HE 4491 C45 A754 REPORTS ON THROUGH ROUTES AND LOOPS FOR THE CHICAGO STREET RAILWAY COMPANIES INCLUDING EXHIBITS A AND C OF ORDINANCES SUBMITTED TO THE COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL BY BION J. ARNOLD Oct. and Nov., 1905 ARNOLD REPORTS No. 3, 4 AND 5 REPORTS ON THROUGH ROUTES AND LOOPS FOR THE CHICAGO STREET RAILWAY COMPANIES INCLUDING EXHIBITS A AND C OF ORDINANCES SUBMITTED TO THE COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL BY BION J. ARNOLD Oct, and Nov., 1905 ARNOLD REPORTS No. 3, 4 AND 5 MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANS- PORTATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO. HON. CHARLES WERNO, CHAIRMAN. HON. ROBERT R. MCCORMICK HON. WILLIAM E. DEVER HON. NICHOLAS R. FINN HON. THOMAS CAREY HON. MICHAEL ZIMMER HON. WILLIAM T. MAYPOLE HON. WALTER J. RAYMER HON. JOHN J. BRADLEY HON. MILTON J. FOREMAN HON. FRANK I. BENNETT HON. THOMAS M. HUNTER HON. LINN H. YOUNG REPORT NO. 3, 016 Wer 098.5 Chicago, October 26, 1905. 1 Hon. Charles Werno, Chairman, and Members of the Local Transportation Committee, Chicago City Council. Gentlemen:-Complying with your instructions directing me to confer with the engineers of the Chicago City Railway Com- pany and of the Union Traction Company, for the purpose of submitting to your Committee a plan for a system of through routes and terminal loops in the business district, suitable for a comprehensive surface street railway system in the city of Chicago, I have the honor to submit herewith a plan which has been agreed upon by the representatives of the railway com- panies involved. Personally I favored a plan which would eliminate the tracks from La Salle and Washington Streets, so that these streets might be converted into boulevards, or used exclusively for team traffic, thus carrying out one of the principles laid down in my report of 1902, but owing to the volume of traffic to be handled, and the desire on the part of the railway companies to retain the use of the La Salle and Washington Street tunnels, and to the further fact that the Union Traction Company claims to possess rights upon both La Salle and Washington Streets, which its representatives did not feel authorized to relinquish, it has seemed best to submit a plan for your consideration show- ing tracks upon these streets, for by their use the maximum capacity of the entire surface street railway of the city is attained, which capacity would be equivalent to a 100 per cent increase over the present traffic, without excessive con- gestion of cars at any intersecting point. I have acquiesced in submitting this on the theory that when subways are constructed upon La Salle and Washington Streets the surface tracks can then be removed and these streets made available for boulevard or teaming purposes. Should it be the judgment of your Committee that the tracks on La Salle and Washington Streets be omitted now a system accomplishing this result can be worked out, but it would not accommodate as much traffic or deliver the people as well as the plan submitted, and in deciding between these plans the 192357 Re-classed 9-9-30 AVM REPORT NO. 3. relative importance of the devery of the people to the business district and the teaming or pleasure driving interests must be considered. The fundamental principles underlying the plan submitted are as follows: FIRST: All cars follow the natural direction of traffic. SECOND: The through-routing of cars: (a) North to South Sides; through the business district, and vice versa; (b) From North Side, through business district, to the Southwest Side of the city; (c) From the South Side, through the business district, to the Northwest Side of the city; (d) From both the North and South Sides of the city, through the business district, directly West. THIRD: The bringing of all West Side and North Side cars, which are not through-routed, as far east as State Street, and returning them upon loops, and the returning of all South Side cars not through- routed upon loops. FOURTH: The planning of the system in such a way that the tracks can ultimately be removed from La Salle and Washington Streets and placed in subways, thus leaving these streets free for boulevard or teaming purposes. Map No. 15 shows the tracks in the business district, while Map No. 16 represents the through-routes which are recom- mended by me and agreed to by the companies, at present, with the understanding that some practical working basis will be agreed upon between the City and the railway companies, if franchises are granted to them, whereby these routes may be altered and new ones established from time to time should the conditions warrant, thus tending toward the ultimate adoption of routes and headways similar to those recommended for a complete unified system in my report of 1902. C Respectfully submitted, Ring Arwold Consulting Electrical Engineer. TENTATIVE THROUGH-ROUTING PLAN FOR A COMPREHENSIVE SURFACE STREET RAILWAY SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF CHICAGO. The fundamental principles underlying this system are: FIRST: All cars follow the natural direction of traffic. SECOND: The through-routing of cars: (a) North to South Sides, through the business district, and vice versa; (b) From North Side through business district, to the Southwest Side of the city; (c) From the South Side, through the business district, to the Northwest Side of the city; (d) From both the North and South Sides of the city, through the business district, directly West. THIRD: The bringing of all West Side and North Side cars, which are not through-routed, as far East as State Street, and returning them upon loops, and the returning of all South Side cars not through-routed upon loops. FOURTH: The planning of the system in such a manner that the tracks can ultimately be removed from La Salle and Washington Streets and placed in subways, thus leaving these streets free for boulevard pur- poses. THROUGH ROUTES CONNECTING NORTH AND SOUTH DIVISIONS. ROUTE NO. 1. Beginning at Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony Island Avenue) and 63d Street, thence West on 63d Street to Indiana Avenue; North on Indiana Avenue to 18th Street; West on 6 REPORT NO. 3. 18th Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Lake Street; West on Lake Street to State Street; North on State Street to Division Street; West on Division Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Devon Avenue; re- turning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 2. Beginning at 76th Street and Vincennes Road; North on Vin- cennes Road to State Street; North on State Street to Washington Street; West on Washington Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Illinois Street; West on Illinois Street to Wells Street; North on Wells Street to Divi- sion Street; West on Division Street to Clybourn Avenue; North on Clybourn Avenue to Belmont Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 3. Beginning at Lake Avenue and 55th Street; West on 55th Street to Cottage Grove Avenue; North on Cottage Grove Ave- nue to 22nd Street; West on 22nd Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Harrison Street; West on Harri- son Street to Dearborn Street; North on Dearborn Street to Washington Street; West on Washington Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Illinois Street; East on Illinois Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Cen- ter Street; West on Center Street to Lincoln Avenue; North on Lincoln Avenue to Bowmanville (Foster Avenue); return- ing by the same route. ROUTE NO. 4. Beginning at 75th Street on South Chicago Avenue; North on South Chicago Avenue to Cottage Grove Avenue; North on Cottage Grove Avenue to 22nd Street; West on 22nd Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Washington Street; West on Washington Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Illinois Street; West on Illinois Street to Wells Street; North on Wells Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Center Street: West on Center Street to Lincoln Avenue; North on Lincoln Avenue to Wrightwood Ave- nue; returning by the same route. THROUGH ROUTES BETWEEN SOUTH AND WEST DIVISIONS. ROUTE NO. 5. Beginning at 76th Street and Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to State Street; North on State Street to Van Buren Street; West on Van Buren Street to Kedzie Ave- nue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 6. Beginning at Wallace Street and 79th Street; East on 79th Street to Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to Wentworth Avenue; North on Wentworth Avenue to Archer Avenue; East on Archer Avenue to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Desplaines Street; North on Desplaines Street to Milwaukee Avenue; North on Milwaukee Avenue to Armitage Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 7. Beginning on State Street at 39th Street; North on State Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to 40th Ave- nue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 8. Beginning at Jackson Park Avenue and 63rd Street; West on 63rd Street to Halsted street; North on Halsted Street to Evanston Avenue; North on Evanston Avenue to Graceland Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 9. Beginning at 69th Street and Ashland Avenue; North on Ashland Avenue to 12th Street; West on 12th Street to Paulina Street; North on Paulina Street to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to Ashland Avenue; North on Ashland Avenue to Clybourn Place; West on Clybourn Place to Wood Street; returning by same route. ..NOTE: This route is contingent upon the establishment of the right of these Companies to operate the section between Archer Avenue and 22nd Street now pending in the courts. ROUTE NO. 10. Beginning at 71st Street and Western Avenue; North on Western Avenue to Roscoe Boulevard; returning by the same route. THROUGH ROUTES BETWEEN NORTH AND WEST DIVISIONS. ROUTE NO. 11. Beginning at North Avenue and Clark Street; South on Clark Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Ogden Avenue; Southwest on Ogden Avenue to 40th Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 12. Beginning at Clark Street and North Avenue; West, on North Avenue to Wells Street; South on Wells Street and Fifth Avenue to Adams Street; West on Adams Street to Clinton Street; South on Clinton Street to Harrison Street; West on Harrison Street to the intersection of Halsted Street and Blue Island Avenue; Southwest on Blue Island Avenue to Western Avenue; returning by the same route. THROUGH ROUTE BETWEEN SOUTH, WEST AND ROUTE NO. 13. NORTH DIVISIONS. Beginning at 48th Avenue and Archer Avenue; Northeast on Archer Avenue to Halsted Street; North on Halsted Street to Evanston Avenue; North on Evanston Avenue to Graceland Avenue; returning by the same route. LOOP TERMINALS TO ENABLE PASSENGERS FROM ALL DIVISIONS OF THE CITY TO REACH STATE STREET, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF RETURN- ING CARS TO THE DIVISIONS HAVING A SURPLUS OF CARS. LOOP NO. 1. WEST SIDE LINES. Cars entering on Lake Street: East on Lake Street to State Street; South on State Street to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Lake Street, thence West on Lake Street. Cars entering on Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to State Street; South on State Street to Randolph Street; thence West on Randolph Street. LOOP NO. 2. Cars entering on Washington Street: East on Washington Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Řan- dolph Street; East on Randolph Street to State Street; South on State Street to Washington Street, thence West on Wash- ington Street. LOOP NO. 3. Cars entering on Madison Street: East on Madison Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Washington Street; East on Washington Street to State Street; South on State Street to Madison Street, thence West on Madison Street. LOOP NO. 4. Cars entering on Madison Street: East on Madison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Madison Street, thence West on Madison Street. LOOP NO. 5. Cars entering on Adams Street: East on Adams Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Monroe Street; 10 REPORT NO. 3. East on Monroe Street to State Street; South on State Street to Adams Street, thence West on Adams Street. LOOP NO. 6. Cars entering on Van Buren Street or via Van Buren Street Tunnel: East on Van Buren Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Adams Street; East on Adams Street to State Street; South on State Street to Van Buren Street, thence West on Van Buren Street. Cars entering on Fifth Avenue: North on Fifth Avenue to Adams Street; East on Adams Street to State Street; South on State Street to Van Buren Street; West on Van Buren Street to Fifth Avenue, thence South on Fifth Avenue. LOOP NO. 7. Cars entering via Harrison Street: East on Harrison Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to State Street; South on State Street to Harrison Street, thence West on Harrison Street. LOOP NO. 8. NORTH SIDE LINES. Cars entering on Fifth Avenue: South on Fifth Avenue to Harrison Street; East on Harrison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Polk Street; West on Polk Street to Dearborn Street; North on Dearborn Street to Harrison Street; West on Harrison Street to Fifth Avenue, thence North on Fifth Avenue. Cars entering on Dearborn Street: South on Dearborn Street to Harrison Street; East on Harrison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Polk Street; West on Polk Street to Dearborn Street, thence North on Dearborn Street. By providing suitable curves at Harrison and Dearborn Streets and Harrison and Clark Streets at present, and addi- tional tracks in Polk Street when Polk Street is widened, provision is made for additional through lines via Sedgwick and Larrabee Street lines on the North Side and Clark Street lines on the South Side. Cars entering on State Street: South on State Street to Ran- dolph Street; West on Randolph Street to Dearborn Street; South on Dearborn Street to Harrison Street; East on Harri- son Street to State Street; South on State Street to Polk Street; West on Polk Street to Dearborn Street; North on LOOPS. 11 Dearborn Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to State Street, thence North on State Street. LOOP NO. 9. Cars entering on La Salle Street: South on La Salle Street to Madison Street; East on Madison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to La Salle Street, thence North on La Salle Street. LOOP NO. 10. SOUTH SIDE LINES. Cars entering on Wabash Avenue: North on Wabash Avenue to Washington Street; East on Washington Street to Garland Court; North on Garland Court to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to Wabash Avenue, thence South on Wabash Avenue. LOOP NO. 11. Cars entering on State Street: North on State Street to Ran- dolph Street; East on Randolph Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Lake Street; West on Lake Street to State Street, thence South on State Street. LOOP NO. 12. Cars entering on Clark Street: North on Clark Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to State Street; South on State Street to Adams Street; West on Adams Street to Clark Street; thence South on Clark Street. For all the North Side lines suitable curves should be provided on Lake and Kinzie Streets to enable cars to be di- verted to other terminals in case of fire, bridge, or other emer- gency. In like manner similar curves should be provided on Franklin and Clinton Streets for West Side cars and on Van Buren and Harrison Streets for the South Side lines. Cars entering through La Salle Street tunnel in case of blockade will be diverted on Washington, Randolph, Clark, or Illinois Streets. In this plan certain streets have been utilized upon which no tracks are now constructed, and in case the necessary rights for locating upon these streets cannot be secured by the Companies other streets could be used as follows: Instead of Franklin Street, from Lake Street to Washington Street, use Fifth Avenue. .12 REPORT NO. 3. Instead of Monroe Street, between La Salle Street and Frank- lin Street, use Adams Street. Instead of Monroe Street, from Dearborn Street to State Street, use Dearborn Street for Loops No. 9 and No. 12. Instead of Harrison Street, from Wabash Avenue to State Street, use Van Buren Street. In case Polk Street cannot be made available for tracks all Dearborn Street cars would stub-end at Polk Street. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1. ΤΟ REPORT NO. 3. THROUGH-ROUTING PLAN. INCLUDING ADDITIONAL ROUTES SUGGESTED BY THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. AT ITS MEETING OF OCT. 27TH November 14, 1905. Chicago, November 14, 1905. Hon. Charles Werno, Chairman, and Members of the Local Transportation Committee, Chicago City Council. Gentlemen:-I have the honor to submit herewith a list show- ing the extensions to the through routes previously described in my Report No. 3, of October 26, 1905, and additional through routes suggested by members of your Committee. For convenience in referring to this report I have designated it as "Supplement No. 1 to Report No. 3." Respectfully submitted, (Signed) BION J. ARNOLD. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. 3. EXTENSIONS TO THROUGH ROUTES DESCRIBED IN REPORT NO. 3 AND ADDITIONAL THROUGH ROUTES SUGGESTED BY MEMBERS OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Referring to Report No. 3, Route Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 remain as described therein. ROUTE NO. 6: Same as in Report No. 3, except that it is extended West on Armitage Avenue to 44th Avenue instead of terminating at Mil- waukee and Armitage Avenues. ROUTE NO. 7: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 8: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 9: Same as described in Report No. 3, except that instead of turning West on Clybourn Place the route will now extend East on Clybourn Place to Southport Avenue, thence North on Southport Avenue to Clark Street, returning by the same route. NOTE: This route is contingent upon conditions described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 10: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 11: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 12: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 13: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 14: NEW ROUTES. Beginning at Wallace Street and 79th Street; East on 79th Street to Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes on Vincennes Road to Wentworth Avenue; North on Wentworth Avenue to Archer Avenue; East on Archer Avenue to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Desplaines Street; North on Desplaines Street to Milwaukee Avenue; North on Milwaukee Avenue to Belmont Avenue; re- turning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 15: Beginning at Wallace Street and 79th Street; East on 79th Street to Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to Wentworth Avenue; North on Wentworth Avenue to Archer Avenue; East on Archer Avenue to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Desplaines Street; North on Desplaines Street to Milwaukee Avenue; (or West on Madison Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Washington Street; West on Washing- ton Street through the tunnel to Desplaines Street); North on Milwaukee Avenue to Chicago Avenue; and West on Chicago Avenue to 40th Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 16: Beginning at Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony Island Avenue) and 63rd Street; thence West on 63rd Street to Indi- ana Avenue; North on Indiana Avenue to 18th Street; West on 18th Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Washington Street; West on Washington Street to Desplaines Street; North on Desplaines Street to Lake Street; West on Lake Street to 48th Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 17: Beginning at Kedzie Avenue and 63rd Street; North on Ked- zie Avenue to Belmont Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 18: Beginning on Division Street at Humboldt Park; East on Division Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to North Avenue and Lincoln Park; West on North Avenue to Wells Street; South on Wells Street to Division Street; West on Division Street to Humboldt Park. SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. 3 THROUGH-ROUTING PLAN INCLUDING ADDITIONAL ROUTES SUGGESTED BY THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. AT ITS MEETING OF NOV. 14TH. · November 16, 1905. SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. 3. Chicago, November 16, 1905. Hon. Charles Werno, Chairman, and Members of the Local Transportation Committee, Chicago City Council. Gentlemen:-I have the honor to submit herewith a list showing the extensions to the through routes previously de- scribed in my Report No. 3 of October 26th, as well as those embodied in Supplement No. 1 to said Report, dated November 14th. For convenience in referring to this Report I have desig- nated it as "Supplement No. 2 to Report No. 3." All of the through routes described in Report No. 3, and as now modified by Supplements No. 1 and No. 2, have been re- numbered and combined in a new list which is herewith sub- mitted, and which will constitute "Exhibits C" of the respective ordinances. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) BION J. ARNOLD. SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. 3. EXTENSIONS TO THROUGH ROUTES DESCRIBED IN REPORT NO. 3 AND SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 AND AD- DITIONAL THROUGH ROUTES SUGGESTED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE ON NOVEMBER 14TH, 1905. Referring to Report No. 3 and Supplement No. 1, Routes No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 remain as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 6: Same as described in Supplement No. 1. ROUTE NO. 7: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 8: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 9: Beginning at 69th Street and Ashland Avenue; North on Ash- land Avenue to 12th Street; West on 12th Street to Paulina Street; North on Paulina Street to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to Ashland Avenue; North on Ashland Avenue to Cly- bourn Place; East on Clybourn Place to Southport Avenue; North on Southport Avenue to Clybourn Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 10: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 11: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 12: Same as described in Report No. 3. ROUTE NO. 13: Same as described in Report No. 3. 20 SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. 3. ROUTE NO. 14: Instead of being as described in Supplement No. 1 is now as follows: Beginning at 46th Avenue and 12th Street, East on 12th Street to Ogden Avenue; Northeast on Ogden Avenue to Ran- dolph Street; East on Randolph Street to Fifth Avenue; North on Fifth Avenue and Wells Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Diversey Boulevard; returning by the same route. Former through-route No. 14 now becomes a loop line, ex- tending from Belmont Avenue and Milwaukee Avenue to the business district of the City. ROUTE NO. 15: Beginning on 21st Street at Douglas Park, East on 21st Street to Halsted Street; North on Halsted Street to Canalport Avenue; Northeast on Canalport Avenue to Canal Street; North on Canal Street to Polk Street; East on Polk Street to Fifth Avenue; North on Fifth Avenue and Wells Street to Clark Street; thence North on Clark Street to Diversey Boule- vard; returning by the same route. Former through-route No. 15 is also eliminated as a through- route line, and becornes a loop line extending from 48th Ave- nue, via Chicago and Milwaukee Avenues, to the business dis- trict. ROUTE NO. 16: Beginning at State and 39th Streets; thence North on State Street to Lake Street; West on Lake Street to Pine Avenue; returning by the same route. It is understood that this route will be extended West to the City Limits as soon as a subway is built under the Chicago & Northwestern Railway tracks. ROUTE NO. 17: Beginning at 63d Street on Kedzie Avenue; thence North on Kedzie Avenue to Chicago Avenue; East on Chicago Avenue to California Avenue; North on California Avenue to Belmont Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 18: Beginning on Division Street at Humboldt Park; East on Division Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to North Avenue and Lincoln Park; West on North Avenue to Wells Street; South on Wells Street to Division Street; West on Division Street to Humboldt Park. EXHIBIT C THROUGH ROUTES TO BE OPERATED BY THE CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY, THE NORTH CHICAGO STREET RAILROAD COMPANY AND THE WEST CHICAGO STREET RAILROAD COMPANY. ROUTE NO. 1: Beginning at Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony Island Avenue) and 63d Street, thence West on 63d Street to Indiana Avenue; North on Indiana Avenue to 18th Street; West on 18th Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Lake Street; West on Lake Street to State Street; North on State Street to Division Street; West on Division Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Devon Avenue; re- turning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 2: Beginning at Wallace Street and 79th Street; East on 79th Street to Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to Wentworth Avenue; North on Wentworth Avenue to Archer Avenue; East on Archer Avenue to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Division Street; West on Division Street to Clybourn Avenue; North on Clybourn Avenue to Belmont Ave- nue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 3: Beginning at Lake Avenue and 55th Street; West on 55th Street to Cottage Grove Avenue; North on Cottage Grove Avc- 22 SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. 3. nue to 22nd Street; West on 22nd Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Harrison Street; West on Harri- son Street to Dearborn Street; North on Dearborn Street to Washington Street; West on Washington Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Illinois Street; East on Illi- nois Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Center Street; West on Center Street to Lincoln Avenue; North on Lincoln Avenue to Bowmanville (Foster Avenue); returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 4: Beginning at 75th Street on South Chicago Avenue; North on South Chicago Avenue to Cottage Grove Avenue; North on Cottage Grove Avenue to 22nd Street; West on 22nd Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Washington Street; West on Washington Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Illinois Street; West on Illinois Street to Wells Street; North on Wells Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Center Street; West on Center Street to Lin- coln Avenue; North on Lincoln Avenue to Wrightwood Ave- nue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 5: Beginning at 77th Street and Vincennes Road; North on Vin- cennes Road to State Street; North on State Street to Van Buren Street; West on Van Buren Street to Kedzie Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 6: Beginning at 77th Street and Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to State Street; North on State Street to Washington Street; West on Washington Street to Desplaines Street; North on Desplaines Street to Milwaukee Avenue; North on Milwaukee Avenue to Armitage Avenue; West on Armitage Avenue to 44th Avenue, returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 7: Beginning on State Street at 39th Street; North on State Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to 40th Ave- nue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 8: Beginning at Jackson Park Avenue and 63d Street; West on 63d Street to Halsted Street; North on Halsted Street to Ev- anston Avenue; North on Evanston Avenue to Graceland Ave- nue; returning by the same route. EXHIBIT C. 23 ROUTE NO. 9: Beginning at 69th Street and Ashland Avenue; North on Ashland Avenue to 12th Street; West on 12th Street to Pau- lina Street; North on Paulina Street to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to Ashland Avenue; North on Ashland Avenue to Clybourn Place; East on Clybourn Place to Southport Ave- nue; North on Southport Avenue to Clybourn Avenue; return- ing by the same route. ROUTE NO. 10: Beginning at 71st Street and Western Avenue; North on Western Avenue to Belmont Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 11: Beginning at North Avenue and Clark Street; South on Clark Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Ogden Avenue; Southwest on Ogden Avenue to 40th Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 12: Beginning at Clark Street and North Avenue West on North Avenue to Wells Street; South on Wells Street and Fifth Avenue to Adams Street; West on Adams Street to Clin- ton Street; South on Clinton Street to Harrison Street; West on Harrison Street to the intersection of Halsted Street and Blue Island Avenue; Southwest on Blue Island Avenue to Western Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 13: Beginning at 48th Avenue and Avenue and Archer Avenue; North- east on Archer Avenue to Halsted Street; North on Halsted Street to Evanston Avenue; North on Evanston Avenue to Graceland Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 14: Beginning at 46th Avenue and 12th Street, East on 12th Street to Ogden Avenue; Northeast on Ogden Avenue to Ran- dolph Street; East on Randolph Street to Fifth Avenue; North on Fifth Avenue and Wells Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Diversey Boulevard; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 15: Beginning on 21st Street at Douglas Park; East on 21st Street to Halsted Street; North on Halsted Street to Canalport Avenue; Northeast on Canalport Avenue to Canal Street; • 24 SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. 3. • North on Canal Street to Polk Street; East on Polk Street to Fifth Avenue; North on Fifth Avenue and Wells Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Diversey Boulevard; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 16: Beginning at State and 39th Streets; thence North on State Street to Lake Street; West on Lake Street to Pine Avenue; re- turning by the same route. It is understood that this route will be extended west to the City Limits as soon as a subway is built under the Chicago & Northwestern Railway tracks. ROUTE NO. 17: Beginning at 63d Street on Kedzie Avenue; North on Kedzie Avenue to Chicago Avenue; East on Chicago Avenue to Cali- fornia Avenue; North on California Avenue to Belmont Ave- nue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 18: Beginning on Division Street at Humboldt Park; East on Division Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to North Avenue and Lincoln Park; West on North Avenue to Wells Street; South on Wells Street to Division Street; West on Di- vision Street to Humboldt Park. LOOP ROUTES ADDED BY ACTION OF TRANSPORTA- TION COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 27TH, 1905. ROUTE NO. 19: Beginning on Chicago Avenue at 60th Avenue; East on Chi- cago Avenue to Milwaukee Avenue; South on Milwaukee Avenue to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to and around the State Street loop; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 20: Beginning on Madison Street at 60th Avenue; East on Madi- son Street to and around the State Street loop; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 21: Beginning on North Avenue at 48th Avenue; East on North Avenue to Milwaukee Avenue; South on Milwaukee Avenue to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to and around the State Street loop; returning by the same route. REPORT GIVING EXHIBITS A FOR THE CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY (PRELIMINARY AND FINAL) THE NORTH CHICAGO STREET RAILROAD COMPANY THE WEST CHICAGO STREET RAILROAD COMPANY November 1st, 1905 ARNOLD REPORT No. 4 REPORT NO. 4. Chicago, November 1, 1905. Hon. Charles Werno, Chairman, and Members of the Local Transportation Committee, Chicago City Council. Gentlemen:-At your request I have been in conference with the engineers of the different traction companies regarding Exhibits "A," submitted by them, and hereto attached. I have checked Exhibits "A" of the Chicago City Railway Company, the North Chicago Street Railroad Company and the West Chicago Street Railroad Company, and believe they cor- rectly represent the streets necessary to be occupied by tracks to enable the different Companies to operate a comprehensive street railway system, and while a better delivery system can be procured by the use of Washington and La Salle Streets, I do not approve of the occupancy of these streets and Michigan Avenue by tracks, with the exception of the curves necessary to reach the tunnel entrances. There is no objection on the part of the Chicago City Railway Company to removing the track now on Michigan Avenue and abandoning the use of this avenue, provided the Company is given the right to locate and operate a single track on Garland Court between Washington and Randolph Streets, and in case the right should be granted for the use of Garland Court, there would be no necessity for the following pieces of track now cov- ered in Exhibit "A" of the Companies: (1) On Michigan Avenue, from Randolph Street to Madison Street. (2) On Madison Street, from State Street to Michigan Ave- nue. (3) On Randolph Street, from Garland Court to Michigan Avenue. (4) On Washington Street, from Garland Court to Michigan Avenue. In order to enable the Companies to ultimately put into effect a comprehensive through-routing system and properly serve the entire territory covered by the combined system additional tracks will be required upon the following streets: 1 4 REPORT NO. 4. Gage Street, from 38th Place to the canal in location of 39th Street produced. Garland Court, from Randolph Street to Washington Street. Harrison Street, from Wabash Avenue to State Street. Indiana Avenue, from 51st Street to 63d Street. Lake Avenue, from 51st Street to 55th Street. Western Avenue, from Archer Avenue to 26th Street. 38th Place, from Halsted Street to Gage Street. 51st Street, from Cottage Grove Avenue to Lake Avenue. 51st Street, from Grand Boulevard to Cottage Grove Avenue. In order to operate their cars upon Loop No. 12, the Chicago City Railway Company will require the further right to con- struct and operate tracks upon the following streets: (1) On Monroe Street, from Dearborn Street to State Street. (2) On State Street, from Monroe Street to Adams Street (a third track). (3) On Adains Street, from State Street to Dearborn Street. I call your attention to the fact that by agreement between the representatives of the different Companies in some instances. portions of streets have been asked for by more than one com- pany, which streets are as follows: Adams Street, Clark Street to Dearborn Street, South Div. and West Div. Clark Street, River to Washington Street, South Div. and North Div. Dearborn Street, Adams Street to Van Buren Street, West Div. and North Div. Dearborn Street, Monroe Street to Adams Street, South Div. and North Div. Halsted Street, River to O'Neil Street, South Div. and West Div. Lake Street, State Street to Wabash Avenue, South Div. and West Div. Monroe Street, Clark Street to Dearborn Street, South Div. and North Div. North Avenue, Ashland Avenue to Holt Street, West Div. and North Div. Randolph Street, Dearborn Street to La Salle Street, North Div. and West Div. Randolph Street, Michigan Avenue to State Street, South Div. and West Div. State Street, Madison Street to Lake Street, South Div. and West Div. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. 5 State Street, River to Lake Street, South Div. and North Div. Van Buren Street, Clark Street to State Street, South Div. and West Div. Washington Street, State Street to Wabash Avenue, South Div. and West Div. The alley between Western Avenue and Campbell Avenue, south of Washington Street, is a coal track for the Western Ave- nue power plant. NEW TRACK ASKED FOR ON EXHIBIT "A" NOT OCCUPIED NOW. 25th Street, from Leavitt Street to South Irving Avenue. Belden Avenue, from Racine Avenue to Clifton Avenue. Of this track the part from Clifton Avenue to the barn tracks is new. Franklin Street, from Washington Street to Lake Street. Michigan Street, from State Street to Clark Street. Monroe Street, from Franklin Street to La Salle Street. Monroe Street, from Dearborn Street to State Street. State Street, from Madison Street to Polk Street (third track). In Report No. 5 to follow I will designate the changes neces- sary to be made in Exhibits "A" if the tracks are omitted from Washington and La Salle Streets, as shown upon Map No. 17, submitted to-day. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) BION J. ARNOLD. EXHIBIT A (PRELIMINARY) CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. SCHEDULE OF STREETS UPON WHICH TRACKS SHALL BE LAID NOT EXCEEDING TWO, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. Adams Street, from Dearborn Street to Clark Street. Archer Avenue, from State Street to the city limits. Ashland Avenue, from Archer Avenue to 70th Street. Canal Street, from Archer Avenue to 29th Street. Center Avenue, from 31st Street to 35th Street. Center Avenue, from 47th Street to 75th Street. Clark Street, from the center of Chicago River to 22d Street. Cottage Grove Avenue, from 22d Street to South Chicago Ave- nue. A third track on Cottage Grove Avenue from 39th Street to a point approximately five hundred (500) feet south of 39th Strect. Dearborn Street, from 21st Street to Archer Avenue. Dearborn Street, from Monroe Street to Adams Street. Halsted Street, from O'Neil Street to 79th Street. Indiana Avenue, from 18th Street to 51st Street. Four tracks at intersection of 22d Street, Indiana Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue. Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony Island Avenue), from 62d Street to 64th Street. Jefferson Avenue, from 55th Street to Cable Court; and Cable Court, from Jefferson Avenue to Lake Avenue; and Lake Avenue, from Cable Court to 55th Street. Jefferson Avenue (formerly Grace Avenue), from 62d Street to 64th Street. Kedzie Avenue, from 38th Street to 63d Street. Keefe Avenue, from Rhodes Avenue to 69th Street. Lake Street, from Wabash Avenue to State Street. Madison Street, from Michigan Avenue to State Street. Michigan Avenue, from Randolph Street to Madison Street. 8 REPORT NO. 4. Monroe Street, from Clark Street to Dearborn Street. Morgan Street, from 31st Street to the Union Stock Yards. Oakley Avenue, from 47th Street to 49th Street. Pitney Court, from Chicago & Alton Railway tracks to 31st Street. Randolph Street, from Michigan Avenue to State Street. Rhodes Avenue, from 68th Street to Keefe Avenue. Root Street, from State Street to and across Halsted Street into private property in Union Stock Yards. State Street, from the center of Chicago River to Vincennes Road. A third track on State Street from 38th Street to 40th Street. South Chicago Avenue, from Cottage Grove Avenue to the tracks of the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Throop Street, from Archer Avenue to private right of way about two hundred (200) feet northwest of 31st Street, over private right of way and across Farrell Street and 31st Street to Morgan Street. Van Buren Street, from Wabash Avenue to Clark Street. Vincennes Road, from State Street to 79th Street. A third track on Vincennes Road, from 77th Street to 78th Street, laid on private property belonging to the Chicago City Railway Company. Wabash Avenue, from Lake Street to 22d Street. Wallace Street, from 29th Street to Root Street. Washington Avenue, from private right of way adjoining Illi- nois Central Railroad to 60th Street. Washington Street, from Michigan Avenue to State Street. Wentworth Avenue, from Archer Avenue to Vincennes Road. Wentworth Avenue, from 77th Street to 78th Street. Western Avenue, from Archer Avenue to 71st Street. 18th Street, from Indiana Avenue to State Street. 21st Street, from State Street to Dearborn Street. 22d Street, from Cottage Grove Avenue to the Chicago River. 26th Street, from Cottage Grove Avenue to Halsted Street. 29th Street, from Canal Street to Wallace Street. 31st Street, from right of way of the Illinois Central Railroad Company to Pitney Court. 35th Street, from Cottage Grove Avenue to California Avenue. 38th Street, from Archer Avenue to Central Park Avenue. 39th Street, from Cottage Grove Avenue to Halsted Street. 42d Street, from Ashland Avenue to Paulina Street. 43d Street, from right of way of the Illinois Central Railroad Company to State Street. EXHIBIT A (PRELIMINARY), C. C. RY. CO. 9 47th Street, from the right of way of the Illinois Central Rail- road Company to Kedzie Avenue. 51st Street, from Grand Boulevard to Wood Street. 55th Street, from Lake Avenue to Cottage Grove Avenue. 59th Street, from State Street to Leavitt Street. 61st Street, from Wentworth Avenue to Madison Avenue; thence over private right of way to Washington Avenue (formerly South Park Court). 62d Street, from Jackson Park Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. 63d Street, from Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony Island Avenue), west to the city limits. 64th Street, from Jackson Park Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. 68th Street, from Cottage Grove Avenue to Rhodes Avenue. 69th Street, from Keefe Avenue to Western Avenue. 77th Street, from Vincennes Road to Wentworth Avenue. 78th Street, from Vincennes Road to Wentworth Avenue. 79th Street, from Vincennes Road to Halsted Street. EXHIBIT A NORTH CHICAGO STREET RAILROAD COMPANY. SCHEDULE OF STREETS UPON WHICH SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OPERATED TRACKS NOT EXCEEDING TWO, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. Alley, first public alley lying west of Clark Street and between Clark Street and Orchard Street, running northerly from Sherman Place: from at or near Sherman Place to North end of said alley. Alley, first north-and-south public alley west of Sheffield Ave- nue, lying between Wrightwood and Lill Avenues: from Wrightwood Avenue to Lill Avenue. Single track. Ashland Avenue, from Belmont Avenue to Graceland Avenue. Belden Avenue, from Racine Avenue to Clifton Avenue. Belmont Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to Robey Street. Center Street, from Clark Street to Lincoln Avenue. Center Street, from Lincoln Avenue to Racine Avenue. Single track. Chicago Avenue, from Clark Street to Milwaukee Avenue. Chicago Avenue from Clark Street to St. Clair Street, produced north. Chicago Avenue from St. Clair Street (produced north) to a new north and south street to be opened east of St. Clair Street, to make connection with the line on said new street hereinafter described, provided, that the Company shall not be obliged to build this last mentioned line on Chicago Ave- nue within five (5) years from the date of passage of the accompanying ordinance, nor thereafter until so directed by the City Council. Clark Street, from Washington Street to Devon Avenue. Clybourn Avenue, from Division Street to Belmont Avenue. Dearborn Street, from Kinzie Street to Polk Street. 12 REPORT NO. 4. Division Street, from State Street to Milwaukee Avenue. Evanston Avenue, from Diversey Boulevard to Irving Park Boulevard. Fifth Avenue and Wells Street, from Randolph Street to Clark Street. Fullerton Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to Milwaukee Avenue. Garfield Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to Racine Avenue. Sin- gle track. Grand Avenue, from middle of north branch of Chicago River to Halsted Street. Irving Park Boulevard, from Evanston Avenue to Ashland Av- enue. Halsted Street, from middle of north branch of Chicago River to Evanston Avenue, connecting over Evanston Avenue and Halsted Street with Irving Park Boulevard. Illinois Street, from Clark Street to Wells Street. Illinois Street, from Wells Street to Market Street. Single track. Indiana Street, from State Street to middle of north branch of Chicago River. Indiana Street from State Street to St. Clair Street. Indiana Street, from St. Clair Street to a new north and south .street to be opened east of St. Clair Street, thence northerly on said new street to Chicago Avenue, provided, that the Company shall not be obliged to build said last mentioned line on Indiana Street and said line on said new street within five (5) years from the passage of the accompanying ordinance nor thereafter until so directed by the City Coun- cil. Kinzie Street, from State Street to Market Street. Larrabee Street, from Chicago Avenue to Lincoln Avenue. La Salle Avenue and La Salle Street, from Illinois Street, through La Salle Street tunnel to Adams Street. Lincoln Avenue, from Center Street to Belmont Avenue. Market Street, from Kinzie Street to Chicago Avenue. Market Street, from Chicago Avenue to Division Street. Single track. Michigan Street, from State Street to Clark Street. Michigan Street, from Wells Street to Market Street. Monroe Street, from Franklin Street to La Salle Street. Monroe Street, from La Salle Street to Dearborn Street. Monroe Street, from Dearborn Street to State Street. North Avenue, from Clark Street to Milwaukee Avenue. Racine Avenue, from Clybourn Avenue to Fullerton Avenue. Single track. EXHIBIT A—N. C. ST. R. R. CO. 13 Randolph Street, from Dearborn Street to La Salle Street. One track. Robey Street, from Belmont Avenue to Roscoe Boulevard. Roscoe Boulevard, from Robey Street to Western Avenue. Sedgwick Street, from Chicago Avenue to Division Street. Single track. Sedgwick Street, from Division Street to Center Street. Sheffield Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to Clark Street. Southport Avenue, from Clybourn Place to Clark Street. State Street, from Lake Street to Division Street. State Street, from Harrison Street to Polk Street, an addi- tional track to be laid to the west of and parallel to the double track of the Chicago City Railway Company on said street between said points. St. Clair Street, from Indiana Street to Superior Street. St. Clair Street (produced north), from Superior Street to Chi- cago Avenue, to be built when said part of St. Clair Street shall be open. Webster Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to Racine Avenue. Sin- gle track. Wrightwood Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue west to thirty-three (33) feet west of first north-and-south alley west of Sheffield Avenue. LOOPS. From Clark Street with a single track on Dewey Court and private property and with not exceeding two tracks along the alley running northerly from Sherman Place between Clark and Orchard Streets, from at or near Sherman Place to the northerly extremity of said alley; with convenient curves, switches and connections from the main tracks on said Clark Street and said track and tracks on Dewey Court and said alley to private prop- erty to compose suitable loops and connections for handling cars. From Lincoln Avenue west on Wrightwood Avenue to a point thirty-three (33) feet west of the first north-and-south alley west of Sheffield Avenue, with track along said alley from Wright- wood Avenue to Lill Avenue, and with curves and tracks from said tracks to the Company's property east and west of said alley. From Sheffield Avenue, north of Lincoln Avenue, over prop- erty belonging to the Company to Lincoln Avenue. EXHIBIT A. WEST CHICAGO STREET RAILROAD COMPANY. SCHEDULE OF STREETS UPON WHICH SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OPERATED TRACKS NOT EXCEEDING TWO, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. Adams Street, from State Street to Center Avenue. Alley first south of Washington Boulevard, between Western Avenue and Campbell Avenue, from Western Avenue to the west line of Lot 67, in L. D. Boone's Addition, in Sec. 12-39-13. Single track. Armitage Avenue, from Milwaukee Avenue to 44th Avenue. Ashland Avenue, from 31st Street to Blue Island Avenue. Ashland Avenue, from Blue Island Avenue to 12th Street. Ashland Avenue, from Lake Street to Clybourn Place. Austin Avenue, from Desplaines Street to Center Avenue. Blackhawk Street, from Holt Street to Noble Street. Blue Island Avenue, from Harrison Street to Western Avenue. Bryan Place or Park Street, from Randolph Street to Lake Street. California Avenue, from Chicago Avenue to Elston Avenue. Canalport Avenue, from Canal Street to Halsted Street. Canal Street, from Harrison Street to Canalport Avenue. Center Avenue, from Adams Street to 21st Street. Center Avenue, from Austin Avenue to Erie Street. Chicago Avenue, from Milwaukee Avenue to Kedzie Avenue. Chicago Avenue from 40th Avenue to 48th Avenue. Clinton Street, from 12th Street to Harrison Street. track. Single Clinton Street, from Harrison Street to Milwaukee Avenue. Clybourn Place, from Ashland Avenue to Wood Street. Clybourn Place, from Ashland Avenue to Southport Avenue. Colorado Avenue, from Madison Street to 40th Avenue. 16 REPORT NO. 4. Dearborn Street, from Adams Street to Van Buren Street. Sin- gle track. Desplaines Street, from Harrison Street to Austin Avenue. Division Street, from Milwaukee Avenue to two hundred (200) feet west of California Avenue. Eighteenth Street, from State Street to Leavitt Street. Erie Street, from Center Avenue to Ashland Avenue. Fifth Avenue, from 12th Street to Randolph Street. Fortieth Avenue, from Grand Avenue to North Avenue. Fortieth Avenue, from 22d Street to Ogden Avenue. Fourteenth Street, from Canal Street to Robey Street. Franklin Street, from Harrison Street to Washington Street. Franklin Street, from Washington Street to Lake Street. Grand Avenue, from Halsted Street to 40th Avenue. Halsted Street, from the middle of the south branch of the Chi- cago River to the middle of the north branch of the Chi- cago River. Harrison Street, from State Street to Kedzie Avenue. Holt Street, from Blackhawk Street to North Avenue. Jefferson Street, from Madison Street to Washington Street. Jefferson Street, from Van Buren Street to Meagher Street. Kedzie Avenue, from 12th Street to Chicago Avenue. Lake Street, from Wabash Avenue to State Street. track. Single Lake Street, from State Street to 48th Avenue. Leavitt Street, from Blue Island Avenue to 18th Street. Madison Street, from State Street to 40th Avenue. Meagher Street, from Canal Street to Jefferson Street. Milwaukee Avenue, from Lake Street to Belmont Avenue. Monroe Street, from Franklin Street to La Salle Street. Noble Street, from Milwaukee Avenue to Blackhawk Street. North Avenue, from Milwaukee Avenue to 46th Avenue. North Avenue, from 46th Avenue to 48th Avenue. North Avenue, from Holt Street to Ashland Avenue. Ogden Avenue, from Randolph Street to 46th Avenue. O'Neil Street, from Halsted Street to barns. Three tracks. Paulina Street, from 12th Street to Lake Street. Polk Street, from 5th Avenue to Canal Street, including ap- proaches to and on 5th Avenue. Randolph Street, from Michigan Avenue to Union Park and Lake Street. Robey Street, from Blue Island Avenue to Elston Avenue. Sangamon Street, from Adams Street to Austin Avenue. State Street, from Polk Street to Madison Street, an additional single track to be laid to the west of and parallel to EXHIBIT A-W. C. ST. R. R. CO. 17 the double track of the Chicago City Railway Company on said street between said points.. State Street, from Madison Street to Lake Street. Double track in the space occupied by present west and middle tracks. Taylor Street, from 5th Avenue to Western Avenue, including approaches to and on 5th Avenue. Twelfth Street, from Wabash Avenue to 46th Avenue. Twenty-first Street, from Halsted Street to Douglas Park Bou- levard. Twenty-second Street, from Ogden Avenue to 40th Avenue. Twenty-fifth Street, from Leavitt Street to Irving Avenue. Twenty-sixth Street, from Western Avenue to 40th Avenue. Van Buren Street, from State Street to Kedzie Avenue. Van Buren Street tunnel approaches, from Clinton Street and from Franklin Street to connect the tracks on Clinton and Franklin Streets with the tracks of the company in said tunnel. Washington Street, from Michigan Avenue to Desplaines Street and through Washington Street tunnel. Western Avenue, from Blue Island Avenue to Elston Avenue. Necessary and convenient tracks, not less than four, connect- ing the tracks on Lake Street and the tracks on Madison Street with the car houses, car shops, stables, power houses and yards now constructed, or hereafter to be constructed, on Lots one (1) and two (2) and sublots twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25), in Parmley's Sub. of Lot three (3) of the Superior Court Partition of the east 30 acres of the west 40 acres of the S. W. 14 of Section eleven (11), Township thirty- nine (39) north, Range thirteen (13) east of the Third Princi- pal Meridian. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. 4. EXHIBIT A CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. Nov. 17, 1905. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. 4. Chicago, Nov. 17, 1905. Hon. Chas. Werno, Chairman, and Members of the Local Transportation Committee. Chicago City Council. Gentlemen:-I have the honor to hand you herewith a revi- sion of Exhibit A'* referred to in my Report No. 4 to you of November 1st, 1905, which revision I shall hereafter refer to as "Supplement No. 1 to Report No. 4" so far as my reports to you are concerned, but the streets enumerated in the list shall be known as "Exhibit A" of the Chicago City Railway Company. The list of streets as now compiled and hereto attached in- cludes all of the streets enumerated in my Report No. 4 proper, of November 1st, except Western Avenue from Archer Avenue to 26th Street. This street together with Kedzie Avenue north of 38th Street and Ashland Avenue north of Archer Avenue are omitted from "Exhibit A" at the request of the attorneys. of the Company, who state that these streets are specifically de- scribed in the ordinance itself and therefore should be omitted from this list. "Exhibit A" and the streets mentioned above, as being em- bodied in the ordinance, now make provision for all of the through routes described in "Exhibit C" which accompanies my report to you today, known as "Supplement No. 2 to Report No. 3," so far as they relate to the Chicago City Rail- way Company. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) BION J. ARNOLD. *Exhibits A" of the North Chicago and West Chicago Street Railroad Companies are correct as shown on pages 11 to 17 of Report No. 4. EXHIBIT A. CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY • SCHEDULE OF STREETS UPON WHICH SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OPERATED TRACKS NOT EX- CEEDING TWO EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. Adams Street from Dearborn Street to Clark Street. Adams Street from State Street to Dearborn Street. Archer Avenue from State Street to the city limits. Ashland Avenue from Archer Avenue to 70th Street. Cable Court from Jefferson Avenue to Lake Avenue. Canal Street from Archer Avenue to 29th Street. Center Avenue from 31st Street to 35th Street. Center Avenue from 47th Street to 75th Street. Clark Street from the center of Chicago River to 22d Street. Cottage Grove Avenue from 22d Street to South Chicago Avenue. A third track on Cottage Grove Avenue from 39th Street to a point approximately five hundred (500) feet south of 39th Street. Dearborn Street from 21st Street to Archer Avenue. Dearborn Street from Monroe Street to Adams Street. Emerald Avenue from the south line of 39th Street to the property of the Chicago City Railway Company at the northwest corner of 39th Street and Emerald Avenue: thence westerly across Halsted Street, Tucker Street and Gage Street to the South Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River. Said tracks may be elevated. Gage Street from 38th Place to canal in location of 39th Street produced. Garland Court from Randolph Street to Washington Street. Halsted Street from O'Neil Street to 79th Street. Harrison Street from Wabash Avenue to State Street. Indiana Avenue from 18th Street to 51st Street. Four tracks at intersection of 22d Street, Indiana Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue. 22 SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. 4. Indiana Avenue from 51st Street to 63d Street. Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony Island Avenue) from 62d Street to 64th Street. Jefferson Avenue from 55th Street to Cable Court. Jefferson Avenue (formerly Grace Avenue) from 62d Street to 64th Street. Kedzie Avenue from 38th Street to 63d Street. Keefe Avenue from Rhodes Avenue to 69th Street. Lake Avenue from Cable Court to 55th Street. Lake Avenue from 51st Street to 55th Street. V Lake Street from Wabash Avenue to State Street. Langley Avenue from 38th Street to 39th Street. Madison Street from Michigan Avenue to State Street. Michigan Avenue from Randolph Street to Madison Street. These tracks on Michigan Avenue to be abandoned when the right to use Garland Court is obtained. Monroe Street from Clark Street to Dearborn Street. Monroe Street from State Street to Dearborn Street. Morgan Street from 31st Street to the Union Stock Yards. Oakley Avenue from 47th Street to 49th Street. Perry Avenue from 77th Street to 78th Street. Pitney Court from Chicago & Alton Railway tracks to 31st Street. Randolph Street from Michigan Avenue to State Street. Rhodes Avenue from 68th Street to Keefe Avenue. Root Street from State Street to and across Halsted Street into private property in Union Stock Yards. State Street from the center of Chicago River to Vincennes Road. A third track on State Street from Monroe Street to Adams Street and from 38th Street to 40th Street. South Chicago Avenue from Cottage Grove Avenue to the tracks of the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Throop Street from Archer Avenue to private right of way about two hundred (200) feet northwest of 31st Street, over private right of way and across Farrell Street and 31st Street to Morgan Street. Van Buren Street from Wabash Avenue to Clark Street. Vincennes Road from State Street to 79th Street. A third track on Vincennes Road from 77th Street to 78th Street laid on private property belonging to the Chicago City Railway Company. Wabash Avenue from Lake Street to 22d Street. Wabash Avenue from 39th Street to 40th Street. Wallace Street from 29th Street to Root Street. Washington Avenue from private right of way adjoining Illinois Central Railroad to 60th Street. EXHIBIT A-C. C. RY. CO. 23 Washington Street from Michigan Avenue to State Street. Wentworth Avenue from 18th Street to Vincennes Road. Wentworth Avenue from 77th Street to 79th Street. Western Avenue from Archer Avenue to 71st Street. 18th Street from Indiana Avenue to State Street. 21st Street from State Street to Clark Street. 22d Sreet from Cottage Grove Avenue to the Chicago River. 26th Street from Cottage Grove Avenue to Halsted Street. 29th Street from Canal Street to Wallace Street. 31st Street from right of way of the Illinois Central Railroad Company to Pitney Court. 35th Street from Cottage Grove Avenue to California Avenue. 38th Place from Halsted Street to Morgan Street. 38th Street from Archer Avenue to Central Park Avenue. 38th Street from Langley Avenue to Cottage Grove Avenue. 39th Street from Cottage Grove Avenue to Halsted Street. 40th Street from Wabash Avenue to State Street. 42d Street from Ashland Avenue to Paulina Street. 43d Street from right of way of the Illinois Central Railroad Company to State Street. 47th Street from the right of way of the Illinois Central Rail- road Company to Kedzie Avenue. 47th Street from Kedzie Avenue to Archer Avenue. 51st Street from Grand Boulevard to Wood Street. 51st Street from East End Avenue to Grand Boulevard. 51st Street from Wood Street to Western Avenue. 55th Street from Everett Avenue to Cottage Grove Avenue. 59th Street from State Street to Leavitt Street. 61st Street from Wentworth Avenue to Madison Avenue, thence over private right of way to Washington Avenue (form- erly South Park Court). 62d Street from Jackson Park Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. 63d Street from Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony. Island Avenue) west to the City Limits. 64th Street from Jackson Park Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. 68th Street from Cottage Grove Avenue to Rhodes Avenue. 69th Street from Keefe Avenue to Western Avenue. 70th Street from Emerald Avenue to Halsted Street. 77th Street from Vincennes Road to State Street. 78th Street from Vincennes Road to State Street. 79th Street from Vincennes Road to Halsted Street. REPORT GIVING ALTERNATIVE ROUTING PLAN ELIMINATING TRACKS FROM LASALLE AND WASHINGTON STREETS November 1st, 1905 ARNOLD REPORT No. 5 REPORT NO. 5. Chicago, November 1, 1905. Hon. Charles Werno, Chairman, and Members of the Local Transportation Committee, Chicago City Council. Gentlemen:- Complying with your instructions directing me to prepare and submit to you an alternative routing plan for the opera- tion of surface street cars in the business district, which would eliminate the tracks from La Salle and Washington Streets, excepting at the entrances to the tunnels at Randolph and Michigan Streets for the La Salle Street tunnel and at Franklin and Clinton Streets for the Washington Street tun- nel, I have the honor to submit herewith Report No. 5, giving in detail by routes such a plan, and Map No. 17, showing the plan graphically. Map No. 17 differs from No. 15 principally as follows: FIRST: SECOND: THIRD: FOURTH: FIFTH: In showing La Salle Street clear of tracks between Adams Street and Randolph Street and between Michigan Street and Illinois Street. In removing all tracks from Washington Street between Garland Court and Franklin Street and between Clinton Street and Des- plaines Street. The removal of the loop track from Garland Court. The removal of the loop track from Ran- dolph Street between Garland Court and Wabash Avenue. In combining, into one loop, Loops Nos. 2 and 3. 4 SIXTH: SEVENTH: EIGHTH: REPORT NO. 5. In extending Loop No. 9 one block West to take in Fifth Avenue. The changing of Loop No. 10 from Wash- ington Street, Garland Court, Randolph Street and Wabash Avenue, to Madison Street, State Street, Randolph Street and Wabash Avenue. (The Chicago City Railway Company ob- jects to this plan on account of the interlinking of the Wabash Avenue and State Street cars on State Street between Madison and Randolph Streets, which objection can be removed by adding a fourth track on State Street between these streets and making it a part of Loop 10.) In removing from Washington Street to Ran- dolph Street, cars through-routed North and South via the La Salle Street tunnel. The increase of congestion or car density resulting from the routing of cars in accordance with a plan shown upon Map No. 17 is due principally to the loss of one loop and to the extending of Loop No. 9 to Fifth Avenue, and the changing of Loop No. 10 to State Street. If the present system of routing is maintained, this conges- tion would probably be greatest on Madison Street between Franklin Street and Clark Street. The capacity of these tracks would probably be reached within five years and unless Subways were constructed under La Salle and Washington Streets, or other streets utilized for through routes, relief could only be secured by diverting the Randolph and Washington Street loop cars to loops South of Monroe Street. In case it should be decided by your Committee to adopt the plan outlined in this report and shown upon Map No. 17, the following streets and parts of streets should be stricken out of Exhibits "A" submitted by the Companies: Illinois Street from Clark Street to Wells Street. Jefferson Street from Madison Street to Washington Street. La Salle Avenue from Illinois Street to Michigan Street. La Salle Street from Randolph Street to Adams Street. Michigan Avenue from Randolph Street to Madison Street. Madison Street from Wabash Avenue to Michigan Avenue. Randolph Street from Michigan Avenue to Wabash Avenue. Washington Street from Michigan Avenue to Franklin Street. Washington Street from Clinton Street to Desplaines Street. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. 5 And the following should be added to Exhibits A: Michigan Street from Wells Street to Clark Street. The fundamental principles underlying the plan submitted are as follows: FIRST: SECOND: THIRD: FOURTH: All cars follow the natural follow the natural direction of traffic. The through-routing of cars: (a) North to South Sides; through the business district, and vice versa; (b) From North Side, through business district, to the Southwest Side of the city; (c) From the South Side, through the business district, to the Northwest Side of the city; (d) From both the North and South Sides of the city, through the business district, directly West. The bringing of all West Side and North Side cars, which are not through-routed, as far East as State Street, and returning them upon loops, and the returning of all South Side cars not through-routed upon loops. The planning of the system in such a way that the tracks are removed from La Salle and Washington Streets, thus leaving these streets free for boulevard or teaming purposes. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) BION J. ARNOLD. REPORT NO. 5. TENTATIVE THROUGH-ROUTING PLAN FOR A COMPREHENSIVE STREET RAILWAY SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF CHICAGO WITHOUT PLACING TRACKS UPON WASHINGTON STREET OR LA SALLE STREET. The fundamental principles underlying this system are: FIRST: SECOND: THIRD: FOURTH: All cars follow the natural direction of traffic. The through-routing of cars: (a) North to South Sides; through the business district, and vice versa; (b) From North Side, through business district, to the Southwest Side of the city; (c) From the South Side, through the business district, to the Northwest Side of the city; (d) From both the North and South Sides of the city, through the business district, directly West. The bringing of all West Side and North Side cars, which are not through-routed, as far East as State Street, and returning them upon loops, and the returning of all South Side cars not through-routed upon loops. The planning of the system in such a manner that the tracks are removed from La Salle and Washington Streets, thus leaving these streets free for boulevard purposes. THROUGH ROUTES CONNECTING NORTH AND ROUTE NO. 1. SOUTH DIVISIONS. Beginning at Jackson Park Avenue (formerly Stony Island Avenue) and 63rd Street; thence West on 63rd Street to Indiana Avenue; North on Indiana Avenue to 18th Street; West on 18th Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Lake Street; West on Lake Street to State Street; North on State Street to Division Street; West on Division Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Devon Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 2. Beginning at 76th Street and Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to State Street; North on State Street to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Michigan Street; West on Michi- gan Street to Wells Street; North on Wells Street to Division Street; West on Division Street to Clybourn Avenue; North on Clybourn Avenue to Belmont Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 3. Beginning at Lake Avenue and 55th Street; West on 55th Street to Cottage Grove Avenue; North on Cottage Grove Avenue to 22nd Street; West on 22nd Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Harrison Street; West on Harrison Street to Dearborn Street; North on Dearborn Street to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Michigan Street; East on Michigan Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Center Street; West on Center Street to Lincoln Avenue; North on Lincoln Avenue to Bowmanville (Foster Avenue); returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 4. Beginning at 75th Street on South Chicago Avenue; North on South Chicago Avenue to Cottage Grove Avenue; North on Cottage Grove Avenue to 22nd Street; West on 22nd Street to Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to Harrison Street; West on Harrison Street to Dearborn Street; North on Dearborn Street to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to La Salle Street; North on La Salle Street to Michi- gan Street; West on Michigan Street to Wells Street; North on Wells Street to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to ALTERNATIVE THROUGH ROUTES. 9 Center Street; West on Center Street to Lincoln Avenue; North on Lincoln Avenue to Wrightwood Avenue; returning by the same route. THROUGH ROUTES BETWEEN SOUTH AND WEST DIVISIONS. ROUTE NO. 5. Beginning at 76th Street and Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to State Street; North on State Street to Van Buren Street; West on Van Buren Street or via Tunnel to Kedzie Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 6. Beginning at Wallace Street and 79th Street; East on 79th Street to Vincennes Road; North on Vincennes Road to Wentworth Avenue; North on Wentworth Avenue to Archer Avenue; East on Archer Avenue to Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Desplaines Street; North on Desplaines Street to Milwaukee Avenue (or West on Madison Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Washington Street; thence West through the tunnel to Clinton Street; North on Clinton Street to Mil- waukee Avenue); North on Milwaukee Avenue to Armitage Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 7. Beginning on State Street at 39th Street; North on State Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to 40th Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 8. Beginning at Jackson Park Avenue and 63rd Street; West on 63rd Street to Halsted Street; North on Halsted Street to Evanston Avenue; North on Evanston Avenue to Graceland Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 9. Beginning at 69th Street and Ashland Avenue; North on Ashland Avenue to 12th Street; West on 12th Street to Pau- lina Street; North on Paulina Street to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to Ashland Avenue; North on Ashland Avenue to Clybourn Place; West on Clybourn Place to Wood Street; returning by same route. NOTE: This route is contingent upon the establishment of the right of these companies to operate the section between Archer Avenue and 22nd Street now pending in the courts. 10 ROUTE NO. 10. REPORT NO. 5. Beginning at 71st Street; North on Western Avenue to Roscoe Boulevard; returning by the same route. THROUGH ROUTES BETWEEN NORTH AND WEST DIVISIONS. ROUTE NO. 11. Beginning at North Avenue and Clark Street; South on Clark Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Ogden Avenue; Southwest on Ogden Avenue to 40th Avenue; returning by the same route. ROUTE NO. 12. Beginning at Clark Street and North Avenue; West on North Avenue to Wells Street; South on Wells Street and Fifth Avenue to Adams Street; West on Adams Street to Clinton Street. (or via Van Buren Street Tunnel); South on Clinton Street to Harrison Street; West on Harrison Street to the intersection of Halsted Street and Blue Island Avenue; Southwest on Blue Island Avenue to Western Avenue; re- turning by the same route. THROUGH ROUTE BETWEEN SOUTH, WEST AND ROUTE NO. 13. NORTH DIVISIONS. Beginning at 48th Avenue and Archer Avenue; Northeast on Archer Avenue to Halsted Street; North on Halsted Street to Evanston Avenue; North on Evanston Avenue to Grace- land Avenue; returning by the same route. LOOP TERMINALS TO ENABLE PASSENGERS FROM ALL DIVISIONS OF THE CITY TO REACH STATE STREET, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF RE- TURNING CARS TO THE DIVISIONS HAVING A SURPLUS OF CARS. LOOP NO. 1. WEST SIDE LINES. Cars entering on Lake Street; East on Lake Street to State Street; South on State Street to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Lake Street; thence West on Lake Street. LOOPS NO. 2 AND NO. 3. Cars entering on Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to State Street; South on State Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Franklin Street; North on Frank- lin Street to Randolph Street; thence West on Randolph Street. Cars entering Washington Street Tunnel at Clinton Street; East on Washington Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to State Street; South on State Street to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to Franklin Street; North on Frank- lin Street to Washington Street; thence West on Washington Street to Clinton Street. LOOP NO. 4. Cars entering on Madison Street; East on Madison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to Franklin Street; North on Frank- lin Street to Madison Street; thence West on Madison Street. LOOP NO. 5. Cars entering on Adams Street; East on Adams Street to Franklin Street; North on Franklin Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to State Street; South on State Street to Adams Street; thence West on Adams Street. LOOP NO. 6. Cars entering on Van Buren Street or via Van Buren Street Tunnel; North on Franklin Street to Adams Street; East on 12 REPORT NO. .5. Adams Street to State Street; South on State Street to Van Buren Street; thence West on Van Buren Street. Cars entering on Fifth Avenue; North on Fifth Avenue to Adams Street; East on Adams Street to State Street; South on State Street to Van Buren Street; thence West on Van Buren Street to Fifth Avenue; thence South on Fifth Avenue. LOOP NO. 7. Cars entering via Harrison Street; North on Franklin Street to Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to State Street; South on State Street to Harrison Street; thence West on Harrison Street. LOOP NO. 8. NORTH SIDE LINES. Cars entering on Fifth Avenue; South on Fifth Avenue to Harrison Street; East on Harrison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Polk Street; West on Polk Street to Dearborn Street; North on Dearborn Street to Harrison Street; West on Harrison Street to Fifth Avenue; thence North on Fifth Avenue. Cars entering on Dearborn Street; South on Dearborn Street to Harrison Street; East on Harrison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Polk Street; West on Polk Street to Dearborn Street; thence North on Dearborn Street. By providing suitable curves at Harrison and Dearborn Streets and Harrison and Clark Streets at present and additional tracks in Polk Street, when Polk Street is wid- ened, provision is made for additional through lines via Sedgwick and Larrabee Street lines on the North Side, and Clark Street lines on the South Side. Cars entering on State Street; South on State Street to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to Dearborn Street; South on Dearborn Street to Harrison Street; East on Harrison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Polk Street; West on Polk Street to Dearborn Street; North on Dearborn Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to State Street; thence North on State Street. LOOP NO. 9. Cars entering on La Salle Street; South on La Salle Street to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to Fifth Ave- nue; South on Fifth Avenue to Madison Street; East on LOOPS. 13 Madison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to Fifth Avenue; North on Fifth Avenue to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to La Salle Street; thence North through Tunnel. Cars entering on Clark Street; South on Clark Street to Madison Street; East on Madison Street to State Street; South on State Street to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to Clark Street; thence North on Clark Street. LOOP NO. 10. SOUTH SIDE LINES. Cars entering on Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Ave- nue to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to State Street; North on State Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to Wabash Avenue; thence South on Wabash Avenue. LOOP NO. 11. Cars entering on State Street; North on State Street to Lake Street; East on Lake Street to Wabash Avenue; South on Wabash Avenue to Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to State Street; thence South on State Street. LOOP NO. 12. Cars entering on Clark Street; North on Clark Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to State Street; South on State Street to Adams Street; West on Adams Street to Clark Street; thence South on Clark Street. For all of the North Side lines suitable curves should be provided on Lake and Kinzie Streets to enable cars to be diverted to other terminals in case of fire, bridge, or other emergency. In like manner similar curves are provided on Franklin and Clinton Streets for West Side cars, and on Van Buren and Harrison Streets for the South Side lines. Cars entering through the La Salle Street Tunnel in case of blockade will be diverted on Randolph Street, Clark Street, and Fifth Avenue, or Kinzie Street, Clark Street, and Fifth Avenue. In this plan certain streets have been utilized upon which no tracks are now constructed, and in case the necessary rights for locating upon these streets cannot be secured by the Com- panies other streets could be used as follows: 14 REPORT NO. 5. • Instead of Monroe Street, from Dearborn Street to State Street, use Dearborn Street for Loops No. 9 and No. 12. Instead of Harrison Street, from Wabash Avenue to State Street, use Van Buren Street. In case Polk Street cannot be made available for tracks all Dearborn Street cars would stub-end at Polk Street. t In case the Companies are deprived of the use of Washing- ton Street and La Salle Street, it would be very necessary that they utilize the following streets upon which no tracks are operated at present: Franklin Street from Washington Street to Lake Street. Monroe Street from La Salle Street to Franklin Street. W.18 AV. STRING AUSTIN 45 59 ST. W.16 TH FREIGHT HO FULTON 25 WLAKE W.15 TH 6 W.15 TH NDOLPH W. 14TH W.MONROE BARBER 48 அ ISON W.LIBERTY S. JEFFERSON 63 MAXWELL W. 13TH Q ST. O'BRIEN ST ST. 29 28 WADAMS JACKSON WAVAN BUREN (ST.) DUS WTWELFTH 36 BUNKER 30 AV. W.HARRISON DEKOVEN 131 35 34 FORQUER 32 W. POLK LAW EWING $3 S.JEFFERSON BURLINGTON THI ST. FREIGHT HOUSE N25 SEWARD ST. WZHAW ST W.17TH ST. 43 5 4 MECHANIC STEWART LUMBER ST PL. ST B O W.13 TH 38 CRA W.12 TH PLACE COMPANY 62 IP UNION ELEVATOR A. ROUND HO PL WADASH DOCK FREIGHTOUS WENTWORTH ITS ELEVATOR 35 CONCE AV. STANDARD OILC ..8.&.8.CAL HOUS LASALLE RAILROAD ST. HOLDEN AMERICAN BYCICLE COMP BODGI -w $9 AV. COURT W. 12 TH 40 100 62 CHIC Viaduct ONAL ST ST. TOOL HOUSE SHANTY Room Meg SWITCH CRANE PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANKED TEAM WAY PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANXE TCAMWAY PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANKE TEAMWAY Paved with Cedar Blocka Seale MATHER N PROACH TO 12 STREET VIADUCT DRIVEWAY CEDAR BLOCK TRAMWAY CEDAR LUMBER BUKAND TRAMWAY PLANKED TEAMWAY OFFICE 2 29 CRI&P. WINCHING ALLES NORTH WAT A STVFR 16 TH FEATHERSTONE FACTY AV. CLARK ALBERT DICKINSON SEE CO ROADWAY 12 ARMOUR 13 DEARBORN 2 ST. S. STATE CHARCS AMERICAN CEREAL COMP HOLDEN 28 27 WALL SERIE DOCHONT ELEVATOR wwwwwww CEDAR BLOCK TAM CEDAR BLOCK TRAMWAY IOWA ELEVATOR S ST n CLOAR TRACK ROCK SLAND ELEVATOR CRIE RAILROAD LIITTO 13 DEARBORN FOUNDRY D.E.SHIPNS WHITE LEAD UNION COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE COMP. WABASH MICHIGAN ST. 36 W.QUINCY 45 52 44 $3 SEBOR 42 ST. ST. 56 TYLER ST. ST S.CLINTON 54 ST. S. CANAL B. & Q. A.R. FREIGHT HOUSE ION LATFO OLD IN FREIGHT KOUSE NO2 C OLD OUT HOUSE NEW IN FREIGHT HOUSE NOS NICE PLATFORM CHICAGO Viaduc W.POLK BOR SHUTTLER&H HUS&SPOKE FAC MATIE FR NATIONA LINSEED OIL co. H. WESTERN נרתסאוס 73 ST. A. ELLSWO 74 DOCK COMPANY 78COMPANY Viaduct CO h C B n I ROCK ISLAND ELE TOR. Approach 110 1234 St Vroduct C.CHIHA P.R HO ST. INCLING ST. BL'D 街 ​BAGGAGE P. FTW. &COFREIGHT HO. FT W & CR W. FREIGHT HOLE BUILDING C a g 0 AUTO ELEVATED Viaduer INCLIN CHICAGO EDISO ELECTRI Co C h OFFICE ANHEUSER-BUBH BREWING CO LEHIGH VALLEY COAL CO L.. ST LUMBER WESTERN STONE COMP. DOCK FREIGHT HOUSE 8.&O.RR IFTH TAYLOR H04 YARD „годи, ST 0 f FREIGHT EXPRO 103 84 MARKET YAN BUREN CONGRESS ST. CHARLES ST. PLATFORM FREIGHT HOUSE IPLATFOR FRANKLIN to KOUSRS' PLATFORM BAGGA POLK 200 HARRISON CARR&D COURT GRAND CENTRAL DEF 102 LAKE SHORE &LICHIGAN SOUTHERNER FREIGHT PACIFIC BOND WAREHOUSE HIO C.R.I.& P. R.Y FREIGHT HOUSE SHERMAN SUPPLY HOUSE MY.C.& STL RY Approach to 12.1M TMST Viaduct REAPING M VING MACHINES FACTORY RY FREIGHT HOUSE OF THE M.Y. C. & ST. LOUIS Approach 7312 ST. Viaduer CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS FREIGHT HOUSE CUSTOM HOUS SASTAGE IN IN FREIGHT GOAL HOUSE 32 INDIANA 27 PLYMOUTH COLLISEUM 13 TH 19 20 21 24 28 PRAIRIE ST. 30 ST. AV. 29 122 HO A.N IRON WAREHOUSE CRANE & Co. REIGHT HO 只 ​EG.T.RY REIGHT HO ST. AV. 14 E HOLDEN ST. ST AV 101 FIFTH ST 79 -6 5 44 28 29 Approach to Viaduct UKEE MIL UTLER BROSE BUTLER BROS. WARE HOUSE N R Ꮴ e 08 MONROE CANNEL r 43 52 LHOU MADISON N DUNN ST. Vacated N. WATER SCONSIN DIVN OUT FREIGE ST. WISC ST. INF River of Chicago North Branch .M.&ST.R WAREHO סא. ELEVATOR COURT 142 ST. RANDOLPH COUCH 10 10 CHAMBER C.M.& ST. P. RY wwwwwwwww.onto WAREHOUSE t KINSBURY ST. 7 ORLEANS ST &POWERHOUSE ELECTRICO LIGHT SEXPRESS GUILENG FREIGHTOFFICE CARROLL ST. (N. MARKET Chi C ST. BRIGG'S S.WATER HADDOCK 20 HOUSE LOOP No 1 دان WOMEN'S TEMPLE Now4 LOOP Not3 STOCK EXCHANGE LOOP NO2 82 193 ADAMS QUINCY MARSHALL, FIELD&G WHOLESALE. DEP) LOOP ΦΡ RAND NOR 5 NONALLY 97 ST. JACKSON LOOP ཞ། ༣༠.g LOOP No6 00 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC LAKE SHORE&MICH SO.R.R.DEPOT 113 112 12E 126 134 DEARBORN S. CLARK 1114. 124 LOOP No. 8 8 PECK ST. 183 ELDRIDGE PL HARMON ST. PL 20 L a LAKE PARK PL NTRAL POT 17 RIALTO HUBBARD AV PL. ST. ARD OF TRADE LASALLE ILLINOIS ROOKERY EDISON CO MERCHANTS LOAN & TRUST BLOG AV. TRUST www SAVINGS BANK GRAND PACIFIC PRIVATE CT. H15 122 k e ST. 37 UNION LEAGUE COURT THE MONADNOCK 881 OFFICES ARCADE NATIONAL LIFE INS.co NEW YORK LIF PL COMMERCE 9c CITY HALL. LOOP TITLE &TRUST LOOP|||||| No. 12 MARQUETTE NEW NATIONAL BANK BUILD POST QUINOY BT. COURT 39 GREAT NORTHERN S. STATE OUR OSIEGEL COOPER CONGRESS A.M ROTHSCHILD HARRISON PL. AV. Viaduct WABASH ST. L K E AUDITORIUM ST. MICHIGAN Viaduct J ST. THE FAIR THE ILLINOIS BLD THE TRIBUNE AV a SHERMAN HOUSE MSVICKERS THE BOSTON KINZIE MICHIGAN LINGIS 62 SUBURBAN NORTHWESTERN Viaduct WWW.VELLS XX ST ASHESD BLOCK CARSON PIRIE & SCOTT ST, TUNNEL HITE LASALLE AV Tunnel ST А. ВОСТИ a co, COLD STORAG N.WATER LOOP ・ Viaduct Nisan CLARK SIBLEY WAR HOUSE COMP. ST MASONIC COLUMBUS TEMPLE BEN PALMER MANDEL MARSHALL FIELD HOUSE HOLDEN CT LOOP BROS AND CO No. 11 t Viaduc n SUBURBAN STATION PEOFILE GAS LIGHT & COKE COR ST. THE PULLMAN M I C (In Process of filling) 1003 H ST. GARLAND ST. ART INSTITUTE P a 000 900 800 1000 SCALE OF FEET. I G No.10 I ST. ST. PUBLIC LIBRARY LONG Viaduct/7MMMMM! FORN ST Private 'St FREIG IVISION QALENA DIV. IN FREIGHT Ri PL. AY. JC ST. ST. MINAL ACODET AV. ST. 4 ST. ST 12 CASS 5 ST. RUSH ST. STATE CENTR MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO WARE BARRY HEAN STEAM N.WATER CALENA ELEVATOR DUNKING THE -WILLIA "HORTHEMUSKEGON STEAMSHIPICO. KAMISHIP COMPANY STEAMSHIP COMP LIAME STEAMS SHIP e r wwwwwww GRAHAM AND MORTON DOCK CENTRAL. TUL CENTRAL BUTBAR STATION! ST. RIVER 4 CT. AV. トニー ​MOODRICH ORDER ST. ST. 6 10 PINE ST. MAP No. 15 SUGGESTED THROUGH ROUTES AND LOOPS BUSINESS DISTRICT OF CHICAGO in the ACCOMPANYING REPORT No. 3 OF BION J. ARNOLD TO THE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO OCT. 26, 1905 6 ST.CLAIR ST. 8 KEY: South Side Lines North Side Lines West Side Lines Through Routes C. Mr M. VA HITRIJA HAVLEB 24 TE Ta 20 VA TCHTOW best f BBAD TO Haul та TS RIAJO.TS GINE Lorien RSVIR RSTAW. 9601 A JARTHOD TB 9001 29044 TO FORPHOU SY 80 DORROM W POGL голь MOTOE HOTELS DOWAN 1001 OFLOW MARAD B02E22 DIELKICL OF CHICYCO НЕ И ЧАМ salwode этиоя намоянт чатаарoue odt h уир гоове KEA wolds the azo dysoulT ON THOSE ONITMAS MODDA ОЈОЙНА В ПОТЕ SETTIMM00 MOITATHOREWART JADOJ THE SO CILA conмCIг OF AHE CILA OL BRICVOD СОЛИСТГ ФЕДHE LLEE 2.1 WOMBOL TE YOHipp.w 89 HOEHOAL מנים MOBHOAL TRUED RUDD Subaiy VA C H SEBO WA or 超 ​Ba DISKOACH B TRUOS 172 WYKWEPT BADRJIAN HOLDEM OUR MOyer HTUOMYJR VA Map 15 ETENTZONT Hands &po TB HAWSU тв OMANDAM TO 228083 HTROWTHEW RUDMRA HAGERATO RICHIDTH AHAION VA BIRIARS CENTRAL AV. R OGDEN S. 48TH 5TH AV. Desplaines AINES ESPLAIN AY. CENTRAL AV. AV HARLEM AV. STANLEY AV. We DRAINAGE ALIS LIMIT S au 29 RIDGELAND AV. st W.LAKE W. 26TH ST. CENTRAL T a AV. N.72 P AV. CITY LIMITS W.CHICAGO S.60 TN CITY 4872 W.NORTH SLIKIT AV. Il Miles AV Miles IRVING PARK, ST. 9 Miles 2.76TH AV. AG'N AY. BRYN MAWR LL 09'N 8 Miles N.46TH AV. N.40% W.MADISON 7 GARFIELD PARK COLORADO AV. W. 25TH ST. OGDEN 8.46TH h S.44 TH AV. S.40TH ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL 13 AY. S. KEDZIE S.WESTERN S.71 BI ST. 10 ARCHER S.CENTRAL PARKT AV S.LEAVITT ST. ST. 63 ND 69 TH S. ASHLAND 6 S. CENTRE S.75TH ST. W. 26TH 11 W.318 ST. AY. W. 12TH AY. Sout CANAL 38 TH 8.CALIFORNIA AV. AY. ૐ WOOD ST. ST. SI ST S. KEDZIE 10 DOUGLAS PARK W.21 T AV. AV. AV. CITY LIMITS 2 Miles N.44. TH AV. W. NORTH AV. 6 Miles ARMITAGE W.DIVISION GRAND & Miles HUMBOLDT PARK W. CHICAGO Av. W.VAN BUREN W.HARRISON W. TAYLOR ST. S.WESTERN N. LEA VITT ST. 12 ST. BLUE h B 35 TH Sou 59 TH ST. S/HALSTED 79TH ST. 6 61 ST VINCENNES Av.i WENTWORTH S. STATE AY. B AY. T S.ROB EY W 18TH 18LAND 777 20 ch FITNEY AY S. MORGAN! W.LAKE AV. N.WEST ERN AV. 0 7 MILWAUKEE N h DEVON LAWRENCE AV MONTROSE BELMONT N. CALIF ORNIA GRAND FULTON Miles 3 Miles N.ASH LAND UNION ST. PARIC ADAMS ST. W. 14TH HAY. S. PAULIN A ST. S.ASHLAND ARCHER 31 T ST. THROOP ST. WALLACE S. CEN TER AY. ST. O བད ST. S.HALSTED ST. AV. ST. CANAL B AV. FULLERT ST. CLSTON NO ST. 6 AY. 10 ROSCOE ST. C 2 CLYBOURN ७०. AV. SOUTHPORT 0 7 AV. 3 LINCOLN N. ROBEY N.ASHLAND N.KEDZIE AV. AV. AY AV. SHEFFIELD AY. RACINE AV. AV. WEBSTER AV GARFIELD CENTER AV. ST PL. CLYBOURN AV. AY HOLT ST. NOBLE ST. n CRIE AUSTIN 8T. ST. Miles N.CENTER AY. MORGAN SANCAMON ST. ST AV. AV. BLACKHAWK ST. ST. N. HALSTED ว DESPLAINES ST. CLINTON ST. ST. CANALPORT AV. h ST. C AY. 26TH - 29 TH ST. ST. CANAL ST. AV. ST. 39 TH 7 ST. ROOT ST. STOCK 43 RP YARDS WALLA ICE ST. STEWART AV. INDIANA ST. COTTAGE GROVE WASHINGTON PARK 38 TH ST. BT. KEEFE AV- SO.CHICAGO 4 MIDWA SS 56TH ST. AV. LAKE AV. 8.T. WASHINGTON AV. AV. ST ST. 62ND 64TH JEFFERSON JACKSON PARK A JACKSON $3 PARK Riv ST. a 6/0 MARKET ST. AV. Mil CROSBY ST. R AV. 12 LAR RABEE ST. ST. CLM ST. SEDGWICK ST. ST ORLEAN S ASALLE AV. FRANKLIN ST. DEARBORN ST. ST WELLS 8T. CLARK ST. N.STATE ST INDIANA ST ILLINOIS ST MICHIGAN ST. KINZIE ST S.WATER ST LAKE ST. RANDOLPH st. WASHINGTON ST. MONROE ST. JACKSON BLVD. WABASH AV. AV. MICHIGAN AV. S.CLARK ST ST. ST. ST. ST. 22 NA ST. ST COTTATGE GROVE AY. L A K E M I N: CLARK ROSEHILL CEMETERY ST. BALMORAL AY. E.RAVENSWOOD .AV.. AV. GRACELAND CEMETERY 8 13 スト​の ​H AV. EVANSTON PARK HOWARD ST. A 1 DEVON AV. DEMPSTER ST. N. CLARK AY. JAP N°16. showing SUGGESTED THROUGH ROUTES BETWEEN THE NORTH, SOUTH AND WEST DIVISIONS OF CHICAGO Accompanying Report No. 3 of BION J. ARNOLD to the of the Local Transportation Committee City Council of the City of Chicago Oct. 26, 1905 ||| KEY: South and North Divisions South and West Divisions West and North Divisions THIC eniwona al X EnCCESLED CATUR HOURSHT RELAEEZ LHE ПиА HTUог .нтяОИ MEL DIлгагоиа ОДАОГНо но BIOM WWWOTD yccombankjuk gebore no go sottinumo noltanogansit Tesl ogash to ar to 8 AROM ITS HRAJO MODCA SHELLISES то GM ANAION TOSHTUOS VA SIDAS weLiero STAW «ди» awao TO 200009 FOL ПРАДОЛИИ WGEWAL HOT PHO VA -72 ww AHOTOHINAW HOTJUT AMAICHI WHAT MOTORIREZ M #TROW WWAN WYN 500-6 02 0 STOKIS HORA KA A 81 STRING AV. 45 AUSTIN ST. 59 W.16 TH FREIGHT HO. W.15 TH W.MONROE W.15 TH MADISON W. 14TH 26 FULTON 25 BARBER W LAKE W.LIBERTY W.RANDOLPH MAXWELL 66 W. 13 TH W.WASHINGTON O'BRIEN S. JEFFERSON ST. ST ST. 29 28 WADAMS DUSSOLDI JACKSON WTWELFTH (ST. BUNKER W.VAN BUREN DEKOVEN 30 3$ W.TAYLOR 34 FORQUER AV. W.HARRISON 31 32 EWING W.POLK LAW S.JEFFERSON | FREIGHT HOUSE N95 BURLINGTON CANAL ALPOR THI SEWARD ST. ST. 8.CANAL W.17TH ST. 43 MECHANIC STEWART LUMBER ST 5 67 4 W.13 TH PL. ARY DUILO'G 38 100 W.12TH PLACE COMPANY PL B A T P ST UNION ELEVATOR ST OACH TO VIADUCT DOCK IGHTOUC WENTWORTH ATOR 35 CONC S AV. STANDARD OILC Pro Platform.8.&M.8.CL HOU ROADWAY LASALLE CLARK 12 ARMOUR RAILROAD ST. HOLDEN ALBERT DICKINSON SEED CO 13 40 $9 162 AV. COURT W. 12TH SWITCH. PLANKED TEAMWAY CRAN HANTY PLANKED TEAMWAY DODGE WAS STVER 16 TH AMERICAN BY CICLE COMP FEATHERSTONE FACTY DEARBORN AY. Viaduct ST. PINATIA aiting Room TOOL HOUSE Paved with Blocks Seale MATHER LA W.QUINCY ST. 46 45 52 44 SEBOR ST. CHICAGO Viaduct ST. TYLER ST ST S.CLINTON 54 ST S. CANAL HOUSE C B Bc Q. R. FREIGHT R. OLD ບາ NOI PLATFO IN FREIGHT HOUSE NICE HOUSE NEW IN FREIGHT HOUSE NO3 W.POLK WESTERN CLE 73 ST. 4. 74 DOCK CHICAGES ARE FOR 78 COMPANY KAMA ZABAVAL PROACH TO 18 STREET VIADUOT PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANKED TEAMWAY 292 PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANKETCANWAY PLANKED TEAMWAY RIVE WAY CEDAR BLOCK TRAMWAY CEDAR LUMBER F CEDAR BLOCK TRAMW CEDAR BLOCKI TRAMW NCHING RE INT MORTH YAN AR 29 28 WALL SHED IOWA ELEVATOR S ERE RA WHITE LEAD FOUNDRY D.SHIPMAN DEAR BCNH AUR ST CHAR CERCAL UNION COLD STORAGE AND ST. S.STATE OLDEN WAREHOUSE COMP. WABASH WORKS MICHIGAN ELEVATOR ST 22 CLOAR TRACK h ROCK ISLAND ST. ELEVATOR 20 14 COMPANY ELLSWO N22 INCLINC 28 46 ST. ST. BL'D 16 ING P. FI W. & C REIGHT HO. C a 0 PAK INCLIN Promite a Viaduct CHICAGO ELECTRIC CO. FR C h OFFIC£ SHUTTLER HUB&SPOKE FAC ANHEUSER-BUSH BREWING CO LEHIGH VALLEY COAL CO. L. ST MATHER NATIONA LINSEED OIL co. Viaduct ST. WESTERN STONE COMP. LUMBER YARD О f bock FREIGHT HOUSE B.LO, R FREIGHT FIFTH h C B n F ROCK 18LAND ELEVATOR www TAYLOR TEAMWA 104 H03 84 MARKET VAN BUREN CONGRESS 06 CHARLES 89 LOOP No. 7 FR NKLIN PLATFORM FREIGHT HOUSE IPLATFORM HARRISON CARRIAGC COURT ST. PLATT GG ROOM GRAND CENTRAL DEFOT AV FIFTH POLK SHORE PACIFIC BONDEP WAREHOUSE OUT C.R.I.& P.RY FREIGHT HOUSE SHERMAN App/roach to 1254 St Vroduēt REAPING MOWING MACHINES WAREHOUSE TCRANE & CO IRON 1402 HOUSE HIO MECH FREIGHT HO arsermine! N.Y.C.&STL FACTORY RY FREIGHT HOUSE OF THE N.Y.C. & ST. LOUIS ny. Approach To 12TH ST Viaduer Approach To 12TH ST. Viaduct A CHICAGO EASTERN ILLINOIS FREIGHT HOUSE LATFORN CUSTOM HOUS BOALHOUGH SASAGE IN FREIGHT HT HO PLYMOUTH COLL SEU M 19 24 27 29 32 30 INDIANA PRAIRIE ST. ST. AV. 13 TH 21 CHA EG.T. MY FRESHTI HO AT.LS. N ST. AV. 14 PLATTORN HOLDEN ST. ST רוסה ST 12 126 ST. & C R W JOHT HOUSE 79 83 QUINCY JACKSON ம்6 ADAMS 5 MILWAUKEE Approach to Viaduct CO DUNN ARROLL ST LER BROSEL BUTLER BROS. WARE HOUSE N R Z Ꮴ e 08 82 52 r N 43 COURT TUNNEL WAST MADISON CALHOU WARE HO ST. RANDOLPH Vacated CONSIN DIVN ST. N. WATER WIS SIN EIGHT ST. River of Chicago ELECTRICO LIGHT &POWERHOUSE MICHAL TOWER North Branch TON CLEVATOR COUCH HOOP No. 5 LOOP No 4 LOOP Nos. 2 & 3 MONROE MARSHALL, FIELD&G WHOLESALE DEPT) RAND 12NALLY WOMEN'S TEMPLE 97 ST. AV. LASALLE NOIS GRAND PACIFIC ROOKERY EDISON CO MERCHANTS LOAN & TRUST BLD'G ST. BOARD OF TRADE 8 PRIVATE CT. H5 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC AND LAKESHORE&MICH.SO.R.R.DEPOT RIALTO DEARBORN H13 CLARK 114. H241 136 POPIN ppp No. 8 PECK 134 183 ELDRIDGE PL HARMON PL. to HUBBARD AV. PL. L a k e LAKE PARK PL. TRAL RR DOPOT ST. 187 S. STATE HARRISON PL. AV. Viaduct UNION LEAGUE COURT THE MONADNOCK 138- OFFICE NATIONAL INS ARCADE I PL LOOP MARQUETTE POST QUINCY ST. COURT GREAT NORTHERN SIEGEL,COOPER A.M. EROTHSCHILD CONGRESS COURT WABASH L A K ST. a AUDITORIUM ST. ANNEX MICHIGAN Viaduct ST. LAKE STOCK EXCHANGE C.M.& ST. P. RY wwwwwwwwwMENT WAREHOUSE KINGSBURY CARROLL ST. (N. MARKE Chi ST. ST. C a S.WATER HADDO No 1 C. GEN OFF LOOP CHAMBER COMMERCE NEW OP STNATIONNO BANK BUILD THE 12 FAIR THE ILLINOIS BRIGG'S HCUSE CITY HALL. AV SHERMAN HOUSE 7 ORLEANS ST. KINZIE MICHIGAN BELINOIS 10 68 UBURBAK WESTERN Viaduct WWELLS Entrance Tunnal ST ASHEND BLOCK TITLE &TRUST PONI BLO t Viaduct r n SUDURBAN THE ST, ST. Tunnel LÁŠALLE ST. Сл. Пости в соб COLD STORAG N-WATER AV. J.B.LONG AMERICAN TIN GẦN CO vråduct Nimjui. CLARK SIBLEY WARE HOUSE COMP. Viaduct XXX STA MIN COLET ARBORN AV. Private St GALENA DIVISION FREIGHT GALENA DIV. IN FREIGH AuctNDESMAN STATE 00 N.W Ri T er ST. COLUMBUS MANDEL MARSHALL HOLDEN BROS LOOP ANE CO FIELD CT. www MASONIC TEMPLE LOOP No. H I AY. MSVICKERS THE BOSTON CARSON PIRIE & SOOTT TRIBINE PALMER HOUSE STATION PEOPLE LIGHT & CONS ST. THE PULLMAN C H 900 eco M I (In Process of filling) 200 300 200 000 SCALE OF FEET. 400 ST. ART INSTITUTE 1000 I GARLAND ST. 12 ST. CT. ST. FUBLIC LIBRARY PL.. APL ST. 4 ST. ST 12 CASS ST. KAWAREHOUSE GALENA ELEVATOR WARK RAKAMA AND MORTON DOCK ST. RIVER 6 4 CT. AV. CENTRAL 5 11 RUSH ST. ST. 6 ANITOU STICANSHIP COMPAN LENORTHE DUNKLEY ESSARY BAUGRAM PH ATHERN STEAMSHI COMP USKEGON STRAKSI AKSNIP/CO. STEAMSHIP. GOODRICH DOCK ST. 10 PINE ST. MAP No. 17 showing SUGGESTED THROUGH ROUTES AND LOOPS in the BUSINESS DISTRICT OF CHICAGO Omitting Tracks from La Salle and Washington Streets ACCOMPANYING REPORT No. 5 OF BION J. ARNOLD TO THE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ITHE CITY OF CHICAGO NOV. 1, 1905 P a r k ILLI CENTRAL CENTRAL SUBURBAR STATIONS G 2 N 9 ST.CLAIR ST. KEY: 8 South Side Lines North Side Lines - West Side Lines Through Routes! W MITSUA WALES Han WICHIGW MOTOMIHOAW W re BBAD HSUR BL 14CKROM MORIMCA 08 горь гобь из 200 dЛИСА MORNDAL REBON AMAO A DOWAL WHERE CAUHO BEGROHOO LOMGREE DENDAEK BRANCH RUDO 10. E MISCH HOBBYBO mapit AN 13 CH BAORJIAir HOгDER EFONIDGE DHIRTS je a dosle notjaid big ofte al mon sonst soittimo TROWSK DRIVHARMODA RA. HOIS MOYTATROWENART JADO В дит то M ल TILO TAM androde BaшE22 D121BIC OF CHICYCO 20CCEBLED LUBоNCH BOD HT SIW 19 J MANDOM HEROW HROBRA20 VA AMAJOHT W.18 TH AUSTIN N. STRING 59 45 FULTON ST W.16 TH FREIGHT HO VLAKE W.HANDOLPH TON W.IS TH 48 W.15H W.MONROE W. 14TH C BARBER 56 W. 14. TH WADAMS 8. JEFFERSON ST. W.LIBERTY 63 MAXWELL W. 13TH a 29 O'BRIEN ST. ST. AN BUREN 28 JACKSON 30 AV. WHARRISON .) DUSSOL 32 BUNKER 3+ DEKOVEN 35 (W. POLK W TAYLOR LAW FORQUER EWING 83 S.JEFFERSON BURLINGTON SEWARD ST. GREIG IT HOUSE NES S.CANAL ST. ST W.17TH ST. 43 5 A MECHANIC STEWART LUMBER ST. ST PL W.13 TH 100 STW. 12TH PLACE COMPANY PL. B HOUS SLIP UNION ELEVATOR ROUND DOCKFAEIGHT WENTWORTH Platform 1.8.&.8.0 APPROACH TO VIADUCT SUB- WAY RO ELEVATOR AV. 35 STANDARD OIL C LASALLE CLARK 12-19 ARMOUR S RAILROAD ST. HOLDEN ALBERT DICKINSON SEED CO. WALL 13 16 TH AMERICAN BYCICLE COMP FEATHERSTONEFACTY DEARBORN AV. ST. 3. STATE DODG 45 PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANKED TEAMWAY PLANKER TEAMWAY AV. W A MATHER 59 62 CHICA COURT W. 12TH MANTY SWITCH ESS Viaduct ST. Dair Room TOOL HOUSE Paved with Cead Blocks Seale PLANKED TEAMWAV PLANKES TEAMWAY PLANKED TEAMWAY RIVEWAY DAR BLOCK TRAMWAY CEDAR LUMBER B CEDAR BLOCK TRAM CEDAR BLOCKI TRAN OFFICE ASTER 2 SNEO Kriz RaciaHT 15 IOWA ELEVATOR S DEARBORN FOUNDRY, SHEPLANS WHITE LEAD UNION COLD STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE COMP. WABASH MICHIGAN PROACH 12 STREET VIADUCT SELEV STI ST. CLEAR TRACK INDIANA h ROCK ISLAND ELEVATOR 45 44 SEBOR LA ST. ST. TYLER ST. ST. S CLINTON C 54 ST. S. CANAL B. & Q. R. R. FREIGHT TOU 191 OLD IN FREIGHT HOUSE 292 OLD OUT NICE HOUSE NEW IN FREIGHT HOUSE NO3 CHICAGO DOCK WAYNE 78COMPANY $3 W.QUINCY ST. 52 HT INCLINC BL'D ST. BACA P. FTW. & C.FREIGHT HO. FTW & C RW FREIGHT HOUSE BUILDINGA Viaduc rway Fronite 812 PARK INCLI PLATFOR CHICAGO EDISON ELECTRIC CO. FREIGHT C h OXFIGR NATIONAL LINSEED OIL CO. MATHER ST. SHUTTLERE HUB & SPOKE FACT ANHEUSER-BUBN BREWING CO LEHIGH VALLEY COAL CO. ..... ST W.POLK ESTERN 73 ST 4. 74 COMPANY ELLSWO H. Viaduct CO ST. O f WESTERN STONE COMP. LUMBER YARD bock FREIGHT HOUSE B.LO,R R CA TEAM WA AY FIFTH HT HOUS h C n r B ZR ROCK ISLAND ELEVATOR pproach to 212 2TH St. Viaduct TAYLOR 404 Ex FREIGHT HOU H03 POLK PLATFORM FREIGHT, HOUSE PIPLATFORM FRANKLIN 68 HARRISON CARRIAGE COURT C a 09 g О 84 MARKET CONGRESS ST. CHARLES ST. BAGGAGE ROOM GRAND CENTRAL DEFOT AV TIETH HIO LAKE SHORE PACIFIC BONDED WAREHOUSE CHICAN SOUTHERN FY FR L.S&M.SREIGHT C.R.I.& P.RY FREIGHT HOUSE SHERMAN N.Y.C.&-STL FACTORY REAPING MOWING MACHES RY FREIGHT HOUSE OF THE NY. C. & ST. LOUIS AY Approach To 12TH ST Viaduct Approach Ta 12 TH ST. Viaduer CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS FREIGHT HOUSE CUSTOM HOUSE IN FREIGHT HO GOAL HOUSE 27 244 19 WABASH NASCEE1 PLYMOUTH COLLISEUM 10 IRON WAREHOUSE CRANE & CO. RTREICHT HO OTHER Y T. RY FRESHTI HO FRED HE HOUSE HT HO. HOUSE 102 R. FREIGE PLATOEL CERES HOLDEN 13 TH ST. 20 21 #22 32 30 PRAIRIE ST. ST. AV. 29 ST. AV. 14 HOL H12 ST $4 79 83 QUINCY JACKSON BOOP No. 7 126 ADAMS CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC wwwwwwAND LAKESHORE&MICH.SO.R.R.DEPOT SHA H13 125 DEARBORN S.CLARK LOOP No. 85 PECK ST. 183 ELDRIDGE PL HARMON ST. PL. L a LAKE PARK PL L RAL RR DOPOT 17 сл 114. HUBBARD AV PL. k e 46 5 28 29 MILWAUKEE Approach to Viad THER BROSALBUTLER BROS. WARE HOUSE N R Z T e r 08 டா 82 MONROE WHOLESALE DEP) MARSHALL, FIELD&G N CARROLL NNOO ST. 22267 SCONSIN DIVN OUT FREIGHT S WIS EV.IN EIGHT ST. - River C-M.& ST. P. RY WAREHOUSE North Branch of Chicago Vacated STR WAREHO M.SEYPRY ELEVATOR FULTON ELEVATOR 43 COURT CALHOUN 52 $3 MADISON WASHINGTON Viaduct ST. RANDOLPH COUCH LAKE ELECTRICO LIGHT SINER &POWEROUSE MICHALTOWER KINGSBURY CARROLL ST. (N. MA Chi BRIGG'S ST. HADDO 20 C a S.WATER C.EN. OFF AV HCUSE LOOP WOMEN'S TEMPLE LOOP No. 4 LOOP 3 STOCK EXCHANGE LOOP No, 2 RAND MENALLY LOOP LOOP No. 60 ST. 97 ST. BOARD OF TRADE 8 PRIVATE CT. RIALTO ST 137 AV. LASALLE ILLINOIS SAVINGS BANK ROOKERY GRAND PACIFIC H5 H22 S. STATE HARRISON PL. AV. Viaduc UNION LEAGUE COURT THE MONADNOCK 138 EDISON CO MERCHANTS LOAN & TRUST.BLO'G OFFICE ARCADE NATIONAL LIFE INS.co NEW YORK LIFE PL CHAMBER COMMERCE LOOPOO LOOP No. 12 MARQUETTE LOOP b. 9 NEW NATIONALO BANK BUILD POST QUINCY ST. COURT GREAT NORTHERN SIEGEL,COOPERE A.M. ROTHSCHILD CONGRESS COURT WABASH ST. L K D AUDITORIUM ST. ANNEX MICHIGAN Viaduct ST. THE FAIR THE ILLINOIS No. 1 CITY HALL. SHERMAN HOUSE ST. 7 ORLEANS ST. KINZIE FREIGHTOFFICE MICHIGAN Co We SUBURBAN NORTHWESTERN EPOT INSLEY BLOCK TITLE &TRUST THE TRIBUNE MEVICKERS THE BOSTON CARSON PIRIE & SOOTT Viaduct RLINOIS ST, AMERICA CLUB CON 百計 ​IL LASALLE Tunnal ST ST N-WATER BENTON A. BOOTH & CO J.B.LONG AMERICAN COLD STORAGE TIN GAN CÓ Private 'St GALENA DIVISION SIBLEY WARY HOUSE COMP ST LOOP No. 11 Loop No. 10 CT COLUMBUS MASONIC TEMPLE PALMER MANDEL MARSHALL FELD HOUSE HOLDEN CT. BROS AND CO PEOPLES GAS, ·Heart & GOKE ST. THE W PULLMAN ST. GARLAND ST. ST. ST. PUBLIC LIBRARY ART INSTITUTE t P a r k BLD Viaduc r n SUBURBAN STATION C H I G A N 500 800 GOD 8- M I (In Process of filling) B SCALE OF FEET. 200 SCO 000 500 1004 Viaduct AUCTION COUT GALENA DIV. IN PREIGHT Ri ADDOCK PL. AY. A ST. TE CENTRAL ILL CENTRAL SUBURBAN STATION W. E. FREIGHT: e GRAHAM AND MORTON DOCK COLET ARSTATE AV. ST. 4. N.WATER GALENA ELEVAT ST. 2 RIVER 4 CT. ST. 12 CASS ST. 67 5 11 RUSH ST. ST. 6 CENTRAL NORTHE MANITOU STEAMSHES COMPANY WARK H DUNK DERNEY-W MULIAM RTHERN STEAMSHIP COMP CO. CHEGON STEAMSHIP CO STEAMSHIPO VATOR AY. GOODRICH DOCK ST. 10 PINE ST. 9 ST.CLAIR ST. 8 Map No. 18 showing THROUGH ROUTES AND LOOPS BUSINESS DISTRICT OF CHICAGO in the CONFORMING WITH THE ROUTES DESCRIBED IN EXHIBITS C OF SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. 3 OF BION J. ARNOLD TO THE OF THE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO NOV. 16, 1905 ADOPTED BY LOCAL TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE NOV. 16 AND 27, 1905 KEY: South Side Lines North Side Lines West Side Lines Through Routes B Jovist a WICHICY WORK 172 BEAD 201 9004 VA 80 4001 9000 11.04 МАУСКОЙ 960 WOHBOE 99 VOHING 8100 ODADI 81 .oИ qsM гатиря павоЯнт TOTE 88120 DJONRA MOIR 100 MOITATHOREHART JAJOU та ант чо это OVATNOSаHART JOJ Ye Jazyk КУУСКРОН TRAM ОО 00 PHOHIOS TRUOS 31 21 HOBBYUD MADR เบ็ด ต ரன் CONTA SURIARE CENTRAL AV. IVERSIDE Despl aines GDEN AV. CENTRAL AV. HARLEM AY. STH STANLEY AV R DESPLAIN INES We M DRAINAGE S. 48 TH CITY! AY. AY. RIDGELAND AV. ΤΩ S W. LAKE W. 26TH ST. CENTRAL 'AY N.72 P CITY LIMITS W.CHICAGO W.NORTH AV.. S.60 TH AV. CITY LIMITS AV. AV. II Miles AV. 16 Ww.MADISON 14 W. 12 TH AY. AV 7 Miles X'N IRVING PARK ST. 9 Miles N.76 AV. AY. BRYN MAWR N.60TH AV. CITY LIMITS 8 Miles 2 Miles N.461TH AV. 6 N.44.TH AV. N.40 GARDIELD PARK OLORADO AV. W. NORTH AV. 6 Miles ARMITAGE W.DIVISION W. CHICACO GRAND W.LAKE LO 5 W.VAN BUREN W.HARRISON S. KEDZIE W. 25TH ST. 8.487 OGDEN W. 26TH 11 15 W.21 87 t Bra 8.46TH h S.44 TH AV. S.40TH W.318 ST. f пол CANAL ILLINOIS AN MICHIGAN CANAL 13 LIMIT S 'AY S. KEDZIE ARCHER 63 29 17 ST. S.WESTERN S.71 & ST. 10 69 TH S.CENTRAL PARKT AV S.LEAVITT ST. 6 63 NO S.ASHLAND S.CENTRE S.75TH ST. AV. 47 TH 38 TH 8.CALIFORNIA AV. AV. WOOD ST. ST. DOUGLAS PARK 12s ST. B h t 35 TH Sou SI T 59 TH ST. & HALSTED 79TH ST. 2 WENTWORTH 61 T VINCENNES S. STATE 5 6 BT. له W. TAYLOR ST. S WESTERN N. LEAVITT ST. BLUE AY. AY. B I S.ROBEY ch 20 20 W 18TH 18LAND PIITNEY CT. AVA 5 Miles HUMBOLDT PARK 18 Av. AV. N.WEST ERN AV. W.14TH S.ASHLAND ARCHER 31 ST S. MORGAN ST. THROOP 195 WALLACE I MILWAUKEE LAWRENCE AV. DEVON MONTROSE BELMONT N. CALIF ORNIA GRANO FULTON Miles Miles N.ASH LAND UNION ST. PARK S. PAULINA ST. J'AVE ADAMS ST. SCEN TER AV. ST. ST. ST. S.HALSTED ST. AV ST. CANAL B ¿ a 11 ELSTON h 17 2 AV. FULLERT ON 8T. ST. AV. CLYBOURN AV. AY HOLT ST. NOBLE STD ERIE AUSTIN 8T. ST. Mifes N.CENTER AV. ST. ST. AV. ST. MORGAN SANGAMON NB 28 DESPLAINES ST. CLINTON ST. CANALPORT Y% C ST. AY. 26TH 29 TH CANAL ST. AV. ST. ST. 39 TH 716 ST. ROOT ST. STOCK 43 RP YARDS WALLAICE ST. KEEFE AV STEWART AV. INDIANA ST. COTTAGE GROIVE WASHINGTON PARK SO.CHICAGO. Av. 4 ST. SS MIDWAY 56TH ST.6 AV. WASHINGTON AV. AV. LAKE AV. ST ST. 62ND 8 64TH JEFFERSON JACKSON PARK A JACKSON PARK S.CLARK ST- ST. WABASH AV. ST. a ST. Ary ST. ROSCOE ST. 10 C CLYBOURN a AV. BLACKHAWK ST. N. HALSTED AV. Mile CROSBY ST. R AV. SOUTHPORT RACINE AV. AV. AV. N.KEDZE AV. HOWARD DEMPSTER ROSEHILL CEMETERY LINCOLN ST. N. CLARK PARK 1 BALMORAL AY. ST. E.RAVENSWoop AY. DEVON AV. ST. AV. MAP Ne19.showing ADOPTED THROUGH ROUTES BETWEEN THE NORTH, SOUTH AND WEST DIVISIONS OF CHICAGO Conforming with the Routes described in "Exhibit C" of Supplement No. 2 to Report No. 3 of BION J. ARNOLD to the Local Transportation Committee of the City Council of the City of Chicago Nov. 16, 1905 Adopted by Local Transportation Committee Nov. 27, 1905 3 N. ROBEY N.ASHLAND AV. AV AV. SHEFFIELD WEBSTER GARFIELD AV AV. CENTER ST AY. LAR RABEE ST. ELM SEDGWICK 3 ST S e r ORLEAN O MARKET ST.L 22 LR ST. ST COTTATGE GROVE AY. ST. B ST ST. ST. 18 FRANKLIN ST. AV. ST CLARK .AV.. GRACELAND CEMETERY 138 ST. AV EVANSTON 15 14 A WELLS ST. 12 11 LASALLE AY DEARBORN ST. N.STATE ST CLARK ST. ST. INDIANA ST ILLINOIS ST KINZIE ST MICHIGAN ST, S.WATER ST. LAKE ST. RANDOLPH St. WASHINGTON ST. MONROE ST. JACKSON BLVD. MICHIGAN AV. K E A L M I H I N KEY: South and North Divisions South and West Divisions West and North Divisions eniwona ele VDOLLED CATU HOUOяHT ZOBLH 200TH VAD MEEL DIлтана OF CHICYCO BELAEEM HE "did" ai baduses esto add diw gainrrotne 8.62 100 of 2.67 touoique to ad: 07 som moliatrogens Insol cha common of CCFEES 6001 31 DIA DEADW TE BORRHIT 18-8 ar 18: AS M DEVUBDEW ARIGHE TO SNA MOPCA CHAUHSA.M З реком вело E A VA 3 TO 30080R ΟΙ TROHTUO8 VA HIDAR w WA WADTHDIM CHOAC FABAST 178 ИОТА wo TRZJJUN CHAI HEAR TB SMACK re A АИЦАТ AYERISALIA SVING FAWEEDC. 80 HMERI EU TOOR 0.08 2 YBOR WAV W BTEMIJ 01 RABRIO SI 902 CLE ai M& WAM KYW L IM ar AT 01 27.09.2 81