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( OF CH AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Reprinted from Volume 11, 1909 TRANSACTIO TITUTE S * -: _* THI I CHARLES N RICAN * * H AM 2", 4 ºr f : * * * * * * • r , , , , * • • • • .*: < .} • • * ~. •· º √►→ → → ← → • • ► ► ► ►• • • -* • ** --~~~~~ ~~:...„… ~~~~(2)• ~ ~ -- T * , ! … , • • • • • ► ~ . ~=* • • 5. . …. , , , º iššºšºvº • • • •– + +--- -*, * ~ ° * • •→→ •* • •º ~~~~ ~~~~ -.. … *..)))…(ſ-a)( * -ae, ſºtae - --~ ~ ~ ~~~~ From Table I it is observed that there was an increase in every item enumerated, but that, not only was the actual increase in the number of establishments less than that of any other item, as was to be expected, but that the percentage increase was less. This indicates that the growth of these industries was rather by increased production of existing establishments than by the crea- tion of new ones. . In fact in a more detailed analysis it was found that in some industries the number of establishments had actually decreased, though each of the other items, as enumerated in Table I, showed an increase. The greater percentage increase in wages over that of the per- centage increase in wage earners shows that the lot of the latter was improved and possibly indicates that a better class of labor was employed and, since the percentage increase in the number 86 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS of salaried officials for these establishments was 29.6, while the percentage increase in salaries was but 32.4, it is obvious that the wage earners fared, on the whole, better than the salaried officials. A wholesome feature to be observed is that while the increase in the number of men employed was I 2, Io.4, the increase in the number of women employed was but 413, while there was a de- crease of over Io per cent in the number of children employed. I speak of this condition as a wholesome one because, outside of the clerical and perhaps analytical work, the duties to be performed in these establishments is essentially man's work. The greater percentage increase in the cost of materials used as compared with the percentage increase in the value of the prod- ucts shows the growing necessity of intelligent and careful manage- ment and skillful workmanship to prevent waste and to increase yields. This is emphasized by examination of the additional item of miscellaneous expenses which, while less in the total than any of the values given in Table I, showed an increase of 77.2 per cent. As indicated, the Census classification of “Chemicals and Allied Products” which gave the data just discussed, is a purely empirical one, and it deals with but a very few of the true chemical Imanufactures of the United States. It is not possible to derive from the returns, of the various industries as taken, the data for an exact scientific classification such as has been referred to above. Yet, in order to arrive at a better conception of the application of chemistry in manufacturing industries and its magnitude, we may follow such a scheme of classification as that employed in many chemical technologies, though here again we meet with the difficulties common to classification and we are compelled to in- clude in our data some of the products of purely physical processes, either because these processes are operated collaterally with, or are related to, the predominating chemical processes, or else be- cause the products are closely associated with the chemical prod- ucts. In assembling this data it should be said that in order to compare the data of the different epochs one must first eliminate from the data of 190o the returns for neighborhood industries, because the census of 1905 was a factory census and considered only the results of manufacture as carried out in factories, and not solely for consumption at the point where manufactured, as is generally the case with neighborhood industries. The results of this treatment are set forth in Table II. THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA 87 TABLE II CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1880 TO 1905 I905. I9 O O. I 890. I88o. Establishments: Number. . . . . . . 56,580 53,567 40, 45 I 34,864 Wage earners: Average number I, I O 7, 7 I4 943, I 66 677, I 23 490,776 Wages: Total, . . . . . . . $| 575,635,257 438,404,062 || 3 o'S,884,278! I 76,227,726 Materials used: Cost . . . . . . . . . $| 2,933,660,817 | 2,215, 162,767 I, 247,239,582 924,573,773 Products: Value . . . . . . . . $14,716,490,371 |3,628,641,475|2, I52,490,514|I,357,593,293 Table II, imperfect though it be both in the industries it includes and those it omits, gives a better conception of the actual magnitude of the industries in which chemical transformations play a part, and which are therefore really chemical industries, than Table I does and in so doing it shows the value of the products for 1905 alone to be nearly 17-fold greater than is set forth in Table I. The increase is easily accounted for by noting that items such as Soap, with a product valued at over $68, ooo, ooo; glass over $79, ooo, ooo; illuminating gas over $125, ooo, ooo; dairy products over $168, ooo, ooo; refined petroleum over $175, ooo, ooo; paper and wood pulp over $188, ooo, ooo; bread and other bakery products over $269,- ooo, ooo; sugar and molasses over $277, ooo, ooo; vinous, malt and distilled liquors over $34o, ooo,0oo; Smelting and refining of copper, lead and zinc over $461, ooo, ooo; iron and steel Over $905,ooo, ooo, and many other items have been added to those embraced in Table I. The simple enumeration of these items indicates how incom- plete the statistics usually presented as those of the chemical industries are and how insufficient the popular conception of the chemical industries is. Yet even the data of Table II do not present the case in full, since all agricultural products, amounting in value in 1900 to $4,717,069,973, are really the results of chemical processes and are therefore the products of chemical industries, although not factory products. As with Table I, so with Table II, the deductions are more readily drawn by observation of the increase and percentages of 88 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS increase for each item at the various epochs. These have therefore been ascertained and are set forth in Table III. TABLE III INCREASES AND PERCENTAGES OF INCREASES FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES I9oo to I go 5. I 890 to I 9oo. I88o to I 89 o. Per Per Per Increase. Cent. Increase. Cent. Increase Cent. Establishments, number . 3, O I 3 5. 6 I3, II 6 || 32.4 5,587 | I 6. O Wage earners, average No. I64,548 I 7.4 266, I 43 | 39.3 I 86,347 || 38. O Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $137,231, 195 || 31.3 $132,519,784 || 43.3 |$129,656,552 | 73.6 Materials used, cost . . . . . 7 I 8,498, os3 || 32.4 967,923, I 82 | 77.7 322,665,809 || 34.9 Products, value. . . . . . . . . I, o&7,848,896 || 3o. o | I,476, I 5o,961 | 68.6 795,987, 22 I 58.6 Considering now the data of Table II and more particularly the increases and percentages of increase set forth for each epoch in Table III, while keeping firmly in mind the fact that we are here dealing with two Io-year periods and one 5-year period, it is again to be noted that both the actual and percentage increases in the number of establishments are the smallest of all the various increases set forth and that increase for this item for the 1900–1905 period is not only actually less than for 1890–1900 and 1880–1890, as should be expected, but is proportionately less, thus emphasizing what has been deduced from Table I as to the increased produc- tion of existing establishments. Likewise the consideration of the data for this larger number of industries extending over a greater length of time shows that not only is the percentage increase in wages nearly as great at the census 1905 as those for cost of materials and greater than the value of products, but that, while the proportionate increase in the number of wage earners for the 1900–1905 period is less than that of 1890–1900, the proportionate gain in wages is greater. In fact, all statistics point to markedly improved conditions for the wage earner in the chemical industries, and to his increased participa- tion in the income from the enterprise. This fact is one to be reckoned on by the chemical engineer in making up his estimate for the cost of a projected enterprise which it is proposed to install. The statistics of Tables II and III, on the other hand, do not so markedly support the deductions drawn from Table I as to the THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA 89 increase in cost of materials used when compared with the increase in the value of the products in 1900–1905. However, when we consider the larger items included in these later statistics, such as iron and steel; Smelting and refining of copper, lead and zinc and others we may each of us recall a variety of labor-saving de- vices which have been invented and introduced for cheapening the cost of production and handling of the raw materials of these industries, and that the inventions have increased in number aid perfection with the growth in magnitude of these industries. An increase in cost of materials is in conformity with the long- recognized natural law of supply and demand. A modification of this law through which labor may get its fair share of increase and capital may get its fair share of increase while the actual cost may not proportionately be increased has been brought about in recent times through the increase in the magnitude of the unit of demand, or in other terms the quantity handled. As stated, this has to an extent been rendered possible by the introduction of labor-saving machinery, much of which has been invented in this country. But in my opinion, and if I read aright the reports of foreign commentators on Our chemical industries, in their opinions, the chief modification in the operation of this law has been made in this country through the development of “team work,” though the writers style it organization or systemization. Entering on my fortieth consecutive year of college teaching, I might, from what has been so persistently dinned into my ears, have been led to believe that “team work” originated in the minds of the college youths who flock to Franklin Field or to the Harvard Stadium. Sitting on the bleachers with practical politicians and presidents, I might be led to suppose that “team work” was an invention of the professional athlete. As a fact the idea of “team work” is a very Old One and military in its essence and original application. It is embodied in our national motto. It is com- memorated in the “Charge of the Light Brigade.” But this older practice, while greatly promoting efficiency, demanded such un- reasoning subordination that the private soldier was properly looked upon as but “food for powder,” and when this system was introduced into the factory the operator became but “a cog in the machine.” * The modification in this plan of “team work” which has been 90 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS developed to such advantage in the industrial plants of this country has come through a recognition of the great value of individuality and the necessity for its preservation and development, and it has been demonstrated that the higher the intelligence of the individuals who merge their entities with that of their fellows in a common purpose, and the more complete their comprehension of the means used and the end sought the more successful is the result whether gauged by the quality, or the quantity, or the cost of the Output. I am happy to say that the chemist has destroyed the older mil- itary idea, even in the army, for by his invention of high-powered smokeless powder he has compelled armies to fight in Open order, so that each individual must exercise his own powers in attack and defense, and be trained to take the initiative in case of necessity. Naturally the application of labor-saving machinery and of “team work” is most readily made and yields most efficient re- sults in the production, transportation and handling of the raw materials of our larger industries, and it is in these that we find the smaller proportionate increase in the cost of materials. American industries, in which the chemical industries are in- cluded, have signalized themselves by the introduction of standards, by the introduction of interchangeable parts into mechanisms, by the wide application of labor-saving machinery and by the use of “team work.” Yet notwithstanding the vast resources of this country, their ease of access, and the cheapening, by methods such as described, of many of the costs of production, the cost of “living,” not only here but throughout the civilized world, has steadily increased, and I attribute this largely to the work of the chemist. - At St. Louis, in 1904, I said, “Technical chemistry, then, in- vades the domains of economics, of politics, and of diplomacy. A striking example of its effects in economies and politics is found in the settlement of the silver question. Gold is a most widely diffused metal. It has, for instance, been shown by assayers at . the U. S. Mint at Philadelphia that if the gold in the clay of the bricks of which the buildings of the Quaker City are built could be brought to the surface, the fronts would all be gilded. In the past our processes for the isolation of this metal have been so costly that only the richer ores would bear treatment. Large bodies of low-grade ores which have been discovered and mountains of tailings carrying values were looked upon as worthless, while THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA 91 enormous quantities of copper, lead, and other metals containing gold were sent into the market to be devoted to common uses, because the cost of separation was greater than the value of the separated products. Eight years ago, when the “silver question” was made the national issue, while the orators were declaiming from the stump, the chemists were quietly working at the problem in their laboratories and factories. Manhe's process for bessemeriz- ing copper ores was combined with the electrolytic refining of the product, so that even traces of gold were economically recovered, while the cyanide processes, such as the MacArthur-Forrest, the Siemens-Halske, the Pelatan-Clerici, and others for the extraction and recovery of gold from low-grade ores and tailings, were success- fully worked out and put into practical operation to such effect that by the cyanide processes alone gold to the value of $7,917, 129 was recovered in the United States in 1902, which is more than was ever won throughout the whole world by all methods in any one year up to 1661, and probably up to 1701. The data for other purposes are not at hand for Igo2, but the returns for 190o show that gold to the value of $88,985,218 was recovered in the treatment of lead and copper ores in the United States, of which $56,566,971 worth was recovered in refining. It has but recently been publicly proclaimed in this city of St. Louis, that the “silver question” is settled, and it is settled, but it was settled largely through the efforts of the technical chemists and metallurgist.” With the improvements in methods and diminution in cost of extraction the Pactilean stream has continued to flow in steadily increasing volume” until the flood of gold has become so great that its purchasing power has become markedly reduced, and costs, measured in terms of gold, have become markedly greater. With this condition well determined the chemist has again stepped in to increase the cost of living by requiring the application of costly + PRODUCTION OF GOLD World's Production. Production in the United States. Year. -- Fine Ounces. Value. Fine Ounces. Value. 1878 5,761, II4 $1 I 9, og 2,8oo 2,476,8oo $51,2 oo, ooo I 888 5,33O, 775 I Io, I 96,900 I,6O4,84I 43, I 75, Ooo 1898 I3,877,806 286,879, 7 oo 3, II 8,398 64,463, ooo I908 2 I,378,48 I 44 I,932, 2 oo 4,574,349 94,560, ooo 92 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS methods of inspection of foods, drugs and other articles of consump- tion; by demanding the elimination of preservatives which per- mitted the abundance of the harvest being kept until time of need; or the plethora of one locality being sent to the land smitten with leanness; by insisting on the introduction of expensive sanitary arrangements. Pure food laws are the vogue, and all the other needs of man are becoming the subject of special legislation, some wise, but much otherwise. It would prove an interesting exhibit if a statistician were to assemble the actual costs in the administra- tion and execution of these laws in this country alone during the past five years. I speak with earnestness because I have repeatedly been a participant in these movements, and am even now engaged in an analogous humanitarian enterprise, and I know that a certain result of all such endeavors to improve the lot of man is to put the community to an increased expense. Having confessed myself, and having found my profession guilty, as charged, I now assert that a chief duty of our profession is to determine methods by which the income may be increased or ſ the costs of living in the land decreased, or preferably both, and I urge as a first measure the advocacy of the policy of preventing any material from leaving the country until it has passed through all processes of manufacture of which it is capable. The meaning of this is evident on inspection of the Exports of Domestic Mer- chandise (Table IV) prepared by the U. S. Bureau of Statistics, where we find that in 1908 over 88.5 million dollars’ worth, or 48.19 per cent of the total exports, consisted of cotton, breadstuffs, meat and dairy products, and coal, much of which had not undergone any degree of manufacture whatever. All this food should have been elaborated in this country into brain and brawn, and the coal made to yield its energy, and then should have been expended here in manufacture. We should further have put into manu- factured form the raw materials of other lands. Inspecting on the other, the table of Imports of Merchandise (Table V) prepared by the U. S. Bureau of Statistics, we find that in 1908 but a little over 21 o million dollars' worth, or 17.87 per cent of our imports, consisted specifically of unmanufactured materials, such as silk, hides and skins, India rubber and gutta percha, wool, cotton, copper, lead and iron Ores, and briquettes, which would properly go into manufactures here. THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA 93 We sit back glorying in our country, its wide extent, its rich resources, its teeming millions of independent and Self- respecting people; and yet after our fleet has circumnavigated the globe we continue to sacrifice the fertility of our soils to the support of older civilizations and remain content, while ranging ourselves with those nations that live solely on their primary resources, since the “balance of trade” is in our favor. But we as chemists know that this condition cannot last. We know that the average fertility of our soil has been growing steadily less and that only by following sound scientific practice can the fertility of the impoverished soil be restored. The utilization of the soil as a chemical factory is but one of the problems with which the chemist has to deal. That which appeals most nearly to us as chemical engineers is the item that appears as second in magnitude in the Table of Imports of Mer- chandise and which has held this second place for years, namely “Chemicals, drugs and dyes,” for this category embraces those substances commonly known as chemicals, or the products of the “black art.” In 1908 we imported $73,237,033 worth of this class of materials, or 6.13 per cent of our total imports. While we exported but $20,873, I 55 worth, or I. I.4 per cent of Our total exports. There was therefore a balance of $52,363,878 against us in this item in which the chemical engineers of this country are most nearly concerned. It is true that among these imports are upwards of $15,000,ooo worth of crude drugs and dye- woods, and quantities of other crude material, but there are many million dollars’ worth of substances included here that should have been manufactured in this country. Attention need only to be called to the acids imported to a value of over $1,300,ooo to em- phasize this fact, for while we are seeking an outlet for our sawdust, we find in this list nearly 9, ooo, ooo pounds of Oxalic acid. Or attention might be called to the more than $7,ooo, ooo worth of coal-tar products and preparations, not medicinal. Had this been accomplished there is little doubt that our exports of such substances would also have been large. And what is true of the industries commonly called chemical would equally apply to those larger chemical industries not included in the common category. Another policy we should follow is the promotion of chemical manufactures throughout a larger portion of our great territory. For this purpose, I have prepared Table VI, showing by states the TABLE IV VALUES OF EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE, BY PRINCIPAL ARTICLES AND CLASSES, IN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE IN 1908, DURING THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1902–1908 1908 Order of Magni- ARTICLES. 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 Per tude, Value. Cent of I 9o8. Total. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. I Cotton, unmanufactured . . . . . . . . 290,651,819 || 3 I 6, 180,429 || 37o,8II, 246 || 379,965, or 4 || 4o I, oo 5,921 || 481,277,797 || 437,788,202 || 23.86 2 Breadstuffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I 3, 134,344 22 1,242,285 | I 49, oso,378 Io'ſ, 732,910 | 186,468,901 | 184, I 20,702 || 2 I 5,260,588 | I 1.73 3 Meat and dairy products . . . . . . . . . I 99,861,378 | I 79,839, 7 I 4 || 1 76,027,586 | I 69,998,873 || 2 Io,990, oë 5 || 2 oz,392,508 || 192,802,708 || Io. 51 4 Iron and steel, and manuſactures of 98,552,562 96,642,467 | I I I,948,586 I34,728,363 | I 60,984,985 | 181,530,871 | 183,982, 182 | Io. of 5 Copper, and manufactures of . . . . 43,82O, oſo 40,594,613 58, I Io, ood 87,564, oog 83, I 78,635 96,600,698 || Io 5,872, 7 II 5. 77 Ó Mineral oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72, 3 oz,822 67,253,533 79,060,469 79, 793,222 84,241,327 84,855, 7 I 5 | Io.4, II 6,440 5. 67 7 Wood, and manufactures of . . . . . 47,779,848 57, 7.4.3, 53.5 65,428,417 58, ooz,977 69,080,394 83,349,575 81, 52 I,305 4. 44 8 Leather, and manufactures of . . . . 29,798,323 3 I,617,389 33,98o,615 37,936,745 4o,642,858 45,476,969 4o,688,619 2 - 22 9 Tobacco, and manufactures of . . . 32,772,849 4o,444,689 34,683,53 I 35, 49 I, O I 9 34,218,847 39, II 3, O II 39,463,679 2. IS I O Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O,765, 461 2 I, 2 oé,498 27,820,323 29, I 58,322 28, 2 r 6,376 34,727, 762 39,355, 759 2 . I 5 I I Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,871,684 34,781, 193 47,977,875 46, 728,281 49, 139,568 4 I, 2 og, o&o 34, IoI, 289 I. 86 I 2 Cotton, manufactures of . . . . . . . . 32, Io9,362 32,216,304 22, 4 O3, 7 I 3 49,666, o&o 52,944, O3.3 32, 3 O5, 4 I 2 25, 177,758 I. 37 I 3 Agricultural implements . . . . . . . . I6,286,740 2 I, oog,622 22,749,635 2O, 72 I, 74 I 24, 554, 42 7 26,936,456 24,344,398 I . 33 I 4 Cars, carriages, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,872,516 IO, 499, I 95 Io,936,618 Io,6Io,437 I 7,788,425 2O, 5 I 3, 4 O 7 22, o '72,902 I - 2 O I 5 Naval stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II,733,562 I 2,918, 7 o'8 Ió, I 45,222 I6, IoG,643 2O, o 75,585 2 I,686,752 2 I,641,599 I . I 8 I6 Oil cake and oil-cake meal * . . . . . I 9, 779, I 42 I9,743, 7 II I6,899,257 2 I,498, o& 5 23,386,218 25,738,47 I 2 I,004,974 || I. I5 I 7 Chemicals, drugs, dyes, and med- icines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3,626,837 I4, ISO, 493 I 5,065,682 I6,595,523 I9, I 55,989 2O,373, og 6 2 o,873, I 55 I . I 4 I 8 Vegetable oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5,308,633 I6,234,362 I 2,618,381 I 6,632,232 I5,906, os I I 9, 5 SO, S I 4 I 9,633,967 I. o'7 I 9 Fruits and nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,719,344 I 8, o 57,677 2 o,678,665 I 5,606,586 I 5,274, I 58 I 7,588,432 I 4,338,864 o. 78 2 O Instruments for scientific purposes 5,389,476 7, I 3o, 5o 8 8,297,723 8, I 72,98o Io,887,774 I3,661,455 II, 578, o Io o. 63 2 I Fertilizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,256,o 35 6,724, 30 I 7, II 2, 5 I 2 7,62o,886 8,686,965 8,596, 71 I I O, 97 O, 93 I O. 59 22 Paraffin and paraffin wax. . . . . . . . 8,858,844 9, 4 I I, 29.4 8,859,964 7,789, I 60 8,808,245 9, O3O,992 8,740,929 o. 48 23 Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,027,824 9,455,283 2,583,325 2,557, 747 8,912,662 Io, og 4,609 8,683,688 O. 4 7 24 Paper, and manufactures of . . . . . 7, 3 I 2, O3O 7, I 8o,o 14 7,543,728 l 8,238, o&8 9,536,065 9,856,733 8,064,706 || o. 44 f 25 26 27 Furs and fur skins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, O3O, 2 O 4 6, 18 I, I I 5 5,422,945 6,599, 222 8, ooz,282 7, I.39, 22 I 7,7I 2,890 O. 42 India rubber, manufactures of . . . 4, O32, 1 Oo 4,675, I 57 5, I 48,95o 5,508,664 6,543,735 7,428,714 7,573, 57 O || O. 4 I Fibers, vegetable, etc., manufac- tures of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 575, 2 I 9 5,290,948 6,414,636 6,766,8o 9 8, 157, 2 I I 8,308, II 2 7,225,798 O. 39 Books, maps, engravings, etc. . . . . 3,997,977 4,442,653 4, 347, 3O4 4,844, I 60 5,839,452 5,813, Io 7 6, Io 7,053 O. 33 Grease, grease scraps, etc. . . . . . . . 2, 6 Io,925 2,926,565 3,3 II, 777 3, 7 Io, 9 O7 4, 138,333 5,473,623 5,762,709 O - 3 I Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,563, 199 6, 7 I 7,274 7,857,o 4 I 6,527,863 7,559, 178 5,536,856 5,685,916 o. 3 I Household and personal effects. . . 2,570,369 2,652, 787 2,615, on 6 3, 146,969 3,595, I 28 3,928,946 4,782,436 o. 26 Coffee, green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,209,946 3,295,968 3,656,943 I,966, Io 7 3,483,238 4,692, I37 4, 3 I 4,O2O O. 24 Sugar, molasses, and confectionery 3, 237,329 3, Io 4,653 3,522,805 4, I 3 I, 7 O 7 4,526,334 3,973,360 4,od 8,357 O - 22 Paints, pigments, and colors . . . . . 2,096,379 2, 3 SO,937 2,756,581 3, 126,31 7 3,773, od4 3,93 I,899 4, oo I,824 o. 22 Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,546,287 2,543,488 2,603,374 3, 2 oo,860 3,567, I 27 4, oo 7,833 3,895,294 O . 2 I Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, of 2,38 I 2,454, 5 IO 2,441,596 2,559,837 3,568, og 8 4,082,402 3, 7 O 5, 5 I 7 || O. 2 O Brass, and manufactures of . . . . . . I,930,81 o 2, OOO, 432 2,557,484 3,025,764 3,474,981 4,58o,455 3,701,87 I o. 2 o Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, 63 o,938 2,452, 777 2,499,933 2,670,23 I 2,78 I, I 79 3,8o0,097 3, 4 O7, 22 O O. I 9 Musical instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,694, I 43 3,381,509 3,230,982 3, 144,787 3, 168, o 52 3,256,o 63 3.37 I, 52 I o. 18 Hops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, 550,657 I, 909, 95 I 2, II 6, 18o 4,48o,666 3, 125,843 3, 53 I, 772 2,963, I 67 o. 16 Nickel, nickel oxide, and matte. . . I, I 9o,606 864, 22 I 94o,558 3, 196,622 3, 24O, 544 3, 2 18,862 2,948, o 58 o. 16 Clocks and watches, and parts of . . 2, I 44, 49C 2, I 33,529 2,281, 195 2,316,414 2,598,44 I 3, 169,272 2,848,725 o. I 6 Coke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , 72 O, 457 I , 9 I 2, 459 2, 223, 23.3 2,228,442 2,435,604 3, or 3,088 2,718,385 O. I 5 Glucose and grape Sugar . . . . . . . . 2,319,286 2,460, oz 2 2,949, 54.5 3,206,794 3,489, 192 3, O I 7, 527 2,540,640 O. I 4 Glass and glassware . . . . . . . . . . . . I,960, I off 2, I 50,699 I,978,481 2,2S2, 799 2, 433,904 2,604, 7 I 7 2, SOS, 4 I 7 O. I 4 Wool, manufactures of . . . . . . . . . . 1,512,457 I,722, 128 I,987,938 2, O3 S, OS 4 2, I I 9,518 2,239, Ioô 2,219,815 O . I 2 Lamps, chandeliers, etc. . . . . . . . . 963,638 I, I 33,290 I, 5o 2,888 I, 579, I 25 I,954, O9 I I,875,869 I,827, 2 I 6 o. Io Spirits, distilled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,673,273 I,990, O9 I I,691,467 1,968,767 I , S2 5,225 I,827, 757 1,816,287 O . I O Zinc, and manufactures of . . . . . . . 2, O I 7, I 9 I 2,346,629 I, 7 Io, 2 I I 3, o&5,245 2,78o, I 99 2, I 43,574 I,606, os2 O. O.9 Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,58o,622 828,483 I, OS2, 7 O 5 I, o&g,5o5 I, II 6,307 976,287 I,463, or o o. ob Marble, stone, and manufactures of I,761,696 I,465,244 I, 589,790 I,283, 2 I 9 I,466,561 I , 433, I 2 3 I,248,996 || O. o 7 Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656, 7o 5 832,943 I,340,282 I, 43 O, 572 I , 49 O, 797 I, I 26,465 I, I 42,054 o. oë Malt liquors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,290, of 2 I, I 78,740 854, I I 9 I, or 2,808 I, II 6,776 I,2,.I 5,34o I, O2 O, I 72 o. oG All other articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,761,904 22,557,283 25, 77 o, 532 30,732,482 3o,998,594 35,784,782 38,463,024 2 . I O Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,355,481,861|I,392,231,302 |I,435, I 79, or 7 | 1,491,744,641 |I,717,953,382 |I,853, 7 I 8, os 4 |I,834,786,357 |Ioo. oo * Corn oil cake not included. TABLE V IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE, BY PRINCIPAL ARTICLES AND CLASSES, YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1902–1908 1908 Order of Magni- ARTICLES. 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 Per tude, Value. Cent of 1908. Total. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. I Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,061, og 7 72, o&8,973 || 7 I,915,753 97,645,449 85,460, o&8 92,806,253 8o,258,147 6. 72 2 | Chemicals, drugs, and dyes . . . . . . . . 57,723,622 64,351, 199 || 65,294,558 64,779,559 || 74,477, I 37 | 82,997,914 | 73,237,os3 6. 13 3 Cotton, manufactures of . . . . . . . . . . 44,460, 126 52,462,755 49,524, 246 48,919,936 63,043,322 73, 7 o'A,636 68,379,781 5. 72 4 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7o,982, I 55 59, 2 oo, 749 || 69,551,799 84,654, off 2 73,256, 134 78,23 I,902 67,688, Io 6 5. 6.7 S Silk, unmanufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,635,35I 5o, or I, o 5o 46, Ioo, 5oo 6 I, o4.o,o 53 54,08o,504 7 I, 4 I I,899 64,546,903 S. 4 O 6 Hides and skins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, or I, I 68 58,031,613 || 52, ood, ozo 64,764, 146 83,882, 167 83, 200,545 54,770, IS6 4. 59 7 Fibers, vegetable, etc., manufac- tures of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,036,364 39,334, 52 I | 40,308,837 4o, I 25,406 5 I,437,581 67,422,557 54,467,572 4. 56 8 Wood, and manufactures of . . . . . . . 24, 445, 599 28,746,271 || 2 6,984,353 29,564,323 36,532,706 42,969,941 43,527,982 3. 64 9 India rubber and gutta-percha, crudel 25,652,977 3 I, OO 4, 54 I | 4 I, O49, 43.4 5o,729,873 46,og 5,685 6o,206,418 37,753,266 3. I 6 I O Fruits and nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I,48o,525 23,726,636 24,435,854 25,937,456 28,915,747 35,867, I 60 37, 354,742 3 - I 3 I I Fibers, vegetable, etc, unmanufac- tured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,545,962 34,462,513 || 37,814,285 38, I 18, o 7 I 39,360,290 42,239,358 35,493, o&2 2.97 I 2 Silk, manufactures of . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,640,242 35,963,552 || 3 I,973,68o 32,614,540 32, 9 IO, 590 38,653,251 32, 7 I 7,668 2. 74 I 3 Iron and steel, manufactures of . . . . . 27, 18O, 2.47 51,617,3 I 2 | 27, oz8,312 23, 5 Io, I 64 29, oš3,987 4o,587,865 27,607,909 2. 3 I I 4 Tobacco, and manufactures of . . . . . I 7,706,493 2 o,579, I 2 o || 2 o, of 3,346 22, 145,846 26, 590,706 3O, I 92., 375 27,267,913 2 . 28 I 5 Tin, in bars, blocks, and pigs . . . . . . I 9,461,850 23,618,802 || 2 I, 486,3 II 23,378,47 I 3o,932,998 38, II 7,459 25, 295, of I 2 . I 2 I6 Copper, manufactures of . . . . . . . . . . Io,968,948 I 7,505,247 | I 8, 2 I 5,442 I 9,942, 5 II 25,835, 5o 2 39, 428,687 24,462,663 2. O 5 I 7 Wool, unmanufactured . . . . . . . . . . . I 7,71 1,788 22, 152,961 | 24,813,59 I 46,225,558 39, od 3,372 4 I,534, oz8 23,664,938 I. 98 I 8 Spirits, wines, and malt liquors . . . . . . I 5,246,640 I 7, 17 1,617 I 6,662, 7 oz I 7,652,323 I9,257, 590 22, 1 O 4, 23.5 2 o, 77 I,8o 4 I. 74 I 9 Wool, manufactures of . . . . . . . . . . . . I 7,384,463 I 9,546,385 | I 7,733,788 I 7,893,663 23, o&o,683 22,32 I,460 I 9,387,978 I. 62 2 O Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,3oo, I 98 I 2,283,957 | I I, I 79,442 II, 593, 52 O I3,723,948 I 7, of 8,777 I8,292,393 I. 53 2 I Furs, and manufactures of . . . . . . . . I 5,623,60 I I 5,301, 9 I 2 | I 4,763, oo 2 I8,3o 6,302 2 I,855,682 2 I,884, og 4 I 5,918, 149 I . 33 22 Diamonds and other precious stones. 23,348,225 3 I,479,223 22,964, 1 I 9 33, 3 I 3,93 I 4O, 2.47, O IO 42,278,90 I I 6,642,634 I . 39 23 Articles, the growth, etc., of the United States, returned . . . . . . . . . 5,815,628 7, I 7 O,573 9,899,47.o 9, O 79, I 2.4 II, I 34, 9 I 2 II,833,983 I 6,599,766 I - 39 24 Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,390, I 28 I 5,659,229 | I 8,229,3 Io I 6, 23 o,858 I 4,58o,878 I 3, 9 I 5,544 I 6,309,870 I. 37 25 Cocoa, crude, and leaves and shells of 6,656,504 7,820,087 | 8,873,709 8,577,649 8,697,515 I 3,376,562 I 4,257,25o | I . I 9 $ Cotton, unmanufactured . . . . . . . . . . *- Leather, and manufactures of . . . . . . Earthen, stone, and china ware . . . . Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paper, and manufactures of . . . . . . . Meat and dairy products . . . . . . . . . . Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Breadstuffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copper ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metal, and manufactures of, not else- where specified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glass and glassware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Books, maps, engravings, and other printed matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coal, bituminous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fertilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hats, bonnets, and hoods, and mate- rials for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Household and personal effects. . . . . Feathers and down, crude, not dressed, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matting for floors, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Art works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cork wood, or cork bark, and manu- factures of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead, in ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paper stock, crude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hair, and manufactures of . . . . . . . . Iron ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clocks and watches, and parts of . . . Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bristles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jewelry, and manufactures of gold and silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All other articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II, 7 I 2, I 7o Io,892,591 8,541, 5 Io 9, 4 I 4, 75 O Io,879,592 19,930,988 I 4, I 72, 24 I I . I 9 II, 3 I 7,785 II,294, I 67 | I I, Ioo,2I5 II, 666,233 I 5, I 4o,926 2O, 393, 53.3 I 4, I 2 7,347 I . I 8 9,68o, I 56 IO, SI 2, O 52 | I 2, OOS, O I 4 II,659,723 I2,877,528 I 3, 7 o'0,790 I 3,427,969 I . I 2 8,527,og 7 8,635,583 9,889,697 Io,498, o'76 II,607,602 I 2,335,988 I 2,292, 77 o I . O3 4, 223, I 2 S 4,733, os 6 5,319, o&6 5,623,638 6,998, 76 I Io, 7 2 7,885 I 2,223,058 I - O 2 3,5 Io,696 4,703,536 || 4, 197,466 4, 253, 4 I 4 5, II 7, O 54 6,768,432 8,877, I 83 o. 74 7,o 39,835 4,581,355 7,oo8,602 3,983,272 5, O92,932 5,728,472 8,289, oë8 o. 69 4,023,670 4,232, of 4 || 4,977,389 4,964,457 5,887,863 6,993,561 7,206,423 o. 6o 2,580,295 3,023, 16o 3,247,503 6,557,347 4,513,667 5,892,968 7, 138,214 | o. 6o I4, oo3,840 3,385,524 3,466,381 4,892,961 6, 727,861 8,296,328 7,o 57, o&o O. 59 6,223,383 7, OS 7, 2 O2 7, O92, I 25 7,050, II 8 7,888,565 Io,325,446 6,768,637 O. 57 6,205,o 52 7,255,879 || 6,583, I 68 5,948,839 7, 5o 7,823 7,596,631 6,570, 123 o. 55 3,252, I 52 2,83 I,279 3,587,469 3,457,619 5,388,043 6,404,776 6,371,470 o. 53 4, I 33, 2 I 5 4,323,938 || 4,529, 187 4,589,858 5,599,948 6,451,309 6,o 36,693 l o. 51 5, 3 IO, 4 SO Io, 562, 185 5,o 43,824 3,713,748 4,367,750 4, 184,541 5, I 23,862 o. 43 2,426,758 3, Ioo,276 || 3,503,726 4, 524, 7 OC 4,446,360 5,34 I, 43O 4,970,461 o. 42 3, o So,478 3,871,278 || 3,963,043 4,379,473 4, 57 I, I84 6,820,259 4,852,548 || o. 41 2,926,92 I 3,oé I,473 3, O 73, 43 O 2, or o,966 3,082,203 4,392, 146 4,798,553 O. 4 O 4,624,531 4,533,845 || 3, 129,609 3,337, 45.4 3,914,382 4,344,282 4, 777, 459 || O. 4 O 2,934,244 2,856,oo7 3,040,523 3,263,384 3,941,875 3,835,354 4,446, I 87 o. 37 2,032,566 2,476,659 2,742, or 8 2,036,79 I 2,970,26o 4, 4 O I, I 3 I 4,360, 72 I o. 37 3,817,866 3,78o,o 5o 3,609,795 3,600,088 3,83 I,436 3,769,202 4,333, o44 o. 36 3,516,536 4, 3 IO, 3 IS 3,286,262 4,381,324 4,908,782 5,867,265 4,3 Io,767 o. 36 2,464,934 2,567,580 2,295, I38 2,738,319 3,313,306 4,063,982 4,249, ood o. 36 4,497,360 4,073,099 || 3,374,661 3,616,476 3,534,876 3,352, 534 4, I 47, 72 O | O. 35 2, 77 O,255 3, o I 5, o&4 || 2,900, 713 3,796,595 4,374,464 5,580,528 3,675,926 o. 3 I 3,685,242 4,815, 125 4,366, oo& 4,583,356 5, 188, I I 6 5, II 3, OOO 3, 59 I, 537 O. 3O 2,055,536 2,775,084 || 2,727,of 2 3,428,404 3,854,349 3,604,599 3,561, or 2 o. 3o 2,362,544 2,351,278 || I,593,279 I, 67 o,683 2,728,854 3,360,449 2,949,462 o. 25 2,460,324 2,672,3 Io 2,990,474 2,966,495 3, Io 5,036 3, 593, I 73 2,922, I 42 O. 25 I,478,452 3,607,666 2,O52,952 I,355,696 I , 394, 447 3,778, I I 4 2, Ioo,598 o. 18 2,047, 33 I 2,654,604 || 2,367,3or 2,370,498 2,695, 746 3,261,877 2,097,777 o. 18 2,642,345 2, oo 7,433 2,048,821 I,303,652 I, 739, 95.3 I, 779, 527 I,672,275 o. I 4 5 O, 3 I 3,903 57,875,712 || 52,552, oo7 57, I31,870 73,919, oé8 88, o&3, 181 74, I 69,712 6. 2 I 903,320,948 |I,oz 5,719,237 |991, o&7,371 |I, II 7,513, of I | 1,226,562,446 |I,434,42 I,425 |I, I 94,341,792 |Ioo. oo § 98 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS locations of each of the 1786 establishments reported for Chemicals and Allied Products at the census of 1905, and I find that seven states or territories, viz., Arkansas, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakato, South Dakota and Utah did not at that time possess a single establishment devoted to any of the large number of in- dustries embraced in Chemicals and Allied Products. Oklahoma, New Hampshire and Wyoming each possessed but one, and the District of Columbia, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Ver- mont each less than five. TABLE VI NUMBER OF ACTIVE ESTABLISHMENTS FOR CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS, BY STATES, 1905 I9 O 5 I9 O 5 Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º º Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Hampshire . . . . . . . . . I Connecticut . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.O New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 44. Delaware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 District of Columbia . . . . . . 3 North Carolina . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5 Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 28 Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Illinois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IS Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rhode Island . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Indian Territory . . . . . . . . I South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . 26 Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I Vermont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Louisiana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 West Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Massachusetts . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I9 Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I O In order to bring this matter of the distribution of the industries manufacturing Chemical and Allied Products more clearly to your attention I have, through the courtesy of the Director of the Bureau of the Census, had prepared a map of the United States showing the location of the establishments, both principal and THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF .4.11 ERICA 99. Subsidiary, manufacturing Sulphuric acid, those making explosives, and those engaged in wood distillation, each being a typical in- dustry, and the Sulphuric acid industry being generally accepted as of fundamental importance. From this chart it appears that I 3 states and territories, being the 7 already named (Arkansas, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah) with Iowa, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, Oregon, and Wyoming, containing 7,648, ooo out of the 76,303,387 inhabitants of the Continental United States in 1905, or Over I o per cent of the whole, did not possess a single establishment devoted to any one of these industries. Considering sulphuric acid only, which is so important an in- dustry that it has frequently been referred to as an index of the state of civilization of a people, we find that 23 states and terri- tories, namely the 13 just enumerated, together with Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Washington and West Virginia, containing 19,562,200 population, or 25.6 per cent of the total, did not possess a single Sulphuric acid plant within their borders. Turning now to the East, we find that II out of the 13 original colonies, viz., Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Virginia, contained 30,695, ooo popula- tion, or 40.2 per cent of the total, and I oo Sulphuric acid factories, or 67.1 per cent of the total number existing in the country. Anal- ysis of the statistics of the separate states shows that the number of these establishments does not follow the population, Georgia, for instance, with about one-fourth the population of New York, having twice the number of sulphuric acid factories that New York had. I am aware that the number of establishments in an industry, is an unsafe criterion as to the magnitude or importance of that industry, but this feature has been chosen as lending itself most easily to graphic demonstration. I have therefore assembled, by geographic divisions, in Table VII, data for the quantity of sul- phuric acid produced, and we find that inspection of this leads to much the same result as to that which was drawn from the con- sideration of the distribution of the establishments. All investigations show that there is an enormous extent of fairly well-populated area in this country yet awaiting develop- ſ'OC(\Plző71Oil. Of Čxplosives, Sulphuric Qcid analºoca Distillation. 4.93,600 NORTH DAKOTA 1889 1979,900 MINNESOTA ( |858 455, 700 SOUTH DAKOTA |889 | 2.2/0,000 /,068./00 |OWA NEBRASKA 1845 |867 lºſ(\|\ſs : 1904. /, 54.5, 900 Š. 3,320.400 1953,200 | NARGVNA KANSAS MISSOUR Cl N |86| |8?! º A C) r) Gº Glo \ \NP /.4/4. /00 A. 2 2/2,800 OKLAH Fº /,40.3,200 [. NEW MEXICO ARºsas 1,682.100 MSS, 3, 1840 = Center of Topulation. 18|7 \900 (O) = " º Illanufactures. 3,455,300 I, 5/3,100 2.29/400 = () talic º *l\)5 TEXAS A l'opulation in 1905. 1845 LOUISIANA |792 -(Heavy ilālack figures) [8]2 aff shous ‘lſcar of Clamis- [T] º-sº sion to the ‘llnion. 2 wº 6/2,500 9°o= €xplosives. - -EJ G = Sulphuric Clcid. y * * =ll)ooa Distillation. 100 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS ment by the chemical engineer, and I commend this field of service to your attention. TABLE VII QUANTITY OF SULPHURIC ACID PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 1905 AND 1900 Division. I 9o 5. I 9 OO. Tons. Tons. United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,869,437 I,548, I 23 North Atlantic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768,647 734,669 South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540,593 52O, 575 North Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349,906 I 53,979 South Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4 I, I O 7 87,665 Western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, I84 5 I, 23.5 As a field in which costs may be diminished, attention may be called to the saving of waste. So much has been said on this subject that I hesitate to dwell upon it lest I weary you. But I venture to suggest that one remedy for waste, which has not been SO markedly dwelt upon as it deserves, is by a change in location, and I take as an example of this the gas industry. I have long looked upon our present custom of transporting coal long distances to be converted into gas as uneconomic, for a not inconsiderable quantity of coal is burned to provide the energy with which to haul this coal. Not only that but, since the gas constitutes but a very Small percentage by weight of the coal, there is a considerable waste in hauling the coke, with its ash, and the by-products. Further, to provide for emergencies, large Stocks of coal must be accumulated in advance at the gas works, and as coal, particularly gas coal, begins to deteriorate as soon as it is removed from the mine, there is a very considerable loss going On all the time from this cause. Further, as the by-products or residuals are now purchased in the crude state in relatively small quantities at the different gas works, a large part of their value is consumed in collecting and transporting them to central re- fineries. By producing the gas at the mine and shipping it by pipe line the cost of haulage in the coke, with its ash, and crude by-products is Saved. The wastage of coal by weathering is saved. The cost of collection and transportation of the crude residuals is saved. THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA 101 Such coke as is not needed for industrial purposes can be converted in producers into gas which, by means of internal-combustion engines, can be used in generating electricity for distribution, and the ash from this coal can be put into the mine for use as a filler in place of coal. It is evident that gas can, under these circumstances, be made and delivered at a much less cost than is the case at present, though it may be necessary after long travel to enrich it near the point of consumption. Furthermore the valuable areas now occupied by gas plants in our cities can be given up to more concentrated industries and cheap country lands be substituted for them. I venture further to suggest that frequently an urgent reason for Saving waste is to suppress a nuisance, for I do not hesitate to assert that the existence of a public nuisance is evidence of the existence of an economic waste. Almost at the outset of my professional life, in 1872, I became involved in the famous Miller's River Nuisance case and it fell to my lot, to examine, on behalf of the citizens of Cambridge, Mass., the large slaughtering houses which were believed to be the cause of the nuisance, and to study the operations going on within them. The conditions were very complex and there were a variety of causes which led to the creation and maintenance of this most horrible and most extensive nuisance, but among other causes I found that the slaughtering houses had permitted much valuable blood and offal to escape into the stream and that, at that time, one establishment alone was pouring into the river, in the water in which it had steamed its hogs, over five tons of gelatinous matter per week, and this was done in ignorance of the existence of this matter in tank waters. What I have found to be true regarding matter, I have also found to be true as regards energy, and I cite as an example, the nuisance of “cannonading” in blasting, which is proof in itself of the use of unnecessarily excessive charges of explosives. But in urging the abating of a nuisance or advising the saving of waste or the conserving of resources, we should not fail to point out that it can usually be accomplished only with added expense, and that a profit can rarely be realized unless the operations are carried out on a quite considerable scale. In fact, it seems to be an economic law that only the rich can really save; that “to him that hath shall be given’’; for the poor must pay the price of much 102 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Subdivision and the consequent cost of much handling and a multiplicity of containers. In fact, we should make it plain that the advocacy of the saving of waste in manufacture and of conserving our resources necessarily implies the use of great aggregations of capital and the carrying On Of large Scale Operations under a single management. It means the application of methods such as have been applied with great success in the manufacture of hog products, or in the refining of petroleum. In dealing with coke at the census of 1905, I found that of the 37,376,251 tons of coal coked in the United States in that census year, only 3,317,585 tons, or 8.9 per cent, were coked in by-product Ovens, and I estimated from the yields and values of the by-products which were recovered that had all the coal been Coked in by-product Ovens there was a possible saving of $37,492,- I 36.” This is an enormous amount to save in a single industry in a single year, and if the saving could be made an accomplished fact it would go far toward wiping out that humiliating account against us in our imports of “Chemicals, drugs and dyes.” But I have never failed to recognize the fact that this could only be accomplished by those controlling large capital, and that it meant the “killing off” of a large number of minor establishments, and I have further recognized the fact that the apparent savings set forth could not be realized until the charges against the more costly plant had been satisfied, nor until the market had been so read- justed that it could absorb this greatly increased output of by- products. - As an example of the commercial advantage resulting from the abating of a nuisance, I cite the instance of Ducktown, Tenn., whose smelters have for decades been notorious offenders. I will not repeat to you the details by which their devastating sulphurous fumes have been converted into valuable merchandise, since they have been so well set forth in current literature, but will simply note, that, by report, this saving has resulted in the suspension of a number of the sulphuric acid works in the contiguous region, and I am ready to believe this report to be true, for I look upon this result as a natural consequence of the Operation of a wholesome law in economics. However, all of the endeavors avail but little So long as we remain a dependent nation, which the quantity of manufactured “Chem- * Bull. 65, U. S. Census of Manufactures, 1905, p. 18. THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA - 103 icals, drugs and dyes” imported by us indicates that we are, and especially while we import over $7,000,ooo worth of coal-tar products and nearly $2,000,ooo worth of ammonium sulphate, alS we did in 1908, and yet allow $37,ooo, ooo worth of the by-products produced in the coking of our coal to be wasted. It is evident that there is still a wide opportunity for the employment of the chemical engineer in developing our chemical industries. I find that I have been led to devote my attention to the chem- ical industries of the United States when you have asked me to treat of those of America. I have, however, limited myself not because I consider our country America, but because of the limited amount of information that I have been able to secure relative to the other countries in North and South America. Such as is available for Canada is found in a paper by Dr. W. R. Lang, pub- lished in the Transactions of the Canadian Institute for 1904, ſºon which it appears that, in 1903, Salt was produced in the Dominion to the value of $334, ooo, and arsenic, in 1901, to the extent of 1,347, Ooo pounds. Sulphuric acid was produced in Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia, but neither the number of factories, nor the extent of the output is given. How- ever, in treating of the plant at Ontario, which produced about fifteen tons of acid per day, it is stated that imported brimstone was used as the raw material and this in the face of the fact that Canada abounds in pyrites. The wood-distillation industry flourishes in that country, the plant of the Lake Superior Power Com- pany being, it is said, the largest retort plant in the world, but no statistics of production are supplied. Ammonia liquor was pro- duced to the extent of 235, ooo pounds of 28° Bé, strength, the larger part of it being exported. Soap was produced by some fifteen concerns employing about 2000 hands, the value of the product in 1902 being approximately $3,000,ooo. Glycerine was obtained from the soap lyes, one works being capable of treating Io, ooo, ooo pounds of lye annually. Petroleum refining was carried on at Sarnia, the factory being able to treat 66, ooo barrels of crude oil per month. Calcium carbide was made in two works, carborundum and graphite in One. There was a limited manufacture of fine and heavy chemicals. This about completes the tale for Canada. My efforts to obtain information relative to the Central American and South American states have been less successful, though I have searched the literature and consulted officials from and to 104 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS these countries. “The Statistical Abstract of Foreign Countries” recently published by Mr. O. P. Austin, Chief of the U. S. Bureau of Statistics, covers the exports and imports of these countries for a decade, and it appears to be the Only authoritative and detailed report concerning them, yet a painstaking search of the tables of exports for each of these Central American and South American countries shows no other chemical items than borate of lime, iodine, and nitrate of soda from Chili; charcoal from British Guiana and Argentina; fermented and distilled liquors from several of the countries, especially from the West Indian Islands; and dyestuffs and extracts from a number of states. Literature relating to the commercial resources and industrial activities of the Pan-American republics, other than the United States, is apparently quite meager, and information regarding their industrial activities appears not to have been collected either by the countries themselves or by students of commerce and industry. It does appear, however, from what information can be obtained, that the resources of these countries are in an undeveloped condition and that these countries present an almost virgin field for development by the chemical engineer. I have myself attempted to inspire one such development, for at the outset of the undertaking of the construction of the Panama Canal by the United States, I advised that dynamite, which has been consumed in enormous quantities in the excavation work, and the manufactured ‘‘raw '' materials of its manufacture, be made upon the Isthmus. The easy access to the nitrate of soda deposits of Chili, making but a brief water transportation necessary for delivery, and the existence of pyrites in great abundance in the vicinity of the Isthmus, making the production of sulphuric, and hence mixed, acids easy and simple were a few of the many advan- tages which would follow the adoption of this plan. But not the least would be the civilizing influence which chemical manufacture always exerts. It is unnecessary to say that up to the present, I have been unsuccessful in my endeavors to introduce chemical manufactures into the Central American states, but I trust that you, who have done me the honor to listen to me, may succeed where I have failed. UNIVERSITY OF MICH] ill 38 9015 07506 03 # ; 3 Y. ; • ? 4 * g 4 3 * * * * * * * * , , - * : * * f { * , , * * * t ; ::::: * # * > . * . . . . !....… . . ;, i. * , t < * : * : * : * : * * * * * *. . . . . . * * * * * * ***. 4 s : * #4 * : * * * : ; ; ; * : * : * * * * * :::::::: { f tº * * * * * * wº 1 * . 3 # ... it ". . . . . . #’s * * * * * * * .* * * * * * . . ; .. & ğ. º tº: ** * * * * $ - º ; : * : * I ::::::::: * * * * º!!:::: t & * * * * * * , , t * t * * * * * * : * ** isdical libºl . W. 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