STATE OF CONNECTICUT BY HIS EXCELLENCY HENRY ROBERTS GOVERNOR A. P ITO Cl &l 111&l iO 11 º ºil º agº ºf 2\º - º àSW/2gºš º §º º, * º *:::::iº CTING in obedience to the provisions of tº Chapter 146 of the Public Acts of 1905, I hereby ſº designate Thursday, the fourteenth of June, as FLAG DAY The Continental Congress, on June fourteenth, 1777, Selected the emblem which has ever since continued to be the flag of this country, and the Law which pro- vides that this anniversary day be set apart as Flag Day, directs that suitable exercises shall be held in the public schools having reference to its adoption. I recommend that this day be observed, not alone in the schools, but by all the people of this State, and I urge that the flag of our common country be generally displayed on that day from all public buildings, houses and places of business. Let us be mindful on Flag Day of the sacrifice and devotion which have been given to make this country free and united, and let us resolve that in the days of peace our loyalty to its welfare may be none the less earnest. agº. Given under my hand and seal of the State, at the Capitol in Hartford, º this Twenty-eighth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and six, and the independence of the United States, the one hundred and thirtieth. HENRY ROBERTs. By His Excellency's Command: THEODORE BODEN WEIN. Secretary. __--------~--~~~~--~ SEGE EBEZ091068 |||||||||||||||||| Nyºiſ-IOIWN -JO ALISHENINT Il J.________) ----~--~~~~--~~~~~---- ~--~~~~ ~ ~~~~T~