§"Gºt,"60%; 330 à U 11 y < r , t t y of ſ/ ºf hiº. r El J H → A CATALOG BORNE UPON THE ROLLS 1 J A N U A F Y, 1899 BOSTON PRRPARED BY THE LIBRARIAN AND PUBLISHED BY THE 1899 HONORARY, PACTIVE AND RETIRED SOCIETY Each and Every Fellow is requested, on receiving this catalog, to see if his name and residence (not place of practice) are correctly given, and if an error be discovered, to notify the Librarian promptly, that it may be corrected on the books and records of the Society. EDWIN H. BRIGHAM, M.D., Librarian, 19 Boylston Place, Boston, Mass. BºAVotice of other errors found is requested. 2 / 6, § IV ºf f\/\S- S 7 c. (2 / 47, 3T Qſìje ſhaggathugettg ſºlebital $50ciety A CATALOG wºrrº. | A wºr- ºr 2 / | p 3T3 & 4) * …~~~~~"-----a-A OF ITS OFFICERS AND FELLOWS HONORARY, ACTIVE AND RETIRED BORNE UPON THE ROLLS 1 J A N U A. F. Y., 1899 BOSTON PREPARED BY THE LIBRARIAN AND PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1899 THE Librarian wishes to acknowledge his great indebtedness to the Recording Secretary for his assistance in the verification of data. D. CLAPP & Son, Printers, BOSTON (Tomtelltä TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 GENERAL CATALOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 LOCAL DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 NON-RESIDENTS º e e gº º tº tº º º º tº º gº e & I 24 PARTIAL LIST OF FELLOWS IN SERVICE DURING THE LATE WAR WITH SPAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE DISTRICTs AND NUMERICAL SUMMARY OF FELLOws . . . . . . . . . . 133 RECAPITULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 NEW ADDRESSES SINCE PRINTING . . . . . . . . . . . . ERRATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QĐfficerg of the $50cietp OFFICERS. 1899. #tzgibent. EDWIN BAYARD HARVEY . . . . . . . of Westborough. $Jite-4}regfuent. MAURICE DWIGHT CLARKE . . . . . . . . . Of Haverhill. (ſteaguter. EDWARD MARSHALL BUCKINGHAM . . . . . Of Boston. Corregpgmbing $zcretarg. CHARLES WALTER SWAN . . . . . . . . Of Brookline. 38ecotting $zcretarg. FRANCIS WEBSTER GOSS . . . . . . . . . of Roxbury, 3Librarian. EDWIN HOWARD BRIGHAM . . . . . . . . Of Brookline. QIije Đonorarp ſºlembergijip 1874 1892 1882 1879 1892 HONORARY MEMBERS. Acland, Henry Wentworth Goodale, George Lincoln . Paget, Sir James Sapolini, Joseph . Phocas, Gerassime . Oxford, England. Cambridge. London, England. Milan, Italy. Athens, Greece. Qſhe Qāeneral (ſtatalog PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. |NOTE.-The date preceding the name is that of admission. A date following denotes year of retirement, and is preceded by a f. The address given is the residence, and the last known. A letter not followed by a period is not an initial, but has been as- sumed probably for differential purposes, or for the sake of euphony. 1884 1890 1895 1892 1851 1841 1894 1877 1862 1880 1893 1891 1894 1894 1892 1887 I880 1884 1866 1898 1873 1891 1894 1855 Abbe, Alanson Joseph Abbe, Edward Hooper . . . Abbe, Frederick Randolph Abbot, Edward Stanley . . Abbot, Oscar Dunreath . . . Abbot, Samuel Leonard . . Abbott, Howard Edwin . . . Abbott, John Hammill . Abbott, Samuel Warren Abbott, Stephen Wendell . . Achard, Herman Jacoby Achorn, John Warren . . Adams, Charles Eli . Adams, Charles Sumner Adams, Chauncy . ſº Adams, Edwin Boardman . Adams, George Edwin . Adams, Herbert William Adams, James Forster Alleyne Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Walter Henry . Adams, Wendell Holmes Adams, Zabdiel Boylston Fall River. New Bedford- Dorchester. Lynn. . Manchester, N.H. flè91 Boston. Salem. Fall River. Wakefield. Lawrence. Roselle, Ill. Boston. Santa Clara, Cal. Wollaston. New Bedford. Springfield. Worcester. Dorchester. Pittsfield. Brookline. Amesbury. East Bridgewater. Kingston. Framingham. fl398 18 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1867 1891 1894. 1881 1892 I893 1884 1892 1880 1885 1896 1859 1896 1898 1862 1897 I893 1890 1859 1892 1866 1897 1862 1886 1888 1898 1874. 1891 1895 1894. 1883 1881 I892 1894. 1891 1896 1882 1873 1884. 1896 Ahearne, Cornelius Augustus. Ahearne, Cornelius Augustus, jr. Albee, George Macdonald . }Aldrich, Eben True . Alexander, Clara Jane . Allen, Bradford Allen, Carl Addison . Allen, Franklin Haley . Allen, Gardner Weld Allen, George Edwin Allen, Justin Allen, Lyman . Allen, Seabury Wells Allen, William George . Amadon, Alfred Mason . Amadon, Arthur Frank Ames, John Lincoln . Ames, Joseph Stanford . Ames, Robert Parker Marr Amory, Robert & Cº Andrews, Edward Austin Andrews, Robert Foster Andrews, William Henry . Anthony, Francis Wayland Anthony, Jeremiah Christopher . Appleton, William, jr. Arnold, Horace David . Ash, John Henry . e Atkinson, Lizzie Daniel Rose Atwood, Charles Augustus Atwood, Frank Sumner Atwood, George Manley Auger, Louis Lemaitre . August, Albert Averill, George Goodwin Averill, Jesse Howes Ayer, James Bourne. Ayer, Silas Hibbard . Ayer, Thomas Herbert . Lynn. Salem. Worcester. Boston. Boston. Nashua, N.H. Holyoke. Haverhill. Boston. Bradford. Topsfield. Burlington, Vt. Boston. Mansfield. Melrose. Melrose. Boston. Holden. Springfield. Boston. Harding. Gardner. Springfield. Bradford. Springfield. Boston. Roxbury. West Quincy. West Newton. Taunton. Salem. Bradford. Worcester. Cambridge. East Cambridge. Campello. Boston. f1892 .* Boston. Westborough. PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 19 1849 1888 1878 1881 1893 1894. 1898 1890 1898 I896 1883 1892 I882 1897 1880 1872 1891 1892 1888 1885 1895 1896 1894 1886 1891 1877 1882 I898 I885 1892 1872 1896 1895 1852 1884 1876 1895 1878 1895 Babbit, Henry Smith . Babcock, James Woods . Bacon, Jonas Edward Bailey, Charles Hardy . Bailey, George Guy . Bailey, Marshall Henry Bailey, Walter Channing Baird, Julian William Baker, Benjamin Ward . Baker, Chester Monroe . Baker, David Erastus Baker, Frederick Herbert . Baker, Harry Beecher . Baker, Jane Rogers . Baker, Lucius Willard . Baker, William Henry . Balch, Franklin Greene Balcom, George Franklin . Baldwin, Frederick William Baldwin, Henry Cutler . Baldwin, Herman Trost. Baldwin, Sanford Oscar Ball, Charles Dickens Evans . Bancroft, Edward Erastus . Bancroft, George Andrew . Bancroft, Winfred Baxter . Banfield, Francis Loring Bangs, Charles Howard . Barnard, Rebecca Barnes, Francis John Barnes, Henry Jabez Barney, Charles Norton Barré, Joseph Aladin Barrett, William Marshall . Barstow, Henry Taylor. Bartlett, Benjamin Webber Bartlett, Clarence Samuel . Bartlett, George Pinkham . Bartlett, Oliver Leslie Dorchester. f1894 Columbia, S.C. Brockton. South Gardner. Ipswich. Cambridge. Somerville. Boston. Taunton. Hyannis. Newtonville. Worcester. Dighton. Tewksbury. Baldwinsville. Waltham. Boston. Worcester. Danvers. Boston. Chestnut Hill. South Framingham. Boston. Wellesley. South Natick. South Boston. Worcester. Lynn. Worcester. Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Fall River. Westborough. Boston. Rowley. West Gardner. Woburn. Brockton. fl889 20 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1890 1871 1864. 1867 1869 1897 1895 1889 1897 1879 1884 1897 1879 1868 1852 1897 1896 1890 1896 1898 1891 1885 1884. 1876 1873 1839 1893 1857 1875 1898 1894 1878 1898 1898 1885 1889 1896 1890 1894 1883 Bartol, John Washburn. Barton, Chester Manley Bass, William . . . . Bass, William Moseley . Bassett, Elton James Batchelder, William Burdett . Bateman, Frank Elliott. Bates, Everett Alanson . Bates, Walter Simpson . Battershall, Joseph Ward . Baxter, Edward Hooker Baxter, William Elihu . Baylies, Andrew . Beach, Henry Harris Aubrey . Beach, John Curran . Beals, Arthur Loring Bean, Charles Pierce Bédard, Joseph Armand Beebe, John Belcher Beattie, Robert Fowler. Belden, Albert Matson . Bell, Robert Bell, Robert Eddy Bell, William Appleton . Bemis, Charles Albert Bemis, Charles Vose Bemis, John Merrick Bemis, Merrick Benner, Burnham Roswell . Benner, Herbert Orray . Bennett, Frederick Sherwin . Benoit, Benjamin, jr. Benson, Charles Sweetser . Berg, Tekla Amalia Josefina . Berlin, Fanny . . . . Bernard, Barnard Lecherzach . Berry, John Cutting . Berry, Lauriston M. . Bertram, William Henry Best, Enoch George . . Boston. Hatfield. Lowell. Dedham. Taunton. Roxbury. Charlestown. Springfield. Barre. Attleborough. Hyde Park. Brookline. Worcester. Boston. New York, N.Y. Brockton. Boston. Lynn. Great Barrington. Swampscott. Chesterfield. Roxbury. Lowell. Somerville. West Medway. Medford. Worcester. Worcester. Lowell. i 1881 f1861 . South Framingham. Boston. Lowell. Haverhill. Lynn. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Chicopee Falls. East Boston. Turner's Falls. PRESENT FELLowsy ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 21 1889 1882 1883 1866 1874. 1894 1894 1883 1885 1897 1884 1878 1888 1897 1882 1868 I868 1888 1890 1861 1893 1898 1852 1882 1897 1893 1872 1871 1868 1898 1874 1896 1868 1885 1878 1871 1891 1891 1889 1850 Betts, Helen Loretta Bigelow, Charles Edwin Bigelow, Enos Hoyt . Bigelow, Orvis Furman . Bigelow, William Sturgis Billings, William Chester . Birge, Ella Freeman Birge, William Spafard . Birmingham, Robert Michael . Biron, Joseph Frederick Rodolphe Birtwell, Charles Ebenezer Bixby, Josiah Peet Blair, Arthur Walter Blair, Orlando Rossini Blaisdell, George Warren . Blaisdell, Walter Channing Blake, Clarence John Blake, Harrison Gray Blake, John Bapst Blake, John George , Blake, Warren Perkins . Blakely, David Newton Blanchard, Albert Henry Blanchard, Benjamin Seaver . Bliss, Jesse Leonti Bliss, William Howard . Blodgett, Albert George Blodgett, Albert Novatus Blodgett, Charles . º Blodgett, John Hammond . Blood, Robert Allen . Blossom, Anne Moers e Boardman, William Elbridge . Boardman, William Sydney Boland, Elisha Shepard Bolles, William Palmer. Bolton, Charles James . Bond, Sarah Adams . Bond, Willis George . Bonney, Franklin Jamaica Plain. Leominster. Framingham. Amherst. Boston. New York, N.Y. Provincetown. Provincetown. Lawrence. Amesbury. Lawrence, Woburn. Dorchester. Springfield. Manchester. Boston. Boston. Woburn. Boston. Boston. Springfield. Boston. Sherborn. Brookline. Holyoke. Three Rivers, Ware. Boston. Holyoke. Boston. Charlestown. North Adams. Boston. Boston. South Boston. Roxbury. Somerville. Jamaica Plain. Revere. Hadley. #1895 f1896 fl388 22 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1897 1877 1870 1893 1897 1897 1868 1881 1877 1887 1867 1875 1879 1880 1874 1891 1894 1893 1896 1885 1895 1885 1896 1895 1878 1878 1883 1871 1890 1894 1884 1896 1873 1885 1866 1887 1893 1893 1866 1858 Boom, Augustus Keefer Booth, Edward Chauncey . Borden, Henry Francis . Bossidy, John Collins Bottomley, John Taylor Boucher, George Alphonse Bowditch, Henry Pickering Bowditch, Vincent Yardley Bowen, Charles Wesley Bowen, John Templeton Bowen, Seabury Warren Bowen, Seranus Bowers, Walter Prentice Bowker, Adolphus Varian . Bowker, Charles . Bowker, Everett M . Bowles, George Hall Bowman, Fred Raymond Boyd, James Van Wagner . Boyd, Samuel George Boynton, Edwin Dana . Brackett, Elliott Gray Bradbury, John Elmer . Bradford, Cary Carpenter . Bradford, Edward Hickling . Bradford, Henry Withington . Bradley, Charles Seymour . Bragdon, George Albert Bragdon, Horace Elwood Bragg, Francis Adelbert Brainerd, John Bliss Branch, Charles Franklin . Brechin, William Pitt Breck, Samuel . Breck, Theodore Frelinghuysen . Brennan, John Joseph Brett, Frank Wallace Brewster, George WashingtonWales Brewster, James Bartlett Brewster, John Milton . Adams. Somerville. Brockton. Boston. Boston. Brockton. Jamaica Plain. Boston. Westfield. Boston. Fall River. Roxbury. Clinton. Athol. Bernardston. Brookline. Boston. Boston. Springfield. San Francisco, Cal. Worcester. Boston. Livermore Falls, Me. Southbridge. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Westborough. Middletown, Conn. East Boston. Foxborough. Boston. Amherst. Boston. Roxbury. Springfield. Worcester. South Braintree. Boston. Plymouth. Pittsfield. f1893 f 1881 PRESENT FELLows, ACTIVE AND RETIRED, 23 1895 1898 1889 1885 1893 1898 1880 1883 1868 1886 1866 1880 1874 1883 1893 1884 1852 1874 1843 1890 1893 1899 1878 1896 1894 1898 1861 1883 1884. 1896 1889 1878 1869 1893 1897 I873 1879 1888 1862 1889 Brewster, Mary Jones Brickett, Beatrice Hannah . Bridgham, Charles Burr Bridgham, Samuel Crosby . Briggs, Charles Albert . Briggs, Charles Edwin . Briggs, Edward Cornelius . Briggs, Frederick Melancthon Brigham, Edwin Howard . Brigham, Frank Fontelle Brigham, Franklin Whiting Brissett, Henry Rupert . Brockway, Charles Henry . Broderick, Thomas Joseph . Broga, William Wallace Broidrick, James Patrick Bronson, John Richardson . Brooks, Lawton Stickney . Brooks, Samuel Doolittle Brooks, William Allen, jr. . Brough, David Dandie . Broughton, Arthur Nicholson Broughton, Henry White . Brousseau, William Gilbert Brown, Daniel Joseph Brown, Edward Wells Brown, Francis Henry . Brown, Frank Byron Brown, George Artemas Brown, Henry Albertus Brown, Henry Wilson . Brown, John Peaslee Brown, Marshall Lebanon . Brown, Martin Millard . Brown, Orestes Morton . Brown, Orlando Jonas . Brown, Roscoe Ellsworth . Brown, Wilfred Gardner Brown, William Symington Brown, Windsor Aldrich 3 Northampton. Newton Center. Cohasset. Pasadena, Cal. Freetown. Cleveland, O. Milton. Boston. Brookline. Lynn. Shrewsbury. Lowell. Worcester. Charlestown. Springfield. Jamaica Plain. Attleborough. Springfield. Springfield. Boston. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Jamaica Plain. Boston. Springfield. Springfield. Boston. Dorchester. Barre. Boston. Binghamton, N.Y. Taunton. Brighton. North Adams. Everett. North Adams. Everett. Plymouth. Stoneham. Athol. f 1894 f 1881 f 1886 24 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1881 1898 1888 1895 1896 1896 1893 1892 1874 1887 1893 1867 1893 1882 1874 1886 1899 1898 1874 1889 1880 1886 1896 1895 1865 1885 1897 1892 1896 1894. 1897 1892 1894 1898 1892 1887 1883 1886 1893 1878 Browne, William Tyler. Brownrigg, Albert Edward Brownrigg, John Sylvester Bruce, Daniel Angus Bruce, John Angus . Brunelle, Pierre . Bryant, Alice Gertrude . Bryant, Giles Waite . Bryant, Lewis Lincoln . Bryant, William Sohier Bryson, Adelbert Allen Bubier, Joseph Augustus Buck, Augustus Walker Buck, Howard Mendenhall Buckingham, Edward Marshall . Buckley, Philip Townsend Buehler, George Van Buskirk Buffum, Herbert Edwin Bulfinch, George Greenleaf Bullard, John Thornton Bullard, William Norton Bullock, Edwin Warren Bullock, George Dexter Bump, Lewis Nye Bundy, Frank Eastman Burgess, Oliver Graham Burke, Ernest Gisborne Burke, James Joseph Burke, Michael Francis Burleigh, Charles Burnett, Frank Hollis Burnett, Theodore Crete Burnham, Edmond Arthur Burnham, Frederick Grey . Burns, Hiram Hutchins Burque, Joseph Georges Burr, Charles Henry Burrage, Walter Lincoln Burrell, Benjamin Henry . Burrell, Herbert Leslie . Norwich, Conn. Concord, N.H. Roxbury. Atlantic. Everett. Lowell. Boston. West Somerville. Cambridge. Boston. Fall River. Brookline. Fall River. Maybeury, Va. Boston. South Boston. Boston. Boston. Roxbury. New Bedford. Boston. Haverhill. Weymouth. Somerville. Boston. Boston. Quincy. Easthampton. Natick. Malden. Brockton. Stockbridge. Boston. Lowell. Athol Center. Haverhill. Newton Highlands. Boston. Roxbury. Boston. PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 25 1885 1872 1895 1885 1874 1870 1880 1897 1892 1897 1867 1884 1892 1895 1895 1875 1898 1893 1886 1894 1891 1894 1862 1884 1873 1887 1895 1858 1872 1897 1883 1897 1894 1897 1898 1868 1896 1870 1897 Burt, Frank Leslie Burton, Charles William Burton, James . . . . Burton, Stephen Casper Bush, John Standish Foster Bushee, James Anson Bushnell, Homer . Butler, George Edward. Butler, John Edward Butler, William Hodnett Butler, Winthrop . º Buzzell, Daniel Thompson Bychower, Victor. Byers, David Walter Byrne, Charles Armstrong. Cabot, Arthur Tracy Cabot, Hugh Cabot, Richard Clark Cahill, Charles Sumner . Cain, Willie George . Calkins, Barry Howes . Calkins, Cheney Hosmer Calkins, Marshall Call, Emma Louisa . Call, Norman . e - Callanan, Sampson Aloysius Camp, Mary Augusta Campbell, Benjamin Franklin Canedy, Francis Joel Canedy, Ransford DeLos . } Canfield, Ralph Metcalfe Capps, Joseph Almarin . Carbone, John Carden, Charles James . Carleton, Charles Greenleaf Carleton, Dudley . Carlton, Charles Augustus Carlton, Ralph Boston. Adams. Gilbertville. Pittsfield. Boston. Medford. North Adams. Fall River. Roxbury. Fall River. Vineyard Haven. Wilmington. Boston. Reading. Hatfield. Boston. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Jamaica Plain. Springfield. Springfield. Boston. Roxbury. Roxbury. Northampton. Boston. Shelburne Falls. North Adams. f1893 Boston. Chicago, Ill. Boston. Haverhill. Lawrence. Springfield. Salem. Springfield. 26 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1881 1886 1893 1892 1888 1890 1897 1897 1888 1876 1895 1871 1881 1852 1897 1895 1872 1895 1883 1873 1888 1873 1878 1891 1898 1875 1885 1886 1893 1875 1874 1886 1869 1867 1856 1868 1893 1886 1858 1868 Carolin, William Terence . Carpenter, Helen Braddock Carr, Frank Fletcher Carroll, John Aloysius . Carroll, Thomas Francis Carroll, William Edward . Carruth, Sidney Stetson Cavanagh, Charles Russell. Chadbourne, Arthur Patterson Chadbourne, Francis Watts Chadwick, Henry Dexter . Chadwick, James Read . Chagnon, Wencelas Jean Baptiste Chamberlain, Cyrus Nathaniel Chamberlain, George Elliot Chamberlain, George Washington Chamberlain, Myron Levi . Chamberlain, William Eugene Chandler, Henry Beckles Chandler, Luther Graves Chandler, Norman Fitch } Channing, Walter Chapin, Delia Lucretia . Chapin, Clifford Samuel Chapin, Frederick Wilcox . Chapin, Walter Henry . Charles, Orlando Warrington. Chase, Arthur Brown Chase, Charles Edmund Chase, Eli Ayer . Chase, Heman Lincoln . Chase, Henry Melville . Chase, Horace . Chase, Irah Eaton Chase, John Winslow Chase, Richard Fitch Cheever, Clarence Alonzo . Cheever, David Williams Chenery, Elisha . Lowell. Boston. Cambridge. Worcester. Newton. Taunton. Dorchester. Dorchester. Boston. Lowell. Waltham. Boston. Fall River. Andover. Lawrence. Springfield. Boston. Rutland. Boston. Townsend. Medford. Brookline. Springfield. Great Barrington. Springfield. Springfield. Bryantville. Lynn. Woburn. Brockton. Brookline. Lawrence. Boston. Haverhill. Dedham. Boston. Mattapan. Boston. Boston. #1897 f1897 f1897 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 27 1891 1886 1894 1895 1876 1894 1888 1853 1895 1896 1895 1888 1891 1892 1898 1890 1869 1893 1897 I893 1886 1880 1889 1897 1892 1880 1867 1888 1882 1897 1865 1897 1895 1880 1881 1874 1875 1869 1892 1893 Chenery, William Elisha Cheney, Frederick Edward. Chicoine, Isadore Hermanigilde . Child, Edward Moses Chipman, William Reginald Chisholm, William James . Chisholm, William Palmer Choate, David . & Church, Charles Albert . Church, Mary Violet Chute, Arthur Lambert Cilley, Daniel Plummer Clancy, William Henry. Clapp, Frank Horace . . . Clark, Albert Ulysses Franklin . Clark, Caleb Wakefield Clark, David Clark, George Henry Clark, James Colby Dorr . Clark, Joseph Eddy . Clark, Joseph Payson Clark, Julius Stimpson . Clark, Leonard Brown . Clark, Mary Wilson . Clark, Sidney Avery Clark, Walter Thomas . Clarke, Augustus Peck . Clarke, Israel James Clarke, Maurice Dwight Cleary, James . } Cleaveland, Daniel Atheam Cleaves, Frederick Henry . Cleaves, James Edwin . Clement, George Colburn . Clement, George Wilmot Cliff, Leander Albert Clough, Benjamin Franklin Cobb, Albert Crocker Cobb, Alice Littell Boston. Boston. Lynn. Brooklyn, N.Y. Chelsea. Springfield. Brockton. Salem. Millbury. Brookline. Boston. Westborough. East Cambridge. North Grafton. Wilmington. Holbrook. Springfield. Holyoke. Medford. New York, N.Y. Boston. Melrose. Waverley. Medford. Northampton. Worcester. Cambridge. Haverhill. Haverhill. Cambridge. West Tisbury. Concord. Medford. Haverhill. Roxbury. Boston. Worcester. Southampton. Siena, Italy. 28 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1895 1880 I893 1889 1897 1898 1891 1895 1893 I885 1896 1887 1892 1869 1898 1894. 1884 1867 1832 1892 1896 1897 1896 1883 1847 1892 1883 1889 1887 1882 1877 1879 1883 I883 1896 1891 1897 1897 1895 1882 Cobb, Carolus Melville . Cobb, Charles Henry Cobb, Farrar Crane . Cobb, Frederick Codman Cobb, Oliver Warren Cochran, William James Codding, Edwin Hayden Codman, Ernest Amory Cody, Edmond Francis . Coffin, Arthur Baylies . Coffin, Rockwell Augustus Cogan, Joseph Ambrose Coggeshall, Frederick Coggin, David . g Coghlan, John Nicholas Cogswell, Charles Frederick . Cogswell, Charles Hale Cogswell, Edward Russell . Cogswell, George . Cogswell, George Proctor . Cogswell, William Colburn, Harry Hayford Colby, Fred Bennett Cole, Ralph Marcus . Collamore, Francis Collier, Lawrence Henry Good Collins, Edgar Clarence Collins, Orville William Collins, William Droien Colt, Henry Colton, John Jay . Comey, Perley Pierce . Conant, William Merritt Cone, Dwight Eleazer . Conlin, Joseph Michael . Connell, Arthur Irving . Conner, Chandos Burton Connor, Charles Frank . Conroy, Peter John . Conway, James Henry . Lynn. Boston. Boston. Boston. Southampton. Natick. Somerville. Boston. New Bedford. Dorchester. Boston. Boston. Boston. Salem. Holyoke. Brookline. Boston. Cambridge. Bradford. Cambridge. Boston. Danvers. Roslindale. South Boston. North Pembroke. Jamaica Plain. Springfield. South Framingham. Haverhill. Pittsfield. Lowell. Worcester. Boston. Binghamton, N.Y. Chicopee. Fall River. Brockton. New Bedford. Everett. Woburn. #1897 f1892 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 29 1879 Cook, Charles Henry 1895 Cooke, George Andrews 1897 Cooke, Henry Arnold 1893 Cooke, Snow Parker Freeman 1854 Coolidge, Algernon . º 1885 Coolidge, Algernon, jr. . 1893 Coolidge, David Goldthwait 1893 Coolidge, John Nelson . 1898 Coon, George Bailey 1892 Cooper, Almon •. 1892 Cooper, Hermon . . . . 1878 Copeland, Horatio Franklin 1888 Copp, Owen tº e º 1871 Corey, Francis Edwin 1865 Cornish, Aaron 1869 Cornish, Ellis Holmes #} Cornish, Theodore Osgood. 1897 Cotton, Frederic Jay . . . . 1898 Cottrell, Samuel Parker 1872 Couch, John Francis . 1895 Coues, William Pearce . 1885 Coughlin, John William . . 1895 Couillard, Pierre Leonard . 1892 Councilman, William Thomas . 1893 Courtney, Joseph Williams 1892 Cousens, Nicholas William . 1894 Cowan, John Rice 1866 Cowdrey, Arthur Harris 1872 Cowles, Edward 1886 Cowles, Frank Augustus 1887 Cowles, William Norman 1896 Coyne, James Augustine 1892 Craig, Daniel Hiram. 1889 Craigen, George Arthur 1891 Cram, John Wesley . 1896 Crandell, Arthur Richmond 1885 Crawford, Sarah Marcy. 1881 Crittenden, Rufus Asaph 1894 Croacher, Anna Wood . Natick. Miller's Falls. North Brookfield. Gloucester. Boston. Boston. Athol. Boston. Taunton. Brookline. Amesbury. Whitman. Palmer. Westborough. New Bedford. f 1898 Carver. South Boston. fl 398 Boston. Boston. Somerville. Boston. Fall River. Manchaug. Boston. Roxbury. Waltham. Danville, Ky. Stoneham. Waverley. Beverly. Ayer. Clinton. Boston. Boston. Colrain. Boston. Roxbury. Haverhill. New Bedford. 30 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1892 Crocker, Benton Pulsifer . . . . Foxborough. 1866 Crocker, John Myrick . . . . Cambridge. 1887 Crocker, Susan Elizabeth . . . Boston. 1890 Crocker, Willard Crafts . . . Springfield. 1891 Crockett, Eugene Anthony . . Boston. 1898 Croft, Benjamin Pomeroy . . . Greenfield. 1896 Cronin, Henry William . . . . Worcester. 1891 Cronin, Joseph John . . . . . Roxbury. 1898 Cronin, Thomas Joseph . . . . Webster. 1897 Crossman, Frank Albert . . . Dorchester. 1881 Croston, John Francis . . . . Haverhill. 1886 Crowell, Samuel . . . . . . Dorchester. 1897 Crowley, Jeremiah Francis . . Adams. 1869 Crozier, Thomas . . . . . . Charlestown. 1887 Culbertson, Emma Valeria Pintard Bicknell . . . . . . . . Boston. 1879 Cummings, Edwin Francis . . . Revere. 1891 Cummings, Irving Oscar . . . Brewster. 1888 Cummings, Mott Alvah . . . . Winchester. 1894 Cumston, Charles Greene . . . Boston. 1877 Cunningham, Thomas Edward . Cambridge. 1898 Curran, Charles Henry . . . . Holyoke. #} Currie, John Zebulon . . . . Cambridge. 1890 Currier, William Hale . . . . Pittsfield. 1898 Curry, Edmund Farnham . . . Tewksbury. 1887 Curtis, Francis George . . . . West Newton. 1861 Curtis, Hall . . . . . . . Boston. 1890 Curtis, Henry Fuller . . . . East Somerville. 1875 Cushing, Ernest Watson . . . Boston. 1881 Cushing, Hayward Warren . . Boston. 1869 Cushing, Henry Joseph . . . . Merrimac. 1887 Cushman, Andrew Bernard . . South Dartmouth. 1882 Cushman, George Thomas . . . Dorchester. 1898 Cusick, Thomas Francis . . . . Taunton. 1898 Cutler, Charles Newton . . . Chelsea. 1871 Cutler, Edward Rowland . . . Waltham. 1872 Cutler, Elbridge Gerry . . . . Boston. 1893 Cutler, George Washington . . Waltham. 1872 Cutler, William Bullard . . . Boston. PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 31 1876 1880 1856 1887 1840 1882 1898 1896 1895 1891 1897 1878 1895 1894 1890 1871 1894 1877 1877 1891 1895 1888 1891 1897 1847 1867 1880 1897 1870 1898 1872 1892 1892 1892 1898 1896 1852 1866 Cutter, Charles Kimball Cutter, Edward Jones Cutter, Ephraim . Cutts, Harry Madison Dale, William Johnson Daly, Bernard Thomas . Daly, Timothy Joseph . Daly, William Joseph e Damon, Arthur Lewylenn . Dane, John Daniel, Vivian º Daniels, Edwin Alfred . Darling, Charles Balfour Darling, Eugene Abraham . Darrah, Rufus Elmer Davenport, Bennett Franklin . Davenport, Charles Albert Davenport, Francis Henry . Davenport, James Henry Davidson, Kallman Meyer Davis, Bessie Delano Davis, Ella Maxfield Davis, Frederick Augustus Davis, George Healey Davis, Robert Thompson Davis, Samuel Alonzo . . Davis, Samuel Thomas . Davis, Stephen Rich . Davis, Wesley . Davis, William Horace . Davison, Archibald Thompson Day, Clarence Currier . Deal, Edward Edwin Deal, George Francis Dean, Charles Henry Dean, Ralph Denniston. Deane, Adam Calhoun . Deane, Asahel Sumner . . Somerville. Leominster. New York, N.Y. Brookline. f 1898 North Andover. Roxbury. Lowell. Boston. Wilbraham. Boston. Watertown. Boston. Roxbury. Cambridge. Newport, R. I. Watertown. Newton. Brookline. Providence, R.I. Boston. Cambridge. Holyoke. Boston. Springfield. Fall River. Charlestown. Orleans. Lynn. Worcester. Holyoke. Dorchester. Newburyport. Malden. Malden. Dorchester. Taunton. Greenfield. Taunton. fl895 i 1894 32 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1862 1869 1874 1877 1894. 1871 1872 1893 1884. 1862 1881 1890 1884. 1886 1898 1885 1893 1895 1897 1898 1895 I896 1882 1895 1862 1892 1895 1884 } 886 1893 1887 1887 1898 1894. 1892 I894. 1867 1871 1881 1873 Deane, Ebenezer Alexander Deane, Henry Augustus Deane, James Robinson Deane, Wallace Harlow Deans, Herbert Clair Dearborn, Alvah Burton Dearborn, John George Dearing, Henry Lincoln Dearing, Howard Sumner . Dearing, Thomas Haven DeBlois, Thomas Amory Dehu, Edward William . Delahanty, William Joseph DeLand, Charles Airmet de Langle, Charles Petit Delano, Samuel . . . . . DeLue, Frederick Spaulding . Denig, Blanche Alpine . Dennett, Charles Augustus Dennett, Daniel Clement Dennis, James Henry Dennison, Archibald Sayre Denny, Charles Frederick . Denny, Francis Parkman . Derby, Hasket º Derby, William Parsons Dever, Charles Edward Devine, William Henry Dewey, Charles Gipson Dewis, John William Dexter, Ella Louisa . Dexter, Franklin . Dickson, Richard Ensign Dillon, Thomas Joseph Bennett . Dinenson, Abraham Isaac . Dion, Thomas Joseph Disbrow, Robert . Dixon, Lewis Seaver Dixon, Robert Brewer . Dixwell, John . Montague. South Windsor, Conn. Newton Highlands. Springfield. Boston. Somerville. Charlestown. Braintree. Boston. Braintree. Boston. New Bedford. Worcester. Warren. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Arlington. Winchester. Worcester. Lynn. St. Paul, Minn. Brookline. Boston. Boston. Lynn. South Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Granby. Roxbury. Boston. West Quincy. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 33 1846 1881 1896 1886 1882 1885 1892 1893 1889 1895 1897 1893 1884 1894. 1888 1887 1880 1885 1865 1887 1897 1882 1871 1846 1878 1895 1897 1883 1887 1869 1889 1880 1885 1882 1895 1895 1865 1898 1894. 1888 Doane, George Washington Doble, Ernest Edgar Dodd, Isaac Spencer Fanning Dodge, William Wooldredge . Doggett, Frederick Fobes . Dolan, William Andrew Dole, Mary Phylinda Dolloff, Albert Simeon . Donahue, Hugh Donahue, William Francis . Donlan, John Malichi Donnelly, John Bernard Donoghue, Daniel Francis . Donoghue, Francis Dennis. Donovan, Benedict Donovan, Michael Ricard . Dorcey, James Edmund Dorr, Charles Alonzo Douglass, John Abbott . Dow, Edmund Scott . Dow, George Farwell Dow, George William Dow, James Arthur . } Downes, Nathaniel Downey, Charles John . Downing, Franklin Chace . Drake, William Abram . Draper, Frank Eugene . Draper, Frank Winthrop Draper, Joseph Rutter . Dresser, George Drew, Charles Aaron Drew, Frank Haynes Drew, Fred Drew, Maria Emma . Driver, Stephen William Drohan, James Henry Drown, Edward Payson Drummey, Nicholas Daniel Hyannis. Boston. Pittsfield. Roxbury. South Boston. Fall River. Greenfield. Beverly. Haverhill. Cambridge. Fitchburg. West Gardner. Holyoke. Boston. Brockton. Lynn. Boston. Hingham. Amesbury. Allston. Reading. Lawrence. Cambridge. Boston. f1892 Mittineague. Lanesborough. North Weymouth. Boston. Boston. South Boston. Chicopee. State Farm. Columbus, Ohio. Boston. Atlantic. Cambridge. Brockton. Malden. Boston. 34 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1894 1896 1866 1891 1886 1893 1882 1894 1891 1895 1897 1874 1885 1879 1866 1867 1866 1891 1851 1890 1896 1879 1868 1890 1882 1884 1897 1894 1897 I865 1879 1866 1893 1896 1861 1893 1867 1898 Dudley, Augustus William Dudley, Charles . Dudley, Henry Watson . Duff, John . . . . Duggan, John Thoma Dunbar, Frank Collins . Dunbar, Franklin Asaph Dunham, Henry Bristol Dunham, Whitfield Otis Dunn, Charles Stein . Dunn, Stephen Joseph . Dunn, William Aloysius Durant, Charles Edwin . Durell, Thomas Moulton Durgin, Samuel Holmes Dutton, Charles Dutton, Samuel Lane Duxbury, Joseph Edwards. Dwelly, Jerome Dwight, Edwin Wells Dwight, Henry Leonard Dwight, James Dwight, Thomas . Dwyer, John Edward Dyer, Ebenezer Alden . Eames, George Franklin . Early, William Wallace Eastman, Charles Albert Eaton, Richard Gardner Eaton, William Winslow Eaton, Wyllis Gilbert, jr. . Eddy, George Stetson Eddy, Mary Pierson. Edes, Richard Edward . Edes, Robert Thaxter Edmonds, Louis . . . . Edson, Ptolemy O'Meara . Bdwards, Arthur Frank Cambridge. Cambridge. Abington. Charlestown. Worcester. Roxbury. Cambridge. Rutland. Northampton. Haverhill. Springfield. Boston. Haverhill. Somerville. Boston. Wakefield. Newton Center. Boston. Fall River. Boston. New Bedford. Boston. Nahant. Cambridge. Whitman. Boston. Westford. Charlestown. Holyoke. Danvers. Lowell. Fall River. Beyreut, Syria. Roxbury. Jamaica Plain. Harwich. Roxbury. Boston. PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 35 1894 1897 1887 1895 1873 1885 1893 1877 1879 1873 1883 1880 1873 1894. 1873 1893 1893 1870 1896 1895 1888 1894 1893 1881 1867 1870 1870 1862 1880 1865 1896 1892 1897 1891 1893 1880 1874. 1895 Edwards, William Lothrop Egan, John Joseph Ehrlich, Henry Ela, Paul Francis Ela, Walter Eldridge, David Gorham, jr. . Eldridge, Jeremiah Allen . Elliot, John Wheelock . Elliott, James Prescott . Elliott, Russell Dunson . Ellis, Dean Samuel . Ellis, Frederick Warren Ellis, George Livingstone . Ellison, George Washington . Emerson, Edward Waldo . Emerson, Francis Patten Emerson, Herbert Clark Emery, William Henry . Enebuske, Claes Julius . Engelmann, George Julius. IEmsworth, William Howard Erb, Theodore Charles . Ermentrout, Sallie Justina . Ernst, Harold Clarence . Eveleth, Edward Smith Eveleth, Philemon Everett, Horace Stanwood. Everett, James Bradley Everett, Oliver Hurd Everett, Willard Shepard . Ewald, Carl Adolph . F ahey, James Charles . Fales, Alonzo Cartland . Fallon, Michael Francis Farenholt, Ammen Farlow, John Woodford Farnham, Edwin . Farnham, John Marshall Willoughby . Boston. Gloucester. Boston. East Douglas. Cambridge. Dorchester. Wareham. Boston. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Monson. Middleborough. Milford, N.H. Concord. Roxbury. Springfield. Roxbury. Boston. Boston. East Boston. Boston. Boston. Jamaica Plain. East Gloucester. Marblehead. Boston. Everett. Worcester. Hyde Park. Boston. f 1897 Northampton. Malden. Worcester. United States Navy. Boston. Cambridge. Worcester. 36 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1874 1896 1894 1848 1898 1891 1884 1892 I885 1897 1875 1889 1892 1858 1898 1873 1895 I881 1873 1884. I891 I894. I890 1875 1884 1897 1897 1873 1897 1862 1888 1886 1891 1868 1898 1892 1892 1894. 1869 1886 Farr, Edwin Lawson Farrell, George Lewis . Farrington, Leander Morton . Faulkner, George . . . Faulkner, Herbert Kimball Faulkner, William Edward Faunce, Robert Harris . Faxon, Eudora Meade . Faxon, William Lyman. Fay, Frank Gleason . Fay, James Munroe . Fay, William Eastman . Fenwick, Joseph Benson Ferguson, Hugh Fernald, Alberto Francis Fernald, Charles Augustus Fernald, Walter Elmore Fessenden, George Russell Fessenden, Joseph Palmer. Field, James Brainerd Fillebrown, Charles Dalton Fillebrown, Thomas . Finn, Edward William . Finn, James Anthony Finnigan, Patrick Joseph . Fish, Ernest Clifford Fish, John Euclid Fisher, Chester Irving . Fisher, James Tucker Fisher, Theodore Willis Fisk, Arthur Lyman Fiske, Eustis Lincoln Fitz, George Welles. Fitz, Reginald Heber Fitzgerald, Clara Pauline . Fitzgerald, James Bernard . Fitz-Hugh, John Alexander Fitzsimmons, Philip Mansfield Flagg, Edwin Barber Flagg, Payson Jonathan Roxbury. Malden. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Keene, N.H. Reene, N.H. Sandwich. Boston. Middleborough. Worcester. Northampton. Boston. Chelsea. South Boston. Shirley. Boston. Waverley. Ashfield. Salem. Lowell. Boston. Brighton. Dedham. Roxbury. East Cambridge. Melrose. Taunton. New York, N.Y. Roxbury. Boston. New York, N.Y. Fitchburg. Cambridge. Boston. Worcester. Ann Arbor, Mich. Amesbury. East Cambridge. Worcester. Mittineague. #1885 f1898 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 37 1879 189'ſ 1893 1861 1895 1887 1882 1863 1893 1883 1880 1894 1892 1871 1870 1869 1893 1895 1883 1884 1883 1857 1887 1878 1894 1891 1866 1887 1848 1880 1894 1887 1893 1885 1896 1892 1865 1896 1885 189'ſ Flanders, Frank Byron . Fleming, Anthony Fletcher, Robert Whitney . Fletcher, Samuel William . Flewelling, Douglass Scovil Flint, Omar Alpha Flood, Everett . . . . Flowers, William Caldwell Flynn, John Joseph . Fogerty, William Clemens Fogg, Irving Sylvester . Foley, Timothy John Follett, Ammi Ward Follett, John Atwood Folsom, Charles Follen . Folsom, Norton Ford, John Francis . Fosgate, Elmer Gilman Foskett, George Mason . Foster, Charles Chauncy Foster, Horace Kendall. Foster, James Milton Fox, William Yale . - Foye, Charles Frederick Frame, Joseph Francis, Carlton Shurtleff . Francis, George Ebenezer . Francis, George Hills Francis, Tappan Eustis . Fraser, John Chisholm . Freeman, Franklin Willard French, Charles Lindol . French, George Henry . French, George Morrill French, John Innes . French, John Marshall . Frisbie, Jessie Frank Frissell, Edward, Merle. Frissell, Seraph wº Frost, Edward Clayton . Lawrence. Lawrence. South Boston. Pepperell. Somerville. North Billerica. Baldwinsville. Cambridgeport. Pittsfield. Worcester. Norwood. Worcester. Somerville. Brookline. Boston. Cambridge. Roslindale. Ashburnham. Worcester. Cambridge. Peabody. Wilbraham. Taunton. Haverhill. Rockland. Brookline. Worcester. Brookline. Brookline. East Weymouth. Newton Lower Falls. Clinton. Dorchester. Malden. Woburn. Milford. Newton. Webster. Springfield. Brockton. fl&97 38 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1898 1898 1894 1884 1887 1890 1894 1880 1892 1870 1893 1886 1884 1854 1891 1882 1882 1888 1872 1891 1893 1883 1852 1879 1877 1889 1881 1866 1875 1874 1854 1876 1880 1895 1885 1864 1869 1893 Frost, Flora Eva . Frost, Samuel Knapp Frothingham, Charles Benjamin . Frye, Charles Marshall . Frye, Edmund Bailey Fuller, Daniel Hunt . Fuller, Frederick Henry Fuller, George Ephraim Fuller, James Robert Gaffney, Henry Joseph Gage, Edward Franklin Gage, Homer . tº Gage, James Arthur . Gage, Thomas Hovey Gale, George Washington . Galligan, Edward Francis . Galligan, Eugene Thomas . Gallison, Ambrose John Gallison, Henry Hammond Gallison, Jefferson Cushing Gallivan, William Joseph Galloupe, Charles William . Galloupe, Isaac Francis . Galvin, George William Gannett, William Whitworth . Garceau, Edgar . . . . . Gardner, Clarence Rhodolphus Gardner, William Wallace . Garland, Albert Stone Garland, George Minot . Garland, Joseph Garland, Joseph Everett Garrigan, Thomas James Gates, Earnest A . º Gates, George Wellesley Gavin, Michael Freeburn . Gay, George Washington . Gay, Warren Fisher . Granby. Pittsfield. Haverhill. Lowell. Roxbury. Jamaica Plain. Foxborough. Monson. Andover. Salem. Brookline. Worcester. Lowell. Worcester. East Saugus. Taunton. Roxbury. Franklin. Cambridge. Franklin. South Boston. Boston. Lynn. Boston. Boston. Roxbury. Northampton. Springfield. Gloucester. Boston. Gloucester. Gloucester. North Brookfield. Springfield. San Francisco, Cal. South Boston. Boston. Boston. f1889 f1892 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 39 1897 1882 1875 1896 1885 I898 1886 1883 1889 1873 1869 1886 1854 1869 1887 1854 I898 1891 1874 1888 1872 1887 1878 1896 1894 1898 1866 1882 1858 1891 1882 1888 1893 1892 1881 1859 1889 1890 1896 1896 George, Arthur Phillips Gerould, Joseph Bowditch . Gerry, Edwin Peabody Gerstein, Morris . © Getchell, Albert Colby . Gibbons, Sherwin . Gibbs, Linnaeus Victor . Gibbs, Locero Jackson . Gibson, Charles Langdon Giddings, Theodore . Gifford, Benjamin Dods Gifford, John Henry. Gifford, Silas Swift Gilbert, Daniel Dudley . Gilbert, John º Gilbert, John Henry . Gilbert, Louis Whitmore Gile, John Morton Gilfillan, Thomas . Gillard, Arthur Earnest Gilman, Eugene Albert. Gilman, Warren Randall Ginn, David Richard Glendenning, Robert Thompson . Gobron, Louis Constant. Goddard, Henry Edward Goddard, Josiah Hamilton . Godding, Clarence Miles Godding, William Whitney Godfrey, Joseph Witter Golden, Michael Charles Goldthwait, Joel Ernest Goldthwaite, Seth Vale . Goodale, Joseph Lincoln Goodell, George Zina Goodell, Jonathan Woodward . Goodenow, Daniel Goodman, Samuel º Goodwin, Elmer Ellsworth dºwn. George Erving . Haverhill. North Attleborough. Jamaica Plain. Boston. Worcester. Lexington. Huntington. Chicopee Falls. New York, N.Y. Housatonic. Boston. Fall River. Avon. Dorchester. Fall River. Quincy. Boston. Hanover, N.H. Northampton. Lowell. South Boston. Worcester. Dennisport. Manchester. Roxbury. Brockton. Orange. Providence, R.I. Washington, D.C. fl&96 Littleton. Taunton. Boston. Boston. Boston. Salem. Lynn. Milford. Boston. Haverhill. Haverhill. f1891 f1897 fl898 fl897 40 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1892 1885 1892 1871 1896 1896 1869 1882 1888 1858 1878 1873 1882 I882 1893 1895 1896 1878 1896 1890 1877 1868 1856 1887 1854 1863 1864. 1887 1895 1898 1897 1895 1871 1870 1884 1867 1898 1888 1881 1898 Goodwin, James Joseph Goodwin, Richard James Plummer Goray, James Philip Gordon, John Alexander Gordon, Stephen Masury Goss, Arthur Vincent Goss, Francis Webster . Gould, Charles Asahel . Gould, Clarke Storer Gould, Joshua Bayley Gould, Lawrence Mervin Graham, Douglas . o Grainger, William Henry . Granger, Frank Clark Granger, Karle Henry . Grant, James Henry . Grant, William Herbert Graves, Frank Walker . Gray, Elizabeth Taylor . Gray, George Henry. Green, Charles Montraville Green, John Orne Green, Samuel Abbott . Greene, Edward Miller . Greene, Francis Coles .. Greene, James Sumner . Greene, Nathaniel Greene, Ray Woodville . Greene, Thomas Francis Greene, William Addison . Greene, William Henry Greenleaf, George Walter . Greenleaf, John Ruggles Greenleaf, Richard Cranch, jr. Greenleaf, Robert Willard . Greenough, Francis Boott . Greenough, Robert Battey . Greenwood, Allen Greenwood, Sewall Elliott . Grieve, Andrew Lawson Clinton. Malden. Boston. Quincy. Fall River. Taunton. Roxbury. Newton Highlands. Norwood. West Somerville. Hyde Park. Brookline. East Boston. Randolph. South Weymouth. Lynn. Boston. Woburn. Roxbury. Lynn. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Easthampton. Dorchester. Jamaica Plain. Worcester. Roxbury. Arlington. Deer Island, Boston. Somerville. Gardner. Lenox. Boston. Boston. Boston. Waltham. Templeton. New Bedford. flS87 f1893 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED, 41 1884 1897 1896 1894 1898 1893 1896 1883 1887 1896 1889 1877 I886 1898 1879 1885 1869 1871 1898 1877 1896 1893 1895 1894. 186'ſ 1881 1885 1897 1881 1898 1890 1893 1897 1863 1893 1875 1875 1871 1895 Griffin, Arthur George . Griffin, Frederick Stanley . Griswold, Merton Lyman . Groll, Edward Wright . Gross, Hermann Williams . Grouard, John Shackford Grovestein, William Pride . Gruver, Samuel James . Guild, Edgar Hunt Guild, Thomas Ezra . Gulick, Luther Halsey . Gunter, Adolphus Birum Guptill, Ira Clark Gurley, Revere Randolph . Haddock, Charles Whitney . Hahn, Albert Johann Hahn, Ammi Ruhamah . Hale, Josiah Little Hall, George Clifton. Hall, Harry Porter Hall, Herbert James. Hall, Mahlon Freeborn . Hall, Milton Wilder . .- . Hall, Newbert Jackson . Hall, Thomas . º Hall, Walter Langdon . Hall, William Dudley Hallett, Edward Bangs . Halloran, Michael Joseph . Halloran, Timothy Joseph . Halpin, Andrew James . Hamilton, Erskine Erasmus Hamlin, Charles Franklin . Hammond, Lemuel Hodges Hammond, Philip Hammond, Roland Hammond, William Penn . Handy, Benjamin Jones Hanley, Francis Joseph . Malden. Watertown. Uxbridge. Boston. Brookline. Nantucket. Hanover. Brockton. Springfield. Mattapan. Springfield. Charlestown. Northborough. Worcester. Beverly. Newark, N.J. Boston. Brookline. Chelsea. Leominster. Marblehead. Revere. Roxbury. Brookline. Boston. Medford. Boston. Gloucester. Worcester. Lowell. . Lowell. Springfield. Medway. Worcester. Winchester. Campello. Charlestown. Fall River. Whitman. 42 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1895 1879 1869 1897 1875 1890 1888 1895 1887 1890 1846 1892 1891 1861 1892 1878 1883 1889 1883 I880 1884 1889 1895 1898 1872 1884 1896 1898 1870 1867 1891 1898 1892 1893 1891 1881 1893 1866 1897 1882 Hanley, John Joseph Hannum, James Wilson Hanscom, Sanford Harding, Ambrose Hastings Harding, Edward Mitchell. Harding, George Franklin . Hare, Charles Henry Harkins, Cornelius Patrick Harkins, Daniel Stanislaus Harlow, Corydon Webster . Harlow, Edwin Augustus Warren Harlow, George Arthur Harlow, Granville Albert . Harlow, John Martyn Harmon, Melvin Augustus. Harriman, James Lang . Harriman, Samuel Knight . Harrington, Arthur Hudson Harrington, Charles . Harrington, Francis Bishop Harrington, Harriet Louise Harrington, Thomas Francis . Harris, Arthur Eugene . Harris, Charles Edward Harris, Francis Augustine . Harrower, David . Hart, George Fred Hartung, Harry Hall Hartwell, Benjamin Hall Harvey, Edwin Bayard . Harvey, John Franklin . Harvey, William Wirt . Harwood, Charles Hamant Haskell, Henry Hill . Haskell, Nelson Cary Haskins, Solomon Foot . Hassett, John Joseph Hastings, Benjamin Franklin . Hastings, John Mason Hastings, Judson Worthington Boston. Ludlow. East Somerville. Natick. Boston. Boston. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Dorchester. Melrose. Wollaston. Boston. Tyngsborough. Woburn. Lynn. Hudson. Natick. Bridgewater. Jamaica Plain. Boston. Dorchester. Lowell. Lynn. Hyannis. Boston. Worcester. Webster. Boston. Ayer. Westborough. Boston. Roxbury. Boston. Boston. Amherst. Cotuit. Lee. Whitman. Dorchester. Feeding Hills. fl888 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 43 1894. 1870 1886 1887 1883 1878 1887 1859 1869 1898 1867 1895 1886 1893 1870 1882 1843 1881 1869 1879 1873 1859 1883 1874 1894 1895 1885 1894 1885 I880 1896 I882 1897 1893 1894 1868 1870 1878 1891 1896 Hastings, Robert Worthington Hastings, William Henry Howe . Hatch, George Stephen . Hatchett, William Josephus Haven, George Haven, Henry Cecil . Hawes, Edward Everett Hay, Gustavus . . . Hayden, David Hyslop . Hayes, Albert Edwin Hayes, Charles Cogswell Hayes, Irving Benjamin }Hayes, Justin Gideon. Hayes, Stephen William Haynes, Charles Frederick. Hayward, George Hayward, George Griswold Hazelton, Isaac Hills Heald, William Frederick . Healy, James Joseph Heard, John Theodore . Heath, Joseph Webster. } Hebbard, Ellery Cola Hedenberg, James Henry, John Goodrich . Henshaw, George Bridges . Herrick, Joseph Thomas Hersey, Freeman Clarke Hewes, Henry Fox Hewins, Parke Woodbury . Hewitt, Clarence Elbert Higgins, Frank Albert . Higgins, James Hayden Hildreth, John Lewis Hildreth, William Hartwell Hill, Edgar Dwight . Hill, Eugene Woodbury Hill, George Hilliard . Brookline. Boston. Lynn. East Somerville. . Boston. Upper Dam, Me. Chelsea. Boston. . Newport, R.I. Lowell. Hyde Park. Florence. Williamsburg. New Bedford. Brighton. Boston. Boston. Wellesley Hills. Pepperell. Newburyport. Boston. Wakefield. f1890 Boston. Medford. Winchendon. Cambridge. Springfield. Boston. Boston. Taunton. Springfield. Boston. Marston’s Mills. Cambridge. Newton Upper Falls. Plymouth. Newton. Worcester. 44 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1886 1854. 1874 1880 1889 1890 1895 1888 1880 I882 1894 1896 1898 1893 1883 1894 1862 1880 1880 1855 1882 1889 1895 1883 1891 1897 1896 1898 1894 1897 1896 1857 1895 1882 1883 1862 1884 1897 1879 1887 Hill, Ira Clark Hill, John Bogardus . Hills, William Barker Hines, Francis Edward . Hipkiss, George Hitchcock, Henry Russell . Hitchcock, John Sawyer Hoadley, Alfred Henry Hobbs, Ezra Allen Hodgdon, Andrew Hall. Hodges, Almon Danforth . Hodskins, Edward Bryant Hogan, Joseph Ambrose Hogner, Richard Per Gustaf . Hoitt, Eugene Gorham . Holbrook, George & Holbrook, Silas Pinckney . Holbrook, William Holbrook, William Edward Holcombe, Charles Clifford Holden, Charles Sumner Holden, Eugene Martin Holden, George Walter Holden, William Daniel Holder, Oscar Howe Holland, Hubert Thomas Holland, James William Holland, William Timothy Holmes, Alvin Dennett . Holmes, Edgar Miller Holmes, Harry Clinton . tº, Q- Holmes, Horace Marshall . Holmes, May Salona Holmes, William Dennison Holyoke, Frank Homans, John . Homans, John, 2d Hood, Mary Gould Hooker, Charles Parker Hooker, Edward Dwight & tº. Springfield. Boston. Brookline. Salem. Boston. Hyde Park. Northampton. Northampton. South Framingham. Dedham. Roxbury. Springfield. Lawrence. Boston. Marlborough. Waterbury, Conn. East Douglas. Palmer. Lynn. Lee. Attleborough. Boston. North Brookfield. Haverhill. New York, N.Y. Jamaica Plain. Westfield. Winchester. Hyde Park. Boston. Cambridge. Adams. Worcester. South Braintree. Holyoke. Boston. Boston. Newton Center. Springfield. Arlington. fl897 f1889 f 1896 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 45 1859 1895 1885 1891 1882 1882 1898 I883 1885 1885 1897 1848 1854 1886 1876 1885 1898 1897 1897 1898 1890 1844 1883 1898 1881 1894. 1883 1895 1896 1866 1890 1897 1875, 1870 1848 1878 1888 1876 1870 1891 Hooper, Frederick Hubbard Hopkins, Frederick Eugene Hough, Garry de Nerville . Houghton, Silas Arnold Houston, John Alexander . Howard, Amasa Howard, Eugene Henry Howard, George Canning . Howard, Herbert Burr . Howard, Margaret Emily Pagelse Howard, William Francis Howe, Charles dº Howe, Francis Augustine . Howe, James Sullivan . Howe, Octavius Thorndike Howe, Oliver Hunt . Howe, Walter Clarke Howland, Clarence Eugene Howland, Joseph Briggs Hoyt, Dixi George Hoyt, Walter Scott Hubbard, Benjamin . Hubbard, Frank Allen . Hubbard, Joshua Clapp . Hubbard, Josiah Clark . Hubbard, Osman Huntley . Hubbard, Rufus Peabody . Hudnut, Frank Parker . Hughes, Laura Ann Clesphos. Hull, William Henry Hunt, Allston Frost . Hunt, Daniel Lawrence . Hunt, David & P Hunt, Israel Thorndike . Hunt, Otis Eugene Hunt, William Otis . Hunting, Nathaniel Stevens Huntress, Leonard Hurd, Edward Payson . Hurd, George Platt . New Bedford. Springfield. New Bedford. Brookline. Northampton. Chelmsford. Pittsfield. Lawrence. Boston. Boston. Lawrence. Taunton. Newburyport. Brookline. Lawrence. Cohasset. Dedham. fl885 Boston. Providence, R.I. Waltham. Plymouth. Taunton. Boston. Holyoke. Needham. Boston. Brookline. Boston. Holbrook. Swampscott. Boston. Boston. Charlestown. Newtonville. Newtonville. Quincy. Lowell. Newburyport. Winchester. f 1883 #1898 f1890 46 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1897 1888 1898 1883 1891 1864 1895 1895 1889 1879 1876 I856 1889 1892 1865 1894 I836 1895 1885 1875 1897 1887 1886 1883 1843 1897 1892 1885 1884. 1891 1877 1897 1892 1880 1868 1898 1880 Hurd, William Weymouth . Hurley, Daniel Bartholomew . Hurtubise, Louis Francis Xavier Athanase e Huse, George Wood . Hutchings, Joseph Henry . Hutchins, Isaiah te Hutchinson, Charles Martin Hutchinson, Cheesman Palmer Hutchinson, Claribel Merrill . Hutchinson, Edward Darius Hutchinson, Marcello Hyde, George Smith Hyde, Seneca Tobias Illsley, Frederic Roscoe Inches, Charles Edward Ingalls, George Hancock Ingalls, William Ingham, Lucius Thomas Ingraham, Lena Vaughn Irish, John Carroll Irwin, Vincent Joseph . J ack, Edwin Everett Jack, Ernest Sanford Jack, Frederick Lafayette . Jackson, Alexander . Jackson, Alton Atwell . Jackson, Charles William . Jackson, Fred William . Jackson, Henry Jackson, James Marsh Jackson, John Henry Jackson, Oliver Howard Jackson, Ralph Wentworth Jackson, William Benjamin Jacobs, Chauncey Alonzo . Janes, George Herbert . Jaques, Henry Percy Adams. East Boston. Lowell. Dorchester. Woburn. West Acton. Cambridge. Auburndale. Waltham. Westfield. Foxborough. Boston. Dorchester. f1895 Medford. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Roxbury. West Stockbridge. Boston. Lowell. Springfield. Boston. Melrose. Boston. Boston. Everett. Monson. Weston. Boston. Boston. Fall River. Fall River. Fall River. Lowell. Brookline. Westfield. Lenox. PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 47 1884 1880 1857 1897 1890 1868 1883 1891 1854 1891 1850 1894 1887 1884 1883 1880 1898 1881 1894 1866 1890 1883 1878 1890 1895 1897 1856 1890 1897 1879 1887 1849 1897 1892 1892 1898 1893 1859 1893 1873 Jarvis, William Furness Jefferson, Herbert Perry Jeffries, Benjamin Joy . Jelalian, Hairabed S. Jelly, Arthur Carlton Jelly, George Frederick Jenkins, Charles Edwin Jenkins, Thomas Lincoln . Jenks, Thomas Leighton Jewett, Fred Bryce . Jewett, Frederic Augustus . Jewett, Walter Kendall . Jillson, Franklin Campbell Johnson, Francis Emerson . Johnson, Frank Mackie Johnson, Frederick William Johnson, Herbert Shattuck Johnson, John Waldo Johnson, Orville Edson Johnson, Otis Henry Johnson, Stephen Joseph . Johnson, William Augustus Johnson, William Louis Jones, Charles David Jones, Claude Perry . Jones, Daniel Fiske . Jones, Daniel Wayland. Jones, Elgin Wilbur. Jones, Frederick Ellis Jones, George Warren . Jones, Gilbert Norris Jones, Henry Newell Jones, John Clarke Jones, Lombard Carter . Jones, Lyman Asa Jones, Mary Scott Jones, William Marks Jordan, Charles © Jordan, Charles Harold . Jordan, George Albert . Waltham. Lowell. Boston. Lawrence. Boston. Boston. Lynn. Topsfield. Boston. Howard, R.I. Grafton. Belmont. West Roxbury. Erving. Boston. Boston. Malden. Boston. Winthrop. Haverhill. Lowell. Lowell. Uxbridge. Malden. Southborough. Boston. Boston. Lynn. Quincy. Cambridge. Wellesley Hills. Kingston. Brookline. Malden. Williamstown. Boston. Lowell. Wakefield. Winchester. Worcester. f 1891 flS94 flS81 48 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1894 1896 1896 1898 1891 1890 1889 1886 1880 1889 1897 1884 1892 1892 1896 1884 1884 1887 1874 1883 1892 1898 1893 1892 1883 1868 1872 1895 1877 1898 1888 1894. 1884 1894 1884 1883 1894 1896 1884 Joslin, Elliott Proctor Joslin, Perry Edward Judge, Albert Augustine Judkins, Anna Gertrude Judkins, Frank Luville . Kaan, George Warton Kean, Michael Edward . Keefe, Daniel Edward . Keefe, Patrick Henry Keegan, Charles Andrew . Keenan, Herbert John . Reith, Wallace Cushing Keleher, Francis Joseph Keleher, William Henry Kelleher, Patrick Francis . Kelley, Horatio Sprague, jr. Kelley, Joseph Henry Kelley, Michael Joseph Relley, Seth Wight . Kellogg, Edward Brinley Kellogg, Frederic Leroy Kelly, Jane Downes . Kelly, William P Kelsey, Otis Hiland . Kemble, Lawrence Grafton Kemp, Edwin Augustine Keniston, James Mortimer . Kennard, Henry Delano Kennealy, John Henry . Kennedy, Alexander Gladstone . Kennedy, Catherine Moloney . Kennedy, Charles Francis Joseph Kennedy, Frederick William . Kenney, Franklin Woodbury . Renney, John Erle Kenyon, Henry Jesse Keown, James Archibald Kernan, William Everett Kielty, John Daniel . . . . Boston. Hopkinton. Roxbury. Boston. Lynn. Brookline. Manchester, N.H. Springfield. Providence, R.I. Arlington. South Boston. Brockton. Boston. Woburn. Boston. West Dennis. Worcester. Watertown. Woburn. Boston. Somerville. Boston. |Pittsfield. Springfield. Salem. Danvers. Middletown, Conn. Lynn. Roxbury. Boston. Springfield. Springfield. Lawrence. Lynn. Reene, N.H. Worcester. South Boston. Neponset. Fitchburg, PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 49 1884 1877 1890 1898 1879 1848 1898 1888 1890 1881 1875 1875 1897 1892 1898 1880 1874. 1881 1891 1896 1867 1878 1896 1889 1884 1892 1892 1894 1892 1892 1847 1894 1856 1892 1891 1880 1884 1894 1865 Rilburn, Henry Whitman . Kilby, Henry Sherman . Kilroy, Philip . e Kimball, James Henry . Kimball, William George . King, George . King, Myron Louis . King, Nathaniel Clark . King, William Rufus . Kingman, Rufus Anderson Kingsbury, Albert Dexter . Ringsbury, Joseph Byron . Kingsley, Charles Rirby, Nathaniel Harris . Rite, Walter Chester Kittredge, Joseph . . Kittredge, Thomas Knapp, Philip Coombs, jr. . Knight, Augustus Smith Enight, Charles Storer . Knight, Frederick Irving Knight, Henry Sargent. Knight, Marcus Whitney Knowles, James Harris . * Knowles, William Fletcher, jr. Knowlton, Charles Davidson . Knowlton, Herbert Eugene Konikow, Maurice Joseph . LaForce, Edward Dontial LaMarche, Walter Joseph . Lamb, William Dan . Lamoureux, Joseph Elzear Lamson, John Augustus Lancaster, Sherman Russell Lancaster, Walter Brackett Lane, Albert Clarence . Lane, Edward Binney Lane, Francis Augustus Langmaid, Samuel Wood . Boston. North Attleborough. Springfield. Greenwood. Huntington. Franklin. Cambridge. Campello. Lynn. Boston. Boston. Holbrook. Marlborough. Peabody. Milton. Brookline. Salem. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Milford. Gloucester. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. f1889 Fitchburg. Cambridge. Lawrence. Lowell. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. West Medford. Roslindale. Lynn. Brookline. fl890 f1896 50 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1896 1897 1876 1898 1872 1888 1896 1897 1873 1892 1895 1894 1893 1856 1891 1893 1895 1870 1887 1892 1894. 1897 1895 1865 1877 1898 1881 1879 1871 1894 1893 1897 1881 1889 1885 1894 1897 1886 1884 1895 Langois, Joseph Augustin . Larrabee, Ralph Clinton Lathrop, William Henry Lavallée, George Omer. Lavigne, Alfred Willis . Lawler, William Patrick Lawrence, James Wilmot . Lawrence, Joseph Henry Lawrence, Robert Means Lawson, Frederick Bartlett Leach, Albert Clinton Leach, Edward Mortimer . Leach, Horace Morton . Leach, William . . . Leahey, George Henry Aloysius. Leahy, Thomas Joseph . Leard, John Samuel Hick . Learned, John Barr . Learned, William Turell Learoyd, Charles Berry Leary, James Edward Leary, William Charles. Leavitt, Dudley tº º Leavitt, William Whipple . Leland, George Adams . Leonard, Edwin, jr. . Leonard, Henry Fiske . Leonard, Milton Hall Leslie, Horace Granville Lewis, Arthur Cuthbert Libbey, Jesse Herbert Libby, Edward Norton . Liebmann, Gustav Lincoln, Jacob Read . } Lincoln, John Clifford Lindsay, Joseph Ira . Linfield, Edward Porter Litchfield, William Harvey Little, Abby Noyes . Pittsfield. Boston. Lowell. Lowell. Lowell. Lowell. . . Malden. Brockton. Boston. Newton Center. Orange. Rochdale. Gilbertville. Vineyard Haven. Lowell. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Florence. Fall River. Salem. Boston. Springfield. Pittsfield. Pittsfield. Boston. Melrose Highlands. Boston. New Bedford. Amesbury. Fall River. East Weymouth. Roxbury. Boston. Millbury. Hyde Park. fl 393 f 1894 Worcester. Avon. Hull. Newbury. PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 51 1896 1884 1898 I893 1898 1888 1889 1898 1898 1897 1888 1896 1897 1876 1890 1895 1894 1897 1888 1872 1856. 1894. 1885 1894 1884 1893 1886 1898 1898 1891 1890 1868 1897 1881 1896 1896 1886 1898 1897 Little, Charles Sherman Little, William Brimblecom Littlefield, George Curtis Littlefield, Samuel Horace . Lockary, Joseph Logue Locke, Horace Mann Lockhart, Joseph Smith Lockwood, Charles Edwin . Lockwood, George Bertrand . Logan, Frank Parker Tays Lombard, John Patrick Lord, Sidney Archer Loring, Robert Gardner Loring, Robert Pearmain . Lothrop, Howard Augustus Lougee, Frank Taylor . Lougee, Mary Williamson . Loughran, James Francis Louis, Isaac . . . . Lovejoy, Charles Averill Lovejoy, Oliver Sherwin Lovell, Charles Dixon Smith . Lovell, Charles Edward Lovell, David Bigelow . Lovett, Robert Williamson Lovewell, Henry Plummer Lowe, Fred Messenger . Luchsinger, Harry Warner Lowell, Alverne Percy . Lund, Fred Bates Lussier, Charles Arthur Lyon, Arthur Vinal . Lyon, Frederick Dow Lyons, Herbert Henry . Lyons, Joseph Benedict McAdams, James Philip . McAllister, John Gilman MacCabe, Arthur. McCabe, John Joseph Taunton. Lynn. Peabody. Roxbury. Roxbury. Sturbridge. Cambridge. Lynn. Harding. Gloucester. Dorchester. Boston. Boston. Newton Center. Boston. Lynn. Norristown, Pa. Lowell. Boston. Lynn. Haverhill. Lynn. Whitman. Worcester. Boston. Providence, R.I. West Newton. Housatonic. Fitchburg. Boston. Worcester. Brockton. Dorchester. Fitchburg. Charlestown. fl889 Lowell. Lawrence. Gloucester. Holyoke. 52 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1886 1897 1891 1889 1878 1891 1897 1890 1897 1897 1883 1875 1856 1869 1883 1890 1875 1898 1897 1865 1887 1872 1884 1885 1865 1886 1864 1894 1894 1898 1886 1891 1893 1898 1898 1891 1886 1882 1896 1898 McCarthy, Charles Daniel. McCarthy, Charles Florence . McCarthy, Eugene Allen . Macarthy, George Elden McCarthy, James Joseph McCarthy, John Coakley McCarthy, Thomas Francis McCarthy, Thomas Horatio McCarthy, William Henry McCauley, Albert Anthony McClean, Alexander Spear McClean, George Chesley . McCollester, John Quincy Adams McCollom, John Hildreth . McCormack, Alexander Leslie McCormack, Reynold James . McCormick, Cornelius Joseph McDermott, William Vincent . Macdonald, Alexander Ambrose . McDonald, Archibald Elexis . Macdonald, Colin William . McDonald, James Athanasius McDonald, Rufus Cyrene . Macdonald, William Gregory Macdonald, William Lewis McDonough, Lawrence John . McDougall, Samuel Jay Mace, Herbert Eugene . McEvoy, Thomas Edward . McFee, William David . McGannon, Thomas Gerald McGauran, Michael Sheridan . McGillicuddy, John Timothy . Macgowan, Joseph Johnston . McGrath, Bernard Francis McGuigan, John Joseph McIntire, David . McIntire, Herbert Bruce McIntosh, Herbert MacKay, George Finlay Malden. Winchester. Cambridge. Ipswich. Lowell. Malden. Marlborough. Brockton. Brockton. Brighton. Springfield. #1888 Springfield. Waltham. Boston. Roxbury. Dorchester. Waltham. Salem. Roxbury. Ontario, Cal. Roxbury. Charlestown. Boston. Boston. Wellesley Hills. Lowell. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Haverhill. Lowell. Lawrence. Worcester. West Roxbury. Beverly. . Lynn. Dorchester. Cambridge. Medway. Chesterfield. PRESENT FELLows, ACTIVE AND RETIRED, 53 1879 1897 1892 1892 1884 1893 1882 1885 1864. 1883 1898 1898 1895 1895 1864 1898 1885 1895 1893 1881 1890 1894 1876 1888 1896 1898 1893 1883 1897 1892 1898 1891 1880 1898 1897 1898 1896 1887 1888 1879 MacKeen, Alfred Atwater. McKeen, Sylvester Forshay McKenna, Francis Patrick McKenty, John Edmund Mackenzie, Freeman Alexander . McKenzie, John Robert Mackie, George . . . . Mackie, Laura Viola Gustin Mackie, William Basilio Mackin, Charles . . . . Mackintosh, Ernest Robert MacKnight, Adam Stephenson McKoan, John William McLaughlin, Henry Valentine McLaughlin, James Augustin . McLaughlin, James Stephen McLaughlin, Joseph Ignatius . McLellan, Roderick . McLeod, Percy De Mille . McMichael, Willis Brooks . McMillan, Andrew Lewis . McMillan, Wallace MacMonagle, Beverly McNally, William Joseph . McNamara, Eugene Thomas . McNeish, Alexander McOwen, Timothy Edward McOwen, William Henry . Macpherson, George Sturtevant . McPherson, William Ellsworth . McQuaid, Thomas Bernard McQueeney, Francis Joseph . Magee, John Augustine Maguire, Charles Francis Mahon, James Arthur Mahoney, Edward Joseph . Mahoney, George Clifton . Mahoney, John Bernard Mahoney, Stephen Andrew Makechnie, Horace Perkins Whitman. Allston. Roxbury. Waltham. South Boston. Cambridge. Attleborough. Attleborough. Boston. Milford. Lowell. Adamsville, R.I. Worcester. Brookline. Boston. Westfield. Boston. Quincy. Boston. East Boston. Hanover. Dorchester. San Francisco, Cal. Charlestown. Boston. Leicester. Lowell. Newton Upper Falls. Brookline. Charlestown. Everett. Boston. Lawrence. Somerville. Dorchester. Holyoke. Somerville. Malden. Holyoke. West Somerville. fl&97 54 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1891 1893 1893 1893 1897 I869 1897 1859 1841 1893 1896 1870 1863 1870 1876 1898 1895 1839 1885 I898 1897 1897 1884 1898 1897 1891 1898 1885 1896 1872 1884 1876 1879 1878 1899 1898 1889 1897 1892 1883 Mallory, Frank Burr o Manahan, Herbert Wellington Manchester, Delos Burd Mangan, John Joseph Mann, Arthur Teall . . . . Mansfield, Henry Tucker . Mansfield, James Albert Mansfield, John Robbins Mansfield, Joseph D . e Mansfield, Robert Joseph . Manson, Frank George . Marble, John Oliver . Marcy, Henry Orlando . Marion, Horace Eugene Marion, Otis Humphrey Marr, Myron Lawrence. Marsh, Arthur White Marsh, Austin . Marsh, James Elmer. Marston, Joseph Norris. Martel, Stanislaus Ç Martin, Archibald Herbert Martin, Francis Coffin Martin, Harry Charles . Martin, John Macleod Martin, Miles . . . . . Marvin, Sydney Robertson Maryott, Erastus Edgar Maskell, Leonard Joseph Mason, Amos Lawrence Mason, Atherton Perry Mather, Edward Elias . e Matte, Joseph Hubert Ambrose . Maxwell, Warren Brown May, John Shepard . May, William Ropes Mayberry, Edwin Nelson . Mead, Frederick Ammi tº Mead, George Nathaniel Plumer Mead, Julian Augustus . Boston. Lawrence. Beverly. Lynn. Tewksbury. Needham. Roxbury. Wakefield Wakefield. Springfield. Billerica. Worcester. Boston. Brighton. Allston. Dorchester. Worcester. Carlisle. Springfield. Lowell. Boston. Lynn. Roxbury. Sutton. Boston. Boston. Springfield. Millbrook, N.Y. Waltham. Boston. Fitchburg. Williamstown. North Adams. Grafton. Roxbury. Boston. South Weymouth. Willimansett. Winchester. Watertown. fl397 fl882 fl873 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 55 1878 1875 1898 1895 1894 1890 1894 1894 1880 1898 1894 1867 1897 1893 1896 1896 1897 1883 1896 1895 1891 1885 1881 1893 1867 1891 1877 1895 1884 1884 1898 1893 1891 1845 1877 1896 1893 1897 1882 1881 Meader, Charles Eugene Mecuen, George Edward . Meek, Edith Ruth Eliza . Mehegan, Daniel Joseph . . Mehrenlander, Albert Nochim Meigs, Joe Vincent, jr. . Meigs, Jonathan Harding . Meigs, Return Jonathan . . . Mellen, William Michael Edward Meramble, Clarence Eugene . Mercer, William James. Mercer, William Marcelline Merchant, Harry Alvin . Merrick, Robert Michael Merrill, Arthur Ellsworth . Merrill, William Howe . Merritt, Silas Virgil . Messer, Charles Carson . Metcalf, Ben Hicks . Meyer, Adolf . Mignault, Armand Mignault, Rodrigue . Mignault, Victor . Miles, George Albert Millard, Henry James . . . . Miller, Charles Heman . Miller, Ernest Parker . Miller, Lester Colwell . Millerick, Daniel Edward . Millet, Charles Sumner. Milliken, Charles Warren . Milot, Alphonse François . Miner, Worthington Warner . Minot, Francis º Minot, James Jackson . Minsall, Arthur Gladstone. Mitchell, Arthur . Mitchell, Harry Walter. Mixter, Orlando Mixter, Samuel Jason Lynn. Roxbury. Boston. Taunton. Boston. Lowell. Revere. Lowell. Chicopee. Lynn. Pittsfield. Pittsfield. Monson. Dorchester. Somerville. Lawrence. Fall River. Turner's Falls. Winthrop. Worcester. Salem. Lowell. Lawrence. West Somerville. North Adams. Dorchester. Fitchburg. Worcester. Boston. Brockton. Barnstable. Taunton. Ware. Readville, Boston. Northampton. Medfield. State Farm. Worcester. Boston. 5 56 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1894 1880 1889 1884 1873 1898 1895 1894. 1872 1886 1895 1890 1878 1872 1870 1891 1891 1889 1873 1897 1887 1892 1898 1892 1896 1870 1887 1896 1885 1882 1878 1890 1846 1896 1898 1884 1870 1891 1893 1889 Mongan, Charles Edward .. Monks, George Howard Mooers, Emma Wilson . Mooney, Philip Moore, James White Moore, John Henry . Moore, John Patrick Moran, Horace Sheridan Moran, John Brennan Morgan, John . Morgan, Lewis Edson Moroney, William Joseph . Morong, Arthur Bennett Morrill, Charles Plummer . Morrill, Ferdinand Gordon Morris, George Patrick. Morris, James Stewart . Morris, John Gavin . Morris, Michael Augustine Morris, Richard Holt Morrison, William Alexander. Morrow, Charles Harvey . Morse, Almon Gardner . Morse, Charles Ellsworth . Morse, Charles Frederick . Morse, Edward Gilead . Morse, Frank Adelbert . Morse, Frank Leander . Morse, Fred Harris . Morse, George Mason Morse, Henry Lee Morse, John Lovett . Morse, Luther Blodgett Mosher, Frank Orson Mosher, Harris Peyton . Mossman, Alvaro E . Moulton, Benjamin Francis Moulton, Charles Fred . Mulcahy, Joseph Francis Mumford, James Gregory . * Somerville. Boston. Northampton. Gloucester. - New York, N.Y. Boston. Worcester. Roxbury. Roxbury. Boston. Needham. - Pawtucket, R.I. Boston. North Andover. Boston. South Boston. Crescent Beach. South Boston. Charlestown. Everett. East Boston. Gloucester. Boston. Wareham. Natick. Roxbury. Lynn. Somerville. Melrose. Clinton. Boston. Boston. Watertown. Cambridge. Brookline. Westminster. Lawrence. West Roxbury. Lowell. Boston. fl:892 fl885 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED, 57 1884 1884 1860 1889 1895 1884 1894. 1882 1898 1898 1896 1887 1891 I891 1895 1872 I895 1893 1896 1897 1882 1854 1886 1886 1874 1887 1898 1870 1890 1892 1859 1867 1884 1871 1874 1887 1895 1876 1865 Munro, John Cummings Munro, Walter Lee . Munsell, George Nelson Murphy, Daniel Francis Murphy, Emily Frances Murphy, Francis Charles Murphy, John McKonkey . Murphy, Joseph Briggs. Murphy, Timothy Joseph . Musgrave, Percy . Muttart, George Morley Nash, George William Nash, Horace Milton Nason, Laurentius Melancthon Nason, Osmon Cleander Baker Neilson, William . tº º Nelson, Lois Leverett Newcomb, Mary Elizabeth. Newcomb, Scott Campbell . Newell, Franklin Spilman . Newell, Otis Kimball Newhall, Edward . º Newhall, Herbert William . Newhall, Lawrence Thompson Newton, Adin Hubbard Newton, Edward Cazneau . Newton, William Curtis Nichols, Arthur Howard Nichols, Edward Hall Nichols, John Holyoke . Nichols, John Taylor Gilman . Nickerson, Franklin . Nickerson, George Wheaton Nickerson, William Jabez . Nims, Edward Beecher . Noble, Alfred Ira Noble, Angenette Fowler . Norfolk, Walter Jenks . Norris, Albert Lane . ... Lynn. Brookfield. Boston. Providence, R.I. Harwich. Woburn. Taunton. Roxbury. Malden. Taunton. Roxbury. ... Boston. East Boston. Kings-Bridge, N.Y. Lancaster. Woroester. Reading. Marblehead. Paris, France. Lowell. Walpole. Boston. Boston, Lynn. i 1891 Everett. f1895 ... Everett. Revere. Boston. Boston. ... Tewksbury. Cambridge. Lowell. Stoneham. New Bedford. Northampton. Worcester. Westfield. New York, N.Y. Cambridge. 58 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1886 1887 I895 1887 1875 1887 1881 1890 1891 1898 1892 1897 1887 1885 1880 1893 1896 1898 1871 I887 1893 1892 1891 1893 1895 1855 1871 1891 1897 1896 1868 1891 1877 1877 1876 1881 1894 1876 Norton, Eben Carver Norwood, Ephraim Wood Nott, Albert . . . . Nottage, Herbert Percy Noyes, Ernest Henry Noyes, Nathaniel Kingsbury . Noyes, William Nute, Marion . . . . Nutter, William Dennett Oakes, Fitz Albert . O’Brien, Owen Saint-Clare }NOrton, Eliza Bryant Lawrence . O’Callaghan, Mary Vincent O’Callaghan, Thomas Albert . O'Connor, James Bernard . O'Connor, John Henry . O'Connor, John James . Odlin, Charles Cushing . O’Donnell, Francis Michael O’Donnell, Louis Patrick . Ogden, Jay Bergen . O'Hearn, William Henry O’Keefe, Michael Wallace . Olin, Francis Henry . Oliver, Henry Kemble . Oliver, Joseph Pearson . O’Meara, Michael John . O'Neil, Richard Frothingham Ordway, Charles Anthony . Osborne, George Sterne Osgood, Gilman Osgood, Hamilton O'Shea, Joseph Francis. Otis, Edward Osgood Otis, Walter Joseph . Ott, George John . Oviatt, George Alexander . Norwood. Norwood. Spencer. West Newton. Providence, R.I. Newburyport. Duxbury. Mattapan. Dorchester. Malden. South Framingham. Rockport. Worcester. Worcester. Lowell. Hyde Park. Holyoke. Melrose. Newton. Somerville. Boston. Lawrence. East Boston. Southbridge. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Boston. Everett. Peabody. Rockland. Boston. Lynn. Boston. Boston. “ Clinton. South Sudbury. f1898 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 59 1895 1865 1876 1890 1893 1894 1898 1892 1898 1864 1872 1896 1887 1893 1892 1868 1882 1888 1890 1867 1893 1883 1894 1875 1894 1866 1877 1889 1887 1892 1887 1898 1865 1898 1890 1896 1890 1887 1877 Packard, Edward Albert . Paddock, Franklin Kittredge Paddock, William Leroy Padula, Thomas Francis Page, Albert Kidder Page, Calvin Gates . Page, George Thornton. Page, Hartstein Wendell Page, Joseph Gregory Elias Paige, Nomus . . . . . Paine, Amasa Elliot . Painter, Charles Fairbank . Palardy, Joseph Hector. Palmer, Ezra . Palmer, George Monroe Palmer, Harris Orlando Palmer, Lewis Merritt . Palmer, Sarah Ellen Park, Francis Edwin, jr. Park, John Gray . . . . Parker, Charles Edwin . Parker, Charles Frederick. Parker, Edwin Monroe . Parker, Francis Fullam Parker, Frank Howard . Parker, Moses Greely Parks, Edward Luther . Parks, John Wilson . Parks, Silas Henry . e Parmelee, William Josiah . Parsons, Frank Sears Parsons, Payn Bigelow . Parsons, John Eleazer . Partree, Homer Tomlinson Partridge, Charles Catlin . Patch, Anne Sophia Kenney . Batch, William Thurston Patten, Julia Maria . Patterson, David Nelson Worcester. Pittsfield. Pittsfield. Quincy. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Worcester. Southbridge. Taunton. Brockton. Boston. Fitchburg. Boston. Boston. Hubbardston. South Framingham. Boston. Stoneham. Groton. Princeton. Boston. South Yarmouth. Chicopee. Malden. Lowell. Boston. East Boston. Reading. Worthington. Dorchester. Northampton. Ayer. Blandford. Hyde Park. Boston. Roxbury. Holyoke. Lowell. 60 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1887 1895 1869 1891 1880 1894. 1896 1891 1892 1895 I895 1895 1897 1890 1887 1898 1879 1889 1854 1891 1886 1898 1892 1885 1866 1891 1896 1891 1866 1885 1892 1899 1884 1892 1892 1875 1887 1880 1896 1875 Paul, Walter Everard Paulsell, Mary Paun, Amos Bosworth . Payne, James Henry, jr. Peabody, Charles Augustus Pearce, Richard Mills Pearl, Frederick Warren Pearson, Maurice Wellesley Pease, Edward Allen Peck, Albert Fred Peckham, Katherine Fenner . Pedrick, Stephen Augustus Pegram, John Combe, jr. . Peirce, Amos Hagar IPeirce, Charles John Peirce, Frederick Joseph Peirce, James . . . . . Peirson, Edward Lawrence Perkins, Edward Augustus Perkins, Jay . . . IPerkins, John Walter Perley, Roscoe Damon . Pero, Joseph Thomas Perry, Arthur Pedro Perry, Charles Homer . Perry, George Lewis Perry, Henry Joseph Perry, Herbert Brainard Perry, Joseph Franklin Perry, Martha . . . . Peterson, Charles Augustus Burton Pettee, John Harris . . . Pfeiffer, Oscar Joseph Phelps, John Samuel Phelps, Olney Winsor Phelps, Rollin Horace . Phippen, Hardy . . . . Phipps, Walter Andrus. Pickard, Isaiah Lovell . Pierce, Andrew Martin . Boston. Danvers. Middleborough. Boston. Worcester. Boston. Boston. Ware. Boston. Woburn. Putnam Heights, Conn. Rowley. Providence, R.I. West Newbury. Shirley Village. Quincy. Methuen. Salem. Boston. Providence, R.I. Kansas City, Mo. Worcester. Indian Orchard. Jamaica Plain. Worcester. Petersham. Boston. Amherst. Dorchester. Taunton. New Bedford. Röxbury. Denver, Col. Boston. Warren. Littleton. Salem. Hopkinton. Concord Junction. New Bedford. PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 61 1895 1887 1874 1898 1882 1886 1886 I898 1892 1897 1870 1874. 1897 1862 1869 1895 1885 1881 1894 1879 1890 1897 1898 1891 1895 1865 1887 1886 1874 1886 1898 1886 1886 1887 1892 1866 1877 1883 1895 Pierce, Appleton Howe Pierce, Frank Benneville . Pierce, Gardner Carpenter Pierce, George Burgess Pierce, Matthew Vassar Pierce, Willard Henry . Pigeon, James Coggswell DuMaresque . . . . Pigeon, Walter Hugh Pike, Forrest Wiley . Pillsbury, Ernest Dean . Pillsbury, George Harlin Pillsbury, Warren Wilbur. Pinkham, Edward Warwick Pinkham, George Edwin Pinkham, Joseph Gurney . Piper, Frank • * Pitcher, Herbert Frank. Pitcher, Samuel Platt-White, Belle Plimpton, Lewis Henry Plummer, Edward Maverick . Plummer, Francis Joseph . Plummer, Frank Wentworth . Plummer, Henry Lincoln . Plummer, Paul * Plunkett, Francis Charles . Poirier, Emile . © Pomeroy, Hiram Sterling . Pomeroy, Stephen Franklin Pomeroy, William Henry . Pool, Charles Bret Pope, Caroline Augusta Pope, Emily Frances Pope, Frank Fletcher Porter, Charles Allen Porter, Charles Burnham . Porter, Frank Edward . Porter, Omer Pillsbury. Porter, William Townsend Leominster. Haverhill. Ashland. Milton. Milton. Greenfield. Roxbury. Lynn. Greenland, N.H. Somerville. Tewksbury. Newburyport. Boston. Lowell. Lynn. Boston. Haverhill. Hyannis. Springfield. Norwood. Charlestown. Malden. Malden. East Boston. Collinsville, Conn. Lowell. Salem. Boston. Springfield. Springfield. Lowell. Boston. Boston. Ashby. Boston. Boston. Auburndale. Lowell. Jamaica Plain. fl394 62 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1870 1889 1896 I899 1888 1898 1868 1894 1880 1898 I892 1884 1897 1865 1867 1885 1886 1861 I879 1881 1897 1891 1897 1898 1894 1895 1860 I869 1870 1877 1894 1886 1890 1873 1882 1869 1867 1896 1887 1892 \ Post, Abner . . . . Pothier, Joseph Charles IPotter, Frances Wason . Potter, Lester Forrest Potter, William Gage Potts, Joseph Henry Pratt, Calvin . . . . Pratt, Charles Augustus Pratt, John Edward . Pratt, Joseph Hersey Pratt, John Washburn . Preble, Wallace . . . . Préfontaine, Louis Aurèle . Presbrey, Silas Dean Prescott, Charles Dudley Prescott, Royal Blood . Prescott, William Herbert . Prince, James Perrott Prince, Morton Henry . Brior, Charles Edwin Brocter, Thomas Walter Proctor, Francis Ingersoll . Proctor, John Donald Proctor, Joseph Whipple Proctor, Percy Clement Prouty, Albert Henry Provan, Robert . . . . Putnam, Charles Pickering Putnam, James Jackson Putnam, Joseph Morrill Putnam, Willard Abram Qua, Lester Robert Quackenboss, Alexander Quimby, Samuel Foster. Quimby, Sumner Ferdinand Quinby, Hosea Mason Quincy, Henry Parker . Quinlan, Henry Francis Quint, Norman Perkins Quirk, Charles Hudson . Boston. New Bedford. South Framingham. New Bedford. New Bedford. Holyoke. Bridgewater. New Bedford. Dumont, N.J. Boston. Dedham. Cambridge. Springfield. Taunton. New Bedford. Nashua, N.H. Boston. Durban, South Africa. Boston. Malden. Boston. Boston. Lowell. Malden. Gloucester. North Brookfield. Brookline. Boston. Boston. Chelsea. Cambridge. East Pepperell. Boston. Salem. Gloucester. Worcester. Dedham. Dalton. West Medway. Buenos Ayres, S.A. PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 63 1883 1892 1892 1896 1897 1894 1863 1896 1879 1878 1893 1898 1896 1873 1892 1874 1876 1898 1883 1884 1889 1853 1897 1866 1865 1866 1893 1893 1855 1896 1894 1883 1893 I861 1872 1891 1888 1856 1896 Race, Gorton Herbert . Raddin, Frederick Stocker . Rand, John William . Rand, Richard Baxter Randall, Clifford Walcott . Ranney, Archibald Ransom, Nathaniel Morton Rawson, George Wallace Raymenton, William Heweston Read, Robert McLellan Reardon, Timothy Joseph . Record, Wellington . Reddy, Joseph Warren . Redfearn, Joseph, jr. Redmond, James William . Reed, Andrew Fairfield Reed, Thomas Greenhalgh Reed, Victor Augustus . Reed, William Gilman . Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, Henry Vose . Reynolds, John Phillips Rhodes, Frank Edson Rice, Albert Raymond . Rice, Austin Bradford Rice, Charles Henry Rice, Frederick Winslow Rice, George LeRoy Rice, Joseph Marcus Rice, Walter Henry . Richards, Caroline Maria Richards, George Edwards. Richards, George Lyman . Richards, James Forsaith . Richards, William Richardson, Anna Gove Richardson, Benjamin Franklin . Richardson, John Henry Richardson, Mark Wyman. º º, Great Barrington. Chelsea. Amesbury. North Abington. Worcester. Tewksbury. Somerville. Amherst. Worcester. Boston. Boston. Quincy. South Boston. Hudson. South Boston. Arlington. South Boston. Lawrence. Southbridge. Boston. Dorchester. Boston. Dorchester. Springfield. Fiskdale. Fitchburg. Allston. North Adams. Worcester. Waltham. Cambridge. Boston. Fall River. Andover. Natick. Boston. Lynn. Medfield. Boston. #1892 fl&98 fl&98 64 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1876 Richardson, Maurice Howe 1867 Richardson, William Lambert 1891 Richardson, William Shedd 1895 Richmond, Ernest Dalton . 1898 Richmond, Simon 1861 Ricketson, Arthur 1875 Riley, Thomas. 1885 Ring, Allan Mott. 1898 Ring, Arthur Hallam 1884 Ripley, Frederick Jerome . 1879 Rix, Frank Reader 1882 Robbins, Elliott Daniels 1891 Robbins, Fred Gibson 1881 Robbins, James Henry . 1897 Roberts, Frederic Alpha 1890 Roberts, George Kerr 1894 Roberts, Henry Ambrose 1895 Roberts, Linneus Alton . 1867 Roberts, Oscar Samuel . 1895 Robey, William Henry, jr. . 1898 Robie, Walter Franklin 1858 Robinson, Albert Brown 1891 Robinson, Edward Olin 1897 Robinson, Francis Arnold . 1893 Robinson, Gilman Parker . 1859 Robinson, Jonathan Henry 1888 Robinson, Lucy Morton 1890 Robinson, Thomas Johns 1893 Robinson, William Henry . 1895 Robinson, William Perry #} Roche, Thomas Francis 1890 Rogers, Albert Edward. 1883 Rogers, Frank Alvin 1873 Rogers, Orville Forrest. 1892 Rohrer, Safier Rudolph . 1890 Rolfe, William Alfred . 1897 Ronayne, David Patrick 1867 Root, Richmond Barbour 1898 Ross, Ellsworth Frank . º Boston. Boston. Marlborough. Reading. Boston. New Bedford. Adams. Arlington Heights. Arlington Heights. Brockton. Lowell. Charlestown. Salem. Hingham. Pittsfield. Attleborough. Mattapan. Dorchester. Pittsfield. Roxbury. Baldwinsville. Roxbury. Springfield. Hinsdale. Atlanta, Ga. Southborough. f1898 Brockton. Taunton. Jamaica Plain. Haverhill. Blackstone. Dorchester. Chatham. Dorchester. Collinsville. Boston. Boston. Georgetown. Wales. PRESENT FELLOws, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 65 1897 1897 1873 1898 .1885 1893 1895 1871 1892 1897 1895 1891 1892 1888 1898 1871 1844 1891 1886 1897 1895 1882 1898 1898 1873 1895 1894 1893 1898 1876 1888 1897 1881 1870 1896 1894 1893 1889 Ross, Frank Augustus . Ross, Robert Oswald Rotch, Thomas Morgan. Rothfuchs, Charles Christian . Round, Arthur Morey Rourke, Joseph Edward Rovinski, Alexander . . . Rowe, George Howard Malcol Rowen, Henry Stanislaus Rowley, William . g Royal, Herbert Benjamin . Ruddick, William Henderson . Ruppel, Emil Carl Fraser . Ruppel, Myra Daniel . Russell, Edward Ervin Russell, Frederick William Russell, Henry . . . Russell, William Henry Ryan, Dennis Matthew . Ryan, John Francis . Ryan, John Laurence Ryder, Godfrey, jr. Ryder, James William Ryerson, Edwin Warner Sabine, George Krans . St. Clair, Austin Emery St. Dennis, Joseph Nelson . Saint-Germain, Joseph Pierre . St. Marie, Philippe Sanborn, Edwin Aaron . Sanborn, Frederic James Sanborn, John Wesley . Sanborn, Perley Lewis . Sanders, Charles Barton Sanderson, Mary . * Sargent, Albert Alonzo . Sargent, Ara Nathaniel Sargent, George Amory Danvers. Fitchburg. Boston. Boston. Norton. Boston. Boston. Boston. Brighton. Gloucester. Harvard. South Boston. Lynn. Lynn. North Adams. Winchendon. Sandwich. Ipswich. Ware. Roxbury. Worcester. Malden. Boston. Boston. f 1894 Brookline. South Framingham. Medford. New Bedford. Lowell. East Somerville. Spencer. Roxbury. Marblehead. Lowell. Worcester. The Klondike, Alaska. Salem. Boston. 66 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1896 I896 1884 1892 1865 1883 1884 1896 1891 1888 1896 1895 1898 1879 1895 1885 1883 1887 1897 1884. 1897 1887 1884 1889 1895 1892 1869 1877 1881 I896 1894 1890 1895 1873 1873 1893 1893 1859 1897 1877 Sargent, George Bancroft . Saville, Sumner Carruth Sawin, Charles Dexter . Sawin, Robert Valentine Sawyer, Benjamin Addison Sawyer, Edward Allen . Sawyer, Elihu LeRoy Sawyer, Frank Wade Sawyer, Walter Fairbanks Sayles, Joseph Borland . Scales, Robert Bass . Scannell, Michael Edward Schneider, Jacob Philip Schwab, Emanuel ‘e Scoboria, Arthur Gilmore . Scofield, Walter W Scribner, Ernest Varian Scudder, Charles Locke. Seaman, William . Sears, George Gray . Sears, Harry Edward Sears, Henry Francis Seelye, Hiram Henry Seelye, Ralph Holland . Selva, Julius Sewall, John Jasper . Seymour, Christopher Seymour, James Dwight Shanahan, John Shanahan, Thomas Joseph Shannon, Nat Waughan . Shatswell, James Arthur Shattuck, Albert Milo Shattuck, Frederick Cheever . Shattuck, George Brune Shaw, Albert Joel Shaw, Arthur John . Shaw, Henry Lyman Shaw, Thomas Bond . Shaw, Thomas Pierpont Lawrence. Boston. Charlestown. Brimfield. Haverhill. Gardner. Exeter, N.H. IEverett. Fitchburg. Dighton. Dorchester. Worcester. Palmer. Cincinnati, Ohio. Chelmsford. Dalton. Worcester. Poston. Boston. Boston. Dorchester. Boston. Amherst. Springfield. Boston. Roxbury. Northampton. Whately. Peabody. Brookline. Cambridge. Beverly. Worcester. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Lowell. PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 67 1895 1897 1895 1895 1897 1893 1891 1876 1891 1882 1894. 1898 1898 1894 1869 1897 1852 1878 1881 1896 1885 1890 1857 1896 1863 1864 1890 1884 1888 1898 1898 1893 1894 1895 1894 1882 1886 1872 1890 1878 Shay, Thomas Maguire . Shea, John Joseph Shea, Thomas Bernard . Sheahan, Joseph Maurice . Sheehan, Martin David . Sheehan, William Joseph . Sheehy, William Clinton Sheldon, Chauncey Coolidge . Sheridan, Oliver Michael Sherman, Frank Morton Sherman, Mary Hastings Sherwood-Dunn, Berkeley . Shisler, William Henry Shores, Harvey Towle . Shreve, Octavius Barrell Shultis, Frederick Charles . Shurtleff, Augustine Sibley, Hartwell Augustus. Sidney, Austin Wilbur . Silva, Francis Pierce Simpson, Charles Edward . Simpson, James Edwin . Sinclair, Alexander Doull . Siskind, Alexander Louis Skinner, Edward Manning Skinner, John . Slayter, John Theodore Ha Sleeper, Walter Julian . Small, Whitmell Pugh . Smart, Frank Everard . Smith, Alfred Charles . Smith, Charles Morton . Smith, Frank Simpson . Smith, Fred Stevens . Smith, Frederick Glazier Smith, George Carroll . Smith, Herbert Llewellyn . Smith, Hermon Joseph . Smith, Hiram Fred Markley . Smith, Jonathan Jason . Roxbury. Beverly. Roxbury. Quincy. Stoneham. Salem. New Bedford. Lynn. Jamaica Plain. Newton. Brookfield. Brookline. Roxbury. Northampton. Salem. Harding. Brookline. Dorchester. Fitchburg. il 895 Charlestown. Lowell. Salem. Boston. Lawrence. Jamaica Plain. Roxbury. Cambridge. Westford. Great Barrington. Lowell. Everett. Boston. Dorchester. North Andover. Somerville. Boston. Nashua, N.H. Lowell. Orange. Boston. f1889 68 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1874. 1887 1889 1897 1874 1883 1894 1884 1898 1891 1894 1884 1876 1894. 1896 1897 1887 1877 1897 1851 1884. 1848 1874 1892 1871 1860 1892 1887 1873 1891 1884. 1879 1870 1869 1892 1880 1895 1893 1893 1886 Smith, Lawrence Sumner . Smith, Mary Almira. Smith, Murdoch Campbell . Smith, Peter Matthew . Smith, Samuel Finley Smith, Sumner Phinney Smith, Thomas Burke Smith, Walter Anson . Smith, William Henry . Smith, William Lord Smithwick, Marsena Parker Smyth, Herbert Edmund Somers, John Edwin Sopher, Curtis Levi . Sosnoski, Philip Soule, Horace John . Soules, Silas George. Souther, William Towle Spalding, Fred Maurice Spare, John . . . . . Sparhawk, Clement Willis . Sparrow, William Edward . Spear, Edmund Doe . Spencer, George Albert Spooner, John Winthrop Sprague, Francis Peleg. Sprague, George Percy. Sprague, Phebe Ann } Sprague, Rufus William Spring, Clarence Walter Squier, Angelo Orin . Stackpole, George Edmund Stackpole, Paul Augustine Stacey, Charles Franklin Standish, Myles Stanley, Josiah Murch . Stapleton, Richard Henry . Starbird, Edward Perley Starbird, Isaac Warren . Haverhill. Boston. Lynn. Roxbury. Indian Orchard. Lowell. Lowell. Springfield. Boston. Boston. Boston. Bridgeport, Conn. Cambridge. Wakefield. Roxbury. Winthrop. Hudson. Worcester. Cambridge. New Bedford. West Roxbury. Mattapoisett. Jamaica Plain. Haverhill. Hingham. Boston. Danvers. Springfield. fl881 f1890 Charlestown. Fitchburg. Springfield. Malden. Dover, N.H. Boston. Boston. Northborough. Worcester. Dorchester. Chelsea. f 1889 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 69 1897 1885 1887 1889 1868 1855 1874 1874 1892 1896 I881 1883 1898 1898 1896 1869 1894 1870 1868 1874 1897 1891 1897 1886 1883 1866 1881 1892 1884 1891 1896 1880 1898 1887 1893 1885 1895 1888 1894 1887 Stark, Maurice Albert . Steadman, Augusta Alice Stearns, Charles Goddard . Stearns, Daniel Waldo . Stebbins, George Stanford . Stedman, Charles Ellery Stedman, George . Stedman, Henry Rust Stedman, Joseph Cyrus . Steele, John McClary Steere, David Roscoe Stephenson, Franklin Bache Stetson, Frank Eliot Stetson, Frederick Winslow Stetson, Halbert Greenleaf Stevens, Andrew Jackson . Stevens, Charles Benjamin Stevens, Charles Wistar Stevens, Edmund Horace Stevens, George Beckwith . Stevens, Henry Burt Stevens, Henry Lawrence . Stevens, Sara Elmina Stevens, Seriah e Q Stevens, William Caldwell. Stickney, Alonzo Lawrence Stickney, Clifford Webster Stickney, Edwin Pangman Stickney, George Augustus Stiles, Fred Merritt . Stiles, Herbert Kendall . Stimson, John Woodbury . Stodder, Charles William Stone, Arthur Kingsbury Stone, Byron . . . . Stone, Charles Sinclair . Stone, Ella Gertrude } Stone, Eugene Potter Stone, Frank Ellsworth Marshfield. Amsterdam, N.Y. Leicester. Newton. Springfield. Dorchester. Boston. Brookline. Jamaica Plain. Worcester. Groton. Roxbury. New Bedford. Boston. Greenfield. Malden. Worcester. Charlestown. Cambridge. Roxbury. West Roxbury. New Bedford. West Roxbury. Roslindale. Worcester. Ashburnham. Holden. Arlington. Beverly. Waltham. Roslindale. Fitchburg. Boston. Boston. North Oxford. Roxbury. Lawrence. United States Navy. Lynn. 70 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED, I889 1893 1894. 1854. 1896 1888 1891 1895 1896 1892 1862 1897 1886 1890 1898 1898 1881 1896 I892 1883 1883 1895 1894 1851 1891 1889 1868 1865 1894 1882 1890 1885 1891 1863 1895 1894 1889 1889 1877 1890 Stone, George Arthur Stone, Harriette McCalmont . Stone, James Savage Stone, Lincoln Ripley Stone, Moses Cornelius . Storer, Malcolm Stowell, Edmund Channing Stowell, Joab, jr. . Stowell, Maud Evelyn . Stowell, Sarah Russell . Street, Charles Carroll . Strong, Lawrence Watson . Stuart, Frederick William . Stuart, James Henry Stubbs, Frank Raymond Sturgis, Benjamin Franklin, jr. Sturgis, Russell, 3d . Sturgis, Walter Horatio Wakeman Stutson, William Peckham Sullivan, James Edmund Sullivan, James Francis Sullivan, James Stephen Sullivan, John Henry Sullivan, John Langdon Sullivan, Michael Francis . Sullivan, William Joseph Sumner, Allen Melancthon Swan, Charles Walter Swan, Henry Storer . Swan, Roscoe Wesley Swan, Will Howard . Swan, William Donnison Swasey, Edward . Swasey, Oscar Fitzallan Sweet, Frederick Benoni Sweetsir, Charles Leslie Sweetsir, Frederick Ellsworth Swett, Eddy Benjamin . Swift, John Baker Swift, Lawrence Chew . p Ipswich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Boston, Newton. Dorchester. Boston. Boston. North Amherst. Dorchester. Boston. Boston. Waban. South Boston. Boston. Newton. Salem. Boston. Hull. Cummington. Providence, R.I. Lowell. Melrose. Worcester. Malden. Lawrence. Lawrence. Boston. Brookline. Middleborough. Worcester. Beverly. Cambridge. Worcester. Beverly. . Springfield. Lowell. Merrimac. Goffstown Center, N.H. Boston. Pittsfield. PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 71 1880 1893 1887 1893 1897 1883 1882 1866 1894 1888 1882 1893 1888 1891 1880 1893 1891 1886 1894 1879 1892 1872 1882 1871 1890 1886 1894 1895 1897 1889 1891 1870 1883 1895 1896 1890 1898 1861 1887 Swift, William Nye . & Sylvester, William Hillman Symonds, Benjamin Ropes Synan, William Edward Taft, Albert Atherton . Tallman, Augustus Littlefield. Tanner, John Alexander Tarbell, George Grosvenor Taylor, Edward Wyllys Taylor, Elsie Brewster Howe. Taylor, Frederick Weston . Taylor, George Lyman . Taylor, Jubal George Taylor, Philip Kittredge Temple, William Franklin . Ten Broeck, Stanton Jacob Tenney, Benjamin Tenney, John Arthur Tenney, William Northend Thayer, Charles Payne . Thayer, Eugene . . . . Thayer, Frederick Lyman . Thayer, George Dickinson. Thayer, Samuel Ezra Thayer, William Sydney Thissell, Joseph Abbott Thomas, Caroline Louise Thomas, George Henry Thomas, John Blanchard Thomas, John Jenks . Thompson, Charles Oscar . Thompson, Frederic Henry Thompson, George Eben Thompson, Harry John Thompson, John Joseph Thompson, John McQuaid. Thompson, Peter Hunter Thomson, George Francis . Thorndike, Augustus New Bedford. Natick. Salem. Fall River. Boston. East Boston. Dorchester. Boston. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Holyoke. Brookline. New York, N.Y. Boston. Orange. Boston. Roxbury. Canton. Boston. Roxbury. West Newton. Northampton. Wenham Depot. Baltimore, Md. Beverly. Fall River. Roxbury. Pittsfield. Boston. Boston. Fitchburg. Boston. W. Philadelphia, Pa. Webster. Brookline. Boston. Belchertown. Boston. 6 72 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1887 1893 1882 1890 1892 1890 1876 1892 1882 1892 1872 1893 1881 1880 1895 1886 1896 1872 1892 1878 1891 1877 1885 I891 1887 1894. 1894. 1897 1880 1854 1885 1893 1877 1868 1875 1894 1871 1895 1891 1875 Thorndike, Paul . Thornton, James Brown Thurlow, John Howard . Tibbetts, James Thomas Tierney, Edward Howran . Tigh, Frederick Tilden, Frank Elmer Tilton, Frank Herbert . Tilton, Josiah Odin . Tingley, Hilbert Black . Tinkham, Granville Wilson Tirrell, Vinson Meader . Titcomb George Eugene Tobey, George Loring . Tobin, James Henry. Tolman, Julia . Torrey, John Paine . te Torrey, Samuel William . Tower, Frederick Russell . Towle, Benjamin Newell Towle, Harvey Parker . Towle, Henry Charles Townsend, Charles Wendell Tracy, Edward Aloysius Tracy, Thomas Henry . Treanor, John Peter Trecartin, David Monson Tripp, George Alston Trow, Cornelius Gilman Trow, William Marshall Trowbridge, Edward Henry Trueman, Hermon Silas Trueworthy, Edwin Weston Trull, Washington Benson. Tucker, Edward Tobey . Tucker, Samuel Chase . Tucker, William Emerson . Tucker, Willis Leroy Tully, Edward Joseph Tupper, Augustus Maclauchlan Boston. Boston. Roxbury. Hyde Park. Holyoke. Newburyport. North Easton. East Boston. Lexington. Woodsburg, N.Y. Weymouth. South Weymouth. Concord. Clinton. Pittsfield. Arlington. Andover. Beverly. Boston. Charlestown. Boston. Dorchester. Boston. - South Boston. Springfield. Dorchester. Bridgeport, Conn. Worcester. Sunderland. Northampton. f1892 . Worcester. Somerville. Lowell. Concord. New Bedford. Peabody. Ipswich. Hinsdale. West Fitchburg. Rockport. PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED, 73 1887 1879 1885 1882 1886 1892 1889 1884. 1858 1897 1893 1892 1891 1895 1866 1897 1894 1882 1892 1897 1878 1879 1897 1897 1896 1866 1872 1886 1863 1866 1894 1876 1886 1898 1858 Tuttle, Albert Henry Tuttle, George Thomas . Twitchell, Edward Thayer Twitchell, George Pierce Twombly, Edward Lambert Tyler, Waldo Henry Underhill, Charles Dudley Underwood, George Baker . Underwood, George Latham . Upton, Charles Louis Valentine, Henry Charles Van Allen, Harvey Ward . Van Pelt, Gertrude Wyckoff . Van Rensselaer, Henry Rensselaer Vaughan, Charles Everett . Vaughan, Jonas Hobart Varney, Fred Elbridge . Vickery, Herman Frank Vickery, Lucia Florence Vietor, Agnes Caecilia . Wiles, Clarence Albertus Winal, Frank Thomas Vincent, Philip Vose, Robert Henry . Voss, John William . Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield Wadsworth, Peleg º Wakefield, Albert Tolman . Walcott, Henry Pickering . Walker, Augustus Chapman Walker, William . e Wallace, Alonzo Stewart Wallace, Frank Huron . Wallace, George Loney. Walsh, Peter Duggan . . Cambridge. Waverley. Dorchester. Greenfield. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. West Gardner. Boston. Shelburne Falls. f1898 Lexington. Springfield. Boston. Lanesborough. Santa Barbara, Cal. Everett. North Chelmsford. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Boston. Lowell. Scituate. . Waltham. Boston. Beverly. Boston. Malden. Sheffield. Cambridge. Greenfield. Boston. Nashua, N.H. Boston. Waverley. Boston. f1897 74 PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1880 1897 1886 1898 1873 1863 1883 1853 1851 1874. i866 1860 1887 1892 1897 1886 1893 1868 1895 1878 1879 1896 1894 I871 I849 1885 1877 1880 1892 1896 I895 I865. 1888 1859 I890 1897 1896 1894. 1898 1894. Walton, George Lincoln Walton, William Joseph Ward, George Otis Ward, Parker Myles Ward, Rollin Clayton Warner, Emerson Warren, Charles Everett Warren, Ephraim Lewis Warren, George Washington . Warren, Herbert . Warren, John Collins Warren, Orin . gº tº Warren, William Barnard . Washburn, Elliott . . . . Washburn, Frederic Augustus, jr. Washburn, George Hamlin Waterman, Jerome Hilton . Waterman, Thomas . Watkins, Royal Phillips Watson, Francis Sedgwick. Watson, George Henry . Watson, Walter Linwood . Watts, Henry Fowler Ransford . Webb, Melville Emerson Webber, Alonzo Carter. Webber, Amos Paterson Webber, Frank Orlando Webber, Frederick Ward . Webber, George Franklin . Webber, Henry Allen Webber, Horace Green . Webber, Samuel Gilbert Webster, George Arthur Webster, Joseph Rowe . Weeks, Joshua Franklin Weeks, William Joshua Weidner, Calvin . Weiser, Walter Rupert . Weis, Joseph Deutsch Welch, Edward John Boston. Dorchester. Worcester. Dorchester. Northfield. Worcester. Roslindale. Melrose. West Boylston. Worcester. Boston. West Newbury. Groton. Taunton. Boston. Boston. New York, N.Y. Boston. Worcester. Boston. Bridgewater. Lincoln. South Boston. Boston. Cambridge. New Bedford. Cambridge. Newton. Waltham. United States Army. Wilbraham. West Newton. Boston. East Milton. New Bedford. Malden. Manchester, Conn. Springfield. Boston. f1888 fl378 f1896 . Lowell. PRESENT FELLOW3, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 75 1880 1895 1846 1878 1883 1891 1885 1893 1874. 1880 1894 1894. 1882 1898 1893 1884 1893 1894 1894 1883 1897 1870 1894 1885 1884 1893 1892 1872 1896 1882 1875 1856 1893 1896 1872 1845 l894 1892 1894 1897 Welch, John Frederick . Weller, Francis Joseph . Wellington, James Lloyd . Wells, Frank . tº ſº Wells, James Lee . . . Wentworth, Arthur Howard . Wentworth, Jacob Brackett Wentworth, William Warren . Wescott, William Henry West, Edward Graeff West, George Leon . Weston, George Dake Wetherbee, Roswell . Wetherell, Arthur Bryant . Wheat, Arthur Fitts Wheatley, Frank George Wheeler, Alfred Augustus Wheeler, Charles Augustus Wheeler, Charles Douglass Wheeler, Edward Reed Wheeler, Emma Hammond . Wheeler, Leonard . . . Whipple, Farrington Hasha Whitaker, Clarence Wilder Whitcombe, Charles Reed . White, Charles James White, Charles Warren. White, Emory Lincoln . White, Franklin Warren White, Herbert Warren White, Horace Carr . White, James Clarke White, Leon Edward White, Leonard Darling White, Levi e White, Robert . White, Walter Henry White, William Allen Whitehill, George Edward Whiteside, George Shattuck Quincy. Boston. Swanzey. Boston. Roxbury. Boston. Jamaica Plain. Pittsfield. Dorchester. Roxbury. Newton Center. Springfield. Cambridge. Holyoke. Manchester, N.H. North Abington. Boston. Leominster. Worcester. Spencer. New Bedford. Worcester. Boston. Worcester. Roslindale. Boston. Fairhaven. Somerville. Boston. Roxbury. East Somerville. Boston. Boston. Uxbridge. East Douglas. Boston. Boston. Roxbury. Everett. Boston. f1883 fl&88 76 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1879 1892 1886 1882 1874. 1891 1869 1887 1874 1891 1887 1892 1890 1885 1898 1894 1887 1874 1895 1894. 1894 1872 1877 1894 1880 1897 1887 1849 1882 1898 1863 1870 1894 1893 1898 1874 1876 1867 1888 Whitmore, Albion Stinson Whiting, George Washington Whitney . . . . . . . Whitney, Charles Melville. Whitney, Edward Melville Whitney, William Fiske Whitten, George Edwin Whittier, Edward Newton. Whittier, Francis Fremont Wight, Daniel Webster Wilbur, Hubert Granville . Wilbur, Sarah Mann Wilder, Raymond Sargent. Wiley, Alfred Soule . Wilkins, Anna Mary Williams, Abram Case . Williams, Augusta Gilbert. Williams, Charles Crosby . } Williams, Charles Herbert . Williams, Christopher Earle Williams, Edward Russell . Williams, Edward Tufts Williams, Francis Henry Williams, Frank Percival . Williams, Harold . Williams, Harry Edwin Williams, Henry Clarence . Williams, Jacob Lafayette. Williams, Joseph . * Willis, Charles Austin . Willis, John Warren Willis, Reuben tº Wilson, Charles Oscar . Wilson, Howard Eugene Wilson, Robert Browning . Wing, Clifton Ellis . e - Wingate, Uranus Owen Brackett Winkler, Joseph Alexander Winn, Charles Henry Boston. Somerville. Boston. New Bedford. Boston. Lawrence. Poston. Brookline. West Medford. Fall River. Springfield. Cambridge. Newton Highlands. South Framingham. Springfield. Brookline. Brighton. Boston. Roxbury. Boston. Roxbury. Boston. Boston. Boston. Newtonville. Boston. Boston. Charlestown. Waltham. Waltham. Somerville. Lowell. Chester. Hubbardston. Jamaica Plain. Milwaukee, Wis. Jamaica Plain. Roxbury. PRESENT FELLOWs, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 77 1893 1863 1890 1897 1891 1880 I885 1866 1871 1888 1885 1889 1884 1888 1868 1868 1891 1881 1879 1897 1882 1893 1882 1877 1879 1883 1873 1896 1894 1897 1894 1880 1894 1895 1837 1892 1897 1895 Winslow, Edward Smith Winslow, Joseph Winslow . Winslow, Kenelm gº º Withee, Frederick Elmarien . Withington, Alfrida Bosworth Withington, Charles Francis . Wolcott, Grace gº Wood, Albert . º Wood, Edward Stickney Wood, Henry Austin Wood, Leonard Wood, Norman Perkins Wood, Stephen Andrew Woodbridge, Luther Dana . Woodbury, George Edwin . Woodbury, Lewis Augustus Woodbury, William Richardson . Woodruff, Morgan Lewis } wood, George Lyman . Woods, Jonathan Henry Woodward, Johnson Rufus Woodward, Lemuel Fox Woodward, Samuel Bayard Woodworth, Dwight Sidney Worcester, Alfred tº Workman, William Hunter Worthington, Arthur Morton . Wright, Charles Sias Wright, George Hermann . Wright, James Homer . Wright, Walter Melvin. Wylie, Ella Rosalind Wylie, Eugene Cushman Wyman, Morrill . Wynne, Sydney Yale Yonetchi, Henry Ainsworth . Yoosuf, Arthur Kevork Easthampton. Easthampton. Newton. Newton Highlands. Pittsfield. Roxbury. Boston. Worcester. Boston. Waltham. United States Army. Northfield. Bedford. Williamstown. Methuen. Groveland. Boston. Pittsfield. f1892 Springfield. Brookline. Oxford. Worcester. Worcester. Fitchburg. Waltham. Worcester. West Roxbury. Boston. Northampton. Boston. Orange. Boston. Dorchester. Cambridge. Redlands, Cal. f 1877 Belmont. Worcester. 78 PRESENT FELLOWS, ACTIVE AND RETIRED. 1895 1897 1882 1874. 1885 1888 Young, Edgar William . Young, Ernest Boyen Young, John Francis . . Young, John Franklin . . Young, Leyander John . Zabriskie, Frank Hunter , Everett. Boston. South Boston. Newburyport. Haverhill. Greenfield. Qſìje 310tal Birectorp. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. A LIST OF THE CITIES, TOWNS, AND POST-OFFICES IN THE COMMONWEALTH AND THE FELLOWS RESIDING THEREIN. NOTE.—Names of District Societies are printed in lower-case Roman. Names of cities are printed in capitals. Names of towns are printed in Small capitals. Names of villages and post-offices are printed in lower-case Italics. ABINGTON (Plymouth). Dudley, H. W. Rand, R. B. (North). Wheatley, F. G. (North). ACTON (Middlesex North). fHutchins, I. (West). ACUSHNET (Bristol South). ADAMS (Berkshire). Boom, A. K. Burton, C. W. Crowley, J. F. #Holmes, H. M. Hurd, W. W. Riley, T. Adamsdale (ATTLEBOROUGH). Adamsville (COLRAIN). AGAWAM (Hampden). Hastings, J. W. (Feeding Hills). Alandar (MoUNT WASHINGTON). Allerton (HULL). ALFORD (Berkshire). Allston (Brighton) (BOSTON). AMESBURY (Essex North). Adams, J. Q. Biron, J. F. R. Cooper, H. Douglass, J. A. Fitz-Hugh, J. A. Leslie, H. G. Rand, J. W. AMHERST (Hampshire). Bigelow, O. F. Eranch, C. F. Haskell, N. C. Perry, H. B. Rawson, G. W. Seelye, H. H. Stowell, J., jr. (North). ANDOVER (Essex North). †Chamberlain, C. N. Fuller, J. R. +Richards, J. F. Torrey, J. P. 82 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Annisquam (GLOUCESTER). ARLINGTON (Middlesex South). Dennett, C. A. Greene, W. A. Hooker, E. D. Keegan, C. A. Reed, A. F. Ring, A. H. (Heights). Ring, A. M. (Heights). Stickney, E. P. Tolman, J. Arlington Heights (ARLINGTON). Asbury Grove (HAMILTON). ASHBURNHAM (Worcester North). Fosgate, E. G. Stickney, A. L. ASHBY (Worcester North). Pope, F. F. Ashcroft (DEDHAM). ASHFIELD (Franklin). Fessenden, G. R. ASHLAND (Middlesex South). Pierce, G. C. Ashley Falls (SHEFFIELD). Assinippi (HANOVER). Asylum Station (DANVERS). ATHoL (Worcester North). Bowker, A. V. Brown, W. A. Burns, H. H. (Center). Coolidge, D. G. Athol Center. Atlantic (QUINCY). ATTLEBOROUGH (Bristol North). Pattershall, J. W. thronson, J. R. Holden, C. S. Mackie, G. Mackie, L. V. G. Roberts, G. K. Attleborough Falls (NoFTH ATTLEBOR- OUGH). AUBURN (Worcester). Auburndale (NEWTON). Avon (Plymouth). #Gifford, G. S. Linfield, E. P. AYER (Worcester North). Cowles, W. N. Hartwell, B. H. Parsons, J. E. Ayer's Village (HAVERHILL). Back Bay (BOSTON). Baldwinsville (TEMPLETON). Ballardvale (ANDOVER). Bancroft (MIDDLEFIELD). Bardwell's Ferry (SHELBURNE). BARNSTABLE (Barnstable). Baker, C. M. (Hyannis). Doane, G. W. (Hyannis). Harris, C. E. (Hyannis). Haskins, S. F. (Cotwit). Higgins, J. H. (Marston's Mills). Milliken, C. W. Pitcher, S. (Hyannis). BARRE (Worcester). Rates, W. S. Brown, G. A. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 83 1800're Plains. Barrowsville (Norton). Bay State (NORTHAMPTON). Bay View (GLOUCESTER). Beach Bluff (Swampscott). BECKET (Berkshire). Pecket Center. BEDFORD (Middlesex North). Wood, S. A. Bedford Springs. Beechwood (CoHASSET). BELCHERTown (Hampshire). Thomson, G. F. BELLINGHAM (Norfolk). BELMONT (Middlesex South). Jewett, W. K. Yemetchi, H. A. BERKLEY (Bristol North). Berkshire (LANESBOROUGH). BERLIN (Worcester). BERNARDSTON (Franklin). #Eowker, C. BEVERLY (Essex South). Cowles, F. A. Dolloff, A. S. Haddock, C. W. McGrath, B. F. Manchester, D. B. Shatswell, J. A. Shea, J. J. Stickney, G. A. Swan, W. H. Swasey, O. F. Thissell, J. A. Torrey, S. W. Voss, J. W. Beverly Farms. BILLERICA (Middlesex North). Flint, O. A. (North). Manson, F. G. Blackinton (WILLIAMsTown). BLACKSTONE (Worcester). Roche, T. F. BLANDFORD (Hampden). Partree, H. T. BoITON (Worcester). Bondville (PALMER). BOSTON (Suffolk). Abbot, S. L. Achorn, J. W. Aldrich, E. T. Alexander, C. J. Allen, G. W. Allen, S. W. Ames, J. L. Amory, R. Appleton, W., jr. Ayer, J. B. Ayer, S. H. Baird, J. W. Balch, F. G. Baldwin, H. C. Ball, C. D. E. Bancroft, W. B. (South). Barnes, H. J. Barney, C. N. Earstow, H. T. Bartol, J. W. Beach, H. H. A. Bean, C. P. Bennett, F. S. Berlin, F. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Bernard, B. L. Bertram, W. H. (East). Bigelow, W. S. Blaisdell, W. C. Blake, C. J. Blake, J. B. Blake, J. G. I}lakely, D. N. Blodgett, A. N. Blodgett, J. H. Boardman, W. E. Eoardman, W. S. Boland, E. S. (South). Bossidy, J. C. Bottomley, J. T. Bowditch, V. Y. EOwen, J. T. Bowles, G. H. BOWman, F. R. Brackett, E. G. Bradford, E. H. Bragdon, H. E. (East). Brainerd, J. B. Prechin, W. P. Brewster, G. W. W. Briggs, F. M. Brooks, W. A., jr. Brough, D. D. Brousseau, W. G. Brown, F. H. Prown, H. A. Bryant, A. G. Bryant, W. S. Buckingham, E. M. Buckley, P. T. (South). Buehler, G. W. B. Buffum, H. E. Bullard, W. N. Bundy, F. E. Burgess, O. G. Burnham, E. A. Burrage, W. L. Burrell, H. L. IBurt, F. L. Bush, J. F. S. Bychower, V. Cabot, A. T. Cabot, H. Cabot, R. C. Call, E. L. Campbell, B. F. Canfield, R. M. Carbone, J. Carpenter, H. B. Chadbourne, A. P. Chadwick, J. R. Chamberlain, M. L. Chandler, H. B. Chase, H. Chase, R. F. Cheever, D. W. #Chenery, E. Chenery, W. E. Cheney, F. E. Chute, A. L. Clark, J. P. Cliff, L. A. Cobb, C. H. Cobb, Farrar C. Cobb, Frederick C. Codman, E. A. Coffin, R. A. Cogan, J. A. Coggeshall, F. Cogswell, C. H. Cogswell, W. Cole, R. M. (South). Conant, W. M. Coolidge, A. Coolidge, A., jr. Coolidge, J. N. f(Xornish, T. O. (South). Cotton, F. J. Cottrell, S. P. Coues, W. P. Councilman, W. T. Craig, D. H. Craigen, G. A. Crandell, A. R. Crocker, S. E. Crockett, E. A. Culbertson, E. W. P. B. Cumston, C. G. Curtis, Hall. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 85 Cushing, E. W. Cushing, H. W. Cutler, E. G. Cutler, W. B. Daly, W. J. Dane, J. Daniels, E. A. Davidson, K. M. Davis, F. A. Deane, H. C. Dearing, H. S. DeBlois, T. A. del angle, C. P. Delano, S. DeLue, F. S. Denig, B. A. Derby, H. Derby, W. P. Devine, W. H. (South). Dewey, C. G. Dewis, J. W. Dexter, E. L. Dexter, F. Dimenson, A. I. Disbrow, R. Dixon, L. S. Dixon, R. B. Dixwell, J. Doble, E. E. Doggett, F. F. (South). Donoghue, F. D. Dorcey, J. E. fl)ownes, N. Draper, F. E. Draper, F. W. Draper, J. R. (Sowth). Drew, F. Drummey, N. D. Dunn, W. A. Durgin, S. H. I)uxbury, J. E. Dwight, E. W. Dwight, J. Eames, G. F. Edwards, A. F. Edwards, W. L. Ehrlich, H. Elliot, J. W. Elliott, J. P. Elliott, R. D. Enebuske, C. J. Engelmann, G. J. Ensworth, W. H. (East). Erb, T. C. Ermentrout, S. J. Everett, H. S. Ewald, C. A. Earlow, J. W. Farrington, L. M. Faxon, E. M. Fay, W. E. Ferguson, H. (South). Fernald, C. A. Fillebrown, C. D. Fisher, T. W. Fitz, R. H. Fletcher, R. W. (South). Folsom, C. F. Gallivan, W. J. (South). Galloupe, C. W. Galvin, G. W. Gannett, W. W. Garland, G. M. Gavin, M. F. (South). Gay, G. W. Gay, W. F. Gerstein, M. Gifford, B. D. Gilbert, L. W. Gilman, E. A. (South). Goldthwait, J. E. Goldthwaite, S. V. Goodale, J. L. Goodman, S. Goray, J. P. Grainger, W. H. (East). Grant, W. H. Green, C. M. Green, J. O. Green, S. A. Greene, E. M. Greene, W. H. Greenleaf, R. W. Greenough, F. B. * 86 THE LOCAL DHRECTORY. Greenough, R. B. Groll, E. W. Hahn, A. R. Hall, T. Hall, W. D. Hanley, J. J. Harding, E. M. Harding, G. F. Hare, C. H. Harlow, G. A. Harrington, F. B. Harris, F. A. Hartung, H. H. Harvey, J. F. Harwood, C. H. Haskell, H. H. Hastings, W. H. H. Haven, G. Hay, G. Hayward, G. Hayward, G. G. Heard, J. T. Hebbard, E. C. Hersey, F. C. Hewes, H. F. Higgins, F. A. #Hill, J. B. Hipkiss, G. Hogner, R. P. G. Holden, E. M. Holmes, E. M. Homans, J. Homans, J., 2d. Howard, H. B. Howard, M. E. P. Howland, J. B. Hubbard, J. C. Hubbard, R. P. Hughes, L. A. C. Hunt, D. Hunt, D. L. Hurley, D. B., (East). Hyde, G. S. Inches, C. E. Ingraham, L. V. Jack, E. E. Jack, F. L. Jackson, A. Jackson, H. Jackson, J. M. Jeffries, B. J. Jelly, A. C. Jelly, G. F. Jenks, T. L. Johnson, F. M. Johnson, F. W. Johnson, J. W. Jones, D. F. #Jones, D. W. Jones, M. S. Joslin, E. P. Judkins, A. G. Keenan, H. J. Keleher, F. J. Kelleher, P. F. Kellogg, E. B. Kelly, J. D. Kennedy, A. G. Keown, J. A. (South). Kilburn, H. W. Kingman, R. A. Kingsbury, A. D. Knapp, P. C., jr. Knight, A. S. Knight, C. S. Knight, F. I. Knowles, W. F., jr. Knowlton, C. D. Konikow, M. J. flamson, J. A. Lancaster, W. B. Larrabee, R. C. Lawrence, R. M. Leahy, T. J. Leary, J. E. Leland, G. A. Leonard, H. F. Liebmann, G. Lord, S. A. Loring, R. G. Lothrop, H. A. Louis, I. Lovett, R. W. Lund, F. B. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 87 McCollom, J. H. McDonald, R. C. Macdonald, W. G. McDougall, S. J. Mace, H. E. Mackenzie, F. A. (South). Mackie, W. B. McLaughlin, J. A. McLaughlin, J. I. McLeod, P. De M. McMichael, W. B. (East). McNamara, E. T. McQueeney, F. J. Mallory, F. B. Marcy, H. O. Martel, S. Martin, J. M. Martin, M. Mason, A. L. May, W. R. Meek, E. R. E. Mehrenlander, A. N. Millerick, D. E. Minot, J. J. Mixter, S. J. Monks, G. H. Moore, J. H. Morgan, J. Morong, A. B. Morrill, F. G. Morris, G. P. (South). Morris, J. G. (South). Morrison, W. A. (East). Morse, A. G. Morse, H. L. Morse, J. L. Mumford, J. G. Munro, J. C. Musgrave, P. Muttart, G. M. (East). Newell, O. K. Newell, F. S. Nichols, A. H. Nichols, E. H. Ogden, J. B. O'Keefe, M. W. (South). +Oliver, H. K. 7 Oliver, J. P. O'Neil, R. F. Osgood, H. Otis, E. O. Otis, W. J. Page, A. K. Page, C. G. Painter, C. F. Palmer, E. Palmer, G. M. Palmer, S. E. Parker, C. F. Parks, E. L. Parks, J. W. (East). Patch, A. S. K. Paul, W. E. IPayne, J. H., jr. Pearce, R. M. Pearl, F. W. Pease, E. A. Perkins, E. A. Perry, H. J. Phelps, J. S. Pinkham, E. W. Piper, F. Plummer, H. L. (East). Pomeroy, H. S. Pope, C. A. Pope, E. F. Porter, C. A. Porter, C. B. Post, Abner. Pratt, J. H. Prescott, W. H. Prince, M. H. Procter, T. W. Proctor, F. I. Putnam, C. P. Putnam, J. J. Quackenboss, A. Read, R. M. Reardon, T. J. Reddy, J. W. (South). Redmond, J. W. (South). Reed, T. G. (South). Reynolds, E. freynolds, J. P. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Richards, G. E. Richardson, A. G. Richardson, M. H. Richardson, M. W. Richardson, W. L. Richmond, S. Rolfe, W. A. Ronayne, D. P. Rotch, T. M. Rotchfuchs, C. C. Rourke, J. E. Rovinski, A. ROWe, G. H. M. Ruddick, W. H. (South). Ryder, J. W. Ryerson, E. W. Sargent, G. A. Saville, S. C. Scudder, C. L. Seaman, W. Sears, G. G. Sears, H. F. Selva, J. Shattuck, F. C. Shattuck, G. B. Shaw, Albert J. Shaw, Arthur J. Shaw, H. L. Sinclair, A. D. Smith, C. M. Smith, G. C. Smith, J. J. Smith, M. A. Smith, W. H. Smith, W. L. Smithwick, M. P. Sprague, F. P. Stacey, C. F. Standish, M. Stedman, G. Stetson, F. W. Stodder, C. W. Stone, A. K. Stone, J. S. Storer, M. Stowell, E. C. Stowell, S. R. Street, C. C. Stuart, F. W. (South). Stuart, J. H. Sturgis, R., 3d. Sumner, A. M. Swift, J. B. Taft, A. A. Tallman, A. L. (East). Tarbell, G. G. Taylor, E. B. H. Taylor, E. W. Temple, W. F. Tenney, B. Thayer, C. P. Thomas, J. J. Thompson, C. O. Thompson, G. E. Thompson, P. H. Thorndike, A. Thorndike, P. Thornton, J. B. Tilton, F. H. (East). Tower, F. R. Towle, H. P. Townsend, C. W. Tracy, E. A. Twombly, E. L. Underhill, C. D. funderwood, G. L. Van Pelt, G. W. Vickery, H. F. Vietor, A. C. Vose, R. H. Wadsworth, O. F. Walker, W. Wallace, F. H. fWalsh, P. D. Walton, G. L. Warren, J. C. Washburn, F. A., jr. Washburn, G. H. Waterman, T. Watson, F. S. Watts, H. F. R. (South). Webb, M. E. Webster, G. A. Weis, J. D. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 89 Weller, F. J. Wells, F. Wentworth, A. H. Wheeler, A. A. Whipple, F. H. White, C. J. White, F. W. White, J. C. White, L. E. +White, R. White, W. H. Whiteside, G. S. Whitmore, A. S. Whitney, C. M. Whitney, W. F. Whittier, E. N. Williams, C. H. Williams, E. R. Williams, F. H. Williams, F. P. Williams, H. Williams, H. C. Williams, J. L. Wolcott, G. Wood, E. S. Woodbury, W. R. Wright, C. S. Wright, J. H. Wylie, E. R. Young, E. B. Young, J. F. (South). BournF (Barnstable). Bowrmedale (Bourne). Boxºvan (Middlesex North). No Pºnce address, WEST ACTON. BoxFord (Essex North). BoxLSTON (Worcester). Boylston Center (Boy LSTON). Bradford (EssexNorth) (HAVERHILL). Allen, G. E. Anthony, F. W. Atwood, G. M. +Cogswell, G. Braggville (HOLLISTON). BRAINTREE (Norfolk South). Brett, F. W. (South). Dearing, H. L. Dearing, T. H. Holmes, W. D. (South). Brant Rock (MARSHFIELD). BREwsTER (Barnstable). Cummings, I. O. BRIDGEwATER (Plymouth). Drew, C. A. (State Farm). Mitchell, H. W. (State Farm). Pratt, C. Watson, G. H. Brier (SAvoy). Briggsville (CLARKSBURG). Brighton (Middlesex South)(BOSTON). Brown, M. L. Dow, E. S. (Allston). Fillebrown, T. Haynes, C. F. McCauley, A. A. McKeen, S. F. (Allston). Marion, H. E. Marion, O. H. (Allston). Rice, F. W. (Allston). Rowen, H. S. Williams, C. C. Brightwood (SPRINGFIELD). BRIMFIELD (Hampden). Sawin, R. V. BROCKTON (Plymouth). Averill, J. H. (Campello). Bacon, J. E. 90 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Bartlett, O. L. Beals, A. L. Borden, H. F. Boucher, G. A. Burnett, F. H. Chase, E. A. Chisholm, W. P. Commer, C. B. Donovan, B. Drohan, J. H. Frost, E. C. Goddard, H. E. Gruver, S. J. Hammond, R. (Campello). Reith, W. C. King, N. C. (Campello). Lawrence, J. H. Lyon, A. V. McCarthy, T. H. McCarthy, W. H. Millet, C. S. Paine, A. E. Ripley, F. J. Robinson, L. M. BROOKFIELD (Worcester). Newhall, L. T. Sherman, M. H. BROOKLINE (Norfolk). Adams, J. Baxter, W. E. Blanchard, B. S. Bowker, E. M. Brigham, E. H. Bubier, J. A. Channing, W. Chase, H. L. Church, M. V. Cogswell, C. F. Cooper, A. Cutts, H. M. Davenport, F. H. Denny, F. P. Follett, J. A. Francis, C. S. Francis, G. H. Francis, T. E. Gage, H. F. Graham, D. Gross, H. W. Hale, J. L. Hall, N. J. Hastings, R. W. Hills, W. B. Houghton, S. A. Howe, J. S. Hudnut, F. P. Jacobs, C. A. Jones, J. C. Raam, G. W. Kittredge, J. Langmaid, S. W. McLaughlin, H. W. Macpherson, G. S. Mosher, H. P. Provan, R. Sabine, G. K. Shanahan, T. J. Sherwood-Dunn, B. Shurtleff, A. Stedman, H. R. Swan, C. W. Taylor, J. G. Thompson, J. McQ. Whittier, F. F. Williams, A. G. Woods, J. H. Brooks Station (PRINCETON). Brookville (HOLBROOK). Bryantville (PEMBROKE). BUCKLAND (Franklin). BURLINGTON (Middlesex East). Buzzard's Bay (BourMP). Byfield (NEwBURY). CAMBRIDGE (Middlesex South). August, A. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 91 Averill, G. G. (East). Bailey, M. H. Barnes, F. J. Bryant, L. L. Cahill, C. S. Cain, W. G. Carr, F. F. Clancy, W. H. (East). Clarke, A. P. Cleary, J. Cogswell, E. R. Cogswell, G. P. Crocker, J. M. Cunningham, T. E. Currie, J. Z. Darling, E. A. Davis, B. D. Donahue, W. F. T}ow, J. A. Driver, S. W. Dudley, A. W. Dudley, C. Dunbar, F. A. Dwyer, J. E. Ela, W. Farnham, E. Finnigan, P. J. (East). Fitz, G. W. Fitzsimmons, P. M. (East). Flowers, W. C. Folsom, N. Foster, C. C. Gallison, H. H. Henshaw, G. B. Hildreth, J. L. Holmes, H. C. Hutchinson, C. M. Jones, G. W. King, M. L. Knowlton, H. E. LaMarche, W. J. Lancaster, S. R. Lockhart, J. S. McCarthy, E. A. McIntire, H. B. McKenzie, J. R. Mosher, F. O. Nichols, J. T. G. Norris, A. L. Page, G. T. Breble, W. Putnam, W. A. Richards, C. M. Shannon, N. V. Slayter, J. T. H. Somers, J. E. Spalding, F. M. Stevens, E. H. Swan, W. D. Taylor, F. W. Tuttle, A. H. Tyler, W. H. Walcott, H. P. Webber, A. C. Webber, F. O. Wetherbee, R. Wilder, R. S. fWyman, M. Campello (BROCKTON). CANTON (Norfolk). Tenney, W. N. Canton Junction. CARLISLE (Middlesex North). fMarsh, A. CARVER (Plymouth). Cornish, E. H. Caryville (BELLINGHAM). Cataumet (Bourne). Central Village (WESTPORT). Center Marshfield (MARSHFIELD). Centerville (BARNSTABLE). Chapinville (NORTHBoRough). CHARLEMONT (Franklin). 92 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Charles River Village (NEEDHAM). Charlestown (Middlesex South) (BOSTON). Eateman, F. E. Blood, R. A. Broderick, T. J. Crozier, T. I)avis, S. A. Dearborn, J. G. Duff, J. Eastman, C. A. Gunter, A. B. Hammond, W. P. Hunt, I. T. Lyons, J. B. McDonald, J. A. McNally, W. J. McPherson, W. E. Morris, M. A. Plummer, E. M. Robbins, E. D. Sawin, C. D. Silva, F. P. Sprague, R. W. Stevens, C. W. Towle, B. N. Williams, J. CHARLTON (Worcester). Charlton City. Charlton Depot. Chartley (NORTON). CHATHAM (Barnstable). Rogers, F. A. Chatham Port. CHELMSFORD (Middlesex North). Howard, A. Scoboria, A. G. Warney, F. E. (North). CHELSEA (Suffolk). Chipman, W. R. Cutler, C. N. Fenwick, J. B. Hall, G. C. Hawes, E. E. Putnam, J. M. Raddin, F. S. Starbird, I. W. Cherry Valley (LEICESTER). CHESHIRE (Berkshire). CHESTER (Hampden). Wilson, H. E. CHESTERFIELD (Hampshire). Belden, A. M. MacKay, G. F. Chestnut Hill (NEWTON). CHICOPEE (Hampden). Berry, L. M. (Falls). Conlin, J. M. Dresser, G. Gibbs, L. J. (Falls). Mead, F. A. (Willimansett). Mellen, W. M. E. Parker, F. F. Chicopee Falls. CHILMARK (Bristol South). Chiltonville (PLYMoUTH). City Mills (NoFFOLK). Clarendon Hill (HYDE PARK). CLARKSBURG (Berkshire). Clayton (NEw MARLBOROUGH). Clifford (NEW BEDFORD). Clifton (MARBLEHEAD). Cliftondale (SAUGUS). THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 93 CLINToN (Worcester). Bowers, W. P. Coyne, J. A. French, C. L. Goodwin, J. J. fMorsº, G. M. Ott, G. J. Tobey, G. L. Cochesett (WEST BRIDGEwATER). Cochituate (WAYLAND). CoHASSET (Norfolk South). Bridgham, C. B. Howe, O. H. Cold Brook Springs (OAKHAM). Cold Spring (WESTFORD). COLRAIN (Franklin). Cram, J. W. Collinsville (DRACUT). CoNCORD (Middlesex South). Cleaves, F. H. Emerson, E. W. Pickard, I. L. (Junction). Titcomb, G. E. Trull, W. B. Comcord Junction. CoNWAY (Franklin). Cooleyville (NEw SALEM). Cordaville (SouTHBOROUGH). CoTTAGE CITY (Bristol South). Cotwit (BARNSTABLE). Craigville (BARNSTABLE). Crow Point (HINGHAM). Cummaquid (BARNSTABLE). CUMMINGTON (Hampshire). Stutson, W. P. Curtisville (STOCKBRIDGE). Cushing (SALISBURY). Cushman (AMHERST). Cuttyhunk (GoSNOLD). DALTON (Berkshire). Quinlan, H. F. Scofield, W. W. DANA (Worcester). DANVERs (Essex South). Baldwin, F. W. Colburn, H. H. Eaton, W. W. Harrington, A. H. Kemp, E. A. Paulsell, M. Ross, F, A. Sprague, G. P. Danvers Center. Danversport. DARTMOUTH (Bristol South). Cushman, A. B. (South). Davis (Rowe). DEDHAM (Norfolk). #Bass, W. M. Chase, J. W. Finn, E. W. Hodgdon, A. H. |BIowe, W. C. Pratt, J. W. Quincy, H. P. DEERFIELD (Franklin). 94. TEIE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Dell (HEATH). DENNIS (Barnstable). Ginn, D. R. (Port). Kelly, H. S., jr. (West). Dennisport (DENNIS). DIGHTON (Bristol North). Baker, H. B. Sayles, J. B. Dodge (CHARLTON). Dodgeville (ATTLEBORORGH). Dorchester (Norfolk) (BOSTON). Abbe, F. R. Adams, H. W. f|Babbitt, H. S. Blair, A. W. Brown, F. B. Carruth, S. S. Cavanagh, C. R. Cheever, C. A. (Mattapan). Coffin, A. B. Crossman, F. A. Crowell, S. Cushman, G. T. Davison, A. T. Dean, C. H. Eldridge, D. G., jr. French, G. H. Gilbert, D. D. Greene, J. S. Guild, T. E. (Mattapan). Harkins, D. S. Harrington, H. L. Hastings, J. M. Hyde, S. T. Kernan, W. E. (Neponset). Lombard, J. P. Lyon, F. D. McCormack, R. J. (Field's Cornér). McIntire, D. McMillan, W. Mahon, J. A. Marr, M. L. Merrick, R. M. Miller, C. H. Noyes, W. (Mattapan). Nute, M. Parsons, F. S. Perry, J. F. Reynolds, H. W. Rhodes, F. E. Roberts, H. A. (Mattapan). Roberts, L. A. Rogers, A. E. Rogers, O. F. Scales, R. B. Sears, H. E. Sibley, H. A. Smith, F. S. Starbird, E. P. Stedman, C. E. Stone, M. C. Stowell, M. E. Tanner, J. A. Towle, H. C. Treanor, J. P. Twitchell, E. T. Walton, W. J. Ward, P. M. Wescott, W. H. Wylie, E. C. Douglas (Worcester). Ela, P. F. (East). Holbrook, S. P. (East). White, L. (East). DovºR (Norfolk). DRACUT (Middlesex North). Rohrer, S. R. (Collinsville). DUDLEY (Worcester). DUNSTARLE (Middlesex North). DUxBURY (Plymouth). Noyes, N. K. Dwight (BELCHERTown). TEIE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 95 JEast Acton. JEast Billerica. East Blackstone. JEast Boston. East Boaford. JEast Bračntree. Fast Brewster. EAST BRIDGEwATER (Plymouth). Adams, W. H. East Brimfield. East Brookfield. East Cambridge. JEast Caº've?”. JEast Charlemont. East Deerfield. East Dennis. East Douglas. Blast Falmouth. East Foſcborough. JEast Freetown. EASTHAM (Barnstable). EASTHAMPTON (Hampshire). Burke, J. J. +Greene, F. C. Winslow, E. S. +Winslow, J. W. East Harwich. JEast Haverhill. East Holliston. JEast Hubbardston. East Lee. East Leſcington. East Longmeadow. East Mansfield. East Mattapoisett. JEast Milton. East Northfield. JEast Norton. EASTON (Bristol North). Tilden, F. E. (North). Easton Center. Eastondale. East Orleans. JEast Pembroke. East Pepperell. East Princeton. East River (HYDE PARK). JEast Sandwich. Fast Saugus. East Sharon. JEast Shelburne. JEast Taunton. 96 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. JEast Templeton. East Walpole. IEast Warehaº). East Weymouth. East Whately. Fast Whitman. JEast Windsor. Eddyville (MIDDLEBOROUGH). EDGARTown (Bristol South). EGREMONT (Berkshire). No P.O. Post-office address, Egremont Plain. Egremont Plain. Egypt (SCITUATE). Ellis (NorwooD). Elm Grove (CoLRAIN). Elmwood (EAST BRIDGEWATER). Endicott (DEDHAM). ENFIELD (Hampshire). ERVING (Franklin). Johnson, F. E. ESSEX (Essex South). EVERETT (Middlesex South). Brown, O. M. Brown, R. E. Bruce, J. A. Conroy, P. J. Everett, J. B. Jackson, A. A. McQuaid, T. B. Morris, R. H. +Newton, A. H. Newton, E. C. Ordway, C. A. Sawyer, F. W. Smith, A. C. Vaughan, J. H. Whitehill, G. E. Young, E. W. Fairfield (RUSSELL). FAIRHAVEN (Bristol South). White, C. W. FALL RIVER (Bristol South). Abbé, A. J. Abbott, J. H. Barré, J. A. Powen, S. W. Bryson, A. A. IBuck, A. W. Butler, G. E. Butler, W. H. Chagnon, W. J. B. Connell, A. I. Coughlin, J. W. Davis, R. T. Dolan, W. A. Dwelly, J. Eddy, G. S. Gifford, J. H. Gilbert, J. Gordon, S. M. Handy, B. J. Jackson, J. H. Jackson, O. H. Jackson, R. W. Learned, W. T. Lewis, A. C. Merritt, S. W. Richards, G. L. Syman, W. E. Thomas, C. L. Wilbur, H. G. FALMoUTH (Barnstable). I'almouth Heights. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 97 Farley (ERVING). Farnum.sville (GRAFTON). Fayville (SouTHBOROUGH). Feeding Hills (AGAWAM). Fells (MELROSE). Fisherville (GRAFTON). Fèskdale (STURBRIDGE). FITCHBURG (Worcester North). Donlan, J. M. Fiske, E. L. Kielty, J. D. LaForce, E. D. Lowell, A. P. Lyons, H. H. Mason, A. P. Miller, E. P. Palardy, J. H. Rice, C. H. Ross, R. O. Sawyer, W. F. #Sidney, A. W. Spring, C. W. Stimson, J. W. Thompson, F. H. Tully, E. J. (West). Woodworth, D. S. Flint Village (FALL RIVER). Florence (NORTHAMPTON). FLORIDA (Berkshire). Forestdale (SANDw1CH). Forge Village (WESTFord). FoxBoROUGH (Norfolk). Bragg, F. A. Crocker, B. P. IPuller, F. H. Hutchinson, M. Foxwale (FoxBoRough). FRAMINGHAM (Middlesex South). fAdams, Z. B. Baldwin, S. O. (South). Benner, H. O. (South). Bigelow, E. H. Collins, O. W. (South). Hobbs, E. A. (South). Oakes, F. A. (South). Palmer, L. M. (South). Potter, F. W. (South). St. Clair, A. E. (South). Wilkins, A. M. (South). FRANKLIN (Norfolk). Gallison, A. J. Gallison, J. C. fking, G. Franklin Park (REveRE). FREETow.N (Bristol North). Briggs, C. A. Furnace (HARDWICK). GARDNER (Worcester North). Andrews, R. F. Bailey, C. H. (South). Bartlett, C. S. (West). Donnelly, J. B. (West). Greenleaf, J. R. Sawyer, E. A. Underwood, G. B. (West). GAY HEAD (Bristol South). GEORGETown (Essex North). Root, R. B. Gilbertville (HARDWICK). GILL (Franklin). Gleasondale (STow). Glendale (STOCKBRIDGE). 98 TEIE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Globe Village (SouTHBRIDGE). GLOUCESTER (Essex South). Cooke, S. P. F. Egan, J. J. Eveleth, E. S. (East). Garland, A. S. Garland, J. Garland, J. E. Hallett, E. B. Knowles, J. H. Logan, F. P. T. MacCabe, A. Mooney, P. Morrow, C. H. Proctor, P. C. Quimby, S. F. Rowley, W. GOSHEN (Hampshire). GoSNOLD (Bristol South). No P.O. Post-office address, Wood’s Holl. GRAFTON (Worcester). Clapp, F. H. (North). fjewett, F. A. Maxwell, W. B. (Farnum.sville). GRANBY (Hampshire). Dickson, R. E. Frost, F. E. Graniteville (WESTRORD). GRANVILLE (Hampden). Granville Center. GREAT BARRINGTON (Berkshire). Beebe, J. B. Chapin, C. S. Giddings, T. (Housatonic). Luchsinger, H. W. (Housatonic). Race, G. H. Small, W. P. Greenbush (SCITUATE). Greendale (WORCESTER). GREENFIELD (Franklin). Croft, B. P. +I)eane, A. C. Dole, M. P. Pierce, W. H. Stetson, H. G. Twitchell, G. P. Walker, A. C. Zabriskie, F. H. Green Harbor (MARSHFIELD). GREENWICH (Hampshire). Greenwich Village. Greenwood (WAKEFIELD). Griswoldville (COLRAIN). GROTON (Middlesex North). Park, J. G. Steere, D. R. Warren, W. B. GROVELAND (Essex North). Woodbury, L. A. HADLEY (Hampshire). †Donney, F. HALIFAx (Plymouth). HAMILTON (Essex South). HAMPDEN (Hampden). HANCOCK (Berkshire). HANOVER (Plymouth). Grovestein, W. P. McMillan, A. L. HANSON (Plymouth). THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 99 Harding (MEDFIELD). Andrews, E. A. Lockwood, G. B. Shultis, F. C. HARDw1CK (Worcester). Burton, J. (Gilbertville). Leach, H. M. (Gilbertville). Harris (REHOBOTH). Hartsville (NEw MARLBOROUGH). HARVARD (Worcester). Royal, H. B. HARWICH (Barnstable). Edmonds, L. Munsell, G. N. Harwichport. Hatchville (FALMOUTH). HATFIELD (Hampshire). Barton, C. M. Byrne, C. A. Hatherly (ROCHESTER). HAVERHILL (Essex North). Allen, F. H. Benson, C. S. Bullock, E. W. Burque, J. G. Carden, C. J. Chase, I. E. Clarke, I. J. Clarke, M. D. Clement, G. C. Collins, W. D. Crittenden, R. A. Croston, J. F. Donahue, H. Dunn, C. S. Durant, C. E. Foye, C. F. Frothingham, C. B. George, A. P. Goodwin, E. E. Goodwin, G. E. Holden, W. D. Johnson, O. H. +Lovejoy, O. S. McFee, W. D. Pierce, F. B. Pitcher, H. F. Robinson, W. P. Sawyer, B. A. Smith, L. S. Spencer, G. A. Young, L. J. HAWLEY (Franklin). Hayden Row (HoPKINTON). Haydenville (WILLIAMSBURG). Hazlewood (HYDE PARK). HEATH (Franklin). Hebronville (ATTLEBOROUGH). Highlandville (NEEDHAM). Bills (SAUGUs). HINGHAM (Norfolk South). Dorr, C. A. Robbins, J. H. Spooner, J. W. Hingham Center. HINSDALE (Berkshire). Robinson, F. A. Tucker, W. L. Holbrook (Norfolk South). Clark, C. W. Hull, W. H. Kingsbury, J. B. 100 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Hold EN (Worcester). Ames, J. S. Stickney, C. W. HoDIAND (Hampden). HolliSTON (Middlesex South). HOLYOKE (Hampden). Allen, C. A. Bliss, J. L. flºlodgett, C. Clark, G. H. Coghlan, J. N. Curran, C. H. Davis, E. M. Davis, W. H. Donoghue, D. F. Eaton, R. G. Holyoke, F. Hubbard, J. C. McCabe, J. J. Mahoney, E. J. Mahoney, S. A. O’Connor, J. J. Patten, J. M. IPotts, J. H. Taylor, G. L. Tierney, E. H. Wetherell, A. B. Hoosac Tunnel (FLORIDA). HOPEDALE (Worcester). IIOPKINTON (Middlesex South). Joslin, P. E. Phipps, W. A. Hortonville (SwanzRY). Hough's Neck (QUINCY). Housatonic (GREAT BARRINGTON). HUBBARDSTON (Worcester). Palmer, H. O. Wilson, R. B. HUDson (Middlesex South). Harriman, J. L. Redfearn, J., jr. Soules, S. G. HULL (Norfolk South). Litchfield, W. H. Sturgis, W. H. W. HUNTINGTON (Hampshire). Gibbs, L. V. Rimball, W. G. Hyannis (BARNSTABLE). Hyannis Port (BARNSTABLE). HYDE PARK (Norfolk). Baxter, E. H. Everett, W. S. Gould, L. M. fHayes, C. C. Hitchcock, H. R. Holmes, A. D. flincoln, J. C. Minot, F. (Readville). O'Connor, J. H. Partridge, C. C. Tibbetts, J. T. Indian Orchard (SPRINGFIELD). IPSw1CH (Essex South). Bailey, G. G. Macarthy, G. E. Russell, W. H. Stone, G. A. Tucker, W. E. Island Creek (DUxBURY). Islington (DEDHAM). Jamaica Plain (Norfolk) (BOSTON). Betts, H. L. Bond, S. A. Bowditch, H. P. Bradford, H. W. Broidrick, J. P. Broughton, A. N. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. tº 101 Broughton, H. W. Calkins, B. H. Collier, I. H. G. Edes, R. T. Ernst, H. C. +Eaulkner, G. Fuller, D. H. Gerry, E. P. Greene, N. Harrington, C. Harkins, C. P. Holland, H. T. Ingalls, G. H. Leard, J. S. H. Perry, A. P. Porter, W. T. Robinson, W. H. Sheridan, O. M. Skinner, E. M. Spear, E. D. Stedman, J. C. Vickery, L. F. Wentworth, J. B. Wing, C. E. Winkler, J. A. Jefferson (HOLDEN). Judson (RAYNHAM). Rendal Green (WESTON). KINGSTON (Plymouth). Adams, W. H. +jones, H. N. Lake Pleasant (MoWTAGUE). Lakeview (WORCESTER). LAKEvLLLE (Bristol South). LANCASTER (Worcester). Nash, H. M. LANESBOROUGH (Berkshire). Downing, F. C. Van Rensselaer, H. R. Lanesville (GLOUCESTER). LAWRENCE (Essex North). Abbott, S. W. Birmingham, R. M. Birtwell, C. E. Carleton, C. G. Chamberlain, G. E. Chase, H. M. Dow, G. W. Flanders, F. B. Fleming, A. Hogan, J. A. Howard, G. C. Howard, W. F. Howe, O. T. Jelalian, H. S. Kennedy, F. W. flamb, W. D. McAllister, J. G. McGauran, M. S. Magee, J. A. Manahan, H. W. Merrill, W. H. Mignault, V. Moulton, B. F. O’Hearn, W. H. Reed, V. A. Sargent, G. B. Siskind, A. L. Stone, E. G. Sullivan, M. F. Sullivan, W. J. Whitten, G. E. LEE (Berkshire). Hassett, J. J. Holcombe, C. C. Leeds (NORTHAMPTON). LEICESTER (Worcester). Leach, E. M. (Rochdale). McNeish, A. Stearns, C. G. 102 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. LENOx (Berkshire). Greenleaf, R. C. Jaques, H. P. Lenowdale (LENOx). LEOMINSTER (Worcester North). Bigelow, C. E. Cutter, E. J. Hall, H. P. Pierce, A. H. Wheeler, C. A. LEVERETT (Franklin). LExINGTON (Middlesex South). Gibbons, S. Tilton, J. O. Valentime, H. C. LEYDEN (Franklin). LINCOLN (Middlesex South). Watson, W. L. Line (COLRAIN). Linwood (NORTHBRIDGE). Lithia (GOSHEN). LITTLETON (Middlesex North). Godfrey, J. W. Phelps, R. H. Littleton Common. Littleville (CHESTER). Lock's Village (WENDELL). LONGMEADOW (Hampden). Long Plain (AMHERST). Loudville (NORTHAMPTON). LOWELL (Middlesex North). BaSS, W. Bell, R. E. Benner, B. R. Benoit, B., jr. Brissett, H. R. Brunelle, P. Burnham, F. G. Carolin, W. T. Chadbourne, F. W. Colton, J. J. Daly, T. J. Eaton, W. G., jr. Field, J. B. Frye, C. M. Gage, J. A. Gillard, A. E. Halloran, T. J. Halpin, A. J. Harrington, T. F. Hayes, A. E. Huntress, L. Hurtubise, L. F. X. A. Irish, J. C. Jackson, W. B. Jefferson, H. P. Johnson, S. J. Johnson, W. A. Jones, W. M. Lamoureux, J. E. Lathrop, W. H. Lavallée, G. O. Lavigne, A. W. Lawler, W. P. Leahey, G. H. A. Loughran, J. F. McAdams, J. P. McCarty, J. J. McDonough, L. J. McGannon, T. G. Mackintosh, E. R. McOwen, T. E. Marston, J. N. Meigs, J. V., jr. Meigs, R. J. Mignault, R. Mulcahy, J. F. Newcomb, M. E. Nickerson, F. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 103 O'Connor, J. B. Parker, M. G. Patterson, D. N. Pinkham, G. E. Plunkett, F. C. Pool, C. B. Porter, O. P. Rix, F. R. St. Marie, P. Sanders, C. B. Shaw, T. P. Simpson, C. E. Smart, F. E. Smith, H. J. Smith, S. P. Smith, T. B. Sullivan, J. F. Sweetsir, C. L. Trueworthy, E. W. Wiles, C. A. Welch, E. J. Wilson, C. O. LUDLow (Hampden). Hannum, J. W. Ludlow Center, LUNENBURG (Worcester North). LYNN (Essex South). Abbott, E. S. Ahearne, C. A. Bangs, C. H. Bédard, J. A. Berg, T. A. J. Brigham, F. F. Chase, A. B. Chicoine, J. H. Cobb, C. M. Davis, S. R. Dennison, A. S. Dever, C. E. Donovan, M. R. +Galloupe, I. F. Goodell, J. W. Grant, J. H. Gray, G. H. 8 Harmon, M. A. Harris, A. E. Hatch, G. S. Holbrook, W. E. Jenkins, C. E. Jones, E. W. Judkins, F. L. Kennard, H. D. Kenney, F. W. King, W. R. Lane, F. A. Little, W. B. Lockwood, C. E. Lougee, F. T. Lovejoy, C. A. Howell, C. D. S. McGuigan, J. J. Mangan, J. J. Martin, A. H. Meader, C. E. Meramble, C. E. Morse, F. A. #Newhall, E. Newhall, H. W. O’Shea, J. F. Pigeon, W. H. Pinkham, J. G. Richardson, B. F. Ruppel, E. C. F. Ruppel, M. D. Sheldon, C. C. Smith, M. C. Stone, F. E. LYNNFIELD (Essex South). Lynnfield Center. Lyonsville (CoLRAIN). Magnolia (GLOUCESTER). MALDEN (Middlesex South). Burleigh, C. Deal, E. E. Deal, G. F. Drown, E. P. 104 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Fales, A. C. Farrell, G. L. IFrench, G. M. Goodwin, R. J. P. Griffin, A. G. Johnson, H. S. Jones, C. D. Jones, L. C. Lawrence, J. W. McCarthy, C. D. McCarthy, J. C. Murphy, J. M. Nutter, W. D. Parker, F. H. Plummer, F. I. Plummer, F. W. Prior, C. E. Proctor, J. W. Ryder, G., jr. Stackpole, G. E. Stevens, A. J. Sullivan, J. L. Wadsworth, P. Weeks, W. J. Manchaug (SUTTON). MANCHESTER (Essex South). Blaisdell, G. W. Glendemning, R. T. Manomet (PLYMoUTH). MANSFIELD (Bristol North). Allen, W. G. MARBLEHEAD (Essex South). Eveleth, P. Hall, H. J. Nelson, W. Sanborn, P. L. MARION (Bristol South). MARLBOROUGH (Middlesex South). Hoitt, E. G. Kingsley, C. McCarthy, T. F. Richardson, W. S. MARSHIFIELD (Plymouth). Stark, M. A. Marshfield Hills. Marston’s Mills (BARNSTABLE). MASHPEE (Barnstable). Matfield (WEST BRIDGEWATER). Mattapan (Norfolk) (BOSTON). MATTAPOISETT (Bristol South). #Sparrow, W. E. MAYNARD (Middlesex South). MEDFIELD (Norfolk). Mitchell, A. Richardson, J. H. MEDFORD (Middlesex South). Bemis, C. V. Bushee, J. A. Chandler, N. F. Clark, J. C. D. Clark, M. W. Cleaves, J. E. Hall, W. L. Hedenberg, J. Illsley, F. R. Lane, A. C. (West). Mahoney, J. B. St. Dennis, J. N. Wight, D. W. (West). MEDwAY (Norfolk). Bemis, C. A. (West). Hamlin, C. F. McIntosh, H. Quint, N. P. (West). MELROSE (Middlesex East). Amadon, A. F. Amadon, A. M. Clark, J. S. Fish, E. C. TEIE LOCAL DIRECTORY, 105 Harlow, C. W. Jack, E. S. Leonard, E., jr. (Highlands). Morse, F. H. Odlin, C. C. Sullivan, J. S. fWarren, E. L. Melrose Highlands. Menawhant (FALMOUTH). MENDON (Worcester). Merrick (WEST SPRINGFIELD). MERRIMAC (Essex North). Cushing, H. J. Sweetsir, F. E. Merrimac Port. Metcalf (HolliSTON). METHUEN (Essex North). |Peirce, James. Woodbury, G. E. MIDDLEBOROUGH (Bristol South). Ellis, G. L. Faxon, W. L. Paun, A. B. SWan, H. S. MIDDLEFIELD (Hampshire). Middlesex, Village (LOWELL). MIDDLETON (Essex South). MILFORD (Worcester). French, J. M. Goodenow, D. Knight, M. W. Mackin, C. Millbrook (DUxBURY). MILLBURY (Worcester). Church, C. A. Lincoln, J. R. Miller's Falls (MoWTAGUE). Millington (NEw SALEM). MILLIS (Norfolk). Mill River (NEw MARLBOROUGH). Millville (BLACKSTONE). MILTON (Norfolk). Briggs, E. C. Kite, W. C. Pierce, G. B. Pierce, M. W. Webster, J. R. (East). Mittineague (WEST SPRINGFIELD). MoRROE (Franklin). Monroe Bridge. MONSON (Hampden). Ellis, F. W. Fuller, G. E. Jackson, C. W. Merchant, H. A. MONTAGUE (Franklin). Best, E. G. (Turner's Falls). Cooke, G. A. (Miller's Falls). Deane, E. A. Messer, C. C. (Turner's Falls). Montague City. MoRTEREY (Berkshire). MONTGOMERY (Hampden). Montrose (WAKEFIELD). Montville (SANDISFIELD). 106 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Monument Beach (BournF). Moore's Corner (LEVERETT). Mount Auburn (WATERTown). Mount Blue (Norwell). Mount Hermon (NORTHFIELD). Mount Tom (EASTHAMPTON). Mount Wachusett (PRINCETON). MoUNT WASHINGTON (Berkshire). Mundale (WESTFIELD). Myricks (BERKELEY). NAHANT (Essex South). Dwight, T. Nanepashemet (MARBLEHEAD). Nantasket (CoHASSET). NANTUCKET (Bristol South). Grouard, J. S. Nash (WEYMOUTH). Nashoba (WESTFIELD). NATICK (Middlesex South). Bancroft, G. A. (South). Burke, M. F. Cochran, W. J. Cook, C. H. Harding, A. H. Harriman, S. K. Morse, C. F. Richards, W. Sylvester, W. H. NEEDHAM (Norfolk). Hubbard, O. H. Mansfield, H. T. Morgan, L. E. NEw ASHFoRD (Berkshire). NEW BEDFORD (Bristol South). Abbé, E. H. Adams, C. Bullard, J. T. Cody, E. F. Connor, C. F. +Cornish, A. Croacher, A. W. Dehu, E. W. Dwight, H. L. Grieve, A. L. Hayes, S. W. Hooper, F. H. Hough, G. de N. Leonard, M. H. Nickerson, W. J. Peterson, C. A. B. Pierce, A. M. Pothier, J. C. Potter, L. F. Potter, W. G. Pratt, C. A. Prescott, C. D. Ricketson, A. Saint-Germain, J. P. Sheehy, W. C. †Spare, J. Stetson, F. E. Stevens, H. L. Swift, W. N. Tucker, E. T. Webber, A. P. Weeks, J. F. Wheeler, E. H. Whitney, E. M. New Boston (SANDISFIELD). NEW BRAINTREE (Worcester). NEwBURY (Essex North). No P.O. Little, A. N. Post office address, Newburyport. NEWBURYPORT (Essex North). Day, C. C. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 107 Healy, J. J. Howe, F. A. Hurd, E. P. Noyes, E. H. Pillsbury, W. W. Tigh, F. Young, J. F. New Lenoa, (LENOx). NEW MARLBOROUGH (Berkshire). NEw SALEM (Franklin). Newstate (SAvoy). NEWTON (Middlesex South). Atkinson, L. D. R. (West). Baker, D. E. (Newtonville). Baldwin, H. T. (Chestnut Hill). Brickett, B. H. (Center). Burr, C. H. (Highlands). Carroll, T. F. Curtis, F. G. (West). Davenport, C. A. Deane, J. R. (Highlands). Dutton, S. L. (Center). Freeman, F. W. (Lower Falls). Frisbie, J. F. Gould, C. A. (Highlands). Hildreth, W. H. (Upper Falls). Hill, E. W. - Hood, M. G. (Center). fHunt, O. E. (Newtonville). Hunt, W. O. (Newtonville). Hutchinson, C. P. (Auburndale). Lawson, F. B. (Center). Loring, R. P. (Center). Lowe, F. M. (West). McOwen, W. H. (Upper Falls). Nott, A. (West). O’Donnell, F. M. Porter, F. E. (Auburndale). Sherman, F. M. Stearns, D. W. Stone, L. R. Strong, L. W. (Waban). Stubbs, F. R. Thayer, F. L. (West). Webber, F. W. Webber, S. G. (West). West, G. L. (Center). Wiley, A. S. (Highlands). Williams, H. E. (Newtonville). Winslow, K. Withee, F. E. (Highlands). Mewton Center. Newton Highlands. Newton Lower Falls. Newton Upper Falls. JNewtonville. Nichevaug (PETERSHAM). Nobscot (FRAMINGHAM). Nonquitt (DARTMOUTH). NoFFOIK (Norfolk). North Abington. INorth Acton. NORTH ADAMS (Berkshire). Blossom, A. M. Brown, M. M. Brown, O. J. Bushnell, H. Camedy, R. De L. Matte, J. H. A. Millard, H. J. Rice, G. L. Russell, E. E. North Amherst. NORTHAMPTON (Hampshire). Brewster, M. J. Camp, M. A. Clark, S. A. 108 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Dunham, W. O. IFahey, J. C. Fay, J. M. Gardner, C. R. Gilfillan, T. Hayes, I. B. (Florence). Hitchcock, J. S. Hoadley, A. H. Houston, J. A. Howe, E. B. Learned, J. B. (Florence). Mooers, E. W. Minsall, A. G. Nims, E. B. Parsons, P. B. Seymour, C. Shores, H. T. Thayer, G. D. #Trow, W. M. Wright, G. H. North ANDovKR (Essex North). #Dale, W. J. Morrill, C. P. Smith, F. S. North Andover Depot. North Ashburnham. North ATTLEBOROUGH (Bristol North). Gerould, J. B. Kilby, H. S. North Bellingham. North Beverly. JNorth Böllerica. North Blandford. NoFTHBOROUGH (Worcester). Guptill, I. C. Stanley, J. M. North Brewster. NoFTHBRIDGE (Worcester). Northbridge Center. NoFTH BRooHFIELD (Worcester). Cooke, H. A. Garrigan, T. J. Holden, G. W. Prouty, A. H. North Cambridge. JNorth Caº'ver. North Chatham. North Chelmsford. North Chester. North Dana. North Dartmouth. North Dighton. North Dua..bury. North Eastham. JNorth Easton. North Egremont. North Falmowth. NORTHFIELD (Franklin). Ward, R. C. Wood, N. P. Northfield Farms. North Foſcborough. North Grafton. INorth Hadley. North Hanover. INorth Hanson. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY, 109 North Harwich. North Hatfield. North Heath. North Leominster Station. North Leverett. North Marshfield. North Middleborough. North Natick. Morth New Salem. North Orange. North Oaford. North Pembroke. North Plymouth. North Prescott. JNorth Raynham. , NoFTH READING (Middlesex East). North Rehoboth. North Rochester. North Rutland. JNorth, Scituate. North Stoughton. North Sudbury. North Swanzey. North Tisbury. North Trºo. North Uxbridge. North Westport. North Weymouth. JNorth, Wilbraham. North Wilmington. Norton (Bristol North). Round, A. M. Norton. Furnace. NorweLL (Plymouth). Norwich (HUNTINGTON). Norwood (Norfolk). Fogg, I. S. Gould, C. S. Norton, E. C. Norton, E. B. L. Plimpton, L. H. Oakdale (WEST BOYLSTON). OAKHAM (Worcester). Oakland (TAUNTON). Oldtown (ATTLEBOROUGH). Onset (WAREHAM). ORANGE (Franklin). Goddard, J. H. Leach, A. C. Smith, H. F. M. Ten Broeck, S. J. Wright, W. M. ORLEANS (Barnstable). Davis, S. T. Osterville (BARNSTABLE). OTIs (Berkshire). 110 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Otter River (TEMPLETON). OxFord (Worcester). Stone, B. (North). Woodward, J. R. PALMER (Hampden). Bliss, W. H. (Three Rivers). Copp, O. fHolbrook, W. Schneider, J. P. IPaugus (PEPPERELL). PAXTON (Worcester). PEABODY (Essex South). Foster, H. K. Kirby, N. H. Littlefield, G. C. Osborne, G. S. Shanahan, J. Tucker, S. C. PELHAM (Hampshire). PEMBROKE (Plymouth). Charles, O. W. (Bryantville). f0ollamore, F. (North). PEPPERELL (Middlesex North). Fletcher, S. W. Heald, W. F. Qua, L. R. (East). PERU (Berkshire). PETERSHAM (Worcester North). Perry, G. L. PHILLIPSTON (Worcester North). Pigeon Cove (RoCKPORT). PITTSFIELD (Berkshire). Adams, J. F. A. flºrewster, J. M. Burton, S. C. Colt, H. Currier, W. H. Dodd, I. S. F. Flynn, J. J. Frost, S. K. Howard, E. H. Kelly, W. P. Langlois, J. A. Leavitt, D. Leavitt, W. W. Mercer, W. J. Mercer, W. M. Paddock, F. K. Paddock, W. L. Roberts, F. A. Roberts, O. S. Swift, L. C. Thomes, J. B. Tobin, J. H. Wentworth, W. W. Withington, A. B. Woodruff, M. L. PLAINFIELD (Hampshire). Plainville (WRENTHAM). Pleasant Lake (HARWICH). PLYMoUTH (Plymouth). Brewster, J. B. Brown, W. G. Hill, E. D. +Hubbard, B. PLYMPTON (Plymouth). Pocasset (Bourne). Pondville (Norfolk), Ponkapog (CANTON). Pontoosuc (PITTSFIELD). Porter (WEYMoUTH). Pottersville (SOMERSET). THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 111 Pratt's Junction (STERLING). PRESCOTT (Hampshire). Pride's Crossing (BEVERLY). PRINCETON (Worcester). Parker, C. E. Princeton Depot. PRovincKTown (Barnstable). Birge, E. F. Birge, W. S. Quinapozet (HOLDEN). QUINCY (Norfolk South). Adams, C. S. (Wollaston). Ash, J. H. (West). Bruce, D. A. (Atlantic). Eurke, E. C. Dion, T. J. (West). Drew, M. E. (Atlantic). +Gilbert, J. H. Gordon, J. A. +Harlow, E. A. W. (Wollaston). Hunting, N. S. Jones, F. E. McLennan, R. Padula, T. F. Peirce, F. J. Record, W. (Wollaston). Sheahan, J. M. Welch, J. F. Quissett (FALMOUTH). RANDOLPH (Norfolk South). Granger, F. C. Raymond (PLYMOUTH). RAYNHAM (Bristol North). READING (Middlesex East). Byers, D. W. DOW, G. F. Nason, O. C. B. Parks, S. H. Richmond, E. D. Readville (HYDE PARK). REHOBOTH (Bristol North). REVERE (Suffolk). Bond, W. G. Cummings, E. F. Hall, M. F. Meigs, J. H. Morris, J. S. (Crescent Beach). Newton, W. C. RICHMOND (Berkshire). Pichmond Furnace. Ridge Hill (NORwooD). Ringville (WORTHINGTON). Riverside (GILL). ROCHESTER (Bristol South). Rock (MIDDLEBOROUGH). Rockbottom (STow). Rochdale (LEICESTER). Rochdale Mills (WEST STOCKBRIDGE). RocKLAND (Plymouth). Frame, J. Osgood, G. RocKPoRT (Essex South). O’Brien, O. St. C. Tupper, A. M. Rockville (MILLIS). Roslindale (Norfolk) (BOSTON). Colby, F. B. Ford, J. F. Lane, E. B. 112 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. Stiles, H. K. Stevens, S. Warren, C. E. Whitcombe, C. R. Row E (Franklin). RowLEY (Essex North). Bartlett, B. W. IPedrick, S. A. Rowbury (Norfolk) (BOSTON). Arnold, H. D. Batchelder, W. B. Bell, R. Bolles, W. P. Bowen, S. Breck, S. Brownrigg, J. S. Bulfinch, G. G. Burrell, B. H. Butler, J. E. Call, N. Callanan, S. A. Clement, G. W. Courtney, J. W. Crawford, S. M. Cronin, J. J. Daley, B. T. Darling, C. B. Dillon, T. J. B. Dodge, W. W. Dunbar, F. C. Edes, R. E. Edson, P. O'M. Emerson, F. P. Emery, W. H. Farr, E. L. Finn, J. A. Fisher, J. T. Frye, E. B. Galligan, E. T. Garceau, E. Gobron, L. C. Goss, F. W. Gray, E. T. Greene, T. F. Hall, M. W. Harvey, W. W. Hodges, A. D. Ingalls, W. Judge, A. A. Kennealy, J. H. Libby, E. N. Littlefield, S. H. Lockary, J. L. McCormack, A. L. Macdonald, A. A. Macdonald, C. W. McKenna, F. P. Mansfield, J. A. Martin, F. C. May, J. S. Mecuen, G. E. Moran, H. S. Moran, J. B. Morse, E. G. Murphy, F. C. Murphy, T. J. IPatch, W. T. Pettee, J. H. Pigeon, J. C. D. Robey, W. H. Robinson, A. B. Ryan, J. F. Sanborn, J. W. Sewell, J. J. Shay, T. M. Shea, T. B. Shisler, W. H. #Skinner, J. Smith, P. M. Sosnoski, P. Stephenson, F. B. Stevens, G. B. Stone, C. S. Tenney, J. A. Thayer, E. Thomas, G. H. Thurlow, J. H. Wells, J. L. West, E. G. White, H. W. White, W. A. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 113 Williams, C. E. Williams, E. T. Winn, C. H. Withington, C. F. Roy ALSTON (Worcester North). RUSSELL (Hampden). RUTLAND (Worcester). Chamberlain, W. E. Dunham, H. B. Sagamore (BournE). SALEM (Essex South). Abbott, H. E. Ahearne, C. A., Jr. Atwood, F. S. Carlton, C. A. Choate, D. Coggin, D. Fessenden, J. P. Gaffney, H. J. Goodell, G. Z. Hines, F. E. Kemble, L. G. Kittredge, T. Learoyd, C. B. McDermott, A. Mignault, A. Peirson, E. L. Phippen, H. Poirier, E. Quimby, S. F. Robbins, F. G. Sargent, A. N. Sheehan, W. J. Shreve, O. B. Simpson, J. E. Sturgis, B. F., Jr. Symonds, B. R. SALISBURY (Essex North). Salisbury Point (AMESBURY). Sandhills (SCITUATE). SANDISFIELD (Berkshire). SANDw1CH (Barnstable). Faunce, R. H. f|Russell, H. Santuit (BARNSTABLE). SAUGUs (Essex South). Gale, G. W. (East). Saundersville (GRAFTON). SAvoy (Berkshire). Savoy Center. Sazonville (FRAMINGHAM). SCITUATE (Plymouth). Vinal, F. T. Scituate Center. Scotland (BRIDGEwATER). Sea View (MARSHFIELD). Segreganset (DIGHTON). SEEKONK (Bristol North). SHARON (Norfolk). Shattuckville (CoLRAIN). Shawmut (NEW BEDFORD). SHEFFIELD (Berkshire). Wakefield, A. T. SHELBURNE (Franklin). Canedy, F. J. (Falls). Upton, C. L. (Falls). Shelburne Falls. Sheldonville (WRENTHAM). 114 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. SHERBORN (Middlesex South). #Blanchard, A. H. SHIRLEY (Worcester North). Fernald, A. F. Peirce, C. J. (Village). Shirley Center. SHREWSBURY (Worcester). Brigham, F. W. SHUTESBURY (Franklin). Siasconset (NANTUCKET). Silver Lake (KINGSTON). Sixteen Acres (SPRINGFIELD). Smith's (ENFIELD). Smith's Ferry (NORTHAMPTON). Smithville (BARRE). SOMERSET (Bristol North). SOMERVILLE (Middlesex South). Bailey, W. C. Bell, W. A. Bolton, C. J. Booth, E. C. Bryant, G. W. (West). Bump, L. N. Codding, E. H. Couch, J. F. Curtis, H. F. (East). Cutter, C. K. Dearborn, A. B. Durell, T. M. Flewelling, D. S. Follett, A. W. +Gould, J. B. (West). Greenleaf, G. W. Hanscom, S. (East). Hatchett, W. J. (East). Kellogg, F. L. Maguire, C. F. Mahoney, G. C. Makechnie, H. P. (West). Merrill, A. E. Miles, G. A. (West). Mongan, C. E. Morse, F. L. O’Donnell, L. P. Pillsbury, E. D. Ransom, N. M. Sanborn, E. A. (East). Smith, F. G. Trueman, H. S. White, E. L. White, H. C. (East). Whiting, G. W. W. Willis, R. South Abington (WHITMAN). South Abington Station (WHITMAN). South Acton. South Amherst. SouTHAMPTON (Hampshire). Cobb, A. C. Cobb, O. W. South Ashburnham. South Ashfield. South Athol. South Attleborough. South Bellingham. Sowth. Berlin. South Billerica. SouTHBoRough (Worcester). Jones, C. P. fRobinson, J. H. South Boston, THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 115 South Braintree. South Brewster. SouTHBRIDGE (Worcester). Bradford, C. C. Olin, F. H. Page, J. G. E. Reed, W. G. South Byfield (NEwBURY). South Carver. South Chatham. South Chelmsford. South Dartmouth. South Deerfield. South Dennis. South Easton. South Egremont. South End (BOSTON). South Essez. Southfield (NEw MARLBoRough). South Framingham. South Gardner. South Groveland. SouTH HADLEY (Hampshire). South Hadley Falls. South Hanover. South Hanson. South Harwich. South Hingham. South Hyannis (BARNSTABLE). South Lancaster. South Lee. South Lincoln. South Middleborough. South Middleton. South Milford (HoPEDALE). South Natick. South Orleans. South Rehoboth. South Royalston. South Sandisfield. South Sandwich. South. Sherborn. South Sudbury. South Swanzey. South Truro. Southville (SouTHBoRough). South Walpole. South Wareham. South Wellfleet. South Westminster. South Westport. South Weymouth. 116 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. SouTHWICK (Hampden). South Williamstown. South Worthington. South Yarmouth. SPENCER (Worcester). Norwood, E. W. Sanborn, F. J. Wheeler, E. R. SPRINGFIELD (Hampden). Adams, E. B. Ames, R. P. M. Andrews, W. H. Anthony, J. C. Bates, E. A. IBlair, O. R. Blake, W. P. Boyd, J. W. W. Breck, T. F. Broga, W. W. Brooks, L. S. fBrooks, S. D. Brown, D. J. Brown, E. W. Calkins, C. H. #Calkins, M. Carleton, D. Carleton, R. Chamberlain, G. W. Chapin, D. L. Chapin, F. W. Chapin, W. H. Chisholm, W. J. Clark, D. Collins, E. C. Crocker, W. C. Davis, G. H. Deane, W. H. Dunn, S. J. Emerson, H., C. Frissell, S. #Gardner, W. W. Gates, E. A. Guild, E. H. Gulick, L. H. Hamilton, E. E. Herrick, J. T. Hewett, C. E. Hill, I. C. Hodskins, E. B. Hooker, C. P. Hopkins, F. E. Irwin, W. J. Keefe, D. E. Kelsey, O. H. Kennedy, C. F. J. Kennedy, C. M. Kilroy, P. Leary, W. C. fMcClean, A. S. McClean, G. C. Mansfield, R. J. Marsh, J. E. Marvin, S. R. Pero, J. T. (Indian Orchard). Platt-White, B. J. #Pomeroy, S. F. Pomeroy, W. H. Préfontaine, L. A. Rice, A. R. Robinson, E. O. Seelye, R. H. Smith, S. F. (Indian Orchard). Smith, W. A. Sprague, P. A. Squier, A. O. Stebbins, G. S. Sweet, F. B. Tracy, T. H. Van Allen, H. W. Weiser, W. R. Weston, G. D. Wilbur, S. M. Williams, A. C. Woods, G. L. Spring Hill (SANDWICH). Spruce Corner (ASHFIELD). THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. State Line (WEST STOCKBRIDGE). State Farm (BRIDGEWATER). Steep Brook (FALL RIVER). STERLING (Worcester). Sterling Junction. Still River (HARVARD). STOCKBRIDGE (Berkshire). Burnett, T. C. STONEHAM (Middlesex East). #Brown, W. S. Cowdrey, A. H. Nickerson, G. W. Park, F. E., jr. Sheehan, M. D. Stony Brook (WESTON). STOUGHTON (Plymouth). STow (Middlesex South). STURBRIDGE (Worcester). Locke, H. M. Rice, A. B. (Fiskdale). SUDBURY (Middlesex South). Oviatt, G. A. (South). SUNDERLAND (Franklin). Trow, C. G. Surfside (HULL) e SUTTON (Worcester). Couillard, P. L. (Manchaug). Martin, H. C. Swam PSCOTT (Essex South). Beattie, R. F. Hunt, A. F. SwanzEY (Bristol North). fWellington, J. L. Swanzey Center. Sweet's Corners (WILLIAMSTOWN). Swift River (CUMMINGTON). Tapleyville (DANVERS). Tarpaulin Cove (GoSNOLD). TAUNTON (Bristol North). Atwood, C. A. Baker, B. W. Bassett, E. J. Brown, J. P. Carroll, W. E. Coon, G. B. Cusick, T. F. Dean, R. D. Deane, A. S. Fish, J. E. Fox, W. Y. Galligan, E. F. Golden, M. C. Goss, A. V. Hewins, P. W. #Howe, C. Hubbard, F. A. Little, C. S. Mehegan, D. J. Milot, A. F. Murphy, E. F. Murphy, J. B. Paige, N. Perry, M. Presbrey, S. D. Robinson, T. J. Washburn, E. Teaticket (FALMOUTH). TEMPLETON (Worcester North). Baker, L. W. (Baldwinsville). Flood, E. (Baldwinsville). Greenwood, S. E. Robie, W. F. (Baldwinsville). 118 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY, TEwksBURY (Middlesex North). Eaker, J. R. Curry, E. F. Mann, A. T. Nichols, J. H. Pillsbury, G. H. Ranney, A. Thorndike (PALMER). Three Rivers (PALMER). TISBURY (Bristol South). No P.O. IPost-office address, Vineyard Haven. TOLLAND (Hampden). ToPSFIELD (Essex South), fAllen, Justin. Jenkins, T. L. Townsh;ND (Worcester North). Chandler, L. G. Townsend Harbor. TRURO (Barnstable). Tufts College (MEDFORD). Tully (ORANGE). Turner's Falls (MoWTAGUE). TYNGSBoRough (Middlesex North). Harlow, G. A. TYRINGHAM (Berkshire). Unionville (FRANKLIN). UPTON (Worcester). UxBRIDGE (Worcester). Griswold, M. L. Johnson, W. L. White, L. D. Van Dewsen (GREAT BARRINGTON). Wineyard Haven (TISBURY). Butler, W. #Leach, W. Waban (NEWTON). WAKEFIELD (Middlesex East). Abbott, S. W. Dutton, C. Heath, J. W. Jordan, C. Kimball, J. H. (Greenwood). +Mansfield, J. D. †Mansfield, J. R. Sopher, C. L. WALEs (Hampden). Ross, E. F. Walker (TAUNTON). Walnut Hill (DEDHAM). WALPolº (Norfolk). Newcomb, S. C. WALTHAM (Middlesex South). Baker, W. H. Chadwick, H. D. Cousens, N. W. Cutler, E. R. Cutler, G. W. Greenwood, A. Hoyt, W. S. Hutchinson, C. M. Jarvis, W. F. McCollester, J. Q. A. McCormick, C. J. McKenty, J. E. Maskell, L. J. Rice, W. H. Stiles, F. M. Vincent, P. Webber, G. F. Willis, C. A. Willis, J. W. Wood, H. A. Worcester, A. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 119 Warnesit (TEwkSBURY). Waquoit (FALMoUTH). Ward Hill (BRADFORD). WARDsworTH (Franklin). WARE (Hampshire). Blodgett, A. G. Miner, W. W. Pearson, M. W. Ryan, D. M. WAREHAM (Bristol South). Eldredge, J. A. Morse, C. E. WARREN (Worcester). DeLand, C. A. Phelps, O. W. WARWICK (Franklin). WASHINGTON (Berkshire). WATERTown (Middlesex South). Daniel, V. Davenport, B. F. Griffin, F. S. Kelley, M. J. Mead, J. A. #Morse, L. B. Waterville (WINCHENDoN). Watson (ASHFIELD). Waverley (BELMONT). Clark, L. B. Cowles, E. Fernald, W. E. Tuttle, G. T. Wallace, G. L. WAYLAND (Middlesex South). WEBSTER (Worcester). Cronin, T. J. 9 Frissell, E. M. Hart, G. F. Thompson, J. J. WELLESLEY (Norfolk). Bancroft, E. E. Hazelton, I. H. (Hills). Jones, G. N. (Hills). Macdonald, W. L. (Hills). Wellesley Farms. Wellesley Hills. WELLFLEET (Barnstable). Wellington (MEDFORD). WENDELL (Franklin). TWendell Depot. WENHAM (Essex South). Wenham Depot. Thayer, S. E. West Acton. West Auburn. West Barnstable. TVest. Beckett. West Berlin. WESTBOROUGH (Worcester). Ayer, T. H. +Barrett, W. M. Eradley, C. S. Cilley, D. P. Corey, F. E. Harvey, E. B. West Bogford. WEST BOYLSTON (Worcester), †Warren, G. W. 120 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. West, Brewste?". WEST BRIDGEWATER (Plymouth). WEST BROOKFIELD (Worcester). West Chatham. West Chelmsford. TWest Chesterfield. West Chop (TISBURY). West Cwmmington. Westdale (WEST BRIDGEWATER). West Deerfield. West Demºs. West Dighton. West Dudley. |West Dua:bwry. West Falmouth. West Farms (NORTHAMPTON). WESTFIELD (Hampden). EOwen, C. W. Holland, J. W. Hutchinson, E. D. James, G. H. McLaughlin, J. S. Noble, A. F. West Fitchburg. WESTFORD (Middlesex North). Early, W. W. Sleeper, W. J. West Foſcborough. West Gardner. West Gloucester. West Granville. West Groton. WESTHAMPTON (Hampshire). |West Hanover. West Harwich. West Hatfield. West Hawley. West Hingham. West Leyden. West Mansfield. West Medford. West Medway. West Millbury. WESTMINSTER (Worcester North). MOSSman, A. E. Westminster Depot. WEST NEwBURY (Essex North). Pierce, A. H. Warren, O. West Newton. West Northfield. WESTON (Middlesex South). Jackson, F. W. TWest Otis. West Peabody. West Pittsfield. TEIE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 121 WESTPoRT (Bristol South). Westport Point. West Rozbury (Norfolk) (BOSTON). Jillson, F. C. Macgowan, J. J. Moulton, C. F. Sparhawk, C. W. Stevens, H. B. Stevens, S. E. Worthington, A. M. West Rutland. WEST SPRINGFIELD(Hampden). Downey, C. J. (Mittineague). Elagg, P. J. (Mittineague). West Sterling. WEST STOCKBRIDGE (Berkshire). Ingham, L. T. *- West Stowghton. West Sutton. WEST TISBURY. Cleaveland, D. A. West Townsend. West Upton. Westvale (Concord). West Wareham. West, Wah'?'em. Westwood (DEDHAM). West Worthington. West Yarmouth. WEYMoUTH (Norfolk South). Bullock, G. D. Drake, W. A. (North). Fraser, J. C. (East). Granger, K. H. (South). Libbey, J. H. (East). Mayberry, E. N. (South). Tinkham, G. W. Tirrell, W. M. (South). Weymouth Center. Weymouth Heights. WHATELY. (Franklin). Seymour, J. D. Wheelwright (HARDwick). Whitinsville (NoFTHBRIDGE). WHITMAN (Plymouth). Copeland, H. F. Dyer, E. A. Hanley, F. J. Hastings, B. F. Lovell, C. E. McKeen, A. A. Wianno (BARNSTABLE). WILBRAHAM (Hampden). Damon, A. L. #Foster, J. M. Webber, H. G. Wilkinsonville (SUTTON). WILLIAMSBURG (Hampshire). Hayes, J. G. (Haydenville). WILLIAMSTown (Berkshire). Jones, L. A. Mather, E. E. Woodbridge, L. D. Williamstown Station. Williamsville (HUBBARDSTON). Willimansett (CHICOPEE). 122 THE LOCAL DIRECTORY, WILMINGTON (Middlesex East). Buzzell, D. T. Clark, A. W. F. WINCHENDON (Worcester North). Henry, J. G. Russell, F. W. Winchendon Springs. WINCHESTER (Middlesex East). Cummings, M. A. Dennett, D. C. French, J. I. Hammond, P. Holland, W. T. Hurd, G. P. Jordan, C. H. McCarthy, C. F. Mead, G. N. P. WINDSOR (Berkshire). WINTHROP (Suffolk). Johnson, O. E. Metcalf, B. H. Soule, H. J. WOBURN (Middlesex East). Bartlett, G. P. Bixby, J. P. Blake, H. G. Chase, C. E. Conway, J. H. Graves, F. W. Harlow, J. M. Hutchings, J. H. ECeleher, W. H. Kelley, S. W. Murphy, D. F. Peck, A. F. Wollaston (QUINCY). Wood's Holl (FALMoUTH). Woodville (HoPRINTON). WORCESTER (Worcester). Adams, G. E. Albee, G. M. Auger, L. L. Baker, F. H. Balcom, G. F. Banfield, F. L. Barnard, R. Baylies, A. Bemis, J. M. IBemis, M. Berry, J. C. Boynton, E. D. Brennan, J. J. Brockway, C. H. Carroll, J. A. Clark, W. T. Clough, B. F. Comey, P. P. Cronin, H. W. Davis, W. Delahanty, W. J. Dennis, J. H. Duggan, J. T. Ellis, D. S. Everett, O. H. Fallon, M. F. Farnham, J. M. W. Fay, F. G. Fitzgerald, C. P. Flagg, E. B. Fogerty, W. C. Foley, T. J. Foskett, G. M. Francis, G. E. Gage, H. Gage, T. H. Getchell, A. C. Gilman, W. R. Greene, R. W. Gurley, R. R. Holloran, M. J. Hammond, L. H. Harrower, D. Hill, G. H. Holmes, M. S. Jordan, G. A. THE LOCAL DIRECTORY. 123 Kelley, J. H. Kenyon, H. J. Knight, H. S. Lindsay, J. I. Lovell, D. B. Lussier, C. A. McEvoy, T. E. McGillicuddy, J. T. MeKoan, J. W. Marble, J. O. "Marsh, A. W. Meyer, A. Miller, L. C. Mixter, O. Moore, J. P. Nason, L. M. Noble, A. I. O’Callaghan, M. W. O’Callaghan, T. A. O’Meara, M. J. Packard, E. A. Page, H. W. Peabody, C. A. Perley, R. D. Perry, C. H. Quinby, H. M. Randall, C. W. Raymenton, W. H. Rice, J. M. Ryan, J. L. Sanderson, M. Scannell, M. E. Scribner, E. V. Shattuck, A. M. Shaw, T. B. Souther, W. T. Stapleton, R. H. Steele, J. McC. Stevens, C. B. Stevens, W. C. Sullivan, J. H. Swan, R. W. Swasey, E. Tripp, G. A. Trowbridge, E. H. Ward, G. O. Warner, E. Warren, H. Watkins, R. P. Wheeler, C. D. Wheeler, L. Whitaker, C. W. Wood, A. Woodward, L. F. Woodward, S. B. Workman, W. H. Yoosuf, A. K. WoRTHINGTON (Hampshire). Parmalee, W. J. WRENTHAM (Norfolk). YARMoUTH (Barnstable). Parker, E. M. (South). Yarmouth Farms. Yarmouth Port. Zoar (CHARLEMONT). NON-RESIDENTS. fAbbot, O. D., Manchester, N.H. Achard, H. J., Roselle, Ill. Adams, C. E., Santa Clara, Cal. Allen, B., Nashua, N.H. Allen, L., Burlington, Vt. Babcock, J. W., Columbia, S.C. +IBeach, J. C., New York. Billings, W. C, New York, N.Y. Boyd, S. G., San Francisco, Cal. Bradbury, J. E., Livermore Falls, Me. Bragdon, G. A., Middletown, Conn. Bridgham, S. C., Pasadena, Cal. Briggs, C. E., Cleveland, O. Brown, H. W., Binghamton, N.Y. Brown, W. T., Norwich, Conn. Brownrigg, A. E., Concord, N.H. Buck, H. M., Maybeury, Va. Capps, J. A., Chicago, Ill. Childs, E. M., Brooklyn, N.Y. Clark, J. E., New York, N.Y. Cobb, A. L., Siena, Italy. Cone, D. E., Binghamton, N.Y. Cowan, J. R., Danville, Ky. +Cutter, E., New York, N.Y. Darrah, R. E., Newport, R.I. Davenport, J. H., Providence, R.I. Dean, H. A., South Windsor, Conn. Denny, C. F., St. Paul, Minn. Drew, F. H., Columbus, O. Eddy, M. P., Beyreut, Syria. Ellison, G. W., Milford, N.H. Earenholt, A., United States Navy. Faulkner, H. K., Keene, N.H. Faulkner, W. E., Keene, N.H. Fisher, C. I., New York, N.Y. Fisk, A. L., New York, N.Y. Bitzgerald, J. B., Ann Arbor, Mich. Gates, G. W. San Francisco, Cal. Gibson, C. L., New York, N.Y. Gile, J. M., Hanover, N.H. Godding, C. M., Providence, R.I. +Godding, W. W., Washington, D.C. Hahn, A. J., Newark, N.J. Haven, H. C., Upper Dam, Me. Hayden, D. H., Newport, R.I. Holbrook, G., Waterbury, Comm. Holder, O. H., New York, N. Y. Hoyt, D. G., Providence, R.I. Jewett, F. B., Howard, R.I. Kean, M. E., Manchester, N.H. Keefe, P. H., Providence, R.I. Keniston, J. M., Middletown, Conn. Kenney, J. E., Keene, N.H. Lovewell, H. P., Providence, R.I. Lougee, M. W., Norristown, Pa. McDonald, A. E., Ontario, Cal. McKnight, A. S., Adamsville, R.I. MacMonagle, B., San Francisco, Cal. Maryott, E. E., Millbrook, N.Y. Moore, J. W., New York, N.Y. Maroney, W. J., Pawtucket, R.I. Munro, W. L., Providence, R.I. Nash, G. W., Kings-Bridge, N.Y. Nelson, L. L., Paris, France. Norfolk, W. J., New York, N.Y. Nottage, H. P., Providence, R.I. Peckham, K. F., Putnam Heights, Conn. JPegram, J. C., Jr., Providence, R.I. Perkins, J., Providence, R.I. Perkins, J. W., Kansas City, Mo. Pfeiffer, O. J., Denver, Col. Pike, F. W., Greenland, N.H. NON-RESIDENTS. 125 Plummer, P., Collinsville, Conn. Pratt, J. E., Dumont, N.J. Prescott, R. B., Nashua, N.H. Prince, J. P., Durban, South Africa. Proctor, J. D., Keene, N.H. Quirk, C. H., Buenos Ayres, S.A. Robinson, G. P., Atlanta, Ga. Sargent, A. C., The Klondike. Sawyer, E. Le R., Exeter, N.H. Schwab, E., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, H. L., Nashua, N.H. Smyth, H. E., Bridgeport, Conn. #Stackpole, P. A., Dover, N.H. Steadman, A. A., Amsterdam, N.Y. Stone, E. P., United States Navy. Stone, H. M., Kalamazoo, Mich. Sullivan, J. E., Providence, R.I. Swett, E. B., Goffstown Center, N.H. Taylor, P. K., New York, N.Y. Thayer, W. S., Baltimore, Md. Thompson, H. J., West Philadelphia, Pa. Tingley, H. B., Woodsburg, N.Y. Trecartin, D. M., Bridgeport, Conn. Vaughn, C. E., Santa Barbara, Cal. Wallace, A. S., Nashua, N.H. Waterman, J. H., New York, N.Y. Webber, H. A., United States Army. Weidner, C. A., Manchester, Conn. Wheat, A. F., Manchester, N.H. Wingate, U. O. B., Milwaukee, Wis. Wood, L., United States Army. Wynne, S. Y., Redlands, Cal. jFellotm3 in Şerbice buring the late Jºãat miti) $pain A PARTIAL LIST OF THE FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY WHO WIERE IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE LATE WAR WITH SEAIN, 1898. Compiled from the U. S. Navy Register and advance sheets of the Annual Report of the Surgeon General of the Commonwealth. It was impossible to obtain any data from the War Department. United States Army. LEONARD WooD, Capt. and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. Wols. HENRY ALLEN WEBBER, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. HEMAN LINCOLN CHASE, Act. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. Assigned to 20th Regt., U.S. Infty. United States Navy. FRANKLIN BACHE STEPHENson, Surgeon, U. S. N. EUGENE POTTER STONE, Passed Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. AMMEN FARENHOLT, Passed Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. For the War. GARDNER WELD ALLEN, Passed Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. RICHARD FROTHINGHAM O’NEIL, Passed Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. RICHARD EDWARD EDEs, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. CHARLES NORTON BARNEY, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. 130 FELLOWS IN SERVICE SILAs VIRGIL MERRITT, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. JAMES HENRY PAYNE, Jr., Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. United States Volunteers. OTIS HUMPHREY MARION, Major and Surgeon, 6th Regt. Mass. Infty. HOWARD SUMNER DEARING, Major and Surgeon, 1st Regt. Mass. Hvy. Arty. CHARLEs CHAUNCY FostER, Major and Surgeon, 5th Regt. Mass. Infty. *HENRY CHARLEs Bow EN, Major and Surgeon, 2d Regt. Mass. Infty. WILLIAM Cogswell, Major and Surgeon, 8th Regt. Mass. Infty. WILLIAM ALFRED ROLFE, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 1st Regt. Mass. Hvy. Arty. WILLIAM SoHIER BRYANT, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 1st Regt. Mass. Hvy. Arty. Promoted Brigade Surgeon, U. S. V. PRNEST A. GATES, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 2d Regt. Mass. Infty. Promoted Major and Surgeon. JoBN SAwYER HITCHCOCK, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 2d Regt. Mass. Infty. FRANK ELLIOTT BATEMAN, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 5th Regt. Mass. Infty. FREDERICK WARREN PEARL, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 5th Regt. Mass. Infty. Promoted Major and Surgeon. * Died, Aug. 13, 1898, at Santiago de Cuba. DURING WAR WITH SFAIN. 131 WILLIAM ELLsworth McPHERson, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 5th Regt. Mass. Infty. CHARLES NORTON BARNEY, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 5th Regt. Mass. Infty. *DEWEY, DAVID ROBERT, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 14th Regt. N.Y. Infty. GEORGE FARRELL DOW, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 6th Regt. Mass. Infty. FREDERICK AUGUSTUs WASHBURN, Jr. 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 6th Regt. Mass. Infty. THOMAS LINCOLN JENKINs, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 8th Regt. Mass. Infty. FRANK PARKER TAYS LOGAN, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 8th Regt. Mass. Infty. WILLIAM HENRY DEVINE, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon, 9th Regt. Mass. Infty. Promoted Brigade Surgeon, U. S. V. * Died at North Adams, Mass., Nov. 5, 1898. Citieg amū (ſubmig in the Pigtrict3 amū TNumerical Summarp of jellotmg CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE DISTRICTS NUMERICAL SUMMARY OF FELLOWS. Barnstable . Bourne Brewster Chatham . Dennis . . . Eastham Falmouth Harwich . Mashpee . Adams Alford Becket . Cheshire . Clarksburg . Dalton Egremont Florida, Great Barrington. Hancock . Hinsdale . . . Lanesborough . Lee Lenox tº º Monterey . . . Mount Washington . New Ashford . 10 (BY DISTRICTS.) BARNSTABLE DISTRICT. Established 28 May, 1840. 7 Orleans. Provincetown I Sandwich . I Truro 2 Wellfleet Yarmouth . 2 Total . BERKSHIRE DISTRICT. Established 7 Oct., 1807. 6 | New Marlborough . NORTH ADAMS Otis . Peru . ſº PITTSFIELD 2 Richmond . Sandisfield Savoy 6 Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringham Washington West Stockbridge Williamstown Windsor : Total . AND 2 25 62 136 CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE DISTRICTS Attleborough Berkley . . . . Dighton . Eastom Freetown Mansfield North Attleborough . Norton Acushnet Chilmark . . Cottage City . Dartmouth . Edgartown . Fairhaven FALL RIVER Gay Head Gosnold . Lakeville Marion Amesbury . . Andover . . . Boxford . . . Bradford © Georgetown . . Groveland HAVERHILL . LAWRENCE . . Merrimac . . . BRISTOL NORTH DISTRICT. Established 31 May, 1849. G i Raynham Rehoboth . Seekonk . . . Somerset Swanzey . . . . TAUNTON Total . BRISTOL SOUTH DISTRICT. Established 3 April, 1839. 29 Mattapoisett . Middleborough Nantucket . - NEW BEDFORD . Rochester . Tisbury Wareham . Westport . West Tisbury Total . ESSEX NORTH DISTRICT. Established 6 Oct., 1841. 4 : ſ Methuen Newbury . . . . NEWBURYPORT . North Andover . . Rowley . . . . , Salisbury . . . . West Newbury . . Total . . . . 27 42 : 34 : º 7 : 2 AND NUMERICAL SUMMARY OF FELLOWS, 137 BEVERLY . . Danvers . . . Essex . . . . GLOUCESTER Hamilton Ipswich . LYNN Lynnfield Manchester. Marblehead . . Middleton Ashfield . Bernardston Buckland Charlemont . . Colrain Conway . Deerfield Erving Gill Greenfield Hawley Heath . Leverett . Leyden Agawam . Blandford Erimfield Chester CHICOPEE Granville Hampden ESSEX SOUTH DISTRICT. Established 7 June, 1804. . . . . . . 13 Nahant . . . . . . 8 || Peabody . . e e e Rockport . . 15 SALEM Saugus . 5 Swampscott . 50 Topsfield . . gº Wenham . . Total . . FRANKLIN DISTRICT. Established 27 May, 1851. I Monroe . 1 Montague . New Salem Northfield . 1 Orange . ROWe Shelburne . 1 Shutesbury Sunderland 8 Warwick . Wendell Whately . . Total . HAMPIOEN DISTRICT. Established 28 May, 1840. Holland HOLYOKE Longmeadow . Ludlow . . Monson : te Montgomery . tº Palmer . . tº : : - 138 27 21 I 138 CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE DISTRICTS Russell South Wick . SPRINGFIELD Tolland . . . Wales Amherst Belchertown . Chesterfield Cummington Easthampton . Enfield Goshen . . Granby Greenwich . Hadley Hatfield . Huntington . . Middlefield Burlington . Melrose . North Reading Reading . Stoneham Wakefield Acton. Bedford . Billerica . Boxborough . Carlisle . Chelmsford. Dracut Dunstable . Groton Westfield West Springfield Wilbraham Total . HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT. Established 5 Oct., 1831. 7 1 ... 2 • 1 4 2 NORTHAMPTON . Pelham . Plainfield . Prescott . Southampton. South Hadley Ware Westhampton Williamsburg Worthington . Total . MIDDLESEX EAST DISTRICT. Established 2 Oct., 1850. 11 MIDDLESEX NORTH DISTRICT. Wilmington Winchester WOBURN Total . Established 2 Oct., 1844. 1 1 2 | Littleton LOWELL . Pepperell . Tewksbury Tyngsborough Westford . . Total . : . 128 23 sº 3: AND NUMERICAL SUMMARY OF FELLOWS. 139 MIDDLESEX SOUTH DISTRICT. Established 2 Oct., 1850. Arlington . . . . . . . . 9 || Maynard . . . . . . . . . Ashland . . . . . . . . 1 | MEDFORD . . . . . . . . 13 Belmont . . . . . . . . . 2 | Natick . . . . . . . . . . 9 Brighton” . . . . . . . . 11 | NEWTON . . . . . . . . , 39 CAMBRIDGE . . . . . . . 69 || Sherborn . . . . . . . . . 1 Charlestown" . . . . . . . 24 | SOMERVILLE . . . . . . . 36 Concord . . . . . . . . . 5 | Stow . . . . . . . . . . EVERETT . . . . . . . . 16 || Sudbury . . . . . . . . . 1 Framingham . . . . . . . . 11 || WALTHAM . . . . . . . . 21 Holliston . . . . . . . . Watertown . . . . . . . . 6 Hopkinton . . . . . . . . 2 | Waverley . . . . . . . . . 5 Hudson . . . . . . . . . 3 Wayland . . . . . . . . . Lexington . . . . . . . 3 Weston . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . 1 &=º-ºº. MALDEN . . . . . . . . 28 Total . . . . . . . . . 321 MARLBOROUGH . . . . . 4 NORFOLK DISTRICT. Established 2 Oct., 1850. Bellingham . . . . . . . . Millis . * @ & e e e Brookline . . . . . . . . 48 Milton . . . . . . . . . . 5 Canton . . . . . . . . . 1 Needham . . . . . . . . . 3 Dedham . . . . . . . . . 7 Norfolk & º & © º Dorchester* . . . . . . . 59 Norwood . . . . . . . . . 5 Dover . . . . . . . . . Roslindale” . . . . . . . . 7 Foxborough 4 || Roxbury" . . . . . . . . . 86 Franklin . * G - tº 3 Sharon . . . . . . . . . . Harding . . . . . . . . . 3 || Walpole . . . . . . . . . 1 Hyde Park . . . . . . . . 11 | Wellesley . . . . . . . . . 4 Jamaica Plain” . . . . . . 31 | West Roxbury's . . . . . . . 7 Mattapan" . . . . . . . . Wrentham . . * Medfield . . . . . . . . . 2 *== Medway . . . . . . . . . 4 Total . . . . . . . . 291 * A part of Boston. 140 CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE DISTRICTS Eraintree Cohasset Hingham Holbrook Hull . . Abington Avon Bridgewater EROCKTON Carver Duxbury East Bridgewater Halifax Hanover Hanson Kingston Marshfield BOSTON* & CHELSEA . Revere NORFOLK SOUTH DISTRICT. Established 1 Oct., 1884. 4 QUINCY . . . . . 2 Randolph . . . 3 || Weymouth . 3 2 Total . . . PLYMOUTH DISTRICT. IEstablished 2 Oct., 1850. 3 Norwell . . . . . . . . 2 Pembroke tº º . . . . . . 4 Plymouth . . . 26 Plympton . . . Rockland . . . Scituate . . . Stoughton . : 2 Whitman . . 2 Total . . SUFFOLK DISTRICT. Established 29 May, 1849. . . . . 525 Winthrop . . . . . 8 © tº º 6 Total . West Bridgewater . 2 58 *Except Brighton and Charlestown, which are in the Middlesex South District, and Dorchester, Jamaica Plaim, Mattapan, Roslindale, Roxbury, West Roxbury, and that part of Boston lying south of a line beginning at Dorchester Bay opposite end of Preble Street, and running in a general north-easterly direction through the middle of Preble and Swett Streets to Northampton Street, then by the middle of Northampton Street to Washington Street, then by the middle of Washington Street to Camden Street, then by the middle of Camden and Gainsborough Streets to Huntington Avenue, then by the middle of Huntington Avenue to the Huntington Avenue entrance of the Back Bay Park, them across the Park westerly to the water-way known as Muddy Brook, them by Muddy Brook to St. Mary's Street, then by the middle of St. Mary’s Street to the Charles River, which are in the Norfolk District. AND NUMERICAL SUMMARY OF FELLOWS. 141 WORCESTER DISTRICT. Established 7 June, 1804. Auburn . . . . . . . . . Barre . . . . . . . . . 2 Berlin . e e º e º sº a Blackstone . . . . . . . . 1 Bolton . . . . . . . Boylston g e º a 9 º' Brookfield . . . . . . . . 2 Charlton . . . . . . . . Clinton . . . . . . . . . 7 Dana . . . . . Douglas . . . . . . . . . 3 Dudley . . . . . . . . . Grafton . 3 Hardwick 2 Harvard . . . . 1 Holden . . . . . . . . . 2 Hopedale . . . . . . . . Hubbardston 2 Lancaster I Leicester . 3 Mendon . . . . . . . . . Milford . . . . . . . . . 4 Millbury . . . . . . . . 2 New Braintree & G e <> Northborough . . . . . . 2 Northbridge . . North Brookfield Oakham . . Oxford g º e is Paxton tº e º ºs Princeton «» «» tº Rutland . . . . Shrewsbury c Southborough . . Southbridge . Spencer . . Sterling Sturbridge Sutton . Upton . . . Uxbridge . Warren . . . Webster Westborough . . West Boylston . . West Brookfield WORCESTER Total . . . . WORCESTER NORTH DISTRICT. Established 25 May, 1858. Asburnham . . . . . . . 2 Ashby . . . . . . . . . 1 Athol . . . . . . . . . 4 Ayer . . . . . . . . . . 3 IFITCHBURG . . . . . . 18 Gardner . . . . . . . . . 7 Leominster . . . . . . . 5 Lunenburg . . Petersham . . . . . . . . 1 Phillipston Royalston . Shirley . Templeton TOWnsend Westminster . Winchendon . . Total . . 2: 2 : . 103 . 179 51 142 NUMERICAL SUMMARY. RECAPITULATION. DISTRICT SOCIETIES. Retired.| Active. Total. Barnstable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 1 18 19 Berkshire . . 2 60 62 Bristol North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 39 42 Bristol South . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 72 76 Essex North . . . . . . . . . . . 7 92 99 Essex South 5 133 138 Franklin . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 27 Hampden . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 120 128 Hampshire . . 5 48 53 Middlesex East 4 48 52 Middlesex North . . . . . . 2 94 96 Middlesex South . 9 312 321 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 284 291 Norfolk South . 3 37 40 Plymouth 4 54 58 Suffolk 12 530 542 Worcester 6 173 179 Worcester North . I 50 51 Fellows resident in Massachusetts 85 2,189 2,274 Fellows resident in other States and countries 5 100 I05 Whole number of Fellows in the Society, 1 Jan., 1899 90 2,289 2,379 NEW ADDRESSES SINCE PRINTING. Abbot, Edward Stanley Dewey, Charles Gipson French, John Innes Harrington, Arthur Hudson . Hewins, Parke Woodbury Howland, Clarence Eugene . Hutchinson, Marcello . Judkins, Anna Gertrude . Knowlton, Charles Davidson Littlefield, George Curtis Mahoney, John Bernard . Mosher, Harris Peyton Nelson, Lois Leverett . Perley, Roscoe Damon Proctor, John Donald . Provan, Robert . Sprague, George Percy Stodder, Charles William . Taylor, Philip Kittredge . Whitten, George Edwin . *==º Northampton. Dorchester. Winchester. Danvers. Brookline. Haydenville. Waterbury, Vt. Roacbury. Roxbury. Salem. Medford. Boston. San Francisco, Calif. Melrose. Keene, N. H. Brookline. Leacington, Ky. Marshfield Hills. Kingston, R. I. Haverhill. Page 21. 45. 50. 55. 77. 77. E R R A T A. Blossom, Anne Mooers. Hughes, Laura Ann Cleophas. Langois.-Langlois. Miller, Charles Herman. Thomas, John Blanchard.—Thomes. Withington, Alfreda Bosworth. LOCAL LIST. Howe, E. B., Northampton, see Taylor, E. B. H., Boston. Huse, G. W., insert in Dorchester. Keenan, H. J., Boston.—add South. Nelson, W., Marblehead, make Weilson, W. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07661 9348 |