IDE ་་་་་ ARTES 1837. SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN C. PLURIBUS UNUM SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAMUS CIRCUMSPICE THIS BOOK FORMS PART OF THE ORIGINAL LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BOUGHT IN EUROPE 1838 TO 1839 BY ASA GRAY THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE House of COMMONS, Touching the Impeachment of EDWARDS Late EARL of CLARENDON, Lord High-Chancellour of Eng. land, Anno 1667. With the many Debates and Speeches in the Houfe. The Impeachment Exhibited against him. His Petition in Anſwer thereto. As alfo the feveral Weighty Arguments concerning the Nature of Treafon, Bribery, &c. By Serj. Maynard, Sir Ed. S. Sir T. L. Mr. Vaughan, Sir Rob. Howard, Mr. Hambden, and other Mem- bers of that Parliament. TOGETHER, With the Articles of High-Treafon Exhibi- ted againſt the ſaid Earl, by the Earl of Bristol in the Houfe of Lords on the 10th of July, 1663. With the Opinion of all the Learned Judges therein. The Second Edition carefully Corrected. Printed in the Year, 1700. 6f. Brit. Tudian of 11667, House of compen§. C THE PREFACE, TO THE READER. I Think there needs not much be ſaid to recommend the following Sheets to the In- telligent Reader. It has been the Opinion of the Wifeft Men that Letters, Memoirs, and Pub- lick Speeches, have ever been the Clearest and Most Exact Hiftories of Times, and have given the trueft Light into the Spirit and Bent of a People, efpecially, where Liberty, that Darling of the Uni- verfe, that sweetest Cordial of Man- kind, bears Sway; and where fhall We find it so justly Claim'd, fo Strenuously maintain'd as in our A 2 Engliſh ار The PREFACE. Engliſh Conftitution? a Con ftitution ſo exactly fitted for the Preferving that Ineftimable Jewel, that the Deepest Arts and Subtilties of the most Crafty Stateſmen cou'd never yet Under- mine, or Ravish our Envied Freedom from us; on the Con- trary, They have ever met their own Deſtruction, when They have been fo Rafh as to make the At- tempt; and I dare boldly fay, that We our felves must give it away, if ever We are not Mafters of it; for it cannot be forc'd from us. If We reflect on the Hardſhips other Nations Groan Under, and then confider the Plenty and Eafe We fenfibly Enjoy, We must juftly Honour the Memories of our Glori- ous Ancestors, who have handed down fo dear a Prize to us. If we look backward, we ſhall find there The PREFACE. there have been great Attempts, both Open and Secret, to break in upon, or leffen our juft Rights and Priviledges, but there have ever been Perfons of Generous Spirits and Unfhaken Refoluti- ons, Who have nobly Oppos'd the bold Invaders, being neither to be Aw'd nor Brow-beaten by any Higher Power, nor Brib'd by the most Advantageous offers of Profit or Honour, to betray fo Glorious a Caufe: We have never yet found a Wicked Coun- cellour or an Evil Minifter that cou'd Eſcape the Juftice of a Houfe of Commons. 'Tis true in fome former Reigns a Parliament was no very defirable Thing, and feldom call'd, but whenever they met they bravely Attack'd the Ene- mies of the Nation tho' never fo Potent, and brought down fuch as The PREFACE. as have thought themſelves Secure, and out of Reach; and I trust, as we have not yet, we never fhall, fee Ill Men in fuch a Station. We live now (God be thanked) in a time when we need not fear Encroachments on our Juft Li- berties and Properties; are we not Bleft with a King who hath no Deſign to Enslave or Burthen his People? Have we not Miniſters that A&t with Uprightneſs and In- tegrity? Are we not rul'd by a Monarch who makes the Interest of the Nation his own, and regards Merit only in the Choice of his Minifters? do we fee any Court- Minion or haughty Favorite Ad- vanc'd? or any Man of worth pass Unregarded and Defpis'd? In Short, have we not a King who only thinks himself happy, because he fees his People fo? And as the common Adage The PREFACE. Adage has it, Regis ad exemplum. Do we not see our Grandees following their Great Mafters Steps? Are not Envy and Ambition now Banifb'd the Palace Gates? What Courtiers do we now find breaking their Pro- miſes, or giving oyly Words inftead of just Performances? Do they now covet Perferments to get vaft Eftates? Are they not contented with their moderate Perquifites? What Minifters can the most obfer- ving Eye find Guilty of Acting, Advifing, Ill? Or who amongst them are afraid to ftand the Teft of the fe- vereſt Scrutiny? Such is the Hap- pineſs we now Enjoy, fuch are the Blessings of our Prefent Admini- Atration. But I have wander'd be- yond my purpoſe, my Zeal to fo much Goodness has carry'd me wide of my Defign, which was to fay Something by way of Preface of the following The PREFACE., " following Sheets, which were Pub- liſh'd, not to reflect on the Memory of any, but at the defire of fome very Judicious Perfons, who thought it pitty a Collection fo fill'd with Law and folid Senſe fhou'd be kept fecret; and I believe none, who read it, but will highly applaud the Publishing. The World muft own that the Learned Perfons, whose Speeches are contain'd in the fol lowing Pages, have been famous for the depth of their Judgment, and profoundness of their Senfe, and many of them have been justly E- fteem'd the most eminent Lawyers of their Time: I shall only add that Several of our greatest Men have highly valued it in Manuſcript, and I doubt not but all who read it, will think it fit, not only for a Lamy- er's, but every English Gentleman's Study. A (1) ང-- A COLLECTION Of Proceedings in the House of COMMONS, About Impeaching the EARL of CLARENDON, Late L CHANCELLOR. With the Debates and Speeches concerning that Matter. M October 26th, 1667. R. Ed. Seym. Charged him viva voce with many great Crimes, whereupon a Debate aroſe what Proceeding ought to be had up- on it, fome moving to Impeach him in the Name of the Commons till Articles fhould be prepared, others urg'd, that Witneſſes fhould be firft examined to fee how the B Charge (2) } Charge could be made good, leaft failing, it ſhould reflect on the Honour of the Houſe, after long Debate, a Committee was ap- pointed to fearch Records for Parliamenta- ry Proceedings in the like Cafes, and to make Report. 30th, The Report being made by Sir Tho. Litt. that various Proceedings were found in feveral Parliaments, it occafioned a long Debate, feveral Members ſpeaking to the effect following, Sir Tho. Litt. That in Cafes Criminal, they find Proceedings to have been, fome- times by Articles, fometimes by word of Mouth; but in Capital Crimes no Pro- ceedings appear till the Earl of Strafford's Cafe, againſt whom the Houſe carried up a general Impeachment, the Reaſon where- of feems to be this: Some Votes were made in the Houſe at which the King takes Offence, as if they would proceed upon com- mon Fame; whereupon they vindicate their Proceedings as done in a Parliamentary way, and appoint a Committee to withdraw for about half an Hour to confider the Matter for a Conference with the Lords about the Charge, and upon their Report a general Charge is carryed up to the Lords Bar; the principal Charge then was for advising to bring over the Irish Army, and the fingle Proof was Sir Henry Vane, fo the Impeach- ment went up for High-Treafon, tho' no Member ( 3 ) Member would pofitively fay he would make the Charge good. So for the Bishop of Canterbury there was no Impeachment, but a Charge in ge- neral. And if you take not the fame Courſe now, but infift upon examining Witneffes firſt, the Difficulties will be unanfw crable; for is it like that Men before they ſhall fee you in earneſt will have their Names pro- duced against the Earl of Clarendon? If this be your proceeding, we muft never expect to Impeach a great Man more. If you think there is nothing in the Charge leave it, but if you think 'tis worth your while take heed of making fuch a dangerous Pre- fident as by neglecting it to wound your Liberties; but proceed in the ufual way with a general Impeachment. Serj. Mayn: I ftand not up to give Ad- vice, but to fpeak to matter of Fact in the bufinefs of Strafford and Canterbury; I at→ tended that buſineſs from the beginning: Sir John Clotworthy informed fomething a- gainst Strafford to be direct Treafon, that he had affumed an Arbitrary Power in Ire- land, and difpoffeffed one Savage by force of Arms, and undertook to prove it. Sir Henry Vane alfo told them that he had a Note taken out of his Fathers Cabinet, con- taining the Advice which Strafford gave the King in that Cafe. Namely, the King wan- ting B 2 (4) ting Money, and the Queſtion being how he ſhould ſupply it, he replyed, That if the Parliament was refractory and would not, you ſtand loofed and abfolved from Rules of Govern- ment; you have an Army in Ireland which you may employ to reduce them. Then there was a Debate whether they fhould accufe him of Treafon. And Sir Edward Herbert (the Attorney) ſaid, if you are perfwaded the Truth is, as is pre- tended, you may, and fo it was; but when the cloſe Committee had examined the bu- fineſs, they moved the Houſe, that fome Lawyers might be added to them, and had they gone, when they ſaid they were ready, they had not touched one Hair of Strafford's Head. Then it was conſidered what was fit to be done: To accufe him of Treafon would be a dangerous Prefident, as if out of many other Crimes a Treafon could be drawn, thereupon it was Refolved not to demand Judgment from the Lords, becauſe ſome Articles were not Treafon. Then it was propounded not to State what his Of- fences were, left it fhould give advantage to inferior Courts fo to proceed; but faid he deſerved to be accufed of Treafon, and in conclufion a Provifo was added, not to make that Cafe a Preſident. For the Biſhop of Canterbury, the four Ar- ticles were general, and he was long in Pri- fon without any proceeding againſt him; but after long time he demurr'd, then new Articles were framed, on which he dyed. Mr. John (5) Mr. John Vaugh. You have had a Charge opened of a ſtrange Nature, and I know not what part of it can be proved, but the reputation of This Houfe is at Stake, and of the King too; For, where a Charge is brought in by fome of your Members, whereof one Article is, That he fhould fay fuch words,of the King, as by a Statue made by you is a Premunire, and to give Coun- cel to levy War upon the Kingdom; is it agreeable to our Duty to the King and Kingdom to let it die? For the Perfon concerned, I know not which way his Honour can be whole with- out his giving an Anfwer to his Charge; for Mark the Confequence, if the King fhould take him to favour again before clear'd, will not the World ſay a Perſon is received to favour again, who gave the King Councel against the Kingdom, and traduc'd the King, and how can he be whole in his Honour this way; Obj. But it will be faid, we muſt have ground to put him to Anſwer. Anf. Whether you have ground enough to prove I know not, but you have ground enough to make him Anſwer to clear him- felf. Suppoſe thoſe two Articles had been Charged on a Member of this Houle, what would it have become that Member to do; Should he fit ftill and fay, I will make no Anſwer, but fee whether the Houſe will make more proof; If he fhould do fo, the B 3 not :(6) not making an Anſwer is Reafon enough to Charge him. I can give you Inftances of Perfons charg- ed in Parliament, who, tho' not nominated, yet being (as it were) pointed at, Petiti- oned that they might Anfwer, and fo would any Man; but when this is bruited up and down, will not the World ſay? You never ask the party whether Guilty. The Duke of Suffolk was Charged upon Common Fame, and if that were a ground for a Charge then (which I do not fay it was) fo it is in this Cafe; but he moved that he might be heard, and tho' it was de- fired he might be Committed, yet it was justly rejectly till he had Anfwered: Then for the Nature of the Charge, if it be true, it is very High, but whether it be Treafon is another Matter, it is brought to you un- der no Name, when you make the Charge, it becomes you to fay what it is; therefore Chooſe a Committee to reduce the Accuſa- tion into Heads, and bring them to you, without which you cannot right you felves, nor him, if Innocent. For the way of it, it cannot be thought fit to publish your Witneffes and the Mat- ter before-hand, if in private Gauſes the Defendant and Plaintiff fhould have a Pub- lication before hand, no Cauſe would be rightly Judged, much lefs when you have Publication of all which concerns the One, but nothing of the Other. Again, if a Witnefs (7) Witneſs be examined concerning Matters in his own Knowledg, if he gives Evidence, where he is not brought judicially to give it, if he hath teſtified any Thing which brings him within the Statute of falfe News, how can he avoid the Penalty? For its not enough for him to ſay he knows it but he muſt have others to juftifie it. As for the Perfons who bring the Charge, they are your own Members, which the Writs return for honeft and difcreet Men, and if you are fatisfied of that, how can you reject their Complaint, tho' ground- ed upon Common Fame, as all Accufations are, feeing they tell you, they can bring- Proof of what they ſay? Then for Common Fame, if a Man fpends largely, and hath no visible way to get an Eſtate, no Man accufeth him to have got- ten it unlawfully; yet he may be put to clear himſelf from what Common Fame chargeth him with. Upon fufpicion of Fe- lony, I may bring a Man before a Magi- ſtrate to clear himſelf, fo in the Courſe of Indictments, and Prefentments, a Charge is given of what Things are to be Prefented? then a Proclamation is made, That if any one can give Evidence, he may be Sworn, but if no Evidence appear, yet they may Indict. Then it will be faid, the Oath is a Mate- rial Thing, but we are proceeding without an Oath. B 4 To (8) ' To this I Anfwer, What this Houſe fhall Charge is of more Authority than the Oaths of ordinary Witneffes; Peers tho' not upon Oath are fuppofed to do right, fo are we upon the Reputation of our Honeſty and Difcretion. Mr. L. H. I am fenfible, the Houſe may think me Partial, but I fhall endeavour to thew my felf not fo much a Son of the Earl of Clarendon as a Member of this Houſe; and I affure you that if he fhall be found Guilty, no Man fhall appear more againſt him than I; if not, I hope every one will be for him as much as I; let every Man upon his Confcience think what of this Charge is true, for I believe that if one Article be proved, he will own himſelf Guilty of all. ? Sir Hen. Fin. An Impeachment there muft be, if there be Caufe; fuch Accufati- ons are not to be paffed over in filence. I believe not one truth in the Law more than this Propolition, That there is no fuch thing as Treafon by Common-Law, or by Equity, and we hold our Lives by that Law; before the 25th of Ed. the 3d. a Man could fcarce fpeak any think but it was Treafon in Parliament or out, but no Man ought to die as a Traitor, who hath not literally offended that Law, or fome other made fince: There is indeed in that Law (9) Law a Provifo about the Parliaments de- claring what is Treafon, but note the dan- ger of taking declaratory Powers, which I fear hath brought us into a Reckoning of Blood, which we have not yet paid for. The Power of Parliaments is double, Legislative, which hath no bounds, Declara- tory, by pronouncing Judgments. And tho' I know not what the Legifla- tive Power of a Parliament cannot do, yet it is not in the power of the Parliament, King, Lords, nor Commons, to declare any thing to be Treafon which is not in the Common-Law Felony before. The Provifo in Strafford's Cafe was (it's true) made for Inferior Courts; but I hope we ſhall not fo proceed as muft needs draw after it a Ne trahatur in Exemplum, and your own Act this Parliament fhews, That all done by Strafford, a-part, or together, was not Trea- fon: And it behoves us to take heed we thwart not our own Argument. For the manner then, Confider how you fhould proceed if it were out of Parliament, and how the bringing of it into the Houfe alters it. If it were out of Parliament, without doubt the Accufation fhould be proved be- fore hand, and thoſe who difcover it are guilty of Felony. This provides for the Subject, that the Witneſſes must be Two, and for the King, that none fhall difcover the Evidence. But ( 10 ) But fuppofe the Charge be for Mifde- meanours, the Tryal then is not to be by the Lords, but by the Commons; for the Lords are his Peers only in Cafes Capital. How then doth the bringing it in to Par- liament alter the Cafe? If the Parliament fet aſide Laws in this Cafe, we ſhould be happy to ſee Law declaring what is the power of Parliaments. There is no Prefident produced which is fingly of Weight to guide you, there- fore if you proceed, let it be as near as pof- fible by the good Old Laws; Namely, That there be an Accufation founded upon an Oath and the Evidence kept fecret, I propoſe that way for the very reaſon that others oppoſe it (viz) The Accufation goes over the Kingdom, and it will bring diſhonour to the Houſe, the King, and the Earl; For the Honour of the Houfe, it will be hard to fay, the Charge was brought in upon miſinformation; a Perfon accufed for adviſing to bring in Arbitrary Govern- ment, &c And for ſaying the King is not fit to Govern; If this be true, tho' it be not Treaſon in the formality of the Law, it deferves no lefs Puniſhment then if it were; but if not found Guilty, Confider the Cafe. If one fay, A killed a Man and it is not fo, muſt not he give reparation? We have an accufation upon hear-fay, but if it be not made good, the blackeſt Scandal which Hell can invent, lies at our door. Then ( II ) Then Sir Tho. M--rs moving to referr it to the Committee of Grievances. Mr. Vaugh. You ſhould have put the firſt Queſtion before another had been moved, the Earl of Middleſex (Cranfield's Cafe ) will not hold paralel; He was accuſed of Bribery, which might be proved by their own Books, but this is for Scandalizing the King, &e. And where fhall the Gommit- tee of Grievances enquire about it? you fay let them hear the Perfons. But fuppofe they be of the Lords Houfe, Can you fend for them? Or if you do, will they come and fay it? The matter of this Accufation is fuch, that if it lies in the knowledge of a fingle Perfon, if he delivers it extrajudicially (which he doth, if not upon Oath) he may be undone by it, and hazard his Perfon too: At the Committee of Grievances the Perfons muſt be known, and what they can fay, and then we may con- clude what will follow: Befides, their Qua- lity may be fuch as they cannot be brought, or their Difcretion fuch as they will not an- fwer. Sir Rich. Temp. Tell but the Lords that a Man in publick place hath misbehaved himſelf, and they will fentence him, if he purge not himself; Never yet were Wit- neſſes examined before the Tryal in cafe of Treafon ( 12 ) Treafon or Felony, for then, if there be two Witneſſes, a way may be found by Poyfon, or fome other way, to take away one. Serj. Mayn. No Man can do what is Juft, but he muſt have what is true before him; where Life is concern'd you ought to have a moral Certainty of the Thing, and every one be able to fay upon this proof in my Confcience, This Man is guilty. Common Fame is no ground to accufe a Man where matter of Fact is not clear; to ſay an Evil is done, therefore this Man hath done it, is ftrange in Morality, more in Logick. Upon the whole Debate it was Voted, That the Committee do reduce the Ac- cufation to Heads and prefent them to this Houfe. Novem. (13) November 6th, 1667. Sir Tho. Litt. Reports that the Accufation was reduced to Heads, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delive- red the fame in at the Clerks Table, which are as follow- eth' viz: 'T Τ HAT the Earl of Clarendon hath defigned a Standing Army to be raised and to govern the Kingdom thereby, and advised the King to Diffolve this prefent Parliament, to lay afide all Thoughts of Parliaments for the future, to govern by a Military Power, and to maintain the ſame by Free Quarter and Contribution. II. That he hath, in the hearing of the King's Subjects, falfely and feditiously faid, That the King was in his heart a Papist, or Popishly Affected, or words to that effect. III. That (14) III. That he hath received great Sums of Money for the procuring of the Canary Patent, and other illegal Patents; and granted illegal Injunctions to stop procee- dings at Law against them, and other illegal Patents formerly Granted. IV. That he hath Advifed and Pro- cured diverfe of His Majesty's Subjects to be Imprisoned against Law, in remote Ilands, Garrisons, and other Places, there- by to prevent them from the Benefit of the Law, and to produce Prefidents for the Imprisoning any other of His Majesty's Subjects in like manner. V. That he procured His Majesty's Customes to be Farmed at under Rates, knowing the fame; and great pretended Debts to be paid by His Majefty, to the payment of which, his Majefty was not in strictness bound: And afterwards re- ceived great Summs of Money for procu- ring the fame. VI. That he received great Summs of Money from the Company of Vintners, or Some of them or their Agents, for In- bouncing (15) hauncing the Prizes of Wines, and for freeing them from the payment of legal Penalties which they had incurred. VII. That he hath in a fhort time gai- ned to himſelf a greater Eſtate than can be imagined to be gained lawfully in fo ſhort a time, and contrary to his Oath, he bath procured Several Grants under the Seal from His Majesty, to himſelf and Re- lations, of feveral of His Majefty's Lands, Hereditaments and Leafes, to the difpro- fit of His Majesty. VIII. That he hath Introduced an Ar- bitrary Government in His Majesty's For- reign Plantations, and hath cauſed fuch as complained thereof before His Majefty and Councel, to be long Imprisoned for ſo doing. IX. That he did reject and frustrate a Propofal and Undertaking, approved by His Majefty for the prefervation of Me▪ vis, and St. Chriftophers, and reducing the French Plantations to his Majesty's Obedience after the Commiffions were drawn for that purpose, which was the occafion ( 16 ) occafion of our great Loffes and Damage in thoſe Parts. X. That he held Correfpodence with Cromwell and his Complices, when he was in Parts beyond the Seas attending His Majefty, and thereby adhered to the King's Enemies. XI. That he advised and effected the Sale of Dunkirk to the French King, be- ing part of His Majesty's Dominions; to- gether with the Ammunitions, Attillery, and all forts of Stores there, and for no greater value, than the ſaid Ammuniti- ons, Artillery, and Stores were worth. XII. That the faid Earl did unduely caufe Hii Majesty's Letters Patents, un- der the Great Seal of England, to one Dr. Crowther, to be alter'd, and the En- rolement thereof to be unduly rafed. XIII. That he hath in an Arbitrary way examined and drawn into question dis vers of Flis Majesty's Subjects, concern- ing their Lands, Tenements, Goods, Chat- tells, and Properties, determined there- of at the Council Table, and stopped Pro-· ceedings ( 17 ) ceedings at Law by Order of the Councel- Table, and threatned fome that pleaded the Statute of 17 Car. I. XIV. That he hath caufed Quo Wars ranto's to be iſſued out against most of the Corporations of England, immediately af- ter their Charters were Confirmed by Act of Parliament, to the intent he might require great Summs of Money of them for renewing their Charters, which when they complyed withal, he caufed the faid Quo Warranto's to be Difcharged, and Profecution therein to ceafe. XV. That he procured the Bills of Settlement of Ireland, and received great Summs of Money for the fame in most cor- rupt and unlawful manner. XVI. That he hath deluded and betray ed Flis Majesty and the Nation in all For- reign Treaties and Negotiations relating to the late War, and betrayed and difco- vered His Majesty's fecret Councils to his Enemies. XVII. That he was a principal Author of that fatal Council of dividing the Fleet, about June, 1666. C The (81) The Clerk having read them a fecond time it was moved, That in regard the Arti- cles were many, they might be referr'd to the Committee to fee how far they were true, becauſe Fame is too ſlender a ground to bring a Man upon the Stage. Sir Fran. Goodr. Seconds it, becauſe new matter was now added to what was for- merly charged Viva voce in the Houſe. Sir Rob. How. Suppofe the Earl of Cla- rendon Innocent, and yet Charged and Im- prifoned (which is the worst of the Cafe) he afterwards appears Innocent and is dif charged, receiving no more hurt than other Subjects have done; Namely, *D. Buck. * one great Man lately. Object. But why fhould you Commit him? Anfw. For proof, whether the Articles be true or not: Suppofe Men for ſelf pre- fervation will not venture to come, not knowing how they may truft themſelves, and ſo you have no Proof, He very guilty, and You not able to proceed; is the In- conveniency greater for an Innocent Per- fon (if he prove fo) to fuffer a few days, than for you to loofe your Repuation for ever. If this Man be not brought to his Tryal, it may force him to fly to that which he Councelled, that is, that we may never håve Parliament more. Sir * ( 19 ) Sir Fra.Goodr. I am not against proceeding, but unfatisfied to do it without Witnels, it being like Swearing in Verbo Magiftri. Sir John Holl. That the Committee un- dertake to make good the Charge, other- wife examine Witnelles. Mr. Vangh. You admit the Accufation to be matter for a Charge, if the Committee find proof, if you intend to make this a diftinct Cafe I leave it to you, but if this be to fettle the Courfe of the Proceedings of the Houfe, I am againft it; for this is ordering a way of Proceeding in the Earl of Clarendon's Cafe, which fhall not be a general Rule. Tho' I cannot fay one of the Articles to be true, yet I know them to be a full Charge if made good, and you are preſcribing a Courſe neither proper, nor e- ver practifed. A Witnefs who fpeaks with- out Oath is fubject to Damage; not fo up- on Oath, becauſe the Law compells him: And whereas it hath been faid, if Witnef ſes atteft before the House of Commons, what Judges dare middle in't? I answer, fuch Judges as meddled in the Cafe of Sir John Elliot, &c. and the Ship Moneys Sir Rich. Temp. A Grand Jury is capable to prefent upon their own knowledge, and are Sworn to keep the King's Council and C 2 their * (20) their own, and I believe there is not one Article of the Accufation but will be made good. Sir Rob. How. As I am fenfible of the danger of publiſhing Witneſſes beforehand, fo I would have every one fatisfied; there- fore take the Articles one by one, and ac- cording as you fhall find what your Mem- bers may fay for the Truth, you may be in- duced to proceed or not. Sir Tho. Osb. The Houfe ought to have fomething to induce their belief, which they have had from ſeveral Members, and I know how fome will be made good. Sir Tho. Littl. What Article Members of the Houſe do not offer you matter to in- duce you to believe, you may lay it aſide; therefore hear what fhall be faid and pro- ceed accordingly. Mr. John Tr. You connot expect Witnef- fes will appear before you, Lords will not, nor can you expect Commoners fhould; for when you are up and gone, nothing can pro- tect a Commoner if this Information be not Jndicial. At laſt the Queſtion was put whether to refer it to a Committee. Yeas, 128. Noes, 194. 322. Then (2x) Then the firft Article was read to fee what would be faid to induce the Houſe to Impeach. The First Article read. Sir Rob. Hom.2 Heard from Perfons of Lord Vaugh. Quality, That it would be proved. The Second Article was read. Lord St. Joh. Períons of great Quality have affured him to make it good, and if they perform not, he will acquaint the Houſe who they are. The Third Article read. Mr. Ed. Seym. Sufficient Perfons will make it good, with this Addition, When he received the Money, he ſaid, So long as the King is King, and I Lord Chancellor, the Patent will stand. The Fourth and Fifth Articles read. - Sir Rich. Temp. Divers have undertaken to make them good, if they do not I will Name them. About the receiving Money of Vintners. " C 3 Six ( 22 ) Sir Rob. C--r. That he knows who will prove it. About his getting a great Eftate fo fud- denly. Mr. Ed. Seym. I fuppofe you need no proof the Sun fhines at Noon-day. Sir Tho. Litt. The matter of Fact in the Article is eaſily made out, for his Place as Chancellor could not be worth above 4 or 5000 1. per ann, About introducing an Arbitrary Government in the Plantations. Sir Tho, Litt. 2 One Farmer and others Sir Tho, Osh. S came from the Barba- does to complain of it, and lodg'd their Pe- tion in this Houfe, but were Impriſon'd that they might not be heard. About frustrating Proposals for preſerving Nevis, &c, Sir Char, Wheel, My Lord Chancellor on- ly oppofed it. About holding Correfpondence with Crom- wel. Mr. (23) Mr. Swinf. That is Pardon'd by the Act of Indempnity. Mr. Vaugh. The Committee were aware of that, but the Defendant may plead it, and prove that he is not Out-law'd. Sir Char. Wheel. I want not clearly to prove it. Sir Rob. How. For fuch fecret things as thefe, he ought to plead, notwithſtanding the Act of Oblivion, that the World may know who are undiſcern'd Enemies. Mr. Hamd. It is not only an A&t of Par- liament, but Oblivion; and no Man ought to be fo much as Accuſed for what was done before. Mr. Vaugh. If the Pardon be general, the Judges and you are to Note it, but if it hath Qualifications (as that A&t hath) they are not to Note it; for you muſt ſay there is no Indictment or Outlawry against him (for fuch the Act excepts) or the Article is to ſtand. Then the Act was read, Mr. Swinf. The Claufe for Pardon is Ab- folute, and any Man accuſed, pleading it. ſhall not be Sued, nor his Fault mentioned, C 4 and (24) and this is to Offences and Offenders; and for thofe who betrayed the King be- yond Sea (who are excepted) they muſt be Profecuted within Two Years. Object. You will fay, he may plead that Act. Anfr. By the fame rule, any Man whọ committed a Fault, during the Troubles, may be put to plead it for Pardon. Serj Mayn. We profefs that there ſhall be Candour in onr Proceedings, Do we there- fore believe this great Man is Out-law'd? If not, how fhall we accufe him of what we believe not true. Mr. Vaugh. When I am fatisfied of a thing I am not aſhamed to own it; I find now, having peruſed the Act, that it is within the Claufe. The Indempnity is general, and he is within it if not excepted, the Ex- ception reaches thofe who have held Intelli- gence with the King's Enemies, fo as they be Profecuted within two Years, this he is not, therefore is clear. So upon the Debate, the Article was ex- punged the Paper without a Vote. About the Sale of Dunkirk. Sir (25) Sir Tho. Osb. A great Lord told me that the Earl of Clarendon had made a bragain for Dunkirk three quarters of a Year before it was known. About Sealing Dr. Crowther's Patent. Mr. Street. The King gives the Living to Crowther, in the Grant is a miſtake of a County, Crowther finds the miſtake, and Pe- titions the King to amend it, the King calls for the Chancellor and Seal, and in the King's preſence it was amended and Seal- ed. Sir Tho. Littl. The Crime feems as great as a Chancellor could commit; the King was to prefent by ſuch a day, or not at all, the Error was found after the day, ſo that the King (by Act of Parliament) had loft his right. The Chancellor did alter the Patent, and the Record was fetch'd away by one of the Chancellor's Servants, and brought back rafed, and altered, which might be done (and in other Cafes is done) where a word only hath been miſtaken; but that is in Caſe of fomething perfectly in the King's Power, and to fave new fealing; but here could be no new fealing the time be- ing elapfed: It was to throw another Man out of his Freehold, and is a great Crime. About (26) About drawing Mens Lands into Queftion. Mr. Thom. I fhall be able to make it out. About Quo Warranto's to Corporations. Sir Tho. Litt. This is fo Publick a thing, that it need not be proved. - Abont the Settlement of Ireland. Sir Rob. How. I doubt not but it will be made out. About Forreign Treaties. Sir Tho. Litt. This will appear by the Treaties themſelves, putting us in hopes of Peace, and fo hindering the Fleets fet- ting out. About Miscarriage of the War. Mr. Thom. I want not Perfons to bring to bring to make it good. Sir Tho. Litt. Sir Edward Sprag defires Money to give an Intelligencer, and has it: Sprag brings the Intelligencer to the King, the King commands him to meet him at the Chancellors, there he met the King, and } then Order was given to divide the Fleet. Mr. 1 1 (27) Mr. Marvel Charged Mr. Seymour with faying in his Accufation, That the King was infufficient for Government, which is now omitted in the Charge, and defires he may declare where he had it. Mr. Seym. The Party that told me at firft, differ'd fomething afterwards, there- fore I rather withdrew it than to trouble with uncertainties; but a Gentleman in the Houſe can give you farther fatisfacti- you on in it. Sir John Den. A Peer of the Land heard the Earl of Clarendon fay in a Coach, That the King was an unactive Perfon and indif- poſed for Government: This will be made good. Upon Debate it appearing probable that theſe words were fpaken before the Act of Oblivion, it paffed over. About the Customes. Sir Rich. Temp. I have been Informed that he had a fhare for under-letting the Cu- ftomes and 40000l. Bribe for getting pre- tended Debts from the King. Sir Tho. Osb. The Earl of Clarendon faid, Bid who would for the Cuftomes, none fhould have them but the Old Farmers. Mr. ( 28 ) Mr. P---n. Having gone over the Arti- cles, we should know where and when the words were ſpoken. Mr. Seym, That will be a way to Suppreſs the Evidence, I hope you will Impeach him at the Lords Bar, and in due time produce your Witneſſes. Mr. Pa--n. You must refolve to Impeach him of Treaſon, or Mifdemeanour, and name it accordingly. Sir. Ed. Walp. You ought firft to give a Title to your Impeachment; for if it be for Treafon, you will move for Commit- ment; if it be for Impeachment in general, not. Mr. Colem, What is laid before you is only by Hear-fay, but no Affurance that it will be made good; only that if they who reported it do not make it good, you fhall know who they are. In the Earl of Strafford's Cafe (the worst of Prefidents) the Houſe proceeded not till one fpake in the Houſe upon his own Knowledge, and another engag'd his Reputation to make it good. Sir Rob. Atk. Thofe who have given you inducement to proceed, do it at third hand • (29) hend, and tho' they may know the Credit and Impartiality of thofe that told them, yet you do not. Sir Tho. Litt. A Queftion fhould be put, Whether this Houfe hath fufficient induce- ment to Impeach; Afterwards Confider what the Title fhall be, then appoint a Committee to frame Articles. Which Queſtion being put, was carryed in the Affirmative. Then Adjourned. November, 9. The Firſt Article read. Sir John Goodr. Treafon ought to termi- nate in an Overt-Act, which defigning is not, therefore pray read the Statutes. - Thereupon fundry Statutes were read. 25 Ed. 3. 1 Hen. 4. Cap. 10. 1 Ed. 6. Cap. 12. I Q. Ma. 13. Car. 2d. 14 Car. 2d. Cap. 29. Mr. (30) Mr. Stew. Declared it to be tranfcendant Miſdemeanour but no Treaſon. Mr. Vaugh. Two Queſtions will be confi- dered, One, whether what's Charged in the Article was Treafon in Common-Law be fore the 25 Ed. 3. That fo we may under- ftand the nature of Treafon; The other, Whether by any fubfequent Act it is made otherwiſe. Mr. Wall. The Advice given to the King I look upon to be this. To eſtabliſh a New Government, To be Govern'd by Fanizaries inſtead of a Parliament, To have a Divan and a great Miniſter of State, a Vizier-Baf- Jau, a worfe Plot than that of the 5th of November; There, if the Lords and Com- mons had been deſtroyed, there would have been Succeffion, but here both had been de ftroyed for ever. Then in order to the Debate, confider how the Law looks on it ; for tho' we may accufe on lefs Evidence than ſhe may Judge, yet we must be Cau- tious in naming the Crime: What there- fore doth the Law call this before 25 Ed. 3? Then look whether the power of Conftru- &tive Treafon be taken away fince. Sir Fra. Goodr. The matter concerns Life, therefore we ſhould be wary in the Exerciſe of Legiſlative Power; you are not tyed to Rules, ( 31 ) Rules, but you are now a ſtep towards Ju- dicature; The Common-Law is Jus non Scriptum, and tho' every Treafon includes Felony, yet not every Felony Treafon. 25 Ed. 3. There is a Declaratory Power, whe- ther a thing be Treafon, or other Felony, not whether it be Treaſon, and conld not be declared Treafon if not Felony before. In Cafes Capital at Common-Law they might declare it Treafon, but in Cafes not Capital at Common-Law, they never exer cifed their Declaratory Power. Among other things that Statute declares falſe Coin❜d Money to be Treafon, which is but Felony at Common-Law; afterwards Money being imported, which was not ac- cording to the Stamp, there was no Puniſh- ment for it, but as a Mifdemeanour: There- fore 4 Hen. 7. Proviſion is made againſt that Practice, and it is made Treafon, but if the Parliaments Declaratory-Power could have Made it Treafon, what needed a Statute on purpoſe? So that I cannot think the Arti- cle before you is Treafon, it not coming within the words of the Statute. Mr. Vaugh. I fhall ſpeak to the firſt Que- ſtion, whether this Article was Treafon at Common-Law; and firft remove what fome have alerted, Namely, That nothing is Treafon but what was Felony before. 2 s Ed. 3. where petty Treafon is fpoken of, the Wife killing the Husband' &c. Theſe words ( 32 ) * words follow, If hereafter it come into Que ſtion whether there be another Treaſon, it ſhall not be refolved by the Judges, till the Parliament determine it; For in petty Treafon, if it be Treafon, it muſt be Felo- ny, becauſe there is killing. Then comes more, whether raifing, &c and it follows whether it be Felony or Tref paſs; And the thing it ſelf is more ſtrange: None ever doubted, but that all Treafons of 25. Ed. 3. was Treafon before, and was fo refolved 12 QEliz. That by that Act the King declares what ſhould be Treaſon; Namely, If any Man Vitiates the King's El- deft Daughter, &c. But by this Doctrine if it were not Treafon, what was it? Either Adultry or Fornication, when it is only the Eldeſt Daughter, not the Youngeſt. It hath been in all Ages a Reputation to Perfons who have been Councellors to Prin- ces according to Emergencies to give Coun- cil to extricate out of danger. and there- fore hard to tax a Miniſter of State in a Cafe which he acquaints his Mafter with; for there can be no Treafon but againſt the King himſelf. I will fhew you what I mean. It is true this is a Treafon which cannot arife from Mif- prifion, becauſe it was fpoke to the King himſelf; but as a Miniſter of State he has liberty to give Councel for the King's ſafe- ❝y. If a Perfon be able to Inform his Mafter what Alliances are good for him, it his du ? ( 33 ) ty; fo what Trades are profitable, what not, &c. So where Men or Money are want- ing, to adviſe how to extricate is commen- dable; but when it comes to this, that he breaks in upon the Laws, invading the Con- tract between the King and his Subjects, it will be as if a Man advifeth, That if the King wants Money, he may fet up High- way Men to take it, and bring it to him, and fo the skilfulleft for breaking the Law ſhall be eſteemed the beſt Councellor; there- fore, whoever thinks to ſerve his Prince by breaking the Laws, he is fo far from a wife Man, that he is the higheft Criminal. c. then for the Nature of the thing, the Treafons declared 25 Ed. 3. were declared by the King's Commiffion, and the Trea- fons were of that Nature which concern'd Councel, &c. they were not like to be de- clared, and there is a paffage in Glanvil, called Seductio Domini Regis, that is, de- ceiving the King to what is pernicious to Him, and his People. Now fee the Nature of this Crime; if a Man Councel his Prince, and practice it fuch a way as ſhall render him Prince of Confci- ence, who hath broken his Oath, and all this to his Injury, fo that he hath no Affent to it. Compare this with any Treaſon of 25 Ed. 3. confider it: Here is a perfon who gives the King Advice, which at once must make his People fee he hath broken all his Faith to his Kingdom (and is not the Coun- D cel (34) cel of Governing by an Army fuch ?), all the Laws broken, to keep which the King has Sworn, and this the King put upon tho' not inclin'd to, I affert not this upon the Earl of Clarendon, but upon the Article, who doth this, Councels the higheſt Treafon a- gainſt the Common-Law, becauſe others are fo; but if a Man will pretend to give Councel, wherein many ſhall have no bene-, fit by the Law, he breaks all parts, and therefore I think this Councel was Treafon at Common-Law. Mr. Colem. The Queftion is, Whether it be in your Power to declare this Article Treafon by 25 Ed. 3. If he advifed an Ar- my againſt the King's confent, it is againſt the Statute; but I fuppofe that the Expref- fion in the Article was Advice to the King in Aid of his Government. Your Enacting Power is a kind of Omnipotency, but in a Declaratory Power you can declare no more than is committed to you, and with fafety to the Subject you cannot declare this Treafon; Then what must be our Rule in Declaring I dare not fay: For fcarce any Man can tell what was Treafon before 25 Ed. 3. was made to bring things to a Cer- tainty, and what was uncertain to them who made that Law can be certain to us. now. As the Judges can declare no other Treafon, fo in your Declaratory Power neither can you declare Treafon unleſs there ( 35 ) there be Refemblance to fome other like Cafe: The Advice faid in the Article to be given the King, cannot be within that Sta- tute, unlefs the Councellour muſt run the hazard of his Advice. Mr. Vaugh. The greateſt Declarations of Treafons which ever were, equal not thoſe 22 Rĩch. 2. in Nottingham Caſtle: The Judges are called to deliver their Opini- ons upon their Faith, and they declare the Acts to be Treafon, becaufe Felony be- fore, and tho' fome of them were hang'd for it, yet the Parliament declared the fame Thing. Seri. Mayn. Was, what is mentioned, Treafon by the Common-Law, tho'fo faid by the Lords? And what was fo declared was repealed, H. 4: Sir Tho. Litt. Pray refolve whether it was Treafon by Common-Law; and if fo, when made fo. Some think not, becaufe they find not the Parliament declaring them Treafons, as being fo at Common- Law, and that that Statute was made to bound them, but that was only to bound nferior Courts, not themfelves; for the Parliament makes not a new Crime and then Condemns it, but the Crime was efore, and the Parliament declares it. ។ D 2 Sir 1 (36) Sir Ed. Thur. Hath the Parliament decla- ratory Power now? Yes, but it muſt be by King and Parliament, fo it was in the Cafe of the Genoua Ambaffador. The Judges would not conclude the Articles Treafon, nor would the Lords alone; and if you come to an equal declarative Power with them, you muſt examine Witneffes, or go by a Bill. Serj. Charl. The Queſtion is, Whether it be Treafon by the Practice of England, the Common-Law is the Cuftome of England, and the ufuage is grounded on Preſidents, I know not one Prefident where Words or Intentions were Treafon at Common-Law, for they are not Treafon where no Act follows. Sir Rich. Temp. The Article is Treafon by Common-Law, and Judges have recourſe to Glanvil, &c. Who fay, that giving Ad- vice to overthrow the Realm is Treafon by Common-Law. Serj. Mayn. The Queſtion is whether he ſhall be Impeached of Treafon upon this Article? If you go to Treafon at Common- Law before 25 Ed. 3. you fly out of fight, for the word Seductio was foon after called Seditio, Seducing, but not faid to what; nor were thoſe Authors ever reputed of Au- thority (37) thority: It's true they are fometimes quot- ed for Ornament, but not Argument, and not one Cafe in one hundred of Glanvil is Law; but when a Cafe comes that is the Sheet-Anchor of Life and Eftate, you fhould be wary; for by Wit and Oratory That may be made Treafon which is not, and this which is a great Crime, ought not becauſe great, to be made Treafon. Object. But it will be faid, levying War againſt the Law, is againſt the King, and here was an intent to alter the Law. Anfm. True, yet a deſign no levy War is not Treafon within the Statute, here is nothing of Act, but Words to that end; If a Councellor gives bad Advice, it makes it not Treaſon, but by a Bill it may be made what you pleaſe. By that Statute of 25 Ed. 3. are more Treafons than are metni- oned; for it faith if any Cafe happen, the Judges fhall ſtay till the King and Parlia- ment hath declared, fo that there is a Pow- er, but the Modus is the Queſtion, whether by Impeachment, or Bill; you may the lat- ter; not the former. It, was done, but you have Repealed it, and have faid None of which pretended Crimes are *Of Strafford. Treaſon, and what was pre- tended against him? That he had Trai- torously Endeavoured (which is worſe than délign'd) to alter the Government, &c. Noir D 3 , (.38) Now where is the Difference? Here is ad- vice to Raife an Army, there to ufe an Ar- my Raifed, and thefe you have called pre- tended Crimes, and no Treafon, which is nor Comprehended by a Law; but to Impeach as a Treafon, and yet the thing No Treafon is ftrange. In this Houfe, other then by Bill, you have no Power; you carry your Impeachment to the Lords, and they may give Judgment without coming back to you; declaring by Bill is by way of Judg- ment, but, as an Impeachment, is only an Accufation: So that whatfoever the Confc- quence is, the Lords judge it, and it never comes back to you, and if you go by Bill you make it Treafon, ex poft facto. * Mr. Vang. Concerning what you have de- clared about Straffords, that this Cafe is, if not lefs, equal to it, and you have declared that not one Charge aganft him is Trea- fon is true thus far, when that Act was made I repaired to it, becauſe there were fome Things which fhould not have paffed fo, if there had not been fomething to fecure fuch Charges as thefe; for there is no expreffion of any Particular Charge, but that the Charge againſt the Earl of Strafford was not in the particular, Treaſon, and in the Clofe of the Bill, it is faid, that the whole Proceeding fhall be taken away, and if fo, no Man ſhould ſpeak againſt the Particu fars, but look on it as Repealed. Then ?( 39 ) Then this is faid to be levying War, and its true, it muſt be Actual, and fo not with- in the Charge. And the Charge againſt Spencer was for Councelling the King, &c, and is called levying War againſt the Kingdom, and the Judgment againſt him was but Banifhment; becauſe the Sen- tence was mitigated at the inſtance of the King. And for Councel, tho' Councel is given but in Words, yet Words are more than Councel, and are an Action, otherwiſe a Councellour is Sworn to nothing. Ι But it may be thought I have not dealt ingenuouſly with the Houſe, than which I abhor nothing more; when the Cafe of Strafford was before the Lords, I was of opinion the Parliament had no Declarative Power left, becauſe I Hen. 4. there was an aboliſhing of all declared Treaſon, and that no Treafon, for the future,fhould be fo, and then the Treafon about the Genoua Am- baffadour was gone, and all declared Trea- fons were gone 1 Hen. 4. and no Statute hath recovered them, and if all Actual Treafons were taken away I Hen. 4. or if not then, i Ed. 6. then what doth the firſt of Q. M. do, unless it take away all de- claratory Treafon? D 4 Upon ( 40 ) Upon the whole, the Queftion was whether to accufe of Treafon upon the firſt Article. Yeas, 103. Noes, 172. 275. November, 1I. The Second Article was read. Mr. Pr--n. Let the Act made by you a bout defending the King be Read, becaufe it limits Profecution to a Time,to ſee if this be within Time. Mr. Vaugh. In Things wherein there is a publick Defaming the King, it becomes no Man here to defend the Perfon accuſed, if the Charge be not proved, let the Party himſelf plead it; you had that which in- duced you to Impeach him, and have de- clared not to Impeach of Treafon upon the firſt Article: And if any Man will add to the reſt of the Articles he may, but you ought to accufe. Mr. Sollicitor. None accufeth but for Ju- ftice fake, and ſhould be glad if the Party accufed prove himſelf Innocent. There is a Duty to the King, and to Truth, and it is not fit that an Article of this Kind,brought into the Houſe, ſhould be laid by, upou pre tence that the time is elapfed; for the Crime is ( 41 ) is more than what is mentioned in the A& made by you; it is an Offence at Common- Law, and if it be profecuted by Fine and Impriſonment, no time is limited. The Third and Fourth Articles read, and Voted. Mr.Vaugh. Your reading every Article is needlefs, unleſs it be to fee whether any one may be Charged as Treafon, for if one may be objected againft, fo may all as to Mifdemeanours. Fifth Article read. Sir John Sh--w. The old Farmers had not the Cuftomes till others faid they would give no more, and they had no reason to thank the Chancellour, becauſe they gave more than others: And I declare upon my Life I know no reward given him. A Sir Tho. Litt. It appears by the Farmers Confeffion, that they had it 50000 1. un- der, befides time of Payment, which was 30000l. more. Mr. Seym. You are at liberty to receive Objections to the Articles, but tho' others bad more, they were told they ſhould not have ( 42 ) have it, and had about 1000l. each given them to bid no more. Sixth, Seventh, Eight and Ninth Articles Read and Voted, The Tenth. i Mr. Vaugh. This is an Article of an high Nature, Dunkirk was then as much a Part of His Majeſty's Dominions as Ireland, and if the Sale of it be nothing, I know not what you would think of it if England ſhould be Sold, you lately debated whether on the firſt Article he fhould be accufed of Treaſon, and found by the Statute of 25 Ed. 3. he could not, tho' it was abfolute Treafon at Common-Law, and its reported abroad that I ſaid that the Right of the Parliament in declaring Treafon is taken away, which I did not, for there are Trea- fons not mentioned in that Statute. There- fore it provided that the Judges ſhould not upon any one Treafon proceed to Judge, untill declared before the King and Parlia- ment, and what is fignified by it? If we think before the King,Lords,and Commons, that is impoſſible, for how can the Com- mons poffibly declare before the King and Lords, nor was that the Cafe, but this, that there is the ultimate Power of determi- ning what the Law is in a doubtful Cafe. In Writs of Error let them pafs from Court to ( 43 ) to Court, at laſt they come to the Lords, 24 Ed. 3. Ifthe Judges cannot refolve what the Law is, it is to be brought thither, that is, where it is queftionable, but that is not in the House of Commons, any more than in a Writ of Error: How than is the Cafe here? If a Queſtion be whether a Thing is Treafon, or not, it fhall be Refolved where the Law ufeth to Refolve, that is, before the King in Parliament, that is in the Lords Houfe. Had the Words of the Act been thefe, there fhall be no Proceeding untill Refolved by the King in the Lords Houſe, and Suppoſe that Claufe taken away, That Treafon fhall not be Refolved, but fuppofe it ſhall not be declared otherwiſe, doth it follow it is taken away? No, if you charge Treafon which is not within the Statute,, it is another Thing, but I faid not, there is; no Treafon at Common-Law. Mr. Sollicitor, There was a great Miſchieff in the declaring Treafon by Parliaments; for Mortimer was made a Traitor for in- croaching upon Royal Power, which every Man, who incroacheth upon any Power, doth. Hence the Commons Petition'd the King to explain what incroaching upor Royal Power was, and when no Anſwer could be gotten, to it, 25. Ed. 3. They Pe- tion'd it might be declared certainly, and fo Treafons were enumerated, and if the Judges be in doubt, it is provided that the (44) the King and Parliament fhall firft de- clare it. Declaration in Parliament, is a Declara- tion before the King, Lords, and Commons. Would our Anceſtors leave what is to be Refolved Treafon to the Lords, and them- felves have no ſhare in it? And Talbots be ing declared Treafon by the Lords is faid to be no Treafon by Judge Cook, becauſe the Commons had no hand in it, there is no Treafon in Common-Law, becauſe there can be no Treafon where there is no way to Judge it, which is not at Common- Law. Mr. Vaugh. When the Law is made un- certain the Lords muft declare it, it ap- pears there were Treaſons at Common- Law not mention'd 25 Ed. 3. It is one Thing for a Matter to be Treafon before, and the Parliament to declare it; another, for the Parliament to make a Thing Trea- fon which was not. Sir Will. Lewis. I defire to be Refolved whether Dunkirk was annexed to England, becauſe a Bill to that end was carryed, but not Paffed. Mr. Waller. To fhew that Dunkirk was annexed to England, confider we were Paf- fing a Bill for 1200000l. But when we were making a Preamble to the Bill, we were ( 45 ) were to ſeek for Reafons for giving the Money, feeing we had no War, fome faid to keep Dunkirk, but were told we fhould take heed of looking upon it as annexed unto the Crown; but it was replyed, Dun- kirk was look'd upon as a Frontier Town, and accordingly noted in the Bill. There- fore the Sale of it Treafon. Mr. Coven. Had it been part of the Crown of England, what needed a Bill to make it fo? Mr. Pr--n. It cannot be Treaſon, becauſe Sold by the King's confent. Mr. Vaugh. If the King agreed to it, doth it follow, that he, who adviſeth the King to a Thing deſtructive to his King- dom and King, is not a Traitor? If any part of the King's Dominions may be alie- nated, eſpecially when a Parliament is Sit- ting, for they concurring, it may be alic- nated, by the fame Reafon the King may alienate Ireland or England too without the Parliament; For by what Act of Parliament doth the King hold Ireland or England? It is by Acquiſition; I fay not Tangier, for that was part of his Portion, and is his own: But Dunkirk would have been the Kingdoms if not thus difpofed of, and tho' it might have been alienated with the Parliament, it could no more without, than England or Ireland. Mr. ( 46 ); Mr. Ed. Hart. The Act of Parliament for annexing was not This Parliaments,but of the Convention, and came in thus; the King was pleaſed to tell me, that the Spanish Ambaffadour might prefs him to part with it, which he had no mind to do; therefore he would have a Bill to annex it to the Crown, which fhews it was the King's Will to have it annexed, accordingly this Parli- ament paffed it, and Dunkirk might have been as ufefnl as Calice. At length this Article was paſſed by, without determining whether Treafon or not. Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Articles read and Voted. Fifteenth Article read, Lord Vaugh. I brought in this Article His Betraying the King's Councels was to the French King during the War, and that in the ſecrecy of State, which was the oc- cafion of the late Miſchiefs. Sir Tho. Osb. That is direct adhering to the King's Enemies, and fo it is Trea- fon. Mr. Sollicit. This muſt be Treafon if you have any inducement to believe it. Sir 1 ( 47 ) Sir Rob, How. I have heard it from an Eye-Witneſs who told it me, and added that we are neither to be truſted nor dealt with, who were ſo betrayed. Serj. Mayn. Betraying the King's Coun- cel to his Enemies is, doubtlefs, Treafon, Correfponding is another Thing, Betray- ing muſt be without the King's Knowledge, otherwiſe it is but delivering the King's Words to his Enemies? Sir John Bramp. Did this Information come from a Subject, or from one of the King's Enemies? Sir Rob. How. I would not have brought you Information from one of the King's Enemies, nor did I ever converſe with them during the War. Coll. Birch. We cannot accufe of Trea- fon, except it be faid, Betraying the King's Councel, or Correfponding with his Ene- mies. Mr. Vaugh. You have declared that you have had inducement to Impeach, and ought to put the Queſtion, whether on this Article he fhall be Impeached of Treafon. Mr. ( 48 ) Mr. Sollicit. To betray the King's Coun- cel, taken generally, is not Treaſon, for it may be to the King's Friends, but to his Enemies it is, If the Article be fo. Lord Vaugh. Let it be put betraying His Majefty's fecret Councels to his Enemies during the War. Then the Queſtion was put whether theſe New Words delivered by the faid Lord Vaugh. fhould be added. Carryed in the Affirmative. Sir John Holl. Was this Information given by an Enemy or by a Subject? Mr. Vaugh. It muſt come from a For- reigner, or you could not know it, may not the King have from a Forreigner a diſcove- ry of Treafon againſt him; The end of queſtioning it muſt be to know the Man, for it might as well be asked whether his Beard be red or black. Sir Tho.M--rs. The words are difcovered not betrayed, and diſcovering may be with the King's confent. Lord Vaugh. Add the word Betraying, for fo I meant it. Seri ( 49 ) Serj. Mayn. They who give the Informa- tion fay not they had it from more than one Witneſs, which Stat. Ed. 6. requires, and only one of them Names the Earl of Clarendon Mr. Seym. This exception is proper to be made before the Judges, Then the Question was put. Whether to Impeach of Treafon on this Article. Teas, 161. Noes, 89. 250. Sir Tho. Litt. That an Impeachment of Treafon and other Crimes and Mifdemea- nours be carryed up to the Lords againſt him by Mr. Seym: Serj. Mayn. For Mifdemeanour he may have Councel, not for Treafon: There- fore fo diftinguiſh the Charge, that he may have Councel, Refolved, That a Charge be carryed up. Refolved, That the Speaker and the whole Houſe carry it. F Nov, 12. (50) Novvember, 12. It being confidered that if the Speaker go up with the Charge, fome difpute might a- riſe about carrying the Mace and otherwiſe. It was Refolved, That Mr. Seym. carry it. Accordingly he went; where at the Bar of the Lords Houfe, the Lord-keeper Bridg- man being come to the Bar to meet him, he delivered himſelf to this purpoſe. My Lords, TH HE Commons Affembled in Parliment, ha- ving been informed of feveral Traiterous Practices, and other high Crimes and Mifde- meanours commited by Edward Earl of Cla- rendon a Member of this Honourable Houſe, have Commanded me to Impeach him, and I do accordingly Impeach him of High-Treafon and other Crimes and Mifdemeanours in the Name of the faid Commons, and of all the Commons of England: And they have farther Com- manded me to defire your Lordships to Sequester him from Parliament, and to Commit him to Safe Cuftody, and in convenient time they will exhibit Articles against him. November, 15. The Lords fent down to defire a Confe- rence in the Painted Chamber. At which the Earl of Oxford delivered a Paper in writing (without any Debate) the Contents whereof were to this effect. The ( 51 ) The Lords have not Committed the Earl of Clarendon, becafe the Accufation is on- ly of Treafon in general, without charging any thing in particular. Mr. Garra. I had rather the Houfe fhould loofe the Punishment of this Man, (tho' a great Offender) then that this Houfe fhould loofe its priviledge; for if this Houſe may at no time Impeach a Lord with- out giving in particular Articles, it may fall out to be at a time (as in the Duke of Bs Cafe ) where a great Man by his Intereft with the King procured the Dillo- lution of the Parliament, and then the Ac- cufation falls. Mr Vaugh. Either you can juftific your Proceedings, fo as-to fatisfie the Lords what you have done, or you cannot; you muſt name a Committee as well to confider what you are to do if your Reafons fatisfie not, as to draw thofe Reaſons. Mr Sollicitor, Without doubt this Houfe was not mistaken in demanding that the Party accufed for Treafon fhould be com- mitted, That is, that Treafon is worthy of Commitment; and you can but find Prefi- dents that Perfons have been accuſed of Treafon, and thereupon have been com- mitted: But the Cafe is this, Treafon is an Offence, for which Bail cannot be taken; E 2 the (52) the Lords tell you not they will, or will not Commit: But it is true, Perſons hav been Committed for Treafon, and Perfons accu- fed of Treafon Judges may Commit, or not. Confider this Law. Let the Crime be what it will, an Impriſoning till the Charge it given is but an Imprifoning to fecurity, not to Puniſhment; otherwife the Law is not Juft, and if the Judges of the Kings- Bench have a Judgment of Diſcretion, whe- ther to Commit or not; can we wonder that the Lords have not Impriſoned, till they know the Article, when they have Judgments of Diſcretion tho' they knew it? You may find Preſidents, but it is not an Argument it muſt always be fo: But as the Judges have a Latitude much more then the Lords, the Impeachment from the Com- mons of England is properly the King's Suit, for there is no Treafon but againſt him, and if the Judges may Bail in that Cafe, may not the Lords. But you are not told he fhall be Balied, but they defire to know what his Crime is, and then you ſhall know their Anſwer, the Refolution feems rea- fonable, having gone no farther, I cannot except againſt it. Sir Tho. Litt. The Long-Parliament had fome good Preſidents which we are not to caft away leaſt we ſmart for it. Refolved, To Refume the Debate to Morrow. Νου. ( 53 ) Nov. 16. Mr. Vaugh. The Lords do not fay Commitments fhould follow becauſe Treaſon is Bailable by the Kings-Bench, its true, the Kings-Bench Bails for Treafon, but how? If Perfons be brought thither for Treafon directly there is no Bail, but when a Commitment is by the Councel Ta- ble for fufpition of Treafon, then if the Matter fall not be to what was expected they give notice to take Bail, elſe the great Article of the Great Charter, Mamely that Juſtice ſhould not be delay'd nor denied, would be to no purpoſe; and in fuch a Cafe a Man may be in Prifon for ever. On the other fide, what is the Cafe of Commit- thing for Treafon? when a Perfon is Com- mitted by the Councel-Table, they fay, thay do no more but by ſpecial Command of the King, and that is the ground of his Committing, and were not this fo, what would follow? Intelligence would be given of a Treafon difcovered, wherein many might be concerned, and if they who Com- mit fhould Commit with the Treafon, all the Complices would efcape, and there- fore fometime they make it Treafon Gene- ral. Then for the Cafe, before you have gone up with a Charge of Treafon general- ly, which is to the Lords a Warrant fuffici- ent for Commitment,fay they,we will know the Particulars; then will not the fame in- conveniencies follow, if other Perfons be concerned, and fo the danger of all ex- pofed upon the nicety? E 3 If (54) If a Buſineſs comes before this Houſe, which concerns others, and may prove Treafon, if we go to the Lords (for we have not Jurifdiction except in Cafe of our Priviledges) but yet are not ready to bring up Particulars, and defire the Lords to ap-. prehend fuch Perfons, would it be reafona- ble for them to refufe it, there being no inconvenience like to follow the doing it, much the not doing it? I fay not to Commit them, and we not profecute, for that is de- Jay of Justice. Qu. But why do the Lords refuſe? Anf. Tho' I have great refpect to the Lords, yet to clear fomething in point of Priviledge, the Lords have the fame Privi- ledge with us in point of Speech, their Members, &c. as they are eſſential to paſs Laws; but that great Priviledge which they often affume as Peers, is as the King is there preſent in the higheſt Court: How then will it fall out in refpect of this Pri- viledge? If the King be there, there be ma- ny Things which the Lords as Peers cannot pretend to for the King hath often fate there not only in paſſing Bills, but in Judg- ment. Had this Charge then come before the King there, it had been reafon if the King fhould have faid, I defire to know what this Treafon is, we muſt then have told it, becauſe he, whom it concerned, required it, or if we defire Commitment, he, who could Releaſe or Pardon him,might fay, ( 55 ) fay, let him be Bailed. The Lords indeed retain this Priviledge, but it is in the King's Right, not as Peers. Now we have carryed a Charge, if the Lords Bail him, I know not what would follow, for no Example can be given of it, and I think they will not do it, if the King do not direct it. On the other fide, I would be glad we might be no more troubled than is neceſſa- ry, becauſe others are liftening what we do, and think there is nothing in the Cafe: Therefore I am not for delay, but fatisfy- ing others that what we have done is not barely for Impriſoning the Earl of Claren- don,but for Juſtice; and if you go this way, give the Lords the Reaſons why we fent the Charge as we did, and yet keep up their Priviledges, and declare fo to them. But than we must go up with more than that Head, on which we Refolved to Im- peach of Treafon; for your Articles muſt be fo formed as to make it a Charge fit to be Anſwer'd for Time and Place, and that Article hath ſomething of that which muſt be penned fo as to make it more certain; for the Article goes but thus, That there was Diſcovery and Betraying of the King's Councels to his Enemies, and if you leave it there, thoſe who fcruple doing any Thing becauſe particular Treafon is not mentioned, will fay, you say he hath diſcovered and betrayed Councels to Enemies, but as 羲 ​E 4 me ( 56 ) 55) trust you not what is Treafon, but we will know it, so we know not whom you mean う ​by Enemies; for we may think them not ſa. Therefore appoint a Committee to form Articles. Mr. Solicit, It is a great miſtake to ſay, That the Power of the Kings-Bench to take Bail for Treafon is no other but what is aflerted, as if the Judges there had only Power from Magna Charta. When a Man is Committed upon fufpition of Treaſon, and no Profecution follows, and the Party bringing his Habeas Corpus, the Bench Bails him becauſe he ſhould not lie there eter- nally, it is not to be faid the Judges Bail for Treaſons, ſeeing no Crime is produced: For when a Man hath been accufed of Trea- fon for Coining falfe Money and brought to the Bar, the Judges have Bailed him not be- cauſe they ought, but from the difcretio- nary Power wherewith the Law trufts them; they may Bail if they will, for no other Judicature, but they, can Bail in that Cafe for feeing Imprifonment before Try- al is only that the Prifoner may be forth- comming, if they fee there is no danger of efcaping they may take Bail, for he is a Prifoner when Bailed, and the Bail is his Keeper; but there are few Cafes of this kind wherein they will Bail; they have fundamental Power to do it, placed in them to preferve the Rights of the Crown ( 57 ) Crown, and the Lords will not think them- felves lefs trufted with the Rights of the Crown then the Kings-Bench. Yet tho' the Lords may Bail, they will not exerciſe their diſcretion when there is a probable Truth in the Impeachment; fhall we then refufe this Intimation from the Lords? Who fay- ing, becauſe they have not a particular Ar- ticle of Treafon do not fecure, feem to im- ply, that if they had they would, tho' they night refufe. The Right of Bailing comes not from an imaginary apprehenfion of the King's fitting there, tho fome Kings have fate there in Jndicature, but from their Inherent Authority of being trufted with the Right of the Crown: Let us do then what becomes us, and not let the Impeach- ment miſcarry upon a miſunderſtanding but draw up the Article. But how is it poflible to draw it as an Article which you expect he ſhould be imprifoned upon? For your Impeachment is in the Nature of an Indict- ment, and muft contain fo much of Cer- tainty as to put him to plead, that fo he may not Demur. How may it then be Circumſtantiated, fo as that he may put to plead? if you do it according to 25 Ed, 3. (for difcovering the Thing's Secrets to his Enemies is within that Statute.) The firft part of the Article is not pleadable; for we muſt fhew how he adhered to the King's Enemies, and wemuft add what the Councel was that he betrayed, eli (58) elfe he will deny to plead, and fay, I can a- void it: Therefore confider what kind of certainty this Article muſt have to make him plead, for the other Articles,its enough to fay them without proving Time or Place, if the Facts were after the Act of Ob- livion; but in Treaſon, the Matter muſt ap- pear in the Indictment, for he hath liberty not only to plead not Guilty, but to avoid it: Therefore prepare the Article accor- dingly. Mr. Vaugh. What is Moved is to put you upon an impoſſible Buſineſs, for an Article preſented from the Parliament needs not that Certainty, as if it were to be tryed at the Kings-Bench. Sir Tho. Litt. It is not for the Honour of this Houſe to recede ſo eaſily from fuch a Priviledge, for, befides the Earl of Straf- fords Cafe, we have expreſs Preſidents for, but none againſt us. We have heard that we muſt have no more Impeachments, be- cauſe they are dangerous and tend to Re- bellion. Confider the Arch-Biſhop of Can- terbury's Cafe, Finch, Ratcliff, and others in the Long Parliment, and we fhould not fo eaſily part with them. William Delapool be- ing commonly reported to be no true Man, (which is a lefs Charge than Treaſon) deſired he might acquit himſelf,and the Lords requi- red no fpecial Matter before they impriſon'd him, ( 59 ) him, and afterward he was accuſed more Specially. Sir Rob. Ark. In the Cafe of Anfelm Arch- Biſhop of Cant. the Commons Accufed him but the Lords did not Commit him, and gave no other Reaſon for it, but that he was a great Man, and yet afterwards he was Condemned as a Traitor, tho' the King reduced his Puniſhment only to be Baniſhment. Tho' a Priviledge is much fpoken of, yet I fhall never be fond of any Priviledge which fhall Intrench upon my Liberty as a Subject. Mr. Vaugh. I hear it Objected, That as you Charge a Lord generally, ſo may the Lords a Commoner, but that cannot be; for the Lords cannot caufe a Commoner to be Committed tho' for Treafon, without your confent: Therefore put a Queſtion, whether a Committee fhall be named to draw up Reaſons to juftifie what you have done. Refolved, That the Question fhall be put. Refolved, That a Committee shall draw Reafons. November, 18. The Committee brought in their Rea- fons. Firf, (60) First, What can or ought to be done by either House of Parliament is beſt known by the Cuſtomes and Proceeding of Parli- ament in former times; And it doth ap- pear by Example, that by the Courſe of Parliaments the Lords have Committed fuch Perfons, as have been generally Char- ged by the Houfe Commons for High Trea- fon to fafe Cuftody, tho' the particular Treafon hath not been ſpecified at the time of fuch Charge. Second. That a Commitment for High Treafon in general, is a Legal Commit- ment, and if the Party fo Committed bring his Habeas Corpus, and the Cauſe of his Com- mitment thereupon be returned for High Treafon generally, he may lawfully be re- manded to prifon by the Judges upon that Return. Third. If before fecuring the Perſon the fpecial matter of the Treafon fhould be Al- ledged, it would be a ready courſe that all Complices in the Treafon might make their Eſcape, or quicken the execution of the Treafon intended, to fecure themſelves the better there. Fourth. If the House of Peers ſhould re- quire the particular Treafon to be Aſſigned before the Party Charged be fecured, they leave ( 61 ) leave the Commons uncertain and doubt- ful (and that from time to time) how par- ticular they muſt make their Charge to their Lordſhips fatisfaction, before the Offen- ders be put under any reſtraint. Fifth, The Commons conceive, that if they ſhould defire the Lords to fecure a Stranger, or Native Commoner, upon fu- fpition of Treafon which the Commons had of him, and which was by them under Examination to be Evidenced to their Lord- ſhips in due time; their Lordships in Juſtice for the ſafety of the King and People would ſecure fuch Perfon or Perfons, upon the de- fire of the Commons,and in fuch Cafe there would be no difference between a Lord and a Commoner fo defired to be fecured. Sixth, The Proceedings of inferior Courts, between the King and the Subject, or Subject and Subject, and the diſcretion of Judges in fuch Courts is bounded and limited by the difcretion of the Parliament which truſt them; and 'tis not left to the difcretion of the Judges in ordinary Jurif- diction to give the King, or take from him, inconvenient Power for the Subject, nor to difpence the Law partially between Subject and Subject for Malice or Affection; but the difcretion of the Parliament, which is the whole Publick, comprehending the King, Lords and Commons (for the Kings pre- fence ( 62 ) fence is fuppofed to be in the Lords Houſe) is, and ought to be unconfin' d for the fafety and prefervation of the whole, which is it felf. It cannot be malicious to a part of it felf, nor affect more Power than already it hath, which is abfolute over it ſelfand part, and may therefore do for prefervation of it felf whatſoever is not repugnant to natu ral Juſtice. } Mr. Prynn I like not the firſt Reaſon, be- cauſe it cannot be called a Cuſtom where only one Parliament hath done it. Mr. Swinf. The great ftrength lies upon this firſt Reaſon, and is like to be a Pre- fident; for exact Preſidents I find none, ex- cept that of Michael Delapool, and in the Long Parliament: But confider the reaſon why there was no exprefs Preſident before, and what was the Cuftom of Parliaments before. The Parliament was wont to pro- ceed formerly by Bill, and thus that pro- ceeding makes againſt the Lords now, and for committing the Party accuſed; for then the proceedings upon Treafon were by Com- mon-Law, and becaufe the Judges could not proceed, therefore the Paliment went by Bill, and it cannot be fuppofed that the Parties were at liberty all that while. Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Reaſons Voted, Sind Mr. (63) Mr. Solicit. I am againſt this Reaſon, not as a Reaſon, but unneceffary; for if the former Reaſons ſatisfie not, this will not, becauſe it fuppofeth things not in queftion. Our Debate muſt at laſt end in this Que- ſtion, betwixt Priviledge of Parliament and former proceedings; and there being no priviledge in Cafe of Treaſon, Why ſhould not former proceedings Sway? Except we call that Treafon which is not, for other- wife no Priviledge will help. Therefore add this to your Reafon, That there is no priviledge for Treaſon, and the Lords ought not to think that the Com- mons will call that Treaſon which is not, or if they do, the Lords may by a ſpeedy Trial determine it. Refolved, That a Conference be defined with the Lords, and the Reafons carryed up. November, 21. The Lords fent down to defire a Con- ference about the Subject matter of the laft Conference. But the Commons doubting that if they ſhould confent to it, the Lords might afterwards refufe a Free Conference, becauſe the buſineſs in difpute concerns Ju- dicature, which belongs to the Lords, and ſo the Impeachment generally falls. Refol- (64) Refolved, To fend an Answer by Meſſen- gers of their own, and accordingly did, with Order to acquaint the Lords how far they had proceeded, and they expected they should rather haue defired a free Conference. November, 23. The Debate about the freedom of Speech in Parliament was refumed. And the Report Read of Proceedings a- but Sir John Elliot, Mr. Holles, &c. 5 Car. 1. Mr. Solic. If you are fatisfied that the Judgment paffed upon them was Illegal, two ways you have to be fafe; by taking notice of that Judgment, giving your Opi- nion upon it, and carrying it up to the Lords, that Judgment will be utterly Dam- ned; elfe you may proceed by Act, but con- fider then the Confequence: For if you go by Act, you bound the liberty of Speech, unleſs in penning it you prevent it, but an unknown limitation is better than boun- ding, for an Act it ſelf is fubject to ex- pofition, but your Vote, and the Lords Con currence is not. Mr. Vaugh. It is not fafe for you to Cir- cumfcribe Priviledges, therefore that muſt be done which may take away what deſtroys them. The (65) The Laws and Rights of this Kingdom äre Rights by Common-Law, or Act of Parliament; what is an Act of Parliament may be Repealed by Parliament, what is Common-Law may be altered by Parlia- ment, and whatever is both, may be al- tered by a New Lam; and how is it poffible to do one, or the other without liberty to ſpeak about it? And how can there be any inconvenience about freedom of Speech, about any Thing which cannot be a Law without paffing King, Lords, and Com- mons. Then it being moved to put the Quefti- on for confirming that Report. And it being Replyed that fome paffages in that Bufineſs, viz. about keeping the Speaker in the Chair were not warrantable, and fo not to be joined in the Queſtion with the reſt. Mr. Vaugh. That Bufinefs which is fo much talked of, and Condemned, I fhall ftate to you. The Houſe is to adjourn it ſelf, thơ' ſome- times the King adviſed them to Adjourn themſelves (as then he did) but the Ad- journment is always made by a Queſtion, and without it the Speaker cannot leave the Chair. The Speaker acquainting the Houſe then with the King's Meffage, Sir John Elliot ftood up to speak, but the Speaker would F nct 66 ) not hear him, but was going to leave th Chair, whereupon fome faid, if you go out without a Queſtion the Parliament is Diffol- ved, upon which he was leaving the Chair; fome kept him, and told him, if this be a Houfe, you as Speaker have no place in it but the Chair, and this was all the Irregularity in that Buſineſs ſo much talk'd of. Refolved. That the Judgment given a- gainst Sir John Elliot, &c. 5 Car. was an illegal Judgment, and against the Freedom and Priviledge of Parliaments. The Lords fent for a prefent Conference, after which Report was made that the Lords had Voted, the Commons denying them a Conference lately was contrary to the Courſe of Parliamentary Procee- dings, and gave Reaſons why it was not yet time for a free Conference. Novvember, 25. After Debate whereof, it was Refolved to grant them that the Commons agreed to the Conference formerly defired. . At which the Lords declared that they had conſidered of the Prefidents and Rea- fons formerly fent them by the Commons, but were not fatisfied to fecure the Earl of Clarendon, or to Sequefter him from Parliament untill fome fpecial Treafon be Affigned. Novem. (67) Novem. 18. The Commons fent to the Lords to defire a free Conference upon the Matter of the laft Conference. To which the Lords Concurring, Mr. Vaugh. Sir Rob. How. Sir Tho. Litt. and o- thers were appointed to manage it, who went up´immediately to that end. 4:- Mr. Vaugh. Made Report of the Con- ference with the Lords yeſterday to the purpoſe following. } The Lords told us, That no Prefident can be against the Law. We Anfwer'd. ܂ If that can be made 'good, we fhall prefs Preſidents no more, but what they moſt ſtood upon was the Petition of Right, where 'tis provided that none fhall be Committed without fpecial Caufe, whereby the Party may Anfwer according to the Law, thence they infer that our Proceedings are againſt Law; becauſe a general Charge is againſt the Petition of Right. Commons The Cafe of the Petition of Right, rightly Stated, will clear this, which was This Some Perfons were Committed by no other Warrant, but the King's fpeci- al Command, they bring their Habeas Cor- •pus to the Kings Bench to know the Caufe: F 2 This ( 68 ) This Caufe was returned by the Judges, that they could not Bail a Man, when fo Committed, becauſe they knew not the Caufe, nor had any way to bring him to his Tryal. Then the Petition of Right provides That the Cauſe ſhould be returned, whereby the Crime might appear, and that before and after the Petition of Right to this Day, if upon bringing a Habeas Corpus, it be re- turned that the Party is Impriſoned for Treaſon, the Judges ought to Remand, un- lefs there be fome fpecial Cauſe to make them take Bail. So that the Petition of Right was againſt them, for they fay, a Man ought not to be Imprifoned upon a general Charge, becauſe 'tis againſt the Petition of Right: We fay it is not againſt the Petition of Right, becauſe the Judge may Remand the Party, if there be no ſpecial Cauſe. Then the Lords faid, That the Reason why the Judges Remanded in that Cafe was, becauſe the Party Committed knew it was for Treafon : Therefore they Re-committed. We owned it, becauſe it was the Rule for the Judges to proceed by, but that was no Rule for Proceedings of Parliament, for as a Magiſtrate Commits for Treaſon, and is fuppofed to be acquainted with it; fo alfo is he with the probability upon the Proof: But the Lords infiſt not now upon that (69) that, but fpecifie Treafon, and if the Courfe of Parliaments fo much varied in fuch Cafes, that was no concluding Proof why they ſhould have fpecial Treafon. And for the other part, a That upon the Return, there ſhould be Cauſe Returned, that fo the Party might Anfwer; for when a Return is made, if the Cauſe be ſuch as that the Party ought not to be Imprifoned, the Judges free him, otherwiſe they leave him to come to his Tryal Then to the Preſident about the Earl of Strafford, they Replyed, That it was made in bad times. And we Anfwered, That as good Laws were made before, in, and af ter that time as any other; and if the Lords then might make fuch Laws, we could not fee, why it fhould be a good time to make Laws, and no good time to Admini- ſter to Perfons the Laws already made. Farther, to their Objection, that in the time whence thoſe Preſidents were brought, there was a Face of War. We Answered, That could not alter the Cafe, for the Law calls no time a time of War, whilſt the Courts of Juſtice have freedom, as they had when Strafford, Finch, Canterbury and Ratcliff were Impeached, and it was ftrange that in the Parliament-Houfe there- fhould F 3 be (70) - be fuch a Confternation as to make their Proceedings invalid, when in other Courts there were none: Beſides, in Holland-of many Years there was a conftant Scene for War, and can we imagine that there was not Juſtice done at that time. Then they prefled Preſidents againſt ours, One 14 Ed. 2. againſt the Spencers, where a great Man moved the King to Commit one of them, and the King An- ſwered, it could not be unleſs Cauſe was ſhemed. We Replyed, This was a Preſident like that, a Man was Committed, becauſe he was Committed, for there was no Allegation of Treafon. Second Preſident was 38 Hen. 8. againſt Lord Stanhope, the Commons moved the King to Impriſon him, and the King Anfwered he would confider of it. We Anfwered, That was no denyal, but a thing ufual with the King, and that Motion was to the King himſelf, which differs from this Cafe, for that was not alledged to be Treafon: Be- fides, had it been Treafon, it was againſt the King himſelf, and being an Offence a- gainst himſelf, he might (if he would) not Impriſon, becauſe he may diſcharge a Man, or pardon him, tho' for Treafon; but this Cafe is not fo, becauſe the Lords Juftice is but Miniftred to the King. 21 R. 2. (71) 21 R.2. Arundell Arch-Bishop of Canter bury, who as they faid was Impeached of Treafon, but not Committed. Anfwer. The Cafe was this, There was a Commiffion Iffued out by Ric. 2. That that Biſhop and others fhould regulate what was amifs by evil Government, and the King was offended at the granting of it, and at Nottingham fent for the Judges, and charged them upon their Allegiance to give true Anſwer to what Queſtions he fhould ask them, and the firſt Queſtion was, Whe- ther that Commiffion fo granted, was not inva ding his Prerogative? They Answered, Yes, Then he asked how they ought to be punished who procured it? They Anfwered, as Trai- tors. In the 21 the Biſhop is charged by the Commons, and the Treafon alledged is, That he had procured himſelf to be put into the Commiſſion. This being the Cafe, we faid, That if a Fact be called Treafon, which afterwards appears to be none, there could be no Commitment, for if a Man call another Mans coming into his Ground Treafon, it falls of it felf; therefore the Bishop was not Committed. The Lords faid farther, That all thofe Articles were declared to be Treafon, which before could not poffibly be Trea- F 4 fou ( 72 ) (72 fon to Gommit a Man, becauſe the Nature of them muſt be Treafon at Common-Law, and till thefe Treafons were declared, which was not till 21 Ed. 3. they were not Treafon fo as to Imprifon, or Try any Man for them. We Reply'd, All that Parliament was Repealed, yet the Prefident was the more Authentic. But I think that Lord ( it was the Earl of Br) underſtood not what he ſaid, at leaſt I did not.. Then about the Earl of Strafford's Prefi- dent, the Lords faid, that the very Im- peachment was taken away by the Act of this Parliament, becauſe the Impeachment is recited in it. Namely, Whereas the Earl of Strafford was Impeached &c. But eve- ry Claufe in that Act of Attainder is taken away now, therefore the Impeachment; and you cannot make ufe of any part of it. We Replyed, it's true, the A&t of Attain- der is taken away, but the very Ad of Repeal doth recite that very Clauſe (where- as Thomas Earl of Strafford was Impeach- ed. c.) and the Act cannot take away any thing which ſtrengthens its own Sup polition. 31 Then (73) Then the Lords faid, That they fhould be willing to comply with the Commons, but that they must be tender of their own Judicial Proceedings. Commons. Its true they ought, and we fuppofed that the Lords might be jealous that we ſhould Intrench on their Power, but the Commons were fo far from that, that they thought the Judicial Power bet- ter lodg'd with them then in the Commons themſelves could be, but we would open the Objection. Their Lordships being the Judges in this Cafe might think, that for the Commons to take upon them to know what was Trea- fon, would be an affuming to themſelves what was only proper to the Lords, and that it was fo now in Charging the Earl of Clarendon generally. ད ་ Lords. The Objection is right. Commons. For our knowing Treafon, we have many among us, who are Juftices of Peace, trufted by Law to know and Commit, (and if the Parliament be not Sitting) even to Commit a Peer himfelf or Treafon, and the knowing what is Treafon is fo far from being improper to he House of Commons, That every Man in the Nation is bound to know it; for was it + ever (74) ever known, that Ignorance of the Law could ever excufe a Man from breaking the Law? Laws are made to be known by Subjects, especially thofe which concern the King; and unless they could find a Reafon, why the Parliment Embodyed fhould be more ignorant than particular Perfons, the prefent Cafe muſt be clear. That the Jealoufie of the Lords arofe from a Fallacy, thus, The Lords have Judicial Power concerning Treafon, and mnft of neceflity know in; the Common have no Judicial Power over it, therefore cannot know it; that is, becauſe the Commons know what Law is, therefore they have Judicial Power over Law. To this was not any thing Replyed. Farther, We faid that becauſe they inſiſt ed upon to fpecifie Treafon, becauſe by Committing upon a general, they might wrong the Party by Committing him with- out Caufe,and becauſe they themſelves were not informed in their Confciences what they did: They would do well to confider the many Inconveniencies which might fol- low, if the Charge of Treafon was not general, but particular; and fuppofe it was Special, their Lordships would know no more by it. For fuppofe a Man Impeached for Counterfeiting the Great Seal, which is exprefs Treafon, and he may be Im peached for it, yet neither their Lordship ΠΟ (75) nor the Party could have any advantage by that Specification, becauſe there might be as many Queſtious what is Counterfeiting the Great Seal, or what is Treaſon. For Inftance. One Leak a Clerk in Chan- cery, intending to Forge a Patent, puts to- gether two pieces of Parchment, and had fitted them, and put them together with Mouth-Glew, that they appear'd as one: Then a Grant was written upon the out- moft, and a Seal affix'd, fo that the Great Seal is put to a true Thing, then he cuts off the edges of the Parchment, fo as to fever them, takes off the written One, and leaves the Seal on the Blank, then Forgeth the Grant and makes uſe of it. This was queſtioned before the Judges, whether 'twas Treafon or not; that is, whether Counter- feiting the Great Seal or not? If it were, it was Treafon, otherwiſe not. They Re folved, it was not Counterfeiting the Great Seal, and fo not, but Mifprifon. And if it had been Treafon, they Refolved, that an Indictment had been enough to Impeach him. Then fuppofe you have fuch an Im- peachment before you for Counterfeiting the Great Seal, you have Special Trea- fon, and Imprifon him; but when it is brought to Queſtion, it appears not to be Treaſon, therefore he is wrong Impri- foned And if your Lordships will examine what knowledg you have of this Fact, you have (76) have no more then if it had been a general Treafon. Lords. There is a Cafe put there, as we are content to take a Special Treafon, but expect not the Proof as there it was. Commons. If it were a Cafe put, fo is your Lordships Reply, for it was put ex Conceffo, becauſe you agreed that if the Treaſon was Special, the Party was to be Committed, and this Cafe was to ſhow their Lordships, they were in no better Cafe then, than if the Treafon were ge- neral. But the Lords ſtill preffing that the Im- peachment it felf of the Earl of Strafford, was Repeal'd in the A&t about him. Commons. We Reply'd one part of the Act ought to be fevered from the other, and that which is without exception fhall ſtand, tho' the other be taken away: For, ſuppoſe a Man Profecutes in a Court of Ju- ftice,for what he apprehends to be his right, and yet the Caufe goes againſt him, and he hath no effect of his Suit, afterward the Party (being an evil minded Man, and thinking to reach his Ends) Forgetha Deed, or Suborns Witneſſes, and then be- gins a Suit in fome other Court, and by thoſe ways attains his Ends. Then a Bil comes before this Parliament to Reverfe → the (77) the Judgment, reciting that fuch a Ferfon hath been a Suborner of Witneffes, &c. fo, and fo, and therefore the Judgment is made void; certainly tho' this Perfon is named to be an evil minded Perfon, yet this lays no blemiſh on his firft Proceedings. So that it appears by the Act, that the Proceedings againſt the Earl of Strafford were legal at firſt, if thoſe afterwards, when the times became tumultuous, were not, it is not to be applyed to what was well done and legal: Then we told them that we had preſſed them with four Pre- fidents, and to three of them nothing was Replyed. Lords. They Anſwered the Reaſon why my Lord Finch was Committed, was be- caufe of his Flight. Commons. He was filed before the Im- peachment, but it was Ordered, That he fhould be Committed when found. Then we told them, That we muſt Re- port to them, that be the Treafon what it would, we could not go to the Lords to have it puniſhed without that diſadvantage, which the Publiſhing the Treafon before- hand would expofe us to by making of Witneffes, eſcaping of Parties, and the like; then bad them confider, whether if we ſhould lay before them a Treaſon in every Thing circumftanced as Gun-Powder Treafon (78) Treaſon, they would not Imprifon the Par ty till the whole Matter was opened. Lords. They Anſwered to hear that Cafe put, for in Matter of State, other Courſes are to be taken, and they could fee no in- conveniency in Publishing that to the Lords, which must be Publiſhed before 400 in the House of Commons. Commons. The Commons may proceed with what fecrefie or openness they pleafe, and the Lords are not to take Notice of their Proceedings, whether open or fe- cret. Farther, That by a Matter of State muft be understood, when a Parliament is not Sitting, and we know not whether to re- fort, but when a Parliament is particularly called to prevent the Mifchiefs threatning the Kingdom, if that be not capable of Remedying, no other Council could, or we are not bound to refort to that, we are excluded from that to which we ought to refort. Lords. That the Lords bad us take heed of the Liberty of the Subjects, to which they are now fain to have Regard, bidding us confider the Bishop of Canterbury's long Impriſonnient, without knowing the Gauffe, and they must fatisfie their Gonfciences, left (79) left they ſhould Commit for Treafon, and it not prov'd fo. Commons. It appears not that the Bishop of Canterbury ſhould have lain leſs time, had the Impeachment been Special; and for the Liberty of the Subject, we know not how a Subject ſhould have more Liberty by Special Matter than General; Special being but adding a formal Title, and the Subject goes to Prifon, as well for the one as the other. For their Confciences. Suppofe a Perfon accuſed generally, they are then to know whether it be Treafon, and is not it as much that they, Commit an Innocent Per- fon fo? as if the matter was Special. December, 2. The Lords fent down a Meflage to the Commons by two Judges, to this effect, That upon the Report made to them of the laſt free Conference, they are not fatisfyed to Commit or Sequester from Parliament the Earl of Claren- don without the particular Treafon be mentioned or affign'd; who being withdrrwn. Lord Torring. (General Mcks Son) Moved not to part with any Priviledges of the Commons of England, but adhere to the General Impeachment. Sir Rob. ( 80 ) "Sir Rob. How. The Matter before us, is of as great concernment as ever came be fore us; if there ſhould be Malice fuppofed in a Nation againft it felf, it might be exerciſed by giving a particular Charge, as well as a General, many of the Lords are convinced by the Reaſons we gave, and Concur, thinking our Prefidents good, and have entred their Proteftation in the Lords Houſe, afferting the Rights of the Com- mons of England to Impeach generally; So that (excepting the Spiritual Lords) f think I may fay the Major part of the Lords are for us; and fhould we give up this, we may be wreſted out of all Right, and the Commons have no way to proceed to an Impeachment, but forme Men to be fo great, as not to be fairly reach'd. There fore adhere. Mr. Wall. The Lords are a noble Eſtate, but whatever the Matter is, they have of late fome Advice given them, which makes them proceed as they never did yet, for fcarce any Thing happens betwixt us, but they incroach upon us. The Militia is now as burthenfome to the Fifty Pound Man in the Country, almoſt as all other Taxes, and the Lords have gotten this Advantage on us, that they touch not the Burthen of it with their Finger: So in time of the Plague, the Commons muſt be ſhut up, but not they, infomuch that a good Act pro- vided vided to that purpofe paffed not; we. Im- peach'd the Lord Mordant, and could not bring him to the Bar, (tho' formerly I have known an Earl and a Lord brought thither) you deſired a free Conference about it, but could not obtain one to this Day. Rome was at firſt modeft, and only medied with Spirituals, but afterwards concerned them- felves fo much with other Matters, that every. Thing almoft was made to be in Ordi- ne ad Spiritualia, and many Kingdoms thereupon break from them. The Lords now infift upon one Thing, becauſe they fay 'tis in order to their Judicature, per- haps hereafter they will tell us we muft come to them on our Knees, becauſe it is in order to their Judgment. Confider therefore whether there be any hope of giving them fatisfaction; then, whether you will adhere, and what you will do af- terwards; for the prefent my Motion is te adhere. رقم Mr. Vaugh. It is truly faid, the Bufinefs before you ſeems to be as great as ha been in Parliament, many of the Confe quences being invifible; therefore before you Refolve what to do take the whole Mat- ter before you. The difference between the Lords and us, is upon a general Impeachment of Treafon; the Lords after a Free Conference fay, they will not Commit unlefs Special Treafon G he (82) be mentioned or affign'd, thofe whom you employed to Manage the Conference were very unwilling to differ with them, but it ſeems it hath Produced nothing, and I have nothing to make me believe, but that the Reaſon is, that the Lords were Refolved (fay what we would) not to be fatisfied; for I know nothing which they Offer'd, but it was fully Anſwer'd, nor any thing left undone to fatisfie them if they would have been ſatisfied; what I have to ſay now is to clear fomething whcih the Lords may make much found of. When we urged Prefidents, and made them our principal Reaſon, we told them, the way to decide what was in Difference betwixt the Houſes, is, the ufuage of Par- liaments; but to our Prefidents we re- ceived no full Anfwer. Then the Lords uſed this Reaſon, Name- ly, that they cared not for Preſidents, becauſe it was againſt the Exprefs Law of the Land. I Anſwer'd them we would join with them, if they could fhew Law againſt it, and expected what they would Anſwer, but heard nothing: Much difcourfe there was, without Application, of the Great Charter, and of the Statute of 28 Ed. 3. but not applyed; fo that I thought Law in 2 Lords Mouth, was like a Sword in a La- dies Hand, the Sword might be there, but when it comes to cut, itwould be awkward and uſeleſs. But ( 83 ) But I hear fince, that their meaning was this, (which muſt be cleared by mentioning fome Laws) that by Magna Charta, it is provided, That no Man ſhall be taken ´or Im- prifoned, or Condemned but by the Law; and thence they infer, That no Man may be Impriſoned, but it muſt be by the Peers, or by the Law of the Land. Again, 5. Ed. 3. No Woman fhall be attached upon Accufation, er be adjudged of Life or Limb, but according to the Law. 25 Ed. 3. No Man fhall be taken by a Petition to the King or his Council, unleſs by Indictment of lawful People, or by pro- cefs of Writ at Common-Law, and (fay they) this Gale is to none of thefe. 28 Ed. 3. No Man fhall be Imprifoned without due Procefs according to the Old Law of the Land: But this Cafe being nei- ther by Preſentment nor Indictment, the Lords would not ſtand upon our Preſidents, but relied on this, as if it were enough in Bar of all our Preſidents. Therefore to open this, and the danger of the Confequence, there are in the Land many different Laws, and proceedings in thefe Laws, and Imprifonment upon them; and yet not one of them by Prefentment, Indictment, or Tryal by Peers, tho' the Lords thought this was the Law and there was no other. G 2 1, It (84) 1. It is known that the Crown-Law, or Prerogative, is diftinct Law from that be- tween Party and Party. 2. There is the Law and Cuſtom of Par- liament, called a Law, ab omnibus quærenda, a multis ignorata, & a paucis Cognita. 3. Then the Cannon-Law, (and it is much the Biſhops forgot that) and there is nothing in that Law, more than ſtanding in a White Sheet, which proceeds not by Indictment or Prefentment, yet there is Impriſonment even in that Law. $ 4. There is the Law of Admiralty, and the Articles of Cleron, where there is pro- ceedings of another Nature, and by Im- priſonment. 5. The Law of Merchants, or of the Staple. 6. The Law of Arms, where is Impri- fonment and Death, and yet different pro- ceedings from the Common-Law in the Great Charter: Now no Man thinks that all thoſe Courſes of Proceedings are taken away by the Common-Law, and it is grofs Ignorance to think it. 7. The Law of the Forreſt, which is moſt different: So that to urge Magna Charta (85) Charta to this purpofe, as if all Procee- dings in thoſe Cafes muſt be according to the Common-Law, is abſurd. Then there are divers Writs in the Re- gifter. One, When a Man hath received the King's Money to ſerve him, and went not, then there is a Writ to Arreſt him upon a Certificate from the Captain under whom he was to ſerve. Then the ordinary Writ, which belongs to the Law Ecclefiaftic, de Excommunica- to Capiendo. Another, de Apoftata Capiendo, to recover a Regular Run-away from his Convent. Another, called ne exeat Regno, to Im- prifon a Man, who will not give Security not to go out of the Kingdom, and this is not Traverſable any where, becauſe it fug- geſts that he will Machinat ſomewhat hurtful to the Kingdom, and upon that Suggeſtion he is Imprifoned. Another, when a Man hath a Leprofie. Another, to burn Hereticks, which con- cern'd the Biſhops alfo, if they had pleas'd to think of it. G 3 Theſe (86) Thefe Proceedings are no way agree- able to thoſe mentioned in the Common- Law. Then confider how this Refolution of the Lords ftrikes at the Law of Parliaments. 1. It is certain that all Impriſonment by Parliament is not by Prefentment, In- dictment, &c. So that by this means that Power is taken away. 2. Contempt againſt Parliamentary Au- thority, whofoever he is to appear before them, and diſobeys them, they may Impri- fon him in the Tower, and yet it is not a- gainst Magna Charta. Whither therefore tends this? 4 The Conclufion must be, that no Im- peachment by the Commons must go on, unless it be by Prefentment, and fo there is an end of all that for which the Parliament is principally called, unless we are part of thoſe 500 contemptible Ones, who are on- ly fit to give Money; That may be reſerved for us, but nothing elfe; tho' 23 Ed. 3. faith, For redrefs of grievances in the King- dom a Parliament fhall be called every Year. I would know which way we ſhould redreſs Abuſes, if we are fo far from remedying in Parliament, that we must be ſhut out to the Common Courfes in other Courts? + Obj. The ( 87 ) Obj. The Lords may fay, if you find the Statutes broken, and ſhort, you ſhall have New. fo Anfw. And when theſe New Ones arc broken, then we fhall have a Remedy, rife up Remedy, and go to the Remedy, ad infinitum, for there is no more Reaſon to think that a Second Law fhall be maintained more than the Firſt, and what way a Miſ- chief ſhall be Redreffed, other than by Par- liament, I know not. So that by this Refolution of the Lords, and denying to Commit upon this Ground (for they fhew'd no other) every Thing for which a Parliament is ufeful is deny- ed us. After all this come to the very Cafe. If a Treafon be Committed, and the Fame is that A. B. is guilty of it, it is law- ful to Apprehend him for it. If Hue and Cry purfue a Man, tho' he be not of evil Fame, yet he may lawfully be Imprifoned: If it proves falfe, he hath his Remedy; but that obftructs not the Law to bring him to Tryal: Any Watch-Man may Arreft a Night-Walker, and hath a Warrant in Law for it, and this is as good Proceſs in Law, as any original Writ. G 4 And (88) And after all this, Confider with what kind of Colour, when there are weighty Reaſons why we ſhould not mention fpe- cial Treafon, and that mentioning it ge- nerally, anfwers the Petition of Right, the whole Commons of England (who are in no degree reprefented by the Lords, They only reprefent their own Perfons fhould be denied the Securing a Perfon Impeached unless a particular Charge be given, how prejudicial fo ever to the King- dom. Another thing, there is no Right which a Man hath in this Land, or any part of the World, but his Right is fuch, that if it be kept from him, he hath a means to come to it, otherways it is Damnum fine In- juriâ, for where the Law gives no remedy, there is but a fuppofition of Right: By the fame meaſure it will follow, that there is no civil wrong can be done to any Man, but the Law provides a Remedy if that wrong be done, and if by the Law there is no Remedy, it is no wrong, confider then this Café. There are in this Kingdom in the Civil State of it, three Eftates, which the King hath then in making Laws: There are three Eftates, whereof the King is Principal; fometimes they are mentioned as the King's three Eftates, and he none of them: The Eftates in general are, the Commons of the Kingdom, ( 89 ) Kingdom, (who are perfectly reprefented in this Houſe) the Lords another, and the King another, and theſe are fuch, that there is no Petitory Action, nor the Laws directed to any one of them, but the Laws you make are to diſtribute Juſtice in other Courts. For Inftance, If all the Commons of Eng- land (who are one of the Eſtates) fhould Accufe one of themſelves, the Party can have no wrong, becauſe the Parliament can have no Action brought againſt them, nor can they be fuppofed to do any thing for Malice. It is the fame between the Body of the Lords and Commons; and there is no Law either to Vindicate the one or the other; but they ſtand as if there were no com- municable Law betwixt them; but the meaſure between them is that which is good for the whole; for they are the ma- kers of Laws for others, but no Laws can be' fancied to reach the whole of the Com- mons, or of the Lords. So that 'tis eaſily to be ſeen, how it hath been put upon us, fo that now we are in fuch a Cafe, we know not to what end we Thall proceed upon this or any other Im- peachment; for by this Judicial power, you fhall be excluded from any proceed- ings (90) ings by Laws of Parliaments, and fo you take away the whole Right of the King- dom. Queft. But now what ſhall you do? Af. I fee many Inconveniencies which may happen both ways, but I fee fo ma- ny this way, that if any Man gave fich Councel as is Charged upon the Earl of Clarendon, it is not fo dangerous as the Cafe before you; for the Inconveniencies attending that Councel would quickly fhew it felf by the Mifery following: But this is a fmall thing begun with, which, like a Canker, may eat till it be uncurable, and that is as abfolutely juſtifiable as this. And now I have faid this, I am perplexed what to ſay more, for all can bear me wit- neís, what refpect I have endeavoured to preferve to the House of Peers, but I am ſo fenfible of this, that tho' I cannot forget my reſpect to them, yet I muft lament the Condition into which they have brought themſelves firſt, and us next, for they can- not think to avoid it. The Houſe of Peers is but a New Stile, called fo, as Jurors are called Peers, from the Word Par; for every Commoner hath his Peers as Lords have; and the whole Stile formerly was Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Dukes, &c. (91) &c. But Pares Regni is a new Stile. It is called the Upper Houſe, and is to be look't upon with Reverence. The Lords have a Juriſdiction,but in this Cafe,I muſt be plain, their granted Jurifdiction arifeth from the Houfe of Commons, if you Impeach not there your Judicial Power will be very little. If a Lord be to be Tried for Treafon, the Lords are but his Jurors; and tho' they Try him upon Honour, not upon Oath, yet they are no more his Tryers, than as out of Parliament: The Judge of Treaſon in the Lords Houfe, is Conftituted by the King, as a Lord High-Steward, and there is no other Judge, therefore I know not the Judicature they ſpeak fo much of. There is another for Writs of Error, which are there determined, but the Jurif- diction of that is very little, for the In- conveniency of the Lords determining what could not be determined in other Courts, is fo found out 25 Eliz. They are to be brought firſt into the Exchequer Chamber. There is another way when Perfons car- ry Complaints to the Lords, which is a Queſtion, for Commoners ought not to car- ry Complaints there, except in ſome Cafes from Chancery; therefore this Matter of Ju- rifdiction, which they talk of, is not fuch a wonderful thing as they would make it. Therefore whatever we fhall do after it, your Rights being fo much concerned that you know not where the ſtay will be, it is (92) is neceffary that you make a Committee to draw up a Proteftation to be made by this Houſe concerning this Matter, The Invafi- on of your Right in it, and the danger to the Kingdom by it. Mr. Colem. The Lords fay, That commit- ting upon a general Impeachment is againſt Law, and I think it will appear fo; Ide- ny not, but a Mittimus without special Caufe is legal, and grounded upon the Pe- tition of Right, the Reaſon of which is to fecure Men againſt Commitment by a fpe- cial Warrant, and a Judge ought not to diſcharge where Treafon is alledged, but in this Cafe it is different; The Judges cannot diſcharge a Man Committed after Examination, but the Lords ought not to Commit a Man, except there be particu- lar Treafon. If I come before a Juftice of Peace, and fay, I accuſe this Man of Treaſon, will a- ny wife Man Commit him? he makes his Warrant indeed, but he that accuſeth muſt go farther and make it more particular, and the ſpecial Matter muſt appear before he Commits, and this is the preſent Caſe. The Common-Law is, That no Man ought to be Committed without particu lar Caufe; becauſe no Man can Commit in Capital Matters, without taking Examina- tion before hand, otherwiſe no Man can ju- ftifie a Commitment: Therefore I am not (39) not fatisfied that the Lords Had not rea- fon to deny. The Commons are in the nature of a Grand-Jury to preſent, but the Lords are the Judges; Commitment is not the Judgment but in order to it, and the Lords have a difcretionary Power in the Cafe: The Lords ſay not that they will not Commit, but that they are not fatisfied to do it without fpecial Matter, therefore we ought to fend it up. Sir Rob. How. I have attended the Rea- fons given againſt making a Proteſtation, and whatever is faid, is but levelling a Houſe of Commons with every private Ac- cufer; a Juſtice of Peace (it is faid) muſt have Evidence before he Commit, and this Houſe has had Inducements to Impeach, and may not a House of Commons Judge what is Treafon as well as a Juſtice of Peace? The Inconveniencies and Dangers laid before you, if you proceed, are nothing in compariſon of thoſe on the other fide. Had the Lords Imprifoned, they had be- fore this had the particular Charge, and the Proteſtation is not to ftop it, but to make way for it fome other way; for it will refolve into a Remonftrance, by which you may give the Nation an Account of your Proceedings to come to a Tryal of this Bufinefs. Mr. (94) Mr. Vangh. By the Proteftation ſpoken of, is meant to preſerve the Rights of this Houſe upon the whole Matter, and to give the Reaſons of your Proceedings. Sir Tho. M--rs. What is faid, not being explained; I know not what is meant by the Proteſtation; if it be but to enter it into our Book, I am not againſt it, if it be an Appeal to the Nation, pray conſider what you do. Mr. Vaugh. This way of Proteftation differs from entring in our Books, but the beſt way is to draw it up, and to bring it to you, and then any Man may take Ex- ceptions againſt it; for the meaning is, that this Houſe Claims its Rights. Mr. Garam. Firſt make your Proteftati- on, and then Appeal to the King. Mr. Vaugh. None can furmize that you mean an Appeal to the People by what is moved, for what is done, muſt be done to ſome part of the Parliament; the King, Lords, or your felves: And they who ſpeak of it (if it were done with evil intent) de- ferve to be called to the Bar; when it is brought before you for your Approbation, you may either retain, or reject it. ว Sir (95) Sir Walt. You. I defire that the Honfe may know before hand to whom they are to Remonſtrate, and on what ground, and therefore to Adjourn their Debate now. Mr. Trev. What Appeal you make ought to be to the King, but bring it in hither and give it what Name you pleaſe. Sir Rob. Atk. As! would be tender of your Priviledges, fo, of giving Offence to the Lords, therefore we hall endeavour to be Unanimous in this House; a Proteſtation is Named, I am a ſtranger to it, and would underſtand clearly what is is before we do it; That it is a Courfe warranted by Preſidents and Proceedings of Parlia- ments, confidering what effect it hath had in late times, therefore we may do well to adjourn the Debate and Confider of it. Sir Tho. Lat. This Proteftation will be like that in the Lord Maynard's Cafe, but fomewhat longer, and ought to go far- ther then to one of the Eſtates, and be kept within the walls. Mr. Swinf. You fent up a Charge to the Lords in general, defiring that the Earl of Clarendon fhould be fecured, and in coveni- ent time you would fend up Articles; from that time it hath not been done, and the Lords (96) Lords have paſſed ſeveral Votes about it fince, but you have not paffed one. Firſt they Voted, that they had not com- plied with your defires for want of parti- cular Treafon; Then you give them Rea- fons, they are not fatisfied with them; then a Free Conference, they are ſtill un- fatisfied; and all this while you have not come to any refolution: So that till you come to a Vote, no Man knows but that you are fatisfied with their Anfwer; for when the Matter of the Proteftation is brought in, we ſhall not be ready for it till we have refolved, that what the Lords Inſiſt on, is an obſtruction of Justice, and you cannot agree with them without great Inconvenience to the Nation; Therefore put a Queſtion, That the Lords, not having agreed to Secure the Earl of Clarendon upon the general Impeachment, have obftructed the Publick Justice of the Kingdom in proceedings of Parliament, and is of dangerous Confe- quence: This is neceffary, becauſe the Lords have heard nothing from you, but endea- vour to fatisfie them. Sir John Good. This Queftion will be a greater Accufation of the whole Houfe of Lords, than the other is of the Earl of Clarendon. If you will go by way of Pro- teftation, and keep it within your own Walls, I like it better than this Queſtion. Sir (وقع (97) Sir Rob. How. The putting this Queſtion is no Charge upon the House of Lords; and therefore if that Gentleman thinks it fo great an one, fure he thinks the Charge againſt the Earl Clarendon to be a very fmall one. Is there any Obſtruction to Ju- ftice? If not, Why do we not Comply? If there be, we cannot it feems Complain without Charging the Lords. Keeping it within your own Walls, is but like a Man, when he is alone, muttering Arguments to himſelf, and Commending himfelf for it. If you meet with any Obftructions, pray firft put the Queſtion, whether you are ob- ftructed. Sir Rob. Atk. It is no light matter to Charge the Lords with Obftructing Juſtice; therefore the thing being new, pray ad- journ it till to morrow, that we may be more of one Mind. Then the Question was stated, Namely, That the Lords not having complied with the defire of the Commons in Com- mitting the Earl of Clarendon, and Seque- ſtring him from Parliament upon the Im- peachment from this Houfe, is an Obftru- tion to the publick Juftice of the King- dom, and is a Prefident of evil and dange- rous Confequence. H Re- ( 98 ) Refolved, That the Question be Put, And being put, Refolved in the Affirma- tive. Refolved, That a Committee be appointed to draw up a Declaration to Vindicate the Proceedings of this Houfe. Decemder, 3. A Meſſage from the Lords by two Jud- ges, That they have received a large Peti- tion from the Earl of Clarendon, which In- timates that he is withdrawn. Sir Tho. Tompk. Moved to take care to get the Sea-ports ſtopt. Sir Tho. Lit. I believe he is now paſt ſtop- ping, but we ſhould do it, tho' it have no effect; left it look as tho' we would have him eſcape. Sir Rob. Hom. The Lords feem now mi- ſtaken in their Opinion at the Conference, they ſaid there was no fear of his Running away, and in our Houſe it hath been 'Je- fted that he was not like to Ride Poſt. Be- fides the Expreffion in the Meſſage is (with- drawn) which may be an inward Chamber, therefore 'tis fit to defire to ſee the Petiti- on, and Command fome Members to pre- pare ju. ( 99 ) pare fomething to Vindicate your felves in diſcharge of your Duty. ↓ Mr. Seym. Yon cannot take Notice to the Lords of the Petition, unleſs they think good to Communicate to you, but make the Declaration Mr. Vaugh. I look upon what the Lords fay as doubtful, therefore beware left you do fomething misbecoming you. They on- ly fay, that he is withdrawn, but not what is his Petition; for the faying that he is withdrawn, is not the Matter of a Peti- tion. Perhaps he is gone into the Country, the Meſſage ſeems light, and you are to take no notice of it. If it be of Moment, and they think us Concern'd, they fhould let us know it; and I cannot think fo of the Lords, that they would ufe that word, if he were fled therefore fend a Meflage, to know whether fled or withdrawn. Mr. Sol. Gen. When a Delinquent fignifies to his Judges, that he is withdrawn. it cannot fignifie any thing, but that he is withdrawn from their Judgment. None but a mad Man will tell them that he is fled fearing what may follow; it would be well if their Care would prevent his flying, but you cannot Anſwer it, if you hear they do nothing, and fo feem to fay, fare him well. H 2 11pon \~100) 16ο Upon all which Motions, Ordered, That Sir Tho. Cliff. (Comptroler of the King's Houſehold) be fent to the King, to defire the Ports may be ſtopped. December, 4 The Lord Fitzharding makes Report from the King, that the Meflage for ftopping the Ports being delivered him, he had taken Care accordingly. A Meffage from the Lords to defire a fpeedy Conference: From which Mr. Solicitor Reports. We attended the Lords at the Confe- rence, which was delivered by the Duke of Buck. who faid to this purpoſe. That the Lords had Commanded him to deliver to us that Scandalous and Seditious Paper ſent from the Earl of Clarendon, de- firing us to prefent it to you; and to defire you in convenient time to fend it to them again, for it had a Stile which they were in love with, and defired to keep it. Which faid Paper was read, and is as follows, viz. To ( 101 ) TO THE Right HONOURABLE THE LORDS Spiritual and Temporal, IN Parliament ASSEMBLED. The humble Petition and Addrefs of Edward Earl of Claren- don. May it pleaſe Your Lordships, Cannot express the unsupportable Trouble and Grief of Mind I fu. Stain under the Apprehenfion of be- ing Mifreprefented to Tour Lord- fhips, and when I hear how much of Tour Lordſhips time hath been spent upon the mention of me, as it is attended with H 3 more ( 102 ) nore publick Confequences, and of the differences of Opinion which have alrea- dy, or may probably arife between Tour Lordthips and the Honourable Houſe of Commons; whereby the great and weighty affairs of the Kingdom may be obstructed in the time of fogeneral a diffatisfaction. I am very unfortunate to find my felf to suffer so much under two very difad- vantageous Reflections, which are in no degree applicable to me. The First from the greatness of my E- fate and Fortune, collected and made in fo few Tears, which if it be proportionable to what is reported, may very reafonably caufe my Integrity to be fufpected. The Second, That I have been the fole Manager and chief Minister in all the Tranfactions of State fince the King's re- turn into England, to Auguft laft, and therefore that all Mifcarriages and Mif- fortunes ought to be imputed to me and my Councels. Concerning my Eſtate, Your Lordfhips will not believe, that after Malice and Envy bath been fo inquifitive and ſo ſharp fighted, I will offer any thing to Tour : Lordships, ( 103 ) Lordſhips, but what is exactly true; and I do affure Tour Lordships, in the first place, That (excepting from the King's Bounty) I have never received nor taken one Penny but what was generally under- stood to be the just lawful Perquifites of my Office, by the conftant Practice of the best Times, which I did in my own Judg. ment conceive to be that of my Lord Co- ventry, and my Lord Elfmore; the Pra- &tice of which I conſtantly obferved, altho’ the Office in both their Times was lawful- ly worth double to what it was to me, and I believe now is. + That all the Courtefies and Favours which I have been able to obtain from the King for other Perfons in Church or State, or in Weftminſter-Hall, have ne- ver been worth me Five Pounds: So that Tour Lordships may be confident I am as innocent from Corruption as from any dif loyal Thought, which after near Thirty Tears Service of the Crown, in fome Dif- ficulties and Diftreffes, I did never ex- pect would be objected to me in my Age. And I do affure Tour Lordships, and ſhall make it very Manifeft, That the H 4 Several ( 104 ) Several Sums of Money, and fome Parcels of Land, which His Majefty hath Boun- tifully bestowed upon me fince his return into England, are worth more than all I have amounts unto; fo far I am from ad- vancing my Estate by indirect means. And tho this Bounty of his bath very far exceeded my Merit, or my expecta= tion, yet fome others have been as fortu- wate at least in the fame Bounty who had as fmall pretences to it, and have no great Reafon to envy my condition. Concerning the other Imputation of the Credit and Power of being chief Mini- fter, and fo caufing all to be done that I had a mind to, I have no more to ſay, than that I had the good fortune to ſerve a Maſter of a very great Judgment and Understanding, and be always joyn'd with Perfons of great Ability and Experience, without whofe Advice and Concurrence, never any thing hath been done. Before His Majesty's coming into Eng- land, he was conftantly attended by the then Marquess of Ormond, the late Lord Culpeper, and Mr. Secretary Nicholas, who were equally trusted with my felf, and without whofe Foynt Advice and Concur- rence, 1 ( 105 ) rence, when they were all prefent (as fome of them always were) I never gave any Councel. As foon as it pleafed God to bring His Majefty into England, he Efta- blished his Privy-Council, and shortly, out of them he Choose a Number of Ho- nourable Perfons of great Reputation (who for the most part are still alive) as a Committee for Forreign Affairs and Con- fideration of ſuch things as in the Nature of them required much Secrefie, and with thefe Perfons he vouchsafed to Foyn me: And I am confident this Committee never tranfalted any thing of Moment (His Majejty being always prefent) without preſenting the fame first to the Council- Board, and I must appeal to them concern- ing my Carriage, and whether we were not all of one Mind, in Matters of Importance. For more than two Tears I never knew any Differences in the Councils, or that there were any Complaints in the King- dom, which I wholly impute to His Ma- jesty's great Wisdom, and the intire Con- currence of his Councellours, without the Vanity of aſſuming any thing to my ſelf; and therefore I hope I shall not be firgly charged with any thing that hath fince fal'n ( 106 ) fal'n out amifs. But from the time Mr. Secretary Nicholas was removed from his Place, there were great Alterations; and whoſoever knew any thing of the Court and Councils, know well how much my Credit hath fince that time been dimi- nifhed, tho' His Majefty graciously vouch- fafed still to here my Advice in moſt of his Affairs: Nor bath there been, from that time to this, above one or two Perfons brought to the Council, or preferr'd to any confiderable Office in the Court who have been of my intimate Acquaintance, or suspected to have any kindness for me ; and most of them, most Notoriouſly known to have been very long my Enemies, and of different Fudgment and Principles from me, both in Church and State, and have taken all opportunities to leffen my Cre- dit with the King, and with all other Perfons, by Mif-repreſenting and Miſ-re- porting all that I faid or did, and per- Swading Men I have done them fome prejudice with His Majesty, or croffed them in fome of their Pretenfions; Tho' His Majesty's Goodneſs and Juſtice was fuch, that it made little Impreffion upon bim. 1 In ( 107 ) In my humble Opinion, the Opinion, the great Miſ fortunes of the Kingdom have proceeded from the War, to which it is Notoriouſly known that I was always most averfe, and may without vanity fay, I did not only forefee, but declare the Mifchiefs we should run into, by Entering into a War, before any Alliances made with the Neighbouring Princes, and that it may not be imputed to His Majefty's want of Care, or the Negligence of his Councellors, that no fuch Alliances were entred into, I must take the boldneſs to ſay, His Ma- jefty left nothing unattempted in order thereunto; and knowing very well, that France Refolved to begin a War upon Spain, as foon as his Catholick Majeſty Should depart this World, which being much fooner expected by them, They had in the two Winters before been at great Charges in providing plentiful Magazeens of all Provifions upon the Frontiers, that they might be ready for the War, His Majesty used all poſſible means to prepare and difpofe the Spaniard with that appre- henfion, offering his Friendſhip to that degree, as might be for the Benefit and Security of both Crowns. But ( 108 ) But Spain flattering it felf, That France would not break with them, at least, that they would not give them any Cauſe by Adminiftring Matter of Jealoufie to them, never made any real approach towards a Friendfhip with His Majefty, but, both by their Embaladors here, and to His Majesty's Embaſſador at Madrid, always perfifted, as Preliminaries, upon the giving up of Dunkirk, Tangier and Jamaica. Tho' France had an Embaſſador here, to whom a Project of a Treaty was offered, and the Lord Hollis, His Majesty's Em- baffador at Paris, ufed all endeavours to purſue and profecute the faid Treaty, yet it was quickly difcerned, That the princi- pal Defign of France was to draw His Majefty into fuch a nearer Alliance as might advance their Defign; without which, they had no mind to Enter into the Treaty propofed. And this was the State of Affairs when the War was Entred into with the Dutch, from which time, neither Crown much confidered the making any Alliance with England. As ( 109 ) As I did from my Soul abhor the En- tring into this War, so I presumed ne- ver to give any Advice or Councel for the way of managing it, but by oppofing many Propofitions, which feemed to the late Lord Treaſurer and my felf to be unreasonable, as the payment of the Sea- men by Tickets, and many other Particu lars which added to the Expence. My Enemies took all occafions to enveigh againſt me, and making their Friendſhip with others out of the Council, of more licencious Principles, and who knew well enough how much I disliked and complain- ed of the Liberty they took to themfelvs of reviling all Councils and Concellours, and turning all things Serious and Sacred into ridicule, They took all ways ima- ginable to render me ungrateful to all forts of Men, ( whom I shall be compelled to Name in my Defence) perfwading those that miſcarryed in any of their Designs, That it was the Chance Hours doing; whereof, I never knew any thing. Flow- ever, they could not withdraw the King's Favour from me, who was still pleafed to uſe my Service with others, nor was there ( 110 ) } there ever any thing done but with the joynt Advice of at least the Major part of those who were confulted with. And as His Majefty commanded my Service in the late Treaties, fo I never gave the leaft Advice in private, nor wrote one Letter to any one Perfon in either of thofe Negotiations but upon the Advice of the Council, and also after it was read in Council, or at least by the King himſelf, and fome other; and if I prepared any Inſtructions or Memorials, it was by the King's Command, and the request of the Secretaries who defired my Affiftance; nor was it any wish of my own, that any Embalador fhould give me any account of the Transactions, but to the Secreta- ries, to whom I was always ready to ad- viſe; nor am I confcious to my ſelf of ever having given Advice that hath proved mifchievous or inconvenient to His Majeſty; and I have been ſo far from be- ing the fole Manager of Affairs, that I bave not in the whole laft Tear been above twice with His Majesty in any Room a- lone, and very feldom in the two or three Tears preceding. • And (III) And fince the Parliament at Ox- ford, it hath been very visible, that my Credit hath been very little, and that very few things bave been hearkned to, which have been propofed by me, but contradicted, eo nomine, becauſe propo- fed by me. I most humbly beſeech Your Lordships to remember the Office and Trust I had for feven Tears, in which, in Difcharge of my Duty I was obliged to stop and ib. Struct many Mens pretences, and refuſed to fet the Seal to many Pardens and other Grants, which would have been profita- ble to those who procured them, and many whereof, upon my Reprefentation to His Majefty, were for ever stopt, which na- turally have raised many Enemies to me: And my frequent concurring, upon the de- fires of the late Lord Treaſurer, (with whom I had the Honour to have a long and vast Friendſhip to his Death) in Representing ſeveral Exceffes and Exor- bitances, the yearly Iffue fo far exceeding the Revenues, provoked many Perfons con cerned, of great Power and Credit, to de Mt ( 112 ) me all the ill Offices they could. And yet I may faithfully fay, That I never medled with any part of the Revenue or the Administration of it, but when I was defired by the late Lord Treaſurer to give him my Affiſtance and Advice, having had the Honour formerly to ferve the Crown as Chancellour of the Ex- chequer, which was for the most part in His Majesty's prefence. Nor have I ever been in the least degree concern'd, in point of Profit, in letting any part of His Ma- jesty's Revenue; nor have ever Treated or Debated it, but in His Majesty's prefence, in which my Opinion concurr'd always with the Major part of the Councellours who were preſent. All which, upon Examination, will be made manifest to Tour Lordships, how much foever my Integrity is blasted by the Malice of those who I am confident do not believe themselves. Nor have I in my Life, upon all the Treaties, or other- wife, received the value of one Shilling from all the Kings or Princes in the World, (excepting the Books of the Louvre Print fent me by the Chancellour of France, 2 ( 113 ) France by that Kings direction) but from my own Mafter, to whofe intire Service, and the Good and Welfare of my Coun try, no Man's Heart was every more devot ed. This being my prefent Condition; İ do most humbly befeech Tour Lordships to entertain a favourable Opinion of me, and to believe me to be Innocent from those foul Afperfions, untill the contrary fhall be proved; which I am fure can never be by any Man worthy to be believed: And fince the Distempers of the Times, and the Difference between the two Houfes in the prefent Debate, with the Power and Malice of my Enemies, Who gave out that I should prevail with His Ma- jefty to Prorogue or Diffolve this Parlia ment in Difpleasure, and threaten to ex- pofe me to the Rage and Fury of the Peo ple, may make me to be look'd upon as the Caufe which obstructs the Kings Service, and Unity and Peace of the Kingdom. I'most humbly' beseech Tour Lordships, that I may not forfeit Tour Lordſhips Favour and Protection, by With drawing I my ( 114 ) my Self from so powerful a Perfecution, in hope that I may be able, by fuch with- drawing, hereafter to appear, and make my Defence, when His Majefty's Justice (to which I fhall always fubmit) may not be Obstructed, or Controled, by the Pow- er and Malice of those who have sworn my Destruction. CLARENDON. Mr. Vaugh. I think it not convenient to loofe more time about this Paper. Since the time of the Earl of Clarendons Name being mention'd here, I had nothing to Charge him with till now, but most of the Heads of this Charge are fo weighty, that I am confident, they will be eaſily and thorough- ly proved, tho' I know not how; fo that I admire at his Confidence, to Charge this Houſe, and fo the Nation, as his Perfecu- tors, and that in fuch a Condition, as he hopes to vindicate himſelf. Its the firſt time that ever I heard an Innocent Man run away under the greateſt Charge, with hopes to return again and vindicate him- felf. Then ( 125 ) Then mark one Expreffion; he faith, be is as far from Corruption, as from Disloyalty. If he faid he was guilty of neither, he had faid fomething; but by that Expreſſion he may be guilty of both: So infolent a Paper I never met with in this Kingdom, nor have I ever read the like in any other; fo inconfi- derable a part of the Nation as he is to lay it upon the Nation, who, if innocent, might defend himſelf, if Guilty, why doth he Charge the Nation with perfecuting? Therefore without troubling your felves with it, do, as the Lords have done; who deliver it to you as a Scandalous and Sediti- ous Paper; it hath Malice in it, and is the greateſt Reproach upon the King and the whole Nation,that ever was given by Man. Therefore put the Queſtion whether his Paper fhall not have the Character, that it is a Scandalous and Malicious Paper, and a Re- proach to the Justice of the Nation. Refolved upon the Queſtion. That the Paper fent to the Lords by the Earl of Clarendon, and by them fent down to the House of Commons, and now read, is Scandalous and Seditions, and doth Reproach the King and the Publick Juftice of the Na- tion. Sir Rob. Hom. You have voted this Paper Scandalous, and therefore it should not I ཀ live, ( 116 ) live, wherefore I move it ſhould be burnt by the Hangman. Mr. Garram. The Paper is the Lords, and you muſt ſend it to them, but enter it into your Books, and your Vote upon it. Refolved, To have it burnt. Sir Rob. Car. The Paper is the Lords, therefore move them to Concur that it may be burnt. Sir Rob. How. The meaning of my Moti- on is,becauſe the Duke of Buckingham defired the Paper again for the admirableneſs of the Stile, it is entered into their Books al- ready, and they need it not to that end; therefore defire the Lords Concurrence to burn it. Refolved, To fend it to the Lords to that December, 5. end. A Motion being made to fend to the Lords in purſuance of the Vote about bur- ning the Paper. Mr. Vaugh. I am againſt fending up to the Lords to that purpoſe, becauſe you have ordered to enter the Paper into your Books, and when a Paper is burnt, it is not to ſtand upon Record, but fhould be rafed out; ( 117 ) Out; which two Things are a perfect Con- tradiction, therefore let it reft as it is; We have Voted it Scandalous, &c. The Lords tell us not that they have done any fuch Thing, tho' they ought to have done it firſt. As for the Earl of Clarendon, he being now gone, if fuch a like occaſion fhould fall out, we are in a worſe Condition than we were; for there is this Preſident againſt us, in a Cafe now Manifeft: And it becomes us to do fomething in Order to the Lords Concurring, that fo a good Underſtanding may be got; therefore I fhall propound this to you, to be fent up to them to that end. Namely, when any Subject fhall be Im- peached by the Commons before the Lords in Parliament with defire to fecure him, fuch Perfon by the Law of the Land ought to be ſecured accordingly. This you have in effect Voted already, in ſaying the Ju- ftice of the Kingdom is obftructed by their not doing it. Secondly, when fuch Impeached Perfons fhall be fecured, the Lords may limit a cer- tain time for bringing in the Charge, to prevent delay of Juſtice. This may Salve all, and prevent fuch ways, as may be difpleafing to the Lords, and perhaps us alfo, in fome Cafes here- after. I 3 Mr. Smin (118) Mr. Swin. I am perfwded that according to Rules of Parliament, when you Charge by Impeachment generally, and promife in due time to fend up your Charge, they ought to fecure, but they not having done it, I queftion whether you conld do what you have, but the Earl of Clarenden flying, it is Manifeſt Juftice was obftructed; for he might have been brought to his Tryal, if the Lords had fecured him; but now your Vote is made good, which feems to lay the advantage on your fide. & Sir Rob, Hom. I think this Meffage to the Lords will deſtroy the way of vindicating our felves by Declaration; therefore finish the Declaration, and then Reſolve before you publish it, whether to fend up this Meffage. Mr. Vaugh. If the Lords agree with us, we may ſpare the Declaration, but if they agree not now, they will much lefs here- after: Your Declaration, can amount to no more but this, make a Narrative of the invalidity of the Lords Preſidents, but then you muſt of neceffity do fomething more, elfe your Labour is in vain; therefore this Meffage with thefe Votes are neceſſary. Sir Rich. Temp. I expected that when the Earl of Clarendon had been fled, the Lords would have defired the King to Iſſue out a Proclamation ( 119 ) Proclamation to apprehend him, feeing they have been the occafion of his Eſcape; therefore now defire their Concurrence to go to the King to that end, and if they Concur, they have upon the Matter grant- ed Commitment upon a general Impeach- ment. Mr. Vaugh. I thought it my Duty to of fer you what I have done, if you like it not, I deſire to be excufed in ferving you in the Declaration, and that they who think it neceſſary would be pleaſed to take the pains to do it. Sir Tho. Lee. If you declare, it will beget an Anfwer, and where will that end? If you ſend up your Votes, and the Lords agree, your end is Anfwered; for it is a yielding that which they have yet denyed: Your declaring, and entring it upon the Journal, will be to no purpofe; it is but like a Man, who having been beaten pub- lickly, in the Chamber calls him who did it Rogue. Mr. Hampd. I defire that the Words (Law of the Land) may be left out, and the Words(Law of Parliament, or, Ufnage of Parliament) put inftead of them; for it hath been fḥewed us, that there are feveral ways of Impeachment belides Common- Law. Mr. Fangh. I 4. (120) Mr. Waugh. Thofe Words were pur- pofely put in, becauſe at the free Confe- rence, when we prefled the Law of Parlia ments, the Lords prefled the Lam of the Land by way of Negative, as if the Law of the Lend were otherwife, but rather than that ſhall be any obftruction, put it by Law. Mr. Stew. Leave out the Words (by Lam) for if a Man be fecured, it is Inplyed by them who do Commit that it is according to Law. Then it being Moved to draw both Votes in one. Sir Tho. Litt. Tho' you ſhould put both Votes into one, It will not Anſwer your end, for the Lords will not Concur with the firſt Part, and yet may make uſe of what Part you grant of it, that is the laft, and fo have advantage againſt you; but there is another Reafon, why you fhould forbear theſe Votes, Namely, Prudence. The Earl of Clarendon being gone, there is an expectation that a Bill fhould be prepa- red to do fomething farther, wherein I hope both Houfes will join; if you fend up this, you will give diſturbance to that Bill, and if you ſhould enter this in your Books, in Order to fend it up hereafter, they will hear of it, as done to make them fwallow their 1 (121) their former Refolves. Therefore defer it for the preſent. Mr. Trev. Confider whether the Matter betwixt you and the Lords is not well as it is: You have Voted, That when a Man is generally Impeached, he ought to be fecu- red, and that the Lords not having done it, is an obſtruction to Juftice; and what will it fignifie to carry it to the Lords? what hath fince fal'n out, juftifies you, and lays the diſadvantage upon the Lords: The World expects now what you will do farther, and that muſt be by Concurring with the Lords. Sir Tho. Cliff. We all agree to theſe Votes,in Order to juftifie your Rights; but what is the uſe of it? You have already done it in your Books, and you cannot ex- pect the Lords ſhould go fo much againſt their own Votes, this therefore will but widen the Gap, it being telling them they muſt eat their words. Sir Tho. Litt. Thofe, who have had a hand in the Charge againſt the Earl of Cla- rendon, have been thought fometimes too Violent, fometimes too Remifs, as not a- ble to make out the Charge: But what I ſpeak now, is for your Honour, which will be wrong'd in this Proceeding; I am for bringing the Impeachment to fomething; and ( 122 ) } and therefore againſt theſe Votes: Now you make a Declaration of your own Rights, and Enter it upon your Books, that not only the Vote may appear, but the Ground of it, but not to declare to the Lords, which will beget an Anſwer and ex- afperate. It is now unfeaſonable to make the Lords retract,therefore lay it aſide ; for tho' I am confident that Gentleman did it to no fuch end, yet if I would Deſign any Thing to the Earl of Clarendon's advan- tage, I could not take a better way than this. Mr. Vaug. b. This is but the affirming all which hath been done already, and I am for none of thoſe, who are contriving for any Thing out of the Houfe. Sir Will. Covent. This Queſtion is not now ſeaſonable, tho' it is a better expedient than the Declaration as Things now ftand, and confidering what hath paft, I am apt to think the Lords may do it of their own accord, and you would not willingly have a Negative to your Votes. Therefore fec- ing your Votes may be of ufe hereafter, put no Queſtion at all, but adjourn the De- bate to a proper Seafon. Mr. Vaugh. I am againſt the Adjourning of it, and have given Teftimony, that I have done nothing to be thought to do that which ( 123 ) which is fo much for the advantage of the Earl of Clarendon, and fhall take heed of doing any Thing hereafter to be fo re- flected on. Sir Tho. Litt. I hope I avoided any fuch Reflection nor fpeak any Thing to fuch purpoſe, I do not beleive, nor ever did think any fuch Thing, and hope that Gen- tleman himſelf believes that no Man in this Houſe hath more Honour for him than I. Sir Job Charle. Let the World ſee that you do not intend to reſtrain your proceedings to the Earl of Clarendon, but make it a general Care; and therefore are concerned in Honour to put the Queſtion. Refolved upon the Question. That the Question be put. Refolved, That both the Questions propoun- ded by Mr. Vaugh. and put fingly in the Af- firmative, be carryed up to the Lords. December, 13. A Bill was brought from the Lords, to Baniſh the Earl of Clarendon, and read. After reading, feveral Objections being made, and it being Alledged, that it was an abuſe put upon the Commons by the Lords, and (124) and that a Bill of Attainder being pro- pounded, after fome Debate, the House pafs'd this Vote. Refolved, That this Houſe taking notice of the flight of the Earl of Clarendon, being under an Impeachment of High Treafon by this Houfe; the King's Majefty be humbly defired to Iffue out his Proclamation for Summoning the faid Earl to appear by a Day, and to apprehend him in Order to his Tryal. Refolved, To fend to the Lords for their Concurrence to this Vote. December, 14. A Meſſage from the Lords for a Confe- rence, at which they delivered two Rea- fons, why they could not Concur. 1. First, for that they conceive a Proclamati- on in the way propofed, would be ineffectual, fince it is not fupæna Convictionis, which cannot be till particulars in Order to Tryal be declared. 2. That, what the Houfe of Commons hath propofed, and do propofe at prefent, is intended in Order to a judicial way of Pro- ceeding; but fince the Earl of Clarendon's Flight, their Lordships upon Confiderati- on of the whole State of Affairs, and of the Kingdom, have upon Grounds of Prudence and Fuſtice, ( 125 ) Justice, thought fit for fecuring of King and Kingdom, to proceed in a Legislative way a- gainst the faid Earl, and haue to that end, past and fent down to them a Bill of Banish- ment and Incapacity against him, with which this Vote is inconfiftent. December, 16. The faid Reaſons from the Lord being Reported and Confidered, and it being Moved that the Houſe would declare them- felve unfatisfied with them. Sir Tho. Cliff. I am againſt paffing a Vote at preſent upon the Lords Reaſons, but read the Bill fent down from thence, and Summons him by it to appear by a Day. Mr. Trev. Some are againſt the Bill, be- cauſe it goes too far, Condemning before Hearing, others would have it to go far- ther. Summons is in Order to Hearing, Tryal, and Judgment; of thoſe he hath made himſelf incapable by Flight, and hath in his Paper told you, That he will nei- ther be heard, nor tryed by you: Tho' you expected to have him fecured by a gene- ral Accufation, yet you never expected Judgment upon it. Then it is faid, This Banishment falls short of Treaſon, but we are not to paſs Sentence for Crimes but as a Council propound to the King what is ne- ceflary in this Cafe: Then confider whether this ( 126 ) this Bill will Anſwer our Ends, and if it doth, delay will make it worſe; I think we ſhould make it reach them. What if he hath Life in other Parts, his Family Untainted, and his Children alive, and en- joy his Eſtate? Sir Rob. Carr. You have Ordered to con- fider the Reaſons from the Lords, there- fore do it. Mr. Hen. Covent. The Motion to read the Bill is not againſt your Order, becauſe part of the Reaſons given by the Lords is, That you have a Bill, and till you have read the Bill, you cannot lay by the Reaſons. The Earl of Clarendon is filed, you have a tye upon him in having his Innocent Re- lations, and by Proceeding farther, you make him defperate, you are now in an even way with the Lords; therefore read the Bill. Mr. Swinf. You may go upon the Rea- fons, and yet not reject the Bill; for when you ſent to the Lords about a Proclama- tion, and went not upon the Bill, it was, becauſe what the Bill drives at is the higheſt Puniſhment next to Death. There- fore Confider what weight is in the Rea- fons; One of them feeming to put you upon the Bill, they put you thereupon on a Legiſlative Way; they will neither Secure nor (127) nor Summon him, but will Condemn him Unheard. They cannot Secure him upon a Charge of Treafon, nor yet Summon him, but they can Condemn him; and this they put you upon, which is againſt Ho- nour and Juſtice, eſpecially to do it up on Reaſon of State. The Legiſlative Power of Parliaments is great, it hath no bound but the Integrity and Juftice of Parlia- ments. If Reaſon of State be a Motive of Parliament to Baniſh one Man, ſo it may be for many. If you go in this Le- giſlative way, you bring upon your felves all the Dishonour of the Buſineſs, but the Lords will have fome excufe, which you cannot, for they look'd upon the Charge fo flight, as not to Imprifon him; the party is gone, becauſe he was not Secu- red, apprehending (he faith) fear of the Multitude, not of his Tryal, fo that the Lords not giving Credit to your Charge againſt him, he ſays, he flies not from justice. Now, if upon this Bill you fhall Banish him, it would be faid you could not make good the Charge; and therefore laid this Sentence upon him. The Preſident is alfo dangerous, if ha- ving gone fo far in a Judicial Way, you fhould now go in a Legiſlative. If upon Reaſon of State Lords may be Banished, it may be by dozens: As you proceed Juftly, fo you will be Juftified.". Nor ( 128 ) Nor is the Danger greater if the Lords go by Proclamation, and he be put into Cuftody when he comes, if he can practice any Thing, will not he be lefs capable when under the Proclamation, than when this Bill is Paffed, which Condemns him without Hearing, and I am not for any Puniſhment till Heard. In Cromwells Cafe, who Moved in Hen. VIII. time, to Attaint a Lord Unheard, the Judges declared they might, and it would ſtand, afterward the faid Cromwell was Attainted and Condem- ned Unheard, and fuch Councel ufually falls upon thofe that Councell'd it. Sir Rob. Hom. The Earl of Clarendon faith, That he doth not withdraw from your Fu- ftice, but fear of Tumults; but that Reaſon any Man may give for his flying, if it will be an excufe; but he might have fe- cured himſelf from Tumults by rendring himſelf, and his Innocency upon his Tryal would have cleared him. This at laft may come to a free Conference, then you may be left to go along with the King; the Houſe riſeth and doth nothing, and then the World will fee that this Buſineſs will affure the King of France, That he hath a Man with him fo Great, as to hin- der us from doing any Thing againſt him: Therefore as you ought to do fomething against him, fee whether it may not be done by the Bill by reſuming his ( 129 ) his Lands, c, if he come not in by a Day. An Exception may be againſt this way, Namely, That there is no Attainder, but if there had been fuch a Bill, the Thing which ſhould ſway me fhould be the Duke of York's Marriage: So, that if you Commit this Bill, you may add all Severi- ties, except that of Attainder, and if he come by a Day, then all to be void. If you go by Proclamation, the Lords may not Concur and you loofe your Ends. By this Bill all favour that he can expect is fhewed, and this way will be the beft Confutation of the Lords Reafons; there- fore Commit the Bill. Mr, Secretary Morr. I am for Committing the Bill, tho' it be condemning Unheard ; becauſe he could not but conclude it would be ſo. Et volenti non fit Injuria. Sir Ric.Temp. You have proceeded againſt this Earl in all ordinary ways, and have been baffled by the Lords. In Edward the Third's Reign, Adam de Berry fled, and a Proclamation went against him, and the Commons neither did, nor ever were bound to deliver their Articles till the Party appeared, and in that Cafe they delivered not their Articles till the laft Day, when K he ( 130 ) } he not appearing was Convicted. When you would go by Attainder, they tell you, Deliver fpecial Matter,and we will Summon him; when you ask a Proclamation,they tell you, Deliver ſpecial Matter: If you declare the Matter to the Court, it is upon Re- cord, and all may know it. You have tryed all ways Legal and Regular, and they will do you Juſtice in neither. Now what can you do? except you and the Lords combine in Juſtice together, he muſt eſcape, and if you can be made to differ, he goes away in a Smoak. If you go to the King for a Proclamation, you muſt return to the Lords for Juſtice. I am forry the Ivey hath been fo near the Oak, that you cannot touch it, without touching that. There remains a Bill before you, and in that you are upon equal Terms with the Lords; therefore give him a Day to be Heard, and if he come, let him, but then his Penalties are too low for his Crimes; therefore read the Bill, go higher, degrade him of Ho- nours, Forfeit his Lands, and whether you will go fo far, I leave with you. Mr. Soll. Gene. It is not poffible to agree with the Lords in their Reaſons, but the Reaſon muſt be becauſe the Bill is good. But if any Man thinks it is good upon the Lords Reaſons he is miſtaken; and there- fore my Advice is to proceed upon the Bill, ( 131 ) Bill, tho' not upon the Reafons from the Lords. Some think the Puniſhment in the Bill too little for the Crime, others too much, becauſe not Summon'd; fo that it muft fall out, That a Perfon Impeached by the House of Commons must fee the Houfe rife without any marks of difpleaſure up- on him: Can any Man be Heard, who will not be Heard? Why fhould not you pro- ceed in fuch a way againſt him, as whofe very Flight amounts to a Confeffion? And have you not burnt his Paper for refie- &ing upon the Houfe? and can you think he will appear who is departed in deſpair of the Court? and now you are contending to give him time. Then confider the Thing in it felf. Sup- pofe the King had a mind to Attaint him, the King can do it without your help, for he may be Outlawed for High-Treafon; for tho' that be Reverfable at Common-Law, if he be beyond Sea, yet by two exprefs Acts of Parliament it is otherwife, but the King cannot Banifh him without your Concurrence: Suppofe him Fled and At- tainted, fo that the Queftion is not upon his Life, but his Eftate, fuppofe your Ju ftice fatisfied in that, is it not paſt all manner of Confideration that the King can- not upon Application reftore it? So, that all you lookt for by Attainder, is done K 2 bv ( 132 ) by this Bill of Baniſhment, for his Life is faved by Flight, as would his Eſtate by Compaffion; but there is fomething in this Bill, which, without it, you can never get, that is, you put him under your Diſplea- fure, which, the King cannot Pardon; and and will you have it thought abroad, that the Earl of Clarendon, fled as he is, hath been fomething too hard for the Two Houſes? Sir Tho. Litt. If there be a neceffity of differing with the Lords, and I thought the difference would produce fuch Effects, I ſhould not ſpeak, but they only tell you 'tis unneceffary and ineffectual. You have Impeached, and are now told if you proceed, it will make difference; but I fear another greater Danger than this dif- ference. The World will fay you were willing he fhould fly, becauſe you could not prove by flying he hath Forfeited his Eftate, if the King give it him again it is his Mercy; but do you Juftice: Therefore prefs for a Proclamation, for the Bill is inconfiftent with your Honour. Mr. Vaugh. I have liftned with much at- tention to this Diſcourſe, and underſtand it as little now as at the beginning, the Difcourfe being nothing adequate to that end. You have Reafons from the Lords why $ ( 133 ) why They agree not with you, and if you agree with the Reaſons, the Summ is to read the Bill; but if you agree not, you muſt deſire a Conference, and if they Con- cur, you may have a Proclamation, if not (as I think they will not) you are where you were: We fuppofe him not to be in England, and if fo, what is the Procla- mation more than the King's Writ? it reacheth no Man out of the Kingdom. Its true, in fome Cafes, if the Perfons are gone out of the Land they are Summon'd, and if they come not, their Lands are Sei- zed, but it is not by Proclamation, which fignifies nothing if the Party be gone. Then go on, fuppofe the Lords Joyn in defiring a Proclamation, the end of which is Appearing and Apprehending, poffibly you gain one part, that if he be apprehended, they do Imprifon him upon a general Impeachment; but if they agree not, what benefit have you by it? None: But if he appears, to what is it? there is no Charge, if apprehended, to Anſwer the general Charge. Then the Third way is, if the Lords agree not, that you ſhould go to the King, and there is a more dangerous Rock in that, than in any thing; for we never heard of a Commitment per ipfum Deminum Regem, K 3 but (134) but per mandatum Domini Regis, becaufe againſt the King lies no Damages: What then muſt you do? many think it injuſtice to proceed, if he be not called by Pro- clamation. But it is plain, if you proceed upon this Bill, you go not upon your Im- peachment, but becauſe he is fled from the Juftice of the Land, wherewith you have Charged him in burning his Paper; and it imports little, that he faith he is Innocent; for why then doth he fly? Shall we abate him of what he ought to fuffer for his faying fo? He is fled from the Justice of the Parliament, and therefore is proceeded with, and for what others fay, you ought not to regard popular Reaſons, but to pur- fue your own; it is enough for you to hear fome Proofs made: When was it known in any Court, that Proofs ſhould be taken only on one fide? So that you cannot acquit your own Juſtice, nor bring him any ways to Anfwer, he being gone, nor can you have any effect of the Pro- clamation, tho' the Lords join in it: There- fore unleſs you will have nothing done after all this, (for he may not be Guilty of all Charged, who yet hath made himſelf Guilty of what is Charged by flying) Read the Bill. At ( 135 ) At laft the Queſtion was put, whe- ther the Bill fhould be Read and Com- mitted. 109 for it. 55 against it. 164 December, 18. The Bill for Baniſhing the Earl of Claren- don was Reported from the Committee, and Read. Sir Rob. How. I defire that to the Preface of the Bill this addition may be made. That whereas the Earl of Clarendon was Impeached of Treafon by the Commons, who defired he might be fecured, but was not, and thereupon is fled. And this to the end the proteſting Lords may be gratified, who took fo much Care of the Commons. Sir Rob. Carr. Seconds the Motion. Sir Tobu К 4- ( 136 ) Sir John Talb. I cannot Concur with that Motion, becauſe we cannot take Notice of what the Lords do. Sir Rich. Temp. We may take notice of Things in the Lords Books which are Re- cords, and there the Proteft is entered; and tho' not to gratifie them who owned our Right, yet we ought to take Care of our own Right: And that the World may fee we have fome Cauſe to Paſs this Bill, neither deal fo modeftly with a Man who flies from Juftice, as to ufe his own Word (withdrawn) but call it flying. Sir Tho. Gom. Let the Words be, that having been Impeached, and Moved to be St- cured, hath withdrawn himſelf. Mr. Solicitor. The word Moved, deftroys the Bill it felf, the word of the Bill is to Unite the Two Houfes, and this Amend- ment tends to deſtroy that End, for the addition to the Preface being infifted on, the Lords will add the Reafons for not Committing, and fo revive the whole Mat- ter again. Let the Lords add in their Books what they will, your Books will as much juſtifie you, as theirs them. Sir Hum. ( 137 ) .. Sir Hum. Win. Let the Words be ad- ded whether the Lords agree, or not, that it may appear upon our Books. Mr. Hugh Bofcow. The Preface is but Hiftory, yet add the Words, and let the Lords infert what they pleafe, I fhould rather Concur with them, than leave out thofe Words. Mr. Vaugh. Put no Queſtion upon theſe Words, but whether the Preface fhall go as it is; The Bill in all probability is a fafe Bill, becauſe it came from them: But if you begin an Alteration, you your felves render it unfafe; for if you put in thefe Words, then the Lords will add, for want of Special Matter, and fo it will come to nothing. Then the Bill was read the Third time. Mr. Vaug. I am againſt the Word With- drawn, and for the Word Flight inſtead of it, and in regard the Juftice of this Bill depends upon the Word (Flight) put it exprefly. Sir Rob. Carr. I am againſt this Bill, tho' I was as earneft in the Matter as any one while I thought there was Proof, but now none appearing, I am againſt the Bill, be- caufe ( 138 ) cauſe you are Confirming what the Lords have done. Mr. Vang. Many Men wonder that no Reafon is given for paffing this Bill, but the Queſtion is miſtaken, the Bill is groun- ded upon his Flight after his Impeach- ment, and his flying Implys fome Guilt, if none, it is the fafeft Argument for a- ny Man to run away, and then there is nothing to catch him. A Proclamation to a Man out of the Kingdom fignifies no- thing. But in the whole it is plain, that he faith, that finding the King's Juſtice obftructed in Parliament, he is fled. Obj. But it will be faid upon bare Flight, never was any Man Puniſhed. Anfw. If one Man kills another and flies, tho' upon his Tryal he ſhall be acquitted, yet he ſhall never recover his Goods be- caufe of his Flight. There has been feveral Acts of Banish- ment, Spencer, &c. And in this, is fome- thing more fevere than in them, Namely, that none fhall Correfpond with him, then there is fome advantage, Namely, that if he come in by the Firſt of February, all' fhall be void; but when the Crime is laid, and his Flight makes him ( 139 ) him Guilty, he ought not to have a Day. Then the Queſtion was put for palling the Bill. 65 For it. 42 Against it. 107 And then the Houſe Adjourned. 1 ARTICLES ( 141 ) ARTICLES OF HIGH-TREASON, And other Heinous. MISDEMEANOURS: Exhibited against Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High- Chancellour of England, in the Houfe of Lords; on the roth of July, 1663. By the Earl of Bristol. "Τ HAT being in Place of highest Trust and Confidence with His Majesty, and having ar- rogated a Supream Direction in all His Majesty's Affairs, both at Home and ( 142 ) and Abroad, hath Wickedly, and Ma liciously, and with a Traiterous Intent to draw Scandal and Contempt upon His Majesty's Perfon, and to alienate from him the Affections of bis Subjects abu- fed the faid Trust in manner follow- ing, viz. That he hath Traiterously and mali- ciouſly endeavoured to Alienate the Hearts of Flis Hajefty's Subjects from him by words of his own, and by artificial In- finuations of his Creatures and Depen- dances, that His Majefty was inclined to Popery, and had a Deſign to alter the Religion Established in this Kingdom. That in purſuance of that Traiterous Intent, he hath to feveral Perfons of His Majesty's Privy-Council, held Dif- courfes to this effect, viz. That His Majesty was dangerously cor- rupted in his Religion, and inclined to Popery. That Perfons of that Religion had Such Access, and ſuch Credit with him, that : ( 143 ) that unless there were a careful Eye bad unto it, the Proteftant Religion would be overthrown in this Kingdom; and in pursuance of the faid Wicked and Traiterous Intent, upon His Majesty's ad- mitting Sir Henry Bennet to be Princi- pal Secretary of State, in the Place of Mr. Secretary Nicholas, he hath faid thefe words, or words to this effect. That His Majefty had given 1000c 1. to remove a zealous Proteftant, that he might bring into that Place of High Trust a concealed Papist, notwithſtan- ding, that the faid Sir Henry Bennet is known to have ever been both in his Profeffion and Practice conftant to the Proteftant Religion. That in purſuance of the fame Traite- rous Defign, feveral near Friends and known Dependances of his, have faid a- loud, that were it not for my Lord Chancellours ſtanding in the Gap, Po- pery would be introduced in this King- dom, or words to that effect. That (144) That in pursuance of the aforefaid Traiterous Defign, he hath not only ad- wifed and perfwaded the King to do fuch things contrary to his own Reaſons and Refolutions as might confirm and encreafe the Scandal, which he had endeavoured to raiſe upon His Majesty as aforesaid, of his favour to Popery, but more par- ticularly to allow his Name to be used to the Pope and Several Cardinals in the Sollicitation of a Cardinals Cap for the Lord Aubigney, one of his own Subjects, and great Almoner at prefent to his Royal Confort the Queen. That in pursuance of the fame Wicked and Traiterous Defign, ke bad recom- mended to be employed to the Pope one of his own Domeſticks, Mr. Rich. Bealing, a Perfon (tho' an avow'd Papift) known to be trusted and employed by him in Dispatches and Negotiations concerning Affairs of greatest Concernment to the Nation. That in pursuance of the faid Traite- rous Defign, he being chief Minister of State, did himself write by the faid Mr. Rich. : ( 145 ) Mr. Rich. Bealing Letters to feveral Cardinals, preffing them in the King's Name to induce the Pope to Confer a Cardinals Cap on the ſaid Lord Aubig- ny, promifing, in Cafe it should be attained, exemption to the Roman Catholicks of England from the Penal Laws in force against them; by which Addrefs unto the Pope for that Ecclefiaftical Dignity for one of His Majesty's Subjects and Domeſticks, he hath, as far as from one Action can be inferred, traiterously ac- knowledged the Popes Ecclefiaftical So- veraignty, contrary to the known Laws of this Kingdom. That in purſuance of the fame trai- terous Defign, he has called unto him fe- veral Priests and Jefuits, whom he knew to be Superiors, of Orders here in Eng- land, and deftred them to write 10 their Generals at Rome, to give their help for the obtaining from the Pope the Cardinals Cap for the Lord Aubigny, as aforefaid, promifing great Favour to Papifts here, in Cafe it should be ef- fected for him. L That ( 146 ) That he hath promifed to feveral Pa- pifts he would do his endeavour, and faid he hoped, to compaſs the taking a- way all Penal Laws against them, which he did in pursuance of the traiterous Defign aforefaid; to the end they might prefume and grow vain upon his Patro- nage, and by their publishing their hopes of a Tolleration, encrease the Scandal en- deavoured by him, and by his Emifa- ries,to be raiſed upon His Majesty through- out the Kingdom. That in purſuance of the fame traite- rous Defign, being intrufted with the Treaty betwixt His Majesty, and His Royal Confort the Queen, he concluded it upon Articles fcandalous and dangerous to the Proteflant Religion. That in purſuance of the fame traite- -rous Defign, he concluded the fame Mar- riage, and brought the King and Queen together, without any fettled Agreement in what manner the Rights of Marriage fhould be performed, whereby the Queen refusing to be married by a Proteftant Priest, in cafe of her being with Child, ( 147 ) Child, either the Sacceffion should be made uncertain for want of the due Rights of Matrimony, or elfe His Ma- jefty to be expofed to a fufpition of ha ving been married in his own Dominions by a Romish Priest, whereby all the former Scandals endeavoured to be raiſed upon His Majefty by the faid Earl, as to point of Popery might be confirmed and heightned. That having thus traiterously endea voured to Alienate the Affections of His Majeſty's Subjects from him upon the fcore of Religion, he hath endeavoured to make uſe of all the malicious Scandals and Fealowfies, which he and his Emiſſa- ries had raiſed in His Majesty's Sub- jects, to raiſe from them unto himfelf the popular Applaufe of being the zealous Upholder of the Proteftant Religion, and a promoter of new Severities againſt Papifts. That he hath traiterously endeavoured to Alienate the Affections of His Ma- jeſty's Subjects from him, by venting in bis own Diſcourſe, and by the Speeches L 2 of ( 148 ) of his nearest Relations and Emiffaries, opprobrious Scandals against His Maje- fty's Perfon and courſe of Life, ſuch as are no fit to be mentioned, unless ne- cefity in the way of Proof ſhall re- quire it. That he hath traiterously endeavoured to Alienate the Affections of his High- nels the Duke of York from His Ma- jesty, by Suggesting unto him Jealoufies as far as in him lay, and publishing a- broad by his Emiffaries, that Flis Ma- jesty intended to Legitimate the D. of Monmouth. That he hath Wickedly and Malici- ously, contrary to the Duty of a Privy- Councellour of England, and contrary to the perpetual and most important Inte- reft of this Nation, perfwaded His Ma- jefty against the Advice of the Lord General to withdraw the Engliſh Gar- rifons out of Scotland, and to demolish all the Forts built there, at ſo vast a Charge to this Kingdom. That ( 149 ) That His Majesty having been gra- ciouſly pleaſed to communicate the Defires of the Parliament of Scotland for the remove of the faid Garrisons to the Par- liament of England, and to act their Advice therein, the faid Earl of Cla- rendon, not only perfwaded His Ma- jefty actually to remove thofe Garrifons, without expecting the Advice of his Par- liament of England concerning it, but did by Menaces of His Majafty's difpiea- fure, deter feveral Members of Parlia- ment from moving the Houfe, as they intended, to enter upon confideration of that Matter. That he had Traiterously and Malici- ously endeavoured to Alienaie His Ma- jesty's Affections and Esteem from this his Parliament, by telling His Majesty that there was never fo weak and in- confiderable a Houſe of Lords, nor never fo weak and fo heady a House of Com mons, or words to that effect, and particularly, that it was better to fell Dunkirk, than to be at their Mercy for want of Money, or words to that ef fect. L 3 That ( 150 ) That he hath Wickedly and Malici, onfly, contrary to his Duty of Counsel- lour, and to a known Law made laft Seffions, by which Money was given, and particularly applyed for the maintaining of Dunkirk, adviſed and effected the Sale of the fame to the French King. That he hath contrary to Law, enriched himfelf and his Treafures by the Sale of Offices. That contrary to his Duty he hath wickedly and corruptly Converted to his own ufe, great and vaft Summs of publick Money raised in Ireland by way of Sub- fidy, private and publick Benevolences, and otherwife, given and intended to defray the Charge of Government in that Kingdom. By which means a fupernu- merary and difaffected Army hath been kept up there, for want of Money to pay them of, occafioned it feems to be because of the late and preſent Distempers of that Kingdom. That having arrogated to himſelf a Jupream Direction of all His Majesty's Affairs, ( 151 ) Affairs, be hath, with a malicious and corrupt Intention, prevailed to have His Majesty's Customs Farmed at a far lower Rate than others do offer, and that by Perfons, with fome of whom he goes a ſhare in, that, and other parts of Money refulting from His Majesty's Re- venue. July 10th, 1663. BRISTOL. L 4 The ( 153 ) The Earl of Bristol having Ex- hibited against the Lord Chan- cellour, Articles of High- Treaſon, and other Mifde- meanours. This Order was made by the Houſe of Peers. Die Veneris, 10 July, 1663. RDERED, by the Lords Spiritu- al and Temporal in Parliament Aflembled, That a Copy of the Articles or Charge of High- Treafon Exhibited this Day by the Earl of Briſtol, againſt the Lord Chancellour, be delivered to the Lord Chief-Justice; who, with all the reft of the Judges are to con- fider whether the faid Charge hath been brought in regularly and legally, and whether it may be proceeded in, and how, and whether there be any Treaſon in it or no, and make Report thereof to this Houſe on Monday next if they can, or elfe as foon after as poffibly they may. Whereupon, all the Judges met at Ser- jeants- ( 154 ) jeauts-Inn in Fleet-ftreet,and my Lord of Briſtol repaired to us thither, defiring to fee the Order, which being Read, he told us he came out of refpect to know of us whe- ther we were informed how it came in- to the House of Peers, whether as a Charge or not; but one of the Judges, who had been preſent when it was delivered in, faying, we were tied up by our Order, his Lordſhip took fome exception at the man- ner of his Expreffion, as if his Lordships Addrefs was unneceſſary at that time, anb taking it as a rebuke unto him, went away; but according to our Order, which fuppofed it to be a Charge of High-Trea- fon, and not mentioning Mifdemeanour, we did upon Confideration unanimouſly agree upon this enfuing Answer, which on Mon- day the 13th of July, the Lord Chief-Juſtice Fofter did deliver in, viz. We conceive that a Charge of High-Trea- fon cannot by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm be originally Exhibited by one Peer against another unto the Houfe of Peers, and that therefore a Charge of High-Trea- fon by the Earl of Bristol against the Lord Chancellour, mentioned in the Order of Re- ference to us of the 10th of this Inftant July, hath not been regularly and legally brought in, and if the Matters alledged in the faid Charge, were admitted to be true, altho' al- ledged to be traiterously done, yet there is no Treafon in it. Which ( 155 ) Which Answer being given in, the Earl of Bristol took fome exceptions at it, and fome of the Lords inferred thence, that if it were Irregularly and Illegally brought in, it was a Libel; but we fatisfied them that it was not under Confideration of us, whether it came in as an Information or Charge; our Order required us to give Answer to it as a Charge. Secondly, We did not meddle with any thing concerning accufing him of Mifde- meanour, for our Order reached only to Treaſon. Thirdly, It did not follow that if this Charge were Irregular, or Illegal, that therefore he was Criminal: There might be Preſidents to give Colour to fuch kind of Proceedings, for which, till it be de- clared or known that they are Illegal, they are Titular, and ought not to be pu- niſhed. But it was much infifted on, That we fhould deliver the Reafon of our Opini- ons, the Lord of Bristol and his Friends feeming unsatisfied. We Replyed, That it was never known, that when the Juftices to whom Questions were referred from Parliament had una- nimously agreed in their Opinions, that Reaſons were required from them. Yet, notwithſtanding, it being the defire of the Lords, ( 156 ) Lords after fome things premiſed, and a deſire that this fhould not be drawn into an Example, (which the Lords af- fented unto as I took it, for no Order was entred concerning it, there being no Order as I think for delivering our Rea- fons entred) and it was agreed amongſt us, that no Note fhould be reduced, leaft we might be required to deliver our Rea- fons in writing, nor had I time to digeſt it in writing, having only Monday Night after Conference with my Brethren to think upon it, I did on the next Tuesday, being the 14th of July, deliver the Reaſons of all the Judges, of their Opinions, by their Confents. To the firſt Point, That a Charge of High-Treafon cannot originally be Exhibited by one Peer against another unto the Houſe of Peers, the Emphaſis of the word originally was fhewed. For First, an Indictment of Treafon a- gainſt a Peer may be removed up to the Lords Houfe to be tryed, as it was in the 31 H. 6. in the Earl of Devonshir's Cafe, but a Steward was then to be made. Secondly, If an Impeachment came from the House of Commons unto the Lords Houfe, we did not take upon us the Confidera- tion, whether this could be proceeded in or not, for it was not the Cafe to which we were required to give Anfwer. We ( 157 ) We Replyed, Upon the Statute 1 H. 4. Chap. 14. which recits the many great Inconveniencies and Miſchiefs by Appeals, and provides that all Appeals of Things within the Realm, fhall be Tryed and Le- termined by the good Laws of the Realm made and uſed in the time of the King's noble Progenitors, and Appeals of Things out of the Realm before the Conftable and Marſhal: But We relyed upon the Clauſe enfuing, and thereupon it is accor- ded and aſſented, That no Appeals be from thenceforth made, or in any wife purſued in Parliament in time to come. Ï fhewed Appeals in this Statute, and Ac- cufations by fingle Perfons were one and the fame Thing, and that this Statute reached to all Appeals, Charges, Accufa- tions or Impeachments delivered in, in Parliament, whereupon the Perfon Ac- cufed was to be put to his Anſwer, and that they were but ſeveral Names of the fame Thing, I fhewed firſt Hiſtorically, that the Appeals the 11 R. 2. and 21 R. 2. were but Accufations by thofe Lords of Felons againſt the other, and differed from the Cafe of the Duke of Hereford and Norfolk, which was to be tryed as 21 R. 2. Pl. Cor. in Parl. No. 19. is by the Courfe of the Civil Law, and thereupon Batle was waged. That tho' it concerned H. 4. in Intereft to confirm the 11 R. 2. and Repeal ( 158 ) Repell the 21 R. 2. he being Appellant in the former, yet he faw the Miſchief fo great, that he himself made Provifion againſt them for the time to come; and indeed, the Mifchief was fo great, that it ceafed not after the deftruction of ma- ny Lords and Families (there being lex talionis in that 21 R. 2. ufed towards moft of thoſe Appellants in the 11 R. 2.) till it tumbled King R. 2. Firſt out of his Throne, and then into his Grave. That there were but two forts of Pro- ceedings in Capitalibus, the Suit of the Party which was called an Appeal, or the Suit of the King, who ought to proceed by Indictment, and fo to Tryal by vertue of Magna Charta. Nec fuper eam ibimus, &c. and that, in an Appeal, being the Suit of the Party, there was no Preroga- tive of appearance if it were an Appeal at the Common-Law, ro Ed. 4 Lord Gray's Cafe. That an Appeal was taken in our Law-Books frequently for an accufa- tion by the Party, I fcited Weftm. the 1ft, Cap. 14. where the words Appeal reaches to Indictment. And 9 Cook, 119. Lord Zanchar's Cafe, that an Appeal of two fignifications, one general and fre- quent in our Books for an Accufation, and Stamford, 142. In Cafe of an Appro- ver, the Felon after Confeffion may Ap- peal, that is, (faith he) accuſe others, Coad- jutors ( 159 ) jutors with him to do the Felony. C.C. 189. Appellant, cometh from the French word Appeller, which fignifies to accufe, or ap- peach, and C. C. 287. Appel fignifieth an Accufation; and therefore to Appeal a Man is as much as to accufe, and in an- cient Books he that doth Appeal a Man is called accufator, vide 9 Ed. 2. Articuli Cleri, Cap. 16. That I knew no reafon why in thoſe tumbling Times of R. 2. (which caufed this Statute, for the Sta- tute-Roll is comant ad autermant este us en temps la darren Roy, R.2.) They ſhould proceed by way of Appeal, but becaufe they were then allowed at the Suit of the Party, to accufe any other of Trea- fon, but at the King's Suit there ought to be an Indictment, and an Indictment could not be found but by Jury. That in all other Cafes, an Appeal was to be brought by the Party concerned, the Wife or Heir, or Party Robbed, Gr. But in Cafe of Treafon, any Man may Appeal another, and therefore in all reafon it must be underſtood of an Accufation, and any Man might accufe another of Trea- fon; and if it can be proved by Witnef fes, it must not be Tryed by Battle, as other Appeals may. I concluded that the 8 H 6. No. 38. this Statute, the 1 H. 4. Cap. 14. is recited, and defired it ſhould be duely kept and put in Execution, which Was ( 160 ) was granted, that Stamford 78. See Pl. Cor. 31. 132. agree that Appeals of High- Treaſons were not commonly uſed to be Sued in Parliament, till the 1 H. 4. Cap. 14. Since which time this manner of Ap- peal hath gone out of uſe; and I ſaid, I had fearched many Prefidents, and tho' of late, there may be a Preſident (as it was of the Earl of Bristols Father againſt the Duke of Buckingham, of fome kind of Impeachment) yet I did confidently be- lieve there was not fince that Statute, 1 H. 4. Cap. 14. any one Preſident of fuch an Impeachment at the Party-Suit where- upon there was any Indictment: In truth in the Earl of Bristol's Cafe, the Common's Houſe did Impeach the Duke of Treafon, and fo the Earl of Bristol's Impeachment proceeded not. For the Second Point, That there was 270 Treafon in the Charge, tho' the Mat- ters in it are alledged to be Traiterously done. I faid we had peruſed each Arti- cle feriatim, and we had found no Trea- fon in them, the great Charge, which is endeavoured to be proved by many Par- ticulars, was, That he did Traiterously, and Maliciously, to bring the King into Con- tempt, and with an intent to Alien the Peo- ples Affections from him, fay, &c. fuch and fuch words, &c. And (161) } And fo it ruirs on, That in purfuance of the Traiterous Intent, &c. he did, &c. and that in farther purfuance of the faid Traiterous Defign, &c. And in like man- ner was moſt of the Articels upon which the Characters of Treafon feemed to be fixed. I faid that it is a tranfcendant Miſpriſion or Offence to endeavour to bring the King into Contempt, or to endea- vour to Alienate the Peoples Affections from him, but yet it was not Treafon. This Statute, 13 Car. 2. Cap. 1. makes Treafon during the King's Life: But if a Man calls the King Heretick, or Papift, or that he endeavours to introduce Popery, (which is more in exprefs Terms than the Ar- ticle of that kind infinuates) or by Words, Preaching, Prayer, to ftir up the People to hatred or diflike of the Perfon of His Majefty, or the Eftabliſhed Government; the Penalty is only Difability to enjoy any Place Ecclefiaftical, Civil, or Milita-. ry, and fubject to fuch Penalties as by the Common-Law or Statute of this Realm may be infided in fuch Cafe, (which is Fine and Ranfom, with Imprifonment) and it limits a time and manner of Pro- fecution. There was an Objection made yeſterday upon the 25 E. 3. That this being in Par- liament, the King and Parliament had Power to declare Treafon, and then we ought M ( 162 ) ought to have delivered our Opinions with a qualification, unless it be declared Treafon by Parliament where this Charge is depending; to this I Anfwer'd. 1. Tis not Treafon in prafenti, and if fuch a Declaration fhould be non conftat, whether it would relate to the time paſt? Secondly, That I conceived that the Sta- tute as touching that Declaratory Power, extended but to fuch Cafes as were clearly Felony, as Single Acts, if not Treafon. (the words being) Whether it be Treafon or o- ther Felony, but in refpect of the doubts of Efcheats, which, if Treafon, belonged to the King, if Felony, to the Lords of the Fee, it was left to the Parliament. I did not fay we Refolved the Point. Thirdly, That admitting the Declarato- ry Pomer did extend to other Cafes than fuch as were before the Judges, and was not taken away by 1 M. Cap. or any o ther Statute, yet I read my Lord Cooks Opinion at large, Pl. Cor. Fol. 22. That this Declaration must be by the King, Lords and Commons, and by any two of them alone; and we were now in a ju- dicial way before the House of Peers on- ly; and I did affirm as clear Law, that by this judicial way no Treafon could be declared nor adjudged, but as were ex- prefly within the Letter of the 25 E. 3. and faid, That Statute 25 E: 3. was a fecond (163) fecond Magna Charta, and that their An- ceſtors thought it their greateſt Security to narrow, and not to enlarge Treafon, and Cited i H. 4. Cap. 10. to which in the Parliament Roll is added Rot. No. 17. (it coming of the King's Free-grace) That the Lords did much rejoyce and humbly thank the King And I read the Statute 1 M Cap. 1. That the now Earl of Briftel in my Lord of Sraffords Cafe, was the great Af- fertor of the Law againſt Conftructive and Accumulative Treaſon, which if ad- mitted, their Lordships could better fug- geſt unto themſelves, than I expreſt, how great a Door they would let open to other Inconveniencies and Mifchiefs to the Peerage. I concluded with reading the Act, 14 Car. 2. for Reverfing the Attainder of the Earl of Strafford; the firſt part whereof I read to them, wherein is ex- preſſed, That they who Condemned him, did purpoſely make an Act of Parlia- ment to Condemn him upon an Accu- mulative Treaſon, none of the pretended Crimes being Treafon a-part, and fo could not be in the whole, if they had been proved. After I had ſpoken to this effect, the Earl of Bristol feemed to acquiefce, info- much as concerned our Opinions as the Cafe M 2 ; ( 164 ) Cafe was delivered to us, but it being to be put to the Question, whether the Lords did Concur with the Judges Opinions, and himſelf being concerned in the Illa- tive, that therefore the Charge was Ille- gal and Irregular; yet not being inten- ded by him, as he ſaid, as a Charge, but an Information he defired (tho' as the Cafe was put to us, it was a good In- ference) that the Voting of that might be spared till it was Refolved by the Lords whether he delivered it in as a Charge, or only as an Information for the Mat- ter of the Charge if it fhould be thought fit for their Lordſhips to proceed in it: After fome Debate upon the Question, the Lords Refolved the fame Day according to our Opinions. First, That a Charge of High-Treafon cannot by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm be originally Exhibited by one Peer againſt another, unto the House of Peers. Secondly, That in thefe Articles, if the Matters alledged in them were admitted to be true, there is no Treafon in them, and becauſe the Lords unanimoufly Con- curred in them, (my Lord of Bristol freely as as any other) it was by order entred, that theſe Votes were Nemine Con~ tradicente. Not (165) Note, That in Judge Hattons Reports, Fol. the Refolution of the Judges is ex- preſſed to be, That a Peer cannot be Im- peached but by Indictment, and Mr. Rush- worth in his Collections, Fol. 272. expref- fes fuch an Opinion to be delivered by. the Judges in 1 or 2 Car. but upon fearch it was found to be entred in the Journal of Parliament of that time, but it was cautions referring to the Common-Law only. But that, for Proceedings in Parli tament, did not belong to them to De termine, or to that effect; but no mention of 1 H. 4. Cap. 14. It hath been credibly reported that fome of the Judges in my Lord of Strafford's Cafe, being asked fome Queſtions, did with the like Caution de- liver their Opinions, and did fpeak with Refervaions, (as the Cafe is put) tho' they upon Hearing, did know the Cafe mif- put; which, after, troubled the Confcience of one of them, (ut audivi) being a grave learned Man. Vide Peacocks Cafe, Cook Fol. But we, having the Cafe referred to us in Parliament upon Articles Exhi- bited in Parliament, did Refolve to deliver our Opinions without any fuch Reſerva- tion; and the Act of 1 H. 4. being expreſt againſt Appeals in Parliament, (and of Acts of Parliaments after they are once made, none under the King, and without him are Interpreters but the Judges. See Kings Anſwer Printed, in the old Print of 3 Car. I. (166) 3 Car. 3. at the end of the Petition.) And therefore did deliver theſe Opinions which I conceive of great Benefit to the Lords themſelves, and a juft ground for far- ther enquiry to be made, whether fuch Impeachments may be in the House of Peers for other Mifdemeanours, without the King's leave, or being Exhibited by his Attorney. And fecondly to take into Confiderati- on the Validity of Impeachments of Trea- fon by the Houſe of Commons, notwithſtan- ding the late Preſidents which yet ended in a Bill, and fo in the Legiſlative, not Judiciary Way. FINI S. J NUMBER → CALL COPY AUTHOR M/S IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A UM. STUDENT OR LIBRARY 1.D. BADGE, PRINT HERE NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY PHONE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IF U.M. FACULTY OR STAFF: DEPARTMENT POSITION: T MICHIGAN ZIP CODE I