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Q >1 4_ if Q § 1 ‘Qv M c.“ ,, L W a» ,a 1 F...‘ l-§ A \t. p 3 ‘ flag—ii " 1 l * v $n I, ; A- #81 p _‘ “4 'fi 4‘ "r- A k l» l 3";- NQ Drawings an Tracingfiw ,Ré'gidlmme-Prinfing * ,4 i oaiqealoy 'AFEfiQlT 'mfioh'r, B. ~ 3.’ Acting Heaa, moor-talent of Maximal Artb, Brodloy ,Polytochnic Institute "1 ‘h Name of Problem 'r 1 Fern Stand~....\........,... 54. 2 Nail and Sorew Tray. . . . 58~ 3 ColdFromc..;..:...u..~..453 l‘ Forcing Box.....l.......,.4SQ §atQI1i10‘0lut4'01'05326 ‘i Fa‘mGatCI‘DOIDIIIOUCOIIQI Work Bénoh.........d.....389 ammo t“ x Ringcolnooonoaouoog‘lgz m Reading Lamp 588 Page in Maéazino ,- ' l I? atria of Problem Péoyia, Illioois Page in Magazine r e‘9 PadestalQlOlitilfl‘bitfldllll L“ \ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 61 Footstool and Slipper Box, . .386 Tabotct Dresser S:t................189 Tablo Lanlp...............522 Costumor..................195 Chiffonlor Circular Extension Table . l .383 .583 Porch Swings.....,....... In oonnéction with each, of 4h“: problems. no originglly published in the magazine.»Mannal Training and Vocafional Education, there is a statement giving the some: of"the problem, suggestions concerning its construction or use, and oftenla‘ photograph of the‘ completed project. The page numbers giveogaliove are: intended to assist“ in finding such statements. The numerals (XVIF'54, for example) on the enclosed drawings indicate the volume of the magazine and tho pogo whore the dravéing may be found- ,. J Ypltrgrlrsrjrjlmo BY: THE l ARTS PRESS, Peoria, Ill. Copyright. 91917 \I 11' 1 -ll|-OO‘ U _l .0lI..|lIl‘|Il-II‘~l.'l E a b ll]- ll‘ll \ a. "ch-d { S I l 1.------ t 'llll:l'.4"lll" Al. l'llil""llll"nl l J*__;___ "‘l"“""- n ,. i2 l0 9.... '"l l ..L l"' l .l... I i} l I"; d \ b__-——~- _-—--- \ “--|--“f‘--.i'| I .. . “— m -‘--.“‘l"‘.'l " l'l' ' - - ..':“-|i ‘ q The Manual Arw Press x Peoria, Ill. FERN STAND 8' aim mourn; “14-15 ‘3 xvi-54 _ i N ml .: 28¢ . m 22a 85¢ :55: 2:. 2.32 afiofiwi 85 >< IZL-YELLOW Pmn- 5- x 4x10 YELLOW PINE 22 CARRIAGE Ron's 3x2 WITH 12 WASHERQ 4CARR1AGE, BOLT5 gxzj" z CARRIAGE BOLTS in at 2-44" SCREW STRAP HINGES IOUART BARN PAINT Shop Problems, 1914-15 XVI—59 The Manual Art. PM» Peoria, Ill. .=_ 58$ £513“ :55: 2:. 2.32 2532.". no.3 .J 5 l A! _ a . 7 mi ii. 0 o o o 11%| ZEMlw a o o a a Map! h iml F PM L w _ _ _ 1*. a I“ M 4 Yfll. - l 0 4 M a a z , X7 . f? m . m .1141! , .YXN .l _ 3: M q _ w ... N T .N. 1 j . .m. l. lmol \ o 1! =0” EUZMQ vEO>> . NEISX .=_ .2301 . 3:0 9...... no.5 amoun- n€< 32:32 2.:- . . . 2. $2. 3 023w MHHMQMZ Mo .538 Wfi . gf DITA/L 0!" X fiffi OING “NP cmsa SECTION 47' - l—B 1 IIIIIA Shop Problems, 1914-15 The Manual Arts Press XVI—488 Peoria, HI. h1——-—12————~’ I4 MHZ—w— 4 —*—3& —>{:' I The Manual Arts Press Shop Problams, 1914-15 XV l-—61 Peoria, Ill. COMBINAT 1011 FOUY5TO0L AHD ELIPPER 50X mm} _ '% PM GT . I ‘ :_.L H Llz'lz‘i . Cé-m- ~ TABORET Shop Problems, 1914-15 The Manual Arts Press XVI—486, 58'? Peoria, Ill. 1 0 4r A DREssER 52:1" CQNB Alib BRUSH TRAY l *l "T , d (D l = 12 r U 1 FELT PICTURE PM FELT l Shop PISIgQ’lleEfiglBM-w The lggtsllajkflts Press 11 IO . l \ 5,, ‘ s- ,Bmu'ora ' Detail ofCamorQ I‘l- TAD LE. LAMP“ l {Ha-+- 'H Shop Problems, 1914-16 The Manual Arts Press XVI-42: Poorla, Ill. 12 fllolll‘ §€m 72 llT-‘T—Ll'i'l M ' w‘ofi ' DETAIL 0? P561 16 Shop Problems, 1914-15 The Manual Arts Press XVI--195 Peoria, Ill. 1 3 55 I CHIFFONIER g I-—-———131-—-—-'-l § *6 3' 71:12; $ " s 3—.- 11 J. 3% ‘---------~--- 1" l 1 * 1 .l '1 R R 11' _l --'Il-~»5~--'Il- T l .3 $E€TlON 4 1, THRUA-B ; P: w ‘ ,.. r l 1L L Ll all; 18 ‘ Shop Problems, 1914- 15 XVI—460 The Manual Am Press Poorla, CIRGU LAR EXTENSION TABLI. l u a l .._‘L_._......._........._..._.._.._____..___ :27 £13121 , 1 1.51 g a; ‘ |_—_n--*u- v l 1-”: 1| HILL—“r ‘Shop Problems, 1914-15 ' The Manual Arts Press XVI-488 - Peoria, Ill. 1 5 ._= .233. _ :3...» 3.21 Focus. of. mmmlL>X 811.2 .05030..& nosw I .1 a a x? O .muzgm :22 I 1.34 u. T T I o8 1857 \ P \3 \ \p e a 2 “L 4i" 67“} _' v sr‘i' \ o, a 'slfi 1- ) i . 'z 4 1 )1 f \ “ 1"” A.“ -\ a ‘ “k o. J; l, ‘ a W U,___,, a J “’4 A,“ k “ s h l? ‘ ,w l n W Q ~ 1"? 2' k a 'I 1- ,, u \- 1‘ “Hit—h n , w ’) 3v a, ,s a“; J’ ’P I A - J v 1 “ f, t l n v o ‘ 5‘ “K " w ‘ ,sr‘wz, \R s S! 4 ’2 uulgo. u, 1 4 J (’2 l g ““ i ', “ll f ,2 )1: as} t if: j. =1"), u 2’ 4 "k 7v if“ H \ My." \‘ in FRoM ManmljgTrqg’nilgy and ,mmugz *Egwqmm Vowlw XVH r f l W SERIES Nos. 2 2.. A \ 1 I" “17 t1 Draoriogs oo'llrlafslfigll’ipior Road! Bluell’rinting p 1W1»! . “ Iv r 1“; ‘ :1 MR? , xv: Raises ‘bgflopgggg QR EPERT, o. 3. Assistant Professor of“ Mazilifil Arts; iiBradley Politechnie Institute I Peiirloig ,“lzillpois ; fli- .\ a N amo of Problem Page ihildiogazdoo‘ ” Page Magazine 1 Milk Bottle Holder ..... “ass, “ 9 mm, Table ".5... . .238 2 Waslze Basket '. . . . . . . . . . .324 l 10 Drawiog’fIable, Section . . . .239 3 Plant Stand . . ., , . . . l . .3231 11 Drawing‘ Tabls, Frame 4 Qpen Book Shelves q _ . _ a, ‘ l 69 Details . . l . . . . . . . . . l . .240 Magazine Ram;x 1 . , . _ , . _ , H 71 12 Wren House . . . . . . . . . . . ..489 l Music Cabinet ...... . . . . . .151 13 Concrete Form --------- ~353 6 Hall Settee . . . . . l. .. . ., -152 14 Playground Swings . . l . . . .352 7 Office Desk . ........ . “149 as Teeter-Togo: ... . .... ..356 8 Manual Training Blanch . . . .1 68 16 Playground Slide . . . . . . . . .397 In connection lavilh each of these problems, as originally published in the magaZine, Manual Training and Vocational! 1Edum110n,"’there is a statement giving the source of the problem, suggestions concemlng its construction or use, and often a photograph oi the completed project. The page numbers given above are inlendod to assist in finding such“ statements. The numerals (Vol. XVII, page 68,101: example) on the enclosed drawings indicate the vol- ume of the magazine and 1211;: page where the drawing may be found. bpsuanso BY THE MANUAL , ARTS PRESS, Peoria, 111. Copjfright, 1916 PUBLICATIONS OF THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS -"' PEORIA, ILLINOIS ' T , DESIGN AND OONSTBUOTION II WOOD. By Noyes. A book full of charm and distinction. It illustrates a series of projects and gives suggestions for other similar projects, together With infor- ination gegzg'ldiang tools and processes for making. A pleasing volume abundantly and beautifully il- ustrate . . . I HANDWOBK IN WOOD. By Noyes. A comprehensive and scholarly treatise, covering logging, saw-milling, seasoning and measuring, hand tools, wood iastenings, equipment and care of the shop, the common joints, types of wood structures, principles of ioinery, and wood finishing. 304 illustrations—- excelllent pg; ggawings and many photographs. The best reference book available for teachers of wood- wor mg. . . WOOD AND FOREST. By Noyes. A reference book for teachers of woodworking. Treats of wood, distribution of American forests, life of the forest, enemies of the forest, destruction, conserva- tion_and uses of. the forest, with a key to the common woods by Filibert Roth. Describes 6’7 principal species of wood With maps of the habitat,’ leaf drawings, life size photographs and microphotographs at sections. Profusely illustrated. $3.00. MANUAL ARTS POE VOOATIONAL ENDS. By Grawshaw. A strong and convincing plea to: the development of the present school machinery to serve the ends of vocational education. It treats the problem m a practical way, giving concrete working helps, and is a source of inspiration to manual arts teachers and others interested in the problem. 85 cents. KANDWOBK INSTRUCTION POE BOYS. By rabst. A philosophical and historical review of manual training for boys and a discussion of the systems in vogue in the several European countries and in America; by the director of the normal school for teachers of manual training at Leipsic. $1.00. HANDGBAFT IN WOOD AND METAL. By Hooper and Shirley. A valuable reference book on craftwork in wood and metal. It treats of historic craftwork, materials used in handcrafts, designing, decorative processes, the historic development of tools, the theory of the cutting action of tools, and the equipment of the school workshop. $3.00. WOOD PATTERN-MAKING. By Putficld. A clear, concise treatise on the fundamental principles of pattern~making. It presents the best methods of construction and those most easily understood by the student. A practical text for the high school, trade school, technical school and engineering college students. $1.25. ESSENTIALS OF WOODWORKING. By Griffith. A textbook written especially for grammar and high school students. The standard textbook on elementary woodworking. A clear and comprehensive treatment of woodworking tools, materials, and processes, to supplement, but not to take the place of the instructions given “by the teacher. The book may be used with any course of models. 75 cents. OORBELATED COURSES IN WOODWOBK AND MECHANICAL DRAWING. By Grifith. Con- tains reliable information concerning organization of courses, subject matter, and methods of teaching. It covers classification and arrangement of tool operations, stock bills, cost of material, records, shop conduct, the lesson, maintenance, equipment and lesson outlines for grammar and high schools. The most complete and there treatment of the subject of teaching woodworking ever published. $1.50. BEGINNING WOODWOBK. By VanDeusen. A valuable textbook for rural schools, by one who has made a special study of the manual training problems in the country school. A full and clear description in detail of the fundamental processes of elementary benchwork in wood. $1.00. PROJECTS FOR BEGINNING WOODWORK AND MECHANICAL DRAWING. By Grifith. A col- lection of 50 working drawings and working directions of projects which have proven of exceptional service where woodworking and mechanical drawing are taught in a there, systematic manner in the seventh and eighth grades. 75 cents. ADVANCED PROJECTS IN WOODWOBK—PUBNITURE MAKING. By Grifith. A collection ‘0! problems in furniture making selected and designed with reference to high school use. On the plate with each working drawing is a good perspective sketch of the completed object. In draftsmanship and refinement of design these problems are of superior quality. An excllent collection. $1.00. FURNITURE DESIGN FOR SCHOOLS AND SHOPS. By Grawshaw. A manual on furniture de- sign containing a collection of plates showing perspective drawings of typical designs, representing par- ticular types of furniture. Each perspective is accompanied by suggestions for rearrangements and the modeling of parts. The text discusses and illustrates principles of design as applied to furniture. Should be in the hands of every teacher of cabinet making and“ designing. $1.00. PROBLEMS IN FURNITURE MAKING. By Grawshaw. Contains 43 full-page working drawings of articles of furniture. In addition to the working drawings, there is a perspective sketch of each article completed. There are 36 pages of text giving notes on the construction of each project, chapters on the “Design,” and “Construction” of furniture, and one on “Finishes.” The last chapter describes 15 methods of wood finishing, all adapted for use on furniture. $1.00. PROBLEMS IN WOODWORKING. By Murray. A collection of forty plates of working drawings of problems 1n bench work that have been successfully worked out by boys in one of the grades from seven to nine, inclusive. 75 cents. PROBLEMS IN WOOD-TURNING. By Crawshaw. Contains 25 full-page plates of working draw- ings covering spindle, faceplate, and chuck turning. It gives the mathematical basis for the cuts used in turning. A valuable textbook for students' use. 80 cents. WORKSHOP NOTE-BOOK—WOODWORKING. By Greene. A note-book which furnishes a few general and extremely important directions about tools and processes; and provides space for addi- tional notes and working drawings. It is essentially a collection of helps, ideas, hints, suggestions, questions. facts, illustrations, etc. The note-book is full of suggestions; shows a keen insight into sub- ject matter and teaching methods and is an efiective teaching tool. 15 cents. WOODWORK FOR SCHOOLS. By Baily and Pollitt. A collection of 120 practical problems, many of which have been designed to correlate mathematics and physical science with manual training 75 cents. MANUAL TRAINING TOYS l‘OB TEE BOY'S WOB'KSEOP. '31 "907.3; 2} 201101115 1108’! book, It contains 85 pages of full-page plates or working drawings illustrating 12 p ejebtsi ~ All. the praise“ are overflowing with ‘ ‘boy" interest, and are well adapted to ‘the upper grades of the elementary school. The text treats of tools and tool processes and gives instructions for makmg each project. $1.00. KITECEAPT AND KITE TOURNAMENTS. By Miller. Authoritative and eompreh‘ensivh._ “The book deals with the construction and flying of all kinds of kites, and the making and using of kite ac- lecssogies.s Also aeroplanes, gliders, propellers, motors, etc. Abundantly illustrated and attractively oun . 1.00. TEE CON STBUCTION AND FLYING OI" KITES. By Hillier. This contains twenty-tire illustra- tions, including seven lull-page plates of drawings of kites-ever forty kites Shown: struction given; a kite tournament described. (Full of interesting suggestions. 20 cents. SELECTED SHOP PROBLEMS. By Seaton. A collection oi sixteen problems in. woodworking. Each problem has been put to the test and has proven satisfactory to the teacher who designed it and to the pupil who made it. 20 cents. ‘ x _ i ..r . f ‘ u’ " ‘ corms saw woax. By Johnson. . Contains working driving: and “sawmill 1Q! “@9121” “ course of work in thin wood that is full of fun tor the children, and “01115 emnle‘meflnfl in “Mums in form study, construction, invention and careful work. Has been called “applied mechanics for the fourth grade.” 20 cents. PROBLEMS IN MECHANICAL DRAWING. By Bennett. A students' textbook consisting of 80 plates of problems classified into groups according to principle, and arranged according) to .difliculty of solution. Each problem is given unsolved and therefore in proper term to thepupil ior solution. The best collection of problems for first year high school students available. $1.00. i * _ EFFECTIVE METHODS IN MECHANICAL DRAWING. By Evans. A practical textbpok ci.dra£t— ing methods. The book deals with “The Geometry of Drafting” and “Kinks and Short Cuts,” includ- mg a simple and practical method offlmaking working drawings of bevel. gears., 50.cents. THE DRAPTING BOOM SERIES. By Evans. A modern and successful textbook treating 0:! Read- ing Machine Drawings, Machine Drafting, an A Interference of Moying~Pagts and'cl‘noth Gears. It con- sists of 54 cards and 3 pamphlets of standard card size, 5x8 inches, in a filing box. Rich in con- tent, practical in methods and extremely ,adaptable in form. $2.00. MECHANICAL DBAI'TIN G. By Miller. A textbook on mechanical drawing, for advanced high school and first year engineering students. The book abounds in illustrations, both line drawings and half-tones. A practical treatment of subject matter and a students’ text easily adaptable to varied schools and conditions. Contains 219 pages and 225 illustrations, and is bound in black flexible leather, pocket book size. $1.50. . SIMPL‘E'IED MECHANICAL PERSPECTIVE. By I‘rcde ck. A textbook of simple problems cov— ering the essentials of mechanical perspective. It is planned or pupils of high school age who have already received some elementary training in mechanical drawing. It is simple, direct and practical. 75 cents. PRACTICAL TYPOGRAPHY. By McClellan. , A textbook for students of printing containing a course of exercises ready to place in the hands of pupils. It explains and illustrates the most approved methods used in correct‘composition. ‘It contains 63 exercises ,treating of composition from "Correct Spacing” to the “Making up of a Book,” and the “Composition of Tables.” 0. ' CLASSROOM PRACTTCE IN DESIGN. By Haney. A concise, up-to~date, richly illustrated bro- chure on the teaching of applied design. 50 cents. THE WASH METHOD OF HANDLING WATER-COLOUR. By Frederick. A brief, clear, compre~ hensive text printed in sepia and illustrated with wash drawings and a water-color painting by the author. 50 cents. ENEXPENSIVE BASKETRY. By Marten. A teachers’ manual presenting in detail the processes of coiled basket construction. The book gives a complete treatment of the necessary equipment, and the prepaiation of raw materials, and outlines a course for grades three to six. It shows by a series 25 cents. of excellent photographs every step in the construction of coiled baskets. PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION. By Buxton and Curran. A handbook for teachers covering book problems, box problems, card problems and envelope problems for the first four grades, It outlines courses, gives detailed working directions, and suggestions concerning equipment, supplies and methods of teaching. Illustrated with photographs and complete working drawings of each problem. A book of special value. $1.50. LEATHER WORK. By Mickcl. A manual on art leather work for students, teachers and craft workers. It gives detailed descriptions of the various processes of working, treating of flat modeling, embossing or repousse, carved leather and cut work. It is well illustrated with photographs of finished work and working drawings of twenty useful and beautiful articles suitable for school and home work. 76 cents. CLAY WORK. By Lester. A teachers’ manual covering the study of natural forms, the human figure in relief, and the round, animal forms, story illustration, architectural ornament, tiles, hand-built pottery, and pottery decoration. The book is richly illustrated with more than fifty half-tone and line cuts showing processes, designs, and the work of children from ten to twelve years of age. $1.00. ART METALWORK. By Payne. A textbook written by an expert craitsman and experienced teacher. It treats oi the various materials and their production, ores, alloys, commercial forms, etc.; of tools and equipments suitable for the work, the inexpensive equipment of the practical craftsman; and of the correlation of art metalwork with design and other school subjects. It is abundantly and beauti- fully illustrated. The standard book on the subject. $1.50. HANDICRAPT TOR GIRLS. By McGlaufiin. A handbook for teachers, detailing a five-years' course in sewing for girls in the public schools. Chapters on stitches, fibers and fabrics, cloth and card- board construction, basketry, dress in its relation to art, and home furnishing. $1.00. SHOP PROBLEMS. By Siepert. A portfolio of plates-working drawings of projects printed on tracing paper and. adapted to be blue printed for students use. The plates were taken from the “Shop Notes and Problems” department of Manual Training and Vocational Education. There are thirty projects, all of good design, including a wide variety and varying in difiiculty from a simple tray to an extension dining table. Price, 25 cents. CARPENTRY. By Griffith. (In Press). WOODWOBK FOB SECONDARY SCHOOLS. By Griffith. (In Press). WE CAN SUPPLY ANY BOOK ON THE MANUAL ARTS Details of, oon- ,. / ZFX WOHHPW IOPUWW Ibt r - _ La _ _ u _ _ _ _ a _ I _ .00 .\ u _ \ _ _ 4 5 FL — “my \i ii, M I," .m w \HH E) [ii H - .. - , . - . 5 Hi..- M... w 411.14 41......14 5 .T 4......ww... [Iv-.1 1! f3 r \ 1. fl...» :1... 3.5 23§22 @101 1momrmzm u g :2. w E; < 3.3. Mdgwag: m 2 Z .25 ENE.“— Pup-wig <§fifiTu~€ 8» a 2 9 N 131». :55: n .. .- WA sfrjr. BAS KET ->~zr4-— ‘2 J a) T a 1; f ' “ " — “m '1 " " "1 + LZZZZZZZ? .._..':::..| .T. ‘” From “Manual Training SHOP PROBLEMS Published by and Vacitional Education-l" an.” Nm 2 The Manual Arts Press Vol. XVII—45am 824 Peoria, Hlinols 2 F PLANT STAND .53, w L ‘ J BRAC KET “LI 14 i: K Mg 115; U: I 4P 1:) 36 .3: Fgosa “héanuials'araintling , SHOP PROBLEMS Published by an can ona uca on’ s i N _ The Manual Arts Press Vol. XVII—Page 323 " °‘ ° 2 Peoria, lmnois 3 J w "W" +1115 L w A [1H3 \ l+ll+ll+ll+n+u+m own. or amr ‘i ii '1? pk-—-——-'- \Oi -——-d ’h——-u —-—1 F 3! 1- .T. = I F: “'4 I {41' r. 55 51 DETAIL 0F BRACE +— 7i ——>!1P———~13 —'[z§-— n -41p- 4 4119-41 LL- OPEN BOOK sHELv'Es 12. F—‘vl—Mr H DETAIL 01" END '11 .1 Pros! ‘ipaaguflslminéngn SHOP PROBLEMS Th MPubllsrac‘lfibyp m 9453 Q a "a fin Q 3mm ' r”' Vol. XVII—Page 59 8”” N°' 2 Peorla, mmm . 4 MAGAZINE RACK MUSIC CABINET 31 1 '4 1".- JZiJ--—---———2.l 1; ---—-"4 2. F as —-———-—-—-upa Ir L 435. und' ~113~—10g-- 4L From “Manual Training SHOP PROBLEMS Published by and Vocatlonal Education" Series No_ 2 The Manual Arts Press Vol. XVII-Pages 71, 151 Peoria, llllnols 5 HALL SET TEE. 7 \ .@ 0-1 --1}r uh! e l .L a o r 4 ........ an H l 4 Z 16 J N : .. . .___JL .1- _i PM “MI I TRIM"! SHOP PROBLEMS Publlshed by ans} “unions: Hana an" _ - The Manual Art: Free: Val. awn—gm 1?! Sm” N° 2 Peoria, llllnols v ,g 6 3, oguhnm. VHO? 11% 1:; iii; .flqfliifl MID“ “NOD-Imam fizz-lg UK uanmsflrafiwnwfiq manna-$08: males 2n. n .25 22:.»- >3u is»: u as . 4 final». :53.- Z>2c>r HNEZEQ mmZa: ,1...ll.|.lll\©k...||llq|ll_ . - . _ , Tia 1 1 AN . iflllimm ix. ........................ ........ w W _ . . 11!. . $.11.“ r: u u M? n. a» .. .H K -.... J , . .1..- at . 15...... m II. a. If s . v . .a . a all 2 1.... 1.. 20 I . I: {*1 @ Fl.- TNLU Lam. I I 10' $1 *3'+————— 21$ r . r... {In LT ......I.l ||l llll I: .l 1* . Tl. m ..|..._ _ - \m .J. 1.3,: 222.5! 4.3525 @101. IwOmrmZm 152.225 a man {gin-an!“ Macannge Quinn 20 n .35 32;.»- >1€- ¢|l i ‘ Oi ' "W A ~—--——17 i- ——-~ in 13 From “Manual Training SHOP PROBLEMS Published by and Vmtlonal Education" Vol, XVH~Pai° m SOHO! NO. 2 The Manual Arts Press Peoria, Illinois DRAWNG TABLE. OEC'I'ION A-A , ////////////i////////A//v/Q/// \ \ §\ \k In! /‘ i 7% .--i In l-T- Z l l "1* . f ’4 5'1 Z l’Z/ 16 dbl ; i [I ' 1 L 4/ I Q \conusas or \ I ‘zéh' BEARERS GAME!) “RAISED 1N LEGS KANEL 1 4, l..- _. a L fl M g y} 5Q. STOPS "if ’5'; ,g in 1 ’fl ‘ I) \ \ \i'x 5' won From “Manual Training SHOP PROBLEMS Published by and Vocational Education" Series No_ 2 The Manual Arts Press Vol. XVII—Page 239 Peoria, Illinois 10 . J i -1. U J. .P U I! ri 1.1.11 n.- T. ...v Mala... .. @ i..- = n t rill. 3. a . _ a... .. flu I 3.4 W. O m m. A 4.." 3-»... s . wow IiiiL . a... = . fl . a 3 x a. r.. Hz .._ ® .. H . E... 5 . . . I... .. Z o... @ 2.... gm...“ 1.» ugxnmw... a a .o . 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NA, I I m o J 1.3 aMsMnnswWMwS53... mxoo omomrmZm ...= %=w=a...v..3wu no a slams: s was» 36: 4%.. “125%. mg moans 2... m 13...? .53... .0 Iuo=IJ FII TIIMI 5-6. r w n H.» I 001 [Til ll' \ l}}1 2“— ~14“ \ / L... $2.... ago - - .. “win m.. i 5...... nor... 2.9....“ :8... m“ . ivmm .7. “NJ. .-| IGxIII. W... m. .M H 2003 o m f 1 - a II. III. 5 FIJI... m s... 6 >29? .85 w - I. m. I. u. k ...W... Sui F. no. L 133 sins-i. 435:... so.» $505025 9253.2... (or 8571130 wan OIOI IwONFMZm 00...: 20. a db. tsp-=53“. as .25 insen— )..€ 1.6: 18...! 5:53. TEETER ~ TOTTER s 10¢ .11.. U 1%» fi==0 ~14=I I I. ( ’ l I F 12. Y s? 12 =1 ‘L. xx “1 l n “"1" T W'fi l ‘60 [— L k I i! I I ‘ 1- - -I--‘. I L -i~i --‘~ , g l g . I j: I I I I N I :1 I I I I I I i.--,-.*-;-; J— ass; From "Manual Training SHOP PROBLEMS Published by and Vosationai Education” Series No“ 2 The Manual Arts Pro» Vol. KVll—Page 356 ‘ Peoria, liilnols 1 5 UF> I I I \NZ. 6 \\ // we. ~ f .2, . w s.» a .4 M 1.... i. a. . . . . .3 v . | u. w ii. s Inf-8... AWQ.“ \ Hlmlvs .1 _ III...\ 1.. . _. .. .. s . . - .wiu S .53 s as; WIOS TflOmPmZm . 3.23:3 0% a“; I Ir—II—r- FRONT new (DOOR OPEN) SIDE \maw ..Jz» ..w- a a -_ .(s N. -1 - 1 '- A- n - h: -u -_-' r" t u "-4 ~ L1-.-\ s..- . u-M Frqm the Shit)? EMBgLEMS Published by “Manual Training Magazine" Series No. 4 The Manual Arts Press Vol. XVIII age 1?," ‘ Peoria, lllinais 4: WHEELBARROW , PARTIAL Assmmw I WHEELBARROW DE TAILS “a o - I'THICK - ~I \\ I I Ike-I B *I I I i Ivi w *IHI 6A FZII i“ fl];— II: j 27% H2 .2 <1 SECTION HRU AB SIDE BQARD L ’ (I. I if "" vI “[1352 2L II ’2 J I - i_____ _ H I: :5; I FRONT BRACES (morgue AXLE ROD (IRON) I“ T lei TOP I a j REAR BRACES (mom) ixlo "g/I‘o- - 01¢ 15 ‘3 __I..| I.- .sum n L_6_..’ :5 s I'd-"w ~ ._ a PD... 0 *4 *TOP n Hi ~—i r I. , 3 \I' SIDE [RON ussn AT A STAKE seems Ti F!“ D '4 [w fillix‘i—HOH‘ISJ'; fixixs —-I|»i f, -.-||§|_- --I :I LESS wave in} snnn new; From the SHOP PROBLEMS Published by “Manual Training Magazine" Series No. 4 The Manual Arts Press Vol. XViii-sPage 121 Peoria, iilinols 5 '2 STEP AND EXTENSION LADDER COMBINATION 3 F163 F- ? > FIG!) F w 4- 3 F163 Y “T 3; mm ..__._._L DETAIL OF INN SHOES <> wihafl 31-1 a. 'n4 In, I" W 1— 3 § LL] LJJ DETAIL AT A From m SHOP PROBLEMS Puhlluhed by "Manual Tramtn Magazine" Series Na. 4 The Mm“; Am Pr.“ V01. XVlIl-— ago 73 Pearle, "Nam TOOL CHEST ..i‘, “' : _.L> ‘ 5E T TILL I; k "in TiLL -:- aEC'non AT c1: i5 E? aim-ion AT AB 55 "mm. 55 1* l J, ! Q @- J - --— - —-l-n E? l O sci léi p I r i l "A" Di N .JL. i___.. 51. LADDERS Erlll'lllllllli? l4'—0' PlH l l T L Id-O' T‘T RUNG LENGTHS - isii , zoi, zofi, ac}, 2l3'3,,2l1% From the \ SHOP PROBLEMS Published by “Manual Tralnln Magazine" Series No. 4 - The Manual Arts Press Vol. XVIII— age 172 ' Peoria, Illinois 7 % COT Jw "in :----i-i-- 5 x4- sour '1 TOP WEW OF LE6 AT A, WHEN FOLDED VERTICAL SECTION THEM TOP OF LEG CHILD’S ROCKER “i. =4; = L; I 15“ 4» L- _-_1_.i_ l i ii % ¢—~ C: :3 ".2! '1! “a” i“ “g ' u a I ~-- (I: _~_ 18’ r— l b: 1m "*- Frem the SHOP PROBLEMS Published by “Manual! Training Magazine" series No. 4 The Manual Arts Press \ifcllu XVlH-wPags 17% Peoria, llllnols 8 -¢QM\-fl‘-n STEERING WHEEL PICTURE FRAME CLAMP DETAH. OF CORNER BLGCK l-g-l C5 {s'rovz BOLT TWO REQUIRED FOUR. REQUIRED From the “Manual Training Magazine" Vol. XVIII—Page 76 SHOP PROBLEMS Series No. 4 Published by The Manual Arts Press Peoria, llllnols 9 ..m a ‘4 in“ ‘ 4- COMBINATION ' FOOT STOOL AND SUPPER BOX ' . l i i r 52$: "“‘"="-=";ii;i£‘£-; y/AQ'Q.\f/l/1111111111111/11IlllllllllllllllllllaWW , , I ¢4A,1‘€;‘) 4-??? 2' ‘\ ‘ “‘ ‘ 2i» ’2: J*E‘\_@Iifiéii.'iaf¢mli%i ‘ 1‘ M, '17," ‘ “‘2‘ (“as is; J "‘;‘-.‘~"_"2 " &\‘ (WNW/1% > . \\ {ix 1, “4),, -/ ill/w, ,l»\.,i-.¢~rr~?,& . v- w i) ~ -.»=~.»~(/l»/l, (A Y - l I ‘\‘l 42*.- HEN ’ I “I. v 1 _. I W i SECTION THRU C D i §,\\ 6‘ I f b‘ ‘ “ a g %---;n;-- ‘1 ¢ 4 f 6': / I ¢ ¢ a [pl fl 5 i1 é :1. W UPHOLSTELRING ‘ ~~ l I \\~ N \ 7 I ‘ \ \\‘ xxx 1', i l A ; -,x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\§W :5 1 \‘ \* ‘ .. I Z .2 5 g ¢ :5 2 i 2 Z ; srzc'non THRU A-B g 5 § :‘I ’i /- ? \,.\~ ‘_/,Q a .w 4 \Y i i i FEB!" "16 SHOP PROBLEMS Published by “Manuel Tnlnln Magazlne" Series No. 4 The Manual Arts Press Va“ xv"! a” 77 ' Peorla, Illinois 10 GRAHDFATHER'S CLOCK Pl ‘.__,115 in; fl 3.6 e if swim- -fi? @ _ c W. m m .7////////’/”/”///////////’////lr4!////lr///fir/I.1/1!:74"!IIIIII’IIII/ffffflfifdraw[Elli/I”!f’l,l,ll”flvtrlrl’alwllvfi L A I D Til * 2 v a __ “ _. ... ._ e \ n a ‘ ... p , “(uni/’17.]. ilrlililliiilllllllililillliililil . , ., gk i iliiililili \\\\ Ifff/fd \ Q\\\.\\l\\§ v \\\\\\\\\\\\\ “ i Mi p 1» I l l l l I l l l l l l ! ll .TLIL —___—____-— il' FLL @ @ a. i_. i_e~ mu. ,3 w Published by The Manual Arts Press Peoria, lllinois 4 SHOP PROBLEMS Series No. From the “Manual Training Magazine” Val. XVlll— age 169 11 DRLSSIHG TABLE 7"! all “- a 8 I l "i r m H z I o o 1 {IFP—lfié .: 8 l a ' '5l——-——-ill-————fii l- [T 8 -.. 1D I. l q"- age—e A i ii a g M as , as; s :5 M fil= WG-CHAIRLEb- ‘ 5‘ 5 §‘.+lt“. 92 _ an :2 '\ l "3 ‘3' I n L l _L_ a, v i ‘\2 m 92 I I l , 1‘; , i i- L r H '4 a T—iili» i From the SHOP PROBLEMS Publl h d b "Manual Tralnln Magazine" Series No. 4 The Manuzl eArtsy Press Vol. XVHI— age 37 Peoria, llllnois 12 BED HEAD FRAME FOOT Fm DETAILS OF BED From the SHOP PROBLEMS Published by “Manual Trainin$ Magazine” Series No. 4 The Manual Arts Press Vol. XVIII— age 83 Peoria, Illinois 13 * 13w > 02$, H isms/Aw? e . . ¢ . . ..JZ. ...} . . . H —_- _-¢_ _- i: ,.... it; E» _ i .4 1.23 :i l .. - l - . , . i. .. .l mxou vnomrmzm 3.2.21 3‘ ailin- H-fl-E lease: Melon 2? .S (or 25s. one . gins. \ 4:0 2:55: )1: was- . Tools. 5521.? re. d‘ i . ‘IUP nee/wig, Um .H.>:i.w ESPF 9.1 Emmwr wed/F 2.1 it? E UrPZWHMw. _N._ UWAK/F Ow ICU i- “ L 555 gorge sesame Ewe u ii 133 25 mp2. uwomrmzm 1:252. 3‘ a a melee 29 a .23 22.5: )3. 3.23 34.4%... Mani. swlflnfiea v.81? £32.. ._0 fit NUT CRACKER AND BOWL A35E MBLY ’-A \ NUT CRACKER AND BOWL EETAILS l~ 3;};- lsi-l _i_ —'—‘;'— {mcascaaw I ~l+ l_'"-l I \ E E '3 mum, :: ii i Lg. i % \STATIOHARYW MOVABLE JAW } 1 DRILL-fl; a» ’j l ‘ ‘ 4i _ commune ROD BASE CAM LEVER From the sHeP PROBLEMS Published by ‘Nanuiil Training Magazine” Series No. 4 The Manual Arts Press VIII. XV‘I’" age 170 Peoria, Illinois 16