|200, Vºl.22 lºt 23 fº 332 EO) A-Cl * B 232,; Yas. 32,50 B. SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Michigan. State Normal College PROGRAM OF THE Tenth Mid-Year Educational Conference YPSILANTI FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY 13 and 14 1928 INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Visitors on arriving in the city are requested to go at once to regis- tration headquarters which will be maintained on the second floor of the Administration Building. All busses and electric cars stop at the Brower Street corner. The All Conference Alumni Luncheon will be held at the Men's Gymnasium Saturday noon. All alumni of the College and visitors of the conference are invited to attend. Benjamin Pittenger, Dean of Education, University of Texas, is the toastmaster. Reservations may be made by writing to the Alumni Office or secured at the General Office during the conference. The price is one dollar. A luncheon for P. T. A. delegates will be held at the Congregational Church at noon on Friday. Price 75 cents. This luncheon is sponsored by the officers of the Ypsilanti Parent-Teachers Associations of Ypsi- lanti. Reservations may be secured from Mrs. Robert H. Dailey, 502 West Forest Ave., before January 10. A program will be presented which will consist of discussions by leaders in the P. T. A. movement and of reports by local delegates. All guests of the conference are invited to the Contemporary Club Tea to be held Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the Library of the Roose- velt High School. A luncheon for members and guests of the Michigan Society for Rural Education will be held at the Whitney Tea Rooms on Friday at 12:15. The Rural Leadership Class will hold a Reunion Banquet at 6 P. M. on Friday. The Garden Project Club will serve a luncheon immediately follow- ing the Friday morning session in Science Hall. Price 75 cents. The History Club Reunion and Banquet will be held Friday evening at 5:30 in the Roosevelt High School Cafeteria. A luncheon to the visiting teachers of Speech and others interested in Speech will be held at the Whitney Tea Rooms at 12:30, Friday, under the auspices of the College honor forensic society, Pi Kappa Delta. Price 75 cents. A luncheon will be held in the Gymnasium Friday noon by the De- partment of Physical Education. All who are interested in Physical Education are invited to attend. Price 75 cents. All announcements are given according to Eastern Standard time. GENERAL PROGRAMS FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 9:30 A. M. PEASE AUDITORIUM Chairman, Hon. Fred Jeffers, State Board of Education Music—Solos for Basso Cantante: The Green Eyed Dragon Charles Sing Ye a Joyful Song Dvorak Mr. Carl Lindegren Address—The Event Which We Celebrate President Charles McKenny Michigan State Normal College Address—The Promise of Education President Clarence Cook Little University of Michigan Address—The Trend of Higher Education President Bruce Payne Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn. FRIDAY, 8:00 P.M., PEASE AUDITORIUM Diamond Anniversary Pageant of the Michigan State Normal College Episode I—The Open Door of the Pioneer College. Episode II—The College Hears the Call of Country. Episode III—The Arts and Sciences Bring their Gifts. Episode IV—The Widening Mission of Educational Service. SATURDAY, 9:30 A. M., PEASE AUDITORIUM Chairman, President Charles McKenny Music—Solos for Contralto: Night and Dawn - Liddle Love, I Have Won You Ronald Mrs. Annis Dexter Gray Address—How Environment Strengthens its Chains Dr. Ellsworth Huntington Yale University Address—The Four Horsemen * President Stratton D. Brooks University of Missouri Address—The Point of View of the State Honorable Fred W. Green Governor of Michigan saTURDAY NOON, MEN's GYMNASIUM All Conference Luncheon Toastmaster, Dean Benjamin F. Pittenger University of Teacas SECTION PROGRAMS FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 13 LIST OF SECTIONS Elementary Principals Roosevelt Auditorium Fine and Industrial Arts Room 205, Administration Building History Pease Auditorium Home Economics Starkweather Hall, First Floor Latin Room 204, Administration Building Mathematics Room 54, Main Building Music s Room 30, Main Building Physical Education West Gymnasium Rural Education Whitney Tea Rooms Parent-Teachers Association Starkweather Hall, Second Floor Chemistry Room 6, Science Hall Speech Little Theater, Main Building Geography, Natural Science, and General Science Training School Chapel ELEMENTARY PRINCIPALS SECTION Roosevelt Auditorium, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Earl R. Laing, Detroit Address—Training for Principalship President Dwight Waldo Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo Address—Measuring, Diagnosis, and Remedy - Mr. Paul E. Rankin Director of Research, Detroit Public Schools FINE AND INT)USTRIAL ARTS SECTION Room 205, Administration Building, 2:30 P. M. Chairman, Miss Bertha Goodison Address—Art Appreciation Mr. Henry Turner Bailey Lecturer, Teacher, Artist, Author Following the address refreshments will be served in the Art Gal- lery where students’ work will be on exhibition. HISTORY SECTION Pease Auditorium, 2:00 P.M. Chairman, Professor Carl E. Pray Address—Making History Live Professor Howard C. Hill University of Chicago The History Club will hold a Reunion and Banquet, Friday evening at 5:30, in the Roosevelt High School Cafeteria. HOME ECONOMICS SECTION Starkweather Hall, First Floor, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Miss Sara T. Murray Address—A Forward Look in Home Economics Education Miss Ruth Freegard Address—Salads—Lecture and Demonstration - Mr. Arnold Shircliffe Manager Catering Dept., Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago LATIN SECTION Room 204, Administration Building, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Professor Benjamin L. D'Ooge Address—A Cross Section of Two Weeks in Italy Miss May E. Creech Central High School, Detroit Address—Survivals of Roman Religion Professor Gordon J. Laing Dean of The Graduate School of Arts and Literature University of Chicago Address—Latin in The Junior High School Miss Dorothy M. Roehm Northwestern High School, Detroit Address—Ancient and Modern Athens—Illustrated Professor John G. Winter University of Michigan MATHEMATICS SECTION Room 54, Main Building, 2:30 P.M. Chairman, Miss Ada A. Norton Address—The Place of Mathematics in Education Professor Harold Blair Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo MUSIC SECTION Room 30, Main Building, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Miss Clyde E. Foster Music—Normal Madrigal Club of Siacteen Mixed Voices Professor Frederick Alexander, Conductor Night Whispers W. von Moellendorff (1900) On The Plains, Fairy Trains Thomas Weelkes (1598) Would God I Were the Tender Apple Blossom Old Irish Tune Address—Song Singing, Sight Reading, and Listening Phases of Music Miss Ada Bicking State Director of Music Education PHYSICAL EDUCATION SECTION (For Section Luncheon, see p. 2) West Gymnasium, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Professor Paul Samson Address—Practical Athletic Problems Major John L. Griffith Editor of The Athletic Journal and Commissioner of Athletics for The Western College Conference Address—Folk Dancing with Especial Emphasis on Authentic Cos- tuming - Miss Elizabeth Burchenal At 3 P. M. A Lesson in Folk Dancing, by Elizabeth Burchenal Note—The Physical Education Department has secured Miss Bur- chenal for a series of five lessons, beginning with the conference pro- gram of Friday afternoon. This lesson is free to visiting teachers. Other lessons are 75 cents each, or three dollars for the full course. For particulars write or see Miss Ruth Robinson of this Department. RURAL EDUCATION SECTION Whitney Tea Room, 12:15 P.M. Luncheon for members and guests of the Michigan Society for Rural Education Chairman, Dr. Ernest Burnham Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo General Subject—The Good of the Order Speakers—Miss Mary E. Howe, Detroit Teachers College Hon. Webster H. Pearce, Supt. of Public Instruction Professor John Rufi, Michigan State College Miss Ottilia Frisch, Commissioner of Schools, Saginaw General Discussion Reunion Banquet of Rural Leadership Class, 6:00 P. M. PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION SECTION (For Section Luncheon, see p. 2) Starkweather Hall, Second Floor, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Mrs. Grant Currie President of Washtenaw County Council Report—The International Conference of Parents and Teachers, Toronto, August, 1927 * Mrs. Lawrence C. Whitlark Michigan Delegate Address—Education and the Public Dean Benjamin F. Pittenger University of Teacas CHEMISTRY SECTION Room 6, Science Hall, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Professor B. W. Peet Address—What Should Be Taught in High School Chemistry Professor William McPherson Dean of The Graduate School Ohio State University Address—Ways of Representing Atoms Mr. Glen Bray State Normal College Experiments and Discussion SPEECH SECTION Little Theater, Main Building, Third Floor, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Professor F. B. McKay Address—The Function of Speech Education Professor J. M. O’Neill Chairman of the Department of Speech University of Michigan Discussion Note—Preceding this program the College honor forensic society will hold a luncheon at 12:30 at the Whitney Tea Rooms for visiting teachers of speech and others interested in speech. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ||||||||||||II GEOGRAPHY, NATURAL SCIENCE AND GENERAL SCIENCE Science Hall, Second Floor, 12:00 M. Immediately following the morning session at the Auditorium a luncheon will be served by the Garden Project Club. Dr. Ellsworth Huntington of Yale University, and Dr. Francis D. Curtis of the Uni- versity of Michigan will be guests of honor. Chairman, Professor F. R. Gorton Address—The Art of Teaching the Sciences Dr. Francis D. Curtis School of Education, University of Michigan Training School Chapel, 2:30 P. M. Chairman, Professor Mark Jefferson Address—Grain crops and civilization—Illustrated Dr. Ellsworth Huntington Yale University