º O Ques t|On - of the Hour– | HOUSING! Don't Miss This Conference . YOU WILL HEAR– The Proposed Federal Building-Loan Bank System Many persons believe that, follow- ing the analogy of the Farm Loan Bank system, the Federal Govern- ment should create a similar sys- tem to facilitate loans on dwellings. Senator Chas. O'Connor Hennessy, Chairman of the Federal Legisla- tive Committee of the United States League of Building and Loan Asso- ciations, will describe this plan. C. ( 'CONNOR HENNESSY President of the Franklin Society for Home Building and Savings - Can National Bank Funds Be Released for Housing? A National Bank in a Massachu- setts city is loaning its funds to de- positors who want to build homes Can this plan be extended through out the country? Mr. Wolfe, a banker and also President of the Bridgeport Housing Co. will dis- cuss it. EDMUND S. WOLFE President, 1st Bridgeport National Bank. Housing in France George B. Ford for three years has been in France actively leading the work of physical Reconstruction of its Devastated Areas. He has been the only “foreigner” whose advice has been desired, and was chosen to plan the rebuilding of the City of Rheims. GEORGE B. FORD City Plan Consultant, New York l | THE PROGRAM § 3 FIRST DAY, Thursday,;December 9, 1920 MORNING SESSION: 9 to 10–Registration. 1()—Address of Welcome, Hon. Clifford B. Wilson, Mayor of Bridgeport. - 10:30—Report of Secretary. 11—The Rent Situation. “What is a Fair Rent?” Harold G. Aron, Attorney, New York City. “The Holding Over of Tenants in Possession of Premises.” E. G. Sammis, Counsel Housing Committee, N. Y. Legislature. 1–Luncheon. Reports of Delegates. AFTERNOON SESSION, THREE O'CLOCK “Stimulating New Construction”, Making Financing Easy. Exemption from Taxation and Other Subsidies. Lawson Purdy, Former Chairman Board Taxes and Assessments, N. Y. C. Control of Luxury Building. Even ING SESSION, EIGHT O'CLOCK. Government Housing. - Lawrence Veiller, Sec'y, Nat’l Housing Ass'n, N. Y. C. Housing in France. George B. Ford, City Plan Consultant, Author of the Plans for the New Rheims. SECOND DAY Friday, December 10, 1920 MORNING SESSION: Two Section Meetings as Follows: Financing (Continued). Section A–Nine-thirty O'clock. Co-operative Housing. E. A. MacDougall, President, Queensboro Cor- poration, N. Y. C. Investing in Dwelling House Mortgages. Walter Stabler, Comptroller, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., N. Y. C. Section B–Ten-thirty O’clock. Using National Bank Funds. Edmund S. Wolfe, President 1st Bridgeport Na- tional Bank, President Bridgeport Housing Co. Proposed Federal Building-Loan Bank System. Charles O’Connor Hennessy, Chairman Federal Legislative Committee, U. S. League of Building and Loan Associations. LUNCHEoN, Twelve-thirty O'clock. . . A New Idea as to Landlord and Tenant. - George Woodward, M. D., Philadelphia. . . . Lessons from Bridgeport's Housing Work ºf . , : W. H. Ham, Manager Bridgeport Housing Co. AFTERNOON: 2:15—Motor Trip—Inspection of Bridgeport Housing Developments. . . . . . . . Even ING SESSION, Eight O'clock. THIRD DAY Saturday, December 11, 1920. MoRNING SEssion: Three Section Meetings as Follows: s MATERIALS: . - Section A–Nine O'clock. Methods of Reducing Costs. º Eliminating Waste. Waddy B. Wood, Architect, Washington. Factory Production. Robert Tappan, Architect, N. Y. C. Section B–Ten O’clock. New Kinds of Materials. Leslie H. Allen, Engineer, Springfield, Mass. Transit and Coal as Factors in Cost of Materials. : Franklin T. Miller, U. S. Senate Committee on Reconstruction and Production. Section C-Eleven O’clock | Unwise Building Laws. Grosvenor Atterbury, Architect, N. Y. C. Standardization of Parts. LUNCHEON, Twelve-Thirty O’clock. Is America Ready for the Garden City? Harry Foster Burns, Dorchester, Mass. Moving Picture Films of English Garden Cities and Villages. AFTERNOON SESSION, Two O'clock. Consequences of the Housing Shortage—Room Over- { crowding. t The Effect Upon Health and Morals. The Effect Upon Industry. Henry S. Pitts, of the Aberthaw Construction Co., Boston. To obtain additional copies of this program write immediately to NATIONAL HOUSING ASSOCIATION, 105 East 22nd Street, New York City *This program is subject to slight changes. * - -ſ. THE HOUSINC ; SHORTAGE Discussed by MEN WHO KNOW How Insurance Com- panies Are Aiding The Metropolitan of which Mr. What Is the Way Out of the Present Situation? - Stabler is the º". has made How to Reduce the Cost of Housing— !"º º There are three basic factors in the problem before the construction of houses ºr 40 different cities to carry - - - plan. Mr. Stabler will sumed-Money, Materials, Labor. - this scheme. W. Othe | - anies follow this How to Reduce the Cost of MONEY- Will Exemption from Taxation of New Buildings offer - = . . . sume Operations: cº"...." Hear what men 1ík t Insurance Co., N. º - & 4 9 y - - - - 2 Do Building Laws Un- Will Control of “Luxury” Building Produce ore Houses necessarily Increase the | Cost of Housing? Why is it º, ºn ºn Crete walls of small two-story work- ingmen's dwellings eight inches thick, when three-inch walls will answer? Mr. Atterbury will dis- cuss this and other cognate ques- Will the stopping of the building º garages, theatres, mansions, office buildings Solve the Prob Will Government Housing Is America ready to follow England - - tions. Grosvenor ATTERBUR Architect, New York. The Rent Situation– What is a Fair Rent? v \rt. The Vexed Rental Profiteering? fixin the situation? How shoul * by the legislature, by m courts Question ºnants ºr allow, iſ so for how iono and ºn h - . Mr. Aron who is in the thick of the Ought tenants be allo , for how long an under w at COn - legal fight concerning the new Rent Laws in New York and who ren- dered fine service to the cause of housing during the War, with the Emergency Fleet Corporation, will discuss this difficult question. busing Committee of the New Yo | 1 | SO "..., us Lockwood All these subjects will be discussed by experts tºol) G. A.RON Attorney, New York. ... . . . FOR COMPLETE PROGRAM, SEE REVERSE SIDE - LAWSON PURDY Former Chairman, Board o Taxes and Assessments, N. Y. rapher, was given practical demon- Garden City is now rising at We wyn. When will America grasp the advantages of this great idea? - nanº FOSTER BUR - Dorchester, M ass Is Any Form of Govern- ment Subsidy Advisable? Lawson Purdy will explain the ad- vantages of the exemption from local taxation of new buildings for a term of years, as a means of stim- ulating new construction. Is America Ready for the Garden City? Ten years ago this epoch scheme for decentraliza dustry thought out by E Howard, a London Court Sten stration at £etchworth. A gººd How Bridgeport Dealt With Its Housing Problem One of the determining reasons which led to the decision to hold his Conference in Bridgeport was the opportunity it gave of seeing one of America's most attractive and successful housing develop- ments, that of the Bridgeport Housing Co. Mr. Ham will tell of the lessons to be learned from this development. Eighth National Conference on HOUSING IN AMERICA, Bridgeport, Comm., December 9, 10, 11, 1920 Headquarters—STRATFIELD HOTEL. Make Your Room Reservations Now—There Will Be a Crowd.