NATURAL Science |||||||| |||||||||| || |T|T|| 15 0 150 1655 6 b a 330 (Reprinted from The Druggists Circular, 100 William St., New York, issue of April, 1917.) Botanical Nomenclature of the U.S. P. IX A Survey of the Botanical Nomenclature of the New Pharmacopoeia Discloses the Fact that Neither the Vienna nor the American Code was Strictly Adhered to by the Nomenclatorial Committee. BY OLIVER ATKINS FARWELL. A careful examination of the botanical nomencla- ture of the new revision of the Pharmacopoeia dis- closes the fact that the authors did not invariably fol- low either the “Vienna” code or the “American”; but either one or the other as it suited their con- venience, and in some instances neither. In most in- stances where forms of a species, other than the type, are admitted, the trinomial is used ; as Glycyrrhiza glabra glandulifera; in many cases, however, the “va- riety” is used as in Melaleuca Leucadendron var. Ca- jeputi. The former typifies the American code, which does not recognize the rank of variety—the trinomial being the method of designating a sub- species; the latter is characteristic of the Vienna sys- tem of nomenclature. The system of considering a variation of a species as a subspecies and designating it by a trinomial (the American Code) should be dis- continued, as an application of the rule simply makes authors, who do not follow the code and the older authors of a bygone day, express a classification which they had no intention or thought of conveying. Apparently the American code has been the guide ing star of the nomenclatorial committee, but it has balked when a strict application of the rules would have produced a repeating binomial, one where the generic and specific names are the same, as Zingiber officinale for Zingiber Zingiber. Geographical spe- cific names are decapitalized, a feature that is greatly to be deprecated. Such names are proper names in just the same manner as are specific names derived from Old generic names or from the names of per- sons and they should not be treated differently. Just so long as English type is used to express a binomial, just so long should the rules governing English grammar and syntax be followed. If decapitalization is desired, the binomial should be expressed in Roman type, i. e., in small capitals. There are a good many exceptions to the rule that the name of a fam- ily of plants should end in “aceae,” as Graminea, Leguminosa. In each instance the ending should be changed to “aceae.” So as not to conflict with the no- menclature of other botanical categories. The following notes and suggestions may be of service in the preparation of future editions. Agar. This article is said to be the dried muci- laginous substance obtained from the Gracilaria lich- enoides Greville and other algae of the sea coast of Asia, especially from species of Gelidium and of Gloiopeltis. It is generally conceded that the agar derived from Gracilaria lichenoides is the dried, un- altered thallus, and is known to the pharmaceutical and commercial worlds as Ceylon agar. Some spe- cies of Gloiopeltis yield a glue while others are used as a food. Japanese agar is derived from Gelidium corneum (Hudson) Lamour, G. cartilagineum Gail- - lon and perhaps from other species of Gelidium. Jap- anese agar is a gelatinous substance, gelose, extract- ed from the algae. The commercial agar brought to this country for medicinal purposes comes from Japan and is not an unaltered thallus but an extracted gelatinous substance, and therefore corresponds to the article known as Japanese agar as above de- scribed. The definition should be corrected to ex- clude species of Gracilaria and Gloiopeltis as sources of origin of agar. The writer of this paper can see no good reason for substituting a class name for this alga instead of the family name. “Fam. Gelidia- ceae” should be used instead of “Class Rhodophy- ceae.” Amygdala Dulcis, Oleum Amygdalae Ama- rae, Oleum Amygdalae Expressum. The sweet almond is said to be derived from Prunus Amyg- dalus dulcis De Candolle and the bitter almond from Prunus Amygdalus amara De Candolle. De Candolle is not the author of the above combina- tions. He did not name them under Prunus but under .4 mygdalus and as varieties, not as sub- species; the citation of De Candolie as the author of the combinations is, therefore, without authority. The better way is to keep Amygdalus separate from Prunus. The bitter almond would then be derived from Amygdalus communis Linné and the Sweet, from Amygdalus communis Linné var. dulcis (Mil- ler) De Candolle. It is not necessary to use the variety amara for the bitter almond as it is but a synonym of the species. However, if they are to be retained under Prunus, P. Amygdalus Stokes is not the proper name for the species under any code of nomenclature. now followed, all of which recognize the law of priority. Hudson, in 1778, published a Primus communis to include P. domestica Lin., P. spinosa Lin., and P. insititia, Lin, all of which ante- date the species of Hudson; consequently Hudson's P. communis is but a synonym that can never be re- instated and therefore can not bar the legitimate use of the name for another species. According to the laws of priority the proper designation of the almonds under Prunus is herewith given. Prunus Communis (Lin.) Farwell (nov. comb.) Amygdalus communis Lin. Sp. Pl. 473, 1753. Amygdalus communis Lin, var. amara, D. C. Fl. Fr. IV 486, 1805 and Prod. II, 530, 1825. Prunus Communis (Lin. N. Farwell var. Dulcis . (Mill.) Farwell (nov. comb.) Amygdalus dulcis Miller Dict. Ed. 8 No. 2, 1768. Amygdalus communis Lin, var. dulcis D. C. 11. cc. Aspidium. The oldest post-Linnaean generic name for the male fern is Filix (Fuchs.) Hill. The proper combination for the species designated are Filia Filia-mas (Lin.) Farwell and Filir marginalis (Lin.) Farwell. - - - & Sº º - º - to an Aspidosperma. The specific name quebracho blanco is written as two words, the hyphen being omitted; this doubtless is a typographical error; never theless, as written, it becomes a trinomial and, un- der the American Code, indicates that the drug is de- rived from a subspecies blanco of the species Aspi- dosperma Quebracho. w Aurantii Dulcis Cortex, Oleum Aurantii. The peel and oil of the sweet orange are said to be derived from the Citrus Aurantium Sinem- sis Gallesio. Just why this name should be attrib- uted to Gallesio is a mystery; Linnaeus (Sp. Pl. 783, 1753) was the first to use it and he should be quoted as the author. It might be better to consider this as a distinct species under the name Citrus Simensis (Lin.) Osbeck. Aurantii Amarae Cortex. The bitter orange peel is said to be derived from Citrus Auran- tium amara Lin. Why any varietal or subspecific name should be used is a question that has not been explained. The bitter orange (Citrus vulgaris Risso, Citrus Bigaradia Loisel, and Citrus Aurantium amara) is the exact type of the Linnaean Citrus Au- rantium. No further designation is necessary. Cannabis. Cannabis is said to be derived from Cannabis sativa Linné or its variety Indica Lamarck. We have American, Mexican, African, Indian, etc., Cannabis; but these are geographical or commercial terms to designate the country of origin. Why it should be necessary does not appear, as the species from one country, when properly prepared, is as ac- five as from another. So we have the pharmaceutical term cannabis Saiva variety Indica (not botanical) to designate the Indian grown drug. To quote La- -ājārek as the author of a botanicaſ variety Indica is - able to ascertain, a properly described botanical va- riety under the name of Indica. Lamarck described a species, Cannabis Indica, which was later reduced to Synonymy, this form not being given any recog- nized rank of any degree. Cardamomi Semen. The botanical origin is given as Elettaria Cardamomum White et Maton. The correct combination and author citation under this genus is Elettaria Cardamomum (Lin.) Maton and is based on the Amomum Cardamomum Lin. Sp. Pl. I, 1753. The authors of the Index Kewensis and K. Schumann in Das Pflanzenreich IV, No. 46, p. 238, cite the Linnaean binomial as Amomum Car- damon and apply it to the Java cardamom plant. A reference to the Species Plantarum will show that | but wrote Cardamom, which is an abbreviation | for Cardamomum just as gram. parad, on the next page (2) is for Granum-paradisi. I have not been able to ascertain who was the first author to use the specific name Cardamon, but Linnaeus certainly did not use it. The genus Amomum was founded by Linnaeus in 1736 on the small cardamoms of the shops. The ginger was included but no part of the description was drawn from it. It is therefore Very doubtful if the name can rightfully be used for any other plant. Certain elements of three distinct species entered into the make up of the Linnaean Amomom Carda- momum, but the confusion over these species was not original with Linnaeus. His description was litm (Einné) Karsten. absurd.: there has never been, in so far as I have been Linnaeus did not use the specific name Cardamon taken from his earlier Flora Zeylanica, which also is the first reference given after the description in the Species Plantarum. A reference to the Flora Zey- lanica develops the fact that this species, as well as the genus Amomum as above shown, was founded on the small cardamoms of the shops. The only cor- rect interpretation of the genus Amomum would be to retain it for the plant on which it was founded, hence the proper name for our cardamoms is Amo- mum Cardamomum Lin. The genus to which Ros- coe in 1806 transferred the name Amomum should probably be known as Meistera Giseke (1792). Caryophyllus, Oleum Caryophylli. The proper authority for “Eugenia aromatica (Linné)” is “Bail- lon” not “O. Kuntze” as given in the Pharmacopoeia. Baillon made the combination in his History of Plants, Vol. VI, pp. 31 I and 345, 1877, 14 years ahead of O. Kuntze. But this name is not tenable because of an earlier, valid species of the same name, Eugenia aromatica Berg. 1854. The proper name under Eugenia is Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. The synonym “Jambosa Caryophyllus (Sprengel) Nie- denzu" should be enclosed in marks of parenthesis. Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. The proper bino- mial for this product is Cinnamomum Cinnamomum (Linné) Karsten. Eriodictyon. The correct authority for “Erio- dictyon Californicum (Hooker and Arnott)” is “Tor- rey” not “Greene” as given in the Pharmacopoeia. Eucalyptol, Eucalyptus, Oleum Eucalypti. The specific name “Globulus” should not be capital- ized; it is not a proper name. Foeniculum, Oleum Foeniculi. The correct name for the source of these drugs is Faeniculum Fanicu- - - Gelsemium. The proper authority for the bi- nomial “Gelsemium sempervirens (Linné)” is “Per- soon” not “Aiton filius,” the former having made the combination in 1805, six years ahead of the latter. Glycyrrhiza. The designation Glycrhiza glabra Linné is sufficient to indicate the source for Spanish licorice. The custom of making a species an indefinite entity and then giving varietal name to what may be considered the typical form can not be too severely censured. Nothing is to be gained by it. “(Waldstein et Kitaibel)” should be inserted be- tween “glandulifera” and “Regal et Herder” in or- der to make the author citation perfect. Ipecacuanha. The source of ipecac is given as Cephalis Ipecacuanha (Brotero) A. Richard and Cephalis acuminata Karsten. The oldest generic name for the ipecacs is Ouragoga, published by Lin- naeus in 1737 in the first edition of the Genera Plan- tarum, 378, and in Hort. Cliff., 486. Also as a post Linnaean name in December, 1774, in a dissertation on Viola Ipecacuanha by Daniele Wickman, later appear- ing in Schreber's edition of the Amoenitates Acade- micae in 1785, Vol. VIII, 240, 24I, 243. In the index of the first edition of the Genera Plantarum the name was listed as Uragoga and in this form was adopted by Baillon and later by O. Kuntze to include not only the ipecacs (Cephaelis) but also a number of closely allied genera (Psychotria, Palicourea, Mapouria, etc.) K. Schumann, in Engler and Prantl’s Pflanzen- familien used the name for the genus Cephaelis alone, restoring to generic rank those genera that, had been reduced by Baillon and by Kuntze. “Ura- more species of Commiphora. goga,” as spelled by these authors, is not a valid post Linnaean name. Evea Aublet 1775 has been taken up recently by Standley for Cephaelis, but this is later by a fraction of a year than Ouragoga and therefore is not tenable. The Uragoga acuminata (Bentham) OK. is a species of Psychotria and does not apply to the Carthagena ipecac. The proper com- binations to designate the ipecacs are as herewith given. Ouragoga Ipecacuanha. (nov. comb.). Callicocca Ipecacuanha Brot. Trans. Linn. Soc. VI, 137, pl. II, 1802. Ouragoga Acuminata Karsten Farwell (nov. comb.). Cephaelis acuminata Flora p. 1196, 1880–1883. Limonis Cortex, Oleum Limonis. cal source of the lemon is Citrus Medica Lin. var. Limon Lin. This is the oldest name and should be adopted in preference to the later one of Hooker filius; Citrus Limonia Osbeck, if as a distinct species. Maltum. The botanical source is given as Hor- deum sativum Jessen. This is but a synonym and should give way to the valid name, Hordeum vulgare Lin. Mentha Viridis, Oleum Menthae Viridis. The botanical origin of this drug is said to be Mentha spicata Lin. (M. viridis Lin.). There seems to be little or no excuse for making M. viridis Lin. a synonym of M. spicata Lin. or attributing the source of garden spearmint to the latter species. In the Species Plan- tarum, ed. I, Linnaeus had M. spicata with three (Brotero) Farwell (Karsten), Deutsche - named varieties, viridis, longifolia, and rotundifolia. In the second ed., M. spicata with the variety longi- folia, becomes M. Sylvestris and the varieties viridis and rotundifolia are elevated to specific rank under their respective names. M. spicata Lin. is, therefore, the older and valid name for the plant that has been more commonly known as M. sylvestris and the spearmint of cultivation and of pharmacy is M. vi- ridis. M. spicata should be dropped. Myrrha. Myrrh is said to come from one or The oldest name and consequently the valid one is Balsamea. It should be adopted. - - Oleum Cajuputi. The botanical source of this oil is said to be Melaleuca Leucadendron Linné, espe- cially the variety Cajuputi Roxburgh and the variety ininor Smith. Neither Smith nor Roxburgh are-the authors of the varieties mentioned; they published their respective names as specific names. The cor- rect author citation will appear in the synonymy to be given below. The oldest post-Linnaean name for this group of plants is Kajubuti Adanson Fam. Pl. II, Index, page 530, 1763. On page 84, vol. 2, Adanson has the generic name Caju puti as two dis- tinct words, which, of course, is not tenable as a valid generic name; but on page 530 in the Index he has Kajubuti with a reference to Rumph. 2 t. 16 and to page 84, where the description is to be found. The proper binomials are as herewith given. - Kajuputi Leucadendron (Lin.) Farwell (nov. comb.). - Myrtus Leucadendra Lin. Syst, ed. Io, IoS6 1759. - The botani- w Kajuputi Leucadendron (Lin.) Farwell vari- ety Angustifolia (Lin. fil.) Farwell (nov. comb.). Melaleuca Leucadendron Lin. var. B. angusti- folia Lin. fil. Suppl. Pl., 342, 1781. Melaleuca viridiflora Sol. in Gaertn. Fruct. I, 175 t 35, 1788. - Kajuputi Leucadendron (Lin.) Farwell vari- ety Minor (Sm.) Farwell (nov. comb.). Melaleuca minor Sm. Rees, Cycl. 23, 1797. Melaleuca Cajuputi Roxburgh Fl. Ind. III, 394 1832. Melaleuca Leucadendron Lin. var. minor (Sm.) Duthie in Hk. f F1. Brit. Ind. II 465, 1778. Melaleuca Leucadendron Lin. variety Cajeputi (Roxb.) Niedenzu in Engler and Prantl’s Pflan- zenfamilien III Teil, 7 abt. 95 and 96, 1892. The species is founded on the Arbor alba Rumph. 2, 72, t. 16, and the second variety on the Arbor alba minor Rumph, 2, 76, t 17 fig. I. Some authors consider the two varieties named above as identical in which case the first named would be the valid one as it is the oldest. The second variety is the one that pro- duces the greater part of the commercial cajuput oil. Oleum Chenopodii. The source is given as Chenopodium ambrosioides anthelminticum Linné. The author citation for the variety anthelminticum is (Linné) A. Gray. Linnaeus is not the author of a subspecies anthelminticum. Oleum Lavandulae. The valid designation of the lavender plant is Lazandula Spica Linné, not L. vera D. C., which is a later synonym. In any event L. vera D. C. is not the name to use; the earliest name, after that of Linnaeus's, in case his should be dis- carded for which there is no excuse, is Lazendula-ait- gustifolia, Miller. Oleum Pimentae. Pimenta Pimenta (Linné) Lyons is the valid binomial for the source of this product; not B. officinalis Lindley. Oleum Sassafras, Sassafras. Sassafras Sassa- fras (Linné) Karsten is the proper combination to designate the Sassafras. Oleum Sesami. The proper binomial to designate the sesame is Sesamum orientale Lin. ; not S. Indi- cum Lin. Petroselinum. Petroselinum hortense Hoff- man has precedence over Petroselinum sativum Hoff- man but the valid binomial is Petroselinum Petroseli. num (Linné) Karsten. Sparteinae Sulphas. The specific name in Cytists scoparius (Linn) Linké should be decapitalized. It is hot an old generic name or a vernacular name, just an adjective. Taraxacum. The botanical origin is given as Tara racum officinale Weber. The proper designation under taraxacum is Taraxacum Taraxacum (Linné) Karsten. But Tara racum is not the oldest generic name and for that reason is not the valid one. Leon- todon, Lin, was founded in 1737 on the common dan- delion, the Dens Leonis of the older botanists. As the genus appeared in the first edition of the Species Plantarum, it must be accepted for the species on which it was founded, the dandelion, which is Leon- todon Tara vacum Linné. The genus generally known as Leontodon of late years is Virea Adanson. Ulmus. The source of origin is given as Ulmus fulva Mx, “Ulmus pubescens Walter” is generally considered to apply to the same species and being the older name by 15 years should be adopted. Xanthoxylum. The proper spelling for this generic name is Zanthorylum. Linnaeus used Z for the initial letter, but Miller changed it to X. The original spelling should be restored. Zingiber. The source of origin is given as Zin- giber officinale Roscoe. The proper appellation is Zingiber Zingiber (Linné) Karsten. In order to bring about a uniformity in family nomenclature, each name ending in “aceae” and the oldest family name being used, the following changes are neCeSSary : Gramineae to Graminaceae. Palmae - t() Palmaceae Fagaceae to Castaneaceae. Moraceae to Lupulaceae. Polygonaceae Chenopodiaceae Cruciferae Leguminosae Euphorbiaceae Rhamnaceae Sterculiaceae Ternstroemiaceae : Guttiferae Punicaceae Umbelliferae Oleaceae Loganiaceae Hydrophyllaceae Labiatae Rubiaceae Cucurbitaceae Compositae to to to tC) to to to tC) to to to to to to to to to to Persicariaceae. Blitaceae. Cruciferaceae. Leguminaceae. Tithhymalaceae. Zizyphaceae. Cacaoaceae. Camelliaceae. Hypericaceae. Granataceae. Umbellataceae. Jasminaceae. Strychnaceae. Hydroleaceae. Labiataceae. Aparinaceae. Bryoniaceae. Compositaceae |NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ||||III Botani Cà, clature of - ~, r.--- - ºº: sº -º-º: º, "... w; : Aºzºº * 'wºrswº * * *- - Farwell, O. A. i Cà.T. n. One n- the U. S. P. Owen size. C- […" 198 | – , , w L) ERY” “t DD NOT RE 0R MUTILATE M0WE GARD -