick 26 Do. Mattheirs, Joseph H... 20 June 28 Mott, Stephen W 7 June 29 Mitchell, Abram 29 July July 9 Moore, John C... 4 July 19 Moriarty, James 14 July 22 Miles, A. M 18 July 24 | Montell, C.F. 18 ) July July 30 Marshall. John 13 Aug. 10 Monks, Patrick . 19 Aug. 11 Miller, Nicholas 15 Aug. 12 McEwen, Alexander ... 6 Aug. 21 MacKenzie, Harry 22 Aug. 23 Miller, Charles. 12 Do. Monfort, John H. 10 Martin, S. G 8 Aug. 27 McFarlane, James A.. 31 Do. McDonald, E. Harvey 14 Sept. Sept. 3 Moore, Edward 8 Sept. 7 Martin, Julius C 17 Do. Moriarty, Daniel. 8 Sept. 16 McCormick, George S.. 8 Oct. 21 ; McIntyre, Henry 8 Oct. 28 Morrow, Charles 27 Nor. 4 Mosier, Henry 11 Nov. 9 McMullen. Joseph 8 Nov. 10 Maxwell, William 6 Nov. 18 Mitchell, Willianı F 17 | Nov. 23 McClellan, Edward 17 Do. Munger, D. N 25 Nov. 25 McLaren, Charles. 25 Nov. 26 Marcus, David.. 6 Nov. 27 Morris, E. A 18 Do. Morrell, William F 4 Nov. 30 Magee, Nelson. 11 Dec. 7 Mitchell, Joseph 24 ! Dec. 11 Miller, F.A.. 27 Dec. 16 McGugart. George E... 7 Jan. 4 Miller, C.B.. 5 Jan. 13 McAvoy, Arthur 26 Jan. 16 Morton, George 3 Jan. 18 Maynard, John 19 Jan. 19 Mack, Daniel W 16 Jan. 23 Milliken, E.J ... 19 Jan. 25 Maber, James. 15 Jan. 26 Miller, John J 3 Manley, Charles 16 Jan. 29 Morris, William 27 Feb. 1 Morrell, James... 12 Feb. 3 McElwee, W.B. 8 Feb. 6 MCATOF, Edvard. 5 Feb. 15 McIntosh, John.. 21 Feb. 18 Martin. J. C.. 14 Feb. 19 McIlvaine, Charles 15 Teb. 20 Mead, Jacob... 13 Feb. 24 Mulvaney, Michael.. 27 Feb. 27 Morton. William. 14 Mar. 4 Miller, William. 20 Mar. 5 McAvoy, Richard... 10 Mar. 17 Merritt, Joseph R 12 Mar. 19 McCourt, Edward 17 Mar. 20 McLaughlin, George. 4 Mar. 22 Mills, Thomas H. 11 Mar. 23 Murphy. Augustus 13 Mar. 27 Muun, O. F.. Do. Martens, K.F.. 16 Mar. 29 McBride, Frank J 13 Mar. 21 Morrell, Samuel.. 14 Apr. 2 Meeks, H. H. 15 Apr. 7 McLeod, James S. F.. A1647 A1651 A1661 A 1667 A1687 A1693 A 1709 A1715 A1744 A1749 A1751 A 1758 A1776 A1795 A1801 A1819 A1851 A 1867 A1891 A1905 A1907 A 1909 A 1922 A1950 A1966 A 1984 41997 A 2024 A 2048 A 2052 A 2053 A 2059 A2086 A2089 A 2103 A2108 A 2119 A2121 A 2125 A2162 A2193 A2196 A2216 A 2227 A2231 A2240 A 2259 A2272 A2281 A2282 A 2294 A2317 A2342 A 2375 A2392 A 2412 A 2416 42447 A2450 A 2454 A 2458 A 2477 A 2483 A2509 A 2529 A2541 A 2562 A 2572 A 2583 A2591 A 2598 A 2599 A 2621 A 2623 A2647 A2653 A 2652 A 2058 A 2673 A 2686 A 2690 19 Apr. 8 1 Do. 18 Apr. 10 15 Do. 4 Apr. 14 13 Apr. 15 11 Apr. 17 31 Apr. 19 25 6 Do. 25 30 13 Apr. 30 17 | Day 5 16 Mar 23 May May 8 6 | May 12 8 Mar 17 8 May 19 20 May 22 14 Do. 16 Do. 8 Mar 25 14 May 26 19 May 28 14 June 1 24 Jue 3 5 June 8 25 June 11 16 Do. 19 Do. 10 June 14 15 June 17 18 Do. 12 June 21 16 June 22 19 June 23 11 Do. 11 June 26 25 June 29 12 July 6 10 ) July July 7 22 July 10 22 July 14 19 July 15 32 July 16 4 July 21 19 July 23 8 July 24 22 July 26 13 July 28 13 Aug. 2 18 Aug. 5 2 Aug. 11 20 Aug. 16 20 dug. 19 12 Aug. 20 17 Ang. 26 12 Do. - 16 Aug. 27 15 Do. 13 Sept. Sept. 1: 24 Sept. 2 10 Sept. 8 26 Sept. 11 12 Sept. 14 20 Sept. 17 4 Sept. 18 20 Sept. 21 13 Do. 8 Sept. 23 14 26 Sept. 27 6 Do. 16 Oct. 1 14 Do. 7 Do. 10 Oct. 2 26 Oct. 5 18 Oct. 8 9! Oct. 9 Do. 2 Do, 24 38 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-New York, N. F.-Continued. Name. | No. of No.of Date of license. , issue. issue.' issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 1 1 McKnight, John A7801 McGoldrick, lichael A7806 McGill, Daniel J.. A7818 Meehan, Patrick 47818 McGoldrick, George $7801 Minerly, Charles.... 47870 May, Peter. AT8801 Miller, T.J .... A7897 Mason, George W #7903 Morrell, L. L A7906 Martin, W.L A7907 Monahau. James. A7935 McLaughlin, Patrick A7943 McKee, Joseph A7987 Mills. Theodore.. A7999 McCarthy, George W. A8011 Marshall, Joseph v.0.1 A8032 Minton, William D.. A8054 Merritt, Daniel A8055 Mitchell, Joseph. A8072 McClain, Michael H. 28105 Nelson, Joseph K... A1255 Nelson, R. M. 41357 Nichols, Johu. A1386 Nickerson. Caleb G A1137 Nalts, Daniel A1462 Nash, Charles J A 1576 Norton, J.C.. A1615 Nichols, C.F., A1628 Nichols, John . 1695 Nores, A. K A1704 Norton, Freeman F A 2058 Nordberg, E. M A2062 Nelson, Gustav A2116 Nichols, James B. A2150 Nickerson, Henry 0. 821791 Nielsen, Haus J 12185 Nickerson, G. F A2348 Nelson, Christopher 22357 Noble, William N. A 25191 Nichols, E.D 42566 Nichols, John F 42568 Nicholson, L. E A 2684 Nicholson. George B. A7856 Nichols, Charles E... $7892 Nelson. Samuel A7997 Noves, George A8120 Olsen, Neils.. 41203 : Overton, William 41247 O'Brien, James .. A1360 Olinstead, George T.. 41414 Ockerman, Charles. 11448 : Olsen, Gustav A1502 O'Brien, Thomas A 16:12 Osborn, Moses, jr 1858 Orerton, H. B.. A1863 O'Brien, Gordon 1900 O'Loughlin, David... 1942 O'Connor. Philip.. A2049 Osborn, William R.. 42081 1 Osborn, F.G.... A2167 1 O'Brien, John. A2169 Overton, W.H.. 42391 O'Brien, Anthony A 2551 Onkeu, G.F.. A 2612 O'Riordan, P.J A7823 O'Neil, Robert A7832 Prissey, William A 11221 Page, Edward T.. 41280 Pront, John... 41285 ! Peterson, Nicholas. A 1300 Pateman, Thomas A 13-10 Petterson, August A1369 Peterson, Abraham A1391 Percy, Harry P. A1106 Parker, Edwin F.... 11415 : Pattersou. Howard A1483, Phillips, Samuel F.. A1493 Payne, Edwin S.. A1496 Phillips, William H... 41512 Pearce. Warren.. A1543 Oct. 13 Prestou, Moses L.. A1554 31 Do. Patterson, E.O. A1558 5. Oct. 15 Pruitt, Jobn E. A1364 28 Oct. 21 Pratt, E. V A1602 5 Oct. 25 Pearsall, David A1603 16 Oct. 26 | Parisen, Tvilliam J William ... A1635 8 Oct. 27 | Post. Millard F 1 A 1662 11 Nor. 1 || Parker, Joseph A1684 15 Nov. 4 Pearsall, Oliver H d1692 20 Nov. 6 Pendleton, William F. A1716 13 Do. Perrain, Nicholas A1730 17 Nor. 15 Petty, Z. E.... A1748 28 Do. Phelan, John A1782 26 Nov, 26 Partelow, Charles G A1847 10 Nor. 29 Paunkake. R. V... A1919 16 Dec. 2 Phillips, F.T... A 1926 8 Dec. 7 Peck, Solomon A1934 6 Dec. 11 Pease, John A 21968 15 Do. Platt, C.C.. A 1994 20 Dec. 15 Pearce, Charles A. A1999 11 Dec. 27 Poirers, E.R.... A 2035 2 Jan. 15 Parkinsou. Frederick.. A 2093 4 Feb. Price, J. Lawrence.. A 120 11 Fel. 11 Paige. Thomas H. A2149 30 Fel. 23 Peteler, George W.. A 2184 20 Mar. 2 Phillips, Abrabam A2214 12 Mar. 21 Pitt. Thomas A2221 16 Apr. 1 Peterson, Irel A 2292 9 Apr. 5 Pugh, James E. 4:2312 10 : Apr. 15 Pennington, F. P A2314 10 s pr. 17 Peterson. Alrie. A2335 9 June 11 Packard, DelVitt C. 2347 8 Do. Post, Henry A2356 20 June 28 Pearsall, Ciarles A 2409 12 Do. Posey. F. B.... 42411 20 July 2 Punell, William B A2446 3 July 6 Pierson, l'illiam R.... A2461 5 5 | Aug. 5 Phillips. Nicholas A2472 18 Aug. 9 Paul, Hiram J.. A2485 3 Sept. 9 Pearse, William H. A2199 18 Sept. 17 Park. D. d.... A2587 19 Sept. 18 Parisen, Charles 2024 20 Oct. S Peene. Joseph, jr. 12648 14 I et. 22 Purir, R.F. A 2687 12 Oct. 30 Phippany, Joseph A 2688 17 Nov. 29 Parisen, Charles E.. A 2696 Dec. 31 Price. R. FI 22697 9 2 Peterson, Edward A7807 8 Jan. 14 Pawson, Janies A 7810 9 Feb. + || Peck, George W 17819 24 Feb. 19 Pederson, Rasmus 17847 10 Feb. 27 Prescott, C. D... 17883 12 Alar. 11 Parks, Charles R A7905 23 Apr. 7 Pinsino. Joseph.. A7925 7 May 15 Pullen, Fred H. 27936 11 Do. Patts01), Julius A d7946 5 May 21 Post, R.J... 47992 13 Hai 26 Phoenix, Lloyd 48021 7 June 11 Peet. William A 8042 15 June 16 Provost. Elmer L. A 8060 12 Jope 30 Pennington, Lewis TV 28089 15 July 1 Peene, Stephen R..... 18114 5 dug. 16 Petterson, John. 8117 11 Sept. 15 Quirk, James 41376 6 Sept. 24 Quick. Robert B 41427 of Oct. 16 Quigley, Thomas A1844 9 Oct. 18 Quin), William. 2.2105 9 Jan. 7 Quinn, Charles M. A2617 6 Jan. 16 Rednand, Michael M. 1201 3 Jan. 19 Rowland, T. V .. 41241 13 Jan. 21 Risk, Julia R d1252 Jan. 29 Russell, John... 4253 3 Tel. 6 Reynolds, Frank S A1277 13 Feb. 15 Rogers, Robert.. A1291 5 Fel). 17 Risley, amos E. A1336 15 Feb. 19 Rooder, Bernard A 1344 14 Mar. 6 Righter, Levis G A1356 10 Mar. 9 Reagen Daniel.. 1359 23 Mar. 10 Robbins, Darius A 1364 16 Mar. 18 li Remmer, William H. ... A1368 9 Do. Rowland, George E.... 21402 ! 8 Mar. 20 g Mar. 22 S Mar. 23 15 Mar. 29 22 Mar. 30 28 Apr. 6 7 Apr. 10 20 Apr. 14 28 4pr. 15 15 Apr. 19 27 Apr. 21 9 Apr. 23 2 May 1 8 May 12 11 May 24 13 Do. 24 May 25 20 May 29 8 June 2 17 Juno 3 1S June 10 8 June 18 12 June 23 20 Juno 28 13 July 6 27 | July 10 13 July 13 11 July 28 20 Aug. 2 11 Do. 6 Aug. 4 10 Aug. 5 18 dug. 9 14 | Aug. 18 16 Aug. 19 18 dug. 25 19 dug. 28 25 dug. 31 9 Sept. 3 16 Sept. ☺ 11 Sept. 21 19 Sept. 28 17 Oct. 1 2 Oct. 8 12 Do. 1 7 Oct. 12 11 Do. 10 Oct. 14 21 8 (ct. 15 19 Oct. 21 7 Oct. 28 17 Nov. 6 16 Nov. 11 7 Nov. 15 12 Nov. 16 6 Nov. 27 6 Dec. 6 22 Dec. 8 17 Dec. 13 16 Dec. 20 22 Dec. 29 11 Dec. 30 10. Feb. 8 19 Feb. 23 10 May 11 15 June 21 11 Sept. 25 15 2 10 Jan. 13 23 Jan. 15 19 Do. 14 Jan. 18 12 Jan. 20 17 Jan. 28 S: Jan. 30 26 Feb. 3 15 Do. 10 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 9 Feb. 16 Jan. Do. Jan. on 11 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 39 Masters and pilots licensed-Vew Jork, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Radenburyh, Alex'nder Rowland, Heavlon Risk, James L... Reynolds, J. W Rove, Solomon.. Robinson, Judiah Rose, W.J .... Reynolds, Thomas Rifenburgh, Ephraim Q.. Rafferty, Timothy Rhodes, Urias.... Roberts, John B Reeves, Abinal K Rick, Henry Rohrle, Henry Kelrea, IV.D Richards, Thomas B ... Rich, A. V. Rowland, E. M... Rayner, C. H Raymond, William H. Redmond, William F Reagan, Willian J Rowland, George H... Relyea, A.D.... Riseclorf, S.J ... Raynor, Hiram Riley, Fred S Rose, Joseph. Ryan, Daniel. Rulfs, F.B.. Robins. R. E. L. Reynolds, George A Roe, J.P. Royers, George E. Ronland, George H... Robinson. William. Rogers, George O Rockefellow. Arthur'... Ross, William T... Rollinson, Joseph S... Requa, Samuel... Raynor. E. B..... Russell, James J. Ryan, Timotby Roche, David Relyea, L. D Ranney, T.J... Rochester, George Radican, Patrick Reid, A. A Raymond. L. E... Ross. L. M Richardson, Lamon C.. Reichert, Jacob C... Robinson, John P.. Ranolph, R. F Ripler, Charles E... Raynsford, Fitch Roche, Patrick... Ripley, William G... Rogers, William C. Ray, FN. Res. Harry Rodeu, George. Rector. Lonis R... Russell, Edward. Russell, Archibald D Rayner, William E .. Rogers, Frederick Relyca, Hiram D.. Sinius. Jerome Studrell, Edvin F... Smith, Joseph C Sarrers, Nathan D... Schoonzuaker, Isaac.. Simonson, Reuben Scully, Jolin Sheliirake, John Smith, Henry S. Sherman, H.'P ... A1417 A1503 A 1505 A1318 A1528 A1561 41580 A1625 41672 A1754 A1787 21797 A 1805 A1824 11899 A1910 1951 41955 A1961 A1964 A1970 A 2000 A 2003 A2010 A2022 2026 A 2040 A 2016 42104 42106 A2136 A2180 42228 12251 2254 A 2261 2269 A2293 A2297 42300 A2323 A2381 2476 42505 A 2520 22524 A 2532 2534 42537 42539 42361 22575 A2606 2627 2641 A2644 2057 12691 A7822 47827 47835 47840 A7856 47890 A7970 17989 A 8001 S061 48095 A8108 A8115 41217 di226 41401 A1207 A1222 A1224 12.10 d1251 11256 11267 3 Fub. 27 Stuart, E. V... 13 Mar. 11 Stanwood, Henry 12 Do. Smith, T.J.. 23 Mar. 15 Seeley, Henry M 18 Mar. 16 Siliman. John D 9 Mar. 22 Styles, James & 3 Mar. 25 Smith, Joseph C 10 Apr. 2 Scully, John J 18 Apr. 12 Smith, George H. 11 Apr. 26 Seaman, William M. 6 May 3 Seguine, John J 6 Mas 5 Staples, William J. 24 May 6 Sarage, George C 23 May 10 Sprague, Samuel 16 May 21 Sprague, Heury. 8 May 22 Schatsel, John E. 8 May 27 Slattery, Joseph 8 Do. Shackford, J. Î 13 May 28 Savage. Eli J 8 Do. Smith, F.J.. 16 May 29 Schultz, W.L. 11 June 3 Spoor, Casper. 8 Do. Stokes, Thomas M.. 17 June 5 Simms, Edward. 25 June 7 Sotield, C. V.. 20 June 8 Smith, Cornelius H. 6 June 10 Stucker, Benjamin F 14 Do. Sturtevant, John B 12 June 21 Studell, Joseph ( 16 Do. Suedaker, A.O.. 9 June 26 Smith, Anning 12 July 2 Stinson, Robert B..... 9 July 14 Scott, Bernard S 7 | July 19 Siuith, S. IV.. 10 July 20 Spears, Thomas. 13 July 21 Satterly, E.J 15 July 22 Smith, George F 11 Juls 28 Sofield, George.. 15 Do. Sireeney. Daniel T 15 July 29 Shay, James 15 Aug. 2 Sylrester, R. G. H. 21 dug. 13 Seaman, J. L... 19 Sept. 1 Sauford, Borden 17 14 Sept. 8 Stinson, William P 16 Sept. 10 Sterritt, John McG 18 Do. Spencer, James O 24 Sept. 13 Salair, Jolin N 26 Do. Skilliny, Henry & 17 Du. Shannon, Michael. 15 Sept. 14 Skidmore, C. EL 6 Sept. 17 Smith, Alonzo R.... 11 Sept. 20 Steelman, Mulford M.. 24 Sept. 23 Sirrine, John E.. 30 Sept. 28 Silver, C.D. 5 Sept. 30 Sullivan, William F... 7 i Out. 1 Stevens, Gcorge 25 Oct. 2 Schmiilt, Henry R 11 1 Oct. 9 Sullivan, Timothy 7 Oct. 16 Shafer, Tbomas 12 Do. Smith, Louis H. Oct. 18 Sotield, George W.. 20. Oct. 19 Sletter, Lorenzo 16 Oct. 29 Stevens, Charles E. 18 Do. Shadwick, William 26 Nov. 22 Summers, Janes T 10 Nov. 26 Smith, George 17 Nov. 29 Simms, George. 4 i Dec. 13 Slater, TT.D 12 Dec. 24 Swarts, T. C 9 Dec. 28 Stephens, C. G 9 Dec. 30 Seeley, John 20 Jan. 5 Smith, Villiam A. 1S Jau. S Simmons, John H 13 Jan. 16 Sullivan, James. 30 Jan. Simms, James E 20 Jau. 7 Sarls, David 17 Jau. Smith, John A 18 Jan. 13 Slater, George P 6 Jan. 15 Stevens, James I... 16 Do. Smith, Charles a 22 Jan. 18 Sparks, William A1289 A1295 A1326 41350 41351 41382 d1401 d1105 A1429 41430 21438 41.143 41460 41477 A1497 A1499 A1520 81523 A1525 * 1520 A 1560 41578 A1588 A1589 A 1590 41607 41619 21624 41640 41659 1663 A1671 A1677 21680 41686 A1706 A1736 A1737 11745 21760 A 1770 A1790 41827 1928 21832 418:12 A1860 A1862 41866 Al$69 A1875 1394 21916 41921 A1939 1910 41980 A 2004 2034 A 2045 A2070 42072 A2114 42115 42123 42131 12139 12161 A2164 42170 A2171 2176 2181 42207 A2208 22217 2218 A 2222 A2229 12246 A2288 4 Jan. 20 10 Do. 20 Jan. 27 5 Feb. 1. 22 Do. 10 Feb. 9 12 Feb. 16 6 Feb. 17 12 Feb. 23 5 Do. 11 Feb. 24 11 Feb. 25 14 Mar. 1 17 Mar. 5 4 Mar. 10 6 Do. 11 Mar. 15 19 Mar. 16 18 Do. 4 Do. 37 Mar. 22 20 Mar. 25 11 Mar. 26 19 Do. 15 Mar. 27 17 Mar. 31 9 spr. 1 8 dpr. 2 4 spr. 7 15 dpr. 10 20 spr. 10 16 pr. 12 3 Apr. 13 21 Apr. 14 16 Do. 8 spr. 17 6 Apr. 22 18 Do. 4 Apr. 23 14 spr. 26 2 Apr. 29 27 May 3 24 May 10 S Do. 15 May 11 5 Do. 17 Jay 15 5 Do. 6 May 17 15 Do. 19 May 18 23 Way 19 11 Vay 24 19 Do. 7 May 26 11 ! Do. 6 June 1 19 June 4 21 June 9 10 Juie 10 17 Juno 15 25 Do. 17 June 22 1 June 23 10 Do. 1S June 25 28 June 28 13 June 29 11 June 30 12 July 1 13 Do. 22 Do. 6 July 3 9 ) July 9 28 Do. 22 July 12 16 Do. 22 July 13 23 July 14 7 July 17 9 July 28 2 is 40 - STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Afasters and pilots licensed – New York, N. I.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. i issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 02 Do. Aug. 27 Snyder, William J A 2291 Simonson, Oscar A 2305 Sinith, A. J A 2320 Sofield, Ellis A2313 Suyder, Henry H A2359 Savidge, Reuben A 2367 Snyder. Garrett P. 12395 Stork, Joseph J A 2405 Sherwood, E.J.. A 2106 Sheehan, George W. A2421 Schultz, Benjamin F. A 2442 Sherrer, Philip. A2430 Smith, Joseph T A2442 Soper, Frank TV A 2466 Seeley, Leonard L. A 2470 Stebbens, A.M A2492 Seaman, C.A.. A2495 Seeley, John.. A2514 Shea, Thomas B... A2527 Stones, F.B A 2513 Studwell, Augustus A 2576 Stevens. Frank. A 2580 Salmon, Daniel A 2600 Smith, Charles. A 260-4 Sturges, Charles A 2605 Stebbins. Frederick A2614 Servard, Leonidas C... A2629 Stanton, James H... A2613 Spragnie, Benjamin. A2646 Stratton, Jolin J A 2669 Sargeant, Villiam L 22685 Smith, James A. A7828 Sitlift, Jacob A 783S Schultz, Fred. A 7839 Savage, John A7852 Styles, Vermont A7853 Simmons, A.G.. A7866 Stafford, Joseph TV A 7884 Stndwell, Alexander.. A7891 Scott, J.B A 7901 Scott, Charles V A7932 Stuart, Alexander A7942 Stuart, Samuel H.. A7948 Stuyvesant, Rutherford A7963 Sulivan, Benjamin 47965 Smith, Thomas M. A7974 Staples, Charles P A7994 Sherwin, Alfred L AS029 Stillwaggon, Johu W A 8033 Stokes, Samuel H.. A8049 Smith, John.. A8076 Stokes, Robert A A $100 Smith, Samuel E. A8121 Trude, Francis M.. 41204 Taft, Horatio N... A1296 Todd, James A A1354 Tappan, Frederick A A1421 Tooker. W. H.. A1455 Tuttle, Hiram A 1471 Thomas. George W A 1507 Thompson, George T A 1537 Tod, Robert E A 1579 Tyson, John H A 1600 Tinslar, Stephen L.. A 1660 Theall, Charles A1666 Taylor, William P A 1720 Taylor, Norris H A 1750 Terrill, John W.. A1765 Taylor, Howard W A1817 Turner, H. F... A1822 Tweedy, Gilbert A 1838 Tuthill, L. A. A 1853 Tidmarsh, James A1854 Throckmorton, Jas. S.. A 1868 Titus, Irving A 1906 Timbans, George J.. A1929 Thompson, John C. C... A1931 Throckmorton, C. E... A 1943 Thompson, A. H.. A 1960 Thomas, Joseph A 2029 Terpenning, Alonzo A 2050 18 July 28 Terpeuning: Garrett... A 2057 11 July 30 Tracy, MI. . A2069 12 Aug. 2 Tuthill, George S... A 2087 21 Aug. 5 Tod, T. Donald A 2158 15 Aug. 9 Torrance, A. M.. A2194 11 Aug. 10 Tremper, A.J .. A 2234 Aug. 16 Timmans. Ralph. A2265 8 Aug. 18 Tompkins, Ira ir 2275 19 Aug 18 Tuthill, Purdy J. A 2303 12 Aug. 21 Tait. Joseph M A 2322 18 Tooker, Charles T. A 2351 9 Aug. 23 Taylor, Edvard w A2362 5 Aug. 25 Taylor. Thomas ÉI A2404 16 Aug. 30 Tribble, J. Fred.. A 2457 30 Aug. 31 Tooker, Charles E A2496 9 Sept. 7 Tarlor, D. E A 2518 22 Do. Terry, Frank S A 2523 19 Sept. 9 Taylor, James S A 2517 15 Sept. 11 : Tunnard. George M... A 2555 25 Sept. 14 Tobin, James A 2561 5 Sept. 20 Terwilliger, Joseph H A 25741 23 Do. Tormes, Willian H. A2579 4 Sept. 23 Terney, John A.. A 2592 15 Do. Tooker, Jobn H.. A 2594 12 Do. Tuthill, Daniel A 2655 29 Sept. 25 Taylor, William P... A 2672 9 Sept. 28 Turner, Allen. A 2678 16 Oct. 1 Thompsou, T.T.. A 2081 13 Do. Terrill, George B A 7805 18 Oct. 4 Tingle, C.L. A7815 28 Cct. 8 Taples, Ira I A7934 22 Oct. 16 Thompson. James R... A7958 6 Oct. 19 Tarerniere, Mitchell. A7966 13 Do. Thompson, Walter A7986 26 Oct. 22 Unsworth, Charles N A1286 13 Do. Underhill, C.E. A2110 25 Oct. 26 Vanderpool. Ira TV .... A1210 7 Oct. 28 Van Pelt, Garrett E.... 1264 7 Oct. 30 Tau Dock. C.H.. A1418 6 Nov. 4 Polis, Villiam A1451 14 | Nov. 12 Valentine, A.B.. A1515 25 Nov. 1.5 Van Aken, Nicholas L. A 1665 8 Nov. 16 Fan Etten, Ambrose.. A1685 9 Nov. 20 Van Etten, Fred L... A1696 6 Nov. 22 Vau Keuren, William S. A1714 22 Nor. 23 Van Doren, William A. A 1762 7 Nov. 27 Van Gelder, Henry A1785 27 Dec. 6 Van Vart, Edward. A1887 21 Dec. 7 Van Derenter, Howard A1941 3 Dec. 10 Van Gelder, John. A 1965 15 Dec. 16 Van Pelt, B. B.. A1969 9 Dec. 24 Van Schaick, William H 1978 12 Dec. 31 Van Dercar, Richard .. A 2047 16 Jan. 2 Van Name. Edgar. A 2056 10 Jan. 21 Van Tine, John H. A2175 32 Feb. 2 Van Schaick, Vm. E., jr A2415 18 Feb. 20 Vickery, Stephen. A2489 3 Feb. 27 Tan Gordon, John A2501 8 Mar. 4 Van Name, Jacob E... A7854 2 Mar. 11 Van Pelt, William H.. A7855 6 Mar. 17 Vail, Willian TI A 7859 1 Mar. 25 Van Pelt, John E A7865 13 Mar. 29 Vau Etten, Eugene A7875 23 Apr. 10 Van Gelder, James E A7911 Do. Van Wart, Charles A8073 Apr. 19 Watson, Andrew P A 1228 Apr. 24 Wilson, Henry. A1310 Wilson, Lewis lv. A1441 7 May 8 Walker, George M.... A1467 7 Do. Wise, Jacob ... A 1500 18 May 11 Veston, Joseph .. A1501 9 May 13 \Vilson, Harrey A 1510 12 Do. Walters, WV. H A 1524 19 May 17 Villiams, R.P A 1515 13 May 22 Williams, F.B A1583 15 May 24 Williansoni, H. H. A 1591 10 Do. Weeks, James H. A1612 18 May 26 Wilson, Edmund H.. A 1632 21 May 28 Wager, Charles E... A1710 20) June 8 Warren, James A1789 19 June 11 Warren, Michael ... A 1794 11 June 12 3 June 15 23 June 17 3 June 29 12 July Ī 17 Juls 16 10 July 22 17 Juli 23 19 July 30 7 Aug. 2 7 Aug. 6 11 Aug. 10 8 Aug. 18 13 15 Sept. 7 8 Sept. 9 7 Sept. 10 6 Sept. 14 21 Sept. 16 25 Sept. 17 14 Sept. 20 10 Do. 20 Sept. 21 4 Sept. 22 24 (ct. 1 25 (ct. 5 21 Oct. 6 7 Oct. 7 7 Oct. 13 22 Oct. 15 15 Nov. 13 8 Nov. 19 21 Nor. 22 15 Nov. 24 3 Jan. 19 17 June 22 13 Jan. 4 11 Jaii. 16 14 Jan. 20 19 Jan. 27 12 Mar. 15 17. Apr. 10 17 Apr. 14 14 Apr. 16 20 Apr. 19 18 Apr. 26 8 May 3 22 May 18 24 May 26 23 May 28 36 Mar 29 23 June 1 20 June 11 9 June 12 19 July 1 13 Aug. 20 5 Sept. 4 14 Sept. 7 19 Oct. 22 22 Do. 11 Oct. 25 15 Oct. 26 16 Oct. 27 8 Nov. 8 31 Dec. 15 11 Jan. 0 21 Jan. 23 S Fel). 25 26 Mar. 3 16 Mar. 11 12 Do. 24 Mar. 13 5 Mar. 16 10 Mar. 18 7 Mar. 25 16 Mar. 27 11 Mar. 31 16 Apr. 5 15 Apr. 17 17 Mar. 3 18 | May 4 B%B4B9- Apr. 28 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, 1 41 Masters and pilots licensed- New York, N. F.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Test, Ricliard S... A 1826 Welch, Hubert A1827 Wilson, James.. A1848 TVilson, Willian ... A1864 TVitherwax, Theodore A 1897 Weeks, George E.. A 1915 Williams, E.S A1917 White, Joseph H A 1956 Wetmore, Joseph A 1985 Wilson, D.L.... A 2014 Vilson, Charles A2077 Tashburn, James H.. A2109 Williams, F. E..... A2117 Tells, Abram A2132 Wilcox, Edward A 2141 Watson, T.T. A2157 Whyard, George W.. A 2165 Titherwax, William A2215 Wilson, David P... A2220 Williams, E. L. M...... A2244 Waterbury, Theodore A 2252 Wilder, James A 2257 Wilson, William. A 2258 Wright, William II A2306 Titter. George E.. A 2315 Wilson, Thomas A2352 Wellman, Henry A2353 Ward, VYilliam H. A2354 Tood, Amos C A2364 Williams, John A2375 Wright, Charles H. A 2437 Wicks, Lyman A A2440 7 May 10 14 May 11 17 Mar 12 11 May 17 16 May 20 16 May 24 7 Do. 16 May 27 12 June 1 32 June 7 19 Jue 16 12 Juo 22 2) June 23 10 June 25 26 June 28 16 June 29 5 June 30 26 Juls 10 9 July 12 15 July 17 24 July 19 17 July 20 8 Jul 21 20 July 30 12 dug. 2 13 Ang. 6 14 Do. 26 Do. 26 15 21 Aug. 23 18 Whittaker, Stephen. Wright, Charles Wilcox, John M Thelan, William Wray. Richard Warren, George C TVinett, L. H. Warper, Charles C. Tilliams, Charles F... Valters, J. W Thittaker. Ezra. Ward, William F. Wilson. George H Ward, Francis H Tagner, Peter R Talcott. David A White, Edwin J Willians, Joseph P.... Thite, Tilliam El Wright, Edgar 11 White, Michael.. Wahlgren, Alexander. Walker, Frank Tougs. Addison Young, Ira B Young, Grant.. Youny, F.A.. Young, O. S.. Young, Joseph Young, Sarsfield E Zeil, L. A Zobriskie, Daric A. A 2478 A 2540 A 2552 A 2553 A 2584 A 2611 2661 A7820 A7833 A7837 A7842 A 7860 A7873 A7904 A7917 A79.49 A 7980 A8038 A.8043 A8047 A8048 AS090 A 8062 A 1339 A 1771 A1825 A1901 A 2036 A 2226 A7940 A1648 A 2699 19 Sept. 1 16 Sept. 14 18 Sept. 15 9 Do. 11 Sept. 21 18 Sept. 24 9 Oct. 2 25 Oct. 15 9 Oct. 18 16 Oct. 19 15 Oct. 20 13 Oct. 25 11 Oct. 27 23 Nor. 4 20 Nor. 9 24 Nov. 17 6 Nov. 23 10 Dec. 7 16 | Dec. S 3 Dec. 9 18 Dec. 10 18 Dec. 20 8 Dec. 13 23 Jan. 29 26 Apr. 29 16 | das 10 6 May 21 11 June 10 8 July 13 18 No. 15 11 Apr. 8 19 Oct. 12 Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Ang. 25 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New York, N. Y. Anderson, Alfred Anderson, Andrew Amberman, J.C Arndt, Harry. Binninger, Oscar.. Bottcher, Frederick Bryaut, Kirk ... Barker, Charles W.. Best, Fred w Bartlett, E.P Blake, Gardiner Bennett, William. Beckwith, Audrey Coles, Edward H Chambliss, W.N... Crockett, M.M Carlson, F. P Cameron, D.T Coombs, Sewall B.. Duugan, James H. .. Dickey, Parker M Didricksen, Severin K Dulin, Harry Dunbar, George H Darling, E. E. Ellertsen, John Farley, Patrick S.. Farnbam, W.J Foss, Frank E Foat, Harry. Foster, John Franklin, Emlin P. Geilhard, R.J... Graumann, Rudolph Gerlach. Charles E... Grundal, John Gillespie, Henry Horton, Fred E Henriques, A. J Hermes, Adam Hoppe, Frederick.. Halvorsen, H. R. B.. Hamlon, Fred R... 692 707 732 779 635 661 679 680 686 697 718 723 738 719 720 747 770 775 786 710 715 731 758 781 A 1706 768 656 683 684 698 749 752 665 678 703 789 797 651 659 673 691 699 713 6 Apr. 2 Hillebrand, F.Å. 6 spr. 30 Helland. NJ. 3 June 7 Hill. John 5 Oct. 2 Hartles, Herbert 1 Jan. 16 Helliken, Ludwig A 8 Jan. 20 Iversen, A.C. 13 Mar. 8 Irvine, Frank VV 4 Mar. 9 Ieske, Herman 2 Mar. 25 Johustone, Edgar D... 2 Apr. 13 Johnson, John G. 7 May 17 Jones, James 1 13 May 20 Johnsou. Brown 5 June 18 Jobpson. August 6 May 18 Kinnie. Rainsford 6 Do. Kulsen, James.. 2 July 7 Kinney, Frank L 5 Sept. 9 Kienest, John H. 13 Sept. 18 Kallish, E, A. 6 Oct. 21 Klaboe, Nicholas 3 May 8 8 Krogsgard. George D.. 1 May 14 Lorentzen, Charles 2 June 3 Lawson, Andres 3 Ang. 5 Lindeberg. Henry 6 Oct. 7 Loring, H.C.. 10 Dec. 31 Lyons, Thompson H... ✓ Sept. 4 Lowenbjelm, Charles H 3 Jan. 16 Leyland, James. 10 Mar. 15 Loroy, Edward 6 Mar. 18 Larsen, Jacob. 6 Apr. 15 Lindquist, Gustav.... 1 July 12 Martin, George H.... 3 July 16 McDermott, Harry 5 Feb. 8 McClure, Charles C.... 3 Mar. 3 Magnuson, Gustav 3 A pr. 26 Michelson, Peter. 1 Oct. 29 Mowbray, M. W 8 Nov. 18 Mattson, Per 4 4 McArthur, Archibald 2 Jan. 19 McBride, R. J... 7 Feb. 25 Morley, Robert 1 Apr. 7 Meany, Joseph J 1 Apr. 17 Morris, Williams 9 May 12 Muusou, George 734 736 763 771 799 662 669 1701 666 696 774 784 1705 668 688 702 716 785 794 800 654 672 090 706 733 741 761 764 765 790 657 658 671 676 693 717 7244 727 728 729 735 744 757 4 June 10 10 June 17 3 Aug. 27 1 Sept. 11 2 Nov. 24 3 Feb. 1 2 Feb. 16 2 Dec. 7 3 Feb. S 4 Apr. 9 7 Sept. 17 Oct. 18 Dec. 16 Feb. 15 Mar. 29 3 Apr. 26 3 May 17 4 Oct. 18 6 Nov. 4 8 Dec. 1 4 Jan. 15 2 Feb. 23 7 Mar. 31 9 | Apr. 29 2 Juine 8 13 June 28 16 Aug. 12 13 2 Do. 7 Nov. 1 S Jan. 18 5 Do. 4 Feb. 17 1 Alar. 3 7 Apr. 6 Apr. 17 1 A pr. 21 2 June 1 1 Do. 11 June 3 3 June 14 July 3 5 Aug. 3 Aug. 30 Jan. . 42 - STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Mates licenseil-New York, V. Y.-Continued. 1 Name. No. of No. of | Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. - McCarthy, Charles C... Mattson, Martin D.. Meady, F.S... Majerbom, E.S Midboe, Peder M.... Maguire, Richard S Netland, Peter P.. Nelson, Otto T.. Nelson, Peter. Nelson, Nikolai Nilsson, August Nelson, Axel. Olsen, Thomas... Olson, Charles Olson, John L Perkins. George E Pugsley, R. M Post, Ned A Prescott, Sidney I.. Parker, Jobu Perkins, L. TV Potter', James G Porell, Janies Patterson, Andrew Read, E. F Rocliefort, Masime Rudbach, dndrew Rankin, F.N.. Rogers, Joseph T... Roberts, Charles D.. 760 773 778 791 796 21704 691 750 759 777 787 795 682 700 725 075 677 695 709 714 726 740 742 755 660 664 730 753 762 776 3 Aug. 11 Richards, William H 6 Sept. 14 Robinson, James W 7 Sept. 30 Speed, David G... 3 ! Nor. 1 Sears, Arthur A. 3 Nov. 17 Staalesen, auton. 3 Dec. 15 Small, Clement G Apr. 2 Sohlberg, Herman July 14 Sargeant, L.J 8 Aug. 6 Strom, 0. A. 7 Sept. 20 Spaulding, William A.. 6 Oct. 23 Sullivan, D. & 4 Nov. 17 Sandstrom, Rudolph . 9 War. 15 Suellenburg, Evert 2 Apr. 19 Simms, Andrew J. .... 6 Mar 28 Sanford, James d... 8 Iar. 3 Torresen, Tobias. Mar. + Thompson, Chadwick. 1 Apr. 91, Vandervoort, Rodger B 6 May 1 Tebster, M. F. Mas 12 Wieshofer, John 8 Mas 29 Wilson, William D 11 June 25 Williams, William T... 11 June 28 Woodward. George P.. 6 July 24 Walcott, Horgan 2 Jan. 20! Wallace, Wesley . 1 Feb. 6 Williaws, E. E. 1 June 3 / Wright, Frank D.. 5 July 20 Wither, L. EL 7 dung. 21 Young, la 2 Sept. 18 ܟܐ ܗܘ ܗܢܕ ܗܘܬ 780 782 652 653 663 607 670 722 739 743 748 756 783 1702 1703 766 798 751 087 TUI 705 746 767 769 772 792 793 A1707 754 3 Oct. 7 1 Oct. 13 1 Jan. 7 6 Jau. 8 1 Feb. 4 11 Feb. 10 5 Feb. 17 4 May 20 S June 18 2 July 1 1 July 7 5 July 28 1 Oct. 15 5 Dec. 8 1 Dec. 9 2 Sept. 2 2 Nov. 18 4 July 14 Mar. 27 1 6 Apr. 28 12 July 6 3 Sept. 3 2 Sept. 8 4 Sept. 14 4 Nov. 1 5 Nor. 3 8 Dec. 31 5 July 22 Apr. 23 Vates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New York, N. Y. Anderson, C. G Burke, James F... Bulin, John Bord. William J. George, H. W. Lunt, Charles P.. 681 685 708 712 721 689 2 Var. 12 Lydman, Jacob 6 Mar. 23 Olsen, Kimmel.. 6 Apr. 30 Peterson, Andrew 14 May 11 Sandin. G.T... 13 May 19 Trott, Everett M 5 Mar. 31 Whittier, TFilliam A... 704 711 674 737 788 745 1 Apr. 28 12 May 11 9 Mar. 1 5 June 18 5 Oct. 27 8 July 3 Pilots licensed during the year ender December 31, 1897— Vew York, N. F. . First-class pilots. First-class pilots- Continued. 11 They wer court Aungier. James dndrovett, Reuben. Abbot, Tolbert D... Ackerly, Albert Ashforth, Edwarıl Audersou, Fred 1. Albertson, Theodore... Ackerly, Henry Anderson, Charles. Avery F. N... Audrovett, Asher Adams, Jonas P.. Anderson, George H... Allen, TVillian N Adams, Ernest Audrorett, George F.. Adams, Ecliard Anderson, Nils Audrovett, Jobu O .. Allen, Vichael.. Ansbro, Jolu.. Anderson, Henry Abbott, James M Bartow, Charles F.. Benson, Frederick.. Bunce, George M Baldwin, John L. Balier. Daniel Y Black, James Braisted, Frank K.. 319 350 367 386 134 480 192 507 513 578 593 600 62. 650 651 668 676 706 710 757 813 899 1000 302 316 321 329 342 351 16 Jan. 13 Barton, William G., jr 11 Jan. 20! Brown, E. L .. 3 Feb. 8 Berry, James H 2 Feb. 15 Baker, John M 36. Mar. 15 Blosky, Albert H. 5 Apr. 6 Brightson, John pr. 10 Benson, George. 6 Apr. 17 | Bislel, Fred di 8dpr, 20 Belgard, George W 6 Mar 12 Brown, L. H.. 6 May 19 Brown, Harry M 5 Jay 21 Boggs, William F 11 Jay 28 Brown, Alexander 14 Juuie 8 Barker, John 16 Do. Billies, Villiam N 13 June 18 Brune, ..J... 4 June 21 Benjamin, Charles E 9 July 1 Barnett. James II... 3 Juli 2 Bush, IPilliam' 0 10 July 26 Bennett, William B... 13 dug. 19 Bloxson. Harvey. 10 Oct. 1 Broin, C.L.. 8. Nor. 30 Baker, Edwar 2 San. 4 Berry, Thomas. 4 Jan. 9 Brown, Richard. 2 Jan. 15 Barnard, L. D... 3 Jan. 18 Baner, Frederick J 26 Jan. 25 Best, Truman. 6 ! Jan. 30 Benson, Gustav K 14 Do. Brown, Frank R... 365 366 372 377 394 404 105 110 421 428 439 444 450 479 482 486 490 497 502 521 524 534 561 563 565 569 571 574 588 596 8 Feb. 5 3 Feb. 6 6 Feb. 9 6 Feb. 11 6 Feb. 20 26 Dlar. 2 5 Do. 4 Iar. 3 5 Alar. 8 9 Mar. 11 Jar. 16 Alau. 18 7 Mar. 22 24 Apr. 5 4 dpr. 7 2 Do. 13 Apr. 9 6 26 Apr. 15 2 Apr. 23 9 Apr. 24 12 Apr. 30 6 Jay 10 15 Do. 16 Do. May 11 5 Do. 15 May 12 5 May 18 2 / dlay 19 Apr. 12 1 3551 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 43 Pilots licensed-Vew Forli, V. I.-Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. license.' issue. issue. First-class pilots- Continued. First-class pilots- Continued. 11 Brosu, William E..... Bunt, William El... Broughton, George W. Brinley, darou D... Beedy, Daniel R Briscoe, John Bennett, Charles. Butler, Samuel B.. Balsir, Richard.. Briggs, Hiram G.. Bundy. Harry C. Berg, Charles E. Bird, Arthur. Bunker, L. A Bell. Charles. Babingtou, F. A., jr Bunce, James. Bennett, John C Bishop. R.C.. Batetrell, James Broin, SE Benvenue, John Brennap. IVilliam J.... Barker, Patrick.... Babington, Moses... Bradley, James R... Bevell, James G Babington, L. D.. Bodell, Robert Bull, Andrew. Butler, Jobu H Buckhout, Stratton Bennett. Jamos Brady, Erastus Brinley, John E. Baulsir, VVilliam V. Baulsir, Jolin W Baulsir, Jolin T.. Bull, Nathaniel Baulsir, Nimrod Bassendeu, Thomas A. Brannock. AL. J ... Barker. G. E.. Brady, Felix. Brooks, Charles. Bunce. Carroll M Barr, James Burrow's, George E Brodhead, A. TO Beauvais, J.S. Bunnell, Frederick E Bouton, George E.. Barclay, George W Burus. James F Bayley, Daniel E Baillsir, James G. Bradley, James V... Brethaner, John C Bassenden, Charles H.. Cramer, Martin... Cook. George D... Carroll. Charles J. Carha't, S. E.. Conklin, T.S Cronk, William F... Cushing. William J. Collier, Isaac d.. Connor. John Consilline, James Cocktair, Andrew. Collins, T. V Chapman, B. E H.. Craison, George E Cornwell, Francis M. Corson, Charles F Carroll, John A.. Colley, John. Corson, Garrett P... 603 607 623 625 631 640 657 671 682 685 688 693 703 720 723 729 730 731 742 749 750 758 764 767 773 780 786 793 796 819 827 840 845 853 859 862 867 868 873 889 890 909 913 917 920 930 950 960 963 974 978 984 991 997 999 6209 6213 A6232 A6248 302 307 337 357 370 376 381 391 399 410 418 433 468 483 4944 509 530 531 560 17 | Day 22 Catteiniole, H. M 27. May 21 Charles, Maximillian .. 10 May 28 Coyle, Luke J... 5 Do. Corwin, James T 8 June 1 Colbrun, William G.... 2 June 4 Carey, John .. June 11 Connorton. Thomas 10 June 19 Campbell, Lawrence 10 June 23 Clapper, William 28 June 24 Collins, Joseph.. June 25 Carol, William J. S June 26 Casteen, George 5 June 30 Carle, John. 12 July 9 Cost, Frederick 8 July 12 Cooper, John E 22 July 15 Cherry, John M.... 1 July 16 Christensen, Bendiks 12 July 17 Carrigan. Edward... 6 July 20 Conley, Ebenezer 2 July 22 Cullen), James 16 Do, Cutler, Franklin J 2 July 26 i Cox, William T. T.. 6 July 27 Crawford, James T 18 July 28 Curtis, Thomas F. 2 July 30 Coles, William. 10 Any: 2 Christensen, C.M.. 3 | Aug. Cases, Aartin Aug 7 Conk, Charles al 5 Aig. 9 Clark, Thomas. 11 Aug. 24 Cutle:', E.T. 4 Aug. 20 Craft, Lewis R.. 16 Sept. 2 Conley: Thomas 15 Sept. 7 Collins, Fred w 5 Sept. 11 Driscoll, VVilliam 1 Sept. lt Drake, M. V.. 27 Sept. 1.5 Darling, Selah H. 27 Sept. 18 Dragon only 27 Do. Dearstyne, Frank S..., 6 Sept. 22 Dayton, F.H.. 27 Sejit. 28 Decker, L. P 26 Do. Dar, Charles 3 Apr. I 6 Derby, James F... 28 Oct. 9 Downer, Jolina 13 Oct. 11 Delaner, M.J. 1 Oct. 13 Donnell, John 8 Oct. 18 Deats, James 8 (ct. 27 Doty, Alonzo N.. 6 Nov. 4 Day. Frank T. 2. Nov. 5 Deming. Darid H.. Nov. 13 Dillon, P.J.. 6 Nor. 15 Dobson, Rufus 7 Nor. 22 Davis, L. V 10 Nor. 23 De Ronde, Charles. 15 Nov. 29 Derlin, Alfred B.. G Do. Duon, Tilliam J 26 Dec. 6 Davis, William H.... 11 ! Dec. S Dumont, d. H 2 Dec. 1S Decker, R.O 9 Dec. 27 Dar, Uriah 17 f Durning, John 1 Jan. 5 Durning, Hugli 16 Jan. 22 Decker, L. M. 18 Feb. 1 Dow, Luther B. 15 Feb. 8 Dobson, Frank. 11 Fel). 11 Deakin, Robert. 11 Do. Decker, William FI 8 Feb. 18 Doyle, Wesley 9. Feb. 26 | Donnary, T. I 5 War. 5 Ewing, Franklin J 17 Alar. 6 Estis, E. R..... 4 Dlar. 15 Emmons, William J.... 14 Mar. 29 Elder, James B 11 Apr. 7 Elswortli, VVilliam E... 13 Apr. 12 Edwards, Asbury 6 Apr. 19 | Eumons, Frank.. 2 pr. 29 England, William. 12 Do. Ericksen, Richard 10 May 10 Edvards, Gabriel B.... 580 587 590 595 599 609 617 632 663 673 681 732 747 748 754 824 829 854 855 882 886 $95 905 914 928 937 942 965 967 980 985 998 994 341 373 380 395 403 406 477 4SS 520 522 546 554 564 591 594 612 628 629 652 686 690 701 752 755 775 781 783 805 S06 823 817 892 929 972 6220 332 465 495 540 633 64S 6S? 691 714 792 19 May 13 1 May 18 1 Do. 5 May 19 10 May 21 18 May 24 5 May 26 8 June 7 12 June 14 6 June 21 1 June 23 10 July 17 8 July 21 7 July 22 13 July 21 16 Aug. 25 8 any. 27 11 Sept. 11 2 Do. 13 Sept. 25 12 ! Sept. 27 14. Sept. 30 8 Oct. 4 8 Oct. 9 27 Oct. 16 3. Oct. 21 13 (ct. 22 10 Nov. 8 3 Nov. 9 13 Nov. 20 6 Nov. 22 4 Nov. 22 9 Nov. 26 8 Jan. 23 6 Feb. 9 6 Tel. 11 12 Feb. 20 2 Mar. 2 5 Mar. 3 13 Apr. 5 13 dnr. 8 1 Apr. 21 ápr. 23 1 Dlar 4 8 Vlaj 7 16 May 10 13 Dias 18 2 Mai 19 17 May 25 4 Mar 29 June ] 5 June 8 11 June 25 3 Do. 11 June 29 10 July 23 14 July 24 19 July 31 23 Ang. 3 6 Do. 5 dug. 17 31 15 dug. 25 2 Sept. 7 17 Sept. 29 7 Oct. S 3 Nov. 11 10 Dec. 10 5 Jan. 20 16 Mar. 29 10 14 May 1 9 June 2 8 June 8 3 June 24 2 June 25 11 July July 7 16 Aug. 7 10 Jan. Do. Apr. 12 44 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed – New York, N.Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots- Continued. First-class pilots- Continued. 1 Elwood, George W.. Ericksen, Victor. Evans, Caleb G... Elsworth, George C. Fowler, Henry D Fay, Bertrand Flannery, Daniel B.. Felton, George R.. Fountain, M.R Friel, H. V. Fouratt, George W Flannery, William H.J Frost, Norris Farrell, J.K Fort, John H Floyd, Sidney J. Freestone, Thomas Fearon, James Fullyrood. Darid.. Fouratt, Enos. Foley, Jolin. Fitzgerald, Joseph J... Frantz, Clewant... Fry, Alfred Brooks Funston, George S.. Fowler, George W Frost, William.. Freestone, William Fowler, Jesse H.. Foster, Arthur E.. Fugazzi, Levis S Forker, Villiam H.. Forsyth, George I Garrett, Michael.. Green, Peter. Gould, George F Gedney, Darid B.... Gunnell, Isaac Gedney, Joseph H.. Gaskill, Charles B Golden, F.J... Gould, dbram C.. Godfrey, Amos S.... Goldsmith, Nathan'l T. Glover, Curtis Gunderson, H.B. Guryn, Alan H.. Greenwood, Sylvanus .. Grouls, John.. Green, James H... Goodman, William Germain, Daniel G.. Goodbey, Robert.. Gully, Frank Grant, Matthew Gunnersou, Martin. Gulickson, George Goebel, Charles H Hulse, Charles E.... Healing, George Hults, Lewis Hahn, John.. Hughes, Walter S... Healing, James.. Halliran, Simon.. Henderson, John S. Holmes, John J. Hallock, James W Heartt, Charles S... Heffreu, George D.. Hariland, James W... Hoffman, Jesse Q., jr... Hickey, Daniel J. Haun, Charles A. Hauglie, Andrew Hall, Charles J Holton, John W Hallenbeck, Charles L 821 S76 894 6225 313 344 348 358 37] 414 420 445 458 487 573 654 753 777 832 846 901 903 906 915 | 943 957 971 975 983 9901 6218 6226 6234 334 349 364 442 459 498 527 539 543 577 659 689 696 : 727 771 772 810 811 831 852 897 916 947 964 A6243 514 339 346 352 262 392 393 397 413 417 424 425 431 436 438 473 484 496 528 557 4 Aug. 24 3 Sept. 23 4 Sept. 29 3 Dec. 13 14 | Jan. 7 4 Jan. 27 7 Jan. 28 15 i Feb. 1 2 Feb. S 2 Mar. 4 1 Iar. 8 23 Mar. 19 3 Mar. 25 18 Apr. 7 1 Mas 11 3 June 9 21 | July 24 7 Aug. 2 9 Aug. 30 17 Sept. 7 17 Oct. 1 2 Oct. 2 12 Oct. 5 7 Oct. 8 27 (Ict. 22 26 Oct. 30 13 Nov. 10 37 Nor. 15 3 Nov. 20 7 Nor. 22 14 Dec. 10 15 Dec. 13 8 Dec. 20 14 | Jan. 21 9 Jan. 29 11 Feb. 6 9 Mar. 17 2 Mar. 25 18 Apr. 30 19 Apr. 26 2 11 May 1 8 May 12 16 June 11 11 June 25 7 June 28 1 July 13 9 July 30 12 Do. 8 Aug. 17 4 Aug. 18 1 Aug. 27 26 Sept. 10 2 Sept. 30 11 Oct. 11 5 Oct. 26 1 Nov. 1 3 Dec. 24 9 Jan. 8 11 Jan. 22 12 Jan. 28 2 Jan. 30 13 Feb. 4 12 Feb. 18 6 Feb. 19 4 | Feb. 23 8 Mar. 4 8 Mar. 6 8 Mar. 9 6 Mar. 10 12 Mar. 13 24 Mar. 16 9 Do. 3 Mar. 31 1 Apr. 7 3 Apr. 12 9 Åpr. 26 10 | May 8 Hoyt, Charles B Hendrickson, Edward. Henderson, Daria Harrey, Thomas E. E.... Hegarty, John. Haring, John N .. Harkammer, John J... Hicker. William A.... Harrington, Patrick. Hoagland, George M. Hawkins, 1. T Housman, A. H. Haagenson, Benjamin. Hall. H.H... Hayford, Charles H.. Howell, C. B... Hulse, Curles.. Hogan. K.E. Hulse. A.F Hart, P. DI Helmies, Charles Hanson, Nicholas. Hamre, Henry Helyesen, Louis. Halpin, John R Hunt, William E Iverson, M.S.. Johnson, Richard M.. Johnson, Frank.. Jeffrey, William A. Jensen, Lors D Johnston, Thomas A.. Jerell, R. À ... Jones, Alarkcos Johnson, A.E. Johnson, V.D.. Jordan, E.G... Johnson, James. Johnson, H.C.. Johnson, John. Jones, Thomas R Jaderlund. John O..... Johnson, Oluf J.. Judge, Thomas Jacobs, P.B.. Jearous, Isaac. Jayne, C.C. Jordan, Patrick.. Joliuson, Charles Jackaway, William .. Jordan, Harry J Johansson, John E. Johnson, Peter.. Johnson, Charles J.. Johnson, Harvey Johnson, John P Johnston, James P Jones, Humphrey Jobuston, Daniel F Johnson, Charles Jorgensen, Martin Keenan, Daniel Klute. Nicholas. Kelly, Sidney J King, John F.. Kennedy, Stephen L... Kent, James.. King, Edward Kores, Frank J Kehoe, George Knight, John L. Kerland, William Keene, Augustus C.... Kelly, Joon Kruser, Ira E.. Kane, William Knudsen, Johu Ketcham, Albert... 566 567 639 666 670 675 692 746 761 763 766 776 779 822 835 866 871 877 888 907 923 968 998 6205 0228 A6241 715 310 326 385 464 518 529 533 535 570 579 582 592 630 646 707 709 717 740 785 809 816 820 858 860 861 870 935 951 6203 6204 6211 6214 6238 6240 325 330 374 383 411 454 455 467 471 478 508 576 584 586 613 634 642 13 May 10 13 Do. 15 June 4 8 June 16 11 June 19 8 Jiwe 21 61 June 26 8 July 21 11 July 27 14 1 Do. 4 July 28 5 July 31 5 Aug. 2 14: Aug. 24 · 20 Aug. 31 8 Sept. 17 1 Sept. 21 12 Sept. 23 4: Sept. 28 10 Oct. 5 30 Oct. 13 13 Nov, 9 11 Nov. 29 2 Dec. 3 12 Dec. 15 10 Dec. 23 5 July 8 25 Jan. 5 7 Jan. 18 10 Feb. 15 3 Mar. 29 2 Apr. 22 5 Apr. 28 11 Apr. 29 11 Apr. 30 7 May 11 13 May 12 1 May 13 7 May 19 5 Jue 1 4 June 7 9 July 1 2 'July 2 2 July 8 6 July 20 7 1 Aug. 5 5. Aug. 17 13 ! Aug. 23 6 Aug. 24 9 Sept. 14 1 Do. 1 Do. 9 ¡ Sept. 21 3 Oct. 19 17 Oct. 28 2 Dec. 2 2 Do. 16 6 17 Dec. 8 4 Dec. 22 15 Dec. 23 3 Jan. 16 2 Jan. 18 3 Feb. 10 4 Feb. 13 3 Mar. 3 8 Mar. 24 9 Do. 6 Mar. 29 12 Mar. 30 11 Apr. 5 10 A pr. 17 5 May 12 7 Mar. 17 9 May 18 14 May 25 7 June 3 19 ) June 5 A pr. 30 O - Dec. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 45 Pilots licensed New Fork, V. Y.-Continued. Nawe. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license., issue. issue. First-class pilots- Coutinued. 1 First-class pilots- Continued. 627 636 637 647 660 664 665 695 712 735 738 756 789 790 803 807 823 330 S36 Apr. 19 Kobier, Samuel Kelly, Charles IV Kueh), William. Ketcham, E. F Klemp, John H Kooistra, Albert... Kevlon, Elmer. Kiernan, Frank.. Klett, Christian Karlaud, Thomas Kelly, James J Kelly, Edward.. King, Evon Kreck, Latthew C. Knudsen, C. L... Knickel, Ballzer, jr Knoph, J. Martin Knudsen, Olaf K Lockwood, Samuel S.. Lyoch, Edward Lenahan, James L L'Hommedieu, J.H... Larsen, Gustavus. Lander, A. IV.. Lockwood, William G.. Lansing, John L... Leslie, Samuel A Lozier, J.B. Lee, Charles Losey, Leander Lenz, Fred... Lyuch, Daniel J Lewis, William T.... Leyden, John F Longstreet, William D. Lake, James Longstreet, Chas. H.,jr. Ludlow, Anthony. Lyle, Jobu... Levinus, Charles F.. Lansing, Charles. Lawrence, Amos. Lencke, Alfred. Lockwood, William H Lockman, James Larsen. T. A.. Little, Edward M.. Lansing, James W... McGullam, Jubu. Moutrose, William. Minner, Jeremiah... Moyes, E.J . Martin, Frank a McDevitt, R. M Meissner, dndrew.. McKillop, Daniel ... Morgau, George Mason, Noah F McLaren, Thomas Mullen, D). S... McEvoy, James J... McIntyre, Tuvias. Murray. John E.. Myers, Edırard .. Miller, William McAroy, Henry Minner, William McGee, Peter Mosier, Harvey H Merrill, Theodore. Magovern, M. J Mullen, William F. McHale, \Villian J Mott, VVilliam TV Moriarty, John Morrill, Frank T. Mackey, E.C Mason, Charles H. 641 656 713 716 736 791 797 798 874 878 925 926 953 959 6221 6230 6239 A6249 315 318 369 400 415 427 443 448 456 472 506 512 514 517 545 551 608 641 677 699 744 762 799 839 900 922 924 954 6208 6217 317 327 336 353 354 384 407 429 441 446 453 466 170 476 499 505 523 532 544 548 559 581 602 605 611 615 618 619 620 622 13 June 5 Mattison, Thos. TV.G.. S June 10 Merrell, Freenian 11 July 6 Madden, John R 5 July 8 DIcAvoy, James 2 July 19 Mulrooner, Edward 7 ug. 6 Marckman, Frederick.. dug. 9 Moran, Michael... 3 .Aug. 10 McGuinness, John 2 Sept. 22 McCourt, P.J 27 Sept. 24 Marshall, James E.. 9 Oct. 15 DicGuirl, Patrick 5 Oct. 16 Mugau, Dennis A 12 Oct. 30 Martin. John 4 Nov. 3 Moon, James F 4 Dec. 10 Morrow, John 8 Dec. 16 Murphy. Patrick J.. 6 Dec. 22 Miller, H.S 10 Dec. 30 McDonald, James a 5 Jan. S McManns, Charles H.. 15 Jan. 12 Marshall, Daniel 4 Feb. S Matthew's, 1.F 8 Feb, 26 Mason, John J.. 14 Slar, 5 Mumwe, Henry 2 Mar. 11 Martin, Augustus 26 Mar. 18 Marr, Robert ..., 8 Mar. 22 McKenzie, John 8 Mar. 24 McAuley, Jawes 6 War. 31 Mahoney, David 35 pr. 16 Mott, Warren W. 11 Maber, Joseph 5 Apr. 20 Monk, Edward... 2 A pr. 21 McNull, Robert... 1 May May 4 McAllister, Irillian. 6 May 6 McGee, Frank 33 Lay 24 McLaughlin, Charles J. 3 June 5 McAllaster, Walter... 7 June 21 McCoy, William 6 June 29 McCarthy, John 9 July 20 McAllister, John 13 July 27 Miller, Frank J.. 12 dug. 11 Miller, Ephraim 14 Sept. 2 Nokes, George A 2 Oct. 1 Nichols, Louis 13 Oct. 13 Norris, Henry A. 28 Oct. 15 Nelsoni, Theodore. 7 Oct. 30 Nelson, Martin 2 Dec. 4 Nelson, Martin 2 Dec. 9 Nelson, Peter C 8 Jan. 12 Nelson. Jolin 26 Jan. 18 | Nelson, Erasmus 12 Jan. 22 Norman, William . 6 Jan. 30 Newman, Charles E. E... 2 Du. Norton, Charles. 12 Feb. 15 Nelson, Peter C. 2 Mar. 3 Neilsen. Neil.. 5 Mar. 12 Nelson, Charles... 3 Mar. 17 Nelson, Thomas .... 13 Mar. 19 Nelson, Peter. 3 Mar. 24 O'Brien, Daniel J 1 Iar. 29 Olsen. Harry.. 5 Mar. 30 O'Brien, Peter O. 1 Apr. 2 Olsson, Olof Paul. 2 Apr. 13 O'Neill, Villian. 4 Apr. 15 O'Donnell, Thomas 3 Apr. 23 O'Toole, James pr. 29 Oakley, Charles W 39 Day May 3 O'Keele, Patrick 21 May 5 Perry, Andrew T.. 13 May 10 Pritchard, Richard H.. 3 May 13 Peterson, Jolin. 13 May 22 Purdy, Fenry W 7 Do. Peterson, Peter C. ... 12 May 25 Price. Javies L.. 11 May 26 Potter, Ebenezer 5 Do. Pierce, darou. 3 Do. Pareis, John L. 12 May 27 Parisen, Harry 30 Do. Perry, F. T... 9 May 29 1 June 3 1 Do. 7 June 7 12 Juno 11 12 June 15 13 Do. 11 June 26 8 July 6 12 July July 19 9 Do. 3 July July 26 10 Aug. 5 30 Do. 16 Aug. 16 2 Aug. 17 5 aug. 27 13 Do. 2 Aug. 31 11 Sept. 3 7 Sept. 13 1 Sept. 16 8 Sept. 22 1 Sept. 25 16 Sept. 30 12 Oct. 1 12 Oct. 6 1 Oct. 22 2 Oct. 23 4 Oct. 29 6 Nov. ,1 14 Nov. 12 Nor. 8 11 Nov. 9 5 Nov. 15 27 Nov. 22 3 Do. 17 Dec. 1 8 Do. 5 Dec. 8 2 Dec. 24 6 5 1 Jan. 21 11 Feb. 1 7 Feb. 4 8 Mar. 32 5 A pr. 13 2 Apr. 30 1 Маг 1 10 May 28 23 Aug. 9 9 Aug. 23. 4 Sept. 21 19 Sept. 27 2 Nov. 4 10 Nov. 24 18 Do. 1 Dec. 24 6 Tel. 27 6 Mar. 1 25 Mar. 9 1 Mar. 26 11 Mar. 30 18 June 11 12 Sept. 29 6 Oct. 15 1 Oct. 19 3 5 5 Jan. 15 2 Jan. 18 3 Feb. ใ 6 Feb. 17 33 Mar. 3 6 Mar. 23 4 Apr. 2 17 pr. 6 4 Apr. 19 10 May 22 Jau. 842 857 865 872 883 896 898 910 938 944 952 958 962 966 969 976 987 989 6201 6202 6215 A6245 305 335 356 363 474 500 537 512 697 795 817 869 885 961 992 993 46216 401 402 423 462 469 658 891 931 936 306 323 328 359 389 409 452 475 481 510 604 TOTD Jan. 46 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed Veu Tork, V. Y.-Contioued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Name. No.of No. of Date of license.' issue. issue. 1 First-class pilots- Continued. First-class pilots- Continued. 11 dug: 31. Phillips, John J Prorost. William H... Parker, Frederick Peterson, Joel Penny, Fred E Pearsall, Charles E.,jr. Peterson, Carl.. Parker, E.P.. Pratt, C. W Peterson, Christian . Patterson, Joseph Price, Thomas. Phillips. Varia Potter, L. D... Phillips, Lewis N.. Platt. Louis A Penny, Jobus Quillan, Henry Quinn, V.C Quick, Abram P Rohde, Henry Roche, John Rose, Isaac Riley, Donald H. Robbins, William L.. Rackett, L. H.-- Rackett, George Romard, Florian Relrea, Oren D Rrder, William E... Ryıler, Charles Ross, George E Rose, Edwin Roy, John .. Roche, Maurice T. Russell, Edward Rensen, A. L Richardson, W.H Rose, Frank. Ratford, Julins A..., Ryan, M. B Roswell, TVilliam Rohde, George C... Reilly, Chris... Robinson, George. Robinson, Robert.. Sammis, Nathaniel S. Smith, TVilliam A... Smith, Levis Suffir, Charles Spinney. R.M Spinuereber. Frank. Steng, Frank Smith, Frank... Smith, M.C.... St. John, Edgar Slayback, John Sanden, Andrew P... Smith, Thomas Smith, Thomas Steele, Edward P Smack, Edwin Smith, William L. Snack, Abraham Sheppard, Henry MI Slayback. Johd Ĝ., jr Simms, Charles Smith, Byron C Scouten, Charles E., jr. Spencer, George R.. Smedley, John P Sullivan, John J.... Sullivan, Pilliam. Smith, George S Smith, A. C.. Smith, Henry T.. Salisbury, Edward. Skidmore, James J.. 606 614 626 667 674 725 743 745 778 863 893 904 921 927 945 948 6212 432 834 995 324 343 345 378 412 435 447 431 1 457 463 493 519 553 556 562 643 649 687 702 800 802 833 838 915 6206 6242 311 322 333 360 344 361 375 379 408 437 449 460 485 504 511 515 525 536 541 4 May 22 Stillvell, F.I... 11 Hay 26 Silria, Charles II ī May 28. Shaughnessy, M.F .. 4 June 17 Sands, Samuel H.. 6 June 21 Smedler, Thomas R 4 | July 12 Smith, E. A.. 11 July 20 Syperrek. H. E... 12 Do. Skiffington, Bernard. 16 Aug. 2 Streeter. Milliaru E 15 Sept. 15 Spicer, Silas 10 Sept. 29 Seekamp, Frederick 12 Oct. 4 Smith. augustus 4 Oct. 13 Silva, Jobu J... 11 (ct. 16 St. Clair, Frank.. 25 Oct. 25 Smith). S.T. 3 Oct. 26 Shelton, William 16 Dec. 8 Smith, Ira. 18 Mar. 13 Snitt, abe Stevens, William J., jr. 14 Nov. 27 Still rell, Richard S.... 7 Jan. 16 Sinuus, laria 6 Jan. 27 Smith, Charles A S Do. Sulliran, P.S. 3 Feb. 11 Smith, James E 11 Mar. 4 Svensen, Charles 11 Mar. 16 Snyrler. Benjamin F 12 Mar. 20 Smith. AJ 9 Mal. 22 Scofield, George H.. 2 Mar. 25 Sullivau, George 12 Mar. 29 Svensson. Nils A 13 Apr. 10 Silva, Austin 9 Apr. 22 Schenrer, George J 7 May 7 Smith, O. B.. 16 Do. Somers, John 12 May 10 Smith, Alfred M 7 June 5 Sprague. James W 10 June 8 Scully, Thomas J 12 June 25 Stratton, James E 27 June 29 Salisbury, TVillian II.. 7 Aug. 12 Sherman, Alfred S... 2 Aug. 14 Tuthill, John T. 17 Aug. 30 Thurber, William F 8 Sept. 1 Torens, Claes N.... 28 Oct. 11 Tallmadge, William A. 11 Dec. 3 Toppin, Nicholas 3 Dec. 23 Taflor, Joon... 5 Jan. 6 Tbomas, Villiam H.. 12 Jan. 15 Thorson, Ole J 7 Jan. 21 Tallmadge, William L 11 Feb. 2 Thurler, L. B.. 6 Feb. 3 Taylor, John J. M.. 6 Feb. 4 Thompson, Charles .. 2 Feb. 5 Terpeuning, W. V 8 Feb. 11 Ten Erck. James B.... S МІar. 3 Thurber. E. E... 26 Mar. 16 Tarlor, F. 1... 27 | Mar. 22 Tyte, Charles 30 Mar. 26 Taxter, Joshua W 18 Tripp, George R 33 Apr. 15 Tiffany, Charles B 2 Apr. 19 Thompson, William H H. 14 Apr. 20 Taylor. James S.... 9 Apr. 24 Titus, Joel H... 32 Apr. 30 Taylor, George VT 9 May 1 Townsend, Samuel.. 1 May 5 Townsend. R. V.. 15 May 6 Tifft. Cyrus A.. 8 May 7 Tuttle, Nathan A 1 May 11 Upton, F. IT 3 May 12 Vail, Alonzo F., 12 May 14 Van Gelder, Ernest 13 May 26 Vau Denburgh, Wm.J. 10 June 7 Vought. James H.. 9 June 8 Van Buskirk, E. d... 2 June 22 Van Gelder, I... 3 June 23 Van Slyck, James. 6 July 9 Van Etten, Allie N... 12 July 12 Vau Pelt, Benjamin 734 739 759 765 768 769 774 784 794 SOS 814 S15 826 734 819 875 881 887 902 908 911 934 939 940 941 949 956 973 977 981 996 6207 6219 6224 6227 6229 6233 6235 A 6214 A.6247 320 387 390 426 130 538 589 597 598 621 635 638 655 669 672 700 705 711 722 751 770 804 812 844 879 933 6216 6237 843 309 388 489 516 585 601 704 718 721 8 July 19 16 July 20 10 July 26 9 Juils 28 2 Do. July 30 8 Do. Aug. 3 5 Aug. 7 29 Aug. 17 4 Aug. 21 27 Do. 11 Aug. 26 1 Aug. 27 0 Sept. 8 10 Sept. 23 29 Sept. 25 7 Sept. 27 12 Oct. 2 27 ! Oct. 6 17 Oct. 7 7 Oct. 19 5 Oct. 22 16 Do. 3 Du. 4 Oct. 27 10 Oct. 30 2 Nov. 13 9 Nov. 15 4 Nor. 16 4 Nov. 29 2 Dec. 3 7 Dec. 10 9 Dec. 13 9 Dec. 11 4 Dec. 16 6 Dec. 20 12 Do. 9 Dec. 24 10! Dec. 27 2 Jan, 13 12 Feb. 15 3 Feb. 17 2 Mar. 11. 8 Mar. 13 1 Apr. 30 1 May 18 1 May 19 17 May 20 8 Mar 27 21 June 3 2 June 4 2 June 10 16 June 18 3 ) June 21 11 June 29 16 | July July 1 15 July 6 8 July 12 5 July 23 14 July 30 7 Aug. 16 27 Aug. 19 7 Sept. 4 28 Sept. 25 8 Oct. 19 7 Dec. 9 15 Dec. 21 4 Sept. 3 11 Jan. 5 6 Feb. 16 12 Apr. 9 10 Apr. 21. 7 May 17 6 May 20 16 July July 1 2 July 8 15 1 July 10 Apr. 7 549 550 552 572 575 583 616 645 653 679 680 719 724 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 47 Pilots licensed-New York, V. 1.-Continued. !! Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Vame. No. of No. of Date of license.' issue. issile. i First-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots. Coutinued. 726 737 825 837 851 880 919 946 301 304 308 328 338 340 347 382 396 398 382 1 Apr. 14 Van Cott, C.E... Van Name, Israel J Van Pelt, William J... Vau Boskirk, Philip E. Van Pelt, George W. Van Buren, Edward.. ... Van Valen, Peter Veon, David Wardell, Gcorge H. Wynus, John R. (Vhite, James C... Ward, Frank E.,.jr Williams, Thomas West, George A Filliamson, Richard... Willis, James D... Williams, H. C.. Wood, William H. Whitehouse, Alfred N. Watkinson, Joseph Walcott, Williani H... Worden, Frank J Walcott, Albert J West, R. MI West, N. H Treinert, Hugo Watts, I'rank... West, John C... White, Arthur Missing, James Whitlock, Benjamin N. Worthles. Charles A. Wilcox, T. T... Walker, George. Tyborn, Edward Wilkes, 1.B Whiting, N. E... Windsor, Charles B... Wodrich, Paul. Worthley, John E.. Wendelken, Fred Valsh, F.J.M.. Wilson, John Woglom, (. E.. Wheel, Joseph W... West, Charles A. Wares, D. M. Weeks, Joseph B Weier, James Tood, Stephen Walz, Andrew. Whiting, Samuel M.. Wulson, Aaron Wright, James. Williamson, John E.. Wilson, Edgar L.. Wang, Villiam H ... West, McClellan Welch, John F. Young, George W Young, William W Zobriskie, M. E... 419 422 440 491 501 503 526 547 555 568 610 661 662 684 694 698 708 728 733 741 760 801 8.18 841 848 850 856 864 $84. 918 932 955 970 982 986 6210) 6222 6223 6231 6236 4.61 678 787 4 July 13 Bradford, Robert 6 July 19 Bartenhagen. John L. 6 Any. 25 Bassford, Stephen ron 5 Aug. 31 Bailey, F.0.... 15 Sept. 10 Bedeli, Charles 8 Sept. 25 Burbank, Daniel 3 Oct. 12 Brown, Heurs L 37 Oct. 26 Bartley, Matthew. 9 Jan. 2 Bover, Peter 5 Jan. 5 Burnett, Robert 33 Do. Buse, Henry F.. 2 Jan. 18 l'arber, 0.1 2 Jan. 22 Bogeart. Oliver 1 Do. Bresnan, John R.... 5 Jau. 28 Bradr, Charles.. 9 Feb. 13 Becking, Henry. 9 Tel. 23 Bookoren, George W 5 Feb. 24 Barber, William A.. 5 Feb. 27 Beyer, Tilliam J 2 Jar. 6 Burns, John E.. 18 Mar. 8 Baker, Charles R 1 Mar. 17 Betz, Adam. 6 Apr. 10 Bennett, William F.. 21 Bradley. Williain E.... 6 Apr. 15 Barue, P.T..... 4 Apr. 24 Bouchard, Frederick. 11 May 5 Braat. Charles 7 May ī Burbank, drcher 6 Nas 10 Bradley, John J. 15 Mar 24 Burd, C. E... 5 June 11 Barber, William E. ... 13 Jue 14 Brinkerhoff, James D.. 4 June 24 Bacon, S. M 9 June 26 Baker, Albert S... 10 June 29 Blauchfield. Pierce. 3 July 1 Brooks, Charles P.. .. 11 July 14 Boggs, Edırard P 17 July 19 Bancker, Stephen F. 2 July 20 Berg, Carl 10 July 26 Bloodgood, Charles E. 2 Aug. 14 Byrnes. Philip F. 4 Aug. 23 Brady, Francis E 9 Sept. 3 Boyer, Frank W 9 Sept. 8 Couklin, Frederick.. 10 Sept. 9 Carlson, Fred .. 7 Sept. 13 Cassidy, F. P... 15 Sept. 16 Campbell, John A. 4 Sept. 25 Clancy, Matthew 9 Oct. 11 Cooper, Edward A S Oct. 19 Corson, Alfred D 5 Oct. 30 Crum, Peter J... 15 Nov. 10 Costello, Charles E.... 19 Nov. 16 Conway, N.J 7 Nor. 22 Coons, Mary W 13 Dec. 6 Coon. Charles H 10 Dec. 11 Clemence, James. 7 Do. Connors, Tl’illiam J... 3 Dec. 17 Collins, Villiam 7 Dec. 21 Crawson, Edgar 6 Mar. 26 Cahill. \Villiam 11 June 22 Compton, Arthur 3 Aug. 5 Cross, John E... Corson, Charles B.... Cook, James Crawforil, George TV 6 Jan. 14 Clark, T. M 1 Feb. 4 Coones, Matthew 7 Mar. 15 Clark, Daniel ... 10 Apr. 19 Crozier, William. 1 June 10 Cnstance, George E.... 5 July 13 Conorer, TV. E.. 9 July 26 Crippen, M. E. 6 Aug. 3 Dey, John J 7 Aug. 21 Douglass. William W.. 1 Dec. 8 Doerrer, John... 3 Jan. 14 DeRonde, l'illiam 12 Feb. 1 Dewey, Natlaniel 23 Do. Drost. Lewis K. 365 375 390 396 403 413 456 495 500 501 507 517 548 566 573 579 590 602 613 633 653 664 708 709 736 742 744 760 764 773 778 779 801 823 834 837 843 857 868 871 877 884 885 304 306 389 404 406 408 429 434 442 467 468 502 524 582 607 611 623 631 648 650 693 720 728 740 748 749 777 816 828 322 354 393 411 473 478 12 Feb. 15 1 Feb. 23 1 Mar. 2 3 Dilar. 6 6 Mar. 10 16 Mar. 15 5 Apr. 8 10 Apr. 28 6 Apr. 29 1 Do. 6 May 3 2 Mar 10 11 hay 24 10 į June 1 12 June 3 1 June 4 15 June S 2 June 12 6 June 16 3 June 24 1 July 8 7: July 15 4 Auy. 11 2 Do. 3 dug. 28 1 Aug. 31 12 Sept. 1 12 Sept. 14 1 Do. 5 Sept. 22 17 Sept. 23 9 Do. 12 Oct. 18 16 Vor. 6 8 Nor. 16 6 Nor. 17 51 Nov. 23 5 Dec. 4 2 Dec. 15 9 Dec. 17 1 Dec. 22 9 Dec. 29 6 Do. 5 4 3 Do. 8 Mar. 2 3 Mar. 11 9 Do. 3 Mar. 13 12 DIar. 22 9 Mar. 24 6. Mar. 29 8 Apr. 13 12 Apr. 14 S Apr. 30 7 May 12 1 Jude 5 25 June 14 4 June 16 10 June 21 1 June 23 11 July 6 1 Do. 1 July 31 14 Aug. 18 19 Aug. 23 8 Aug. 31 15 Sept. 3 5 Sept. 4 11 Sept. 23 1 Oct. 29 6 Nov. 10 3 Jan. 18 26 Feb. 9 6 Mar. 4 4 Mar. 15 8 Apr. 16 41 Apr. 19 Jan. Second-class pilots. Ames, Allison G... Agusto. Angelo J Amundsen, Jacob E Allen, Elias T Allison, C. TV Anderson, Carl A..... Albin, S. P Androvett, A. A Aldrich, T. G Anderson, Charles .Boyes, Charles W Beardsley, Isaac H... Briggs, George 315 347 412 477 595 661 682 698 730 860 312 340 341 48 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-New York, V. Fi-Continued. Vame, No. of No. ot' Date of of license. issug. issue. Jame. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 576 Doescher, Louis Dillon, James J Deutz, Charles H Darby, Godfrey Durlacher, August. Denuis, \Villian S.. Darling, Amos. Duval, William F... Decker, C, G... Deming, Percy R.., Dragon, Robert H... Dougherty, Harry Eastman, Reuben Ellard, William H.. Edwards, Jacob W.. Eldridge. Henry. Edwards, Charles Eaton, Frederick. Ellwards, E.J.. Erickson, V. E Ellis. George. Engels, Cliarles S... Flannery, Keran. Forsyth, William H.. Fullerton, John R... Finley, Patrick Feeley, Bernard. Frost, John S.. Facks, John E. V... Fountain, Thomas R. N. Free, Albert Fergusou, Fowler Flinn, James B.. Flagg, William Flannery, Thomas Grathwobl, Henry Gully: James D Griffen, John Greeuwood, Samuel... Green, Joseph Gett, Fred Gully, W.A Garrison, F.M Grove, George W Grant. Louis J.. Gan, Joseph C Grore, Villiana Greenen, Edwarıl Gallagher, Thomas Grabholz, Peter L... Gillette, Henry Gardiner, Francis.. Goodwin, Thomas E., jr Gallagher, George Grant, Victor Granger, George O.. Gillen. James J Garrison, Benjamin Gunderson, Gunder. Gill, Frank Hooker, James C Hases, Patrick Harrold, Wʻillian H... Horan, Henry T.. Howell, H. VV.F Hand, F. MI Halsey, William F.. Harxhurst, Fred. Harriman, Louis.. Halliday, William Harbo, Gottlieb. Hendrikson, Louis.. Hansen. Janies J Hegarty. John J Hanford, Theodore. Hayden, George F Hammani), A. C Hallock, James D... 504 514 523 541 603 632 672 686 790 806 814 871 319 329 437 441 542 56- 645 667 678 808 321 313 355 387 515 556 571 586 643 703 797 798 805 311 330 357 363 379 405 414 124 433 149 462 503 520 539 589 624 639 640 670 ! 774 776 807 827 857 862 3.18 380 398 +07 431 446 455 157 460 465 469 185 197 199 516 521 522 555 May 1 Hutchinson, James L.. 1 May 6 Hansen, Magnus 2 May 12 Harry, Janies T 3 May 21 Hall, Isaac G 6 June 14 Holgran, Charles 9 June 24 Hallock. B. W 3 July 20 Halstead, H. J 11 July 29 Hamilton, M. E.. 1 Oct. 6 Hagan, Gus.. 3 Oct. 22 Hyatt, Walter B.. Oct. 27 Howe, Patrick , 2 Dec. 18 Hodgkinson, Geo. S., jr 3 Jan. 16 Holden, T. B.. 2 Jan. 21 Howard, William 10 Mar. 26 Hyatt, M.J ... 6 Mar. 23 Flazard. Leonard. 3 Alay 21 Hayward, Robert I... Mar 29 Hyres, Edward E 3 July 6 Hennessey, Daniel.. 6 July 19 Iverson, Á.P. 3 July 24 Irwin, Charles P. 14 Oct. 23 Jellisou, Horace V 6 Jan. 16 Jansen, Julius C. 8 Feb. 2 Jones, Charles 2 Feb. 9 Jenks, Fred S. 13 Mar. 1 Judson, William. 17 May 7 | Jones, Richard. 8 May 27 Jetfrey, L. A., jr June 3 Jellison, Charles H 3 June 7 1 Johnson, C.O.. 3 July 2 Jackson, Harry N 16 dug. 5 Jeuson, Emils.. 8 Oct. 14 James, Harrison 31 Oct. 15 Judson, Agur. 19 Oct. 20 Jackson, Oscar E Jan. 11 Johnson, Lorenzo D.. 1 Jan. 21 Jeffrey, William L.... 2 Fel). 10 Johnson, Frank L 16 Feb. 13 Johnson, A 6 Feb. 25 Johnson, Leonard A. 14 Mar. 11 Jolinson, Albiu. 4 Jlar. 16 Kepny. Matthew Mar. 19 Kay, VVillian... 5 Mar. 24 Kelses, Woodhull H... 5 Mar. 31 Kilroy. James 6 Kiernan, Patrick 7 May 1 Kiernan, T. F.. 1 May 10 Kiny, Charles . 6 May 20 Ketcham, William J... 4 June 7 Kreiger, Peter.. 3 Junie 21 Keyes. William H 3 July 1 King, Howard F.. 9 Do. Kolinken, Peter 8 July 20 Kasten, Johu.. 11 Sept. 22 Kayser. John 19 ! Do. Kline, Thomas S 21 Oct. 23 Kennedy, Janes .. 15 i Nor. 10 Kenether, Augustus C. 3 | Nor. 30 Kuudsen, Christian. 2 Dec. 11 Lundberg, Edvard 7 Jan. 15 Lemaistre, Philip.. 9 Tel. 25 Larsen, Thomas 15 Mar. 8 Langfeldt, Severin H.. 5 Mar. 12 Lorena, Herman 3 Mar. 22 Lealy, Daniel J Mar. 30 Lawson, John E 8 d. pr. 7 Lounsbury, William E 12 dur. S Lund, Christian 11 Apr. 9 Lewis. E. P. 11 pr. 13 Loticles, S. H. 7 pr. 14 Lockwood, Charles G.. 2 Apr. 22 Lotunes, Villian11 R... apr. 28 Loader, E.S... 3 Apr. 29 Lawson, Robert 3 ay S Larser, Andrew 10 May Alay 11 Lambert, Ira .. 2 Do. Laverty, John J. 10 May 27 Murphy, James. 616 555 657 688 701 717 722 727 759 761 770 803 812 819 979 840 859 876 384 529 309 326 339 352 358 368 399 400 401 439 445 453 598 626 649 658 832 $39 841 887 313 316 350 369 378 397 474 552 562 665 758 772 781 784 836 838 858 864 320 322 364 303 415 430 458 508 606 621 646 656 666 704 732 787 817 820 324 5 June 5 4 June 17 1 July 9 2 July 10 2 July 30 8 lng. 5 3 Aug. 17 1 Aug. 19 6 dug. 23 11 Sept. 10 11 Sejit. 13 6 Sept. 18 12 Oct. 19 12 Oct. 27 22 Nov. 1 9 Nov. 15 1 Nov. 18 7 Dec. 6 1 Dec. 21 6 Mar. 1 6 May 15 2 Jan. 8 8 Jan. 20 13 Jau. 30 Feb. 8 3 Feb. 10 17 Feb. 18 3 Mar. 9 5 Do. 1 Do. Mar. 26 3 Mar. 29 2 Apr. 5 17 June 11 2 June 22 13 July 6 6 July 12 4 Nov. 16 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 23 1 Dec. 30 6 Jan. 12 3 Jan. 15 2 Feb. 5 4 Feb. 18 28 Feb. 24 8 Mar. 3 13 10 May 27 13 May 28 8 July 15 3 Sept. 10 7 Sept. 18 1 Sept. 28 6 Sept. 30 6 Nov. 17 11 Nov. 18 6 Dec. 4 5 Dec. 14 3 Jan. 16 15 Jan. 23 7 Fel. 15 7 June 2 Mar. 16 5 Mar. 22 8 apr. 8 12 May May 4 9 Juno 1.4 18 June 21 13 July 6 4 July 10 9 July 19 1 Aug. 5 16 Aug. 26 7 Oct. 4 23 Oct. 29 5 Nov. 4 21 Jan. 19 1 Apr. 10 d pr. 17 . - STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 49 Pilois licensed-New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. Second.class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Apr. 6 Apr. 13 Apr. 22 9 May Morrell, Daniel H. McKiilop. James H. McKeon, Thomas. McNeill, Daniel... McCarthy, John. McCallrey, Thomas . Moran, James F.. Moehliny, Frederick... Melick, Edward ... McAllister, Daniel.. McLaughlin, Janes Miland, Hugh McDermott, Edward. Mead, A.R Moran, Andrew J.. Morris, Albert. McGrath, John Minnerly, N McGreevy, P.J McCullough, Thomas. McAllister. Charles. McCarrou, John... McFeeley, James Meyer, Theodore Murray, John Macrea, Charles A. Murray, David Matthews, C. E McCurry, Richard. Mulvey, Thomas McKillop, M.J McRoberts, Jolin N.. McGill, Daniel... McGrath, M.T Martin, I. $ Mills, E. R... McHenry. E.J Matthews, T. F .. Monolian, William H DcKillop, Daniel P .... McAllister, Patrick Morrow, John Malone, John W.. MaxFell, George S... McCurry: James. Norman, Villiam. Nolau, Thomas D Nerins, Daniel.. Nailele, George W Nerins, Daniel. Nilsen, Olo Nelsen, Christian.. Norwood, Robert TV Jewman. Miller Osment. William O'Haltz, Charles E... Olson, August Olsen, (). Ġ Oakley, Henry O'Connor, E.F. Osterbont, Charles J.. Olsson, Olof.. O'Brien, Jolm. O'Brien, James Olson, Adolph Osborne, Charles H Olson, Otto J..... Pastor. Villiam Harry. Phillips, George B Palmer, Reuben H... Peterson, Theodore Post, Burdetts Piriye, F. R Peace, Adam. Porter, William H. Percival, Charles J .. Pawson, T. E Prichard, Carlos J: 331 335 345 348 385 417 423 427 454 466 471 482 484 487 513 350 570 580 581 591 593 614 619 630 687 705 707 738 750 754 763 775 789 793 794 810 822 825 847 8-18 849 850 853 866 SS8 308 333 425 432 189 530) 842 8 +5 881 325 385 518 560 654 712 725 792 811 833 852 SS2 883 307 353 356 383 392 395 438 483 511 531 532 7 Jan. 23 Purry, George D ... 15 Jan. 28 Petty, R. E.... 2 Keb. 4 Pederson, Jacob 7 Do. Peet, Edward .. 18 Mar. 1 Peterson, John E 5 Mar. 16 Palmer, Charles. 1 Mar. 17 Pinckney, 0.C. 8 Mar. 19 Pyne, Thomas J 16 Payne, Е. Н... 3 Post, Andrew D 15 Apr. 14 Rogers, Philip Apr. 20 Russell, Eugene A 3 Ross, Daniel H. 9 Apr. 24 Raynor, John F. 8 May May 6 Rowley, Frank W 11 May 24 Ryrier, J.P ... June 2 Reckhow, Abram 14 Juno Ryder, J. V.. 1 Do. Reilly, Edward J 2 Jule 8 Rector, Charles E..... 1 June 9 Rea, Joseph. 9 June 16 Rowland, E.B.. 1 June 17 Redmond, John 0 June 23 Raymond, Charles W.. 16 | July 29 Reilly, James. 14 dug. 6 Ripley, Joseph S.. 13 Aug. 10 Russell, Herbert. 9 Aug. 30 Ryder. Charles F 11 Sept. + Rogers, John 6 Sept. 9 Russell, Daniel 13 Sept. 14 Reilly, Edward L 9 | Sept. 22 Raaberg, Anton 14 Oct. 6 Russell, William I.... 4 Oct. 11 Reilly, James A.. 10 Oct. 13 Reid, Peter 1 Oct. 26 Ruland, Joba E... 1 Nov. 5 Seaman, Charles 13 Nov. 8 Smith, James .. 2 Nov. 26 Shufelt, Augustus 12 Do. Svensen, Lars.. S Nov. 27 Smith, Cyr-bius T 9 Nov. 29 Sullivan, Michael 7 Dec. 1 Stansbury, H. B 7 Dec. 15 Smith, Daniel S 14 Dec. 30 Shanley, James 4 Jan. 6 Sherman, Thomas P... 10 Jan. 26 Schoenberger, William 18 Mar. 18 Shaw, Alexander 1 Jar. 24 Stebbins, Alexander G. 2 Southard. Willian E 6 May 17 Shulti-, Andrei 1 Nov. 23 Stebbins, Biou 5 Nov. 24 Sims. E. A 10 Dec. 27 Smith, H. C... 1 Jan. 19 Sutton, David L 8 Mar. 2 Sjolud, Wilhelm 3 Max. 10 Soehl, August. 7 May 28 Seeley, Lafayette D 5 July 9 Sulliran, Michael F... 1 Sloan, William S... 3 Strand, Jolin.. (ct. 11 Stillwaggon, William F 13 Oct. 27 Stinson, Frank 1 Nov. 16 Sullivan. John 2 Nov. 30 Slaight. Sidney 9 Dec. 27 Snow, William B. 13 Dec. 28 Smith, E. L.. 13 Jan. 5 Stillwaggon, F.J 6 Fel). 8 Slicehall, James J JO Feb. 10 Stuart. Charles W 1 Feb. 27 Simmons, Arthur G .... 4 i Mar 3 Silliman, Jasper T 12: Mar. 5 Shaud, TVilliam 7 Mar. 26 Stokes, James.. 10 pr. 21 Small, Thomas 6 way 6 Serologna, George 2 Day 17 Secley, Louis M Do. Strair, Samuel 669 674 665 679 723 724 747 752 826 873 310 317 328 346 351 371 391 418 436 447 450 498 506 537 549 605 652 719 721 780 783 796 815 844 863 867 314 359 361 373 374 402 109 440 463 479 480 488 491 196 509 544 545 559 569 572 583 584 588 601 610 620 635 680 695 696 697 713 729 731 756 782 799 804 818 835 $56 879 7 July 20 10 July 22 5 July 23 2 July 26 3 Aug. 19 15 Aug. 20 4 Sept. 2 5 Sept. 9 14 Nov. 9 4 Dec. 18 12 Jan. 8 12 Jan. 15 7. Jan. 21 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 10 Feb. 18 6 Mar. 3 12 Mar. 17 1 Mar. 25 1 Mar. 30 15 Apr. 1 6 Apr. 28 3 9 May 19 2 May 24 18 June 14 17 July 8 4 Aug. 18 20 Aug. 19 5 Sept. 21 2 Sept. 30 9 Oct. 14 5 Oct. 29 3 Nov. 24 10 Dec. 11 12 Dec. 15 7 Jan. 13 5 Feb. 11 12 Do. 5 Feb. 20 18 Do. 6 Mar. 10 12 Mar. 13 4 Mar. 27 7 Apr. 12 11 A pr. 19 4 Apr. 20 6 Apr. 26 18 Do. S Apr. 28 5 May 15 May 22 3 Do. 13 Mar 28 4 June 2 6 June 3 11 June 5 1 Do. 13 June 7 9 June 12 1 June 15 16 June 19 8' June 28 11 July 26 10 Aug. 2 S Do. 5 Aug. 3 3 Aug. 13 5 Aug. 23 i ! Aug. 24 1. Sept. 10 20 Sept. 29 7 Oct. 16 14 | Oct. 20 13 Oct. 30 12 Oct. 17 14. Der, 4 21 Dec. 23 Apr. 26 Ang. 12 2.119. 21 11 57_-4 50 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed New York, N. 1.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issuie. Second-class pilots- Continued. -Conta. Special pilots-Cont'd. UN WIA Selleck, Sands. Smith, Luther B Tliomas, Smith... Thomas, Solomon, jr Tallamn, John E Tubby, Edward.. Traver, George E.. Torgersen, Lars Tuck, N.L.. Tice, Oscar. Templeton, William J Tague, Andrei F. Tierney, Michael J.. Taylor, C. K Tervey. II. V Ungfeldt, Albert. Urich, William P. B.... Van Pelt, Seeley. Van Name, Charles Van Name, John A Van Horn, William Van Steenburg, Lyman Van Alst, Harry. Van Nostrand, Charles. Van Alst, William M. Velsor, Daniel ... Van Valen, George W. Van Name, Herbert. Van Buren, John . Weston, B. E ... Webber, George R Wilson, E. N. Wright, Preston A. Williams, Otto. Wells, James T Wicks, George A Walker, Alfred, jr Wallaco, Andrew Wilde, TVilliam A Wooley, William Wilson, Alexander White, Francis Wheln, John F.. Warnke, Charles... Wilson, John Warring, William F. Wilson, William J White, John Weisbecker, George Wilson, John J.,.jr Walter, Cliarles.. White. J. MI.. Wood worth, A. E Whittaker, S. H.... Woodmancy, James F.. Wigmore, James Walker, W.J. Winslow, Edward B.... Wilson, Frank. Wright. TVilliam. Young, James W Yarrington, Jobp M. Zwickl, Maximilian.. 880 S86 377 .381 452 527 551 574 597 690 692 739 786 809 824 416 795 475 476 505 557 660 681 683 800 865 869 875 878 337 312 349 360 366 372 376 394 410 419 422 481 512 547 567 625 627 628 636 644 677 694 699 735 751 791 802 813 831 855 861 336 830 599 13 Dec. 27 Crawford, H.G 6 Dec. 29 Chrystie, F.F.. 3 | Feb. 24 Clark, Baylies C 16 Feb. 26 Currier, Osceola ñ | Ajr. Apr. 3 Chapman, H. W 5 May 14 Chase, A. W.. 9 May 25 Conk. Charles J. 1 June 3 Cronk, Jasper T June 11 Carle, William J 27 July 30 Carracioli, N.B.. 8 July 31 De Roude. Theodore 21 Aug. 31 Doane, Charles R 3 Oct. 1 Dunn, James at. 10 Oct. 26 Darrocli. Aiguis. 2 Nov. 8 Duplap, Matthew 1 Mar. 16 Duncan, Sinart ... 13 Oct. 13 Edwards, Frank 10 Arr. 17 Filly, Paul C.. 13 Do. Fonderille, al. J... 8 ; May 1 Eliggins, William B. 3 May 28 Howard. Jolin H 3 July 13 Hagemeyer, J. A 5 July 26 Hickey, Soho J 6 July 27 Hawxhurst, T. S. K.... 2 Oct. 16 Harris. John S.. 7 Dec. 15 Hemmes, Adam. 3 Dec. 16 Harris, Jabez 5 Dec. 21 Humphreys, Frank L.. 7 Dec. 23 Haskins, Charles A.. 10 Jan. 29 Hoyt, H.L... 2 Feb. 1 Hill, Charles E S Tel. 5 Housman, Jacob 1 Feb. 11 Hoyins, H.H .. 6 Feb. 17 Hart, C. D 7 Feb. 19 Jackson, A. Wendell... 10 Feb. 24 | Kearney, Robert TV .... 1 Mar. 4 | kopetschny, 0. E 6 Mar. 15 | Kuelpe, Charles . 5 Mar. 17 Kliver, A.P 101 Do. Lyue, L. F 17 Apr. 20 Lent, A.C 1 May (5) Marshall, Alfred. 7 May 22 Mollenbauer, J. Adolph 5 June 1 McLoughlin, Charles. 9 June 22 Masury, Fred L. DI 1 Do. Murphy, James H. 1 Do. May, Garrett ... 1 June 29 Martin, Thomas 9 July 3 Morris, Dare H. 24 | July 23 Norton, W.F 5 July 28 Noves, H.F.. e Aug. 4 O'Brien, Thomas. 8 Aug. 28 Ott, F. E.. 4 Sept. 9 Polson, John. 15 Oct. S Patterson. Trevonian H 13 Oct. 18 Post, Tilliam H.. 13 Oct. 27 Pease, Richmond 9 Nov. 15 Pover's, William A.. 4 Dec. 3 Peterson, S. A 2 Dec. 9 Potter, D. C... 1 Jan. 28 Payne, Frank S... 4 Nov. 15 Raynor, Charles TV 8 June 11 Rovaldis, George S. Ryder', C.IT Ruppert, Jacob, jr Ruppert, Frank. 10 May 19 Ruppert, George E. E... 12 July 23 Rogers, Albert v 7 May 19 Ryan, Jolin 9 June 21 | Richards, Joseph 5 July 30 Reichmann, William. 7 Sept. 11 Sanford, John, jr 1 Dec. 2 Seidenburg, Gustavus 2 Feb. 13 Strickland, O. B.... 2 Tel. 19 Step gard, Peter 4 Apr. 15 Smith, B. Frank 2 Apr. 28 Stray, Ralph... 3 May 13 | Squier. Benjamin F. 575 577 609 618 634 663 691 737 762 846 420 587 620 662 700 737 753 558 766 301 464 470 486 490 543 565 592 596 637 638 685 733 245 785 612 553 600 726 746 561 671 386 421 44. 519 604 715 716 788 642 694 617 743 327 135 443 546 594 706 714 767 426 492 533 534 554 578 585 651 710 768 428 451 493 423 535 5:10 56.91 4 June 3 9 June 4 2 June 15 1 June 17 6 June 28 2 July 14 July 30 15 Aug. 20 9 Sept. 14 12 Nov. 26 3 Mar. 17 4 June 7 3 June 22 8 July 14 4 Aug. 5 3. Sept. 10 5 Sept. 9 2 May 28 5 Sept. 15 4 Jan. 2 4! A pr. 13 2 | Apr. 14 2 Apr. 23 3 Apr. 26 6 May 22 6 May 29 13 June 8 1 1 June 10 6 June 30 9 July 1 10 July 28 2 Aug. 27 1 Sept. 2 2 Oct. 1 1 June 16 3 May 27 June 11 5 Aug. 21 8 Sept. 2 2 May 28 13 July 20 3 Mar. 1 1 Mar. 17 4 Mar. 29 1 May 10 5 Juie 14 5 Aug. 16 2 Aug. 17 4 Oct. 4 12 July 2 2 Aug. 2 3 June 17 9 Sept. 1 1 Jan. 20 2 Mar. 25 2 Dlar. 29 7 May 22 3 June 9 6 Aug. 10 7 7 Sept. 16 2 Mar. 18 2 Apr. 26 4 May 17 2 May 19 1 May 27 2 June 4 2 June 7 7 July 7 11 dug. 11. 7 Sept. 16 6 Mar. 20 6 Apr. 2 2 1 May 11 3 May 19 2 Mar 20 4 June 1 Aug. 13 Special pilots. Acker, Henry E., jr Akerly, Andrew. Baird, Alexander L Biddle, Charles S Bishop, Julius C. Bulin, George F Belknap, Henry Crabbe, Erward Carman, William A. Clark, Ernest P Clock, W. 1... Cole, VVilliam A 538 676 526 632 689 771 854 362 367 472 494 526 Apr. 26 STEAMBOAT-51 - INSPECTION SERVICE, Pilots licensed-New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Special pilots-Cont'd. Special pilots --Cont'd. Sypher, Do Vitt C Stephens, Clintou Church, William A... Taylor, W.W.. Thorne, John H. Tompkins, E. E. Thompson, Walter.. Thomson, John Voris, James P. Vreeland, G. W Wright, William M.. 659 711 829 334 615 647 702 755 641 718 305 12 July 13 4 Aug. 12 5 Nov. 11 3 Jan. 27 2 June 16 7 July 6 4 Aug. 5 15 Sept. 9 3 July 1 dug. 17 7 Jan. 4 Tebster, Jolin G Webber, Charles L..... Wirsching, James E... Woodward, E.S. Wivant, Thomas Walters, Samuel A.. Warner, Johu F TValker, Willian M. Whittier, Jason P Zoru, Frederick.. 448 510 528 563 673 765 769 870 872 821 3 Mar. 30 2 May 4 3 May 15 2 May 29 8 July 21 4 Sept. 15 1 Sept. 16 3 Dec. 16 6 Dec. 17 9 Nov. 4 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ender December 31, 1897--New York, N. I. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. į issue. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of | license. | issue. issue. Bedell, James. Clayton, 17. IT. Crabtree, Johu A Davison, WinGeld Dans, Albert D... Darling, Charles T..... Graham, Frank. Holt, William. Hawks, VY.T Kraemer, Cbarles L.... Muller, John P.. Mount, Elmer M. 154 155 170 162 173 174 165 160 166 161 157 159 4 Mar 11 Mallett, George E..... 2 May 12 Negus, Robert W. S.... 4 Aug. 17 Nichols, Harry C 3 Jilly 2 || Proul, arthur B. 1 Aug. 28 Peteler, William Al.. 11 Aug. 31 Guandie, Louis 1 July 20 Reynolds, Charles B... 10 June 7 Reed, George 9 Aug. 6 Smill, G.P 1 Julie 22 Smith, Adolph T 3 May 21 Vill, John À.. 1 May 27 Watts, Theodore J 177 156 163 158 153 169 167 172 151 168 152 164 Nov. 18 2 May 20 5 July 8 2 May 26 7 Apr. 10 8 Aug. 12 7 Aug. 11 6 Aug. 24 1 Teb. 1S 8 Aug. 12 3 Mar. 3 5 July 8 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1997—New York, N. Y. 1 Chief engineer's— (ocean). Chicf engineers (ocean)- Continued. Albinson, John E... Austin, George Allan, George Ashmore, Samuel .... Audrey's, Charles Ayer, Augustus S Anazeen, Fred L Browne, Richard P.. Brockwell, John B... Baragwanath, Henry Bergenson, John Butell, E. M Boyd, Edward J Bunstine, Neven.. Bampton, Benjamin C Bungey, Charles Booth, Nathaniel E Buun, Johu W.. Boyle, Adam E Bay, Bertel T... Beardsley, Edward T.. Bailey, Hugh J Bernier, Louis Bryan, James C. Bisset, Robert E Butler, Henry G Best. Willian II.. Broilie, William Belknap, William... Butler, George H Baker, Saintiel S Bunce, Charles E Boyd, Henry G Brown, James Bosling, Charles H A1276 A1803 A 2052 A 2640 A8169 A 8255 A8353 A1236 A1258 A 1261 A 1265 A1239 A1217 A 1208 A1402 A1417 A119 A1452 A1578 A 1650 A1659 A1708 A1725 * 1795 A1802 A1804 A1935 A 1939 A1951 A1956 A 1957 A 2011 A 2040 A2110 A 2154 7 Jan. 21 26 May 6 Jun 9 8 Sept. 21 19 Oct. 13 25 Nov. 6 14 Dec. 2 9 Jan. 12 14 Jan. 18 12 Jan. 19 14 Do. 15 Jan. 27 13 Jan. 30 9 Feb. 11 15 Feb. 20 13 Feb. 26 4 Mar. 4 11 Mar. 5 19 Mar. 27 13 Apr. 10 11 Apr. 12 8 Apr. 19 13 Apr. 21 26 May 5 3 37 Do. 35 May 24 5 Do. 34 May 25 18 Do. 24 Do. 27 June 5 8 Juwe 3 10 June 19 5 June 25 Barrett, Thomas H ... Briscoe, J. . Breese, Theoilore Benson, Albert B. Bisset, Robert S Brun, Charles L. Beagan, Michael A Burwell, William Bunker, William A Barr, VValter F Baber, Ernest. Boag, Johu.. Berry, Samuel H. Benford, Ira M. Black, John... Cornell, William A.. Clift, Villiam Carroll, Thomas H Clarke, Samuel J. Cantner, Samuel L.... Clark, John TV... (hestnuti , Robert Campbell, Gieorye W Charlton, V.1 Corsou, George B Cavan, James Colcord, William A. Chicholm, David Carnegie, James Corrigan, James Cushing, William E Charlton, Emmet G. Caplis, John... Carey, Thomas A Crowley, James P A 2202 A2250 A 2272 A 2474 A 2530 A 2562 A8168 A8182 A8185 AS244 A8291 A 8286 A $369 A 8376 A8435 41209 A 1235 A1330 A 1380 A1483 A1499 A 1519 A 1640 A1700 A1703 A 1711 A1832 A1886 A1967 A1976 A 2005 A2095 12111 A2135 A2190 18 July 6 8 July 17 15 July 20 37 Aug. 24 19 Sept. 1 4 Sept. 8 12 Oct. 13 13 Oct. 16 2S Oct. 18 16 Nov. 1 1 Nor. 11 2 Nov. 12 24 Dec. 6 18 Dec. 8 7 Dec. 22 37 Jan. 4 24 Jan. 12 6 Teb. 2 13 Feb. 16 14 Mar. 11 14 Mar. 13 10 Mar. 22 23 Apr. 7 9 Apr. 17 28 Apr. 19 5 Apr. 20 14 Day 11 20 Dias 17 5 5 May 27 8 May 28 35 June 4 S June 16 27 June 19 18 June 23 7 | July 3 May 6 52 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Ver York, N. Y.--Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. ( issue. issue. dug. 20 Sopt. 2 Chief engineers (ocean) Continued. Colemau, George F Crapser, Ethelirard. Carroll, Andrew J Colter, TVillian... Crapser, Abraham B. Carson, Archibald Coyle, James E.. Clarke, John F Clayton, Henry Crapser. Villiam H. Campbell, Albert Corey, James H. H... Crawford, William H.. Cartwell, George Crilley, Johu Carlsen, Abraham Charlton, Casper E Dodd, Frederick J... Davidson, William J... Duon, George A.... Donovan, William L... Davis, Frank O... Derling, William Dooley, James F. Devine, George Donley, Theodore d Dibb, John.. Dixon, William J .... Delalanty, Thomas. Deroe, Hamilton Duncan, W.J.H.. De Silva, David Etter, Samuel W. Eugman, Charles F.. Ellis, Edgar V Evans, James. Erans, Jolin.. Evans, Christopher. Egan, John. Evans, Charles E Emerson, Thomas Ford, Michael J Ford, James Flor, Theodore. Fleming, James 1 Finkel, Charles E.... Finnie, Thomas Ford, Daniel E. Fraser, John.. Floyd, William R. E. Fowler, John VV Fry, Alfred Brooke Fitzpatrick, James. Freer, William G. Gallagher, Charles J.. Green, Charles H Gardiner, \Villiam C.. Geare, H. W Garrett, William L Goss, Edwin.. Gibson, Roberta Gibson, Frederick J Garretson, Christop'r B Gilbert, Gilbert L.... Gibson, William Greeli wood, Edward .. Griffen, Dennis Ganil, Ray Gardiuer, Winfield S... Hamilton, Thomas Fering, David. Hall, Thomas Larscu, Edward D... Harrison, John J Flansson, Henry J Howard, Lyman Hanseu, Mignus. Huckins, Daniel A2232 A2249 A2262 A2301 A 2334 42377 12445 A2451 42475 A2479 A2481 A 2537 A8114 AS128 A8209 28240 18356 ! A1239 211291 A1772 41966 A 2023 A 2049 12051 A 2073 A2195 A2242 A 2300 A2391 A 2429 A 2457 A2620 A1243! A 1367 A1374 21448 A 1599 1828 A 2118 A2330 A8428 A1247 A 1312 À 1361 A 1366 A1523 A 1671 A 1979 A2030 A2042 A2352 42362 A 2512 A 2503 A1326 1446 A 1575 A1833 A 1885 41892 Å 1924 A2152 A 2-130 A 2462 A 2584 A8190 18197 A8421 AS422 A1309 A1376 Al 14. 1154 A 1462 A1570 A 1750 A1759 11782 Chief engineers (ocean)-Continued. 24 July 11 Hermes, J. George 1912 17 July 17 Horton, Charles L A1999 11 July 19 Hoffman, Philip H A 2013 12 July 24 Heilbrun, Theodore. A 2100 35 July 29 Hodgart, William R... A2136 14 Aug. 6 Hanafey, Johu C A 2283 25 dug. 19 Flughes, Thomas, jr. 2489 29 Hunter, Jobu. A2522 11 Auy. 24 Healey, Joseph A 2569 30 Do. Hamilton, Gavju. 2 2643 16 Aug. 25 Hvok, James M. A 8238 4 Harris, E. V. A8239 22 Oct. 2 Ingram, Lucius L... A 2670 3 Oct. 5 Ingram, kobert B. A 8322 13 Oct. 22 Johnson. J. Isaac A1221 Oct. 30 Jobuson, John M A1478 14 Dec. * Jameson, James S 1490 8 Jan. 1:3 Julinson, E.P... A1800 17 June 25 Jennings, Robert A 1844 13 | VĨay Nay 3 Jones, Jolu A190-1 21 May 27 Jeunings, Bernard J A 2066 28 June 7 Johnson, Williani H. 22425 6 June 9 Joyce, Willian A 3634 9 Do. Johnsun, George A A 8417 29 June 14 Jordan, James T. 18451 15 July 6 Kerst, George W A1491 3 July 16 Kolb, George A. 11573 25 ) July 24 Karlson, sugust A 1746 8 Aug. 10 Kennedy, Alexander ! A2192 30 | Aug. 16 Kirk, John A 2203 30 Aug. 21 Keating, Jobn E. A 2690 19 Sept. 18 Kennedy, Charles P A8116 33 Jan. 15 Kerr, Robert.... A83-10 8 Feb. 11 Lyden, Joseph A1278 13 Feb. 13 Lyons, R. D.... A 1827 43 Mar. 4 LeFevre, Peter E 1840 13 Mar. 30 Langlotz, Robert F A1941 32 | May 10 Lopuey, Thomas F A2138 13 | June 21 Lowell, John B A 2267 10 1 July 28 Lindsay, "Pilliam 2 2433 .17 Dec. 21 Lambden, Joun. 22527 22 Jan. 15 Lobman, Axel F.. 42550 17 Jan. 30 Lindley, Jonah 4.2577 10 Feb. 9 ! Lockett, John. A2578 17 Tel. 11 Lyell, John A2881 21 Mar. 17 Lister, Henry B... A 2587 23 Apr. 13 Lamothe, Hippolite. A2631 19 May 28 | Lutz, John F... 2092 9 June S Lyon, J. Wyckoti 12697 June 9 Lewis, James J. AS101 25 Aug. 2 Lati'erty, Daniel. 18271 13 Aug. 3 Lanigan, Georges. AS304 27 Aug. 28 Leary, Willian G.. AS358 20 1o. Livingston, Jacob A 8449 1+ Tel. 4 Mowbray, George W W... 11205 15 Mar. * Moriarty, William A 211212 21 | Mar. 26 McEwan, Campbell. A1229 9 May 11 Millor, Jolin B.. A1232 1 May 17 lolvenna, F.T. Al263 23 May 18 onroe, William C. 41285 19 May 22 McCarthy, Robert P... A1415 14 June 25 McDonald, Jolin 21459 10 dug. 16 McBride, James J A1497 15 Aug. 21 Morrison, Robert M... A 1603 2 Sept. 11 DIars. Edward J. A1653 16 Oct. 18 Morrissy, John A 17:37 S Oct. 19 Milorrison, William. A1739 24 Dec. 20 Muncks, Thomas J A1775 8 Do. MacArthur', Duniala ... 41787 6 Jan. 29 Murdock, William (1810 29 Feb. 15 Morris, Henry A 1859 16 Feb. 25 JcDowell, James A1863 18 Mar. 0 McCullough, Harry A1889 27 Mar. 8 Misset, Edvard.. A 1926 7 Mar. 24 Monroe. Daniel E. A 1933 6 Apr. 28 Mars, Edwari.. A1973 9 Apr. 29 DicColl, Gavin 42019 26 May 4 Worrow, James . 2055 20 May 21 18 June 3 26 June 5 15 June 17 14 June 22 19 July 22 10 dug. 26 3 Aug. 31 9 Sept. 9 2 Sept. 22 32 Oct. 30 11 Do. 7 Sept. 25 24 Nov. 24 10 Jan. 6 10: Mar. 11 11 Mar. 12 21 May 6 7 May 12 23: May 20 7 June 11 22 dug. 16 3 Sept. 20 9 Dec. 18 24 Dec. 30 19 Mar. 13 6. Mar. 25 12 spr. 26 13 July 6 15 July 19 11 Sept. 29 9 Oct. 2 3 Nov. 30 17 Jan. 22 17 May 10 29 May 11 13 May 24 23 June 23 36 July 20 7 Aug. 17 12 Sept. 1 31 Sept. 7 8 Sept. JO 15 Do. 1 Sept. 11 5 Sept. 13 14 Sept. 20 12 Sept. 29 12 Sept. 30 29 Oct. 1 16 Nor. 9 42 Nov. 18 10 Dec. 3 17 Dec. 30 14 Jan. 2 22 Jan. 5 20 Jan. 9 17 Jan. 16 8 Jan. 19 10 Jan. 25 14 Feb. 25 7 Mar. 8 20 Mar. 13 33 Mar. 31 9 Apr. 10 27 Apr. 23 10 Do. 11 May 3 5 May 4 6 May 7 25 May it 7 May 15 27 May 17 30 May 22 10 May 24 Il May 28 5 June 7 10 June 9 15 0 Q STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 53 Engineer's licensed-New York, N. F.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. issue. Ohief engineer's (ocean)—Continued. Chief engineers (ocean)-Continued. + 19 McGee, James S McLean, William H... Mclarland, John. Murphy, Christopher.. Murray, Peter A. Muir, Pattison. McIntyre, Duncan. Magee, E. A Muir, Robert .. McLachlin, John Masden, William T... McPherson, George. Mintzer', William A.... McMahon. Anthony MacCarthy, Charles More, Charles A McLaughlin, Michael. Murphy, Michael J .... Murphy, William Marshall, John J. Nelson, Gilbert B. Nisbet, John C... Norvall, James G. Nocollothy, Matther.. Newton, Joseph D.... Neptune. Joseph.. Osterhout. George E... O'Brien, Deonis S... O'Hara, Thomas Platt, Clayton Pollock, Joseph. Pugsley, Charles B Parcels, Samuel. Paterson. William Pugsley Henry S Pierce, Samuel w Perkins, George W Petrie, Robert B Parsell, A bram W Perry, William Paul, R. S..... Portlock, William L Philp, John Platt, John Prescott, Jolin. Quilty, James. Quinliven, John A. Quigley, Michael Rowley, Robert. Ritchie, Richard. Rodman, William H Ryan, Nicholas Reeve, David B Roberts, Robert. Ritchic, David. Reilley, Patrick. Ritchie, George A Redmond, John Roberts, Edvard Read, Robert W Rogers, Newton Roberts, W. W Robson, Joseph. Rowe, James H. Rees, Elgar A. Robertson, William. Reed, Edward C.,,jr. Reilly, Patrick Reid, William F. Ryan, Timothy Rook, George A Reilly, John.. Rust, Walter G.. Ritchie, Jacob S. Roberts, Walter E.. Reidl. John C... Rolph, Robert J. Smith, Hans A 2097 A2130 A2139 A 2201 A 2243 A 2253 A2314 A2329 A 2450 A 2539 A 2546 A 2571 A 2606 A2619 A 8147 A 8159 A8301 A8344 A 8416 A8138 A1254 A1576 A1930 A.2437 A8164 A 8394 A 1837 A 2629 A $189 A1331 A1443 A 1550 A 1669 A1717 A 1993 A 2004 A 2062 A 2087 A2169: A 2309 22668 ; A8132 A 8184 A $3971 A8407 A1461 A1626 A 2107 A1293 A1394 A1397 A1401 A1545 A 1580 A 1630 A1707 A1744 A1910 A 1918 A2056 A2069 A2239 A 2295 A 2319 A2476 A 2528 A 2563 A2585 A8133 A8101 A 8194 A 8223 AS254 A 8333 A8355 AS123 A9442 À1214 6 June 16 Stenstrom, Charles A1234 32 June 23 Strong, F.P A 1264 13 Do. Sancton, Thomas A1303 8 July July 6 Scoville, Nelson R A1343 14 July 16 Sinclair, James F A1407 16 July 17 Savage, George P A1453 19 July 26 Sly, John V A 1597 2 July 28 Stiles, Silas A1618 6 Aug. 19 Smith, Anding. A 1656 15 Sept. 3 Simpson, Russell M. A1814 15 Sept. 4 Smith, George W.jr A1879 22 Sept. 10 Stewart, Villiam S A 1900 3 Sept. 16 Spannburgh. Leonard.. A 1920 15 Sept. 18 Spoor, Jobu 1... A1990 9 Oct. 8 States, James A 2078 25 Oct. 1) Salbador, George W. A 2084 29 Nov. 17 Sturtevant. Villiam P A2193 9 Dec. 1 Suudall, Jobu B.... A 2459 18 Dec. 18 Shean, Samuel A... A 2477 18 Dec. 23 Stickerman. Richard S. A 2552 14 Jan. 16 Sandow, John. A 2598 16 Mar. 27 Skidmore, TV'illiam B.. A 2627 4 May 24 Shaw, Alexanıler A 2644 6 Aug. 17 Scott, George A2657 14 Oct. 12 Selleck, Hotard A 2663 10 Dec. 13 Stewart, Charles. A2667 14 May 11 Sbaughnessy, Patrick AS111 13 Sept. 20 i Scout, M.C A8119 14 Oct. 18 Sellew, William C A8176 19 Feb. 3 Sellew, TVallace. A8199 29 Mar. 3 Storin, Jolin A8204 19 Mar. 22 Sallapse, Andrer. A 8288 12 Apr. 12 Smith, Carroll A8317 3 Apr. 20 Skinner, Joseph A8102 26 June 1 Snowman, William H.. A8424 23 June 4 Thorn, Chessman V... A1242 11 June 11 Tinkham, Samuel A. A1304 5 June 16 Turner, J. V A1342 31 June 30 Tobias, William S.. A 1356 24 July 26 Trim, Ralph W.. A1378 Sept. 25 Taylor, James A 1664 17 Oct. 6 Thomas, Philip A 1752 2 Oct. 16 Throsby, Edwin R... A 1856 30 Dec. 14 Turner, Thomas A 1884 12 Dec. 17 Tully, Tlionas F A2167 5 Mar. 8 Teiper, Henry J A 2355 23 Apr. Taylor, Wallace L..... A 2454 11 June 18 Torrance, Jobn A 2639 2 Jan. 25 Taylor. Johu... A8112 2 Feb. 19 Tuthill, Sheppard K. A8243 2 Do. Tinnerholm, Harry S.. A8411 4 Feb. 20 Thompson, Thomas D.. A8440 28 Mar. 22 Underwood, Thomas R. A260S 8 Mar. 27 Vreeland, Minedart. A1219 13 6. Van Buskirk, WVm. H.. A1262 24 Apr. 19 Vau Vart, Edward S.. A1658 17 Apr. 26 Vauglin, John A 1688 21 Mas 20 Vanderburgh, 112. H. A1783 4 May 21 Ton Seyfried, A. V.... A 2064 20 June 10 Van Hoeson, Francis A 2480 12 June 12 Van Arsdale, Americus A2567 21 July 15 Vann, William J A 8309 13 July 23 Tandiver, Jobo T A$320 30 July 26 Van Iderstine, Garrett. A 8393 15 Aug. 24 Williams, William. A1202 24 Sept. 1 Wilson, Alexander 1207 14 Sept. 8 Wheeler. George B A 1273 14 Sept. 13 White, Gilbert M. A 1429 15 Oct. 6 White. FF... A 1442 5 Oct. 11 Teir, Matthew R. A1447 15 Oct. 19 Vuite, Willian S.. A1488 15 Oct. 26 | Wreidt, George E .... A 1584 18 Nov. 5 Watrons, 1.0) A 2609 20 Nov. 27 Witzisk, Brune. A1610 14 Dec. 2 Wright, Robert. A1640 12 Dec. 20 Whitaker, Salmon B... A 1755 16 Dec. 27 Veed, Charles.. A1850 10 | Jan. 5 5 l Walters, Joseph A1932 12 Jan. 11 17 Jan. 19 30 Jan. 28 24 Feb. 5 3 Feb. 24 19 Mar. 6 38 Mar. 30 11 Apr. 2 30 Apr. 10 5 May 7 7 May 17 18 May 19 30 Mar 22 29 June 1 19 June 14 12 Juno 15 12 July 6 32 Aug. 21 12 Aug. 24 26 Sept. 7 18 Sept. 15 13 Sept. 20 6 Sept. 22 5 Sept. 23 26 Sept. 24 8 Sept. 25 7 Oct. 2 19 Oct. 4 16 Oct. 15 31 Oct. 20 16 Oct. 21 1 Nov. 13 14 Nov. 23 19 Dec. 16 16 Dec. 22 12 Jan. 15 Jan, 28 18 Feb. 5 26 Feb. 8 15 Feb. 15 5 spr. 12 5 Apr. 28 11 May 14 5 May 17 1.9 June 29 21 Aug. 2 16 Aug. 20 22 Sept. 21 17 Oct. 2 20 Nor. 1 12 Dec. 17 4 | Dec. 23 13 | Sept. 17 15 6 15 Jan. 19 9 Apr. 12 22 Apr. 15 35 May 4 15 June 11 3] Aug. 25 17 Sept. 9 11 Nov. 20 32 Nor. 24 19 Dec. 13 1 Jan. 2 14 Jan. 4 17 Jan. 21 32 Feb. 27 9 Mar. 3 9 Mar. 4 7 Mar. 12 17 Dlar. 27 14 1 S Do. 17 9 15 Apr. 29 39 Va 13 23 Ma 24 . Jan. Apr. 1 Apr. A pr. 54 - STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (ocean)--Continued. Chief engineers (inland)--Continued. Aug. 6 Walls, William C... Watson, William Walls, John Wilson, William. Williams, Henry. Wallace, Mandeville... Wotherspoon, James .. Talker, Jess B Walsh, John. Walle, Andrei J Wotherspoon, Audrew. Wright, John. Winter, Oscar Walls, Janes C.. Yule, Thomas Young, James A 1940 2072 A2119 42127 22185 A 2372 A 2680 A8157 A8160 A8216 A8235 A 8287 A 8334 A 8350 A 21.49 A 2367 - Chief cigineers (inland). May 5 May May 24 Boyle, Patrick ... 8 June 12 Buckalew, Charles H.. 5 June 21 Bradbury, Isaac K. 1 June 22 Bentley, Robert. 14 July 2 Bartlett, Arthur G 23 Beckwarıl, Ingebret 11 Sept. 27 Brown, George B 16 Oct. 11 Brown, George E 7 Do. Barker, Adelbert 30 Oct. 25 Blass. Leonard.... 9 Oct. 30 Beardsley, Edward G.. 1 Nov. 12 Baker, George S 10 Nov. 27 Benson, C.J .. 3 Dec. 1 Briggs. Theodore B.... 9 June 24 Boşland, Charles N 16 Aug. 4 Bohrer, George Betts, Frederick Bowman, George A Burke, John.. Bailey, VYellington R Baine, William 20 Feb. 9 Brennen, Lawrence. 14 Feb. 23 Babbitt, Alonzo B 5 Mar. 27 Brown, John V. 20 Mar. 30 | Brown, William 11 Apr. 13 Bush, William D 9 Ajr. 14 Benson, F.L.. 33 4 Bolles, Reuben C 5 Do. Brooks, Theodore S.... 6 May 5 Baxter, Henry 13 May 11 Blanchard, David. 9 Dias 22 Besant, Thomas 30 June 11 Bauker. Stephen.. 19 June 18 Bloomsburg. Robert. 10 June 29 Brown, Joseph S 15 July 27 Bushing, Charles 21 July 28 Brown, Cliarles N 17 July 31 Butterly, John.. 5 Do. Barrett, Charles F 18 dug. 10 Burt, Lorin ... Bockoren. George W.. 43 Sept. 10 Brown, John G 8 Sept. 15 Butler. John J. 16 Sept. 18 Beebe, Lucien 8 Oct. 29 Blodgett. Milton. 30 Nov. 10 Bruyn, Henry W 19 Jan. 2 Branılov, Edward E 12 of Browy, Philip C 10 Jan. 6 Brooks, Tilliam E..... 12 lo. Brover, Nicholas 11 Jan. 8 Boflion, Michael. 25 Jan. 13 Brill, Gustarus A 7 Jan. 14 Berygen, Charles 31 Jan. 20 Bundy, Abram 9 Jan. 25 Brown, cimbrose. 27 Do. Briggs, Alonzo. 9 Jan. 28 Baker, William 18 Jan. 30 Barber. Charles 12 feb. 6 Britton, James A 12 Feb. 9 Blake, William 16 Feb. 10 Barnett, Hendrik L... 13 Feb. 17 Byroes, James. 6 Feb. 27 Barnetti, Edward. 10 Mar. 9 Borrows, John 16 Mar. 12 Baird, Thomas 12 Mar. 13 Brown, Alpin. 18 Mar. 16 Beebe, George W 15 Boyce, William J 21 Mar. 18 Banning, M.C... 4 Do. Bouchert, Angust. 18 Dlar. 19 Bloomer. James L..... S War. 24 Brown, Egbert N 13 Do. Banks, llan. 28 Brown, J. V 23 Mar. 27 Byrne, William 12 Mar. 29 Brow, Jobin 27 Mar. 30 Bauseirein, Jacob. 14 Apr. 1 Bishop, George V Adams, Frank E.. Atkins, John Adsit, Arthur L.. Acker, William E... Ashley, Edward Anderson, Christie Alexander, Robert.. Alberts, George W Aumack. Henry C. Austin, William C... Anderson, Oscar.. Acker, Henry E Androvett, George F. Ashley, Edwin P Allen, Samuel.... Andrews, Alexander Alchorn, George A. Alexander, Fred P.. Austin, Joseph Ackley, George. Austin, Albert J. Androreit. JIurray Albertus, Edward S.. Ambrose, John F... Albert, John R. Bausert, Charles W.. Beebe, Henry Berry, John A. Brown, Thomas H Beyer, William J.. Burke, John J Brechbiel, Andrei J Boyes, A. L Brantinghan, Guy S. Betts, Silas TV Barton, Lawrence.. Benson, Edward .. Brill, Morton M... Bishop. Jolin Blair, Charles. Bassett, Frank... Bradley. John. Bell, John. Brickfield, Nicholas Brady, E.S Bairci, Jolio E... Barringer. Seymour.... Bradforci, R. G Buckner, Johu. Bowen, TVillis P Benson, Edvard J Brown, Morgan M Benson, Charles E Burhans, Andrew Bosce, Oscar C... Beach. Edgar E Buchanan, James IV. A1606 A1607 A 1627 A1638 A 1667 A 1670 A 1680 A 1684 A1694 A 1716 A1720 A1728 A1733 A 1742 A1745 A.1769 A 1771 A1773 A 1776 A 1781 A 1787 21798 A 1806 A 1819 A 1829 A1831 A1849 A 1851 41855 A1875 A 1914 A1916 A1923 A1938 41945 81947 11986 -1991 A1992 A 2020 A 2029 A 2041 A2046 A2088 A 2093 A 2104 A2125 A2137 42142 A 2148 A2198 A2217 A 2220 A2228 .2249 A2261 A2274 A 2279 A2291 A2306 A 2317 A 2335 A2354 A 2388 A2397 A 2408 A2444 A 2485 A 2490 A2491 A 2508 A 2510 A 2515 A 2526 A2543 A 2554 12557 A 2561 A 1359 A1403 A 1577 A1593 A 1672 A 1676 A1784 A 1788 A1793 41831 A1929 A2065 A 2106 4 2165 A 2316 A 2332 A 2346 A2348 A2391 A2420 A 2575 A 2600 * 2617 A8233 A8275 A1201 A 1210 A1217 21220 A 1228 A1237 A1241 1270 A1286 A1290 A1306 A1319 A1346 A1360 A 1363 A1384 A1421 A 1468 A1487 21492 A 1505 A1511 A1522 A1527 A 1534 A 1565 A 1566 A 1568 A1582 A 1586 A 1596 A1604 Ang. 16 23 Apr. Apr. 1 11 Do. 27 A pr. 6 9 Apr. 7 16 Apr. 1.2 8 Apr. 13 10 Apr. 14 14 Apr. 15 20 Apr. 16 29 Apr. 20 11 Apr. 21 11 Apr. 22 8 Do. 8 A pr. 24 8 Apr. 26 18 May 1 18 Do. 9 May 3 8 Do. 10 May 4 19 Do. 5 May 5 8 May 6 6 May 8 32 May 10 10 May 11 5 May 13 23 Do. 35 May 14 2 May 15 31 May 21 16 Do. 22 May 22 18 May 24 17 May 25 12 Do. 4 Jupe 1 21 Do. 33 Do. 13 June 7 15 June 8 13 June 9 23 Do. June 16 4 Do. 12 June 17 8 June 22 16 Jun - 23 16 June 24 32 Do. 25 July July 6 21 July 10 4 July 12 8 July 13 25 July 17 29 July 19 11 July 20 20 Juls 21 26 July 23 6 July 26 6 July 27 10 July 29 9 Aug 2 17 Aug. 9 29 Aug. 10 4 Aug. 12 11 Aug. 18 21 dug. 26 19 Do. 14 Do. 17 Aug. 28 24 Aug. 30 21 Do. 25 Sept. 1 27 Sept. Sept. 4 6 Sept. 7 Do. 11 Sept. 8 Jan. . Do. Do. STEAMBOAT-55 - INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of licenso. issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Betts, TVilliam.. Butts, Edward C.. Bastian, Eugene Barr, Sidney Biddulph, Joseph A.. Benjamin, William S Barr, John... Baker, Albert... Benois, Louis Blaisdell, Jolin W Bair, David S... Bennett, William Bairdsley, Charles W. Baldwin, Lorenzo D... Brown, P. O... Boyd, John R.. Brooks, James Bartlett, Frederick W Brooks, Theodore A Berry, John... Betz, Leonard J.. Boughton, Jesse S Blair, Peter. Baurhyte, Sidney Bradley, John.. Baumbach, Christopher Barnes, Pitt A.. Bennett, George Carroll, Villiam H Clongh, William J Chollet, Edward Clark, Walter D Coyblin, James Carey, Patrick Climp, Charles Coleman, John . Cummings, James Crosson, Robert... Connelly, Michael H Canton, Louis. Cox, Voorles Caddy, George 1 Chipman, A.S Clark, Hugh. Cotter, Richard.. Cook, George C Carpenter, Daniel Claify, George. Craig, Thomas . Chapman, William A.. Crosson, James P.. Comfort, Samuel. Cartwright, William J. Clough, Williamı ly... Cherry, George C Clark Arthur B Cole, William Carr, Lewis Carr, Joseph E. Cook, James E.. Colville, William R... Coon, Leroy. Clifton, Eugene Carroll, Thomas Conover, Cornelins N .. Clare, Charles.. Cooley, Allen R Cunningham, James Costello, James J ... Calllas, John I.. Clum, Andrew Callahan, Matthew.. Connelly, James Crowell, E. S. Conway, Charles. Corcoran, Michael Catlin, Alfred H. Coons, Rienzi A 2588 A 2594 A2626 A 2659 112669 A2681 A 2699 A8134 A8136 48144 A8146 A8149 A 8150 A8171 A8181 A8195 48208 A8265 A8280 A8315 A8316 A8326 A 8332 A8360 A8386 A8392 A 8395 A 8398 A1215 A1256 A1274 A1282 A1287 A 1289 41307 A1332 A1344 21362 d1364 41383 A1400 A 1405 11424 A1431 A185 1489 A1494 A1498 A1520 A1532 $1533 A 1574 A 1588 A1637 d1657 11653 A1686 A1697 A1719 A1754 A1774 A1S18 A1854 A1858 A1861 A1867 1880 11887 A1913 1955 A 1965 A1972 A 2011 A 2011 A 2016 A 2054 A 2058 42082 22 Sept. 13 Cook, Benjamin F. 12 Sept. 14 Colville, Henry 16 Sept. 20 Carel, Theodore 37 Sept. 21 Conroy, John E 19 Sept. 25 Carter, William 25 Sept. 28 Cannon, James . 27 Sept. 30 : Crapser, Charles . 18 Oct. 6 Cornwell, F.M 15 Oct. 7 Cooklin, James 23 Oct. 8 Clark. Edward J 20 Do. Cox, Lewis S... 14 Oct. 9: Collins, Cornelius B ... 15 Do. Campbell, William E 31 Oct. 14 Carpenter, Franklin T. 28 Oct. 16 Crapser, Lester A 30 Oct. 19 Crimm, John.. 26 Oct. 22 Curley, Thomas. 9 Nov, 9 Carnie, William, jr . 13 Nov. 11 Cole, Edward 23 Nov. 22 Cornell, William 18 Do. Corrie, Thomas T 17 Nov. 26 Cooper, William S 23 Nov. 27 Cook, Frederick 29 Dec. 3 Cunningham, William 4 Dec. 11 Churchill, M. F 15 Dec. 13 Connelly, Martin W 5 Do. Conway, Thomas W 9 Dec. 14 Clough, Ezra T.R.. 1 Jan. 15 Carman, George W 31 Jan. 18 Calligan, James 18 Jan. 21 Crone, Lincoln, jr 14 Jan. 23 Cook, John.. 14 Jan. 25 Cobb, John 11 Do. Coon, Martin 21 Jan. 29 Cronk, Jasper T 8 Fel. 3 Cutler, Richard J 15 Fel. 6 Couns, Henry E. 15 Feb. 10 Clear, Henry 7 Do. Carr, Richard J.. 22 Feb. 16 Coutant, TVarren J 11 Feb. 20 Costello, Vincent P Feb. 23 Cunningham, John H. 16 Feb. 27 Coun, Tilliam E. 5 Mar. 1 Collins, John L 26 Mar. 12 Crosby, Frank E.. 13 Do. Crapser, Nelson. 18 Mar. 13 Carolan, Philip 6 Do. Clapper, Frank B.. 11 Mar. 16 Cooper, Cooper, William 7 Mar. 18 Cole, Solomon E 26 Mar. 19 Cartwright, William J 33 Mar. 25 Clough, Charles A 23 Mar. 29 Cheshire, Jonas. 17 A pr. 17 Cole, John .. 12 Apr. 12 Cody, Frank E 10 Do. Cooley, Henry R 26 Apr. 15 Chappell, William 7 Apr. 17 Cole, Friends 9 Apr. 21 Cosgrove, Lawrence 29 Apr. 29 Clark, James H.. 32 May 3 Cockfair, William B 23 May 8 ) Conway, Daniel... 19 May 14 Corer, Charles A 16 Do. Cutler, E.G.... 2 May 15 Curtiss, Willard L 14 Do. Comfort, George W 2 May 17 Covert, John H 15 Do. Dowdall, Joseph P 5 May 21 Douglass, Eugeue 13 May 25 Du Bois, Willian J 29 May 27 Davis. VVilliam W 1.6 May 28 Du Bois, Edward E.. 26 June 4 Doalman, Charles H... 7 June 5 Doyle, Thomas J.. 3 June 7 Donnelly, James T.. 6 Jue 9 Decker,'James TV 22 June il Dickerson, B. L.. 25 i June 15 l Davis, John.... A 2098 A2103 A2108 A2133 A2134 A 2155 A2157 A2158 A 2196 A2212 A2214 A 2215 A2233 2251 A2287 42307 A 2321 A2322 A 2323 A2337 A 2338 A 2351 A 2366 A 2376 A 2406 A 2409 A 2411 A2413 42428 A2442 A 2455 A2497 A 2511 A 2512 A 2513 A 2525 A 2592 42609 A2621 A2632 42652 42678 A2652 A8135 AS143 A8163 A8165 8257 A 8266 A8270 A8272 A8297 A 8302 48310 A 8318 A 8342 A8349 48365 AS368 A9370 A8371 A 8372 AS374 48381 A8389 A8410 15414 A1204 A1238 A 1253 A1276 1320 A1353 A1395 1411 A 1458 A 1474 A1544 10 June 16 9 June 17 35 June 18 16 June 23 13 Do. 9 June 25 17 June 26 16 Do. 4 July 6 26 July 9 5 July 9 29 July 10 3 July 14 18 July 17 18 July 22 18 July 26 2 July 27 15 Do. 7 Do. 17 July 29 5 Do. 21 Aug. 2 15 Aug 4 14 Aug. 6 4 Aug. 12 9 Do. 12 Aug. 13 31 Do. 14 Aug. 16 13 Aug. 18 9 Aug. 21 27 Aug. 27 3 Aug. 30 16 Do. 22 Do. 13 Sept. 2 19 Sept. 14 9 Sept. 17 4 Sept. 18 10 Sept. 20 17 Sept. 23 27 Sept. 27 25 Sept. 28 7 Oct. 7 8 Do. 21 Oct. 12 16 Do. 9 Nov. 6 1 Nov. 9 15 Oct. 9 13 Do. 6 Nov. 16 25 Nov. 17 15 Nov. 20 7 Nov. 23 2 Nov. 30 27 Dec. 1 16 Dec. 4 17 Dec. 6 13 Do. 27 Dec. 7 13 10. 11 Dec. 8 9 Dec. 10 7 Dec. 11 6 Dec. 17 18 Dec. 18 6 Jan. 2 19 Jan. 13 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 4 Feb. 1 14 Feb. 8 4 Tel. 19 12 Feb. 25 9 Mar. 8 3 Mar. 10 17 Mar. 20 C .9 56 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed- New York, N. F.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. J issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. 1 Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Dumsey, Edison De Pew, Charles. Devendorf, Sanford Decker, Hiram A De Palmon, Frank M Dettlinger, Siduey J.. Deyo. John B. Dedrick, John P Doran, John Duncau, Robert, jr Davis, Olcott... Dempsey, John Doyle, Patrick J Davis, James Dobson, Rufus.. Decker, Thomas H. Deadrick, Sanders Drake, Edvard G.. Dey, Joseph M Durfey, Charles E Drake, Edward ☺ Dunn, John J... Dederick, Herman C. Drummond, Joseph Davis, George T Dedrick, Charles E... Dorsett, Andrew Daun, Henry R Decker, John E. Darroch. Angus Delaney, DennisJ.. Decker, Robert Derrickson, Robert F Dimsey, John. Du Bois. Charles W.. Dimsey, Charles H. Dodge, Calvin. Dodge, William E. Daggett, Joseph F Dutty, Martin.. Darcy, John H. Dalej, James Durkin, James. Dedrick, James MI Davis, Robert G Doyle, Richard Doyle, Martin.. De Wint, George W Dolan, Michael Dwyer, Martin, Drumgool, Thomas Decker, George Du Bril, Albert. Duncan, Alfred Dailer, Stewart Dearborn, David. Dempsey, James. Dil Bois, Elias Dittrich, Aurrew Donovan, Michael Donnelly, Felix. Dailer, Jeremiah Duncan, W. L.... Dickson, John Elder, George C. Ellison, Charles Ellis, Frank Evarts, R.J. Eager, James F Ellison, l'illiam M Elmendorf, George. Eicliman, Tilliam H.. Ellsworth, George M. Edwards, Clarence. Egbert, Abram V Ellsworth, Stephen Elniendorf, Wm. H..jr Ellis, Thomas. A1583 A1585 A 1591 A 1595 A 1653 A1666 A1687 A 1693 A1706 A 179) A1825 A1853 A 1883 A 1922 A1925 A1931 1 A1930 A1943 * 1954 A1812 A 1997 A2017 A 2074 A 2091 A2120 A2191 A2199 A2208 A 2235 A 2236 A 2257 A2312 A 2327 A2328 A2357 A2359 A2.135 A2448 A 247.3 A2478 A2496 A 2501 A 2566 A 2514 A 2520 A 2521 A 2526 A2603 A2657 A 2662 A2663 A8126 A 8167 A8172 A8217 A 8:25 A 8245 A8247 A 8259 A8293 A 8347 A 8361 A8383 A 8396 A1305 A 1308 A1433 A 1303 A 1633 A1709 A1807 A 1953 21978 A 2076 A2211 A2131 A $328 A 8307 3 Mar. 27 Etheridge, E. E 9 Mar. 29 Everett, E. H ... Do. Emmons, George B 28 Mar. 30 Funk, William H 5 Apr. 10 Fallou. Thomas J... 9 Apr. 12 Fisk, £. D. 2 Apr. 15 Furlong, Nicholas 17. Apr. 16 Freestone, Hector.. 3 Apr. 19 Fagans, Montgomery 9. May 4 Fuster, Joseph. 11 May 8 Fitzgerald, John, 13 May 13 Farrell, James El 4 May 17 Fowler, Cornell 16 May 22 Ferrell, Charles a 3 Do. Froeligh, P.D.. ,15 May 24 Fee, H. E 15 Do. Fos, Frank F.. 8 Do. Forsyth, James L. 6 May 25 Fort. Edward D.. 26 May 28 Farrell. Eugene. 14 June 3 Flannery, James H 15 June 7 Florence, Jolin. 23 June 14 Foster, John W.. 20 June 16 Foster, Linus P. 20 June 22 Fett, Jacob 18 July 3 Fox, Jolin H. 33 July 6 Fortune, Villiam P.... 14 July 19 Fenwick, William G... 14 | July 14 Fisk, Watson A 9 Do. Fenwick, Charles F.... 9 July 19 Finn, Charles... 3 July 26 Fritts, Milton 13 July 28 Free, Edward... 14 Do. Frey, Christian F. 14 Aug. 3 Flood, William 19 Do. Fox, John F 34 Aug. 17 Fleet, Jolin K 38 Foley, William 9 Frauks, John 5 Aug. 21 Farrell, Edvard C. 31 Aug. 27 Fieliler, Bert A.. 9 Do. Fish, William A.. 4 Aug. 28 Flannery, John 13 Fitzgerald, Edward... 7 Aug. 31 Fisher, Philo 16 Do. Fisher. Isaac 16 Sept. 1 Ford, Harry 22 Sept. 16 Field, Fred 11 Sept. 23 Freenian, Solomon .. 20 Sept. 24 Fagan, George TV 16 Do. Field, Fred i 12 Oct. 5 Floydi , Charles IV 10 Oct. 13 Florence, Isaac R.... 12 Oct. 14 Finn, James 3 Oct. 25 Taurot. James.. 17 Oct. 27 Fitzgerald, Thomas. 27 Nov. 1 Ferdou, Jolm W 32 | Nov. 3 Freer, Clarence. 12 Nov. Nor. 6 Teehan, William 331 Nov. 15 Frean, Franklin S Dec. 1 Farrell, F.J 16 Dec. 3 Fleming, James .. 10 Dec. 11 Flanagan, William G 7 Dec. 13 Facey, Sanruel 8 Ja. 28 Furlong. Joseph 17 Jan. 29 Fisher. Cornelius 13 Mar. 1 Farrell, John ... 15 Mar. 15 Gattua, Michael. S pr. 7 Gaffga, Villiam 19 Gardiner', C. E 11 May 6 Garlington, Henry C 26 May 25 Grose, Philip H. 7 May 28 ; Grattan, John 11 Jnue 11 Geargathy. James H.. 15 July 9 Geisslor. John.. 23 Aug. 17 George, l'illiam. 4 Nov. 26 Green, Ezra 3 Dec. 4 Gray, Oscar T.. Aug. 19 Aug. 23 A 8420 A8425 A 8447 A1245 A1281 A 1315 A 1325 A1341 A 13-17 A1393 A1413 A122 A 1493 A 1508 A 1513 A1522 A 1547 A1622 A 1645 A1649 A1660 A1677 A1826 A 1838 A 1815 A1852 A1907 A 1989 A 2001 A 2061 2092 A 2116 A2179 A2182 A2189 A 2216 A2240 A2244 A2290 A2296 A 2325 A 2326 A2347 A2404 A2412 A 2465 A 2534 A 2538 A2540 A2544 A 2551 A2576 A2590 A.2635 A2700 AS105 AS127 A $131 A8139 A 8224 A8228 A $253 A8263 A8209 A8282 AS314 A 8443 1223 A 1269 A1377 A 1410 A1412 A1.134 A 1519 A 1542 d1563 A 1504 A 1594 6 Dec. 20 Do. 2 Dec. 30 5 Jan. 15 10 Jan. 22. 4 Jani. 30 21 Tel. 1 13 Feb. 5 15 Tel. 6 18 Feb. 18 13 Feb. 25 16 Feb. 27 6 Dlar. 13 16 Mar. 16 S Do. 5 Mar. 17 9 Mar. 22 12 Apr. 5 9 A pr. 9 1 Do. 13 Apr. 12 17 pr. 14 7 May May 8 20 May 11 23 May 12 21 May 13 8 May 20 11 June 1 3 Jue 3 16 Juue 11 12 June 16 13 June 2] 8 July 1 24 July 2 19 July 3 5 | July 10 13 July 16 12 Do. 17 1 July 23 9. Do. 3 July 27 21 July 28 25 July 31 5 Aug. 12 28 Aug. 13 33 dug. 23 2 Sept. 2 15 Sept. 3 20 Do. 26 Sept. 4 14 Sept. 7 14 Sept. 10 .13 Sept. 13 6 Sept. 20 24 Oct. 1 9 Do. 2 Oct. 5 15 Oct. 6 28 Oct. 7 10 Oct. 27 11 Oct. 28 10 Nov. 5 8 Nor. 9 23 Do. 7 Nor. 11 6 Nov. 22 19 Dec. 28 13 Jan. 7 3 Jan. 20 0 Fels. 15 1 leb. 25 17 Do. 16 Mar. 1 12 Mar. 16 2 Mar. 20 14 Mar. 23 6 Do. 19 Mar. 30 Aug. 30 Apr. 19 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 57 Engineer's licensed— New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Coutinnen. A1558 A1592 A1685 12 Mar. 23 2 Mar. 29 12 Apr. 15 ton I Ohief engineers finland)- Continued. Golding, McGregor Giles. William Gallagher, James Gannon, Thomas Grimes, John J. Gooisir, George E.. Greacen, Stephen B.... Googins, Charles Gardiner, John S Garetr, Martin Gray, VVilliam A. Golding, John H Gritfin, George N Goold, James F Grayton, Joseph Gallawar, Charles D... Gibson, Villiam Grymes, Thomas H.. Grimes, E. F Gildersleeve, John J... Gage, William E Gardner, George Gauchell, J. R. Gurney, George. Gilmore, George A.. Guy: Sidney Green, Johüc Gillivy's, William H. Grant, Villiam J Gaul, Andrew Gage. Frauk E. Gregg, Thomas Gallagher, Jolin S... Godfrey, Franklyn R.. Gregory, James A Grimsbaw, Jolin. Gunu, John E... Gitly, John Gordon. Jolin Gay, Albertus Griggs, Thomas D Gardiner. George Gough. Myron 1 Gates, Henry Gerting, Frederick.. Grattun, Lawrence Goodwin, David Glazier, Lewis N Grady, John T Galligan, John. Grenninger, George L Heuer, Theodore. Hand, Thomas S... Flereht, Frank R.... Elowland, VVilliam. Hamilton, James. Hayward, Edwin C Harrington, John .. Holines, William E Huntley, L. E.. Harrison, John Halliday, Charles A Heizman, Edward Hyzer, Robert .. Hawkins, Cliftord S.... Hand, Charles H Hunter, William Hardler. Henry Howard. James. Hawes, William Howland, George T... Haggerty, H. C Hickok. Herbert... Hamilton, P.J.. Forrie, William M. Fidley, Leonard Hudt, William H Harens, William H... A 1620 A1623 A 1681 A1689 41702 A 1743 A1798 A1815 A1894 A 1958 A 1969 A 2026 A 2032 42057 A 2080 A2141 A 2162 A2194 A2205 A2210 A2218 A2231 A 2271 A 2278 42344 A2356 A 2364 A 2365 A 2387 A2410 A2469 A 2575 A 2605 A 2630 A 2641 A2846 42653 2658 A2694 A8110 A8129 A8186 AS173 A8174 A3213 A 8336 A 8377 A8382 A 8400 A8419 A8452 A1222 A 1233 1240 A1249 A 1257 A1283 41298 1313 A1324 A 1327 A1334 A1345 A 1350 A 1371 A 1372 A 1425 41427 A1437 A1429 A1455 41469 A1495 A 1501 A 1501 41510 A]51. A 1541 23 16 Apr. 3 Houghtaling, Nathan B 4 Apr. 5 Herrick. John J 7 Apr. 15 Hagan, Hugh 12 Do. Hermance, Washing. 15 Apr. 19 13 apr. 24 | Eowarı, George K 17 May 5 Hoagland. Charles 11 May 7 Hermida, Frank A.. 18 May 18 Hanghwout, William B 16 May 25 Hazen, Joseph .... 15 May 27 Hoose, Montgomery 34 June 7 | Howard, Samuel 5 June 8 Hummel, Frederick. 13 June 10 Hemphill, John. 25 Juve 15 Holmann, John T. 11 June 24 Harman, Peter S... 19 Jiwe 29 Hammond, Daniel E 5 July 6 Hoy, James M 12 July 7 Hendrickson, C. V 22 July 9 Hueston, Michael . 32 July 12 Hanson, William J 6 July 14 Haves, George W 8 July 20 Hoffman, William R.. 16 July 21 Hurst, William 13 July 30 Hull, Nathan d... 4 Any: 2 Honghtaling, Fred R.. 13 Aug. 4 Huer, Michael J. 9 Do. Harward, Valter T 3 Ang. 9 Hrling. Janies 20 Aug. 13 Heatli, William H 11 Aug. 23 Houghton. Frank J... 19 ) sept. 1 Horton. Hiram R 28 Sept. 16 | Hochrein, Lewis. 37 Sept. 20 Hamil. James H 13 Sept. 21 Haggarty, John 20 Sept. 22 Hart, John F. 25 Sept. 23 Hoffman, August 9 Sept. 24 Hook, George M., jr 1 Sept. 29 Hill, Edward .. 18 Oct. 2 Halvorson, Peter 23 Oct. 6 Hinis. William C.... 2 (ci. 12 Hallenbeck, James .... 2 Oct. 14 Hanson, William C.... 4 Do. Houghtaling, Andrew 30 Oct. 23 M. 11 Nov. 29 Huguet, John S. 32 Dec. 8 Holden, William H... 15 Dec. 10 Henion. Edgar K 4 Dec. 14 Eylin, Gustarus M... 9. Dec. 20 Hand, Frank M 5 Dec. 30 Hotaling. Ephraim 1 Jau. 6. Hayes, David H. 14 Jan. 11 Hunt, Artlur F... S Jau. 13 Hunter, Marciis 15 Jan. 16 Houghtaling. John J.. 14 Jan. 18 Helmes, Jacob..., 2 Jan. 23 Howland, George H.. 1 Jan. 27 Hemipfield, Joliu B.. 12 Jan. 30 Hanion, Michael 15 Feb. 1 Hagnie. Joseph J IS1 Fels. 2 Hanigan, Patrick J 14 Feb. 3 Hulse, Elowarri 11 Feb. 6 Haskins, Frederick J.. 13 Feb. 8 Hayes. Thomas T 2 Feb. 13 Hensler, Frederick B.. 7 Do. Hyer, Thomas N. 13 Feb. 27 Hart. Peter 7 Do. Harris. James A. 21 Mar. 2 Hunter, Henry w 19 Do. Hotaling, Jacob 33 Mar. 6 Florrocks, John W.. 20 Mar. 9 Hallenbeck, Charles T. Mar. 13 Hallock, Richard 25 Mar. 15 Haines. George N. 13 Do. Hoftiman, Charles T.... 22 Mar. 16 Herrick. Irving: 6 Do. Harlou, James B. 17 Mar. 20) Hveem, Haaka. A1710 A 1722 A 1748 A 1757 A 1821 A1824 A1841 A1846 A 1848 A1860 A1864 A 1868 A 1881 A1899 A1917 A1927 A 1961 A 1970 A 1971 A1975 A 1996 A 2008 A2025 A2034 A 2035 A 2026 A 2067 A2077 A2079 A 2081 A3113 A 2128 A2140 . 2145 A 2151 A 2161 12187 A 2268 A2273 A2284 20 Apr. 20 12 Apr. 21 29 Apr. 26 4.pr. 29 20 May May 8 12 Do. 28 May 12 9 Do. 15 May 13 4 May 14 2 ! May 15 13 Do. 23 May 17 9 Alas 18 7 Mas 21 25 May 22 2 May 26 12 May 27 0 Mas 28 23 Do. 1S June 2 8 June 4 6 June 7 June 8 17 Do. 13 Do. 12 June 11 16 June 14 6 Do. 13 June 15 12 June 21 6 June 22 16 Juue 24 7 Do. 19 June 25 6 June 26 11 July July 2 15 July 20 4 Do. 30 July 22 Do. A 2297 A 2298 A2320 A 2368 A2370 A2:82 A 2400 A 2436 A 21?9 A 2456 A 2470 A24SS A 2504 A2516 A 2517 A2556 A2573 A2622 A2636 A2647 A2656 A 2679 A 2691 AS123 A8125 AS130 A8139 AS145 A8148 A8155 A8177 AS211 A8215 18 July 24 12 15 July 27 11 | dug. 5 10 Do. 34 Aug. 7 17 dug. 1]. 32 dug. 17 5 Do. 9 dug. 21 36 Aug. 23 27 Aug. 26 1 Any. 28 21 Aug. 30 10 Do. 10 Sept. 7 4 Sept. 10 13 Sept. 18 17 i Sept. 20 13 Sept. 22 2 Sept. 23 17 Sept. 27 7 Sept. 29 9 Oct. 5 26 Do. 14 Oct. 6 71 Oct. 7 10 Oct. 8 Do. 13 Oct. 9 12 (ct. 15 3 Oct. 22 9 Ut. 25 58 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. . issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of | Date of license. | issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Chief engineer's (inland)-Continued. 1310ܠ 0 Apr. 21 Harris, Richard A 8221 ! Hamilton, Charles A... 48231 Hipple, Farry P... A8256 Hallenbeck, Horace... A8258 Hotchkiss, Charles F. AS267 Howlett, John d8268 Huzck, George A8277 Hunt, William H.. A8307 Holden, George F A 8312 Herdman, Valter A8330 Hoagland, Ralph 83-11 Harrisou. Everett.. A 8348 Hunt, William. A8403 Hewett, James. A8404 Haddon, George W... A8408 Hoffman, Henry 48432 Hallenbeck, Elbridge.. A8439 Hammond, George A8448 Izon, Charles H.... A1284 lugalls, William . A 1553 Ion, Fred A1662 Irelan, Charles W. A2112 Irving, Engene A2144 Ingalls, Millard 22174 Isbert, Ervest ... A 2570 Jolles, Allen S. A1208 Johnson, Peter James, Philip W A1348 Jessem, Thomas P 41554 Jackson, David A 1561 Jewell, William H. A1589 Jones, William K. A1600 Jorce, Vatthew A1731 Johnson, William A1777 Jester, Robert W... A1799 Jolinso), Frank H.. A1820 Jenks, Charles W... A1836 Jennings, Freil M.. A1862 Jauss, Henry L. Al&66 Johnson, H. M. A 1895 Jauss, Harry L... A 2022 Johnson, Tilliam S... A2039 Jessnl, George W A2105 Jones, John E. A2117 Johns, Ernest A 22.17 Johostou, William J... 42553 Jeunings, Archibald .. A 2595 Jeroleman, William E. A2645 Johnson, J.ouis L... A8137 Jansen, Charles L A8140 Jennings. Charles H. A8218 Joyce, George. A 8441 Jones, Frederick IV... 48446 Kelly, James E. A1213 Knapp, Charles I A1231 Kerr, Trouson A 1255 Kilroy. Johu... 1312 Kelly. Kirkwood.. A1416 Kenney. Charles. A1467 Kelly, William L 81556 Kietier. Frauk 21567 Kelly, James d1569 Kelly, Jolina A160S Kaufmau, George A1612 Kruysman, William C A1639 Kennealy, John E... 11643 Kinsey, David ... A1678 Kerner, Merritt V 1683 Kave, TVilliam.. A1695 Kerkhofl, William A1699 Karney, Jolin ... A17-0 Kaufman, Fred.. 21842 Kelly, James A1898 King, Benjamin N A1919 Keyes, Johu, jr A1921 Kane, Jolin. A1950 Kelly, Charles A1963 Kelly, John... A2024 28 Oct. 26 Kunkel, John J. 24 Oct. 28 Kelly, Michael.. 2 Nov. 6 Knapp, Alfred w.. 15 Do. Kind, A. A. 12 Nor. 9 Kane, William J 25 Do. Knapp, Daniel R. 27 Nov. 11 Kriete, Henry A.. 22 Nov. 19 Kelley, James.. 14 Nov. 20 Kennedy, John F 10 Nov. 27 Kellas, John W.. 20 Nov. 30 Kulin, Lorenz d. 13 Dec. 1 Kilmer, William H. 18 Dec. 16 Kieffer, Harry 8 Do. Keeling, George 7 Dec. 17 Kondsen, Christian. S Dec. 22 Klevesabi, Herman C.. 29 Dec. 23 Kyles, Robert.. 4 Dec. 30 Lang, Paul... 15 Jan. 22 Le Fevre, Solomon H.. 12 Mar. 22 Lomberg, Patrick J 4 Apr. 12 Lundequist, George 10 June 21 Lasher, Crary 24 June 24 Letts, Riler. 6 June 30 Loskamp, Charles H... 8 Sept. 9 Leadlie. William A... 19 Jan. 4 Laughtou, George W .. 15 Jan. 29 Leouard. Johp. 17 Feu. 0 Lindahl, John 2 Mar. 22 Lake, John C. 17 Mar. 23 Lester, Frank W., jr. 32 Mar. 29 Lyman, John. 40 Mar, 31 Le Roy, Edward R.. 16 Apr. 22 Long, John R. 12 May 3 Lund, Hans d... 3 May 5 Lynx, James 14 | Dar May 8 Lynch, Edwarıl B 12 May 11 Leslie, androw M 7 May 15 Lee, Owen.. 27 Do. Lane, John M 17 May 18 Lake, Charles H.. 15 June 7 Leek, Benjamin F 22 June 8 Lewis, Frederick.... 17 Joue 18 Linnen, William. 13 June 21 Laighton, Thomas 20 July 17 List, John d.. 4 Sept. 7 Layman, Robert. 19 Scpt. 14 Lyons, William. 2 Sept. 22 Lee, Frederick C 6 Oct. 7 Lasher, Virgil 29 Do. Lightcap, Edwiu B 6 Oct. 25 Logue, Zachary 12 Dec. 24 Losee, Frank R. 1 Dec. 30 L'Hommedien, Joseph. 6 Jan. 5 Lester, Daniel J 3 9 Lyon, Henry 13 Jan. 18 Lane, Daniel.. 7 Fel). 18 ' Linnen, William 27 Feb. 26 Leadlie, Augustus. S War. 9: Leonard, D., jr Mar. 23 Laslier, William Mar. 2. Lally, Thomas F. 16 Do. Letts, Jolu W. 12 Apr. 1 Law, Thomas.. 13 Apr. 2 Larkins, Darid 8 Apr. 7 Lanigan, John. 7 Apr. 8 Loetter, Charles H 5 Aur. 14 Loughton, John 5 Apr. 15 Larian, Edgar C. 21 dpr. 16 Lewis, E. H... 31 apr. 17 Lightcap. George. 14 | Apr. 24 Leother, Jacob.. 12 May 12 Larsson, John at 16 : Vay 18 Lytle, Samuel 2 May 22 Lawrence, M. a. 10 Do. Loran, Johu d.... 9 May 25 Livingston, George B.. 26 May 26 LeRoy, David 10 June 7 Landgren, Olof... A 2059 A2115 A2203 2288 A2399 A 2342 A2353 A2385 A2467 A2676 A8170 A8175 A 82:32 AS246 A8:3:38 AS102 ASH 21285 A12:15 A1314 A1337 1340 A1396 A1408 1418 A 1438 A1471 A1496 A 1504 A1546 41551 A1559 A1572 A1616 A1721 A 1761 A1702 A1794 41809 A1811 A1888 1902 1928 A 1983 A 2009 2018 2045 A 2048 A2121 A2163 216-4 A2170 A2177 A 2200 A2225 42226 2230 A2238 2289 A2302 2308 A2315 A2340 *2350 A2378 A2402 A2-484 12493 A 2529 A2560 A 2565 A2586 A2610 42648 A2649 A 2695 A $152 A8158 10 June 11 Juno 21 23 July 7 4 July 22 21 July 29 13 July 30 GAug. 2 15 Aug. 7 18 Aug. 23 7 Sept. 27 1 Oct. 13 16 Oct. 14 14 Oct. 29 15 Nov. 1 10 Nov. 29 5 Dec. 3 10 Dec. 29 6 Jan. 25 16 Jan. 26 3 Jan. 30 6 Feb. 4 19 Feb. 5 31 Feb. 20 1 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 14 Mar. 2 20 Mar. 3 13 Dilar. 13 20 Mar. 15 11 Mar. 20 6 Mar. 22 3 Mar. 23 7 Mar. 25 3 Apr. 2 17 8 Apr. 30 16 Do. 7 May 5 28 May 6 30 May 7 12 May 17 5 May 19 6 May 22 15 May 29 3 June 16 , June 7 15 June 9 6 4 Do. 28 June 22 3 June 29 18 Do. 4 June 30 8 July 1 11 July 6 8 July 13 11 Do. 17 Do. 19 July 15 10 July 22 21 July 24 16 July 26 15 Do. 27 July 30 4 Ang. 2 14 Aug. 6 1 27 Aug. 25 13 Aug. 27 12 Sept. 1 3 Sept. 8 21 Sept: 9 1 Sept. 13 9 Sept. 17 9 Sept. 22 9 Do. 13 Sept. 29 5 Oct. 9 2 Oct. 11 Jan. 14 Aug. 11 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 59 Engineers licensed New York, N. Y.-Continued. Namo. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland) --Continued. Chief engineers (inland)–Continued. Do. Jan. Jan. Do. Lester, Joseph S. A 8206 Layton, W. 18227 Lanfarc, Charles E.... A8261 Layman, Allan A 8327 Lytle, George. A8337 Letts, F. Wilbur A8352 Lewis, Jobus A8413 McClane, John E A1206 Major, George W A1215 McCann, Thomas J.... 41216 Macdonald, Christopher A1225 McClanc, John E. A 1206 Murphy, Joseph A1227 Morris, Thomas E... A1232 Marion, William H.... A 1259 Mott, Jesse ..... A1271 McGee, Jolin.. A1272 Miller, Reuben U A 1294 Maltby, Louis F. 11297 Maynard, Andrew J A1321 Munch, William E.,jr.. A1328 McDonald, Charles E.. A1352 McKinley, Michael A1357 Mason, Robert... A1.382 Matlock, John B. 41385 McPlierson, David W.. A1404 Maynard, George H.... A1409 McAllison, John.. A1420 Magee. Henry C. 41428 Malley, anthouy A1441 McKone, Thomas A1457 McDermott, James J. 11464 Murch, William.. 1465 Murci, A. E 1476 Martin, Henry 15:21 Mulligan, Thomas A1529 Murphy, Daniel.. A1537 McKee, Francis.. A 1538 McCall, Thomas A 15-10 Miller, Thomas A 15:13 Morris, Horace E 41555 McDermott, Patrick J A1562 Miller, Walier A1605 lyers, Ellward, jr 1611 MCGuckin, Richard. 1614 MC\Varle, John E 41617 McFarlane, James 41619 McGee, Edward A 1631 Mollaboni, Edward A 1635 McElroy, 1Tilliam 1612 McPherson, Robert.. A1648 UcClymont, David H. AJ661 Martin, Levi.... A1675 McCarroll, Sylrester A1714 McQuade, 0.01 ... A1719 McGregor, l'illiam C.. A1735 Moach, Joun... 41785 ucallister, Robert S.. A1792 Martin, Charles 21796 Mandigo, Smith 11801 Moran, Vlichael F L1805 McDonald, Thomas H A1817 Miller, Richard.. A1869 Meeks, Wilmore. 11870 McDouala, Tliomas.. A1878 Markuske, A.J.. A 1896 Mahonoy, Jouu W. A1906 McCarthy.Jolin J A1937 Mange. William F A 1959 McCormack, Villiam H A 1960 McDouall, John, A 1974 Moslier, ilmos 1977 Middleton, George W.. A1980 Miney, Elmer.. 1998 McGrath, John J A 2068 Malary. Lawrence at A 2075 1 McNeill, Alexander J 42085 Martin, James... A2109 32 Oct. 22 Miller, Charles 19 Oct. 28 McCaun, Charles 10 Nov. 8 Mebl, Michael 37 Nov. 26 Mettler, Henry J 4 Nov. 29 McGutiog, Martin 1 Dec. 1 Mackay, Samuel... 2 Dec. 17 Murphine, Edward 13 Jan. 4 Mason, Joseph 23 5 May, John J. 8 6 Bloore, Eli.. 9 Jan. 7 Mortal, Thomas L 13 Jan. 4 4 McQueen, Jason 13 Jan. 8 McCormick, Frank . 34 Jan. 11 Mull, Frank 11 Jan. 18 Monahan, James 1 Jan. 20 McDevitt, John ... 11 Jan. 21 Morgan, Mortimer E 10 Jan. 26 Monahan, James P ... 8 Jau. 27 McCullough, Jobn J... 14 Feb. 1 Mueller, Ferdinand. 4 Feb. 2 Moon, Eugene. 20 Fგს. S Murphy, Nicholas 2 Do. Mayer, John. ... 8 Feb. 16 Merritt, Biuliu T. 28 Teb. 17 Morgenwack. C. N. 18 Tel. 23 McCormack, James G 16 Tel. 24 Myers, William W 2 Feb. 27 Mackie, William E 29 Do. Myers, James H... 7 Mar. 3 MCGlensey, Walter W 17 Mar. S McDonough, Philip. 13 Do. Matthews, Josepb. 10 Du. Murray, David 5 Mar. 10 Manuey, Johu D.. 5 Mar. 17 DI yers, Tilliam H.. 14 Mar. 18 Jülke, Henry V 5 Mar. 19 Alason, Joseph B 5 Do. Marks, Henry B 9 Do. Meehan, Janies 30 Mar. 20 Maxson, Edwin E... 5 Mar. 23 Madin, Gcorge S.... 13 Do. Martin, Frank A 2 Apr. 1 Alower, William 10 Apr. 2 McTeer, James W.. 8 Do. Miller, Daniel 17 Do. DICLean, John .. 13 Do. Moore, Tellingtou. 10 dpr. Apr. 6 ACAllister. George F. 3 djir. 7 Mellen, William 5 8 pr. 8 Viller, Harry N.. 15 spr. 9 McCarthy, Morris 12 Apr. 12 Alehl, George. 9 apr. 14 Merscreau, Theodore T 8 Apr. 20 Mulliolland, Hugh. 8 Do. Nosler, William A... 18 pr. 23 Merrill, George E. 21 May 4 Martyn), Thomas F... 25 Day 5 Mattson, John. 26 Do. Lulligau, John. 16 day 6 | Murray, Chris ... 5 Do. Mulhall, Villiam 9 May 13 2001, Edmund .. 29 May 15 McCabe, Patrick. 12 Do. Murphy, James... 7 May 17 McCanımamu, Alex. L.. 10 May 18 Magee, Godfrey. 17 May 20 Maher, William. 8 Alay 21 McNeill , James. 12 ay 25 Macdonald, William 5 Maj 26 Maguire, Johu J 12 ay 28 Moryn, Ernest P. 6 Do. McLaughlin, Henry 7 May 29 Moran, Christopber. 12 June 3 McLeod, albert S.... 7 June 12 McLean. TVilliam. 11 June 14 Mason, William A 9 June 15 McCarthy, Jerry 16 ! June 19 I Munch, William E. A2114 A2132 A2143 A2147 A2146 2159 A2160 A2171 A 2175 A2176 A 2186 A2188 A2206 A2207 A2219 A 2234 A2264 A 2270 A2275 A2293 A 3299 42303 A 2324 A 2336 A2371 A2375 12377 A2381 A2383 A2384 A2386 22398 42395 A 2401 42418 42421 A2492 A2495 A 2507 A 2518 A2519 A2523 A 25:31 A3559 A2582 A2604 * 2614 A2628 42638 A 2660 A 2661 22675 A2677 A2686 AS120 AS124 AS141 A 8154 48179 A8192 A8196 A821+ A 8219 8222 AS226 A 8241 8252 AS260 8284 A8298 A 8300 A 8311 18321 A8323 A S331 AS343 A 8364 A 8366 17 June 21 17 June 23 1 Jume 24 12 Do. 10 26 June 26 8 Do. 8 June 30 19 July 1 26 Do. 18 July 2 17 July 3 17 July 8 14 July 9 7 July 12 28 July. 14 12 July 19 2 July 20 26 July 21 12 July 23 19 July 24 31 Do. 7 | July 27 35 July 29 5 Aug. 5 29 Aug. 6 13 Do. 8 ! Aug. 7 27 Do. 5 Do. 12 Ang. 9 25 16 Aug. 10 1 Any. 11 10 Aug. 14 9 Do. 19 Aug. 26 10 Aug. 27 14 Aug. 28 14 Aug. 31 33 Do. 9 Do. 32 Sept. 1 10 Sept. 8 31 Sept. 11 19 Sept. 16 7 Sept. 17 20 Sept. 20 7 Sept. 21 5 Sept. 24 21 Do. 7 Sept. 27 13 Do. 10 Sept. 28 14 Oct. 4 32 Oct. 5 13 Oct. 7 13 Oct. 9 20 Oct. 15 24 Oct. 19 17 Do. 31 Oct. 23 10 Oct. 26 Do. 1 Oct. 27 14 Nov. 1 4 Nor. 5 28 Nov. 8 15 Nov. 12 25 Nov. 16 15 Nov. 17 22 Nov. 20 17 Nov. 24 7 Do. 33 Nov. 27 5 Nov. 30 6 Dec. 4 25 1 Do. C 60 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Nere York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)–Contioned. Ohief engineers (inland)-Continued. Aug. 26 Murphy, John.. MacGregor, Charles D. McGuire, Thomas. Murphy, Peter.... Mulligan, James J Nixou, William S... Nisbet, William. Nelson, Charles. Norrals, William.. Nye, James. Norlyne, Peter A Near, Albert C.. Nelson, Thomas E.. Norris, Warren C. Newton, Joseph T.. Nestell, Frederick Noyes, George Nock, Johou Newell, William H Neary, Amos Newman, Charles W. Nugent. Richard J..... Nolan, William P Nicolls, Charles, jr Niblock, James A... Norwood, Robert Norwood, F.H. Norris, I. H.. Nash, Henry M Nichols, John A. Oliver, Miles... O'Brien, Richard O'Connell, Thomas Orerbaugh, James Oliver, Charles... Orendorf, F'arley O'Hare, Ingene. Uhlandt, Villiam E... Oliver, Lawrence F. O'Connor, James. Osmund, Joseph Onderdonk, Silas V Ording, Henry Owens, Eugene O'Neill, Henry. O'Hanlon, Tareng... O'Neil, John Oakes, Harry E.. Pattersoni, Johu O.. Pouniney, Henry A Palmer, Ezra F Parker, George 11 Pelcher, Jobs. Piliderer, Frank Pettinger, Allan D.. Putnam, Vilkins Padderson, O. E. Pierce. William N Paff, Philip Pontin, Henry B.... Peter's, James Perkins, Warren. Pelton, Horace O.... Patterson, Robert... Person, David Parsons, Orlando T Purds, William. Palmer, Erastus Pulver, Charles.. Prichard, Carlos J Provost, George TV. Pausley, Cuyler. Platner, William Post, Victor Place, Da villa Pulver, George Peloubet, Prosper Perry, James H. A8385 A 8405 A 8424 427 A8153 A1246 A1381 A1472 A1509 A1665 A1823 A 1905 A1909 A2129 412131 A2204 42229 212252 A2124 12441 A 2452 A 2542 A2574 4 2671 A8109 A8187 AS18s AS229 A 8250 A 8324 A1260 A 1333 A1601 21652 A 1753 A 1758 A 1843 A1865 A2044. A2286 A2392 A 2468 A 2549 A 2602 A8193 AS290 A8401 AS126 A1230 A1251 A1311 A1338 A1358 A1386 A1423 A1435 A1436 A1445 A1470 A1507 A 1518 A1528 A 1557 A 1560 A1621 A1641 A1054 A1729 A1822 A1882 A1908 A2027 A 2166 A2173 A2181 A2187 A2224 12237 14 Dec. 11 Pease, John A 6 Dec. 16 Pearce, John. 7 Dec. 20 Powers, William H 23 Dec. 21 Petty, Robert E.... 5 Dec. 31 Purvis, William 12 J:111. 15 Purdy. William. 7 Feb. 16 Platner, Jacob F..... 4 Mar. 9 Pendleton, Frederick (). 14 Mar. 16 Philip, lisak.. 5 Apr. 12 Plattner, Silas V 12 May 8 Pipe, Henry T 16 May 20 Pratt, John F. 22 Do. Pulse, Jolin 24 June 23 Post, Georges 32 Do. Purdy, dclolphus G. 6 July 7 Palmer. George A. 6 July 13 Piudar. Edward 7 July 17 Post, Theodore 27 Aug. 16 Post, Edwin 20 Aug. 18 Pearsall, George 1 Aug. 20 Pope, George H. 10 Sept. 3 Pelkey, Richard 9 Sept. 10 Pitchford, Jolin. 14 Sept. 25 Purdy, Johu A. 22 Oct. 1 Powell, Jolin D 17 Oct. 18 Parnell, William G 13 Do. Parkinson. Lewis M... 18 Oct. 28 Parker, Daviel VV... 25 Nor. 5 Peene, E. L. 28 Nov. 24 Provost. George 10 Jan. 18 Pitchford, Andrew F 6 Fob. 3 Pidgeon, Nelson L 15 Mar. 31 Pricbard, Walter B... 11 Apr. 10 Palmer, Jol 4 Apr. 29 Park, A. E.. 31 Do. Plass, George H 5 May 12 Peterson, Fred.. 5 May 15 Parsous, Frederick 9 June 9 Patterson, Stephen B.. 6 July 22 Pitt, Charles H. 25 Aug. 10 Quigley, Thomas J 15 Aug. 2: Quick, George 29 Sept. 7 Quinn, Edward 19 Sept. 15 Quigley, James 6 Oct. 19 Ryder. Theodore. 18 Nov. 15 Redmond. Frank J... 2 Dec. 16 Rickard, Henry. 4 Dec. 21 Ruse, Charles 26 Jan. 9 Koke, Peter... 20 Jan. 16 Riley, Joho. 14 Jan. 30 Raynor, D.D. 19 Feb. 4 Rush, F.J.... 31 Feb. S Rector, Porter V 1 Feb. 17 Rooke, John E... 2 Fel). 27 Ricker, Harry J 17 Mar. 1 Relyea, James A. 5 Dlar. 2 Ringvald, Jacob .. 6 Mar. 3 Rogers, Thomas B 6 Jlar. 8 Rilley, Patrick. 19 Mar. 15 Rockefellow, Lewis . 17 Mar. 16 Rogers, James 13 Mar. 18 Rockwell. Jacob 14 Mar. 23 Robinson, William. 12 Do. Ringwald, Joseph Q 17 Apr. 3 Rhoades, Johu 16 Apr. 8 Rauscher, Frauk 12 Apr. 10 Rapp, George. 9 Apr. 22 Rooney, Daniel .. 21 ra 8 Ringwald, Josepl J 9 May 17 Reeres, Joliu 2 May 20Rex, Filliam P 6 Jue S Reilly, Frank.. 28 June 29 Rogers, Thomas 18 June 30 Ruhle. Jacol) 10. July 1 Ryan, Pierce... 22 July 3 Richmonci, Charles 8. July 13 Rodgers. William H.. 28 : July 14 . Reese, Charles H A 2255 A2259 A2205 A 2281 A2285 A2311 A2393 A2396 A2403 A2415 A 2438 A2440 A2449 A 2463 A 2464 A2471 A2486 A 2524 A 2532 A2358 A 2597 A 2572 A 2612 A2618 A 2624 12625 A 2698 AS106 A8107 A8113 A8121 A8122 A8162 A8178 A8202 A8295 A8303 AS319 AS413 A 8418 A 1500 A1692 A2601 8203 A1226 A1250 A1326 A1389 A1398 A 1450 A1512 A1326 A 1571 A1598 A1613 A1615 A 1690 A1698 A1704 A 1715 A1724 A1732 A1736 A 1738 A1741 A1S0S A1893 A 1946 A 1949 41952 4.1968 41982 A1985 A 1988 A 2028 A 2013 A2086 A2136 19 July 19 20 Do. 6 Do. 12 July 22 9 Do. 1 July 26 S Aug. 10 11 Do. 10 Aug. 11 7 Ang. 13 8 Aug. 17 5 Do. 19 Aug. 19 16 Aug. 23 22 Do. 20 Do. 27 28 Sept. 1 Do. 17 Sept. 8 16 Sept. 15 9 Do. 4 Sept. 17 26 Sept. 18 5 Do. 27 Sept. 20 10 Sept. 30 21 Oct. 1 17 Do. 29 Oct. 2 11 Oct. 4 9 Oct. 5 4 Oct. 12 20 Oct. 15 4 Oct. 20 14 Nov. 15 9 Nov. 17 Nor, 23 3 Dec. 18 3 Dec. 20 Mar. 15 23 Apr. 16 3 Sept. ,15 17 Oct. 21 12 Jan. 8 11 Jan. 16 7 Tel). 1 6 Tel. 18 21 Feb. 20 15 Mar. 4 5 Mar. 16 2 Mar. 18 4 Mar. 25 11 Mar. 30 6 dpr 2 14 Do. 10 Apr. 16 28 Apr. 17 26 Apr. 19 7 pr. 20 9 A pr. 21 6 Apr. 22 24 Apr. 23 19 32 Apr. 24 S May 6 25 Day 18 7 Mar 25 9 Do. 15 Do. 16 May 27 20 Mar 29 7 June 1 15 Do. 18 June 8 9 June 9 13 June 15 1 June 23 .9 BOA Do. 0 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 61 Engineers licensed-New Fork, N. F.-Continued. Name. No. of No, ot Date of license. issue.issue. Name. No. of license. No. of Date of issue. issue. Chief engineer's (inland)-Continued. C dug. 3 Chief engineers (inland)- Continued. Relsea, Charles. Ritenburgh, Jerono Remington. John Richards, Joseph Relsea, Richard Raynor, Mervyu Rogers, Jolie Roulston, George Rogers, Morris H. Rooke, Charles E.. Roche, James C.. Rhodes, Floyd W Rouse, George IV Rockefellow, Henry Root, Edward S.. Ryan, John Relrea, Charles. Read, Maynard R. Scott, Jobol.. Sidman, Royal Smith, Harry Schmidt ChristopherJ. Snyder, Edward ... Scbeman, James F... Smith, Elmer A. Sheldon, Lewis VV. Slickmai, Benjamin Smith, Charles. Slattery, James F Schmidt, Villiam. Sipperly. A. E Shea, James Stigerwald, John J Smith, TVilliam C.. Seston, John F Sailer, James S Soop, Frank Salt, Edwin.. Skerratt, Johu V.. Sparks, Jolin E.. Skerratt, A. L Sirift, Charles E... Smith, Frederick Scott, Henry.. Simonson. George. St. Pierre, Joseph Sullivan, Eugene Saulspangh. Samuel ... Sterrett, James W... Soop. James Sands, Joseph Skirmore, William E.. Stebbius, Ferdinand St. Johu, John Stewart, Charles R Stark, William Stablin, Villiam Small, John... Sagger's, William S Stiles, Peter. Stark, Thomas. Seeleu, Fred R. Smith, John B Serle, Otis 1 Sterritt, John VG Shelters, Peter Shull, Franklin P... Salair, John N Sparks, E.R Smith, R. J Stewart, John Seeles. John.. Sullivau, Villian J... Smith, Nathan. Swift, Job L.. Smith, John W Staats, Herman Skerratt, Joseph. A2209 2246 412361 A2399 22.105 12:123 2446 2447 A 2194 A 2500 2536 A 2566 A 2685 8186 18273 8296 A 8380 S430 1211 1218 111224 d1266 A1277 A1279 21280 A1292 A1296 A 1300 41335 A1351 A1355 21365 A1375 A 1388 A1430 41432 41451 A 1460 · A1463 A1475 A177 A 1481 A1186 A1552 A 1581 41587 A1628 A1632 116-144 A1674 11092 11696 41705 1712 1713 1723 11749 41763 A1766 21770 A1779 A1797 41813 d1817 A1835 A1839 1872 A1973 A 1874 A1876 1877 A1891 A1901 A 1903 A193.1 A 1981 d1987 A 1994 24 July 9 Slialer, B. Tiltse.. 18 July 17 Smith, Frank J 13 Aug. 3 Scolliell, John 8 Aug. 11 Smitu, Isaac L. 31 Aug. 12 Stereus, John E 5 Ang. 16 Sullivan, Peter. 29 Aug. 19 Schryver, Frank. 15 Do. Spencer, Albert E 23 Aug. 27 Shanley, John F 2 Du. Snyder, TVilliam H 16 Sept. 2 Salt, Alberi.. 18 Sept. 9 Smith, George L 34 Sept. 28 Stuart, Johu H 12 Oct. 18 Squibb, Henry A 3 Nov. 9 Saulpangli, Edwin J.. 31 Nov. 15 Shuliis, Jonas 8 Dec. 10 Siegfried, Stephen H 3 Dec. 21 Schomp, George 6 Jan. 4 Stewart, Frank 5 Jan. 6 Sunter, F.E. 8 Jan.' 7 Skidmore, Charles O.. 8 Jan. 20 Saxtor, Maurice H 14 Jan, 22 Stolker. Allfred . 20 Do. Stewart, Charles. 2 Do. Squires, Willian W 9 Jan. 25 Silcox, William B 16 Jan. 26 Standerwick, Oliver. 8 Jan. 27 Stafford, James... 4 Feb. 3 Smitl., Frank.. 17 Feb. 8 Staley, R. E. 23 Do. Shermau, William M 9 Feb. 11 Shaunop. R. J... Feb. 13 Scott, Albert .. 6 Feb. 18 Spencer, P.R 7 Mar. 1 Start, Edward .. 11 Do. Shannon, Morris. 24 Mar. 4 Staats, Charles W 16 Mar. 8 Snyder, Charles H.. ... 5 Do. Simpson, Villiam 9 Mar. 10 Stark, James H.. 16 Do. Smith, George W 16 Mar. 11 Suydam, Lawrence C.. Mar. 12 Stanton, James 25 Mar. 22 Smith, Arthur 26 Mar. 27 Stryker, Henry. 1:3 Mar. 29 Secor', Williani 7 Apr. 6 Simmons, William M. 15 Do. Stilwell. John IT 14 Apr. 8 Skidmore. Albert. 26 Apr. 14 Stafford. Samuel J.. 10 Apr. 15 Steele, Fraucis J 18 dpr. 16 Stacey, John J.. 27 ápr. 19 Scofield, Gilbert 20 apr. 20 Sowarby. Frank Do. Sidman, Charles El 13 Apr. 21 Seward, Stephen J 8 Apr. 20 Starts. Virgil M 28 Apr. 30 Shanghnessy, James 11 ! Do. Schreiver, George. 21 May 1 Seitz, William 15 May 3 Schranim. Tornest F... 13 May 5 Shortle, Richard H 5] Гау 7 Suyder, Charles.. 5. May May 8 Smith. James... 26 | May 11 Siudwell, Harvey 5 Do. Satterlee, George J 18 ! May 15 Sinamons. VV. L 18 Do. Seliemerliorii, W.H. 10 Do. Salt, Albert.. 2 Do, Sperr, John (r... 6 Do. Stephens, John H 1:1 May 18 Smith, John H... 3 May 19 Staats, \Villiam H 21 Do. Suyalam, Bergen 14 May 24 Sweetser, Levi. 12 | dlay 29 Smith, Donald () 20 June 1 Sullivan, Timothy 16 June 2 H Swarts, David C . A 2003 A2010 12033 A 2038 A2050 A 2063 - 2070 A2089 12101 A2102 29124 12178 A2180 A2197 22213 A 2221 A 2223 A2227 12241 22245 A2282 42292 A2319 22331 A 2341 12345 A2355 2360 A2369 A2373 A2380 42407 22416 42417 2419 2422 A2432 42443 A2466 A2472 A 2499 A 25+1 425-45 A2317 A 2518 A 2579 A 2596 A 2611 12613 2616 A 2633 A2637 26-2 A 2650 2654 A2655 12666 a 2684 A 2688 A 2693 AS102 A8104 AS115 AS180 18183 48198 AS212 48220 A8236 A 8242 A8249 28262 A8276 A8283 829-4 #8305 A 8313 AS351 June 4 16 Do. 3 June 8 16 Do. 24 June 9 14 i June 11 41 Junie 12 30 June 16 2 June 17 18 Do. 15 June 22 17 July 1 2 Do. 7 July 7 28 July 9 19 July 13 9 Do. 15 Do. 11 July 16 13 Do. 1 July 22 20 July 23 23 July 27 10 July 28 24 July 30 .13 July 31 9 14 Do. 15 Aug. 5 12 Aug. 6 6 Do. 10 Aug. 12 17 Aug. 14 22 Do. 26 Do. 9 Do. 15 Aug. 17 6 Aug. 18 7 Aug. 23 21 Do. 13 Ang. 27 3 Sept. 13 25 Sept. 4 19 Do. 28 Sept. 7 16 Sept. 11 9 Sept. 14 35 Sept. 17 12 Do. 8 Sept. 18 11 Sept. 20 7 Sept. 21 26 Sept. 22 13 Sept. 23 8 Do. 9 Do. 14 Sept. 25 6 Sept. 28 22 Do. 0 Sept. 29 • 12 Oct. 1 1 Do. 6 Oct. 2 7 Oct. 15 27 Oct. 16 7 Oct. 20 16 Oct. 23 16 Oct. 26 33 | Oct. 30 6 Nor. 1 16 Nov. 5 10 Nov. 8 19 Nov. 10 7 Nor. 11 27 Nor. 15 10 Nov. 1S 6 Nor. 20 11 Dec. 1 . 15 1 62 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 1 Engineer's licensed– New York, N. L.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. | issue. issue. Ohief engineers (inland)-Continued. Chief engineers (inland)--Coutinued. 25 May 3 18 May 4 14 May 15 5 May 24 27 May 26 36 Juno 3 17 June 11 30 June 16 30 June 22 22 Jue 30 12 July 19 31 July 20 17 July 24 11 July 26 34 1 Sullivan, Daniel Steller, James H... Smith, Abram Q Selleck, Ezra.. Sohlgren, Axel F Shorinan, Morton R.... Smith, Lewis F... Searfoss, Joseph Tallinadge, Alfred Terry, Louis W... Terpenning, George W Tavmpson, Charles S.. Theile, William F., Tice. \Villiain Tibbs, Edward E... Thomasson, James F Taylor, Richard.... Todd, Joby J Torrance, A. M Thomas, Harry Thompson, Robert. Timmans, Andrew. Taylor, Charles K.. Tully, Alfred A Thompsou, Robert Tait, John J.. Tinney, Dennis Taylor, Walter Townsend, H.G Tecple, Grant. Tompkins, Frederick P Titus, Jacob... Tuttle, Ebenezer F Taulman, Daniel Ten Eyck, Clarence H. Torrance, Amos C. Tyler, Hiram Thornton, Lewis B..., Taylor, Stevou. Tuttle, Mantord C., Thompson, Charles H. Thompson, Samuel. Taylor, William Thurston, Hiram T Tauner, Willian.. Terwilliger, George H Todd, Joseph J Turner, William E. Tyrrell, Thomas Teson, Frank, jr Tallmadge, Russell Terry, Edward A.. Travers, Frank Tremblay, Joseph. Tracy, Charles H Towosenc, Arthur. Titcombe, Edward M.. Tiernes, Robert J.. Thompson, James Tebbins, Bernbarıl J... Travers, Patrick E Underwood, James. Unold, Tilliam Van Allen, Edward. Van aken, Isaac B... Van Etten), Charles K.. Vap Buskirk, Henry.. Vau Wagoner, Garrett. Van Etten, Fred L... Van Dercar, James Van Buskirk, Richard. Van Hise, John H.. Van Zandt, R. A Van Vliet, Ebenezor Vau Etten, Ambrose TV Vandeleur, Thomas.. Van Derhoof, Charles E Venus, dugustus .. A8354 48357 A 8373 AS375 AS383 A8409 A8437 A8450 A1301 A1329 A1339 A1354 A1370 A1391 1426 A 1440 A1444 A 1456 A1480 A 1579 A1602 A1629 A 1651 A1726 A1727 A 1730 A1751 A1764 A1790 A 1816 A1857 AI890 A1915 A1962 A 1984 A2021 A 2099 A 2123 A2156 A 2183 A 2277 A2349 A2453 A 2461 A 2483 A 2498 A2623 A 2687 A2696 A8155 A8156 A8210 A 8230 A0234 AS264 AS285 A8335 A8359 A8384 A8429 A8431 A1318 A1679 A1203 A1268 A1369 A1399 A 1466 A1479 A 1525 A 1539 41545 A 1590 A 1636 A 1668 A 1734 A1760 A1768 12 Dec. 2 Van Schaick, Charles B A1778 17 Dec. 3 Tan Giesen, Fletcher .. A1780 16 Dec. 8 Vroomau, Charles A.. A1871 15 Do. Van Aken, VVilford S.. A1942 2 Dec. 11 Van Dyck, Jacob C... A 1964 6 Dec. 17 Van Wie, John A. A 2000 8 Dec. 22 Velsor, George. A 2060 12 Dec. 30 Vandecar, Joho.. A 2090 18 Jan. 28 Vau Vart, George W.. A2112 6 Feb. 2 Fanlleuburuh, Warner'. A2168 15 Tel. 5 Fan Lo011, Ezra. A 2258 11 Feb. S Van Hoesen, Newton 82266 2 Feb. 13 Vogel, Philip A 2304 21 Feb. 18 Venus, Albert A2305 6 Feb. 27 Van Valkenburgh, 18 Mar. 3 William H.. A2333 29 Do. Vau Kirk, Abram. A 2363 11 Mar. 8 Van Keuren, Charles HA2434 11 Mar. 1) Van \Vie, James E.... A2487 5 Mar. 27 Van Gilsen, Francis, jr. A 2505 1 Mar. 31 Van Buuren, TVilliam. A 2564 33 Apr. 6 Vau Tassel, Charles A2568 13 Apr. 10 Van Erten, Charles A 2593 7 Apr. 22 Valentine, Edward A2393 5 Do. Vandenberg, Jacob A2507 7 Do. Vreeland, Augustus ... A2083 12 Apr. 28 Van Wie, Justus E A8118 6 Apr. 30 Van Wart, William H. AS205 S May 4 Viving, Alexander. A8292 3 May 7 Van Etten, Velson H.. A8378 4. May 14 Vaughn, Frank E.... A8390 23 Way 18 Whittaker, Charles B.. A1267 9 May 21 Watson, George S A1316 31 May 26 Walsh, Philip.... A1302 12 June 1 Wright, William F., jr. A1322 12 June 7 Wilson, Franklin A1323 15 June 17 Windsor, Edward A1349 21 Junc 22 Valstad, John M A1387 11 June 25 Willson, John H. A1390 15 July 2 Wagoner, Frank M ... A 1406 13 July 21 Waters, John 11 A1419 7 Aug. 2 Wilson, John E.. A1473 14 ) Aug. 20 Wimett, L. H A 1484 8 Aug. 21 Wiest, Alonzo A1506 38 Aug. 25 Whitaker, D.A. A1515 9 Aug. 27 Ward, E.F A1517 15 Sept. 18 Wadhams, Nathan J... A1530 19 Sept. 28 Wilkes, Walter W.. A 1531 30 Sept. 30 Waggoner, William N A1535 20 Oct. 9 Whitton, Frederick P A 1536 10 Do. Wiggins, Zachariah. A1625 10 Oct. 22 Thiteliean, James A1624 27 Oct. 28 Winchell, Nelson A1647 8 Oct. 30 Walter, Alfred A1691 24 Nov. 9 Tager, Charles E. A1701 15 Nov. 12 Warri, John A 1747 31 Nov. 29 Walls, Harry E A1765 23 Dec. 3 Whitaker, David A1787 9 Dec. 11 Wilde, Charles W.. A 1789 3 Dec. 21 Willetts, N. E... A 1830 5 Dec. 22 Wheeler, Daniel W A1897 8 Jan. 30 Weeks, George O A 1911 1 Apr. 14 Walsh, Javies. A 1944 23 Jan. 2 Tood, John C... A1948 20 Jan. 20 Walgrore, Azuria A1995 5 Feb. 11 | Walpole, Albert A 2002 3 Feb. 20 Williams, William H... A 2015 19 Mar. S Wheeler, Valter. A 2031 16 Mar. 11 \Vheoler, Vbitson A2047 18 Mar. 18 Walker, Robert. A2053 20 Mar. 19 Waters, Benjamin A 2071 20 Mar. 20 TValden, Thomas A 2094 30 Mar. 29 Whitaker, S. E.. A 2096 3 Apr. 7 Wilson, Cornelius V... A2150 17 d pr. 12 Waldron, William A 2153 6 Apr. 23 Willis, Wellington M. A2172 15 Apr. 30 Vorth, George. A 2222 18 Do. Warren, Villiam A2254 14 July 28 26 Aug. 3 13 Aug. 17 26 Any. 26 Aug. 28 10 Sept. 9 24 Do. 8 Sept. 11 27 Sept. 14 20 Sept. 16 32 Sept. 28 30. Oct. 4 39 Oct. 21 15 Nov. 15 9 Dec. 9 3 Dec. 11 13 Jan. 20 3 Jan. 30 16 | Jan. 28 20 Teb. 1 17 Do. 6 Feb. S 4 Feb. 17 20 Feb. 18 13 Feb. 23 4 Heb. 26 6 Mar. 10 7 Mar. 12 6 Mar. 15 21 Mar. 16 18 Do. 9 Mar. 18 4 Do. 14 Mar. 19 6 Do. 7 Apr. 6 13 Apr. 5 20 A pr. 9 19 Apr. 16 15 Apr. 17 14 Apr. 26 6 A pr. 30 3 Do. 16 May 15 May 10 6 | May 18 16 May 20 13 May 25 23 Do. 13 June 2 21 June 4 19 June 5 4 June 8 14 June 9 38 June 9 18 June 12 2.1 June 16 1 June 16 17 June 25 S Do. 20 June 30 11 July 13 22 i July 17 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 63 Engineers licensed-New York, N. 1.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. . 1 Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Enginecrs in charge of steamers of 100 tons and 19der, and over 10 tons Continued. Aug. 25 11 ; Whitehead, Willian J. Webster, Frank C... Weinant, Thomas. Whitiiey, Orin R.. Watson, Charles A Wieland, Gourge. Wilson, James... Webster, William Wright, Lucieu D Woll, Williamı Worth, John M.. White, Joseph E., jr. Whitaker, Jolin V Wood, Charles E.. Wlins, Charles T... Weir, Patrick. Woolford, Casper. Weeks, John .. Wells, Christopher Vilson, Andrew L.... Walton), John D Woodburn, Charles H Wells, John W... Wallace, George H. Whitcomb), Henry Wining, Christian W.. White, Thomas . Wilkinson, David N... Weeks, Joseph Winship, Marinus S.. Walsh, George Wheatley, Seward Woods, James Wildey, Edvard . White, M. W Vetsell, Ira A Wolf, Alfred. Ward, George W Whceler, Russell M... White, Joba A Winship, William M. Wortbley, Charles P Wilcox, Edwin J. Wood, James Wilson, Leonard.. White, George Williains, David E.. Wilkins, Edward Wbeelur, George A..., Willis, Fayette Ward, Robert D.. Wood, William A. Wright, C. W.. Winchell, Edgar Walbach, Frank E. Young, William B Yonker, Jackson.. Yates, William F. Young, Watson G Young, Albert W Youngs, \Villiam E. ... Young, Tilliam Zeigler, Joseph Zeilman, Charles.. Zeilman, Chauncey Zeigler, George A2260 A 2269 42276 A 2280 A 2294 12313 A 2318 42379 A2390 A2398 A 2414 A2120 A3427 A2458 A 2460 A2482 A2533 A 2580 2589 A2591 2599 A 2615 A 2664 A2672 A 2673 A2674 A 2689 A8103 1810S A8117 A8142 A8191 A8201 A8207 A8237 A8248 A 8251 A8274 A8278 A8279 A8289 A8291 A 8299 A8306 A8308 A8329 A 8339 A8345 AX346 A 8387 A 8391 A 8399 A8406 A8412 A 8436 A 1482 A 1516 A2037 A2083 A2156 A8153 A 8200 A1673 A 2007 A 2343 A8433 9 July 19 Anderson, Gus A 8 July 20 Aiken, R. 1.0. 1: July 21 Abranis. George W.. 14 Do. Anderson, Carl A. 18 July 23 Amesbury, Charles A.. 3 July 26 Allams, William H 39 Juli 27 dyresta, Paul... 24 Aug. 6 Allerson, Vitalis. 19 Aug. 10 Allans, Jolun 13 Aug. 11 Aspin wall, J.A. 15 Any 13 Applegate, Frank F 6 Any. 14 Anderson, James 34 dug. 16 i dyres, William D... 13 Aug. 21 Andrews, P. Ferdinand 13 Do. Akerstrom, Alfred... 5 Albini, A.D.. 37 Sept. 2 Belcher, William H 21 Sept. 11 Burns, John W 37 Sept. 13 Barber, John W 13 Sept. 14 Bilrus, Joseph 15 Sejt. 15 Baker, Thomas F 17 Sept. 18 Bennett, Edwin G..... 15 Sept. 24 Bacon, Samuel M 2 Sept. 25 Brink, James XI. 31 Sept. 27 Bowers. F. E.. Do. Burrows, H.R 19 Sept. 29 Bohrer, Joseph 10 Oct. 1 Buhring, Carl. 27 Do. Buuker, Christian 25 Oct. 4 Bailey, Anasa J 27 Oct. 7 Bowers, Freeman 7 Oct. 19 Byer, Frank 3 Oct. 20 Biurck, Charles H. 12 Oct. 22 Bernet, Louis ... 21 Uct. 30 Briggs, William 10 Nov. 4 Bernard, Edwin G 7 Nov. 5 Brown, B. F. 17 Nov. 9 Bulen, George F 14 Nov. 11 Bedell, Joh M 20 Do. Bush, Robert J 6 Nov. 13 Busli, Willian E. 12 Nov, 15 Byren, Charles El 110 Nov. 16 Biurke, William 9 Nov. 18 Benjamin, William F 23 Nov. 19 Bernhard, Thomas 1 Nor. 26 Bird, Ralplı 6 Nov. 29 Breslin, Jolin .. 32 Dec. 1 Brazell, Nicholas 26 Do. Brown, John A 20 Dec. 11 Bradley, George 16 Dec. 13 Buschkarotf, Henry. 22 Dec. 14 Bedell, Joshua.. 14 Dec. 17 Brown, Villiam H. 6 Dec. 18 Brooks, Christopher 1 Dec. 23 Barney, Celastine 21 Mar. 11 Brown, Georgo J 20 Mar. 16 Beyer, Joseph 10 June 8 Briggs, Perry. 10 June 15 Barrett, Clarence R 8 July 19 Barker, Edwin H 7 Oct. 9 Bartholomew, Irving Oct. 20 Brown, Harry 3 Apr. 13 Boyd, Charles H 6 Jue 4 Barber. Joseph E 18 July 30 Brady, Mathias 7 Dec. 22 Briggs, Frank Brixton, Harry R. Brennan, John. Beers. Francis H Bergeli, Michael F Bell, Arthur J Baker, John 18 Jan. 20 Berg, John F.. 1 Jan. 26 Brown, 19.s 1 Jan. 27 Brundage, William 12 Feb. 1 Bailey, William R.. A619 A 664 A 6991 A 797 AS23 A944 A953 A 982 A 983 d1179 41281 A1486 11535 A 1555 A 1630 A1640 A 553 A572 AJ87 A 623 A632 A643 A 694 A700 A706 A715 A735 A752 A 763 A770 A793 A811 A819 A835 A850 A 866 A875 A394 A895 A920 A 922 A 939 A973 A988 A1005 A1059 A1091 A1092 A1107 A1109 dll19 A1158 A1159 A1164 A1.168 A1169 A1194 A1199 A1200 21253 A1260 A 1261 1266 A1276 A1277 A 1305 A1326 1328 A 1336 A 1353 A1358 A1364 A1366 A1406 A1408 A1410 7 Feb. 11 6 Feb. 27 2 Mar. 13 2 | Apr. 12 1 Apr. 16 20 | May 18 1 May 19 May 26 12 Do. 10 July 15 17 Aug. 17 Oct. 16 1 Nor. 5 2 Nov. 12 @ Dec. 14 5 Dec. 18 13 Jan. 6 2 Jan. 22 1 Jan. 27 12 Feb. 15 1 Feb. 17 3 Feb. 20 12 Mar. 11 10 Mar. 15 2 Do. 1 Mar. 17 12 Mar. 23 5 Mar. 29 6 Apr. 1 14 Apr. 5 3 Apr. 10 3 Apr. 14 5 A pr. 15 11 Apr. 20 1 Apr. 23 15 | Apr. 28 12 apr. 29 3 May May 6 5 Do. 3 May 12 1 Do. 18 May 17 17 May May 25 4 May 28 3 Juue 1 4 June 14 15 June 22 13 Do. 15 June 26 2 Do. 4 June 30 4 July 12 9 Do. 30 July 14 22 Do. 5 Do. 16 July 22 27 Juls 24 5 Do. 13 Aug. 9 5 Aug. 10 S Do. 1 | Aug. 11 2 Ang. 16 2 Do. 3 10 Aug. 27 2 Do. 6 Aug. 30 3 Sept. 3 1 Sept. 8 5. Sept. 10 2 1 Sept. 11 5. Sept. 21 7 Sept. 22 11 / Sept. 23 1 13 Aug. 23 Engineer's in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Acker, William Albertson. Lucas M.. Anthony, Frederick L Ackerly, Alonzo .. A 565 A584 A386 A 592 64 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed– New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No, of Date of license! issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issne. issue. Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 10918-Continued. Engineers in charge of stcamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons—Continued. 19 i Brayton, Rufus Banta, David D... Buckingham, George Brooks, Cornelius T Burns, Philander Blat, William Baker, Marshall Brooks, James . Brink, Freilerick W... Becker, Jacobi. Baurbyte, J.H.. Barrett, Karl Bourne, Harry W W.. Burns, Clarence J.. Baldwin, Charles Busick, Charles.. Baxter, Ralpli F Carlan, Christopher Cogswell, John D.. Carey, Thomas E.. Curtus, Henry H Conklin, George L L.. Corson, James B... Chamberlain, Frauk Cowen, Frerlerick H.. Cummings, Edward R. Conklin, Steplien Coons, James Cranis, Joseph Collius, Henry Coley, Seldeu G. Corson, Garrett P... Chase, George Campbell H.°C Curtiu, James Carman, Ellward. Curtis, Jolin W.. Cochrane, James.. Cudney, Benjamin E. Conn, William Carler. David A Colin, Albert E Corbett, John F. Clark, James Cook, Joseph J Cake, Mathias C.. Caulford, Caul Costello, Jolin, jr.. Cummings, Charles G.. Carroll, Patrick... Castle, William Craudall, Paul Colton, Francis Clarke. Jolil.. Casse. William K. Campion, William J Coon, Charles H.. Coll, ul. Go... Cleary, James R Carracioli, Harry Connell, Joshua L Crosby. Henry Cannou, John Chapman, Jolin. Charil, L. L... Couler. William El.. Connell, James P Day. Austin Dougherty; L... Daubuey, James T.. De Vane, William.. Ditman, J.G.Jacob. ... De Groat, Daniel. Drost, Jefferson.. Devlin Frank Decker, John F.. 11423 11425 A 1426 41427 A1436 A1418 A1449 A1464 A1466 41495 1 A 1496 A1525 A1556 A 1564 1577 A1601 A1665 A554 A 567 A568 A616 1678 4732 A747 768 A773 A789 2826 A 831 A841 A865 A 907 A 918 A1006 A1093 A11771 A1120 A1172 d1177 A1186 A1187 A1229 A1257 A1315 81361 A365 A1376 A1394 A1+13 A1428 A1430 11444 41506 A1508 A1516 1518 A 1524 1547 A1587 A1591 A 1597 1612 A 1622 A 1627 A1635 A1654 11661 A503 d1625 A 624 4646 A 661 A679 A787 A$76 A 886 9 Sept. 27 13 Wo. 20 Do. 17 Do. 2 Sept. 29 Oct. 2 7 Do. 1 Oct. S 1 Do. 2 Oct. 20 7 Do. 1 Oct. 29 14 Nov. 12 5 Nov. 16 20 Nov. 22 22 Dec. 1 15 Dec. 27 9 Jan. 18 4 Jan. 21 4 Do. 3 Feb. 10 5 Mar. 5 3 Mar. 22 7 i Mar. 27 4 Apr. 3 5 Apr. 5 5 spr. 9 12 Apr. 17 12 Apr. 19 14 Apr. 21 12 | apr. 28 7 May 10 22 May 12 9 June 1 16 June 22 6 June 29 13 June 30 14 July 14 2 | July 1.6 18 July 19 9 July 19 11 Aug. 2 5 Aug. 10 17 Aug. 24 8 Sept. 9 11 Sept. 10 5 Sept. 13 14 Sept. 18 + Sept. 23 11 Sept. 28 16 Do. 19 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 22 15 Oct. 25 3 (ct. 26 9 Oct. 27 14 Oct. 29 6 Nov. 1 Nov. ?+ 17 Nov. 26 16 Nov. 29 10 Dec. 6 4 Dec. 9 12 Dec. 13 3 Dec. 16 7 Dec. 22 1 Dec. 21 10 Jan. 2 5 Feb. 10 of Ful. 15 4 Feb. 20 3 Feb. 27 19 Mar. 5 16 pr. 9 11 Apr. 20 19 | May 1 Diercks, Henry. Dibble, Moses. Dongberty, Michael... Donnie, Haxim F... Daly. Patrick Dubois, John H. Dean, George Dick, d. H.. Darrow, Curtis P... .. Deyo, James K. P Downer, Abner P. Dent, Frank J. Doty, Clement. Dulaney, John P Dalldorf, Edwin Day, Samuel J.. Davis, Arthur W Dorney, James. Dimmers, Joseph. Dwyer, Timothy Dempsey, John. Doyle, George Donner, L. M.. Davis, Benjamin.. Donovau, William. Didrick, Charles.. Dalzell, W.F.. Deitz, Isaac. Dodge, 0. L. Dwyer, Thomas... Donohue, James W.. Dibble, Amos.. Deming, Eugene W.. Du Bois, Archio Donovani, Timothy De Witt, Melvin.. De Hart, Samuel.... Douglass, Thomas. Dowd, Patrick... Eageri, James S... Elieudorf, Oscar. Eckhardt, Jobu. Ellis, John T. Emery, Arthur L. Ehle, Charles E... Ekblom, Mauritz A. Eugland, Robert.. Easmall, George Eckert, Reuen FI.. Ensign, Lewis. Echler, Thiomas. Engels, Charles A. Erist, Henry.. Early, Frank Edgar. Charles K English, Dennis Ehle, Robert. Eunis, George L Elmendorf, Charles W. Free, Casper. Freese, Etson L. France, David. Floyd, John R.. Flood. Clarence A.. Foruauder, John A.... Finger, George B.. Farrell, Thomas A. Ford, Edwin... Flynn, Hugh. Farrington, S. A Fanrot, Campbell Fealy. Jerry Free. Lawrence. Fimierty, Patrick. French, James M Ford, Lewis A888 A890 A 913 1915 A 936 A957 A1014 A 1049 A1052 A1095 A1112 11128 A1134 A1167 A1193 A 1251 1254 A1274 1280 d1294 A 1351 A 1404 A1409 A1145 A 1161 A1468 A1504 11505 A1512 A151.9 A 1529 A 1563 A1581 A1589 A 1600 A1629 A1647 41662 A1664 A634 A 653 A720 41742 41744 A785 2852 887 A921 963 A966 41040 1129 A 1176 1197 A1322 A1402 A1453 A 1561 1666 A 579 A609 A 725 A817 AS40 A 874 A 914 A 926 A 931 A 948 1004 A 1010 1033 A 1097 A1145 41209 A1271 5 May 4 14 Do. 18 May 10 8 May 11 16 May 15 11 May 19 19 Juue 3 19 June 11 14 June 11 6 June 23 26 June 28 2 July 1 21 July 2 11 July 14 16 | July 22 6 Aug. 7 11 dug. 9 3 Aug. 14 12 Aug. 17 7 Ang. 19 10 Sept. 2 18 Sept. 21 11 Sept. 22 18 Oct. 1 24 Oct. 7 17 Oct. 9 17 Oct. 22 2 Do. 5 Oct. 25 13 Oct. 27 5 Nov. 1 20 Nov. 15 7 Nov. 23 1 Nov. 24 16 Nov. 30 16 Dec. 13 2 Dec. 20 1 Dec. 24 6 Dec. 27 1 Feb. 17 1 Feb. 24 1 Mar. 18 16 Mar. 26 1 Do. 10 Apr. S 1 A pr. 23 19 May 1 14 May 12 26 May 21 11 Alay 22 17 June 11 4 July. 1 1 July 15 16 July 23 8 Aug. 26 14 Sept. 20 15 Oct. 1 12 Nov. 15. 12 Dec. 27 2 Jan. 25 4 Fol. 8 3 Mu. 19 fdpr. 15 7 5 Apr. 29 16 | May 10 2 May 13 10 May 14 20 May 18 13 June 1 22 Junie 2 11 June 8 1 June 24 13 July 8 3 July 26 22 Aug. 11 0 Apr. 21 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 65 Engineer's licensed— New York, V. Y.-Continued. Namo. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nane. 1 No. of No. of Date of license. Lissue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers oj 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. 2 Do. 23 Foland, John G. Fisher, David J... Taust, William A. Terrel, Merritt.. Fino, Frank Ford, James J Fitzgerald, William Frost, Charles M.. Flagg, William Fitzpatrick, James Flynn, Thomas Foley, Jobn E Gerdes, George S Grovo, Francis H.. Grose, William C Grillin, Frank Gibbs, John R Gordon, Emblay S. Givpan, John J Gokey, George... Gehlbach, George. Gross, Frederick w.. Gluer, William Grube, Andrew H. Gunnerson, Samuel.. Gay, Harrison Godfrey, Arthur W.. Garrety, James W. Goux, Engene Gurney, Jamos B Gildersleeve, Charles B Gardineer, Warren D.. Garber, Frank Grice, William H.. Glazier, Joseph W.. Grice, Samuel G Goldsmith, Fred Galina, Thomas J... Goodrich, John C.,.jr Garrison, Fenton E.. Gallagher, Eugene. Gooney, James Grady, James F Gracey, Stewart Grant, Martin Gorman, George Gallagher, Charles P Grimes, James Gelshine, Joseph Geil, Pani Greacen, S. B Graham, John Goodsell, Sherman Greene, Gustavus L... Gould, Abram C Gager, Ellwin M Grant, John Grant, Samuel S Gehde, Conrail. Grady, James F Huglies, Joha. Hanaway, Daniel Houldcroft, William J Haines, James T.... Holland, Mark Hammond, A. L.. Hammond, Reuben Hannan, William Hanson, Carl Fotaling, R.L Haley, Patrick J.. Horton, Claude Hammond, Patrick F.. Head, Harry Henion, John Horan, Michael.. A1293 A1367 A1382 A1446 A1459 A 1489 A1490 A1530 A1582 A1628 A1649 A 1653 A562 A602 A608 A610 A 686 A 688 A 740 A 779 A794 A810 A 850 A851 A878 A 879 A908 A910 A 929 A930 A 968 A.978 A 1036 A1054 A1078 A 1140 A1149 A1171 A1183 A 1235 A1265 A1287 A1307 A1319 A 1352 A1362 A1381 A1385 A1389 A1403 A1493 A 1500 A1523 A1543 A1540 A1607 A 1613 A 1643 A 1652 A 1659 A 504 A 635 A 636 A 691 A703 A716 A72.1 A736 A 737 A738 A739 A761 A792 A806 A80S A810 9 Aug. 19 Headifen. James A 838 13 Sept. 11 Foughtaling, J. B 4839 3 Sept. 14 Hammond Clayton D.. A 867 10 Oct. 2 Hadfield, John A A 873 1 Oct. 6 Hansche, Ernest. 1.892 3 Oct. 19 Hopkins, Charles A 909 9 Do. Holloway, William A912 13 Nov. 1 Hummel, George. A 946 11 Nov. 23 H-Ioagland, Fariner A971 17 Dec. 13 Hallenbeck, Charles A974 9 Dec. 21 Holland, Amelia A 986 1 Dec. 22 Hawkes, James A. A 1089 5 Jan. 20 Harris, Frauk A1174 14 Feb. 4 Holland, James. A1198 16 Teb. 8 Hudler, James A 1208 14 Do. Henwood, Henry A1210 5 Mar. 9 Hutton, David.. A1247 5 Mar. 10 Harrington, Williamı A1306 8 Mar. 24 Hallenbeck, Daniel A1311 29 Apr. 6 Hnglies, Adolphus. A 1357 3 Apr. 10 Holloway, Charles A 1377 1 Apr. 14 Howland, Calvin. A1398 3 Apr. 23 Hoffman, Lewis F A1401 1 Hering. Louis.. A1407 7 Apr. 30 Holland, James C A1412 16 Do. Helstrom, Charles A1452 6 May 10 Habert, Joseph A 1476 16 Do. Hasnau, John J J.. A1507 6 May 14 Hodgkiss, S.C.. A 1527 11 Do. Haynor, George. A.1551 3 May 23 Hummel, Adam. A1604 15 May 26 Healey, Thomas. A 1617 14 June 9 Hinson, Christopher C. A 1636 25 June 12 Ivory, John.. A 1002 12 June 18 Ivory, James.. A 1621 21 July 6 Johnson, Eric W.. A574 4 July 8 Jerens, William E. A 642 3 July 14 Johnson, Edward C.... A 648 17 July 16 Jordan, W.R A 670 13 Aug. 3 Jackson, Howard A 717 1 Aug. 11 Jackson, Israel... A775 15 Aug. 18 Johnstone, James R.... A 860 12 Aug. 23 James, Benjamin. A 885 2 Aug. 26 Jones, John.. A 893 10 Sept. 2 Johnson, John A. A 990 6 Sept. 9 Jaycox, Samuel A 1057 14 Sept. 14 Journeay, Robert A1162 14 Sept. 15 Johnson, William F... A1250 8 Sept. 16 Jensen, Bernt.. A1309 5 Sept. 21 Johuson, John E.. A1356 13 Oct. 19 Jenkins, Stewart B..... A1435 12 Oct. 22 Jamison, Thomas A1579 7 Oct. 28 Joyce, Daniel E A 1596 14 Nov. 8 Kerns, John .. A695 14 Nov. 9 Keenan, Thomas A743 19 Dec. 4 Kuhout, Josialı A 757 14 Dec, 6 Kelly, Alvin. A 766 3 Dec. 18 Kretzmer. Anthony F.. A $14 16 Dec. 22 Kissam, George W... A881 13 Dec. 23 Keating, John w A932 15 Jan. 2 Kuapp, Stephen A 935 14 Feb. 18 Kelly, James.. A965 1 Feb. 19 Krom, Frank W. A984 4 Mar. 10 Kiernan, Thonias A1037 16 Mar. 15 Kernan, William. A1077 1 Mar. 17 Kane, Flenry E. A1084 1 Mar. 18 Kome, Frederick. A 1123 4 Mar. 23 Kearney, Henry A1152 5 Do. Karlson, Abram A1217 17 Do. Kelley, Hugli A1233 13 Mar. 24 Kelly, Thomas A1337 9 Mar. 31 A1249 , M 8 Kennelly, John Apr. 10 A1203 8 Apr. 14 Kane, Patrick. A 1292 15 Do. Kane, Edward A 1355 17 Apr. 15 l; Kress, John A A. 1 A1369 7 Apr. 21 9 Do. 5 Apc. 28 13 Apr. 29 3 May 6 7 May 10 18 Do: 10 May 18 15 May 24 3 May 25 8 May 27 11 June 21 16 July 15 3 July: 23 11 July 26: 6 July 27, 4 Aug. 6 19 Aug. 23 13 Ang. 24: 9 Sept. & 15 Sept. 14 31 Sept. 20 24 Do, 9 Sept. 22 7 Sept. 23 3 Oct. 25 Oct. 13 1 Oct. 23 5 Oct. 30 6 Nov. 10 3 Dec. 3 11 Dec. 7 1 Dec. 16 17 June 1 Dec. 8 1 Jan. 22 1 Feb. 20 18 Feb. 23 3 Mar. 3 1 Mar. 17 15 A pr. 5 8 Apr. 26 15 May 1 21 May 0 2 May 28 16 June 14 19 June 12 14 Aug. 7 3 Aug. 23 7 Sept. 8 3 Sept. 29 2 Nov. 22 3 Nov. 29 9 Mar. 12 5 Mar. 26 6 Mar. 30 1 Apr. 2 1 Apr. 14 1 Apr. 30 10 May 14 10 May 15 1 May 21 2 May 27 29 June 9 17 June 18 7 June 19 1 Juno 30 24 July 9 -7 July 28 6 Aug. 2 17 Aug. 4 14 Aug. 7 6 Aug. 10 1 Aug. 18 2 Sept. 7 9 Sopt. 13 574 -5 66 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-New York, NY.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of; Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of licouse.issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steainers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons- Continued. Apr. 14 16 - Kilroy, James. Kelly, Patrick Kelly, Florence Kuckenbeiser, Loyis... Keudall, Harry Kuorr, Joseph Kuox, Sanford . Kiah, Abraham L. Libert. Vinceut. Low, William Larsen, John W. Lounsberry, Jesso. Larkin, Jawes. Lane, Micbael.. Lukseck, Anthony Lawless, Emmet. Lunden, Henry Leahy, Patrick E... Larsen, Joli F.... Lindquist, Victor A Laguc, William H Lawlor, John J. Laley, John Lashier, Arthur. Hackins, John Loschiuski, Joseph Letts, Benjamin T Lane, Edward. Loever, Charles. Luta, Frederick L.. Layton, Abraham Lynch, William Lorf, Frederick. Linsley, George Leonard, Thomas.. Lasher, Henry, jr Lyons. John.. Lent, Jolin Lent, Joseph Lenox, Charles Lupton, James F Logic, Jolu E Larty, Jolin . Lee, Robert Loe, Frank .. Low., Charles .... McKinnes, John P McCurrie, James. Morton, James, jr. Myers, William McDonough, Edward.. McEvoy, Thomas. Musier, Charles McGarvey, Edward E. McElroy, Stewart Mars, Frank Murpby, James E.. Marsh, R. F... Morris, James.. Marvin, George C McLuckey, James Mulhern. Janes. Marshall, John E. Mills, Arthur J Mansfield, Robert C.. McDowell, William Meade, James. Murphy, Jolin Mayer, Ernest H Montrose, Charles Marlleet, Robert. Macker, Charles E... Dackin, John P... Mullarkey: Michael F Morrison, George A1390 A 1522 A1533 A 1552 A 1585 A 1632 A1639 A 1672 A 557 A 669 A692 A707 A731 A71 A 767 A804 A832 A834 A848 A998 A1028 A1053 A1068 41083 A1098 A1106 A1121 A 230 A 1248 A1275 A 1285 A1321 A 1330 (1370 A 1374 A1414 A 1447 11471 A 1501 A 1510 A1532 A 1553 A1560 A1586 A 1655 A 1669 A563 A 626 4629 A630 41631 A638 A051 A 656 A 665 A 671 A 693 A701 A702 A724 A748 A798 A 824 A 836 A846 A853 A857 AS91 A 901 1933 A943 A 949 A959 A964 A991 4 ¡ Sept. 16 McGrath, John. 26 Oct. 28 McNulty, James. 7 Nov. 3 Millet, Manuel.. 3 Nov. 10 McCann, Peter. 1 Nov. 24 Murray, David, jr 20 Dec. 15 McArthur, Edvard.. 41 Dec. 18 McNeill, William.... 2 Dec. 31 Marhooper: Alexander. 4 Jan. 18 Maloney, John T..... 10 Mar. 3 McDevitt, James 2 Mar. 11 Mackenzie, Augustus 8 Mar. 15 Muller, Edward 18 Mar. 22 McAvoy, Richard.. 5 Mar. 25 Mesler, William P. 2 spr. 3 McCreevy, Matthew 2 Marr, Robert. 3 Apr. 19 McGibbon, Peter 6 Do. McCarthy, Cornelius... 6 Apr. 23 McCann, James.. 10 May 29 McCarron, Daniel.. 21 June 7 Manning, Patrick B 1 June 12 Meyers, Charles 20 June 17 Mehlman, Emil T.... 2 June 19 McCoole, Patrick 15 June 24 Monahan, Patrick J 11 June 25 McNelis, George... 2 June 30 McMeekin, William J 7 Aug. 2 Muller, Frederick. 4 Aug. 6 Mitchell, Joseph A A... 11 Aug. 16 Mead, Theodore C.. 5 Aug. 17 Miller, Jolin 27 Aug. 26 McKinley, Leslie ... 7 Aug. 28 Monahan, Lawrence 7 Sept. 13 Moran, James 12 Do. McNeill, Thomas 22 Sept. 24 Murdock. George W. 2 Oct. 2 McConnell, James H. 32 Oct. 11 McKenzie, John 1 Oct. 23 McGovern, John. 22 Oct. 25 Vic Derniott. James 4 | Nov. 3 Major, Charles. 13 Nov. 11 Milton, John.. 7 Nov. 15 Morrison, Harry 12 Nov. 21 Mandigo, Edward 5 Dec. 23 Morris, William 12 Dec. 28 Manning, William J 6 Jan. 20 Mower, William P.... 6 Feb. 15 More, Samuel L.. 2 Feb. 16 Musier, William M... 3 Do. McDonnell, John 6. Do. Murgittroyd, Henry. 2 Feb. 19 Murphy, Edward.. 4 Feb. 24 MoCadden, James 14 Feb. 25 Nolad, Charles F... 2 Mar, 1 Newman, George. 2 Mar. 3 Nelson, Janos. 3 Mar. 11 Nelson, August. 6 Mar. 15 Novos, William. 3 Do. Noble, Harry P.. 15 Mar. 19 Nolan, Micbael J... 1 Mar. 27 North, Melbourne. 6 North, Crawford... 6 Nugent, Pat 11 3 Apr. 20 Nickerson, Augusius.. 2 Apr. 23 O'Rourke, John... 12 O'Connor, Patrick H... 15 | Apr. 26 O'Connor, Joseph. 25 May 5 O'Connor, John T.. 4 May 7 Oneker, Cliristopher F. 13 May 15 O'Reilly, John. 13 May 17 O'Hearn. Thomas 15 May 18 O'Donnell, Louis B.... 30 May 2011 O'Connor, Harry P 1 May 21 Palmer, Rouben H. 33 | May 28 Pierce, Robert B. A992 A1007 A1012 A1026 A 1029 A 1050 A 1061 A1070 A1086 A 1100 All18 A 1122 A 1160 A1131 A1138 A 1146 A1153 A 1154 4 1156 A 1196 A1211 A 1225 A 1228 A1240 A1270 A1273 A1286 A1310 A1317 A 1332 A1333 A1339 A13431 A 1348 A1349 A1359 A 1371 A1443 A1456 A1458 A 1503 A 1515 A 1528 A 1536 A 1578 A.1593 A 1595 dl 1599 A 1603 A1609 A 1648 A 1650 1647 4605 2637 A 654 A 880 A 917 A935 A1022 A1031 A1040 A1142 A1554 A 614 A 801 A872 A1151 A1290 A1177 A 1509 A1531 A1658 A 613 A 866 19 May 28 9 June 2 17 Do. 25 June 5 4 June 7 1 June 21 11 June 17 1 June 17 15 June 21 15 June 24 20 June 29 3 June 30 9 July 1 14 July 2 15 July 6 5 July 8 11 July 9 11 July 10 30 Do. 13 July 23 13 July 27 4 July 30 11 July 31 3 Aug. 5 1 Aug. 13 18 Aug. 14 16 Aug. 18 21 Aug. 24 5 Aug. 25 17 Aug. 30 16 Do. 3 Aug. 31 2 Sept. 1 Do. 8 Sept. 2 14 Sept. 9 21 Sept. 13 14 Oct. 1 30 Oct. 6 15 Do. 1 Oct. 22 19 Oct. 26 5 Oct. 30 19 Nov. 4 11 Nov. 22 14 Nov. 26 6 Nov. 27 13 Nov. 30 18 Dec. 3 10 Dec. 4 3 Dec. 20 25 Dec. 21 17 Dec. 18 1 Feb. 5 11 Feb. 19 4 Feb. 24 1 Apr. 30 14 May 12 12 May 25 17 June 4 2 June 7 6 June 10 3 July 7 19 Nov. 11 19 Ieb. 10 13 Apr. 13 2 Apr. 29 5 July 9 1 Aug. 18 5 Oct. 14 19 Oct. 25 5 Nov. 3 2 Dec. 23 11 Feb. 10 3 Mar. 1 Apr. 12 Apr. 16 Apr. 24 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 67 Engineer's licensed-New York, N. Y.-Continued. Namo. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. / Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tono Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Do. Peterson, William F... Platt, John... Petrie, Edward R... Price, Martin.. Pratt, George H. Pearsall, John W... Petrie, Anson. Phelau, Dennis. Perry, Joseph H Parson, Isiah.. Peterson, Erick. Peterson, Frederick.. Peck, William S. Palmer, Isaac S. Popp, William. Pratt, William W Piper, Jolin. Kreis, David A. Pratt, Seeley L Peterson, Peter. Petrie, Enos B. Pullen, Jesse.... Palermo, Antonio.. Palmatior William H.. Polhemus, Benjamin F Peloubet, Perry M. .. Potter, Josiah. Pearsall, Ricbard. Pelton, Preston.. Philp, John. Plattner, William C... Petrie, Lewis E.... Polhemus, Abram G.. Peterson, Jolin E.. Peterson, Theodore L.. Pidgeon, Henry.. Pope, James E". Parker, Samuel... Palmer, C. T.. Preitz, Joseph.. Peloubet, Charles E.... Peterson, Oscar. Patterson, Silas. Quigley, Charles. Quigley, Patrick Reid, Henry Rochelle, Charles. Richards, George H. Relyea, H. J... Reno, John A.. Rockefellow, Edward.. Ratel, William H... Redmond, Frederick M Rose, Rowland T Redican, John .. Redmond, William H.. Reid, San ucl MI... Ripley, Edwin L.. Rommel, Frederick W. Rose, David C... Rutledge, George E. Ryersou, George W Rutledge, Joseph Richard, Birsley. Rickard. Samuel M. Ripley, Joseph. Reeves, Arthu'. Ryan, James. Rasmusson, Rasmus P Riley, John B... Reis, Joseph M Rice. Michael.. Roche, James P.. Reilly, Mark E. Russell, Louis A677 A 689 A719 A 750 A760 A772 A 951 A970 A972 A977 A993 A994 A1019 A 1020 A1025 A 1062 A1110 A1136 A1141 1192 A 1207 A1239 A1252 À 1312 A1316 A1327 A1335 A1338 A1342 A1345 A1451 A1460 A1472 A1473 A 1482 A 1484 A1494 11534 A1542 A1558 A 1568 A1618 A1641 A612 A 660 A581 A658 A662 A704 A 753 A774 A796 A833 A837 A 869 A 870 A 899 A 905 A934 A937 A947 A1003 A1030 A1032 A 1051 A1058 A 1085 A 1137 Al143 A1238 A1243 A1324 A1360 A 1379 A 1396 4 Mar. 4 2 Mar. 10 12 Mar. 18 22 Mar. 29 2 Mar. 31 6 Apr. 5 2 May 18 5 May 24 9 Do. 14 May 25 6 May 28 3 Do. 2 June 4 20 Do. 1 June 5 g June 15 14 June 26 15 July 6 15 Do. 5 July 21 12 July 26 19 Aug. 5 4 Aug. 7 10 Aug. 24 17 Aug. 25 1 Aug. 27 3 Aug. 30 14 Aug. 31 17 Sept. 1 7 Do. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 6 20 Oct. 12 3 7 Oct. 16 9 Do, 23 Oct. 20 12 Nov. 3 .16 Nov. 8 11 Nov. 13 5 Nov. 17 4 Dec. 7 26 Dec. 18 4. Feb. 8 4 Fob. 27 18 Jan. 25 1 Feb. 26 24 Feb. 27 13 Mar. 15 9 Mar. 29 23 Apr. 5 3 3 Apr. 19 27 Apr. 20 5 Apr. 28 7 Do. 4 May 6 18 May 8 6 May 15 9 Do. 16 May 18 10 June 1 13 June 7 10 June S 5 June 11 11 June 14 6 June 21 29 July 6 1 July 7 3 Aug. 4 6 Aug. 6 21 Aug. 27 3 Sept. 9 15 Sept. 14 9 Sept. 18 Recten wald, Peter Rue, William H.. Ryan, Peter Righter, L. G... Risedorf, William M.. Ronalder, Frantz Relyea, Richard A. Rea, Jobu.. Ross, Hugh M. Ruoff, Charles C Ryan, Michael B. Robedee, George W.. Smith, Louis Sirrine, C. E.... Sitza bee, George H. Suedaker, P.M. Smith, Joba. Stanley, William C. Starin, Andrey Slimm, Robert E. Sipperly, Fulton E. Smith, George S... Smith, Frank P.. Sanders, Elbert G. Sheehan, James A. Smith, Zephaniah C... Sorenson, John.. Sly, James Saudy, Jolin B. Schmidd, Charles Sleehan, Timothy Saulspaugh, Arthur Smith, Leroy Saulspaugh, Victor A. Slattery, William M. Selorer, John C.... Sbaw, Joseph Schenck, John Sullivan, Jolin M Scheideman, Allerich Silvey, Joseph Sofield, Joseph.. Sullivan, Patrick J Spault, Walter C. Secor, E.S... Stiles, Charles E.... Swanson, Alexander... Sleight, William M Sayre, George B. Smith, Richard Sherman, John W Smith, James M.. Smith, Michael Small, William Sawyer, Walter A Shaw, James P Suudstrom, John F Schultz, Vanderhoof.. Spears, Robert F... Terry, Joseph H Tillotson, Adolph.. Timmans, Robert B.... Thornton, Patrick Tastrom, A.F.. Tbomas, Charles E. Toland, John Tobia, Charles.. Tliomas, William H Tigue, Edward TV Travels, Francis L Thorpe, John S... Thompson, Frank. Taylor, William F. Twiggs, Angustus. Thomas, Jobn M. A 1415 A1433 A 1485 A1517 A1580 A 1605 A1606 A1626 A1637 A 1644 A1670 42675 A596 A597 A 649 A 676 A683 A746 A 769 A776 A1634 A784 A821 4.828 A 847 A.856 A903 A928 A980 A1008 A1039 A1066 A1104 A1126 A1144 A1165 A1180 A1213 A1216 A 1283 A1329 A 1344 A1347 11391 A 1392 A 1395 A1422 A1429 A1457 A 1487 A1491 A1537 A 1565 A1570 A1608 21614 A 1625 41673 A 1674 A603 A 659 A 667 A 854 A 883 A 906 A 953 A1111 A1173 A 1234 A1256 A1268 A1297 A1304 41388 A 1393 4 Sept. 24 27 Sept. 28 21 Oct. 16 15 Oct. 27 16 Nov. 23 1 Dec. 3 6 Dec. 4 2 Dec. 11 5 Dec. 17 3 Dec. 18 23 Dec. 28 15 Dec. 31 Feb. 3 1 Do. 3 Feb. 23 12 Mar. 4 7 Mar. 9 9 Mar. 27 6 Apr. 3 Apr. 5 18 Apr. Apr. 7 5 Apr. 8 14 Apr. 16 21 Apr. 19 3 Apr. 23 9 Apr. 26 1 May 7 11 May 13 9 May May 26 6 June 2 2 June 9 8 June 16 7 June 25 5 July 1 2 July 7 13 July 14 18 July 16 17 July 27 2 July 28 5 Aug. 17 14 Aug. 28 15 Sept. 1 1 Do. 11 Sept. 16 6 Do. 11 Sept. 18 2 Sept. 27 2 Sept. 28 12 Oct. 6 18 Oct. 18 13 Oct. 19 16 Nov. 4 18 Nov. 16 13 Nov. 18 4 Dec. 4 10 Dec. 7 S Dec. 11 13 Dec. 31 6 Do. 8 Feb, 5 1 Feb. 26 11 Mar. 2 16 Apr. 24 14 | Apr. 26 11 May 8 7 May 19 12 June 28 3 July 15 18 Aug. 2 5 Ang. 10 23 Aug. 12 1 Aug. 20 9 Aug. 23 17. Sept. 16 1 Sept. 17 Apr. 12 68 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed- New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Engincers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. 1 23 June 24 13 Oct. 5 9 May 17 17 June 25 Apr. 10 Apr. 14 18 Tyler, William.. Torranco, William.. Travers, Martin A. Underhill, Abel W.. Uhrig, Julius E.... Van Waguer, George Van Alst, Robert Van Wart, J. William. Van Woert, George S.. Van Hoesen, Thos. W. Van Schaick, Peter Van Bramer, James E. Van Arsdale, John.... Van Alst, James Valkenburgh, E. C.. Van Alst, George W Vandecar, John H Van Vleit, Tarren K. Van Heest, Tunis.. Van Pelt, Herman Van Loan, George J Van Buren, Wallace .. Van Hoesen, John F... Vauness, Garrett Van Pelt, Benjamin F Van Ostrand, Charles.. Van Etten, Robert... Van Thoden, P.N.A... Vaughan, S. E Wolverton, Nathil r... Walt, Harry A Wilson, Joseph A Wilson, Jacob Weatherburn, William. Warner, Daniel G Williams, John G... Weinant, Herbert White, Emanuel T.. Williams, Jonathon M. Werner, Louis... Wentworth, Charles B. Williams, Owen J... Ward, John H Walton, William A. Wade, Jobu N. Wilson, Robert. Waite, William W... Waldron, Charles Wiggins, William Welling, James H. M.. Wbitaker, John Waugh, George J... Woodcock, Willard J.. Whitney, George E.... Warren, John F Wilson, George E. Weackler, Otto Williams, M.S. Webb, Charles W.. Weed. C. E. Webb, Louis C... Williams, Harry Wilson, James F... Welch, Edwin Ward, Peter .. Watson, Joun Wolven, Cliester E. Workman, John S. Wolven, Charles E. Wixon, Frank. Walsh, Williard E Wadell, Joseph B.. Worthley, Jacob.. Webber, Maurice.. Yates, James A 14.11 A1572 A 1633 A 745 A1502 A593 A718 A 758 A782 A791 A803 A997 A1041 A1044 A 1065 A1105 All13 A1125 A1160 A1191 A 1203 A1218 41222 41264 81288 A1424 A 1470 A1475 A 1539 A 582 A604 4621 A 628 A 655 A673 A 759 A790 A813 A829 A923 A 945 A 952 A 956 A1043 A1064 41067 A1069 A1076 A1094 A1127 A 1139 A1148 A1150 A1153 A1226 A 1236 A 1245 A1246 A1255 A1269 A 1298 A1300 A1311 A1314 A1320 A1331 A 1380 A1384 A1442 A) 480 A1513 A154) A 1598 A 1624 1771 1 2 Sept. 23 Youngs, Charles W.... A1099 11 Nov. 19 York, James.. A1454 13 Dec. 15 Zweifel, Kasper A 938 18 Mar. 26 Zellmer, Fred.. A1101 1 Oct. 22 12 Teb. 1 First assistant engi- 16 Mar. 18 neers (ocean). O Mar. 30 Apr. 7 Armstrong, William S. A502 2 Anderson, James G... A1081 14 Attreed, Robert T... A1090 11 May 29 Aldcroft, James H..... All15 12 June 10 Anderson, John.. A1267 27 June 11 Allan, Alonzo.. A 1592 16 June 15 Brown, John.. A546 23 Juno 25 Brown, Thomas . A583 15 June 28 Berndt, Charles W A756 6 July 1 Bucuris, Jobn E A942 23 July 12 Bradley, Joseph A1045 1 July 21 | Brady, John T.. 41087 5 July 24 | Blyth, Thomas. Al114 1 July 28 Baird, Joseph.. A1188 7 July 29 Burns, Peter.. 1279 5. Aug. 11 Brockie, John. A1363 15 Aug. 18 Craig, John.. A 506 16 Sept. 27 Crane, Janies W A 600 4 Oct. 11 Cairns, William. 2601 5 Oct. 13 Carlton, Thomas A729 1 Nov. 5 Callahan, Michael.. A788 6 Jan. 25 Chisolm, William A999 1 Feb. 5 Corrigan, Patrick... A1017 19 Feb. 13 Cockburn, Alexander. A1189 18 Feb. 16 Clark, Harry S.. A1214 1 Feb. 24 Champlain, Richard W 41220 1 Mar. 3 Clark, George B. A 1668 9 Mar. 30 Dougherty, Frank A 650 8 Apr. 10 DeButt, John A799 19 Apr. 14 Deharde, John A812 13 Apr. 19 Dixon, Robert S... A825 5 May 12 Dale, Henry A1082 9 May 18 Dineen, Michael J. A1241 15 May 19 Decker, William F A1372 13 Doran, Thomas J A1634 10 June 11 Ellis, Thomas. A591 11 i June 15 Flannery, Patrick A544 5 Juno 10 Forsyth, William A754 5 June 17 Fallon, David. A827 5 June 18 Fitzpatrick, Williaw... A 1232 16 June 22 Fleming, Maurice... A 1337 3 July 1 Fitzpatrick, Robert... A1623 29 July 6 Fitzpatrick, John. A1667 2 i July 8 Gibson, Charles A A627 2 July Gildersleeve, Wm. H.. 1680 21 July 10 Granti, James. A1013 12 July 31 Gunn, William J A1079 13 Aug. 3 Graef, J.H.. A1535 13 Aug. 6 Helm, Joseph V A511 17 Do. Henderson, Archibald A559 17 Aug. 9 Hurst, Alfred R 2685 11 Hill, Sannuel.. A1178 1 Aug. 20 Hadigan, E. W A1303 2 Do. Hopkins, Charles A1431 9 Horigan, James. A 1469 13 Do. Haslam, Alfred. A 1492 13 Aug. 26 Jablonsky, Edmund A. A734 13 Aug. 28 | Jenuings, Hugh A780 6 Sopt. 14 Janos, Rowland O.. A1611 7 Sept. 15 King, Thomas A.. A611 23 Sept. 20 Kavanagh, Daniel A764 12 Oct. 15 Kerr, Matthew A1018 27 Oct. 25 Lapham, John G A 657 7 Nov. 6 Larkin, T. W. A 1221 6 Nov. 30 Lihon, James. A1439 10 Dec. 11 Louis, William A1526 13 Apr. 5 Leathem, Joseph.. A 1575 19 Jan. 2 6 June 19 10 1 June 22 11 June 28 9 Aug. 11 14 Nov. 26 1 Jan. 15 7 Jan. 26 10 Mar. 30 7 May 17 8 June 11 June 21 2 : Juno 28 3: July 19 4. Aug. 16 14 , Sept. 10 7 Jan. 4 16 Feb. 4 7 Do. ,13 Mar. 20 14 Apr. 9 7 May 29 1 June 3 2 July 20 17 July 27 5 | July 28 14 Dec. 28 6 Feb. 23 8 A pr. 13 8 Apr. 14 2 | Apr. 17 20 June 19 10 Aug. 5 10 Sept. 13 1 Dec. 15 23 Teb. 1 8 Jan. 15 2 Mar. 29 5 Apr. 17 16 Aug. 2 8 Aug. 30 8 Dec. 9 8 Dec. 27 15 Feb. 16 7 Mar. 5 16 June 2 7 June 18 8 Nov. 4 15 Jan. 6 4 Jan. 19 15 9 16 July 15 14 Aug. 23 25 Sept. 28 27 Oct 11 7 Oct. 19 11 Mar. 23 5 Apr. 6 9 Dec. 6 8 Teb. 8 8 6 June 3 7 Feb. 26 7 July 29 1 Sept. 29 5 Oct. 29 12 Nov. 20 Do. Mar. Aug. 12 Aug. 24 Apr. 2 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 69 Engineers licensed New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Lissue. issue. First assistant engi. neci's (occan)-Cont'a. First ilssistant engi- nicers (ocean)--Cont'a. Aug. 26 A1318 A1405 A1474 A 1497 18 19 Sept. 21 3 Oct. 12 4 Oct. 21 Sept. 14 ୨ ର ଧ McNeill, Charles W.... McConnacbio, John. Magee, John Murphy, Michael Morris, John T Morrisoy, Joseph McCarthy, Jeremiah McGinnis, James McMahon, Patrick. McIntyre, Thomas. Miller, \Villiam.. McDonald, John .. Morris, John H. Morgan, Bernard McCormick, Peter McLean, Thomas S... Mooney, Hugh. Mittage, Jacob. Marshall, John McArthur, Frank. Miller, Fred ... Mehlman, August Miller, John Miller, Leonard R... McDonald, Owen McDermott, William McGinn. Michael .. McGee, Owen.. Marshall, Angus. Neilley, James. Neilson, Peter Nelson, Charles A O'Donovan, John J O'Keefe. James J O'Day, James. Oliver, Benjamin H.... Pellew, Sydney Pettit, William A Putney, Frank. Pabst. George. Pabst, Christian Parker, Walter E Ray, Benjamin M Roberts, William D.... Riley, Peter.... Ricke, William F Robertson, Robert B. Ryan, Johu F.. Ryan, John J.. Robinson, Charles Redfield, William Reardon, James W.. Sweeny, John C... Sheller. John V Sweeney, Alfred L.. Smith, Henry B. Sherwood, John W Sorensen, C. M. A Short, Francis P. Siegfried, Samuel P Stiner, D. P Townsend, David E... Tracy, Edwarıl J. Townsend, Frank W.. Taylor, Andrew Tolbert, Charles W Veeder, John V Vandiver, Millard C... Vogtlander, Henry. Wiburg, Kont E... Wiltov, R. Floyd.. Wandell, John T. Walling, James M. Waters, Joseph J. Whitaker, Randall... Wood, William R... ... Whalen, James .. A508 A551 A552 A577 A599 A617 A644 A 652 A815 A 845 A859 A 871 A 877 A 961 A962 A 1001 A1027 A 1072 11073 A1157 A 1175 A 1202 A1295 A 1378 A1399 A 1557 A1583 A1638 A 1603 A 674 A1186 A 1559 A682 A723 A 1215 A 1562 A1244 A705 A8S3 A985 A1212 A1619 A537 A570 4571 A 595 A639 A 697 A 960 A1000 A1042 A1566 A1181 A1259 A1419 A1438 A 1467 A1545 A1576 A1590 A 1656 A 696 A222 A 1346 A 1373 A1550 A520 A 6.7 1967 A 590 A585 A795 A863 A958 A1075 A1103 A 1206 12 Jan. 4. Wade, Charles R.... 10 Jan. 16 Wright, Jefferson. 7 Do. Wright, John R. 1 Jan. 23 Welscher, Victor 15 Feb. 4 5 Feb. 10 First assistant engi- 12 Feb. 20 neers (inland). 14 Feb. 24 15 Apr. 15 Boyes, Charles W.. 14 Apr. 22 Boller, George. 5 Apr. 26 Blass, Philip HD 11 A pr. 28 Baure, Charles. 14 Apr. 30 Beatty, Elbert O.. 10 May 21 Cassidy, Peter. 18 Do. Carlsen, John. 1 June 1 Carl, Clarence A..., 6 June 7 De Bean, Louis. 27 June 17 Delaney, William P.... 7 Do. Dimsey, William. 10 July 12 Des Jardines, Louis P.. 7 July 15 Dufort, Joseph.. 6 Aug. 10 Davenport, Matthew.. 7 Aug. 19 Denny, Hosea N. 29 Ellis, William H 7 Sept. 20 Fanning, Albert B.. 8 Nov. 12 Fitzgerald, Edward J. 4. Nov. 23 Fowler, Janies 9 Dec. 17 Gollsmith, Berier. Dec. 27 Haley, Charles B.. O Mar. 4 Howard, George C... 7 July 19 Henderson, Edward... 5 Nov. 13 Hamill, Patrick J. 7 Mar. 6 Heaney, Michael J 7 Mar. 19 Howell, H. W 10 July 28 Holmes, Richard 7 Nov. 15 Hopkins, James L 8 Jan. 15 Hotaling, Martin G. 17 Mar. 15 Hotaling, Thomas E... 8 May 1 Hatch, William M 5 May 27 Hill. Albert W 12 July 27 Hobrough, John A. 41 Dec. 7 James, Andrew 8 Jau. 14 Jones, Evan R.. 14 Jan. 21 Keene, William P. 25 Do. Krows, Jansen 8 Feb. 2 Kneeshaw, Louis 15 Feb. 19 Kelly, Johu C... 8 Mar. 12 King, Stephen W 10 | May May 21 Kerley, John 3 June 1 Lindburg, Johnar 8 June 11 Leighton, Richard E.. 4 Nov. 16 Monaghan, Charles 4 July 16 McGraw, Robert 11 Aug. 10 MacNish, Brice 13 Sept. 25 Moflit, Thomas. 4 Sept. 29 Mower, George W Oct. 9 Maher, Tbomas 6 Nor. 9 Marritt, George C.... 9 Nov. 20 Mabie, Harry 17 Nov. 26 Mackey, George 1 Doc. 23 McQueen, William. 4 Mar. 12 McGee, S. W. 6 spr. 16 Peterson, William ... 4 Sept. 1 Purdy, Hasbrouck S.. 5 Sept. 13 Pastor, Charles J 5 Nor. 10 Powell, Isaac H.. 15 Jau. 7 Peterson, John. 14 Treb. 6 Parsell, David E.. 5 May 22 Reilley, John 3 Jan. 30 Rice, John ... 7 Jan. 26 Rugear, Ephraim 15 Apr. 12 Rodman, Theron E 23 Apr. 26 Riechman, William 6 May 19 | Rosa, William 3 June 18 Rolph, George 7 June 25 Rockofollow, Charles .. 17 July 26 Schrader, John TV Apr. 13 A540 A.547 A569 A 889 A1102 A668 A 727 A 728 A539 A898 A 927 A 1088 A1108 A1147 A1631 A548 A524 A 786 A 855 A530 A517 A521 A525 526 A527 A 528 A536 A542 A515 ATS A800 A820 A1416 A749 A981 A543 A622 A777 A 950 A 1074 A 1161 A598 A1219 A513 A534 A541 A550 A709 A 919 A 1024 A 1166 A1291 A1323 A1437 A 533 AS58 A1016 A1063 A1135 A1584 A522 A523 A578 A 979 A 1060 1463 A1520 A 1588 A507 25 Jan. 14 1 Jan. 16 11 Jan. 21 15 May 4 7 June 25 4 Mar. 2 1 Mar. 19 2 Mar. 20 2 Jan. 14 3 May 6 3 May 13 8 June 21 16 June 26 2 July 8 3 Dec. 14 5 Jan. 16 1 Jan. 9 7 apr. 9 31 Apr. 26 S Jan. 12 15 Jan. 7 7 Jan. 8 14 Jau. 9 5 Jan. 11 Do. 2 Do. 2 Jan. 13 32 Jan. 15 1 Do. 4 Apr. 6 3 1 Apr. 15 2 Sept. 24 4 Mar. 27 1 May 26 1 Jan. 15 8 Fely. 13 4 6 6 May 18 4 June 17 14 July 12 1 Feb. 3 3 July 28 6 Jan. 6 13 Jan. 13 3 Jan. 14 17 Jan. 16 22 Mar. 15 5 May 12 13 June 5 3 July 14 2 Aug. 18 14 Aug. 27 16 Sept. 29 19 Jan. 12 6 Apr. 26 2 June 3 6 June 15 3 July 6 1 Nov. 24 4 Jau. S 16 Jan. 9 4 Jan. 25 17 May 26 2 June 14 7 Oct. S 14 Oct. 27 5 Nov. 24 2 Jan. 4 70 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-New York, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue, First assistant engi- neers (inland)-Couta. Segerstrom, Charles .. Schryver, Philip A Sheehan, Martin T... Stewart, David E. Smitli, William E... Sandacher, Charles Thompson, Robert J... Toher, Thomas T Webb, Thomas Ward, John. Worthley, George H.. Wilson, Edward Wild, Robert Williams, William M.. A 751 4868 A 1242 A1308 A1368 A 1483 A 612 A]244 A518 A529 A516 A549 A641 A726 Second assistant engi. necres (ocean.). A 1602 A576 A 809 A 1055 A556 A 830 A710 A 722 A733 A1038 A1201 A1651 A589 A1202 A1540 4573 A713 A 802 A 1034 A1299 A 1432 A1514 A575 A818 A1462 A538 A560 A 753 A924 A1204 1223 A 1334 A1646 A676 A1610 A1170 10 Dec. 1 3 Jan. 23 5 apr. 14 9 June 12 8 Jan. 18 6 | Apr. 19 16 Mar. 15 4 Mar. 18 5 Mar. 23 20 June 9 3 July 24 10 Dec. 22 12 Jan. 29 18 July 24 4 Nov. 6 16 Jan. 22 9 Mar. 17 7 Apr. 13 13 June 9 4 Aug. 20 13 Sept. 21 2 Oct. 26 9 Jan. 23 3 Apr. 15 8 Oct. 7 8 Jan. 14 3 Jan. 20 3 Mar. 29 4 May 13 6 July 24 5 July 29 17 Aug. 30 5 Dec. 20 3 Dec. 31 6 Dec. 4 6 July 14 > C 0 Amann, Joseph S.. A 1450 Amann, Nelson. A1573 Adams, Charles 1 A157+ Briggs, William A531 Burns, William. A 687 Bailie, Hugh. A 805 Brainard, W.N A 897 Brown, Robert. 41133 Bittle, William H.. A1400 Collins, William A 606 Clancy, Jolin. A 615 Christiernin, Harry L.. A712 Costello, Michael A 976 Curtis, Arthur A A1132 Desmond, Josephi W A580 Dougherty, Linsey. A 896 Dromgool, Peter Š A 1258 Duprey, Frank S.. 41434 Dunn, John A1616 Enright, William J A941 Ekstrand, Charles A 1289 Glynn, Edward A594 Gutcbens, Isaac. A 698 Gortschalk, Frank. 969 Gale, George.. A 1440 Hughes, Charles J... A555 Hamill, Hugh J A561 Hanway, William. A 989 Hooker, Joseph. A1015 Flawthorn, Lyman G. A1231 Haggerty, C. H A 1481 Heilshorn, Walter A 1571 Ingram, Edmund P.. A987 Johnson, Frank.. A 1190 Johnson, Charles. A 1341 Johnson, Andrew A 1615 Jackson. William A 1657 Knudsen, Anton A519 Kelley. John H. A1096 Lee, William J A509 Lynch, Jolin. 1532 Littlefiell, O.R.. A 1056 Lofland, L. H... 1488 Murray, John.. A501 McKeuzio, Jolu. A 558 Manil, Frank .. A: 620 McAllister, John A... A617 McCabe, Patrick A916 Murphy, Peter J A1071 Manton, John J A1184 McCullough, John. A1205 McGuire, John J... A 1224 Matthews, Joseph. A1282 Misland, Joseph H A1284 McHenry, Donald E.. A 1340 Murray, Joseph P.. A1421 McNamara, Frauk A 1445 McCormick, Jolin B A1544 McLay, William... į A1567 Second assistant engi- neers (ocean)-Cont'd. 2 Mar. 29 McDonnell, Thomas 3 Apr. 28 Nagle, Martin .. 9 Aug. 6 Nelson, Theodore... 9 dug. 23 Nelson, Jacob T.. 25 Sept. 13 Osborn, Lewis D.. 4 Oct. 16 O'Hara, Louis ... 1 Jan. 6 Perry, Alexander. 16 Aug. 6 Pickering, Richard N.. 21 Jan. 7 Post, Walter L.. 11 Jan. 11 Peters, John M.. 28 Jan. 7 Peters, Charles . 3 Jan. 16 Potts, Robert.... 2 Ieb. 20 Rockofollow, Nelson... 3 Mar. 19 Rogers, Edward Russell, Joseph... Sweeney, Nicholas. Smith, H. S..... Sewall, George W 9 Oct. 2 Sheehan, Jobu.. 2 Nov. 20 Standish, Richarı 22 Do. Sherler, H. B.... 1 Jan. 12 Sadler, \Villiam R... 3 Mar. 9 Trastom, Edward T... 15 Apr. 14 Trippense, Harry 3 May 6 Van Riper, Silas. 4 July 2 Wcinert, Joseph L... 1.3 Sept. 20 Williams, Frank G... Teb. 5 Williams, dustin. 10 | Hely. 10 Walls. Henry 3 Mar. 16 Wollff, Harry L. 12 May 25 Ward, Augustine F. 3 July 2 Whealen, John. 2 Jan. 25 Willadson, Jobn R.... 2 May 6 Wearin, Frauk W 2 Aug. 10 Youmans, George W 3 Sept. 28 Zetterblon, August W. 15 Dec. 7 5 May 17 Second assistant engi- 9 Aug. 18 neers (inland). 3 Feb. 1 16 Mar. 12 Adams, Charles. 13 May 24 Barrett, William 2 Sept. 30 Buda, I'rank.... 5 Jan. 18 Cox, Owen. 6 Jan. 30 Haywooil, Charles 14 May 28 Johnson, John.. S June 3 Nadle, Garrett.. 3 Aug. 2 Rowland, Il vood. 11 Oct. 15 Spoor, William 4 Nov. 19 Spoor, Irving 13 May 27 Wilkins, Harry.. 10 July 20 Weaver, Daniel P.... 6 Aug. 31 Zwickl, Maximilian. 6 Dec. 7 4 Dec. 23 Third assistant engi- 4 Jan. 7 neca's (ocean). 12 June 24 1.1 Jan. Boone, William., 6. Jan. 12 Blackmann, R.J 3 June 14 Burke, Edward 14 Oct. 18 Blackburn, H. E.. 10 Jan. 2 Butell, Amelias V... 2 Jan. 19 Branoner, Louis . 2 Feb. 13 Bennett, Charles Feb. 23 Clarke, Walter V 6 May 11 Clark, Peter 13 June 17 Coyle, Jobu f... 10) July 17 Crawley, Johu.. 15 July 24 Cottrell, Arthur 12 July 30 Denzler, Ernest.. 20 Aug. 17 Davis, Jobu T. 7 Do. Dair, Jolo... 2 Aug. 31 Dibbert, Henry- 2 Sept. 25 Durning, John J. 10 Oct. 5 Frazier, James. 2 Nov. 8 Fealy, William J 2 Nov. 16 | Florence, Charles R... A1011 A 864 A1386 A 1548 A 807 A1387 A 900 1620 A515 A1278 A844 A 1521 A1048 3 June 2 3 Apr. 26 1 Sept. 15 15 Nov. 9 4 Apr. 14 1 Sept. 15 1 May 6 5 Dec. 8 14 Jan. 6 16 Aug. 16 2 Apr. 22 3 Oct. 28 8 June 11 C Apr. 30 A618 A633 A 645 A711 A882 A 1302 A1594 A566 A690 A730 A884 41350 A 1021 Al116 A 1103 A1478 A1479 A 675 A 1296 A1465 2 Feb. 11 1 Feb. 17 1 Feb. 20 3 Mar. 15 1 7 Aug. 21 4 Nov. 27 1 Jan. 20 1 Mar. 10 4 Mar. 22 1 May: 1 1 Sept. 2 2 June 4 2 June 29 5 July 13 4 Oct. 14 4 1 Mar. 4 3 Aug. 20 4 | Oct. 8 Do. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 71 Engineers licensed-New York, N, Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Third assistant engi- nieers (ocean)-Cont'd. Special engineers—Con. tinued. 2 Hanley, Hugh L Hill, Robert A.. Healey, Herry A Handly, John... Elogan, William Hamm, Alfred J Hartley, John. Henessy, William J.... Hansei, William Harrison, Pearl P. Hebble, ámos S. Jones, S.J... Jackson, David B. Kohler, Albert J. Lally, Patrick .. Leavey, James. Latimer, Joho Lee, Vichael.. Leland, Theron C., jr.. Marks, Allan W Maxwell, John H. Murray, William Mackie, Alfred R... Martin, John McGregor, Robert A Mckinnie, C.E. Nelis, Joseph J. Neilley, John A. O'Neill, John Peterson, Charles.. Packer, Charles H... Rogers, George Rodman, George W... Stevenson, Allen Stanton, John Slieridan, John Scheer, George L.. Shannon, William J Schaeffer, Eugene. Terusteadt, Klas H... Wilson, Hugh H.. Ward, John R.. Taycott, Albert K A505 A 640 A672 A 681 A781 A 842 A 841 A902 A 1035 A1047 A1549 4714 A 14:18 A940 A 564 A1009 A 1023 Al98 A 1660: A510 A663 4765 A904 A 1195 1325 A1499 A861 A1375 2702 A1182 A 1301 A1417 A1671 A514 A588 A925 A1227 A1383 A1569 A 1354 A 535 A684 955 May 2 Jan. 2 Currier, Osceola.. 1 Feb. 19 Chapman, Hubert W.. 2 Mar. 3. Crooke, Robert.. 5 Mar. 5 Casavary, Anson K. 1 Apr. 6 Cumings, James M. 1 Apr. 21 Chase, Daniel C... 1 Do. Entwistle, Robert. 1 May 7 Eaves, Colin S... 1 Julie 9 Evans, Ulysses S 3 June 11 Eberniani, Christian 1 Nov. 10 Ferris, William P.. 3 Mar. 17 Juyler, John E. 1 Sept. 24. Harris, Jabez.. 2 May 17 Hart, Peter .. 3 Jan. 20 Huyler, Cornelius. 5 1 June 2 Heidenburgh, Wm. A. 3 June 5, Flaskips, Charles A.... 10 Oct. 21 Iunes, Graut... 7 Dec 24 Johnso11, Oskar L... 1 Jan. 5 Kocnig, August 2 Feb. 27 Kirk, Charles B.. 1 Apr. 2 Kuehne, Charles. 2 7 Lyne, Lewis F. 1 : July 22 ! Lyman, Thomas (.. 6 Aug. 27 McLoughlin, Charles 5 Oct. 21 Mustin, fierbert. 1 Apr. 26 Muller, Theodore H.. 1 Sept. 13 Meyer, Andrei. 12. Mar. 31 Mackenzie, Marshall .. 7: July 16 Miller, Henry. Owen, Jesso E. 5 Powers, William d., jr. 12 Dec. 29 Pease, Richmond 3' Jani. 6 Pendleton. John H.... 12 Jau. 28 Parmentier, Henry A.. 7! May 13 Rackett, F. A... 1 : July 31 Rice, Henry 10 Sept. 14 Seguine, John G 1 Nov. 17 Sofield, Adolphus A 7 Sept. 7 Stetson, John S.. 11 Jan. 13 Squier, Benjamiu T... 3 Iar. 9 Stevens, Grant.. 1 May 19 Sclireimer, Joseph Schwarzler, Otto J Tompkins, Edward. Terwilliger, William E. 10 June 25 Thompson, John. 4 July 9 Understiller, Charles 5. Nov. 15 Uriclı, P. B. 8 Nov..19 Wright, W.M. 5 Jan. 26 Whittier, Jason P. 2 June 15 Zorp, Frederick. A325 A329 A 331 A345 A346 A351 A310 A338 A353 3391 A314 A320 A 323 A330 A336 8 347 | A35+ A321 A340 4339 A341 A343 1316 1317 A305 A 307 4308 A.314 1324 A326 A. 304 A303 A316 d327 A333 A.311 A350 4302 A399 A313 A319 A332 A842 A349 A331 A.336 1358 A348 1352 1355 2360 1312 1 June 18 6 June 28 3 June 29 3 Aug. 23 9 | Aug. 25 5 Oct. 1 1 Apr. 26 7 | July 17 2 Oct. 15 5 Nov. 29 3 Aug. 23. 10 Jule T 13 June 10 4 June 28 10 July 9 9 Sept. 1 Oct. 27 2 June 9 3 July 22 4 July 21 . 6 July 30 11 | Aug. 21 ? May 21 8 May 24 14 Mar. 29 1 Apr. 9 1 Apr. 13 3 May 21 1 June 16 1 June 18 1 Mar. 26 Feb. 25 7 May 22 3 June 23 2 July 6 10 May 4 10 Sept. 14 9 Feb. 24 15 ápr. 22 3 May 13 4 June 1 4 June 30 4 Ang. 4 3 Sept. 2 4 July 6 7 Do. 14 Nov. 26 1 Sept. 1 S Oct. 13 8 Oct. 30 6 Dec. 17 9 May 1 1, Aug. 20 | Sept. 24 I Special engineer's. Acker, Henry D.,jr.... Applegate, William H Bowen, Robert A. Bardow, Joseph D.. Clark, A.P Clark, Baylies A328 A337 1356 A357 A301 A323 LOCAL DISTRICT OF ALBANY, N. Y. Master's licensed during the year endel December 31, 1897--albany, Ni Y. Name, No. of No.of Date of license. issile. issue. Naine. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Acker, Peter.. Abrams, Thomas D... Brown, Clarence E. ..... Clapp, George 1 Harcourt, Allred H.. 9013 9053 9068 9054 9036 13 Apr. Apr. 12 Odell, Jacob B 22 June 1 Roosa, Zachariah 3 July 8 Koe, Stephen J. 2 June 16 Rider, Albert 1 May 22 9051 9011 9014 9076 15 13 21 10 June 11 Apr. 8 Apr. 14 July 22 I 72 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--Albany, N. Y. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. 24 Anderson, A. Eltipgo.. Atherton, Rudolph E.. Averill, William L.. Bishop, Charles E.. Briggs, Lewis.. Brooks, Abram L. Bull, David C. Briggs, John B. Bear, 1. Allison. Brooks, William E.. Barrett, John A... Cooper, Amos. Cooper, Joel A Collier, Richard F.. Cooper, Ira Newman Corey, Charles H.. Craig, Charles H.. Cruun, James V.S. Crippen, Thomas Carpenter, Vanorden L •Chard, David E.... Conklin, Charles E.. Craig, Alfred V.S... Coleman, William. Dennis, Weston L Dumont, Herbert. Dibble, Esbon S... Du Bois, Jaines T. Dearstyne, John Du Bois, Jacob W. Demming, Lewis D.. Drake, William P. De Noyells, Frank L.. Davis, Allred.. Duun, William J. Evertsen, John H.... Estes, Milo D... Foland, William N.. Forsyth, Alexander Frazier. Jolin E.... Fisk, Esbon D.. Finger, Willian L.. Gilligan, Augustin S.. Green, Seth C.. Gage, George B... Hitchcock, Frank A... Hyde, Julius. H01l, Benja!!in Hitchcock, Alfred V.S. Hasbrouck, Cyrus El... Hallenbeck, Frank J.. Keller, George E. Keller, Ezra D... Lounsbury, Marcus D Lawson, William E. Leeper, William R Little, Janues Lansing, Levinus. Lumley, Golfrey 9030 9032 9044 9009 9022 9043 9073 9075 9090 9091 12905 9017 9021 9026 9027 9033 9049 9055 9050 9077 9089 12910 12914 12926 9004 9006 9008 9012 9019 9046 9052 9074 9086 9096 12920 9020 9026 9038 906: 9084 12921 12925 9017 12906 12917 9069 9070 9094 9009 12911 12919 9003 9059 9001 9025! 9040 9085 9088 12901 12 May 1.5 Lawrence, Edward. 20 May 18 Lod wick, Isaac. 15 ! May 29 Maxwell, James A.... 3 Mar. 20 Magee, J. Rodney. 24 May 4 McKnight, Nelson 16 May 26 Mabie, William H.. 15 July 13 Manville, James H.. 21 July 21 Noble, R. Emmit. 13 Aug. 28 Outt, John J.. 17 Ang. 20 Outtrin, Fred. L 2 Oct. 11 Pratt, Henry C. 17 Apr. 22 Post, George E. 6 May 13 Person, David. 18 May 11 Perry, James S.. 6 Do. Pratt, Joseph E... 20 May 19 Patterson, Jeremiah 16 June 7 Pratt, William T. 14 June 16 Rely ca, Jeremiah 13 Do. Relyea, Lorenzo D.... 12 June 11 Robinson, Harvey H... 15 Aug. 28 Robinson, Lawrence V. 22 Oct. 8 Saulpaugh, George E. 6 Oct. 22 Smith, William T. 25 Dec. 8 Spaunburgh, Isaac. 1 Jan. 23 Scovill, David L. 15 Feb. 19 Sickles, William H. 22 Mar. 11 Staats, Philip J.. 20 Apr. 19 Shook, Johu W 2 dpr. 23 Smith, John R. 19 June 11 : Sickles, Alonzo. 26 Do. Sufler, Lewis.. 23 July 17 Shultis, Willington C. S Ing. 25 Smith, Joseph P 1 Sept. 11 Shook, William W 11 Nov. 5 Shook, John W 34 spr. 26 Smith, Peter ... 25 July 3 Stevens, Frank 74 May 21 Teeling, George W 15 July 2 Tuttle, James R. 14 dug. 23 Traver, George H.. 11 Nor..10 Temple, Harvey 6 Dec. 7 Tiftany, William H... 6 June 2 Templeton, Andrew 27 Oct. 11 Van Aken, A. B. A... 16 Nov. 11 Van Denburgh, JobnR. 2.1. July July 8 Van Woert, William... 15 July Wells, Benjamin.. 24 Sept. 11 Wolfe, William W.. 14 Sept. 17 Woolsey, David C.. 6 Oct. 18 Wood, Allred P 16 Nov. 5 Whiting, David F... i. Jan. 9 Theat, Platt S... 26 June 18 Walker, Alfred. 18 Jan. 5 Welcli, James M. 24 May 10 Woll, Percy s. 25 May 26 Walker. James A 20 dug. 25 Winne, Staats. 13 Aug. 27 Yarter, Mitchel.. 3 Sept. 25 12916 12923 9018 9093 9095 12903 12909 9034 9015 9060 9029 9037 9048 9057 9072 9082 12908 9007 9035 9100 12904 9002 9010 9010 9024 9039 9058 9061 9065 9078 9079 9080 9092 1 9098 12912 12918 12924 9023 9042 9050 9067 9071 12902 9028 12915 12922 9005 9031 9041 9062 9064 9081 9083 9087 9097 12907 12913 9045 Oct. 25 6 Nov. 26 13 Apr. 22 8 Aug. 31 25 Sept. 4 16 Oct. 26 Oct. 16 23 May 21 3 Apr. 17 11 June 19 21 May 12 12 May 24 18 June 4 G June 17 14 | July 12 21 Aug. 19 13 Oct. 15 24 May 10 16 May 21 16 Sept. 18 29 Oct. 6 9 Jan. 5 3 Mar. 20 22 Apr. 17 19 May 19 13 May 26 15 June 17 23 Juno 21 17 July 2 19 Aug. 4 9 Do. 15 Any. 9 10 Aug. 30 19 Sept. 16 16 Oct. 19 8 Nov. 3 15 Dec. 7 22 May 15 14 May 26 8 June 8 24 July 6 14 July 12 11 Sept. 28 14 May 11 16 Oct. Oct. 25 2 Nov. 22 16 Jan. 25 14 May 17 24 May 26 26 June 21 10 July 2 20 Aug. 17 22 Aug. 23 28 Aug. 27 1 Sept. 11 13 Oct. 14 19 Oct. 21 14 June 1 - ! Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Albany, N. Y. First-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Allen, James H Ackley, James. Blodgett, James. Briggs, Moses B Bedell, James E.. Brazier, William H Brennan, Lawrence C.. Connors, Audrew Cooper, Sylvanus FI Clinton, Thomas. Clark, Lewis P... Cogswell, Frederick 1013 1068 1036 1046 1056 1078 1085 1023 1027 1032 1046 1061 12 A pr. 13 Collier, Alfred H.... 27 ! Sept. S Dee, James .... 20 June 19 Dil Bois, George E.... 31 June 26 Denue, Williain H 19 , dug. 7 i Aug. Davis, Ulster . 23 : Nor. 24 Dun. Edward P. 11. Dec. 1 Eaton, Dwight G. 20 May, 19 Egaur, W.S. 10 May 24 Elmeudorf, James 8 Juve S Ef'ler, John.... 15 July 12 Huller, William D. ... 22 Aug. 27 || Field, George . 1067 1007 1024 1025 1079 1083 1002 1037 1045 1051 1006 1022 11 Nov. 11 9 Mar. 20 20 May 20 18 Do. 10 Nov. 13 9 Dec. 3 8 4 3 June 22 11 July 9 19 July 24 7 Mar. 17 23 | May 15 Jan. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 73 Pilots licensed- Albany, N. Y.-Continued. 11 No. of No. of license. I issue. Name. Date of issue. No. of No. of Date of Name. license. | issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Apr. 7 ! Flanigan, James H Gallagher, Thomas Gilmore, John ... Haber, Christopher Harvey, George E Hayes, Irving J Hayes, William H Hovey, Charles Hill, Morris H... Howard, Richard T Lasber, Herman Langan, William E.... Langin, Frederick F... Lodge, Charles W McArdle, Frank. Magee, Walter M... Martin, James B.... McKnight, Ernest. McArdle, John P... Mason, John D.. Morey. Robert E.. Maguire, William J. Millard, Howard.. Mains, William B..... Miller, Albert E. Mauders, Harry Miller, Farvic E. O’Langhlin, Richard... Provost, Francis S... Post, Charles H... Palmatier, George E Patterson, Lewis B.... Post, George P Rainey, Alexander. Richardson, Charles E. Rand, Samuel K. Rightmyer, Joel Spotten, Josiah G. Snyder, Joseph Smith, William P..... Spainburgh, Charles Shultis, Philip.. Stornis. VVillian H Scott, George G Salpaugh, Roswell Smitli, Alfred... Shultis, Lewis Slawson, Charles T Spoor. Wicks B Smith, William E. Smith, James F.. Van Woert, Eward N.. Winchell, Charles Whitmore, Colling. Whitchill, William Walker, George G Ward, Thomas Veiant, Charles. Wright, William Whitaker, Jeremiah Wortb, Walter F.. Second-class pilots. 1064 1011 1062 1033 1042 1066 1069 1073 1075 1080 1010 1038 1071 1086 1001 1014 1018 1020 1031 1034 1044 1048 1049 1050 1057 1058 1076 1030 1009 1059 1072 1074 1082 1016 1039 1054 1070 1004 1008 1015 1019 1021 1028 1035 1041 1043 1053 1055 1 063 1065 1081 1012 1003 1005 1017 1026 1029 10-17 1060 1057 1084 11 Aug. 28 Barnett, John W 17 Apr. 7 Berndt, Gustav.. 28 Aug. 25 Carman, Abraham S ... 16 June 11 Connors, James 14 July 8 Conley, Harold M.. 4 Sept. 3 Card, Washburne. 8 Sept. 14 Clute, James. 12 Oct. 26 Caffrey, Herbert Nov. 8 Clinton, Patrick 8 Nov. 13 Cahill, George T 8 Cooley, W. Willard 4 June 24 Coſtin, Reuben 5 Oct. 7 Chard, Hewitt. 14 Dec. 13 Cooley, George D 10 Jan. Collier, James L 12 Apr. 20 Collins, E.D. 17 May 4 Clair, John A.. 15 Maj 5 Cummings, Henry 7 June 1 Craig, Joseph A 5 June 17 Conners, John P.. 13 July 9 Cashdolar, Sylvester 5 July 15 Chamberlain, George A. 15 July 16 Conklin, Charles E 9 July 23 Cogswell, Fred. B.... 6 Aug. 9 Davinport, Thomas H. 4 Aug. 11 Dedrick, Sylvester. 11 Nov. 9 Doty, Byron Z. 15 June 1 Delemater, Allen 9 Mar. 27 Duffy, Charles 15 Aug. 20 Drake, Frank V 9 Oct. 23 Doyle, Bernaril J. 7 Oct. 27 Dolan, James E.. 7 Dec. 3 Davis, Oliver B 19 May 1 Delany, John J 7 Junie 24 Early, Charles 16 Aug. 2 Ignor, Charles. 23 Oct. 7 Evercls, George H 21 Feb. 5 Foss, Wilsou ľ 5 Feb. 20 Trauk. William H.. 13 Apr. 30 Frank, Valentine S Mar. 5 Fowler, Walter 28 May 10 Terdon, Charles H.. 1.5 May 28 Fagan, Thomas P.... 3 June 17 Goarck, Charles 10 July 2 Green, James 13 July 8 Gleason, John H :37 i Juli 30 Goodwin, James 16 Aug. 2 Gilligan, Vincent 11 | Aug. 27 Gardner, William H... 19 Sept. 2 Grant, Ired C.... 10 Nov. 16 Garruer, William F... 13 Apr. 10 Hitchcock, William F.. 9 Jan. 22 Hayford, George E.. 9 Mar. 15 Haber, Francis H.. 15 May May 3 Hvde. Ila. S May 22 Hoff, Benjamin. 24 May 29 Hotaling, Isaac C...... 13 July 15 Hyde, Liberty 18 dug. 23 Hallenbeck, Charles H. 23 Sept. 4 Hughes, George 15 Dec. 9 Hathway, Frederick .. Hoffman, Edward. Herrick, C.C.... Hammond, Gustavies A 10 July 3 || Haley, Daniel.. 12 Sept. 28 Hitchcock, James L. 1 Heb. 24 Harding, Lewis E.. 1 Mar. 17 Hendror, Mrers 3 Apr. 15 Harvey, Williani 4 May 22 Haber, Henry A. 11 June 3 Haynor, Derrick C 11 June 15 Harvey, Hiran V..... 15 June 24 Hovey, Eugene 2 July 7 lIariling, George F T.. 17 Aug. 21 Hotaling, Charles P.... 11 Sept. 1 Howarl, William 1 Oct. 2 Jones, George H 25 Oct. 14 Jones, Edward W 5775 5779 1001 1010 1014 1015 1029 1031 1044 1048 1081 1082 1086 1087 1089 5713 5731 5736 5737 5743 5752 5753 5769 5778 1041 1064 1065 5701 5716 5751 5757 5760 5762 5757 1094 5745 1094 1003 1065 1066 1079 5717 5734 1040 1053 1076 1097 5726 5730 5735 5785 1006 1007 1009 1012 1017 1021 1022 1037 1042 1046 1055 1067 1069 1070 1075 1092 5702 5707 5710 5712 5714 5733 5759 5780 5782 1008 1084 17 Nov. 2 3 Nov. 10 6 Jan. 25 1 Feb. 10 2 Mar. 10 3 Mar. 13 6 apr. 1 3 Apr. 5 9 Apr. 26 5 Apr. 29 6 July 17 2 June 19 11 June 22 10 June 23 6 June 24 2 July 30 6 Aug. 19 11 Aug. 28 2 Aug. 30 15 Sept. 2 11 Sept. 14 15 Sept. 16 9 Oct. 18 11 Nov. 5 11 Apr. 22 12 June 1 5 June 26 8 July 13 11 Aug. 3 5 Sept. 14 2 Do. 17 Sept. 25 5 Oct. 1 6 Oct. 19 18 July 2 23 Sept. 7 18 July 2 9 Jan. 14 ? June 1 3 Do. 1 June 16 13 Aug. 6 3 aug. 24 15 Apr. 19 4 May 10 2 June 12 3 July 6 8 Aug. 11 14 | Aug. 19 3 4 Dec. 17 4 Jan. 14 4 Feb. 2 | Feb. 9 3 Mar. 14 2 Mar. 15 6 Mar. 24 2 Mar. 25 6 Apr. 10 8 Apr. 22 14 Apr. 28 12 May 18 3 June 1 12 June 5 5 Juue 1 12 June 12 18 July 2 8 July 17 15 July 21 17 July 27 21 July 29 9 July 30 7 Aug. 21 17 Sept. 22 11 Nov. 22 6. Nov. 29 14 | Feb. 22 2 June 19 dug. 27 I Atkins, William. Aller, William M.. Bernard, George Bernard, James.. Bitely: James C.. Bitley, Lil ward Bitley, Edward A Bartlett, John S Buurns, George A Brink, Thomas Briggs, John N Bloilgett, Henry Burlingham, Wm. FI Barber, Alonzo V. 1095 5761 1011 1020 1038 1058 1071 1078 1088 1099 5732 5741 5765 5768 74 . STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilois licensedmdlbany, N. Y.-Continued. 1 Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Jones, John C. Kelly, John.. Kiernan, Andrei J. Lezatte, Grant.... Lawrence, Cornelius R. Lalıy, Maurice... Le Bau, Moses. Lefever, Martin H... Lynn, John.. Le Roy, Frank. McDermot, John. Miller, Louis Morrell, Richard. Mullany, William. McCarroll, Randall a.. McCann, John.. Morse, W'illiam L... Mains, Lewis Miller, Hawley McDonald, Myron Morrison, Andrew J... Martin, Michael V., Morehouse, D. S... McGarvey, David S... McCarroll, sustin Mullany, Thomas. McCormick, Robert.. McMahon. James a Miller, Chauncy D. Meegan, Thomas A. McCarthy, Thomas Noyes, Garrett P Noton, Joseph F. Nelson, Edward A Paliuer, Edward J Pickett, William J Pardee, William Polk, George T Piepenbrink, Charles . Parrott, Richard. Pierco. Tliomas F. Pickett, Charles Randerson, John P.. Rainey, De Forest Roosa, Frank... Rigbtmayer, Peter S. 5783 1024 5739 1018 1027 1034 1072 1100 5774 5776 1002 1023 1028 1033 1036 1050 1068 1077 5703 5704 5709 1052 5711 5715 5721 5746 5749 5750 5755 5764 5773 5707 5729 5754 1013 1045 1054 1073 5718 5758 5766 5771 1004 1019 1030 1043 2 Dec. 3 Race, John A.. 2 Mar. 27 Reilly, Philip.. 3 Aug. 31 Ryan, Edward. 3 Mar. 16 Rider, Jacob M. 8 Mar. 29 Smith, William J 15 Apr. 10 Sexton, Samuel B..... 5 June 11 Scott, James H... 8 Jurly 8 Scuyler, Stephen R 9 Nov. 2 Spoor, Joseph L. 3 Do. Scott, Edwarl F.. 3 Jan. 2 Smith, Godfrey 3 Mar. 26 Sutter, Lewis, jr 12 Mar. 30 Silkirk, John 5 Apr. 9 Scott, Charles D.... 8 Apr. 10 Schemerhorn, Isaac C 7 May 3 Stanley, Conrari 12 June 4 Storen, Joseph J 1 June 14 Sheoley, John F. 5 July 15 Tunnard, Fred. M 3 Do. Tunnaril, Thomas 2 July 24 Terpening, James K. 10 July 26 Trie, George. 3 July 29 Taylor, Joseph B 5 Ang. 3 Ter Bush, William H 8 Aug. 11 Van Tassel, William H 11 Sept. 8 Vandecar, Asliel B.. 19 Sept. 11 Vanderwoorli, Louis. 5 Sept. 13 Voight, John F. 16 Sept. 20 Van Woert, Albert ..., 7 (ct. 2 Vau Steenburgh. Benj 7 Oct. 29 Van Doren, Willian ... 7 July 16 Vall Slyk, Charles B... 3 Ang. 18 Van Steenburgli, Peter 9 Sept. 18 Winans, James K.. 2 Mar. 6 Wells, Chester. S Apr. 26 Wagner, J. H 3 May 11 Wolle, Charles. 10 June 11 Wells, James 12 Aug. 6 Walker, Geo. W.. 11 Sept. 21 Wood, George B 3 Oct. 6 Wright. Charles .... 14 Oct. 27 Walsh, Jerome.. 9 Jan. 4 Winans, Ulysses E. 1 Mar. 15 Walsh, Elijah il 6 Apr. 5 Warner, George H 14 Apr. 23 Yarter, Cyrus.. 1047 1085 5722 5763 1062 1049 1056 1060 1080 1093 5702 5742 5744 5747 5756 5767 5772 5786 1025 1052 1061 5720 5740 5781 1016 1032 1051 1074 1098 5708 5721 5727 5784 1005 1035 1039 1057 1083 1091 1096 5719 5723 5725 5728 5738 5748 11 Apr. 29 2 June 21 8 Aug. 8 11 Oct. 2 2 Mar. 29 5 May 3 24 May 19 12 May 28 6 June 17 2 July 2 2 July 14 Sept. 1 5 Sept. 4 8 Sept. 9 4 Sept. 21 20 Oct 14 8 Oct. 27 10 Dec. 17 2 Mar. 27 9 May 10 12 May 28 7 Aug. 6 3 Sept. 1 10 Nov. 27 10 I Mar. 13 9 Aug. 9 6 May 7 18 June 11 2 July 7 3 July 21 li dug. 9 3 Ang. 11 9 Dec. 7 1 Jan. 13 13 Apr. 10 2 A pr. 16 9 May 21 7 Juve 9 1 June 26 9 July 3 4 Aug. 6 1 Aug. 10 15 Ang. 11 1 Ang. 16 Aug. 30 10 Sept. 11 I Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897- Albany, V.Y. 501 F.B... Appleby, George W Brooks, Johu v Best, Frank M. Barnın, eshbell Curley, Burt J.. De 13au, Jol11 C.. Harris, Albert Henry, Horace H Ficmpstead, William. Holloway, Isaac Johnston, David S... Lawrence, Dow H Lane, George. 223 207 210 217 219 206 202 205 209 224 213 222 225 2 Ang. 7 3 July 2 4 July 9 3 July 22 1 July 24 6 June 19 1 May 22 1 June 3 17 July 9 1 Aug. 9 3 July 13 10 411.4.4 5 Oct. 11 Morey: A. W Patterson, John M. Pritchard, Edgar D.... Robenson, Josiah Savage, F. B Shaw, Thomas Townsend, William H Vanderwal, Bartel Waldrou, George E.. Wilbur, Jacob M. S. Way. Theodore B... Weatherby, N. I. Watrous, E.G 214 220 203 2.16 218 211 212 204 208 215 221 226 5 Mar. 16 3 July 15 2 July 26 3 May 22 3 July 20 3 July 24 1 July 10 6 July 12 3 Mayo 26 4 July 6 4 July 16 7 July 30 2 Oct. 11 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Albany, N. Y. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineer's (ocean)--Continued. Belcher, Amherst W Brown, VVilliam T.. Conklin, Benjanin Cook, Robert P Fowks, John.. Fowler, Charles H.. 9001 9008 9003 11982 9086 1902 10 Jan. 2 Midlam, Samuel C 33 Jan. 26 Mull, lfred.. 29 Jan. of Parsell, David. 30 Nov. 26 Stiles, Jolin H 39 June 8 : Teson, Hiram G 15 | July 8 || Van Schaac, Albertus. 9090 11944 11932 9054 11947 9031 17 Jue 11 33' Sept. 1 26 ! Aug. 12 21 May May 1 33 Sept. 1 27 Mar. 24 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 75 Engineers licensed-Albany, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland). Chief engineers (in- land)-Continued. 0 0 Adams, John B... Atkins, Albert G Aiken, Henry V.. Ambrose, Michael. Atkins, Abram B Allardice, David Atkinson, William.. Brown, James Brooks, Charles E. Becker, Charles. Bailey, Clarence Barrett, Judson.. Bishop, Edwarı Bropliy, Jeremiah Burke, Michael Benton, Walter J Browu, Glenville W Brodt, Oliver P Blankschen, Fleury F.. Burlingbam, John E. Burgar, Joseph A. Blanchard, George Carman, Flirana Craig, Charles s Clute, James M Cook, William Crump, George A. Connelly, Arthur Coleman, Parker. Collins, Ira H.. Cook, Maynard L Dudorie, Marcisse .. De Groat, Andrew J Derrick, Lewis W... Doherty, Robert E... Drake, John W. Dunn, George J Dunn, Robert A Decker, Daniel C Du Bois, George H. Ellison, Alfred L Ellis, Charles H.. Eckstine, John P Farrell, John P.. Fowler, Arthur. Field, George ... Fowler. Douglass France, Rowe. Field, George F... Gilligan, James Gutchens, Geno. Gosselin, Frank X Green, Charles W. Gilligan, Edward F... Huyck, Edward Faber, Frank C... Haber, John C Huyck, Charles A Fotaling, Richard M... Hinman, Frank E Henk, William H. Hendrer, Myers Hendrer, Irving C.... Howard, John Hayford, H. Riley. Huyck, Theo loro . Harding, George F... Hartley, John Howe, Charles W. Jolinston, Hiram J Jereus, Theodore V.... Kietter, Myron.. Karker, H. Harrison... Kenney, Edward J Lambert, Valentine Lezatto, Nelson.. Lezatte, Charles B. Leonard, Martin .. Langin, George B. Lo Bali, Adolphus S. 9030 9041 9082 11912 11924 11944 11986 9009 9026 9028 9042 9067 9074 9075 9086 11918 11920 11930 11941 11952 11956 11971 9006 9025 9034 9072 11910 11933 11942 11943 11965 9021 9029 9036 904.4 9056 9066 9073 11954 11974 9037 9047 11970 9074 9069 9078 11927 11935 11983 9C51 9070 11946 11979 11989 9002 9016 9032 9076 9095 11915 11916 11917 11923 11926 11936 11948 11953 11967 11981 9014 9046 11911 11914 1.1966 9027 9035 9058 9088 9093 11901 30 Mar. 20 Little, Thomas C.... Apr. 13 Le Fever, Vipal.. 15 June 4 Lawson, Edward B 14 July 15 McAvoy, William H... 16 | July 30 Mullahey, Thomas 11 Aug. 24 Mulder, Everett. 15 Dec. 9 Mays, Heury C 6 Feb. 6 Mull, Nelson. 10 Mar. 15 Mattie, Victor 5 Mar. 16 McKinney, Benjamin F S Apr. 19 Miles, James... 11 May 18 Mull, Edward. 13 May 25 Myers, Williain 15 Do. Mathews, Albert A.... 15 June 10 Meeker, Edward B. 7 July 21 Murphy, Joseph 18 July 22 Midlam, W.L. 7 Any: 11 Mackey, Abram 8 Aug. 20 Metcalf, Horace T 20 Sept. 22 March, Vincent. 9 Sept. 25 McCabe, Charles. 28 Oct. 25 Norris, \Tilliam R.. 31 Jan. 6 Parsell, Sylvanus 18 Mar. 13 Perry, Alonzo.. 24 Apr. 1 Pratt, William W.. 19 May 22 Pattersou, Eleazer A .. 15 July 12 Perry, Levi 16 Aug. 14 P’lant, Louis 15 Aug. 15 Person, Harrison 25 Aug. 23 Philips, William. 9 Oct. 21 Peters, Edward . 9 Mar. 6 Philips, Harry 16 Mar. 19 Pratt, William H 15 spr. 8 Piirdy, James E.. 13 Apr. 20 Proper, Arthur 19 May 7 Prendergast, Patrick S. 24 May 17 Perlee, Herbert L... 22 May 22 Priest, James. 14 Sept. 23 Purdy, Nathan C 23 Oct. 27 Pope, William F. 44 Apr. 19 Randerson, John P 8 Apr. 21 Rightmyer, Julius C.. 22 Oct. 23 Ryan, Jeremiah. 16 | Mar. 13 Riel, Henry.. 19 May 20 Ruoff, Ferdepauc 15 May 26 Rynders, Isaiah. 24 Aug. 6 Smith, Louis... 5 Aug. 16 Speckerman, John 12 Dec. 1 Slattery, John J 16 Apr. 28 Saulsbury, Albion V 17 May 20 Snyder, George H. 7 Sept. 1 Smith, George J 15 Nov. 10 Seward, Joll N. 7 Dec. 17 Spencer, Willard 22 Jan. 2 Smith, Sylrester. 5 Mar. $ Sharkey, Martin J 9 Mar. 24 Smith, Benjamin.. 28 May 26 Snyder, William W 18 June 16 Sheldoni, Allen C. 16 | July 16 Slater, Zacheus M.. 17 July 17 Sticklers, Millon. 29 Do. Shufelt. John. 14 July 26 Smith, Lucius D 22 Ang. 4 Spoor, Martin.. 23 Aug. 16 Smith, Eli.. 27 Sept. 1 Thompson, David D 11 Sept. 22 Turner, Robert S 10 Oct. 22 Taylor, Henry O 9 Nov. 26 Traver, William EL 11 Feb. 23 Tutbill, Frank M. 15 Apr. 21 Tigh, Patrick. 23 July 12 Title, Daniel J 17 July 16 Tecling, William J 10 Oct. 21 | Traver, Ephraim.. 16 Mar. 15 Ten Eyck, Baret A... 7 Apr. 7 Traver, George E.. 19 May 8 Van Loan, Edwin M. 13 June 10 Van Loan, Jacob H.. 9 Juuie 15 Van Denburgh, Peter R 1 June 26 Van Steenburg, Edjar.. 11097 11922 1976 9012 9011 9050 9060 9064 9068 9077 9091 11903 11903 11928 11939 11949 11959 11962 11963 11975 11978 11958 9017 9023 9038 9043 9045 9048 9057 9060 907) 9092 11906 11925 11940 11935 11961 11977 11985 11988 9004 9015 9063 9097 11907 11909 9007 9013 9020 9022 9010 9033 9039 9065 9084 9085 9064 9100 11904 11921 11937 11938 11950 11973 11980 9005 9062 9097 9083 90961 11931 11934 11951 11 SOS 11969 11984 9040 9052 9055 9059 26 July 2 6 July 22 4 Oct. 29 17 Feb. 16 Feb. 10 7 Apr. 26 26 May 11 19 Mar 15 21 May 19 17 May 26 13 June 12 20 July 2 6 July 12 15 Aug. 10 19 Aug. 19 6 Sept. 8 9 Oct. 7 29 Oct. S 31 Oct. 11 16 Oct. 28 14 Nor. 8 26 Oct. 4 11 Mar. 4 10 Mar. 13 20 Apr. 10 25 Apr. 20 10 Do. 16 Apr. 22 19 May 8 28 May 11 20 May 20 14 June 14 11 July 12 16 July 30 9 Aug. 20 5 Sept. 24 5 Oct. 8 12 Nov. 6 26 Dec. 1 20 Dec. 14 19 Jan. 4 15 Mar, 3 15 May 14 23 June 19 7 July 9 17 July 12 4 Jan. 23 23 Feb. 20 7 Mar. 6 11 Mar. 11 10 Feb. 10 9 Mar. 30 25 Apr. 10 19 May 17 21 June 1 12 June 7 16 June 16 7 June 26 17 July 2 9 July 22 20 Aug. 17 17 Do. 25 | Sept. 9 29 Oct. 26 26 Nov. 12 7 Jan. 5 15 May 12 9 Juno 1 20 June 5 15 June 17 27 Ang. 12 16 dug. 14 22 Sept. 21 24 Oct. 22 28 Oct. 23 34 Dec. ] 16 Apr. 12 19 Apr. 28 7 May 16 May 10 76 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed- Albany, N. Y.-Continued. Name. | No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Chief engineers (in. land)-Continued. Engineers in charge of stcamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Van Hoosen, William F Van Vleet, Charles.... Van Dusen, William R. Van Zau, tOrivill J.... Van Holten, Gillis .. Van Gaysling, Walter F Winans, James K.. Waddington, Johu K Wheeler, Edward.... Wilson, Elijah Ward, Lewis J. Wilson, James Wells, Leonard Woolsey, Lawrence. Winans, Ulysses E Welch, Warren Zrisland, Henry 9080 11946 11957 11964 11972 11987 9018 9049 9053 9087 9098 9099 11913 11919 11920 11960 9019 12 June 2 19 Aug. 26 33 Sept. 30 7 Oct. 13 3 Oct. 25 8 Dec. 9 26 Mar. 6 13 Apr. 24 9 23 ) June 10 11 June 22 9 Do. 25 July 16 17 July 17 17 Aug. 11 26 Oct. 7 3 Mar. 6 Apr. 29 į July 2 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Acker, Theodore. Atkins, d. B. H. Austin, Edwin Atkins, Frank.. stkius, William H.... Arnold, Johu.... Aliton, Joseph C. Atkins, Peter R Branigan, Malvern H. Britton, Tracy. Bernard, James. Bilyon, William A. Baptise, Benjamin F.. Bartlett, John S.... Boss, George, .jr. Billings, William T... Brazier, Park Boss, Ernest V Beach, Lorenzo B.. Booth, William F. Balzer, Frederick.. Burns, Edward J Bailey, Edjar Carney, Frank E.. Carlin, John. Chamberlain, Wm. T .. Cornwell, Irving L Chamberlain, Foster C. Claflin, William C Carey, Michael F.. Caples, Thomas Crosby, John. Calill, George T Clark, George W Crippen, Thomas B... Cooley, W. Willard. Conway, Williaia J.. Carman, Charles Corey, George F Claflin, Sprague Curtin, Jeremiah.. Du Bois, Delavan Dietz, Peter.. Dailey, John. Drake, Frank V Du Bois, Charles E.... Egleston, Fred. L. Eguor, George A Early, Timothy Early, Charles Flanery, Michael J... Farrell, William E... Field, Burr D 1735 1743 1789 1804 1810 1873 1893 1914 1752 1.766 1778 1785 1798 1832 1840 1842 1872 1899 1905 1938 1944 1969 197) 1704 1722 1734 1755 1769 1771 1788 1791 1800 1831 1834 1841 1844 1868 1933 1943 1964 1967 1723 1751 1767 1910 1.950 1836 1875 1884 1925 1757 1782 1806 France, Foster... Fogarty, Tbomas E... Gage, William D. Godfroy, Daniel E Glenning, William J Goarck, Charles Grant, William E. Goodwin, James Gates, Henry L. Grady, James G... Hitchcock, George W Harrington, Lemuel Hugues, Charles.. Hoffman, Eugene Hoffman, William Hulsaple, Charles B... Hurley, Edward J Haber, Francis H. Harding, Emmett. Hayes, James... Henderson, William.. Ilallenbeck, Ezra B.... Holley, Sidney. Johnson, George A Joves, George H. Jordan, Jobn Johnson, George L. Jolin, David. Jones, Theodore Jacobs, sron .. Kellogg. Cbarles. Kelly, Jolin.. Kerns, John Keator, Charles W. Killenbeck, Charles R Krum, Lewis Y... Kennicutt, James W.. Keller, Frank J.. Leopard. William A... Leddy, Villiam. Leddy, John.. Labarge, Joseph Lausing, Frank. Lampman, Henry Le Roy, Henry Miller, Robert Melius, Samuel G... Morrisy. James P. McCarroll, John J... McChesney, William M Meally, Elsworth B.... May, James H... Mowers, William Mosley, Robert A Morey, George W McDermott. Jolin J. McMahon, Michael .. Naslı, Henry: I.... Ostram, William. O'Connor, John Outtrin, Frank E Perkins, Ira Polk, Hiram L. Pardee, Peter I Passino, Henry Peck, John L. Piepenbrink, Charles Parlee, John. Rickard, Frank. Reynolds, James S Ryan, Samuel J. Ray, John H.. Rivers, Levi Rodman, Dean Sheehau, William H... Stammel, Henry R.. 12 Mar. 6 8 Mar. 13 Apr. 23 8 May 14 May 19 16. July 1.5 7 Aug. 5 2 Aug. 18 9 Mar. 19 18 Apr. 1 20 Apr. 14 4) Apr. 19 7 May 5 15 June 7 19 June 16 2 Do. 17 July 14 10 Aug. 10 24 Aug. 13 10 Sept. 16 13 Sept. 25 22 Nov. 24 2 Nov. 27 10 Jan. 4 17 Feb. 15 14. Mar. 6 9 Feb. 23 3 6 4 Do. 12 apr. 23 9 Apr. 27 1 May 7 2 June 7 15 June 10 13 June 16 10 June 17 14 | July 12 14 Sept. 18 18 Sept. 23 20 Nov. 13 2 Nov. 18 S Teb. 17 9 Mar. 17 2 April 1 1. Aug. 14 21 (ct. 16 3 June 11 15 July 17 16 July 23 18 Aug. 27 13 Mar. 25 4 d pr. 17 10 ) May 15 Ang. 20 1811 1830 1779 1796 1801 1850 1853 1863 1934 1959 1726 1728 1744 1765 1794 1815 1849 1851 1857 1898 1904 1931 1962 1703 1716 1740 1792 1859 1878 1900 1846 1876 1879 1890 1922 1947 1961 1970 1705 1724 1729 1816 1877 1915 1948 1733 1742 1746 1764 1774 1799 1801 1028 1865 1849 1927 1960 1711 1821 1822 1885 1775 1823 1925 1847 1869 1897 1921 1754 1777 1833 1891 1919 1992 1721 1727 1 2 May 19 18 June 17 14 Apr. 14 4 May 3 1 May 8 16 June 23 9 Juno 24 9 July 6 9 Sept. 8 9 Oct. 30 13 Feb. 19 5 Feb. 20 15 Mar. 13 23 Apr. 1 9 May 3 7 May 21 6 June 23 6 June 24 9 11 Aug. 9 13 i Ang. 12 12 Sept. 4 4 Nov. 5 17 Jan. 4 19 Feb. 2 8 Mar. 10 11 May 1 7 June 15 9 July 21 6 Aug. 10 1 June 22 6 July 21 15 July 22 12 Aug. 2 9 Aug. 26 1 Oct. 1 12 Nov. 4 17 Nov. 26 2 Jan. 4 9 Feb. 17 6 Feb. 25 15 May 21 8 July 21 10 11 Oct. 15 2 Mar. 3 8 Mal. 11 6 Mar. 15 20 Mar. 30 23 Apr. 10 14 May 6 18 May 18 15 Jurie 5 9 July 8 19 Aug. 5 4 Aug. 28 14 Nov. 2 6 Jan. 16 22 May 28 19 Do. 8 July 30 8 Apr. 12 11 May 28 Do. 15 June 22 6 July 23 12 Aug. 6 18 Aug. 25 2 May 20 3 Apr. 14 2 June 8 17 Aug. 3 26 Aug. 24 20 Dec. 1 2 Feb. 15 10 Feb. 20 Apr. 101 " STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 77 Engineers licensed-Albany, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steaincis of 100 tons and under, and orer 10 tons-Continued. First assistant engineers (inland)-Cont'd, 3 Sickles, John W Smith, Fred Silvernail, George W Stiles, Rivington A.... Stratton, Charles D. Stiles, Willis E.. Spickerman, Fred E. Smith, Robert H. Smith, Gilbert Staats, Philip J. Seabridge, Orrie . Smith, John E. Scott, Melvin C.. Sherman, John R Suffer, Lewis, jr Shufelt, William J... Savis, J. Ely- Taylor, Andrew M.. Tozoni, John Terpening, Jacob M ... Turck, Erastus.. Tempany, James Tittle, Charles B.. Tinslar, Frederick L... Tazone, Joseph.. Thompson, Granville Voglit, George F... Vielie, Charles E. Vosburgh, Winfiela ş.. Vandecar, John E. Vanloan, Henry J... Van Vranken, Fred S. Vandecar, Leonard.. Voight, Leonard... Van Housen, George.. Van Heusen, John W. Vandervoort, Lewis. Vau Norden, Charles E Watson, Joseph P.... Wolfe, Warren H. Ward, Sherman M.. Ward, Thomas.. Wheat, E. Grant. Westfall, Isaac. Younger, William. Ziegler, Frank... First assistant engineers (inland). Alliger, Edwin. Allardice, Jeremiah. Booth, James L.. Branigan, Walter... Boyd, Douglas. Botroff, Joseph Beaty, William A Biergor, Jolin. Bush, Ira D.... Bronk, Martin C. Crandall, William E... Carmody, James.. Doyle, Walter Francis. Du Bois, Nathaniel. Decker, Frank.. Decker, Lewis F. Dick, Duncan Dunn, Nathan H. Dawson, Eldoress. Darragh, John. Eidman, John P. Fairbanks, Fenry. Gray, Egbert S... Gardiner, Daniel C. Gutcheus, George. Gennett, Victor... 1731 1759 1760 1776 1784 1786 1293 1805 1812 1843 1852 1887 1892 . 1926 1930 1932 195.1 1827 1859 1880 1895 1913 1916 1920 1937 1956 1717 1730 1738 1770 1787 1795 1819 1835 1860 1909 1924 1968 1741 1818 1848 1858 1883 1923 1802 1903 18 Mar. 3 11 Mar. 26 15 Mar. 27 17 A pr. 13 8 Apr. 19 6 Apr. 20 8 May 3 13 May 14 10 May 20 24 June 17 4 June 24 16 Aug. 2 10 Aug. 3 15 Aug. 27 9 Sept. 1 14 Sept. 7 9 Oct. 23 12 June 3 13 July 3 16 July 24 6 Aug. 5 13 Aug. 17 14 Aug. 20 12 dug. 24 16 Sept. 15 5 Oct. 27 10 Feb. 9 11 Feb. 26 9 Mar. 10 9 spr. 6 3 Apr. 20 6 May 3 17 May 24 13 June 12 13 July 3 15 Aug. 14 10 Aug. 26 14 Nov. 19 10 Mar. 11 14 | May 24 9 June 22 21 July July 2 3 Do. 18 Aug. 26 5 May 11 9 Do. RO Hensberger, Jacob.. Hayford, Robert A. Howard, William Elamel, George.. Hockridge, John A Harrigan, Cornelius H. Hitchcock, Forbes.. Huyck, Charles A Herzog, John Herrick, Smith Jackson, Jefferson Jones, Jacob.. Jefferson, Jobu Kelly, William S.... Kerns, Thomas Kingfield, George J Kinnicut, Charles Kenny, John J... Kraus, Valentine Ketterson, Andrew Krum, Romey Love, Giles Lane, John H Moose, Martin McArdle, Joseph. Murphy, John J Mulder, Derke. March, William. Miller, William. Metcaff, Joseph McCabe, Eddie Metcalf, Nathan T Norton, James Needham, Patrick Oterboudt, John B... Priest, Edward Pougl, James D Reeves, John. Relyea Theodore F Requa Fred. A Stone, Elmer. Schoonmaker, Egbert D Steen, Nelson . Schlosser, Christian. Steen, Jonas ... Scouten, Samuel Saterlee, Lee.. Spoor, Isaac N Saulsbury, Daniel Steen, William D Stilan, George E. Slovenson, Robert Sobnltz, William W Shultz, John. Schomp, George Stingline, Frank M Sillman, John IV. Tremper, Willian Tartiss, Charles O Tunnard, William L... Van Valkenburgh, Wm Van Loan, William J. Van Loan, Charles V.. Vau Tassel, Burus.. Van Wormer, Charlos.. Van Wort, Frederick .. Westfield, Charles N Walker, Charles Wheaton, Ruben B.... Waddington, Edward T Wilkes, John.. Whitaker, Peter Waddington, Ulysses S Young, Samuel S Ziegler, William 1702 1708 1826 1906 1912 1918 1936 1939 1974 1976 1753 1855 1800 1719 1725 1732 1756 1761 1803 1858 1951 1706 1862 1701 1712 1745 1781 1814 1888 1940 1965 1975 1739 1958 1780 1801 1881 1917 1941 1945 1709 1713 1736 1737 1747 1749 1750 1758 1772 1817 1856 1861 1867 1870 1871 1911 1949 1710 1720 1763 1707 1790 1824 1874 1901 1955 1807 1896 1942 1957 1963 1916 1973 1928 1882 10 Jan. 4 3 Jan. 5 3 June 2 ñ | Aug. 13 8 Aug. 17 6 Aug. 23 7 Sept. 11 3 Sept. 16 4 Dec. 14 4 Dec. 17 9 Mar. 19 3 July 2 8 Aug. 14 8 Feb. 10 7 Feb. 19 6 Mar. 3 4 Mar. 23 3 Mar. 27 T ! May 13 June 12 3 Oct. 21 8 Jan. 4 7 July 6 12 Jan. 2 3 Jan. 22 4 Mar. 13 9 Apr. 16 11 May 20 8 Aug. 2 19 Sept. 17 2 Nov. 16 3 Dec. 13 3 Mar. 10 2 Oct. 29 1 Apr. 15 6 May 19 17 July 26 4 Aug. 23 18 Sept. 18 13 Sept. 25 2 Jan. 5 1 Jan. 23 7 Mar. 6 4 Mar. 10 9 Mar. 15 9 Mar. 17 3 Do. 16 Mar. 25 25 Apr. 8 9 May 22 9 July 2 6 July 3 14 July 9 14 July 12 12 July 13 14 Allg. 16 .15 Oct. 15 2 Jan, S 2 Feb. 12 1 Mar. 30 16 Jau. 4 1 7 May 28 6 July 15 18 Aug. 11 31 Oct. 26 6 May 17 3 Aug. 6 7 Sept. 21 3 Oct. 27 18 Nov. 12 9 Nor. 17 6 Dec. 1 9 Ang. 31 4 July 17 D 1762 1929 1715 1748 1783 1813 1864 1866 1886 1946 1718 1768 1714 1797 1820 1837 1845 1889 1902 1908 1853 1854 1773 1829 1935 1952 1 Mar. 27 7 Sept. 1 2 Feb. 2 9 Mar. 16 3 Apr. 19 12 May 20 8 July 8 6 July 9 4 | July 31 5 Oct. 2 1 Teb. 10 7 Apr. 2 1 Jan. 26 13 Mar. 5 5 May 26 10 June 12 23 June 18 3 Aug. 2 14 Aug. 11 15 Aug. 14 13 Oct. 21 4 June 26 12 Apr. Apr. 9 6 June 17 10 Sept. 11 16 Oct. 21 Apr. 24 78 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Albany, N. F.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Special engineers. Special Engineers - Con. tinued. Bitley, Edward A. Brown, Harry L Beach, George L Briggs, John N Collins, Lincoln E... Chubb, Charles Collius, s. J Cole, Thomas H Daigneal, Fredi. Dailey, James. Du Bois, Robert H. Elting, William Y Eltiny, Robert Ferdou, Charles H. Farnham, Lewis Grant, Charles Milton Hollis, William A... Haines. Charles... 40-4 415 423 428 403 414 424 431 402 410 435 411 416 412 434 429 407 408 3 Apr. 3 1 July 20 1 Ang. 6 15 Aug. 21 3 May 4 4 July 15 1 Aug. 9 7 Sept. 17 1 Mar. 4 2 July 10 7 Nov. IS 2 July 12 4 July 22 13 Aug. 6 3 Nov. 15 3 Aug. 27 3 June 14 June 18 Hammond, M. A Lane, W.J. Link, George F. Lent, Abram C Merrick, Seymore L. Nemiah, Henry O'Hanlon, Michael. Smith, Godfrey W Tinney, Charles E Tittle, Albert M... Weber, Jacob... Wright, Allen Wright. Charles A.... Williams, Howard. Walsh, Jerome... Walsh, Elijah... Ziriax, Louis 412 409 419 452 405 433 403 413 420 430 401 418 422 425 426 427 417 5 July 13 5 July 8 1 Aug. 3 6 Oct. 25 1 Apr. 17 7 Oct. 29 8 Mar. 25 4 July 14 7 dug. 4 1 Aug. 28 2 Feb. 8 1 Aug. 3 1 Aug. 6 1 Aug. 9 1 Aug. 10 1 Aug. 16 3 Aug. 2 12 LOCA:L DISTRICT OF BOSTON, MASS. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Boston, Mass. Name. 1 No. of No. of Date of license. issuie. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Appleby, Henry 0 ..... Allen, Geo. F Barr, Charles Bennett, John H Beadle, William. Clark, Henry E. Craig, James F Clare, Charles W. Dudley. Daniel W Entwisle, J. Clifford .. Garlaud, Geo. F.... 11630 11684 2778 11660 11706 283 11612 11724 2842 2772 2882 3 Ang. 27 Halo, Lewis R 3 Oct. 16 l. Kelley, Geo. W 3 Mar. 15 DIcGrath, John W 7 Sept. 27 Richards, Alexander... 7 Nov. 11 Rathbun, Edwin.. 13 Apr. 21 Stone, Charles A.. 1 Aug. 14 Spear. Charles. 8 Dec. 11 Small, John W. 6 Apr. 27 Weschky, Charles 5 Mar. 11 Williams, Geo. V 11 May 27 11698 11691 1 1690 2764 2849 2781 2791 11619 2894 2978 7 Nov. 1 14 Oct. 26 3 Do. 4 Mar. 3 2 May May 1 3 Mar. 16 12 Mar. 23 1 Aug. 19 6 June 3 i July 19 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Boston, Mass. Do. Anglin. John E Allan, VVilliam F.. Arey, Howard H.. Anderson, William Allen, Jairus H.. Alley, William H... Atkins, Edvard Anderson, Charles R.. Bartlett, Nelson S.. Bearse, Francis B.. Baker, Charles E.. Burt, John.... Bowden, Oliver Bussey, George Bailey, William B... Bragdon, Byron F Blake, William G Brow]], George F. Dennett, James V. Brightman, Geo. IV.. Brown, James H... Brown, Theodore P. Baker, Joseph G Benjamin, Frank D. Burnlam. Nathaniel Bartlett, William S... Bearse, Benjamin N Brown, Sanuel B Baker, William J.. 2728 2734 2886 2926 2937 2967 2990 11722 2712 2733 2765 2769 2779 2792 2804 2837 2838 2859 2866 2869 2870 2881 2891 2893 2896 2918 2931 2933 2951 7 Jan. 22 Boggs, Edwin P 23 Feb. 1 Barker, Charles W.. 12 May 28 Beed, William 14 June 16 Buckley, Timothy 7 June 22 Baxter, Amos E 12 July 16 Buckminster, Jos. K... 12 July 26 Bearse, Fernando T.. 17 Dec. 8 Briggs, William E 3 Jan. 11 Beers, Stephen F 23 Jan. 30 Beal, William. 10 Mar. 3 Binden, Eugene 1 Mar. 6 Bartlett. Joseph W 24 llar. 15 Bergstrom, Oscar F.... 23 Mar. 23 Bartlett, Charles R. 14 Apr. 2 Barber, Irving G 12 Apr. 22 Bacou, William H. 10 Apr. 24 Bearse, Maynard.. 25 May 10 Coleman, James 10 11 May 17 Cauning; William. 18 Do. Chase, Coleman 21 May 26 Colby, Joseph W 8 May 27 Collins, Daniel J 9 Juno 1 Collison, Louis L 9 Jume 2 Crosby, William. 22 June 5 Collius, Alviu W 6. June 14 Converse, Harry I 11 Juno 19 Cunnings, George 21 June 21 Covell, Samuel F 32 July 61 Churchill, William H. 2963 2982 2992 2993 11606 11626 11636 11642 11654 11663 11677 11699 11703 11714 11717 11718 11725 2716 2720 2731 2732 2738 2742 2750 2753 2755 2825 2826 2829 10 July 13 8 July 20 15 July 28 11 5 Aug. 9 5 Aug. 26 3 Sept. 3 7 Sept. 16 12 Sept. 23 28 Sept. 29 5 Oct. 7 4 Nov. 1 8 Nov. 6 4 Nov. 20 5 Nov, 26 17 Nov. 29 25 Dec. 15 11 Jan. 15 8 Jan. 18 9 Jan. 25 9 Jan. 27 15 Feb. 6 Feb. 10 5 Feb. 16 25 Feb. 20 5 Feb. 24 19 Apr. 16 Do. 24 Apr. 17 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 79 Masters and pilots licensed-Boston, Mass.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Cook, Harvey S... Cleaves, Eli 0 O... Crowell, John L.. Cann, Joseph B. Collins, Shubael T... Clark, James F.. Crocker, Charles H Curtis, Ezra Wa. Claghorn, William B. Collins, Jason Colin, George T. Cook, Fred. D.. Cates, Francis C..... Corkum, Alexander. Clark, George F.. Carr, Theodore H.. Chase, Reuben R. Craig, William J. Crosby, William M Chase, Jonathan. Cates, Samuel A. Clark. William R.. Cates, Edwin W. E... Crowell, Luther B.. Carr, John... Cook, John A... Crooker, Amos B. Clifford, Everett Dolan, Charles A.. Degen, John A.. Daisley, Thomas W Dill, Alvin S... Davis, Charles E.. Doane, Henry K. Donohue, William.. Diggo, John H... Devereux, Charles W.. Dalby, Henry C., jr. Dorman, Charles (.... Delors, Benjamin J. Day, Phillip G.. Davis, Freeman E.. Doane, Nathaniel P. Dyer, Herbert S. Doane, Edwin R..... Davidson, Elkapal W Dolliver, Samuel F.. Daris, Clemens E... Daggett, Silas Daggett, Grafton L.... Doude, Adelbert F Driscoll, Michael J Doane, Lewis B... Drinkwater, James J.. Duncan, Henry W W .. Darkee, Williams Dixon, Charles H... Doane, Walter S... Eldridge, Clarenco F. Eldridge, Joshua E Emerson, Charles H. Elwell, James O.. Eaton, Geo. W. Elwell, Robert W Edwards, George Evans, Thomas E Food, Peter A Foster, frank Frisbee, Toward... Failing, Walstein A ... Francis, John M. Foist, William F Filler, Horace T.. Ferrin, Eaton E... Farnham, Harry W.. Full, John M.P Flynn, William J. Flanagan, William D. Fossett, Thomas N.... Foss, Jobu (.... Fernald, Robert A. 2830 2836 2855 2873 2902 2907 2911 2916 2942 2946 2955 2970 2971 2975 2983 2987 2998 11609 11614 11623 11633 11662 11664 11695 11713 11728 11731 11726 2710 2749 2761 2762 2785 2786 2806 2808 2814 2815 2839 2863 2877 2887 2914 2913 2923 2929 2948 2973 2974 2991 11604 11607 11620 11621 11627 11641 11689 11694 2770 2805 2807 2809 2812 2847 2958 11709 2701 2705 2709 2737 2747 2787 2803 2820 2850 2854 2870 2900 2959 2994 11687 9 Apr. 20 Glover, William F 13 Apr. 22 Godfrey, Henry M 2 May 5 Gray, Jerome K. 19 May 21 Garlick, Henry E 25 June 8 Geyer, Scott 20 June 10 Gott, J. Francis.. 22 June 11 Galiano, Joseph F 22 June 14 Greeuland, Charles 10 June 28 Googins, William H.. 27 Do. Goodwin, William d.. 8 July 8 Gray, John 9 July 17 Galiano, Alfred A. 19 Do. Geralt, Freil.J. 9 July 19 Gray, Isaac G... 14 July 21 Goodman, Archibald P. 17 July 24 Guilmet, Felix... 15 Aug. 2 | Gannon, Gannon, Thomas . 17 Aug. 10 Gettings, Frank M 16 Aug. 14 Garlick, Thomas Vy 21 Aug. 24 Hallett, John M.. 22 Aug. 28 Haskell, Albert L. 16 Sept. 28 Hallett, Horace K.. 25 Sept. 29 Hill, James W 11 Oct. 30 Henshaw, Herbert i.. 9 Nov. 19 Harding, Robert K... 5 Dec. 20 Hall, John.. 20 Dec. 29 Hawes, Benjamin H... 9 Doc. 17 Haley, Asa 16 Jau. 9 Ham, Geo. d.. 15 Feb. 16 Harding, Arthur E .... 8 Mar. 1 Haydon, Edmonds 12 Do. Healey, Oscar D 17 Mar. 19 Haley, William H. 23 Do. Haines, Francis. 11 Apr. 3 Haskell, Willis H. 14 | Apr. 6 Hariling, Frank H. 5 Apr. 10 Henderson, William T. 9 Do. Hawes, Thomas E... 5 Apr. 24 Howes, Norman 3 May 15 Hopkins, John W. 14 May 25 Hersey, Augustus L. 5 May 29 Harding, Clarence F. 25 June 12 Howard, Abiel A .. 14 Do. Haverty. James. 22 Jwc 16 Healey, Bentley F 25 June 18 Howes, James T 7 June 30 Hawes, Albert N 19 July 17 Hatch, William W.. 14 Howes, Joseph M 25 July 27 Humphrey, Isaac o 25 Aug. 7 Hammond, John W 15 Aug. 9 Hatch, Francis P 13 Aug. 19 Ingraham, Otis . 14 Aug. 23 Ingersoll, Joseph B.... 9 Aug. 16 Ivester, John I. 15 Sept. 14 Jacobson, John P 11 Oct. 26 Johnson, Francis 22 Oct. 30 James, Peter M. 19 Mar. 3 James, Samuel, 2d 6 Apr. 2 James, Osceola F.. 14 Apr. 5 Johnson, William A.. 20 Apr. 6 Joy, Francis P.. 6 Apr. 9 Jackson, Morris H.. 9 Apr. 29 Joyce, Harrison B 11 July 12 James, Joshua A 10 Nov. 16 Kenney, John EI 6 Jan. 6 Kemp, William H. 8 Do. Knight, Geo. F. 11 Jan. 7 Kendrick, Henry D.... 8 Feb. 3 Kidder, Charles E 20 Fob. 15 Kelsey, Franklin F 11 Mar. 20 Kierstead, William H.. 10 1 King, Harry 8 A pr. 14 Knowles, Charles H... 10 May 1 Knowles, William L... 3 May 4 Kelley, Alonzo M. 23 May 19 Kelley, Isaiah... 5 June 7 Kendrick, Nathaniel E. 17 July 12 Kelley, Isaiah S... 5 July 28 Kelleyi Jolm N 19 i Oct. 20 Knowlton, William D.. 2713 2717 2776 2789 2816 2821 2952 2980 2995 11601 11608 11613 11647 11667 11670 1167) 11674 11676 11697 06601 2702 2703 2707 2718 2724 2727 2758 2790 2797 2813 2819 2840 2856 2858 2864 2868 2875 2878 2884 2947 2954 2956 2984 2988 11.629 11638 11669 11673 11683 11693 11716 11729 2783 2930 3000 2722 2793 2801 2827 2890 11611 11640 11686 11705 11715 2811 2845 2904 2934 2945 2949 2997 11645 11651 11666 11702 11710 11711 11 720 11723 11727 10 Jan. 13 13 Jan. 16 10 Mar. 13 6 Mar. 22 10 Apr. 12 6 pr. 14 11 July 7 8 July 20 16 July 29 Ang. 4 24 Aug. 10 11 Aug. 14 8 Sept. 18 8 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 2 8 Oct. 4 24 Oct. 5 15 Oct. 7 12 Nov. 1 25 Jan. 4 11 Jan. 6 21 Do. 5 Do. 1 Jan. 16 12 Jan. 21 4 Jan. 22 14 Feb. 25 10 Mar. 23 1.6 Mar. 29 10 Apr. 9 21 Apr. 13 26 Apr. 26 8 May 6 11 Do.. 13 May 15 3 May 17 12 May 25 11 May 26 19 May 28 7 May 29 9 July 8 9 July 9 8 July 23 18 July 26 15 Aug. 26 8 Sept. 10 13 Oct. 2 5 Oct. 5 4 Oct. 16 15 Oct. 28 10 Nov. 24 11 Dec. 21 19 Mar. 17 21 June 19 16 Aug. 4 17 Jan. 19 17 Alar. 25 1 Apr. 1 7 Apr. 17 7 Juno 1 12 Aug. 12 26 Sept. 14 18 Oct. 20 6 Nov. 10 10 Nov. 23 16 Apr. 9 9 Apr. 28 5 June 9 7 June 21 11 ! June 26 11 July 1 11 Aug. 2 16 Sept. 17 6 Sept. 22 10 Oct. 1 11 Nov. 2 4 Nov. 16 10 Nov. 17 12 Dec. 3 3 Dec. 11 21 Dec. 18 Do. Apr. 80 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-Boston, Mass. -Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Jan. Lewis, Joseph M.... Lewis, Josiah K. Lewis, Benjamin W Luther, Goo. TV.. Lee, Jonathan C Lynch, Michael T.... Lambert, Enos G Ludlow, Onslow Lundgren, Alfred Lindsey, Fred C. Lydstone, Frederick H. Litchfield, Frank W Leonard, Geo. W. Low, Charles W Leonard, Francis II... Litchfield, Henry H Lovering, Edgar P... Lowell, John S.... McIntosh, Roderick .. McClintock, E.C.... Mooney, James Matheson, William K.. Melvin, Eleazer S... McCully, James J... Moody, Charles F Marr, Frauk H. Morgan, Edwin D... Mitchell, dlonzo L... Mabury, William H.... McQuesten, Frank B Merritt, Daniel C Morrill, Joseph L Maloney, Alexander Morse, John W McKee, John H.. Millin, William E. McGrathi, Wilbur E.. Morrison, George Magee, Jolin, jr McDonald, James Morrill, Geo. H. Morrill, Peter McKinnon, John P.. Morrill, John A.. Maloney, William H... Moulton, Fred. L.... Mereen, Ithamer E.. Means, Geo. F.. Megathlin, Josiah P... Morrison, Charles H... Nickerson, Isaiah.. Nickerson, Theodore ... Nickerson, Geo. W.. Nickerson, Joshua S Nutter, Goo. E. Nichols, Albert F.. Nickerson, William H.. Nye, William E.. Neilson, N. Peter. Nickerson, Oscar C. Nugent, John. Newcomb, Hezekiah Olson, Charles O Osborn, Charles B O'Brien, Michael J Odiorno, Levi L. Olson, Charles O Oliver, Geo. W Ober, Albert Ornellas, Geo. W Palmer, Julius A Pierce, Geo. (.. Pittee, Albert F. Peak. John A. Paine, Atkins. Proctor, William B. Paine, Edward E Pruett, John H Parker, William. Proctor, William H Perry, William B 2744 2751 2759 2788 2822 2824 2844 2898 2901 2961 2981 2986 11603 11605 11644 11656 11704 11707 2714 2735 2740 2746 2748 2757 2768 2798 2831 2843 2853 2876 2880 2889 2910 2921 2938 2953 2957 2966 2968 11617 11625 11635 11646 11648 11655 11665 1166S 11680 11682 11692 2766 2780 2800 2817 2862 2888 2965 2979 11615 11658 11681 11730 2730 2745 2756 2782 2903 2906 2964 11610 2723 2726 2760 2763 2784 2818 2861 2874 2885 2917 2924 8 Feb. 11 Pierce, Marcus W 10 Feb. 18 Putnam, Charles H 8 Feb. 25 Pitcher, Joseph W 9 Mar. 20 Perkins, Charles L.... 9 Apr. 15 Pilchard, William S Apr. 16 Peterson, Christian. 11 Apr. 28 Pierce, Edward A. 15 June 5 Park, Joseph H.. 23 June S Phillips, Jóhu 5 July 13 Quinn, William E.. 12 July 20 Ricketson, Elias M ... 13 July 24 Ryan, Nicholas J 24 | Aug. 5 Rubelli, Rudolph 16 Aug. 9 Rogers, Nathan F. 25 Sept. 17 Rool, Ezra C.. 12 Sept. 23 Kandall, William M 8 Nov. 6 Rathbun, Walter L 9 Nov. 12 Rand, Leonard L.. 5 Jan. 13 Ross, William A. 17 Feb. 2 Riley, Joseph C.. 23 Feb. 5 Richardson, John B.... 4 Feb. 15 Ranlett, Geo. T 14 Do. Rich, Caleb L.. 10 Feb. 24 Rich, Albert W 16 Mar. 6 Rand, Albert 8 Mar. 31 Rathbun, Alexander J 6 Apr. 20 Ross, John C. 7 Apr. 28 Robinson, Frank S.. 22 May 3 Robinson, Russell D.. 8 May 25 Ritchie, Robert A.. 1 May May 26 Sawyer, John F. 7 June 1 Swall, Adin C.. 17 June 11 Small, Nathaniel T 8 Juno 16 Small, Cbarles E.. 10 June 22 | Smith, Collin .. 25 July 8 Smith, John H.. 16 | July 9 Sundberg, Adolph 11 July 16 Scaife, Henry B.. 13 Do. Sampson, William H. 5 Aug. 19 Suow. George A 12 Aug. 25 Smith, Charles F.. 13 Sept. 1 Smith, Abiel C.... 7 Sept. 18 Stedman, Frederick W. 20 Sept. 20 Snow, Ephraim A. 9 Sept. 23 Swall, Eldridge F. 8 Oct. 1 Stone, Martin V. B... 16 Oct. 2 Swin, Benjamin 16 Oct. 11 Stubbs, Charles M. 9 Oct. Oct. 14 Smith, William M 5 Oct. 26 Staples, Charles F 24 Mar. 6 Sorensen, Alfred.. 12 Mar. 16 Spinney, Leslie A.. 13 Apr. 1: Stickney, Geo. E... 13 Apr. 12 Stubbs, Reuben L... 14 May 14 Studley, Geo. E.. 8 May 29 Spaulding, Nelson 3. | July 14 Swift, William E 8 July 20 Sirovich, Louis G 16 Aug. 16 Small. Arnold o 5 Sept. 24 Smith, John. 25 Oct. 13 Strahan, Geo. R 7 Dec. 22 Sparks, Irving 3 Jan. 23 Sylvia, William D. 7 Feb. 13 Sampson, Eben I... 10 Feb. 24 Smitu, Donald C... 19 Mar. 17 Sparrow, William C... 9 June 9 Sirasey, William M... 19 June 10 Sherlock, Edward. 17 July 14 Slocum, Joseph R.. 8 Aug. 11 Stinson, Oliver L.. 4 Jan. 19 Stinson, Hardy L 11 Jan. 22 Tarlton, William B.. 7 Feb. 20 Thompson, Walter S. ... 9 Mar. 2 Thompson, Cyrus A 8 Mar. 18 Thompson, Enoch C. 3 Apr. 13 Torrey, Frank. 6 May 12 Taylor. John S. 9 May 22 Thompson, Frank C.. 11 May 28 Tallon, Nicholas C. 9 June 14 Trott, Lincoln C.. 4 June 16 Tilton. J. Frank. 2944 2972 2976 2985 11624 11639 11650 11688 11721 2935 2706 2715 2719 2739 2754 2771 2777 2810 2823 2846 2857 2867 2883 2908 2919 2920 2939 2941 2977 11637 2708 2711 2725 2743 2752 2767 2774 2775 2794 2802 2832 2835 2841 2851 2852 2865 2871 2892 2899 2909 2912 2922 2925 2927 2928 2960 2989 2996 11618 11622 11631 11634 11843 11649 11652 11675 11678 11700 11701 11708 11719 2736 2795 2828 2833 2860 2905 291.5 2932 2950 2962 17 June 26 9 July 17 12 July 19 7 July 24 11 dug. 25 6 Sept. 10 19 Sept. 22 1 Oct. 20 15 | Dec. 4 9 June 21 8 Jan. 6 Jan. 14 8 Jan. 16 7 Feb. Feb. 5 6 Feb. 23 9 Mar. 10 17 Mar. 15 6 Apr. 6 5 Apr. 15 15 Apr. 29 1 May 9 23 May 17 5 May 27 16 June 10 25 June 15 10 Do. 10 June 22 2 June 24 12 July 19 13 Sept. 10 3 Jan. 6 8 9 1 Jan, 22 4 Feb. 10 4 4 Feu. 18 11 Mai. 6 7 Mar. 12 3 Do. 24 Mar. 27 1 Apr. 1 5 | Apr. 21 10 Apr. 22. 21 Mar. 26 7 May 1 8 May 3 7 May 15 5 May 20 S June 2 10 June 6 10 June 11 6 June 12 6 June 16 10 Do. 8 Do. 10 Do. 9 July 13 20 | July 26 24 | Ang. 2 21 | Aug. 19 15 Aug. 24 6 Aug. 27 9 Aug. 28 9 Sept. 17 1 Sept. 20 10 Sept. 22 2 Oct. 6 25 Oct. S 9 Nor. 1 13 | Nov. 3 9 Nor. 15 10 Dec. 3 9 Feb. 2 14 Mar. 27 11 apr. 17 9 pr. 21 9 May 11 13 June 9 16 June 14 19 June 19 6 July 2 17 | July 13 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, 31 Musters and pilots licensed Boston, Mass.-Continued. Nane. No. of No. of: Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of; Date of license. issue. issue. Titcomb, Edwin A... Thompson, Martin E. Taylor, George.. Tbatcher, Peleg Trevorgy, Solomon J.. Thwing, Chester M... Upton, Colcorch Veeder, John J Waters. James. Wyman, Albert G Wade, Abbott F Wing, Clarence M Wiley, Daniel W. Webber. Geo. W. 2999 11616 11653 11657 11661 11679 2729 11632 2704 2721 2741 2796 2799 2872 9 Aug. 3 3 dug. 18 23 Sept. 23 5 Sept. 24 10 Sept. 27 18 Oct. 11 16 Jan. 23 9 Aug. 28 11 Jan. 6 13 Jan. 18 15 Heb. 9 13 Mar. 27 23 Mar. 31 10 May 21 Wentworth, Cbas. W.. Wooster, Hiram E.. Wadman, Thomas T Wheeler, John A. 1r oodman, Geo. F.... Williams, Edward d... Webster, Ila S.. Wilson, Charles O. Whitney, Alfred C. Warner, Stephen J Wiley, Warren F Wilkie, William J Young, Ebenezer S.... 2895 2897 2936 29410 2943 2969 11602 11628 11659 11672 11085 11696 2848 11 June 3 14 June 5 10 Jupe 21 17 June 23 18 June 25 17 July 17 9 aug. 5 7 dug. 26 26 Sept. 27 13 Oct. 4 (ct. 18 10 Nov. 1 22 May 1 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Boston, Mass. Anthony, Alfred H Brown, Charles M... Birmingham, Thomas. Batson. Edward O Bragdon, Edward E.... Bockmann, Frederick.. Cowing, TVilliam E... Corbin, Geo. H.. Clancy, Patrick J.. Calver, Isaac Cash, William J Ford, Stephen G Greenlaw, John G 804 824 8:34 855 861 869 818 859 870 972 885 843 825 1 Jan. 19 S Apr. 10 7 Alay 11 9 July 8 9 July 16 9 Aug. 18 1 Mar. 11 9 July 14 14 Aug. 28 4 Sept. 3 1 Nov. 13 10 June 10 1 Apr. 14 Kenner, Henry M. Lyman, Charles. Lawman, Jobu C. K.... Much, J. Howard Mills, Charles E.. McNamara, James E.. MCMalin, Michael D... McCarthy, Cornelius Macaulay, Alexander.. Nordblom, Ernst T.. Ramsay, Robert Smith, Gilbert F Tucker, James.. 880 801 842 805. 814 826 846 860 887 849 837 830 839 9 Oct. 6 2 Jan. 6 5 June 8 4 Jan. 23 1 Mar. 4 7 Apr. 17 5 June 15 25 July 16 3 Nov. 17 9 July 1 6 May 14 17 Apr. 28 20 May 22 Jates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Boston, Mass. 1 811 813 816 822 802 836 8.15 854 864 866 889 856 8:38 6 Fob. 23 j i Mar. 2 11 Mar. 9 8 Apr. 1 6 I J 211. 6 6 May 13 7 June 12 26 July 8 23 July 23 7 Ang. 5 6 Nov. 29 4 July 9 21 July 10 i Sept. 9 Abbott, Delvin L.. Allams, Charles F Atkins, Berjamin T Anderson, Oscar E. Brown, Alfred O. Bruning, Herman.. Burke. John H.. Bradstreet, Charles E.. Brown, Joseph D.. Baker, Manilius Brown, allen Crowell, Lucas H.. Crehani, Mark A Cunla, Antonio Preira da Cook, Emerson D Davidson. Ellward B... Dauiols, Geo. ! Eaton, Walter S Eldridge. Frank L. Farnham, Edward E... Gaillac. Louis I Geldart, John W. Hone, Theodore.... Herriman, Ferdinand I Huber, Emil E.... Hansen, Jobanves. Hollyrooil. Geo. I. Harper. Nelson A. Hardiny. William. Hopkius, James P. Ingalls, Warren M. Jeirell, Willie F.. Johnson, Frank M. 867 873 840) 884 838 865 821 835 8-18 816 820 823 827 833 847 862 878 S08 810 828 15 Aug. 13 4 O May 22 2 Nov. 6 8 May 21 S Aug. 5 2 Mar. 27 9) May 12 June 26 3 Feb. 2 6 DIar. 16 7 1 9 May 6 5 Julie 24 6 July 17 9 Oct. 6 Tel). 10 S Feb. 20 6 Apr. 23 Jolinson, John Jenkins, Joseph H Jensen, James .. Kilbani, Arthur E. Karston, Paul G. Kelley, Isaac B Kemp, Charles F... Kellogy, David Lavender, Robert S.. Laurers, Harry Laman, Solien a d.. Lauriat, (ieo. R... McFarland, Elmer E... Mitchell, Cyrus W... McKinnon, John T.... McCarthy, Thomas Manerloft, Fred. J... Monteiro, John R... Nelson, Lars P.. Nickerson. Dean S... Nortou, fransk V. O'Neil, Williar.. Perkins. James M. Peterson, frank. Parow, Christopher W Riley, Timothy F Stinson, Alexander. Safrino, Marseleno.... Sinithi, William H. Townsend, William G. Thompson, William G. Torner, Dennis. Wing, Curtis A... Whittemore, James L. 831. 857 892 832 852 875 893 894 803 853 883 890 844 851 868 876 88) 886 812 817 850 829 809 879 888 89] 807 819 882 815 841 874 871 877 41 May 3 12 | July 10 6 Dec. 27 8 May 4 7 July 7 7 Sept. 21 6 Dec. 28 8 Dec. 29 7 Jan. 7 14 | July 8 9 Oct. 26 2 Dec. 11 7 Junie 12 15 | July 7 2 cuy. 16 17 Sept. 27 1 Oct. 11 3 Nov. 13 3 Feb. 27 5 MLar. 3 10 July 6 14 Apr. 27 6 Feb. 12 10 Oct. 4 7 Nov. 17 9 Dec. 21 Feb. 8 9 Mar. 12 5 (ct. 20 2 Mar. S 7 May 22 S Sept. 13 9 Sept. 2 9 Oct. 1 Apr. 7 pr. 17 11 1 57__6 82 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Loslon, Mass. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. l'irst-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con- tinuoul. 1172 1179 1125 1165 1173 1115 1127 1129 1147 13 Sept. 14 6 Nov. 6 5 Mar. 31 10 | Aug. 6 4 Sept. 22 9 Mar. 1 3 Apr. 5 10 Apr. 22 11 June 12 Animelin, C. Robert.. Alley, Thomas H. Anderson, William L.. Anazeen, John W Blair', Benjanıiu F. Brown, Frank Bailey, Edwin E... Burgess, Everett B Buftum, Benjamin Brown, William H.. Bartlett, Oriu C... Blachford, Arthur E. P Babb, Alexander B Batty, William C Buckley, William.. Crocker, William H. Coulter, Charles M Case, Benjamin F Conway, Philip D Cleaveland, Daniel H.. Crowell, Clarence Cox, Charles H. S.. Conorer, David A Cragin, Thomas D Cooper, Charles C. Cooper, Thomas Davis, Timothy. Duncan. Cliarles F. Davis, Everett V..... Driscoll, Cornelius J... Eldridge, Arthur E.. Elliot, Rufus... Frisbee, Benjamin R. Freeman, Perry D Gainey, William F. Gardner, David C.. Holden, Amos F Hatch. Benjamin F Higgins, Cyrus Howes, Valter E Jackson, John W Lewis, Arthur G... Labolin, John F Lavender, Robert M. Learsou, Richard J McGray, William H.. Morrill, John E.... McKee, Charles S.. McCarthy, Dennis Mauter. Owen S.... Nickerson, Louis G. Nelson, William ... Nickerson, Charles A. Olsen, Juliu M Price, James C. Prout, John R Porter, William H H. Perry, James E... Patterson, kverett.. Phelps, Charles d.. Pettingill, William J.. Paquet, George Z Perkins, Jannes. Rowe, Frank.. Roix, Williani A. Roberts, Edwarıl... Richarrison, John H.. Ross, Joseph.. Smith, Geo. A... Swift, Sylvanus F Sullivan, Rogor. Smith, Nathan L... Slocum, Henry M. Siinpson, Geo. F. Sears, Roger W. Sears, Janies F Smith, Benjamin J. Sears, Eben W.... 1150 1157 1159 1176 1:08 1123 1139 1140 1146 1155 1148 1163 11.71 1175 1177 1119 1130 1132 1134 1137 1142 1145 1162 1166 1 169 1182 1113 1161 11844 1187 1113 1167 1138 1151 1111 1153 1107 1116 1055 1185 1103 1117 112 1144 1160 1128 1136 1143 1168 1181 1101 1102 1131 1110 1104 1105 1106 1141 1152 1174 1178 1183 1186 1109 1133 1149 1156 1180 1114 1118 1120 1121 1124 1126 1135 1158 1164 1170 5 June 29 Sargent, Frank W 6 July 14 Small, Frank B 17 | July 19 Thompson, Geo. A 19! Oct. 14 Thompson, John E.... 5 Jan. 19 Ulvedal, Richard Lee.. 1 Mar. 23 West., Nehemiah F..... 7 Mar 18 Webster, Ned. M 6 Do. Tatts, Thonias J 9 June 11 Whitney, William 5 July 10 13 i June 14 Second-class pilots. 9 Aug 3 5 Sept. 14 Amory, Arthur 24 Oct. 1 Alentson. Peter. 12 | Oct. 19 Acorn. Charles E... 10 Mar. 12 Auderson. Charles A. 2 A pr. 22 ddanis, William B 14 May 3 Atkins, William T.... 9 May 5 Breen, Janies.) 11, May 11 Berins, Joshua W 4 May 22 Blunck, Cliristian. 3 June 10 Baker, Burrett B 3 July 31 Beck, Gep. L... 13 dng9 Beam, Jolin C.... 7 Sept. 10 Blooper, Nelson F... 3 Nor. 17 Brown, Morgan.. 12 Teb. 19 Burnham, Xenophon W 16 July 27 Brown, John P... 10 | Nov. 30 Burgess, Henry S. 9 Dec. 20 Barrett, Arthur C 15 Feb. 12 Bradley. Charles H 10 Aug. 18 Brown, Geo. F. 8 May 13 Brittain. William 4 June 29 Barry, William F 10 Tel. 8 Brown, Andrei C 5 July 8 Badger, Solon B... 6 Jan. 18 Bowden, Benjamin F 1 Mar. 1 Broughton, Henry E 5 July 12 Chase, Ira B.. 7 Dec. 1 Cunningham, Milford T. 17 Jan. 8 Collins, Joseph W 16 Mar. 3 Carrigan, James M 15 Mar. 22 Crowell, Elijah N.. S „Јцве 3 Craig, Dexter E.. 4 Jnly 20 Cook, Williain.. 10 Apr. 17 Caslı, Stillman C.. 7 May 10 Collins, Michael... 11 May 27 Cole, Lorenzo B... 8 Aug. 25 Cobb, Arthur L. 5 Nov. 9 ('orcoran, James F... 6 Jan, . 8 Cutter, William O 7 Do. Cargill, William F.... 3 May 1 Coprog, Morris F. 5 Feb. 1 Chatto, Ralph... 3 Jan. 11 Chase, H. Clinton. 2 Do. Crorell, TVillian (.... 11 Jan. 13 Campbell, Stephen S. 7 May 22 Coolidge. John B... 7 July 3 Daris, Everett B.... 9 Sept. 28 Dexter, Thomas A.... 12 Nov. 3 Davidson, John).. 4 No. 22 Donovan, James 16 Dec. 7 De Coursey, John J 9 Jan. 25 Douglass, Samuel C.... 14 May 3 Douglass, T. Henry G.. 9 June 21 | Donaldson. William H 7 | July 13 Douglase, Herman F... 14 Nov. 6 Danielson, Charles.. 12 Tel). 24 Eldridge, Cyrus A 12 Mar. 12 Fuller, Eugene.. 10 Mar. 17 Foote, Frauk A.. 4 Mar. 20 | Ford. John E.. 9 Mar. 29 Fletcber. Lorenzo, jr. 11 Apr. 5 Farrell, Engh... 16 May 8 Gan, Paul D... 9 July 15 Graeme, Frederick 14 | Aug 4 Gerry, SyIranus B.. 4 Sept. 11 Gardner, Jolin J. 1103 1118 1125 119] 1197 1205 1106 1116 1119 1141 1149 1165 1182 1195 1224 1229 1230 1256 1266 1290 6107 6109 6149 6167 6188 1303 1117 1126 1134 1135 1154 1235 1247 1273 1280 1281 1291 1295 6103 6125 6129 6159 6179 61821 0200 1304 1147 1200 12381 6102 6130 6174 6183 6186 13 Jan. 8 3 Jan. 22 10 Feb. 4 7 May 11 4 Mar 17 5 May 18 1 Jan. 9 8 Jan. 21 6 Jan. 27 5 Mar. 8 6 Mar. 22 10 Apr. 17 1 May 3 13 May 15 6 June 4 3 June 7 6 Do. 1 Juie 26 10 July 2 10 July 19 11 July 29 12 July 30 6 Sept. 16 8 Oct. 8 5 Nov. 11 6 Dec. 11 4 Jan. 22 4 | Feb. 16 10 Tel. 23 3 Tel. 25 13 Apr. 3 3 June 12 5 June 22 8 July 7 16 July 12 5 Do. 5 July 20 2 July 23 10 July 26 12 Aug. 19 5 Aug. 25 5 Oct. 1 4 Oct. 23 4 Oct. 26 8 Dec. 2 10 Dec. 14 9 Mar. 19 4 | May 17 1 June 15 8 8 July 26 2 Aug. 26 18 Oct. 14 14 Oct. 29 44 Nov. 4 14 Nov. 16 3 Nov. 17 3 Dec. 18 6 Jan. 11 16 Mar. 8 20 July 1 9 July 15 9 Dec. 3 2 Jan. 16 8 May 22 6 June 25 41 July 17 61901 6191 į 1308 1108 1139 1262 1285 1301 1111 , 12101 1252 1279 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 83 Pilots licensed— Boston, Mass.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Secondl-class pilots- Continued. 12 lia:), Allen 1 Second-class pilots- Continued. Gil Mies, John H. L.. .. Hathaway, Alex. J. Hopkins, Martin N... Harwood, T. T. Hunter Hall, Lester G. Hansen, Carl J Haskell, John W.. Haley, Williani Hardy, Anson H. Haskell, Edgar y. Hills, John M. Hutchins, Frank I.. Heberle, Charles. Herring. Ottoway L. B. Hallett, Benjamin 0.. Hopkins, Frank K. Hoyt. Thomas B... Joseph, John F... Kenney, Amon F.... Kevin,"Thomas Kendrick, Herbert E Kemp). Joseph I. Kierstead, Geo. E.. Linnekin, Osborn P.... Lewis, Albert F Lynch, Joseph J Lord, James E Loring, William R. Locke, Francis.. McHngh, Janies McCarthy, Denis Miller, Alexander Martin, Henry Marcial, John B.. Mullius, John W McLarren, Robert P Montgomery, Blynn C. McGlinn, Edwin A. McLain, Geo. R.. McKinnon, William... Manter, Arthur C... McLean, Obadiah R.... Meehan, Charles B... McKenna,(eo. W.T McCornick, Vincent... Mooney, James L.. McKenzie, Geo. C.... Ierrill, Henry T Middleton, John J Nickerson, Melville L Norcross, Alvin C Nugent, Charles B. Norcross, Mary A. Nevin, George Naslund, Bernhard Orchard, Frank Pierce, John F... Petterson, Charles A .. Powers, David H Pruett, Frank S... Ponieroy, Andrew J... Paine, Isaac R... Pingree, Henry E Richardson, Willian J. Russell, James.. Richards, Jolin J Rosc, Napoleon B. Ross. Smith A. Rose, Anthony F Rich, Ander 0 Ross, Moses. Small, William G Swim, dvary Sawyer, Geo. w. Swim, Josiah N Swim, Andrew L Seitert, Geo. M... 6178 1105 1143 1144 1150 1161 1208 1221 1227 1265 1297 6104 6136 6137 6139 614S 6158 6198 1204 1110 1190 1186 1236 6119 1269 1270 1292 6138 6176 6187 1114 1136 1146 1148 1151 1158 1160 1174 1216 1231 1945 1257 1258 1277 1288 1294 6112 6162 6166 6181 1217 1234 1268 1282 6133 6177 1183 1124 1140 1178 1211 1250 6157 6195 1145 1167 1192 1253 1 267 6172 6184 1307 1107 1120 1122 1127 1129 1130 Oct. 23 Small, Horace C.. 6 Jan. 9 Small, Gilmore H.. 8 Mar. 3 Smitli, Albert. 5 Mar. 11 Stulbs, Fred... 9 Mar. 25 Stubbs, Joseph A. 3 Apr. 12 Smith, William 6 May 20 Sawyer, Geo. E 14 Jutue 2 Smith, Edvin 11 12 June 7 Sinnott, Charles F 5 July 2 Swim, Michael.. 7 July 24 Stebbins, Nathaniel L. 6 July 27 Swini, Herbert I 6 Ang. 30 Smith. Thomas 6 Sept. 1 Simpson, Albert C 15 Sept. 3 Smith, Peter K 14 Sept. 13 Smith, Henry W. 1 Sept. 29 Spur, Albert 1 S Nov. 26 Smith, Manley S 6 May 18 Swain, Albert F 2 Jai. 15 Sullival, Benjamin F.. 11 Apr. 26 Smith, Jerome V.. 2 May 10 Smith, Henry R 4 June 14 Spragna, Geo. H 9 Aug. 9 Stevens, Benjamin W.. 15 July 3 Smith, Albert.. 8 July 6 Swin, John L.. 4 July 22 Tucker, Philip B S Sept. 3 Tucker, Thomas 9 Oct. 16 Tbilly, Jolizi. 16 Nov. 6 Trohan, Ferbert W.. 5 Jan. 18 Taylor, Johu D 2 Mar. 2 Towne, H. Warren.. G Mar. 15 Thomas, Jason H.. 14 Mar. 22 Watson. Nathan B...: 6 Mar. 27 Wennerberg, Erlward B 7 Apr. 7 Wixon, Edward B... 3 Apr. 12 Walters. Geo. F 8 Apr. 27 Wickett, William J.... 5 May 26 Woon, Robert M... 2 June 7 Wilkinson, Charles d.. 13 June 19 Weed, Burton O 1 June 26 Webster, Alfred C. 4 Juno 29 Young, Geo. L 17 July 10 Zinck, Geo. B 2 July 19 3 July 23 Special pilots. 9 Aug. 5 1 Oct. 2 Armstrong, Chas. F.G. 6 Oct. 8 Agassiz, Maximilian. 9 Oct. 25 Agassiz, Alexander. 9 May 28 Armstrong, Geo. E. W 12 June 11 Atwood, Timothy A 3 July 3 Brown, Arthur L 7 July 12 Bater, Edward V 4 July 28 Babb, Frauk J.. 2 Oct. 19 Bowker, Frank 10 May 5 Belcher, Alvah L 9 Feb. 2 Craig, C.D..... 7 Mar. S Conwell, R. Eugene 5 | May 1 Christiansen, Fera. T.. 9 May 24 Cooper, Joel T 4 Do. Cole, Harrison I 4 Sept. 27 Coffill, Daniel W 9 Nov. 19 | Cowin, J. Nelson. 1 Mar. 15 Cross, Joseph A 9 Apr. 21 Clark, Edward S. 15 1 Mar 12 Davies, Orel E.. 6 Juie 26 Dickey, Goo. A 2 July 3 Davies, Ldward E. 5 Oct. 13 : Doyle, John... 17 Nov. 1 Ellis, Sylvester 3 Dec. 17 Everbeck. Gorbam H.. 5 | Jan. 11 Erskine, Frank B... 6 Jan. 25 Fuller, James V. 2 Jan, 27 Farrell, Beruhard M 1 Feb. 16 Tary', Herbert M. 7 Feb. 18 Foster, Collins C 2 Feb. 19 : Foster, C. E. V.. 1152 1155 1164 1169 1175 1184 1193 1202 1222 1233 1240 6136 6141 6143 6145 6147 6150 6153 6163 6164 6165 6171 6173 6192 6193 1302 6131 6142 6185 6199 1305 1306 1310 1142 1162 1207 1215 1218 1249 6113 6161 6189 1137 1113 1 Mar. 29 10 spr. 5 9 Apr. 16 16 Apr. 24 9 Apr. 30 E May 6 15 May 13 9 May 18 7 June 2 2 June 10 8 June 16 5 Aug. 30 4 Sept. 7 5 Sept. 9 9 Sept. 10 14 Sept. 11 2 Sept. 17 10 Sept. 21 9 Oci. 2 3 Oct. 6 6 Oct. 7 3 Oct. 13 4 Oct. 14 7 Nov. 17 3 Nov. 18 16 Dec. 11 13 Aug. 26 11 Sept. 9 3 Nov. 1 3 Nov. 29 9 Dec. 15 10 Dec. 16 3 Dec. 29 2 Feb. 8 6 Apr. 15 12 May 19 9 May 25 6 May 28 4 June 23 5 Aug. 5 3 Oct. 1 11 Nov. 16 1 Dlar. 2 1 Jan. 16 Jan. 1276 1298 6110 6117 6121 1104 1138 1199 6140 6155 1102 1206 1255 1300 6106 6108 6111 6124 6154 1223 1241 1286 6168 1166 1213 1 July 10 8 July 24 22 Aug. ? 1 Aug. 9 6 Aug. 10 4 Jan. 9 1 Mar. 4 2 May 17 2 Sept. 4 2 Sept. 23 4 6 S May 19 1 June 26 5 July 24 2 July 29 10 July 30 3 Aug. 5 3 Aug. 18 7 Sept. 2] 7 June 4 .1 June 16 2 July 16 16 Oct. S 4 Apr. 20 5 May 25 5 May 10 4 Jan. 14 1 Feb. 17 3 Apr. Apr. 6 6 A pr. 27 31 June 7 ) 11881 1109 : 1128 1156 1173 1228 84 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed— Boston, Mass.-Continued. Name: No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. | No. of No. of | Date of license. issue. issue. Special pilots-Cout'a. pr. 22 May 13 تن دمم : Special pilots-Cont'd. Fitzgerald, Thomas J.. Fernald, Albert C.. Foster, John C.. Grant, Jolin J Garraway, John Goldsmith, Simon Gay, Elmer I.... Getchell, Sarah E.... Getchell, Elmer E... Hutclings, Geo. H. Higgins, Freeman Harding, Walter E.... Holtz, Emil Hughes, Patrick J.. Hammond, Charles F.. Harringtou, Corneli's F Holmes, Pelles E.. Hall. Frederic D Hanson, Irvin C Hodder, James R. Haskins, Geo. H ... Hagman, Edward ... Harwood, Alexander T. Johnson, C. W.. Jones, James G Johnson, William.. Jones, Arthur W.. Jensen, Hans Peter Knight, John M.... Kerrigan, John P Knudson, Bernhard. Loring, George.. Levis, Eugene R... Lewis, John A..... Lyman, Chas. Frederick Lron, Geo. L... Litchfield, Charles I.. Littletield, Charles E... Matthews, John E. Mayua, Albert G. Murphy, James J Morrison, Elmer E. Merrill, Charles H. Methot, Ulderic E. Marston, Frank E. Mathison, John T.. 1284 6115 6123 1168 1214 1274 6101 6122 6197 1115 1121 1132 1133 1194 1203 1219 1254 1275 6120 6151 6170 6194 1311 1131 1172 1278 6126 6127 1289 6132 6169 1101 1159 1176 1225 1232 6152 6156 1153 1185 1243 1244 1203 1271 1272 6128 4 July 15 Meston, Lynau I..... 8 Aug. 6 McCarthy, Dennis T... 12 dur. 14 McNutt, John J 1 Malone, John A. 1 May 25 Nelsou, Eenry E. 5 July 8 Norcross, Ernest F... 4 July 24 Nannery, James 5 Aug. 10 O'Neil, James H. 3 Nov. 23 Phinuey, Toilston T 6 Jan. 18 Pratt, Albert W 1 Jan. 27 Pierce, William E.. 3 Feb. 23 Pinkham, Edward H 2 Do. Roberts, John H.. 1 Russell, Louis D.. 2 May 18 Robinson, Miner. . 3 May 28 Standley, John F. June 26 Skinner, Charles E 3 July 9 Smith, Arard L. 2 Aug. 10 Sireet, Henry N. 2 Sept. 18 Simmons, Herbert L... 7 Oct. 12 Spear, Walter T... 15 Nor. 17 Simmons, William E. 8 Dec. 29 Swift, William H. 6 Feb. 2: Soule, Wilbert.. 4 A pr. 27 Stickney; Geo.C.. 14 July 12 Smith, Morton. 2 | Aug. 20 Smith, Ephraim. Aug. 21 Stuart, David J. 4 July 19 | Skinner, Willis E. 2 Aug. 27 Thurston, Frank W... 6 Oct. 11 Taylor, Geo. B.. 3 Jan. 6 Thayer, Winthrop 1 Timson, David T 8 Day 1 Thompson, Geo. W .. 1 June 5 Toby, William L. 2 June 8 Thurston, Fred. L... 12 Sept. 20 Whitney, Richard S.. 2 Sept. 25 Woodmani. William. 1 Apr. 2 Weatherbee, Benj. H 4 May 8 Wittenliazen, John 11 Juuie 19 Warren, Wilbur. 1 Do. Whitman, George.. 5 July 1 Ward well, Geo. A... # July 7 Whitmarsh, Samuel E. 3 Do. Wall, Ariel C.... 3 Aug. 23 6134 6146 6175 6180 1226 1259 1299 1187 1112 1209 1251 1283 1201 1264 1287 1123 1157 1171 1190 1196 1198 1212 1220 1237 1260 1261 1296 6114 6144 1177 1181 1239 1248 1293 6105 6116 1163 1180 1189 1242 1246 6118 6160 6196 1309 2 Aug. 30 3 Sept. 10 6 Oct. 14 9 Oct. 23 1 June 7 3 June 29 5 July 24 5 May 10 3 Jan. 16 4 May 21 7 June 24 2 July 13 3 May 18 5 July 2 5 July 16 8 Keb. 2 7 Apr. 7 2 spr. 26 3 May 11 1 May 17 8 Do. 4 May 24 11 Julie 1 3 June 15 11 July 1 8 Do. 5 July 24 1 Auy. 5 4 Sept. 10 8 May 1 7 May 3 2 June 16 2 June 23 4 July 22 7 July 27 1 Aug. 7 1 Apr. 16 1 May 1 7 May 10 4 June 18 4 June 22 15 Aug. 9 1 Oct. 1 9 Nov. 20 10 Dec. 27 # ! Apr. 10 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Boston, Mass May 20 Baker, William F. Binley: William, jr. Blatchford, David Brown), Gilman V. Balconib, Frank Conley, William F. Cassens, Thomas F... Chase, Fred. W. Cacy, Samuel B Calder, Eugene Dimock, podley V ... Dalton. Charles F.. Doyle, Thomas F Edwards, Marlison. Eaton, Howaril Francis, Everett W... Faulkuer, Walter 0... Folsoni, Joliu T Groeschner, A. H. T. Gay, Ellis B Grant, Elmer E.. Heiutzelman. Sig Huey, Jason P.. Hibbard. Ellerr C. Hurd, Albert W Elird, Francis J Jerauld, Ensigu C 253 254 258 266 2053 264 270 275 292 2052 289 300 2054 256 299 263 274 294 237 282 295 251 252 259 273 276 277 5 Mar. 30 1 Apr. 17 7 May 8 2 June 2 10 Oct. 22 1 ! Jure 1 3 June 16 1 June 17 4 dug. 24 5 Sept. 18 2 Aug. 14 5 Sept. 15 6 Nov. 11 10 May 1 6 Sept. 14 1 May 27 1 June 19 1 Sept. 3 7 May 7 3 July 17 1 Sept. of 3 Jan. 11 4 Jan. 13 3 May 14 4 June 19 3 June 22 3 June 24 Kemble, Parker L Kervin, Frank W Kraus, Florman \V... Lewis, Isaac W.. Lewis, Edward R... McDonnell, Jeremiah B McGraw, Walter E.. Macomber, Charles W. Mead, Charles H.. Manglan, Joseph B. ... Meliram, William A. Nolan, Florence.. O'Neil, Jolin C.. Pine, Thomas K Perkins, Lorenzo D Packarl, Henry F Phinuey, Frank F Perssoni, Otto F Rich, David B... Rogers, Elenry Ernest. Rand, Hllis G.. Rio, Graciano.. Small, William G Stratton, Henry C Smitli, Harrison w Watson, Thomas A Young, Henry G. 255 265 267 260 278 261 281 283 291 296 298 288 285 268 287 293 297 2051 262 269 284 2055 271 272 280 279 290 1 Apr. 24 1 June 1 2 Jue 3 9 May 15 1 Julie 26 4 1 July 8 3 July 20 3 dng. 20 1 Septı . 4 3 Sept. 8 6 Aug. 5 2 July 23 10 June 5 2 Any: 4 6 Sept. 2 6 Sept. 7 1 Sept. 5 3 May 25 1 Julie 11 2 July 21 61 Nov. 16 1 June 18 2 June 19 4 June 28 1 Do. 2 Aug. 16 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 85 8 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Boston, Mass. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Ohief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (ocean)- Continued. 35 22 16 Amory, Arthur.. Alexander, William S.. Andersou, Alexander.. Anderson, Burnside... Abbott, William S.... Arkebauer, Jesse 0 Akroyd, James H... Ames, Frank J Brooks, Fred C Blaiscell, William M.. Boiren, Horace C Barber, Edward M Bradford, Fred. S. Berwick, William. Bromley, Herbert W Bucknam. Charles H. Brudley, Parker S. Baker, alberto Bailey, Fren. c. Bremner, Alexander F. Bell, William E... Ball, Freil. M. Ballard, Edwin V.. Bucknam, Samuel E... Brown, Henry F... Bass, J. Warren. Brooks, Edward d. Bean, Cecil N Cree, Duncan Chapman, Tbomas Chalker, James H. Crawford, William Currier, John A. Coitin, Ulysses S Chambers, Michael A. Collius. Lewis. Cummin, John C: Cain, John. Cragin, Thomas D Crowell, George F.... Cunningham, Mich'l F Colson, William G Cook, John T... Cook, William Currie, Henry Demott, Rufus S. Dobbie, Jolin Doyle, Andrew S Dalbow, Samuel B Davis, Libbeus S. Desjardins, Ernest A. Delaney, John H. Daniel, Francis Day, Frank L.. Day, Horatio A.. Emery, Lowell M .. Evans, Geo. A Ellis, James A Estabrook, Jolin L.. Fisber, Howard i Farrar, Preston W... Flint, Warren B Fish, William T Frost, Nataniel N.. Ferguson, Charles Fraser, Robert A Foist, William F... Folsom, Joseph L.... Farnbam, William C Fowles, John F. Folsom, Geo. V. Gutterson, Wilbur T.. Gilkey, James A. Gillias, James H Gerry, James S. Gibbs, Geo. E Gummer, Edward J Gerting, William Garland, Charles F. Gilman, William M.... 2714 ..2763 2856 2866 2898 2992 30-13 3049 2728 2729 2737 2748 2757 2768 · 2793 2807 2808 2814 2838 2917 2918 2928 2947 3000 3013 3020 3031 3051 2717 2734 2754 2769 2901 2817 2897 2912 2937 2943 2950 2963 2962 2965 2972 2983 3030 2715 2790 2794 2818 2865 2884 2989 3021 3039 3044 2852 2859 2923 3050 2747 2771 2774 2796 2847 2850) 2857 2873 2921 2927 295 i 2968 2708 2730 2791 2821 2842 28-13 2854 2011 3012 13 Jan. 8 Graut, James W 6 Mar. 15 Hutchinsou, Martin V. 17 May 27 Hayes, David K... 8 June 4 Hawthorn, Neil. 8 June 22 Hatch, Crowell E 5 Sept. 18 Hjertqvist, Charles. 8 Dec. 11 Howland, Warren 8 Dec. 21 Heury, John 9 Jan. 21 Hart, Sylvanus D 6 Jan. 23 Hedien, Edward I 9 Feb. S Holmes, Brainard J 6 Feb. 25 Holmes, Robert S 19 Mar. 10 Helms, Samuel J. 8 Mar. 19 Henton, Stephen. 5 Apr. 10 Harden, Hosea... Apr. 23 Eleuchey, Tilliamı 6 Do. Harrison, William E... 15 Apr. 30 Joluson, Charles d... 8 May 17 Jones, Robert E. 4 June 29 Johnson, Charles E 17 June 30 Johuson, Samuel T. 16 July 10 Kohl, William 13 July 31 Kimball, Charles. 15 Sept. 28 Loug, Jeremiah C.. 27 Oct. 20 Lindsay, William J... 6 Oct. 28 Ladrigan, Daniel V 26 Nov, 18 Logan, Robert 7 Dec. 24 Long, Timothy 12 Jan. 11 Lyon, Willis Ë. 6 Jan. 27 Leacli, Frederick I. 12 Mar. 8 Lees, Joseph R 23 Mar. 19 Lane, L. Walter... 22 Apr. 20 Lombard, Charles A... 7 May 1 Lanning, Walter B. 11 Junie 22 Lovering. Edgar P 19 June 28 McMurray, Robert ... 1 July 17 McWillians, Vm. R. 22 July 24 Marshall, Neil.. Ang 9 Murphy, Jolin. 15 Aug. 18 Manuel, George 11 Do). McGregor, Morton 9 Aug. 23 McFadin, Jason O. ... 10 Aug. 31 Marr, Irank H. 9 Sept. 7 Mathesou, Matthew 12 Nov, 17 Marr, Oscar L.. 24 Jan. 8 Miller, Walter M 2 Apr. 10 Miller, Frank 0.. Apr. 12 Malcolin, Charles K.... 28 May 5 MacIntyre, Burpee. 38 June 4 McCausland, John R. 14 June 15 McDonald, Charles E .. 10 Sept. 14 McQuade, John. 10 Nov. 2 McCarty, Turuer E 19 Dec. 7 McLeod. Joliny. 25 Dec. 14 McCulligan, William ... 17 May 25 Norton, Walter S 14 May 28 Norton, Francis M 4 July 2 Nolan, Patrick, 37 Dec. 21 Nelson, Isaac C. 10 Tel. 25 Nichols, Geo. A. 11 Mar. 22 Noble, William H. 12 Mar. 23 Neiman, Nathaniel M 5 Apr. 14 O'Neill, Patrick.. 32 May 21 Oliver, Frank S 11 May 24 Olys, Thomas J 14 May 27 O'Neill, John 20 June 6 Ulys, P. H. 19 July 1 Oliver, Warren P. 7 July 9 Pierce, Nathaniel 25 Aug. 9 Peers, Charles S.. 22 Perkins, William A.. 6 Jan 0 Potter, Charles d... 23 Jan. 25 Paige, Edwarıl C.... 11 Poneroy, AndrerJ... 9 May 6 Pingree, John N 17 May is Percy, Jordan G. 16 Do. Patch, William D... 32 May 26 Preble, llbion P...... 21 June 28 Purrington, William... 15 Oct. 19 Pattee, Charles A... 3045 · 2704 2719 2739 2773 2824 2895 2896 2900 2939 2956 2961 2969 2993 3001 3022 3032 2864 2930 2988 2909 2849 3042 2740 2715 2761 2831 2853 2967 2879 2925 2932 2976 2997 3023 2705 2725 2733 2746 2764 2772 2777 2792 2826 2829 2840 2869 2940 2970 2975 2984 3004 3017 3040 3046 2703 2716 2779 2839 2814 2875 2941 2712 2815 2833 2908 3008 3024 2726 2735 2766 2799 2863 2903 2914 2937 2942 2945 2966 2904 15 Dec. 14 23 Jan. 5 12 Jan, 12 3 Feb. 11 9 Mar. 22 8 May 10 30 June 21 35 June 22 16 June 23 15 July 21 29 Aug. 12 27 Aug. 13 26 Aug. 27 Sept. 18 14 Oct. 1 15 Nov. 3 10 Nov. 18 15 June 4 13 July 10 22 Sept. 14 32 June 26 7 May 22 13 Dec. 11 9 Feb. 12 2 Feb. 18 9 Mar. 13 2 Mar 14 8 May 25 17 June 5 15 June 10 16 July 6 7 July 12 8 Sept. 3 13 Sept. 24 13 Nov. 3 12 Jan. 5 6 Jan. 18 4 Jan. 27 9 Feb. 24 6 Alar. 16 15 Mar. 22 8 Mar. 29 18 Apr. 10 9 May 11 25 Mas 13 15 May 17 5 June 4 23 July 23 5 Aug. 27 34 | Sept. 1 28 Sept. 8 17 Oct. 2 17 Oct. 23 9 Dec. 9 17 Dec. 17 4 | Jan. 5 13 Jan. 8 9 Mar. 30 11 May 17 9 May 19 19 June 8 19 July 23 8 Jan. 6 15 May 1 6 May 15 9 June 26 23 Oct. S 17 Nor. 5 23 Jan. 20 16 Jan. 28 9 Mar. 18 20 A pr. 15 11 June 2 14 June 24 27 June 29 10 July 17 18 July 24 16 July 26 15 Aug. 23 17 | Sept. 21 24 1 Any. 24 &pr. 10 86 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensedm- Boston, Mass.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (ocean)—Continued. Chief engineers (in. land)—Continued. 20 11 Pingree, Henry E.. Rogers, William J Rose, Manuel. Russell, William Rowan, Alfred N Robinson, Bliss V Robinson, Fairfield H.. Reese, Geo. V Rowe, Edward L. Story, Edward L... Suttie, Calvin D Stoddard, Clifford J.... Sawyer. William J..... Smail, Jacob V Smith, Fred. A.. Shaw, Marshall H. Sullivan, Florence M.. Swim, Henderson... Simpson, Abram H. T.. Smith, Arthur H... Sprague, Nathaniel Smith, Armand J.... Sampsou, Levi. Stewart, Geo. W... Sullivan, James... Shea, Thomas. Sprague, Geo. H ... Snow. William R... Shav, Frank B. Swift, William H... Straw, Fred. E Schriver, John E. Sturdivant, Fred. W Terry, Frank D.... Thornton, Mark... Thayer, J. Clifford Tinkham, Charles J... Towne, H. Warren. Trussell, Jola M.. Titcomb, Darild.. Varney, Geo. H Withum, Wilton B.. Woods, Fred. E Westman, John J.. Woods, Charles A. Weatherbee, E. Reuben Wilson, John B.... Wymai), Charles A. Weeks, Fred A... 3033 2724 2731 2759 2924 2926 2980 3038 3048 2742 2743 2752 2753 2755 2800 2806 2811 2820 2832 2851 2855 2860 2878 2881 2888 2889 2920 2922 2931 2944 2967 2982 3036 2711 2709 2668 2890 2891 2907 2913 2718 2736 3006 2744 30.10 2767 3041 2787 2978 0 16 Nov. 20 Crowell, Oliver T 7 Jan. 16 Cragin, Charles H. 14 Jan. 25 Cone, Frederick A.... 9 Mar. 12 Clark, Edward A. 4 July 3 Curtis, Clarence .... 11 July 7 Chatto, Ralpb. 5 Sept. 4 Chase, Henry 12 Dec. 7 Corcoran, James F Dec. 20 Cutter, William O 6 Feb 16 Coombs, Augustus P .. 13 Do. Crooker, William W... 6 Mar. 3 Couklin, Geo. R.... 10 Mar. 4 Coclıran, James B. ... 6 Mar. 10 Coleman, Albert 10 Apr. 17 Davis, Robert.. 12 A pr. 22 Doyle, Patrick. 13 Apr. 26 Davis, Wilbur R. 3 May 6 Davis, Elmer L 24 May 14 Daley, Morris. 8 May 24 Doby, John 15 | May 27 Emerson, Oren B 6 May 28 Emerson, Fred. J 22 June 10 Folsom, Joseph E. June 12 Fox, William L 26 June 16 Ferris, Albert 20 June 18 Foster, William H.. 20 July 1 Gerry, Charles M. S.... 10 Do. Gullifer, Alonzo 25 July 11 Green, John H.. 16 July 26 Griffiths, William. .. 13 Ang. 24 Griffiths, Edward 7 Sept. 7 Gallagher, James S Nov. 29 Harding, Robert K 16 Jan. 6 Holbrook, Louis H.... 31 Do. Hutchips, Charles S. 9 June 4 Hopkins, Lewis M 8 June 19 Holland, Henry J 10 Do. Eatborne, Fred. E 17 Judo 26 Harriman, William F.. 0 June 29 Hodgdon, Allen. 15 Jan. 11 Hartley, Benjamin F 5 Feb. 6 Hatch, Charles E 9 Oct. 5 Holmes, Geo. W.. 16 Feb. 17 Heberle, Charles 1:3 Oct. 12 Imman, Jarvis 19 Mar. 18 Jeakius, Edvard B 19 Dec. 9 Jones, John.. Apr. 8 Jordan, Francis 13 Sept. 3 Johnson, Loring D. Johnson, Jolin A.. Johnson, Geo. L.. Kelley, Joseph. Kane, Matthew. 15 Jau. Kempka, Herman. 12 Jan. 14 Keene, Franklin G... 7 Mar. 10 Lowe, Addison P 29 May 20 Le Baron, Albert O... 31 Juno 15 Lewis, Burrel S. 9 Sept. 3 Leavitt. Bard.. 29 Sept. 16 Leufest, Walter C. 10 Sept. 28 McGuigle, Jolin 16 Jan. 5 McGovern, Bernard... 10 Mar. 20 Morse, Charles H. 6 Mar. 25 Mitchell, Samuel F.... 6 Apr. 3 McCarthy, Michael J .. 14 Apr 15 Manson, Frank M. Apr. 26 Morris, Michael 21 May 8 Moran, David P... 7 May 18 Mitchell, William H. 18 June 8 McFarland, William H. 16 July 15 Middleton, John J.... 19 Aug. Mains, Sumner F. 5 Aug. 9 McElvie. Jolin. 8 Aug. 12 Newcomb, Geo. H.. 12 Sept. 4 Neal, Ernest B... 1 Oct. 2 Oliver, Egbert A. 3 Dec. 27 Oliver, Geo. E.. 9 Jan. 6 Porter, Frank A.. 2741 2760 2789 2810 2802 2886 2893 2935 2946 2954 2959 2960 2995 3025 2750 2781 2901 2981 2998 3015 2894 3047 2870 2825 2986 3011 2707 2871 2876 3016 3029 3034 2713 2805 2816 2835 2848 2882 2906 2915 2964 2971 3009 3037 2813 2765 2786 2953 2987 2991 3053 2784 2797 2819 2883 2778 2782 2828 2973 2974 2706 2720 2727 2785 2804 2827 2861 2887 2916 2955 3018 3035 3054 2949 3002 2851 2858 2722 12 Feb. 12 4 Mar. 13 29 Apr. Apr. 9 10 Apr. 24 26 June 2 7 June 16 29 June 21 12 July 15 11 July 26 8 Aug. 10 23 Aug. 12 18 Do. 9 Sept. 21 24 Nov. 8 4 Mar. 1 16 Apr. 1 6 June 23 13 Sept. 7 25 Sept. 27 17 Oct. 21 15 June 21 11 Dec. 18 15 June 4 21 May 10 10 Sept. 8 24 Oct. 13 22 Jan. 6 27 June 4 16 June 8 17 | Oct. Oct. 22 22 Nov. 4 5 Nov. 27 20 Jan. 8 15 Apr. 22 3 Mas 1 7 May 17 10 May 27 31 June 12 10 Jwie 25 8 June 29 20 Aug. 21 14 Aug. 31 24 Oct. 11 14 Dec. 4 6 A pr. 28 5 Mar. 16 9 Apr. 8 31 dug. 9 24. Sept. 11 9 Sept. 17 16 Dec. 27 8 Apr. 6 23 Apr. 15 4 May 6 7 June 15 5 Mar. 29 A pr. 3 14 May 12 8 Sept. 1 6 Do. 4 5 12 Jan. 13 7 Jan. 20 17 Apr. 7 5 Apr. 21 7 May 11 11 June 1 25 June 16 15 June 29 O Aug. 10 23 Oct. 25 15 Nov. 29 20 Dec. 27 26 Aug. 5 1 Oct. 1 Mar. 3 15 May 27 10 Jan. 14 Chief engineers (inland). L Jan. Anams, Geo. H..... Alexander, Lewis S.... Ashley, Edward E.. Alexander, John. Alien, Nathaniel.. Ames, Albert P... Alexander. William S.. Allen, Walter C... Bradley, James A.. Blaisdell, Alexander S. Belcher. Geo. H... Baker, Harry A. Black, Jeremiah G.... Brand, Lyman B.. Bucknam, Alonzo W. Betts, Geo. H .... Bennett, Thomas H Bartlett, John R... Bragg, Geo. H. Benson, Herman M Bliss, Edward N.. Brown. John S.. Breen, James P Broin, Eben T... Clark, Rufus W.... 2701 2721 2756 28:16 2885 2977 2990 2999 2702 2770 2776 2783 2798 2812 2823 2841 2874 293 2948 2952 2959 2979 3003 3052 2710 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 87 Engineer's licensed Boston, Mass.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (in- land)--Continued. Engincers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Peterson, Angistus Perear, Norman W.... Phillips. Charles El... Percy, Walter I... Pendleton, Ethan D. Phillips, Joseph N..... Pease, Benjardin E..... Pearson, Alonzo C..... Quinton, Thomas. Roche, Thomas P. Roach, Thomas. Randall, Charles E. ... Randall, Benjamin R... Riley, Patrick J... Smitli, Geo. M.. Small, Alfred K... Sutherland. Robert D.. Splaine, Jeremiah... Setters, Joseph E.. Sheehan, James. Short, Caleb A. Smith, Harvey Smith, Jerono... Sticknoy, Clarence R. Shepard, Charles L Shaw, James H... Small, Harry F.. Swainson, John N... Titcomb, Geo. O..... Tobey, Geo. A.. Tibbetts, Geo. W... Van Zandt, John L.... Watson, William.. White, Walter.. Williams. Benjamin Winsby, James A. White, James.. Williamson. Eugene A. Williams, Evan T. Wennerberg, Emil F... Whittier, Geo. O.. 2758 2762 2780 2795 2803 2910 2929 2934 2904 2830 2872 2905 2985 3005 2723 2738 2749 2802 2834 2837 2892 2902 2919 2938 2996 3014 3019 3028 2732 2836 2877 3007 2775 2788 2809 2822 2845 2880 2958 3026 3027 i. ti Mar. 4 Cross, Thomas H.... 16 Mar. 16 Cunuingham, M. T. 14 Mar. 31 | Duncan, Joseph R. 3 Apr. 13 || Doherty, Daniel L..... 8. Apr. 21 || Dunnigan, John J. .. 8 June 26 Doten, Lemuel T...... 15 July 10 Dyson, Thomas A. 17 July 15 Dyer, Edward W..... 28 June 24 Desmond, Denis 13 May 14 Davidson, Dana J 8 June 5 Davis, J. Carlton. 11 June 24 Duncan, Charles F..... 12 Sept. 8 Doyle, Geo. H., jr. 20 Oct. 5 Douglass, Samuel C.... 14 Jan. 16 Davis, Villiam 10 Feb. 10 Eastman, VVeston T.... 14 | Feb. 26 Ellis. Willian W 11 Apr. 21 Edgerly, Charles R.... 8 May 15 Edwards, John.. 14 May 17 Farrin, Edgar R. 5 June 19 Fisher, Fred A. 12. June 27 Farrar, Albert... 10 July 1 Farr, Herbert M. 5 July 19 , French, Charles A. A.... 8 Sept. 24 Ford, Horace N... 7 Oct. 20 Foster, John C... 5 Oct. 26 Tinerty, John 6 Nov. 12 Grant, James N 8 Jan. 25 i Gosson. Jeremiah ... 18 May 17 Gayland, William R.. 17 June 10 ! Grant, Alexander C. 14 Oct. 5 Gardner, VVallace.. 10 Mar. 25 Glynn, John 17 Apr. 9; Gowen. Clarence E. 22 spr. 23 Hallenbeck, VVillis E.. 7 May 8 Hastings, James d. i, 8 May 19 Holloway, Joseph H.. 14 June 12 Holloway, William J... 17 Aug. 12 Hay, Arthur M 6 Nov. S Hayden, Sydney E.... 9 Nov. 10 Higgins, William Z. D. Harvey, Albert E... Hanson. Fred. E... Hannaford, Thomas S. Hill, William H... Ball, William H Hittinger, Edward K 1 Feb. 20 Hutchinys, C. IV., jr.. 1 May 3 Hanscum, Roscoe E. 32 June 19 Hathaway, Joseph T... 5 July 1 Hunter. John 1 Sept. 28 Hiner, Tyree C 1 Oct. 1 Imperial. S. Francis. 7 Dec. S Ingersoll, Fred. W.. 7 Jan. 7 Jobinson, Charles 14 Jan. 21. Jones, TVilliam S... 6 Feb. 17 Jones, Samuel A. 4 Mar. 6 Johnson, Luther V. 2 Mar. 27 Johnson, Fred. L 3 May 17 King, Robert 9 May 24 Kilgour, Dwight F 19 June 16 Keating. John 10 July 2 Kilburn, Horace E 14 Aug. 11 Kane, Alfred 3 Sept. 3 Kearns, Mark... 6 Sept. 10 Kennt, William H... 11 Sept. 29 Lombard, Levi VV.. 3 Dec. 11 Loring, Charles W. 1 Feb. 1 Little, John... 1 I lay 6 Loring, Geo. B.. 4 May 19 Litchfield, Henry H.. + May 22 Lewis, Harry W.. 12 June 5 Lebaron, Sylvester 0.. S June 12 Loche, Charles E 8 June 22 Lo Baron, Leander 0... 21 ) July 1 Lanigan, Nathan 8410 8441 2000 2043 2116 2118 2124 2142 2175 7477 7496 8414 8424 8445 8451 2081 2148 2193 7474 2013 2069 2085 2137 7435 7461 7491 8471 2141 2147 2153 7445 8401 8411 8427 2018 2056 2063 2092 2108 2117 2126 2130 7406 7465 7493 7500 8418 8423 8432 8438 8484 8489 7473 7484 2077 2190 7413 7434 8464 2101 2150 7489 8415 84.46 8449 8455 2007 2050 2053 2054 2090 2104 2177 2179 7492 8402 18 Oct. 8 18 Oct. 11 17 Feb. 13 14 Feb. 19 2 i Apr. 20 8 Do. 13 1 Apr. 24 2' May 8 7 June 5 6 Ang. 7 4 Aug. 19 16. aug. 31 1 Sept. 20 19 Oct. 14 2, Oct. 27 10 Mar. 27 4 May 13 2 June 16 8, Aug. 7 1 Jan. 11 3 Mar. 17 7 Mar. 29 6 May 6 10 July 6 5 July 27 11 Aug. 14 16 Dec. 6 4 May 8 7 May 13 8 May 17 10 July 12 12 dug. 27 3 Do. 2 Sept. 24 4 Jan. 13 11 Mar. 9 2 Mar. 13 1 Apr. 2 11 Apr. 14 18 i Apr. 20 5 : Apr. 27 4 May 1 10 June 22 4: July 30 13 aug. 19 11 13 Sept. 8 17 Sept. 18 7 Sept. 29 11 Oct. 6 7 Dec. 16 1 Dec. 21 16 Aug. 5 12 Aug. 10 16 Mar. 23 3 June 15 14 June 23 4 July 3 7 Nov. 23 15 Apr. 10 14 May 15 26 Aug. 14 15 Sept. 3 9 Oct. 15 15 Oct. 19 5 Nor. 9 6 Jan. 9 8 Feb. 27 2 Mar. 6 1 Do. 11 Apr. 1 5 Apr. 12 19 June 6 10 June 7 21 Aug. 17 18 Aug. 27 1 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Lug. 21 Atkins, William E..... Allavesen, Martineus.. Ayars, Edmund D.. Atkinson, Charles B... Aldridge, John.. Attridge, Thomas F. Adams, Frederick S... Boyle, John... Brady, Robert J. Buck, Nathau d.. Burdon, Joseph E.. Bagley, Thomas F... Brenvock, Henry E.... Brady, Thomas Brown, Charles W. Bradley, Charles H. Balaban, Abraham J... Britt, James J. Banks, Otis C..... Broirn, Frederick G... Bergeron, Asa J. Canipbell. William. Cogan, Edward J. Crooker, Elmer E... Collins, Joseph... Card, John Newton. Choate, Henry.. Cragin, Thomas E..... Currie, Jasper J. 20:45 2133 7403 7428 8429 8434 8:74 2005 2021 2042 2055 2083 2151 2161 2191 7432 7485 8416 8419 8430 8476 2029 2136 2155 2158 2176 2185 7409 7426 88 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed— Boston, Mass.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of ¡No. of Date of license. (issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons Continued. Engineers in charge of stearners of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continuell. Tobey, William L... Tonder, Joachim.. Vincent, Charles S.. Vaughan, Randolph E Watson, John F. Weblo, Hiram.. Walker, Edward. Vilson, William E.. Willianson, Willian L. Wennerberg, John H.. Wall, Ariel C.. Weatherbee, Benj. H Wellington, Frank O.. Whitman, Edgar F Whitman, George Wickens, John B. Yates, Thomas J 7462 7480 7440 8428 2036 2041 2079 2084 2093 2098 2138 2143 2170 7425 7482 .8482 7494 4 | July 27 4 Aug. 9 2 July 8 1 Sept. 25 13 Feb. 9 17 Feb. 17 7 Mar. 26 1 Mar. 29 2 Apr. 3 3 s pr. 7 14 May 6 9 May 10 6 June 2 12 July 1 15 Aug. 9 3 Dec. 14 6 dug. 18 First assistant engi- neer's (ocean). Apr. 22 Long, John F Loche, Francis.. Mosher, Freeman G... McLaughlin, James C. Moses, Andrew J... Mansfield, Job J... Mahoney, Patrick McConnell, Joli T McQueeu, William A.. Moody, Melvins.. McDonald, John M Maxwell, Oliver F Maçy, William R McKinnon, Angus. Murplıy, James J... Moseley, Theodore.. Morong, Jobu H. Methot, Ulderic H.. Mitchell, Geo. D.... Maclauchlar, James s. McKenzie, Abel. McDuffie, Tilliam S.. Mabury, Joseph A.. Miller, Duncan Norton, John P. Nason, William W.. Nealand, John O. Normine, John s. Norcross, Alvin C. Nugent, Barnard Nettle, James W.. Otterbeiu, Heinrich.. O'Brien, Vichael. O'Brien, Stephen E. Ostman, Jobu T. Parker, Riley H. Pink bam, Thaddeus W. Perkius, Geo. B.... Perie, Frank Pierce, Lyman L. Purdy, Herbert F... Pearson, Johud. Patch, Leon S... Purbard, Geo. Pylrom, Albert H... Pilbrick, Andrew J.. Reynolds, Aaron B Richards, John J. Raud, William G Raymond, John B.. Rich, Arthur C.. Russell, William H. Ricbardson, Arthur P. Sargent, Frank W Sawyer. Wilmer E Snow, William H Shea, John. Sparks, Fred. H. Stewart, John H... Sherman, Amos. Simus, Albert H. Smith. Eugene M... Sturtley, William H. Sawyer, Ernest A. Shaw, Fred. L... Stuart, Benjamin E Spates, Fred. B Studley, Hiirry G.. Sonuott, Charlos F.. Sinith, Henry W Stanton, Edward Thaxter, Charles F. Tryon, Charles W Trolan, John S.. True, Edgar A. 8420 8436 2015 2019 2044 2052 2068 2076 2105 2110 21 69 2182 2194 2200 1402 7422 7433 7438 7443 7450 7453 7463 8403 8473 2012 2106 2119 2139 7439 8412 8487 2005 7420 7479 8433 2017 2135 2107 2167 2174 2199 7410 7487 7495 8405 8413 2051 2146 2152 7430 7436 7452 7498 2002 2014 2020 2026 2035 20591 2071 2075 2088 2144 2162 2163 21861 7514 7459 7497 8139 8481 2025 204.9 2192 7448 7 Sept. 16 9 Oct. 2 15 | Jan. 11 3 Jan. 16 17 Feb. 19 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 16 1 Mar. 22 5 Apr. 12 4 A pr. 16 12 June 1 14 June 11 1 June 16 4 June 19 11 Do. 18 Juo 28 1 July 2 4 July 7 6 July 10 20 July 16 9 July 17 8 July 28 7 Aug. 27 12 Dec. 6 10 Jan. 9 2 Apr. 13 13 16 May 6 13 July 8 27 Aug. 27 27 | Dec. 20 4 Jan. 9 26 June 26 1 Any: 7 4 Oct. 1 6 Jan. 13 5 May 5 1 Apr. 14 6. June 1 10 Jume 5 3 | Juno 18 11 June 23 12 Ang. 12 10 Aug. 19 5 Aug. 37 9 Oct. 12 1 Mar. 4 15 May 12 9 May 17 4 July 2 S July 6 5 July 17 6 Aug. 21 13 Jan. 6 7 Jau. 11 23 Jan. 18 15 Jan. 29 3 Feb. 8 13 Mar. 11 3 Dlar. 20 1 Dlar. 22 5 Apr. 1 6 May 11 1 May 25 1 · Do. 3 June 12 1 June 24 4 July 26 4 dug. 19 8 Oct. 7 7 Dec. 13 15 Jan. 26 12 Feb. 27 16 June 16 31 July 13 Allen, Ethan Barber, Tbomas W Bassett, Charles Blaisdell. Benjamin F Brown, Charles J Bradshaw, John Currie, William Colenan, William D.. Clark, James A Colby, Chester D.. Coolidge, Geo. O Connell, Joseph Cordiner, Andrew S.. Doherty, Joseph. Davis. Everett B Domell, Fred. L.. Damon, Norman M Ermunds, Win. A., jr. Flynn, Lawrence ... Foster, Avilaud L l'arry, Thomas Flint, Robert F. Ferguson, William Green, E. Allen. Gordon, Walter B Garrner, John J..... Griftin, William C., jr.. Hallett, Fred. L Hammond, Edward. Hammond, Edgar E Hutchins, Walter L.... Hewett, Frank P Hayes, Levi W Hughes, Charles R. Kelly. Joseph... Kennecy, Frank ☺ Knight, Oscar I... Kennedy, William J Kemp, Daniel L.. Lahey, Nicholas Lombard, Daniel. Lathan. Albert E... Marshall, Matthew McDonald, Daniel A. McChesney, Isaac M.. Moody, John F Mattson, Johan P.. Majus, Elbridge Macden. Bilward O McCarthy, Denis Aliner, Daniel P McCauley, Robert. McGrath, James . McGupigle. Daniel P 2078 7441 7444 7467 8454 8485 2100 7446 8425 8444 9-152 8472 8483 2099 2156 7423 7427 2103 2159 2181 7412 7490 8417 2010 7460 7488 8480 2038 21 89 2128 2165 7401 8422 8-175 2065 7447 7469 8450 8490 2033 2095 2102 2003 2009 2062 2166 2197 7417 7418 7424 7454 8413 8442 8456 1 Mar. 24 9 July 9 4 July 10 9 July 31 3 Nor. 9 18 Dec. 17 4 Apr. 7 6 July 12 5 Sept. 21 2 Oct. 13 2 Nor. 2 3 Dec. 6 3 Dec. 15 7 Apr. 7 3 May 20 12 June 29 4 | July 1 A pr. 10 14 Jay 22 18 June 9 9 June 23 7 Aug. 14 14 Sept. 4 7 Jau. 9 1. July 26 4 Aug. 13 23 Dec. 13 12 Feb. 11 1 Apr. 1 2 Apr. 30 6 May 29 1 Juie 19 5 Sept. 17 6 Dec. 10 18 Mar. 15 3 July 12 3 Aug. 2 6 Oct. 23 6 Dec. 22 12 Feb. 4 1 Apr. 3 1 Apr. 10 7 17 Jan. 9 9 Mar. 12 5 May 29 1 June 16 6 June 25 5 Do. 2 June 29 12 July 20 5 Ang. 30 12 Oct. 12 3 | Nov. 11 oran Jan. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, 89 Engineers licensed-Boston, Mass.-Continued. . Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. 'issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers (ocean)-Cont'd, Second assistant en.gi- ncer's (Ocean)—Cont'd. Norcross, Geo. R. Normine, James W Orr, John E.. Parow, William G Pingree, Henry L. Quinlevan, Osirald. kobb. Geo, C.... Reagan, Bernbard J Robin, David ... Russell, Arthur H Sniith, James P. Spence, Thomas J... Stepliens, John Swenson, Charles Simms, James E Smitha, Charles A Smith, John L.. Stanberg. Charles. Swan, Peter A Titcom), Benjamin B.. Thompson, William. Trini, J. William Tyson, Ernest Trask, Charles Walker, Anthony Welsh, Patrick . 2109 7451 7405 2070 8426 7486 2011 2023 2057 8459 2030 2048 2082 7419 7457 7472 8431 8461 8493 2094 7449 7475 7483 8492 2112 8158 3 Apr. 15 7 July 17 2 May 21 5 Mar. 18 18 Sept. 22 2 Aug. 11 3 Jan. 9 10 Jan. 25 1 Mar. 10 9 Nor. 19 15 Fel. 2 4 Feb. 26 6 Mar. 27 1 June 26 6 July 22 9 Aug. 4 6 Sept. 29 1 Nov. 22 1 Dec. 27 19 Apr. 3 14 | July 15 14 12 Aug. 9 2 Dec. 24 5 Apr. 17 9 Nov. 17 dig. 5 First assistant engi. neers (inland). Bethell, Edward T..... Brown, Eugenes Bennett. Walter M Baurlyte, Charles L... Berry, Winthrop B Collins. Joliu L. Chadwick, Hovard L.. Chatto, George E Calkins, Agustus Corbin, William A. Collis, Frank L. Clark, Benjamin F.. Cobh, Charles S... Deering, Geo. B. Davis, Frank E. Boster, Henry S Gorham, Frauk F Hoyle, Mark .. Keating, Geo. F. Leally, William D.... McAvauy, Micbael F. Mollerstrom, John W., DIcIntire, Thomas Nelson, Martin. O'Donnell, Johu. Parr, James.. Perkins. Frank 0.... Quinn, John T.. Reyot, James W Ryan, Edward .. Small, Raymond C. Searle, Artbur E... Shull, Eugeno s. Smitli, Benjamin H Stackhouse, James . Smith, John N.. Wickett, Villiam J.. Walker, Frederick W 2016 2060 2091 2125 8447 2006 2178 2190 7407 7-111 7415 7471 8437 2154 2187 2189 2097 2059 2172 2131 2198 7406 8409 2031 8460 2066 2127 2027 8448 8486 2145 2171 7404 7455 8494 8945 2149 8469 Barter, Isaiah P. Blaisdell, Charles H... Collins, Fred.... Cogswell, Frank H.. Crowley, John J.. Doherty, Edward Iuft, Thomas. Erickson, Oscar. Flalierty, Barney A. Fraser. Robert L.. Ford, Herbert L..... Greenough.Granville E Grover', Charles W.. Grace, Elenrr A.. Gibbons, John E. Goodwin, Herbert N... Hunt, Aurei H... Hasty, Homer S.. Horlyou, Edırard J.. Keniston, Fred Knapp, Geo. A Kelly, Thomas J Kelly, James Keenan. Charles Kierstead, Leslie Long. William H. Little, Arthur Lunney. Nenton Lester, Frank Martin. Joku s Morse, Robert B McGiury, Tilliani McLaren. Duncan Moliu, Frank E.. McChesney, John. Mansur, Hobert P Mantine, Frederick H. McAlevey. Owen Mason, William A.. Mason, Francis ( Messick, James " O'Donnell. James. Peterson, Ole B. Pulsifer, Geo. V Parmenter, Frank Powers, Burnside A Plock, Jugust.. Rollivs, Charles A.... Reardon, John J. Ronney, James Ronney, John. Robb, Geo. W Shreck, Williain C.... Spaulding, William C.. Shea, Sherman. Sullivan, Herbert A Shafier, Walter J Tail, James H Vereker: Edward J Wentworth, Harry A.. Ward, Edward 1 Jan. 12 5 Mar. 11 3 Apr. 2 14 Apr. 26 19 ct. 18 9 Jan. 8 7 June 6 7 June 16 13 Juve 22 9 June 2:3 5 June 21 12 dug. 3 8 Oct. 5 1+ | May 18 16 June 14 7 June 15 8' pr. 5 1 Mar. 11 11 June 3 4 May 3 2 June 18 12 | July 31 11 Aug. 27 3 Feb. Feb. 3 2 Nov. 22 16 Mar. 16 4 Apr. 28 1 Jan. 29 7 Oct 19 6 Dec. 17 2 May 11 6 June 2 7 June 19 23 July 20 10 Dec. 28 9 Dec. 29 1 May 14 9 Dec. 1 dug. 27 8410 8491 2061 7476 8496 2001 2064 8462 2080 742 7468 2004 2046 2074 2087 2160 2034 2114 8477 2022 2037 2115 2195 7458 .8467 20:39 7456 8466 8478 2032 2047 2086 2132 7416 7499 8407 8408 8453 8457 8470 8479 $406 2134 2157 7437 8404 8468 2111 2113 2129 7178 8463 2024 2121 8421 8465 8488 2140 2180 2028 2122 18 Aug. 27 1 Dec. 24 6 Mar. 12 1 Aug. 7 3 Dec. 30 14 Jan. 6 1 ! Mar. 13 1 Nov. 22 7 Mar. 25 4 July 10 12 Aug. 2 2 Jan. 7 6 Feb. 24 2 Mar. 20 9 Mar. 31 3 Mar 22 2 Feb. 6 4 Apr. 17 1 Dec. 10 9 Jan. 23 11 Feb. 11 2 Apr. 20 6 June 16 16 July 2.) 5 Nov. 29 3 Feb. 11 3, July 22 1 Nov. 27 17 Dec. 13 1 Feb. 4 Feb. 25 5 Mar. 30 3' May 3 2 June 25 6 Aug. 21 1 dug. 27 1 Do. 8 Nov. 3 1 Nor. 13 1 Dec. 3 2 Dec. 13 13 7 Was 5 2 May 21 2 | July 6 6 Aug. 27 8 Nov. 29 3 A pr. 16 1 Apr. 17 3 May 1 1 Aug. 7 1 Nov. 23 2 Jan. 25 Apr. 22 11 Sept. 16 1 Nov, 23 3 Dec. 21 1 May 8 4 June 8 5 Feb. 1 1 Apr. 23 Second assistant engi. neers (inland). Second assislant engi- neers (ocean). Anderson, Gustav F Brown, James H. Billings, Iyewis S. Baker, Andrew J.... Browniog, Jolin T Cook, FrPd.D.. Collins, Jason TV Donovan, Joseph T. Getchell. Fuller J McDonough, Michael McElvie, David.. Ridler. Daniel v Watson, Joun... Williams, Ernest L.. 7408 2183 2188 2096 2184 7464 7131 2173 2168 770 5 June 22 18 June 11 3 June 14 7 Apr. 5 2 June 11 2 July 28 6 July 2 1 June 4 5 June 1 1 Aug. 2 2120 2164 7429 7491 2 Apr. 22 10 May 26 6. July 1 8 Aug. 9 90 - STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed – Boston, Mas8.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. issue. issue. Third assistant engi. ncers (ocean). Special engineersm Continued. Compton, Den. D Mack. Eugene T.. Upton, Colcord Walters, Geo. F... Welsh, Peter J 2123 2073 2072 2067 8435 Special engineers. Atwood, Fred. M Arnold, Thomas Anderson, John T Baker, Albert H.. Berwick, George W Briggs, William L. Braga, Arthur E. Barber, Walter .. Bjornson, Theo. Oloft. Bowker, Frank.. Barton, Edwin A Boirker, Charles E.... Baker, Orlando L. Chapman. Mayo L Casirell, VValter L..... Clark, Samuel A.. Cullinale, James Covin, Eugene Clark, Edırard S.. Claflin, Mark T... Carpenter, Raymond. Coolidge, Jobi B... Chadwick, Eugene L Downer, Frank w.. Davies, Orel E Dowo, Josialı N. Donoran, William C Emery, J. Herbert ... Estabrook, Jacob R.... Farvell, Jay Q. Fernald, Albert C... Gattord, William H.... Guilhop, George H Gardner, Arthur C..... Gibby, George H Gay, Elmer I Gurner. Frank P Glen, William Getchell, Elmer E. Baritood, T. T. Hunter Hicks, Walter L.. Hunnewell, Charles H. Hay, George H... Hall, Frederick D.... Hodges, Sylvester 537 552 565 504 509 511 515 548 551 562 567 585 586 510 526 542 554 578 583 587 588 595 596 508 531 561 593 568 571 522 569 503 518 524 540 563 584 590 592 506 528 529 532 560 580 5 Apr. 24 Johnson, C. W 6 Mar. 20 Jewett, Frank A... 11 Du. Keunefick, Tboinas V. 10 Mar. 16 Kemble. Parker H.... 1 Oct. 1 Kelly, Thomas E Lewis, Thomas J Lewis, Ellis M.. Lyon, George L 7 June 10 Lawson, Edward 5 June 26 Lydian, Charles F 4 July 27 | Lingard, Levi.. 2 Mar. 18 durpbs, John J 4 Apr. 16 Madden. John H. 11 Apr. 26 McNider, Henry J., jr. 5 May 5 McCurdy, John J 2 June 22 Morrison, August T... 2 June 26 Milligan, Andrew 2 July 23 Meade, Manuel S.. 2 July 28 Morgan, Charles F. 3 Oct. 9 Nelson, Henry E.. 6 Oct. 14 Norcross, Ernest F... 1 Apr. 17 Nolan, James F.. 8 May 19 Needlian, James 5 June 15 O'Brien, James. 5 June 30 O'Regan, Dennis J. 5 Sept. 9 Paino. Joseph W 7 Sept. 21 Philbrook, Ilavid E.... 9 Oct. 28 Pratt, Richard V..... 3 Nov. 3 Philkrantz, Frank E. 10 Dec. 14 Pierce, Charles W.. 12 Do. Poole, Harry M. 3 Apr. 15 Poole, 1 illiam G.. 7 Jnno Robinson, Miner. 14 July 17 Roy, Louis W.. 4 Dec. 3 Rich, John P... 12 July 31 Skinner, Charles E.... 1 Aug. 6 Smith, Richard H. 4 | May 13 Somes, John W.. 8 Aug. 6 Setter, John J.. 7 Dlar. 2 Swift, William H... 1 Vay 8 Soule, Wilbert. 1 May 14 Sweet, fi cury V 2 June 15 Smith, Morton.. 4 July 24 Stebbins, Le Baron S... 13 Sept. 29 Sherman, Francis W .. 3 Nov. 12 Stickney, Geo. C. 8 Nov. 23 Thurston, Frank V 9 Mar. 25 Tripr, Benjamin M. 1 May 28 Tickens, Geo. V. 1 May 29 Wilson, Dennis J.. 2 June 5 Warren, Wilbur 3 July 9 Wise, Villian O... 6 Sept. 16 502 535 519 539 574 512 514 516 521 550 591 507 538 558 570 576 579 594 597 536 553 577 581 549 582 534 544 546 545 559 566 589 520 533 575 501 505 517 523 530 541 543 555 556 557 573 7 Feb. 23 5 June 6 4 May 10 1 July 12 3 Ang. 14 8 May 1 7 May 3 Mar 5 1 May 11 1 June 25 3 Nov. 16 6 Mar. 25 5 June 10 1 July 3 7 dug. 6 3 Aug. 30 7 Sept. 15 1 Dec. 7 7 Dec. 16 1 June 10 2 | June 29 1 Sept. 3 4 Sept. 16 8 June 25 9 Sept. 18 2 ) June 5 1 June 19 5 Do. 1 Do. 5 July 8 1 July 28 3 Nov. 9 4 | May 10 5 Julie 5 2 9 Jan. 15 2 Mar. 18 5 May 7 1 May 13 11 Junu 1 3 June 15 2 Julie 18 7 July 1 9 Do. 2 July 2 14 Aug. 14 8 May 1 3 July 27 2 May 17 4 May 26 6. June 22 8 Aug. 11 Aug. 25 513 564 525 527 547 572 LOCAL DISTRICT OF NEW LONDON, CONN. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-New London, Conn* Nano. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. 21 Alger, James N... Anderson, Peter W.. Arery, William H.... Ashcraft. John A. Arnold, Frederick L... Andrews, William J... Baldwin, Merritt A.... Bacon, Charles R Barrelle, James E Beardsley, George B. Budington, James W.. Bennett, George H 3029 3082 3141 3143 3158 3186 3008 3020 3021 3023 3035 3050 17 7 14 3 12 11 10 5 7 14 5 15 Mar. 18 Bailey, Charles E June 18 Bartlett, William C... Aug. 31 Brooks. Sidney R... Sept. + Beckwith, Francis E.. Sept. 21 Beebe, Thomas L.. Nov. 15 Brown, William H... Jan. 25 Burns, Charles S. Mar. 5 Beebe, John C. Mar. S Burns, Thos. E. Do. Burdick, William H... Mar. 27 Beckwith, Cornelius... May 5 || Brown. Jasper L... 3056 3057 3059 3061 3062 3066 3069 3084 3091 3096 3098 3103 15 May 15 9 May 17 16 May 20 21 May 24 17 Do. May 28 8 June 1 16 June 21 12 June 28 16 July 10 15 July 12 8 July 22 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 91 Vasters and pilots licensed-New London, Conn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Jan. Brown, Trassar C... Bush, Saml. N... Beebe, Frederick H.... Bartlett, H. S... Brand, Dudley A. Broker, Everett E..... Baisden, Robert Barker, Walter H. Brooks. Lewis ... Barker, Jonathan R. Crossman, Orrin E..... Crocker, Samuel L..... Champion, Frank P.... Chadwick, William F Crocker, Henry N..... Carberry, James E..... Champlin, William H.. Corcoran, Thomas. Comstock. George W.. Chesebro, George W. Chester, Braddock M.. Crandall, George H.. Crocker. Alvin M. Cobb, Albert F Clark, John W.. Carroll, Frederick W.. Conklin, Sedley S. Cole, Jonathan Dodge, Edwin A. Daboll, Ezra.. Deming, Oliver. Douglass. E.O.. Davis, Edward M. Dadmun. George W.. Denison, James E.. Dunham, James N.. Darr, Gilbert M.. Edwards, Joshua B.... Eltoil, James Earl, Albert A. Early, William Even, Edmund R.. Etheridge. Oliver E.... Foote, Constant F.... Fengar, Christopher C Francis, Joseph S Gray, Orrin A. Gardner, Stephen A.... Greenman, William. Geer, Edgar M. Gooding. William T... Greftin, Edırarri F.. Goodale. Ferbert S.... Geer', Edward R Gardner, Benjamin J.. Goddard, George H. H.... Grumley, John F. Gaines, Jaroc.. Grifting, Chas. M Harens, William H... Horner, Elisha F.. Herbert, Harry P Holloiray, William H. Hawkins, J. W.. Eluntley, Abel L. Hills, Riige.... Hazard, Walter R Healy, George S. Holloway, Martin E Hayes, Irael A... Hedden, John P Harrey, Alexander... Hunt. David J.. Howell, Thomas H... Halyburton, Geo. W Jackson, Gilbert F.. Kelsey, James E. Kenney, Jolin Kelsey, Henry P.... Kelsey, Allen M. Keeney, Nathan. 3110 3139 3147 3153 3165 3167 3171 3183 3200 3205 3003 3006 3009 3012 3016 3018 3049 3073 3128 3133 3149 3151 3168 3170 3180 3182 3196 3197 3010 3011 3015 3048 3070 3075 3115 3163 3198 3058 3067 3072 3099 3101 3150 3083 3173 3179 3002 3005 3031 3037 3065 3108 3118 3120 3132 3140 3178 3193 3199 3017 3022 3028 3032 3038 3044 3046 3055 3368 3157 3164 3174 3175 3176 3189 3203 3125 3026 3088 3107 3131 3134 18 July 27 12 Aug. 27 22 Sept. 9 29 Sept. 17 15 Sept. 28 27 Sept. 30 6 Oct. 9 20 Nov. 3 19 Dec. 10 15 Dec. 17 10 5 16 Jan. 7 9 Jan. 26 8 Feb. 2 23 Feb. 11 12 Feb, 25 11 May. 4 10 Juno 5 8 Aug. 19 20 Aug. 24 27 Sept. 14 6 Sept. 17 13 Oct. 4 8 Oct. 9 16 Oct. 28 9 Nov. 3 16 Nov. 29 12 Nov. 30 10 Jan. 26 11 Jan. 27 15 Feb. 11 26 May 4 8 June 2 18 June 11 91 stig. 2 10 Sept. 2-4 25 Dec. 1 19 May 20 3 May 29 16 Jurie 4 10 July 1:3 31 July 15 14 Sept. 14 26 June 13 19 Oct. 11 12 Oct. 25 6 Jan. 5 9 Jan. 6 21 Mar. 23 17 Apr. 6 7 May 20 5 July 26 9 Aug. 10 10 Aug. 11 16 Aug. 23 20 Lug. 28 19 Oct. 21 21 Nur. 24 20 Dec. 2 2) Feb. 25 12 Mar. 8 11 Mar. 17 15 Mar. 26 18 Apr. 13 9 Apr. 22 18 Apr. 30 15 May 12 18 May 31 7 Sept. 21 9 Sept. 28 15 Oct. 12 8 Oct. 14 11 Oct. 18 7 Nov. 20 13 Dec. 13 15 Ang. 17 3 Mar. 13 13 June 25 16 July 26 6 Aug. 21 20 Aug. 24 Kelley, Charles Latham, Abram D. Lowndes, Charles T... Lynch, Thomas B..... Lathan, Russell.. Lane, amasa. Littletield, Amazon Lupton, Henry H. Lanphear, Horace C... Lake, James A Lord, James B... Latham, Benjamin W .Miner, Richard K. Miller, William A Macomber, l' rank. May, Henry E Marran, Martin J Marshall, William H Mankin, Henry S.. Mears, Frederick H... Nash, Charles E Nash, Albert D Niles, Charles H... Osgood, Frederick L... Osgood. Cbarles A.. Payne, W. Otis. Penn, Walter Phelps, Penry S.. Pendleton, Edgar S... Page, George Pettigrew, Charles C Pettigrew, James Perkins, Avery C... Read, Bliss Ronth. Henry G... Reynolds, Charles F Russell, John E.. Robinson, Frank H Rowland, Leander W.. Rose, Thomas D... Rankin, James S... Roberts, Johu P Ruland, Edward C..... Reed. Charles. Reeve, Isaac Ryley: James Scott. Thomas A. Smith, George L Smith. James F. Scotield. Henry Suow, Alexander N.. Siemon, Frederick L. Schofield, Ira V.. Smith, Edvard Sherman, Charles H... Strickland, dartin S... Sanders. George C. Sawyer, Leander P ... Saunders, Stillman Stocking. Edward W.. Smith, William R..... Smith, Richard T Stevens, Henry W.. Sanders, Charles C... Sheffield, Benjamin F Sheffield, Thomas H.... Spencer. Charles E. Simmons, Cbarles L.. Sprague, Daniel Saunders, William G... Slate, Charles J... Saunders, William. Tooker, Adrian B... Turpie, Clareton K... Thompson, John E.... Thompson. Alex. C.... Tallman, Elijah L.. Trolan, Richard W Varnum, Myron A.... Varnun, James a Vars, Nelson B.. 3136 3019 3041 3053 3074 3102 3106 3122 3152 3160 3184 3191 3080 3094 3116 3129 3137 3155 3195 3162 3042 3045 3112 3071 3166 3054 3077 3078 3086 3100 3144 3187 3188 3001 3030 3060 3063 3081 3093 3097 3119 3126 3142 3156 3161 3204 3007 3014 3024 3025 3033 3036 3039 3051 3052 3079 3087 3089 3090 3104 3105 3114 3121 3124 3135 3146 3148 3151 3169 3181 3185 3194 3040 3109 3113 3130 3145 3192 3004 3034 3177 7 Aug. 25 9 Mar. 3 12 Apr. 16 7 May 10 9 June 7 18 July 16 13 July 24 7 Aug. 13 34 Sept. 15 9 Sept. 22 12 Nov. 5 4 Nov. 23 27 June 15 14 | July 10 20 Aug. 10 28 Aug. 21 16 dug. 27 20 Sept. 18 12 Nov. 29 15 Sept. 24 10 Apr. 20 5 Apr. 24 16 July 29 13 June 2 16 Sept. 30 6 May 11 13 June 15 9 Do. 17 June 22 11 July 13 12 Sept. 7 11 Nov. 17 25 Nov. 18 16 San. 4 13 Mar. 23 8 May 22 7 May 24 11 June 18 16 July July 9 15 July 12 14 dug. 11 13 Aug. 18 9 Sept. 4 21 Sept. 20 23 | Sept. 23 13 Dec. 15 18 Jan. 9 10 Feb. 11 2:3 Mar. 10 15 Do. 8 Mar. 25 1:4 Apr. 2 S Apr. 13 33 May 7 5 Do. 9 June 15 24 June 23 12 June 26 12 June 28 11 July 22 30 July 23 17 July 31 10 Aug. 12 14 Aug. 17 8 21 Sopt. 8 14 Sept. 11 16 Sept. 14 8 Oct. 5 23 Nov. 3 12 Nov. 8 19 Nor. 24 5 Apr. 14 9 Julr 27 13 July 31 11 Aug. 21 23 Sept. 7 9 Nov. 23 4 Jan. 5 7 Mar. 25 15 Oct. 19 Aug. 25 92 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-New London, Conn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. - Aug. 27 Wells, James H. Webber, Sumner D... Whipple, Augustus N Ward, James H... Weed, John A. Walther, Benjamin Wilcox, Elias F. Wood, Charles W.. Wilcox, Rowland E. Withoy, William E. 3013 3027 3043 3047 3064 3076 3085 3092 3095 3111 12 Feb. 9 22 Mar. 13 2 Apr. 21 8 May May 1 11 May 26 13 June 14 20 June 21 7 July 8 17 July 10 16 July 28 Wilson, Samuel W. Willis, John... Ward, William D Wightman, Peleg W Wells, Frederick C.. Wilcox, Jesse F.. Warner, Timothy P. White, James P. IVright, Victor E.. 3117 3123 3127 3138 3159 .3172 3190 3201 3202 16 Aug. 10 17 Aug. 14 32 Aug. 18 25 11 Sept. 22 16 Oct. 11 14 Nov. 22 11 Dec. 10 14 Dec. 11 Dlates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New London, Conn. Ashcraft, Alonzo Andersen, Peter 0 Casey, Patrick Dahl, Axel... Dunbar, Nelson R.. Dotey, Amos W Eaton, Emory J.... Eversen, Christian . Looby, William H 907 910 911 909 914 916 901. 915 902 21 June 15 Lester, Albert. 2 June 24 Nichols, William S.... 7 July 30 Nichols, Eaton.. 6 June 22 Reardon, Jerry 4 Aug. 16 Thomas, Frank 3 Oct. 1 Volfe, Charles E. 1 Mar. 11 Tillmore. James A.... 5 Aug. 6 Walker, James 12 Mar. 29 918 904 905 908 917 903 912 913 24 2 24 1 7 8 12 12 Nov. 19 May 27 June 5 June 16 Oct. 6 Apr. 2 Aug. 12 Do. Mate and pilot licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New London, Conn. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Dodge, Ralph E.... 106 5 June 12 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-New London, Conn. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Lissue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. ! issue. First-class pilots. First-class pilots- Continued. . Arnold, George F... Anderson, Junius B... Avery, Edward P... Baker, Eugene E. Beckwith, Edgar E Burus, John Brown, Harvey S.. Buddington, John W Boardman, Dillard E.. Boardman, Francis . Beebe, Albert S.. Bump, William L.. Bacou, Charles E.. Babcock, William T Beebe, Maltby C Beckwith, Orrin V Buell, John E.. Barber, George F... Cravdall, Anderson L.. Crocker, Josiah E.. Conklin, William E.. Comstock, Charles S... Elkins, Frank L Edwards, Everett J... Gardner, William G... Gray, Foster. Griffin, Georges. Goodale, Samuel J.. Hall, Albert L Howard, Orrin M Hall, Jesse W., jr... 1321 1359 1364 1316 1318 1329 1341 1343 1344 1345 1349 1353 1354 1355 1356 1360 1361 1369 1308 1313 1325 1368 1303 1374 1327 1352 1367 1375 1306 1310 1312 3 May 28 11 Aug. 31 11 Sept. 11 6 Apr. 24 4 May 14 3 June 23 3 July 29 8 July 30 7 July 31 7 Aug. 2 3 Aug. 11 12 Aug. 12 2 Aug. 14 2 Do. 5 Aug. 21 .16 : Sept. 4 6 Do. 9 Oct. 8 8 Mar. 23 1 Apr. 14 6 June 8 1 Oct. 6 10 Fel). 11 4 Nov. 19 8 June 12 3 Aug. 12 6 Sept. 22 3 Dec. 7 4 Mar. 2 15 Apr. 7 8 ! Apr. 12 Hovard, David A. Hills, Villiam E. Hamilton, Thomas Hevitt, Herbert Hughes, Charles M Harris, Alran H.. Kobu, William J.. Lanphere, Amos B.. Lanphere, Amos Laguire, Lafayette. Lawrence, William E.. Lewis, George F.. Lada, Jabez B. McLoughlin, James.... Morer, George TV Matthews, William Moore, John J.... McCarthy, Michael McClennon, Frank W. Madden, David. Meader, Jesse A Neilson, Peter . Nelson, Charles A Ollweiler, George F.... Pierce, Charles H Preston, S. T... Pendleton, William O Pendleton, Maurice A. Rackett. Willard E Rogers, Charles L...... Rackett, A. Chauncey. 1333 1337 1340 1346 1358 1373 1328 1302 1323 1324 1325 1376 1378 1307 1322 1334 1336 1338 1357 1363 1364 1309 1347 1301 1319 1362 1377 1379 1305 1330 1348 6 July 15 3 July 21 6 July 29 13 Aug. 4 10 Aug. 23 6 Oct. 28 2 June 18 4 Feb. 8 16 June 1 5 June 5 12 July 19 10 Dec. 7 9 Dec. 18 10 Mar. 3 7 June 1 17 July 16 6 July 20 4 July 28 9 Aug. 21 2 Sept. 8 4 Sept. 24 5 Apr. 5 5 Aug. 7 7 Feb. 1 9 May 15 10 Sept. 7 7 Dec. 14 6 Dec. 21 2 Mar. 1 6 June 23 11 Aug. 10 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 93 Pilots licensed-New London, Conn.-Continued. 1 Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Secon.c-class pilots- Coutinued. Rathbun, Leonard Ross, Philip C... Sisson, Elisha F Saggers, Jonathan Smith, David W. Sisson, Ezra N.. Spencer, Johu H. Skinner, Silas C. Tribble, Willian F Thompson, Frank E.. Thomas, John Udell, George E.. Vail, John M... Willians, Charles. Westcott, Herbert A Wilcox. J. Calvin... Wines, William.. 1350 1371 1304 1317 1331 1339 1365 1370 1311 1351 1372 1314 1320 1315 1326 · 1332 1342 . Second-class pilots. 6705 1518 1525 1552 1593 1531 1547 1555 1597 1501 1550 1558 1561 1580 1585 1595 1504 1591 1507 1523 1588 6701 1505 1569 1510 1512 1528 1538 1554 1600 6702 6703 1509 1539 1541 1545 1578 1503 1560 1581 1514 1519 11 Aug. 11 Hubbarl, Hindley V. 6 Oct. 11 King, Charles W. 9 Feb. 13 King, Wallace. 18 May 4 Keeney, Crandall S.... 11 July 8 Kelsey, Ezra L 2 July 28 Larsen, Lars 11 Sept. 17 Lathrop, Jolin K 23 Oct. 11 Latham, John F. 1 Apr. Apr. 7 Longley, Charles R. 3 dug. 11 Maxson, J. Irving. 12 Oct. 26 Munger, A. N... 1 Apr. 14 Morgan, Augustus V 4 May 17 Martland, Thomas 16 dpr. 17 Meech, Sanford. 5 June 8 Miner, Samuel A 8 July 10 Morgan, F. W 2 July 29 Olirer, George W Odber, William () Packer, Lodowick F... Powers, Farrington C.. 4 May 28 Payue, Emerson w.. 15 Do. Palmer. Robert, jr. $ July 31 Ricer, Daniel G. 2 Feb. 9 Ray, B. dt. 5 Apr. 9 Slate, Thomas F.. 8 Apr. 24 Sistare. William M 9 June 3 Story, Thomas V 20 June 7 Scott, John A 3 July 22 Stevens, William TV 9 July 26 Stokes, Newton 13 any. 16 Smith, Elmer H 4 Sept. 1 Sweet, Villiam F. 8 ) Sept. 4 Tooker, Charles C 11 Jan. 5 Taylor, Alvin F... 6 Mar. 11 Thuer, Alexander F. 15 Apr. 5 Tornsend, George H.. 6 May 7 Tyler, Charles . 5 June 21 Wells. J. Sheridan 8 June 28 Worthington, Arthur H 3 July 7 Tilliams, James A 6 July 20 Young, Warren M... 6 July 28 Young, Oliver C.. 11 Sept. 15 5 Oct. 6 Special pilots. 1 Jan. 20 1 Mar. 10 Belcher, Gregory 3 June 14 Burns, Willian W 3 pr. 5 Bushnell, Herbert E... 17 Dec. 4 Crossinan, Henry S 9 | May 25 Dupre, John C.. ī May 27 Foster, Rusliton G. 16 July 6 Francis, Josiah M. 12 Aug.18 Grilling, Maxwell T. 4 May 5 Hollister, Martin T.... 6 Sept. 11 Hollister, Leonard 27 Dec. 15 Hills, Charles C... 10 Mar. 15 Joy, Henry B 5 June 24 Littlejola, Charles F 9 July 19 Mugford, Eilwin S. 9 Aug. 10 O'Callaghau, John J 2 Reed, VValter P... 6 Aug. 30 Reed, John U 8 Sept. 27 : Wormbold, Otto 2 Oct. 5 Wise, Edward Al.. 1 Oct. 20 7 Dec. 11 1 Mar. 19 5 May 4 13 June 29 8 Sept. 15 1 May 26 6 June 19 6 July 6 2 Sept. 22 11 Jan. 2 9 June 22 5 July 12 15 July 17 4 Aug. 18 12 Aug. 28 12 Sept. 24 6 Jan. 11 10 Sept. 11 5 Tel. 5 5 A pr. 19 7 Sept. 1 8 Nov. 6 6 Jan. 18 2 July 28 6 Fob. 23 2 Mar. 8 10 May 7 11 June 10 1 July 1 7 Nor. 3 20 Nov. 9 4 Nor. 17 Feb. 19 9 June 11 4 June 14 16 June 16 11 Any. 17 6 Jan. S 4 July 17 1 Aug. 18 9 Mar. 10 1 Mar. 26 Ashbey, Fremont N Ashbey, Allen Avery, Gilos a Babcock, James O Babcock, Daniel C Boerum, Elenry H. Bullard, Henry Bishop, George A. Bradley, Frederick W Burrows, Robert F. Brigham, William M.. Burdick, Eluathan. Bugbee, Clarence E... Cunningham, Willliam Champlin, Nelson.. Champion, S. Eugeno .. Chester, Ira.. Chesebro, Benjamin C Clark, John C.. Carroll, Frank J Chadwick, Frank A Champion, Leonard A. Clark, Frank .. Conroy, David J.. Denisou, James.. Doughty, William H Daniels, Norman L.... Evans, Wilkin Evarts, Curtis F Ferguson, Charles F Fuller, George T Fones, VVilliam A Flagg, Wi.liam L.. Glenn, Patrick L Grindle, Brooks Grisirold, Sirvilius A.. Heals, Will.... Hewitt, Harvey H... Heupstead, Frank Hart, Stanton G.. Hahn, Benjamin W Horton, William W Harvey, Emilus B... Hubbaril, William L Haskell, Percy A. 1533 1534 1572 1508 1522 1524 1536 1537 1564 1566 1577 1587 1589 1502 1516 1521 1527 1348 1553 1557 1563 1568 1392 1598 1506 1515 1542 1520 6704 15:30 1532 1556 1579 1526 1590 6706 1517 1551 1562 1573 1575 1586 1596 1597 1599 1529 1535 1546 1540 1584 1543 1571 1583 1513 1559 1567 1582 1511 1576 1549 1565 1570 1544 1574 3 May 19 4 June 2 8 June 17 3 June 12 4 Aug. 26 2 June 16 2 July 30 ņug. 25 22 Mar. 9 12 July 14 12 July 27 1 Aug. 18 Var. 8. 1 Aug. 11 4 June 2 2 July 23 2 July 29 2 June 16 4 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Vew London Conn. Aikey, George L. Alexander, Joel S. Anderson, Henry S Banks, Eenry D Brosnau, Cornelius J 371 390 399 361 389 5 1 3 July 22 Bedent, Charles H. Aug. 30 Coe, Carlton W.. Oct. 7 Cook, Harris J June 23 Case, Joel T Aug. 26. Case, Leon J. 393 375 376 380 381 6 Sept. 10 1 July 31 1 Do. 5 Aug. 11 51 Do. 94 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Joint pilots and engineer's licensed-New London, Conn.-Coutinued. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issile. issue. Davis George M Dexter, Erliest J Doolittle, Charles J.... Ely. Charles F. Eddy, Arthur H... Gates, Frederick G. Gardiner, Jonathan T. Hill, Charles R.... Hall, George. Hale, H. B... Hale, Wallace L Hollister, C. R... Hall. George E. Hallett, Carl F.. Harmon, Frerleric. Hall, Frank B.. Jacobs, Walter F Jewett. L. R Kenyon, Frank E Lane, Walter A.. Lanone, Arthur S... La Pierre, Floyde H 35? 382 388 369 370 363 397 352 355 356 359 360 364 387 391. 395 368 385 379 358 372 386 2 Jupe 9 2 Aug. 11 4 Aug. 20 5 July 21 2 Do. 2 June 30 7 Oct. 1 9 Apr. 24 5 May 29 2 May 31 2 June 12 7 4 July 1 4 Aug. 19 4 Sept. 1 5 Sept. 11 1 July 16 6 9 Aug. 10 1 June 2 1 July 23 1 Aug. 18 Maxim, Hiram Percy .. Mack, George G Markham, Robert L.... Manning, George 0., jr. Meade, Williani G Mack, Frederick J. Patrode, Gilbert G.... Raynor, J. Morrison... Reid, Frederic T.. Sweet, George F Spencer, C. M. Souther, Heury Stanton, Valter A Sadler, William L... Sweet, Charles J Tuthill. David 1 Turnbull, James d., jr. Tyler, Henry D... Talcott, H. George Tuthill, G. Frauk, jr Whitehouse, Robert T. 353 365 392 394 396 398 377 362 366 351. 367 373 384 400 2102 354 374 383 2101 2103 378 1 May 19 2 July 2 8 Sept. 2 1 Sept. 10 2 | Sept. 28 4 Oct. 7 2 Aug. 3 16 June 29 3 July 6 6 Mar. 13 8 July 9 2 July 27 2 Aug. 13 5 Oct. 11 2 Oct. 16 2 Day 25 1 July 31 2 Ang. 11 3 Oct. 13 3 Nov. 9 2 Aug. 7 Do. Aug. 17 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-New London, Conn. Ohief engineers (ocean). Chief engineer's (inland) Continued. Apr. 20 Bain, Alexander. Burrows, Charles F.. Brown, TVilliam L.. Chase, George M... Cranston, William H... Chesebrough, amos B. Carter, Joseph W.. Case, Frank A.. Evans, David. Geer, Charles H.. Haskell, Alfred J... Hurlbutt, Frank. Johuston, Job H.. Lawrence, Nathan S... Lyon, George W Minson, John El Matthews, John S Rogers, Henry W .. Sault, Samuel A.. Slocum, Benjamin W.. Sides, Robert C.. Trolan, Richard W Thomas, Joseph 3426 3460 3501. 3419 3442 3471 3474 3497 3363 3385 3366 3456 3507 3415 3479 3469 3472 3330 3383 3445 3510 3331 3482 15 June 29 20 July 1 5 Sept. 27 17 June 22 35 July 14 20 Aug. 13 32 Aug. 16 20 Sept. 14 8 Apr. 10 28 May 8 23 15 Aug. 3 21 Oct. 11 20 June 16 21 13 22 Aug. 13 25 Teb: 15 19 May 6 10 | July 17 6 Oct. 16 17 | Feb. 15 17 Aug. 25 Aug. 20 Aug. 12 Chief engineers (inland). Burrows, William d Brooks, Charles E.. Cruml), Henry A Cole, Marcus P Chadwick, Harry Case, Grorer TV... Champlin, Russel C.... Cbajimau, Edward C. ... Coit, Simon F.. Cordner, Frank H Clark, Ralph E.. Coulan, Thomas H Clifford, P. W.. Corwin. Herbert R.. Cary, John E. Clark, John W. Cone, William E Case, TVilliaru E Cole, Simeon E. Cummings, Joseph F.. Cadwill, John B Chapman, Edyar I... Culver, Stephen C Champlin, Charles. Cole, Ernest L. Crocker, Henry A. Donglass, Morrison D Deirire. Philip... Dunn, Jolin... Dadmin101. James N Denuis, Frederick L... Dean, Richard W Davis, Luther G Dadmun, George W... Donahue, Owen B.. Entwistle, flex. Egan, Michael P Edwards, J. Irtiny Evans, Richard Edwards, Frank Edwards. Thomas M... Ellwards, Clarence E Ewen, George H Foisey: Joseph A Foley, Frederick D. Field, George A. M Fish, Edwin A.. Foley, William J.. Faulkner. William J... Fones, William A. Faulkner, Samuel B Fitch, Marshall R 3514 3526 3301 3305 3306 3320 3322 3335 3351 3352 3360 3370 3371 3379 3408 3412 3435 3438 3457 3461 3477 3490 3499 3511 3533 3536 3315 3328 3347 3374 3440 3460 3466 3498 3545 3302 3368 3389 3390 3422 3431 3444 34.85 3303 3312 3340 3372 34:03 3416 3433 3-137 3446 3 Oct. 21 16 Nov. S 18 Jan. 2 S Do. 6 Do. 6 Jan. 25 15 Jan. 27 17 Mar. 8 23 Mar. 25 15 Mar. 29 17 Apr. 7 12 Apr. 22 20 Apr. 24 16 May .1 13 June 8 3 June 9 20 July 9 18 July 13 25 Aug. 4 3 Aug. 7 6 Aug. 18 11 Sept. 8 20 Sept. 15 16 Oct. 16 10 Nov. 23 15 Nov. 27 15 Jan. 19 7 Feb. 11 18 Mar. 23 9 Apr. 28 9 July 13 15 Aug. 7 16 | Aug. 10 19 Sept. 14 17 Dec. 20 3 Jan. 2 8 Apr. 21 6 May 11 14 May 12 17 June 24 14 | July 1 13 July 17 18 Sept. ] 15 Jan. 2 4 Jan. 13 10 Mar. 11 15 Apr. 24 9 May 31 13 June 19 17 July 6 22 July 12 23 | July 17 Ambrose, Ellwarr P Avery: Frederic H. Avery. Addison Aldrich, Elbert S Armstrong, IValter W Avery, Henry Beebe, Lewis w Bennett, Perkins C.. Bennett, Charles H... Brooks, Sanford Brown, James P Bailey, John C... Bennett. William P.... Boose, Samuel H. Bidwell. Francis A Babbidge, Clarence E. Beckwith, Frank K.... Burdick, George S... Brooks, Jobi C. Bonning, William C.. Baxter, William H.. Byrne, Lewis J Bump, Benjamin F... Buell, John ... Brewster, Everett F. 3343 3349 3365 3380 3399 3524 3307 3356 3361 3369 3384 3387 3392 3420 3424 3427 3436 3439 3441 3448 3450 3484 3487 3489 3491 11 Mar. 15 5 Mar. 23 24 Apr. 19 3 May 4 22 May 25 30 Nov. 6 2 Jan. 2 22 spr. 1 15 Apr. 7 13 Apr. 22 6 May 8 17 May 10 9 May 18 20 June 24 32 June 28 9 July 1 18 July 10 3 July 13 22 July 14 12 July 20 7 July 27 3 Sept. 1 8 Sept. 3 6 Sept. 4 16 Sept. 9 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 95 Engineers licensed–New London, Conn.-Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (in- land)-Continued. Chief engineers (in- land)- Continued. Aug. 25 Apr. 20 Apr. 19 Forbes, Miner Fink, William B. Fealey, James A. Gardner, Rio.. Gannon, Andrew M. Gates, Daniel W. Geer, Albert P... Granuiss, J. Fred Gresham, Benjamin D Gilmore, Philip Green, William B. Guest, Fleury W.. Gaminor, Herbert F... Goodale, George Gourley, Whittaker D. Gardner', Hurace R... Geer, William H.. Groeulaw, George M.C. Green, William vi Gibbons, George W Goudard, Ralph H...., Groenlaw, Nathaniel P P. Haveus, Edward W... Hoskius, Harry B Hanley, Thomas Hulse, Edwin S.. Hodgdon, Hiram M... Harvey, Charles. Hull, Henry E... Hess, Casper. Home, Charles ... Halsey, Everett E Hovey, Philo B Holmes, William E. Holdredge, Nelson S... Hewitt, Truman H.. Hamilton, Philip S.... Hanson, GustareS... Haskell, Daniel E. Hubbard, Hendley W.. Jeffrey, William F James. John R... Kinney, William W.. Kinney, Charles II Klein, Edwin J Leek, Frank R. Loper, Clarence E. Lynch, Owen J Leek, Jobu R... Locker, Frederic. Layman, M.S.. Latham, Frank W Latham, John N Leopard, James El Leahy, Jerry Lang. Henry Consell, M. Alexander. MacCulloch, Hugh. Maynard, Fitch.. MacNearney, James... Morris, Hendley W... Maxon, George E... MacNairney, Martin.. Mather, George A.. Muuger, A. N Martin, Charles H. Merry, Orrin F Murphy, James E. McIntosh, Albert. Mason, Thomas J Morley, James A.. McLean, Nicholas M... Murpılıy, James P..... Moloney, Johu.. MacNanney, Frank... North, William H. Noland, Frank L.. O'Connell, Dennis D... Parke, Russell F.... 3478 3494 3508 3317 3326 3333 3342 3400 3410 3411 3413 3423 3-125 3428 3452 3454 3464 3481 34.96 3520 3532 3543 3316 3323 3329 3348 3367 3377 3391 3394 3449 3458 3468 3470 3476 3506 3513 3517 3539 3541 3336 3500 3341 3396 3530 3313 3350 3395 3401 3405 3429 3467 3480 3516 3525 3528 3304 330S 3318 3319 3338 3359 3381 3388 3418! 3:32 3434 3451 3455 3463 3473 3512 3521 3529 3540 3373 3375 3518 3310 Oct. 29 Aug. 19 Perkins, Andrew J. 13 Sept. 11 Preston, Milbourne C.. 13 (cz. 14 Page, Charles.. 13 Jan. 21 Pease, James R.. Feb. 5 Perkins, drery C. 9 Feb. 17 Perkins, James B. 14 Mar. 15 Potter, Frauk 1 S May 26 Pierce, Charles J. 17 June 8 Palmer, Gilbert L... 1. June 9 Perkins, Ira A.. 12 June 10 Ransom, Jobu M. 18 June 28 Ritchie, William E..... 9 Do. Root, Charles S. 3 July 1 Robinson, Staftord J 16 Juli 29 Richards, Frank G....! 10 Do. Reynolds, Charles E... 27 Aug. 9 Kiel, James D.. 16 lioberts, George E 4 Sept. 11 Rogers, Levis 28 Oct. 28 Ramsdall, Alvra H. 9 Nov. 22 Robinson, George W... 9 Dec. 14 Sjostrom, Alexander. 7 Jan. 20 Samuders, Frank L.. 10 Jan. 29 Stedman, Simeon. 16 Feb. 13 Shetlott, Wilbur R. 3 Mar. 23 Stauton), Jolin \. 11 Sutton, Villiam J 10 Apr. 29 Smith. Jouno 23 May 15 | Satterlee. J.S. , 11 May 19, Smitlı, Melville. 11 July 22 Steward, Charles G... 16 Aug. 6 Sinitli, Frank J... Aug. 12 Starbrand, John 4 Do. Stebbius Thomas P. 21 Aug. 17 Spink, Boune A. 4 6 Smith, William H. 2 Oct. 20 Storldard, Varren D... 2 Oct. 23 Shailer, E. Oscar 1 Dec. 7 Spaulding. Luzerne 9 Dec. 11 Seamon, Edward C... 18 Mar. 9 Sanford, Hopkins A.. 26 Sept. 17 Sheldon, Richard 4 Mar. 13 Smith, Charles H 7 May 19 Smith, Luther C 12 Nov. 20 Spenner, Peter. 9 Jan. 14 Schultze, Albert 10 Mar. 25 Todd, George W 8 May 19 Thayer, Jolin E.. 14 May 28 Thompson, William B 9 June 1 Thompson, William J 11 July 1 Traver, Jeremiah F.... 20 Aug. 10 Tallmau, John E 5 Aug. 21 Thomas, Richard 1 Oct 23 Vipal. John P 22 Nov. 6 Vail, Daniel E. 9 Nov. 10 Winters, James M 1 Jan. 2 Williams, Eugene B 3 Jan. 6 Williams, Frederic A.. 25 Jan. 23 Vilcox, William C. 5 Jan. 25 Wilcox, Charles H.. 15 Mar. 10 Weldeni, Clark T.. 11 Apr. 5 Whittemore, F.M 9 May 4 Vilbur, Charles H.. 25 May 10 Waldron, William 13 June 22 Wiggins, James W July 3 Teaver, Lathrop P.. 16 July S Winslow, Gilbert L. 13 July 28 12 July 31 Engineers in charge of 13 Aug. 7 steamer's of 100 tons 28 Aug. 14 and under, and ovci 29 Oct. 18 10 tons. 14 Nov. 1 S Nov. 18 degardl, Edward M 4 Dec. 8 Ashbey, Fred P Allen, Frank G. 7 Apr. 28 Avery, Giles a 1 Oct. 26 Brown, James E. 27 Jan. 8 || Benson, Edward H. 3344 3357 3376 3397 3406 3407 3462 3504 3515 3531 3309 3321 3339 3358 3402 3414 3453 3459 3488 3502 3537 3325 3337 3332 3337 3346 3351 3355 3362 3364 3386 3409 3417 3443 3447 3475 3483 3486 3519 3522 3523 3534 3535 3528 3542 3546 3324 3398 3404 3493 3495 3503 3544 3378 3393 3311 3314 3334 3345 3353 3382 3421 3465 3492 3505 3509 3527 6 Mar. 17 5 Apr. 5 7 Apr. 29 24 May 21 19 June 1 7 June 2 10 Aug. 7 12 Oct. 4 1 Oct. 23 16 Nov. 22 14 Jan. C 6 Jan. 27 2 Mar. 10 5 Apr. 5 15 May 28 16 June 11 17 July 29 7 Aug. 6 20 Sept. 4 22 Sept. 28 21 Dec. 7 1 Feb. 1 7 Feb. 11 9 Feb. 15 6 Mar. 10 28 Mar. 23 10 Mar. 30 29 Do. 5 Apr. 7 24 9 , May 8 6 June 8 9 June 19 8 July 16 11 July 19 2 Aug. 19 9 Aug. 26 11 Sept. 2 S | Oct. 28 17 Nor. 3 18 Do. 8 Nov. 23 17 Nor. 26 5 Dec. 7 8 Dec, 14 8 Dec. 24 3 Jan. 29 16 May 24 12 June 1 12 Sept. 10 8 Sept. 14 11 Sept. 30 6 Dec. 17 2 May 1 6 May 18 4 Jan. 9 20 1 Jan. 19 12 Feb. 24 7 Mar. 20 20 Mar. 30 2 Dilay 5 7 June 24 15 Aug. 10 22 Sept. 10 25 ! Oct. 5 Oct. 15 1 Nov. 10 1 Apr. 27 2333 2345 2363 2398 2304 2323 1.4 Apr. 19 15 May 28 9 July 10 10 Sept. 11 1 Jan. 2 8 Mar. 20 96 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Vew London, Conn.—Continued. Namie. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Engineers in charge of steamcrs of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons Continued. Thomasson, Frank. Talbot, John F Thuer, alexander F... Tyler, Melvin I.. Vail, Herbert G... Weilerlevich, Francis C Wise. Edward H... Welsen, Harwon H Talsh, Michael. Wilcox, George E. 2320 2330 2359 2375 2327 2344 2860 2377 8604 8605 3 Mar. 17 11 Apr. 15 3 June 29 9 Aug. 6 2 May 6 1 May 26 13 July 2 8 Aug. 10 12 Oct. 13 5 Oct. 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 28 First assistant engi- ricer's (ocean). Berrier, Jake Powers, Richard J... 2384 2381 5 Aug. 21 3 Aug. 19 6 I'irst assistant crgi- neers (inland). : Jan. Beach, J. Henry Bullard, Henry Bishop, George H... Bushnell, Herbert E Bixby, Eugene F.... Beebe, Albert M Brumaid, Adelbert E.. Brighan, William M. Baldwin, Frank H Buell, Adelbert D.. Beebe Frederick R., Cougshall, Albert A... Champliu, George. Capron, Thomas E. Champion, S. Eugeno Casaau, Henry... Cunningham, Wm. E Champion, Leonard A Davis, Charles H... Duncau, Jolin. Ebbetts, Jolu P Edwards, Arthur J.... French, Iiles H.. Gee, John S... Garlick, Charles H... Garretson, Elmer E.... Griswold, Servilius A. Heenai, P. A.. Hollister, Martin T Hancock, Charles E.... Hubbard, William E.. Hill, Charles C.... Follister, Rossell.. Hughes, Charles M.. Herresloff, John B... Horton, William W.. Hannond, William P.. Hornbey, Richard E Elood, Samuel... Jones, Charles T.. Kennier, William H. Littlejohn, Charles F.. Linden, Richard. Loper, William D... Lybeck, Johu R Dalos. Thomas. Moore, Luthier D. Dunyer, Everett P... ONearuey, Joseph P.. Morgan, Jugustus V.. Mortimer, Harry L.. Dartlanı, Thomas Z... McNally, John Viner, Samuel a Jloryan, Henry. Jorgan. F. 1. Acryan, Washington M JIcLaughlin, J. I'rank. Nelsori, Dominick . Newton. William E... Odber, William E.... Payuie. Alonzo H.. Packer, Henry C.. Peckham, William M.. Redmoud. William H.. Riel, Reuben. Reed, John U. Ray, Bertrand A Raymond, Ralph B. Selleck, Frederick S Stewardi, George W.. Sparrow, Amos L.... Sheffield Beljamin F.. Smith, Elmer H. Saunders, William Savin, Michael E 2335 2348 2349 2352 2356 2365 2367 2380 2391 8601 8613 9305 2314 2322 2327 2336 2338 2373 2307 2376 2326 2347 2346 2325 2369 2100 8622 2302 2316 2350 2358 2368 2370 2385 2389 2392 8607 8610 8615 2394 8617 2315 2357 2371 8608 2303 2342 2313 2353 2354 2355 2364 2382 2390 2393 8602 8623 8624 2313 2:399 2397 2309 2396 8606 2310 2366 2372 2388 612 2306 2341 2361 2387 S609 8616 8618 10 Apr. 20 9 Juno 3 20 June 7 8 June 17 6 June 19 20 July 12 9 July 27 1.3 17 1 Sept. 22 2 Nov. 20 4 Jan. S 7 Mar. 8 9 Mar. 20 16 apr. 5 6. apr. 27 7 day 6 Aug. 2 4 Jan. 20 24 dug. .7 6 dpr. 5 3 May 31 3 May 29 19 Apr. 2 3 July 27 6 Sept. 22 27 Dec. 15 32 Jan. 2 22 Mar. 9 2 June 9 2 June 24 11 July 27 12 July 28 16 Aug. 23 7 6 Aug. 30 18 Oct. 28 13 Nov. 18 17 Nov. 26 17 Sept. 1 10 Dec. 1 5 Mar. 8 6 June 23 7 July 29 2 Nor. 4 11 Jan. 2 Mar 18 17 dlay 20 5 Jurie la Du. 13 June 19 23 July 12 15 dug. 19 5 10) Sept. 1 13 Sept. 24 11 Dec. 27 2 Do. 11 Mar. 8 2 Sept. 16 10 Sept. 11 10 Feb. 9 1 Sept. 8 14 Oct. 18 17 May 11 18 July 16 5 July 29 1 lug. 25 8 Nov. 20 3 Jan. 9 24 May 13 19 July 3 16 Aug. 25 9 Nov. 9 Dec. 1 11 Dec. 4 Briggs, George R Couroy, l'illiam Clark, Carl E.. Dolbeare, Wilson E.... Doyle, Richard T Edwards, Charles B. Toisey, Charles A.. Gilmore, James Grimes, Albert R. Gibbons, George W., jr. Gilbride, Thomas Harris, Albert. Elolt, Frank T.. Howard, George B. .... Hodgkins, Francis D... McCormick, John H... McIntosh, George.. Mayuard. Byron Proper, Benjamin DI Richmond, Jesse W. Sheehan, Timothy Simpson, Robert J Sullivan, Jolin C. Tallman, Herbert West, William. Aug. 28 2324 2331 8603 2301 8620 2312 2351 2318 2319 2362 8614 2317 2328 2378 2386 2321 2334 8619 2310 2374 2308 2332 2383 8611 2395 8 Mar. 29 10 Apr. 16 1 Sept. 30 1 2 2 Dec. 7 10 Mar. 3 15 June 10 2 Mar. 15 2 Mar. 16 5 July 9 4 Nov. 16 17 Mar. 10 4 Apr. 7 2 Aug. 12 6 Aug. 24 4 Mar. 19 6 apr. 29 11. Dec. 6 17 Feb. 11 1 Aug. 4 14 Fe!. 2 8 dpr. spr. 19 6 Aug. 21 1 Nov, 19 15 Sept. 4 12 Second assistant ingi- FUC78 (inland). Friend, George W Gilmore, Janies E.. V11 VFurt, Edward L.. Vickery, Robert J.... 2339 2329 2311 8621 3 May 10 5 pr. 11 8 Feb. 17 6 Dec. 14 dug. 28 Third assistant engi- neer (ocean;. Carroll, George G. 2379 1 Ang. 13 Special engineers. Atherton, John. Gaffiga, John S. Hawkins. J. W Holmes, Rodolphus A Hollister, Leonard Hines, Charles. Luper, Alexander P.... Maxson, J. Irviug. Parmelee, Charles B. Palmer, Robert, jr Ryan, Edward. Story, Thomas W Sweet, William F... Tri), Daniel M.. 703 707 704 706 708 712 711 702 709 713 710 705 714 701 3 Mar. 30 5 June 29 6 Apr. 13 5 May 13 14 | July 14 6 Oct. 20 2 Sept. 22 11 2 4 Sept. 18 8 Nor. 6 3 Sept. 18 7 May 7 4 Nov. 17 1 2 Jan. Jan. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 97 LOCAL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Philadelphia, Pa. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Aug. 25 Baring, Charles ... Burns, Frederick- Beynon, Winslow A Calberg, Andrew. Christophersen, M Cooper, Ralph V. M. M... Croskoy, Alfred. Chapman, Henry D Daddow, John Doxrad, Hans Dredrek. Engle, Peter Francke, İmil Fleming, Henry Forbes, James D Herreman, Charles F... Henry, William E... Heuscheen. John C... Herreman, Elenry W Kreebolum, Paul H.... Landry, Augustine 3358 3373 3473 3314 3535 3555 3593 12614 3351 3445 3597 3401 3531 1264:6 3335 3339 3417 12603 12630 3307 6 Mar. 16 McMunn, Freeling. 1. Mar. 31 Power, Hannon M 12 June 15 Phillips, C. W 3 Jan. 19 Rodman, Christopher. 7 Aug. 2 Rand, James H 14 Risley, Ezra B 3 Oct. 8 Rowe, Charles M 6 Nov. 8 Roberts, Edward v. 1 Mar. 10 Smith, Arthur 8 June 2 Scott, William 4 Oct. 12 Smith, Alfred Al 3 Apr. 27 Sargent, Redford A. 14 July 30 Smith, Edward A.. 4 Dec. 21 Stousland, John 1 Feb. 17 Thompson, William H. 15 Feb. 23 Truchsess, Max. 4 May 14 Watkins, John.. 6 Oct. 23 | Wiborg, Jacob Henrik 2 Nov. 26 Jasper 4 Jan. 5 3387 3369 3526 3305 3310 3588 12626 12632 3360 3405 3430 3443 3457 12648 3321 12634 3333 15 Apr. 19 5 Mar. 29 11 July 27 4 Jan. 4 12 Jan. 7 6 Oct. 4 6 Nov. 17 9 Nov. 27 6 Mar. 19 7 May 1 17 May 22 8 May 31 4 June 10 6 Dec. 22 5 Feb. 1 1 Dec. 1 1 Tob. 16 12649 1 Dec. 24 من شهر Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Philadelphia, Pa, } D Adams, Jolin mo Andorson, Peter G Alexander, Josephı. Allen, Daniel P Arey, David L Atkins, Custus W. Bennett, Jamies M Bennett, Napoleon. Black, Francis B Byrne, Patrick Bacon, Andrew N. Brown, Johu H ... Bloomsburg, Peter. Bull, William T... Blocksom, Richard Bernard, William T.... Baynum, James M. Bacon, Daniel D Burton, Fred Bellvon, Georgo W Burton, Isaac A Barlett, Robert M. Bacon, Joseph Brown, Danie! D.. Bedwell, drthur J.... Brown, Theodore J Bowen, George W Barrett, Leonard D... Bartlett, William J Boole, William T Barnes, Johu M... Blockson, Jesse. Bryant, C.T Clark, Henry Campbell, Lewis M.... Collins, William Cannon, Richard P.. Chase, Henry S Cain, Enos W Chapman, William C... Cleaver, Goorge A Cook, John... Chester, Joseph R Collar, Andrew J Cavanaugh, Martin Chase, William T Cullen, Nathaniel L.... Crowell, Horace Clark, James W Chase, Silmon G.. 3341 3395 3424 3439 3444 3586 3326 3328 3331 3345 3349 3370 3376 3384 3399 3414 3442 3469 3477 3187 3491 3499 3508 3514 3534 3545 35511 3559 3560 3561 3590 12609 12640 3302 3319 3344 3375 3389 3407 3408 3413 3419 3425 3427 3431 3449 3458 3460 3463 3494 11 feb. 24 Cooper, William H.... 17 Apr. 26 Chase, Joshua G.. 23 May 20 | Cone, Nathan. 21 | May 28 li Cherry, James L. 9 June 1 1 Corliss, Jobiel 11 Sept. 30 Chester, Hosea R.. 18 Feb. 8 Campbell, David 8 Feb. 10 Chambers, Robert G.. 6 Feb. 15 Chester, Earry S 26 Mar. 5 Chaudler, Ebe T.. 17 Mar. 9 Duey, Andrew N 25 Mar. 30 Dougherty, James 15 Apr. 6 Derrickson, Joshua J 19 Apr. 19 Davis, George H. 5 i Apr. 27 Dabl, Wilhelm T 12 May 11 Denny, Samuel M.. 4 May 31 Denny, James A. 15 June 15 Davis, William J 1 June 21 Denny, Joseph G 23 June 28 Daisey, Eber A 12 June 29 Davis. James 18 July 8 Dailey, Andrew 14 | July 15 Daisey, Elihu R.. 18 July 20 Donaris, Charles 23 July 31 Davis, Joshua. 17 Aug. 16 Dabl, William 16 Aug. 24 Dalbow, Theodore B 10 Aug. 28 Durborough, Jolin C... 12 Do. Deckman, Charles B.. 22 Aug. 30 Darby, Miers J 1 Oct. 5 Eldredge, Jeremiah L .. 27 Oct. 30 Evans, Joshua B... 16 Dec. 7 English, David B 13 4 Eldredge, Francis S.... 1 Jan. 27 Edger, Benjamin J 15 Mar. 4 Edwards, Frank G. 11 A pr. 5 Edwards, Edward B 11 Apr. 20 Fenton, Andrew J.... 20 May 4 Fenimore, Isaiah R 12 Do. Frambes, Joseph D 13 May 6 Fenton, Charles F 5 May 17 : Fengar, Charles C 26 May 20 Fowler. Samuel J 24 Ford, William 12 May 22 Follett, Hiram 6 June 4 Fraser, George 1 16 June 11 Fulmer, George W.. 14 June 12 Fowler. Job T 27 June 14 Gray, Jolin 12 July 1 il Grupp, William 3503 3520 3521 3522 3540 3564 3572 12612 12623 12629 3312 3338 3363 3398 3406 3146 3447 3495 3515 3523 3530 3536 3541 3554 3570 3571 12610 12637 12638 12643 3315 3380 3416 ! 3432 3461 3489 3592 3354 3357 3388 3438 3448 3472 3501 3548 3581 12604 12645 3334 3337 26 | July 10 11 July 23 28 July 24 15 July 26 27 Aug. 6 7 Sept. 1 7 Sept. 14 1 Noy. 3 11 Nov. 16 2 Nov. 23. 15 Jau. 11 14 Feb. 20 5 Mar. 25 27 Apr. 27 9 May May 3 28 June 3 20 Do. 24 July 3 19 July 21 9 July 27 23 July 30 26 Aug. 2 27 Aug. 7 12 Aug. 25 27 Sopt. 7 21 Do. 9 Oct. 30 12 | Dec. 3 19 Dec. 30 Dec. 18 19 Jan. 19 8 Apr. 13 8 May 13 10 May 24 14 June 12 9 June 29 22 Oct. S 20 Mar. 13 1 Mar. 16 5 Apr. 20 22 May 27 11 June 3 15 June 15 32 Julys 23 Aug. 23 10 Sept. 23 27 Oct. 25 17 Dec. 21 18 Heb. 17 6 Tel. 18 | Jall. Do. 57_7 98 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed— Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issuo. issue. Apr. 26 . 3350 3396 3440 3455 .3579 3313 3352 3353 3304 3365 3368 3371 3382 3385 1 3390 3392 3:11 3115 3422 3434 3437 3441 3453 3456 3468 3481 3490! Godfrey, Harrison Goslce, Robert W.. Grace, William H.. Goslee, Edward S.. Gibbons, Ellward. Hughes, Hugh M Hauser. Jcus Heacock, Joh. Heathcote, Joseph.. Hudson, William 1).... Husted, Jannes B. Horner, George W Hamiltov, James B Hartman, Saruucl ... Henderson, S. S..jr Hand, Henry Hughes, Matthew Hall, Charles Hand, Leonard Houck, William H Henrierson, John H... Hughes, Samnel... Hewphill, James Higgins, Lewis H Hoover, James W.. Howott, Thomas S.. Hatcli, Alvin R.... Hazin, John S.... Aallinger, David B Hullfish, Benjamin Fall, John D.. Holt, Handy P Hall, George A Hand. Fuman. Hillman, Ellward Hattrick, James R.. Irelan, John S. Israel, Franks Jardella, W. W Justice, Jacob K... Jackson, William T... Jones, John.... Justico, William A Jackson, Jonathan R -Jenkins, Evan. Jacobs, William F.R.. Kirwaii, John T Kelley, Charles Kelley, John F -Keller, George W.C. ... King, Robert w Kirk, Howard w Kelley, Cbarles M Leeman, Samuel Lenox. De Boss. Ludlam, Thomas S Laimir, Cæser A Lent, William D.. Lawsen, Hamilton B... Lang, William E Lackey, George W Lank, James A.... Locke, Thomas G.. Laughlin, Samuel. Long, William.. Lengo, Salathiel B. Lee, Lewis S Lendel, Millard F Lute, Richard W Loveland, Charles D... Lyuch, Joshua T.. Lane, Sylvester C. Melville, Henry E Mattson, Abner A.. Metcalf, John H... Minford, William J... Merrill, Henry O Mallison, Joseph .. Moncrief. Charles Milliner, Thomas H. Mullin, Bartley. 12 Mar. 9 14 20 May 29 24 June 10 17 Sept. 23 6 Jan. 14 17 Mar. 13 23 Do. 10 Mar. 26 18 Do. 17 Mar. 29 6 Mar. 31 3 apr. 15 16 Apr. 19 9 Apr. 20 10 Apr. 2:3 10 Maj 5 7 | May 13 11 May 18 14 May 25 8 May 27 9 May 31 7 June 7 17 June 10 28 June 15 7 June 22 7 June 29 21 July 6 24 July 8 19 July 30 25 Aug. 17 18 | Aug. 24 7 Sept. 22 27 Sept. 24 25 Nor. 9 25 Nov. 17 16 June 16 Aug. 31 10 | Mar. 20 16 Mar. 31 14 6 June 15 15 July 13 18 16 Aug. 27 17 Sept. 17 16 June 14 21 June 24 8 July 21 5 July 22 14 Sept. 18 11 Oct. 7 25 Nov. 15 9 Jan. 2 22 Fob. 16 8 Mar. 23 6 apr. 7 2 Apr. Apr. 8 14 Apr. 14 9 Apr. 19 20 May 4 19 | July 9 12 July 12 16 July 17 17 July 27 5 Aug. 4 1 Sept. 21 20 Sept. 23 22 Oct. 5 6 Oct. 12 28 Nov. 1 13 Nov. 17 20 Jan. 22 26 Jan. 30 3 Feb. 4 26 Apr. 19 16 12 May 14 16 June 7 6 June 14 12 June 15 Apr. 29 3496 3500 3532 3546 3549 3578 3582 12615 12624 3474 3562 3361 1 3372 3403 3471 3507 3550 3558 3575 3464 3183 3517 3518 3576 3591 12620 3301 3332 3362 3377 3378 3381 3383 3410 3502 3506 3512 3525 3543 3577 3580 3589 3594 12611 12625 3316 3320 3322 3386 3397 3418 3452 3462 3467 Mull'ord, Jonathan J Miller, Abraham B.... Moreliouse, Albert. Melson. William N Miller, Harry S. Mathews, David L.. Marshall, Jerry: Megathlin, Anthony S. Mageo, Charles H Minford, William J., jr. Martin, Patrick 1 Maxson, Natlian H... McCue, Simon F.. McQuilkin, George McDade, Joseph McKeever, William Dicintyre, Joseph H... McIntyre. James McDade, Lewis... McCírody, Michael J. McGlonghlin, Jos. M Norman, Wrexham W. Nickerson, Phineas A. Norton, John W.. Nelling. J. Brook Nugent, Richard F.. O'Neill, James Ustrom, John D... Osborn, Charles H.. O'Neill, Charles. Perring, Henry C Perkins, Benjamiu F Pierce, Joshua.. Pierce, Edward Peterson, Alfred T. Pierce, James H.. Passwaters. John. Passwaters, Levi M.. Pierce, Benjamin F... Pedrick, Samuel.. Plummer, Ernest M. Phillips, George H. Pardee, Thomas Quicksall, Josephi. Quillen, William R Reed, Charles.. Rea, Daniel D... Rodgers. William J Richards, John B Reybold, Philip. Ray, Thomas J.. Robinson, William C Rodan, Thomas. Robinson, William Roach, William E.. Rogers, Henry C. Sablich, John .. Shearer, George B Swenson, Axel. Snow, Stillman W. Steelman, George M. Shuman, Samuel G Spalding, George H. H.... Steelman, William Smith, Charles H Scott, Walter .. Shaw, Thomas B... Sooy, Thomas C.. Sumons, Lawrenco. Steen, Ellward... Sooy, Joseph... Simpkins, Joseph Springer, John "T Shropshire, Israel R Segars, George M Shoe, John G.S. Sullivan, John. Sullivan, John R. Somers, William H.. Tront, Christopher Townsend, Van Doren 3476 3486 3492 3493 3511 3544 3585 3596 12618 12621 12631 12641 3304 3318 3330 33-16 3391 3426 3529 3598 12627 3553 3584 3600 12601 12628 3470 3498 3528 12606 3317 3340 3379 3412 3420 3478 3488 3519 3537 3539 3547 3552 3583 3366 3400 3336 3342 3348 3423 3428 3429 3451 3484 3505 3527 3567 3311 3323 3324 3325 3356 3393 3436 3465 3480 3485 3497 3524 3533 3542 3556 3599 12605 12608 12, 622 12, 636 12, 639 12, 650 12, 651 2, 309 3, 355 25 June 18 27 June 26 26 June 29 16 June 30 9 July 17 7 Aug. 14 21 Sept. 29 18 Oct. 12 17 Nov. 11 5 Nov. 15 14 Nov. 27 4 4 Dec. 10 14 Jan. 4 8 Jan. 27 25 Feb. 12 17 Mar. 6 17 | Apr. 21 23 May 20 13 July 29 25 Oct. 12 27 Nov. 19 1 Aug. 24 25 Sept. 28 18 Oct. 18 12 Oct. 20 10 Nov. 20 18 June 15 24 July July 7 6 July 29 14 Oct. 28 9 Jan. 23 26 Feb. 23 14 Apr. 12 24 May 6 26 May 17 13 June 22 6 Juno 29 24 July 23 14 Aug. 2 5 Aug. 6 7 Aug. 17 7 Aug. 24 4 | Sept. 28 16 Mar. 29 Apr. 27 27 Feb. 17 13 Feb. 27 17 Mar. 8 25 Mar. 18 23 May 31 5 Do. 18 June 4 15 June 24 23 | July 12 16 July 27 9 Sept. 3 15 Jan. 9 27 Feb. 5 4 Feb. 8 23 Do. 10 Mar. 16 26 Apr. 24 20 May 25 15 June 15 13 June 22 26 June 24 18 July July 7 12 July 27 20 July 31 27 | Aug. 11 6 Aug. 26 31 Oct. 13 24 Oct. 26 27 Oct. 30 14 Nov. 15 7 Dec. 2 13 Dec. 6 14 Dec. 28 21 Dec. 29 26 Jan. 6 12 Mar. 16 Aug. 24 Apr. 26 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 99 Master's and pilots licensed Philadelphia Pa..Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 20 aug. 31 Tunnell, James S Tucker, Maurice.. Truett, John F Tilton, Lutber B.. Thompson, Henry L Tracy, Jobn W... Tulles, James. Truax, Ebeu E.. Tyler, George F... Townsend, Japhet M.. Thompson, Harrison A Taylor, Josepb. Taylor, Miles S.. Trout, Harry B... Tillack, Charles . Townsend, Enoch D Tracy, John Umstead, William E... Vansant, George C.. Vansant, Gilbert M. Verden, Joun R.. Vankirk, Thomas S.... Vanscivor, Aga Vaughan, James H Verden, Thomas J Webb, Hiram 3,359 3,374 3, 404 3,421 3, 459 3, 482 3,500 3, 510 3,516 3,538 3,562 3,569 3, 595 12, 619 12, 633 12, 635 12, 643 3, 557 3, 409 3, 433 3, 454 3, 475 3,568 3, 574 12, 647 3, 303 26 Mar. 17 6 Mar. 31 May 1 7 May 17 6 June 12 22 June 23 2:3 July 16 18 Do. 20 July 21 13 Aug. 4 7 11 Sept. 7 12 Oct. 12 18 Nov. 12 16 Nov. 30 12 Dec. 1 22 Dec. 13 13 Aug. 27 4 May 4 13 May 24 4 June 8 19 June 16 11 Sept. + 18 Sept. 17 1 Dec. 21 16 Jan. 4 Test, Jobn T... Wilson, Robert E Wilson, Horace . Walker, George T.... Willetts, Washington S Wright, Mahlon Warren, Harry A Warren, Robert... Warreu, John T Wilson, John A. West, Samuel... Walton, Charles Wilson, James. West, Henry C Wiley, John P Wheeler, Charles A Williamson, John. Wool, Thomas D... Williamson, Justus L.. Walker, Frank E... Weatherby, Charlos W Waters, Frank.. Watkins, Jobu w Woodall, John Worrell, William C. 3, 306 3, 308 3,327 3, 229 3, 343 3, 347 3, 367 3, 394 3, 402 3, 435 3, 150 3,466 3, 479 3, 504 3, 513 3,565 3, 566 3,573 3,587 12, 602 12, 607 12, 613 12, 616 12, 617 12, 644 6 Jan. 5 9 Jan. 6 13 Feb. 9 5 Feb. 11 24 Mar. 1 21 DIar. 6 10 Mar. 29 19 Apr. 26 27 Apr. 28 24 May 25 3 June 4 26 June 15 24 Juno 22 21 July 12 26 July 19 14 Sept. 1 28 Sept. 2 5 Sept. 14 15 Oct. 1 16 Oct. 21 30 Oct. 29 16 Nov. 8 2 Nov. 9 8 Do. 18 Dec. 20 0 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Philadelphia, Pa. ܟܢ ܪܬ ܗ 965 968 971 Anderson, Adolph. Botsen, Bernard Busselberg, Heinrich .. Chadwick, John K.... Edthofer, F.X.. Garrett, Charles A. Hammond, Philip J. 970 958 964 960 962 956 951 3 Oct. 18 Jackel, Frederick J... 2 Mar. 30 Moore, Claronce C 6 July 7 Pocchiolci, Victor J.... 1 May 6 Stoll, Charlo B. 2 May 28 Smith, Charles N 9 Mar. 19 Toon, George H. 16 Jan. 4 2 July 7 4 Sept. 7 1 Nov. 3 1 Mar. 9 5 July 22 2 May 19 954 966 961 Mates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Philadelphia, Pa. Armstrong, William L. Bleedecker, Abraham.. Briggs, John O... Cummings, Leslie J Greaves, Hugh J 969 955 955 952 963 3 Oct. 12 Lloyd, Thomas M.. 4 Mar. 16 Lannan, Clarence H... 12 Apr. 30 Robinson, Willian J... 6 7 Wartbichler, Frank.... 8 June 10 953 972 967 957 8 8 14 1 Jan. 18 Dec. 7 Aug. 26 Mar. 24 Jau. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Philadelphia, Pa. First-class pilots. First-class pilots- Continued. Baker, John R... Bacon, James F. Braud, Charles W Bull, James F... Boddingham, Robert Bates, John P... Bender, Henry S. Betts, Thomas W.. Blocksom, James Boice, Silas Brown, William E Boole, George.. Bristow. George M. Campbell, Frazer Chew, John D.. Collar, Harry J Carroll, Thomas R Cavileer, David L. Crosby, Eugene. Caylor, Daniel G. 1507 1508 1513 1535 1536 1538 1541 1548 1558 1561 1569 1587 6303 1506 1526 1574 1576 1594 1597 6302 12 Jan. 19 Cassedy, Wilbur 12 Jan. 27 Campbell, Robert Feb. 11 ! Collins, Willard E. 7 Apr. 23 Davidson, Charles T. H 16 Apr. 29 Darby, James M 14 ! May ! Dahl, John. 23 | May 10 Edwards, Samuel 7 June 4 Fitcher, William R.... 5 June 18 Fisher, Job H 6 June 21 Figgs, James E. W 2 July 13 Fredericks, William Aug. 31 Garrison, Charles. 15 Oct. 5 Gray, John F.. 11 Jan. 19 Gibble, Selden N. 11 Mar. 23 Giberson, Thomas C 16 July 16 Godfrey, Thomas F 9 dug. 2 Gandy: Benjamin B. 5 Sept. 16 Gray, Thomas 9 Sept. 21 Gates, Josoph. 5 Oct. 1 Harris, Charles J 6312 6315 6318 1528 1543 6321 0304 1521 1592 6307 6317 1509 1529 1542 1550 1585 · 1588 6311 6314 1512 5 Nov. 1 7 Nov. 9 17 Nor. 30 11 Mar. 27 33 May 18 14 Dec. 21 5 Oct. 5 10 Mar. 1 1 Sept. 8 4 Oct. 19 20 Nov. 17 10 Jan. 30 15 Apr. 1 6 May 17 13 June 7 13 Aug. 28 9 Sept. 3 12 Oct. 23 15 Nov. 9 2 Feb. 8 15 U 100 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Namo. No. of No. of Date of license. Jissue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. First-class pilots- Continued. First-class pilots Continued. Wells, George H Walls, Thomas P Wilson, Willian T. Wolverton, George Yearicks, William B... 1593 1598 6306 6316 1584 3 Sept. 13 3 Sept. 22 21 Oct. 9 12 Nov. 12 20 Aug. 24 Second-class pilots. . Haaskarl, Joseph F.. Hiskey, Tilgh M. Harmou, Ferdinand. Henderson, Ludlam M. Hillman, George Hewitt, Robert T. Hazel, William H. Herron, James P... Hart, Thomas C. Hughes James. Hurley, William E Hillman, William Holloway, James P Justice, Edward M Jackson, James L.. Keon, John R Kirk, David Krouse, William Ludlam, Charles Lawsen, Swain. Lingo, John H Lowis, Harry A... Mattiford, James. Mooney, William E.. Mattson, Edward G... Morrix, William H.. Munyon, Joseph T... Middleton, William C.. Mattson, Charles L McCaulley, Edward w Norris, George. Norcom, Joseph D Osler, Morris Pedrick, Joel. Phillips, John E... Perkins, William S Palmer, William E Pride, Robert D.... Reynolds, Edward G... Russell, Samuel.. Roach, Frederick W Richards, James R.... Raffle, William W.. Rue, George F Reeves, Samuel F..... Shropshire, Sherman D Shaw, Levi E... Siraugh, Peter A Suthard, Edward J Salmons, Edward O... Smith, Charles Steer, Harry Sarish, Harry G... Simkins, Charles.. Stoney, Alfred B., jr Shaw, Larpie B... Somers, James L... Strobridge, Samuel J... Salmons, T. Wesley Sparks, William Tighe, Louis. Taylor, John E. Truitt, William C... Tettemer, Enoch. Uron, Charles B... Vanderslice, George W Whitaker, Joseph Wharton, George. Wills, Charles H Williams, William W Westcott, James E.... Walls, Eli. Wilson, Edward T Walls, George H.. Webb, John M. Wells, James E.. Wilson, Peter. Ward, George W 1520 1531 1544 1549 1565 1570 1577 1379 1582 1589 1590 1599 6308 1518 6322 1523 1.600 6319 1515 1530 1563 6320 1537 1545 1560 1564 1566 6310 6313 6301 1519 1555 1595 1510 1527 1534 1571 1575 1503 1514 1532 1540 1557 1562 1596 1516 1517 1522 * 1525 1533 1553 1556 1568 1578 1580 1581 1583 1586 6305 6309 1511 1547 1572 1573 6323 1559 1501 1502 1504 1505 1524 1539 1546 1551 1552 1554 1567 1591 1 Feb. 24 12 Apr. 6 12 May 24 11 June 5 15 July 8 7 | July 14 7 Aug. 5 6. Aug. 13 16 Aug. 21 11 Sept. + 3 Do. 10 Sept. 25 8 Oct. 19 5 Feb. 19 11 Dec. 23 17 Mar. 3 16 Sept. 25 19 Dec. 6 7 Feb. 15 9 Apr. 2 4 June 30 14 Dec. 9 18 Apr. 30 17 May 25 11 June 19 6 June 30 15 July 9 9 Oct. 21 20 Nov. 2 17 Sept. 28 7 Feb. 19 10 June 14 6 Sept. 21 17 Feb. 1 21 Mar. 27 8 Apr. 22 11 July 16 16 July 28 3 Jan. 15 9 Feb. 19 9 Apr. 19 17 May 10 3 June 18 2 June 23 14 Sept. 21 12 Feb. 15 11 Feb. 19 6 Mar. 3 1 Mar. 18 7 7 June 11 8 June 18 14 | July 13 27 Aug. 12 3 Aug. 19 16 Do. 3 Aug. 23 17 Aug. 31 1 Oct. 6 17 Oct. 21 1 Tel. 4. 6 June 1 15 | July 16 3 July 26 8 Dec. 28 18 June 19 17 Jan. 2 32 Jan. 15 13 11 Jan. 18 10 Mar. 9 13 May 8 1 Julie 1 1 June 10 1 19 Juno 11 15 July 10 12 Sept. 8 Atkins, Stant B. Abdill, William P Armstrong, John C Abdill, Stepheu. Brower, Platt, jr Butler, Alfred A. Bramell, Benjamin Byrnes, Williamı J Bennett, Charles F.. Boys, Thomas. Brink, Chester W. Burton, John A. Bull, William C. Benson, Benjamin Bunting, William C. .... Blocksom, William, jr. Boyer, Fred. C Boud, Jolin Box, Alfred. Betis, Frank P... Burbage, Harry W., jr. Barnes, Smitb. Bagley, John J.. Baylis, John R.. Burch, Harry M Burton, Pemberton Blocksom, Samuel L... Bechtel, William Black, Crosby M. Calboun. Herbert C.... Cassel, Jos. E.. Collar, Edwin. Callray, Frank Carey, Stephen S Connor, Harry G. Craig, Howard A Cramer, George H Curran, James. Corliss, William R.... Casey, William Campbell , William S... Cramer, Cbarles C. Carey, Joseph F Cassiday, William H... Corson, Robert... Carpenter, George T Conrow. Charles C Dale, Jawas W. Doughty, Salem Daisey, Charles H Dolbow, George P. H Daisey, James H. Draper, Johu B Davis, George M. Downs, Joseph G Darby, Charles E Davis, Frederick W Dryden, William Dolby, Warren Davidson, Andrew J.. Dasey, George H Dodd, Walter A Englislı, William S Easlum, George W Evans, Alonzo H. Evans, George E.. Ellwards, Arthur H. Frankentield, Edw. L.. Fleesou, William H Fifield, Walter.. 1743 1771 1812 1940 1702 1717 1720 1731 1737 1746 1750 1768 1781 1798 1807 1819 1834 1871 1878 1889 1898 1910 1924 1928 1936 1946 1950 1951 1965 1708 1716 1734 1745 1761 1776 1800 1804 1828 1850 1863 1897 1900 1908 1919 1933 1977 1979 1706 1755 1779 1789 1794 1795 1805 1826 1827 1890 1892 1931 1958 1970 1974 1777 1780 1867 1912 1960 1860 1899 1907 11 Mar. 11 4 Apr. 24 13 June 2 19 Oct. 18 5 Jan. 4 3 Feb. 2 2 Feb. 8 3 Feb. 17 4 Mar. 3 23 Mar. 19 10 Mar. 23 6 Apr. 15 4 May 7 4 May 19 9 May 27 6 June 11 3 Juno 24 2. July 27 5 July 30 2 dug. 6 8 Aug. 24 18 Sept. 13 14 Sept. 24 4 Sept. 28 10 Oct. 13 19 Oct. 29 1 Nov. 3 10 Do. 5 Nov. 24 3 Jan. 12 2 Feb. 1 3 Feb. 24 17 Mar. 13 11 Apr. 10 12 Apr. 29 6 May 20 7 May 24 15 June 18 20 July 2 18 July 19 7 Aug. 23 11 14 Sept. 11 12 Sept. 21 22 Oct. 7 2 Dec. 29 8 Dec. 31 1 Jan. 8 8 Apr. 1 5 May May 4 2 May 13 10 May 17 5 May 17 7 May 25 1 June 16 1 Do. 7 Aug. 7 3 Ang. 10 2 Oct. 4 1 Nov. 9 13 Dec. 1 19 Dec. 13 4 May 3 4 May 5 5 July 23 15 Sept. 15 1 Nov. 10 3 July 16 15 Aug. 26 8 Sept. 7 Apr. 21 Aug. 27 Do. Do. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 101 Pilots licensed— Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second.class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 9 Foster, George. Fowler, Robert S Gould, David M ... Gorman, Edmund. Grupp, William F Gallagher, William J.. Godfrey, Maurice P.... Gonla, James A. Gray, Joseph S Hudson, Robert Harper, Joseph Harris, Elmer. Hagan, William Harris, Alford L. Hudson, Willard S.. Haines, Francis. Hagan, Charles L... Hlaverstraw, William C Hillman, Maurice L.... Holt, Lemuel T Hoesch, Harry J Hammell, William L. Herron, Edward T Hagan, Michael H. Hudson, David E.. Haberstrol, Cbarles F Holmes, Chris Howard, Eugene W. Herron, Michael Hubbard, Joseph S. Hendrexson, Edward V. Ingersoll, Robert. Irelan, Edmund S.. Isakson, Isak. Jeffries, William N Johnson, Isaac R Jaoney, Edward Jefferson, Walter C. Kane, Wesley P Kelly, Frederick ... Kerbaugh, George Kiger, Elwood E. Knox, George D. Knott, John S. Kantner, John J.. Lynch, Gideon W Lankford, William S... Lingo, Edward T.. Lang, John Lambert, John Lawson, John H.. Lee, Janes L Le Compt, Paul M Lingo, Walter A.. Lynch, William H Law, Curtis J Merrick, Horace C..... Mervine, Paul Martin, Edward F Marshman, James A... Murray. Nehemiah R.. Munyon, Robert . Morris, Albert. Mathis, Flarry T Mears, Cardinal L Murray, Lee Malone, John C Mason, James C Murray, George T Moorc, Franklin T. Magee, Cardy C.. Murray, George R Miller, Walter M .. McIlrain, Charles E McVay, James. McGrody, Joseph P... McBrido, Domnick.. McGlensey, John T... 1917 1963 1707 1711 1742 1756 1808 1824 1838 1710 1740 1744 1749 1778 1790 1829 1839 18-12 1848 1853 1868 1870 1894 1902 1910 1947 1952 1959 1962 1964 1968 1775 1792 1938 1821 1830 1857 1911 1719 1764 1852 1854 1906 1909 1966 1730 1736 1759 1766 1806 1831 1865 1881 1891 1935 1957 1709 1722 1724 1748 1760 1772 1801 1809 1820 1872 1873 1885 1918 1926 1937 1945 1953 1726 1754 1774 1782 1811 17 Sept. 20 McCain, Thomas B.. 19 Nov. 22 Nicholson, Thomas H.. S Jan. 12 Naylor, Edward D... 23 Jan. 21 Olssen, Jobu... 1 Mar. 10 Olsen, Charles S 1 Apr. 6 Olesen, Ole... 8 May 28 O'Neill, John C.. 5 June 15 Pettyjohn, Theodore T 15 June 28 Palmer, James E. 7 Jan. 21 Peterson, Charles F. ... 2 Mar. 8 Powell, Daniel B 4 Mar. 11 Potter, William H.. 14 Mar. 22 Pruitt, Joseph S 19 May 5 Porter, Samuel P 8 May 14 Parker, George 10 June 19 Peterson. John F 6 June 29 Palmer, Harvey P 6 June 30 Palnier, Joseph. 12 July 1 Quackenbush, Conrad.. 15 July 8 Quillon Harry 4 July 2:4 Reeder, Thomas A. 2 July 26 Rogers, Fairman. 5 Aug. 17 Reeves, Jacob B.. 17 Ang. 31 Richmond, George W.. 11 Sept. 18 Rceres, George M 3 Nov. 1 Ross, John... 1 Nov. 3 Rickard, Horatio C 5 Nov, 10 Rhein, William C 13 Nov. 16 Rickards, Isaac H 4 Nov. 23 Roberts, Vm. B... 5 Nov. 30 Rickards, Charles S.... 18 Apr. 28 Sparks, Joseph 4 May 17 Soully, John, jr 7 Oct. 16 Schmidt, Charles 6 June 14 Somers, Joseph 15 June 19 Still, James H. 7 July 13 Sooy, Joel ... 20 Sept. 14 Steelnian, Thomas J.. 3 Feb. 6 Sigatoos, William. 2 Apr. 13 Smith, Harry M 18 July 6 Smith, Lovis T 11 July 10 Shelinire, Jacob J... 13 Sept. 7 Steele, John E.. 8 Sept. 13 Shires, Joshua S.. 11 Nov. 26 Smith, Lewis S.. 1 Feb. 17 Shaffer, William 12 Mar. 1 Stitus, Alva F.. 9 Apr. 9 Smith, Samuel. 17 pr. 13 Simpler, Harry H. 1 May 25 Sbaw, John A.. 6 June 19 Thomer, Peter A. 7 July 20 Tracy:Joshua E. 17 July 30 Titus, George E 10 Aug. 9 Turner, James S.... 15 Oct. 11 Tilton, Lewis W. 16 | Nor. S Turner, Gilbert.. 9 Jan. 1.1 Thomer. Henry A.. 12 Feb. 10 Taylor, George W... 12 Feb. 11 Thomer, Charles. 5 Mar. 22 Toy, James 17 Apr. 10 Taylor, John M. 2 Apr. 27 Tees, Harry 13 · May 21 Titus, VVilliam H. A 6 May 31 Tracoy, Isaac R. 7 June 11 Tracy, James C 13 / July 27 Taylor, Elias D.. 17 Do. Vanscivor, George R. 10 Aug. 4 Vauglin, Lorelyn M... 2 Sept. 2 Valiant, George. 3 Sept. 28 Vent. Gcorgo W 2 Oct. 15 Vaughan, Samuel R. 18 Oct. 28 Tatkins, John W 9 Nov. 5 Webber, Henry. 14 Feb. 13 Wall, Ang 9 Mal. 31 West, William B 3 Apr. 28 Walker, Ira T 14 May 8 Walls, George W 14 Jure i ll Whitaker, Edward K. 1914 1727 1949 1729 1751 1803 1835 1769 1810 1813 1816 1817 1886 1903 1925 1927 1930 1942 1767 1905 1728 1738 1784 1845 1849 1856 1859 1864 1869 1882 1943 1712 1723 1725 1733 1738 1747 1752 1763 1783 1796 1802 1841 1843 1851 1932 1939 1944 1956 1975 1701 i 1703 1741 1765 1770 1773 1786 1815 1836 1866 1876 1877 1922 1923 1961 1969 1704 1793 1901 1954 1972 1705 1713 1714 1715 1721 1732 1735 14 Sept. 16 12 Feb. 15 14 Nov. 3 2 Feb. 17 10 Mar. 27 6 May 24 15 June 24 4 Apr. 19 7 May 31 2 June 2 7 June 8 June 10 7 Aug. 5 30 Sept. 2 15 Sept. 27 10 Sept. 28 6 Oct. 4 3 Oct. 23 1 Apr. 13 2 Sept. 3 6 Feb. 15 14 | Mar. 6 ñ | May 8 11 July 1 3 July 2 16 July 12 8 July 16 3 July 20 3 July 26 9 July 31 12 Oct. 25 21 Jan, 21 2 Feb. 11 1 Feb. 12 5 Feb. 20 8 Mar. 5 15 Mar. 22 11 Mar. 30 9 Apr. 12 10 May 8 -1 May 18 17 May 22 13 June 29 2 June 30 6 July 6 23 Oct. 7 6 Oct. 16 12 Oct. 28 2 Nov, 6 6 Dec. 13 2 Jan. 4 5 Do. 7 Mar. 10 7 Apr. 13 7 Apr. 21 1 Apr. 27 5 May 12 12 June 7 13 June 24 1 July 21 1 July 27 6 July 29 22 Sept. 22 13 Sept. 24 16 Nov. 12 4 Nor. 30 7 | Jan. 4 12 May 17 13 Aug. 30 11 Nov. 5 31 Dec. 8 2 8 4 Jan. 23 18 Do. 14 Jan. 25 1 Feb. 10 4 Feb. 18 4 Feb. 25 Jan. 102 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Naine. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Specivl pilots- Continued. 1758 Whilie, John M Williamson, Clinton De 6 Apr. 7 Witt.... Wainwright, Albert Wilson, James E.. Weatherby, Benj. W.. West, James S.... Theaton, Joshua E.... Ware, William J.. Williams, Jesse L.. Willoughby, Hugh L Wharton. William W.. Webber, Harry 0. Walton, Charles R... Wright, William P.... Walker, Charles L.. Wells, William T. Young, Reuben C... Yates, Jesse 1762 1785 1788 1797 1846 1862 1880 1893 1895 1896 1934 1941 1.948 1955 1976 1799 1858 2 Apr. 10 2 May 11 19 May 13 7 May 18 11 | July 1 5 | July 17 3 July 30 8 Aug. 12 11 Aug. 18 20 Ang. 20 2 Out. 8 3 Oct. 23 8 Nov. 2 20 Nov. 6 11 Dec. 18 9 May 20 5 July 30 Grover, Guy Noel. Glaser, Christian, jr. Hoffmeister, Edward G. Kunz, Valentine Lodge, Edward G.. Lehman, William H... Longstreet, Johu E.... Leonard, George. Meyer, Earnest A Mitchell, James S Meskell, Michael Muckle, John S.. Marsball, William Morgan, Joseph F Oakford, George W., jr. Rankins, David. Reiu, Edward A Rice, Charles W.. Shovlin, Richard. Street, Williamı T. Stetzer, William N Shibe, John D Schramm, A. William.. Tantuni, Robert S..... Thompson, Lang. T Voigt, Richard. Webb, Elisha, jr Walker, Thomas, jr. 1879 1888 1832 1973 1753 1822 1883 1913 1757 1814 1818 1825 1971 1978 1904 1791 1921 1929 1787 1837 1861 1874 1915 1875 1887 1967 1847 1920 2 July 30 2 Aug. 6 5 June 23 7 Dec. 9 1 Mar. 30 7 June 15 7 Aug. 2 3 Sept. 16 1 Apr. 6 5 June 4 8 Juve 10 7 June 15 8 Dec. 7 12 Dec. 30 3 Sept. 3 6 May 14 9. Sept. 22 5 Oct. 2 3 | May 12 5 June 25 4 July 16 1 July 27 5 Sept. 16 2 July 27 8 Aug. 6 6 Nov. 29 2 July 1 4 Sept. 21 Special pilots. Clendaniels, Clement Campbell, William W.. Crouthamel, Spencer B. Franks, Henry. Frank, Frederick A. Fifield, Elva T. Graf, Charles W 1718 1833 1840 1844 1855 1884 1825 6 Fel. 4 3 June 23 6 June 29 5 June 30 5 July 12 8 | Aug. 3 1 June 15 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Philadel- phia, Pa. Austin, Esmonde L Burtis, Charles H Baugh, Edward E.. Clarkson, Robert C .... Diesinger, Albert J. Du Mee, Edward J De Vore, Charles Entwisle, Albert B Frist, Harry Morrison. Greaves, Edward L... Houseman, Harry A... Kynett, Harold Ü .. 459 452 462 458 451 465 468 460 470 471 456 463 5 June 16 1 Kilmer, John R.. 5 Apr. 3 Lyons, Wm. H. H 6 July 19 Lodge, George H 5 June 15 Medlar, Henry Levan. 1 Mar. 30 McHugh, Frank 2 dug. 17 Steele, John M.. 5 Sept. 23 Townsend, F. Sidney 1 June 29 Whittington, George L 3 Sept. 25 Whitaker, Alvord Þ 3 Oct. 6 Whitehead, F. W.. 3 June 4 Whitfield, J. Edward 7 July 29 469 467 473 461 453 464 455 454 457 466 472 3 Sept. 25 4 Sept. 22 2 Oct. 12 3 July 17 2 A pr. 14 7 dug. 13 2 June 1 May 18 2 June 9 4 Aug. 31 3 Oct. 8 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Philadelphia, Pu. i ! Chief engineer's (occan). Chief engineers (ocean)-Coutinued. On Atwell, Thomas A..... Alvey, Thomas. Atwell, Jennings W Anderson, John W Anderson, John Barton, Michael Bender, Richard T.. Byrne, William. Benson, James H Britton, Josial Q Brink, Chester W Bateman, James E... Bloomsburg, Peter. Binks, Cornelius A.... Baker, Jolin U... Bonner, John Baldwin, Jacob A. Bloomsburg, Joseph,sr. Bellevue, Robert M. Bethel, Edward .. 3656 3734 3746 3767 4038 3648 3654 3661 3671 3677 3688 3697 3713 3718 3758 3773 3791 3801 3809 3819 18 Feb. 20 Belleron, Charles 14 May 3 Brown, Martin W 14 May 10 Bennett, Stephen P 36 May 25 Bachman, Ernest 7 Dec. 7 Barr, John.. 18 Teb. 15 Blake, William H... 39 Tel). 19 Brown, Theodore J 30 Fol). 26 Barnes, Victor W.. 27 Mar..8 Booth, John H.. 18 Mar. 12 Bender, Charles A 24 Mar. 23 Bowen, George W 12 Mar. 27 Burote, William 28 Apr. 6 Bougher, Alouzo, jr... 3 Apr. 13 Boulden, James 13 May 20 Bennett, William C.... 16 May 26 Brittin, Wilson S 16 June 3 Benford, Elijah I 27 June 9 Booth, John R 22 June 25 Connolly, John 23 June 22 Campbell, John 3825 3832 3837 3839 3842 3860 3886 3894 3895 3898 3902 3907 3939 3947 3956 3992 3998 4032 3630 3641 30 Juno 26 4 July 2 36 July 8 16 July 10 31 July 13 13 July 27 32 Aug. 16 3 Aug. 18 33 Aug. 19 44 Aug. 21 36 Ang. 24 13 Aug. 27 17 Sept. 21 25 Sept. 25 5 | Oct. 2 30 Nov. 3 24 Nov. 10 27 Dec. 2 19 Feb. 1 27 Feb. 8 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 103 Engineers licensed-Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. i issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 1 Chief engineers (ocean)- Continued. 1 Jan. 0 Chief engineers (ocean.)—Continued. Chester, Harvey P. Chedester, John H.... Copes, James W Coun, Jackson Crosby, James Campbell, William H.. Clark, George. Cumnierford, Joseph. Coxe, William G... Canisback, William. Carpenter, William B. Cooper, Stephen F. Caldwell, James H.... Calloway, Leopold J... Doyle, Morris... Doyle, John Doughty, John H.. Deacon, William K... Davis, Richard Daily, John... Davidson, George B Derno, Albert B.... Donly, William Dick, Robert B Ensenat. Ramon Enery, Stephen. Engle, Charles E Farrell, James W Farrell, Martin C Fowler, George W Fetters, Henry Foulks, William W... Fulton, Robert. Fislier, George A Felon, Janes. Fulton, Frelinghuysen Fowler, Samuel. Foreman, Joseph M... Fredericks, William Ford, Thomas Fulton, David C Ganghan, John Geer, Orson L... Green, William W. Guinphert, William. Gilmoro, Robert Grant, Charles G Green, William R.. Gray, George B Hudson, David H.. Higgins, Howard C... Heatlier, William B. Holmes, Samuel M. Hermiston, Janies Halstead, James E.. Holdcraft, William .. Hewitt, Frederick E.. Higenbotham, Goorgu Hili, Benjamin. Hand, James H. Hoffman, George. Hollingsworth, Robert. Hand, Thomas R... Hayes, John W Howard, David H Hargis, George R Johnson, Christopher Johnson, Nelson 1).,.jr. Justice, Sedgwick Knights, Alfred G.. Kerbaugh, Franklin Lingo), Lewis J Lochard. Robert T. Lambert, Henry Lingo, James B Lingo, Albert L.. Louderback, Samuel R. Lindal, Robert H.. 3666 3679 3684 3687 3689 3692 3716 3738 3818 3864 3875 3888 3918 3949 3748 3762 3785 3787 3829 3910 3935 3961 4003 4018 3714 3755 4037 3616 3655 3658 3685 3711 3723 3841 3847 3859 3876 3969 3970 3985 4052 3618 3037 3665 3702 38118 3853 3983 4048 3634 3642 3647 3669 3680 3692 3717 3743 3804 3956 3879 3905 3971 400+ 4020 4025 4045 3766 3870 3878 3681 3845 3007 3619 3631 3603 3768 3797 3877 13 Mar. 2 Lamb, Reuben J 24 Mar. 15 Lyucli, Joseph. 21 Mar. 22 Lyncli, Walter A 18 Mar. 23 Lynch, Richard... 12 Do. Lawrence, Thomas IV 4 Mar. 24 Minford, Edward D... 9 Apr. 10 Morton, Willian L 13 May 6 Mattson, Clement d.. 6 June 21 Membert, Frank. 23 July 28 Mattson, Nathan 29 dug. 9 Mullens, Jolin J 28 Aug. 16 Moose. Jobu 0.. 17 Sept. 3 3 i Mote, James L.. 24 Sept. 27 Mull, J. Harry 32 May 12 Maxwell, Henry S 36 May 22 Mahan, George P 35 June 1 Mead, Oliver H 11 Do. Morgan, William T 16 Juno 29 Mollan, Janes. 18 Aug. 30 Merritt, Alexis G 23 Sept. 17 Murphy, Jolm. 13 Oct. 6 Mears, William H 11 Nov. 15 Morgau, James 16 Nov. 20 McCarthy, Martin īApr. 9 McKernan, Joliu I" 25 May 18 McKeever, Patrick 12 Dec. 7 McDonald, Andrew.. 5 Jan. 18 M(Mullin, A. W 15 | Feb. 20 McMullin, Charles P... 8 Feb. 23 MacVicar, Joliu L 23 Mar. 22 McKeown, Johp J 23 Apr. 5 McIlvain, Harry. 33 A pr. 15 McCormick, Patrick 5 July 12 McEwan, Frank C... 17 July 16 McNeill, John 32 July 20 Nishivitz, Jacob 222 dug. 10 Nygren, Hugo 28 Oct. 16 Osler, John H.. 34 Do. Powell, Abraham 44 Oct. 30 Pearson, Thomas R. .... 33 Dec, 22 Powers, Joseph 10 Jan. 19 Patterson, Jolin. 33 Feb. 5 Phillips, George W 10 Mar. 2 Russell, Robert J 31 Mar. 29 Rice, William G 20 July 17 Rowen, Peter J 12 July 22 Rowen, James o 4 (ct. 26 Ryerson, Joseph A .. 9 Dec. 15 Ryan, William J.. 19 Feb. 4 Scull, John. 8 Feb. 9 Smith, Alfred v 18 Feb. 13 Spiegle, Charles F 18 Mar. 4 Scout, Thomas. 5 Mar. 16 Smith, John E. 16 Mar. 18 Stellens, Joseph 17 Apr. 13 Smith, Harry J 15 May S Stewart, James 17 June 11 Sherinan, Harry. W 25 July 23 Sullivan, Robert 39 Aug. 1] Selbs, Cyrus W. 18 Sanborn, John F. .17 Oct. 18 Shaw, John.. 30 Nov. 15 Stephenson, Leonard 30 Nov, 23 Stewart, Jolin. 23 Nov. 24 Spiegle, Pilliam 15 Dec. 14 Sofield, Josephs 17 May 25 Seltzer. Joseph N.J 16 July 31 Stevenson, Williain H.. 23 Any: 11 Scott, Williain 2 Mar. 17 Stewart, Jolm 16 | July 15 Spiegle, William T. 26 Jan. 8 Scoral, Frederick J 25 1 Jan. 20 Stevens, Johnt el 9 Feb. 2 Spiegle, John M 18 Mar. 1 Schulze, Lewis... 13 May 25 Thurston, Spencer D... 26 June 7 Tompkius, John K. 15 | Aug. 10 Timer, Patrick 3880 3926 4010 4024 4054 3038 3645 3678 3726 3730 3782 3784 3820 3840 3845 3906 3945 3973 3991 4034 4044 4046 4053 3603 3605 3675 3724 3776 3777 3790 3850 3942 3944 3994 4017 3761 3984 3009 3753 3780 3815 3869 4012 3625 3719 3788 3806 3855 3903 3613 3650 3664 3676 3683 3693 3704 3731 3754 3769 3792 3798 3807 3813 3823 390S 3909 3925 3937 3938 3946 i 3972 3977 1 4023 4031 4036 3614 3643 3871 24 Auy. 12. 34 Sept. 7. 21 Nov. 16 13 Nov. 23 6. Dec. 27: 7 Feb. 8: 19 Feb. 12. 23 Mar. 13 22 Apr. 20 38 Apr. 30 17 Diay 31, 35 Julio 3 13 June 22 13 July 12: 4.2 July 15. 36 Aug. 27 32 Sept. 25. 12 Oct. 22: 17 Nov. 3. 33 Dec. 6 11 Dec. 13. 1 Dec. 15. 28 Dec. 24. 29 Jar. 4. 5 6. 17 Mar. 10 4 Apr. 19. 40 May 28 12 Do. 5 June 2: 13 July 18 11 Sept. 23. 18 Sept. 24 11 Nov. O Nov. 19 21 May 22 13 Oct. 26 12 June 11 31 May 17 13 May 28 11 June 19 16 July 31 15 Nov. 17 10 Jan. 23. 4 Apr. 13 10 June 1 16 June 12 20 July 23 11 Aug. 25 1S Tan.'14 1 Feb. 15 14 Mar. 1 29 Mar. 12 20 Mar. 19 21 Mar. 25. 14 Mar. 30 36 Apr. 30: 14 May 18 41 May 25. 8 Jue 3 20 June 7 9 Jue 14. 1 Juno 15 11 June 25 43 Ang. 28 19 Do. 6 Sept. 7 28 Sept. 20 22 Do. 37 Sept. 25 22 Oct. 19 5 Oct. 22 9 Nov. 23 38 Dec. 2 20 Dec. 6 24 Jan. 15 Feb. 9 10 Aug. 2 Aug. 26 104 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed— Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Chief engineers (ocean)-Continued. Chief enginecr's (in. land)-Continued. Teeling, John... Thurston, Phineas E... Uhler, George Valentine, Robert... Pansciver, Henry B.... Vance, William H... Veri, Christopher. Wilson, William. Wiupevny, Samuel .. Willianis, Andrei Wilson, John d... Wood, Charles Wooley, Charles H.. TVilson, George i White, Benjamin B Wilson, Ezekiel. Walsh, William.. Westcott, William, Walker, Isaac P Wilson, Isaac.. Warſel, Joli P Webb, Elisla... TVarley, Thomas C.. Vinpeuny, William 3928 4042 3932 3610 3699 3965 4022 3620 3639 3640 3690 3712 3715 3794 3831 3836 3913 3923 3980 3982 3999 4007 4040 4050 Aug. 30 23 Chief engineers (inland). Jan. Apr. Årmington, uludrow B. Angell, Eugenie D... Arnold, Thomas Atkinson, A. E Banks, George A Bloomsburg, Harry B. Bishop, Enoch. Burtoni, Jobu IV. Brooks, Thomas Bethel, Ulysses G. Butler, Isaac. Brooks, Joseph Butler, Charles Bristow, Charles T.. Bramell, Benjamin B... Bristow, Shermani. Butler. George R Beauchan, Joseph T. A Booth. George L.... Bates, William A Banks, Joseph Bristow, Louis. Berian, Joseplı R. Barr, William Boyer, Leonard Bristow, L. d. Brooks, Francis J... Brown, Mathias Brower, Erastus H.. Benıler, Peter F..... Beckworth, Samuel T.. Camac, Jesse S... Conn, William H .. Crary, George J Curry. William Clementi , Villiain J.... Clemeut. Tilliain H.... Campbell, Gilbert Chapman, Lewis C Coward. Samuel S. Clair, Joseph C Craig. Solun Corr, Edward J Catlmi, Josopli R Comer, Charles M... Crosby, William Crossley, Samuel. Crawford, James L Chaso, George B Charles, James 17 Sept. 9 Deony, George S.... 27 Dec. 9 Duross, James 24 Sept. 13 Dougherty, Wilfred ... 31 Jan. 11 Donnelly, Felis 20 Mar. 27 Doughty, William C... 15 Oct. 12 Dilsaver, Francis C.. 28 Nov. 23! Denkins, B. F... 33 Jan. 20 Delmore, Harry A 11 Tel. 8 Donghty, Edwin 43 Do. Dunu, Larry E. 16 Mar. 24 Dickerson, William J.. 11 Apr. 6 Drunimond, Charles.. 20 Apr. 10 Denny, Jolin.. 27 June 4 De Lacy, Joseph M 8 July 2 Edgar, James 37 July 8 Ennis, Willianı C 24 Aug. 31 Evans, William C. 35 Sept. 7 English, Elvin S Oct. 26 Francis, James O 10 Do. Fleesov, William H.. 15 Nov. 11 Foulk, George E. 33 Nov. 15 Fenton, William T 15 Dec. 7 Fowler, Chas. S... 29 Dec. 17 Fenton, James W.. Fleming, Harry J Fowler, Samuel. Tarlow, Johu S Flood, Patrick 19 Jali. 7 Greer, Charles HI. 15 Jan. 25 Graham, Thomas R... 9 Grogan, Alonzo 12 Dec. 10 Groft, Edwin P 7 Feb. 19 Gravenstine, William.. 8 i Mar. 26 Gilmore, Jannes B. Mar. 29 Gray, Edward J 16 dpr. 24 Gaulke, Louis C 6 May 1 Hickman, Jolin 13 May 8 Hibbs, Frank W. 36 May 24 Harris, William H 17 June 3 Horner, John VV 16 June 21 Hemphill, Joseph. 34 July 21 Horner, Charles H.. 17 July 24 Huliuy, Charles. 9 July 31 Hartman, Richard 18 Aug. 3 Hitchins, George A A.... S Aug. 6 Hankins, Joseph H.. 5 Aug. 16 Hibbs. Eugene. 28. Aug. 17 Hart, Nicholas T 13 Sept. 1 Alann, William M. 32 : Sept. 3 Hollinsworth, Jolin. 11 Sept. 4 Hollis, James M 4 Sept. 11 Hmson, Samuel D. 11. Sept. 21. Hewitt, Benjamin B. 24. Sept. 24 Hall, Samuel M.. 15 Sept. 29 Auler, Joseplı H... 16 Nov. 2 Holeton, William M. ... 12 Nov. 15 Hart, Charles II 2 | Nov. 24 Hopkins, J. TV 15 Dec. G Jarman, Sanjuel B 15 i Jani. 11. Jemison, John 9 Feb. 3 Johnson, William.. 13 Mar. 9 Johnson, Tbonias W... + Mar. 24 Jarvis, Elisha D 16 Apr. 20) Kemble, Hiram 16 May 3 kimse, Frederick 3 June 19 Kelley. Michael. 12 July 20 Keeman, Jolina 15 Aug. 16 i Keringh, William 1. dug. 2:3 Knowles, William 16 Sept. 7 Kerby, jilmnes.. 21 Sept. 14 Kniss, John... 15 Sept. 29 Kraft, George C 22 Oct. 1 Kitchen, Howard 10 Oct. 12 Lang James J... 19 Oct. 21 Lennox, Walter G 5 Nou. 15 Laymall, Edward 6 Nor. 17 Lenox, Charles A 6 Nor. 22 Logan, Thomas 3606 3627 3709 4043 3653 3694 3701 3728 3732 3742 376-4 3793 3817 3852 3857 3867 3872 3874 3887 3890 3916 3919 3921 3930 3940 3943 3954 3989 4008 4027 4033 3608 :3632 3673 3691 3725 3735 3816 3851 3885 3900 3924 3931 3953 3955 3967 3974 4005 4013 4019 3651 3668 3736 3740 3747 3786 3828 3835 3849 3868 3901 3911 3941 3987 3700 3760 3959 4055 3604 3629 3775 3863 3897 3917 3962 3964 3966 3979 3001 3626 3659 3733 3810 3858 3986 4039 3636 3644 3696 3703 3706 3707 3720 3722 3745 3752 3770 3771 3796 3811 3812 3838 3844 3912 3963 4002 4006 4026 3833 3896 3904 3948 3950 3624 3737 3759 3772 3799 3805 3834 3875 3914 3927 3649 3710 3739 3750 3757 Apr. 13 Apr. 15 14 Feb. 19 22 Mar. 4 8 May 4 15 May 6 16 May 11 13 June 1 4 June 29 9 July 7 4 July 17 5 July 31 12 Aug. 23 22 19 Sept. 21 24 Oct. 30 17 Mar. 27 15 May 21 4 Oct. 5 3 Dec. 28 17 Jan. 5 8 Feb. 1 26 May 28 12 July 28 2 Aug. 20 8 Sept. 2 2 Oct. 6 27 Oct. 9 16 Oct. 12 15 Oct. 25 7 2 12 Jan. 23 4 Feb. 24 9 May 3 15 Jun 15 25 July 26 8 Oct. 30 10 Dec. 7 5 Teb. 5 4 Feb. 10 8 Mar. 26 21 Mar. 30 6 Apr. 2 13 Do. 29 9 21 May 10 17 May 17 20 May 25 10 May 26 5 Juve 7 16 June 15 5 Do. 24 July 9 5. July 13 13 15 Oct. 9 20 | Nov. 12 10 | Nov. 15 20 Nov. 24 4 July 3 26 15 5 Sept. 25 7 Sept. 27 12 Jan. 23 14 May 22 May 21 10 May 26 28 June 8 11 June 11 24 July 6 18 6 5 Aug. 31 19 Sept. 7 6 Fel). 15 12 Apr. 3 9 May 6 32 May 13 16 | May 20 Aug. 30 Aug. 20 Aug. 26 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 105 Engineers licensed— Philadelphia, Pa.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. / issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Ohief engineers (inland)-Continued. Chief engineers (inland)- Continued. O Apr. 14 3915 3922 4001 4016 4028 4041 3749 3783 3830 3957 4051 3615 3623 3667 3670 3727 3729 3741 3744 3803 3866 3892 3952 3988 4000 4009 4015 3646 3936 11 Aug. 31 3 Sept. 7 15 Nov. 12 23 Nov. 18. 7 Nov. 27 8 Dec. 8 11 May 13 17 June 1 11 June 29 15 Oct. 2 19 Dec. 18 8 Jan. 15 24 Jan. 22 14 Mar. 3 13 Mar. 5 13 Apr. 24 12 Apr. 28 21 May 7 19 May 8 13 June 10 17 July 29 16 Aug. 17 5 Sept. 28 21 Nov. 2 23 Nov. 11 20 Nov. 15 8 Nov. 18 4 4 Fel). 12 12 Sept. 20 Aug. 12 Jan. Lenox, Fred. W... Luffbanv, Andrew. Lum, John... Lyons, Harry G Lyuch, Charles Lotts, Warren W Lingo, Joseph C Lodge, Rolla M M... Molyneux, Daniel M Murpby, Edward . Miller, Willianı El. Middletou, Joseph H. Meyers, Frederick W.0 Morrison, William N.. Minner, John C Mulready, Robert Middleton, George Mahan, John W. Malamply, Hugh Moore, Joseph A Maban, A quilla S Morgan, James. McHugh, Frank.. McAllister, Lewis... McAvoy, William... McAllister, Cyrus S McFadden, Douglass McFarlaud, William McDonald, Patrick.... Osler, Cbarles... Osler, George. ()'Donnell, William H. Packard, William C... Pachard, Horace Packard, Daniel. Perkins, Charles F.... Paul, Henry Padley, James C.. Price, Samuel C Pearce, Janes. Price, Winfield S. Pierce, Elijah R.. Reynolds, William W Rowland, William B. Reeves, Maurice... Reynolds, James Roe, William C... Righter, George E Rucher. John f Rowan, Thomas H Rawlings, Benjamin F. Rhodes, William B.... Siinpking. Theodore Stokenburg, Charles H. Shaw, George M.. Simpkins, Harry A. Schlosser, Jobn... Sorsnian, Sylvester. Steer, Alexander Sithens, William H.. Stanton, Joh W. Sellers, Heury M. Smith, Charles Swing, Thomas (.. Smith, Richard L... Snyrler, William W Sailor, William F Sinnkins. Isaac P... Strobridge, Robert H. Scheer, William.. Sempler, Alfred w Sparks, Allred P.. Smith, James W Sinapler, Burton C. Smith, Kobert J... Trotman, Alexander C. Truitt, James B Titus, Renben 3778 3795 3827 3882 3891 3929 3958 4047 3611 3705 3708 3721 3750 3763 3800 3802 3821 3822 3854 3931 3976 3997 3633 3686 3808 3881 3973 4011 4021 3674 3751 3789 3602 3652 3657 3695 3826 3861 3978 3990 3996 1014 3617 3672 3774 3781 3814 3933 3968 3993 4035 4049 3622 3628 3635 3660 3602 3698 3765 3779 3824 3843 3862 3865 3883 3884 3893 3899 3920 3951 3960 3981 3995 4029 4030 3612 3621 3889 7 May 28 Tyson, William G 15 June 7 Tash, Georges 23 June 28 Tingle, William H 3 Ang. 13 Turner, Henry C. 6 Aug. 17 Tingle, Geo. 8 Sept. 9 Tyson, Frank 8 Oct. !! Updike, Josep 17 Dec. 15 Vaughn, Charles W. 28 Ja11, 12 Van Brunt, Edward W 7 i Mar. 30 Vanderslice, Joseph H. 25 Apr. 3 Vogel, Frank 16 Walker, Henry 10 May 19 Wilson, Loday W 16 May 24 Walsh, Richard.. 13 ! Juie 9 Whiteker, Charles D... 10 Do. Wood, Richard J. 24 June 24 Whitaker, James 24 June 25 Ward, larry.. 23 July 23 Winterborno, Chas. B.. 16 Sept. 11 Wilgus, Orlando W... 15 Oct. 22 Wilson, William C.... S Nov. 9 Wood, Willianı C Feb. 3 Wolverton, Edwarri G. 16 Mar. 23 Wolf, William C... 37 June 14 Wood, George M... 9 Williams. William H 32 Oct. 19 West, Philip 10 Nov. 16 Young, Robert H 33 Nov. 23 Yearicks, Frank E..., 33 Diar. 9 28 May 14 Engineers in charge of 16 June 2 steamers of 100 tons 25 4 and under and over 17 Feb. 18 10 ton28. 19 Feb. 23 16 Mar. 26 Abdill, Steplien. 9 June 26 Archambault, N.B... 19 July 27 Armstrong, Thomas N. 23 Oct. 23 Alpe, Louis... 33 Nov. 2 Appel, Frederick C.... S Nov, 9 Butler, George. 8 Nor. 17 Beedleman, F..jr T Jan. 19 Barnes, William E... 7 Mar. 8 Bougher, Martin W... 18 May 28 Baker, James H.. 21 May 31 Boice, Frederick. 8 Jiune-18 Bones, Peter J. Sept. 14 Bateman, Samuel P.... 75 Det. 12 Birch, Samuel B 31 Nor. 4 ! Buck, Samuel B 28 Dec. 6 Birch, Henry C 11 Dec. 17 Brennan, Jobu T 18 Jan. 22 Brow, Frank 14 Jan. 27 Bishop, James M. 3 feb. 4 Box, Alfred... 4 Fel. 23 Barnes, Benjamin 1 9 Feb. 26 Bremerman, Melvin F 12 Mar. 27 Boole, John H 12 May 24 Baker, John A. 19 May 28 Bircon, Jesse H 8 June 25 Clendaniels, George S 13 July 13 Copeland, Francis G 29 July 27 Cleudaniels, Clement .. 13 July 29 Casey. Roliert 15 Aug. 13 Clayton, Harry C.. 24 Aug. 16 Crouthamel, Spencer B. 23 Aug. 18 Cavapangh, Thomas J. 15 lug. 23 Crimp, Thomas 20 Sept. 3 Colton, Albert B. Sept. 28 Curreni, Bernard. 17 Oct. 6 Courtney, Charles y 15 Oct. 26 Coyle, Peter H. 12 Nov. 9 Cramer, Samuel L. 22 Nov. 30 Caperoon, Johu B. 3 Dec. 1 Cox, Joseph... 17 Jiul. 13 Cotter, John. 37 Jan. 21 Carey, Willard S. 17 Any: 17 Collins, John 27 26731 2682 2687 2788 9120 2539 2573 2578 2591. 2592 2610 2619 2625 2653 2655 2675 2676 2690 2695 2703 2711 2715 2749 2750 27611 2529 2530 : 2532 2540 2546 2547 2548 2555 2597 2614 2620 2623 2626 2631 2691 2766 2773 27871 24 June 30 20 July 8 4: July 12 2 Oct. 27 6 Dec. 11 2 Teb. 12 4 Mar. 31 14 Apr. 5 15 Apr. 15 13 Apr. 17 6 Mar 3 18 ! May 10 13 May 13 20 June 11 11 June 14 17 July 1 5 July 6 30 July 13 13 July 15 13 July 26 13 July 29 5 Aug. 3 15 Sept. 14 15 Sept. 15 17 Sept. 28 9 Feb. 1 2 Do. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 15 2 Teb. 26 7 Do. 13 Tel. 27 11 Mar. 10 10 20 May 6 3 May 10 10 May 13 5 Do. 1 May 18 16 July 13 12 Oct. 4 16 Oct. 11 21 Oct. 27 spr. 23 106 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under and over 10 tons-Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under and over 10 tons-Continued. 2514 2523 2533 2600 2604 2612 2636 2637 2639 2661 2671 2707 2777 2797 2613 2638 2669 2705 27431 2746 2763 9124 2517 2557 2571 2663 1 1 14 Dukes, James P.... Derore, David .. Dearick, Charles M... De Kyne, Frank D. .... Dougherty, Amour R.. Daisey, Samuel C Davis, Samuel S ... Dize, James S.... Davidson, Isaiah A.... Davis, Richard W Devore, J.H. Deakyne, Oscar. Daisey, Eba T Dickerson, Janies B... Evans, Edwin F Evans, Jobu H ... Ellingsworth, Fred- erick F; Fleetwood, Charles VV Fowler, John P.... Foster, Isaiah B... Foster, John H.. Fearn, William Flynn, Charles J Finch, Alonzo B... Fowler, Dice. Fletcher, William O.. Furman, Richardl... Garrison, allen B. Gressim, Erlward P.... Grupi, William Green, Palmer Greenley, Wilbur. Gould, James H Hill, Henry A.. Hickman, Francis E Hudson, Clarkson G... Hansbury, Patrick Healy, Edward .. Hann, John S. Hawkey, John L Hughes, Joseph Hazzard, Alonzo. Harker, Harry Huttenlock, William J Hazzard, Ralpli... Foleton, Joseph C... Johnson, Joshua H H.. Johnson, Charles A Jones, Caleb W Justice, Lovic Kahler, Charles A. Kelly, Frank Lingo, Frank C. Lynchi, John A Lenox, Samuel.. Lingo, George W Leatherbury, Samuel.. Loregrove, George W Lasher, Luther Lingo, Nathaniel B... Locke, Thomas G.. Longstreet, John H. Loyd, Charles W Lewis, Oscar R. Lanisback, George Lynch. Charles li Lauk. Charles W Lee, Andrew, jr. Lingo, Alonzo P... Lingo, John E... Morgan, James Moon, William M... Murray, EbeT Jolyneux, Janies M Marshi, George W.F... 2708 2516 2633 2646 2665 2677 2717 2722 2781 2789 2800 2521 2535 2542 2640 2737 2738 2503 2511 2538, 2560 2564 2575 2576 2585 2615 2710 2723 2774 9101 2587 2674 2699 2729 2589 2706 2501 2509 2551 2581 2595 2599 2651 2680 2688 2709 2727 2736 2739 2740 2745 2748 2755 2794 2536 254. 2648 2661 2667 8 Jan. 18 Morris, Harry. 20 Jan. 25 Murphy, Orlando 13 Feb. 6 Morris, Albert T. 5 A pr. 26 Morrison, John 5 Apr. 28 Morey, Theodoro 8 May May 4 Mooney, John A.. 16 May 27 McCain, William 2 May 28 McBride, Domnick .... 2 May 31 McKeelrey, Jolin 3 June is McCabe, Caleb. 17 June 29 McGovern, Owen 16 July 27 McCormick, Elenry. 7 (ct 12 McAvoy, Patrick Wm. 4 Nov. 11 McGoldrick, Thomas 4 May 5 Nonsuch, Scotia A..... 5 May 31 O'Connor. Thomas. Ormrod, Ralph L 5 July 27 Palmer, Philip A 8 Jan. 1S Powell, Abraham, jr 12 May 21 Patterson, William H.. 8 June 5 Powell, Wilmer T 14 June 22 Phillips, Walter M ... 10 July 6 Pedrick, Somers 7 Ang. 6 l'rico, Isaac D 23 Aug. 12 Phillips, \Villard P 3 Oct. 18 Patten, Charles H 2 Oct. 27 Praria, Frank 20 Nov. 15 Praria, John T 4 Jan. 23 Rowan. Thomas H., jr 1 Feb. 9 Robinson, Corneilus 16 Feb. 18 Righter, Samuel 21 May 31 Reco, Charlos A 2 Sept. 1 Righter, William E. Do. Rodgers, George W 14 Jan. 4 Righter, Winfield S... 1 Jan. 13 Riley, James.... 18 Teb. 11 Riclimond, Mathias... 9 Mar. 18 Reed, Joseph E... 21 Mar. 27 Rodgers, Charles B... 11 Apr. 2 Roan, Isaac P.. 10 Apr. 3 Ralston, Franklin S 3 Apr. 10 Robinson, George W W... 4. May 7 Rodgers, James J 7 July 28 Shaw, Lewis C. G... 4 | Aug. 14 Scully, Jobu, jr .. 4 Oct. 11 Simpkins, Benjamin G. 16 Nor. 16 Sanciman, George H 5 Apr. 14 Swift, Tilliam A 3 July 1 Shuster, daron S 16 July 19 Simpler, David R.... 16 Aug. 19 Selover, George C.. 14 Apr. 15 Scully, Thomas J 21 July 27 Spering, Edward 1 Jan. 2 Starr, Harrr. 7 Jan. 12 Snyder, Joseph B. 17 Mar. 6 Stetzer, William N. 8 Slemons. John 9 Apr. 20 Swain, Richard H. 3 Apr. 23 Sellers, Frank M. 14 June 9 Simpler, Erasmus M. 13 July 6 Schranım, A. Wm. 14 July 12 Shaw, George. 9 July 28 Staats, Frank B. 9 Ang. 19 Schlemm, Frank L.. S Aug. 30 Shimm, Benijah á 15 Sept. 4 Scroggy, Edwin H 5 5 Sept. 7 Smith, John A. 8 Sept. 13 Smith, Micajah S 13 Sept. 14 Scliurch, Samuel R.... 5 Sept. 20 Tracey, George H.. 17 Nov. 3 Tindall, John B.. 12 Feb. 9 Tompkins, William H. 28 Feb. 23 Thielfall, Edward. 4 June 8 Torbert, Frank A. 4 June 21 Turner, Bryson M 2 June 23 Turner, Isaac E.W.... 2666 2698 2757 , 2764 9121 2577 2733 2518 2556 2566 2568 2670 2701 2714 2718 2732 2734 2791 2519 2522 25-49 2550 2559 2565 2629 2647 2692 2747 2778 2782 9109 9115 9131 2505 2520 2552 2553 2574 26211 2642 2649 2654 2679 2685 2693 2697 2700 2702 2716 2752 2753 2760 2770 2786 2790 9102 9118 9128 9132 2528 2534 2569 2586 2598 2605 2643 3 June 26 12 July 26 7 Sept. 13 18 Sept. 14 5 5 Sept. 28 2 Dec. 15 14. Jan. 18 24 Mar. 16 32: Mar. 31 7 June 21 4 June 22 22 | July 19 9 Sept. 18 20 Sept. 29 2 Dec. 14 4 1 Apr. 5 4 ! Aug. 26 S! Jail. 20 1 Mar. 15 S Mar. 30 2 June 23 2 June 28 13 July 22 32 Aug. 3 3 Aug. 6 2 | Aug. 25 2 Ang. 27 2 Oct. 29 7 Jan. 20 2 Jan. 25 2 Mar. 2 12 Mar. 4 20 Mar. 17 16 Mar. 30 13 May 17 13 June 8 15 July 14 21 Sept. 14 6 Oct. 13 6 Oct. 18 14 Nor, 26 24 Dec. 8 2 Dec. 24 1 Jan. 5 19 Jan. 22 13 Mar. 9 15 Do. Apr. 1 6 May 11 28 June 1 June 9 18 | June 11 13 July 6 10 ! July 10 8 July 14 15 July 16 12 July 20 31 July 23 17 Aug. 4 17 Sept. 16 5 Do. 15 Sept. 25 10 (ct. 6 4 Oct. 27 7 Oct. 28 2 Nov. 17 13 Dec. 9 8 Dec. 18 4 Dec. 28 8 Jan. 30 13 Feb. S . 1 Mar. 30 7 Apr. 13 16 Apr. 23 2 Apr. 28 1 Jue 1 t 13 + Apr. 8 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 107 Engineers licensed Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons -- Continued. First assistant engi- neer's (inland)--Con- tinued. Truitt, Henry R. Tyrell, Andrew. Titus, Evan.. Taylor, George N. Townsend, Joshua. Thomas, Charles H..... Truitt, Charles H. Trout, Stephen .. Updike, Alexander.. Vessels, Luther R.. Vance, Philip H.. Walker, Louis Willard, George T. Williams, Charley B... White, Ernest M. Wilson, Alfred C.. Williams, John.. Watson, Samuel . Westi, Joshua C.. Wharton, Stephen F... West, Miers B... Welgus, Alvin T Young, Percy Young, Somers E... Zane, Theodore 2645 2704 2713 2731 2772 2783 2795 2796 2504 2572 2590 2541 2545 2635 2689 2696 2719 2725 2765 2785 9112 9116 2672 2735 2758 1 June 1 Devore, John H. 15 July 26 Edelman, Jobu G 18 Ang. 2 Hreiler, Louis J 15 ) Aug. 23 Hudson, James C. 8 Oct. 9 Harvey, Thomas R... 13 Oct. 25 Higman, George 14 Nov. Johnson, Horace E. 5 Nov. 9.1 Longfellow, Edward J. 12 Jan. 4" Lollis, William G 4 Mar. 3 Lea, James W. 12 Apr. 15 Marvel, Albert S.. 15 Feb. 15 Murphy, John.. 4 Feb. 23 Murray, Stephen A .. 8 May 25 Mull, Frank B 9 July 13 Privet, James. 4 July 16 Riordan, James 12 Aug. 7 Riist, William E 13 Aug. 17 Rooney, James J.. 13 Oct. 2 Savin, Joseph W 13 Oct. 26 Vincent, Henry 0.P 6 Dec. 6 Wright, Elwood 9 Dec. Wilgus, Clarenco J.... June 30 9 Aug. 27 li Sccond assistant engi. 11 Sept. 22 neers (ocean). 2662 2579 2658 2602 2728 9110 252,3 2502 2771 9117 2543 2580 2762 9122 2617 2507 2650 9107 2588 9123 2769 9126 7 Juno 24 7 Apr. 5 2 June 15 3 Apr. 27 4 Aug. 19 2 Nov. 29 3 Jan. 25 13 Jan. 2 Oct. 8 2 Dec. 9 2 Feb. 19 12 dpr. S 1 Sept. 28 2 Dec. 14 13 May 8 5 Jan. 11 2 June 9 2 Nov. 26 3 Apr, 14 1 Dec. 14 2 Oct. 5 3 | Dec. 16 i First assistant engi- neers (ocean). : 1 ' 1 Anderson, John... Aydelott, Ulysses S. G. Anderson, John.. Burke, Michael Brown, Thomas A.. Barnes, John Cook, Charles. Connor, Harry G... Cummerford, Francis P Carter, Harvey K.... Fulton, Samuel Gilmore, Thomas Gallagher, Hugh.. Gill, William Gray, Thomas F. Harleston, Johu M.... Hartwig, Gustav Hammond, John G... Hoffman, Jolin L... Jackson, John Lynch, Robert E. Lynch, Hazzard Mehafiy, James A Manson, Dennis A..... McInnis, Daniel McGee, Henry Paulding, John G..., Palmer, James E.. Prickett, George. Pearce, James W Quinn, Daniel...! Ruby, Ridgway.. Spiegle, Matthias. Snyder, Harry J Vansant, Joseph A. R.. Waters, John ... Wallace, Alfred .. Williams, Earnest L... White, Joseph H 2526 2678 2768 2601 9108 9130 2606 2607 2616 2632 2726 2563 2568 2622 2793 2554 2584 2744 9127 9129 2611 2681 2583 2686 2756 9111 2512 2641 2730 9113 2721 2724 2603 2759 2784 2562 1 2523 2537 9114 2618 2652 2792 9104 2527 2630 2741 2609 2757 2510 251.5 2608 2660 2780 2742 2776 2593 2596 9119 2751 2799 2506 2656 9106 9123 2779 2561 2767 2712 2567 2624 2684 9103 2775 3 Jan. 28 3 i Teb. 10 51 Dec. 7 3 May 8 4 June 10 8 Oct. 29 9 Nov. 19 7 Jan. 30 11 May 17 5 Sept. 8 2 May 1 20 Sept. 21 6 Jan. 12 10 Jan. 18 10 Apr. 30 1 June 17 5 Oct. 16 5 Sept. 9 13 Oct. 12 2 Apr. 20 3 Do. 14 Dec. 10 7 Sept. 15 8 Nov. 15 9 Jau, 9 11 i June 15 1 Nov. 24 31 Dec. 15 6 1 Oct. 13 8 Mar. 18 3 Oct. 4 5 July 31 3 Mar. 30 9 May 13 10 ) July 9 2 Nov. 17 6 Oct. 12 Adamich, Edward S.. ndersoli, Charles Allen, Thomas C. 5 Jan. 29 Biedert, Franklin 4 July 6 Benson, Edward.. 3 Oct. 5 i Burns, John H .. 19 Apr. 26Chisholm, William M. M.. 9 Nov. 26 | Devlin, Willian F... 16 Dec. 23 · Dever, Jolin E 8 Apr. 29 Dempster, Robert... 13 Do. Ead, Jolin J... 14 May 8 Fulton, George. 3 May 19 Hamilton, William 21 Aug. 17 Hughes, Thomas. 17 Mar. 26 Henta, Charles L 2 Mar. 30 Hutchinson, Gilbert S.. 28 May 12 Hand, James H., jr 13 Oct. 29 Kiley, Michael 5 Mal. 9 King, Thomas 7 Apr, 9 Lettler, James 9 Sept. 13 Lukens, Job M 11 Dec. 18 Lane, Thonas H. 7 Do. | Miles, John J.. 9 May 4 Miller, Cliarles T 5 July 7 McKearney, Francis 15 Apr. 8 McCann, John.. 9 July 10 McGinnis, William 3 Sept. 21 , McMalon, Martiu 15 Nov. 30 | Neal, Theodore E 5 Jan. 16 O'Brien, Edward L 6 May 31 Pullins, James. 17 dug. 31 Richards, Thomas W 17 Dec. 7 Stevenson, Jesse 12 Aug. 11 Smith, William 15 Aug. 16 Smith, Albert, 10 Apr. 27 Suites, Harry 4 Sept. 22 Yeo, William S 3 Oct. 25 14 Mar. 24 Second assistant engi- 3 May 14 neers (inland). 2 July 14 10 Nov. 11 Robinson, George H.. Vessel, David C... Third assistant engi- ncers (ocean). 7 Jan. 16 2 Apr. 8 Anderson, Add.. 2 July 8 Brady, Thomas E... 2 Nov. 20 . Helms, Alfred.. ! 2627 2694 , 2798 2531 2657 13 Feb. 1 5 June 15 First assistant engi- neers (inland). . Bristov. Nehemiah C.. Bethel, Charles W.. Beers, Charles K. Betts, Edgar B 2513 2582 2683 91051 2659 2558 2594 2 June 16 1 Mar. 16 4 1 Apr. 20 108 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Philadelphia, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Special engineers- Continued. Third assistant assistant engi- 22cer's (ocean) Cont'd. King, John Miles, John W... Manning, Emil.. Olsen, Olaf.. Paul. Samuel A. H.. Sheppard, Robert A.... Zane, Edward C. 2628 2720 9133 2644 2570 2634 2508 9 May 17 4 Aug. 10 2 Doc. 29 1 June 1 1 Mar. 30 12 May 22 10 Jan. 11 Special enginecrs. Bowers, Frank E. Brownell, William H. Bahvey, Andrew. Brown, Ben C.. Brover. James W... Block, Lewes (.. Camp, John H. E.. Cullen, William F Cox, Harry H... Deisinger, Albert J Douglass, John B... Earnshaw, Oliver.. Elfline, Frederick O. Frank. Henry Fifield, Elva T Gale, Hainilton A... Harding, Frank. Hascher, William L.. 904 926 929 937 938 940 916 920 935 923 930 903 936 912 925 939 907 942 4 Apr. 23 4 Aug. 4 3 Aug. 25 4 Oct. 23 1 Oct. 26 4 Nov. 4 5 June 23 4 July 7 5 Oct. 2 3 July 2+ 9 Aug. 30 9 Mar. 26 7 Oct. 13 5 June 12 8 Aug. 3 1 No. 2 3 May 4 3 Nov. 23 Kunz, Anthony Lodge, Edward G. Leng, Charles W. Lackey, James Lehman, William H... Leopard, Thomas, jr. Leonhard, Charles F... Muckle, John S.. Miller, William J.. Miclines; Frank Marshall, Charles B.... McCahey, Patrick. McCloskey, Alfred C.. Nellins, Johu S... Parry, George C. Rein, Edward A. Straley, Thomas H.. Shreeves, William D... Schmidt, Richard. Smith, Lardner B. Taylor, James B... Vansant, Gilbert M... Whitaker, Frank A. Welde, Bruno H. Walker, Thomas . Walker, Charles W Zinmerman, Samuel... 943 905 909 911 914 921 932 913 927 944 945 922 934 906 910 931 915 924 933 941 928 919 901 902 908 918 917 7 Nov. 30 1 Apr. 26 6 May 27 8 June 11 7 June 15 1 July 20 4 Sept. 17 7 June 15 10 Aug. 13 2 Dec. - 1 8 Dec. 7 8 July 22 2 Sept. 29 8 Apr. 29 2 June 2 12 Sopt. 14 4 June 17 5 Aug. 3 6 Sept. 25 10 Nov. 23 7 Aug. 24 1 June 29 2 Mar. 11 5 Mar. 15 6 May 25 7 June 29 4 June 26 11 LOCAL DISTRICT OF PORTLAND, MAINE. Nſasters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Portland, Me. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Lissue.* issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license.issue.* issue. 10, 10 Blethen. Galen Clapp Frost, William Emery Jackson, Benjamin B., 9319 9324 9386 Mar. 27 | Keene. Stephen.. 10, 10 | Apr. 8 Lyran, Elbridge V. 4,4 Aug. 7 9348 9314 2.8 June 8 3,3 Mar. 13 1 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Portland, Die. Feb. 1 3,9 1 At Lee, William E.. 9304 3,9 2 Carroll, Frank E.. 9318 2,2 Mar. 27 Albee, William E 9360 2, 8 June 26 Carleton, Roscoe E. 9372 7,11 July 9 Archibald, Isaac E. 9390 1,7 Aug. 21 Coffin, Charles . 9400 8, 10 Sept. 10 Arey, Benjamin R., jr.. 11917 Nov. 1 Colcord, Charles A. 11906 8,8 Sept. 30 Blair, Charles A 9305 13,16 Feb. 3 Colby, William A 11924 | 21, 21, 24 Dec. 1 Barbour, Alvah. 9308 5, 10 F'ob. 23 : Colby, George W 11930 12, 17 Dec. 9 Boynton, Freeman 9339 2,2 May 18 Cousins, Charles O.... 11933 5, 14 Dec. 22 Bryant, Samuel O. 9347 13, 28 June 8 Drew, Cbarles A. 9321 21, 21 Apr. 1 Bray, Charles W... 9352 9,9 June 10 i Dingley, Frank 9326 | 12, 20 Apr. 19 Bragg, Albert 9357 26, 26 June 21 Dingley, Charles W... 9327 11,11 Apr. 24 Blauchard, Hollis 9365 9, 18 June 28 Deering, Charles.. 9330 24, 24 Apr. 29 Bleun, Van B.... 9371 3,5 July 9 Dennison, Alexander Bennett, William D.... 9384 3,+ Aug. 6 Crossman. 9349 5, 14 Jun 9 Berry, John.. 9393 12, 13 Aug. 26 Dean, Byron C... 9362 24., 24 June 28 Baker, Benjamin W 9394 12, 17 Ang. 30 Dunton, George B 9383 2, 2 Aug. 6 Bryan, Ivan W.. 11913 9, 11 (cl. 23 | Dickson, Edgar P... .. 11912 | 10, 10, 17 Oct. 22 Blanchard, William F. 11916 14, 17 Nov. 1 Ellis, Seth L 11914 11, 13 Oct. 23 Beunett, John... 11918 | 20, 20 Nov. 5 Foster, Charles F. 9351 12, 12 Juno 10 Baldwin, Arthur G 11923 10,17 Nov. 29 French, Jogeph W 9374 10, 19 July 15 Bray, Thomas D 11925 Iec. 2 Fisher, John, jr 11904 9, 17 Bibber, Frederic A Sept. 27 11926 1, 37 Dec. 3 Gowell, George W.. 9329 8,8 Apr. 27 Bond, John H 11928 2,7 Dec. 7 Goldthwait, Harrison.. 9336 | 22, 22 May 17 Clark, James N. 9309 9, 14 Mar. 2 Grore, Benjamin S..... 9350 June 9 Creed, William R.. 9310 21, 25 Mar. 3 11 Griflin. Johu B... 9356 | 14, 17 June 19 Call, Eugene A 9311 Lar. . 4 Goldthwait, Daniol 9377 23, 23 July 26 Chaney, Leonardo B 9317 12, 17 Mar. 26 , Gott, John A. 9391 4,4 | Aug. 23 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 1, 12 W 9,9 7, 22 0 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 109 Masters and pilots licensed—Portland, Me.-Continued. Name, No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license. (issue. issue. Green, William S Hodgdon, Converse O.. Harding, Robert L.. Howitt, Charles E.. Hatborne, James A Haskell, Nathaniel.... How, Charles H Hilyard, Charles.. Houghton, Anory M Ingraham, Mark L.. Ingraham, Oris R.. Johnson, Eugene W Jones, J. Logan. Johnson, Alfred Kennard, Walter C Keller, Benjamin. Kerst, George W King, James A. Loug, James L.... Leeman, Martin Lambert, Edward H Low, Herbert.. Low, Gilman A Lewis, Ira W Murray, William B... Mason, Daniel McKown, Florence M.. Munroe, John B.. Magraw, James. Miller, Peter F McClain, Llewellyn. Muuray, Samuel D. Miller, Daniel, jr Murray, Isaac L Murray, Albert McLain, Almon D Warr, William F. McKown, Samuel F... Oliver, Alfred S.. 11927 9303 9312 9331 9337 9392 11915 11919 11921 9358 9380 9302 9323 9388 9358 9373 11902 11922 9353 9367 9378 9395 9399 11905 9313 9332 9334 9335 9340 9342 9344 9355 9375 9382 9385 9387 11903 11932 9366 4,4 Dec. 6 Oakes, George H.. 1,1 Jan. 26 Oliver, Orville C. 5, 13 Mar. 6 Orne, Alval Morton 18, 18 Apr. 29 Perkins, James E 16, 18 May 17 Parsons, Edward L 10, 19 Aug. 24 Perkins, James F 7, 13 Nov. 1 Pollister, George A 14, 24 Nov. 6 Pike, Samuel I 16, 16 Nov. 13 Quinnain, Alec G 14, 18 Juno 22 Rogs, Walter. 29, 29 July 30 Reed, Frank D. 6,8 Jan. 25 Race, Alfred 4,4 Apr. 2 Rowe, Frank R 2,5 | Aug. 12 Ritson, Thomas. 9,9 May 17 Snow, Israel . 13, 14 July 13 Snow, Richard K 12, 12 Sept. 13 Seabury, Benjamin M.. 26, 26 | Nor. 13 Smith, George B 9, 13 June 10 Suowman, William .. 19, 19 June 29 Sawtelle, William C 16, 17 July 27 Sawyer, Charles C 25, 26 Sept. 4 Sept. & Snowman, William W 26, 26 Sept. 10 Sterling, John T 19, 19 Sept. 28 Thompson, Jobu A 1,3 Mar. 11 Trafton, John F. 16, 21 May 7 Thompson, James E 1,3 May 12 Towusend, Horace B... 8,14 | May 14 Thompson, John... 9, 16 May 21 True, Edward.. 17,17 May 25 Westman, Robert F. 8,8 June 2 Webber, Isaac H 11, 11 June 15 Whitmore, James T... 5,5 July 15 Whittam, Fenrick 5,5 July 30 Webber, John P 15, 20 Aug. 7 Wyman, Andrew T Do. Webster, George G 9,16 Sept. 21 Weed, David A.. 2, 2 Dec. 18 Willard, Benjamin J. 26, 26 June 29 Weed, Frederick P 9370 10, 10 July 6 9381 19, 21 July 30 11931 1, 7 Dec. 18 9320 2,10 Mar. 29 9361 12, 12 June 28 9376 8,11 July 17 11901 7, 15 Sept. 12 11907 10, 18 Oct. 5 9397 4, 8 Sept. 7 9328 11, 17 Apr. 27 9343 9, 9 May 25 9379 10,10 July 28 9398 5, 12 Sept. 7 11911 20, 20 Oct. 12 9306 5,5 Feb. 15 9307 5, 5 Do. 9333 5,9 May 11 9346 8,8 June 5 9354 10, 25 June 15 9368 15, 15 | July 2 9369 5,5 Do. 11908 25, 25 Oct. 6 11910 14, 14 Oct. 12 9301 3, 6 Jan. 14 9315 19, 20 Mar. 16 9316 3,14 Do. 9363 14, 14 June 28 9364 21., 21 Do. 9389 9, 17 9322 1,6 Apr. 1 9325 7,7 Apr. 10 9341 7, 7 May 24 9345 3,7 9359 13, 14 June 22 9396 15, 22 Sept. 4 11909 15, 15 Oct. 7 11920 4,4 | Nov. 12 11929 11, 11 Dec. 7 11934 6, 6 Dec. 30 . Aug. 13 June 4 4, 12 1 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Portland, Me. Allen, Frank C · Apt, Daniel... Brewer, Elma E Cummings, John J Deering, Edward B Dyer, ansil L... 1007 1012 1010 1016 1008 1014 22, 22 June 8 10,10 Aug. 25 7,7 July 20 8,8 Oct. 6. 8,8 June 30 2,2 Sept. 4 Hosmer, John A Hilton, Scott R.. Mansfield, William H.. Pettigrove, Frank E. Sturdivant, Albert G Thompson, Hugh 1001 1019 1.009 1011 1003 1006 15, 15 Jan. 22 3,3 Dec. 2 6,6 July 3 9,9 Aug. 16 22, 22 Feb. 15 19, 19 May 18 Mates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Portland, Me. Bowden, Alonzo F Chamberlain, Henry.. Linscott, Austin. McDonald, Edward. 1013 1005 1018 1004 5,5 Aug. 26 2, 15 Apr. 10 3,9 Nov. 11 7,9 Apr. 3 Mahoney, Girard Strout, Lewis F.. Seavey, Phillip Henry. 1015 1002 1017 5, 10 Sept. 10 2.3 Jan. 30 6,10 Oct. 27 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Portland, Me. First-class pilots. TI:st-class pilots- Continued. 7,7 Craig, Cornelius Chadwick, Warren E.. Cook, Edwin W. Frisbee, Charles W Garnett, Uriah J.. Grant, Wyer G Hatch, Samuel F.. Holden, Thomas Locke, William C 1607 1608 1609 1617 1613 1624 1605 1618 1621 4,4 Mar. 27 2,2 Apr. 2 Juno 17 8,8 Aug. 13 7,7 June 28 Nov. 5 9, 10 Feb. 26 5,5 Sept. 14 12, 18 Oct. 7 Mitchell, Stephen Mitchell, Charles M.... Nelson, Lewis M.. Oliver, Scott B.. Perkins, Horaco T.. Preble, Wellington C Pederson, Anton T. Percy, Mark L.. Stacey, George W.... 1606 1614 1625 1626 1601 1603 1610 1615 1602 3,3 Mar. 17 7,7 June 29 7,7 Nov. 29 7,12 Dec. 30 1, 1 Jan. 9 8, 8 Jan. 30 S, S June 32 1,4 | July 31 6,11 | Jan. 25 8,8 110 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Portland, Me.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue: First-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 2,2 Smith, Clinton P... Spinney, Eugene H Spear, Albert W., jr. Upton, Joseph E.. Upton, Georgo A A. Tarren. Charles H Yeaton, George A.. Young: Oscar J... Second-class pilote. 6,6 4,4 Apr. 24 O W LU 2040 P 2051 6,6 May 27 2054 14, 14 June 2 2055 4,4 June 4 2057 June 5 2060 | 10, 10 June 1.5 2064 16, 16 June 21 2070 9,9 ) June 28 2107 16, 16 Aug. 12 2132 10, 10 Sept. 18 2146 Oct. 18 2151 10, 10 Oct. 26 2156 18, 18 Nov. 10 2163 13, 13 Dec. 13 2010 9,9 Feb. 8 2017 4.4 Mar. 13 2046 3,3 Day 11 2016 2,2 Mar. 12 2030 3,3 dur. 14 2031 8,8 A pr. 15 2084 5,5 July 16 2109 4,4 Aug. 20 2135 1,1 Sept. 23 2153 15. 15 Nov. 3 2160 9,9 Nov. 27 2049 i 10, 10 May 17 2063 7,7 June 17 2095 10,10 July 26 2102 9,9 2123 6,6 Sept. 2 2162 8,8 Dec. 8 2014 Teb. 19 2061 11, 11 June 15 2072 6,6 June 30 2076 5,5 July 8 2093 14, 14 July 24 2118 8,8 Aug. 26 2147 4,4 Oct 20 2161 7,7 Dec. 1 2039 6,6 May 4 2045 6, 6 May 11 2058 4,4 Juno 5 2136 2,2 Sept. 23 2142 15, 15 Oct. 2 2149 8, 8 Oct. 26 2007 1,1 | Jan. 26 2018 12, 12 Mar. 29 2127 6,6 Sept. 11 2023 2,2 Apr. 7 2122 7,7 Sept. 1 2126 12, 12 | Sept. 11 dug. 4 5,5 0 Amee, Amos \V.... Andrews, Adoniram B. Allen, Warren C. Ames, Alfred R. Brewer, Nahum W... Bogan, Hugh L Baison, William H.. Byam, Andrew J... Baker, Edward A. Butivan, William G.. Butterworth, Horace T Brackett, Jeffrey R. Baxter, Hartley C.. Bolton, Charles D... Bates, Elbert M. Bray, Frank H Coss, Thomas W. Cook, Samuel. Chase, Wallace S Cofin, Warren M Crocker, William W... Curtis, James... Cameron, Artemas. Coflin, Edwin,jr Curtis. Willis L. Delauo, Alphens. Dodge, Melville A. Delano, Herbert A Davis, George F. Davis, George F.. Doyle, Leon A. Emery, James Foster, Allen G... Fossett, Eldorus M. Frisbee, E. M.. Farmer, Lyman S. Goud, Charles A.. Griflin, David. Gates, Wilbert M.... Goldthwait, Edward W. Gilbert, Frank ().. Green, John H... Gray, Albert P. ... Green, William F. Hughes, John I.. Horton, George E... Holmes, John H.... Hodykins, Angustus H. Hyde, Cbarles E.. Funtoon, Hiram M. Hogan, Alfred H.. Hodgkins. Fred E. Harvey, Sydney J. Jewett, Merrill O. Johnson, Ulmer V. Jack, Charles W Jevrett, John G. Kalloch, TV illiam R.... Kennediy, Alexander J Kennedy, Clinton M... Kingsbury, Cbarles P. Kimpton, Robert G. Lewis, John E Laighton, Oscar... McLaughlin, James L Magee, Frank David. Matthews, Richard. 5,5 1604 6,7 feb. 3 Mills, Willard A 1616 7,7 July 31 McLain, Leonard T.. 1623 4,4 Nov. 1 McKown, Hardy 1619 3,7 Sept. 15 Morrill, Charles B.... 1620 7,7 Sept. 21 Miller, James B... 1622 3, 3 Oct. 12 McIntosh, Joseph H 1611 14, 14 June 24 McDuffie, Charles W.L 1612 2,2 June 28 Mitchell, Guilford. McClintock, John H... Marshall. Fred H Matthews, Thomas. 2050 8,8 May 18 Matthews, George H.. 2052 2,2 June 1 Merrill, Daniel Melvin. 210S1 8,8 Aug. 13 Oliver, William S.... 2129 6, 6 Sept. 14 Otis, Alonzo.. 2020 Mar. 31 Orne, Parker M 2022 3, 3 Apr. 7 Pierce, Irving 2034 11, 11 Prout, George W.. 3.3 May 7 Poland, Edward. 2075 4,4 | July 6 Pruett, Joseph A.. 2092 15, 15 July 22 Philbrook, Charles L. 2128 10,10 Sept. 14 Pinkham, William E 2130 12, 12 Do. Peterson, Daniel 2145 3, 4 Oct. 11 Patch, William F... 2155 1,1 Nov. 6 Robinson, Edwin.. 2157 8,8 Nov. 16 Richardson, Peter 2158 5,5 Nov, IS Rowe, Seth E 2002 3,3 Jan. 9 Robinson, Gardiner L. 2028 8,8 Apr. 13 Rand, William G 2042 3,3 May 8 Reed, Burton E.. 2097 17,17 July 28 Strout, Bartlett W 2099 11,11 July 31 Starling, Joseph 2100 7,7 Aug. 2 Sinclair, Oscar I 2113 7,7 Aug. 25 Smith, Edwin C 2138 12, 12 Sept. 28 Sawyer, Smith D 2144 2, 2 Oct. 8 Summerton, Thomas. 2011 14, 14 Teb. 9 Spear, Benjamin B... 2012 Feb. 12 Smith, Horace R.. 2035 5, 5 Apr. 27 Thompsou, Charles A.. 2083 4,4 July 15 Tibbetts, Gardiner. 2116 3,3 Aug. 26 Taylor, Prescott H 2150 1,1 Oct. 26 Turner, Thomas D. 2043 7,7 | May 8 Trefetlen, Horatio W.. 2036 2,2 ápr. 27 Todd, George W 2038 7,7 Apr. 29 Wells, Ernest E 2112 5,5| Aug. 25 Wright, John F.. 2137 1,1 Sept. 27 Watson, Harrison G 2005 17,17 Jan. 18 Young, Nathan 2009 3,3 Feb. 4 Young, Frank H. 2047 2,2 | May 15 Young, Henry E... 2077 4,4 July 12 2101 4,4 Special pilots. 2119 1,1 Aug. 27 2124 7,7 Sept. 4 Allen, Charles B.... 2133 10,10 Sept. 21 dodrews, G. Willett... 2013 Fel). 13 Abrams, Thomas H.. 2015 3,3 Feb. 20 Amazeon, Joseph S 2029 9,9 Apr. 13 Adams, Albert H. 2037 2,2 Apr. 29 Brackett, George 1 2056 11, 11 June 5 Bryant, Frauk A 2069 5,5 June 28 Brooks, Fordyce B. 2080 13, 13 July 13 Cummings, Lincolu C. 2103 7,7 Aug. 5 Carleton, Frank W... 152 14, 14 Nov. 1 Curtis, Oakley C.. 2004 1,1 Jan. 11 Chenery, William N... 2071 4,4 Juno 29 Davis, Linwood A 208S 9,9 July 19 Dyer, John L.. 2164 7,7 Dec. 14 Douglass, Charles A.. 2019 4,4 Mar. 30 Farnsworth, Lincoln A 2021 5,5 Mar. 31 Titicla, George S. 20331 2,2 Apr. 22 Gamage, Elliott P 2087 10,10 July 17 Gooll, William Willis 209S 7,7 July 30 Hildireth, William R... 2106 4,4 Aug. 11 Foilgkins, Elijah K.... 2125 12, 12 Sept. 7 Heard, Henry E 2003 4,4 Jan. 9 Hersey, Saniel S. 2021 6,6 Apr. 10 Holbrook, Charles S... 2044 17, 17 May 8 Harriugton, Hollie. Aug. 3 7,7 2059 2079 2139 2140 2148 2006 2081 2085 2048 2073 2094 2154 2041 2068 2135 2117 2131 2078 2159 2053 2096 2110 2114 2120 2143 3,3 June 15 7,7 | July 12 6,6 Sept. 29 4,4 Sept. 30 7,7 Oct. 23 5,5 Jan. 22 7,7 July 13 1, 1 July 16 3,3 May 17 7,7 July 2 1, 1 July 24 2,2 Nov. 4 2,2 May 8 1,1 June 24 5,5 | Aug. 10 7,7 Aug. 26 4, 4 Sept. 15 4,4 July 12 4,8 Nov. 23 2,2 June 1 5,5 July 26 4,4 Aug. 21 5,5 Aug. 25 3,3 1,1 ! Oct. 2 1 Aug. 30 H STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 111 Pilots licensed-Portland, Me.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of licinse. issue. issue, Special pilots-Cont'd. Special pilots-Cont'a. 6,6 0 5,5 Jobuson, bner C. Jones, Joseph R Kendall, Edward P Langley, Edward I Langley, Charles S Marden, Fenry A. McDuffie, William S Morgan, Samuel C Nickerson, Edward B.. Paul, Everatt J Pettigrew, John. Povers, Harry E 2086 2089 2074 2025 2032 2008 2115 2165 2067 2062 2090 2121 3,3 July 17 6,6 July 19 5,5 July 2 2, 2 Apr. 10 Apr. 19 3,3 Jan. 30 7,7 Aug. 26 3,3 Dec. 30 7,7 June 22 3,3 June 1? 1,5 | July 20 5,5 Sept. 1 Rowe, Charles L... Reed, l'rescott O. Smith, Hiram. Shepard, Leander Stickney, Henry R.... Thompson, Alden P ... Thompson, Francis. Vintou, Ernest E.M.. Williams, Amasa C... Youny, Stephen E Young, Gleason. 2104 2134 2027 2091 2111 2001 2026 2082 2066 2065 2141 5,5 Aug. 7 Sept. 21 4,4 Apr. 13 10, 10 July 21 8,8 Aug. 21 5, 5 Jan. 9 6,6 Apr. 10 13, 13 July 13 3,3 June 22 2,2 June 21 6,6 Sept. 30 1 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Portland, Me. Allen, Harry J. Bolton, Edward F.. Brackett, Hartley G Barker, Percy L Browu, Ebei N Cobb, Lyman H.... Chenery, Benry L. Donnell, Harry H.. Emery, Walter H.. Fifield, George E 505 501 502 508 516 515 520 507 514 517 1,1 June 21 1,2 | May 22 1, 1 May 26 5,5 July 21 1,1 Sept. 4 1,1 Aug. 18 2,2 Oct. 25 1, 1 July 20 2,2 | Aug. 16 5,5 Sept. 11 Greenongh, Edward P Hodgdon, Sainuel... Kelsey, Fred B Littlefield, Archie Swett, Oren R Snow, Edward Hall. Weber, Carl F. A Willey, George A. Wilson, Fred M Webster, Benjamin.. 519 518 504 506, 503 509 510 511 512 513 1,1 Sept. 25 5, 5 Sept. 13 5,5 Juno 17 1,1 July 13 1, ] June 17 5,5 July 21 3,3 Juli. 26 1, 1 July 28 4,4 Aug. 3 6,6 Do. Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Portland, Me. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. 24, 25 9360 Blaisdell, Walter L.. Buckvam, Woodbury R Blanchard. Harry C.... Clark, Clinton H... Callan, John Clapper, Edwin B.. Cottid, John B... Dorey, William H.. Farnham, Harry C Flagg. Lester Foss, Charles 0 Gowell, Leonard Howe, John H... Hinckley, Samuel P. Hinckley, David J. Hodgkins, Charles E. Johnson, George C... Kerst, Grant W.. Kerst, Daniel W Kotzschmar, Herman, jr. Merrill, Thomas B Merritt, James H.. Pond, Fred E. Robinson, Steelman S.. Ryfles, Tilliam H ... Sands, John.. Taylor, John M. Taylor, Robert T.. 9336 1, 14 Apr. 27 9356 7, 24 June 29 9357 19, 22 July 8 9305 1, 19 i Teb. 5 9359 6, 27 | July 9 9363 25, 27 July 17 9369 1,10 1, 10 July 26 12508 24, Dec. 9 9304 7, 12 Jan. 26 9329 1, 25 i Apr. 13 9333 9, 20 Apr. 26 9388 ! 23, 23, 41 Sept. 16 9331 | 15, 27 15, 27 Apr. 19 9370 13, 24 July 28 9393 9,16 Oct. 5 12504 31, 41 Nov. 18 9367 26, 43 July 26 9330 1.6 9365 5, 16 July 22 9383 1, 2 Aug. 31 Apr. 13 Bennett, Albert B..... Blake, Frederick W... Briggs, William C... Bemett, William D.... Boardman, Corydon H Banks, George C. Cole, John A. Cook, William H. Cook, George W Crocker, Frank W. Cressoy, dionzo H.. Coonibs, Raymond Donghty, George H. Duntoni, Clark B Desmond, Jolin Doyle, Peter S.. Farnham, James 0 Fuller, Ralph H Foster, Eben L Foss, Charles L... Farnham, Fremont Garland, William E Gowell, George W Goodrow, Windsor W. Gould, Thomas W... Gorton, Thomas E.... Gray, Charles F Gowell, Frederic H Gonla, Charles F Hyde, Charles E... Haskell, George P.... Harris. Charles C... Hughes, John H... How, Frank D... Hagan, Charles A Harrington, James E Jewett, Alfred F. Keizer, Irvin Lord, Hollis J Lilly, Wilbur A. Leavitt, George W 9354 1,8 June 28 9376 11, 13 Aug. 16 9392 1,6 Sept. 25 9400 15,18 Nov. 2 12506 14, 16 Dec. 3 12510 1 10.14 Dec. 18 9326 1, 16 Apr. 8 1,5 Jnly 12 9364 1, 14 July 17 9374 i 14, 18 ( Aug. 3 9379 1,10 Aug. 20 12507 1, 6 Dec. 6 9322 10, 15 Apr. 5 9328 10, 14 Apr. 12 9340 18, 26 May 18 9391 1,6 Sept. 21 9321 20, 28 Apr. 3 9325 1, 5 Apr. 8 9343 1, 1 Mar 28 9390 7, 14 Sept. 21 9398 16, 24 Nov. 2 9303 1, 14 Jan. 20 9334 27, 29' apr. 26 9341 1,7 i May 18 9349 9, 14 June 5 9351 1,17 June 10 9262 10, 13 : July 13 9387 25, 25 Sept. 14 9389 11, 15 Sept. 18 9348 11, 11 June 5 9368 4,14 July 26 9375 10, 13 Aug. 4 & 9380 1, 19 Aug. 20 9397 i 10, 27 Nov. 2 9399: 15, 15 Do. 12501 1, 11 Nov. 3 9335 1,91 pr. 26 12509 : 8,8 Dec. 18 9312 1,5 Mar. 10 9327 1.8 Apr. 10 9358 1, 12 July 8 ! 1 1 9314 20, 31, Mar. 11 9385 14, 19 Sept. 12 9318 1,8: Mar. 18 9377 3,9' Aug. 17 9394 | 1:1, 33 | Oct. 7 9308 7,13 Feb. 10 9371 25, 30 July 28 9396 8, 11. Oct. 20 Chief engineers (inland). 1 9 Allen, Charles H.. Abbott, Watson W Andros, Robert S. Buswell, Charles W Baker, Charles H.. Boggs, Alexander B.... Baker, Full J Barmgartner, Richard 9346 13, 25 June 2 9361 1,11 July 13 9373 1,16 | July 31 9332 11, 19 | Apr. 24 9337 1,3 Apr. 27 9339 17, 18 17, 18 May 3 9344 2,2 May 28 9347 14, 14 June 5 1 112 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed— Portland, Me.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Ohief engineers (inland)- Continued. Engineers in charge of steamcrs of 100 tons and under and over 10 tons-Continued. 2,2 1, 1 Lindsey, Albert F... McGunigle, George A McNeil, Donald.. Morrison, James H McLain, Melvin McRea, Daniel A. McElwee, William T.. Mitchell, Vernon D.. Marsball, Courtney E Patterson, Joseph S Rowe, George W Ricker, Robert W Richards, Edward P... Rowe, Alfred E... Ridgway, Henry. Robinson, Benjamin.. Sproul, Charles A. Sawyer, William A... Saunders, Samuel Stubbs. J. Harvey Shea, Herbert C Sampson, Charles T... Shea, Robert. Symonds, George T. Trafton, Everett L Titcomb, Ernest W.... Titcomb, Howard C. Varney, Edward D VVaite, William C... Ward, Scott R... Tade, Richard Webb, Charles A Wyman, James O... 12505 1,8 Nov. 29 9310 1, 13 Feb. 19 9313 1,2 Mar. 10 9320 1,11 Apr. 1 9345 10, 16 June 1 9381 1,9 Aug. 30 9384 5, 13 Sept. 3 9395 1, 12 Oct. 19 12502 Nov. 13 9319 1,5 Mar. 19 9307 12, 26 Feb. S 9309 10, 15 10, 15 Feb. 15 9317 7, 15 Mar. 18 9324 1,4 Apr. 7 9338 9, 12 May 3 9382 9, 12 Aug. 31 9301 1,7 Jan. 9 9315 1,3 Mar. 16 9316 15, 25 Do. 9323 2, 2 Apr. 7 9366 1, 17 July 26 9378 1, 12 Aug. 20 9386 1, 33 Sept. 13 12503 2, 13 Nov. 17 9306 1,9 Feb. 5 9311 1,9 Feb. 25 9342 1, 2 May 19 9350 7,11 June 9 9302 1,7 Jan. 16 9352 1, 12 June 15 9353 24, 29 June 17 9355 7,7 June 28 9372 1, 7 July 29 16, 16 Keegan, Thomas H King, Janes A Ludwick, William A.. Langley, Charles S.. Lockrey, James E. Libby, Harry S Laighton, Oscar. Lockrey, Frank.. McShane, Edward H... McCrink, John Matthew8, Albert E... Maloney, Orris S.... Morrison, William T... McNamara, William P. Nickerson, Edward B.. Orne, Baker P... Perkins, Roscoe Pinkban, Ralph Preble, Albert Pratt, William P Purington, Alpheus Peterson. Chas. W. H. Ricker, James E.... Ricker, John S.... Robinson, Charles M. Roberts, Gustavus T... Schroeder, John F Shaw, Edwin M... Stetson, Eugene Sinamoos, Marion F Smith, Arthur B.. Studley, Byron Shea, William A.. Springer, Melvin S..... Spear, Albert M., jr. jr... Smith, William Small, Thomas. Symonds, Charles F Schwartz, Gardiner E.. Sargent, Oliver H.. Thomas, John R. Thompson, William L Todd, George W Walker, Nelson Y Welch, Willie D Young, Henry E Yates, Joseph T 2932 2, 2 Oct. 19 2939 14, 14 Nov. 13 2823 2,2 Mar. 24 2835 Apr. 10 2851 15, 15 May 8 2878 24, 24 June 22 2914 13, 13 Sept. 7 2917 17, 17 Sept. 11 2818 1,1 Mar. 10 2854 5, 5 May 12 2883 9,9 July 8 2892 5,8 July 26 2901 11, 11 Aug. 16 2925 7,7 Sept. 30 2903 9,9 Aug. 20 2804 9,9 Jan. 16 2805 11,11 ! Jan. 18 2850 5,5 Mag 8 3856 26, 26 May 13 286] 9,9 May 26 2900 16, 16 Aug. 16 2938 Noy, j1 2802 21, 21 Jan. 11 2828 13, 13 Mar. 31 2921 9,9 Sept. 15 2937 11, 11 Nov. 11 2812 5,5 Teb. 18 2827 16, 16 Mar. 26 2832 3,3 Apr. 8 2842 2,2 | Apr. 27 2852 4,4 May 10 285712, 12 12, 12 May 17 2860 18, 18 May 24 2867 12, 12 June 5 2888 8,8 July 13 2889 17, 17 July 17 2908 10,30 Aug. 26 2913 12, 12 Sept. 3 2919 2,5 Sept. 14 2944 1,1 Dec. 29 2831 12, 12 Apr. 6 2886 11, 11 July 12 2934 8,8 Oct. 27 2813 2,2 Feb. 25 2821 3, 6 Mar. 17 2869 6,6 June 8 2940 1,1 Nov. 30 t Engineers in charge of stcarners of 100 tons and under and over 10 tons. 13, 13 4,4 4, 5 1 First assistant engi. ncer's (ocean). 6, 12 Abrams, Thomas H... Andrews, Geo. W., jr.. Adams, Albert H. Amee, J. Percy. Brown. William H... Butman, Sanford S Baxter, Robert G Batty, John.. Boardman, Walter S. ... Boardman, Jaines K... Batty, George. Brix, John Hansen Butterfield, Charles C.. Batty, William C. Brower, Charles E. Cutting. Charles H Caton, William A. Coombs, Frederick W.. Donovan, Richard Dowling, Alfred D. Eastinan, George W. Evans, Charles N Fowle, Wellington J. Griffin, William H.... Grant, Samuel L... Gordon, Nathaniel Goud, Charles A... Gerard, Frank. Goldthwait, Edward W Grover, Albion Grant, William W Hanscom, Jackson A Hawkes, William E.. Hersey, Frank A Hodgkins, Sheridan. Jewett, Hylan M.. Kuse, Frank O.... 2807 2809 2839 2862 2803 2811 2815 2830 2834 2863 2879 2896 2905 2906 2910 2870 2895 2926 2845 2868 2841 2876 2840 2808 2810 2820 2874 2875 2885 2923 2936 2801 2855 2897 2941 2819 2814 Jan. 19 Feb. 1 Apr. 24 6, 6! May 28 3,3 Jan. 11 4,4 Fob. . 5 10,10 Mar. 3 10, 10 Apr. 2 6, 6Apr. 10 3,3 May 28 16, 16, June 28 7,7 July 30 6,8 Aug. 21 17, 17 Aug. 24 15, 15 Aug. 28 14, 14 June 8 15, 15 , July 29 17, 17 Oct. 1 Apr. 29 7,7 June 5 24, 24 | Apr. 26 4,4 : June 22 20, 20 Apr. 24 25, 25 Jan. 26 8,8 Feb. 1 10,10 : Mar. 12 6, 6 June 21 21, 21 June 22 9,9 July 12 12, 12 Sept. 18 2, 2 Nov. 6 5,5 Jan. 9 2,2 May 13 15, 15 | July 30 10, 10 Dec. 14 1,1 Mar. 10 10, 10 Tel. 25 Doyle, John W Fitzpatrick, John. Gackenbach, Richard C Lord, Charles F.... Lindsey, John E.. Mills, John L Smith, John H.. Walton, John T. Wright, Frank G 2864 2806 2844 2927 2928 2918 2942 2881 2884 13, 14 June 1 4,4 Jan. 19 8,12 1 Apr. 29 Oct. 5 6, 6 Oct. 8 7,7 Sept. 13 2,5 Dec. 18 June 28 1,8 July 9 7, 24 8, 12 First assistant engi- neers (inland). Alexander, Joseph F... Andreason, Ole Austin, Melvin D.... Butman, John, jr Bragdon, John F. Cole, William M Curtis. Hartley T. Churchill, Columbus.. Crooker, Fred W Dyer, Frank. Dillon, John A... De Wolf, Warren S 2826 2848 2865 2871 2880 2849 2866 2907 2929 2816 2853 2872 7,9 Mar. 26 7,7 | May May 4 7,7 June 2 June 9 13, 13 June 28 14, 15 May 5 5,7 June 2 8,8 Aug. 24 7, 20 Oct. 9 1,2 Mar. 5 8,8 May 11 1,9 Juno 9 7 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 113 Engineers licensed ---Portland, Je.-Continued. Namo. No. of No. of Date of licouse.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers (inland)-Cont'd. Special engineers. 17 9,9 3,3 1 (i, 13 Eldridge, Charles H.. Foss, Warren G. Green, Walter H... Gatchell, Eruest W Hutchings, Fred R... Fersey, William H Haley, Jacob W Knight, Henry W Le Hane, James W Mitchell. Farry L.... McDuffie, Ernest G Matthews, Thomas Post, Fred L.... Palmer, George A Perkins, William H.... Riley, Patrick Ridley, Frank B Simpson, James. . Spear, Pearl E Smith, Preston E.. Symonds, William A... Thompson, Joseph E. Thurlow, John N Verrill, Charles Lewis, Wells, Joseph A.N. Vardwell, George A... Williams, Willis I Watson, George B. Second assistant engi- neer's (ocean). Flagg, William B.. Jolinson, John. Podmore. Williain J Ray, James Starling, Alberti. Trecartin, Wilford A Second assistant engi. neer (inland). Clancy, Charles. Malone, Murtagh J Oliver, George A Ripley, Charles E.. Third assistant engi- ncer (occan). Foss, W. Grant 2847 7,8 May 3 Anderson, Enoch F... 2894 | 10,10 | July 29 Bolton, Edvard F 2890 9,9 July 26 Brackett, George B 2904 8,8 Aug. 20 Brown, William 2817 4,4 Mar. 6 Carucy, Norman H. 2836 8,8 Apr. 17 Colley, Fred L. 2882 6, 9 July $ Copeland, Olirer E... 2837 Apr. 19 Davies, E. Edward.. 2922 7,7 Sopt. 16 : Davenport, Stepben F 2877 8,8 June 26 Dunse, William R 2891 7, 7 | July 22 Dodge, Alonzo H 2933 8, 19 Oct. 26 Farrar, George C 2858 May 18 Fuller, Fred H... 2931 8,8 Oct. 19 Gilmore, Syreno P 2935 7, 24 Nov. 2 Gray, Willis H.. 2887 1,1 July 13 Grant, Johu F.. 2899 6,6 Aug. 10 Hildrethi, George W 2824 13,13 Mar. 24 Hartford, Clarles L. 2833 5, 5 Apr. 8 Hodgkins, Harlan M... 2893 8,8 July 28 Holbrook, Charles S 2924 10, 10 Sept. 25 Hersey, s. S... 2843 4,4 Apr. 29 Hathorn, George G.. 2873 2, 11 June 13 Hammett, Stauis M.... 2898 9,9 July 30 Kelliedy, Clinton M.. 2822 4,4 | Mar. 18 Kendall, Ellward P 2846 7,14 May 3 Noyes, Joseph E. 2909 1,1 Aug. 26 Pittee, George 1 2916 1.0, 10 1.0, 10 Sept. 10 Potter, Tlionias I) Peary, George 1 Powers, Farry E Russell, Ira.. 2859 1, 2 ] May 22 Rose, Sannie B..... 2920 1,1 Sept. 14 Shepard,.) ames Arthur. 2838 1,1 Apr. 19 Searle, Floyd H.. 2829 13, 20 Mar. 31 | Smith, George W 2943 Dec. 24 Shepard. Leander 2912 3, 8 Sept. 1 Stickney, Henry R R..... Shaw, Howard C. Sanborn, Bion W Tobey, Eugene C 2915 11, 13 Sept. 10 Trask, Burtoir W 2930 11, 12 Oct. 16 Vinton, Ernest E. M... 2825 | 12, 12 Mar. 26 Vinton, William H.. 2911 9, 11 Aug. 30 Welch, George E. Willians, Amasa C Warren, Edward W .. Ivylie, Willard A.. 2902 1,7 Aug. 17 1027 1001 1002 1046 1006 1009 1041 1003 1013 10:8 1038 1004 1028 1008 1040 1047 1021 1024 1029 1031 103- 1034 1043 1007 1016 1ū05 1012 1015 1033 1035 1017 1045 1010 1022 1023 1025 1030 1037 1044 1026 1036 1019 1020 1011 1014 1039 1042 2,2 Aug. 7 1,1 Jan. 9 5,5 Jan. 21 6,6 Nov. 30 4,4 Apr. 8 8,8 Apr. 29 1,1 Oct. 2 4,4 Mar. 23 12, 12 June 9 2,2 July 12 2,2 Sept. 3 Mar. 26 4, Aug. 12 Apr. 19 1,1 Sept. 30 1,1 Dec. 11 2, 2 July 12 3,3 July 16 2,2 Aug. 18 3,3 Aug. 24 6,6 Aug. 27 4, Aug. 30 8,8 Oct. 22 4,4 Apr. 14 5,5 July 2 2,2 Apr. 2 3,3 June 8 6,6 July 2 4,4 Aug. 30 5, 5 Sept. 1 3,3 July 8 5,5 Nor. 23 3,3 May 21 4,4 July 12 2,2 July 15 10, 10 July 21 8,8 Aug. 21 5,5 Sept. 2 6,6 Nor. 17 1,1 July 28 5,5 Sept. 1 8,8 ! July 12 4,4 Do. 3,3 June 5 3,3 1 June 22 5, 5' Sept. 14 Oct. 1$ 1, 10 2,2 LOCAL DISTRICT OF PROVIDENCE, R. I. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Providence, R. I. Hussey, George B.. McInnis, Jobu. 9102 9114 7 2 Jan. 2 Feb. 26 Macomber, Edward G.. Millard, Martin V.B. 9106 9109 8 1 Jan. Feb. S 6 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—-Providence, R. I. Akin, Charles R... Armbrust, Peter H... Allen, Frank E.. Almy, Theodore B. Almy. Darwin Briggs, Nathan A.. Bowen, Ezra.. Burgess, William H. ... Bartow, Aquilla P .... Beeler, John A.. Brightman, Henry E. Bibber, John S.... 9132 9115 13001 9117 13023 9189 9101 9104 9137 9141 9153 9183 9 Feb. 16 Brownell, Jolin M 14 Mar. 6 Brightman, Milton I. 7 Sept. 21 Baker, Alonzo B.. 4 Mar. 17 Burton, Franklin TV... 22 Dec. 29 Carr, Horace M. 15 Aug. 21 Carr, George E. 19 Jan. 2 Carr, Philip A.. 6 Jan. 4 Church, James B. 17 May 10 Cunnings, Jobn 7 May 15 Cole, Arnold I. 7 June 15 Crandall, Oscar M. 22 Aug. 11 | Cbase, James E.. 9108 9149 9182 13006 9180 9177 9178 9121 9118 9123 9126 913+ 14 Jan. 14 11 June 1 5 Any: 11 16 Oct. 22 16 Aug. + 14 July 24 144 July 27 23 MIar. 25 9 Alar. 18 9 Apr. 1 6 Apr. 15 4 | May 5 57-MS 114 STEAMBOA'I-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-Providence, R. 1.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue, Date of issue. Name. No. of license. No. of Date of issue. issue. 9181 9198 9105 13002 July 9129: s pr. . Conner, John E... Cobb, Benjamin. Conley, George W. Cornell, Villian A. Crocker, George C.. Cook, Eugeue N. Cook, John B..., Cottrell, George F... Champlin, Liouel H... Cavanagh, Michael J.. Dentz, George H. Dyer, Frederick 0... Dyer, Charles P... Davis, Elijah G... Daggett, Samuel S... Dibble, Peter... Dodge, Lemuel A. Daniel, Henry C.. Fishback, Charles H... Fuller, John W... Furber, Charles H.. Gladding, Sainel. Gray, Walter C... Gray, Philip H... Gardner, Benjamin F.. Gage, Edward E.. Grinnell, Walter F... Grinnell, Daniel C..... Gibbs, Richard B.. Hathaway, Edward C.. Hathaway, Edward B.. Hart, tugene d... Hart, Gilbert J. Hull, George B. Healy, John J.. Jaycox, Frank. Kelley, George H... Kelley, Eleazer.. Lee, John J.. Lee, Steplien F... Lindsey, John E.. Mason, Rollin E... Manchester, Charles D. Macomber, Edward P.. MacDonald. JobuA.... Marshall, Francis J Mason, Charles T.. Manchester, Isaac F.. 9116 9142 9144 9161 9168 9184 13010 9187 9122 9166 13007 9193 9194 9151 9137 9190 9111 9156 13003 9169 9159 9196 9107 9128 9143 9147 9152 9163 13013 13011 9170 9119 13017 9175 13015 9167 9131 9155 9200 9195 9179 9197 9135 9132 9158 9160 9174 9186 17 Mar. 8 Mariin, James H...... 19 May 17 Murray, Joseph C 18 May 18 Miner, Walter w. 15 June 24 Nickerson, Henry T... 26 1 Nickerson, George F... 1.1 Aug. 11 Nichols. Charles D. 17 Oct. 27 Petter, Julins .. 14 Aug. 18 | Pettigreir, Edward T.. 5 Mar. 31 Persons, M.S... 16 Jude 29 Potter, William B.... 18 Oct. 23 Pond, George E. 20 Sept. 2 Puukis, Charles A. 19 Do. Reynolds, Henry I.. 24 June 2 Read, Rufus 15 June 18 Richardson, Albert F. 19 Aug. 23 Rich, Moses B.. 13 Feb. 15 Ricli. Fred W. 15 June 17 | Rich, James P. 12 Oct. 4 Rhodes, Samuel B..... 10 July Rose, William R.... 3 Juue 21 Ryan, John E... 11 Sept. 13 Ricketson, Charles B 9 Jan. 9 Staples, Fred I 9 Apr. 23 Sutton, Walter E 19 May 18 Sutton, Nathaniel W.H 8 May 27 Sutton, Frank M 13 June 5 Silvia, John C... 17 June 25 Sherman, Jesse T 26 | Nov. 13 Sanford, Edwin M 17 Nov, 2 Spooner, Joseph H. 17 July 8 Smith, William A 9 Mar. 20 Taber, Albert W.. 6 Dec. 1 Taylor, Jesse P.. 21 July 14 Tallman. Benjamin 9 Noy. 23 Tubbs, George. 19 June 30 Torrey, William E..... 31 Apr. 30 Tripp, Benjamin E. 13 June 16 Tourjee. Orrin L..... 14 Sept. 21 Van Ausdall, Janies 12 Sept. 13 Vincent, Ward P 14 Aug. 2 Weeser, Charles 9 Sept. 14 Whiting, Frederick B. 13 May May 5 Wheldon, Williain C... 17 May 3 Willis, Edgar E ... 11 June 21 Williamsou, George H 15 June 23 Webber, Harrey H 21 July 13 White, Joseph H 14 Aug. 16 11 Aug. 10 10 Sept, 15 13 Jan, 7 7 Oct. 1 27 Apr. 23 22 May 24 11 Feb. 9 11 3 27 spr. 27 10 May 15 13 June 25 16 Nov. 30 8 Nov. 10 8 Aug. 30 7 Feb. 19 22 May 5 8 May 11 13 Dec. 14 33 Aug. 24 18 Oct. 23 7 Oct. 27 10 Dec. 4 26 Oct. 9 26 Oct. 16 30 19 July 10 7 May 5 9 June 1 7 June 26 13 July 10 8 Dec. 15 12 July 19 26 dug. 14 21 May 13 10 Sept. 18 18 July 8 14 Apr. 10 5 Aug. 19 16 May 28 5 Dec. 16 9 Mar. 24 12 Apr. 17 9 May 19 22 June 16 17 June 25 23 Nor. 20 13 Dec. 6 9146 9110 9124 ! 9130 9140 9162 13016 13012 9192 9113 9136 9139 13020 9191 13008 13009 13018 13004 13005 9103 9172 9133 9150 9165 9173 13021 9176 9185 9138 9199 9171 9125 9188 9148 13022 9120 9127 9115 9154 9164 13014 13019 Jan. Hates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Proviilence, R. I. Gifford, Theodoro D. W 525 1 7 July 29 Vanghn, Joseph 526 8 aug. 3 Jlates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Providence, R. I. Aikeu, George B... Bromwell, Harry Clase, Francis É 524 520 519 7 1 9 June 5 Jan. 21 Jan. 5 Kelley, Doane, jr. Nickerson, James W... Smith, John P €22 1651 7 Apr. 15 8 Nov. 13 10 May 10 523 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Providence, R. I. First-class pilots. First-class pilots-- Continued. Akin, Timothy, sr. Baker, Samuel R.. Baker, Daniel a Bartlett. Nathaviel P Bilan. Gustave Cara, Nicholas K.. Champlin, Christopher L... 1201 1222 1224 1204 1223 1218 9 Jan. 8 3 Oct. 21 8 Dec. 23 10 May 17 2 Oct. 21 6, Aug. 28 Gould. Albert G Grinnell, Daniel H..... Gray, Isaac E... Herresliott, Nathaniel G Mason, A. Livingstone. Macomber, Philip E.... Norton, Ambrose W... Perry, Joseph... 1220 1210 1209 1212 1207 1214 1205 1216 10 Oct. 1 1 June 17 1 June 16 2 July 1 8 May 27 1 dug. 11 5 May 19 28 Aug. 23 1219 3 Sept. 13 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 115 Pilots licensed-Providence, R. 1.- Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issuo. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots- Continued. Palmer, George F.. Phinney, Calvin C.... Robinson, George D.... Read. Houry R.. Shea, Dennis.. Seamans, Frank D Silvia, Manuel K.. 1215 1221 1203 1206 1213 1217 1208 8 dug. 16 10 Oct. 5 3 Apr. 6 6 May 24 6 July 10 2 Aug. 23 1 June 2 Jan. 1 Second-class pilots. Anlams, George A. Adaius, Bert R.. Adams, Charles F Abbott, Freil L. Anthony, David M.. Anthony, Newton J.... Almy, Frank D. Almy, Leon F Bayne, Washington C. Ball, J. W Banigan, William B... Bryans, George W.. Bourne, Augustus W. Buffington, Geo. R. E Brown, Arthur G Beck, Fred W... Burgess, Charles F Belcher, Chester S.... Bowman, Francis A. Cooper, John A. Cross, Charles TV Carr, Valter M. Carr, Rodman. Cornell, Elmer J Champliu, Alvin L. Church, George H. Cruicksbank, Geo. W.. Christopher, Christian Darling, Martin V.B.. Dodge, Jolin W Earle. Ellward M Fingliss, Joseph F French, Lynward. Fuller, Charles A.. Fitz, William Gramniont, Clarence T. Gray, Sidney D Hunter, Samuel A. Hopkins, Charles E.. Holmgren, John Howland, William T. Haskins, Eriward B. Knowlos, Henry T..... Knowles, Adolphus C.. King: Nathan.. Kelley, l.eorge E... Lippitt. Robi. Lincoln Loring: Engene W.... Ladd, Frank F... 1193 1485 1486 1438 1482 1433 1447 1446 1427 1426 1475 1491 1488 1:32 1463 1460 1450 1480 7403 1404 1408 1410 1425 1494 1461 1477 1441 1490 1492 1419 1424 1412 1453 1499 1470 1495 1407 1468 1413 1428 1452 1405 74044 1403 1472 1418 1487 1417 1467 5 Nov. 2 1 Sept. 27 1 Oct. 2 1 May 26 14 Sept. 20 1 May 5 2 June 22 6 June 19 1 Apr. 14 20 | apr. 9 3 Sept. 2 3 Oct. 16 10 Oct. 13 3 May 3 4 July 24 9 July 17 5 Juie 30 1 Sept. 17 2 Dec. 22 ? Jan. 14 11 Mar. 3 3 Mar. 16 2 Apr. 9 2 Nov. 3 5 July 21 10 Sept. 9 1 June 2 3 Oct. 13 9 Oct. 22 7 Apr. 3 4 Apr. 8 2 Mar. 18 3 July 2 2 Dec. 1 1 Aug. 18 4 Nov. 3 2 Heb. 20 5 dug. 7 2 Mar. 19 2 | apr. 15 5 July 1 1 Jan. 20 3 Dec. 29 4 Jan. 13 7 dug. 24 12 Apr. 2 11 Oct. 2 7 Mar. 31 2 Aug. 6 Seconi.class pilots- Continued. Lewin, William M Lincoln, Harry D Lewis, Jobu Mason, Charles H. Mason, Lowell C... Maxfield, Benjamin T.. May, James H.. Manchester, Arthur ... McKay, Robert McKay, William S... McDonald, Roderick... Newell, William E..... Nre, Joseph K... Nettleton, Charles S... Nylund, Carl å Nickerson, J. Fred..... Payne, Thomas A. Payne, Charles G.... Paine, Wm. Howard Pomers. William J. Randall, Albert H Rich, Thomas.. Rose, George ( Rivett, Anthony C.... Soderman, Gustaf. Stuart, Benjamin E.... Sutton, Henry L Sweet. George W Sweet, Charles F. Spooner, Henry J., jr. Stenman, Marc TValter. Sherman, Amos B.. Smith, Joseph E., jr. Smith, John T. Tanner, VVilliam E... Tallmau, Chester B... Topham, Robert H. Tubbs, George E. Vickery, Jesse G. \Vilcox, Henry C Wilcox, Fernando.... Weatherheail, George.. Special pilots. Anthony, Charles F... Anthony, Henry F. Brocklehurst, George A Cross, Alonzo T Cross, Emeline M. Ford, William E. Galleshav, Tihomas E.. Linekin, Nathaniel C.. Phillips, George Á. Peirce, George Rhocles John O. Tillinghast, Lodowick H... 1421 1455 7401 1465 1496 1422 1435 1457 1484 1434 1401 1464 1483 1409 1481 1414 1498 1430 1497 1449 1474 1471 1415 1443 1411 1429 1416 1444 1469 1466 1473 1420 1402 1476 1436 1478 1423 1500 7402 1406 1440 1-158 1 Apr. 6 1 July 7 11 Dec. 17 1 July 30 8 Nov. 13 2 dpr. 6 6 May 10 1 July 9 9 Sept. 25 2 May 8 5 5 14 July 29 3 Sept. 20 5 Mar. 9 5 Sept. 18 1 Mar. 24 1 Dec. 1 5 Apr. 19 4 Nor. 18 3 June 29 11 Aug. 27 2 ! Aug. 18 3 Mar. 24 6 | June 5 $ Mar. 16 3 Apr. 17 7 Mar. 30 4 June 8 7 Aug. 9 2 July 30 2 Aug. 25 1 Apr. 3 1 Jan. 6 10 Sept. 9 4 May 24 4 Sept. 14 1 Apr. 7 1 Dec. 11 1 Dec. 22 2 Jan. 30 7 June 1 9 | July 14 1439 1142 1454 1437 1445 1462 1489 1451 1431 1456 1459 3 June 1 8 June .4 1 July 2 11 | May 25 7 June 18 July 22 1 Oct. 13 1 June 30 3 5 July 9 7 July 17 A pr. 28 1448 5 June 28 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Provi- dence, R. I. ero | Ashton, Willard C. Ashton, Joseph W abbott, Fred L., Brassard, Joseph Bliss, Frank N.. Brown, Edward H Borden, Frank. Burroughs, George E.. Clifford. David B Chase. Benjamin G Francis, Manuel B. Francis. Ralph H Fits, William... Goff, Walter H. 304 327 305 325 312 302 309 313 320 323 32-4 322 306 319 6 Apr. 21 5 Oct. 30 6 May 10 4 Sept. 11 8 July 2 3 Feb. 23 6 Tuno 3 8 July 8 31 Aug. 11 1 Aug. 12 4 Sept. 4 2 Aug. 11 3 May 18 7 Ang. 6 Gray, Samuel M Greene, Ralf C. Kenyon, Charles C. Kenyon, William J Kiug, Fred L Lawton, Siac H.. MacDonald, George A. Moisan, Louis G Moore, James D. Shurtlett, Seths. Salisbury, dlpha B Saunders, Clinton V... Spooner, Henry J., jr Webb, Alfred J. 326 303 308 317 311 310 316 314 321 318 328 301 307 315 4 Sept. 11 2 Feb. 27 1 May 27 4 July 30 5 June 26 6 June 3 3 | July 24 Hi July 14 4 Ang. 11 7 Aug. 6 3 Nov. 12 3 Feb. 23 1 May 17 3 | July 23 116 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Proridence, R. I. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. ..of Ense. No. of Date of issue. issue. Ohief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (in- land)— Cont'd. Champlin, Richard Dayton, George M Darling, Martin V.B Hitzler, Ferdinand E.. McLellan, Fred T.. Merriti, Charles y Moore, James... 9190 9192 13202 9175 9110 9163 13201 Chief engineers (inland). Apr. 1 9153 915+ 9177 9199 9145 9112 9111 9193 9124 9145 9138 9120 13213 9151 13208 9182 9184 9106 9196 9185 9188 9200 13207 13205 916-4 13212 9131 9173 9141 9155 9159 9167 9174 9179 9102 9146 13215 9147 9.126 9109 9150 9133 13209 9103 7 June S 7 june 19 S Aug. 6 23 Oct. 6 5 June 2 3 Feb. 19 7 Fel). 17 4 Sept. 15 7 Apr. 9 16 May 24 12 May 7 11 4 Nov. 30 17 June 5 3 Nur. 17 15 Aug. 1.9 5 Aug. 20 10 Feb. 1 10 Sept. 25 17 dug. 20 9 Sept. 7 6 Oct. 9 29 Nov. 17 3 Nov. 8 12 Jive 25 18 Nov. 30 12 Apr. 21 12 July 27 7 May 20 13 Juue 10 9 June 17 6 | July 9 17 July 27 8 Aug. 6 18 7 14 May 25 18 Dec. 3 18 May 28 20 Apr. 13 15 Feb. 15 11 June 4 12 11 Nov. 18 12 Jan. 11 Jan. 31 Sept. 9 dlahon, Frank E..... 22 Sept. 13 Marmion, Thomas 10 Oct. 22 DIcNally, Thomas J... 21 July 29 Nygatt. Frank H.. 25 Feb. 15 McCool, Villiam J 34 June 24 Norton, Henry S 12 Oct. 12 Northup. Benjamin E.. Nre, Stephen F. Oliver. Edgar A (rswell, William B.... l'otter, Rouse T.. 19 Dec. 29 l'resbrey, Seth M 12 Ang. 19 Presbrey. Seth M., 20 9 Sept. 30 Peterson, Cliarles H... 3 Sept. 29 Quillau, Edwird T.. 8 June 10 Kobertson, James T... 12 July 16 Reid, Carl. S Nov. 18 Richardson. Freeman A. 7 Dec. 7 Roosa, Henry H 8 Apr. 8 Scorille, Herbert A. 7 Jan. 5 Sullivan, William 6 Fel), 24 Staats, Samue). 3 Apr. 13 Smith, Henry F... 10 May 29 Smith, J. Richmond... 8 June 5 5 ! Smith, Henry L.. 11. June 25 Spencer, Orria 0 12 July 14 ! Starling, Josiah B 3 Oct. 27 Stowell, William F 11 May 10 Sullivan, James 20 Nov. 27 Saulpaugh, William R. 16 Aug. 14 Stuart, Harrie M 22 Jan. 22 Splaine, John F. 11 Sept. 18 Sheldon, Johu v 4 Mar. 16 Sunman, Joseph A. 21 Apr. 10 Sullivan, Michael J 20 May 3 Saundors. William W.. 18 May 17 Twigg, William 18 May 21 Ulmer, Eienry. 9 June 14 Van Denburgh, Rich'd. 15 July 7 Walsh, John B.. 16 July 20 Watson, Charles F 14 Nov. 6 Weed, Charles 20 June 22 West, V. Frank 11 Aug. 12 Whittle, George M 8 Apr. 17 33 Jan. 18 Engineers in charge of 5 Mar. 18 stcarner's of 100 tons 24 June 2 and under, and over 6 June 17 10 tons. 1 May 5 14 Mar. 30 Akin, Charles R.... 38 Sept. 4 Allen, Thomas E. 11 Sept. 21 Alexander, Clinton 15 July 29 Boshall, John. 5 July 21 Boshall, Thonias. 19 Sept. 1 Brow, Willis H. 31 Sept. 10 Baldwin, Leon F.N.... 3 Dec. 27 Borden, Joseph T 14 Mar. 5 Borden, George F 7 Mar. 30 Booth, James 7 A pr. 5 Booth, James C 8 May 3 Barney, Charles H. 7 5 Blake, Wallace E 7 June 11 Burgess, Jesse C. 11 July 22 Burgess, Charles TV 10 Dec. 21 Bailey, Richard F 31 Feb. 15 Canfield. Edward 1.. 15 May 21 i Cooper, James W 14 A pr. 17 1 Coll), Ellwin... 15 .Dec. 3 | Crocker, Thatcher B.. 18 Aug. 6 Clark, Arthur W 12 Apr. 25 Congrlon, Frank E.... 16 Sept. 7 Campbell, John... 12 Nov. 12 'Delory, John J. 9 Feb. 1 Donahne, John TV 13 Mar. 22 Downing, Everett B 8 Apr. 17 Dean, Charles E 16 | Apr. 28 Demarer, Joseph. Alms, Darwin Almy, Frank D.... Almy, Leon F Armstrong, Thomas R. Anthony, Newton J Albro, Cbarles E... Burt, Elmer. Brooks, William H. Beattie, William F.. Brightman, Charles E.. Birdsall, Charles E Baker, Fred A Burdick. Howard E.... Briggs, Jefferson S..... Brooks, John Brooks, Peter C... Butler, Herbert M Bell, David I... Benson, Bernard J Colcord, William R.. Collins, Thomas E.. Cantield, Charles E Cole, Arthur E. Collins, James. Cunningham, flugh A Cranston, Charles R. Cole, Valter L... Cheney, Norman E .. Coppinger, Thomas A. Cronin, John F Coursey, Mills G... Day, George O Diuisey, Eli . Dimsey, Joseph. Douglass, Andrew M Drake Fred S..... Davenport, Charles F.. Davis, Samuel W. Drury, Patrick J Edwards, William H.. Furber, George H. Finnerty, Michael Garile. Cbarles H Gould, A. Gardiner Hurlburt, Seti Harney, James Holland, Isaac F... Hale, Kirtland I Harrall, William E. Henderer, Benjamin .. Henderer, A. Horace. Hummell, Christopher. Harrington John T... Harper, John W... Holmes, Charles R. Hale, John H. Jones, Gillert A.. Koedam, Harry Killean, James Lincoln, S. EL Lutler, Hiram H.. Moncrief, James A Mason, Lowell C... Marchant, Edward D.. Murplıy, Bernard.. McEvoy, James Milliken, Charles W.. Apr. 28 13219 9183 9198 9197 9156 9169 13210 13216 9123 9101 9113 9127 9144 9152 9165 9168 13203 9139 13211 9181 9105 91.94 9115 9125 9135 9140 9142 9158 9166 9170 13204 9162 9180 9130 9104 9116 9149 9160 9137 9118 9187 9195 9176 9171 9186 9191 13218 91.14 9119 9122 9136 9121 9157 9172 13217 9108 9143 9129 13214 9178 9132 9189 13206 9107 9117 9128 9134 Apr. 2217 2245 2227 2212 2274 9004 9012 2210 2208 2242 2268 2253 2257 2256 2273 2300 2226 2231 2235 2261 2260 2207 2234 2295 2298 2209 2265 2284 7 Apr. 5 2 June 10 9 Apr. 23 7 Mar. 20 17 Aug. 11 8 Nov. 5 4 Dec. 16 5 Mar. 19 12 Feb. 5 14 June 5 11 Aug. 3 11 June 24 5 July 2 1 June 30 23 Aug. 10 1 Oct. 27 2 Apr. 15 2 May 12 19 May 17 7 July 12 2 Do. 1 Feb. 1 1 May 15 5 Oct. 15 3 Oct. 25 2 Mar. 17 7 July 24 2 ! Sept. 16 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 117 Engineer's licensed-Providence, R. I.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of liceuse. | issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. First assistant engi- neers (inland)-Con- tinued. 2297 2255 9002 2291 2252 9003 4 Oct. 25 9 June 29 6 Nov. 2 2 Sept. 30 1 June 23 2 Nov. 2 2289 2269 2271 2 Sept. 27 14 Aug. 3 3 Aug. 6 2278 2239 2299 2230 2293 2203 2216 2247 2 Aug. 20 1 May 26 2 Oct. 26 1 May 8 5 Oct. 6 4 Jan. 5 14 Apr. 1 1 June 16 Dittiers, Adolphi. Doualue, Michaei.. Ford, William E Goff, Walter H Gay, abner R... Gardiner, James T Grant, John A... Hayes, Clinton L Horton, Edmund F Hampton. James E Hodgkius, Avazy M M.... Horton, George B Hanbly, Charles F Harvey, Sydney J... Hatch, Silas B... Jennings. Howard C... Jackson, Lincoln B... Jenkins, Horace G Kennedy, William J... Le Baron, Charles E. Littlefield, Nathaniel S. Loring, Eugene w Littlefield. Fred S. Loltiis, William... Mattesou, Harkless Macomber, Edw'l.P., jr Mahan, John. March, Henry Muliro, Samuel W McNulty, Joun Norton, Andrew J. Oney, John Parkes, Eugene T Potrer, William C Purkis, Charles A Perkins, Edward E Paine, Ww. Howarı Roza, Manuel Gracia da Ramsey, John W Robbins, Joseph E. Reilly, John G. Roque, Andrew P. Saulpangh, Edwin J., jr Slocum. Holder. Smith, John T Smith, William T. Sullivan, James F.. Torrer, William F.... Worth, Robert S... Waldron. David Wing. William N. Weeks, Frank 2233 2240 2281 2276 2288 2218 2224 2232 2246 2250 2213 2223 2243 2287 2290 2266 2251 2270 2221 2201 2204 2244 2292 2258 9009 2237 2229 2264 2283 9008 9011 2294 2280 2282 9005 2248 9006 2215 2219 2263 2214 22+1 2275 2286 2220 2202 2296 2259 2277 2249 2222 2228 2262 6 July 14 4 May 14 Loftris, Michael... 7 May 28 Martland, Ellsworth H. 7 Sept. 2 McCready, William H. 2 Aug. 13 Perry, Eugene 21 Sept. 24 Reynolds, James F. 7 Apr. 6 Smith, David. 1 Apr. 14 2 Mar 13 Second assistant engi. 5 June 11 neer's (ocean). 8 June 22 1 Mar. 24 Arkebauer, George L.. 1 Apr. 14 Bugbeu, Elmer Ci.. 1 June 9 Stewart, George 16 Sept. 23 1 Sept. 29 Second assistant engi. 1 July 27 neers (inland). 4 June 22 5 Aug. 5 Alearn, Walter . 7 Apr. 13 Braynan, John D.. 11 Jan. 5 Crane, Louis E 18 Jan. 13 Champlin, Nicholas B. 12 June 10 Gen, Edward C 2 Oct. 5 Holt, Lyman. 15 July 6 Shirley, Stiles E 4 Dec. 8 Thomas, William J 10 May 17 Van Vredenburgh, Al. 2 May 6 exauder.. 8 July 19 16 Sept. 14 Special engineers. 1 Dec. 2 16 Dec. 9 Anthony, Charles F... 18 Oct. 9 dobott. Freil L 11 Aug. 25 Allam, Bert R.. 8 Sept. 7 Benner, Villiam J 15 Nov. 17 Cross, Alonzo T.. 2 June 18 Cottle, Zadocd 6 Nov. 18 Cruickshank, Geo. T.. Mar. 31 Clark, Salmon K. 2 apr. 12 Duitie, Robert 8 July 16 Dodge, Charles J 2 Dlar. 30 Dee, Barry 1 June 3 Freer, Robert.. 9 Aug. 13 Griffiths, William H... 11 Sept. 17 Hansou, Charles R... 6 Apr. 12 Flangen, George 2 Jan. 5 Hunter, Samuel a 2 Oct. 15 Lewis, John. 19 July 8 Lincoln, Roy W. 6 Aug. 16 Lougee, Edward R.. 15 June 21 Martland, Florace G.. 1 Apr. 14 Dartland, Fred T.... $ Apr. 27 Mason, A. Livingstone. McLane, Herbert E.... Newell, William E... Nash, James H. fi Otis, Robert M. 25 July 27 Phillips, George H. 13 Mar. 20 Peel, John W Robbius, Alexander Rounds, Sam P. Rivett, Authouy C.. Shopardson. Isaac E 12 Jan. 26 Samon, John 6 Nov. 2 | Statt, Harry F 15 Sept. 15 Spooner, Henry J., jr 9 Nov. 24 Stowo, William H 9 May 17 Taber, Richard S Apr. 14 Talbot, Frederic W 8 Jan. 15 Theroux, Charles H. E. 14 June 25 Weatherhead, George. 1 Dec. 9 Tebb, George H. 613 607 634 623 611 627 606 2272 619 2238 633 615 635 620 2279 601 636 61.6 631 604 603 612 617 628 614 602 608 629 632 621 610 637 9161 605 609 625 618 626 630 622 624 3 June 1 3 May 10 1 Oct. 1 1 July 21 10 May 25 4 July 27 1 May 5 15 Aug. 10 1 July 2 1 May 26 1 Sejit. 17 1 June 3 1 Oct. 9 4 July 3 3 Aug. 23 5 Feb. 25 11 Dec. 14 1 June 30 1 Aug. 11 2 Mar. 30 2 Mar. 29 8 | May May 27 4 July 2 14 July 29 2 June 2 1 Mar. 3 1 May 17 1 Aug. 4 7 Sept. 8 2 July July 9 6 May 21 3 Dec. 21 15 June 17 1 May 5 1 Dray 17 3 July 23 10 Juli 2 2 July 24 1 Ang. 4 8 July 14 3 July 22 First assistant angi- neer's (ocean). Gifford, George W Geer, William M.. 2267 2211 First assistant engi. ncers (inland). Allen.. William S.. Blinks, Thomas.. Coon, Samuel S Coon, William C.. Colcord. Frederick B Carroll, Thomas E... Flood, George W Hunt, Jolin special)... Hurley, John J.. 2206 9001 2285 9007 2236 2025 2205 2254 9010 + 118 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. LOCAL DISTRICT OF NEW HAVEN, CONN. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New Haven, Conn. Name. { 1 No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Beardsley, Alonzo J Beckwith, John 1 Bishop, Albert F Broin, Isaac E Chappell, Josbua M. Clark. George A Clevelaud, George A... Dowe, Edgar S. Fairbrother, Guy L.. Flash, Valentine.. Ford, Elbert G..... Gilpatrick, Frank L.... Gorham, Henry B. Green, Joseph Grindle, Richard E. Hardy, Aaron M.. Hawkins, Charles E... Hawley, Darid B.. Hewitt, John H.. Howard, James Hoyt, A.J Huise, Charles W Inkster, Benjamin H. N. Johnson, Joun Lafo, Leri 9223 9242 3231 9213 9203 9240 9224 9218 9211 9204 9249 9228 9217 9220 9209 9230 9236 9227 9237 9238 9233 9202 9244 9245 9206 22 July 6 Jaw, Richard W., jr 19 Nov. 3 Mackenzie, Cbarles W. 32 Aug. 11 McNeil. Job.. 17 | May 10 Miller, Jobu 7 Jan. 14 Milliken, H.L 13 Oct. 27 Plumb, John A 15 | July 15 Potter, Frank.. 15 June 7 Potter, George W. 13 May 1 Pond, Eloratio N 6 Jan. 14 Sanford, John S.. 17 Dec. 27 Sharp, J.T. 13 dug. 5 Stevens, William I. 6 June 5 Swan, Elbert G... 25 June 18 Terry, Le Roy. 13 Apr. 21 Thompson, Charles E.. 10 dug. 7 Turver, Joshua T.. 15 Wakelee, Homer S 14 July 29 Wakeley, Charles J... 20 Oot. 5 Wakeley, Epbraim N.. 11 Oct. 11 Wakeley, Nelson J 12 Aug. 18 Wakeley, Samuel 12 Jan. 8 Warner, Robert S.... 8 Nov. 10 Vest, P.F. .... 13 Nov. 19 Wicks, Henry S 13 Feb. 18 9210 9239 9208 9225 9248 9216 9234 9246 9229 9205 9235 9212 9207 9241 9226 9232 9221 9201 9219 9247 9215 9222 9214 9243 9 Apr. 26 11 Oct. 20 26 Apr. 15 17 July 19 20 Dec. 23 19 May 22 16 Aug. 28 13 Nov. 27 17 Aug. 7 7 Jan. 27 6 Sept. 1 15 May 1 11 Apr. 10 10 Nor. 2 16 July 26 14 Aug. 17 16 June 28 17 Jan. 4 9 June 9 16 Dec. 6 15 May 17 9 July 2 9 May 12 2 Nov. 5 Sept. 14 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New Haven, Conn. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. L Baker, Alfred C. Baldwin, Albert V Baldwin, Frank F Ball, George E. Barnes, Harrey, ... Bron, Frank E Chiak, Jolan Edwards, Edvard Harcourt, Joseph L... Hart, Aaron J.. Holmberg, John A. Lloman, Charles W Homan, George F Hoyt, James F. Kennedy, John E..., Ludington, Luzerne Merrill, William R. Morris, Louis S Oskins, Rufus Pausch. Herman D. Raud, Thomas Robinson, William J... Rowe, Henry C Rowland, Frederick M. Shuts, Alonzo H Snow, Elisha B.. Stereus, Charles P. Stevens, Frank R... Sulliran, William H Thomas, Thomas Wakeles, Charles M... Wedmore, Charles K... Wilson, William J... 1404 1424 1432 1419 1425 1423 1421 1426 1428 1414 1405 1402 1410 1406 1420 1416 1415 1427 1433 1429 1418 1409 1430 1413 1411 1431 1408 1412 1422 1417 1403 1407 1401 10 Feb. 15 12 Aug. 7 13 Nov. 19 7 June 23 17 Aug. 27 2 July 21 10 July 6 8 Sept. 3 3 Sept. 28 7 May 12 8 Mar. 10 11 Jan. 19 1 May ] 6 Mar. 17 1 June 23 12 June 14 6 May 26 11 Sept. 21 10 Nov. 26 7 Nor. 4 8 June 22 7 A pr. 14 16 Nov. Nov. 9 3 May 8 15 | Mas Маг 3 9 Nov. 15 9 Apr. 6 4 May 6 4 | July 16 14 June 14 4 1 Jan. 22 6 Apr. 3 10 Jan. 18 Cary, John E.. Case, Elmer E. Chard, Samuel S Clark. Horace E Clark, James L Cole, Dexter K. Coleman, John H Collier, Harry A Curtis, Lewis B. Daytou. Edward S Daytou, George W Decker, A branı Decker, David B. Decker, Peter.. Decker, Sylvester... Donahue. James Dunbar, Garrett S Foster, Charles W.. Gerrish, Frederick L... Gerrish, George H Glines, Charles H Glover, Theodore S Halsey, Arthur W Halverson, John Hill, William F. Homan, Franklin L.... Homan, J. Frank Horell, B. Frank Host, Charles II. Hoyt, Clifford B Hoyt, Daniel... Hoyt, William F.. Hughes, Albert R.. H-[umiston, Frederick L. Johnson), Edwin C Knight, Edward Lalli, William. Lancraft, George E....! Larsen, Lars. Lewis, Charles L.... L'Hommedien, Johns Linsley, George B. Lockwood, Elbert F.... Longworth, Charles 1678 1692 1619 1677 1653 1688 1674 1632 1602 1633 1635 1607 1605 1682 1660 1690 1679 1687 1669 1667 1671 1691 1645 1694 1652 1611 1626 1606 1615 1603 1680 1616 1618 1637 1641 1659 1617 1664 1695 1604 1621 1636 1620 1649 4 Oct. 1 13 Nov. 26 12 Mar. 13 15 Sept. 17 3 | July 16 15 Nov. 8 6 Sept. 8 2 Apr. 17 3 Jan. 2 14 Apr. 20 13 Apr. 22 10 Jan. 29 13 Jau. 21 24 Oct. 18 15 Aug. 11 10 Nov. 9 8 Oct. . 1 13 Nov. 5 8 Aug. 25 8 Aug. 24 3 Aug. 27 8 Nov. 10 11 June 12 10 Dec. 7 2 | July 14 5 Feb. 16 8 A pr. 6 7 Jan. 25 9 Feb. 23 10 Jan. 7 4 Oct. 4 9 Feb. 24 3 | Mar. 10 12 May 8 1 : May 22 12 Aug. 3 2 Feb. 24 15 Aug. 14 4 Dec. 17 2 Jan. 15 12 | Mar. 13 8 Apr. 28 14 Mar. 13 3 Juwe 23 Second-class pilots. Andrews, Frank H Baldwin, Edwin E Baldwin, Giles H Blatchley, Philo M.. Bond, Ashbald Brown, Allie L.. Brown, Frederick F.. Burwell, Merritt ... 1686 1673 1646 1663 1662 1665 1634 1693 13 | Nov. 2 11 | Sept. 6 14 | Jupe 14 8 Aug. 13 41 Aug. 12 3: Aug. 16 12 dpr. 21 4 | Dec. 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 119 Pilots licensed-New Haren, Conn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. + Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Aug. 11 Lowndes, Howard L... Lowndes, Thoe. S.. Ludington, Ammi P Ludington, C.L. .. Mallory, George G Maon, B. Hartley Mansfield, William F.. Maynard, Charles A. Monsell, H.C.. Mosher, William H., jr. Palmer, Charles E.. Palmer, Clarence E.. Palow, William P. Parmelee, Charles W. Parislı, James H. Pendleton, Frank L... Pidgeon. Nelson L Potter, Isaac s... Putnam, Charles. Raymond, Robert A Reed. Stephen H. Royden. Wallace N Schulthiess, Henry 1622 1654 1648 1640 1631 1661 1655 1685 1657 1666 1609 1681 1630 1627 1639 1642 1658 1643 1614 1638 1629 · 1613 1647 4 Mar. 13 Sears, Henry G 16 July 16 Selleck, Frederick S... 17 June 23 Seltenrich, TVilliam 14 May 19 Seymour, Charles 3 Apr. 14 Seymour, James F.. 6 Smith, Frank W. 15 July 23 Smith, Marcus P 4 Oct. 28 Smith, Riley T.. 7 July 26 Smith, S. Edward 10 | Aug. 24 Thomas, Nelson. 6 Feb. 6 Thrall, Levi. 4 Oct. 8 Tunks, Henry C 1 & pr. 14 Verity, William H 2 Apr. 9 Vroom, Joseph. 7 May 12 Ward, Jobnf... 3 May 26 Wilson, Sylvester B... 1 July 29 Woodhouse, Abner R.. 11 May 28 4 Feb. 23 Special pilots. 8 May 8 13 Apr. 13 Keating, Daniel A .... 2 Feb. 18 O'Conner, James.. 9 June 18 Walters, Peter.. 1612 1044 1610 1683 1689 1624 1625 1623 1684 1651 1608 1656 1650 1601 1628 1676 1672 9 Feb. 16 5 June 10 2 Feb. 12 4 Oct. 23 9 Nov. 8 12 Mar. 27 17 Mar. 30 10 Mar. 27 1 Oct. 27 15 July 2 10 Feb. 2 12 July 23 16 June 28 9 Jan. 2 10 A pr. 13 6 Sept. 15 2 Sept. 1 1668 1675 1670 Ф 2 CHA Aug. 25 4 Sept. 9 Aug. 27 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New Haven, Conn. Allen, Tilliam C Askam, William F... Beery, Alfred B., jr Clock, Gilbert L Dwyer, Thomas J Fox, Michael J Gerring, A. H.. House, Henry A. Lewis, John Loller, Robert E Miller, John N. 404 414 421 419 420 419 409 416 403 417 413 3 June 23 4 Sept. 11 4 Noy. 15 5 Sept. 25 5 Oct. 11 3 Oct. 6 10 Aug. 9 2 Sept. 21 5 June 5 1 Sept. 23 3 Aug. 26 Oppel, J. Henry. Phelan, Ed. L. Phillips, Jobn B Rida, Alexander Smith, Charles E. Smith, George R. Sullivan, J.) Wheeler, M. B. V. Young, Edırard S. Young, John H.. 411 407 405 412 401 402 415 410 406 408 4 Aug. 10 4 July 22 1 July 7 1 Aug. 19 5 Feb. 20 5 Apr. 19 1 Sept. 18 9 Aug. 9 5 July 16 9 Aug. 7 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New Haven, Coun. Chief engineers (inland). Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. .... Adaws, Robert W Bailey, George E. Barnes, Charles H.... Blakeman, John W. Brigy's, Charles H. Brower, Arthur H... Collison, Edmund. Chappell, Sterling Chipman, Daniel Davis, Charles N Decker, Henry L.. Dell, George A. Denniston, Winfield .. Douglas, John Fahy, Michael, jr Fordi, Julius A.. Foster, Frank A. Fray, Thomas H Glines, Charles H.. Glover, Theo. S.. Gomperts, Henry B. Gurry, William. Halverson, Henry W.. Halverson, John.. Hayden, Wilbur.. Hemstock, Thomas E.. Honian, Gilbert L... Howard, James W.. Hoyt, Albert J... 9247 9243 9218 9259 9233 9208 9210 9232 9236 9226 9207 9217 9255 9252 9231 9216 9260 9264 9205 9254 9249 9261 9268 9267 9253 9223 9222 9228 9234 8 Aug. 24 Fort, James F... 9 Aug. 9 Hyde, James S. 15 1 Apr. 9 Kelley, Robert. 8 Oct. 11 Kimble, Abram 33 June 23 Kipsey, George W TV.. 10 War. 3 Lafo, John H 1 Mar. 10 Lafo, Levi.. 13 Juno 23 Lafo, William E 20 July 2 | Maley, Andrew A... 17 May 27 Mallory, Edwin G 13 Feb. 23 Man, B. Hartley 12 Mar. 27 Merwin, Merritt w 8 Sept. 15 Merwin, Samuel O 25 Sept. 7 Moore, William E. 5 Jupe 16 Mosher, William H., jr. 17 1 Mar. 27 Mulhearn, Francis J... 17 Oct. 13 Page. Frankliu H.... 13 Nov. 8 Tardee, Ward B 1 Jan. 16 Pausch, Herman D... 7 Sept. 7 Peden, Jobul. 8 Do Raymond, Chas. W.jr. 4 Oct. 18 Reed, Stephen H.. 7 Doc. 8 Riley, Thomas J. 22 Do. Roberts, George W. 15 Sept. 7 Sands, Samuel S.. 11 May 15 Schalle, Henry 3 May 13 Sharpe, Edson's 15 June 1 Suow, Charles M. 8 June 24 Soley, Arthur E. 9214 9215 9224 9206 9248 9209 9202 9238 9262 9204 9229 9211 9235 9227 9246 9220 9265 9230 9263 9239 9256 9245 9251 9257 9269 9203 9225 9237 9242 9 Mar. 18 16 Mar. 19 3 May 24 5 Feb. 2 19 Sept. 1 14 Mar. 5 18 Jan. 5 12 July 7 16 Oct. 20 15 Jan. 14 6 June S 18 Mar. 17 17 July 1 5 June 1 9 Aug. 24 13 Apr. 19 16 Nor. 9 7 June 10 7 Nov. 4 14 | July 17 7 Sept. 17 16 Aug. 23 S | Sept. 7 20 Sept. 20 14 Dec. 14 14 Jan. 6 14 Mar. 24 9 July 6 14 Aug. 6 120 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed- New Haren, Conn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 1 t Chief engineers (inland)- Continued. 17 Sterens, William d... Stoic, Charles L. Thomas, William H., jr. Wakeley, Charles J Walker, Thomas F.... Ward, John F.... Weiner, William H. Thite, Clarence A. White, Joseph.. Williams, Frederick A. Young, Villis H..... 9221 9212 9240 9201 9213 9219 9258 9244 9241 9266 9250 20 May 4 4 Mar. 17 1 July 27 Jan. 4 4 13 Mar. 18 16 Apr. 13 10 Sept. 30 2 Aug. 12 19 July 29 26 Nov. 13 16 Sept. 7 Engineers in charge of steainers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons- Continued. Hubbell, Lewis S. Hughes, Albert R Leiðley, Edwin T. Leonard, Thomas L... Locke, Thomas Martin, F.C.. Maynard, Charles A Mott, C.S Ollsson, John A. Paye, IVilliam W.. Palmer, Charles F.... Peters. George L. Raymond, Charles W.. Roberts, Ernest M.. Rorke, Barney Rorke, Joha Rorley, Frank 1 Sterers, Essie W Thomas, George Vau Boskirk, Philip E. Verity, Tilliam H.. Vroom, Charles F.. Vroom, Joseph... West, P.F... Willianus, Frederick A. Willianison. George.. Wilson, Henry J. Wriglıt, Augustus W Wright, Everett L 2446 2-108 2.153 2414 2421 2436 2103 2418 2461 2466 2456 2432 2417 2462 2433 2429 2410 2416 24147 2412 2439 2437 2401 2425 2407 2441 2427 2423 2105 2 Aug. 17 3 Mar. 10 3 Sept. 7 13 Mar. 25 8 A pr. 30 1 June 10 2 Feb. 6 1 spr. 1 4 Nov. 17 12 Dec. 11 6 Oct. 11 4 May May 27 8 Mar. 27 1 Nov. 17 15 May 28 15 May 21 1 Mar. 10 10 Mar. 27 17 Aug. 23 1 Mar. 13 16 June 23 8 June 14 5 Jan. 15 12 May 12 2 Mar. 9 16 July 14 13 May 19 14 Apr. 22 8 Feb. 15 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 ton25, Audreifs, Charles W... Balılwin, Edirin E... Baldwin, Giles H... Blatchley, Pbilo M. Brady, Bernard .. Brown, Frederick F ... Brown, Oscar C. Brown, Trassar C. Brown, William H. .. Butler, Lewis... Caldwell, Sidney J.. Card, Philip A. Case, Elmer E. Chailwick, Charles J Clark, Horace E. Crilley, Thomas. Curnias, John C. Curtis, Carus 0.... Decker, David B... Decker, Peter... Decker, Sylvester.. Dickinson, Sidney E... Dis, Lewis J... Eaton, Edward B. Elsworth, George C.. Fahr, Michael Ferritt, John W Gardner, \Villiam E... Green, William J Hewitt, Edwin B Hitchcock, Frank I... Homan, George F. .. Howaril, George 1 Howell, Charles F Hoyt, Daniel.. Hort, William F Hubbell, Frederick.. 2450 2452 2438 2445 2448 2458 2430 2404 2442 2,163 2426 2420 2415 2428 2454 2135 2422 2451 2412 2159 2411 2431 2457 2411 2413 2.140 2464 2419 2449 2-443 2409 2424 2434 2460 2455 2406 2465 13 Aug. 28 11 Sept. 7 12 June 14 5 dug. 13 4 dug. 23 12 Oct. 15 14 May 24 4 Feb. 9 6 | July 19 9 Nov. 22 13 May 15 12 Apr. 14 9 Mar. 27 14 May 21 15 Sept. 17 6 June S 14 Apr. 20 7 Sept. 2 13 Jan. 21 24 Oct. 18 15 Ang. 9 6 day 26 5 Oct. 13 1 War. 11 1 d'Iar. 13 9 July July 6 18 Nov. 24 15 Apr. 14 2 Aug. 24 2 July 22 1 Mar. 10 2 Apr. 23 4 June S 6 Oct. 25 4 Oct. 4 8 Tel. 20 19 Dec. 1 Special engineers. Beardsler, d J Boyce, James N Dayton, Elmer F Donahue, James Gerrish, Frederick L Gerrish, George A.. Hall, Robert İ. Homan, Franklin L.... Keating, Daviel d..... Mackenzie, Charles V. Mallory, George G.. O'Conuor, James Parrish, James H.. Randall, John El Royalen, Wallace N Russell, William H.... Sanford, William H. Shean, Janies B.. Stickles. Frederick D.. Sutton. Charles Walters, Peter.. Wilson, Sylvester B ... 811 813 809 822 818 816 810 802 817 807 805 820 806 812 803 808 804 815 801 819 814 821 4 July 6 4 Aug. 2 1 June 16 10 Nov. 9 8 Aug. 25 9 Aug. 24 1 June 30 5 Feb. 16 2 Aug. 25 4! May May 19 3 Apr. 15 4 Sept. 9 7 Mar 12 2 | July 31 21 Frb. 18 1 May 26 1 Mar. 17 2 Aug. 17 2 Jan. 25 2 Septi 7 3. ang. 17 6 Sept. 15 LOCAL DISTRICT OF BANGOR, ME. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Bangor, Me. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Arey, Benjamin R... Barbour, Charles A Barbour, George Hall Barbour, Henry W Bennett, Tilliam H.... Bray, James L.. Conners, Alfred E. Coleman, Edgar 1 Coleman, William Crockett, Oscar A Crockett, Ralph H Cousins, Samuel P Dean, Francis A... 94416 9410 9408 9414 9425 9413 9423 9418 9409 9-121 9415 9407 9419 21 July 21 Decker, ddoniram 17 May 31 Eaton, Joseph S.. 9: May 24 Gray. Elliss 6 May 12 Parker, William H 14 Sept. 28 Pike, Simon H 12 June 28 Ryan, Daniel. 14 | Aug. 19 Shnte, Charles 19 July 23 Simpson, John. 26 May 24 Sim]ison. John H 21 dug. 2 Smallidge, Charles W 11 July 12 | Thompson, George P .. 22 May 24 i Veed, Nelson Haskeli. . 11 July 29, Winterbothanı, F. L.. 9426 9402 9417 9-420 9414 9403 9401 9406 9411 9424 9405 9412 9422 15 Nov. 23 8 Mar. 1 9 July 23 14 July 29 23 July 7 22 Apr. 8 16 Jan. 14 17 May 17 3 June 1 10 Aug. 28 9 May 13 10 June 11 14 | Aug. 9 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 121 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Bangor, Me. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No.of No, of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots. Second-ciass pilots- Continued. Coleman, Fartell T.. Copley, Samuel N. Crockett, Louied. Genish, andrew J Grant, James W Mcronuell, John Ed- ward Shute, Addison W.. Tracy, Herbert E. 1704 1704 1708 1706 1701 . 1703 1705 1702 Second-class pilots. 11 Abbott, Reuben .... Beal. James Frank Bickford, Elisha N Bickford, Nathan A.... Brawn, Everett.. Bray, Ellis W... Bramball, Ezra H.. Bunker, Freeland R... Burns, Granville P... Calboon. Joba H..... Carrer, Judson Howard Chapin, Charles R Chipman, George.jr. Conners, David H Conners, Frank E Conners, Frank M Coombs. Leighton W... Davis, Charles H. Diggins, Sumner J. Edgecomb, Joho W Emerson, Mablon TV... Fanning, Otis H Farnsworth, Wm. P... Field, VTilliam W. Flye, Melroy A. Foss. Augustiis I.. Foss, Ira B.. Foss, Wallace E Freethr, Yilliam H... Gordon, Van Buren. Gray, Ernest H... Greenlaw, William L Guptill, d. Judson Hadlock, Gilbert T Harrington, Herbert E. Hawkins, Henry W.... Heath, Fred. Austin. Higgins, Herbert E... Holt, Henry B..... 2275 2222 2286 2212 2221 2255 2257 2254 2258 2263 2253 2257 2267 2246 2210 2239 2228 2266 2278 2231 2215 2245 2204 2219 2284 2213 2243 2208 2224 2261 2280 2247 2234 2244 2289 2218 2214 2283 2237 7 Sept. 22 Horn, Eilward L 2 June 19 Hutchings. John W.... 2 Oct. '11 Johnson, Daniel N.... 13 Sept. 2 Keeue, William R.. 1 Feb. 20 Lawrence, Charles F.. Lewis, Charles 11 June 10 Lord, John N., jr. 8 Aug. 9 Lothrop, Johnſ 10 Apr. 2 Lowell, George B McMahon. Joseph McWha, Andrew Miners, George W 2 Sept. 29 Mitchell, Jesse.. June 9 Mitchell, Nathaniel P.. 3 Nov. 10 Morey, Roland H 1 Apr. 22 Noonan, Frank L.. 7 June 5 Pendleton. Andrew L.. 7 Aug. 19 Pike, Bion M 15 Aug. 21 Pike, Jacob C. 9 Aug. 18 Pray, Reuben S. 9 Aug. 23 ! Pushee, Fred H... 14 Sept. 6 Richardson, Osgood. 3 Aug. 18 Robinson, Charles W.. 12 Do. Sadler, Rodney 8 Sept. 9 Sellers, William V. 10 Aug. 9 Shannon, John.. 1 Apr. 10 Smallidge. Jesse Emery 14 July 29 Smitl, Alfred E..., 11 July 6 Smith, Galen H. 6 Sept. 7 Sowle, Nathaniel H. 12 Oct. 14 Suttle, Charles W. 8 Juls 16 Sullivan, Philip.. 2 May 11 Thurlow. Stephen B... 3 dug. 9 Treworgy, Winfield S.. 11 Feb. 16 Varney, Levi 6 June 1 Wass, Elisha D Nov. ? Watts, John N.. 3 pr. 23 Warc well. Alfred.. 9 Ang. 5 Wilson, Edgar F 1 Apr. 1 8 June 12 Special pilots. 15 dug. 28 3 Oct. 26 Dot, Eugene F. 4 Alug. 12 Gilley, Jõhu H 6 July 23 Higgius, Willianı 9 Aug. 5 Leach, Henry J 3 Dec. 18 Lint, Frank W.. 2 June 1 Saunders, Harvey S. O dpr. 26 Tabbitt, Millard T 3 Nov. 2 Tuck. Frank L 18 July 26 Welch, Alfred R.. 2259 2226 2217 2269 2260 2276 2250 2277 2232 2288 2227 2202 2285 2249 2225 2211 2274 2216 2203 2270 2262 2233 2230 2279 2272 2273 2256 3242 2287 2201 2220 2265 2241 2206 2235 2236 2229 2205 2282 3 Aug. 25 13 June 23 3 May 13 11 Sept. 15 5 Aug. 28 11 Oct. 6 6 Aug. 18 3 Oct. 7 6 July 16 3 Dec. 11 2 June 28 8 Jan. 23 8 Nov. 8 14 Aug. 13 3 June 1.8 2 Apr. 14 4 Sept. 28 7 May 11 8 Feb. ก็ 2 Sept. 16 3 Sept. 1 11 July 23 13 July 16 6 Oct. 15 4 Sept. 24 5 Sept. 27 10 Aug. 19 8 Aug. 4 14 Nov. 30 6 Jan. 13 13 : June 1 13 Sept. 7 9 July 31 2 Mar. 25 10 Julr 23 8 July 24 9 Juls 6 6 | Mar. 16 16 ! Oct. 30 14 2238 2248 2281 2209 2264 2223 2240 2271 2252 2 July 26 3 Aug. 12 14 Sept. 26 7 Apr. 2 7 Sept. 7 3 June 10 7 July 29 10 Sept. 20 6 lug. 18 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year. ended December 31, 1897-Bangor, Me. Badlam, William E Brar, Villiam H.. Campbell, Arthur R.... Eaton, Charles FI.. 555 557 554 551 4 July 16 4 July 26 1 July 6 1 June 11 Edwards, Charles E.... Gordon, Knowles. Hutchinson, William Ladd, Lewis E 553 558 552 556 1 June 24 4 Sept. 1 2 June 18 7 July 23 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Bangor, Me. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (inland)-Continuerl. Gilmore, John .. Howard, George A King, William Smith, George P Sionett, Edward F... 9428 9413 94412 9423 9439 26 Aug. 12 Bennett, Frederic 18 June 18 Bragdon, Harry F 18 Oct. 23 Bulson, Samuel L 19 ) July 21 Bucknam, Henry C 26 Oct. 6 Coleman, Jones S Cousins, William S. Cobb, Samuel H.. Coombs, James A 10 Aug. 31 Dodge, Richmond S.... 5 1 Lug. 13 Dyer, Fred C 9418 9441 9420 9402 94-15 9407 9410 9412 9403 9440 22 July 8 10 Oct. 16 22 July 11 13 Jan. 30 13 Nov. 29 1 Mar. 13 9 May 10 3 June 5 5 Feb. 13 2 Oct. 8 Chief engineers (inland). Bassett, John A.. Bennett, Joseph E 9432 9429 122 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Bangor, Me.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issie. Chief engineers (inland)- Continued. Engineer's in charge of sieam.ers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. Jan. McCurdy, Michael. Miucrs. George W Moore, Lewis C Pike, Albert F... Sawyer, Charles T... Smith, Cbarles L.. Sprague, Darius D... Siminsby, William N.. Warr, Edward H.. Woodward, Charles E. 3001 3002 3020 3004 3032 3015 3008 3019 3039 3041 11 7 9 Jan. 23 Aug. 5 12 Feb. 20 2 Oct. 7 14 July 16 13 Apr. 27 13 Aug. 4 3 Nov. 30 12 Dec. 21 First assistant engi- ncer's (inland). Eaton, Elmer 0 Edgecoinb, John W. Foster, Jobu V.... Goodwin, Charles E.... Hall, William A Higgins, Cbarles E. Higgins, William Forn, Edward L... Hutchings, Ernest..... Johnston, Charles H.. Kimball, Joseph S Lash, Milford 1 Lindsey, Charles D.. McArey, Thomas L McNamara, Micbael.. Moore, Orson A... Montgomery, John. Rafferty, Frank.. Roche, John F... Robbins, TVilliam H Saunders, Harvey S.... Sherman, Roscoe A. Smith, Alfred E Stubbs, Perciral A Suttle, Charles W Salisbury, John R.. Sparroir, Arthur D.. Tapley, Charles P Urann, Morton M... 9419 9421 9427 9405 9430: 9431 9434 9435 9404 9415 9408 9444 9406 9426 9417 9424 9409 9422 9446 9433 9414 9401 9425 9416 9411 9436 9437 9438 9443 12 July 9 25 July 16 3 Aug. 10 1 Mar. 2 17 Aug. 16 12 Aug. 21 18 Sept. 7 9 Sept. 15 11 Feb. 27 12 June 11 6 Mar. 17 2 Nov. 26 2 Mar. 5 2 Aug. 10 6 July 6 10 July 22 30 Apr. 30 13 July 16 40 Dec. 16 2 Sept. 2 7 June 10 1 Jan. 16 12 Aug. 4 4 June 18 15 June 1 14 Sept. 21 2 Sept. 28 18 Oct. 6 13 Oct. 23 Do. Abbott, Warren J... Arey, George Albert. Conrey, John... Decker, Valter C..... Edgecomb, Charles A. Frazier, Henry E... Gray, Harry L... Gordon, George C. Lampher, Adelmon. Lowell, George H.. McNeil, John E... MacNichol, John A... Motry: George A. Tarbox, William E.. 3007 3011 3009 3021 3018 3029 3030 3017 3016 3028 3035 3027 3038 3036 5 Mar. 31 9 June 18 11 May 13 9 Aug. 9 20 July 30 7 Sept. 15 4 9 July 29 4 ! July 24 8 Sept. 9 3 Nov. 1 8 Aug. 23 13 Nov. 18 11 Nov. 17 Second assistant engi- ncer (ocean). Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under and overe 10 tons. Steeluan, Absalom... 3023 2 Aug. 16 Special engineers. Austin, Charles C Andrews, Israel O Bangs, Irving M. Bryant, Alonzo J Bridyes, Lewis H. Cummings, Edgar T.. De Kalb, Ernest Eaton, Fred R. Freeman, James H.. Flye, Charles H Gray, Leslie C. Griffin, Jobu 1V.. Higgins, William Knowlton, Thomas, jr. Lord, Franklin S Lowell, Fredrick F. 3010 3040 3014 3022 3005 3037 3025 3006 3012 3024 3026 3031 3034 3003 3033 3013 2 June 10 3 Dec. 8 2 June 23 10 Aug. 13 5 Feb. 23 3 Nor. 17 3 Aug. 18 2 Mar. 9 6 June 18 1 Aug. 18 4 Aug. 23 14 Sept. 21 1S Oct. 26 9 Feb. 10 25 Oct. 20 17 June 19 Bramhall, Ezra H. Burr, Karl H.. Davis, Frank E... Danielson, Percy. Keene, William R..... Leach, George B. Lunt, Frank W. Morse, Edward L. Norton, Ferdinand L.. Pendleton, Andrew L.. Rolfe, Arcbie C.. Surry, Charles A... Tracy, Herbert E.... Tuck, Frank L.. 1108 1102 1114 1105 1111 1104 1109 1103 1101 1107 1113 1106 1110 1112 9 Aug. 21 1 Apr. 5 8 i Oct. 30 4 July 21 10 Sept. 15 5 June 18 4 Sept. 7 1 June 4 2 Jan. 2 3 Aug. 18 5 Oct. 27 1 July 22 1 Sept. 15 6 Sept. 20 THIRD SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF NORFOLK, VA. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Norfolk, Ta. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Aug. 6 3623 3624 3637 3763 3787 3850 3618 3642 3644 3654 3661 3666 3674 3077 3679 3698 3703 3709 3713 3738 3758 3769 3771 3780 Ackerly, D. G.... Ashbury, Cladius H... Askew, Wilber F.. Ageut, Robert Achorn, Josiah .. Alexander, Walter R.. Bev, George A Bonner, M. H Billups, William H... Beale, Isaac H... Branting, William Bennett, Jonu V Barrett, Joseph R Bagnell, C. H Baker, Orin S. Bell, Francis M.. Besten, John T Blizzard, William H... Barues, Walter M.. Brown William... Bunting, Arthur F Ballance, Henry M Brownley, Herbert R Bonnerville, Colum bus J. Blom, August E. Bohanuon, Columbus M Boatwell. W.R.. Boliaunou, W. J Burllen, Joseph M Barker, James T. Bully, John A.. Conklin, Augustus S Cafi'ee, Georye E.. Cbristian, Charles Cunningham, E. H. Carlson, Joseph. Cason, John F... Cock, Frederick D.... Crosby, Walter P... Curris, W. Bampton. Carter, Shirley Clark, Joseph M.. Channell, Andrew M.. Cates, Loring d... Cobb, William FI Cox, Ross... Calcott, Alexander Cahoon, Abram L. Cunningham, T.C Cunuingham, F. IV... Cutrell, George S. Cato, Alfred B. Le Cottrell, Jeronlialı Downing: George B. Deans, George TV Davis, William H.. Dizer, John H... Doleman, Austin. Drew, John El Darden, Joseph J Digg's, Jom Durphy. William F.. Dowdly, George M.. 12 Feb. 19 Daris, Joseph TV... 5 Do. Delk, O. G... 25 Mar, 4 Drew, Francis A., sr... 17 Daris, Peter .. 7 Aug. 26 Dowry, Theodore 16 Nov. 17 Deyo, Stephen G. D.... 3 Feb. 5 Dailey, Jobn. 3 Mar. 9 Denson, Richard H 13 Mar. 13 Earle, William E 23 Mar. 17 Edwaris, Oscar E.... 21 Mar. 23 Earpest, James d. 11 April 3 Eldredge, John S. 5 Apr. 16 Emory, Frerlerick A.. 4 Apr. 21 Foster, G. V.. 20 Apr. 28 Foster, John B. 3 May 19 Ferguson, Norman. 17 May 27 Francis, Robert 15 June 8 Foster', William S..... 19 June 10 Fulcher. Martin 20 July 9 Freeburger, Villiam A. 9 Aug. 3 Farrell, John 7 Aug. 10 Face, George W. 12 Do. Foster, G. IV., jr 21 Aug. 16 Fitchett, Williams Trillian S.... Franklin, Samuel J 1 Aug. 18 Griffin, Joel A 18 Sept. 9 Gregory, Ioga A 6 Sept. 27 Geogbegan, Stewart A. 8 Oct. 23 (jitathmer, C. B..jr 14 Nov. 2 Godfrey. Charles H. 26 Nov. 15 Gray, William B... 7 Dec. 28 Gur, Frank V.. 26 Jan. 5 Graves, Charles C. 9 Feb. 2 Guy, Atwell .. 12 Teb. 20 Gard, Thomas M 7 Mar. 3 Hancock, High T 3 Mar. 9 Hudgins, Lerin L. 10 Mar. 18 Hussey, George A 1 Mar. 23 Harvey; Filliam T 12 Mar. 24 Hunley, Martin L.. 9 Apr. 9 Hall, TVilliam d 4 May 3 Hudgins. Charles F. 14 June 1 Harris. Jannes H 15 June 12 Heuley, Robert C 12 Jme 19 Hudgins, Walter S.... 16 June 24 Hoagland, Elbert L. 16 July 8 Hoayland, Charles B... 13 July 24 Harney, George W W.. 19 Sept. 13 Hanlou, Peter H 17 Sept. 25 Huuter, Dillard F 24 Oct. 26 Hoagland, Leiris E.. 11 Nov. 26 Hussey, Frank N 13 Nov. 30 Hugins, William E... 32 Dec. 6 Harrey, Thomas E.. 6 Jan. 8 Harney, Selby A. 11 Jan. 18 Hobbs. George IV 11 3 Humphries, Charles E. 9 Mar. 16 Holtzman, Frank N ... 17 Mar. 18 Hyers. Samuel 6 Apr. 20 Harrison. S. S... 5 May 6 El udson, George P. 4 Juvie 10 Hudgins, James L 21 July 3 Hill, David 16 | July 28 Ipock, J. M. 3786 3789 3814 3825 3851 3856 3860 3872 3667 3681 3714 3759 3793 3615 3655 3688 3691 3696 3701 3729 3742 3746 3760 3778 i 3783 3604 3636 i 3680 3702 3755 3764 3768 3807 3824 ! 3869 3621 3630 378.1 3798 3815 3837 3843 3848 3871 3605 3616 3625 3635 3640 3657 3659 3662 3670 3684 3705 3715 3722 3728 3737 3748 3802 3806 3838 3855 3859 3861 3606 3611 3634 3651 3653 3676 3690 3712 3736 3754 16 Ang. 25 23 Aug. 31 25 Sept. 27 22 Oct. 9 17 Nor. 17 27 Nov. 20 16 Dec. 6 10 Dec. 30 18 Apr. 5 6 A pr. 27 10 June 11 24 Ang. 3 12 Sept. 5 10 Jan. 29 12 Mar. 18 2 May 4 5 May 7 6 May 14 11 May 27 16 June 21 12 July 17 7 July 23 6 Aug. 4 8 dug. 14 23 Aug. 18 16 Jan. 5 27 Alar. 4 24 Apr. 28 2 May 27 11 Juls 30 20 dug. 7 7 Arg. 10 16 Sept. 27 19 Oct. 9 8 Dec. 16 6 Feb. 9 9 Feb. 26 S Mar. 9 16 Mar. 15 6 Apr. 23 9 Apr. 28 15 May 4 12 Mai 10 7 May 15 10 June 25 17 June 28 14 Do. 15 July 10 11 July 14 15 July 17 17 | Aug. 10 15 | aug. 11 19 Aug. 14 20 Do. 17 Aug. 27 26 Sept. 9 Sept. 27 12 Do. 12 Sept. 30 15 Oct. 6 20 Do. 10 Do: 14 Oct. 11 16 Feb. Ô 36411 3649 1 3678 36821 3687 3693 3697 3731 37331 3734 1 3739 3741 3744 3767 3772 3776 3777 3788 3797 3809 3816 3818 3820 3821 3822 3827 3619 | Mar. 8, 123 124 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Musters and pilots licensed-Norfolle, Fa.-Continued. Name. 1 1 No. of No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 7 May | Johnson, Wood P Joues, Arthur L James, Frank. Jones, James T Jester. Cbarles W. Jones, Joseph J. Jones, William F. Jobuson, Chas. Howard Jamison, J.D Kabnweiler, Samuel.. Knight, IV.S King. J.M.. Kelley. Ezra Lane, Samuel D... Logan, Robert Lyou, George W Lacy, Edward... Luckett, William E.... Lyon, William E. Lee, Romulus E. Lynian, William E. H.. McGuire, Robert A Marsball, John H.. Mansfield, George W.. Martin, Paul M Marshall, Walter N. Mitchell, Irvin Ş.. Morton, Charles E.. Matthews, Benjamin S. Miller, F.E Marmaduke, James a McGrath, Jolin (.. McGuire. Millard F.... Dagee. Hugh Marn, Robert S... Morgan, ..D Díayo, Alilton S. Mears, William d. Milier, Goodson. Milligan, Robert T... Martin, Charles 1 Milligan, James F. Dlorgan, Charles Nelson. Charles L Owens, Eben.. Page, Curtis H.. Payne. Thomas E.S. Presson, W.IP... Pugh, Jesse C.... Parker, James G.. Phelps. IV. T. W Parker, Williain (.... Powell, Lewis F Paine, Charles E. .. Pritchett, William T Pritchett, John d.. Partridge, Marius C Poser, Frederick Parıridge, William H. Petersen, Jens. Posey, John F Poser, Jeremiah A.... Pierce, James M. Partridge, Willis M Parrin, Villiam A. Quillen, Peter. Reed, Earry E.. Rodgers, Willis Rolly, William J. Rhodes, Jesse T Roberts, Davici J Richardson, James A.. Richardson, Edward. 3617 3639 3650 3761 3765 3830 3841 3842 3866 3638 3748 3845 3854 3608 36:45 3766 3804 3808 3812 3819 3863 3609 3620 3627 3648 3664 3665 3685 3706 3711 3730 37-47 3751 3770 3790 3799 3811 3833 3834 3816 3847 3852 3868 3629 3864 3603 3613 3626 3652 3656 3663 3719 3720 3723 3724 3727 3735 37-40 3752 3753 3784 3795 3800 3903 3873 3695 3014 3633 3669 3683 3717 3745 3756 15 Fob. 3 Roper, James 16 Mar. 8 Ransone, Stafford B. 15 Mar. 16 Ritchie, R.F... 19 Aug. 5 Radcliff, William 16 Aug. 7 Read, d. J... 20 Oct. 15 Rhodes, Samuel M 17 Nov. 1 Ruimrill, J. E. 24 Nov. 2 Sawyer, Johın Q. 14 Dec. 8 Smith, Walter G 4 Mar. 6 Skipuer, H. E.. 2 July 24 Smith, Willian J S Nov. 6 Simmons, George W... 15 Nov. 22. Styron, A. W 19 Jan. 13 Sadler, Alfonso 19 Mar. 13 Sbarrett, John W 15 Aug. 9 Shorter, Peter W 16 Sept. 16 Stanworth, IV. T.... 17 Sept. 27 Smith, John E 11 Do. Spencer, FF 7 (cu. 6 Snow.Jordan E. 15 Dec. 6 Southgate, Thomas M. 12 Jan. 15 Speddin, James N. 10 Feb. 9 Sherrett, David E.... 15 Feb. 23 Story, T. B... 6 Mar. 13 Swain, Jacob 7 Mar. 27 Snoir, Daniel 11 | Apr. Apr. 1 Shelly, James R 18 May 3 Schermeliorn, George 10 Junie 2 1 Stokes, L.R... 16 June 10 Spragg. Charles H 18 Juwe 24 Sirocoe, Samuel H 17 July 24 Simmons. R. E. L..... 12 July 26 Stoddard, E.M.. 5 Aug. 10 Spry, Rulius K. 8 Aug. 31 Skinner. W. W 18 Sept. 11 Shelly, Joseph R..... 23 Sept. 27 Scott, William 17 Oct. 20 Simmons, Joseph 23 | Oct. 21 Springer. Edward D 5 Nov. 9 Thompson, William 14 Nov. 10 Toler, Calel) 12 Nor. 19 Tull, Richard E. 8 1 Dec. 15 Toler, Walter DI. 21 Feb). 24 Tatem, William B 20 Dec. 7 Turlinyton John E... 17 Jan. 5 Tillery, Thomas W 12 Jan. 25 Venable, John A. 14 Feb 20 Wynns, Janies. 20 Mar. 17 Williams, Ebe T.. 7 | Mar. 18 Vilker, Zero H.. 17 | Mar. 26 Ward, F. C... 18 June 16 Williams, Samuel F.... 6 : June 17 Wescott, Bradrick . 4 June 21 Walker, Pealedge P 261 June 22 Warren, William E.... 15 | June 24 Withy. George 10 June 29 Wood, William I. 12 July 12 Williams, John R. 9! July 27 Wood, Arthur . 6 Watts. George R. 22 Williams, Quinton T.. 12 Sept. 9 Willis, Justin E 16 Sept. 11 TVillin, George H 14 Sept. 14 Wood, Joseph D 22. Dec. 30 Vallace, George W 15 May 13 Williams, George W W... 5. Jan. 25 Watson, J.D) 13 Mar. 2 Williams, Hankinson 5 Apr. 8 Wilkinson, William A. 16 Apr. 30 | Willis, Reuben 10 1 Juna lt Willis, Eugene B 9 July 20 Tilliains, Ir. T.. 12 July 31 Youngs, Hibbard 3774 3796 3801 3835 3836 3858 3867 3602 3610 3622 3628 3647 3668 3673 3675 3686 3689 3700 3710 3716 3718 3721 3732 3750 3773 3785 3791 3792 3794 3805 3810 3817 3823 3826 3828 3810 3849 3853 3865 3672 3692 3708 3757 3775 3844 3862 3601 3607 3612 3631 3632 36-13 3646 3658 3660 3671 3694 3699 3704 3707 3725 3743 3762 3779 3782 3813 3829 3831 3832 3839 3857 3870 3726 16 Aug. 11 10 Sept. 9 S Sept. 11 17 Oct. 21 3 Oct. 23 13 Nov. 29 7 Dec. 13 12 Jan. 5 1.8 Jan. 16 7 Feb. 9 14 | Feb. 24 11 | Mar. 11 13 Apr. 7 6 | Apr. 15 14 | Apr. 19 15 | May 3 6 25 May 20 13 June 9 12 June 12 24 June 14 16 June 19 17 June 28 19 July 26 24 Aug. 11 17 Aur. 21 14 Sept. 1 31 Do. 6 Sept. 3 5 Sept. 23 11 Sept. 27 13 Do. 26 Oct. 8 18 (ct. 9 7 (ct. 11 11 Nov. 1 6 Nov. 15 19 Nor. 20 17 Dec. 8 13 24 May 8 9 June 4 9 Ang. 2 17 Aug. 13 13 Nov. 4 9 Dec. 6 16 Jan. 2 18 Jan. 12 11 Jan. 22 17 Mar. 1 2 Do. 18 Mar. 11 19 Mar. 13 5 Mar. 23 16 Do. 26 Apr. 12 6 Mar 10 21 May 19 9 June 1 8 June 3 22 June 23 7 July 16 10 Aug. 6 10 Aug. 14 16 Aug. 18 17 Sept. 27 5 (ct. 12 17 Oct. Oct. 16 10 Oct. 19 26 Oct. 28 15 Nov, 27 16 Dec. 18 15 June 23 pr. 14 1 0 1 Do. dug. 21 + $ Mates and pilots licensed during the year ender December 31, 1897—Norfolk, Va. 1052 3 Forest, Musco R.. Harper, Hugh 1053 1051 Ransone, John B. 3 Sept. 1 11 Alar. 29 June 26 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 125 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Norfolk, Ta. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. l'irst-class pilots. First-class pilots- Continued. Jan. 1835 1838 1894 1804 181.5 1823 1843 1870 1897 6602 1842 1845 1887 1888 1892 1808 1910 1822 1833 18-18 1850 1865 1869 1879 1893 1898 6601 6 Play 27 8 June 1 5 Nov. 8 6 Jan. 30 6 À pr. 5 11 Apr. 27 7 June 7 S Aug. 17 10 Nov. 27 11 Dec. 14 3 June 7 3 June 14 5 Oct. 14 17 Oct. 15 8 Nor. 1 5 Mar. 24 14 Mau. 27 10 8 Day 24 6 i June 21 3 June 25 2 Ang. 10 8 dug. 13 15 Sept. 13 11 Nor. 1 6 Nov. 27 5 Dec. S Apr. 23 Aug. 13 1 Apr. 21 1 Ashberry, Charles H... Ardison, H. W Alexander, J. M Brownler. John F Bunch, Joh E Banks, Christopher T.. Brownley, George W Bobanon, Eric R.. Colgin, R. E.. Cason, Howard A Crain, Haywood B Cline, James H Calais, Clitori C. Crane, John M... Caiinon, Thomas el Davis, Norm:u. V Digos, Isaac E... Dixon, John B.. Duke, William A Drev, F.A.. Dixon. Jolin V.. Etheridge, George A Etheridge, Robert D... Forrest, George S... Forrest, Silas C.. Forrest, Jobn H. Grant. James B.. Geoghegan, William A. Goodwin, Caleb. Garl, Albert W.. Golwiii, Edwin T. Gard, William W Hudson, Joshua H. Hines. Elmer E.. Henderson, E. P Holmes, D. H .... Hudgins, Alouzo L.. Hatton, J. K.,jr.. Harrington, George W Hays, William R. Hudyins, J.J.. James, Jefferson Jackson, James G... Jones, John S.... Jones, Charles R.. Jellison, Herbert W.. Karll. John W. H.. Kendrick, Henry Keith, C. W Kelly, W.J.T Morgan, William T Martin, Orlando H... Miller, William M Meads, William Marshall, Joseph IF McHornoy, Ellis Mills, William Mercer. Wilson Mott, Frank B... Morris. Janies C Munden, Horace G... Mills, Leroy A... McGrath, (ieorge Marshall, Albert N. Marsball, Richard M... Moore, H. Frazier.. Morrisett. Tully B..... Nobles. John P Overton, William J Phillips, Steplien J Puckett, Charles D ... Partridye, Sidney C. Posey, Charles P. Parkin, Edmond. Phelps, George W Parvin, William M.... Powell, George T Palmer, William A. Phelps, James M. Roberts, E.T... 1836 1985 1896 1801 1814 1866 1880 1890 1803 1817 1829 1840 1874 1975: 6604 1827 1855 1858 1864 1868 6606 1844 1883 1802 1828 1889 1807 1809 1811 1839 1 851 6603 1832 1834 1853 1860 1863 1967 1872 1881 1886 1906 1830 1876 1891 1899 1805 1841 1849 1877 1812 1816 1818 1819 1820 1821 1824, 1831 1836 1846 1847 1852 1854 1857 1959 1862 1884 1900! *6605 1813 1826 1837 1861 1871 1873 1878 1882 1995 6607 1825 4 July 10 Ransone, Thomas C. 5 Oct. 12 Heynolds, Frank P 12 Nov. 18 Raylieid. Villiam T.. 2 5 Savage, Jobul. 10 Apr. 2 Salvison, J. Christian 3 Aug. 11 Sparks, Charles C... 4 Sept. 13 Soliott, Peter F. 10 Oct. 233 Selby, Gordon K 13 Jau, 30 Sclinster, Charles P.... 9 Apr. 14 Swith. James T 9 May 6 Tuner. J. Archie.... 15 June 4 Tul), Clarence E... 12 ur. 31 Toler, Isaiali C. 12 Sept. 7 Toler, Ambrose B. 13 Dec. 18 Tatem, Gelne L. 10 Dlay 4 Wood, Richard E 10 July 10 Wallace, Joseph W 13 July 22 Tilliams, Walter S 10 Aug. 10 Winslow, F... 15 Tatsoil, Louis. 11 Dec. 2-1 Wooil, reliler AI .. ? June 14 Wainwright, Benj. F .. 8 Oct. 1 Wouble, William J... 6 Jan. 29 Willis, auner F.. 9 May 6 Walker, Gideon M... S Oct. 16 Toodley, D.E. 15 Mar. 23 Ward, Claudius L 3 Mar. 25 16 Mar. 29 Second-class pilots. 5 June 2 21 June 26 Alexander, Henry C 6 Dec. 15 dris, Franklin L 22 May 22 Atkinson, Homer S May 25 Asliby, John B.. 7 July 9 Beveridge, John T.. 7 July 29 Bornum, Josiah. 8 Aug. 10 Bailey. James W.. 11 Aug. 13 Bennett, William P. 3 Aug. 20 | Brunsey, Wallace.. 9 Sept. 30 Bunting, H. M 7 Oct. 13 Bethel, Richard H 12 Mar. 20 Boush, W. H. 11 May 22 Bond, D. Graliam 8 Sept. 9 Bloodgood, William S.. 18 Oct. 29 Brooks, Howard L.. 14 Nor. 29 Crackduck, A E 8 Mar. 16 Curtis, Robert L. 6 June 5 Cotton, Josepb. 6 June 22 Cross. R. B... 4 Sept. 11 Clarke. John J. 7 Mar. 31 Clifford, Charles. 15 Apr. 12 Corprew, Corprew, Walter '. 7 Apr. 17 Collison, Charles'. S Do. Callis, Rufus P 12 Apr. 20 Charles, John W. 11 Do. Davis, Eugene S. W. 24 Apr. 28 Dunton, David V 14 May 22 Dixon, John B.. 17 May 29 Dunford, James I. 16 June 18 Duke, R. W 2 Depaus, John R 22 July 8 Darling. Frank W 7 July 10 !! Dixon. Ambrose VV 12 July 20 | Evans, William S. 11 July 26 Forbes, Charles W 2 Aug. 3 Felton, Lewis.. 9 Oct. 2 Forbes. Isaac B. 9 Dec. 8 Fentress, Wilson S 10 Dec. 23 Fentresy, Ianac N.. 4 Apr. 2 Foxwell, S.F 6 May 3 Floyal, William J 10 June 1 Farren, Walter R 5 Any: 3 Foreman, Zach... 9 Aug. 20 Forrest, \''. H.. S dug. 28 Furman, Edgar J 9 Sept. 11 Franck, V.D.. 8 Sept. 30 Forrest, Luther F 14 Nov. 16 Glover, Sambo. 7 Dec, 24 Gard, John H.. 12 Apr. 30 Guy, James R. 2328 5615 5667 5682 2304 2322 2338 2369 2396 5616 5620 5657 5683 5687 7110 2307 2310 2:330 2387 2400 5629 5642 5678 5699 7103 2323 5621 5623 5647 56481 12 Fel). 27 14 July 12 7 Sept. 17 1 Oct. 19 4 Jan, 12 12 Teb. 12 12 Mar. 23 1 1 June 14 2 July 12 7 July 15 1 Sept. S 9 Oct. 21 6 No. 2 2 Dec. 30 5 Jan. 15 16 | Jan. 19 3. Mar. 1 14 May 18 7 June 23 16 July 31 1 Aug. 10 6 Oct. 12 6 Dec. S 1 Dec. 14 ? Feb. 16 8 July 17 13 July 22 14 | Aug. 18 4 Aug. 20 S Sept. 10 9 Oct. 23 7 Dec. 24 6 dug. 28 5 Jan. 5 5 Mar. 13 3 8 May 5 7 Alay 6 5 May 27 7 June 30 11 dug. 18 7 dug. 24 1 Sept. 7 3 Nov. 2 7 Nor. 9 1. Dec. 14 15 Feb. 2 9 Apr. 5 7 spr. 9 Do. 5660 1 ápr. 23 Pe 5685 7108 5651 2:302 2333 2371 2380 2382 2390 5606 56461 5650 5656 56SS 5690 7104 2316 2350 2360 126 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Vorfolk, Fa.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Secoil-class pilots- Continued. . Second-class pilots- Continued. 5608 5638 56.11 5686 5617 5679 5604 2318 2334 2339 2352 2388 2395 2399 561.9 5625 5627 5659 5689 13 July 2 14 Aug. 10 1 Do. S Oct. 26 12 July 13 10 Oct. 15 8 June 29 1 Feb. 10 20 Mar. 19 8 Mar. 23 6 Apr. 5 1 May 24 11 Tune 14 5 June 19 4 July 15 7 July 24 16 July 29 6 Sept. 9 8 Nov. 9 Any: 2 T. Gibbs, Edmund F... Garrelton, Burfoot B.. Green rell, William F. Garreuton. John B.. Hudyins, Arthur C Harrell, Thomas Heath. C.C.. Hunley, Robert J.. Hayes, James E. Holgee, Peter C. Harris, William H.. Hurdle, Joseph Hrers. Charles Hall, Theodore L Fodyes, Georye W.. Hancock, Villian Farrell, Jolin James, Andrew Kerian, Lee B Kuiyht, Robert S Karlberg Charles Lucas, John R. Lancast-r, David S Lloyd, John E.. Lawrence, Charles P... Lane, Thomas Love, Frell TV Lindsay, Edward C Lilly, George O Leach, George T.. Latham, dugustus Midgett, Tilman F Munden, James S. Morrisett, Henry Diller, Charles McElroy, Daniel Mariner, Eugene R... Varshall, John W.. Morrisett. Major. Mott, Wallace AcHorney. W. V Meads. John DIorgan, Bennie o Morecock, William S.. McConnell, George Mills, W.T Needham, Alexander Newberry, Abraham.. Owens, John J. Ovens, Willie L. Overman, George W.P. Oveus, Clarence V... Overton, Robert C.. Overton, J.E.... Owens, I. N. Phelps, William T... Powell, d. E.... Phillips, Marion Partridge. William Passeio, Joseph Perry, Stephen D... Partridge,John W Pickles, Benjamin F... Phillips, Edward W... Quillin, thenry D Roper, (ieorge WV Raper, William F. Rice, Benjamin S Ragan, William A.. Roberts, Alexander N. Richardson, James M.. Rice. Daniel P..... Styron, Renben. Sadler, George H. Sullivan, M.J. Suider, Tbomas F... Simmons, E. M Smith, James H. 5618 5633 5655 5691 2325 2327 2336 23-18 2349 2384 5603 5607 5662 5664 5672 5695 7106 5634 2367 2392 5681 2301 2317 2332 2361 2381 5628 5643 5644 5665 5685 2305 2324 2342 2364 2384 2391 5612 5624 5649 5654 5692 5693 5697 5698 5700 5676 5696 23:3] 2347 2353 2398 5601 5602 71071 2326 2329 2341 2375 2383 5652 5677 5694 7109 5640 2386 5626 5645 5666 5670 5674 5680 2303 2309 2311 2372 2379 2393 5 July 14 Snell, Williard T.. 1 Aug. 2 Sawyer, William F... 6 Sept. 2 Simmons, Louis E.... 2 Nov. 11 Spry, Virginius 10 Feb. 18 Taylor, William 14 Feb. 26 Thomas, TVilliam C.... 12 Mar. 20 Venters, George F. F.... 1 Apr. A pr. 2 Wynne. John William. 5 Apr. 5 Webb, William T... 4 dlay 15 Ward, James A., jr. 11 June 29 Wheeler, Elmer F 1 June 30 \Villiams, Gilbert E... 6 Sept. 14 TValke, E. F.. 7 Do. Walker, Henry S 3 Sept. 27 Wilcox, ..F.. 12 Nov. 26 Walker, Lewis N 16 Dec. 22 Woodard, Elijah F 1 Vilson, James R 1 dpr. 15 Walker, Stewart. 5 June 5 3 Oct. 19 Special pilots. 12 Jan. 5 6 Feb. 5 Alexander, Joseph 6 Mar. 8 Alexander, John. 9 Apr. 10 Blount, Maxwell. 7 May 6 Blair, drthur A 6 July 29 Bloodgood. William 17 Aug. 12 Blouut, William 5 Do. Brooks, Frank L. 6 Sept. 15 Brown, Whitman 9 Oct. 26 Beale, Elias L... 5 Jan. 12 Bloodgood, abran 2 Feb. 16 Cannou, William W 2 Mar. 27 Collins, John 2 Apr. 14 Capehari, W.R 1 May 17 Cullifer, J. B 1 Junio 1 Calkins, A.J... 9 July 9 Clarke. William E 11 July 22 Cacace, Vincent. 10 Auy. 24 Deumuan, Charles... 1 Aug. 31 Donglass, Thios. James. 23 Nov. 12 Duke, James M.. 7 Nov. 18 Etheridge, Ellward E.. 4 Dec. 7 Everett, S. K... 5 Dec. 8 Faulk, Obadiah 18 Dec. 10 Gaskill, David 5 Oct. 8 Glover, Edward. 1 Dec. 1 Gaskins, Henry S. 3 Mar. 2 Gilliam. George W 1 Mar. 30 Grin, Charles P 2 6 Apr. 6 Hickman, Walter S 2 June 19 Holly, Thomas D 5 June 26 Farris, John T 2 Do. Jones, Alexander 7 Dec. 22 Lamb, Garrison. 6 Feb. 24 Lee, George S... 7 Feb. 27 Landing. Janues D 19 Dlar. 25 Jorrow, Jolin 3 May 1 Oliver, Martin V.B.. ... 16 May 13 Owens, Goorge W :5 Ang. 30 Pilant, Henry G 9 i Oct. 9 l'over's, D. VV. 10 Nov. 22 Quigley, MI ... 1 Dec. 28 Rosenbaum, Joseph M. 1 Rock, Charles A + ! May 18 Swiurell, Charles A. 14 July 29 Smith, Charles A 18 Aug. 12 Sawyer, Jolin 1S Sept. 16 Skinner, Jolu. Tyler 2 Sept. 25 Skinner, Josep! 2 Do. Smith, Thos. Edward 8 Oct. 16 Shelton, George E..... 1 Jan. 5 l Smith, R. L 6 Jan. 18 Smitlison, Vealea 1 Jan. 22 Towe, Matthew .. 6 Apr. 24 Williams, Wilson D... 6 ay 4 Weaver, Alphonso. 4 June 9! Wiggins, William D... pr. 2312 5614 2345 2351 2365 2374 2376 2389 5630 5653 2321 2354 2356 2362 2368 5604 5039 2359 5622 5632 2357 7102 2337 2308 2315 2366 5635 5658 2370 2373 2377 5663 2344 5636 7105 5661 2320 5631 2378 5609 5673 2363 5668 2306 2313 2343 2355 2358 5637 5609 5671 7101 5617 2314 2319 2335 9 Jan. 25 15 July 10 12 Mar. 29 1 Apr. 5 7 Apr. 15 10 Apr. 30 1 Hay 3 13 May 26 3 Aug. 2 4 Ang. 30 20 Feb. 12 4 Apr. 7 4 Do. 8 Apr. 12 1 Apr. 20 1 Juno 29 2 Aug. 10 7 apr. 9 4 July 20 1 dug. 2 2 7 6 Dec. 13 5 Mar. 20 3 Jan. 16 10 Feb. 2 8 Apr. 16 1 Aug. 3 2 Sept. 8 7 Apr. 22 12 Apr. 25 11 May 3 8 Sept. 14 9 Mar. 29 3 Aug. 5 2 Dec. 15 3 Sept. 11 1 Feb. 11 4 Aug. ? S May 4 7 July 5 4 Sept. 27 3 Apr. 14 21 Sept. 17 1 Jan. 15 1 Jan. 27 1 Mar. 29 4 Apr. 7 5 Apr. 8 4 Aug. 5 1 Sept. 25 5 Sept. 27 5 Dec. 11 12 Oct. 6 11 Jan. 27 1 Feb. 10 5 Mar. 19 1 | Aug. 10 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 127 Pilots licensed Norfolk, Fa.-Continued. Name. '0..of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Special pilots-Cont'd. Special pilots—Cont'a. Wood, J. G.... Wilkinson, Jesse Wallace, I.F. 2346 2394 2397 5 1 1 Mar. 29 June 11 June 15 Way, H.R.. Whitson, William S. Zoeller, R. a. 5610 5613 23:10 + July 8 12 July 9 2 Mar. 25 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Norfolk, Va. Conyer, E. R... Calkins, d. J. Gluver, John T Haynes, E. M Hines, R. N.. Lindsay, J.B Myers, Fred W.. Pittman, Clarences Petersen, Jens .. 610 614 608 601 611 609 617 605 606 1 July 20 1 Oct. 5 1 June 29 2 Jan. 27 1 July 20 3 July 9 3 Oct. 19 1 Apr. 26 4 May 8 Perry, G. JY Perry, J.L. Redfield. D. W Stone, Daniel Tilglimao, T. TV Wallace, George T., jr Zoeller, E. V. Zoeller, R. A. 615 616 602 603 604 607 612 613 2 Oct. 18 2 Do, 2 Feb. 18 2 Mar. 18 3 Apr. 5 3 Juve 8 2 Sept. 9 2 | Sept. 27 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Norfolk, Va. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (ocean)- Continued. 20 Borum, Josial . Brooks, George S Bray. E. W Boushell, Gourze... Bowes, John . Barnes, R. T... Bell, E. P Burrow, Walter P Blaisdell, Jolin H Bleyer, George H Blaun, J. E.. Culley, Joseph . Culpeper, N. D... Carroll, A. P... Calder, Edward E.... Connell, James Christiansen, Neils Cory, William H. H.... Childress, John M Colonna. M. D... Dowdy, Samuel Devlin. Thonias. Driver. John... Darenport, Charles T. Eranibert, Louis P. Evans, John T.. Evans, Alfreil C Everett. Jesse H... Fauntleroy, William M. Fisher, Ernest. Frazier, Henry C Ferguson, W.G. Fleming, J.T .. Forbes, Thomas. Glover, Flosser Guy. James R... Haplon, Thomas J Hope, Thomas Hugius, N. Feitman, Henry 0. Harrison, William E... Hanks, FF.... Hardlester, John Hand, Samuel T., jr Jones. Williain H... Kilvatrick, Thomas J.. Knight, John II.. Kroll, Charles.. Lee, Jesse.. Martin, W.R.. 4239 4274 4290 4293 4327 41339 4360 4367 4453 4461 4471 4316 4331 4357 4368 4404 4469 4475 4476 4498 1305 4412 4446 4487 4209 4420 4424 4459 4319 4336 4340 4364 4401 4454 4347 4441 4229 4275 4291 4332 4381 4421 - 4482 4499 4442 3223 4437 4468 4405 4225 27 Feb. 12 McDonald, John H. 13 Mar. 16 Munden, John H.. 16 Mar. 25 McPherson, William.. 14 Mar. 29 Morton, J.M... 2 May 11 Munden, Albert. 31 May 25 Maith, John L.. 20 June 18 Miller, G. W.. 34 June 28 McCrink, Joseph 5 Oct. 2 McLaughliu, William. 17 Oct. 21 Milne, James S..... 6 Nov. 8 DicLaughlin, Thomas 19 dpr. 22 Neely, James A.. 21 May 14 Nicholson, James TV... 19 Jurie 16 O'Rourke, John H.. 13 June 28 Overton, W.F... 17 Aug. 2 Odeon, F.B 1 Nov. 3 O'Donnell, James 21 Nov. 10 Patrick, Aldebert.. 21 Nov. 11 Preston. Vernon F..... 7 Dec. 22 Ross, John M. 13 June 25 Richards, Sanuel B. 16 Aug. 11 | Ritter, W.E.. 3 Sept. 27 Rick, A.J 9 Dec. 7 Rice, W.E.. 18 Jan. 11 Stell. Charles F.. 8 Ang. 24 Scarbrow, Colin. 10 lug. 27 Smiley. Samuel 1).... 21 Oct. 18 | Simpson, H.L.. 24 Apr. 30 ! Smith, Fred 0 15 May 22 Spalding: James A. 16 May 25 Smith, K. C.. 37 Juve 24 Smirl), John H. 17 July 30 Sawyer. Johu H. 18 Oct. 5 Simpson, John J... June 1 Snider, Thos. Ellsworth 10 Sept. 27 Stevenson, George. 5 Feb. 1 Trower, John H. 38 Mar. 16 Topham, James H. 6 Mar. 26 Turner, Edward H. 19 May 18 Tabb, Henry A. 12 July 9 Talbot, John F. 16 Aug. 25 Tabb, Moss W. 33 Nov. 26 Townsend, John J 31 Dec. 22 | Vaiden, Robert. 19 Sept. 27 | Williams, Jolin A 11 Jan. 26 Wright, Henry I. 14 Sept. 14 TV oodard, Arthur V... 16 Nov. 2 West, William E.. 24 Aug. 3 White, Thomas H.. 12 Jan. 27 | Vorrell, J. E... 4244 4245 4269 4333 4343 4345 4384 4395 4419 4432 4447 4214 1255 4222 4371 4383 1477 4321 4386 4292 4298 1312 4380 4403 4261 4271 4273 4346 4351 4352 4400 4.106 4135 4452 4493 13403 4257 4301 4413 1418 1431 4434 4494 4211 4218 +234 1309 4330 4398 1130 7 Feb. 17 15 Feb. 19 25 Mar. 9 17 | May 20 17 May 26 22 May 29 6 July 10 13 July 21 12 Aug. 21 3 Sept. 9 20 Sept. 27 7 Jail. 18 11 Feb. 27 3 Jan. 25 16 June 30 16 July 10 30 Nov. 12 18 May 4 5 July 12 29 Mar. 27 26 Apr. 2 8 May 26 9 July 8 11 Aug. 2 15 Mar. 2 21 : Mar. 11 25 Mar. 13 18 June 1 16 June 8 14 June 10 13 July 29 33 Aug 4 20 Sept. 11 5 Sept. 29 4 Dec. 15 6 Dec. 30 14 Mar. 1 26 Apr. Apr. 5 24 dug. 12 31 Aug. 21 14 Sept. 9 21 Sept. 10 17 Dec. 20 41 Jan. 12 17 Jan. 23 11 Fel). 4 5 Apr. 14 17 May 14 5 July 24 4 ) Sept. 9 128 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Norfolk, Ta.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. I Date of issue. Namo. Ne. of No. of Date of liceuse.isslie. issue. Chief engineers (ocean)- Continued. Chief engineers (inlanci)- Continued. Walker, Major C.. White, E. P., jr Wyman, riram B. Wilkins, Sidney S.... Zirpel, Rudolph... 4439 4451 4456 4474 4470 Chief engineers (inland). Apr. 12 Aur. 13 pr. 23 May 25 illg. 30 Arnold, George. Armsteail, W.P. Arnistead, R. T.. Aumach, S. S... Blau, Lewis M'. Bruer. James I. Bethel, Thomas. Bleyer. Andrew Britton, W.T. Bullock, E.J. Billips, John C... Bootli, James J. Barclift, Richard. Brown, John W... Baiu, W. W. Boue, Hugh.. Bond, Charles H. Borden, John T Barco, Bailey M... Ballance, Greenville.. Baker, John S... Buck, Charles A. Bartlett, Owen W Bonner, R. L.. Cherry, W.T Colgin, R. E Conway, Charles L Cooke, Charles T Cunninghani, W.C.. Chanbers, Thomas Callix, Walter J Carr, John Thompson.. Callalan, Michael.. Callis, A.J... Carty, William E Cotield, Ruttin W Cumbea, John R. Colgin, George W Clitord, Chester W.. Crain, Haywood B... Chambers, Jobu J Casey, James A.. Dennis, C. M... Donovan, Benjamiu M. Dunn, James T Durphy, VV. F Derickso11, Janies.. Dozier, J.L Dunn, IV. E.... Dorsey, George V... Dowcy, James. Egau, Fredericks Elliot, Richard Evans, De Lancey. Eldridge, De Witt... Everett, VVilliam A.. Forbes, W.B Fay, Thomas F Flippen, Archie B Faulk, Alexander Fislier, Walter D... Goelet, Robert L.. Grey, Walter. Gray, Fillian B. Grimes, Henry Griffin. Willian F Glover, John W Gray, B. F Gurney, Thomas. 4334 4335 4391 4479 4210 4252 4277 4287 4296 4297 4299 4309 4350 4358 4374 4377 4388 4389 4393 4427 4448 4450 4466 4491 4220 4227 4242 4250 4258 4260 4281 4282 4323 4369 4394 4428 4449 4460 4465 4480 4495 4496 4251 4272 4276 4284 4337 4379 4402 4423 4445 4279 4322 4363 4416 4488 4266 4270 ! 4324 4325 4470 4203 4235 4240 42591 4267 4295 4314 4361 12 Sept. 16 Gallilee, Paul... 21 Sept. 28 Gus; Thomas 14 Oct. 12 Gritlin, Joel A 8 Nov. 10 Greenwell, W.F. 11 : Nov. 9 Elarrell, James M Hooper, Wallace. Husses, F.N Holloway, W... Holland, George W 15 Mar. 21 Harrell, James o 27 Do. Howell, James D 16 July 17 Hickman, W.d.. 10 Nov. 19 Harrison, Joseph B 14 Jau. 19 Hoftiuan, William 3 Feb. 26 Hickman, A E. 16 Mar. 17 Hussey, George A 4 Mar. 23 Hoges, John 9 Mar. 31 Harcum, Jamies P ន Apr. 2 Hirst, George IV 7 Do. Howell, W.E 12 apr. 16 Harrison, Merrittl ... 3 June 4 Harris, John T.. S June 16 Harrison, Silaş B...- 20 July 2 Holzschelter. Julius 14 July 3 Haud, Clayton P.... 11 July 13 Hussey, Charies 5 July 14 Harris, Job G... 10 July 21 Judkins, Thomas 16 Jones. George R 24 Sept. 27 Jones, Charles E.. 1 Sept. 27 Jones, Thomas. 13 Nov. 1 Jetiries, William T 11 | Dec. 14 Johuson, John ... 10 Jan. 23 | Kendall, Tliomas H ... 14 Jan. 30 Kennedy, George 12 I'eb. 18 ! Kelly, J. Curtis. 11 Feb. 25 King, William. 16 Mar. 2 Lodor, Robert... 16 Do. Luck, James E.. 13 Mar. 22 | Lok, W. H.. 15 Do. Letller, Daniel .. 4. May 8 Lyon, W.R 19 Julie 29 Lintou, B.F.... 37 July 20 Matson, Edgar L. 19 Aug. 30 Merkle, Charles V 11 Sept. 27 Muurphy, J.T... 11 Oct. 19 McClure, William 13 Oct. 29 McGrath, Thomas 14 Nov. 24 Morton, William S. 23 Dec. 20 Mitchell, Benjaviin R.. 27 Do. Morris, A.E... 16 Feb. 25 Marks, Valter C. 19 Mar. 12 McMasters, John 15 Mar. 17 Naylor, Samuel 9 Mar. 23 Oliver, Henry V 10 May 24 O'Connor, John. 7 July 8 Overton, Jolin L. 19 July 31 (zwall, H.C... 25 dng. 27 Powell, Charles F. 17 Sept. 27 Priest, S. B.... 10 Mar. 19 Price, J. Wilbur 23 May 6 Pea, James A 11 June 22 Pearce, William E 8 dug: 4 Pebworth, Joli L. !! 3 Dec. 7 Phillips, William W 19 Mar. 5 l'earce, Lemel B.. 7 Mar. 11 Parker, Franklin E... 11 May S Partridge, Allebarau 15 May 10 Perry, William E 10 Nov. 4 Riley, Jobu T... 2 Jan. 5 Ridgewell, James 15 Feb. Robinson, John 11 Feb. 15 Rankam. A. H 16 Mart 2 Rhodes, Charles E 22 Mar. 6 Staples, Samuel A 12 Mar. 30 Sulliran, ''harles 13 Apr. 21 i Stewart. E.T.. 21 June 19 Sheville. Edward L 4370 4375 4458 4462 4205 4206 4224 4231 4249 4251 4262 4286 4289 4305 4307 4317 4338 4341 4359 4382 4407 4443 4484 4490 4492 13401 13402 4230 4241 4372 4410 4481 4489 4208 4228 4315 4392 4236 4237 4263 4328 43544 4455 4219 4232 4247 4254 4283 4306 4326 4-122 4464 4485 4344 4268 4411 4426 4440 4202 4204 4248 4265 4329 4349 4378 4387 4399 4714 4472 4201 4215 4285 4356 4417 4207 4213 4217 4221 11 June 29 16 July 3 11 Oct. 14 22 Oct. 26 19 Jau. 8 17 Do. 12 Jan. 27 9 feb. 4 2 Feb. 24 3 Var. 1 8 Mar. 3 18 Mar. 23 7 Mar. 24 17 5 7 17 May 24 11 3 June 18 19 July 9 5 dug. 5 7 Sept. 27 9 Nov. 30 15 Dec. 10 1 Dec. 15 13 Dec. 27 7 Dec. 30 24 Feb. 2 10 Feb. 18 14 June 30 9 Aug. 10 17 NOV. 26 17 Dec. 9 13 Jan. 8 7 Jan. 30 12 Apr. 22 12 July 19 17 Feb. 8 12 Feb. 10 23 Mar. 3 27 May 12 13 June 11 16 | Oct. 6 8 Jan. 23 17 Feb. 4 2 Feb. 20 29 Feb. 27 4 Mar. 22 7 Apr. 13 18 May 10 10 Aug. 26 14 Üct. 29 8 Nov. 30 16 May 29 16 Mar. 6 18 Aug. 11 9 dug. 28 8 Sept. 16 6 Jan. 2 13 Jan. 5 5 Feb. 20 13 Mar. 4 18 May 14 19 June 2 11 July 6 8 July 13 25 July 28 8 7 Nov. 9 10 Jan. 2 9 Jan. 19 34 Mar. 23 15 June 15 12 Aug. 14 10 Jan. 8 5 | Jan. 15 13 Jan. 22 S Jau. 23 Ag. 12 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 129 Engineer's licensed-Norfolk, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)—Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and und.er, ancl over 10 tons-Continued. Apr. 21 12 Sears, William T Smith, George Smith, Eugene P. P... Sutherland, Thomas Snow, Edward ... Seemer, J. Russell.. Seddinger, George M. Scarbrough, John. Shelton, (eorge. Smith, George R Smith, Hiram Scarbrow, William. Sirian, C. A... Smith, Charles O. Sullivan, John Shipley, Walter. Swith, J.M... Stiles, Gilbert F Stan wood, Samuel J.. Trerett, John A. Tolley, William 1 Toler, Alverta. Taylor, Robert E Thomas, John V Trler, Edwin H. Thornton, John Van Nostrand, Geo. W. Vann, James W Waterfield, O. W Walker, Joseph A TVilson, Frank W Walker, W.C.. Woodard, William S Wilkinson, P.H. Wators, VA... White, John W.. Wescott, John H Ward, Harman B Walker, James A..... Wallace, Willis R.. White, Fred L... West, John T.. White, William. Walker, Levie W Webster, Joseph White, Walter H. Walters, W.J... Watkins, Alexander Wilkins, James E Zoeller, R. A. 4238 4280 4294 4300 4304 4310 4313 4318 4320 4355 4366 4373 4396 4397 4409 4415 4433 4436 4483 4212 4233 4264 4385 4408 4429 4444 4226 4457 42-43 4246 4253 4278 4288 4302 4303 4311 4312 4348 4353 4362 4376 4390 4438 4463 4467 4478 4486 4497 4500 4425 Apr. 2 13 Feb. 12 Cole, William 6 Mar. 2:2 Corpreir, Daniel 9 Mar. 30 Chappell , W.E. 18 Apr. 3 Cotton, Joseph K. 15 Apr. 9 Cogswell, Cliarles H... 4 Apr. 17 Cale, Ducan L... 15 Downing, James S. S... 26 Apr. 30 Dunn. Samuel 0 17 May 1 Donglass, S. M 3 June 12 Drake, D. T 32 June 25 Duin. Harry 29 July 1 Denmead, Charles 13 July 22 Lillard. James R.. 20 July 2+ Duke, L.J.. Aug. 10 Douglass, Janes. 31 Aug. 14 Delui), lulineas 14 Sept. 10 Davenport, John. 6 Sept. 13 Driscoll, Daniel. 14 Nov. 27 Everett, George H. 14 Jan. 15 Evans, George, jr. 16 Feb. 4 Emory, Frederick C... Mar. 4 Ellwards, John L 32 July 12 Furmani, Horace 244 Aug. 9 Fitch, George Q 22 Sept. 7 Frazier, James T 23 Sept. 27 Gritlin, George B 7 Jan. 30 Green, John 3 Oct. 14 Gamions, Robert B... 4 Feb. 18 Harrison, Henry S.. 13 Feb. 20 Henry, Patrick 10 Feb. 27 Hall, E. G.. 18 Mar. 17 Harrison, Charles. 7 Mar. 23 Hampton, John M. 5 Apr. 5 Harrell, Lafayette H. 16 Apr. 9 Harris, Jackson.. 14 Apr. 19 Horton, Richard. 18 Apr. 21 Hampton, Thomas J... 19 June 1 Harrison, W.J. 18 June 10 Holloman, William C.. 9 June 19 Han rey, Michael. 7 July 3 Harris, John P.. 6 July 15 Hinton, W. T. 28 Sept. 15 Harris, Arthur. 16 Oct. 27 Hendricks, Joseph 8 Nov. 1 Jenkins, C.J... 24 Nov. 16 Jones, W. R.... 16 Dec. 6 Jones, Thomas P..... 21 Dec. 20 Johnson, Thomas. 23 Dec. 27 Jones, Thomas A. 8 Aug. 27 Kersey, Charles I.. Ketcham, James. Kilgour, Jobo R. Knight, James R.... Knight, William A..... Kight, William D.. ... Knapp, Roswell M 12 Mar. 1 Kersey, Joseph T 23 July 24 Leggett, L. W 17 Do. Leddy, Thomas 4 Oct. 23 Lanier, W. V 8 | Feb. 18 Lawrence, Paul. 6 Feb. 27 Lindsay, David.. 11 Mar. 10 | Lee, Enoch ... 10 Apr. 7 Lawrence, Edward D.. 6 May 26 Leary, George W 14 June 2 McCaulley, Rhody. 6 Aug. 27 William... 3 Sept. 1 Mitchell, John H.. 8 Nov. 23 Miller, William A. 1 Dec. 22 Morgan. Timothy. 2 Jan. 9 McCloud, William. 14 Jan. 19 Megenney, Wilber E... 12 Feb. 22 Mears, Thomas. 15 May 22 Morrison, Robert. 19 June 4 Morrisett, Willian 14 | July 11 Owen, Henry M. 7029 7041 7083 7086 7089 7094 3157 3180 31.88 7003 7022 7028 7046 7080 7091 7092 9602 9605 3174 7064 7096 9603 3102 3137 3194 3124 3129 7008 3111 3116 3125 3126 3130 3136 3152 3158 3173 3179 3195 7009 7043 7048 7057 7069 3106 7035 7053 7093 9606 3110 3122 3123 3146 3167 3184 7051 7054 3162 3164 3170 7011 7017 7038 7065 7097 3127 3128 3186 3189 7014 7025 7055 7082 9611 9615 3155 17 July 23 11 Aug. 4 6 Nov. 2 2 Nov. 8 1 Nov. 9 7 Nor. 23 5 Mar. 30 5 May 5 17 May 14 16 May 29 12 July 13 14 July 22 2 Aug. 18 71 Oct. 26 15 Nov. 15 14 Nov. 16 14 Dec. 16 18 Do. 2 Apr. 21 3 Sept. 15 1 Nov. 23 16 Dec. 16 4 Jan. 5 1 Feb. 23 5 May 22 4 Feb. 11 14 Feb. 12 21 June 7 4 Jan. 21 16 Jan. 23 S Feb. 11 15 Do. 5 Feb. 15 1 Feb. 23 2 Mar. 26 11 3 Apr. 19 14 May 4 2 May 22 3 June 8 4 Aug. 10 16 Aug. 20 5 Sept. 8 16 Sept. 27 5 Jan. 15 9 July 28 11 Aug. 30 18 Nov, 22 14 Dec. 16 14 Jan. 20 11 Feb. 8 1 Feb. 10 7 Mar. 11 2 Apr. S 8 ) May 7 17 ang. 25 16 Aug. 30 12 A pr. 5 3 Do. 11 Apr. 15 2 June 11 5 July 6 12 Aug. 2 3 Sept. 17 4 Nov. 23 4 Feb. 11 7 Do. 10 Mar 10 1 Mai 19 3 June 16 ī July 20 1 Aug. 31 14 Oct. 28 13 Dec. 22 15 Dec. 29 7 Mar. 30 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Ashby, Aaron F. Anderson. Samuel.. Armstead, R. T Ainsworth, Chester T. Blake, J. Baker, Lee R Booker, W.C Beasley. W.J.... Breckenridge, Mars K. Bootli, A.C. Bowens, James H. Blades, Charles G. Brock, L. D... Brett, George A Crapser, William J Colgin, James M. Colgin, John... Carlon, Edward R Cline, James H.. Cherry, Moses 3141 7031 7034 7079 3132 3139 3150 3165 3199 7004 7052 7056 7098 9613 3103 3109 3134 3192 7006 7021 57- -9 130 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Vorfolk, Va.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, , issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. First assistant engi. nueen's (ocean)-Con tiuned. 9604 3148 3185 7039 9608 7030 3104 7063 7073 7049 3168 Brennan, Thomas J.. Dean, George Thomas Dougherts, James G... Drury, William B.... Etheridge, Dennis B... Forghani, Charles B.... Mullius, Thomas O'Brien, Joseph E. Powell, Charles H.. Rheinbarth, George A. Woodward, Williain M. First assistant engi- neers (inland). 6 Dec. 16 7 Mar. 16 2 May 8 2 Aug. 3 4 Dec. 18 2 July 23 12 Jan. 9 1 Sept. 14 2 Oct. 8 7 Aug. 23 9 Apr. 8 1 Betts, David FT Bernard, Emanuel Cox, David W.. Chandler, Willard S Denny, George W. Gaskins, Walter W.... I-acsou, Chas. William. Juhuson, Virginius W Kalisher, Theodore .... Kitchin, Clarence B ... McCrink, Peter Robinson, Frederick J Snell, William M... Thurston, Clinton E... Thompson, Evan B.... Vann, Garland A.. 3118 7081 3115 3187 3182 7045 3107 7071 3159 7062 3177 7075 7040 7024 7070 3151 4 Jan. 28 7 Oct. 28 1 Jan. 22 1 May 12 1 May 5 3 Aug. 14 1 Jan. 16 3 Oct. 7 2 Apr. 2 1 Sept. 14 13 7 Oct. 11 3 Aug. 3 3 July 17 4 Sept. 30 7 Mar. 23 Apr. 24 Second assistant engi- recrs (ocean). 3112 3113 3119 3121 3147 3166 3175 3196 7005 7026 7036 7060 7077 7085 3133 3145 3153 3161 3171 3193 7010 7047 7050 7084 7090 3117 3120 3144 3149 3156 3172 3176 3190 3198 3200 7001 7019 7033 7068 9607 9610 3140 3191 7023 7027 7044 7058 7066 7095 3163 7016 3105 3135 3142 3143 3169 3197 7013 7015 7019 7032 7042 7059 7061 7072 7074 7076 7078 7087 7088 7099 9609 Page, Alonzo. Piland, W. H., jr. Piland, John F.. Pulliam, Villiain St. P. Paileu, Alfred.. Pitcher, Charles H. Poirell, T. Edward.. Pocklington, W. T.. Pilley, Jolu EL. Parker, L.M. Pettingill, W. H.. Passeno, Joseph. Person, George. Pickles, Ellis.. Quigley, J... Robbins, Robert... Rice, Frederick L... Rankin, Henry 0 Rodgers, B. E Respass, H. E Ritchie, R. F Robinson, Charles Richards, John W.. Reed, John M... Robinson, George O.. Sanders, Charles E.. Sebrell, William H. Sadler, TVilliam Sunderland, Basil S. Sturdirant, George W Simms, James E Smith, L. A Sturtevant, Chas. H., jr Smith, Robert A. Sutton, Washington Stone, Peter. Scott, Edllow Sawyer, ..E.. Smith, R. L Sykes, S.S.. Saunders, Thomas Tyler, Nathan Taylor, Virginius Tatem, S. H... Taylor, Cbarles L.... Tatum, R.S.... Tarkeutun, Broughton. Taylor, Charles I. Tatem, William H.. Vaughan, Henry E. Vanghan, Joseph Wood, Joseph H. Vilson, A.d Woodard, J.F Wiliians, D. F Wheeler, William L ... Whitmore, Charles.. White, William W.. Walter. Charles F Toon, Isaac Vilkius, Claude Walsh, Bartholomew B TToon, S. F.... Wright, Thomas C.. Williams, George ..... Waters, James. Willianis, Burloot G.. Wellman, Leonard B... Way, H. R Wiley, H. Waters, W. H.... Whitington, Clements. 13 Jan. 22 4 Do. 12 Jan. 28 7 Feb. 8 16 Mar. 13 9 dpr. 8 6. dpr. 23 16 May 24 12 June 2 11 July 20 12 July 31 16 Sept. 9 9 Oct. 16 15 Nov. 6 12 Feb. 20 15 Mar. 9 9 Mar 27 3 5 12 Apr. 15 15 May 22 8 June 11 24 Aug. 18 13 Aug. 24 14 Nov. 5 8 Nov. 12 1 Jan. 26 1 Feb. 2 1 Mar. 6 7 Mar. 16 2 Mar. 30 12 Apr. 17 11 pr. 23 1 May 22 13 May 26 10 Day 27 16 12 July 8 14 July 24 10 Sept. 27 8 Dec. 17 15 Dec. 22 7 Maur, 1 15 May 22 7 July 15 9 July 21 12 1 Sept. 8 3 Sept. 16 1 Nov. 23 5 6 June 28 11 Jan. 14 13 Feb. 23 15 Mar. 3 11 Mar. 4 6 Apr. 9 13 May 25 1 June 15 3 June 26 18 July 8 7 July 24 3 Aug. 10 6 Sept. 9 17 Sept. 11 9 Oct. 7 15 Oct. 11 4 Oct. 12 1 Oct. 19 11 Nov. S 13 Do. 7 No. 26 2 Dec. 21 A pr. 28 Armstrong, Wilfred S.. dinsworth, J. Vincent. Blauford, Charles W.. Casey, Charles H.. Gray, John Wilson Judge, Thomas J Kelly, Thomas P... Maxwell, C. McBride, Martin.... McClary, John Henry. Raap, Peter... Sawyer, Ira S. S.. Smith, William T. Tighe, George Taub. Paul K.. Watson, Thomas 3154 9612 7034 7007 7012 3181 3183 3131 3138 9601 3108 7100 961+ 3114 3178 7020 3 Mar. 29 1 Dec. 22 2 July 31 2 June 7 1 June 11 1 May 5 3 May 6 4 Feb. 17 2 Feb. 27 1 Dec. 15 11 Jan. 19 2 Doc. 7 16 Dec. 28 9 Jan. 22 4 Apr. 30 5 July 9 Aug. 11 apr. 5 00 Second assistant engi- ncers (inland). Bannon, Frank Foster, Edwin 7067 7002 3 Sept. 17 13 May 28 Special engineers. apr. 30 Audas, James Askew, James E Alexander, Jolin. Blooilgoorl, a.. Browli, Abram.. C'liesbro, Warren 0 Dempsey, Linias Davenport, Henry Eason, Joseph Eure, Peter R. Granger, WillianE.... Hayes, George Hathaway, Anthony. Holly, Thomas D., jr. Holly, Thomas D. Horton, George H. Harney, Selby Au gustus 1229 1233 1235 1240 1242 1223 1227 1237 1206 1210 1236 1211 122 1224 1225 1332 2 May 12 2 July 2 9! July 24 5 Sept. 14 2 Uct. 7 11 Apr. 15 2 1 Aug. 24 9 Feb. 27 1 Mar. 8 1 Ang. 10 2 Mar. 11 14 Apr. 7 5 Apr. 17 7 Apr. 26 13 May 21 First assistant engi. ncer's (occan). Brooke, George W Berger, Charles E. 3101 3160 10 Jan. 5 21 Apr. spr. 2 1214 3 Nov. 16 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 131 Engineer's licensed-Norfolk, Ta.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nane. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Special engineers Continued. Special engineers- Continued. Johnson, Thomas Latham, Alexander Lowe, Thomas Mosby, Noble T.. Mitchell, R. N Mizell, M Masses, Alfred J McGrath, Peter. May, George C. Mcänge, TV.N. Raynor, Tony Ruddick, Tillis. Roberts, Granville.. Roberts, Armstead Rulelds, Chiet... 1213 1202 1231 1204 1212 1219 1221 1238 1229 1248 1201 1207 1215 1216 1226 5 Mar. 13 9 Feb. 9 11 May 20 6 Feb. 12 5 Mar. 11 5 Apr. 7 3 Du. 1 Sept. 8 6 Sept. 9 5 Dec. 27 12 Jan. 16 9 Mar. 3 10 Alar. 26 13 Mar. 29 5 Apr. 30 Riley, Thomas Rodgers, WT Spivey, Washiugton... Sanderson, James A... Smithson, Wealea.. Talley, J.S.. Weaver, Alphonso. TVilliams, John Wood, Frank Wood, Henry G. Wright, Handy: Walke, Edgar H Wood, Richard E Woodard, Charles. Ward, John V 1234 1243 1214 1218 1246 1241 1203 1205 1208 1209 1217 1220 1228 1230 1247 8 July 21 4 Nov. 2 1 Mar. 23 9 apr. 5 5 Dec, 11 3 Sept. 25 1 Feb. 10 7 Feb. 24 1 Mar. 8 1 Do. 13 Mar. 29 3 7 3 May 6 12 May 18 2 Dec. 15 LOCAL DISTRICT OF BALTIMORE, MD. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Baltimore, Ma. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. ot Date of license. | issue. issue. Blake, L. L Elunt, Frederick W Nickle, A.C Seth, Joseph B. 3921 39.40 3988 1017 19 Jan. 19 2 Feb. 6 31 s pr. 1 7 | May 5 Sparling, Frederick H. Sampson, Nicholas E .. Schultz, Frederick. Townley, Sylvester 4052 4106 11519 3941 1 May 22 6 June 23 10 Oct. 23 2 Feb. 8 5 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Baltimore, Md. Apr. 20 Apr. 13 . Atkinson, James E Authouy, Jonathan Allen, Richard E.. Alexander, William G Anderson, William H.. Alny, TVilliam C Akers, John H.. Bennett, John S... Bell, George W Barnes, Leakin Boyd, Henry D.. Bramble, lleury T Bayne, John al.. Beacham, John d. Burroughs, James H.M. Brockway, D. S Biggs, William H. Bussells, .J.M Bailey, John F.. Booz, Washington B... Burgess, John A... Billups, G.W.. Bentley, Walter L Barclay, Jolin T.. Boud, William J Browu, John H... Byus, Stanley M. Bonson, William D Bohannon, C.E. Brown, Charles H. Bowling, Joseph J Boston, R. II. Beau, James W Cannon, Milton B. Carter, Villiam F.... Costin, James H.. Carroll, Francis a Cooper, Jolu E... Charles, Samuel Carroll, TVillian Crowell, Klcber. 4007 4109 1111 1164 4188 4198 11520 3906 3951 3955 3985 4003 4012 4043 1045 40:47 4066 4085 4098 4097 4116 4122 4125 4128 4147 11.18 4155 1167 417+ 4197 11531 11539 11542 3914 3952 3954 3957 3961 3967 3977 3980 13 Charles, James L 27 | June 25 Clark, John d... 18 June 29 Crockett, Humphrey. 16 dug. 26 Coleman, Charles O 3 Sept. 25 Chiesser, Ephraini. 18 Oct. 2 Cooper, Thomas J 17 Oct. 23 Crowell, Charles F.... 25 Jan. 7 Couaway, Clayton a 23 Feb. 23 Curry, Edward E 8 Jar, 1 Craig, Alexander 16 Mirr, 27 Cundiff, William 17 Carpenter, John E 8 Apr. 29 i Corkrin, James R 18 May lul Clinton, Elmer E. 21 May 15 Clark, William C 10 May 18 Courtney, R. A 15 June 2 Cunditt, Albert 1 June 11 Collison, L.S 14 June 12 Carpenter. D. W 15 June 17 Chaive, Thcodore P... 20 July 8 Coursey, William T. 24 July 14 Collins, Aifred E 9 July 17 Cazier, R. W 8 July 19 Cacle, Charles N 11 Jug. 9 Calk, Edward 27 Do. Chance, Levin 24 Aug. 16 Daloll, Whitman V. 5 11117, Harry V 9 Sept. 6 Dulares, Oscar R.. 25 Oct. 1 Dimpfel, w.O'Sullivan 6 Nov. 6 Delano, Joseph 20 Nor. 18 Dorry, B. B .. 4 Nov. 24 Dun, ellonzo L 11 Jan. 11 Dunn, Richard 16 F. 25 Dawes. George R !) Feb. 27 Dean, Russell.. 1 Var 3 Delaney, Edward 5 Mar. 10 Davis, S. B. 11 Ver. 15 Davis, V. L... 6 Mar. 22 Downey, George V 15 War. 2+ li Davis, William H. 3991 4013 4015 1019 4026 4038 4055 4059 4077 4083 4084 4092 4107 4110 114 4126 4141 $156 4159 4160 4168 4178 4180 4187 11503 11506 3920 3923 3938 3939 3940 3958 3969 1000 4056 4076 1078 1094 $123 4135 1136 2 dpr, 2 24 Apr. 30 21 May 4 4 May 6 19 May 10 24 | May 14 11 ) May 24 3 May 29 10 June 7 10 June 9 26 June 11 16 June 15 19 June 24 14 June 26 21 July 7 29 July 19 27 July 29 21 Aug. 18 3 Aug. 21 23 dug. 23 9 Aug. 28 22 Sept. 8 9 Sept. 9 20 Sept. 23 S Oct. 7 27 Oct. 9 16 Jan. 19 7 Jan. 20 9 Fels. 5 12 Fels. 6 19 Feb. 9 12 MI:17. 5 14 Dlar. 17 16 | pr. 9 32 May 27 2 Juie 7 14 ! June S 17 June 15 6 July 14 8 July 23 20 | Julý 24 ang. 28 132 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Dasters and pilots licensed — Baltimore, Md.-Continued. Name. No. of No.01 Date of liceuse.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 1 9 Apr. Dawes, Jerome B Duer, Rufus A. Davis, Daniel M Dow, Frank 1 Eldridge, Walter S. H. Ellinghaus, Charles.... Edgar, James W... Edmonds, Carl B.. Evans, James C.. Eskridge, Jobi B Easter, Frauk M Entwisle, Chas. F Elzey, Diajor a Earley, Major. Fair, Albert J Force, Isaac P Fooks, Stephen J Fowler, Charles E Irench, Daniel A. Frampton, Charles IV.. Fry, James C.. Forrest, James P Field, Villian. Foster, Lewis.. Fowkes, Roy T Foster, Jolin C. Fuller, George H Groves, William T... Gunby, Joli H.. Gilkey, Joseph Griggs, William O Griggs, James E. Gray, George TV Garrison, Warren G.. Gunby, Joseph D Gillingham, Richard T. Gaither, John W. Gourley, Mason W... Gourley, James .. Geoghegan, James A.. Geoghegan, William C. Grace, John W Hamilton, Robert T.... Hall, Joseph H Hebb, James H Hart, Alexander by Hardey, John T... Howard, T. C. B... Hastings, Richard Hudson, Octavius V. Hooper, T. A. Harrison, John T Hand, Seth. Hyde, Charles H... Hudgins, John S. Holt, John T... Henderson, Charles ... Hurt, J. W. Hunt, William M Hooper, Luther E Heward, Richard Howard, Joseph L. Holden, Henry V. Harrington, VÝilliam F Higgins, Alfred H... Flowes, Frank M. Haynie, Henry H Hopkins, Herbert L... Harti , Arthur.. Hebb, Jolin S.. Hewett, Charles.. Hanson, Angust. Insley, William G. Iler, Talbert S.... Joyce, Henry S.. James, Charles. Joynes, David J Jarvis, Trank M. Jones, George W.. Jackson, Lambert V.. Johnson, C. W.. 4161 4170 11507 11552 3905 3943 3970 3978 3959 4039 4075 4145 4189 4196 3924 3929 3990 3997 4072 4143 4144 4181 4195 11517 11523 11556 11558 3907 3916 3926 3930 3968 3984 3993 4032 4112 4117 4118 4119 11502 11510 11541 3936 3945 3981 3999 4014 4020 4029 4041 4042 4051 4061 4079 4093 4096 4146 4154 4157 4158 4177 4104 11504 11508 11521 11532 11533 11535 11536 11538 11559 11561 3971 11512 3932 3942 3905 3994 4040 4057 4068 20 Aug. 23 Johnson, Eriirard.. 24 Aug 30 | Julinson, Richard P 2.1 Oct. 9 Johnson, John.. 3 Dec. 4 James, Edward. 4 Jan. Joynes, William F.. 16 Feb. 9 Jones, Johu S.. 15 Mar. 18 il Jones, S. F.... 7 Mar. 23 Johnson, James W 12 Apr. 1 Jones, Walter M. 20 May 11 Kirby, Tbeodore T. 1 Juie 5 Knudsen, Anders. 23 dny. 6 Kersey, Niatthew, 11 Sept. 25 I ketcham, John A..... 25 Sept. 30 Keune, Abralian S. 22 Jan. 21 Kerr, Charles R. 19 Jan. 25 Kirtan, Joliu IV 22 Apr. 2 Knight, Korry 27 A pr. 6 Kirwani, Jului A 19 June 3 Kiely, James D. 26 July 31 || Kirwan, E. W .. 14 Aug. 2 Teen, Theodore C.... 1S Sept. 10 Kirwan, Clarence . 21 Sept. 29 League, Albert L..... 19 Oct. 21 Luckett, Jolin F.... 11 Oct. 25 Lauge, Christopher H. 12 Dec. 7 Lee, William H... 17 | Dec. 10 | Lindsey, Stonewall J. 13 Jan. 7 Lucas, Deury W 10 Jan. 14 Leitch, Stephen D... 1 Jan, 22 Lecompte, George. 1S Jan. 25 Lecompte, Thomas E. 25 Mar. 16 Larrimore, M. M. 5 Mar. 27 Lambert, Frank. Apr. 3 Lewis, George C 19 May 12 Leonard, Edmund C... 25 July 1 Laue, Walter G. 18 July July 9 Lewis, Thomas B 19 Do. Lewis, Charles H 21 Do. Madagan, Jolin S 7 Oct. 6 Moon, Iverson J 25 Oct. 12 Miles, Thomas J 27 Nov. 23 March, John S 4 Jan. 30 Mills, John R. 21 Feb. 9 Moon, Robert L. 6 Mar. 26 Muchow, Albert 28 Apr. 6 Mathaney, James T.... 18 May 1 Miller, Samuel H 10 May 7 Moore, John 14 May 10 Mann, Thonias. 15 May 14 Marshall, Edward L.. 7 Moon, Thomas O. 15 May 22 Mathaney, Daniel W... 20 May 31 Milstead, Thomas M 20 June S McCoy, James 1 June 15 Massey, Thomas H 11 June 16 Mills, Alfred B 12 Aug. 7 Mitchell, Thomas TV 13 Aug. 16 Messick, William T.... 27 Aug. 19 Mitchener, Barton 22 Aug. 21 McIntyre, George H 16 Sept. 7 Mullen, Joseph H... 1 Sept. 29 Muir, Robert A. 2 Oct. 8 Mason, John A 10 Oct. 9 McConner, P.S 7 Oct. 23 ilanning, William S 25 Nor. 9 Masingo, John El 25 Nov. 11 Dontelius, Jol 10 Nor. 15 Matthews, William TV 20 Nov. 16 Morris, Arthur A.. 9 Nov. 18 Morgan, Arthur M. 1 Dec. 11 McLeod, Toha 10 Dec 27 Murphy, Robert D.... 11 Mar. 18 Nickerson, Ziba, jr 27 Oct. 15 Norris, Joseph P. 16 Jan. 26 Nickle, Lewis A 15 Feb. S Ozmon, Jobu W 27 Mar. 12 Owens, B. E... 19 Apr. 3 O'Neill, John R 26 May. 14 Oram, Walter 17 Mar 28 O'Neill, James 12 | June 3 Peters, Charles 4089 4090 4091 4115 4182 4183 11518 115-14 11554 3912 3947 3948 3982 4021 4035 4102 4137 4163 11505 11511 11526 11534 3913 3:27 3933 3986 4002 4016 4022 4024 4095 4098 4134 4149 4153 4165 11509 11550 3903 3910 3919 3922 3931 3953 3975 3983 3992 4023 4036 4037 4049 4067 4069 4121 4131 4150 4166 4171 4172 4179 4186 4190 4192 4080 11514 ] 1516 11.527 11529 11537 11551 11555 11560 4064 11522 11525 3949 3973 3976 4152 11557 3934 3 June 12 15 June 14 13 June 15 13 July 8 10 Sept. 14 24 Sept. 18 21 Oct. 23 1 Nov. 26 6 Dec. 7 24 Jau. 9 1 Ieb. 12 25 Feb. 13 17 Mar. 25 13 May 8 9 May 12 23 June 21 14 July 24 25 Aug. 24 14 Oct. 9 26 Oct. 15 8 Oct. 30 2 Nov. 12 13 Jau. 11 15 Jan. 23 2 Jan. 27 15 Mar. 29 15 Apr. 12 13 May May 4 May 8 17 May 10 1 June 15 15 June 17 18) July 22 23 Aug. 10 25 Aug. 16 15 Aug. 26 8 Oct. 11 32 Dec. 2 4 Jan. 4. 10 Jan. 9 7 Jan. 18 27 Jan. 20 20 Jan. 25 Feb. 26 13 Mar. 22 18 Mar. 26 4 Apr. 2 26 | May 10 23 May 12 1 Do. 11 May 20 16 June 2 17 June 3 14 July 13 19 July 20 26 Aug. 10 17 | Aug. 28 2 Sept. 1 5 Sept. 2 29 Sept. 9 1 Sept. 22 21 Sept. 27 1 Do. 27 June 8 16 Oct. 16 23 Oct. 20 12 Nov. 3 21 Nov. 4 2 Nov. 18 1 Dec. 3 13 Dec. 7 25 Dec. 21 10 June 2 8 Oct. 25 3 Oct. 26 30 Feb. 15 27 Mar. 20 9 Mar. 22 16 Aug. 12 22 Dec. 7 20 Jan. 29 14 Do. L STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 133 Masters and pilots licensed— Baltimore, Md.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 16 Pearson, Lawson T.... Perkins, William W... Pertner, Charles H.. Putnam, Percival F.. Paul, George J.B Phillips, Frank Parker, D. P. W. Price, Alfred A Perry, W.E. H Porter, William H... Pate, Richard H Petrie, Louis D Riell, John El Roberts, William E.. Reed, Richard B Robinson, Graftou D.. Randall, Harry S... Reynolds, John C Randall, E.S.... Reynolds. Jesse B. Raynor, George A Ross, George W Roberts. John T Robinson, William C Robinson, Francis C... Runark, Thomas. Richards, Alfred A.. Reed, Samuel K Rice, Griftin D Ridley, C. W. Ripley, William W Roberts, Thomas Ross, Thomas C Solloway, Thomas G... Speice, Charles W Svenrisen, Sigvart Slemons, 1Villiam Shinnick, Joseph W. Spedden, Robert M Smith, Joseph T Stark, William El Squires, George P Simmons, Osborn S.. Scott, Janics R.. Smullen, Robert H... Sander, William D.. Skinner, William L.. Stone, Herbert W. Skinner, Samuel B... Smith, L.J.... Stewart, Samuel P... Seippel, John H. Smith, Richard E.... Smith, L. M. Short, R. J 3935 3996 4028 1030 4046 4071 4087 4127 4133 4175 11545 11549 3909 3917 3925 3944 3959 3960 3962 3964 4011 4027 4065 4073 4103 4132 4162 4173 4185 4140 11501 11513 11546 3902 3904 3911 3915 3918 3928 3950 3963 3987 3998 4008 4044 4048 4050 4054 4070 4062 4082 4100 4108 4138 4169 23 Jan. 30 Apr. 3 2 May 10 7 May 11 14 May 18 18 June 3 31 June 12 12 July 19 20 July 21 23 Sept. 6 9 Nov. 29 10 Dec. 1 26 Jan. 9 24 Jan. 16 21 Jan. 21 11 Feb. 9 1 Mar. 8 25 Ilar. 9 15 Mar. 10 2 Mar. 11 23 Apr. 28 25 May 10 19 June 2 14 June 16 June 21 7 July 20 1s dug. 23 15 Sept. 4 19 Sept. 21 15 July 28 22 Oct. 6 20 Oct. 16 26 Nov. 29 2 Jan. 2 13 Jan. 4 S Jan. 9 S Jan. 12 8 Jan. 16 21 Jan. 23 10 Feb. 18 26 Mar. 11 10 Mar. 29 1S Apr. 6 18 I pr. 21 16 May 15 9 May 19 19 May 21 4 May 24 1 June 3 25 June 1 9 June 9 7 June 19 25 June 25 11 July 20 18 dug. 30 Snow, Christopher. Skinner, William J.... Smith, Nelson E Snyder, Edward P. Swart, Jerome.. Schritz, John A.. Trarers, Thomas K. Towers, Andrew T..... Tawes, John H. Thompson, Owen A. Thursly, John E.. Tillack, Frank.. Thomason, J.F.. Todd, Thomas L. Tallent, Robert L.... Thomas, Tesley. Taylor, Willian J.. Tbomas, John.. Truitt, James E. Timm, Henry Thompson, John R.. Treakle, William.. Thomas, Benjamin. Thackery, John. Thonias, William A. Tlionas, Benjamin F Tydings, Lloyds. Turner, John E.. Taylor, TVilliam R. Vandyke, William H... Veaser, Villiam F.. Wall, Joseph.. Willis, Ammy L L.. Wooll'ord, Thomas H... Toodrow, James L. B. Wilkinson, Benjamin F. Tebb, Marion D'K... Wright, Charles V.... Warrington, S.... Tilkinson, Alexander. TTilson, Samuel P Toolford, Joseph E. Woolford, ('liver S..... Therrett, Andrew J.. Tright, Charles B. Woodall, Howard V... Vriglitson, Hugh E. Wheeler, Robert F. White, John.. Woolford, John A..... Voodall, James E... ... Young, George H. Young, Charles A Young, George.. 4194 4193 11515 11528 11530 11548 3937 3966 3979 4001 4005 4010 4018 4025 4031 4033 4034 4053 4058 4060 4101 4113 4124 4130 4151 4176 4191 4199 11553 3974 4074 3901 3908 3956 3972 3995 4009 4063 4081 4086 4105 4120 4129 4139 4142 4200 4099 11524 11540 11547 11562 4006 4104 11543 22 Sept. 21 20 Sept. 28 2 Oct. 16 7 Nov. 3 7 Nov. 5 25 Dec. 1 3 Feb. 1 7 Mar. 12 6 Mar. 23 7 apr. 12 9 Apr. 17 9 Apr. 26 19 May 5 3 May 10 S May 11 19 May 12 18 Do. 21 Mar 24 36 May 28 6 May 31 June 19 17 July 7 13 July 16 21 July 20 19 Aug. 12 24 Sept. 7 15 Sept. 27 1 Oct. 2 23 Dec. 6 13 Mar. 22 25 June 5 6 2 2 Jan. 8 17 Mar. 2 20 Mar. 19 14 Apr. 3 1 Apr. 22 16 June 1 19 June 9 15 June 12 11 June 23 10 July 10 18. July 20 25 July 27 23 July 29 1 Oct. 4 15 June 19 11 Oct. 25 21 Nov. 22 9 Dec. 1 21 Dec. 31 14 Apr. 19 1 June 21 14 Nov. 26 . Jan. Jates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Baltimore, Md. Douw, John De P... Diehl, John H Eaton, George E 1108 1114 1113 2 Mar. 31 1 July 13 1 July 8 Oneill, John.. Smith, Samuel M. 1102 1105 2 6 Jan. 20 Feb. 27 Mates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--Baltimore, Ma. Battee, John C... Carr, Cornelius Freeman, Isaac P... Gustafson, John Gus... Hudgins, Arthur T Hall, James B... Herbert, Richard O Hanson, John.. 1103 1117 1110 1106 1104 1111 1112 1116 10 Feb. 15 1 July 21 5 Apr. 19 1 dilar. 16 1 Feb. 16 1 June 1 4 July 6 6 July 19 Keough, Thomas Lowis, Robert J McDorman, James .... Pratt, Thomas P..... Roberts, Thomas Sibley, Robert L Tyler, P. Harry 1119 1115 1118 1101 1107 1109 1120 6 Aug. 10 2 July 13 2 July 28 4 Jan. 4 5 Mar. 25 2 Apr. 17 2 Oct. 18 134 - STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Baltimore, Ma. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Ww Jan. First-class pilots. Abbott, Jobu C.. Alexander, Joseph.. Adams, Charles to Airey, Samuel J Appeltofit, Arthur. Brown, James Bussells, Joseplı F Black, Martin M.. Bell, William E... Bohannon, Herbert A. Beale, Robert A.. Bowers, Arclier B Brown. Hollis R Brewington, R. F Baker, James M Blann, George E Boone, James B Bailey, Mathew M Bull, James H Bowler, Osbald.. Bertram, Robert E. Bell, Jolin L.. Courtney, Floyd A Copper, Samuel G... Crawford, Harry D.... Creiglton, Augustus A Coleman, Varver Cohee, Stephen A Carman, L.C.. Clifton, Linwood P Crook, V.V... Collins, Cyrus J Cook, George Corkrin, Reuben P.. .... Condor, Henry F Cannon, Herbert... Crockett, F.T. Collins, Alfred E Cathell, James H. Corkrin, James R., jr Cohee. B.F Dillon, John A. Dunn, James R Davis, A. B.. Downey, J. Earl.. Douglass, James B. Drisgill, Thomas J..... Downey, Alvin Davis, TVilliam H. Denty, Joseph J Dunn, George H Davis, Ellvard H. Dowden, Francis P... Davis, Z. L.... De Joy, Henry E.. Davis, Benjamin B..... Davis, William E. Douglass, Jobu B.. Dacan, Samuel L... Davenport, Haywood .. Edwards. John L Fowler, Evelon Fooks, William N. Tuller, Charles V Foster, Edward B..... Fowler, William A..... Toster, R. Sidney Fields, James D... Turk, Charles Freeburger, Robert E.L Fields, Levin Garrett, Join T.. Green, Georgo V Griffith, Franklin L... Geoghegan, Charles M. Grinnels, James D.. Goodman, William V.. Gibson, George TV 1910 1930 1957 5632 2003 1914 1921 1922 1924 1955 1971 1983 1990 1997 5607 5615 5616 5630 5660 5681 2014 2018 1929 1920 1958 1978 1995 5602 5610 5617 5631 5640 5647 5649 5672 5678 5679 5694 2005 2008 2010 1906 1951 1954 1959 1974 1988 1991 5603 5609 5614 5637 5643 5662 5675 5689 5692 5698 5700 2004 5554 1939 1943 1946 1962 1993 5624 5634 5685 5688 2011 1903 1966 1973 1977 5638 5645 5699 2 Jan. 16 11 Mar. 9 9 Apr. 10 16 July 19 7 Nov. 17 7 Jan. 27 21 Feb. 15 9 Feb. 19 7 Tel). 26 10 Apr. 9 16 May S 4 May 21 2 May 26 10 May 28 1 June 12 5 June 19 2 June 21 16 | July 19 20 Aug. 30 2 Oct. 9 11 Dec. 11 16 Dec. 24 6 Feb. 11 8 Mar. 8 2 | Apr. 13 1 May 15 20 May 28 7 June 3 8 Juno 12 2 June 21 6 July 19 2 July 22 1 Juls 31 5 Ang. 4 6 Sept. 20 15 Oct. 4 19 Oct. 6 9 Nov. 5 13 Nov. 19 3 Dec. 2 Dec. 7 13 Jan. 8 14 Apr. 2 7 Apr. 8 10 Apr. 13 18 May 11 2 May 24 11 May 26 5 June 4 2 June 12 17 June 19 3 July 20 14 July 27 2 Sept. 1 20 Sept. 21 19 Oct. 30 1 Nor. 4 1 Nor. 12 19 Nov. 17 17 Nor. 18 9 Aug. 19 2 Mar. 5 2 Mar. 24 9 Mar. 27 3 Apr. 20 1 Mar 27 3 July 1 5 July 19 22 Oct. 21 14 Oct. 28 9 Dec. S 24 Jan. 7 9 Apr. 27 6 May 11 8 May 15 5 July 21 3 July 29 11 Nor. 16 Hall, Spencer D. Hoddlinott. W.S Humphreys, Ocrau Handley, Gus A Hubbard, George W. Hoffman, George IV Hughes. Joseph. Horsman, James E.. Hurlock, M. T.. Higginson, Alfred H Harp, Edward L. Haddaway, Milton B Hart, Robert Lee.. Hevett. Thomas. Heinlein, Jolul. Insley, Lewis.. Johnson, William J... Johuson, Albert S.. Joiner, Williain T..... Jolinson, Joshua. Johnson, Cristian Jurgens, Henry P Jarrett, James. Jackson, Warren H.... Jarvis, Johu H Kirby, Isaac. Knight, Jacob A Reene, John W. Keller, Jolin.. Lang, Louis W.. Lambdin, Thomas Odie Lovre, George B Lucas, Eugene C Love, Maurice P Loker, Jefferson D.... Lapsley, T. J. Love, Frank T. Long, A. M.. Lauterbaclı, Henry. Lintliicum, Josiah B... Logue, Jacob... Lewis, Samuel. Lee, James B... Lewis, Alonzo B. Loveless, John R..... Libby, William. Lantz, Edward. McHorney, B. F. Montrose, Peter R..... Mears, Zadoc S... McKenney, James B... McCracken, James E. Morgan, N. F.. Marchant, Thomas J.. Mitchell, Nathaniel.... Massey, Josepli... McLane, Louis A... ... McNamee, Alexander.. Mister, George A McCready, Erward D.. McCullough, Win. J ... North, George W Napier, Arthur. Nelson, Andrei Nary, George R Norman, S. William... Norton, William H.... Nevnam, Fl. W Outten, Isaac Posey, Adam Perry, John H.. Payne, William E Pritchett. Ja bez Price, 1. d. Pearson, Peter. Powell, Sannuel S... Phillips, John P Phillips, Samuel C. 1911 1912 1928 1931 1961 1963 5625 5641 5642 5687 5690 5696 2012 2016 2017 1970 1927 1952 1968 1984 5613 5626 5627 5665 2002 1915 1935 1959 5622 1905 1909 1936 1937 19.11 1953 1964 1982 1989 2000 5604 5650 5658 5670 5673 5683 5686 5695 1925 1933 1945 1950 1985 5601 5605 5611 5621 5628 5648 5682 5693 2006 1940 1975 5639 5667 5668 2013 2019 1967 1908 191.9 1938 1944 1949 1976 5657 5684 5697 3 Jan. 2 2 Jan. 25 9 Mar. 3 6 Mar. 9 6 Apr. 17 Apr. 22 7 July 9 2 July 23 9 July 24 2 Oct. 23 16 Nor. 3 11 Do. 5 Dec. 10 7 Dec. 13 8 Dec. 17 4. May 7 20 Mar. 2 7 Apr. 6 26 May 4 10 May 22 3 June 18 9 July 10 12 July 12 2 Sept. '15 1 Nov. 17 24 Jan. 29 10 Mar. 11 9 A pr. 9 ñ | June 28 15 8 10 Jan. 15 8 Mar. 11 17 Do. 4 Mar. 19 12 Apr. 7 10 Apr. 24 7 Mar 18 5 May 25 4 June 1 2 June 5 1 Ang. 5 3 Ang. 27 1 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 14 Oct. 11 27 Oct. 23 15 Nov. 9 2 Feb. 27 2 Mar. 11 1 Mar. 26 2 1 3 May 22 1 June 2 6 June 9 4 June 14 16 June 25 7 July 16 5 5 | dug. 4 2 Oct. 9 16 Nov. 5 3 Nor. 24 8 Mar. 18 8 May 12 6 July 21 6 Sept 17 10 ! Do. 16 Dec. 10 3 Dec. 30 1 May 1 8 1 Jan. 12 2 Fel). 8 21 Mar. 12 6 Mar. 24 7 Mar. 31 13 | May 14 15. Aug. 26 13 Oct. 21 13 Nov. 11 Apr. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 135 Pilots licensed - Baltimore, Ma.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. First-class pilots--Cou- tinued. Second-class pilnts- Continued. 16 Phillips, Virian Pasquith, Luther R.... Railey, Charles R.. Russell, Charles W. Robison, Isaac.. Rollins, Charles A Robertson, William C.. Reynolds, Benjamin F Roberts, R. E Raşin, Lotan ... Russell, W. Hamer.. Riehl, 1Villiam H. Roberts, George P Smith, Littleton M Seward, George F.. Shalley, Alfred Stewart, James A Stallings, William C... Stevenson, Robert E. C. Sanford, James B.. Sunith. Samuel W Stiff, William H.. Spedden, Louis E. Story, William H. Smith, William L.. Shenton, R. C... Shay, G.T Stewart, Sidney J Spranisey, Joseph R. Storey, John L.. Spedden, Leiris E. Thompson, Hedge Turner, Edward S. S... Thiel, Julius L... Taylor, Henry W Turner, James A.. Tilghman, Frank Tuil, William L... Todd, Silas.. Turner, Joseph W Tarbutton, George J... Tull, J. Emory.. Tilgıman, James R.... Tull, W. S. Tull, Charles E.. Turner, Villiam B. Wheeler, John M.... Wearer, George Williams, Charles B.. White, William E... Warwick, Collison L... Watts. William R.. Williams, Harvey F. Wood, David .. Wright, George W.. White, Perry S... Wharton, Daniel L.... Wright, James T Wilson, Henry T.. Woolford. Leo B.... Wilson, Charles White, Edward. Thite, John J.. 2009 2015 1960 1994 5612 5635 5653 5656 5661 5666 5674 5680 2007 1901 1902 1907 1926 1932 1934 1965 1969 1996 1998 5619 5646 5651 5659 5663 5664 5669 2001 1904 1916 1917 1972 1979 1981 1986 1992 1999 5606 5608 5620 5633 5636 5644 1913 1918 1923 1942 1947 1945 1980 1987 5618 5623 5629 5652 5655 5671 5676 5677 5691 1 Dec. 2 1 Dec. 11 16 Apr. 17 23 May 27 1 June 17 7 July 28 1 Aug. 14 1 dug. 23 18 Aug. 30 1 Sept. 15 16 Sept. 20 1 Oct. 9 18 Nov. 24 6 Jan. 5 17 Jan. 6 19 Jau. 9 14 Mar. 1 Diar. 9 1 Mar. 11 4 Apr. 24 7 May 5 2 May 28 7 Do. 7 June 22 1 July 31 14 Aug. 6 8 Aug. 30 7 Sept. 2 18 Sept. 7 Sept. 17 1 Nov. 17 13 Jan. S Feb. 2 Hels. 5 May 10 12 May 18 9 Do. 10 May 24 May 26 17 June 1 11 June 12 1 Do. 6 June 22 4 | July 19 8 July 20 6 July 29 2 Jan. 27 1 Feb, 6 14 Feb). 24 2 Mar. 22 1 Mar. 27 26 Mar. 30 3 May 18 24 May 24 2 June 22 2 June 28 8 July 17 S Aug. 7 2 Sept. 18 14 Sept. 27 31 Oct. 1 2 Nov. 4 งงงงง ๕ - 45 Billips, VVilliam R..... Bristow, Lindsey R. Berends, Bernard Benson, James El Beach, James H Baggett, George E Burrows, George V, Bayton, Hansford C... Brown, Robert L.. Berigtold, Charles H.. Brownell, James O.... Broom, Lewis E... Barton, Johu W.. Cranmer, Heslin Crowder, Oliver L.. Chandler, Edward D.. Chambers, Charles. Crowley, Harry D. Clason, William P Conner, Johu v Cuberland, Robert C. Colburn, William C.... Calmus, August Campbell, Kenneth .. Cooper, George D Combes, George O Collier, G. W Dorsey. John B Dize, Thomas D.. Dailey, Joseph. Daris, Benton C lavis, George. Dixon, Stephen G. Dodson, Junius M Davis, James H.. Davis, Bradford A Daugheny, Martin Dean, Charles A.. Daris, Nathan S Davis, Ernest. Daris, James F. Evans, W. E.. H... Evans, Benjamin F.... Freeburger, John E.... Fowler, VVilliam B.... Frost, Eugene Files, William Freeburger, Henry J.M Gordon, Daniel Gunby, Stephen C Galloway, David O.... Gould, Jesse H. Garrison, Levis E.... Geer, Edwin Gerhardt, A. L. Galloway, Jacob George, William J.... Grinder, Joseph Hamilton, Andrew J Hepburn. James Favoie, Cyrus L Hutson, William E..... Harrer, George... Hon. Emil... Harden, Stephen H. Harrey, William H Hayden, Lemuel J Hagerich, John A. Harrington, Milton C.. Hicks. John H Holthaus, W.C.. Higgins, Robert R Haddaway, Charles E.. Howard, Edward T Humphries, Claudius. Hart, John R Higgins, Jobo R. IV. Heselbach, George B... 2477 2488 2495 5906 5909 5911 5914 5970 5983 5994 2511 2514 2524 2419 2467 2470 2486 2489 2491 5922 5941 5950 5960 5966 5987 5989 2518 2409 2413 2417 2422 2428 2430 2172 2-480 2481 2484 5907 5958 2504 2510 5943 5995 2440 2500 5905 5961 2502 2401 2418 2437 2449 2474 5917 5925 5938 5948 5978 2411 2415 2420 2436 2459 2469 2475 2493 2494 2496 5912 5924 5947 5952 5968 5969 5980 5982 5985 5991 8 May 8 7 May 22 5 June 3 3 June 12 2 June 17 2 June 18 10 July 24 3 Sept. 1 3 Sept. 20 12 Oct. 8 2 Nov. 4 12 Nov. 8 5 Dec. 1 11 Feb. 11 8 Apr. 23 S Apr. 24 15 May 21 1 May 22 1 May 27 6 June 28 12 July 20 9 July 31 9 Aug. 17 29 Aug. 26 3 Sept. 28 8 Sept. 30 7 Nov. 20 6 Jan. 13 11 Jan. 19 4 Jan. 25 11 Feb. 18 6 Mar. 2 14 Mar. 8 1 Apr. 26 4 May 11 17 May 12 5 May 15 2 June 14 10 Aug. 12 8 Oct. 27 3 Nov. 4 4 July 23 3 Oct. 11 4 Mar. 26 7 June 7 1 June 12 12 Aug. 18 7 Oct. 26 5 Jan. 4 8 Jan. 26 2 Mar. 32 10 Apr. 6 14 Apr. 28 3 June 22 3 July 2 9 July 17 5 July 30 5 Sept. 14 5 Jan. 13 9 Jan. 21 7 Feb. 15 6 Mar. 17 11 Apr. 14 20 Apr. 23 4 Apr. 28 1 May 29 1 May 31 2 June 3 6 June 18 1 July 1 8 July 28 3 Aug. 4 6 Aug. 30 1 Ang. 31 8 Sept. 17 1 Sept. 18 2 Sept. 24 3 Oct. 1 0 CO aug. 23 Second-class pilots. Apr. 7 Anderson, Andre Adams, John W Anderson, John V Adanis, James R.. Alexander, Edward A Airey, James TV Almy, Holder.. Boom, Edward D Bennett, Usher B Baker. James C.. Bartell. John B Bussells, James E... 2432 2450 2464 2479 2492 5940 5955 2403 2414 2423 2125 2448 5 Mar. 12 21 1 Apr. 19 17 May 10 1 May 28 11 July 20 3 Aug. 9 11 Jan. S 7 Jan. 20 9 Tel. 23 6 Feb. 24 1 Apr. 2 136 SERVICE. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION Pilots licensed-Baltimore, Md.-Continued. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilols- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 344 Aug. 17 0 aug. 11 Do. Heath, John R.. Hepburn, John T.. Hudson, Villiam H Heinlein, John.. Insley, Lewis D... Jones, B.F... Johnson, John D.... Jones, IPilliam E.. Jory, William A.. Jorss, A.F... Jenkins, Lewis H... Jones, Robert J Jorss, Leon L.. Kepuerly, George W.. Kendrick, J.J King, Shirley J Killmon, William EL Keudrick, F.H.. Korter, Henrs L Kirwau, Johù L.. Kendall, Owen C.. King, John Keen, J.R Kolscher, Louis D.. Keyser, 11 illiam,.jr Loreless, George W. Lundgreu. Charles. Leech, Thomas F League, Nelson L .. Leman, George G Lamdin, James R Lord, Ernest G.. Ledman, Li. Loveless, G.C. Larrimore. Benjamiu H Loreless, Nathan C.. Miller, Jackson McKay, Allen Mills, Harry. deekins, Samuel.... McNamara, d. R.... Meekins, Charles R... Aſuir, Uriali Myers, Albert C Maloney, Michael. Milligan, Rufns F.. Marts, Samuel B... Milligan, James E... Mitchell, Varion... McGinnis, Arthur M McCullough, Edward McGipnis, John P Mills, Valter ... Milligan, Washington Muller, Gregory Menshaw, William C.. Mariner, Frauk H... Moure, TVilliam A Muir, Walter B... Mitchell, George. Maloney, Patrick H... Marshall, John R Nelson, Peter V Norris, William V Nagle, William H.... Orr, William Overton, Daniel F.... Overton, Charles S... Phillips, Raymond W.. Punch, James J..... Price, George A. 2507 2520 2521 2017 2-429 2421 2424 2478 2506 2525 2526 2527 2529 2443 2447 2490 2497 590- 5915 5932 5959 5992 5996 2508 2523 2402 2427 2139 5908 5910 5923 5957 5974 5993 2503 2522 2408 2431 21412 2451 2453 2466 2473 2485 2487 5916 5919 5921 5933 5936 5953 5956 5962 5976 5984 5986 5997 2509 2515 2516 2530 2531 2446 2501 2528 24.45 5918 5942 2407 2426 2454 3 Oct. 30 6 Nov. 23 12 Nov. 29 8 Dec. 17 1 Mar. 4 6 Feb. 16 15 Fel. 23 13 May 8 5 Oct. 29 4 Dec. 2 8 Do. 15 Dec. 3 6 Dec. 14 10 Mar. 29 10 Apr. 1 8 May 25 8 June 1 3 June 12 8 June 21 8 July 13 5 7 Oct. 4 11 Oct. 12 15 Nov. 3 1 Nov. 30 12 Jan, 8 6 Mar. 1 1 Mar. 24 10 June 14 7 June 17 1 June 30 11 6 Sept. 10 13 Oct. 7 4 Oct. 26 5 Nov. 29 5 Jan. 12 2 Mar. 9 17 Mar. 29 17 Apr. 3 9 dpr. 10 10 14 1 May May 17 12 May 21 11 June 21 1 June 24 6 June 26 July 14 10 July 17 10 dug. 5 1 9 12 Sept. 13 8 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 9 Oct. 1 ) 11 Nor. 3 7 Nov. 16 9 Nov. 18 10 Dec. 21 15 Dec. 27 1 Apr. 1 18 Oct. 22 5 Dec. 6 15 Mar. 29 10 June 23 9 July 23 6 Jan. 11 3 Mar. 1 14 Apr. Apr. 10 Phillips, Robert Phillips, Robert H..... Petty. Levin F... Peppler, Peter Poiley, Jobu F Pitts, Villian J Perry, Joliu J. Petty, Thomas C... Parsons, Levin A Posey, Walter C Peaster, Robert J... Riley, Henry Randall, Samuel H.... Ripley. Wesley S Road, William Rowles, Vesley V.. Robinson, Charles W.. Robinson, Alexander E Rossi, Paul Riell, John H.jr. Reinhardt, Conrad. Ross, V.M Railer, Clyde Raynor, Charles W. Robinson, David E Read, L. Willard. Sampson, William E... Solloway, Joseph E.. Spedden, Martin L. Sewell, Samuel D Sterne, Edward D..... Self, Stephen Steurnagle, John H.. Sutton, J. R... Simmons, Henry D Selecman, J.T.. Snyder. Samuel H.. Simmons. George H Schultz, Kendall H.. Sisson, Samuel... Thawley, Charles B Timm, Élerman Tull, Richard H Turner, J.T... Tawes, Lorenzo E.... Talkmyer, Christian A. Taveaii, A. L... Trautfelter, Thomas. Tyler, Walter B... Thurlow, Chester.. Townsend, George W.. Taylor, W.F... Valentine, Edward D.. Vanneman, A. K. Woolford, Walter. Weatherly, Joseph W. Woods, Cüris: oplier.. Wolf, John S... Wayman, Thomas L... Willians, Thomas B... Whelan, James . Windsor, George W WVlieatley, William Ward, Samuel B... Tareham, William H. Woltz, George W.. Varren, John H.. Walter, Ware C. Millis, Thomas F... Foollen, William Z.... Woody, James P.... 2455 2457 271 5913 5914 5929 5946 5951 5971 5975 2505 2410 2452 2-55 2462 2463 2482 5903 5920 593 5945 5949 5973 5988 2517 2519 2.400 2476 2483 2199 5926 5930 5937 5939 5954 5965 5967 5979 2512 2513 2404 2412 2416 2434 2435 2460 5901 596.1 5990 5998 5999 6000 2456 2465 2405 2433 2438 2441 2444 2461 2468 2498 5902 5927 5928 5931 5935 5963 5972 5977 5981 3 Apr. 12 4 A pr. 13 Apr. 24 15 June 18 4) June 21 13 July 7 2 July 26 17 Aug. 4 11 Sept. 2 4 Sept. 13 12 Oct. 28 1 Jan. 13 10 Apr. 8 1 Apr. 13 13 Apr. 16 2 Do. 7 | May 13 9 Junie 11 18 June 26 5 July 16 8 July 24 10 July 30 2 Sept. 10 15 Sept. 29 17 Nov. 19 3 Nov. 22 6 Jan. 9 4 Apr. 29 15 May 15 1 June 5 S | July 6 6 July 9 3 July 17 S. 13 Aug. 6 11 dug. 25 4 Aug. 26 11 Sept. 15 8 Nov. 5 14 Do. 4 8 9 Jan. 16 6 Jau. 22 14 Mar. 15 .12 Mar. 17 16 Apr. 15 2 June 7 10 Aug. 23 1 Oct. 1 16 Oct. 16 10 Do. 11 Oct. 21 1 Apr. 12 5 A pr. 19 2 Jan. 9 2 Mar. 12 5 Mar. 23 6 Mar. 27 2 Mar. 29 10 A pr. 16 12 Apr. 23 14 June 5 10 June 10 4 July 6 1 July 7 2 | July 12 11 July 17 1 Aug. 21 7 Sept. 3 15 Sept. 14 2 Sept. 18 Jan. Apr. 20 Apr. 26 Aug. 10 Aug. 21 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 137 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Baltimore, Ma. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 다 ​Apr. 28 Block, Frank J Bowman, Ziba F. Boyd, Francis J. .. Bryant. Anos S. Chandlee, George H. Chambers, Benjamin. Carswell, Robert S..... Collins, Walter S.. Dalrymple, George H. Diehl, George C Gallion, C. Gilfillan, Hare, James E... Jalman, George R... Johnson, Robert H Jeffers, Herman 653 658 659 669 651 668 671 678 656 C65 674 680 6544 655 667 681 1 Dar. 18 1 1 May 1 1 June 19 2 Jan. 13 6 June 15 1 June 26 1 Sept. 17 3 spr. 13 3 Juue 1 5 July 30 5 Oct. 4 1 Mar. 24 1 Do. 1 June 15 3 Oct. 12 Kirk, W. T. Knowlton, Dallas... Leary, Elmer E: Leary, George E. Layman, Alfred C.. Mallory, J. D.... Oltmands, Tilliam. Puurner, Clinton W.. Roddy, Thomas. Reb, Fred. R.V.. Rowe, George M. M... Satterfield, Lawrence.. Schleuclier, William J Scharte, Charles .. Taylor, 0. T. Tallace, William DI... 670 572 660 661 679 673 677 637 652 663 682 662 675 676 664 666 3. June 23 3 July 7 5 May 24 5 Do. 1 Sept. 22 1 July 9 2 Ang. 25 6 spr. 21 1 Mar. 11 5 May 27 1 Nov. 30 1 May 25 1 Aug. 21 2 Aug. 23 1 May 29 June 9 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Baltimore, Md. Churf engineers (ocean). Chief engineer's (ocean) - Continued. 16 Ꮃ ... Allen, Edvard G. Archambault, Chas. V Azoma. Charles M. Blizzard, John R.. Brooks, Charles W... Busca, Villiam H. Barrows, Peter Bell, J. F. Bleasdale, John... Beek, TVilliam Battr, J. Frank... Blizzard. George W.. Bailey, Charles W.. Bissoni, William Bunnell, Caleb. Bauks. John V... Beck, Charles. Bell, Marion.. Blankenship. George Boyd, J.L Benner, Ferdinand C.. Boettger, Otto W Bitters, James W... Butler, J. Thomas. Brown, William V Brudvik, Nils.... Connowar, Nathan M. Culver, Charles B. Campbell, Bernard. Coy, John H Carr. John J Curry, Charles.. Catru, Villiam B. Clark, J.P Cook, Charles W.. Diver, William Davis, Benton C. Daneker, David H. Detralt, William H... Dear, John T.... Dougherty, Daniel.... Dougherty. Daniel.... Doyle, M. Joseph Duggan, John Disney, F.P Ellinguaus, Nicholas Eberhart, Charles W.. Ely, Harry.. Frazier, Charles E.... Forrest, John W Fitzgerald, William F.. Fairbank, William F.. Graff, John E.... Goldsborongh, John T. Gardner, John A. 4594 4647 4993 4521 4549 4571 458S 4597 1641 4719 4722 4726 4729 4787 4802 4804 4921 4839 4874 4900 4924 4929 4944 4948 4956 5027 4535 4617 4643 4655 4664 4837 4857 4941 4989 4555 4569 4645 4691 4788 4848 4877 4879 4882 4896 4623 4754 4845 4539 4749 4825 4930 4604 4700 4820 5 Mar. 13 Graham, Henry A. 14 Apr. 21 Griere, Thomas. 14 Dec. 2 Hall, Armstroug 31 Jan. 11 Hubbard, William T... 16 Feb. 9 l Haynie, William H... 33 Feb. 22 | Hynes, Robert P .. Jar. S Fuglies, Jolin. 20 Mar. 15 Hacker, John. 5 Apr. 19 Hill, Charles H.. 19 Say 28 Hudson, John L... 9 Mar 29 Henderson, J. Edward 37 June 1! Hall, Thomas T. 35 J11110 3 Hopper, Horace M 8 July 9 Hollaud, Robert. 22 July 15 Higgins, James E.. 2 Juli 16 Jones, Robei tH. 2 July 24 James, Edward L... 21 ulug. 9 Jewell, William E.... 20 Sept. 9 Jones, Charles R... 4 July 27 Torr, Joseph E. 16 (ct. 9 Jefferson, Thomas 3 Oct. 15 || Kennard, John R 25 Oct. 29 Kennarıl, George W 8 Nov. 3 Kirk, John.. 7 Nov. 9: Kershaw, John 2 Dec. 28 Lee, William J 17 Jan. 23 Luke, William F... 14 Mar. 30 Lumberson, E. L.. 19 Lindgren, Charles 20 Apr. 26 Lawrence, George. 9 May 4 Mittendorf, J. F. 3 Aug. 9 McGuigan, Jobu J 25 Aug. 24 Murray, Elijah 37 Oct. 28 Moore, William A. 19 Nov. 29 Moran, R. T... 6 Feb. 13 McKay, Ebenezer 34 Feb. 18 Morris, Fred B.. 13 pr. 20 Marshall, James R. 19 May 15 Neenan, Jeremiah 28 July 10 Olirer, John.::: 12 Aug. 16 Odonnell, William 1 Sept. 9 Piquett, TVilliam F 22 Sept. 11 Poole, Charles 1 Sept. 13 Piquett. W.T. 9 Sept. 22 Price, William P 5 Apr. 3 Pratt, James W. 6 June 15 Riehl, Charles T Robinson, Foreadus d. 24 Jan. 28 Rudolph, Harman. 21 June 12 Reville. Joseph O 31 July 28 Rauch, Josias S.. 9 Oct. 15 Reeder, Charles H 2 Mar. 18 Rudolph, Martin. 39 May 24 Rush, William. 19 July 23 Roach, Edward 4838 4858 4514 4516 4554 4560 4621 4637 4071 4717 4748 4869 4991 5008 5015 4742 4747 4824 4893 4967 4974 4536 4615 4618 5011 4523 4579 4580 4863 4890 4517 4667 4682 4707 4759 4812 4966 5025 4724 4566 4943 4710 4776 4842 4886 4992 4506 4550 4583 4584 4585 4625 4718 4795 1796 7 Aug. 9 10 Aug. 24 24 Jan. 6 9 Jan. 7 8 Feb. 11 S Feb. 15 7 Ang. 2 29 Apr. 10 31 May May 7 45 May 28 Julie 11 12 Sept. 7 20 Nor. 30 9 Dec. 13 20 Dec. 15 3 June 9 6 June 11 8 June 26 20 Sept. 20 25 Nov. 12 11 Nov. 15 28 Jan. 25 29 Mar. 30 13 Apr. 1 12 Dec. 13 20 Jan. 14 9 Feb. 27 31 Do. 8 17 | Sept. 17 8 Jan. 7 16 May 5 May 11 23 May 22 24 June 18 7 July 20 6 Nov. 12 24 Dec. 21 17 June 1 3 Feb. 16 28 Oct, 29 15 May 24 6 June 30 32 Aug. 10 23 Sept. 15 27 Nov. 30 8 Jan. 4 31 Feb. 10 17 Mar. 3 16 Do. 7 Mar. 5 20 36 | May 28 17 July 13 26 Do. Apr. 20 Aug. 30 . Aug. 13 Apr. 5 138 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed—Baltimore, Md.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief enginecr's (occan)—Continued. Ohief engineer's (inland)- Continued. 22 Riebl, James L Reynolds, James Redmond, John. Sherwood, John R Senior, Harry Sheffer, William Smith, Richard B Sprague, George H Sheldon, Robert Schiller, F. W... Saunders, William F... Sherwood, John P. Simering, William F... Stewart, William Spamer, Henry E Sasse, Francis Taylor, James H. Thursby, William T. Terry, John P Telford, John A · Turner, TVilliam B.. Thornton, Thomas... Tennesson, Thomas T Thompson, Vallace. Thompson, Otis P... Vogt. Lewis H... Wright, Charles E.. Walters, John F.. White, Edwin F.. Wells, Robert. Weews, Edwiu D... White, William W Woodland, Wesley Willis, Joseph M TVilson, William E Walter, J. G... Walker, Leonard Wyatt, Lemuel C.... Woodward, Marcellus Young, John M... 4909 4976 5014 4501 4548 4600 4635 4649 4752 4807 4817 4925 4940 4951 4965 4003 4581 4631 4681 4685 4810 1875 4960 4969 5010 4778 4518 4570 4611 4626 4628 4672 4738 4784 1798 4803 4962 4979 4984 4901 16 Sept. 30 Brattan, James H..... 26 Nov. 16 Borem, R 33 Dec. 15 | Baker, TV. B.... 9 Jan. 4 Benson, Thomas J... 8 Tel. 8 Benson, B. F.. 30 Mar. 16 Brown, Robert L... 14 Apr. 8 Bailey, J. E.. 32 Apr. 22 Bushey, P. H. 22 June 14 Brown, Tilliam R. 24 July 19 Buskirk, Thomas J.. 3 July 22 Brockway, Daniel S.... 20 Oct. 12 Blakeslee, George E. 30 Oct. 23 Broin, John J.. 35 | Nor. 6 Butler, Thomas M 18 | Nor. 12 Burger, John N.. 2 Dec. 10 Bristow, David T. 9 Mar. 1 Branille, James H. 18 Apr. 7 Baggett, William H .. 3 May 11 Crossmore, W. R. O.... 5 May 12 Coyle, Frederick. 30 July 20 Cavender, Authony R. 30 Sept. 9 Conway, John E... 21 Nor. 10 Cole, Martin. 3 Nov. 13 Clark. Jasper W.. 11 | Dec. 13 Collins, Thomas E 32 July 1 Connoray, Joseph B.. S Jau. S Cohee, George W 3 Feb. 20 Crawford, John.. 14 Mar. 27 Cullen, John H.. 12 Apr. 6 Cain, J.J.... 39 Do. Collier, James F 35 May 7 Carr, Robert E.. 27 June 8 Conner, Daniel A. 7 July 6 Connolly, John T. ... 18 July 14 Christian, Wash. R.. 19 July 16 Chinn, James.. 32 Nov. 11 Comeyys, William W. 18 Nov. 20 Coven, Franklin 31 Nov. 24 Cook, John.. 21 Sept. 27 Cook, Williain B. Dyer, James T. Doller, Jacol) Dull. George O. Daugheney, Thomas.. 29 Jan. 15 Derrickson, John. 19 Feb. 11 Dashiell, Frank J. 14 Dohler, William J 17 July 2 Dun, George M.. 7 June 19 Dagoes, James 7 July 12 Dosle, Lawrence 20 Oct. 5 Davis, Henry C... 5 Do. Day, Ira C... 17 Nov. 16 Davis, James A 7 Jan. 2 Dear, Albert M. 30 Jan. 6 Detralt, John C... 15 Jan. 9 Day, Isaac F.. 15 Do. Diviney, John 15 Jan. 16 Dugan, Michael 9 Feb. 13 Doyle, Edward.. 10 Feb. 15 Drager, Theodore. 22 Do. Edds, Joliu T... 15 Feb. 23 Englislı, Samuel... 14 Mar. 9 Edvards. Marcellus D. 8 Mar. 16 Efford, George V... 9 Mar. 25 Ellingbaus, William... 21 Apr. 1 Epron, Thomas.. 18 Apr. 5 Eraus, Theodore £... 17 Apr. 7 Earl, H. L... 13 A pr. S Foles, Beverley R 13 Apr. 19 Fleischman, John 11 Apr. 20 Fantroy, Chapman 10 Apr. 30 Fulton, William 22 May 4 Fitzgerald, 1m. F.. 9 May 7 Foster, James W 5 May 13 Ford, Charles E 15 Mas 15 Funk, Jolin.. 11 June 17 Fuuk, TVilliam G... 81 July 2 Foreman, James T. 4799 4783 4805 4830 4836 4847 4855 4859 4860 4894 4923 4934 4987 4990 5012 5022 5023 5026 4510 4587 4603 4606 4633 4640 4660 4662 4700 4720 4763 4768 4793 4750 4891 4935 4946 5959 4980 4997 5009 5013 4504 4574 4577 4586 4612 4646 4053 4656 4663 4683 4701 4744 4806 4811 4822 4861 4916 4938 4953 4977 3524 4546 4657 4658 4789 4800 4926 4963 4513 4534 4559 4598 4731 4727 4733 4772 4775 4797 28 July 15 16 | July July 6 3 July 17 21 Aug. 2 8 Aug. 7 8 Aug. 14 i Aug. 21 26 Aug. 24 13 Aug. 25 25 Sept. 21 13 Oct. 9 12 Oct. 18 15 Nov. 27 26 Nov. 30 16 Dec. 14 Dec. 20 2 Do. 19 Dec. 22 Jan. 4 1 Mar. 8 3 Mar. 18 9 Mar. 23 17 apr. 8 3 A pr. 14 29 A pr. 30 8 May 1 21 May 20 16 May 29 19 June 19 15 June 30 21 July 12 11 June 12 16 Sept. 18 18 Oct. 20 13 Nov. 3 21 Nov. 10 8 Nor. 20 2 Dec. 4 16 Dec. 13 1 Dec. 14 13 Jan. 4 9 Feb. 24 16 Feb. 25 3 Mar. 5 6 Mar. 27 21 apr. 24 2 20 May 3 May 12 16 May 20 14 June 10 30 July 17 17 July 20 27 July 24 21 Aug. 28 1 Oct. 6 14 Oct. 23 17 Nov. 9 6 Nov. 18 15 Jan. 14 22 Feb. 6 22 Apr. 27 15 Do. 17 July 10 17 July 15 2 Oct. 12 17 Nov. 11 6 Jan. 6 8 Jan. 23 13 Heb. 13 Mar. 15 1 May 24 2 June 1 25 June 4 19 June 26 8 June 29 21 July 13 Chief engineers (inland). Apr. 20 spr. 26 10 Apr. 27 17 Adams, James B.. Atwell, Samuel P Aburn, Charles H.... Adams, John H.. Adams, George E Akers, Edward Adams, Joseph V Adams, Marian F.. Andrews, Thomas N... Burckhead, Charles A.. Block, Henry Burnett, Joseph.. Byus, John... Brannan, Thomas Brown, John M Benson, VT'illiam F.. Bolton, William H Boutz, William Brady, Joseph P Beacham, William F... Bennett, Frank T. Beckett, Jobu M.. Beal, Charles B.. Brown, Henry Boyd, John . Bell, William A... Blankenship, Dariel TV Bird, William G. Bristow, Jolin W. Becker, Henry Burnett, Thomas A. Ballinger, H. W... Booze, Washington B Barlow, Joseph 4525 4551 4654 4779 4762 4792 4912 4913 4975 4502 4515 4519 4520 4526 4556 4562 4564 4573 4589 4599 4607 4620 4624 4630 4634 4642 4644 4661 4665 4673 4689 4692 4756 4780 17 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 139 Engineer's licensed- Baltimore, MA. --Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Nawe. No. of No.of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. T. Aug. 21 Do. Fox, Joseph Fowler, James S Foote, George A. Fortuer, Nathan. Fruk, Charles IV Fleischman, Philip F... Forrest, George W Farrell, James. Foru, Martin Farmer, John E. Grores, William T.... Grigsby, R. E. L Garenta, Ignaz. Gardner, James Greci), James C.. Gordon, M.M... Gronling, George George, John VỸ Grieizü, Charles F... Greaves, James.. Garrison, William L... Grimm, John Germond, E.L.. Geyer, William II Griffen, James W. Harp, Nicholas S.. Hart, Lewis.... Hurley, William H... Hartley, John T. Hicks, Thomas H. Hurley, George. Harris, Joseph Hutson, Isaac J Holin, William H. Hyman, William E.... Hilton, A.L Hayden, William B.... Higgins, William T... Hill, S. B.. Hall, David E. Hopkins, John J.. Horr, William, jr Holdeu, Robert L.. Hutson, James E.. Higgins, James E., jr. Hudson, Jobu L., jr Hilseberg, John () Henry, William F. Higgins, Bernard. Hancock, Charles M... Horris, Richard.. Hudson, Calvin T Irwin, Martin L Inloes, Joseph Irwin, Martin L., jr Jetiries, James E.. Johnson, Samuel C Jones, E.T.R.... Jolinson, Villiam H... Jefferson, William A. ... Joyner, William T. Joline, Wm. H... Jewell, Samuel A Jones, Uriah. Jordan, E. H.. Jury, John S... Knox, Richard T. Kirwan, Jolin. Kersey, Charles T Kaupp, Martin J. Keller, Hugh L... Kidwell, Charles H .... Kelley, John W. Keys. Nicholas J.. Klages, Charles A. Kelioe Edward Keloc, John King, Archibald 4801 4850 4851 4898 4907 4919 4927 4949 4958 4999 4537 4601 4622 4674 4675 4695 4702 4731 4764 4813 4856 4876 4970 5001 5016 4511 4553 4561 4608 4613 4619 4636 4650 4652 4694 4706 4721 4723 4734 4735 4760 4765 4794 4823 4829 4834 4865 4870 4880 4885 4914 4986 4558 4591 4844 4568 4714 4716 4728 4730 4758 4766 4889 4902 4904 4971 4529 4538 4593 4627 4684 4086 4687 4703 4715 4737 4769 4785 19 July 15 Kersey, Wm. Booth... 16 Aug. 17 Kane, V. James 23 Do. Kueline, Robert. 24 Sept. 24 Kemp, James T .. 25 Sept. 30 Kline, Peter 6 Oct. 9 Keane, William 34 Oct. 14 Korter, Charles 7 Nov. 4. Keonard, Albert. 31 Nov. 10 Lefevre, William H. 12 Dec. 0 Lowe, George F 13 Jan. 25 Longworth, Ernest E ... 13 Mar. 16 Locompte, J.J 4 Apr. 2 Lipscomb, James T 9 May 10 Lamon, Joseplı El 13 Do. Larson, John E .... 2 May 18 Linsenmyer, George J. 19 May 20 Lambdin, L.W 19 June 3 League, John J 13 June 19 Larrence, Alexander .. 12 July 20 Lewis, Edward A... 17 Aug. 23 Lewis, Charles W... 1 Sept. 9 Mills, James B... 18 Nov. 13 Marden, M. M... 12 Dec. 9 Mauser, Frederick 20 Dec. 16 McLane, \. H. 12 Jan. 4 Myer, Lambert 1 Heb. 11 DIorgan, Charles E. 15 Feb. 15 Merry, Isaac J.. 12 Alar. 27 Merriken, Jacob 24 Mar. 29 McGoldrick, John J 22 Apr. 1 Millis, Harry 6 Apr. 10 Mackiu, Andrew J 8 Apr. 22 Massey, George W... 17 A pr. 23 Moore, Everett D 9 May 17 Miller, Henry. 10 May 22 Maloney, William. S May 29 McLenalan, Robert J. 26 May 31 Mitchell, Walter. 25 June 5 Menshaw, Thomas. 29 Je 5 arks, William W 16 June 18 McCoy, Alexander 12 June 21 Murray, James 6 July 12 Moog, Charles F.... 25 July 26 Montgomery, Henry P. 2 July 31 McCullongh, Allen 20 Aug. 5 McGee, Harry L 8 Sept. 1 Murray, James H. 23 Sept. 8 Mitchell, John S Sept. 11 Marshall, William T. 6 Sept. 11 Moran, John A 10 Oct. 5 Monroe, John E. 17 Nov. 26 Moquin, John J. 4 Feb. 13 Moran, Joseph A 7 Mar. 10 Myers, Albert C 1 Ang. 12 McSorley, Jobu J Feb. 18 Mitchell, Lither S.... 19 May 26 McCready, Samuel E. 1 Maj 27 Moreland, Harry 5 June 2 McCoy, Jolin. 1 June 3 ! Myers, Myers, Henry. 1 June 17 Mitchell, Thomas HI 17 June 23 Messick, Garrett P 11 Septi, 16 Mitchell, Thomas F... 19 Sept. 28 Milligan, Charles E 7 Sept. 29 Mit liell, Samuel. 22 Nor. 13 Mitchell, William.. 14 Jan. 21 Nunally, Columbus... 15 Jau. 27 Nolan, John C.... 28 Mar. 11 Niedomanski. George G. 9 6 Nash, James R. 6 May 12 Yoland, James E... 11 May 13 Nolaud. P..... 15 Do. Neale, Francis D.... May 20 Nunually, C. D 23 May 27 Nash, Joseph E 16 June 7 Nagle, H. L 20 June 23 Otto. Henry. 23 July 7 Olsen, Hans Jacob.. 4867 4905 4906 4937 4939 4964 5017 5018 4527 4563 4372 4605 4699 4632 4668 4790 48-16 4854 4866 4908 5000 4503 4512 4522 4530 4533 45:12 4543 4575 4582 4590 4596 4614 4659 4666 4678 4680 4693 4696 4699 4705 4713 4746 4751 4753 4767 4786 4809 4816 4918 4828 4833 4835 4840 4878 4899 4903 4920 4954 4961 4973 4982 4985 4994 4998 5007 4567 4629 4736 4831 4852 4864 4892 4952 5005 5020 4648 4669 4 Sept. 2 3 Sept. 29 6 Sept. 30 14 Oct. 21 10 Oct. 23 4 Nov. 12 6 Dec. 16 15 Do. 7 Jan. 16 S Feb. 15 2 Feb. 23 15 Mar. 20 7 Mar. 27 13 i spr. 7 19 May 5 5 July 10 27 Aug. 14 13 2 Sept. 2 9 Sept. 30 Dec. 7 15 Jan. 2 8 Jan. 6 1 Jar. 13 17 Jan. 22 23 Jan. 23 23 Feb. 4 22 26 Feb. 25 7 Mar. 2 27 Mar. 10 9 Mar. 13 12 Mar. 29 15 spr. 29 15 May 5 32 May 10 25 May 11 2 Day 17 9 May 18 15 ; May 19 23 May 21 23 May 26 7 June 11 9 June 12 6 June 15 12 June 23 15 July 9 26 July 20 26 July 22 18 July 23 7 July 31 6 Ang. 5 22 Aug. 7 6 6 Sept. 10 26 Sept. 25 7 Sept. 29 9 Oct. 9 12 Nor. 9 23 Nor. 11 1 Nor. 13 7 Nor. 23 8 Nov. 24 1 Dec. 2 29 Dec. 6 1S Dec. 11 17 Feb. 18 S spr. ñ 6 June 5 25 Aug. 2 10 14 2 Sept. 18 1S Nov. 6 S Dec. 11 5 Dec. 17 1 Apr. 22 3 May 5 4 A .... Aug. 10 . Apr. Aug. 18 sug. 31 140 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Baltimore, Md.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. 4957 4968 4983 4988 4532 4887 4528 $557 4690 4698 4725 4737 1771 4826 1827 8.11 4553 +372 473 1883 4845 41922 4931 4955 4972 4981 5004 4949 4933 4616 4670 17 Nov. 10 17 | Nov. 13 19 i Nov. 23 9 Nov. 27 12 Jan. 23 7 Sept. 16 22 Jan. 19 5 Kel). 13 24 May 14 ī May 19 8 June 1 9 June 17 19 June 25 8 July 28 5 July 29 8 Aug. 10 26 Aug. 19 5 Sept. 9 25 Do. 16 Sept. 14 17 Sept. 22 16 (ct. 9 27 Oct. 15 24 Nov. 9 14 Nov. 13 6 Nov. 22 9 Dec. 11 14 Aug. 17 26 Oct. 18 15 Mar. 30 1 May 6 O Odonnell, Indrew Odonnell, T.P Pennington, John J.. Peirce, James N Posey, James H. Perry, Thomas E Porter, Arthur 0 ... Pryor, Edward... Prettyman, Daniel. Passeno, Frank. Parsons, Marion S.. Pindar, Chester.. Price, John B.. Porell, John S.... Pease, John H. Robinson, Charles W Ratclift, Taylor Redman, Joba Rico, P. W.. Reppart, Jacob Robinson, Miltorr N... Rudolpli, Martin, jr.. Reynolds, d. B.. Reed, Thomas M. Roberts, Ilonzo C Redmond, J.T Roth, Charles Ripperger, Conrad.. Rodgers, John Ryder, David J Robinson, Tilliam H.. Ross, Jolm .. Rodily, Thomas Sterenson, Samuel Smoot, Lewis M Saddler, Thomas F... Sprague, James M .. Stump, T. B.C.. Seemer, Villian. Sherwood, George H Scrawling, Fred Speeler, William H Sterne, E.D... Stanton, Richard Simmons, N.R... Shroder, Herman C.. Swisa, William L. Spencer, Mason G Start, Jobu A Swan, John B. Stewart, William E.. Smith, George A.. Settan, Herruan. Spencer, Albert D.. sbackelford, Edgar. Stewart, John A.. Sanner, Samuel.... Stutt, John H. Short, TVilliam. Spanner, Villian1. Spedden, M. L... Titter, George B.... Tydings, M. F... Thomas. William H.. Titter, Harry R.. Titter, Edward L... Tomlinson, G. W Thomas, James H. Thomas, John B.... Thompson, William S Tolson, Howard L.. Thompson, C.L. Tapman. John T... Tweedale, William Tittle, J. E... Twiford, John H. Tyler, John. Thomas, William B.. 4704 4732 3507 1541 454. 4595 4602 4679 4741 4770 4921 4932 4947 4995 5021 1545 4565 4576 4592 4610 1677 4697 4708 4745 4781 4808 4814 4897 4911 4915 4917 4945 5019 4508 4509 4531 4547 4638 4639 4688 4712 4740 4743 4761 4773 4774 4777 4782 4815 4819 4862 4868 4884 4919 4928 4942 4978 4996 5002 5006 5021 4505 4540 4552 $578 4651 4676 4739 4755 4791 4832 4843 4871 4881 4888 4910 4936 4950 13 May 21 Thomas, Charles A 19 June 3 Thumlert, Peter H.. Jan. of Thornton, Villiam H. 11 Feb. 1 Thomas, William H.. 14 Heb. Vogelgesang, Jolin. 6 Mal. 13 Veen, Charles.. 1 Mar. 17 Talker, Francis 2 May 10 Whiteford, Georgo V 7 Juue 8 Vebster, Jannes R 14 June 25 Triyht, Joseph M 9 Oct. 9 Wilson, George B.... 33 (ct. 16 Warnefeld, J. Cbarles 15 Nov. 3 Whitney, John D... 1 Dec. 2 Talker, Harry P IS Dec. 21 \Vortche, Henry 8 Feb. 5 Williams, J.L. Feb. 16 Watts, Joliut.. 11 Feb. 25 Vilkins, James A 3 Mar. 10 Webster, Daniel 13 Mar. 27 Wilkinson, Samuel G.. 2 May 10 Wright, Clarence E.... S May 19 Webb, George W 29 May 24 Woolsey, R.C. 3 June 10 Waldron, George E 20 July 3 White, Robert H. 9 July 19 Wilcox, Ezra N. 17 July 21 Wilson, Charles L .18 Sept. 22 Young, Elmer. 13 Oct. 2 Young, Thomas J... 18 Oct. .6 Zeidler, Joseph 34 Do. Zollinger, Henry W. 6 Nov. 1 3 Dec. 17 Engineers in charge of 17 Jan. + steamer's of 100 tons 15 Do. and under, and over 15 Jan. 22 10 tons. 24 Feb. O 11 Apr. 10 Allen, Harry E... 9 Apr. 13 Anthony. William C. 1 Mar 13 Adams, Willian L.... 3 Mar 25 Barros, George. 11 June 8 Burton, Robert J. 2 June 9 Bowers, Fleury V. 3 June 18 Bristow, William H.. 19 June 26 Blackwire, Patrick. 6 June 28 Butler, George E... 6 June 30 Bannister, R. E.. 16 July 5 Chesser, Andrew. 2 July 21 Cook, William J. 8 July 23 Caulford, Thomas. 6 Snly 30 Cumberlanr, Robert C. 7 Sept. 3 Davis, Milton E. 13 Sept. 14 Davis, Jerome F. 37 Oct. 8 Elzey, Job R.... 11 Oct. 14 Edmunds, Page, jr. 15 Oct. 28 Foley, Beauregard. 8 Nov. 19 Henry, Washington. 7 Dec. 1 Hickerson, John W.... 26 Dec. 10 Heinaii, August. 27 Dec. 11 Jones, Edgar A. 7 Dec. 18 Jobnson, William. 8 Jan. 4 Kreutzer, William A.. 7 Jan. 30 Kellner, John... 7 Feb. 11 Kidwell, Walter A. 7 Feb. 27 Kincaid, Joel H. 4 Apr. 23 Lee, Peter .... 25 May 10 Ledman, Francis C... 19 June 8 Meekins, Milton V 11 June 16 Morris, Voss.. 27 July 10 Madison, James A 7 Aug. 2 Morton, Parker. 26 Aug. 12 Mills, William L..... 18 Sept. 9 Mothershead, Vallie. 19 Sept. 13 Miller, George R.. 16 Sept. 16 Valls, George R.. 15 Oct. 2 Peppler, Harry s .. 21 Oct. 20 Pines, Eepry.. 19 Nov. 5 Peppler, Peter. 3322 3323 3366 3201 3229 3234 3251 3296 3352 7201 3263 3282 3354 3368 3208 3350 3214 3253 3240 3297 3329 3337 3270 3317 3246 3356 3360 3399 3247 3379 3257 3262 3273 3294 3369 3376 3394 3362 3241 3243 3293 3 July 24 5 July 27 7 Sept. 20 1 Jan. 2 5 Mar. 8 4 Mar. 16 7 Apr. 5 15 June 19 2 Sept. 7 15 Dec. 1 11 Apr. 27 4 June 4 1 Sept. 9 8 Sept. 22 4 Jan. 16 9 Sept. 3 2 Teb. 10 3 Apr. 8 4 Mar. 23 21 June 21 13 Aug. 6 6 Aug. 20 4 May 14 4 July 20 2 Mar. 29 11 Sept. 11 2 Sept. 14 8 Nov. 23 10 Mar. 30 2 Oct. 11 4 Apr. 17 2 Apr. 24 16 May 19 14 June 19 5 Sept. 22 7 Oct. 7 1 Nov. 12 1 Sept. 16 3 Mar. 24 3 Mar. 26 8 Juno 18 P STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 141 Engineer's licensed- Baltimore, Ma.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons - Continued. First assitant engi. nccrs (inland)-Con- tinued. Ang. 27 Peltops, Clifton C... Parks, Villiam G. Robey, John R... Ratclift, William H. Reynolds, Gilbert 1... Selecman, B. V.. Sberman, Charles E... Turner, Joseph W... Turwy, John H. Weast, James P... Tood, Charles I. Wortz, Lewis V. Whipple, John, jri. 3343 3395 3223 3242 3286 3202 3278 3205 3233 3213 3215 3330 3398 6 2 6 2 12 7 12 8 11 4 13 6 2 0 Sanderman, Henry. Shenton.J.F Smith, Charles H Tittle. George T Washington, Charles Wilson, Samuel P... Whitehurst, William F. Young. George B Nor. 1: Feb. 27 Mar. 25 June 9 Jan. 4 May 28 Jan. 9 Mar. 13 Feb. 8 Feb. 11 Aug. 10 Nov. 22 3228 3358 3363 3268 3239 3299 3306 3311 11 Ang. 3 8 Sept. 11 15 Sept. 16 16 May 10 19 Mar. 22 10 June 23 2 July 10 1 July 15 second assistant engi- neers (occan). First assistant engi. ncers (ocean). Appold, I Vilbert B... Aylmer, Richard W. Bright, J.L.... Bryan. Thomas J Clark, John E... Dodson, Andrew J Ely, Ulysses G. Ellis, William T Gardner, Wilson J. Humphreys, William. Lucas, James B.. Musick, Daniel Murray, William McCrink, Thomas F... Maccoun, Robert C.... Price, Peter J.. Rodgers, Charles A. Roberts, Thomas S... Rudolph, Lawrence. Sulliran, John. Thornton, R. L... Turner, John F... Weisman, Frederick F 3380 7202 3207 3361 3393 3347 3248 3310 3373 3250 3258 2221 3335 3340 3375 3219 3314 3359 3391 3383 3355 3392 7210 Boulilen, William Berry, James E Denipset, Thomas Davidson, Jolin. Dougherty, Daniel Foote. Frank J. Francis, David E Fryer, Robert A. Gambrill, Charles E.... Gerting, Fred TV Jounson, John T.. Krug, William F Larorty, John Large, Robert Larkin, John Lowe, William. Mining, Charles.. McEugh, Edmund J... Miller, Joseph Morrigett. Andrew J.. Nelson, Frank M Robinson, George C. Seiland, O.J \Villiams, Leris A.. Zimmerman, Charles. 3 Oct. 13 5 Dec. 2 11 Jan. 13 13 Sept. 15 12 Nov, 11 17 Aug. 31 6 Nar. 31 2 July 14 8 Oct. 4 9 6 Apr. 19 4 Tel. 22 2 Aug. 18 8 Ang. 24 3 (ct. 7 18 Feb. 17 6 July 17 14 Sept. 13 5 Nov. 6 1 Oct. 19 9 Sept. 10 13 Nov. 9 2 Dec. 11 Apr. 2 3226 3312 3216 3313 3316 32.13 3290 7205 3307 3377 3332 3283 3222 3255 3303 3318 3280 3300 3326 7204 3261 3386 3331 3378 3333 4 Mar. 5 1 July 15 15 Feb. 12 2 July 16 11 July 20 12 Jan. 4 2 June 13 1 Dec. 3 4 July 10 1 Oct. 7 1 Aug. 12 5 June 5 4 Feb. 26 2 Apr. 14 7 June 28 13 July 22 ? June 3 3 Jue 23 6 Aug. 30 7 Dec. 3 10 Apr. 24 4 Oct. 25 6 Aug. 10 3 Oct. 11 3 | Aug. 13 Second assistant engi- neers (inland). First assistant engi- neers (inland). Benson, John M... Benver, Albert J Bundscha, Harry A... Cassell, John S... Cochran, Edward Craig, James Donoho, Carlton Griffith, Thomas G Glover, Willian F. Gallaber, Wm. H. Hall, Samuel J., Hite, John Milton Hardester. Jno. T. Harvey, William F.... Jones, William H. Keehan, C. P... Lecompte, Joseph TV Lawrence, George J. Lawrence, Richard Lusby, John T.. Lawrence, G. 1 Myers, Samuel D Moran, R. T., jr. Murply, Richard.... Matthews, William T.. Moore, Joseph J Nelson, Frederick L... Payne, W.A... Paulus, J. E Rudolph, Harry. Stoutenberg, Janies D.. Schriver, Christian 3292 3357 3371 3267 3288 7209 3351 3211 3289 •3336 3217 3365 3374 3400 3228 3269 3204 3212 3218 3259 3382 3266 3275 3291 3321 3339 3338 3252 3279 3237 3230 3287 14 June 17 12 Sept. 11 4 Sept. 28 13 May 10 7 June 11 2 Dec. 11 4 Sept. 4 2 Feb. 3 5 June 14 6 Aug. 20 8 Feb. 13 10 Sept. 20 18 Oct. 5 4 Nov. 26 5 Mar. 6 6 May 10 2 Jan. 4. 6 Feb. 8 3 Feb. 13 6 Apr. 20 16 Oct. 18 3 May 6 4 May 21 5 June 16 14 July 24 17 Aug. 21 1 Do. 1 Apr. 5 13 June 1 6 Mar. 22 13 Mar. 11 2 June 10 Allison, William V. Ale, Wilbert S... Bowen, John J Butler, John L. Battersby, George Barr, William E. S. Butler, S. O Berger, Albert. Barnes, J. Alonzo Barker, James F Chason, Joseph L Conner. Jobi v Clark, John H... Carroll, George E Conklin, L.J. Conklin, Tilliam R.... Cook, Rolney E. Daneker, Henry W Davis, John E.. Dear. Jarrett M. Denkin, Charles Fitzgerald, VValter. Fitzgerald. Henry Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. Finan, Miciarel .T Gates, William E Fines, VVilliam F Harrison, Charles Hardy. Rudolpb Hubbard, F. Henry Harrison. Perry. Hutchison, Frank P Hackett, Frank E... Harrison, William B. Jordan, John.. 3232 3260 3210 3220 3245 3298 3308 3309 3341 7212 3244 3256 3320 3327 3372 3387 7208 3209 3324 3325 7211 3281 3302 3344 7207 3319 3235 3254 3284 3295 3367 3381 3390 7203 3236 2 Mar. 12 1 Apr. 22 1 Feb. 1 11 Feb. 20 1 Mar. 27 1 June 21 3 July 10 2 July 13 4 Aug. 25 2 Dec. 30 1 Mar. 27 11 Apr. 15 1 July 22 3 July 31 2 Oct. 2 1 Oct. 29 6 Dec. 9 1 Jan. 20 11 July 27 2 Do. 2 Dec. 14 3 June 3 5 June 25 3 dug. 24 2 Dec. 9 3 July 22 3 Mar. 16 1 Apr. 12 8 June 8 2 June 19 1 Sept. 21 13 Oct. 18 2 Nor. 5 3 Dec. 2 16 Mar. 20 142 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE.. Engineer's licensed-Baltimore, Md.-Continued. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Special engineers. Jan. Second assistant engi. heers (inland)-Cout'u. Jimison, John C., jr.... Jones, Charles T... Jervis, Charles al Kennedy. Tlioinas Longly, John M... Laursdale, Lerin F... Lecompte, Philip.. Mauly, Sterling R... MacLea, William H. Mackey, Janses H... Murray, George T McClean, Wm. E H.. Voore, George W. Norris, Thonias L Nolan, William T (donnell, Barth. O'Brien, John.. Phillips, J. Wilbur. Ryder, George A. Rittner, Frederick. Summersell, John F... Sprague, George W. Stewart, Edward D Tbomas. Arthur C.... Turner, Walter T. Taylor, Thomas F.. Tells, John S... Wrigbt, George C. Williams, Joseph C. Wright, Hovard V... Young, William B.... 3271 3384 3388 • 3224 3225 3305 3385 3249 3326 3334 3349 3364 3370 3265 3397 3264 3348 3238 3227 3396 3206 3304 3353 3301 3315 3345 3231 3276 3277 7206 3342 2 May 17 Andrews, Harry.. 4 Oct. 20 Ash, William Hi 2 Nov. 3 Boyd, Joseph C 1 Feb. 27 Batchelor, John S... 1 Mar. 3 Butler, Thomas. 1 July 7 Collison, David W. 2 Oct. 12 Collison, Charles H... 4 Apr. 1 Custard, Daril J 1 July 29 Chesney, Bennett 3 Aug. 18 Dempster, WV, W.. 3 Sept. 3 Donoboe, Janies 5 Sept. 18 Drury, Ernest M. 3 Sept. 25 Ednionds, Thomas H... 1 May 3 Finkle, TVilliam E 1 Nov. 17 Forrest, Lincolu s 2 apr. 29 Goodnian, A.L.. 12 Sept. 1 Grose, Wesley 1 Mar. 22 Hough, Henry 5 Mar. 6 Hermann, William d 2 Nov. 17 Hieygby, William 1 Jan. 9 Jarman, George R 5 June 29 Krumn, Henry W.E.. 4 Sept. 9 King, W.J 1 June 24 Lyons, William L. 1 July 19 Lamin, J.S.M.. 6 Aug. 28 | Monroe, David... 1 Mar. 11 Mills, Ernest L.. 3 May 27 Martin, Charles Albert. 1 Do. Myers, John H... 3 Dec. 7 Doore, Charles W 2 Aug. 26 Moore, Clarence Neale, James E.. Posey, Thomas Pitts, William J Poplar, James 5 May 19 Read, Harry F... Saunders, Thomas L... 13 June S Scott, John Sailor, Sarnuel Soper, V.B... Thorne, Thomas. Vosbury, Louis A. 12 Nov. 5 Walker, Frauk T 8 May 17 Woltz, Edward 1308 1316 1305 1329 1333 1302 1303 1322 1334 1319 1328 1335 1337 1313 1343 1327 1342 1306 1307 1340 1341 1312 1324 1317 1330 1304 1311 1314 1323 1331 1332 1838 1.315 1320 1336 1325 1301 1318 1339 1344 1326 1309 1310 1321 3 Apr. 10 1 Juno 12 1 Mar. 1 1 Sept. 3 1 Sept. 23 1 4 2 Jan. 26 9 July 16 4 Sept. 30 1 July 3 3 Aug. 28 1 Sept. 30 10 Oct. 12 1. May 14 4 Nov, 29 1 Aug. 23 11 Nov. 16 2 Mar. 9 5 Mar. 31 5 Oct. 30 1 Nov. 17 3 May 12 5 July 31 3 June 14 3 Sept. 7 4 Feb. 10 1 May 6 2 May 17 5 July 26 9 Sept. 23 9 Do. 3 Oct. 19 6 May 21 12 July 7 4 Oct. 12 1 Aug. 5 3 Jan. 4 1 Juue 21 7 Oct. 25 4 Dec. 2 1 | Aug. 12 5 pr. 19 3 Apr. 22 4 July 12 ا ا ت ت نه Third assistant Cugi- neers (ocean). Simonds. Curtis B.... Vardy, Jacob... 3274 3285 Third assistant engi- neers (inland). Buscli, John H... Richardson, Stephen... 3389 3272 LOCAL DISTRICT OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—. Charleston, S. C. Vame. No. of No. of No. of Date of liceuse. issue. issue. Name. No. of Yo. of Date of license. issue. issue. Adair, 1.F.. Adkins, E. H. Abbott, T. A.. Adair, L. H Adkins, J.J Adams, John dnes, George Byrne, James Bailey, Henry Bradshair, J Burriss, 0.1. Burriss, E. T Bennett, J.J Bowdoini, H.L Burkhimer, H.D. Bovle, Gal Caitrey, J.S. Cherry, F.. Carr, NI. P Cherry, D. Chadwick, D. W 9507 9538 9540 9513 9580 12520 12526 9515 9529 9532 9546 9579 12501 12523 12545 12551 9531 9542 9544 9545 9550 22 Jan. 15 | Craig, ().R... 3 Apr. 17 Crapon, G. NI 7 May 8 | Conner, E. F 17 May 15 Collins, Vm.J... 11 July 23 Cordes, H.S. 20 Oct. 23 Cushman, F. B.. 20 Nov. 11 Currie, V 9 Fel. 12 Castle, D. B 11 Apr. 5 ! Crouch, H. W.... 11 pr. 17 Craig, J. TV 9 May 15 Dixon, T. G July 22 Dudley, J. W 8 Sept. 18 Dowdy, H. HI Oct. 29 Durant, G.B. 8 Dec. 20 Dusenbury. R. G. S Dec. 31 Dusenbury, 2. W 6 Apr. 17 Dusenbury, J.H. 18 Day 8 Dixon, W.B 7 May 15 Dicksey, P.T 18 Do. Davis, R. W 14) May 20 Elliott, H. 1) 9553 9554 9556 9559 9563 9565 9570 9599 12521 12534 9501 9502 9505 9519 9525 9530 0548 9557 9593 12529 9577 9 May 24 20 May 29 1 Do. 7 June 3 22 June 12 18 June 23 3 ) July 6 1,1 Sept. 16 18 Oct. 26 16 Nov. 23 17 Jan. 4 15 Do. 9 Jan. 6 7 Feb. 17 11 Mar. 25 18 spr. 7 6 Alay 15 14 June 1 18 Sept. 1 7 Nov. 12 4 July 21 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 143 Masters and pilots licensed-Charleston, S. C.-Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Name, No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Ferguson, T. D... Flowers, James E.... Flowers, W. H. .. Flatley, James.. Ferguson, J... Fulton S. W.. Foster, Joseph. Finnegau, G. W. Ferdon, John. Groves, G. ... Green, T. J... Galloway, L. d.. Elarper, J. W... Harper, J.T. Holt, s. M.. Hubbard, J. T Harllee, J. W Hopkins, G. H.. Igoe, J.). Ingram, d. D... Jacobs, H... Jorgensen, H. P Jervey, D. D.... Joanelli, J Kramer, B. T ... Kiuyon, V. A.. Kinsey, C. I Kermon, V. J Lockwood, R. H... Lewis, W.O. Lewis, s. M. Levis, C.C. Lockwood, W. L.... Lewis, E. Ü. Lachicotte, St. J.M.... Lewis, H.C. Magwood, R.... Morse, K Millar, R. S.... Morton, Goorge L McKenna, P.J.. Moore, George. M11n nerlyo, T.S. Mikell, J.E.. U'Reefe, T. C... Price, J.D. Pepper, E. E.... Parsons, d. E... Pigott. E. S... Pepper, L. J Pinckney, F. D.. Porter, J. E.... Pinner, James Phillips, F. D... Pimper, W.G.... 9513 9514 9516 9587 12517 12539 12340 12541 12546 9549 12502 12509 9527 9533 9566 9588 12504 12507 9511 12511 9503 9537 9581 12515 9518 9576 12510 12525 9510 9521 9528 9572 12505 12512 12524 12535 9522 9562 9585 9597 125.14 12516 12519 12542 9555 9506 9523 9535 9547 9582 9584 9591 9596 9600 12503 12 Feb. 6 1.1 Feb. 10 14 Feb. 12 7 dug. 9 11 Oct. 6 12 Dec. 3 6. Do. 11 Dec. 15 18 Dec. 22 13 May 18 16 Sept. 18 13 Oct. 1 20 Mar. 25 15 Apr. 17 11 June 24 13 Aug. 11 7 Sept. 20 25 Sept. 30 8 Jan. 25 13 Oct. 5 9 Jan. 6 3 spr. 26 8 July 23 S Oct. 11 8 Ileb, 16 7 July 21 S Oct, 2 11 Nov. 2 17 Jan. 23 14 Feb. 20 9 Mar. 30 12 July 9 7 Sept. 28 16 Oct. 9 19 Nov. 1 14 Nov. 26 S Mar. 5 12 June 8 8 July 31 10 Sept. 10 4 Oct. 11 18 Oct. 15 24 Oct. 22 12 Dec. 10 14 May 29 6 Jari. 12 6 Mar. 9 1 Apr. 21 6 May 15 10 July 24 9 July 30 7 1119. 30 -12 Sept. 10) 20 Sept. 16 12 Sept. 18 Putter, B. W... Parkin, T. E... Piuner,J.L. Plait, Samiel C.. Relyea, C. J Revel, W. G.. Roberts, D.M. Rhoades, s. V Ramsdei, Joun. Relsea, I. E. Roberts, G. V. Reynolds, J.T Robinson, I Rice, I.B Robeson, V. A .. Springs, d.d. St. George, C. Slarich, M. E Scarpa, Paul Suell, William A. Smith, C.G. Smith, V.B.. Swinton, W. A Smith, John D Sinclair, D. W Salters, J.T. Styron, D Sian, J.R.. Smith, Jas. C... Skipper, R. P Sirail, Geo. El Smith, John G Smith, Thomas Stevens, J.S S.. Sellers, J.S Taylor, J. V Turpiu, C. MI Thompson, 1 꼬 ​Thornton, T. H ... Taylor, Thomas. Tait. Valter. Vaden, IV. A. Vauglian, J. E Williams, H.T.. Tatts, George H. Watson, J.L Williams, E. D Williams, J. H TVhitted, T. S Williams, J.S. Warren, G. A Williams, 1. H Wortli, AH Wilson, d. I 12522 12532 12543 12550 9508 9520 9541 9558 9575 9595 12518 12528 12530 12531 1 2549 9504 9551 9552 9560 9561 9567 9569 9571 9578 9586 9389 9590 12508 12513 12533 12536 12537 12541 12547 12548 9524 9536 9539 9564 9574 9583 9573 9598 9509 9512 9517 9526 9534 9568 9592 9594 12506 15527 12538 8 Oct. 28 6 Nov. 17 5 Dec. 15 27 Dec. 28 13 Jan. 21 17 Feb. 18 17 May 8 7 June 2 16 July 19 15 Sept. 10 12 Oct. 21 17 Nov. 11 16 Nov, 13 1 Nov. 15 21 Dec. 28 18 Jan. 6 4 May 20 15 May 22 11 Juue 3 18 Juno 5 9 June 26 19 July 3 10 July 7 14 July 21 26 Aug. 4 17 Aug. 16 19 Aug. 23 19 Oct. 1 18 Oct. 9 10 Nov. 23 2,3 Nov. 27 15 Nov. 29 19 Dec. 8 7 Dec. 28 14 Do. 7 Mar. 20 13 Apr. 22 11 Apr. 29 17 June 12 7 July 16 19 July 29 23 July 14 21 Sept. 13 16 Jan. 21 10 Jan. 28 11 Feb. 15 20 Mar. 25 21 Apr. 21 10 July 3 2 Aug. 30 7 Sept. 1 7 Sept. 28 21 Nov. 11 12 Nor. 30 . JIates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—- Charleston, S. C'. Hansen, S.C... 1151 11 Apr. 9 McAnderson, J 1152 1! Apr. 21 Pilots licensed during the yeur ended December 31, 1897—Charleston, S. C. First-class pilots. Baker, J. L..... Black, D.J... Buxton, Daniel Custe, C.N.. Dennis, W. W... Fulcher, M. H... Gatlin, J.U Hemingway, W.L 2122 2131 2134 2126 2102 2109 2133 2106 7 Sept. 23 14 Dec. 20 9 Dec. 29 7 Oct. 21 13 Jan. 22 14 May May 20 15 Dec. 22 7 Apr. 19 First-ciass pilots-Con- tinuerl. Heywaril, Thomas Hamiltou, D Izardi, Elenry Jones, V. V. Jackson, D Johnson, 1 Kessler, J Lyons, 1.D. 2109 2120 2117 2105 212 2129 211.4 2132 6 17 11 14 7 8 * 7 May 20 Sept. 16 lug. 24 Mar. 31 (ct. 9 Nov. 30 July 30 Dec. 21 144 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Charleston, S. C.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nante. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots- Coutinued. Second-class pilots- Coutinuod. Jan. Moore, A. V Moore, Henry Olsen, C Pittman, R. E Parker, J.R.. Parsons, V.S.. Rode, O.C.. Roberts, Zach Smith, J.O.. Singleton, C Smith. G. 1 Taylor, Andrew Uptegrove, J.E Ward, Herbert.. Wade, D. B.. Vatson, Noah Williams, Johu Wallace, A.G..... 2113 2123 2115 2116 2119 2127 2107 2111 2101 2118 2125 2110 2130 2103 2104 2112 2121 2128 C 2613 2615 2631 2654 2656 2658 2601 2602 2632 2647 2620 2604 2607 2610 2618 2623 2637 2640 2645 2652 2616 2665 2609 2644 2664 2667 2660 2603 2617 2619 2624 2628 2633 2638 2646 2050 2653 2655 4 Fels. 16 4 Feb. 26 9 May 15 8 Sept. 22 4 Oct. 13 6 Oct. 23 15 4 10 Do. 2 May 21 1 July 29 4 Mar. 10 6 Jan. 7 6 Jan. 19 6 Jau. 21 9 Mar. 4 2 Mar. 31 3 June 19 4 July 2 11 July 26 · 5 Sept. 6 2 Feb. 26 4 Nor. 16 2 Jan. 21 10 July 22 7 Nov. 15 2 Dec. 8 1 Oct. 25 7 Jan. 6 3 Mar. 2 Mar. 4 4 Apr. Apr. 5 6 Apr. 23 9 May 21 8 June 24 3 July 28 7 Aug. 9 8 Sept. 16 4 Oct. 1 : Second-class pilots. 8 July 27 McGuire, M. T 16 Oct. 9 McDaniel, A. J. 6 Aug. 21 Morton, M. F. 9 Aug. 23 McLean, R. O.. 14 Sept. 14 Moore, C.P.. 3 Nov. 24 Moisson, J. 0... 8 May 17 Nelson, N. 15 June 26 Velson, V. E.. 8 Jan. 14 Neswitli, D. R... 20 Aug. 24 Nickerson, P. W., jr. 20 Oct. 11 Oliver, W. L.. 16 June 21 Powell, T. E 7 Dec. 10 Parker, S. G.. 6 Mar. 17 Potter, William . 10 Mar. 25 Pigott, T.B 18 July 21 Preynall, W.O... 19 Sept. 21 Pinckney. B. G.,jr. 9 Nov. 26 Parkiu, James Pregnall, H. N Pigott, R kowe, W. E.. 7 July 31 Roberts. J. d. 8 Apr. 10 Smith, W. E. 2 July 3 Stoesen, H... 2 July 22 Singletary, J. S... 9 Aug. 9 Steeger, .. 1 6 Oct. 23 Tamplet, J. C.. 4 . Nor. 11 Vebl), WV. a. 7 Jan. 21 Wernes, A. A 7 Mar. 29 Tard, s. M. 10 July 22 Wade, W. B.. 6. Apr. 26 Warl, V.B... 4 May Vestbury, C. V 7 June 4 Williams, J 6 Feb. 18 Weatherly, M 8 Apr. 21 Wessell, C... 15 May 29 Wescoat, D 5 Do. Wiggins, H. O 3 Oct. 13 9 Nov. 12 Special pilots. 19 Mar. 15 6 Feb. 4 Chisolni, V. B. 6 Jan. 15 Fenpell, Gay, J. V. 2 Jan. 19 Sherman, E... 14 Jan. 26 Venning, T. McCants Adair, A.M... Brower, H Bellune, J.F F. Bulwinkle, A. H... Bouslee, W.R... Bulwinkle, A. D... Basnight, J. S Chestnut, J... Cunningbam, G. I.. Cromatie, H. Daggett, B.T. Dowdy, S. McG... Dixon, T. G., jr Haywood, J.T Hawes, E. Herry, N Hewlett, G. C... Hall, H.C Ireland, George Johnson, M. Ketchum, W.A. Lancaster, D. S. Landen, L. M. McMabou, J. F... Moore, A 2648 2625 2641 2642 2651 2659 2602 260S 2622 2643 2629 2630 2636 2614 2627 2634 2635 2657 2663 2621 2612 2605 2626 2606 2611 Apr. 19 2668 2661 2666 2639 2649 7 Dec. 28 1 | Oct. 25 1 Nov. 23 2 June 30 41 Aug. 4 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Charles- ton, S. C. Jan. Butters, C. E.... Dowdy, S. McG.. Donaldson, J.H... Ellis, W. B.. Gibson, R. W Grim, C.P. Hughes, W.E. Johnson, J.D ... 705 702 709 703 707 712 701 714 1 Mar. 2 1 5 1 May 3 1 Jan. 9 3 Apr. 21 2 Sept. 10 1 Jan. 5 1 Dec. 8 McGowan, TV, A. Potts, Samuel C.. Phillips, J. E. Simmons, M. W.. Sanford, W.B... Tarbox, F.G Whitford, J. H.. 711 708 713 704 710 715 706 3 Aug. 7 1 A pr. 22 1 Sept. 13 2 Teb. 10 2 May 19 2 Dec. 22 1 Apr. 8 Engineer's licensed during the year endel December 31, 1897—Charleston, S. C. Chief engineers (ocean.) Anderson, G. D... Anderson, E. I... Bonneau, W.E.... Berger, J. A Bocliman, C. G... Conekin, Dawson Congcon, G.R.. 9515 13062 9334 13013 13039 9556 9593 Chief engineers (ocean)-Continued. 10 Jan. 22 Chapman, J.P 20 Dec. 11 Conner, J.S.. 22 Mar. 30 Drury, Geo. F 17 Sept. 17 De Reamer, G.C.. 22 Nov. 11 Doig, John. 19 May $ Elsworth, R. J.S. 17 July 30 || Edwards, C. R. T 13004 13018 9514 13006 13053 9539 9598 25 21 9 6 32 18 5 Aug. 16 Oct. 1 Jan. 21 Aug. 20 Dec. 3 A pr. 3 Aug. 7 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 145 Engineer's licensed-Charleston, S. C.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Ohief engineers (ocean)-Continued. Ellis, B.R Finn, P.P Furlong, W. A Fredericks, G. W Ferguson, Hughe, jr Groom, Herbert. Hubbard, R. H.. Hasson, C.C Jones, Jounie B. King, A.J... Magill, R.C.. McKinlay, J Maguire, M. McGrane, J.J Mayo, John D.. Moisson, J.O.. Myers, Joseph O'Keefe, T. O Quiulivan, J. V kann, T.J Riley, W.H. Robinson, W. H.. Skipper, K. P Sweeney, J.H... Smith, Jett.. Smith, James C Thatcher, J.Q 13047 9501 9535 13024 13046 13036 9545 9548 9563 . 13060 9506 9517 954.1 9567 9590 13028 13065 9565 13030 9566 9587 13040 9509 9558 9572 13021 9551 C Chief engineers (inland). Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. 31 Nov, 23 Knight, J.N 10 Jan. 2 Ketchum, W.A. 12 Mar. 31 Lassiter, J.J.. 19 Oct. 15 | Lockwood, R. H. 7 Nov. 22 Lindquist, Charles. 7 Oct. 30 Latinier, H. G 19 Apr. 15 McCarrel, M.M 19 Apr. 21 McClellan, A 13 May 22 Murphy, J. J 17 Dec. 10 Mattocks, W. L 15 Jan. 4 McGorty, a 25 Jan. 29 McCarrel, R. 12 apr. 7 M.), John.. 16 May 29 McGinu, G 15 July 29 McKevlin, T. J 27 Oct. 23 Mcintosh, W.A 13 Dec. 27 Mortimere, Wm 17 May 29 Mason, J. W 25 Oct. 25 Meitzler, J. 16 May 29 Morris, N 12 July 19 Newkirk, W.S 16 Noy. 12 Newkirk, H. F 16 Jan. 13 ! Newkirk, B. W 12 May 17 Nois, Robert. 21 June 12 O'Brien, J. E 16 Oct. 9 O'Rourke, James 13 Apr. 26 O'Connor, J. J... Pinckney, R. H.. Pearsall, E Platt, P.F.. Pinckney, W.E.. 14 Feb. 25 Pittman, Ernest 7 Mar. 12 Parkin, Herbert 15 | July 14 Palmer. W. C... 18 Oct. 9 Price, W.C.. 8 Oct. 29 Parris, T. E 15 Jan. 2 Parkin, T.E. 16 Mar. 5 Richardson, C. 2 Mar. 25 Robinson, E.W.. 28 Mar. 31 Register, R. B. Reed, G.R. 5 May 17 Rhodes, J.J.. 17 Oct. 26 Ruti, P. M.. 17 Oct. 29 Rowland, J. L. 15 Nov. 11 Risloy, J.H.. 15 2 Russell, B. R 13 Jan. 4 Rice, Jerry 6 Feb. 25 Roberts, B.M Apr. 15 Sassard, H. W 8 June 4 Sykes, A. V 13 June 18 Shubrick, L 17 | July 3 Sellers, R. A 9 Aug. 3 Suith, R. G. 9 Smith, Angus 20 Sept. 4 Stevens, W.Y 18 Oct. 12 Stewart, J.O. 8 Oct. 22 Smith, J. G.. 17 Dec. 3 Stevens, J.S... 16 July 14 Taylor, J.D.. .... 23 Apr. 17 Thompson, J. M 16 i June 19 Thornton, T. H.. 12 dug. 16 Taft, Walter.. 10 Oct. 21 Tonchtone, W. H 15 Jan. 30 Wilcox, A.F 16 May 15 Williams, T. G. 15 July 14 Walslı, M. d... 12 Oct. 30 Whitford, Reid . Mar. 2 Warren, E. D. 15 Apr. Apr. 2 Ward, Herbert 4 Apr. 3 Webb, J.J... 6 Aug. 20 Waters, J. V 25 Apr. 15 Windsor, N. 11 May 17 Whitford, J. 1) 15 Aug. 16 Willis, P.A. 25 Sept. 28 Wilson, J. G.. 3 Nov. 24 Woodward, J.M.. 7 Dec. 10 Wiswell, G. C... 5 Jan. 4 Yockel, John. 9586 13058 9510 9516 9555 9592 9520 9521 9532 9536 9581 9600 13012 13014 13015 13042 13043 13054 13059 13003 9564 9580 13020 13045 9513 9524 13029 9507 9511 9512 9549 9568 9569 9599 13023 13031 13050 9550 9553 9554 9562 9574 9578 13005 13011 18037 13048 13052 9519 9526 9342 9361 9585 9589 13001 13016 13051 13066 9529 9571 9573 9591 13057 9508 9525 9531 9552 9575 9588 9594 9596 13009 13026 13041 13044 13055 13064 9597 s pr. 17 3 July 15. 6 Dec. 8 17 Jan. 14 9 Jan. 23 13 May S 10 July 30 8 Teb. 16 4 Teb. 25 8 Mar. 25 7 Mar. 31 15 July 9 5 Aug. 16 14 Sept. 4 11 Sept. 22 6 Sept. 24 11 Nov. 12 17 Nov. 15 15 Dec. 3 10 Dec. 8 16 Dec. 14 14 May 26 12 July 6 16 ! Oct. 9 15 Nov. 16 10 Jan. 19 9 Feb. 27 11 Oct. 25 11 Jan. 5 7 Tan. 15 16 Do. 9 Apr. 24 4 May 31 5 June 4 8 Aug. 7 121 Oct. 15 8 Oct. 26 17 Nov. 27 21 Apr. 24 15 May 4 11 May 6 4 May 22 4 June 12 15 June 30 12 Aug. 18 14 Sept. 4 17 Nov. 2 13 Nov. 23 17 Nov. 30 17 Feb. 12 14 Mar. 2 12 Apr. 15 25 May 19 15 July 15 16 July 24 6 Aug. 16 14 Sept. 25 10 Nov. 29. 11 Dec. 27 18 Mar. 6 6 June 12 18 15 July 29 6 Dec. 3 12 Jan. 5 10 Mar. 1 7 Mar. 12 7 May ) 4 June 16 14 July 22 17 Aug. 3 5 13 Sept. 1 1 Oct. 21 15 Nov. 12 16 Nov. 16 13 Dec. 3 1 Dec. 18 6 Aug. 6 Bell, J.J Barr, Gid. Blair, Andrei Butts, L. A Bowdoin, H. L Cosby, I. L. Creel, J.I Carty, S. Coles, Nero Conner, G. V.. Cunningham, A. C Crouch, L. P Cuttino, Isaac Colford, Thomas. Dey, Charles P Donglass, J.J. Dougherty, H. Dittmar, G.. Dixon, T. G., jr. Doig, M.T Doar, E.D Dupree, J. F Doyle, P.C. Driver, H. M.. Doig, J.S. Daggett, B. F Dozior, J.T Elliott, C. W. Francis, D. A Fisher, J.M.C.. Flowers, W. H Falconer, J.M Gilbert, J.D Gorman, J.S Grimsteac, G. W. Gatlin, J. Ć Harrison, J.C. C... Hawkius, F Hall, C.H. Haselden, E. Jones, Bryant. Jowell, c." Jones, N. W Jones, James H Johnson, J.B Jordan, T.R Kinyon, W.A.. Jan. 9523 9530 9582 13019 13033 9502 9528 9533 9537 9547 9560 13032 13034 13038 9503 9504 9522 9543 9570 9576 9579 9595 13008 13010 13022 13027 13056 9584 9546 9577 13003 13025 9518 9557 9583 13035 9527 9538 9540 13007 9544 9559 13002 13017 13049 13061 9505 18 Aug. 31 Do. 13 C. Aug. 6 57-10 146 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Charleston, S. C.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Nano. No. of No. of Date of liceuse.issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steainers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. First assistant engi- neers (inland). Apr. 22 3469 3441 3425 3440 3466 3408 3438 3402 3404 3422 3467 3405 3458 12 Dec. 8 3 July 19 11 May 6 1 July 19 3 Nov. 24 21 Feb. 10 6 July 17 1 | Jap. 8 12 Jan. 14 1 Apr. 16 8 Nov. 30 2 Jan. 27 Oct. 23 - 1 3420 3437 3429 3449 3421 4 Apr. 9 3 July 8 10 May 15 14 Sept. 14 5 Apr. 15 Adair, W. S... Allston, Jerry Bennett, D... Bacou, L. R. Beach, G.J. Carr, Thomas. Dupree, C.F.. Dicksey, J. W. B.... Douglass, D. W Edwards, T.M... Fulton, S.A Gay, Joseph IV Gatlin, A.J.. Henry, Kelly Henderson, M Jones, James Jacobs, Moses Keachley, T.H Lassey, Moses Lassiter, R. B... Lachicotte, St. J.M Murphy, J.D., jr. Moultrie, s Mills, B... Marine, Archie Neal, Henry Oglesby, Elmon. Parkin, James Pregnall, H. N. Reynolds, A. K Rivers, Frank Rivers, Geo. F.. Rorrland, C.J. Roberts, W.F Reynolds, J.T Rooks. J. H. Ruft, Walter E... Ray, William Ritts, B. H... Smith. F.S. Stouti G. W... Woodward, A. H... Warren, J. B. Williams, Peter... Williams, Sam 3423 3451 3430 3455 3462 3-403 3412 3443 34601 3426 3464 3416 3445 3442 3448 3446 3:456 3435 34453 3454 3459 3407 3414 3415 3468 3419 3457 3401 3436 3410 3413 3418 3427 3428 3444 3452 3461 3465 3471 3406 3-133 3431 3434 3463 3470 1 Eagles, Hector. 14 Sept. 28 ) Gilbert, Andrew 10 May 27 Flatwood, John 4 Oct. 11 Jollie, W.P. 10 Nov. 11 Kilpatrick, W. B. 13 Jan. 11 McGuire, Adam 1 Feb. 25 Meadows, T. H. 7 Aug. 18 Peoples, J. A... 8 Nov. 3 Parkin, E 6 May 6 Sammons, S. L. 4 Nov. 13 Swain, Joseph 3 Mar. 15 Ventres, Wic 15 Aug. 20 Ward, R. L 15 Aug. 18 7 Sept. 14 Second assistant engi- 7 Aug. 24 neur's (ocean). 13 Oct. 18 1 June 19 Caffyn, F.J 11 (ct. Haselden, G. R. 5 1 Oct. 9 Lynch, William 4 Nov. 1 McCarty, D.... 4 Feb. 8 Tiunerliolm, F. K 18 Mar. 4 Second assistant engi- 10 Mar. 13 13 Dec. neers (inland). 8 14 1 Apr. 7 Huertas, F. 1 Oct. 22 Jones, Fred. E.. 8 | Jan. 6 Third assistant engi- 15 June 25 13 Tob. 12 neer's (ocean). 11 Mar. 3 Murphy, P.P.. 8 Apr. 7 Platt, T. A.. 11 May 7 Spellman, P.D.. li May 8 12 Aug. 20 Special engineers. 12 Sept. 28 Beach, Arthur C.. 6 Nov. 4 Barlow, John 9 Nov. 23 Baker, John C. 2 Dec. 18 Chisholm, W.B 2 Jan. 27 Daye, John F 8 June 18 Duncan, 1Villiam 2 June 12 Finnegan, G. W W ... 9 June 19 Godbolt, G. O 12 Nov. 11 Holmes, Jolin 1 Dec. 8 Hall, C.E. King, S. F McInnes, S. R.. Shriver, Fred. Shipp, Isaac 8 Sept. 13 White, S.I. 10 Sept. 14 Walker, F 5 Feb. 10 Wright, B. F.. 3432 3411 生​7 June 12 Feb 16 3424 3417 3439 3 May 1 5 Mar. 18 1 July 17 O 1407 1411 1415 1417 1409 1410 1416 1414 1401 1413 1404 1412 1402 1408 1403 1405 1406 3 July 28 3 Ang. 26 1 Dec. 1 7 Dec. 28 4 Aug. 24 5 Do. 8 Dec. 15 8 Nov, 8 Jan. 21 3 Oct. 9 2 Apr. 3 1 Sept. 3 3 Mar. 15. 1 Aug. 21 1 | Mar. 25 11 May 18 2 July 6. First assistant engi- neers (ocean). Brennan, T Burdges, W.R ... Scanlan, C.B.. 3447 3450 3409 LOCAL DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, GA. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Savannah, Ga. Name. I No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Apr. 22 Anderson, Ernest. Aranburn, Audre. Avery, Frank B. Armstrong, W.D Acken, A. I Askins, S.L Avery, Van B. Auderson, C.J Ashmore, Arthur.. Benefield, George Barnes, W.G... 9604 9642 9651 9665 9698 11806 11818 11825 11829 9612 9623 3 Jan. 9 10 17 | May 14 18 June 14 12 Sept. 13 19 Sept. 28 20 Oct. 18 9 Oct. 27 4 Nov. 4 15 Jan. 28 10 | Tab. 20 Battie, C.W. Browne, John. Boulineau, F.C Bailey, W.F.. Burg, C.G.S Bliss, J.S Baya, J.F. Bell, James Boyle, D.... Bevill, Jessie S. Clark, T.G... 9627 9648 9668 9687 118.13 11819 11824 11836 11846 11822 9614 S Mar. 10 12 May 7 6 June 15 17 July 29 18 Oct. 11 20 Oct. 21 13 Oct. 27 10 Nov. 30 18 Dec. 30 22 Oct. 25 9 Feb. 5 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 147 Master's licensel-Savannal. Ga.-Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license.issue. issue. Chadwick, s Clark, J.S Chadwick, B. B... Cook, J. B. Caffray, C. V Craig, John A.. Crofut, G.S. Carroll, J.E. Crawford, W.S Cairns, T.S. Chadwick, W.H. Daniels, W.T., jr Daniels, E.F Doughty, O.R. Dart, w. Daggett, H.C... Downs, Robert. Daniels, T.J... Day, John L.... Edwards, J.F .. Ely, C.C Ferguson, W.M Fitzgerald, John. Fitzgerald, E. B... Fahm, B. S... Foster, Enos... Fleetwood, W. H. Floyd, J. W. Fisher, W.E. Ferrebee, WA Finney, P.B Gustafsen, F Green, F.J Googins, C.B.. Gens, William Garnett, J.G Godwin, C.F Henry, W. W Hayuesworth, J.H Hooper, G. G. Howard. C. W Hudson, Robert. Haines, C. W ... Hatch, J.C Healy, T.F Hallowes. L. E.. Harrison, T.F.. Hamilton, S.P.. Henley, A. H Henry, Isaac.. Johnson, Richard Jenkins, George W Jenkins, M Jacobs, J.Q. Johnson, A. F... Kavanaugh, John... Kuhse, Frank Keen, J.F Keevil, Charles Lewis, H.C Loe, V.G. Laird, T. EI Laird, T. A., jr. 9616 9618 8631 9635 9660 9676 9685 9699 11802 11814 11843 9605 9626 9653 9674 11801 11835 11841 11847 9611 11837 9615 9630 9633 9641 9677 11803 11804 11823 11832 11844 964-4 9646 11808 1) 817 11834 11839 9613 9621 9628 9636 9610 9643 9650 9669 9681 9682 9691 11810 11816 9664 9684 9690 9696 11920 9637 9656 9672 11821 9625 9632 9645 9654 21 Feb. 10 Lossere, F. B. 13 Feb. 12 | Lomm, Leo 12 Mar. 15 Lossere, J. F.. 17 Mar. 29 Marmelstein, C.A 13 June 5 Mack, J.F 28 July 9 Mackin, C. G... 17 July 19 Mobley, Byrd 17 Sept. 13 Murray, c. 27 Sept. 21 Mulligan, J. E 21 Oct. 12 McPherson, 3 7 Dec. 18 Mayer. R. W 7 Jan. 15 McBurrows, J.S 19 Mar. 4 Marmelstein, a 11 May 19 McCallum, J. E 17 Juie 30 Murray, C. E 25 Sept. 17 Miller, J. W 17 Nov. 23 Phillips, B. C 7 Dec. 13 Phillips, D. W 19 Dec. 30 Paget, Edward.. 18 Jan. 28 Peck, John F 7 Nov. 29 Paine, Edward. 6 Tel. 5 Patterson, W. A 20 Mar. 13 Payne, W.A... 10 Mar. 15 Packard, T.D 17 pr. 22 Rogerson, W. H. 18 July 10 Rossignol, George W... 27 Sept. 21 Robeson, J. D.. 14 Do. Roberts, U.M. 18 Oct. 25 Shekells, T. W 11 Nov. 19 Sweeney, Charles . 11 Dec. 20 Scott, E. EL.... 9 Apr. 27 Strobhar, John B. 28. May 7 Stevenson, J.P... 24 Oct. 4 Sharp, Robert. 12 Oct. 18 Stone, Edward N. 16 Nov. 23 Somerville, W.M. 25 Dec. 10 Strange, T. S... 10 Feb. 5 St. Clair, James 6 Feb. 17 Smith, T. A.. 10 Mar. 10 Spencer, W. Et 15 Apr. 3 Smith, Frederick K... 11 Apr. 16 Stroblar, H.A.. 19 Apr. 22 Towles, V.T 21 May 7 Turner, E.G. 15 June 15 Thompson, W.J 24 July 14 Townsend, C. C.. 16 Do. Tupper, W.M. 9 Aug. 24 Torrent, Joseph F... 2 Oct. 6 Ulmo, W.C 31 Oct. 18 Usipa, M. P 15 June 14 Vail, Edgar E.. 17 July 16 White, W. C.--.. 7 Aug. 10 Williams. George 25 Sept. 11 Wilson, James. 12 Oct. 24 Woolviu, R. B... 13 Apr. 3 Winn, F. B.... 10 June 5 Wright, Duncan 18 June 26 Wilcox, Z. K. 14 Oct. 21 Wood, Joon W.. 11 Feb. 27 ! White, B. A., jr 17 Mar. 15 Ward, P. H. 8 May 5 Wilcox, J.J.. 17 DIay 22 Yates, G. H.. 9694 11845 9667 9601 9658 9670 9697 9700 11805 11807 11830 11831 11833 11838 9618 11840 9607 9617 9622 9624 9638 9647 9657 9662 9652 9678 11827 11828 9609 9610 9620 .9634 9639 9649 9659 9663 9675 9693 9688 11809 11826 11842 9603 9608 9686 9689 9692 11815 9629 9680 9683 9602 9606 9655 9661 9666 9671 9673 9679 11811 11812 11848 9695 10 Aug. 27 16 Dec. 29 11 June 14 20 Jan. 6 12 June 5 9 June 15 14 Sept. 13 1 Sept. 15 8 Sept. 28 7 Sept. 30 10 Nov. 9 29 Nov. 10 19 Nov. 18 20 Dec. 5 Feb. 10 8 Do. 18 Jan. 23 3 Feb. 12 10 Feb. 18 23 Feb. 22 19 A pr. 6 12 liay 7 28 June 5 11 June 11 17 May 15 22 July 14 14 Nov. 4 22 Do. 16 Jan. 26 20 Do. 11 Feb. 17 17 Mar. 18 6 Apr. 13 11 | May 1 24 Juno 5 16 June 14 11 | July 6 14 Aug. 25 9 Aug. 3 21 Oct. 5 23 Oct. 27 13 Oct. 18 10 Jan. 7 23 June 25 14 July 26 14 Aug. 10 14 Aug. 25 18 Oct. 12 8 Mar. 10 24 July 14 8 18 Jan. 7 21 Jan. 16 1 May 24 1 June 10 10 June 14 14 June 26 12 Do. 6 July 14 1 Oct. 7 17 Oct. 8 10 Dec. 30 16 Sept. 11 O Do. . Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Savannah, Ga. 1204 2 Robins, J.J... Long, H. F... Olsen, M. Oscar. 1206 1207 1 6 Sept. 3 Do. Juno 8 1 Mates and pilots licenser during the year ended December 31, 1897–Savannah, Ga. Cromell, L. M.. Daggett, 1. A.. Howlett, James. 1201 1202 1203 7 1. 16 Feb. 25 Teb. 27 Mar. 31 Lustig, d. C... Murray, T.G.J 1205 1208 11 4 Aug. 4 Sept. 4 148 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Savannah, Ga. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. 17 Alebury, Rufus Anderson, M.A. Bohler, J. W Barr, John W. Brown, Robert Baker, W. M... Curtis, Samuel... Coker, J. M Cbadwick, James Dalbon, C.. Donglass, Fred Delaney, D. S Daniels, H.C Daniels, J. W Everhardt, Gus.. Evans, V. E. Edwards, Alexander... Ferguson, James Fader, George S Fleetwood, C. G Gaumont, G. E. L... Houston, Henry Hiser, John C... Haynes, March Hardee, Charles Jensen, Ingman. Kampen, T.W.. Laster, Virgil. Miller, Charles A.. McCall, Norman Matthews, John Noble, Raymond. Nightingale, Ben. Oemler, Augustus Perkins, Lipton. Parker, P.B.. Rafferty, John Robinson, R. F.. Ramsay. James Steyin, Jos. A Sparr, TT.S Starr, John Seabrook, Edward Vance, J. TV Von Harten, William Wilkinson, Augustus.. Wiggins, Lewis.. Wilson, George B..., 2238 2215 2203 2210 2218 2219 2233 2214 2221 2235 2246 2224 2225 2243 2204 2228 2240 2216 2248 2234 2226 2239 2202 2217 2222 2245 2242 2207 2205 2232 2241 2230 2244 2236 2211 2212 2213 2220 2223 2227 2229 2237 2206 2231 2247 2201 2208 2209 Oct. 1 6 Apr. 27 9 Jan. 18 11 Mar. 15 13 Mar. 17 9 June 5 3 Sept. 11 9 Apr. 27 9 Juile 5 13 Sept. 17 S Dec. 8 15 June 24 4 June 26 3 Oct. 27 9 Jan. 28 14 July 12 10 Oct. 8 8 Apr. 27 13 Dec. 30 4 Sept. 15 13 June 26 20 Oct. 5 10 Jau. 18 23 A pr. 30 9 June 5 8 Nov. 30 12 Oct. 15 9 Mar. 13 6 Feb. 5 16 Sept. 9 11 Oct. 14 14 Aug. 25 15 Oct. 30 8 Sept. 27 13 Apr. 5 10 Apr. 16 12 Do. 25 Juno 5 19 Do. 9 July 12 10 Aug. 4 7 Sept. 28 10 Mar. 4 7 Sept. 9 6 Dec. 10 11 Jani. 11 19 Mar. 15 12 Do. Chadwick, Peter Clark, I'. G Caillet, A. I Craig, M. A Campbell, H. K. Cook, Alfred.. Dudley, E. B., ji Dalbon, C. A Dunham, V. J.. Evatt, WI Folker, J. O.. Torstensen, Sol. . Terrill, George E.... Finister, Frank.. Goodbread, Walton Grier, 2. B.. Gould, A.C.... Hardlee, J.R. Hazzard, V. J Haman, William. Harris, Y, 1 Houston, C. Hendrickson, W. W... Healy, John Jones, T. C Judkins, J. H. Koppered, A.J.. Long, H. Í McCall, H. M. McCormac, William. Maley, J. K.. Mann, J. R Newton, S. D Page, W. E... Paul, Peter L.. Quigley, Joseph Rossignol, W. Ray lord, W. W Riley, W.E. Sigler, J.D Shemettella, Theo Smith, Alfred. Stathain, Norman Speed, Sipio Thornton, T. W Thiede, Oscar. Webb, T.F.. Williams, W. M Williams, Perry Wordeu, E.. Wright, J. B... 2702 2706 2710 2735 2758 2759 2713 2728 2750 2755 2714 2725 2748 2717 2729 2732 2746 2760 2752 2737 2701 2703 2727 2731 2754 2719 2709 2710 2721 2742 2722 2734 2726 2730 2753 2739 2738 2743 2757 2708 2712 2716 2747 2756 2705 2736 2749 2751 2715 2718 2733 8 Jan. 20 5 Jan. 28 4 Feb. 17 2 July 7 8 Dec. 10 8 Dec. 30 3 Mar. 15 12 June 5 1 Sept. 11 5 Oct. 9 3 Mar. 15 8 May 7 9 Sept. 9 2 Mar. 15 2 June 5 4 June 26 3 Aug. 25 6 Dec. 30 14 Sept. 28 9 July 14 1 Jan. 16 6 Jan. 23 5 June 5 4 June 15 14 Oct. 9 3 A pr. 3 1 Teb. 6 3 | July 16 10 Apr. 22 7 July 19 7 Apr. 22 1 Apr. 24 1 May 14 + June 5 8) Oct. 1 5 July 16 2 July 15 1 Aug. 4 1 Nov. 23 8 Teb. 5 1 Teb. 17 11 Mar. 15 10 Aug. 27 7 Oct. 30 8 Jan. 26 2 July 9 6 Feb. 10 12 Feb. 21 5 Mar. 15 9 Mar. 22 10 June 26 Second-class pilots. Special pilots. G Alexander, Charles Anderson, C.J Alexander, C. H. Ames, F.H... Brower. George J... Berry, H. (... 2711 2720 2723 2745 2741 2704 13 Feb. 17 3 Apr. 17 7 9 Aug. 25 8 July 16 1 June 25 Apr. 22 Mitchell, Charles T.... Roberson, Josepl. Tupper, R. 2724 2744 2707 1 Apr. 24 6 Aug. 10 2 Feb. 5 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Savannah, Ga. Buda, G. V. Davis, Jos.. Deveraux, D. E Eastman, Edson A.. Foster, Jas. L Hazzard, W. J.... Halton, T. L.. Jenkens, G. W.S... 758 752 765 757 753 755 762 760 1 June 19 1 Jan. 31 1 Nov. 5 6 June 10 0 Mar. 15 1 May 7 2 Feb. 21 2 | July 16 Jackson, O.V.. Lapham, Jalma Moore, Rit B... Potter, Robert J. Smith, J. W Walton, J.H... Whitmire, J. E. 763 756 759 764 751 764 754 1 Oct. 5 8 Juuo 10 4 June 22 1 Oct. 3 Jan. 24 1 Sept. 4 4 May 7 O STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 149 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Savannah, Ga. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. | issue. I issue. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (in- land)- Continued. A pr. Jan. 1 Bostock, Samuel. Braxton, T. O Barr, F.M. Colding, H. S.. Collius, Michael Carter, J.J. Courier, J.F... Cainpbell, W. O. Clark, D. C.. Christie, W. R. Cornell, A. W. Dart, G. B.. Davis, John. Deveraux, D. H Duncan, James Fox, W. H Fitzgerald, E. B. Gross, Charles W.. Hearring, W. A. Herring, J. J. Howard, C. W.. Fearn, William. Kearney, James Kelly, James... Kenney, Jolin. King, T.E.. Lindfors, C. V Maher, Geo. B. Muller, John Nesselquist, John O'Sullivan, Patrick... O'Keefe, M. J.. Phillips, Hiram. Purdy, W.C... Percy, J. E.. Ranier, C. E.. Ratio, S. L.... Russell, C. V.. Smith, J. C.... Smith, Louis B... Singleton, H. M. Sykes, Luther Slocum, A.lbert L.. Stevenson, John. Thorsen, Arthur. Usina, M. N.... Ulmo, H. C... Vandeveer, Peter. Tail, Thonias.. TValton. W. T.. Walton, Thomas H.. 9628 9637 12332 9614 9620 9641 9644 9660 12307 12314 12328 9684 12316 12317 12337 9619 9626 9636 9611 9694 9696 9687 9695 9633 9657 12308 9610 9645 9700 9618 9675 12323 965+ 12301 12302 9656 9658 9679 9643 9647 9671 9780 12322 12338 9688 9673 12306 12334 9681 9668 12345 23 Mar. 15 Branneu, George T... 19 Apr. 9 Burke, Jacob S Nov. 29 Braswell, S. D. 15 Feb. 9 Burr, H. P 25 Tab. 19 Brannon, R. L.. 17 Apr. 15 Bandy, G. W. 21 pr. 30 Collison, W.C 10 June 2 Craggs, J. EL 8 Oct. 7 Chase, Joseph 17 Oct. 27 Cook, H. S 11 Nov. 18 Cuthbert, E. C 16 Aug. 13 Dreijer, À 17 Oct. 28 Daniels, B. H 11 Oct. 30 Diseker, J. H 25 Dec. 15 Fitchett, J.S... 19 Tel. 19 Fletcher, William. 20 Mar. 15 Geiss, William.. 22 spr. 5 Goodrich, James 4 Jan. 27 Graham, J.M 10 Aug. 30 Eaupt, J. A 15 Sepi. 10 Houston, George C. 15 Aug. 13 Hay, A.P. 14 Sept. 7 Harper, R. G 18 Mar. 30 Judkins, A. W 11 June 4 Johnson, A 10 Oct. 8! Judkins, J. H 12 Jau. 21 Jones, T.J. 6 Apr. 30 Johusou, D. M 5 Sept. 13 Johnson, W.R. 12 Feb. 17 Kennon, C. W 10 July 9 1 Lamon, T. S.. 21 Nov. 10 Lewis, Joun G.. 16 May 24 Lucree, Frank 17 Sept. 22 Lamou, W.F 10 Sept. 24 Lloyd, W.R 25 May 25 Lawless, L. W S June 2 Murray, John. 5 July 20 Matheney, C. A 3 Apr. 27 Morris, J.J 9 | May 6 Markhan, M. V.. 5 June 5 Montmollin, John S. de. 18 July 27 Mitchell, George W .. 13 Nov. 9 Miller, Alvin. 15 Dec. 15 Myers, Joho 0 Aug. 14 Muir, Edwin.. 7 July 9 McCauley, Sonnel P... 34 Sept. 28 Mintz, IV. H 38 Nov. 29 Pacetty, s. F 7 dug. 3 Pacetty, John F 18 June 22 Purdy, C. E 14 Dec. 29 || Palmer, George Pritchard, John J Porter, WV.J Phillips, F. E 25 June 25 Ryan, William 16 Oct. 26 Reynolds, J. W 21 June 11 Ryals, W.R.. 29 Aug. 27 Register, Michael... 14 June 30 Rourke, John... 31 Nov. 12 Ramsey, E. E.. Ieb. 9 Sofield, W.R 17 May 22 Stroblar, John B 23 May 7 Seelman, John.. 6 Jar). 18 Strickland, C. W 20 Dec. 21 ) Shepherd, A. T 23 June 26 Stewart, John 20 June 21 Sanders, Scott B .. Tompkins, T.C 8 May 24 21 1 June 2 Terry, E. D 22 Aug. 13 Thornton, V. G. Williams, Jos. W Wrye, W. E Watson, W. R Wenz, Albert E. 4 Apr. 3 Wilson, A. P... 18 | Aug. 24 Williamson, C. A 12318 12343 9625 9638 9639 9640 1674 12339 9601 9621 9659 9616 9685 12305 9602 12341 9609 9649 12344 9624 9642 9698 12303 9607 9629 9632 9662 9666 9697 12333 9608 9652 9664 12330 12311 9678 9612 9627 9651 9653 9665 9699 12304 12315 12310 12326 12331 9676 9677 9622 9623 12319 9690 9693 12313 9605 9617 9663 9691 12320 9604 9630 12309 12321 12325 12336 12340 9613 9631 9634 9646 9682 9686 12327 12329 12335 5 Nov. 4 12 Dec. 27 2 Mar. 9 11 9 8 Apr. 12 15 | A pr. 14 20 Jan. 9 17 Dec. 17 18, Jan. 6 9 Feb. 25 12 June 2 10 Feb. 10 14 Aug. 13 5 Sept. 28 10 6 24 Dec. 20 4 Jan. 21 10 May 10 12 Dec. 29 14 Mar. 8 Sept. 16 2 Sept. 7 12 Sept. 27 3 Jan. 20 6 Mar. 15 26 Mar. 22 7 June 2 15 June 11 10 Sept. 7 14 Nov. 29 17 Jan. 20 5 May 22 4 June 10 14 Nov. 23 13 Oct. 12 17 July 10 20 Feb. 5 14 Mar. 15 15 May 24 1 May 25 15 June 10 7 Sept. 10 15 Sept. 27 7 Oct. 27 10 Oct. 11 5 Nov. 15 14 Nov. 29 26 July 10 22 Do. 22 Tel. 27 10 Mar. 6 Nov. 4 15 Aug. 25 14 Aug. 27 20 Oct. 27 14 Jan. 16 13 Feb. 17 16 June 2 3 Aug. 25 21 Nov. 5 19 Jan. 16 11 Mar. 18 S! Oct. 8 11 , Nov. 9 16 Nov. 13 12 Dec. 9 10 Dec. 18 19 Feb. 9 5 Mar. 18 10 Mar. 30 6 May 6 9 Aug. 13 6 Do. 7 Nov. 18 11 Do. 12 Nov. 29 0 Chief engineers (bay and sound). Baker, Thomas. Brewer, J. J... Carthey, P. P.. Craig, Seward A. Dart, W.R.. Ezekiel, J. W Fernandez, A.. Fitzgeralıl, Thomas. Fitzgerald, J.B.... Haile, J.C.... Healy, Thomas F.. Hills, w. B. Mare, Robert... Parry, G. E... Raffi, J. S. Smith, G. W... 9670 12312 9603 9692 9672 12324 9615 9650 9648 9606 12342 9669 9667 9655 9661 9683 Chief engineers (inland.) Aimes, W.C... Atkinson, H. L + 9635 9689 150 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Savannah, Ga.-Continued. Namo. No. of No.of Date of license. issuo. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liconso. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of stearners of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Second assistant engi. Neers (ocean)-Con- tipuen. 3555 3509 3547 3550 3545 3512 6 Dec. 13 3 Mar. 29 6 Oct. 29 3 Nov. 13 5 Oct. 26 6 Apr. 6 Bacon, Turpin Brower, George J.. Brown, Henry S... Brown Samuel.. Campbell, E. A Dawson, R. J. Dart, H. L. Ellis, V.A.N. Firth, Luther. Gould, S. R.P Hough, J. M. Hopkins, Daniel Kinney, C.B... Long, C.T. Mills, Daniel. Marr, P. H.. Mann, M.C.. Russell, John. Ratcliffe, H. E. Sullivan, Sylvester Southmayd. John Thiede, Oscar. Twiggs, A.J Van Dorn, W 3544 3531 3515 3540 3533 3543 3511 3536 3522 3549 3548 3532 3525 3506 3520 3519 3553 3539 3504 3523 3528 3529 3542 3516 3502 3552 3510 3541 3513 3551 3508 3538 1 Jan. 3 1 Nov. 26 1 Mar. 31 7 Sept. 23 2 Apr. 19 1 Nov. 15 1 Mar. 20 13 Ang. 12 2 Sept. 14 Brooks, R. P.. 8 July 16 Malloy, Thomas 2 Apr. 30 Malloy, Peter. 5 Sept. 21 Stapford, E.F.. 15 July 19 Stewart, Harry 2 Oct. S Traynor, William .1 Mar. 31 ? July 28 Third assistant engi- 3 June 8 neers (ocean). 4 Nov. 9 4 Oct. 30 Conaty, Patrick. 15 | July 16 Daly, T. F.. 5 June 29 Harrison, Daniel. 1 Feb. 5 Jordani, Michael 14 June 5 Paine, Edward, jr. 3 May 29 L'arry, Dowd.. 7 Dec. 8 Phillips, J. W. 2 Sept. 7 Salter, W.L 2 Jan. 23 6 June 10 Assistant engineers 17 July 2 (inland). 2 July 9 4 Oct. 1 Huntingdon, J. W 11 Apr. 30 Latimer, R. M Mover. Rudolph Martinson, Martin. Wade, M. D... 8 May 14, Special engineers. 19 July 1 14 Jurie 21 Boyle, William 14 Jan. 2 Dasher, William 14 July 22 Durward, James. 34 July 1 Drayton, David . 6 June 8 Freeman, Jobu R.. Hardee, John R.. Harmon, Cain Williams, C.N.. Walker, J.G.. 3 Apr. 24 Watson, W.J 3503 3554 3530 3517 3537 3 Jan. 18 9 Dec. 10 15 July 14 3 May 7 2 Aug. 10 First assistant engi- neers (ocean). Albue, Olut Davis, William Flint, C. L Foster, C. V. Manan, John J.... Ormeston, Edward.. Wilson, Harry M .. 3518 3526 3524 3501 3335 2527 3521 3556 3507 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 3534 3546 3505 1 Dec. 23 10 Mar. 15 13 Do. 1 Apr. 15 4 Sept. 7 3 Sept. 21 1 Sept. 27 2 July 20 3 Oct. 27 3 Jan. 29 Second assistant engi- neers (ocean). Burns, A. D.... 3514 LOCAL DISTRICT OF JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Jacksonville, Fla. Namo. No. of No.of Date of || license. i issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Gilbert, Marshall C... 9755 8 June 4 Hammant, Henry Chas. 9794 21 Oct. 30 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897---Jacksonville, Fla. Allen, Daniel H... Anshutz, Charles L. Amazoen, John L... Brock, Charles H.. Broward, Napoleon A.. Brown, Augustus W Buie, A. W... Broward, Montcalm. Bravo, Stephen A.. Brooks. William A Biggs, William H. Creaser, Thomas . Cable, Henry L.. Conklin, De Witt C... Colee, James L..... 9759 9781 13608 9703 9712 9715 9743 9767 9769 9795 13601 9702 9746 9748 9749 15 | June 8 1 Sept. 8 22 Dec. 13 26 Jan. 6 2 Jan. 30 10 Feb. 4 15 Apr. 19 18 July 14 18 July 21 25 Nov. 13 16 Nov. 29 18 Jan. 6 20 May 6 10 | May 7 2 | May 8 Chichester, W.O. Coleman, Michael V.. De Grove, Henry D.... Douglass, Alex. M., sr. Douglass, Rorterick. Dennette, Samuel L.... Davis, Thomas S. Dunham, David s.... Douglass, Alex. M., jr. Emery, Charles H... Floyd, Stephen Fulton, Charles... Fischer, Christian F... Floyd, Theodore B. Floyd, Charles E 9776 13606 9736 9739 9753 9758 9763 9766 9797 9731 9701 9709 9722 9727 9732 12 Aug. 10 3 Dec. 7 16 Apr. 7 9 Apr. 13 16 May 18 17 Juno 7 1 July 9 34 July 14 2 Nov. 18 18 Mar. 24 2 Jan. 6 12 Jan. 27 15 Feb. 24 14 Mar. 6 18 Mar. 26 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 151 Masters and pilots licensed-Jacksonville, Fla.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of! Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Apr. 1 Apr. 19 Fetting, Carl A. Fromberger, Henry B.. Fulford, W. H. Fozzard, Harry Fitz Hugh, N. R., jr Garner, Charles E Gleason, George G Gilmore, Frederick A.. • Greatorex, Frank H., ST Gibbs, S. S..... Gordon, Robert D Harrison, William H .. Houston, Frank . Henson, Fletcher Hallowes, William A.. Hall, Isaac C Houston, John. Jones, William T. Johnson, Bradish W. ... Kemble, Edmund. Kemps, David ... Knight, Calvin E. Lovelace, John A. Lund, Thomas W., jr. Lamer, Frank W Lansing, Frank B L'Engle, John C.... Loder, Robert Lourcy, William M. Loug, Marvin W Lucas, J. E. Lewis, William T. Letson, Benjamin F La Bree, S. M. Munson, Charles B.. Miller, John W.. McCormick, Wm. H.. Manucy, Philip J... McCotter, Charles R... Matheson, Jolin S.. Manucy, Joseph .. 9733 9756 9792 13607 13609 9728 9764 9772 9775 9784 9785 9735 9744 9777 9790 9798 13612 9708 9773 9706 9707 9787 9705 9711 9719 9724 9725 9740 9741 9757 9762 9770 13605 13611 9704 9713 9720 9721 9723 9726 9729 S McIntyre, William H.. 11 June 4 Miranda, Frank A.... 18 Oct. 23 Merritt, D. W... 1 Dec. 11 McNelty, William T.. 15 Dec. 14 Mercier, George J 16 Mar. 9 Myers, John W... 8 | July 12 McCarthy, R. J 1.1 July 30 Moore, Will. H. 11 Aug. 9 Merrill, James E.. 13 Sept. 28 McCurdy, W. H. 9 | Sopt. 29 O'Farrell, John 13 Apr. 6 Payne, Frank R. 8 Phares, A. J., jr. 2 Aug. 12 Pryor, George H. 21 Oct. 16 i Parsons, J. B.. 25 Nov. 20 Partridye, Benjamin S 12 Dec. 28 Paddison, R. T. 26 Jan. 23 Potter, A. B.. 12 Aug. 3 Rhoades, John F 15 Jan. 23 Roberts, William E. 19 Jan. 29 Slattery, Michael J 12 Oct. 4. Schoonmaker, Charles J 15 | Jan. 15 Smith, Joseph H.. 24 i Jan. 28 Santina, Frank A. 22 Feb. 18 Sabate, Francis S 14 Mar. 3 Spiers, W.B.. 9 Mar. 5 Shaw, William A 29 Apr. 14 Somers, Samuel B.... 14 Apr. 15 Sheldon, R.S 11 Juno 4 Thompson, Harry A.. 19 June 30 Taylor, Charles E.. 1 July 24 Terry, James C.. 15 Dec. 7 Tuttle, E.S 12 Dec. 18 Thompson, Sylvester B 14 9 Vogel, Leopold... 33 Feb. 6 White, H. L. 13 Feb. 19 Walker, E, B.... 19 Feb. 23 Watson, Charles H 13 Mar. 2 Wallace, George W 15 Mar. 5 Watson, William B.... 16 Mar. 13 9734 9774 9780 9782 9788 9789 9791 9799 9800 13613 9750 9730 9752 9779 9783 9786 13602 13610 9716 9793 9737 9738 9745 9751 9754 9760 9761 13603 13604 9713 9717 9765 9768 9771 9796 9710 9714 9742 9747 9775 26 Apr. 1 17 Aug. 4 11 Sept. 4 19 Sept. 11 22 Oct. 16 2 Do. 7 Oct. 19 12 Nov. 24 8 Nov. 29 13 Dec. 30 15 May 11 22 Mar. 22 1 May 17 13 Sept. 2 22 Sept. 27 9 Oct. 2 26 Nov. 29 15 Dec. 16 13 Feb. 4 1 Oct. 25 17 Apr. 9 13 Apr. 10 26 May 3 2 May 13 7 June 1 1 Juno 8 27 June 11 17 Nov. 30 1 Dec. 5 1 Tel. 1 11 Feb. 6 17 July 13 10 July 19 15 July 28 25 Nov. 15 15 Jan. 27 15 Tel. 2 9 Apr. 15 17 May 7 10 Aug. 18 Jan. Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Jacksonville, I'la. 15 1253 12 Dennette, Frank. Rastad, Andrew K.. Rogers, Jolin H Do. 1251 1232 May 17 Doc. 23 7 Pilots licensed during the ycar ended December 31, 1897--Jacksonville, Fla. First-class pilots. 1'irst-class pilots-- Continued. Allen, Edward C Butler, Albert Counts, Honry Davis, Henderson. Davis, Rufus W. Daniels, John V Escridge, Daniel W.. Falana, James... Fitzhugh, N. R., sr.. Gleason, W. H. H.. Harris, John E.. Haywood, Samuel C Hyde, Conrad C.. Hausen, Edward Hodgson, Henry W Henry, Augustus... Iwanowski, Alexander Jennings, Salomon Johnson, Edwin H Kean, Edward M Kitchell, William M... Kean, Lawrence H Lewis, John Lauther, J.C 2329 2338 2310 2309 2820 2330 2339 2327 2342 2334 2306 2307 2321 2331 2333 2343 2323 2315 2335 2328 2332 2336 2318 2319 18 Jilly 9 17 | Nov. 13 21 Fel). 19 17 Jan. 29 9 Juno 30 4 July 16 25 Nov. 16 14 June 30 9 Nov. 30 7 Sept. 7 1 Jan. 23 10 Jan. 26 2 | May 11 1 Aug. 10 10 Aug. 26 16 Dec. 8 12 May 19 21 Apr. 10 1 Sept. 15 8 July 8 11 Aug. 14 1 Sept. 30 24 Apr. 24 5 Apr. 30 Myers, Beckman Martin, John Miller, Lewis C... Merrill, Alexander R.. Myers, Emanuel... Mickler, Edward J... Page, Samuel C. Payne, James A Pacetti, B. A Proskey. Winfield S... Rossignol, Frederick E. Spaulding. George W. Simmons, Thomas A.. Spencer, Charles. Saunches, Joseph S... Williams, George W W.. White John. Washington, John W. Wilson, Robert.. 2301 2302 2312 2324 2326 2341 2304 2316 2317 2340 2337 2305 : 2308 2314 2325 2303 2311 2313 2322 20 Jan. 6 10 Jan. 11 11 Mar. 27 2 May 24 8 June 14 11 Nov. 20 1 Jan. 14 7 Apr. 14 12 Apr. 24 8 Nov. 20 1 Nov. 4 7 Jan. 15 17 Jan. 27 18 Mar. 30 14 June 14 6 Jan. 14 15 Mar. 20 18 Mar. 29 19 May 18 Second-class pilots. 2853 Anders, George D Aubert, Emile D.. 2861 1 1 July 30 7) Sept. 20 152 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Jacksonville, Fla.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of licence. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 2859 · 2877 2846 2836 2837 2843 2845 2868 2801 2822 2875 2826 2856 2885 11 Aug. 28 4 Nov. 27 4 July 20 1 May 19 8 June 11 7 July 8. 5 Julý 19 4 Oct. 23 8 Jau. 7 12 Mar. 6 11 Nov. 17 8 Mar. 30 6 9 Dec. 30 Aug. 24 Mar. Anno, James V ... Austin, M. J Barnett. John W. Brown, John. Barber. Lucius H. Brouks, Samuel G... Bostrom, C. G... Burke, Thomas P.. Beerbower, Casper C... Balloughi, James. Browu, Harmon. Blanchard, Jos. A. S... Corbett, T.F.. Christopher, Johu R.. Casmiuski, Lewis... Crawford, M.J... Canova, Antonio J.. De Cottes, George A... Downing, Fred M... Eining, john. English, Mitchell E... Ford. Albert A From berger, J. H Garritt, James. Grabani, Edward . Geer, Evered E. Green, Anderson TV Hoke, Robled D. Hendrickson, U. D.. Hickson, Joseph J Howarıl, James A.. Hodges, Elenry A. Jefford Samuel L... Jarvis, William. Kemps, David, jr. Leavitt, Charles S.. Lausing, Charles W. Mier, John A... Marzyck, Joseplı Moore, Walter R... Nesbitt, W.J.. Norton, 19. C.... Nauman, George B. Pierce, Charles W.. 2870 2874 2805 2812 2818 2819 2844 2849 2852 2857 2862 2876 2829 2858 2867 2873 2886 2807 2855 2815 2823 2851 2863 2803 2808 2821 2827 2814 2838 2839 2866 2871 2816 2812 2824 2804 2869 2831 2865 2887 2812 2832 2880 2817 9 Nov. 9 Pallicer, Louis 1 Nov. 16 Payson, Frank M. Jan. 29 Russell, W. H... 11 Feb. 15 Scott, Johu M.. 8 Feb. 19 Sykes, Jamies W 2 Do. Sloan, Henry J.. 6 July 19 Stallings, D. B. 8 July 24 | Smith, Louis K .. 3 July 30 Thompson, Edwin A 11 Auy. 26 Van Dorn, Henry. 8 Sept. 29 Vandlerpool, Eugene. 9 Nov. 19 Warrlwell, S. H., jr. 14 Apr. 14 Washington, Thos. W. + Aug. 27 White, James L... 10 Oct. 19 11 Nor. 15 !! Special pilots. 2 Dec. 30 9 Jan. 30 A verette, Charles F. 3 Aug. 17 Bland, J.J. H.. 3 Heb. 16 Brown), Samuel ... 6 S Broughton, George F 6 July 29 Bennett. V.S... 5 Oct. 5 Curtis, Thoiuas F 23 Jan. 15 Crotty, George S. 1 Jan. 30 Coue, Peter Feb. 26 Causey. Erastus ().. Apr. 5 Campe, Charles H.. 5 Tél. 16 Euslow. William H. .... June 11 Eraus, altred M. 6 June 30 Floyd, Darid.. 5 Oct. 14 Gibson, Allen.. 2 Nov. 11. Goole. Alexander J.... 6 Feb. 16 Haenel, Heury. 6 July 7 Herndon, E. H. 1 Mar. 18 Houston, Edward W... 0 Jan. 23 Kerrison, John D..... 6 Nov. 9 La Bree, Loretto R..... 7 Apr. 24 Morton, George W 1 Oct. 12 McLean, John M 1 Dec. 30 Richards, Daniel. 3 Feb. 16 Ramsey, Milton M 11 May 10 Tilghman, John Q. 1 Dec. 8 Yandel, R A. 5 Feb. 17 Young, Charles J 28440 2825 2830 2835 2848 2806 2834 28+1 3854 2860 2810 2882 2802 2847 2884 2809 2820 2850 2811 2864 2879 2883 2872 2878 2828 2833 2881 1 June 30 1 Mar. 29 1 pr. 15 5 May 17 2 July 21 2 Jan. 30 2 May 13 2 July 21 2 Aug. 2 1 Sept. 20 1 Feb. 3 1 Dec. 15 2 Jan. 9 2 July 20 1 Dec. 23 1 Feb. 2 4 Feb. 24 2 July 27 2 Feb. 4 2 Oct. 9 2 Nov. 30 3 Dec. 23 3 Nov. 11 1 Nov. 26 5 Apr. 10 7 May 11 1 Dec. 13 1 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Jackson- ville, Fla. 807 8121 8241 Benton, Lewis D.... Babbitt, W.C... Brown, Andrew L. Butler, Charles F... Bracey, H. V.. Carter, Frank C.. Cuuner, Waldo E.. Cunimer, Arthur... Fitzhugh, N. R., sr.. Foster, Alfred Ford, Á. A Ford, F. H. Gifford, C. B.... Gowin, Warren. Gardner, John F... Gibson, Villiam L.. Hutchinson, Fred C.... S04 805 813 821 831 808 823 830 818 826 828 829 803 814 817 834 801 4 Feb. 17 1 Feb. 23 7 May 20 1 Sept. 28 3 Dec. 8 2 Mar. 23 1 Nov. 8 1 Dec. 4 .2 June 26 1 Nov. 26 1 Do. 1 Do. 1 Fels. 4 6 June 1 5 June 21 Dec. 29 1 Jau. 30 Hubbard, George W Hall, E. Vesey Hofiman, John W.. Hodges, Freeman S.... Knox, Leonard B. Lamb, Thomas S.. Loomis,'George W. McMillau, William J Maude, Frederick S. A. Neve, Waiter. Phares, A. J., sr. Spencer, Melville E... Smith, Elamilton A, Stuart, James D.. Taylor, Charles C.... Torrey, Joseph G Wortby, J.L... 832 811 809 833 810 815 816 820 602 819 822 825 827 806 6 1 6 1 2 2 5 1 2 2 7 6 1 1 2 1 6 Feb. 26 May 5 Nov. 11 Dec. 9 Apr. 30 Apr. 6 Dec. 13 Apr. 23 June 14 Do. Sept. 10 Heb. 3 June 30 Oct. 30 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Feb. 26 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 153 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Jacksonville, Fla. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (in- land)-Coutinued. 20 7 12 18 10 18 4 Brock, Frank J Barker, Richard T... Colbert, Charles B.. Davis, George R Darcy, John J. Dunn, John. Gilmore, James R... Manning, James Nelms, Robt. 2.. Nolan, Frederick T. Phillips, Paul G.. Phillips, John L. Parry, John T.. Stevens, drthur D.. Spencer, Charles A.... Trueworthy, Walter J. Ulmo, Peter. .. 9793 9798 9707 9708 9749 9779 9741 9780 9742 9767 9725 9768 9769 9730 9790 9774 9771 5 June 11 28 Dec. 10 22 Jan. 25 21 Jan. 29 22 May 20 24 Sept. 2+ 8 May 8 18 Oct. 6 22 May May 8 17 July 29 26 Mar. 23 30 July 31 30 Aug. 3 8 Mar. 27 23 Dec. 13 15 Aug. 19 29 Aug. 4 Masters, Walter E.... Nelms, Robt. P. Palmer, J.R.. Price, Harry C Payne, Marion L. Parker, Cooper Quiulivan, James R... Richardson, Walter R. Ritter, James A Rossignol, F.E. Speucer, Melville E... Simpkins, John J Smith, James Sloan, Jos., jr Stanton, John. Stoddard, A. C.. Stone, Edwin M Sloan, Charles Stiuhusen, Frank Sloan, Fenry J Tiencker, Jolin El Thompson, Thomas J.. Thompson, Frauk ... Tompkins, Jolin B.... Virgason, Fred M M. Willsley, Jolin C.. Wester, Jas. J Warı, Franklyn B. TVhitaker. Frederick... 9772 9781. 9709 9736 9783 9794 9785 9701 9748 9766 9710 9714 9728 9743 9745 9751 9752 9764 9778 9792 9706 9711 9729 9796 9770 9744 9746 9762 9776 10 16 5 19 7 7 15 18 18 3 14 13 13 5 7 7 6 26 5 15 14 Aug. 14 Oct. 7 Feb. 2 Apr. 17 Oct. 9 Nov. 26 Oct. 5 Jan. 12 May 19 July 29 Feb. 3 Feb. 18 Mar. 27 May 10 May 14 June 4 Do. July 27 Sept. 11 Nov. 23 Jan. 23 Feb. 4 Mar. 27 Dec. 7 Aug. 4 Mar 14 May 17 July 13 Aug. 31 5 Apr. 7 Dec. 14 Mar. 6 7 Mar. 23 14 May May 3 19 July 2 1 Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. } 10 Feb. Chief engineers (inland). Anderson, John A Adams, Henry Bravo, John C. Broughton, Frank E Broadstreet, Wm. G. Borman, W.G.... Browher, Thomas. Boone, Wm. D. Barker, John R. Burrows, Charles Bie, Ivgrald.. Conklin, Gilbert R..... Cash, C.H.. Cottrell, Joseph B.. Cleaver, Joho... Copp, Frauka. Cutting, L. D Devall, John W.. Downing, George A. Elder, C. H Ellis, F. W Eiuig, Jobu. Farley, Wm. H. Fitzhugh, I. Lyude : Forrester, Charles A. Fortune, John G. Fitzlıugl, N. R., jr Fitzhugh, N. R., sr.. Gehlbach, Frederick Hodgson, Alex. R... Hunter, Wm. J Hood, Jolin T. Haines, Kendall Haenel, Henry. Hickson, Jos. J El olliman, Louis Hosmer, George T Jay, T. W... Johnson, Charles W King, Paul H. Kellar, Thonias Kennedy, Orlando Kitchell, Wm. C Lauther, J. O Lamee, James I. Lund, Thos. W., jr Lamee, William. Lucas, J. E Leach, Alfred M Morgan, Edward M. Merrill, Alex. R ... Mansour, Hamet. McIntyre, Leander Merrill, James E. Murwin, Theo. A 9734 9795 9720 9726 9740 9763 9782 9784 9786 9787 9800 9704 9712 9721 9731 9765 9739 9717 9723 9713 9755 9777 9703 9759 9761 9791 9799 13501 9733 9702 9715 9722 9727 9747 9754 9775 9789 9718 9737 9721 9773 9793 9797 9716 9735 9750 9756 9757 9788 9705 9719 9732 9738 9758 9760 2.5 i Oct. 6 3 : Oct. 9 9 Oct. 25 4 Oct. 26 9 Dec. 14 17 Jan. 23 22 Feb. 6 Mar. 8 14 Mar. 27 8 July 28 16 May 3 2:4 Mar. 3 10 Mar. 20 25 Fels. 15 21 June 11 14 Sept. + 18 Jan. 23 6 July 8 10 July 9 19 Nov. 19 12 Dec. 1+ 15 Dec. 17 7 Apr. 3 10 Jan. 12 23 Feb. 23 7 Mar. 13 8 Mar. 27 13 May 17 5 June 11 15 Aug. 26 17 Nor. 9 10 Mar. 3 4 Apr. 30 15 Mar. 23 31 Aug. 16 11 Nov. 23 5 Dec. 7 5 Feb. 23 14 A pr. 10 5 June 1 13 June 26 8 June 30 4 Oct. 26 16 Jan. 23 9 Mar. 3 31 Apr. 1 19 May May 3 5 June 30 5 July 8 Ballough, U. A. Bellamy, 'W.T Collius, . V. Corbett, T. I. Davis, James C. Grady, Abraham Harris, Jolip E. Hernilon, E. H. Henderson, Cyrus. Houston, John. Jobuson, Peter Jackson, Andrew. La Bree, L. R... Lansing, Chas. VV.... Myers. Wm. I Merchant, C. E Miller, Rufus C.. Murphy, Edwin Martin, Henry: Nesbitt, W.J Parsons, Amanda A... Pacetty, Willis H... Pliares, A. J., jr. Rowell, Edward Stewart, Roy H. Van Dorn. Henry. Voss, Fred'k C.. Ward well, J. B. Wiley, Wm. R. Second assistant engi- neer (ocean). Darcy, James C.... Assistant engineer's (inland). Bennett, Edwin S.. Beale, George F.. Broward, Edward C Boyd, W.M. 3624 3627 3616 3617 3628 3614 3605 3608 3615 3635 3607 3626 3629 3634 3602 3613 3619 3630 3631 3636 3618 3621 3633 3603 3612 3610 3623 3603 3632 11 Aug. 30 1 Sept. 22 June 11 14 June 21 1 Oct. 7 12 Way 3 7 Jan. 23 2 Feb. 15 16 June 4 6 Dec. 28 2 8 15 Sept. 18 8 Oct. 9 5 Dec. 23 3 Jan. 7 9 Apr. 24 6 July 30 1 Nov. 5 14 Nov. 27 S Dec. 30 1 July 8 3 Aug. 10 4 Dec. 10 11 Jan. 13 5 Apr. 14 7 Mar. 13 11 Aug. 28 7 Feb. 15 13 Nov. 30 3620 3 Aug. 9 3601 3604 3625 3611 1 Jan. 5 1 Jan. 14 1 Aug. 31 4 | Apr. 10 154 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, Engineers licensed—Jacksonville, Ill.—Continued. 1 Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Special engineers Continued. Special engineer's. 1 Babington, Wm.C. Crowell, Jos... Curtis, Charles H.. Cone, Peter Corpe, A.C Fowler, Ed.S Fox, Robt. L Harris, Clifton K.. Kerrison, John D Lansing, Frank B... Lawless, James F 1603 1601 1604 1612 1613 1617 1619 1618 3606 1610 1614 2 Feb. 26 6 Jan. 7 2 Mar. 6 3 Sept. 14 1 Sept. 20 Dec. 23 1 Dec. 24 2 Dec. 23 4 Tob. 4 2 Aug. 23 1 Oct. 12 Loomis, Elton. Mattox, George F Mann, C. A Osteen, James A Pigue, John C.... Schultz, Harry. Shrier, Andrew J... Summerall, Morris E... Stokes, Pompy Triesback, L. Wallace.. 1616 1606 3622 1607 1615 1602 1608 1609 1611 1605 1 Dec. 21 1 May 4 4 aug. 13 2 June 21 1 Nov. 4 4 Feb. 15 1 June 21 1 July 8 3 Sept. & 3 Apr. 23 FOURTH SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--St. Louis, Mo. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Anderson, Ole Allen, Boone.. Able, Daniel Bevington, George W Belt, George W.. Brolaski, Harry, jr Beale, George V Buchheit. Francis E Brown, Louis. Barker, Richard Burke, William Burleigh, Charles L. Block, Edmund w Baumgaertner, Henry. Burton, Byrd Connors, Denis M. Congar. B. A.. Curry, Eugene W Cubberly, L. H.. Dodds, Samuel R.. Dawley, A. L Dovoy, James. Dryden, Samuel Davis, Tilliam A. Ern, John R... Etzkorn, John L Edwards, Samuel Fairchild, Richard S Fitzgerald, William... Griffith, John H. Grasty, James M. Ghriest, W.C Gill, Reuben Grant, Mitchell W Hauptmann, Peter Hall, Aaron B.. Hicks, Henry H.. Howe, Cortez J Handley, Manuel. Haley, A.M.... Hatcher. Napoleon B... Hoben, William P... Jenks, George H. Joyce, Austin J.. 4428 4453 12746 4203 4207 4317 4333 4348 4363 4398 4429 4432 4437 4442 12722 4232 4252 4497 12730 4204 4329 4374 4424 4430 4461 4475 12740 4227 4386 4271 4360 4368 4460 12754 4215 4259 4277 4316 4353 4438 4469 4479 4209 4282 1 July 13 Jorgenson. Nils Martin. 13 July 29 Jenks, Villiam A... 15 Dec. 1 Joben, Joseph R.. 1 Jan. 4 Kennedy, James 14 Jan. 11 Kehne, Philip 6 Apr. 16 Killeen, John 7 Apr. 22 Laurence, Hiram. 6 May 5 Lundbeck, William G.. . 1 May 14 Leslie, Harry 10 June 21 Lusli, Isaac P. 21 July 13 Marshi, Grant C. 8 July 16 McCoy, Robert W 3 July 19 Murphy, Michael J 7 July 20 Michael, Martin. 6 Oct. 18 McClatchey, William 10 Feb. 18 McLean, John J... 19 Mar. 5 Montague, George B 2 Sept. 17 Nedaroy, Harry B. 12 Oct. 29 Powell, E.R... 2 Jan. 6 Powers, James 11 Apr. 20 Pavey, Reuben 2 May 27 Perkins, Franklin 4 July 10 Rouse. James W., jr.. 7 July 15 Riley, Jesse J.. 5| Aug. 7 Rosche, Louis. 3 Aug. 19 Ross, Thomas H 1 Nov. 19 Seymour, Johu M 15 Feb. 13 Sinis, Thomas B. 15 June 10 Scarberry, Calel) P.... 15 Mar. 20 | Sauer, Edmund J.. 1 May 12 Thompson, George W. 8 May 20 Thompson, Wm. L 10 Aug 1 Templo, Benj. F. 1 Dec 16 Taylor, James 6 Fel). 5 Taylor, Robert Lee 5 Mar. 15 Trendley, Heury E 22 Mar. 24 Veatch, Abbott + spr. 16 \Vynn, John B.. 2 May 8 Willett, Wm.B 9 | July 19 Wliitledge, R.J. 9 Weaver, Tobias E 3 Aug. 23 White, James B 5 Jan. 22 Woods, Archie. 8 Mar. 30 Young, Edwin D. 4285 4356 4390 4226 4235 4462 4279 4298 4482 12761 4270 4336 4377 4477 12702 12710 12749 4416 4312 4338 4486 12705 4342 4347 4358 4417, 4214, 4293 4369 4391 4213 4294 4319 4459 12731 12755 12741 4307 4324 4407 1 4468 12759 12760 4455 3 Apr. 3 13 Mar 10 16 Jruie 16 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 23 25 Aug. 9 6 Mar. 25 10 Apr. Apr. 9 3 Aug. 25 3 Dec. 31 6 Mar. 20 6 Apr. 22 1 May 28 18 Aug. 21 8 Sept. 25 25 Oct. 6 1 Dec. 4 2 July 2 10 Apr. 14 6 Apr. 24 11 Aug. 28 3 Oct. 1 3 Apr. 27 9 May 5 3 May 10 5 July 3 11 Feb. 1 12 A pr. 5 1 May 21 3 June 16 Feb). 1 1 Apr. 6 5 spr. 17 1 Aug. 3 3 Oct. 30 27 Dec. 20 14 Nor. 27 4 Apr. 12 1 Apr. 19 21 June 25 1 Aug. 17 7 Dec. 30 13 Dec. 31 6 July 31 0 Ang. 17 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—St. Louis, Mo. Ames, Alonzo G. Adams, Benj. F Anderson, Edward .. Allen, Janes Allen, George W Able, Charles B... Burbach, Anthony. Bagley, C.D.. Bixby, Horace E. Beaver, Nicholas. Burnett, Frank Brown, A. S.... Bennett, George W Blythe, John A 4253 4283 4388 4493 12709 12715 4216 4221 4225 4236 4245 4250 4263 4284 19 Mar. 5 15 Apr. 2 17 June 12 17 Sept. 8 21 ! Oct. 6 13 Oct. 11 23 Feb. 8 3 Feb. 10 26 Feb. 12 14 Feb. 24 8 Mar. 3 19 Mar. 4 12 Mar. 17 17 | Apr. 2 Blakeslee, Willard.. Ball, Charles L Birch, Richard E Baxter, William Berry, John E Baker, Wm. W., jr. Bryan, A.S.. Bryson, Alonzo Beard. Williani H. Best, Jaipes M. Boland. James P... Boyle, Thomas F Bryan, Joseph W. Brolaski, Harry W.. 4289 4295 4305 4306 4311 4313 4322 4326 4359 4372 4375 4382 4410 4431 24 A pr. 3 8 Apr. 6 13 Apr. 12 4 Do. 21 Apr. 14 14 Apr. 15 25 Apr. 19 13 Apr. 20 12 May 11 18 May 24 10 May 27 15 Juno 5 23 June 26 20 | July 15 155 156 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, Masters and pilots licensed-St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. 4422 4448 4466 4478 12713 127-17 4380 12711 4292 4320 4346 127:58 4222 42:10 4:38 4:14 4352 4399 25 401 Mar. Baldwin, Edward M... Ball, Samuel M Blackburn, Richard P Basey, Dewitt C Baker, Howard Beedle, Hiram E... Brown, R.S.. Burruss, David N.. Carroll, John B Calhoun, Julius F. Cahalan, Edward Conyers, John Crane, Jonathan Chadwick, Hanson M.. Coulter, Leroy Chapman, Mason. Clark, William P.. Corey, William W Critchfield, Samuel A. Collier, Alvin. Collins, Charles E... Curts, Charles W.. Cade, William A. Crane, John C Carroll. Joseph W Crane, Harry N Campbell, David.. Crusen, Jobu W... Donohue, James Dryden. Joseph. Dodd, Henry N Dean, James H Day, L. A... Douglass, Julian. Dryilen, James V Dalt. Frederick Dougherty, Williain J Davis, Charles M., jr. Eayon, William C Ebaugh, Frank C.. Ebaugh, Charles S... Eaces, A.B.. Evelyn, John B. Frolingsilorf, Wm. S. Farusley, Frank R. Free, John I. Fitzhenry, Michael .. Farris, Charles H.. Farris, J. Freil... Fitchner, Martin Farris, Jos. T. Farus orth, George W Garrison, Thomas A.. Gordon, Archibald.. Gulick, Samuel C. Good, James. Gillispie, Charles P.. Glecson, James Grapevine, Wm. H Gilliam, John M.. Goeglein, Phillip. Gilbert, Thomas H. Gaines, Robert Lee Gibbons. M.J Green, Harry B... Greeu well, Stephen E Hill, Granderson. Hutchinson, J. B Hall, Theo. T Harper, John Humphreys, Wm. H Hook, George W. Hazlett, Hiram K.. Hill, Albert J Handlan, John J. Hoelscher, Frank H. Hammond, Wm. A. Hamilton, John N. Hight, Washington Heckmann, Wm. L.. Hiner, Augustus.. 4452 4465 4467 4488 4490 4500 12733 12737 4240 4242 4278 43US 4349 4351 4355 4395 4403 4412 4420 4421 4449 1492 4496 12707 12718 12719 12736 12743 4228 4233 4269 4280 4341 4373 4385 4419 4425 4427 4201 4217 4325 4362 12729 4211 4255 4260 4303 4354 4392 12720 1272+ 1.2742 4243 4246 4265 4273 4290 4310 4335 4365 4381 4433 4.136 44.80 12717 12721 4224 4229 4231 4239 4244 4262 4301 4318 4323 4334 4371 4378 4393 4408 4414 16 July 28 Hoffmann, George 17 Aug. 16 Harry, Milt R.... 16 Aug. 17 Hockridge, Thomas C.. 15 Sept. 3 Harris, James L 15 Sept. 6 l-Tarpold, Riley. 2 Sept. 22 Hoelscher, Wm. F 21 Nov. 3 Islerwood, R. F. 15 Nor, 15 Inyold, Christian 8 Feb. 27 Johnson, Richard M. 8 Mar. 1 Joplin, Otho K.... Mar. 25 Jolly, Sobieski. 10 Apr. 14 Jamison, Jesse T 21 May 6 Keittein, John M. 20 May 8 Kollogy, Edwin R. 14 Do. King, Martin K.. 26 June 18 Kelly, Williamı. 16 June 22 King, Frank 15 June 28 Kounta, Johu T 13 July 7 Keith, Henry 4 Do. Keener, C.C.. 22 July 26 Kenuody, Edward 16 Sept. 8 Kelly, Michael L 22 Sept. 17 Kirkpatrick, D. W 26 Oct. 4. Keith, George G 20 Oct. 12 Kane, James M 12 Oct. 13 Kirns, Peter. 14 Nov. 13 Kueter, Henry. 12 Nov. 29 Kuty, Perren 23 Feb. 15 Kirkpatrick, R. R... 10 Feb. 19 Leyhe, Henry 15 Mar. 20 Larson, Oliver 16 Mar. 27 Little, James W 22 Apr. 27 | Lorens, Peyton 20 May 25 Lancaster, B.I 6 June 7 Leyhe, Houry W., jr... 16 July 7 Lucas, N.B 14 July 12 Little, John M. 6 Do. Leyle, William H... 1 Jan. 2 Ledger, Thomas. 10 Feb. 9 Ligbtner, Albert S... 24 Apr. 20 Liugo, Wm. G.. 11 May 14 La Barge, Jos. C 20 Oct. 29 Larson, Andrew 22 Jan. 25 Lllebben, Joliu I 16 Mar. 8 Loliman, L. C.. 15 Mar. 16 *Leach, John L. 22 apr. 10 Leftridge. Joseph. 16 May 8 Lancaster, Samuel E... 1 June 16 La Bierge, Joseph.. 21 Oct. 16 Leyhe, William. 3 Oct. 20 Long, John H.. 24 Nov, 29 Lyois. John H.. 1 Mar. 1 McClellan, William. 20 Mar. 3 Martincau, John B... 23 Mar. 17 Montgomery, James W 20 Mar. 22 Marsh, John R.... 26 Apr. 3 McPherson, Edward B. 9 Apr. 14 Massie, John T.... 22 Apr. 22 Murray, George W.... 26 May 17 Matsup, Harrison 6 June 4 Mooy, John J.. 20 July 17 Meyers, Frauk S. ? July 19 l McClellan, James . 5 Aug. 24 Montague, Wm. J 9 Oct. 12 Molen, John G... 8 Oct. 18 McFarland, Milton... 14 Feb. 12 Moore, Hendley H. 11 Feb. 17 Monaban, Dennis. 12 Feb. 18 McBride, Jolin H.. 22 Kob. 26 Metford, Jesse D.. 1.5 Mar. 3 McManus, Wm. D.... 18 Mar. 16 Mullen, Joseph W.. 13 Apr. 10 Moon, Louis L.. 12 Apr. 17 McCaffrey, Frank D... 17 A pr. 19 McFarland, Edward H 23 Apr. 22 Michael, Peter... 17 May 22 McCullough, Jos. E... 26 May 29 Marshall, Robert M.... 25 June 16 Miller, Arthur W... 16 June 25 Massie, Wm. R.. 7 June 29 Morris, David M... 4116 4409 4713 46-15 4:134 4435 4440 44146 12-04 12745 4212 4223 4247 4276 4287 4302 4330 4361 4443 4451 4457 4:176 4485 4499 127,08 12712 12727 12728 12732 12734 12739 12750 12758 1234 4248 1256 4257 4258 4261 4267 4274 24 July 9 21 July 26 il Aug. 16 17 Aug. 23 10 Oct. 9 9 Dec. 2 22 June 1 16 (ct. 6 21 Apr. 5 21 Apr. 17 17 Apr. 30 21 Nov. 16 21 Feb. 10 1.1 Feb. 17 12 Feb. 25, 15 A pr. 16 6 May 8 5 June 21 21 Do. 10 June 25 9 June 26 2.1 June 28 24 July 1 24 July 17 14 July 19 21 July 20 8 July 23 10 Sept. 29 20 Dec. 1 25 Jan. 30 3 Feb. 12 26 3 22 Mar. 24 11 Apr. 3 7 Apr. 10 24 Apr. 21 27 May 13 6 July 20 15 July 27 27 Aug. 2 18 Aug. 20 23 Aug. 28 20 Sept. 18 18 Oct. 4 10 | Oct. 7 20 Oct. 23 22 Oct. 25 6 Nov. 1 10 Nov. 3 26 5 Nov, 17 26 Dec. 6 14 | Dec. 29 24 Feb. 23 4 Mar. 3 4. Mar. 8 13 Mar. 12 21 ! Mar. 13 26 Mar. 16 18 Mar. 19 9 Mar. 22 9 Apr. 12 18 A pr. 19 13 dpr. 20 20 Apr. 21 9 Apr. 24 18 ( Apr. 27 6 Apr. 29 15 May 10 25 May 28 15 June 15 21 June 21 13 June 28 25 July 9 4 July 22 14 July 26 16 | Aug. 3 23 Aug. 13 13 Aug. 16 12 Sept. 23 26 Oct. 11 16 Oct. 21 4304 0 4321 4328 4332 4339 4340 4344 4357 4376 4389 4400 4411 4423 4445 4447 4458 4463 4464 12701 12716 12725 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 157 Masters and pilots licensed—St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Lissue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Do. Martin, Charles P. Nelon, Michael D. Neville, Joseph T... Neville, Harvey Norman, Charios. O'Neal, Charles W. O'Neal, James.. Owen, Austiu. O'Harra, Thomas Partee, Henry C. Pinney, Nelson R.., Perkins, William. Parker, Thomas, jr. Postal, Wm. C... Roberts, Stephen A.. Rollins, Wu. H., jr Roelirig, Robert Ruby, Sbeldon. Richardson, James. Richtman, Jacob. ... Robey, C.S Ruxton, Alvan K.. Richtman, Jacob M... Roberts, Wm Rhodes, Thomas Rollins, John E. Renfrow, Joseph W... Roberts, Joseph. Ruby, (.M Shea, Jeremiab W Schulte, John A Shermeyer, Edward F Steely. David C.... Starr, Harry B... Simonds, Francis Slater, Franklin Short, J. E.... Seeger, august E.. Slocumb, Wm. R. Spalır, Andrew J.. Shiukle, Augustus. Strong, Sneed... 12748 4205 4237 4299 12726 • 4473 4487 4494 13723 4218 4266 4291 4327 4366 4220 4241 4251 4254 4309 4370 4396 4397 4418 4456 4474 4481 4498 12714 12756 4206 4208 4264 4268 4272 4286 4288 4296 4300 4315 4337 $350 4387 9 Dec. 3 19 Jan. 7 8 Feb. 25 17 Apr. 10 13 Oct. 23 4 Aug. 19 22 Sept. 1 5 Sept. 10 10 Oct. 19 22 Feb. 9 17 Mar. 19 13 Apr. 5 22 Apr. 20 18 May 17 4 Feb. 10 8 | Feb. 27 11 Mar. 5 18 Mar. 6 26 Apr. 14 18 May 22 18 June 19 8 Do. 6 July 5 21 | July 31 18 Aug. 19 13 Aug. 25 25 Sept. 17 18 Oct. 11 20 Dec. 24 13 Jan. 8 . 14 Jan. 14 12 Mar. 17 18 Mar. 20 22 Mar. 22 13 Apr. 3 19 Do. 25 Apr. 7 7 Apr. 10 25 A pr. 16 11 Apr. 24 23 May May 6 24 June 11 Sivley, Garland M Sivley, Harry S.. Stewart, Alexander. Schotield, Wm. H...... Sturtevant, Carleton W Sackman, Henry. Smith, James S. Stevens, Richard C Sloan, Charles H.. Sbrodes, Samuel J Smedley, William. Till, James Tully, M.C. Tesson. Frank H Talbot, Richard A Townsend, George E Torrence, George W. Tilden, C.B... Toms, Samuel a Vandervovrt, James L. Voll.z, Fred F. Winters, John G Wild, Franklin Williams, James E Volilt, Gustavo Wilbur, Perry Watsou, Hiram A Williams, C.E. West, Orlando L... Woodward, Geo. G., jr Winship, Frank Hardin Willianis, N. B.... Walker, Thomas A.... Wempner, Albert. Yourtee, Saniel L.... Young, George F Young, Richard L Zeller, Joseph... Zibelin, Henry J J... Ziegler, Charles B... Ziegler, Willaba 4394 4405 4441 4470 4484 4489 4491 12703 12706 12744 12753 4249 4275 4343 4345 4379 4471 4472 12757 4297 12735 4210 4331 4364 4383 4384 4404 4426 4439 4444 4483 4495 12751 12752 4367 4450 4454 4202 4219 4281 4402 4 June 17 3 June 25 24 July 20 9 Aug. 18 1 Aug. 27 13 Sept. 3 23 Sept. 7 26 Sept. 27 19 Oct. 2 17 Nov. 30 21 Dec. 16 13 Mar. 3 18 Mar. 23 19 Apr. 28 13 Apr. 29 8 June 1 14 Aug. 19 19 27 Dec. 28 26 Apr. 9 4 Nov. 10 4 Jan. 22 25 Apr. 21 1 Day 14 11 June 7 21 Do. 6 June 24 19 July 12 7 July 20 8 July 22 2 Aug. 26 19 Sept. 15 10 Dec. 8 20 Dec. 10 15 May 18 14 July 27 7 July 29 5 Jan. 4 11 Fob. 9 12 Mar. 30 6 June 22 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—St. Louis, Mo. Tirst-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con. tinued. Adams, John F. Abrams. Charles A.. Adcock, Jolin W Asliby, J. A... Adams, William Anderson, Peter Atchison, Elmer E.. Adcock, Charles E.. Beall, Edmuncl.. Bates, Ernest w Brown, Wm. M. Boots, James L Blancet, Charles Beall, James W Boone, Charles E. Berry, Charles W Boyd, Wm. H.. Billings, D. C Blake, Wilson L Blaske, Frank L.... Briggs, Francis M Burke, Patrick E.. Burruss, Goorge L. Benwell, John Bergfeld, Jobu I Boles, albert S.. Barnett, John A Burke, James M Chapman, Hale 2405 2451 2507 2574 2576 2589 6428 6448 2411 2434 2443 2454 2480 2481 2486 2514 2516 2529 2530 2540 2563 257.5 2587 6413 6422 6430 6446 6450 2403 3 Jan. 11 31 Mar. 24 3 May 3]. 4 | Aug. 23 5 Aug. 24 9 Sept. 21 17 Oct. 29 1 i Hec. 16 4 Feb. 3 2 Mar. 10 1 Mar. 18 9 Mar. 30 4 Apr. 29 4 May 1 6 May 7 1 June 15 16 June 17 10 ) July 1 8 July 2 4 July 14 10 Aug. 11 4 Aug. 24 5 Sept. 13 23 Oct. 12 3 Oct. 21 6 Nov. 1 1 Dec. 14 4 Dec. 21 11 Jan. 6 Cabalan, George W Connors, Denis M Cayton, Charles A Crane, Clement v Carroll, Anderson B Cahalau, Edward F... Clacey, J.D.. Couper, Wm. D., jr Casebolt, Harvey T Carpenter, Jolin Cade, Thomas J. Cahalan, Oby M Carey, Alexander, jr. Carver, Wm. II Castrop, Henry Colvin, Wheeler 0 Carroll, Richard Clarkson, Francis J.... Claridge, Jolin W .. Daily, Wm. H.. Dauer, Lawrence Daft, Henry Davis, Charles J. Doda. Thomas T. Dennler, Ben. Dryden, Samuel .. Elworthy, George T. Edgby, George P Eagleson, Richard 2415 2439 2446 2453 2456 2457 2459 2460 2477 2479 2487 2503 2532 2537 2585 2586 6425 6435 6444 2450 2466 2541 2556 2590 6420 6423 2498 2504 2528 5 Feb. 15 1 Mar. 13 16 | Mar. 22 4 Mar. 29 1 Mar. 31 17 Do. 24 ,.Apr. 5 1 Apr. 6 9: Apr. 26 16 Apr. 29 20 May 8 15 May 27 6 July 6 4 | July 12 14 | Sept. 11 2 Do. 9 Oct. 28 7 Nov. 20 4 Dec. 11 10 Mar. 24 13 Apr. 12 3 July 15 9 July 31 11 Sept. 21 1 Oct. 18 7 Oct. 22 1 May 20 8 May 28 4 1.July 1 O 158 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. First-class pilots-Con- tiuued. 7 Apr. 21 + Fisher, Lee D.... Fisher, H. A... Farris, Eugene M. Fay, Robert E.. Fluent, Ww. D. Grasty, James M... Germann, Henry. Graff, Albert... Gilbert, Edward E.. Grove, William H.. Geisler, George Gatewood, Joel Gould, Francis A.. Glenn, Thomas G..... Goodman, George B. Gregg, Earl C Goldsmith, F. E.... Heckmann, Julius F... Heskett, John G... Harden, Jackson W Haley, Johns. Hippol, John M... Handbury, George W.. Hulett, Wm. Hulett, Richard... Harpold, Riley.. Held, Eruest Jacob.. Held, Robert É uber, William L.. Huber, Charles J Haskell, William A.. Hunt, Campbell.. Heckmann, Henry L., jr Heckmanu, Saiguel M. Hutton, James C... Hughart. George R Hinderberger, Samuel. Hefele, Charles Heckmann, Wm. L., jr. Hudgens, James B... Hurley, James W.. Henviny, William Hulett, Mary A... Hausilton, Charles C... Hawkins, James B..... Juden, Charles G.. Jenks, George H. Job, Zephaniah B., jr Jones, Frank. Jefford, Thomas H. Kropp, Oswald F.. Keller, Henry. Kennedy, Thomas E. Keith, unter Ben. Keener, Thomas K.. Kilbourn, C. H.. Kilpatrick, Alfred B. Keithly, George. Kelly, Pulaska. Ledger, Edward Leybe, Harry Ledger, James La Barge, Thomas J... Leacli, Joseph Lynds, John E., jr. Luther, Williar Leach, Joseph, jr Loscli, George i... Le Page, Nelson Lucas, J. Hunt. Losch, John C Ledger, Charles Lefever, Charles D. Lucas, John D... Lewis, John M. Morgan, James W Moehle, Louis E... Meissner, Gustave E.,jr 2409 2474 2490 2511 2517 2407 2408 2416 2433 2444 2502 2521 2522 2582 6412 6418 6453 2406 2421 2427 2432 2435 2447 2470 2471 2472 2488 2489 2493 2494 2510 2525 2539 2550 2553 2558 2564 2596 2597 2600 6403 6405 6410 6433 6441 2520 2531 2557 6414 6417 2467 2469 2492 2515 2533 2583 6404 6409 6431 2419 2422 2:24 2442 2449 2496 2312 2518 2527 2542 2546 2547 2559 2565 2568 2580 2412 2425 2426 1. Feb. 1 1 Apr. 22 9 May 11 4 June 10 of June 19 14 Jan. 25 2 Feb. 1 5 Feb. 17 5 Mar. 9 11 Mar. 20 1 May 26 5 June 24 1 Do. 1 dug. 31 12 Oct. 12 4 Oct. 16 2 Dec. 31 2 Jan. 15 16 Feb. 20 12 Mar. 2 5 Mar. 9 6 Mar. 10 7 Mar. 23 7 Apr. 19 7 1 Apr. 22 1 May 10 1 Do. 1 May 18 1 Do. 12 June 7 28 June 26 4 July 14 5 July 24 1 July 27 11 Aug. 4 13 Aug. 12 4 Sept. 27 8 Do. 12 Sept. 30 13 Oct. 5 3 Oct. 6 7 Oct. 8 1 Nov. 15 S Dec. 4 June 23 6 July 3 4 Aug. 3 ] Oct. 13 8 Oct. 15 1 Apr. 14 1 Apr. 17 3 May 17 1 June 16 1 July 6 4 Sept. 8 1 Осі). . 5 7 (ct. 8 11 Nov. 2 4 Feb. 17 1 Tel. 20 2 Feb. 24 1 Mar. 17 17 Mar. 24 6 May 19 10 June 10 2 June 23 2 Juno 30 5 July 16 4 July 20 6 July 21 7 Aug. 5 5 Aug. 13 3 Aug. 17 6 Aug. 27 14 Feb. 4 1 Feb. 26 5 Mar. 1 Mulker, James M. McGarral, Robert W.. Mattingley, Thomas Meloan, Henry. Milliken, Alex. H. Montague, George B... Miller', Charles W McKenzie, Hugh Moore, Meredith T.. Murrell, Charles Maxwell, John... McGoldrick, Thomas Morrow, John Maurer, Philip Vorris, George F McKiuley, Wm. V McComas, George C.... Mooers, Royal Miller, George A. Manni, Ira... Martin, Charles L. Mann, Walter H. Meredith, John W Neville, Wallace W... Nichols, Harry G Noonan, John H Newberry, Miles Owen, Austin, jr Parker, Julius R.. Pillsbury, Edward. Peterson, Oscar... Parker, Thomas, sr Parker, Harry Parker, Edwin. Parson, Theodore E..., Parks, William S Rolan, James Rehn, Gottlieb.. Richtman, James J. Richey, Zind.... Robinson, Richard B. Rogers, David W.. Richtinan, Simon P.... Street, George M. Schmidt, Anthony Schweppe, Henry M. Smith, Dewitt N. Strutinan, Henry Siverling, Bert. Sivley, Dellie T... Stout, John L. Seibt, Louis. Sparks, William L.... Swan, George W Steible, Michael Slater, anderson Schweppe. Eenry Rand. Slocumb, Quincy L... Slierman, Frank Sivley, Samuel T. Sinkliorn, Berry Scobee. Jobur. Scobee, William W Spear, Charles R.. Schmoldt, Adolph E... Schmoldt, Henry M. Stark, Charles I. Sarunders, Walter ..., Swan, James A.. Stark, Johu William. Schellabarger, Chas. d. Sites, L. T. Starr, Harrie E... Saltzman, August... Schumacher, Victor... Stark, Wm.... Stark, Edward E. Strutman, William. 2429 2430 2438 2461 2464 2465 2500 2509 2519 2534 2538 2545 2554 2560 2588 2591 2599 6406 6424 6437 6:443 6445 6449 2497 2506 2581 2584 2573 2410 2331 2368 2483 2499 2513 2523 6426 2417 2524 2343 2544 2552 6402 6419 2402 2404 2413 2423 2436 2440 2445 2452 2455 2458 2462 2476 2478 2482 2495 2508 2526 2536 2548 2551 2566 2571 2572 2578 2592 6411 6427 64:29 6432 6434 6436 6439 6442 6451 6452 10 Mar. 6 17 Do. 16 Mar. 12 4.Apr. 7 15 ápr. 9 6 Do. 8 May 25 10 June 2 15 June 23 8 July 8 11 July 13 7 July 20 3 July 27 18 Aug. 7 4 Sept. 14 4 Sept. 23 4 Sept. 29 10 Oct. 6 7 Oct. 26 9 Nov. 24 3 Dec. 7 3 Dec. 13 1 .Dec. 18 1 May 20 2 May 31 1 Aug. 28 3 Sept. 10 5 Aug. 21 1 Feb. 2 4 Mar. 6 1 Apr. 14 14 May 3 14 May 24 12 June 11 6 Juno 25 16 Oct. 28 16 Feb. 17 13 June 26 0 July 17 2 Do. 2 July 27 Oct. 5 6 Oct. 18 2 Jan. 4 5 Jan. 9 1 Feb. 4 5 Feb. 24 6 Mar. 11 12 Mar. 13 2 Mar 22 6 Mar. 26 1 Mar. 30 7 Apr. 3 1) Apr. 7 9 Apr. 24 3 A pr. 28 2 May 1 6 May 19 21 June 2 9 June 30 12 July 12 8 July 22 14 July 26 7 Aug. 13 Aug. 20 4 Do. 3 Aug. 26 3 Sept. 23 8 Oct. 9 1 Oct. 28 3 Oct. 29 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 S Nov. 24 1 Nov. 30 28 Dec. 4 6 Dec. 21 8 Dec. 28 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 159 Pilots licensed-St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of liceuse.issue. issue. First clase pilots-Con- tinued. First class pilots-Con- tinued, Aug. 19 Aug. 27 Till, George M. Trotter, David. .. Thompson, Wm. L Turuer, Cyrus (... Thomas, Jos. D.. Tanner, James D.. Tobin, Frank R.. Ulrich, Wm. C Vaughan, George W... Virt, Daniel.. Vaughan, Oswald S... Walton, Christopher.. Weick, Frank.... Williams, Arthur R.... Westfall, George W Wilson, Wm. 0 Webb, Eugene H... Wheeler, Balus 0.. Willow, George B.. Wilson, Charles H. 2485 2535 2567 2598 6408 6415 6121 2437 2441 2569 2595 2401 2414 2418 2420 2428 2448 2473 2475 2484 11 May 4 16 July 8 8 Aug. 17 9 Sept. 29 2 Oct. 6 1 Oct. 14 3 Oct. 18 2 Mar. 12 Mar. 17 9 Aug. 18 1 Sept. 25 1 Jan. 2 5 Feb. 15 5 Feb. 17 14 Do. 15 Mar. 2 4 Mar. 23 7 Apr. 22 1 1 May 3 Whittnore, Theodore.. Wilson, Josephs... Wright, Myron J... Williainson, Wm. I. Wildes, Sylvester. Weick, Joseph... Woolworth, J. A.... Wild, Edward W. Williams, George T. Wilson, Curtis B Woods, William E..... Webb, Ralph G.. West, Samuel. Woods, Will W Wollt, August Yates, Milton... Yourtee, Livingston H Zeller, Charles A. A.. Zink, William 2491 2501 2505 2549 2555 2561 2570 2577 2579 2593 6401 6407 6416 6438 6440 2463 64,7 2562 2594 14 May 17 3 May 26 7 May 31 4 July 23 4 July 30 6 Aug. 9 8 41 dug. 25 2 6 Sept. 24 14 Oct. 4 2 Oct. 6 14 Oct. 15 4 Nov. 24 16 Dec. 3 1 Apr. 8 10 Dec. 16 11 Aug. 10 3 Sept. 24 Do. Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—St. Louis, Mo. Chief engineers. Adams, John F... Ashworth, Bridge Alford, William E Abney, William W Anderson, Charles P.. Anshutz, Christian Allen, Boone.. Arntzen, John B... Albert, William L... Applegate, John Arnaud, Louis. Buthman, Fred Bernieme, Adam F... Beall, Charles.. Bottum, Charles F... Brannan, George H.. Buckley, William M... Beeson, Martin Ball, Charles L Butler, Timothy S Blades, Frank F... Burke, James M. Betts, Issac W.. Bolejack, Joseph. Bates, James J Bruce, Harold Burke, John H... Bagley, M. L... Baldwin, James W. Bartlett, E. P... Brannan, Lee.. Busch, John H... Barnes, Isaac R.... Burneson, Wm. T Bowling, Jesse L Burt, Williani D... Ball, Samuel MI Breece, George W Bauer, John Burt, Louis Bleakney. Wm. C.... Badger, Ben G... Blaske, Frank L.. Burneson, Jolin C., sr .. Brannick, William. Burneson, John C., jr.. Burgess, Thomas Bray, Oliver. Apr. 19 5111 5165 5194 5210 5223 5240 5344 5349 5365 13164 13183 5102 5119 5131 5141 5159 5186 5189 5200 5205 5209 5213 5219 5231 5238 5253 5265 5266 5269 5281 5296 5318 5323 5335 5340 5348 5358 5363 5364 5378 5387 5391 5392 13111 13115 13132 13150 13168 Chief engineers-Con- tinued. 4 Jan. 11 Brice, John A.. 31 Mar. 9 Chartrand, Paschal F.. 31 Mar. 29 Copley, Milton E 17 Apr. 12 Cottrill, Oliver 1 Apr. 21 Copley, Charles W 19 May 3 Chesain, W. Hamilton.. 39 July 29 Chatilion, Joseph C.... 11 Aug. 2 Clossin, Samuel C. 12 Aug. 19 Crawford, Joseph.. 31 Dec. 8 Chandler, Joseph 1 Dec. 29 Cade, Thomas J. 17 Jan. 4 Critchfield, Samuel A.. 20 Jan. 18 Coulter, George. 2 Teb. 3 Critchfield, Robert 9 Feb. 20 Carver, John L 19 Mar. 6 Crow, Lowis M. 10 Mar. 24 Carver, William H 19 Mar. 25 Corey, Williain W.... 38 Apr. 6 Chesney, Robert S. 29 Apr. 9 Cabell, Milton S 29 Apr. 12 Cliffori, George C 1 Apr. 16 Chamberlain, Avery B. 8 Conley, Charles E. 24 Apr. 26 Clayton, Anderson H.. 20 May 1 Cooper, John P.. 3 May 11 Carver, Edgars 1 May 20 Critchfield, Thomas 16 Do. Critchfield, S. A., jr 25 May 22 Carpenter, Thomas M. 23 June 5 Cola, Edward ... 7 June 14 Coulter, Charles. 3 July 10 Degman, John P 34 July 14 Dallas, James. 3 July 20 De Witt, Charles W. 16 July 26 Davis, William A.. 13 July 31 Dierking, John F... 23 Aug. 16 Do Witt, Albert B.... 29 Aug. 18 Day, William T 19 Aug. 19 Doen, Alexander P.... 25 Sept. 4 Dexter, Charles. 22 Sept. 16 Danbery, A.M. 9 Sept. 20 Doyle, Richard E 10 Sept. 21 Duffy, Darid A.... 40 Oct. 9 Davidson, James E... 29 Oct. 12 Elton, Jefferson E... 4 Nov. 4 Ebaugh, Charles S. 2 Nov. 19 Emerson, Elliott E 27 Dec. 11 Ellerson, Charles 13176 5103 5113 5129 5185 5196 5197 5203 5208 5222 5249 5259 5260 5276 5300 5302 5320 5322 5327 5328 5336 5367 5369 5384 5398 13122 13124 13131 13140 13152 13171 5158 5175 5178 5226 5228 5244 5271 5275 5280 5283 5381 13125 13170 5107 5220 5230 5311 33 Dec. 21 22 Jan. 4 24 Jan. 12 37 Jan. 30 15 Mar. 24 31 Mar. 30 36 Mar. 31 2 Apr. 8 26 apr. 10 22 Apr. 20 25 May 8 32 May 13 3 May 17 8 June 3 41 June 16 8 June 17 12 July 12 42 July 1+ 5 July 15 21 July 16 27 July 20 33 Aug. 24 41 Aug. 28 36 Sept. 13 27 Sept. 29 4 Oct. 15 4 Oct. 26 6 Nov. 3 38 Nov. 10 30 Nov. 22 4 Dec. 15 Mar. 6 33 Mar. 15 8 Mar. 17 32 Apr. 23 20 Do. 30 May 5 9 May 27 42 June 2 17 June 4 8 June 7 30 Sepi. 7 30 Oct. 26 13 Dec. 14 7 Jan. 7 24 Apr. 20 15 Apr. 26 17 July 6 160 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. / issuo. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. C Apr. 17 .. Do. Eagon, Williant William C.. Foster, Michael A.. Fitch, Josse Flening, Oliver Fitzgerald, James P Fitzgeraldi, John Frie, Bernard.. Ford, Joseph Fairchild, Charles L... Floyd, John E. Farrell, G.J Fish, Wm. E. Foulke, George Tairfowl, Hector W Fairchild, Richard S... Fichner, Bon R. Ferrell, Thomas B.. Glenn, Audrew.. Goodbub, Charles A... Gill, James H.. Geisler, Joseph. Gausmann, Charles H Gill, John A.. Gerboth, Henry C Gill, John H... Graham, Cyrus J Gray, Thadeus Garstang, Richard Gerlach, Anthony Green, Daniel TV Gardiner, Elbert Garrett, John R Green, John M Gray, Edmund N... Glicbman, William Gale, A.L. Grant, Mitchell W Gillian, Charles Germann, Henry Gordon, George A.. Gardner, Robert M Hedley, William D. Elolnuos, John W Hemphill, William W.. Hill, Samuel G... Harman, Oliver.. Henley, Andrew J.. Hoelscher, Frank H Hill, Joseph B. Hicks, William W.. Hill, John Harrington, Lemuel .. Hicks, Henry H.. Hammill, Michael P... Hynes, John H. Hoelscher Frank H., jr Hartog. John D.. Hubbard, Robert W Hazlep, Henry C Hill, Eben B. Hoffman, B. A. Hicks, Presley N Haley, Andrei M.. Harris, James L. Hilliard, Joseph L Hurley, James W.. Haughey, James F.. Harman, Richard ... Hill, Frank Hennesey, John Isler, Jacob E. Jackson, Charles B Jobes, Spencer C.... Johnson, James. Johnson, Thomas R.. Johnson Henry A... Jewett, Decatur S... Johnson, Thomas B. 13149 5101 5138 5149 5152 5227 5304 5307 5319 5321 5371 5397 13118 13120 13135 13145 13181 5126 5137 5146 5172 5176 5179 5202 5204 5211 5215 5221 5224 5234 5242 5251 5258 5262 5263 5270 5310 5341 13119 13133 13160 5110 5114 5117 5123 5125 5134 5140 5156 5162 5166 5168 5187 5198 5216 5225 5232 5255 5272 5286 5301 5325 5333 5366 13106 13107 13144 13157 13167 13184 5257 5112 5154 5163 5235 5330 5346 5390 29 Nov. 18 34 Jail. 2 23 Feb. 17 33 Mar. 1 8 Mar. 4 14 ! A.pr. 23 14 June 19 13 June 24 25 July 10 3 July 13 20 Aug. 31 11 Sept. 27 34 Oct. 13 40 Oct. 15 34 Nov. 8 38 Nov. 17 15 Dec. 28 1 Jan. 27 2 ! Feb. 16 13 Feb. 26 6 Mar. 13 1 Mar. 15 17 Mar. 19 32 Apr. 7 3 Apr. 9 18 Apr. 12 42 3 Apr. 20 9 Apr. 21 3 Apr. 27 1 May 3 6 May 11 32 May 13 7 Mar 19 26 Do. 29 May 25 18 July 2 15 July 26 41 Oct. 14 7 Nov. 5 30 Dec. 3 11 Jan. 9 16 Jan. 14 25 Do. 45 Jan. 25 4 Do. 14 Feb. 8 3 Teb. 19 6 Mar. 5 2 Mar. 8 31. Mar. 10 15 Mar. 12 21 Mar. 24 1 Mar. 31 4 Apr. 19 3 Apr. 22 18 Apr. 26 10 May 12 30 May 29 26 June 9 33 June 17 31 | July 14 9 July 19 25 Aug. 23 32 Oct. 5 14 Do. 1 Nov. 17 31 Nov. 27 3 Dec. 11 23 Dec. 31 28 May 12 21 Jan. 12 14 Mar. 5 16 Mar. 8 12 apr. 27 11 July 17 31 July 29 32 Sept. 20 Johnson, Isadore S.... Johnson, Ben. A. Jenkins, Charles M. Kilpatrick, Robert J... Kay, William D... Kentnor, John A. Knaebel, Matthias Kinney, Harry A Kallevbach, John E.... Kennedy, Joseph E Kelly, Murty S Kay, Perren Keithly, George Kelly, Pulaska.. Keunedy, John A Loury, Jolin G... Losch, John C. Leyhe, Henry Lyng, W.E.. Leybe, Henry J. Lineban, Denis J Logan, Lawrence W... Lundbeck, Wm. G Liliger, Frank.. Lewis, Charles.. Lucas, Wm. E.... Lauman, Wm Lame, Lewis C. Loer, Charlos Lucas, John D. Leyhe, William. Labadie, Robert Layman, Frank Life, Charles H. Loer; William E. Lorie, Jerry Lambkin, Charles W Lamont, Richard Lynds, John H. Minke, George T Merrimai, Jacob C McKinley, Wm. V... McClellan, William Manning, James H McBride, James S Miller, Frank W. H... McCormick, James Mattingley, Thomas DIcClellan, James. McCord, James H... McCormick, Preston M Martin, Frederick Meyers, Frank S. Marsh, Monroe... Mitchell, William D... Mikesell. Martin L Miller, William W.. Moelle, E. E... McCann, Ollie .. McKnight, Samuel E.. Marlin, Thomas Morrison, F. W Marsh, Tv.W.. Merwin, TVilliam Miller, George A. Mann, Ira.. Mattingley, Vivian A.. McCann, Wash.. McClendon, John McNamara, Frank... Mitchell, Lonis F.. Malow, Charles . McCarron, Dennis G... Martin, Charles A Marsh, John A McCann, Richard L... McCord, Frank C.. McRory, Peter.. 13114 13162 13173 5122 5245 5252 5282 5306 5313 5368 5386 5399 13109 13137 13147 5120 5127 5130 5139 5142 5160 5164 5206 5284 5312 5316 5347 5352 5357 13112 13143 13153 13155 13156 13169 13172 13175 13180 13182 5104 5105 5116 5143 5148 5157 5161 5167 5169 5177 5181 5190 5195 5217 5236 5246 5254 5256 5261 5268 5285 5290 5303 5308 5315 5326 5334 5345 5353 5355 5360 5372 5380 5383 13113 13117 13123 13128 13130 13 Oct. 12 1 Dec. 6 2 Dec. 16 11 Jan. 23 5 May 6 23 May 11 34 June 7 1 June 23 5 July 6 3 Aug. 25 15 Sept. 16 29 Sept. 29 12 Oct. 8 11 Nor. 9 1 Nov. 17 18 Jan. 21 2 Jan. 28 28 Jan. 30 19 Feb. 17 1 Feb. 20 5 Mar. 6 2 Mar. 8 17 Apr. 9 3 Juno 8 2 July 6 18 July 10 3 July 30 25 Aug: 4 34 Aug. 14 1 Oct. 9 20 Nov. 17 25 Nov. 22 13 Nov. 27 16 3 Dec. 13 Dec. 15 17 Dec. 20 2 Dec. 27 22 Dec. 29 24 Jan. 4 27 Jan. 6 1 Jan. 14 17 Feb. 23 2 Feb. 27 40 Mar. 5 2 Mar. 8 3 Mar. 10 28 Mar. 12 22 Mar. 17 15 Mar. 22 23 Mar. 25 33 Mar. 30 21. Apr. 19 30 A pr. 27 20 May 7 20 May 12 37 Do. 1 May 18 2 May 21 16 June 8 15 June 10 3 June 19 31 June 29 3 July 9 3 July 15 1 July 19 1 July 29 42 Aug. 4 30 Aug. 11 5 Aug. 16 20 41 Sept. 7 30 Sept. 11 6 Oct. 9 13 Oct. 13 4 Oct. 25 12 Nov. 1 25 Nov. 2 Sept. 2 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 161 Engineers licensed-St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers, Con. tinued. Apr. 10 Jan. 0 Montgomery, John Mock, Levi McCann, John W. McNamara, John Mantz, David. McCann, Theodore. Moehle, Gustav. Nelon, Michael D Neville, Harvey Nighton, Hiram W.. Newkirk, Eugene F... Nash, Roberts Nash, Charles E Noee, William Noel, William T Nighton, William Newell, Wallace P.. Olney, Silas B... Oldenburg, Williamı Oniou, Frank M. Owen, James G O'Neill, Jobu Owen, Austin.. Owen, Huntington O'Brien, Timothy Pavey, John J Pepson, Thomas Powers, John J.. Powell, Robert C.... Parker, Thomas, sr. Patton, Frank D. Pierson, John. Platt, Nelsou Powell, Richard M Parey, Reuben V Powell, Wright M Pbelan, John A Pierson, Thomas A Quick, Luke Rahner, Henry W..... Roth, George ... Roberts, Joshua W Roehrig, Robert. Reed, Walter S. Reynolds, Dexter Reno, Benjamin F. Roberts, Willian T Reun, George S. Roohrig, Edward C. Robinson, James W... Reid, Joseph R Rice. Lewis R.. Reid, Hugh Richey, Oliver G Rives, Joseph B. Richey, Lazarus R.... Rennie, Jamos E Russell, Israel E. Richtman, James J ... Renfrow, Louis Lee .. Regan, Daniel... Renfrow, Joseph W Robinson, James Reed, Thomas J.. Reid, George W Raines, William C Ringo, Theodore S Raper, im N Smith, George W Schulte, John A Schatler, John Scanlan, Patrick Sivley, Dellio T.. Smith, Williani Southard, Charles E.. Shacklette, John S. Schmelter, George Sampson, Edward D. May 3 13136 13141 13142 13148 13159 13174 13179 5108 5207 5214 5267 5379 5388 5395 13134 13138 13165 5151 5288 5324 5332 5361 5382 1311.6 13166 5144 5147 5170 5218 5241 5250 5294 5298 5351 5370 5376 5396 13161 5305 5135 5136 5130 5155 5174 5184 5188 5191 5192 5193 5199 5201 5212 5239 5264 5277 5292 5295 5317 5329 5337 5375 5389 5394 13102 13103 13105 13126 13127 5106 5115 5121 5124 5128 5133 5171 5233 5278 5289 5291 5297 5309 5338 5339 5342 5350 5354 5356 5362 5373 5374 5385 5393 13129 13154 13158 13103 13177 13178 5109 5118 5237 5273 5314 5331 13110 13121 5359 13146 5132 5145 5153 5173 5150 5182 5183 5229 5243 5247 5248 5274 5279 5287 5299 5343 5377 5400 13101 13104 13108 13139 13151 5293 38 Aug. 15 Nov. 8 Skahill, Jobu M. 44 Nov. 12 Southard, Allen P 15 Nov. 16 Sivley, Samuel T. 38 Nov. 18 Spargo, James 23 Nov. 30 Schneider, George 8 Dec. 20 Smith, Daniel W. 3 Dec. 24 Shoppard, Franklin.. 7 Jan. 7 Steinkanıp, Henry A... 17 Soussman, Charles M 24 Apr. 17 Sherman, George E. 13 May 21 Saltagirer, George 23 Sept. 6 Spear, Cbarlos R. 5 Sept. 17 Stednau,James.. 16 | Sept 2:3 Smith, John W... 28 Nov. 5 Shirmer, Lawrence 31 Nov. 10 Smith, George W .. 8 Dec. 9 Smith, Russell El.. 22 Mar. 3 Strouri, Eugene 35 June 9 Shawk, William 14 July 14 Smith, Eugene C.. 19 July 19 Taylor, William E Aug. 17 Tesson, John W... 14 Sept. 10 Taylor, E. F. 12 Oct. 13 Tavlor, Walter E.. 10 Dec. 10 Tully, Thomas M. 35 Feb. 23 Tully, John P.... 28 Feb. 27 Tulley. Henry 21 Mar. 12 Tully, James. .14 Apr. 19 Van Buuren, William E.. 17 Voder, Hazlet A. 21 May 10 Warner, George P 27 June 14 Waney, Barney. 33 June 15 Wayman, Jolin .. 3 Whettou, George W. 34 Aug. 28 Wasserziehr, Charles A 31 Sept. 3 Whitley, David R... 8 Sept. 25 Wohlt, Gustave.. 4 Dec. 4 Williams, Charles. 40 June 19 Webb, Eugene I. 23 Tel. 9 Wilson, Eigene A... 8 Feb. 1.1 Waul, William F. 11 Mar. 3 Williams, George M ... 29 Mar. 5 Ware, Thomas P. 21 Mar. 15 Wilson, Fielding C.... 7 Mar. 24 Worth, John... 17 Mar. 25 Wilson, James E 21 Mar. 26 Wilson, Nathan W 5 Do. Wolff, Otto H.. 3 Mar. 27 Warner, Charles B. 22 Apr. 2 Woods, William E 15 spr. 7 Webb Ralph G.. 4 Apr. 13 Weaver, Franklin J. 1 Winton, David L 29 May 20 Yates, Walter G. 9 June 3 45 June 12 Engincers in charge of 26 June 14 stearners of 100 tons 14. July 10 and under, and over 9 July 17 10 tons. 2 July 21 Armstrong, Horace G.. 26 Sept. 17 Burke, John H 2 Sept. 23 Brown, William 25 Oct. 2 Baker. Wm. W.,.jr 24 Do. Bergfeld. John H 31 Oct. 4 Bowes, Henry W 10 Oct. 29 Benwell, John.. 30 Nov. 1 Bohl, Ferdinand W.. 14 Jan. 7 Casebolt, William T 2 Jan. 14 Casebolt, Harvey F.. 6 Jan. 23 Corbett, Edward. 30 Jan. 25 Cordrey, Oscar S... ut Jan. 29 Dreyer, John.. 15 Feb. 6 Daily, John.. 21 Mar. 12 Dippel, Daniel H 29 Apr. 27 Eager, Charles B 26 June 4 Frey, Edward N. 40 June 10 Fennell, James T..... 2 June 10 14 June 14 15 June 30 27 | July 23 7 July 24 18 July 27 1 Aug. 2 3 Aug. 7 23 Aug. 11 7 Aug. 17 3 Sept. 2 11 Do. 15 Sept. 14 26 Sept. 22 9 Nov. 2 33 Nov. 24 6 Nov. 28 2 Dec. 7 1 Dec. 21 17 Do. 4 8 1 Jan. 14 10 Apr. 29 2 May 31 . 9 July 8 15 July 17 16 Uct. 8 21 Oct. 15 15 Aug. 16 28 Nov. 17 26 Feb. 6 34 Feb. 24 14 Mar. 4 10 Mar. 13 11 Mar. 22 19 Mar. 23 13 Mar. 24 9 Apr. 24 3 May 5 10 May 7 5 May 8 6 June 1 23 June 4 30 June 9 10 June 15 28 July 28 18 Sept. 4 1 Sept. 30 5 Do. 14 Oct. 4. 1 Oct. 6 17 Nov. 10 22 Nov. 20 21 Jiine 12 32 May D 16 Sept. 3862 3713 3749 3755 3789 3809 3847 3848 3725 3761 3772 38:14 3744 3803 3804 3808 3794 3810 3 Nov. 20 24 Feb. 20 21. Apr. 3 21 Apr. 15 2 June 9 10 July 9 20 Oct. 12 17 Do. 6 Mar. of 9 Apr. 26 7 May 17 2 Sept. 29 13 Mar. 29 10 July 2 2 July 3 16 | July 9 7 June 16 2 ) July 14 57- 11 162 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE Engineer's licensed—St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Narde. No. of No. of Date of license. issuo. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Engincers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 70 tons Continued. Assistant engineers- Continued. Aug. 19 Do. Greis, Charles. Gatewood, Joel... Greis, William. Greenleaf, Leroy Harper, George.. Heckmann, Julius F... Hoelscher, Louis F... Harper, John .. Held, Ernest Jacob... Held, Robert... Hulett, Richard Huber, Charles Huber, William L Haberstock, John Hughes, George W.. Hudson, Charles E. Haskell, William A.... Kropp, Oswald F., Keener, Thomas K.... Keefer, E. S.... Littleton, William. Lynds, John H., jr..... Longmayer, Emanuel .. Lowrey, William Lippincott, Thomas C. Leyhe, Harry. McCullen, George W McKinney, James A. Mead, William E. McComas: George . Mattingley, Louis Murrell, Charles Mappin, Jesse F... Nash, William E... Owen, Austin, jr O'Neil, Frank. Pease, Peter H. Ruby, Sheldon Riek, Edvin C Ross, Charles F... Ragel, Henry Reerl, Oscar S. Stark. Charles F... Sivley, Garland M Schreiner, J.C.. Seeger, A. E Scobee, Job F Sivley, Harry S... Smith, Wilbur R. Tippery, William Tracey, Samuel S Turner, Cyrus C.. Thomas, J.D.. Vail, John.. Vancil, Marshall.. Westfall, George W Velzenbach, Joe A Woodworth, Jefferson A... Wheeler, Balus ()... Willow, George B Wilson, Charles H... Wohlt, August 3753 3796 3819 3822 3701 3702 3708 3714 3767 3765 3773 3774 3775 3781 3798 3805 3829 3754 3783 3800 3715 3776 3782 3821 3871 3872 3724 3730 3777 3791 3830 3831 3837 3770 3711 3828 3793 3726 3736 3771 3826 3861 3735 3740 3746 3807 3814 3865 3868 3792 3835 3842 3870 3790 3851 3712 3728 1 Apr. 14 Burneson, James H... 5 June 24 Byington, Jolin... 15 Aug. 14 Conlter, Leroy. 18 Aug. 20 Creswell, W.R... 8 Jan. 12 Cabanney, Antonie. 2 Jan. 15 Cornell, Charles 2 Teb. 8 Campbell, Lewis W. 17 Tob. 23 Carpenter, Aaron W... 1 May 10 Cade, William A.. Do. Clifford, Samuel S..... 3 May 18 Crow, Fleury C.. 1 Do. Donlau, James J. 1 Do. Davis, Patrick... 3 Day 28 Danabue, Thomas J ... 21 June 26 Dunn, David 1 July 6 Elliott, Edward P 3 Sept. 2 Easter, Timothy A.. 1 Apr. 14 Fairchild, George W. 1 May 29 Graham., Olney 18 June 28 Gedney, Nelson. 9 Feb. 24 Hunt, Philip 6 May 19 Hill, William 0..... 19 May 29 Herr, Augustus 4. Hindman, Alonzo W 25 Dec. 10 Hall, Joliu H... 2 Dec. 27 Herzberg, Charles. 3 Mar. 3 Hall, Samuel d... 1 Mar. 11 Hock, Fred. 17 May 25 Howard, W.2.. 14 June 14 Hall, Charles J.. 17 Sept. 4 Hunt, S. J. T 21 Sept. 6 Jackson, Harry A. 6 Sept. 24 Jones, J.C... 3 May 11 Johnson, Benjamin H.. 9 Feb. 16 Jenkius, George M 2 Sept. 1 Katon, John.. 8 June 16 Krementz, Fred w 13 Mar. 6 Kremcr, Frank A.. 11 Mar. 15 Kretzwer, Martin.. 5 May 12 Knaebel, Matthias, jr. 23 Aug. 30 Keithly, Johu. 16 Nov. 18 Lynu, William.. 7 Mar. 15 Lightner, William L... 14 Mar. 18 i Lockwood, James. 1 War. 30 Larson, Andrew.. 8 July 8 Lambert, George E. 7 July 22 Lepper, William J 2 Nov. 26 Miller, Charles H. 7 Dec. Mitchell, Henry. 2 June 16 McClintock, Reuben F. 23 Sept. 22 Noonan, Thomas W. W.. 2 Sept. 29 Neadstine, William. 2 Dec. 10 Norton, Michael F.. 3 June 14 O'Brien, Frank. 22 Oct. 19 Okell, Frank A... 10 Feb. 17 Parker, Lafayette. 12 Mar. 8 Pait, John W Palmer, Trank A.. 15 Mar. 22 Rader, William... 10 A pr. 22 Rusk, John B.. 2 Do. Sykes, Samuel M. 4 Oct. 23 Single, Edward L.. 22 Dec. 3 Skemp, Charles P..... Sedam. Lonis W... Schaaf, Frod... Scott, Walter.. 7 Feb. 23 Skinner, Janson S.. 17 Mar. 1 Sanders, Harry A., 3 Mar. 8. Templo, Benjamin F... 22 Mar. 6 Tompkins, Ferris A... 11 Apr. 2 Treilway: Jerry 7 May 27 Tate, James L'. 3 May 29 Tourvillo, Jos. T. 12 June 9 Vreeland, Harry G., jr. 3 June 28 Vansteenberg, Charles. 5 Aug. 18 Willits, Otto H... 3832 3864 3709 3717 3719 3758 3811 3827 3833 3834 3858 3737 3738 3763 3825 3756 3841 3812 3710 3752 3706 3716 3720 3762 3765 3785 3786 3806 3816 3818 3856 3750 3801 3836 3860 3797 3813 3817 3824 3845 3850 3742 3757 3766 3788 3859 3869 3731 3741 3863 3704 3739 3855 3733 3802 3707 3795 3866 3823 3857 3751 3769 3778 3815 3843 3846 3849 3852 3722 3723 3732 3747 3780 3705 3734 3703 5 Sept. 10 36 Nov. 24 18 Feb. 13 7 FoU. 24 20 Fely. 27 7 Apr. 19 4 July 17 7 Aug. 31 13 Sept. 17 9 Do. 11 Nov. 16 20 Mar. 16 21 Mar. 17 15 May 5 25 Aug. 30 2 Apr. 15 2 Sept. 28 2 July 21 16 Feb. 16 12 spr. 14 12 Ieb. 4 4 Feb. 23 28 Feb. 27 12 May 3 2 May 8 15 June 2 4 3 July 8 3 Aug. 12 5 Aug. 14 1 | Nov. 15 2 Apr. 10 18 June 29 5 Sept. 22 1 Nov. 17 14 June 24 7 July 22 1 Aug. 12 5 Auy. 27 4 Oct. 4 9 Oct. 18 13 Mar. 20 3 Apr. 17 6 May 8 10 June 9 1 Nov. 17 5 Dec. 4 3 Mar. 13 15 Mar. 19 Nov. 22 3 Jan. 21 14 Mar. 17 1.3 Nov. 9 22 Mar. 15 13 July 2 13 Feb. 4 16 June 19 2 Nov. 26 1 Aug. 20 4 Nov. 16 13 Apr. 12 14 May 10 1 May 26 7 Aug. 11 10 Sept. 29 15 Oct. 9 15 Oct. 16 5 Oct. 22 9 Mar. 1 3 Mar. 2 3 Mar. 13 17 Mar. 31 18 May 28 3 Jan. 23 12 Mar. 15 9 | Jan. 18 3743 3759 3760 3853 3867 Assistant engineers. Archer, Love.. Adams, Wiley.. Allen. Boone. jr. Blackstone, James W. Blythe, Job A.. Bremser, William A... Burneson, Harry C... Brigham, James M. Bottum, Albert. Berry, William W. 3715 3721 3729 3727 3748 3779 3784 3787 3799 3820 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 163 Engineers licensed—St. Louis, Mo.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Assistant crugineers, Continued. Special engineers Continued. 1730 1707 1733 1 2 1 3745 3764 3838 3839 3840 3854 Wilsun, James H..... Waddle, George C. Wells, Clarence D... Widby, Calvin C.. Wuerker, Oswald F. Walsh, Richard C.... 21 Mar. 29 17 May 8 14 Sept. 24 20 Sept. 25 5 Do. 4 Nor. 6 Oct. 4 Feb. 27 Oct. 18 Special engineers. Feb. 1709 1721 1731 1722 1714 1715 1719 1720 1724 1708 1711 1712 5 Mar. 1 1 '1 June 23 10 Oct. 6 1 July 21 Apr. 8 1 Apr. 14 1 May 10 10 June 10 2 Aug. 30 3 Feb. 27 8 Mar. 11 2 Apr. 5 Kilpatrick, Alex, jr.. Lelever, C.D Long, George F.. Meissner, Gustave E., jr. Miller. Arthur F Mooers, Royal Newberry Miles Pillsbury, Edward.. Peterson, Oscar.. Robinson, Richard B. Raridan, William T.... Robinson, William B Suliwaab, George J ... Swartz, John M... Sparks, Ww.L Schellabarger, Charles H.... Taylor, J. P..... Tbomure, George Unterbrink, Henry H.. Weisman, Robert Watson, Willis Brunschweiler, Jacob.. Bates, Ernest W Boyd, William E.... Boles, Alberts. Chapman, Fale Dryden, Joseph. Fisher, Lee D... Fletcher, Ross Fieber, H. A Heskett, John G Hulett, Charles F. Hudgens, James B.... Job, Z. B., jr. Kirkendall, Edw Keller, Henry. Jan. 1704 1710 1725 1735 1702 1725 1703 1713 1718 1705 1717 1729 1723 1701 1716 4 6 2 Mar. 10 6 Sept. 22 9 Nov. 1 11 6 4 Aug. 30 1 Feb. 1 4 Apr. 7 1 Apr. 20 11 Feb. 20 1 Apr. 17 12 Sept. 30 7 Aug. 3 4 Jan. 6 1 Apr. 16 1734 1726 1727 1706 1732 1736 3 Oct. 29 1 Sept. 4 6 Sept. 9 2 | Feb. 23 1 Oct. 14 1 Nov. 15 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—St. Louis, Mo. Adams, Thomas S Bartson, Charles F Claridge, George H Crites, Stanley M Dixon, Frank. Hoover, Alfred Kane, Charles La Forge, Alphonse C 865 853 857 862 852 859 863 851 5 Dec. 15 3 Feb. 27 1 June 22 2 Aug. 18 3 Teb. 8 2 July 12 Oct. 8 3 Jan. 21 Linn, Horace B.. Langdon, F.E Lavrar, Frank Miner, W. W McNeil, flery C Son, Edwin R.... Selzer, Otto. 860 861 864 854 858 855 856 4 July 30 1 Aug. 16 2 Nov. 18 5 Mar. 4 1 June 23 1 Mar. 8 2 June 21 0 FIFTH SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Dubuque, Iowa. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Bill, Fred A Boland, John E. Clark, W. Davis, W.F Durham, C. W.. Fulton, Matthew P Henderson, Marcus L.. Isherwood, Thomas G 4747 4657 4753 4694 4505 4520 4541 4553 16 Nov. 1 6 May 29 14 Dec. 3 4 July 16 13 Jan. 12 10 Mar. 4 9 Apr. 9 9 A pr. 19 Lamont, George McCraney, Elmer. Moore, William M Schaefer, Charles L... Skemp, Charlos P. Swain, D. M Whitney, A.J 4533 4733 4602 4710 4613 4607 4703 8 Mar. 29 4 Sept. 16 1 May 1 14 Aug. 19 9 May 8 10 May 6 12 July 30 Master's and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--Dubuque, Iowa. Apr. 28 Aug. 16 Adolph, Chris Alexander, Silex. Appleton, Charles H... Arnold, Leonard .. Bacher, Freeman. Baldwin, Fred R. Barber, Jonathan P.... Barr, George W... Barron, Vetol Beedle, Hiram L Bigelow, V... ... Blair, Walter Blunt, Charles W Brasser, George. Bresee, E. B Bresee, Charles . Buckingham, Don G.. Buisson, Cyprian Buisson, Josep! Buisson, Henry Burns, Thomas Cameron, J.C... Carlisle, E. V... Carpenter, A. M. Carpenter, George R. Carpenter, C. C Case, August Cassiday, R. N. Chapman, Robert J Coaty, Dolphus . Coleman, J.H.S.. Corcoran, Owen L. Cratte, David. Darling, Harry M... Darling. Lysander Davis, VVilliam M.... Davis, D.C. Davis, Gordon Davison, Charles H... Day, A.O.. De Camp, Ira. Delile, Charles. Desmond, William Dikeman, W.W Dixon, E. D Dobler, William. Dolson, Thomas H 164 4510 4593 4709 4592 4675 4740 4583 4639 4659 4640 4726 4597 4658 4611 4555 4748 4670 4536 4544 4701 4656 4575 4643 4559 4584 4745 4627 4579 4750 4647 4630 4581 4761 4676 4708 4669 4684 4695 4716 4691 4601 4738 4527 4528 4535 4628 4509 9 Jan. 28 Dolson, Stephen I... 18 Dorrance, D.F... 24 Dorrance, Dana A 14 Apr. 28 Dorrance, Derwin.. 3 June 18 Dotterweich, George. 7 Oct. 15 Doughty, Henry 13 Apr. 26 Drenning, Thomas G 20 May 19 Duley, Joseph I.. 14 May 31 Duncan, Thomas A.. 17 May 20 Diindey, w.A 23 Sept. 14 Egau, Lafayette V 16 Apr. 29 Enderle, William G... 17 May 29 Ewing, William A 17 May 8 Fairbanks, P.J 20 Apr. 23 Falkner, Charles 16 Nov. 8 Farris, Cbarles H 12 June 12 Finch, J.C... 20 apr. 2 Fogel, A. A 24 Apr. 13 Folinier, J.C. 18 July 26 Fox, J.G... 13 May 29 Fngina, Frank J... 19 Apr. 24 Fuller, Ira A. 24 May 22 Fuller, Fenry C... 23 Apr. 23 Gallagher, Anthony 23 Apr. 26 Geisler, Johu P ... 23 Oct. 30 Gentzkow, George 8 May 17 Gerlich, Paul 17 Apr. 25 Goldsmith, John G.. 11 Nov. 18 Goyette, Flenry 8 May 22 Graut, A. W. 8 May 17 | Hallam, Sherwan E... 14 Hampton, John V 20 Dec. 13 Hanks, Frank G 4 June 18 Hanks, Stephen B 14 Aug. 13 Hanks, S. S.. 19 June 12 Harsch, Henry 14 July 6 Hawthorne, Joseph M 5 July 16 Henderson, Thomas W. 8 Aug. 24 Hepburn, John 8 July 14 Hill, George W 15 May 1 Hire, J. A.. 16 Oct. 11 Follinshead, Horace 18 Mar. 22 Hollinghead, A.F... 16 Mar. 24 Bolsappie, W.D 21 Mar. 30 Forn, B.F.. 16 May 17 Howard, John S. 19 Jan. 28 Hoy, John 4517 4616 4626 4660 4532 4757 4516 4588 4662 4594 4631 4577 4735 4743 4531 4590 4715 4724 4603 4739 4725 4512 4545 4568 4547 4714 4526 4651 4672 4563 4543 4682 4614 4641 4649 4655 4605 4697 4700 4686 4731 4620 4668 4621 4550 4744 4638 5 Mar. 1 7 May 12 17 May 15 26 May 31 5 Mar. 29 2 Dec. 11 20 Mar. 1 14. Apr. 27 14 June 1 12 Apr. 28 10 May 17 9 Apr. 25 10 Sept. 21 22 Oct. 26 13 Mar. 26 21 | Apr. 27 18 Aug. 23 17 Sept. 10 22 May 2 13 Oct. 13 4 Sept. 10 19 Feb. 5 22 Apr. 14 7 Apr. 24 18 7 Aug. 21 14 Mar. 13 11 May 24 16 June 16 19 6 Apr. 12 9 June 30 5 May 11 20 May 20 15 May 23 2 May 28 22 May 4 10 July 20 2 July 24 18 July 7 15 Sept. 15 17 May 13 19 June 12 21 May 14 20 Apr. 19 8 Oct. 27 20 May 19 Apr. 15 Apr. 24 Apr. 26 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 165 Masters and pilots licensed-Dubuque, Iowa—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Hugunin, R. F. Hugunin, Harry D... Hugunin, James Hutchinson, Charles J. Huttenhow, Edward ... Hysell, W.A. Jamison, Joseph S Jeffers, Georgo Jenks, Ira B Kaiser, J. E... Kent, John A.... Kerz, Adam Kimbel, Richard. King, Montifore J.. King, Henry J.. Knaack, William C Knapp, O. F Knapp, Cornelius.. Koehler, Corrad.. Kratka, William A La Chapelle, Henry P. Lambert, A. P Lancaster, E.J Langford, Perry La Point, Frank Law, D.C. Laycock, J.H. Laycock, V.J Le Claire, A.J Long, J.N Looney, M.M. Maines, P.M.. Martin, Charles T McCaffrey, John, jr. McCaffrey, John... McCaffrey, Hugh McCall, T. Y. McCall, R. B McCarthy, John V... McCarty, John McDonald, D. A McDonald, John. McGinley, 0. E McMahon, Charles E.. McMahon, O. P .. Mortes, Nicholas Metzger, B.J Miller, Erlward E.... Milliren, I. H.. Mitchell, Abram. Mitchell, W.S... Monaghan, Harry H.. Monaghan, John. Monroe, John. Moore, John G. Murray, 0. L Notcomb, I.M Newcomb. O. J Nicols, George S.... O'Conuor, John ()'Rourke, Peter. Patterson, Nathan D.. Pearson, John D... Peck, Walter J Peel, Thomas Pevey, H.L. Pierce, W. E... Polis, Henry. Pollock, Hugh H Pulver, Fred DI Rambo, J. W Rebuer, George Reed, George W Resser, Jacob G Robinson, Leon F. Rook, John Root, Edwin T.. 4561 4582 4589 4548 4692 4665 4580 4719 4679 4663 4514 4511 4619 4508 4730 4759 4507 4617 4667 4606 4530 4646 4693 4687 4712 4633 4551 4713 4608 4569 4644 4502 4570 4625 4629 4634 4610 4717 4523 4742 4540 4565 4604 4546 4572 4677 4552 4537 4503 4566 4612 4513 4746 4558 157+ 4519 4567 4727 4762 4524 4637 4534 4501 4653 4576 4722 4542 4720 4688 4681 4685 4636 4728 4718 4741 4587 4661 13 Apr. 24 7 Apr. 26 24 Apr. 27 11 Apr. 17 13 July 15 13 June 8 13 Apr. 26 17 Aug. 26 15 June 25 8 June 2 21 Feb. 19 4 Jan. 28 13 May 13 4 Jan. 23 22 Sept. 14 5 Doc. 14 19 Jan. 23 19 May 12 18 June 12 23 May 6 16 Mar. 24 16 May 22 24 July 1.5 23 July 7 10 Aug. 19 21 May 17 9 Apr. 19 7 Aug. 19 10 May 6 22 Apr. 24 18 May 22 13. Jan. 1 13 Apr. 24 3 May 14 11 May 17 22 May 18 15 May 8 15 Aug. 25 9 Mar. 9 24 Oct. 21 12 Apr. 9 16 Apr. 24 14 | May 3 7 Apr. 15 25 Apr. 24 15 June 19 1 Apr. 19 13 Apr. 2 23 Jan. 8 9 A pr. 24 1.4 | May 8 1 Feb. S 17 Nov. 1 18 Apr. 23 17 Apr. 24 14 Mar. 3 18 Apr. 24 23 Sept. 14 11 Dec. 16 7 Mar. 11 24 May 18 11 Mar. 29 9 Jan. 1 11 May 26 18 Apr. 25 23 Aug. 30 17 Apr. 9 10 Aug. 28 11 July 8 6 June 28 21 July 6 21 Mav 18 11 Sept. 14 13 Aug. 26 3 Oct. 19 10 24 May 31 Roundy, Pearl.. Roundy, Robert M... Ruby, Perry M Savage, L. Ë Scheckel, Phillip Schmidt, John T.. Schneider, George A. Schneider, Peter J Schrader, Henry. Schricker, C. W. Shaw, Stephen. Short, A. M. Short, George L. Short, I. E Skofel, John W Slocumb, Henry F. Smith, Elijah Smith, Orrin Smith, Frank... Smith, Ira F.. Smith, Harvey N Snider, E.R Solomon, Robert E.. Speake, Charles. Speake, Samuel Specht, Joliu. Spinsby, Isaac S Sterdevant, J.C Sterling, Lowell A Streckfus, John Suiter, J.G Suiter, Zach G. Thompson), 0. J. Tibbals, William R.... Tipton, David M.. Tracy, S. K Tromley, George, jr Tromley, R. H.. Tromley, George. Turner, J. M... Vansant, Samuel R... Waggoner, George C Walker, John S... Walker, E.C.. Wall, J.J Wall, F. M. Wasson, I. H Vaters, Ela C... Waters, George M Weir, William West, O.T... Wethern, David N.. Wettenhall, Frank. ... Wheeler, Ralph J.. Whisler, John T... Whisler. W. H.. Whisler, Villiam P... Whisler, J.N... Whisler, Janies. White, Charles H... Wilcox, F.C... Wild, Charles G Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Benjamin Winans. George Winslow', E.M... Wisherd, D. Walter. Withrow, Stephen B. Withrow, Thomas (.. TVithrow, A.R.. Wooci, Beder. Woodward, Asa B Worden, William York, William. Young, Joseph H Young, Harry T 4698 4699 4554 4529 4624 4560 4522 4650 4671 4515 4721 4525 4642 4755 4737 4556 4518 4652 4690 4736 4754 4689 4623 4578 4599 4664 4585 4683 4751 4705 4645 4696 4756 4758 4506 4557 4598 4704 4734 4707 4539 4749 4752 4504 4564 4615 4622 4549 4586 4632 4648 4729 4600 4654 4571 4573 4596 4618 4706 4521 4595 4680 4673 4723 4609 $674 4732 4538 4562 4678 4591 4666 4760 4711 4635 4702 14 July 23 16 Do. 14 Apr. 20 4 Mar. 24 26 May 14 7 apr. 24 16 Mar. 9 25 May 23 9 June 14 9 Mar. 1 19 Aug. 28 15 Mar. 13 26 May 21 24 Dec. 7 14 | Sept. 28 20 Apr. 23 9 Mar. 2 15 May 25 6 July 13 14 Sept. 27 13 Dec. 6 6 July 9 2 May 14 13 Apr. 25 21 Apr. 30 24 June 2 9 Apr. 27 6 July 1 14 Nov. 23 7 Aug. 5 18 May 22 16 July 17 14 Dec. 8 25 Dec. 14 13 Jan. 12 7 Apr. 23 16 Apr. 29 14 July 30 18 Sept. 20 24 Aug. 12 11 Apr. 6 17 Nov. 8 22 Nov. 24 22 Jan. 9 16 Apr. 24 12 May 11 24 May 14 2 Apr. 19 .3 Apr. 27 10 May 17 11 May 23 5 Sept. 14 15 May 1 6 May 26 7 Apr. 24 25 Do. 3 24 May 13 21 Aug. 7 14 Mar. 9 22 Apr. 28 15 June 28 10 June 18 13 Sept. 1 18 May 6 20 June 18 1 Sept. 15 21 Apr. 6 24 Apr. 24 24 June 21 4 Apr. 27 21 June 8 24 Dec. 16 14 Aug. 19 11 May 18 2 July 26 L Apr. 29 Apr. 27 166 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Dubuque, Iowa. Name. No. of No. of) Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots. Special pilots. . Ang 7 Baldwin, William G... Brandt, Charles.. Budde, George Bullis, Emmett L Burns, John . Clark, W.A. Clark. Eugene Clark, Lloyd W Dietz, Frank M... Fetter, Albert Flick. Rudolph Freisheim, William Goldsmit:h, W.H Hakes, George. Hanks, Samuel L Hufman, Fred Johnson, Alfred D... Kimbel, George A. Kraus, William... Londrosh. Alexander Lund, J. V .... MoCabe, Thomas MoCann, John See. Mills, William. Monaylani, William N Munsell, Eretlen Shovlin, Cornelius Short, H.C... Sibley, Fred W Smith, Lester A Smith, Freil J... Sourwine, John P. Staassen, Gerhard Suiter, John W.. Suiter. Leu B Wheeler, W. H. A.. Williams, LeviR.. 2628 2604 2619 2632 2631 2603 2624 2629 2621 2609 2034 2820 2612 2635 2630 2633 2605 2610 2614 2617 2607 2622 2613 2602 2608 2601 2618 2625 2637 2606 2626 2616 2615 2623 2627 2636 2611 5 July 16 2 Feb. 22 9 May 8 3 6 Aug. 6 17 Feb. 10 1 June 23 6 July 20 7 May 30 6 apr. 3 3 Oct. 21 1 May 25 13 Apr. 24 15 Oct. 28 7 July 27 5 Ang. 13 3 Feb. 22 2 Apr. 12 9 Apr. 24 9 Apr. 26 1 Mar. 10 June 6 2 Apr. 2-4 4 Jan. 29 9 Apr. 2 9 Jan. 2 1 pr. 27 5 July 63 Dec. 233 4 Mar. 2 1 July 6 4 Apr. 26 9 Apr. 24 24 June 18 4 July 15 2 Nov. 12 42 spr. 21 710 Ayres, Abner. Bently, Stephen R.... Bouvia, Trif Brindel, Jobu. Bullard, Francis B... Charboneau, Charles... Collins, W.C.. Cornwall, Johu B Daggett. Daniel C..... Dolson, L.G. Eldredge, Charles G... Ender, J.C.. Estes. I'rank E Flink, John Frank, Bruno Gardiner. Charles.. Goldsmith, C. L. Heck, William S Johns, Daniel C. Kelley, FraukJ Kimball, J. L Kimbel, Adolph King. Horace La Chapelle, Peter Lambert, Thomas. Lciclit, Emil... Lesring, James E... Mirston, W.C. Meyer, Thomas G... MoKillip, Jaines ('Rourke, John. Paine, FL. J. Perry, George W Petersen, 1.D Rebrer, Robert Rose, Malcolm R.. Schauer, IIency. Schiloeffel, Gustavo Seaman, S. () Senechal, Eilmund Sorene. John E. Shaw, Henry D Short, Thomas a Small, William S. Thomson, James L Trautner, John Tyler, Willard G... Washburn, William B.. Wood worth, Arthur S. Youmans, C. M ... 2919 2948 2921 2935 2941 2952 2958 2901 2911 2960 2942 2940 2917 2923 2938 2025 2905 2951 2956 2955 2933 2912 2946 2939 2929 2922 2930 2931 2945 2907 2910 2943 2950 2937 2934 2906 2915 2903 2908 2920 2904 2928 2918 2957 2932 2926 2936 2913 2914 2959 1 June 1 1 Aug. 25 3 June 11 2 July 6 4 Aug. 2 3 Sept. 6 6 Oct. 21 1 Jan. 1 1 May 10 2 Oct. 30 1 Aug. 6 2 July 29 2 May 29 2 June 18 2 July 29 1 June 19 3 Apr. 19 9 Aug. 31 1 Sept. 21 2 Sept. 18 7 June 29 6 May 13 8 Aug. 21 2 July 29 5 June 25 4 June 16 1 June 28 8 Do. 1 Aug. 20 2 Anr. 28 3 May 7 1 Aug. 14 6 Ang. 30 3 July 28 2 Sept. 13 4 spr. 23 2 May 23 3 Mar. 31 6 Apr. 28 1 June 1 2 Apr. 9 2 Juve 21 1 June 1 2 Sept. 23 8 June 29 1 June 19 5 July 10 1 May 15 1 May 17 13 Oct. 29 Second-class pilots. Bouvia, Frauki Chamberlain, Frank A. Darling, George A. Eaton, Thomas C Gentzkow, J. C... Keckevoet, Jolin. Kelly, James. Leonard, F.E Selleck, A. I... Walker, A.D Walter, Frank 2927 2961. 2902 2924 2947 2949 2909 2953 2934 2914 2916 4 June 21 10 Dec. 14 Mar. 28 8 June 18 11 Aug. 24 9 dug. 25 4 May 7 2 Sept. 11 12 July 1 9 dug. 18 7 May 23 Joint pilols and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Dubuque, Iowa. 1 Beach, Charles F. Beck, Lambert.. Bein, F.A.. Benjamin, George M... Benjamin, Charles S... Brown, Glenn.. Brown, James W.. Christ, Martiu.. Christiansen, Peter. Colbura, V.S.. Cornelius, George. Frauk, Alvin Gale, Joseph. Gillett, James H. Hartford, W.P. Hiscox, Charles I 910 921 913 911 919 902 917 912 903 918 927 904 922 907 901 923 4 June 22 Joest, Phillip H 3 Ang. 17 | Kesler F.H... 3 July 10 | Laramie, Laramie, Nelson 1 June 22 Lenhart, L, Y 1 Aug. 6 Linn, Adolph.. 6 dpr. 24 Lutiger, Joseplı H. 3 July 31 Miller, W.R... 3 July 6 Morbiser. VV. E... 3 DIay 10 Oakins, Clarence ? 3 Aug. 2 Richardson, Wilbur P 2 Sept. 20 Rood, William A. 7 May 13 Stroni, J. V... 1 Aug. 19 Tuttle, Gilbert. 3 May 31 Van Slyke, Fred. W 4 April 20 Williams, Maurice R 1 Aug. 20 Zeiler, Angust.. 930 931 915 909 906 920 914 908 916 924 932 928 926 929 905 925 2 Oct. 28 1 (ct. 29 3 | July 15 3 June 18 2 May 22 4 Aug. 11 3 July 10 2 June 9 3 July 27 1 Aug. 23 3 Dec. 1 3 Sept. 24 1 Sept. 6 6 Oct. 7 1 May 19 2 Aug. 31 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, 167 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Dubuque, Iowa. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Aug. 16 14 Apr. 20 pr. 14 A pr. 20 Adanson, William.... Anding, Flermal A .... Anthony, Edwarci Appleton, Charles H.. Aruold, George J Axtell, J.M... Bain, Warren.. Barsley: Winfield L.... Beare, John H... Bee, George. Beesley, A. D Beesley, Harry Beesley, Benjamin. Beyer, C.F Bingham, Henry Brewer. IIenry Bromley, John C... Burchett, James Burk. Patrick Burns, William Burns, J.M. Burtnett, Spencer B Burtnett, Thomas Q Bywater, William Carleton, H. E Carter, Robert Cars, James J Chamberlain, Frank A. Chambers, Thomas C.. Craven, Samuel O... Dansberry, George M.. Davis, Bert Davis, William M. Dawley, 1).C... Day, G. H.. De Camp, Thomas Dillon, Charles L Dillon, Joseph J Dillou, D. C Dixon. E. D Dolson, L. G Dwican, James Ecklor, William Ellis, Edgar H... Ewing, William W Fengler, Richard Ferau, James Fergusou, James Teury, Johu D. Fichter, Joseph B. Fichter, Michael À Fisher, William. Fitzgerald, Martin P... Fox, J.G Fuler, Clair C Fuller, Roy C Iuler. Hiram. Fuller. Joseph H Gerlich, Henry L. Glynn, Williain E Goldsmith, F. E... Goldsmith, Clarence L Goodloe, Christopher T. Graham, Oliver.. Gunderman, Henry Haessig, Jacob Hakes, George Hanley, Daniel R Hanley, Michael L. Harris, James H. Harvey, Charles S.. Heck, William. Henderson, C.M.. Hendrich, Joseph Hertzberg, Adolplı M. Higbee, George M Eigbee, Charles H.. Hill, Winnington . 9876 9803 9868 12635 9887 12677 12609 12604 12608 12606 9805 9846 9862 9888 9844 12672 12630 9842 9838 9869 12637 9840 12612 12602 9850 12622 980S 12678 9890 9898 9879 9848 12627 12659 12676 12618 9814 9826 12656 9836 12623 9849 12668 12646 12664 12661 ISTS 12639 12631 9835 12644 12617 9891 12658 9883 9892 12626 12628 9827 9830 9806 12610 9880 12670 9821 12645 12650 9820 9865 12663 9899 9893 12630 12671 9813 9871 9873 12665 20 May May 6 Horton, Henry A... 13 Jan. 4 Elorton, George W W.. 6 May] Howard, Johns 21 Hufman, 1Villiam H.... 24 May 18 Hulman, Fred 3 Dec. 14 Elumberstone, Lewis. 6 June 11 Isherwood, Thomas G.. 7 June 5 || Ives, Thomas 20 June 11 Johnston. William K.. 9 June 9 Keepe, Phillip 12 Jan. 4. Kindred, TY.O 26 Apr. 20 King, Levi MI. 22 A. pr. 26 Kraus, Conrail. 21 May 19 Kraus, William 12 Apr. 20 Lancaster, George 0... 21 Nov. 29 Langford, Perry 24 Aug. 23 Laurence, Elisha 26 d pr. 17 Leach, Dow.. 7 Apr. 6 Leonard, Frank E. 22 May 2 Long, Thomas F 14 Aug. 25 Lumiey, Charles E... 5 Madin, Nathan 3 June 19 Maiues, P. M.. 8 Juwe Mauwaring, J. F. 9 ápr. 2.2 Maples, R. A 15 July 12 Martin, J.K. 2 Jan. 28 Martin, P. F. 10 Dec. 14 Matthew's, Andrew. 23 May 22 McCraney, William... 26 May 29 McCraney, Elmer 36 May 10 McGuire, Edward 5 Apr. 22 McKeever, John). 5 Jnly 17 Miller, Fletcher B. 20 Oct. 19 Monaghan, George M. 24 Dec. 4. Mopagban, Charles L 5 July 3 Moore, Willi M Feb. 26 Morgan, Z. C... 6 Mar. 11 Morgan, Charles B. 14 Oct. 9 Murray, 0. L. 28 Mar. 30 Newcomb, Milton H... 23 July 12 Newcomb, John F.. 12 Nims, O. W.. 7 Nov. 12 li O'Hare, Charles P 6 Sept. 13 Oleson, Ole 22 Nov. 4 Pelton), T. G. 24 Oct. 22 l'ickety, John H. 21 May 8 Pierce, W. H.. 23 Aug 28 Pierson, Harry 7 July 27 Potter, O.G. 9: Mar. 26 Prontiss, Samuel J. 9 Sept. 2 Rockwood, Bernard B 23 July 1 Rockwood, George. 5 May 23 Roddy, A.J.. 16 Oct. 13 Kirss, James M 7 May 17 Roundy, Pear) 1 May 24 Roundy, O. H 23 July 14 Sauer, Eilmul 16 July 20 Sclioel, William. 9 Mar. 15 Solleck, A. E.. 25 Mar. 22 Serone, John H.. 9 Jan. 6 Servis, E. E. 2 June 12 Shadle, Robert L 16 May 10 Slapnon, Robert. 13 Nor. 17 Shannon, Flugh. 5 Mar. 5 Sherman, James L 10 Sept. 13 Smith, P. M.. 14 Sept. 21 Smith, J. W 4 Mar. 4 Smith, Luce. 10 Apr. 29 Solomon, Robert L. 16 Oct. 29 Sparks, Marion L.. 21 May 30 Specht. Henry 23 May 24 Siokes, Edward. 8 July 27 Stokes, Elmer... 3 Nov. 20 Stokes, Alexander. 5. Feb. 22 Stone, Ira L 13 May 4 Streckfus, John. 22' May 5 Strom, Ole E. 6. Nov. 10 Sturdevant, J.C.... 9861 12679 12648 9825 12634 12666 9804 12642 9895 9881 9847 9809 9852 9856 9857 12633 9834 12620 9886 9860 9829 9823 12647 9851 12674 12615 12660 9803 9864 12629 9859 9855 12662 9818 982 9867 99845 1 2632 9819 9817 12673 9832 9812 9897 9882 9889 9839 12601 12675 9815 9807 9811 12657 12641 9870 12619 9801 9816 12616 9877 12605 12654 9841 12652 12655 9872 12621 12624 12640 9853 12625 9822 9858 9884 9875 9828 9896 12638 24 A pr. 24 1 Dec. 18 17 Sept. 17 Mar. 10 13 Aug. 13 12 Nov. 11 15 Jan. 4 21 Sept. 2 12 May 25 22 May 13 17 18 Jan. 29 25 Apr. 22 9 Apr. 24 9 Do. 16 Aug. 1 21 Dlar. 25 13 July 8 3 | May 18 14 Apr. 24 7 Mar. 22 4 Mar. 8 22 Sept. 16 13 A pr. 24 9 Nov. 30 4 June 28 22 Oct. 22 19 Apr. 26 32 Do. 12 July 24 15 Apr. 24 23 Do. 1 Oct. 27 17 Dar. 2 12 Mar. 9 15 pr. 30 21 12 July 31 6 Mar. 3 6 Feb. 27 15 Nov. 27 10 Mar. 22 5 Feb. 19 12 May 29 19 Day 17 16 May 22 33 Apr. 9 3 June 1 7 Dec. 1 16 Feb. 26 S 2 Fob. 12 14 1 Oct. 12 26. Aug. 30 17 May 2 9: July 6 8 Jan. 1 9. Tev. 26 16 July 1 9 May 7 2 June 9 6 Oct. S 29! A pr. 16 28 Sept. 23 Oct. 8 21 : May 4 5 July 11 29 July 13 24 Aug. 30 14 Apr. 24 23 July 13 5 Mar. 8 9 Apr. 24 18 May 17 17 May 6 4 Mar. 16 17 May 29 5 | Aug. 26 pr. 22 Jan. 1 39 168 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Eugineers licensed-Dubuque, Iowa—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 11 1 Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Swain, D. M. Swain, George F Swartz, John B Trew, J. W Utter, f'rank C Walker, William R. Walker, Samuel A.. Wareham, A. H. Warren, Jobn Wescott, David.... Whitney, Frank A. Wilcox, H. C.... Williams, Charles P Wilson, Benjamin. Winslow, G. L.... Woodworth, Arthur S. Worley, Jabez B.... Worthington, William Wright, John T..... Wright, Thomas. Wright, Edwin W Wybrant, John Wykoft, George.. 9874 12619 9810 12607 9802 12651 12653 9837 9851 9831 9843 9866 9833 9.900 12611 12669 9885 9894 12614 12643 12667 12603 12613 3915 7824 7812 3967 3926 3987 7810 3980 3964 3953 7833 3974 Apr. 6 13 Mar. 2 7 Sept. 22 7 Aug. 12 3 May 18 15 Mar. 13 S June 19 14 Nor. 15 5 June 2 21 May 11 14 May 1 3 Oct. 28 5 May 25 Assistant engineers in charge of steainers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Apr. Assistant engineers in charge of steamers of 100 ions and under, and over 10 tons-- Continued. 23 May 6 Serrine, James. 9 Sept. 18 Simpson, James 6 Feb. 4 Smith, Frank E... 38 June 9 Spicer, Asher .. 5 Jan. 3 Tansett, Frank M. 5 | Sept. 23 Vought, C.J ... 1:3 , Sept. 25 Welsh, Thomas A 15 Whitney, Wilbur W 22 Apr. 22 ! Wier, Frank 17 Mar. 22: "Viley, John R. 18 Apr. 19 Wood, Benjamin F. 23 Apr. 30 Woolsey, Vol J 17 Mar. 23 34 May 31 Assistant enginecrs. 24 June 16 7 Nov. 1.5 Allams, Wilfred T..... 21 May 18 Adams, Joseph L 5 May 24 Benedict, Charles A.... 21 June 28 l Berger, J. W .. 28 Sept. 2 Blair, Edward D 27 Nov. 11 Boeckh, William 42 Juro 5 Burdick, William A. 25 June 19 Burns, Thoinas. Burlis, P.G Burns, Isaac Burtnett, Andrew Camerou, William E.... Cayas, Riley Church. George 9 July 16 Clark, Lloyd W Mar. 2 Conwell, Robert J 8 Mar. 13 Crosby, C. P... 3 May 31 Dansberry, George W 7 Jan. 16 Davenporti, Otho 9 May 22 Davison, Marion S Mar. 2-1 Iay, Louis A 1 July 23 Decker, Harry P 8 July 1 Dillon, Frank H. 6 Aug. 10 Dillon, John A. 8 6 Donaldson, audiew 8 Jan. 5 Driscoll, Michael 17 Apr. 28' Estes, Frank E 5 Nov. 29 Fecban, John 1 May 22 Fransioli, Clement.. 14 May 1 Friel, John.. 3 Apr. Fuller, John E.. 7 May 2 Fuller, George R.. 4 May 6 Fuller, Lynian 2 Mar. 31 Gardner, Waldo L. 5 Aug. 23 : Gentzkow, George 23 June 28 Gibson, William H.. 71 July 13 Gilbert, Roy 6 i Mar. 10 | Hall, Archibald, jr 1 May 24 Figbee, Fred B 9 July 24 : Hiókson, L. H 3 ! Apr. 30 Horton, George W 9 Aug. 31 Hundt, John 5 Mar. 10 Jensen, Albert M 20 Jme 11 Johnson, Clark E.. 13 Aug. 24 | Kammerer, Charles 15 Mar. 22 1 King, Levi H 4 Mar. 15. La Chapelle, David.. 7 June 15 La Point, Louis. 5 Dec. 1 Lawson, Marion W 3 May 13 Marshall, Frank 6 Jan. 9 McGuire, George M.., 6 Apr. 13 Millar, William J 8 Mar. 8 Morgan, Robert L 26 June 28 Nesbitt, Newton. 6 Oct. 19 Newberg, Andrew 1 Mar. 10 Newcomb, Edward J... 7 June 14 Nietzel, John S... 3 Oliver, Ashley 8 Aug. 28 Piper, George C. 7 Dec. 16 Prolow, Henry 10 ) Apr. 24 || Reed, Cyrus š.. Bald win, William G Barnhart, VVilliam O... Chevalier, Fred Cornell, C. E Cosner, A. L Danley, Edwin J De Lorimier, Charles C. Drummoud, Nathan H. Dundey, W. A... Earl, Otis d... Fayerweather, A. C... Fest, Cbarles Fielty, John Fischer, Hugo E. Flink, John, Gault, William A... Gibbs, Phillip .. Gillett, Fred.. Gillett, James H. Gillette, Frank.. Graban, Fred.. Grinesou, Peter. Gunderman, William Harrison, Thomas J Hart, Judson J Haskins, Frank E Heaton, James Heck, William S.... Hempbill, Jobu E... Hild, J.G.. Houston, John E.... Hunt, W.0... Eustlely, Edward L... Hysell, William A.. Johnson, Levi J Kimbel, Adolph. King, Jackson I Martin, Thompson G Maxwell, Jesse F... Mikesell, Addison Moore, William. Olsen, Claus B. Pierce, Mark M.. Prichard, Owen H Raymond, Willard L.. Rhoades, Charles G.. Roundy, Milton A.. 6 3996 3914 3927 3979 3905 3968 3934 4000 3991 7811 3940 3902 3950 7841 3969 3954 3938 3955 3957 3937 7814 3988 3994 3923 3972 7801 3952 7819 3924 3982 7817 3931 3928 3985 7843 3966 3903 3942 3919 3989 7829 3922 3984 3949 7818 7847 3948 3908 3993 3936 3933 3916 3944 7831 3901 7802 7810 7839 3918 3971 3945 7807 3912 3977 7815 7844 3921 3961 3973 3946 3959 7845 3956 7842 7827 3910 7830 3904 3930 3995 7820 7805 3929 7846 7806 3909 3990 3998 3992 3923 3939 3913 7838 3983 7822 7804 7828 7823 7808 7836 7832 3978 3932 3986 3976 7821 3911 3943 2 Jan. 29 5 July 2 5 Mar. 28 7 Mar. 24 9 Mar. 2 8 Apr. 17 8 Oct. 23 14 Jan. 1 2 July 24 2 Aug. 9 5 Nov. 15 7 Mar. 3 1 May 24 5 Apr. 21 2 Aug. 1 2 Feb. 16 21 May 29 3 Aug. 23 2 Dec. 2 9 Mar. 9 7 May 8 1 May 24 12 Apr. 22 8 Blay 8 3 Dec. 3 13 May 3 13 Nov. 30 2 Oct. 8 2 Tel. 5 8 Oct. 20 4 | Jan. 13 4 Mar. 18 14 July 15 8 Sept. 1 9 July 29 5 Mar. 16 1. Dec. 7 16 July 29 1 Feb. 3 11 June 29 6 July 22 16 July 2 4 Mar. 11 5 Apr. 6 11 Teb. 18 3 Nov. 13 11 June 12 5 Sept. 17 1 July 28 10 Oct. 12 2 Sept. 18 4 Aug. 4 7 Nov. 8 1 (ct. 23 2 May 31 4 Mar. 24 14 June 18 3 May 26 8 Sept. 4 5 Feb. 10 12 Apr. 17 1 Apr. 28 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 169 Engineer's licensed - Dubuque, Iowa—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Namc. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Assistant engineers-- Continued. Special engineers-- Continued. Apr. 29 Jan. Rierdon, Edward Robinson, Leon F.. Ross, Nathan Rourke, James ()... Schaefer, George H.. Schaffner, John. Schreiner, Jacob J Shannon, William Shaw, William H Shay, Philo Smith, Oscar Snell, Frank P. Sparks, William E. Sullivan, John L. Thompson, W. W Tinker, Ralph Toker, Harry H. Tan Duzor, H. E... Von Heine, Charles Walker, Jobu L. Wendt, Charles H Whistler, George H..., TVilcox, Bruce Wykoff, George, jr .. Yohn, Charles A. 3941 3965 3960 3962 3997 3999 3906 3947 7816 3907 3917 3951 7809 3963 3970 7835 7834 3958 3935 7813 7803 3975 3920 3981 7837 10 Apr. 12 Flink, Jolin. 3 May 12 Gelatt, W.B 17 May 8 Gelatt, William F 9 Do. Gordon, Charles C 4 July 17 Hansen, Charles L 6 July 23 Johnson, Fred L 6 Jan. 26 King, Ira F... 14 Apr. 23 Koehler, Conrad 4 ang. 23 Lacy, Anbrose C 2 Jan. 27 Laws, Gilbert A 7 Mar. 2 Leicht. Enil.. 3 Magnire, Francis 10 | Aug. 5 McRae, William 13 May 10 Nagle, Henry 10 May 24 Olinger. George W 3 Nov. 11 1 ! O'Rourke, John . 2 | Oct. 29 Perry, George W 14 Mayî ! Peterson, Martin 2 Mar. 24 Roaclı, James. 2 Aug. 16 Rogers, George N.. 5 July 26 Rupert, Dell E 1 May 25 Schott, W’illiam G 9 Mar. S Scott, Frank.. 6 June 11 Sepechal, Ellward H... 1 Nov. 12 Smee, H. H.M Smith, William J Sommers, Arthur F Story, Eugene... 1 May 10 Thomson, James L... 5 June 15 Tyler, Claro P 2 Sept.. 27 Washburn, William B 2 Sept. + Wendt, Frank 1)... 4 Sept. 21 TVilliams, Maurice R 2 Apr. 6 Yocum, Harry B.. 1803 1806 1834 1802 1818 1837 1823 1821 1807 1830 1819 1801 1812 1826 1.809 1828 1825 1805 1838 1808 1817 1827 1811 1814 1815 1822 1831 7825 1824 1829 1813 1833 1836 1816 6 Mar. 18 3 Apr. 14 2 Sept. 10 4 Feb. 20 1 June 1 3 Nov. 13 7 June 28 3 June 18 6 A pr. 21 1 Aug. 19 4 June 12 1 5 4 May 17 4 July 28 2 May 8 1 Aug. 7 8 June 30 10 Apr. 12 13 Nov. 19 4 Apr. 23 1 ! June 1 10 Aug. 4 1 May 13 1 Jue 1 1 1 June 19 6 Aug. 26 2 Sept. 23 8 June 29 5 Aug. 13 1 May 26 1 Sept. 7 7 Sept. 24 1 Jue 1 Do.' Special engineers. Amison, Harry Bouvia, Trif Bonvia, Fred. Chadwick, H. N. Collins, Clara I.. Dikeman, William H.. 1810 1820 7826 1832 1835 1804 LOCAL DISTRICT OF DULUTH, MINN. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Duluth, Minn. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. River, River-Continued. Lange, J. E 9912 7 Aug. 21 Smith, V.C... 9883 3 June 29 Aí asters and pilots licensed during the jear ended December 31, 1897—Duluth, Minn. 1 Luke. Lake-Continued. Baird, John D..... 9948 1,6 Nov. 3 Campbell, Neil. 9866 6 June 7 Bakewell, Thomas N... 9855 18 May 27 Christian, Edward F... 9926 17 Sept. 8 Ballentine, Edvin D... 9859 18 May 29 Clausen, Andre 9813 5 Mar. 15 Barker, Charles S.. 9802 19 Jan. 19 Clow, Duncan J. 9829 10 spr. 28 Bassett, Charles H. 9951 26 Nov. 9 Clow, John H.. 9873 10 June 18 Bonson, Fred G 9947 15 Oct. 27 Coburn, Ira.. 9899 20 Aug. 5 Bishoff, Frank A... 9886 16 July 12 Coburn, Rosselle P... 9950 23 Nov. 8 Bopnah. Victor, jr. 9888 13 July 15 Conill, Thomas M 9909 2, 10 Aug. 18 Boyce, Malcom Å 9936 7 Oct. 6 Corcoran, Joseph 9823 23 Apr. 25 Brower, Frank R... 9830 20 i Apr. 30 Cottrell, Joseph 9840 25 May 8 Brown, Edgar R 9833 12 May 1 Cottrell, George L 9939 20 Oct. 16 Brown, Cari.. 9914 8 Aug. 22 Cowley, Robert J 9903 16 Aug. 13 Brooks, George E.. 9916 9 Aug. 24 Cox, Alonza A. 9902 28 Aug. 11 Bunker, John 9915 14 Do. Cox, Joseph.. 9895 16 July 27 Burke, James 9856 15 May 28 Daugherty, Frank B 9957 13 Dec. 13 Burnett, William 9838 17 May 8 Ditzel, Henry E. 9820 2 A pr. 20 Burnham, Samuel E. 9812 7 Mar. 10 Fick, Frank A. 9898 30 Aug. 2 Cameron, M.C 9918 1,9 | Aug. 25 Flynn, Cornelius O 9868 17 June 8 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 170 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. / Masters and pilots licensed-Duluth, Minn. Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name, No. of No. of Date of liceuse. issue. issue. Lake-Continued. Lake-Continued. Sower, Joseph G. Stewart, Frank G.... Stewart, Albert E... Stewart, Fred. Stewart, W. W Stoakes, Edgar J Stone, Henry W Stone, Lewis V. Tappan, Asa G Thorn, William... Townsend, Bernard... Twichell, John M Tyrney, John.. Vaughn, John F Vorous, O.J. Wheeler, Martyn Wright, Dillon P 9878 9821 9877 9892 9836 9854 9865 9881 9870 9943 9905 9835 9908 9954 9938 9817 9860 20 Juno 23 15 Apr. 21 15 June 23 12 July 21 22 May May 1 15 May 26 17 June 5 12 June 29 14 June 9 42 Oct. 20 16 Allg. 17 21 May 3 19 Aug. 18 16 Nov. 21 12 Oct. 12 24 | Apr. 15 18 May 29 River. Flynn, Joha Foley, Jolin P.. Fuller, E.M Galton, Frederick.. Gibson, Thomas D. Graves, Andrew M. Grant, Charles J. Gridlinm, William D.... Haberer, Martin J. Hartman, Charles. Hartman, John Hector, Jacob F Humphrey, William H. Hutchins, William. Inman, Byron B Inman, Hiram G. Jacques, Elie Jackson, Richard Johnson, William H ... Jones, Stephen R Jordan, John V Kilby, VVillard F King, Lewis E.. Lewis, Samuel E. Mansfield, Ira B Martin, Ellward Majo, Albert C McCormick, James H.. McDougall, Alexander. McEachern, Malcolm McGregor, Wilson B.. McIntosh, Murray G McLean, Murdick McNeil, John S Miller, Charles D... Millard, Cyrus S... Minar, Georges Mulholland, Mathew Murch, Mayuard H. Murphy, Henry Nahrstedt, John Nichols, Flynt. Nicholson, James W Niland, Martin Paul, Antoine Peterson, John D Priugle, W. Quinlan, James Rafferty, John C. Rattray, Andrew Richardson, Henry Richardson, Joseph. Root, Frank D Reyrier, Dallas Scott, Croorge E. Shea, John... Sinclair, Alexander R., Small, George A Smith, Robert Smith, Edward C Smith, Edward S. Smith, Alfred C.. 9845 9842 9831 9853 9872 9880 9942 9806 9819 9885 9811 9816 9822 9952 9933 9931 9857 9901 9891 9922 9861 9953 9944 9814 9930 9937 *992. 9858 9907 9919 9906 9949 9935 9913 9864 9900 9869 9834 9928 9955 9921 9808 9904 9818 9824 9874 9867 9934 9846 9882 9844 9862 9847 9927 9945 9851 9917 9941 9871 9896 9890 9923 13 | May 17 10 May 10 9 May 1 12 May 24 12 June 15 24 June 28 8 Oct. 19 2 Feb. 15 12 Apr. 19 17 July 3 13 Feb. 27 1.5 Apr. 8 18 Apr. 23 21 Nov. 15 27 Oct. 1 15 Sept. 30 25 May 28 1S Aug. 11 16 Jnly 21 14 Sept. 4 28 May 31 15 Nov. 19 16 Oct. 21 2 Apr. 3 18 Sopt. 20 12 Oct. 9 25 Sept. S 28 May 29 28 dug. 17 11 | Aug. 26 31 Aug. 17 15 Nov. 8 16 Oct. 5 30 Aug. 22 11 June 4 24 Aug. 8 16 Juie 9 12 May 1 36 Sept. 14 19 Nov. 22 5 dlug. 31 9 Feb. 17 Aug. 16 29 Apr. 19 14 | apr. 26 17 June 18 16 June 8 20 Oct. 1 22 May 18 31 June 29 27 May 13 12 Juwe 2 22 May 19 25 Sept. 14 12 Oct. 22 14 May 23 28 Aug. 25 16 Oct. 18 19 June 12 7 July 29 16 | July 19 23 Sept. 3 .. Belk, John M. Beyl, Gustave Brouson, David Brown, Elmer E Deiners, Charles Doherty, Bernard.. Eames, Albert 1 Flynn, Daniel.. Tuller, Solomon. Garrison, L.C.. Gould, William H Grigg's, William Gunn, Harry C.. Hunter, Walter S... Hcerinan, E. E.. Hoy, Thomas Haskell, J. W. Hilger, Nicholas Jewell, Benjamin Knapr. George B Libbey, Rolando Luke, William McClellan, J. A Meeds, Charles H. Miller, Charles F Minder, Eli. Orton, Peter DI Perro, Sylvester Pond, Daniel W.. Quinlan, Johu TV Register, Samuel M. Rives, Joseph B. Rowan, Andy A Sims, Williana FI Siitli, VVilliam M Sunith. John C. Slevels, M.F Trnax, Sid J... Webber, Jeremiah Woolfolk, R.F.. Young, August R. 99-10 9850 9911 9897 9932 9920 9879 9827 9863 9946 9809 9929 9852 9804 9807 9839 9958 9887 9910 9810 9832 9837 9875 9801 9815 9848 9884 9825 9899 9828 9843 9894 9925 9876 9826 9841 9893 9805 9956 9849 9803 18 Oct. 18 10 May 22 10 Aug. 21 10 July 30 18 Sept. 30 9 Aug. 27 17 Julie 26 10 Apr. 28 10 June 3 19 Oct. 25 17 Feb. 26 13 Sept. 18 11 May 23 5 Jan. 28 18 Feb. 15 16 May 8 19 Dec. 20 12 July 14 19 Aug. 19 15 Heb. 27 13 May May 1 15 May 7 13 June 22 23 Jan. 9 10 Apr. 3 24, May 20 12 July 2 14 Apr. 26 8 July 18 11 Apr. 28 23 May 11 6 July 23 12 Sept. 8 20 June 22 1.3 Apr. 26 20 May 10 17 July 23 15 Teb. 3 17 Nov. 29 20 May 20 18 Jan. 19 L Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Duluth, Minn. First-class pilots (lake). First-class pilots (lake) Continued. . Ames, William J. Bullerwell, William Blair, Edward ... Bell, Thomas.. Belcore, Louis Bamford, D. D Brant, August Briquelet, John H... 2746 2715 2717 2718 2719 2725 2737 2741 9 July 20 9 Apr. 22 6 May 8 20 May 11 6 May 13 9 June 5 9 July 3 14 | July 12 Bernard, Frank.. Cayo, Walter J Chapman, James Cowley, Robert H. Carroll, Charles B. Cowie, Andrew Cole, James ... Cole, Martin 2742 2722 2732 2736 2754 2761 2762 2772 9 July 14 10 May 18 14 June 24 2 June 29 10 Aug. 2 6 Aug. 28 16 Sept. 7 11 | Sept. 30 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 171 Pilots licensed-Duluth, Minn.—Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots (lake), Continued. Second-class pilots (lake). Do. Cooney. John Durfoy, Saniel B Dragland, Severin Elsey, Arthur W. England, Edward Fisher, Albert H.. Fuller, Frank. Green, Charlos II Gutch, Paul. Green, Walter J Gibson, George Gegenheimer, Clas. M. Hadland, Thomas Herbert, Willian J Hall, \Villiam a Filbert, James S.. Heaney, Jolin Howard, Beujanıin F. Jeffery, Job H.. Jobus, Jolin F.. Jacobson, Charles Keut, Albert A Kinyou, Frank V., Lachappello, Louis. Lachappelle. Edward Leihy: Charles R Lalaj, Leonard . Milthieso!. John W... McLaughlan, Thomas. McDonalil, Grafton McArthur, John Mcdrthur, Archibald.. McGillivray. Neil. McDonald, Villam McLuclilan, Williau. Malheson, Murdock Murplıy, Joseph Maniou, Henry R. Mitchell, Dana. Nelson, Arthur C.. Picrce, William L. Pattorson, Robert E... Pocock, Henry A Pickell, Edward S Prior, James Powton, Tliomas J Relocin, Jolin Robi), David .. Rogers, Wallace G. Sylvester, George Savage, Henry L. Smith, Jolu.. Stevens, Darwin L... Sullivan, Jamos. Thompson, John P. Thompson, William F.. Trezise, Phillip HI Tear, Franz S Thompsou, Charles E ... Tilden, Lewis S... Wood, Walter V Wood, Josoph S.. Walker, Donald.. Walker, Bert P 2782 2750 2776 2757 2766 2712 2724 2709 2735 2747 2769 2775 2701 2702 2720 2728 2739 2786 2731 2760 2783 2749 2779 2721 2734 2751 2759 2703 2708 2716 2729 2770 2771 2780 2781 2727 27-13 2745 277:) 2778 2705 2707 2726 2744 2774 278. 2723 2755 2768 2730 2752 2753 2756 2777 2711 2733 2767 2785 2787 2788 2704 2714 2738 2765 13 Nov. 6 Ames, Francis C... 19 July 29 Ackley, Daniel.. 10 Oct. 5 | Bond, Elias.. 8 Aug. 15 Brower, Henry T... 10 Sept. 14 Brian, Thomas . 9 dur. 19 Boyd, Hugh. 18 June 4 Brown, James k.. 9 pr. 3Buel, (irover s... 2 June 28 Cancion, Jolin A. 10 July 23 Curran, Charles M. 11 Sept. 21 Case, Bernard L. 4 Oct. 2 Clatteau, Joon E. Jan. 18 Carroll, Mathew 18 Coulin, Thomas. 5 May 15 Ciow, Edwin O.. 8 Juuie 11 Cronk, Dauiel. 6 6 July 7 Doherty, John E.... 8 Nov. 26 Devar, ithelbert J.... 11 June 21 Douglas, Tilliam S. 4 Aug. 24 Dun, Patrick H. 12 Nov. 11 Elliott, Heury S.... 9 July 26 falconer, Ebenezer. 15 Oct. 19 Francis, Robert L.. 7 May Is Faurrington, Harley D.. 2 June 25 Fuller, James H... 10 July 31 Freshette, Frank. 10 Aug. 21 Grally, John. 6 Feb. 19 Hill, Frank R.. 12 Mar. 27 Hoy, William E... + spr. 30 Henry, Jolin 3 June 12 Hib lilld, Clell 8 Sept. 244 Hughes, Joseph. 6 Sept. 30 Hill, Elward.. 10 . 10 Nov. 1 Jetiery, William. 14 June 9 Jones, Iilliam 3 July 11 Jacobs, Lyman B 7 July 19 | Jacobs, Joseph. 2 Oct. Jellery, Simon 5 Oct. 15 La lique, George N 4 Mar. 10 Lillierailx, Simon A 16 Mar. 17 Lloyd, George 10 June 9 Leally, James 7 | July 14 Lloyd, l'alter S 8 Oct. 2 Naples, Charles R.. 8 Nov. 18 Morrin. Willlian 10 une 2 DICGirre, John. 7 Aug. 0 Mclutusli, John E 5 Sept. 20 Mckay, Alexander 13 Jure is MoGregor, Daniel 13 July 31 DIсitarry, William.. 9 diiy. 2 Magee, James. 13 Aug. 14 Montgomery, Edwin. 3 Oct. 12 Morrison, Dougal.. 6 Aur. 13 Nogle gord, Charly 12 June 21 Neville, Dauiel 17 Sept. 15 Norton, John H. 5 Nov. 18 Osborn, William NOV. 29 Pasque, Joho. 2 Dec. Pitcher, Orlando E 6 Teb. 27 Petorson, Peter 2 Apr. 20 I'rindle. William E 15 | July 6 Roynaldson, Suren. 2 Sept. 10 Roilmau, Nathaniel D.. Roy, Lawrence Swanes, John . Session, Villett Stubbs, Freeman 8 Aug. 24 Stapnes, Lars M Apr. 10 Strand, Alexander... 8 Sept. 9 Swauk, Samuel B 2 July 7 Turgeon, William 16 July 23 Taylor, Alfred 7 4pr. 19 Winter, Charles 15 Sept. 8 Wheeler, Harry. 9 Mar. 16 Wagner, Emil 3017 3029 3009 3018 3028 3044 3095 7006 3037 3045 3054 3073 3078 3088 3094 7001 3003 3080 3098 7003 3065 3004 3010 3060 3091 3092 3013 3052 3058 3064 3076 3087 3096 3099 3002 3012 3021 3042 3049 3001 3005 3008 3026 3032 3019 3022 3033 3051 3079 3085 Oct. 26 : Hagerman, Andrew 1 Mar. 20 2 May 10 2 Teb. 23 2 Mar. 26 7 May 8 2 May 26 1 Oct. 7 16 Dec. 9 3 May 15 5 June 2 1 June 26 6 Aug. 19 12 Aug. 27 2 | Sept. 18 S Oct. 2 8 Nov. 5 4 Jan. 6 3 Aug. 31 5 Oct. 26 2 Nov. 16 12 July 19 2 Jan. 29 3 Feb. 26 in July 10 9 Sept. 30 10 Oct. 2 2 Mar. 8 5 Jne 18 4 July 3 2 July 19 12 dug. 25 2 Sept. 16 4 Oct. 13 16. Oct, 28 12 Jau. 2 2 Mar. 3 5 Apr. 14 5 May, 24 9 June 9 7 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 9 Feb. 15 1 *pr. 29 2 May 12 6 Mar. 31 12 6 May 12 1 June 14 9 Aug. 27 1 Sepi. S 7 Sept. 18 6 June 3 5 June 26 3 lug. 4 2 Mar. 1 2 Apr. 21 6 July 14 10 May 22 6 May 11 9 July 27 1 Nor. 5 Dec. 2 1 Heb. 10 5 Mar. 16 2 June 12 9 Apr. 28 10 May 5 10 May 12 3 May 15 3 June 25 41 Aug. 31 12 July 1 10 | Juls 9 Mar. 8 Mar. 13 | Apr. 14 Apr. 20 30891 3084 3055 3070 3011 3023 3001 3040 3030 3067 7002 7005 3007 3016 3050 3024 3027 3034 3038 3053 3081 3057 3059 3014 3015 3020 O First-class pilots (river'). Burkleo, Henry Carroll, Jolin. Hayes, Juhu.. Knippenborg, Eniil. Nihart, Charles... Sullivan, Timothy Slattery, W.J Weyett, John. 2758 2710 2764 2740 2718 2713 2763 2706 1 งง S+ 172 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Duluth, Minn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots (lake)-Continued. Special pilots (lake) Continued. 3035 3036 3100 1 8 1 May 13 Do. Nov. 2 Westaway, Richard W. Wilcox, John Wray, Johu A. Second-class pilots (river). Connors. Patrick Guion, Joseph M.. Hurley, Thomas B... Hayes, John D... Hayes, J.J Silvis, JobnG Scullin, Thomas Sullivan, James . White, Henry.. Special pilots (lake). Bourdon, Oscar Fifield, Sam S. 307) 3031 3006 3043 3062 3046 3077 7004 3069 7 Aug. 5 7 May 11 5 Feb. 8 1 May 25 3 | Judy 14 9 Junie 1 1 Aug. 25 1 Nov. 18 9 July 30 Glynn, Martin E.. Hugo. T. W.. Hanson, John El Manu, Jacob W. Mackie, Thomas H. Nicholson, William Rossiter, Charles W Ryan, Michael J.. Tilliams, Theodore H Witt, Herman Wetterlind, Charles... Wilson, George 3097 3068 3090 3075 3093 3056 3063 3082 3047 3066 3372 3083 3 Oct. 20 4 July 29 7 Sept. 29 4 Aug. 24 5 Oct. 2 2 June 29 3 July 14 8 Sept. 2 1 Jupe 3 7 July 19 3 Aug. 11 4 Sept. 3 Special pilots (river). Bosley, Robert J. Munro, James Maisou. Thomas Miller, James 8. 3025 3041 4 Apr. 28 5 5 May 22 3086 3039 3074 3084 6 Sept. 14 4 May 17 7 Ang 19 4 Sept. 14 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--Duluth, Minn. Lake. © CU CNP Bardon, John A. Brown, John. Cross, Albert A Davis, Earl E.. Hugo, Victor Keaough, Eugeno H Lindahl. Frederick E.. McManus, Edwin.... Murphy, Walter James Olson, August. Robert, J. Arthur. Spalding, William M Swift, Willian P.... Vincent, R.C... 968 962 984 974 964 969 958 972 959 977 952 973 960 981 3 Aug. 11 2 July 23 3 Oct. 25 3 Sept. 11 3 dug. 2 5 Aug. 13 2 June 23 1 Sept. 1 2 June 26 2 | Sept. 29 6 May 16 11 Sept. 1 3 July 10 3 Oct. S River-Continued. Delihaut, Gerald. Fisla, Leslie B... Knapp, George B Lanyo, Jacob E.. Martin, Joseph D Nelson, Emanuel W. Nelson, John V Orme, James E.. Rives, Joseph B Saxine, John. Seiz, B. F Scott, Robert Schroeder, George Stroud, Harris K. Smith, A. L Stein, Rudolph.. Walker, Willard Young, Michael. 956 970 954 957 966 983 976 980 965 953 979 951 967 971 978 982 955 975 1 June 16 2 Aug. 13 3 June 12 June 22 2 1 Aug. 4 1 Oct. 22 4 Sept. 22 2 Oct. 1 6 Aug. 2 4 May 18 3 Sept. 29 5 Mar. 31 3 Aug. 5 5 Aug. 19 3 Sept. 29 3 Oct. 12 1 June 16 3 Sept. 18 River. Anderson, Axel.. Breck, Johu D.. 963 961 3 July 30 1 July 21 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Duluth, Minn. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (lake)-Continued. 10016 10018 14 | July 27 10 July 29 Flynn, John Hugo, T. W. 1 Chief engineer's (lake). Adams, Wilbert E Abbott, Johii. Adams, Charles . Armstrong, Seaman W. Burton, Henry Baker, Alfred. Bowers, Thomas. Brower, Frank R Beatty, Robert... Beauchemin, Alfred .. Barrows, Tred B.... Briggs, Freeman. Blauvelt, George E Barry, Maddy Burns, Martin J 9920 9923 10038 10073 9907 9915 9918 9944 9947 9954 9958 9967 9979 9995 9998 20 Apr. 3 14 Apr. 12 13 Aug. 28 22 Nov. 9 12 Feb. 17 24 Mar. 22 8 Mar. 27 5 Apr. 30 8 May 6 25 May 11 15 May 14 14 May 22 15 June 10 19 June-25 15 June 29 Bishop, James FI Burnett, \Villian Belloir, George Boucharil, Charles E. Blaurelt, John.. Countryman, James H. Chalk, Henry. Crouk, Daniel d. Cossairt, Perry Condlon, Edward J Caisse, Antoine. Caldwell, Joby. Cornell, Allan J Costello, Edmund Cook, Augustine Darcy, Jolm J.. Dowinan, Thomas Donavan, Daniel E Dingman, George A.. Dube, Peter. Dean, Herbert.. 10017 10054 10057 10070 10075 9913 9956 9961 9982 10006 10021 10033 10037 10055 10083 9933 9936 9964 9985 10022 10025 10 July 29 15 Sept. 22 23 Sept. 30 4 Oct. 25 7 Nov. 13 7 Mar. 16 28 May 12 21 May 19 14 | Julie 12 15 July 14 19 July 30 9 i Aug. 19 10 | Aug. 25 15 Sept. 24 12 Dec. 13 8 Apr. 22 10 19 May 21 11 June 15 20 July 31 20 | Aug. 7 . Apr. 24 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 173 Engineer's licensed—Duluth, Minn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Olief engineers (lake) — Continued. Ryan, Michael.. Stewart, Alexander T. Smith, George P Stevens, John J. Stoddard, Robert. Schiry, John A Speir, Robert C Smith, Simou .. Sullivan, Cornelius Sullivan, James. Stringer. Daniel J Smith, Albert J Tyler, William W Till, Janies P Tryon, Lewis M Van Alstine, Arthur L. White, James L... Wagner, Emil Walsb, James.. Wadloigh, John Wheeler, Martyn Williams, Albert Vood, Joshua B Wilson. George. Webster, Richard A... Whelan, Patrick H.. 10076 9906 9926 9927 9952 9953 9957 9987 9988 9994 10030 10060 9945 9984 10058 9977 9921 9925 9937 9941 9993 10000 10012 10035 10053 10072 19 Nov. 20 8 Fel), 11 13 A pr. 14 27 Apr. 15 7 May 10 14 May 11 11 May 14 21 June 18 9 Do. 6 June 25 21 | Ang. 17 23 Oct. 2 31 May 1 18 June 14 18 Sept. 30 5 June 9 6 Apr. 8 18 Apr. 14 6 A pr. 24 25 Apr. 28 10 June 25 12 July 6 27 July 20 11 Aug. 23 11 Sept. 21 21 Nov. 3 C 20 Chief engineers (river"). Apr. 21 Chief engineers (lake)-Continued. Dempsey, Edward Downing, Lamont Eugland, Edward. Elliott, Henry S... Evans, James E.. Fernaldi, Hersoy E. Falconer, James Fallu. Joseph D Fleming, Charles J Grant, Robert S Glover, Byron Griggs, Louis Harvey, Armour Hogle, Albert F Hagedon, Aaron P. Harmon, Charles I Huck, John. Hautz, Frank... Hibbard. Ashley A Hector, Charles F Harringer, Frank Harsant, Valter Judge, Jobn R.... Jetiery. John H... Jones, George. Jordan John E... Jamieson, Samuel Jacques, Elie. Kelly, Archibald G Kelly, James King, John C. Kidd, Joseph Leary, Timothy Lawson, Richard Lee, Fred W.. McManus, Charles. McNeil, George McCulloch, Charles . McDonald, Murdock N. McLaughlau, George McAfee, Thomas McGillirray, Audrew.. McKenna, Peter .. McDougall. John A. ... McAuliffe, Michael... Meyer. John L.. Mars, Robert W Morrison, James. Manion, Luke J. Montgomery, Edw'd H. Mutch, James Maples, Charles R Mayberry, John H. Morrison, Nagsna. Morey, (ieorge C. Miller, George A. Maxim, Irving H Morrin, Peter Nicholson. Frank.. Nelson, Gustav Newton, Gilbert M.. Nicholson, Wiliani Perreter, Charles Owens, Tlionas. Oscar, Jacob .. Ogg, Charles. Patterson, Gilbert Pike, Villiam T.. Palmer, Lev... Perrault, Zephraim Prince, Edwiu C Pischner, Ernest. Pitcher, Orlando E. Palmer, Wilson Robinson, H.O.. Ryan, Michael J Reilly, Edward . Reid. Hill.. Robinson, Alonzo C.. 10064 10080 9970 10056 10059 990S 9990 9999 10044 9928 9973 10032 9948 9969 10024 10048 10049 10050 10081 9922 9929 9943 9971 9991 999 9997 10013 10062 9978 10047 9986 10014 9911 9996 10028 9901 9932 9934 9938 9983 9989 10019 10029 10040 10065 9902 9910 9916 9924 9950 9968 9974 10007 10020 10039 10043 10067 10071 9909 10002 10009 10026 10051 9980 10001 10041 9905 9914 9919 9951 9965 10011 10015 10066 9959 10005 10027 10068 10063 24 Oct 14 13 Dec. 4 16 May 27 10 Sept. 30 16 Oct. 1 8 Mar. 8 19 June 22 8 June 29 7 Sept. 11 3 A pr. 19 15 June 2 8 Aug. 19 10 May 8 10 May 27 29 Aug. 6 16 Sept. 15 24 Sept. 18 19 Sept. 20 21 Dec. 8 12 Apr. 10 19 Apr. 20 6 Apr. 30 9 May 30 22 June 24 9 Do. June 27 16 July 26 11 Oct. 11 13 June 9 36 Sept. 14 4 June 17 12 July 27 19 Mar. 15 27 June 26 12 Aug. 14 19 Jan, 4 9 10 Apr. 23 6 Apr. 25 2 June 12 19 June 21 16 July 29 13 Aug. 17 12 Sept. 3 6 Oct. 16 4 Jan. S 5 Mar. 13 8 Mar. 24 8 Apr. 12 22 May 10 12 May 26 15 June 2 15 July 18 15 July 30 15 Aug. 31 20 Sept. 10 11 Oct. 19 19 Oct. 25 4 Mar. 11 21 July 9 25 July 19 9 Aug. 11 7 Sept. 21 8 June 10 17 July 9 19 Sept. 5 4 Jau. 27 15 Mar. 16 15 Mar. 29 21 May 10 31 May 22 8 July 19 13 July 27 14 Oct. 16 9 May 17 15 July 14 18 Aug. 12 26 Oct. 25 20 Oct. 13 Apr. 28 Anderson, Benjamin.. Beyl, Gustave.... Burkleo, Heury Bryan, Anthony ... Bigsonnette, John B Charland, Fred Cooper, Leiris C Crait, John H. Fisher, Charles Fuller, Solomon. Guion, Joseph M Griffith, George G Hanks, Ben L. Hay, William P.. Hurley, Thomas B Hunter, George W.. Hutchins, Moses A Jobuson, Christopher Johnson, John W Johnson, Frank B Leyde, John G. La More, Joseph Meeds, Charles H Miller, James L.... Meyers, Charles Montoure, Joseph. Mahar, Thomas A Nimrick, Samuel Pond, Daniel W Rice, Harry A Slanghter, Jolin Slade, A.J.. Smith, John C. Turner, James T Turlier, Jola 1 Van Bebber, George Wilcox, George Wilcox, M. H Webber, Jeremiah Young, August R. 9972 9966 10036 10079 10082 9960 10061 10077 9939 9975 9955 9963 9949 10069 9930 9931 9940 9935 9942 10046 9962 9976 9903 9912 10031 10045 10074 10010 10008 10034 10023 10042 10052 10003 10004 9946 9917 9981 10078 9904 16 June 2 13 May 22 17 Aug. 24 22 Nov. 29 11 Dec. 11 10 May 17 11 Oct. 7 21 Nov. 24 9 Apr. 26 23 June 3 9 May 11 17 May 21 7 May 8 15 Oct. 25 10 Apr. 20 7 Do. 17 14 Apr. 23 5 Apr. 29 9 Sept. 11 11 May 20 12 June 7 34 Jan. 9 11 Mar. 16 8 ang. 19 15 Sept. 11 17 | Nov. 11 27 July 19 29 July 18 5 dug. 19 13 Aug. 4 9 Sept. 9 31 Sept. 21 20 July July 13 3 Do. 12 May 2 12 Mar. 27 24 June 10 25 Nov. 29 19 Jan. 19 1 Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and uncler, and over 10 tons (lake-first as- sistants). Beatty, Ward.. Burg, Jolin P Bell, Frank.. 1 4011 4012 8805 2 Tob. 24 3 12 | Sept. 30 Do. 174 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Duluth, Minn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Jissse. issue. Name. No. of No. of Dato of license. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of stearner and under, and over 10 tons (lake-first assistants) -Cont'd. First assistant engi- neers (lake)-Cont'a. Sept. 25 Cleveland, Edward .. Dawson, John Eagan, Edward Edwards, Cliarles H.. Ferguson, Jolin. Garrett, Franks Haines, Joseph H Hempton, Joseph. Hempstead, Charles. Jacobs, James C Lynch, John P.. Madseu, Manuel Mellier, Eugene 0 Maloney, Jolm Murphy, Jerry. McEachern, Cbarles .. Patterson, Jolin Place, John Reck. Patrick.. Wood, Walter W 4008 8801 8803 4015 4040 4039 4032 4051 4066 8808 4045 4062 8806 4073 4053 4054 4063 4079 4094 $07ú 6 Feb. 16 7 Sept. 25 15 Do. 7 Mar. 15 9 | May 1 12 Apr. 28 6 Apr. 10 11 May 18 16 July 1 10 Oct. 2 3 May 6 11 June 25 5 Sept. 30 8 July 10 11 May 21 10 Do. 12 June 25 6 July 23 11 Aug. 31 13 July 3 Barrow's, Fred E. Baldwin, Fred N... Barr, John. Clark, Charles.. Crichton, Thomas. Clifford, Cbarles.. Ellis, Albert V.. Erickson, Angust. Francombe, Irvin A.. Flyuu, Cornelius O.... Gibert, Frank H. Gay, John.. Harmon, Hugh H: Harnon, Michael F Johnson, Frank W.. Kane, Frank D. Keau, William M. Milliken, George E. Mansfield. Frank R. McGinniss, Patrick J. Nilson, Albert.. Nichols, Arthur G... Norcross, James J O'Brien, Christopher ()'Donnell, Edward Rehder, Ferdinand A Rehder, William A Roche, William B... Reagan, Michael J.... Smith, Louis Edward .. Shephard, Thomas. Smyth, William John Shortal), W.J... Smith, Archie.. Shera, William. Stewart, Louis W. Trevillion, George Walker, Jolin D. Yeager, Frederick C... 4050 4081 8802 4036 4064 4089 4098 4090 4083 8813 4002 4086 4056 4087 1099 2007 4038 4009 4053 4017 4005 4088 8812 4016 4093 4023 4061 4075 8816 4020 4025 4027 4049 4076 4095 8810 4026 8814 4096 2 May 17 3 July 26 4 21. Apr. 21 7 June 28 7 Aug. 19 6 Sept. 14 13 Aug. 23 3 July 29 8 Oct. 18 10 Jan. 30 7 Aug. 12 15 June 2 6 Ang. 12 7 Sept. 16 10 Feb. 15 7 Apr. 23 1 Feb. 19 5 May 26 5 Mar. 16 S Feb.' 11 16 Aug. 17 5 Oct. 16 8 Mar. 15 10 Aug. 31 3 Mar. 24 13 June 25 1 July 13 1 Nov. 3 2 Mar. 22 9 Mar. 30 1 | Mar. 31 11 May 14 11 July 14 15 Sept. 7 1 Oct. 9 2 Mar, 31 4 Oct. 26 4 Sept. 8 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons (river—first assistants). Dubler, Rudolph. Robinson, Daniel 4082 4004 10 July 27 5 Feb. 10 Engineer in charge of steamer of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons (ocean-sec- ond assistant). Jennys, Jeronie E... 4058 2 June 5 First assistant engi- neer's (river). Engineers in charge of steam.ers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons (lake-second assistants). Anderson, John A... Berneche, Fred.. Brown, Francis H. Burnish, Zephraim. Cosper, Elmer E. Dionne, Barney, Farrell, Richard. Kasmarek, Frank Lynch, John Lindland, Thomas McDonald, James. McEachern, John. Thayer, Edwin C Thompson, Arthur M. Whitwortli, Robert... 4072 4085 4077 4037 8804 4013 SS15 8809 4006 4071 4031 4029 8811 4047 4091 4 July 9 6 Aug. 11 9 July 19 11 Apr. 23 7 Sept. 25 4 Feb. 24 6 Oct. 27 4 Oct. 5 2 Feb. 15 4 | July 7 3 Apr. 8 1 Do. 3 Oct. 9 5 May 12 4 Aug. 26 Allen, W.S Bosley, Robert J Demers, Manuel Dimmick, Horace W Duvall, Richard T Horan, John W. Jackson. August McCormick, L. C. McGinnis, Warren E.. Perry, James W Paulsun, Anthony M Serene, Samuel E Sawyer, John II Scullin, Patrick J Titus. Frank E Titiis, Ezra E.. Teal, Charles E Thetge, D. A.... Walker, John S... 4092 4028 4003 4034 4084 4019 4100 4097 8807 4014 4069 4022 4030 4068 4001 4052 4035 8817 4021 6 Aug. 29 8 Apr. 8 13 Feb. 9 5 Apr. 14 9 Aug. 7 4 Mar. 18 12 Sept. 21 16 Sept. 8 13 Oct. 2 10 Mar. 8 9 July 2 5 Mar. 23 7 spr. 8 4 July 2 5 Jan. 11 7 May 20 15 Apr. 14 14 Nov. 30 9 Mar. 23 Second assistant engi- neers (ocean). 4078 14 July 20 Engineer in charge of steamer' of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons (lake - third assistant). Buckley, Jerry.. First assistant engineer (ocean). Ryan, Thomas. First assistant engi. neers (lake). Annis, Lew G... Burns, Thomas J.... Duncan, George I Young, David C... 4059 4042 4 3 June 19 May 3 4043 4 May May 5 Second assistant engi. neers (lake). 4067 4033 2 July 2 8 Apr. 12 Barrows, Roland T Barney, George Cassin, Lawrence 4024 8818 4065 QI 2 Mar. 25 1 Dec. 2 2 | July 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 175 Engineer's licensed-Duluth, Yinn.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second assistant engi- neers (lake)-Cont'd. Special engineers (lake)-Coutinued. Hoy, Richard M Jones, Thomas Johnson, Swen. McCullough, John Pringle, Bruce. Pago, George Quosky. Jolin.). Scott, John Wheeler, John. 4010 4041 4046 4060 4018 4074 4057 4044 4048 1 Feb. 20 4 May 1 3 May 8 3 Jwie 22 3 Mar. 17 3 | July 12 1 June 3 2 May May 5 10 May 13 Rakowsky, Gustave A. Rossiter. Charles W... Stewart, William Swank, Samuel B.. Swanson, Olaf Wetterlind, Charles 1904 1908 1907 1916 1919 1913 3 May 25 4 July 29 3 July 10 5 Aug. 31 4 Oct. 12 41 Aug. 11 Special engineers (river). อกน- Second assistant gincer (river'). McLeod, William R... 4080 1 July 23 Brown, F.L. F. L..... Connors, Thomas Fowler, Amos S... Fink, Michael Hayes, James J Lewis, James F. Miller, Charles F.. Orton, Peter M.. Prink, Nels Ranson, Oliver 1905 1909 1902 1914 1917 1915 1920 1906 1912 1901 Special engineers (lake). Glendinning, Thomas.. La Framboise, Arthur J Mann. George E....... O'Neil, John 2 June 19 2 July 29 3 Mal. 31 5 Aug. 21 2 Sept. 6 3 Aug. 31 7 Nov. 6 11 July 2 3 Aug. 11 4 Jan. 14 1918 1911 1910 1903 2 Sept. 21 5 Aug. 11 4 Aug. 4 1 May 18 SIXTH SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF MEMPHIS, TENN. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Memphis, Tenn. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date ot license. Jissue.* issue. Abraham, John E. Bender, Charles J.... Cheek, Mark R. Cummins, Andrei L Clagett, Edward T.... Cummins, Lee P Darragh, James L.. Darragh, Thomas J Darragh, John J.. Fitzgerald, James Hall, William P.. Joplin, William A 13128 10055 10005 10010 10028 10076 10052 10063 10065 10087 10074 10038 10 Dec. 27 Lewis, Harvey 6 May 12 Leonard, Jolin. 26 Jan. 11 Marker, Otto 16 Jan. 26 Nowland, Edward, jr. 4 Feb. 26 Organ, Charles H 3 July 20 Pipes, Jesse R. 23 May 7 Pratt, Alexander 17 June 12 Russell, Charles B 23 June 17 Rees, James H.. 3 Aug. 27 | Smith, Alfred B. B..... 20 July 7 Smithers, Charles G.... 8 Apr. 6 Wyckoff, John C.. 10015 10078 10007 10053 10100 10080 13116 10041 10067 10003 10043 10079 13 Feb. 9 15 July 30 2 Jan. 13 1 May 10 9 Sept. 28 8 Aug. 2 14 Nov. 19 12 Apr. 12 15 June 18 1 1 Jan. 11 1 Apr. 16 4 July 30 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Memphis, Tenn. 31, 10 Ashford, William J. 1002927, 24. Mar. 3 Inman, Fred I 10092 19 Sept. 16 Alston, Charles H. 10059 19 May. 24 Inman, William A.... 10093 23 Sept. 21 Anderson, George T.. 10094 il' Sept. 17 Jeffries, James C.... 10077 9, 12 July 29 Anderson, Andrew J.. 13119 23, 31 | Nov. 25 Jorce, William A.. 13107 17, 25 Oct. 14 Barton, Joseph J 10011 1, 19 Jan. 27 Kelsoe, William H. 10018 23 Feb. 15 Banks, Ephraim o 10014 22 Feb. 9 Kraft, Charles L.. 13110 4,5 Oct. 25 Blair, Lewis C.. 10024 | 23, 24 23, 24 Feb. 24 Lambeth, James T. 10013 20,17 Heb. 8 Berry, Benjamin F.. 10026 Do. Lyon, George W 10019 18 Feb. 15 Blazier, Cal L.. 10031 16 Mar. 12 Lyou, Willian S. 10039 Apr. 8 Bolin, Stephen S 10040 17 Apr. 12 Lingg, Silas. 10056 15 May 20 Blakely, Benjamin C. 10047 15 15. Apr. 26 Lisenburry, James R 13112 12 Nov. 1 Bolin, James 10062 13 June 2 Lyon, Arthur 13126 14, 16 Dec. 16 Bryant, John E... 10075 1, 6 July 16 McNeely, Claud A 10006 4 Jan. 30 Bridgewater, Miles 10082 23 Aug. 4 McArthur, Peter 10016 17 Teb. 11 Brinkley, Monroe S... 10083 12, 17 Do. McMahan. Benjamin 10048 13 May 4 Broadhurst, Dudley W 13113 11 Nov. 6 McNeely, Napoleon B 10058 20 May 22 Borden, Morris W. 13124 15 Dec. 7. McKnett, Henry H.. 13101 13, 32 (ct. 2 Brazee, Hiram 0 13125 18, 26 Dec. 11 McCloskey, James S... 13104 | 25, 31 Oct. 6 Carvell, George F 10020 32, 24 Feb. 16 May, Milton M. 10004 3, 11 Jan. 11 Cbapman, David D 10051 20 May 7 Montana, Ferd B 10016 15 Teb. 10 Cooper, James H. 10060 | 23, 15 23, 15 May 24 Maingault, John S.... 10030 16 Mar. 3 Carvell, Edward J .. 10088 14 Aug. 28 Mayer, Henry A.. 10037 12 dpr. 6 Colton, William E 13118 5 Nov. 24 Morgan, Diodate 10045 13 Apr. 20 Drake, Leland P 10025 | 30, 20 Feb. 24 Miller, Marsball J 10046 22, 39 Apr. 24 Drouillard, Lou A 10050 20,42 May 5 Malone, George 10086 26 Aug. 23 Downs, Matt. 10084 21 Aug. 4 Maumus, James M. 10093 19 Sept. 17 Drinkwater, Alfred E 10097 21 Sept. 22 Maingault, William W. 13115 25 Nov. 11 Engles, Charles M. 10072 22 June 23 Maingault, Alexander 13117 24 Nov. 24 Eggleston, A.L.. 10095 4 Sept. 18 Norment, William A... 10033 8 Mar. 24 Earnbart. Samuel B... 10099! 11 Sept. 23 Nortrood, Frank D 10061 13,13 May 25 Ferguson, James B 10001 7,9 Jan. 8 Nixon, Charles TV 10069 Juue 22 Toster, Thomas A 10044 16, 18 16, 18 Apr. 19 Nowland, Edward W. B. 13122 26 Nov. 27 Fulkerson, Edward L. 10068 Juno 22 Owens, John W 10042 21, 33 Apr. 12 Furnier, William P 10090 2,7 Sept. 10 Oldham, Zerah. 10073 1, 1 July 5 Goodrich, John T..... 10009 23 Jan. 23 Pennell, John E 10064 June 16 Good, Thomas B.. 10034 7,17 Mar. 25 Phillips, Gus D.. 10089 9,14 Sept. 7 Goodrich, George 10036 15 Apr. 6 Postal, Edvard C 13106 23 Oct. 11 Gordon. Leander.. 13108 19 Oct. 23 Paris, Charles G... 13111 13,32 Nov. 1 Green, George M. 13123 16 Dec. 1 Porter, William R.... 13120 20 Nov. 26 Griffy, Theodore J... 13127 18,31 Dec. 27 Randall, James D. 10071 22 June 23 Hodge, William. 10008 24, 28 Jan. 14 Shipp, William C 10002 21 Jan. 9 Hamilton, Ferd. 10021 22, 13 Feb. 17 Scruggs, William C.... 10032 21 Mar. 22 Hattaway, John P.... 10081 14 Aug. 4 il Smith, Alfred. 10049 23, 29 ) May 4 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 176 5, 10 2,40 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 177 Masters and pilots licensed-Memphis, Tenn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. lisyne. issue. Name. No. of Nc.of Date of license. issue. issue. Scruggs, John B... Sutton, Horace R... Stallings, Thomas B. Stewart, Alexander H Stanfield, Edward A.. Shion, Edgar Tibbals, Norman Thonias, David Tate, Jesse F 10054 13 May 12 10057 | 20, 21 May 20 1009116, 17 16, 17 Sept. 13 13102 21,32 Oct. 2 13103 Oct. 4 13114 144 Nov. 9 10023 33, 16 Feb. 23 10035 23, 30 Apr. 1 10070 20 June 23 2,17 Thomson, Marius. Wood, Henry S.. Warner, John T. Warner, Ed T.B.. Whitelill, Joseph M. Woodbury, Charles B. Wilcox, Thomas W.... Woodward, George G. Waltz, Henry C 10085 15, 18 Aug. 10 10012 17 Jan. 29 13109 23 Oct. 25 10022 19,16 Feb. 23 10027 18 Feb. 25 10066 22 June 18 10098 21 Sept. 23 13105 26, 38 Oct. 6 13121 7 Nov. 27 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--Memphis, Tenn. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots. Adams, James C... Bachman, William Brashear, Luther V.. Brondbaver, George Brinkley, Jonathan W. Brown, William C C. Bohling, Fred J. Bishop, William F.. Couch, James A.... Culbertson, William M. Courtney, Charles E.. Dudley, Nicholas J.. Davidson, Granville S. Dunn, Gray W. Dearing, John Ferguson, John P.... Hill, William B Hogan, William C Iuman, Frederick L.. Jones, Arthur T Keefe, George D Kelly, John A Kane, Dan J Lewellian, Samuel S. Laughlin, Norman Lewellian, Jasper. Lyon, Frank L.. McBride, Martin V McKenzie, William McNeely, William P... McBrido, T.S. Miller, Charles.. Madison, George W Nessin, George N Nixon, Hugh w Nichols, Clarence L.. Nadal, Charles R... Pointer, Levette L.. Powell, John H. Prater, William M. Pato, James A Patton, Isaac N. Patton, Lucius E.. Rodgers, A. Dock ... Renfro, J. Warren, jr Shipp, John S.... Seaman, George W... Stewart, J. Cade. Smith, Sidney A Shipp, Albert P. Snow, Green S Teter, Charles 0 Tichenor, Frank W.. Wilkerson, Charles L.. Wilcox, Thomas J... Warner, William T.. Wherry, John B Wilcox, William O Tadlington, S. F 2844 2825 2832 2836 2837 2838 2810 2858 2806 2819 2824 2842 2847 2853 2859 2841 2811 2827 2813 2830 2822 2843 2853 2801 2821 2852 2856 2805 2820 2851 2854 2803 2834 2802 2826 2839 2850 2807 2829 2831 2833 2835 2846 2814 28:23 2809 2812 2815 2817 2845 2849 2804 2948 280S 2810 2816 2818 2828 2857 24 Sept. 25 9 Apr. 23 16 July 2 3 Aug. 2 4 Aug. 4 7 dug. 7 2 Aug. 9 8 Dec. 14 6 Jan. 12 6 Mar. 13 4 Apr. 12 13 Sept. 1 9 Sept. 30 11 Nov. 4 15 Dec. 14 2 Any. 14 7 Feb. 20 6 May 14 2 Mar. 3 5 June 18 6 Apr. 8 1 Sept. 22 6 Nor. 13 4 Jan. 5 Apr. 6 18 Nov. 3 7 Nov. 27 18 Jan. 11 6 Mar. 19 12 Oct. 28 12 Nov. 8 2 Jan. 5 21 July 19 6 Jan. 37 | May 3 6 Avg. 9 4 Oct. S 6 Jan. 16 11 Jme 5 7 Juno 23 2 July 13 9 July 22 21 Sept. 28 9 Mar. 4 2 Apr. 12 6 Feb. 15 1. Feb. 22 2 Mar. 4 6 Mar. 9 12 Sept. 28 33 Oct. 2 5 Jau. 7 8 Oct. 2 Jan. 19 5 Feb. 16 13 Mar. 9 5 1 May 26 5 Dec. 6 Allison, Joseph E... Brown, James . Broarley, Joseph. Coley, George B Cravens, Albert G. Cole, Wiley N... Colbert, Frank C Dougherty, Isaac L... Eddy, Ephraim H... Gentry, George E..... Barris, John. Hackett, Charles B... Jackson, William H. Lore, George C Lush, Nicholas McBroom, John J..jr Miles, Charles R.. Marsball, William C. Moad, John E... North, George T. O'Neil, William D .... Phenneger, John W.. Powers, Nathan E Paudeit, Thomas Stone, Sherbian Stone, Joseph H Sage, Samuel A. Stecher, Rudolph Street, Henry W Shaw, Morris W. Stroud, Samuel A.. Stroud, Alvah M. Tappan, James A... Whitehill, Job P Walden, John F Williams, Jobu V. Youngblood, Albert L Special pilots. 3148 3124 3143 3102 3105 3111 3137 3123 3130 3117 3125 3131 3145 3104 3109 3146 3136 3139 3142 3134 3138 3114 3116 3151 3107 3121 3108 3110 3119 3132 3135 3152 3106 3140 3149 3153 3127 5 Nov. 13 14 Apr. 21 12 Aug. 16 6 Jan. 8 4 Jan. 17 12 Feb. 20 4 | July 8 6 Apr. 20 5 May 12 2 Mar. 18 1 Apr. 23 1 May 12 12 Sept. 20 10 Jan. 12 10 Feb. 15 9 Oct. 4 6 June 18 1 July 29 4 Aug. 14 4 June 7 1 July 21 5 Mar. 4 12 Mar. 12 1 Dec. 24 1 Feb. 9 16 Apr. 1 5 Feb. 15 5 Fel. 19 6 Mar. 22 1 May 12 8 June 18 7 Dec. 31 12 Jan. 23 12 Aug. 9 5 Nov. 26 S Dec. 31 3 Apr. 26 Arnold, Thomas Bunch, James F Butler, William W Butler, Joha W.. Coats, Jonas D. Carter, James.. Fleischauer, Charles A. Hoyt, Joseph C. Horner. Joseph Hibbard, Frank Morgan, Crandall J Oursler, Joseph W.... Sederborg, Thaddeus. Smith, John W. Scott, Philip D Stecher, Otto 3129 3113 3115 3122 3120 3147 3103 3112 3126 3144 3131 3141 3101 3118 3128 3150 1 A pr. 26 2 Feb. 23 2 Mar. 6 1 Apr. 5 2 Mar. 27 2 Oct. 16 3 Jan. 11 4 Feb. 23 1 Apr. 24 1 Sept. 13 1 May 20 1 Aug. 13 1 Jan. 2 9 Mar. 22 15 | Apr. 26 2 Dec. 9 Do. 57 — 12 178 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Memphis, Tenn. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. (issuo. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Vissue. issue. Gooppinger, Rudolph J Mather, Alfred W 1003 1001 1002 3 Apr. 26 1 Aug. 13 Pfenninglausen, B 4 Aug. 25 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897---Memphis, Tenn. Chief engineers. Apr. 14 T Adams, James. Botto, Lonis Botto, John.. Bond, Jancs W... Bandy, John A Barrett, William H. Boler, George E. Byrne, Charles G Bryant, William H... Barry, Joseph B... Bean, John P... Coley, George B Cooper, James F. Coston, Amer. D... Carlin, Charles d.. Cairns, Henry F. Currier, Aduas Calder, Albert R.. Connors, William H.. Collier, David C Clayton, John N. Calloway, Charles C Darragh, James L. Davis, Frauk W... De Soucha, Charles C.. ljunn, Joseph J.... Earuhart, Wiley S... Force. Joseph L Fletcher, Thomas.... Farmer, Thomas.. Fitzgerald, William Foster, WV. Edward.... Falver, John W... Galley, Cornelius.. Graham, Horace Greenwood, Charles T. Goddard, William H. Gerver, Joseph Gilley, John B.. Grabam, James H.. Graham, Benjamin F Hense, Julius... Herndon, John 1. Halstead, Charles T Hattaway, John P. Haskius, Lester W... Hamilton, 'I heodore Hendrix, Herchel.. Hudson, Samuel Hopkins, Nathan.. Johnson, David L. Junk, James J.. Joluson, Robert L. Jackson, William H... Kelly, David J... Kennett, Pres. G. Lewis, Harvey. Laffey, John Light, William F.. Lanham, Harry Lamoy, Dennis J Mcllvain, William G.. McClelland, James E.. McGuire, John Morse, Walter S... Murray, Thomas H... Maxfield, Lemuel P Miller, Charlos P Morgan, Frank A... 10189 10101 10104 10105 10136 10141 10149 10152 10156 10177 13602 10120 10133 10143 10144 10146 10165 10173 10176 10184 10191 13601 10130 10139 10175 13603 10151 10118 10124 10126 10137 10142 10196 10102 10121 10125 10162 10170 10182 10185 10187 10119 10129 10158 10160 10179 10183 10190 10195 10198 10135 10161 10166 10171 10172 10174 10110 10122 10169 10178 10181 10112 10138 13604 10109 10115 10123 10131 10200 9 Nov. 15 40 Jau. 4 4 Jan, 7 14 Jan. 8 2 May 19 22 June 5 13 June 28 15 July 19 1 July 20 S Oct. 5 Dec. 27 24 9 May 12 4 Juio 9 14 June 12 15 June 16 18 Aug. 11 21 Sept. 22 5 Sept. 27 26 Nov. 6 40 Nov. 24 16 Dec. 27 35 | May 7 9 Julie 3 11 Sept. 22 9 Dec. 27 13 July 13 21 Mar. 27 19 Apr. 27 12 May 1 12 May 22 9 June 8 3 Nor, 30 21 Jani. 5 5 Apr. 15 6 May 1 6 Aug. 4 8 Sept. 13 17 Oct. 25 31 Nov. 8 29 Nov. 12 22 Apr. 7 1 May 5 18 Ang. 4 24 Do. 21 Oct. 6 18 Nov. 1 13 Nov. 9 13 Nov. 27 41 Dec. 14 12 May 12 16 Aug. 5 8 Aug. 13 26. Sept. 20 1 Sept. 21 12 Sept. 22 15 Jan. 24 17 Apr. 23 14 Sept. 1 14 Oct. 5 16 Oct. 14 18 Feb. 19 21 May 25 24 Dec. 27 21 Jan. 27 18 Mar. 8 23 s pr. 25 9 May 7 13 Dec. 17 Chief engineers--Con- tinued. Nosbett, John S. Oldbam, Zerah. Phillips, Arthur Prescott, John M. Perry, James Patton, Strawder S Partee, Lewis C.. Porter, Willian R Suowden, Nathan Sliort, Charles N. Scruggs, Fred. B. Stegall, William M. Scruggy, VVilliam C Spencer, Joseph A. Shortt, William. St. John, Joe M. Stout, Thomas Percy Summers, Farris... Sbinu, Edgar Taylor, John A.. Thomas, D. Thomas Vau Jones, Comadoro. Vaughan, Reuben G... Warler, Yilliam B.... Walden, John F... Wiseman, Charles H... Wiuston, Charles. Winstoning, Charles. Williams, American B Williams, Maurice Waltz, Horry C... Wyatt, Fred. D.. Ware, Charles W.. Young, Richard. Young, George R. 10145 10140 10111 10132 10134 10155 10188 10192 10103 10113 10114 10116 10117 10127 10148 10153 10168 10180 10186 10128 10154 10163 10194 10103 10106 10147 10157 10159 10164 10167 10193 10197 10199 10107 10150 41 June 12 13 June 5 17 Feb. 16 25 May 8 13 May 12 15 July 26 3 Nov. 13 16 Nov. 26 25 Jan. 24 7 Feb. 19 23 Feb. 20 1 Mar. 17 13 Mar. 22 6 May 1 31 June 28 12 July 21 2 Aug. 30 2 Oct. 11 13 Nov. 9 15 May May 4 5 July 26 16 Aug. 10 12 Nov. 27 20 Jan. 6 8 Jan. 11 9 June 24 17 Aug. 3 1 Aug. 4 17 | Aug. 11 7 | Aug. 24 28 Nov. 27 41 Dec. 1 18 Dec. 15 15 Jan. 12 4 July $ Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Jan. Armstrong. \Villiam A. Burrow, Islimael. Colyear, James Conley, Guy Crum, Archie E. Crum, Louis Day, C. U... Davis, John.. Hauptinan, Joseph Horail, William. Johnson, Epliraim B... Jennings, John 17.. Kennedy, Boone. Kroeger, Charles F Marshall, William C... McCoy, Fred.. McBroom. John J., jr Stroud, Bird .. Turnley, Tandy B Stroud, Alvah M Thompson, Robert. Taylor, Clarence C. Varner, Benjamin A... 4133 4127 4107 4121 4124 4155 4105 4132 4125 4163 4102 4123 4159 4166 4122 4125 4151 4131 4111 4167 4119 4141 4130 2 May 7 7 Apr. 23 6 Jan, 25 7. Apr. 7 6 Apr. 17 2 Oct. 26 9 Jan. 14 4 May May 4 6 | Apr. 19 5 Dec. 14 1 5 2 Apr. 13 3 Nov. 13 15 Dec. 31 4 dpr. 7 ] May 12 3 Oct. 4 8 Apr. 27 1 Feb. 22 5 Dec. 31 4 | Mar. 27 1 July 8 6 Apr. 26 Assistant engineers. Battenfield, Joseph H. Bumpass, Haywood... 4120 4134 13 Apr. 6 22 | May 12 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 179 Engineer's licensed-Memphis, Tenn.--Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Assistant engineers- Continued. Assistant engineers Continued. Stuill, Frank L.. Sbank, William F Scillian, Andrew J... Sugg, Herbert Swait, John E.. White, William C Warner, John T Wylie, John E Winters, Charles Wooll, William H.. 4115 4118 4129 4161 4162 4150 4158 4104 4110 4165 3 Mar. 20 17 Mar. 25 4 Apr. 26 3 Dec. 10 7 Dec. 11 4 Sept. 30 17 i Nov. 5 5 Jan. 12 10 Feb. 19 5 Dec. 28 0 Special engineers. Blessing, Henry P Briggs, John... Brown, James Botto, Louis D... Crum, Louis D. Coston, Amer. D Foster, Henry Groves, De Witt. Honghland, William Howarı, Every Johnson, Ephraim M.. Kelly, Androw. Langliart, William A.. Liugg, Silas. Maingault, William W. Moir, George Montgomery, Wm. F. .. Macon, Jolin W Perry, George Parrish, Robert W.. Patton, Lucien E Rozell, Lawrence Rivara, Joseph A Reno, George L. Stegall, William M 4,137 4140 4152 4157 4155 4156 4117 4103 4109 4114 4102 4126 4113 4145 4101 4106 4138 4160 4112 4144 4149 4147 4148 4153 4108 18 May 14 1 July 3 22 Oct. 6 1 Nov. 3 21 Oct. 26 6 Nov. 3 11 Mar. 23 6 Jan. 11 15 Feb. 9 4 Mar. 19 1 Jan. 5 17 Apr. 21 11 Mar. 9 13 Aug. 31 7 Jan. 5 6 Jan. 20 10 June 4 15 Dec. 6. 12 Mar. 12 12 Aug. 11 14 Sepi. 28 20 Sept. 20 7 Sept. 13 6 Oct. 14 5 Fob. 8 Belser, William G Curlin, Setli Conley, Cassius S Little, James G... Penuywit, William Phillips, John B Swailos, James J Smith, Jolin W Templeton, George W Van Echaute, Justin.. Williams, Pinkney Woodward, William 0. 2003 4139 416 4104 4128 2004 2001 4116 4154 4142 2002 2005 1 May 20 2 June 5 14 Sept. 1 3 Dec. 14 7 Apr. 26 2 May 25 2 Jan. 7 7 Mar. 22 11 Oct. 16 13 July 20 S Mar. 22 2 Sept. 21 LOCAL DISTRICT OF NASHVILLE, TENN. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Nashville, Tenn. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. 1 issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Ashcraft, James H., Ashcraft, George W Baldwin, Harry D Bauer, Phillip V Bowman, William S. .... Brashear, Thomas P... Bryant, William S Butler, distin D Coombs, Edward E... Dunn, Dorsey.. Evans, Milton H. Evetts, W.J Ferguson, R. F Fowler, Giveu. Fowler, Joseph H. Gallagher, Thomas M.. Goodwin, John J... Howard, Benjamin Harris, W. B.... Hale, S. K... Jobas, George C... 10194 12231 10183 10177 10136 10119 10132 12224 10151 12209 10.191 10190 10166 10170 10174 10103 10187 10130 12208 12221 10111 Apr. 22 4 July 13 Kell, Harry A. 10 Dec. 1 Linn, James H... 5 June 15 Morrow, Richard D.. 1 May 24 Miller, James F... 21 Mar. of Maples, John R 16 Feb. 4 McDermott, John.M 1 Feb. 23 McKee, William S No. 6 Pittman, Henry P. 3 Apr. 1 Phillips, William H 7 Sept. 12 Ryman, T. G.,.jr 1 July 5 Read, Alex. ☺ 3 Do. Rains, Andrew J 9 A pr. 29 Ramsey, James M May 15 Smith, George R 21 May 19 Springer, Charles 12 Jau. 6 Thacher, R. R.. 6 July 5 Tyner, James S.. 24 Feb. 19 White, Frank B 13 Sept. 1 Williams, Joseph 12 Oct. 25 Woolfolk, N. A 5 Jan. 22 10148 10164 10108 10124 10118 10146 10147 10181 12223 10158 10196 12211 12214 10199 10128 12235 10163 10140 10143 10188 6 Mar. 26 10 Apr. 28 16 Jan. 18 4 Feb. 9 1 Feb. 4 11 Mar. 23 Do. 8 June 12 2 Nov. 2 1 3 July 14 3 Sept. 21 5 Oct. 2 2 July 22 3 Feb. 16 5 Dec. 13 19 Apr. 24 3 Mar. 17 3 Mar. 18 10 July 5 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Nashville, Tenn. Allison, TVilliam... Allison, Jesse B.. Allison, U.S. Armstrong, Thomas A. Ballowe, Raudolp P · Ballowo, L. f Beaty, John F Broadloot, Robert.. Burton, William R.... Capehart, S.C.. Campbell, Janies E Carroll, John B... 10104 10169 12220 10134 12217 12218 10115 12206 12207 10182 10160 10135 1 20 Jan. 9 Carroll, TVilliam H 20 May 4 Carroll, Edward 23 | Oct. 22 Cartwright, Jubn T .... 19 Mar. 1 Cole, C. Mark. 20 Oct. 12 Cowlishaw, W.D 19 Do. Crawford, IV. A 16 Jan. 26 Demere, J.B. 14 | Aug. 21 Dews, Pinkuey L 15 Aug. 23 Dodd, William T 10 June 12 Dykes, Jacob L 10 Apr. 22 Eamonds, James R 23 Mar. 2 Ferguson, Benjamin H 10152 10197 10144 10114 12233 10176 10185 10178 12225 10193 12203 10159 26 Apr. 7 5 July 15 26 Mar. 18 23 Jan. 26 25 Dec. 10 7 May 22 22 June 23 24 June 3 11 Nov. 15 3 July 12 7 Aug. 11 20 A pr. 22 le 180 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-Nashville, Tenn.- Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. ofl Date of license. issue. issue, Apr. 29 Flach, Joseph B Forrester, William M. Frank, Myer S.... Furman, Slonterey Garrison, Frank Glover, Joseph Goad, Robert A.. Gray, Edmond. Green, John T Green, Shepherd. Grubbis, William R.... Haley, John C Hanes, Sherman Hart, James H... Barman, Thomas M.. Hood, Westley C Hood, William T... Hornsby, Smith B Hunter, William T Jacobs, James H... Jackson, Thomas L.... Jackson, John H. Jobuston, Samuel.. Jones, Douglas Kendall, Alex.. Kindrick, James P... Leek, Madison M.. Leok, James F.. Looney, James B. ... Love, A. H.. Lorell, James W Lovell, Ton. J... McLure, Robert L Miller, William R... Milliken, B. T.. Mortimer, Janies 0 Moss, Silas J. 10156 10107 10167 10186 10161 10101 12234 10171 10145 10165 10139 12213 12219 10137 12228 10129 10142 10125 12226 10126 10189 12232 10149 12202 10162 10141 10138 10192 12227 12201 10113 10122 10155 10127 12239 12204 10131 13 Apr. 17 5 Jan. 15 10 May 1 9 July 5 5 Apr. 23 10 Jan. 5 16 Dec. 11 25 May 14 23 Mar: 20 13 22 Mar. 17 15 Sept. 25 4 Oct. 12 11 Mar. 8 24 Nov. 20 4 Feb. 17 14 Mar. 17 6 Tel. 11 4 Nov. 18 21 Feb. 15 10 July 5 22 Doc. 7 S Mar. 29 16 Aug. 11 16 A pr. 23 18 Mar. 17 17 Mar. 9 9 July 6 25 Nov. 19 14 Aug. 2 26 Jan. 26 17 Feb. 5 10 apr. 17 13 Feb. 16 16 Dec. 29 19 Aug. 11 6 Feb. 22 Newcomb, Andrew J Newman, James E.... Newsom, John. Owen, Brackett Owen, James. Owen, Robert. Owen, Austin Owings, William A... Pell, Louis D Pell, Edwin. Pierson, Thomas B. Price, Amon Pugh, Thomas H Riddell, George. Roberts, Newton F Robinson, James L. Robinson, Huston S.... Rouse, R. G Rouse, Len J Rowden, William T. Sinis, James O. Smith, Miller E.. Spillers, Fountain E Spillers, Lafayette Stalion, Wiley Thompson, John L Thompsou, Joseph F Voight, Enery À Walker, Luke T Walker, San B Wilkey, Walter C Wilkey, Sylvester L Winfrey, John S. Womblo, Marshall L. Wood, David . Yarbrough, Charles P.. Young, John J. 10172 10173 10117 10109 10110 12229 12236 12212 12205 1 2216 10189 10200 12238 10120 10179 10123 12222 10102 10168 10116 10106 12210 10180 10195 10157 10175 10198 10154 10150 12230 10105 10121 10112 12237 101.53 12215 10133 15 May 14 4 | May 19 6 Feb. 2 8 Jan. 22 17 Do. 11 Nov. 22 15 Dec. 15 6 Sept. 25 7 Aug. 16 5 Oct. 8 20 June 21 8 July 27 27 Dec. 21 3 Feb. 4 10 June 3 13 Feb. 8 12 Oct. 30 20 Jan. 5 15 May 1 21 Jan. 26 22 Jan. 15 7 Sept. 12 June 11 24 July 13 11 Apr. 17 9 May 20 16 July 15 4 8 Mar. 29 11 | Nov. 30 21 Jan. 15 6 Feb. 5 15 Jan. 22 6 Dec. 18 6 Apr. 12 26 Oct. 7 20 Feb. 24 18 Apr. 13 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Nashville, Tenn. First-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Allen, Thomas M. Allison, Ellward C.... Annis, James A.. Arnold, Ephraim E.... Arery, William H.. Beard, Charley Beard, Ed. B. Belk, Joe A.. Campbell, Thonas J... Crank, Willian B.. Chapman, Gilbert R... Clifton, Stephen Davis, Z. G Dawsou, W.F Dirickson, John S.. Durham, James S.. England, John A Evans, Milton H Fritz, Joseph N. Furman, John Furguson, James E. Gann, Jobin E... Garrett, Joseph J... Goodwin, JobnJ... Green, Thomas A.. Lambert, Isaac H. Lowe, Hugh L Mason, James E Maples, John R. McKee, William S. Phillips, William H.. Phillips, William H Powers, William T Previtt, Thomas 2907 2904 2943 2933 2914 2948 2903 2902 2913 2915 2930 2926 2949 2927 2929 2940 2925 2951 2919 2920 2931 2953 2935 2941 2934 2911 2950 2901 2917 2954 2905 2946 2944 2921 1 8 Feb. 26 Reeves, Francis M. 2 Feb. 11 Roberts, Z.T 3 Sept. 25 Rowden, Charles T 10 Aug. 7 Sellers, Williani L 6 Apr. 29 Smith, Joseph N. 5 Nov. 2 Smith, William 6 Jan. 28 Snith, George R 1 Do. Smith, TVilliam R. 3 Apr. 22 Smith, George W 9 May 1 Taylor, Clarence M 12 July 22 Thompson, James I.... 3 | July 5 Thompsoni, O. L... 1 Nov. 3 1 Underwood, A. B 3 July 5 Wilkinson, Sim H 3 July 17 Wills, Harry L. 11 Sept. 12 Wilkey, Charles B.. 7 June 25 Wilkinson, James E... 7 Nov. 26! Woolfolk, Nicholas A. 6 May 14 Wyatt, Edward A 4 Do. Wyly, Thomas K. 17 July 27 3 Dec. 7 Second-class pilots. 5 Aug. 11 4 Sept. 14 Allen, Thomas B. 6 Aug. 7 Amos, David V 21 Apr. 12 Dawson, R. A.. 11 Nov. 22 Dawson, Elijah P 5 Jan. 16 Frost, William C. 5 May 14 Green, William D. 5 Dec. 18 Henderson, Samuel S. 3 Feb. 11 Huffaker, Newman M.. 1 Oct. 26 Jarred, Perry 1 Sept. 28 Johnston, Peter H 4 4 May 20 Julian, H. W.. 2909 2908 2936 2945 2912 2916 2923 2938 2952 2942 2918 2932 2947 2924 2928 2937 2939 2906 2910 2922 25 Apr. 6 7 Mar. 10 4 Aug. 11 6 Oct. 13 13 Apr. 17 20 May 4 2 June 2 2 Aug. 25 3 Dec. 6 11 Sept. 21 3 May 14 6 Aug. 2 3 Nov. 1 16 June 24 2 July 16 4 Aug. 20 7 Sept. 9 15 Feb. 24 5 Apr. 8 7 June 2 3218 3209 3208 3223 3203 3224 3207 3227 3202 3235 3216 7 Apr. 23 8 Mar. 9 6 Mar. 3 12 May 29 12 Jan. 21 4 June 1 3 Feb. 1? 6 July 14 13 Jan. 18 9 Oct. 22 7 | Apr. 12 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 181 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Nashville, Tenn.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots Continued. Special pilots-Con- tinued. King, J.F King, Oliver. Mason, Alfred N Payne, William Speck, J. Mike. Thomas, James E. Voight, Charles W... Williams, Joseph Wilson, Samuel G.. Wolverton, D. M. 3233 3236 3204 3220 3226 3206 3221 3225 3215 3210 3 Sept. 25 1 Oct. 28 2 Jan. 22 9 May 3 2 July 5 4 Feb. 17 8 May 14 3 June 24 3 Apr. 12 6 Mar. 11 Clibrone, Al Ferguson, L. D Forshee, M. D... Gahagan, George W Gracey, Matt.. Jackson, Thomas Johnson, E. W Linder, James J Loomis, Edward P... Loonis, J.F Norton, William L.... Rowe, Richard P.. Sullivan, Timothy J Williams, Clifton L.... Young, William E 3214 3230 3213 3237 3234 3232 3222 3219 3212 3239 3238 3201 3205 3228 3211 5 5 3 1 6 9 3 4 2 4 9 2 3 3 2 Apr. 1 Aug. 26 Mar. 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 22 Sept. 20 May 26 May 3 Mar. 20 Dec. 28 Dec. 18 Jan. 6 Fel). 6 Aug. 20 Mar. 18 Special pilots. Armstrong, George W Carroll, William J., jr.. Childers, Gracey.. 3229 3217 3231 3 Aug. 20 4 Apr. 23 7 Sept. 7 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Nashville, Tenn. Langstaff, George, jr - 1051 4 Feb. 22 Orm, L. G... 1052 4 Feb. 22 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Nashville, Tenn. Chief engineers. Chief engineers--Con- tinued. 1 Aaron, George E. Allison, James R.. Allison, William. Allison, Robert S Allison, Tbomas B. Allison, U.S.. Allison, Edward C Beani, Ephraim H., jr.. Bean, Ephraim H Bridwell, W. L.... Broadfoot, William S Brown, Wade . Camp, R. L... Champion, James L... Channault, John. Colbert, Frank C. Coran, Silus A. Crank, Robert E Dale, William R Dawson, James M Dawson, Robert L Drummond, William Dugger, Collin C. Dugger, Jesse T Earhart, Joseph Edmonds, James R.. England, John A Ferguson, William A.. Ferguson, Willis. Ferguson, John H.. Ferguson, L. D Flach, Joseph B Glover, Joseplı Hager, Franklin W.. Harris, John B.. Harman, William Hart, George W Horn, Charles I Hovioiis, John W... Hudson, Abrabam Hutchison, V. A James, Charles I Joyce, Andrew W.. 10215 10201 10205 10225 10273 10284 10285 10263 10288 10271 10294 10269 10203 10234 10265 10216 10242 10266 10233 10257 10287 10229 10206 10208 10290 10275 10260 10245 10219 10277 10279 10239 10231 10289 10252 10286 10296 10292 10243 10295 10246 10220 10226 18 Feb. 1 19 Jan. 5 12 Jan. 9 Mar. 17 3 Aug. 5 17 Oct. 22 7 Do. 9 July 13 15 Nov. 9 19 July 29 13 Dec, 11 17 July 22 3 Jan, 7 7 A pr. 1 23 July 15 17 Feb. 2 3 Apr. 26 6 July 17 10 Mar. 30 2 June 15 3 Nov. 6 21 Mar. 23 14 Jan. 15 13 Jan. 16 6 Dec. 4 16 Aug. 10 3 June 25 15 May 2 12 Teb. 4 19 Sept. 20 1 Do. 14 Apr. 27 6 Mar. 26 8 Nov. 13 1 June 2 29 Nov. 1 9 Dec. 29 9 Dec. 9 13 Apr. 28 13 Dec. 13 5 May 20 1 Teb. 22 14 Mar. 17 King, Henry M Kirkpatrick, John W Kirkpatrick, Robert M Kritzer, George S Lee, George W.. Leek, Darid Linn, James H.. Liles, James N. Lovell, Thomas L.... Lovell, John TV Lovell, Thonias d. Lyov, Fay H... McDonald, George C.. Martin, Edward A Mason, James E Mason, Alfred N McMaban, Julian... Mix, James A.. Moore, Hugh Nicholson, John T Orr, Daniel.. Orton, David G Owen, James (wings, John L.. Pittman, Henry P... Reel. Samuel Renolds, John H. Rboa, Jarues.. Reynolds, Baker W Ripley, George E Roberts, 2.T Riggs, Williams S Rowden, Charles F Ryman, John C.. Samuel, Baynham Smith, Joseph St. Jolin, William Steel, Jobu W.. Stockham, Charles A.. Suddeth, Robert H. Tally, John V.. Taylor, William B..... Tipton, John G.. 10258 10238 10240 10268 10228 10250 10249 10262 10251 10256 10264 10244 10222 10241 10247 10278 10280 10267 10235 10214 10255 10232 10207 10281 10234 10221 10211 10213 10274 10209 10270 10293 10259 10224 10283 10230 10248 10261 10291 10223 10276 10237 10227 9 June 15 9 Apr. 15 30 Apr. 17 5 July 22 15 Mar. 23 1 May 24 30 Do. 11 July 12 10 May 25 7 June 15 25 July 13 6 May 3 14 Feb. 22 12 Apr. 23 6 May 20 4 Sept. 25 6 Oct. 1 18 July 22 26 Apr. 8 10 Jan. 28 1 June 14 12 Mar. 26 15 Jan. 15 4 Oct. 5 20 June 11 12 Teb. 27 2 Jan. 25 24 Jan. 28 43 Aug. 6 18 Jan. 16 3 July 26 12 Dec. 10 2 June 21 17 Mar. 9 12 Oct. 13 14 Mar. 26 6 May 22 18 June 28 22 Dec. 7 5 Mar. 5 9 Aug. 25 32 Apr. 13 8 Mar. 23 1.82 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed – Nashville, Tenn.--Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issuo. issue. Chief engineers- Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons--Continued. Voight, Emery A Wallaco, John W Warren, William B. Warden, H.C.. Washami, Joseph W... White, James W. Willboit, J.J.. Wilkins, Samuel C.C.. Womble, James F... Wood. L.D... 10236 10253 10218 10272 10202 10204 10282 10217 10212 10210 9 Apr. 13 29 June 11 9 Feb. 4 36 July 31 4 Jan. 6 22 Jan. 7 3 Oct. 12 42 Feb. 2 6 Jan. 27 4 Jan. 18 Smith, John I'.. Smith. Edward S. Terry, Willian J Tipton, Fenry T. Trainer, Charles. Tyler, Rufis R.. Tyler, Frank H.. Underwood, Thomas B. Wilkey, Evan Y Wilkerson), William F. Wolfe, Robert. Volverton, D. M. Womble, Marshal L... 4210 4256 *211 4216 4215 4224 4244 4257 4212 4226 4208 4218 4232 11 Jan. 28 ¿Sept. 25 2 Feb. 2 9 Feb. 19 12 Feb. 15 13 Mar. 26 2 June 28 7 Oct. 2 4 Feb. 4 1 Apr. 1 3 Jan. 25 13 Mar. 3 14 Apr. 15 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Assistant engineers. Allen, Robert. Allison, Marcellas B.. Allison, Albert H.... Almos, David W Bauer, Phillip Broadfoot, Robert. Carroll, Americus Christley, James H.. Cliborne, Al. Davis, William W Davis, John Daris, A. H.. Dawson, W.F Deuton, George H.. Edington, Wado A.. Furman, Monterey Galloway, W.E.. Henry, James M. Hawkins, Thomas Harrison, Villiam T... Jackson, Thomas Johnson, WV... Jones, Allard M.. Koonts, John.. Lander, George. Lyle, Stephen T. Maples, John R. Markham, William H.. Moss, Sargent. Nellis, Walter O. Norton, William L. Reed, Daniel... Salsmau, Jack J 4206 4219 4229 4241 4237 4239 4209 202 4225 4207 4238 4240 4255 4221 4242 4217 4223 4235 4239 4258 4230 4247 4254 42.43 4263 4233 4253 4264 4260 4251 4230 4222 4203 8 Jan. 15 10 Mar. 17 7 Apr. 20 9 June 11 S May 14 15 Oct. 27 16 Jan. 27 7 Jan. 6 9 Apr. 1 5 Jan. 18 11 May 19 14 May 29 8 Sept. 25 11 Mar. 23 7 June 19 7 Feb. 20 6 May 26 14 Apr. 28 16 May 27 1 Oct. 25 13 Apr. 29 3 July 29 2 Sept. 14 16 June 26 13 Dec. 11 6 Apr. 19 3 Sept. 13 9 Dec. 15 14 Nov. 9 9 Aug. 20 8 Apr. 13 9 Mar. 26 6 Jan, 6 Anderson, JT. Adkins, Alvin A.. Akin, Allison R.. Allison, Uriah F.. Cooper, John R. Crank, Robert R.... Garrett, J.J. Hood, trauk. Huiter, Tliomas P Herriug. Robert B... Leek, Tbomas... Moore, Robert... Piuner, Thomas Rhea, Calvin M. Rhea. William T. Ray, John S... Walker, John T.. Wilkey, Charles B. 4204 4234 4245 4261 4213 4227 4249 42:31 1246 4250 4262 4228 4220 4205 4248 4232 4201 4214 9 Jan. 8 4. Apr. 21 2 July 3 Nov. 22 3 Feb. 4 Apr. 3 4 Ang. 10 1 Apr. 14 1 July 3 13 dug. 20 2 Dec. 3 Apr. 5 Mar. 18 Jan. 9 1 Ang. 7 1 Sept. 7 3 Jan. 5 3 feb. 15 Special engineers. Childers. Gracey.. Dye, Jolin R... Dennis, William R.... Eggleston, A. L. Eggleston, E. V. Ferguson, L. D. Gallagan, George W Gracey, Matt.. Shamblin, James A. Williamson, George P. Valker. George..... 2110 2108 2109 2105 2104 2103 2101 2111 2106 2107 2102 7 Sept. 7 4 May 18 2 Aug. 2 4 May 3 5 Apr. 15 9 Mar. 13 3 Jan. 19 6 Oct. 22 4 May May 4 2 May 13 9 Mar. 9 LOCAL DISTRICT OF LOUISVILLE, KY. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1899-Louisville, Ky. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issile. Abraham, J.N... Abshire, Joshua C.. Ballard, Samuel R Ballard, Richard H.... Baldwin, R. B. Barrett, George J Beeler, R. C.. Crider, E. P... Crider, Robert Davis, Henry M Dugan, James C Garden, Charles P.. Gray, William C.... Hays, Will S.... Keim, John. 10388 10332 10395 10372 10359 10369 10326 10373 12308 10381 12318 10371 10360 10378 12322 9 9 Aug. 7 12 Mar. 23 2 Sept. 7 15 June 23 7 May 8 5 June 18 15 Mar. 13 17 June 24 8 Nov. 4 17 July 8 10 Dec. 14 11 June 22 15 May 15 8 July 1 10 Dec. 27 Loe, Edward L.... Marslıall, W. A Meyer, Frank. Moore, Richard B. Murta, James .. McCarthey, T.F McGill, anderson J McGuire, Ellison D... Newbill, W.D.. Peel, James A Stuart. Louis L Walker, Joseph Weisen, John J.. Westfall, J. K.. Zoll, Frederic 10347 10308 10335 10392 10314 10386 10393 12303 10400 10345 10327 12306 10397 10302 12317 5 A pr. 13 9 Jan. 14 5 Mar. 25 15 Aug. 12 10 Feb. 1 6 July 28 3 Aug. 16 6 Oct. 13 3 Sept. 30 2 Apr. 12 6 Mar. 13 6 Oct. 21 11 Sept. 20 12 Jan. 7 11 Dec. 14 0 * The number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 183. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Louisville, Ky. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of license. No. of Date of issue. issue. 1 10, 12 3 17, C 25, 35 24, 23 16, 16 Anderson, George W.. Auderson, Benjamin S. Applegate, Aaron. Ash, Joseph B Ayers, E.C Baker, A.J Baldwin, Nathaniel P. Bauta, Thomas S Bergenroth, Louis F Bottorff, Charles W... Brahaney, M.C Brashears, Henry C Brookmire, James Carter, Clarence Chaddick, William G Clark, George W..., Clark, Curtis E Claxon, David H. Claxon, Cassius. Claxon, John N.. Conner, James TV .. Couner, Thomas Crammond, W.D Dougherty, Frank M Dongherty, A.S Douglas, Jolin H... Dugan, Madison Dugan, Henry Duggins, George M. Durand, Nick. Durand, John. Dye, Eugene B Evans, Alexander } Gibbons, Charles E... Gilmore, James K.. Glopbrener, J. E Greer. Jessee Haptonstall, William R. Hawkins, W.C Hawley, Joseph P Hays, Charles T Hofl'mau, Henry. O..... Hofman, John H Holines, Care. Howard, John Hurst, Joseph Irrin, Moses 10355 13, 9 May 6 Jones, Joseph M 10351 8, 13 Apr. 23 Jutte, August 10322 11, 21 Mar. 3 Kay, James W 10350 13, 12 Apr. 20 King, Robert 12305 16, 16 Oct. 21 King, Harry E 10337 9, 9 Mar. 26 Lawler, Frank. 10390 14,- Aug. 12 Leitcli, A. W.. 12312 14, 14 Dec. 3 Littrell, William 10358 12, 12 May May S Meeker, Noah.. 10364 4, 5 May 25 Morris, John R 10316 I, 19 Feb. 5 Musselinan, George W. 12319 25, 42 Dec. 13 McBride, George W 12314 23, 24 Dec. 4 McCulloch, John H.... 10349 7, 9 Apr. 15 Nixon, Bartlett.. 10357 18, 35 May 8 Oyler. Joon W. 10311 21, 29 Jan. 25 Paul, Samuel H 12304 13, 13 Oct. 27 || Pecken paugh, J.H 10391 20,31 Aug. 12 Penny, David L. 12310 Nov. 20 Piercy, Edvard. 10324 | 10,13 Mar. 8 Powball, Henry C... 10305 | 23, 42 Jan. 13 Preston, S.J.. 10370 23, 32 June 19 Pryor. Noble N 10366 May 28 Ryan, Francis M 10380 14, 14 July 7 Seals, Barnett 12302 6,14 Oct. 5 Seals, George U 12321 21, 26 Dec. 22 Simpson. B. A 10585 17, 17 | July 19 Smith, Albert. 10387 26, 27 July 31 Smith, William F 12301 10, 13 Oct. 1 Stafford, William H... 10396 8,11 Sept. 17 Staib, John L. 10325 9, 10 Stout, B. D.... 12313 S, 11 Dec, 4 Supplee, Charles F.. 10374 23, 32 June 25 Tavlor, John T 1035: 11, 11 May 6 Thickston, J. E 10361 2, 2 May 21 Told, Peter E.. 12316 4, 7 Dec. 13 Totton, George W 12323 12, 15 Dec, 28 Triplett, John A.. 10334 17, 20 Mar. 24 Varble, Dan. P.. 10312 16, 16 Jan. 27 Varble, Richard C 10304 10, 12 Jan. 12 Welch, John... 10318 14. 15 Feb. 13 White, George L. 10365 18, 17 May 27 Whysall, Job. 10343 22, 22 pr. 6 Williams, James L. 10320 22, 38 Feb. 2:3 Williams, Charles W.. 10303 12, 10 Jan. 12 Wood, Samuel R... 10352 12, 15 pr. 24 Wolverton, Joseph J 10315 25, 23 Feb. 1 10394 17, 22 Sept. 2 10331 20, 20 Mar. 18 10363 26,34 May 25 10339 26, 34 Mar. 26 10376 2,11 June 28 10344 4, 4 Apr. 7 10353 7, 9 dlay 5 10330 Mar. 17 10377 12,33 June 29 10319 25, 43 Feb. 23 10346 | 25, 40 Apr. 12 10317 6, 32 Feb. 10 10336 5, 10 Mar. 26 10340 26,33 Do. 103+1 15, 29 Mar. 29 12311 12, 12 Nov. 29 10338 Mar. 26 10362 25, 37 May 23 12309 9,9 Nor. 20 10307 18, 15 Jan. 14 10301 17, 17 Jan. 4 10328 12, 14 Mar. 15 10383 July 15 10399 18, 42. Sept. 28 10306 10, 15 Jan. 13 10329 20, 21 Mar. 16 10333 13, 12 Nlar. 24 103:18 Apr. 15 12320 6, 20 Dec. 22 10379 9,6 July 7 10342 12, 12 Mar. 29 12315 18, 18 Dec. 4 4 10309 24, 39 Jan. 21 10367 16, 22 ) June 9 10389 5,6 Aug. 7 10313 18, Jan. 28 10368 15, 15 June 12 10310 25, 25, 24 Jan. 23 10323 16, 14 Mar. 8 10321 14, 13 Feb. 25 12307 120, Oct. 26 10356 14, May 7 10375 8,11 June 26 1038+ 23, 38 July 17 10382 9, 10 July 12 10398 8,9 Sept. 28 ! 8, 20 Mar. 8 1 1 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Louisville, Ky. First-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. i 3107 3116 3128 3120 3124 3108 3118 3125 3130 3101 5 Mar. 16 8 June 7 6 Oct. 16 16 July 28 3 Aug. 12 6 Apr. 5 5 June 17 2 Sept. 10 4' Nov. 9 15 Jan. 20 Allen, Charles S.... Bartles, Frank... Boes, John. Collins, Ort.. Cox, George B Cox, William B Davis, John V Faulknor, Alfred Fergusson, Andrew Fisher, Joseph A... Frost, William P Gibbs, Wicklitt. Godfrey, John Green, Charles G Grop, Thomas Haslett, John. Heath, John M. Heath, D. C... Hoffsummer, A. G. Holden, Robert M. Hunilley, Noble N Knight, Charles A. Martin, James McGuire, W.B McKinney, Thomas.. 3129 3119 33121 3127 3105 3133 3103 3109 3131 3113 3117 3123 3111 3126 3131 3115 3132 3135 3122 3114 3110 3104 3106 3102 3112 0 Oct. 16 McNitt, Charles 7 July 12 Paris, Joseph A 2 July 28 Pfeiler, Harry D.. 6 Oct. 1 Prescott, WV. V 32 May 6. Pryor, N.P 11 Dec. 1 Ramsey, H. L. 4 Ja. 14 Rounds, Frank T 15 Apr. 7 Shipman, Harry 43 Dec. 22 Smith, M.P... 8 May May 7 W'estby, John L.. 10 June 16 5 Aug. 10 Second-class pilots. 17 12 Sept. 18 Baker, Samuel H.. 19 Nov. 26 Baker, D.D... 2 June 1 Barbor,'Phil. D 5 Nov. 26 Bergenroth, C. W 8 Dec. 28 Bergenroth, A. H 10 Aug. 7 Ford, Charles... 5 May 15 Frank, Gus 9 Apr. 12 Gilmore, Carl Raymond 3 Feb. 25 Haslett, Samuel F 13 Mar. 10 Heath, B.C... 13 Jan. 4 Hennen, Alfred. 5 5 Apr. 20 Hulsey, Eugene Apr. 13 11 3405 3420 3415 3425 3426 3411 3416 3418 3414 3402 3422 3407 6 Mar. 9 5 Sept. 8 1 July 17 13 Nor. 20 12 Dec. 13 2 | May 1 4 Aug. 2 1 Aug. 7 4 June 15 2 Feb. 8 5 Sept. 20 6 Mar. 9 184 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed—Louisville, Ky.—Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issué. issue. Namo. No. of No.of Date of license.issue. issue, First-class pilots- Continued. First-class pilots- Continued. Aug. 6 King, J. W.R.... Lanciscus, L.. Meeks, J. W Mershon, John R... Miller, James P... Miller, Irvin. Orms, James B... Rankin, Samuel V.. 3419 3406 3424 3408 3403 3413 3410 3401 3 Aug. 20 5 Mar. 10 4 Nov. 20 11 Mar 17 1 Feb. 26 5 June 14 8 Apr. 19 3 Jan, 15 Richards, John C.... Rusterholtz, August Shellman, Martin... Stephens, Leo Il... Taylor, James C.... Thomason. J.D Wheeler, H. C.. 3421 3417 3427 3423 3-404 3409 3412 4 Sept. 11 1 2 Dec. 27 7 Oct. 5 2 Mar. 1 1 Apr. 6 5 May 1 Joint pilot and engineer licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Louisville, Ky. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Hugh, Kimbley. 1151 2 Aug. 16 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Louisville, Ky. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers. Chief engineers—Con- tinued. Abbott, Joseph Adams, Peter A. Anderson, John W. Armstrong, William T. Baldwin, Nathaniel P.. Ballard, Samuel R... Bailey, Solon D. Beeler, John W... Beeler, James S..... Beeler, R. E Browu, William E. Canary, John... Carlisle, Samuel M. Carter, Lorane. Caye, Edmond.. Chapman, Henry C Cook, John M. Crump, John Curry, George P Curry, John B Curry, Charles H. Druck, William A Dugan, Harry Dugan, Madison Dugan, George.. Dugan. Jaines C.. Ehringer, George Ellis, James L English, Jobo T Fisk, Sapiuel F.. Fisk, Pelig Gaugh, John G George, John George, Robert Genner, Erlgar L Genning, Ephram J... Gilbert, Thomas T.. Gilinore, Charles P Good, Frank... Gumbert, Elias P... Good, Frank M Hall, James S.. Horton, John T. Horton, John W.. Hughs. James A.... 10468 10486 10407 10463 10460 10406 10455 10437 10469 10475 10492 30448 10471 10482 10417 10476 10474 10402 10445 10451 10467 104561 10459 10449 10422 10489 10461 10421 10130 10428 10412 10446 10416 10453 10458 10419 10466 10473 10457 10440 10418 10415 10438 10487 10424 12 Sept. S Hurst, Joseph Nov. 19 Irvin, John L.. 29 Jan. 9 Jones, Edward L 9 Aug. 21 Jones, Oscar 28 Aug. 12 Keneday, Joseph 11 Jan. 11 Latham, Edward L 13 July 15 Lloyd, Robert. 34 Apr. 17 Martin, John F 10 Sept. 9 Miller, Harry E. 26 Oct. 6 Morton, Valdo D. 29 Dec. 22 Mummey, Thomas J 14 May 17 McCrory, John 2 Sept. 22 McFarland, Harry N. 1 Nov. 1 Noles, Thomas N 16 Teb. 1 Noon, Joliu 23 Oct. 8 Norris, G 14 (ct. 5 Nupnemaker, James L. 19 Jan. 4 Phelps, William 19 May 8 Phillips, James 6 June 16 Pitt, William H... 9 Sept. 2 Plwomer, Charles E... 14 July 16 Prichard, Eugene. 13 July 31 Pyle, John E... 13 June 9 Rhea, Seth W 21 Feb. 20 Riggle, Garret E. 20 Dec. 14 Riley, John J.. 21 | Aug. 19 Rodner, Benjamin G. ... 10 Feb. 15 Shafi, Alolph J... 18 Mar. 20 Smith, W C. W 6 Mar. 15 Smith, Stephen 20 Jan. 22 Smith, Harry E. 14 May 10 Spence, David B.. 3 Jan. 30 Stephens, George 16 July 1 Stuart. George F. 6 July 19 Sugg. Charles A 25 Feb. 8 Supplee, Charles H.. 19 Aug. 28 St. John, James P 91 Oct. 1 Taylor, Noah C 1 July 16 Temple. Frank W 7 20 Apr. 20. Turner, George C.... 39 Feb. 4 Turner, William I?.. 2 Jan. 27 linderwood, James 41 Apr. 19 Van Horn, W.M.. 20 Nov. 20 ! Walker, Joseph.. 3 Feb. 24 Walker, William T 10490 10426 10480 10452 10401 10405 10409 10442 10493 10485 10483 10410 10435 10432 10404 10403 10411 10417 10464 10420 10427 10439 10465 10478 104.84 10450 10423 10470 10414 10488 10472 10477 10425 10431 10443 10462 10429 10491 10436 10441 10408 10413 10434 10479 10481 Į 16 Dec. 15 15 Mar. 10 25 (ct. 23 1 June 16 11 Jan. 4 4 Jan. 8 26 Jan. 18 31 Apr. 30 2 Doc. 28 24 | Nov. 10 2 Nov. 1 19 Jan. 18 15 A pr. 15 19 Mar. 26 15 Jan. 7 24 Jan. 4 9 Jan. 19 30 May 12 7 Aug. 23 15 Feb. 15 2 Mar. 12 13 Apr. 19 25 Aug. 28 6 Oct. 18 26 Nov. 6 15 June 16 6 Fol. 24 6 Sept. 14 18 Jan. 26 21 Dec. 13 4 Sept. 28 16 Oct. 14 1S Mar. 9 10 Mar. 21 17 May 1 30 | Aug. 19 15 Mar. 16 15 Dec. 16 14 Apr. 16 5 Apr. 20 Jan. 16 36 Jan. 23 23 Apr. 7 34 Oct. 21 29 Oct. 28 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 185 Engineers licensed-Louisville, Ky.-Continued, Name. No. of No. of Dato of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Ohief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con. tinued. Webb, Alfred.. White, Robert H... Woodruff, William C... 10444 10433 10454 17 May May 5 14 Apr. 7 5 July 15 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Bateman, William C... Beaver, L.A.... Beebe, Peter Columbus, William N. Gibson, James H... Gill, Charles E. Groer, Edward.. Halstead, David Hasenstal, Michael.... Haslett, Samuel F Kegal, George Knox, James S... Moore, John Nave, William I Neal, Thomas. Paul, Samuel H.. Robinson, Harrison Sheets, John T.... Soudrett, John. Stephens, U.G. Taylor, George B Walker, Clarence. Wattam, John.. Weber, William H.. Whitaker, John D.. 4453 4426 4459 4441 4454 4448 4444 4402 4455 4401 4443 4447 4417 4433 4464 4461 4436 4408 4440 4405 4422 4438 4456 4418 4425 10 Sept. 17 14 Apr. 26 8 Nov. 2 13 July 28 8 Sept. 28 19 Aug. 28 6 Aug. 2 15 Jan. 2 7 Oct. 9 8 Jan. 2 7 July 31 11 Ang. 27 5 Mar. 9 16 July 28 18 Dec. 8 4 Nov. 29 17 July 8 10 Jan. 20 13 July 23 8 Jan. 12 4 Apr. 1 Jnly 17 12 Oct. Oct. 12 5 Mar. 24 12 Apr. 17 Denny, John... Ehringer, Cornelius.. Fisher, Robert H... Garvin, Frank W.. Glenn, James D Grim, John L.. Hopkins, Thomas E Irwin, Hiran S... Lawson, Jolin TV Lutz, Frank C.. Lewis, William R. Massey, A.B. Meeks, Thomas J. Mewick, Harry Milligan, Charles Moore, Frank. Orms, William. Osborn, Marion.. Peckenpangh, John H. Phillips, William Rickets, John V Shelly, Hiram L Sherror, Joseph. Smith, William Pi.. Sohn, Andrew Stottlebower, Mike Vawter, Newton W... Walker, Louis A... Wattan, Joseph V bitaker, Charles Wood, William 4416 4412 4457 4437 4415 4420 4410 4430 4132 4435 4403 4462 4442 4446 4406 4414 4434 4431 4449 4458 4423 4451 4445 4409 4463 4428 4404 4421 4439 4460 4411 10 Mar. 1 1 Feb. 10 6 Oct. 23 10 July 16 9 Feb. 25 2 Apr. 2 2 Feb. 5 2 May 25 10 July 7 11 July 8 3 Jan. 4 4 Dec. 2 4 July 28 9 Aug. 12 6 Jan. 16 5 Feb. 25 13 July 3 11 May 27 7 Sept. 1 19 Oct. 29 8 Apr. 15 6 Sept. 8 6 aug. 12 4 Jan. 25 5 1 18 May 11 3 Jan. 4 4 Apr. 6 2 July 23 6 Nov. 2 6 | Feb. 5 Dec Apr. 7 Special engineers. Assistant engineers. Atkinson, James .... Baker, S. H Baker, D.D. Baker, James M Beard, Johu T Bergenroth, W. H Bosley, Millard F... Bridenback, Charles F. Chandler, Oscar. 4427 4465 4450 4419 4413 4424 4429 4407 4452 6 May May 10 6 Dec. 27 10 Sept. 8 2 Mar. 30 1 Feb. 24 13 Apr. 16 11 May 22 18 Jan. 16 5 Sept. 14 Ash, Joseph B Beermau, Ira Campbell, Edward C. Ford, Charles I'rank, Gus La Heist, A. A.. McConnell, John H. McIntosh, John.. Prather, Howard M. Stephens, Lee H Thompson, J. B Wheeler, H.C. 2310 2301 2307 2305 2311 2302 2306 2304 2308 2309 2312 2303 1 Oct. 12 5 Jan. 21 1 July 6 4 May 1 3 Oct. 20 1 Feb. 5 1 July 24 1 Apr. 6 1 July 30 4 Oct. 5 1 Dec. 21 3 Feb. 15 LOCAL DISTRICT OF EVANSVILLE, IND. . Dlaster's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Evansville, Ind. , Name. No. of No. of license. issue.* Daie of issue. Naine. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.*issue. Do. Cassidy, Frank Cornick, John Cox, James H. Crane, James F.. Crouch, John A Dodds, Allen N. Gilbert, H. C Jacobs, Arrell J January, Thomas M... Kahn, Lee... Miller, Arthur E.... Montgomery, Henry... Mitchell, Henry S... Myers, John M 10278 10267 10268 10255 10245 10243 12412 12409 10250 10264 12416 10280 10263 10228 8 July 17 5 June 25 14 June 26 11 May 10 2 Apr. 2 2 Do. 11 Nov. 10 2 Oct. 30 4 3 June 10 3 Nov. 26 6 July 26 19 June 8 5 Feb. 23 Perkins, Charles G. Pitclier, Thomas. Riggs, William Server, Cornelius E.... Server, William W.. Slefl'er, Thomas T. Tardy, Frank.. Taylor, William Thompson, F. 1'. Throop, George S .... Wicht, William H.. Wartmann, J. W Whitlow, Lloyd M.. ... Whitlow, Harvey. 10225 12402 10281 10227 10294 10291 10292 10260 10266 12422 12410 12407 10217 12401 10 Feb. 18 7 Sept. 20 9 July 26 2 Feb. 22 4 Aug. 25 10 dug. 18 8 12 May 27 4 June 19 17 Dec. 23 1 Oct. 30 7 Oct. 28 3 Teb. 6 6 Sept. 20 Apr. 26 * Number of issue of current graile and the number of issues of all grades. 186 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Evansville, Ind. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue, issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 13. + 20. 17, 10,6 20, ga 25,- 1 4, 20 4,22 Apr. 26 18,- Applegate, Charles B Arnold, Jacob Barry, Thomas Barry, John Barry, John Bauer, Ottoman. Baumgardner, A.J Benley, Elniore W7 Bibb, James B Blair, Samuel D.. Blincoe. Willian M.... Bradley, L.T Bradley, Charles A Bradloy, Belfield B. Boluss. Thomas. Burnett, Janies Campbell, M. EI Carson, Robert B Carson, John R.. Clark, Ernest J Coffin, Levi Cole, C. Arthur Conner, Larkin 0.. Cooper, William M Cooper, Charles L Damron, James A Daulley, Thomas M Echols, Marcus A. Edwards, William H Estes. James. Farrow, Charles P Finnie, Thomas Frazier, William Gilligan, James J Gillispie, John J Glenn, Andrew Gosnell, Anrew J. Green, Saniel K... Hacker, John S.. Hall, Emmett M Harrington, Timothy C. Hawkins, Thomas Herndon, Ben. F Higler), James Hockman. Ben. F Hood, Edward S Hornbrook, Robert .. 10220 15, 19 Feb. 12 Hornbrook, Sanders C. 10223 9, Feb. 17 Hudson, Abraham... 10211 Jan. 15 Hura, A. H... 10249 12, Apr. 24 Iugle, John. 10265 | 15, 15 June 18 Joiner, John H 12120 19, 12 Dec. 9 Jolinson, Samuel M... 10300 Sept. 17 Jones, Pennel... 12403 19, Sept. 30 Keplinger, M.J 10277 16, July 16 King, Felix 10242 Apr. 1 Kirkbride, Thomas E.. 10235 Mar. 4 Klier, Francis 10252 Apr. 26 Lamb, Janies C.. 10275 9, 10 July 15 Lankford, John. 12405 20, 20 Oct. 9 Lippitt, William D..... 10256 2-1, May 22 Louis, Stephen D..... 10233 Fel. 27 Luty, William M. 10253 20, May 1 Mackey. Absolom. 10273 21, 22 July 9 McCaulley, Milliarı.. 10279 | 10, July 20 Mellon, Augustus... 10251 15, Miller, John C. C... 124.11 20, Nov. 8 Moore, Josiah S. 10244 16, 17 16, 17 Apr. 2 Nellis, Walter 0.. 10231 Feb. 25 Nelson, James M. 10221 Feb. 15 Nichols, Charles. 10222 5,7 Do. Newman, John H. 10272 25, 25, - July 3 Nugent, James. 10246 10,38 5 Overstreet, V. S... 10257 12, 39 May 22 Paris, Scott.. 10226 17, Tel. 20 Piorce, Jolin W 10276 23, July 16 Rearden, J. E.... 10207 17, Jau. 8 Renfro, Edward M.. 10293 19, Aug. 20 Roberts, I. P. 12415 15, 17 Nov. 23 Rogers, John W. 10237 1,3 Mar. 11 Sauerheber, M. L... 12417 19, Nov. 26 Shewmaker, John W.. 10259 17, May 26 Shewibaker, S. R... 10214 20, Jan. 18 Shipley, Elvard H. 10258 24, May 26 | Spyiler, Adam. 10204 22, Jan. 61 Strasser, Paul.. 10247 6,13 Ajr. 5 Timmons, John L. 10296 13, Thompson, James B.. 10241 Dlar. 31 Throup, Jol H... 10248 17,17 Apr. 19 Totten, T. M. 10239 Mar. 24 | Tullis, Louis D... 10218 13, Feb. 8 \Villiams, Thomas A.. 10262 13, June 4 Williams, Richard R... 10224 15, Feb. 17 Yost, Isaac S... 15, 12414 2, 2 Nov. 20 1027011, 11,11 July 2 10212 16, Jan. 16 10271 3,10 July 3 10232 | 23, Fel), 27 12408 8,9 Oct. 29 10285 13,- Aug. 5 10238 10, 12 Mar. 17 10295 | 19, Aug. 26 12406 Oct. 20 10299 Sept. 8 1027-1 9,9 July 10 10211;; 20, Jan. 6 10285 13, July 31 1023+ | 15, Mar. $ 10298 | 19, 33 Sept. 3 10269 24, 24 July 1 10210 12, 12 Mar. 27 12:19 Dec. 6 10290 19, 33 Aug. 14 12113 9,8 Nov. 26 12-21 4,9 Dec. 10 10287 | 11, 11, - Aug. 6 10297 7, 29 Sept. 23 10208 23, Jan. 8 10229 4, 11 Feb. 23 10201 9 15 5 10236 9,18 Mar. 9 10210 8, 19 Jan. 11 10230 | 20, Feb. 25 102861 Aug. 6 10219 18, 26 Feb. 8 1020915, Jan. 8 10216 9, 12 Feb. 3 10202 | 16, 19 16, 19 Jan. 5 12404 | 16, 14 Oct. 6 12215 | 16, 15 liel. 1 10206 23, 8 Jan. 8 10261 13,30 June 1 10288 Aug. 10 10213 22, Jan. 18 10282 22, 24 July 28 10254 26, 34 26, 34 May 10 10289 12, Aug. 13 1020511, 14 Jan. 7 12418 Dec. 6 10283 10, July 30 dur. Jan. 1 4,7 , OTW 8,16 Aug, 28 18,- 12, 15, 13 . Ind. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Evansville, First-class pilots. l'irst-class pilots-Con- tinued. 3331 3026 3025 3021 3023 2005 3014 3006 3029 3001 3032 3025 Barnes, William B.... Barnes, James R.. Bewley, George. Bishop, G.R. Bowles, Thomas K... Breidenbach. Charles T. Briscoe, Villiam. Brown, Valter Burregs, Pressley Carr, Charles W Collins, Nathan. . Collins, John Daugherty, James H .. Danlley, Cbarles E Fuchs, Fredrick L.... Gosnell, Charles J Greer, Stephen D. Gupton, William R Horton, Robert H... Hougland, Walter G.. Howell, C. H.... Hudson, Bentou J Hunt, A.W. Koplinger, George L.. 3002 3017 3028 3008 3027 3004 3024 30131 3030 30101 30091 3019 3003 3012 ! 3033 3020 3036 3016 3022 3034 3007 3015 3018 3011 | 4 Jan. 13 Overstreet, Williain. 1 June 18 Peter, George W... 9 Sept. 21 Seholey, David. 7 Mar. 3 Shaw, William C. 1 Sept. 16 Spence, George W... 1 Feb. 15 Welch, George C. 14 Aug. 18 Wilboon, William B... 14 May 15 Williams, William N 12 Sept. 23 Wilkins, John D.... 14 Mar. 9 Wilson, Calvin E 12 Mar. 8 Wilson, Jessic L. 6 July 1 Young, Charles T. 13 Feb. 2 15 Mar. 29 Second-class pilots. 10 Oct. 22 14 July 9 Bagwell, Josiah.. 36 Dec. 1 ! Barrow, Thouas 24 June 17 Blair, Jobn P.. 6 Aug. 2 Bosaw, David.... 5 Oct. 26 Buchanan, James P .... 5 Feb. 25 Cobble, Alfred. 7 June 1 Compton, Charles R. 5 June 19 Conner, William 0..... 1 Mar. 10 Conner, James O... 2 Oct. 11 3 Sept. 13 9 Nov. 8 35 July 10 7 Aug. 6 14 Feb. 17 1 May 22 2 Fel). 22 11 Sept. 23 16 Jan. 6 1 Oct. 15 1 Ang. 26 3349 3334 3324 3362 3352 3329 3333 3330 3354 14 Aug 7 1 June 9 1 May May 3 7 Nov. 1 1 Aug. 31 5 | May 19 1 June 8 3 May 24 14 ) Sept. 3 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION 187 SERVICE. Pilots licensed—Eransville, Ind.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issile. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. ! Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 16 L Copland, Lawrence W. Crunk, John B.. Damon, Adam J.. Dassing, Charles. Davidson, Joseph A. Davis, W. H. Depray, Claud Deputy, Robert A Finnie, Daniel French, T. m. Fretagoet, Oliver N.. Fuchs, Charles F Fuller, Thomas Garvin, Samuel Gibson, James P.... Hammerstein, Geo.J... Hanes, Daniel L Heine, Edward C Henuen, James J Henry, John S.. Hicks, Wilson Hill, Martin. Hock, William A Howell, John L.. Hollander, John Houghland, John L... Hyatt, Elijah Joiner, P.P Keeler, Charles C... Keeler, William B Kratz, Villiain 3336 3327 3348 3009 3325 3351 3313 3323 3319 3368 3367 3353 3313 3341 3366 3359 3306 3339 3311 3345 3331. 3328 3346 3370 3304 3332 3340 3310 3335 3355 3303 June 10 12 May 10 1 8 Aug. 3 13 Feb. 6 2 May 4 7 Aug. 24 2 Tel. 25 3 pr. 27 10 Ang. 20 7 Nov. 29 6 Nov. 26 1 Sept. 2 16 July 17 10 July 13 4 Nov. 20 11 Oct. 9 10 Jan. 21 11 June 27 5 Feb. 18 2 July 27 1 May 24 13 May 19 11 July 27 13 Dec. 18 Jan. 20 3 June 5 6 July 1 6 Feb. 16 9 June 10 2 Sept. 20 7 Jan. 7 Lanb, George A Langilon, Michael F McAlpin, Walter P... JcAnally, Jobu T.. McCormick, W.F. Nellis, Charles F.. Price, Josial a Reardon, J. E. Records, James A Runge, Robert... Sargent, Marshall. Sanerheber, William.. Schwartz, Albert... Shepard, John T... Showmaker, Albert Shiver, Henry. Sibloy, William F Sturterant, Herbert. Stowart, William T... Sturgis, Samuel P... Taylor, George W.. Thorn, Hcury F.. Tolbert, James. Thurman, Chomas M. Williains, Horace T.. Wolcott, George A Wright, George D Wright, Jolin B Young, Charles T.. Youngman, Vinson S. 3350 3320 3312 3369 3316 3338 3363 3308 3322 3321 3361 3305 3315 3302 3364 3358 3360 3307 3344 3317 3318 i 3311 3347 3356 3326 3337 3342 3365 3301 3337 1 Aug. 18 3 Mar. 23 5 Feb. 20 1 Dec. 10 4 Mar. 13 3 June 21 3 Nov. 8 8 Feb. 2 9 Alar. 31 10 Dlar. 23 3 Oct. 14 9 Jan. 21 10 M:r. 6 Jan. 7 1 Nov. 10 10 Sept. 29 3 Oct. 12 3 Feb. 1 7 July 20 2 Mar. 15 6 Mar. 18 2 Mar. 2 2 July 37 2 6 May 10 9 June 12 12 July 13 1 NOr. 12 4 Jani. 4 1 Sept. 23 Sept. 23 1 Joint pilot and engineer licensed during the year ended Decem.ber 31, 1897—Evansville, Ind. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.issue. Thomas, R. Y... 1101 4 Feb. 22 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Evansville, Ind. I ame. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineer's. Chief engineers—Con- tinued. Agnew, T. P... Atkinson, Benjamin... Barry, John Beard, Theodore. Beard, John.. Bruer, George C. Burclell, Richard.. Carlisle, Hardy. Cassidy, Frank Clinger, George. Cowley, George J J... Dassing, Charles Davidson, Charles H... Decker, Henry. Echart, Stewart E.. Ellis, George L. Emnick, George Hall, Thomas N Hatta way, dodrow J.. Hebron, Thomas.... Hart, Joseph E. Helling, Edward Hickman, Josse 10328 10331 10349 10315 10386 10308 10339 10342 10360 1030+ 10380 10317 10347 10337 10329 10311 10381 10374 10318 10387 10320 10325 10309 20 Mar. 3 34 Mar. 22 15 June 18 19 Feb. 2 27 Dec. 27 5 Jall. 13 31 May 10 30 May 19 19 July 13 20 Jan. 5 5 Sept. 28 12 Heb. 5 10 June 9 15 Apr. 20 18 Mar. 13 15 Jan. 20 1 Oct. 2 22 Aug. 26 23 Feb. 5 18 Dec. 27 9 Teb. 10 11 Teb. 23 21 Jan. 14 Hickman, Charles Hickman, Dallas. Hickman, Bailey Hickman. Albert Hitchcock, James J Howe, Samuel A..., Jones, Josial D Jordon, William T. Keeler, Oscar F... Killinger, William H.. Kirkbride, Thomas H. Larue, Horatio . Lathan, Robert E Lentz, William R... Lionbarger, Isaac C. Magee, George T Manahan, Daniel V... Mason, Henry A... Maratta, John P. Mcduliff, John McElhinney, George F. McKinley, Joseph McLean, E.D... 10323 10332 10351 10370 10361 10313 10367 10316 10356 10336 10350 10340 10322 10373 10312 10364 10363 10335 10379 10368 10359 10355 10321 16 Feb. 15 12 Dlar. 27 16 June 25 10 Aug. 16 2 July 13 8 Jan. 25 3 Aug. 6 13 Hel. 2 14 July 5 7 ápr. 17 16 | June 23 26 May 11 4 Feb. 14 22 Aug. 18 13 Jan. 23 14 July 27 5 July 17 9 Apr. 16 14 Sept. 28 6 Aug. 10 23 July 10 18 July 5 16 Feb. 12 188 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed— Evansville, Ind.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of 1 license.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. isssue. Chief engineers Continued. Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. , o Aug. 18 。 Meyer, Henry Moore, William J.. Moore, Charles Moore, John H Moore, Josiah S.... Moore, Josiah S., jr.. Palmer, Alansou. Perkins, Elijah Ramberger. Daniel Ray, John F. Redden, Robert Sanders, George M Sanders, James A Scheid, Phillip.. Schewer, Jacob M. Seward, Edwin Sheffer, Thomas Shepard, R. B. Shepard, John T... Shepard, John Shelton, Thomas. Shewmaker, Samuel W. Smith, William H... Shumate, John.. Speckernagle, Chas. A Stroud, H.C.. Springer, Charles J ... Terry, Sidney P Thacker, Johus Thomas, John H.... Tryon, James. Tubbs, Samuel Tucker, W. W Uncell, Fredrick. Vandergrift, Joseph Wallace, L. D. Weston, James L. ... Williams, Joseph E... Witzman, Robert... Wolfe, William H... Wright, John B 10385 10334 10353 10366 10383 10384 10358 10352 10319 10377 10338 10348 10378 10362 10:346 10382 10372 10302 10305 10306 10345 10305 10330 10301 10310 10354 10324 10326 10375 10333 10341 10303 103.14 103271 10307 10376 10357 10369 10344 10343 10371 16 Dec. 18 32 Apr. 2 3 July 5 20 July 29 28 Nov. 18 2 Nov. 30 5 July 9 26. June 29 11 Feb. 8 40 Sept. 17 39 Apr. 21 24 June 11 32 Sept. 24 7 July 15 9 June 5 37 Oct. 22 25 A pr. 18 12 Jan. 4 15 Jan. :7 29 Do. 4 June 3 9 July 28 21 : Dar. 16 16 Jan. 2 14 | Jan. 20 17 July 5 3 Teb. 15 7 Feb. 25 30 Sept. 1 11 Mar. 27 8 May 11 29 Jan. 18 Jan. 28 16 Mar. 2 13 Jin. 7 22 Sept. 4 22 July 8 9 Aug. 16 15 May 27 16 May 25 5 Hawkins, Isaac Haydon, Charles T. Hays, Clayboon. Heine, George Heine, Peter Henry. John B... Henry, Nathaniel W... Hockman, Ben. I Hurst, William Kirkbride, Harry V.. Kratz, William Langrlon, Michaol I Lauvent, John Lucas, Charles C.. Macklo, John Parker, Albert P Pride, Christofer C... Ray, George Rearden, J. E., jr Reynolds, Baker S.... Reynolds. Lycurgus Roberts, William A. Rosenberger, Wm.F... Sanduskey, James E.. Sauerbeber, M. L Sauerheber, William. Schmitt. Lenara Shepard. John Shepard, David Shewmaker, Uriah Shouse, William F. Sickman, William A... Spurgeon, Darson Smith. James H. Stinson, Charles Thacker, John. Vandergrift, B. B Wainman, John N.... Malter, E. R... Williams, Thomas A. Wilson, Thomas J Wolcott. James F... Zanone, Joseph A. 4360 4366 8105 4342 4362 4310 8108 4345 4365 8101 4302 4340 4387 4351 4367 4321 4326 8111 4317 4368 4394 4350 4388 4349 4311 4312 4328 4400 8110 4379 4352 4359 4319 4385 8104 8103 4353 4324 4375 4304 4347 4369 4395 16 May 14 10 May 29 5 Oct. 19 11 Jan. 23 15 May 19 18 Jari. 11 2 Nov. 2 19 Apr. 1 9 May 27 3 Oct. 8 4 Jan. 7 11 Mar. 23 13 14 pr. 16 3 May 29 5 Jan. 28 8 Feb. 8 9 Nov. 27 5 Jan. 18 6 June 1 14 Sept. 13 9 7 Aug. 20 7 Apr. 12 10 Jan. 11 5 Do. 8 Teb. 12 17 Oct. 4 13 Nov. 27 2 July 13 11 Apr. 26 16 May 12 10 Jan. 23 8 Aug. 13 11 Oct. 13 11. Oct. 9 5 Apr. 26 12 Feb. 4 7 June 23 14 Jan. 7 14 Apr. 9 9 June 12 21 Sept. 17 Apr. 16 Aug. 16 Engineers in charge of steamcrs of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tony. Assistant engineers. ! Aldridge, Joli .. Bagwell, Josialı. Bear, Charles E. Berry; William Blair, John P Butts, Stephen P Camp. B.... Cecil, George H. Collins, John Conner, Larkin o Conner, Benjamin 0 Cooper, Wayman R. Cox, James H.. Dassing, Louis. Davis, George W Day, Louis. Dreibellis, Oscar. Dunn, John W.. Farrow, Charles P.. Finnie, Gorden Finnie, Thomas R., jr Finnie, Robert E.. Finnie, Thomas. Fuchs, Fred. Garvin, Samuel Graham, Charles.. Grainger, William A Gorman, John H.... Hacket, L. H.. Harrington, T.C.... 4323 4383 4339 4320 4355 4315 4318 4336 4314 4331 4393 4305 4341 4325 8109 8112 4390 4361 4307 4303 4380 4386 4389 4301 4378 8106 4331 4335 8107 4392 3 Jan. 28 13 Aug. 7 7 Mar. 17 1. Jan. 26 1 Apr. 29 13 Jan. 15 5 Jan. 20 9 Feb. 27 17 Jan. 14 4 Feb. 25 3 Aug. 30 4 Jan. 16 Mar. 23 31 Teb. 6 10 Nov. 8 5 Dec. 10 8 Aug. 20 12 May 14 13 Jan. 8 15 Jan. 7 7 July 19 2 Aug. 16 12 Aug. 20 5 Jan. 4 9 July 13 6 Oct. 20 20 Feb. 20 13 Feb. 27 13 Oct. 25 16 Aug. 28 Alderson, Harvey Bacigalupo, Charles L. Baker. Thomas B.. Boss, George. Butler, Louis Carman. Henry Carnes, Richardl.. Carpenter, William Deputy, Robert W.. Duhani, William J.... Eichelberger, James.. Fisher, William Fowler, George Fretagoet, Oliver N.... Goddari, Elmar Henry, John S... Hoskinson, Thomas G. Keeler, Louis E.... Kemlo, James. Kiloy, Michael.. Lario. Ore C... Lewis, S. D... Lonergan, Samuel M... Markham, H.O Mason, John... McNence, Albert. Mills, James... Mitchell, James H. Mitchell, James W Nagel, Fred.. Norcutt, James. 4356 4322 4374 4391 4363 4309 4381 4344 4354 4337 4346 4397 4330 4309 4396 4364 4338 4382 4332 4399 4343 4376 4372 4306 4358 4316 4329 4313 8102 4398 4377 8! May 3 7 Jan. 28 3 June 23 8 Aug. 25 1 May 26 7 Jan. 8 1 July 26 6 Mar. 29 4 Apr. 27 1 Mar. 4 8 Apr. 2 1 Sept. 21 5 Teb. 16 2 Jan. 8 6 Sept. 20 4 May 26 6 Mar. 15 1 Aug. 2 6 Tob. 22 8 Oct. 1 8 May 26 15 July 9 5 Juno 17 10 Jan. 7 May 6 6. Jan. 18 7 Feb. 15 4 Jan. 11 8 Oct. 9 15 Sept. 29 6 July 9 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 189 Engineer's licensed—Evansville, Ind.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issuc. issile. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Assistant engineers Continued. Special engincers. Pearson, Charles R Peck. d.d... Shelton, Henry. Stettler, Samuel Styles, Edwin. White, George Williams, William N.. Zoll, John P..... 4327 4376 4371 4370 4348 4384 4333 4357 8 Feb. S 6 June 21 10 June 17 8 June 14 5 . 6 Aug. 13 8 Feb. 23 2 May May 3 Colille, James E.. Fletcher, W. W. Hasenour, John B Mackes, Thomas Darslı, Grant C. Prox, Herman C. Worley, Leonidas... 2201 2205 2204 2202 2203 2206 2207 5 May 9 5 aug. 2 4 July 21 1 May 19 1 June 23 4 Aug. 6 2 Nov. 8 SEVENTH SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Cincinnati, Ohio. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue.* issue. 4 . 12 Agnew, Mace.. Alexander, James W Allander, John C. Hill. Bowen, William E... Brennan, John.. Burke, James. Bond, Thomas J Collins, George S Cropper, Joshua T... Church, Charles Connelly, Owen W.. Christian, William H.. Dupuy, James Graves, George. Howarıl, Jaines. Hegler, Harry D... Hazlett, Andrew C.D.. Harrison, Joshua B. Heyler, J.D Heib, Jacob). Hartwego, Treil Irwin, Jesse P Knox, Harry D Kennedy, Frank.. Lepper, William C... Laidley, Frederick A.. Long, Edwin E.. Mauick, Eli R 4899 4919 4974 4817 4847 4909 4930 4813 4918 4920 4959 4992 4851 4826 4833 4895 4898 4952 .4954 4961 4966 4912 4894 4981 4842 4870 4889 4803 16 June 19 McLaughlin, Lewis E.. * July 20 Mirrillees, Ben M... 8 Nov. 9 McIntyre, Malcolm TV 5 Jan. 28 Morton, Frank M.... 15 Mar. 9 Mace, Ellis C... 6 July 1 McIntyre, Sterling C 5 Aug. 16 Morris, Lewis H. 6 Jan. 21 McIntyre, William F.. 8 Jan. 29 Montgomery, Alex .. 12 July 21 Powhall, Blan 3 Oct. 4 Procter, Henry 0..... 15 Nov. 26 Redden, Henry 5 Mar. 22 Rake, John W 8 Teb. 8 Shedd, D. W 7 Feb. 17 Simpson, Albert 6 June 10 Stepleton. Willian L... 7 June 19 Sbinkle, Chaut v 14 Sept. 16 Shaw, William R 26 Sept. 23 Sweeney, John H 1 Oct. 7 Sayre, Daniel V 11 Oct. 19 Sanborn, Peter 1 July 10 Shriver, Mitchell o 11 Juno 10 Stepleton, Columbus C. 13 Nov. 13 Skelton, Isaac F 10 Mar. 1 hompson, John P. ... 4 Apr. 15 ! Vipton, Hiram J 3 May 24 Wagner, Peter H 13 Jan. 5 4805 4807 4808 4835 4846 4848 4941 4928 4979 4810 4975 4802 4984 4801 4834 4841 4859 1887 4900 4950 4948 4990 4985 4999 4925 4912 4806 3 Jan. 8 22 Jan. 13 7 Do. 14 Feb. 24 · 5 Mar. 8 21 Mar. 9 14 Aug. 31 16 Aug. 11 12 Nov. 12 Jan. 15 5 Nov. 11 6 Jan. 2 16 Nov. 17 10 Jan. 2 1 Feb. 17 1 Mar. 4 13 spr. 3 3 May 21 17 Juule 22 1 Sept. 14 8 Sept. 13 6. Nor. 23 3 Nov. 17 3 Dec. 11 7 dug. 5 26 July 9 1 Jau. 12 Jasters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Cincinnati, Ohio. 7,17 Autenheimer, Francis A 4839 23, 42 Mal. 3 Bailes, George +991 | 12, 17 Nov. 26 Ancierson, William L.. 4849 25, 32 Mar. 18 Bing, William H. 5000 24, 25 Dec. 13 Alden, Elihu. 4852 14,17 Mar. 23 Brookhart, William F. 5006 15, 20 Dec. 21 Agnew, John C... 4867 18, 16 Apr. 13 Cole, Charles d... 4509 17,11 Jan. 14 Aynew, Villiam w 4875 | 10, 13 Apr. 24 Culver, Kirk. 4816 14, 24 Jan. 28 Applegate, Richard.... 488326, 34 May 7 Cramer, Gustav a. 4821 21, 21 Feb. 2 Angel, George E.... 4890 16, 15 May 25 Clouser, William B.... 4822 13, 13 Feb. 4 Adams, Theodore. 4934 7,6 Aug. 19 Corns, Charles W.. 1832 Feb. 16 Albro, Charles H. 4937 19, 19 Aug. 24 Conway. Charles S.. 4880 9, 16 May 1 Buttenfield, John W. 483820, 20 Mar. 3 Campbell, James T.. 4901 26, 29 June 23 Bobo, Thomas J 4840 | 23, 35 Do. Christy, Morton 4903 15, 15 Do. Bettens, Charles. 4844 6, 33! Mar. 8 Collier, Wheeler 4913 13, 40 July 10 Brooks, Lee F.. 1860 spr. 3 Clark, William H... 1918 | 11, 15 11, 15 July 20 Bowen, Lucien E. 4874 14,18 Apr. 23 Crawford, Charles L... 4913 9,9 Aug. 16 Browinski, James F. 4884 14, 9 May 14 Campbell, Benjamin B. 4926 12, 12 Aug. 6 Burnside, Edwin A... 4891 13, 12 May 28 Chancellor, E. P. 49:15 22, 14 Sept. 2 Bryson, Alphonso. 4905 17, 17, 16 June 25 Clift, William B.. 1949 16, 24 Sept. 14 Baker, Frarik W. 4907 15, 16 June 28 Calhoun, Alexander 4988 18, 2+ Nov. 20 Barrett, Oscar F.. 4911 12,8 July 7 Clephane, William M. 4994 19, 23 Dec. 2 Brown, Samuel.. 4947 18, 17 ) Sept. 13 Clark, Cbarles C.... 5005 | 17, 15 Dec. 21 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 1,3 / 190 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-Cincinnati, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 1,3 1 4,7 Davis, L. D... Doss, Sylvester.. Drake, George A. Doty, Arthur W... Doss, Harry W. Dufour, Charles J... Depuis, Ambrose Devol, Edward R.. Davis, Theodore C..... Edgington, Arch. E... Ellison, James F. Edyingtou, George W. Edgington, Robert W.. Edgington, Andrer M. Edgington, Orla Edgington, John E Fearn, Samuel S Fenton, Howard Fawcett, Suelling P.... Foutty, Isaac N. Flenniken, Joseph D... Flesher, A.J... Ford, James Gray, Joseph Grahan, Robert T. Gardiner, William A... Green. George W Gould, Joseph V Graham, William A Hissem, Wilmot T... Holloway, Peter G. Hopkins, Jobu C... Hughes, George Hopkins, Thomas J Hissem, Martin L.. Hall, William H... Handlanı, Engene Y... Hamilton, John J.. Horton, Horace M. Harrison, Villiam H.. Hooper, James Jolly, Oscar B.... Jackson, Thomas J... Kirker. William Kottmyer, Charles Kottmyor, Henry Lindenburn, Jacob Lacey, Daniel M. Mehldahl, Toney McCord, Joseph R.... Mace, James E.. Mulien, M. N McCoy, William H.. 4863 16, 23 Apr. 6 Martin, Janes R. 4882 24, 33 May 5 Moore, Samuel G. 4940 7,7 Aug. 30 Marriner, Thomas D... 4951 7,7 Sept. 16 Morìidge, John 4965 10, 13 Oct. 18 Montgomery, George H. 4986 24, 35 | Nov. 19 McGuire, John $989 27, 45 Nov. 22 Mooar, Luke N 4996 23, 24 Dec. 6 Menday, George 4998 25, 32 Dec. 10 Matsoli , George E.... 4837 4,4 Mar. 2 Marr, Don A. 4857 15,9 Apr. 1 Mivvar, Frank P 4879 19, 19 Apr. 30 McMaban, Harvey 4923 3,3 | July 28 McMaban, Eiram C 4929 1.1 | Aug. 12 McMakin, Lawrence... 4963 7, 10 Out. 8 Nichols, Justus J 5007 7.8 Dec. 22 Nelson, Robert T 4828 15,9 Tel. 10 Owens, Charles F. 4830 Feb. 13 Osterhouse, William E. 4886 12,41 May 18 Ott, Charles G 4908 13,16 July 1 Pursell, Joseph R... 4938 11, 13 | Aug. 26 Pell, James 4958 19, 18 Uct. Phister, Conard M 4973 23, 34 Nov. 6 Pritcharil, Albert B... 4811 14, 42 Jan. 15 Pursell, Francis M 4877 25, 25 Apr. 28 Powell, Albert J 4932 11, 11 Aug. 16 Pickloheinier, Mosos.. 4943 10,10 Sept. 2 Pickleheiner, Vinc't S. 4995 23, 24 Dec. 4 ledden, Belleville M 5004 20, 20 Dec. 16 Ray, Harry S 4818 Jan. 29 Ross, Morgan S 4858 | 15, 17 15, 17 apr. 2 Rowley, James H. 4865 14,7 Apr. 8 Rose, William F.. 4873 25, 31 Apr. 21 Sliepard, James L.. 4878 14, 17 14, 17 Apr. 28 Schragg, Louis V 4885 18, 18 May 14 Sullivan, John. 4936 2+, 39 Ang. 24 Stroube, William 4962 21, 35 Oct. 7 Shaw, Ira H. 4967 23, 43 Oct. 25 Stricker, W.O. B 4968 16, 17 Oct. 27 Sandford, James E 4977 6.31 Nov. 12 Seevers, John T.. 5003 7,10 Dec. 16 Talbott, Epliriam 4824 20,37 Feb. 8 Thomas, Jefferson 4970 11, 11 Oct. 29 Thomas, Charles H 4827 24, 22 Feb. 9 Trunpel, George W 4939 26, 31 Aug. 28 Williams, George I 4993 16, 16 Nov. 27 Wbitten, OscarD 4836 14,14 Feb. 25 Williamson, Edward S 4910 11, 11 July 2 Webb, Josiah V.. 4850 | 18, 20 Mar. 20 Woodburn, John. 4862 15, 14 | Apr. 6 Williams, Bradford S. 4864 14,31 Do. Williamson, Ollie A 4868 14,19 pr. 13 Wright, Thomas (.. 4871 19, 19 Apr. 16 Young, Benjamin F... 4872 | 25, 25 apr. 17 4876 26, 29 Apr. 27 4888 20,20 May 24 4915 22, 42 July 15 4916 6,7 July 16 4917 21, 26 July 17 4921 25, 31 July 21 4927 7,9 Aug. 6 4935 11, 13. Aug. 23 4946 12,3 Sept. 3 4969 17, 29 Oct. 29 4971 26, 33 Nov. 4 4978 19, 22 Nov. 12 4980 Do. 4825 18,16 Feb. 3 4845 21, 36 Mar. 8 4893 25, 45 June 7 1897 6,7 June 15 4902 | 10, 13 June 23 4804 17, 39 Jan. 7 4861 18,37 Apr. 3 4924 5,8 Ang. 5 4933 8,13 Ang. 18 1956 23, 28 Sept. 30 4960 24, 17 Oct. 5 4982 25, 36 Nov. 13 4976 8,9 Nor. 12 4853 21, 21 Mar. 24 4922 8,10 July 27 4983 9, 15 Nov. 17 5001 20, 39 Dec. 13 5008 11, 14 Dec. 24 4814 25, 27 Jan. 22 4815 14, 31 Jan. 23 489217, 39 June 4 4906 15, 15 June 26 4942 | 11, 11, 11 Sept. 2 4953 14, 38 Sept. 21 4972 20, 27 Nov. 4 5002 10, 10 Dec, 13 4823 25, 35 Feb. 6 4843 24, 29 Mar. 8 4957 25, 37 Oct. 4 4964 18, 22 (ct. 14 4829 17,17 Feb. 13 4831 22, 41 Feb. 15 4866 17, 17, 34 Apr. 12 4869 16, 17 Apr. 14 4881 25, 25 May 4 4955 18. 18 Sept. 25 4987 6,9 Nor. 19 4997 11. 13 Dec. 9 4944 24, 23 24, 23 Sept. 2 8,9 + 1 Pilots licensed during the year enried December 31, 1897— Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 First-class pilots. First-class pilots--Con- tinued. Akin, Rollin D.. Ahlers, George F Andrews, George C... Blagg, Lee R., jr Brown, Harry Brookbank, Edward ... Clark, Jacob H Clark, Byron N Conner, Walter S.. Cox, John.. Conroy, William. Carr, Winfield S... Conner, Harvey S. Colbert, William J. Clark, John M.. Dameron, James M.. Donley, William Ferrall, Edwin C... 3224 3234 3235 3211 3219 3240 3205 3209 3213 3214 3232 3237 3244 1 3246 3248 3216 3230 3202 5 July 20 | Fleslier, Charley T. 10 Sept. 9 9 Fenton, William K.. 2 Sept. 11 " Grubbs, Isaac Willard. 5 i Apr. 26 Houze, Charles S 6 June 18 Henderson, George W 1 Nov. 5 Helm, Morgan .. 2 Hel. 16 Hanes, Leander. 27 Apr. 9 Houze, Stephen 16 May 26 Johnson, Irvin R 9 June 3 Long, Arthur. 2 Aug. 25 Lindenburu, Henry 6 Oct. 7 Lindenburn, John 7 Dec. 4 Mitchell, Grant E.. 1 Dec. 9 Morton, John D... 1 Dec. 18 | McMakin, Lawrence.. 3 June 7 Mead, Harry C.. 5 Aug. 17 Pryor, Micliael Wood.. 8 Tob. 3 il Rice, Doctor G.. 3206 3241 3217 3210 3212 3222 3229 3239 3207 3221 3238 3243 3228 3231 3233 3236 3215 3201 1 Tel. 23 1 Nov. 8 3 June 9 5 apr. 15 8 May 14 1 July 10 7 Aug. 13 2 Nov. 2 10 Feb. 24 5 July 8 2 Oct. 8 9 Nov. 20 9 Aug. 7 2 Aug. 18 3 1 Sept. 20 4 June 4 5 Jan, 19 Aug. 28 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 191 Pilots licensed— Cincinnati, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Rigdon. Harry Scott, Joseph A. W. Shinkle, Russell G. Theis, Walter A... Thomas, Angust. Thomas, William L 3208 3204 3245 3203 3220 3225 2 Mar. 4 Feb. 6 8 Dec. 7 3 Feb. 4 4 June 24 9 July 26 Turner, George Taylor, Robert M.. Thompson, T. A Webb, Clayton H. Weeks, John E.. West, Robert J 3226 3242 3249 3223 3227 3247 1 July 27 7 Nov. 12 8 Dec. 29 7 July 17 1 Aug. 4 1 Dec. 14 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Cincinnati, Ohio. Myers, Harvey Meredithi, Washington. 1203 1204 7 5 Nor. 9 Nov. 13 Tharp, Willis P Welsh, Pierce 1202 1201 4 aug. 13 2 July 29 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Cincinnati, Ohio. Chief engineers. Chief engineers---Con- tinued. Q Alcorn, Edward M... Arnold, Abralian L... Andrews, Leo. Alexander, James W. Aliis, William. Bateman, John M.. Bailey, John A. Budd, William A. Beare, William H.. Boring, Daniel Z. Brookbank, Edward Baglan, Charles E.. Burns, Jolin C. Butler, George B. Brown, George W.. Corey, Charles E... Carnpbell, James H.. Cuppy, William. Cassel, T. M.. Crane, Charles C.. Conner, Novell W. Crawford, Charles W.. Curtiss, Edward L..... Collins, George S Copwell, Thomas E... Christian, William H Cochran, James T... Cruger, Frank... De Hart, Wilson. Dean, Gcorge M.. Dameron, George W.. Dickey, May M.. Doty, Arthur W Davis, William.. Dixon, John R... Dansberry, Edward N. Elkins, Lorenzo D.... Ellis, Marshall. Farmer, Nathan Fitzpatrick, J.Monroe. Flesher, Davis K.. Gormley, John M. Greene, Frank M. Green, George W.. Gaugh, George W Handley, D. C. Handley, Alonzo B.... Henry, Joseph.. Holmes, Benjamin. Haskins, James N.... Hellings, Lewis H.. Hugbes, Clarence T... Hall, Thomas J.... 1050S 10535 10542 10564 10644 10509 10520 10522 10556 10571 10576 10619 10627 10638 10657 10575 10534 10558 10570 10572 10573 10602 10612 10615 10626 10649 10660 10661 10502 10554 10563 10568 10605 10628 10634 10658 10618 10625 10514 10561 . 10616 10518 10528 10629 10635 10504 10511 10521 10546 10555 10559 10565 10580 1 Jan. 25 4 Apr. 3 22 Apr. 8 10 May 15 15 Nov. 23 14 Jan. 26 5 Mar. 6 9 Mar. 11 27 May 4 25 June 1 11 June 5 1 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 26 16 Nov. 16 30 Dec. 15 7 Feb. 20 4 A pr. 2 9 May 4 26 May 29 26 June 2 22 Do. 15 ang. 16 4 Sept. 16 29 Sept. 27 34 Oct. 26 15 Nov. 26 20 Dec. 23 22 Dec. 24 8 Jan. 9 16 May 1 12 May 11 1 May 28 8 Aug. 18 28 Nov. 3 2 Nov. 12 6 Dec. 15 38 Sept. 29 5 Oct. 26 32 Feb. 19 8 May May 7 7 Sept. 28 26 Mar. 1 9 Mar. 18 8 Nov. 6 34. Nov. 13 12 Jan. 14 14 Feb. 2 20 Mar, 6 24 Apr. 19 10 May 1 43 May 6 6 May 15 21 June 28 Hord, Martin V Henry, George E Hunker, Jacob Harrie, Charles E... Horre, John H.. Hardin, William M Hutchinson, William F Haynes, Ulysses G Hense, Frederick... Hall, John E. Hall, John B. Howe, Henry L... Howe, John A. Johnston, George W.T. Jackman, John E.... Johns, Albert Ketchum, George W Ketchum, Charles O... Krenzinger, Anthony.. Klipp, Philip R.. Keifer, George V... Ketchum, William B.. Kelly, Michael... Ketchum, Myers Kennedy, John J. Kamuf, Gustav A Knopp, George N Little, Fanies H. Meredith, James H McCoy, William H... Marsliall, Frank. Meredith, Washington. Martin, John D.. Murphy, Johu B. McKay, Arthu. Morton, John D... Markley, Benjanrin C Maler, Timothy McCain, Levi T. Marshall, Charles J... Morgan, Edward. Martin, George B. McClannahan, Henry R Mann, William Maddux, William. Maddux, Alexander S. Nye, Buckingliam C.. North, Edwin E Neal, Francis S.. Osterhouse, William E. Pullem, William H.. Reeul, Farry E.. Reed, Asa Š. 10608 10610 10623 10624 10632 10633 10636 10637 10639 10643 10651 10650 10662 10547 10550 10630 10505 10507 10512 10517 10523 10549 10566 10569 10607 10614 10646 10577 10510 10519 10524 10553 10562 10567 10578 10606 10609 10611 10631 10640 10647 10648 10052 10653 10641 10656 10533 10544 10603 10545 10526 10516 10551 25 Sept. 7 14 Sept. 11 36 Oct. 21 14 (ct. 23 14 Nov, 10 4 Nov. 12 8 Nov. 16 8 Do. 27 Do. 20 Nov. 23 26 Nov. 29 30 Nov. 27 27 Dec. 24 9 dpr. 20 27 Apr. 27 9 Nov. 8 39 Jan. 16 22 Jan. 19 19 Feb. 9 10 Feb. 24 5 Mar. 11 15 A pr. 23 42 | May 24 42 May 29 42 Aug. 30 19 Sept. 25 8 Nov. 26 5 June 21 1 Feb. 1 19 Mar. 2 13 Mar. 12 22 Apr. 29 9 May 10 22 May 27 1 june 22 24 Aug. 18 17 Sept. 11 15 Sept. 13 1: Nov. 9 32 Nor. 16 23 Nov. 26 14 Do. 23 Dec. 1 5 Dec. 5 36 Nov. 18 13 Dec. 13 39 Apr. 1 17 Apr. 12 27 Aug. 16 15 Apr. 14 5 Mar. 17 7 Feb. 23 26 | apr. 27 1 192 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Cincinnati, Ohio—Continued. No. of No. of Date of license. issile. issue. No. of Name. Name. No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons Continued. Schmidt, William B.... Slover, William S.. Short, Charles S..... Sylvester, Charles S... Spurlock, Thomas B... Sênior, George, jr.. Thomas, August.. Tyson, Oliver. Woodard, Frank H. Whitten, J. Melvin... Woodburn, Lonis H.... Yost, William H..... 4510 4511 4517 4521 4538 4567 4540 4572 4543 4566 4574 4541 5 Feb. 4 12 Teb. 13 13 Mar. 26 8 sps'. 27 26 June 21 5 Nov. 30 16 June 24 1.7 Dec. 10 17 July 22 19 Nov. 30 13. Dec. 18 9 July 2 Ridgely, Charles W. Seward, Oliver P Shipley, Samuel T.. Sherman, Nehemiah Starcher, V.K.. Senior, George. Spratt, Baylor. Shaban, William H... Shannon, W.J Topel, Henry Underhill, Villiam Volk, Louis... Volk, William E... Wiley, John C. Wilson, John B.... Wilson, John J. White, Blackburn Wehrle, Joseph B.. Wagner, Peter. Woodburn, John... Winters, John F... Waters, Arthur. Ward, Albert E.. Walker, Robert A. Watson, Charles A Weimer, Benjamin T.. Wilson, John D.. Zeigler, John L. 10621 10501 10503 10513 10543 10552 10560 10642 10654 10617 10613 10601 10659 10506 10525 10527 10532 10536 10548 10557 10574 10575 10579 10604 10620 10645 10655 10622 27 Oct. 18 11 Jan. 8 19 Jan. 14 44 Feb. 17 14 Apr. 10 44 Apr. 27 2 May 7 27 Noy. 23 34 Dec. 1 16 Sept. 29 4 Sept. 20 14 Aug. 7 11 Dec. 16 11 Jan. 16 5 Mar. 15 40 Mar. 17 22 apr. 1 6 A pr. 5 39 Apr. 22 10 May 4 1 June 3 14 June 4 19 June 25 29 Aug. 16 23 Oct. 12 21 Nov. 26 12 Dec. 4 2 Oct. 20 First assistant engi- neers. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. 4544 4552 4558 4571 4531 4509 4522 4514 4551 4503 4507 4546 4556 4573 4512 4522 4532 4560 4575 4513 4555 4548 4553 4564 4527 4557 4561 4504 4524 4535 4505 4506 4526 4515 4542 4516 Almacost, Artbur. Andrews, George C.... Andrews, Charles A... Adkins, Joh... Ainsworth, Lewis..... Boyce, Jasper N. Bristow, James W Barrett, Nelson. Brown, Joseph E.... Campbelle, Benj. B.... Cuie, Patrick. Gaugh, Oliver P.... Gillaspie, Jesse B... Graham, Robert T... Graham, Benjamin C... Graham, Joseph E.. Goodale, James F... Holcroft, John R. Kelly, William G. Kirker, Benjamin M King, William H.. Kirker, Frank K.. Mavo, FI. Eunt. MCMurchy, John B.... Matson, George E. Pennewitt, Fenry W. Aiken, James L. Ashford, William M.. akin, Robert C.. Armacost, Clifford.. Buck, Joseph R. Cramer, Gustav A Collier, Frank Dorsey, William R.... Dixon, Charles. Fee, Pichard H. Forsyth, Mayger J Gardiner, William A. Graham, John R...... Graham, William A... Hughes, Burton S. Fafer, Wesley Harris, Frank C. Farger, George L Hall, Edward Johnston, Robert C.... Jackson, John J... Kottmyer, Charles . Kottmyer, Louis. Kottmyer, Henry. Lyman, Benjamin F. Liuck, Frederick W Long, Robert.. Moore, William T... McNamara, Thomas J Meyers, George W Newkirk, Samuel L.... Phillips, Charles W Pickleheiner, Vincents Redmond, Perry Robinson, James Theetge, Ira H... Special engineers. 4525 4536 4539 4559 4563 4508 4519 4520 4528 4537 4569 4501 4549 4554 4562 4565 4568 4545 4517 4529 4433 1570 4502 4534 4547 4550 5 May 22 16 June 18 7 June 21 16 Oct. 29 9 Nov. 26 24 Jan. 16 16 Apr. 7 11 Apr. 15 13 May 29 6 June 19 17 Dec. 7 28 Jau. 4 19 Aug. 28 25 Oct. 2 5 Nov. 22 6 Nov. 29 14 Nov. 30 20 July 30 22 | apr. 7 10 May 29 13 June 14 8 Dec. 7 11 9 5 June 14 25 Aug. 23 3 Sept. 8 10 July 28 12 Sept. 16 5 Oct. 23 3 Dec. 9 5 June 9 20 Feb. 2 5 May 19 Teb. 27 1 Sept. 11 3 Jan. 9 14 Jan. 15 7 Aug. 16 5 Oct. 12 24 Dec. 16 6 Feb. 15 2 May 15 7 June 9 5 Nov. 2 14 Dec. 21 5 Feb. 16 23 Oct. 12 31 Aug. 28 7 Sept. 27 14 Nov. 27 12 ) May 28 2 Oct. 13 4 Nov. 18 15 Jan. 11 6 May 21 3 June 16 12 Jan. 13 11 Do. 5 May 24 6 Mar. 6 4 July 6 11 Mar. 20 Apr. 10 Jan. Beiser, Edward .. Larrabee, J. E... McCain, William Roll, Harry G. Weeks, Addison 2401 2402 2404 2405 2403 1 3 May 3 4 Nov. 16 1 Dec. 12 1 Nov. 6 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 193 LOCAL DISTRICT OF PITTSBURG, PA. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Pittsburg, Pa. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. i93110.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Agnew, Robert R. Ammon, James B.. Bugher, Clarence S Barton, Thomas L Baker, Zachariah T.... Beck, Jolin Brannigan, Jolin. Boyd, Robert M. Cowan, Robert W.. Calhoon, Thomas S Campbell, Samuel R.. Case, John T... Davidson, V. A Davis, James E. Fife, Alviu L Flocker, Jolin W Hipple, Benjamin W... Hoag, I. V. jr. Foruer, Simpson R Harris, Foreman. Hoffman, William Hyatt, Frank Hället, Jolin W 5162 5336 5104 5222 5298 5348 5356 12840 5167 5257 5392 12881 5395 5397 5224 5346 5145 5186 5212 5242 5281 5325 5354 5 Tel. 11 Hatheway, William S.. 1 July 8 Jacobs, Adam. 3 Jan. 2 Jones, Howard... 8 Apr. 6 Jobuson, Thomas. 6 June 11 Knox, Charles W. 1 July 24 Kers', Robert E. 8 Aug. 9 Lindsey, John J 23 Nov. 8 Lindsey, David 20 Feb. 16 McClintock, Wni 25 May 1 Morris, Eugene C..... 5 Sept. 27 | Morgan, William A.... 5 Nov. 27 Mury, Martin H. S Sept. 28 Moreu, James . 2 Sept. 29 McDonald, James.. 1 Apr. 6 Neemes, Normell C. 5 July 10 O'Neil, John N.... 4 Feb. 2 Rickey. William 21 Mar. 8 Rees, Thomas M.. 15 Mar. 31 Sowser, Henry. 1 Apr. 16 Troy, William H... 16 May 26 Vandergrifth, Jas. M. 5 July 1 Wishart, Nep. R. 3 Auy. 2 13713 5194 5355 12884 5280 5303 5120 5139 5260 5284 5370 3393 5394 13721 13705 5197 5132 12834 5215 12866 5288 12862 9 Dec. 15 11 Mar. 16 3 Aug. 3 13 Nov. 29 14 May 24 13 June 12 1 Jan. 12 1 Jan. 28 2 May 3 7 May 31 1 Aug. 24 5 Sept. 27 7 Do. 5 Dec. 22 9 Dec. 11 5 Mar. 22 6 Jap. 19 6 Nor. 6 4 Apr. 2 17 Nov. 1.7 22 June 5 13 Nov. 17 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Pittsburg, Pa. 20, 22 14, 14 13, 13 Dec. Jan. 5105 9,9 6,6 Jal. 13, 13 Do. ) Augustine, James B... 5122 | 20, Jan, 14 Cowan, William 5258 4,4 May May 1 Ackard, Alby 0 5124 Jan. 15 Crawford, Laurence W. 5268 2,2 May 11 Abrams, Eli B.. 5172 16,16 Feb. 22 Clark, Bentley J.. 5291 30, 30 June 7 Anslutz, Loe. 5238 15, 16 Apr. 12 Clarke, Geo. 1 5322 3,5 June 29 dultman, Levi 5255 23, 29 Apr. 29 Cock, Andrei C.. 5326 17, 16 July 2 Abrams, Robert R..... 5339 12, 13 July 12 July 12 Cavett, William L. 5329 5, 6 July 3 Ackard, Thomas J 5398 Sept. 30 Campbell, Bart S... 5338 9,9 July 10 Aultmail, Matheias W. 12841 26, 32 Nov. 9 Cavanaugh, Thomas 5350 1,1 July 27 Anshutz, Phillip.. 12891 . 24, 35 2 Cox, Michael A... 5362 25, 30 Aug. 16 Burres. William 5101 13, 13 2 Carlton, Harry C. 12811 3,4 Oct. 14 Baker, John 7,7 Jan. 9 Crow, Andrew J 12843 26, 30 Nov. 10 Bailey, Charles M. 5127 22, 30 Jan. 16 Chester, Miller. 12849 Nov. 13 Blair, Samuel.. 5140 18, 21 Jan. 29 Clark, Lewis N 12879 21, 21 Nov. 26 Boles, Louis d. 5148 24, 24 Ieb. 6 Chester, Lester P... 12886 22, 32 Nov. 29 Brown, Harry 5163 11, 11 Feb. 11 Campbell, William F. 12888 3,3 Nor, 30 Britton, John . 5184 | 17, 17 Mar. 8 Carroll, W. L.... 12895 16, 14 Dec. 6 Briggs, Joseplı A. 5185 23, 27 Mar. 12 Cavett, Thomas L. 13704 6,6 Dec. 10 Bowell, Frank J 5190 16, 16 Mar. 23 Curtis, Jason D... 13709 9, 21 Dec. 14 Bickerstaff, James M 5199 21, 21 Apr. 3 Douds, William M. 5106 15, 21 Jan. 4 Boles, Charles F.. 5216 13, 15 Apr. 10 Dougherty, Enoch 5111 6 Boles, William T 5235 7,8 May 11 Devor, William E. 5152 26, 26 Fub. 9 Brown, Thomas B 5269 Do. Douds, Ellery H.. 5.158 7,5 Bakor, Georyo A. 5271 7, 7 | May 13 Dippel, John. 5J SO 19, 19 Mar. 1 Boland, Thoinas 5272 12, 12 May 18 Dodds, Frank G. 5207 3, 3 Mar. 27 Bollani, George 5316 9, 9 June 22 Dippold, Joli H. 5219 25, 29 Apr. 5 Boles, Robert M 5321 26,43 Jule 28 Donaldson). James M... 5220 | 15, 15 Do. Brown, Samuel S. 5310 15, 15 July 12 Dippoli, Frederick. 5252 .22, 33 -22, 33 Apr. 22 Beazell, James G 53.90 Sept. 23 Dippold, George S... 5256 14, 17 Apr. 29 Brennenian, Park R... 12818 13, 13 Oct 22 Downley, Charles H.R.. 5328 6,1 July 3 Bailie, Thomas W 12821 8,8 Oct. 25 Darid, John M... 5352 14, 18 | Ang ? Beazell, Isaac R. 12833 1,1 Nov. 5 Donaldson, Stevenson 5371 19, 19 Aug. 26 Boya, James I 12836 Nov. 6 Domain, George C..... 5375 18, 18 Sept. 2 Black, Harry 12878 14, 14, 14 Nov. 26 Drake, Leonilas 5378 2,7 Sept. 11 Barrow, Frank A 12896 20, 32 Dec. 6 Dobbius, James. 5383 13, 13 Sept. 20 Boli, Peter W 13708 18, 21 Dec. 13 Daws011, Scott li.. 12807 | 21, 30 Oct. 11 Carier, Samuel V 5114 19, 20 i Jan. 7 Downing, William H.. 12812 3,4 Oct. 14 Croockshauks, William 5118 17, 17 Jan. 11 Demain, Robert L.. 12823 20,31 Oct. 26 Culp, Oliver. 5151 23, 28 Feb. 8 Dippold, John M.. 128-14 14, 14 Nov. 11 Conant, George W 5159 24, 35; Bob. 9 Douds, Oliver A. 12854 26, 36 Nov. 16 Craig, Norman E 5161 9,9 Feb. 10 Dunbarger: A. C.. 12869 21, 21 Nov. 23 Cooley, David M... 5169 25, 32 | Feb. 18 Donaldson, Hiram W. 12872 15, 15 Nov. 24 Clow, Joseph A 5173 24, 27 Feb. 24 Doncs, John H.. 12894 | 26, 25 Dec. 6 Crow, John F. 5213 11, 11 Mar. 31 Davison, Edwarı, jr. 13716 19, 19 Dec. 18 Carter, Wesley N. H... 5232 25, 31 A pr. 9 Duulevy, Thomas T. 13717 14. 1.1 Dec. 20 Curley, Amos. 5234 | 20, 35 Do. Eckler, Alfred S.. 5109 2,9 Jan. * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 3,12 6,6 11 C 57_13 194 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed— Pittsburg, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of | Date of license. issue. issue Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 6,7 21,38 10, 10 12, 12 21, 30 19,19 13,13 8,9 3,4 26,30 Elwood, Robert L. Esplin, Charles Esplin, Burris E... Elsey, Warren England. Willian, C. Edie, Franklin J... Eckler, Daniel Erwin, Samuel J. Fowkes, William Farrow, George G... Fickes, William J Finn, Henry Frich, John L... Flenniken, Frank. French, Callie .. French, Augustus B... Fawcett, William P.. Fadais, John S... Fairfield, Harry W Foreman, George B Fife, Benjamin. Farrow, Charles K.. Ferguson, Alonzo C.. Fowler, Sannuel S Flaherty, Thomas. Graham, Joseph Gould, Albert J. Grove, Frank C. Glaser, Jacob ... Green, Mrs. Vary B.... Goull, Frank A Gee, Joseph L... Gumbert, Jerry W. Gallagher, Hugh P Golay, Philip Grace, Jared M. Gilmore, Franklin Gillis, Robert; M Gilmore, George TV Greenlee, Willianı M... Gray, Arthur S. Gibous, George W. Graliam. William R.... Garner, Charles H Gilleland, Alfred Greenlee, Robert W Gould, Harry C Green, Gorrion C... Hoge, Frank... Hajs. Charles ( .... Hendrickson, Joseph L. Hays, Jobu v.. Howder, George W Hudson, Thomas P Henderson, Jolin S. Hudson, Harlin P Henning, Frank E.. Hodyson, Henry M Harger, Folmes, sr. Harper, James B.. Farger, Holmes, jr Henderson, James M Hendrickson, Saml. W. Higbee, Jobu Henning, William Heoning, George A. Hamilton, William F.. Harrison, William E.. Hepping, Charles F Hook, Charles Hand, Jolu s Hars. Janies D. Hamilton, Louis K.... Hamilton, Jobu P. Hays, Janics d. Hudson, Thomas J J.. Hester, Timothy. Heflick, William T. Hudson, James M.. Harper, Thomas Eloge, Thomas P., 5160 12, 12 Feb. 10 Hulings, Edward J .... 5105 16, 17 Tel. 13 Johnson, Farve L 5209 10, 13 Mar. 27 Jolinson, Robert .. 5221 24, 24 Apr. Apr. 5 Jackson, Gardiner 5319 June 25 Jones, Ulysses G 5308 6, 15 Ang. 21 Jones, Josepb W 12860 Nov. 17 Jordan. Edward 12864 25, 29 Do. Jones, John W.... 5136 9, 9 Jan. 23 Jeukins, Robert, jr. 5124 25, 31 leb. 1 Jenkins, George W.... 5177 7, 11 Fob. 25 Jones, Thaddeus F.... 5187 13, 13 Mar. 9 Jameson, William F ... 5189 13, 16 Mar. 11 Keefer, Ludwick 5201 20, 12 Mar. 24 King, Stewart. 5241 4,9 Apr. 15 Kennedy, Brown L 5253 12.12 | Apr. 22 Kitchell, Joseph C.... 5275 7,8 May 19 Keller, David C.. 5318 3,4 June 23 Kiell, Jacob F.. 5337 12, 12 July 10 Kelley, George A. 5358 16, 16 Aug. 10 Kilgore, William H. 5364 Aug. 17 Kerr, Johu L ... 12875 16, 21 Nov. 2-4 Knowles, Horace 12883 19, 30 Nor. 29 Keefer, Isaac B.. 12900 2.1, 25 Dec. 7 Kennedy, Isaac L. 13720 12, 12 Dec. 22 Kimling, William. 5117 Jan. 11 Kennedy, Albert E 5133 24, 26 Jan. 21 Lewis, Joel. 5138 Jan. 25 Lawney: William 5141 25, 30 Jan. 30 Loyd, William H 5171 1, 2 Feb. 19atta, James H. 5176 18, 18 Feb. 24 Lucus, Jound. 5181 1,1 Mar. 3 Lewellen, William. 5283 1,4 May 28 Leezer, Charles A. 5304. 11, 11 June 14 Lovert, Robert A 5311 15, 14 June 19 Lynch, Frederick P.... 5332 12, 12 July 7 Laughlin, George D.... 5333 Do. Longwell, David. 5343 11, 12 | July 19 Lighthill, Charles W 5374 11, 16 Sept. 1 Leezer, Samuel J 5384 | 23,28 | Supt. 21 Leouard, John E. 12802 2,2 Oct. 4 Long, George F.. 12828 | 11, 15 Nov. 1 1 Lawrence, Daniel. 12871 6,9 Nov. 23 Leezer, Hance D... 12880 6,6 Nov. 26 Liuhart, Ernest E 12893 18, 23 Dec. 6 Lynch, Austin G. 12899 Do. Mehafiy, James A 13707 Dec. 13 Werriugton, Josepl. 13715 10, 14 Dec. 17 Marslı, Grant.... 5108 Jan. 5 McDonald, Joseph 5112 | 16, 16, 16 Jan. 6 Morris, Alfred L.. 5116 25, 42 Jau. 8 IcKean, Albinus J... 5128 14, 15 Jan. 18 McIntyre, Daniel. 5131 25, 27 25, 27 Jan. 19 McDonald, Con J 5157 Feb. 9 McDavid, John W... 5170 10,9 Tel). 19 McLaughlin, Edward A 5175 Feb. 24 Morris, Frank .. 5179 11, 11 Feb.. 26 Derrington, John H 5198 13, 13 Mar. 22 McGuire. Harry 521026, 35 Mar. 29 McKee, John J 5226 1.6, 19 Apr. 8 McMichael, Alexander 5229 10,13 Do. McDonald, John 0..... 5245 15, 30 Apr. 17 Mehaffey, Laurence A 5251 5,8 Apr. 21 McDonald, William A 5264 16, 16 May 8 Manuiug, Robert J 5282 26, 32 May 27 Moore, Joseph L.. 5305 17, 19 June 14 NICIeeters, James L... 5310 | 13, 13, 18 June 19 Meu ges, Charles J 5315 June 22 McClure, James A. 5317 17, 17 June 23 Millikeni, Walter B 5330 7,9 July 6 McDonald, David &... 5341 9,9 July. 14 Murplıy. Thomas H 5360 24, 28 Aug. 13 McIùtyre, John W 5373 8,8 Aug. 26 Moore, Andrew P. 5370 | 20, 20 Sept. 7 Menges, Jacob. 5391 6,6 Sept. 23 Moore, George W 12819 7, 9 Oct. 22 McDonald, Avram. 12832 14,16 Nov. 3 Morris, Charles T. 12838 14, 16 Nov. S McDonald, David A. 12846 11,9 Nov. 12 McDouald, Thomas J.. 12855 24, 29 Nov. 16 Morris, James H... 12870 7,7 Nov. 23 McGinnes, William L.. 13701 14, 12 Dec. 10 5166 1,1 Feb. 16 5168 9.3 Feb. 17 5215 19, 20 Apr. 5 5223 12, 12 Apr. 6 5290 6,8 June 7 5359 15, 15 Aug. 12 12804 10,8 (ct. 6 12817 12, 15 Oct. 18 12820 Oct. 23 12848 9,9 Nov. 13 13706 18, 18 Dec. 13 5103 25, 27 Jan. 2 5178 3,3 Tel. 25 520221, 32 Mar. 25 5208 15, 15 Mar. 27 5248 15, 17 Apr. 20 5256 17, 19 May 10 5273 10,16 May 18 5274 | 11, 11 11, 11 May 19 5344 14, 14, 14 July 21 5351 22, 33 July 31 5361 18, 19 Aug. 14 12856 26, 26 Nov. 16 12887 19, 19 Nov. 30 13718 Dec. 21 5121 26, 30 Jan. 14 5144 18, 13 Feb. 2 5243 1,5 Apr. 16 5250 18,18 Apr. 21 5259 23, 24 May 3 5262 10, 6 May 5 5286 June 2 5295 2, 6 June 8 5297 June 11 5345 24, 34 July 22 5349 | 12, 19 12, 19 July 26 5381 14, 14 Sept. 14 5385 5,5 | Sept. 21 12801 5, © | (ct. 2 12809 12, 12' | Oct. 12 12824 Oct 26 12825 Oct. 28 12845 11, 11 Nov. 12 13714 17, 26 Dec. 16 5125 19, 26 Jan. 16 5130 11, 11 Jan. 19 5143 25, 33 Feb. 2 5146 26, 34 Feb. 5 5153 16, 16 Feb. 9 5191 12,8 Mar. 12 35, 36 Mar. 13 5193 | 16, 1.5 Mar. 15 5214 Apr. 1 5217 3,5 | ápr. 3 5236 15, 1.5 Ajr. 12 5239 1.0, 10 Do. 5240 3, 3 Apr. 14 5246 8, 12 Apr. 19 5247 25, 26 Do. 5249 24, 24, 24 Apr. 21. 5254 14, 14 Apr. 26 5267 13,13 | May 11 3296 7,7 Jue 10 5301 23, :3 June 12 5327 25, 31 July 3 5334 14, 14 July 7 5335 16, 19 16, 19 July 8 5365 14, 14 Aug. 18 5366. 12, 12 Do. 5387 19, 35 Sept. 22 5388 25, 33 Do. 12810 18,18 Oct 13 1282226, Oct. 25 12837 21,30 Nov. S 12839 21, 39 Do. 12850 | 21, 24 Nov. 15 12853 19, 31 Nov. 16 12861 15, 31 Nov. 27 12865 22, 26 Do. 12873 21, 11 Nov. 24 8,8 14, 15 1 18, 38 13, 13 2,2 5192 35, 4. 10 4,6 6,7 1 13, 13 26, 33 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 195 1 . Masters and pilots licensed-Pittsburg, Pa. Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. (issue. issue. 11, 26 24, 35 8,5 8,8 9,9 3 1 I McCaskey, Alfred Moore, William C.... Mackey, Albert R McLaughlin, John C. McCleary, Thomas. Nixon, John E.. Nutt, James Noss, Curtis C.. Oats, Jolu. Oaks, William F.. Oaks, Robert S.. Paden, William W... Poo, George W. E. Parr, Andrew H Parr, William J Province, James S Phillips, John M.. Pollock, Finley Park, William 1 Phillips, Daniel.. Patterson, Thomas Packer, Sharpley M. Routley, Job Reno, John L.. Repo, Louis A Richardson, John C. Reno, Samuel J... Robinson, Oliver A.. Robison, Edger Ryan, James R Rose, Hezekialı Robb, Hiran H Reno, William R. Reno, Myrou .. Rodgers, James A. ... Rodgers, Joseph H Robbinson, Joseph. Russell, Williaw.. Robison, Orlaudo A.. Rodyers, Forrest M.... Ross, William Ragen, Hiran P Rhodes, William 0 Reno, Alfred D., jr Risber, Charles B. Reno, William D. Robison, Robert B Robison, Alonzo S Reno, William S.. Reno, Isaac L.. Robison, Alfred U Stanley, Williani Spencer, Samuel J Sebolt, Alax... Stewart, Charles S. Stiddard. Isaac E Spencer, Cawood 1) Straney, Samuel D... Seidell, Charles Smith, Thomas Shaw. Grithith W Stotler, Fiat Shumaker, Ed. R. Swaney, Harry T 12885 20, 24 Nov. 29 Sloan, Charles E 12891 26, 34 Dec. 2 Smith, Albert. 13710 14, 19 Dec, 14 Scott, S. D 13719 12, 12 Dec. 21 Stull, Calvin R.. 13723 8, 10 Dec. 24 Stafford, John. 5372 Aug 20 Stobryenbach, John T. 12835 14, 14 Nov. 6 Seaforth, August 12857 13, 18 Nov. 16 Sumner, Charles L.. 5323 13,4 June 29 Stanley, William.. 5377 19, 18 Sept. 11 Smith, George 12898 7, 14 Dec. 6 Shade, James 5102 3, 13 Jan. 2 Seidell, Henry K. 5137 20,30 Jan. 25 Samson, Walier (.. 5196 23, 28 Mar. 22 Speer, Louis M 5204 23, 33 Mar. 25 Sãouse, James S 5211 12, 12 Mar. 30 Saudford, Thomas S 5228 A pr. 8 Stockdale, Jackman T. 5230 22, 26 Apr. 9 Stewart. George A.. 5237 23, 24 Apr. 12 Stockilale, Thomas 12815 17,17 Oct. 16 Shoaf, Peter 12842 24, 35 Nov. 10 Sylvis, Samnel. 13703 25, 3+ Dec. 10 swogger, Jacob . 5113 18,18 Jan. 7 Stewart, William C.... 5147 25, 37 Feb. 6 Smith, l'eter A 5149 22, 25 Du. Siitlon, Will H.. 5150 25, 25 Do. Thomas, Fremont. 5155 21, 25 Tel. 9 Tappiu, George. 5174 17,17 Feb. 24. Thomas, Georgo V 5183 | 25, 28 Mar. 5 Trich, T110111:M 5205 1,9 Mar. 26 Tumcity, Frank 5206 18, 24 Mill. *7 Trye, Isaac E.. 5227 8,15 | Apr. S Thompson, George. 5231 10, 20 pr. 9 Thomas, George W 5245 7, 8 apr. 17 Williams, Jauies P 5277 16, 16 May 22 White, James A.S... 5278 1,1 Do. Tond, Milton L. 5289 7,8 June 5 Waltower, Josephı 5294 25, 34 Juie 8 Woodward, James A.. 5312 5, 6 June 19 Wood, John A.. 5313 6,7 June 21 Woorl, Willian M. 5314 19, 19 Do. Wood, William J 5320 16, 22 June 26 Wallace, licorge 5347 8,8 July 21 White, William H. 5400 18, 28 Oct. 2 Ward, Andrew 12814 4,4 Oct. 15 Williams, Peter C. 12826 17, 29 Oct. 30 Wilkins. Henry D 12830 27, 32 Nov. 3 Woodward, Daniel A 12852 18, 19 Nov. 16 Wood, Jonathan . 12858 23, 32 Do. Tall, James E.. 12874 14, 14 Nov. 22 Werling, Jolin L. 12889 21, 23 Doc. West, Joseph A. 5107 7,7; Jan. 5 Williams, John T. 5110 23, 37, Jan. 6 Willians, Louis R 1 51.19 13, 13 Jau. 12 Wishart, Charles B 5129 15, 13' Jan. 19 Vall, Ulysses G 5134 8,8 Jan. 21 Wood, James (. 5135 15, 16 Do. Whysall, Joseph 5156 21, 22 Feb. 9 Wolle, Henry W 5188 13,13 Mar. 10 Wilkins, Frank H 5195 11, 15 | Mar. 19 Ty ooil. Jolina 5200 1,1 Mar. 24 Williams, William J.. 5225 S, 10 Apr. 7 Wood, (seorge W 5233 7,8 Apr. 9 Williams, Frank 526.1 5,7 May 4 Williams, Isaac B.. 5263 16, 16 May 6 5265 12. 12 | May 10 5300 10, 15 June 12 5306 June 16 5308 June 18 5355 15, 15 Ang. 2 5379 26. 36 Sept. 13 5382 5, 5 Sept. 16 12803 Oct. 5 12805 1,1 Oct. ĩ 12806 26, 29 Oct. 9 12816 7,7 Oct. 18 12829 1,8 Nov. 1 12851 13, 13 Nov. 15 12859 21,37 Nov. 16 12867 25,30 Nov. 18 12868 1,1 Nov. 19 12876 6.13 Nov. 26 12877 15, 15 Do. 12892 17, 20 Dec. 4 12897 17, 22 Dec. 6 13702 3, 3 Dec. 10 13711 9, 11 Dec. 14 13722 22, 22 Dec. 2:2 13725 7,7 Dec. 30 5276 6,17 May 21 5285 15, 15 | June 1 5292 15, 16 Juve 7 5293 9,12 June 8 5309 16, 24 June 19 5331 3,2 July 6 5396 13, 15 Sept. 28 5399 16, 16 Oct. 1 5115 15, 15 Jan. 7 5123 3, 15 Jan. 14 5126 Jan. 16 5154 Feb. 9 5164 25, 24 Feb. 12 5182 6,6 Mar. 5 5203 6,6 Mar. 25 5270 17. 17 May 13 5279 14, 14 May 22 5287 6, 15 June 4 5299 10,6 Jue 11 5309 11, 11 June 12 5307 25, 30 June 18 5324 July 1 5342 22, 22 July July 15 5357 65, 11 | Aug. 10 5363 A. 17 5367 5, 5 Aug. 19 5569 12, 12 Aug. 23 538015, 15 15, 15 Sept. 13 5386 26, 26 Sept. 22 5389 1,7 Do. 1280S 27, 30 Oct. 11 12813 20, 33 Oct. 15 12827 19, 24 Nov. 1 12831 1,5 Nov. 3 12847 21, 27 Nov. 13 12803 13, 13 Nov. 17 12882 7,11 Nov. 27 13712 17, 23 Dec. 15 13724 6,2 Dec. 27 26, 42 14, 12 17,17 2, 26 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Pittsbury, Pa. First-class pilots. F'irst-class pilots—Con. tinued. ! Berington. John..., Borykowski, Andrew Bridgeş, Thomas B.. Britton, Will Bailey, Realle W Coulter, William A Calloon, William A. Cainpbell, George W 3509 3512 3548 3557 3570 3501. 3505 3521 39 Jan. 21 Crawford, Howard... 6 Teli. 3 Campbell, Francis M .. 1 June 71: Culp, Frauk 6 July 12 Culp, Alva. 3 Oct. 11. Campbell, William E 4 Jan. 2 Carr, Jolio. 13 Jan. 9 Dippel, William H.. 6 Mar. 19 Davis, William 3533 3565 3572 3580 3583 3584 3573 3578 3 spr. 22 10 Aug. 21 13 Oct. 18 22 Nor. 17 Dec. 6 7 Dec. 13 2 Oct. 25 7 Nov. 15 196 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed - Pittsburg, Pa.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. First-class pilots --Con- tinued. Apr. 19 3515 3544 3566 3571 3585 3508 3514 3518 3586 22 Teb. 26 5 May 15 4 Aug. 26 4 Oct. 18 12 Dec. 14 6 Jan. 21 10 Feb. 8 8 Mar. 3 2 Dec. 15 Erwin, Fred Eberbart, Robert F.. Evans, Thomas Foreman, Frank J Fowler, Edwin V Fleming, Leslie K Gallatin, George W. Garner, Edward ... Gilmore, George Gano, Frank.. Gilmore, William N. Gordon, William. Hodgson, Lincoln. Hadson, Joseph N Harger, Allen w Jones, Thomas M Jones, James Knoll, Henry King, John E... Leonard, Harvey B Jinsay, Frank MT Lockhart. George El McLaughlin. James R Muse, Homes J.. McClain, Joseph. Martin, Thomas D. Muller, William Morris. George S Nutt, Georges Price, Thomas B... Phillips, Samuel W Pursell, Marion V Price. Edwin A... Petrel, Mark.. Rogers, Harry M. Randolph, Dayton 3517 3530 3574 3504 3507 3539 3506 3534 3549 3506 3563 3579 3528 3331 3554 3502 3516 3520 3582 3535 3559 3576 3527 3540 3552 3555 3560 3575 3542 3510 3511 3523 3532 3541 3567 3581 3 Mar. 3 Snowden, Edward 1 Shook, Walter V. 3+ Nov. 1 Stinkel, Henry F 1 i Jan. Jan. 8. Smith, Charles A 3 Jan. 20 | Shetter, Elmer J. 1 apr. 28 White, James W.. 12 Jan. 16 Wolfundale, James R.. 4 Apr. 24 Williams, Frank. 3 June 16 Walker, Charles K... 3 | July 7 1; A uy. 16 Special pilots. 33 Nov. 16 4 Apr. 17 Ashbacher, John 3 Apr. 21 Bartrui, Freilerick ... 3 June 28 Clarke, George. 16 Jan. 2 Cummings, Thomas 21 Feb. 26 Flocker, J. W. 6 : Mar. 17 Furil, Quincy E. 10 Dec. 3 Ford, J... 4 | Alir. 24 Goldsmitli, August 8 July 21 Granger, John E. 3 Nov. 5 Hodydon, Chauncey 6 Apr. 17 1 Jacobs, Martin 15 May 4 Keefer, Daniel V .... 2 June 25 Kennedy, William M.. 7 July 1 Keefer, Israel L... 11 July 31 : Lock, Adam 10 Nov. 2 Liglithill, S. C.. 3 May 11 Niman, William E.... 13 Jan. 21 Patterson, James B. 4 Jau. 29 Padou. William V... 1 Mar. 29 Painter, Charles A.... 10 Apr. 21 Sharp, Joolin 15 May 6 Stockdale, Jackman. 2 Sept. 20 Voegtly, Nicholas s... 15 Nor. 29 White, Marshall N 3545 3558 3520 3561 3503 3536 3337 3522 3547 3568 3519 3525 35:13 3577 3529 3551 3564 3513 3562 3569 3546 3553 3550 3538 4 May 19 11 | July 12 2 A pr. 8 5 July 31 3 Jan. 2 2 Apr. 26 Do. 1 Mar. 23 3 June 1 5 Sept. 24 4 Mar. 15 2 a pr. 3 4 May 12 3 Nov. 7 1 Apr. 19 3 June 24 3 Aug. 18 1 Jad. 4 14 Aug. 7 6 Oct. 4 2 May 21 2 June 25 3 June 17 5 Apr. 27 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Pittsburg, Pa. 1 Cook, Will E. Cobbett, Jolin E. Griffith, John W. Herbertson, Wm. H... Hipwell, Harry H.. .. Hubbard, Henry. Jones, Howard." Jones, William M.C... McVay, William P... 1301 3111 1309 1306 1308 1310 1307 1317 1302 4 Jan. 4 McVay, Charles B 1 July 23 | Phillips, Daniel.. 1 July 9 Rogers, Harry M. 3 Apr. 20 Rogers, George W 3 Day 19 Rogers, Charles 2 | July 12 Rogers, Charles G. 5 May 19 Sheareor, Frank C 8 Dec. 1 Wittner, William L... 1 Jan. 7 1316 1303 1304 1305 1312 1314 13 15 1313 7 3 4 2 6 6 6 1 Nov. 27 Jan. 30 Feb. 11 Apr. 15 Aug. 13 Aug. 31 Nov. 27 Aug. 23 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Piltsburg, Pa. Chief engineers. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Applegato, Richard. Anderson, Samuel Y.. Agy, John. Augustine, James B... Anshutz, George L. Almiller, Benjamin H. Ackerson, Isaac . Atkinson, George E... Allen, Albert G.. Ambrose, John A.. Anmiller, Elijah B..... Batchelor', William S.. Beazley, Charles F... Bell, Jefferson .. Beer, Stewart... Batchelor, Joseph A.. 5402 5106 5409 5426 5444 5490 5499 5500 5526 5585 5644 5420 5421 5425 5460 5462 18 Jan. 2 12 Do. 40 Jan. 22 Jau. 14 39 Feb. 1 11 Mar. 22 35 Apr. 8 11 Do. 25 May 4 16 July 19 21 Oct. 8 26 Jan. 9 12 Jan. 11 33 Jan. 13 34 Feb. 23 10 Do. Barclay,Joliu. Bridges, Harmon H... Bingbam, Thomas Betz, Romulus D Bare, Alfred D... Ballard, Charles R. Beau, Andrew J Bosworth, William T.. Buotli, John T. Burns, John A. Brittou. William D. Brawdy, Charles T.. Boyer, Samuel L.. Boland, Joseph Barker, John M. Bower, John M 5463 5472 5480 5489 5513 5518 5521 5564 5565 5569 5574 5579 5592 5593 5601 5603 22 Feb. 24 13 Mar. 3 21 Mar. 12 16 Mar. 20 25 Apr. 19 12 Apr. 24 31 May 1 14 June 28 11 Do. 15 July 6 9! July 7 18 July 14 21 July 31 15 Aug. 2 32 Aug. 12 12 | Aug. 14 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 197 Engineer's licensed-Pittsburg, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Lissue. issue. Chief engineers—Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con. tinued.. Aug. 21 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 30 Boli, William C. Burns, Davidl. Ballard, Robert E.. Bunner, Francis M.. Batemau, Wesley Boli. George C. Boobyer, Edward.. Britton, George. Campbell, William F.. Carrey, James C.. Clark, Joliu B Cooley, Frank M. Cooper, Peter Cordell, William. Collins, Charles W... Cavanaugh, John.. Christ, George. Crabb, Henry M Clawson, Jacob. Cox, Charles L.. Cooper, Joseph McC.. Crabb, Charles E... Campbell, Jacob Cock, Andrew C.. Clark, John R.. Cornell, Stephen F Clolierty, Martin. Crook, William. Cook, Harry. Cavett, Johu. Campbell, Samuel R... Cook. Jou A... Crook, Thomas W Coroy, Jesse K ... Cook, Eli A... Clark, William H. Crabb, Elmer. Cowan, Robert W. Dulall, Isaac J.. Dalt, Washingtou J Davis, Robert J. Demain, George C.. Doweriau, Frank . Davis, William M. Davis, William F. Downer, William S.. Davidson, Samuel C. Daily, Charles E.. Dunberger, George F. Duni, wlichael. Davis, John P.. Davis, James E. Donovan, Thomas. Dru, Silas B. Downer, James F... Duty, Thomas A... Dunn, B. L... Englislı, John E. Evans, John Eckels, Charles E. Engle, James H. Elliott, James E. Evans, Zach B.. Eastwood, llenry T.. Eyster, Charles W. Evans, James B.. Eslinan, Daniel G Edwards, Alfred (). Ecott, Samuel Forse, David. Fabian, Edwin R Fitzsimmons, Robt. A Fritz, George W.. Fagan, wohū T..., French, Sylvester A.. Flocker, John W Forse, Samuel B Furnier, William L. 5628 5639 5645 5649 5663 5671 5680 13807 5403 5404 5416 54.17 5442 5456 5469 5487 5498 5510 5527 5529 5537 5539 5561 556S 5576 5586 5606 5610 5612 5622 5623 5025 5637 5643 5652 5656 5670 5677 5413 5435 5443 5.151 5:197 5501 5502 5505 5517 5534 55:43 5619 5629 5636 5654 5667 5675 5676 138016 5:107 5418 54:17 5470 5503 5511 5525 5528 5554 5602 5604 5660 5411 5445 5471 5473 .5519 5575 5588 13810 13813 18 Sept. 22 Golloway, Robert A 19 Oct. 1 Gribble, Baird 40 Oct. 12 Graham, James 22 Oct. 14 Garwood, John M 33 Nov. 4 Gralam, William S 25 Nor. 12 Golay, Phillip. 35 Nov. 17 Griffith. Johu... 22 Dec. 20 Gibbons, Samuel P..... 14. Jan. 2 Garred, Albert. 28 Do. Gruber, Louis A 7 Jan. 5 Gaskill, David A. 42 Do. Garwood, John 20 Jan. 27 Gallagher, Hugh P.... 17 Feb. 19 Green, George W.. 19 Feb. 25 Glaser, Adam J 16 Mar. 18 Gibbons, Henry. 20 Apr. 8 Golloway, James B.. 21 Apr. 17 Ghrist, Arthur H. 1S May 8 Herbertson, John C.. 20 May 12 Hooper, William H... 12 May 24 Henry, James A 8 May 26 Hendrickson, Wm. T.. 18 June 23 Henry. Thomas J 27 July 2 Hardesty, Robert V... 4 July 8 Hirt, William E. 17 July 20 Hodgson, Henry M 12 Aug. 16 Hilands, Charles A 4. Hanght, Joseph M.. 16 Aug. 20 | Herbertson, George S. .. 30 Sept. 16 Hutchison, Samuel.. 22 Sept. 17 Hollingshead, Josiah 28 Henderson, Charles W 19 Hamilton, William F 4 Oct. Hamilton, George W... 38 Oct. 16 Hook, Charles 27 Oct. 25 Hamilton, Albert D... 15 Nov. 1.1 Hamilton, George S. 23 Nov. 16 Harrison, George T 17 Jan. 4 Hodepobl, Ellward 9 Jan. 23 Hill, Thomas K.. 11 Jan. 30 Heuning. John B 25 Feb. 11 Irvin. Johnson.. 22 Apr. 7 Irvin, Richard, 12 Apr. 8 Ing, James 18 Do. Jobes, Melvin. 22 Apr. 15 Johnson, Walter 8 Jenkins, Frank A 8 May 18 Jester, William G. 26 May 29 | Johnson, Edward . 43 Sept. 2 Jackson, James a 27 Septi . 23: Johnson, Robert . 17 Sept. 29 Kelley, Ilonzo a 13 Oct. 19 Kinsey, James M 21 Nov. S Kraft, William B 13 Nov. 15 Kidney, J. Will.. 41 Nov. 16 Kenneily, Frank L..... 15 Dec. 1S Kerr, Fürsyth 26 Jall. 2 Kerr, Joseph J 30 Jan. 0 Kerr. James D 2.1 Feb. 8 King, Joli M Feb. 25 Kimling, Albert 10 Apr. 9 Knox, George. 16 ur. 17 KenmedyWilliam H 26 May 3 Kukle, George M.. 19 May 10 Lynch, Jolm .. 37 June 16 Longwell, James E 4 Aug. 13 Lyov. George D. 14 Levitre, George W 14 Nov. 2 Longwell, David... 35 Jan. 4 Leonard, Eli... 11 Fei. 2 Lambert, James 0. C... 33 Feb. 27 Livesy, James 13 Mar. 4 Lyon, Samuel. 17 Apr. 26 Lambert, John... 19 July 7 Lynch, William S. 7 July 23 Litton, Abram L. 16 Dec. 21 Lenkard, John A 18 Dec. 28 McCune, William H 5408 5453 5496 5507 5515 5558 5559 5573 5583 5599 5616 5617 5630 5647 5659 5679 5696 5698 5422 5424 5449 5464 5485 5486 5488 5491 5495 5506 5516 5531 5551 5555 5507 5563 5571 5589 5615 5621 5631 13805 13811 5467 5481 5693 5-112 5430 5:1:40 5632 5638 56644 5683 5423 5432 5483 5535 5542 5546 5553 5633 5635 5672 5690 1 5692 13804 5410 5432 5523 5544 5545 5548 5556 5582 5591 5598 5661 5674 5691 5405 16 Jan. 2 12 Feb. 17 32 & pr. 6 15 Apr. 15 36 A pr. 23 13 June 19 16 June 21 25 July 7 19 July 17 24 Aug. 9 22 Sept. 1 17 Sept. 2 6 Sept. 25 7 Oct. 13 12 Oct. 30 37 Nov. 17 32 Dec. 4 Dec. 6 36 Jan. 11 30 Jan. 13 21 Feb. 8 21 Tel. 24 32 Mar. 15 21 Mar. 16 19 Mar. 18 7 Mar. 22 23 Apr. 1 17 | apr. 15 2 Apr. 24 31 May May 15 June 12 9 June 18 25 June 19 18 June 26 20 July 6 16 July 23 29 Sept. 2 12 Sept. 15 35 | Sept. 25 27 Dec. 14 32 Dec. 23 Al Feb. 24 41 Mar. 13 37 Nor. 30 29 Jan. 4 Jan. 19 13 Jan. 25 6 Sept. 27 6 Oct. 1 4 Nor. 5 20 Nov. 17 29 Jan. 11 12 Jan. 19 16 Mar. 13 24 May May 22 28 Mar 28 20 June 2 30 : June 15 23 Sept. 27 29 Sept. 28 7, Nov. 12 22 Nov. 29 12 Nov. 30 S Dec. 13 28 Jan. 4. 10 Feb. 16 11 May 1 24. May 29 26 May 31 Juno 9 June 18 42 July 17 38 July 28 32 Aug. 7 8 Nov. 3 25 Nov. 15 17 Nov. 29 20 Jan. 2 26 A pr. 24 7. Aug. 16 3,2 17 198 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Pittsburg, Pa. Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of licenso. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of | Date of license. I issue. issue. Ohief engineers-Con- tinued. Ohief engineers-Con- tinned. 5530 5541 5547 5552 5580 5590 5595 5597 5605 5608 5620 5634 5640 5646 5648 5653 5678 5682 5686 5689 5695 5097 Milligan, Frank Marsh, William L Merriman, William B.. Moreland, James A McGuire, John L. McDougle, James A McCann, William J. Murray, Joseph M. McCrory, Jolin B Miller, Louis H... Matter, John Maratta, Benjamin F Miller, James M... McCloskey, William E. Massey, Martin... McClintock, William Moore, Hugh D... Micliai.lx. albert.. McKenna, Stephen Moore. George W. McKeage, Oliver K... McRoberts, Andrew Miller. Sigmund Martheus, Clemens B.. Dartin. Harry D.. Metz, John McGinness, William.. Moore, William A. Miller, Henry C.. Miller, Ross. McLaughlin, John C... Marthes, Harry Napper, Williarü. Nimon, William C William E.... O'Donnell, Anthony Oast, John W Oakley, Albert G.. Porter, Hugh T.. Pender, Daniel Powell. David Powell, Mires.. Parrish, Newton J... Paulk, Perry J... Posey, Cumberlaun.. Pfafii . Charles E... Paucoast, Robert Paugburn. Isaac G.. Penyard, John A Provauce, Theron S. Quiyg, William Reno, James F... Riggs, Ulysess K Robison, Rolla L Robison, Edgar Richards, Frank. Robison, Orlando A.. Reel, Jom 1 Ross, John... Russell, William J Rodgers, James A Rogers, Stephen G Rodgers, Forrest M. Ruth, William & Rees, James H... Russell, James C. Ralph, Charles C.. Ridgley, Thomas C Stewart, David R. Stumpf, Job Smoot, William T. Slepler, Cassius R. Schaney, Jolin Stevens, Frank .. Snowdeu, Edward Shaw, Alexander IL Smith, George B Smith, John 5414 5437 5438 5441 5454 5468 5477 54811 5492 5495 5504 5533 5540 5549 5550 5577 5578 5581 5584 5600 5615 5624 5655 5662 5668 5684 5687 5098 5694 13808 13809 13812 5429 5461 5609 5596 5401 13802 5131 5434 5446 5465 5482 5532 5594 5607 5611 5627 5650 5673 5685 1 5433 5450 5466 5474 5476 5493 5514 5520 5522 5536 5538 12 Jan. 4 Shepler, Charles C 17 Jan. 23 Sutton, Will H... 31 Jan. 25 Swerger, Frederick 41 Do. Sbedden, Willian J 9 Feb. 18 Sloan, Willian P.... 17 Feb. 25 Short, James H. 8 Mar. 9 Sutton, Philip W 7 Mar. 15 Smith, Augustus R.... 41 Arr. 26 Swoger, Thomas 17 | Apr. 5 Stepbens, Albert J 28 Apr. 12 Steel, Albert.... 28 May 18 Shepler, Charles M 3 May 26 Shallcross, Morris C. 19 June 11 Snowden, Joho R 30 June 12 Shibler, George W 34 | July 12 Schreiner, Henry L 31 Do. Swinny, Ross B. 14 July 15 Smith, James R. 31 July 19 Sullivan, Richard L.... 10 Aug. 11 Sill, Florence L 13 Ang. 31 Shook, John 32 Sept. 21 Shepler. Albert G 22 Oct. 30 Stone, George P... 24 Nov. ist Tarn. John. 6 Nor. 10 Thompson, Cyrenouis 17 Nov. 19 Thompson, Edward B.. 28 Nov. 24 Trauter, William H.... 14 Nov. 26 Torrence, Frank E..... 13 Dec. 1 trich. John L,.. 23 Dec. 20 Troy, Jolu W... 30 Dec. 21 Turner. Thomas 2. 22 Dec. 27 (uderwood. Herbert M 9 Jan. 16 Vaughn, Llewellyn 28 Feb. 23 Walker, Thomas W. 32 Aug. 18 Weaver, Samuel J 41 | Aug. 3 Woods, Joliu F 6 Jan. 2 Wilson, Jolin VV. 14 Dec. 10 Wright, George A 22 Jan. 19 Wiley, James A 31 Jan. 22 Wilson, Perry A. 24 Feb. 6 Willianis, Peter C 18 Feb. 24 Walkinshaw, Samuel L. 22 Mar. 13 | Vrsall, Joseph. 4 May 17 || Walton, James K. P .... 20 Ang. 2 | Wall, James B 6 Aug. 17 Valker, Daniel F 4 | Aug. 24 Young, William S... 13 Sept. 21 7 Oct. 15 Engineers in charge of 6 Nov. 15 steamers of 100 tons 13 Nov. 19 and under, and over 21 Jan. 21 10 tons. di Feb. 10 13 Feb. 27 Bishon. Franklin B... 22 Mar. 5 Cullen, William. 16 Mitr. S Fulton, Robert L 5 i Mar. 30 Gruber, George 43 Apr. 19 Garred. \Villiam J 23 Apr. 30 Hartmus, Nicholas. 14 May 1 Leonard, Benjamin D.. 21 May 22 McCarthy. Charles F 20 May 25 Price, Clark.... 8 June 21 Parlen, William TV. 20 June 25 Pruden, George W... 21 July 21 Rice, Josoph. D 22 Oct. Oct. 27 Skagys, Janies R 31 Nor. 5 Sullivan, Calvin P.... 31 Nov. 10 Sanforth, Charles J 22 Jan. 0 Tomlinson, Harry H... 22 Jan. 16 Williams, Louis R... Jan. 23 18 Tel. S Assistant engineers. 33 Tel). 19 8 Feb. 20 Addison. Joseph E..., 43 Feb. 22 Allfree, Thomas P 21 dpr. 15 dlllree, Samuel.. 24 Do. Bumer, Francis .. 14 | May 1 Bretch, Edward E 5700 5415 5455 54.75 5478 5572 5479 5613 5657 13803 5567 5427 5439 5512 5566 5570 5614 5626 5641 5642 5651 5666 5681 13801 5699 18 May 1.3 7 May 26 25 June 2 39 June 14 26 July 14 6 July 28 14 Aug. 14 24 Aug. 4 14 Ang. 16 17 ! Aug 17 36 ! Sept. 9 4 Sept. 27 17 Oct. 4 12 Oct. 12 8 Oct. 14 6 Oct. 19 7 Nov. 16 29 Nov. 17 5 Nov. 22 21 Nov. 27 11 | Dec. 3 29 Dec. 6 8 Dec. 7 14 Tau. 4 25 Feb. 19 26 Mar. 6. 30 Mar. 9 5 | Jaly 6 14 Mar. 11 8 Aug. 26 22 Oct. 27 5 Dec. 10 17 June 29 13 Jan. 16 19 Jan. 25 6 Apr, 17 19 June 29 19 July July 6 16 Ang. 30 12 Sept. 20 27 Oct. 4 15 Do. Oct. 15 26 Nov. 8 24 Nov. 17 21 Dec. 10 31 Dec. 6 4846 4812 4804 4801 4869 4860 4834 4868 4848 48419 4884 4837 4814 4838 4881 4886 4858 12 July 28 12 Feb. 8 17 Jan. 13 10 Jan. 5 11 Oct. 12 19 Sept. 18 3 May 28 11 Oct. 9 7 Aug. 5 16 Ang. 7 16 Dec. 6 9 June 14 15 Feb. 22 9 June 15 9 Nov. 16 10 Doc. 7 9 Sept. 13 5560 5562 5587 5658 5665 5669 5419 5128 5436 5448 5457 5458 5439 5508 5509 5524 4810 4831 4843 4.809 4833 4 Jan. 22 May 8 4 | July 12 1 Jan. 22 8 May 17 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 199 Engineers licensed-Pittsbury, Pa.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Assistant enginzers- Continued. Assistant engineers- Continued. Aug. 27 4893 4845 4805 4878 4883 4807 4815 4818 4830 4836 4850 4875 4890 4806 4808 4819 4844 4852 4861 4876 4882 10 Dec. 20 1 July 22 12 Jan. 16 1 Nov. 10 10 Dec. 2 15 Jan. 21 18 Feb. 25 · 5 Mar. 6 1 May 7 14 June 8 2 Aug. 17 25 Oct. 27 2 Dec. 11 .12 Jan. 16 14 Jan. 21 9 Mar. 25 16 July 20 12 Aug. 20 15 Sept. 21 17 Nor. 6 18 Nor. 17 Bower, George R. Barclay, Harry E Cox, John... Cavett, Howard A.. Cooley, Wils L.... Caseber, Anderson, Crawford, John S... Cavetti John B.. Cooper, F.M. Cassiday, Lee D Cooper, Lovis D. Conboy, John C Donaldson, Robert.. Davis, McClellan E. Edwards, William Tarrier, Samuel S... Ferry, Thornton. Fugate, Francis M. Farrow, John W. Faulkner, William Flinn, Thomas A.. Gumbert. Jerry W.. Gordon, Henry Garred, George P... Garrett, Heury Gwynn, William E.. Hanght, Francis M. Herbertson, William H. Hendrickson, Sam). W. Hendrickson, Joseph L. Henry, Willian A.. Hill, David T. Kidney. Mordecai M... Kinsey, Benoni D... Kimling, William... King, Stewart. Lyon, Samuel C.. Lasley, John W. Lightboily, William. Loseman, Christopber.. McCaskey, Robert H... Mount, Humpbrey. Muiler, William. McLain, Robert F... Molden, John Morgill, William H.... McDonald, James A... Morgan, Milton.. McLaughlin, Wm. W.. McCloskey, John F... McCracken, Lyman H. Miller, Edvarii T. Merrimall, John W.. 4841 4865 4816 4817 4828 4835 4847 4953 4854 4809 4879 4889 4857 4885 4811 4802 4803 4829 4840 4855 4873 4821 4827 4832 4867 4974 4820 4822 4864 4887 4888 4895 1862 1892 4894 4896 4856 4863 4877 4880 4813 4823 4924 4825 11826 4839 4842 4851 4866 4870 4971 4872 4891 1 July 8 Marsh, George A. 4 Sept. 30 Nichols, Robert W.. 3 Mar. 1 Robison, Olirer A. 2 Do. || Reynolds, Janies. 9 May 0 Robinson, George K.... 2 June 5 Stidarc, Isaac E.. 5 Aug. 4 Smith, Albert.. 1 Shute, Louis G 3 Sept. 1 Stuart, Frank L.... 2 Sept. 16 Steck, Winfield. 3 Nov. 11 Speer, Samuel P. 13 Dec. 11 Smith, William 4 Sept. 11 Scott, Isaac N 3 Dec. 6 Teasrlale, Milton C. ... 24 Feb. 6 Wilson, John E. 14 Jan. 8 Watson, Mark M 14 Jan. 11 Whisler, John H.. 9 May 7 Whalen, Joseph 3 July 7 Watkins, John W 12 Sept. + Williams, Evan R. 1 Oct. 19 Williams, William J... 2 Apr. 15 18. May 6 Special engineers. 15 May 15 13 Oct. 8 Bolland, George. 7 Oct. 27 Bounds, Edward. 2 Apr. 15 Cumming, Thomas.. 7 Apr. 20 Duvall, William H. 8 Sept. 25 Eberhart, Robert F.. 4 Dec. 7 Ford, Quincy E.. 2 Dec. 9 Goldstrohm, August. 15 Dec. 22 Galbreath, Walter C.. 1 Sept. 21 . Gracey, William M Dec. 20 Hodgdon, Chauncey W. 24 Dec. 21 Rulle, James C 5 Dec. 30 Leonard, Harvey B .... 2 Sept. S Lighthill, Sidney C... 12 Sept. 23 Lewis, Elmer 2 Nov. 10 Muller, John, jr. 6 Nov. 11 Murpby, Edward P .... 15 Feb. 11 Mertz, Herman B 3 McClain, Simeon 14 May 1 Price, Thomas B.. 14 Маг 4 Porter, James S... 2 Do. Painter, Charles A.... 6 June 24 Painter, George E 7 July 10 Rogers, Harry M. 1 Aug. 19 Roberts, Thomas. 6 Oct. 6 Rogers, Charles G 2 (ct. 18 Sheaneon, Frank C 3 Do. Turmer, HIerman E. 7 Do. White, Dlarshall N 12 Dec. 18 2714 2717 2718 2703 2708 2709 2704 2705 2716 2723 2726 2713 2715 2720 2706 2707 2712 2721 2701 2711 2719 2725 2722 2724 2728 2702 2727 2710 4 June 22 1 July 15 4 July 31 Mar. 5 1 Apr. 16 3 Apr. 26 1 Mar. 23 4 Mar. 25 1 July 8 2 Sept. 24 2 Oct. 7 1 May 12 4 June 24 5 dug. 19 7 Apr. 12 1 Apr. 15 1 May 4 7 Aug. 20 6 Jan. 18 3 May 1 1 Ang. 3 12 Oct. 4 5 Sept. 20 3 Sept. 28 6 Nov. 9 2 Feb. 6 8 Nov. 2 Apr. 27 Apr. 24 1 LOCAL DISTRICT OF GALLIPOLIS, OHIO. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Gallipolis, Ohio. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issile. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Armstrong, John A. 10436 3 Ieb. 12 Curry, William D. 10557 Armstrong, Anios W 10600 1 Nov. S Cross, Monroe 10569 Bennett, Thomas 10443 1 Feb. 18 Davis, George W.. 10511 Brown, Albert E... 10517 6 June 10 Donually, J. Howard 10584 Birtbisel, William.... 10520 17 June 17 Fandrce, Joseph H. 10431 Bay, Curtis B... 10555 2 ! Aug. 19 Fandree, Thomas L... 105981 Burdett, Miller. 10586 7 Oct. 26 Gaclics, Ralph E.. 10558 Brown, Dajor C. 10593 41 Nor. 2 Hargis, James N 10407 Barton, Oliver P. 10595 7 Nov. 5 Hart, George 10410 Capchart, John P. 10451 14 Mar. 1 Hayruan, Wick w 10456 * Number of issue of current grade and number of issues of all grades. 21 Aug. 20 3 Sept. 21 1 May 29 13 Oct. 25 3 Feb. 5 1 Nov. 6 4 Aug. 23 6 Jan. 4 1 Jan. 6 8 Mar. 10 200 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Master's licensed-Gallipolis, Ohio--Coptioued. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Name. No of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Hughes, William M... Juhling, Williain. Johnson, Jesse W.. Jones, William J.. Kirker, Edvard C.. Kimble, William B.. Miller, Harry N. Marmet, Edvin. Morris, Major A.... McFarlin, William A.. Rathbone, Samuel B., jr Riel, Jobu. 10528 10449 10530 10591 10563 10588 10412 10440 104.12 13408 13422 13426 7 June 28 Speucer, Perry F... 4 Feb. 26 Smith, Willian P 7 July 2 Stone, Nicholas. 3 Nov. 1 Summers, John S.... 12 Sept. 10 Stone, John W.. 1 Oct. 27 | Thornburg, John 2 Jan. 8 Wright, James S. 1 l'el. 13 Woodward, ET E 7 Feb. 18 Wright, Gustavas A... 19 Nov. 23 Wells, Joseph.. 9 Dec. 9 Welton, Charles H. 7 Dec. 20 Wires, Edgar L.. 10478 10489 10513 10516 10587 10447 10413 10429 10469 10507 10525 10551 1 1 5 6 3 23 6 2 2 12 13 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 19 Juno 5 June 9 Oct. 27 Feb. 22 Jan. 8 Tel. 3 Mar. 20 May 26 June 25 Aug. 6 + Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Gallipolis, Ohio. 1 7,7 Jan. 1 1 } Ang. 24 3 1 7,10 Allen, Loren P. Aeiker, John E. Adams, Jolin. Allen, William J... Allen, Lewis D... Beam, George W... Banks, James A. Ball, Emory F. Barrows, William A... Buckner, Robert C Brown, Marlon E. Barrow's, Isaac P... Baxter, Zenas S.. Brown, Martin L. Barringer, Elisha. Bar. George W.. Brown, Melvin M[... Beegle, George M.. Betts, Isaac J Bayes. William EI Bay. William.. Bumgardzier, Heman F. Bryant, Joseph. Burnside, Harry F.. Brown, Miles H.. Ball, Albert L. Brown, Manly B. Buckner, Noal W. Chester, George F. Capehart. Thomas J Chambers, Albert.. Cariens, John C... Calvert, Ebenezer (... Crawford, Clayton L... Colville, George E.. Carr, Robert S Carrell William J. De Wolf, Samuel.. Davis, James K.. Davidson, Wilson Duling, Charles C. Dickinson, Thomas. Davidson, Jerry J.. Davidson, Thomas L... De Wolf, Dor De Wolf, Clark Dotson, C. D.. Day, Allred... Donvally, Andrew V.. Elkius, Silas R.... Elkins, J. D... Edwards, John C. Fox, odiew T... Fiuk, John L. Flesher, Isaac N. Gardner, Charles E... Galliher, Siren. Gregory. William F... Greenlee, Morris C. Hamilton, George T Heritage, Firman. Hilton, Andrew B. 104-11 16, 16 Feb. 17 Hanley, John C... 10445 S, 8 | Feb. 22 Hapton stall, James M. 10526 12, 12 June 20 Hopkins, Homer W... 10571 | 17, 17 17, 17 Sept. 24 Bamiltoni, Samuel 13424 16, 19 Dec. 18 Hamiitou, Ralph L 10411 7,7 Jan. 7 Jones, William T. 10414 9 Johnson. Frank d. 10416 Jan. 11 Jack William L. B.... 10421 14. 16 Jau 21 Jenkins, Getlen. 10433 5,8 Feb. 6 Jobpson, Edward. 10448 | 18,17 Teb. 22 Keever, Joseph M 10.154 11.15 Mar. 8 Killini, George W.. 10462 22, 28 Mar. 1.3 Koups. William H... 10.76 11, 12 Apr. 1 King, John F.. 10479 22. 37 Apr. 5 Kirker, James M 10488 25, 30 Apr. 19 King. Kellie 10494 25, 33 i apr. 26 Leavitt. Chiarles P 10521 1,3 June 17 1 Lampton, Joliu W... 10533 17, 14 July 5 Lallance, J. Frank. 10560 20, 40 Murray, John F 10562 24, 27 Sept. 8 Meek, Grecu 10368 14, 14 Sept. 21 Mace, Carlos A.. 10590 25, 34 Oct. 28 Magee. Angustus 10592 4.6 Nov. 1 Martin, Jolin T. 13402 24, 31 Nor. 9 Martin, William H... 13411 7,7 Nov. 26 Martin, William (). .. 13412 15, 15 Nov. 27 Martin, William F 134.17 1,1 Dec. 2 Madily, William A 10419 13, 15 Jan. 16 Murray, George E. 10459 Mar. 12 Martin, John A. 10506 10,9 + y 25 Maddy, Edwin F... 10542 16, 18 July 23 McDowell, Thomas. 105-7 12,9 July 31 Martin, Thomas H. 10554 14, 11 Aug. 18 McCallister, A.J. 10559 11, 13 Aug. 24 McBride, Joseph F.J.. 10567 14, 12 Sept. 17 Martin, John H.. 13405 10, 24 Nov. 15. Diartin, Charles C... 10401 | 20, 30 Jau. 2 McGulin, William B.. 10408 17,17 Jan. 5 McElroy, William B... 10-27 7, 26 Jan. 29 Miller. Daniel B 10-139 3,4 Feb. 13 Morris, Charles E. 10400 1.1, 14 Mar. 12 McSorley, John... 10515 11,11 Julie S Norrell." William G... 10522 25, 9 Jue 19 Owens, Robert W... 10541 24, 26 July 23 Owens, Rhodes B. ... 10575 1, 1 Oct. 2 Preston. Daniel L... 10576 1,4 Oci. 4 Pope, Benjamin S. 10579 Oct. Price. Jolin C... 13419 22, 21 Dec. 2 Paden, Villiam B. 10.155 17, 22 Mar. 9 Park, William V.. 10492 9,9 Apr. 22 Pope, Lewis 10502 26, 20 May 12 Prall, Charles J. 10928 8,9 Fel. 2 Pope, Elmer E 10566 14, 15 Sept. 17 Parker, John A 10589 Oct. 27 Polsley. James M 10-138 12, 12 Feb. 13 Patrick, William H 10503 5, 6 May May 18 Patchell, Josephus. 10534 22, 40 July 8 Rutiner, John J.. 10573 19, 38 Oct. 2 Roush, Charles F 10403 19, 21 Jan. 2 Rodgers, Jolin N 10404 17,35 Do. Rose. James S 10405 15, 15 Do. Rathbone, William G.. 10482 17, 25 Apr. 9 10500 7, 13 May 10 10580 15, 17 Oct. 11 10594 27, 32 Nov. 5 13415 26, 25 Nov. 30 10430 11, 11 Feb. 4 10437 6,10 Feb. 12 10457 1,1 Mar. 11 1341611,11 Dec. 2 13425 25, 34 Dec: 18 10417 14, 18 Jan. 11 10174 20, 25 Mar. 27 10493 14,14 | Apr. 24 13404 19, 17 Nov. 12 13406 26, 19 Nov. 18 13418 1.1 Dec. 2 10538 23, 28 July 15 10577 14, 17 Oct. 5 13403 19, 22 Nov. 10 10-125 15, 15 Jan. 27 10472 11, 10 Mar. 27 10473 11,8 Do. 10-184 14, 22 Apr. 10 10485 17, 22 dur. 14 10486 9, 12 Do. 10.190 26, 37 Apr. 21 10497 17, 17 Apr. 30 10519 9, 11 Jue 14 10524 | 15, 15 15, 15 June 22 10529, 25, 30 25, 30 July 1 10537 | 21, 21, 21 July 14 10544 17, 24 July 28 10545 13, 17 July 29 10552 : 26, 31 Aug. 10 10561 | 16, 16 Sept. 7 10570 · 13, 15 Sept. 21 10581 15, 15 Oct. 4 7,7 Oct. 25 10599 i 13, 14 Nov. 8 13401 22, 31 Nov. 9 13409 8,9 Nov. 2-1 13413 10, 25 Nov. 29 10471 '13, 12 Mar. 25 10532 7,12 July 5 134144 12, 16 Nov. 29 10406 7, 10 Jan. 2 10415 6,9 Jan. 11 10422 14, 14: Jan. 22 10424 10,10 Jan. 25 10461 12. J2 Mar. 12 10499 23, 22 May 5 10518: 7,17 June 12 10539 5,14 | July 16 10546 17, 17 July 30 10550 18, 19 July 31 13407 13, 14 Nov. 18 1342: 17, 21 Dec. 15 10418 19, 1.8 Jan. 16 10434 14, 16 Tel. 9 10463 13, 13 Mar. 15 10467 10, 10 Mar. 20 10487 12, 12 ) Apr. 17 10583; } 24, 24 18, 16 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 201 Masters and pilots licensed Gallipolis, Ohio—Continned. Name. No. of No. of Dato of license.issue. issue. Name. | No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. / 23, 2:3 Teb. Redden, Harvey L Rust, John F Rankin, Vinton a Rice, Lewis A Ritchie, A.L.. Roush, Hiran A.. Rollins, Benjamin 1 diovinson, Jefferson D.. Riggs, BasilJ. Sayre, Adam F Sumpter. Joseph B Stalnaker, Asbery Strother, Manford R... Stafford, Charles C... Sheparıl, Eugene C. Small, Williain P Shaw, J. Henry Small, Charles'R Stout, David D Stone, Joli Smith, Saraili B. Simptor, Simeon Saunders, Thomas F. P Spurlock. Francis M... Sennett, Leonidas. Summers, James H Suiter, Alexander T... Smiley, William Suiter, Sanders S Stout, Joliu D... 10498 19, 19 May 4 10508 20, 20 ¡ May 26 10510 12, 13 May 28 10543 19, 19 July 21 10548 12,6 fulj: 31 10549 4,61 Do. 10564 3,4 ! Sept. 11 10572 9, 10 Oct. 2 13 +21 11,9 1 Dec. 8 10402 23, 32 Jan. 2 10409 12,11 Jaun. 5 10426 Jan. 28 10432 15, 17 6 10435 11,9 Feb). 9 10465 7,7 Mar. 18 10475 14, 14 Apr. 1 10480 Apr. 7 10496 14, 14 Apr. 30 10512 26, 34 May 31 10527 16, 16 June 26 10531 3,3 July 2 10536 13, 13 July 12 10540 20, 23 July 22 10553 18, 26 Auy. 16 10556 11, 11 Aug. 20) 10565 | 25, 35 Supt. 15 10574 14, 18 Oct. 2 10578 22, 21 Oct. ñ 10582 18. 19 Oct 14 10596 12, 12 Nov. 5 Stalnaker, Morgan.. Spencer, James H. Thompson, William H. Thacker, Walter E.. Taylor, James Thompson, N. B Tyler, Hirani Vaughan, William P Vaughan. Rector Varian, Elmer E., Varian, Charles H.... Woes, Elijal F Wright, Janies IT Wright, James C... Warner, Charles H... Welch, John C... Williardson, George. Wheaton, John S. Wright, James H. Wright, James B.. Williainson, George D. Wilson, Robert F Williamson, daron Wright, Stapleton C... Wilson, Alexander Wright, George P Windoni, Samuel T.. Wright, William A... Woorts. Leander B. 13410 | 18, 20 18, 20 Nov. 24 13420 | 16, 15 Dec. 6 1042014, 14 Jan. 19 10470 22, 26 Mar. 23 10:483 10, 10 Apr. 9 10505 17, 20 May 18 10597 13, 18 Nor. 5 10453 14.20 Mar. 3 10504 19, 28 May 18 10535 14, 14 July 9 10585 9, 12 Oct. 26 10423 6,6 Jan. 22 10444 6,6 Feb. 18 10446 16, 19 Feb. 22 10.50 14, 14 Mar. 1 10.152 24, 26 Mar. 2 10458 18, 24 Mar. 12 10464 7,9 Mar. 17 10466 25, 40 Mar. 19 10468 17, 19 Mar. 20 10477 6, 10 Apr. 2 10481 17, 17 Apr. 9 10491 15, 31 Apr 22 10495 22, 36 Apr. 26 10501 26, 32 May 10 1.0509 24, 43 May 27 105 1.5 12, 12 June 8 10523 23. 30 June 22 131.27 13,9 Dec. 23 20,20 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Gallipolis, Ohio. First-class pilots. First-class pilois-Con- tinlied. Allg. 10 Anderson, John L.... Adkins, George WV Armstrong, Amos W Brown, Albert H. Bowmaster. Harry Borders, James E" Brown, Major C Butler, Charles F. Butler, Josepli C. Barrow's, Efermau E... Calvert. Mills V.. Curry, William D.... Chapman, Charles A.. Crawford, Ollie C... Dudding, Clarence. Davis, (ieorge W Dooley: Alexander De Woll, Harry D.. Duncan, John M. Fitch, John E. Gaches, Ralph E. Gay, Nathau.jr. Gebhart, Charles A.. Hartlex. Davila Hatcher, William L... Hughes, Jesse P. Hooft, James M Huff, Alborn T Johnson, Jesse W Johnson, Walter H.. Jolinson, William A. Johuston, Samuel. Jolley. George H., jr Lear, Louis H. Martin), Albert R Marmet, Edwin Malan, Jolin G Prather, William W Phelps, William K.. Preston, Scott. Preston, Shadrach w Preston, Anderson D.. 3320 3329 3354 3314 3333 3357 3355 3305 3367 3370 33-18 33:19 3360 3369 3307 3326 3336 3361 3362 3:13 3301 3312 3363 3318 3323 3342 3353 336+ 3311 3337 3343 3351 3352 3335 3508 3315 3330 3305 3317 3319 3332 3340 الممسل مع 14 M.:19. 1.3 Price, Calvind 16 Apr. 10 Patchell, Daniel C... 1 Oct. 25 Ronslı, Everett N 7 Feb. 11 | Sumers. John S. 6 Apr. 27 Spe:7's, George W 1 (ct. 29 Saunders, Frank C.... 17 Nov. 2 Stone, Nicholas Dec. 10 Stone, Charles D 2 Dec. 20 Suyiler, Jancs H. S Dec. 27 Stone, John W... 4 Summerfield, Chas. W Lug. 20 Voiers, Edward.. 13 Nov. 15 Wilson, Robert F 2 Dec. 27 Williams, William L., jr 8 Jan. 27 Wright, George 1 8 Apr. 12 Woodward, Ed H 11 May 18 Wilsou, Jolin V.. 2 Dec. 1 Ward, VVillian A 7 Do. Wright, Gustavas A... 11 Feb. 0 Wriglit, Henry 1 1 Jan. 5 11 Wright, James S. 1 Tel. 51 Wright, Major a 2 Dec. ?! Ward, Elias.. 8 Mar. 9 Wright, Joliu R.. Mar. 20 Wells, Joseph ] June 8 Wires, Elgar L.. 7 Oct. 15 Workman, Christopher 2 Dec, 2 C... 7 Feb. 5 Triglit, Keu. L 6 May 21 6 June 28 Special pilots. 7 Sept. 21 7 Sept. 28 Allen, Jesse A... 5 May + Abrams. Tlionas J 2 Jan. 28 Banks, John 1 Feb. 13 Black, Russell... 1 Apir. 19 Caswell, William S... 8 Jan. 11 Cadot, Charles C.. 7 | Mar. 6 Cross, Samuel.. 6 Mar. 10 Deem, Joseph. 6 Apr. 27 Eaton, Ricliard M. i May 29 || Fandree, Burt 3346 33-47 3350 3302 3304 3316 33-41 33-1. 3355 3356 3366 33.15 3303 3306 3309 3310 :3321 3332 3324 3325 3327 3328 3331 3334 3333 3339 1 July 21 4 July 23 | Ang. 26 3 Jau. 7 7 Jan. 6 2 Mar. + -4 Jline 5 15 July 15 20 Oct. 25 17 Oct. 27 5 Dec. 15 $ July 19 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 19 17 Jan. 30 10 Feb. 3 7 Mar. 17 5 Mar. 18 3 Mar. 20 13 d. 5 13 spr. 13 Apr. 15 S Apr. 22 11 ! Apr. 28 4: May 26 11 May 29 1 3359 3368 21 Nov. 5 10 Dec. 22 3516 3535 3514 3529 3510 3518 3522 3512 3517 3502 1 May 22 S Dec. 18 4 Apr. 28 2 Sept. 28 1 Mar. 15 12 June 21 12 July 15 1 Mar. 29 2 May May 27 10 Jan. 7 202 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed–Gallipolis, Ohio-Continued. . Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. l'issue. issue. Special pilots-Cont'd. Special pilots-Cont'a. Torgey, Franklin Tranipton, William E.. Farley, Williaza P.. Giuther, Philip Guthrie, Robert W Gardner, Thomas J. Hull, Frank W Joukins, Harry V Jolinson, Bonjamin F.. Lyons, Michael H. McKisson, William A.. May, Melvin M.... Matthews, Charles L. 3506 3513 3523 3503 3527 353f 3531 3508 3519 3507 3501 3505 3525 8 Feb. 15 3 Apr. 19 3 July 23 3 Jan. 23 1 Sept. 13 10 Nov. 13 8 Oct. 9 2 Mar. 9 2 June 23 10 Feb. 24 3 Jap. 2 1 feb. 10 3 Aug. 3 O'Keeff, Edward Peck, Levi T. Rothgeb, Evan T Suthers, Nicholas C... Stalnaker, Calvin R Shutt, Peter .. Sinith, EA B.. Stone, James H. Smith, George W Vallanco, John A. Winn, George D Zuhars, Warren T 3526 3532 3324 3504 3509 3515 3521 35:30 3533 3520 3511 3528 8 Aug. 9 2 Oct. 27 2 July 29 2 Jan. 27 5 Mar. 12 25 May May 4 5 July 9 10 Oct. 2 6 Nov. 9 3 July 6 2 Mar. 25 4 Sept. 15 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Gallipolis, Ohio. 1 1 West, A. W.. 2202 2 Mar. 1 Lawson, Thomas B 2203 1 Oct. 6 Engineer's licensed during the year endel December 31, 1897-Gallipolis, Ohio. Chief engineers. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. May 12 Ang. 13 Alexander, George B.. Allis, Ira Allen, Jesse A.. Allis, Hervando Barrows, Millard Barrows, John R.. Bryan, William M.. Butler, dustin D Barton, George R Barrows, Frank L Butler, Austin A Brammer, Felix E... Cooper, William R., Carr, Plummer T Calloway, John Chambers, John Capehart, John P., jr.. Cadot Charles C.... Cox, Jessie Crawford, Clayton L... Caswell, William S Cox, Robert T Cross, John DI De Wolf, Ethan A.. Dasboer, Charles A. Deem, Joseph. De Long, John W. Davidsou, James D Eastwood, William R.. Elkins, James D... Elkins, Samuel R Furgnson, William W Fortue, Thomas J Fink, John L... Gardner, Charles E Galliber, Siren. Gordon, John W Grayıu, John F.... Gay, Henry Hutchison. James L... Hamilton, Ralph L Hull, Francis W. Familton, Janies T. Hutcbinson, George W Hoops, Isaac.. Hull, Oliver J Jones, William T... Jolley, George H. Johnson, Joseph C Johnson, William 10709 10720 10799 12839 10719 10724 10744 10757 10765 107918 12800 12836 10716 10717 10722 10729 10751 10772 10795 10797 12812 12827 12843 10704 10738 10769 10786 1281.7 10727 10752 10781 10705 10737 12810 10721 10762 10775 10777 10778 10728 10748 10764 10789 12804 12833 12841 10714 10730 10733 12824 19 Jan. 18 Jenkins, Henry C... 3 Feb. 12 Joseph, Edward 8 dng. 25 Krautz, George H 31 1 Dec. 9 Kounty, Allrain R 22 Ieb. 10 Lockhart, Albert M... Feb. 19 Lasley, Harry A 19 Apr. 2 Leftwich, James T. 5 May 6 Moore, Theoilore. 8 May 24 Martin, lentou R.... 5 Aug. 23 McCallister, James 1 Sept. 11 Martin, James L 15 Dec. 1 Marshall, George C 22 Feb. 6 Monks, W. H. H 24 Do. Martin, Charles C.. 18 Feb. 17 Mace, Elihu V.. 12 Feb. 24 McDaniel, Charles A 8 Apr. 13 Martin, Thomas W 12 June 21 Masou, Edvard T. 41 | Aug. 14 Magee, Alexander W 24 Aug. 18 Martin, Sennitt D. 16 Sept. 24 Moore, James HI 16 Nor. 9 Martin, George 6 Dec. 17 McAllister, Charles 17 Jan. 9 Maides, Spicer.... 31 1 Mar. 20 Mason, Marcellous C... 1 June S Maines, Charles.. 3 July 14 Martin, McClellanil 36 Oct. 28 Nicholson, William 5 Tel. 22 Oliver. John C.. 11 Apr. 22 Owen, Frank L 18 July 1 Osgood, Harvey S. 13 Jan. 9 Oliver, James D... 27 | Mar. 20 O'Brien, Michael J. Ť Sept. 17 Pemberton, William F. 13 Feb. 13 Pemberton, James H... 1.2 | May 18 Patton, William M.. .. 11 ! June 22 Price, Calvin A 23 Judo 28 Phillips, David 19 June 29 Price, Johu O. 22 Feb. 22 Polsley, James M 24 Apr. 7 Rice, Hiranu .. 13 May 20 Russell, James O 28 July 26 Rightmire, Samuel B 23 Sept. S Russell, David. 12 Nov. 29 Roup, Francis M. 17 Dec. 11 Smith, Eugene E. 18 Feb. 4 Sutherland, Jainos. 10 Mar. 5 Smith, Alber E 2 Mar. 12 Soverain, Francis R 33 Nov. 5 ll Smith, Furman 12832 12834 12801 12803 10739 10750 10783 10706 10713 10725 10732 10743 10761 10763 10776 10785 10792 10794 12805 12811 12815 12819 12822 12826 12829 12840 12844 12821 10759 10784 1.2816 12818 12835 10741 10758 10768 10779 10791 12802 12813 10712 10740 10766 10793 12842 10702 10703 10710 10715 10731 31 Nor. 29 12 Do. 37 Ang. 30 3 Sept. 3 6 Mar. 24 8 Apr. 10 24 July 9 18 Jan. 16 9 Jan. 25 13 Tel). 18 2:3 Mar. 10 18 Mar. 30 3 36 May 20 37 June 22 24 July 13 17 Aug. 3 13 2 Sept. 8 26 Sept. 18 7 Sept. 27 37 Oct. 30 2 Nor. 5 18 Nov. 8 4 Nov. 17 23 Dec. 9 3 Dec. 18 22 Nov. 5 35 May 11 18 July 12 10 Oct. 28 7 Oct. 29 17 Nov. 30 24 Mar. 27 13 May May 27 7 June 5 25 June 29 4 Aug. 2 26 Sept. 2 13 Sept. 25 21 Jan. 25 11 Mar. 25 25 May 24 19 Aug. 13 32 Dec. 16 1 Jan. 2 24 Do. 12 Jan. 19 13 Fel). 5 29 Mar. 8 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 203 Engineers licensed--Gallipolis, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. is suo. issue. Chief engineers Continued. Chief engineers-- Continued. Martin, William T... Oliver, Thomas. Petty, Joseph H Rhodès, Joshua. Rodgers, John N... Ramsey, William Smith, Callibill Smith, William C.... Sayre, William T... Slimmerfield, Levis E. Suyder, Charles W.. Sumpter, Simeon. Sennett, Leonidas. Smith, Ed B.... Savage, Pleasant M... Taylor, Henrr. Uitualmer, Charles F. Walker, William F.... Waterman, Frank. 4630 4690 4669 4613 4622 4026 1603 4606 4617 4624 4631 4656 4664 4682 4698 4629 4678 4633 4696 4) Apr. 7 4 Nov, 20 7 Sept. 7 26 Feb. 17 18 Mar. 15 24 Mar. 24 17 Jan. 2 1 Jan. 7 5 Mar. 10 16 Mar. 19 8 Apr. 9 15 July 12 14 Aug. 20 1 Oct. 30 11 Dec. 9 4) Apr. Apr. 5 3 Oct. 9 1 Apr. 13 1 Dec. 8 24 First assistant engi. reers. Smith, William P... Stone, John T... Stephens, James S.. Summers, Franklin L.. Shibler, Sherman Shutt, Peter Smith, William W. Schoonover, Jacob F Sutherland, William Sennett, John.. Summers, James A Soupene, A. Simms, David R Stono, John W... Sutherland. James R... Sennett, John. Smith, George W Stone, Charles D Simons, Jacob. Sloan, John W Thornil-y, Willis A... Taylor, Elijah J Taylor, Janies J Tyler, Hiram. Ward, J.P Williamson, Richard... Wilson, Hiram Webb, William F White, Anreu. Wright, Erward B.. Watson, Charles H Wilson, Jolin V. Ward, William W.. Wires, James W Wriglit, John M.. Wilson, James. Ward, James IV Ward, James R.... Williamson, William H. Talker. Andrew J Williards. Charles W Watson, John Ware, Samuel D. Ward, Clarence 11 Zoise, Peter F... 10736 10742 10746 10747 10753 10756 10770 10771 10774 10782 10788 10796 10800 1280S 12809 12825 12828 12830 12838 12845 10708 10749 10755 12823 10701 10707 10711 10718 10723 10726 10734 10735 107.15 1075.1 10760 10767 10780 10787 10790 12807 12814 12820 1283.1 12837 10773 15 Mar. 19 Mar. 30 40 Apr. 7 43 Do. 7 Apr. 26 29 May 4 21 June 14 13 June 17 14 June 22 24 July 9 31 July 2:3 14 Aug. 18 38 Aug. 27 7 Sept. 13 8 Sept. 15 Nov. 8 8 Nov. 9 7 Nov. 18 13 Dec. 6 8 Dec. 20 4 Jan. 18 1 Apr. 9 14 Apr. 29 29 Nov. 5 15 Jan. 2 20 Jan. 16 Jan, 19 24 Tel. 9 5 Feb. 19 7 Do. 26 Mar. 15 5 Mar. 17 1 A pr. 3 1 Apr. 27 May 15 25 Mlay 31 18 July 1 44 July 17 22 July 26 4 Sept. 13 17 Sept. 27 29 Nov. 5 15 Nov. 25 35 Dec. 3 16 Jan. 21 6 20 Abrams, Thomas J... Adkins, Thonias E. Brooks, Maurice C Bryan, William T. Bowman, Amos N.... Butler, Austin ...... Brow?), Charles I..... Brooker, Jacob. Bartlett, Elmer M.... Capelart, Edgar L.. Fugate, Samuel C. Fry, Henry K. Grant, Frank... Gibson, Richard. Gardner, Thomas J.... Goodall, Jolin F... Harris, James D Hickman, Samuel L... Johnson, James M. Jolinson, James. Lockhart, John R. Manley, Isaac T.. Martini, Walter B... McCardel, Jobu V Proro, Hoil... Rodgers. George W Reynolds, Joli P... Rapılall, James. Roup. Horice M. Ralph, Ellery P. Shahan, William A... Slo:n, James N... Shannon, William R.. Sluibler, David ().. Starcher, William E. Sample, Aaron C Stone, James H. Suiter, Ernest B Smith, Jobu M... Sutherland. John M Summers, John S... Smith, Charles W \Vilson, Emeret. Wright, George. 4636 4697 4611 4641 4643 4653 4658 4685 4686 4623 4662 4663 4607 4615 4621 4038 4618 4673 4642 4652 46SS 4616 4627 4660 4691. 4608 4649 4665 4691 4695 4609 4634 4637 46440 4648 4650 4655 4657 4661 4666 4671 4681 4644 4654 1 Apr. 15 1 Dec. 8 13 Feb. 15 1 Apr. 28 1 May 3 3 June 25 11 July 26 1 Nov. 5 2 Nor. 8 3 Mar. 18 18 Ang. 9 3 Do. 8 Jan. 25 1 Feb. 24 26 Mar. 13 1 pr. 22 5 Mar. 10 1 Sept. 28 1 Apr. 30 19 June 5 2 Nov. 12 12 Mar. 5 3 lar. 24 2 July 31 4 Nov. 23 10 Jan. 30 13 May 25 3 Sept. 7 6 Nov. 26 10 Dec. 2 1 Feb. 3 1 Apr. 13 ? 2 apr. 17 7 Apr. 27 1 May 24 1 May 27 8 July 9 1 July 13 3 Aug. 2 3 Ang. 27 3 Sept. 24 5 Oct. 25 4 May 6 7 June 28 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. o Aeiker, Jolin E.... Allis, Walter R. Bradsliair, William A. Bailey, Harvoy D. Burnside, Harry F Black, Russell. Bryson, L. T. Bowers, Charlos F.. Brittingham, Elijah Chester, George F.. Cross, Samuel Curry, Charles R. Davis. Clarence L Davis, Jolin 1 Fandree, Burt. Flesher, William F... Gilpin, Joseph B.. Hudson, Harvey H. Jackson, George W.C. Kooll, John J. Kalne, William. Kirker, James M... Lyons, Michael E. Lawhon, Charles H.. Moek, Zophaniali, jr. 4604 1659 4612 46-15 4646 4072 1075 4676 4699 46744 4683 4687 4635 4677 4610 463) 4632 4625 4647 4605 4684 4689 4614 4667 4601 3 Jan. 4 4 July 28 12 Fel).. 17 26 Day 14 4 May 20 2 Sept. 28 :9 Sept. 30 15 Oct. 4 11 Dec. 1-4 4 Sept. 28 8 Nov. 1 20 Nov. 9 12 Apr. 14 2 Oct. 6 3. Feb. 13 16 Apr. 26 16 Apr. 12 12 Mar. 22 14 | May May 22 13 Jan. 7 15 Nov. 5 12 Nov. 18 5 Feb. 24 21 | Sept. 3 1 1 Jan. 2 Syecial engineers. Bandy, John T. Bailey, James A... Banks, James A.. Clayton, Abraham L Chapman, Charles F Callohan, Eugenie. 4602 4651 4693 4680 2502 9301 1 Jan. 2 3 June 3 2 Nor, 24 2 Oct. 16 Nov. 15 13 Dec. 18 204 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Gallipolis, Onio–Continued. Name. No. of No. of license.issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Special Engineer's— Continued. Special Engineers Continued. 16 ܟ Huttman. Thomas Kouns, Charles F.. Losee, Stephen G. McKesson, William. Olirer, Frank.. 4670 4692 4700 4628 4679 Sept. 15 Nor. 23 Dec. 17 Mar. 30 Oct. 13 Parker, Edgar C... Rule, Janies .. Stalnaker, Calvin R. Smith, M. E.. 4665 4619 4620 2501 19 Aug. 25 12 Mar. 11 5 Mar. 12 1 May 3 15 6 S LOCAL DISTRICT OF WHEELING, W. VA. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Wheeling, H. Ta. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, issue.* issue. Atkinson, Howard.... Berry, George E.. Beaver, Johu Ball, Thomas J Frame, Thomas J Goodwin, William MI Hyer, Jolin A. Hunter, Thomas 10603 10612 10622 10668 10657 10615 10633 10686 5 Jan. 6 Feb. 22 5 Apr. 3 7 Sept. 6 10 July 28 2 Dlar. 9 5 Mar 19 18 Nov. 18 Krier, John P... Martin, Thomas J Moreland, Richard.. Rice, John VV... Sullivan, Martin Urpman, George II Vocytly, Jacob a 10628 10677 10681 10651 10669 10637 10631 13 | May May 4 3 Oct 14 9 Oct. 28 3 July 2 1. Sept. ? 3 May 25 0 May 11 lasters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 3.1, 1897_Mhecling, 11. Va. Armstrong. William H. Alexander. Joseph B.. Baker, Jolin M ... Brooklart, Jacob .. Berry. Brady VI Bartlett, Elmer N Berry, George VI... Baker, Oliver John Booth, esael B.... Booti, John K. Cilles, Casper G Coss, Frank.. Caswell, Nathan S om, George H Cramer, Lauplier. Cramer, Herbert E. Cline, Elbert.. Cody, Ralph A. Duffy, William J Davis, Charles. Davis, Samuel W.. Davis, Stephen D Davis, Michael B Everett, Adam A.. Eckler, John S. Goucher. Charles Gamble, J. Mack... Gatts, James H.. Green, Cleremont C... Goodwin, Benjamin F.. Hutchison, James L Hutchison, John A Haney, Henry Hanes, John EL Heatlicrington, W.S... Hall, Benjamin F Hotman, Joseph.. Inglebright, Levi W King. Joshua R.. Kraft, Henry R.... King, James K.. 10623 5,5 Apr. 9 Kimple, Frederick, jr 10634 16, 27 May 19 Litten, Samuel IV. 10607 7,7 June 201 Lowderback, George B. 10616 16, 20 Mar. 11 Liering, Clarlos. 10619 2,3 Mar. 26 Lortler. M.R... 10620 6, 12 Mar. 2!) McDonald. James W... 106:35 23, 28 May 21 Moore, Thomas 10659 10, 20 July 29 Morgan, S. Brady 10083 18, 24 Nov. 16 McLaughlin, Aaron 10685 25, 25 Nov. 17 Muhleman, John G 10609 16, 18 Feb. 15 McLaughlin, Milton C. 10617 22, 28 Mar. 15 McDonald, James.. 10625 19, 19 Apr. 15 Monteitli, Andrew J... 10655 13,13 July 21 Martin, Jannes R.. 1.0658 25, 26 July 28 Moore, Thomas V. 10675 3, 6, Oct. O Nicholas, Edward. 10688 16, 18 Nov. 20 O'Neale, George E 10690 2, 3 Nov. 27 Oakes, William 10605 2,3 Jan. 15 Postlethwait, Walter A. 10624 9,7 Apr. 10 Price, Newton 106:36 20, 27 May 25 Patterson, James 10670 22, 25 | Sopt. 8 Peuwell, Tim S 1068912, 12 Nov. 24 Richardson, William W 10684 No. 13 Rowley: James H., jr 10691 17, 25 Nov, 299 Rowland, Charles W. 10621 10, 10 il pr. 3 Rathbone, Samuel B 10638 13.3 May 27 Roe, William E... 10648 21, 29 June 24 Schuanter, William T 10660 14,16 Aug. 3 Sims, Winfieles.. 10664 21,36 Aug. 13 Sprague, Stephen G 10611 17, 17 Fel. 22 Swarey, Thomas R 10630 16, 16 May 10 Shane, Alexander 1 10639 18, 35 May 28 Sniithi, Calvin C. 106.14 8.5 Jue 12 Sims, Elvard... 10050 | 13, 18 July 24 Travis, Henry J 10672 24,42 Sept. 10 Thomas, Thaildeus S. 10678 21, Oct. 15 Thomas, Everett a 10606 24, 26 Jan. 18 Webster, Eilmund V.. 10601 22, 21 Jan. 1 Wiley. Thomas EL 10602 7,10 2 Webster, Oscar 10647 | 16, 16 June 24 West, W. Ed.. 10697 2018 Dec. 24 10604 13, 19 Jan. 9 10666 7, 10 Aug. 23 10671 21.28 Sept. 10 10693 5, 5 Dec. 9 1061010, 11 Tel). 20 1061315, 35 Tel. 27 10614 24, 28 Mar. 8 10643 21,13 June 9 10645 13, 23 June 17 10673 15, 32 Sept. 25 10676 23, 13 Oct. 8 10687 18, 18 Nor. 20 10694 24, 24 Dec. 10 10695 20, 20 Do. 10646 2.3 June 23 10663 19,40 1 lug: 7 10682 25, 38 Nov. 8 106401 9, 9, 10 Jue 3 10667 | 6, 10 aug. 24 10680 12, 13 Oct. 28 10696 S, 9 Dec. 22 10642 19, 23 June 9 10649 8, 15 June 26 10652 | 5.14 July 10 10665 15, 15 15, 15: Ang. 21 10674 ! 10.9 Oct. 2 10008 12, 12 12 1 Iels. 9 10018 12, 18 Mar. 26 10629 12, 16: May 6 10653 13, 12 July 10 1065-4 3,3 July 13 10662 14. 31 Ang. 7 10692 13, 16 Dec. 1 10626 3,2 Apr. 20 10632 16, 29 May 11 10641 16, 21 June 5 10627 9,9 Apr. 24 10650 21, 21, July 1 10661 3, 6 Aug. 5 10679 11, 14 Oct. 23 į 2:1, 37 21, 22 Jan. ។ *Number of issue of current grade and number of issues of all grades. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 205 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Wheeling, W. Va. Name. No. of | No. of Date of license. issue. issile. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots. First-class pilots- Continueil. 3423 3401 3105 3410 3427 3434 3436 3440 11 į July 14 14 Jan. 4 7 Jan. 30 3 Mar. 26 18 Aug. 26 6 Nov. 16 6 Nov. 19 12 Dec. 8 Apr. 15 Aken, Charles T. Auderson, Robert. Atkinson, Mathew Baker, William A.. Brooks, Samuel J Barritt, Johu W Cross, Monroe Daugherty, Patsey Daily, Charles G Godby, George W Grizzell, William C Hazlerigg, Jolin W Hendershot, David Hape, Fred Lockhart, William L McCreary, Ora.. McDonald, D. Murry Morgan, John H.. Morrisou, Samuel W Martin, Jolin A.. McCann, Moses. Murphy, James H Ollon, William H.. Pussey, Elwood F.. Ridor, John W Roo, Henry C Smith, Hiram W.. Shouse, Wilson Allen.. Swaney, Charles T.. Stetson, James L.. Skaggs, George T. Swaney, Edward A Talbott, Ezbia V Travis, Irvin 3409 3419 3421 3429 3430 3-139 3408 3403 3443 3413 3.132 3435 3414 3437 3:442 3.128 3402 3407 3412 3417 3:25 3:26 3441 3133 3418 3415 3431 3406 3411 3420 3422 3424 3139 3404 3416 9 Mar. 2 Travis, Edgar A... 10 July July 6 l'em, Benjamin T. 21 July 12 Weldon, William T... 10 Sept. 28 Wolfe, Ira D.... a Sept. 29 Wolfe, Christian, sr. Nov. 29 Juuson, Theodore 0 13 Feb. 25 Wolfe, George W.. 11 Jan. 18 Wells, William H.... 11 Doc. 22! ñ | Apr. 6 Second-class pilots. 3 Nov. G 3 Nor. 19 Armstrong, Walter A. 19 dpr. 7 Bunson, Harvey S.. 33 Nov. 20 Brooks, Jolin 1 Dec. 22 Branilon, Janos H 3 Sept. 20 Browning, Joseph M. 4 Jan. 6 Davis, William F 3 Feb. 22 Dinimit, Benjamin 10 Mar. 26 Daily, George Apr. 26 Duuning. Joseph 0 12 | July 19 Glover, Sherman. 0 | Aug. 19 Hambleton. Charles F 3 Dec. 17 Hanes, Nathen 24 Nov. 6 Harnian, Benjamine 14 Apr. 28 Liuton, Richard 15 Apr. 7 Morgan, George E 7 Oct. Mackey, Williain 14 Feb. 16 Martin. Waril B 6 Mar. 26 Ralston, Joseph A.... 6 July 8 Shuster, Saiduel 6 July 12 Stephens, Samuel J July 15 Williamson, Saml. W 4 Nov. 24. White, James B 1 | Jan. 27 Wade, Alexander 21 Apr. 22 3623 3605 3606 3608 3618 3602 3604 3613 3615 3619 3609 3612 3622 361.1 3614 3617 3621 3620 3607 3610 3001 3603 2016 2 Dec. 16 5 1 Apr. 20 9 May 3 10 Oct. 14 1 Tol). 25 Mar. 31 10 June 28 11 Aug. 3 4 Oct. 19 7 7 May 25 17 June 25 8 Dec. 2 13 June 18 2 July 29 14 Aug. 28 2 Nov. 6 4 Oct. 20 8 Apr. 23 1 June 14 5 Jau. 6 6 2 6 Aug. 17 C Mar. Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897- Wheeling, W. Va. Arkle, Joseph M Hunter, Vally Printz, Samuol W. 1251 1253 1255 1 2 3 Apr. 21 Aug. 12 Nov. 22 Reviere, F. V Wheat, Edward P 1254 1252 3 3 Ang. 14 Aug. 10 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Wheeling, W. Da. Chief engincers. Chief engineers, Continued. Aug. 28 Alley, Noah 1 Brooks, Samuel J.. Bell, Tlieodore... Beisser, Michiel.. Browning, Joseplı M... Buuch, Robort.. Berry, George E Cook, John F Callioon. John C Caswell, Nathan S. Calhoon, Adam R Chamberlain, James N Cutler, John J. Cobb, George T Cobb, George W Davis. William Diubarger, Charles W. Davis, Lowis P .... Dunhar, Washington P. Dempster, VVilliam Fitch, Robert A... Gorden, Frank S. Hubbard, Wilson 10826 10842 10844 JOS4S 10864 10869 10873 10808 10810 10823 10825 10827 10841 10859 10860 10806 10839 10851 10862 10865 10865 10858 10801 16 Apz. 27 15 July 17 22 Aug. 5 19 17 Oct. 14 31 Nov. 11 9 Nov. 16 IS Feb. 17 31 Feb. 19 23 Apr. 15 14 Apr. 27 43 Apr. 28 6 July 13 38 Oct. 6 22 Do. 34 Jan. 22 13 June 26 23 Sept. 8 39 Oct. 8 11 Oct. 26 24 Nov. 8 1 Oct. 5 13 Jan. 4 Hanes, John H... Hall, James M Hazleriges, Joliu VV Higgs, Cyrus Hiyg's, William Higus, Edgar E. Hull, William H. Horner, Augustine Halin, Andrew J. Harry, Charlos E... Junkius, \Villianı. Kinnaird, Sardis R ... Krier, John P. Kiny, James K... Kindaird, James 1 Kette, Frederick o Linton, Richard Lester, Marcus Lockhart, Josopii Liniger, John K.. Le Baron, George Marks, Edward McClure, John T.. 10814 10816 10820 10824 10828 10831 10832 10833 10856 10872 10819 10822 10829 10838 10870 10877 10837 10847 10853 10875 10878 10811 10812 28 Mar. 15 38 Mar. 27 17 Apr. 7 28 Apr. 23 5 Apr. 30 4 May 8 17 May 11 8 May 13 24 Sept. 25 2 Nov. 16 9 Apr. 6 24 Apr. 14 20 Apr. 30 7 June 24 29 Nov. 13 21 Doc. 2 10 June 18 22 Aug. 20 14 Sept. 14 19 Noy. 29 28 Dec. 3 25 Mar, 6 18 Mar. 9 206 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Th.eeling, W. Va.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. 'issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers---Con- tinued. Engineers in charge of steainer's Of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons Continued. 4749 4701 4751 4752 4705 4720 4736 4746 4747 4717 4730 4713 4722 4726 4702 4712 4716 4737 4743 McCoy, Abner Mullemau, Louis Moore, Charles S... Miller, Wesley F.. McCann, Moses... McKinstry, Charles Mechem, William E Meglick, Jacob .. D:Luhleman, John J Neiti Aber.. Print, Siumuel 1 Pusey, Elwood F Priest, Mathew. Risen, James Reed, Alonzo Ragor, Samuel Kea, Frank. Rodgers, Samuel.. Russell, Jobu... Shallcross, Genry C Swaney, Thomas R Seybold, Peter. Seybold, John Thomas, Charles G Travis, Henry J. Webster, Oscar. TVebster, Walter B... White, Andrew Tood, Robert E Whitney, William L... Woon, Silas L... Webster, Edmund W.. Wincher, Charles F.. Waddle, Charles I..... Watson, William A. Wilson, James A Wells, William H.. Ward, Stephen Ed. 9 Nov. 27 12 Jan. 2 7 Doc. 2 14 Dec. 3 9 Jan. 13 5 | Apr. 20 12 Aug. 17 11 Nov. 20 7 Nov. 24 16 Apr. 15 6 July 5 23 Apr. 7 17 Apr. 29 9 June 14 11 Jan. 4 10 Mar. 23 3 Apr. 15 13 Aug. 26 9 Oct. 29 10836 10843 10847 10857 10874 10876 10881 10882 10883 10830 10803 10817 10849 10805 10813 10815 10854 10863 10871 10835 10840 10866 10867 10821 10861 10802 10804 10807 10809 10818 10834 10845 10850 10852 10855 10879 10880 10884 Jackson, Albert King, Joshua R. Keran, George M Liniger, Charles L.... Milby, William.. Viartin, John A. Murray, Alonzo Mullenian, Fred L.... Merrill, Otis Neville, Jason . Page, Charles A Rider, John W. Smith, Henry S.. Swaney, Edward A. Wolfe, Cliristiani, jr Walters, George T Williamson, James L. Volfe, Christian, sr.. Wolfe, George F. 22 May 26 23 July 26 14 Aug. 17 12 Oct. 4 20 Nov. 20 31 Nov. 30 18 Dec. 10 20 Dec. 20 22 Dec. 21 15 May 6 4 Jau. 6 3 Mar. 31 21 Sept. 4 5 Jan. 13 27 Mar. 13 19 Mar. 18 14 Sept. 25 19 Oct. 14 16 Nor. 15 15 May 25 13 July 10 26 Oct 27 38 Nov. 5 19 A pr. 13 19 Oct. 8 79 Jan. 5 S Jan. 7. 24 Feb. 4 2 Feb. 17 21 Apr. 1 29 May 20 15 Aug. 17 26 Sept. 4 14 Sept. 9 21 Sept. 25 25 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 10 Dec. 21 First assistant engi- ncers. 4709 4711 4721 4725 4744 1 Heb. 25 11 Mar. 9 9 Apr. 27 2 May 24 5 Nov. 1 Clawson, Harry Cline, James F. Calhoon, William L.... Coe, Clyde M Chamberlin, Norwood M. Dutro, David. Ditro, Martin Gordon, Frank S. Greenlee, Winfield S... Hanes, James.... Musgrave, Frauk Miller, Frank. McCoy, John Musgrave, Ellward... Moreland, Richaril... Nesperly, Samuel. Phillips, John L. Price, George K Pettit, Joseplı L. Petiy. Charles F. Roush, Johu Q. Scott, Austin B.. Wallan, Josse. 13 4718 4729 4707 4735 4753 4704 4719 4731 4741 4742 4706 4708 4727 4734 4739 4733 4723 1714 16 Apr. 16 1 July 2 2 Jap. 28 14 Aug. 9 4 Dec. 7 4 Jan. 9 13 Apr. 19 7 July 30 3 Oct. 26 3 Oct. 28 23 Jan. 27 4 Feb. 10 5 June 24 7 Aug. 7 6 Oct. 10 9 Aug. 5 5 May 7 1 Apr. 8 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Special engineers. Anderson, Charles Abrigo, Samuel F Brandon, James F.. Cox, James ... Dunning, Joseph () Ewers, David.... Habibleton, Charles F.. Hanes, Nathan Hunt. William.. Hutchison, John A Inglebriglit, George O 4724 4745 4740 4703 4732 4738 4710 4728 47-8 4750 4715 10 May 15 9 Nov. 4 8 Oct. 20 6 Jan. 8 8 Aug. 3 13 Oct. 6 6 Mar. 2 12 June 25 10 Nov. 26 8 Nov. 30 3 Apr. 10 Anderson, George L... Mahon, Edward L Mcknight, Jolin. Wliitaker, George L... 2602 2601 2603 2601 2 May 13 2 Feb. 25 2 July 10 7 Aug. 24 EIGHTH SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF DETROIT, MICH. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Detroit, Mich. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 3. Aug. + Ashley, Edward G..... Allen, Albert G... Andrews, John Alford, Heman. Atkinson, Gustav E... Alford, B. H... Ashman, Samuel FI Aldrich, Alanson G... Berlin, Henry Bain, Archibald G.. Brown, John C.. Bailey, Robert N. Bassett, Peter C Blair, Nelson Brown, David J. Burke, Enos J Burns, Goorge C Byers, John C. Barry, Daniel.. Best, George.. Brooks, Clifford C. Baker, John Beauvais, James Burns, John C.. Baker, Harris W.. Baker. Burtou S Bryant, Daviel H. Bates, William A. Brady, Tliomas J.. Bryce, George W Barrett, Maurice Belfour, Coliu C.. Chilson, Edgar D. Cunningbam, Jobr Carey, Lewis J... Callam, Alexander C. Carlotte, Frank J ... Cliristy, Martin. Cole, Benjamiu Clifford, Alexander Cottrell, Walter M... Chamberlin, Calvin H. Canniff, Patrick J. Cook, Jasper W... Covelle, John Chamberlain, Brown C. Currie, Shepard H Comer, William E. Cattauai:h, Alexander. Carney, Thomas Carey, Johu C.... Corbiu, Engene E Clark, E. N Currau, Thomas Clancy, Richard Clinton, A. P.... Capnitt, James Cequin, Lonis .. Crawford, Charles B... Campbell, Walter E.. Cartwright, Wilson N. Cruickshank. George Denstaedt, John J., jr.. Darrington, Jolin Davis, Edgar A... Dewey, J.N 5439 5-158 5556 5569 5585 5596 5615 5628 54101 5427 5433 5438 5462 5466 5186 5493 5496 5517 5520 5536 5537 5543 5554 5555 5561 5581 5594 5635 5661 5665 5669 5693 5405 5410 5:16 5419 5+21 5428 54-35 5-464 5472 5484 5500 5504 5513 5518 5519 5568 5590 5602 5604 5608 5625 5629 5633 56-47 5649 5668 5676 5082 5689 5694 5409 5423 5425 5431 6 Mar. 24 Dennis, George M.... 20 Apr. 2 Doner, Joliu.. 10 May 12 Donovan, Joseph S. 10 May 26 Duncauson, Donald J.. 8 June 12 Desana, John 19 June 19 Deeg, William G. 21 July 15 Dwyer, William J 20 Aug. 2 Dewey, Joseph B S Jan. 2 Danger, Frank H S Mar. 16 Driffill, William 15 Mar. 20 Dubay, Clement 12 Mar. 23 Doyle, Timothy w 26 Apr. 3 Dale, Fredrick R. 7 Apr. 5 Dale. Hugh C... 12 Apr. 12 Donohuc, Edward J 9 Apr. 13 Dovillo, David F. 5 Do. Eade, Alfred.. 17 Apr. 19 Elliott, Lowis. 16 Apr. 21 Estell, Hiram 11 May 1 Traser, James Do. Ferguson, Robert E... 10 May 4 Fox, Arthur J., 12 May 11 Forrest, albert H 21 May 12 Finlayson, Ralph 9 May 18 Forrest, Frederick 10) June 10 Forcer, Lawrence 24 Jue 18 Foster, James.. 14 Aug. 11 Foster, Thomas. 12 Sept. 11 Firby, William 27 Sept. 18 Foster, John.. 26 Sept. 21 Fitzsinimons, Thomas. 20 Nov. 23 Ferry, Henry-M.... 11 Jan. 28 Finlayson, Kenneth 9 Tel. 13 Fitzgerald, Michael. 14 Mar. 2 Gleason, John F.. 10 Mar. 10 Girardin, David 7 Mar. 11 Gurney, Anthony. 7 Mar. 17 Gatfield, E. C. 14 Mar. 22 Gotham, James E.. 6 Apr. 3 Gonraw. Nelson. 17 | Apr. 7 Gonyaw, Emery 27 Apr. 12 Gotham, Myron w. 15 Apr. 14 Humpliley, Moses W 11 Apr. 15 Huntoon, Albert J 7 Apr. 17 Heurich, Frank.. 19 Apr. 20 Hoffman, William F... 31 Do. : Horn, George D... 32 May 26 | Hyde, M. 21 June 15 Howard, Trauk H. 16 June 24 Haight, Charles M. 24 June 25 Hutton, John T... 21 July 1 Hayes, James. 14 July 31 Hagan. Hugh J. 8 Aug. 3 Huntoon, Fred s. 12 Aug. Holbrook, T. H.. 25 Aug. 26 Hickmott, Herbert H 16 Aug. 27 Hart, Fred C... 21 Sept. 20 Hill, Spencer 27 Oct. 11 Hochrath, Jolin B. 20 Oct. 20 Hackett, Ralph H 18 Nov. 5 Hale, George W. 20 Dec. 11 Hoffman, William. 9 Feb. 12 Herbert, Fred.. 12 Mar. 15 Hindle, Samuel R... 9 Mar. 16 Hayward, Eugene 10 Mar. 20 Ivers, John H. 5463 5501 5505 5506 5547 5579 5589 5592 5607 5613 5622 5626 5053 5667 5678 5683 54.42 5497 5612 5415 5535 5338 5550 5574 5578 5532 5588 5591 5600 5611 5614 5631 5645 5684 5418 5455 5499 5503 5601 5641 5651 5659 ! 540-1 5406 5411 54121 5414 5452 5454 5468 5491 5510 5524 5525 5530 5542 5551 ; 5583 5599 5637 5654 5656 3658 5685 5690! 5422 1 8 Apr. 3 28 Apr. 14 11 Apr. 15 15 s pr. 16 18 May 8 9 Jure 8 15 June 14 14 June 16 27 Jupe 28 18 July 23 30 July 29 19 July 31 10 Aug. 31 11 | Sept. 18 16 Oct. 12 7 Oct. 22 8 Mar. 24 12 Apr. 14 15 July 14 12 Mar. 26 27 A pr. 28 23 May 3 8 May 10 12 June 2 15 June 7 11 June 11 20 June 14 34 June 16 21 June 22 10 July 13 17 July 15 7 26 Ang. 25 30 Oct. 23 12 Mar. 6 30 Apr. 1 22 A pr. 14 27 Apr. 15 11 Juno 24 5 Aug. 19 19 Aug. 28 17 Sept. 9 17 Jan. 20 23 Feb. 2 9 Feb. 17 5 Feb. 23 18 Feb. 24 23 Mar. 31 14 Apr. 1 8 Apr. 5. 17 Apr. 13 9 Apr. 16 8 Apr. 22 11 Alir. 24 29 Apr. 27 9 May May 4 13 May 10 10 June 11 7 June 21 14 | Ang. 12 13 Ang. 31 17 Sept. 1 13 Sept. 9. 15 Oct. 25 11 Nov. S 26 Mar. 13 1 207 208 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed- Detroit, Mich.—Continued. Nane, No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Apr. 7 12 Apr. 27 Innes, James R. Irvine, William A. Iler, Walter. Jagenow, William ... Johnson, Nat w. Jones, James M., jr. Jeffrey, James.. Jeffrey, Henry July, Edward.. Johnston, Wilson Jarmin, James F... Jarrait, Charles. Kelly, Daniel... Kirby, Dennis Kirchner, Adolph W. Kennedy, James. Kean, Michael King, William Ketchum, Stephen L... King, George iyors, James B.. Laughway, Octivo Leonard, Üliram B. Lohr, Edward . Lemay. Timese Lacroix, Gilbert Leonard, Johu.. Laframboise, James Lighibody, Mathew Lyun, Daniel R... Lockhart, Adelbert O.. Lemonde. Elie. Leonard, Henry H. . Lepire, Frank McMaugh, James. Miner, Charles... McGowan, Edgar Maynes, Ilaniel A. McKinzie, D... Macdonald, Norman McGregor, Wilson. Millen, William... Mcalpipe. Jolm Malon, Albert J McNitt, Robert Meiklebanı, Thomas Murdock, John A.. McCarthy, Daniel. Maddock, John C.. McAlpin, Hugh.. McLachlan, Archibald. McGowan, Thomas McNelly, Edward.. Moore, Samuel.. Motley, Thomas McLachlan, Duncan McRoberts, Samuel. McKerchey, John McLachlan, Dugald... Mckay. William.. Miner, Frank J Miner, John Miner, Norman L Meistel, William. McGuire, James McLarty. James. McDonald, Neil.. McIntosh, John L.. McGregor, Joli M McKay, Alexander J.. McCune, Michael.. McAllister, James McQueen, H. G.... Moore, C.T Millen, John .... McCallum, George W.. McLachlan, Duncan A. Millen, James W... McDongall. William May, Anthony T Nelson, Bernard Norvell, Walker 5481 5502 5531 5429 5432 5461 5470 5476 5509 5558 5559 5623 54:57 5477 5492 5527 5540 5593 5616 5677 5413 5426 5444 5446 5459 5473 5490 5514 5545 5565 5580 5584 5660 5671 5407 5434 5440 5441 5471 5479 5488 5494 5489 5508 5512 5515 5528 5529 5546 5549 555: 5560 5562 5564 5571 5572 5575 5587 5595 5610 5617 5620 5621 5624 5627 5636 5638 5639 5643 5644 5648 5650 5655 5657 5673 5674 5679 5680 5688 5695 5521 5532 26 Apr. 10 16 Apr. 15 8 Apr. 27 12 Mar. 18 5 Mar. 20 9 Apr. 2 9 14 Apr. 9 22 Apr. 16 13 May 13 14 May 17 19 July 30 16 Mar. 23 13 Apr. 9 5 Apr. 13 16 Apr. 24 15 May 3 16 June 17 11 July 21 25 Oct. 12 7 Feb. 23 10 Mar. 16 9 Mar. 25 10 Mar. 26 13 Apr. 2 22 Apr. 7 28 Apr. 13 16 Apr. 19 18 May May 5 13 May 24 7 June 9 14 June 12 15 Sept. 9 9 Sept. 2: 5 Tel. 3 21 Mar. 20 6 Mar. 24 7 Do. 28 Apr. 7 4 Apr. 9 10 Apr. 12 16 Apr. 13 12 Do. 9 Apr. 16 12 apr. 17 16 A pr. 19 8 Apr. 26 9 Do. 15 May 6 15 May 10 20 May 11 19 May 17 25 May 18 7 May 22 18 May 29 18 22 Juo 2 16 June 12 28 June 18 38 July 10 14 July 22 21 July 26 9 July 27 20 July 30 16 Aug 2 16 Aug. 11 14 Aug. 13 20 Aug. 18 31 Aug. 21 18 Aug. 34 17 Aug. 27 Do. 24 Aug. 31 38 Sept. 8 16 Sept. 29 14 Oct. 7 40 | Oct. 16 21 Do. 10 Nov. 4 2 Dec. 13 14 Apr. 21 8 Apr. 27 Newberry, Truman F. Ogden, Benjamin I O'Hagan. David O'Tool, Martin.. O'Neill, James Phillips, Hugh. Pender, Jolin Parsons, Jarnes Peltier. Charles A Phelps, George H. Parsons, Myrou P Pelkey, Louis L Pitcher, Fredrick A. Pearson, Jobin J Quinlan, William Quinlab. Thomas D Rlynas. Robert Ruello, Alexander Rogers, George C Rathbuin, Eugene Rolls, William E Robertson, W. H. Riley, James N Robertson, John El Ruelle, Alexander, jr .. Stiles, Lyman. Smith, George Sidney, David. Sayre; C. E. Stevens, Edward P Sulliran, Edward Snell, James Sunderland, John Sliafer. Avander E.... Sbeehan. James E.. Stoddard, Lewis M.... Surles, John W Swain, Martin Shanks, George Sloan, John W. Scott, Walter. Sinclair, Robert. Stenton, Francis W.. Slaw. John C... Slyſieli, Henry J Skillington, James Tucker, John N Tronibly, Mador Trent, Frederick. Thompson, Robert E... Thorburn, Jolin. Tobin, John.. Tobin, James Tormey. James Tobin, Richard Tipuey, Marion Vanstan, Thomas. Wilson, George White, George S Waltınan, Joseph . Walters. Francis. Willoughby, William J Wilson, William H ... West, Berti... Woorgriſt, Charles H.. Wilson, Davil.. Woods, Charles.. Watts, James B. White, Robert A Wilson, Charles Is... Wilkinson, T. A Woodgrift, Charles W Westcott, John W... Williams, Benjamin F. Wilkinson, Jobp.. Whipple, S. A. West, David.. Waterman, Cameron D. York, Charles M. Yipe, Matthew Young, J.P... 5687 5417 5457 5480 5619 5436 5523 5526 5334 5598 5632 5634 5640 5652 5160 5498 5420 5443 5453 5482 5:07 5548 5576 5613 5630 5415 5445 54:17 5456 5474 5475 5485 5487 5522 5533 5541 5552 5557 5567 5606 5609 5642 5663 5664 5675 5686 5478 5483 5511 5566 5573 5586 5597 5666 5670 5681 5563 5403 508 5424 5430 5450 5451 5465 5467 5469 5495 5516 5539 5544 5570 5577 5603 5605 5646 5662 5672 5691 5402 5449 5692 8 Oct. 29 10 Mar. 4 5 Apr. 1 23 Apr. 10 20 July 24 14 Mar. 22 17 Apr. 22 15 Apr. 24 27 Apr. 27 21 June 19 26 Aug. 5 15 Aug. 9 9 Ang. 19 6 Aug. 28 8 Apr. 2 21 Apr. 14 25 Mar. 10 22 Mar. 25 16. Apr. 1 25 A pr. 10 32 Apr. 16 10 May S 20 June 2 28 July 15 Aug. 3 17 Feb. 25 7 Mar. 25 14 Mar. 26 6 Apr. 1 15 ) Apr. S 8 Apr. 9 6 Apr. 12 11 Do. 9 A pr. 22 1.3 13 May 3 15 | May 11 29 May 13 21 May 25 17 June 25 15 July 23 Aug. 20 27 Sept. 15 9 Sept. 16 23. Oct. 11 20 Oct. 26 24 Apr. 9 14 Apr. 10 8 9 May 25 13 May 29 16 June 12 9 June 19 17 Sept. 1$ 22 Sept. 21 22 Oct. 1S 10 | May 20 21 Jani. 12 12 Feb. S 28 Mar. 15 13 Mar. 20 10 Mal'. 29 12 Mar. 30 10 Apr. 3 7 Apr. 5 10 Apr. 6 10 Apr. 13 13 23 May 3 15 May 4 12 May 28 12 June 4 21 Jwe 24 15 June 25 26 Aug. 26 13 Sept. 14 13 Sept. 27 19 Nov. 11 29 Jan. 11 8 Mar. 27 33 Nov. 16 Apr. 17 Do. Apr. 19 1.0 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 209 Pilois licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Detroit, Mich. Nanc. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. First-class pilots. July 22 Aug. 10 Aug. 23 A pr. 12 spr. 20 Anderson, Andrew... Allen, Daniel.. Ames, James N... Browni, Nelson. Best, Charles Burgeois, Edward M.. Baker, Edward J.. Burgess, Riley. Bertrand, Frank . Bowien, Wilbur J Bernier, Alfred Barron, Denvis J.. Bootz, Charles ... Butterfield, Merritt... Burus, Thomas Burr, Reuben Burr, Janies Bullock, Austin E Bretts, Jolin Boyse, John F Burrell, Walter W .. Bedford, Jay P... Brown, Albert Brown, Rubert. Clark, Alexander Curtis, Albert Christe, Charles Chilson, Frank B Currie, Alfred L Clark, William 'A Clifford, John. Corbin, Louis J Craig, William. Clark, Angus Carney, Peter Carolau, William F Cooper, Thomas. Cook, Elmer E Oorr, William H Carney, John Conroy, Charles. Campbell, Elmer E Doner, James D'Clute, John.. Doyle, John. Demay, Julius D'Clute, Hugh Duun, William R... Duncanson, John A... Dixon, Charles.. Desana, John, jr Decker, David S Duncanson, Joseph England, Richard v Ellis, Tlionas. Foote, James B.. Flaherty, Joseph Fortain, Henry J Finlayson, Rory. Forton, Frank S Fowler, Ceriliis J. Fox, J.C.. Ferguson, Peter Fletcher, Archibald Girardin, David C Grant, Theodore. Gustafson, Andrew, Grahani, John Graveline, Felix Gatfield, Edward D. Gasco, James L.. Gendron. Tred.. Grillin, John.. Hayward, A.S... Hackett, Ciordon.. Hall, William R. Hagan, Thomas Hackett, David M 5714 3679 3698 3706 3602 3610 3624 3603 3606 3669 3670 3676 3687 3692 3694 3722 3740 3767 3770 3775 3780 3795 3799 6501 6502 3612 3616 3628 3630 3635 3645 3658 3678 3710 3715 3725 3745 3747 3784 3787 3794 3798 3800 3605 3611 3622 3650 3684 3708 3734 3749 3752 3771 3774 3636 3730 3634 3647 3649 3689 3690 3713 3720 3732 3737 3604 3618 3623 3656 3674 3691 3700 3763 3773 3642 3661 3662 3696 3699 l'irst-class pilots-Con- tinued. 12 Apr. 3 Howard, W. E 8 Apr. 13 Heddrich, Frederick... 11 Apr. 15 Higgins, Thomas 55 Jan. 4 Hackett, Frank J.... S Feb. 15 Huntoon, William 5 Mar. 6 Hitchcock, Amos 6 Mar. 25 Hatt, Edward.... 6 Mar. 26 Hilger, Nelson. 4 Mar. 29 Hatt, Williain... 5 Mar. 30 Harris, Henry C. 8 dpr. 1 Heath, Robert A.. 6 Apr. 7 Holling, J.T... 5 Apr. 10 Irers, Patrick.. 7 s pr. 12 Jessop, Henry G. 8 Apr. 22 Jacquis, Damase. 14 May 25 Jock, William J.. 8 July 10 Julian, Louis.. 7 Jarrait, Charles W... 7 Jones, Charles A. 9 Judson, Harry W 10 Oct. 21 Jock, William 2 Oct. 26 Kunna, George M. 10 Nov. 15 Kinyon, William 16 Nov. 29 Keys, John IV.. 4 Feb. 17 Klintworth, John J 10 Feb. 24 Kutcher, Albert J 2 Mar. 9 L001), James C... 3 Mar. 11 Leath, Ernesto 3 Mar. 12 Lightbody, John. 8 Mar. 17 Lawlor, Thomas W.... 12 Mar. 23 Larrabelle, Frank... 13 spr. 3 Lane, George Henry. 4 Apr. 16 Lyons, Bernard.. 3 Lacroix, Louis... 9 Apr. 28 Laframboise, Calix 7 May 29 Law, Charles 8 May 31 Laird, James 12 Sept. 8 Laframboise, Frank 7 Sept. 22 McDonall, John A.. 9 Oct. 18 Maxwell, George L 16 Oct. 25 McCarthy, John 8 Nov. 3 Morebead, William 7 Jau. 29 McFarland, Daniel.... 5 Feb. 16 McGregor, Bertram 1 Mar. 2 McLcail, Ronald 7 Mar. 18 McRae, Alexander. 5 Apr. 5 Morrison, Thomas 10 Maddock, James B... 7 May 14 McCallum, Alexander 14 June 1 McLachlan, E. A. V.... 6 June 15 Myers, Hugh C 6 July 23 McKinley, A. L 8 Aug. 9 Mussian, John. 5 Mar. 12 Mooney, Patrick L 5 May 10 McAlpine, William. 2 Mar. 11 McDonald, John.. 10 Mar. 17 McGuire, Eugene J.... 5 Mar. 18 McLachlan, ü. T 11 Apr. 9 Mathews, Isaac S.. 9 Do. Menzies, William 10 s pr. 19 McCallum, John.. 8 Apr. 22 Moore, Brank... 7 May 13 McPhail, Peter J 14 May 22 McDonald, Roland J. 3 Jan. 12 Matheson, Roderick A. 5 Feb. 25 McGuire, James 1 Mar. 3 Myers, Job 10 Mar. 23 McClosky, Robert J 5 Mar. 30 McLeorl, Malcolm. 3 Apr. 10 McLachlan, Malcolm 8 pr. 14 Morrow, Louis. 9 June 30 McIntyre, Demis 6 Aug. 9 Nesbitt, William.. 3 Mar. 15 Newberry, John S.... 6 Mar. 24 Nasin, Peter. 6 Mar. 25 Peters, Joseph.. 13 Apr. 13 Peabody, Edmond 3 Do. Parsons, Herbert H. 3709 3711 3717 3718 3727 3728 3735 3739 3757 3764 3777 3779 3638 3601 3619 3646 3659 3667 3608 3095 3789 3620 3703 3716 3738 6506 3627 3652 3675 3680 3681 3705 3707 3742 3758 3769 3778 6507 3603 3606 3609 3626 3629 3632 3633 3643 3648 3653 3655 3664 3704 3719 3723 3726 3729 3743 3746 3748 3750 3753 3755 3760 3765 3772 3776 3781 3786 3788 3791 3793 3796 3797 3685 3754 6505 3607 3613 3625 8 Apr. 16 7 & pr. 17 5 dpr. 21 Do. 7 May 1 5 May 7 5 May 18 15 May 25 11 June 17 6 July 1 9 Aug. 13 12 Aug. 23 14 Mar. 13 9 Jan. 2 10 Tel. 25 5 Mar. 17 5 Mar. 24 5 Mar. 27 2 Do. 6 11 Sept. 23 10 Feb. 25 S Apr. 14 5 Apr. 20 16 May 24 6 Dec. 9 7 Mər. 8 3 Mar. 20 6 Mar. 31 2 Apr. 3 9 Do. 5 A pr. 15 3 Do. 5 May 27 4 June 19 13 July 20 5 Aug. 17 8 Dec. 15 4 Jan. 6 2 Jan. 29 3 Feb. 12 2 Mar. 6 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 4 Do. 4 Mar. 16 8 Mar. 18 3 Mar. 22 5 Mar. 23 9 Mar. 25 9 Apr. 15 15 Apr. 22 9 Apr. 23 5 Apr. 30 8 May 10 3 May 27 7 May 31 9 June 1 12 Juno 11 S June 15 11 June 16 12 June 28 2 July 3 9 Aug 3 8 Aug. 12 13 Aug. 25 7 Sept. 18 10 Sept. 22 14 Oct. 5 24 Oct. 12 13 Oct. 23 11 Oct. 25 6 Apr. 5 9 June 15 10 Dec. 8 7 Tel. 8 8 Feb. 19 2 Mar. 6 Apr. 15 210 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed Detroit, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of i license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Dato of licenge. issue. issue. Firsl-class pilots-Cou- sinued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 3631 3637 3657 3671 3688 3697 3736 apr. 13 3766 Pratt, Frank C.. Pope, Henry II Pettio, Arthur Phillips, George L... Place, Johu... Peck, Charles W.. Payment, Charles M... Peikey, Autoin... Robertson, William H Reaume, Alexander.. Roether, Adolph G Regan, John A. Rosio, William.. Rathbun, Courtney J Robinson, Leander. Roy, Hilaire Roach, James. Roberts, Lory C.. Russell, Matthew.. Regan, Eugh Robinson, Salem Redmond, Moses. Robinson, Albert E..., Scott, Frank W.. Sweeney, John Savage, Frank E. Stalker, Andrew W... Shirley, George E. Sloan, John.. Suook, George A.. Sharp, Henry.. Smith, John Terence.. Seaman, Jolin E... Swan, James M. Schutte, Albert J Stewart, N. L.... Smith, Charles L.. Smith, William R. Trombly, James Thorbur, James A..., Tobin, Joseph E... "Tobin, Thomas Tucker, William S... Tato, David.. Todd, Bethel Vaudusen, Edward H.. Whitney, Frank Wilson, William Welsh, Jolin... Wilkinson, Charles Wybrands, William Yax, Poter. 3615 3639 3640 3641 3651 3072 3683 3712 3714 3721 3724 3731 3756 3768 3785 3608 3614. 3621 3660 3665 3677 3686 3693 3701 3741 3762 3761 3790 3792 6503 3654 1 3692 3702 3733 3759 3783 6504 6508 3617 3644 3673 3744 3751 3782 3 Var. 11 Forton, Eli... 5 Mar. 13 Fisher, William. 4 | Mar. 23 Furtaw, Tusaw 5 Jar. 30 Henry, Edmund K. 11 Apr. 8 Harmon, William L.... 12 Hutl; William II. 8 May 22 Hanstein, Albert 10 July 8 Hawley, Ellvarl T. 5 Fob. 23 | Hutchins, Horace G .... 4 1 Mar. 15 Hansen, Andrew T 4 Do. Horn, Albion E 4 Do. Iudos, Harry L. 4 Mar. 18 Johuson, Jolin R. 6 Mar. 30 Kelly, Honry T 8 spr. 5 Keifer, Frank. 6 Apr. 17 Laramie, Thomas 11 Apr. 20 | Liddell, Jannes 7 Apr. 22 Lawson, Colon P 12 Apr. 26 Lynn, Edward J ? May 11 Lemon, Louis 11 June 16 Liouais, Edward 16 July 10 MacDonald, John 16 Sept. 10 McDonald, Fred . Fob. 10 Moison, Anthoine ...... 5 Feb. 20 Medler, Jesso F.. 5 Mar. 1 1 Matt, Louis. 7 Mar. 24 Null, James H Mar. 26 Pocock. John W 8 Apr. 2 Perry, Timothy, jr 5 Apr. 6 Palmer, Maynard . 7 dpr. 12 Perry, William U 6 Apr. 14 Rosalsky, Frederick W 8 May 26 Roberts, Charles....: 8 June 29 Rolls, William A 21 Do. Stewart, Chesley C 9 Sept. 23 Swain, Harry M 3 Oct. 5 Truleau, Levi 6 Dec. 1 Trites, Elias S 9 Mar. 22 Wbarry, Job 8 Apr. 3 Wood, William J 10 Apr. 14 Werback, August W 10 May 13 16 June 24 Special pilots. 24 Sept. 3 6 Dec. 4 Brossja, John C... 9 Dec. 16 Bowling, Stephen J. 6 Feb. 24 Decker, Charles A... 5 Mar. 16 Dowd, Charles.. 3 Mar. 30 Duxbury, David R. 13 May 29 Drouillard, Thomas D 4 June 12 Dougo, Horace E. ... 10 Aug. 26 Hoeft, Paul Hall, Farry W Ingraham, Frank H ... Lovett, William W 1 Mar. 11 Leonard, Arthur C 6 Apr. 24 Letourneau, David 12 Aug. 2 McCullough, John A 2 Mar. 1 McMillan, James E.... 11 May 17 Qades, Walter H.. 2 July 6 Ccobock, William 2 Feb. 27 Parent, Harry F 31 Mar. 27 Patterson, George E 20 Jupe 11 Robinson, Jamos.. 6: Apr. 1 Robertson, Leander E 7: Apr. 15 Studer, Peter H. 7 ! Apr. 23 Smith, W. D.. 10: June 16 Schaefer, John .. 7 July 20 Sterling, Frank S 9: July 26 Tripp, William F 6. Sept. 14 Willett, Victor, jr 18 Sept. 28 White, Holden B 3732 3741 3776 3702 3709 3712 3723 3749 3768 3780 3786 3814 3772 3727 3782 3703 3708 3711 3717 3736 3778 3710 3721 3746 3759 3763 3738 3701 3706 3720 3724 3762 3771 3785 3725 3740 3747 3761 3722 3755 3783 3 Apr. 24 7 June 1 10 Sept. 27 2 Jan. 23 1 Mar. 18 5 | Mar. 23 11 Apr. 3 6 June 25 12 Aug. il 9 Oct. 6 9 Doc. 18 2 Mar. 26 7 Sept. 7 3 Apr. 14 5 Oct. 14 1 Jan. 25 1 Mar. 12 2 Mar. 22 9 Mar. 30 15 | May 1 9 Sept. 28 2 Mar. 20 1 Apr. 1 19 Juno 17 19 July 22 9 July 28 10 | May 14 1 Jan. 14 7 Mar. 10 2 Apr. 1 5 Apr. 7 1 July 27 9 Sept. 1 5 Oct. 26 7 1 May 20 4 June 18 5 July 26 1 spr. 2 July 9 8 Oct. 18 2 Apr. 1 . OG Second-class pilots. Allen, Jacob. Anderson, Andrew C.. Allen, Thomas Brown, Jessie V Bloodgood, G. W Bury, John E. Cowdrey, William T... Crittenden, Elerbort P Carey, Thomas. Dewey, John M Dulac, Bert G. Drew, Frank A Dewey, Roland L Dewey, Joseph A Denstacdt, Henry Dooland, Andrew Delpbier, l'oter 3707 3733 i 3764 3705 3739 3753 3704 3715 3743 3718 3728 3731 3745 3758 3760 3773 3777 3730 3752 3716 3719 3735 3751 3766 3729 3769 3750 3726 3765 3779 3744 3770 3754 3775 3713 3784 3734 3767 3742 3748 3756 3774 3737 3757 3781 7 Apr. 23 7 July 2 4 Mar. 27 6 apr. 1 7 Apr. 27 7 July 1 1 Aug. 9 1 A pr. 17 4 Aug. 26 1 Juno 25 2 Apr. 10 6 Aug. 3 7 Oct. 1 5 June 16 aug. 27 1 July 8 1 Sept. 25 4 Mair. 25 9 Oct. 19 7 Apr. 27 3 Aug. 11 1 June 8 7 June 22 9 July 15 7 Sept. 21 3 May 14 11 July 15 5 Oct. 12 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 211 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the ycar ended December 31, 1897— Detroit, Mich. Name. No. of No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Fournier, T.F Haight, Élwin F Haberkorn, C. F. Inman, Ebert.. 1355 1353 1354 1351 7 Aug. 31 Kappell, Edward W... 5 June 17 Purdie, Charles T.... 4 July 3 | Suyder, Willie A.. 1 May May 1. || Van Liew, frank.. 1352 1357 1358 1356 1 June 12 5 Sept. 20 7 Oct. 21 1 Sept. 3 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Detroit, Mich. Chief engineers. I Mar. Ackerman, Lewis C... Annett, Henry Alger, Bernard Ausher, Charles Anthony, James H... Braund, Samuel H Barr, William C Bolton, William J Burke, Charles H.. Burdeno, John. Bennett, Alva Lowis Brisbois, Alfred .. Bloom, John... Barton, Arthur 0. Buchanan, Thomas Biddulph, George W.. Bennett, James C.. Bloecker, Henry. Blanchard, Edward. Lory, Jacob.. Buzzard, Corey H. Burnham, Charles J Bates, William A.. Buchanan, Robert B.. Bennett, Daniel C Beaubien, James. Browu, John S. Beane, George Barle, Dominick Bauld, William Cottrell, Edward H... Cantin, Philip Cowell, Samuel G. Cobo, August Cullen, William F Cocklin, William Curtis, George W Crumhorn, Peter A Cameron, Allen J Craig, Robert... Crouen weth, John M Crook, Alfrerl R Campbell, William Cunningham, George B Cogger, George Cameron), James Cameron, John.. Cook, William Connor, Patrick E.. Callier, Charles B Colovini, James E... Cockburn, Jolin Clark, John... Collinge, George Dungan, Ellmund R... Dupont, John Delany, Martin Diack, Alexander S... Dupont, Herman Draper, Charles Donnelly, Daniel. Douglass, Lither... Drouillaril, Eli. Delany, John .. Dubois, Winfield Dryscale, Thomas 5774 3786 5818 5902 5962 5706 5709 5719 5740 5748 5765 5781 5799 5801 5805 5819 5837 5838 5860 5873 5908 5921 5924 5933 5940 5941 5946 5953 5956 5968 5705 5734 5742 5761 5767 5769 5776 5789 5793 5806 5822 5831 5851 5858 5859 5885 5888 5898 5900 591.9 5959 5961 5965 5973 5711 5730 5772 5816 5820 5892 5895 5910 5920 5925 5932 5972 Chief engineers-Con- tinued. 15 Mar. 22 Ecklitr, Charles C...... 15 Mar. 27 Elsey, Jobn... 14 | Apr. 19 Fletcher, Charles d.. 23 | July 16 Francombe, George .. 23 | Oct. 25 Kelder, Valtine .. 6 Jan. 18 Francombe, Charles J.. 23 Jan. 21 Francouy, Philip 10 Tel. 1 Forsyth, Patrick G 11 Mar. 2 Finebart, Joseph 12 ! Mar. 6 Foster, James H. 7 Mar. 17 Free, Henry 19 Mar. 26 Gervin, William J 22 Apr. 5 Garland, Albert E 23 | Apr. 6 Gadway, Peter P 31 | Apr. 10 Gray, John 8 Apr. 19 Gourlay, George 16 May 4 Graham, Duncan E 12 Maj 5 Grieres, Donald M... 17 May 28 Galpiu, William 21 June 10 Gilligan, Michael J 11 July 24 Gostage, John 24 aug. 9 Gifford, Edgar 24 Aug. 11 Gowan, John W 19 Aug. 18 Gregory, Walter F 41 Sept. 1 Gould, Uriah 26 Sept. 2 Garry, Thomas J. 18 Sept. 17 Galvey, John FI 22 Sept. 29 Groomes, Asal 15 Oct. 8 Haas, Andrew 27 | Nov. 8 Harling, Charles .. 6 Jan. 18 Hamilton, Francis H.. 11 Feb. 23 Hand, John. 17 Mar. 2 Hunter, Walter. 10 Mar. 1.5 Hally, James J 18 Mar. 19 Harrigan, Michael 20 Mar. 20 Hubbard, Thomas 16 Mar. 23 Hallock, Lorenzo D... 21 Mar. 27 Harling, Walter 9 Mar. 30 Holder, Julins .. 15 Apr. 10 Hall, John Thomas 36 | Apr. 22 Hayward, John B. 7 Apr. 27 Hubbell, Miner L..... 25 May 22 Hibbard, John 13 May 26 Head, Thomas 16 May 28 Harkins, Daniel 18 June 23 Hill, Robert G 14 June 25 Hayward, Addison S. 16 July 10 i Hufr, Willian S.. 32 July 13 Harlock, Edward 25 Aug. 4 Hnett, Frederick A.... 14 Oct. 13 "Huuf, Nicholas 18 Oct. 22 Hartman, Jolin A. 28 Nov. 3 Hemmingway, John Dec. 21 Harling, William 7 Jan. 25 Hay, William... Toh. 18 Jubinville, Cbarles T 28 Mar. 22 Jones, Johni.. S Apr. 16 Jamieson, Peter 12 ! Apr. 20 Jones, Albert L.. 16 June 26 Killett, William David. 19 July 1 Kelly, Patrick. 31 July 27 Kollinger, Joseph. 18 Aug. 9 Kean, Edward . 25 | Aug. 12 Kelly, George B 24 Aug. 18 Kelly, Thomas J 16 Nov. 30 | Kean, William .., 5861 5929 5710 5764 5857 5863 5876 5893 5930 5943 5967 5736 5739 5754 5766 5768 5778 5795 5800 5825 5894 5899 5916 5945 5947 5964 5970 5971 5714 5723 5747 5752 5757 5759 5753 5782 5797 5798 5811 5813 5821 5830 5839 5844 5856 5868 5872 5896 5903 5909 5928 5936 3939 5960 5963 5732 5751 5758 5842 5721 5802 5809 5812 5841 5869 5950 16 May 31 20 Aug. 17 5 Jan. 22 20 Mar. 16 21 May 25 11 June 2 24 Juro 11 28 June 28. 16 Aug. 17 17 Sept. 6 9 Nov. 5 29 Feb. 27 12 Mar. 2 16 Mar. 9 20 | Mar. 18 8 Mar. 20 15 Mar. 23 12 Apr. 1 17 Apr. 6 14 Apr, 26 12 June 30 9 July 12 10 Aug. 3 12 Sept. 16 14 Sept. 18 14 Oct. 30 24 Nov. 24 20 Nov. 26 6 Jan. 28 5 Feb. 12 16 6 26 Mar. 8 17 Mar. 13 1,5 Do. 14 Mar. 22 S Mar. 26 15 Apr. 2 15 Apr. 3 16 Apr. 13 9 Do. S Apr. 21 18 spr. 27 20 May 5 22 May 8 lô May 25 18 June 5 10 June 9 29 July 1 20 | July 17 15 July 27 23 Aug. 16 28 Aug. 23 17 dug. 31 21. Oct. 16 25 Oct. 27 17 Feb. 20 24 Mar. 8 7 Mar. 13 1,9 May May 7 7 Heb. 5 14 Apr. 6 32 Apr. 12 21 18 May 7 13 June 7 14 Sept. 24 2,6 Apr. 13 212 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed— Detroit, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No of No. of Date of license. issue. license, Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Lacey, Robert Lawrence, John... Lacey, Joseph Ludlow, Richard C.. Langford, Richard S... Lacey, John Lawrence, George C Lamb, Charles I... Lewis, James E... Limburger, Joseph Lacroix, Nicholas.. Lacey, Mathew Leroux, Joseplı Muuro, Daniel Meddaugh, William A. Milne, George M. Mercier, Emile.. McClure, John W.. McLeod, George Merrill, Walter M McHugh, Thomas B... McClure, William J.. McSweeney, John E.... Mounier, Edward.. McLearni, Jom McCabe, P.B ... McGrath, James R.. Macdonald, William J Mugkelburg, Gottlieb C Morrison, Thomas W.. McDonald, Frank. Morison, Alexander McKittrick, William Middleton, James Morrison, Irwin McKittrick, William .. Marshall, George W... Masetli, Joseph McKittrick, Joseph W. McDonald, Willian. McManis, Thomas Morison, Robert L.. McMartin, William Medlor, Robert E.. McAlpin, Hugh.. Miller, Peter. Merrill, Thomas.. McWaters, Samuel J.. McGuire, James. Maxson, Charles B.... Meier, Louis... McMillan, Donald. Nelson, Andrew.. Ostrander, Arthur D... O'Dogherty, William P. Olmsted, Andrew G... Ormsby, William O'Brien, Patrick. Peck, Lewis M.. Phillips, Ammon Pospeshil, Jacob B.. Potter, Janies W. Peltier, Charles S.. Purvis, James G... Pingle, Frederick.. Peltier, George. Pirie, Alexander... Purvis, Thomas. Perry, Edwin. .Purvis, John B Ruehle, Frederick Rae, Edmond .. Robinson, Frederick W. Rossiter, John L... Rittenhouse, C.C Robinson, James. Robinson, George E. Robertson, Porter.. -5702 5718 5738 5755 5779 5814 5852 5870 5881 5907 5911 5912 5948 5703 5707 5715 5744 5763 5775 5784 5787 5792 5794 5829 5833 5834 5840 5843 5845 5848 5849 5853 5855 5862 5865 5867 5871 5874 5879 5882 5889 5897 5901 C Chief engineers—Con. tined. 8 Jan. 14 Rousseau, Joseph. 9 Tel. 1 Reed, William O. 14 Mar. 1 Kanney, John S... 28 Mal'. 10 Robinson, Rufus R.... 26 Mar. 24 Rouse, Francis E... 22 A pr. 16 Robert, Joseph 15 May 24 Sinumons, John L 20 June S Schwartz, Frank. 24 June 18 Sanders, Frank.. 17 July 21 Steadley, Frank. 21 July 29 Seiler, Frank.. 14 Do. Stewart, James D.. 21 Sept. 20 Slaven, Patrick . 14 Jan. 14 Saeger, Michael. 7 | Jan. 21 Schumaker, Willian.. 5 Jan. 29 Sullivan, Charles A.... 7 Mar. 3 Snider, Amos W. 9 Mar. 16 Shackleton, John H... 5 Mar. 22 Stackhouse, William H. 15 Mar. 26 Simuons, George L... 21 Mar. 27 Scott, Charles 36 Mar. 30 Sargent, John M. 20 Mar. 31 Stage, Robert. 2:3 Apr. 27 Sullivan, Jobi W 25 Apr. 28 Suyrler, Joseph O 30 Apr. 30 Sherwood, Fred F 15 May 6 Toner, Micbael N.. May 8 Tindall, William 23 May 13 Taylor, Joseph 15 May 15 Taylor, William F 6 May 17 Teahan, Thomas J... 28 May 24 Tucker, Elmer E. 28 May 25 Turubull, William D 18 June 2 Teahan, William 14 June 3 Thornton, George H... 30 June 4 Thomas, Philip 8 June 9 Tilley, Edwin W 12 June 10 Tennant, Jaines C 14 June 15 Towne, George W 17 June 18 Torrance, David.. 20 June 25 Tart, Charles. 13 July 10 Torrance, Hugh 14 July 13 Van Liew, Frank 15 July 21 Waguer. William 6 July 30 Woods, Bernard 20 Aug. 2 Wright, Malcolm 28 Aug. 10 Williams, Owen 15 Aug. 16 Watts, William 16 Aug. 17 Wenner, William P 20 Sept. 9 Walker, William T.... 11 Sept. 22 Vestaway, Job 27 Oct. 11 Westbrook, William 19 May 15 Wood, Eigene. 8 Tel. 9 TVrege, Robert E 12 Mar. 3 Welsh, Warren 1 Mar. 11 Wood, John... 27 May 15 Wolfgang, Otto Fred'k. 26 Oct. 13 TVernier, Louis 5 Mar. 9 Williams, J. F 17 Mar. 20 i Warner, Frank H 19 Apr. 1 Willex, George W 8 Apr. 7 TPilkie, William H 25 A pr. 10 Zeb, Jacob... 20 Apr. 28 .30 June 16 Engineers in charge of 17 June 24 stcaners of 100 tons 18 Aug. 2 and under, and over 2, 14 | Ang. 21 10 tons. 21 Aug. 26 16 Nov. 3 Barlıknecht, AngustF. 12 Feb. 3 Coller, Thomas F. 9 Teb. 15 Churcott, David 4 Feb. 17 Cudworth, Daniel M... 16 Mar. 3 Finlayson, Alex. W... 17 Mar. 6 Greenihalg, Alexander 15 Gould, Clark. 16 June 3 Hutcliins, Payson 5 Kraat?, Henry. 5886 5891 5917 5923 5952 5969 5708 5712 5713 5716 5726 5733 5741 5760 5771 5783 5824 5826 5828 5835 5850 5854 5875 5904 5905 5951 5701 5704 5717 5727 5737 5777 5780 5790 5803 5808 5810 5815 5836 5890 5934 5955 5918 5724 5728 5731 5735 5746 5749 5762 5785 5788 579.1 5817 5823 5877 5878 5884 5926 5938 5942 5954 5883 29 June 23 4 Juno 26 29 Aug. + 14 Aug. 10 19 Sept. 28 13 Nov. 9 5,9 Jan. 21 3,5 Jan. 27 5 Do. 8 Jan. 30 4 Feb. 15 7 Tel. 23 7 Mar. 2 10 Mar. 15 15 Mar. 22 17 Mar. 26 10 Apr. 26 23 Do. 17 Apr. 27 17 | May 3 5 May 20 21 May 25 27 June 10 18 July 20 22 July 21 12 Sept. 25 16 Jan. 4 1,5 Jan. 15 7 Feb. 1 6 Feb. 16 18 Mar. 1 15 Mar. 23 17 Mar. 25 22 Mar. 27 14 Apr. 6 17 Apr. 10 17 Apr. 12 1,5 | Apr. 16 12 May 3 10 June 25 35 Aug. 20 18 Oct. 6 12 Aug. 4 9 Feb. 15 11 Feb. 16 1,5 Feb. 18 32 Feb. 24 18 Mar. 3 16 Mar. 6 16 Mar. 15 25 Mar. 27 14 Do, 5 Mar. 29 9 Apr. 17 17 Apr. 26 24 June 12 20 June 15 15 June 19 22 dug. 16 15 Aug. 26 20 Sept. 3 15 Sept. 30 22 June 19 5906 } 5913 5915 5922 5927 5931 5944 5949 5957 5847 5722 5745 5756 5846 5958 5753 5770 5796 5804 5807 5832 5880 5887 5914 5935 5937 5966 5720 5725 5729 5743 5750 5827 5864 5866 6907 6921 6939 6944 6951 4921 4972 4994 6938 6 Juvc1 15 June 30 12 Aug. 16 6 Aug. 31 13 Oct. 7 2 Feb. 10 2 Mar. 31 11 May 11 15 Aug. 10 Apr. 27 Do. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE: 213 Engineers licensed-Detroit, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Lissue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons Continued. First assistant engi- . neers—Continued. Mahon, William L..... Parent, Emil.. Scenter, Joseph. Strong. Alonzo Shire, John Thomas, Exire. Whalen, Alex. Tillett, Victor.. 4902 6949 4971 6925 6955 4980 4997 6926 First assistant engineers. 12 Adams, James. Aldrich, Bert Adams, George Andrews, William Ankoorn, Arthur J Almond, Henry- Allice, George Beck bissinger, Wm. G. Braund, Thomas W.. Bouley, Joseph Beach, Oliver Banfill, Ruben Burden, William H Bookye, Frank. Blair, William. Bradshaw, William J Barden, William Barry, George P Baxter, Richard. Bookya, Oliver. Bogart, Walter P Barden, George Croirley, William EI Crow, Fred.. Clancy, Michael Clark, John W Craven, Joe... Cramond, George Chapman, Enoch Craig, Robert Cook, George W Clark, William Carter, James.. Creamer, Abraham De Forest, Ray C Doan, Frank D Dumars, August. Dugan, William H. Dohaney, VVilliam D. Draper, Charles W., jr. Doherty, Michael Drysdale, William J.. Dumont, Joseph Elsey, John. Ehrenreich, Charles Fitzgerald, Edwin Forter, Jobn.... Gretzinger, John N. Gorman, Peter Gearardo, William H.. Hoffman, Ed. A... Hartwell, I'dward Hunt, Thomas Hartman, Frederick J Hollister, William H... Haniford, Maurice Henderson, Henry Hart, Carlton V.. Jackson, Andrew Kelly, Hugh Kane, Thomas J Kunze, Robert Kennedy, John J Kennedy, James 4914 4966 4974 4978 4993 6950 6957 4908 4915 4919 4964 4967 4970: 4982 4986 6905 6906 6920 6929 6930 6943 6960 4912 4925 4933 4935 4913 4946 4953 4968 6901 6933 6942 6852 4901 4916 4924 4932 4947 4952 4973 6918 6953 4911 4963 4941 6910 4926 4950 4965 4904 4930 4956 4957 4962 4995 5000 6909 4945 4907 4955 .4959 4975 4976 Jan. 9 Kelly, John.. 5 Sept. 27 Kemmerly, James 12 Mar. .31 Kum, Fred J ... 10 July 13 Lubabu, Herman 9 Oct. 28 Lee, William P. 15 Apr. 6 L'Hote, Harry E... 7 May 19 Lumby, George W.. 14 July 15 Lowry, Harry. Lowe, Adam C.. Langdon, Spencer. Lewis, Harry L. Maxwell, David. 3 Feb. 1 Mohr, George'.. 6 Mar. 23 Maxwell, Robert.. 3 Apr. 1 Miller, Wilhelm.. 5 Apr. 5 Mann, Herbert M. 6 May 10 McNirin, Donald 6 Oct. 2 Miller Frank W.. 11 Nov. 26 Menmuir, Charles H. 5 Jan. 22 Martin, Fred W 1 Feb. 3 Mason, Henry T 1 Feb. 8 Murphy, Timothy 2 Mar. 22 Moss, Julian 1 Mar. 26 McLellaud, Willian. 12 Mar. 29 Murphy, Tliomas A pr. 8 Mullolland, Thomas.. 13 A pr. 13 Northup, John W 14 May 29 O'Brien, Dennis.. 13 June 1 Provost, James G.. S June 29 Pospeshil, Frank J 4 July 22 Peltier, Louis 16 July 24 Peltier, Arthur 16 Aug. 28 Peltier, Moses 17 Dec. 2 Palmer, Joseph . 2 Jan. 30 Peltier, Edmund 1 Fel). 16 Peters, David.. 2 Feb. 24 Park, James M 2 Feb. 25 Pingle, John. 5 Mar. 1 Radford, John 2 Mar. 6 Rietze, limil.. 2 Mar. 16 Rivard, Aubrey 5 Mar. 27! Roach, Mylo O. .. 9: May 25 Richrath, Adam 1:3 : July 31 Ralph, Harry Hill. 15 Ang. 17 Rahal, Philip J. 1 Oct. 7 Reynolds, Kalplı. 1 6 Sheeran, James. 12 Feb. S Soleau, Jolin L.. 1 Feb. 15 Schwartz, Fred.. 1 Feb. 24 Stockton, Robert. 3 Mar. 8 Smith, Frank 3 Mar. 12 St. Onge, Peter. 23 Apr. 1 Storrs, Elijah 2 June 28 Schimidt, George 20 Oct. 12 Skeldon, Ricbard a. 7 Jan. 29 Sinupkins, John W... 5 1 Mar. 22 Schmidt, Xavier .. 2 Feb. 27 St. Onge, Augustus. 14 June 5 Sharbanaw, Benjamin 3 Feb. 20 Sweetingham, Henry 12 Mar. 11 Sayen, Joseph 7 Mar. 24 Seidel, Jacob.... 1 Jan. 18 Schaeffer, Edward 1 Feb. 23 Supple, John F. 16 Mar. 17 Stimson, Edward E. Do. Schnito, Anthony C.... 7 Mar. 22 Taylor, Joseph H. 11 May 11 Tuscany, Frank 6 May 22 Vaughan, Harry A 19 June 2 Van Toll, Ralph 2 Mar. 3 Watts, Robert .. 1 Jan. 20 Wilson, Alexander B.. 7 Mar. 10 Winkler, Louis 6 Mar. 19 Wray, William J., jr. 2 Apr. 2 Whipple. Edward M... 6 Apr. 3 Wilson, Henry H 4990 6914 6945 490.6 4937 4951 4969 6911 0913 6934 6948 4917 4918 4922 4927 4940 4979 4981 4984 4992 0903 6912 6922 6928 6958 6961 6946 4985 4909 4920 4938 4949 4960 4977 1987 4998 6917 6919 4903 4913 4931 4942 4954 4961 6915 6937 4910 4923 4928 4936 4948 4983 4988 4999 4991 4996 6902 6916 6923 6924 6927 6935 6941 6947 6956 6959 4958 6931 4905 4939 4929 4934 4444 4999 6904 6908 8 Apr. 16 5 June 11 Aug. 31 1 Jan. 18 6. Feb. 25 1 Mar. 11 1 Mar. 29 5 June 8 1 June 11 15 Aug. 2 4 Sept. 25 3 Feb. 8 2 Do. 3 Heb. 11 5 Feb. 20 6 Feb. 27 8 Apr. Apr. 5 3 Apr. 7 5 Apr. 10 22 May 6 8 Mily 26 17 June 11 9 June 30 10 July 21 7 Nov. 27 8 Dec. 4 11 | Sept. 6 15 Apr. 12 3 Jan. 25 1 Feb. 10 6 Feb. 26 5 Mar. 8 7 Mar. 20 13 Apr. 5 7 Apr. 13 5 May 20 11. June 25 14 | Juuo 29 2 Jan. 13 2 Feb. 1 2 Feb. 24 6 Feb. 27 7 Mar. 16 9 Mar. 22 21 June 16 4 Aug. 9 1 Jan. 27 1 Feb. 11 3 Feb. 20 5 Feb. 25 11 Mar. 8 12 Apr. 9 15 Apr. 13 5 Apr. 16 17 : May 4 8 May 15 9 May 25 17 June 17 14 July 2 8 July 6 16 July 15 12 Aug. 3 9 Aug. 17 21 Sept. 15 2 Nov. 3 4 Dec. 1 2 Mar. 18 11 July 30 1 Jan. 18 1 Feb. 26 1 Feb. 23 1 Feb. 24 1 Mar. 3 2 May 21 10 May 28 14 June 1 Jan. . L 214 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Detroit, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issuo. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers--Continued. Special engineers-Con- tinued. 6932 6940 6954 9 July 30 8 Aug. 16 14 Oct. 18 6936 Ward, William H... Weiss, Albert A.C Werback, August IV Second asst. engineer. McCartan, James... Special engineers. Baron, Eli A.. Crebbin, Fred... Decker, Charles E... Dodge, John Frank. 4 Aug. 4 Elice, Georgo Gates, William Ingraham, Frank H. Kuioch, Frederick McGregor, Thomas Martin, William.. McClenalen, Allen S Ocobock, John C.. Parkin, William... Rockelmann, William.. Smith, Edwin... Schaefer, John. Towler, Max J. L..... Ward, Dell. 2801 2803 2808 2815 2804 2813 2814 2817 2818 2809 2806 2812 2810 2807 10 Jan. 11 10 Apr. 7 1 June 25 2 Sept. 4 1 May May 5 3 dug. 30 1 Sept. 3 1 Sept. 25: 1 Sept. 30 7 July 9 4 Jure ,1 12 Aug. 30 3 Aug. 11 4 June 25 2816 2805 2802 2811 1 Sept. 14 1 May 29 5 Mar. 27 1 Aug. 21 LOCAL DISTRICT OF CHICAGO, ILL. Master licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Chicago, Ill. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Fogel, David C 5707 13 Tob. 2 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Chicago, Ill. Naine. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Namo. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 5749 5950 57081 1 1 Anderson, William Auderson, Robert R... Baughman, Charles E. Beggs, David Brown, John W Baldwin, Thomas G Bennett, James Beddell, Horace I... Beggs, Tliomas J Brion, James TV Berentson, Jacob Bennett, Herman... Bronson, Charles T Boyne, John Blend, H. W Buscey, Emery J Boyd, Joseph Barry, Miles. Blue, Henry W Barry, Thomas Branch, Arthur J Bundy, Henry Boswell, William A. Brown, Charles W.. Brockway. Louis A Brown, James V Brittain, Ralph C... Consaul, Henry T.. Clark, John P Comstock, J. N Cain, John... Cunningham, Edward Cleghorn, Alexander Christopher, S.... Christianson, Andrew . Carter, John S.. Curran, James. Cummings, Charles H.. Chateau, William. Chambers, James D. 5712 5715 5720 5737 5741 5751 5770 5785 5790 5792 5820 5839 5845 5854 5860 5861 5870 5875 5876 5899 5901 5908 5922 5929 5710 5718 5735 5740 5752 5753 5754 5755 5761 5766 5783 5786 5796 11 Apr. 6 Corcoran, William 11 Dec. 16 Cbamberlin, William 17 Tel. 4 Curran, David .... 7 Feb. 15 Campbell, Alexander D. 10 | Tob. 20 Christenson, Charles A. 20 Mar. 10 Chron, Thomas 26 Mar. 29 Cuthbert, Hiram A.... 20 Mar. 31 Curran, David A. 9 Apr. 7 Carr, James... 19 Apr. 15 Campau, Lonis A 17 | Apr. 26 Crosby, William. 19 | May 1 Crawford, William 11 May 4 Crawford, John A 13 May 20 il Cochrane, David M .. 14 June 10 il Carr, Janies J .. 20 Juno 17 Coates, L. B.... 10 June 23 Calbick, James A 18 Jue 30 Cassin, John... 24 July 1 Coughlin, James 19 July 13 Croukhite, Henry 20 July 20 De Wolf, George L. L.. 9! July 20 Dandy, William 25 Aug. 23 Dowdell, Patrick 26 Donohue, Martin R 15 Sept. 7 Disher, William. 19 Sept. 27 Donolue, Michael.. 33 Oct. 4 Downey, Ezekiel. 24 Feb, 13 Decker, William H... 15 Mar. 4 Doso, Joseph 12 Mar. 29 Dodge, Myron T 10 Mar. 31 Dalton, Johu C 16 Apr. 8 Davis, Richard A. 20 Do. Dykes, Thomas. 10 Do. Donigan, James. 14 A pr. 9 Everetti , Anthony 17 Apr. 12 Elliott, Anthony M.. 12 Apr. 14 Eble, John... 17 Apr. 20 Evans, Edward 8 Apr. 26 Evans, William H... 11 | May 6 Eckard, Benjamin 5801 5814 5821 5825 5826 5832 5850 5857 5858 5859 5864 5873 5886 5896 5911 5920 2926 5931 5932 5940 5701 5721 5768 5797 5803 5806 5812 5836 5837 5846 5903 5916 5928 5946 5705 5772 5787 5815 5819 5933 17 May 8 18 May 18 21 May 20 25 May 24 10 Do. 20 May 26 12 June 21 14 Juo 25 23 June 28 12 Do. 15 July 6 32 July 17 18 Aug. 4 25 Aug. 18 11 Sept. li 19 Sept. 25 11 Sept. 29 20 Oct. 7 26 Oct. 9 17 Oct. 29 18 Jan. 6 6. Mar. 11 9 Apr. 14 14 May 7 11 May 8 21 May 10 19 May 17 12 June 4 13 Juno 5 15 June 18 8 Aug. 27 40 Sept. 18 14 Oct. 1 7 Nov. 8 15 Jan. 29 6 Apr. 15 13 Apr. 26 15 May 18 1.6 May 19 11 Oct. 12 Aug. 26 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION 215 SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed Chicago, Ill. Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. / issue. issue, Name. ! No. of No. of Date of license. issue. isslie. .. Apr. 1,9 Francke, Charles II... Foster, Joseph M Fuller, Charles E.. Flood, Gillman W.. Flynn, George T Finncan, William Fitzpatrick, Jolin.. Finneron, Michael H.. Gunderson, Haus. Grillin, Patrick .... Gunderson, Charles T.. Godman, James P Germain, H. A Graser, George Gardner, William F. Guney, Frank Goldsmith, Robert C. Gillmau, Johu W Hebuer, Frank... Houghton, Daniel F. Higgins, Thomas J Biggie, Francis B.. Howard, Martin Hudson, William E. Hodge, William A Hyde, Norman B.. Hubbard, Charles H... Hurlbut, Josse G.. Hammer, George T Hart, H. W Hawley, Bradley Huntley, Mortimer A.. Hamilton, Walter D.... Hogy, George L. Hogobanu, Orville E.. Holdridge, George Henderson, Alonzo W. Hazen, TValter Hayes, Robert W Hogan, James.. Jenks, John. Jones, Daniel Jolinson, Severn Johnstov, A.B... Korah, Oscar Kenuedy, Hugh. Kialı, David A. Lalond, Anthony Ledden, Thomas Landgrafi, William H.. Lyons, Ralph J... Leluman, Benjamin Larson, Louis.. La Pish, Cyrus Lyons, Robert Leith, Alexander Moore, Charles K Moore, Henry R Minskey, J.P. Marshall, Robert S.... McDonald, George. McIutoslı, Charles. McGuin, Thomas Martin, Thomas C. Monroe, William McCullocli, Peter.. Morrin, Joseph Mooney, James McCullagh, Georgo McKenzie, Daniel Merritt, George E. Mann, Levis Moody, Charles E Minor, George McCormick. Jolin IT McIntyer, Allan Minter, Thomas D McLean, Donald.. Mitchell, Jobn M Mollett, Adelbert J.. McBride, Thomas D 5782 5830 5862 5868 5885 5892 5930 5935 5717 5733 5750 5763 5769 5795 5867 5869 5872 5880 5709 5722 5725 5726 5728 5720 5781 5805 5824 5831 5852 5863 5874 5879 5881 5887 5893 5902 5906 5907 5910 5944 5878 5889 5913 5925 5727 5742 5780 5724 5759 5762 5774 5778 5799 5848 5924 5939 5703 5716 5719 5758 5802 5807 5810 5813 58-11 58.12 58:14 5847 5849 5855 5883 5834 5888 5890 5894 5900 5905 5917 5919 5934 5936 18 Apr. 20 Moore, William M.. 14 May 26 McKay, William J. 15 July 1 McDonald, John H 22 July 8 Morgan, James W 14. Aug 3 Napier, Nelson T 16 Aug. 14 Neville, Richard 30 Oct. 5 Nicholson, John 19 Oct 20 Nyman, Fay 13 Mar. 1 Nicholson, Thomas 14 Mar. 26 10 6 Napier, Edward E..... 12 A pr. 12 Nolan, James F. 11 Apr. 14 Olson, Louis... 2 May 6 O'Malley, Martin 20 July 8 Olson, Olof S. 9 July 10 Owen, John Q 31 July 17 Patterson, William 30 July 20 Powell, Joseph 29 Feb. Place, Morton H. 9 Mar. 12 Pardee, George TV 12 Mar. 13 Petoskey: Thomas F... 11 Mar. 15 Philliter, Riley 10 Mar. 17 Parsons, James G... 11 Mar. 18 Page, Hiram C.... 23 Apr, 19 Priniville, Redmond. 12 May 10 Parke, Jobi 13 May 24 Randall, Nonual S 10 May 26 Rocle, Thomas H.... 17 June 22 Robarye, Excore. 24 July 2 Rae, Frederick H... 17 July 19 Robinson, Walter 12 July 24 Rand, Leroy A 13 July 26 Rockafellow, George 25 Aug. 4 Robinson, Lingene 0 16 Aug. 16 Riordan, L.J.. 7 Hug. 26 Rico, Alva J.. 24 Sept. 6 Reynolds, George H 15 Sept. 7 Roach, P. C... 17 Sept. 10 Rollo, William 28 Nov. 4 Raleigh, John. 18 July 23 Rumble, Frank L 4 Aug. 10 Regan, Joun.. 12 Sept. 13 Roberts, Chester C. 15 Sept. 28 Smith, James 9 Mar. 15 Shaw, William) 11 10 Mar. 31 Smith, Roswell C 22 Apr. 19 Sinclair, Cyrus H 10 Mar. 12 Stilpheen, George F 5 Apr. 10 Snow, John E. 9 Apr. 12 Snite, Andrew 16 Apr. 16 Shaw, Howard L... 12 Apr. 17 Shair, Harry L.... 13 May 7 Stuffelbeam, William E. 8 June 19 Stevens, Thomas J 15 Sept. 28 Steward, John 8 Oct. 25 Stuffelbeam, John A... 9 Jan. 18 Suiſlin, Berlin. 9 Mar. 1 Sweeney, Jolin. 13 Dlar. Simmons, A.J 1,9 Apr. 9 Stover, Janies H 11 May 8 Smith, Henry W.. 32 May 12 Shetler, James H.. 4 May 14 Sinclair, James R 17 May 19 Slieldon, William 22 June 11 Thomson, Joseph C 14. June 14 Thompsoil, Charles 19 June 15 Tebo, George 20 June 19 Travis, James. 29 June 21 Thomas, Oron 1). 14 June 23 Trotter, George E 28 July 31 Todd, James DI 33 Ang. 2 Tyrrell, Richard 26 Aug. 4 Taylor, Jolın... 11 Aug. 14 Talbot, Alexander J 19 Aug. 10 Thorpe, Edward F 32 Aug. 24 Van Dalson, Eilward 12 Sept. 4 Van Patten, Frank V 21 | Scpt. 21 Van Gorder, Charles M. 23 Sept. 24 Williams, Davidl.. 27 Oct. 15 Weimar, Fred T 23 Oct. 21 Wallace, Charles H.. 5941 5942 59:15 5948 5738 5767 5791 5816 5822 5838 5843 5943 5734 5823 5833 5871 5714 5744 5745 5756 5800 5827 5853 5865 5927 5947 5730 5732 5764 5784 5788 5789 5794 5804 5811 5817 5828 5834 5810 5882 5904 5937 5951 5702 5706 5711 5713 5760 5773 5775 5779 5793 5808 5809 5813 5829 5851 5856 5866 5877 5895 5923 5938 5949 5704 5743 5747 5748 5757 5765 5776 5798 5891 5897 5912 5771 5835 5921 5723 5736 5739 15 Oct. 30 16 Do. 2 Nov. 6 20 Nov. 10 15 Mar. 30 15 Apr. 14 30 May 4 24 May 19 20 May 22 20 June 7 34 June 14 16 Nov. 4 19 Mar. 27 14 May 22 12 May 27 27 | July 16. 10 Feb. 18 12 Apr. 2 8 Do. 15 Apr. 9 10 May S 26 May 25. 10 June 23. 32 July 7. 10 Oct. 1 2 Nov. 9 9 Mar. 22 10 Mar. 25. S Apr. 1.2 17 Apr. 24 31 Apr. 29 Apr. 30 12 May 5 8 May S 15 May 15 12 May 19 11 May 25 39 May 29 33 June 11 28 July 31 0 Sept. 2 10 Oct. 21 10 Dec. 23 8 Jan. 18 8 Jan. 30 12 Feb. 15. 23 Feb. 16 16 Apr. 12 32 Apr. 16 15 Do. 10 Apr. 19 13 May 5 16 May 12 12 Do. 25 May 18 17 May 25 17 June 22 31 June 23 15 July .I 14 | July 21 11 Aug. 16 17 Sept. 28 24 Oct. 22 14 Dec. 6 4 Jau. 22 13 1 18 5 17 14 9 12 Apr. 13 17 A pr. 16 29 May 7 21 Aug. 14 16 Aug. 19 26 Sept. 13 21 Apr. 15 22 June 1 14 Sept. 27 9 Mar. 12 5 Mar. 29 10 Mar. 30 Apr. spr. Арт. . Apr. . 216 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed--Chicago, Ill.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Dato of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Webb, Charles A..., Wilson, Charles H Woods, Jolin. Wright, Loren 5746 5777 5898 5909 1, 4 Apr. 2 14 Apr.: 17 13 Aug. 21 14 Sept. 10 Wex, Peter Williams, William A. Wallis, G. Herbert. York, Solomon. 5914 5915 5918 5731 13 Sept. 13 10 Sept. 15 6 Sept. 21 24 Mar. 22 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Chicago, Ill. First-class pilots. ! 24 June 3 Ang. 6 Ang. 13 4 Mar. Anderson, Gustaf E Angenson, Martin Anderson, Andrew Anderson, John.. Adams, Hiram A... Anderson), Andrew Bright, Villian T Brown, Thomas. Burns, James Brown, Georg e. Bell, Thomas J Bowen, Elgin B... Barnett, William J Burke, Patrick Butler, Frank s Barry, Patrick J Brown. William Boyce, Arthur A Bowe, Patrick Browne, Austin J Blake, James Burncs, Thomas. Buchanan, James Clow, Oscar Cowan, Jolu. Cuthbert, Lincoln... Cook, William F Comer, Jolin F Cowan, Michael. Couran, Edward .. Crawford, Thomas... Cortlanıl, Tracy D Culluan. Johu.. Criter, George 13 Crowley, James. Campbell, Randolph W. Cooley. Hiram .. Cochrane, Robert Christen, Emil... Crawford, James. De Coudres, Jay Dorcey, Thomas E. Deuch, Frederick Doherty, Edward Ely, William H Eberlein, John. Elton, William M.. Elliott, George Ericson, Andrew Farrupt, Julian. Fitch, Ellward. Ferris, Phillip Flyun, etolm Ā. Farley, Albort B. Grittes, Alberts .. Grilliu. P. H.. Grondy, Jolin. Gallagher, James Groh, Louis.. Gaffney, Thomas Galı, John E... Gray, Juuson Garant, Joseph A. Gormly, Jolin.. Hollani, Charles T.. Harlow, William R... Higgie, Joh 1 ..., 3803 3834 38:17 3879 6007 6013 3816 3828 3839 3866 3867 3863 3873 3882 3884 6000 6020 6036 6039 6061 6068 6069 6073 3817 3819 3835 3845 3846 3872 3881 3886 3894 6002 6018 602: 6049 6050 6059 6070 6076 3804 3891 6022 6053 3851 3860 3865 60412 6048 3871 3853 6040 6056 6077 3808 383:) 3851 3855 3859 3888 3896 6032 6063 606+ 3802 3806 3807 First-class pilots-Con- tinued. 1 3 Jan. 12 Fumble, Richard F.... 0 : Mar. 24 Hollingstead, John. 10 Apr. 7 Hansen, Charles A.. 12 Apr. 29 Hutchinson, David .. 8 June 15 Hallan, Richard 10 June 23 Hansen, A.C. 5: Mar. 3 Higgins, Patrick 13 Mar. 16 Hallahan, Cornelius J. 1.3 Mar. 27 Hayes, Joseph 13 pr. 17 Hill, Harry 6 Apr. 20 Elongh, Thomas M. Do. Hamilton, William J. S s pr. 23 Hickman, J.J... 11 May 1 I-Iarbottle Harry. 31 May 15 i Hilliken, Charles 16 June 12 Hagyerty, Michael. 18 : July 13 Hardic, ľVilliam D... 8 Hanson, W.D 11 Hubbard, John 9 Oct. 4 Hausler, Martin 1.7 Nov. ] Ingleston, Frederick C. 10 Nor. 2 Ingleston, Frank .... Nov. 10 Johnson, Andrew M... 1 Johnson, Charles 17 Mar. S Joiner, Ernest C 5 Mar. 24 Johnson, Fred 8 Apr. 3 Jewell, George H 4 Apr. 5 Koluiert, James E 11 Apr. 22 Kaufmann, William 14 May 1 Kial, David A., jr 9 Maj 17 Kuehle, Lonis 14 May 26 Legoatt. George E. 1,12 : Julie 7 Logan. John A. 10 June 28 Lardreth, Oliver V 12 July 17 Larson. Louis.... 1 11 Aug. 28 Lauthier, Edmund P... 14 Do. Larson, Bernard 16 Sept. 18 Langlois, Edward. 10 Nov. 3 Lavell, Nols A.. 11 Dec. 10 McGarry, George 13 Jan. 12 McKinnon, John. 12 May 21 Myers, Edward P 9 July 15 McGannon, William P. 28 Sept. 6 Merrege, Jobp 19. Apr. 9 Mahon, Valter M.. 51 Apr. 10 McInnes, Neil 12 Apr. 17 Morin, Peter.. 26 Aug. 23 McGregor, William J.. 19 Ang. 27 McLennon, John. 11 spr. 21 McCarthy, Jolin P 10 May 25 DICK:x, Neil. 12 A119. 16 Moore, J. F... 4 Sept. 133 Moore. Myron L 5 Dec. 17 Mulvaney, John 4 Fel. 32 JeCorquodale, I). S.... 13 Mar. 233 Morgari, Henry 8: Apr. 8 Mcdilars, Henry 12 Joliraiſi, George 28 i Apr. 14 Mott, Theodoro J 13 May 3.8 Miller, William R. May 31 Alorrison, John 1,6 Aug. 2 Morgan, John.. 5 1 Oct. 14 Mitchell, William 15 Oct. 16 McPhee, Angus 19 Jan. 12 Massey, Samuel 5 Jan. 26 Nilsen, Haroll.. i Feb. S Norwood, J. A. 3813 3824 3825 3826 3831 3844 3850 3853 3856 3863 3878 3880 3897 3898 6003 6004 6010 6012 6021 6045 3837 6075 3836 3885 601). 6024 6033 3810 3832 3900 6015 3815 3823 3829 6027 6038 6041 6067 6072 3811 3812 3827 3838 3840 3841 3848 3858 3802 3874 3883 3889 3890 3895 6001 6005 6008 6:14 6026 6030 6046 6054 6055 6060 6066 6071 3814 3870 3 Mar. 1 4 Mar. 12 9 Mar. 13 11 Do. 25 Mar. 20 2 Apr. 3 12 Apr. 8 9 Apr. 9 8 Apr. 13 10 Apr. 17 5 Apr. 28 10 Apr. 29 28 4 Do. 18 June 8 10 June 10 11 June 21 13 June 23 12 July 14 20 Aug. 25 6 Mar. 25 14 Nov. 29 6 Mar. 24 9 May 15 17 June 22 5 July 19 30 Aug. 3 1 Feb. 20 4 Mar. 20 10 June 4 16 June 25 12 Mar. 2 2 Mar. 12 7 Mar. 16 17 July 24 8 Aug. 10 1,3 Aug. 21 13 Nov. 1 4 Nov. 6 9 Feb. 26 3 Do. 7 Mar. 15 11 Mar. 25 5 Mar. 30 2 Do. 13 Apr. 7 7 Apr. 14 10 Apr. 17 2 Apr. 23 8 May 5 9 May 18 3 May 19 8 May 27 14 June 5 7 Juuc 11 S June 17 33 June 24 6 July 23 12 July 29 8 Aug. 25 5 Sept. 6 13 Sept. 9 11 Oct. 2 S Oct. 23 Nov. 5 1 Mar. 2 13 Apr. 27 1 Apr. 13 9 1, 2 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 217 Pilots licensed— Chicago, Ill.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Second-class pilots- Continued. O U Paisley, William Parker, James H... Pattee, Frank.. Petersou, John G Peters, Andrew. Ritchie, William S.. Riley, James. Rolfson, Hans Ryan, Edvard. Roeber, William Kyder, Duane. Reduer, Elmer J Reynolds, Michael Randall, Jacob H Rason, Edvard Redden, Joseph. Roberts, John J. Solon, John Smith, TVilliam C Story, John... Saplı, Jay P.. Sivclair, John. Shea, Joseplı A Smith, Joseph Shingler, Robert. Sadler, Charles Sullivan, James B. ... Sawyer, john . Schermerhorn, William Sheelan, Jolin. Stubbs, R.J. Tobin, James Topic, Peter Thurston, Samuel... Tonkin, William H:I .... Tary, John Thompson, Donald . Taylor, Edvard. Vickery, Martin Weimar, Paul T.. Wilson, Charles L Warner, Thomas H.... Walsh, W'illiam. Wright, William H.... Waldron, Benjamin A 3857 3870 6031 6034 6074 3801 3813 3861 3887 3892 6019 6029 6037 6047 605) 6078 6079 3818 3820 3821 3822 3830 3869 3877 6016 6025 6044 6052 0057 6062 6065 3805 3812 3849 3852 3864 €017 0013 6058 3809 3875 3899 0009 6028 6035 1 8 Apr. 14 Cooper, Thomas 14 A pr. 21 Dorrell, Frauk M. 15 July 31 Doyle, John.. 2 Aug. 4 Douley, James 15 Nov. 16 Derby, John W 6 Jau. 7 Donovan, Joli 5 Apr. 1 Dorn, Augustus F... 10 A pr. 17 Dougherty, Daniel.... 16 May 18 Deguan, Peter 8 | May 22 Divish, Joseph 27 July 12 Dahlke, Hermall.. 9 July 29 Elliott, Charles A. 8 Auy: 10 Everett, Joseph 6 Aug. 26 Egan, Dennis 12 Aug. 28 Ellis, C. W... 15 Dec. 20 Foster, Heckman B. 2 Dec. 23 Foster, Edward C... 10 Mar. 6 Flood, George II. 9 Mar. 10 Foley, Patrick 11 Do. Fisk, Maynard C. 5 Mar. 12 l'oster, James H 6 Mar. 16 Cayette, William 7 Apr. 20 Gloudenuing, W'm. H .. 9 pr. 27 Guy, Adam J 16 June 26 Gallagher, John W 14 July 22 Gardiner, William W 11 Auy. 24 Gilmore, John L.. 13 Sept. 1 Grittin, Michael. 13 Sept. 14 Gorman, Joseph H. 21 Oct. 11 Gareguty, Thomas. 3 Oct. 20 Griflin, John. 11 Jan. 22 Goodfellow, George. 1, if I Mar. 31 Harmon, Joel L. 6: Apr. 7 Harmon, William . 5 Apr. 8 Hunche, William A.. 11 Apr. 17 Hunter, Thomas K..... JU June 26 Hansen, Karl F. 3 Aug. 23 Harroy, Audrew 13 Sept. 14 Howard, Eugeue. 3 Feb. 19 Hansen, Juhn F... 2 Apr. 27 I-lill, 0. L 5 June 3 Hellcrivan, John H 28 Juie 17 Hunter, William H 0 July 27 Hall, Thomas 12 Ang. 5 Higgie, Byron A.. Hathway, Henry Hitchcock, Archibald . Houck, Robort... 4 Apr. 26 Hardy, Jolm. 9 Ang. 11 Hoyer, Albert M.. 18 Oct. 21 Hogan, Martin. 11 Jan. 18 Hammond, William Li 2 Mar. 5 Hennessey, John 16 Mar. 9 Hancock, Frank.. 2 Mar. 30 Hansol), James 4 Do. Holman, Lewis... 6. Apr. 6 Hericy, Jerry 3 Ajr. 1.4 Inkster, William 9 May 12 Inman, Janies 26 June 11 Johnson, Emil 6 July 9 Jolinsou, Petor 13 July 12 Jacobs, Frank 3 Jurgen, John 16 July 20 Johnson, Albert C. 9 July 22 Jolms011, Thomas J. d. 9 Aug. 20 Knaggs, Alla R.. 1 Oct. 25 Kcarney, William 0 Oct. 27 Kelly, William 1 1 Keating, Michael 12 May 3 Kuelle, William R... 2 May 15 Kelioo, Thomas 1 May 24 Kane, John J 5 Aug. 13 Kelly, George B 2 Sept. 15 Lind, Charles C... 6 Oct. 5 Linthin, James.. 8 Oct. 7 Limoreaux, Joseph 8 Oct. 19 Lynn, Josoph R., jr 4 Oct. 25 Larson, Peter. 5584 3815 3838 3847 3859 3866 3873 3881 3889 5515 5582 3832 3867 5537 5554 5502 5508 55440 5550 5569 5579 3803 3830 3846 3873 3879 3898 5514 5519 5527 5576 5589 3805 3808 3809 3816 3824 3841 3812 3845 3852 3855 3856 3862 3863 3864 3872 3882 3896 3897 5535 5549 5553 5560 5566 5585 5588 3827 5517 3825 3885 5534 5536 55-43 5575 3802 3812 3813 3851 3877 5541 5547 5503 3819 3828 3835 3878 5542 16 Nov. 4 8 Mar. 1 14 Apr. 5 7 A pr. 14 10 Apr. 26 9 May 4 1 May 24 7 May 28 16 June 21 3 July 22 21 Oct. 29 4 Mar. 26 30 May 11 8 Aug. 19 20 Sept. 11 10 July 7 11 July 14 2 Aug. 21 25 Sept. 6 6 Oct. 8 5 Oct. 26 4 Jan. 11 2 Mar. 25 7 Apr. 14 6 May 20 2 May 25 13 Juic 28 3 July 22 13 July 24 12 Aug. 10 1 Oct. 23 7 Dec. 8 3 Jan. 19 5 Feb. 13 4 Tel. 15 4 Mar. 1 5 Mar. 15 4 Apr. 7 7 Apr. 8 3 1 Apr. 12 S spr. 19 9 Apr. 23 9 Do. 11 Apr. 28 11 Apr. 29 6 May May 1 10 May 20 18 June 1 13 June 26 1 June 28 4 Aug. 17 13 Sept. 4 5 Sept. 11 2 Sept. 18 5 Out. 5 11 Nov. 15 12 Nov. 29 3 Mar. 22 17 July 23 1 Mar. 18 7 Juine 17 1S Aug. 14 17 Aug. 18 27 Aug. 23 12 Oct. 22 11 Jan. 11 10 Feb. 20 4 Do. 4 A pr. 14 12 May 27 5 Aug. 23 7 Sept. 1 9 Sept. 29 3 Mar. 8 2 Mar. 22 9 Mar. 29 12 May 25 5! Aug. 23 1 Second-class pilots. Do. Anderson, Charles Anderson, Oscar L.. Anderson, Frank Braman, Samuel. Balow, Charles.. Burns, John Bouchard, Arthur C.. Barry, Peter Bohlin, Alexander Brooks, William Birchwall, Henry Barry,Janies Bradwell, Thomas Brown, Robert.. Bowycr, W. MI Brandstetter. George Bowland, Michael M.. Barry, James Busch, Max.. Baldwin, Seth) E Crowley, Mark Coates, Stephen Boyd.. Cargill, Don F Coyle, Hugh A.. Chateau, Samnel. Culinan. Patrick J... Cooney, Frank. Charles, Robert A Campion, John F. Canıpbell, Alexander B 3858 5529 5574 3804 3818 3821 3836 3837 3839 38418 3868 3887 5505 5506 5507 5512 5516 5539 5578 5580 3806 3865 3871 3876 5531 5538 5567 5568 5571 5577 Feb. 218 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed—Chicago, Ill.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. I issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No.of | Date of licenso. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Lutz, Theodore Longley, George R.... Morse, Albert T Murphy, William... Martenson, Henry McMurphy, Harley R. McQuace, James Mikula, Joseph McQuade, John... McLevey, James .. McLaughlin, William Murphy, Jerry McGougall , Charles. McGregor, Frank . Meakin, George.. McCall, Walter. McGavin, William . McGregor, Frank R... McLeod. John Maher, Michael... Madden, Thomas McCarle, Charles Mas, John F... Mahoney, Cornelius... Messner, John McIsaac, Norman.. McElevery, George McMahon, James A Neubert, Fred Neubert, Heury Nolan, John TV O'Day, Brian J O'Hara, Frank. O'Brien, John H Pederson, Harry. Pearson, George A Pardee, J. Frank. Paquet, Edward Pratt, Charles O Quiun, John. Ryan, Lawrence E. Rourke, James. 5545 5573 3810 3840 3843 3844 3857 3860 3861 3869 3870 3883 3886 3895 5510 5511 5513 5518 5524 5526 5528 5546 5557 5559 5561 5570 5581 5583 3814 3880 5586 3854 5538 5565 3807 3820 3833 3849 5532 5544 3853 3891 ! 12 Aug. 24 1 Oct. 21 7 Feb. 15 10 Apr. 6 2 Apr. 8 3. Apr. 10 9 Apr. 26 6 Apr. 27 6 Do. 14 May 13 14 May 15 2 June 2 3 June 7 14 June 25 15 July 16 10 | July 19 4 ! July 21 9 July 23 2 July 29 18 Aug. 2 6 Aug. 11 13 Aug. 30 20 Sept. 14 31 Sept. 16 1 Sept. 23 4 Oct. 11 12 Oct. 28 3 Nov. 3 15 Feb. 24 12 May 27 14 Nov. 16 2. Apr. 21 6 Aug. 20 14 Oct. 1 2 Feb. 4 1 Mai. S 2 Mar. 27 4 Apr. 15 11 Aug. 13 15 Aug. 23 7 Apr. 19 9 June 21 Robier, Joseph. Schpader, Charles E... Shashagna, Joseph Shalkeuback, Joseph L Sweesoy, Charles o Swenson, Albert. Severtson, Charles C... Shea, James E ...-. Schermerliorn, Edward Semple, John.. Schultz, August Smith, William Sager, George FC Smith, William Smith, Villiam Smith, John G... Smader, Washington L Thomson, Heandrs Tisdale, George B Tyler, fomeo I.. Tierney, John Wallace, Willian H Weinheimer, Fred ... Wiltgen, Jake T... Williamson, Thomas. 5523 3801 3817 3826 3831 3834 3850 3874 3884 3885 3890 3894 5509 5521 5552 5562 5572 3823 3829 5501 5522 3811 5504 5520 5556 12 July 28 4 Jan. 7 7 Mar. 5 4 Mar. 20 9 Mar. 26 1 Mar. 27 11 1. Apr. 17 15 May 21 11 June 3 18 June 7 15 June 21 13 June 25 8 July 15 16 July 27 8 Sept. 9 6 Sept. 28 4 Oct. 19 4 Mar. 10 2 Mar. 23 7 July 6 25 July 28 11 Feb. 16 2 ! July 9 1 July 27 8 Sept. 13 Special pilots. Bell, Henry Bray, Joseph D Collins, Bertrand R. T Kimman, Henry J Kahi, Nicholas. May, John V. Mohr, Albert Powers, Solin. Ries, Henry L Reid, Robert H. Shepherd, Charles A. Williams, Charles Warrington, George Wilber, Marshall D 5555 5587 5548 3893 5551 3900 5503 3892 5525 5530 5564 3822 3899 5593 8 Sept. 13 6 Nov. 22 1 Sept. 2 1,4 June 25 5 Sept. 8 3 July 1 4 July 8 14 June 21 8 July 31 1 Aug. 12 1 Sept. 30 7 Mar. 9 9 July 1 7 Aug. 13 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Chicago, Ill. Anderson, George Atmur, William J Boser, Jacob... Cornell, Edward E.... Minchinton, J.J 1401 1406 1408 1407 1404 UP 2 Mar. 12 1 Sept. 2 5 Oct. 14 3 Sept. 25 1 Aug. 16 Sheets, John C.. Tucker, Jasper W Treloar, Paul E. Vickers, Elias P 1403 1402 1405 1409 7 1 2 2 Aug. 2 June 16 Aug. 27 Oct. 15 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897---Chicago, Ill. Chief engineers. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Anderson, William Anderson, Dorris.. Allison, Lewis .. Allinder, Martin V Annis, Norman L.. Aruold, George .. Allinder, Charles Alexander, John.. Anderson, Carl Barry, John. Bent. Joseph. Brown, Philip Bear, Fred Buschmann, Julius M.. Be Gole, B. F 6004 6031 6036 6043 6069 6098 6133 6141 6189 6014 6022 0024 6028 6029 6044 21 | Jan. 23 16 Mar. 20 15 Mar. 24 1.8 Mar. 26 S! Apr. 16 23 May 11 16 Jue 1 15 June 11 8 July 28 24 Feb. 20 17 Mar. 8 12 Mar. 10 9 Mar. 18 17 Do. 16 Mar. 29 Balfour, James S... Butts, Joseph R Bishop, Charles F. Bennett, John R Blanvelt, Albert Burke, James V Bond, William II Baldwin, Judson A.. Bernard, C. W. Buchanan, Hugh Blanchard, William E. Brown, Alexander D.. Burke, Simeon S. Burns, Michael Brown, James W 6058 6061 6064 6065 6089 6101 6106 6109 6123 6127 6139 6143 6148 6153 6154 10 | A pr. 12 12 Apr. 13 16 Apr. 14 15 Do. 7 A pr. 28 15 May 12 12 May 13 23 May 17 23 Maj 26 10 June 1 9 June 12 10 June 14 24 June 17 16 June 21 24 Do. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 219 Engineer's licensed-Chioago, Ill.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of! Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. 1,0 Benson, James S Brooker, Albert R Barney, Frank , Bauld, Peter D... Burns, William J Byron, J.L Bernard, Charles L Bauld, David A. Blauvelt, Dexter W.. Burns, Joseph T Bray, Joseph D Baker, James W Brake, William Chipman, D. W Callan, John. Costello, Dennis G. Claucey, James Chapman, John N Campbell, John Coates, Stepben D Chipman, D. W., jr. Currie, Richard Chapel, Wilson Comiskey, Edward. Corrigan, Thomas J... Carey, James W Carlill, James B. Crawford, Nathaniel L. Corrigan, Thomas Covycow, Joseph Cowan, George M. Carpenter, Leonard M Clegborn, John Deal, David A Davis, Edward V.. Donnelly, James Daris, Martin D Driscoll, John Darcy, Daniel. Dawson, Eli. Dowd, Thomas. Dionne, Louis Driscoll, Patrick. Donovan, William E... Donnelly, Michael Dines, Joshua Deutscher, Nicholas Elliott, W.E. Eales, William P Elmer', Charles J Eaton, Isaac I Fogg, George Fritsche, George. Felter, Joseph Foley, James D.. Faurot, James Froggatt, George T Flanagan, Edward Fell, William G... Goodfellow, George Gillett, George a Gooding, Charles M... Gilmore, John Gillespie, William C. D Gorey, John W Gould, Edward P... Gore, Morris Gravelle, David.. Gibbour, Austin Goss, Joseph J Gumlich, Charles Hanks, William H.. Hoeffel, A. L... Henson, George. Hall, Henry Haycox, Eilward, jr. Hughes, James 6108 6183 6204 6222 6234 6243 6265 6272 6280 6283 6289 6291 6294 6008 6041 6052 6053 6063 6076 6080 6092 6131 6150 6162 6207 6224 6235 6236 6242 6260 6262 6263 6266 6003 6032 6160 6164 6181 6190 6192 6203 6216 6218 6230 6246 6270 6275 6015 6054 6111 6161 6002 6093 6135 6170 6220 6240 6253 6282 6006 6019 6048 6055 6083 6113 6120 6165 6166 6231 0244 6261 6013 6026 6062 6071 6087 6094 29 July 19 Hendrey, William A... 16 July 20 Henry, William J... 17 Aug. 9 Hutton, George 18 Aug. 21 Hutton, David 18 Sept. 1 Hickey, Martin 18 Sept. 11 Hackett, William J 24 Oct. 11 Hondrix, William. 11 Oct. 19 Hineline, Benjamin W 23 | Oct. 28 Haycox, Edward 9 Nov. 8 Flodge, Robert B. 8 Nov. 22 Hodgson, E. W .. 19 Nov. 27 Haigh, Thomas 28 Dec. 8 Hencley, Edward. 17 Feb. 2 Hudson, Timothy 13 Mar. 26 Inman, James 19 Apr. 7 Irons, Fred A... 16 A pr. 8 Jeromo, Wilbur H 7 Apr. 14 | Jamison, John 4 Apr. 19 Jacques, Edvard 16 Apr. 21 Johnson, John C ... 12 May 1 Johnson, Thomas J.A. 9 June 5 Krogman, TV.F.. 15 Juno 19 Krogman, Almon C... 21 July 2 Knaggs, Perry N 12 Aug. 11 Kelly, VVilliam E 17 | Aug. 23 Kearns, Isaac F 15 Sept. 1 Klumpl, George H 22 Sept. 3 Kehoo, Thomas 21 Sept. 11 Knaggs, Alla R.. 32 | Oct. 6 Leonard, William. 14 Oct. 8 Linsemeyer, Fred W... S Do. Lavell, Jobu. 7 Oct. 12 Leitch, Robert 13 Jan. 20 Leahy, Johu 7 Mar. 22 Larkins, E.H 31 June 29 Leo, Charles R... 16 July 3 Lustig, Theodore 11 July 20 Lec, Patrick ... 12 July 28 Lynett, Williaw 14 July 30 Lewis, William 20 Aug. 7 Long, David E... 13 Aug. 17 Lies, Nicholas A. 12 Aug. 20 Lancto, Henry 19 Aug. 27 McCanna, Benjamin F 25 Sept. 18 Moore, George 0. 22 Oct. 35 Miller, Charles 27 Oct. 22 McDonald, George 25 Feb. 26 Marcoux, Peter 1, 5 ) Apr. 8 Murdock, John H... 12 May 18 McNulty, William a 29 July 1 Mason, Joseph R 21 Jan. 18 McKittrick, Wm..jr 17 May 3 Murrett, Charles 9 June 9 Myers, Edvin 13 July 13 Myers, Frank H. 15 | aug. 21 Murpby, John... 7 Sept. 10 McEllroy, Charles 12 Sept. 25 Mander, Peter ... 21 Nov. 6 Marshall, William H. 17 Jan. 29 McGeo, Jobu 1,4 Mar. 4 Moreland, S.G.. 12 Apr. 2 McMillan, Daniel 10 Apr. 9 Minnie, Lowis C.. 23 Apr. 23 Mason, L.J 13 May 18 Murphy, Patrick 1,5 May 22 McCormick, Frauk .... 21 July 3 McAwley, John E 22 July 5 Mack, John... 19 Aug. 30 McCanna, John 13 Sept. 11 Miner, John 27 Oct. 8 Murray, Charles L.... 1,5 Feb. 19 Maler, Micbael.. 20 Mar. 11 McLary, J. A 27 A pr. 14 Mallow, John 19 A pr. 17 Morris, Edward E.. 14 Apr. 26 Miller, B. F.... 8 May 31' Merrill, James P. 6097 6110 6116 6124 6125 6128 6132 6156 6182 6210 6232 6247 6273 6285 6011 6200 6095 6129 6157 6274 6276 6081 6085 6112 6186 6193 6206 6223 6267 6018 6021 6038 6067 6084 6119 6149 6174 6184 6211 6219 6221 6245 6257 6012 6025 6033 6035 6039 6047 6049 6056 6059 6060 6073 6074 6077 6078 6082 6090 6096 6099 6100 6102 6104 6107 6114 6115 6122 6136 6140 6159 6167 6171 6173 6187 6197 6202 27 May 10 25 May 18 15 May 20 19 May 28 19 Do. 26 June 2 16 June 5 25 June 25 30 July 20 15 | Aug. 14 14 Aug. 31 13 Sept. 18 20 Oct. 19 31 Nov. 16 7 Feb. 13 13 Aug. 6 11 May 5 26 June 4 32 June 28 21 Oct. 21 21 Oct. 22 5 Apr. 21 1,4 Apr. 23 14 May 18 1,8 July 24 3 July 30 11 Aug. 9 24 Aug. 23 20 Oct. 12 Alar. 4 4 Mar. 5 13 Mar. 25 15 Apr. 15 13 Apr. 23 16 May 22 21 June 18 19 July 14 19 July 23 30 Aug. 14 16 Aug. 20 14 Aug. 21 6 Sept. 15 22 Oct. 1 10 Feb. 13 Mar. 10 13 Mar. 22 18 Mar. 24 13 Mar. 25 16 Apr. 1 11 Apr. 5 8 Apr. 9 23 Apr. 12 27 pr. 13 10 Apr. 17 18 Do. 15 Apr. 20 16 Do. 17 Apr. 22 26 Apr. 28 21 | May 7 24 May 11 13 May 12 28 Do. 12 May 13 31 day 15 23 May 19 17 May 20 22 May 25 12 June 9 28 Juve 12 10 June 29 30 July 6 20 July 13 17 July 14 16 July 24 8 Aug. 3 13 Aug. 7 13 220 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed— Chicago, Ill.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tluued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. 6198 6199 6213 6214 6256 6268 6284 6287 62.93 6079 6258 6145 6169 6225 6239 6254 6068 .6070 6117 6130 6177 6.178 6188 6196 6201 6215 6250 6252 6255 6264 6286 6288 6030 6191 13 Aug. 6 15 Do. 29 Aug. 16 15 Do. 15 Sept. 30 26 Oct. 12 21 Nov. 13 32 Nov. 18 26 Dec. 6 37 Apr. 21 23 Oct. 2 19 June 15 28 July 8 1,5 Aug. 23 6 Sept. 8 20 Sept. 28 21 Apr. 15 25 Apr. 16 21 May 21 9 June 4 11 | July 17 17 July 19 14 July 24 19 Aug. 3 13 Ang. 7 23 Aug. 17 26 Sept. 21 22 Sept. 24 11 Sept. 28 12 Oct. 9 18 Nor. 17 16 Nov. 19 19 Mar. 20 16 July 29 O C Mandev. Floranco J McLane. George Mckee, William Mellon. Joseph MacManeny, Dennis Mallow, Joseph Miller, Andrew C. Miller, William H. Macauley, James d. McRae, Samuel.. Mallery, Edward Nicholas, William Narzal, Herman VV Naraugh, P.J Newnham, S.L.... Nicholson, Robert Neelis, James M... O'Brien, James O'Leary, Martin. Owen, Charles F... Olsen, Charles Oertel, William Otto, Henry F O'Brien, Bartley O'Hara, Harry Peck, Roy'L Patrick, Theodore F... Price, Thomas Porter, Charles H Penton, Henry. Powrlers, Robert.. Padden, John E..., Pierce, Charles G.. Phillips, John Palmer, R. T... Palmer, Frederick . Payne, Henry G Quackinbush, George Qualey John. Quinn, Patrick H... Robinson, William J.. Reilly, Frank. Rawson, Jolu L. ... Rossan, James Roberts, Allen S... Robertson), Daniel H... Rice, Delos y Richards, James Ryan, Patrick Roth, George P Regan, Robert Ramsey, V. B Raymon, John . Rick, Fred C Ritter, Andrew Reduer, Furmau D Riley, Eugh I... Rice, Daniel F Stroder, J.M... Stombs, Joseph H Sullivan, William Stapleton, M. H... Smith, T. H. Speer, James. Shields, Patrick Spencor, Richard Smades, Hiram N Suomiers, John Smith, Thomas V. Sutter, Jacob. Stedman, Charles Smithells, Richard E Sanford, Henry C Sullivan, Peter. Shorer, George C Smith, Christian. Stander, James Scott, Eugene 6208 6226 6228 6241 6248 6249 6259 6277 6290 6295 6296 6009 6050 6072 6103 6229 6292 6075 6118 6227 6233 6238 6271 6278 6279 6001 6046 6051 6121 6146 6147 6158 6168 6175 6205 6212 6237 6005 6023 6042 6007 6010 6016 6017 6020 6027 6037 6088 61.26 6138 6142 6155 6172 6209 6217 6251 6269 6281 6034 6040 6015 6057 6666 6086 6091 6105 6108 6134 6137 6144 6151 6152 6163 6176 6179 6185 6194 6195 16 Aug. 12 Styles, John 32 Aug. 24 Schneiderwind, Wm 25 Ang. 26 Seymour, Thomas. 13 Sept. 10 Steplienson, Albert 22 Sept. 20 Stearer, George R. A. 22 Sept. 21 Shaw, Frank.... 28 Oct. 2 Suyder, William A. 9 Oct. 25 Smithells, John F.. 15 Nor. 26 Stacoy, Charles E. 10 Dec. 21 Turnbnll, James. 14 Dec. 24 Tibbitts, Dennis. 8 Feb. S Van Liew, John 15 Apr. 5 Van Every, Charles... 21 Apr. 17 Vallat, Frank... 19 Mar 13 Vaughan, Amos E 26 Aug. 26 Van Every, George 18 Nov. 30 Wilson, George B 14 Apr. 19 Wilson, John A. 16 May 21 Telch, Alfred E 14 Aug. 25 Walder, Levi 10 Sept. 1 Walker, George C. 5 Sept. 7 Voodrufi, John F. 29 Oct. 13 Webster, William L 33 Oct. 25 Welch, Charles S 15 Oct. 28 Weland, Samuel 15 Jan. 5 Well, William E... 21 Mar. 30 Wills, David... 16 Apr. 6 Wehner, Edward 25 May 24 Wildman, James. 11 June 16 Waters, Charles H 27 Juno 17 Winter, John G... 13 June 28 Wallace, Richard 22 July 7 Young, Joseph A.. 41 | July 1.5 Young, Fountain W 15 Aug. 9 16 Aug. 16 Engineers in charge of 24 Sept. 6 sicaier's of 100 tons 5 Jan. 28 and under, and over 21. Mar. 9 10 tons. 17 Mar. 26 15 Jan. 30 Arnold, George 1,7! Feb. 12 Baughman, Charles E.. 26 Mar 3 Burghardt, William 5 Do. Barry, Michael. 8 Mar. 5 Bildhauser, F. E... 10 Mar. 12 Bell, Henry E. 12 Mar. 2+ Buckley, Daniel 19 Apr. 27. Cameron, Arthur G.... 20 May 29 Coates, Stephen Boyd.. 28 June 11 Cooper, Frederick G 17 June 14 Croul, Horace.. 244 June 25 Cossiboin, Charles 7 July 14 Chamberlain, H. W 17 Aug. 14 Delee, Michael. 14 Aug. 19 Davis, Richard A. 1.6 Sept. 24 Drew, Walter.. 4 Oct. 12 ! Foster, Joseph W.. 19! Oct. 29 Foster, James H. 23 Mar. 24 Gallagher, John 28 Mar. 25 Grover, Addison . 17 Mar. 301: Helele; Charles 12 Apr. 10 Inman, James .. 16 A pr. 15 Korah, John B... 24 Apr. 24 Lundeen, Peter. 30 Apr. 30 Laugto. Aloxander 12 May 13 McCaslin, John H.... 20 May 17 McGregor, I'rank. 6 June 7 McCullougli , Johu.. 21 June 10 McGinn, Charles B.... 28 June 15 Marrin, John C... 23 June 19 Matthews, Joseph S.T. 28 Do. Osborn, Georgo 12 July 3 Owen, ſohu. 23 July 15 Peterman, George J.C. 29 July 1.9 Paxton, Walter T... 13 July 24 Phillips, Cornelius.. 5 July 3.1 Reid, Robert H 9 Do. Root, Vilbur A.. 1 . . 5051 5014 5016 5073 5094 5173 5199 5055 5093 5095 5137 5148 8024 5185 8021 8042 5122 8046 5119 5177 5179 5005 5136 5109 8041 5106 5170 5181 8051 8081 · 8085 5144 5161 5011 5098 8077 5054 5143 10 Apr. 1 11 Feb. 4 5 Feb. 15 12 Apr. 19 4 May 3 15 July 6 17 Aug. 2 1 Apr. 5 18 May May 3 13 Do. 4 June 10 11 June 17 3 Aug. 21 5 July 20 13 Aug. 19 12 Sept. 13 8 May 25 14 Sept. 27 6 May 24 15 July 10 16 July 13 9 Jan. 18 5 June 10 13 May 15 7 Sept. 11 23 Maj 13 14 July 2 9 July 14 9 Oct. 2 5 Nov. 30 8 Dec. 9 10 June 15 15 June 26 4 Jan. 27 4 May 5 18 Nov. 24 16 Apr. 5 10 June 14 . STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 221 Engineer's licensed Chicago, Ni.--Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Namo. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons anzel under', and over 10 tons— Continued. First assistant engi- ncers—Continued. Mar. Reif, Peter. Russell, Alexander Smith, Alvin .. Stephinson, Francis Shaw, Robert G. Suter, Louis Shaw, James II Shuey, J.J... Sears, Fulton H. Wagner, John Warrington, George Wallace, William Williams, D. Y. Walsh, James M.. Wallace, John Young, Alfred E. 5171 5187 5063 8035 8044 8056 8057 8084 8087 5129 5168 8008 8052 8055 8083 8027 Oct. First assistant engi- NCCIS, Armstrong, J.C Allen, Nathan E Altshaft, George. Blodgett, R. O. Bates, Henry M. Beucher, John R.... Baumgarten, Alexander Barrett, James Bedell, Horace I Bogole, Walter. Barry, James Buchan, John A Baird, John, jr Breuer, Joseph P Baldwin, Seth E Bates, William FI Barry, Peter Clark, Raymond W.. Carter, John W... Collins, Arthur E... Cullnan, Jerry Carlson, Tiniothy J.R Cameron, Jolin Å Covyoow, Wm. Henry Conley, John F Curry, Patrick J Coney, Fred T Cutler, John Cullnan, Daniel Connoll, Burt J Carter, Richard Commens, Charles Carrick, John.. Cowan, George J Culver, Andrew Covyeow, Ramie J Casselman, Henry Charles, Robert A. Cleghorn, Hugh. Cowan, Frank A. Dumont, George. Doyle, James. Doyle, Patrick J.. Davis, L.J... Dwyer, Andrew J Dira, Patrick. Dwyer, James. Dean, John... Dresback, FrankF.. Donovan, Daniel. Dalton, Robert. Dizard, William . Doyle, John M. Dalton, Jolin C. Daniels, John.. Devine, John. 5077 5154 5162 5001 5010 5026 5031 5032 5053 5152 8003 8013 8048 8058 8064 8068 8082 5004 5009 5015 5023 5035 5040 5064 5096 5112 5117 5139 5141 5153 5178 8011 8016 8017 8019 8026 8062 8075 8076 8080 5022 5024 5079 5080 5086 5114 5128 5142 5163 5174 5192 5194 5198 8023 8032 8038 10 July 3 Dahl, Andrew. 10 July 21 Driscoll, John J. 5 Apr. 9 Evans, George D 9 Sept. 7 Ellis, Reuben. 2 Sept. 18 Elliott, Robert W 20 Oct. 8 Eckhoff, Claus. 5 Oct. 9 Frost, John H... 7 Dec. 7 Fitzpatrick, drthur B. 6 Dec. 16 Fiedler, Edward. 12 June 5 Fergus, John T 7 July 1 Foster, Jobn.. 19 Aug. 7 Ferrigan, Paul.. 3 Oct. 4 Fredericks, Peter A.... 12 6 French, Alica. 5 Dec. 4 Fink, Reuben W. 1 Aug. 26 Friel, Frank... Foster, Charles H.. Feeley, Joseph F. Griffin, Martin F. Callagher, John. 6 Apr. 21 Grilbo, Frederick E.. 10 June 19 Grossenbaker, Lee.. 16 June 26 Gould, Wilton C. 5 Jan. 5 Grenell, Frei M. 2 Jan. 25 Gardner, John S. 14 Mar. 4 Gunn, James G.. 10 Mar. 8 Grant, William E... 3 Mar. 9 Grubb, W. W 10 Apr. 2 Gilmore, John L. 12 June 19 Hess, James I... 14 Aug. 3 Higgins John. 8 Aug. 12 | Hutchinson, Frank B.. 3 Sept. 27 Furlbut, Wiley E... 3 Oct. 11 Hutton, Bert.. 16 Oct. 20 Heffren, James. 12 Oct. 26 Hunter, Thomas 10 Dec. 3 Heise, Fred.... 3 Jan. 14 Hayward, Daniel D.... 3 Jan. 23 Hubbard, J.J... 5 Feb. 10 Hickey, Cornelius 3 Feb. 26 Henry, Joun... 1 Mar. 17 Hall, John P. 5 Mar. 22 Hefferman, Francis P. 8 Apr. 12 Hunt, Charles 3 May 4 Heffern, Barney 6 May 17 | Heckman, Henry G. 11 May 22 Halldin, Johu TV 14 June 10 Horgan. Daniel 10 June 12 Heise, Henry 8 June 19 Henderson, F.J.. 15 July 12 (ves, Edwin P.. 12 Aug. 12 Iugleston, Frank A. 10 Aug. 16 Jones, Fenry C 10 Aug. 18 Jewett, Leon L 14 Ang. 19 Jackson, Joseph E. F.. 7 Aug. 24 Kanein, Frank A 15 Oct. 19 Kehoe, James. 23 Nov. 22 Kelly, Joseph T. 13 Nov. 24 Kearney, William H. 3 Nov. 30 Kinch, Arthur J... 5 Feb, 26 Liudeen, Aleck 7 Mar. 3 Loveless, Anson 7 Apr. 24 Leland, William H. 6 Do. Lee, Henry 6 Apr. 30 Lo Biron, Leon. 15 May 20 Lahey, Jolin. 11 June 5 Leuters, John 11 June 14 Lindabacker, Edwin M 7 June 26 Livingston, John F. 13 July 8 Lamoreaux, Joseph. 7 July 26 Lutz, Theodore 8 July 28 Lutz, John. 6 July 30 Muir, Alberto.. 17 Aug. 21 McNabl), Edward 5 Sept. 2 Murch, Fred. 7 Sept. 9 Millar, Bryce F 8059 8063 5013 5145 5149 8036 5025 5038 5042 5088 5099 5121 5189 8007 8014 8028 8033 8050 5028 5062 5074 5091 5100 5127 5134 5164 5176 5183 8005 5002 5003 5006 5007 5012 5017 5019 5041 5046 5065 5070 5101 5126 5131 5135 5151 5175 8034 8045 8054 8074 50.14 8079 5083 5195 SO86 5147 5165 5196 5.197 8072 5058 5059 5067 5081 5087 5103 5116 5124 5167 5193 8025 S066 500S 5027 5033 5036 6 Oct. 12 9 Oct. 20 8 Jan. 27 16 June 15 3 June 17 7 Sept. 8 5 3 5 Mar. 19 9 Mar. 25 3 May 1 13 May 6 5 May 25 6 July 22 13 Aug. 6 4 dug. 14 18 Aug. 30 6 Sept. 3 1 Oct. 1 6 Mar. 5 19 Apr. 8 6 Apr. 20 1 May 1 20 May 7 2 June 3 16 | June 7 12 June 26 5 July 3 6 July 16 13 Aug. 5 3 Jan. 11 15 Jan. 14 10 Jan. 18 3 Jan. 20 1 Jan. 27 1 Feb. 16 13 Feb. 23 9 Mar. 23 7 Mar. 27 15 A pr. 12 7 Apr. 15 12 May 7 6 May 28 5 June 5 11 June 9 15 June 18 9 July 9 4 Sept. 6 6 3 Sept. 24 14 Oct. 5 15 Nov. 22 7 Mar. 27 13 Nov. 29 13 Apr. 28 12 July 28 4 Dec. 15 12 June 16 9 June 30 10 July 21 11 July 29 4 Oct. 8 S Apr. 6 7 Apr. 7 5 Apr. 14 9 Apr. 24 6 May May 1 15 May 12 5 May 21 4! May 26 3 July 1 15 July 28 16 Aug. 24 12 Oct. 22 6 Jan. 21 6 Mar. 4 1 Mar. 12 3 | Mar. 18 0 222 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Chicago, Ill.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. I issuo. First assistant engi- necrs-Continued. T'irst assistant engi- neers-Continued. Apr. 13 Miller, James M.. Mooney, Elbert E. Mitchell, Albert Meegan, Patrick J McDermott, William Murphy, James J... McKinley, William McCracken, Arthur.. McCarthy, Charles... McDannel, James F... Myers, Frank A.. Moe, George C.... McIntosh, Howard E Morelan'l, Stephen M Mauk, John C.. McFadden, Cbarles. McGuirk, Joseph. Merrill, Edgar A Milman, William Murphy, D.F.. Manville, Noah. McLean, William J Murdock, James . McMillan, John.. Mooney, John Miller, Johu Mooney, John Martin, Myron A Maler, Michael Meyers, Frank J Marshall, J. L.... McKay, Thomas Marshall, J.H Moss, Louis C McDonald, Byron. McDole, Charles E... McKee, Thomas McCorquodale, Francis Madden, Joseph McElligott, John. Neubert, Fred. Neubert, Charles Neville, Patrick P.. Nichols, Andrew E.. Owen, Jay T.. Owen, John E.. O'Neil, Thomas O'Connor, John T... Pender, Frank Pfister, Peter Parker, Edward E Reynolds, Thomas E... Rasch, Bert... Ritter, Anthony J Rowswell, Samuel E Robinson, George. 5043 5047 5048 5057 5066 5068 5071 5072 5075 5078 5082 5084 5089 5105 5108 5110 5115 5130 5138 5140 5155 5156 5159 5180 5184 5188 5191 5200 8001 8002 8012 8018 8020 8022 8040 8049 8053 8061 8070 8071 5020 5090 5182 8060 5069 5085 8029 8069 5061 5158 8067 5018 5021 5029 5049 5125 6 Mar. 26 3 Mar. 29 5 Do. 7 5 13 6 Apr. 14 14 Apr. 15 7 Apr. 17 11 Apr. 20 7 Apr. 22 13 Apr. 28 10 Do. 2 May 1 11 May 12 4 May 14 14 May 15 13 May 21 10 Juno 5 9 Juno 10 4 June 11 16 Juule 21 ? ! Do. 1 June 24 5 July 14 17 July 17 28 July 22 16 July 26 5 Aug. 2 15 Do. 15 Do. 15 Aug. 12 6 Aug. 18 18 5 Aug. 21 14 Sept. 11 17 Oct. 1 19 Oct. 4 6 Oct. 13 19 Nov. 4 9 Nov. 8 16 Feb. 24 1 May May 1 13 July 16 2 Oct. 13 3 Apr. 15 S Apr. 29 16 Sept. 1 11 Oct. 28 6 Apr. 8 11 June 23 9 Oct. 26 1 Feb. 19 2 Feb. 24 1 Mar. 6 5 Mar. 30 14 May 27 Reed, Ole Reif, Joha Roth, George P Reid, James. Richey, Hugh.. Sclafer, Frederick. Scbreiber, Louis Stevens, Relly M Sommer, Adolph D Smith, autbony J Scott, Albert... Stevens, Stanley Smith, John Shaw, Harry L Schueler, John. Sword, Charles Simmons, A. E Smith, John D Scheer, Martin. Spellman, Thomas Toomey, Daniel. Thomas, John Tetterman, William Toomey, John F Van Dyke, Peter. Vican, Adam Williams, Jobu J Wells, Frank A.. White, Francis H.. Webb, James. Walmsley, John. Wanegar, Charles C.... Whalen, Daniel. Walsh, James R West, Sheridan J Warnimont, Peter Wegland, Samuel A Wright, Edvin H. Wieland, W.C.. White, Frank E Williams, George Wein, Jobni. Waldt, John F. Waldt, James. Woods, Jacob... 5157 5196 8004 8043 8047 5034 5039 5050 5052 5060 5092 5104 5113 5190 8006 8009 8010 8015 8030 8037 5037 5097 5172 8073 5107 5166 5030 5045 5056 5076 5102 5111 5118 5120 5123 5132 5133 5146 5150 5160 5169 8031 8039 8065 8078 8 June 22 17 July 29 3. Aug. 4 13 Sept. 16 7 Sept. 27 18 Mar. 13 1 Mar. 20 5 Mar. 31 2 Apr. 1 6 Apr. 7 5 May 3 13 May 12 22 May 20 11 July 24 11 Aug. 5 10 Aug. 9 5 Aug. 10 14 Aug. 14 14 Sept. 1 17 Sept. 8 4 Mar. 18 12 May 4 12 July 6 13 Nov. 13 6 May 13 4 July 1 7 Mar. 6 9 Mar. 27 10 Apr. 5 3 Apr. 21 18 | May 10 13 May 17 3 May 22 5 May 24 5 May 25 10 June 5 9 Do. 13 June 15 8 June 18 4 June 25 28 July 1 10 Sept. 2 4 Sept. 9 5 Oct. 22 12 Nov. 29 Aug. 19 C Special engineers. Clark, William L..... Flower, Charles. Grant, Alexander. Hawthorpe, W.C Johnson, James. Kimwan, Martin T Parro, Louie A. Scheffel, Henry 2901 2902 2908 2903 2906 2907 2904 2905 5 Feb. 20 6 Mar. 29 7 Sept. 16 1 June 7 8. July 28 5 Sept. 14 1 June 30 4 | July 6 LOCAL DISTRICT OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Milwaukee, Wis. Name. No. of No. of Date of liconse.issue. issue. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. iss110. Anderson, Olief .. Anderson, Michael..... Anderson, Peter A..... Ahlstrom, Charles Appleby, Charles Armstrong, William.. Ackerman, John C.... Bolton, John. Bennett, Henry 6317 6374 6379 6387 6399 64433 6489 6321 6322 7 5 17 14 11 12 17 15 4 Mar. 18 Apr. 20 Apr. 34 May 5 Day 14 June 26 Sept. 6 Mar. 20 Do. Brownell, Edward Boyce, Leslie E Berow, Joseph H Brown, Frank. Bloom, Frank. Brownell, Stephen Boga, William. Brodie, Jobu.. Babbott, Gust 6339 6360 6368 6370 6372 6392 6409 6424 6434 11 Mar. 26 11 Apr. 8 23 Apr. 14 10 Apr. 15 14 Apr. 19 7 May 6 7 May 28 12 June 10 1S June 25 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 223 Master's and pilots licensed-Milwaukee, Wis.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Namo. No. of No. of Date of licenso. ! issue. issue. Do. Bangs, E. P Broth, R Bigford, R.O. Bradley, Frederick A.. Bogle, Andrew H.. Crain, D. P. Clermont, Lewis ... Consaul, Tlieodore S.. Cochrane, John . Clark, flugh Coon, George Cook, John Codding, Jobu Craine, Elmer W... Cottrell, William L Cusick, John A Cox, Edward. Coltell, John Carter, William J Crawford, Jobn H. Chilson, William E Cady, Dan Chamberlin, Fred D Cheyne, James G Campbell, E. D Doyle, John J. Davis, A. B Doak, John A. Duun, Thomas. Doyle, John T De Selier, Oliver Denessen, John. Dessett, John H. Denesson, William Dailey, Michael.. Davis, Charles M Durker, Henry Denis, Joseph Easson, James Eickmeyer, Frank C... Egeland, Gabriel Easson, Lawrenco A... Ellis, C. H ... Eldredge, Hiram (... Ellis, Fred H Fishbock, Thomas Finch, Henry Foster A. Freeman, C. A Fish, George M Frank, Louis Gunderson, Nels A .... Gunderson, Gustave.. Gartlaud, Frank Gibbs, A.. Geiger, John.. Gucwuch, William... Gallagher, Anthony Graves, C. A Grover: William H.... Golden, M Gillen, Edward Grifliu. John L. Giddings, H.G. Griffith, Richard Garrow, Mitchel Grob, Oley... Hanson, Gunder Houghton, Fred P Hart, Edward w Hall, William.. Flowc, Frell... Hagerty, Cornelius Haselbarth, Robert Hopkins, E. W Hitz, Herman. Hansen, Ole A.. Henry, M. E Honnor, Thomas. Hall, William. Hutchins, Frank G 6454 6467 6484 6526 6530 6313 6318 6326 6351 6352 6363 6377 6401 6:08 6421 6123 0438 6463 6487 6488 6499 6504 6523 6534 6536 6303 6304 6336 6348 0337 6384 6400 6419 6426 6447 6464 6515 6518 6359 6383 6437 6442 6500 6525 6527 6350 6367 6479 6482 6502 6303 6321 6328 6345 6361 6375 6376 6388 6403 6.112 6414 6:53 6469 6474 6485 6492 6426 6306 6308 6335 6343 6354 6397 6405 6425 6439 6449 6471 6476 6483 6509 22 | July 24 Hart, C.B.. 22 Aug. 6 Harrington, Joseph 10 Aug. 30 Imbritt, John W 7 Nov. 2 Inglis, William 18 Nov. 12 Jamieson, William 10 Mar. 15 Johnson, Andrew 22 Mar. 18 Jollie, Richard.. 9 Mar. 23 Jones, Louis J 25 Apr. 5 Johanson, A.J. 25 Johnson, C. W 8 Apr. 10 Jensen, John 12 Apr. 21 Kilton, Manning W 16 May 17 Kelly, Anthony G 10 May 27 Kelly, Timothy 10 June 8 Kelly, Patrick 18 June 9 Kelleher, Johu J. 23 Juuo 29 Kirtland, Charles E.. 18 Aug. 4 Larson, Peter.. 22 Sept. 3 Leisk, James 22 Sept. 6 Lindquist, P. A... 6 Sept. 24 Lund, Williamı. 11 Oct. 2 Leisk, Henry 21. Oct. 30 Le Clair, Louis 9 Dec. 13 Loftus, Elugh L 2.1 Dec. 16 Leisk, John.. 11 Jan. 15 La Bordle, Luke. 6 Jan. 22 Lockwood, Charles V 12 Mar. 25 Larson, Louis. 12 apr. Apr. 2 Londen, Alfred 15 Apr. 6 Lusk, Joseph 19 Apr. 28 McCoy, John 26 May 17 Marshall, Williarn 38 June 7 McGregor, William F H.. 18 June 12 McGinn, James... 18 July 8 Mooney, John. 29 Aug. 5 May, Arolph J 16 Oct. 25 McGuiygan, Peter 21 Oct. 26 McDougall, D. W 9 Apr. 7 McCumby, Samnuel T.. 10 Apr. 24 Morgan, Michael T 22 June 29 McDonald, William H. # July 3 Marsh, Peter S Sept. 24 Miller, Walter L.. 15 Nov. 1 McSweeney, John. 9 Nov. 5 McKenzie, Angus 16 Apr. Apr. 2 Muuger, Joseph 16 Apr. 12 Maxon, F.C.. 18 Aug. 20 Martell, Joseph. 23 Aug. 27 Madden, John 7 Sept. 28 Marquette, Eugene B.. 11 Sept. 30 Nicholson, William 5 Mar. 22 Netf, Sydney O.. 12 Mar. 23 Nicbolson, James A. 8 Mar. 31 Nelson, Thomas B 16 Apr. 8 Nelson, Daniel. 5 spr. dpr. 20 Nolan, John A... 19 Apr. 21 Nett, Samuel 28 May 6 Netr, W. W. 14 May 21 O'Brien, James 11 J:10 1 Otter, Thomas V. 22 June 3 O'Brien, James 13 July 24 Oertling, Herman 22 Aug. 10 Olesov, Thomas O.. 2 Aug. 14 Oleson, Ole S Aug. 30 Olsou, Samuel ... 14 Sept. 17 Oleson, Martin. 22 Nov. 10 Odol, Charles D.. 1 Nov. 15 Peterson, Peter 9 Feb. 26 Pitman, A.1. 3 Mar. 25 Packard, C. B 10 Mar. 30 Powell, Frank B.. 24 Apr. 5 Phelps, Anslin d.. 9 May 12 Putnam, A. E.. 24 May 26 Pie, Martin L... 7 June 12 Peterson, Peter 24 June 29 Ronlette, Pinkney 13 July 14 Robertson, George 12 sug. 11 Robertson, Hiram W.. 28 aug. 17 Russell, Josoph. 4 Aug. 27 Richards, Warren 29 | Oct. 11 Riley, Michael... 6510 6519 6496 6507 6349 6410 6423 6446 6486 6493 6532 6325 6327 6382 6440 6498 6535 6305 6311 6332 6340 6358 6371 6381 6385 6417 6443 6459 6478 6511 6301 6334 6338 6341 6362 6366 6369 6404 6420 6427 6430 6436 6452 6455 6462 6480 6490 64.97 6501 6531 6323 6356 6364 6378 6390 6402 6470 6472 6302 6309 6315 6342 6365 6418 6494 6514 1 6517 03-16 6398 6428 6.131 6433 6450 6461 6533 6331 6355 6389 6391 6411 6416 18 Cct. 13 18 Oct. 26 10 Sept. 20 13 Oct. 7 11 Apr. 2 11 Juno 1 14 June 21 10 1 July 8 16 | Aug. 31 19 Sept. 18 6 Nov. 26 11 Mar. 22 6 Mar. 23 15 Apr. 24 12 June 30 22 Sept. 21 23 Dec. 16 8 | Feb. 11 11 Mar. 9 21 Mar. 24 11 Mar. 27 12 Apr. 6 11 A pr. 17 16 Apr. 24 7 Apr. 29 8 June 7 12 July 3 16 July 28 9 Aug. 19 11 Oct. 13 12 Jan. 6 11 Mar. 25 27 Mar. 26 31 Mar. 27 14 A pr. 3 9 Apr. 12 15 Apr. 16 18 May 24 6 June 8 7 June 14 5 June 23 23 June 27 9 July 22 26 July 24 10 Aug. 24 | Aug. 23 15 Sept. 10 25 Sept. 21 8 Sept. 28 16 Nov. 22 28 Mar. 22 15 | Apr. 5 28 Apr. 10 6 Apr. 23 10 May May 5 17 May 19 23 Ang. 11 IS Do. 17 Jan. 7 11 Mar. 6 17 Mar. 15 6 Mar. 29 15 Apr. 10 19 June 7 12 Sept. 20 17 Oct. 23 2.1 Oct. 25 8 April 1 27 | May 12 21 Jue 16 7 June 23 18 June 24 18 July 19 7 Aug. 2 12 Dec. 3 21 Dlar. 2-4 15 spr. 5 29 May 5 24 May 6 13 June 1 29 June 5 1 224 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-Miluaukee, Wis.-Continued. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Naine. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Richardson, Thomas.. Reed, 0 B Ramsey, James J Rice, Richard. Ross, Charles D Reed, Thaxter .. Riordan, Lawrence W. Rieboldt, Rudolph Saveland, Edward Smith, Matt. Soyer, L. M... Sheehan, James... Stedman, Chester H... Sanders, Smith v. Stephens, D. C ... Saveland, Theodore... Sullivan, Jerry 0. Sunderland, Robert .. Schwerman, Fred... Solean, Oliver J.. Sullivan, Daniel C Sbields, Warren L.... Sutherland, William T. Stines, Honry E Stearns, Daniel L... Schickedantz, Eugene Steel, Leo. Starke, F.C. 6444 6445 6451 6457 6468 6477 6491 6520 6316 6329 6330 6396 0407 6413 6415 6422 6456 6460 6473 6475 6505 6508 6513 6516 6521 6522 6525 6529 19 July 6 13 Do. 11 July 20 9 July 26 15 Aug. 10 7 Aug. 19 16 Sept. 13 1 Oct. 27 10 Mar. 16 13 Mar. 23 9 Mar. 24 6 May 11 6 May 26 18 June 2 7 June 3 6 June 9 14 July 26 20 July 29 10 5 17 Oct. 4 18 Oct. 11 15 Oct. 23 29 Oct. 25 7 Oct 28 16 Do. 18 Nov. 1 19 Nov. 12 Tellefson, Martin... Torgeson, Torge. Tiernan, Francis. Tufts, Henry Thiall, P. I Thrall, Jobn H Trowell, James F... Thayer, Charles R.. Velte, John . Van Rensselaer, John.. Williams, William R.. Wanwig, Johu D.. Walker, Jolin, jr Williarus, Edward Wanwig, Andrew C... Williams, Richarl W Wright, John A. Wilson, Jolin Wright, William E Webster, H. W Wilson, Robert C.. White, Albert E Wall, Daniol.. Woods, James O Warrender, Arthu'. Williams, Archio M. Walper, Henry Yax, Joseph E.. 6314 6353 6373 6394 6395 6448 6466 6495 6307 6432 6310 6312 0319 6320 6333 6337 6314 6347 6386 6393 6406 6441 6458 6465 6481 6506 6512 6380 7 Mar. 15 5 | Apr. 5 26 Apr. 20 15 May 11 19 Do. 20 July 14 29 Aug. 5 5 Sept. 20 10 Feb. 16 16 June 23 14 Mar. 8 3 Mar. 11 11 Mar. 18 4. Do. 10 Mar. 25 25 Mar. 26 15 Mar. 30 18 Apr. 2 11 May 1 25 | May 7 15 May 26 20 June 30 10 July 28 18 Aug. 5 4 Aug. 25 6 Oct. 7 7 Oct. 21 24 Apr. 24 Aug. 12 Aug. 17 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Milwaukee, Wis. Firsl-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. + Allison, Martin.. Anderson, O. L Bensen, Jacob Barth, Charles Barnes, John G Brooks, James W. Babcox, Andrew L.... Croissant, Frank W Carrington, Ernest. Clapp, James H... Cusick, James Cougliell, Charles W... Clark, M.C Creteux, Charlos.. Cooley, E. G... Cary, Woodbridge Geo. DeLong, Robert. Doak, Alexander. Delano, Antone Driscoll, John.. Doyle, Nicholas.. Decoto, Levi. Dear, Millaril.... Egan, William H Evenson, Aroid Elsey, D. Bethune. Eliason, Alexander Elderkin, Edward ... Fish, James Fleming, Patrick H.... Fiedler, William Gothan, George B Gleason, Anstin MI Garrity, Thomas. Gordon, Charles Holm, Louis Hendriksen, Otto Hays, John Hanson, Edward.. Hammer, Charles Honner, George W Hinderman, Georgo.. Hansen, Jon H 4317 4400 4306 4326 4339 4379 4385 4311 4316 4320 4344. 4350 4362 4365 4372 4374 4309 4315 4346 4303 4308 5501 5503 4329 4332 435. 4380 4393 4305 4341 4397 4302 4322 4323 4367 4307 4319 4321 4325 4336 434.0 4349 4364 7 Mar. 15 Hlasolbarth, Morris 11 Nov. 17 Janssen, Henry J... 1 Jan. 27 Jolinson, George. 16 Mar. 25 Jacobson, Ben Apr. 10 Keegan, Charles H.. 13 Aug. 6 Kearn, Timothy 12 Aug. 26 Kraft, Louis. 3 Teb. 24 Kerwin, Robort. 10 Mar. 11 Lauaway, James . 10 Mar. 17 Legot, Louis. 9 Apr. 16 Laurie, Joliu M. 5 May 1 Lerlour, William. 6 May 27 Lorenz Fred... 21 June 9 McManus, Janies 7 July 911 Morrow, Erward W 6 July 14 McGary, Ellwarı 7 Feb. 11 Matthews, James T. jr. 11 Mar. 11 Martin, John 11 Apr. 17 Maitre, Frank .. 14 June 2 Mahuke, August 8 June 22 McHughi, John 10 Dec. 1 Morrow, William 18 Dec. 16 Minor, Stanton .. 9 Mar. 25 McFadyen, Lachlen. Anr. 2 Neuscliaefer, Fred 11 May 0 Nelson, Thomas 9 Any 7 Nitka, Michael 11 Oct. 5 Nygaard, [. 1 Jan. 19 Nicholson, James M 5 Apr. 10 Oertling, William 3 Oct. 20 Olson, Andrew. Jan. 6 Plain, Peter.... 7 Mar. 22 Plummer, William. 3 Peterson, Peter... 9 June 15 Randolplı, George 5 Hels. 2 Roberts, William 3 Mar. 16 Rogers, Thomas 2 Dlar. 20 Roulette, J.T... 5 Mar. 24 Rasmussen, Peter. 10 Apr. 5 Redline, Joseph. 8 Apr. 10 Ramage, D.L.. 12 Apr. 26 Schmidt, Gustavus A. 9 June 7 Sounemann, William.. 4378 4313 4388 4399 4331 4334 4343 5502 4328 4342 4361 4375 4387 4303 4312 4330 4345 4357 4360 4377 4381 4383 4386 4396 4304 4333 4353 4359 4369 4324 4335 4301 4351 4398 4308 4327 4338 4370 4371 4391 4395 4310 4314 16 July 31 6 Mar. 3 7 Sept. 4 5 Nov. 4 8 Apr. 1 8 Apr. 5 3 Apr. 13 12 i Dec. 13 12 Mar. 29 19 Apr. 10 3 May 26 6 July 14 4 Sept. 4 20 Jan. 3 Feb. 27 4 Mar. 31 7 A pr. 16 8 May 10 8 May 26 17 July 22 12 Aug. 9 9 Aug. 18 6 Sept. 3 10 Oct. 18 1 Jan. 19 9 Apr. 3 15 May 5 16 May 19 8 June 23 7 Mar. 23 9 Apr. 5 14 Jan. 6 4 May 3 8 Oct. 30 5 Feb. 10 11 Mar. 25 11 Apr. 8 8 July 8 3 July 9 12 Sept. 18 17 Oct. 14 4 Feb. 15 11 Mar. 6 1 | - . og in Do. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 225 Pilots licensed--Milwaukee, Tis.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Second-class pilots- Continued. A Stevens, Elisha Schneider, George Stephens, Edward L Stines, George E. Swinding: Joakin... Stover, John Tonkins, Frederick L.. T:mms, Corpelins Thorson, Spren A..... Templeton, Allen C. Unbehoun, Louis Wexstatt, Eugene H... Wilbur, A.B... Webster, Dean S... Wolf. Jolin Walch, John Williams, William.. 4318 4347 4348 4356 4358 4384 1337 4352 4373 4394 4355 4366 4376 4382 4389 4390 4392 10 Mar. 16 10 Apr. 20 5 Apr. 26 10 May 8 11 May 18 6 Aug. 24 7 Apr. Apr. 6 9 May 3 8 ] July 12 15 Oct. 8 9 May ? 14 Jwie 14 6 July 20 10 Aug. 14 18 Sept. 11 6 Sept. 14 10 Oct. 2 Second-class pilots. Anderson, Peter Allie, Nelson Allen, Charles W Auger, William. Anderson, Wilbur Aminsen, James Allie, Engene Beson, Peter Barr, William. Bridges, James Berg, Sustus 2.. Bebean, Edmund Baxter, AL Brauer, William F Batchelder, Peter C..., Boprey, Lonis. Bom, Henry Christensen, Edward Christofferson, Anirow Campbell, John D.. Cornell, Ulysses S Cook, Jacol) Frank Collotte, Levi Caswell, Leonard Calloway, James Crawford, John G Collins, Omer D Cole, Raymond. Denesseir, Theodore J.. Denessen, Joseph.. Donahue, Joseph. Dafloe, Joseph E.. Eichlor, Frank. Ewer, Charles J. Eermisse, Jolm... Flaherty, William H... Gust. Henry. Gunderson, George T.. Gundersoni, Andrei... Graham, E. B.... Geneit. Jolin.. Gay, Thomas G.. Garrow, Mark. Groh, Willian. Guinen, Thowas. Gagnon, Jonas. Grosse. G. d... Grosse, G. A.,jr. Grabam, Donald. Gunderson, Theodore.. Garduer, H. D.. Elyttel, Charles NI.. Hogan, John... Hacker, Ferdinand W. Hovey, Edward. Hermann, Fred. Heyman, Thorsten... Haakensen, H. E. 4206 4230 4232 -4268 4272 5827 580S 4218 4235 4246 4254 1300 5829 5842 5847 5856 5863 4223 4266 4270 4279 5802 5811 5830 5832 5835 5845 5865 1261 4262 4298 5851 4210 4240 1299 4242 4201 4212 4214 42:13 1256 1269 4373 4275 5804 5807 5808 5818 5822 5824 5843 4204 4209 1229 42341 +236 4253 4264 : 5 Jan. 22 14 Mar. 24 7 Mau, 25 15 May 18 10 May 26 ñ | Aug. 18 15 Dec. 13 5 Mar. 3 2 Apr. 2 10 Apr. 14 2 Apr. 28 3' July 6 10 Ang. 26 1 Sept. 25 7 Oct. 6 10 Nor. 5 12 Nov. 26 1. Mar. 15 8 May 11 1.1 May 20 5 June 12 2 July 7 6 Jly 21 7 Aug. 27 7 Sept. 7 7 Sept. 8 5 Oct. 4 2 Nov. 30 11 Miry 5 11 Do. 2 July 3 13 Oct. 13 12 Fel). 244 1 Apr. 5 2 July 6 1 Apr. 10 13 Jan. 2 5 Feb. 27 6 Do. 4 Apr. 10 16 Apr. 28 10 May 19 1 June 7 14 Junie 10 8 July 8 16 July 14 12 July 16 7 July 31 44 4 Aug. 10 Aug. 12 9 Sept. 27 5 Jan. 18 8 Feb. 3 12 Mar. 23 10 Apr. 1 S Apr. 2 3 Apr. 24 7 ! May 7 Henke, E. L... Harvey, Gcorge J Hill, Ludlow L... John 801, John. Jefferson, Albert R. Jacho, Fred... King, Frederick. Kiss, Ignatius. Kelley, John M.. Keegan, John. Kuhlman, Ben. La Fond, Jolin... Lezotte, Frederick... Lonz, George. Lehman, William. Lathrop, George Q. La fond. Peter.. Lutsey, George E Lirermore, R.G.. Laurie, Alex. R. Mitinga, G... Mastau. Charles.. Murply, Jolin.. Miller, Christian N. McMullen, Alexander.. Martell, Joseph, jr.. Maluke, William.. Mulvaney, Barnard.. Miller, Jacol. McCummiugs, Do Los.. Metzen, James Marshall, Samuel.. Noesen, Thcodoro Vapier, Harry N.. Oakley, James. Otto, William Olson, Samuel.. Perry, Daniel E... Pishon, Vilfird A.. Pooler, C. H.. Pouler, Calvin H., jr... Peclen, Theodore.. Paul, Robert E... Pablkotter, Henry Rodigan, Emmitt. Robinson, William . Randolph, John Romington, Fred... Regan, Daniel.. Smith, Richard ... Sonemann, E. A. Sauviders, John. Simons, John.... Schramm, Frederick Stewart, Alexander Suider, Frank E. Schraut, Fred A.. Sinclair, Charles A.... Schraun, Theudore Smith, Charles Schultheis, Courad Smith, George.... Soitz, Gcorge. Snyder, William T... Tliorseil, Charles.. Tufts, Frank.... Troy. Henry. Torstenson, Ole H. Tessler, Charles Tufts, James Travis, David. Van Ells, Andrew M. Van Buren, Charles Hl. Varner, George E.. Wilson, George S. Wright, George F... Whilo, C. R.. Williams, Homer 4282 5841 5861 4227 4245 5828 4.251 4252 4284 5820 5871 1219 4265 4295 5800 5817 5827 5831 5858 5869 4207 4216 4233 4246 4255 4257 4259 4267 4280 4281 5812 5867 4263 5809 1208 4217 4250 4274 4289 4290 5810 5813 5825 5855 4224 228 4292 4293 5836 4202 4220 4221 4222 4226 4247 4260 4287 5816 5837 5839 5846 5857 5862 5864 4205 1239 4244 4248 5805 5844 5854 4215 4271 4213 4241 4288 5823 5860 2 June 17 2 Sept. 25 9 Nov. 16 10 Mar. 20 3 Apr. 12 13 Aug. 23 3 Apr. 21 5 | Apr. 22 1 June 18 31 Aug. 9 ] | Dec. 22 14 Mar. 8 14 May 11 June 30 5 July 12 2. July 30 8 Aug. 9 8 Aug. 30 9 Nov. 13 10 Dec. 13 14 Jan. 26 13 Mar. 2 1 16 Mar. 30 6 Apr. 16 Apr. 28 Do. 7 May May 1 13 May 17 7 Jue 14 7 June 17 1 July 23 16 Dec. 13 15 May May 5 2 July 16 4 Jan. 26 5 Mar. 3 4 Apr. 20 7 June 9 13 June 26 19 Do. 6 July 17 17 July 24 6 Aug 17 2 Nov. 1 2 Mar. 16 1 Mar. 20 2 June 28 2 Do. 13 Sept. 9 16 Jan. 6 14 Mar. 10 1 Mar. 13 1 Mar. 15 25 Mar. 18 6 Apr. 15 1 May 3 10 June 22 3 July 29 5 Sept. 9 9 Sept. 18 24 Oct. 5 2 | Nov. 12 5 Nov. 26 14 Nov. 29 6 Jan. 20 7 Apr. 5 7 Apr. 10 5 Apr. 15 7 July 9 8 Sept. 28 17 (ct. 21 6 Feb. 27 4 May 24 6 Feb. 27 7 Apr. 5 12 June 23 5 Aug. 12 7 Oct. 16 574-15 226 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed Milwaukee, Wis.-Continuod. Name. No. of No. of Date et license. issue, issue. Name. No. of No. of ! Date of license. issue. | issue. Special pilots. Special pilots—Cont'd. Allie, John Bloom, David W.. Belz, Albert Chambers, Patrick. Clark, William E Churchill, William. Duclon, Ambrose Ewig, Emil Elliott, Stephen... Gates, George W Grosse, Freil.. Herrmann, Antone Harder, Charles. Hall, Charles L Irr, Valentine. Klunder, Albert H.... Kryzinski, Theodore A Lashua, William. 5866 4283 4297 4238 4258 5815 5826 4237 4285 4286 4296 4203 4231 4277 5848 4211 4291 4225 5 Dec. 1 1 June 17 2 | July 1 4 4 Apr. 5 4 Apr. 30 10 July 28 3 Aug. 15 4 Apr. 5 3 Juno 18 2 June 19 5 June 30 4 Jan. 16 3 Mar. 24 2 June 19 5 Oct. 7 2 Feb. 24 1 June 26 5 Mar. 18 Luebke, Herman. La Fond, Edward F... Mubleuberg, Henry. O'Conner, Frederick Peterson, Peter .. Ricketson, FrederickB. Ripley, Alton Rideot, V.K. Sandrock, Louis Smith, De Los H. Sweeda, W. Walter Schramm, William Stevens, Jolin.. Topel, Ferdinand Treni, Enil C ... Wilkins, William Waite, Fred'k Eugene. 5834 5870 5850 4294 5838 5801 5852 5853 5803 5819 5833 5840 5859 4276 5849 4278 5814 Sept. 7 2 Dec. 18 3 Oct. 15 June 29 5 Sept. 9 1 July 7 3 Oct. 16 6 Do. 4 July 8 2 Aug. 3 1 Sept. 7 3 Sept. 24 3 Nov. 15 2 June 11 3 Oct. 7 2 June 12 12 July 28 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Milwau- kee, M'is. Cook, Ossian. Clark, Cadwell a Clements, Robert Clendening, Charles F. Guenther, Q. B... Grosso. Charles, jr. Grosse, William, jr. Gibson, Harry F. Knudson, Hans. Leveille, Joseph. McDonald, Elmer. 1605 1611 1612 1613 1603 1608 1609 1619 1616 1617 1.604 4 May 13 1 June 25 3 July 7 7 July 24 2 Mar. 10 5 June 22 6 : June 23 1 Oct. 4 5: Sept. 6 2 Sept. 14 5 Mar. 23 McMillan, Thomas... Manlick, Charles G.... Pountain, Willis J. Park, John M... Radford, Charles W.. Wheeler, William L. Wick, William Woodruff, Frank Wilkins, George.. Windross, George.... 1606 1615 1620 1621 1614 1601 1602 1607 1610 1618 7 June 19 1 Aug. 31 3 Oct. 13 2 Noy. 3 4. Ang. 3 4 Feb. 27 2 Mar. 4 5 June 21 2 June 25 5 Sept. 23 er en Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Milwaukee, Wis. Chief engineer (ocean). Chief engineers (inland)-Coutinued. Purcell, Mathew 11318 Chief engineers (in- land). Jan. Ashby, Joel Albrighten, Thomas. Amerman, Wallace W. Anderson, Ole F Ahern, William, jr Asby, Richard . Austen, Joseph F Burton, Hollis M Bridges, William ... Bendschneider, Chas Buckman, Henry C.... Beale, William H. Bangs, E. P... Becker, Simon Bird, Frank. Becker, Nicholas Brett, Daniel Blonden, Moses.. Burns, Michael ... Bunker, Joseph Brown, Lawrence. Blazer, Andrew. Conway, John J.. Cantwell , John J Charnrock, Johu.. Chipman, George P... Conniff. Patrick Conley, Michael 11224 11246 11345 11356 11361 11377 11382 11207 11226 11229 11239 11290 11331 11344 11351 11367 11369 11375 11386 1!388 11389 11393 11206 11225 11230 11231 11242 11262 21 July 12 Costello, Marshal Coons, Frank. Christensen, Peter.. Coulter, George Clark, H.P. 15 Mar. 5 Curry.Janies 20 Apr. 12 Collette, Louis. 10 Aug. 10 Cavanagh, William M 17 Aug. 30 Churchill, William C 11 18 Sept. 6 Clark, Myron I ... 16 Oct. 13 Chapman, Charles B. 13 Oct. 27 Collins, Jeremiah... 4 6 Devlin, Jolin.. 4 Mar. 12 Desmond, John D. 8 Mar. 18 De Clute. Harry J. 12 A pr. 5 Davis, Samuel C 21 June 2 Dixon, Edward 19 July 24 Dory, Thomas. 10 Ang. 9 Denessen, Theodore J.. 16 | Aug. 23 Denessen, Joseph 23 Sept. 14 Denessen, John. 23 | Sept. 18 Driscoll, Michael 5 Oct. 5 Daly, James J 10 Nov. 3 Dailey, Michael... 15 Nor. 5 Denis, Paull. 10 Do. Delaney, Edward 19 Nov. 12 Denis, Charles R..... 7 Jan. 6 Eaton, John E. 14 Mar. 6 Ernst, Henry 11 Mar. 20 Engel, William 7 Mar. 22 Edwards, George W... 13 Apr. 10 Eichhorn, Julius 27 Apr. 27 || Evans, Henry H .. 11265 11268 11285 11289 11293 11298 11330 11332 11334 11364 11378 11380 11202 11223 11232 11250 11253 11270 11271 11272 11276 : 11282 11297 11314 11368 11370 11376 11213 11284 11295 11311 11313 11338 13 Apr. 28 28 May 1 11 May 27 16 June 1 14 June 7 11 June 12 15 July 23 19 July 26 16 July 27 10 Sept. S 18 Oct. 13 29 Oct. 26 15 Jan. 6 5 Mar. 4 9 Mar. 22 16 Apr. 16 18 spr. 20 14 May 4 11 May 5 13 Do. 29 | May 17 10 May 26 17 June 12 21. July 8 20 Sept. 18 13 Sept. 21 24 Oct. 13 18 Feb. 10 17 May 27 15 June 7 13 July 6 14 | July 7 17 | July 31 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 227 Engineer's licensed— Milwaukee, mis.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (inland)-Continued. Engel, Gustaf. Fogg, John. Fortier, Arthur R. Flint, Raymond, jr Flint, Senica L Forsythe, Charles G.. Foley, James Ferrel, John P Flynn, John Treonian, C.A Glover, Wilbur Grobben, Charles H. Grant, James Gould, Charles. Gregg. Harry J Gleeson. John M Germanson, Chris. Gill, Joe Greilick, Henry Gagnon. Peter Gregory, William F... Hicks, Egbert H.. Habemeyer, Charles Hitz, Oscar H... Hverth, Fred Hunter, William R Helmholm, W.U... Haslam, James Harrington. Joseph. Hamlin, Le Roy. Hammond, Daniel Hosenfuss, Jacob Holt, Mark D.... Haverlick, Jeremiah... Ingram, Thomas Iyes, I'rank A Johnson, Geiry Koehn, William Keister, George W.. Kynaston. William, jr Krach, Josepb J Keating, Frank Krieger, Louis Kimber, Frank Leggatt, Savery B Larson, Carl J Lemere, Thomas Lowgy, John E Larson, Mandius . Larson, John L Leonard, David H Lucas, Janies Le Fevre, W.W. Leaf, John McLaren, Finlay Mertes, John.. Mommsen, Manera McMillin, John R. Mann, Sherman Manping, John P Marsh, Roes MOMillan, Dennis. Meeli, Eriward ... McLaney, Thomas Murphy, Thomas Martin, Joseph Markham. Cbarles W Moreland, Charles C.. Muzzy,J.L. Moutch, A McCallum, Hugh Millar, James McCarthy, Mike Murray, James E Mayr, Andrew.. McLean, William Macbia, David McGuirk, James 11341 11209 11238 11283 11303 11306 11315 11321 10348 11355 11217 11240 11254 11255 11261 11277 11279 11300 11323 11381 11384 11212 11214 11216 11218 11243 11257 11299 11304 11305 11326 11350 1.1358 11397 11237 11336 11347 11205 11244 11251 11319 11325 11339 11379 11208 11221 11228 11235 11245 11260 11292 11307 11363 11374 11 201 11203 11210 11219 11237 11233 11247 11252 11256 11263 11266 i 11281 11291 11296 11301 11302 11308 11316 11320 11329 11366 11387 11392 11394 Chief engineers (inland)—Continued. 16 Aug. 3 McNalley, James. 19 Jan. 19 McCord, James 11 Apr. 2 Marshall, S.M 25 May 27 McLaren, Robert 17 June 23 Nordman, Julius G.. 20 June 25 Noble, William 25 July 10 Noble, Jacob A. 20 July 15 Neider, Felix 7 Ang..16 Olson, Christ 27 Aug. 27 Oakley, 11 illiam 11 Heb. 13 Pinliham, William H.. 15 Apr. 6 Preston, George 18 Apr. 20 Patterson, William R. 27 Apr. 21 Purvis, George 5 A pr. 26 Perry, Charles L.. 16 May 18 | Pratt, Scott. 17 May 21 Parker, M.O.. 5 June 21 Parker, Marcus W 8 July 17 Packard, Joseph E. 20 Oct. 26 Rusch, William C.... 26 Oct. 28 Relholz, Andrew 9 Feb. 10 Reed, Thaxter 14 Feb. 12 Risch, George 2 Do. Rasmussen, Edward D 14 It'eb. 16 Ritchie, Joshua.. 14 Apr, 10 Roulette, Alexander 20 Apr. 22 Rowin, Orin L... 20 June 12 Rasmussen, Henry R 17 June 23 Schuerdewing, Ernst 17 Do. Staley, Alex 16 July 21 Stono, Lewis H. 13 Aug. 20 Sullivan, Peter 20 Aug. 31 Smith, John 32 Nov. 26 Simons, L. W 30 Apr. 2 Sweatman, Joseph. A 12 July 31 Smick, Joseph P 20 Aug. 16 Sandrock, Charles 11. Jan. 5 Simolls. James M 16 Apr. 10 Schramm, Julius. 19 Apr. 17 | Smith, Nicholas J 19 July 12 Schroeder, Julius 31 July 19 Schraut, Fred A 14 Aug. 2 Sherman, Daniel H 16 Oct. 20 Tbrall, Horace R 17 Jan. & Thompson, Fred A 17 Mar. 2 Toseland, Thomas 13 Mar. 16 Tryon, George Mar. 29 Thompson, Henry C 7 Apr. 10 Trogel, Frederick.. 13 Apr. 26 Vansistine, A.B 12 Juie 7 Vaughn, Charles 12 June 25 Van Ells. d. M.... 18 Sept. 8 Wheelock, Henry C. 15 Oct. 4 Weber, Peter 18 Jan. 6 Wilcox, A. W.. 15 Do. Wondrasek, Charles 23 Jan, 30 Wirth, Phillip K 4 Heb. 25 Weber, Joseph. 15 Mar. 15 Wilcox, Charles 2 Mar. 27 Wanio, James 5 Apr. 12 Witzel, Fred.. 11 Apr. 17 Ziegahn, Fred 14 Apr. 21 14 Apr. 27 Engineers in charge of 11 A pr. 29 steamers of 100 tons 20 May 25 and under, and over 18 June 7 10 t0979. 23 June S 17 June 21 Blood good, Firam P 7 Do. Finch, Henry 16 June 25 Ferris, Charles 17 July 10 Schraut, George A.. 24 July 13 22 July 22 First assistant engi- 16 Sept. 14 neers. 7 Nov. 3 24 Nov. 10 Auld, William... 29 Nov. 13 | Allie, Frank . 11398 11399 12001 12002 11204 11215 11309 11310 11258 11343 11248 11249 11259 11273 11317 11322 11390 11391 11396 11340 11342 11349 11352 11357 11360 11383 11385 11395 11220 11236 11241 11264 11274 11275 11288 11294 11312 11327 11328 11333 11335 11346 11362 11234 11287 11354 11365 11372 11373 11353 11359 11371 11222 11267 11269 11278 11280 11286 11324 11337 11400 11211 27 Nor. 26 13 Do. 18 Dec. 13 16 Dec. 20 8 Jan. 6 18 Tob. 12 24 Apr. 26 20 July 1 14 Apr. 24 22 Aug. 6 24 Apr. 14 19 Do. 19 Apr. 26 6 May 6 6 18 July 12 30 | July 15 23 Nov. 6 23 Nov. 9 10 Nov. 26 16 Aug. 3 8 Aug. 4 10 Aug. 19 10 | Aug. 24 18 i Aug. 30 16 Sept. 3 17 Oct. 23 5 Oct. 29 17 Nov. 17 16 Mar. 2 19 Mar. 30 18 Apr. 6 22 Apr. 28 24 May 7 21 May 13 21 June 1 14 June ñ 16 July 7 19 July 22 23 Do. 23 July 26 16 July 28 22 Aug. 14 19 Sept. 8 29 Mar. 29 20 June 1 18 Aug. 25 10 Sept. 14 11 Sept. 23 25 Sept. 28 18 sug. 25 15 Sept. 1 26 Sept. 23 15 Mar. 3 25 May 1 20 May May 3 12 May 19 13 May 21 10 May 27 25 | July 19 17 July 31 22 Dec. 7 12 Feb. 2 10 1 C 5723 5715 5746 10 July 6 13 June 9 12 Aug. 27 11 Sept. 14 5750 5609 5611 5 5 Jan. 16 Do. 228 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed— Milwaukee, Wis.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. !issue. isssue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers-Continued. First assistant engi- necr's—Continued. ون تن در Aug. 14 Apr. 2 2 f Anderson, Albert. Anderson, Martin Ahern, Henry Allen, Charl's W Ackerman, E.T.. Arnold, Albert Berger, Charles H Blanert, Berthold Bork, Joseph Braleger, Frederick Baker Loyal. Borden, Harry Briggs, Alva. Baker, Fred L Baumert. William. Coproy, Mark... Carr, George. Casey, James Clermont, Lewis .. Clow, David D.. Coyo, William Clark, Elmer E... Cantwell, James T..... Cress, Elias. Cofrin, Ashley Cook, William J.. Dusold, Edward Dairson, Gustav Daly, Edwin Doucett, Edgar Devine, Elenry Donessen, Henry Davis, Charles R.. Driscoll, Michael El.... Denessen, Cornelius Dumman, Henry .. Dolbear, John... Elward. Tilliani.. Enderby, John T. Erickson, Ellwarrl ... Edwards, Robert J Evans, John D.... Eichler, William . Egbert, James Fraser, James Flynn, Timothy T Fry, Jacob.. Flint, Jolina. Frisk, John V.... Feeney, Francis Foster, El.dl... Galbraith, Archie.. Graff, Villiam Garrow, Edward M. Griebling, William H.. Ganthior, John Goldsborough, E. W. Goss, John D Garot, Joseph. Geneisse. Gust... Garrow, Mitchel. Garduer, H.D... Gill, Gcorge. Glause, Henry T. Hoffman, Otto.. Harkins, Thomas Hasse, Fred.. Hill. IV. V Hansou, Charles C.. Hagen, Frank F.. Hammer, Charles G.... Haverlick, Frank. Humplırey, Hiram Fluwell, Rolland .. Harvey, Nelson P.. Herman, artin Hill, Walter Henell, Emil. 3613 5634 5657 5668 5706 5734 5603 5614 5651 5682 5712 5732 5740 5761 5767 5607 5635 5654 5658 5667 5675 5724 5743 5752 5771 5775 5621 5632 5643 5653 5664 5670 5689 5693 5695 5718 5759 5618 5642 5681 5685 5694 5702 5773 5608 5633 5 659 5662 5665 5696 5742 3616 5625 5629 5655 5656 5677 5679 5722 5737 5751 5753 5757 5776 5604 5610 5644 5684 5687 5691 5698 5707 5716 5730 5738 5744 5754 5765 Feb. 1 Hetrick, James Feb. 27 Haslem, William. 3 Mar. 18 Hogerty, Edward 10 Mar. 25 Heineman, Fred W 11 May 25 Jorsch, John P 1 July 29 Jabu, Emil.. 10 Jan. 6 Juneman, Julius.. 7 Feb. 1 Jones, Thomas R 9 Mar. 12 Kueling, Paul. 13 A pr. 16 Killian, Frank P.. 16 June 3 Keenan, William 5 July 24 Keating, Alvan R... 11 Kueliu, August 7 Oct. 18 Kinben, Frank. 7 Nor. 6 Kersteu, John 11 Jan. 12 Layman, Martin 7 Feb. 27 Londen, William. 2 May 15 Langlois, Edward... 16 May 18 Lapagan, jr., Andrew 1 Mar. 25 Langfeld, William 4 Larseu, Frank 2 July 8 Miller, Leonard 4 Aug. 20 McLeod, Allen., 15 Sept. 20 Maxon, F.C. I Dec. 7 McLaughlin, Frederick 7 Dec. 14 Hoproe, Charles 7 Feb. 10 McCabe, John 2 Feb. 27 Martin, William M 8 Mar. 5 Martin, Thomas R.... 4 Mar. 13 Meyers, Theodore A... 3 Mar. 24 | Mulvaney, Barnard. 5 Mar. 27 Morrison, Louis 12 Apr. 26 Moody, Ira W 8 May 5 Nargal, Ernst R 9 Do. Oakley, James 11 June 18 Prevot, Joseph 6 Oct. 9 Patterson, Elmer 13 Feb. 6 Praeger, Charles J.... 2 Mar. 5 Peroutka, Joseph 6 Apr. 15 | Patterson, Walter 6 Apr. 20 Pilon. Ellvard J 13 May 5 i Purcell, Villianı J 13 May 16 Peters, Joseph. 7 Nov. 26 Pakenkopf, Herman 3 Jan. 15 Pooler, James S.... 2 Feb. 27 | Quick, James 12 Mar. 19 Reynders, George. 9 Mar. 22 Russell, Fred J 8 Mar. 25 Russell, Fred 12 Day May 6 Rasmeissen, Willie T.. 12 Aug. 20 · Ritchter. Freds 4 Feb. 3 ! Risch. William 5 Feb. 12 Shipper, Walter W 10 Feh. 19 Serta. Jolin P... 5 Mar. 16 : Sanville, Abel.. 1 Mar. 17 ! Smith, Sherman A 5 Apr. 3 Smith, A. H.. 1 Apr. 10 Schiloerl), William 7 July 6 Shay, Daniel.... 16 Stokke, Eerola 6 Sept. 17 Sanders, Olaf 8 Sept. 23 Seitz, Joseph 4 Oct. 7 Terwilliger, John B.. 11 Dec. 16 Thatcher, Leroy 3 Jan. 6 Trogel, Frank 3 Jan. 16 Tesar, Stephen J 3 Mar. $ Topping. Fred S. 6 Apr. 17 Tesar, James 6 Apr. 23 Tetro, Fred.. 6 May 1 Thompson, Henry J 7 May 15 Thack, Willian O 14 May 25 Vander Bloomen, Theo 10 June 9 White, Walter E 8 July 21 Welson, Frederick. 9 Aug. 7 Wereley, Robert. 7 dug. 21 Wetzel, Frederick. 2 Sept. 24 Winkel, Adolph E 12 Oct. 1 Weber, Edward... 5763 5766 5769 5778 5622 5647 5699 5731 5636 5661 5666 5673 5755 5762 5777 5639 5660 5697 5726 5745 5758 5602 5623 5030 5637 5640 5669 5676 5683 5686 5701 5714 5717 3601 5764 5620 5646 5649 5650 5652 5663 5692 5705 5708 5760 5772 5627 5628 5642 5680 5703 5771 5615 5626 5638 5645 5674 5704 5739 5741 5765 5770 5606 5617 5671 5672 5711 5719 5725 5748 5749 5747 5605 5612 5619 5624 5631 5648 3 Oct. 25 14 Nov. 3 8 Nov. 12 9 Dec. 21 4 Feb. 11 2 Mar. 9 14 May 17 12 July 24 1 Feb. 27 2 Mar. 20 11 Mar. 25 8 Apr. 2 17 Sept. 25 18 Oct. 20 6 Dec. 17 2 Mar. 4 1 Mar. 20 6 May 11 13 July 10 12 Ang. 26 1 Oct. 8 13 Jan. 6 1 Feb. 11 11 Feb. 24 2 Mar. 1 6 Mar. 4 4 | Mar. 26 11 Apr. 3 4 4 Apr. 17 4 Apr. 22 15 May 17 10 June 4 6 June 17 2 Jan. 2 13 Oct. 29 4 Feb. 10 2 Mar. 8 2 Mar. 10 6 Dlar. 11 2 Mar. 13 5 | Mar. 22 7 May 4 14 | May 22 13 May 26 2 Oct. 16 9 Nov. 26 2 Feb. 12 13 110. 6 Mar. 4 3 Apr. 10 3 May 21 3 Nov. 26 4 Feb. 2 5 Feb. 13 15 Mar. 1 1 | Mar. 4 Apr. 2 14 ! May 21 25 ug. 11 6 8 Nov. 1 6 Nov. 26 3 Jan. 9 1 Feb. ? 14 Mar. 30 1 Do. 2 June 1 7 June 21 5 July 8 3 Aug. 30 13 Sepi. 3 Aug. 27 11 Jan. 8 14 Jan. 27 4 Fels. 6 15 Fel). 11 4 Feb. 27 5 Mar. 10 OC Ang. 6 Ang. 19 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 229 Engineer's licensed— Milwaukee, Wis.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers-Continued. Special engineers, Continued. Willians, George Wright, F.C.. Wright, George F West, Albert J Wild, Edward F Walker, John B Willix, Lorenzo. Wiese, Edward F. Young, Willard F.. 5709 5710 5720 5721 5727 5733 5735 5768 5688 11 May 27 8 June 1 13 Juve 23 13 June 29 9 ) July 12 10 | July 27 15 July 30 1 Nov. 8 8 Apr. 26 Second assistant engi- neeris. 20 Dueno, Frank Grosse, Gustavuis. Kerwin, Michael Radcliti, Henry. Shaw, Janies. Tullock, V. R. Tessler, Albert A 5678 5728 5713 5729 5690 5700 5736 Apr. 6 11 July 16 14 i June 4 5 July 20 15 Apr. 30 7 May 17 4 Aug. 4 Doman, H. C... Duclon, jr., William Derksen, Ferman C.... Eernisse, Isaac Freyberg, Herman. Grosse, George Grosse, Fred. Goldsmith, A. D. Green, Fred J Glisch, John F. Hall, Joseph W Heck, W Jorgenson, Frank 0... Johnson, Andrew. Kocerovsky, antone... Kugler, Charles Kitchen, John E. Macklin, William H... Nelson, August... Obenberger, Frank P.. Oleson, Harvey O Palmeter, George F.... Palmeter, D.C. Peterson, Peter.. Quont, James B. Ripley, Mont Rideout, Walton K Smith, Herbert C.. Topel, Ferdinand Wilkins, William. 3316 3321 3325 3315 3307 3303 3318 3320 3323 3326 3308 3312 3319 3331 3309 3317 3324 3311 3301 3304 3314 3327 3328 3336 3330 3302 3335 3313 3310 3329 2 June 26 2 July 14 9 July 27 2 June 24 3 May 5 3 Apr. 14 5 June 30 4 July 13 5 July 16 1 Aug. 14 3 May 19 2 June 17 5 July 9 7 Sept. 21 4 May 25 1 June 26 5 July 23 2 June 14 3 Feb. 27 1 Apr. 21 1 June 21 5 Ang. 16 Do. Nov. 1 8 Aug. 30 2 Feb. 27 4 Oct. 16 2 June 21 2 June 11 3 Aug. 19 Special engineer's. A pr. 21 Boettcher, Bernard J.. Bacon, Wilbur W.. Blooni, Frederick A Burroughs, F.S Bel, Albert Balzer, Emil. Boprey, Louis 3305 3306 3322 3332 3333 3334 3337 5 4 | Ang. 30 2 July 16 5 Sept. 27 4 Sept. 29 3 Oct. 8 6 Nov. 5 om 1 W LOCAL DISTRICT OF PORT HURON, MICH. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Port Huron, Mich. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue, issue. co Anderson, Edward B Akers, Earl C... Atwell, John Armstrong, William N. Ainsworth, Charles.... allum, Edward .. Armstrong, Richard Anderson, William N.. Ashley, Walter A. Armstrong, Byron Ames, Hiram. Barclay, Fred. W Burns, William F.. Begg, Alex Beall, Alfred R. Barrett, William Burnham, Samuel H Boshaw, Oliver Bradshaw, Jobn L Bunce, George ... Bowen, Albert.. Burrows, Arthur W Buzzard, Walter H Browu, Claud D.. Budd, Melvin A Bizzard, Edward J Buzzard, John. Baby, James w Black, Charles W Brown. William T Bennett, Henry. Bennett, James W Bonnah, Andrew J 1,4 6031 6038 6096 6094 6149 6174 6177 6193 6218 6246 6267 6013 6017 6039 8046 6049 6051 6054 6063 6069 6079 6084 6089 6095 6116 6122 6123 6134 -6172 6173 6176 6182 6196 6211 62.15 6232 6276 6277 6280 12103 12110 12114 6010 6021 6025 6026 6036 6044 6050 6060 6077 6120 6121 6156 6157 6180 6184 6192 6206 6238 6241 6294 10 Feb. 9 Bowen, George H.... 7 Fel. 12 Bennett, George J 29 Mar. 16 Bartlett, John L 13 Mar. 18 Brines, James... 10 Apr. 10 Bouille, David 19 Apr. 23 Broadbridge, Alfred T. 26 A pr. 24 Burrington, Riley M. 11 May 1 Bontell, Fred E.. 17 May 20 Berridge, George A.... 14 June 16 Case, George W 33 July 15 Case, Sirney H 21 Jan. 23 Currie, Thonias 14 Jan. 28 Charters, Fred. S 6 Feb. 12 Clark, Thomas E.. 6 i Feb. 15 Cooper, Benjamin H. 8 Teb. 18 Cowles, William J.. 27 Feb. 19 Chambers, Alfred P... 15 | Tel. 23 Capnally, James T..... 11 Mar. 3 Carrier, David 5 Mar. 6 Crockett, William 7 Mar. 11 Cottrell, Frank W S Mar. 13 Cornwall, John .. 10 Mar. 16 Cartwright, Charles H. 8 Mar. 18 Cottrell, Richard A. 12 Mar. 27 Carter, George J. 9 Mar. 29.: Creely. William 8 Do. Curtis, William M 15 Mar. 31 Chorkey, William G... 14 Apr. 23 Cody. Fabian B 30 Do. Cox, Frank 25 A pr. 24 Canvally, Robert. 23 Apr. 26 Crawford, William H.. 16 ! May 4 Cartwright, Daniel L.. 9 May 13 8 May 17 19 June 3 21 July 30 8 Do. 16 Aug. 5 36 Sept. 11 6 Sept. 30 15 Oct. 11 13 Jan. 18 11 Feb. 2 23 Feb. 4 4 Feb. 5 2 Feb. 11 S Feb. 15 Feb. 18 9 Mar. 1 4 Mar. 10 18 Mar. 29 9 Do. 18 Apr. 13 26 Do, 20 Apr. 24 14 Apr. 27 11 A pr. 29 12 May 10 21 Jure 8 8 June 11 9 Aug. 26 11 Do. 13 Sept. 7 5 Sept. 16 10 Oct. 11 6295 6300 12107 12115 * Number of issue of current grade, and number of issue of all grades. . 230 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Alasters and pilots licensed Port Huron, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issile. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. I ! Apr: 13 Aug. 16 Apr. 1 Canartney, Michael.... Destross, John.. Davis, Ezra H Dupuie, George. Donaldson. Henry Dawley, Winfielci w Dale, Harry S... Davis, Villiam R Deland, Lee S... Deland, Marion Davis, Henry W Dawson, John Ellery, Thomas A. Emmy, Theobol.. Eyan, John... Earle, Sylvester d..... Elliott, Frank Elbert, Peter Elliott, Dorin Edwards, Perry EI Fleck, James A. Forbes, Alex Fish, Thomas Forbes, \Villiam. Ferguson, George H Forrest, Alfred . Fish, Henry Fletcher, Frank TV Forbes, Frank Grice, Joseplı O Griffin, John M. Carey, John C... Greening, William Goodwin, Eugene M. Galarno, Charles E Garu, Lowis A... Galarno, Joseph Gain, Ainbrose H. Gordon, William Girard, Vincent. Grigware, Jededial Grant, Murdock H.... Gilchrist, Frank W... Greon, James D.. Gallino, Alex. P Galaruo, Peter J. Goodwin, Robert F.. Harlow, William J. Haywaril, George W Howes. George R. Hendricks, Edward ... Hern, John Howard, Harry S Hunt, L. F. Hannan, Robert J Hutchieson, David Hvisner, John W Hancock, Wheeler.. Hutcheson, Albert.... Huyser, Henry Hutcheson, William H. Haskin, Erastus W... Hagan, William Hungorford, Edward K Hamilton, Eugh G..... Hall, James W Harrow, William G Hutton, John. Heminger, Arthur.. Hughes, Henry S. .. Harris, Samuel... Hansen, Hans. Hyde, Harvey. Irving, George H. Inches, Joseph R..... Johnson, Edward Johnston, Alex. Jackson, Henry O..... Jolinson, Martin. Jones, Joseph W.... Johnson, William J. 12130 C002 6088 6129 6145 6178 6188 0214 6217 6236 6259 12111 6062 6074 6169 6227 6242 6284 12126 12127 6014 6080 6140 6144 6151 6155 6251 6265 6285 6006 6011 6058 6067 6136 6146 6153 6163 6168 6208 0210 6228 6247 6253 6260 6291 6297 12117 6001 6007 6008 6009 6022 6034 6035 6042 6066 6071 6078 6082 6100 6126 6137 6160 6179 6219 6263 6290 121021 12108 12116 12123 12124 12135 6090 0124 6075 6091 6115 6183 6270 6281 1 19 Nov. 11 Jenkins, John.. 17 Jan. 2 Jackson, Charles K.... 15 Mar. 10 King, Graham N. 9 Mar. 30 Kirker, Frederick. 27 Apr. 7 King, George E... 16 Apr. 26 Ring, Frank W. 18 Apr. 28 Kendall, Ed. J 17 M: 15 Kinyon, John.. 22 May 20! Kulin, John.. 1% June 17 Kendall, Douglas. 12 June 28 Keudall, Harvey J.. 14 Oct. 5 Kendall, George B. 18 Mar. 2 Knowlton, Byron T.... 10 Mar. 9 Kearns, Joseph. 5 Mar. 20 Kelly, Johu. 12 May 28 Little, John... 14 June 14 Little, Nelson... 10 Aug. 14 Lurlington, Lewis 14 Oct. 25 Larrabee, W. H. 6 Do. Lowos, Josephi. 10 Jan. 23 Little, Nelson T. 9 Mar. 12 Leitch, Robert. A pr. 3 Leonari, Louis 9 Apr. 6 Little, Arthur E... 5 Apr. 12 Landon, William T.. 21 Lester, George H.... 44 June 21 Leitch, James. 14 July 10 Lawson, Sinclair.. 15 Lyous, William M. 12 Jan. 9 Lorim, Bernard J 16 Jaji. 20 Lockridge, Joseplı 9 Feb. 25 Little. Charles M... 7 Mar. 4 Lester, John R.. 26 1 Lincoln. Davidl... 24 Apr. 8 Lyons, Stephen A. 12 Apr. 12 Lillis, Thomas. 13 Apr. 16 Miller, Alox. B. 17 Apr. 19 McLeau, Jolu. 18 May 11 Mannel, George W 26 Do. Moore, George V 13 May 28 Manuel, Fred. D... 17 June 16 McLeod, George. 8 June 23 Meno, Fred. J. 12 July 1 Montgomery, Wm. L. 26 Aug. 20 Major. Williain S.... 7 Madden, Michael J 24 Oct. 14 McArthur, John. 9 Jau. 2 Matteson, David W... 12 Jan. 13 McGregor, Alox. E. 24 Jill. 14 DicGowan, Huglı.. 12 Jan. 16 Maitland, Henry. 8 Feb. 2 McCowan, Alex. 5 Feb. 10 Moflatt, John J. 15 Feb. 11 Matteson, Edmond F.. 5 Feb. 15 Montgomery: Jas. W 18 Mar. 4 McLachlin, John... 4 Mar. 6 Milleni, Siiney J. 12 Mar. 11 Manuel, Fred v 10 Mar. 12 Marcero, Charles 10 M:1r. 20 Morrison, Archie. 23 Mar. 30 ! Miller, John A.. 5 apr. 2 : Moiles, James S 13 Muir, Jolu G.. 12 Apr. 24 Moore, Washington... 81 May 21 Morley, Charles T. 7 July 8 Moiles, Bart B... 22 Aug. 20 Madden, Vicbael. 17 ! Sepi. 10 Morrison. Donald. 19 Sept. 18 : Moiles, Jolm K. 13 (ct. 14 McElroy, George G... 24 Oct. 22 Moore, Sewell. 9 Oct. 25 Maxwell, William 13 Nov. 13 Miller, M. C..... 21 Mar. 16 Darsden, Charles H. 15 Mar. 29 Morrison, Lauchlen. 5 Mar. Mar. 9 McPherson, George R. 10 Mar. 16 Meno, Joseph E... 4 Mar. 23 Maher, Micbael. 13 Apr. 26 Moore, Sylvester.. 22 | July 21 Marsden, F. G.. 12 Aug. 9 | McDonald, Alex. 6298 12138 6029 6032 6033 6048 6056 6068 6133 6162 6170 6223 6266 6283 12112 6004 6037 6040 6047 6064 6085 6097 6103 6105 6131 6190 6194 6201 6202 6203 6207 6264 6273 6282 6286 12121 6012 6015 6018 6027 6043 6052 6053 6001 6076 6093 6099 6102 610, 6107 6108 6109 6111 6113 6130 6132 6139 6147 61.52 6161 6185 6186 6191 6195 6197 01.99 6200 6205 6220 6226 6230 6234 6245 6252 6257 6262 6268 6209 6275 6292 6296 18 Sept. 1 11 Dec. 16 5 Feb. 9 14 Feb. 10 6 Do. 13 T'eb. 17 22 Feb. 24 17 Mar. 5 12 Mar. 31 14 Apr. 15 20 Apr. 20 13 May 26 17 | July 13 19 i Aug. 13 14 ! Oct. 6 11 Jan. 9 20. Feb. 11 3 | Feb. 13 11 | Feb. 16 8 Mar. 3 8 Mar. 15 17 Mar. 19 11 Mar. 20 17 Mar. 22 9 Dlar. 31 28 Apr. 28 23 May 3 15 May 7 17 ! May 8 8 Do. 15 May 11 15 July 8 11 July 27 19 Aug. 11 14 Aug. 18 20 Oct. 19 21 Jan. 21 9 Jan. 23 i 9 Jan. 29 8 Feb. 5 9 Iely. 15 5 Feb. 20 10 Fel. 23 81 Mar. 1 11 Mar. 10 19 Mar. 18 22, Var. 19 10 Mar. 20 7 Mar. 22 8 Do. 7 Mar. 23 9 Do. 18 Mar. 24 11 i Do. 7 Mar. 31 Do. 13 Apr. 3 S apr. 8 8 Apr. 12 10 Apr. 16 19 Apr. 27 16 Do. 10 . A)))'. 28 30. May 3 23. May May 4 14 : May 5 27 May 6 18 May 10 20 May 21 7 May 27 9 June 1 25 June 5 19 Jupe 15 27 June 23 4 June 26 16 July 8 6 July 17 9 Do. 12 July 29 24 Aug. 20 6 Aug. 27 A uy. 28 151 Apr. 14 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 231 Masters and pilots licensed-Port Huron, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of liccuse. issue. , . issue. ! Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. I McLeod, Robert R.. Moore, Hiram.. May, Arthur C Miller, Joseph C. McLeon, Joli C McLean, ollen C.... Neal, Alvin. Nagle, Johu P Neal, James S... Neal, Alviu C. Neal, Walter R Neal, William D.. Neal, JolinR... Nagle, Michael. Owen, James. O'Connor, Richard... O'Dougherty, Daniel.. Osborn, John.. Pollock, George Papinaw, Antoine Priuglo, Thouas Powrie, Peter F.. Phelps, George A. Pierce, Henry. Putuam, James Parks, Frank H. Pringle, John C. H... Persons, John D Pringle, John C. Pierce, Daviel M Pereue, John C Pierce, George W Quinn, John E Rice, William E.. Robinson, Henry A Rattray, William Reid, James T.. Rivard, Paul.. Riuni, Wesley Ryerse, Lewis Robertson, John Rogers, Julius Reynolds, Johu E. Rose, Stephen. Robinson, Jolin M Randall. Jolin. Ray, Frauk G. Ray, Sylvestor. Rathbuin. Jolin E Smitli, Chris. Smith, Duncan. Smith, George Stevenson, William Stockdale, Frank C.. Senghas, Allrel H. 12101 12104 12119 12.122 12134 12137 6019 6020 6028 6045 6055 6072 6106 6119 6073 6167 6224 6233 6005 0016 6065 6125 6127 6189 6213 6231 6214 6250 6271 12113 12120 12129 6272 6057 6092 6118 6154 6159 6175 6212 6222 6225 6248 6255 6258 6287 12109 12125 12132 6003 6030 6041 6059 6070 6081 12 Sept. 8 Symes, James B 19 Sept. 11 Sterling, Jobu. 13 Oct. 16 Stewart, Harvey i.. 10 Oct. 20 Stevenson, Hugh. 8 Nov. 23 Sharpstein, Jolin 10 Dec. 16 Sinclair, John H.. 25 Feb. 2 Sheldon, Jerome B.. 7 Do. Synies, George A. 6 Tel. 6 Sherbert, George C.... 17 Feb. 15 Strong, William 7 Feb. 24 Sinclair, Daniel M. 27 Mir. 8 Stover, John J.. 10 Mar. 22 Scott, William FI 5 Mar. 29 Shorkey, William W.. 5 Mar. 9 Stewart, John N.. 19 Apr. 19 Saplı, Cassius M. 9 May 27 Stewart, N.P 11 June 3 Smith, Peter C.. 5 Jan. 9 Slyfield, Arthur B ... 16 Jau. 27 Sliackett, Henry S. 17 Mar. 4 Stone, John. 18 Mar. 29 Stewart, James P 23 Mar. 30 Slyfield, Luther L. 14 A pr. 28 ! Thompson, Robert P. 8 May 14 Taylor, James 15 June 1 Tuttle, Myron A. 15 June 15 Townsend, H. H 9 June 19 Tripp, Benjamin 26 July 21 Teller, Peter C.. 13 Oct. 11 Tormey, Edward... 17 Oct. 18 Thomas, Edward M. 9 Nov. 3 Thompson, Henry 11 July 23 Tyler, Abram. 17 Teb. 24 Trudo, Allson... 23 Mar. 16 Viger, Frank A. 32 Mar. 27 Voisine, Abel 5 Apr. 13 Van Norman, Chas. D.. 9 Apr. 14 Vosburg, Charles A.. 6 Apr. 24 Vail, David. 13 May 13 Wilson, Thomas 33 May 24 Warwick, James E 14 May 27 Warwick, Daniel 8 June 16 West, Fredericki A. 21 June 25 Welcome, George F... 1 June 26 Walker, Thomas E. 21 Lug. 19 Warner, William E.. 18 Sept. 20 Woodford, Corydon E. 19 Oct. 25 Weeks, Charles H.. 12 Nov. 18 Waggoner, Stephen. 23 Jan. 2 Wheeler, Frank w 4 Feb. 9 Wilson, James L... 10 Feb. 15 Ward, Julius di. 6 Feb. 25 Westcott, David W. 7 Mar. Zealand, Henry. 8 Mar. 12 Zealanıl, William O 6098 6101 6138 6141 6143 6150 6161 6165 6166 6171 6181 6187 6198 6204 6209 6216 6221 6256 6274 6278 6288 6289 12128 6023 6087 6112 6229 6235 6237 6261 12106 12118 12131 12136 6142 6239 6243 6254 12133 6024 6110 6114 6117 6128 6135 6148 6158 6210 6249 6279 6293 6299 12105 6083 6096 14 Mar. 19 17 Mar. 20 6 Apr. 2 25 Apr. 5 15 Apr. 6 9 Apr. 10 4 Apr. 15 10 Apr. 17 13 s pr. 19 14 Apr. 21 15 Apr. 24 20 Apr. 28 10 May 5 15 May 8 18 May 11 17 May 17 13 May 22 10 June 26 14 July 28 10 Aug. 2 23 Aug. 19 14 Do. 21 Oct. 26 7 Feb. 2 33 Mar. 16 15 Mar. 24 14 May 13 3 June 5 3 June 8 28 Julys 15 Sept. 14 13 Oct. 15 19 Nov. 12 S Dec. 15 15 Apr. 6 14 June 11 3 .) une 14 21 June 24 16 Nov. 22 11 Feb. 3 15 Mar. 24 15 Mar. 25 8 Mar. 27 6 Mar. 30 17 Apr. 1 8 Apr. 9 12 Apr. 13 6 June 11 S Jiine 16 9 | Aug. 4 16 Aug. 24 7 Sept. 2 15 Sept. 14 12 Mar. 13 3 Mar. 19 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Port Huron, Mich. Nane. No. or No. or) Date of liccuse. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. l'irst-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con- timmed. Adams, Joseph 4114 1 Feb. 2 Baird, James 4187 19 : Mar. 9 Allen, Willian S 4160 6 Feb. 27 Butler, Frank E $219 9 Mar. 24 Alexander, Algic 4189 3 Mar. 10 Bell, Joseph C 4228 6 Dlar. 30 Allum, Frank E 4207 1, 2 Mar. 19 Butler, Melrin.. 1235 ñ | Apr. 3 Ainsworth, William E 4242 15 pr. 6 Banker, George. 4210 Ō Apr. 5 Brown, Charles D... 4112 5 Jan. 30 Biddlecomb, Albert D.. 4275 13 May 24 Brown. Hector'. 4122 6 Feb. 11 Bonnal, George R 4291 7 June 16 Bond, James.. 4125 10 1 cb. 12 Bond, Fred. H.. 4297 9 July 14 Bradshaw, Charles T 4.131 Feb. 15 Buoya, Henry 5908 11 Aug. 9 Barnes, Charles E... 11-13 Feb. 18 Bedford, John 5915 6 Sept. 3 Bennett, Frank 4147 6 Feb. 23 Comins, Alonzo B.. 4106 2 Jan. 22 Benson, Bernard A 4179 6 Mar. $ Currie, Daniel J 4109 1 Jan. 26 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 1, 2 232 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed—Port Huron, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of licenso. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. 4,5 9! IO NOC LOCUL + L Cotton, Albert J... 4120 6 Feb. 11 Kenworthy, Samuel H 4165 10 Mar. 1 Cottrell, Jerry L... 4128 9 Feb. 13 Kenwortby, George. 4171 10 Mar 2 Case, Alielbert 4130 1 Do. Kenyou, Seneca. 4201 8 Mar. 16 Carr, Whitney. 4135 7 Heb. 16 Kelly, James W 4221 5 Mar. 25 Cullen, Thomas 4137 5 Feb. 17 Kobel, Charles E 4262 8 A pr. 23 Chainberlin, Myron K. 4161 Feb. 27 King, Joseph 4271 7 May 17 Cassin, James: 4163 9 Mar. 1 Kendall. Chesley B 4273 7 May 21 Cottrell, James E.. 4175 Mar. 3 Kuowlton, Charles. 4299 15 July 16 Cole, Fred S.... 4193 1,2 Mar. 13 Klingler, George N 5902 5 July 19 Campbell, William .. 4202 3 Mar. 18 Kress, Lewis 5910 13 Aug. 16 Carlisle, Theodore S 4214 9 Mar. 22 Lohr, William H. 4115 3 Feb. 2 Cottrell, Cbarles S. 4227 7 Mar. 20 Langell, William 4129 4 Feb. 13 Campbell, Andrew L.. 4257 2 Apr. 19 Leonhard, William 4132 3 Feb. 15 Cooper, John E 4261 9 Apr. 20 Lohr, Jolo MI.... 4138 2 Feb. 17 Chamberlin. Felix 4266 14 Apr. 27 La Bounty. Michael. 4174 Mar. 3 Cornwall. Alton W 4280 6 May 31 Lattray, William 4178 Mar. 4 Carroll, Pheneas .. 4294 9 July 10 Lennon, Joseph T 4186 Mar. 9 Copelann, Charles E 4300 5 July 17 Laveigne, Albert 4213 12 Mar. 22 Dove, Frank 4110 1 Jan. 29 Larrabee, Melvip A.. 4218 3 Mar. 23 Dupine. Joseph H 4134 5 Feb. 16 Leckie, Frederick 4231 2 Apr. 1 Douglas, Robert 4200 3 Mar. 16 Lawrence, Henry 4244 7 Apr. 7 Du Beau, John.. 4225 7 Mar. 29 Lennon, George H 4253 7 Apr. 16 Dingwell, Joliu 4233 4 Apr. 2 Leach, Charles B 4276 9 May 24 Dawson. Heury 4238 10 Apr. 5 Lowes, George. 5911 5' Aug. 18 Dolson, Mordred 4239 15 Apr. 5 Lowes, John 5918 6 ! Sept. 16 Denio, Carleton C... 4251 9 Apr. 13 Mills, John E.. 4104 5 Jan. 1.8 Dunstall. Stephen J.. 4260 7 Apr. 20 McKay, Robert 4108 5 Jan. 26 Dagen, Dennis.. 4285 3 June 8 Morrison, Neil L.. 4111 1 Jan. 29 Deringer, Thomas 5914 7 Aug. 26 Mellruni, TYilliam G 4116 12 Fel). 3 Day, Alex 5922 17 Oct. 25 Daitlani. Walter R... 4121 2 leb). 11 Emery, John E A. 4124 1 Feb. 12 Mitchell, Henry 4123 4 Feb. 12 Egbert, John W 4139 5 Teb. 17 Moran, Thomas J... 4140 5 Feb. 17 Eilery, Arthur J. 4149 6 Feb. 24 Mitchell, Burt 4144 3 Feb. 18 Englebray, Heury C. 5917 4 Sept. 14 Morrill, Jolin T 4170 2 Mar. 2 Tinklo, David.. 4102 6 Jan. 14 McDonald, William.. 41.80 1 Mar. 5 Foster, John. 4107 8 Jan. 25 Murphy. James... 4182 2 Nar. 6 Fox, Henry 154 7 Feb. 25 McGregor, Francis L.. 4185 10 Mar. 8 Finkle, Bort 4177 5 Mar. 5 Mowbray, Robert T.. 4198 7 Mar. 16 Folson, Frank C... 4196 2 Mar. 15 McPhee, Neil. 4212 4 Mar. 20 Ferguson, Joseph 4208 15 Mar. 19 Mockles, Jolu.. 4220 6 Mar. 24 Turtav. Fred.. 4210 6 Mar. 20 Matthew's, Joseph 4223 4 Mar. 26 Tisler, Daniel M 4234 7 Apr. 3 Morrison, William H 4232 7 Apr. 1 Fitzgerald, R. P. 4292 2 June 29 McKay, William A 4236 6 Apr. 3 Finkle, William K.. 5916 7 Sept. 8 Maitland, John R.. 4250 6 Apr. 13 Germain, Alfred J 4158 6 Feb. 27 McCauley, Henry A 4259 7 Apr. 19 Gray, John F.. 4176 1 Mar. 3 McAllister, Thomas 4272 5 May 20 Geel, Guy G 42:15 3 Apr. 7 Melditu., George A.... 4284 8 Juie 8 Hanson, Joha F 4101 5 Jan. 9 McCann, Samuel B 4289 13 June 10 Heninger, Russell.. 4119 2 Fely. 10 McNeill, John 4290 5 June 11 Hayes, John E. 4136 1 Feb. 16 M Isaac, Daniel -5909 21 | Aug. 11 Hiefield, Henry N.. 4141 1 Feb. 17 McLeod, Duncan 5919 4 Sept. 17 Hayes, William J 4142 4 Morgan, Bernard W 8 Sept. 30 Harris, Robert. 4153 4 Feb. 24 Norris, Alex. F 4150 16 Feb. 24 Hoskin, Willian... 4168 5 Mar. 2 Ney. Chauncey 4157 2 Feb. 26 Hossie, William J. 4169 7 Do. Nelson. Charles. 4167 10 Mar. 1 Henderson, Alfred W.. 4181 9 Mar. 6 Noble, John... 4173 4 Mar. 3 Heythaler, John 4194 8 Mar. 15 Northup, James H. 4252 6 Apr. 15 Hill, Fren C... 4199 10 Mar. 16 Nash, Harris F. 4286 2 Juno 8 Hoevel, Henry W. 4209 5 Mar. 20 Paterson, Robert. 4103 7 Jan. 14 Hormig, William F 4262 10 Apr. 20 Pringle, Thomas. 4151 16 Fob. 24 Horsefield, Richard... 4265 15 Apr. 24 Proctor, Ever.. 4191 14 Mar. 12 Hunter. Jolin 4267 5 Apr. 28 Parker, James B 4248 6 Apr. 12 Hayes, Peter A. 4270 7 May 13 Patterson, William G.. 4256 9 Heisordt, F.D 4277 6 May 26 Pierce, Charles F 5905 9 July 27 Higgins, Join 4281 5 June ] Powrie, Stewart M 5923 17 Oct. 17 Hathaway, James K... 4283 14 June 7 Randall, Winslow U ... 4178 3 Mar. 3 Haskell, Thomas. 4293 18 July 8 Rattray, William P 4183 7 Mar. 6 Haskin, James A 5901 5 July 17 Rinn, Josoph B 4190 7 Mar. 11 Henderson), John E.... 5904 15 July 23 Recor, Robert J.. 4203 6 Mar. 18 Hurkett. Oscar.. 5924 14 Dec. 7 Reoux. Joseph A 4204 7 Do. 1 Jamieson, James M.. 4105 2 Jan. 21 Reynolds, Edward D 4206 4 Do. Johnston, Gust.Christ'n 4127 5 Feb. 13 Roy, Andrew L... 4216 3 Mar. 23 Jones, Fred .. 4148 3. Feb. 24 Rose, Jerry A.. 4241 10 Apr. 5 Jones, Joseph E. 4192 3 Mar. 13 Reynolds, John E.. 4249 S Apr. 13 Jenkyn, Alex 4211 7 Mar. 20 Reeves, Frank 4264 13 A pr. 23 Jones, Henry 4217 3 Mar. 23 Reynolds, Chris. P.. 4278 7 May 27 Johnson, Larse 4288 41 June 10 Rose, Lewis... 4279 16 Do. *Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. . Do. 5920 1 Apr. 19 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 233 Pilots licensed-Port Huron, Mich.—Continued. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. Jissue.* issue. Name. No of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. First-class pilots---Con- tinued. Second-class pilots Continued. 11 Apr. 12 1 Apr. 6 Ray, Charles. 4298 10 July 15 Charlton, Leonidas B.. 6637 Rose, Joseph A 5903 13 July 20 Dues, David E... 4106 Ross, James 5906 12 Aug. 7 Dorosia, Jolin L. 4128 Rose, Joseph. 5921 15 Oct. 1 Dahlmer, Jolu A 4137 Souer, Georgo J... 4118 6 Feb. 10 Dupuie, John E.. 4141 Smith, Charlie 0. 4126 1 Teb. 12 Davis, Calviu H.. 4145 Seifert; Frank 4133 4 Do. Devaney, Patrick 6616 Sinith, Alex. C 4145 6 Feb. 20 Devaney, Thomas 6631 Shackett, Joseph M.... 4146 3 Do. Endres, Frank 4124 Sinith, Thaileus C. 4152 6 Feb. 24 Eber, Fred. J 4127 Suody, Reuben W 4155 1 | Feb. 26 Elliott. David. 4189 Stager, Peter 4159 2 Feb. 27 Eudres, Frauk X 6604 Shaw, John .... 4166 3 Mar. 1 Enimy, Frank 0610 Stuart, Thomas J 4184 5 Mar. 6 Tarrell, Henry 4105 Smitli, Joseph 4188 Mar. 10 Felmer, Otto 4123 Stover, Walter.. 4195 5 Mar. 15 Finkle, Jerry 4125 Skinner, George H.... 4222 8 Mar. 26 Ferg'118011, Boratio 4136 Shackett, Charles J.... 4226 7 Mar. 30 Fowler, Thomas 4155 Stewart, Harry W 42:30 5 Apr. 1 Fish, Alex.. 6620 St. Bernard, Wm. H.... 4247 7 Flora, Daniel 6636 Sturtevant, Willard 4254 4 A pr. 16 i Goulett, William R.... 4120 Sturmer, Richard T... 4255 7 Ajir. 17 Galton, Abrain S 6619 Sinclair, Lawrence. 4269 17 May 10 Grisilale, W.C 6622 Sinclair. Bert.. 4287 4 June 9 Hepburn, alex. 4101 Snitli, Fred. H. 5913 2 Aug. 20 Furkett, William 4158 Trim, Elmer 4117 4 Tob. 6 Hazen, Jared P... 4171 Tyler, George C 4156 1 Tel. 26 Harndon, Walter N... 4172 Trumble, James H... 4162 6 Mar. 1 Hourigan, James L... 6606 Towgley, Edwin R.. 4258 11 Apr. 10 Hess, Eugene F.. 6612 Thomas, Joseph 4268 13 Apr. 29 Hyde, George W 6625 Thompson, Alfrect 4282 4 JWO 5 Harson, James HI 6630 Tilton, Charles F 5913 10 Aug. 26 Holmes, Nelson E.... 6640 Utley, R. 2.... 4164 2 Mar. 1 Harper, George. 6641 Warner, George E 4197 8 Mar. 16 Isabell, Thomas 4187 Watsou, Albert E 4205 Mar. 18 Johnson, Burtin J 4108 Warner, Walter B 4215 7 Mar. 23 Johnson, William . 4168 Ward, Edward. 4229 11 Mal. 31 Knapp, Richard H 4130 Whiting, Chances 1237 11 Ajir. 3 Kirkendall, Joseph 4144 Ward, Burt. 4243 Kennedy, Stewart W.. 4181 Wright, Charles 4274 10 May 21 King, William J.... 4190 Wright, William 4295 9 July 12 Kreis, Lewis.. 6627 Watson, Freil... 4296 3 July 14 Kellelier. Eugene 6633 Woolworth, Chester... 5907 17 Aug. 9 Laffrey, Henry J.. 4103 Young, William T.. 4246 2 Apr. 10 Laterty, Benj. 4150 Ziem, William C 4113 4 Jan. 30 Lyon, Dennis, jr. 4178 Zaetsch, Nicholas.. 4224 9 Var. 29 Lacroix, Henry 6611 McKenzie, Alex 4110 Second-class pilots. Muna, Alex.. 4119 Murphy, Daniel .. 4140 Albee, Charles N 4146 9 Mar. 23 McHaney, Samuel. 4143 Armstrong, Dewitt 4177 9 May 6 Martin, Michael 4147 Andrews, Edwin 4194 6 Junie 10 McElroy. William P... 4148 Ashman, William D.. 6607 10 July 22 Moore, Richard . 4149 Allan, George A 6613 14 Any. 18 Markle, Stanton J 4150 Alleu, Frank... 6623 4 Mlinor, George H. 4157 Aotton, Thomas W 6629 10 Oct. 5 McLeorl. Norman 4159 Bennett, John D. 413:3 3 Mar. 18 McLachlin, Archie .. 4174 Bennett, Thomas A 4138 3 Mar. 19 Morse, Edwin C.. 4175 Burrows, Benjamin 1).. 4152 10 i Mr. 30 Miller, William H.. 6602 Bloodgood, Richard B.. 4162 10 Apr. 16 McIntyre, Avgus 6603 Ballor. John 4164 7 Ajir. 17 Miller, Frank M 6614 Barclay, Lyman 4173 10 Apr. 29 Mitchell, John F.. 6618 Balor, James.. 4176 15 May 4 Noel, Joseph 4135 Bontull, William W. 4185 4 May 21 O'Brien, John H. 4195 Bristol, Howard C 4188 10 May 25 Poirier, Frank.. 4102 Bassett, Joseplı 4191 2 June 4 Pace, Daniel E... 4139 Buda, Luber M 4198 3 Junie 23 Pringle, Ralph T 4153 Brown, Walter A 6635 2 Nov. 12 Persons. M1's. Celia E.. 4197 Campbell, Robert 4114 1 Feb. 16 Provot, Frank 6609 Chamberlain, Calvin 4116 21 Feb. 23 Porter, Charles A 6621 Courrie, Thomas 4161 3 Apr. 10 Ray, Herbert D.. 4104 Cole, Adolphus S 4166 2 Apr. 20 Roe, Stepben J. 4107 Curtis, Albert L 4183 11 May 17 Ryan, John C... 4112 Currio, Calvin 4200 7 June 30 Raukin, Harry M. 4117 Cleary, Taines. 6601 11 July 6 Robertson), Henry F... 4118 Conture, Fred 6617 6 Sept. 7 Radford, William 4129 www-Crockett, George A. 6624 2 Sept. 24 Ryan, Michael... 4179 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 7 Nov. 2:3 7 Jan. 30 8 Mar. 11 1 Mar. 12 1 Do. 1 Mar. 22 12 Sept. 7 il 1 Oct. 14 3 Mar. 4 1 Mar. 10 8 Mar. 28 6 July 13 7 Aug. 7 13 Jan. 29 2 Mar. 4 1 Mar. 6 6 Mar. 19 1 Apr. 5 4 Sept. 9 13 Nov. 18 1 Feb. 26 4 Sept. 9 Sept. 20 3 Jan. 9 5 Apr. 12 5 Apr. 20 10 Do. 6 Juli 17 1 Aug 17 8 Sept. 24 10 Oct. 1 9 Dec. 16 18 Dec. 20 10 May 24 1 Feb. 10 13 Apr, 23 5 Mar. 13 3 Nlar. 22 9 May 14 7 June 3 3 Sept. 29 14 Oct. 29 1 Jan. 12 8 spr. 7 Dlay 10 9 Aug. 11 3 Feb. 12 5 Feb. 26 1 Mar. 19 3 Mar. 22 3 Mar. 23 1 Mar. 24 7 Mar. 23 2 Do. 5 Apr. 12 1 Apr. 13 6 May 3 8 May 4 7 July 6 10 July 13 5 Aug 19 ī Sept. 8 1 Mar. 18 7 June 18 5 Jan. 9 5 Mar. 19 1 Apr. 2 6 June 19 1 Aug. 6 7 Sopt. 13 1 Jan. 25 1 Jan. 30 2 Heb. 15 4 Feb. 23 3 Feb. 25 1 Mar. 11 6 Ma 12 Sept. 22 1 234 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Port Euron, Mich. Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. lissue.* issue. Naine. No. of No. of Date of license. issne.* issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Second class pilots- Continued. Robinson, Robert...... Rice, Frank R... Reynolds, George S.... Smith, Charles W.. Smalley, Jolin L Stewart, George W Sharpsteili, Fred'k D.. Spencer, Villiam Shackett, William F... Short, Edward... Slade, Frank.. Symes, D.J. Smalley, James H Stewart, Willian J.. Singler, Josepb. Stuart, William A Sherman, Lewis E Smith, Thomas B.. Smith, Harley B... 4180 6605 6608 4111 4115 4121 4122 4132 4142 4151 4160 4163 4167 4160 4170 4182 6626 6634 6638 6 May 13 # July 1G 1 Auý 5 3 Feb. 15 6: Do. 1 Feb. 27 2 Mar. 2 1 Mar. 18 2 Mar. 20 4 Mar. 27 13 Apr. 16 2 6 Aur. 20 9 ( Apr. 23 9 Apr. 24 * May 17 15 Sept. 27 1 Oct. 30 4 Dec. $ Twininy, Fred. L Trimble, George W Titlany, Benjamin Tromble, Edward. Van Conett, George Williamson, Patrick... Worden, Scott B Waugh, George Wertzmau, Charles A. Worden, James P..... Wickes, Harry T. Wickes, William J Warner, Alfred H.. Wells, Whitney Walker, William H.... Weyers, Asa.. Williamson, Henry Yax, Frank. 4126 41615 4196 4199 4186 4109 4115 4131 4151 418+ 4192 41:13 0615 6628 06:32 00:) tii:2 4134 6 Mar. 9 2 Apr. 20 12 June 19 10 June 26 2 2 May 22 1 Feb. 11 21 Feb. 20 1 Mar. 16 5 Apr. 3 6 May 21 5 June 7 4 Do. 7 Ang. 26 6 Oct. 2 8 Oct. 25 6 Dec. 11. 7 Dec. 21 7 Mar. 18 Apr. 17 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Port Huron, Mich. Achard, E. 1 Allon, Clarence B... Beach, George A Burrows, George L., jr. Baker, Henry F Barnard, Arthur.. Clark, E. Eugene Carroll, George C Egan, Jolin. Elwood, William N. Elwood, Ward P... Freidorich, Adam F:ancis, William M Garlaud, H. IV Garland, M Gay, William. Gage, Thomas Harvey, Frederick... 1578 1584 1568 1569 1571 1581 1564 1576 1552 1566 1.579 1580 1583 1554 1553 1560 1574 1357 1 Sept. 20 1 Nov. 2 3 Sept. 9 3 Do. 1 Sept. 11 4 Oct. 8 2 Aug. 19 2 Sept. 15 1 May 29 6 dig. 2:3 6 Oct. 2 01 Oct. f 3 i Oct. 26 2 Jure 4 3 Do. 1 July 7 2 Sept. 14 3 June 30 Fildieth, E. S. Jackson. Jolu L Kalow, Emil.. Jurphy, Williams Meyer, G. V Martin, Janies R. Mills, Myron Mills, Nelson.. McGregor, James Percival, Edvard F Paxson, W. L... Rattray, Andrew E.... Smart, Fred. L.. Sterling, Clarence Shocmaker, A. H Wager, W. H.. Yates, Henry J 1582 1572 1577 1558 1559 1570 1573 1575 1585 1561 1563 1556 1562 1565 1567 1551 1 1555 2 Oct. 20 1 Sept. 11 1 Sept. 18 June 30 5 July 6 2 Sept. 11 Sept. 13 2 Sept. 14 6 Dec. 10 3 July 15 1 dug. 9 3 June 16 2 July 24 2 Ang. 23 2 Sept. 2 1 May 25 1 June 5 1 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Port Huron, Mich. Chief engineers. 1 Chief engineers, Con. tinued. Apr. 23 Ameran, Washington.. 6319 15 Fel), 4 Blodgood, George W... 6490 9 May 17 Abernathy, Thomas 6322 9 Do. Blauvelt, John. 6229 26 June 29 Arnold, Elgar 6471 15 Bowen, Frank 6550 20 July 29 Arnold, Alonzo 6506 29 June 1 Buckner, John 11 6556 10 Aug. 9 Arnson, Arthur 6544 18 July 20 Barber, Augustus 6558 6: Aug. 11 Butler, Harrison H 6324 13 Feb. 6 Bowen, Jobin. 6363 17 Aug. 14 Boutin, John 6332 6 Tel. 9 Bacon, Jannes K 6575 10. Aug. 24 Babcock, Charles 6346 12 Heb. 18 Bird, Benjamin 6585 13 Sept. 7 Bradley, Audrew J 6350 14 Tel. 20 Boutin, Jobu 6595 26 5 Sept. 20 Britz, Peter. 6360 4 Tel. 26 Belor, Joseph 6596 18 Sept. 22 Burus, Charles.. 6362 14 Feb. 27 Cadotte, Joseplı P.. 6305 8 Jan. 9 Beauchamp, Burt. 6375 9 Mar. 5 Carpenter, William E. 6308 12 Jan. 11 Braman, Jesse A... 6389 9 ! Mar. 13 Charlton, George 6313 12 Jan. 23 Bur), David. 6396 15 i Var. 18 Covyeow, George A.. 6328 33 Feb. 9 Butler, George 6403 18 Mar. 19 Coleman, Fred. 6355 17 Feb. 24 Bracket, George L 6405 9 Do. Calland. W. A 6356 14 Do. Bowen, George H.. 6409 13 Mar. 22 Cameron, Jaines 6388 6 Mar. 12 Butler, Warren H.. 6413 12 Do. Cameron, Robert. 6391 18 Mar. 13 Blanvelt, Cornelius 6440 25 Apr. 5 Cutlibert, Charles E.... 6400 16 Mar. 18 Buzzard, Irwin 6415 10 Apr. 10 Corner, L. M.. 6424 12 Mar. 30 Britz, Michael V 6-446 9 Do. Cosgrove, Thomas H... 6427 9 Mar. 31 Birch, Thomas... 6156 13 Apr. 14 Clark, Robert A 6430 13 Brisben, Samuel 6474 10 Apr. 26 Campbell. Ransom A.. 6438 14 Apr. 3 Budd, Joseph. 6487 14 | May 13 Cadotte, Frank A... 6477 27 ! May 1 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. Do. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 235 Engineer's licensed-Port Huron, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. 12 Collins, Thomas Coun, Cyrus E Carpenter, S. B Cole, Asa R.... Coryeow, Daniel L Colly, Jobu f. Cooper, John D Carter, Eloraco.. Cusliwag, William C. Diefenbach, Charles Daşlaw, John Davidson, R. A Depuy, Harvey Durrant, Clarence Daly, Thomas Durrant, Oliver Dibble, John P Durraut, S. O Dibble, James P Dillon, James A Diehl, Joho Downing. William J... Dean, Julius Densmore, William W. Degraw, Archie. .. Derrig, James F Ducliene, Jolin.. Davis, Orin.. Diem, Charles H Diehl, Charles Dietsch, John W Dauger, Chirles W Egaji. Edward. Ellioit, Josiah Eagan. Charles Eaton, Charles W Elliott, Robert. Foster, David M.. Flanagan, Charles H.. Fetting, William... Foril, Clark Fritz. Jolin Finney, l'eter Francis, Peter J Furo. Charles Fitzgerald, Fred. P .. Fettig, Leon Freeman, Ellsworth Fogg, John F., jr Fink, Jacob B Ford, George W Felcher, George H.. Fowler, John G. Fettig, John Gaffney, Miles W Garretti, Isaac N.. Gralam, Thomas W. Gray, William .. Green, William H... Grimley, John Gelinas, Louis Gey, Gustav Graves, Henry. Gulette, Nelson. Guillott, Eugene A.. Grice, Joseph P Gartung, A.C. Gowling, Tliomas. Gilliy, William. Grant, Robert R.. Gregory, Homer. Henry, Walter ..... Hatch, Alfred L... Hunt, L, T Hannon, Robert J Hill, Lemuel C.... Heisner, Charles A Fodgson, Houry E. 6480 6498 6502 6509 6517 6545 6560 12706 12717 6304 6331 6392 6395 6411 6412 6414 6415 6422 6423 6425 6452 6473 6476 6496 6503 6505 6512 6524 6535 6546 6578 6587 6380 6478 699 12712 12716 6330 6337 6341 6353 0371 6385 6462 6464 6485 6494 0522 6540 65-19 6565 12703 12707 12708 6340 6354 6383 6384 6398 6399 6.108 6410 6417 6472 6516 6518 6519 6525 6536 6547 6552 6306 63181 6335 6338 6377 6382 6432 19 May 6 Hogan, John H. 6 May 27 Hill, Edvard H. 12 May 29 Hanson, Boy. 7 June 4 House. Loftus 16 June 15 Hidden, Jasper. 13 July 20! Huber, Jacob). 22 Aug. 12 Hanıl, Williain F 17 Oct. 12 Hamlin, Albert.. 14 Nov. 11 Heminger, Guy A. 7 Jan. 2 Holnies, s.J.. 15 Feb. 9 Hall, Joseph R. 11 Mar. 13 Haviland, Frederick... 11 Mar. 16 Holliday, George D. 7 Mar. 22 Hannilton, John C. 33 Do Forton, Amos K. 16 Do. Hart, J. B.... 7 Do. Hushin, Patrick F... 18 Mar. 30 Hodgson, Heury E. 14 Do. Henry, Jolin... 9 Do. Hansbeck, Frank 10 Apr. 13 : Hidden, Eugeny. 14 Apr. 24 Harrow, H.C. 17 Apr. 28 Harrey, Edward. 12 May 22 Ingham, George. 8 June 1 Irwin, Artliur J... 29 Do. Jenkins, Hugh... 12 June 8 Jamieson, Alex.. 28 June 23 | Jacksou, Benjamin 20 July 6 Kerrigan, Dennis. 19 July 23 Keeler, Charles.. 6 Aug. 26 Kucal. Thadins. 16 Sept. 8 Kiesel, Jolin... 10 Mar. 10 . King, Charles O. .. 18 May 5 Lively. Peter... 15 May 29 Lee, John... 9 Oct. 27 Lynu, George F T. 15 Nov, 10 Letch, Robert. 10 Feb. Leitc!, Jolin. 11 Feb. 15 Lockhart, Wallace.. 7 Feb. 17 Little, Charles M 14 Feb. 24 Leach, William F.. 9 Mar. 3 Lewis, Charles. 18 Mar. 11 Lacy, Martin 9 Apr. 20 Little, George J. 19 Apr. 21 McKenzie, William 11 May 12 Maler, John... 14 May 21 McDonough, Thomas 7 June 21 Merrill, Willis J 14 July 13 Dieno, Joseph W 21 July 28 Maples, William. 10 Aug. 14 Miner, Cornelins G 15 Oct. 4 Marshall, Irwin.. 9 Oct. 13 Magnussen, Jolm D 16 Oct. 21. McKenzie, Alex 10 Feb. 15 Murdock, Eugene M.. 15 Feb. 24 Manion, Henry 17 Mar. 10 McLean, Charles 12 Mar. 11 Moiles, George W... 7 Mar. 18 Meno, Joseph . 2 Do. McManus, John 17 Mar. 22 McGuire, William C.. 23 Do. McDonald, David 9 Mar. 25 Moll, Amandus (... 26 Apr. 23 Minnie, Edmond 11 June 15 McLauth, Sidney C 11 June 17 Manion, Andrew A 14 Do. AlcKean, Edward W... 27 June 25 Mason, Henry 18 July 7 Maxam, H.L 10 July 26 Merrill, Siincon G... 25 Aug. 5 Moiles, Bart B.. 11 Jan. 11 McLelland, Gilbert 7 Fel. 1 McLaren, Peter. 6 Feb. 11 Miller, M. C... 16 Feb. 15 Moore, George. 8 Mar. 9 McMillan, Ira B 18 Mar. 10 Miller. Frank D 9 Apr. 1 Mulleu. Peter. 6434 6441 6453 6454 6465 6179 6495 6507 6513. 6528 6531 6555 6557 6561 6567 6569 6571 6572 6573 6576 0581 12713 12715 6386 653 6436 6548 12711 0314 6358 6457 0514 6539 6311 6323 6390 6404 6428 6435 6489 6543 6574 6600 12705 6302 6315 6334 6336 6343 6347 6349 6351 6363 6370 6381 6397 6402 6407 0416 6431 6133 6437 642 6447 6450 6466 6475 6481 6486 6500 6501 6304 6508 6523 6526 6527 6532 6533 31 Apr. 2 14 Apr. 7 16 Apr. 13 10 Apr. 14 Apr. 21 91 May 5 24 May 22 24 Julie 3 12 June 9 26 June 28 19 July 3 22 Aug. 9 11 Ang. 11 12 ny. 13 7 Aug. 16 11 Aug. 18 8 Aug. 21 14 Aug. 23 13 Do. 12 Aug. 26 17 Ang. 30 21 Nor. 5 8 Nov. 8 6 Mar. 11 18 July 6 S Apr. 2 29 July 27 22 Oct. 27 25 Jan. 25 11 Feb. 25 20 s pr. 15 26 Juie 10 1S July 12 10 Jan. 19 1 Fel. 5 S Mar. 13 19 dial. 19 17 Mar. 31 10 Apr. 2 12 May 14 19 July 20 22 lug. 23 17 Sept. 28 14 Oct. 11 16 Jan. 2 15 Jan. 26 9 Feb. 10 14 Feb. 13 Feb. 17 9 Fel. 19 6! Do. 8 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 5 Mar. 2 22 Mar. 10 13 Mar. 18 8 Do. 17 Mar. 20 S Mar. 23 5 Apr. 1 12 Apr. 2 10 Apr. 3 9 Apr. 7 Apr. 10 16 Apr. 12 16 Apr. 22 10 28 Day Day 7 10 May 13 9 May 29 10 Do. 7 June 1 5 June 4 14 June 26 14 Do. 7 7 July 3 9' July 6 12 10 Apr. 26 Do. 236 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed— Port Huron, Mich.-Continued. Napie. No. of No. of Dato of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Aug. Aug. 27 Minnie, Henry Monu, Robert. McLaren, Rouala McLea, Alex.. Mitchelson, John M Miller, Tbonas McCrea. Walter C. Morrill, Thomas Minnie, Dominick McArthur, Harry: McGurn, Christopher C Maher, Michael.. Maines, H. V... McMillan, Frank Merrill, George W Nold, Frank Norton, James Nold, Joseph Nagle. Jobuw. Nichols, Joseph Dag, James M. Ouellette, Frank.. Owens, Michael. Purdy, Lewis E... Plush, John.. Pierce, James H. Parrr, Edward H... Phillips, Samuel L Prescott, C. M Pangburn, Myron Pangbiurn, Orin. Parker, Harry Pbillips, William H. Phillips, Charles H Persons, Byron M. Paya, Joseph Pflueger, Fred Parnenter, U. Z Pirris, Alex. Pack, Calvin.. Robertson, John S Riler, John D... Randall, George G Rogers, Gustavus. Rein. Anthony Reid, Samuel Radclitte, Samuel ... Rosenkrans, Earnion Riaya 11, James.. Roberts, George H. Robertson, George W.. Southgate, James A. Schnell, Joseph.... Sutherland, William F. Styninger, Jolin A. Shampaigne, Jerry'. antaa St. Barnard, Bion Simpson, Leroy B... Smart, Frei L Smith, Hiram. Sanguist, Gustaf. Sicken, William G Sutlift, Richard .. Stomler, George. Shunk, Charles Swartout, Jeromo. Stammers, Benjamin.. Sleno, Leonard Smith, Alonzo Stevens, Frank B... Smith, Newton B. Smith, Dennis B.... Slater, Nathan P.... Schwall, Lewis. Stepliens, John W.. Smith, Barney Stevens, Dewitt. Sherman, Lewis E. 12714 12719 12721 6303 6307 6310 6333 6359 6463 6487 6562 6599 6449 6339 6459 6468 0521 6309 6312 6316 6352 6364 6365 6366 6393 6419 6420 6426 6439 6443 6418 6491 6493 6537 6559 6566 6579 6589 12704 65-41 6542 6551 6553 6564 6568 6580 6383 6586 6588 6592 12701 12702 12710 12718 6372 0374 6482 6530 6577 6321 6342 6429 6367 6368 6369 6387 6401 6418 6451 6455 6460 6469 6483 6554 6582 6594 6597 12709 12720 6325 6326 6357 6361 6394 6406 6444 6458 6470 6492 6538 6301 6317 6320 6327 6329 6344 6345 6348 6373 6376 6378 6379 6421 6461 6484 6488 6497 6510 6511 6515 6520 6570 6584 6590 6591 6593 6598 Stager, Eugene. Sauber, William F... Spaulding, C. W Treleaven, George. Treleaven, Thomas . Treleaven, Walter P... Thorn, Valter... Terpening, Charles L.. Thomson, David.. Tilton, George. Taubert, Edward. Tucker, Lonie.. Urie, John.. Volker, John.. Valliy, Josoplı. Van Liew, Everett... Van Liew, Leverett. Wood, Everett C... Wilson, Andrew J Wurtz, Joseph H. Wellhonsen, John.. Wellman, James B Welsh, Thomas. Westrick, John E... Williams, dusel P.... Woon, Heury Waugh, William Wolto, Herman. Whitten, Harrison. Williamson, Andrew.. Wood, Hiram D.... Ward, Anthony. Worden, James P. Wyckoti; John 1.. Wilcox, George F Wills, William Wardell, John G. Watson, Joseph C Young, John C. S July 15 19 July 16 15 Aug. 2 16 6 22 Aug. 14 26 Aug. 17 23 6 Aug. 31 21 Sept. 8 12 Sept. 9 5 Sept. 14 14 Sept. 30 26 Oct. 2 16 Oct. 22 21 Nov. 17 6 Mar. 3 15 Mar. 4 11 May 8 16 July 2 20 Auy. 26 4 Feb. 4 9 Teb. 17 20 Mar. 31 14 Mar. 1 10 Mar. 2 13 Do. 4 Mar. 11 25 Mar. 18 7 Mar. 26 18 Apr. 13 14 Apr. 14 9 Apr. 19 10 Apr. 23 14 May 8 20 Aug. 6 24 Aug. 30 7 Sept. 18 16 Sept. 24 6 Oct. 22 7 Dec. 8 5 Feb. 6 5 Feb. S 8 Feb. 25 18 Feb. 27 19 Mar. 15 7 Mar. 20 7 Apr. 8 il Apr. 16 28 Apr. 23 17 May 20 21 July 9 14 Jar. 2 12 Jan. 27 9 Feb. 4 8 Heb. 9 23 Do. 10 Feb. 17 7 Do. 13 Feb. 19 13 Mar. 4 8 Mar. 9 5 Do. 6 Mar. 10 24 Mar. 29 19 Apr. 19 28 May 11 9 May 14 23 May 24 15 June 4 16 June 5 18 Jupe 12 14 ! June 18 11 Aug. 21 12 Sept. 3 5 Sept. 11 14 Sept. 14 13 Sept. 16 16 Sept. 27 29 Nov. 6 23 Nov. 22 16 Dec. 21 6 Jan. 2 15 Jan. 11 27 Jan. 13 7 Feb. 10 8 Feb. 26 20. Mar. 20 15 Apr. 15 21 Aug. 14 15 Sept. 28 11 Apr. 12 9 Feb. 15 27 A pr. 17 7 Apr. 22 7 June 18 12 Jan. 12 10 Jan. 20 4 Jan. 27 7 feb. 20 3 Mar. 1 17 Do. 11 Do. 13 Mar. 15 10 Mar. 26 15 Mar. 27 18 Mar. 31 7 Apr. 5 13 Apr. 7 16 Apr. 12 15 May 17 37 May 21 14 July 8 9 Aug. 12 12 Aug. 16 6 Aug. 27 6 Sept. 10 11 Oct. 5 Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Blaisdoll. Frank.. Curtis. John C.. Duquette, William Gramson, Joseph. Graves, Villian. Glover, J.S.... Henderson, Joseplı Hughes, Bert Merdline, William Peikey, Tim Rothermel, Edwin H... Stepbens, David R.... Savage, Joseph Smith. Julius D. Thomas, Penry Wixson, Randall F Williamson, Elenry Yeomans, Daniel W 5549 5571 5532 5522 5528 S709 5423 5561 5555 5557 5598 5514 5568 5583 5523 5574 8717 5531 5 June 3 9 July 6 3 May 6 8 Apr 23 12 May 4 6 Oct. 29 4 Feb. 2 2 June 18 12 June 7 2 Do. 12 Sept. 8 1 Apr. 10 6 June 30 7! July 23 6 Apr. 24 6 July 9 7 Dec. 21 3 May 5 First assistant engineer's. Albee, William H.. Bell, Harry Uriah Bonner, Fred .. Benkarth, Joseph Brenner, Charles Burch, Solon H.. Blair, Nelson Barnett, Edward Beckton, William . Burkbardt, William Bloud good, William F 5512 5408 5414 5470 5481 5491 5499 5500 5511 5525 5545 8 Apr. 10 1 Jan. 14 2 Jan. 25 3 Mar. 6 1 Mar. 11 S Mar. 22 9 Mar. 26 7 Mar. 27 11 Apr. 8 9 Apr. 24 9 May 22 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 237 Engineers licensed— Port Fluron, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of l Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers—Continueil. First assistant engi- n.cers-Continued. Any. 11 .. Busch, Charles II Burley, John Bray. Benjamin. Bastow, Reuben Cotter, William D Carter, James F Cuttle, Thomas T Carlisle, Allen W.. Cook, George W Campbell, Duncan Covyeow, Edward Cadotte, James H. Crueirell, Frank C.... Crockett, James Caughey, James H. Calkins, Alvin.. ollison, George Dwight, Arthur Dorsey, Louis H. Diem, Jacob Ducliene, Henry Dapp, August Dornan, Robert. Dennoye, Antwine.... Delackso, Milton Dolson, Calviu.. Doran, William. Ditzel, James W Eagan, John. Egbert, James R. Euright, William Endres, John Evans, Jolin D... Evans, Scott. Easton, P.D. Folkert, Willard .... Fritz, William J. Folkorts, Herwan. Fittinger, Louis Fero, Charles M Griffith, William. Gibson, John . Gibson), Albert Gripton, Martin Gregory. Charles Gartung, Fred Gray, William H Gustin, L. A Gustin, Smith .. Galarno, Edward Hasler, William Hawthorne, Herbert J. Hasler, Felix Hable, Joseph Hasler, Joseph Hill, Marcus L. Hoflert, Leio Hayton, William H.. Hilsinger, D. L.. Hills, John Herbert, W. H Hogan. Frank E Heisner, John W Harrison, Reginold Hanilton, William Heythaler, Louis . Jackson, William A Kantor, Charles. Koeliler, Charles. Krouse, Constant. Kaunari, Michael Kane, Luke A. Kinney, Frank Tonnarie, John Kundinger, John E Kano, Thomas J Koslınan, Ben. Kissack, Samuel.. 5556 5570 5584 8702 5403 5439 5446 5471 5474 5547 5552 5554 5571 558.1 5590 8707 8713 5401 5425 5497 5510 5533 5539 5540 5548 5551 5395 8710 5412 5448 5476 5479 5515 5579 5582 5410 5435 5447 5450 5519 5409 5420 5483 5485 5486 5506 5507 5510 5524 5566 5417 5413 5124 5436 5451 5467 5484 5502 5538 5512 5585 5600 8701 8704 S712 8716 5580 5419 5445 5458 54.92 5503 5518 5520 5544 5540 5586 8715 9 June 11 Lenox, George H 9 July 6 Lavely. Moses 22 July 28 Love. Villian A 3 Sept. 28 Lambert, James 5 Jan. 4 Laffrey, Isaac. 2 Feb. 16 Lockhart, Nelson G.. 2 Feb. 18 M.CQuer, Jamies. 2 Mar. 6 Maedel. John 4 Mar. 8 | Murris, Hugl. 7 May 28 Aloore, Edward 13 June 4 McCarron, Daniel. 12 June 5 McKenzie, Thomas. 7 July 6 McNamara, James. S July 20 Miller, Sheldon G... 18 Aug. 11 Montague, Henry 4 Oct. 23 McCarthy, James J 4 Dec. 6 McDonald, Jud. 4 Jau. 2 McGrath, Thomas 6 Feb. 3 McGurn, Thomas.. 14 Mar. 26 McElhinney, Thos. M. 3 Apr. 12 Moore. Ephraim 7 May 7 Mettetel. Emil... 4 May 12 McDonald, John V 5 May 14 Minnie, John 5 May 29 Mitchell, Myron 1 June 3 McGinnis, Albert 0 2 Aug. 19 McLean, Mike... 12 Nov. 2 Marquardt, John 10 Jan. 22 Meno, Henry S... 4 Feb. 18 McElhinney, Henry A. 4 Mar. 9 Morgan, Charles. 3 Mar. 1.0 McLean, James. 9 Apr. 12 McLaughlin, Thomas. 14 | July 17 Miller, George H. 8 July 21 Miller, Charles W... 1 Jan. 16 Nerreter, Villiam 3 Feb. 15 Nellett, Charles.. 7 Feb. 18 Nelson, John.. 5 Feb. 19 Vye, James 7 Apr. 16 Vakes, William F Jan. 15 O'Reilly, Thomas 2 Jan. 30 Patridge, Walter 1 Mar. 13 Pilkey, William B 5 Mar. 15 Percival, Henry A 1 Mar. 16 Perry, Charles al ñ | Apr. 2 Parrow, Jolum. 33 Do. Parsons, Thomas R 1:4 A pr. 7 Perry, John W.. 9 Apr. 24 Porter, Jay T... 1 June 29 Plusko. Henry 3 Jau. 26 Pringle, William. 1 Jan. 29 Phillips, Frank at. + Feb). 2 Ryan, Michael... 5 Feb. 15 Rerew, George 2 Teb. 20 Rozel, Adrian H. 2 Mar. 5 Rivard, Louis D. 5 Mar. 15 Regan, Dan 9 Alar. 31 Ryiin, Daniel. 9 May 12 Roundeau, Henry 5 May 21 Reed, Henry 5 July 31 Rogers, Henry... 13 Sept. 18 Reynolds, Thomas W. 20 Sept. 23 Richardson, Vat.. 9 Sept. 29 Smith, Robert John... 1 Nov. 17 Sullivan, William L.. Ī Dec. 14 Shoup, Alfred H.. 13 July 18 Stewart, Awa 3 Jan. 30 Smith, George W 8 Feb. 18 Schuuk, William. 6 Feb. 25 Schmidt, Herman E... 17 Mar. 22 Stone, Ernest... 10 Mar. 31 Scheonrock, Charles 10 Apr. 15 Savage. Emery 9 Apr. 20 Smith, Daniel D 13 May 21 Shinske, Rudolph.. 7 May 27 Strankel, William. 5 Aug. 3 Sylvester, Samuel. 5 Dec. 14 Stockwell, John. 5422 5462 5569 5572 5591 8705 5415 5428 5431 5441 5449 5452 5.164 5469 5472 5477 5482 5488 4593 5508 5521 5537 5543 5550 5558 5564 5573 5375 5592 5593 5596 8703 S708 8711 8718 5426 5457 5534 5553 5416 5562 5402 5404 6461 5466 5490 5495 5513 5526 5335 5563 5565 5421 5433 5459 5465 5468 5475 5:189 5494 5496 5505 5527 5405 5407 5411 5430 5-132 5134 5437 5440 5442 5:443 5444 5155 5.163 5478 5498 6 Tel. 2 3 Mar. 2 8 July 1 7 July 7 12 11 (Oct. 11 2 Jan. 22 1 Feb. 5 1 Treb, 11 5 Feb. 17 6 Feb. 19 2 Teb. 20 1 Mar. 3 2 Mar. 5 6 Mar. 9 3 Do. 7 Mar. 11 5 Mar. 19 1 Mar. 23 12 Apr. 5 5 Apr. 23 8 May 11 8 May 21 10 June 3 12 June 15 5 June 26 6 July 8 3 July 19 2 July 13 5 July 14 8 July 20 Sept. 28 Oct. 26 5 Nov. 8 2 Dec. 22 1 Feb. 3 2 Feb. 25 g May 8 1 June 4 1. Jan. 25 S June 19 2 2 1 Jan. 13 6. Mar. 2 6 Mar. 4 12 Mar. 22 Mai', 24 13 Apr. 10 13 Apr. 27 5 May 10 17 June 23 9 June 26 2 Teb. 1 1 Feb. 12 4 · Teb. 25 7 Mar. 4 J Mar. 5 3 Mar. 9 8 Mar. 20 1 Mar. 33 8 Mar. 26 2 Apr. 1 S Apr. 28 1 Jan. 13 1 Jan. 15 3 Feb. 10 3 Do. 1 Feb. 12 5 Feb. 13 3 Feb. 15 7 Feb. 17 2 Du. 9 Feb. 18 3 Do. 1 Feb. 24 3 Mar. 3 3 Mar. 11 12 Mar. 26 Jan. 238 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Enyineer's licensed— Port Huron, Mich.-Continued. . · Namo. No. ot No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Naine. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First assistant engi. necrs---Continued. Wbite, Edward. Welsh, Fred.. Warwick, Charles Warner, John E Young, William 5587 5597 8706 8714 5599 17 Aug. 4 2 Aug. 21 6 | Oct. Oct. 14 1. Dec. 8 2 Sept. 17 Aug. 16 Special engineers. First assistant engi- neers-Continued. Sayer, Joseph.. Sylvester, Charles E Saunders, Millard.. Smith, Percy E Smith, John R Stevens, Erlward N... Turner. Albert.. Trumble, Clivton J.. Thrasher, George Thurman, Fred Thomas, Brank Trinkwalder, Frank Tucker, Harvey Thomson, William C. Tucker, William A.... Troubley, Edward... Tarr, Lyon Urie, Robert Vollmer, Henry, Walsh, Michael Watt, Archie. Ward, John. Wagner, Windelin Wiley, Joseph L White, George W Winterhalter, Winfield Wheeler, S. H. Walder, Joseph C. 5504 5541 5577 5578 5588 5594 5413 5427 5429 5438 5454 5460 5473 5480 5529 5576 5589 5536 5517 5406 5453 5456 5187 5501 5509 5530 5560 5567 8 dur. 1 2 May 15 15 July 13 5 Do. 15 Aug. 9 8 2 Jan. 25 3 Feb. 4 8 Feb. 10 4 Feb. 16 8 Feb. 23 1 Feb. 27 2 Mar. S 2 Mar. 11 12 May 5 16 July 12 7 dig. 9 13 May 10 4 4 Jan. 14 2 Feb. 23 1 Feb. 24 7 Mar. 18 6 Mar. 29 6 Apr. 6 9 May 5 17 June 17 4 June 29 Ancirews, Ed Davis, Albert. Davis, William F. Ferguso11, Abran L ... Fox, Edwin J... Fish, F. L.P. Holliday, Vervie Inglehart, Jasper C. Kreis, Louis . McHaney, John. Peterson, Orloft'. Porter, Charles A Persous, John D.. Reed, Henry Smalley, John L Smalley, James H... Smith, Hurley B Stager, Eugene Wells, Elbert Wells, Elmer 3214 3204 321.6 3208 3209 3215 3219 3211 3217 3202 3205 3226 3210 3203 3201 3206 3213 3218 3212 3220 3 Sept. 15 6 Apr. 9 4 Sept. 17 5 June 7 5 Jupe 17 7 Sept. 15 3 Nov. 18 2 June 30 Sept. 29 3 Mar. 22 3 Apr. 16 4 May 13 6 June 19 9 Mar. 22 6 Feb. 15 6 Apr. 20 1 Aug. 13 5 Oct. 19 1. July 20 7 Nov. 23 Apr. 15 LOCAL DISTRICT OF GRAND HAVEN, MICH. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Grand Haven, Blich. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. i8811e. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. isgue. issue. Jan. 10 Apr. Ames, Ricbard H..... Adams, Peter A.. Anderson, August E.. Armstrong, William.. Bennett, J.J. Burgess, d. E..... Bennett, Alexander H. Bouchard, A. E Boynton, Granville W Bon, Lewis W Boynton, Lewis R.. Coleman, William J. Campbell, Jolin M Crall, William B. Cross, William W Coates, C. B..... Campbell, John Crowley, Lawrence Cavanaugh, John F.... Connell, Richard Connelly, John A Dykes, Edward H Dority, Frank A.. Dodd, Sannel. Edwardson, Christian.. Flagstad, Andrew Franklin, William E... Fikes. James S.... Goldring. James A. Grant, Otto. Graves, Arthur R. Gnewuch, Charles Hiintoon, Lyman Huti. Job H Ingraham, C.O Johnson, Dallas 10726 10749 1.0788 10800 10701 10718 10730 10743 10758 10762 10776 10719 10728 10735 10737 10744 10752 10754 10768 10798 10792 10757 10770 10773 10731 10733 10741 12006 10753 10755 10783 12002 10795 12001 10712 10707 16 Apr. 5 16 May 24 15 Aug. 13 18 Oct. 1 13 Jan. 2 16 | Mar. 1 18 Apr. 12 27 May 11 June 7 16 ! June 12 28 July 17 16 Mar. 22 11 Apr. 9 10 Apr. 26 7 May 4 5 May 14 16 May 27 5 May 28 9 June 28 33 Sept. 21 16 Aug. 23 14 June 4 16 July 6 11 July 12 12 Apr. 13 19 Apr. 19 13 May 7 19 Nov. 11 28 May 28 12 Do. 13 Aug. 4 26 Oct. 11 18 Sept. 8 15 Oct. 5 15 Mar. 10 12 Jan. 30 Jobuson, August Kitchen, Charles J... Kilty, Peter.. Kundson, Evau L... Klingbeil, William. Kinney, Hiranı M. Kavanaugh, Phillip Latlery, Jolin Lewis, Joseph Loeffler, George. Lymau, Charles A Lee, Sethi Milligan, Duncan Mason, Christopher... McCambridge, Thomas Mosier, Reubeu F . Morrison, Charles D.. Morris, David McCarty, William McGregor, Peter Millen, Pheatt J Morgan, S. W McFarlane, Daniol. ... Muir, John .. McRae, Murdock Miller, Daniel F Monro, Roderick McCarty, Jobu. Napier, Arthur N... O'Niell, Robert O'Day, Simon. Oliver, Joseph Partridge, John P Penfold, Jonathan Parker, Orlando J Plum nier, Charles A. 10797 10704 10727 10740 10766 10781 12004 10717 10724 10771 10779 10787 10703 10713 10720 10732 10734 10736 10761 10769 10772 10777 10778 10780 10784 10790 10791 10796 1.2003 10702 10725 10748 10706 10709 10716 10739 5 Sept. 18 19 7 11 Apr. 9 13 May May 6 23 June 22 18 July 31 10 Oct. 22 20 Mar. 20 5 2 14 July 9 23 July 24 14 Aug. 12 4 Jan. 6 15 Mar. 12 21 ! mar. 23 26 A pr. 13 2.1 | Apr. 26 15 Apr. 30 S June 12 19 June 30 27 | July 12 15 July 20 20 July 22 8 July 29 31 Aug. 9 9 Aug. 16 9 Aug. 19 22 Sept. 8 25 Oct. 15 23 Jan. 6 11 Apr. 5 17 May 24 15 Jan. 20 21 Feb. 13 14 Mal. 19 11 ) May 6 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 239 Master's and pilots licensed-Grand Haren, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name.. No. of No. of Datc of license. issue. issue. Partridge, Alferd. Parks, Oscar E Raymond, Charles. Robertson, William P. Ryerse, Louis E... Robbins, Thomas.. Ran ville, Alexander Rogers, R. T.... Ruteck, Thomas. Risto, Henry. Richardson, Frank... Ried, Robert.. Rhode, John Smith, Joseph F.... Skeels, Edward Daws. Simonsen, John H Smith. Timothy D 10763 10794 10714 10729 10738 10742 10746 10751 10756 10764 10767 10774 10782 10708 10710 10711 10721 20 June 19 18 Aug. 30 8 MT. 15 17 Apr. 12 11 May 4 9 May 11 17 May 17 20 May 27 14 June 2 22 Juve 22 16 Do. 16 | July 12 13 dug. 4 7 Tel. 12 8 Mar. 1 S Mar. 3 Mar. 23 Spencer, Nelson.. Sanford, James Sanders, Horace L..... Sears, F.A.... Sterling, Louis H. Swails, Frank N Small, Epliriam S. Slyfield, Elmer E Smith, Sylvester. Tollock, Robert... Turnbull, William Upliam. J.N.. Wilbur, Oscar E.. Waitman, Charles Witherell, John.. Waters, Thomas Young, Horatio N 10722 10723 10747 10750 10759 10785 10786 10799 12005 10705 10745 10789 10715 10765 10775 10793 10700 16 Mar. 26 16 Mar. 30 17 | May 20 4 May 27 12 June 9 7 Aug. 10 15 Aug. 12 15 Sept. 28 13 Nov. 2 10 Jan. 15 22 May 17 19 Aug. 13 Mar. 16 23 June 22 22 July 15 17 Aug. 24 12 June 12 24 13 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Grand Elaren, Mich. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots Continued. i Apr. 11 Bussey, Louis.. Boynton, Albert Bassette, Anthony Custer, Thomas. Caiipbell, James Cross, Enoch D Carron, Samuel A. Cross, B. A.. Dame, Gilmuan M. Evans, Jolin. Fairchild. Albert Gardner, Thomas Greenhalgh, Charles Holmes, Sivert.. Halvorson, Hans. Hagerty, R. M Heath, Clarence J Ingrałam, Albert T... Irons, Eddy. Jones, Harry Long Daniei Lennox, Charles McKay, Robert ... Mollhagen, Gustave Mallory, Charles A McDonough, John Milchart, August C. McIsaacs, Neil... McI)onald, Robert Ossignac, Louis.. Palmer, Tbomas K. Russel, William Smith, James Traill, Thomas Vandenburgh, William Tobb, Charles B Warren, Joseph T Wallace, William Walsma, Thijs. Wilson, Haines A.. White, John R. Zwemer, Everette. 3904 3911 3928 3908 3919 3924 3925 3931 3926 3902 3912 3916 3918 3913 3915 3935 3938 3906 3923 3901 3917 3920 3910 3927 3930 3932 3934 3936 3939 3914 3933 3907 3942 3909 3929 3903 3921 3922 3937 3940 3941 3905 A pr. 19 Teb. 27 Carter, Cyrus H... 10 Apr. 26 Craw, Alexander. 10 July 16 Cobb, Rushton B.. 3 Apr. 16 Chambers, Henry A. 14 May 24 Chapman, W. S... 7 June 22 Chambers, Charles. 7 June 30 Carter, Jeboam... 13 July 29 Christiansen, Arnd. 7 | July 3 Chrysler, Walter E.... 7 Feb. 10 Campbell, Frank G. 15 Apr. 26 Dahlmer, Axel B. 14 May 11 | Danforth, William C. 10 May 19 De Witt. Heiman 4 May 1 Danforth. Henry. 17 May May 7 De Heer, Peter 18 Aug. 12 Dyckman, William. 18 Aug. 27 Degergus, Jolin. 6 9 Dykehouse, Henry J.. June 12 Drum, William J.. 6 Feb. 8 Engbring, Theodore. 17 | May 14 Eisenhardt, George 13 May 24 Edgecomb. William G. 10 ) Apr. 19 | Emory, Edwin M.. 7 July 12 1 Emory, John U... 7 July 21 Field. Ami A..., 6 Aug. 10 Flagstad, Andrew.jr. 8 Do. Flandayan, Patrick. Aug. 16 Fisher, Peter.... 14 Sept. 17 Fowler, Chesta A 8 May 3 Fisher, Walter.. 15 Ang. 10 Greilick, Jolin. 9 Apr. 9 Gardner. Williamı. 3 Nov. 16 Goodreani, Louis. 13 Geiken, G.C.... 9 July 20 Gallagher, James N... 4 Feb. 25 Guilbault, Oliver.. 8 June 7 Guard, Louis.. 7 Do. Geer, Willian W. 11 Aug. 21 Hollenbeck, Charles ... 17 Sept. 28 Hibberdine, Eugene 13 Sept. 30 Harrington, Austin 4 Mar. 19 Hawley, Joseph Johnson, Brent S. Jensen, Peter. Jepson, George 12 Apr. 26 Kendrick, Fred... 3 Nov. 2 Koenis, John 4 Mar. 12 Kent, Allen A.. 9 Mar. 15 Kelly, Daniel 16 Apr. Apr. 2 Krouse, Gustavo 13 Aug. 12 Kennedy, Wallace.. 2 Aug. 14 Kiuball, George S.... 5 Sept. 8 Loug, Wilbur F 7 Oct. 16 || Langer, Adolph 3915 3931 3953 3973 3981 3996 4000 6303 6311 6348 3905 3910 3938 3943 6302 6353 6359 6360 0364 3949 3957 6313 6324 6335 3951 3952 3970 3993 6312 6339 3904 3939 3946 6309 6316 6340 6342 6343 3919 3933 3990 6310 3948 6307 6350 3916 3924 3925 3960 3983 6314 6354 3922 3928 7 Feb. 25 11 Mar. 23 17 Apr. 21 11 June 2 8 June 15 15 July 9 15 | July 12 1 | July 16 20 July 29 10 Oct. 11 7 Jan. 15 13 Feli 5 4 Mar. 30 14 Apr. 6 6 July 16 15 Oct. 26 18 Nov. 11 1 Do. 14 Dec. 13 11 A pr. 16 5 May 1 16 Aug. 4 9į Aug. 19 14 ! Sept. 8 17 Apr. 16 2 9 May 28 5 June 28 2 July 31 6 Sept. 11 19 Jan. 6 9 | Apr. 2 10 Apr. 12 13 July 22 1 Aug. 4 9 Sept. 17 17 Sept. 20 Do. 2 Mar. 11 2 Mar. 26 1 Junie 28 15 July 29 7 Apr. 13 8 July 21 15 Oct. 15 7 Mar. 1 7 Mar. 19 9 Do. 18 May 7 16 June 18 14 | Aug. 4 1 Oct. 26 17 Mar. 19 2 Mar. 20 6 Apr. 16 Second-class pilots. Allger, Charles H.... Ayery, Fred N. Broman, Axel H. Balow, Herman. Bradley, James N... Bunker, Jessie. Boswell, Guy Balow, Fred c Brown, John B. 3956 6357 3920 3921 3940 6320 6322 6334 6351 240 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed- Grand Haven, Mich.-Continued. Name. No.of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issile. Secoad-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Aug. 24 CO DA Aug. 16 Aug. 26 Lowis, John H... Ludrig. V.B. Left, Frank.. Lutz, John.... Moriu Edward Mosier. Charles L.. Mollhagen, Henry McCann, Johu.. Martin, John Molllageni, Charles, jr McClure, Charles E... Martin, Daniel J... Myers, Joseph Martin, Edward McClure, Jay Murray, John. Miller, albert Mooro, Charles C Nauta, Tjaart Nickett, Charles Napier, Clarence. O'Beke, Adrian... ONeill. John Padden, John D... Peterson, Charles . Parsons, William E... Plumm, Henry C Parrish, Daria J. Paxton, Charles.. Parkhurst, Reed. Parker, Valter A.. Patterson, William Perkins. Thiomas B. Rydt, Henry T.. Robinson, Leopard Rogers, Hosea W Robinson, Charles Rose, Simon Risto, Edward Kumble. Joseph E., jr.. Robinson, Oscar D Richter, Charles, jr Rice, Robert. Robinson, William. Smith, Flenry J. Springstein. Jobu. Smitli, Charles J... Sherman, William W Snrcler, Frank P.. Shriver, Charles Saulnier, Capit 3969 3986 6315 6362 390 3908 3926 3955 3958 3966 3977 3984 6306 6317 6321 6323 6328 6337 3945 3991 6338 3965 6363 3912 3947 3950 3954 3988 3995 3997 6308 6330 6341 3927 3942 3968 3980 3982 6305 (325 6:336 6344 0345 6346 3906 3907 3909 3913 3932 3934 39.14 18 May 28 Smith, Jolin 2 June 25 Snay, Joseph 1 Aug, 4 Sinit. Michael Nov. 19 Smith, David 1 | Jan. 6 Sommerville, J. E. 1.1 Jan. 30 Stone, Thomas.. 14 Mar. 19 Sucgen, Joseph. Apr. 26 Slyfield, George W... 9 May 1 Sell, William.. 8 May 24 Steimel, Gcorgo, jr. 5 June 9 Snay, John. S June 22 Schippers, Henry 1 July 21 Stillson, Henry H... 2 Aug. 4 Schoenbecki, Angust... 15 Aug. 12 Sears, Frank M. 10 Slyfield, Charles B.... 6 Thorson, Nicholas 6 Sept. 8! Tilledge, Bernard I 12 Apr. 9 Taylor, Filliam C 1 June 28! Thompson, James M. M... 91 July 11 Taylor', William S 23: May 20 Tliompson, George B. 16 Nov. 26 Todd, Albert W. 17 Feb. 20 Upham. Sherinan D.... 8 Apr. 12 Udell, Edvin R.. 11 Apr. 16 Upham, Lucien B... 14 Apr. 21 | Valier, Joseph.. 16 June 25 Vandervecr. Cornelius. 10 July 3 Ver Duin, William... 3 July 4 Vanderburg, Corneil... 1 July 22 Vanry, Frank.. 24 Aug. 30 Vannater. J. B.... 2 Sept. 20 Van Falkinburg, Ed. 2 Mar. 19 win R... 16 Apr. 6 Vanderhoef, Ralph B. 1 May 27 Van Streen), Martin B.. 14+ June 15 Vanderhoef, Reuben. 7 Jue 18 Vaughan, T. W... 7 July 21 Vanderreer, Tony 14 Aug. 21 Willians, Howard L.. 19 Sept. 8 Weckler, Williain. 2 Sept. 22 Wallace, Joseph 15 Sept. 24 TVright. George J... 2 Sept. 30 Valls, Severin H.. 7 Jan. 20 Welch, Lawreuco E... 7 Jan. 23 Wills, Phillip. 4 fel. 1 Wriglıt, Cbarles 5 Feb. 20 Waters, George, jr 13 Mar. 26 Wilson, Finlberto 6 Do. Young. James K. 7 Apr. 9 Zeitlow. Frank L. 3959 3961 3963 3964 3967 3974 3975 3976 6319 6327 6329 6349 6358 6361 3994 6301 3918 3936 3987 3992 6304 6332 6352 3917 3937 3962 3902 3914 3923 3935 3941 3972 23 May 6 11 May 7 16 May 20 5 Do. 8 May 24 19 June 2 7 Juno 3 8 June 7 7 Aug. 10 9 8 Aug. 26 10 Oct. 12 7 Nov. 9 18 Nov. 19 11 June 30 16 July 16 8 Mar. 10 6 Mar. 30 11 June 25 16 June 28 10 July 21 15 Sept. 1 9 Oct. 21 13 Mar. 2 14 Mar. 30 7 May 11 9 2 6 Feb 25 5 Mar. 19 4 Mar. 29 6 12 June 2 Jan. Apr. 5 Jan. 3989 6326 6333 3998 6318 6355 3901 3911 3930 3971 3978 3979 3985 3999 63:47 6356 6331 3929 7 June 25 13 Aug. 21 7 Sept. 1 215 July 12 11 Aug. 6 21 Oct. 28 2 2 14 Feb. 8 7 Mar. 22 7 June 2 2 June 15 3 Do. 16 June 22 10 July 12 13 Oct. 5 11 Nov. 2 S 7 Mar. 22 A115. 21 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—- Grand Hlaven Vich. 1 1 Aubrey, Frank L...... Burke. C. H. Baker, Frank R.. Bignell, Lemuel C. Bender, Henry S... Douville, Eugene. Dunton, John C.. Eugberg, Carl. Freund, Charles.. Gerber, Milton C. Goold, John E.. Greilick, Henry Howlett, Nelson R... Hall, Sherwood. Haukin, Delbert. Iugleston, Henry H. Kelsey, V.S.. Knutson, Charles. Loescher, M. E... 141801 1455 1464 1483 1487 1463 1466 1451 1457 1.170 1473 1479 1460 1462 1469 1478 1472 1475 1459 D 6 Sept. 22 5 Apr. 30 June 20 3 Oct. 11 1 Nov. 11 3 June 25 1 June 28 2 Jan. 2 3 May 6 1 July 14 2 July 21 Sept. 14 8 June 18 5 Do. 5 July 12 1 Aug. 31. 2 July 17 1 Aug. 17 1 Julie 18 Larsou. H. B.... Lindt, Jolin.. Lucc, Charles. McCracken. J. Harvey. Nuttall, William H... Poole, George A Ringelberg, Peter. Sweet, H. TV Stokes, Edward.. Stowe, Latlırop C Staples, Dudley E Schuler, J.C... Taylor, Guilford.. Taylor, Perdy Wade, Freda Weed, Elmer E Wade, Benjamin F. Young, Erhard. 1465 1477 1486 1476 1485 1484 1482 1.53 1456 1401 1408 1474 1452 1454 1458 1471 1481 1467 1 June 28 2 Any. 26 5 Nov. 6 1 Aug. 21 5 Nov. 4 1 Oct. 27 7 Sept. 30 7 pr. 30 4 May May 1 6 Juno 18 6 July 9 3 | July 22 2 Apr. 30 2 Do. 1 May 27 1 July 14 4 Sept. 28 1 June 30 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 241 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Grand Flaven, Mich. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Ohief engineers. Ash, James Ackerman, Albert Ames, Lavano Ackert, Jolin M. Adams, Louis B. Anderson, John L. Allerton, James. Barrows, Silas M.. Brice, William E... Ball, Cornelius.. Brown, William H... Barry, Eli V Baker, Frank Buxton, Frank Butler, James. Bender, Henry S Barron, Charles L Bradshaw, Henry Bates, E. A Bryce, Edgar F. Brown, William F ... Brice, Robert Bruton, Henry Burnham, S. . Baxter, William J.. Backie, Martin Baribeau, Della. Coe, Alfred H.. Christian, Emory. Currie, Alexander Connell, Henry S. S... Coates. Wayne. Costello, Frank Dixon, Frederick . Dole, James K.. Deremo, Clark.. Densmore, George E. Dyckman, William, jr.. Depuy, George W. Drumm, Petor. Dahl, Christi Edwarılson, Johu El... Eustice, Patrick. Engbring, Theodoro Edgecomb, William G.. Eagan, Daniel D.... Eddy, William N... Frazer, William. Fuller, Hiram B..... Flint, Daniel... Feldhak, August Fuerst. Charles Flanders, Milan C... Flemming, Martin J... Farnham, John T Giddings, Leslie. Goodrich. Charles M... Golden, Jobi. Guard, L0115 Guarıl, Edward N.. Hall, Deark.. Hollstelle, Fred. Hirman, Fred A. 'Hipeline, Eilson Hallberg. Karl. Henry, Charles Heath, George S Hopkins, Byron. Harvey, George J Hall. Daniel. Hitchcock, J.A... Jacobson, Jacob. Johnson, William F. Johns. Samuel S... Kuisely, William S.. Kemp, Charles E.. Knudson, Joshua. Kirkland, Joseph. 57–16 10906 10913 10944 10951 10971 11000 11001 10911 10912 10919 10920 10939 10941 10947 10957 10975 10976 10984 10985 10986 10994 11.004 11019 11026 11031 110443 11044 10902 10953 10954 1.0991 11006 11033 10908 10915 10933 10943 10958 11011 11034 11035 10938 10959 10993 11028 11029 11032 10907 10926 30956 10963 10964 10969 10987 11023 10966 10974 10996 11021 11022 10916 10917 10918 10921 10946 109501 10970 10981 11025 11037 11042 10927 10932 11005 10903 10930 1094.2 10972 1, 13 Chief engineers--Con- tinued. 15 Jan. 28 Keenan, Patrick 6 Tob. 25 Lanko, Frederick... 13 Apr. 12 Long, Wilbur F.. 19 | May 1 Luikens, John.. 13 June 2 La Bounty, Charles. 14 Aug. 10 Lutz, Jolin... 16 Do. Leet, William H. 16 Feb. 20 Myers, James W.. 9 Do. Miller, John.... 13 Mar. 15 McClure, Marshall H.. 15 Do. Miller, William L... 14 Apr. 9 Muir, John... 18 Apr. 12 Martin, William J 9 Apr. 13 McClure, Jay. 18 May 11 McAnteo, Owen. 13 June 9 McAnteo, James. 40 June 12 McKeo, Allon... 23 July 3 Minier, Fred. 28 Do. Nuttall, William H... 18 July 15 Nyland, Henry 20 July 27 Noyes, Charles. 30 Aug. 14 Nauta, Jacob... 1, 3 Sept. 17 O'Connell, Henry 23 Sept. 28 O'Connell, James. 7 Oct. 23 Peterson, Ralph. 5 Nov. 24 Parsons, William E.. 16 Dec. 1 Phillips, G.J. Jan. 2 Parks, Joseph. 18 May 1 Pike, Edwin R.. 28 May 4 Porter, Theodore 6 July 21 Perkins, George. 23 Ang. 23 Petterson, Andrew E.. 20 Oct. 25 Randall, Henry... 1.8 Feb. 5 Rigney, Callum. 13 Feb. 25 Robinson, Harry 20 Mar. 30 Rossea, Josoph. 6 Apr. 12 Riggs, George W. 13 May 14 Stokes, Edwin.. 8 Sept. 11 Seymour, Joseph. 14 Oct. 27 Schoolmaster, Henry 17 Do. Snyder, F. P... 8 Apr. 9 Stark, John... 15 May 14 Smith, Ambrose. 17 July 21 Siminow, Adolphus. 19 Oct. 5 Southwell, w.j 17 Oct. 11 Smith, William H. 18 Oct. 23 Stevenson, F. A.. 17 Feb. 1 Stokes, Walter A 16 Mar. 23 Stokes, James.. 9 May 11 Tupper, Lincolu N.. 18 May 24 Trimble, John.. 15 May 28 Thornton, William 20 June 2 Tyler, William.. 21 July 15 Upham, Sherman D.... 20 Sept. 22 Vau Houghtou, Bar- 12 May 28 . 8 June 9 Vincent, Charles A. 24 July 3.1 Winkel, Frank. 27 Sept. 20 Wilson, William TVoodrufl, Marion 21 Teb. 26 Winkler, Herman 14 Do. Wilson, David... 12 Mar. 16 Winkler, Richard. 16 Do. Welch, Peter.. S d.pr. 13 White, Thomas. 13 Apr. 27 Walsb, Richard.. June 2 York, Charles M. 13 June 25 Young, H. N.. 8 Sept. 22 23 Nov. 2 Engineers in charge of 21 Nov. 20 steamers of 100 tons S Mar. 23 and under, and over 9 Mar. 30 10 109.8. 17 Aug. 23 6 Jan. 7 Adanis, Peter. 17 Mar. 26 Balow, Ferman 8 Apr. 12 Bowie, John.. 12 June 3 || Bunker, Milford. 10989 10922 10923 10935 10978 11020 11045 10949 10955 1.0980 10983 10995 10999 11003 11024 11030 11038 11039 10901 10967 11014 11027 10936 11015 10945 10948 10977 10979 10982 11016 11017 11041 10934 10940 10992 10997 11018 10905 10914 10.925 10929 10931 10960 10998 11007 11008 11009 11036 11040 10924 10952 10965 10988 10909 16 July 16 22 Mar. 16 18 Mar. 19 18 Apr. 5 15 Juno 15 18 Sept. 20 18 Dec. 4 7 Apr. 21 22 May 4 18 June 18 8 July 3 18 July 29 33 Aug. 10 18 Aug. 12 14 Sept. 22 17 (ct. 15 14 Nov. 5 19 Nov. 9 14 Jan. 2 13 May 28 10 Sept. S 14 Oct. 4 22 Apr. 6 21 Sept. 11 14 Apr. Apr. 13 15 Apr. 16 14 Juno 12 16 Juno 18 22 June 29 18 Sept. 17 21 Do. 24 Nov. 11 12 Mar. 31 14 Apr. 12 14 July 21 16 Aug. 4 21 Sept. 17 14 Jan. 14 15 Feb. 25 6 Mar. 20 23 Mar. 26 23 Mar. 29 16 Apr. 15 20 Aug. 4 15| Aug. 23 4 Aug. 27 3 Aug. 30 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 14 Mar. 19 16 May 1 20 May 28 16 July 16 17 Feb. 17 . רוזנון 17 Do. 10961 10973 10910 10928 10937 10962 10968 10990 11002 11010 11012 10904 11013 18 May 18 15 June Feb. .17 15 Mar. 24 15 Apr. 6 18 May 18 8 June 2 17 July 16 25 Aug. 12 17 Sept. 1 Sept. 8 10 Jan. 14 18 Sept. 8 2.1 ထ တ 5267 5239 5287 7604 11 May 4 2 Mar. 31 12 Juno 7 1 June 2S 242 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, Engineer's licensed-Grand Haren, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 ton&—Continued. First assistant engi- neers Continued. Do. Aug. 14 - Brule, Amis... Bennett, Joseph. Clemeuts, Bert. Cobb, Rushton B... Crouch, George I... Carter, Jeboam. Cobb, L. L.. Drunim, Rudolph. Degergus, Edwin .. Fisher, William. Fritz, Emil... Fikes, James S... Gee, James M. Gale, Audrew F... Habel, August. Hally, William. Hambley, George. Howe, James W.. Holmes, Nelson. Kuehle, William R.... Kennedy, Wallace. Leighton, Miles E... Lamereaux, Arthur.... Lennox, George C... Litney, Michael. Lang, Christopher.. Mott, Ransom S.... Mayhew, Henry Martin, Barney McGonegal, John McCartee, John... Mastenbrook, John P. Newman, Edward. Parker, George S... Pappineau, Clifford Robinson, Leonard.. Raher, Eli.. Rounds, Walter S.. Russell, Harden N. Robinson, Daniel L Ryerse, Louis... Rafferty, Joseph. Shriver, George H Spencer, Nelson. Sherman, Henry M Smith, James R.. Smith, James W... Sutherland, Joseph A. Spellman, James... Steimel, Charles E. Slyfield, Charles B.... Vänderveer, Henry Van Zanten, Cornelius. Valoise, Moses. Van Hall, John.. Ver Duin, Louis. Van Toll, Art... Wilson, Stanley C. Tessies, Cornelius Wheeler, Lemon H Waters, George H.,jr.. 7632 7660 5224 5257 5263 7639 7641 5295 7676 5293 7607 7672 7603 7667 5201 5262 5278 5294 7630 7663 7670 5223 5231 5292 7636 7675 5211 5216 5227 7611 7613 7674 5254 7617 7642 5202 5226 5238 5275 5283 5291 5300 5210 5237 5255 5264 5268 7605 7612 7643 7673 5297 7615 7625 7629 7633 7644 5246 5270 7648 7650 14 Aug. 10 12 Sept. 24 7 Mar, 3 14 | Apr. 19 12 May 1 13 Aug. 19 16 Aug. 26 1 Aug. 19 18 Nov. 30 19 Juno 12 3 July July 3 20 Nov. 17 15 June 28 13 Oct. 15 17 Jan. 2 13 May May 1 12 May 20 1 June 15 15 Aug. 6 20 Sept. 30 14 Nov. 9 S Mar. 3 2 Mar. 19 4 June 9 14 13 Nov. 29 3 Jan. 11 12 Feb. 17 5 Mar. 9 16 July 12 14 July 15 13 Nov. 29 15 Apr. 16 1 July 21 12 Aug. 26 11 Jan. 2 10 Mar. 9 2 Mar. 29 5 May 14 8 May 28 12 June 9 13 June 25 S Jan. 11 11 Mar. 26 6 Apr. 17 15 | May 1 10 May 4 14 June 30 11 July 12 9 Aug. 27 16 Nov. 19 8 June 22 22 July 16 11 Aug. 4 13 Ang 6 2 Aug. 13 22 Aug. 30 5 Apr. 9 14 May 6 8 Sept. 8 14 Sept. 11 Belonnga, John. Barlow, James Brownell, Alex Boyd, Guy Bergen, George Beebe, Fred... Blacklock, Thomas Blank, Louis.. Backie, Samuel Cater, Frank E... Cater, O. V... Caughell, William Corrigan, John J .. Coleman, Frank Cleghorn, John Carrow, John De Vor, Benjamin. Demming: Alton S.. Doyle, John F De Voe, George R. Dole, Charles T Emory, Edwin N. Elliott, Durham Ellens, Louis A. Eagan, Edward Elliott, Thomas, Farnum, E. W Turgusun, Alex. Flansburg, Manasseh Fahler, Mathias Goss, Marshall. Grey, John C Gagnon, Charles W Greilick, Rudolph Grotenat, Harry G Greilick, Frank. Hattersley, William Hopkins, George W Fabel, John. Houglthy, William H. File, John H... Hoffman, Charles Hutty, John W.... Ingleston, Raymond F Johnson, Adolph T.... Jacobson, Einanuel King, Guy Kopfer. Charles. Kelly, John... Larson, Ellward Lowery, TVilliam Leightlall, John. La Franier, Louis B.... Lown, Edward T Maticc, W. P.. McLean, Peter A... Moore, Harry. Morse, Albert Miller. Stephen A Mollhagen, Allrect McDougell, Neil.. Morin, Trilly Nelson, Chris. Noeson, John. Nowland, Thomas E... Ott. William H. O'Neill, Robert Porter, Daniel B... Patterson, Georgo Page, Robert.. Paxou, Henry C... Peck, Bertie Pappin, George Potvin, Joseph. Payne, William Perrin, Earle M. 7621 7622 7623 7628 7652 7658 7659 7669 7671 5212 5217 5259 7602 7627 7645 7677 5248 5269 5282 5286 7610 5203 5241 5252 5258 7680 5261 7624 7634 7679 5204 5229 5289 7614 7668 7678 5218 5236 5242 5271 5285 7637 7656 5225 5299 7638 7618 7626 7664 5205 5240 5243 5250 5251 5208 5213 7620 7631 7635 7646 7651 7665 5288 5296 7608 5214 5290 5209 5219 5244 5256 5272 5291 7601 7640 7662 9 July 27 16 Do. 8 Aug. 4 11 2 Sept. 17 2 Sept. 24 15 Do. 11 Nov. 2 2 Nov. 17 15 Jan. 28 13 Feb. 17 7 Apr. 26 15 June 15 13 Aug. 4 16 Aug. 30 17 Dec. 8 5 A pr. 13 3 May 6 4 May 28 13 June 2 15 July 12 14 Jan. 3 15 Apri A pri 2 15 Apr. 16 14 Apr. 21 1 Dec. 15 13 Apr. 30 8 Aug. 4 2 Aug. 14 1 Dec. 15 14 Jan. 2 2 Mar. 11 12 June 9 1 July 15 3 Oct. 25 3 Dec. 8 2 Feb. 20 14 Mar. 26 2 Apr. 5 14 Apr. 11 16 June 2 2 Aug. 16 1 Sept. 22 2 Mar. 6 12 June 22 6 Aug. 17 2 July 21 14 dug. 4 14 Oct. 11 2 Jan. 2 2 Apr. 2 13 Apr. 5 12 Apr. 16 16 Do. 12 Jan. 11 2 Jan. 28 10 July 27 14 Ang. 10 14 Aug. 14 15 Aug. 30. 7 Sept. 17 15 Oct. 12 16 June 7 15 June 22 19 July 9 3 Jan. 28 18 June 9 9 Jan. 11 2 Feb. 20 12 Apr. Apr. 6 7 A pr. 19 14 May 14 14 May 28 12 June 25 10 Aug. 21 3 Sept. 28 First assistant engi. neers. Adanis, Bert R. Bon, Charles H... Burns, Henry. Boardwell, A. E.. Baker, Theodore.. Butler, Patrick Bullen, Harry E Boswell, H. T. Boardweil, E. A.... Boyer, John E Brown, John B.. 5284 5215 5235 5260 5273 5276 5277 5298 7606 7609 7619 S June 2 2 Jan. 12 16 Mar. 24 14 Apr. 26 10 May 14 13 Do. 1 May 15 16 June 22 17 July 3 12 July 12 14 | July 22 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, 243 Engineers licensed-Grand Laren, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. 'issue. issue. Tirst assistant engi- neers Continued. J'irst assistant enyi- necesContinued. Thieleman, Robert. Van Bruut, George I. Vaughan, T. W. Vanderhoef, Orsoll. Voorbeis, Elton I.. Whiting, George Washburn, O.S. 5229 5232 5245 5253 7654 5222 7647 5 Mar. 15 2 Mar. 19 10 A pr. 9 18 A pr. 16 15 Sept. 20 14 Mar. 3 12 Sept. 8 Rainourd, J. Edmund.. Robertson, Henry F.. Redner, Clarence E. Rode, William J. Rice, Robert B. Schmidtman, August.. Sanford, Isaac H. Smith, Ernest F.. Schuman, Albert F.. Stellwers, Lorenz Stoker, Robert. Shaver, Samuel Stroebel, Henry Smith, (tto G. Smith, John Sutherland, George P.. Slater, Louis.. Suckow, Gustavo Story, Frank H... Smith, Louis. Smith, James 5230 5279 7653 7657 7661 5206 5207 5220 5221 5233 5234 5247 5249 5265 5266 5274 5280 7616 7649 7655 7666 8 Mar. 16 15 May 20 1 Sept. 18 6 Sept. 22 17 Sept. 24 15 Jan. 2 2 Jan. 7 2 Feb. 20 5 Do. 12 Mar. 23 11 Do. 15 | Apr. 12 7 Apr. 13 10 May 1 15 Do. 13 May 14 10 May 24 3 July 21 7 Sept. 10 16 Sept. 20 19 Oct. 15 Special engineers. Burgess, Fred w Cluchey, Michel O. Hoyt, Clarence C Metcalf, Joseph. Miller, Silas Morrissay, Jobu M. Newton, William P.... Stebbins, Noah Tyrer, A. H.... Welch, Lawrence E.... 3007 3003 3002 3004 3008 3009 3001 3006 3005 3010 3 June 28 2 Apr. 2 4 Teb. 11 6 May 4 7 July 12 1 July 21 2 Jan. 2 1 June 19 4 May 28 4 Oct. 25 LOCAL DISTRICT OF MARQUETTE, MICH. Master's and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Marquette, Michi.. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. Jissue.* issue. Ackrill, William D Ames. Augustus. Brownell, Joseph A.. Bartley, Casper.. Burns, Charles E Bernier, Edward .. Bartley, George B. Bell, James Bourassa, Josoph Bussiere, Louis Black, Wm. A.. Carus, Edward ... Carloss, William S. Christy, Charles. Carbine, Timothy Clow, James M Cofi'oy, Daniel. Devaney, John. Detlefs, Emil... Dashaw, Thomas Dalton, Joseph M.. Endress, Einil G.. Edwards, Edward . Everett, Charles M. Frame, Cliarles M.. Fox, Benson... Freschette, William Goldoni, Martin... Goodrow, Fred Girvin, Samuel Husley, Jay. Hursley, George E Harrow, Washington B. Houghton, Elijah P Hale, Charles H Hursley, Wayne. Harrow, Henry C.. Ingraham, Freeman E. Johnson, Robert D... 10834 10846 10804 10805 10809 10812 10817 10821 10854 10862 10874 10806 1.0818 10838 10847 10849 10876 10839 10857 10866 10869 10808 10822 10828 10820 10836 10844 10853 10858 10875 10823 10827 10840 10842 10852 10872 10877 10859 10831 24 June 29 Kruger. Anthon 0..... 13 Aug. 2 Lewis, Benjamin.. 6 Mar. 24 Lowe, James B. 16 Mar. 30 Leeson, William N .. 15 Apr. 23 La Compt, Gustav. 15 Apr. 29 Lindquist, Axel V.. 25 May 10 McCorquodale, R. C 24 | May 17 Moyers, Ernest. 18 Sept. 1 Mooney, Edward 15 Sept. 18 Megarvey, Williamı. 2 Oct. 26 Moiles, Charles B. 17 Apr. 1 McGuire, Patrick H... 15 May 10 McWilliams, John. 27 | July 7 Mondor, John B 12 Aug. 9 Marr, George A. 16 Aug. 17 McKenzie, Hugh 13 Nov. 4 Norton, Daniel J 16 July 9 Phelps, George W 10 Sept. 11 Paul, Joseph. 12 Oct. 4. Rogers, Fred C. 18 Oct. 4 Ryerse, Frank H 17 Apr. 17 Ryerse, Fred. G 19 May 28 Ripley, Charles. 21 June 7 Rood, James B. 17 May 15 Rouleau, Joseph . 1.6 July 1 Rogers. Harry 21 July 31 Stafford, Thomas 23 Sept. 1 Scott. Sydenham. 1,7 Sept. 13 Sloan, Thomas... 18 Oct. 29 Shipman, George F 22 May 28 Stevenson, James. 11 June 4 Taylor, Alfred.. 18 July 16 Trempe, Alfred. 7 Do. Tallion, David. 1,10 Aug. 30 Taylor, Joseph, jr 25 Oct. 23 Wilson, Alexander. 14 Nov. 5 Wilkinson, William 5 Sept. 13 White, Joseph. June 21 Winegar, Byron D.. 10865 10813 10826 10841 10855 10856 1.0802 10814 10816 10825 10829 10830 10835 10843 10850 10873 10864 10824 10871 10801 10803 10807 10837 10848 10867 10878 10810 10815 10819 10851 10861 10811 10832 10845 10863 10833 10860 10868 10870 9 Oct. 2 1,9 Apr. 30 16 June 4 18 July 16 11 Sept. 7 27 Sept. 8 . 14 | Mar. 1 21 May May 1 30 May 8 13 June 1 14 June 9 26 June 18 15 June 29 22 July July 19 S Aug. 20 25 Oct. 23 14 Oct. 1 18 June 2 21 Oct. 23 15 Feb. 3 Mar. 24 9 Apr. 14 12 July 3 25 | Aug. 16 24 Oct. 15 Nov. 6 31 Apr. 23 21 May 5 10 May 1] 16 Aug. 23 16 Sept. 17 28 Apr. 27 29 June 21 26 Aug. 2 13 Sept. 27 6 June 26 14 Sept. 14 15 Oct. 9 12 Oct. 23 1,6 S 1,19 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 2 14 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Marquette, Mich. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. First-class pilots. Atwood, John W Bullion, Joseph. Bartman, Henry T. Bernard, Frank. Bolton, Abraham. Bourdage, Frank Bernard, Leon Brown, Jolin E Cunning, Alexander... Campbell, William CŁurch, J. Wells Cusack, Maurice.. Chaudler, G. d.. Cameron, Charles H Carloss, Frank J... Callalan, Thomas... Calverley, William D.. Cater, Frank E... Coffee, John Chapman, Andrew J Desforges, John P Didier, Peter Davis, William Ernatinger, John Foster, Philetus.. Gunderson, Ole Greenleaf, Josep). Glenn, Alexander Hart, Levi W... Hume, William... Jergens, Fred Johnston, Herry G.. Lutz, Edward La Due, Edward. Landfair, Bert. M. McCauley, Pat. McCauley, Con McCauloy, Charles. Mathews, Charles McDonald, William. Mason, Charles D)... Momenemy, William J. Nelson, Frank E. Nolan, John J Parker, Jolin Picard, John. Picard, Josephi Payment, Albert. Picard, David... Riell, Joseph... Ritfenburg, Charles Riell, Nicholas. Ripley, Norman. Riell, Stephen.. Richards, John P St. Bernard, Jewett.... Sewell, William E Shelden, Carlos D. Theriault, Joseph U Thibault, Peter R.... Trenipe, Theophile A Taylor, Joseph. Weaver, George W llendt, Henry Second-class pilots. Allie, David Anderson, Albert L.... Berg, Isaac Bourassa, Edward Bartley, Frank... Berg, Harold.. Bouschor, David E. Bussiere, Edward. Bayliss, Joseph E... Cook, John H.. Campbell, John P. 4040 4032 4048 4051 4056 4059 4062 4063 4010 4027 4029 4031 4035 4039 4041 4044 4046 4047 4061 4064 4025 4037 4052 4036 4053 4015 4023 4034 4011 4013 4002 4008 4001 4007 4019 4005 4012 4014 4021 4030 4038 4043 4017 4033 4022 4026 4042 4051 4060 4024 4028 4049 4050 4055 4057 4004 4020 4045 4003 4006 4016 4058 1009 4018 A pr. 29 9 Aug. 2 Casey, James 6 June 28 Clark, Willian A 7 Sept. 19 Cavanaugh, James 17 Oct. 8 Church, George M 15 Oct. 2 Columbe, Joseph.. 7 Nov. 9 Corgan, William J 24 Nov. 24 Corgan, Henry 16 Dec. 6 Croze, Joseph S Mar. 29 Cornell, John W 8 June 14 Carrigan, Joseph W. 14 June 15 Courchen, Andrew C... 16 June 23 Campbell, Neil.. 26 July 3 Drennan, John.. 5 July 31 Davidson, William C... 5 Aug. 5 Dunbar, F. E.... 12 Sept. 1 Dalton, Edward E 16 | Sept. 4 Dawson, Robert 14 Sept. 9 Dolsen, Frank 15 Nov. 24 Holster, George R. 7 Dec. 18 l'erguson, Thomas. 13 June 4 Fennesy, John.. 14 July 17 Farnsworth, George J 5 Oct. 4 Freeman, James 23 July 16 Fergnson, Andrew . 8 Oct. 8 Toster, William W 3 Spr. 17 Gillett, John H 13 Juno 2 Grainger, William S... 6 June 28 Garland, Erl ward S 2 Apr. 3 Gagnon, Llie. ... 9 Apr. 7 Gagnon, Samuel L. 4 Jan. 12 Hickler, John H 16 Mar. 25 Hill, Robert 3 Jall. 11 Hickler, Henry 3 Mar. 12 Hickler, Jobu.. 7 June 1 Jacker, Edward 4 Tel. 24 Jalındron, Joseph. 10 Apr. 6 Johnston, Coridan 9 Apr. 9 Josliu, Uriah H. 4 June 2 Jansen, Peter. 6 June 21 Jordan, Peter.. 5) July 26 Lower, George EL 4 Aug. 31 Leighton, Byron A 1, 10 Day 3 Landford, Isaac L. 1,9 June 28 Loouard, George H 15 June 2 Luckes, Robert H.. 16 June 4 Murphy, Oswald... 27 Aug. 20 McCauley, James... 11 Oct. 1 McGregor, Duncan J 23 Nov. 10 McLearl, Wm. B.. 4 June 3 McCauley, Danjel F 9 June 15 McCullough, James 14 Sept. 21 Morris, Frank Sept. 24 Moiles, George W 16 Oct. 18 McDonald, Dan. 10 Nov. 4 Miniclier, Chas 7 Fel). 11 Olsen, Nels 18 Jio ] O'Brien, Michael 17 Sept. 4 Parker, William 7 Teb. 2 Purdy, Charles F 2 Mar. 11 | Prior, Thomas 16 Apr. 30 Picard, Josepli, ji'. 30 Noy, 4 Payment, Fred 1,5 Mar. 29 Quinn, Samuel... 8 May 5 Robinson, Samuel S. Rogers, George Rice, Juliu. Ripley, Charles A. 2 Jan. 26 Sterling, William P 3 Nov. 11 Smith, Francis P 1 Tel. 18 Smith, Charles P.. 2 Apr. 1 Sullivan, 't hoinas 2 Apr. 8 Spring, Maurice 10 Apr. 9 Still, Jasper 4 Aug. 5 Story, Frank H. 14 Oct. 2 Thorn, Henry,jr. 2 Dec. 4 Troden, John H. 7 Feb. 10 Thebo, Joseph.. 7 Feb. 25 l: Werner, Samuel 4014 4020 4027 4041 4049 4064 4071 4075 4078 4084 409.1 7204 4018 4025 4032 4050 4095 7205 4043 4047 4048 4052 4054 4073 4076 4003 4005 4011 4056 4083 4063 4077 4082 4086 4009 4026 4030 4034 4058 4098 4010 4024 4035 4055 4088 4001 4006 4013 4016 4039 4042 4007 4072 4079 7202 4061 4065 4015 4028 4040 4066 4:081 4085 4022 4038 4093 4096 4031 4044 4051 4074 4090 4091 7201 4029 4059 4092 4012 4 | Mar. 19 11 A pr. 3 7 | A pr. 29 8 June 15 12 July 12 1 Aug. 17 4 Aug. 31 6 Sept. 17 5 Sept. 23 9 Oct. 16 16 Oct. 26 10 Dec. 6 7 Mar. 30 17 Apr. 29 8 May 10 8 July 12 4 Nov. 1 3 Dec. 20 12 June 26 14 | July 3 7 July 12 7 July 16 3 July 19 9 Sept. 10 10 Sept. 18 11 Feb. 5 2 Do. 7 Mar. 2 9 July 24 8 Oct. 11 8 Aug. 16 5 Sept. 18 14 Oct. 6 15 Oct. 18 2 Mar. 1 15 11 Apr. 30 12 May 10 5 July 31 6 Nov. 4 9 Mar. 2 6 A pr. 12 18 May 15 2 July 21 6 Oct. 18 4 Jan. 11 1 Feb. 15 1 Mar. 12 8 Mar. 25 4 June 2 8 June 23 3 Aug. 20 5 Sept. 4 11 Sept. 25 2 Nov. 23 9 Aug. 5 13 Aug. 20 5 Mar. 24 16 Apr. 30 15 June 14 9 Aug. 20 7 Oct. 4 15 Oct. 18 4 A.pr. 8 12 June 2 8 Oct. 26 1 Nov. 4 8 May 10 8 June 28 9 July 13 2 Sept. 11 7 Oct. 21 8 Do. 11 Nov. 23 4 Apr. 30 12 Aug. 5 7 Oct. 25 7 Mar. 7 19 4002 4100 4007 4019 4021 4023 4060 4080 7203 4004 4008 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 245 0 Pilots licensed-Marquette, Mich.-Continued. Namo. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of license. No. of Date of issue. issue. Second-class pilots Continued. Special pilots-Con- tinued. Wirth, Louis K. Watson, Clark A Wilson, Worship Young, Charles à.. Zess, Isaac. 4017 4036 4097 4045 4037 10 Mar. 26 6 May 28 2 Nov. 4 9 June 30 1 June 1 Ewing, Tunis C Hansen, Hans Peter .. Mason, Richard P Peterman, Albert F.... Powers, William R Stephenson, George L Stanton, Frank MCM. Slock, Louis . Scrantun, Gilmore G... 4089 4099 4057 4062 4069 4033 4046 4053 4087 2 Oct. 18 2 Nov. 4 5 July 26 1 Aug. 7 1 3 May 10 1 July 2 5 July 16 8 Oct. 18 Aug. 30 Special pilots. Butterfield, Alva Christensen, Chris.. 4068 4070 5 1 Aug. 30 Do. Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year endel December 31, 1897—Marquette, Mich. dug. 5 Agnew, Abel F. Bernier, Edward Brainard, Ira F.. Berg, Andrew Cleary, Henry J Church, Philetus M... Cosford, Joseph C 1508 1507 1511 1514 1501 1504 1510 4 July 31 4 Do. 7 4 Dec. 23 Mar. 29 7 June 21 4 | Aug. 2 Edvards, John E. Hodge, Frank M.. La Point, Alexander. McKerchie, Benjamin Tilley, James F.... Taylor, Fred Morse. Wheatley, William H.. 1509 1505 1312 1503 1502 1306 1513 3 July 31 4 Joly 12 5 Aug. 9 7 June 9 1 Apr. 9 5 July 20 1 Aug. 23 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Marquette, Mich. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (in- land)—Continued. Crawford, Alexander.. Moore, Stewart H... 11150 11138 Ohief en gincers (inland). Allie, George W... Adams, Arthur. Auger, Onesine. Albee, Charles M. Bruce, Alfred... Brundage, George E. Bartley, George, jr Bacon, Edward C. Barr, Arthur A.. Burns, Jobu N. Barnard, Henry Buchanan, William . Beauchamp, Moise. Cosford, Joseph C. Clemens, William I... Cook, Frederick J... Carpenter, Cyrile.. Cunliff, James... Cady, Alfred. Caswell, James A. Cook, Jared R. Chalk, Michael F. Dillon, Michael J. Elliott, Charles D.... Eason, Charles I. Ferry, Henry M Harr, William H.. Fullmer, Frank. Frechette, Michael... Glode, James Godley, Thomas Greenleaf, Joseph. Grieres, James Gibson; Henry. Grassel, Jacob 11122 11142 11151 11154 11101 11103 11106 11119 11125 11132 11158 11160 11178 11112 11130 11135 11148 11152 11168 11170 11173 11175 11129 11103 11169 11108 11.133 11147 11172 11109 11118 11124 11145 11165 11166 26 Aug. 23 Graham, Johu E.. 12 July 14 Gaynon, Jannary S Horgan, Thomas Hursley, Jay. HWl, Isaac.. Hill, George M. 13 June 2 Herbert, Moise 16 Aug. 2 Fazen, William H .. 19 Aug. 23 Hale, Charles H. 18 Aug. 31 Hickler, Thomas. 22 Jan. 19 Helmert, John. 16 Feb. 27 Jacques, Oliver. 9 Mar. 26 Kellogg, Edward B. 19 June 1 Kelley, Thomas B... 14 June 3 Kelly, James. 16 July 3 Lewis, Mall R. 20 Sept. 14 Larson, Allred.. 16 Sept. 17 Larson, Frederick 19 Dec. 23 McLennan, Donald L.. 12 Apr. 19 Madden, Michael F 13 June 15 McCabe, Frank I..... 13 July 12 McLaughlin, Richard.. 25 Aug. 20 Marks, Benjamin M.... 10 Aug. 24 McDonald, John E.... 14 Oct. 14 McArthur, John.. 14 Oct. 21 Minnie. Raymond J.. 17 Nov. 5 McMaster, Jamies. 13 Dec. 6 MacKay, Hector.. 14 June 10 O'Brien, M. H... 1, 8 Sept. 20 Rains. Norinau 9 Oct. 18 Roll, Frank M.. 12 Apr. 2 Scofield, Nathan. 15 July 3 Stirling William P.... 15 Aug. 20 Stoner, Almon H 25 / Oct. 29 Swaty, Thomas P..... 6 Apr. 12 Stalker, Archie.. 11 May 29 Smith, Philip H... 20 June 3 Seigneire, Emelieu 18 Aug. 17 Spanlling, Ruſus. 8 Sept. 22 Vanderstone, John 24 Oct. 6 TV bittier, Frank... 11167 11176 11102 11131 11134 11137 11141 11149 11153 11155 11162 11120 11121 11127 11171 11105 11117 11139 11107 11110 11111 11113 11116 11123 11126 11146 11156 11177 11164 11157 11174 11114 11115 11128 11136 11140 11143 11159 11161 11104 11144 12 Oct. 13 17 Dec. 8 9 Teb. 15 14 June 28 24 July 12 17 Do. 16 Aug. 2 17 Ang. 20 22 Aug. 30 17 Sept. 1 22 Sept. 20 10 June 2 18 Do. 30 June 21 Oct. 21 6 Mar. 20 17 May 10 18 July 21 11 Mar. 26 6 Apr. 12 S pr. 14 1 Apr. 29 17 May 10 June 2 IS June 3 14 Aug. 20 26 Sept. 2 17 Dec. 23 16 Sept. 22 12 Sept. 4 10 Nov. 17 16 May May 3 17 May 10 20 June 10 17 July 12 10 | Suly 28 16 Aug. 2 19 Sept. 17 12 Do. 20 Feb. 17 14 Aug. 9 18 246 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Marquette, Mich.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. First assistant engi- neers (inland)-Con- tinued. Bubro, Gustav Bennett, Thomas O....! Berry, Charles. Church, J. Wells Campbell, Daniel. Daris, John P.. Frame, Charles M Gagnon, Peter . Garrison, Jolin 0 Hosking, John Kirby, George Liroimore, Dell Moore, Alfred McMasters, George C.. Olsen, Thomas.. Robinson, Samuel S. Showfelt, William.. Saunders, Cbarles I.. St. Andre, James Sharbenaux, adolph Tourville, Joseplı. Van Riper, Garrett.. 5325 5349 5383 5339 5340 5364 5326 5361 5385 5344 5305 5368 5315 5375 5329 5362 5319 5333 5334 5382 5374 5370 Aug. 6 5323 5352 5386 5314 5327 5337 5346 5367 5320 5347 5355 5356 5363 5366 5376 5377 5384 5306 5336 5373 5321 5338 5302 5311 5332 5335 5371 5379 5341 5354 5304 5309 530.1. 5322 5250 5351 5380 5 May 1 3 July 26 5 Dec. 27 8.Mar. 27 5 May 15 8 June 10 14 July 12 7 Sept. 20 5 Apr. 12 14 July 12 15 Aug. 2 5 11 Sept. 8 14 Sept. 17 18 Oct. 6 4 Oct. 15 5 Nov. 22 2 Feb. 24 15 June 9 10 Oct. 2 5 Apr. 21 7 June 10 14 Jan.' 11 7 Mar. 17 11 June 5 15 June 9 4 Sept. 24 8 Oct. 25 13 June 21 16 July 26 7 Jan. 18 2 Mar. 1 9 Jan. 11 10 Apr. 29 12 July 19 14 Do. 6 Oct. 29 Ö J'irst assistant engi- ncers (inland). 7 | May 8 Jackson, Henry S. 4 July 19 Jordan, Jobs 17 Nov. 18 Koller, Willian.. 13 Juno 15 Leighton, Boardman 9 June 21 Law, Edwin J. 8 Sept. 8 Lapish, Fred.C 15 May 15 Leeson, William N.. 15 sug. 31 Langer, Frank.. 18 Dec. 8 McGraw, William 16 | July July 3 Miller, Joseph F... 11 Teb. 15 Miles, David ... 1 Sept. 20 Mason, Richard P... 14 Mar. 29 McGrory, Philip 15 Oct. 6 Mulholland, James 2 May 17 Meron, William 7 Sept. 4 Moderson, Charles W.. 2 Apr. 7) Malone, William 17 June 5 Norton, Loveatus 17 June 7 Nelsoni, Frank E. 13 Nov. 15 Nereau, William 7 Oct. 2 Rice, Wesley. Sept. 22 Raines, Xavier. Sebastian, John Smith, Henry G. Sturgis, Mason H Sebastianı, Davidl. 2 Tel. 27 Swart, Edgar J 5 Mar. 19 Sandquist, Edward 12 June 25 Tucker, George F. 9 June 26 Tate, Williani 16 July 12 Verville, Frank. Aug. 91 Van Riper, Richard W. 5. Aug. 17 Wright, James H. 12 Aug. 23 Wilson, Gorrion.. 5 May 17 Tirth, George W 6 Auý. 20 || Wille, Franklin N .. 11 Nor. 15 Wixted, James 3 Mar. 9 9 : May May 1 Second assistant engi- 5 Juno 2 n.cer (inland). 14 Oct. 21 3 A pr. 7 Knieps, Frank W... 1 Jan, 14 7 July 5 Special engineers. 11 July 26 5 Mar. 3 Bailey, Samuel W... 4 Apr. 2 Cuyler, Oscar. 9 Sept. 14 Church, George M M 16 Sept. 22 Evans, John. 3 Mar. 24 Ewing, Charles M 5 Oct. 2 Funko, John.. 2 Apr. 2 Kraemer, John M Blanchard, Eli J... Boyer, Joseph Beauchemein, Arthur Royce, William Bussiere, Edward.. biridger, James Berry, Albert..... Bourrassa, Telesphore. Coffey, Richard ... Campbell, William L Crossman, John... Dumu, William. Drappo, Frank.. Davidson, Wm.C.,.jr . Dalton, Joseph M. Elliott, Rodney Farley, James Fisher, Cbarles F.. Freshette, Francis Gallagher, Jolin Garey, William Gagnon, Samuel L Graham, Thomas Hart, Frank Hoss, Jamies 1 Johnson, Jobu 5307 5312 5342 5343 5348 5357 5358 5360 5328 5359 5381 5310 5324 5331 5378 5318 5303 5345 5353 5308 5317 5365 5369 5313 5372 5316 5330 8 May 17 3103 3101 3107 3102 3106 3104 3105 6 Aug. 9 2 May 11 9 Oct. 22 3 May 18 2 Oct. 20 4 Aug. 20 2 Sept. 17 LOWON NINTH SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF BUFFALO, N. Y. Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Buffalo, N. Y. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license, i issue. issue. ) + Aug. 10 Blair, Fugh... Bernie, Alexander Bordeaux, George Byrne, Jobn.. Bain, Isaac G Baxter, John H.... Brigge, Ulrich George.. Buie, John... Batos, Barclay P Burus, Williamı. . Beltz, William H... Bolster, Williamı. . Bessette, Joseph. Burns, John.. Broderick, Phillip.. Burns, John. Barney, John S. Barlon, Thomas Bradford, A.C. Buic, Dougald. Buie, Duncan Brown, Charles T.... Burton, Thomas. Connors, James. Chatterton, Neil. Clark, William E. Coleman, Jeremiah Cavers, William. Cunningham, James, Crequi, Joseph. Camparo, William E. ... Clark, George H... Clark, Remington M... Coulter, John.. Collins, James I. Cody, Urban S... Callahan, John A. Carr, Michael... Carroll, Thomas. Coulin, Frank. Cook, John A. Collins, Joseph Chamberlain, Saml. R. Chatterten, S. E... Casey, Thomas Christian, Robert O. Chute, Freman.. Clark, Alexander. Cholcroft, Frederick.. Coughlin, Daniel... Dickson, William Dugan, John. Duinn, Thomas. Dickson, George Driscoll, Dennis Delaney, George Dunn, John Doyle, Thomas J... Doherty, James Donavan, Timothy . Dayton, Georgo Driscoll, James H. 6609 6613 6632 6633 6648 6675 6692 6701 6709 6717 6720 6729 6746 6757 6764 6769 6787 6790 6839 6842 6844 6860 6864 6608 6615 6620 6628 6641 6647 6650 6651 6685 6707 6710 6718 6733 6741 6774 6802 6807 6808 6812 6827 6830 6847 6852 6861 6866 6871 6877 6605 6635 6642 6643 6645 6652 6728 6738 6743 6749 6775 6778 16 Feb. 1 Donabue, Joseph..... 10 Feb. 15 Dun), John.. 32 Apr. 3 Doherty, John 26 Do. Davis. Gevrge 23 Apr. 10 Doyle, James 8 Apr. 21 Durand, Homer. 9 May 14 ! Drake, James 21 May 10 Drury, Robert 15 May 13 Davidson, James 13 Apr. 17 Egan, Thomas 16 Apr. 19 Edwards, John.. 20 Apr. 27 Estes, James B. 13 June 10 Elliott, William . 10 June 30 Evans, Robert T. 11 July 7 Elis, Thomas C 10 July 14 Edwards, M. I 23 July 27.|| Fredricks, Charles W.. 1 July 28 Fisher, John.... 14 Sept. 21 Forton, Tousant R. 29 Sept. 22 Foley, John... 21. Sept. 24 Furey, Charles S.. 22 Oct. 16 Fontaine, James P 28 Oct. 21 Farrell, William 26 Jan. 23 Frawley, Joseph 30 Fob. 20 Fletcher, Andrew W.. 14 Mar. 12 Flalierty, William E 12 Mar. 29 Ferguson, Horace H... 8 Apr. 7 Folan, Michael 10 Apr. 10 Galvin, Michael J 13 Apr. 12 Gillers, Donald. 29 Do. Gunnis, William E. 12 Apr. 26 Green, James H.. 16 May 12 Golden, John.. 9 May 13 Gilbert, Abner G 9 May 19 Gollen, Samuel. 9 May 28 Gebhard, Frank R..... 18 June 5 Glover, John R 17 July 17 Gibson, James 19 Aug. 10 Goodrow, Frank 8 Aug. 13 Giilson, Jessie N.. 14 Aug. 17 Green, Andrew J 11 Aug. 21 Green, Oliver 8 Sept. 11 Gardner, A.F... 27 Sept. 16 Green, John D 20 Oct. Gibson, James R... 10 Oct. 7 Gillis, John 18 Oct. 16 Galton, Charles B.... 34 Oct. 23 Gillers, Alexander. 18 Nov. 4 Gilson, George D. 36 Nov. 16 Green, Orville W.. 39 Jan. 11 Hall, John B. 12 Apr. 5 Howell, Paul... 17 Apr. 7 Hullegan, Joseph. 15 A pr. 8 Huyck, Frank B.. 15 Do. Fuit, Albert E. 12 Apr. 15 Haunett, James. 20 May 25 Hazen, William H.. 16 Junie 2 Harrington, Jeremiah 12 June 7 Hayes, John... 23 June 22 Holz, William 15 July 17 Hergenrother, John A. 9 | July 19 Hoffman, Fredrick, . 6783 6804 6810 6813 1 6829 6869 6872 6878 6881 6696 6698 6726 6732 6792 6843 6853 0618 6649 6663 6694 6702 6744 6753 6799 6801 6805 6828 6855 6601 6640 6644 6680- 6687 6706 6712 6722 6723 6746 6762 6781 6784 6788 6811 6824 6837 6840 6846 6850 6863 6867 6611 6623 6631 6658 6666 6676 6682 6700 6750 6802 6806 6826 24 July 24 10 dug. 12 18 Aug. 19 44 aug. 26 27 Sept. 15 9 Nov. 1 35 | Nov. Nov. 5 19 Nov. 20 11 Dec. 1 7 ! May 6 30 ! May 7 16 May 24 11 May 27 11 July 31 28 Sept. 24 S Oct. 7 15 Mar. 6 15 Apr. 10 22 A pr. 17 27 May May 5 19 May 10 9 June 8 6 1 June 25 13 Aug. 7. 7 16 13 Aug. 13 22 Sept. 14 14 1 Oct. 12 13 Jau. 4 25 Apr. 6 14 Apr. 8 20 A pr. 24 14. Apr. 27 11 May 11 20 May 15 21 May 19 15 May 21 38 June 9 3 July 23 3 Do. 11 July 26 16 July 27 22 Aug. 20 16 Sept. 8 8 Sept. 21 14 Sept. 22 18 Oct. 1 13 Oct. 5 10 Oct. 19 15 Oct. 26 35 Feb. 10 17 Mar. 18 24 A pr. 2 14 17 Apr. 19 21 Apr. 21 15 Apr. 24 13 May 8 29 June 22 19 Aug. 10 8 Aug. 13 13 | Sept. 11 Apr. 16 247 248 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Masters and pilots licensed-Buffalo, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. Issue. issue. Namno. No. of No. of Date of licenge. I issue. issue. 12 Apr. 12 1 Jan. Hames. Seeley D... Hazon, John C.. Hunt, Lyman. Isbester, John Johnsen, Frank E.. Jean, August. Judge, Thomas Jones, Valentine. Jones, Robert. Jones, John F. Jensen, Kagus August. Jameson, William Jackson, James. Johnson, Fredrick. Kelloy, Andrew.. Klumpb, Alinoud P.... Keith, Preston... Kenyon, Samuel D. Kenney, James T.. Kill, George R. Lanagan, Joseph. Latten, flenry w Little, Charles E.. Lynn, William J... Lyon, Stephen. Lawrence, Anthony Lamphier, Richard M. Linz, Patrick. Molther, John R. ... Morgan, James Manning, William H... Maytham, Edward C McMurray, William E. McCarthy, John ... McMiun, George. Milne, Jobu.. McDonald, Angus J... Mallory, Daniel H.. Mara, James McEachern, Archibald. McCabe, Franã J McQueen, Orland C..., Maddigan, James A... Mahoney, Daniel... McDowell, Robert McKinnon, Peter A.... Minor, Burton Moore, Truman Montague, Charlos Z.. Merritt, Charles Mallette, Paul Maloy, Jolin H. McLean, William McGuire, Norman Maco, M.J. McFarlane, Parlan. Middleton, George W.. McMurray, Robert J... McCormick, Mortimer. Moon, George. Mains, Robert McGuire, Francis. McCormick, Neil Miller, Hugh O... McMillin, Charles McGuire, Daniel. McGrain, Robert Maltby, William G Murray, Robert.. McAvoy, Joun.. Mills, Harvey L... McDougall, Augus. McDonald, Donald S... McDermott, Richard... McDougall, John ... McArtlur, Alexander. McLeod, Alexander.. Nelson, Charles.. Noble, Charles H 6858 6859 6875 6794 6604 6619 6634 6653 6690 6697 6714 6846 6854 6857 6636 6637 6715 6780 6820 6874 0607 6614 6652 6684 6735 6759 6779 6815 6602 6606 6610 6612 6622 6629 6630 6638 6656 6659 6664 6665 6669 6670 6677 6679 6689 6703 6704 6705 6711 6716 6730 6731 6734 6736 6745 6751 6752 6756 6771 6772 6776 6782 6785 6789 6791 6814 6816 6818 6823 6832 6851 6856 6865 6870 6873 6876 6880 6671 6763 17 Oct. 14 Newman, Thomas 9 Oct. 15 O'Neil, Patrick 43 Oct. 9 Osburn, Frank D Aug. 2 Olson, Peter A.. 9 Jan. 11 O'Brion, John. 4 Mar. 10 O'Neil, Patrick 19 Apr. Apr. 5 Peterson, Henry 39 Apr. 13 Peters, dlexandler 30 May 3 Parish, James 13 May 6 Powell, Lewis H. 9 May 15 Pierce, William E. 7 Sept. 28 Pettit, Richard 10 Oct. 11 Perew, John. 10 Oct. 14 Pickert, Dewitt C.... 15 Apr. 5 Pratt, James.. 20 Do. Parsons, Robert F.. 16 | May 17 Pope, Frederick L.R... 16 July 23 Reuders, Albert. 15 Aug. 31 Reed, Alva E... 9 Nov. 9 Rowan, Murdock 15 Jan. 20 Rahil, Timothy 10 Feb. 15 Ryan, Patrick F. 14 Roach, William. 15 Apr. 26 Root, Henry 21 May 21 Rattray, Elton F 8 July 2 Shockett, Joseph 11 July 20 Stevenson, George 25 Aug. 26 Smitli, William 7 7 Starkey, George W Jan. 18 Shea, Patrick 15 Feb. 2 Smith, John H. 25 Teb. 11 Sherwood, David N.. 14 Mar. 18 Secord, Carl D 11 Mar. 31 Smith, William W 2 Apr. 1 Souter, Johu B.. 11 Apr. 6 Swift, George H. 22 Apr. 14 Shaver, Alva 17 Apr. 16 Sbiels, James 11 Apr. 19 Shean, Michael J. 21 Do. Sballer, Louis W 22 Apr. 20 Stacy, Samuel F.. 17 Do. Staley, Samuel S. 7 Apr. 21 Stewart, Walter G. 11 Apr. 23 Slattery, Thomas 16 Apr. 30 Shepherd, Albert M.. 32 May 10 Smith, E. M. 14 May 11 Scott, Winfield F. 8! Do. Sheeban, Michael 11 May 14 Stewart, Jolin A. 16 May 17 Smades, Edwin 9 May 27 Saunders, James M... 17 Do. Tohen, Janies. 18 May 29 Thompson, Peter 6 May 31 Todd, James 1 June 8 Todd, Robert 26 June 23 Tousley, Charles C. 10 June 24 Thorpe, Patrick. 21 June 28 Trimu, Peter 7 July 16 Vandenburg, Henry T 24 Do. Van Patten, Edgar C 10 July 19 Whitaker, Salmon B... 12 July 23 Williams, William. 17 July 26 Weinheimer, Frank. 16 July 28 William. Frank... 17 July 30 Walter, Alexander R.. 12 Aug. 26 Woods, Boyd 12 Aug. 28 White, Thomas 8 Do. Wilkins, William W... 15 3 Sept. 3 Warwick, Henry 17 Sept. 17 Whitman, Fredrick H 15 Oct. 6 Waite, Delos... 20 Oct. 13 Welcome, Frank D... 15 Oct. 21 Wulko, John.. 14 Nov. 3 Wyso011, John H. ... 26 Nov. 8 Wildey, Edwarc 12 Nov. 15 Welsb', David 6 Nov. 29 Young, Robert. 12 Apr. 20 Young, Cornelius 4 July 7 Young, Joseph B 6797 6668 6681 6683 6758 6821 6660 6667 6688 6695 6708 6727 6742 6819 6849 6868 6882 6678 6601 6760 6770 6786 6817 6834 6845 6616 6621 - 6624 6639 6646 6654 6672 6674 6713 6724 6737 6739 6740 6761 6765 6766 6773 6793 6795 6798 6822 6825 6833 6836 6862 6879 6603 6625 6627 6662 6693 6768 6809 6686 6754 6617 6626 6655 6673 6719 6721 6725 6755 6767 6777 6796 6800 6831 6835 6841 6848 6661 6699 6748 9 Aug. 6 33 A pr. 19 13 Apr. 24 13 Apr. 26 11 July 2 16 Sept. 1 13 Apr. 17 17 Apr. 19 24 Apr. 29 17 May 6 17 May 12 17 | May 24 17 June 7 14 Aug. 30 31 Oct. 4 25 Oct. 26 37 Dec. 7 16 Apr. 22 16 May 3 12 July 5 34 July 16 38 July 26 22 Aug. 28 28 Sept. 18 12 Sept. 27 32 Mar. 1 11 Mar. 16 15 | Mar. 22 1 Apr. 6 29 Apr, 8 16 Apr. 13 17 Apr. 21 12 Do. 24 Apr. 15 17 May 22 8 June 1 21 June 2 30 June 5 8 July 6 10 July 9 6 July 12 12 July 17 9 July 31 2 Aug. 3 26 Aug. 6 35 Sept. 3 10 Sept. 10 9 Sept. 17 12 Sept. 21 14 Oct. 18 8 Nov. 23 15 Jan. 8 8 Mar. 24 17 Mar. 27 12 Apr. 17 14. May 5 23'| July 14 1 Aug. 19 4. Apr. 27 20 June 25 16 Mar. 3 11 Mar. 25 17 Apr. 14 37 Apr. 21 1.5 May 19 10 Do. 16 May 24 16 May 26 16 July 13 15 July 19 27 Aug. 3 31 Aug. 9 9 Sept. 16 26 Sept. 20 16 Sept. 22 19 Oct. 4 13 A pr. 17 13 May 8 14 June 17 t STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 249 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Buffalo, N. Y. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of | Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilols. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Aug. 24 Apr. 29 C Anderson, Henry Andrews, Hans S Anderson, Fred T. Anderson, Neil Allen, W.W.. A uffret, Francis Buckley, Jeremiah. Brooks, Waltor M .. Brison, Arthur Burns, Charles E Boles, Hiram R.. Brion, Thomas. Batt, Edward. Burns, Edward Bondy, Peter Bohn, George. Brown, Henry Bennet, James H Bedell, John V Burns, James. Boggan, Moses Burke, Stephen W Buchannan. James Burnham, George H ... Brooks, Charles D Booth, Avery Bucroft, Alfred Bordeaux, Allen E... Bgornsen, Charles M Burchard, John. Bamford, Wells H Bond, William Cole, Thad.. Colter, John Cole, Louis P Clarke, John C... Cummings. Lewis B... Coughlin, Michael Casey, Henry Cowen, William Clark, CT Coleman, Lawrence.. Cronin, John F.. Crawford, George B... Caulfield, Jerome Culleton, James Campbell, Donald Cole, Fredrick R. Cullen, Thomas J.. Cole, Joseph F... Collinge, James Crockett, Fred A.. Cowles, Noah W Carr, Edward.. Cody, Charles A.. Dickeuson, Bernard M Davis, William Dewan, Philip Delaney, William F... Dennis, Herbert L Devlin, Patrick Davis, John.. Drury, George F Dancey, Thomas. Dennis, George R.... Drako, Frank M.. Durnoy, John.. Edgar, William A... Errengy, William. Euwright, Thomas. Erickson, Gustaf. Fisk, Watson A. Fisk, Fred D..... Fitzgerala, James. Finn, William Gamble, John B Gallagher, George. Gates, John E... 4409 4421 4449 4510 4585 4589 4435 4438 4441 4458 4466 4467 4468 4479 4485 4488 4489 4506 4533 4531 4555 4557 4568 4587 4592 4595 5410 5411 5414 5426 5431 5438 4401 4415 4446 4451 4454 4464 4470 4475 4486 4492 4503 4504 4521 4525 4549 4553 4567 4576 4578 4590 5401 5406 5430 4402 4453 4460 4469 4481 4482 4502 4514 4542 4566 4588 5420 4422 4538 4549 5423 4496 4526 4550 4582 4417 4425 4430 5 Feb. 11 7 Feb. 11 4 Apr. 3 9 | May 25 5 Aug. 20 23 6 Mar. 24 3 Mar. 26 9 Mar. 29 10 Apr. 7 4 Apr. 14 11 Do. 17 Apr. 15 6 Apr. 22 18 Apr. 24 9 A pr. 28 14 6 May 19 12 June 25 5 June 23 14 July 17 12 July 19 8 July 29 5 Aug. 23 8 Aug. 31 22 | Sept. 1 9 Sept. 17 5 Sept. 21 8 Sept. 23 14 Oct. 7 8 Oct. 18 1 Oct. 25 7 Jan. 4 2 Feb. 5 20 Apr. 1 7 Apr. 3 3 Apr. 6 4 Apr. 13 11 Apr. 16 13 A pr. 21 6 Apr. 27 10 Apr. 30 15 May 17 6 Do. 12 Jue 9 4 June 14 5 July 2 18 July 16 9 July 28 14 ) Aug. 12 5 Aug. 14 9 Ang. 28 17 Sept. 6 9 Sept. 13 8 Oct. 16 17 Jan. 9 6 Apr. 3 5 9 10 Apr. 15 6 Apr. 22 17 Apr. 23 10 May 15 9 June 1 11 July 6 14 July 27 11 Aug. 23 8 Sept. 28 6 Feb. 11 10 July 1 17 July 14 9 Oct. 1 7 May 7 S June 15 30 July 15 6 Aug. 18 10 Feb. 8 10 Mar. 12 9 Mar. 22 Gallagher, William Gabrian, Joseph L.... Golden, Thomas M.. Galvin, James Gullikson, Gerhard. Hoyt, Giles R..... Harrison, Charles P.. Hellstrand, Herman Hogan, Stephen P..... Hogan, John A.. Hindle, John W.. Holland, Frank. Holleron, Michael J Halmberg, Henry Hoyt, James B. Hawley, John H.. Howard, John W Hyland, Thonias. Johnstou, kobert H. Jobpson, Charles Jansen, Jacob C.. Johnston, George M. Jesse, John.. Jurk, James. Johnson, Frank R.. Johnson, William Johnson, Alfred . Kindy, Mahlou. Klingler, Charles F. W Kerr, Henry Kinch, Abrabam. Klein. Joseph N. Knobles, David Kiggin, John. Kennedy, John Kellas, Erwin W. Lelian, John . Lucas, W.J. Lang, Charles H.. Lutz, Mathew.. Lapoint, Charles. Laforce, Lonis... Loadwick, E. E.. Lotts, John McDonald, Isaac Moran, Charles F... McPherson, William Miskev, Levi A.. McMurty, William McKenzie, Duncan McKeown, John W... McDonald, Fred. C.... Morin, Thomas F. Maloy, Edward H.. Macauley, John Maytham, Charles E. Muke, Frederick Mulholland, Charles... Moore, William.. Monroe, Albert J... McNett, Eli.... McLeod, Malcolin. McEachern, Charles A. Meagher, Patrick. Martin, James.. Morrison, John N McGee, George B.. Morris, George McAvoy, John... Mallory, Ricbard A. McLeod, Dougald.. McMillan, John. McLaugblin, Edwd. J. Meyers, William. Minogue, William. Murphy, William . McKay, Augus. Morris, Joseph 4472 4518 4539 4559 5433 4445 4455 4461 4491 4497 4512 4516 4519 4524 4541 4546 5427 5443 4403 4407 4432 4537 4593 5408 5415 5422 5444 4427 4444 4457 $513 4547 1565 4579 4591 5407 4406 4419 4434 4517 4575 5409 5441 5442 1405 4411 4412 4413 4416 4418 4423 4428 4431 4433 4440 4447 448 4452 4459 4473 4478 4480 4194 499 4501 4505 4507 4509 4511 4522 4523 4528 4529 4530 4532 4534 4535 4536 30 Apr. 16 3 June 8 4 July 14 July 20 6 Oct. 20 3 Apr. 1 8 Apr. 6 5 Apr. 9 3 Apr. 30 10 May 8 10 May 29 17 June 2 16 June 8 8 June 14 1 July 2 7 July 10 11 Oct. 9 11 Nov. 27 6 Jan, 11 1 Feb. 1 6 Mar. 23 11 July 1 10 Aug. 31 5 Sept. 14 12 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 6 Dec. 15 5 Mar. 15 6 Mar. 31 9 Apr. 7 11 A pr. 31 8 July 12 2 July 26 12 Aug. 14 5 Aug. 30 8 Sept. 13 7 Feb. 1 11 Mar. 10 10 Mar. 24 5 June 4 9 Aug. 12 10 Sept. 14 3 Dec. 15 7 Dec. 18 5 Jan. 23 6 Feb. 27 4 Mar. 2 9 Mar. 3 6 Mar. 6 5 Mar. 9 5 Mar. 11 6 Mar. 15 11 Mal. 22 3 Mar. 24 4 Mar. 29 11 Apr. 2 6 Do. 5 Apr. 3 10 A pr. 8 4 spr. 17 28 Apr. 21 9 Apr. 22 3 May 3 11 May 10 6 May 11 5 May 18 7 May 19 15 May 24 14 May 26 8 June 11 5 June 12 16 June 17 13 June 22 5 Do. 19 June 24 10 June 26 5 June 28 10 June 30 Apr. 250 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE.. Pilots licensed-Buffalo, N. Y.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of licence.issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. 4552 4560 4561 4564 4573 4596 5413 5417 5421 5434 అలల సంర July 16 6 July 21 5 July 22 8 July 26 Aug. 9 Sept. 1 8 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 Sept. 30 Oct. 21 McFadden, Huyh. McKinnon, John. McDonald, William . Mahoney, Thomas. McCare, Ancel... McFarlane, George Mears, William.. Metty, Joseph M... Mangan, Thomas DicQuilkin, Fred. W... McCullah, William T.. McMangh, Arch. A... Morrisse, Jolın... Moou, William.. McKinnon, Peter. McRae. Duncan. McPherson, James D. D.. DICLuan, Allen... Norcross, J. W Nelson, Nicholas. Nash, Charles Norman, John.. Notley, Kener. Oliver, Adelbert... Olsen, Charles E.. Prince, Sylvester Potter, Charlos A. Parsons, Robert C Peterson, Martin Pollard. Thomas. Pennock, Alfred O Parish, Siduey. Riece, George O.. Reagan. John L.. Reppenhagen, Thos. J. Ryan, John. Ryan, Villiam T. Ried, andrew D Roberts, Edward Royers, Daniel E Ryan, George D. Ransom. Levant Robinson, Robert. . Reed, William A. Rice, William G. Robertson, William J. Robson, George. Stevenson, W.A. Seabrook, John .. Saltsman, Villiam Smith, Joseph Salveson, Benjamin Schneider, George Stewart, Mortimer J... Seeley, Clintou. Sullivan, Jerry Schralt. Fred Swarts, Daniel W Shal, John.... Smith, Samuel.. Stewart. Millard M... Saveland, Herman M. Simmons, Thomas G... Sullivan, John.. Sullivan, Daniel A. Trauch, Francis C.. Thomson, Thomas P... Thorpe, Janies. Thompson, David. Tivnad, Patrick. Tuthill, Frank M. Vanderson, David W.. Vroman, Herbert.. Weinbeimer, Edward J. Williamson, Adam. Tilliams, Francis Worilon, Asa S.. Ward, James 4548 4551 4554 4558 4562 4563 4569 4570 4571 4574 4577 5581 4586 5403 5412 5418 5419 5132 4426 4.139 4493 5429 5435 4436 5402 4462 4515 4545 4580 4597 4599 54.36 4404 4429 4437 4471 4490 4495 4498 4508 4500 4544 5416 5424 5425 5428 5437 4408 4410 4442 4443 4450 4463 4476 4477 4484 4520 4527 4556 i 4584 4594 4000 5404 5405 5439 4414 4474 4483 4572 4583 5440 4420 4598 4424 4456 4465 4487 4543 May 8 July 12 Wise, William. 9 July 15 Welde, Jason G.. 10 July 17 Wright, Samuel 10 July 19 Webber, Aloys 1 11 July 24 Whittoy, John... 21 Do. Winett, William M.. 21 July 30 Weaver, James T. 18 July 31 Whiteside, John A... 17 Do. Wriile, George S. 13 Aug. 11 Whalen, John F' 8 Aug. 13 7 Aug. 16 Second-class pilots. 5 Aug. 23 5 Sept. 9 Anderson, Olof P.... 5 Sept. 21 | Anderson, Antone. 16 Sept. 27 Aichile. John Do. Buio, Lauchliu.. 10 Oct. 19 Barclay, John. 4 Mar. 15 Brown, John. .. Mar. 26 Brady, Edward J 12 May 1 Beck, Jolin 8 Oct. 16 Bonipart, Louis . 16 Oct. 22 Brown, Frank B 3 Mar. 25 Baker, Albert E 7 Sept. 6 Booth, Asa R 13 Apr. 10 Boyle, Thomas 7 June 2 Barry, Fred.. 9. July 9 Barton, John A 6 dug. 16 Benton, Peter C 16 Sept. 3 Boyce, Michael 5 Sept. 4 Bankier. Jolul 20 Oct. 25 Buil, Wells M. 4 | Jan. 20 Cochrane, William.. 10 Mar. 20 Chadwick, William E.. 4 Mar. 25 Corwin, Frank... 6 pr. lö Cavanaugh, Daniel 10 A pr. 29 Cassidy, John.. 8 May 3 Cook, Henry. 7 8 Cowles, Theodore E... 10 May 22 Clark, John... 11 May 11 Curtis, Henry. 13 July 7 Caulfield, Edward 13 Sept. 24 Campbell, Simeou P... 7 Oct. * Cross, Harry 10 Do. Dallas, Josepli 19 Oct. 12 Dodge, John 14 Oct. 25 Daley; Fred J... 2 Feb. 3 Driggs, Frederick M... 8 Feb. 26 Dowd, Jolu... 13 Mar. 29 Driscoll, Jeremiah 5 Do. Duffy, Henry 5 dpr. 3 Daggett, Ernest v 6 Apr. 10 Day, William L.. 9 Apr. 21 Dailey, John.. 5 Do. Dailey, Richard P 5 Do. Evans, George W.. 14 Jane 9 Eigbmy, Clayton 10 June 17 Eschbacher, Jolu £... 1 July 19 Freitus, Joseph 7 Aug. 19 Farrell, John 4 Aug. 31 Hreitus, George T 12 Sept. 4 Tinegan, Owen P 9 Sept. 1] Germain, William 4 Do. Green, Joseph M 3 Nov. 6 Gunderson, Isaac M 6 Mar. 4 Gray, Gilbert E. 8 Apr. 20 Graham, Kenneth 12 Apr. 24 Granzow, Martin J .. 14 Aug. 6 Gonyaw, Gonyaw, Louis N 20 Aug. 19 : Gifford, Asa A. 16 Nov. 10 Green, Thomas 4 Mar. 10 Gilbert, Charles H... 12 Sept. 3 Gray, James O.. 7 i Mar. 11 Hurley, T. A. 5 : Apr. 6 Hesby, Ole E 7 Henderson, Ander P... 20 | Apr. 28 Hoehn, Frank 15 1 July 6 Hartman, Louis. 4352 4470 4472 4343 4354 4369 4376 4392 4399 4419 4432 4433 4446 4447 4468 4538 4539 4559 4583 4314 4317 4345 4349 4403 4428 4438 4482 4505 45 19 4531 4590 4313 4335 4346 4420 4427 4464 4520 4574 4579 4595 4584 4529 4536 4580 4487 4507 4524 4591 4323 4334 4359 4364 4391 4402 4434 4440 4467 4488 4581 4308 4315 4328 4333 4338 5 Mar. 20 2 July 10 13 July 13 3 Mar. 16 7 Mar. 20 3 Apr. 1 6 Apr. 6 6 Apr. 19 15 Apr. 24 3 May 19 9 May 28 23 May 31 11 June 14 2 June 15 9 July 4 15 Sept. 1 10 Sept. 2 1 Sept. 27 14 Oct. 25 4 Tel. 6 8 Mar. 12 2 Mar. 17 7 Mar. 19 12 Apr. 28 7 May 25 18 Juno 8 1 July 21 22 Aug. 7 4 Aug. 17 2 Aug. 27 4 Nov. 10 2 Feb. 4 10 Mar. 3 9 Mar. 17 11 May 19 12 May 25 14 July 3 8 Aug. 18 10 Oct. 16 22 Oct. 22 7 Nov. 4 8 Oct. Oct. 29 11 Aug. 26 6 Aug. 30 8 Oct. 23 12 July 26 7 Aug. 9 5 Aug. 21 4 Nov. 16 1 Feb. 18 7 Mar. 3 8 Mar. 23 4 Mar. 27 3 Apr. 17 7 Apr. 27 7 June 2 4 Juno 9 11 July 7 2 July 26 3 Oct. 23 1 Jan. 26 1 Feb. 8 4 Tob. 26 2 Mar. 3 8! Mar. 10 0 . Apr. 13 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 251 Pilots licensed-Buffalo, N. X.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. igssue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Apr. 24 . Hanssen, Christian Hyde, William J... Halloway, William B.. Howard, George T.. Hunter, Williamı. Hartman, Frank . Harris, Jolin D.. Hill, Janes (f.. Hartman, Adam Higgins, Heury. Heaney, Michael E Fazeni, James. Funtzinger, Peter P... Ingram, E. L.... Johnson, George W. W... Jolly, Walter Jeffreys, Arthur James, Clark U. Kochi, Robert Koch, Englehard Knowlton, W. H... Kraus, Alex J Klock, George N Kivley. Fred. Kuhun, Henry Louis, Charles E Lauzan, Francis Lanteuslarger, Louis... Letchwortli, Ogden P Lonch, Charles M. Loyer, Frank McCarkell, W. E Murphy, Terrance Moser, digust.. Murphy, William J... McGillivary, Daniel McDonald. Edgır D... McCormick, Neil Morrison, Daniel McLeol, Donald. McKonzio, Kenneth ... Mains, Robert.. McDonaldi, John F. Martiv, Ellward W Murply, Charles Mallan, Thomas C. McFadyn, Angus Maher, Michael P.. McCarthy, Patrick McCarter, William J... McMahon, Patrick . Miller, William McCain, Hugh Martin, George McKinnon, Neil McDonald, Alexander.. McQueen, William S.. McCormick, Patrick... McGrath, Thomas Mayihani, Edward H.. MCMinn, Wellington MCMinn, Albert. McLaughlin, Joseph P. Maher, John Nephew, Andrew . Norton, Albert. Owens, Thomas A O'Conner, John . O'Conner, John. Onen, Joseph O'Hara, Thomas Pierson, Mard H... Pederson, Thomas . Porcher, Albert K Pocock, Robert J Pettit, Joshua Palmer, Frank.. Pettit, Charles.. 4340 4386 4387 4388 4396 4400 4429 4431 4437 4460 4510 4552 4578 4564 4415 4456 4593 4594 4325 4379 4416 4436 4477 4.183 4516 4305 4394 4451. 4489 4501 4569 4311 4526 4327 4329 4353 4355 4377 4381 4384 4389 4405 4442 4449 4453 4456 44.65 4469 4478 4485 4486 4497 4513 4525 4527 4528 4535 4554 4561 4563 4575 4582 4585 4586 4307 4565 4373 4374 4466 4543 4566 4309 4350 4383 4408 4417 4471 4179 2 Mar. 12 Poister, Jacob... 4 Apr. 15 Pritchard, Charles 8 Do. Queen, William. 2 Apr. 16 Quinlin, Patrick 3 Apr. 21 Reynard. Ellsworth B. 12 Rahill, Edward M. 12 May 25 Rahill, Joseph T 18 May 28 Redden, Horace A 22 June 8 Reardon, Daniel 14 June 29 i Reneker Frank. 8 Aug. 9 Stewart, Robert C 11 Sept. 22 : Secombe, Harry. 7 Oct. 19 Smith, Charles E. 6 Oct. 1 Smith, John 10 Day 22 Shriver. Eli .. 2 Sept. 23 Sweet, Elizur 1 Nov. 26 Sloan, Samuel M. 9 Nor, 27 Sutton), Edward M... 1 Feb. 20 Stanton, John). 4 Apr. 8 Sager, Jehiel. 2 May 13 Staley, Jefferson B.... 3 June 7 Sweeti. Isaac. 5 July 19 Serobles, Martin 12 July 22 Thompson, Elijah L.... 9 | Aug. 12 Tanner, Seymour J 6. Jan. 22 Thompson, Charles M. 7 ápr. 20 Tompkins, Henry S... 13 June 16 Tallman, William H 4 July 27 Van Dusen, S.L 8 Aug. 4 Vetter, Charles F. 9 Oct. 5 Wick, George E 2 Jan. 30 Wilson, Leonard. 23 Teb. 23 Woodhull, Robert. 1 Fol). 25 Varil, James . 6 Feb. 26 Voodhall, William W 1 Mar. 20 Wilcox, William J 1 Mar. 22 Wolson, Jesse... 5 Apr. 7 Wakefield, Robert C 2 Apr. 10 Wright, William H.. 3 Apr. 13 Woodford, Willie H... pr. 17 Wilson, William J 6 Apr. 29 9 June 11 Special pilots. 8 June 15 2 June 19 Adler, Charles TV 22 Junie 25 Baker, Jaunes W 3 July 6 Babl), Willard T 10 July 9 Barr, George.. 4 July 19 Burch, Cassius. 11 July 24 Bucher, Ecl warrl W.. July 26 Burfienil, Henry 16 July 31 Burg, Henry 3 Aug. 10 Blake, Joseph B S Buxtun, James. 5 Aug. 24 Booth, Joshua 8 Aug. 26 Burus, Michael 2 Aug. 28 Byrne. Merritt I 10 Sept. 22 Boyd, Harry 4 Sept. 28 Bowl, Thomas J 7 Oct. 1 Connell, Michael P... 11 Oct. 16 Colgrove, William 10 Oct. 23 Covert, James 7 Oct. 30 Connelly. John. 8 Nov. 3 Cole. Jay. 2 Jau. 25 Cook, Henry 3 Oct. 2 Cheney, Orlando M 1 Apr. 5 Cheney, Gilman G. 2 Apr. 6 Chappel, Charles F 5 July 6 || Clamifoot, August. 12 | Sept. 9 Dickey, Adaru 9 Oct. 4 Duff, Tbomas 2 Jan. 28 Derner, albert E 1 Mar. 19 Day, Joseph, sr 3 A pr. 12 Dash, John A. 2 May May 4 Day. Charles J.. 2 May 15 Davis, Leonard D 8 | July 12 Fox, William G... 5: July 20 Freitus, John J... 4517 4557 4510 4597 4302 4331 4356 4357 4490 4587 4304 4310 4316 4337 4463 4480 4495 4496 4504 4512 4515 4560 4592 4411 4457 4476 4526 4589 4361 4555 4339 4341 4371 4375 4414 4484 4532 4544 4547 4548 4573 13 Aug. 14 1 Sept. 24 81 Aug. 9 8 Dec. 9 10 Jan. 12 3 Mar. 1 6 Mar. 22 6 Do. 12 July 27 10 Nor. 4 1 Jan. 21 4 Jan. 29 6 Feb. 8 2 Mar. 5 19 July 3 12 July 20 9 July 30 11 | July 31 7 Aug. 7 2 Aug. 10 7 Aug. 12 17 Sept. 27 2 Nov. 23 27 May S 9 June 25 8 July 17 2 Aug. 23 16 Nor. 9 2 Mar. 24 10 Sept. 23 5 Mar. 11 1 Mar. 13 17 Apr. 2 7 Apr. 6 S May 12 8 July 23 7 dug. 27 Ang. 10 3 Sept. 11 10 Sept. 13 Oct. 15 11 21 Aug. 21 Sept. 27 be 4360 4319 4320 4321 4324. 4342 4366 4401 4408 4409 4426 4502 4521 4558 4458 1382 4406 4413 4441 4498 4500 4515 4571 4572 4576 43621 4423 4424, 4459 4475 4494 4540 4367 4522 12 Mar. 24 12 Feb. 12 2 Feb. 15 9 Do. 2 Hel. 19 6 Mar. 16 9 Mar. 29 15 Apr. 27 31 May 3 11 May ☺ 14 May 24 10 Aug. 5 15 Aug. 19 4 25 June 25 9 A pr. 12 1 Apr. 30 8 May 12 11 June 10 6 Aug. 2 10 Do. 16 Aug. 16 17 Oct. 9 12 Oct. 14 17 Oct. 18 2 Teb. 24 17 | Apr. 21 6 May 22 19 June 25 16 July 17 6 July 30 12 Sept. 7 1 Mar. 30 41 Aug. 20 1 (ло 252 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE Pilots licensed.-Buffalo, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Nanie, No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Special pilots—Cont'd. Special pilots—Cont'd. Apr. 8 Aug. 6 Jan. Groat, Alfred T. Geenan, Edward Gleason, Ebenezer L... Gilbert, Fred ... Goodill, Thomas Helwig, William J.. Hudson, Charles Handy, Frank .. Higgins, Thomas Higgius, Timothy Hanny, George Hazen, David ... Hay, Peter S... Huntley, Andrew J. Jones, Clyde W Judd, Walter Jones, David... Jones, George 1 Killilee, John Krapp, William D Klepser, Joho... Kelley, Michael. Krause, Ferdinand. Lattimer, George E. E.... Larkin, Henry A Levi, John... Lawson, Joseph.. Lagrua, Anglis McCarthy, Charles F.. Mullen, Thomas Mago, Philip.. Myers, Flerman. Masters, Freil... Miney, Dell E... Murray, Dexter J.. McDuff, James.. Many, Joseph... Motlott, Millard Moyer, Charles S Moon, George, jr. 4378 4448 4560 4570 4596 4312 4322 4332 4368 4393 4461 4491 4503 4511 4318 4492 4523 4550 139:54 4435 4473 447 4493 4365 4372 4412 1143 4.155 4330 1347 4358 4363 4404 44211 4422 4139 4181 4499 5508 45.12 5 McDonald, Charles 3 June 15 Maher, Thomas F.. 10 Sept. 29 Newman, Eugene. 1 Oct. 9 O'Connor, James. 14 Dec. 8 Oldman, William,jr. 5 Feb. 2 Oakley, D. F.. 3 Feb. 17 Parish, Sidney A 6 Mar. 2 Pettingill, Jaines 7 Apr. 1 Pinkel, William C... 6 Apr. 20 Peasland, Fredrick .. June 30 Peckham, Frank I. 23 July 28 Parker, Horace M. 1 Regan, Daniel J.. 9 Aug. 10 Raymond, Charles J ... 4 Feb. 2 Roche, John 12 Aug. 29 Reilly, John 15 Aug. 20 Swan, Thomas L... 25 Sept. 18 Swan, Mortimer R Apr. 21 Shriver, Semour 16 Jline 2 Swan, George M 27 July 14 Scanlon, Henry 13 July 17 July 17 Stanton, William 7 July 30 Staley, Simeon 5 Mar. 29 Smith, Lonis.. 6 Apr. 5 Shugart, Henry. 7 May 10 Schneider, Henry 9 June 12 Trautwein, Charles. 4 June 24 Theisen, Joseph 6 Feb. 27 Tonsell, Erick 6 Mar. 17 Ulrich, Andrew. 9 Mar. 22 Vroman, Harley H... 6 Mar. 27 "Velsh, Richard.. 14 apr. 29 TVilliams, Samuel.... 9 May 20 Walker, Edwin C.. 17 May 21 Walbridge, Edward N S June 8 Wilcox, William J.. 2 July 21 Walker, George A 5 Aug. 2 Yates, William H.. 5 Aug. 9 Ziegele, William J 9 Sept. 9 4549 4565 4385 4351 4452 4506 4348 4390 4454 4533 4541 4588 4410 4425 4445 4450 4301 4303 4306 4344 4398 444: 4546 4551 4566 4577 4370 4537 4545 4530 4379 4536 4397 4418 4462 4484 4553 4534 4430 15 Sepi. 15 14 Oct. 2 9 Apr. 13 7 Mar. 20 9 June 17 3 Aug. 7 5 Mar. 17 4 Apr. 17 11 June 21 6 Auy. 27 16 Sept. 9 144 Nov. 8 6 May 8 13 May 24 6 June 14 4 June 16 11 5 26 Jan. 18 14 Jan. 23 3 Mar. 16 6 dpr. 22 15 June 12 18 Sept. 11 6 Sept. 18 6 Oct. 2 3 Oct. 19 1 Apr. 2 6 Aug. 30 3 Sept. 10 1 Aug. 27 8 spr. 9 5 Mar. 4 6 A pr. 22 12 May 17 2 July 2 8 July 23 11 Sept. 22 2 Aug. 28 18 Apr. 28 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Bufalo, N. Y. Alberger, John L Ambs, Frank J Allen, Matbe v Batt, Frank J... Banister, George W... Berrick, John F. Beyer, Louis P.. Berger, Herman U Crocker, Leonard B Couger, George L Daggett, John N. Geisdorfer, William M. Hammond, William TV. Hoover, Dewitt C... 1656 1664 1669 1654 1659 1662 1663 1674 1653 1672 1677 1661 1660 1666 2 June 16 Haskell, Nelson D 3 July 17 King, Paul B 7 Aug. 10 Lamy, George H 2 Judo 7 Mundie, Jolin 5 Juue 29 Miller, Louis 7 Aug. 10 Ouchie, Eugene P... 4 July 10 Plumner, Wm. E., jr. 6 Aug. 7 Skinner, . D... 6 Juno 5 Sturner, Orville I.. 3 Aug. 21 Tillinghast, James C .. 3 Oct. 15 Wicks, Charles C 1 July 1] Wattingill. Louis 6 June 30 Wright, Alfred G. 5 July 19 1671 1665 1651 1870 1675 1673 1668 1667 1676 1655 1652 1657 1658 1 Aug. 20 1 July 19 1 Jan. 29 2 Aug. 13 4 Aug. 29 4 Aug. 7 3 July 22 1 July 20 7 Oct. 6 6 June 10 6 May 26 1 June 23 1 June 24 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Bufalo, N. Y. Chief engineers. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Ager, William N. Ackerman, Frank Anderson, James Allenbrand, Charles Adler, Charles V.. Arnold, Theodore. Brey, Hiraul R.. Byers, James T. Brown, Philip.. 6658 6782 6764 6909 6919 7023 6621 6637 6641 11 Mar. 18 Brown, Alexander A... 16 May 15 Black, William A. 23 May 11 Beach, Charles F. 36 July 20 Bradley, William E. 16 July 24 Bacou, William R. 18 Sept. 27 Blake, Frank X.. Kel). 8 Bohuert, George M.. 12 Mar. 5 Brown, D.J .. 16 Mar. Mar. S 8:1 Boynton, Henry. 6647 6656 6661 6665 6676 6677 6679 6650 6681 6 Mar. 9 13 Mar. 18 6 Mar. 20 7 Mar. 23 5 Mar. 29 6 Mar. 30 12 Mar. 31 7 Do. 26 Lo. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 253 Engineer's licensuil-Bufalo, N. F.-Continuod. . Name. No, of license. issue. No. or Date of Nane. No. of No. olDate of licenso. issuo. issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinuell. Apr. 17 | Aug. 6 20 Buchner, FerryJ Brown. William. Black, David A. Boyd, Thomas J Bowen, A.C Beermau, Byron W .. Brook, William D..... Boyd, John. Birdsall, Arthur D.... Baker, Frank W.. Beck, Henry Baltz, William H. Burns, Petor. Baker, William H. Besterd, Heury Bustead, John C. Bluett, Thomas J. Bedell, Jobu V Bryan, Hugh J Barr, Albert. Butler, Charles W Brennan, Patrick. Brooks, James W Black, Edwin.. Bouffard, Joseph. Baxter, Eugene E... Bullard, Henry Baltes, Peter Ĵ. Blanchett, Joseph R.. Boynton, William P Barr, George. Blanvelt, Robert.. Beaubien, Edward .. Backman, Charles Baldwin, Janes. Bagen, Johu Bodamer, Williamı Bleuebry, George H. Brown, William Covert, James Cross, George W Curtis, Clarence E... Close, Robert J Carter, Edward A. Collins, John E Conway, Francis . Clancey, William Clave, Arthur Campbell, Hugh Culrer, Charles B.. Cramer, William. Cole, Fredrick R.. Coleman, Peter Corcoran, James Campbell, George. Caul, Jolin. Christian, Robert O... Craft, James Carr, Peter S.. Crosby, James P.... Couşlaine, Cbarles Cook, John A.. Clergy. Stephen. Cunningham, Wm. H. Cook, Walter J Crispin, Alfred Courtenay, John Chambers, Louis Carter, Andrew. Clark, Jamos... Douw, William G. Darling, Isrial Desmond. John Donnolly, John Davis, Henry W Day, John N Derbs, George G Durkin, Thomas 6689 6690 6699 6701 6709 6715 0717 6745 6760 6774 6783 6787 6794 6797 6807 6809 6837 0863 6979 6883 6887 6890 6911 6928 6929 6939 6942 6957 6961 6965 6968 6972 6990 7027 7031 7042 7015 7049 7053 6603 6612 6613 6697 6698 6703 6725 6775 6784 6821 6823 6829 6834 6838 6870 6875 6895 6921 6923 6932 0933 6936 6959 6981 6998 7004 7009 7013 70-11 7048 7054 6604 6616 6646 6653 6668 662 6700 6704 9 Apr. 5 Donalue, Daniel.. 7 Io. Dovey, Charles 17 | Apr. 8 Donoughuo, Clark K... Apr. 9 Duffy, Edwarıl... 15 Apr. 14 Duggs, Fredrick M 20 Delliott, augustus. 20 Do. Dui, John. 18 Apr. 29 Doyle, Thomas J 7 May 10 Driscoll, John... 20 May 13 Davis, Thomas. 13 May 17 Diebold, Joseph R 10 May 19 Dent, William 28 May 21 Douovan, John. 9 May 24 Davison, William R... 21 May 28 Doyle, John F... 17 May 29 Doyle, Patrick H. 14 June 14 Dusenberry, Sylvanus. 10 June 25 Day, Joseph, sr. 23 July 5 Dalton, William. 15 July 7 Desatt, Frank. 19 Do. Dimmers, Charles L.. 11 July July 8 Delsarmo, Frank M 18 July 22 Davidson, James... 5 July 29 Erskine, William. 13 July 30 Erickson, Charles J... 18 Lastridge, Robert C.. 19 Aug. 5 Ehle, Sidney. 17 Aug. 17 Estes, James W.. 27 Aug. 18 Eagan, John. 15 Aug. 20 Edgar, Albert.. 17 Aug. 21 Ennis, Elmer E.. 15 Aug. 24 Erskine, James D.... 29 Sept. 8 Foutaine, James P 1 Sept. 30 Farrell, Harry C... 11 Oct. 5 Fulkerson, Burt O... 14 Oct. 15 Forrester, John H... 13 Oct. 18 Fox, Charles J... Oct. 22 Teltham, William 26 Nov. 1 farrell, William M... is Jan. 6 | Fuller, Charles A. 25 Jan. 20 l'inn, Edward 11 Jan. 21 L'inley, John. 11 Apr. 7 Findlay, James.. S Du. Fox, Aloysius R. 8 A pr. 10 Fredrick, Frank. 17 Francis, Edward. 29 May 13 Tleving, Robert. 3 May 17 Francombe, Johu a A.. 4 Juno 5 Fisk, Slorian G... 11 June î Gillin, Alexander C... 9 June 9 Gleason, William 17 June 11 Gilbert, William C.... 29 June 14 Green, George W. 28 June 30 Green, James. 10 July 2 || Griffith, Josepb. 16 July 7 | Gaftner, John G 14 July 26 | Gilbert, Fred. 26 July 27 Grillin, Timothy 14 July 31 Garen, Niclacl' J 15 Aug. 2 | Gustafson, John A... 22 Aug. 3 Gaynon, George V 12 Aug. 17 Good, William 16 Aug. 31 Gobhard, Lawrence Q. 15 Sept. 13 Greon, Alfred A.. 4. Sept. 14 Gilbert, Thomas A... 6 Sept. 18 Gregory, Joseph N 22 Sept. 21 Goulding, Joli ... 10 Oct. 13 Gagnon, Alexander. 13 Oct. 20 Gilson, Edward A 9 Nov. 1 Huntley, George M. 13 Jau. 6 Hayes, Joseph F 14 Jan. 29 Hyde, Hampden 9 Mar. 9 Hanlon, William H. 10 Mar. 15 Hilton, James L 10 Mar. 23 Hager, John G.. 25 ! Mar. 26 Haig, Adam 7 Apr. 8 Hall, William H. 9! A pr. 12 Hudson, Charles. 6722 6728 6776 6761 6789 6799 6803 6815 6818 0832 6836 6849 6855 6886 0893 6924 6969 6980 7029 7043 7052 7064 7069 6654 6759 6825 6845 6878 6917 6918 6950 7015 6615 6623 6625 6629 6635 6644 6736 6756 0810 6831 6856 6872 6962 6966 6975 7012 7036 6605 6639 6051 6666 6678 6691 6720 6706 6731 6820 6878 6884 6897 6913 6958 6964 7007 7037 7050 7062 6610 6632 6642 6652 6655 6663 6667 6685 6712 7 Apr. 20 6 Apr. 23 21 May 14 12 May 10 9 May 19 14 May 24 30 May 27 18 June 2 13 June 5 19 June 10 6 June 11 23 June 19 25 June 22 9 July 7 13 July 9 30 July 27 15 Aug. 23 16 Aug. 30 15 Oct. 2 17 Oct. 15 8 Oct. 30 13 Nov. 15 10 Nov. 29 22 Mar. 16 7 May 8 14 June 8 11 June 18 23 July 5 9 July 24 8 Do. 13 Aug. 11 16 Sept. 21 4 Jan. 28 13 Feb. 18 8 Tel. 23 10 Feb. 27 13 Mar. $ 8 Mar. 9 8 Apr. 27 12 May 5 1 June 1 19 June 10 16 June 22 7 June 30 9 Aug. 19 12 Aug. 20 21 Aug. 26 30 Sept. 20 8 Oct. 9 6 Jan. 7 4 Mar. 6. 7 Mar. 15 S Mar. 23 19 Mar. 30 9 Apr. 5 33 Apr. 19 16 Apr. 13 18 9 June 5 7 Juwo 9 7 July 7 .9 July 12 16 July 22 24 Aug. 17 12 Aug. 19 22 Sept. 17 7 Oct. 11 18 (ct. 29 6 Nov. 10 9 Jan. 14 17 Mar. 3 18 Mar. 8 20 Mar. 15 8 Mar. 17 18 Mar. 22 39 Mar. 23 15 Apr. 2 14 Apr. 17 A pr. 21 Apr. 26 254 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-Buffalo, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Nama. No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Chief enyineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Do. D Aug. 16 15 16 Hale, Frederick W Hale, George. Hull, Edgar. Hanavan, James J.. Hynes, Martin Hill, William H... Hertle, William A Hopkins, Georgo M.... Hand, Elmer E... Huft, William. Hill, Reynolds Hains, John D Howlett, Joseph Hanson, Neil. Hawley, Jobu H. Hess, Henry Hebard, Charles E Haig, George W Hillman, George C... Hazeu, TVilliavi el Huntley, John R. Hill, Jannes G.... Hazen, James. Higgins, Thomas Hunt, George F... Higgins, James Huntley, George E.... Jackman, Thomas W Jordan, Henry C.. Jameson, Joseph. Johnston, John Johnson, John C... Johnson, Frank R Jenkins, Ira 1 Johnson, Nelson Jones, Henry Justin, Thomas P... Jennings, Truman Jesson, Henry Jamison, William. Jessup, Frank Johnson, Choate. Jones, Alexander J Kellogg, George H. Katov, Patrick E. Kuibbs, Edward D..... Kohlbrenner, Joseph Killilee, John J Kieffer, Astona Kendall, James E. Kibler, Frederick. Killilee, Frank.. Karl, Adolplı E Kirby, Job N. King, Henry M... Kelley, Michael. Kenny, William E Koch, Horman.. Kiel, Daniel Latten, Henry W. Leitch, Thomas. Leaman, Tbomas Larkin, Harry A Leonard, William Lewis, William B.. Lawson, Joseph Lamare, Peter .. Lynch, Thomas. Lawberton, William. Larson, Cbarles G. T.. Lowe, John Lauce, Joseph T Logan, William Lawrence, William H.. Laney, Michael J Lawrence, Jolin ... La Franier, Adolphus B. Lennox, William S... 6716 0735 6737 6739 6751 6769 6770 6772 6839 6868 6871 6876 6877 6881 6895 6926 6935 6937 6943 6944 6955 7002 7016 7040 7059 7060 7072 6619 6649 6684 6738 6800 6824 6848 6861 6927 6971 6976 7005 7025 7055 7065 7073 6608 6762 6790 6813 6822 6843 6902 6920 6922 6947 6991 7033 7047 7057 7058 7061 6622 6645 6660 6693 6696 6705 6779 6781 6805 6862 6894 6899 6903 6907 6908 6946 6963 6978 7001 14 Apr. 17 Louch, William E 13 Apr. 26 Larsou, Nicholas 9 Apr. 27 Miller, Harry L 9 Do. McNeal, Malcolm. 17 May May 3 McCabe, Thomas 10 May 12 Mago, William 8 Mackie, Andrew. 23 May 13 McCarthy, Jerowiah .. 16 June 14 Mahoney, Richard.. 12 Jwe 49 Metke, Joho.. 29 June 30 Merton, James H.... 18 July 3 Millington, William 33 Do. McGrath, James.. 19 July 6 McCullough, Frederick 8 July 10 Meyers, John H. 38 July 27 Manion, Edward F. 8 Aug. 2 MoQuade, Peter 15 Aug. Aug. 3 McKenna, Daniel. 15 Aug. 5 Millon, James H. 15 Aug. 6 Miller, Frank. 16 McNerney, John M. 17 Sept. 14 Mead, William 18 Sept. 22 McMinn, Albert.. Oct. 13 McDongall, Wm. C. 32 Nov. 10 McDonnell, Thos. J 22 Do. McCausland, Samuel .. 5 Dec. 6 Morgan, John 5 Feb. 1 Mills, Samuel A 23 Mar. 11 McMurray, John 11 pr. 2 Mullaney, Luke 16 Apr. 27 | McKenna, Michael J .. 16 May 25 Manning, William H... 19 June 7 Maloney, Daniel 1 June 19 McCarthy, William R. June 24 McCormick, George J.. 20 July 29 Meney, Willis 41 dug. 24 Morris, George W 14 Aug. 26 Moore, Samuel 17 Sept. 16 McLauglilin, John 29 Sept. 29 Maclear, Thomas 4 Nov. 3 Martin, Daniel. 17 Nov. 18 Mahoney, Daniel. 13 Dec. 11 Mitchell, Henry L 7 Jan. 13 Mellon, Harry 9 May 10 Mark, John W 15 May 20 Mahoney, Michael L 13 June 1! Murphy, George C..... 16 June 7 | McAdams, Albion 21 June 17 Marson, Thomas B... 29 July 14 Mullen, John F 25 July 24 Munsou, Benjamin 13 July 26 McCaffrey, Jolin. 9 Aug. 9 Maytlani, Edward H 8 Sept. 8 Moon, George, jr. 19 5 McMasters, Alexander 6 Oct. 20 Manion, Hubert 17 Nov. 4 Munan, Jolin 15 Nov. 6 Marshall, Villian C 10 Nov. 10 McCarthy, Jeremiah.. 15 Feb. 10 Nise, Conrad G 13 Mar. 9 Nolan, William 15 Mar. 20 Nash, Charles 13 Apr. 5 Neal, George C. 16 Apr. Apr. 6 Nell, Sylvester. 30 Apr. 13 Neville, John C. 19 May 15 Nooie, Robert 12 Do. O'Neil, Edward J 11 May 27 O'Mara, John A.. 20 June 24 O'Connor, Arthur 13 July 9 O'Harra, Frauk J 15 : July 13 Quen, Dennis 15 July 15" O'Connor, James 15. July 19 Ottenbien, Jacob 20 July 20 O'Connor, John 24 Aug. 7 O'Neil, John F 22 Aug. 19 Oliver, Robert.. 19 Aug. 28 O'Connor, David 13 Sept. 13 Patterson, William 7038 7066 6606 6607 6626 6627 6634 6640 6643 6648 6650 6662 6669 6674 6686 6087 6702 6721 6733 6740 6743 6744 6753 6754 6768 6780 6795 6798 6814 6816 6833 6844 6846 6847 6850 6851 6853 6858 6865 6867 6891 6915 6930 6941 6945 6953 6954 6960 6973 6989 7000 7011 7028 7030 7039 7046 7063 7068 7071 6657 6695 6752 6765 6997 7010 7035 6671 6688 6727 6763 6801 6817 6835 6916 6979 6983 7020 6624 16 Oct. 13 24 Nov. 18 34 Jan. 7 8 Jan. 11 14 Feb. 26 6 Feb. 27 9 Mar. 3 21 Mar. 6 16 Mar. 9 7 Mar. 11 17 Do. S Mar. 22 8 Mar. 24 11 Mar. 26 12 Apr. 3 10 Do. 14 Apr. 10 18 Apr. 19 24 Apr. 26 19 Apr. 27 3 A pr. 29 17 Do. 20 May 3 7 May 5 18 May 12 11 May 15 29 May 21 5 May 24 20 June 2 18 June 3 10 June 11 13 June 17 18 June 18 8 Do. 11 June 19 10) June 21 1 June 22 23 June 33 18 June 26 8 June 29 14 July 8 32 July 23 9 July 31 13 Ang. 5 11 Aug. 7 12 Aug. 12 2 Aug. 14 15 Aug. 15 33 Aug. 24 13 Sept. 7 30 Sept. 13 19 Sept. 20 8 Oct. 1 11 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 22 Oct. 18 23 Nov. 13 22 Nov. 29 13 Dec. 4 14. Mar. 18 11 Apr. 6 24 May 3 12 May 11 11 Sept. 17 11 Sept. 18 10 Oct. 9 12 Mar. 25 11 Apr. 3 15 A pr. 22 19 May 10 9 May 25 5 Juie 3 8 June 12 18 July 23 17 Aug. 28 21 Sept. 1 9 Sept. 25 9 Feb. 19 Oct. 0 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 255 Engineer's licensed— Buffalo, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Apr. 29 Aug. 25 G Page, Charles A Penny, Nowton W... Plodeck, Clemens R.... Parker, Frank Phelan, John Palmateer, John M Philip, Fredrick D Parment, Ellward. Pfaff, Josepb. Pierco, Charles H Pooley, George W.... Patterson, Thomas A. Phillipe, Ġeorge W.... Pettivgill, John Phillipe, William. Potts, Freil.. Petre, Louis.. Perew, Frank Payment, Clovis C.... Page, William L. Percy, Charles A Quigley, Martin A.... Richards, Ledrow Ridgeway, Samuel F... Reilly, James V Reilly, Thomas. Rendell, James Y... Rogers, Jerry. Ryan, Patrick Rogers, Frank M. Rehbaum, Fredrick.... Reilly, Paul J Robinson, William A.. Robson, George A.. Rhodes, Albert. Riley, Silas W.. Rothrock, Charles Raymond, Jacob. Reynolds, Henry J Ramsey, Robert Rainey, John W Reardon, George H. Ricard, Albert. Rogers, Fred G. Robinson, Robert.. Ryan, Thomas.. Reilly, Thomas Reilly, James.. Swan, Thomas E Shaver, Michael. Schneiderwind, John.. Scott, Walter. Simpson, Albert. Spong, Albert H. Sweeney, James F..... Shepard, Erastus. Swarts, John H... Strickland, D. E. Swain, William J Spaulding, Frank. Skelly, John. Sheehan, Jolin.. Shipman, James Stono, Harry. Skelton, William, jr. Shieble, John R.. Stewart, Leander A. Schumacher, Joseph G. Souter, John B.. Smith, Frank A Seckler, Frank Sutton, Joseph F Smith, Arthur. Slater, William J Shackett, Peter Smith, Will P Smith, James. Snoball, Thomas. 6631 6743 6758 6778 6785 6786 6791 6792 6793 6819 6830 6842 6854 6905 6910 6931 6974 6988 6994 7022 7070 6630 6633 6636 6734 6747 6749 6750 6773 6804 6806 6827 6864 6874 6904 6912 6915 6948 6949 6977 6986 6999 7008 7017 7019 7032 7034 7056 6601 6611 6614 6618 6620 6638 6673 6682 6694 6707 6713 6719 6723 6729 6730 6755 6766 6767 6771 6777 6796 6802 6808 6812 6826 6840 6841 6852 6860 6869 1 12 Mar. 2 Scbpoller, Frank 16 Shafer, George E.. 7 May 6 Stambach, Isaac... 14 May 14 Schoonmaker, Mark A. 12 May 18 Stacy, Frank T.. 13 May 19 Spyder, George W 8 May 20 Stepleton, William 16 Do. Smith, Charles E.. 4 Do. Scudder, Theodore..... 9 Jupe 5 Sullivan, Dennis.. 11 June 9 Sykes, Austin L. 14 June 17 Staley, John J.. 32 June 22 Schneider, Uscar G... 12 July 16 Scbriver, Charles S.... 11 July 20 Skelton, William 18 July 31 Slater, Edward 9 Sornberger, Eilward C. 28 Sept. 4 Stewart, Joseph 13 Sept. 10 Tibby, William 15 Sept. 25 Towey, John 15 Oct. 30 Thompson, Charles M.. 8 Mar. 1 Townsend, Marshall... 6 Mar. 3 Trouten, Moses. 7 Mar. 4 Treth way, George. 7 Apr. 26 Traver, William D. 22 Apr. 30 Tomlenson, William.. 13 Do. Upper, Frank C... 24 May May 1 Veeder, A.C 6 May 13 Valley, Jacob.. 8 May 27 Van Amburgh, Louis 26 Do. Venator, Fredrick.... 24 June 8 Vellicott, Robert .. 20 June 25 Voght, George. 17 July 2 Vau Buren, Edgar.. 11 July 16 Vroman, Herbert... 19 July 22 Whipps, William.. 1 July 23 Wimett, Isaac 19 Aug. 9 Woodhull, Orville S. 12 Ang. 11 Walker, Robert T 19 Aug. 27 Wright, Benjamin W 10 Sept. 2 Wise, George. 8 Sept. 13 White, Joseph E 14 Sept. 17 Walker, James L.. 17 Sept. 22 Welsh, Patrick.. 18 Sept. 24 Wise, John.. 18 Oct. 5 Wall, Charles W. 11 , Oct. 7 Willsou, Harry 25 Nov. 4 Walker, Abraham. 16 Jan. Wilson. William 8 Jan. 15 Walsh, Jolin F... Jan. 23 Walker, Robert E.. 6 Jan. 29 Whelall, William J S Feb. 4. Warwick, William J... 2 Mar. 6 Waters, Michael. 11 Mar. 26 Walroth, Byron. 8 Mar. 31 Warner, Norton J.. 4 Apr. 6 Wilcox, Andrew J. 3 Apr. 14 11 Wangh, John A... 17 Apr. 17 || White, Frank. 11 Apr. 19 Whitwell, Rufus Edgar 17 Apr. 20 Wagner. William 10 Apr. 23 Wilson, William 4 Apr. 24 Young, Will G. 33 May 5 Young, William... 17 May 11 Young, Tliomas. 11 Do. 12 May 12 Engineers in charge of 24 May 14 steamers of 100 tons 19 May 22 and under, and over 17 May 26 10 tons. 15 May 28 10 June 1 Arrowsmith, George. 18 Juno 8 Burfiend, Henry 17 June 15 Blythe, Fred. 12 June 17 Barr, Michael... 13 June 21 Bruvdridge, Harry A. 10 June 24 Balmer, Richard 12 June 30 Bacon, George W.. 6873 6880 6882 6888 6896 6898 6925 • 6928 6952 6956 6970 6993 6915 7003 7014 7021 7026 7067 6726 6859 6906 6951 6992 6916 7024 7051 6683 6617 6741 6746 6788 6866 6840 6982 6987 6602 6609 6659 6664 6670 8675 6692 6708 6710 6711 6714 6718 6724 6732 6757 6811 6889 6892 6900 6901 6934 6967 6984 6985 7006 7018 7044 6628 6748 6857 22 July 2 11 : July 6 24 Do. 6 July. 7 5 July 12 13 July 13 13 July 27 12 Aug. 3 16. Aug. 12 23 Aug. 16 25 Ang. 24 16 Sept. 9 13 Sept. 11 13 Sept. 14 17 Sept. 21 14 Sept. 25 19 Sept. 30 13 Sept. 23 17 Apr. 22 18 June 24 21 July 17 13 Ang. 12 16 Sept. 9 20. Sept. 11 4 Sept. 27 11 Oct. 30 10 June 24 9 Jan. 29 15 June 28 3 June 30 11 May 19 10 Junie 28 29 Aug. 5 12 Aug. 31 21 - Sept. 3 7 Jan. 5 1 Jap. 13 4, Mar. 18 21 : Mar. 23 17 Mar. 25 28 Mar. 27 15 Apr. 5 24 Apr. 14 17 | apr. 15 30 Apr. 16 14 | Apr. 17 13 Apr. 19 15 | Apr. 20 16' Apr. 26 19 May 5 19 June 1 13 July 7 32 July 8 17 : July 13 24 Do. 33 i Aug. 2 28 Aug. 20 5 Sept. 1 3 Sept. 2 14 Sept. 16 13 : Sept. 24 i 27 Oct. 16 6 Feb. 27 15 | Apr. 30 12 June 23 6 [ 6860 5805 5806 5807 5814 5819 5827 8 July 1 10 Jan 16 1 Jan. 1 13 Do. 8 Jan. 27 3 Feb. 5 11 Hel. 15 256 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed— Buffalo, N.Y.—Continued. Nano. No. of No. of Dato of license. issue.. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. lisssuo. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and unders, and over 10 tons-Continued. Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. 1 1 Aug. 21 Booth, Alfred C.. Burfiond, Adana J.. Becker, William E... Baltz, Louis J Buckner, Frank W Bohn, Goorge Bingham, Frank Bergh, George K. Booth, Arthur F... Bice, Edward M. Barr, John Bixby, Andrew Carter, Thomas Crossley, Edward... Chamber, William E.. Cook, Edwin L.. Carr, Frank M.. Cotter, James. Chapin, Elmer E. Clair, Edward Dow, James M.. Decatur, Arthur Dunlap, Charles W... Day, Charles J. Drexler, Jobi C... Day, William L.. Everett, Benjamin Ferguson, Fred Freitus, Joun J.. Freitus, George F. Farrell, Johu Gray, James Orr. Gardner, Joseph. Gleason, Ebenezer L. Garrity, John.. Gilligan, Thomas F... Guiette, Edward Hartig, Charles H.. Hallott, Arthur A Hogan, John Harris, Goorge L Hill, Thomas Hart, William Healy, William Hill, Robert D... Holland, Jobu H Fazen, John S.. Hatch, Louis V Figgins, Timothy Hazen, Charles C. Harrington, John S.... Hartmau, Louis Hart, Henry F. Jones, William J Johnson), George 1 Juda, Walter. Jones, Frauk L.. Kendig, George C. Kinkaia, Edward Krapp, William D. Kebel, Joseph Kinley, Fred Krapp, William F Loed, Charles M Louch, Charles M Leary, John J Lee, Charles Lewis, Frank... Loegler, Cbarles H Levi, John.. McAroy, Bartlett.. Murray, Dexter J Misener, Willonghby Maler, Michael P.. McNally, James McDonald, William. 5885 6806 6811 6841 6843 6848 6852 8503 8527 8533 8539 S548 5855 5895 6804 6827 6855 6893 8509 8558 5861 6812 6853 6877 6897 8541 6870 5841 6896 6898 8529 5859 6802 6874 8522 8530 8540 5858 5860 5875 5879 6825 6829 6832 6838 6847 6863 6865 8535 8554 8556 8564 8566 : 68211 6834 8514 8565 5802 5854 5899 6807 0888 8543 5 804 5811 5831 5871 5894 6879 85131 68091 6835 6856 6864 6872 6873 Do. 11 Apr. 3 Miller, John H.. 10 Apr. 24 Morris, Joseph E 10 Apr. 27 Mullen, Thomas. 3 May 26 McArthur, James 7 May 27 McMinn, Wellington. 15 Juro 5 Moshier, Joseph V 11 June 14 McCracken Joseph G 3 Sept. 10 Matters, Frank J. 5 Oct. 5 i McMurray, William E. 5 Oct. 11 Neal, Presley J. 9 Oct. 20 Notter, Thomas H. 8 Nov. 1 Newman, Eugene. 13 Mar. 11 Notley, Renee 5 A pr. 13 Osgood, Charles 7 Apr. 23 Parish, Orson S.. 2 May 10 Parker, Robert W. 8 June 21 Parish. Sidney A 34 Aug. 17 Patchen, Samuel A 12 Sept. 14 Patterson, George 2 Nov. 11 Post, Frank R. 11 Mar. 17 Raines, Henry 11 Apr. 28 Reilly, John 10 June 14 Reginer, John A.. 6 July 30 Robinson, William. 11 Resseque, Edgar C... 13 Oct. 22 Smith. Edward J 4 July 22 Sullivan, Cornelius 6 Feb. 27 Starkweather, Louis. 5 Aug. 20 Souter, Eli... 9 Aug. 21 Stanton, John 10 Oct. 6 Shugart, Henry 5 Mar. 13 Stickney, John E. 12 July 8 Shriver, Lemour 15 July 29 Sweet, Elizır... 12 Oct. 1 Staley, Jefferson B.. 4 Oct. 8 Swap, William H 12 Oct. 22 Spencer, Cbarles. 11 Mar. 13 Sutton, David 3 Do. Stewart, Robert J 3 Mar. 25 Stable, Frank M. 18 Mar. 27 Shannon, John. 9 May 8 Town, Alexander 12 May 10 Tollon, Frank J 1 May 11 Thompson, Fred L 4. May 25 Trimm, Harry P. 13 June 1 Tibbitts, Nelson C... 8 July 9 Tallman, William 7 July 10 Upper, Monte 13 Oct. 13 Voelker, John A. 15 1 Oct. 3 Vosburg, Henry 16 Nov. 11 Walker, George A 9 Nov. 22 Whiteset, John. 5 Nov. 30 - Walker, Albert H 13 May 14 Walker, Edwin C. 12 May 12 Walter, Frank... 11 Sept. 20 Westfield, Johu 12 Nov. 26 8 Jan. 4 First assistant engi- 4 Mar. 10 neers. 13 A pr. 17 7 Apr. 24 Buce, James U 8! Allg. 16 . Burrow, Jolin W.. 31 Oct 23 Bradley, John 12 Jan. 6 Bannerman, William. 13 Jan. 18 Bieber, William 7 Feb. 16 Bang's, FIoratio F 5 Feb. 23 Bolini, Albert F. 7 Feb. 13 Bertrand, Edd. 9 Aug. 4 Biaicher, \Vindsor D... 20 Sept. 20. Clark, John... 11. Apr. 27' Campbell, George M ... 10 May 21 i Cools, Tohu 11 Juno 23 Campbell, William R.. 13 July 9. Connor, Thomas 2 July 26 Cavanaugb, James 16 July 29 29 1 Curtis, Richard. 6885 6899 8502 8520 8537 8545 8550 8559 8569 5876 5890 8532 8542 8549 5824 5850 5891 6823 6878 6880 5835 5869 1 5886., 6845 6868 5825 5840 5844 6805 6824 6826 6833 6851 6867 6886 6890 6891 6892 8518 8531 8538 5892 6803 6889 0894 8523 8551 6842 8505 8519 6861 6871 8516 8521 8567 8568 19 Aug. 10 4 Aug. 27 12 Sept. 10 10 Sept. 28 24 Oct. 16 9 Oct. 28 7 Nov. 3 7 Nov. 13 2 Dec. 10 16 Mar. 25 1 Juno 12 10 Oct. 11 15 Oct. 22 10 Nov. 2 8 Heb. 12 5 Mar. 5 14 Apr. 12 10 May 6 9 Aug. 3 11 Aug. 5 8 Feb. 22 13 Mar. 20 7 Apr. 8 5 May 29 14 July 21 7 Teb. 15 12 Teb. 25 9 Feb. 27 4 Apr. 23 17 May 7 11 May 8 6 May 12 8 June 10 20 July 20 9 Aug. 12 5 Aug. 17 20 6 Do. 6 Sept. 23 12 dict. 8 7 Oct. 19 5 Apr. 12 5 Apr. 22 11 Aug. 16 8 Aug. 17 1 Oct. 1 14 Nov. 3 3 May 26 11. Sept. 10 9 Sept. 24 11 July 6 7 July 26 20 Sept. 20 16 Oct. 1 9 Dec. 2 12 Dec. 4 1 1 5801 5289 5874 5882 5883 6815 6819 6858 8546 5815 5816 5823 5826 5867 5884 5886 5 Jan. 2 2 Feb. 16 7 Mar. 24 1. Mar. 27 8 Apr. 3 3 Apr. 30 10 May 3 6 May 28 4 Oct. 28 1 Jan. 28 1 Jan. 30 4 Feb. 11 2 Feb. 15 1 Mar. 19 4 Apr. 3 3 ! Apr. 6 . STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 257 Engineer's licensed-Buffalo, N. Y.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of license. No. of issue. Date of issue. First assistant engi- neers-Continued. First assistant engi- ncers—Continued. 725 Feb. Chapin, George C Carroll, James E... Conroy, Jobu M Clark, Arthur T Cunningham, James Carpenter, Edward M. Concion, Patrick Clark, Charles E Clingen, Arthur.. Callanai, Cornelius Dewald, George C.. Dee, John. Dolan, George Dawrse, John. Dray, William J Dillingham, Ora H Davies, Ellward S. Fraser, Archie B. Furey, Stafford E Fox, Daniel HK Fisher, George T Torrest. William. Folkerts, Clinton Green, William B. Garrity. William Gibbs, David N Groess. George. Goettle, William E... Girard, Alvan E Gardner, William Heimke, Charles T Hagen, William.. Hayes, William A Henry, Charles Holme, Thomas Herman, Darid Hilton, James. Haig, Grosvenor W.... Hughes, John H Harringer, Thomas Haiser, Jacob M Johnson, Charles J. Jorden, John G Johnson. Henry Kratzat. Fred. Kane, William E... Klein, William... Kalle, augustus J Kelley, Michael J King, Jacob.. Kelley. John.. Kimball, Frederick 0.. Loreless, Robert. Labby, Charles Learned. Elry H Lynn, Patrick Mallen, Simon J. Moudy, Willard Morgan. Henry Mann, John F McLaren, Alex McLeod, Herbert T.... McGuire, James McCasland, James Milloy, Daniel Malioney, Dennis McCarthy, Charles McCanu, George E. Mugridge. Frederick Meredith, James... 5898 5900 6835 0857 6869 6900 8505 8508 8526 8555 5833 5838 6802 6850 6831 6884 8525 5817 5818 5848 6895 850! 8557 5872 5846 5878 6808 6810 6817 6822 5809 5810 5822 5834 5839 5842 5849 5873 5889 6882 8534 5852 5870 5897 5862 5851 5887 6846 6876 8536 8552 8562 5866 6830 6887 8501 5803 5813 5820 5863 6814 6820 6836 0854 6881 6883 8517 S524 8560 8561 2 Apr. 17 Naylon, William. 7 Apr. 19 O'Brien, James (.... 8 May 13 O'Neil, Thomas. 4 June 25 Power, Michael E. 7 July 22 Plummer, Tiniothy 1 Supt. 4 Patterson), Johu W 15 Sept. 13 Prior, Daniel D 1 Sept. 11 Rauch, George H.. 10 Oct. 5 Ray. Joseph. 6 Nov. 9 Rehbilinu, Frederick. 3 Feb. 20 Rehbaun, Robert.. 5 Tel. 25 Ross, Idwin E... Apr. 21 i Rowe, Michael.. 1 June 10 Rappleyea, William D. 14 May 11 Staley, Sylvester. 4 Ang. 9 Stanton, William J 5 Oct. 4 Smith, George W. 3 Fels. 2 Siruble, Dennis. 1 5 Scott, William 3 Mar. 2 Speucer, Oscar F.. 8 Ang. 20 Scbmitt. Philip 5 Sept. 10 Speth. Joseph J. 4 Nov. 11 Sangers, James 10 1 Mar. 23. Stark, Angustus. 2 .al. 1 Sperry. William L 5 Mar. 26 Smith, Charles E 7Apr. 24 Schmitt, Jacob J 19 Apr. 27 Streigel. Frank C. 8: May 3 II Town, Newton... 8 May 5 Thompson, Fred J.. 6 Jan. 18 Traufiler, Frank M.... 2 Do. Van Kuren, Charles S.. 2 Feb. 9 Van Velsor, Frank 5 Feb. 20 Winters, George. 4 1 Feb. 25 Walker, Valter A.. 3 Do. Wilson, Charles 13 Mar. 4 Welslı, James 8 Mar. 23 Wade, Charles 3 Apr. 9 Ward, Thomas W. 9 Aug. 7 Ware, Charles J .. 16 Oct. 12 Wilson, Peter A. 9 Mar. S Webb, Edmund L. 10 Mar. 20 Young, William F..... 5 dpr. 17 Yagir, Frederick W... 8 Mar. 15 6 Mar. 6 Special engineers. 6 dpr. 6 16 May 29 Eastwood, Warren C.. 15 July 30 Fix, Frank 15 Oct. 16 Goulding: George P... 5 Nov. 3 Futton, l'aul D. 5 Nov. 18 Krauti, Joseph G 7 Mar. 19 Morrison, Hngh D. 16 May 10 McCarter, William H.. 3 dug. 13 Marsli, John R.... 23 Sept. 10 Moodly, Elijah 3 Jan. 4 Notley, John 1 Jan. 22 Oremerod, Tohn TV 7 Feb. 5 O'Connor, Jane's 11 Mar. 16 Perry, Angist J. Apr. 30 | Poters, Charles May 3 Randolph, B. F. 13 May 20 Roehl, Joliu 6 June 18 Stanton, John 8 Aug. 7 Suyder, Dennis 13 Do. Schnitzer, Charles 2 Sept. 2:3 Yates. Minuie Rankin. 6 Oct. 4 Ziegele, Willian... 3 Nov. 17 Zieger, Jacol). 8 Do. 8515 5808 6818 5893 5896 6816 6839 5832 5837 5861 5880 5881 6875 8511 5821 5828 5830 5845 5847 5865 5877 6844 6849 6866 8528 8544 8547 8563 5856 6801 6811 5843 8506 5812 5836 5857 5868 6859 6840 8510 8512 8553 5853 6828 1 Sept. 20 16 Jan. 12 5 May 3 6 Apr. 13 2 Apr. 14 12 Apr. 30 7 May 25 4 Feb. 17 8 Teb. 25 6 Mar. 15 5 Mar. 27 5 Do. 14 July 30 7 Sept. 18 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 3 Feb. 16 1 Mar. 1 6 Mar. 2 5 Mar. 17 19 Mar. 20 10 Mar. 28 7 June 5 7 July 12 5 Oct. 5 9 Oct. 25 4 Oct. 29 10 Nov. 19 10 Mar. 12 7 Apr. 21 4. Apr. 28 6 Feb. 27 9 Sept. 13 2 Jan. 19 5 Feb. 24 6 Mar. 13 5 Mar. 19 1 June 30 5 May 25 2 Sept. 16 4 Sept. 20 3 Nov. 3 6 Mar. 9 4 May 19 نظر من احب ان یا 1 1 Ang. 13 3405 3410 3:12 3420 3-115 3409 3411 3416 3417 3407 3403 3:22 3408 3421 3406 3113 3401 3402 3414 3419 3404 3:18 4 June 10 3 July 2 2 July 5 3 Sept. 2 5 Ang. 3 2 July 2 1 July 3 3 Aug. 7 3 3 June 19 2 May 22 6 Oct. 26 2 June 22 5 Sept. S 7 June 16 5 July 7 1 A pr. 7 2 May 12 7 July 23 2 8 Mar 27 6 Aug. 24 O O LETO Ang. 28 57-17 258 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. LOCAL DISTRICT OF CLEVELAND, OHIO. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Cleveland, Ohio. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issule.* issue. Naine. No. of No, of: Date of license. lissue.* issue. Apr. 23 Allen, Christopher L. 6911 1,5 feb. 24 Flinek. A colph E. 7085 15 July 10 Allen, Samuel C. 6944 9 Apr. 3 fitis, Albert S.. 7129 27 Sept. 7 Allen, Christopher C 6975 27 Apr. 19 Farayher, William 7155 2 Oct. 14 Ames, Williani 7022 16 May 11 Goulil, Samuel W. 6902 18 1 Jan. 15 Albano, Joseph 7046 26 May 31 Graham, George 6938 14 Mar. 31 Ahlstrom, John F.. 7108 11 Aug. 6 Grover, Frank B. 6940 15 Apr. 1 Archer, Herbert T. 7117 17 Aug. 17 Godsell, William C... 6965 20 Apr. 15 Averill, John W., jr. 7161 15 Oct. 21 Grey, Bernard C.. 6969 18 Apr. 17 Anderson, Joseph 716S 18 Nov. 17 Gorman, Joseph 6970 24 Apr. 19 Benson, Daniel 6904 4 Jan. 26 Goodell, Frederick A 6972 6 Do. Byłns, Ralph E.... 6908 5 Feu. 11 Graves, Fred. A 6984 16 Burtis, George W.. 6913 1 Mar. 4 Gilmore, Simon A. 6998 16 May 1 Brown, Frank 6915 11 Mar. Gerlach, William 6999 10 Do. Benhamı, Charles A. 6929, 9 i Mar. 24 Graves, Carlton.. 7006 9 May 3 Brock. George B... 6942! 10 Apr. 3 Greenley, Albert J 7009 11 May 5 Baker, Cornelius R 6954 9 Apr. 8 Green, Fred. W 7035 16 May 21 Bell, George A.... 6955 11 Apr. 9 Goss, Lucius S... 7943 17 May 27 Baxter, William 6994 8 Apr. 29 Goodsite, Charles L.. 7058 5 Juno 17 Brock, Henry 7011 14 May 6 Gillespie, Issac G. 7088 18 July 14 Brown. William W 7017 8 May 7 Green, Thomas A..... 7097 10 July 26 Bartholomew, George. 7020 10 May $ Geisendorfer, George J. 7136 20 Sept. 17 Beach, Charles E.. 7021 21 Do. Geisendorfer, Andrew. 7135 14 Do. Brown, George A.. 7024 25 May 12 Hamel. Lewis N... 6910 15 Feb. 23 Barr, James.. 7032 18 May 19 Hunt, William J. 6916 2 Mar. 6 Brown, Francis El.. 7036 39 May 21 Hog, William 6920 12 Mar. 16 . Benham, Willian P... 7037 5 May 22 Hahn, Charles P. 6921 16 Mar. 17 Blattner, William H.. 7039 11 May May 24 Herrick, Thomas C. 6957 2+ A pr. 10 Borthwick, William N 7048 17 Julie 2 Hewitt, Ellward. 6961 12 Do. Bates, James D.... 7053 14 June 12 Holnies, Joseph A 6962 14 Do. Bowen, James F ... 7065 23 June 22 Hawgood, Arthur H... 6983 11 Apr. 22 Balfour, George W... 7074 12 June 28 Hoover, Nathaniel E. 6996 12. pr. 29 Bouille, Pierro.. 7075 S Do. Hinslea, Cbarles H... 7005 10 May 3 Benhan, Charles E... 7077 25 June 29 Higgins, James W. 7026 15 May 14 Brown, Johul. 7095 16 July 20 Hemrick, Henry 7029 9 May 15 Bailey, Fred A 7098 10 July 27 Henderson. Daniel. 7030 16 May 17 Buie, Daniel 7099 27 Do. Harrington, Robert. 7049 28 June 3 Bailey. Joslina. 7128 19 Sept. 2 Hale, Firen. L.. 7066 18 June 22 Butts, William C.. 7141 12 Sept. 24 Henson, James B 7071 13 June 25 Boylan. Patrick.. 7146 S Oct. 1 Holly: William 7030 12 July 3 Black, Thomas E... 7152 27 Oct. 12 Hearnes. Frank d... 7086 5 July 12 Bush, Charles A. 7160 12 (ct. 21 Holmes, Charles A ... 7087 S Do. Butman, Samuel J 7163 S Oct. 28 Hyde. Jasper 7134 15 Ang. 14 Cleveland, George F... 6903 38 Jan. 16 Heaton, Charles H... 7147 1.9 Oct. 5 Culj, Hamilton 6909 Fel). 13 Hubbard, Charles 7150 11 Oct. 9 Cozollis, Raymond... 6986 Apr. 24 Hand Austin S... 7159 17 Oct. 20 Cloreland. Charles R... 6987 36 Apr. 26 Hutchinson, Charles L. 716:4 11 (ct. 30 Call, Richard 6989 10 Apr. 27 Hettrick. Michael E. 7170 15 Nov. 22 Courchaine, Daniel B.. 7007 18 May 5 Heyward, Solomon G. 7172 21 Nov. 26 Crandall, Henry 7015 23 May 7 Judson, Henry E 6906 1.6 Fel). 4 Calaway, James W. 7033 19 May 19 Johnston, Martin. 6914 11 Mar. 5 Crowley. Farrell J 7060 12 June 19 Jones, Thomas 6931 13 Mar. 25 Carter, Henrj A... 7091 12 July 16 Jones, Bushpell H 6959 15 Apr. 10 Chapmaji, Charles B.. 7093 24 July 19 Johnston, John M 6985 18 Apr. 23 Cumming, William 7110 3: Aug. 7 Joyce, Joseph B. 7047 17 May 31 Chapman, Alfredo 7115 38 Johuston, Willian w 7173 21 Dec. 1 Clary, Depuis C.... 7158 23 Oct. 16 Jones, Stephen 7174 24 Dec. 8 Collins, William W 7169 15 Nov. 18 Kerr, Robert W 7002 12 May May 3 Dike, William P.. 6919 23 Mar. 11 Kirby, Arstin A 7064 22 June 22 Davis, Daniel 6922 12 Mar. 17 King, Wallace. 7073 16 June 28 Donaldson, Robert... 6964 11 Apr. 13 Klntky, Hugo 7125 8 Sept. 1 Dwelle, Alonzo W. 7001 : 20 May 1 Kelley, Daria 7143 16 | Sept. 25. Dutt, William. 7044 9 May 27 Lamb, Frank D.. 6927 15 Mar. 23 Downs, William 7070 25 June 25 Lewis, Charles H.. 6948 14 Apr. 6 Delargie, Thomas... 7105 10 Ang. 4 Laframboise, Jacob.... 6950 9 Apr. 7 Drake, Albert 7112 32 Ang. 10 Leon, George P.. 7010 9 May 6 Davis, James 30 Lowe, John... 7016 21 May 8 Duddleson, John.. 7151 28 Oct. 12 Littleton, Charles J .. 7019 20 Do. Doville, Egbert. 7162 18 Oct. 25 Lampoh. Joseph 7023 11 May 12 Enney, Claude M 6912 1,6 Mar. 3 Lundy, John N. 7041 30 May 26 Edson, John M 6925 16 Mar. 20 Lyon, Isaac B.. 7042 22 No. Eilson, Miles A 6977 14 : Apr. 20 Learer, William J.. 7050 17 Jue 4 Ennes, Clinton G 7031 20 May 17 Lawless, James.. 7056 16 June 15 Foster, Flenrt L 6933 13 Mar. 27 Landlair, John A 7111 34 Any. 9 Ferguson. William . 6935 7 Do. McNeil, John. 6924 20 ! Mar. 19 Frerensee, William 7045 25 May 28 May, Harry. 6928 6 Mar. 23 Fifield, Henry A 7084 14 | July 8 Morris, Warren E 6930 10 Mar. 24 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 1,11 11 រ Aug. 12 711.9 Aug. 20 1 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 259 Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Cleveland, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Apr. 21 Morse, William W... McCoy, George A.. Moshier, Benjamin Moody, William H Marsli, Sidney O Miles, Jaines E. Mallory: George B.. Marks, Joseph M.... Murphy, Stephen. McCallum, Éenry C Mullen, John D... Moore, Orton E... Moore, Jolin W. McLeod, John H Murphy, Samuel N Mayle, George W Maguire, Edward Morfitt, John M... McFarland, Alexander. McDowell, John McFarlane, Daniel. McLear, William Mallory, Williain E McKinloy, James McKeighan, Jobu Miner', Charles. Morrison, Jolu S.. Morton, Edward Murdock, Samuel... Mitchiell, James B McKay, George P McQueen, Eber B.. McNelley, William H.. McCornick, Johu. McAllister, David Magle, Frederick J Neville, Richard Nicholson, Duncan Nixon, Francis Nugent, Owen O Connor, Johu Olson, ()lol.. Oldorfl, Adolplı Owens, Janies.. Patchin, Malcolin A Page, Joseph Peterson, andrew Pringle, William J.. Post, Joseph W. Pringle, Robert C... Place, Frank.. Perei, Frank 1) l'eterson, Christian A. Parsons, Allva B Parsous, Joseph Pelton, Edwin R. Pelton, Francis Y... Robinson, Alexander R. Rae, Frank C.. Reimers, dios C Rice, Frank. Reynolds, William H 6932 6937 6945 6960 6967 6980 6982 6988 6992 7004 7008 7018 7038 7051 7055 7057 7062 7067 7068 7094 7096 7100 7102 7103 7106 7109 7114 7116 7121 7123 7127 7139 7140 7142 7149 7167 6981 7107 7120 7157 6952 6956 6997 7017 6907 6947 6966 6990 6091 6995 7061 7079 7092 7113 7131 7156 7166 6946 6958 6976 7027 7081 16 Mar. 25 14 Mar. 2) 21 A pr. 6 12 Apr. 20 10 A pr. 16 S A pr. 21 18 Apr. 22 24 Apr. 26 12 Apr. 29 24 May 3 12 Mar 5 16 May 8 5 May 22 S June 10 26 June 14 31 June 15 18 June 21 15 June 23 35 Do. 16 July 19 38 July 20 17 | July 30 18 1 July 31 18 Aug. 4 10 Aug. 5 17 Aug. 6 17 Aug. 12 9 Aug. 16 16 dug. 2: 3 Aug. 25 35 Sept. 2 17 Sept. 18 25 Sept. 20 8 Sept. 25 5 Oct. 7 26 Nov. 17 1, 2 Apr. 22 26 Ang. 6 15 Ang. 21 23 Oct 15 S Apr. 8 13 Apr. 9 17 A pr. 30 14 May 8 14 Fels. 9 21 A pr. 6 12 pr. 16 20 Apr. 27 13 Do. S Apr. 29 15 June 21 8 July July 3 14 July 19 10 dug. 11 5 Supt. S 10 (ct. 14 10 Nov. 15 6 Apr. 6 12 Apr. 10 9 Apr. 19 11 May 14 9 July 3 Rabshaw, Job W Spear, Elazer P.. Snitb, Charles C... Slackford, William G.. Sanders. Joseph . Simpson, Thomas W... Snithi, William H. Smith, John N... Storgh, Lafayette Sanilers, Thomas H... Sorles, Whitman A.... Sweeney, John. Steible, John. Sherbno, Charles P Skeldon, James W Sawyer, Edwin L. Spalding, James E.... Smith, Philip H... Sage, George V. Stratton, Seymour. Snith, William.. Stevenson, Alex. A. .. Sherwood, Noall L.. Stuart, James... Skellon, Joseph L. Smith. Philip V Scott, Charles. Shannon, Orin L.. Stepliens, George L Shepherd, George W Titus. Daniel. Tiflli, Charles H... Tower, Charles B. Tuliai, Gaines D.... Tyrie, Harry Thompson, John C.. Thompson, George L. Vessey, Charles F Vanslet, Abram Vosburg. Loreu G.... Vessey, William. Vosburg. Edward. Walder, Rudolph J. Woodruti', Lyman B.. Ward, John. Wetmore, Franklin A. Wallace, William E. Wecks, James L.. Walker, Norman B.... Willorri, Thomas Warner, J. Byron.... Wheeler, William P.. Wilson, Arthur... Willians, William H.. Whetstope, Joseph C.. Witcher, Henry Walsh, James A. Wacs Forth, William.. Young, Lucins W... Young, William .. Zarloist, Edmund H 7165 6901 6936 6939 6943 6949 6971 6973 6978 6979 7003 7012 7054 7063 7069 7076 7082 7090 7101 7118 7130 7132 7133 7135 7137 71-18 7153 7154 7171 7175 6917 6926 6941 6968 7052 7083 7145 6905 6923 7072 7124 7144 6919 6934 6951 6953 6963 6974 6993 7025 7028 7040 7059 7078 7089 7104 7122 7126 7000 7013 7034 12 Nov. 11 9 Jan. 8 16 Mar. 29 14 Mar. 31 11 | Apr. 3 10 Apr. 6 24 Apr. 19 25 Do. 9 Apr. 20 5 15 | May 3 27 May 6 10 June 14 11 Jiune 22 26 June 24 14 June 29 13 July 5 15 July 15 25 July 30 20 Aug. 19 11 Sept. 8 14 Sept. 10 11 Sept. 11 14 Sept. 15 14 Sept. 17 15 Oct. 5 32 Oct. 13 23 Oct. 14 25 Nov. 24 15 Dec. 11 1 Mar. 6 11 Mar. 22 10 Apr. Apr. 2 1, 5 apr. 17 15 June 11 16 | July 7 13 Oct. 1 16 Tel. 1 1, 8 Mar. 18 22 June 26 12 Aug. 31 17 Sept. 27 6 Mar. 12 9 Mar. 27 11 Apr. 7 28 Apr. 8 10 A pr. 13 12 Apr. 19 16 15 May 14 15 May May 15 19 May 25 10 1 June 18 33' July 2 31 July 11 11 Aug. 4 19: Aug. 23 9 22 May 1 15 May 7 16 May 19 Apr. 29 | Sept. i } Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Clereland, Ohio. First-class pilots. l'irst-class pilots-Con- tinued. Anderson, Charles d... 4803 3 Jan. 11 Bartel, Arthur E.. 4807 5 Jan. 19 Ackley, George M.. 4832 3 Feb. 25 Barrington, George. 4830 8. Feb. 20 Anderson, Charles W. 4838 2 Mar. 1 Burrill. Elarry C.... 4831 7 Feb. 23 Alger, Melbourne S... 4358 Mar. 24 Benliani, George E... 4840 1 Mar. 3 Ames, Georgo W: 4895 11 Apr. 28 Baker, Jobu A.. 4856 4 Mar. 17 Anthony, McDowell.. 1929 9 May 28 Burly, Thomas 1877 3 Apr. 13 Anderson, Mathow.. 4960 5 July 27 Burt, George G 4892 5 A pr. 26 Abel, Albert... 4979 13 Sept. 4 Blemke, August. 4907 10 May 7 Allen, William F... 4990 12 Oct. 15 | Babbitt, John E. ... 4917 10. May 14 * Number of issue of curreut grade and the number of issues of all grades. 260 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed—Cleveland, Ohio-Continued. Namo. No. of No.of. Date of liceuse. j issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. First-class pilots--Con- tinued. . Apr: 24 Boothman, Justus S.... Brennan, Thomas. Brooks, Frank F.. Blair, Henry J.... Blanchard, Harry ... Curphey, Edward. Craigie, Alexander Colbert, Thonias.. Crockett, William. Clark, Jobin M.. Carlson, Lars Clendeniu, William B.. Cudeback, George L... Collins, John Conley. Felix Cook, Charles Collius, John H... Cramer, William A. .... Coulter, Harry J.. Dority, Arthur.. Douglas. George A Dobson, Joseph C Dettrick, Robert A.... Durand. George L.. Dixon, Alfred.. Drullard. David.. Dahlke, Edward .. Disbro , George W. W... Driscoll, Denis.. Dwelle, Williani G Dinnis, Francis... Dixon, William C.. Dyble, Edward Davis, George B Dunseith. John Downer, Rosel. Drynan, William.. Ellis, Frank S Bones, Everett L Ehrbart, John W Full, Peter. Fisher, Horace. Finister, Sheldon E.. Foote, Herbert P Fitzgerald, William G. Floro, James H... Gregg, Warren Gould, Thomas W Gordon, Denis Greenwood, Robert C.. Gegoix, Henry Haybarger, Herbert G. Holmen, Henry Hutcheson, Charles C.. Hansen, Marcilius Holl, Frank H... Hill, Edwin A Hardy, George E Hinslea, Henry Hipman, Charles A Huntoon, Horace Hyde, William.. Harry, Panl.. Hansor, Niels P Hansenflue, Fred J Ingraham, Henry D. D.... Inman, Theodore Johnson, Martin .. Jones, Samuel W Jaenke, Herman. Johnson, Alexander. Keller, Alva B.. Karstens, Peter J... Kennedy, Edward Loher, Henry G... Le Beau, Sidney Lohor, Albert. 4943 4966 4978 4983 5704 4805 4834 4844 4848 4852 4854 4857 4886 4935 4941 4954 4971 1982 5705 4801 4824 4843 4853 4862 4866 4874 4880 4887 4898 4.906 4915 4919 4921 4940 4962 4965 5702 4819 4833 4870 4850 490-4 4913 4924 4928 4968 4811 4859 4879 4944 4958 4804 4871 4872 4889 4890 4894 4938 4939 4952 1959 4985 4988 4992 4993 4865 5703 4829 4835 4949 4961 4849 4901. 4933 4806 4808 4827 11 June 21 Lynix, John F. 10 Aug. 10 Lavo0. Peter J.. 13 Sept. 2 Lewis, John 12 Sept. 20 Lipp, Joho.. 7 Dec. 7 Langel, Matt 7 Jan. 14 Luscombe, Walter R... 3 Feb. 25 Langell, Allen 3 Mar. 4 Layle, Fred W. 6 Mar. 6 Lighi, Fred W. 4 Mar. 13 Lent, Cliuton E. 3 Do. Lewis, Frank.. S Mar. 22 Meier, Charles. 12 Apr. 29 McNamara, John 8 Juwe 5 McGarry, John 11 June 14 Moore, Cliristopher A.. 14 | July 6 Myers, Amos É. 16 Aug. 27 Murpılıy, Barney 9 Sept. 14 Mulriman. Charles A.. 14 Dec. 9 McKee, Irwin.. 8 Jan. 4 McGrain, William 6 Feb. 17 Murphy, Peter. 3 Mar. 3 McDowell, Jacob S Mar. 13 McCarthy, Patrick 3 Mar. 30 Mooney, James L..... 9 A pr. 7 McEwen, Henry W.... 9 pr. 9 McMillen, Barney 26 Apr. 16 | Moore, William İ H. 19 A pr. 23 McLachlan, Alex. E.. 11 Apr. 30 Moore, Samuel S S May 7 Morin. James 9 May 14 Montgomery. Eenry 25 Mar 15 Moore. William E.. 7 May 18 McMillan, Alexander .. 8 June 12 McGill, Frank... 22 Aug. 5 McGrain, Josepii. 17 Aug. 10 Murphy, Heury A 14 Nor. 12 Murphy, Neal. 4 Feb. Matt, John G. 3 Feb. 25 Nichols, David F.. 9 Apr. 8 Nelsoni, ()lol ... 2 Mar. 11 O'Donnell, James F.... 13 May 5 Olsen. Oscar 7 May May 11 Ohniau, John. 8 May 21 Ostberg. John G 15 May 26 O'Neill, Richard 12 Aug. 13 Philip, Samuel E. 4 Jan. 23 Peters, Harvey 2 Mar. 24 i Person), John © 5 Apr. 15 Price, William H. 12 June 22 Peterson, Peter A 3 July 9 Peterson, Carl 5 Jan. 14 Parco, William 6 Apr. 8 Parsons, John Apr. 9 Parker, William 5 Apr. 24 Poeck, Albert... 8 Do. Reid, Frerlerick H.. 4 Apr. 28 Ransier, Samuel. 8 June 10 Robertson, William A 5 June 11 Rafferty, Charles M... 3 July 3 Read, William 10 July 17 Rose, Frauk. 16 Sept. 28 Ransier, George 10 Oct. 14 Rice, Sherman 9 Oct. 27 Robb, William 4 Oct. 29 Raines, Edward. 15 Apr. 6 Rogers, Frank M 1+ Nor. 22 Rodgers, Willard 2 Feb. 20) Starkey, Edward J. 6 Feb. 26 Sweeney. Joseph A 7 July July 1 Starkey, Charles J. 14 Aug. 3 Siering, Valentine A 3 Mar. 11 Sullivan, Nathan 7 May 1 Stalker, Jolin W. 8 June 3 Smith. Charles C. 5 Jan. 16 Symington, John 5 i Jan. 21 Saundörs, Josepu. 1 | Feb. 18 Smith, John G... 4828 4841 4845 4847 4868 +883 4897 4911 4937 4947 4948 4812 4813 4815 4820 4821 4823 4826 4839 4851 4855 4876 4881 4884 4888 4920 4926 4930 4936 4956 4957 4963 4976 4980 4984 4997 4999 5000 4970 4973 4810 4818 4842 4900 4910 4 S02 4814 4825 4861 4878 4882 4902 4925 4955 4998 4816 4822 4836 4891 4903 4918 4922 4934 4942 4953 4994 4996 4817 4864 4869 4873 4885 4893 4896 4905 4908 4909 2 Feb. 19 4 Mar. 3 3 | Mar. 4 4 Mar. 5 9 Apr. 7 7 A pr. 19 5 Apr. 29 7 May 10 5 June 9 8 June 28 8 June 29 4 Jan. 25 2 Jan. 26 6 Feb. 1 8 Feb. 8 7 Do. 17 Feb. 13 7 Feb. 18 3 Mar. 2 14 Mar. 12 11 Mar. 16 13 Apr. 13 11 Apr. 17 8 Apr. 20 4 20 May 17 8 May 22 8 May 29 7 June 5 15 July 8 14 | July 9 10 Aug. 6 15 Sept. 2 7 Sept. 4 4 Sept. 27 13 Nov. 3 9 Nov. 6 13 Nov. 10 12 Aug. 24 2 Aug. 28 4 Jan. 22 1 Feli. 5 1 Mar. 3 3 May 1 6 May 8 1 Jan. 7 7 Jan. 30 1 Feb. 17 11 Mar. 29 4 Apr. 14 9 12 May 1 16 May 22 16 July 8 10 Nov. 5 3 feb. 2 1 Feb. 13 4 Mar. 1 14. 16 May 4 12 May May 15 S May 19 6 June 3 9 June 16 10 July 5 9 Oct. 30 7 Nov. 3 2 Feb. 5 Apr. 6 2 Apr. 8 12 A pr. 9 14 | Apr. 20 10 | Apr. 27 16 May 6 4 May 7 12 | May 8 Apr. 19 7 Apr. 26 13 A pr. 29 12 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 261 . Pilots licensed-Clereland, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. ot) Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. | issue, First-class pilots--Con- tinued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Aug. 11 Aug. 27 Skeldon, George W.... Snell, Alva. Stickney, Charles F. Steiert, Hugo. Somerville, William Stalker, Archie Steele, Willian. Sullivan, Alex. J Sisson, James K.P.... Schiele, Robert Todd, TVillian B. Teasel, Andrew. Tower, Charles C... Titus, Henry W. Thrasher, Charles Thraslier, George G... Todd, Joseph D. Teony, Frank Valier, Antoine. Wilman, Dan Weitzman, Charles A.. Willoughby, Henry: Wilkinson, Benoni J. TVillet. Luke.. Williams, Joli Woodward, Charles D. Wylie, Edward J wängler, George Wheren, William P... Wilds, George Yeipe, Nicholas. Young. Patrick P.... Young, Theodore 4914 4923 4927 4945 4964 4967 4974 4975 4977 4987 4809 4837 4867 4912 4946 4972 1981 4995 4989 4846 4860 4863 4899 4931 4932 4950 4951 4969 4986 5701 4575 4916 1991 Second-class pilots. Anthony, Charles H Abair, Charles. Adamson, Henry Adams, Fred. E. Biemiller, Jolin (. Blair, Joseph (.. Bernor, Louis T. Brooks, Benjamin (). Babbitt, Williamı. Brown, Walter. Brogan, Leander T.... Beebe, Miles H. Barry, Willian). Byrne, William. Beucher, John R.. Bull, Charles Cook, August. Cotter, TVilliam Capman, James Chapman, Bird B Cleaver, Frederick... Coonrod. Jolin Crangle, William H. Curren, Villiam M Dwyer, William J De Mooy, Charles W.. Dressler. Eenry Driscoll, Frederick Dailey, George E Doller, Valentine Dayton, George. Dodge, Ellioti J. Donahue, Charles P.. Draper. Charles E Dwyer, Samuel T Douglas, John W Donaldson, Samuel G Edsou, Lucius C Ellis, George W Ellwell, Charles D Elliott, Frod W.. 4820 483 4969 4.990 4844 4817 4855 4857 4858 4880 4891 4894 4907 4910 4930 4938 4 809 4879 4919 4928 4931 4955 4963 4992 4833 4853 4862 4900 1901 4904 4914 4926 i 4932 4936 4967 4968 4977 4873 4877 4893 4906 20 May 12 Fetterly, Stephen 10 May 20 Ginley, Patrick V 22 May 24 Giroux, Ralph X.. 13 June 22 Gunzenhauser, John G. 11 Ang. 9 Giroux, Cosmas a 9 Giles, William E 16 Aug. 31 Holmes, Arthur W. 2 Do. Rolly, William N... 7 Sept. 2 Harmon. Frank. 12 Oct. 9 Haas, Jacob... 4 Jan. 22 Hanlon,ohn C. 13 Mar. 1 Bobson, John W 7 Apr. 7 Hayes, Edward R.. 21 | May 11 Johnsoll, Aubrey P.... 7 June 24 Jones, John N... 10 Jennings, Edward J 18 Sept. 11 Jones, Levis.... 12 Nov. 1 Jackway, William 14 Oct. 14 Kemmet, Edward F.... ] Mar. 4 Kolfage, Edward () 5 Mar. 25 Lockliart, James A 7 Mar. 31 Leonard, Samuel E.... 14 Apr. 30 Larson, Nicholas 20 May 31 Lange. John 14 June 2 Lay, John 7 July 2 McClure, Burt L. 17 | July 3 NicNutt, Eciward R... 10 Aug. 21. McKnaugh, Thomas 2 Oct. 7 Moosing: John. 6 Nov. 12 McGuire, John 6 A pr. 10 Mulinis, George W., jr. 6 May 14 McRae, Daniel. 24 (ict. 16 Mulinix, George W..sr. Molyneux, William H.. McLennill, Malcolm ... Mulinis. John W 7 Heb. 27 Matt, Edward J.. 11 Mar. 23 Normand, James H.. 8 Sept. 14 Nettleton, Frank E.. 9 Nov, 15 Nixon, James. 7 pr. 6 Nolan, Louis H 7 Apr. 14 O'Hare, Edward. 8 Apr. 27 Ohlemacher, Edward. 6 Do. Owen, Daniel H... 11 Apr. 29 O'Connor, Thomas V... 5 Miry 25 Peterson. Peter. S June S Post, Thomas A.. S June 11 Peck, Charles. 2 June 24 Pierce, Henry C.. 11 June 26 Quick, Philip.. 18 July 23 Quick. Richard M.. 9 Ang. 6 Regan, Anthony S.. 11 Fels, 10 Rehberg, William 7 May 25 Robbins, Frank 14 July 10 Rearick, William R. 12 July 22 Rain water, David. 15 July 26 Spaulding, George L. S Aug. 28 Smith, Henry J. 13 Sept. 9 Sarles, Charles V 10 Nov. 23 Schumacher, Jolin 17 Mar. 17 Smith. James B.. 2 Apr. 26 Schumacher, Henry 16 May 4 Sinuouson, Niles. 7 June 18 Schied, Philip. 11 June 19 Scribner, John V 13 June 22 Skeldon, John E. 14 Juie 29 Slavin, James F.. 16 July 19 Stannard, Arthur A.... 17 July 27 Sabin, Oscar. 9 Aug. 4 Turnbull. Gilbert E.. 17 | Sept. 13 Toomey, Edward. 9 Do. Torrey, Silas. 5 Oct. 12 Vincent, John A.. 12 May 15 Waterfield, Robert P... 12 May 22 Whitmore, Alfred.... 9 June 9 Wilkins, Thomas 12 June 24 Wholey, John... 4943 4804 4863 4871 4897 4970 4818 4823 4841 4895 4902 4911 4959 4821 4854 4867 4878 4986 4966 4979 4817 4861 4875 4890 4950 4836 4839 4868 4887 4921 4924 4937 4978 4984 4985 4987 4993 4813 4848 4913 4935 4835 1881 4965 4975 4807 1982 4951 4973 4870 4912 4953 1956 4960 4971 4982 4801 4914 4819 4828 48445 489S 4899 4903 4940 4947 1981 4991 4994 4846 4886 4918 4983 4806 4860 4872 4896 10 Aug. 9 4 Jan. 21 6 May 4 8 dias 12 6 June 16 9 Sept. 23 4 Feb. 24 6 Mar. 3 26 Mar. 26 10) June 15 June 19 17 June 28 10 Sept. 2 9 Mar. 2 12 Apr. 26 6 May 10 16 May 24 18 Oct. 27 14 Sept. 11 6 Oct. 16 11 Feb. 24 7 Mar 1 1 May 17 10 June 2 13 Aug. 24 1 Mar. 22 6 Mar. 23 15 May 10 8 May 28 12 July 15 23 July 19 7 Aug. 4 25 Oct. 14 15 Oct. 21 7 Oct. 22 15 Oct. 28 10 Dec. 7 22 Mar. 30 S Apr. 20 16 June 29 7 Aug. 3 7 Mar. 19 6 May 25 11 Sept. 10 1 (ct. 1 2 Feb. 6 1 May 25 12 Aug. 25 10 Sept. 30 9 May 12 13 June 28 11 Aug. 26 1? Aug. 28 1 Sept. 3 4 Sept. 25 14 Oct. 19 3 Jan. 4 5 Feb. 15 7 Feb. 25 10 Mar. 12 16 Apr. S 8 June 17 7 Do. 14 June 22 12 dug. 7 25 Aug. 18 6 (ct. 18 41 Nov. 22 6 Dec. 6 1 Apr. 10 12 May 27 16 July 10 8 Oct. 21 2 Feb. 3 8 Apr. 30 15 May 12 8 1 Juno 15 262 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed— Cleveland, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Special pilots-Cont'd. Webb, Vernon L.. Williams, Edward a Worden, Charles M.... Wheeler, Jay W... Winnie, Charles L..... 4915 4922 4946 4957 4972 Special pilots. Allis, Edwin Z. Berchtold, Leopold. Burrill, Edwarl H.. Barran, John S.... Blakeley, James Bellwani, William M Bogardus, William B.. Reigh, John ..jr . Brooks, Jesse J Bell, Joseph M. Carolan, Josepb. Corneliuson, Paul (... Calder, Alexander Corey, Joseph Carr, James W... Chapman, Burton B.... Dale, Elmer E.. Durfee, Myrou F Doville. Harry C... Elliott, Dan. Ellis, Andrew C... Eschbacher, Frank P.. Floro, Jessie. Flemin, Charles W. Friend, Charles F.. Faust, Charles. Grow, Edward. Groat, Charles H. Gruber, Edward P Gedeohn, Emma B. Gerlach, Henry Heyman, John P... 4954 4812 4832 4851 4892 4905 4929 4945 4958 4964 4802 4813 1815 4883 4888 4889 4852 4856 4939 4808 4876 4942 4816 4909 4.923 4925 4822 4829 4908 4952 4989 1805 14 July 3 Harrison, Nealon 23 July 16 Hageman, Philip L 9 Aug. 17 Heidlott, John Ā. 6 Sept. 1 Horn, Alexander 13 Sept. 29 Hinrichsen, Martin A.. Jones, Frank H. Johnson, Albert Karr, John U. 11 Aug. 27 Kolbe, William F.., 3 Feb. 15 Kishnan, Edward W 5 Mar. 17 ! Leidheiser, Henry 8 pr. 24 Meister, Gustus H. 11 June 9 Mastin, William O S Juno 24 Motley, Charles. 1 July 22 Mason, Byron T 10 dug. 16 Maytham, Walter J 9 Sept. 2 Meister, Charles F.. 6 Sept. 10 Meister, John W... 1 Jan. 12 Normand, George A 4 Feb. 15 Nettleton, Daniel W... 7 Fel. 17 Owen, George. 6 May 27 (chs, John J.. 6 May 28 Peterson, John M 6 May 29 Poppelwell, David 5 Apr. 24 Rohr, Albert.. 11 Apr. 27 Rice, Fayette A. 3 Aug. 7 Scot, Canarus. 5 Feb. S Seitz, Michael... * May 19 Shelilon, George F., jr. 14 Aug. 9 Sill, Fred W.. 6 Feb. 23 Scribner, James. 11 June 26 Smith, Burt E... S July 19 Thompson, Edward H 8 Do. Thorsen, Harry. 4 Mar. 2 Twing. Eldred L 1 Mar. 13 Wood, William 6 June 26 Welch, Melvin E. 6 Aug. 26 Wigton, Frank E...... 5 Nov. 8 Westfall. Eli... 4 Jan. 20 4916 4917 4944 4948 4980 4834 4837 4874 4941 4.962 4824 4830 4831 4850 4920 4933 4961 4974 4826 4840 4849 4865 4811 4842 4803 4827 4864 4884 4885 4927 4949 4976 4866 4869 4934 4810 4825 4859 4988 9 July 3 7 7 July 8 4 Aug. 11 7 Aug. 18 10 Oct. 18 5 Mar. 19 8 Mar. 23 1 May 17 6 Aug. 7 6 Sept. 7 Mar. 8 8 Mar. 13 6 Mar. 16 13 Apr. 24 5 July 15 1 July 27 8 Sept. 4 6 Sept. 30 9 Mar. 11 4 Mar. 25 5 Apr. 20 9 May 5 6 Feb. 15 3 Mar. 29 1 Jan. 15 4 Mar. 12 9. May 5 5 Mar 27 4 May 27 2 July 20 5 Any. 24 3 Oci. 5 5 May 6 4 May 11. 1 Aug. 2 3 Feb. 11 5 Mar. 8 Apr. 29 3 Oct. 30 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Cleveland, Ohio. Pomeroy, George 1801 5 Apr. 14 Short, Sidney H. 1802. 1 Ang. 11 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Cleveland, Ohio. Chief engineers. Chief engineers-Con- tinned. Acker, William G.. Anderson. Mathew Aiken, William H.. Anderson. Nicholas... Averill. George E.. Ager, Charles E.. Aznoe, James L.. Anderson. George H... Anyell, William G Alger, Ethan Bridges, William Blaine, Thomas J.. Bender. John B.. Beers, Thurman E.. Beebe, Charles F... Bohland, Adam G.. Berney, Josiah. Bennett, James Butler, Everett D.. 7202 7238 7253 7273 7331 7375 7381 745 7473 7498 7211 7231 7252 7259 7260 7263 7265 7282 7339 10 Jan. 4 Branwell, Edvard J... 9 Mar, 10 Brady, Michael E. 7 Mar. 19 Bolley. Allen .. 19 Apr. 5 Burrows, Benjamin B.. 21 May 4 Brokate, John.. 13 May 31 Bullock, William 5 June 7 Bury, Albert E 16 July 2:3 Beach, Oscar M. 21 Aug. 11 Burr, William B.. 7 Sept. 6 Berriman, Thomas 24 Jall. 30 Beardsley, Charles C.. 10 Mar. 3 Busher, Edward ... 7 Mar. 18 Ballard, Homer C 8 Mar. 23 Banmhart, Henry 4 Mar. 26 Brews, Donglas. 8 Do. Broderick, Jolin 16 Mar. 27 Brant, Stewart.. 8 A pr. 10 Bennett, Sidney C... 7 May 10 i Barker, Elmanson d.. 7346 7351 7368 7372 7376 7380 7390 7393 7405 7424 7427 7439 7443 7446 7452 7455 7487 7493 7194 16 May 15 16 May is 9 May 26 22 May 28 S May 31 12 Jun 5 18 June 12 14 June 14 8 June 23 26 July 12 13 | July 13 8 July 17 9 July 20 14 July 23 12 July 26 16 July 27 21 Aug. 24 28 Sept. 1 21 Do. 2 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 263 Engineer's licensed— Cleveland, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. Apr. 6 Apr. 27 Burns, Edward J Brakeman, Hiram S.. Buckhart, Tacob.. Burton, Henry W.. Crandall, Henry. Cullen, Edward C.... Crawford, James W Cunningham, Wm. J... Cook, Jasper W Conway, Daniel. Cook, Herbi-rt F Clark, Clement Collins, John.. Conrick, Thomas Cummings, James Church, Cliarles J.. Castle, Christopher. Coger, George Carr, Peter J.. Clark, Michael K Currie, Archibald. Chestnnt, James Cater, Jarris B. Callahan. Philip Cowley. John Craig, Frederick Connelly, John.. Chase. Janies L Costello, John F Castle, John L Carrick, William Clark, Willian C..... Corns, Francis. Dempsey, James. Donaldson, Grant G.. Dike, William P Donaldson, Edward Downer, Henry S.. Donovan, James Doualdson, William R.. Dempsey, William T... Davis, Charles M Dilgart, Henry C De May. John W De May, Lewis. Derry, John J Davis, Charles R. Decatur, Alvinza C. Downer, Charles P Decker. William N.. Downer', Rosel.. Eagan, Thomas Eardley, Henry. England. William Erving, John Eatou, Levi. Emchi, Nic:bolas. Elliott, William Eggert. Albert L Ellis, James H... Ellsworth, Elmer Farr, Herbert F Fiden, Adam Felt. James S Field, Robert H... Francombe, Thomas A. Fos, Edward W Frasier, William R., Fraser, Duncan. Foster, William J. Ferguson, Frank J... Green. Job w Gordon, Frank W Gilmore. Orrin H Green, Charles W. Greenbalyh, William R. Gillespie, Isaac G.... Gaa, John... 7496 12105 12114 121.17 1207 7213 7214 7226 7235 725.4 7264 7290 7292 7314 7326 7:35 7343 7348 7359 7364 7401 7421 7426 7429 7433 7447, 7472 7480 7481 12126 12140 12149 12150 7223 7242 7244 7256 7257 7280 7303 7329 7338 7373 7379 7389 7399 7453 7463 12104 12127 12144 7258 7274 7300 7378 7418 7486 12103 12112 12120 12148 7233 7295 7318 7367 7395 7459 7484 12113 12145 12151 7270 7301 7305 7316 7353 7431 7457 8 Sept. 2 12 Sept. 14 17 Sept. 21 7 Sept. 25 13 Jan. 9 5 Tob. 3 7 Do. 5 Feb. 27 22 Mar. 6 27 Mar. 19 16 Mar. 27 15 Apr. 17 17 ! Apr. 20 6 Apr. 26 11 Apr. 30 21 May 5 20 May 11 13 May 17 11 May 22 28 May 24 24 June 21 7 July 10 26 July 12 20 July 13 20 July 15 6 July 23 17 Ang. 10 22 Aug. 19 18 Aug. 21 26 Oct. 7 17 ! Oct. 27 6 Nov. 16 23 Nov, 17 23 Feb. 24 8 Mar. 15 16 Mar. 16 12 Mar. 22 15 Do. 11 Apr. 10 6 Apr. 23 18 May 1 12 May 8 14 May 28 S June 2 17 June 12 15 June 19 14 July 26 23 Aug. 3 19 Sept. 14 23 Oct. 7 24 Nov. 2 21 Mar. 22 18 Apr. 6 19 Apr. 20 14 June 1 19 July 8 15 Aug. 24 24 Sept. 11 20 Sept. 20 6 Oct. 2 16 Tov. 12 6 Mar. 4 13 Apr. 20 12 Apr. 27 21 May 25 3 Junie 16 July 30 Aug. 23 7 Sept. 21 15 | Nov. 4 9 Nov. 17 11 Apr. 3 9 Apr. 21 15 Apr. 23 13 Apr. 27 13 May 19 21 July 14 22 'July 28 Gilbo, Jonas F... Gillespie, Alexander A. Hegemer, John Hendricks, Jacob Hanky, Frank F. Hauck, a dolph Harmon, Fred. M Fone, Irving... Hyde, Thomas J Hess, Joho... Harris, Ellsworth. Honeywell, David Haig, John H... Houts, John W Bannah, Robert S. Hart, Jobu B Howe, Henry A. Homan, Charles M.. Haas, Jacob.... Hendrey. George. Hughes, Michael. Haig, Andrew . Howard, Christ Hickey, Frank W.. Huber, Joseph.. Hay, Jannes C... Hamilton, Robert B. Hayes, William H Hunter, Silas H... Helbing, Angust J... June, Peter J. Jenks, Thomas M.... Jones, James K.. Jenkins, Evans. Justus, James E.. Kennedy, William Kirby, James D. Kennedy. John Karcher, John Kelly, Sylvanus. Kreidle, Charles S Kincaid. William B... Kelly, Thomas.. Klasen, John P Kennedy, Willian Il... La Forge, Jolin. Lock, Erasmus D Lloyd, Samuel A. Lee, James Love, Charles J., Luehrs, Julius. Lynch, Mathew Lance, Charles C. .... Lloyri, William A. Lord, James H., jr Lurimer, Charles Lawson, Thomas P Lloyd, Mark A.. Lyons, James E. Morrow, William McGregor, Allen. McAuley, Henry T.. Mayer, William F. Murphy, Patrick Mastin, Richard Masters, George Milne, George B Monroe, Loren F. Mclicar, Duncan N McDonald, Audrew N McCune, Martin Mitchell. James D. Milroy, Anthony Marquart, George, jr... McGregor, Jobn McMonagle, Joho. Mathew, John .. McMillan, Donald J 7475 12121 7205 7250 7262 7275 7283 7285 7286 7313 7322 7324 7355 7361 7370 7382 7386 7388 7394 7417 7437 7462 7466 12106 12118 12123 12130 12133 12146 12147 7315 7337 7383 12111 12142 7204 7208 7239 7307 7392 7396 7397 7398 7404 7409 7240 7246 7271 7310 7356 7357 7362 7366 7488 7499 12102 12107 12116 12135 7218 7220 7222 7227 7229 7251 7255 7267 7268 7287 7304 7308 7317 7319 7321 7323 7325 7327 7334 22 Aug. 13 10 Oct. 4 9 Jan. 7 16 Mar. 18 7 Mar. 26 18 22 Apr. 12 9 Do. 4 Apr. 14 12 Apr. 26 13 Apr. 29 27 Apr. 30 13 May 20 19 May 22 17 May 27 13 June 7 17 June 10 26 June 11 34 June 14 37 | July 7 32 July 16 8 Aug. 2 9 Aug. 5 8 Sept. 14 15 Sept. 30 30 (ct. 5 s! Oct. S 22 Oct. 11 22 Nov. 10 21 Nov. 11 15 18 May 8 18 June 8 26 Sept. 20 14 Oct. 29 34 Jan. 15 17 Jan. 23 27 Mar. 12 33 Apr. 23 14 June 14 24 June 16 14 June 18 15 Do. 9 Jue 22 9 June 26 14 Mar. 12 20 Mar. 17 16 Apr. 3 12 20 May 20 17 May 21 16 May 22 22 May 24 12 Aug. 25 10 Sopt. 7 5 Sept. 10 4 Sept. 15 15 Sept. 24 25 Oct. 14 7 Feb. 11 4 Feb. 18 7 Tel. 23 13 Feb. 27 9 Mar. 1 16 Mar. 18 26 Mar. 20 14 Mar. 30 21 Apr. 1 7. pr. 15 14 : Apr. 23 11 Apr. 24 15 i Apr. 27 7 Apr. 28 13 Apr. 29 15 Apr. 30 13 Do. 7 May 1 7 May 5 Apr. 24 23 264 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed— Cleveland, Ohio-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of liceuse. | issule. issue. Chief engineeres-Con- tinued. Chief engineers-Con- tinued. isto odios Mulinix, Jacob J Mayberry, Richard D.. MeMonagle, George... McNelly, George F. Mayer, Philip; C.. McKinnon, Frank. Morrin, Henry R... McEachren, John W... Miller, Edward C... Marpley, Cady. Most, William. Miller, Stephen H. McCann, Michael E.... Morgan, Joseph A. McDowell, Claud.. Mahoney, Tinotlig A.. McGrain, John McKinley, William. McNamara, Michael. Mooney, Thomas. Mastin. Charles T.. McHale, Francis J Miller, Quincy. McDowell, John. Miller, John B.. Mulinix, John W.. Mahoney, James F.... Millett, Alva J.. Nicholas Norton, Fanlkner I.... Normand, Joseph. Neill, Robert H. Odette, Henry, Osgood, Wilkins. O'Conllor, Thomas Ordner, Louis L.... Plietz, William F... Pringle, Robert C. Price, Charles R... Pontzier, Frederic.. Pate. Robert B.. Parker, James E. Popkey, Jacob. Parks, John E. Peter's. William. Patterson, James... Parsons, Charles. Peobles, John M... Prince, William H.. Passono, Eugene. Pursell, Thomas. Patcliin, Alinos T... Pomeroy, Clarence.. Parker, Henry H.. Rogers, Charles. Reeder, Eugene L. Rittman, Christian s.. Reilley, John F... Ransom, Burton Reif. Lewis .. Randall, Frank J Reynolds, George S Rees, Thomas J., Root, Wesley O... Rice, Charles Reardon, William J... Reck, Michael Rosen, Charles. Reid. George.. Roe, Charles W. Reiff, Charles F... Rainwater, David.. Roche, Patrick.. Simmerly, Albert N Smith, Henry.. Stein, Adolph J. Swett, George W Stoeber, Charles L.. 7341 7403 7416 7422 7428 7435 7441 7448 7451 7454 7458 7460 7465 7471 7474 7477 7478 7482 7485 7490 12108 12115 12124 12136 12137 12141 12143 12155 7247 7294 7299 7434 7241 7311 7432 7470 7201 7212 7215 7232 7261 7296 7340 7347 7365 7384 7391 7436 7444 7491 7500 12119 12138 12156 7219 7272 7276 7277 7289 7298 7302 7374 7406 7408 7419 7:40 7469 7476 7483 7489 12101 12134 12152 7209 7216 7217 7224 7230 16 May 10 Scott. John 22 June 22 Sharpe, Charles A 17 July 6 Steule, Omar N. 24 July 10 Seymour, John. 15 July 13 Stoullard, Edwin S 5 July 16 Simpson, Robert W. 6 | July 17 Scliwacofer, Willian T. 16 July 24 Schlacetsch, Magnus E 22 July 26 Sebastian, Louis H.. 11 July 27 Scoville. Charles L. 5 July 28 Sniiler, Henry d. 24 July 31 Stirling, Frank Ang. 4 Stellins, Edward A Aug. 9 Shannon, Thomas Aug. 11 Sullivan, Willian. Aug. 14 Stevens, Horace E 8 Aug. 16 Stone, William H.... 15 Aug. 21 Sullivan, Henry 21 Any. 23 Spears. James 33 Aug. 28 Stone, Henry 21 Sept. 16 Stein. Fred 2:3 Sept. 22 Smitli. Julius 23 Oct. 5 Smith, Calvin S. 12 Oct. 15 Strong, Nathan J 26 Oct. 18 Salisbury, 1. dwin A 22 Oct. 28 Stolle, George A 24 | Oct. 30 Shepler, Frank 16 Nov. 27 Swain, Perry 5 Mar. 17 Smith, John B.. 12 Apr. 20 Sturtevant, Maurice B 15 Do. Steen, Williani 21 July 15 Smith, John 28 dlar. 13 Stoeber, Frank C 16 Apr. 26 Stoalder, John 9 July 15 Smith, Charles C. 21 Aug. 7 Stoiklaril, Chester M... 18 Jan. 2 Sarage, James 13 Jan. 30 Saltonstall, George W 14 Feb. 8 Smith, Francis B 6 Mar. 3 Schoeman, William 11 Mar. 26 Sanilerson, William... 5 Apr. 20 Slater. Charles.. 12 May 10 Silverwood, Leroy 21 May 17 Tyler, William H 12 May 24 Tvobig, James W 17 Juve 8 Talbot, Henry C 27 | June 14 Taylor, James S 17 July 16 Tiſton, Henry () 34 July 22 Torrey, Silas... 16 Ang. 30 Tyrrell, Edward 9 Sept. S Taylor, Michael A. 16 Sept. 30 Tilton, Warren G.... 15 (Oct. 1S Underwood, Charles S. 16 Dec. 10 Van Dusen, William T 11 Feb. 18 Wilson, George N 12 Apr. 5 Willians, James F 11 Apr. 6 White. Leart 12 7 Willows, Charles 12 Apr. 17 Williams, James.. 26 Apr. 20 Weeks, Lawrenre D... 14 Apr. 21 Valsh, Charles E 14 May 28 Warner, Arlaison J.. 17 June 23 Wheeler, Fred E 16 June 26 Williams, Cassius 24 July 8 Weis, Jacob 16 July 17 Waterburry, George 21 Aug. 7 Wolfe, Henry A. 19 Ang. 13 Westfall, David 18 Aug. 23 Welch, William M. 14 Aug. 26 Wise, Robert H.. 18 Sept. 10 Walley, Leander 22 Oct. 12 Wells, Samuel A.. 30 Nov. 20 Waterfield, Welby C.. 8 Jan. 25 Walsh, John C.. 1.5 Feb. 10 Wetzel, Philip. 9 Do. Weis, Frank N 21 Feb. 25 Winship, Clarence A .. 6 Mar. 2 Wilcox, Arthur L 7236 7245 7248 72:19 7266 7278 7279 7281 7288 7293 7309 7312 7320 7333 7352 7354 7358 7360 7369 7371 73.77 7385 7387 7400 7402 7411 7412 74.13 7415 7420 7423 7430 7438 7442 7449 7450 7:456 7467 7468 7492 12125 12153 12154 7228 7284 7328 7332 7:10 7425 12110 12122 12131 12139 7345 7203 7206 7210 7221 7225 7234 7237 7243 7269 7291 7306 7330 7336 7342 7344 7349 7350 7363 7407 7414 7461 746+ 7479 7497 8 Mar. 6 17 Mar. 16 23 Mar. 17 7 Dlar. 18 7 Mar. 27 16 Apr. 8 16 Do. 5 Apr. 10 6 Apr. 15 32 Apr. 20 18 Apr. 24 .9 Apr. 26 18 Apr. 29 16 May 4 24 May 18 17 May 19 22 May 21 14 May 22 29 Mar 26 9 May 28 20 June 1 18 June 9 8 June 11 11 June 19 12 June 22. 9 June 28 17 Do. 18 Do. 14 July 3 21 July 8 16 | July 12 18 July 14 9! July 17 21, July 19 11 July 24 24 July 26 40 July 27 20 + Alg. 5 1S Aug. 6 9 16 Oct. 6 16 Nov. 22 17 Nov. 26 7 Mar. 1 16 pr. 12 22 May 1 14 May 4 13 June 28 16 | July 12 15 Sept. 18 26 Oct. 4 22 Oct. 9 Oct. 23 23 May 15 16 Jan. 5 23 Jan. 9 4 Jan. 26 9 Feb. 18 9 Teb. 25 7 Mar. 5 5 Mar. 8 10 Mar. 15 S Apr. 3 20 Apr. 20 27 Apr. 23 19 May 3 16 May 8 8' May 10 18 May 12 22 May 17 22 Do. 39 May 22 9 June 25 14 July 3 21 July 31 14 Aug. 4 19 Aug. 16 21 Sept. 4 Aug. 30 24 Apr. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 265 Engineer's licensed-Cleveland, Ohio—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chiof engineers-Con- tinued. Weis, Andrew Walsh, William H... Wheatley, William Warning, Fred. Zanger, George Zeitler, antone 12109 12128 12129 12132 7297 7495 Engineers in charge of steamer's of 100 tone and under, and over 10 10728. 7377 8904 8912 6262 61 86 6212 6252 6260 6261 6279 6293 6294 7308 7:338 7376 7390 12 Aug. 19 14 Oct. 4. 6 Oct. 13 17 May 1 2 Mar. 20 12 Mar. 31 4 Apr. 27 7 Apr. 30 3 Do. 11 Díay 15 1 June 1 11 June 2 15 June 18 5 July 12 5 Aug. 19 11 Sept. 9 T I CO DO Aichele, Melchior Allis, Edwin Z... Burkley, Henry Beinke, George Beucher, Henry. Burk, George H Burk, Robert Beigh, John L., jr Brown, Willis Brooks, Jesse J. Babb, George Bowler, William Caiu, Edward J Dalton, Thomas M.. Dewbirat, James R. Doyle, Joseph P Decker, William E... Dailey, George E Dailey, Joli. Dodge, Elliott J Duncan, Charles M Eaton, Heury Fifield, Freeman Field, Robert S. Fitield, Harry D Fetterly, Stephen I'essler, Louis Goodwin, Charles C... Gilboe, Fred ... Grow, William B Goodwin. William H Hayden, Charles W... Hess, Henry Irwin, Francis M... Joyce, Martin Kohler, Robert Lyons, Thomas Littlejohn, George H Mason, Charles È. Masten, Charles Moyer, Philip.. McNutt, James D.. McCabe, Maurice C Madden. Martin Marks, William. O'Brien, Michael. O'Dounell, John C.... Post, Janies E Page, John A.. Park, James W Parker, Charles P.... Rooney, James, jr Reinhart, Benjamin E. Robb, John E... Rasmussen, Peter. Reed, Cliffie. Reif, Julius A Reed, Charles. Skeldon, John E Sullivan, Robert J Schaefer, Joseph . Shou walter, George B.. Shaub, Jacob B.. 7305 7383 6110 6237 7307 7344 7345 7374 7381 7387 8905 8926 7365 6129 6190 6214 6220 7309 7316 7355 8915 7379 6211 6292 7329 7369 8908 6130 6176 6219 8906 6121 6142 6231 7352 6172 6253 6300 6182 6188 6286 7314 7391 7393 : 8907 6222 7373 6138 6201 6230 6239 6157 6258 7319 7342 7380 8914 8920 6107 6153 6228 7302 7334 Engineer's in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. 28 Sept. 16 Smith, John S.. 15 Oct. 8 Stookey, Hudry.. 3 Do. Smith, Samuel L. 7 Oct. 9 Tallman, William H. 16 Apr. 20 Upper, Frank J. 12 Sept. 2 Webber, John B... Webb, Albert A... Williams, Charles W.. Wiel, Olof L.... Wilkinson, Benjamin F Wood, Harvey D.. Wilkinson, Frank L... Wright, Jabez .. 14 June 14 Welch, Patrick 11 Aug. 27 Webber, George G. 5 Jan. 21 Washburn, Jerry. 7 Apr. 15 15 June 15 First assistant engi- 6 July 17 21 eCi's. 4 Do. 13 Aug. 16 Allen, Melzer W 5 Aug. 25 | Allen, George L. 8 Sept. 2 Aull, Wendlin W 12 Oct. 4 Ahern, Patrick J Nov. 15 Atkinson, William 20 1.115.4 Bechtel, Conrail... 1 Fels. 18 Brinker, Theodore J 6 Mar. 20 Brokato, Herman 5 Apr. 1 Brow L. David T 2 Apr. 6 Beainer, Willian D 9 June 19 Butler, Rolla U. 5 June 25 Baldwin, Henry. 12 July 24 Brown, Franklin IV 6 Oct. 10 Ball. Edward 7 Aug. 24 Bowen, Elgin B. 7 Mai. 30 Bricklcr. James A. 8 Jue 1 Barth, William 9 July 8 Benson, Ferdinand I 7 Ang. 9 Buslicy, William. 7 Oct. 7 Bright, Augnstus J. 7 Feb. 18 Bar, Frank J... 1 Mar. 16 Bowen), Levi. 10 Apr. pr. 6 Bell. Elmer E 5 Oct. 4. Bresnahan, Thomas J.. 11 Feb. 9 Birtrand, Charles L.... 6 Feb. 25 Byrne, iVilliam 14 Apr. 10 Brown, Calvin A. 14 July 23 Builder, Joseplı. 13 Mar. 13 Brown, Gavin A 7 Apr. 28 Broderick, Langblin D 6 June 7 Boven. Williani C.. 4 Mar. 18 Bishop, William H. 7 Mar. 20 Cassidy, Irving W 9 May 26 Conway, Darid. 13 June 22 Courtney, John 13 Sept. 8 Cuvningham, William J 12 Sept. 14 Cunningham, William 13 Oct. 5: Casaacy, Bernard ... 3 Apr. 6 Chambers, Thomas 2 Ang. 14 Cain, Patrick V. 5 Feb. 24 Conners, James E S Mar. 25 Ciuby. Joseph F 5 Apr. 9 Connelly, William 8 Apr. 17 Cowley, James.. 13 Mar. 6 Cook, William E. 15 Apr. 30 Coonrod, John B 5 June 26 Costello, Terance 12 July 17 Crane, Herbert 0 7 Ang. 24 Cro1190, Abram 1 Oct. 16 Chapman, Andrew 10 Oct. 23 Clark, Wilbur F. 1 Jan. 19 Clay, James A.. 2 Mar. 5 Curtis, Albert B. 15 Apr. 8 Churchill, John W 3 Jure 8 Donaldson, David..... 8 July 10 ! Droege, Adolph.. 6132 6173 6199 6280 6291 6145 6150 6155 6179 6185 6192 6206 6207 6208 6218 6223 6243 6244 6255 6273 6276 6281 6298 6299 7306 7318 7335 7356 7359 7368 7388 7394 6114 6141 6159 6213 6232 6272 6277 6282 6283 7326 7327 7341 7349 7350 7351 7360 7389 8901 8911 8918 8919 8923 6113 6137 13 Feb. 19 5 Mar. 15 6 Mar. 24 4 May 15 23 May 28 4 lieb. 26 4 Mar. 3 1 Dilar. 6 1 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 3 Mar. 22 2 Mar. 29 1.5 D.). Mar. 30 S Apr. 5 2 Apr. 7 5 pr. 20 15 Do. 16 pr. 29 May 10 13 May 13 16 May 15 8 Jue 3 10 June 5 4. June 14 19 June 26 18 July 10 15 July 24 ] July 27 1 Aug. 9 7 Sept. + 15 Sept. 14 3 Jan, 27 3 Fel. 25 1 Mar. 8 7 Apr. 1 3 Apr. 12 10 Mar 10 11 May 15 5 May 18 May 19 9 June 30 10 July 1 17 July 16 8 July 20 3 July 21 7 July 23 9 July 28 16 Sept. S * Oct. 7 Oct. 11 11 Oct. 22 6 Oct. 23 4 Nov. 11 2 Jan. 25 4 Feb. 24 266 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Clereland, Onio–Continued. Name. No. of : No. of Date oť license. issue. issue. Nane. No. of No. of Date of license. issne. issue. First assistant engi- neer'sContinued. First assistant engi- ncers-continued. A pr. 30 15 L Dalo, Joseph... Downer, George M.. Douglass, John w Donalue, John G Doyle, Bernard Dewhirst, Joseph. De May, William B.... Doller, Edward Doty, William W Dundon, Daniel. De Neal, Jackson.. Dempsey, Joseph A. Drown, Edson E. Dewey, William H... Deans, George L.. Drouillard, George H Ellsworth, George Edgar, Clarance w Flood, Henry Flewelling, Oscar. Fletcher, Jolin W, Ferguson, Achibald C Fuhrman, George.) Ferguson, Dugald. Flanagau, Michael. Furman, Lorenzo D.... Gardner, George A Gravell, David Gens, Fred a Groundwater, John .. Greenman, Watson Gray, Robert.. Guerber, John Gorey, Edward Gallagher, Michael J Greiner, Julius W. Gillespie, George W.. Haynes, Harrey S Heinkelman. Jolin. Harbrecht, \Villiam F Hunt, Leigh A.. Harris, William W Hunter, William H.. Harmon, Joseph A. Hurel, James R Hvile, Arthur... Higgins, Thomas F... Helling. Ellward C. Huut, Edwin Farneit, Elery C. Hill. Charles S.. Hendricks, Walter. Hart, Frederick E. Haggert, David. Huston, Roy B. Hawver, Lloyd Haywood, Fred H. Hajes, Edward R.. Hineline, Lester L. Hunter, William. Isbester, Harry. Irion, William Johnson, James. Joyner, Frank , Johnson, Frank W Kelly, William Koegele, George F Kalb, John F.. Kelly, Michael J.. Kett, Nathan King, Ralph B Kinuie, Charles Lyons, Patrick T Luehrs, Jasper D.. Long, William... Law, James S.... Loucks, Milwara S Leonard, Samuel E La Voo, Lucius W. Meyer, William F 6144 6154 6168 6225 6229 6257 7303 7320 7328 7347 7358 7372 7395 7396 8917 8933 6297 7330 6115 6119 6122 6146 6215 6240 7313 7325 6108 6126 6133 6149 6209 6217. 6265 6267 7339 7370 7400 6103 6120 6128 6134 6140 6160 6169 6183 6191 6200 6266 6287 6288 6290 6296 7304 7323 7324 7354 7361. 8903 S921 S922 6170 7321 6165 6204 7322 6131 .6171 6189 6195 61.99 7363 8931 6102 6143 6177 6197 6236 6263 7398 6 Feb. 26 5 Mar. 5 6 Mar. 12 2 pr. 7 14 Apr. 9 21 6 ! June 8 9 June 26 22 July 8 5 July 20 13 July 26 2 Aug. 13 9 1 Sept. 15 5 Sept. 17 ñ | Oct. 22 6 Dec. 10 20 June 3 4 July 8 6 Teb. 1 6 Tel. S 1 Feb. 10 1 Feb. 26 A pr. 3 15 Apr. 19 21 June 22 6 June 29 1 Jan. 20 7 Feb. 17 6 Feb. 19 2 Mar. 3 15 Mar. 30 4 Apr. 5 13 May 1 19 May 12 July 14 1 Aug. 10 5 Sept. 27 1 Jan. 7 3 Feb. 8 6 Tel. 18 2 Feb. 20 Feb. 25 13 Mar. 9 7 Mar. 12 4 Mar. 18 2 Mar. 22 5 Mar. 25 9 May 3 12 May 26 7 Do. 10 May 27 S June 3 13 June 11 18 June 29 2 Do. 12 July 24 6 July 31 7 Oct. 1 5 Oct. 23 16 Oct. 28 :) Mar. 13 9 June 28 3 Mar. 10 5 Mar. 26 9 June 28 8 Feb. 19 1 Mar. 13 11 Mar. 20 2 Mar. 23 5 Mar. 24 10 Aug. 5 17 Nov. 30 1 Jan. 5 10 Feb. 26 11 Mar. 17 10 Mar. 24 4 Apr. 14 1 11 May 1 14 Sopt. 23 4 Jan. 7 McElhaney, Edward H. McKeuzie, John W.. Myers, Marion F Monto, Frank J. McPhail, Charles A... Miller, Thomas C.. Matts, George J Montgomery, James McGlenn, James E.. McDonough, Michael P McPhail Gilbert. Meter, William H. Merers, Joseph.. Meiklebam, William... McHugh, Peter. McIvor, James Morrow, Joseph McFaddeni, John Meeker, Ernest.. Marshall Jobu B Mitchell, Martin. Murplıy, Thomas Maxwell, John... Mulcahy, Michael J Mayberry, Samuel E... Mayberry, William J.. Merrell. Harry L Miller. John L. Monroe, William E.... McCormick, Michael Maher. Patrick J Miller, Louis F Morgan, For-sto Miller, Frank E Murray, Frank G.. McLennan, Donald Newcomb), William .. Nesbitt, William A Odette, Charles Oldman, George O'Connor, Terrance j.. Popp, Jay A Potter, Harry. Prince, Avery E Pratt, Alfred B Patterson, Peter A... Prince, Edwin E... Preston, William Perry, Cyrus C Peck. Alfred L Quinlan, John Quinn. John F.. Quick. Philip Rirers, Peter A. Reilley, William J Radtke, Elerman. Riggin, John H Ragen, Pat... Rowe, Ernest L. Ray, Benjamin A Romzick, August. Regan, Lawrence J Raymer, Stephen A.... Reye, Henry Reimers, Gosch H Rulison, William Ramsey, John Rice, Charles H.. Rausom. James Sanderson, James L.. Smith, Melvin C Schenck, August A.... Sayen, Dennis Shea, James F. Semon, George A Schenk, Fred. J Siggens, Alfred G Steer, Henry W.. Sicken, Peter Schiller. Albert J 6105 6106 6109 6111 6117 6118 6124 6148 6164 6166 6174 6181 6187 6196 6202 6233 6241 6242 6246 6247 6248 6269 6271 6278 6289 7315 7331 7336 7340 7353 7357 7364 7367 7397 8925 8928 6224 7386 6135 6152 7384 6127 6227 6254 6259 6284 7310 7317 8902 8924 6151 6203 7378 6101 6136 6161 6167 6184 6210 6226 6251 6264 6274 6285 7312 7333 7348 7392 8929 6116 6123 6125 6139 6147 6156 6163 6180 6193 6221 6238 4 Jan. 8 12 Do. 1 Jan. 2C 15 Jan. 21 4 Feb. 3 5 Feb. 6 1 Feb. 13 11 Mar. 2 6 Mar. 9 7 Mar. 11 2 Mar. 15 5 Mar. 18 6 Mar. 20 9 Mar. 24 9 Mar. 25 8 Apr. 12 9 Apr. 19 5 Do. 3 spr. 20 9 Do. 4 Apr. 23 14 1 May 7 2 May 10 3 May 15 7 May 27 5 June 24 8 July 8 8 July 10 3 July 15 20 July 23 10 July 24 5 Aug. 3 8 Aug. 6 15 Sept. 2u 16 Nov. 11 3 Nov. IS 3 Apr. 7 3 Sept. 2 6 Tel. 23 3 Mar. 5 2 Aug. 27 1 Feb. 17 5 Apr. 8 8 Apr. 29 6 Apr. 30 11 May 22 14 June 21 17 June 26 7 Oct. 4 9 Nov. 11 Mar. 4 1 Mar. 25 15 Aug. 19 1 Jan. 2 6 Feb. 23 9 Mar. 9 4. Mar. 12 6 Mar. 19 12 Mar. 30 2 Apr. 8 5 Apr. 37 2 1 9 May 11 18 May 24 5 June 22 7 July 10 18 July 20 4 Sept. 13 21. Nov. 27 8 Tel. 2 4 Feb. 11 2 Teb. 16 11 Feb. 24 15 Teb. 27 7 Mar. 6 8 Mar. 9 7 Mar. 18 4 Mar. 22 8 5 Apr. 15 N 0 May Apr. 6 6104 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 267 Engineers licensed-Cleveland, Ohio-Continued. Namie. No. of No.of Date of license. issule. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers-Continued. First assistant engi. neer's-Continued. Scherck, Louis.. Stakes. Philip Sawtelle, Arthur J Slocuni, John N.... Schied, Philip.. Sayen, Frank, jr Skeldon, Levi.. Sannon, Jobu J.. Shanteaul, Samuel S.... St. John, William F... Schafranck, Otto B Shepler, Jamos F Stewart, Willie R... Smith, Charles M Scherer, Henry Tebbe, William H.. Tuft, Trancis C... Tutt, William J Thompson, Albern M. Thompson, Lewis V.. Taylor, James H Todd, Joseph D.... Utford, Lyman. Woodruff, Walter P. Williams, Dorman M 6256 6268 6270 7301 7311 7346 7362 7371 7375 73991 8909! 8910 8927 8930 8932 6175 6205 6235 6249 6230 8913 8916 .6245 611? 6158 2 Apr. 29 17 May 6 2 May May 8 12 June 7 19 June 21 19 July 19 8 July 31 7 dug. 13 01 Aug. 17 12 Sept. 23 7 Oct. S 31 Oct. 9 12 Nov. 17 7 Nov. 30 6 Dec. 4 2 Mar. 16 9 Mar. 27 9 ! Apr. 14 15 apr. 24 15 Apr. 26 7 Oct. 16 21 ! Oct. 21 25 Apr. 20 1 Jan. 2: 12 Mar. 6 Wood. William Witter, Harry L. Walker, Thomas. Whiteforel, William. Winnie, Killian C.. Wagner, Oscar. Wilde, Clarence A Woodruff, Edwin G.... Waite, George R.... Wilkinson, lieorge W. Wendliny, Frank. Young. Joseph.. Ziegler, Antony 6162 6178 6197 6275 6295 7332 7337 7343 7366 7382 7385 6234 6216 10 Mar. 9 2 Mar. 17 4 Mar. 23 12 May 13 8 June 3 7 July 10 10 | July 12 5 July 17 12 Aug. 5 17 Aug. 25 12 Sept. 1 6 Apr. 14 3 Apr. 5 Special engineers. ܙ ܙܢ ܐ Drake, Leslie E... Dale, Elnier E. Gedeohn, James S Halin, John H. Littlejobu, George D. Leuenberger, Godfrey Martin, Wara B Mulinix, Isertie F Mason, George L 3705 3707 3703 3709 3704 3708 3701 3702 3706 5 June 19 7 July 28 May 12 1 Nov. 27 13 June 9 2 Aug. 14 2 Apr. 15 8 May 12 4 July 15 LOCAL DISTRICT OF BURLINGTON, VT. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Burlington, Vt. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.** issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue.* issue. Baldwin, Edward J.... 11026 15 Oct. 26 White, Frank G... 11019 6 Aug. 6 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Burlington, I't. Ang. 27 0 Arbuckle, Richard. Auncbman, Joseph L.. Bullis, Luther H.. Blodgett, Ephraim 1 Conn, William d. Conn, Andrew G. Conn, George Dionne, Peter'. Flinn, William Gueriu, Antoine Green, Rufus L Gooley, David 11008 11020 11001 11012 11013 11017 11023 11002 11022 11003 11018 11025 ! 18 June 1 Haw-y, Frank J 8 Jow. George. 1,16 Apr. 2+ Laionuntain, Louis 14, 25 June 7 Latoure, William 1,7 June 12 Lafountiin, Oliver. 8 July 28 Murray, Antoine 6 Sept. 8 Newton, William 24 Apr. 27 Rockwell, Elwin M. 6 Sept. 6 Rusllow, George. 13 spr. 30 Sweeney, George N. 3, 10 July 31 Sawyer, Bernard.. 13 Sept. 16 Smiib, Thomas J 11015 11009 11006 11014 11010 11021 11010 11005 11007 11004 11011 11024 15 June 26 20 Juie 1 2,7 May 18 12 June 24 8 July 9 21 Aug. 28 3, 28 June 1 May 10 25 May 22 15 7 17 June 7 1,2 Sept. 8 1,11 May Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Burlington, Ft. First-class pilots. First-class pilots---Con. tinued. Blow, Moses. 4709 S June 24 Paraso, Lewis. 4722 3 Nov. 15 Bridge, Peter 4711 7 July 10 Rockwell, Ell. B. 4701 33 Apr. 24 Belden. Gardner F. 4721 9 Sept. 17 Rockwell, Edwin R.. 4702 20 | May 15 Deuel, William E 4710 12 July 6 Rockwell, E. Menton... 4709 4 July 6 Flewry, Frank. 4714 & July 28 Rushlow, John... 4712 3 | July 17 Knowlton, Moses A... 4706 8 Jupe 2:3 Rockwell, William W.. 4716 26 Aug. 4 Knowlton, Harry H.. 4720 8 Sept. 16 Rockwell. Wesley M... 4718 9 Aug. 24 Murray, Oliver 4704 21 May 31 Shambo, Harrison C.. 4717 8 Aug. 2! Macomber, Samuel M 4719 8 Aug. 26 Townsend, Patrick H. 4705 11 June 1 Provost, Loris N... 4703 6 May 15 Tremble, John S... 4715 13 July 31 Peria, Allen H... 4713 15 | July 24 Weatherwax, Isaac J. 4707 10 Jupe 24 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 268 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Burlington, Pt.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Second-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. Roberts, Philip Townsend, John Weatherwax, Thos. E.. Weatherwax, Martin E Wilcox, Watson B.. Wilcox, Willard G..... 4708 4702 4701 4707 4711 4714 8 June 24 2 May 22 6 May 1 4 June 7 7 July 10 12 July 13 Baker, William A. Bullis, James E.. Benjamin, Julio B... Bullis, David D... Bridge, Charles. Couger, Warren m Daniels, Philmona A Daniels. Lovis.. Daniels, Mitchell H.. Darrow, Bertram E. Flewry, Joseph R. Kane, Henry A Lapell, Frank D Manzer, William F Peck, Newton D Ritchie, George W 4713 4716 4721 4726 4727 4722 4703 4704 4705 4725 4720 4723 4710 4709 4712 4706 5 July 10 3 July 28 6 Aug. 21 5 Oct. 23 1 Oct. 25 S Sept. 8 11 June 1 19 Do. 7 Do. 10 Oct. 19 5 Any: 18 ñ | Sept. 8 7 June 26 Do. 7 July 7 1 June 4 Special pilots. Hammond, Edwin J ... Mooney, Morton H... Martin, Zeb.... Presvrey, Sarah H.... Richardson, Charles E. Terrey, George E 4728 4719 47:54 4715 4718 4717 Nov. 6 3 Aug. 17 5 Sept. 27 8 July 19 2 July 31 6 July 28 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Burlington, Tt. Bissell, Randall M.. Barrett, Julius. Benton, Leicester F. Broomhall, William. Bronner, Charles Dalrymple, George H. Griswold, David C.. Hoag, Thomias Hitchcock, Cassius M. Holbrook. William B Hale, Allen L... 1755 1760 1766 1708 1771 175+ 1765 1751 1 1758 1770 1772 6 July 1 Lesliu, Joseph C 3 July 16 Marron, Owen. 7 Aug. 7 Miller, John E 3 Ang. 13 Miller, Seth O... 4 Oct. ) Nichols, Albert 1 June 25 Papineaui, Solomon 2 dug. 7 Presbrer, Oliver S.. May 21 Perkins, Benn. B. 2 July 13 Schwartz, Charles W 3 Sept. 11 Van Schaick, Albert G. 2 Oct. 15 Williams, Judd. Å.. ܗ ܢ ܝ ܬܕ ܟܬ ܟ 9ܬ 1756 1753 1763 1764 1752 1757 1761 1762 1767 1769 1759 7 July 1 1 June 24 2 2 July 28 6 July 31 1 June 9 ! 7 July 8 ö ! July 19 3 July 27 4 Aug. 13 21 Aug. 21 3. July 13 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Burlington, Tt. Ohief engineers. Engineers in charge of steamers OJ 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. -7000 6008 6009 6011 6002 6017 6020 6018 6019 6024 6010 12 June 1 17 Do. 16 | July 2 5 Apr. 21 6 July 17 6 Aug. 26 7 July 29 10 4 Sept. 16 8 June 26 Aug. 7 Arquette, Joseph Blair, Peter. Brau, Joseph Cole, Fred Dionne, Peter Dood, Joseph Dague, Clement. Derome, Roger. Dougherty, James Farant, Peter Fromm, Henry A.,jr. Gordon, Edward Goyette. George Goyette, Johu Goyette, Arthur Goyette, Joseph Laware. Suniel Matte, Peter. McDonalil. Joliu Prefountain, George G. Peria, Henry d. Peria, Edward Patoode, Joseph Peria. Allen H... Young, William 11510 11516 11518 11511 11504 11512 11515 11522 11525 11513 11523 115115 11506 11507 1150S 11509 11524 11517 11519 11501 11502 11503 11514 11521 11520 11 Apr. 27 Daniels, Fred L.. 25 June 14 Daniels, Lewis June 17 Flagg: W’ill E.. Apr. 27 Herrick. Wesley Do. Moony, Elias... 7 May 4 Macomber, Samuel M Juie 5 Olds, E. Everett.. * Aug 7 Pecot, Peter.. 15 Sept. 25 Stafford, Ira C. 22 May 22 Value, William 7 Sept. 14 14 Apr. 27 First assistant engi- 7 Do. reci 8. 7 Do. 9 Do. Bissette, Philias 20 Do. Duruin, Jolm 16 Sept. 16 Drogie, Ludger 18 June 16 Laclair, Ben 6 July 10 | Laundry, Willian A. ... 6 Apr. 3 Trembley, Edward.. 7 spr. 5 25 Apr. 24 Second assistant engi- 16 May 22 neli's. 8 July 24 7 | July 14 Archambault, Edward . King, Peter... La Clair, Antoine Matte, Peter H. Rabitaille, Hypalite. Special engineers. May 29 8 July 10 Breed, Dale L 11 Sept. 1 Bent, Charles H 10 June i jl Blanchard, George H 6004 6012 6013 6001 6015 6025 4 May 6 3 July 2 2 July 8 1 Apr. 15 6 July 14 2 Nov, 5 Engineers in charge of steamer8 of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. 6022 6016 6023 6003 6005 6 Sept. 8 4 July 14 3 Sept. 14 2 7 May 8 Apr. 27 Breeyer, Henry W .. Baker, William á... Barr, Allen E... Daniels, Mitchell E.. 6006 6014 6021 6007 3607 3613 3614 6 July 17 8 July 31 1 Do. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 269 Engineers licensed-Burlington, Pt.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of il license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Special engineers, Continued. Special engineers— Continued. Bump, John Forkey, William H Fisher, Ashton E... Hamel, Peter Hayes. Dennis Ives, Samuel B Jewett, Jesse B.. Laraby, George 3617 3615 3619 3604 3606 3605 3603 3602 8 Sept. 16 7 Aug. 9 1 (ct. 14 11 June 7 6 July 7 17 June 17 3 June 2 3 May 11 Medor, Charles Merd, Ed A. Miller, Charles T Martiri, Zeb. koon, George E.... Richardsoni, Charles E. Rogers, Willett E.. Terry, Siineon 3608 3611 3612 3618 3601 3610 3616 3609 5 July July 24 14 July 31 7 Do. 15 Sept. 27 3 May 4 2 July 31 3 Sept. 16 4 July 28 LOCAL DISTRICT OF OSWEGO, N. Y. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Oswego, N. Y. Name. No: of No. of Date of i license. issue.* issue. Nanie. No. of No. of Date of license, 'issue.* issue. 1,9 apr. 14 Anderson, Samuel V... Andrews, William F... Allen, James F ... Atkinson; George Bishop, Ira Bough, Charles Boyce, Flawley M M... Bovard, John. Burleigh, David S Borlanil, James T... Bertrand, Edward .. Brown, Harvey Brown, George R Becker, Calvin H Cole, Lucius C Capron, Charles. Cline, Sidney A. Christenson, Peter.. Clifford, George. Clark, Mitchell H... Charlebois, Alphonso .. Clive, Job E.... Cook, Elwiu M... De Beau, Charles Daniels, Charles H.. Doville, Henry Davis, John Derian, Lewis Daly, William J Doville, Charles T Ferris, Charles W ... Forrester, Erastus T Fox, James Field. Warren H.. Ferris, George N Fitz Gerald, Richard Griflin, William Goodrich, John W Gouid, J. Howard. Hollenbeck, Delos E... Hourigan, Daniel... Hurley, John Higgius, Martin .. Horrigan, Mathew Hallock, Artbur S Hudson, William C Holland. Micbael M. Hinckley, Coleman Hannil, David.. Joyce, Thomas J.. Kendall, Aldridge Kerr, John V... Kondall, Eli .. Keeler, Edwin S Lennox, William Lynch, Michael T... 10902 10925 10957 10964 10912 10915 1092S 10932 10970 10983 10985 10989 13301 13:302 10914 10916 10926 10930 10942 10919 10950 10981 10984 10909 10910 10956 10971 10990 10996 13304 10953 10902 10988 10997 13305 13307 10907 10940 10963 10901 10913 10917 10918 10924 10947 10954 10959 10992 13306 10911 10944 10945 10968 10974 10921 10923 10 Feb. 27 6. Apr. S 1,13 Jue 12 14 | July 1 Mar. 23 7 Mar. 2-4 S Apr. 14 19 Apr. 15 5 July 14 16 July 30 21 Aug. 13 34 | Aug. 1 2, S Oct. 25 7 Oct. 7 11 Mar. 24 7 Mar. 27 19 Apr. 13 16 Apr. 22 1, 12 May 22 15 May 30 28 July 28 15 dig. 10 14. Mar. 19 12 Mar. 23 13 June 12 20 July 14 15 Aug. 21 12 Sept. 17 11 Oct. 14 31 June 2 21 June 29 18 Aug. 20 13 Sept. 25 6 Oct. 18 30 Nov. 2 11 Mar. 15 1. 10 Apr. 22 20 July 1 13 Jap. 13 13 Mar. 23 10 Mar. 29 10 Do. 10 Apr. 6 8 May 21 17 June 2 10 June 23 7 Sept. 3 20 Oct. 19 1,10 Mar. 23 18 May 3 1,11 May 4 15 July 10 19 July 17 11 | Apr. 1 17 Apr. 5 Jeonard, Thomas Langan, James Leonard, William.. Lyon, David H.. Lörelace. Joseph Massey, Jolin.. McDowell, John L.. Murphy, Daniel. McGrath, Patrick J Miller, Andrew H Martin, John J McCauley, Henry Mullin, Thomas. Millen, Abner D Manwarring, Hiram C Morley, Martin H. Montigue, Arthur. Normand, James E Norton, Charles E O'Neil, Frank.. Preston, Job R Plumb, William H Pappa, James Perry, Albert N Plumb, Lewis R Phelps, Frauk ... Powers, Edward... Quigley, John... Richarison, William A. Richards, George A.. Russell, William A Ripsom, Charles H Richardson, Charles A. Rees, Chester VV Read, Dyer C.. Richard, Joseph Reed, Särilis A Spence, William Slay, William Sheley, William W Shay, Ellward B. Sylvain, Peter Slate. Chester D Sarunders, Joseph. Stalker, Duncan Sheley, George. Tower, Jolin Taylor, James Talboti, George E Visger, Harmonius W. Visger, Walter L Visger, Elisha W Wilson, James G. Wickham, Frederick C. Westcott, Wilson H... Wait, William. 10931 10936 10972 10977 10995 10905 10920 10933 10941 10948 10955 10958 10967 10978 10980 13311 13312 10929 13308 10976 10906 10935 10939 10952 10979 10986 11000 10946 10904 10908 10927 10938 10973 10975 10982 10991 10993 10919 10934 10937 10960 10966 10994 10998 13309 13310 10922 10943 109.99 10961 10965 10987 10903 10951 10969 13303 28 Apr. 15 6 A pr. 19 28 ! July 15 17 | July 22 10 | Sept. 11 7 Mar. 12 12 Dilar. 31 26 Apr. 16 10 4 pr. 22 13 May 21 1 Juie 7 14 June 23 25 July 2 15 July 22 33 July 26 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 15 Apr. 14 22 Nov. 6 14 July 22 14 Mar. 15 1,14 Apr. 17 25 Apr. 20 12 June 2 21 July 26 3 Aug. 20 24 Oct. 2 11 May 15 Mar. 4 10 Mar. 17 15 Apr. 13 5 Apr. 19 23 July 15 19 July 19 17 | July 30 31 Sept. 2 13 Sept. 7 1,8 Mar. 31 27 Apr. 16 8 Apr. 19 11 June 26 11 July 2 14 Sept. 10 15 Sept. 29 13 Nov. 8 7 Dec. 2 3 5 Apr. 3 5 Apr. 30 15 Oct. 1 16 June 28 9 July 1 18 Aug. 20 5 Mar. 4 12 May 30 21 | July 10 27 Oct. 11 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grades. 270 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Oswego, N. Y. Name. ! No. of No. of Date of license. Lissne. issue. Nanie. No. of No.of Date of license. ! issue. issue. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. Apr. 26 Andrew's, Frank M Anal, John C Bracken, Thomas Boyce, Clark S. Baltes, John J Buoker, William. Bain, Charles P.. Byrne, James. Cupperball, Ira Doyle. Edward Denner, James H. Deryan, Henry Dana, Francis Denver, Charles E Ellis, Edward.. Ellis, Jasper Gibson, James Gleason, Ralph W.. Griffiu, Siduey Griffin, Charles C.. Gallagher, John Hamil, Michael Halloran, John.. Hughes, Patrick Hourigan, Philip Eurley, Patrick Howard, Clareuce N Hogan, Patrick Hudson, Chester L Hoadley, John Hvadley, Thomas Hayden, William B.... Johnston, Heury S.... Klock, Everett Kendall. Hrank. Lennox, Joseph. Murphy, Joli F McCori). James Marshall, Millard R Monarch, Frederick Nutting, Ralph E. Percy, Sidney S l'attray, Janies W Smith. William A Scott, William J Story, William J. Story, William F Spencer, William W. Signor', Gus. Smith, John Thompson. David... Whitney, Edward 0. Woods, Thomas Webber, Henry E... Williams, George Williams, Frank. Wipmill. William. Wells, Charles.. Webber, Henry Wagoner, David Wright, Charles . Yeckley, George A 461.5 4625 4605 4618 4619 4641 4658 4660 4654 4607 $6.10 4642 4651 4659 4629 4655 4603 4608 4639 4648 1653 4606 4611 4612 4613 4614 4616 4634 4638 4645 4647 4650 4635 4602 4644 4649 4631 4632 4636 4652 4601 4630 4643 4609 4621 4623 4628 4656 4657 4661 4604 4617 4620 4624 4626 4627 4633 4637 40:40 4646 4662 4622 15 Mar. 27 Crouch, Wilbur. 7 Comstock, Thomas H.. S Feb. 23 Clooney, Michael 3 .Apr. 5 Collis, Thomas E.... 21 spr. 7 Charlebois, Eli.. 12 July 19 | Cupperna], William C. S Oct. 15 | Crimmins, Thomas... 24 Nov. 2 Connelly, Johu A.. Sept. 9 Dodds, John H... 7 Mar. 12 Donovan, jerome E. 5 Mar. 19 Dingnan), Robert E... 16 July 28 Duclon. Andrew C.... 15 Aug. 27 Doyle, Edward... 14 Oct. 19 Dingman. John H 7 June 2 Duclon, Daniel. 16 Sept. 21 Desmore, Franklin D.. 2 Feb. 5 Desmore, Frank 7 Mar. 16 Elliott, Harvey 15 July 14 Evaris, Man ville W.. 16 log. 13 | Polyes, Willia111 M 8 Sept. 3 Fleminy. George P..... 5 Feb. 27 Flanders, Willie J 9 Mar. 2: Fagan, John 10 Do. Fleming, Philip. 9 Mar. 27 Forrester, George S.... 8 Do. Gallagher, Frank 5 Do. Grittin, Henry H. 12 Jue 29 Griffin, Steplien. 13 July 12 Gardner, Willard D.... 18 July 30 Eleagerty, Timothy 16 dug. 8 Hanley, Frank. 15 Aug. 24 Hart, Lawrence M. 14 Junie 29 Heagerty, Jolin. 5 Feb. 5 Hatch, Jouu W. 15 July 30 Hart, Morgan P 13 Aug. 13 Hunt, Cornelius H.... 13 June 21 Hart, Patrick... 18 Do. Hulse, Charles E. 10 July 1 Hungerford, De Witt. 11 Aug. 30 | Joyner, Fred .. 2 Jan. 13 Kendall, Charles H. .... 11. June 2 Leonard, Michael A 15 July 30 Lafleur, Henry.. 13 Mar. 18 Longton, John S. 17 Maloney. Ellward. 10 Apr. 22 McClary, John. 17 May 11 McGuire, Thomas 8 Sept. 29 McCord, Joseph 11 Oct. 2 Martin, Robert J 8 Nov. 3 Marshall, Maurice A 9 Fel). 15 Miller, Silas W. 5 Apr. 3 Melody, James. 14 McDonald. Alexander 9 Naslı, James B... 11 Nuun, Joshua M. 12 May 5 Porter, Charles G. 9 June 28 Russell. Herbert M. 9 July 1 Rusco, Frederick A. 16 July 16 Robbins, Edmund M... 17 Aug. 4 Robbins, George M. 18 Dec. 7 Robbins, Eldridge G... 10 Apr. 19 Reardon, Timothy Root. Walter A.... Reardon, Cornelius Seeley, William A 3 Apr. 19 Smith, Wallace E. 5 Mar. 30 Slate. William 20 Apr. 24 Smitli, Silas a 11 May 3 Scott, William. 8 July 12 Vinceut, Elmer D.... 14 July 16 Vorce, Aubrey D 15 July 22 Von Dreeser, Milton ... :) July 28 Williams, Marshall B.. 6 aug. 3 White, Harry M. 9 Whalen. Cornelius. 15 A 19. 20 Weller, Charles F... 2 Feb. 8 Wells, Starr S 10 June 12 Weller, George 4652 4658 4662 4692 4699 6$11 6815 68:7 4608 4624 4633 4650 4660 4663 6809 6826 6829 6817 6818 4611 4686 4689 4697 6805 6813 4634 4659 4664 0814 4609 4614 4615 4618 4631 4635 4661 4684 6828 6832 +6:45 0810 .4628 4653 4694 4610 4616 4619 4627 46.44 4670 6801 6807 6833 4646 6821 4656 4604 4626 4673 4677 4693 4695 6808 6819 4601 4666 6820 6824 6831 4617 4620 4649 4602 4623 4629 4655 4657 4682 6 June 21 16 June 28 4 | July 1 9 Ing. 8 6 Aug. 20 15 Sept. 1 13 Sept. 7 8 Oct. 28 1 Feb. 11 4 Apr. 3 1 Apr. 28 16 June 21 S June 29 16 | July 1 15 Aug. 27 3 Oct. 12 6 Oct. 28 11 Sept. 8 1 Sept. 11 1 Mar. 1 10 July 30 1 Aug. 5 5 Aug. 20 5 Ang. 23 11 Sept. 2 7 May 3 11 Juie 28 15 July 2 14 Sept. 3 6 Feb. 20 ti Mar. 11 7 Mar. 12 13 Mar. 22 9 Apr. 23 9 May 3 11 June 29 24 July 28 2 Oct 28 2 Nov. 17 2 June 5 4 Aug. 28 2 Apr. 15 8 June 21 8 Aug. 8 1 Feb. 26 5 Mar. 12 10 Mar. 23 2 Apr. 14 5 June 3 13 July 12 12 Aug. 20 13 Ang. 24 13 Dec. 14 12 June 12 17 Sept. 18 6 June 23 3 3 9 Apr. 7 20 July 14 8 July 19 1:3 Ang. 8 8 Aug. 13 10 Aug. 27 12 Sept. 13 7 Jan. 20 13 July 12 5 Sept. 16 8 Sept. 28 5 Nov. 8 Mar. 20 1 Mar. 27 11 June 14 2 Jan. 21 2 pr. 1 2 Apr. 24 10 June 26 11 June 23 12 | July 18 Apr. 15 Apr. 15 el pr. 24 Apr. 30 Feb. Second-class pilots. Austen, Frederick Burnell. Reuben A., Buys, Henry Baltes, Peter J Burtch, Chauncey 1 Bolton, John N Benson, Gilford Bell, Jolm J Browu, William H.. Burtchi, Willard S Brailford), Henry. Coad, George B Comstock, John M.. 4630 4021 4632 4636 4669 4676 4680 4683 4687 4696 6802 4607 4647 Aug. 14 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 271 Pilots licensed--Oswego, V. F.-Continued. Name. . No. of No. of Date of liveuse. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots-- Continued. Special pilots—Cont'd. Wendurne, William H. Wagoner, Edgar G. Woods, John D. Wilson, Alexander 1698 080+ 6823 6830 3 Special pilots. Allen, Villiam D. Brewer, William H. Becker, Walter... Connell, Jeremial, jr.. Counors, John H... Coinstock, Fred. Clark, Alson E.. Chamberlain, Fred kW Davis, Willard.. Davis, Lither G. Estes, Byron J.. Flanders, JobnH. Field, Alvin H.. Gongli, Lilward Gardner. George L.. Hunt, Fitz M... 4671 4642 6825 605 4613 4622 4679 4088 4039 4681 6806 4625 1675 4603 4690 4674 5: Aug. 20 Hnley. Charles 17, | Aug. 23 , Hydle, Henry. N 5 Sept. 28 Igoe, Edward J.. Nov. 2 Littleur, Charles Leyarc, andrew A.. Lewis, Marie B Lanion, Williamı 7 July 14 Leats, Frederick 1 June 2 Massey, William B 7 Oct. 7 Nuu, Willian U... 1 Feb. Rees, William H. 4 Mar. 8 Smith, Andrew J.. 1 Mar. 31 Scott, John 0 July 22 Smith, Peter.. 6 du 3 Snyder, Edward G.. 5 | May 31 Snider, George W 5 July 22 Snyder, Edward G.. 7 Any: 23 Taylor, James A.. 8 Apr. 6 Vetter, August, jr 3 July 16 Walkius, Jared L. 5 Jan. 29 Wagoner, Jacob P.... 5 Aug. 5 Wagoner, George S.... 5 July 14 6816 6829 4640 4606 4654 4067 4700 6812 4641 4691 6803 4612 4638 4643 4651 4668 4672 4035 1665 4637 4648 4678 8 Sept. 8 11 Sept. 25 10 May 31 8 Feb. 8 6 June 23 7 Juils 12 Aug. 20 7 Sept. 1 5 June 2 6 Ang. 5 7 Aug. 21 2 Mar. 3 4 May 30 5 June 2 2 June 21 5 July 12 6 July 14 9 July 30 6 July 3 1 May 12 * June 12 9 July 22 Joint pilots and engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897–Oswego, N. Y. pe ero Bellinger, George Briggs, Walter Cunningham, John T.. Chandler, Herbert G... Crawe, J. Mortimer, jr. Doyle, Peter E.. Hall, George H. Lord, Morris S.. 1702 1714 1710 1713 1715 1703 1712 1706 6 Apr. 10 3 Sept. 1 3 Jlily 28 7 Aug. 20 6 Sept. 8 Apr. 12 3 July 31 4 July 22 Lori, Charles N Loebs, Fred C. Porte, Albert R.. Rogers. Samuel Snith, D. F Saxe, Willard E.. Taylor, James A. Wilder, Frank S.. 1709 1716 1707 1704 1701 1708 1711 1705 3 July 26 5 Sept. 21 5 Jnly 22 1 June 2 2 Jan. 26 6 July 22 6 July 30 1 June 29 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Osuego, N. Y. Chief engineers (in- lanc). Chief engineer's (in- land)-Continued. - Axtell, Spencer T. Bradway, Edward W Bowley, Jolin Bishop), William H. Bascom, Tilliam T Chestnut, Robert, jr Cronley, Rollert. Cline, Albert E Carter, Jolin D... Calcott, William W... Doyle, Daniel JI Dickson, Jolin F Derry, William H.. Duquette, John Ellis, Jasper Farrel, Barney T Fitzgerald, John F Field, Dewit (.. Fox, James Gillie, Javies.. Graves, a bram J Gale, Irodurick. (rady, Thomas Goodheart, Hugh Houghton, Albert D... Hoftian. Frank Hammond, Irvin D Higgins, Farris. Hallda. David. Hess, Earl A.. Jarred, Jolin. i1437 11420 114129 11436 11440 11-105 11416 11428 1 1433 11447 11407 11413 11431 11448 1.1441 11:04 11408 11123 11432 11414 114151 11421 11439 11442 11402 11418 11130 11443 11445 11446 1114 i 21 Sept. 11 Lewis, Johu E... 18 June 23 Leight, Philip 9 | An 3 Lesperence, John 29 Sept. 1 NcNamara, Richard .. 16 Sept. 16 Munro, Davil W 1+ Mar. 27 McCarten, Charles 12 May 31 Nasl. Russel K. 22 | Aug. 3 Parker, Frank D... 20 Aug. 20 Perkins, Parlon T.. 16 Nov. 10 Ruise, Isaac.. 29 s pr. 15 Siunamon, David. 26 May 22 Tomlinson, John. 11 Aug. 20 Thompson. Sannel 31 Dec. 1 Trickey, Henry C 23 Sept. 22 | Wise, William. 5 Mal. 12 1 Woodls, Joseph 16 Apr. 16 Wood, Jolm 13 | July 1 White, Charles .. 15 Aug. 20 7 May 22 Engineers in charge of 16 May 31 steainers of 100 lons 16 June 24 anil under', and over 14 Sept. 13 10 tons. 11 Sept. 29 15 Feb. 12 drtell, Freeman G.. 18 June 21 Belden. Herbert J 4 dug. 4 Bright, Charles W 25 Oct. 7 Byrne, Albert.... 17 Oct. 19 Brown, William J 15 Nor. 3 Bailey, William C. 11 Oct. 9 Brown, clonzo H 11403 11412 11.35 11417 11.25 14134 11449 11419 11427 11411 11401 11406 11410 11438 11409 11422 11424 11426 Mar. 12 11 May 7 23 Aug. 23 18 June 2 5 July 3 11 Aug. 20 16 Dec. 6 19 June 23 7 | July 26 11 May 5 10 Jan. 14 26 Apr. 14 34 Apr. 23 20 Sept. 13 27 Apr. 16 19 June 28 29 July 1 16 July 22 5915 5928 5937 5941 5980 5988 5998 2 dur. 27 7 Apr. 24 6 June 12 15 Do. 6 Sept. 2 16 Oct. 25 12 Dec. 21 272 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed-Oswego, N. Y.--Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license.issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons--Continued. Engineers in charge of steamcrs of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons --Continuod. Sanger, Richard H... Smith, James 0. Slate, Cbester D Scott, William Smith, Wallace L... Schollenberg, Charles Simons, Charles R Steel, Jolin L.. Stephen, James A Sborrow, Joseph . Stowell, Fred Thomson, James Tliompson, John Vallance, Robert... Vallance, William Visger, Harmouius W Willard, George E Willians, John K. Wood worth, Fred.. Wood, Charles Wells, Starr S Wagoner, Walter Ward, Fred. Woods, Henry Waite, Albert H. 5913 5932 5948 5951 5953 5957 5903 5968 *59821 5987 5996 5907 5992 5919 5922 5994 5929 5930 5931 5945 5940 5956 5973 5976 5979 14 Mar. 25 3 May 31 13 June 29 17 July 6 15 July 12 12 July 17 15 Aug. 11 15 Aug. 20 14 Sept. 20 18 (ct. 14 7 Dec. 16 4 Mar. 4 25 Nov. 6 13 Mar. 29 12 Apr. 13 17 Nov. 16 1 day 11 11 Do. 7 May 24 11 June 23 14 June 24 1.2 July 17 15 Aug. 24 18 Sept. 1 14 Do. Tirst assistant engi- neers. Cross, George, jr. Cerow, Henry J..., Connell, Johů. Cline, George M ... Cunningham, Andrew Capron, Frank. Carter, Charles M. Colu, Frederick Cook, Elvin M. Copliff, James Cline, Orvill W... Carter, Henry C. C... Cline, Clayton E. Cochrane, Joseph B.... Dougherty, Peter.. Dorsey, Thomas Draper, William E Denney, Joseph... Doane, Hiram E Day, George Dana, John F. Dunham, William H... Elniore, Alonzo. Forrester, Eben A. Farrell, John A.. T'arrell, Daniel V Francis, John B.. Garlock, John Gallagher, Henry Graves, Alfred 1 Gordon, Michael... Holloway, Fred N. Hollarn, Frank .... Hemenway, William D. Hammond, George W Hall, George H Jerard, Clark W Jardin, Rolla G... Keeler, Edwin S.. Keliher, Thomas J... Knight, Coruelius P... Kenyon, Lewis A.. Lovely, Henry. Letlur, Henry W.. Lincoln, Johu.. Lesperence, Alexander Lesperence, George Lewis, Henry A... McWilliams, Lorenzo D Morford, William R.... Marshall, James E.. Miller, Silas V... Navagh, Thomas Parker, James A... Rogers, William E.. Reed, George H.. Rega, Joha A.. Skinner, Nelson E Sampson, Charles P.... 5902 5908 5920 5927 5935 5950 5955 5961 5962 5965 5967 5972 5977 5981 5918 5934 5949 5952 5958 5983 5995 5997 5959 5905 5933 5960 598:1 5940 5970 5974 5989 5921 5923 5.975 5978 5999 5942 5985 5904 5913 5954 5986 5926 5938 5944 5947 5964 5969 5901 5906 5966 5971 5916 5939 5911 5914 5936 5903 5912 3 Jan. 25 1 Mar. 8 4 Mar. 30 18 Apr. 22 5 June 2 8 July 3 13 July 15 11 Aug. 6 15 Aug. 10 11 Aug. 20 22 Do. 11 Aug. 23 13 Sept. 1 13 Sept. 8 15 Mar. 29 10 May 31 14 | July 1 4 July 10 9 July 19 14 | Sept. 20 7 Nov. 23 17 I)ec. 20 16 July 22 14 Iob. 27 7 May 31 16 July 26 13 Sept. 25 15 June 12 18 Aug. 20 15 dug. 24 15 Oct. 25 18 Apr. 10 15 Apr. 13 13 Sept. 1 7 Do. 4 Oct. 25 15 June 14 9 Oct. 17 Feb. 27 9 June 23 11 | July 15 13 Oct. 12 16 Apr. 21 16 June 12 14 June 23 16 June 28 20 Aug. 14 11 Aug. 20 14 Jan. 4 Mar. 3 21 Aug. 20 14 Do. 13 Mar. 27 8 June 12 8 Mar. 12 2 Mar. 25 12 June 3 14 Feb. 13 2 Feb. 15 Burns, Patrick Donovan, James Dungan, James Findlay, William T. Fensom, Samuel Hyatt, Elijah L. Noble, James. 5924 5909 5917 5993 5999 5926 5910 6 Apr. 14 3 Mar. 9 2 Mar. 29 5 Nov. 15 1 Dec. 24 5 Apr. 15 3 Mar. 11 Ce ar Second assistant engi- reci. Browu, Marshall G 5991 3 Nov. 3 Special engineers. Apr. 19 Burdick, Frank B... Buskey, Henry Brown, George R... Becker. William M Cullep, Sarunel W Fuller, John T. Gardner. Warren D.... Grimm, Jay H... Lewis, Mortimer G Leach, Charles E Potter, Ephraim P.... Randall, Bert E.. Seymour, William Potter, Oscar . 3503 3505 3513 3514 3506 3511 3510 3512 3508 3509 3504 3502 3501 3507 2 | Apr. 9 7 1 Oct. 5 7 Oct. 7 5 Jun 28 3 Aug. 20 5 Aug. 5 1 7 July 10 3 July 30 2 A pr. 1.0 3 Mar. 27 9 Jan. 29 6 July 3 Aug. 23 TENTH SUPERVISING DISTRICT. LOCAL DISTRICT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--New Orleans, Lá. Nåme. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. 24 A pr. 13 Armstrong, W.D... Alexander, T. M. Ames, Fred Allen, R. W Applegate, Wm. Bergeron, J.C Blanchard, 0. Bachino, C.J Berry, J.G Brinker, H. J Barrios, Huma. Benson, George Burgoyne, J.M Brown, Chas. Blanchard, E.J Brinker, H. J., jr ... Burns, John Bisso, W.A. Boazmau, H.C Bryant, S. A Bell, John Bergeron, Felix.. Barrow, Eugene Bowman, W.J... Beck. Frank Burke. Tobias Comeaux, E.J Challoner, W.L.... Comeneaux, D... Cothell, Alex Cassidy, W.C Carbine, M. Cappeleir, J.O Collin, C. W. Charlot, E. M Colombo, B. Cramer, T. E... Caulfield, D.O Comeaux, R. J Cellos. TV Campbell, Wm Curtis, J. E Charlot, P. A Carlton, J. W., jr. Dainals. D), D. De Viard. F.T Doherty, Jolin Dillon, W.F Dowty, M. L Deniaris, Jos. Duke. W.A Delahon9saye, L. P., ji Dord, J.J Entriken, V.G. Elfbein, Robt. Foley, Michael Francis, M. W Fuller, H.L.. Grivot, A Gallagher, Pat... Griffiths, E Hibbert, John Harris, G. U Hopner, Wm Flanna, J.S... 574 -18 7286 7349 7545 7618 7689 7221 7245 7246 7252 7283 7325 7383 7396 7400 7444 7447 7456 7478 7485 7488 7506 7547 7659 7660 7692 7720 7243 7254 7410 7411 7423 7461 7481 7499 7532 7551 7559 7601 7667 7669 7673 7679 7681 7730 72591 7490 7516 7549 7614 7650 7653 7091 7720 7438 7632 7219 7431 7674 7280 7561 7604 7247 7371 7463 7533 4 Feb. 15 10 Mar. 27 8 July 17 17 Sept. 9 12 Oct. 27 14 Jan. 12 4 Jan. 23 6 Do. 3 Jan. 26 Feb. 13 13 Mar, 19 10 6 Apr. 22 7 Apr. 23 10 May 17 1 May 19 3 May 24 4 June 8. 16 June 12 18 June 14 15 June 22 1 July 19 6 Oct. 4 3 Do. 17 Nov. 12 9 Nov. 19 15 Jan. 22 9 Jan. 20 17 Apr. 28 2 Do. 1 May 4 11 Mar 27 8 June 8 7 June 17 3 | July 5 8 July 21 10 July 27 11 Sept. 1 4 Oct. 14 16 Oct. 15 26 Oct. 16 7 Oet. 20 20 Oct. 23 4 Nov. 24 20 Jan. 29 14 June 14 11 June 26 14 | July 19 2 2 Sept. 2 1 Sept. 27 8 Sept. 29 4 Oot. 30 20 Dec. 21 12 May. 13 4 Sept. 15 11 Jan. 11 18 May 10 4 Oct. 16 11 Feb. 11 8 July 27 1 Sept. 2 8 Jan. 25 6 Apr. 8 9 May 28 11 | July 5 Higbee, H.R Hine, C.T Haris, C.R.. Jones, W. S Jones, Im Kendall, P.F Kain, C. M.. Knee, Thos Kerr, Jas.. jr.. Kain, Warren C Ketchum, A. R Kelly, B.F Libano, J.C... Leitch, Jas Landry, J.T.. Lassen, Chas Lamb, Jas Lydou, M. B Landry, M. M. Libano, J.C., jr Leathers, F. C Leathers, B. D Lusk, Daniel W Leathers, T.P Lea bers, B. S. Lagrove, J. W Marullo, G.. Micbel, Gurs Micheals, A... McFarlane, T.O McChesney, W.H Marcy, F.P McGlinsey, W.H. Mears, A. A.. Mossop, J.H. Mavor, W.S McDermont, Wm Maurin, Victor Morrow, T.J. Nelson, Frank O'Reilly, P.J Olsen, J. M ... Onion, W. H.. Perry, E. R... Patten, William Parker, S. P... Pare, Chas Proliaska, J. T... Parker, Walter B... Powers, J.J.. Pizzati, Henry Phillips, IV. S.. Powers, J. W. Pizzati, s. Phillips, F.C Reber, Thos Roussel, L.J. Rivera. Louis. Rolaud, A. & Sweeney, T.C Sadler, IM Streck, S.S Sullivan, Andrew Shad, R. M.... Stegall, C. C... 7706 7727 7734 7271 7376 7216 7228 7307 7389 7419 7510 7616 7242 7270 7344 7354 7385 7398 7421 7500 7575 7592 7634 7638 7668 7775 7231 7237 7312 7361 7446 7466 7482 7491 7497 7626 7684 7739 7761 7738 7330 7382 7554 7220 7372 7373 7503 7534 7548 7563 75.90 7623 7654 7662 7705 7501 7536 7666 7770 7209 7212 7341 7343 7363 7460 5) Nov. 10 6 Nov. 22 1 Nov. 27 17 Feb. 9 5 Apr. 12 14 Jan. 9 12 Jan. 14 12 Mar. 14 11 Apr. 15 9 May 3 12 June 24 6 Sept. 8 24 Jan. 21 10 Feb. 9 20 Mar. 26 5 Mar. 30 8 Apr. 13 8 apr. 22 11 May 4 5 June 17 5 Aug. 13 4 Ang. 25 14 | Sept. 16 5 Sept. 20 19 Oct. 15 13 Dec. 22 4 | Jan. 15 2 Jan. 18 9 Mar. 5 2 Apr. 2 16 May 19 7 May 31 5 June 10 5 June 14 22 June 15 6 Sept. 13 4 Oct. 25 10 Nov. 30 13 Dec. 15 2 Nov. 30 16 Mar. 20 2 Apr. 12 7 July 23 12 Jan. 12 3 Apr. 8 22 Apr. 9 18 June 18 10 July 5 9 July 19 2 Aug. 2 15 Aug. 25 6 Sept. 11 11 Sept. 29 19 Oct. 7 10 Nov. 10 6 June 17 3 July 8 8 Oct. 12 13 Dec. 30 21 Jan. 5 6 Jan. 8 13 Mar. 24 8 Mar. 25 5 A pr. 5 11 ) May 27 273 274 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Master's licensed- New Orleans, La.—Continued. Namo. No, vf ! No. of Date ut license. I issue. issit Namo. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Sinclair, A. G Scovell, F. E :Squires, W. H Schriever, Henry Smith, C. H... Sewall, J.N.. Schultz, Oscar Shaw, Wm. Sweeney, C. H Stronbery, 7509 7543 7627 7630 7647 7648 7652 7719 7732 7748 5 Juue 24 3 July 17 12 Sept. 13 12 Sept. 15 9 Sept. 25 4 Sept. 27 6. Sept. 29 8 Nov. 19 4 Nov. 26 10 Doc. 8 Spano, John. Trinip, Martin.. Traverse, G. B Trousdale, A. P... Tredup, Fred Vorlees, T. K Wood, M.N.. Waldron, Thos Whitlow, Wm Youngblood, w. 7754 7520 7566 7751 7779 7457 7305 7660 7699 7570 2 Dec. 11 7 May 28 6 Aug. 6 25 Dec. 9 14 Dec. 24 20 May 25 22 Mar. 3 10 July 27 7 Nov. 6 6 Aug. 11 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31,.1897— Vew Orleans, La. Apr. 6 Alexander, W.B... verill, A. W Arroyo, P.T Albert, Alcide Aikman, J.B Aills, G. W Averill, Jos. Ahern. Jno dulic, Jas Arnold. T. W Bookout, G. W Belt, L. T Brown, H.T Brueuline, K. J Buskin, Aug. Boardman, D. a Boardman, J. Breen, Edw... Bell, E. E Benezechi, H. H Betz, J. IV Blakeucy, J. W Baker, Jas. MOC Brooks, I. W. Boubam, B. B Boardman, R. S Bisso, J.A. Benson, B. o Bowman, L. L .. Bird, A. Boccaletti, C. A Blair, Henry. Bachino, Jno. B.. Blanchard, M.. Barrios, R. E... Blanc, A.D. Blanchard, E. A Bell, Thos. J Blancbard, M., jr Barré, V.L. Birney, TV m Brunner, L Baldwin, A Brown, Jas Brentz, Albert.. Brown, J.B.. Berry, W.H. Brantley, E. J Boardman, A.P... Bishop, W. H Bromori. Peter Caldwell, S. B... Ciawford, im. Carlton, J. V Cryer, E. B. Cooper, F.M. Carter, J. Cary, V.S. Cooley. L. V Claycomb, Juo. Clark, Geo Craig, Thomas Cissna, W. H... Cisena, Edw Croall, David .:Claycomb, B. F 7205 7241 7284 7288 7291 7314 731.6 7327 7470 7495 7240 7249 7260 7267 7276 7282 7294 7298 7299 7300 7302 7309 7311 7313 7336 7351 7350 7360 1 7364 7391 : 7465 7493 7519 7636 7051 7658 7663 7670 7687 7685 7686 7709 7713 7716 7757 7763 7765 7769 7783 7784 7755 7207 7211 7218 7239 7263 7272 7296 7317 7320 7324 7334 7397 7404 7402 7412 ... 11 Jan. 4 Callıhan, Wilber. 24 Jan, 21 Connor, John 18 Feb. 15 Cooley, W. W 15 Feb. 16 Clemniens, B.R.. 23 Tel. 20 Cope, E. L.. 10 Mar. 6 Carter, H. M 26 Mar. S Cazedesus, A.T. 17 Mar. 20 Crittenden, A. B 23 Juno 2 Crothers, A. T 9 June 15 Constantin, Eng 25 Jan. 20 Caulfield, Jas 15 Jan. 25 Curry, T.C.. 15 Jai). 29 Campbell, T. W 16 Feb. 6 Cothell, Robt. 3 | Feb. 10 || Carrick, M.. 21 Tel. 13 Childs, S. W. 25 Feb. 23 Conklin, J. E. 17 Teb. 25 Church, Saml 2 Do. Cassidy, J110. 3 Feb. 26 Cox, Plato.. 1 Mar. 2 i Clark, J. E. 15 Mar. 4 Cooley, R. E.. 26 Do. Diurable, Eng 11 Mar. 12 Davis, Martin 16 Mar. 23 Damese, NA 16 Mar. 29 Dunbar, K. A 5 Apr. 1 Daigre, D 7 Apr. 2 Duty, W. W 6 Dorsey, E.N. 16 Apr. 15 Driskill, Nathl.. 23 May 31 Dezanche, Andrew. 15 Jue 15 Dougherty. Jno. M. 9 June 28 | Delahonssay, L. P 20 Sept. 18 Davis, J. T... 9 Sept. 29 Dully, J 17 Oct. 2 De La Hunt, J. V 7 Oct. 7 Dodil, E. H... 5 Oct. 1.5 Dowty, E.T 10 Oct. 26 Drupin, Philip 13 Do, Davidson), J.G 9 Do. Dumestre, J. B. 17 Nov. 12 Do Luca. V 2 Nov. 15 Dandie, Jas 27 Nov. 16 Dowty, W.A 10 Dec. 13 Davidson, A.S. 17 1 Dec. 16 Dorr, H.. 14 Dec. 18 Davidson, Jesse 17 Dec. 20 ! Etter, William. 11 Dec. 27 Erickson, Jas., jr 17 Do. Erwin, G.V. 25 Dec. 28 Evans, ivm .. 24 Jan. 5 Ensninger, D. W 17. Jan. S Eppile, Geo. 24. Jan. 11 Elferti, E. M. 25 Jan. 20 Einler T.J 15 Feb. 4 Erickson, Jas 22 Feb. 9 Fowler, J.C. 13 Feb. 24 Foril, J. E.. 22 Mar. 10 Fraucioni, Jos 17 Mar. 13 Farrar, V 24 | Mar. 18 Flening, IV.B 18 Mar. 23 Fearing, C. H 13 ! pr. 22 Flanagan, T.L. 13 Apr. 24 Finnemore, R. E 12 Do. Fortnis, H. R 14 Apr. 28 Futral, Saml.. 7429 7440 7459 7474 7475 7476 74.94 7508 7577 7593 7596 7595 7635 7642 7683 7697 7721 7723 7733 7766 7780 7786 7230 7234 7292 7331 7337 7340 7369 7375 7378 7395 7399 7415 7426 7435 7437 7449 7477 7539 7579 7580 7582 7614 7631 7643 7661 7217 7233 7274 7484 7609 7624 7633 7698 7749 7229 7244 7394 7489 7605 7608 7619 7678 7695 7789 24 May 7 20 May 14 18 May 26 8 June 7 21 Do. 1 Do. 3 June 15 9 June 23 15 Aug. 16 1 Aug. 25 3 Aug. 30 19 Do. 3 Sept. 16 20 Sept, 21 24 Oct. 25 18 Nor. 5 16 Nov. 19 14 Nov. 22 21 Nov. 27 13 Dec. 18 17 Dec. 27 12 Dec. 28 18 Jan. 15 19 Jan. 18 6 Feb. 20 14 Mar. 22 4 Mar. 24 8 Do. 18 Apr. 7 13 A pr. 9 12 Apr. 12 10 A pr. 21 24 Apr. 23 24 Apr. 30 9 6 17 May 12 8 May 13 7 May 20 8 June 8 25 July 13 15 Aug. 17 11 Aug. 18 19 Ang. 20 16 Sept. 9 22 Sept. 15 14 Sept. 21 16 Oct. 5 12 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 6 Apr. 9 15 June 11 13 Sept. 7 8 Sept. 11 9 Sept. 15 20 Nov. 6 16 Dec. 9 20 Jan. 14 5 Jan. 22 10 Apr. 21 19 Juu 14 21 Sept. 4 22 Sept. 6 11 Sept. 9 2 Oct. 20 22 Nov. 2 1 Dec. 29 May 5 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 275 Masters and pilots licensed-New Orleans, La.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. iss118. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. 14 T Green, C.J.. Gomellon, J.T Guess, W.H .. Gashia, Tos Galt, Henry. Gillen, Wn Guillot, A.O. Gersdorf, Gus Giles, A. E.. Guess, C.M M. Gaulden, G.M George, Geo Glavey, Jno. Grace, M.J Gavvett, A. G Gersdorf, J. F.. Glarey, Ben Guess, R. M. Gager, E. V Garland, Jas. Grant, R. H Guess, C. A Gerchow, Wm Hamilton, R. T. Hiner, D. A. Harper, S. P Hardie, C.F Halsey, T.P.C... Harver, H. A Hamilton, Jas Hawtborne, J. W Hymel, s Higbee, Chas Houlden, R Hopner, w Higbee, J. V Henthori, C. T Hanlin, Geo.. Hart, E. R Hayes, J.J.. Halliday, A. M.. Hanson, Wm Honeycutt, Jack. Hebert, W.H.., Hanover, Wm Hotard, A. E. Hooter, H.C Holt, J.C Hicks, J. G Horton, B. F Harvey, Wm Hunteman, Wm Iver, Michael Iver, Henry Irvine, J.F Jochem. Frank Johnsoli, Aug. Jolls, H. A.. Jackson, David. Johnson, M.L Jolinson, al Johnson, E. McC Jackson, C. M. Johnson, C. Jacksou. J. M Jay, John. Jacob, Olide Jones, S.A.. Kyle, Wn.. Komble, Frank Knight, G. W Ꮃ . Kennedy, G. W Kaeker, C. W. Komis, M. H. Kahler, Fred. Kell, S. M. Kouns, L. E.. Kemy, M. F Kouds, John. Krogsgard, J.D Kouns. C.S... Kranz, Frank. Lanier, J. A 7215 7287 7289 7329 7332 7350 7362 7401 7417 7428 7471 7504 7525 7544 7558 7672 7676 7680 7725 7728 7741 7752 778) 7213 7262 7313 7323 7333 7338 7357 7358 7388 7392 7416 7463 7486 7487 7512 7518 7553 7573 7588 7597 7620 7628 7724 7735 7747 7755 7764 7767 7790 7210 7383 7610 7224 7226 7359 7384 7502 7562 7556 7567 7585 7589 7602 7621 7637 7328 7345 7348 7406 7439 7454 7492 7535 7555 7606 7613 7629 7704 7708 7235 13 Jan. 9 Lumbard, V.M 14 Tel. 15 Lange, H. L. 4 Feb. 18 Leland, H... 17 Mar. 20 Lawson, C.H.. 23 Mar. 23 Lowden, R.J 25 Mar. 27 Lewis, J. W 17 Apr. 3 Laffler, Wm. 7 Apr. 24 Lynch, W. H... 10 May 1 Luckett, R.. 20 May 6 Ledbetter, T.G. June 5 il Lewis, J. H 15 June 22 Leslie, Geo. 16 | July 1 Lewis, Jno. 8 July 17 Lee, Christie A. 23 July 27 Lo Gendre, P.T 15 Oct. 16 Lamb, Y. W 2 Oot. 18 Little, A.D.C... 11 Oct. 21 Levine, J.D 26 Nov. 22 Leonard, John 14 Nov. 23 Loviza, John. 18 Dec. 1 Marsb, Jas. H... 16 Dec. 9 McCormick, A.. 12 Dec. 27 McNeeley, E.P. 10 Jan. 8 McElroy, E.P 20 Feb. 1 McSweeney, M 4 Mar. 6 | Morgan, Joseph 17 Mar. 18 Morse, M. A 25 Mar. 23 Moore, C. W 3 Mar. 24 Masson, C.P 19 Apr. 1.' Michell, Ben. 22 Apr. 2 McCord, R 9 Apr. 15 McLaughlin, C. W 3 Apr. 17 Muir, J.D... 26 May 1 Meynier, Chas 9 May 28 Miller, Jerry. 24 June 12 McCarty, L.S... 11 Do. McLaughlin, Jno 15 June 25 McLellan, G.M 23 | June 28 Migand, L. C.... 17 July 22 Morrisey, Patrick 25 Aug. 12 Morgan, Geo. 12 Aug. 23 Meloche, s 3 Ang. 31 MONeely, M.R 7 Sept. 10 Marsh, GR 27 Sept. 14 Miller, Aug 15 Nov. 22 Martin, Louis... 11 Nov. 27 McCloskey, Wm 21 Dec. 6 Miller, W.A 1 Dec. 11 Muggah, T.L 12 Dec. 16 Marattia, F. 15 Dec. 20 : Mead, J. W.C... 14 Dec. 30 Morso, Thos. L.. 26 Jan. 6 McNeely, L. B.. 17 Apr. 12 Mott, Chas. J 4 Sept. 7 McLarey, G.R.. 4 Jan. 13 McGuire, M 4 Jan. 14 Morse, T. R 24 Apr. 2 Monaghan, B 16 Apr. 13 Morales, R 22 Neilysel, Wm 17 Apr. 28 : Norriea, Nick . 7 | July 26 Nintz, d.F... 7 Aug. 6 Neilson, Neils 5 Ang. 21, Norberg, Jno. (. 14 Noonan, R. 11 Sept. 1 Ott, L. D 13 Sept. 11 O'Brien, Jas 2 Sept. 18 O'Brien, Jno 20 Mar. 20 O'Brien, J. B 25 Mar. 26 Onion, J.M., jr 15 Mar. 27 Oatman, T.J. 20 O'Brien, M.J 11 May 13 O'Pry, Henry 12 May 22 Ortto, Allen. 4 Jue 14 Ouion, J.M 20 July 7 Ottendorfor, F F.. 15 July 23 Owroy, E. C 6 Sept. 4 Otis, Frank 14 Sept. 8 Olsen, John 14 Sept. 14 O'Brien, J.F.. 24 Nov. 10 Plant, Robt 17 Nov. 11 Potter, J.G 4 Jan. 18 | Pierce, E.J 7257 7319 7403 7407 7424 7443 7507 7513 7517 7572 7591 7598 7612 7688 7701 7710 7729 7742 7758 7760 7214 7222 7225 7236 7258 7266 7268 7277 7275 7281 7290 7308 7326 7346 7352 7367 7377 7413 7432 7442 7467 7479 7524 7526 7531. 7538 7550 7557 7565 7569 7584 7639 7656 7671 7726 7731 7737 7773 7787 7279 7285 7365 7386 7700 7715 7204 7223 7256 7265 7315 7353 7422 7434 7468 7473 7530 7607 7611 7696 7718 7207 7310 7355 18 Jan. 28 16 Mar. 12 21 A pr. 24 23 Apr. 27 8 May 5 5 May 17 16 June 22 18 June 26 14 June 28 26 Aug. 11 24 Aug. 25 11 Aug. 31 12 Sept. 7 6 Oct. 26 12 Nov. 9 14 Nov, 12 13 Nov. 23 7 Dec. 1 7 Dec. 13 24 Dec. 14 5 Jan. 8 23 Jan. 13 25 Jan. 14 17 Jan. 18 21 Jan. 29 24 Feb. 5 11 Feb. 8 3 Feb. 10 9 Do. 13 Teb, 12 7 Feb. 19 6 Mar. 4 22 Mar. 19 22 Mar. 26 22 Mar. 29 24 Apr. 6 14 Apr. 12 21 Apr. 29 4 May 10 4 May 15 9 May 31 10 June 8 27 June 30 13 July 1 18 July 2 6 July 13 27 July 21 12 July 26 25 Aug. 4 24 Aug. 7 20 25 Sept. 20 19 Oct. 2 5 Oct. 15 12 Nov. 22 11 Nov. 24 1 Nov. 30 17 Dec. 21 8 Dec. 29 15 Feb. 11 11 Feb. 25 18 Apr. 6 16 Aug. 21 14 Nov. 8 8 Nov. 16 20 Jan. 2 23 Jan. 13 5 Jan. 27 15 Feb. 5 6 Mar. 8 9 Mar. 29 11 May 4 12 May 12 23 June 1 22 June 7 20 July 2 3 Sept. 4 9 Sept. 7 12 Nov. 4 20 Nov. 17 19 Jan. 5 11 Mar. 4 10 Mar. 31 } - Aug. 20 Apr. 17 Aug. 25 pr. 26 276 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Mastei's and pilots licenser.– New Orleans, La.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Apr. 19 Pierce, E. A Pulley, J.R. Princo, Jno Poiterent, S.R... Pardo, F Poitevent, Junius. Parisot, S. H.... Prince, Wm. Pugh, W.D Pearson, E. C.. Palmer, Emile Pugh, IV. W Pruyn, F.M Pettigrove, W.R. Porter, C. E. Pennywitt, H. M.. Perkins, E.... Pennywitt, Saml.. Perkins, J. W Perron, A.B.. Pierce, Alton Pujol, A. A Poitevent, John.. Quinn, Danl Qurant, Alex Quatreveaux, E.. Riggs, D. M. Roed, Robt. Reynolds, W.J Readman, S. C Ron, G.W. Rea. Ben C.. Redding, J.F Redding, F. A Roberts, J. W Roig, John.. Robards, E. M Rolfs, George Roberts, W.A Reddick, G. W Redman, Jos Russell, Robt Robiuson, John Rucker, E. A.. Rivenback, R Rogers, G. O Rawlings, R. G Roberts, P. M. Rawlings, L. C.... Robards. C. L Richardson, J.J.. Sonderberg, P... Simpson, W.B... Staples, Geo Sanders, D. A Spencer, R. Seaman, A.P Sanders, J. B.. Strand, c Sturtevant. J. A Seal, J.L Stevens, G. TV Starr, P.R.... Shaw, Charles D. Smith, M. G St. Clair, C.H.. Swanson, Charles. Swayze, J. W Staples, Robert 7368 7393 7409 7427 7430 7451 7455 7458 7472 7511 7529 7541 7546 7568 7576 7599 7615 7645 7646 7665 7664 7693 7783 7278 7452 7740 7248 7255 7273 7293 7307 7347 7381 7405 7408 7414 7425 7433 7523 7527 7537 7542 7552 7564 7583 7644 7657 7675 7690 7712 7736 7202 7203 7238 7252 7269 7274 7295 7297 7306 7343 7379 7418 7420 7136 7450 7453 7496 7528 10 Apr. 6 Swain, A.G. 24 Short, William. 14 Apr. 27 Sweeney, T.T 9 May 6 Schuppert, J. F 8 May 10 Southard, G.C 4 May 20 Sinall, J.T.. 14 May 22 Sheldon, G. A 19 May 25 Spotten, Jos 17 June 5 Sheldon, C. P 3 3 June 25 Smith, J.F.. 16 July 2 Seitz, Philip 9 | July 15 Scovell, N. 14 | July 17 Shinkle, WA 15 Aug. 6 Smith, Peter 13 Ang. 13 Storm, Fred 18 Aug. 31 Smith, J. W. 20 Sept. 9 Seese, G. V. 18 Sept. 24 Sargent, L. H 26 Do. Toryuser, C. E 13 Oct. 8 Thonias, A. J 11 Do. Trudeau, J. E.. 13 Oct. 30 Taylor, John 13 Dec. 27 Turley, W. E Feb. 11 Trunzler, J. A 4 May 21 Talbot, R.J. 17 Dec. 1 Tackaberry, C.N 15 Jan. 25 Tindel, J.M. 7 Jan. 26 Troxler, J. A 13 Iel). 9 Tremmel, Matt 16 Feb. 22 Tbeodore, N 26 Mar. 3 Unsworth, P 6 Mar. 26 Valley, Chris 15 Apr. 12 Van Schoeler, V 4 Apr. 26 Vaughan, H. D. 11 Apr. 27 Vogt, II. R.. 8 A pr. 30 Vincent. J. L... 16 May May 6 Wipp, J.B... 25 May 11 Watson, H.. 12 June 30 White, W.H.. 18 July 1 White, D. C. 15 July 12 Woods, T.J 15 July 16 Watkins, Henry 23 July 21 Welman, Geo. 7 Aug. 3 Wilson, Thos.. 16 Aug. 20 Wrigley, W.H. 8 Sept. 23 White. T. E... 23 Oct. 2 Williams, F. B 10 Oct. 18 Ward, E.M. 27 Oct. 28 Weaver, W. D... 9 Nov. 15 Wilson, S. A.. 14 Nov. 29 White, B.F. 20 Jan. 2 Williams, H. M. 2 Do. Ward, H. C. 24 Jan. 19 Wilkinson, J. M. 3 Jan. 26 Weaver, H. T. G... 14 Feb. 8 Wenzel, Wm. 8 Teb. 9 Vallace. C.T 12 Feb. 23 VVilcox, Edw 16 Feb. 24 Williams, J.J 26 Mar. 3 Wasson, N.. 15 Mar. 25 Willcox, W. W 6 Apr. 12 Whiteman, A. C. 14 May 3 Williams, P. H. 17 Do. Wearer, A. L.. 14 | May 12 Young, T. F. 16 May 20 Yancey, R. E 7 May 22 Youngblood, J. W.. 15 June 15 Young, J.F. 11 July 2 7571 7574 7587 7625 7655 7682 7702 7711 7717 7722 7743 7745 7746 7750 7753 7756 7768 7776 7201 7232 7386 7445 7521 7578 7640 7649 7703 7707 7760 7774 7617 7304 7370 7483 7694 7762 7206 7227 7250 7251 7261 7321 7322 7335 7339 7366 7387 7441 7448 7462 7464 7469 7480 7505 7514 7515 7522 7581 7594 7600 7641 7677 7744 7789 7264 7390 7498 7622 25 Aug. 11 20 Aug. 13 10 Aug. 23 6 Sept. 11 4" Sept. 30 13 Oct. 23 24 Nov. 9 16 Nov. 13 23 Nov. 17 12 Nov. 20 16 Dec. 1. 22 Dec. 8 Do. 23 Dec. 9 20 Dec. 11 16 Do. 16 Dec. 20 6 Dec. 23 11 Jan. 2 11 Jan. 16 6 Apr. 13 25 May 19 6 May 29 4 Aug. 17 15 Sept. 20 10 Sept. 27 21 Nov, 10 7 Nov. 11 24 Dec. 15 20 Dec. 22 18 Sept. 9 26 Mar. 3 10 Apr. 7 13 June 11 16 Nov. 1 8 Dec. 16 17 Jan. 4 13 Jan. 14 20 Jan. 25 16 Do. 5 Jan. 30 8 Mar. 15 20 Mar. 17 13 Mar. 23 25 Mar. 24 15 A pr. 6 6 Apr. 13 6 May 14 May 20 13 May 28 8 Do. 11 June 1 13 June 8 0 Juno 22 15 June 26 26 Do. 16 June 30 26 Aug. 19 21 Aug. 31 19 Sept. 1 18 Sept. 21 6 Oct. 19 20 Dec. 2 15 Dec. 29 25 Teb. 5 10 Apr. 15 4 June 16 3 Sept. 11 20 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New Orleans, La. Bonomi, Archille .. Goeldner, Curt Lacey, Thomas Murphy, F.H. McDonald, K. Mulling, Chas 1303 1309 1304 1305 1307 1314 3 Apr. 29 1 Aug. 7 10 June 1 6 June 22 2 July 19 6 Dec. 6 Newman, H.A... Nelson, John. Sherman, G. O Svendsen, N Thompson, E. 1306 1312 1302 1313 1311 6 June 30 6 Nov. 29 5 Apr. 2 3 Dec. 2 6 Nov. 23 - STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 277 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New Orleans, La. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots. first-class pilots-Con- tinued. Ansel, Christian Ansel, John Arbo, Walter Auter, S. B Andrews, Manuel. Andrews, Dimitry Aleman, P.G Bragard, Aug Behrens, Henry. Ballam, G. E. Batz, John W. Brand, J.N Bowes, John T.. Battle, T.J Bowes, Joseph Burns, Edward Baldo, Anthony Boyce, G. W Brower, D. S Barringer, James Berger, Charles Byuuu, W.J Baridivitch, Joo Blouin, J.O Baron, Geo Constantin, Eugeno.. Carter, II. M Cbatelier, Jobu Christensen, G. I Colombel, Joseph Cochrane, E.T. Creath, J.H Cook, Henry Coinson, L Duke, A. D Davis, Jno. C Doro. William Dent, James Damonte, J. A Dorsey, O. M. Eldridge, H. W Evans, William, jr Eckles, L.L.... Eckles, W. Fitzgerald, Nelson. Falls, Chas. M. Florane, M.R... Fielding, Barney Forgoy, Edw. Tº Fleming, T.P Fagan, Wm Frion, S. Falgout, M., jr. Fenton, A.C.. Fortins, M. M.... Gardere, Riviere.. Green, W.C... Gaslira, C.R Gillen, R. F Gilleu, John Gutierrez, I'lleo.. Gardner, W.E Gray, Chas. C Gormley, A.P George, S. B. Goldate, B Gianelloni, J.D Harrison, R. H. Holstein, J. H. Huffmau, J.E. Hart, Robt. E Herbert, R. E Heintz, B.A Holstein, KP Hayden, T.L Hanover, Wm., jr Flowell, Wm. M. Hicks, J. G 5011 5055 5060 5077 6123 6128 6140 5005 5010 5017 5019 5025 5029 5037 5054 5063 5068 5078 6106 6124 6134 6135 6147 6163 6173 3006 5029 5057 6108 6119 6120 6132 6168 6170 5043 5045 5058 5083 5088 5093 5040 5062 5097 6159 5001 5028 5032. 5046 5067 5070 5074 5098 6137 6146 6151 5023 5034 5038 5044 5089 6.1.10 6111 6114 6117 6127 6161 6171 5024 5036 5039 5047 5050 5053 5084 5087 6101 6126 6133 19 Jan. 19 Hopkins, C. L.... 19 Apr. 2 Hicks, M.J 20 Apr. 12 Iver, George 10 May 12 Johnson, John.. 5 Sept. 13 Johnson, W.D 9 Oct. 6 Jordan, wm 26 Nov. 0 | Jones, Wm. A.. 4 Jan. 6 Jacob Valsin. 17 Jan. 19 Johnston, J.A 8 Jan. 26 Joues, George. 7 Jan. 29 Jorden, Jno. W 19 Feb. 6 Jacobs, Camille 17 Feb. 9 Kroger, M. N.. 7 Feb. 23 Kilgarlin, Jos 11 Apr. 2 Kramer, Henry 10 Apr. 15 Koch, Emile. 26 Apr. 23 Kitterlin, J.D... 14 May 12 Krough, S. D 16 July 27 Lynch, P. B... 4 Sept. 20 Lusk, D. W.. 12 Oct. 25 Landry, F 19 Oct. 26 Loga, J. P 4 Nov. 18 Labarlle, PA.. 11 Dec. 13 Le Blanc, J. d. 26 Dec. 29 McHugh, M. W.. 10 Jan. 13 McNeeley, S. B 4 Teb. 9 Maitland, R.S... 6 s pr. 7 Mutz, W.H Aug. 2 McDowell, M:J. 5 Sept. 7 McCormick, Juo 5 Sept. 9 Monteith, G.B... 16 Oct. 18 Murray, A. 13 Dec. 22 Mayen, R 13 Dec. 27 Morgan, W. H 9 Mar. 8 Martin, W.R.. 5 Mar. 18 McNeeley, J.N.. 20 Apr. 7 Muta, G.A.. 28 May 20 Muntz, Cornelius 17 June 7 McNair, J.E.. 7 Juno 15 McKnight. Jas 15 Mar. 2 Miller, R.O. 6 Apr. 13 Newbill, W.T 18 July 8 Osgood; G. D. 9 Nov. 30 O'Brien, Wm 17 Jan. · 2 Pintado, A. V... 11 Feb. 8 Pintado, A. N.... 13 Feb. 10 Penney, W.C.... 5 Mar. 19 Puckett, E.S 5 A.pr. 19 Pell, Jas. T 7 Apr. 23 Pusey, E. E 4 May 7 Piorco, C. A 12 July 12 Phair, J.N 14 Oct. 29 Port.wood, P.B 2 Nov. 17 Portwood, R. J.. 5 Nov. 24 Pilson, W.J 5 Feb. 6 Radovitch, John. 5 Heb. 18 Reilly, T. G.. 5 Feb. 25 Rolls, W. A... 10 Mar. 12 Risher, F. L 3 Juno 8 Readman, WH 7 Aug. 13 Rolfa, Geo., jr 14 Ang. 16 Robisheaux, Edw 14 Aug. 24 Reynolds. James 11 Aug. 30 | Rearden. J.H ... 5 Oct. 2 Roa, J. K. B. 10 Dec. 7 Ramey, J.J S Dec. 28 Roberts, J.Q 8 Feb. 6 Rayford, w. A 5 Feb. 23 Robertson, W.T. 3 Mar. 2 Sottwoch, L S Mar. 25 Sadler, V.B 5 Mar. 29 Saunders, C. L.. 10 Apr. 1 St. John, W. H... 4 May 20 Spenco, W. F.,jr 8 June 7 Scurrioh, V 3 July 20 Schoenstein, J.T 6 Oct. 1 Trowbridge, C... 7 Oct. 20 Tinker, W.B.. 6150 6169 6104 5002 5004 5082 6130 6148 6153 6156 6162 6164 5022 5051 5059 5064 6105 6139 5013 5014 5027 5035 5099 6109 5021 5031 5042 5071 5072 5076 5079 5092 5100 6103 6113 6118 6129 6131 6145 6149 6152 5050 5085 5090 5009 5026 5041 5049 5060 5005 5095 6102 16123 6136 6165 5003 5012 5016 5048 5069 5094 6115 6116 6125 6139 6142 6154 6166 6167 5008 5015 5018 5020 5075 6107 6157 5052 5061 5 Nov. 18 3 Dec. 23 8 July July 24 35 Jan. 4 13 Do. ñ May 20 2 Oct. Oct. 15 34 Nov. 18 15 Nov. 24 5 Nov. 29 6 Dec. 7 28 Dec. 16 6 Feb. 4 6 Mar. 31 17 | Spr. Apr. 8 3 Apr. 16 4 July 24 16 Nov. 5 4 Jan. 21 10 Jan. 22 4 Feb. 8 2 Feb. 23 13 July 10 39 Aug. 5 4 Teb. 3 10 Feb. 9 5 Mar. 5 16 Apr. 21 25 spr. 28 18 May 11 1 May 12 10 June 11 7 July 19 10 July July 22 10 Aug. 23 5 Sept. 2 13 Oct, 14 5 Oct. 16 5 Nov. 16 11 Nov. 18 7 Nov. 24 26 May 12 1 May 25 17 June 8 5 Jan. 16 15 Feb. 8 30 Mar. 3 4 Mar. 29 7 Apr. 13 6 Do. 6 June 24 5 July 21 8 Sept. 15 8 Oct. 27 3 Dec. 20 6 Jan. 4 Jan. 19 6 | Jan. Jan. 26 2. Mar. 26 13 Apr. 23 6 June 21 10 Aug. 25 11 | Ang. 30 10 Sept. 25 3 ! Nor. 6 2 Nov. 8 12 Nov. 26 7 Dec. 20 11 Dec. 21 11 Jan. 14 10 Jan. 23 6 Jan. 26 4 Feb. 1 1 May 11 ņJuly 30 9 Nov. 29 14 Apr. 1 10 | May 14 2 278 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-New Orleans, La.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Second-class pilots Continued. Aug. 2 Thorgeson, T. A Tastet, E.C. Upson, L. A Wheat, J. E Walker, J.B. Ware, T. Z... Williams, Geo Weaver, E.S Walters, C.D Worley, J.E. Washburn, J.M.. White, W.I Young, L. F Yarbrough, J... 6112 6141 5007 5033 5056 5066 5086 5091 6143 6144 6155 6172 6121 6160 5 Aug. 20 16 Nov. 8 11 Jan. 13 3 Feb. 10 15 Apr. 15 7 Apr. 19 8 June 3 8 June 11 12 Nov. 8 11 Nov. 11 5 Nov. 27 6 Dec. 28 10 Sept. 9 10 Dec. 4 1 May, Eugene Ottendorfer, H. R Opden weyer, W.H... Parker, John Perret, Octave Palanque, S.. Reed, Wm. H Roberts, WE Redmann, T.. Rice, FA Ramoy, J.J Swayze, L. H., jr. Szoffer, G. V. Swayzer, Lucian . Tranchant, F. K Toerner, A. M Victoriana, T Valle, L. J Wagnon, H. D Waterhouse, C. L Wenholz, Fred 6422 5095 6403 5029 6415 6431 5033 5043 5070 6407 6419 5079 5083 6447 5001 5047 5084 6443 5025. 5028 5096 4 Oct. 26 1 2 Aug. 28 1 Mar. 20 4 Oct. 13 2 Nov. 8 1 Mar. 27 2 Apr. 22 3 June 7 2 Sept. 18 2 Oct. 20 1 June 23 12 Judo 26 2 Dec. 20 1 2 1 Apr. 26 2 July 6 1 Dec. 9 2 Mar. 8 5 Mar. 19 5 July 2 L Jan. Second-class pilots. Apr. 5 Special pilots. Apr. 13 Aug. 23 Ashman, G. F... Boyet, H. A.. Boyet, Jno. A. Bailman, J. F Blythe, A. W Bowman, R. B Bailey, W.L.. Bell, I. A Barbour, J.R Badeaux, F Ballam, P. W Badeaux, F. A Barbour, J.A.. Cothell, J.S. Coguenhem, M. Coleman.C. W Crane, W.W Cochrauc, H. A Dufour, J.T Den Vernay, N N.. Dalton, John. Dunbar, Sam'l.. Ehwalt, C Elfer, N.C Fabacher, L Frueil, at Futral, Sam'l Forgey, C. H.. French, W.A... Fortins, H.B Fueglein, John Gray, Jas. T. Greisman, F. V Gashia, R. L... Gotbier, M. E Giles, a. E... Grant, Chas Guiterez, H Gounetti, wm Harrison, W Haudy, G. A Hobday, Wm Hallberg, Chas. F... Helm, D. W.. Johnston, V.M.. Jopes, J. D.. King, T. J Knight, E Lively, Tobe. Le Guenec, P. G... Lee, Robt. E Lester, D. C... Lyon, J.L Miller, Neal. McNeely, M. C... Martin, T.J Moncrief, J.T McBride, R Moore, J.R 5937 5021 5026 5030 5035 5046 5081 5085 6405 6425 6426 6427 5099 5064 5080 5093 6423 6437 5038 5097 6411 6413 6402 6429 5062 5065 5082 5086 5090 5094 6424 5024 5042 5045 5055 6412 6414 6.141 6441 5008 5042 5888 6409 6451 5027 5087 5096 6406 5031 5032 5044 5092 6428 5040 5073 5089 5091 5100 6401 7 2 Feb. 27 4 Mar. 11 5 Mar. 22 5 Mar. 31 2 Apr. 24 12 June 23 6 July 8 1 Sept. 7 3 Oct. 28 5 Nov. 2 2 Nov. 3 5 Aug. 16 1 May 25 1 June 23 6 July 26 4 Oct. 26 2 Nov. 19 3 1 Ang. 4 11 Oct. 4 2 Oct. 6 6 2 Nov. 4 1 May 21 1 June 3 7 June 25 3 July 8 1 July 14 1 July 29 2 Oct. 28 5 Mar. 8 5 Apr. 20 4 Apr. 22 15 May 5 3 Oct. 5 10 Oct. 9 1 Dec. 4 1 Dec. 13 1 Jan. 18 2 Apr. 17 7 July 13 3 Sept. 25 3 Dec. 31 4 Mar. 15 2 | July 13 7 Ang. 2 12 Sept. 13 1 Mar. 24 3 Mar. 26 3 3 July 22 6 Nov. 3 10 Apr. 15 9 May 3 1 July 13 5 July 16 2 Aug. 17 2 | Aug. 20 Austin, Chas Agen, W.N... Brakenridge, C. E Brandt, W Browu, L. B. Bisso, Jos. Berendsohn, A.. Ballingham, G. L Casanova, J.G. Conrad, E. A. Collins, E.L. Cooper, Dan'l. Campell, Robt Christianson, J Constant, J, D) Ditch, E. E. Deitsch, G Duncan, R Davis, G. M.. Doullut, Mary Dammon, J. W Dedes, Nicholas Ellison, A.D. Fisher, J.C Hess, Fritz Einklo, W. H.. Kidi, R. E Le Normand, E Lory, Wm Lawreuce, Wm Little, Wm Longne, Chas. Learned, A.B... Miuke, Chas. Maikell, Wm Mouret, E. Martin, Myles, F. F.. McArthur, T. L.. Mullen, Jas. Marrero, TV. F. Opdenweyer, F.M O'Brien, F., sr. Peck, J. G... Pagregau, F. V... Pavey, C. L.. Rice, FA... Ross, J.L Rodrigues, E. J Rainey, Abda. Rusk, E. D.. Riggs, A. F.. 6417 6437 5009 5019 5049 6404 6416 6433 5011 5013 5057 5060 5068 6440 6450 5017 5056 5067 5074 0410 6418 6445 5078 5018 5010 5023 5098 5007 5012 5016 5050 5059 5072 5003 5015 5022 5039 5051 5053 6420 6442 5048 5061 5002 5005 6421 5006 5020 5036 5076 6446 6449 12 Oct. 14 5 Nov. 15 3 Jan. 23 2 Feb. 20 1 Apr. 29 4 Sept. 3 5 Oct. 13 4 Nov. 13 5 Feb. 1 7 Feb. 4 2 May 30 4 May 18 2 June 5 4 Dec. 2 3 Dec. 30 2 Feb. 18 5 May 5 4 June 5 9 June 10 5 Oct. 1 7 Oct. 16 2 Dec. 15 9 June 22 9 Feb. 20 3 Jan. 27 4 Mar. 3 8 Aug. 9 3 Jan. 13 3 Jan. 29 12 Tel. 15 4 Apr. 30 9 May 15 7 June 9 4 Jan. 8 5 Feb. 6 2 Mar. 3 2 Apr. 14 1 May 1 4 May 3 10 Oct. 20 4 Dec. 8 5 4 May 18 2 Jan. 5 6 Jan. 9 2 Oct. 21 4 Jan. 12 3 Feb. 23 7 Apr.: 5 5 June 18 4 Dec. 17 6 Dec. 28 . Apr. 27 Apr. 22 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 279 Pilots licensed New Orleans, La.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of licon88. | issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Special pilots-Cont'a. O Special pilots-Cont'd. Starts, C. E C. E... Stoke, J. W.. St. Amant, F. A.. Simonich, Victor. Smith, F... Stansbury, C.P.. Souter, D. Schlieder, E: G Szabo, L.. Snow, D. H.. 5015 5034 5052 5054 5073 5075 6430 6434 6435 6438 11 Feb. 13 4 Mar. 29 14 May 3 1 May 4 3 June 10 4 June 11 3 Nov. 8 4 Nov. 15 10 Do. 4 Nov. 19 Torres, T. Thomas, J. N.. Tschion, C.. Toups, J. O., or... Van Thompson, O..... Warc, Jas. B... Wicker, R. A Walker, Å.. Ward, Jas. B.... Willoughby, G. F 5063 5009 5071 6439 6408 5058 5077 6432 6158 6448 6 May 24 4 June 7 2 June 8 16 Nov. 29 1 Sept. 20 2 May 13 5 June 19.1 15 Nov. 13 3 Nov. 30 10 Dec. 22. Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New: Orleans, La. C Anderton, G. P André, J. L Beaullien, F Baker, H. B. Bissell, Jas Curry, J. A Churchill, E.T Carlin, Ross Dawes. H.C Escoffier, F.F... Frederick, H. H Ganey, J.A. Good bee, E. L... Helmer, N. A Hener, Alfred Kelly, Edw Lacroix, Jos Levert, A. O. Lawson, Frank . Little, J.M Morosi, A.D. 1866 1889 1854 1863 1879 1870 1874 1882 1852 1851 1891 1856 1861 1855 1877 1869 1858 1876 1878 1884 1853 3 June 8 1 Nov. 24 1 Teb. 20 4 May 25 1 July 29 1 June 11 2 June 28 31 Aug. 12 1 leb. 5 3 Tel. 1 6 Dec. 1 1 ápr. 2 4 May May 12 1 Mar. 10 1 July 21 4 June 11 5 Apr. 17 1 July 6 2 Juus 29 6 Sept. 1 1 Feb. 19 Marquez, W. E Moresi, A.P Moon, Frank A.. Millet, Albert. Plattsmier, J.J Perrilliat, Chas Rantz, C. F Rey, Edward Reynolds, F.F... Schwing, S. P. Sells, 0. P. Stagg, L. H Salassi, Jno. Ri.. Spypp, C. E... Sheets, Frank Spiller, Blass Tierney, E.J... Vittur, B. D. Woodsworth, C.S... Watkins, A. H. Apr. 23 1868 1871 1886 1892 1860 1890 1857 1880 1883 1859 1862 1867 1872 1874 1875 1887 1883 1881 1864 1886 June 11: 2 June 22: ī Oct. 1. 4 Dec. 14 2 May i 4 Dec. ] 2 Apr. 10.4 3 Aug. 5. 1. Aug. 12 2 1 May 20 1 Juue 1 June 23 8 June 26 1 June 29. 4 Oct. 13. 2 Oct. 19 1 sug. 11 2 May 26 : 3 Sept. 8. G Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—New Orleans, La. Chief engineers (ocean)-Continued. Ang. 3. | Olief engineers (occan). Atkens, Gus. Bernard, C. H.. Baylor, G. L Bolander, E. Brennan, P Baker, Wm Byrne, Patk Bowers, David . Beckett, J.R Brown, J.J Covert, E.. Carroll, Thos Campbell, D. M. Cunningham, E. Connell, J. D.. Case, C. W Deluhory, JnO Dana, C.A. Davis, F.C Duinn, Ed. Edelstou, Geo. Eppink, J. A .. Eastwood, C... Fullmer, E. B. Fell, A. G. Fenton, W.E. Garson, O.F F .. 7686 7512 7539 7549 7629 7721 7776 7857 7910 7938 7507 7581 7734 7745 7914 7931 7593 7674 7709 7919 7627 7672 7809 7592 7822 7863 7628 9 May 7 Guillot, A. O 13 Jan. 9 Gray, William 10 Jan. 23 i Green, V.G 20 Feb. 1: Gerner, Walter 25 Apr. 2 2 | Elutchison, John. 21 June 1 | Holland, J.M 30 July 17 Healy, J.J 28 Oct. 11 Housh, C. 28 Dec. Hackett, M 6 Dec. 22 Hall, C.B 38 Jan. 5 Hewitt, Jesse. 28 Feb. 26 Hayes, John 17 June 12 Inkster, John. 21 June 19 Jones, C.M.. 24 Dec. 6 Kelly, Thomas 20 Dec. 15 Kelly, A.) 33 Mar. 3 Logel, George 23 : Apr. 29 Mariner, James 11 May 24 Morris, John. 12 Dec. 7 Montgomery, W.B 16 Apr. 1 Mullin, William 28 Apr. 28 Morgan, David... 24 Aug. 12 Mayo, F. W.. 25 Mar. .3 McQuillan, Jas 12 Aug. 26 Molan, Jolie 18 Oct. 18 Morris, H. G ... 25 | Apr. 1 Madden, Jeremiah 7631 7664 7818 7865 7553 7555 7575 7615 7676 7799 7811 7936 7569 7824 7529 7531 7573 7557 7585 7614 7659 7720 7733 7756 7774 7784 7792 26 Apr. 3. 7 Apr. 22 24 Aug. 20 4 Oct. 21 32 Iel. 2 22 Tel. 3 15 Feb. 25 20 Mar. 17 23 May 1 15 30 Aug. 14 31 Dec. 22: 21 Feb. 20: 28 Aug. 28: 29 Jan. 20 18 Do. 25 Feb. 23 19 Feb. 6: 2 Feb. 27 5 Mar. 17 30 27 June 1 8 June 12 12 June 28 15 July 17 28 July 23 8 | July 30 Apr. 22 280 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed-New Orleans, La.Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue, Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engincers (ocean)-Continued. Chief engineers (in. land)-Continuori. C McCorkindale, Wm. Maller, E. W McKinney, E. B. Monaghau, B O'Neill, James O'Brien, M.J Pitt, John B... Park, E. H.. Pinder, Edmond Peterson, R. K Richardson, T. F.,.jr. Rowland, D.P Robinson, C.H. Richardson, G. J Smith, J. H Sadler, F. W Skinner, R. E. Lee.. Siilter, W. H Snow, R. H Shaw, A.L. Sheppard, amcs. Smith, Alonzo Sexton, P. B.. Taylor, J.A. Turner, Lawrence Thompson, C Townsend, B. F Vincent, Jno. II Valentinc, 1V. DI Whitmore, R. E. Williams, G. W Williams, C.C Woolf, J. H Wingrave, T.R. Willians, Jas Walter, J.L.. Weaver, G.J... Youngblood, V 7842 7859 7926 7934 7568 7680 7632 7769 7781 7893 7608 7648 7701 7725 7943 7589 7723 7749 7758 7916 7926 7944 7945 7501 7645 7825 7889 7813 7826 7556 7576 7630 7660 7730 7830 7875 7897 7801. Aug. 30 25 Sept. 21 Casc, Louis B.. 25 Oct. 13 Cryer, E. B 24 Dec. 15 Crane, Wm.. 20 Dec. 21 Con nois, M.J... 34 Feb. 19 Carter, Ernest 27 May 4 Carter, d. J... 13 Apr. 5 Cain, Jas. A ... 12 July 12 Clark, Lemuel 38 July July 21 Cox, Wilbert G 13 Nov. 19 Case, Abram. 15 Mar. 15 Christy, G. W., sr 31 Apr. 15 Cissna, W. EI 6 Mar 17 Cothell, Alex 10 June 3 Cole, W. E 27 Dec. 29 Childs, J. d.. 6 Mnr. 3 Coakley, Patrick 10 June 2 Cranmer, T.E. June 22 Cotic, Joseph 2: June 30 Carito, Raymour.. 30 Dec. 6 Camden, J.S. 12 Dec. 14 Claycoml), J.S 29 Dec. 30 Creath, J.H 25 Do. Clark, John. 29 Jan. 2 Cissna, Edw 32 Apr. 13 Dovine, Juo. J 13 Dalton, S. W.. 33 Nov. 16 Davis, G.M. 16 Ang. 16 Duty, W.T 32 dug. 30 Duty, M.J 13 Feb. 6 Donovan, J.J 25 Feb. 25 Dick, H.T... 15 Apr. 3 Duraud, Wm. 21 Apr. 22 Drake, Arthur 15 June 9 Dowty, Wm. S 22 Aug. 31 Doullut, M.P.. 16 Oct. 29 Dean, Benjamin. 33 Nov. 22 Derby William. 34 Ang. 1 Downing, I. E. Douglierty, Jas Davis, J. R. Delacroix, C.C. Etter. Willian 17 Dar. 2 Erp, Juo. C... 14 Mar. 30 Evans, William 24 May 7 Emler, T.J 18 Sept. 13 Ewing, L. 1.. 16 Oct. 27 Evans, s. W 14 Jan. 11 Faulkner, Flenry 33, Jall. 18 Farr, Frank A.. 13 Jan. 23 Farrell, Jno. A. 26 Feb. 16 Fielder, Hubert.. 32 Feb. 25 Frederick, Geo. 5 Apr. 17 Fortius, H.P 19 Apr. 27 Torce, El. H... 18 May May 3 Gonder, Augustus 6 May 28 Gibbens, W.J 20 June 4 Giblys, J.C 24 June 22 Gillan, John 29 July 9 Gerviul, Jolan 33 July 20 Gillispie, G. M 5 Aug. 4 Gould, Jno. W 6: dug. 12 Glover, J.M 23 Aug. 2: Glover, E. A 26 Sept. 6 Gillespie, C. A 14 ; Sept. 24 Guerlai, G... 28 Oct. 8 i Greisman, F. V 10 ; Oct. 14 Giles, A. E ... 23 Nov. 8 Girod. C.C... 26 Nov. 1] Graves, Isaac . 26 ' Nov. 17 Garrity, John 36 Nov. 23 Goti, C.C 10 Nov: 29 | Giles. A, E., jr 18 Dec. 22 | Grant, George 13 Jan. Goodwin, J.B.. 23 Do. ! Huthman, J. E. 16 Jan. 14 11 Hilton, Geo.. 7526 7532 7564 7583 7584 7596 7605 7619 7652 7653 7655 7662 7673 7711 7729 7764 7770 7831 7844 7858 7862 7866 7908 7941 7528 7543 7547 7580 7582 7598 7682 7699 7702 7754 7814 7832 7841 7843 7930 7939 7940 751+ 7554 7642 7683 7687 7724 7571 7613 7752 7783 7850 7877 7886 7504 7520 7530 7540 7561 7567 7586 7599 7610 7025 7641 7658 7677 7737 7761 7794 7815 7853 7868 7903 7505 7510 23 Jan. 16 11 Jan. 20 16 Fob. 15 14 Feb. 27 5 Do. 4 Mar. 5 17 Mar. 10 18 Mar. 26 7 Apr. 17 20 A pr. 19 14 Do. 19 Apr. 22 7 Apr. 28 11 May 25 29. June S 26 July 10 18 July 13 17 Sept. 1 6 Sept. 23 34 Oct. 12 11 Oct. 18 17 Oct. 21 12 Dec. 2 15 Dec. 28 23 Jan. 18 19 Jan. 25 10 Jan. 29 26 Teb. 26 18 Do. 16 Mar. 5 28 May 5 24 May 15 30 May 17 7 June 24 13 Aug. 17 31 Sept. 3 15 Sept. 20 22 Sept. 22 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 23 11 Dec. 28 29 Jan. 9 9 Fel). 15 Apr. 10 19 May 6 4 May May 7 29 Juno 2 15 Feb. 23 10 Mar. 16 31 June 23 16 July 22 16 Sept. 27 21 Nov. 2 24 Nov. 15 24 Jan. 4 11 Jan. 11 14 Jan. 20 Jan. 25 8 Tel. 11 23 Feb. 18 13 Mar. 2 34 Mar. 5 18 Mar. 15 29 Mar. 31 15 Apr. 8 11 30 May May 1 9 Juno 15 22 July 7 25 July 31 32 Ang. 17 8 Oct. 5 15 ! Oct. 25 37 Nov. 29 9 Jan. 4 22 | Jall. 5 . Chief engineers (in- land). 25 0 27 Aycı, J10. Jno. F F. dams, Chas. A1st, Jos. C dulil, A. S Applegate, Wm. Bell, Edwin Barry, Thomas Bacleaux, Thos. Bobb. Chirles. Berry.Jolin. Bowman, R. B Brooks, (i. H.. Brown, W. H Burton, R. HI Brennan, Owen Brown, Iv.s. Bommarius, F Blow, Jas. A Brandt, Wm Black, Wilbert Blaine. J.A... Berry, Jno. G Bed torr. Frank Bird, Mike. Baxter, Jno. W Bell, Jack Burke, William Brailbury, C. J Brown, Garrett Buns, S.R Bucklolz, Thos. Cunuingham, C.L Cooley, R. E Collios, Jesso ![ 7587 762-1 7689 7839 7871 7518 7527 7535 7565 7577 7651 7670 7678 7715 7726 7750 7763 7779 7802 7810 7819 7833 7846 7856 7861 7883 7884 7891 7898 7906 7937 7503 7508 75241 ápr. 20 ! + STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 281 Engineer's—licensed New Orleans, La.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Dato of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Chief engineers (in- land)-Continued. Chief cngineers (in- land)--Continued. 13 Dec. Jan. Joluson, Halton, W.T Hogg, G. E.. Hall, T. E Hartiens, L.C Hanaway, S. J Halliday, Jas. T Hendry, M. B Higbee, J. E Hannon, R. W Huyck, D. C Horan, Dan] Figbee, G. F Holmes, T.J Huyck, C. A Hefferman, J.S.. Howard, Jno. J Hall, A. V Horton, Saml Hatton, William Holden, Edw Harper, J. H Hymel, A. L Elutchinsou, R. R... Ingersoll, D. E Irving, Albert Irvine, W.J Ingersoll, Win Jordan, James Jeffrey, Robt. Johnson, 0. B.. Jemney, S.N. N Jourdan, A.S Johnson, N. E Johnson, Peter . Jones. F.P Jeter, S. D Johnston, J.P Kendall, P.F Kendall, G. W King, T.J Ketchum, E. E. Ketchum, J. E. Korbacker, M.S Knaner, Jno. N Kelly, John F. King, Tlios. F Keunedy, D. R. King, S. Ketchum, Jacob King, William Laughlin, W.J Laughlin, P. A Little, William Lawrence, W.P Lawrence, J. H Langhart, Jno. Lovo, Jos. J Meyer, E.F McNair, W.P McNair, J. E.. Miller, Henry. Murphy, Patik Martin, Edw McClain, Chas Mann, J.C.. Marsh, J.H Moore, F. E Miller, W. A McClellanil, J.L Magers, J. M MOGlinsey, W. H Mouton, Aleck. Newton, W.F Neal, John Niitting, Wm 7523 7566 7594 7618 7634 7643 7656 7667 7668 7691 7697 7743 7744 7748 7777 7804 7816 7821 7828 7 872 7896 7918 7921 7515 7705 7796 7913 7502 7517 7522 7559 7560 7621 7657 7661 7797 7925 7927 7513 7541 7558 7579 7611 7617 7684 7740 7755 7790 7793 7901 7912 7574 7766 7768 7773 7787 7835 7876 7535 75-15 7688 7716 7718 7741 7742 7753 7760 7782 7789 7795 7805 7860 7920 7544 7550 7597 13 Jan. 13 9 Teb. 17 18 Mar. 3 31 Mar. 24 15 Apr. 5 24 Apr. 10 13 Apr. 19 17 Apr. 23 16 A pr. 24 26 May 10 20 May 12 7 June 18 19 June 19 June 22 8 July 17 10 Aug. 7 15 Aug. 17 15 Aug. 25 20 Aug. 31 24 Oct. 27 35 Nov. 22 16 Doc. 7 24 Dec. 9 20 Jin. 9 18 May 20 12 Aug. 2 19 6 16 4 7 Jan. 11 28 Jan. 12 31 Feb). 8 31 Feb. 9 19 Mar. 26 17 Apr. 20 26 Apr. 22 27 Ang. 3 22 Dec. 14: 18 Do. 15 Jan. 9 17 Jan. 25 10 6 7 Feb. 26 24 Mar. 16 9 Mar. 24 11 May 7 31 June 16 22 June 28 22 July 28 22 Aug. 3 21 Nov. 24 37 Dec. 4 7 Feb. 25 6 July 10 25 July 12 13 July 15 11 July 23 16 Sept. 6 30 Nov. 1 Jan. 22 5 Jan. 25 12 May 7 9 May 28 28 May 29 11 June 17 28 Do. 13 June 23 10 July 6 9 July 22 20 July 26 15 July 31 12 Ang. 9 9 Oct. 13 11 Dec. 8 9 Jan. 25 11 Feb. .1 20 Mar. 5 Newton, WT Nichols, I. A. Noauan, Jno. I Udom, George.. Otte, Henry O'Brien, F., sr O'Keefe, Michael Peck, Nathan.. Perault, J.C Prince, George. Patten, S. S Peterson, C.A Peirie, Andrew.. Palliser, F.G. Pardo, F Powers, G.M Pilley, C. H Patterson, H. J .. Puckett, H.S Porter, W... Pugh, W.D.. Pierco, Alton Page, Robert Quinn, Peter. Reno, Z.T Roberts, J. W Rossell, E.J Rentrop, F.J Robins, A.M Rue, A.B.. Reid, W. W. Rochel, W.I. Raynes, C. N Rusconi, P. Rhodes, Jas. M Raymond, J.T Robertson, E.T. Smith, Jas. L Sanders, J.B Shropshire, M.L.. Smith, E. V Sypher, A.J Sammons, E. A. Sargent, L. H Stewart, J.G Scarborougli, Jno. Shaw, M. V Switli, M. H Sullivan, J. D.. Schroeder, Joo Simonds, T. A. Stegall, C. C... Smith, J.K. Stanbridge, C. Stiles, G. W. Scanlan, Wm Simmonds, W. A Smitli, J.M. Stowart, W. A Seese, W. H Smith, Chas Smith, W.R. Schweizer, C.F... Strucke, wm Sinith, T. M. Shad, R. M. Tindel. J.H. Tickell, Edw Trunzler, J.H Turner, B.F.. Tilden, Jos Tinker, T.C.. Tucker, Jas Unsworth, Peter Vernuelle, A. N.. Waller, Morris 7714 7739 7788 7537 7681 7704 7767 7519 7542 7590 7601 7622 7647 7679 7694 7703 7747 7765 7808 7848 7849 7855 7870 7650 7506 7671 7675 7735 7778 7837 7869 7882 7887 7905 7922 7923 7933 7511 7572 7591 7595 7600 7607 7609 7620 1 7638 7669 7685 7695 7706 7707 7713 7717 7731 i 7746 7762 7793 7823 7854 7867 7873 7880 7890 7902 7909 7924 7552 7712 7751 7772 7817 7851 7879 7836 7606 7516 5 May 27 16 June 15 10 July 24 20 Jan. 23 29 May 5 21 May 18 19 July 12 28 Jan. 11 20 Jan. 25 7 Mar. 3 29 Mar. 8 14 Mar. 27 14 Apr. 15 16 May 3 19 May 10 25 May 18 27 June 22 9 July 10 8 Aug. 11 20 Sept. 27 18 Do. 20 Oct. 8 6 Oct. 25 7 Apr. 16 15 Jan. 4 25 Jan. 27 7 Jan. 30 18 June 14 29 July 19 36 Sept. 13 23 Oct. 25 13 Nov. 8 23 Nov. 15 17 Nov. 29 3 Dec. 9 11 Do. 12 Dec. 21 35 Jan. 5 19 Feb. 23 28 Mar. 3 16 Mar. 4 7 Mar. 6 13 Mar. 13 13 Mar. 15 13 Mar. 26 16 Apr. 6 13 A pr. 26 18 May 7 21 May 10 27 May 20 19 Do. 33 May 27 8 May 28 4 Juno 9 16 Juc 21 12 July 7 15 July 31 16 Aug. 26 31 Oct. 7 22 Oct. 22 22 Oct. 27 22 Nov. 5 25 Nov. 17 23 Nov. 26 14 Dec. 4 Dec. 13 10 Feb. 2 22 May 26 20 June 22 7 July 14 10 Aug. 17 18 Oct. 44 37 Nov. 4 26 Sept. 9 26 Mar. 11 15 | Jan. 11 Feb. . 12 10 16 17 282 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineer's licensed- New Orleans, La.Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. ( issue. issue. Chief engineers (in- land)–Continued. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. White, B.S.... Wilson, B. G.. Waters, Jas Wilkins, Jas Weaver', J. S... Willoughby, D Wenholz, F Wadsworth, G.M White, David. Wright, W.A. Vbite, V. E. Wheat, J. H Withrow, R. B.. Wire, D. G., jr Yeardon, Thos. Youngblood, J. W Younger, J. A Yeager, Wu. 7525 7536 7588 7635 7646 7665 7732 7736 7812 7829 7885 7888 7892 7942 7570 7727 7895 7916 15 Jan. 15 6 Jan. 23 31 Mar. 3 33 Apr. 5 10 Apr. „14 9 Apr. 22 21 June 10 18 June 14 33 Ang. 14 27 7 Nov. 15 13 Do. 36 Nov. 18 3. Nov. 28 26 Hel). 20 21 June 24 Nov. 20 11 Dec. 6 Starts, C. E... Saucier, J. R.. Scadlock, Jas Smith, F Shultz, A. W Trice, J.F Tinker, V.B Torres, F. A Torres, T Toups, Taylor Torres, A. Virgin, L. C... Vincent, I Verlois, E.D.. Wood, Jas. C.. Woods, T.J... Winship, T. H Walters, Daniel. 7563 7578 7775 7881 7895 *7637 7698 7708 7710 7904 7932 7693 7738 7786 7533 7548 7626 7696 Aug. 31 9 Feb. 13 10 Tel. 25 15 | July 17 14 Nov. 5 6 Nov. 20 4 Apr. 5 7 May 14 13 May 21 12 May 24 8 Nov. 29 15 Dec. 21 8 May 10 16 June 15 16 July 23 15 Jan. 21 14 Jan. 30 14 Mar. 31 15 May 10 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. First assistant engi- ncers (ocean). Apr. 30 9/ J... Bell, Irwin A Bragard, Louis.. Baker, Adam Buller, Max Bookshier, C. O Benezech, H. X Bailey, W.L Conley. J. W Cavanina, E. L... Crochet, A. Clarke, G. A Dangerfield, S.. Daigle, M Dalion, Jno Eation, WA Eiserman, J Engerran, Chas Fisher, J.F.. Fortins, H. B Fortips. M. M Green, W.C. Gashia, Jos Gashia, R. L Gentlucci, P Gill, W. D Guidroy, L. Hathcoat, T Haley, Jno Hall, A.B. Henderson, D Hanson, Wm Harvey, Wm Heisser, T. P Himel, E.. Knight, G. M Koch, Stanley Leonard, P.. Longue. Charles Laws, H. A Le Blanc, C.J Little, A. DC McCaun, G. A. Morgan, R. L Miller, Neal. Moore, P. Monteith, W. L Osbourne, J.C Oston, Robert. Powers, J. E Redding, J.F. Rider, A 7633 7636 7640 7654 7692 7728 7911 7603 7612 7845 7935 7807 7834 7852 7602 7604 7690 7791 7864 7900 7534 7616 7663 7606 7810 7847 7522 7757 7780 7800 7820 7838 7874 7917 7623 7722 7639 7700 7719 7827 7899 7546 7562 7649 7786 7879 7 806 7907 7509 7644 7771 9 Apr. 5 11 Do. 14 Apr. 7 17 Apr. 19 7 May 10 9 June 5 14 Dec. 4 15 Mar. 9 14 Mar. 16 16 Sept. 24 Dec. 21 21 Aug. 10 14 Sept. 6 10 Oct. 4 12 Mar. 8 9 Mar. 10 4 May 7 13 July 29 8 Oct. 20 14 Nov. 24 11 Jan. 22 12 Mar. 20 9 dor. 22 11 Apr. 23 11 Septi . 16 10 Sept. 25 7 Jan. 12 8 June 29 8 July 20 9 Aug. 4 11 9 Sept. 13 16 Oct. 28 17 Dec. 7 14 Mar. 27 13 Juno 2 7 Apr. 6 9 May 15 11 June 1 11 15 Nov. 23 9 Jan, 26 7 Tel. 13 12 Apr. 15 13 July 23 16 Nov. 4 16 Aug. 10 13 Dec. 2 11 Jan. 5 8 Apr. 12 8 | July 14 Armshaw, Goo.. Burns, James Bruggy, Thomas. Brunold, Wm Babcock, B.C. Baan, L. Breslin, Jas. Birks, Alfred . Black, A. S.. Collins, B.J.. Cox, Thos Czar, John.. Durand, Louis Dond, Chas Devlin, Edw Dennis, E.J... Emery, Geo. W Gorey, John E Kelly, Thos., jr. Miller, Edw Murray, Martin Maher, Thos.. McGinnis, J.J. Mcduslin, A O'Brien, Jas Parke, 1P.M.. Roberts, A.R. Shielils, T. J Smith, William Shirlaw, G.W Smith, F.J.. Turner, L. Tliompson, Wn Wilson, A. E.. Wilson, R. C.. Walden, Wm Welsh, Edw 6500 6301 6325 6403 6445 6467 7905 7921 7955 6313 6401 6435 6354 6424 6471 7917 6332 6351 7918 6316 6364 6378 6450 6466 6389 6428 6337 6345 6352 6391 6460 6394 6459 6377 6395 6419 6492 10 Sept. 16 4 Jaj. 2 6 Feb. 3 13 May 4 4 July 7 4 Auy 5 13 Sept. 24 4 Oct. 27 8 Dec. 21 21 Mar. 5 14 9 June 14 21 Mar. 15 19 June 1 9 Aug. 6 9 Oct. 18 12 Feb. 16 17 Mar. 12 5 Oct. 23 14 Jan. 22 16 Mar. 23 17 | Apr. 8 16 July 12 4 | Aug. 2 13 Apr. 19 5 June 5 16 Feb. 25 4 Mar. 5 18 Mar. 12 6. Apr. 20 8. July 23 7 Apr. 22 6 July 23 4. Apr. 7 7 Apr. 22 7 May 25 15 Sept. 3 dug. 23 First assistant engi- neers (inland). 1. Aug. 30 Angers, Robt Alpha, IV.B Alpha, F. B. Aucoin, P.. Bobbs, C., jr Blakeslce, I. G Bluinier, A Byron, L. E Brussard, W.L Ball, wm. Burke, Wm Brown, L. P... 6319 6439 6449 7919 6315 6313 6311 6331 6344 6361 6379 6387 17 Jan. 30 16 Juo 22 4 July 12 2 Oct. 25 11 Jan. 20 2 Do. 5 Jan. 19 11 Feb. 15 6 Mar. 5 6 Mar. 22 7 Apr. 10 5 Apr. 15 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 283 Engineer's licensed-New Orleans, La.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers (inland)—Cont'd. First assistant engi- neers (inland)-Cont'd. 0 Aug. 17 20 Bolen, R. H. Beck, Frank Brannan, Jas Bowman, C.D Bowie, H.J Behrens, HI Booth, E. P Barbour, C. A Brooks, Geo. W Baker, Thos Burnett, J. T. Buciholz, J Bradley, F.J Bobb, WT Briggs, R.. Burrows, Jos Burnitt, E. Buce, J. F. Brown, J.J Chamberlain, E. L Clark, Jno Covert, S.L Compere, J.C Creed, J.J... Castleberry, H. D Constantin, J Crawford, Geo Calhoun, T. J Conner, J. O Cartie, R.. Chambers, C. J Callow, Thos. Carlin, Ross Cole, ... E... Christy, G.,jr. Cowden, L. D Dozanche, A. Douglas, D.C.. Deunes, Jos ... Damonto, R. Do Haven, F Demoreselle, A .. Dorr, H.. Demarest, E Drews, W..jr Deegan, J. Debinder, C... Dale, W.R. Evans, W., jr Felterman, E Fitch, H. W Fisher, J.Q Friar, C.I. Fletcher, C. Francis, M. W Fortier, Ed Frere, E. V Foster, Wm Guess, C.M. Garland. E. Gashia, C.. George, L. J Gerard, C.A Green, G. H. . Gover', A Geisler, Wm Gisch, H.D Golloher, C. H Houtilan, D Hill, Nick Hicks, W. 1 Hoff, Henry. Higbee, H.'R. Hastings, O. W Hay, F.R.. Harrison, Oliver Huffman, A.J 6399 6404 6409 6417 6422 6433 6434 6444 6448 6453 6455 6457 6404 6478 6491 7902 7927 7938 7949 6303 6309 6313 6318 6347 6368 6393 6397 6406 6414 6415 6418 6446 6475 7920 7928 7952 6380 6388 6221 6430 6490 64.97 7903 7913 7922 7925 7931 7961 6381 6327 6371 6390 6392 6408 6407 6465 6469 7914 6326 0329 6346 6426 6476 6495 7932 7936 7941 7942 6310 6320 6375 6400 6451 6484 6486 6488 7904 12 Apr. 27 7 May 4 3 May 11 15 May 24 13 May 31 17 June 9 2 June 14 4 July 7 4 July 12 6 July 17 3 July 20 6 Do. 6 July 29 7 19 Aug. 31 11 Sept. 20 5 Nov. 2 2 Nov. 22 10 Doc. 9 11 Jan. 5 11 Jan. 18 1 Jan. 19 1 Jan. 30 11 Mar. 9 8 Mar. 26 5 Apr. 22 16 Apr. 24 16 May 7 18 May 22 5 Do. 6 May 24 14 July 10 2 Aug. 10 7 Oct. 26 6 Nov. 4 1 Dec. 16 11 | Apr. 12 7 Apr. 16 6 May 31 17 Juno 5 16 Aug. 31 7 Sept. 7 25 Sept. 21 5 Oct. 12 4 Oct. 27 7 Oct. 28 1 Nov. 11 3 Dec. 31 15 Apr. 13 14 Tob. 9 1 Apr. 1 15 Apr. 20 1 Apr. 22 8 May 10 16 Do. 4 July 31. 9 Aug. 4 15 Oct. 13 1 Feb. 4 2 Feb. 13 6 Mar. 6 13 June 1 3 Aug. 12 Sept. 6 Nov. 11 Nov. 20 4 Nov. 24 2 Nov. 26 9 Jan. 19 15 Teb. 1 4 Apr. 5 23 Apr. 27 10 July 12 1 Aug. 25 21 Aug. 30 1 Do. 3 Sept. 22 Henry, J.B Houderson, J.N Haitiens, L. A Henghen, w Jeffrey, Alex, Jay, M. W Jay, W.T. Jenkins, J.FI Jones, T.A Jordon, J. W Johnson, N.G Kennedy, 0.A. Kearns, Ben Keller, H. R. Ketterson, W.J Kaelin, as Kain, Jno. F Knight, Z. T Kramer, P.L Kern, Louis Kern, Harmon Laughlin, P. A Lee, Robt. E Lanceaks, C:D.. Layne, J. W Le Normand, F Lynch, Thos. Ledet, E Langdon, L.J. Luckett, G.B Muntz, Jno. Muntz, P., jr Miller, H. C. McColeman, Jno Michael, W.J McNeely, P.) Marquez, W.E McMurray, H. McGary, John Maloney, J. E. Metz, Christian. Neal, J. W. Neill, WP North, B. G. O'Brien, F., jr. Ponds, R. A. Postlewaite, Wm Petit, Samuel Prince, H. A Pendergrast, J.P Poché, Alexis. Powers, C. W Porterfield, W.C Reynolds, W.J Richards, C. E Rice, J.S Riley, S... Rolls, Geo., jr Rolls, A.S Rolards, C.L. Rolfs, T. H.. Riloy, Jas. Rentrop, A. A Rochenschuk, a Rolfs, W. A. Raymond, Jos Kinz, T. A. Simpson, A.J., jr Saunders, F. FI Summe, G. H Stanbridge, C. Shaw, H. NI. Schuler, J. A Saunders, T. W Schafer, L. F.. Stewart, C. L Smith, W.F 7906 7916 7945 7951 6338 6463 6482 6483 6196 7915 7943 6314 6323 6366 6410 6412 6470 6480 6489 7928 7950 6335 6336 6369 6374 6384 6420 6454 6477 7934 6321 6341 6353 6423 6436 64.41 6462 6493 6498 7940 7948 6437 6443 6487 6474 6308 6363 6383 6398 6405 6452 7909 7956 6328 6358 6367 6425 6434 6440 6442 6499 7908 7911 7912 7933 7937 7953 6302 6306 6330 6334 6340 6342 6318 6372 6411 6413 6 Sept. 25 5 Oct. 16 3 Oct. 27 1 Dec. 16 7 Feb. 26 1 July 28 5 Aug. 24 7 Aug. 25 4 Sept. 7 6 Oct. 14 3 Nov. 26 23 Jan. 20 4 Feb. 3 13 Mar. 23 4 May 12 14 May 13 8 Aug. 6 19 Aug. 19 6 Aug. 30 9 Dec. 14 7 Dec. 16 5 Feb. 23 5 Feb. 25 Mar. 26 5 Apr. 5 5 Apr. 13 14 May 27 1 July 17 13 Aug. 14 12 Nov. 16 5 Ireb. 3 Mar. 4 7 Mar. 15 25 May 31 2 Jurie 16 1 June 24 1 July 28 17 Sept. 6 17 Sept. 9 15 Nov, 23 7 Dec. 4 4 June 18 5 July 1 2 Aug. 30 5 Aug. 10 1 Jan. 15 23 Mar. 23 5 Apr. 13 5 Apr, 27 1 Bay 5 5 July 12 2 Oct. 1 2 Dec. 27 11 Tob. 9 15 Mar. 18 16 Mar. 25 8 June 1 11 June 21 31 June 22 5 June 28 10 Sept. 9 16 Sept. 28 3 Oct. 9 5 Oct. 11 1 Nov. 15 8 Nov. 20 16 Dec. 17 19 Jan. 4 17 Jan. 12 4 Feb. 13 3 Feb. 23 9 Feb. 27 4 Mar. 5 16 Mar. 10 9 spr. 2 6 4 May 14 0 . May 12 284 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, Engineers licensed– New Orleans, La.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First assistant engi- neers (inland)--Cont'd. Second assistant engi- neers (ocean)—Cont'd. 6456 7930 6355 7901 7910 4 July 20 5 Nov. 8 1 Mar. 15 1 Sept. 16 Oct. 5 Smith, of. T.. Smith, F. H., jr Schueider, Jacob Sinith, Geo. E.. Smith, H.S Sherwood, J.R Stockman, D.. Schlumbrecht, J.A.... Softord, N. P.. Tucker, Thos Tierney, m Todd, M.K Thomas, Jas Trapl), Frank Tan Tuv, F. W ... Worrel, J. L.. Woods, Richard White. Robt Wenholz, H. H. Wickes, Jno Williams, H.M.. Watkins, Geo. Weaver, A. L Tilson, John Wylie, F.J 6432 6431 6472 6481 6494 7923 7947 7954 7959 6349 6385 6402 6468 7924 7929 6304 6305 6357 6362 6376 6427 0479 7957 7958 7960 7935 6447 6324 6386 12 Nov. 17 3 July 10 5 Feb. 3 2 Apr. 15 UCO Second assistant engi- neer's (ocean). 5 June 9 Perkins, Jno... 6 Do. Park, James 3 Aug. 7 Regan, J.J.. 1 Aug. 23 Roupé, Jno.. 13 Sept. 6 Rumnel, Henry 1 Oct. 27 ? Dec. 4 Third assistant engi- 12 Dec. 23 "Ilcers (ocean). 6 Dec. 29 11 Mar. 10 Brown, James . 1 Apr. 14 Lewis, N.J 3 Apr. 30 Pederson, Joo. 12 Aug 3 Thorsoe, Carl 12 Oct. 28 2 Nov. 6 Special engineers. 13 Jan. 9 30 Jan. 11 Blanton, M.. 6 Mar. 18 Bourdeaux, J. E 5 Mar. 22 Benson, Andrew S Apr. 6 Badeaux, IIenry 5 June 1 Bailey, L.L. 19 Aug. 17 Berendsobn, A. 16 Dec. 29 Cook, Clas 5 Do. Curran, J.S... 20 Dec. 31 Daigle, A.... Dawson, Chas Dammon, J. W. Grand, John. Gaines, C. A 8 Jan. 26 Green, Geo. H.. 1 Feb. 27 Heno, Emile 2 Aug. 23 Jones, Samuel 16 Mar. 12 Le Blanc, A.J 4 Mar. 30 Lodet, Arthur 4 Feb. 19 Lares, W.S . 7 Mar. 23 Little, A.J. 7 Aug. 9 Moynan, W. H. 12 Nov. 26 Morgan, George 2 Dec. 3 Mitchell, P. E 13 Jan. 15 Myles, F.F 2 Sept. 28 Miller, Michael 2 Apr. 5 Palfrey, C., jr. 11 Apr. 23 Phillips, T. J 7 July 26 Pribble, W.C 2 Nov. 2 Perrett, Peter. 12 Mar. 19 Parey, C. L 3 Do. Rice, Geo. G. 8 Juue 2 Roth, Geo., jr. 10 July 22 Rusk, Edw. D. 16 Oct. 30 30 | Smith, C.H.. 4 Mar. 17 Toups, Jos. O., jr. 5 Apr. 13 Watkins, Henry 12 May 24 Black, Geo. 1 Blackburn, Thos... Borne, F., jr Clark, GF Conner, R.. Dreibliolz, W.J. Donahue, H Drunm, C.F.. Donald, Peter. Di Negro, A. L.... Epping, Chas Goorllad, Hall, R. F Hayes, I'm Heckmann, Edw Hosung. C. E Killian, E. C Kevlin, ). R... McCoy, Win McDonald, Jno Darkey, Jos Nolan, J.M O'Brien, Edw Pitfield, O. A 6317 6339 6485 0350 6370 6333 6:65 6473 7944 7946 6307 7907 6373 6396 6461 7940 6359 6360 6428 6458 7926 6356 6382 6416 i 3808 3811 3824 3825 3826 3830 3812 3822 3801 3804 3819 3805 3809 3823 3813 3834 3828 3829 3835 3837 3803 3816 3820 3821 3831 3815 3817 3818 3827 3832 3802 3807 3833 3814 3836 3806 6 Apr. 6 2 May 6 1 July 26 3 Aug. 2 4 Aug. 12 5 Oct. 13 4 May 7 1 July 19 4 Jan. 9 14 Feb. 15 2 July 3 1 Feb. 15 2 Apr. 9 7 July 26 5 May 10 2 Nov. 11 5 Aug. 24 2 Sept. 6 3 Nov. 12 1 Dec. 13 4 Jan. 16 6 Apr. 30 5 July 7 1 July 12 2 Oct. 16 1 May 18 7 June 3 3 June 23 6 Aug. 17 2 Oct. 21 4 Jan. 12 8 Mar. 15 2 Oct. 25 5 May 12 5 Nov. 29 4 Mar. 15 LOCAL DISTRICT OF MOBILE, ALA. Masters licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Mobile, Ala. Name. No.of No. of license. Jissue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No.of Date of license. issue.* issue. Brown, R. Bertha. W.J Eanes, W.M Finnegan, o Jorgensou, R King, H. E.. King, G. I Moore, J.H 11386 11399 11412 11376 11372 11434 11466 11393 2 May 3 Moore, J. E.. 17 May 22 O'Keefe, E.J., sr 6 July 20 Pettus, W.O. 23 Apr. 19 Peppers. E.D 4 Apr. 1.4 i Stone, T. D ... 14 Sept. S Stevenson, W.T 7 Nov. 19 Seay, J.J 3 | May 13 Thomason, M. D 11424 114:39 11438 11451 11334 11469 11475 11305 18 1 3 18 15 8 13 2 Aug. 20 Sept. 18 Do. Oct. 15 leb. 10 Dec. 1 Dec. 20 Jan. 9 * Number of issue of current grade and the number of issues of all grados. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 285 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Mobile, Ala. . Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. A pr. 12 13, 16 Apr. 27 4,10 16, 18 12, 15 5,15 8,11 9, 11 17 Allen, W. H Askegran, C.H.. Aiken, IHI Anderson, F.M ... Alberts, J Atwood, S.A Ainsworth, G. W Anderson, G Bartee, J.P Bugge, S. H Bartee, C.T.. Barrow, W.G.. Baker, W.FI Battelle, R. Barnes, T. Q Brown, C. H Boghichi, F. A. Black, J Black, A Bowen, J. W Benton, T. H. Bartee, L. M Casper, s Cosgrove, P.L. Clark, W.R... Clark, J Coulter, H. E Convy, D Craft, J. N Clark, J. E.. Condou, T., jr Clifford, s. Ľ Caro, T.S. Caro, G. W. Carter, G. W Costor, B.J Davis, I. R... Durant, A.J.. Dotson, P. L Deris, A. L Dunwody, B Dorgan, J. A Dailey, W.P.. Deering, T. A. Delmas, J. E Duon, J.J Dunn, F. M Dennis, T.. Dabney, J.S Eldredge, E. D Elliott, B.E Elliott, G.S. Eldredge, E. H Forbes, P Fauria, M.J Foster, J. G.. Ferguson, A. D Foster, E. L.. Flinn, J.M Gause, S. T Grant, H. K.. Gillingham, S. W Gould, G.H... Griffin, L George, W Hodgkins, D. P Hyndman, E. Henderson, R. Harris, W.P.. Harrnb, J.E Hewson, M.J. Hannah, J Hurd, M. Elurd, E Jackson, M. T Johnsou, J.R Jones, W. W.. Jones, T Johnson, C. I Jackson, J. W Kaustman, G 11307 13, 16 Jan. 9 Keith, C.R 11344 12 Feb. 23 Kolmeitz, F. N.. 11351 13 Mar. 3 Kirkpatrick, J.D 11371 16 Keene, L.J 11373 8 dpr. 14 Kannan, J 11389 26 May 7 Kanpan, J. W 11445 2 Oct. 1 Loftis, C. E 11473 12, 18 Dec. 18 Lindstrom, J.O... 11322 16, 35 Jan. 27 Levin, L 11323 6 Do. Le Gotte, J. W 11324 14 Jan. 29 Le Follette, E.G.. 11342 18 Feb. 18 ! Langley, J.M... 11345 9 Feb. 25 Lawrance, G. A. R 11353 15 May 8 Lumsdon, F.A.... 11362 17, 20 Apr. 1 Lyle, V.R 11379 21 Apr. 25 Magruder, G. H... 11381 13 Murray, J., sr.. 11385 25, 37 May 3 Miner, H 11408 23, 33 July 13 McQuarie, L 11410 3 July 15 Morrell, W.T... 11441 9,14 Sept. 24 McCoy, J 11461 8,31 Nor. 8 Miller, J 11312 12 Jan. 12 Murray, J.M 11326 6 Jan. 30 Martin, D. W 11350 11 Mar. 3 McDowell, J. W 11359 15, 17 Mar. 26 Morris, 2.T.. 11364 16, 20 Apr. 5 McFarlane, J. H 11374 10 A pr. 16 Mobley, J.B 11391 17 May 10 Nordop, B 11427 8 Aug. 26 Neilson, 0 11428 1,3 Sept. 3 Northur, W. H .. 11444 2 Oct. 1 O'Neal, J. V 11446 2 Do. Olsen, P.K. 11447 9 Oct. 2 O'Leary, J. E 11454 18 Oct. 16 Olsen, A 11465 Nov. 19 Olsen, A 11316 10, 14 Jan. 16 O'Neal, W 11319 2,14 Jan. 22 Perry, E 11325 4, 20 Jan. 30 Pinder, W.L 11331 4 Feb. 9 Pettus, W.T 11388 5, 10 May 6 May 01 Quill, J 11395 16 May 13 Randlett, WA 11411 3,10 July 20 Rea, W 11414 19 July 26 Roberts, J.B.. 11422 21 Aug. 20 Rocheblare, B 11430 4 Sept. 3 Reid, J.T.. 11450 4 Oct. 12 Sibley, 0. 11452 12 Oct. 15 Stono, A. J 11471 8 Doc. 8 Scholls, W. A.. 11337 12 Feb. 13 Shillito, G. W 11400 5 June 1 Stone, J. W.. 11433 9 Sept: 8 Stone, T.(). 11468 21 Nov. 30 Stewart, J. A 11330 14 Tel.: 9 Seymour, H. J 11369 22 Apr. 8 Sharet, G. E. 11377 13 Apr. 19 Smith, J 11419 20 Aug. 19 Stone, F.S 11431 2,5 Sept. 4 Spotswood, M. B. 11435 25 Sept. 9 Soul, A. C. 11302 5 Jan. 4 Stilphen, J. H. 11306 13 Jau. 9 Saunders, E. E.. 11328 20 Feb. 1 Sutherland, J.C 11332 15 Teb. 9 Spotswood, VY.C. 11390 12 May 7 Stokes, J 11477 13 Doc. 27 Smith, S. 11329 9 Tel. 5 Torrey, A. H. 11338 12 Fob. 13 Travis, A. 11343 10 Feb. 23 Tindal, P. M 11349 1, 3 Feb. 27 Thomas, T. B 11368 2,4 Apr. 5 Torris, A 11406 12 June 22 Trott, R 11416 15 Aug. 2 Tompkins, C. S 11476 16 Dec. 27 Urie, H.C 11478 15 Do. Webb, G. D 11333 9 Feb. 10 Wright, E.. 11354 6 Mar. 13 Wilson, D 11402 15 June 9 Warren, HI 114.9 5 Oct. 12 ' Willians, J. N... 1146314, 29 14, 29 Nov. 15 Wells, C.H. 11474 13, 26 Dec. 20 Wainwright, W.W.... 11315 18-1 Jan. 15 Wilson, W. H. 11321 9 Jan. 25 11397 13 May 20 11403 5 June 9 11413 11 July 20 11425 10 Aug. 25 11467 13 NOV. 25 11310 1, 9 Jan. 11 11361 16 Mar. 30 11365 4 Apr. 5 11366 13, Do. 11382 14 Apr. 27 1.1392 11 May 11 11415 8 July 31 11420 18 i Ang. 19 11121 12 Do. 11313 Jan. 10 11317 Jan. 18 11336 Tel. 12 11339 1.6 Teb. 15 11340 10 Do. 11352 22 Mar. 4 11401 14 June 9 11404 15 June 15 11407 3 July 3 11417 14 Aug. 4 11418 13 Ang. 19 11423 9 Aug. 20 11458 Oct. 30 113-47 1 Feb. 27 11396 13 | May 20 11455 17 | Oct. 27 11301 16 Jan. 2 11335 Feb. 12 11341 Feb. 18 11432 17 Sept. 4 11456 4 Oct. 26 11462 17 Nov. 9 11360 1 Mar. 26 11409 3, 4 July 13 11442 12, 19 12, 19 Sept. 24 11384 26 May 3 11.314 16 Jan. 14 11358 4 Mar. 23 11387 May 5 11437 9 Sept. 12 11470 14 Dec. 2 11303 11 Jan. 4 11304 5, 23 Do. 11308 14 Jan. 9 11309 Do. 11311 24 Jan. 12 11327 Feb. 1 11345 17 Feb. 27 11357 12 Mar. 23 11363 13 Apr. · 5 11367 17 Do. 11375 23 A pr. 17 11380 13 11382 13 May 1 11.126 2' Aug. 26 11429 19 : Sept. 3 11436 11 Sept. 9 11443 15 Oct. 1 11459 1.1 Oct. 30 11464 4 Nor. 17 11318 7,14 Jan. 20 11320 4, 15 Jan. 22 11378 18 Apr. 25 11453 15 11457 10 Oct. 29 11460 17 1 Nov. 1 11472 11 | Dec. 11 11355 14 | Mar. 20 11346 14 Tob. 23 11356 | 20, 28 Mar. 23 11370 15 Apr. S 11394 13 May 14 11398 20 May 21 11405 13 June 17 11440 12 11418 15 (ct. 2 11, 13 7, 14 10, 22 Apr. 26 ... 15 Oct. 16 0 H.. Sept. 21 286 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Chief mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897--Mobile, Ala. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Aiken, J.G.. Baine, R. K. Bauditech, F.. Conning, P Cox, A.S. Dorr, H. . 1505 1502 1504 1503 1509 1506 8 June 19 10 Mar. 11 2 June 9 3 Do. 9 Sept. 24 3 | July 19 Evans, E. C.. Edgecomb, E Olsen, O. F.. O'Keele, E... Trott, P. F.. 1510 1511 1507 1508 1501 13 Oct. 20 5 Nov. 11 4 Aug. 23 2 Sept. 4 9 Jan. 18 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Mobile, Ala. First-class pilots. Second-class pilots- Continued. Anderson, O. P Anderson, F... Bledsoe, G. L.... Bazzell, w Bludworth, P... Brown, R. P... Cuthbert, W.D.. Dorgan, E Davis, S.L. Davis, w Dorgan, T Gioruer, A. L. Gliddon, J.S. ... Garnett, M. J.... Greenwood, B.. Gates, F. Hansen, H. T James, H.C. Jordon, H Jensen, A.L. Jenkens, J.D... Johnson, C. L.... Jackson, E. G.. Kimball, A Lindstrom, A Lynch, W.J Mayo, J Miller, E.J Martenez, J Miller, C.. Peidevent. M.J.L Peterson, J.C.... Patrick, J.L. Riley, T. Rowe, J.M Railey, P. L Rutherford, TY .. Torris, T Walker, J.B. Wolle, İ.S Walter, E 5324 5325 5308 5311 5331 5337 5340 5309 5332 5335 5336 5301 5302 5312 5326 5334 5330 5315 5318 5321 5327 5328 5339 5305 5310 5340 5306 5316 5323 5329 5307 5317 5320 5303 5322 5333 5338 5319 5304 5313 5314 9 May 20 5 June 3 & June 11 2 July 31 1 Sept. 6 2 Oct. 20 11 Nov. 5 3 Jan. 8 3 Jan. 11 2 Feb. 2 9 Mar. 23 1 July 17 4 Dec. 20 1 Mar. 30 1 Mar. 24 1 May 27 2 Mar. 10 4 Mar. 11 2 Mar. 25 2 Apr. 22 4 Mar. 13 3 July 31 9 6 Aug. 3 6 June 12 Connelly, J 6 July 1 Clark, O. F.. 9 Mar. 3 Chastant, A. T 2 Mar. 25 Cummins, G.L 11 Sept. 18 Cleinmons, A.D 21 Nov. 25 Clark, J.J 3 Dec. 20 Coulson, T. A. 2 Mar. 11 Daiden, W.T 4 Oct. 2 Dannelly, J. E 9 Oct. 27 Dantzler, J. E. 1 Noy. 3 Dixonson, K 14 Jan. 5 Drummond, T. F 4 Jan. 16 Dempsey, P.J 17 Mar. 25 Eaton, I. W 10 July 26 Friar, J.I.. 9 Oct. 7 Freniont, E. W 6 Sept. 2 Hansen, H. A.. 11 Apr. 12 Holbrook, T. B.. 3 May 7 Henken, T.. 5 May 26 Hunt, d. L 8 July 26 Harvey, C 2 Aug. 1 Hogan, L. W Dec. 2 Hartley, D.. 2 Feb. 23 Harvey, P 3 May 12 Henken, H 5 Dec. 20 Lanius, M 11 Feb. 11 Lyons, O. B. 9 Apr. 13 Leinhard, F 2 June 7 Mitchell, L. C. 2 Aug. 11 McLean, P. W 7 Feb. 25 Moran, F. D 10 Apr. 27 McCabe, J .. 7 May 18 Moreno, A. G 4 Jan. 23 McMillan, B. F 7 May 27 McMillan, T. M 3 Oct. 6 Mason, J. Å.. 42 Nov. 26 Ovens, W.J 4 May 13 Peterson, C 20 Jan. 25 Roburts, B. 1 Mar. 26 Stuckey, J. A 11 Apr. 8 Sibley, E. W Soderstrom, A Shaw, s. S.. Swan, G.J 6 Dec. 20 Sullivan, J.T 4 Mar. 23 Swain, D.T 1 July 10 Woods. H. L S Ang. 4 Wise, T.F.. 5 Sept. 7 Young, W 1 Sept. 16 Yarbrough, F. W 12 Nor. 30 5326 5329 5331 5336 5343 5349 5352 5304 5305 5308 5316 5335 5356 5319 5317 5327 5312 5313 5318 5322 5324 5337 5339 5342 5357 5302 5314 5332 5301 5303 5309 5321 5340 5347 5348 5351 5307 5333 5306 5310 5311 5320 5328 5330 5345 5350 5325 5338 5323 5354 J... 1 Aug. 20 6 Dec. 20 1 Jan. 6 2 Mar. 11 14 ! June 22 8 Jan. 4 2 | Jan. 8 4 Feb. 23 1 Apr. 19 6 Aug. 3 6 Oct. 6 13 Oct. 13 3 | Nov. 5 12 Jan. 15 7 July 7 10 Jan. 14 5 | Mar. 3 4 Mar. 8 5 Apr. 6 3 June 1 5 Juno 4 10 Sept. 15 3 Oct. 19 3 Day 18 8 Ang. 2 7 Mar. 6 2 Nov. 30 Second-class pilots. Armstrong, A.C. Barbour, G. V Borg, H. Bauler, C. Burlinson, E. H Boyle, J.M Barlow, S. 5355 5315 5334 5341 53-14 5346 5355 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Mobile, Ala. Boghich, M.L... Crampton, F.J Daugherty, John Davis, Frank P.. Frantz, George Howard. Harry T. 200: 2012 2002 2010 2007 2001 or or OU 2 May 24 Hartley, James, jr. 6 Oct. 13 Maxwell, John D 1 May 5 Morris, Leo E.. 6 Ang. 3 Peterson, Peter. 5 July 8 Touro, C.T.. 5 May 5 Welch, John A 2011 2003 2008 2006 2005 2009 4 Oct. 13 2 May 22 6 July 10 7 June 23 8 June 3 5 July 31 A STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 287 Engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897-Mobile, Ala. Naine. No. of No.of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue. Chief engineers (ocecin). Olrief engineers (in- land)-Continued. Apr. 15 Jan. Andrews, Daniel W... Boyle, F.M.. Bowes, Jno. J Bell, Gilbert S. Batchelder, George T.. Bourchman, A., Cooley, Walter S.. Connolly, Richard.... Crosby, Charles H Courier, William Castenera, Frank B... Cocklan, Cornelius J Coulson, Henry D. .. Durant, W n. M. Davis, Joseph L Dunn, John 3 Ellis, James M .. Fowler; Cornelius N.. Grosebewer, William.. Gager, Lee É Golay, Albert A Huley, Eugene L. Hunnerwell, G. M Hagan, William B Hendrickson, M Haley, Henry C Hyde, John Ham, Edward E Jones, Theodore Kaiser, William Kimball, Lee E Murray, Barney McClintock, V.G .. McGovern, Michael... Moore, Charles R. Morrill, William T McGonigal, D.. Mertins, F.R Northup, Eugene H. O'Keeffe, Michael. O'Connell, Jno. O Powers, J.A Reites, John Railey, 0. l.. Sweeney, James L Stober, David N Sherry, John Schermann, Charles. Steber, John. Salvant. Jackson B.. Sleehan, David Thompson, J., jr Wilson, Henry. TVoodland, Thomas V Wilson, John E. Wilson, George Chief engineers (inland). Alexander, Wm. A... Armstrong, A.C.. Bowes, Thomas B. Burtleson, P.... Bellimore, Charles L.. Benjamiv, F., Sr. Barry, Villiam Crossland, Wm. B... Chisholin, A.J. Camnins, Martin H Craft, John N.. Coor, Walter T Coffin, Frank Croft, Jolin B Croft, C. D... Coulsoni, Thomas A Day, Thomas N Davis, Jonas C. 11900 11805 11823 11834 12411 12443 11804 11836 11849 11870 11886 12426 12-135 11864 1.1895 12437 12410 11890 11801 11863 11888 11853 11856 11860 11869 11872 11879 11887 11812 11876 12429 11816 11825 11827 11882 12427 12431 12439 12405 1.1868 11883 12408 11837 11862 11 802 11819 11822 11838 11854 11865 12432 12412 11803 11835 12402 12409 21 June 29 Ekston, James G 10 Jau. 9 Farnswortlı, Wm. W 23 Jau. 27 Graham, T.S 8 Feb. 10 Gunning, Daniel R.. 15 Aug. 11 Groom, James W 3 Dec. 27 Harriett, J. W.. 2 Jan. Higgins, C. A 17 Feb. 17 Illingworth, John. 13 Mar. 18 Jolinston, James R 8 Jackson, Peter G. 5 May 13 Knox, Archio C.. 10 Nov. 2 Kopf, James H.. 6 Langley, Frank 13 Apr. 13 Livermav, W. B. 32 Juie 10 Langley. J.A. 13 Dec. 6 McGraw, Thomas . 11 Aug. 5 McKibbon, John . 22 May 29 Murray, Thomas H 1 2 Meyers, Lemuel 2 Apr. 8 O'Conuor, J.J... 14 May 27 O'Brien, Eugene 3 Mar. 23 Otis, Edward H. 4 Mar. 29 Pereira, John J 12 ! Apr. 8 Pugh, l'illiam H 8 Apr. 15 Quill, Patrick.. 3 Apr. 19 Redwood, C.C.. 3 May 1! Ross, W 17 May 18 Reiley, P 8 Jan. 16 Ruter, Charles R.. 10 Apr. 27 Reid, Thomas. 12 Nov. 13 Strill, Goorge W 27 Jan. 18 Southworth, C. E 17 Tel. 1 Smith, James Fel). 2 Smith, James M. 5 May 10 Stockley, George C 17 Nov. 2 Sanford, William T 23 Nov. 17 Torrence, Robert N 3 Dec. 11 Tomb, W.H 5 July 12 Torrence, J. A 11 Apr. 14 Taylor, E1, L 5 May 10 Turnier, M. Harvey 1 July 27 Vernewelle, Green. 8 Teb. 19 Verpewelle, Alex 2 Apr. 8 Vernewelle, Danl. H 10 Jan. 4 Willis, Elijah H. 3 Jan. 25 Walker, Aaron P 12 Jan. 27 Wheatley, J.H.. 3 feb. 19 26 Mar. 25 Engineers in charge of 3 A pr. 13 steain.er's of 100 tons 17 Nov. 17 and under, and over 22 Aug. 18 10 tons. 9 Jan. 17 Feb. 10 Angelo, Joseph 7 July 6 Buerger, Henry M Aug. 2 Blaize, R. S.... Blumer, J. Henry Clark, Henry Clark, V. H Dantzler, D.J 17 May 28 Grant, Hilair K.. 18 Dec. 2 Garrigas, W. A 9 Jan. 25 Green, Geo. C 11 Feb. 6 Gantier, Adam . 15 Mar. 22 Hays, James W 25 May 11 Hogan, Louis W. 11 Oct. 19 Irwin, William E.. 11 Jan. 29 Johnson, Charles G... 22 Mar. 13 Jackson, Andrew 2 Apr. 28 i Keyser, Charles C.... 28 May 10 Leinhard, Fritz. 21 July 5 Locke, Henry G. 12 Sept. 30 MoComell, J. W. 14 Oct. 5 McCullagh, J. R. 18 Nov. 26 McVey, John N.. 18 Do. Miller, Rou-au. 2 Sept. 23. McMillan, B. F 9 Dec. 11 McMillan, F.M.. 11842 1181.5 11841 11896 11897 11826 11 894 12425 11850 12428 11861 12441 11840 11857 12430 11806 11845 11846 12418 11855 11881 12414 11829 12423 12422 11844 11847 11851 12416 12424 11 828 11831 11858 11891 12404 12407 11811 11866 12 103 11871 12419 11893 12420 12436 11808 11878 12440 24 12 Feb. 24 11 Jan. 18 12 Fel). 23 14 June 15 21 June 16 7 Feb. 2 12 ! June 10 20 Oct. 30 6 Mar. 18 7 Nov. 2 5 Apr. 8 3 Dec. 20 20 i l'eb. 23 18 Apr. 5 20 ! Nor. 13 23 Jan. 9 5 Mar. 1 1 Mar. 8 1 Oct. 7 10 Mar. 27 17 May 1 19 | Sept. 27 13 Feb. 5 19 Oct. 27 5 Oct. 25 11 Oct. 24 18 Mar. 11 12 Mar. 18 15 Oct. 1 19 (ct. 29 17 Tel. 5 16 Do. 14 pr. 5 24 June 3 10 July 12 21 July 21 2 Jan. 16 25 Apr. 13 3 3 July 9 7 Apr. 15 17 Oct. 8 9 June 3 18 Oct. 9 9 Dec. 4 29 Jan. 12 12 Apr. 30 1 Dei, 13 C 10 6777 6715 11818 6776 11809 11 839 11810 1.1807 11830 11892 6785 6709 6724 6714 6788 6782 11875 11899 6784 6720 11874 11880 11898 6753 6773 11889 12412 11820 11832 11852 11885 12421 11824 11848 11877 11884 12401 12415 12417 12433 12434 12413 12438 2 Oct. 29 6 Jan. 25 1 Jail. 22 10 Apr. 26 16 Jan. 13 1 'Feb. 20 3 Jan. 14 17 Jan. 9 8 Feb. 5 3 June 3 4 Dec. 20 7 Jan. 15 Mar. 11 4 Jan. 22 18 Dec. 22 4 Dec. 3 2 Apr. 27 18 June 22 2 ! Dec. 11 6. Feb. 9 2 Apr. 27 7 May 1 3 June 22 10 July 7 15 Oct. 14 1 288 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE, Engineers licensed - Mobile, dla --Continued. Name. No. of No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. First assistant engineers (inland)-Continued. Sullivani, Charles L Shaw, George C.. Stewart, John J Storm, Thomas o Tarwater, Louis. Wim), Joseph Wheatley, A. G. Weaver, Calvin R.... Wilson, William H.. Yagle, Thomas W 6729 6732 6745 6757 6740 6738 6759 6774 6775 6770 5 Mar. 23 5 Apr. 3 7 May 26 2 July 31 18 Apr. 27 14 Apr. 17 4 Aug. 2 8 Oct. 16 10 Oct. 18 13 Oct. 11 Morris, Vance Noles, J.L Renfro, J Roberts, Beauregard... Remy, William Richard, E ward Russell, Robert B. Rusk, O.L Remy, John Swanson, J J.. Sweeney, Clarence. Schuster, H.-.. Sherry, Joseph M. Sheehan, J. Scholls, Charles E.... Thomas, Abraham Throssell, K. E. N.. Tatom, Abel F. Terris, Louis Walker, Robert. Waldott, William 6779 12406 11821 11833 6716 6737 11873 6758 6780 11813 11814 11859 11867 6750 6765 6704 11813 6749 67 66 11817 6783 7 Nov. 15 3 | July 14 3 Jan. 25 11 Feb. 9 4 Jan. 27 6 Apr. 5 10 Apr. 25 8 Aug. 2 15 Nov. 26 4 Jan. 16 4 Jan. 18 3 Apr. 5 Apr. 14 4 June 15 3 Sept. 10 14 Jan. 9 1 Tel. 24 11 June 9 2 Sept. 15 3 Jan. 20 16 Dec. 11 Second assistant engi. nicer's (ocean). Bright, James A. Cassidy, Patrick Carlson, Gustave Kauttman, W.C Moran, John L. Moore, Joseph T Miller, George T.. Ross, Amos Sweeney, Edward Taylor, Samuel, jr Walsh, Richard. 6755 6719 6767 6768 6705 6706 6718 6734 6760 6713 6778 3 July 28 16 Feb. 2 1 Sept. 16 11 Sept. 27 2 Jan. 11 2 Do. 7 Feb. 2 2 A pr. 5 6 Aug. 5 3 Jan. 22 2 Oct. 29 First assistant engi. neers (ocean). Caro, George R Tillinguast, John H.. Vinton, Robert F. 6748 6761 6790 8 June 9 6 Aug. 21 7 Dec. 27 Second assistant engi- neers (inland). First assistant engi- neers (inland). Brushagh, H. Barron, Willian G Castinera, E. L... Davis, Jobu, jr Foretich, Joseph S..... Kimball, Arthur. Murray, Peter H. McKee, James J Robinson, George Schultz, John.... 6733 6789 6752 6711 6754 6771 6717 6731 6727 6743 14 Apr. 3 11 Dec. 23 2 July 1 11 Jan 16 1 July 20 15 Oct. 13 10 Fob. 1 16 Mar. 29 16 Mar. 17 Mar 13 0 Apr. 25 Anderson, Gustave Bloodsworth, T. F. Bowen, Stanley C. Barkman, William H Browning, John W Barlow, Samuel A... Brushard, Gustave A Crosby, William P..... Coulson, Thomas A Cayce, Stewart... Coulson, William d... Davison, Robert Drummond, Thomas T Friar, James I ... Farrill, Joseph S.. Grillith, John E. H.. Hewett, Sidney Knight, John W Kopf, Job J.. Killebrev, Emmett.. Morse, Charles W... Murrell, George S.... Owen, Williain J.. Sibley, Origin.... Strickland, Charles A.. *6786 6703 6728 6736 6756 6781 6787 6702 6710 6739 6746 6730 6764 6707 67012 6741 6735 6712 6722 6751 6726 6772 6708 6701 6721 12 Dec. 20 3 Jan, 6 1 Mar. 18 9 apr. 5 8 July 29 12 Nov. 26 3 Dec. 20 Jan. 4 3 Jan. 16 2 10 June 1 8 Mar. 23 10 Sept. 1 8 Jan. 4 8 May 11 8 May 1 5 5 7 Jan. 20 11 | Mar. 1 1 June 22 3 Mar. 13 1 Oct. 13 12 Jan. 15 19 Jan. 4 15 Feb. 15 Third assistant engi- neers (inland). Creary, Harry L Clifford, George T Hough, George W Mover, Donald.. Mc Voy, Charles L Robertson, George Special engineers. 6723 6744 6763 6747 6762 6725 9 Mar. 3 7 May 13 7 Sept. 1 12 June 5 7 7 Mar. 12 Aug. 26 Apr. Holley, Charles Jones, Marion McCalel), Charles P Meyers, Lorenzo D..... 6769 4101 4102 4103 4 2 4 1 Oct. 8 May 3 Aug. 13 Oct. 14 LOCAL DISTRICT OF GALVESTON, TEX. Master's licenser during the year ended December 31, 1897-Galveston, Tex. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Arendt, John Charnley, Robert. 11217 13503 3 Feb. 8 4 Dec. 27 Woodward, George P.. 11299 1 Dec. 11 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 289 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Galveston, Tec. . No. of No. of Date of No. of No. of Date of Name. Name. license. Lissue. issue. license. | issue. issue. Special engineers-Con- tinued. Special engineers- Continued. Apr. 2 Apr. 12 Jan. Aycock, Richard Allien, Leon F. Bettis, Irvin H Barbre, Raphael Best, Louis Bel, John A. Boddaker, Joseph. Babcock, Henry L Brandt, Rudolph P... Bun, Pearl L... Boddaker, Frauk Boyle, James Burcl, Sherwood I.. Best, Charles Crawford, Harry W.. Carey, Richard Cole, Stephen G... Coveney, Albert Crowell, John L Cugyirs, Erastus Cantwell, John Carroll, Rucker T. Chestor, August C... Casey, James Drouet, Sebastian Darison, George Delahanty, Michael.. Dobbertin, Albert F. Davis, Thomas J.. Davis, Charles L. Drohn, Henry W Enell, Gustav. Evans, William.. Elwell, Charles H. Eggert, Christian W Fleming, Richard.. Folk, Louis T... Gothiel, Louis Haymann, William Hawkins, John S Hix, George B... Hill, James Jones, Henry G. Johnson, Frederick.. Jobst, Herman B. Kelley: George M King, Thomas B. Kenedy, Elisha .S Loving. William ().... Lynch, Edward . 11231 11290 11213 11214 11229 11234 11238 11254 11268 11272 11284 11286 11291 11295 11204 1122+ 11237 11244 11246 11256 11264 11271 11274 11289 11202 11216 11265 11287 11288 11296 13501 11242 11273 11275 11293 11247 11285 11240 11212 11221 11269 11276 11232 11250 11279 11227 11259 11263 11211 11260 11 Mar. 26 Larson, Saloman 19 Nov. 18 Luth, Lawson 14 Teb. 2 McDonald, James. 15 Feb. 5 Munn, James W... 29 Mar. 20 McFarland, Andrew 12 Moore, Thomas 24 McGarvey, James H. 11 June 14 McCoppin, Alexander 8 Aug. 11 Marshall, Ellsworth S. 7 Sept. 7 Moss, Benjamin F 8 Nor. 4 Mahon, Martin S.. 4 Nov. 8 McCluskey, William. 7 Nov. 19 || HoCluskey, Charles M. 26 Dec. 7 Minot, James A 14 Jan. 7 Moore, Green B.. 6 Mar. 3 Muir, William T. 3 Apr. 10 Olsen, litto 6 May 3 Plummer, Ferduand 7 May 7 Pennington, Bryant 3 Jan. 15 Plummer, Otis S 6 July 17 Petterson, Gustaf. 10 Aug. 27 27 i Passmore, Thomas H.. 9 Sept. 9 Plummer, TVilliam H..! 2 Mar. 16 Prendergast, George. 24 6 Ralıb, William P... 13 cb. 6 Risk, Samuel. 5 July 17 Rodgers, Joseph W 12 Nov. 8 Swenson, Johns 17 Nov. 16 Smith, Alfred D 2 Dec. 7 Stewart, Petter. 7 Dec. 18 Smith, Travis L. 13 spr. 20 Skipner, Åsa T.. 15 Sept. 8 Smith, Phillip S 13 Sweet, Daniel E 24 Nov. 28 Simmons, Joseph W 1 May 10 Scrimgeour, William 19 Nov. 5 Thorsell, August 6 Thornlam, Jessie S.. 10 Jan. 28 Wilson, George 17 Feb. 19 Waitt, Adolph H 7 Wilsun, Frank... 22 Oct. 4 Walford, Samuel P 4 Mar. 28 Wood, Dennis E... 3 | Dlay Day 21 Wachsen, Henry (ct. 13 Wertch, Peter C. 6 Mar. 9 Wolflord. George 10 June 2:3 Woolford, Joseph B. 14 July 12 Wehrt, Adolph W... 17 Jan. 25 Walker, Charles F 14 July 1 Weikerth, Joseph 11267 11277 11203 11215 11220 11223 11230 11236 11239 11243 11248 11258 11261 11262 11266 11294 11235 11208 11245 11249 11253 11278 11297 11300 11207 11222 13502 11205 11206 11219 11225 11228 11241 11255 11270 11283 11209 11296 11201 11210 11218 11226 11233 11251 11252 11257 11280 11281 11282 11292 9 July 28 18 Oct. 4 14 Jan. 6 3 Feb. 5 6 Feb. 18 16 Mar. 1 12 Mar. 21 19 Apr. 10 1 Apr. 13 17 | May 3 6 May 17 26 June 16 22 July 3 15 July 12 17 July 27 20 Nov. 30 1 Apr. 6 1 Jan. 14 15 May 3 16 May 18 10 June 11 10 Oct. 8 13 Dec. 9 1 Dec. 11 6 Jan. 14 20 Mar. 1 12 Dec, 22 13 Jan. 12 16 Jan. 13 12 Feb. 18 6 Mar. 3 20 Mar. 11 15 Apr. 20 7 June 15 9 Aug. 21 22 Nov. 3 4 Jan. 9 6 Dec. 11 19 Jan. 6 17 Jan. 25 19 Feb. 17 13 Mar. 9 2 Apr. 2 .17 May 22 17 Junie 9 12 Jure 16 16 Oct. 16 6 Oct. 26 17 Nov. 3 13 Nov. 24 Sept. 13 Apr. 19 Aug. 12 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Galveston, Ter. Larsen, Alfred D 1455 11 Dec. 13 Mitchell, Alexander 1451 1 Jan. 9 Mates and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Galveston, Tex. 11 Simmons, Albert. 1454 3 Dec. 2 1 De Boer, Richard Magee, Caleb R. 1453 1452 3. Sept. 7 2 Mar. 22 1 Pilots licensed during thc year ended December 31, 1897–Galveston, Tex. First-class pilots. First-class pilots-Con- tipuen. Anderson, Ole Brown, Orrin F Brakefield, William. Bettis, Louis Brock. Fred A Cleveland, Phillips 5214 5202 5213 5216 5235 5215 5 May 17 8 Jan. 14 15 ) May 5 12 May 27 2 Nov. 4 2 Nov. 27 Dyer, Frank... Dick, Eugene L... Ellisor, William E.. Fletcher, Emmett K Flye, Murat K.. Galvin, James A. 5206 5227 5204 5217 5230 5218 3 Mar. 9 12 Aug. 30 6 Feb. 8 4 June 3 12 Sept. 30 1| July 1 1 57-419 290 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed-Galveston, Tex.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of ! Date of license. issue. issue. First-class pilots-Con- tinued. Second-class pilots- Continued. 5258 5263 5219 5262 5238 5250 5218 5242 5246 4 Nov. 20 3 Dec. 7 5 May 26 6 Dec. 4 4 Aug. 17 8 Oct. 21 1 May 21 10 Aug. 26 3 Sept. 7 Johnson, John Letts, Williano C... Lynch, John B... Lawson, William Larsen, Louis D Laughton, John W.. Laroche, Constant Lock, Louis Michon, Louis. Mercer, Robert L.. Mercer, Edward T Meyer, George D Masterson, Leigh C. Nelson, William E. Plummer, Fred. B.... Rodriguez, Esiquis .. Stienhort, Adolph Sweet, Henry L Spauldig, Alexander R Suetters, Aaron Wood, Charles F Williams, William... TVolfean, Frederick.. Zampini, Louis 5233 5203 5207 5209 5220 5225 5228 5234 5201 5208 5226 5229 5231 5219 5232 5223 5205 5211 5221 5222 5210 5224 5236 5212 9 Oct. 26 Payno, George W 2 Jan. 25 Price, Earnest E.. 13 Lar. 24 Richardson, Edward... 1 Apr. 14 Roberts, Charles T .... 3 July 3 Thompson, Andrew. 2 Aug. 7 Turk, Joseph 16 Sept. Ī White, John G 1 Nov. Wehner, William 3 Jan. 8 Wilson, Frank E . Apr. 3 13 Aug. 9 Special pilots. 8 Sept. 15 3 Sept. 22 Allen, Orconith F. 13 July 3 Bright, James A 4 Sept. 24 Bryant, George W 6 July 12 Breen, Martin.. 12 Feb. 9 Barton, Oscar R. 3 May 3 Clayton, Evan C 4 July 3 Collier, Hugh R.. 3 July 7 Converse, James 4 Apr. 19 Carratini, Francois 1 Aug. 7 Cutting, Clareuce 8 Nov. 23 Droho, Mathew.. 10 May 3 De Vere, Joseph Day, John Gove, Thomas Griffin, George E 11 Mar. 23 Hall, Erlward I.. 5 July 17 Hutchinys, Sealy 0 Sept. 7 Ilfrey, William V. 5 Nov. 1 Ingvall, William H... 8 Apr. 17 Kaough, Thomas 12 July 29 Lee, Bryant ... 3 Aug. 11 Lanagan, Richard 7 Oct. 26 || McKinley, Charles A 4 Mar. 28 Moody, VVilliam L 3 May 7 Moody, Frank B. 6 July 7 McCorckle, James A. 5 Juno 11 Petz, John .. 4 Sept. 3 Pillot, Camile C.. 9 Aug. 4 Roberts, George W 3 Sept. 15 Rugers, Charles C 4 Feb. 10 Scarborough, Richard.. 7 June 21 Schneider, Earnest 2 Nov. 1 Thomas, William E. 4 Nor. 29 Weygant, Woolsey 10 | July 17 Second-class pilots. Artisey, Louis C.... Agen, Edward.. Allen, John D Allen, Fred. J Block, Wesley Blattner, Charles K... Blackburn, Frank Burclı, Charles H.. Caldwell, George W... Cordsen, Fred Carr, Albert J Ditchman, Frank... Elliser, Calvin C... Haden, William D Haden, James E..... Lock, George Mitchell, Thomas R. Manielle. Laurent McCain, Thomas C Phillips, Wiley V 5247 5215 5209 5227 5261 5206 5207 5221 5239 5247 5217 5241 5252 5204 5223 5203 5256 5233 5240 5230 5211 52.44 5201 5255 5257 5259 5216 5226 5225 5243 5213 5232 5202 5224 5208 5229 5245 5253 5212 5235 5237 5251 5210 5214 5228 5220 5941 5236 5248 5205 5222 5254 5260 5231 ا ر دا حه ما لا 10 Sept. 7 1 May 8 1 Mar. 24 5 July 2 6 Nov. 30 2 Mar. 1 2 Mar. 4 4 June 21 3 Aug. 17 3 Sept. 15 8 May 21 1 Aug. 21 7 Oct 26 5 Jan. 15 4 June 21 2 Jan. 27 3 Nov. 18 4 July 24 Aug. 17 10 July 17 8 dpr. 1 3 Jūly 28 6 Jan. 15 3 Nov. 18 3 Nov. 19 5 Nov, 26 May 17 9 9 July 2 2 July 1 6 Aug. 30 1 May 17 4 July 19 5 Jan. 25 2 July 1 Joint pilots and engineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Galveston, Tec. Mar. 22 May 15 Blasingame, James P P. Braun, Charles H Fletcher, Marion K.. Meyer, Adolph McKinley, Charles... 1956 1957 1958 1951 1939 1 May 20 7 Sept. 17 5 Oct. 28 3 Mar. 22 4 Nov. 4 Ryan, Daniel E. Shumain, Flores A.. Schatchelowitz, Hylm'r Webber, Alexander J.. Wakefield, Bert Q 1952 1954 1956 1953 1960 3 1 1 3 2 Do. C Apr. 19 Dec. 4 Engineers licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Galveston, Tex. Chief engineers (ocean). Aycock, Richard T Bettis, Lewis L.. Bateman, James Ballew, Thomas Cotter, John A.. Connelly, Cannard .. Curry, John Coyne, John J Cooper, Albert S. 11768 11726 11729 1761 11733 11745 11747 11751 11758 Chief engineers li (ocean) Continned. 16 Oct. 28 Campbell, James R.... 17 May 27 Chase, Frank J 12 June 2 Collins, James L 10 Sept. 20 Doty, Edwarr W 11 i June 14 Dorreck, Emil. 15 Aug. 2 Graves, Edward -19 Aug. 11 Harper, George 7 Aug. 25 Henry, Nelson 13 | Sept. 9 Johnson, Clifford E 11764 11765 11770 11719 11724 11725 11728 11759 11714 7 Oct. 12 13 Oct. 18 17 Nov. 9 18 Apr. 6 5 May 18 7 May 27 15 May 29 20 Sept. 13 4 Feb. 27 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 291 Enginecis licensed—Galveston, Tex.—Continued. 1 Name. No. of No. of Date of license. 'issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. : issue. issue. Chief engineers (ocean)-Continued. Engineers in charge of steainers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons-Continued. McArdle, Thomas Prendergast, George M Powell, Henry N Prendergast, William.. Ross, George... Stephenson, Robert... Snaith, Everett. Shelton, Alfred Wood, Charles F. Wallenstien, John P.. 11775 11739 11753 11774 11732 11704 11762 11769 11706 11760 2 Chief engineers (inland). 6620 6651 6671 6672 6604 6613 6612 6617 6636 6644 6627 6603 6682 6602 6608 6609 6624 6625 6641 6622 6601 6642 6686 6648 6664 6606 6640 6667 6673 6605 6645 6611 2 Mar. 20 7 July 5 2 Sept. 6 10 Sept. 7 5 Jan. 22 5 Feb. 27 12 Feb. 23 i Mar. 5 7 June 1 4 June 25 7 | May May 4 14 June 22 8 Sept. 26 1 Jan. 11 1 Feb. 9 2 Do. 9 Apr. 20 11 May May 3 7 June 21 15 Apr. 7 14 Jan. 7 1 June 23 2 Nov. 2 6 July 1 20 July 16 7 Feb. 8 9 June 21 7 Aug. 20 6 Sept. 21 5 Jan. 25 11. July 1 14 Feb. 17 14 ! Allen, John B.... Allen, Vaughn. Brown, (rrin F Bottis, Irviu H.. Brown, William Broughton, Henry Berry, James J Bettis, Walter D... Burch, Charles El Bunn, Pearl L Collins, James P Chadwell, George W.. Davison, George Davidson, Samuel L.. Dodge, Jolu s Dickey, Robert Davis, William A.. Davis, Thomas J Daris, Charles L. Eyley, Victor Force, Henry B Fleming, Richard Fayle, William H Fletcher, Eumett A.. Fletcher, Marion K... Galfield, William Hyatt, Herbert H... Hill, George G Holly, William Johuson, Henry S... King, Neal J... Lynch, William J.... Lamont, Thomas. Ludvig, Albert McArdle, Thomas. Mallia, Heury E Malla, Simon' P Maguire, Andrew McLane, Alexandor... Norris, William F Pope, George W Parker, Gcorge L Rosenbaunu, Robert L.. Rabb, Arthur P.. Smith, Felix ... Schroeder, George H. Sheffers, Aaron Waitt, a dolph H Wreford, Charles R... 11707 11733 11701 11708 11711 11727 11749 11750 11755 11756 11738 11759 11709 11712 11718 11723 11748 11772 11777 11742 11713 11721 11730 11731 11767 11720 11710 11740 11773 11702 11746 11705 11734 11735 11775 11715 11754 11771 11776 11722 11736 1176:3 11752 11766 11716 11717 11737 11703 11741 14 Nov. 23) Dayton, Frank. 21 July 8 Deon, George F. 9 Aug. 27 Davis, Thomas E 13 Nov. 26 Dick, Eugene L.. 11 ! June 14 Griffin, George. 10 Jan. 21 Garrin, James El. 5 Oct. 5 Gregory, Peter. 9 Nov. 9 Griffin, William D 0 Feb. 2 Griffin, Robert A 8 Sept. 18 Grattan, John. Hughes, William E... Junk, Henry S... Jordau, Joshua J. Marion, John ... 16 I'eb. 3 McKenzie, Kenneth J 6 July 30 Moore, John D... 21 Jan. 14 Miclion, Louis H. 27 Feb. 3 Moss, Benjamin F... 13 Feb. 15 Mitchell, Thomas R... 30 May 27 Nelson, Willianı E.... 14 Aug. 18 O'Donell, John J. 9 Aug. 23 Osborne, Joseph L. 15 Sept. 3 Oliphant, George W... 7 Sept. 7 Pillot, Camille C.. 8 July July 7 Perry, Essex. 3 Sept. 8 Sweet, Daniel E.. 6 Teb. 6 Shaw, Robert 16 Feb. 19 Skinner. Daniel E 14 Mar. 12 Sweet, Henry L.. 15 May 10 Thomas, William E.... 12 Aug 14 Thowlinson, Arthur Nor. 9 Wilson, Frank ... 17 Dec. 7 19 July 27 First assistant engi- 10 Feb. 23 ncer's (ocean). 6 May 10 Anderson, Charles 12 June 3 Crabtree, Edward E.... 4 Do. Duffy, John 3 Oct. 28 8 ) May 1 Gillan, John R... May 3 | Lyons. John 7 Feb. 9 Masculine, Joseph A. 4 July 17 ... 6 22 Jan. 18 First assistant engi- 10 Aug. 10 5 | Jan. 30 neers (inland). 9 June 10 Asauga, Jaun... 6 June 26 Brakefield, William A 13 Nov. 26 Brown, John L.. 9 Mar. 1 | Blattner, Charles K.. 2 Sept. Sept. 1, Cutting, Charles . 12 Nov. 15 Carmine, Charles F 1 Nov. 29 Ditchman, Frank 20 May 10 Dudy, Josepi 9 July 2 Goodrich, George 10 Oct. -11 Guess, Charles L 12 Aug. 26 Hawkins, Albert S..... 2 Oct. 26 Jordan, George D. 13 Mar. 6. Johnson, John 16 Mar. 10 Murray, John. 15 | July 7 Nelsou, Peter... 11 ! Jan. 25 Nelson, George 21 July 24 O'Leary, Walter Phillips, Wiley W Roscoe, Ravniond H... i Street, William D... Smith, Phil. S.. Stovall, James T. Swindell, Robert M 1 Mar. 25 Spencer, Frederick 1 May 10 Smith, James E... 6 July 1 Therien, Louis N 3 Nov. 2 Vann, George D. 4 Mar. 8 Wood, Dennis .. 1 July 14 Walker, Joseph.. 7 Sept. 26 Wehrt, Adolph W 6690 6618 6669 6694 66.13 6663 6691 2 Nov. 20 2. Mar. 5 10 Ang. 28 12 Dec. 1 15 June 24 3 Aug. 9 1 Nov. 24 Nov. 24 Quin, John B. 6666 6628 6656 6660 6646 6662 6639 6661 6633 6034 6687 6626 6681 6638 6647 6696 6655 6616 6678 6615 6623 6632 6635 6637 6650 6629 6693 6652 6659 6680 20 Aug. 20 16 May 3 14 June 19 12 Aug. 3 6 July 1 16 Aug. 4 7 June 11 15 Aug. 3 5 May 27 16 Do. 10 Nov. 13 6 May May 3 6 (ct. 16 16 díay May 3 3 July 1 9 Nov. 13 15 July 19 7 Mar. 6 12 Oct. 19 12 Mar. 5 9 Apr. 19 7 May 27 8 June 1 16 June 2 9 July 3 14 May 3 3 Dec. 1 11 July 13 5 July 27 11 Oct. 20 Engineers in charge of steamers of 100 tons and under, and over 10 tons. Breen, Miles T... Baker, Charles L.. Breen, Martin Bullock, Henry: D. Canfield, Allen L.. Cline, William G. Chillette, Louis D..... 6621 6631 6649 6685 6619 6663 6683 292 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Engineers licensed—Galveston, Tex.—Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second assistant engi. neers (ocean). Third assistant engi. neers (inland)-Cout'd. Cassidy, Patrick.. Darroch, William N. Mallia, Simeon P.... 6607 6661 6668 10 2 2 Feb. 8 Ang. 9 Aug. 22 McFarland, Alexander Rankin, Julias J... Wood, Thomas 6684 6668 6670 5 Oct. 26 15 Nov. 13 2. Sept. 3 Second assistant engi- neers (inland). Heideman, Cris. Hemmingway, Eustace Japhet, Gustav Kaough, Thomas Pool, John Ray, Melvin K. Reynolds, Fred. A... Welner, William Wilson, Thomas Winkler, Albert 6614 6676 6677 6692 6695 6610 6689 6630 6679 6699 11 Mar. 5 14 Oct. 13 3 Oct. 14 14 Dec. i 10 Dec. 11 2 Feb. 11 2 Nov. 19 6 May 10 6 Oct. 19 6 Dec. 22 Third assistant engi- ricer's (ocean). Special engineers. Berry, Charles. Block, Wesley Bisby, Silas.. Bishop, William H... Bright, James Barton), Oscar R Calhoun, Thomas Firestone, Louis N.. Gibbs, Joseph M.. Garvin, Jefferson D.... Godwiu, Thomas G.S.. Howland, Jedson C... Kingery, Charles M... McKusker, John. Maignaud, Dominick Parker, Johu D... Patrick, Samuel Riellier, William E.... Ragan, George W Smith, John F.. Scinclair, George E... Schneider, Earnest Toups, Louis O.. Weygant, Woolsey Winter, Henry T Walker, Frank S 4007 4008 4010 4016 4023 4024 4018 4025 4002 4003 4009 4017 4006 4005 4012 4015 4019 4020 4027 4026 4013 4014 4004 4011 4001 4022 1 May May 7 10 May 19 2 June 21 1 Aug. 5 1 Nov. 16 6 Dec. 1 11 Aug. 24 3 Dec. 17 10 Feb. 2 1 Feb. 17 2 May 20 2 Aug. 6 4 May May 3 Mar. 22 10 July 7 1 July 23 5 2 Oct. 2 1 Nov. 3 4 Dec. 20 2 July 13 3 July 19 4 Mar. 18 2 July 7 4 Jan. 30 2 Nov. 6 Fields, Edward D.... Fisher, Samuel 6674 6675 4 16 Sept. 21 Oct. 2 Aug. 24 Third assistant engi- neers (inland). Davis, Eugene P..... Fessenden, Merril Hughes, John Johnson, Joseph B. B.. Ludgate, Richard.... 6657 6665 6698 6697 666+ 4 July 2:3 5 Aug. 13 3 Dec. 21 2 Dec, 20 3 Aug. 11 LOCAL DISTRICT OF APALACHICOLA, FLA. Master's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897— Apalachicola, Fla. Name. í No. of No. of Date of license, issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue. issue, Brainard, Eugene. Birens, James M Cook, J. T Hovard, Jett A... Hiers, J. W.. Lapham, Walter TV 11152 11160 11158 11135 11181 11110 1 July 17 15 Aug. 13 1 Aug. 9 9 May May 6 6 Oct. 21 5 Feb. 2 Lind, Augusta A Long, J. Ñ.. Munn, Daniel E. Struppa, William I Sumnerkamp, R. F Whiteside, Thomas J 11139 11184 11113 11137 11.185 11133 7 May 20 9 Dec. 21 9 Feb. 13 12 May 17 8 Nov. 7 21 | A pr. 29 Masters and pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—- Apalachicola, Fla. Acosta, Manuel Bryant, Thomas M... Ballard, Louis M. Beck, Geo. L... Billings. Thomas 0 Blake, Thomas. Babet, William Cobern, Henry Cooper, Frank M Crevasse, J.N Cassidey, H.C Canute, James Crevasse, J. W W. Chittwood, L. A Dillon, G. W Daws, Lyman S. Eanes, William S Estes, C. L... Floyd, William Fry, Heber A.. Fitzgerald, John J... 11182 11106 11108 111361 11157 11163 11162 11112 1114 11130 11143 11150 11161 11172 11121 11122 11128 11138 11102 11103 11115 17 Oct. 25 23 Jan, 21 7 Jan. 25 3 May 6 11 Aug. 9 13 Aug. 25 15 Do. 6 Feb. 13 12 Do. 16 Apr. 24 18 July 21 17 July 13 8 Aug. 17 1 Oct. 4 0 Mar. + 15 Mar. 6 12 Apr. 19 12 May 20 8 Jan. S 15 Jan. 11 12 Feb. 17 Fogarty. John J Fisher, Hernan. Floyd, T. A Fisher. Joho. Fine, Fred A Gordon, Henry T Grogan, M ... Godward, Charles Hill, R. L.. Hansen, Geo.. Harforri, Frank R..... Flodges, L. L. Hyers, Collins Hall, B. F., jr Hudson. Benton J Jones, Charles D. Johnson, Abram S Johnson, Joseph N Johnson, Earnest F Jackson, William P.... Lapham, Frank G. 11115 11120 11140 11149 11174 11104 11144 1.1179 11111 11126 11151 11153 11177 11176 11188 11101 11155 11170 11175 11.183 11116 12 Feb. 17 S Mar. 2 7 May 24 1] July 13 16 Oct. 18 11 Jan. 12 9 July 2 12 Oct. 20 26 Feb. 3 12 dpr. 17 15 July 15 16 July 20 10 Oct. 19 18 Do. 1 Nov. 22 13 Jan. 4 13 July 28 19 Sept. 23 8 Oct. 19 19 Oct. 25 7 Fel. 18 > . STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. 293 Masters and pilots licensed-Apalachicola, F'la.-Continued. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. | issue. issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. (issue. issue. Lapham, Georgo O.. Large, K. M.. Magruder, L. L McKay, Donald S... Marcrum, B.F. McKay, James Miller, John Marks, Chas. W Mason, James A Marcrum, T. A.. Merwin, Charles M Nelson, Peter. Rouse, Frederick Boberts, Thomas V Rouse, M. H Rumley, D.G Roan, James H.. Russell, A 11165 11189 11117 11118 11119 11124 11145 11127 11148 11180 11187 11123 11105 11125 11134 11141 11147 11167 1 1 Sept. 8 9 Dec. 21 9 Feb. 18 14 Feb. 27 16 Mar: 1 24 Apr. 1 19 July 6 10 Apr. 19 7 July 13 15 Oct 21 13 Nov. 13 17 Mar. 8 8 Jan. 18 15 Apr, 10 4 May 1 12 June 21 3 July 13 14 Sept. 8 Roberts, Joseph W Stanton, Willian H.... Sharit, B.R... Sharp, J.P Shaw, W. A. Shea, John F.... Thompson, Frederick. Thompson, Joseph... Wing, A. L Whiteside, Thomas B.. Washington, Phillip A. Warper, George C Wallace, T. A.. White, Wellington, M Walker, H. M. Weatherford, Wm. T. Weatherford, William Warcl, Edward R. 11178 11307 11131 11164 11166 11190 11142 11173 11129 11132 11146 11154 11156 11159 11168 11169 11171 11186 9 Oct. 19 13 Jan. 25 9 Apr. 24 9 Sept. 3 9 Sept. 8 5 Dec. 27 10 June 21 12 Oct. 4 6 Apr. 22 5 Apr. 28 2) July 6 13 July 24 12 Aug. 2 12 16 Sept. 13 13 Sept. 23 15 Oct. 2 9 Nov. 12 A uy. 12 Mates licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Apalachicola, Fla. Belgån, Christian J.... Bie, Otto Norman Collins, Samuel 1404 1405 1403 1 5 15 July 2 July 20 Aug. 25 Dillon, Charles Miller, James Wyner, G. V 1406 1402 1401 5 3 9 Sep. 22 Apr. 5 Feb. 5 Pilots licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Apalachicola, Fla. First-class pilots. First-class pilots--Con- tinued. 5143 5113 5138 2 8 13 Nov. 13 Apr. 13 Nov. 5 1 Allen, Robert Bolt, Alfred E Baker, William A. Bass, Thomas A... Breezear, Alexander Clark, Robert W. Carpenter, Charles E Cattenetta. Domingo. Carpenter, E.D... Dobson, Charles A.... Dudley, T.J Ganin, Frank Grimes, Sidney, B... Grader, Henry Gonzalez, Manuel A Griffin, Albert Hill, William Harding, Thomas Johnson, W. H. ... Johnson, Menendez... Johnson, J.W ... Johnson, Clay Knickmeyer, W.J King, Franklin P Lapham, George S McQueen, Daniel W Mitchell, John R... O'Neill, E. A. Pent, Thomas C. Pont, William T Phillips, James Y Quinu, Harry Roan, John iy Rayborn, Josial Stapleton, Robert W... Snaith, Jobu Smith. S. S... Sbarit, Amos R.. Simmons, George W Struppa, Claude E. Terry, James C.,.jr. Witherspoon, Clas. W Whiteside, Wilson E. 5.135 5120 5127 5132 5139 5115 5126 5136 5102 5130 5142 5106 5108 5117 5119 5144 5118 5140 5114 5116 5121 5125 5105 5131 5112 5134 5145 5104 5110 512 5129 5109 5122 5141 5101 5107 5111 5123 5128 5146 5103 5133 5137 1 9 Oct. 25 Wingate, C.B... 2 June 10 Yent, Robert F.,jr. 10 Auy. 9 Yent, L. L 6 Sept. 25 8 Nov. 6 Second-class pilots. 13 May 6 15 July 24 Aultman, S. B 11 Oct. 25 Allen. James H... 12 Jan. Brantley, B.J.. 9 Aug. 13 Bailey, James W 3 Nov. 13 Burns, Francis. 10 Jan. 25 Buchapan, C. N 7 Feb. 23 Barmore, William G 2 Apr. 15 Campbell, Spencer 12 June 2 Cook, Bert 3 Nov. 15 Caraway, George H... 13 May 17 Coe, Benton E. 10 Nov. 7 Du Pree, Robert W 5 May 3 Ellis, T. W. 9 May 6 Fuscher, Jessie 9 Junie 22 Fowler, Johur M. 11 July 19 Floyd, Samuel A 7 Jan. 21 Freeman, Frank L 12 Aug. 13 Gillis. Daniel 10 Mar. 11 Gilbert, J.R 14 Oct. Oct. 19 Giles, L.C 3 Nov. 22 Gibson, Paul L 2 Jan. 21 Hicks, Robert O 5 Mar. 2 Hall, Warren F 8 July 19 Hoffman, John F 17 Ang. 13 Humphroy, B. F 10 Mar. 1 Henderson, Tillit T. ... 11 July 13 Holton, William E... 10 Nov. 13 Hudgins, James W.. 6 i Jan. Jacquemain, Edward 7 Jan. 28 Knowles, Richard W Mar. 4 Layne, G. A 16 July 13 Leathlan, C. F 3 Aug. 9 Lucus, Geo. T 3 Nov. 22 Lawson, Samnel .. 8 Jan. 12 Le Gallee, A. E 16 Oct. 7 Menge, J. F... 3 Nov. 3 | Phares, James B. 5143 5155 5118 5139 5141 5156 5161 5107 5113 5123 5131 5158 5149 5119 5133 51.40 5146 5122 5124 5125 5138 5102 5135 5137 5154 5147 5145 5160 5111 5117 5106 5109 5115 5144 5150 5101 5127 9 Sept. 27 6 Nov. 1 5 Apr. 10 6 Aug 25 1 Sept. 22 1 Nov. 6 2 Dec. 21 1 Jan. 18 10 Feb. 20 6 May 20 4 July 2 6 Nov. 13 1. Oct. 25 7 Apr. 26 8 July 6 1 Sept. 8 11 Oct. · 19 1 May 17 9 May 22 1 May 28 8 Aug. 21 5 Jan. 4 6 July 19. 7 July 24 3 Nov. 1 7 Oct. 19 7 Do. 5 Nov. 15 11 Jan. 28 6 Mar. 27 9 Jan. 11 .6 Jan. 25 6 Mar. 13 6 Oct. 19 2 Oct. 25 9 Jan. 4 10 June 10 0 C 294 STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Pilots licensed, dpalachicola, Fla.-Contioned. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. I issue, issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. Second-class pilots- Continued. Second-class pilots- Continued. Whidden, William H Yeut, Robert F. 5157 5104 2 6 Nov. 7 Jan. 4 1 Special pilots. Park, C. L .. Pooser, Edward T Pickett, Williard C Prince, E. V. Rackum, Frank O Roan, Charles F Russell, William H. Storrs, James C. Smith, Johp.jr. Stevrart, H. W Snider, Henry F Weting. George F. Wahlstrom, Herman... Washington, Charles S. 5129 5153 5152. 5162 5105 5108 5132 51.03 5119 5114 5128 5116 5120 5134 2 June 22 6 Nov. 1 11 Do. 13 Dec. 27 4 4 Jan. 9 6 Jan, 25 2 2 July 6 6 Jan. 4 7 Jan. 28 1 Mar. 11 1 June 10 2 Mar. 27 3 May 1 13 July 13 Adams, E. M Branch, T.J. Dueinberry, Richard... Faircloth. Oliver G .... Kells, C.B... Mroczkowski, G. W Marchant, A. B Patten, Joseph Patton, N. S... 5148 5142 5136 5159 5121 5112 5151 5126 5130 1 : Oct. 25 5 Sept. 25 7. July 24 4 | Nov. 15 1 May 17 11 i Feb. 14 7 1 Oct. 25 5 June 10 8 July 2 0 Ingineer's licensed during the year ended December 31, 1897—Apalachicola, Fla. Chief engineers (ocean). Chief engineers (in- land)- Continued. Mar. 11057 11609 11.619 11635 11671 11613 11641 11617 11623 11674 Cardy, Joseph Green, W. A Jerman, Aloxander C Jerman, Henry T. Jobnson, Louis McMallon, John .. Magrnder, George M Port, Madison Wagner, Alfred. Williams, T. H.. Chief engineers (ind. land). Aultman, S. B Adlington, David C.. Biglow, S.L.. Brainerd, Eugiue. Brooks, Walter Bropley, Alfred T.. Carterline, A.B... Conover, David A Comberworth, Charles. Crews, G. W Cassady, W.A... Caraway, George A. Clark, Benj. A.. Chalmers, George B Collins, Daniel.... Duucan. A.H.. Daws, Limau S Darcy, J. A Eslinger. Rudolph Floyd. William Farley, Walter..d. Forquier, George Gilbert, A.S Gilbert. VV.C Goodlett, Hiram E.... Gullett, Armie D Geer, A. H. Gibson, Paul E Gillis, Daniel Holmes, Claud... Hardester, George E.. Hiers, J. W Jerguson, A. P Johnson, Clay Johns, V.B Julinson, A.J... Kiniball, Samnuel M Kinze. George Lewis, John B Liverman, Williain S 27 Sept. 27 || Lang, Julius M ... 16 Teb. 1 Led with, C.N. 18 Mar. 9 McCarty, Daniel J 17 May 22 McNeil, John B. 10 Nov. 9 McBride, James 18 Tob. 20 Nix, George A July 10 Pickett, Robert S 7 Mar. 8 Piko, H. C 21 Mar. 26 Pilling, D.A 19 Dec. S Rev. B. B... Russell, William D... Randall, James W Rouse, M. H. 6 Sept. 27 Spencer, Thomas 28 Oct. 25 Surgeys, Joliu B 7 July 2 Somers, Charles. 7 Feb. 13 Storch, F.A. 6 Teb. 20 Smith, E. B 12 Aug. 9 Thompson, Jolin D...., 9 Jan. 8 Vbanell, D.C 1 Jan. 28 Whiteside, Thomas J.. 8 Mar. 27 Walker, Peter 9 Mar. 29 Witham, George W 16 May 16 Weihe, Louis . 13 May 20 Wallace, T. A. 17 June 7 Varner, George C 11 dug. 9 Zent, L. L... 8 Dec. 27 11 Apr. 9 Engineers in charge of 13 July jo steamers of 100 tons 16 July 19 and under, and over 7 Sept. 27 10 tons. 15 Jan. 6 7 Oot. 1 Alford, A.J.. 14 Oct. 22 Allen, Jannes H.. 1 Jan. Blocker, E.L 1 Do. Crawforil, C.N.. 26 Feb. 26 Dinkins, J.J.. 7 Mar. 5 Enter, C.L... 24 Apr. 22 Gotwallis, John G 16 Oct. 22 Gilbert, S.L.. 15 Dec. 24 Giles, L.C.. 17 May 27 : Harford, Frank R. Oct. 19 Hall, B. F., jr 7 Oct. 21 Jobuson, Keros 6 Jan. 11 James, Heury E 13 Jan. 18 Menge, Courad 19 Aug. 7 Paulson), Emmet 20 Oct. 1 Pickett, William C. 14 Sept. 9 Prince, E. W... 1 Sept. 13 Rbodley, Jerry E 10 Jan. 28 Smith, D. H.. 4) June 4 Widerquiest, Gustaf. 11644 11673 11618 11660 11667 11642 11620 11639 11659 11615 11630 11651 11655 11627 11650 11652 11665 11675 11622 11621 11629 11632 11633 11645 11646 1166+ 11672 18 July 24 9 Dec., 5 12 9 30 Oct. 1 13 Oct. 22 12 i July 19 14 Mar. 15 9 June 19 12 Oct. 1 6 Mar. 1 16 May 1 20 Sept. 2 17 Sept. 21 17 Apr. 15 15 Aug. 14 14 Sept. 9 7 Oct. 19 9 Dec. 20 16 Mar. 26 8 Mar. 15 21 A pr. 29 16 May 4 9 May 18 14 July 26 15 Aug 2 18 Oct. 19 16 Dec. 5 11656 11670 11610 11011 11612 11649 11604 11608 11624 11625 11631 11634 11638 11.648 11677 11626 11640 11613 11058 116033 11662 11668 11601 11602 11614 11616 11628 11669 11076 11636 11663 11666 11605 11606 11647 11661 11653 11654 11607 11637 . 6536 6544 6521 6549 651.5 6518 6503 6525 6528 6526 6535 6527 6546 6552 6524 6541 6548 6542 6543 6517 5 Oct. 19 4 Nov. 8 3 May 15 13 Dec. 27 11 Mar. 27 9 Apr. 16 10 Jan. 18 9 June 21 1 Aug. 18 12 July 16 11 Oct. 19 12 Aug. 14 10 Dec. 5 7 Sept. 23 1 June 4 9 Oct. 30 3 Dec. 27 15 Nov. 4 5 Nov. 6 4 | Apr. 8 P STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. · 295 Engineer's licensed-Apalachicola, Fla.--Continued. Name. No. of No. of license. issue. Date of issue. Name. No. of No. of Date of license. issue. issue. First assistant engi- neer (ocean). Second asssstant engi- neers (ocean)-Cont'd. 6530 15 Sept. 20 6512 6522 12. Mar. 12 2 May 18 Goldsborough, William Simnrons, Bernett..... Second assistant engi- ncci's (inland). ---- Connell, J.L. Cardy, James Wott.... Green, William Morgan, Edward... 0508 6537 6545 6533 6 Feb. 25 12 Oct. 19 7 Nov. 15 10 Oct. 1 Special engineers. Murphy, D. V.. First assistant engi- neers (inland). Allen, L.L. Brown, David S. Cobern, William Carr, W.S Coleman, A. T Donnell, John0. Dudley, Charles F Frey, William G Floyd, T. A. Gaines, George Hill, R. L Johnson, J J... Jinkins, Carlisle.. Killix. J.R McCullough, H Parcketon, Johns Peck, Charles J.. Pope, Richard J. 0. Pryor, Horace B Stewart. Louis C. Vincon, J. M. Second assistant engi- neers (ocean). Cochrane, James. 6513 6540 6510 6511 6539 6529 6534 0504 6523 6520 6505 6507 6547 6538 6531. 6501 6509 6516 6519 6514 2 Mar. 26 4 Oct. 20 12 Mar. 2 14 Mar. 5 15 Oct. 19 4 Aug. 23 10 Oct. 4 2 Jan. 21 13 May 24 3 May 6 19 Feb. 4 12 Teb. 13 4 Dec. 5 13 Oct. 19 14 Sept. 20 2 Jan. 9 6 Mar. 1 Mar. 29 10 Apr. 19 11 Mar. 26 1. Anthony, Joseph P.. Branch, George J Blakeley, Homer H.. Bozeman, T. E Borland, D.S Cardy, George G Chatlin, W.S.. Lamareoux, Leroy Nelson, Peter. Patten, Joseph. Parten, N.Ş... Piper, Archibald.. Rivers, Thomas B..... Ramsey, W.T. Turopaw, G. W.. Weller, A. P... 3902 3910 3912 3915 3916 3901 3911 3909 3903 3905 3907 3914 3908 3913 3906 3904 3 Mar. S 4 Sept. 24 1 Oct. 19 8 Nov. 15 2 Dec. 5 2 Feb. 13 1 Oct. 19 1. Sept. 2 10 Mar. 8 7 June 10 8 June 24 4 Nov. 4 1 July 1 1 Oct. 21 8 June 10 5 Mar. 26 6502 10 Jan. 18 o UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN JAN 3 1905 3 9015 07375 1797 1 1 1 1 . ای . . .