: Q B 42 L435 1 1 1 ་ 1 dals to sand 3 sd mege quot 茁 ​G A COMPLEAT SYSTEM O F ASTRONOMY. In Two Volumes CONTAINING The Deſcription and Ufe of the SECTOR the Laws of Spheric Geometry; the Projection of the Sphere Orthographically and Stereographically upon the Planes of the Meridian, Ecliptic and Horizon; the Doctrine of the Sphere; and the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon for Thirty feven Years. Together with All the PRECEPTS of Calculation. ALSO NEW TABLESs of the Motions of the Planets, Fix'd Stars, and the Firft Satellite of Jupiter; of Right and Oblique Afcenfions, and of Logiſtical Logarithmns. To the whole are Prefix'd, ASTRONOMICAL DEFINITIONS for the Benefit of Young Students, By 241728 CHARLES LEADBETTER,Teacher of the Mathematicks. LONDON, Printed for J. WILCOX, Britain. at the Green Dragon in Little M DCCXXV XXVIII. MTT 2 Q B 42 .L435. Yer 330 1 ་ . TO ALL LOVERS O F Mathematical Learning; This COMPLEAT SYSTEM O F ASTRONOMY Is, with all Humility, Dedicated BY Their moſt Faithful and Obedient Servant, Charles Leadbetter. * гят gaimaɔ obsmodal 4 M C : YMONOR ! THE PREFACE W A • STRONOMY is a Science, which teaches the Method of Examining and Calculating the Motions, Magni- tudes, Diſtances, Conjunctions, Eclip- fes, Apogeons, &c. of the Heavenly Bodies, by the Aid of Numbers, Geo- metry, Telleſcopes, Quadrants, and Micrometers. By this we may walk through the Air and Ether, and converfe familiarly with the moſt wonderful Parts of the Creation. Atlas, the Lybian, and King of Mau- ritania, forfook the Society of Men, and retir'd to the higheſt Mountain in Africa (which therefore bore his Name) that he might contemplate upon the Mo- tions of the Fix'd and Erratick Stars; and is for that reafon faid to bear up the Heavens with his Shoulders. He was the Inventer of the Spheres, 1590 Years be- fore Chrift.! + The Poets have feign'd the Moon to be in love with Endymion, becauſe he fpent his time upon Rocks rand Mountains (chiefly on Mount Latmos, in ftudying the Nature of the Moon and Stars, 1445 Years before Chriſt. 1 ૐ. We 1 The PREFACE, 1 We are not at all furpriz'd to find fo many great Men affect this Study (the Names of fome of whom that have arriv'd to a very great Proficiency, you may fee in the Preface to my System of the Planets demon- ftrated, and endeavour the Knowledge of fuch things as raife the greateſt Admiration in all who are igno- rant of it. To ſee a regular Succeffion of Day and Night, a conſtant Return of Seafons, and fuch an harmoni- ous Difpofition and Order of Nature, muſt neceffari- ly be a Noble Contemplation, and agreeable not only to the Nature of Man, but alſo to the Pofture of his Body, which is Erect; when other Creatures (wanting that Muſcle) are made to look downward upon the Earth. There have been great Contentions among the Learned of different Nations about the Origin of this Study, every one claiming an Intereft in it; as, the Babylonians, Egyptians, Grecians, Scythians, &c. But be that as it will, we now enjoy it in a very clear Light, to the immortal Honour of thofe two Great Geometricians, the late Sir Ifaac Newton, and Dr. Edmund Halley, our prefent Aftronomer-Royal. Upon this Science depend Navigation, Geography and Dialling; without which 'tis impoffible they fhould be maintain'd: For, first, the Mariner cannot conduct a Ship thro' the unbeaten Paths of the Ocean, without the help of it; but being well skill'd in Aftronomy, he may, by the Knowledge of Eclipfes, the Immerfions and Emerfions of Jupiter's Satellites, and the Times of the Tranfits of the Moon by the Fixed Stars and Planets, determine the true Difference of Meridians between London, and the Meri- The PREFACE. A Meridian where the Ship then is; which reduc'd into Degrees and Minutes of the Equator, is the true Longitude found at Sea. And for this reafon I would adviſe every Man who has the Care of a Ship, or of a School, that he both well inform himſelf, and alſo thoſe under his Inftruction, of the following Work, left he be like a certain Wappmeer, who lately publifh'd a Book of Navigation, and did not underſtand what he had tranfcrib'd into it. Secondly, The Geographer is affifted hereby, in lay- ing down the Cities, Towns and Countries in their true Longitude and Latitude. I aftly, It is by the help of this Science, that the Dialift is inform'd how to trace out the true Hour of the Day (in any part of the World,) by the Shadow of a Gnomon plac'd on a Plane, tho' never fo irregular. We read of many Perfons, who in this Study have trod fo near upon the Heels of Nature her felf, and have div'd into things fo far above the Apprehenfions of the Vulgar, that they have been believ❜d to be Necromancers, Magicians, &c. and what they have done, judg'd to be unlawful, and perform'd by Con- juration and Witchcraft, altho' the Miſtake lay in the Peoples Ignorance, and not in the others Studies. To undertake a Work of this nature, is to launch into the Ocean of Criticks. However, fince no abler Pen would undertake this Herculean Task, I have ventur'd to beſtow this my Twenty Years Study and Labour among my Country-men, wifhing they may reap as much Profit, as I have had Pleature in Com- piling this Work. But whofoever they be that read Authors, and do not by their own Senfe abftract true Repreſentations of the things themſelves comprehended in thoſe Au- a 2 thors The PREFACE Authors Expreffions, they do not reprefent true, but deceitful Idea's and Phantafms; by which means they form certain Shadows and Chimera's, and all their Theory and Contemplation (which they count Science) fhew nothing but Weakneſs. ? In the following Work I have added nothing fu- perfluous, nor omitted any thing that would be of ufe to the young Aftronomer: For in the firſt place, I have given you all the Terms of Art us'd in A- ſtronomy; by which the young Tyro is taught to ſpeak properly, without any other Guide or Tutor whate- ver. The Body of the Work I have divided into Five Sections The firft contains the Defcription and Uſe of the Sector; the fecond contains Spheric Geometry; in the third you have the Projection of the Sphere Or- thographically and Stereographically, on the Planes of the Meridian, Ecliptic and Horizon: In the fourth Section you have the Doctrine of the Sphere, according to the Apparent Motion of the Sun; wherein I have given the Problems in the fame Order in which they ought to be learn'd; with an Appendix of fuch Ta- bles as I thought neceffary for compleating this Work. The fifth and laft Section contains Aftrono- mical Precepts, which fhew the uſe of the Tables in an eafie and practical Method, being all that is re- quir'd to be known by them. Next after the Precepts follow the TABLES them- felves, which are grounded upon Sir Ifaac Newton's Radixes, and the Obfervations of Mr. Flameed: For by comparing as many Obfervations on Eclipfes as I could procure, I found that all our Aftronomical Ta- bles were faulty in the times of thofe Eclipfes, giving the times in the Afcending part of their Orbs too foon, and in the Deſcending too late; which put me upon endeavouring to rectifie that Errour. I The PREFACE. I alfo obferving (as Mr. Flamfteed and Dr. Halley had done before me) that Saturn mov'd too faſt by the Tables, Jupiter too flow, and Mars too flow in Aphelion, and too faft in Perihelion; thefe Irregula- rities you will find rectify'd in the following Tables, and brought to agree with the Obfervations of this prefent Age. I have alfo rectify'd the Præceffion of the Equi- nox to its true Place, and near 800 of the Fixed Stars, by my Aftronomical Quadrant; the Limb of which is divided into Minutes of a Degree. The Method of making Obfervations I have fhewn in Problems 41, 42,&c. of the Doctrine of the Sphere. In the 119th Page of my Syftem of the Planets De- monftrated, I have fhewn you, how the Declinations of the Fixed Stars increaſe and decreaſe; and that, by reaſon they move upon the Poles of the Ecliptic, they are found at different Diſtances from the Vertex of any Place: As, for Inftance, that Star in the Tail of the Little Bear, which we call the Polar Star, was not the Polar Star at the Creation of the World, nei- ther will it be the Polar Star 13337 Years hence; for it will then be 8° 56' 49" to the South of the Vertex of London. This may feem to thoſe who are unac- quainted with this Study, to be a Falfity: But I af fure you, there is not any Propofition in Euclid more demonftrable than this is, as you will find appear, at the End of the Precepts. In the Advertiſement publifh'd in Mr. Parker's Ephe- meris, and the Ladies Diary for the Year 1728, I promis'd the Tables of the Satellites of Saturn; but for two reafons I have omitted them. First, Becauſe they cannot be ſeen but with a very long Tube, and good Glaffes; and therefore are not to be purchas'd but at a great Expence. Secondly, They would have fwell'd the Book too much: So that I have contented my felf with the First Satellite of Jupiter only, the Im- The PREFACE, Immerſion and Emerfion of which frequently happen, and may be ſeen with a fmall Telleſcope. All the Tables I have digefted in a new, plain, and eafie Method: And to make the Work Compleat, I have added two ſeveral forts of Logistical Logarithms, with their Conſtruction and Ufe, having continu'd the latter to two Hours in Time. My Rules and Precepts are all plain and eaſie : For whereas other Authors fall immediately to work in Calculating an Eclipfe, without telling how to find it (which is a very improper way of Teaching,) you will have it otherwife here: For firft, I fhew you how to find the the Ecliptic Boundaries or Limits; then, how to find what Number of Eclipfes there will be in any Year; next, in what Months and Days they fall. Thus having proceeded gradually, I laft of all, fhew how to calculate the fame Eclipfe when found, for any determinate Latitude or Longitude on the Globe, with their Geometrical Conftruction, the Laws and Methods of General Eclipfes, the Tranfits, Occulta- tions, &c. It may be expected, that I fhould have given a Multitude of Obfervations (as is cuſtomary in Works of this nature) of the Places of all the Planets, E- clipfes, &c. But I have purpoſely omitted them, well knowing, that Authors have often made the Obferva- tions and their Tables to agree, on purpoſe to fet the better Gloſs upon them. I chufe rather to leave the Tryal to their own Obfervations, than to trouble them with any doubtful or unneceffary Truths. And as I have now given the World a Compleat Body, or Sistem of Aftronomy, in Two Parts; (the firſt by Inftrument, or the true Syftem of the Planets De- monftrated, a Book in Quarto, publish'd the laſt Year ;) fo in this Treatife you have all the moft nice and exact Rules of Calculation: Which two Books and Inftruments I advife every Student to purchaſe, and which The PREFACE. which with due Application, will make him a com- pleat Aftronomer. And farther, I recommend to the Reader's Perufal, my Sheet of Eclipfes, lately publifh'd; in which are the Types of all the Eclipfes that will be Vifible for 35 Years; only you are to underſtand, that the two Total Types of the Moon for the Year 1754, will not be Vifible at london, but in America only, as you may fee, if you compare them with the Table, Page 339, of this Book. In the Appendix to the Doctrine of the Sphere I have given you fome very uſeful Tables, viz. the Latitudes and Difference of Meridians of fome of the moſt Emi- nent Cities and Towns, with the true times of the Sun's Rifing and Setting, in Hours, Minutes and Se- conds, to every Degree of the Sun's Declination North and South, for thirty fix of the moſt noted Cities in the World. You have likewife at one View, all the Eclipfes that will happen for thirty feven Years to come, under the Meridian of London; which are of ufe in determining the Difference of Meridians between any other Place and that of London: As, fuppofe in a Ship at Sea, &c. you fhould obferve the Middle Time of the Moon's Eclipfe, Febr. 2, 1729, to be at 6 a-clock at Night: Look into this Table, and you will find the Middle Time to be at 8 h. 44'; the Difference of Me- ridians being 2 h. 44', which in Degrees is 41°; fo that the Ship is then fo much to the Weft of the Meri- dian of London. THE CONTORT ST or gas blob'duidug to all you ed llew: I eids oved Loak I zab!! -imil for odle ze -92 bna Mizo 77 03 art do smot in di Aro 1 to 2 ms on si ritiyent has 2 1 / emollus T bn dro nonalled dunk of to ourself van chara 291 Leven flom 963 to 4 ni GOY bych droë, bing algsby et e non siad szed goY of eneY nevolandi nolanarqui lliw son to stitiimad to walls sch rebus amo #1994 od analizom do subka 9di gerbil su a ni sloganit ¿Amb to set bos solli padio vas, emiT shit od oviste blok woy in gide bob-20 -9M to Jan bria ak aid2 zirla cami dea L. :30917 18 18 1 od os si cibbiM oh a Pool ni coin pads densibit -inMod to a Wella os down of neda zi quod dr រ A Boond to naib 2 1 THE CONTENTS A 'Stronomical Definitions, from Pagė 1, to Page 52 SECTION I Defcription of the Sector, Use of the Sector, Of the Line of Chords, 53 54 55 SG A Of the Line of Sines, To lay down an Angle by the Chords, Sines, Tangents and Secants, To find the Verfed Sine of an Arch, To find the Secant of an Arch, 57 58 ibid. 58 A Demostration to prove that Radius is a Mean Proportional between the Tangent of an Arch and the Tangent Complement of the fame, Spheric Geometry, SECTION IL To find the Pole of a Great Circle, To find the Pole of an Oblique Circle, To lay down any Angle required, To measure any Spheric Angle when Projected, 61 62 63 64 65 67 Page 68 70 To measure the Quantity of any Arch of a Great Circle, To draw a Parallel. Circle, To draw a Great Circle thro' any Point, making with the Primtive any given Angle, To draw a Great Circle thro' any two given Points within the Periphery of the Primtive, 71 To draw a Great Circle Perpendicular to a given Great Circle, : b 72 To The CONTENTS. To draw an Oblique Circle perpendicular to a Right Circle given, .. 73 To draw an Oblique Circle perpendicular to a given Oblique Circle, SECTION 3. 113 74 To project the Sphere Orthographically on the Plane of the Me- ridian, 75 To project the Sphere Stereographically upon the Plane of the Meridian, ... 76 The Stereographick Projection of the Sphere on the plane of the Ecliptic. 80 The Stereographick Projection on the plane of the Hori- zon, Direction for making an Horizorital Dial, 182 *86 SECTION 4. The Doctrine of the Sphere, 88 Of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, ibid. 89 90 91 To find the Sun's Declination, To find the Sun's Longitude or Place in the Ecliptic, To find the Sun's Right Afcenfion, To find the Sun's Amplitude, 92 To find the Afcenfional Difference, the true time of the Sun's Rifing and Setting, 93 To find the Oblique Afcenfion and Oblique Defcenfion," 95 To find the Oblique Afcenfion and Oblique Defcenfion of the Sun, Moon or Star, :96 To find the Beginning, Duration and End of the longest Day, and Night in any Latitude, To find the Apparent Time of the Sun's Setting, To find the time when the Sun will be due East and West, To find the Sun's Azimuth when due East and Weft, To find the Sun's Azimuth at the Hour of Six, To find the Sun's Altitude at the Hour of Six, 98 100 тоз 105 106 108 To find the Sun's Altitude at any Hour when he is in the Equi- noctial, The Sun's Azimuth given, to find the Altitude, 109 110 To find the Sun's Altitude at any Hour, and in any Latitude pro- pofed, By the Latitude of the Place, Sun's-Declination and Altitude, to find the Hour of the Day, To find the Sun's Azimuth at any Time and Place, 115 122 To 1 The CONTENT´S. } To find the Beginning and Ending of the Twilight, To find when the forteft Twilight happens, To find the true Declination of a Star or Planet, To find the Right Afcenfions of the Planets, &c 128 13 1 132 138 To find the Right Afcenfion of the Planets, by having only the Longitude and Latitude given, 140 By the Declination and Right Afcenfion of a Star, to find its Longitude and Latitude, To find the Sun's Declination when he rises and fets at any Hour and Place, A Table of the Declinations and Right Afcenfions of 42 fixed Stars, 141 144 146 By the Sun's Azimuth, to find the Declination. 147 A Table of the Sun's Declination to every 5th Day for infcribing the Month in Gunter's Quadrant, 149 A Table of the Sun's Meridian Altitude at London 150 A Table of the Sun's Altitude at every Hour in the Equator 151 A Table of the Afcenfional Difference to every Degree of the Sun's Declination, To draw the Azimuth in the Quadrant, 153 154 For the Sun's Altitude on any Azimuth, from 155 to 160 To find the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven, 161 To find the Medium Coeli in the Ecliptic, commonly called the Culp of the Tenth, 162 To find the Meridian Angle, 163 To find the Declination of the Culminating Point 164 To find Altitude of the Mid-Heaven, To find the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree, 165 166 # To find the Nonagefime Degree, To find the Cusp of the Afcendant, 167 168 To find the Parallactick Angle, 172 To find the Parallactic Angle another way, 174 To find the Sun's Parallax in Longitude and Latitude Of the Parallax of the Sun, Moon and Stars, 175 176 to page 183 Horizontal Parallaxes, from 184 to Shewing the Several Methods fed by Aftronomers for obtain- ing the How to make Cœleftial Obfervations, To obferve the true Place of the Sun, 188 ibid 189 How to cbferve the true Places of the Planets from 191 to 211 By the Declination of the Planets to find the Longitude, 212 How to Erect a Cœleftial Scheme by the Doctrine of Oblique - Angled - Spherc - Triangles, from 214, to 227 b 2 A The CONTENTS. A more Expeditious Way of Èrecting a Cœleftial Scheme, ibid. To calculate Hour-Lines upon all Sorts of Dials that have Cen- ters, 234 To find the true and apparent Times of the Southing of Fixed Stars and Planets, To find the time of the Rifing of the Stars and Planets, 243 248 To find the true times of the Setting of the Stars and Planets, To find the Cofmical Rifing of the Stars, 258 266' To find the time of the Cofmical Setting of the Heavenly Bodies. 268 To find the times of the Achronical Rifing of the Stars and Planets, 272 The times of the Achronical Setting, 273 To find the true time of the Heliacal Rifing of the Stars and Planets. 276 278 To find the time of the Heliacal Setting, To find when a given Star or Planet will be in the Nonagefime Degree, 280 291 To find the Logarithm of a whole Number confifting of 5, 6, or 7 Places, and of a Fraction, &c. from 283 to A Logarithm given, to find the Abfolute Number, To draw a Tangent to a given Circle, The uſe of the Appendix to the Doctrine of the Sphere, ibid. 293 297 The use of Shakerley's Logistical Logarithms, 298 The use of Street's Logistical Logarithms, 300 A Table of Golden Number and Epacts, 305 A Table of Dominical Letters, 306 A Table of the Number of Direction, 307 A Table of the Movable Feaft and Terms, 308, 309, 310 A Table of Week-Days and Months-Days, 311 A Table of Number of Days from any one Day to another, 312 A Table fhewing the Roman Eafter 317 A Catalogue of Cities and Towns 315 the World, Tables of the Sun's Rifing and Sitting at all the chief Cities in from 318 to 335 A Table of all the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon for 37 years,336 A Table of Break of Day, A Table of the End of Twilight, 341 343 SECTION 1 The CONTENT S. } SECTION 5. Aftronomical Precepts How to Reduce any Meridian to that of London 337 How to find the Equation of Time, 339 How to compute the true Longitude of the Fixed Stars, How to calculate the true Place of the Sun, 341 ibid 344 349 How to calculate the Sun's Ingrefs into any of the 12 Signs, How to calculate the true Place of the Moon, How to find the true time of the Conjunction or Oppofition of the Sun and Moon, 353 How to calculate the true Heliocentric, and Geocentric place of the five primary Planets, with an Example in each Planet, from Page 357 to 364 365 To find the Aphelions and Perihelions of the Planets, How to find the Apogeon, and Perigeon of the Sun and Moon, 369 How to find the Retrogradations of the Planets, How to find the Mutual and Lunar Afpects, 372 375 How to determine the Ecliptic Boundaries of the Sun and Moon, 378 How to find, in any year, how many Eclipfes there will be, and in what Month they happen, 381 How to calculate an Eclipfe of the Moon, 386 How to delineate the Eclipfe of the Moon, 394 How to construct an Eclipfe of the Moon Geometrically, 395 How to calculate an Eclipfe of the Sun, from Page 398 to 408 How to delineate a Solar Eclipfe, ibid. How to calculate the times of a General Eclipfe of the Sun, from Page 410 to 418 419 How to construct the Sun's Eclipſe Geometrically, How to calculate the Tranfits of Venus and Mercury over the Sun, 425 The Calculation of the Immersion and Emerfions of the firſt Satellite of Jupiter, 433 How to find the true Hour of the Night by the shadow of the Moon on a Sun-Dial, 436 A Demonstration that our Pole, was not the Artick Pole at the Creation, &c. 437 Tables of Sirius's Rifing, Southing, and Setting, to every Day in the Year at London, 443 The The CONTENT S. The Aftronomical Tables. A Table of the Equation of Time, A Table of the Præceffion of the Equinox, Table of the Sun's mean Motions ī Page 2,3 4 from 8 to 30 'from 31 to 62 64 The Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun 65 56 67 Tables of the Moon's mean Motions Table of the Parallax and Refractions, Table for converting Hours and Minutes into Dgrees, A Table fhewing the Lunar Afpects by Inspection, 4 Table of the Inclination of the Moon's Orb with the Equinoctial, Table of Declination and Meridian Angle, Table of the Nonagefime Degree 71 73 from 75 to 80 Table of the Angle of the true Motion of the Moon from the Sun that it makes with the Ecliptic, A Table fhewing when the Sun, Moon or Nonagefime Degree The mean Motion of Mercury, The Tables of Venus, The Tables of Mars, The Tables of Jupiter, The Tables of Saturn, A Catalogue of Fixed Stars, 1 81 Star will be in thè 82 to 87 3 from 88 to III from page 112 to 135 from page 136 to 159 •· from page 160 to 183 from page 184 to 207 from 209 to 243 A Table of the mean Conjunction of the first Satellite of Jupiter, A Table of Right Afcenfions in time and South Latitude A Table of Oblique Afcenfions and time, to fix Degrees of North Shakerley's Logistical Logarithms Street's Logistical Logarithms from page 244 to 261 to Six Degrees of North from page 262 to 285 Oblique Defcenfions in and South Latitude, from page 286 to 309 from 310 to 351 from 352 to 376 from 372 to the End. Logiſtical Logarithms continu'd by the Author,` ! ERRATA. J 1 r. ERRAT A. r. AGE 8, Line 23, Read 0.231655; P. 33, 1. 8, r. Coſmical; PAGE p. 34, 1. 14, r. 50"; p. 48, 1. 1Ì, dele the; P. 55, 1. 10, f this extant; p. 64, 1. 3, dele of ; . P. 79, 1. 15, г. 66° 31′; P. 80, 1. 37, for in r. is; p. 97, 1. 8, r. 1' 7"; p. 98, 1. 2, r. 56°; p. 104, 1. 12, г. 690 48; p. 120, 1. 9, r. Sine; p. 123, 1. 9, r. Latitude; p. 125, 1. 16, r. half = 320 30'; p. 130, 1.6, r. X; p. 144, 1. 15, r. 2 h. 50 27"; P. 144, l. 17, r. 3′h. 31′ 20″; p.145,1.5, under time r.H; p.146, 1.ult. r.23′; p. 147, againſt 11, r.24; P.153, 1.29, r.23°; p. 164, 1.16, r. To Sine R. A; p. 188, 149, r. through; p.207, 1. ult. r. Solftitial Colure; p.251, 1. 20, r. Eftimate Time; p. 269, 1.5, r. 85° 32'; P. 315, 1. 39, r. 53° 22′; p. 360, 1. ult. r. when Anomaly Commutation is less than 6 Signs, they are Oc- cident if more than 6 Signs, Orient; p. 364, 1. 6. r. Novemb. 6; P: 367, 1. 12, r. 1728; p. 370, 1. 21, r. one hour; P. 371, 1. 2, г. 42′ 17″; p. 389, 1. 10, r. is to fix Digits; P. 420, I. 16, r. VS 710 5′ 22″; p. 421, in the Scheme for Ir. H; P. 432, 1. ult. for New, r. PRECEPT 20. In the TABLES. PAGE 3, at the foor of the Table write 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 Signs; p. 26. against 23 hours, r. 56′ in both Columns; P. 42, againſt 18 Days, r. 8° 56′ 58" under Node; p. 50, againſt 33 under Anomaly, r. 17° 57′52″; p. 110, under Inclination, for 8" p. 158, for Sign 1 S. r. N; p. 64, Refraction at 33° Alt. is 114, and at 43° Refract. is o' 52", and r.o 2″, # } 55 66 Alt 34 29 70Refraction is 19, 01 180 1 90 p. 286, 1. Fa F. 51° 34′. 9 In the Calculations of the Places of the three Superior Planets Saturn, Jupi- ter, and Mars, the Mean Motions differ a few Seconds from the Tables, by reaſon I had finish'd the Calculations, before the Tables, that the pre might not wait, 4 BOOKS lately publish'd, by J. WILCOX at A the Green Dragon in Little Britain. Stronomy: Or, the true Syftem of the Planets demonftra- ted; wherein are fhewn by Inftrument, their Anoma- lies, &c. both in Longitude and Latitude; with their Diftan- ces from the Sun and Earth: Alfo the Method of Computing the times when Venus, and Mercury may be feen in the Sun's Disk, &c. with proper Cuts to each Planet: By which any Perfon may in a few Hours, and with great Eafe attain to a perfect Knowledge of the Planetary or Solar Syftem. Likewife the Places of the Heavenly Bodies and Motions of the Earth are not only fhewn, but plainly and fuccinctly demonftrated to the Meanest Capacity, by Short and Eafy Rules and New Aftro- nomical Tables. A Work entirely New, and in a Method hi- therto unattempted. By Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematicks. 2. Magnum in Parvo; or the Marrow of Architecture, fhewing how to draw a Column with its Bafe, Capital, Entablature, and Pedeſtal; and alfo an Arch of any of the five Orders; and duly Limit the Rife and Projection of every one, even the fmalleft Member, according to the Proportion laid down by the Moſt Celebrated PALLADIO, to the utmoſt Degree of Ex- actness and Speed as poffible; fo Plain, and fo Eafie, that a young Gentleman, tho' an utter Stranger to the Art, may ap- prehend the whole, by feeing only one Example wrought; in a Method intirely New. By William Halfpenny. Price 5 s. A Advertiſement. Stronomy, and Geography, with other parts of the Ma- thematicks, the ufe of the Globes, Mapps, &c. are care- fully taught by this Author, at his Houfe the Hand and Pen, in Cock Lane Shoreditch, London; or at any Gentleman's Apart- ment. Alfo Land Survey'd and Mapp'd, Dials Delineated for any Latitude; with a new and curious Method of fixing Hori- zontal Dials. GEO Lobes, Spheres, Weather-Glaffes, Teleſcopes and Aftro- nomical Quadrants, all forts of Mathematical Inftru- ments, in Silver, Brafs, Ivory or Wood, according to the beſt Improvements, are accurately made and fold by Thomas Heath at the Hercules and Globe, next Door to the Fountain-Tavern, in the Strand, London. Alfo Mathematical Books fold. 1 TH Aftronomical Definitions. A A. Chronical, Rifing and Setting of the Stars, is, when they rife in the Evening in the Eaſtern Horizon, as the Sun fets; and ſet: in the Evening in the Weſtern Horizon with the Sun. [See the Doctrine of the Sphere] Ara's, are certain Periods of Time whence Chronologers begin to compute; and the moft eminent Era's among them are, The Era of the World's Creation, which reckons 3949 Years before the Birth of Chrift, and which, according to the Julian Account, began the 24th Day of October. The Jewish Ara begins in Autumn, about the Year of Chrift 344. The Era from the Deftruction of Troy begins June 16. The Era of Nabonaſſar begins Feb. 26, before Chrift 147% The Era of the Olympiads begins from the New Moon in the Summer-Solftice, 777 Years before Chrift. The Era of Iphitus is only a Collection of the Olympick Years; theſe two are the Era's chiefly uſed by the Greek Hiftorians. The Roman Era from the Building of the City, begins April 21, and is 752 Years before Chriſt. The Chriftian Era from the Birth of Chrift, begins Decem- ber 25. B The • 2 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. The Turkiſh Æra, or the Hagira, began the 16th Day of Ju- ly, Anno Dom. 623. The Era of the Death of Alexander the Great, is the 12th of November, 324 Years before Chrift. The Julian Era takes it name from Julius Cæfar's Reforma- tion of the Calender, which was done 45 Years before Chrift, in the 708th Year from the Building of Rome, and in the 731st Olympiad. The Ethiopick, Abyffyne, or, as fome call it, the Dioclefian Æra, others the Era of the Martyrs, becauſe it bore date with a very fevere Perfecution; this Era began Auguſt 29, A. D. 284, and in the firft Year of the Emperor Dioclefian. 'Tis uſed by the Ægyptians, and Abyſſynes. The Perfick, or Jefdegerdick Era, takes its Date, either from the Coronation of the laft Perfian King Fefdegeris, or from his being Conquered by Ottoman the Saracen, which was June 16, A. D. 632. The Gregorian Era takes its Name from Pope Gregory the XIII. and began in October, Anno Domini 1582, and from the Reformation of the Calender. Almicantarabs, fo called by the Arabians, are Circles of Altitude parallel to the Horizon, (in any of the three Po- fitions of the Heavens,) and you may imagine as many as there are Points between the Horizon and Zenith. Altitude, is the height of the Sun, Moon or Stars a- bove the Horizon, in an Azimuth-Circle, and is counted in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds. Almanack, an Arabick Word, and fignifies Diftribution, or Numeration; whence our Annual Books wherein the Days of the Month, Feftivals, Lunations, Motions of the Heavenly Bodies, Eclipfes, &c. being fet down, are ſo cal- led. Amplitude, is an Arch of the Horizon, contained between the Rifing and Setting of the Sun, Moon, or any Star, and the Eaft and Weft Points of the Horizon, and numbred in De- grees and Minutes, and is always of the fame Name with the Declination of the Sun, Moon, or Star, which how to find ſhall be fhewed in the Doctrine of the Sphere. Analemma, is a Projection of the Sphere on the Plane of the Meridian, Orthographically made by ftreight Lines and Ellipfes, the Eye being fuppofed at an infinite Di- ftance, and in the Eaft and Weft Points of the Horizon. Ana- Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 3 Analogy, is much the fame with Proportion, and is often ufed for that Word. Angle, is made by the meeting of two Lines in a Point, and may be of any quantity lefs than 180°; it is frequently made ufe of by Aftronomers in theſe particulars, viz. An- gle of Incidence in a Solar Eclipfe is formed by a Line drawn from the Center of the Penumbra at the beginning of the Eclipfe to the Center of the Earth's Disk; and this is called the firſt Angle of Incidence. The fecond is formed by a Line drawn from the Center of the Penumbra to the Center of the Disk at the beginning of the Central Eclipfe; that is, when the Center of the Penumbra firſt touches the Earth's Disk. And the third Angle of Incidence happens when all the Penumbra falls within the Disk, and it is formed by a Line drawn from the Center of the Disk to the Perimeter of the Disk in that Point where the Peri- meter of the Penumbra laft toucheth it in its total Obſcu- rity within the Disk. This third Angle can only happen when the true Latitude of the Moon at the true time of the Conjunction of the Sun and Moon is less than the difference of the Semidiameter of the Penumbra and the Earth's Disk. Angle, of Incidence in the Moon's Eclipfe, is formed by a Line drawn from the Center of the Moon, touching the Axis of the Moon's Orb in the Center of the Earth's Shadow, at the times of the Beginning or Ending of the E- clipfe. Angle, of the Sun's Pofition, is made by an Azimuth- Circle, and the Meridian in the Zenith, the fame Azi- muth being continued or ſuppoſed to pafs thro' the Center of the Sun. Angle Parallactick, is made by the Interfection of a Vertical Circle with the Ecliptic thro' the Body of the Sun, Moon or Star. This is of fingular ufe in the Compu- tation of Solar Eclipſes. Angle, of Inclination of the Earth's Axis, to the Axis of the Ecliptic is 23° 294, and remains inviolably in all Points of the Earth's Annual Orbit. This Quantity is called by the Copernicans, The Earth's Reflection; but by the Ptolemaicks, The Sun's greateſt Declination, or Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Angle, of Evection, is a fecond Inequality in the Motion of the Moon, by which at her Quarters fhe is not in that Line which paffes thro' the Center of the Earth and B 2 Sun 4 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Sun, as the is at her Conjunction and Oppofition. This Angle in the Quadratures is about 2 Deg. 37' Angle, of Reflection, is a third Inequality of the Motion of the Moon, and arifes from her Apogeon, being chan- ged as her Syftem is carried round the Sun by the Earth's Motion. [See my Aftronomy, or Syftem of the Planets demonftrated.] This Angle is greateſt, when the Moon is 45 Degrees diftant from the Conjunction, Square or Oppofition of the Sun, before, and after him; and in Quantity is then 37′ 33″. Angle of Ecliptic and Horizon, is the fame with the Alti- tude of the Nonagefime Degree, and is of great uſe in the Calculation of Solar Eclipfes, &c. Angle of Direction, in the New Aftronomy, is made by the meeting of the Axis of the Moon's Orb with the Axis of the Globe in a Point, and that Point is always at the Center of the Earth's Disk. It is of great ufe in the Geometrical Conftruction of Solar Eclipſes; and if the Sun be in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittary, the Earth's Axis lies to the right hand of the Axis of the Ecliptic in the Projection: But if the Sun be in the oppo- fite Signs at the time of the Eclipfe, viz. in Capricorn, Aqua- rius, Pifces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, then the faid Axis lies to the left hand. Annus Magnus, Or the great Year, contains 25920 Years, this being that ſpace of time the fixed Stars are in perfor- ming one entire Revolution at 50" per Year. Anomaly, in Aftronomy, is the Diftance of a Planet in Signs, Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds from the Aphelial Point. Antarick Pole, is the South Pole of the World, being the fuppofed Center of the Earth's Axis, and is diame- trically oppofite to the Artic Pole. Antartick Circle, is a leffer Circle of the Sphere, and diſtant from its Pole 23º 29'. Antipodes, are thofe People that walk Feet againſt Feet, fo as a right Line being drawn from the one to the o- ther, fhall pals directly thro' the Center of the Earth : Hence it follows, that the quantity of their Seaſons are the fame with ours; only when it is Summer to the one it's Win- ter to the other. The Antipodes of London fall on the Globe in the unknown Southern Parts of the World. Aphe- Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 5 I Aphelion is that Point in our Syftem, in which a Planet is at its greateft diftance from the Sun, and moves flow- eft. Apogeon, is when a Planet is at its greateſt Diſtance from the Earth; the Moon in this Pofition moves flow- eft. Apparent, Conjunction, or Place of a Planet, is when the Right Line that is fuppofed to be drawn thro' the Center of the Planet, doth not pafs thro' the Center of the Earth, the Caufe of which is the Parallax. Apfis, fignifies the two Ends of the Tranſverſe Diameter, of the Ellipfis in which the Planets move, and denotes as well the Apogeon as Perigeon. Argument of Latitude, is the diſtance of the Moon from the North Nöde, in Signs, Degrees, Minures and Seconds. It is upon this, that the Latitude of the Moon and Eclipſes of the Luminaries depend. Aries, a Conftellation of 21 Stars, lying in the Zodiack in the figure of a Ram, and is the firft Sign, marked thus r. Artick Pole, the North Pole of the World; taking its Name from Artos, the Bear, a Conftellation in the Northern Part of the Heavens. Artick Circle, is drawn 23° 29' from the Pole, and parallel to the Equator. Afcenfional Difference, is the difference between the Right and Oblique Afcenfion, or Defcenfion; or, it is the Space of Time the Sun rifeth or ferreth before or after Six a- Clock; which is an Arch of the Equinoctial, meaſured between that Point of it which rifeth with the Sun, Moon. or Star, and that Part of it which comes to the Meridian with them. Afcendant, is the Eaſtern part of the Horizon. When the Sun, Moon or Stars, are rifing, they are ſaid to be on the Cufp of the Afcendant; it is alfo called the Eaftern Fini- tor. Afpet, from the Latin Afpicio, to behold, is a Correſpondence or Familiarity of two Planets mutually beholding each other with fome Ray Harmonically confidered; or when they are pofited at fuch a certain diftance in the Zodiack, wherein they mutually help or afflict one another. Of thefe Afpects-pro- perly there are but four old ones, and eight new ones; to which is added a Conjunction, tho' improperly called an Afpect. Kepler defines an Afpect thus; That it is an B 3 Angle 6 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Angle formed on the Earth by the luminous Rays of two Planets, efficacious to the ftirring up of Nature; for when two Planets are joyned with, or be held of each other, they feminate or breed fomething in fublunary Bodies according to their own nature. Afterifm, from After a Star, is the fame with Conftellation, or Parcel of fixt Stars, fuppoſed to reprefent fome one Image or Figure defign'd on purpoſe to diftinguiſh one Star from another. Aftronomy, from After, a Star, and Nomos a Law, is a Science by which we are taught the Motions, Magnitudes and Di- ſtances, and whatever belongs to the Knowledge of the Hea- venly Bodies. Atmosphere, is the lowest part of the Region of the Air, with which our Earth is Compaffed all round. Its Height is 47.12 Miles, as I have Demonftrnted in my System of the Planets. Auge, the fame with Aphelion, which fee. Aurora, the Morning-Twilight which begins to appear when the Sun approacheth within 180 of the Eaſtern Horizon; and this is always equal to the Time between the time of Sun-fetting and the end of Twilight in the Evening. Auftral, of, or belonging to the South; alfo Libra, Scorpio, Sagittary, Capricorn, Aquarius, Fifces, are Auftral Signs; becauſe they lye on the South fide of the Equinoctial. Autumn, the third Quarter of the Year, beginning when the Sun enters the Sign Libra, which is in this Age on September 12, or 13, bringing Harveft or Fall of the Leaf, and making equal Day and Night, Aux, the fame with Apogeon. Axiome, is a Principle in any Science, fo evident, that it need nothing but the Light of Reaſon to Demonftrate it. Axis, of the World, is an Imaginary Line, conceived to pafs through the Center of the Earth, from one Pole to ano- ther. Azimuths, or Vertical Circles, are great Circles interfecting each other in the Zenith and Nadir (as Meridians or Hour- Circles do in the Poles) and cutting the Horizon at Right Angles. The Sun's Azimuth is of great ufe in Dialling and in Navigation, which how to find, I fhall teach in the Doctrine of the Sphere, following. Be Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 7 B. Biquintile Afpect, is a new Afpect obferved by John Kepler; it contains parts of the whole Circle 4s. 24°. Biffextile, the fame as our Leap-Year; and the reaſon of the Name, is, becauſe in every fourth Year, they accounted the 6th Day of the Calends of March twice; For once in four Years the odd fix Hours above 365 Days made up juft a whole Day; and that they place next after the 24th Day of February, which cauſeth that Month in Leap-Year to have 366 Days; which must be carefully obferved in the Calculation of the Planets Places. Boreal, of, or belonging to the North: So the Boreal Signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo; becauſe they lye on the North Side the Equinoctial. CA C. Ancer, the Crab: In Calculating the Planets Places it is in Number 3; 3; or the beginning of it is the third Sign Com- pleat, and is thus marked; It is a Cardinal and Tropical Sign, unto which when the Sun comes, which is about the 10th Day of June, he makes longeſt Day and ſhorteſt Night to all the Northern Inhabitants; and he has then the greateft Declination, Amplitude and Altitude. Calender, is the fame with Almanack; which ſee. Canis Major, and Canis Minor; Two Conftellations; one in the North, and the other in the Southern Hemisphere, which rife with the Sun from about July the 9th to Au- guft the 29th, and gives occafion to that time which is ge- nerally very hot and fultry, to be called the Canicular, or Dog-Days. See the Catalogue of the Fixed Stars. Capricorn, the Goat, marked thus, VS, is the 9th Com-. pleat Sign in Aftronomical Calculations: It is a Car- dinal, and the South Tropical Sign, unto which when the Sun comes, which is about the 10th of December, he makes the ſhorteſt Day and longeft Night, to all that inhabit this fide the Equator. The Sun has then the greateſt South Declination and Amplitude, but the leaft Meridian Altitude. B 4 Car- Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Cardinal Signs, are thefe four; Aries V, Cancer S, Li- bra, Capricorn VS. Colures, are two great Circles which interfect one ano- ther at right Angles in the Poles of the World, and di- vide the Zodiack into four equal Parts, and denote the four Seaſons of the Year; that paffing thro' Cancer and Capricorn is called the Solftitial Colure; and the other that paffes thro' Aries and Libra, is called the Equinoctial Colure. Combuft, is when a Planet is within 8° 30' of the Sun, either before or after him. Commutation, is the Angle at the Sun, made by two Lines, one drawn from the Earth, and the other from a Primary Planet meeting in the Sun's Cen- ter. Complement, a filling up of any Arch or Angle, is what that Arch or Angle wants of 90 Degrees, or that Part by which it exceeds 90 Degrees, to make it up 180 Degrees. Complement Arithmetical, marked Co. Ar. is what any Logarithm wants of 9, and the Unites place taken from 10; thus the Logarithm 9.768345 being given, its Co. Ar. is 0.231655 and fo of any other Logarithm, Sine, Tan- gent or Secant, &c. it is of good ufe when the Radius comes not in the Analogy, as you will find often in the Doctrine of the Sphere. Conjunction, (true,) as when the Sun and Moon (or any other Planet) are exactly in one Degree and Minute of the fame Sign, fo as as a Line fuppofed to be drawn thro' their Center will alfo país thro' the Earth's Cen- ter. Apparent is when their Centers lye in a right I ne with the Eye of the Obſerver. Constellation, fee Afterifm. Conftruction, is the drawing of Lines, and forming of Figures, or preparing the Propofition for a Demonftra- tion. Corollary, is a Confequent Truth, gained from fome pre- ceding Demonftration. Cofmical. Stars are faid to rife Cofmically, when they rife in the Morning with the Sun; and to fer Colmically, when they fet as the Sun rifeth. In the Doctrine of the Sphere, I have fhewed how to Calculate the Colmical' Ri- fing and Setting of any of the Heavenly Bodies. Cul- Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 9 Culminating, or Culmen Cali, the higheft Point in Heaven,' and that any Planet or Star can rife to in any Latitude when a Star comes to the Meridian of any place, 'tis laid to Culminate Alfo the Southing of the Moon and Stars are taken for the fame thing. Cycle of the Moon, is a Revolution of 19 Years, in which Time the Conjunctions and Lunar Aſpects are nearly the fame they were 19 Years before. It is alſo called the Prime, or Golden Number. Cycle of Indiction, is a Revolution of 15 Years, of uſe only at Rome. This has nothing to do with the Heaven- ly Motion, being eſtabliſhed by Conftantine, Anno Domini 312, September 24, who fubftituted them in the room of the Olympiads. They are fo called, becauſe they deno- ted the Year that Tribute was to be paid. Cycle of Eafter, is a Revolution of 532 Years found by the Multiplication of the Solar Cycle 28, by the Lunar 19: For in that time do the Holy Feaft of Eafter, and all things depending thereon, return to the fame ftate again. D. DAY Natural, determined by the Sun's Motion (according to appearance) round the Earth in near 24 Hours, tho' really it is the Earth round her own Axis from the Weft to the Eaft in near that Time: It is alſo called Civil, becauſe it is sy divers Nations reckoned divers ways. The Ba- bylonians begin to account their Day from the Sun-rifing; as likewife do the Inhabitants of Nuremburg in Germany; the Athenians, Jews and Italians from Sun fetting; the Egyp tians and English at Midnight: But Aftronomers begin the Day at Noon; to which tine are the places of all the Pla- nets fupputated in our Ephemerides. Day Artificial, is the time between the Sun's rifing and fetting; to which is oppofed Night, which is the Time that the Sun is under the Horizon. Declination of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, are, their di ſtance from the Equinoctial, reckoned on a Circle of Longi tude in Degrees and Minutes between the Star and Equino- tial, and is either North or South: The Sun's greateſt De- clination is 23° 29', the Moon's 28° 45' 20"; but the Moon's is not always fo much when he is in Cancer and Capricorn; but only when her Nodes are in Aries and Libra; for which 10 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. which purpoſe I have given you a Table of the Inclination of the Moon's Orb with the Equinoctial. Definition, is the unfolding, or explicating of the Nature and Affection of a rhing. Degree, is the 360th Part of a Circle, or the 30th Part of a Sign. Demonftration, is the proving of a thing by Definition and Axiome; and fo from feveral Arguments drawing a Con- clufion, that it has that Affection the Propofition did Af- fert. Defcenfion, of the Heavenly Bodies, is their going down, or ſetting in the Weſtern Horizon. Dexter Afpect, is made contrary to the fucceffion of the Sign, as from V to . . &c. Z. Digit, proper y a Fager's Breadth; but in Aftronomy, it is the Twelth part of the 'un's Diameter, made uſe of, in Eclipfes; but the Moon's Digits may amount to a- bout 23. All above 12 fhew how far the fhadow of the Earth is over the ſhadow of the Moon. Direct; a Planet is faid to move Direct, when it moves from Aries to Taurus, &c. The Sun and Moon are always fo; but the Primary Planets are fometimes Retrograde. at the Earth; for a demonftr.tion of which fee my A- Stronomy, or Syftem of the Planets demonftrated. Disk of the Sun and Moon, are their round Phaſes or Faces, which at their great diſtance from us appear to us plain, flat, or like Diſhes. Disk of the Earth, is the difference between the Horizon- tal Parallax of the Sun 10', and the Horizontal Parallax of the Moon (which is different at different Times) which is de- monftrated by the Diagram of Hipparchus, and uſed in the Geometrical Conftruction of Solar Eclipfes, as I fhall fhew at large in the following Sheets. Diurnal, of or belonging to the Day. The Diurnal Moti- ons of the Planets in Longitude and Latitude are what they move from the Noon of one Day, to the Noon of the next Day, which Quantities you may fee in the following Aftrono- mical Tables. Dog-Days. See Canis Major. Dominical Letter; one of the firft feven Letters of the 'Alphabet, wherewith the Sundays are marked in the Almanacks. with a Red Letter throughout the Year. In my Syftem of the Planets demonftrated I have given New Numbers which fupply the uſe of the Dominical Letters,) for finding what Day of the Week any Day of the Month is for ever. Dra Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. IT Dragons-Head, or Afcending Node, is the North Interfection of the Moon's Orb with the Ecliptic; to which when the Moon comes, ſhe has no Latitude. It is Character'd thus . R. Dragon's-Tayl, or, Defcending Node, is the South Interfection of the Moon's Orb with the Ecliptic, to which when the Moon comes fhe has again no Latitude. It is alfo called Catabibazon, and is diametrically oppofite to the Dragon's Head; and their mean Motion is Retrograde, as may be ſeen by the follow- ing Tables. It is Character'd thus 8. Dragon, is a Northern Conftellation, which fee in the Catalogue of the Fixed Stars. Duplicate Ratio, is no more then the Proportion of the firft to the third, in three continual Proportionals. Duration, of an Eclipfe, Occultation, &c. is the Time it continues to be Eclipfed, or hid from our Sight. E. Earth. In my System of the Planets demonstrated, I have proved, that the Earth has an Annual and Diurnal Mo- tion, and that the Sun is at Reft in the Center of the Univerſe. Dr. Gregory faith, that the Earth's Axis keeps nearly parallel to it felf in its Annual Revolution round the Sun; and that by reaſon of its ſwift Diurnal Motion, purs on the Figure of an Oblate Spheroid, fwelling out towards the Equatorial Parts, and contracted towards the Poles; fo that the Diameter of it at the Equator, is longer than the Axis by 63 Miles: For Sir Ifaac Newton proved, that the Polar Diameter or Axis, is to the Equatorial one, as 689 to 692. Therefore according to Norwood's Meaſure, I have Calculated the Earth's Circumference Diameter 25035.84) Engliſh 7969.16 Miles. Height of the Earth's Atmoſphere 47.12 The Cone of the Atmoſphere and Shadow does not reach fo far as the Orb of Mars. Eccentricity, is the diſtance between the Center of the Ellipfis and the Focus. Here Note, that the Sun is feated upon the lower Focus of the Ellipfis in the Syftem of the fix Primary Planets, and the Earth upon the lower Focus in the Moon's Syftem. Eccentrick Place of a Planet, is the fame with the Orbit- Place, Eclipse, 12 Aftronomical DEFINITION S. Eclipfe, is a Deprivation of Light. The Eclipfe of the Sun (or truly the Earth) is caufed by the Interpofition of the Moon's dark Body between the Sun and our Sight, and can never happen but at the New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are less than 180 from the Moon's Nodes; and by rea- fon of the Nearnefs of the Moon to the Earth, and fudden Change in Parallax, the fame Solar Eclipfe fhall be Total to one Part ofthe Earth, to another Partial, and to another Inha- bitant no Eclipſe at all. ; The Moon's Eclipfe is real, and univerfal; and is cauſed by the Interpofition of the Earth between the Sun and Moon and this can never happen but at the Full Moon; within lefs than 120 of her Nodes, for the Moon being an Opake Body, borrowing all her Light from the Sun, is then deprived of that borrowed Light, and fo is Eclipfed. There can never happen more than fix, nor leſs than two Eclipfes in one Year; and when two, they are both of the Sun. See my Aftronomy, printed 1727. Ecliptic, is one of the Six great Circles of the Sphere, in- terfecting the Equinoctial in two Oppofite Points, Aries and Libra, making an Angle therewith of 23° 29', called, the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, equal to the Sun's greateſt Declinati- on: In this Circle (according to appearance) is the Sun always found, and the Earth truly, in the Oppofite Sign Degree and Minute: It is divided into 12 equal Parts call'd Signs, and every Sign into 30°, every Degree into 60', and every Minute into 60'. It alſo toucheth the two Tropicks in the very beginning of Cancer and Capricorn. Elevation, of the Pole, is an Arch of the Meridian compre- hended between the Pole and the Horizon, which is always equal to the Arch of the Meridian between the Zenith and Equinoctial; theſe being the fame with the Latitude of the Place of habitation. Ember-Weeks, are thofe Weeks in which the Ember-Days fall; they were of great Antiquity in the Church in the Primitive Times, and are four in Number, and were therefore called by the ancient Fathers, Quatuor anni Tempora. the four Cardinal Seafons on which the Circles of the Year turn: They are the Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays next after Quadragefima Sunday, after Whit-funday, after Holy Rood- Day September 14, and after St. Lucy's Day December 13: They were at firft ordained for Quarterly Seafons of Devo- rion; wherein as the first Fruits of every Sealon, the ancient Chriftians put up their Prayers and Supplications to Almighty God, Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 13 God, that thereby the whole Year, and every of its four Parts might be bleffed; and uſed to eat nothing till the Eventide, and then only a Cake baked under the Embers, or Afhes, which they called Ember-Bread; thefe Ember-Weeks are chiefly taken notice of on the Account of the Ordination of Priefts and Deacons; becauſe the Canon now appoints the Sundays next fucceeding the Ember-Weeks for the folemn Times of Ordination, tho' the Biſhops, if they pleaſe, may ordain on any Sunday or Holiday. Emerfion, is the Time when any Planet that is Eclipfed, begins to recover its Light again: It is moſt uſed in the Ecliples of Saturn and Jupiter's Satellites. Epact, from Epiago, a going round; is a Number that is the difference between the common Solar Year 365d. sh. 49′ 23", and the mean Lunar Year 354 d 8 h. 49' 12" which is 10 d. 21 h. oo' II"; but to avoid Fractions, the Number 11 Days is made ufe of, which fhews that the Moon Changes fooner in any Month this prefent Year than fhe did in the fame Month the laft Year; therefore it is of good uſe to find the Days of the New and Full Moons, Age, &c. as I fhall fhew in the Doctrine of the Sphere. Ephemeris, a Diary or Day-Book; amongft Aftronomers, Ephemerides, the fame with Almanack, which fee, Epocha. the fame with Era, which fee. Equation, is the difference between the Planets mean and true Place; for if the Mean Anomaly be leſs than 6 Signs, the Equation fubtracted; or if the Mean Anomaly be more than 6 Signs, the Equation added to the mean Place, the Sum or Difference is the Eccentric or Orbit-place of the Pla- net. Equation of Time, or of Natural Days, confifts of two Parts; the firſt Part depends on the Sun's Place, and is the Difference between that and his Right Afcenfion, which in the first and third Quadrants of the Ec iptic is to be added; but in the fecond and fourth to be fubtracted; the Sum or Difference is the first part of the Equation of Time. The fecond Part de- pends on the Earth's Anomaly, and is only the Sun's (or Earth's) Equation Reduced into Time; which, if the Mean Anomaly be less than fix Signs, it addeth; if more, it fub- tracteth to, or from the Equal Time, to gain the Apparent, if both theſe Parts, add, or both ſubſtract their Sum; otherwiſe their Difference is the abfolute Equation of Time; which applied to the Equal Time according to the greater Title, gives the Apparent Time, Equi- 14 Aftronomical DEFINITION S. Equiculus, or Equus Minor, is a Conftellation in the Nor- thern Hemisphere. See the Catalogue of fixed Stars. Equator, See Equinoctial. Equinoctial, in the Heavens, or Equator on the Earth, is one of the fix Great Circles of the Sphere, whofe Poles are the Poles of the World. It divides the Globe into two equal Hemifpheres, viz. North and South, and paffeth thro' the Eaft and Weft points of the Horizon; and at the Meridian it is always raiſed fo much as is the Complement of the La- titude of the Place where you are; which Arch is alſo e- qual to the Arch of the Meridian between the Zenith of a- ny Place and Pole. Every 150 of this Circle, that paffeth by the Meridian by the Diurnal Motion, is equal to one Hour in Time. Alſo when the Sun (apparently) comes to this Circle, which is about the 9th of March, and 12th of September, he makes the Days and Nights equal all the World over, except under the Poles. Equinoxes, are the precife times in which the Sun, or Earth enters into the firſt Point of Aries and Libra; and this they do twice a Year, about the 9th of March and 12th of September, which times are called the Vernal, and Autumnal Equinoxes, making then the Days and Nights equal: And Aftronomers have found by Obfervation, that the fpace of Time from the Vernal Equinox, to the Autumnal, is 7 d. 18 h. 52' lon- ger than the time from the Autumnal to the Vernal: From which they come to know, that the Earth did not move or keep an equal Place in all parts of its Orbit. Erratick Stars, are the feven Planets; becauſe they wan- der up and down the Zodiack: They are alfo called Er- rones. Evection. See Angle of Evection. F. FAculo, are certain bright or fhining Parts, which the Modern Aftronomers have fometimes obferved upon, or about the ſurface of the Sun; but they are but very fel- dom feen. Falcated. The Moon, (or any Planet) appears falcated, when the enlightened parts are in the Form of a Sickle; as the Moon doth in the firft and laft Quarters. Fafcia of Mars, are certain Rows of Spots, parallel to the Equator of that Planet, which look like Swathes or Fillets round about his Body. Finitor, Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Finitor, the fame with Horizon; becauſe the Horizon fini- ſhes or terminates your Sight, View, or Proſpect. Firmament, by fome Aftronomers is taken for the Orb of the Fixed Stars, or an Eighth Heaven; but more properly 'tis that space which is expanded or arched over us above in the Heavens. First Mover. See Primum mobile. Fixed Signs of the Zodiack, according to fome are, Tau- rus, Leo, Scorpio, and aquarius; and they are fo called, be- cauſe the Sun (apparentl) paffes them refpectively in the middle of each Quarter, when tha particular Seafon is more fettled and fixed than under the Sign that begins or ends it. Fixed Stars, are fuch as do not, like the Planets or Erratick Stars, change their Potitions or Diſtances in reſpect of one another; and becau´e their Annual Motion is nothing but the Receffion of the Equinox = 50"; therefore they are faid to be fixed. They move upon the Poles of the Ecliptic, and therefore never alter their Latitudes. Their diftance from us is fo very great, that no Parallax in them can be diſcover- ed, as Dr. Halley affured me; tho' Mr. Flamsteed wrote to Dr. Wallis in the Year 1698, and affured him, that he had difcover- ed a fenfible Parallax in the Earth's Annual Orbit in refpect of the fixt Stars. It has been a Queftion amongst the Ancients, whether the Light of the fixed Stars was innate; given them by Almighty God at their Creation, or borrowed from the Sun: The firft feems to carry moſt of truth in it; and our Modern Aftromomers do now conclude each fixt Star to be the Head and Chief Part of a diſtinct Mundane Syſtem, ha- ving their feveral Planets carried about them. If fo, what a vaft Expanſion muft there be in the Interftellar, or withour our Planetary Syftem, to contain fo many vaft Bodies? Their Scintillation, or Sparkling (Gaffendus, and Hevelius) think to be caufed by that Native and Primogenial Light they are en- dowed with, coming to our Sight at fo immenfe a diftance, and paffing thro' different Mediums, which by a conftant E- vibration of Lucid Matter, appears to our Sight to twinkle; which is not obſerved in any of the Planers. As for their Number, is what I fhall not pretend to give; but as many as are uſeful and of Note, you will find in the following Ca- logue. Fomahant, a fixed Star, which fee. 16 Aftronomical DEFINITION s. GA G. Alaxy, or Via Lattea. See Milk y-Way. Gemini, the Twins; the third Sign in the Zodiack, thus Character'd ; but in all Aftronomical Calculations. it is numbred with 2. Geocentrick, Place of a Planet, is that which is ſeen from the Earth. Gibbous, is a Term ufed in reference to the enlighten'd Parts of the Moon, while fhe is moving from the firſt Quar- ter, to the laft Quarter; for all that Time the light part is Convex or Gibbous. Golden Number, is the fame with Cycle of the Moon; which fee. Gregorian Year, is the Reformation of the Calender by Pope Gregory XIII. in the Year 1582, and is in this Age 11 Days be- fore the Old Stile uſed by us in England. It is alſo called the New Stile; and the Places that reckon by the Gregorian or New Stile, are, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy; and in Ger many, all the Popish Electors and Princes, and all Poland. Heliacal Rifing, is when a Star having been under the Sun's Beams, gets from the fame fo as to be feen again in the Morning before the Sun. Heliacal Setting, is when a Star by the near Approach of the Sun, firſt becomes inconfpicuous. The Moon may be ſeen nearer the Sun; that is, at a lefs diftance from him than any other Planet or Star; becauſe ſhe is nearer to us than any of the reft; and alſo becauſe her apparent Diameter is greater; fo that fhe may be feen at about 17 Degrees from the Sun, when the other Planets cannot be ſeen till they are near a Sign diftant from him. Heliocentrick Place, is, that it would appear to an Eye at the Sun; for the Planets would always appear Direct there, and the Heliocentric Latitude is the fame with the Inclinati- on of the Orb with the Ecliptic: For the Quantity of each Planet's Inclination, or the greateft Angles you will find in the following Tables. Hemifphere, is the half of a Globe or Sphere, when 'tis fup- poſed to be cut thro' the Center in the Plain of one of its great Circles. Thus, the Equator divides the Terreftrial Globe into the North and South Hemifpheres; and the Equinoctial the Heavens after the fame manner. The Horizon alfo divides the Earth into two Hemiſpheres, the one Light, and the other Dark Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 17 Z Dark, according as the Sun is above or below that Cir- cle. Heniochus, one of the Northern Conftellations. Hesperus, the Name of Venus, when ſhe is the Evening- Star. Horizon, is one of the fix great Circles of the Sphere, which divides the Heavens and the Earth into two equal Parts, or Hemiſpheres, diftinguiſhing the upper from the lower It is either Senfible or Apparent; or Rational or True Horizon. The Senfible or Vifible Horizon, is that Circle which limits our Sight, and may be conceived to be made by fome great Plain, on the Surface of the Sea. It determines the Rifing and Setting of the Sun, Moon and Stars, in any particular Latitude. The Rational, Real, or true Horizon, is a Circle which en- compaffes the Earth exactly in the Middle, and whoſe Poles are the Zenith and Nadir. Hour is the 24th part of a Natural Day, containing 60' Minutes, and each Minute 60 Seconds. Theſe are Aftro- nomical Hours, which always begin at the Meridian, and are reckoned from Noon to Noon. Hydra, a Southern Conftellation, and imagined to repreſent a Water-Serpent. Hyemal, Solftice. See Solftice. Hypothefis, the fame with System, which fee. I. Lluminative, Month, is that Space of Time that the Moon is vifible, to be feen betwixt one Conjunction and ano- ther. < Immerſion, of a Star, is when it approaches ſo near the Sun, as to be hidden in its Beams. The beginning of an Eclipſe is alfo fo called; as alfo the Satellites of Saturn and Jupiter, when they enter into their Shadows, are called Immerſions. Inclination, of the Plains of the Orbits of the Planets to the Plain of the Ecliptic, are the fame with Heliocentrick Latitudes; which fee. = Inclination, of the Axis of the Earth, it makes with the Axis of the Ecliptic Ingrefs, is the Sun's Entrance into any of the Ecliptic. is the Angle which 23° 29'. Sign, or other part C Inter 18 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Intercalary Day, the odd Day made up of the fix Hours every fourth Year; is put in the next after the 24th Day of February, and that occafions the Leap-Year. Interlunium, when the Moon has no Face or Appearance, as being in Conjunction with the Sun (i. e.) New Moon. Interftellar, a Word uſed by fome Authors to expreſs thoſe parts of the Univerſe that are without, and beyond our Soy Jar Syftem, moving round each fixt Star, as the Center of their Motion, as the Sun is of ours. And if it be true, (as 'tis not impoffible, but each fixt Star may thus be a Sun to fome habitable Orbs that may move round it,) the Interftel- lar World will be infinitely the greater part of the Uni- verſe. } Julian Year, is the old Account of the Year, inftituted by Julius Cæfar, which to this Day we ufe in England, and moft Proteftant Countries, and call it the Old Stile, in con- tradiftinction to the New Stile, or Gregorian Account, which fee. This Fulian Year is 365 Days, 6 Hours long. bur 'tis too much by 10'io", which in about 134 Years will amount to one whole Day. Julian Feriod, is a Cycle of 7980 Years, produced by the Multiplication of the three Cycles, viz. that of the Sun 28, of the Moon 19, and that of the Roman Indiction of 15 Years. This was the Invention of Julius Scaliger, who fixt the beginning of it 764 Years before the Creation; ſo that at the Birth of Chrift it was 4713; therefore if to the Cur- rent Year of Chrift you add 4713, the Sum will be the Year of the Julian Period; and from the Year of the Julian Pe- riod fubtract 4713, there will remain the Year of the Chri- ftian Æra; or the Year of the Julian Period may be found to any Year of Chrift, by fixed Multiplicators; which may be found thus, viz. There must be fuch a Number found that being multiplied by the Product of 19 by 15, as that Product when Divided by 28, the Remainder will be 1. Number will be 17; then 19×15 285 × 17 = 4845, the Common Multiplicator. X This Secondly, We muft find a Number, which being multiply'd by the Product of 28 by 15 and that Product divided by 19, leaves for the remainder 1, and this Number is 10; for 28 × 15 = 420 x 10 4200 the Common Multiplicator. Thirdly, We muſt find a Number that being Multiply'd by the Product of 28 by 19, and that Product divided by 15, leaves 1. This Number is 13. Then 28 x 19 36916, the Multiplicator fought. Then to find the Year 532 X of Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. ig of the Julian Period for any Year of Chrift, this is the Rule; Multiply Nuñ 4845 26916S Sun, the fixt Number 4200 by the Cycle of the Moon, Indiction? the Sum of theſe Products divided by 7980, the remainder is the Year of the Julian Period to the given Year of Chrift. Example. This Year 1727, you will find the Year of the Julian Period to be 6440. Jupiter, is the higheſt Planet in our Syftem, except Saturn; and his Motion round the Sun is fo adjufted, that the Square of the time of his periodical Revolutions is as the Cubés of his mean Diſtance from the Sun. And the fame immu- table Law is obſerved throughout all the Planetary Syftem; which was firft difcovered by Kelper, and fince demonftrated by the great Sir Ifaac Newton. Mr. Flamfteed and Dr. Halley have found by obfervation, that moved too flow by all our Aftronomical Tables; which Defect I have taken into confideration, and adjusted the Motion in the following Tables. ► Latitude, in Aftronomy, is the diftance of a Star or Planet from the Ecliptic, meafured upon an Arch of a Circle of Longitude from the Ecliptic towards the Poles thereof; but the Geocentrick Latitude is the Angle that the Planets Lati- tude appears under to an Eye on the Farth. Latitude, in Geography, or on the Earth, is the Height of the Pole of the World above the Horizon, which is always equal to the Arch of the Meridian between the Zenith and Equinoctial. Leap-Year. The fame with Biffextile, which fee. Lemma, is the Demonftration of fomething premiſed, in order to fhorten a following Demonftration.. Leo, the Lion, the fifth Sign in the Zodiack, Character'd thus, unto which the Sun comes about the 12th Day of. July; and in Aftronomical Calculations is numbred with the Figure 4. Leffer Circles, of the Sphere, are thofe whofe Plains do not pafs thro' the Center of the Sphere; and which do not divide the Globe into two equal parts; but are parallel to greater Circles; as the Tropicks and Polar Circles, and all Paral- lels of Declination and Altitude. C 2 Letter 20 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Letter Dominical; fee Dominical Letter. } Libra, one of the 12 Signs of the Zodiack, Character'd thus, unto which the Sun apparently comes about the 12th of September, making equal Day and Night; and in Aftro- nomical Calculations is numbred with the Figure 6. Libration, of the Moon, is of three kinds; Firſt, in Longitude, which is a Motion arifing from the Plain of that Meridian of the Moon, (which is always nearly turned towards us,) being directed not to the Earth, but towards the other Focus of the Moon's Ecliptical Orbit; and fo to an Eye at the Earth, fhe feems to Librate to and again. Secondly, in Latitude, which arifes from hence, that her Axis not being perpendicular to the Plain of her Orbit, but inclin'd to it, fometimes one of her Poles, and ſometimes the other will nod, or dip a little to- wards the Earth. Thirdly, the Moon has a kind of a Librati- on, by which it happens, that tho' one part of her is not really obverted, or turn'd to our Earth, as in the former Librations; yet another is illuminated by the Sun: For fince her Axis is perpendicular nearly to the Plain of the Ecliptic, when ſhe is at her greateft South Limit, fome parts adjacent to her North Pole will be illuminated by the Sun, while on the contrary the South Pole will be in darkneſs; and theſe Librations will be compleated in her Synodical Month. Limit, of a Planet, is the greateft Heliocentric Latitude; which fee, Limit, for Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon, are certain Diſtances of the New and Full Moons, from the Nodes of the Moon; in which the Eclipſes always happen, and the Limits of the Moon's Eclipſe are 12° 2′ 9″ and her utmoft Latitude 62' 25"; that is, if her Diſtance from either Node at the Full Moon be more than 12° 2′9″, her Latitude will exceed 62' 25"; therefore there can be no Eclipfe at that time. The Limit, or Boundaries of the Sun's Eclipfe are, 18° 20' 8" and the Latitude of the Moon then 1° 34′ 16″. Theſe are the Greateſt Limits: But there are yet two other Ex- treams, which I call the Leaft Limits; that is, if the Diſtance from the Nodes be fuch, it is poffible there may at that time. be no Eclipſe; and they are theſe ; Leaft Limits of Sun Moon 10° 19' 17" Lat. 53' 41" 16 35 5 Lat. 85 32 The Cauſe of theſe two Extreams of the Limit, is, the dif ferent Diſtances of the Sun and Moon from the Earth at dif- ferent times. Line, Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 21 - Line, of mean Motion of a Planet, is drawn from the upper Focus thro' the Planets, and continued amongſt the fixed Stars. Line, of true Motion, is drawn from the Sun on the lower Focus to the Planet, and continued amongſt the Fixed Stars. Line, of Nodes, is drawn from one Node to the o- ther. Logarithms, (from Logos, Reafon; and Arithmoi, Numbers) are a Series of Arithmetical Numbers, invented for the eaſe and expedition of Calculation by the Lord Neper, but im- proved by Mr. Briggs. Logiſtical Logarithms, are artificial Numbers deduced from the Logarithms of abfolute Numbers, of which there are two forts; one invented by Jeremy Shakerly, and the other by Tho. Street. The firſt I have continued to 1° 18′, and the latter to 120 Minutes, or two Hours, and there fhewn the Conſtructi- on of them both. Shakerly's are made thus: To the Co. Ar. of the Logarithm of 3600 Seconds in an Hour, add the Ab- folute Logarithm of any Number of Minutes reduced into Se- conds, or any Minutes and Seconds joyntly taken; the Sum is the Logiſtical Logarithm fought. = Example. What's the Logiſtical Logarithm of 1'? 1 h.-3600" Logar. 3.5563025 Co. Ar= 6.4436975 60" Logar. add 1' Logiſtical Logarithm of 1' is 1.7781512 8.2218487 But we reject the two Figures to the right hand. The Conftruction of Street's Logistical Logarithms. To the Logarithin of 1º=60', which is 3.5563 (omitting the three Places to the right hand) add the Co. Ar. of the Minutes reduced into Seconds: The Sum is the Logiſtical Logarithm of any Minntes and Seconds under 60'. Example. What's the Logistical Logarithm of 43′ 17″? OPERATION. 1° 60' its Logarithm in Seconds 3.600" 43′ 17″ 25.97" Logar. Co. Ar. add I = Logiſt. Logar. of 43′ 17″ rejecting Radius is C 3 3.5563 65855 .1418 For 22 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. For more than 60', take the Co. Ar. of the Logar. of 1h=60 which is 3.55630, Co. Ar. 6.44369; and to this add the Logarithm of the Degrees, Minutes and Seconds all reduced into Seconds; this Sum is the Logistical Logarithm fought. Example, what's the Logiſtical Logarithm of 81' 50'? OPERATION. 60'3600" Logar. Co. Ar.= 81 59=4910" Logar, add Logift. Logar. of 81' 50" is L. L. fignifies Logiſtical Logarithm. 6.4437 3.6911 1348 Longitude, in Aftronomy, is the Diftance of a Star or Planet counted in the Ecliptic from the beginning of Aries, according to the Order of the Signs, to the Place where the Stars Circle of Longitude croffes the Ecliptic; fo that 'tis much the fame as the Star's Place; and this may be either Heliocentric, or Geocentric; which fee. Longitude, in Geography, is an Ark of the Equator, inter- cepted between the firft Meridian and the Meridian of the Place; 'tis the difference either Eaft or Weft between the Meridians of any two places counted on the Equator. Lucifer, the Morning-Star. Venus is fo called when ſhe is Oriental, and rifeth before the Sun. Lucida Corona, a fix'd Star of the fecond Magnitude in the Northen Garland, which fee in the Catalogue of Stars. Lucida Hydra, a fixed Star. Lucida Lyra, a fixed Star of the firft Magnitude in the Conftellation Lyra. Luminaries; the Sun and Moon are fo call'd by way of eminence, for their extraodinary Luftre, and the great Light that they afford us. ? Lunar Afpects, are thofe that the Moon makes with the other fix Planets; as, when he comes in o, *, 0, 4, or 8, with them, then the Time is fo marked in the Ephemeris. · Lunary Months, are periodical, fynodical, or illuminative ; which fee under thoſe Words. Lunar Cycle; fee Cycle of the Moon. Lunations, of the Moon, are the Times between one New Moon and another; and this is greater than the Periodical Month by two Days and five Hours; and is called the Synodical Month; but this Synodical Month is unequal in every Month in the Year: For in December, when the Earth is in Perihelion, the time between one Conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and the Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 23 the next, is more by about 12 Hours than it is in June, when the Earth is in Aphelion, which in the firft Cafe is about 29 d. 19 h. and in the latter, 29 d. 7 h; the reaſon of which is very plain: For the Earth (or Sun apparently) moving fafter in December than they do in June, of neceffity there muft be more Time ſpent for the Moon to come up to ♂ with the Sun in the former, than in the latter. Luni-Solar Year, is a Period made by multiplying the Cycle of the Moon 19, by that of the Sun 28; the Product 532 Years, is the ſpace of Time in which the Holy Feaft of Eafter makes one perfect Revolution, and every thing depending thereon returns to the fame again that they were 532 Years before. Lupus, a Southern Conſtellation, in form of a Wolf. 1 } M. Magnitudes; the Stars are divided into fix feveral Sizes or Magnitudes for diftinction fake; of which the greateſt are called Stars of the first Magnitude; as Sirius, Ar&turus, &c. the next to them in Brightneſs are called Stars of the Second Magnitude; next Inferiours to them are called Stars of the third Magnitude, next to them are call'd Stars of the fourth Magnitude; the next lefs are of the fifth Magnitude, and the next lefs are of the fixth Magnitude. See the Catalogue. Mars, is the Name of one of the Planets, which moves round the Sun in an Orbit between the Earth and Jupiter, and per- forms his Revolution in one Year 3 21 d. 23 h. 27′ 30″; his mean Diurnal Motion is 31' 27", his Orbit makes an Angle with the Ecliptic of 19 52', and he is 15 times less than our Earth; is of a red Colour like the Star Aldebaran, and is Re- trograde once in two Years. He is called by the Poets Aris, Pyrois, Mavors, and Gradivus. See the Syftem. Mathematical Horizon, is the fame with true Horizon. Mean Motion of a Planet, is, fuppofing it to move in a per- fect Circle and equally every Day; divide 360° by the Num- ber of Days in a Revolution, the Quotient will be the Mean Diurnal Motion; which fee in the Tables of every Planer. Mercury, the Name of one of the Planets, whofe Orb is next the Sun; he performs his Revolution in 87 Days, 23 h. 15" 53", and his Mean Heliocentric Diurnal Motion is 4º, 5′ 32″; his Orbit makes an Angle with the Ecliptic of 6° 54'; he is never elongated from the Sun more than 29; and therefore CA feldom 24 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. feldom feen: He appears to us at the Earth Retrograde four or five times every Year, and is 27 times less than our Earth : this Planet is called by the Poets, Archas, Cyllenius, Hermes, and Stilbone. Medium Cali, is that Degree of the Ecliptic that is upon the Meridian at any time of Day or Night. Meridian, is one of the fix great Circles of the Sphere paffing through both the Poles of the World, and cutting the Horizon at right Angles, being equally diſtant between the Eaft and Weft; unto which when the Sun or any Star come, it is the higheft, or has then the greateft Altitude that it can have that Day in that Latitude. The Stars are then alſo ſaid to Culminate or be South, when they are upon the Meridian. Meridian Angle, is the Angle made by the Ecliptic and Meridian at any given Time of the Day or Night, which can never be more than 90 Degrees when or VS Culmi- nate; nor leſs than 66 Degr. 31 Min. when Y and are on the Meridian. It is of great uſe in the Calculation of Solar Eclipfes. See the Table for this purpoſe. Metonick Year, invented by Meton the Athenian, is the Time of 19 Years, the fame with the Cycle of the Moon. Micrometer, is an Inftrument invented by our Country- man Mr. Townly; which being fitted to a Teleſcope, is to take the Diameter of the Stars and Planets. See Philof. Tranf. N° 25 and 29. Milky-Way, Via Lactea, or Galaxy, is a white broad Path, or Tract encompaffing the whole Heavens, and extending it ſelf in the Sign of Capricorn from the Equinoctial to the Tro- pic of Cancer, with a double Path; and the reſt of it is a fingle one. Some of the Ancients, as Ariftotle, imagin'd, that this Path confifted only of a certain Exhalation hanging in the Air, but by the Teleſcope-Obfervations of this Age it has been diſcovered to confift of an innumerable quantity of fixed Stars different in fituation and magnitude; from the con- fuſed Mixture of whofe Light its white Colour is fuppofed to be occafioned. This Milk-Way begins at the Equinoctial at Ophiucus, or Serpentarius, and paffeth thro' the Conftella- tions of Aquila, Cygnus, Caffiopeia, Perfus, Auriga, part of O- rion, part of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Monoceros, Argo, Navis and the Ara, Irs greateft Declination North is about 65 Degrees, and South 69 Degrees ; it croffeth the Equinoctial from South to North in 5 Degrees of Capricorn, from North to South in 5 Degrees of Cancer. Its breadth where broadeft, is about 25 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 25 25 Degrees near Aquila; but in other places it doth not ex- ceed 10 Degrees in breadth. In the Months of February and Auguſt you have a full View of it in the Evenings. Minute, is the 60th part of an Hour in Time, or of a De- gree in Motion; fo that every Hour, or Degree of any great Circle is divided into 60 Minutes, every Minute into 60 Se- conds, and each Second into 60 Thirds. Month, properly ſpeaking is the Time the Moon is in run- ning thro' the Zodiack; and this fhe performs in 27 Days, 7h. 43'7". This is called the Lunar or Periodical Month ; but the time between one Conjunction and another, with the Sun, is called her Synodical Month; this, according to heril 1. middle Motion, fhe performs in 29 Days. There is alfo a 29:12:44: Solar Month, which is the Time the Sun takes in running through one of the Signs in the Zodiack, which is about 30 Days; but not of an equal length; (fee Lunations.) The Vulgar Computation of four Weeks, or 28 Days to the Month agree pretty near to the Moon's periodical Month mentioned above. Moon, is one of the ſeven Planets, and the loweſt of all in the Syftem; fhe is an Opake Body, borrows all her light from the Sun, and refpects our Earth for her Center; and not only the Moon it felf, but alſo her whole Syftem is car- ried round the Sun along with our Earth in a Year, (ſee my Inftrument made by Tho. Heath at the Hercules and Globe in the Strand.) This and her Vicinity to the Earth, is the cauſe of the great Difficulty we have in obtaining her true Place. Her Periodical Revolution, in reference to the fixed Stars, is 27 Days, 7 h. 43' 7"; her Orbit interfects the Ecliptic in two oppofite Points, call'd Nodes, making an Angle therewith of 4° 59′ 35″ in Conjunction, and in Oppofition to the Sun but in the Quadratures of 5° 17' 20"; fhe is always Eclipfed at the Full, and within lefs than 12 Degrees of her Nodes. For a farther account of all the Inequalities of this Irregular Planet, I fhall refer my Reader to her Theory written by Sir Ifaac Newton, which I have kept cloſe to in Compiling of the following Tables of her Motions. She always appears to us at the Earth Direct, and is 50 times leſs than our Earth. Nothing is more common amongst the vulgar Country-Peo- ple in the time of Harveft, than for them to talk of the Har- veſt-Moon; which, they ſuppoſe, is always at the Full at one and the fame time in Harveft, and that the rifes and fets fe- veral Days together at the fame time; and that God gave her that Light and Stability at that time (above the reft of Τ the 26 Aftronomical DEFINITION S. the Year) to ripen and bring forwards the Fruits of the Earth; but theſe are grofs Abfurdities, as I thus prove. 1. Becauſe ſhe always moves Direct according to the order of the Signs Eaſtward; and this Motion in Longitude, when floweft, can never be less than 11 Degrees in one Day, and this 11 Degrees in a right Sphere is 44 Minutes in Time; fo that 'tis impoffible fhe can rife or fet two Days together at the fame Time; and this Delay in her rifing will be greatly increaſed when the is in Perigeon, or in a Sign of Right or Long Afcenfion with South Latitudes; I fay, when theſe three Teftimonies concur, there will be more than an Hour and a half difference between the time of her rifing this Night, and the Time of her rifing the next Night to the Inha- bitants of England. 2. But that the Moon doth rife in an Oblique Sphere with- in 9 or 10 Min. two Nights together, is plain from this De- monftration; that is, when fhe happens in Apogeon, North Latitude, and in a Sign of Oblique, or fhort Afcen- fion. 3. It is alfo poffible in the Month of August to the Nor- thern Inhabitants, that the Moon doth fet two or more Nights together within less than 10 or 12 Min. of the Time each Night; and this is when fhe is in Apogeon, South Latitude, and in a Sign of Oblique Defcenfion. Lastly, The great difference of the Moon's ſetting any two Nights together in an Oblique Sphere, is caufed by her being in Perigeon, having North Latitude, or in a Sign of Right or Long Defcenfion. These three Teftimonies concur- ring together, will caufe her to fet more than 1 Hour la- ter this Night, than fhe did the Night before. The Moon by the Poets is called Cynthia, Diana, Latone, Lucina, Noctilu- ca, Phabe, Proferpina. I 2 Motion, is a continual and fucceffive Mutation or change. of Place. Mutual Aſpects, are fuch as the among themselves; as the of the 8 4 9, &c. ?, Primary Planets make ♂ O, A ? 24, N. Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 27 t N. Nadir, is the Point in the Heavens feemingly under the Earth, which is Diametrically oppofite to the Point di- rectly over our Head's. Nebulous Stars, feen thro' the Teleſcope, appear to be Clufters of fmall Stars, leffer than thofe of the fixth Mag- nitude. Nocturnal Arch, of the Sun, is that space in the Heaven, which he (apparently) runs thro' from the Time of his fetting, to the Time of his rifing; and this is always equal to the double of the Time of his rifing; as when he rifeth at four a-Clock in the Morning; that doubled, is eight Hours, the length of the Nocturnal Ark. Nodes, in Aftronomy, are the Points or Interfections of the Orbs of the Planets with the Ecliptic; and in the Primary Planets theſe as well as the Aphelions, have a flow Progreffive Motion, as you may fee in the following Tables of each Planet. For the Moon's Nodes, fee Dragons Head and Tail. Nonagefimal Degree, is the 90th, Degr. or higheſt Point of the Ecliptic at any given. Time of the Day or Night; and its Altitude is always equal to the Angle that the Ecliptic makes with the Horizon. It is of great ufe in the Calculation of Solar Eclipfes. Northern Signs, of the Ecliptic or Zodíack, are thoſe fix which constitute that Semicircle of the Ecliptic which inclines to the Northward from the Equinoctial, as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. Number of Direction, is a Number not exceeding 35; which Number is the Boundary, or Limit of Eafter-Day, which always falls between March 21, and April 25, exclufive, being 35 Days. This Number changes every Year, but not in a due order; but if may be found Arithmetically thus: 1. From 26, fubtract the Epact for the Year propoſed; but when the Epact is 28 or 29, then fubtract it from 56, and reſerve the Remainder. 1 2. Divide, the Epact by 7; its Remainder fubtract from 8; this Remainder fub. from the Dominical Letter, numbering them thus, A 1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6, G7; what remains now, add 1 J 28 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. add to the firſt reſerved Number, which gives the Number of Direction for the Year propofed. Note, when you cannot fubtract from the Number of the Latter, borrow 7; and if nothing remains, it muſt be called 7; and when the Epact is 28, add 2 to the remainder of the Sub. from 8; and when the Epact is 29, you muſt ſubtract 5 from the Remainder of the Sub. from 8; the Sum or Difference will be the true refery'd Number; and in Leap-Year you must take the Letter that ferves from February to the Year's end. Example. What's the Number of Direction for the Year of Chrift 1736? Epact 28, Dominical Letters D C3. Then 56--28-28 and 287 Remains o=7.8-7=1+2=3---3=0 and 28+ 7=35 the Number of Direction fought. But by the Tables in the Doctrine of the Sphere you have it without any manner of trouble. i O. Blique Afcenfion, is that Degree and Minute of the Equinoctial, which riſes with the Center of the Sun, and Moon, or Star, in an oblique Sphere. Oblique Defcenfion, is that part of the Equinoctial which fets with the Center of the Sun, Moon or Star, or with any Point of the Heavens in an Oblique Sphere. Obliquity of the Ecliptic, is the Angle that the Ecliptic makes with the Equinoctial, which is at Aries and Libra, where it in- terfects it, and is 23 Degr. 29 Min. equal to the Sun's greateſt Declination. 8, Oblique Signs, are fuch as Afcend obliquely; thoſe are VS, ~, H, V, Ŏ, II; and they will Deſcend rightly: Their oppofite, &,m,, m,, do Aſcend right, and Deſcend obliquely to the Northern Inhabitants. Oblique Sphere, is where either Pole is Elevated any Number of Degrees less than 90, and confequently the Axis of the World, the Equinoctial and Parallels of Declination will cut the Horizon obliquely, from whence comes the Name. Occident, is the Weſtern Part of the Horizon, or 'tis that part where the Ecliptic or Sun therein Defcends into the lower Hemifphere. Occident, Aftronomical DEFINITION S. 29 Occident Eftival, is that Point of the Horizon where the Sun fets at his entrance into the Sign Cancer when the Days are the longeſt to all the Northern Inhabitants. Occident Equino&tial, is that Point of the Horizon where the Sun fets when he enters Aries or Libra. Occident Hybernal, is that Point of the Horizon where the Sun fets when he enters into Capricorn; at which time the Days with us are ſhorteſt. Occidental, (i. e. Wefterly.) In Aftronomy, a Planer is faid to be Occident when it fets after the Sun; and in Ephemerides, on the top Columns of Lunar Aſpects, you find Occi: Which fignifies Occidental, and which fhews that Planet to be an Evening-Star. Occultation, in Aftronomy, is the Time that a Star or Planet is hid from our fight when Eclipſed by the interpofition of the Body of the Moon, or fome other Planet between it and us. Octant, or Octile, in Aftronomy, fignifies a Planet, &c. being in ſuch an Aſpect or Pofition to another, that their places differ the Eighth part of the Zodiack, or 45 Degr. Olor, or Cygnus, the Swan, a Conftellation in the Northern Hemiſphere. See the Catalogue of fixed Stars. Ophiucus, one of the Northern Conftellations, the fame with Serpentarius. Oppofition, is that Pofition or Afpect of the Stars or Planets, when they are fix Signs, or 180 Deg. diſtant from one another, and is marked thus 8, Orb, is any hollow Sphere; but the Orbs of the Planets are thoſe Circles (or rather Ellipses) in which they move, and the Ecliptic is called the Sun's or Earth's Orbit: They are not at all in the fame Plain with the Ecliptic; but variouſly inclin'd to it, and to one another at different Angles; the Plain of the Ecliptic interfects the Plain of every Planet's Orbit in two oppofite Points, call'd Nodes; the places of which and the Inclinations may be feen in the Tables of each Planet. Orbis Magnus is, the Orbit of the Earth in its Annual Re- volution round the Sun. This, in respect to the vaft diftance of the Fixed Stars, is no more than a Point. Orient, is the Eaft Part of the Horizon; or, it is that part of the Horizon where the Ecliptic, or the Sun therein Afcends into the upper Hemisphere. Orient Eftival, is that Point of the Horizon wherein the Sun rifes when he enters Cancer. Orient 3.0 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. } Orient Equinoctial, is that Point of the Horizon when the Sun rifes when he enters Aries and Libra, making the Days and Nights equal. Orient Hybernal, is that Point of the Horizon where the Sun rifes when he enters Capricorn. Oriental; In Aftronomy, a Planet is faid to be Oriental when he rifes in the Morning before the Sun; fo in an Ephemeris you will meet with Ori, on the Head of the Lunar Afpects, which tells you, that, that Planet is then Oriental of the Sun, or a Morning-Star. Orion, a Southern Conftellation. Orthographick, Projection of the Sphere, is the drawing the Superficies of the Sphere on a Plane, which cuts it in the middle, the Eye being placed at an infinite diftance vertically to one of the Hemifpheres; in which all the Hour-Circles become Ellipfes. Tis the fame with Analemma ; which fee. PAnfelene, fignifies the Full P. Moon. Paracentrick Motion, is when a Planet approaches nearer to, or recedes farther from the Sun or Center of Attracti- on. Parallax, is that Arch of a great Circle paffing thro' the Zenith and true Place of the Sun, Moon or Star, and in- tercepted between the true and apparent place: Becauſe the true Place is fuppofed to be beheld from the Earth's Center; but the Apparent from the Superficies; and that difference is the Angle of Parallax; of which there are five ſorts, viz. in R. Afc. Declination, Altititude, Longitude and Latitude: For the underſtanding of which obferve theſe following Con- fectaries, CONSECTART 1. If the diftance of the Moon from the Point Afcending or Point Deſcending be leſs than her Altitude, fhe has then no Parallax of Latitude; but this can never happen, but in ſuch Latitudes where the Moon's Orb, or Ecliptic become Vertical Circles } 2. If Aftronomical DEFINITION S. 31 2. If the Diſtance of the Moon from the Point Afcending or Deſcending be juſt 90 Deg. then doth a Vertical Circle interfect the Ecliptic at right Angles, and there is then no Parallax of Longitude, but only of Latitude. 3. If the Vertical Circle paffing thro' the Moon's Center, fall upon the Ecliptic at oblique Angles, then there is Parallax both in Longitude and Latitude. 4. All places on the Earth that have more than 28° 46′ 20!! of North Latitude, to them the Moon's Parallax is South, and fhe is depreffed below her true Place, according as ſhe is Eaft or Weft of the Nonagefime Degree. Theſe Parallaxes are of fingular ufe in the Calculation of Solar Eclipfes, &c. Paralla&tick Angle, fee Angle. Parafelene, a Mock-Moon. Parhelion, a Mock-Sun. Pafcha, Eafter-Day. Path of the Vertex, is a Circle defcribed by any Point of the Earth's furface, as it turns round on its Axis. This Point is confidered as vertical to the Earth's Center, and is the fame with what is called Vertex, or the Zenith. The Semidiameter of this Path of the Vertex is always equal to the Complement of the Latitude of the Point or Place that deſcribes it. Pagafus, a Conftellation in the Northern Hemiſphere. Penumbra, in Aftronomy, is a faint kind of ſhadow, or the utmoft Edge of the perfect Shadow which happens at the Eclipfe of the Moon; fo that it is very difficult to deter- mine where the Shadow begins, and where the Light ends; as I have often proved by my Obfervation of Eclip- fes. Penumbra, in the new Aftronomy; Its Semidiameter is equal to the Sum of the apparent Semidiameters of the Sun and Moon: For if at the time of the true Conjunction of the Sun and Moon, none of the Penumbra fall within the Earth's Disk, the Sun will then no where on the Earth be Eclipſed. Periæci, are thoſe Inhabitants of the Earth who live under the fame Parallels, but under oppofite Semicircles of the Meridian, when they have the fame Seafons of the Year, viz. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, at the very fame time as alfo the fame length of Days and Nights; for 'tis 1 32 Aftronomical DEFINITION S. 'tis in the fame Climate, and at an equal diftance from the Equator: But when 'tis Noon to the one, 'tis Midnight to the other. Perigeon, or Perigaum, is a Point in the Heavens wherein a Planet is at its neareſt diſtance from the Earth. When the mean Anomaly of the Moon is fix Signs, fhe is then in Peri- geon, and her Diurual Motion is about 15 Deg. This Point is always Diametrically oppofite to the Apogeon, ex- tended by the Tranfverfe Diameter of her Elliptical Or- bit. Perihelion, is the Point in the Heavens where the Earth or any of the Primary Planets are neareſt to the Sun: Their Heliocentric Motions are now the fwifteft, and their mean Anomalies are fix Signs. This Point is Diametrically op- pofite to the Aphelion. Period of the Eclipfes, fee Saros- Periodical Month, is the ſpace of Time the Moon finiſhes her Revolution in. Periſcii, are the Inhabitants of the Frozen Zones ; for as the Sun goes round them for fix Months, ſo doth their ſha- dows; whence the Name. Perfeus, a Constellation in the Northern Hemiſphere. Phafes, in Aftronomy, is uſed for the feveral appearances of the Planets, eſpecially the Moon and Venus, who feem to our fight, obfcure, horned, half illuminated or full of Light; and by the Teleſcope the fame is obferved in Mars. Phanix, a Southern Conftellation. Phenomena, are appearances in the Heavens. Phenomenon, any fingle Appearance in the Heavens, as of an Eclipſe, Comet, &c. Phosphorus, the Bringer of Light; it is the Name of Venus when the is the Morning-Star. Pifces, the Name of two Conſtellations the one in the Zodiack marked thus , unto which the Earth comes about the 12th of Auguft; the other in the Southern He- mifphere. Place of the Sun or Star, it is the fame with Longitude of the Sun, Moon, or Star; which fee. Place, (true,) of a Planet, is that which is pointed at by a Line drawn from the Earth's Center to the Star. Place, (apparent,) is that which is beheld by the Obferver from the Earth's Superficies. Planets, Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 33 Planets, are the feven Erratick Stars, Saturn 5, Jupiter 4, Mars, Earth, Venus 9, Mercury, Moon D; which fee under thoſe Words. The Sun being now exempted from the being one of that Number. Pleiades, the ſeven Stars; which fee in the Catalogue, Poetical Rifing, and fetting of the Stars, are of three forts, viz. Achronical, Cofmial, and Heliacal; which fee. Point, of Station in Aftronomy, are thofe Degrees in the Zodiack in which a Planet feems to stand ftill; which always happens juft before and after their Retro- gradation. Polar Circles, are two leffer Circles of the Spheres, pa- rallel to the Equinoctial, and 23 Deg. 29 Min. diftant from the Poles of the World That about the North Pole is called the Artick Circle; and that about the South Pole, the Antartick Circle. Pole-Star, is a Star of the fecond Magnitude, in the Tail of the Little Bear; the height of it above the Horizon is nearly equal to the Latitude of the Place: For a further account of it, fee my Syftem of the Planets Demonftra- ted. + Poles of the World, are two Points in the Axis of the Equator, each 90 Deg. diftance from its Plain; one poin- ting to the North, which is therefore called the North or Artic- Pole; and the other Southward, which therefore is called. the South, or Antartick Pole. Poles of the Ecliptic, are two Points in the Solftitial Colure 23° 29′ diftant from the Poles of the World, lying exactly in the Polar Circles'; fo that when the Sign Capricorn is on the Meridian above the Earth, the North Pole of the E- cliptic is on the Meridian above the North Pole of the World; but when Cancer is on the Meridian above the Ho- rizon, then the faid Pole of the Ecliptic is on the Meridian under the Pole of the World. The Axis of the Sun and Moon do nearly point to the Poles of the Ecliptic. Pollux, a fixed Star, fee the Catalogue. Poftulata, is a grantable Requeft, or fuch a Demand as reaſonably cannot be denied. Primary Planets, are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mer- cury.. Prime of the Moon, fignifies the New Moon at her firſt ap- pearing. D Primum 1 34 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 1 Primum Mobile, the firft Mover, according to the Ptolemaick Aftronomy, is fuppofed to be a vaft Sphere, whofe Center is that of the Earth; this, they ſuppoſed turned round in 24 Hours; but it is now found to be falſe, and the whole Hypo- thefis is Exploded. · } འ་ Proceffion of the Equinoxes; in the New Aftronomy, the Fixed Stars are fuppofed to be immoveable; and that the Earth travels round the Sun by its Annual Motion; fo that its Axis makes always an Angle of 66 Deg.: 31 Min. with the Plane of its Orbit; and by the Earth's Diurnal Motion once round its Axis in 24 Hours to the Eaft, the Equinoctial Points are moved the contrary way about 5ő Min. a Year; and for this reafon the Fixed Stars feem to be carried forward according to the order of the Sign, about as much in the fame Time. * Projection of the Sphere in Plano, is a true, Geometrical Deli- neation, of the Circles of the Sphere, or any affign'd part of them upon the Plain of fome one Great Circle, as on the Horizon, Meridian, Equinoctial, Ecliptic, Colures, or on the Tropicks, &c. and this is either Stereographick, which fup- pofes the Eye to be but 90 Degr. diftant from, and perpen- dicular to the Plane of the Projection; or Orthographick, when the Eye is at an infinite diftance, in the Center of the Projection. Prometheus, or Hercules, the Name of a Northern Conftel- lation; it is called alfo Engonafis. Problem, is when fomething is propoſed to be done. Proportion. When two quantities are compar'd one with a- nother, in respect of their greatnefs or (mallnefs, that Com- pariſon is called Ratio, Reaſon, Rate, or Proportion: But when more than two Quantities are compared, then the Compari- fon is more ufually called, The Proportion that they have to one another. The Words Ratio and Proportion are frequenly uſed promifcuouſly. r. To three Numbers given to find out a fourth in a Du- plicate Ratio ; as, fuppofe 3, 4 and 5, 525 × 4 = too ÷ ☐ 3 = 11. 2. To three Numbers given to find a fourth in a Triplicate Proportion; as, fuppofe 3, 4 and 5: 5 Cubed is `125, × 4 500 Cube of 3184, the Anfwer. 3. To two Numbers given to find a third, fourth, fifth, fixth, &c. Number in a continual Proportion, to the two gi ven Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 35 } ven Numbers; as, ſuppoſe 2 and 4, 4 × 4 = 16 ÷ 2 = 8×8 = 644 = 16 × 16 = 2568 = 32 × 32 = 1024 16 = 64 × 64 = 4096 32 128. So I find the fix Numbers ÷ = in a continual Proportional are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32; and ſo on ad infinitum. 4. Between two Numbers given to find a mean Arithme- tical Proportion; as fuppofe to and 20: Thus 10 † 20 → 302 15 the Anſwer. 5. Between two Numbers given, to find a Geometrical Mean Proportion; as fuppoſe 10, and 20: Thus, 10 × 20 ≈ 200, V = 14. 14 the Anſwer. 6. Between two Numbers given, to find a Mean Muſical Proportion: Rule. Multiply the Difference of the Terms by the leffer Term, and alſo add them together: This done, divide the Product by the Sum of the Terms; and to the Quotient, add the leffer Term: This Sum is the Mufical Mean defired. Example. Let 9 and 18 be given; I demand the Mufical Mean Proportional. 81÷¬ Operation. 189= 9x9= 81, 18 +9 81, 18+ 9 = 27 and 81 27=3+9= 12 the Mufical Mean fought. This Mufical Proportion is of excellent uſe in Philofophical Experiments of Colours For if you take feveral Colours and put them on 2 Wheel, and diſtant one from another in this Proportion ; turn the Wheel faft round, and they will all appear White. Propofition, is uſed promifcuouſly, (i. e.) either for a Theo- rem, or a Problem. Proftapherefis, in Aftronomy, is the fame with Equation of the Planets Orbit, and is the Difference between the Mean and True Place; fee the Tables. Pfeudoftella, in Aftronomy, fignifles any kind of Comet or Phænomenon newly appearing in the Heavens like a Star. Ptolemaic Syftem, fuppofes the Earth fixed in the Center, and all the Heavenly Bodies moving round: But this is falfe, as I have proved in my Aftronomy, or System of the Planets Demonftrated. Pythagorean System, is the fame with the Copernican Syſtem, which fuppofes the Sun fixed in the Center of the World, and all the Planets moving round: This is what we embrace, and have demonftrated in the fore-cited Book. D 2 Q₂ 36 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Qr Q. Vadragefima, is the firft Sunday in Lent, and fo called, because 'tis about the 40th Day before Eafter, and on the like account the three preceding Sundays are called Quinqua- gefima, Sexagefima, and Septuagefima. Quadrant, is the Quarter, or fourth part of a Circle, graduated on the Limb with 90 Degrees; its Furniture are Teleſcope, and Micrometer, to take the Altitudes and Diameters of the Planets and Stars; and ſuch a one there is now at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich-Hill, of near Eight foot Radius, which was framed by Mr. Hern, and graduated by Mr. Graham: It is an Inftrument of exquifite Workmanship; and being now under the care of that skilful Aftronomer Dr. Edmund Halley, it is fixed upon a ftrong Mural Arch, and exactly on the Meridian, to take the Meridian Altitude of the Moon and other Planets, as they pafs by. Quadiatures, or Quarters of the Moon, are the middle Points of her Obit between the Conjunction and Oppofition; and they are ſo called, becauſe a Line drawn from the Earth to the Moon, is then at right Angles with a Line drawn from the Earth to the Sun; the Luminaries are then a Quarter of the Zodiack or 90 Degrees diftant from each other, equal to three Signs, and in an Ephemeris is thus Character'd □. Quarters of the Year, are four in Number; the firſt begins when the Sun apparently enters the Equinoctial Sigu Aries, inaking the Days and Nights equal all the World over, ex- cept under the Poles, and continues while the Sun is run- ing thro' T, Ŏ, II. This is called the Spring-Quarter. The Summer-Quarter begins abour the 10th Day of, June, and continues while the Sun runs thro',,, making the longeft Days to all the Northern Inhabitants. The third is called the Autumn, or Harveft-Quarter, and begins about the 12th Day of September, continues while the Sun is running thro',,, the Days and Nights are again equal. The fourth and laft is called the Winter-Quarter, making then ſhorteſt Days and longeft Nights to all the Inhabitants on this fide the Equator. This Quarter continues all the time the Sun is paffing thro' VS, **, *. Quartile, the fame with Quadrature, which ſee. Quincunx, is one of Kepler's new Afpects of the Planets, and is when they are diftant from each other 5 Signs, or 150 Degr. maked thus, VC, or Q Quin- 1 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 37 Quindecile, is one of Kepler's new Afpects marked thus Q. d. and happens when Planets are 24 Degr. diftant from each other. Quinguagefima, ſee Quadragefima. Quintile, is one of Kepler's new Afpects, marked thus, Q; and is when Planets are 2 S. 12° affunder. R. Radius, is the whole Sine, or Semidiameter of any Cir- cle. Rational, real, or true Horizon; fee Horizon. Rays, or Beams of the Sun, Rays of Light, are either ac- cording to the Atomical Hypothefis, thofe very minute Parti- cles or Corpuſcles of Matter, which continually iffuing out of the Sun, do thruft on one another all around in Phyfically fhort Lines; or elfe, as the Cartefians affert, they are made by the Action of the Luminaries on the contiguous Ether and Air, and fo are propagated every way in freight Lines thro' the Pores of the Medium. Rays, Convergent, are thoſe which going from divers Points of the Object, incline towards one and the fame Point tending to the Eye. Rays, Divergent, are thoſe which going from a Point of the vifible Object, are difperfed and continually depart one from another, according as they are removed from the Ob- ject. Reciprical Proportions, are, when in four Numbers the fourth is leis than the fecond, by fo much as the third is greater than the firft, and vice verfa: On which is founded the Indirect, or Inverſe Rule of Three. Receffion, of the Equinox,is the going back of the Equinoctial Points every Year about 50". The Reafon of which is the Earth's being thrown into a Spheroidical Figure by its Diurnal Motion. Reduction, in Aftronomy, is the Angle that is made between the Axis of the Ecliptic, and the Axis of the Planets Orbit, which is equal to the Quantity of the Ecliptic intercepted be- tween the two Axes. Reflection, in the new Aftronomy, is the diſtance of the Pole from the Horizon of the Disk; which is the fame thing as the Sun's Declination. D 3 Ro 38 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. Refraction, Aftronomical, is that which the Atmoſphere produceth, whereby a Star appears more Elevated above the Horizon than really it is. Refraction, Horizontal, is that which caufes the Sun or Moon to appear on the edge of the Horizon, when they are as yet fomewhat below it. In the following Aftronomical Tables I have inferted Mr. Flamsteed's Tables of Refractions: But this is varied by the Weather; and in places more Nor- therly than London it has been much greater than has been aſ- ferred by Mr. Flamsteed: For in the Year 1695, at a Town called Pello, in the Latitude of 65° 53', ten Miles to the Northward of Forneo in the Weſtern Bothnia, on the 14th of June, at 12 Hours P M. when the Center of the Sun was depreffed 40 Min. below the Horizon, he was feen by the means of the Refraction at the Altitude of two Diame- ters, Hodgson, Vol. 2. Page 274. And the known Experi- ment of putting a Shilling into a Bowl of clear Water, doth very well explain the nature of Refractions: But that this may be underſtood by every one that would be an Aftronomer, I fhall explain its Laws; which are thefe: A Ray of Light paffing out of a fine into a more denfe Me- dium, is Refracted downwards to the perpendicular L G; but paffing out of a denfer into a finer Medium, the Rays of Light will be Refracted from the Perpendicular; fo ED will be turn'd out of its ftreight Courſe to DA: For if the Re- fraction be made out of Air into Water, then the Sine of Incidence is to the Sine of Refraction as 4 to 3; if out of Air into Glafs, the Sines are as 17 to 11, & vice verfa. A L A 44 B ས་འཐ E M K Ray of Light paffing from A to D, will not go ftreight on to M, but will be turned our of its way to E: Make the An- gle CDL of Reflexion to the Angle ADL of Incidence, and draw the Chord A C; then is A B the Sine of the Angle of Incidence, and B C the Sine of Reflexion : Make A B = 4, and B F = 3; draw F E, and DE, fo is HDE the Angle of The Rays of Light Paffing Refraction, and HE the Sine thereof. Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 39 paffing thro' Oyl of Turpentine and thro' Water, the propor- tion is as 25 to about 16, which proves Oil is denſer than Water. , Retrograde, in Aftronomy, is only appropriated to the five Primary Planets, when by their proper motion in the Zodiack they ſeem to move backward, or contrary to the Succeffion of Signs, as Saturn did this prefent Year 1727, go back from 15° 8' AW to 8° 28', that is 6° 40′, and Venus from 23° 24 m, to 7° 56' m, that is, 15° 28′ Retrograde; but this Motion is not real in the Heliocentric, but only in the Geocentric Motion, occafion'd by the Annual Motion of the Earth, as I have proved by the Inftrument in my Syftem of the Planets demonftrated. Region, Etherial, in Cofmography, is the vaft Extent of the Univerſe; wherein are comprized all the Heavens and Celeftial Bodies.. Retroceffion, the fame with Receffion, which fee. Revolution, in Aftronomy is the Circumvolution of any Coeleftial Body, till it returns to the fame Point in which it was when it first began. The Time of the Revo- lutions of each Planet you may fee under their Names. : Right Afcenfion, of the Sun or Star, is that Degree of the Equinoctial accounted from the beginning of Aries, which rifes with it in a Right Sphere; or it is that De- gree and Minute of the Equinoctial (counted as before) which comes to the Meridian with the Sun, Moon, or Stars, or with any part of the Heavens in an Oblique Sphere. The reafon of which referring it to the Meri- dian, is becauſe that is always at Right Angles to the E- quinoctial, which the Horizon only is in a Right Sphere. ༞、 Right Signs, are Cancer, Leó, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sa- gittary. They are called Signs of Right Afcenfion; becauſe in an Olique Sphere that part of the Ecliptic they pals, nearly cuts the Eaftern Horizon as they rife at right An- gles. Rifing, of the Sun, Moon, or Stars, is their appearing a- bove the Eaftern Horizon. 2 Ring of Saturn, is an opacous, folid, circular Arch and Plane, like the Horizon of a Globe, of Matter compaí fing entirely round the Planet, and no where touching: Its Plane is at this Time nearly parallel to the Plane of our Earth's Equator; the Diameter of this Ring is 2 ہے D 4 of 40 Aftronomical DEFINITION S. of Saturn's Diameters; and the Diſtance of the Ring from the Planet, is about the Breadth of the Ring it felf. See Hugens his Syftema Saturniana, 1659. Roman Indiation, fee Cycle. S. Agittarius, is the Ninth Compleat Sign of the Zo- diack; but in Calculations, Number 8, and Chara- ter'd thus. The Earth enters this Sign about the 10th Day of May. Saros, is a Period for Eclipfes, and called both by Mr. Flamsteed, and Dr. Halley, the Chaldean Saros; it contains in Leap-Year 18 Years, 11 Days, 7 Hours, 43′ 15″; in a common Year 18 y. 10 d. 7 h. 43' 15": The mean Mori- ons of the Sun and Moon in 18 y. 11 d. 7 h. 43' 15' equally os. 10° 48' 6"; of the Moon's Apogeon o§. 13° 39′ 34"; of her Retrograde Node 11S. 18° 43' 38", and of the Moon from the Sun, nothing. This in the 74th Page of my Syftem of the Planets Domonftrated, I call Mr. Whifton's Period; but Dr. Halley affured me, that that Gentleman had it from himſelf, and defired me to let the World know fo much. This Period may ferve very well for common ufe to examine Eclipfes by; but not to truft to for the precife time; Therefore I refer you to the following Precepts; where you have the exact methods of Computing them. Satellites, by Aftronomers are taken for thofe Planets who are continually waiting upon, or revolving about other Planets; as the Moon may be called the Satellite of the Earth; and the reft of the Planets Satellites of the Sun; but the Word is chiefly used for the New-difcovered fmall Planets, which make their Revolution about Saturn and Jupiter; of which there are five about Saturn, and four about Jupiter, which were firſt difcovered by Galilæus. Saturn, is one of the Primary Planets, and the highest of all in the Planetary Syftem: He performs his Revolution, round the Sun in 29 Years, 174 Days, 6 Hours, 36', 26". For his other Motions fee the following Tables: He is Retrograde once every Year. Scholium, is a fhort Critical Expofition, gained from a form- ef Demonftration, or a Corollary wanting an Explication. 1 • Scorpion 1 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 41 Scorpio, is the Eighth Sign in the Zodiack, marked thus m; but in Calculation, Number 7. Unto this Sign the Earth comes about the 9th Day of April. Seafon of the Year, fee Quarters of the Year. Secondary Planets, are fuch as move round others, whom they reſpect as the Center of their Motion, tho' they move alfo a- long with the Primary Planets in the Annual Orbit round the Sun ; and theſe are the Moon and the Satellites of Saturn and Jupiter. Second, the Sixtieth part of a Minute, either of Time or Motion. Secondary Circles, are all Circles which interfect one of the fix Great Circles of the Sphere at Right Angles; fuch are the Circles of Longitude, cutting the Ecliptic at Right Angles; alſo the Azimuths, or Vertical Circles in reſpect of the Hori- zon. Semiquadrate, is one of Kepler's new Afpects, marked thus S. q. and is when two Planets are diftant from each other 1 S. 15°. Octile, or Sefs. Quadrate. Semifextile, is one of Kepler's new Afpects, and marked thus SS; it is made by two Planets of the diftance of one Sign from each other. Semiquintile, is when Planets are diftant from one another 36°, marked thus, Dec. Decile. Septuagefima, Sunday, ſee Quadragefima. Serpens, a Northern Conftellation, called the Serpent of Ophiuchus. Septentrional, Northern. Serpentarius, or Ophiuchus, the Serpent-bearer a Northern Conftellation. Sefquiquadrate, is a New Afpect of 4 S. 15°, marked thus Ss. 4. Setting, of the Heavenly Bodies, is when they go down in the Weltern Horizon. This is either true, or apparent: In the following Doctrine of the Sphere, I have fhewn how to Calculate both for any Time and Place. Sextile, is an Afpect of the Planets, when they are diftant two Signs, 60 Deg. being a fixth Part of the Zodiack, and marked thus *. Siderial Tear, is the Space of Time the Earth is going round the 12 Signs of the Zodiack in reſpect of the fixed Stars, which is 305 Deg. 6h. 9′ 14″. Sigat, 42 Aftronomical - DEFINITION´S. Signs, are the 12 Signs of the Zodiack, Aries V, Taurus ŏ, Gemini II, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio M, Sa gittary, Capricorn VS, Aquarius, Pifces H. Sinifter Afpect, is made according to the order of the Signs from Aries to Taurus, &c. î Sirius, one of the brighteſt Fixed Stars in the Heavens. Slow in Motion: The Planets are always flow in Motion when their Anomalies are o Signs. Solar Year, is either Tropical, or Siderial; which fee under thele Words. Solſtice, is the Time when the Sun (apparently) enters the Tropical Points Cancer and Capricorn; is got furtheft from the Equinoctial, and before he returns back towards it, feeming to be for fome Time at a ftand, viz. that part of the Ecliptic before and after the Tropical Points, lies near parallel to the Equinoct al, and confequently while the Sun moves thro' theſe 10 Deg. of the Ecliptic, his Declination is infenfibly altered. The Summer-Solftice is called Estival; and the. Winter, Hye- mal. · Solfitial Colures, are two great Circles of the Sphere, meeting in the Poles of the World, and cutting each other at Right Angles, paffing thro' the four Cardinal Points; That which paffeth thro' Aries and Libra, is called the Equi- noctial Colure; and that which paffeth thro' Cancer and Ca- pricorn, the Solftitial Colure. Southing of the Stars, is the fame with the time of their Culminating, or being upon the Meridian; for then they are juſt got half way of their Journey betwixt their Rifing and Set- ting. Southern Signs, ſee Auſtral. Spherick Geometry, or Projection, is the Art of defcribing on a Plain the Circles of the Sphere, or any part of them, in their juft Pofition, and Proportion; and of meaſuring their Arks and Angles when Projected. The Circles of the Sphere, as to their Projection on any Plane, are of four kinds. 1. The Primitive Circle, or Limb which bounds the Pro- jection, and with which "tis always made. 2. A Direct Circle, whofe Plane is directly oppofite to the Eye; or when the Eye is in the Axis of the Plain. 3. Of a Right Circle, whofe Plane is Coincident, (that is, falling one upon another) with the Axis of the Eye, or with the Viſual Ray. 4. An Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 43 4. An Oblique Circle whofe Plane lies Oblique to the Axis of the Eye, fo that it makes unequal Angles with it. Spots in the Sun, or Macula. 'Tis certain, thofe Opake Maffes which we ſee thro' the Teleſcope at the Sun, are not Planets revolving at any, even the leaft diftance from him; but Spots, adhering to him, revolving but once in about 254 Days; by which we come to know the Sun's Rotation round its Axis. Stars, are thoſe Glorious ſparking Diamonds in the Canopy of Heaven, moving in that wonderful Order which was given them at the Creation by the Almighty Tetragrammaton, who then gave them a Law that shall not be broken, Pfalm 148. 6. of which there are two forts, viz. Fixed and Earratic; which Words fee. Station, ir Aftronomy, fignifies certain Places in the Zodiack, where a Planet being arrived, ſeems to ſtand ſtill for fome time in the fame Degree and Minute, and is, their being Stationary; which always happens just before and after their being Retrograde. See Point of Station. Succeffion, of the Signs, is that Order in the which they are uſually reckoned; as, firſt, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, &c. See Signs. Summer, one of the four Quarters or Seafons of the Year; which fee. Summer-Solftice, fee Solstice. Sun, was one of the feven Planets (but is now exempted) and refteth fixed in the Center of the Planerary Syftem, and gives Light, Heat, and Motion to all the feven Pla- nets. Sun's Beams. A Star or a Planet is faid to be under the Sun's Beams until they be more than 17 Deg. Elongated from his Body, either before or after him; for till then they cannot be ſeen with the naked Eye. Sunday Letter, fee Dominical Letter. Superiour Planets, are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn; they are fe called, becauſe they move in Orbits round the Sun, which are larger than that of our Earth, and ſo are above us with re- gard to the Sun, and can never come between our Earth and him. Swift in Motion. All the Planets are fwift in Motion when their mean Anomaly are fix Signs, ¿ Symbols, 1 44 Aftronomical DEFINITION s. Symbols, are Marks or Signs of things invented by an Artiſt, and peculiar to ſeveral Sciences, by which the knowledge of the things themſelves is always more expeditiously, and moſt times, more clearly convey'd to the Learner; eſpecially after a little he hath enured himſelf to them. What Symbols I make uſe of in this Treatife, are thefe following: Given. • Required. R. Radius. + Plus, more. -Minus, Lefs. × Multiplication. - Divifion. Equal to. = cr. Side. crs. Sides. < Angles. << Angles. z Sum. X Difference, Square. Cube. ✓ Root. S. Sine. C. S. Co. Sine. Sec. Secant. C. Sec. Co Secant. T. Tangent. C. t. Co. Tangent. Degrees. Minutes. ? Seconds. ... As. : To. :: So is. ▲ Triangle. Synodical Anomaly, in the Moon's Syftem, is, the Aggregate of all her Anomalies in one, viz. her Mean, Equated, Correct, and Laftly, her Synodical Anomaly. Synodical Month, is the fpace of time, viz 29. Days, 12 Hours, 45' contain'd between the Moon's parting from the Sun at a Conjunction, and returning to him again; during which time ſhe puts on all her Phaſes. Synodical Revolution, is that Motion whereby the Moon's whole Syſtem is carried along with the Earth round the Sun. Syftem, properly, is the regular, orderly Collection or Com. putation of many things together. In Aftronomy, the Syftem of the World is the Örder wherein the Planets, move round the Sun, of which there are ſeveral forts; but are all Exploded except the Copernican. Syzygia, in Aftonomy, is the fame with Conjunction of any two Planets, or Stars; or when they are referred to the fame. Point in the Heavens; that is, being in the fame Sign, Degree, and Minute of the Ecliptic, by a Circle of Longitude paffing thro' them both. T. Aftronomical DEFINITION 5, 45 } T. Tables Aftronomical, are fuch as are annexed hereunto. Taurus, is the ſecond Sign in the Zodiack, unto which the Earth comes about the 12th Day of October; it is marked thus Ŏ, and in Calculations numbred with the Figure 1. Teleſcope, is an Inftrument by which we difcover Objects at a diftance: The Reflecting Teleſcope is the beft; becauſe it brings the Object you look at into the Tube: But here are two Inconveniences which this fort are liable to; firſt, that 'tis not very eaſie by it to find the Object you would fee. 2ly, the Concave Meraline Object Speculum, is fubject to tarniſh, ſo that it will not continue long good. Of this fort I have lately feen at Mr. Hern's in Chancery-Lane, London, which feem to be free from the above mention'd Inconveni- encies. Temperate Zone, are two ſpaces on the Earth contained be- tween the two Tropicks and Polar Circles; fee Zone. Terms, at Westminster; there be four every Year, during which Time Matters of Juftice are diſpatched. The firft is called Hilary-Term, which begins the 23d of January, and ends the 12th. of February. The Second is called Eafter-Term, which begins (always) the Wednesday Fortnight after Eafter-Day, and ends the Monday next after Afcenfion-Day. The Third is called Trinity-Term ; it begins the Friday next after Trinity-Sunday, and ends the Wednesday fortnight af ter. The Fourth is Michaelmas-Term, which begins the 23d Day of October, and ends the 28th Day of November next föl- lowing. Note, that Eafter and Trinity-Terms are moveable; and how to find them Yearly, you will meet with in a Ta- ble following. Terms, begin three Days fooner at Doctors-Commons than at Weſtminſter. Oxford-Terms, are four, viz. Hillary, or Lent-Term begins January the 14th, ends the Saturday before Palm-Sunday. Eafter-Term begins the 10th Day after Eafter, exclufive; that is, Wednesday Sennight following, ends the Thursday before Whitfuntide. Trinity- 46 Aftronomical DEFINITION´S. Trinity-Term begins the Wedneſday after Trinity-Sunday, ends after the Act fooner or later, as the Vice-Chancellor and Con- vocation pleaſe. Michaelmas-Term begins October 10, ends December 17. Note, the Monday after the 6th of July the Act begins. Cambridge-Terms; Lent-Term begins Fanuary 13, ends the Friday before Palm-Sunday. Eafter-Term begins the Wedneſday Sev'night after Easter, ends the Thursday before Whit-Sunday. Trinity-Term begins the Wedneſday after Trinity-Sunday, ends the Friday after the Commencement. * Michaelmas-Term begins October 10, ends December 16. Note, the first Tuesday in July the Commencement-Act be- gins. The Irish Terms are the fame as Westminster, except that Michaelmas-Term, which begins October 13, adjourns to No- vember 3, and from thence to the 6th; it hath feven Re- turns. The Scotch-Terms. Candlemas-Term, begins January 23, ends February 12. Whitfuntide-Term begins May 25, ends June 15. Lammas-Term begins July 20, ends August 8. Martinmas-Term begins November 3, ends November 29. The two Learning-Vacations in the four Inns of Court, Lon don, viz. the two Temples, Lincolns-Inn, and Gray's-Inn, begin the firft Sunday in Lent, and the firft after Lammas-Day, and continue three Weeks and three Days. N. B. If the Beginning and End of any of theſe Terms fall on Sunday, then the Beginning.or Ending of the fame is on Monday next following. 1 J Terraqueous Globe, fignifies the Terreftrial Globe, from Terra and Aqua; that is, Earth and Water; as they both to- gether conftitute one Spherical Body. Theorem, is when fomething is propofed to be demonftra- red. Time, is a certain Meaſure depending on the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies, by which the Diſtance and Duration of things are Meaſured. Time of Incidence, is the time from the Beginning to the Middle of an Eclipfe, and in. the Moon's Eclipfe is always equal to the Time of half Duration. Time Aftronomical DEFINITION S. 47 } Time of Repletion, is the Time from the Middle of a Solar Eclipfe, to the End thereof. Torrid Zone, is the fpace on the Earth between the two Tro- picks. See Zone. Tranfit, in Aftronomy, fignifies the paffing of any Planet juft by, or under any other fixed Star; or of the Moon co- vering, or going clofe by any other Planet: Alfo the Tran- fits of Venus and Mercury over the Sun's Disk are underſtood in the fame fenſe; that is, when they pafs between us and the Sun, ſo as to make a black Spot on his Body. Tredecile, or Sefquiquintile, is a New Aſpect of 3 Signs, 18 Degr. and marked thus T. d. Trine Afpe&t, is the diſtance of 120 Degr. or 4 Signs, and is marked thus A. Triplicate Ratio, in four Continual Proportionals, is the pro- portion of the firft Term to the fourth. As, in theſe four Numbers, which are proportional 2:4:6:12. See Proportion. Tropicks, are two leffer Circles of the Sphere, parallel to the Equinoctial, and 23 Degr. 29 Min. diftant therefrom, being the Bounds or Limits of the Sun's greatest Declination, North and South. That which lyeth between the Equinocti- al' and North Pole, is called the Tropick of Cancer; and the other between the Equinoctial and the South Pole, the Tro- pick of Capricorn. When the Earth is arrived to the Tropick of Capricorn, which is about the 10th Day of June, fhe ma- keth longeft Days to all the Northern Inhabitants; and re- turning towards the Equinoctial, when being arrived at the Tropick of Cancer, which is about the 10th of Dec. fhe then makes longeft Nights and ſhorteſt Days to all that dwell ou the North fide of the Equinoctial; and to thofe that live in South Latitudes, juft the contrary Appearances. You muſt underſtand, that the Sun is always apparently Diametrically oppofite to the Earth Tropical Points, are the very Points where the Ecliptic toucheth the two Tropicks, which is in the very be- ginning of Cancer and Capricorn, where the Solftitial Co- Ture cuts them. True place. See Place. Twilight, is that dubious half Light which we perceive be- fore the Sun-rifing, and after Sun-fetting. 'Tis occafion'd by the Earth's Atmosphere, and the Splendor of the Ether which environs the Sun. The Ethereal accended Atmoſphere of the Sun, not fetting fo foon as, and rifing before the Sun; and the Sun's Rays alfo illuminating the Earth's Atmoſphere before, 48 Aftronomical DEFINITION S 1 : before the Body of the Sun can appear, occafions a Light al ways preceding at the Rife, and fubfequent to the Setting of that Glorious Body: Which, tho' becauſe of many accidental Variations in both the Sun's and Earth's Atmoſphere, it cannot be always of the fame Degree of Duration or Brightnefs; yet it uſually holds in the Evenings, till the Sun is about 18 Degr. below the Horizon, and appears fo long before his Rifing in the Morning. But from a due Confideration of the Sphere it felf, it will be eafie to determine in any Latitude where the the Parallel of Declination interfects the Parallel of 18 Degrees For to the Complement of the Latitude, add the Complement of the Sun's Declination, and the distance of the Parallel of 18 Degr. from the Zenith (which always is 108 Degr) if the half Sum of thefe three be equal to 108, then that is the Day the Parallel of Declination cuts the Parallel of 18 Degr. on which Day the Sun has fuch Declina- tion as makes up that Sum above named, and is the Day that there begins to be no Night, but Twilight which is about May 11; and when the Sun has paffed the Tropick, there is another Day of the fame Length with the former, which in this our Latitude of 51° 32' North, will be found to be July 10, on which Days the Sun has the fame Declination, and conſe- quently muft rife and fet at the fame Hours: So that from May 11, to July 10, there is no Night, but Twilight But when the half Sum above mentioned is more than 108 Degr. then there is perfect Darkneſs at Midnight; which how to work you will find in the Doctrine of the Sphere. Tychonian Syftem, is that Hypothefis framed by Tycho Brahe, in which he puts the Earth at reft, as the Center of the Moon and fixed Stars; but the Sun moving round the Earth, is the Center of the Primary Planets. See my Syftem of the Planets Demonftrated, in which I have Exploded this Syftem. V. Acuum, is by Phyfiologifts fuppofed to be a ſpace devoid of all Body; and the Planetary Regions in which the Hea- venly Bodies move, muft needs be fuch; for otherwife a Refiſtance muft accrue to the Planets Motions, which tho' never fo finall, would in time be fenfible, and have an effect in retarding the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies: But no fach thing hath yet ever been obferv'd, or difcovered, tho' the contrary is certain. Befides, fuch a thin Vapour as the Tail of a Comet, can move thro' the Ather, (as fome call it,) with } Arftonomical DEFINITIONS. 49 with incredible fwiftnefs, without being diffipated or drawn from its Natural Courfe; which is in it felf a Demonftration that there must be a kind of Vacuum in thofe Celeſtial Regi- ons. Variation, in Aftronomy, fee Angle of Reflexion. Venus, is the Name of one of the feven Planets, and is the moft Splendid of all the Primary Planets: For when he is Occidental, and at her greateft Elongation from the Sun, fhe often fhines fo bright as to caft a fhadow on the Earth; fhe has her Increaſe, and Decreaſe in Light as the Moon, and moves in an Orb between the Earth and Mercury, making her Revolution round the Sun in 224d. 46h. 19′ 24″, and is never found further off the Sun than 48 Degr. fhe has the leaft Eccentricity, but the greateſt Geocentrick Latitude: For when Retrograde in, he will have more than 8 Degr. North Latitude; and when Retrograde in R, her Latitude will be 9.Degr. South. Every Eight Years you may nearly find her in the fame place of the Heavens. } W Vertex, is that Point in the Heavens, juft over our Heads,' and the fame with Zenith; which fee. Vertical Circles, the fame with Azimuths, which fee. Vefper, the Evening. Vefpertine. In Aftronomy, when a Planet fets after the Sun, it is laid to be Vefpertine. 7 Via Lastea, the fame with Milky-Way, which fee. Vindemiatrix, a fixed Star of the third Magnitude in the Conftellation Virgo. Virgo, one of the 12 Signs of the Zodiack, being the Sixth in order, and thus marked but in Aftronomical Calcu- lations, number'd with the Figure 5. The Earth enters this Sign about the 8th Day of February. Vifible Conjunction, of the Sun and Moon (in Aftronomy) is that which is feen by an Eye from the Earth's Superficies, which always differs from the Time of the true Conjunction,' except they be conjoyn'd in the Nonagefime Degree; and then the true and viſible or apparent time is the fame: The reaſon of which difference is, that the True Conjunction is made by a Line fuppofed to be drawn thro' the Earth's Cen- ter; and the Vifible, by a Line from its Superficies: From hence it will follow, that if the true Conjunction fall in the Oriental Quadrant, that is, between the Nonagefime Degree and the Eaftern Horizon, the Moon's Place is put forward by the Parallax of Longitude, and then will the Viñible Conjun- tion be before the True. But if the True Conjunction fall • { E in 50 Aftronomical DEFINITION s. in the Occidental, that is, between the Nonagefime Degree and the Weſtern Horizon, the Moon's Place is then retarded, or put back fo much as in the Parallax is Longitude; confe quently the Visible or Apparent Conjunction will follow the true Time. The knowledge of thefe are of very great im- portance in the Calculation of Solar Eclipfes. Under the Sun's Beams, is when a Star or Planet is within 17 Degr. of the Sun's Body, either before or after him ; fo that then they cannot be ſeen with the naked Eye. Univerfe; the whole Mafs of material Beings, as, Hea- ven, Earth, Stars, &c. are called by this Name. Vortex, according to the Cartesian Philofophy, is a Syftem of Particles of Matter moving round like a Whirl-Pool: By this they endeavoured to folve the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies. But Sir Isaac Newton proved it falſe; and therefore it is Exploded. Uraniburg. Any place where you view or contemplate the Heavens and Heavenly Motions, may be called by this Name. Urania, the Heavenly Mufe. Uranofcopia, a View of the Heavens. Ursa Major, the Great Bear, called alfo by the Greeks, Ar- os, and Helice; being a Northern Conftellation confifting of 27 Stars; and it is alfo called Charles's Wain. ; Urfa Minor, the Leffer Bear, called by the Greeks Arcos whereupon the North Pole is called the Pole Artick, or Helice Minor; becauſe of the fmall Revolution which it maketh round about the Pole; or rather of Elice, a Town in Ar- cadia, wherein Califto the Great Bear, and Mother of the lef fer, was bred. It is likewife called Cynofura, becauſe tho' it carrieth the Name of the Bear, yet it hath the Tail of a Dog. Theſe two laſt Conſtellations never riſe nor ſet in the Horizon of London. W. WInter-Quarter, one of the four Seaſons of the Year. See Quarter. Winter-Solstice, is, when the Sun apparently, enters the firſt Minute of the Tropical Sign vs, making longeft Nights and fhortest Aftronomical DEFINITION S. 51 fhorteft Days to all the Northern Inhabitants. It happens about the 10th of December. X. XIphias, the Sword-Fiſh, a Southern Conftellation. Y. Ear, is the time the Sun apparently takes to go thro' the Twelve Signs of the Zodiack. This is properly the Na tural or Tropical Year, and contains 365d. 5 h. 48' 57"; during which space of time all the Variety of Seatons are Celebrated. Zenith, is the Point in the Heavens right over one's Head, being Diametrically oppofite to the Nadir, and is always 90 Degr. diftant from the Horizon: And here Note, that the Arch of the Meridian between the Zenith and the Equinoctial, is always equal to the Arch of the Meridian contained be- tween the Horizon and the Pole; which is the fame with the Latitude of the Place. Zodiack, is a Zone or Girdle, furrounding the Heavens, and cutting the Equinoctial at oblique Angles at Aries and Libra, to 23° 29', being equal to the Sun's greatest De- clination; and in the middle of this Zodiack lies the. Ecliptic, or Via Solis, the apparent way of the Sun, and Earth. The Breadth of the Zodiack is 18° 30'; for that will take in the Latitude of all the Planets; lefs Breadth would do only for the Planet Venus, who has fometimes, 9 Degr.' of Latitude: The Zodiack is equally Divided into twelve parts called Signs, and Eleven of theſe twelve reprefent living Creatures, viz. all but Libra the Ballance ; for the reft are the Ram, the Bull, the two Naked Boys, the Crab-Fish, the Lion, the Virgin, the Scorpion, the Shooting- Horfeman, the Goat, the Water-Bearer and the two Fiſhes. Zone, in Geography, is a Space of Earth or Sea, contained between two Parallels of Latitude; and there are five in Number, viz. Two Frigid, or Frozen; Two Temperate, and One Torrid, or burning Zone. The Frigid, are thofe Parts of the Globe comprehended between the Poles and the Polar Circles: Therefore one must be toward the North, and the other toward the South. 1 E 2 In 52 Aftronomical DEFINITIONS. 1 In the North Frigid Zone lies Iceland, Lap-land, Finmark, Samajeda, Nova-zembla, Green-land, and fome part of North America. The South Frozen is not yet known, whether it contains Land or Water. They are in breadth each 46° 58'. Theſe Inhabitants are called Perifcii, becauſe their fhadow goes round them. The Temperate Zones lie one on the North fide the Equator, between the Artic-Circle and the Tropic of Cancer; the other on the South fide between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antartick Circle. Each of theſe is 42 Degr. broad. Theſe Inhabitants are called Heterofcii: They caft their fha- dow but one way. The Torrid or Burning Zone contains all that Space be- tween the Two Tropicks: The Breadth of this is 46° 58′ e- qual to the Breadth of each of the Frigid Zones. The Inha- bitants of this Zone are called Amphifcii, becauſe they caft their fhadow round them; that is, at Noon fometimes to- wards the North, and fometimes towards the South. THE 53 1 THE DESCRIPTION And USE of the SECTOR· ļ } B SECTION I. Ecauſe the Projection of the Sphere, and Geometrical Conftruction of Solar Eclip- fes, are beſt performed by a Sector; and it being that which I fall all along in this Treatife make uſe of, I think it not imper tinent to give my Reader a Page or two in the Deſcription and Uſe of that Univeríal and moſt uſeful Inftrument. Euclid in his 9th Definition of his Third Book, fays, That a Sector is a Figure contained under two Semidiameters, and the Arch which ferves them for a Bafe. This Inftrument is commonly made of Silver, Brafs, Ivory, or Box-Wood, in length 6, 8, 9, and 12 Inches, with a Joint like a Carpenter's Rule; fo that the faid Legs, together with certain right Lines, drawn from the Center of the Joynt, con- tain Angles of different quantities. The Lines that are com- monly drawn upon the Face of this Inftrument, to be uſed Sector-wife, are the Lines of Lines or equal Parts, numbred with 1, 2, 3, to 10, and marked with LL; the x may fometimes ftand for 10, the 2 for 20, or 200, &c. accord- ing as the matter in hand requireth. Next thefe lies a Line of Chords iffuing from the Center, and marked with ca E 3 at 54 The Defcription and Uſe at the End, and numbred 10, 20, 30, &c. to 60°; which Chord of 60 is equal to the Radius of a Circle, or whole Sine of 90 by Prop. 15. Book 4. of Euclid. On the other Face of the Sector is a Line of Natural Sines, numbred with 10, 20, 30, &c. to 90, and marked at the end with SS. By the fides of the Sines lye two Lines of natural Tangents iffuing from the Center alſo, and num- bred with 10, 20, 30, &c. to 45°; becauſe the Tangent of 45, Sine of 90, and Chord of 60, are all equal to the Radius of a Circle: Theſe Tangents are marked at the End with TT. Between the Sines and Tangents on each Leg is a Line offer Tangents, iffuing from two little Brafs Cen- ters, and there beginning to be numbred with 45, 50, 60, 75, and marked with t. t. This Line fupplies the Line of greater Tangents when your Angle exceeds 45°. And on the fame Face with the Chords, and equal Parts or Line of Lines, lies the Lines of natural Secants, iffuing from two little Brafs Centers lying betwixt the Chords and Line of Lines, and numbred with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, marked with S, S. Theſe Chords, Sines, Tangents, and Secants are all projected from the fame Circle to the Radius of the Sector they are placed up- on. There are other Lines arbitrarily placed upon the Sector; but tending nothing to my prefent purpofe, I fhall not therefore trouble the Reader with their Deſcription or Uſe at this time, USE. 1. The Uſe of this Inftrment is fo very great through all the Branches of Practical Mathematicks, that it ought to be written in Letters of Gold. And Firſt, I muſt explain the meaning of two Words ge- nerally made uſe of in the Uſe of the Sector, viz. Lateral, and Parallel. When we fay the Lateral Line of Lines, Sines Tangent, or Secant, we mean, that Line which is found upon the Face, or Side of the Sector. And to take off a Parallel, Sine, &c. is to ſet one Foot on your Compaffes on the Sine of 40, &c. on one Leg, and the other Foot on 40 on the other Leg. A Parallel Radius is when one Foot is fet in the Sine of 90 Degrees, or Tangent of 45, or Chord of 60, on one Leg, and the other Foot on 90, 45, and 60 on the other Leg. The 1 of the SECTOR. 55 } 1 The Line of Lines are actually Divided into 100 equal parts each ; but we have only 10 put to them, which may fignifie either themſelves alone, or to times themſelves, or 100 times themfelves, or 1000 times themſelves, as occafion fhall require; fo that when you lay down, or take off any Number of equal Parts, fet 1o, 10 to the given Radius, and fet one Foot of your Compaffes on one Number, as fup- poſe 70, and the other Foot on 70 on the other Line of Lines, and extant is either 7, 70, 700, 7000, &c. according as the the nature of your Queftion requires. Theſe Line of Lines are uſeful to increaſe, or diminiſh a Line in a given Proportion, to divide a given Line into any Number of equal Parts; to find the Proportion between two or more given Lines; to find a third Proportion to two gi- ven Lines; or three Lines being given, to find a fourth Line proportional to them; to find a mean Proportional between two given Lines; or, to divide a Line in fuch manner, as a- nother Line is already divided. 2. To open the Sector, that the two Lines of equal Parts may make a Right Angle, if the whole lateral Length be ap- ply'd over between 8 and 4; becauſe 8+ 6 = 100, by 47 of the firſt of Euclid; and the Line of Lines then on the Sector will ftand at a Right Angle. 3. The Line of Lines may be opened to a right Angle, if the Lateral Line of 90 be applyed over parallel between 45 Deg. and 45. Dege. in the Sines; or if the Lateral Line of 45 be apply'd parallel over the Line 30, and 30. 4. Line of Chords may be opened to any particular Angle, by taking out the Lateral Chord of the Angle re- quired, and applying it over in the Parallel of, 60, 60; and you will have thofe Lines feverally to ftand open at the Angle propofed. Example, I would open the Line of Chords to an Angle of 20 Degrees. Take the Lateral Chord of 20, and apply it over Pa- rallel on 60, 60; and then thoſe Lines ftand open at an An. gle of 20, as was required, E 4 1. 0. 56 The Defcription and Ufe 5. On the contrary, if the Sector be opened to any An- gle at venture, you may find the quantity of it thus, viz. take the parallel Chord of 60 Deg. and meaſure it on the lateral Chord, and that will give the Angle that the Line of Chords then ftands at. And obferve the fame of the Lines of Sines, by confidering that the Sine is half the Chord of the double Ark. As, if it were required to open the Sector in the Lines of Sines to an Angle of 40; take out the lateral Chord of 40, and to it open the Sector to the Chord of 60; fo fhall the Lines of Sines be opened to the Angle required. Or if the Semi-radius be apply'd over between the Line 30 and 30, it will open the Lines of Sines to that Angle, W Example, I would open the Lines of Sines to an Angle of 45 Degrees. Divide the lateral Chord into two equal parts, and lay that extant parallel over the Sines 30, 30, and that ſhall open the Lines of Sines to an Angle of 45. Degrees. · Note, It is one thing to open the Edge of the Sector to an Angle, and another thing to open the' Lines on the Sector to the fame Angle: For when the Sector is clofe fhut, the Edges of it make no Angle; but the Lines of Lines, Sines, Tangents and Secants, make then an Angle of near 6 Degrees. 6. If you would examine the Lines of Chords, Sines, Tangents and Secants, whether they be truly made, Pro- ject them from a Circle of the fame Radius; and if you would prove if the Sines, and Chords are truly projected from the fame Circle, then open the Sector-Lines ftreight out at length, and take the Sine 10, 10; that is, fet one foot of your Compaffes on 10, on one Leg, and extend the other to 10 on the other Leg in a ftreight Line; carry this extant to the Line of Chords; fet one foot in the Center, and the other foot will exactly reach to the Chord 20 Degr. if your Sector is truly made. The fame obferve of any other Degrees on the Sines. 7. To Lay down an Angle of any quantity of Degrees. This of the SECTOR. 57 [ This may be performed, either by the Lines of Chords, Sinės, Tangents, or Secants, due regard being had to each particular Line. 1. By the Chords. Take the defign'd Radius in your Compaffes, and open the Sector in 60, 60, on the Line of Chords; then take parallel-wife the given Angle in your Compaffes, and lay it down, and 'tis done. Do fo for the Sines, by applying the Radius over the Sine 90, 90 and the Tangent if lefs than 45, over 45, at the end of the Line, but if your Angle exceed 45 Degr. then you muſt fet the Radius over the leffer 45, where are two fmall Brafs Centers nearer the Joynt of the Sector alfo your Secants muſt be taken from thofe Centers, on the other face of the Sector, where 'tis marked at the end with S. or fometimes with Sec. ་་ Example. Let it be required to lay down an Angle of 40 Degrees by the Lines of Chords, Lines, Tangents, and Se- cants on the Sector. Draw A B, equal to your propoſed Radius, and ſtrike the Arch; which take in your Compaffes, and fet one foot in 60 of the Line of Chords; open the Sector till the other foot fall in 60 on the other Leg of the Sector. Now it is fitted to the given Radius; fo that any quantity of Degrees may be laid down or meaſured to anſwer that Ra- dius. But in the prefent Example 'tis only 40 Degr. Take therefore 40 from the Line of Cords parallel-wife and fet ir on the Arch B C; Draw A C, and the Angle B A C is an Angle of 40 Deg. as was required. But if your Angle exceed 60 Deg. then you muſt take half, and lay it down twice; as fuppofe 80 Deg. take the Cord of 40, and turning it on the Arch twice, fhall give you the true Chord of 80: And fo of any other above 60. 2. By the Sines. Take AB in your Compaffes, and open the Sector on 90, 90, to that extant; then take off the parallel Sine of 40 Deg. and fet one foot in C, the other will reach to E, and that is the Sine of the Arch B C, which meaſures Angle B A C. 3. By the Tangents. Take A B, in your Compaffes, and open the Sector on the Tangents of 45 Deg. to that extant ; then 1 $8 The Deſcription and Uſe " then take off the Tangent of 40, parallel and fet one foot in B, the other will reach exactly to D; then is B D the Tan- gent of the Arch B C 40 Degrees. ; 4. By the Secants. Take A B in your Compaffes, and open the Sector on the fmall Brafs Centers which lye toward the Joynt of the Sector to that extant then take off the parallel Secant of 40, and it will, reach from A to D ; fo is AD the Secant of the Arch B C, and that meaſures the Angle B A C 40 Deg. as was required. A A40 EB ; And thus may any right-lined Angle be either meaſured or laid down, by the Line of Chords, Sines, Tangents, and Secants. And if you have occaſion for the Verfed Sine of any Ark under 90, it may be had by fubtracting the Natural Sine of the fame Ark from the Radius; the Remainder is the Complement of the Verfed Sine required; thus, From Radius Sine of 90° is Natural Sine of 40 fub. Verſed Sine of 50 is 1 10.000000 6.427876 3.572124 And the verſed Sine to any Angle above 9º, is had by, adding the Natural Sines Excefs above 90 to the Radius: Thus, To Radius 900 10.000000 Add Natural Sine of Verfed Sine of 130 40 add 6.427876 is 16.427876 And the Secant of any Ark is had by fubftracting the Co. Sine out of the Double Radius: Thus, Double Radius An Angle of 40, its Co. Sine is The Secant of 40 is 20.000000 9.884254 10.115746 Note, That Radius is a Mean Proportional berween the Tangent of an Arch, and the Tangent Complement of the fame Arch. ? Demon- of the SECTOR. f 59 Demonftration per Euclid 13, 6. Take the Tangent c D, and fet it from 4 to b, in the lower Diagram; take the Co. Tan- gent be, and ſet it from b to c: Biffect a c in e, on e as a Cen-. ter with the Radius e a ec; ftrike the Semicircle a D c, at b; erect a Perpendicular to touch the Periphery at D'; fo fhall b D be the Geometrical Mean, and is equal to the Ra- dius ab of the upper Dia- gram. Alfo Radius is a mean Proportional between the Sine of an Arch, and the Secant Complement of the fame Arch, as is proved above. D e b G SECT- : { 涕 ​SECTION II.. Of Spherick Geometry. : 2 WHoever would be an Aftronomer, it is very requifite that he be well-grounded in Numbers; and thereby acquainted with Euclid's Elements; and that he may the bet ter go thro' the Doctrine of the Sphere, I fhall here fubjoyn a few Propofitions introductory to the Projection of the Sphere on any Circle. 1. The Angle of Interfection of any two Cir- cles on a Plane, is equal to their Angle made by 1 1 e their Radii, drawn from their Centers, to the Point of In- terfection. Conftruction. To the Point of Interſection 4, draw a e, a Tangent, to the Circle a cd, and d 4, a Tangent, to the Circle b a e. Demonftration. Becauſe the infinitely fmall Portions of the Circles, do coincide with the Tangents, and confequent- ly have the fame Direction; therefore the Curv'd Lin'd An- gle bac, formed by the two Circles, is equal to the Right Lin'd Angle d af = b a ¢ 60°: And becauſe the Angle dac Angle bae is a Right Angle, take away from each the interjacent Angle dab = cae; there will remain the Angle bac = Angle fa d= Angle ga e, which was to be de- monftrated. = 2. All Of Spherick Geometry. 61 2. All Angles made by Circles on the Superficies of the Globe, are equal to thofe made by their Repreſentatives on the Plane of the Projection. + Suppoſe the Eye at a; project the Spherical Angle gbb, and draw the Tangent b k to the Circle bb; alfo draw the Tan- gent b to the Circle gb; + from the Point b, draw be paralled to D h, and joyn a c; draw ki at Right Angles to Dk, to meet the Tangent b i in i; and then Draw f i. Now by the 32,3. Euclid, the Angle k ba, Angle a c b = abc per Euclid 21, 3; and bƒ k = An- bf gle kb f per 29, I: Therefore bk = fk by the 6, i. Then in the Triangles i kf, ik b, ik, kf=ik, kb, and the Angle i kƒ¨¨Right. 1 a CMK Wherefore the Angle ifk upon the Plane of the Projecti- on, is equal to the Angle bk, forming the Spheric Angle gbh; which proves the Angle made by the Circles is equal to the Angle made by their Tangents. For the Eye at a, Projects the Tangent b k in fk, and the Tangent bi in fi; the Angles ifk, i b. k being both bounded by ik. Or, as in the following Scheme, Draw all the Line; then will the Angle a dm, be equal to the Angle a qd, in (the Oppofite. Segment) which is qad; becauſe the A is an fofceles; but the Angle q da = Angle higd; becauſe q dis parallel to e g; therefore the Angle hg d = Angle a d m = d'm vertical Angle bdg; wherefore the A bag is an Ifofceles, bd and confequently db ishg. Hence 1 62 Of Spherick Geometry? { a m \h 2 Hence the Trian- gle 'Od h, hath two Sides, oh and hd, and the Angle obd to two Sides, and one Angle in theo bg. Where- fore all things are e- G qual, and Confè- quently the Angle ob g Angle odb .i • to the Curvilineal Angle, made by the two Circles. PROPOSITION 1. To find the Pole of any Great Circle. F it be the Primitive Circle, its Pole is at e, the Cen- ter. 1 2. If the Pole of a Right (cd) or Perpendicular (a b) be fought, 'tis 90 Degrees diftant upon the Limb from the Point where the Circle cuts it. So the Pole of abis c ord; and the Poles of c d are 4, and b. The Poles of every fmall Circle are the fame with the Poles of that great Circle to which they are Pa- rallel. PROP. Of Spherick Geometry. 63 PROP. 2. ROP. To find the Pole of an Oblique Circle. First, Confider, that this Circle muft cut the Primitive in two oppofite Points, as in the Cafe of all great Cir- cle. 2. The Pole of this Circle muſt be in a Line perpendicular to its Plane. K 3. This Circle's Pole muſt always lye between the Center of the Primitive, and its own. Let a bd, and a cd, be two oblique Circles, whoſe Poles are requi red. A Ruler laid from a to b and c, gives g and h; take the Chord of 90. Degrees and fet it from g to k and from tok b to i. Then a Ruler laid from kto i feverally, gives m, and L the two Poles fought: So m is the Pole of the Oblique Circle, a bd, and I of the Circles a cd. Note, The Pole of every 1 Circle falls in the Diameter of that Circle. I m مة + : 1 PROP. Of Spherick Geometry. 1 PROP 3. To lay down on the Projection of any Angle required. alamin འད་ Here are three Cafes. 1 The Angle at the Center of the Primitive.. 2 In the Periphery. 3 Any where in the Circle; but neither in the Center nor Periphery. ry. a P First, An Angle at the Center is laid down by the Line of Chords on the Periphery, thus: I would have an Angle of 51032. Take the Chord H. of 51° 32' and fet it from H to P, draw Pa and 'tis done. For the Angle PaH is 51° 32. 1 Secondly, That the Angle-Point may be in the Periphe d • RULE. ? Take the Secant of the given Angle in your Compaffes, and ſet one Foot at b, where you defign the Angular Point, and with the other make a Mark in the Diameter at e, that fhall be the Center of a Circle that fhall make an Angle at the Circumfe- rence, as was required. Example, I would have an Angle of 40 De- grees, and the Angular Points to to be at b and c. b JIANRAI d F A Open the Sector to the Radius of the given Circle fa, on the Line of Secants, and take off the Secant of the given Angle 40 Deg. carry this extant, and fet one Foot in bor c, and with the other make a Mark in the Diameter at e ; fet one Foot in e, and fweep the Arch b d c, fo fhall the Angle abd Of Spherick Geometry. 65 f a b d a c d be an Angle of 40 Degrees as was requi- red. Thirdly, To make a Spherick Angle, where the Angle-point is in any Point given within the Periphery, but not in the Center. Example. I would make an An- gle of 50 Degrees at the Point b. Rule. Lay a Ruler from d to the given Point b, and it gives e in the Periphery. Draw ge to meet the Tangent of; Take cf, and fet from g to b; Draw hi Parallel to dg Take the Co. Tangent of the given Angle, viz. 40 Deg. and fet it from h to i, fo is i the Cen- ter; on which draw (with the Ra- L ah "1 :b I dius i b,) the Arch b L fo is the Angle ab L 50 Deg. as was required. PROP. 4 To measure any Spherick Angle, when Projected. Here are three Cafes. 1. When the Angle-Point is at the Center of the Primitive Circle. 2. When the Angle-Point is at the Periphery. 3. When the Angle-Point is within the Primitive, but not in the Center. First, To Meaſure an Angle at the Center of the Primitive Circle. You have no more to do, than to take the Arch in your Compaffes, that is terminated by the two Legs of the An- gle, and apply it to the Line of Chords, and 'tis done; which being fo plain, needs no Example. F 2. To 1 } 66 Of Spherick Geometry. 2. To Meaſure a Spheric Angle, the Angle-Point being at the Circumference. RULE. By Prop. 2. find the Pole of the given Oblique Circle; then meature the Diſtance on the half Tangent between the Center of the Primitive; and the Pole of the Oblique Cir- cle, and that's the Quantity of the Angle fought. a b e C Example. Let the An- gle abd be required : First, The Pole of the Oblique Circle b dc is at f, the diſtance ef on the Semi-Tangents is 40, the quantity of the Angle a b d a c d. But if the two Poles are not in the fame Diameter, then lay a Ruler to the Angle-Point, and to thoſe Poles fe- verally, and that will reduce them to the Primitive Cir- cle; which meaſure on the Line of Chords, as was taught in the first hereof. b Id n e Example. Let the Angle d be be required to be mea- fured: First, The Pole of the Right Circle bc is at n. by Prop. 1. and the Pole of the Oblique Circle bd c, is at f; lav a Ruler from b, the Angle-Point to f, gives g in the Circumference; and laid from b to n, gives n; the Chord ng, is 50 Degr. the quantity of the Angle fought. Thirdly, Of Spherick Geometry. 619 1 Thirdly, To meaſure a Spheric Angle when the An- gle-Point is within the Primitive, but not in the Cen- ter. A Rule. Find the Poles of the two Oblique Ctrcles that limit the Angle to be meaſured by Prop. 2; and a Ruler laid to the Angular Point, and to thofe Poles feverally, will reduce the MK Angle to be meaſured, to the Primitive Circle; which meaſure on the Line of Chords, as by the first here- of. Z P B e d H N Example. Let it be required to Meaſure the Angle PB Z. First, Draw the Diameter e a of the oblique Circle PBS the Pole thereof falls at c. Secondly, Draw the Diameter M H of the Oblique Circle Z B N, the Pole thereof falls at d; a Ruler laid from B the Angular-Point to c and d feverally, gives ƒ and g in the Primitive; the Arch ƒg measured on the Line of Chords is 18 Degrees, the quantity of the An- gle required. PROP. 5. To measure the quantity of Degrees of any Arch of a great Circle. 1. If the Arch be part of the Primitive, 'tis meaſured on the Line of Chords. 2. If the Arch be any Part of a Right Circle (that is, a Diameter that paffes thro' the Center of the Primitive) then lay a Ruler from the Pole of the Right Circle, to the two Extremities of the Portion of the Right Circle that is to be meaſured, and it will give you two Points in the Primi- tive; which meafured on the Line of Chords, is the quan- F 2 city 68 Of Spherick Geometry. } tity of the Right Circle in Degrees and Minutes, as was re- quired. Example. In the laft Scheme, if it were required to mea- fure the Part e d, of the Right Circle K, H, I lay a Ruler to z, its Pole, and to e and d, gives N and i in the Primitive; then open your Sector to the Radius e N, &c. and take off Ni, and applying it parallel on the Line of Chords, gives 30 Degrees, the quantity of e d, as was required. Or, the Portion of any Right Circle may be meaſured by the Scale of half Tangents; fuppofing the Center of the Pri- mitive to be in the beginning of the Scale; fo that if the Degrees are to be reckoned from the Center, you muft ac- count according to the Order of the Line of half Tan- gents. But if the Degrees are to be accounted from the Periphe- ry of the Primitive (as will often happen) then you muſt be- gin to account from the end of the Scale of half Tangents, calling 80, 10; 70, 20, &c. 3. To meaſure any part of an Oblique Circle. First, Find its Pole; there lay the Ruler; Reduce the two Extremities of the Ark required to the Primitive Circle, and then the diſtance between theſe Points on the Chords, is the Quantity fought. a Thus in the laft Figure, if the quantity B K of the Ob- lique Circle PBS were required, à Ruler laid to its Pole at c, and to B and K, will give the two Points L, m, in the Pri- mitive, which diſtance L m, on the Line of Chords is 63 Degrees, which is the quantity of B K, as was requi- red. PROP. 6. To draw a Parallel Circle. 1. If it be to be drawn parallel to the Primitive Circle, at any given diſtance, draw it from the Center of the Pri- mitive with the Complement of that diſtance taken from the Line of half Tangents. 1 2. If Of Spherick Geometry. 69 ་ F " 1 1 2. If it be to be Drawn parallel to a Right Circle as, fuppofe cd parallel to ab were to be drawn at 23° diftant from it; from the Chords take 23 Deg. , and ſet it on the Primi- mitive from a to c, and from b to d; or fet Complement 660 the Pole of a b, Points c and d. its from P to the 1 P Then take the Tangents of the Parallel-diftance from the Pole of the Right Circle a b, which is here 661; fet one Foot of the Compaffes in c and d feverally, and make two occult Arches, whoſe Interſection ſhall be the Center of the Circle cd; and thus are the Tropicks and Parallel of Decli nation drawn in the Stereographick Projection. 3. If it be to be drawn Parallel to an Oblique Circle. Rule. From the Line of half Tangents, lay off the Paral- lel diſtance from the Pole of the Oblique Circle given, both ways in that Diameter of the Primitive Circle; and Note thofe Marks: Then theſe Points Binfected, give the Center of the Parallel fought. Example. Let it be requi- red to draw a Circle Paral- lel to the Oblique Circle abc, at the diſtance of 40 Degrees. First, find f, the Pole of the Oblique Cir- cle; then Meaſured f, the diſtance of the two Poles on the half Tangents, which you will find to be 34 De- grees; to which add 50 (the Complement of the defign'd Parallels diftance from the a h b le 500 C 34 784 X 16 Ob- F 3 70 Of Spherick Geometry. Oblique Circle,) to the Sum of 84; fet off the half Tan- gents from d to g; then take the difference between 34 and 50=16, and fet it from d to h; Biffect g h in i; fo is i, the Center of the required Parallel Circle. Note, By this Prop. is the Path of the Vertex of any Place drawn in the Copernican Projection. PROP. 7. To draw a great Circle thro' any Point making with the Primitive Circle any given Angle. Rule 1. With the Tan- h a d gent of the given Angle, fet one Foot in the Center; deſcribe an Arch. 2. With the Secant of the fame Angle, ſet one Foot in the given Point; ftrike an Arch, croffing the former; the Interfection of theſe two Arches is the Cen- ter of the Circle required. Example. Let it be required to draw a great Circle thro' the given Point f, and to make an Angle with the Primitive of 30 Degrees. Open the Sector to the Radius ce, and take off the quan- tity of the given Angle of 30 Degrees; fet one Foot of the Compaffes in the Center of the Primitive Circle at e, and Sweep the Arch at g: Open the Sector to the Radius as above, at the little Center to the Sector, and take off the Secant of 30; fer one Foot of the Compaffes in the given Point f and ftrike the other Arch at g; the Inter- fection of the Arches at g is the Center of the oblique Cir- cle bfb, which paffes thro' the given Point ƒ and makes an Angle with the Primitive of 30 Degrees as was re- quired, PROF 1 Of Spherick Geometry. 7፤ PROP. 8. To draw a great Circle thro' any two given Points with- in the Periphery of the Primitive Circle. RULE. 1. Thro' either of the given Points and the Primitive Cir- cle's Center, draw a Diameter, produceth it beyond the Pe rimeter. 2. Cross this Diameter at Right Angles. 3. Through the Point mentioned draw a Line to the Ex- tremity of the fecond Diameter. 4. At the end of this Line in the Periphery of the Primi- tive Circle erect a Perpendicular, cutting the firſt Diameter in a third Point. 5. Thro' the two given Points, and this third Point ftrike a Circle, and it fhall be the great Circle required. Example. Let it be required to draw a great Circle thro' the two Points ƒ and and g. 1. Thro'ƒ and e draw the Diameter of the Primitive a b. 2. Croſs it at Right Angles with the Diameter c d. 3. Draw a Line K either from f to c, or from ƒ to d. G الحق 4. To either of which lines fc, or fd, at the Extremity of c or d, erect the Perpendicular ci, interfecting the Diamerer a b, produceth in i, the third Point. 5. Thro' these three Points fg i, defcribe the Circle ƒgi by the known Problem of finding a loft Center, Euclid 25, 3. and 'tis done. Draw the Line KL; and if it paſs thro' the Center of the Primitive, your Work is right; elfe not: Becauſe then the required Great Circle cuts the Primitive in two oppofite Points. F 4 PROP. 1 72 Of Spherick Geometry. PROP. 9. To draw a great Circle Perpendicular to a given Great Circle. GENERAL RULE. Draw a great Circle thro' the Pole of the given great Circle, and it will be Perpendicular to a great Circle gi ven. Here are four Cafes. 1 Perpendicular to the Primitive Circle. t 2 A Right Circle perpendicular to a Right Circle. 3 An Oblique Circle perpendicular to a Right Circle. 4 An Oblique Circle perpendicular to an Oblique Circle, CASE I To draw a Circle Perpendicular to the Primitive Circle given. RULE. Through the Center of the Primitive Circle draw a Dia meter, and 'tis done: For the Center of the Primitive Cir- cle is its Pole. CASE II. To draw a Right Circle perpendicular to a Right Circle. RULE. This is done by drawing the Diameter perpendicular to the Diameter, or Right Circle given, 1 CASE Of Spherick Geometry. 73 CASE III. To Draw an Oblique Circle perpendicular to a Right Circle gi ven. RULE. Find the Poles of the given Right Circle by Prop. 1. Cafe 2. 2. Draw a Circle thro' thoſe two Poles. Example. Let it be re- quired to draw an Oblique Circle perpendicular to the Right Circle cd. Lay the Chord of 90 from c to a and b, and draw the Diameter a b; for a and b are the Poles of the Right Circles c d. With any diſtance of the Com- paffes fet one Foot in a and b, and ſtrike the two Ar- ches at f; then is f the Center of the Oblique Cir- cle ag b, and is at Right • b a 9 d Angles with the given Right Circle e d, as was requi- red. Note, That if the Oblique Circle required to be drawn, were fo limited as to make a given Angle with the Primi- tive Circle; • Then take the Secant of that Angle (as in Cafe 2. Prop. 3.) in your Compaffes; and placing one Foot in a or b make two Arches croffing each other as before at f; then ſhall ƒ be the Center: Or, take the Tangent of that Angle, and fet it off in the Right Circle c d from the Center e to f, and 'tis done. But if the Point g be given, thro' which this Oblique Cir- cle fhould paſs without any relation to the Angle it ſhould make with the Primitive Circle, (tho' that be naturally given) a Circle ftruck thro' the three Points 4 g and b, will anfwer the Demand. a CASE 74 Of Spherick Geometry. 1 CASE 4. To draw an Oblique Circle perpendicular to a Given Oblique Circle. RULE. 1 2. Firſt, Find the Pole of the given Oblique Circle by Prop. 2. Thro' that Pole draw a great Circle; or, which is the fame, draw fuch an Arch as may pafs thro' the Pole fo found, and may interfect the Primitive in Points Diame- trically oppofite. a h d K 2 Example. Let it be required to draw an Oblique Circle perpendicular to the Oblique Circle a b è̟. First, I find the Pole of the Oblique Cir- cle a b c to be at g then I lay a Ruler o- ver the Center d, of the Primitive (any wife, becauſe it muſt cut the Primitive in oppofite Points) cut- ting it in h and i; Points i gh, and it find the Center that will ſweep the three fhall be the Center of the Great Circle required, and cuts the great Oblique Circle a be at Right Angles at K. Note, If the Point K in the Circle a b c be given, then draw a great Circle thro' the two Points g and K by the 8th Prop. And if it be required that the Circle igb, fhould make any gi- ven Angle, it may be done by the 7th Propofition. · • 1 } SEC- 75 SECTION III. The Projection of the Sphere Orthographically and Stereo- graphically, on the Planes of the Meridian, Ecliptic, and Horizon. PRO B. I. To Project the Sphere Orthographically on the Plane of the Meridian. TAKE any convenient Radius from the Chord of 60 Deg. on the Sector, and fweep the primitive Circle, which doth always repreſent the Meridian of the Place projected upon the Solftitial Colure. Draw HH for the Horizon, and N for the Eaft and Weft Azimuth, the Zenith, and N 11 10. Z હ G a 12 1 2 H M T b R F A b H N B 5 101) N 321 A the ! 76 The Projection of the Sphere. the Nadir of the Place; take the Chord of the propofed La- titude(as fuppofe 51° 32') and fet it from H to P, and from z to Æ, draw PS for the Earth's Axis, and EE for the Equi- noctial Take the Cord of, 230 29', the diftance of the Tro- picks from the Equinoctial, and ſet it from Æ on the Meridi- an each way, and draw 12, and VS 12, parallel to the E- quinoctial: Alfo fer the fame Chord of 230 29' on the Me- ridian from the Poles at P and S, each way, and draw the Polar Circles parallel to the Equinoctial: Take the Chord of 189 and fet it from H to I and I under the Horizon, which L. fhall be the Parallel of Twilight. Draw, VS for the Ecliptic, and on it from the Center of the primitive Circle fet the Sines of 300 and 60° each way, and place the Signs of the Zodiack, and to fall in the Center, and and V8 at the V VS Circumference: A A and a a are Parallels of Altitude; the firft being drawn by the Cord of 20 Deg. and the other of 40 ; the Meridians or Hour-Circles I have only drawn from Tropick to Tropick, which if they were continued; would meet in the Poles, and are Ellipfes, and are drawn, as I fhall now fhew in the Azimuths. First, Draw as many Parallels of Altitude as you pleaſe; as here I have drawn one at 20, and another at 40 Deg. (the more the better; then take the Sine of what Azimuths you defign to project, from the Radius of the primitive Circle, and fet it from the Center on the Horizon; as here I would draw the 45th and 11th Azimuths from the Eaft and Weft. I fet them off feverally to m and n; theſe are the Points in the Horizon thro' which the faid Azimuths muft pafs: But to find the Points in the Parallels of Altitude thro' which they muft pafs, take half the Parallel of Altitude, and make it the Radius of the Line of Sines on the Sector=q A; from it take the Sine of 45° and ſet it from R to q on the Parallel; alſo make a v the Radius of the Line of Siñes on the Sector, and take from it the Sine of 45° the required Azimuth, and fet, it on the Parallel from v to x; fo are the Points x q and m, the Points thro' which the 45th Azimuth muft pafs. Thus you muft find Points under the Horizon, and by an even hand draw the Elliptical Azimuths, which will all meet in the Zenith and Nadir. And after the fame manner are the Hour-Circles or Meridian drawn, by firft drawing as many Parallels to the Equinoctial as you pleaſe towards the Poles; and by finding Points, as has been fhewn in the Azimuths, firft marking them in the Equinoctial by the Sines of 15,30,45,60 and 75°. The Pro. The Projection of the Sphere. :77 • or Projection being finiſhed, we will fuppofe the Sun in 10° 20: (For then the Declination is the fame, viz. 14º 50º 28" N.) Draw DL, by fetting off the Chord of the Declinati- on, which ſhall repreſent the Parallel of the Sun's Declination for thoſe Days: Then Fr I B B E Y will be the ED= ԴՐ b B D B L B; Longitude Rifing or Setting. Afcen Difference. Time is due Eaft or Weft. Altitude a little before 9 a-clock. Declination. Right Afcenfion. Semidiurnal Ark. Seminocturnal Ark. Amplitude. To him that underftands how to lay down an Ellipfis by the Line of Sines, the method of projecting this will become exceeding eafie. This Projection I have contrived on Braſs, fo that the Body of the Work moves within the Graduated Meridian, to any Latitude; and upon it I have a moveable Horizon with two Sights to take the Sun's Altitude, by which it becomes an Univerfal Dial, and is of excellent ufe for Sea-faring Men to find their Latitude and Hour of the Day: For having the Sun's Zenith-Diſtance, (as fuppofe 20 Deg. to the Northward) on the 6th Day of July, the Sun's Declina- tion 21 Deg. 19' N. with your Pen mark on the Meridian the Sun's Declination, and move the Projection till that Point , touch 20°, the Zenith-Diftance, and then doth the North- Pole of the Projection cut the Meridian at 1 Deg. 19 Min. above the Horizon, and fuch is the Latitude of that Place of Obfervation North. Here the Work by the Pen is not only faved, but alſo Demonftrated. PROB. 78 The Projection of the Sphere. PRO B. 2. ! To Project the Sphere Stereographically upon the Plane of the Meridian. ༢ With the Chord of 60 Degrees fweep the primitive Cir- cle; draw H H for the Horizon, and z N for the Eaft and Weft Azimuth, the Zenith of your Habitation, and N the Nadir. Take 51 Degr. 32 Min. the Latitude from the Line of Chords, and fet it from H to P, and from Z to Æ, Draw PS for the Axis, and Æ Æ for the ! Æ i H H Æ И Equinoctial; take the Chord of 23 Degr. 29 Min. and fet off the Tropicks and Polar Circles as in the laft Pro- jection. Note, The Tropicks and all Parallels of Declination, &c. Hours, Circles, Azimuths and Almicanters are drawn by the Tangents of the Angles that they form with the Peri- phery The Projection of the Sphere. 79 phery of the Plane of the Projection: For as in the Ortho- graphick Projection they were Ellipfes, here they are Cir cles: Then, to draw the Tropicks; becauſe they are 66 Degr. 31 Min. fer one Foot in the Axis (being fuppofed to be continued) and draw the Tropicks. Or, if the Secants of their feveral Diſtances from their neareſt Pole, be fet off in the Axis from Y, the Center of the Projection on the fame fide of the Equinoctial as they lye, you will have their feveral Centers, and the Tangent of the fame Diftance will be their Radii, or Semidiameter. Therefore the 10 20 880 70 23 29 60 31 30 60 Parallel of 40 is drawn by the 250 50 Tangent of 40 бо 30 66 31 23 29 70 80 And the Hour-Circles 20 LIO of 2 & 15 are drawn by the Secants of45 30 бо 75 75 and marked in the Equi-60 noctial by their half Tan-45 gent from , of .30 15 The Hour-Line of 6 is the Earth's Axis; therefore a freight Line paffes through the Center of the Proje- ction. All the great Circles paffing thro' the Center are divided, by the Line of Semi-Tangents of their feveral Divifions from V. So the Ecliptick is divided by opening the Sector to the Radius of the Primitive Circle; and becauſe every Sign is 30 Degrees, take the Tangents of 15 Degrees, 30 Degrees feverally, and they will mark out the Places of O, , m, II, I, on one fide, and m, X, 7,~, on the other fide; and Vs do fall at the Peripher, 90 Degrees from Tand, whofe Semi-Tangent is 45 Degrees to the Ra- dius ļ 80 The Projection of the Sphere. Radius of the Projection. Almicanthers, or Parallels of Al- titude in this Projection; as alfo Parallels of Celeſtial Lati- tude, are drawn as the Parallels of Declination; only the Centers of the firft fall in the prime Vertical; but of the latter, in the Axis of the Ecliptick. In the following Problems of the Sphere I fhall always make uſe of the Stereographick Projection. It is the com- mon Method uſed by moft Authors to Project this in a Paral- lel Pofition; and by drawing the Horizon of any particular Place, they fixt it for that Latitude: But I have chofen ra- ther an oblique Poſition, and have adapted the Pole to the Elevation of London. I fhall leave it to the Reader's choice to do what way he fancies beft; for the diftance from St. Paul's to the Royal Exchange, is the fame, as from the Royal Exchange to St. Paul's. PRO B. 3. The Stereographick Projection of the Sphere upon the Plane of the Ecliptick. ७ A WS ㅍ ​This is what I call the Copernican Projection of the Globe; becauſe by it we folve the Phænomena of the Heavens according to the Earth's Motion. Ac any convenient Radius ſweep the Circle, which fhall here repreſent the Orbit of the Earth, and quarter it; fo fhall repreſent the Equino- ctial Colure, and VS the Solftitial; their Inter- fection being the Pole of the Ecliptick at E. Take the Semi-Tangent of 23° 29' the conftant Diſtance of the two Poles, and fer on the Solftitial Colure from E to P, and that in the North Pole of the Globe. Divide each Quarter of the Ecliptic in three equal parts, and place the reft of the Signs in their order, as you fee done in the Figure. ļ Tak The Projection of the Sphere. 8t Take the Tangent Complement of the Diſtance of the two Poles 66° 31', and fet one Foot in E, the other will give the Center of the firft Meridian, viz. Y P in the Solftitial YP. Colure continued: Thro' that Center, and at Right An- gles to the Colure, draw an occult Line, and fet off the Tan- gents of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75°, which are the Centers of the other Meridian. Then to draw the Path of any Vertex, obſerve for London, thus: Add the Co. Lat. 38° 28' to the Diſtance of the two Poles 23° 29', their Sum 61° 57'; fet by the Semi-Tangents from E to A, and 38° 28'23° 29'- 14°59'; fet the Semi-Tangents thereof from E to B; biffect A Bin C; fo is C the Center of the Vertex of London. Now, fuppofe the Earth in , then will the Sin appear in a; draw & E, and continue it till it meet with the former Occult Line, and that will be the Center of 6 P 6; draw ŎEm at right Angles to the place of the Sun and Earth, and that fhall be Horizon of the Disk; and continue it till it meet the former Occult Line, and that Interfection ſhall be the Center of P, which is the proper Meridian to the Place of the Earth and Sun that Day. All that part which lies between the Horizon of the Disk Ŏ Em, and the Place of the Earth, is in Darkneſs, as is repreſented by the fhaded Part: The North Pole is now il- luminated, and the Day is more than 12 Hours long, which is fhewed by the Path of the Vertex of London, cutting the 6 a-Clock Hour-Line before 6 in the Morning, and after 6 at Night. You may projects feveral Paths in one Scheme, and by a moveable Horizon of the Earth's Disk (which I have contrived) you may fee at one View what Places are illu- minated, and what are not: For the Horizon of the Disk moving upon the Pole of the Ecliptic, determines the Quan- tity of Light and Darkneſs. So when the Earth comes into , the North Pole of the Globe is then in Darkness; but coming to or, the North Pole lies in the Horizon of the Disk, and confequently there is an equal fhare of Day and Night all over the Globe. This may be better under- ftood by viewing that curious ORRERY lately made by Mr. Wright at the Orrery and Globe in Fleetftreet, London, which by the turning of a Handle, carries the Earth round the Sun in its Parallelifm. This is the neceffary refult of the two Motions of the Earth; that is, round its Axis, and its An- nual one; and there needs no third Motion be feigned to explain it, or to account for it. For as the Earth moves Annually round the Sun, without the diurnal Motion, it G moves 82 The Projection of the Sphere. moves only according to its Center of Gravity; and each Point and Line in it keeps always the fame Pofition. Let its Axis be one of thofe Lines; the Diurnal Revolution of the Earth round this, which as to that Motion is fuppofed im- moveable, cannot change the Pofition of, and therefore it will be always the fame, i. e. always Parallel to it ſelf. PROB. 4. The Stereographick Projection of the Sphere on the Plane of the Horizon. With the Chord of 60 Degrees fweep the primitive Cir- cle, which in this Projection reprefents the Horizon of our Habitation. Croſs it with two Diameters at right Angles, fo fhall 12 12 be the Meridian, and 6 6 the Prime Vertical, or Azimuth of Eaſt and Welt, and z, will be the Zenith of the Place. •10 11 F 1/21 Then becauſe the Zenith of any Place is diftant from the Pole equal to the Complement of the Latitude, take therefore the Semi-Tangent of 38 Deg. 28 Min. and fet it on the Meridian from z to P; fo fhall P be the North Pole of the World in this Projection: Becauſe the Latitude is equal to the diſtance from the Zenith to the Equinoctial, take the Tangent of half the Latitude 51 Degr. 32 Min. viz. 25 Degr. 46 Min. and ſet it from to Æ, and the Secant of 38 Degr. 28 Min. from A to O, or the Tangent of it from to O, will give the Point O, the Center of the Equinoctial. Take the Tangent of the given Latitude 51 Degr. 32 Min. and ſet it on the Meri- dian from P to C, and draw the Six-a-Clock Hour-Circle 6 P 6. Draw A B at right Angles to the Meridian thro' C, open the Sector to the Radius P C, and take off the Tangent of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 Degrees, and fet them off from C towards A and B, and they ſhall be the Centers of the other Hour-Circles, as you fee in the Projection A are drawn. 6 A 3 2 1 LÆ VIS 12 11 10. 1 4 B 60 45 30 15 C 15 30 45 60 In و) The Projection of the Sphere. 83 In this Projection, Almicanters are all parallel to the Primitive Circle. And Azimuths are all right Lines paffing thro', the Ze- nith, to equal Divifions in the Horizon; but omitted to avoid Confufion. Parallels of Declination are all Leffer Circles, and Paral- lel to the Equinoctial; and their Interfections with the Me- ridian, are found by fetting the half Tangent of their Di- ftance from the Zenith, Southward, and Northward: Their Centers are found by biffecting the Diſtance between those two Points. Thus: For the Tropicks Latitude, London, l t Height Equinoctial 38 28 Obliquity Ecliptic 23 29 or thus 5 I 32 23 29 Meridian Altitude 61 57 28 3 90 Zenith Tropick from Zenith 283 to the Southward. Then becauſe the Tropick of is juft fc much depref- fed below the Horizon on the Meridian to the North, as much as the Tropick of vs is Elevated to the South, 14 Degr. 59 Minutes; to this 14 Degr. 59 Min. add the Qua- drant, or diftance of the Zenith from the Horizon, and the Sum is 104° 59: Take the half Tangent thereof viz. 52° 29' and fer it on the Meridian from Z to E; Biffect E in C; fo fhall C be the Center of the Tropick of Can- cer. Or, becauſe the greateft Amplitude in the given Lati- tude is nearly 39 Degr. 52 Min. North and South, take the Chord thereof, and fet it from 6, 6, either way towards 12, 12, upon the Horizon to A A for %, and 4, 4, for vs; find the Centers that will fweep thefe Points feverally, and that will draw the Tropicks. Secondly, For the Tropick of Capricorn : 38 28 or thus 23 29 Z Sub. from 14 59 90 VS from Z 75 I 9 51 32 23 29 75 I VS from Z South. 31 30 Tang, from Z. G 2 Deg! 1 1 84 The Projection of the Sphere. To a Quadrant Add Vs Depreffion Deg. Min. 90. 6I 57 Vs from Z to the North 151 57 Half 75 58 Tang. from Z. Take the Tangent of 75, 58, and fet it on the Meridian from Z, beyond E Northward: Take the Tangent of 37 Degr. 30 Min. and fet it from Z to VS Southward; di- vide theſe two Points into two equal parts, and that ſhall give the Center of the Tropick of Capricorn a VS a: Or, draw it by its Amplitude, as directed in the other Tropick. And if you would draw the Parallels of every 5 Degrees of Declination, and the Parallels of the beginning of each Sign North, they may be done by this Table. Latitude London. Q " #1 ! 51 32 5 O 046 32 041 32 IO O O 025 46 0 128 28 02316 Iz3 28 02046 O 118 28 20 I 1 13 116 58 1816 O 113 28 II 29 33 40 2 27 15 O 20 O 03632 031 32 15 46 20 II 1531 20 45 15 40 22 23. 29 28 3 108 28 0164 14 0 061 44 0159 14 27 58 29 I 015644 054 14 108 17 45 54 8 52 152 29 3 14 3 3/10459 The First Column to the Left Hand fhews the Degrees of Declination including the Equinoctial and Tropick of Can- cer. The Second Column, the diftance of each Parallel from the Zenith of London. In the Third are the half Tangents to be fet off in the Projection from Z on the Meridian, to the South. In the Fourth Column is the Diſtance of De- clination from the Zenith to the North. The Fifth and laft Column contains the half Tangents to be fet on the Meridian from Z Northward. The midway between the North and South Interfection on each Parallel with the Meridian fhews. the Centers in the Projection to draw each Parallel by. 督 ​The The Projection of the Sphere. 85 The Parallels of South Declination must be drawn by this Table for Lat. 51 Degr. 32 Min. N. #1 "! O 51 32 25 46 128 28 164 14 5 56 32 28 16. 433 28 66 44 10 O 6132 30 46 138 28 69 14 11 29 33 63 I 33 31 30 46 143 28 71 44 15 20 0- 6632 71 32 33 16 148 28 74 14 35 46 148 39 1575 19 37 20 II 15 71 43 15 35 51 37 151 57 75 58 23 29 75 I 37 30 2 The Title of each Column is the fame with thofe above deſcribed; only theſe are for South Parallel of Declinations, and the other were for North. To draw the Ecliptic. This, you fee, is is two Halfs, viz. North and South, and marked with their proper Signs. Becauſe the greateſt Meri- dian Altitude of the Northern part of the Ecliptic is 61 Deg. 57 Min. at London, take the Secant of 61 Degr. 57 Min. and fet it on the Meridian from, where the Tropick inter- fects it Northward beyond E, fhall give the Center of the part marked with Y, 8, II,,, . And becauſe the leaft Meridian Altitude of the Southern Part in the given Latitude is 14 Degr. 59 Min. take the Secant thereof, and fet one Foot in your Compaffes in the Interfection of the Tropick of Capricorn with the Meridian at VS, and the other Foot will give the Point D, the Center of the Ecliptic mar- ked with, m, ×, vs, ~~~, X; To lay the Signs down on the Ecliptic. See what Declination the beginning of each Sign has, which are as is here fet down. Deg. Min. Sec. O 8 m II 29 33 o O Deg. Min. Sec. O M X II 29 33 20 II དབྱིབྷི ནྟི སྡོ T a 20 11 23 29 North. And)✔ G 3 VS 23 29 I South. O Whole 1 86 The Projection of the Sphere. Whoſe half Tangents you have in the foregoing Tables for drawing the Parallels; and according to thoſe Dire- ctions, if you draw thefe Parallels of Declination of the beginning of each Sign, where they interfect the Ecliptic, they are the Places where you are to write the Signs as you fee in the Projection. Secondly, The Ecliptic may be divided by firft finding the Poles of each part of the Ecliptic; then lay a Ruler to each Pole ſeverally, and to 30 and 60 Degrees in the pri- mitive Circle, and that will truly divide each Half of the Ecliptic as before. Note, In all Stereographick Projections, all Diameters are meaſured on the Scale of Half Tangents; the reafon of which you have in the Spherick Geometry, with which be fure to acquaint your felf well before you proceed to the Projection of the Sphere. And this is the Ground of all Dialling; or the true Projection of the Hour-Circles of the Sphere on any Given Plane. And if to this Projection there be fitted a Label or Index to move upon the Center, and its Edge divided by the Line of half Tangents, and Number'd with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, from the Circumference to the Center, it will then be fitly accommodated to perform many Conclufions of the Sphere. As for Inftance, in Dialling: Let ftreight Lines be drawn from the Center of the Horizon where the Hour- Circles interfect it, and they fhall be the true Hour-Lines. of an Horizontal Dial for the Latitude the Projection was made, The Degrees and Minutes anfwering each Hour and Quarter in the Limb of the Horizon are as is here fet down. And if at any time you have a mind to make an Hori- zontal Dial for the Latitude of London, take theſe Degrees and Minutes from the Line of Chords, and fet them on the Horizon from the Meri- dian each way, and they will mark out the Hour- Lines of an Horizontal Di- al. 2 3 I 250 3/38 2 3 Hour I 2 Q 1 Hour I 01 3 56 34 28 3 52 8 51 I 41 45 III 45 34 51 49 30 14 52 2 17 3 21 6 57453 35 I 57 47 2 24 62 6 20 66 33 I 27 36 36 2 31 571 6 2. For 1 2 3 The Projection of the Sphere. 87 Hour. • I 75 45 80 25 13 2 3 85 2. For an erect direct North or South Dial. Lay the Graduated Index before de- fcribed upon the Line 6, 6, and the Hour-Circles will cut the Index in the Number of Degrees and Minutes of every Hour and Quarter, as is fet down in the following Table. Theſe Degrees and Min. may by help of the Line of Chords be projected into an E- rect Direct North and South Planes, fetting them off from the Meridian each way. 3. For a Vertical declining Dial. Let the declination be 30 to the Weft. Lay the Index to the Plane's declination in the Limb, or primitive Circle, and the Hour-Lines in the Projection will cut the Index in the Degrees and Minutes that they will have upon that Plane. In thefe Places you must begin to Number the Index at the Center with 10, 20, &c. J 690 Hor. 12 1 2 3 00 Q O 0 2 20 4 41 7 3 9 28 I I I 56 14 27 17 4 19 45 I 22 2 3 2 1 2 20 3 3 4. For direct inclining Planes. By Sphe- rick Geometry, project the Oblique Circles repreſenting the inclining Plane, and find its Pole, a Ruler being laid to its Pole, and to the ſeveral Points where the Hour-Circles in I the Projection crofs the Plane; the Ruler will cur the Degrees in the Horizon that the Hour-Lines muft have upon fuch an in- clining Plane. Laftly, For declining inclining Planes. This Plane being projected, and its Pole found, a Ruler laid to its Pole, and the Inter- fections of the Plane, with the Hour-Circles, fhall give in the primitive the Degrees of the diftance that the refpective Hour-Lines muft have upon that Planë. 2 3 25 o on cn 52∞ 35 32 58 38 54 28 3 I 22 39 3 35 on mat 42 58 4+7 9 I 51 36 2 56 20 61 23 5 66 42 -23 72 200 78 17 3 80 6 90 0 The Gnomon of all Dials muft ftand parallel to the Earth's Axis; and in the Doctrine of the Sphere I fhall fhew the rea- fon of the Analogies for calculating Hour Lines on all forts of Planes, for any place of the World. G 4 SECT. 88 BY SECTION IV. The Doctrine of the Sphere. Y the Doctrine of the Sphere, is meant, the Solution of fuch Problems as relate to the Heavens, or Concavity of the vifible World: In meafuring the Circles thereof, and Angles they make with each other, I fhall fhew in a method more Concife, and Methodical than any has done hitherto. I have told you in feveral places of the Aftronomical Definitions, that the Obliquity of the Ecliptic is fixed at 23 Degr. 29 Min. which you muſt carefully remember; and which was deter- mined thus: At the Tower of London the the Height of the North Pole is exactly Deg. Min. 51 32 When Sun enters, his Merid. Altit. is there When Sun enters V3, his Meridian Altitude is there: Sub. 6I 57 14 59 46 58 23 20 Difference of Meridian Altitudes. Half, is the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, or Di- ftance of the Pole of the Equinoctial from the Pole of the Ecliptic to Sun's Greateſt Declination. Greatest S And here I fhall annex the Names of the Ancient Aftrono- mers, and the Times when they flouriſhed, who have obferved the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, and it's Quantity. Bef. Chr. 280 Aristarchus " 270 Eratosthenes 140 Hipparchus Aft. Chr. 140 Ptolemy 825 Benimula 827 Almamon 828 Fabia Ebn Abumanfar Q 23 51 00 23 51 OO 23 51 00 23 51 20 23 35 Oo 23 35 00 23 35 00 889 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 89 O 880 Mahumed Eben Gaber 23 35 00 911 Ababet Eben Corra 23 33 30 992 Abu Mahumed Al Cagandi 23 22 21 1269 Cojah Nafiroddni 23 30 00 1363 Eben Shatir 23 31 CO 1437 Vleg Fieg 23 30 17 1460, Regiomontanus 1490 Dominicus Maria Novaras Ferrarienfis 23 29 23 29 00 1514 Vernerus 1572 Tycho Brahe 1670 Hevelius 1670 P. Mengoli 1673 Mr. Flamsteed 23 28 00 23 31 30 23 30 20 23 28 24 23 29 Oo The Reader from this must not conclude that the Obli- quity of the Ecliptic has altered, but that the different Deter- minations of it have arifen from the badnefs of the Obfervati- ons, and a want of a true Knowledge of the Parallaxes and Refractions of the Heavenly Bodies. See Philoſophical Tranfactions, Numb. 163. and Marcus Manilius. 1 PROBLEM I. The Sun's Greatest Declination being 23 Deg. 29 Min. and his Place given, to find his prefent Declination. Example 1728, April 29, at Noon, Sun's true Place by our Tables is 19 Deg. 55 Min. 58 Sec. I demand his true De- clination. H B H In the Right-Angle Sphe- rick Triangle Y BQ, Right Angled at B, are gi- ven, the Sun's di- ftance from the next Equi- noctial Point V 49, Deg. 55 Min. 58 Sec. with the Angle BYO 23 Min. to find B fent Declination. Deg. 29 the pre- N रु VS As 1 90 The Doctrine of the Sphere. As Radius To Sine Longitude O 13 90 00 00-10,000000 49 55 58- 9.883825 So Sine Angle BYO, obliquity 23 29 00- 9.600409 To Sine BQ Declination N. 17 45 19- 9.484234 Note, if the Sun be entering, or, that is, 60° from the Equinoctial Points reprefented in the Rect-Angled Sphe- rical Triangle byce, the Declination ce will be found to be 20° 11' 15 South. PROB. 2. The Sun's prefent and Greatest Declination given, to find his Longitude or Place in the Ecliptic. This is the Converſe of the laft Problem, but of fingular ufe in Aftronomical Obfervations, as I fhall fhew in its proper Place. Example. In the laſt Diagram let Angle B TO, and B O be given, to find Y O, the Analogy is, As Sine Angle BY O, Ob- liquity Ecliptic. To Sine B O, prefent De- clination N. So Radius To Sine Longitude from Y. Q ] !! 23 29 co- 9.600409 17 45 19- 9.484234 90 00 00- 10.000000 49 55 58-9.883825 That is in Ŏ 19° 55′ 58", becauſe Declination was N. and from Y. I hope I need not acquaint my Reader that having any two things given in a Right Angled Spherical Triangle, the third may eafily be found, pre-fuppofing him well acquainted with Trigonometry before he meddles with this Section. * + } PROB. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 91 3 PROB. 3. Given the Sun's Place, and Greatest Declination to find his Right Afcenfion. Example, April 29th Day at Noon 1728, I demand the Sun's R. A. his Longitude being as in the preceding Scheme. ANALOGT. As C. t, VO, Longitude To Radius So Co. Sine Angle B YO So t. B. R. Afcenfion As Radius To t, YO Deg. Min. Sec. 49 5558 9.924848 9000 23 29 00 00-10:000000 29 00-4 9.962453 47 28 50--19:037605. Or, by Tranfpofition, Say, So C. S. Angle BYO To t, B. R. A. Dog. Min. Sec. 90 0900--10.000000 49 55 58--10,075151 23 2900-÷ 9.962451 47 2850-10.037004 כי Note, If the Sun be in the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic r, o, II, as in the Example above, then the fourth propor- tional Arch is the Sun's Right Aſcenſion from Aries; but if the Sun be in the fecond Quadrant,, MR, then you muft fubftract the fourth proportional Arch from 180 degrees, and the remainder is the Right Afcenfion from T. When the Sun is in the third Quadrant, m,, you muſt add the fourth proportional Arch (found as above) to 180, and that Sum is the Sun's Right Afcenfion from T. Lastly, When the Sun is in the laſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic vs, ≈≈≈, X, then fubftract the fourth proportional Arch from 360 degrees, and the Remainder is the Sun's Right Afcenfion from . So if the Sun be o° you will find his R. A. by the preceding Me- thod in the Triangle cc, to be 237° 481 36. And when he is in the very beginning of, his Right Afcenfion is 302° II! 24". PROB. 92 The Doctrine of the Sphere. * PROB. 4. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's De- clination, to find his Amplitude. Example. Anno 1728, April 29th Day at Noon, the Sun's declination was found by Prob. 1. to be 17 Degr. 45 Min. 19 Sec. I demand his Amplitude of rifing and ſetting at London. H N H In the adjacent Scheme, and Right Angled Spheri- cal Triangle PHC, are given, H P, the Latitude of the Place, and P C the Complement of the Decli- clination, or Sun's diftance from the North Pole, to find CH, the Amplitude. from the North, whofe Complement YC is the Amplitude from the Eaſt and WeftPoints of the Hori- zon. ANALO G Y. As C. S. of H P the Latitude To Radius ; Deg. Min. Sec. 51 32 00-- 9.793832 90 00 00--10.000000 19-- 9.484231 21 21-- 9.690399 So Sine Declination North Declination North 17 45 To Sine C, the Sun's Am- plitude. 29 Or the fame may more rationally be found in the Tri- angle DC, in which are given, the Angle D V C = 38 Deg. 28 Min. the Complement of the Latitude of London, and DC the Sun's Declination North, to find C the Sun's Amplitude, from the Eaft and Weft Points of the Hori- zon. ANA- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 93 1 ་ ANALOGY. As C. S. Latitude = Angle Dr C To Sine Sun's Declination. North So Radius, or Sine of the Angle To Sine DC C, the Ampli- tude, North Deg. Min, Sec. 51 32 00- 9.793832 17 45 19--9.4842 3 1 90 00 0--10.000000 29 21 21-- 9.690399 PROB. 5. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's Declination, to find the Afcenfional Difference, and confequently the true Time of the Sun's Rifing and Setting, with the length of the Days and Nights. or Example, Ler the Sun be in the firft Scruple of VS, and Latitude of London, what's the Afcenfional diffe- rence? In the Right Angled Sphe- ric Triangle CHP, there H are given H P, the Latitude of London 51° 324 and CP, the Complement of the Sun's Declination 66° 31', to find the Angle CP H, the Com- plement of the Afcenfional C S J N Z वि C H D A difference. But it is better folved in the Triangle V dc, in which are given, the Angle de the Sun's Declination, to find d, the Time in the Equinoctial from the Sun's ri- fing or fetting, to Six a-Clock. : ANA- +6 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ANALOG Y. Deg. Min. Sec. As Radius 90 00 To T. Latitude 5 I 32 00 10.000000 10.099913 So T. Declination 23 29 00 To S. Y d, Afc. Diff. 33 9 04 9.637956 9.737869 This 33° 9' 4" converted into Time by the Table for that purpoſe, will ftand thus: Sum, fub. and add Sun riſes at Sun fets at h. 30=2 00 00 00 3=0 12 00 00 9=0 00 00 36 00 4=0 00 00 16 2 12 36 16 ро Oo 3 47 23 44 8 12 36 16 Double the Time of the Sun-rifing, gives the Length of of Night; and the time of the Sun's Setting double, gives the Length of the Day. And as the time of Sun-rifing and fetting are the Complement of each other to 12 Hours; ſo are the Length of the Day and Night the Complement of each other to 24 Hours. The time of the Sun's rifing in Northern Signs, is the time of his fetting in Southern Signs; and the time of his fetting in Northern Signs, is the time of his rifing in Southern Signs, & Contra. For inftance ; the Sun rifes truly at 3 h 47 23" 44" when he touches the Tropick of, which is the Time of his fetting when, he is in the Tropick of vs, Alfo the Sun fets at 8 h. 12′ 364 16!!! when in Capricorn: as you may the better be informed by the Tables of the Sun's rifing and fetting for all the moſt Emi- nent Cities in the World, which you will find at the End of this Section. PROB. Į The Doctrine of the Sphere. 95 } --- PROP. 6. Given the Right Afcenfion, and Afcenfional Difference, to find the Oblique Afcenfion and Oblique Defcenfion. If the Declination be North RULE. fub. Afc. Diff. from R. A. Gives Ob. Afc. add add Afc. Diff. to R. A. Gives Ob. Defc. "Afc. Diff, to R. A. Gives Ob. Afc. South fub. Afc. Diff. from R. A. Gives Ob. Defc. Example. Let the Right Afcenfion of the Sun be 47 Degr. 28 Min. 50 Sec. and Afc. Difference 23 Degr. 46 Min. 5 Sec. in the Latitude of London, with N. Declination. What's the Ob. Afc. and Ob. Defcenfion? Right Afcenfion OPERATION. Afc. Diff. Sub, and add Rem. the Ob. Defcenfion. Sum is Ob. Deſcenſion Deg. Min. Sec. 47 28 50 23 46 5 23 42 45 71 14 55 In things of this nature we always fuppofe the Sun's De- clination to be unalterable for one Day; and therefore in the Projection of the Sphere it is called, a Parallel of the Sun's Declination, and is always drawn fo in the Projection: But this, ftrictly speaking, is not fo; for they are not Parallel, but a Spiral Line, the Sun, (or rather the Earth) deſcribes from Tropick to Tropick, and the Declination near the E- quinoctial Points alter in an Hour confiderably, but near the Tropick more Slow: For they are proportional to Radius, ઘડ 1 96 Sphere. The Doctrine of the i as are the Natural Sines, to the Semidiameter of the fame Circle Therefore in any Operation where Exactneſs is re- quired, you must always be careful to find the Declination of the Sun, Moon, or Star, to the precife Time of the Queftion, if you defign to be exact in your Calculations. Special regard must be had to the Moon's true Declination (becauſe her Motion is fwift) to the time of her Rifing, Southing, and Setting, as I fhall fhew when I come to that Precept.: Otherwife her Right Afcenfion, her Oblique Af cenfion and Oblique Defcenfion will not be had true. PROB. 7. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Declina- tion of the Sun, Moon, or Star, to find their Obli- que Afcenfions and Oblique Defcenfions. Example. Anno 1728, July 10, at Noon by our Tables the Sun's Place is 28 Degr. 45 Min. 5 Sec. his Decli- nation 20 Deg. 26 Min. 52 Sec. North. I demand the Oblique Afcenfion, and Oblique Defcenfion at London, the time of rifing and fetting, &c. Firft, draw DD the pa- rallel of Declination, and POS. Then Ꭰ 榮​禮 ​In the Right Angled Spheric Triangle PH O, are given HP the Lati tude of London, OP the Sun's diſtance from the North Pole, equal to the Complement of the Declination 69° 33′ 8″, to find the Angle at the Pole from Mid- night. ANA- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 97 .} As Radius } ANALOGY. To t, of the Latitude So t. Declination North To Co. Sine of the Semi-nocturnal Ark Deg. Min. Sec. 90 00 00-10: 00-10.099913 51 32 32 20 26 59-- 9.571430 62 01 07-- 9.671343 This 62 Degr. 8 Min. 7 Sec. reduced into Time is 4 Ho 8 Min. 28 Sec. the Time of Sun rifing. Noté, If the Latitude of the Place, and Declination of the Sun be of different Names, that is, one North and the other South, then the Ark found by the Analogy above when reduced into Time is the Semidiurnal Ark or Time of Sun-fetting. Example. December 10, the Sun in the very beginning of VS, I would know the true Time of his rifing and fetting at London. In the Triangle O Z P, or rather, in the Triangle HS, are given, the Latitude * HS, the Comple- ment of the Sun's Declination OS 66° 31′, to find the Angle HSQ, the Semidiur- nal Ark. A H H As Radius ANALOGY. N `Deg. Min. Sec. 90 00 05--10.000000 To t. Latitude 51 32 00--10.099913 So t. Declination South 23 29 00-- 9.637956 To C. f. of the Semidiurnal Ark 56 50 57-- 9.737869 .ส H This 9.8 The Boctrine of the Sphere Theſe 56 Hours, 50 Min. 57 Sec. converted into Time, are 3 Hours, 47 Min. 23 Sec. 48 Thirds, the true Time of the Sun's fetting; which fubftracted from 12 Hours, leave 8 H. 12 Min 36 Sec. 12 Thirds, the true Time of the Sun's rifing, on the Day and Place aforefaid; which gives the length of the Day and Night, as is fhewn in PROB. 5. N. B. The Complement of the Arch thus found is the A- fcen. Difference. PROB. 8. i To find the Beginning, Duration and End of the lon geft Day, and the longest Night in any Latitude, whofe Complement exceeds the Sun's Declination North or South. ་ When the Declination of the Sun is equal to the Com- plement of Latitude, and of the fame Name; that is, both North, or both South; that then the Sun never defcends below the Horizon of that Place; but his Center touches in the oppofite part of the Meridian. And on the contrary, when the Sun's Declination is of a different Denomination, that there the Sun never Afcends above their Horizon; but, its Center juft touches it when upon the Meridian. Example. Let it be required at the North Cape Latitude 71° 25' to find that Day that the Sun begins with them, not to ſet for fome certain Time, and alfo the Day when he be- gins to diſappear, &c. A C G N d H A 'The Latitude being 71° 25' North, its Com- plement 18° 35′ = Æ Dthe Sun's Declination North, where at Mid- night you ſee it touches the Horizon at H, and con- tinues above the Horizon all the time the Sun is going to the Tropick, and until he returns back unto the fame Parallel of Decli- nation DH. So that here is no more to do than to find E The Doctrine of the Sphere. 99 find the Sun's Longitude anfwering the Declination, which in this Cafe is always equal to the Complement of the Latitude of the Place; as is fhewed in PROB. 2. ► ANALOG Y. 7 Deg. Min. Sec. As Sine Sun's greatest Declination 23 29 00-- 9.600409 To Radius So Co. Sine Latitude of the Place To Sine of Sun's Long. anſwering one Sine, fub. Sun's Place 直 ​90 00 00--10.000000 71 25. 00-, 9.503360 20-- 9.90295L 53 53 30 6 00 00 6 20 Sub. 1 Sun's Place 23 6 00 0 o From 4 6 53 40 Remains. The Day of the Month anfwering • 23 Deg. 6 Min. 20 Sec. is May 3, and the Day anfwering the Sun's Place 6 Deg. 53 Min. 40 Sec, is July 19; fo that from May 3, to July 19, the Sun never fets at that Place; which is 77 Days. And when the Sun's Declination 18 Deg. 35 Min. is South increafing, its Parallel cd touches the Horizon when the Sun comes to m 23 Deg. 6 Min. 20 Sec. which happens on No- vember 4th; and when the Sun has returned back again from the Tropick of vs, and has 18° 35' of South Decli- nation, the Parallel cd now touches the Horizon on the Meridian at c, and he begins then to rife, his Longitude is 6° 53' 40", which happens upon the 15th of January; fo that from Nov. 4, to Jan. 15, is 72 Days; which time the Sun never rifes to them in the Latitude of 71° 25′ North: And this Night of 72 Natural Days is fhorter than their longeft Day by 5 Natural Days. But in the Southern Parts of the World thefe Appearances are juft contrary, viz. when tis Day in the North 'tis Night in the South, and when 'tis Night in the North 'tis Day in the Southern Hemisphere. What has been faid here for the Latitude of the North Cape, the fame is to be obferved of all other Parallels of Latitude within the Polar Circles. H2 Eut 7 100 The Doctrine of the Sphere. But herein is to be confidered, that the Calculation above is performed, fuppofing the Sun to be free from Refraction; (See the word Refraction;) but fince it is not fo, but that he is Refracted in the Horizon more than half a Degree in our Latitude, therefore it follows that the Inhabitants will fee the Sun fooner than May the 3d. which is the Day truly when they might expect him; and he will continue above their Horizon longer than July the 19th, which is the Day that tru- ly he will begin to diſappear to them at Midnight; fo that if the true quantity of Refractions were known in all Latitudes, then by the above inveftigation may the apparent Days of the Sun's first appearing, and the Day of his diſappearing be found, otherwiſe not. PROB. 9. . Given, the Latitude of the Place, the Sun's Declination, and Horizontal Refraction; to find the Apparent Time of the Sun's rifing and ſetting. The Apparent Time of the Rifing and Setting of the Hea- venly Bodies always differs from the True Time; and this is by the Rays of Light paffing thro' different Mediums, which cauſes them to be turn'd or bent out of that ftreight Line in which they fhould directly paſs. This Vifible Time is of very great Moment in the Eclipfes of the Luminaries, when the Sun or Moon rifes or fets Eclipſed, to find how much of their Diameters are then obfcured, at the Vifible Time of their rifing or fetting. Example. Let it be required to find the Apparent or Vifi- ble Time of the Sun's rifing and fetting the 10th Day of June, when he is in the Tropick of Cancer? In the adjacent Diagram, let v H repreſent part of the Horizon, a the Equinoctial, PS the Earth's Axis, 4 the Tropick the Sun truly rifes at 4, but is feen to rife at b when he is 33'-b ✪ below the Horizon. In the Oblique- Angled Spherick Triangle ZPO are given Z P, the Com- plement of the Latitude 38 Degrees 28 Minutes, Z O, the Diſtance of the Sun from the Vertex 90 Degrees 33 Mi- nutes and PO, the Diftance of the Sun from the North Pole, The Doctrine of the Sphere. 101 Pole, equal to the Com- plement of the Declina- tion 66 Degrees 31 Mis nutes; to find the Angle ZPO, the visible Semi- diurnal Ark, or Apparent time of Sun ſetting. Then by the 11th Cafe of Ob- lique - Angled Spherick Triangles, I perform the work thus: . 1 Z A H To Zb 90 add b Refraction 33 N 38. Z P Pa 66 28 31 Sum is Z O 9° 33 X 28 3 Half 45 16 2 half 14 en m I 1 45 16 Add, and Subftra&t 14 1 Z ... ... 59 18 X. 3 I 15 a NANX ZP, S. 38 28 Co. Ar. 0206168 PO, S. 66 31 Co. Ar. 0.037547 18 9.934424 9.714977 1 19.893116 S. 59 X, S. 31 15 Z, Logarithms Sine of 62 9 .19″ 29.945558 Doubled, 124 Degr. 18 Min. 38 Sec. Reduced into Time is 8 H. 17 Min. 14 Sec. 32 Thirds, the Apparent Time of the Sun's ſetting, equal to the Semidiurnal Ark, whofe Complement to 12 Hours is 3 H. 42 Min. 45 Sec. 28 Thirds, the Apparent Time of his rifing on the given Day at London. But the True Time of the Sun's rifing and fetting is 3 Hours 47 Min. 23 Sec. 44 Thirds, and 8 Hours 12 Min. 30 Sec qu 4843. 12 Thirds, by which the Sun is feen to rife fooner and fet later by 4 Min. 38 Sec. 16 Thirds, which makes the length of the Apparent Day longer than the Aftronomical Day by 9 Min. 16 Sec. 32 Thirds. x H 3 1 9. 16.38 Example. 1 102 The Doctrine of the Sphere. • Example 2. Let it be required to find the Apparent Time of the rifing and fetting of the Sun December 10, when he is the Tropick of VS. in ། CA In the Obliqué Angled Spheric Triangle Z P, are given ZP the Com- plement of the Latitude 38 Degr. 28 Minutes, OP, the Sun's Diſtance from the North Pole, 113 Degrees 29 Minutes; and Z O, the Sun's Diſtance from the Vertex 90 Degrees 33 Mi- nutes, to find the Angle at A the Pole OPZ?: * + N Zb OPERATION.. A .0 90 O CP 90 +CO 23 29 PO 113 29 ¿Refraction o 33 ZP= Sum is ZO 90 Half 90 33 45 16 Add and Sub. 37 30 HIN HIN 38 28 X 75 // 37 30 /2/2 30/ I Jurm Z 82 47 Diff X 7 46 P 113 29 Complement S, Z P -NX Z Logarithms Half is Sine of Doubled is S. 66 31 Co. Ar. 0.037547 38 28 Co, Ar. 20.2c6168 S. S. 82 47 746 9.996546 9.130781 19.371042 9.685521 " 28 59 47 57 59 34 Reduced into Time is 3 Hours 51 Min. 58 Sec. 16 Thirds, the Semidiurnal Ark, or apparent Time of the Sun's fetting; whofe Complement to 12 Hours is 8 Hours 8 Min. 1 Sec. 44 Thirds, the Apparent Time of the Sun's Rifing: But the true time of the Sun's Rifing and Setting at London on the fame Day, is 8 Hours 12 Min, The Doctrine of the Sphere. 102 12 Min. 36 Sec. 12 Thirds, and 3 Hour's 47 Min. 23 Sec. 48 Thirds, by which you fee the Sun rife ſooner and fet later by 4 Min. 34 Sec. 28 Thirds; which makes the length of the Apparent Day longer than the Aftronomical, by 8 Min. 8 Sec. 56 Thirds. And thus by thefe Examples may you find the Apparent Time of the Moon's rifing and fet- ting. And as this Refraction occafions an Error in the Time of the Sun's rifing and ſetting; ſo it likewife doth in the Am- plitude: For the True Amplitude is a; but the Vifible, rb, which you fee in the little Right-Angled Spherick Tri- angle cb in theſe Schemes; and as in the firft the Declina- tion is increaſed by the Refraction 33 Minutes; fo the Visible Amplitude will be 40° 51' N. but in the laft Scheme it is diminiſhed 33'. So the Viſible Amplitude is 38° 47° South less than the True. And this ought to be carefully minded by the Mariner; otherwife he will never attain the true Variation of the Compafs, if he does not mind, to take the Viſible Amplitude inftead of the True. PROB. 10. IO. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's De- clination, to find the Time when he will be due East and Weft. Example Let the Sun be in the beginning of and VS, and let it be required to find the Time he is due Eaſt and Weft in the Latitude of London. Where the Tropicks cut the Eaft and Weft Azimuth, viz. at A and B, there draw two great Circles, as PAS and PBS, by which are. formed two Rect-Angled Spherick Triangles AZ P,. and BNS Rect - Angled at Z and N; in which are Given A P B S, the Com- plement of the Sun's Decli- nation 66 Degrees 31 Mi- H 4 nutes, N 104 The Doctrine of the Sphere. F nutes, and ZP SN, the Complement of the Sun's Declination 66 Degr. 31 Minutes, and Z PSN, the Complement of the Latitude 38 Degr. 28 Minutes, to find the Angles A PZ and BSN, the Times from Noon and Midnight, J ANALOGY. As Radius To T. SN=ZP So C. t. SB = AP Tọ C, f. B S N≈APZ As Radius Deg, Min! 90 00--10.000000 38 28-- 9.900086 66 31-- 9.637956 69 41- 9.538042 Or, by Tranfpofition.. Deg. Mini 90 00--10,000000 To C t. Latitude So T. Declination 51 32-- 9.900000 23 29-- 9.637956 To S. Sun's diſtance from 6 a-Clock 20 12-- 9.538042 This 69 48 reduced into Time, is 4 H. 39 Min. 12 Sec. the Time in the Afternoon when the Sun is over the Weſt Point of the Compaſs in the Summer, or under it in Winter, which taken from 12, leaves 7 Hours 20 Min. 48 Sec. in the Morning: Or, its Complement 20 12, converted into Time, makes 1 H. 20 Min. 40 Seconds; which added to 6 Hours, makes 7 H. 20 Min. 48 Seconds; and fub. from 6, leaves 4 H. 39 Min. 12 Seconds, the Time as before, when the Sun is due Eaft and Weft, when in the Tropick. N. B. The Sun is never upon the Prime Vertical at 6 a Clock, but when he is in the Equinoctial. PROB. ་་ του The Doctrine of the Sphere. ·PRO B. II. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's De- clination, to find the Sun's Altitude when he is due Eaft or Weft. Example. Let the Sun be in the Tropick of S and V; and let it be required to find his Altitude at London when he is upon the Prime Vertical Circle ? Draw two great Circles as P AS and PBS, to cut the Prime Vertical in the Tropick, and then there is formed the Rect- Angled Spheric Triangles AZP and BNS Right-Angled at Z and N, in which are given, A P, the Sun's diftance from the Pole BS, and Z P = SN the Complement of the Latitude 38° 28, to find Z A = 、 BN the Complement of the Sun's Altitude, when he is upon the Prime Vertical Cir- cle. N A As C. S. of ZP To Radius So C. S. A P To C. S. Z A ANALOGY. Deg. Min. 38 28-- 9.893745 90 00--10.000000 66 31-- 9.600409 59 24-9.706664 Whofe Complement 30 36 is the Sun's Altitude fought, ANA- 2006 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Or, by Tranfpofition in the Triangle YbA. ན Det Min. 196 As the S. of the Latitude Angle B TA 51 32-- 9.893745 90 00--10.000000 b A TA 66 29-- 9.600409 30 36-- 9.706664. To Radius So S. Declination To S. of the Altitude The Sun's Altitude when in Northern Signs, as before; and when in Southern Signs, it is his Depreffion below the Horizon. • PROB. 12. MAG Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's De- clination, to find the Sun's Azimuth at the Hour of Six. Example: Let the Sun be in the beginning of for VS in the Latitude of London; I would know the Sun's Azimuth at the Hour of Six? Æ A Draw ZA N, and ZdN to interfect the Earth's Axis in the Tropicks. In the Rect-Angled Sphe- rical Triangle APZ are Given, A P the Complement of the Sun's Declination, Z P, the Complement of H the Latitude of London, to A find the Angle A ZP the Sun's Azimuth from the North BH. N ! ANA The Doctrine of the Sphère. 407 { | As t. A P To Radius So S. Z P 1 ANALOG T Deg: Min.5 66 §1-010-862389 90 00--10.000001 30 28-- 9.793 8 3 2 74 53-- 9.431443 .. To C. t. Angle AZ P the South in VS. Which is the Sun's Azimuth from the North, in, and from 1 By Tranfpofition in the Triangle T A B. As Radius Tot, A, the Sun's Declination So C. S. Angle V, the Latitude. Tot. TB, Azimuth from the Eaft and Weft. } Deg. Min. 90 00--10,000000 23 29--9.637956 51 32-- 9.793832 15 07- 9.431788 Note, When the Sun is in Northern Signs, the firſt Ana- logy is the Azimuth from the North; but when in Southern Signs, from the South; whofe Complement to a Quadrant is the Azimuth from the Eaft or Weft. Or, to find it from the North, or South, you may ſay, As Radius To t. Sun's Declination So C., of the Latitude To C. t. of Azimuth Deg. Min. 90 23 00--10.000000 29-- 9.637956 51 32- 9.793832 74 53-- 9.431788 1 T PROB 108 The Doctrine of the Sphere. PROB. 13. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's De- clination, to find the Sun's Altitude at the Hour Six. Example. Let the Sun be in the beginning of or VS and the Latitude of London: I demand the Sun's Altitude at Six in the Morning, or Depreffion under the Horizon at Six at Night. A Z N 'As Radius A B i Draw the two great Cir- cles Z A N, and Z d N, to cut the Tropick and Axis, in A and e; Then in the Tri- angle APZ = eS N, are given ZP 380.284, the Com- H plement of the Latitude; and AP 66° 31′, to find A Z the Complement of the Altitude: Or in the Triangle ABY A e d' are given YA 23° 29', the Sun's Declination, and Angle, BY A = 51 32, the Latitude of the Place, to find B A the Altitude, or de the Depreffion at 6 a-Clock. A ANALOGY. To S. Sun's Declination So S. Latitude To S. Altitude Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 23 29-- 9.600409 32-- 9.893745 II-- 9.494154 SI 18 8 11: 1 1 PROB. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 109 PROB. 14. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Hour of the Day, to find the Sun's Altitude when he is in the Equinoctial. Example. Let the Latitude be London, and the Sun in the Equinoctial at 10 in the Morning, or at 2 in the Afternoon; what is then his Altitude? Take the Semi-Tangent of four Hours, which is the Time from 6, and fet it on the Equi- noctial from T to A; and with the Secant of 30 Deg. draw PAS, and alfo draw ZAN: Then in the Right- Angled Spherical Triangle VBA, are given, Y A, the Time from 6=60°, and the Angle AV B 38° 28 the Complement of the Latitude, to find B A the Altitude at that Time. Z H B N Æ F ANALOG Y. Deg. Min. As Radius 90 00--10,000000 To S. of Time from 6 So G. S. of the Latitude To S. A B the Altitude бо 00-- 9.937531 51 32-9.793832 32 35--.9.731363 P.R.O B པ་ The Doctrine of the Sphere. " む ​·PROB. IS. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's Azi- muth, to find the Altitude. Example. Let the Latitude of the Place be London, and the Sun's Azimuth from the Eaft or Weft 15° 7' Northward; what is then the Sun's Altitude ? S N As C. t. Latitude To Radius So Sine Azimuth To t. Altitude As- Radius To t. Latitude A B P + Take the Semi-Tangent of the given Azimuth from the Eaft and Weft, and fet it on the Horizon from to B, and draw the Great Circle ZBN: Then in the Rect- Angled Spherical Triangle T BA are Given, V B, the Azimuth from the Eaft or Weft 15° 7', and ithe Angle AB-and ATB 51°32', the Lati- tude, to find B A the Alti- tude at that time. ANALOGY. Deg. Min. 51 32-- 9.900086 ,00--10.000000 .90 · 15 04-- 9.416283r 18 10-- 9.516193 By Tranfpofition, So S. Azimuth from Eaft To t. Altitude Deg. Min. 90 00--10,000000 51 32- 10.099913 15 07-- 9.416283 18 10-- 9.516196 PROB The Doctrine of the Sphere. ~PROB. 16. Given, the Latitude of the Place, the Sun's De- clination, and Hour of the Day, to find the Sun's Altitude. Example. Admit the Latitude of the Place be 51° 32 N. the Sun's Declination 23° 294 N. at 10 in the Morning, or 2 in the Afternoon (for here the Declination alters but little in that Time) that is, 2 Hours diftance from the Meridian; I. would know the, Sun's Altitude? + From the Center of the Primitive Circle ſet off four Hours or 60 Deg. by help of the Semi-Tangents on the Sector, upon the Equinocti- al to B, and with the Secant 、 of 30 Deg. draw the great Circle PBS, and alfo draw ZAN to interfect each o- ther in the Tropick, the place of the Sun at 10 or 2 a-Clock; by which there is formed the Oblique Angled Spheric Triangle. A Z P, in which are given ZP Com- A 69 } d B f H A N plement of Latitude 38° 28′, AP the Complement of the Sun's Declination 66° 31, and the Angle ZPB 30°, to find A Z the Complement of the Altitude or Zenith-Diſtance, which by the 6th Cafe of Obliques is anfwered thus; by letting fall the Perpendicular Z d. Firſt, For the Segment d P, I fay, As C. t. of ZP To Radius So C. f. Angle ZP A To t. d P From A P Remains A d Deg. Min. 38 28--10.099913 90 30 fub. 00--10.000000 00-- 9.937531 34 32-- 9.837618 66 31 31 59 Or, 1 112: 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 'As Radius Or, by Tranfpofition, Lay, To C. t. of the Latitude So S. Sun's diſtance from 6, To t. of the fourth Ark Deg. Min. 90.00--10.000000. 51 32-- 9.900086. 60 00--'9.937531 34 32-- 9.837617 · A General RULE. If the Time given be between 6 in the Morning, and 6 at Night, this fourth Ark muſt be fubftracted from the Sun's Distance from the North Pole: But if the Time given be before 6 in the Morning, or after 6 at Night, then add this fourth Ark to the Sun's Distance from the North Pole; the Sum or Difference is the fifth Ark. } OPERATION. From a Quadrant Take the Sun's Declination North 90 00 23 29 Reft Sun's diftance from the North Pole 66 31 Fourth Ark fub. 34 32 Remains the fifth Ark 31 59 But if the Sun have South Declination, then it must be added to 90, which gives his diftance from the North Pole. Now fay, As C. f. of the fourth Ark Co. Ar. 34 32 00--0.084179 To C... of the fifth So S. Latitude CA To S. Altitude 31 59 00--9.928499 51 32 00--9.893745 53 44 38--9.906423 Example z. Let the Sun be in the Tropick of Capricorn, Latitude and Time of the Day as in the laft Example: What's the Altitude ? , OPE The Dottrine of the Sphere. દ OPERATION. As Radius To C. t. Latitude So S. Sun's Dift. from 6. To t. of the 4th Ark Sun's Dift. from N. Pole Remains 5th Ark 90 00- 10.000000. 5.1 32- 9.900086 60 00- 9.937531 34 32.- 9.837617 113 29 78 57 N Now lay, ? H A ! i f As Cf. of 4 Ark Co. Ar. To C. f. 5 Ark So S. Latitude To S. Altitude = CA Deg. Min. 34 32--0.084179 78 57--9.282544 51 32--9.893745 10 30-9.2604608. Example 3. Fuly 13, Let the Sun's Declination be 20 Deg, North, and the Time 10 Minutes before 5 in the Morning or 10 Minutes paft 7 at Night, and Latitude 5t Deg 32 Mi- nutes North; I deinand the Sun's Altitude? The Time from 6 is 1 Hour 10 Minutes; which converted into Degrees, is 17 Degrees 30 Minutes. ફ Now, 1 114 > ".. of the Sphere. The Doctrine ! As Radius Now fay, Deg. Min. 90 00-10.000000 To C. t. Latitude 51 32-- 9.900086 So S. Sun from 6, 17 30-- 9.498722 To t. of 4 Ark 14 04-- 9.398808 Sun from N. Pole add 70 00 Sum is the 5th Ark 84 04 } N As C. f. of 4th Ark Co. Ar. To C. f. of 5th So S. Latitude To S. Altitude CA Deg. Min. 14 04--0.013222 84 04--9.014399 51 32-9.893745 04: 47--8.921366 And after the fame manner may the Altitude of the Sun, Moon or Star be found: But in things that require Exactneſs, you muſt be ſure to find the Declination to the Time propoſed, as I fhall fhew in its proper place; but in the Example above, I ſuppoſed the Declination unalterable for that Day, which is not fo it felf, but will ferve the prefent purpoſe well enough. See Prob. 6. By the fame Inveſtigation I have found at Lon- don the Sun's Altitude as is here fet down. Declination 19° N. 1725 July 17. at ! 115 The Doctrine of the Sphere. J ; S at№ 3 3 4. Ale 49 51 Hours, Altitude is 43 08 37 49 33 18 1 2. And 1725, Aug. 6, at 8 Morning, Declination 13 Degrees 27 Minutes N. Sun's Altitude is 29 Degrees fere. Aug. 19, Declination 8 Degr. 59 Minutes N. Altitude 45 Degr. 42 Mi- nutes at one a-Clock. Aug. 21, at 10 Hours, Altitude 41° 381. Aug. 26, at 11 Hours 27 Min. 28 Sec. Altitude 44 Deg. 22 Minutes. Anno 1726, Jan, 4, at one a-Clock, Sun's Alti- tude is 16 Degr. 8 Minutes. April 1, at 9 Morn. Altitude 33 Degr. 33 Minutes. Aug. 2 d. 20 h. Altitude, 29 Degr. 48 Minutes at 8 H. 30 Minutes Morning, Altitude 34 Degr. 14 Minutes. August 16 at 2 a-Clock, Altitude 41 Degr. 54 Minutes; but half an Hour fooner it is 44 Degr. 42 Minutes. Anno 1727, May 27 at 10 Morning, Sun's Altitude was 53 Deg. 6 Minutes July 6, at io, Altitude 51 Deg. 54 Minutes, and at 6 it was 16 Deg. 34 Minutes: Thefe Altitudes I ob- ferved at London with my Aftronomical Quadrant; and cor- recting them by Refractions and Parallax, I found them all to agree exactly; by which I pronounce the Elevation of the Pole to be truly Afferted. PROB. 17. Given, the Latitude of the Place, the Sun's Declination and Altitude, to find the Hour of the Day? Example. Let the Latitude of the Place be 51 Degr. 2 Minutes North; Sun's Declination 23 Deg. 29 Min. North, and Altitude 53 Degr. 44 Min. 38 Seconds: What's the Hour of the Day? With the Chord of 60 from the Sector, opened to the Radius YÆ, fweep the Primitive Circle; draw PS the Earth's Axis, to the Latitude of London, and Æ Æ at right Angies for the Equinoctial, and H H the Horizon. } } I a Take 1 IFб The Doctrine of the Sphere. A H B N Take the given Altitude 53 Degr. 44 Min. 38 Sec. from the Line of Chords, and fet it upon the Meri- dian from H to b and o, and with its Co. Tangent draw b A o which is a Pa- rallel of Altitude; and H where it cuts the Tropick or Parallel of Declination, which is at A, draw PAS and ZAN; fo is there truly projected the oblique Angle Spherick Triangle A Z P, in which are given Æ ZP, the Complement of the Latitude 38 Degr. 28 Minutes, AP the Complement of the Declination 66 Degr. 31 Min. and A Z the Complement of the Altitude 36 Degr. 15 Min. 22 Seconds, to find the Ang'e Z PA, the Hour from Noon? Which by the 11th Cafe of Oblique Angled Spherical Tri- angles, I perform thus: OPERATION. Z P Complement Latitude AP Complement Declination AZ Complement Altitude Sum of all three Half Sum Complement Latitude fub. 38 28 00 66 31 00 36 15 22 141 14 22 .70 37 ΙΣ 3.8 28 00 32 9 11 70 37 II. Complement Declination fub. 66 31 00 Difference 04 06 II Difference Half Sum Having The Doctrine of the Sphere. 117 { Having prepared the Work above, then proceed thus: Sides {ZP Compl. Latit Sine A Compl. Decl. Sine Difference of Co. Latit. and and Deg. Min. Co. Ar. 38 28 60--0.2c6168 Co. Ar. 66 31 00--0.0.37547 Z Sine 32 09 11--9.726062 Z Sine 04 06-11-8.8.54613 18.824390 14 58 18-9 412195 29 56 36 converted' Sum of the Logarithms Half, is the Sine of Doubled, is into Time, is 1 H. 59 Min. 46 Sec. 24 Thirds from Noon ; that is, 10 H. o Min. 13 Sec. 36 Thirds in the Morning. And ſuch was the Hour of the Day at the time of this Ob- fervation. Or the Angle at the Pole may be found as in Problem 9. Example 2. Admit the Latitude Declination Sun's Altitude • 51 32 N. What's the Hour of 23 29 S. 10 30 1 Draw the Parallel of Alti- tude bO, by help of the Line of Chords on the Se- ctor, and it will interfect the Tropick of vs (which is here the Parallel of the Sun's Declination,) in the H Point where the two Ob- lique Circles P dS and ZAN muſt paſs. Therefore, in the Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle A ZP, all the fides. are given to find the Angle at the Pole. N the Day. 13 N H OPE- I 3 1 118 The Doctrine of the Sphere. OPERATION. To Pd Add Ad Declination South Z is AP Sun from N. Pole ZP Complement Latitude AZ Complement Altitude 90 23 29 113 29 38 28 79 30 1 Sum 231 27 Half 115 43 38 28 Complement Latitude fub. Difference í 77 15 20 Half Sum 115 43 43 2 Sun from N. Pole fub, 113 29 Difference 24 14 " ZP Comp. Latitude S. Co. Ar. 38 28 00--0.206168 Sides AP Sun from N. Pole 113° 29' Complement Difference Co. Latit. Z. Sine Co. Decl. Z. Sine Sum of the Logarithms Half is the Sine of Doubled is I 66 31 00--0.037547 77 15 30--9.989171 2 14 30--8.592335 18.825221 14 59 II-- 9.4126105 29 58 22. Converted into Time, is 1 H. 59 Min. 53 Sec. 28 Thirds from Noon: Confequently the Time of the Day is 10 H. o Min. 6 Sec, 32 Thirds in the Morning. Or, if it be wrought as I have fhewed in Prob. 9. the Time will be the fame as is found above. } 1 EXAM The Doctrine of the Sphere. 119 EXAMPLE. Q } Side oppof. to the required Angle 79 30 Sides P113 29 SZP 38 28 Half 39 45 Half Z. 2 Sides including re- quired Angle 37 30 1 X 75 I Z 77 15 2 4 I // 37 30 1 X 2 14 Thus you fee the firft part of the Work is the fame; there fore the Angle at the Pole will be the fame as is found in the laft Work; for 'tis needleſs to work one thing over twice. Example 3. Admit at London I obſerve the Sun in the E- quinoctial, and his Altitude to be 32 Degr. 35 Minutes; I demand then the Hour of the Day? Æ Take the Chord of 32 Degr. 35 Minutes, and fet it from H to E and O; with the Tangent of its Complement draw the Pa- rallél of Altitude Æ O, and it will cut the Equinoctial in A, thro' A (by the Doctrine of Spherick Geometry.) Draw H PAS and ZA N, by which you have the Oblique Sphe- ric Triangle AZP, in which are all the Sides given, to find the Angle at the Pole, from Time Noon when the Obférvation was or made. C 4 Ż N The Operation ftands thus, as in Prob. 9. H Æ Deg. Min. Deg. Min. 1 AZ Compl. Altit. 57 25 A P Sun from N. Pole 90 00 Half 28 42 2 ZP Compl. Latit. 38 28 Half Difference 25 46 Difference 51 32 Z 54 28 Half 25 46 X 02 56 2/2 I 4 Now 120 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Now proceed thus; Compl. Latit. Sine 38 28 Co. Ar. Sun from N. Pole Sine 90 00 Sun, Sine 54 284 2 Difference Sine 02 56 2/2 Sum of the Logarithms Half is the Sum of 15 I 3" 00.206168 10.000000 9.910546 8.710278 18.826992 9.413496 Doubled is 30 2 6. Converted into Time, is 2 Hours 8 Seconds 24 Thirds from Noon, that is, 59 Min. 51 Sec.36 Thirds paft 9 in the Morning. Note, When any of the Sides of the Triangle are a Quadrant, as here, A P is fo; then the Logarithm or Sine of 90 Degrees may be omitted in the Work, as you fee above I have taken no Notice of it. And thus 'tis Evident how the true Hour of the Day may be gained on any part of the Globe, if you have but a good Quadrant to take the Altitude to Minutes of a Degree; which is of excellent ufe in the Obfervation of Solar E- clipfes, Regard being had to the Parallaxes and Refraction; and alſo in finding the true Hour of the Night by the Moon and Stars, as I fhall demonftrate in the next Section. Secondly, I fhall fubjoyn another Method to find the true Hour of the Day, by having the Latitude of the Place, Sun's Declination and Altitude; which is that published by John Collins. But becauſe he delivered it very abftruſely, I fhall here Explain it, by way of Example. At London, on February 25, I obſerved the Sun to have 25 Degrees Altitude, and 4 Degrees 47 Minutes Declination South: What's the Hour? First, by Prob. 13. I find the Sun's Depreffion at the Hour of 6 to be 3. 44: This remaining fixed for all that Day, the Sun's Declination being fuppofed not to vary. Now fay, As Co. Sine of the Sun's Declination, To the Secant of the Latitude; So in Summer is the Difference, in Winter the Sum of the Sines of the Sun's Altitude, obferved, and of his Aititude or Depreffion at the Hour of Six, To the Sine of the Hour from 6, towards Noon in Win- ter, and in Summer alfo, when the given Altitude is greater than the Altitude at 6; but when it is lefs, then towards Midnight, } OPE ! The Doctrine of the Sphere. OPERATION. Deg. Min. C. f. off Latitude Declination 51 32 Co. Ar. 0.206168 4 47 Co. Ar. 0.001515 Sum, is the fixed Logarithm 0.207683 Given Altitude Natural Sine 4.226183 Sun's Depreff. at 6, Nat. Sine add .651129 Sum, is Nat. Sine of 29 ri 4.877312 Logarithm Sine 29 II 9.688069 Fixed Logarithm add 0.207683 Z is the Logar. Sine of SI 52 9.895752 which Converted into Time, is 3 h. 27' 28"+6 = 9 h. 27′ 28" the Time in the Forenoon when made. the Obfervation was 51° 32 North, Sun's Example 2. Latitude of the Place Declination 23° 29′ N. and Altitude 53° 44′ 38″. What's the Hour ? First by Prob. 13 the Sun's Altitude at 6 is 18° 11. Now the Work ftands thus: Deg. Min. C. f. of S Latitude Declination 51 32 2 Sum, is the fixed Logarithm Co. Ar. 0.206168 23 29 Co. Ar. 0.037547 0.243715 Given Altitude, N. Sine 53 45 8.064446 Sun's Altitude at 6 N. S. fub. 18 II 3.120586 Rem. N. Sine of 29 36 4.943860 Logarithm Sine of Fixed Logarithm add Sum, is Logarithm Sine of Converted into Time is 9 Hours 59 Min, 52 Sec. 3 59 58 9.693676 0 243715 9.937391 52 Sec. +6= Hours 59 Min. the Time of the Day. 29 36 " PROB. 1 122 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 10 1 PROB. 18, Given, the Latitude of the Place, the Sun's Declina- tion and Altitude, to find his Azimuth from the North. Example. Admit at London, I obferve the Sun's Alti- tude 50 Degrees, and his Declination 23 Degr. 29 Minutes North; what is the Azimuth from the North? H NR With the Chord of 60, draw the Primitive Circle, and fet off the Latitude of London from H to P, and draw the Axis P S, and to it at right Angles the Equi- noctial Æ Æ; fet off the Altitude 50 Degrees by the H Chord from H to B, and and draw BP Parallel to the Horizon, by the Tan- gent of 40 Degrees; lay off the Tropick by the Chord 23 Degr. 29 Mi- nutes, and draw it Parallel to the Equinoctial, where it cuts the Parallel. of Altitude B P, which is at A; there draw the two Oblique Circles PÁS and ZAN; then there is formed the Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle AZP, and in it are all the fides given to find the An- gle at the Zenith, which is the Sun's Azimuth from the North, N 1 $ * OPE- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 123 4 OPERATION. ZP Complement Latitude A Z Complement Altitude A P Complement Declination Complement Altitude fub. Difference Half Sum Deg. Min. 38 28 40 00 31 66 Sum 144 59 Half 72 29 2 38 28 34 I Complement Altitude fub. Difference 72 29 40 00 32 29 22 Now Work thus: Complement Latitude S. Complement Altitude S. Sine Differ. Co. Lat. and half Z Sine Differ. Co. Alt. and half Z Sum of the Logarithms Half is Sine of Double is 38 28 Co. Ar. 0.206168 40 00 Co. Ar. 0.191933 34 I 32 29 2/10 9.747842 9.730117 19.876060 9.938030 1 60 1 120 14 The Sun's Azi- muth from the N. whofe Complement to a Semi-Circle is 60 Degrees, the Sun's Azimuth from the South. Example 2. At London. I obferved the Sun's Altitude the 9th Day of January at 8 in the Morning to be 1 Degr. 14 Min. and Declination South 20 Degr. 11 Minutes; what's the Sun's Azimuth from the North Note, when the Sun's Declination is South, you must add it to 99, to get its diftance from the North Pole, 1 t PE- & 124. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 S OPERATION. Complement Latitude Altitude Deg. Min. 38 28 88 46 Sun's Diſtance from the N. Pole 110 II } Sum 237 25 Half 118 42 X{Co. Co. Lat. and half Z Co. Alt. and half 80 14 HINKIN Z 29 56 > حب Deg. Min. Sine Co. Latitude 38 28 Co. Ar. 0.206168 Sine Co. Altitude 88 46 Co. Ar. 0.000100 Sine Difference 80 → 14 9.993670 Sine Difference 9.698203 1 Sum of Logarithms 19.898141 ·62 47 9.9490705 Half is the Sine of Doubled, is 29 56 ..125 34, the Sun's Azimuth from the North, and its Complement to 180, is the Azimuth from the South 54 Degr. 26 Minutes. -- In the next Place, I fhall lay down Mr. John Collins his Method of finding the Sun's Azimuth from the Eaft or Weft, that fo the Reader may take which he likes beft. ANALOGY. As Tangent of half Complement of the Altitude, To Tangent of half the Sum of Sun or Stars diftance from the Elevated Pole, and of the Co. Latitude; So Tangent of half their Difference, To Tangent of a fourth Ark. Then if this 'fourth Ark be less than half the Co. Altitude, the Azimuth is acute, or lefs than go; if more obtufe, in. both Caſes get the Difference of the two Arks; but if there be no Difference, the Azimuth is 90 Degrees from the Me- ridian. Then, As R. To t. of the faid Ark of Difference; So t. Latitude. 1 Tọ The Doctrine of the Sphere. 3125 To S. of the Azimuth from the Prime Vertical or Eaft and 7 Weſt. EXAMPLE. Latitude of the Place Given Altitude of the Sun Declination South 51 32 I 32 North. 25 04 47 Required the Sun's Azimuth from the North ?. OPERATION. 90 Decl. S. O dift. à N.Pole 94 47 Complement Latitude 1 3828 I 2 1 Z 133 15 1 66 37 to 10.364121 56 19 28 9 t. 9.728412 X Sum, fixed for that Declination I 2 I 20.092533 Altit. 25 Compl. 65° 1 = 32 30 t. fub. 9.804187 Tangent of 62 46 t. 10.288346 Difference Latitude 30 16 t. 9.766095 51 32 t. 10:099913 Azimuth from Eaft Sine of 47 16 S. 9.866008 90 00 Sum 137 16 is the Sun's Azimuth from the North as was required. ས The Sun's Azimuth from any of the four Cardinal Points Eaft, Weft, North, or South, (for if you have it from any one Point, you have it from the others alfo, by adding 90, or fubftracting from 180 Degrees, as the Nature of your Queſtion requires ;) is of very great ufe to the Mariner, and Diallift: To the firft, in affifting him to find the Variation of the Compafs; and to the other, in get- ting the Declination of Planes whereon to draw Hour- Lines to fhew the Hour of the Day. In order to the obtaining -126 The Doctrine of the Sphere. obtaining of which, you must get the Horizontal Diſtance of the Sun from the Pole of the Plane, and at the fame Moment of Time (if poffible) take the Sun's Altitude with a large Quadrant accurately divided; both which Inftru- ments may be had of the beft fort, and at the loweſt Prices, of Mr. John Fowler, Mathematical Inftrument-Maker at the Sign of the Globe in Sweetings-Alley by the Royal Exchange, London. Having gained the Sun's Azimuth, and the Di- ftance of the Sun from the Pole of the Plane, obferve theſe Rules. 1. When you make your Obfervation of the Horizontal Diſtance, mark whether the Shadow of the Thread do fall between the South, and that fide of the Quadrant which was Perpendicular to the Plane; for then, add the Sun's Azimuth from the South to the Horizontal Diſtance, and that will give you the Declination of the Plane; and the Declination of the Plane is then to the fame Point Eaft or Weft as the Sun is. 2. If the Shadow fall not between them, then the Dif ference between the Sun's Azimuth, and Horizontal Di- ftance, is the Declination of the Plane: And here, if the Azimuth be the greater of the two, then the Plane declines to the fame Coaft whereon the Sun is; but if the Horizon- tal Diftance be the greater, then the Plane declines to the contrary Coaſt whereon the Sun is: Note, The Declination thus found, is always accounted from the South; and that all Declinations are accounted from North or South, towards either Eaft or Weft; and can never exceed 90 Degrees. Example. Anno 1724, May 21, in London I obſerved the Sun's Altitude in the Afternoon with my Aftronomical Qua- drant, to be 14 Degr. 40 Minutes, and the Horizontal Di- ftance of the fhadow from the of Pole of the Plane to be 22 Degr, 10 Minutes, between the North and that fide of the Quadrant which was Perpendicular to the Plane. What is the Plane's Declination, and to what Coaſt?` I O`P E- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 127 OPERATION. Sun's Alsitude gives Azimüth from North from South Shadow fubftract Plane's Deck from South Weftward - 7,2 40 107 20 ་ ་ 22 10 10 Example 2. At London I obſerved, the Sun's Altitude Fune 1, at 8 Morning, to be 369 26, and at the fame time the fhadow of the Horizontal Diſtance between the South and the Perpendicular 18 Degr. 30 Minutes. What's the Plane's Declination? OPERATION. Q. Sun's Azimuth. from North 98 14 < South 81 46 Shadow, add 18 30 100 16- Decl; from the S. by the E. Northerly The Names of all forts of Planes are theſe following. The Horizontal The North or South Erect Direct The Erect Decliner The Recliner or Incliner The Reclining, Declining The Gonvex The Concave >Plane. 1 PROB. T28. The Doctrine of the Sphere A T PROB. 19. C Given, the Latitude of the Place, Sun's Declination and Diftance from the Zenith, to find the Time of Day-break in the Morning, and Twilight ending in the Evening. I have told you in the Definitions, that Day-break in the Morning, and alſo the end of the Evening-Twilight is when the Sun is 18 Degrees below the Horizon. 2- ! ་ Example. Let it be required in the Parallel of London on the 5th Day of April, or on the 17th Day of August, on which Days the Sun has ro Degrees North Declination, and the Diſtance from the Zenith is always 18 +90 108°. I demand the true Time of Day-break in the Morning, and the end of the Evening-Twilight? H 1 A Z S N Æ = Draw the Primitive Circle repreſenting the Meridian of the Place, HH the Horizon, ...be the Parallel of 18 Degr. under the Horizon, dd, the Parallel of, the Sun's De- • clination, and A where the Parallel of Declination in- H terfects the Parallel of 18 Degrees; there draw the two Oblique Circles ZA N, and PA S, by which is for- med the Oblique Angled Spherick Triangle A Z P, in which are given Z P, the Complement of the Latitude 38° 28', Z A the Sun's Di- ſtance from the Zenith 108, and P A the Complement of the Declination, or Sun's Diftance from the North Pole, 80 Degrees, to find the Angle at P, the Time from Noon of the end of the Evening-Twilight ? 1 OPE The Doctrine of the Sphere. 129 OPERATION, by the 11th Cafe of Oblique Triangles. Deg. Min. ZA = 108 AP 80 Half 54 o Z P 38 28 X Half and 20 46 Z74, 46 X 33 14 41 32 half 20 46 Deg: Min. 1 Sum Sine Complement Latit. S. Complement Decl. S. Co. Ar. 38 28-- 0.206168 Co. Ar. 80 00-- 0.066648 74 46-- 9.984466 33 14-- 9.738820 19.936102 Difference Sine Sum of the Logarithms Half Sum is the Sine of Doubled is 68 18- 9.968051 136 36 the quan tity of the Angle at the Pole, which converted into Time, is is 9 h. 6' 24' the End of Evening-Twilight; whoſe Com- plement to 12 Hours is 2 h. 53' 36 in which is the true Time of the Break of Day. Example 2. What's the Time of Day-break in the Morn- ing, and the End of Twilight in the Evening Dec. 10, at Lon- don? A In the adjacent Diagram HP is the Latitude of Lon- ´don 51° 32′, Æ VS the Sun's Declination South 23° 29′ +90= 113° 29' A P the Sun's Diſtance from the North Pole Z A 108°, the Sun's Diſtance from the Ze- nith: And where the Tro- pick of VS interfects the Pa- rallel of 18°, which is at A, there draw the two Ob- lique Circles PAS.. and ZAN, by which there is formed the Oblique-Angled H Ъ Æ N Ves Æ H Spherical Triangle PAZ, and in it the three Sides are given to find the Angle at P, the Time from Noon. με 2,01 K OP E- 130 The Doctrine of the Sphere. AP 113 29 ᏃᏢ 38 28 OPERTIÓN. A Z 108 half 54 1 H 75 1 37 302/20 add and fub. 37 30 // Z 91 30 Compl. 880 29' 2 X 16 29 " Compl. Latit. S. 38 28 Co. Ar. 0.206168 Compl. from N. Pole S. 66 29 Co. Ar. 0.037655 Sum, Sine 88 29 9.999849 9.453 128 19.696800 9.848400 Difference, Sine 16 29 Sum of the Logarithms Half is the Sine of 44 51 2611 Double is 89 42 52 the quantity of the Angle A PZ, which converted into Time, is 5 h. 58′51″ 28", the End of Twilight, whofe Complement to 12 Hours 6 h. 1'8″ 32″", the Time of Day. And if, from the End of Twilight you take the true Time of the Sun's feting, 3 h. 47' 24", there will remain 2 h. 11' 27" 28", the Dura- tion of Twilight. Or, fubtract the true Time of the Break of Day from the Sun's Rifing, and that will give the Duration of Twilight as before. There is a fecond Method of finding the Beginning and Ending of Twilight, which I ſhall Exemplifie in the laſt Que- ftion. Compl. Latitude OPERATION. Sun's Diſtance from the North Pole Sun's Diſtance from the Zenith 38 28 113 28 108 Sum 259 56 Half 129 58 Compl: 50ª 21 Sun's Dift. from the Zenith ſub. 108 O X 21 58 Now The Doctrine of the Sphere. 131 < Now fay, As Radius To C. f. Latitude So G. f. Declination To S. fourth Ark Say again, Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 51 32-- 9.793832 23 29-- 9.962453 34 47-- 9.756 28 5 As S. fourth Ark 34 47 Co. Ar. 0.243764 To S. half Z 50 2 9.884466 So S. X 2 I 58 9.572949 Half is C. f. of Double 44 51 Sum of the Logarithms Angle at P as before; and confequently the Time is the 19.701179 26-- 9.8508895 89 42 52 the Quantity of the fame. PRO B. 20. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's De preffion under the Horizon, to find when the Short- eft Twilight happens in all the Year. When the Declination of the Sun becomes equal to the Difference between the Complement of the Latitude of the Place, and the Depreffion 18 Degrees, and both North or both South; then there is no Night, but Twilight. Thus, in North Latitude 51 Degr. 32 Minutes its Complement is 38 Degr., 28 Minutes; from which take 18 Degrees the Depreffion, and there will remain 20 Degr. 28 Mi- nures the Sun's Declination North, when the total Dark- neſs ceaſes in that Latitude; and the two Days that the Sun has that Declination North, are May 11, and July 10. See the Word Twilight in the Definitions. K 2. And } 132 The Doctrine of the Sphere. } And by the Inveſtigation of the Problem, I find, that when the Sun has 20 Degr. 28 Minutes South, which he hath on January 10, and on November 10, that then in the Latitude of 51 Degr. 32 Minutes North, the Day will break at 5 Hours 46 Min. 8 Seconds, and End at 6 Hours 13 Min. 52 Se- conds; and the Sun fets at 4 Hours 7 Min. 56 Seconds; there- fore the duration of Twilight is 2 Hours 5 Min. 56 Seconds; which is fhorter than when the Sun was in the Tropick of Capricorn by 5 Min. 31 Seconds. And there is yet a fhorter Time of the Duration of Twilight than this, as is plain if you project the Sphere, drawing feveral Parallels of Decli- nation: And where they interfect the Parallel of 18 De- grees Depreffion, draw Great Circles to país thro' the Poles: and then if you obſerve the ſeveral Arks of the Equinoctial, intercepted you may there plainly fee them to be of an unequal Length, and the fhorteft in all the Year at Lon- don will happen Feb. 19 and October 1, when the Sun has 7 Degr. 2 Minutes, Declination South, which is found by this Univerfal Canon ; Min. Sec. ; As Radius 90 00--10 000000 To S. Latitude 51 32-- 9.893745 So t. half Depreffion 9 00 9.194332 To S. Declination Sun South PROB. 21. 2-- 9.088077 Given, the Longitude and Latitude, of a Planet or Star, to find its Declination. L ་ Example. Let it be required to find the Declination of the Star called Arcturus, whofe Longitude the ft of F4- nuary this Year 1727, is 20 Degr. 24 Min. 40 Seconds. and Latitude 30 Degr. 57 Minutes North: Draw the Cir cle ÆS vs P to reprefent the Solftitial Colure; E E the Equinoctial P, and S its Poles; fet off the Chord of 23 Degr. 29 Minutes from A to and draw, vs, for the Ecliptic, E and e its Poles: Then becauſe the Star is in 20 Degr. 24 Min. 40 Seconds; that is, 69 Degr 35 Min. 20 Seconds from the Solftitial Colure, take - the f The Doctrine of the Sphere. 133 ↑ the Secant of 69 degr. 35 min. 20 feconds, and draw the Oblique Circle E A e from Pole to Pole. Then by Prop. 5. of Spherick Geo- metry, lay down the Star's Latitude. from B to A. and thro' that Point; and the Poles of the Equinoctial, draw the Circle of Right Afcenfion PAS; fo is thère formed the Oblique : Angled Spherick Triangle APE, in which are gi- ven, A E the Complement of the Star's Latitude, 59 deg. 3 minutes, and PE 23 degr. 29 minutes, the ? - R in Z N E Conftant Diſtance of the two Poles, with the included An- gle equal to the Longitude of the Star, 20 deg. 24 min. 40 ſeconds, to find AP the Complement of the Star's De- clination But for Conveniency of the Solution, I folve it in the Triangle A Se, by letting fall the Perpen- dicular SR: Then the Work will ftand thus: As C.t. Se To Radius So C. f. Angle Se R To te R From e A Subtract e R There remains R A Deg. Min. See. 23 29-- 19.362044 10.000000 69 35-- 20 9.542519 8 36-- 57 9.180475 120 57 8 37 112 20 Compl. 67° 407 . As C. f. e R To C. f. RA To C. f. e S To S, D A Decl. 1 Then, Q 8 37 Co. Ar. 0.004929 67 40 23 29 9.579777 9.962453 ! 20 38 25 9.547159 K 3 f Exam- 1 134 The Dottrine of the Sphere. Example 2. Let the Declination of the bright Star, cal- led The Virgin's Spike, be fought, whofe Longitude, is 20 degr. 2 min. 10 feconds, and Latitude 2 degr. 2 minutes. South. Z B P E Draw the Solftitial Colure PESS with the Chord of 60 degrees to any conve- nient Radius, Æ Æ the Equi- noctial, P and S its Poles; fet off the Chord. of 29 deg. 29 minutes from E to, and draw, VS, for the E- cliptic E and e its Poles. Then becauſe the Star is 69 deg. 57 min. 50 feconds, take the Secant of 69° 57' 50", and draw the Circle of Lon- gitude E›A e, on the Circle of Longitude; fet off the Star's Latitude South from B to A, and draw the Circle of Right Afcenfion PA-S; then in the Oblique Angled Spheric Triangle A e S, are given, e S, the Diſtance of the two Poles 23º 29', e A the Complement of the Stars Laritude 87 degr. 58 min. with the included Angle Se A, the Longitude of the Star from the Solftitial Colure, 69 degr. 57 min. 50 feconds, to find SA, the Complement of the Star's Declination. S As C. t. Se To Radius N A OPERATION. So Co. f. Angle SeR To t. e R fubt. From e A Remains RA Deg. Min. Sec. 23 29 90 69 57 8 27 0--10.362544 0--10.000000 50-9.534803 59-- 9.172759 87 58 00 79 30 น 1 斗 ​They The Doctrine of the Sphere. 135 . As C. f. eR To C. f. RA So C. f. e S Deg Then, Deg. Min. Scc. 8 27 59 Co. Ar. 0.005339 79 30 9.260622 23 29- 9.962473 To S. A C Decl. South 9 44 30 9.228414 The fame by Tranfpofition, it will always bold. As Radius To S. Star's Longitude from y So t. of the Obliquity To t. of the firſt Árk If the Declination fought be in the Northern Signs and Southern Signs and Now obferve, Deg. Min. Sec. 90 O 0--10.000000 20 2 I 10- 9.534803 23 29 & 27 59-- 9.172759 0-- 9.637956 North Latitude, Sub. the firft Arch from Complement of the Star's Latitude, and there remains the fecond Arch. South Latitude, Add the firft Ark found as above to the Complement of the Star's Lati- tude, the Sum is the fecond Arch, South Latitude, Subtract the firft Arch from the Complement of the Star's Latitude, and there remains the fecond Arch. North Latitude, Add the firft Arch found to the Complement of the Star's Latitude, Land the Sum is the fecond Arch. K 4 Exam- } 1 136 The Doctrine of the Sphere. EXAMPLE. From a Quadrant Sub. the Star's Latitude Refts the Complement Deg. Min. 90 0 2 2. 87 58. Then be- cauſe the Star is in a Southern Sign and South Latitude, (according to the third Canon above) fubtract the first Arch 8 degr. 27 min. 59 fec. from the Complement of the Star's Latitude 87 degr. 58 minutes, and there remains 79 degr. 30 min. 1 fec. the fecond Arch. Then the fecond Analogy IS, As C. f. firft Arch To C. f. of the ſecond " 2 8 27 59 Co. Ar. 0.005339 79 30 I } 9.260522 9.962453 ? 44 30 9.228414 So C. f. Obliq. Ecliptic 23 29 To S. Decl. South Example 3, Admit the Moon in II 11 degr. 28 minutes with 5 degr. 2 minutes North Latitude: What's her De- clination? As Radius OPERATION. To S. of her Long. from T So t. Obliquity Ecliptic To t. firft Ark fub. Complement's Latitude Remains fecond Arch As C. f. firft Arch Now fay, Deg. Min. 90 0--10.000000 71 28-- 9.976872 23 29-- 9.637956 22-9.614828 22 84 58 By the 1ft. Rule. 62 35 Deg Min. 22 23 Co. Ar 0.034019 62 35 9,663190 9.962453 9,659662 Exam: To C. f. fecond So C. f. Obliquity Ecliptic 23 29 To S. Declination North 27 10 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 837 6 { Example 4. Let the Moon be in II 11 degr. 28° min. as before, and 5 degr. 2 min. South Latitude: Then what's her Declination? & As Radius OPERATION. To S. of her Longitude So t. Obliquity Ecliptic To t. firft Ark Compl. D's Latit. add Z is ſecond Ark Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 7E 28-- 9.976872 23 29-- 9.637956 23-- 9.614828 22 84 58-- By the 2d. Rule. 107 25-- Compl. 72° 39′ Now fay, 3 As C. f. firft Arch "To C. f. fecond Deg. Min. 22 23 Co. Ar. 0.034019 72 39 9.4745 19 9.962453 9.47099 L So C. f. Obliquity Ecliptic 23 To Sine Decl. North 29 17 12 By these two laft Operations you may fee what special regard ought to be had to the Latitudes of the Planets and Stars: For altho' their Longitudes be the fame, yet by reaſon of their different Latitudes, they will Rife, South, and Sec at different Times; but always get their true Declination, and then you cannot mifs of the true Time. To know what Stars Declination increaſe, and what decreaſe, ſee my Syftem of the Planets Demonftrated, Page 119. . 1 1 1 PROB. 1 73B The Doctrine of the Sphere. PROB. 22. : Given, the Longitude, Latitude, and Declination of a Planet or Star, to find their Right Afcenfion. Example. Let the Right Afcenfion of the Star Ar&turus be required, whoſe Longitude Latitude Declination } is {* Deg. Min, Sec. 20 24 40 30 57 oo North. 20 38 25 North. In the first Scheme of the laft Problem, and in the Oblique Angled Spherick Triangle APE are given, A EP, the Longitude from ; AE the Complement of the Star's Latitude 59 degr, 3 minutes, and AP, the Complement of the Declination 69 deg, 21 min. 35 feconds, to find the Angle at PD from ~. OPERATION. As Cf. Declination, To C. f. Longitude So C. f. To C. f. Right Afcenfion Add Right Afcenfion is 20 24 49 Deg. Min. Sec. + 20 38 25 Co. Ar. 0.0288 ne 9.971839 9.933.293 30 48 23 180 00 9.933944 30 57 00 210 48 23 Jan. 1, 1727. all The reaſon why you add a Semicircle, you have in Prob. 3. the fame may alfo be found by the 11th Cafe of Oblique An- gled Spherick Triangles; for in the fame Triangle A´É P, the Sides are known, and required to find the Angle A PE, the quantity of which is the Star's Right Afcenfion from Capricorn. ! Given, The Doctrine of the Sphere. 139 Given, Compl. Decl. A P Compl. Latit. A E 69 21 35 59 3 Required Angle APE, Dift. of the two Poles PE 23 29 OPERATION. Sides including the required Angle EP 23 29 } Side Oppofite to required 2 Angle is A E 59° 3'5 29 - 31. 30! Half Half Z Sides 22 56 17 } Z 52 27 47 X 6 35 Deg. Min. Sec. P 69 21 35 X I = 22 56 45 52 35 17 S. Comp.Ded. AP 69 123mcolar. 21 35 -0.028812 S. Dift. Poles PE 23 29 Co. Ar. 0.399252 S. Z 52 27 47 9.399591 S. X 6 35 13 9.059604 Sum of the Logarithms Half is the Sine of 29 36 5 Doubled is 47′ 50″. 19.387259 - 9.6936295 59 12 10 whofe Compl. to 270 is 21c9 Example 2. What's the Right Afcenfion of the Star call'd the Virgin's Spike; its Longitude Latitude Declination {being { 4 20 2 ΙΩ 2 2 • South? 9 44 3 South? O.PERATION. As C. f. Declination Deg. Min. St?. 9 44 30 Co. Ar. Co. Ar. 0.036309 To C. f. Longitude So C. f. Latitude To C. f. Right Afcenfion And Right Afcenfion is 17 42 180 00 00 20 2 10 3 28 9.97 2885 9.999726 9.978920 197 42 28 Jan. 1, 1727. PROB. 14:0 The Doctrine of the Sphere. } PROB. 23. Given, the Longitude the Longitude and Latitude of a Star or Planet, to find the Right Afcenfion. Example. Let the Right Afcenfion of the Star Virgin's Spike, be required, whofe Longitude is 2 min. 10 fec. and Latitude 2 degr. 2 min. South. ANALOG Y. called the 20 degr. As Radius To S. Longitude from A So C. t. Latitude of Spica To t. of the first Ark If the Lon- git. of the Star be 90 Deg. Min. Set. 20 2 0--10•@@doo. 10-- 9.534803 2 2 c-211.449732 --84 5 5. 2--10.984535 Now this General Rule is to be obferved; PSES ~mvswX And Latit. viz. North fubt. South add 23 29, to, or from the firft Angle, the Z or X is the ſecond North add South fubt.Arch. EXAMPLE. Here the Star is in, and Latitude South; therefore } From the first Arch Subt. the Obliquity Ecliptic 84 5 23 29 2 2 Remains the fecond Angle 60 36 2 Now ; *The Doctrine of the Spheres 141 1 1 As S. of the firſt Arch To S. Second So t. of the Longitude Tò t. R. A. from Add a Semi-circle ! Z. R. A. from T Now fay, 84 5 2 2 60 36 20 2 10 17 42 52 180 Oo Co. Ar. 0.002319 197 42 52 as before. 9.940127 9.561917 9:504363 २ And after this manner are the Tables of Right Afcenfions in Time in this Treatife Calculated. In which may be obſerved. that a Planet or Star having Latitude SNorth in vs m x r ŏ II amm South in ∞ ( R 2 The Right Afcenfion is di- miniſh'd, and confequently the Star comes fooner to the Me- ridian than if it were in the Ecliptic. But when the Latitude of the Star is North in a ™ ≈ a ❤ ~ m South in VS ™ X PX I The Right Afcenfion is in- creaſed, by which a Planet comes later to the Meridian than if it were fimply in the Ecliptic. PROB. 24. : Given, the Right Afcenfion and Declination of a Star or Planet, to find its Longitude and Lati- tude. This Problem is only a Converfion of the two laft; for in the fame Triangle A EP there are given PE, the conſtant Diſtance of the two Poles 23 degr. 29 minutes, and A P, the Complement of the Declination, and the included Angle APE the Right Afcenfion from Capricorn, to find A E, the Com- plement of the Latitude of the Star, and the Angle A EP, its Longitude. Example. The Right Afcenfion and Declination of Ardu- rus, is 210° 48′ 23″ and 209 38' 25" What's its Longitude and Latitude? } • First, 142 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1. Firſt, For the Latitude, or its Complement A E, Let fall the perpendicular E T; then in the Right Angled Spheric Triangle ET P. Deg. Min. As C. t. E P To Radius 90 So C. f. Angle TPE, R. A. from vs Tot, TP 59 12 23 29--10.362044 --10.000000 12-- 9.709306 33-- 9.347262 'As Radius To t, E P So C. f. Angle TPE Or, by Tranfpofition, fay, Deg. Min. 99 0--10.000000 -23 29-- 9.637956 59 12-- 9.709306 Tot, TP fubt. 12 33-- 9.347262 From A P 69 22 Remains T A 56 39 Now fay, Deg. Min. 12 33 Co. Ar. 0.010403 9.738241 9.962453 9.711097 As C. f. firft Arch P T To C. f. fecond TA So C.f. PE = Obliquity To S. Latitude B A 56 49 23 29 30 57 Secondly, For the Longitude or Angle A EP. Now all the Sides are known and the Angle at P; therefore by the first Cafe of Oblique Angled Spherical Triangles, it will hold. As S. A E Co. Latitude Deg. Min. 59 3 Co. Ar. 0.066707 To S. Angle P, R. A. from VS. 59 12 So S. A P, Co. Declination 9.933973 9.971208 9.971888 69 22 To S. Angle E fubt. 69 36 From 180 'Angle A EP 110 24 Sub. 90 Remains Longitude in 20 24 Or The Dott ·743 Doctrine of the Sphere. Or, if I had fubtracted 69 deg. 22 min. from 90 degrees, it would have given me the fame thing. Theſe three laft Problems are of excellent uſe in making Aftronomical Obfervation, as the young Student will preſent- ly perceive, when he is a little acquainted with this fublime Study. For by the 21st and 22d you may find the Right Afcenfions and Declinations of all, or any of the Fixed Stars in the following Catalogue, which R: A. being reduced into Time; will be of excellent ufe to find the Hour of the Night by the Stars; as I fhall fhew in its proper Place. 1 $ FAC t 1 י ATABLE } 144 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ATABLE of the Right Afcenfions, reduced into Time, and Declinations of 42 Eminent Fixed Stars for the Year 1727, being of ufe to find the Hour of the Night. I' Stars NAME S. Declina- tion. " 0 N the Breaft of Caffiopeia, Scheder, 55 2 N20 The Bright Star in the Tail of the Whale, Pole Star, The Bright Star of Aries, In the Jaw of the Whale, Mandibula, Head of Medufa, Algol, The Bright fide of Perfeus, Brightest of the 7 Stars Pleiades, R. A. in R. A in Motion Time "H.' 618300 25 14 19 29 S 30 7 26500 2941 87 54 No 22.9 Noo 259 32 + 910 20 0 36 41 275649 151 47 42 co 00 2 48 0 3953 00 48 51 2314 The South Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran, 1555 In the Goat, Capella, The bright Star in Left Foot of Orion, Rigel, North Horn of the Bull, The Left Shoulder of Orion, South Horn of the Bull, The middle Star in Orion's Belt, The laſt in Orion's Belt, Right Shoulder of Orion, In the Great Dog's Mouth, Syrius, Caftor, or the Head Northern Twin, Procyon, the Little Dog, Pollux, or the Southern Twin, The Heart of Hydra, The Lyon's Heart, Regulus, The Southermoſt of the two pre- ced. in Great Bear, The Northernmost of them, 423645 350 27 40 46 14 30 3 458 001 52.50 525000 3 10 20 46 65 3 4 2012 45 45 50 74 73045630 833 S 12 752100 5 I 24 28 20 N51 77 1400 5 856 6 4 2056 45 125 S 28 7737 25 5 10 29 80 192 20 52118 343152218 27 I 2 719N26 16 20 S 58 81444 526 59 85 438 540 18 98 1640 633 1 7 17 3 7 2457 80 3227 N 0109 15 50 554 28 39 15111 14 12 14 112 739 72830 729 S 013831 20 9 14 Í 1317 No148 26 7 9 5344 57 50 36 161 16-26 10456 6313 The Tail of the Lyon, Deneb. 16 5 40 161 37 5010 46 || 30 17346 10 11 35 5 The North of the 2 following in the Great Bear, 58 34 28 180 27 40 12 147 2740 The first in the Tail of the Great Bear, 519 30 190 23 00 12 41 32 The The Doctrine of the Sphere. 145 • The TABLE continued. Stars NAME S. In the North Wing of the Virgin, Vindematrix, The Virgin's Spike, The Middle of the three in the Tail of the Great Bear, › The laft but one in the Tail of Hydra, The last of the three in the Tail of Great Bear, In the following Shoulder of the Çentaur, Arcturus, The Scorpion's Heart, Antares, The Brighteft in the Dragon's Head, The brighteft Star in the Harp, The Brightest in the Eagle, The Mouth of the Southern Fish, Fomaḥaut, In the Flying Horfe, Scheat, The Head of Andromeda, Declina- R. A. in 'R.A. in tion. Motion, | Time. " 1225 40/19230521246 3 9445 30197 42 28 13 IC 50 56 22 N36 197 44 131056 21 43S 0196 227 13 410. 5042 N 0204 11 50 13 36 47 3437 20 50207 39 32 135038 25210482314 3 313 038 25 47 S 30243 10 20 1642 11 15132 N 0207 35 45 175 23 13833 Ic276 54 2018 27 37 Is 294 20 0 019 37 20 1937 810 313 S 30 340 34 59 22 42 20 26 35 N52342 37 20122 50 29 27 34 22358 3 3 3 0 2 3 5 4 1 + 34 + I PROB. { 146 The Doctrine of the Sphere. PROB. 25. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Hour of the Sun's fetting, to find its Declination.. Example. At London when the Sun apparently riſes at 5, and fets at 7 a-Clock, I then demand its Declination ? D A H A Draw PHS B, to re- preſent the Solftitial Colure, H B the Horizon, EE the Equinoctial; by help of the Lines of Chords on the Se- ctor fet of the Pole's Eleva- tion from B to P 51 degr. B 32 minutes; then becauſe the given Hour is between Six a-Clock and Midnight, viz. 5 Hours = 75 degrees, take the Secant of 75, aud draw P, A, S, the given Hour-Circle, and where it cuts the Horizon which is at A, there the Parallel of the Sun's Declination DD for that Day muft alfo interfect it: Then in the Right Angled Spherical Triangle A BP, there are given B P, the Pole's Elevation 51 degr. 32 minutes, and the Angle APB 75 degrees, to find A P, the Comple- ment of the Declination. 2 1 Æ OPERATION. .. Deg. Min. As t. B P the Lat. 51 32--10.099913 To Radius 90 OC--I0.000000 73-- 9.313083 whofe Comp, is 119 37 So C. f. Angle APB 75 00-- 9.412996 To C. t. A P 78 Or, The Doctrine of the Sphere. 147 ÷ As Radius Or, by Tranfpofition Deg. Min. go 0-10.00cono To C. t. B. P. the Lat. 51 32- 99.00026 So C. 1. Angle APB 75 00- 9.412996 To t. CA the Decl. N 11 37- 9.313085 O Sets Declination. Hours. o 21 4 40 South $ 1 I 37 6 O ၀၁ 7 II 37 North. 8 21 40 And after the fame manner have I found the Declination as in this Table on the Right Head. - PRO B. 26. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Sun's Azi- muth from the South, to find his Declination when be rifes and fets upon that Azimuth. Example. At London, when the Sun rifes and fers upon the 100th Azimuth from the South, I demand then his Declination? Draw the Solftitial Colure ZHNA, fet off the Latitude from H to P, and from ZE, draw EE for the Equinoctial; and becauſe the given Azimuth is a roo from the South, that is 80 from the North, take the Se- H cant of 80, and draw the Azimuth Ź c N, where it interfects the Horizon, which is at c; thro' that Interfecti- on draw the Hour-Circles PcS; then in the little Triangle Bc are given B И P H Æ Tc, the Azimuth from the Eaft or Weft 10 degrees, and the Angle B = the Complement of the Latitude 38 deg. 28 minutes, to find the Declination B c. c= L2 ANA- 1 148 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. * • J As Radius ANALOGY. To S. Y c Azimuth from E. or W. So S. Angle BV c, Co. Latitude To S. Bc Declination North Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 00-- 9.239670 10 38 28-- 9.793832 6,12-9.033502 Example 2. What Declination has the Sun when he fets at London upon the 50 degr. 10 min. Azimuth from South? ANALOGY. I As Radius To C. f. Azimuth from the South So C. f. Latitude To S. Declination South Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 50 10- 9.816557 51 32-- 9.793832 23 29,- 9.600389 By which Calculations it appears that when the Sun is in the Tropick of Capricorn, his Azimuth from the South when he rifeth and fetteth, is 50 deg. 10 min. and its Complement to a Quadrant is the Azimuth from the Eaft and Weft Points, equal to the Amplitude 39 deg. 50 min. becauſe this Arch of the Horizon meaſures the Angle at the Zenith, it being at the Diſtance of 90 deg. from it. Hence, becauſe theſe two Problems are very uſeful to delineate the Hour-Lines upon Gunter's Quadrant, I fhall here incert all the Requifites thereunto belonging for the La- ritude of 51 deg. 32 min. North. A TABLE The Doctrine of the Sphere. 149 ' > A TABLE of the Sun's Declination to every 5th Day of the Month for the Year 1727, for Infcribing the Months. ļ April May 18 4 19 June Months. I $ ΙΟ 15 Q Q 1 O 21 219 58 18 47 January 21 S 42 February 13 46 12 March 3 25 I 8N 3510 48 2510 38 8 5000N 8 2 7 46 13 26 821 2 II 3 20 5 23 10 23 22 23 2923 2923 25 July 22 4 21 29/20 Auguſt 36 19 34 IS 8 13 54 12 1710 34 Septemb. 4 20 2 47 00 51 IS 7 October 7 S 18 8 Novemb. 17 40 18 17 40 18 48 10 3712 22 43 19 December 23 6 23 21 23 5420 57 29/23 25 Months. 20 25 30 O O January February March 4N. 4 5 April May 15 June July Auguft Septemb. 17S.27 16 6 54 4 58 21 2 22 23 5 59 77 SI 016 28 17 49 5422 32 23 II 22 18 24 17 ·8 48 6 47/22 I 12 715 43 58 58 5 5+ 5 O 6 55 38 17 7 9 22 3123 42/22 2 3 3 S. 4 October 14 315 Novemb. 21 49 22 December 23 14. 25 1 · 霉 ​L3 A Ta- 150 The Doctrine of the Sphere. } 5 A TABLE of the Sun's Meridian Altitude to every 5th Day for the Latitude of 51° 321 North. I Months. 5 10 15 。 January 16 46 17 4617 2618 30 19 41 February 24 March 135 24 42 26 3 27 50 29 40 336 38 38 3838 36 40 35 April 47 3:48 3050 1451 $4 May 56 32 57 31 58 31 58 36 59 33 June 61 3861 50 61 57,61 53 July 60 Auguft 153 36 3259 57 59 4,58 2 52 22 50 45 49 2 Septemb. 42 48 41 ! 15 39. 19 3.7 21 October 31 10 29 40 27 51 26 6 Novemb. 20 48 19 45 18 3417 34'17 31 December 15 22 15 71459.15 3 Months. 20 25 | 30 O January February March ~ 34 21 122 2824 3 31 34 33 30 42 32 44 27 46 19 April 53 28 54 56 56 17 May 60 2261 061 2.9 June 61 39 61 15 60 40, July 56 5255 35 54 11 Auguft 47 16 45 26 43 33 Septemb: 35 35 24 33 28 31 33 October 24 25 22 25 22 50 21 21 Novemb. 16 16 39 15 5715 26 Decemb. 15 19 15 46 16:25 A North Declinations added, and South fubtracted, to, or from the Elevation of the Equinoctial, give the Meridian Alti- tude. The Doctrine of the Sphere. ISI { } A TABLE of the Sun's Altitude at every Hour when he is in the Equator and Tropicks, Lati- tude 51 Degr. 32 Minutes North, for drawing the Hour-Linés. - Equinoctial Hours. t.. Tropicks. VS 12 0138 2861 5714 59 Il 115 036 36 56 59 5659 5013 · 54 ΙΟ 230 0132 32 3653 45|10 30 9∞ 3/45 26 645 45 415 17 8 4 60 18 736 40 7 575 019 1627 22 6 690 018 IO 5 19 27 8 I 31 See the TABLE of the Sun's Rifing and Setting at London, L 4 A TA- 152 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ATABLE of Right Afcenfion to every 5th Deg. of Lon- gitude for dividing the Equinoctial in the Quadrant. ԴՐ II રી m 0 27 34 57 $7 4890 0122 12 152 I 6 5 4 35 32 42 63 3 97 27 127 22 156 51 10 911 37 34 15 13 49 42 21 68 21 100 53 132 28 73 43 106 17137 29 161 33 166 12 20 18 27 47 32 79 7111 39 142 26 25 23 9 52 3884 33 116 57147 18 175 25 301 27 541 57 48 90 0122 12152 6 180 170 49 M VS ww * o 180 1 5184 35 10 189 11 0 207 54 237 48 270 0302 12332 6 212 42,243 3 275 27 307 22336 51 217 34,248 21 280 53 312 28341 33 15 193 43 222 21 253 43 286 17 317 29 146 12 20 198 27 227 32 259 7 291 39 322 25203 9 232 38 264 33 296 57 327 130207 54 1237 48/270 0322 12 332 i 26 350 49 18 355 25 6360 00 A TA- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 153 A TABLE fhewing the Aftenfional Difference to every Degree of the Sun's Declination for the Latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. North. Calculated by Problem 5. d Decl. Sun. Afcenfional Difference. ; - I 2 3 گر 4 1 16 2,31 3 47 5 3 6 19 P 36 7 53 8 TO* II } 9 II 29 ΙΟ 12 49 It 14 و 12 15 30 13 16 53 14 18 17 15 19 4.2 1-6 21 8 រ ។ 18 19 20 2 2 2 I 22 22 24 25 40 27 15 28 52 30 32 32 16 37 7 23 29 33 9 ? To 154 The Doctrine of the Sphere. To Draw the Azimuth in the Quadrant. For this purpoſe you must firft calculate a Table fhewing the Sun's Altitude above the Horizon when he is in the Equi- noctial, Tropicks,, and fome other intermediate Parallels of Declinations at every 5th or 10th Azimuth. Thus, fuppofe the Latitude 51° 32! North and the Sun in the Equinoctial on the 80th Azimuth from the South; What's the Altitude ? A NALOGY. Deg. Min. As Radius 90 00--10.000000 To C. t. of the Latitude 51 32-- 9.900086 So C. f. of Azimuth from Merid. 80 00-- 9.239670 Tot. Altit. in Equinoctial 7 51 - 9.139756 And after the fame manner is the fifth Column of the fol- lowing Table calculated under and, which muſt be fi- niſhed e're the other can be done. Then if the Sun have Declination, the Meridian Altitudes. are given in the foregoing Table; but when he is not on the Meridian, but on fome other Azimuth, then ſay, As the Sine of the Latitude, ! To the Sine of the Declination ; So is the Co. Sine of the Altitude at the Equinoctial, To the Sine of the fourth Arch. Now obferve thefe Rules: 1. If the Latitude and Declination be both of one Deno- mination, that is, both North, or both South, on all Azi- muths from the Prime Vertical upon the Meridian, or leſs than 90 Degrees, then add the fourth Arch found by the Pro- portion above, to the Altitude at the Equinoctial;, that Sum is the Sun's Altitude on the given Azimuth. 2. If the Latitude and Declination are both alike, and the Azimuth more than 90 Degrees diftant from the South, take the Altitude at the Equinoctial out of the fourth Arch, the the remainder is the Altitude of the Sun on the given Azi- muth. 3. When ▼ 155. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 3. When the Latitude and Declination are unlike, or of different Names, then take the fourth Arch out of the Sun's Altitude at the Equinoctial, and the remainder will give you the Sun's Altitude on the given Azimuth. Example. What's the Sun's Altitude on the 80th Azimuth from the South, Declination 23 degr. 29 min. North, and Latitude of the Place 51 degr. 32 min. North? The Alti- rude in the Equinoctial was found before to be 7 degrees 51 Minutes. OPERATION. As the Sine of the Latit. To S. Decl. North Deg. Min. 52 32 Co. Ar. 0.166255 23 29 9.600409 So C. f. Altit. in Equino&t. To S. fourth Ark 7 51 9.99591 I 30 17 9.702575 Now according to the firſt Rule, becauſe the Latitude and Declination are both North, I add the fourth Arck 30 degr. 17 min. to the Sun's Altitude in the Equinoctial 7 deg. 51 min, and the Sum 38 deg. 8 min. is the Sun's Altitude upon the given Azimuth, as was required. And to make all yet plainer, I fhall add more Examples in the Tropicks, and fhew how one Analogy ferves for both Tropicks. Firft, for Altitude Sun on the Meridian. Deg. Min. Height Equinoctial at Lendon Declination add and fubtract 38 28 23 29 Z 61 57 M. Alt. S. X 14 59 M. Alt. VS. For Sun's Altitude on 10th Azimuth in the Tropicks. Deg. Min. As S. Latitude 51 32 Co. Ar. 0.106255 To S. Decl. 23 29 *9.600409 So C, f. Alt. Equino&. 38 2 9.896335 To S. of the Arch 23 38 9.602999 Z is the Altit. in 6I 40 is the Altit. in VS 14 24 For 156 The Doctrine of the Sphere. For the Sun's Altitude on the 20th Azimuth from the As S. Lat. To S. Decl. So C. f. the Equator To S. of the Arch Z is Alt. in X is Alt. in VS South.. Deg, Min. 5 I 32 Co. Ar. c.106255 23 29 9.600409 36 44 24 60 4 48 9.903864 9.610528 I2 40 For Altitude Sun on the 30th Azimuth. Min. Sec. As S. Latitude 51 32.Co. Ar. 0.106255 To S. Decl. 23 29 9.600409 So C. f. Altit. in Equino&t. 34 32 9.915820 To S. of the Arch 24 47 9.622484 Z is Alt. in go 59 19 X is Alt. in VS 9 45 And after this manner is the Sun's Altitude obtained in the Tropick, when the Azimuth is lefs than 90 from the South ; but when it is more, viz. 100, 110, 120 degrees from the South, then obferve, that the Sun in the, Equi- noctial has the fame Depreffion under the Horizon on the 100th Azimuth, that he has Altitude on the 80th Azimuth; therefore fubtract the Altitude in the Equinoctial from the fourth Arch, gives the Altitude on the given Azimuth. Example. What's the Sun's Altitude in the Tropick of Cancer on the 100th Azimuth from the South, Latitude as be- fore? OPERATION. 1 The fourth Arch for the 80th Azimuth is Sun's Altit. in Equinoct. on 80th Azimuth ſub. Sun's Altit. in on 100th Azimuth Deg. Miu. 30 17 7 51 22 26 For The Doctrine of the Sphere. 3157 } For Sun's Altitude in on the 11oth Azimuth from South. The fourth Arch for 70th Azmuth is Sums Altit. in Equator on 70th Azimuth fub. Sun's' Altit. in on 110th Azimuth Deg. Min. 29 25 15. II I [.. 14 14 For Sun's Altitude in on the 120th Azimuth from the South. The fourth Arch for the 60th Azimuth is Sun's Altit. in Equinoct. on the 60th Azimuth Sun's Altit. in on the 120th Azimuth Deg. Min. 28 14 21 38: 6 36 To find the Sun's Altitude in the beginning of a on the 120th Azimuth from the South? You must first find the fourth Arch. to the 60 Azimuth thus: As S. Latitude To S. Deck. So C. f. Alt. Equi. on 60th Azim. To S. of the Arch Deg. Min. 51 82 Cq. Ar. 0.106255 20 I I 15-* -9.537937 21 39 O-- 24 I I 9.968228 9.612420 32 Sun's Altit. in on 12th Azi. 2 II To find the Sun's Altitude in the beginning of my on the 80th and 100th Azimuth from South. As S. Lat. To S. Decl. So C. f. Alt. in Equino&. To S. of the Arch Z in Alt. on 80th Azimuth Deg. Min. SI 32 o Co. Ari e.106255 II 29 33 7 51 Oo 14 36. 00 22 27 X in Alt. on 100th Azimuth 6 45 9.299376 9.995911 9.401542 To 158 The Doctrine of the Sphere. To find Sun's Altitude in the beginning of m on the 70th Azi. muth from the South. Deg. Min. Sec.. 51 32 oo Co. Ar. 0.106255 As S. Latit. To S. Decl. II 29. 39 So C. f. Alt. in Equinoct. 15 - 11 Ӧ To S. of the Arch 14 13 9.299376 9.984569 9.390200 X is Alt. in * M on 70 Azi. 0 58 To find Sun's Altitude in beginning of on the 50th Azimuth from the South. Z Deg. Min. Sec. As S. Lat. 51 32 。 Co. Ar. 0.106255 To S. Decl. 20 ΙΣ 15 9.537937 To C. f. Alt. in Equinoct. To. S. of the Arch 27 3 9.949687 23 7 2.593879 X is the Altit. in on the 50th Azimuth. "} 3 56 O And after this manner have I Calculated the following Table of the Sun's Altitude upon every Tenth Azimuth in the beginning of every one of the 12 Signs; (by help of which and the following Table the Azimuths may be laid down on a Quadrant) which may be done to every Degree of Azimuth and to any particular Latitude at pleaſure; the Degrees anſwering o, Azimuth are the Meridian Altitude of the Sun, and the reft of the Table, is found by Galculation, as I have fhewed above. } រ 1 A The Doctrine of the Sphere. 139 [ > { A TABLE of the Altitude of the Sun in the be- ginning of each Sign, for every ro Degrees of Azimuth, in the Latitude of 51 Degr. 32 Min. North. Azi- muth from South o - 69 Q O ✔ • VS ૧૪ TMM ԴՐ * Mw 061 10 61 57 58 3949 3949 58 38 28/26 5818 1714 59 4058 22 49 3638 226 2817 4314 24 20 60 4957 26/48 31 36 44 25 716 312 40 30159 19 55 55 5046 50 46 5046 38 34 34 32/22 25/13 14 9 45 40 57 18 53 2743 5313x 19 18 46 9 9 15 5 33 5054 150 10 40 927 313 56 3 560 5 60 49. 54 45 5.135 2121 39 7 58 70 44 38 40 40 23/29 23 29 2512 II 0 581 8038 9133 44 22 277 51 9030 36 26 814 23 100 22 26 18 06.45 11016 14 9 56 120 6 36 2 321 t After this manner did I Calculate all the Requifites for Delineating the Hours and Azimuths upon a Quadrant for Madrid in Spain, which was made by that Curious Work- man Mr. Benjamin Scott, at the Mariner and Globe in the Strand, London, who maketh this and all other Mathema- tical Inftruments in Silver, Brafs, Ivory or Wood, either for Sea or Land, according to the beft Improvement, and at the lowest Prices. By Prob. 18, the following Table of the Sun's Azimuth is Calculated. A TA- 160 The Doctrine of the Sphere. A TABLE of the Sun's Azimuth from the South at his Entrance into the 12 Signs, and at each Hour and Quarter of the Day, for the Latitude of 51 Degr. 32 Min. North. Hours. 20 m ԴՐ * M! O VS 12 II 40 O O 0. O 7 10 5 50 14 22 13 21 27 19 1 27 54 25 34 14 32 O O O 5 354 53 3 52 3 50 3 50 22 II 89 387 55 7 38 7 8 50 16 4014 1012 81 I 810 35 58! 22 1 118 5016 2014 4114 10 27 3023 2020 12/18 15/17 36. 40 12 37 381 32 32 3927 3927 40 24 40/24 221 5020 57 45 39 43 0 37 30/32 629 4026 40/26 2824 23 IO 250 51 47 55 42 036.2131 48 28 48/28 5027 46 55 31 52 41 47 040 2835 1232 1631 O 60 857 9 50 5044 2439 835 3734 IS 64 9161 16 54 3048 1042 3238 4837 34 9 3 68 8 65 14 58 4551 5446 0142 04040 71 50 69 54 62 78 46 76 269 75 24 72 35 66 3055 3049 2345 1443 43 858 5752 5752 4048 1746.44 3652 2055 51/52 950 រុក 8 81 5279 18 72 5565 3858 5754 24 85 6182 82 40-76 1068 5062 5 88 85 36 79 2072 265 I 2 91 87 48 82 2675 068 IO 7 593 5891 30 85 30 85 2878 471 8 96 49 94 23 88 88 2581 7 99 38 97 102 14 91 23 84 33100 5 94 2087 6 6105 6102 5297 107 50104 56100. 1090 I10 34108 24 103 113 16111 12 195 52 5 7116 0114 118 50116 52 is 4 121 40119 45 18122 36 22 124 8127 1129 50 Note the 129 sol is the Sun's Azimuth at the time of the rifing and fetting of the Sun in the Tropick of Cancer, and 50° 10' is the Azimuth when he rifes and fets in the Tropick of Capricorn. PROB The Doctrine of the Sphere. 161 ! PRO B. 27. Given, the Sun's Place, and Time of the Day or Night (under any known Meridian) to find the Right Afcen- fion of the Mid-Heaven: To the Time propofed, find the Sun's Right Afcenfion by Prob. 3; then reduce the Apparent Time of the Day or Night into Degrees and Minutes, and add it to the Sun's Right Afcenfion before found; that Sum is the Right Afcen- fion of the Medinm Cali, or Mid-Heaven. If the Sum exceed 360°, reject 360° and the Remainder is the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven. Example. Anno 1728, March 13, at 22 Minutes paft 8 in the Morning the Sun's Place is 3° 55'47" and his Right Afcenfion 3° 36' 6"; I demand the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven at London? OPERATION. Apparent Time Hours Deg. Min. Sec. 20 = 300 00 об in the Meridi- Minutes 22 = an of London. Sun's Right Afcenfion add Sum, is R. A. Medium Cali Complement fhort of Y 5 30 3 26 OO об 308 56 6 360 00 оо 51 03 54 ་ 1 Note, When the Sum is less than 90 Degr. it is the R. Afc. from ; if it be more than 90 Deg. and lefs than 180 Deg. fub. from 180; if more than 180 Deg. and less than 270 Deg. fub. 180 Deg. from it: But if it fall in the laft Quadrant, as in the Example above, fubtract it from 360, and you have the Quantity of Degrees and Minutes that you are to make uſe of in Trigonometrical Calculations. } M This 162 The Doctrine of the Sphere. This Problem is of fingular uſe in the Calculations of Solar Eclipfes, as I fhall fhew in the Precepts for that purpoſe. PROB. 28. Given, the Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23 deg. 29 min. and the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven, to find the Culminating Point, or Medium Cœli in the Ecliptic. Example. Let the Right Afcenfion of the Medium` Cali be 308 deg. 26 min. 6 fec. what Point of the Ecliptic is then upon the Meridian ? VS Draw the Primitive Circle, which here repreſents the Sol- ftitial Colure, by what has been taught in the Projection of the Sphere; draw the Equinoctial a a, and the Ecliptic c; then becauſe the given Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven is 308 deg. 56 min. 6 ſec. that is, 38 deg. 56 min. 6 ſec. from the Solftitial Colure, take the Secant of 38 deg. 56 min. 6 fec. and draw the Meridian or Hour-Circle PbS, by which ՈՐ there is formed the Right Angled Spheric Triangle bc, in which are given, 360°-308 deg. 56 min. 6. fec. b 51 deg. 3 min. 54 fec. and the Angle cb 23 deg. 29 min. to find c, the diſtance in the Ecliptic from Y to the Meri- dian. ANALOG Y. * Deg. Min. Sec. As t. Vb the R. A. M. Cali 51 3 54.--10.092639 To Radius So C. f. Angle c Y b Obliquity To Go r c 53 27 42-- 9.869814 90 00.--10.000000 23. 29 00--9.962453 Or, The Doctrine of the Sphère. 163 As Radius Or, by Tranfpofition, Deg. Min. Sec. 90 00 00--10.000000 29 00- 9.962453 To C. f. Obliquity 23 To C. t. R. A. M. C. 51 To C. t. of its Dift. from S. 53 27 354-9.907362 42-- 9.869819 This 53 deg. 27 min. 42 fec. is≈ 1 23 24 27 42 From Yor 12 00 00 OÒ Rem. Culminat. Point, io 6 32 18 Note, That the diftance found by Trigonometry is always from the fame Equinoctial Point, or, that the Right, Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven was taken from. PROB. 29. Given, the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, and the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven, to find the Meridian Angle. Example. In the Scheme of the laft Problem, there are Given b, the Right Afcenfion Mid-Heaven 51 deg. 3 min. 54 fec. and the Angle cb 23 deg. 29 min. to find the An- gle rcb. As Radius To f. Obliquity ANALOG Ÿ Th G. f. R. A. Med, Celi To C, f. Meridian Angle ༡༠ 00 00--10.000ÒÒÒ 23 öö-- 9.600409 29 00- 51 3 54-- 9.798263 75 29 51- 9.391672 1 M 2 PROB 164 The Doctrine of the Sphere.. PROB. 30. Given, the Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23 deg. 29 min. and Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven, to find the Decli- nation of the Culiminating Point. Example. Let the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven be 308 deg. 56 min. 6 fec. what's the Declination of the Culimi- nating Point? In the, Triangle Y bc of the laft Scheme, are given b i deg. 2 min. 54 fec. Complement of 308 deg. 56 min. 6 ſec. and the Angle cb, the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, to find c b the Declination. ANALOG Y. Deg. Min. Sec. ... As Radius To t. Obliquity To S. R. M. Heaven 90 00 00--10.000Q00 23 29 00-- 9.637956. 51 3 To t. Declination Cul. Point S. 18 40 54-- 9.89090I 22-- 9.528857 Note, When the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven is more than 180 deg. as in the Example above, then the De- clination of the Culminating Point is South; for then the Culminating Point it felf is in a Southern Sign: But if the Right Afcenfion be less than 180 deg. the Longitude of the Culminating Point is in a Northern Sign, and Declination North. 1 PROB. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 165 1 PROB. 31. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Declination of the Culminating Point, to find the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven. Obferve, in North Latitudes, If the Declination of the Culminating Point be North, add it to the Complement of the Latitude, or Elevation of the Equinoctial above the Horizon; the Sum is the Altitude. of the Mid-Heaven. But if the Declination be South, fubtract it from the Complement of the Latitude, and the Remainder is the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven. In South Latitude, you muft fubtract the North Declina- tion, and add the South to the Complement of the Latitude. of the Place; the Sum or Difference, is the Altitude of Mid-Heaven. Example. At London, The Elevation of the Equinoctial is Declin. Culminating Point South is Remains Altitude Mid-Heaven Deg. Min. Sec. 38 28 Oo 18 40 22. 19 47 33 Example 2. At London, let the Declination of the Cul- minating Point be 15 deg. 17 min. 46 fec. North; What's the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven? OPERATION. Height of the Equinoctial Decl. Culmin. Point North add Altitude of the Mid-Heaven 1 Deg. Min. Sec. 38 28 1 15. 17 46 56 56 45 M 3 } + PROB. 166 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 • PRO B. 32. 里​看 ​Given, the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven, and the Me- ridian angle, to find the Altitude of the Nonage- fime Degree, or the Angle that the "Ecliptic makes with the Horizon at any given Time. Example. Anno 1728, March 13, at 22' paft 8 in the Morning, I demand the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree at London ? A IT B. H AQ With any convenient Ra- dius, with the Chord of 60 Degrees ſweep the Pri- mitive Circle, which here repreſents the Meridian of London; draw H H for the Horizon; then by the foregoing Problem I find the Altitude of the Mid- Heaven 19 degr. 47 min. 38 fec. and the Meridian Angle 75 deg. 29 min. 51 feconds: Take the Chord of 19 degr. 47 min. 38 fe- conds, and fet it from H to A, which is the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven. Then be- cauſe the Meridian Angle is 75 degr. 29 min. 51 feconds, take the Secant thereof, and fweep the Ecliptic A B C; then by having the Side AZ, the Complement of the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven, yo deg. 12 min. 22 feconds, and the Angle Z A N, the Meridian Angle, I find the Angle A Z N to be 37 degr. 21 minutes; take the Secant of 37 degr. 21 min. and draw the Vertical Circle ZND, and it will cut the Ecliptic at N in the Nonagefime Degree at right Angles. Now in the Right Angled Spheric Triangle AZN (right Angled at N) there are Given A Z, the Comple- ment of the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven 70 deg. 12 min. 22 fec. and the Angle NA Z, the Meridian Angle 75 deg. 29 min. 51 feconds, to find NZ, the Complement of the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree. ANA- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 167 f As Radius ANALOGT To S. Meridian Angle So C. f. Altit. Mid-Heaven To C. f. Alt. Nonagefime Deg. Min. Sec. 90 00 00--10.000000 75 29 51-- 9.985937 19 47 48-- 9.973552 23 21 53-- 9,959489 PROB. 33. Given, the Meridian Angle, and the Altitude of Mid-Heaven, to find the Nonagefime De- the gree. In the laft Scheme, there are the fame things given, to find the Side AN, the Diftance of the Mid-Heaven from the Place of the Nonagefime Degree. ANALOG Y. $ ¦ Dcg. Min. Sec. As Radius To C. t. Alt. Mid-Heaven So C. f. Meridian Angle 90 Oo 00--10.000000 47 38--10.443817 75 29 51-- 9.398651 19 Tot, Dift. Mid-Heaven from Nonag. 34 49 45- 9.842468 Now you are to obſerve, that if the Place of the Mid- Heaven (as found by Prob. 28) VS r I II add be in vv o al mm x tub. the Diſtance of the Mid- Heaven from the Nonagefime Degree to, or from the Place of the Mid-Heaven, the Sum or Difference, is the Place of the Nonagefime Degree. 1 M 4 Sa 168 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 So in the Example before us, the Place of the Mid-Hea- ven is in, that is, Dift. Mid-Heaven add Place of the Nonagefime Degree, S. }} 10 6 32 18 Ι 4 49 45 II II 22 3 ļ Theſe ſeven laft Problems, are of great ufe in the Cal- culation of Solar Eclipfes. PROB. 34. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Time of the Day or Night, to find the Cusp of the Afcen- dant. Example. Anno 1727, September 14, at 15' paſt 5 at Night equal time, I would know the Degree and Minure of the Ecliptic that is Afcending the Eaftern, Horizon at London ? { * Sun's place OPERATION. Deg. Min. Sec. 2 Į 51 Sun's Right Afcenfion Time from Moon in Degrees and Minutes Right Afcenfion Mid-Heaven Add Sum is Oblique Afc. Afcendant 181 52 78 45 260 37 90 OO 00 350 37 Complement next to Y 9:23 Now fay, As Radius To C. f. Oblique Afc. Afcendant So C. t. Latitude of the Place To C. t. of the Arch Deg. Min. 90 0--10.000000 9 23-- 9.994150 51 32-- 9.900086 51 35-- 9.894236 Now The Doctrine of the Sphere. 169 T Obliquity Ecliptic add Now Note, When the Oblique Afcenfion of the Afcen- dant is nearer than, (as in this Example) then you muſt add the Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23° 29′, to the firſt Arch, the Sum is the Second; but if it be nearer than T, then fubtract the Obliquity 239 29′ from the firft Arch, gives the Second: The first Arch is The Second Arch 1 Deg. Min. 51 55 23 29 75 24 Now fay, Deg. Min. As C. f. Second Arch 75 24 Co. Ar. 0.598479 To C. f. firft 51 55 9.790149 So t. Oblique Afc. Afcend. 9 23 9.218142 To t. of its Dift. from S. From 22 I 9.606776 12 OO 00 F Cufp Afcendant ། II 7 59 Further Note, that if the Second Angle be leſs than 90°, the Diſtance in the Ecliptic found by the fecond Operation above muſt be accounted from the fame Equinoctial Point that the Oblique Afcenfion was reckoned from. But if the fecond Angle be more than 90°, then the Di- ftance in the Ecliptic muſt be accounted from the contrary Equinoctial Point that the Oblique Afcenfion was reckoned from. If the Cufp of the Afcendant (or the Arch contained be- tween the Meridian and Horizon) were required when ei ther no Deg. of or is on the Meridian, then the young Student will be at a lofs; becauſe the foregoing Analogy will not hold; the Oblique Afcenfion of the Afcendant will be 90 when no Degrees of Culminates, and 279° when is there, that is, in both Cafes equally Diftant from T and fo that the Obliquity of the Ecliptic cannot be ap- ply'd as has been Directed. Then to remedy this Defect, there muſt be a new Rect-Angled Spheric Triangle formed (and when no Degrees of is on the Meridian) under the ; Nor.. 1 (70 The Doctrine of the Sphere. A A Northern Horizon: Thus, draw the Primitive Circle to repreſent the Meridian of London; and becauſe the Meridian Angle is 66 degr. 31 min. when and Culminates, take the Secant of 66 degr. 31 min. and draw Y A Æ for one half of the Ecliptic, and E, a right Circle the Equino- cial, to the Elevation of London, HB the Horizon; then in the right Angled Spheric Triangle EA B there are given, Æ B the Complement of the Latitude 38 deg. 28 min. and the Angle B E A, the Meridan Angle 66 degr. 31 min. to find A Æ, the Arch of the Ecliptic between the Horizon and North Meridian from Libra. ANALOGY. 'As t. BÆ Deg. Min. 38 28-- 9.900086 To Radius 90 00--10.000000 So C. f. Angle BE A 66 31-- 9.600409 To C. t. A E 63 22-- 9.700323 'A Semicircle 180 Oo Remains A 116 38 That is the Arch of the Ecliptic from V on the South Meridian to A above the Horizon; that is, 26° 38' for the Cufp of the Afcendant in the Latitude of 519 32 North, when no Degrees of Y. Culminate. 1 Example 2. Let it be required to find the Cup of the Afcendant at London when no Degrees of Libra Cul- minatę. + This The Dottrine of the Sphere. This is Projected as the laft was, by taking the Secant of the Meridian Angle 66 deg. 31 min. and draw- ing A for half the E- Æ cliptic, HH the Horizon, and HHÆ the Meri- dian; then in the Rect Angled Spheric Triangle AH, there are given H, the Altitude of the Medium Cæli, equal to the Height of the Equinoctial 38° 281, and the Meri- dian Angle HA 66° 31', to find FO H A A A the Arch of the Ecliptic between the Meridian and Horizon. Tot. Latitude As Radius So C. f. Meridian To C. t. of A Analogy by Tranfpofition, Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 SI 32--10.099913 66.31-- 9.600499 03 22-- 9.700322 which is equal to AA in the laft Scheme. Then 63° 22′ =2S. 3° 221 + 6 S. = 8S. 3° 22′ the Culp of the Afcen- dant, when no Degrees of Culminate. Note, When no Degrees of or vs Culminate, three of the five Parts in the Triangle are Quadrants, and confequently the Arch of the Ecliptic between the Meridian and Horizon is known to be a Quadrant. And after the fame manner have I calcu- lated this Table, fhewing the Culp of the Afcendant when no Degrees of every Sign Culminate at London. Mid- 172 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Mid-Hea- X # 8 > # # = ~ 9 ¤ ¤ < ||Mid. → ven. i Gufpof the Afcen- dant. Arch E- cliptic be- tweenMe- The fame Arch in Time. lace ridian and 0 26 Horizon. h. " 38 116 38 7 46 32 16 30 106 30 7 6 O 7 21 97 21 6 00 00 90 6 Oo 29 24 O I 22 38 82 38 5 30 32 13 30 1 73 30. 5 54 O 3 22 63 22 4 13 28 25 15. 55 15 4 41 O 27 10 57 IO 3 48 48 40 00 00 90 Oo 6 2 50 122 50 8 II 20 ; 4 45 124 45 8 I 19 1 ' PROB. 35. Given, the Latitude of the Place, the Hour of the Day, the Sun's Altitude and Distance from the Afcen- dant, or Defcendant, to find the Parallactick An- gle. Example At London Anno 1733, May 2 d. 6 h. 35′ 39″ (by a former Inveſtigation of mine) is the apparent Time of the vifible Conjunction of the Sun and Moon at which Time I demand the Parallactick Angle? A * 1 OPE- The Dottrine of the Sphere, 173. OPERATION. Sun's Place to the Equal Time Sun's Declination North Altitude of the Sun Right Afcenfion Apparent Time from Noon Sum, R. A. M.Cœli Add Oblique Afc. Afcendant Complement Culp of the Afcendant Cufp of the Defcendant Sun's Place Dift. O from Defcendant Medium Celi in Ecliptic Declination Culminat. Point North Deg. Min. Sec. 52 57 ୪ 22 18 2 I 00 8 58 00 50 28 98 54 45 149 22 1 45 90 00 00 239 22 45 ·59 22 45 11:37 00 II 37 00 22 52 57 ΙΙ 15 57 રી 27 ΙΟ EXP 12 36 00 51 4 69 57 888888 Altitude Mid-Heaven Meridian Angle Amplitude North 30 42 Sun's Azimuth from the North 71 24 H ** N 7 BKC H To Project this Problem'; with the Chord of 60 degr. draw the Frimitive Circle to repreſent the Meridian of the Place, HH the Ho- rizon, take the Altitude of the Mid-Heaven 51 degr. 4 min. from the Line of Chords, and fet it from H to E, and the Amplitude by the Semi-Tangents from the Center to C; take the Secant of the Meridian An- gle 69 degr. 57 Min. and draw E AC for the Eclip- tic: Then becauſe the Sun's Azimuth at the given Time is 71 degr. 24 min. from the North, take the Secant of 71 deg. 24 min. and draw Z A N, which cuts the Ecliptic in A the Place of the Sun: And now by theſe three great Circles, viz. the Horizon, Ecliptic and Azimuth we have the Rect Angled 13.0 N Sphe } • The Dottrine of the Sphere. #74 Spheric Triangle ABC, right Angled at B, in which are given BA, the Sun's Altitude & deg. 58 minutes, and AC the Sun's Diſtance from the Defcendant 11 Degr. 15 Min. 57 Se- conds, to find the Angle B A C the Angle formed by the Vertical Circle and Ecliptic. ANALOGY. Deg. Min. 'As Radius 90 00--10.000000 To t, B A O Altitude 8 58-- 9.198674 So C. t. A C, à Defcendant II 16-- 10.70678 To C. f. Angle B A C Parallactick 37 31-- 9,899352 PROB. 36. Given, the Sun's Altitude and Distance from the No- nagefime Degree, to find the Parallactick An gle. Example. Anno 1733, May 2 D. 6 h. 35' 39" at London, I would know the Parallactick Angle? OPERATI O N. Cufp of the Defcendant 'Add Nonagefime Degree Sun's Place fub. Diſtance S. Q I II 3 00 37 00 4 II 37 I 22 $3 2 18 44 QEP The Doctrine of the Sphere. 175 í ANALOGY. As Radius To t. Sun's Altitude So t. Sun's Dift. à Nonag. To C.f. Parallactick Angle 90 00--10.000000 8 58--9-198674 78 44--10.700678 37 31- 9.899352 PROB. 37. Given, the Sun's Parallax in Altitude, and the Paral lattick Angle, to find his Parallax in Longitude and Latitude. Note, The Sun's Parallax in Altitude you will find in a Table at the end of the Lunar Tables; in which the Paral- lax in Altitude anſwers to the Sun's Altitude, the greateſt Horizontal Parallax being 10". First, For the Parallax in Longitude. With the Sun's Altitude, take out of the Table the Parallax in Altitude 10", and then fay, As Radins To t. Sun's Parallax in Altitude; So C.. of Parallactick Angle, Text of Parallax in Longitude. 'As Radius, 2. For the Parallax in Latitude. To S. Parallax in Altitude; So S. Parallactick Angle, To S. Parallax in Latitude .. To 176 The Doctrine of the Sphere... The three laft Problems have refpect to the Ecliptic only; but in regard the Moon and other Planets and Stars are very feldom found there, therefore we must have re- ſpect to the Orb of the Planet, and find the Angle that a Ver- tical Circle forms with it. PROB. 38. Of the Parallax of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. In the Definitions, I have told you what is meant by the Word Parallax in general: I fhall in this Problem demon- ftrate the Parallaxes in Altitude, Longitude, Latitude and Horizontal: The ufe of them is fo very great that the Knowledge thereof is the very Foundation of Aftronomy. Becauſe from thence, the Diſtance of the Sun, Moon, and Stars from the Earth may moft eafily be had; for in the Triangle AB t, A B the Earth's Semidiameter, B the Right Angle, and t the Angle of the Parallax being known, 'tis eafie to find any Side or Angle fought, and confequently A t, the Diſtance of the Moon from the Earth's Center. In the adjacent Figure, let A repreſent the Earth's Center ef the true Hori. zon, GH the vifible, L Bm, half the Earth's Su- perficies, n co the Moon's Orb; an Obferver at B, views the Moon at i; but an Eye from the Earth's Center at A would fee her at K: So likewife if we put the Semi-Circle PD q to repreſent the Orb of e Vá PHIAGO 9 A Mars (or any other Planet) an Obſerver ſtanding at B on. the Earth's Superficies, will behold Mars at R; but from the Earth's Center it would be feen at S, and this Parallax vanishes in the Vertex or Zenith of your Habitation: For viewing a Star at V, both from the Earth's Center at A, and alfo from the Superficies at B, it will appear in one and the fame $ The Doctrine of the Sphere. 177 fame place of the Heavens; and the nearer the Horizon the Stars are, the greater is the Parallax of Altitude, and con- fequently the Horizontal is the greateſt of all. Therefore, becauſe the Places of all the Heavenly Bodies are fupputa- ted to the Earth's Center, (to which place an Obferver can- not come) and we being upon its Superficies, fhews how needful the Knowledge of theſe Parallaxes are to him that would be an Aftronomer: For as the Stars are raiſed by Refraction's, fo they are depreffed by Parallaxes; and they depreſs the fame way that the Planets appear; that is, if they appear to the Southward of the Zenith, the Parallax depreffes them to the Southward; and fo dimi- nifhes their Latitude if it be North; but increaſes it if it be South And on the contrary, if the Planets appear to the North of the Zenith, the Parallax increaſes their North Latitude, and diminishes the South Latitude; all which will be very plain and and eafie, if you feriouſly confider the Diagram before you. And further, is to be confidered the Remotenefs or Near- neſs of a Planet to the Earth: For Saturn being far- theft from it, has the leaft Parallax of all; and the Moon being the neareft to it, has the greateft; and fo of the others, according to their Diftance from the Earth; whofe Horizontal Parallaxes at a middle Diſtance from the Earth I have ftated thus: " Ђ 0 I 34 2 2 49 8 14 10 0 2 ୨ → 13 59 8 57 50 00 When a Circle of Longitude paffing thro' the Poles of the Ecliptic, paffes thro' the Nonagefime Degree, it then cuts the Ecliptic at right Angles; but in all other places it cuts it at Oblique Angles. Therefore, if a Planer appear neither in the Ecliptic, nor in the Nonagefime Degree, the Parallax in Altitude will caufe a Parallax both in Longitude and Latitude. N Example. 178 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Example. Anno 1727, September 15, at 8 at Night, at London, I would know the Parallax of the Moon in Alti- tude, Longitude, and Latitude? First, For the Angle that the Vertical Circle forms with the Moon's Orb, proceed thus, viz. either find the Moon's Distance from the Afcendant, or elſe from the Nonage- fime Degree; which you pleaſe will do. Moon's true- true< Longitude Latitude South Declination South Given Hour Q 24 56 I 14. 14. 24 8 Moon South at Moon from Meridian Altitude Sun's Place Right Afcenfion 9 44 I 44 21 15 2 57 34 182 43 Time from Noon Degr Right A. M. Cœli Add Oblique A. Afcendant Complement Cufp Afcendant I Moon's Place fub. Moon from the Afcendants Complement S. Angle formed by Vertical Circle? 3 ·M 2 120 302 45 90 00 392 43 32 43 3 29 24 56 8 33 21 27 86 39 The Requifites above I have hd by the foregoing Problems; and now for the given me 8 at Night, find the Moon's Mean Anomaly S. 11° 14′ 20", and with that take out of the Table her Horizontal Parallax 55 min. 12 feconds; and then for her Parallel in Altitude, the Analogy is As } The Doctrine of the Sphere. 179 As Radius, To C. f. Moon's Altitude So S. Horizontal. Parallax, To S. Parallax in Altitude, ; Deg. Min. Sec. 90 00. 00--10.00ôõõ¯ 00 - 9.969321 21 17 00 55 12-- 8.205639 51 22-- 8.174956 21 17 True Altit. of the Moon Vifible Altitude 'As Radius, 00 20 25 38 2. For the Parallax in Longitude. ANALOGY. To t. Moon's Parallax in Altitude; So C. f. Angle of her Orb and Vertical Circle, To t. Parallax Longitude Deg. Min, Sec. 00 1 90 00 00--10.000000 51 22-- 8.174421 86 3900-- 8.766675 } 86 00 3 00-- 6.941096 Note, If the Moon, &c. be between the Afcendant and the Nonagefime Degree, the Parallax of Longitude muſt be added to her true Longitude; but if fhe be between the No- nagefime Degree and Defcendant, the Parallax of Longitude must be fubtracted from the Moon's true Place in Longi- tude ; the Sum or Difference is the Moon's Visible Lon- gitude. EXAMPLE. 6. Afcendant Sub. Nonagefime Degrees Moon's true place Parallax Longitude ſub. Moon's Visible Longitude 23 10 3 20 0 00 3 29 24 56 to the Weft. 00 3 00 1Q 21 56 N 2 Note, i 180 The Doctrine of the Sphere. } Note, If the Moon's Longitude be lefs than the Place of the Nonagefime Degree, fhe is then in the Occidental Quad- rant; but if more, in the Oriental. 3. For the Moon's Parallax in Latitude. As Radius, ANALOGY. To S. Parallax in Altitude'; Deg. Min. Soc. 90 00 00 51 So S. Ang, of her Orb and Vert. Cir. 86 39 To S. Parallax in Latitude, True Latitude Moon South, add Vifible Latitude Moon South 00 51 I 14 2 00--10.000000 22- 8.174956 22-- 00 9.999257 16-- 8.174213 00 5 16 DEMONSTRATION. B/K G H DL A 0 Let HO, be the visible Horizon, whoſe Pole is V, E A an Arch of the Moon's Orb, whofe Pole is P, VL, a Vertical Circle, paffing thro' the Moon's true Place, in K, and the apparent Place in G; fo will K G be the Parallax in Altitude: Thro' K and G, draw two Circles of Longitude as PK, and PG, cutting the Moon's Orb in K and C; then will KC be the Parallax in Longitude, and GC in La- titude; V BD is a Vertical Circle paffing thro' the Nonage- fime Degree, BK the Moon's Diſtance from the Nona- gefime. When the Sun, Moon or Planets are in the Nonagefime Degree, then there is no Parallax in Longitude, and then the Parallax in Latitude and Altitude are equal. And if they be in the Vertex, there is no Parallax of Latitude nor Altitude, but only in Longitude: If they be neither in the Vertex nor Nonagefime Degree, they have Parallax in Longitude, Lati- tude and Altitude, as has been above Calculated and Demon- ftrated. PROB. * The Doctrine of the Sphere. 181 PROB. 39. Given, the Horizontal Parallax of a Planet, the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree, and its Di- Stance from the Nonagefime Degree, to find the Pa- rallax in Longitude and Latitude. Rule. To the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Horizontal Parallaxes of the Planet, add the Sine of the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree, and the Sine of the Diſtance of the Planet from the Nonagefime Degree; the Sum of theſe three Logarithms is the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Pa- rallax in Longitude. Example. Anno 1727, September 15. at 8 a-Clock at Night at London, I would know the Parallax of the Moon in Longitude and Latitude? You must first find theſe requifites by the foregoing Prob- blem, and fet them down in order thus: D. H. Given Time 1727 Sept. 15 8 00 00 Moon's Place 24 56 00 Sun's Place 2 Sun's Right Afcenfion Time from Noon Sum, Right Afcenfion M. Cali Complement Medium Cali in Ecliptic Meridian Angle Declination Gul. Point South 57 34 182 43 00 120 00 00 302 43 00 57 17 00 00 30 00 00 38 28 OÛ 77 34.00 20 Altitude Equator at London Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Degree 18 23 00 22 4 Dift. Mid-Heav. from Nonag. Degr. 32 sa 00 Nonagefime Degree * 3 29 00 Moon's Place fub. 24 56 ao Dift. Moon from Nonag. Degree 8 33 00 Mean Anomaly Moon 7 II 14 20 Horizontal Parallax Moon 00 55 12 N 3 Now, 182 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Now, for the Parallax in Longitude of the Moon, the Work ftands thus: Horizontal Parallax Moon Altitude of the Nonag. Degree Dift. Moon from Nonag. Degree Parallax in Longitude of Moon Deg. Min. Sec. 00 · 55 12 LL 9.96379 22 4 00 S. 9.57482 8 33 00 S. 9.17223 3 5 LL 8.71085 00 2. For the Parallax in Latitude. To the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Horizontal Parallax of the Planet, add the Co. Sine of the Altitude of the No- nagefime Degree; the Sum of theſe two Logarithms is the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Parallax in Latitude. OPERATION. Deg. Min. Sec. Horizontal Parallax D OO 55 12 L L 9.96379 1 Altitude Nonagefime Degree 22 4 00 CS 9.96696 Parallax in Latitude D 00 51 9 LL 9.93075 And thus, have I given my Reader two feveral ways of finding the Parallaxes; and fhall leave to his Choice to take which he likes beft. The greateſt Parallax of the Longitude may be found by ad- ding the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Planets greateſt Hori- zontal Parallax, to the Sine of the Angle of its Orb with the Horizon (which is the fame with the Altitude of the No- nagefime Degree in the Planet's Orb,) and the greateſt Di- tance of the Nonagefime Degree, which is 90°; the Sum of theſe three Logarithms is the Logiſtical Logarithm of the greateſt Parallax of Longitude of the Planet that can happen. Example at London in the D, fuppofing her North Node to be in no Degrees of Aries, and the upon the Meridian in no Deg. ; the Angle formed with the Horizon and Orb, will be 67° 14' 20", ОРЕ The Doctrine of the Sphere. 183 " OPERATION. Altitude Nonagefime in her Orb Deg. Min. Sec. Greateſt Horizontal Parallax D 67 00 61 If 24 L L 10.01001 20 S. 9.26479 56 37 LL 9.97480. Her greateſt Dift. from Non. Deg. 90 00 00 S. 10.00000 Her greateſt Parallax in Longitude Alfo at London her greateſt Parallax in Latitude, may be found by the following Operation. Greateſt Horizontal Parallax Leaſt Altit. Nonag. in her Orb Greateſt Parallax of Latitude Deg. Min. Sec. 0 61 61 24 LL 10.01001 9 41 40 CS 9.99375 I 00 31 LL 10.00376 And leaft Parallax in Latitude may be found at London by the following Operation. Deg. Min. Sec. Leaft Horizontal Parallax 00 54 59 LL 9.96208 00 21 20 CS 9.58759 16 L L 9.54967 Greatest Alt. Nonag. in her Orb 67 14 Leaft Parallax in Latitude And thus by obferving the Premifes, you may find the grea- teſt Parallax in Longitude, the greateſt and leaft Parallax in Latitude of a Planet, in any Latitude; which may be of good uſe to give you a right Idea of the Parallaxes; and will allo fhew you how they increaſe and decreaſe, and confirm your Calculation, by knowing between what two Numbers your Parallaxes at fuch a time and Place muft fall. 1 PROB N 4 ∙184 The Doctrine of the Sphere. P. R. O B. 40. Shewing the feveral Methods made use of by Aftronomers for obtain ing the Horizontal Parallaxes of the Heavenly Bodies. B A O M EHI D K ET C I The firft that I fhall fhew, is that famous Diagram of Hipparchus, and made ufe of by all Aftronomers to this Day; exemplified in finding the Sun's Hori- zontal Parallax. Let A be the Center of the Sun, M that of the New Moon. E the Center of the Earth. F the Center of the full Moon in Perigeon. L the Center of the full Moon in Apogeon. Let all thefe Centers fall in the right Line A, 譬 ​M, E, F, L, D. A B the Sun's true Se- midiameter. The Angle A E C, is the Apparent Semidiame- ter Sun. The Angle MEG is the Apparent Semidiame- ter Moon. The Angle FEK, the Apparent Semidiame ter of the Earth's Sha- dow when the Moon is in Perigeon. The Angle LEN, the Apparent Semidiameter of the Earth's Shadow when the Moon is in Apogeon. And the Angle EA I, is the Sun's Horizontal Parallax. The 1 | The Doctrine of the Sphere. 185 亨 ​1: 1 The Angle E M I, is the Moon's Horizontal Parallax. The Angle EFI, is the Moon's Horizontál Parallax when fhe is in Shadow in the Ferigeon And the Angle EL I, the Moon's Horizontal Parallax when in the Earth's fhadow in Apogeon. The Angle EDI is half the Angle of the Cone of the Earth's Shadow, equal to the Apparent Semidiameter of the Sun view'd from the top of the Shadow. A E is the Diſtance of the Sun from the Earth; and ME the Diſtance of the New Moon: EF the Diftance of the Full Moon in Perigeon, and EL the Diſtance of the A- pogeon, full Moon: ED the Axis of the Earth's Shadow. Draw OI parallel to A M, and HK to E F Having thus prepared the Work, the Sun's Horizontal Pa- rallax will be difcovered thus, A E CADCEA I the AEC Sun's Horizontal Parallax. 1. The Semidiameter of the Sun, lefs by his Horizontal Parallax, is equal to the Semi-Angle of the Cone of the Earth's Shadow: A E CEAI or AIO EDI: For becauſe A E and OI are parallel, the Angle A IO= Angle EAI by 29th of the firft of Euclid. 2. The Horizontal Parallaxes of the Moon, lefs by the Semi-Angle of the Cone of the Earth's Shadow, is equal to the Apparent Semidiameter of the Shadow. EMI EDI FEK. 3. The Sum of the Horizontal Parallaxes of the Lumina- ries is equal to the Sum of the Apparent Semidiameters of the Sun and Shadow of the Earth. Angle EAI EMI AEC+FEK. = Therefore, if from the Sum of the Horizontal Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon, you fubtract the Sun's Semidiameter, there will remain the Apparent Semidiameter of the Earth's Shadow in the lace where the Moon paffes through. E AI+EMI, AECFEK Thus far the Method of Hipparchus for finding the Sun's Horizontal Parallax, which is now determin'd to be no more than 10 Seconds: Therefore this Angle being.fo ve- ry fmall, it is a very difficult Point to come at the true Diftance of the Sun from the Earth, (I may fay, almoft impoffible.) For an Eye at the Sun would behold the Earth's Semidiameter under that Angle; confequently the Diſtance of that glorious Body from us must be exceeding great. We 186 The Doctrine of the Sphere. We can easily by Trigonometry find the Length of the Earth's Shadow E D; for in the Right-Angled plain Tri- angle EDI, there are given, E I, the Earth's Semi- diameter 3984.58 English Miles, and the Angle EDI= to the Sun's apparent Semidiameter ſeen from the Ver- tex of the Cone, which at a middle diftance of the Sun from the Earth, is 16 min. 5 feconds, to find E D, the Length of the Earth's Shadow. As t. Angle EDI, To E I, Semidiamer; So Radius, To E D, Miles. Therefore I fay, Deg. Min. Sec. Oo 16 5 7.650043 3983.58 3.600382 90 00 00 10.000000 851802 5.930339 Divide the Length of the fhadow 851802, by the Earth's Semidiameter, 3984.58, and the Quotient 254 ferè is the Length of the Shadow in Earth's Semidiameters. Al- fo, if from ED you fubtract E L, the Moon's Apogeon- Diſtance, there will remain LD, the Length of the Sha- dow beyond the Moon: And fince the Diameter of the Earth 7969.16, is to the Diameter of the Moon 2151, as 100 to 27; therefore the Altitude of the Earth's Shadow, will be to the Altitude of the Moon's in the fame proportion; becauſe the Conical Shadows are fimilar Figures; and there- fore the Height of the Moon's Shadow will be 229986.54 Miles. For, as 100: 27:: 851802: 229986.54; Which divided by 3984.58, the Earth's Semidiameter, the Quotient will be 57 388 Semidiameters of the Earth. Secondly, The fecond way of finding the Horizontal Pa- rallax, is by obferving the exact Time that the Moon is in the Quadratures, which fhe is twice every Month: And by obferving this Moment, of time when he is Biffected, that in the very fame Moment in which the Plane of that Circle of Illuminaiion is found in the Eye of the Spectator, or in the Center of the Earth, the Center of the Sun is in that right Line, which is perpendicular to the fame Plane, and paffes thro' the Center of the Moon. And thus you have a right-Angled Plane Triangle formed by a Line ſuppoſed to be drawn from the Earth's Center to the Sun, from the Sun to the Moon, and by the Line of t Illumi- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 187 Illumination or Biffection of the Moon, to the Earth; and the Angle at the Sun, is that which Aftronomers call, for Diftinction, the Menftrual Parallax, or, the Dif ference of Pofition that there is in the Sun, as feen from the Earth, and as feen from the Moon. The manner of obferving the exact Moment of time when the Moon is Dechotomized, must be done with a very large Teleſcope, that the whole Difcus of the Moon may be taken in, and her Spots repreſented to the Eye diftinctly at one View. This being gain'd, they fearch out by actual Ob- ſervation, or by Aftronomical Tables, the true Places of the Sun and Moon for that Moment, and their Difference of Pla- ces will be the Angle in the former Triangle formed at the Earth: And thus in the Triangle all the Angles are known, with the Diſtance of the Moon from the Earth, and confeqnently the Diſtance of the Sun from the Earth is eafily gained. But notwithſtanding that great Subtilty of Wit and Reaſon in both thefe Methods, yet many Defects there are in them, which forbid us to expect an acurate In- veſtigation of this Parallax by means of either of them. For, As to that of the Diagram of Hipparchus, there are a great many things neceffary to be prefuppofed; which are each of them fo difficult to be obferved, that we can never come to that Exactneſs as the Cafe requires. As 1. The Sun's apparent Magnitude. 2. The Horizontal Paral- lax of the Moon; and 3. The Semidiameter of the Sha- dow in the Place of the Moon's Tranfit. See Mr. Whifton's Lecture, Page 70. Thirdly, The third Method to find the Sun's Horizon- tal´ Parallax, is, by Inveſtigation of the Parallax of Mars, Venus, or Mercury; by Mars, when in oppofition to the Sun; and by the other two, when in Conjunction Retro- grade, and feen in the Sun's Disk: For in theſe Pofi- tions they are nearer the Earth, than at other times therefore moft proper for this purpoſe. See the first of thefe handled by Mr. Whifton in his Aftronomical Lecture 7. and that of Venus in the Sun, by Dr. Halley, Phil. Tranſ. No. 348; and alfo at the end of his Obfervations, and Catalogue of the Southern Stars, he gives feveral ways to find the Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon. Mr. Auque 188 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Mr. Auzut alſo gives a Method to find the Moon's Parallax, on a Day when he is in her Perigee or Apogee, and in the moſt Northern Signs. Thus, by taking her Diameter near the Horizon, and alfo in her greatest Altitudes, the Difference of them will fhew the proportion of her Di- ftance with the Semidiameter of the Earth; but this way cannot be practis'd in England, becauſe the Moon is never in our Zenith. Dr. Gregory in Vol. 1. of his Elements of Aftronomy, gives in the feventh Section, no less than 19 Propofitions for this purpoſe. PROB. 41. How to make Cœleftial Obfervations. To obſerve the true Places of the Heavenly Bodies, as of the Sun, Moon and Stars, is a Work of the greateft importance in Aftronomy; becauſe it requires large Inftruments, a good Obfervatory, where there is a perfect clear Horizon, a thro- rough Knowledge in Geometry, and withal, due Care in making your Obfervations. At the beginning of this Section, I fhew'd how the´Obli- quity of the Ecliptic was obtained; and here I ſhall inform how you may take the Sun's Altitude tho' you be not provi- ded with an Aftronomical Quadrant: The Method is this; Take your walking-Cane, or Stick of any convenient length, and divide it into any Number of equal Parts, 10, 100, 1000, &c. Let it be ftreight, and fet it perpendicular to the Horizon, when the Sun fhines on a plain level Place. A BC Then ſuppoſe the Stick be divi- ded into 100 equal Parts, and I find the length of the Shadow be to contain 52.6 Parts ; then in the Right-Angled plain Tri- angle ABC, Right-Angled at B, there are given, AB, the Height of the Stick 100 parts, and BC, 52.6, to find the Angle A CB the the Length of the Shadow apparent Altitude of the Sun. ! ANA- The Doctrine of the Sphere: 189 ANALOGY, AB made Radius. As AB the Staff height, To Radius ; So BC the Shadow, To C.t. Angle A C B; Refraction fub. Remains Sun's Semidiameter Remain's Parallax add True Alritude of Sun 100 2.000000 90 00 10.000000 52.2 1.721395 62 14 9.721395 0027 00 62 13 33 00 16 61 57 33 00 00 4 61 57 27 Hence, becauſe the Altitude was taken by the Shadow of the Staff, and not by the Croſs-Hairs in a Teleſcope, there- fore I fubtract 16 for the Sun's Semidiameter, becauſe the Rays come from the upper Edge of the Sun, and not from the Center: But when you obſerve by Teleſcope-Sights, with two Croſs-Hairs, then you need not uſe any fuch Dedu- ction of the Sun's Semidiameter; becauſe then you take the Sun's Center at once. And Secondly, becauſe it was the Sun's apparent Altitude that was obſerved; therefore the Refraction is fubtracted, and the Parallax added; for they are always of contrary Effects. And when it is a true Altitude found by Calcula- tion; then to that true Altitude you muft add, the Refra- ction, and deduct the Parallax, and by that means you will gain the apparent Altitude. " 1 Secondly, To Obferve the true Place of the Sun, &c. Firft, In a known Latitude, fix a large Aftronomi- cal Quadrant of 6, 8, or 10 Foot Radius (the larger the better) truly upon the Meridian, and let its Limb be truly divided into Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds, or any other Divifions, as you fhall think fit; let there be a Te- leſcope with two Crofs-Hairs on the Object-Glafs to take the Center of the Sun, Moon, or Star when they come upon the Meridian. Then, if it is the Sun, find its true Altitude, as 190 The Doctrine of the Sphere. as above has been fhewn, by correcting the Apparent by Refraction and Parallax; which true Altitude, if it be lefs than the Elevation of the Equinoctial in the Place of Obfer- vation, then fubtract the true Altitude found from the Height of the Equinoctial, and the Remainder will be the true Declination South, of the Sun, Moon, or Star, ob- ſerved. But if the true Altitude exceed the Complement of your Latitude, then fubtract the Complement of your Lati- tude from the true Altitude, and you will gain the true Declination of the Sun, Moon, or Star, obferved North. Then by Prob. 2. you may find the Place of the Sun, by having given the prefent Declinations, and the Ob- liquity of the Ecliptic, as in that Problem I have given an Example. And as now we have a perfect Catalogue of Fix- ed Stars, there is no Method more certain for determining the Places of the Planets, than by obſerving their near Ap- pulfes to the Fixed Stars. See Phil. Tranf. Nº. 369. And by obferving their Diſtances from the Fixed Stars, we curiouſly gain their Places in Longitude and Latitude, as I fhall fhew in the next Problem. ! PRO B. 42. The Longitudes and Latitudes of the two known fix- ed Stars, with their Distance from a Planet, &c. to find the Longitude and Latitude of a Planet, Co- met, or new Star. Example. Admit the Moon be obferved diftant from the Fixed Star called Mirach, or the bright Star in the Girdle of Andromeda 27 degr. 13 minutes, the Longitude of Mirach then being Y 26 degr. 33 min. 34 feconds; and Lat. 25° 56′ 19 N. and at the fame time fhe be obfer- ved diftant from Aldebaran 41º 13', the Longitude of Alde- baran was II 5° 57' 50" with Latitude 5° 29' 50" South. I demand the Longitude and Latitude of the Moon at the Time of the Obfervation? Q 1 } ¦ Prom 1 [ The Doctrine of the Sphered 19F Projection, M A E 1 With the Chord of 60° fweep ZH NO, to repreſent the Solftitial Colure, HO the Horizon, VS the Eclip- tic. Then becauſe Mirach is 63° 58' 56' from the faid Colure, take the Secant of 63° 58' 56", and draw EA F; H lay off the Latitude 25 56 19 North from the Ecliptic to A; fo fhall A repreſent this Star in the Projection: Alfo becauſe Aldebaran is diftant 24° 34' 40" from the fame Colure, take the Secant thereof, and draw EBF; lay off the Latitude 5º 29' 50' from the Ecliptic South at B; fo fhall B reprefent Aldebaran in the Projection; from A and B draw two Circles at their Diſtance from the Moon, obſerved feverally, and they will interfect at ; then draw EDF, and compleat the Triangle A B ; ſo ſhall A be the Place of Mirach, B of Aldebaran obferved, of Moon required. N rs The Trigonometrical Calculation. the Place In the Oblique-Angled-Spherical-Triangle, A BE, are given AE 64° 3′ 41" the Complement of the Latitude of Mirach, BE 95° 29' 50" the Diſtance of Aldebaran; from the North Pole of the Ecliptic, and the Angle BE A 39° 24′ 16″ the Difference of Longitude of the two Stars, to find A B, the Diſtance of the two known Stars. By the 10th Cafe of Oblique Angled Spherical Triangles, by firſt letting fall a Perpendicular from A, upon E B. } > OPE- 192 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 4 OPERA T‍I O N. As C. t. A E, To Radius ; So C.. Angle BE A; To t. of the 4th Arch From E B Remains 5th Arch Dég. Min. 64 90 4-- 9.686898 qp-- 10,000000 39 24-- 9.888030 57 40--10.201132 95. 30 37 50 Or, by Tranfpofition, Say, { Deg. Min. As Radius, To t. A E; 90 00--10.000000 64 4--10:313102 So C. f. Angle BE A; To t. 4th Arch .39 24-- 9.888030 57 40--10.201 132 1 Now Say, Deg. Min. As C. f. 4th Arch, 57 40 Co. Ar. 0.271773 To C. f. 5; So C. f. A F 37 50 9.897516 64 4 9.640804 To C. f. A B.' 49 47 -2.810093 1 } 1 1 Secondly, In the Triangle A BE, are given, all the Sides, Deg. Min. Sec. viz. BE 95 29 50 1 41 to find the Angle A BE A E 64 3 41 47 00 A B 49 F } BY The Doctrine of the Sphere. 193 • Deg. Min. Sec. 29 47 By the 11th Cafe of Oblique Spherical Triangles the Work ſtands thus: Sides includ. the SB E 95 required Angle B A 49 Deg. Min. Sec. 50 AE 64 3 41 I 00 32 32 I 50 X 45 42 50 22 22 51 25 AE A E 32 I 50 Z 54 53 15 X 9 ΙΟ 25 S.BE 950 29' 50" Com. 84 30 10 Co. Ar. 0.001002 S. A B S. Z S. X 49 47 00 Co. Ar. -0.117129 54 40 15 9.911606 9 10 25 9.202560 Sum of the Logarithms, Half is the Sine of 24 26 3 Doubled, is 19.233297 9.616648 4852 6 the Angle A BE Or, the fame Angle may be formed thus: OPERATION. Deg. Min. Sec. BE 95 29 50 Complement 84° 20′ 10″ A.E. 64 3 41 BA 49 47 Oo Z209 20 31 1 104 40 15 15 3 41 X 40 36 34 > Complement 75° 19' 45" Side oppofite to the required Angle. AE Sub 64 S. AE 84 30 10 Co. Ar. 0.002002. S. BA 49 47 oo Co. Ar. 0.117129 9.985613 S. Z 75 19 45 S. X 40 36 34 Z Logarithms Half is C. f. of 24 26 3 Doubled is 48 52 6 the 9.813578 19.918322 9.959161 Angle Angle A B E as before. Third- 194 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 Thirdly, In the Triangle A B>, are given all theſe Sides, Deg. Min. Sec. 25 to find the Angle A B . A B 49 47 00 viz.B 41 13 A 27 13 118 13 28 こ ​Z half 59 6 44 A fub. 27 13 3 Side oppoſite to required Angle. X 31 53 Deg. Min. Sec. 41 S. A. B 49 47 ∞o Co. Ar: 0.117129 S. B 41 13 25 Co. Ar. 0.181115 T S. half Z 59 6 44 S. X 34 53 41 9.933576 9.722930 19.954750 C. f. of Z Logarithms Doubled 36 40 LABE ad 48 Z is } 18 20 03 9.977375 6 the Angle AB 52 6 32 12 EB {85 Fourthly, In the Triangle EB are known; BE 95 29′ 50″, B 41° 13′ 25″, and the Angle E B 85° 32′ 12", to find E, the Moon's diftance from the North Pole of the Ecliptic, and the Angle BE >, the Moon's Longitude. FIRST, The Doctrine of the Sphere. 195 FIRST, For the Side E>; by fuppofing à Perpendi- cular let fall from > upon the Side B E. ANALOG T As C. t. B To Radius So C. f. Angle BE To t. of 4th Arch Deg. Min. Sec. 41 13 25--10.057416 90 Oo 00--10.000000 85 32 12-- 8.891137 3 54 4-- 8,833721 Or, by Tranfpofition, Deg. Min. Min. 90 Oo 00--10.000000 As Radius, To t. B; 41 13 ་ 32 .25-- 9.942584 12-- 8.891137 { 54 4-- 8.833721 95 29 50 So C.f.Ang. D BE, 85 Tot.of the 4thAr. 3 From BE Rem. 5th Arch 91 35 46 Complement 88° 24′ 14″: Now fay, Deg. Min. Sec. As C.f.of 4th Arch, 3 54 4 Co. Ar. 0.001007 To C. f. of 5. 88 24 14 8.444880 So C. f. B), 41 13 13 25 9.076301 To C. f. E > Comp. 88 47 49 From 90 Rem. Lat. South I Oo 00. 12 II + 8.322188 Or, if you fay, to the Sine of the Latitude, it will fave the trouble of fub. from 90, 2 A Laftly, 196 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Lastly, For the Angle BE Say, By the firft Cafe of Spherical Triangles. As S. DE, Deg. Min. Sec. To S. Angle » BE;85 So S. BD, 88 47 49 Co. Ar. 0.000095 32 I2 9.999205 41 13 25 8 34 9:818885 9.818185 To S. Angle BED 41 Hence, becauſe the Moon was in Antecedence of Aldebe- ran at B, therefore fubtract the Angle BE D from the Place of Aldebaran 15° 57' 50", and the Remainder will be the true Place of the Moon in Longitude. Longitude of Aldebaran Angle BE > fubtract t Rem. the Longit. of the Moon Note, If the Moon had baran, then the Angle B E own Reafon will direct.. S. =1 Q 2 5 57 50 I II 8 34 24 49 16 been in Confequence of Alde- muſt have been added, as your Example 2. Anno 1680, April 14th, at 8 h. 15' P. M, Mer- cury was obſerved diftant from Procyon 55° 47′30″, Procyon at that time was in 21° 22′ 1″ having 15° 57′ 55″ South Latitude; and at the fame time Mercury was found by In- ftrument to be 22° 11' 55" diftant from the North Horn of Taurus, or Southern Foot of Auriga; this Star being then in I 18° 5′ 36″ with 5° 21′ 34″ North Latitude, I demand the Longitude and Latitude of Mercury at the time of the Obfervation? Mr. Hogdfon's Syftem. Math. Page 452. PRO- 1 1 197 The Doctrine of the Sphere. PROJECTION. ; Becauſe the two fixed Stars lye on each Side of the Solftitial Colure, there- fore I project it on the Plane of the Equinoctial Colure ԴՐ is the Ecliptic, E and Fits Poles: Then becauſe Procyon is 68 degr. 37 min. 59 feconds from, take the Secant thereof, and draw E A F, on which fet off the Complement of its Latitude 74 degr. 2 min. 5 fec. from F to A; fo is A the Place of Procy- on. Secondly, Becauſe the Bull's Horn is diftant from 1 P F D 8 +xc Aries 78 degr. 5 min. 36 feconds, take the Secant thereof, and draw EB F; fet off the Complement of its Latitude 84 degr. 38 min. 26 fec. from E to B; fo is B the Place of this Star in the Projection. Draw two occult Circles. at the Diſtance of Mercury, obferved from A and B, fe- verally, and they will interfect at C; thro' E C and F, draw the Oblique Circle and then is C the Place of Mercury in the Projection at the Time of the Obferva- tion. Lastly, Draw A B, BC and CA; fo is the Projecti- on finiſhed. Now for the Trigonometrical Calculation, ob- ferve the following Steps. First, In the Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle BEA, there are given. (1.) A E, the Diftance of Procyon from the North Pole of the Ecliptic 105 degr. 57 min. 55 feconds. (2) BE the Complement of the Latitude of the Horn of Taurus 84 deg. 38 min. 26 feconds. (3.) The Angle BEA 33 degr. 16 min. 25 fec. the Difference of Longitude of the two known Stars, to find A B their Diſtance. 0 3 Let ! 198 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Let fall the Perpendicular BD; then in the Rect-Angled Spherical Triangle ED B. Deg. Min. Sec. As C. t. BE, To Radius; 84 38 90 Oo 26-- 8.972266 00--10.000000 So C. f. Angle BED, 33 16 25-- 9.922235 To t, DE. 83 35 49--10.949969 As Radius, To t. BE; Or, by Tranfpofition, So C. f. Angle BED, To t, DE fub. From A E, Rem. A D, As C. f. DE, To Cf. DA, So C. f. BE, To C. f. BA, Now fay, Deg. Min. Sec. 90 O☺--10.000000 84 38 26--11.027734 33 16 25-- 9.922215 83 35 49--1-0.949969 105 57 55 22 6 22 Deg. Min. Sec. 83 35 49 Co. Ar. 0.952639 22 22 6 9.966927 84 38 26 8.970364 39 14 19 9.889030 1 Secondly, The Doctrine of the Sphere. 199 1 Secondly, In the Oblique-Angled-Spherical-Triangle A BE are given all the Sides, Deg. Min. Sec. A E 105 57 57 55 viz B E 84 38 26 to find the Angle B A E. A B 39 14 19 Z 229 50 40 half BE Sub. : 114 55 84 38 20 Complement 65° 4′ 40″ 26 Side oppofite to required Angle. X 30 16 54 Deg. Min. Sec. ! S. AE 74 2 5 Co. Ar. 0.017c84 S. A B S. half Z S. X Z of the Logarithms Half is C. f. Doubled is 39 14 19 Co. Ar. 0.198904 65 4 40 30 16 54 29 52 16 9.957550 9.702647 19.876185 9.938092 59 44 32 is the Angle B A É. The Angle BAE may be found by this Analogy: As S. of the sth Arch A D, To S. of the 4, DE Deg. Min. Sec. 6 Co. Ar. 0.419578 22' 22 83 35 49 So t. Angle B E A of X Long. 33 To t. Angle B AE, 16 25 59 44 CO 9997282 9.817048 10.233908 Thirdly, 04 200 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Thirdly, In the Oblique Spherical Triangle ABC, are gi- ven all the Sides, viz. { Deg. Min. Sec. A B 39 14 19 ired A C 55 47 3 required the Angle B A C. B C 22 II 55 Z I 17 13 44 Half 58 36 B C. fub. 22 I I 52 55 Side oppofite to Angle fought. X 36 24 57 Deg. Min. Sec. 39 14 19 Co. Ar. 0.198904 55 47 30 Co. Ar. 0.082495 58 36 52 9.931296 36 24 57 9.773524 19.986219 Half is C. f. IO ΙΟ 47 9.993109 20 21 34 the Angle BAC. 39 44 32 S. A B S. A C S. half Z S. X Z Logarithm Doubled is Add Angle B´A E Z Angle CAE 80 боб Fourthly, In the Oblique-Angled-Spherical Triangle ACE, there are known, AE, the Diſtance of Procyon from the North Pole of the Ecliptic 105 deg. 57 min. 55 feconds, AC, the obferv'd Diftance of Mercury from Procyon 55 deg. 47 min. 30 feconds, and the included Angle CAE juſt now found, 80 degr. 6 min. 6 feconds, to find C E, the Com- plement of Mercury's Latitude, and Angle CE A the Lon- gitude of Mercury. } First, The Doctrine of the Sphere. 201 First, For CE, by fuppofing a Perpendicular let fall from C, upon A E. OPERATION. As C. t. CA, So C. f. Angle CA E, To Radius; To t. of 4th Arch, From A E Remains 5th Arch Deg. Min. Sec. 55 47 30 9.832389 OO--IQ. 000000 90 00 80 6 14 II 6-- 9.235277 26-- 9.402888 105 57 55 91 46 29 Comp. 88° 13′ 31″. Or, by Tranfpofition. As Radius To t. CA; So C. f. Angle C A E, To t. of 4th Arch, A Deg. Min. Sec. 90 00 00--10.00000 55 47 30--10.167611 80 6 06-- 9.238905 14 II 26-- 9.402888 As C. f. of 4th Arch, To C. f. 5; So C. f. CA, To S. Latitude Nor. Now fay, Deg. Min. Sec. 14 II 26 Co. Ar. 0.013459 88 13 31 8.490934 9.749894 8.254287 55 47 30 I OI 44 A For, 2 20% The Doctrine of the Sphere. For the Angle CEA. Deg. Min. Sec. As S. CE. 88 58 16 Co. Ar. 0.000069 To S. Angle C AE; :80 6 6. 9.993486 So S. CA, 55 47 30 9.917505 To S. Angle CEA, 54 34 9 9.911060 Or thus: Deg. Min. Sec. As S. of 5th Arch, 88 13 31 Co. Ar. o.co0208 To S. of 4 ; 14 II 26 9.389428 S. t. Angle C A E, 80 6 6 10.758212 To t. Angle C E A, 5434 ΙΟ 10.137846 One Sign 30 00 00 S. Sub. I 24 34 ΙΟ 罾 ​Procyon 3 21.22 I 1 Place ୪ I 26 47 51 Example 3 Anno 1686, February 11, at 6 h. 16 min. P. M. the Diſtance of Venus from the Head of Androme- da was 24 degr. 18 min. 20 ſeconds. The Head of An- dromeda at that Time was in T 9 degr. 55 min. 33 fe- conds, and Latitude 25 degr. 41 min. 1 fecond North. And at the fame time fhe was diftant from Aldebaran 46 degr. 54 min. 40 feconds. The Place of Aldebaran was then 5 degr. 23 min. 40 feconds, with 5 degr. 29 min. 49 seconds South Latitude. I demand the Longitude and Latitude of Venus at the time of the Ob- fervation. This Figure is Projected upon the Plane of the Solftitial Colure; becauſe the Longitude of all thefe Stars falls be- tween and . So that ve is the Ecliptic, E and F its Poles; the Oblique Circles E AF and E BF, are drawn by the Secants of the Diſtance of the Stars from the Solftitial Colure, and ECF as has been taught a- bove. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 203 bove: A is the Place of An- dromeda, B of Aldebaran, and C of Venus. First, In the Ob- lique-Angled-Spherical-Trian- gle AB E, are given, (1.) AE the Complement of the Latitude of the Head of An- dromeda 64° 18′ 59″. (2.) B E the Diſtance of Aldebaran from the North Pole of the Ecliptic 95 degr. 29 min. 49 feconds. (3.) The Angle A E B, the the Difference of Longitude of the Head of Andromeda and Aldebaran 55 deg. 28 min. 7 feconds, to find AB the diſtance of the two Stars. By which I find AB to be 62 deg. 9 minutes, omitting Seconds. B Aq 와 ​Secondly, In the Triangle A B E, all the Sides are gi- Deg. Min. Sec. ven. A E 64 18 59 By which I find the Angle A B E viz. A B 62 BE 95 9 00 9 49 59 deg. 4 min. Or as S. 5th Arch, to S. 4; So t. Long. to t, Angle ABE as in Page 199. Thirdly, viz. In the Triangle ABC, all the Sides are known. Deg. Min. Sec. A B 62 09 оо A C 24 18 LB C 46 20 54 40 S By which I find the Angle A B C 23 degr. 28 min. To } 204 The Doctrine of the Sphere. I To the Angle ABE Add the Angle ABC Sum, is the Angle CBE 59 04 23 28 82 32 Fourthly, In the Triangle CB E, are known the Deg. Min. Sec. # BE 95 29 49 Sides B C 46 54 40 29 49 Angle C BE 82 32 And Angle CE B By which I find CE Deg. Min. 88 21 46 26 S. Deg. Min. Sec. From Longitude of Aldebaran Sub. Angle C E B Rem. Longitude Q With Latitude North, 2 5 23. 40 I 16 26 00 0 18 57 40 I 39 [ Example 4. Anno 1687 September 29, at 6 h. 14 min. P. M. Mars was obſerved from the following Star of the three in the Head of Sagittary, 35 deg. 41 min. 15 ſeconds, the Star being then in VS II degr. 54 min. 54 feconds, having 1 degr. 28 min. 59 fecond's North Latitude. And at the fame time the distance of Mars was obferved from the bright Star in the Eagle 37 deg. 53 min. 30 minutes, this Star being then in VS 27 degr. 21 min. 34 feconds, with 29 degr. 19 min. 11 ſeconds North Latitude: I demand the Longitude, and Latitude of Mars at the time of the Obfervation, • In this Figure Vs, is the Ecliptic E and F its Poles, and A reprefents the Star in the Head of Sagittary, B the bright Star in the Eagle; their Circles of Longitude EAF and EB F, are drawn by the Secants of their diftance from Vs, and C the required place of Mars, by the Inter- fections of two_Circles projected by their diftance from A and B, by Problem 6, of Spheric Geometry. In the Oblique-Angled-Spherical-Triangle, AB E, there are given A E, the Complement of the Latitude of the firft Star เ The Doctrine of the Sphere. 205 1 I Star A, 88 deg. 31 min. 1 fecond, B E, the Comple- of the fecond Star B, go deg. 40 min. 49 feconds, and the Angle A E B being the dif- ference of Longitude 15 deg. 26 min. 40 feconds between the two known Stars, to find A B, their diſtance, which I find to be 31 deg. 30 mi- nutes. V$ મ E J Secondly, In the Triangle A EB, all the Sides are Dég. Min. Sec.. A E 88 3 1 I viz. A B 30 C 1 known, 12 By which I find the Angle BAE 26 deg. 28 min. BE 60 40 49 Or,' As S. 5th Arch, to S. 4th; So t. Angle AEB, Tot. Angle BAE 26 deg. 28 min. as in Page 199. Thirdly, In the Triangle B AE, are known the Deg. Min. Sec. A B I 31 30 Sides AC 35 41 15 ВС 37 53 30 To the Angle BAE Add the Angle BAC Sum, is Angle CAE By which I find the Angle BAC 71 deg. 36 min. 26 28 71 36 98 04 Comp. 81 deg. 56 min. Lastly, 200 The Dottrine of the Sphere, t Laftly, In the Triangle CA E, are known, the Sides A £ 38 C A CA 35 Deg. Min. Sec. 35 41 15 Deg. Min 88 Angle C AE 98 4 31 I 00 By which I find CE And the Angle A EC 35 21 93 29 Hence becauſe the Perpendicular G D, falls without the Triangle, it may feem more difficult to the Young Tyro; therefore I fhall put down the Operation. And firſt, for the Segment AD. As C. t. AC, To Radius ; So C. f. Angle DA C To t: AD, E A, add Z=ED Deg. Min. 35 41--10.143796 90 00--10.000000 81 56-9.147136 $ 45-- 9.003440 88 31 94 16 Compl. 85° 44′ $ Now Lay, As Č. f, DA, thể 4th Árch, To C.f. D E, the 5th; Deg. Min. 546 Co. Ar. 0.002191 85 44 8.871565 So C. f. A C, 35 41 9.909692 To S. C G Latitude South, 3 29 8.783441 1 Lastly The Doctrine of the Sphere. 207. As S. CE, 1 Lastly, For the Angle A E C To S. Angle CAE So S. A C, To S. Angle A EC; Deg. Min. số 31 Có. Ar. 0.000003 81 59 9.99568z 35 41 9.765896 35 21: 9.76238₤ S. Deg. Min. Sec. {{{ To the place of the Star in the Head of Sagittary Add the Angle A E C, Sum, is Longitude of Mars 9 II 54 54 I 5 21 ΙΟ 17 15 54 Example 5. Anno 1688, Auguft 28, at 8 h. 10 min. P.M. at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, the diſtance of Jupi- ter from the preceding Shoulder of Aquarius, was mea- fured, and found to be 32 degr. 48 min. 40 fec. the Star in A- quarius's Shoulder in 19° 3'3", and having 8° 38′ 43″ North Latitude; and at the fame time the Diſtance of Jupiter from the following of the two Stars in the Eagle, was found to be 36 deg. 45 min. 15 feconds; this Star was then in VS 15 degr. 27 min. 14 feconds, with 36 degr. 13 min. 48 feconds North Latitude. I demand the Longi- tude and Latitude of Jupiter at the time of the Obfer- vation; A is the place of the firft Star, B of the fecond, and C of Jupiter, VS the Ecliptic, and E and F its Poles, E VS F is the Equinoctial Colure. 1 } Firſt, 1 208 The Doctrine of the Sphere. First, In the Oblique Angled Spheric Triangle AB E, there are known the Deg. Min. Sec. SA SI A E 81 21 17 Sides BE 53 46 12 {{ Angle BE A 33 35 49 49, By which I find the Side A B 41 deg. 7 min. : B नै. Secondly, In the Triangle AB E, are known all Deg, Min. Sec. A E 81 21 17 the Sides, viz.B E 53 46 I 2 A B 41 7 00 By which I find the Angle BA E 42 deg. 40 fec. ' Thirdly, In the Triangle ABC all the Sides are Deg. Min. Sec. A B 41 7 17 viz.ZA C_32: 48 40 B C 36 45 15. known, By which I find the Angle BAC 61 deg. 54 min. To The Doctrine of the Sphere. 209 To the Angle Deg. Min. BAE 42 40 Add the Angle BAC 61 54 Sum is the Angle CAE 104 34 Compl. 75° 26' Lastly, In the Triangle ACE, are known the Deg. Min. Sec. A E 81 Sides AC 31 48 32 Angle CA È 104 17 40 By which I find CE Deg. Min. 90 28 34 00 And the Angle AEC 31 38 Hence, becauſe Jupiter is in Antecedence of the Star A, therefore the Angle A EC 31 degr. 38 minutes fubtracted from the Place of the Star A, will give the Place of Ju- piter in Longitude. Place of the Star A is Angle A EC Sub. Place of Jupiter And Latitude South } S. Deg. Min. Sec. 10 19 3 3 I I 38 00 9 17 25 3 00 00 28 Example 6. Anno 1688, March 30 D. 11H. 40 Minutes P. M. at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, the Distance of Saturn from the Lyon's Heart, was found by Obferva- tion 56 degr. 18 min. 15 feconds; this Star (noted by the Letter A in the Scheme) at that time was in 25 degr. 29 min. 40 feconds; and having 26 min. 38 feconds North Latitude, and at the fame time the Diftance of Saturn from Arcturus was found to be 28 degr. 31 minutes, Ar- &turus at that time being in 19 min. 52 min. 12 fe- conds, and having 30 degr. 57 minutes North Latitude; this Star in the Scheme is reprefented by B, and Saturn by C; I demand the Longitude and Latitude of Saturn at the time of the Obfervation. P E 210 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 69 Z f E F Tr SA EF vs repreſents the VS . Solftitial Colures, VS the Ecliptic E and F its Poles. A the Lyon's Heart, B Ardu- rus, C the place of Saturn required. 1 In the Oblique-Angled-Spheric-Triangle A B E, there are given, the Deg. Min. Sec. 22 } Sides {AE 89 33 Angle AEB 54 22 32 BE 59 03 00 By which I find the Side A B 59 degr. 46 min. Secondly, In the Triangle ABE, are known all the Deg. Min. Sec. A B 59 46 007 By which I find the Angle Sides, viz B E A E 59 03 89 33 00 22BAE 53 deg. 50 min. Thirdly, In the Triangle A B C, are given all the Deg. Min. Sec. 59 46 00 A B viz. AC 56 18 56 18 15 BC 28 31 00 Sides, By which I find the Angle BAD 33 degr. 28 min. To The Doctrine of the Sphere. 211 : Deg. Min: To the Angle BAE 53 50 Add the Angle BAC 33 28 Sum is the Angle CAE 87 18 Lastly, In the Triangle A E C, are known the 1 Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sides AC 56 18 Angle CAE 87. 18 SAE 89 33 15 227 By which I find CE Compl. is the Lat. 87 23 2 37 oo And the Angle A E C 56 17 1 To the Longitude of the Lyon's Heart Add the Angle A E C Sum, is the Longitude of Saturn With Latitude North S. Deg. Min. Sec. 4 25 29 40 کر Ι 26 17 00 6 21 46 40 2 37 OQ And thus have I given my Reader a full Explanation of the Method for finding the true Places of the Planers, by knowing their Diſtance from the fixed Stars; and by which, if he is but furnished with a good Aftronomical Quadrant, and is careful to take the Diſtances true, he cannot mifs of the true Places of the Planets; becauſe the Method is grounded upon undeniable Principles: Which Method I have followed in Compiling the following Tables; and I doubt not but you will find the Places of the Primary Pla- nets to agree with Obfervation in all Parts of their Orbits, as I have often proved: But the Moon I dare not fo much boaſt of, for want of more Oblervations; for it requires no lefs than 194400 Obfervations to Compleat her Theory; that is, in every Minute of the Zodiack, and throughout one Re- volution of her Apogeon. And I dare boldly affirm, that there is not any perfect Theory of the Moon extant; but in time I hope it will be compleated. P 2 PROB. 212 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 1 F PROB. 43. Given, the Latitude and Declination of a Star, or Comet, to find its Longitude. Example. Ann. ante Chriftum 294, Timocharis obferved (as related by Sherbone, Fol. 12. V. Wing, Inftan. Fol. 56, and Street, Page 16.) the Pleiades to have 14 degr. 30 minutes North Declination, with 4 degr. North Latitude. I de- mand then their true Place in Longitude? 7 А اسم Projection, Let PVS. repreſent the Solftitial Colure, Y the Equinoctial, P and Sits Poles; VS the E- cliptic, E and F its Poles; draw PAS, and E AF, to interfect each other at A in the given Declination and Latitude. In the Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle APE there are known PE, the conftant Diftance of the two Poles, 23 degr. 29 mi- nutes, AP the Complement of the Declination 75 degr 30 minutes, and AE the Complement of the Latitude 86 degrees, to find the Angle 4 E P, the Longitude of the Pleiades from the Solftitial Colure. By the 11th Cafe of Oblique-Angle-Spheric-Triangles, the Work ftands thus: Deg. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 213 Deg. Min. AE 86 00 AP 75 30 PE 23 29 AES. PE S. Z S. X S. 29 Compl. 87 degr. 31 min. Z 184 Half· 92 AP fub- 75 59 30 X 16 59 Z of the Logarithms Half is C. 1. of Doubled, is Deg. Min. 86 Oo 23 29 87 31 16 1 59 Co. Ar. 0.001059 Co. Ar. 0.399591 9.999592 9.465522 19.865764 31 3 9.932882 % 62 6 the Angle A EP; which fubtracted from the Colure leaves T 27 deg. 5 4 min. the Lon- gitude of the Pleiades at the time of the Obfervation. S. D. M. S. Long. of the Pleiades after Chrift 1727 Years 1 26 10 58 Long. of the Pleiades before Chrift 294 Years be 1 Sum 2021 0 27 54 00 0 28 16 58 60 1696 60 2021)101818(50" By which I prove the Annual Receffion of the Equinox to 50 ſeconds, as I have incerted in the following new Tables. PROB. P 3 214 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 PRO B. 44. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Time of the Day or Night, to Frect a Coeleftial Scheme, according to Regiomontanus, The principal Authors which have given their Opinions. concerning the Dividing of the Heavens into Twelve Parts, which they call Houſes, are, (1.) Ptolemy; (2.) Alcabitius ; (3.) Campanus; (4) Regiomontanus; which laft is generally received, and called, the Rational Way of Regiomantanus. 1. Ptolemy adviſes, that the Heavens fhould be Divided into Twelve Houles by Domifying Circles of Pofition drawn thro' the Poles of the Ecliptic, and thro' every 30 degrees. thereof, beginning to reckon at the Afcendant, and counting every 30 degrees of the Ecliptic for the Space of one Houfe. 2. Alcabitius would have the Houfes of Heaven to be Di- vided by Domifying Circles, or Circles of Pofition drawn from the Poles of the World thro' every 30 degr. of the Equinoctial, beginning at the Point of the Ecliptic Afcen- ding; and counting 30 degrees upon the Equinoctial from thence, to be the Cufps of the feveral Houſes. 3. Campanus, divides the 12 Houſes by the Circles of Po- fitions paffing thro' each 30 degrees of the Prime Vertical Circle, or Azimuth of Eaft and Weft; and where they then cut the Ecliptic, are the Cufps of the feveral Hou- fes. 4. Regiomontanus, divides the Houſes of Heaven by Cir- cles of Pofition paffing thro' the Interfection of the Me- ridian and Horizon, and cutting the Equinoctial in every 30 degrees from the Afcendant, and the Point where they then cut the Ecliptic are the Cufps of the feveral Houſes: And to find thefe Points of the Ecliptic, is what falls di- rectly under the Denomination of the Doctrine of the Sphere; which, when you are acquainted readily how to 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 215 1 to perform for any time of the Day or Night, will be the only help to Learn you to know the Conftellations of Heaven, and thereby readily to know any Star or Pla- net when you fee them in the Heavens; which is the main End and Defign of this and the following Problem. Example. Anno 1728, August 28 D. Auguſt 28 D. 10 H. 10 H. 41 Min. Apparent Time, at London; I would know the Points of the Ecliptic where the Circles of Pofition interfects it; and alſo what Conftellations and Stars are above the Ho rizon, and what are below it? N. B. The Horizon is a Circle of Pofition for the Afcen- dant and Deſcendant, and the Meridian for the Medium Cali, and Imum Cæli. J Projection. With any Convenient Radius of the Chord of 60 degrees, draw the Pri- mitive Circle NWS E, which here repreſenteth the Horizon of the Place: NZS the Meridian, W ZE the Prime Vertical, or Eaft and Weſt Azi- muth. Then becauſe the Equinoctial at London makes an Angle with the Horizon of 38 degrees 28 minutes, take the Se- cant thereof, and draw WAE for one half of the Equinoctial under the Horizon, and W BE for W N 413 T P K Z G B S E for the other half above the Horizon: Then by Prob. 2 of Spheric Geometry find the Pole of the Equinoctial WBE, which is at P; take the Chords of 30, and ou Degrees feverally and let them from S to C and b, a Ruler laid from P to C and d, will give the Places in the Equinoctial where the Circles of Pofition maft cut it, and interfect the North and South Points of the Horizon at N and S. P 4 Lafts, 216 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Lastly, To draw the Ecliptic, you muſt by Prob. 34. find the Cusp of the Afcendant, and by Prob. 4. its Am- plitude, and by Prob. 32. the Angle of the Ecliptic and Horizon. By help of the Chords fet off the Amplitude from E to, and from W to VS, take the Secant of 70 degr. 19 minutes, the Angle that Ecliptic makes with the Horizon and Draw VS and VS V for the Ecliptic: And where the Circles of Pofition N f S and NGS cut the Ecliptic on one Side the Meridian, and NKS, NLS, on the other, are what we are ſeeking, and are vulgarly called the Cufps of the Houses. Now to find to find the faid Cufps by Trigonometry, you muft obferve the following Steps: Given Time Apparent 1728, Aug. Equation of Time fub Equal Time I Sun's Place then Sun's Right Afcenfion Apparent Time from Noon add Sum, is Right A. Mid-Heaven Add Oblique Afcenfion 11th Houſe Add Oblique Afcenfion 12th Add Oblique Afcen. Afcendant Add Oblique Afcen. 2 Add Oblique Afcenfion 3 Complement { D. H. M. S. 28 ΙΟ 45. 00 2 28 10 38 d co 52 8 m 16 21 54 167 28 00 160 15 00 327 43 30 OO Oo 357 43 00 3༠ 00 00 27 43 00 30 00 00 $7 43 00 30 00 00 87 43 00 30 00 .00 T17 43 00 62 17 fhort of The Work being thus prepared, the next thing to be done, is to find the Elevation of the Pole above each Čircle of Po- ſition which in the Projection are equal to the Complement of the Angles fb E and GiE; that is, the Interfection of the Equinoctial and Circles of Pofition. 1 And The Doctrine of the Sphere. 217. And firft, in the Right-Angled-Spherical Triangle Efb there are given, the Angle ƒ Eh, the Latitude of the Place 51 degr. 32 minutes, and Eh 30 degrees, to find the Angle fb E. But here I muft give you to underſtand, that this Triangle hf E, is not the Triangle it felf in which the things given and required, lie; but the oppofite, and confequently the Complement of the things given and re- quired: Therefore, becauſe a Complement falls upon a Com- plement (according to Lord Neper's Catholick Propofition,) I take the Sine of hE, and the Tangent of the Angle fb E; and by Tranfpofition, that the Radius may come firſt in the Analogy, I take the Tangent of the Angle f Eh, and ſa for the 3d, 5th, 9th and 11th Houfes thus: 1 Deg. Min. As Radius, 9.0 00--10.000000 00-- 9.698970 32--10.099913 11- 9.798883 51 To S. Circle Pofition from the Meridian; 30 So t. Latitude Given, To t. height Pole above Circle Pofition, 32 32 Its Complement is the Angle Gi E 57 degr. 49 min. Secondly, For the Elevation of the Pole above the Cir- cle of Pofition of the 2d, 6th, 8th and 12th Houſes, in the Triangle iGE. ANALOGY. Deg. Min. As Radius, 90 00--10.00000 € To S. Circle Pofition from Meridian; So t. given Latitude, 32--10.099913 60 00-- 9.937503 51 To t. Height Pole above that Cir. Pofition 47 28--10.037444 Its Complement is the Angle fhE 42 deg. 32 min. 1. For the Cusp of the 10th Houſe. In the Right-Angled-Spherical-Triangle T B 4, are given, BY the Right Afcenfion of the Mid-Heaven from 32° 17' and the Angle B q the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, to find 7 the Diſtance in the Ecliptic of the Culp of the 10th from T. ANA- F 窄 ​218 The Doctrine of the Sphere, ་ , ANALOGY. As t, BT, R. A. To Radius; So C. f. Angle BYq, To C. t. qr, Deg. Min. 32 17-- 9.800557 90 00--10.000000 23 29-- 9.962453 34 34--10.161896 Or, by Tranfpofition, fay, Deg. Min. As Radius, 90 00--10.000000 To C. t. R. A. M. C. 32 17--10.199443 So C. f. Obliquity, 23 To C. t. of dift. from T From S. 12 29-- 9.962453- 34 34--10.161896 oo oo Sub. the Diſtance = I 4 34 Cufp 10th Houſe ΙΟ 25 26 2. For the Culp of the 11th Houfe. In the Oblique-Angled-Spherical Triangle 11, Yi, are given, i 2 degr. 17 minutes the Complement Oblique Afcenfion from Aries, the Angle 11, 122 degr. 11 mi- nutes, and the Angle 11, the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, to find 11, that is, the Diſtance of the Cufp of the Ele- venth in the Ecliptic from Aries. By the third Axiom of Oblique-Angled-Spherical Trian- gles the Work ftands thus: Deg: Min. From a Semi-circle 180 00 Take the Angle GiE 57 40 Rem. Angle Vill 122 II Angle 11 add and ſub. 23 29 Sum 145 40 72 50 Difference 98 42 49 21 Oblique Aſcenſion Houſe Half 357 43 178 51 Compl. 1 19 Now The Doctrine of the Sphere. 219 As S. half Z Angles, To S. half their X; Now fay, So t. half Ob. Afc. Houfe, To t. half X of 11 Y and rii, As C. f. half Angles, To C. f. half their X; So t. half Ob. Afc. Houſe, To t. half Z Sides, Half X Sides add Deg. Min. 72 49 Say again, 50 Co. Ari 0.019792 21 I 9 0 55 J 9 880072 8.302634 8.202508 Deg. Min. 72 50 Co. Ar. 0.539554 49 21 9.813872 I 9 8.302634 2 36 8.656060 55 S: 3 31. 00-00 Sum, fub. From Remains 12, 00 I I 26 29 Cufp 11th Houfe; or Point in the Ecliptic where the Circle of Poſition cuts it. 3. For the Cufp of the 12th Houfe. In the Oblique Angled Spheric Triangle T bf are known b, the Oblique Afcenfion of the 12th Houſe 27 degr. 43 minutes, the Angle fb, the Obliquity 23 degr. 29 minutes, and the Angle bf, the Angle formed by the Circle of Pofition and Equinoctial 137 degr. 28 mi- nutes, to find the Distance in the Ecliptic f, the Cup of the 12th Houſe. OPE- ? 1 . 220 i The Dottrine of the Sphere. OPERATION. From a Semi-circle Deg. Min. 180 00 Sub. Angle fhE 42 32 Rem. Angle b f 137 28 Add and Sub. Angle fh 23 29 Sum™ 160 57 80° 28' Difference 113 59 2/ 56 59 Oblique Afcen. Houſe 27 43 Half 13 51 ! Now Say, Deg. Min. As S. half Z Angles To S. half X 80 28 Co. Ar. 0.06039 56 59% 9.923509 So t. half Oblique Afc. Houſe 13 51 9.391907 To t. half X of the Sides ΙΙ 5 1 9.321655 Say again, Deg. Min. 80 28 Co. Ar. 0.780884 56 59 9.736303 13 51 9.391907 39 2 9.909094 11 51 S. 50 53 As C. fi half Z Angles } To C. f. half their X; So t. half Ob. Afc. Houſe, To t. half Z Sides, Add half X Sides, Z= Side Y f That is, I 20 53 the Cufp of the 12th Houfe, or the Point of the Ecliptic where the Circle of Pofition cuts it. 4. For The Doctrine of the Sphere.. 221. 4. For the Cufp of the Afcendant. In the Oblique-Angled-Spherical Triangle E, there are given E, the Oblique Afcenfion of the Afcendant 57 degr. 43 minutes, and the Angle VEF to the Latitude of the Place 51 degr. 32 minutes, with the Angle E¯ = to the Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23 degr. 29 minutes, to find the Diftance of the Cufp of the Afcendant from Aries. OPERATION. Deg. Min. 180 00 38 28 From a Semi-circle Sub. Angle S Eb Rem. Angle TES 141 32 Add and Sub. Angle ETƒ 23 29 Sum 165 I Difference 118 3 || || 82° 30′ 59 I Oblique Afc. Houſe 57 43 Half 28 52 Now Say, Deg. Min. As S. half Z Angles, To S. half their X; 82 30 Co. Ar. 0.003731 59 I So t. half Oblique Afc. Houfe 28 SI To t. half X of the Sides 25 28 ·9.933141 9.741066 9.677938 Say 222 The Doctrine of the Sphere. As C. f. half Z Angles, To C. f. half their X; So t. half Ob. Afc. Houfe, To t. half Z Sides, Add half X of the Sides X = Side TS That is, Say again, Deg. Min. 82 30 Co. Ar. 6.884302 59 I 9.711629 28 51 9.741069 65 17 10.336997 25 28 90 45 00 45 the Cufp of the Afcendant, or the Point where the Horizon cuts the Ecliptic at the given Time and Place. 1 ( 5. For the Cufp of the Second Houfe. the 2 R, are In the Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle 2 R, known, R the Oblique Afcenfion of the Houfe 87 degr. 43 minutes, the Angle of the Circle of Pofition with the Equinoctial 2 R 42 degr. 32 minutes, the Angle 2~ R 23 degr. 29 minutes, in the Ecliptic, the Diſtance of the Cufp from bra. OPERATION. From a Semi-circle Sub. Angle 2 R Deg. Min. 180 OO 42 32 to find and 2 Li- Rem. Obtufe Angle at R Add and Sub. Angle 2R 23 Sum Difference Oblique Afc. Houſe 137 28 29 160 57 113 59 87 43 Half 43 51 A II ! 80° 28' 56 59 1 Now The Doctrine of the Sphere. 223 As S. half Z Angles, To S. half X, Now fay, So t. half Oblique Afc. Houfe, To t. half X of the Sides, As C. f. half Z Angles, To C. f. half their X So t. half Ob. A. Houſe, To t..half Z Sides 1 Add half X of the Sides Sum, from Take away Deg. Min. 80 28 Co. Ar. 0.006039 56.59 4351 39 15 Say again, Deg. Min. 51 7226 9.923509 9.982562 9.912110 80 28 Co. Ar. 0.780884 56 59 9.736303 43 9.982562 10.499749 39 15 ԴՐ III 41 69.69 90 00 Remains 21 41 the Cufp of the Second, or the Point of the Ecliptic where the Cir- cle of Pofition cuts it. Laftly, For the Cup of the Third Houfe. In the Oblique Angled Spheric Triangle 3 T, there are known, the Oblique Afcenfion of the Houſe 1172 43' in the Equinoctial TE, the Angle T3 made by the Circle of Pofition and Equinoctial 57° 49', and the Obliquity of the Ecliptic to the Angle T3 23° 29', to find the Di- ftance in the Ecliptic. 3 = Į : 1 OPE- 224 The Doctrine of the Sphere. OPERATION. From a Semi-circle Take the Angle ~ T 3 Reft Obtufe Angle at T Add and fub. Obliquity Sum Difference Deg. Min. 180 Oo 57 49 122 II 23 29 ་ 4072° 50′ 49 21.. 1 145 40 98 42 Oblique Afc. Houſe 117 43 Half 58 51 Now fay, Deg. Min. As S. half Z Angles, To S. half their X; 72 50 Co. Ar. 0.019792 49 21 9.880072 So t. half Ob. Aſc. Houſe, 58 51 10.218654 To t. half X Sides, 52 43 10.118518 Say again, Deg. Min. As C. f. half Z Angles, To C. f. half their X; 72 50 Co.Ar. 0.559554 49 2.1 9.813872 So t. half Ob. Afc. Houſe, 58 51 10.218654 75 00 10.572080 52 43 127 43 To t. half Z Sides, Add half X Sides, Sum Sub. 4 Signs That is, = રી. 120 00 7 43 the Cufp of the third Houſe, or the Point of the Ecliptic where the Circle of Pofition Curs it. Thus have I given you a Method of Erecting a Figure (as they call it) by the Doctrine of Triangles; in which, you are to obferve, that if you keep in the Latitude of Lon- don, the half Sum of the Angles, and alfo the half Dif- fence is unalterable, and therefore being once Collected, and ་ The Doctrine of the Sphere. 225 and to them their Sines and Co. Sines, as is here fet down, it will greatly fhorten the Work when you have occafion to fet a Scheme for the fame Latitude. Houfes کرو 72 $249 50 S. Co.Ar. 0.019792 49 21 S. 9.880072 30 S. Co.Ar. 0.00373i II Latit. 51° 32′ North Afcend.82 259 80 12 56 59 S. I S. 9.933141 28 S. Co.Ar. 0.006039 9.923509 And thus by the above Calculation I have found the Culp of the Twelve Cœleftial Houſes to be as here follows: The Cufp of 10 Houfe is I I 12 Ι 2 And the Cufp of 1 $ 32 2P269 690 X Deg. Min. 25 26 29 26 20 53 00 45 21 41 43 3 7 4 Houfe is 25 a 26 5 m 26 29 678 20 53 00 45 VŠ 21 4Í 7 43 Note, You need only to Calculate for the Cufps of the Six Houſes mentioned firft above; for the Cufps of the o- ther Six are always the fame Degree and Minute of the oppo- fite Sign. And thus have I given you the Face of the Heavens at the Time and Place propofed; where, if it be a clear Night, and you will but take the Pains to caft your Eyes up to the Heavens, you may fee Ar&urus near fetting in the Weft, and above him you may fee Hercules, Lyra, the Eagle, and Swan all-North-Weft; and on the Meridian. Q is 226 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 ! is Pegaſus, the Water-Bearer, and the Planet Saturn; all the other Planets are under the Horizon, but Jupiter is near Ri- fing. Look South-Eaft, and you'll fee the Whale, and a- bove him the Ram, and above the Ram, Andromeda; look a little more Northerly, and you may fee the Bull and Pleiades; above them is Perfeus, and above Perfeus, is Caf fiopeia in her Chair; on the Meridian between the Ze- nith and North Pole is Cephas; look a little more to the North, and you may fee Hercules and the Goat, with that glittering Star Capella about 26 Degrees high; and between the Pole and the Horizon you have the Great Bear. Thus is the Spangled Canopy of Heaven re prefented to your View at the Time and Place above mentioned; which will be nearly fo every 29th Day of Auguft for this Age. But by reafon of the Sun's appa- rent Annual Motion, which is about 60'a Day, the Hea- venly Bodies feem to Rife, Culminate, and Set about 4 fooner every Day; becauſe one Degree is 4' in time, which in 15 Days makes one Hour; and thus you may reckon all the Year round 15 Days to an Hour: Which Method will ferve well enough for common uſe to learn you to know the Conftellation and Fixed Stars; for by knowing at any time what Sign is Afcending, Culmina- ting and Defcending, and then by looking into the Ca- talogue of Fixed Stars, you will there fee what Stars are at that time in that part of the Heaven, a little practice in which will make you as well acquainted with them, as you are with your familiar Friends, or with any one you know paffing along the Street. By the Tables of Houſes in Mr. Parker's Ephemeris, you may readily find what Signs are in any part of the Hea- vens at any Time: Thus, with the Sun's Place enter the Column under 10, and right againft in the next Column on the left hand is the Sun's Right Afcenfion in Time, which add to the time of the Day or Night propoſed; which Sum, if less than 24 Hours, feek in the Column under the Sun's R. A. in Time; but if the Sum exceed 24 Hours, take the Overplus, and right againſt that Num- ber towards the right Hand are the Cufps of the 10th, 11th, 12th, 1st, 2d, and 3d Houfes. 1 Example. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 224 1 · Example. Anno 1728, August 28 D. 10h. 41' P.M. I would know the Cufps of the 12 Cœleftial Houſes perform'd by the Table of Houſes ? Suu in my 16° 21' 54" gives R. A. in time Apparent Time from Noon add Sum H. M. S: ii 9 52 10 41 00 21 50 52 : Seek this 21 H. 50' 52" in th Column under A. R. O in Time; and right againſt it on the right hand are the Cufps of Deg. Min. 10th Houfe W 25 261 11th * 26 29 12th the< 53 If 2d 3d 21 41 20 ஞ00 45 And the Cufps of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Hou- fes,are the fame Degree and Minute of the oppofite Sign: 7 43 PROB. 45: Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Time of the Day or Night, to Erect a Cœleftial Scheme by the Doctrine of Triangles, according to Regio- more Expediously than was hewn in montanus, the laft Problem. First, Obferve, that if the Oblique Afcenfion of the Houſe be less than 90, or more than 270 degrees; then add the Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23 deg. 29 min. to the firft Arch, gives the Second. Q i But 228 The Doctrine of the Sphere. But if the Oblique Afcenfion of the Houſe be more than 90, and less than 270 degrees, then fubtract the Ob- liquity of the Ecliptic 23 deg. 29 min. from the firſt Arch, gives the fecond. And if the ſecond Angle be leſs than 90 degrees, the Diſtance in the Ecliptic muft be accounted from the fame Equinoctial Point, that the Oblique Afcenfion was reckoned from. But if the ſecond Angle be more than 90 degrees, then the Diſtance in the Ecliptic muſt be reckoned from the contrary Equinoctial Point that the Oblique Afcenfion of the Houſe was reckoned from. See Page 169. Example. Anno 1728, August 28 d. 10 h. 41′ P. M. at London, I would know the Cufps of the Twelve Cœleftial Houſes ? OPERATION D. H. M. S. Anno 1728, Auguſt Equation of Time, ſub. 28 ΙΟ 41 Appar. Time. 2 52 Equal Time Sun's Place Sun's R. A. 28 10 38 08 m 16 21 54 167 28 00 Appar. Time from Noon add 160 15 R. A. Med. Cali 327 43 00 Compl. 32° 17′ Add 30 00 00 Ob. Afc. 11th Houſe · 357 43 00 Compl. 2 17 Add 30 00 00 Ob. Afc. 12th Houſe 27 43 OO Add Ob. Afc. Aſcendant Add Ob. Afc. 2d Houſe Add ! Ob. Afc. 3d House 30 00 00 57 43 00 30 00 00 87 43 00 30 90 00 117 43 oo Compl. 62 17. 1 Firſt, The Doctrine of the Sphere. + 229 Firit, For the Elevation of the Pole above each Circle of Pofition. In this Diagram PH SB, repreſents the Me- ridian of the Place, Æ Æ the Equinoctial, P and S its Poles. 10, 4, the Ecliptic, HA B a Cir- cle of Pofition 30 degr. diftant from the Meri- dian, Hb B a Circle of H Pofition 60° from the Me- ridian above the Horizon, HDB and HCB are Circles of Pofition un- der the Horizon, cut- ting the Equinoctial in 30 and 60 degrees from the Meridian at G and = 10 Z I 72 b 1 D B 4 h C S Æ re- b, as the other two do at e and ƒ above the Horizon, where they all meet at H and B, the South and North In- terfections of the Horizon and Meridian, and confequently are nothing elſe but moveable Horizon; in which the Ele- vation of the Pole above thofe Circles of Pofition are preſented by PA SC, of the 11th, 3d, 5th, and 9th Houfes; to which the Angle He E is equal: Alfo the Height of the Pole above the Circle of Pofition of the 12th, 2d, 6th, and 8th Houfes is reprefented by Pb SD, to which the Angle at the Equinoctial HƒÆ is equal Therefore, to find the Elevation of the Pole above the Circle of Pofition of the 11th and 3d Houfes in the Rect- Angled-Spheric Triangle He, there are given HÆ, the Complement of the Latitude 38° 28', and Ee the Distance of the Circle of Pofition in the Equinoctial from the Meri dian 30°, to find the Angle He Æ, } Q 3: ANA- 230 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ANALOG F Deg. Min. As t. HÆ Co. Latitude, 38 28-- 9.900086 · To Radius ĝ 90 00--10.000000 So S. Ae, Circle from Meridian 30 00-- 9:598970 To C. t Angle He E, $749-- 9.798884 whofe Complement 32 deg. 11 minutes, is the Elevation of the Pole above that Circle of Poſition. Secondly, For the Height of the Pole above the Circle of Po- fition of the 12th and 2d Houſes. In the Rect-Angled Spherical Triangle H E f, are given HA, the Height of the Equinoctial, or Complement of the Latitude 38 degr. 28 minutes, and Ef 60 degrees, the Diftance of the Circle of Pofition from the Meridian, to find the Angle HƒÆ, made by the Equinoctial and Circle of Pofition. ANALOG Y. Deg. Min. 30 28-- 9.900086 As t. HÆ, Co. Latitude To Radius; 90 So S. Ef, Circle from Meridian, To C. t. Angle Hf E, бо 42 00--10.000000 00-- 9.93753 1 32--10.037445 whofe Complement is 47 degr. 28 minutes, the Height of the Pole a bove that Circle of Pofition. Note, Theſe being once found for any one Latitude, are always the fame in that Latitude. And by Tranfpofition, thefe Analogies will be the fame as is fhewed in Page 217. Thirdly, For the Cufp of the 10th Houſe. In the Rect-Angled Spheric Triangle V Æ 10, there are known Æ the Complement of the Right Afcenfion se deg. 17 minutes, and the Angle 10, the Obliquity 23° 28', to find 10 in the Ecliptic. ANA- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 231 } ANALOGT As t. Æ. R. A. M. Cali. To Radius; So C. f. Angle Æ Y 10, To C. t. V 10, From Deg. Min. 32 90 17--9.800567 00--10.000000 23 29-- 9.962453 34 34--10.161896 Or, by Tranfpofition, as in Page 218. Sub. the Diſtance Deg. Min. Sec. 12 Oo OO I 04. Rem. Cufp 10 in 10 34 25 26 the fame as before. Fourthly, For the Cufp of the 11th Houſe. As Radius, ANALOGY. To C. f. Oblique Afc. Houfe ; So C. t. Elevat. Pole above, To C. t. of the firſt Angle, Obliquity Ecliptic add Sum, is Second Angle Dig. Min. 90 2 2 32 OC--10.000000 17- 9.999655 II--10.231132 12--10.20077& 23 29 32 55 41 Now fay, Deg. Min. As C. f. Second Angle, To C. f. firft; So t. Oblique Aſc. Houſe, To t. of Dift. from Y, From Rem. Cufp 11th Houfe 12 26 26 34 26 55 41 Co. Ar. 0.248901 32 [2 9.927469 2 3 17 8.600669 8-777037 i Fiftbly, Q 4 1 232 The Doctrine of the Sphere. t As Radius, 1 Fifthly, For the Cufp of the 12th Houſe. ANALOGY. To C. f. Oblique Afc. Houfe; So C. t. Pole above Circle, Sum, is Second Angle, Deg. Min. 90 oc--10.000000 27 43-- 9947070 47 28-- 9.962560 50 55″- 9.909630 23 29 74 24 To C. t. first Angle, Obliquity Ecliptic add Now fay, Deg. Min. As C. f. fecond Angle, 74 24 Co. Ar. 0.570377 To C. f. firft So t. Ob. Aſc. Houſe, To t. paſt Y That is, 50 55 9.79965 L 27 43 9.720476 50 56 10.090630 ୪ 20 56 the Cufp of the Twelfth Houfe. As Radius, Sixthly, For the Cufp of the Afcendant, ANALOG Y. GY. To C. f. Ob. Afc. Houſe So C. t. Pole above Circle Pofit. To C. t. firft Angle, Obliquity add Second Angle Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 57 43-- 9.727628 51 32-- 9.900086 67 00-- 9.627714 23 29 90 29 Compl. 89° 31'. Now Say, Deg. Min. As C. f. Second Angle, 89 31 Co. Ar, 2.073781 To C. f. firft; 67 00 9.591878 So t. Ob. Afc. Houſe, To t. fhort of, 57 43 89 13 10.199443 11.865102 Hence, 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 233 Hence, becauſe the fecond Angle was more than 90 de- grees, this Diſtance 89 degr. 13 min. is from, and not from Y, contrary to the Oblique Afcenfion's Diſtance. Therefore from Sub. Rem. Cufp Afcend. As Radius, S. Deg. Min. 6 00 OO 2 29 13 3 Co 47 Seventhly, For the Cufp of the 2d Houſe. ANALOG T Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000` 87 · 43-- 8.600332 So C. t. Pole above Circle Poſition 47 28-- 9.962560 87 55--8-562892 23 29 To C. f. Ob. Afc. Houfe; To C. t. of the firſt Angle Obliquity add Sum, is Second Angle 111 24 Compl. 689 36. Now fay, 1 Deg. Min. As C. f. fecond Angle To C. f. firft 68 36 Co. Ar. 0.437854 87 5.5 8.560540 11.399323 10.397717 So t. Ob. Aſc. Houſe Tot fhort of From Libra Sub. Cufp 2d House 87 43 68 II 6 00 00 2 2 3 8 II 2I 49 As Radius, Lastly, For the Cuſp of the 3d Houſe. ANALOG T. Deg. Min. To C. f. Ob. Afc. Houſe ; So C. t. Pole above Circle Pofition, To C. t. firſt Angle, Obliquity Sub. Rem. Second Angle 9000--10.oooooa 62 - 17-- 9.667545 32 II.-10.2011 27 53 32-- 9.868668 23 29 30 3 1 Nom } } 234 'C The Doctrine of the Sphere. ! As C. f. fecond Angle, To C. f. firſt So t. Ob. Afc. Houfe; To t. from From Libra. Sub. Rem. Houſe. Now fay, Deg. Min. 53 32 30 3 Co. Ar. 0.062687 9.774046 62 17 10.269524 52 34 10,116257 6 0 I 22 24 ટી. 7 26 26 Cufp of the 3d And thus you may expeditiously and exactly know at any Time and Place the true Face of the Heavens. PRO B. 46. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Distan ces in the Equinoctial, to Calculate Hour-Lines upon all forts of Planes that have Centers. I do not intend in this Place to learn you the whole Art of Dialling, (for that would take up a Volume of it felf,) but only to fhew the reaſon of fuch Analogies as relate to Central Dials, that falling directly under the Doctrine of the Sphere. First, For the Horizontal Hour-Lines. In the Projection of the Sphere Prob. 4. Page 82, in the Rect-Angled-Spheric Triangle C 12, 1, are given, C 12, the Elevation of the Pole above the Horizon, equal to the Latitude of the Place 51 degr. 32 minutes, and the Angle 12 C1 the Diſtance of one Hour in the Equinoctial 15°, to find the Side 12, 1, the Diſtance of one Hour-Line upon the Plane of the Horizon. ANA- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 235 As C. t. Angle P ANALOGY. Deg. Min. 15 00--10.571947 To Radius So S. P 12 the Latitude, To t. 12, I upon the Plane, Or, by Tranfpofition, As Radius, To S. Latitude; So t. Dift. in Equino&ial, To t. Dift. upon the Plane, 90 00--10.000000 SI II 32-- 9.893745 51-- 9.321798 Deg. Min. 90 00 10.000000 SI 32 9.893745 35 00 9.328052 II 51 9.321797 And after this manner is the Table in Page 86, calculated, being Hours, Halves, and Quarters on the Horizontal Plane for the Latitude of 518 32'. 2. For an Erect Direct Dial. This Plane is reprefented by the Line 6, 6, and in the Rect-Angled Spheric Triangle ZP1, are given Z P, the Zenith diſtance or Complement of the Latitude of the Place, and the Angle ZP 1 to the Equinoctial Diftances of the Hour of One from the Meridian 15°, to find the Distance of the One a-Clock Hour-Line from in the Plane 6, 6, As C. t. Angle at P, To Radius So S. P Z, ; ANALOGY. To t. of Hour from Z, As Radius, To C. f. Latitude ; Or, by Tranfpofition. So t. Angle at the role, To t. one the Plane, Deg. Min. 15 00 10.571947 90 38 00 10.000000 28 9.793132 9 28 9.221885 Deg. Min. 90 00 10.000000 51 32 9.793832 IS 00 9.428052 9 28 9.221884 And 236 ! The Doctrine of the Sphere. And after the fame manner are the Hour-Diſtances in the Table, Page 87, calculated. 3. For Erect Decliners. In Page 126, I have fhewn you how to take the Declina- tion of a Plane; and when that is found, there are three other Requisites to be known, before you can draw the Hour- Lines. 1. The Inclination of the Meridian of the Plane, with the Meridian of the Place. 2. The Height of the Pole, or Stile above the Place. 3. The Diſtance of the Subftile from the Meridian Line: And when thefe Requifities are found, then the next thing to find, is the Diſtance of each Hour-Line from the Subſti- ler-Line. - Example. Latitude 51 degr. 32 min. North, Declination of the Plane 22 degr. 8 minutes Eaft. I demand all the Requifites for Drawing Hour-Lines upon fuch a Plane? Proje&ion. With the Chord of 60 fweep the Primitive Cir- cle, which fhall reprefent the Dial's Plane. G N 1 F I P A D K B Take 29 deg. 8 min. the Plane's Declination, and ſet it from N to D; lay a Ruler from Z to D, and it will cut the Horizon in A, thro' which the Meridian of the Place muſt paſs. Or take the Secant of the Complement of the Plane's Declination 60 degr. 52 minutes, and that will draw, the Me- dian ZA N. Then by Prob. 2, of Spheric Geo- metry, find the Pole of this Oblique Circle of Meridian Z AN, which is at E. Take the Chord of 51 degr. 32 minutes the Latitude of the Place, and The ་ 237 Doctrine of the Sphere. and fet from B to L, and from N to K; draw E L, and it will cut the Meridian ZA N, in P; a Ruler laid from E to K gives E; find a Center in G F. To draw E E the E- quinoctial, lay a Ruler from P to C, and draw FG for the Subftile or Axis of the World; and now there is the Right Angled Spheric Triangle, Z PF Right-Angled at F, in which, ZF, is the Subftile's Diſtance from the Meridian. Z P, the Co, Latitude of the Place. FP, the Height of the Pole above the Plane; or Stile's Height. And the Angle P F Z, is the Right Angle PZF, is the Complement Plane's Declination. FPZ, is the Plane's Difference of Longitude. First, For the Inclination of the Meridians, or the Angle FPZ. ANALOGY. As C. t. Angle P Z F, To Radius: So C. f. Z P, To C. t. Angle ZP F ! Or, by Tranfpofition, Deg. Min. 52 9.746132 60 52 90 00 10.000000 38 28 9.893745 35 27 10.147613 Deg. Min. As Radius, 90 00 10.000000 To C. t. Decl. 29 8 10.253868 So S. Latitude, SI 32 9.893745 To C. t. Inclinat. 35 27 10.147613 Or fay. As S. Latitude, Deg. Min. SI 32 9.893745 To Radius; So t. Declination, To t, Inclination 90 00 10.000000 29 8 9.746132 35 27 9.852387 1 1 2. For 1 238 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ! 1 ¡ 2. For the Height of the Stile P F. ANALOG T As Radius So S. PZ So S. Angle PZF To S. PF Deg. Min. 90 00 10.000000 38 28 9:793832 60 52 9.941 257 32 54 9.735089 Or by having found the Angle at P, you may make it an adjacent Extream, and ſay, As C. t. Z P Deg. Min. 38 28--10.099913 90 00--10.000000 So C. f. Angle ZP F 1 35 27-- 9.910956 To Radius To t. P F 32 54-- 9.811043 3. For the Diſtance of the Subftile from the Meridian Z F ANALOGY. As C. t. Z P To Radius So C. f. Angle PZ F To t. Z F Deg. Min. 38 28-10.099913 90 00--10.000000 60 92-- 9.6873 89 21 9-- 9.587476 Or, by having the Inclination of Meridians, or Diffe- rence of Longitude, you may make it an 'As Radius To S. Z P Angle Z PF; by the firft hereof, Oppofite Extream, and fay, Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 38 28-- 9.793832 So S. Angle Z PF To S. Z F 35 27-- 9.763422 2 I 9-- 9.557254 Now the Requifites being found, and the Plane's Diffe- rence of Longitude FPZ 35 degr. 27 min. being more than 30 degr. or two Hours in the Equinoctial, fhews, that the Subftiler-Line will fall between the Hour of 9 and 10 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 239 10 in the Morning; becauſe the Plane declines to the Eaft. Now before we can calculate the Hour-Diſtances from the Subftiler-Line, we muſt prepare a Table of the Equi- noctial Hour-Diſtances, as follows; in the ſecond Column of which Table; and in the firft Column put down the Hours and Quarters, fo many as will fall on the Plane and then to make the fecond Column, proceed thus Inclination Meridians Deg. Min. 35 27 Sub. 2 Hours = 30 00 Dift. Subftiler from 10 5 27 9 a Clock from the Meridian 45 00 Inclination Meridian Sub. 35 27 Hour of 2 from Subftile 9 33 on the other Side it. Then you are to Note in the Equinoctial, one Hour is 15 Three quarters is Half an Hour is One quarter is 00 11 15 7 30 3 45 Then by adding, and fubtracting 3 degr. 45 min. conti- nually, I Compleat the fecond Column of this Table, which are the Degrees and Minutes in the Equinoctial anfwering to every quarter of an Hour, fetting the Plane's Difference of Longitude 35 degr. 27 min. in the fecond Column againſt 12 a-Clock in the firſt Column. Having finiſhed the firft and fecond Column, the third Column is made by Calculation thus, for a quarter before 10 a-Clock in the Forenoon. As C. t. Angle at Polę To Radius So S. Stile's Height To t. dift, on the Plane Deg. Min. I 42--11.527546 90 00--10,000000 32 54-- 9,734939 55- 8.207393 00 1 Or, 1 1 240 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Or, by Tranfpofition, fay, As Radius To S. Stile's height So T. Angle at Pole To t. on the Plane. Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 32 54-- 9.734939 * 42-- 8.472454 00 55-- 8.207393 And after this manner are the Hour-Diſtances on the Plane in the third Column found, which may be fet upon the Dial's Plane, by help of the Line of Chords from the Subftiler-Line, as has been fhewn in the 87th Page. The TABLE. Equi- Hour Equi-, Hours noctial on the Hours. Diftan. Plane. 38 12 90 0190 Hours. no&tial on the Diſtan Plane. Q Merid. Subft. 3 I 420 55 3 88 18186 52 ΙΟ 05 272 58 4 O 84 33 80 2 I 80 48 73 24 19 125 2 I2 577 7 277 367 3 316 429 14 373 18 61 5 I I 020 27 II 26 069 69 3355 32 I 24 12 13 43 165 48 50 24 262 345 39 2 27 57 5716 3 31 4218 33 358 58 18 41 20 I 2 0135 27 21 9 6 054 3337 20 150 I 50 48 33 40 247 3 30 16 139 1223 2/42 57/26 346 54 49 42 29 58 343 18 27 6 I о 50 2733 20 0139 33124 1.35 48 21 2132 3 18 IO I 54 1236 59 23 257 $7 57 40 57 47 61 42 45 338 18 24 33 13 I 20 48 Ir 9 28- 16 19 56 40 2 065 27 49 56 169 1255 2 272 5760 33 376 8 1 a -2 17 76 42 66 29 313 IS 7 19 3 80 27172 48 019 22 5 13 184 1279 25 1 S 2 2 4813 3 9 287 57 86 14 I 7 || 38'. ༡ 12 90 0190 1 0 4. If The Doctrine of the Sphere. 241 4. If your Declining Plane, recline from the Zenith, then before you can draw Hour-Lines thereon, you must find the new Latitude, and new Declination. Example. In the Latitude of 51 degr. 32 min. N. a Plane declines to the Eaft, or Weft 24 degrees, and reclines from the Zenith 54 degrees; what is the new Latitude and De- clination. ANALOGY. As Radius To C. f. Declination So C. t. Reclination Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 24 00-- 9.960730 54 00-- 9.861261 33 34-- 9.821991 To t. of the Arch Now obſerve thefe Rules, in South Recliners. 1. This fourth Tangent muſt be compared with the given Latitude, and the Complement of their Difference is the new Latitude. Given Latitude Fourth Tangent ſub. Difference Complement 1 Deg. Min. 51 32 33 34 17 58 72 2 is the new Latitude. 2. If the fourth Tangent be equal to the given Lati- tude, then the Difference will be nothing; and fo the Plane will be a Polar Declining Plane; and the Hour-Lines are parallel, and the Stile Parallel to the Plane. 3. If the fourth Tangent be greater than the given Lati- tude, then the North Pole is Elevated in South Decliners. But if the fourth Tangent be leffer than the given Latitude, then the South Pole is Elevated in North Decliners. 2. In North Recliners. Rule 1. The fourth Tangent found as before, is to be compared with the Complement of the given Latitude, and their Difference is the new Latitude. Rule 2. If the fourth Tangent be equal to the Com- plement of the given Latitude, that Declining Reclining Plane will be an Equinoctial Plane Declining. R 2. To 1 242 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 2. To find the New Declination. ANALOGY. As Radius To S. of the Reclination So S. old Declination To S. new Declination Dcg. Min. 90 00 10.000000 54 00 9.769219 24-00 9.609313 13 50 9.378532 3. To find the Angle made between the Meridian and Ho rizon. ANALOG T 1 Deg. Min. As Radius To S. Reclination So t. of old Declination To C. t. of the Angle 90 0@ 10:000000 54 .00 9.907958 24 00 9.6-8585 70 II 9-556543 the Angle that the Hour-Line of 12 muft make with the Ho- rizon. So that a Dial made (according to the Directions a bove,) for the Latitude of 72 deg. 2 min. North, and De- clination 13 deg. 50 minutes, will be the true Hour-Lines upon a Plane in the Latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. North, Reclination 54 deg. and Declination 24 degrees. 5. Of the Direct South Recliner. 1. If the Plane on which you are to draw Hour-Lines be a Direct South Recliner, Take the Difference between the Plane's Reclination and the Complement of the Latitude of your Habitation, and that will give you a new Latitude, where that Direct Reclining Plane will become an Horizontal Plane. If the Reclination be equal to the Complement of the Latitude, then the Pole has no Elevation, and thofe Hour-Lines muſt be drawn as under the Equinoctial, viz. all Parallel by their Natural Tangents. 2. If the Plane be a Direct North Recliner, and that Re- clination be equal to the Latitude of the Place, add it to the Complement of the Latitude, and that Sum will be 90, for the Latitude under the Poles of the World; where you have no more to do, than to divide a Circle (the Equi- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 243 J } Equinoctial) into 24 equal Parts, and the Limbs drawn to the Center fhall be the true Hour-Lines on fuch a North Re- clining Plane But, Note this by the way, that this Dial is of no uſe in North Latitude when the Sun is in Southern Signs, nor in South Latitude when he is in Northern Signs. And whatever the Reclination of this North Plane be, add it to the Complement of the Latitude of your Habi- tation, and that ſhall give you a new Latitude, where it will become an Horizon-Plane, the Hour-Lines upon which are drawn as has been fhewn in the Horizontal Dial; to which I refer you. PROB. 47. To find the true and apparent Times of the Southing of the fixed Stars and Planets. For this purpoſe I have calculated Tables of Right Aſcen- fions in Time to fix Degrees of North and South Latitude, which are chiefly intended for the Planets, or thole Stars whofe Latitudes exceed not Six Degrees: And to take out- the Right Afcenfion of the Sun, enter the Table with the Place of the Sun, the Sign on the Head and Degree in the firſt Column on the left Hand; and under no Degrees of La- titude, (for the Sun is always apparently in the Ecliptic) and in the Angle, or Place of meeting, you have the Hour and Minute of the Sun's Right Afcenfion, remembring to make proportion for the Minutes of the Sun's Place; becauſe the Tables give the Right Aſcenſion only to even Degrees of the Places of the Planets and Stars: Alfo enter the Tables with the Place of the Planet, and in the Column of the Degree of its Latitude (if it has any at that Time) you will have the Hour and Minute of the Planet's Right Afcenfion, minding to make proportion both for the Planet's Longitude, and La- titude, if its Place be not even Degrees. In the 144th and 145th Pages, I have given you a Table of 42 Emi- nent Fixed Stars with their Right Afcenfions in Time; but if the Star whofe Time of Southing you want to know, be not in this Table, nor its Right Afcenfion to be had in the Tables of Right Afcenfions, then you must find its Right Afcenfion by Problem 22 and 23. R 20 Ha- 1 244 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 That's hand Having gained the Right Afcenfion of the Sun, and alſo of the Star or Planet, fubtract the Sun's Right Afcenfion from that of the Star or Planet, and the remainder is the true time of the Star's being upon the Meridian: And if the Hours are less than 12, the Time is in the Afternoon of that Day; but if more than 12, 'tis in the Morning of the following Day; becauſe, as I told in the Definitions under the Word Day, that Aftronomical Time begins at Noon: And further Note, that if the Star's Right Afcenfion be lefs than the Sun's, fo that Subtraction cannot be made, then add 24 Hours to the Star's Right Afcenfion, and out of that Sum take the Sun's Right Afcenfion, and the remainder will be the true Time of the Star's Southing, Culminating, or that it will be then upon the Méridian of your Habita- tion. But you must be fure to get the Place of the Sun and Pla- net as near to the true Time of Southing as poffible, other- wife you will err 2 or 3', more or lefs in the true Time of the Planet's Southing; and therefore before we can obtain the true Time, it is neceffary to have the Eftimate Time of their Southing, which to know, fubtract the Sun's Place from the Planet's Place in Longitude, the remainder reduced into Time by the Table, Page 66, will give you the Eſtimate Time near enough for this purpoſe. To know this Time, find the Longitude of the Planets, and their Right Afcenfions to their Places at the Eftimate Time will produce the true Times of their Southing. Example. Anno 1727, October 19, I would know the true Time of the Pleiades coming to the South? 1. For the Eſtimate Time. S. 。 1 " Longit. of the Pleiades Sun's Place at Noon Remains is Eftim. Time of South. I 26 II 37 627 33 3 6 28 38 34 This, Red. into Time, h. " 13 54 34 16 Sun's Place then is 6 28 7 44 R.A.13 44 28 Sub. Right Afcenfion Pleiades 24 Hours added • " h. 27 21 20 From 13 46 52 That is, 46' 52'! paft one a-Clock on the 11th Day in the Remains the true Time of Southing Morning. Exam- The Doctrine of the Sphere. · 245 Example 2. Let it be required to find the true Time of the Southing of the Head of Medufa, on the 5th Day of No- vember 1727 ? OPERATION. " S. 2 I 22 16 42 Long. of {Meduſa, Algol O thatDay that Day at Noon. 7 23 39 3 Remains 5 28 37 39 H. Reduced H. 10 7 24 9 7 R.A. 15 27 4 2650 27 11 23 23 into time is Eftim. time South. II 54 30 36 Right Afcenfion of Algol 24 Hours added Sun's Place then is True Time of Southing Example 3. Let it be required to find the true time of the Southing of Jupiter, December 6, 1727?¸ OPERATION. ་་ R. Lat. 。° 2 R. Lat. 0° 59′ S. D. at Noon. S. Long. of {Jupiter Sun 1 22 55 2 8 25 7 14 Remains 4 27 47 48 H. of{ Reduced into Time is 9 51 II 12 Sun's Place then H. "1 8 25 32 21 R.A. 17 40 32 Sub. Right Afcenfion Jupiter 24 H. added True time Southing 27 22 40 From 9 42 8 P. M. And after this manner are the Eſtimate and True Times of the other Primary Planets and found; but be- cauſe the Moon is fwift in Motion, her Place to the Efti- mate Time is practically found by the Logiſtical Loga- rithms. Example. Anno 1727, October 10, I would know the true time of the Moon's Southing? R 3 1 OPE- f 246 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ! 1 Eftimate Time OPERATION. Moon's Age 7 Multiply by .8 Tenths. 5.6 H. .6 5 36 of Southing. at Noon< II D's place10Day Diurnal Motion ! SVS 23 45 Lat. 4 22 S.D. AW 600 3 39 S. D. 12 15 0 43 Now fay, H. M. If 24 oo L.L. Co. Ar. 602 1 Give 12 15 6900 What 5 36 10300 Anfw. 2 51 13221 VS VS 23 45 D's place 10th at Noon 26 36 D's place at Eftim. South R.A. 27 47 O's place at Eftim. time R.A, 's Southing True Time of Add Moon's Mean Motion à O Eftimate time of Southing 11th Day H. M. 19 58 13 43 6 15 P.M. 0 48 7 3 Place I I 12 Day at Noon D. M. D. M. ~ 6 o Lat. 3 39 Diurnal Motion Moon 18 6 12 6 2 48 ཨ་ 54 1 5 Now : The Doctrine of the Sphere. 247 H. M. Now Jay, If 24 00 LL 6021 Give I 2 06 6954 What Eſtimate 7 03 9300 Anſwer 3 33 12275 D's place add 6 6 00 H. M. > at Eftimate * 9 ΑΥ 43 R. A. 20 52 at Eftim. 28 51 R. A. 13 47 South at Difference in one Day add Eſtimate time Place 12 Day at > [13] Noon | Diurnal Motion 1 7 00 05 50 the 11th Day. 7 55 the 12th Day. Now fay, D. M. D. M. 18 6 Lat. 2 48 S. D. 29 52 II 46 I 51 0 57 D. M. If 24 00 LL 602 1 Give II 46 7075 What 7 55 8796 Answer 3 53 11892 12 Day 18 06 H. M. > Eſtimate 21 29 59 R. A. 21 41 53 R. A. 13 52 > South at 7 49 Difference in one Day add o Eftimate time 13 Day 44 8 33 D. M. Place 14 Day at Noon Diurnal Motion > 29 52 Lat. 1 51 S.D. * 11 40 O 50 II 48 I I * Now R 4 1 ! 248 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Now fay, D. M. If 24 00 LL 6021 Give What Anſwer I 1 48 7063 8 33 A 12 8462 1.1546 Add 29 52 H. M. * 4 04 R. A. 22 26 53 R. A. 13 54 m True Time's Southing 8 32 And after this manner, if you pleaſe, you may proceed for the whole Year, always taking care to get the Places of the Planets as near to the Time of Southing as poffible, as is Ex- emplified above. PRO B. 48. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Places of the Stars and Planets, to find the true Times of their Rifing. This may be performed two ways. 1. By Subtracting their Semidiurnal Arch from their Time of Southing, you will have the Time of their Ri- fing. 2. By the following Tables of Oblique Afcenfion; for if you fubtract the Oblique Afcenfion of the Sun, from the Oblique Afcenfion of the Planet, and to the remainder add the Time of Sun-rifing, you will gain the true Time of the Rifing of that Star or Planet. Example. Anno 1727, October 10, I would know the true time of the Rifing of the Pleiades at London ? 1 OPE- i The Doctrine of the Sphere. 249 OPERATION. Their Declination North Their Afcenfional Difference in Time Add Their Semidiurnal Arch fub. Their Time of Southing from Deg. Min. Sec. 23 14 00 2 10 48 60 8 10 48 13 46 52 True Time of their Riſing in the Evening 5 36 4 Note, To find the Semidiurnal Arch of a Star or Planer, if their Declinations be North, then add the Afcenfion Dif- ference in Time to Six Hours; but if the Declination be South, fubtract the Sum or Difference, is the Semidiurnal Arch. Or by Prob. 7. you may find the Semidiurnal Arch without the Afcenfional Difference. f 2. By the following Tables of Oblique Afcenfions. t Deg. Min. Sec. off Sun Long. of Pleiades 26 8 11 37 Ọb. A. 28 7 44 Ob. A. 1 20 0 14 40 Q Remains 10 40 Sun rifes that Morning at London add Sum, is the true Time of Riſing Evening as before. 6 56 4 17 36 4 in the Sub. 12 § 35 4 Example 2. Let it be required to find the true Time of the Rifing of Sirius, on the 5th Day of November 1727. Declination South Afcen. Difference In Time, fubt. From Semidiurnal Arch, Time of Southing Time of Rifing OPERATION. Deg: Min. Sec. 16 20 21 58 40 O 1h. 26 40 600 4 IS 6 3 found by the laft Problem. IQ 32 43 Note, 33 20 250 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Note, That if the Declination of a Star exceed the Com- plement of the Latitude of your Habitation, and be of the fame Name, viz. both North, or both South, then that Star doth not rife nor fet in that Latitude: As for inftance, the Head of Medufa's Declination is 39 degr. 53 min. North, exceeding the Complement of the Latitude of London 38 degr. 28 minutes, proves that Star never rifeth nor fetteth at London, but has 1 degr. 25 min. Altitude when on the Meridian under the North Pole. To find the Rifing of the Planets by the Tables of Ob- lique Afcenfions, you muft firft find the Eftimate Time of Rifing, and to that Time the Places of the Sun and Planet, or as near to the Time as poffible. Having by the foregoing Problem, found the true time of Southing, enter the Table of Semidiurnal Archs in the Ap- pendix, with the Longitude of the Planet; and if it has at that time little or no Latitude, you will have the Semidiur- nal Arch pretty near the true; but if the Planet (whofe ri- fing is required) have confiderable Latitude, as Venus and the Moon often have, then by Problem 21, find its Declination, obſerve what Sign and Degree the Sun is in when he has the fame Declination with the Planet; with which take out the Semidiurnal Arch, and fubtract it from the Time of Southing; and that is the Eftimate Time of the Planet's Rifing; to which Time compute the Places of the Sun and Planet, and with their Places, take out their Oblique Afcen- fion, and then proceed as has been taught above. * Example. Let the true Time of the rifing of Jupiter enquired, December 6, 1727 at London'? OPERATION. be H. M: S. 42 8 P.M. 40 O 2 2 8 P,M. True Time of Southing 9 Semidiurnal Arch ſub. 7 Eftimate Rifing Place of < 24 ୪ Remains Deg. Min. Deg. Min. 22 56 Lat, 0 59 South. OX 25 12 Sun riſes that Morning at True Time 4 Rifing H. M. Ob. Afc. 1 49 Ob. Afc. 19 51 5 58 8 12 add. 2 10 P. M. N. B. The Doctrine of the Sphere. . 251r | t N. B. You muſt borrow 24 Hours to the Oblique Afcen- fion of the Planet, if it be leſs than the Sun's, and reject 12, as in the Example above. Example. Let it be required to find the true Times of the Rifing of the Moon at London, on October 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25th Days? The Work ftands thus: Full Moon 19th Day at One in the Morning. Sun fets that Night at 4 h. 48 minutes; the time from the time of the full Moon in the Morning, to the Sun's fetting that Evening is 15 h. 48. Then if 24h: 48′ :: 15 h. 48′: 31'36". If Give What Answer. By the Logiſtical Logarithms. H. M. 24 O 48 15 48 o LL Co.Ar.6021 O 31 36″ 969 5795 2786. Theſe 31 min. 36 fec. added to the Time of the Sun fetting 4h. 48 min. gives 5 hours 19 min. 36 feconds, the Eftimate of the Moon's Ri- fing. Now for her Place at that Time. Deg. Min. Ŏ 11 Deg. Min. 11 48 Lat. 4 » N.'A. 4 36 36 Place>19 Day at Noon 24 20 the Diurnal Motion > 22 12 34 Say again, H. M. If 24 0 L L 6021 Give 12 34 6789 What Answer >'s place ) ୪ 8 Om Remains Sun-rifing add 5 20 1 2 48 10512 13322 II 48 H. M. 14 36 Ob. Aſc. O 53 6 46 Ob. Afc. 16 29 9 24 7 12 True } 2$2 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 True Time Moon-rifing H. M. 4.36 P.M. the 19 Day. Diurnal Motion à O add 0 48 Eftimate Rising 20 Day 5 24 D. M. D. M. Plac [20] Day at Noon the 21 Diurnal Motion D Now fay, Ŏ 24 I 7 12 7 45 22 Lat. 4. 36 N. 4 58 0 22 If Give What Answer Dadd } ୪ H. M: 24 0 LL 6021 12 45 6726 5 24 1045 L 2 52 13198 24 22 H. M. 27 m 17 Remains Sun's Rifing add True Time 14 Ob.Afc. I 18 42 Qb.Afc. Rifing Difference of Rifing add Eftimate Time > Rifing 15 35 9 43 7 14 4 57 P.M. the 20 Day. 0 21 5 18 the next Day. For the Moon's Place at that Time. D. M. Place the |21| 21 Days at Noon I 7 II 20 7 Lat. 4 6 58 N. 5 7 Diurnal Motion > I 2 59 9 H. M. If 24 00 LL 6021 Give 12 59 5 18 What 6648 10539 Answer 2 52 13208 21 Day 7 7 H. M. I SI 4 L II 9 59 Ob. Afc. Om 8 46 Ob. Afc. 15 Remains Sun-rifing add True time > Rifing Difference of Rifing add Eftimate Rifing 10 10 7 15 5 25 P.M. the 21 Day. O 28 5 53 the next Day? 1 FOR The Doctrine of the Sphere. 253 For the Moon's Place at that Time: Place the 22 Day at Noon 23 Deg. Min. Deg. Min. 6 Lat. 5 TI 20 3 17 7 N. 4 59 Diurnal Motion> 13 · 11 Ho. Min. Tf 24 00 LL 6021 Give 13 II 6581 What 5 53 10085 Anſwer 3 14 12687 22 Day 20 6 H. M. > II 23 20 Ob. Afc. O m 9 2 38 47 Ob.Afc. 15 47 Remains 10 51 Sun-Rifing add 7 17 True Time > Rifing 6 8 P.M. the 22 Day. Difference of Rifing add O 43 Eftimate time Rifing 6 51 the next Day: For the Moon's Place at that Time. Deg. Min. Place the 23 Day at 22 Day at Noon 3 Deg. Min. 17 Lat. 4 59 N. 16 41 4 35 Diurnal Motion > 13 24 24 Ho. Min. If 24 00 LL 6021 Give 13 24 6510 What 6 51 9428 Answer 3 49 11956 → 23 Day 3 ) 17 H. M. 6 Ob. Afc. 3 42 II 7 7 m 10 50 Ob.Afc. 15 Remains Sun-rifing add True Time Rifing Difference of Rifing add Eftimate Time ↓ Rifing 8 P.M. the 23 Day. I 00 808 the next Day. For 3 49 19 ! 1 1 254 The Doctrine of the Sphere. } 1 For the Moon's Place at that Time. Place the 24 Day at Noon 16 > 25 Diurnal Motion > 6 Deg. Min. Deg. Min. 16 41 Lat. 4 35 N. 16 13 35 3 54 0 41 Ho. Min. If 24 O 。 LL 6021 Give 13 35 645 I What 8 8 8679 Answer 4 36 11151 》 24 Day 16 41 H. M. 1 in 21 17 Ob. Afc. 5 3 O in m 11 55 Ob.Aſc. 16 O Remains 13 Sun-rifing add True Time Rifing 3 7 21 8 24 P.M. the 24th Day. Differ. of Rifing add I 16 Eftimate Time Rifing 9 40 the next Day. For the Moon's Place at that Time. V Place the 25 |26| Days at Noon Diurnal Motion > H. M. Deg. Min. Deg. Min. 。16 Lat. 3 14 6 54 54 Nor. 2 59 13 50 O 55 If 24 o LL Co.Ar. 6021 Give 13 50 6372 What 9 40 7929 Answer 5 34 10322 → 25th Day o 16 H. M. > in a 5 50. Ob. Afc. 6 31 O in m 12 58 Ob. Afc. 16 6. 14 25 Remains Sun Rifing add True Time > Riſing 7 23 9 48 P.M. the 25th Day. In the Examples above I have all along omitted Seconds, which is the practical Method of finding the Rifing of the Moon; but if you would be more curious, then you may by the foregoing Problems find the true Oblique Afcenfions of The Doctrine of the Sphere. 255 of the Sun and Moon to the given Latitude, and from thence her true Time of Rifing in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. As, for inftance, that we may have the true Time more exact, we muſt calculate the true Places of the Sun and Moon to the Time above found, with the other Requifites, as is here fet down. Deg. Min. Sec. Sun's Place m Declination South 12 48 42 15 42 00 Aſcen. Differ. 20 45 Right Afcen. 220 22 00 Ob. Afcen. 241 07 00 Time Sun's Rifing 4 37 00 Setting 7 23 00 Moon's Longitude a 6 00 00. Latitude North 3 34 Oo Declination North 22 16 00 Afcen. Differ. 31 01 ΟΙ 00 Right Afcen. 128 23 23 00 Oblique Afcen. 097 22 Moon's Right Afc. 128 23 o + 360 Sun's Right Afc. 220 22 O Moon Southing 268 I S. In Time Sun's Place then m Right Afcen. Moon's Place a Latitude North Right Afcenfion Sun's R.A. Sub. Moon's Southing In Time Oblique Afcen. > Oblique Afcen. O Remains In Time the Tables of Oblique Afcenfions. H. M. 17 52 4 13 19 220 51 ΙΟ 34 3 13 133 46 360° + 220 51 272 55 18 II 40 P.M. 97 241 22 + 360º. 216 15 7 14 25 The fame as by Bur 256 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 5 But, to a Quadrant or H. M. S. 6 00 00 Add Afc. Differ. 2 04 04 Semidiurnal Arch > 08 04 04 Southing 18 I I 40 True Time Rifing ΙΟ 07 36 Thirdly, The true Time of the Rifing of the Planets may be obtained, if you fubtract the Sun's Right Afcenfion, from the Oblique Afcenfion of the Planet; and if the re- mainder exceed fix Hours, take the Overplus; but if the re- mainder be lefs than fix Hours, add fix Hours thereto; the Sum of Difference is the Hour and Minute of their Rifing. Example. In the laft Work of the Moon, > Oblique Afcen. Right Afcen. Rem. Rifing H. M. 6 31 14 42 9 49 as before. What I have fhewn above concerning the rifing of the Heavenly Bodies, has been in refpect of true Time; but by reaſon of Refractions and Parallaxes, that the true Time fo found is not the apparent Time, or the Time that you fee; therefore to obtain the apparent Time of their Rifing, regard muſt be had both to Refraction and Parallax; and as the Stars are raiſed by Refraction, and depreffed by Parallax, their Effects are always contrary; fo that the Apparent Time will always differ from the True, except when the Refraction and Parallax are equal. Example. In the Moon to the Time laft wrought. Anno 1727, October Mean Anomaly > Horizontal Parallax Horizontal Refraction fub. Moon's true Altitude D. H. M. S. 00 25 9 48 4 20 49 6 60 31 33 00 27 31 when her Center begins to appear in the Horizon. Now to find the Difference of Right Afcenfions of the Moon and Mid- Heaven, at the time of her Apparent Rifing, we have gi ven the Latitude of the Place 51 degr. 32 min. North, the The Doctrine of the Sphere. 257 the Moon's Declination 22 degr. 16 min. North, and the true Altitude of the Moon 27 min. 31 feconds, to find the Horary Arch of the Equinoctial. That is, in the Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle B PZ, there are given, ZP the Complement of the Latitude 38 deg. 28 min. BP the Complement of A the Declination 67 deg. 44 min. BZ the Complement of. the Altitude 89 deg. 32 min: 29 fec. to find the Angle H BPZ, the difference of the right Afcenfion of the Moon, and Mid-Heaven. D N B OPERATION. Deg. Min. Sec. ZP 38 28 Oo BP 67 44 00 BZ 89 32 29 Z 195 44 29 I 2 97 52 52 14 Compl. 82° 7′ 45″ ½ BZ 89 32 29 X 8 19 45. Deg. Min. S. Z P S. BP 38 28 Co.Ar. e.206168 67 44 Co.Ar. 0.033656 S. Z 82 8 9.995894 S. X 8 20 Z of the Logarithms Z is C. f. of Doubled is 60° 3° 9.161164 19.396882 9.698441 120 6 the Angle BP Z. S Moon's 1 258 The Doctrine of the Sphere · Moon's R. A. Sub. Angle B PZ Rem. R. A. M. Cœli Sun's Right Afc. ſub. Rem. Deg. Min. 128 23 120 6 17+ 360 3680 17'. 8 220 22 147 55 Timé when the Moon's Center afcends the Vifible Horizon 9 h. 51′ 40″; that is, 3' 40" later than the Time of her real Afcent above the true Horizon. Note, Whenever the Refraction is more than the Horizon- tal Parallax, then the Excess is the Depreffion of the Moon below the true Horizon. The neceffity of knowing the ap- parent Times of the Rifing and Setting of the Luminaries, is in order to pronounce whether an Eclipfe, or Occultation will be vifible at a given Place, which by this and the Ninth Problem are performed. " If you would have the time when the Moon's lower Limb afcends the Horizon, then add the Moon's Semidiameter, (which at that time is 16' 26") to her Altitude 27 min. 31 fe- conds, and you will have for her Altitude 43 min. 57 fec. to A B. Then work as above has been taught. PRO B. 49. { Given, the Latitude of the Place of your Habitation, and the Places of the Stars and Planets, to find the True and Apparent Times of their Set- ting. This (as in their Rifing) may be performed two fe- veral ways; either by their Semidiurnal Archs, or by the Tables of Right and Oblique Afcenfions hereunto an- nex'd. 1. By their Semidiurnal Archs, find the true Times of their Southing by Prob. 47, and then their Semidiurnal Arch as is Thewn in Page 249; add theſe two together, and that will give the true Time of the Star's fetting. 2. By The Doctrine of the Sphere. 259 2. By the Tables of Right and Oblique Afcenfion, with the true Places of the Planets (as near the time as poffible,) take out their Oblique Defcenfion, which is done by entering with the oppofite Sign and Degree of the Planet's Places, and with Latitude of a contrary Name in the Tables of Ob- lique Afcenfion; remembring to enter with the oppofite Sign and Degree of the Sun's Place under no Degrees of Lati- tude; which done, fubtract the Oblique Defcenfion of the Sun, from the Oblique Defcenfion of the Planet; and to the remainder add the time of the Sun's fetting that Day,' that Sum is the time of the Planet's ſetting. Or from the Oblique Defcenfion of the Planet, fubtract the Right Afcenfion of the Sun; and if the remainder ex- ceed fix Hours, fubtract fix Hours from it; but if it be leſs than fix Hours, add fix Hours; the Sum or Difference is the time of the Planet's ſetting. Examples in all the Cafes follows:. Anno 1727, October 10, I would know the true time of the fetting of the Pleiades at London ? OPERATION. To their time of Southing Add their Semidiurnal Arch Their time of Setting H. M. S. 13 46 52 8 10 48 2I 57 40 That is 57" 40" paft 9 in the Morning, 2. By the Tables of Oblique Afcenfion. Ŏ Deg.Min.Sec. Long. of Pleiades 26 11 37 But their oppofite Places are 1 Sun 28 28 O H. M. Pleiades m 26° 11′ 37" Lat. 40 South Ob.Defc. 17 42 Sun Remains V 28 28 o Sun fets that Day at Time of their fetting Ob.Defc, o 49 16 53 24 5 4 57 as before. Sa 3. By 260. { The Doctrine of the Sphere. 3. By the Tables of Right Afcenfions. OPERATION. Pleiades Ob. Defcéntion Sun's Right Afcenfion Remains. Sub. Time of their Setting H. M. 17.42 1, I. 46 15 52 6 9 56 in the Forenoon of the 11th Day. Example 2. What time doth Sirius fet at London the 5th Day of November ? OPERATION.: Ho. Min. Sec. IS 6 3 Semidiurnal Arch, add 4 33 Time of Southing Time of Setting 20 19 39 23 Example 3. Let the time of Saturn's ſetting be required at London, October 14, 1727? Saturn 10 8 Sun 7 I 32 S. D. M. Longit. of S 33 Lat. 0° 59' S. Remains 37 this Reduced into Time, is 6 h. 28′ 4″ the Eſtimate time of Southing, True time of Southing is Declination South Afc. Difference In Time Semidiurnal Arch add Time of Setting 6 47 19 6 25 50 I 43 20 Į 4 16 40 II 3 49 2. By • The Doctrine of the Sphere. 261 2. By the Tables of Right and Oblique Afcenfion. Oppoſite Places of { <5 Sh Deg. Min. Deg. Min. 8 34 Latit. o 59 North. H. Min 5 Ob. Defc. 7 I Ob. Defc. 56 Remain 6 S Sun fetting add 4 58 Saturn fets at II 3 as before. 1 Or thus. H. Min. 5 Ób.Afc. OR. Afc. 7 I 59 Remain 5 2 Add 60 Time of fetting II 2 as before. - ¡ \ Example 4. Let the Time of the Moon's fetting be fought November 3d, 1727, at London ? New Moon the 2d Day at 28′ paſt 4 Morning. Sun fets that Night at 4 h. 23 minutes; the time from the New Moon is 35 h. 55 minutes. Then if 24h. 48′:: 35 h. : 55': : 1 h. 11'50". Sun's Setting add Sum Eftimate time Moon ſetting 4 23 00 5 34 50 For the Moon's Place then. Deg. Min.、 Ho. Min. Place the Day at Noon in 9 4 in 12 16 O in m 2I 52 Oppofite Places are Deg. Min. Deg. Min. Ho. Min. ) E 12 16 Latit. 4 59 N. Ob. Defc. 1 58 ୦ ୪ 2 ! 52 Ob. Defc. I 40 Remain Sun fets at Time of the Moon's fetting 0 4 23 4 41 18 3 Deg. Min. 'I 12 16 Ob.D. ŏ 21 52 R.A. Remain Subtract Moon fetting Or thus: Ho. Min. 1 58 3 17 10 4I 6 4 41 as before. Or the Eſtimate time of the Moon's fetting may be found by taking the R.A. of the Sun, and the Ob.A. of the Moon to their Places on the 3d Day at Noon; and their Difference, rejecting 6 Hours, will be 4 hours 30 minutes; to which time compute the true Places of the Sun and Moon, and to thoſe Places, take out of the Tables the Right Afcen. of the Sun, and the Oblique Defcen. of the Moon, and their Difference (adding or fubtracting fix Hours) is the Time of the Moon's fetting. But if your Cafe require more Exact- nefs, you muſt to this time laft found compute the Places of the Sun and Moon. Then working as before is taught, you will obtain the true and correct time of the Moon's fet- ting. 2. To The Dottrine of the Sphere. 263 2. To find the Time of the Moon's fetting by her Semi- diurnal Arch. True Time of Southing Eftimate Time of fetting Moon's Place then ✰ II Moon's Declination South 27 Afc. Difference In time Sub. Semidiurnal Arch add Time of Moon's ſetting H. M. 1 12 4 30 39 Lat. 4° 59′ S. 1 I 40 17 2 41 3 18 52 to her Southing. 4 30 30 52 8 from 6 Hours. Obferve, by reafon of the Moon's fwift Motion, her Semidiurnal Arch is always Changing, which caufes a diffe- rence between the time of her Rifing and Setting from that Time, found by the Oblique Afcenfion or Oblique Defcen- fion. But in the fixed Stars and other Planets, whofe Motions are flow, their Rifing and Setting, found by the Semidiur-, nal Arch, will agree with the times found by the Oblique Af- cenfions, &c. Laftly I fhall fhew the Investigation of the Apparent Times of the Moon's Setting. Anno 1727, Nov. 3, Moon ſets at Mean Anomaly Moon then. Horizontal Parallax Horizontal Refraction fub. Moon's true Altitude H. M. S. 4 4I oo at London. 8 S.15 37 03 58 41 33 25 41 when her Center begins to defcend the Western Horizon. Therefore, in the Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle BZP are given B Z, the Complement of the Altitude. 89 degr. 34 min. 19 feconds, BP the Diſtance of the Moon from the North Pole of the Equinoctial 117 deg. II minutes, and ZP the Complement of the Latitude 38 degr. 28 minutes, to find the Angle BPZ, the Dif- ference $ 4 D H A B N U Æ جالية 2 264 The Doctrine of the Sphere ference of the Right Afcenfion of the Moon and Mid-Hea- ven. OPERATION. Deg. Min. Sec. Z P 38 28 O. o Complement 62 deg. 49 minutes BP 117 II BZ 89 35 19 Z 1 245 13 19 Half 122 36 39 Complement 57 deg. 23 min. 21 fec. B. Z 89 34 19 X 33 2 20 Deg. Min. 38 28 Co. Ar. 0.206168 62 49 Co.Ar. 0.050826 S. Z P S. B P S. Z 57 23 S. X 33 2 Z of the Logarithms C.f. of 24 22 9.925464 9.736497 19.918955 9.9594775 Doubled 48 44 is the Angle BPZ. R.A. add 249 21 Z.R.A. M.C. 298 5 O'sR.A.fub. 229 26 Remains 68 39, which reduced into Time, is 4h. 34 mina 36 fec. the Apparent Time of the Moon's defcending the We- ftern Horizon. If you would have the Time when the Moon's upper Limb defcends the Horizon, fubtract her Horizontal Semidiameter 15 min. 55 fec. from her Altitude 25 min. 41 fec. and you will have for the Altitude of the upper Limb 9 min. 46 fec. when it leaves our Hemiſphere; which, by working accor- ding to the preceding Method, I find it to fet at 4 h. 37 min. $ feconds. OPE- 1 The Dottrine of the Sphere. 265 1 OPERATIQ N. Moon's Altitude when her Center2 defcends the Western Horizon. Horizontal Semidiameter fub. Min. Sec. 25 41 L 15 5.5 Alt. of her upper Limb when fetting 9 46 From 90 Zen. Dift. upper Limb to BZ 80 50 BP Ꮓ Ꮲ Z half B Z fubt. 1 О } 1 14 } 。 Compl: 62° 49' 117 II 38 28 O 245 29 14 122 44 37 Compl. 579 15′ 23″ 89 50 14 X 32 54 23 S. ZP Ꮓ Ꮲ Deg. Min. 38 28 Co.Ar. 0.206168 S. B P 62 49 Co. Ar. 0.050826 S. half Z 57 13 9.924816 S. X 32 54 9.734939 1 Z Logarithms half is C.f. of 24 41 Doubled is 49 22 22 'R.A. add 249 21 R.A. M.C. 298 53 229 26 ✪ R.A. 19.916749 9.9583745 Angle BP Z, fuppofing that Scheme. to ferve for this Work. Remains 69 17 which in time is 4 h. 37 min. 8 feconds, the time that the upper Limb of the Moon defcends our Ho- rizon. And thus have I given you all the Methods of finding the Rifing, Southing and Setting of the Sun, Moon and Stars, both True and Apparent Times, which was never before ſo Methodically, and fully handied by any. 1 • PROB. 1 266 The Doctrine of the Sphere: PROB. 50. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Oblique Af cenfion of the Star or Planet, to find the Time when it will rife Cofmically. Every Star rifes with that Point of the Ecliptic, that has the fame Oblique Afcenfion with it: And confequently at the fame time with the Sun, when he poffeffes that Degree of the Ecliptic. Therefore, by Problems 5th and 6th, having found the Oblique Afcenfion of the Star, fubtract 90 degrees from it, and the remainder will be the Right Afcenfion of the Mid- Heaven at the time of the Star's Rifing: Then by the 34th Problem find the Gufp of the Afcendant; which done, fee what Day of the Month the Sun is in that Degree of the Ecliptic that is then Afcending; for that is the Day, that that Star rifeth Coſmically. Example. Let it be required, at London to find the time when the Pleiades rife Cofmically, Anno 1727 ? See the Work. Deg. Min. Sec. 261058 Longitude: ୪ Latitude North 4 00 37 Declination North 23 14 00 Pleiades Afcen. Difference fub. 32 42 Right Afcenfion 52 50 00 Oblique Afcenfion 20 8 00 Right Aſc. M. Cœli 290 80.00 Degree of the Ecliptic Afcending Ŏ 13 degr. 46 min. the Sun is in this Place of the Ecliptic about the 23d Day of April; on which Day the Sun and Pleiades rife together, Example 2. At London, I would know the Day when F- mahaunt rifes Cofmically ? Longi The Doctrine of the Sphere, 257 Deg. Min, Sec. Longitude of Fomahaunt m 20 Latitude South 59. 50 21 4. $4 Declination South 31 3 30 Afc. Difference add 49 19 Right Afcenfion Oblique Afcenfion 340 34 • 29 ·53 59. 59 31 Degr. of the Ecliptic Afc. & 29 。 The Sun is in this Place of the Ecliptic about May 10, which is the Day this Star rifes Cofmically at London. Example 3. I demand the Day that the bright Star in the Eagle will rife Cofmically at London? I fhall put down all the Work as follows. Deg. Min. Sec. Longitude of the Star MAS 27 54 54 Latitude 29 19 II Declination North 8 10 1,5 Right Afcenfion 294 20 00 Afcenfional Difference. fub. 10 24 09. Oblique Afcenfion Now by Problem 34, find the Point of the Ecliptic Aſcending. 283 56 00 from T 763-4'. Deg. Min. As Radius 90 00--10.000000 To C. f. Ob. Afc. of the Star 76 04-- 9.381643 So C. t. Latitude London 51 32. - 9.900086 To C. t. of 7.9 10-- 9.281729 Obliquity add 23 29 Z, is the ſecond Angle 102 39 Complement 770 21! } Now fay, Deg. Min, As C.f. fec. Angle 77 21 Co.Ar. 0.659566 To C. f. firſt 79 ΙΟ Sot. Ob. Afc. * 76 4 9.274049 10.605386 Tot. from A 1 74 3 10.543991 ! That 268 be Doctrine of the Sphere. ; That is 14 deg. 3 minutes, to which Place of the Eclip tic the Sun comes about the 25th Day of November, on which Day this Star rifes cofmically. This Method is more Expe- ditious, than any ever publiſhed that I know of. PROB. 51. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Oblique Defcenfion of a Star, to find the Time of its Cofmical Setting. Every Star fets with that Point of the Ecliptic, that has the fame Oblique Defcenfion with it, and confequently at the fame time as the Sun rifes, when he poffeffes that oppo- fite Point of the Ecliptic. By Problem the oth find the Oblique Defcenfion of the Star, and to it add 180 degrees; that Sum is the Oblique Af- cenfion of the Afcendant; to which find by Problem 34, the Point of the Ecliptic then Afcending, and that is the Place of the Sun, at the Time that the given Star féts cofmi- cally. > Example. What time What time at London do the Pleiades fet coſmically? See the Work. Deg. Min. Sec. Longitude Pleiades ୪ 26 10 58 Latitude Declination North Right Afcenfion. Afcen. Difference add Sum, Oblique Defcenfion Add Oblique Afcenfion 4. 00 37 23 14 00 52 50 32 42 85 32 00 180 00 00 265 32 00 Complement paſt 85 32 od > Now The Doctrine of the Sphere 26g As Radius Now fay, by Prob. 34 To C.f. Ob. Afcen. Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 85 00-- 8.891421 To C.t. Latitude To C.t. of 51 32- 9.900086 86 28- 8.791507, Obliquity Sub. 23:29 Deg. Min. As C.f. of ſec. Angle 62 · 59 Co.Ar. 0.342705 To Cf. of firft Angle 86 · 28 · So t. Ob. Afc. To t. from t 85 32 60.4 7 0 That is, 8.789787 11.107258 10.239750 4, to which place the Sun comes November the 12th Day, and that is the Day that the Pleiades fet coſmically. Example 2. Let the Day that Fomahaunt fets cofmically at London be required? OPERATION. Deg. Min. Sec. Longitude of Fomahaunt 29 Latitude Declination South Right Afcenfion 29 59 50 21 4 54 31 03 30 340 34 59 49. 19 00 Afcen. Difference Oblique Defcenfion 'Add Oblique Afcenfion Complement fhort of Degree Afcending a 291 180 III 15 59 oo oo 15 59 69 44 Ι II 5 I oo to which Place of the Ecliptic the Sun comes the 24th of July, and that is the Day fought. Example 3. What Day doth the middle Star in Orion's Belt fet cofmically at London ? 1 A Syno- The Doctrine of the Sphere. A`Synopfis of the Work. Longitude of the * Latitude South Declination South Right Afcenfion Afcenfional Difference fub. Rem. Ob. Defcenfion Add Oblique Afcenfion Compl. paft Degree Afcending m Deg. Min. Sec. I 19 38: 34 24 33 30 I 24 49 80 .34 23 I 47 00 78 47 23 180 258 47 23 78 47 23 J } } 25 16 the Sun comes to this Degree of the Ecliptic about the 6th of November, which is the Day fought. What has been faid of the Fixed Stars, the fame is to be obferved of the Planets. } 7 } 1 4 TABLE The Doctrine of the Sphere. 271 1 ATABLE of 42 Fixed Stars, with the Days when they Rife and Set cofmically at London. Cofmical CofmicaD } STARS Names. Rifing. Setting. F Irft in Pegafus's Wing, Marchab Right Shoulder of Aquarius Extream Star in the Wing of Pegaſus, Laft in the Goat's Tail Brighteft Star in the Ram's Head 1 Fan.. 1 Sept 13 9 August 18 28 Sept. 24 Feb. 7 July 31. March 4 October 24 That in the former Horn called the firft T ΙΟ 19 In the Tail of the Whale April 12 Sept. 4' Brighteft of the Pleiades 23 Nov. 12 In the Whale's Mouth, Mencar May 20 October 15 North Horn of the Bull, Foot of Auriga 15 Nov .IO Fomabaunt May 2 10 July 24 North Eye of the Bull 20 Nov. 13 In the Belly of the Whale 23 Sept. 12 South Eye in the Bull, Aldebaran 28 Nov. 13 South Horn of the Bull June 5 30 Caftori 9 Feb. 3 Pollux 22 Jan 19 Middle Star in Orion's Belt July 3 Nov 6 Hare's Thigh Leffer Dog, Procyon 19 Decemb. T 22 October 18 Great Dog's Mouth, Syrius. 31 Novemb. 5 Lyon's Heart Auguft 9 Feb: 13 Lyon's Back Hydra's Heart Lyon's Tail Deneb. 10 April 16 20 Dec. 17 22 April 15 Vindemiatrix Sept. 10 May 7 1 Ar&turus 15 June I2 Virgin's Girdle 19 April 19 Bright Star of the Crown Virgin's Spike Right Shoulder of Hercules Left Shoulder of Hercules Head of Hercules 28 July 9 October 4 March 27 6 July 12 TO 25 21 It 30 August 21 7 Swan's Bill Right Shoulder of Ophiucus,or Serpent-bearer. Novemb. 5 July Lower Wing of the Swan Vulture's Tail Right Knee of Ophiucus, or Serpent-bearer Nov. Scorpion's Heart Brighteft in the Eagle In the Thigh of Pegafus, Scheat In the Head of Andromeda 5 Sept. 15 11 Auguft. £ 16 Fane 22 May Nov. Decemb.11 Sept. PROB. 7 25 August 2 26 25 October 11 } 2.72 The Doctrine of the Sphere. PROB. 52. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Oblique Afcenfion of a Star, to find when it will rife Achronically. This Problem is folv'd in the preceding for inafmuch as the Point of the Ecliptic anfwering to the Oblique Afcenfion rifes with it; therefore its oppofite Point must be the Place of the Sun, when the Star rifes Achronically: Confequently the Cofmical Rifing and Setting being known, the Achronical Rifing and Setting of the fame Star is known alfo: As for inftance, if I would know the Degree of the Ecliptic the Sun is in when the Pleiades rife Achronically at London, ha- ving found that 13 degr. 46 min. of Taurus rifes with them,' therefore it tells me that Scorpio 13 deg. 46 min. (being the oppofite Point) will fet as the Pleiades rife; and the Sun paffes that Place about the 26th Day of October; and that is the Day at London when the Pleiades rife Achronically. But to make it more plain, I fhall give the Trigonometrical Inve- ftigation, by Prob. 34. Longitude of the Pleiades ŏ 26 Deg. Min. Sec. 10 58 Latitude North 4 00 37 23 14 00 52 50 00 Declination North Right Afcenfion Afcenfion Difference fub. Oblique Afcenfion paft Y 'As Radius To C. f. Ob. Afc. So C. t. Latitude To C. t. of Obliquity add As C. f. of ſecond Angle To C. f. of the firft So t. Ob. Afcen. To t. paft Y 1 32 22 00 20 08 00 Deg. Min. 90 00--10.000000 20 8-9.972617 51 32-- 9.900086 53 17- 9.872703 23 29 76 46 Co.Ar. 0.640321 53 17 20 8 43 46 9.776598 9.564202 9.891121 Thar The Doctrine of the Sphere. 273 That is, Taurus 13°46', and the oppofite Point of the E- cliptic thereto, is Scorpio 13º 46'; which Point the Sun comes about the 26th Day of October, the Day on which the Pleiades rife Achronically at London. Example 2. I would know the Day at London when Foma- haunt will rife Achronically at London ? SOLUTION In Page 267. I found the Degree of the Ecliptic the Sun is in to be Taurus 29° 31' when that Star rifes Cofmically; therefore the Sun muft poffefs Scorpio 29° 31 min. when the fame Star rifes Achronically, and to this Place the Sun comes about the 10th of November. PROB. 53. Given, the Latitude of a Place, and the Oblique Defcen fion of a Star, to find when it will fet Achronically. The fame Degree of the Ecliptic that defcends with the Oblique Defcenfion of the Star, is that Place that the Sun. muft poffefs when the given Star fets Achronically. There- fore, as the oppofite Point of the Ecliptic that the Sun pof- feffes when a Star rifes cofmically, makes its Achronical Ri- fing; fo the Sun muſt be in the oppofite Point of the Ecliptic when a Star fets Cofmically, to cauſe the Star's Achronical Letting. Example. At London the Day of the Achronical ſetting of the Pleiades is required. This is folved in Page 269; for there I have found that the Sun muſt be in Sagittary 09 4 to caufe their Cofmical fetting; therefore the oppofite Degree Gemini 0° 4′ muft be the Place of the Sun to cauſe their fetting Achronically; and to that Place of the Ecliptic the Sun comes the 10th Day of May. Hence, the Pleiades then fet Achronically at Lon- dan. More Examples in things fo plain were needlefs becauſe the Work of thefe two Problems, is performed in the Coſmical Rifing and Setting. } T か ​274 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ' A TABLE of 42 Fixed Stars, with the Days when they rife and fet Achronically at London. STARS Names. Fin If in Pegaſus's Wing, Marchab Right Shoulder in Aquarius Extream Star in the Wing of Pegafus Laft in the Goat's Tail Bright Star in the Ram's Head That in the former Horn. called firft * r The Brightest of the Pleiades In the Tail of the Whale In the Whale's Mouth, Mencar North Horn of the Bull, foot of Auriga Fomabaunt North Eye of the Bull In the Belly of the Whale Achron., Achron. Rifing. Setting. Fuly 6 March 11 Feb. 13 13 August 5 March 22 13 Fan. 27 Sept. 7 April 21 16 I 2 October 16 March 2 26 May 10 Nov. 15 19 April 12 May 9 20 Io Jan. 21 May 12 March 10 24 29 May Decem. 6 12 30 Decem. 10 August 6 21 July 23 South Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran South Horn of the Bull Caftor Pollux Middle Star in Orion's Belt 30 May 5 Leffer Dog, Procyon In the Hare's Thigh Jan. 14 Fune 6 In the Great Dog's Mouth, Syrius Lyon's Heart Feb. Lyon's Back Hydra's Heart S In the Tail of the Lyon 15 18 April 15 26 May 3 August 18 October 19 I Fune 17 Deneb. 18 October 18 Vindemiatrix March Ar&turus 7 Nov. 9 Virgin's Girdle 12 Dec. [I 1600ober 22 Bright Star of the Crown Virgin's Spike 17 Far. 6 April Right Shoulder of Hercules I Sept. 30 3 Fan, 9 Left Shoulder of Hercules Head of Hercules 9 Fan. 21 Swan's Bill 19 Feb. 6 16 Right Shoulder of Ophiucus, Serpentarius 27 May Lower Wing of the Swan 3 Fan. S March 5 Vulture's Tail 4 Right Knee of Ophiucus 9 Fan. 28 16 Decem. 7 Scorpion's Heart Brightest Star in the Eagle In the Thigh of Pegafus, Scheat In the Head of Andromeda Fune 22 Novem. 6 25 Jan. 29 II March 23 26 Decem. 25 From The Doctrine of the Sphere. 275 1 From the four laft Problems it is manifeft, that from the times of the Stars Cofmical Setting, to the times of their Achronical Rifing, they are visible above the Horizon, from the time of their Rifing, to the time of their Set- ting, in North Latitudes, if the Stars have South Decli- nation. And on the contrary, from the time of their Achronical Setting, to the time of their Coſmical Rifing, they are alto- gether invifible, and never appear above the Horizon from the Setting of the Sun, to his Rifing. As for inftance; Fomahaunt fets Cofmically on July the 24th, and rifes Achronically the 10th of Nobember all which time (being 109 Days) this Star riſes after Sun-fetting, and fets before Sun-rifing; confequently vi- fible from the time of its Rifing, to the time of its Set- ting. But from January 20, the time of its Achronical Setting, to May 10, the time of its Cofmical Rifing, it never appears in our Hemiſphere, but when the Sun is there, and therefore inviſible. 2. And from the time of its Cofmical Rifing May 10, to the time of its Achronical Setting January 20, it conſtantly appears above the Horizon at fome part of the Night or other. But if the Stars have North Declination, (as ſuppoſe the Pleiades) they are Vifible from the time of their Achro- nical Rifing October 26, to the time of their Cofmical Ri- fing April 23, or till they approach fo near the Sun as to become Combuft, which fhall be the Bufinefs of the next Problem. T 2 PROB. } 276 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. PRO B. 54. + Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Depreffion of a Star below the Horizon, and the Time of its Cofmical Rifing, to find the Time of its Heliacal Rifing. } It is known by Obfervation that the fmalleft fixed Stars are not vifible' till the Hemifphere is wholly free from the Sun's Rays; that is, till after the End of the Evening, and before the Beginning of the Morning- Twilight, which is, when the Sun is 18 degrees below the Horizon; and that Stars of fe- veral Magnitudes may be feen when the Sun is Depreffed below the Horizon, as is here fet down. Degrees 12 2 Stars of the 13 Magnitude, may be feen 14 below the Ho- when the Sun is rizon. 16 : 1 Example. Let the time of the Heliacal Rifing, of the Pleiades be required at London ? į You muft firft by Problem 32, find the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree in the given Latitude, to the time of the Gofmical Rifing of the Star, and the Steps of the Calculation you muft obferve as is here fet down. Lati- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 277 Deg. Min. Latitude of the given Place 51 32 N. Pleiades rife Cofmically April 23 Sun riſes that Morning at 4 35 20" 13 46 found in Page 266. 41 18 248 50 + 290 8 69 520 VS 18 35 82 7 I : 28 8 16 17 3 Complement ſhort of Y Sun's Place then Sun's Right Afcenfion Time from Noon Sum, R. A. M. Cœli Medium Cali is Meridian Angle Compleat Latiudé Declination Cul. Point South 22 Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Degr. 18 Z E A B D C D F The requifites above being found, I fhall now explain what is required in the adja- cent Figure, in which, ZH NO repreſent the Meridian of the Place, HO is the Ho- zizon, E AF the Ecliptic, Z BV, a Vertical Circle, H DCD the Parallel of De- preffion of the Pleiades 14 degrees when they become vifible, after their Conjun- ction with the Sun, inter- fecting the Vertical Circle and Ecliptic at C: Now in the Right Angled Spherical Triangle ABC, right Angled at B, there are given, B C the Stars Depreffion 14 degrees, and the Angle B A C Angle H A E, the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree, or Angle that the Ecliptic makes with the Horizon, to find A C, the Diſtance in the Ecliptic, between the Cofmical Point at A, and the Heliacal Point at C. = = N T3 ANA- 278 The Doctrine of the Sphere. A NALOGY. Deg. Min. As S. Angle BAC Alt. Nonag. 18 3-- 9.491147 To BC the Depreffion 14 00-- 9.3836.75 90 00--10.000000 To S. of the Arch A C 51 20-- 9.892528 So Radius ; 1 Which added to the Place of the Sun Taurus 13° 46', at the time of the Coſmical Rifing, gives Cancer 5° 6' for the Place of the Sun at the time of the Heliacal Rifing: To this place of the Ecliptic the Sun comes the 16th Day of of June, on which Day the Pleiades will begin to appear after their Conjunction with the Sun, and will be feen in the Morning before the Sun rifes. PROB. 55. Given, the Latitude of the Place, and the Depreffion of a Star below the Horizon, and the time of the Achronical fetting, to find the time of its Heliacal fetting. Example. Let the time of the Heliacal fetting of the Pleiades be required at London ? The time of the Achronical fetting is May 10. Sun fets that Evening at Sun's Place then Time from Noon add Sun's Right Afcenfion Right Afcenfion M. Cali Complement fhort of Medium Cœli in Ecliptic Meridian Angle Hou. Min. Sec. 7 50 20 I 00 4 found in Page275. 57 52 117 35 175 27 4 33 m 25 24 66 36 Declinat. Cul. Point North Complement Latitude add Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Degree I 58 38 28 40 26 45 41 Now The Doctrine of the Sphere. 279 } H E Now in the adjacent Fi- gure, ZHNO reprefents the Meridian of London, ZN the Prime Vertical, HO the Horizon, E AF the Ecliptic, making an Angle with the Horizon of 45 deg. 41 minutes, D CD is the Parallel of Depreffion of the Pleiades at the time of their fetting Heliacally 14°. There- D fore, in the Right-Angled Spherical Triangle ABC, there are given B C 14°, and the Angle BAC 45° 41′, to find the Arch A C, the Di- ſtance between the Achroni- cal Point and the Heliacal Point. I A ANALOG Y. As S. Angle B A C, Alt. Nonag. 45 To S. B Č the Depreffion To S. of the Arch AC So Radius ; AB P N Deg. Min. 14 41-- 9.854603 00 - 9.383675 90 00--10.000000 19 45-- 9.529072 ०० This 192 45' fubtracted from the Place of the Sun Gemini 。° 4' at the time of the Achronical fetting, leaves Taurus 10º 23', for the Place of the Sun at the time of the Heliacal fetting of the Pleiades; and to this Place of the Ecliptic the Sun comes the 20th of April, which is the laft Day of their appearing until the Day of their Heliacal Rifing, June 16: So that from April 20, to June 16, the Pleiades cannot be feen; but all the other part of the Year they may by thoſe who inhabit the North Parallel of 51° 32'. The fame Method is to be obſerved in calculating the times of the Heliacal rifing and fetting of any other Fixed Star: But for the Planers you muft obferve the Depreffion of the Sun, when they rife and fer Heliacally, as is here ſet down. T 4 Deg. 1 1 280- " The Doctrine of the Sphere. Ђ 26 Kata Deg. I I 10 I L ΙΟ 5 may be feen in the Day. 5 may be ſeen in the Day. The Knowledge of theſe Poetical Rifings and Settings of the Stars were of great Efteem among the Ancient, and were very uſeful to them in adjufting the times fet apart for their Religious and Civil Ufes; but now they ſerve no other end to us, than to inform us of the time when we may look out for a Star or Planet to make our Obſervations upon it as occafion ſhall require. PRO B. 56. of Given, the Latitude of the Place, with the Day the Month, and the Planet's Place at the time it's on the Meridian, to find the time it will be in the Nonagefime Degree. Rule. If it is the Sun, add three Signs to its Place at Noon; but if any other Planet, add three Signs to its Place at the time it is South; then with the Place of the Sun at Noon, or with the Place of the other Planet at the time of its Southing, enter the Table, fhewing when the Sun, Moon, or Star, will be in the Nonagefime De- gree, Page 82, &c. under R. A. and in the next Column on the left hand under Time, is the Right Afcenfion in Hours and Minutes; which write out, and referve. Then with the Place of the Planet, and the Sum of three Signs, en- ter the ſame Table in the Column under O. A. and against it on the left hand under Time, is the Hour and Minutes anſwer- ing, which write out alfo: Then if it is the Sun, the Diffe- rence between theſe two Quantities of time thus taken out of the Table is the Time that the Sun will be in the Nona- gefime Degree on the Day propoſed. 1 [ M But 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. But if it be a Planet or Star, then this Difference of Hours and Minutes added to the Time of its Southing will give you the Time that Day or Night that it will be in the Nonage- fime Degree. Example. Anno 1727, July 5, at London, I would know the Time that the Sun will be in the Nonagefime De- gree? OPERATIO N. Deg. Min. 4 Ho. Min. Sun's Place at Noon is 23 15 gives R.A. 7 7 40 Add 3 · 00 00 Sum 6 23 15 gívés O.A. 8 12 Difference in the Time paft Noon 32 the Sun is in the Nonagefime Degree. Example 2. September 8, What time is the Sun in the Nonagefime Degree? OPERATION. Deg. Min. Ho. Min. Sun's Place at Noon is 25 56 gives R.A. 11 45 Add Sum 3 oo oo 8 25 56 gives O.A. 13 55 2 10 the Difference in Time paft Noon Sun is in the Nonagefime Degree at London. Example 3 Anno 1727, July 15, what time will the Moon be in the Nonagefime Degree at London ? * : J OPE- 282 The Doctrine of the Sphere. OPERATION. Ha. Min. 6 47 P.M. H. Moon South at Her Longitude then 7 21 10 gives R.A. 15 15 Add 3 00 Sum 10 Oo 21 10 gives O.A. 16 51 Difference in time Southing add > in Nonagefime I 37 6 47 8 24 P.M. Example 4. Anno 1727, October 18, I would know the time the Moon will be in the Nonagefime De- gree. OPERATION. H. M. H. M. Moon South at II 53 P.M. Longitude then Ŏ 5 34 gives R.A. 2 13 fub. Add 3 00 00 } Sum 4 5 34 gives O.A. o 50 from Remain 22 37 Time of Southing add 11 53 10 30 Night. Moon in the Nonagefime Degree Example <. I would know what time the Lyon's Heart will be in the Nonagefime Degree the firſt Day of March in this Age. H. M. 53 - } 2 gives R.A. 9 H. M. South at Longitude Cor. 26 10 22 Add 3 0 O Sum 7 26 Remains Time of Southing add 2 gives O.A. 11 20 I 27 10 22 The Star is in the Nonagefime Degree at 11 49 atNight. Ex- The 283 : Doctrine of the Sphere. H. M. 51 Longit. 21 gives R.A. 6 45 Example 6. What time will the Star Syrius be in the No- nagefime Degree, February 1, in this Age? Syrius South at 8 3 10 H. M. Add 3 O ら ​Sum 6 10 21 gives O.A. 7 Remains 0, 15 Time of Southing add 8 5x Syrius is in the Nonag. Degree 96 at Night at Lon- don. PRO B. 57. Of the General ufe of Logarithms; fhewing how to find the Logarithm of a whole Number confifting of 5, 6, or ⋆ Places, &c. or of a Mixt, or of a Decimal Fraction. The Tables of Logarithms of abfolute Numbers we find Printed in moft Books of the Mathematicks; and they perform that by Addition and Subtraction, which Common Num- bers do by Multiplication and Divifion: But becauſe the Tables run no further than 10000, and in Aftronomy having frequent occafion for a Logarithm to 5, 6, or 7 Places, I fhall make it my Bufinefs in this Problem to explain what is need- ful to be underſtood in theſe Logarithms. Every Logarithm is noted with its proper Index, or Cha- racteriſtick; and thefe Indices are feparated from the rest of the Logarithm, to the Left-hand by a Dot (); as appears here below. Cha- 284 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ; I and 10 and TheCharacteriſtick of all Numbers between 100 and 1000 and 10000 and 100000 and 1000000 and 10000000 and 100 I 1000 2 10000 100000 } >is 1000000 10000000 บ 100000000 100000000 and 1000000000 1000000000 and 10000000000 7 From hence it is evident, that the Characteriſtick is al- ways lefs by one, than the Number of Places of its abfo- lute Number unto which it doth belong. And the Loga- rithm of the abfolute number Unity with ten Cyphers an- nexed is as follows. Numbers. Logarithms. 110.0000000 10 1.0000ONO 100/2.0000000 1000 3.0000000 10000 4.0000000 10000015.0000000 1000000 6.0000000 10000000 7.0000000 100000000 8.0000000 1000000000 9.0000000, And here alfo, it is to be Noted, that the Logarithm of 2, of 20, of 200, of 2000, &c. is the fame, having regard to the Characteriftick, as in this Table. ' Num- 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 285 i Logarithms. Numbers. 2 0.3010300 20 1.3010300 200 2.3010100 2000 3.3010300 20000 4.3010300 200000 5.3010300 7 0.8450980 70 1.8450980 700 2.8450980 7000 3.8450980 70000 4.8450980 700000 5.8450980 7000000 6.8450980 7.8450980 70000000 The like of any other Numbers. In the Tables, all Numbers under 100, have their Loga- rithms anſwering; but obferve to prefix the proper Chara- cteriſtick 1. thereto. 2. From 100, to 1000 in the Column under o, is the Lo- garithm anſwering. But if you want any Number from 1000 to 10000, then find the three firft Figures in the firft Column under the Number, and the Figure that ftands in the Place of U- nits at the top of the Table, and in the Angle, or Place of meeting, is the Logarithm fought, being mindful to put the proper Characteriſtick 3. So the Logarithms of 1681, you will find to be 3.2255677; any other whole Number under 10000 you have in the Tables in Mr. Hodgson's. Syftem of Ma- thematicks; which I recommend to the young Student's per- ufal. In like manner the Logarithm Num- 286 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Numb Logarithm. 54567. 3.6596310 456.7 2.6596310 45.67 1.6596310 4.567 0.6596310 •4567 1.6596310 .04567 2.6596310 of .004567 is 3.6596310 .09876 2.9945811 .9876 1.9945811 9.876 0.9945811 98.76 1.9945811 987.6 2.9945811 9876. 3.9945811 By this it appears how the Logarithm of a whole Number, a Mixt, or Decimal Fraction is found, only by changing the Characteriſtick; or thoſe with this Mark on the top of the Figure fhew they are leſs than Unity, or defficient Logarithms. Thus, if you would find the Logarithm of a Vulgar Fra- ction, fubtract the Logarithm of the Numerator, from, the Logarithm of the Denominator, taken fimply as a whole Number, the Remainder fhall be the Logarithm of the gi ven Fraction. Example. Let the Logarithm of be required? Logar. of{4}is Logar. of is 0.6020600 0.4771213 0.1249387 So you will find the Logarithm of to be 0.3010300, and of 4 to be -0.06020600, which are the Logarithm of 2 and 4, only fignified by the Sign Minus, before them to fhew they are Fractions. 2. To find the Logarithm of a Vulgar Mixt Number. 譬 ​个 ​RULE. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 287 RUL Reduce the given Mixt Number into an im- proper Fraction, and fubtract the Logarithm of the Deno- minator, taken as a Whole Number; the remainder is the Logarithm fought. Example. What's the Logarithm of 40 †? Being Reduced, is this improper Fraction 24 S2.3096302. Logar. of {204} is {3.3989700 Logar. of 40 is -1.6106602 3. To find the Logarithm of a Decimal Fraction. RULE. To the given Decimal, put its proper Deno- minator, then (as in the Vulgar) fubtract the Logarithm of the Numerator, from the Logarithm of the Denominator, and the remainder is the Logarithm of the Decimal fought. Example. What's the Logarithm of 25? With its De- nomination it will ftand thus: S2.0000000 Logar. of{100} is {2.3999400 25 1 Logar. of .25 is --0.6020600 the fame with 4 of the Vulgar Fraction found above. So likewife will you find the Logarithm of .5 to be ---0.3010300, and of 75 to be ---0.1249387. Note, that the Logarithm of a Fraction is always defective, that is, the Value thereof is always lefs than Nothing; for the Logarithm of being 0.0000000, the Logarithm of 2, c. which is less than 1, muft needs be less than nothing; and by how much a Fraction approaches nearer to 1, by fo much leſs is the Quantity of its Logarithm ; as in the Logarithm of the Fractions above, you fee that the Lo- garithm of is less than the Logarithm of, and the Lo- garithm of is lefs than the Logarithm of 4, &c. 4. To find the Logarithm of a Decimal Fraction another way. RULE. Find the Logarithm of the given Decimal (without the Characteriftick) as if it were a Whole Num- ber; that done, take the Complement Arithmetical of that Logarithm, and place before it, its proper Characteriſtick, which must confit of fo many Units as there are Cyphers before the Decimal Fraction, and that is the Logarithm fought. Exam- 288 The Doctrine of the Sphere. Example: „What's the Logarithm of this Decimal 75 ? The Logarithm of 75 as whole is Subtract it from Logarithm of .75 is - 1.8750613 1.0000000 0.1249387 5. How to find the Logarithm of a Decimal Mixt Num ber. RULE. Seek the Logarithm of the Number given, as if it were whole, without the Characteriſtick, and place be- fore it the proper Characteriſtick belonging to the whole Part thereof, and that fhall be the Logarithm of the given mixt Number. Example. What's the Logarithm of this Mixt Num- ber 40.8? The Logarithm of 408 taken as a whole Number is 6106602; before which prefix 1. the proper Characteri ſtick to the whole Number 40, gives for the Logarithm of 40.8---1.6106602. After the fame manner will you find the Logarithm of this Mixt Decimal 9.876 to be 0.9945811. 6. To find the Logarithm of any abfolute Number confiſt- ing of 5 Places. For this purpofe Sir Jonas Moor in his Math. Comp. and Harris in his Lexicon, have a Table of proportional Parts with the Difference of each Logarithm, whoſe uſe is this; ſuppoſe the Logarithm of 35786 were required; feek the Logarithm of the four firft Figures towards the Left, viz. 3578 which is 3.553640 and the common Difference is 121; with this Difference enter the Tables of Parts proportional (in either the fore-cited Books) in the Column under Diff. and then Lineally againſt that Number, and under 6 (the Fi- gure in the Unit's place of the given Number 35786) you will find 72, the proportional Part; this being added to the Logarithm of 3578 viz. 3.553640, makes 4.553712. But becauſe theſe proportional Parts are not always Printed with the Tables of Logarithms, and confequent- ly do not fall into the hands of every Buyer of Mathema- tical Books, therefore for this reafon I fhell fhew how to find the Logarithm of an abfolute Number confifting of 5, 6, or 7 Places without the help of thoſe Tables of propor tional Parts. Exam- The Doctrine of the Sphere. 289 Example. Let the Logarithm of 35786 as before be requi- red ? Taking away the 6 from the Unit's Place, the Logarithm of 3578 is 3.6536403 and of 3579 is 3.5537617 Difference Multiply by Product 1214 6 728.4 Log.of 3578 add.5536403 Log.of 35786--4.553713 1 1 Note, Ever mind to cut off from the Product fo many Fi- gures to the right Hand as you multiply the common Diffe- rence by. 7. To find the Logarithm of any Abfolute Number confift- ing of 6 Places. RULE. Take the Logarithm out of the Canon to four Places to the left Hand of the Abfolute Number; and alfo the next greater Logarithm; and take the Difference of theſe two Logarithms, and Multiply it by the two Figures that wère taken away from the Right Hand of the Abfolute Number; from the Product cut off two Figures to the Right Hand, and add the other part of the Product to the Logarithm of the four Figures firft taken out of the Canon; that Sum is the Logarithm fought. Example. Let the Logarithm of 101265 be fought ? OPERATION. Logar. of Logar. of 1012 is 3.0051805 1013 is 3.0056094 Difference 4289 Multiply by Product 65 21445 25734 2787.85 3.0051805 5.0054593 Ever remember Logar. of 1012 add Logar, of 101265 is 1 i V [Q 290 The Doctrine of the Sphere. to prefix its proper Characteriſtick, which here is 5, be- cauſe the number of Places of the Abfolute Number were Six. 8. To find the Logarithm of any Abfolute Number con- fifting of feven Places. Example. Let it be required to find the Logarithm of 1012659 ? OPERATIO N. Logar. of< 1012 is 3.0051805 1013 is 3.0056094. Difference 4289 Multiply by 659 38601 41445 25734 Product add 3026.451 ToLogar. of 1012 .0051805 1 Anſwer was required. 6.0054831 is the Logarithm of 1012659 as And likewife you will find the Logarithm of 1367631 to be 6.1359699. Now to prove that 6.1359699 is the true Logarithm of 1367631, take of 6.1359699, and it is 2.0453233, and the Cube Root of 1367631 is 111. This done, I look into the Canon, or Table of Logarithms, and I find that 2.0453233 is the Logarithm of 111. Which proves that 6.1359699 is the true Logarithm of 1367631. Note, That taking of a Logar. Extracts the Cube Root of its Abfolute Number; and take the of any Lo- gar. and you will have the Square Root of its Abfolute Number. PROB. The Doctrine of the Sphere. 291 3 PROB. 58. A Perfect Logarithm being given, to find the Ab- folute Number thereunto belonging... } If the Characteriſtick of a Logarithm be under 4, then its Abfolute Number is under 10000, and is eafily found in the Tables of Logarithms: But if the Characteriftick be 4, 5, 6,7, &c. then the Abfolute Number will exceed the Verge of the Tables; and obferve this Rule: By what has been faid in Page 284. you may fee, that when the Characteri- ftick is 4, that then the Abfolute Number will confift of $ places; make the Characteriftick 3, and look in the Ta- bles for the given Logarithm, or the neareſt thereunto, and take the Difference between the given Logarithm, and the neareſt in the Tables: Alfo take the Difference between the greater and leffer Logarithm, and ſay, As the whole Difference of the two Logarithms in the Table, which is greater and leffer than your given Lóga- rithm, Is to the Difference between the next leffer Logarithm found in the Table, and your Logarithm given; So is 10, To the Figure that is to ſupply the Unit's Place of the Ab- folute Number. But if the Characteriſtick be 5, Then fo is ICO, To the two Figures that are to fupply the Places of the Units and Tens in the Abfolute Number But if the Characteriſtick be 6, then fo is 1000, To the three Figures, that are to fupply the Units, Tens, and Hundreds Places of the Abfolute Number. Example. Let the given Logarithm be 4.5537131, and its Abfolute Number required? 1 V 2 OPE 292 The Doctrine of the Sphere. OPERATION. By Changing its Index to 3, it will then be 3.5 5 371 31 Neareſt lefs in the Tables is 3578 Difference Logarithm of 3578 is 3.5536403 Difference 3579 is 3.5537617 1214 3.5536403 728 . Now Say, As 1214: 728 :: Io:6, which put in the Unit's place of 3578 it makes 35786 for the Abfolute Number fought," Example 2. Let the Logarithm be 5.0054592; I demand the Abfoute Number anſwering thereunto 254 OPERATION. By changing the Characteriſtick to 3, the neareſt Number in the Tables is 1012. Logarithm of 1032 is 3.0051805 Difference of{ 1033 13.0056094 Given Logarithm is Logarithm of 1012 is Difference 4289 11 11 1 3.0054592 3.0051805 2787 Now Say, As 4289 2787: 100: 65, which put in the Unit's and Tens Places of the Number 1012, it makes it 101265, which is the Abfolute Number anſwering the given Logarithm. Example 3. Let the Logarithm given be 6.0054631, and the Abfolute Number required? ļ PE ! The Doctrine of the Sphere. 293 } OPERATION. By changing the Index to 3, the Number in the Table an- fwering the neareſt leſs, is 1012. Given Logarithm is Logar. of 1012 is Difference Logar. of 1012 is 3.0051805 of{ 1013-is 3.0056094 Difference 4289 1 3.0054631 3.0051805 2826 Now Say, 1 As 4289 2826: 1000: 659 which put to the right Hand of the Number 1012, makes it 1012659, which is the Abfo- lute Number anſwering to the given Logarithm. 1 1 PRO B. 59. To Draw a Tangent-Line to a given Circle. This Problem being mislaid when the Spheric Geometry was Printed off, is the reafon it is placed here. Open the Compaffes to any convenient Extent, and on the Center A, draw the given Circle; fet one Foot in D (in any part of the Circum- ference) and ſweep the Semicircle A BC; Draw A B, the Radius of the given Circle from its Center, to the Circumference. where the Semi- D FA A 1 1 circle V 3 294 The Doctrine of the Sphere. ;.. circle interfects it; then Draw B C to meet the Diameter of the Semicircle, at C, and 'tis done; fo fhall B C be a true Tangent to the given Circle, as was required: Becauſe the Angle A B C is a right Angle, as being made in a Semi- circle; as per Euclid 31, 3. PROB. 60. Shewing the Ufes of the Tables, in the Appendix to the Doctrine of the Sphere. The firft Table gives you by Infpection the Golden Num- ber and Epacts in both Accounts for any Year of our Lord from 1700, to 1799, incluſive. To find them Arithmetically. For the Golden Number, add 1 to the preſent Year, and divide the Sum by 19; the Remainder is the Golden Number, and the Quotient is the Revolution that the Sun and Moon have made fince the Birth of Chrift. • 1 For the English Epact, multiply the Golden Number by 11, and divide the Product 30; what remains, is the E- pact. W! } For the Roman Epact, fubtract 11 from the English Epact (until the Year 1800) and the Remainder is the Roman E- ract. 2. The fecond Table gives you the Dominical Letters in both Accounts till the Year 1800. To find them Arithmetically.. For the English Sunday- Letter, divide the Year, its 4th Part, and 4 by 7; the Remainder fubtract from 7, gives you the Number of the Letter, as is here fet down. · I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. For the Roman Letter, divide the Year, and its 4th Part by 7, the Remainder fubtract from 7, gives you the Num- ber of the Roman Letter reckoned as above. Alfo by the firſt part of the Work you will difcover whether it be Leap-year or what Year paft; for if 1 remain when you divide the Year by 4, then 'tis the firft paft Leap-year; if 2 remain, 'tis the 2d paft; if 3 remain, 'tis the 34 paft; but if nothing re- main, 'tis Leap-year. 3. The ; The Doctrine of the Sphere. 295 3. The next Table is a perpetual Table of the Number of Direction, whofe ufe is to find out the Moveab e Feafts and Westminster-Terms Yearly. How to find it Arith- metically I have fhewed in the Definitions, under the Words Number of Direction. 4. Enter the 4th, 5th, and 6th Tables with the Number of Direction in the firft Column on the left hand for the given Year, and right againſt it you have all the Moveable Feaſts and Terms for the faid Year, in the English Account. Arithmetically. Seek the Epact for the Year propoſed; and if it is lefs than 28, or 29, ſubtract it from 47; but if it be 28 or 29, fubtract it from 77, the remainder is the Day of the Month in March or April, or Eafter Limit for that Year; which if it be less than 31, look in the Month of March, and count on from that Day or Limit, till you come to the Sunday-Letter for that Year; for that is Eafter-Day. But if the Limit ex- ceed 31, fubtract 31 from it, and count in April from the Day or Limit, until your reckoning end at the Dominical Letter for the given Year, and that gives you Eafter-Day in April. Or having the Dominical Letter for any given Year, number it as above fet down, and add 4 to it always; this Sum take from the Limit, and what remains, is Eafter-Day in March, if the remainder was less than 32; but in April, if it was more than 31. Secondly, In our Common-Prayer-Book we have the Prime or Golden Number in a Column to the left Hand in every Month, whofe uſe at firſt was to find the New Moons, and Eafter-Day; but Time has worn out the firſt, and now made it uſeleſs; but its other uſe ſtands good now, and will direct you to Eafter-Day in any Year in the English Account, if you carefully obferve this Rule, In March after the firft C, Look the Prime where ever it be, The third Sunday after that, Eafter-Day fhall be; And if the Prime on Sunday be Then reckon that for one of the three. 1 V 4 For 286 The Doctrine of the Sphere., ! For the Roman-Eafter fee the following Table, which fhews it by Infpection for this Century; and the Difference in Days every year from the English Eafter. 5. The Table fhewing what Day of the Week begins any Month is very plain; for having the Dominical Letter for the given Year, find that from the Head, and guide your Eye down from it till you come right against the Month, and there is the Name of the Day of the Week that begins that Month. 6. The next Table fhews you the Day of the Week any Day of the Month falls on in both Accounts; for in the firſt Column you have the Julian or English Months, ftanding a- gainst the Letter (in the firſt Column of Letters) that begins the Month it ftands againft: And in the laſt Column to the Right Hand are the Gregorian or Roman Months, ftanding a- gainst the Letter that begins the Month. 31. Under the Dominical Letters are the Day of the Month to Then fuppofe I would know what Day of the Week the 25th Day of October falls on in both Accounts 1727 ? For the English, firft, find the Sunday-Letter A, in the firſt Column October; and becauſe I find it ftands againſt the Sun- day-Letter, that informs me that the 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 Days are all Sundays, and that the 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, are all Mondays, and the 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 are all Tuesdays in October, and January, &c. as the Figures underneath fhew. And the 4, 11, 18, 25 are all Wednesdays, &c. For the Roman, their Sunday- Letter is E which I feek in the fame Line right against October on the Right Hand, and call E Sunday, F Monday, G Tuesday, A Wednesday, which is the firſt Day of the Month: Then I go to the Fi- gures; and becauſe the 1ft is Wednesday, the 8, 15, 22, 29 are Wednesdays, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 are Thursdays, the 3, 10, 13, 24, 31 are Fridays, and 4, 11, 18, 25 Days Saturdays in October in the Roman Account. But for this purpoſe (in the English Account) I have given you Expeditious Ta- bles in my System of the Planets Demonftrated, Prin- ted for Mr. Wilcox in Little-Britain, and for Mr. Heath in the Strand. The 7. The Doctrine of the Sphere. Line a Month is Head abc 7. The Table for the Number of Da, s is obvious co meaneft Capacity; for find the Month in the the Head, and under it in the Came Column in a the Number of Days from any Day of the Month to the fame Day of the Month in any other Moths: As, from August 29, to January 29, 15 153 Days; the like of any. other. And this is ufeful in computing the man Place of the Moon's Nodes; for knowing the Place of the No th Node any one Year, (as fuppofe January 1, 1727 he in o S. 4° 27' 25'', and I would have its mean place October 25 next following,) I look into this Table, and find om Ja- nuary 1, to October 1, 273 Days; to which add 24 Days, make 297 Days from January 1, to October 25 Inclufive: Then becauſe the mean Diurnal Motion of the Node Retrograde is 3'11" 191" ×297 15° 45' 27" for the Mean Motion of the Node in that Time, which fubtracted from the Place of the Node January 1, 4° 27' 25" leaves 18° 41′ 58″ for the Mean Place of the Node October 25, as was required. All the other Tables in the Appendix are ſo obvious to the meaneft Capacity, that nothing needs be faid by way of Ex- planation. 8. For the Moon's Age, add to the Epact for the given Year the Day of the Month, and the Number of the Months, as is here fet down; and if the Sum is under 30, that is the Moon's Age; but if it exceed 30, caft away 30, and the remainder is the Age of the Moon. The Months muft be Numbred thus: 1 2 I 2 3 4 5 6. 8 January February March April May June July August September ΙΟ ΙΟ October November December. 9. For the Day of the New Moon, add the Number of Months, and the Epact together, and fubtract the Sum from 30; but if the Sum exceed 30, fubtract it from 59, and the remainder is the Day of the New Moon according to her Middle Morion. The Day of the Full Moon is gained by fubtracting the a- bove mentioned Sum from 15; but when Subtraction cannot be made, borrow 30 Days, and the remainder will give you the Day of the Full Moon according to her Mean Motion. PROB. 1 208 The Doctrine of the Sphere. PROB. 61. Shewing the Use of Shakerley's Logistical Loga rithms. Theſe Logarithms are of excellent uſe in all forts of A- ftronomical Calculations, either in Time or Motion, the Fi- gures running along the Head of the Table beginning with 。 under Motion, and fo on with 1, 2, 3, 4, to 6o, are either Degrees, Minutes, or Seconds, &c. as the Cafes require. If they be Degrees, then the firft Column of Figures are Minutes; if they be used as Minutes, then thoſe in the first Column are Seconds, as they are entitled; and the Logi- ftical Logarithm anſwering thoſe Degrees, Minutes, or Se- conds, may be uſed in reſpect of Motion; and thoſe Fi- gures in the Column under H, are the Hours and Minutes of Time, and run to 24 Hours. Lastly, the Line of Figures on the Head of the Table beginning with o, 60, 120, 180, C c. to 3540, are the Minutes in fo many Hours as the Fi- gure above reprefents; or they are the Seconds in fo many Minutes as is contained in the Figure over them: Theſe are uſeful to find the Curtated Diftance of a Planet from the Sun, or Earth: I fhall give in each an Example. 1. If the Sun Apparently move 2' 27" in an Hour, or 60' Time, what will it move in 57′ 30″? OPERATION. H. Min. Sec. If Give What Answer I or 60 on L.L. 10.00000 2 27 57 30 2 21 8.61101 9.98152 8.59253 reject Radius. Se. The Dottrine of the Sphere. 299 Secondly, the fame Proportion wrought in reſpect of Time. } If one Hour " Co.Ar. 1.38021 Give 2 27 8.61101 What 57 30 8.60131 Answer 2 21 8.59253 reject Radius. Lastly, Suppoſe the Mean Anomaly of Mercury be 8 S. 39 16' 50" what's the true Logarithm of his Diſtance from the Sun ? S. Deg. is 4.563022 S8 4 is 4.564704 8 3 Logar. of of{ Difference 1682 Now to find the Logiftical Logarithm of this Difference 1682, you muſt feek on the Head of the Table, and there un- der 28 you will find 1680; then take the 2 in the firſt Co- lumn, and the Common Angle is 966952, the Logiſtical Lo- garithm of 1682. If one Degree or Give that Difference What will Answer 420 + 53 1 Now fay, Min. Sec. бо o LL 10.00000 1682 } 9.66952 9.44802 472 9.11754 reje& Radius. 16 50 That is, you find 420 at the top of the Table, and 52 in the firft Column to the left Hand; which added together, make 472. Now becaufe the Planet is in the Aſcending Part of the Orbit, the Logarithm of its Diſtance from the Sun increaſes; therefore you muſt add the proportional Part 472 to the Logarithm of the Anomaly 8 S. 30= 4.563022, and the Sum is 4.563494, the Logarithm of Mercury's Di- ftance from the Sun, anſwering to his Mean Anomaly 8 S. 3° 16′ 50″:. And thus you must proceed at all times in finding the Logarithms of the Planets Diftances from the Sun; becauſe the Logarithms and Equations of the Planets are 300 The Doctrine of the Sphere. are Calculated only to even Degrees of their Mean Anoma- lies; but it generally falls out in finding the Planets Places from Aftronomical Tables, that their Mean Anomalies at the time fought, contain odd Minutes and Seconds, which muſt be accounted for as above. The further and general Uſe of theſe Logiſtical Loga- rithms I have fhewn in Problem 39,, in finding the Paral- laxes. PROB. 62. Shewing the Use of Street's Logistical Logarithms. Theſe Logiſtical Logarithms were firſt Printed in Street's Aftronomia Carolina; and run only to 60; but I have conti- nued them to twice that Number, viz. to 120' or 2 Hours in Time; they ferve expeditiously to find the proportionalPart in any Aftronomical Calculation. In which, the Top-line of large Figures which run from o to 119, may be taken as De- grees, Minutes, or Seconds, either in Time or Motion, as the Cafe requires; and the firft Column of every Page may be either Minutes, Seconds, or Thirds; that is, if the Fi- gures on the Head be taken as Degrees, then theſe in the firft Column are Minutes; but if the other be Minutes, then theſe are Seconds, &c. And the Figures in the fecond Line beginning with o, and running to 3540, are the Minutes in the Degree that ftand above them: Or they are the Se- conds in thoſe Minures. And theſe are of uſe in finding the proportional Part of large Differences in the Logarithms of the Planet's Diftances from the Sun. To find a Logiſtical Logarithm to any Degrees and Mi- nutes, look for the Degree on the Head; and the Minutes in the firft Column on the left Hand, and in the Common Angle or Place of Meeting is the Logarithm fought. As, fuppofe, you want the Logarithm of 200 15' or of 20' 15", you'll find it to be 4717; and the Logarithm of 24 Hours you'll find after the fame manner 3979; always re- membring when you work by theſe L. L. to reject Radius 10000. And I generally uſe theſe for finding the Proportional Parts, rather than Shakerley's; becauſe there are fewer Fi- gures in them: But in my Practice I generally ufe a Sli- ding- The Doctrine of the Sphere.. 30I } ding-Rule, which I recommend to the ingenious Student, and fuch a one as is lately improv'd by my ſelf and Mr. Fowler, Inftrument-Maker, and Sold by him at the Globe in Sweeting's Alley by the Royal Exchange, London, as Advertiſed in the Ninth Edition of Everard's Stereometry. Example. Let the Mean Anomaly of Mars be 2S. 17° 25′ 38", I demand the true Equation, and Logarithm of his Di- ftance from the Sun at that time? S. 0 OPERATION. To{21}is Equation< Differences Q 11 10 4 00 10 7 29 29 Logar. 329) { 5.195244 5.194606 636 Now for the Equation, fay, by the L.L. 1 " If one Degree or 60 00 LL Give the X 3 29 12341 What Anomaly 25 38 3693 16034. • Anfw. Propor, Part I 30 Now. becauſe the the Equation is increafing, this Proportional Part 1 min. 30 muft be added to the Equation anſwering 2 Signs 17 degrees, and it makes 10 deg. 5 min. 30 fec. the true Equation to be fubtracted. For the Logarithm, fay, by the L.L. -y " If one Degree or 60 00 LL Give X 7528 What Anomaly 3693 Anfw Propor. Part 11221. 636. 25-38 272 Here becauſe the Planet is going towards his Perihelion; the Logarithm of his Diſtance from the Sun decreafes; therefore the Proportional Part 272 muft be fubtracted from the logarithm anfwering to 2 S. 170, and there will remain 5 194972, the Logarithm of the Diſtance of Mars from the Sun And after the fame manner you muſt alwas find the Pla- nets Equation and Logarithm-Distance from the Sun or Earth anſwering to their Mean Anomalies; at the time when you feek their Places. What .. The Doctrine of the Sphere. ૩૦૮ What other Varieties may fall in your way in ufing thefe Logiftical Logarithms, may be known by the following Ex- amples; by which you may fee when to add, and when to fubtract the Logarithms, according as they are more or leſs than 60 Minutes. }add 14075 All Varieties of working by Street's Logistical Logarithms. " 60 。 LL If Give 2 27 What 57.3° Anſw. 2 21 ܐ 13890 add. 185 // 26 17 LL 60 co 3558 fub. I 49 15.563 from 3 48 11978 If 60 0 LL O 32 8 LL 2712 from Give 2 24 What 75 9 13979 fub. fub. 977 60 00 O 57 20 197 fub. Anſw. 3 0 13002 47 4 2515 60 0 LL O 36 21 104 53 63.34 2176 fub. 2426 from 34 19 LL 2426 from 60:00 79 1739 38:1801 fub. 138 34 59 17 625 } 250 60 0 LL 33 19 LL 2555 63 41 258 from бо O 58 48 88 fub. 60 8 Sada add 62 24 170 108 17 2564 60 0 LL 88 21 LL 1680 40.45 1680 88-21 1680S fub. ·60·00 2 O fub. 40 45 1688 60 60 60 0 88 22 LL 69 0 LL 60 о 70 670 fub. 69 17 1680 from O 625 ſub. 46 0 1154 from 47 3 1055 53.40 484 16 j 1 The Doctrine of the Sphere. +393 fub. IOCCO 52 2 27 7421 11717 occo } "} O 16 2 LL Six Digits 4 15 1° 35 25 # 5731 fub. 24 "61 0 o L.L. 3979 add 7782 from 1000 }à 11498} 15767 © 16 8 LL 5704 6º 00 4 IO }à IO O Sum 4050 fub. 3732 24 0 L.L.C.A.6021 25 25 h. 14 38 D 16 40 LL 5563 add 10000 à 9 27 62 0 142 to 5 46 6128 Sadd 8027) 10176 Sum 5705 fub. Omit an Unit to the left Hand. 58 26LL.CoAr.885 220 19 4295 23 O O 3979 Sadd -ad dd 9 27 2494 > 16 40 LL 60 O O 38 20 13 48 0 Or thus: 5563 fub. 10000 1946 } à 6383 D14 52 L.L.C.A. 3941 S 13 53 6358 6° O O 50 14 20 24 16 15 o L.L. 48 0 3979 from 969 2838 add 31 13 Sum 3807 fub. + 21 24 " 1392 fub. 4477 Or thus: 92 42 L.L. 24 O 18907 3979 add dd 82 41 Co.Ar. 8608 24 0 92 42 L.L. 18932 3979 3}add Sum 5869 from 10000 add 82 41 772 4713 21 24 4477. 62 26 172 Or thus: 24 0 L.L. 3979 48 o Co. Ar. 03: add 31 г3 Co.Ar 7162 f 19 40 L.L. 4844 fub. 24 O 7 3 add 13279 from 39792 9300 62 22 172 8 36 8435 Or 9304 The Doctrine of the Sphere. 1 # 3979 add 9300 " Or thus: 19 40 Co.Ar. 5156 24 O 7 3 90.0 。 L.L. 1761 add 661 }add 1499 fub. 5.1.31 84 44 Sum 2422 from 836 8 36 8435 48 31 923 19 49 L.L. 4211 ASA રે 47 51 26 22 3571 1982 add 90 Or thus: 0.L.L. 1761 51 31 661 Sadd 4554 fub. 84 44 Co.Ar.8500) 63 40 257 48 41 922 Or thus: 19 49 L.L. 4811 26 22 Co. Ar.6429 60 o L.L. O 87 46 1651 fub. 47 51 Co.Ar. 017 Sadd Sadd 32 44 2632 from 47 52 981 63 40 257 60 o L.L. 87 46 1651 from 84 57 L.L. 1910 6º 43 22 66 45 0 9506 Sadd 397 fub. 42 58 1450 fub. 6251 201 118 OLL.C.A.7063 11016from Z 100 20° 84 52 5º 12 9 10619 1.. 71 12 L.L. 7 12 2 2 7457 9208 Sadd 14699) nici 24652 ? 0 12 40 5 }add 80 10 L.L. 1258 1752 add 4664) 7,674 Sum I L.L. 537 Sub. às. 72 9 115 27 L.L. 2842 from 60 о 81 12 + 1315 ſub. 1527 111 48 L.L. 2702 53 40 60 0 28 49 120 484 add O 3186 0 L.L. 30107 1197 Sadd 1107 20 30- 10 15 46 30 53 3 2 12952 add 46 30 2.52 13208 18 I 5224 .26170 Sum. 0 10 25633 2233 add 1506. 802 42 13 AN AN APPENDIX, &c. A Table fhewing the Golden Number and Epacts in both Accounts, to the Year 1800. 1 1 Rom. Epact. Gold. Numb. Engl. Epact. Anno Domini. 10/20 9 1700 1719 1738 | 1757 1776 1795 II I 20 1701 1720 1739 1758 1777 1796 12 12 I 1 1702 1721 1740 1759 1778 1797 13 23 12 1703 1722 1741 1760 1779 1798 14 423|| 1704 1723 17421761 1780 1799 1515 4 1705 1724 1743 1762 1781 16 26 15 1706 1725 1744 1763 1782 17 7 26 1818 7 19 29 18 1707 1726 1745 1764 1783 | 1708 1727 1746 1765 | 1784 1709 1728 1747 1766 1785 1728|1747 111 29 1710 1729 1748 1767 1786 222 11 1711 1730 1749 1768 1787 1 II 33 22 1712 1731 1750 1769 1788 414 31713 1732 1751 1770 1789 5 25 14 1714 1733 1752 1771 1790 6 625 1715 1734 1753 1772 1791 717 6 1716 1735 1754 1773 1792 828171717 | 1736 1755 | 1774 1793 9| 9|28||1718|17371756|1775 | 1794 Seek the Year of our Lord, and right againſt it on the left Hand you have the Roman and English Epacts, with the Golden Number under their proper Titles for the Year propofed. + X 306 An APPENDIX to the i ་ A Table fhewing the Cycle of the Sun, and Dominical Let- ters in both Accounts for 100 Years. Letter Rom. Letter Engl. Cycle Sun. Anno Dom. F|D C|| 1702 1728 1756| 1784 BAFE I 2 E 3 4 C BAG 5 6 G F C E B a DCAG 10 B F D II A E AGE 1701 1729 1757 1785 1702 1730 1758 1786 1703 1731 1759| 1787 1704 17321760 1788 1705 1733 1761 1789 17061734 1762 || 1790 1707 1735 1763 | 1791 1708 1736 1764 | 1792 1709 1737 1765 1793 1710 1738 1766| 1794 1711 1739 1767 1795 1712 1740 1768 1796 1713 1741 176 1797 12 G D 13 F EC B 14 D 15 C 16 B F 1714 17421770 1798 1715 17431771 1799 17 A GE D 18 F C 19 E 20 D BA 1716 17441772 1717 1745 1773 1718 1746 1774 1719 1747 1775 21 C BG F 1720 1748 1776 22 2222 23 24 AGF E 1721 1749 1777 D 1722 1750 1778 25 E DBA C 1723 1751 1779 2222 1724 1752 1780 26 C G 1725 1753 1781 27 B F 1726 1754 1782 172717551783 28 A E Find the Year of our Lord, and againſt it on the left Hand is the Cycle of the Sun, and Sunday Letter in both Ac- counts. 1 1 1 1 Doctrine of the SPHERE. 307 A Table fhewing the Number of Direction Gold. No.3 +/NO N∞ for ever. A BCDEFG 20 | 21 | 22 2∞ 16 17 18 I 19/20 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 26 27 28 29 19 13 14 15 | | 30 24 25 16 17 5 6 7 8 2 34 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 33 34 35 29 30 31 32 9 19/20 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 ΙΟ 12 13 7 8 9 26 27 28 29 19 20 21 15 30 31 32 10 11 II Year to the 1582 October 5 Add 10 1600 IO 1700 II 24 Febr. 1800 12 1900 13 2000 B 13 2100 14 2200 15 2300 16 2400 B 16 2500 17 2600 18 2700 19 2800 B 19 2900 20 3000 21 3100 22 3200 B 22 3300 23 3400 24. 13500 25 A Table to reduce the Julian Gregorian. II 12 16 17 1 13 5 6 7 8 9; 10 14 25 27 28 29 23 24 25 15 16 17 34 17 12 13 14 15 5 6 7 I 2 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 19 33 34 28/29 | 30 | 31 | 32 Enter this Table with Gol- den Number on the Left-hand, and Dominical Letter on the Head for the given Year, and in the place of Meeting is the Number of Direction for the faid Year. J X 2 308 An APPENDIX to the after geffima quagef. 123 + 2 2 2 2 aulaw 78 22mm a ΙΟ II A Table fhewing the moveable Feaſts in both Accounts for ever. NoDi. Sundays Septua- Quin- First Epiph, Sunday. | Sunday. 1 Jan. 18 Feb. 1 Feb. 4 Middle Eaſter Day of Lent. Lent Day, Sunday. March 1 Mar. 22 I 19 ! I 20 2 21 22 23 24 25 234 5 2. 23 6 3 24 4 7100 4 25 56 78 8 5 26 9 ΙΟ I Į 27 78 28 29 26 12 9 30 27 10 13 ΙΟ 31 3 28 II 14 11 April 1 12 3 29 12 15 12 2 13 14 17 MMM m', m M. H. NI2 2. 2 2 2 2 2 ala amm 19 20 21 22 23 ao 3 3 Feb. 3 3 4 4 4 33 30 13 16 13 31 14 17 14 34 I 4 4 4 9 24 4 10 1 2 3456 2 2 2 2 78 15 18 15 .5 16 19 16 6 17 18 78 20 17 21 18 19 22 19 789 20 23 20 IO 21 22 23 24 AWN I 24 25 26 27 2222 21 II 22 12 23 13 24 14 25 5 II 26 5 12 27 5 13 28 5 14 2222 25 28 26 Mar. I 27/ 28 2222 25 15 26 16 27 17 3 28 18 29 5 15 Mar. 30 /www 5 16 5 17 б 18 333 33 19 34 20 +234,56 I 4 29 19 5 30 20 31 21 7 April 1 22 ୨ 35 21 7 ΙΟ 234 23 24 41 25 Doctrine of the SPHERE. 309 Sunday. I Apr. 261 Apr. 30 May 10 May 17 27 May I 3 28 2 A Table fhewing the moveable Feafts in both Accounts for ever: |N.Di. Năm Rogat. Afcent. White Trinity Sundays after Advent Day. Sunday. Sunday. Trinity. Sunday. 27 Nov. 29 II 12 1 2 18 27 30 19 27 Dec. I 4 29 3 13 20 27 2 ا 30 4 14 21 27 3 May 1 1 2 3 15 22 26 Nov. 27 6 16 23 26 28 7 17 24 26 29 4 8 18 IO 9 19 II 12 ΙΟ 20 13 14 15 раз II 21 2-2 2 2 25 26 30 26 26 Dec. 27 26 28 26 1 2 3 I 3 1:00 12 22 29 25 Nov. 27 13 23 30 25 28 10 14 24 31 25 29 「5. II 15 25 June I 25 30 17 18 78 12 16 26 2 25 Dec. I 13 17 27 3 25 2 19 14 18 28 4 25 3 22 w/www/ K N N N N N N N N 20 15 19 29 24 Nov. 27 16 20 30 24 28 17 21 31 7 24 29 18 22 June I 24 19 23 2 བ བ 8 24 30 24 Dec. I 20 24 3 10 124 2 26 21 22 22 25 4 II [24 3 26 12 23 Nov. 27 23 27 13 23 28 24 28 7 14 23 29 25 29 15 23 30 26 30 9 16 23 Dec. I 32 27 3 I ΙΟ 17 23 2 33 28 June 34 29 35 30 123 II 18 23 3 I 2 19 22 Nov. 27 13 20 22 28 310 An. APPENDIX to the A Table fhewing the moveable Terms for ever. No.Di Eafter Easter Trinity Term Term Term I rinity Term Begins. Ends. Begins. Ends. April 8 May 41 May 22, June 10 1 2 3 4 78 . 9 5 23. II 10 24 12 II 7 25 13 12 8 26 14 13 27 15: 14 ΙΟ 28 16 IS ΙΣ 29 17 9 16 12 IO 17 13 mm 30 18 31 19 ΙΙ 1.18 14 June 1 20 12 19 15 2 21 ? 1 13 20 16 3 22 14 21 17 4 23 15 16 56 1.22 18 5 24 23 19 125 1.7 24 20 26 7 ·18 25 21 .∞ 8 27 19 26 22 28 9 20 27 23 ΙΟ 29 21 28 24 I I 30 22 29 25 12 July I 23 30 26 13 24||Máy I 27 14 2 3 " 2 2 2 A 25 2 28 IS 4 26 27 28 1 3 29 16 5 4 30 17 31. 18 www/wwwNI 29 6 June 1 30 8 1 2 3 til 19 7100 8 20- 9 21 IO 22 II 33 34 35 X10 III 0812 ΊΟ 23 12 6 24. 13 25 14 เ ནས་པཱའི • Doctrine of the SPHERE. 311 1 A pril 1 A perpetual Table, fhewing what Day of the Week begins any Month for ever. Months A | B | C | D | E | F | G January |Sunday/Saturd. Friday Thurf. Wedn. [Tuefd. (Mond. Februar Wedn. Tuefd. Mond. Sunday Saturd Friday Thurf. March Wedn. Tuefd. Mond. Sunday Saturd, Friday Thurf. Saturd. Friday Thurf. Wedn. Tuefd. Mond. Sunday May Mond. Sunday Saturd. Friday Thurl. Wedn. Tuefd. June Thurf Wedn. Tuefd. Mond. Sunday Saturd. Friday July Saturd Friday Thurf. Wedn. Tueſd. Mond. Sunday Auguft Tuefd. Mond. Sunday Saturd. Friday Thurf. Wedn. Septem. Friday Thurf. Wedn. Tuefd. Mond. Sunday Saturd. October Sunday Saturd. Friday Thurf. Wedn. Tueſd. Mond. Novem. Wedn. Tuefd. Mond. Sunday Saturd. Friday Thurf. Decemb. Friday Thurf. Wedn. Tuefd, Mond. Sunday Saturd. A Table to find what Day of the Week Day of the Month falls on for ever, in both Accounts. Julian M.I Jan.October_A |_ B C D any Days of the Week. Gregor.M E F | Fe.Mar.No. DE F G A B G |April July C Auguft April July GA B C D E B C May D E FIG June E F Ꮐ A B C Auguſt CD E F GIA F Sep. Decem. A October Ban. May D Fe.Mar.No. Sep. Decem. F G A B C D E June Days of the Month. I 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 ΙΟ II ΙΙ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 27 | 28 29 30 31 312 A Table of the Number of Days, from any one Day in one Month, to the fame Day in any other Month in a common Year. In Leap-Year after February, add a Day more to the Numbers here fet down; it is of ufe when you find the Arithmetically. From January Februa. | March | April Nodes May June une July August Septent. [October | Novem. [Decemb. Feb. 31 Mar. 28 April 31 May 30 June 31 July 30 Aug. 31 Sep. 35 Jan. 31 To 3100. 30 Nov. 31 Dec. Mar. 59 April 59 May 61 June 61 July 61 Au. 61 Sep. 62 Oct. 61 Nóv. 61 Dec. 61 Jan. 61 Feb. 62 April 90 May 89 June 92 July 91 Aug. 92 Sep. 92,O&. 92 Nov. 92 Dec. 91 Jan. 92 Feb. 92 Mar. 90 May 120 une 120 July 122 Aug.122 Sep. 123 Oct. 122 Nov. 123 Dec., 123 Jan. 122 Feb. 123 Mar.120 Apr. 121 June 151 July 150 Aug.153 Sep. 153 Oct. 153 Nov.153 Dec. 153 Jan. 153 Feb. 153 Mar.151 Apr. 151 May 151 July 181 Aug.181 Sep. 184 Oct. 183 Nov.184 Dec. 183 Jan. 184 Feb. 184 Mar.181 Apr. 182 May 181 June 182 Aug.212 Sep. 212 Oct. 214 Nov.214 Dec. 214 Jan. 214 Feb. 215 Mar.212 Apr. 212 May 212 June 212 July 212 Sep. 243 O&. 242 Nov.245 Dec. 244 Jan. 245 Feb. 245 Mar.243 Apr. 243 May 243 June 243 July 242 Aug.243 O&. 273 Nov.273 Dec. 275, Jan. 275 Feb. 276 Mar.273 Apr. 274 May 273 June 273 July 273 Aug.273 Sep. 274 Nov.304 Dec. 303 Jan. 306' Feb. 306 Mar.304 Apr. 304 May 304 June 304 July 303 Aug.304 Sep. 304 Oct. 304 Dec. 334 Jan. 334 Feb. 337 Mar.334 Apr. 335 May 334 June 335 July 334 Aug-334 Sep. 335 O&. 334 Nov.335 Jan. 365 Feb. 365| Mar.365 Apr.365| May 365| June 365| July 365| Aug.365|Sep. 365|O&. 365 Nov.365 Dec. 3651 Doctrine of the SPHERE. 313 A Table of the femi-diurnal Ark, to every Degree of the fix firft Signs of the Ecliptic Lat. Lon- don. II H H H 5917 511 16 27 I 7 7 26 417 37 36 67 87 Н 69 6 61660 10 7 616 ୪ 127 1417 816 167 9 6 106 523 53 8 5 7 55 8 77 568 97 7 578 107 588 127 59 8 14 18 7 158 2017 1778 8 H∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞o ∞o los ∞o ∞ ∞ ∞ l:o ∞s ∞o ∞o ∞o loo ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 4 8 68 618 28 -- H Ω mm H исо 1317 7 5015 59 137 496 58 12 7 47 6 127 46 6 54 II 7 45 6 52 117 43 6 50 10 7 42 6 48 10 7 416 46 97 40 6 44 97 7 39 6 42 116 2217 19 126 247 218 136 267 23 8 14 6 287 24 ·8 15 6 307 268 166 32 7 28 8 2016 17 6 3417 30 18 6 36 7 19/6 387 33 4017 35 318 216 22 6 23 6 42 7 37 44 7 39 467 40 246 487 42 428 25 6 501.7 44 2616 2716 28 6 56 7 48 8 587498 5917 51 296 3016 5217 45 5417 47 8 .co oo co l∞o ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 100 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 100,00 00 ∞ ∞ 8 8 aars W 7 8 7 8 88 88 8 8 27 8 ∞∞ 8 9 8 I7 ΙΟ 8 8 10 7 597 17 II7 8 II 7 87 386 7 38 6 40 87 37 77 38 366 36 34 32 30 7 7 35 67 33 67 31 6 ww 57 306 28 47 286 25 47 266 24 37 23 6 22 2016 20 17 6 18 07 17 15 6 16 13 6 14 5717 II 6 12 5617 9 6 16 8 127 557 7 6 8 127 5317 5 13 7 5217 3 137 1317 517 5016 59 314 An APPENDIX to the H 6 015 / 15 584 594 25 564 57 4 35 5 5414 5514 415 5214 53 A Table of the femi-diurnal Ark, to every Degree of the laft fix Signs of the Ecliptic Lat. Lon- don. О વા H m H 1H H 474 10/5 474 115 484 135 484 145 * I 1 2 4 600 ↑ W H 14 103 8 3 713 53 43 49 4 155 8 55 504 524 5 484 50. 4 75 464 48 4 8 5 444 46 4 95 33 494 175 ΙΟ 213 504 1815 I 3 504 1915 3 514 205 16 42 4 453 3 514 215 18 2468 5 40 4 43 3 58 3 52 4 225 20 11 5 384 413 57 3 524 23 5 22 12 5 36 4 393 563 3 534 245 24 13 5 34 4 37 3 55 3 534 255 26 14 5 324 363 54 3 54 4 275 28 15 5 304 34 3 543 544 295 30 16 5 284 323 53 13 5514 30 305 32 17 5 5 264 30 3 533 564 3215 34 18 5 244 293 52 523 5614 345 36 19 5 22 4 27 3 5 3 574 375 38 20 5 20 4 25|3 25 3 513 584 405 4:0 215 18 4 23 3 503 594 435 42 225 16 4 21 213 504 04 455 44 235 144 203 494 14 475 46 245 12 4 18 3 49 4 34 495 48 255 10 4 16 3 3 48 484 44 51 5 50 265 84 153 48 54 53 5 52 275 64 133 484 74 555 54 28 5 414 123 47484 575 56 295. 24 II3 474 914 59 5 58 3015 114 103 47 4 το 15 I I 6 1 Doctrine of the SPHERE. 315 A Table of the Latitudes, and Difference of Meridians from) London, of fome of the most eminent Cities in the World. Lat. Dif. M PLACES NAME S. O h Aberdeen 57 N 60 S 7 Amſterdam 52 29 o A 21 Archangel 64 30 2 A 42 Arles in France 43 40 o A 27 1 Aix la Chapelle in Germany 50 48 。 A 44 Barbados, middle 13 243 S 53 Berlin 52 33 。 A 54 Boſton in New England 42 O 4 S 45 Cambridge 52 17 o A o Conftantinople 43 о 2 A 7 Copenhagen 55 43 o A 50 Cracovia 50 10 1 A 18 Danzick 54 13 1 A 16 Douglaſs in Man-Iſle 54 40 S 18 Dublin 53 20 Edenburg 56 7 0 S28 O S 12 Elfinour 56 ט 0 A 50 Exeter in England 50 44 0 S 14 Ferrara in Italy 44 Fez in Barbary 33 10 О 540 A 47 0 S 24 Fort St. George 13 8 5 A 24 Gibraltar 36 30 0525 Glafcow 55 50 O S 17 Greenwich Obfervatory 51 281/0 A Hamburg 53 57 o A 41 Hanover 52 35 0 A 40 Hoaignam in China Jamaica, middle ava Eaſt-end Terufalem Kelmar in Denmark Kebeck, or Quebeck Kendal in England Leverpool Lisbon 33 357 A 56 18 255 S 4 65 20 7 A 34 32N 302 A 22 56 40 I A 6 46 554 S 39 15 O SIO 54 53 20 38 42 O SIO O S 37 London 51 32 O Madrid 40 ΙΟ 0 S 13 Mancheſter 53 22 O S 10 Marfeilles 4.3 20 o A 22 Mofcow. 155 25 2 A 38 Y 2 3 316 An APPENDIX to the 1 A Table of the Latitude, and Difference of the Meridians from London, of fome of the moft eminent Cities in the World. Lat. Dif. M PLACES NAMES. Naples New York Noremberg North Cape h 41N 8 1 A o 41 49 404 S 48 29 o A 49 71 25 1 A 28 Oftend in Flanders 51 Oxford 51 II o A 12 460 S 5 Ozala in Japan 35 5 7 Paris 48 51 o A 32 A io Petersburgh бо 4 2 A 36 Port Mahon 39 45 O A 16 Quaqu in Guinea 4 16 O S 16 Revel in Finland 59 13 I A 36 Rome 41 Roterdam $2 8 500 A 52 O A 16 Scanderoon 36 30 2 A 27 St. Chriftophers 17 Stockholm 59 30 304 S 6 I A 10 Suratt in India 21 30 4 A 48 Syracufa in Sicily 37 I Á I Tamefwaer in Hungary 47 30 i A 21 Tangier, Africa 35 55 0 S 25 Trent in Germany 47 20 。 Á 54 Toledo in Spain 39 54 54 0 Sis Turin in Italy Valentia in Spain Venice in Italy Vienna Virginia Cape Charles Warfaw in Poland Uraniberg, Tycho Brahe's Obfervatory Waterford in Ireland 44 500 A 29 39 45 OSI 360 A 52 45 36 48 14 I A I 37 47 4 S 57 55 540 A 52 52 14 I A 27 52 7 0 S31 Wiggan in England 53 340 SII Wincheſter ! SI 3 Woodſtock 51 53 Worceſter 52 14 9 Yarmouth in Wight 50 41 OS 7 York 54 o S 4 Zamora in Spain 41 45 о o S 19 1 Doctrine of the SPHERE. 317 A TABLE of the true Time of the Roman Eaſter, with the Difference in Days from the Julian Account, until the Year 1800. Difference. Roman Year Eafter. Difference. Roman Year Eafter. Difference. Roman Year Eafter. Difference. Year Roman Eafter. 1700 Ap. 11 01728 Mar.2835,1756 Apr. 1871784 Apr. 11 0 1701 Mar.27351729 Apr. 17 1702 Apr. 16 01730 Apr. 9 1703 Apr. 801731 Mar.25 1704 Mar.23,35 1732 Apr. 13 1705 Apr. 12 71733 Apr. 5 1706 Apr. 4 01734 Apr.25 1707 Apr. 24 1735 Apr. 10 1708 Apr. 8 71736 Apr. 01757 Apr. 10 01785 Apr. 328 01758 Mar.26 35 1786 Apr. 23 o 351759 Apr. 15 71787 Apr. 8 o 71760 Apr. 601788 Mar.3028 01761 Mar.2235 1789 Apr. 19 o 01762 Apr. 11 1709 Mar.3135 1737 Apr.21 1710 Apr. 20 01738 Apr. 6 71739 Mar.29 1711 Apr. 5 1712 Mar. 27351740 Apr. 17 01741 Apr. 2 71763 Apr. 3 71790 Apr. 4 o 01791 Mar.27 28 1351764 Apr. 22 01792 Apr. 15 o C1765 Apr. 7 71793 Mar.3135 71766 Mar. 3035 1794 Apr. 20 0 Mar.3035 1767 AP01795 Apr. 120 71769 Mar.2635 1797 Apr. 16 35 C1768 A 71796 Mar.2735 1713 Apr. 16 1714 Apr. 1 71742 Mar. 2535 1770 Apr. 15 01798 Apr. 8 o 1715 Apr. 21 71743 Apr. 14 C1771 Mar.31 71799 Mar.2435 1716Apr. 1716 Apr. 12 1717 Mar.28 01744 Apr. 5 1 01772 Apr. 19 7 35 1745 Apr. 18 71773 Apr. 11 o 1718 Apr. 17 71745 Apr. 10 01774 Apr. 328 1719 Apr 9 1720 Mar.3 1721 Apr. 13 01747 Apr. 2281775 Apr. 16 7 J 281748 Apr. 14 71776 Apr. 7 7 71749 Apr. 6 01777 Mar.3028 1722 Apr. 5 01750 Mar. 29 28 1778 Apr. 19 0 1723 Mar.28 28 1751 Apr. 11 71779 Apr. 4 7 1724 Apr. 16 01752 Apr. 2 71780 Mar.2635) 1725 Apr. 1 1726 Apr. 21 1727 Apr. 13 71753 Apr. 22 01754 Apr. 14 01781Apr. 15 of 01782 Apr. 70 1755 Mar.3035 1783 Mar.23 35 318 An APPENDIX to the Sun's Declination North. .. · A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for thefe Places. True Time. Aberdeen Amfterdam Latitude 57° 6' Latitude 52° 29' Sun Rifes Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. O h #h #h О 6 о 06 О 0.6 о 06 O HOME TO N∞ alo bound 15 5.3 486 6 125 54 486 5 12 I 2 5 47 366 12 245 49 366 10 24 2 3 5 41 246 18.365 18.365 44 206 15 40 3 4 5 35 126 24 485 39 86 39 86 20 52 4 5 28 566 31 45 33 526 26 85 6 5 22 366 37 245 37 245 28 326 31 38 6 5 16 166 43 445 43 445 23 126 36 48 7 15 9 526 50 8/5 17 486 42 12 8 5 3. 2016 56 405 12 246 47 369 4 56 48,7 3 125 6 526 53 810 6 955 I 206 58 40|1 1 ΙΟ II 12 13 14 50 50 4 43 14 36 14 4 29 207 15 4 22 8 7 4 14 7 127 16 17. 16 444 55 4417 4 1612 23 494 50 c7 ΙΟ 013 30 404 44 44 27 15 58/14 37 5214 14 487 45 124 18 3 59 248 19 3 51 248 20 222 22 38 167 21 4415 32 167 27 4416 -52 484 28 87 33 5217 0 364 19 5217 40 818 8 364 13 247 46 3619 6 487 25 324 о 8 21 22 3 43 48 3 34 288 25 248 16 56/4 53 12/20 О 021 34 363 53 018 7 022 23 3 15 568 14 1623 23 293 17 52/23 29 44 43 45 448 II 168 48 443 42 88 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. Doctrine of the SPHERE. 319 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting in thefe Places. True Time. Archangel Barbados Latitude 64° 30 Latitude 130 24 Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun's Declination North. h h #h , OHNM+ no no ao m 6 O 06 О 6 О 16 о O O I 5 51 486 8 245 58 486 I 12 I 2 5 43 126 16 485 58 86 3 34 486 25 125 57 57 86 I 52 2 2523 4 5 26 166 33 445 56 816 3 52 4 5 17 44 6 42 165 55 126 4 48 5 5 9 4 16 50 505 54 166 5 44 0 2016 59 495 53 166 6 44 7 8 4 51 287 8 3.25 52 206 7 40 9 4 42 247 17 365 51 206 8 409 ΙΟ II 12 13 14 4 33 127 26 485 50 2016 9 40/10 4- 23 487 36 125 49 206 10 4011 4 14 87 45 525 48 246 1.1 3612 4 127 55 485 47 40,6 12 2013 53 568. 6 45 46 246 13 3614 15 3 43 168 16 445 45 206 14 40 15 16 3 32 128 27 485 44 206 15 4016 17 3 20 328 39 285 43 16,6 16 44 17 18 3 8 358 51 245 42 126 17 48 4818 19 2 55 89 4 525 41 86 18 4219 20 21 22 23 2 2 41 49 18 565 40 46 19 5620 25 409 34 205 39 46 20 56 21 12 8 249 51 365 51 365 37 566 22 4,22 I 49 32 10 10 285 36 48 36 48,5 23 12 23 23 291 37 28 10 22 325 36 166 23 4423 29 Sun. Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. 1 320 An APPENDIX to the A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for thefe Places. True Time. О Boſton New-Eng- Cambridge land Lat. 420 39 Latitude 520 17/ Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. h a 16 #11: 1 "h O 016 I 5 56 2016 о ་ 2 3 Sun's Declination North. IO I I 12 Z13 14 15 OHN Mtro 7 ∞ a 0.6 О 0.6 3 405 55 206 5 40 I 5 52 246 7 365 49 246 10 36 2 5 48 566 11 45 47 366 12 24 3 4 5 45 126 14 485 39 166 20 44 4 5 5 41 286 18 325 34 34 06 26 05 5 37 486 22 125 28 486 31 12 6 5 34 06 26 016 26 0/5 05 23 23 286 36 327 5 30 166 29 445 18 86 41 528 9 5 26 286 33 325 12 446 47 16 9 5 22 366 37 245 37-245 8 206 52 4010 5 18 446 41 165 I 406 58 2011 16 17 19 62 auf 3 3 5 14 486 42 124 56 127 3 4812 10 52 52/6 49 81 14 51 327 92813 5 6 566 53 44 44 48 7 15 1214 5 2 2 16 a 57 8 2I 4 38 567 4 58 447 I 164 33 07 27 415 0/16 4 53 367 6 244 26 527 33 817 18 4 50 207 9 404 20 367 39 241 18 4 46 07 07 14 14 04 15 167 45 44 19 20 4 41 407 18 204 9 127 50 48 20 21 4 37 87 22 524 I 017 59 02 1 22 4 32 367 27 243 54 08 6 022 43 4 27 567 32 43 46 528 | 13 8/23 23 294 25 407 34 203 43 168 16 4423 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. SunRifes. 1 1 Sun's Declination South. Doctrine of the SPHERE. 321 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for theſe Places. True Time. Conftantinople Copenhagen Latitude 430 Latitude 55° 43′ Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun's Declination North. 0 h 1 7.h Wh 1 042344o no ao 6 о 016 о об O 016 O O I 5 56 166 3 445 54 86 5 32 I 52 326 7 285 48 166 II 44 2 5 48 486 II 125 42 246 17 36 3 5 45 46 14 565 36 286 23 32 4 324 5 5 41 2016 18 405 30 326 29 28 5 5 37 326 22 285 24 326 35 28 34 446 25 165 18 326 41 28 7 5 29 526 30 85 12 246 47 36 8 9 5 26 06 34 05 6 166 53 54 9 IO I I 12 13 14 15 15 22 126 37 485 O 46 59 5610 5 18 126 41 484 53 447 6 1611 14 166 45 444 47 207 12 40 12 15 II 166 49 444 40 48 7 19 2013 5 6 126 53 484 34 527 25 814 15 2 86 57 524 27 247 32 36 15 16 4 57 56,7 2 44 20 287 39 3216 17 4 53 487 6 124 13 247 13 247 46 3617 18 4 49 287 10 324 6 87 53 52|18. 19 4 45 47 14 563 59 59 40 8 I 2019 20 4 41 407 19 203 50 568 9 420 21 4 36 87 23 523 7 23 523 42 568 17 421 22 4 31 287 28 323 34 368 34 368 25 24 22 23. 4 26 437 33 163 25 568 34 3.4 423 23 294 24 247.35 363 21 40 8 38 2023 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. : Z Sun's Declination South. 322 An APPENDIX to the A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting in thefe Places. True Time. Cracovia Dantzick Latitude 500 10 Latitude 54° 13′ Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. h Wh · I Sun's Declination North. OH2Mtno too a 6 O 16 O 016 0 016 O о 5 55 126 4 485 54 286 5 32 I 5 50 246 9 365 48 526 II 82 3 5 45 366 14 245 43 206 16 40 3 4 5 40 446 19 165 37 446 22 16 4 5 35 566 24 45 32 86 36 27 52 5 6 5 31 46 28 565 28 565 26 2816 26 286 33 32 15 26 816 33 52 20 44/6 39 16 5 21 126 38 485 15 06 768 45 O 5 16 126 43 485 9 566 50 44 9 10 ΤΙ 12 511 126 48 485 3 2016 56 40/10 15 6 46 53 564 57 247 2 3611 5 0 566 59 44 51 247 8 36 12 13 4 5.5 447 4 164 54 45 167 14 44 13 14 4 51 247 8 364 39 07 21 97_21 014 15 16 4 45 47 4 39 367 1 14 564 32 447 27 1615 20 244 2 17 4 34 07 26 04 26 167 33 4416 19 167 19 167 40 24 17 18 4 28 167 31 444 12 527 47 818 19 4 22 2817 37 324 5 527 54 8/19 20 4 16 327 43 283 58 408 I 2020 21 14 10 247 49 363 51 168 8 44/21 22 14 4 87 55 523 43 368 16 2422 23 3 57 368 2 243 35.448 24 1623 23 293 54-288 5 323 31 448 28 16 23 29 Sun Sets.'Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. L Sun's Declination South. Doctrine of the SPHERE. 323 i A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for theſe Places. True Time. Douglafs Dublin Latitude 54° 4' Latitude 53° 20′ Sun Rifes Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets ་ O h Wh 1 Wh 6 О 016 O 016 о 016 О O Sun's Declination North. 7 H234ino No a I 5 54 286 5 325 54 4016 5 20 I 5 49 06 ΙΙ 95 49 166 10 44 2 5 43 246 16 365 43 566 16 4 3 5 37 52 26 22 8 5 38 326 21 28 4 5 32 166 27 445 33 126 26 48 5 5 26 406 33 2015 27 326 32 28 6 5 21 06 39 05 21 486 38 12 7 5 15 166 44 445 44 445 16 326 43 28 8 5 9.326 50 285 10 526 49 89 ΙΟ II 12 13 5 3 406 56 20 5 5 126 4 57 487 2 125 0.286 54 48 10 59 3211 48/10 14 51 487 8 124 53 407 6 2012 4 45 447 14 164 47 207 12 4013 14 4 19 32,7 20 284 41 167 18 4414 15 4 33 127 26 484 4 35 397 35 367 24 2415 16 4 26 48,7 33 124 29 87 30 5216 17 4 20 117 39 484 22 527 37 817 18 4 13 287 46 324 16 187 43 3218 19 14 6 327 53 28 4 9 127 50 48/19 1 20 3 59 2818 0 324 2 567 57 420 21 3 52 48 7 503 56 128 3 4821 22 13 44 288 15 323 50 48 95622 23 36 358 23 243 43 32 16 2823 23 293 32 408 27 203 37 128 22 4823 291 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets Sun Rifes. Z 2 Sun's Declination South. An APPENDIX to the 324 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for thefe Places. True Time. Edenburg Latitude T 560 7 Latitude 130.81| Fort St. George Sun's Declination North. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun's Declination South. h h h h O 5 О O O О IO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ham & no noo ao H&M tron∞ I 5 54 416 5 565 59 46 O 56 I 2 5 48 46 11 565 58 816 I 52 2 5 42 46 17 565 57 126 2 48 3 4 5 36 86 23 525 56 166 3 44 4 5 30 46 29 565 29 565 55 206 55 206 4 40 5 5 24 06 36 05 54 246 536 6 5 18 486 41 125 53 246 6 367 II 406 48 205 52 286 732 8 9 S 5 286 54 325 51 326 8 289 4 59 87 0 525 50 366 9 24 10 4 52 407 7 205 49 366 10 2411 4 46 127 13 4815 48 366 II 2412 4 39 167 20 245 47 406 12 2013 4 32 487 27 125 46 406 13 2014 4 25 567 34 45 45 406 14 2015 4 18 527 41 85 44 406 15 2016 14 II 407 48 205 43 406 16 2017 4 4 167 55 445 42 366 17 2418 19 3 56 408 3 2015 41 366 18 2419 20 3 48 448 11 165 40 325 19 2820 21 3 41 368 19 245 39 286 20 3221 22 123 2 33 3 32 48 27 565 38 206 21 40 22 4022 3 23 128 36 485 36 485 37 165 37 165 22 4423 23 293 18 488 18 488 41 125 36 446 23 16 23 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. 1 : Doctrine of the SPHERE. 325 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for theſe Places. True Time. Gibraltar Hamburg Latitude 360 30' Latitude 53° 57' Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. 06 #h 0 016 O 016 Sun's Declination North. o. I h #h "h 1 Wo 6 ㅎㅎ ​9 IO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OHNM &nonoo alo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7∞ a O O O 4 ཡས ་ ་ 5 5 46 2 565 54 3216 5 28 I 5 54 46 5 565 49 016 II O 2 5 51 46 8 565 43 286 16 32 3 5 48 86 11 525 37 566 22 4 4 5 45 126 14 485 32 246 27 36 5 5 42 126 17 485 26 486 33 12 6 7 5 39 86 20 5215 21 S6 38 52 7 5 36 36 86 23 525 15 286 44 32 8 5 33 86 26 52/5 9 446 50 16 9 5 30 06 30 015 3 566 5 26 566 33 44 58 4/7 56 410 1 5011 5 23 486 36 124 52 47 7 5612 5 20 406 39 204 46 07 14 013 17 326 42 284 39 527 20 8/14 5 14 166 45 444 33 367 26 2415 15 II 06 49 04 27 127 32 4816 15 7 446 52 164 20 407 39 2017 15 4 206 55 404 13 567 46 418 5 0 566 59 44 7 47 52 56 19 20 4 57 327 2 284 O 018 о 20 21 4 54 017 6 03 52 408 7 2021 22 4 50 247 9 363 45 88 14 5222 23 4 46 487 13 123 37 208 22 4023 23 294 45 07 15 03 33 248 26 36 23 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. 1 326 An APPENDIX to the A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for thefe Places. True Time. Hanover Jamaica Latitude 52° 35'Latitude 180 25' Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets Sun's Declination North. Q h Wh h h J о I 2 3 4 7 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O mot ~ Mtro t∞ al OH Nm+ no no a 6 O о 016 O O 5 54 486 5 125 58 40/6 I 20 I 5 49 326 10 285 57 246 2 36 2 5 44 206 15 405 56 86 3 52 3 5 39 39 46 20 565 54 526 5 84 5 34 246 25 365.53 286 6 32 5 5 28 246 31 365 52 06 8 06 5 23 46 36 505 50 44/6 9 16 5 17 406 42 205 49 206 10 40 8 5 12 166 47 445 48 06 12 09 78 9 5 6 446 53 165 46 406 13 2010 5 I 86 58 525 45 206 15 4011 4 55 287 4 325 43 486 16 1212 4 49 447 10 165 42 326 17 2813 4 43 567 16 45 41 56 19 O 14 4 31 MM 2 4 38 38 97 22 05 39 496 20 2015 567 28 45 38 86 21 5216 4 25 487 34 125 36 446 23 16 17 4 19 287 40 325 7 40 325 35 166 24 4418 4 13 07 47 05 33 486 26 12 19 20 4 6 247 53 365 32 126 27 48 20 21 3 59 328 0 285 30 406 29 2021 22 3 52 288 7 325 29 126 30 48 22 23 3 45 128 14 485 14 485 27 286 27 286 32 32 23 23 293 41 368 18 245 26 446 33 16 23 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. Doctrine of the SPHERE. 327 1 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Riſing and Setting for theſe Places. True Time. Jerufalem Kelmar Latitude 32° 30' Latitude 569 40 Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Sets. Sun's Declination South. O I h ! "h Wh О 16 O 016 O a O 16 O O Ι 5 57 286 2 325 53 56 64 I 2 5 54 526. 5 85 47 48 6 12 12 2 3 5 52 206 7 405 41 446 18 16 3 4 5 49 486 IO 125 35 366 24 24 4 5 47 126 12 485 29 286 30 32 5 5 44 406 15 205 23 4 6 36 56 6 5 42 06 18 05 17 0 06 43 이 ​7 5 39 386 20 225 10 40 6 49 20 S 5 36 526 23 85 4 1616 55 44 9 ΙΟ 5 34 126 25 484 25 484 57 487 2 1210 I I 5 31 356 28 244 28 244 51 167 8 4411 12 13 14 15 16 5 28 526 31 84 4 44 367 15 2412 26 06 34 04 37 487 22 12 13 23 246 36 364 30 567 29 414 15 20 406 39 204 39 204 23 5217 36 815 5 17 566 42 44 16 367 43 24 16 17 5 15 46 44 564 9 127 50 48 17 18 15 12 126 47 48 4 1 367 58 24 18 19 5 9 2016 50 403 53 448 6 1619 222 22 20 5 6 246 53 363 45 368 45 368 14 24 20 21 5 3 286 58 323 323 37 128 22 4821 22 5 I 206 59 493 28 248 31 36 22 23 4 57 127 2 483 19 168 19 168 40 44 23 23 294 55 447 4 15 3 14 368 45 24 23 29 Sun's Declination North. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. } I A An APPENDIX to the 328 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for thefe Places. True 'Time. O Leverpool Lisbon Latitude 53° 22' Latitude 38° 45' Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. h Sun's Declination North. Sun Rife 'h h 2 3 4 9 IO ΙΙ 12 13 14 16 17 OHNm+ mo noo ao HNM+MON 6 0° 06 о об О ㅎㅎ ​이 ​0 I 5 54 366 5 245 56 486 3 12 I 5 .49 166 10 445 53 366 6 24 2 5 43 526 16 85 50 206 940 3 5 38 246 21 365 47 486 12 52 4 5. 5 33 06 06 27 05 43 566 16 4 5 27 286 32 325 41 366 19 24 6 15 22 06 38 05 37 246 22 36 7 5 16 246 43 365 34 86.25 52 8 15 10 486 49 125 31 486 29 12 9 5 5 86 54 525 27 286 32 32 10 4 59 247 0 365 24 246 35 3611 4 53 327 6 285 20 446 39 1612 4 47 407 12 205 17 166 42 44 13 4 41 407 18 205 13 386 46 22 14 15 4 35 327 24 285 IO 206 49 40 15 4 29 167 30 445 6486. 6 486 53 12 16 4 22 527 37 85 3 125 46 4817 18 4 16 207 43 404 59 327 0 28 18 19 4 9.407 50 204. 55 487 4 12 19 20 14 2 487 57 124 52 47 7 5620 222 21 3. 55 408 3 48 248 22 4 204 48 4/7 11 5621 11 364 44 167 15 4422 23 3 40 438 23 293 37 08 19 164 40 207 19 40 23 23 04 38 447 21 16 23 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. Doctrine of the SPHERE. $29 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting in thefe Places. True Time. London Madrid Latitude 510 32' Latitude 400 10 Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. #h О 06 О 016 יד Ꮒ 01234567∞ ao H&M 4 SO D∞ O!! O H2MM 12 222 0 06 O О I 5 55 166 444/5 56 366 3 24 I 5 49 566 10 45 53 166 6 44 2 5 44 526 15 85 49 526 ΙΟ 83 39 486 20 125 46 286 13 32 4 1 5 34 446 25 165 43 46 16 56 5 5 29 3616 30 245 39 406 20 20 6 5 24 246 35 365 36 86 23 52 7 8 19 166 40 445. 32 486 27 12 8 9 14 06 46 of 015 29 166 30 44.9. 8 446 6 51 165 25: 446 34 1610 3 206 56 405 II 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 • 4 57 507 2 45 52 287 7325 46 527 13 8 4 41 87 18 525 4 35 247 24 365 4 29 287 30 325 4 23 287 36 324 7 446 4 016 Ο 52 1615 56 016 0 126 59 48 17 22 166 37 4411 1840 18. 406 41 2012 15 06 45 013 11 246 II 246 48 36/14 Sun's Declination, South.. $20 21 22 123 23 293 47 248 12 364 33 567 Sun Sets Sun Rifes Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. 56 2017 3 40/18 4 17 167 42 441 10 567 49 44 52 247 7.3619 48 247 11 3620 4 287 55 324 57 443 2 164 44 247 15 3621 40 167 19 44 22 350 528 9 84 36 407 23 56,23 26 423. 29 Sun's Declination North. A T } 330 An APPENDIX to the A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for theſe Places. True Time. Mofcow New-York Latitude 55° 25' Latitude 419 40 Sun Rifes. Sun Sets Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. • Th Wh "h • 01234 ~o no a o 0 06 0 016 О 016 O O I 15 54 126 5 485 56 246 3 36 I 1 5 48 246 11 365 52 526 7 8 2 5 42 16,6 17 445 49 2016 10 40 3 5 36 446 23 165 45 446 14 16 4 5 8 30 526 29 5 42 816 5 24 566 35 566 35 4/5 5 38 38 326 17 525 21 28 7 5 19 06 5 13 06 47 96 41 34 566 25 4 47 31 166 28 44 8 9 15 6526 526 53 527 366 32 24 9 0 446 59 16 4 48 87 41 487 11 525 18 12 456 7∞ a 4 35 27 24 485 4 28 327 31 28 15 14 21 447 4 14 447 38 16 45 16 4 14 7 327 52 28 4 O 8 7 59 524 IO II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 4 54 327 5 285 6 36 4,10 20 126 39 48 11 16 24 6 43 3612 12 326 47 47 28 8 446 51 16 13 14 6 06 54 015 226 59 38 16 3 28 17 5 23 56 5610 125 Sun's Declination South. 56 327 4 52 587 7 218 48 367 II 24 19 20 3 52 328 7 28 4 46 47 13 56 20 21 22 3 44 498 15 2014 40 87 19 5621 23 2 33 3 36 288 23 324 35 447 24 1622 3 28 08 32 04 31 24 7 28 36 23 36/23 23 293 23 448 36 164 29 O 7. 31 023 29 Sun's Declination North. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. ין Doctrine of the SPHERE. 331 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for theſe Places. True Time, North-Cape Oxford Latitude 71º 25' | Latitude 510 46′ Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun's Declination South. h O 6 // h 06 0 06 Wh ยา 1 0 016 4 7 9 II 12 13 14 15 16 1.7 18 ~~~+ no no ao SST SEA 2 21 H H 5 48 86 11 525 54 566 5' I 2 5 36 86 23 525 49 526 10 82 3 5 24 86 35 525 44 44 446 15 16 3 5 12 06 48 05 39 406 20 20 4 1 4 59 40:7 205 34 326 25 22 5 4 47 87 87 12 525 29 206 30 40 6 4 34 207 25 405 24 86 35 52 7 4 21 127 38 485 18 566 41 4 14 7 367 52 24/5 13 36/6 46 249. 3 53 288 6 325 7 406 52 2010 3 38 448 21 165 2 526 57 811 3 23 88 36 524 57 247 2 3612 3 6 328 53 284 51 527 8 813 2 48 329 II 284 46 127 13 4814 28 369 31 244 40 287 19 3215 5 569 54 44 34 407 25 2016 I 38 2010 21 404 28 407 31 2017 O 3611 59 36 11 0 244 0 244 22 447 37 1618 19 S. Se. not S. Ri. not 4 16 207 43 40 19 20 21 22 123 no All Night. Day and All Night and no Day. 4 9 567 50 420 4 3 327 56 2821 23 29 3 46 88 10 2423 13 5223 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. 3 56 56 368 49 368 3 24 22 Sun's Declination North. F A a 2 332 An APPENDIX to the A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for thefe Places. True Time. Paris Rome Latitude 489 51 Latitude 41° 50 Sun Rifes. Sun Sets Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. 6 O 06 2 Sun's Declination North.. ΙΟ II 12 Z13 14 is 16 17 18 OHNM+iro 7∞ alo-23 tronco отоб 0 06 Ο I 5 55 286 4 325 56 246 3 36 I 5 50 326 9. 28 5 52 406 7 20 2 3: 4 55 5 46 166 13 445 46 486 13 32 3 41 405 18 205 45 366 14 24 4 5 37 05 23 05 42 46 17 56 5 5 32 2016 27 405 38 246 21 36 6 7. 5 27 406 32 205 34 486 25 12 7. 15 22 566 37 45 31 86 28 52 8 15 18 126 41 485 27 246 32 36 9 15 13 286 46 325 23 406 36 2010 8 366 51 245 51 245 19 566 40 411 5 3 401 406 56 205 16 86 43 5212. 4 58 447 1 165 12 206 47 4013 14 53 407 6 2015 8 246 51 3614 Sun's Declination South. 4 48 367 11 445 4 286 55 32 15 4 43 247 16 365 0 326 59 2816 4 38 47 21 564 56 287 3 3217 4 32 407 27 204 52 247 7 318 19 4 27 127 32 484 48 127 11 48119 ། { 20 4 21 327 38 284 43 567 16 420 21 4 15 487.44 124 39 367 20 2421 [22 4 9 527 50 84 35 127 24 48 22. 23 14 3 447 56 164 30 407 29: 2023 23 294 0 487 59 124 28 287 3 3223.29 7 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes 1 ر کیا Doctrine of the SPHERE. 333 1 A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for thefe Places. True Time. St. Christophers Stockholm Latitude 179 30' Latitude 599 26' Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets Sun's Declination North. oh 4h Wh ་་ Wh О 16 о 016 ,0 016 O О I 5 58 446 1 165 53 126 6 48 I 2 5 57 286 2 325 46 286 13 32 2 3 5 55 126 3 485 39 496 20 20 3 4 5 55 06 5 05 32 386 27 12 4 46 7∞ alo 5 53 406 6 205 25 566 34 34 45 5 52 246 7 365 19 06 41 06 5 51 86 8 525 13 86 46 527 5 49 526 10 55 4 566 55 4 8 5 48 326 11 284 57 487 2 12 9 2 mthno 700 alo 222 2 ΙΟ II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 47 166 12 444 50 327 9 28 10 5 45 566 14 44 43 167 16 4411 5 44 356 15 244 35 407 24 2012 5 43 166 16 444 27 567 32 413 5 41 566 18 44 20 87 39 5214 5 40 366 19 244 12 47 47 515 5 39 196 20 444 3 527 56 816 5 37 26 22 22 83 55 168 4 44 17 5 36 286 23 323 46 288 13 3218 19: 5 35 46 24 563 37 208 22 4019 20 5 33 356 26 243 27 488 32 1220 21 5 32 126 27 483 17 528 42 821 22 5 31 446 29 163 7 208 52 4022 23 5 29 166 30 442 56 129 3 48 23 23 295 28 3:26 31 282 50 4.89 9 24 23 29 1 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes-Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. 334 A APPENDIX to the ་ A perpetual Table of the Sun's Riſing and Setting for theſe Places. True Time. Vienna Virginia Latitude 48° 14' Latitude 37° 47′ Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. SunRifes. h "h #h Wh 3 Sun's Declination North. 9 10 II 12 Z13 OMNMt no to alO- 6 O 06 O 6 O c16 O I 5 $5 326 4 285 56 456 3 12 2. 5 S1 46 8 565 53 4016 6 20 2 46 486 13 125 50 246 4 5 42 86 17 525 47 166 9363 12 44 4 5 37 326 22 285 44 3 616 15 245 5 33 46 26 565 41 816 18 52 6. 7 5 28 366 31 245 38 06 22 5 24 46 35 565 35 35 016 5 19 286 40 325 31 566 22 25 28 MÓ ACO a 9 5 14 286 45 325 27 526 32 810 5 II 06 49 05 24 366 35 2411 5 5 46 54 565 21 126 38 48 12 5 0 46 59 565 17 486 42 1213 14 4 55 167 4 445 14 246 45 3614 IS 4 50 127 9 485 10 566 49 415 16 4 45 247 14 365 7 326 52 2816 17 4 40 167 19 445 3 526 56 817 18 4 34 407 25 205. 0 166 59 44 18 19 4 28 127 31 484 57 07 3 019 2 2 2 2 2 120 4 23 487 36 124 52 527 7 820 21 4 18 127 41 484 49 247 10 36 21 22 23 14 12 247 47 364 46 127 13 48 22 4 6 327 53 284 42 527 17 823 23 294 3 367 56 244 39 247 20 36 23 29 Sun Sets.'Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. } Doctrine of the SPHERE. 335 f A perpetual Table of the Sun's Rifing and Setting for theſe Places. Warfaw True Time. York Latitude 52° 14' Latitude 54° o Sun Rifes Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets Sun's Declination North. に ​· Wh Wh 0 O O O HAM + Noo ao = ~ MILO O 2 2 2 2 3 I 5 54 526 5 85 54.326 5 28 1 2 5 49 406 10 205 49 Có II 이 ​2 3 5 44 286 15 325 43 286 16 32 3 4 5 39 166 20 445 37 566 22 44 5 34 46 25 565 32 2016 27 40 5 5 28 486 31 1215 26 446 33 16 6 7 5 23 286 36 325 21 86 38 52 7 8 5 18 126 41 485 15 246 44 36 8 5 12 4816 47 125 9 406 50 209 14 ΙΟ 15 II 12 13 14 15 16 7 2416 15 1 526 14 56 2017 52 305. S.. 3486 56 12 10 I 58 84 57 567 2 411 3 404 51 567 50 407 9 204 45 567 8 412 14 413 4 44 207 15 404 39 447 20 1014 4 39 47 20 564 33 287 26 32 15 4 33 87 26 524 27 07 33 016 17 4 27 47 32 564 20 287 39 3217 18 14 20 487 39 124 13 447 46 16 18 19 4 14 287 45 324 6 527 53 819 20 14 7 567 52 43 59 448 O 16/20 21 4 1 127 58 483 52 248 7 3021 22 3 54 16,8 5 443 44 528 15 822 23. 3 47 88 12 523 37 98 23 023 23 293 43 368 16 243 33 88 26 5223 29 Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun Sets. Sun Rifes. Sun's Declination South. 336 An APPENDIX to the A TABLE Of all the Eclipfes, both Viſible and Invifible of the Sun and Moon, Moon, that will happen 'from the Year 1728, to the Year 1764, under the Meridian of London. Year } 1 Long A Lat. Digits Months and Days Long. Lat. Dh 1728 Febru. 13 19 14 m Lumin. Digits Vifible 19 Ꮕ or Invifible 6 00 36 N D9 Aug. Febrù. 28 8 0 85 * 20 370 45 26 390 35 N A NA S D Aug. J 1729 Jan. 17 18 39 m 13 Set. Ecl. Invifible O Invifible Invifible O Invifible O Febru. 2 8 44 Febru 16 933 July, 14: 13 58 July 28 13 20 1730 Jan. 7 637 v Jan. 22 15 34 17 Viſible Invifible O 47 Vifible) Invifible O 53 Vifible Invifible t July July Dec. 1731 June 23 13 om 11 290 46 S A 31526 18 4.26 m 27 22 27 1 8 13 557 22 17:57 1 22 45 2 12 I I Ο ㅇ ​이 ​9 271 20 SD 25 150 6 S A19 9 221 23-NA 2 511 5 N'D 16 150 8 N A18 1508 28 330 39 SD 14 100 46 S A2 22 150 15 S A6 6 70 53 N A 17 450 2 NA 28 40-55 SDI 11 350 19 S A 6 190 43 ND 6 550 44-N A A)…. 7 Rif.Ecli. O Invifible> Invisible O 52 Visible Inviſible Invifible Invifible. O Invifible > June Dec. I Dec. 17 13 5 1732 May June Nov. 28 2 12 17 150 14 S D 6 4 53 m 25 381 21 S D Nov. Dec: 20 9 9 59.10 5 21 12 25 20. 3. N D 20 48 Vifible > 480 32 NAO 1 I Vifible I 61 2 SAI Invifible Invifible O Doctrine of the SPHERE. 337 The TABLE of Eclipfes continued. Months and Days Long. Dh! Year 1733 May May 2 17 Octob. 26 Lat. Lat. 19 ་ >Digits Visible 6 378 22 520 8 ND 6501 4 44m 14 170 43 S D O or Invifible 20 Vifible 8 170 32 N A3 25 Rife Ecl. Invifible Invifible Invifible Nov. IO I 68 29 160 39 S A 1734 April 21 22 88 12 390 3 ND 1735 Octob. 15 6 15m March 26 22 41 April 11 10 11 10 588 Sept. 20 13.33 O&ob. 4 14 40 I 2 36 March 15 11 52 March 30 19 2 Aug. 24 21 30m Sept. 8 14 24 1736 March 1737 March 5 3 40 4 S D 17 80 42 S D 2 70 40 S A 8 180 39 ND 8 180 39 N D5 22 120 37 22 120 37 N A 22 211 17 ND 6 360 IN A 21 21 381 23 SA 13 01 17 S D 27 1901 S A 20 11 401 19 NA Sept. 23 5 44 Febru. 18 3 4X II 11 90-39 N D10 О 0 35m 25 590 43 N A Aug. 14 12 58/1m 2 390 33 SD 28 15 44 16 220 42 S A4 7 5 57 29 590 I SA 1738 Febru. 7 5 57 Aug. Aug. 3 23 3 1739 Jan. 13 10 54 Jan. 27 16 4 July July Dec. 1740 Jan. June June Dec. Jan. Dec. 1741 June Nov. MW 9 4 18v 24 4 23 18 20 49 v 2 10 25 17 8 7 M 7 12 14 20 27 21 23 7 10 557 21 11 49 11 1 21 46 26 17 44 22 140 21 S D4 4 380 37 S D6 19 20 42 S A 27 160 26 N A 11 390 12 N D7 8 190 27 N D2 23 100 1 N A 20 8 201 24 SA 2391 IS D 17 100 19 S A A/20 27 270 39 27 270 39 ND 11 460 40 N A5 22 160 49 S D 16 160 1S A B b Lumin. Invifible O Invifible Invifible 37 Vifible Invifible Invifible 45 Viſible Invifible Inviſible 32 Vifible Invifible O 55 Viſible Inviſible Invifible O 34 Viſible Invifible 8l Vifible 22 Vifible Invifible Invisible 6 Viſible 10 Viſible 29 Vifible Invifible Invifible Invifible > Invifible Q 49 Viſible Inviſible Invifible 338 An APPENDIX to the Year The TABLE of Eclipfes continued. Months and Days. Long. Lat. Digits Vifible or Dh! O 10 10 Invifible Lumin. 1742 May 7.23 38 m 28 110 49 N D Invifible May 22 12 42 12 80 28 N A Invifible Nov. 1 0 308 19 580 43 S D Invifible Nov. 15 18 157 4 530 39 SA Invifible 1743 April 12 21 478 3 45 1.22 SD Invifiblé 1746 Feb. Aug. 19 12 April 27 3 21 May 12 5 54 II Octob. 6 2 43 Octob. 21 15 358 Nov. 4 18 27 m 1744 April I 951 April 15 8 32m Sept. 24 13 18 Octob. 10 0 48 1745 March 21 14 56 Sept. 14 5 2 24 3 44/10 2 40 36 NA 23 460 33 N ND 9 17.0 9 170 1 S D21 23 301 17 S A 23 170 39 S D 6 510 35 S A8 13 30 44 N 28 250 40 NA 12 28,0 2 NA 16 590 37 N D8 March 10 14 54 I 220 42 N A 57 180 39 S D6 22 22 160 43 S A 52 NN 20 321 21 SD Sept. 3 21 1747 Januar. 29 2 Feb. 13 17 2m 6 180 27 17 18 6 180 5 SA 19 Feb. 20 181 21 N A July 25 20 508 Aug. 8 20 52 13 191 9 ND 26 470 4 N A Inviſible Invifible 42 Viſible Invisible O Invifible O Invifible> Invifible 17.320 7 N Invifible Invifible Invifible 30 Vifible Invifible Invifible Vifible Invifible Invifible Invifible 2370 IND Invifible 41 Invifible Inviſible O 6 Viſible I Aug. 24 9 28mm 11 481 26 SA 1748 Januar. 18 15 25 Feb. 2 23 49 July 13 22 30 July 28 11 34 januar. 7 7 17 June 18 21 24V July 3 О 21 Dec. 12 8 8 27 21 12 1749 Januar. Dec. 80 9 430 40 S D 25 160 46 S A 2 380 4 ND9 16 320 49 N A4 28 570 2 NA 8 310 59 S 21 590 15 SA 2 140 44 N D4 18 60 13 S D7 Inviſible Invifible 53 Vifible 38 Vifible Invifible Invifible D Invifible 36 Vifible 9 Vifible Doctrine of the SPHERE. 339 The TABLE of Eclipfes continued. Year Months and Days. Long. Lat. Digits Vifible ΟΙ Dh Invifible Lumin. 1 1750 June June 8 9 9 226 6 51 28 160 15 S D16 Vifible 11 280 58¸S A 9 Invifible Nov. 17 13 197 6 46 461 22 22 S D Invisible Dec.. 1 18 32 21 1303 N D 21 6 Viſible Dec. 17 6541 7 11 23 ND Invifible 1751 May 13 2 132 5111 28 13 58 1752 May Octo. April May Nov. 6 12.43 m 21 9 47 Nov. 1753 April April 1754 2 5 458 23 140 6 ND 25 13 59m 14 20 5 SD 6 6 20 27 520 45 S D 21 19 378 12 570 39 SA Sept. 30 21 36 19 110 41 N D Octo. 14 21 59 m 3 100 LI S A8) 18 141 20 N D 17 240 17 240 2 S D21 Mar. 12 5 52m Mar. 26 19 47 10 22. 178 Sept. 5 I 13 2 941 19 SA 23 301 21 S D 17 3 220 51 ND 440 28 N A10 25 200 44 SD 10 350 39 S A3 14 Rif.Ecli. Invifible O Invifible O D 8 Vifible Invifible O 18 Viſible D Invifible O Invifible O D Invifible 3 Vifible Invifible 41 Invifible D Invifible O Invifible Sept. 19 22 28 7 550 1 ND 21 12 Invifible Octo. 4 13 31 22 351 17 N A Invifible 1755 Mar. I 9 45 94522 22 20 40 N D Invifible Mar. 16 12 12 V 7 Aug. Sept. 1756 Feb. Aug. 2동 ​22 18 13 48 25 20 30 m 22 40 13 590 42 S A7 190 37 SD 13 Viſible Invifible 27 X 10 40 34 SA 5808 ND Invifible Invifible 1757Jan. 14 7 12 m 23 19 6 Feb. July Aug. 3 10 45 Dec. 1758 Jan. 29 6 11 12 18 13 an. 27 16 37 une 23 20 55 7 1 2.7 2 520 7 NA 15 480 38 S D6 0 90 41 S Aj 19 11 53 ~ 7 510 30 ND 11 22 100 49 N A 19 331 20 N D 4 200 ON A 21 19 28 23 SA 13 81 S D 43 Set. Ecl. D Invifible 32 Viſible D Invifible Invifible O 27 Set. Ecl. Invifible Invifible Invifible B b 2 340 An APPENDIX to the • The TABLE of Eclipfes continued. Year Months and Days. Long. Lat. > Digits Vifible D h July 9 4 44 Dec. 1759 Jan. June Dec. 1760 May 18 19:29 I 19 46 13 5 23 6969 $ 5 SA 8 2 14 Το 27 450 15 8 400 40 22, 550 39 2460 27 290 N D N A6 I SD 1 oz. SA 07. 41 Set. Ecl. Invifible invifible o or Invifible Lumin. Invifible Invifible O 18 93 9 357 8 510 52 N Do 47 Viſible June I 1 19 22 22 360 20 S.D4 35 Vifible Nov. II 9 18ПI I 80 44 SD6 30 Vifible 1 Nov. 26 2 27 16 2038 38 SA Invifible 1761 April May 7 10 23 5 408 14 331 24 2m 28 30 II S D N D17 May 22 13 24 12 341 9 N A Octo. 16 0 29m 4 141 27 ND Octo. 31 23 438 20 210 2 SD Nov. 15 2 157 4 381 16 SA 1762 April 12 17 28 3 580 42 SD April 26 15 36, M 17 260 32 S Alto Invifible 31 Viſible Invifible Inviſible O Invifible) Invifible O Invifible O o Viſible Octo. Octo. 1763 April 5 20 12 21 9 I I 22 15 24 oo 16 N D6 10 Vifible O 9 118 9 250 39 NA 6 42 Vifible 23 120 1 S D Sept. 25 13 5 25 135 13 280 13 280 2 N DI Inviſible Invifible O 1764 Mar. II 47 15 27 500 3.9 27 560 39 ND8 15 Vifible Mar. 20 22 9 12 100 4 SD10 7 Vifible O Aug. 29 19 18 18 0042 SD Sept. 14 5 5 3 30 4 SA Invifible) Invifible O A TABLE T Doctrine of the SPHERE. 341 1 A TABLE of break of Day, of break of Day, Latitude 51° 32′ N. Days. Janua. Feb. Mar. April May June H H H H H H 5215 7 13 4 1913 4 I 23 25 52 5 12 4 t 17 3 2 I 19 315 51 5 104 15/2 59 I 14 5 5015 84 13 2 57 I 9 4915 614 ΙΙ 2 54 I · 4 5 485 414 812 510 58 4715 24 62 :49.10 53 46 014 4/2 4710 48 45 4 5914 2 2 4410 40 44 4 57 4 02 4010 24 1 11 5. 42 4 5513 1215 41 14 1 53 3 135 40 4 513 1415 3914 5013 572 55/2 532 5012 384 48 3 482 M32 2 2 350 14 32 29 26 23 16 5 3614 47 3 45 2 19 ab ml a 17 5 3514 45 3 432 16 185 34 4 43 3 40 2 '12 1915 334 41 3 38 2 9 2015 3214 3913 352 215 3014 3613 332 2 225 29 4 343 31 I 59 23 5 274 323 29 I 56 No Night but Twi-light. No Night. 24 5 25 4 30 3 26 I 53 25 24/4 28 3 23 50 5 22 4 25 3 20 I 47 2 2 2 MM 27 5 21 4 233 17 I 44 28 5 1914 21 3 14 I 39 29 5 17 3 II I 33 30 16 3 81 28 a mo 31 14 3 6 $ 342 An APPENDIX to the } Break of Day, Latitude 51° 32 N. Days.. | July Aug. Sept. Octob. Nov. Dec. H H H H H / H } 123 2 Nō Night. aal ~~~ 2222 222 613 3-54 4145 33 5 59 2 103 374 43 5 34 5 59 143 394 455 355 59 173 41 4 475 365 59 2 203 444 495 37 233 47 4 5.1.5 39 I 263 5014 535 40 I 293 52 4 55 5 416. I 323 54 4 57 5 426 I 35 3 5614 595 4316 I 17.1.2 3.83 595. 0.1.5 45. I 12 O 30 2 414 I5 25 46 6 Ι 13 40 2 1 444 315 47 I 14 15 O O 48 2 47 4 5 5 48 I 52 2 50.14 75 85 496. I 161:0 582 5314 10 5 9.1.5. 5116 I 171 22 564 125 10 5 526 I 181 82 594 145 1215 53 6 I 19 1 143 24 1615 13 5546 I 20 I 20 3 514 185 1s།༨ 546 I 21 22 1 2 I 2413 74 21.1.5 £75. 545 59 I 2813. 1014 23 5 185 55 5 59 23 I 3213 13 4 25 5 205 58 24 I 36 3 16 4 27 5 215 56 58 25 I 40 3 194' 295 225 5615 57 26 I 443 214 31 5 245 57 1.5 57 27 I 48 3 24 244 33 5 255 575 56 28 I 513 3 27 4 355 27 5 575 56 29 I 54 3 304 30 I 57 3 3:24 3715 395 285 585 5 55 3112 013 34 m m 305 58 5 54 32 53 Doctrine of the SPHERE. 343 A TABLE of the end of Twi-light, Lat. 51° 32′ N. Days. Jan. Feb. March April May June A H H H H H H 1234 16 86 4717 418 50 10 37 216 86 487 438 5810 IO 41 6 916 50 7 4519 I ΙΟ 10 46 1016 52 7 479 3 10 51 116 5417 499 6 10 56 66 126 5617 529 911 76 136 587 5419 11 II 27 816 147 07 56 9 13 11 12 157 ΙΟ 16 7 3 78 I 7 58 9 9 1611 20 II 20 36 116 187 5 8 319 126 1316 197 7 2017 9 519 79 14 6 1516 217 10 8 2217 12 8 ΙΟ 10 9 12 9 2 2 mm M 1616 247 13 8 1716 2517 15 8 186 2617 17 19/6 277 206 28 7 1918 218 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 1519 25 11 46 28 31 34 37 41 22 179 209 9 51 44 48 259 54 216 30 7 24 8 279 58 226 317 268 246 2516 3617 4316 3317 28 8 3517 30 8 328 29 10 I 31 10 4 34 10 7 37 10 10 40 10 No Night all this Month, but Twi-light. No Night but Twi-light. 2616 38 7 358 27 6 39 7 378 41/7 286 29 6 3016 31 6 43 44 46 3918 ∞∞ 13 43,10 16 46 10 21 49 10 52 10 54 27 32 344 An APPENDIX to the A TABLE of the end of Twi-light, Lat. 51° 32′ 51° 32′ N. 2 3 ΙΟ II Days.. | No Night but Twi-light. July Aug. Sep. Octo. Nov. Dec. H H H H H H aa 548 257 19 6 27 6 I 508 237 17 6 2616 I 9 4618 217 15 256 I 9 43 8 197 13 9 40/8 16 7 II 6 a a 246 I 236 O 9 37 8 137 9 215 59 348 1017 7 י 205 59 9 318 87 9 288 67 9 2518 417 5MH 6 1915 59 3 6 1815 5 59 16 175 59 片名 ​II 43 9 22 8 017 ol6 155 $9 12 13 11 II 3019 19 7. 5916 5816 14/5 59 II 2019 1617 5716 5616 135 59 14 11 1219 13.17 55 5516 54 6 125 59 15/11 89 1017 5316 52 6 115 59 16 II 219 77 506 51 6 17 10 58 47 486 5016 1810 529 17 46 6 486 a∞ 7 915 59 5 59 5 59 19 10 468 5817 4416 > 47 6 5 59 20 IO 4018 8 -55 7 4216 4516 615 59 21 10 368 5317 39 6. 4316 616 Ι 22 10 328 507 37 6 4216 23 10 288 5 6 I 24 10 248 4717 35 6 40 6 5 2 447 33 6 3916 2 2510 208 417 316 385 3 2610 168 397 2916 3616 3 27 10 128 36,7 2716 3516 3 4 28 10 9.8 3317 25 6 336 3 4 2910 6:8 3017 2316 32 6 216 3010 3 8 257 216 3016 216 31 10 08 26 6 28 6 7 A 337 ********************** SECT. V. Aftronomical PRECEPTS, in the Ufe of the follow ing New Tables; fhewing how to Calculate the Equa- tion of Time, Planets Places, Ingreffes, Aphelions, Retrogradations, Eclipfes, (both Particular and Ge- neral) Occultations, Appulfes, Tranfits, Immerfions, and Emerfions of the Satellites, &c. for any Time and Place propofed. PRECEPT 1. To Reduce any other Meridian to that of London & contra. TH "HE Epocha's or Radixes of the Middle Motions of the Planets in the following Tables are accomodated to the laft Day of the Julian Year for the Meridian of London. In the Catalogue of Cities, feek the Place defired, and right against it is the Elevation of the Pole, and Difference of Meridians from London, either Eaft or Weft, as the Letters 4, or S, which fignifie Add, and Subtract, denote: That Place with A againft it lies to the Eaft; and that with S, to the Weft of London. .. Then fuppofe I am at Rome, and there at 8 a-Clock in the Morning it be required to Calculate the Places of the Pla- nets from thefe Tables: Before I can begin the Work, I muft reduce the Time at Rome, to the Time at London. In the Table of Places I find Rome lies 52' to the Eaft of London; therefore, contrary to the Title, fubt. 52' from the Time at Rome, gives the Time at London ? ? ་ ་་ 1 B b OPE 338 Aftronomical Precept. OPERATION. H. M. Time at Rome 800 Difference of Meridians fubr. 52 Remains, the time at London 7 08 Secondly, If it be 7 h. 8 in the Morning at London, what time is it then at Rome? Time at London 7 H. M. 8 Difference Meridians add 52 8 0 Time at Rome Thirdly, Admit at Leverpool, when it is there Noon, what time is it then at London? Time at Leverpool Difference of Meridians add *** Time at Londòn H. M. 12. CO 00 10 12 10. 1 Laftly, Suppoſe at London it be 12 h. 10'; what time is it then at Leverpool? H. M. Time at London 12 10 Difference Meridians fub. O 10 Time at Leverpool 12 Theſe are all the Varieties that can happen in this Precept. : .. * PRE Aftronomical Precepts. 339 PRECEPT 2. To find the Equation of Time; and to reduce the Equal Time to the Apparent, & contrà. I have told you in the Definitions what the Equation of Time is; and for this purpoſe I have Calculated two Tables, which you will find in Pages 2 and 3, of thefe Tables: The first part is gained by entring with the Sun's Place on the Head, if the Sun be in the firft or third Quadrant of the E- cliptic, and the Degree on the left Hand Defcending: But if the Sun be in the fecond or fourth Quadrant, then find the Sign he is in at the bottom, and the Degree on the Right Hand Afcending; and in the Place of meeting is the firſt part of the Equation of Time in Minutes and Se- conds. Secondly, With the Sun's Mean Anomaly, enter the Table. in Page 3, finding the Sign on the Head, if he be in the firft Semicircle of the Ellipfis; that is, if the Mean Anomaly be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 Signs and the Degree on the left Hand Defcending; but if the Sun (or Earth) be in the fecond part of the Ellipfis; that is, if the Mean Anomaly be 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 Signs, find the Sign at the bottom, and the Degree on the Right Hand Afcending, and in the Place of meeting you have the fecond part of the Equation of Time in Minutes and Seconds; which is to be added or ſub- · tracted as the Table directs: Then if both Parts add, or both fubtract, their Sum; otherwife their Difference (accor- ding to their greater part) is the Abfolute Equation of Time. Example. Anno 1728, November 5th Day at Noon, I de- mand the true Equation of Time. Sun's Place Anomaly Deg. Min. Sec. 24 24 57 Gives 9 4 17 31 00 Gives Min. Sec. 29 + to 5 19+ to time. time. Sum 14 48 Add to the E. qual, or Subtract from the Apparent Time. } Bb 2 Of 349 Aftronomical Precepts. Or otherwife without the help of the Tables, you may ar ny time find the true quation of Time thus: L By Prob. 3, find the Sun's Right Afcenfion to the time pro- poſed, and take the Difference between that and the Longi tude, which fhall be the first part of the Equation of Time, and is to be added to the Apparent Time, when the Sun is in the fecond or fourth Quadrants; but fubtracted, if he be in the firft or third. The ſecond part of the Equation of Time is the Elliptic E- quation, taken out of the Table, Pages 28, 29, and 30, which is to be added to the Apparent Time in the laft fix Signs of Mean Anomaly, and to be fubtracted in the firſt fix Signs. When thefe two Parts are of the fame kind, that is, both add, or both fubtract their Sum; otherwife their Difference is the Abfolure Equation of Time, which according to the greater part, added to, or fubtracted from the Apparent Time, you will have the Equal; but to reduce the Equal to the Apparent, uſe the contrary Titles. Example. Anno 1728 November 5th Day at Noon, I would know the true Equation of Time ? Sun's Longitude in Degrees Right Afcenfion Difference, is the first part of } the Equation Elliptic Equation add Sum £} Deg. Min. Sec. 234 24 57 *232 2 29 2 22 28 fub, 1 19 48 fub, 3 42 16. Which reduced into Time by the Table in Page 66, is 14 min. 49 fec 4 thirds, the Abfolute Equation of Time; which is to be added to the Equal, or fubtracted from the Apparent Time. PRE Aftronomical Precepts. 341 PRECEPT 3. To Compute the true Longitude of the Fixed Stars. The Catalogue of Fixed Stars I have rectified to the be- ginning of the Year of Human Redemption 1727; there- fore you have no more to do, than to take the Præceffion of the Equinox out of the Tables, in Pages 4 and 5, for any interval of Years, and add it to the Place of the Star in the Catalogue for Time, after 1727 ; but fubtract for Time be- fore, and you will gain the true Longitude of the Star en- quired after. Example. Anno 1740, Fannary 1, I would know the true Place of the Pleiades? From 1727, to 1740, is 13 Years. 1727 Place of the Pleiades is 13 Year Motions add Place of the Pleiades Deg: Min. Sec Ŏ 26 10 58 10 50 8 26 21 48 The like you are to obſerve for any other Fixed Star in the Cata- logue, And the Præceffion of the Equinox is given any Year by Inſpection. PRECEPT 4. To Calculate the true Place of the Sun. 1. From the Tables of the Sun's Mean Motion, write ouz the Longitude and Anomaly anſwering the Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds, (if occafion be, which added up feverally, are the Mean Motion of the Sun for the time propofed; remembring in Leap-Year after February to take the Days of the Month on the Right Hand under Biffex- tile. 2. With the Sun's Mean Anomaly thus collected, enter the Table of his Equation, with the Sign on the Head (if under 6 Signs) and the Degree in the firſt Column on the Left- Hand, deſcending; but if the Anomaly be more than 6 Signs, ! find 342 Aftronomical Precepts. 1 find the Sign at the Foot of the Table, and the Degree on the Right-hand Afcending; and in the Common Angle, or place of meeting is the Elliptic Equation, and Logarithm of the Diſtance of the Sun from the Earth anfwering; which, according to the Title, added to, or fubtracted from, the Mean Longitude of the Sun before found, will give his true Place to the time propoſed; ever obſerving to find the Equation and Logarithm anſwering to the Mean Anomaly, as has been fhewn in Page 299. Example. Let the Sun's true place be required on April 7, 1728, at Noon? OPERATION. Equal Time: Long. | Anom. O ១. S O 17289 20 11 436 11 58 5² If 60 о April 7, B3 6 35 37 3 32/13 6 15 2 Give 120 14771 Mean Moto 26 47 209 15 Equat. add 1 49 301 Sun's Place.lo 28 36 50L. 5.002443 34 12What 34 12 2441 Answer 68 17212 to be added to the Log. of 9 S. 18º makes the trueLog. à anſwering the Mean Anomaly. Example 2. Let the Place of the Sun be required on Auguft 29 at 36' 46'' paft 8 a-Clock in the Morning at Low- don, Equal Time? OPERATION. Equal Time. Long. O, Anom. S. O S. 1728 9 20 11 436 11 58 52 If Aug. 28, Biff. 7 27 32 277 27 31 31 Give Hours 20 Minutes 36 46 Seconds Mean Mot. Equat, Sub. Sun's trae Place 5 18 49 17 I 29 2 Min.Sec. 60 。 L.L. 。 0 42 49 17 What 21 11 19331 4522 1 29. 0 15 23852 This I 2 propor. Part is fubtracted I 34 582 10 21 from the Equation of 2 S. 48 15 Le 5.00257190, and there remain 19 48'16", the trueEquation. 5 16 46 42 1 Exam- т Aftronomical Precepts. 349 Example 3. Let the Place of the Sun be required 3949 Years before Chrift, on the 17th Day of April, under the Me- ridian of Babylon at Noon, that being the fuppofed Time of the World's Creation.. In order to Calculate the Places of the Planets to any given Time before Chrift, fubtract the Motion anſwering to as many Years as will bring in, or exceed the Number of Year's intended, from the Mean Motion anſwering to the firft Year of Chrift; and to the remainder add the Motion of ſo many Years as will make up the Complement of the Number of Years you fubtracted, to the given Number of Years before Chrift. As in this Example, 40 +11=51 fub. from 4000, leaves 3949. Or fubtract the Mean Motion from the first Year of Chriſt, which anſwers to the given Number of Years before Chrift, having regard whether the Year be Biffextile or Common and then to fubtract the Motion of a Day more from thẻ reft, as you may fee by the Examples following. Equal Time. Long. O Anom. O S. O "1 S. Q " Anno Chrifti, 9 7 53 10 6 29 53 40 4000 Years. - 00 13 2010 20 T༢ 20 AnteChr.4000 8 40 1111 29 20 Radix 3949| 8 7 April 17,Com. 5 15 XMer.3h.14'. 7 39 50 8 fub. 9 40 20 • 18 811 29 36 8 3811 29 9 S 36 8 8 25 33 1 27 52 3 15 27 34 7 7 59 Mean Mot. 11 22 54 27/12 24 OI II 53 Equation add Sun's Place. 1 23 6 20 By which it appears that the Sun did not enter Arses till about the 24th Day of April, at the Creation, Of 844 Aftronomical Precepts Or you may work thus. Years. S. Deg. Min. Sec S. Deg. Min. Sec. 22 40 0011 OO 10 6 48 0011 21 3 300000 900.00, 40 | 00 18 8/11 29 36 8 911 29 49 1811 29 39 51 3934 Motion 00 29 35 16/20 20 58 59 fub. Year Xt. 9 7 53 10 6 29 53 40 from Rem. 8 8 17 441 8 9 24 41 59 8 58 8 8 18 36 8 8 25 Sub. one Days Motion Radix So 'tis needleſs to proceed any further; will be the fame as was juft now found, 33 as before: for the Sun's Place 23° 6 min. 20 fec. PRECEPT 5. To Calculate the Sun's Ingrefs into any of the Twelve Signs. In order to make this Work as fhort and plain as poffible, I have here underneath given the Elliptic Equation when the Sun enters every one of the 12 Zodiacal Signs for the Year 1728; which are to be added or fubtracted to or from the Sun's Mean Longitude of any given Year, the Sum or Diffe- rence fubtracted from the Number of the Sign you are feek- ing the Sun's entrance into ; and from that fubtract the near- eft lefs Day, Hour, Minute, and Second, in the Tables of Mean Motion, and you will fpeedily gain the true time of the Sun's Ingrefs into the fame Sign; as the following Exam- ples will make plain. 1 1 The Aftronomical Precepts. 345 1 The Table of Elliptic Equation. 1728 XT DE LEIEV " O 42 39 add? 3º 41 add 48 2 6 ma 55 add 32 add * I ԴՐ I 54 I 48 I 12 41 add O 16 50 add 43 40 fub. I 32 6 fub. I I 55 20 20 fub. I 47 31 fub. I I I 17 fub. VS O from the Sun's Mean Longitude for any given Year. Add to, or Subtract 16 25 fub. Example. Let the true time of the Sun's Ingreſs into Aries be required, Anno 1728? The Work ſtands thus: } Anno 1728, Sun's Mean Longitude $ S. Deg. Min. Sec. 9 20 II 43 Equation add 1 54 55 Sum Sub. 9 22 6 38 From Aries 12 O O Q 1 * Rem. March 8, Biffext. fub. 27 Rem. 2 7 53 22 • 1 26 SI 59 Hours 21 fub. 51 45 1 Rem. Minutes 4 fub. .11 Thirds. 9. 51 Rem. 1 Seconds 28 fub. I 9 Се By 346 Aftronomical Precepts. By which it appears, that the Equal Time of the Sun's Entrance into the Equinoctial Sign at London 1728, is March 8 d. 21 h. 4 min. 28 ſec. At which time the Sun's Mean Anomaly is 8 S. 19 deg. 52 min. 5 feconds; which gives the Equation of Time 7 min. 40 feconds, to be fub- tracted from the Equal Time 8 d. 21 h. 4 min. 28 feconds: Therefore the Apparent Time of the Vernal Equinox is March 8 d. 20 h. 56 min. 48 feconds. And if thoſe Gentlemen that are qualified, and fitted with proper Inſtruments, will pleaſe to obſerve the fame, I do not at all doubt but that the Event will very nearly anfwer. And after the fame manner have I found the Equal Times of the Sun's Ingrefs at London to be as follows, with the Mean Anomaly at the fame Time. IO 20 34 II Q's Anom. D. H. M. S. S D. M. S. Fan. 9 5 25 37 enters Feb. 7 20 25 25 March 8 21 4 28 April 8 IO 9 O May 9 I I II 13 Fune 9 20 20 O 17285 July II 7 22 19 Aug. 1 I 13 30 49 Sept. KUDHULZIENS 78 6 21 4 30 20 16 24 8 19 52 S 9 19 58 24 2 on II 9 25 Octob. 11 16 44 IS Nov. 10 12 21 26 Dec. 10 O 44 25 8 II 15 25 enters Fan. Feb. 7 2 March 9 April ·14 12 253 10 8 15 57 May 9 15 59 14 Fune ΙΟ 27 42 1729 July II 13 10 33 Aug. II 19 19 28 Sept. II 15 Octob. 11 23 ી. 11 21 29 58 O 22 30 24 I 23 18 46 2 3 23 41 56 23 34 3 4 22 57. 45 VS 5 22 2 49 K&DEGLEIENS 6 21 3 27 7 20 15 21 8 19 51 1 9 19 57 19 10 20 33 5 II O 14 O 33 17 O VS S Nov. 10 18 20 Dec. 10 6 33 43 21 28 52 22 29 18 23 17 41 I 2 23 40 52 3 23 33 0 4 22 56 45 22 I 47 1730 Aftronomical Precepts. 347 1 O Anom. D. H. M. S. S. (Fan. 8 17 5 170 in Feb. 7 8 4 4 March 9 8 ԴՐ 42 00 April 8 21 45 SI May 9 2 47 Fune 10 7 56 00 1730 July II 18 59 Aug. 12 I 7 18 m } Sept. II 21 3 00 Octob. 12 4 22 19 Nov. II 00 10 00 IXS DHONIES D. M. S. 6 21 2 26 * 7 20 14 19 8 19 49 58. ୪ 9 1956 10 20 32 Oo 16 II 21 27 47 ી. O 22 28 13 I 23 16 16 36 2 23 49 48 3 23 31 57 4 42 55 41 I Dec. 10 12 23 25 vs 5 22 00 46 By reaſon of the Motion of the Earth's Aphelion and Nodes, the Elliptic Equation is never the fame again when the Sun enters the fame Sign, &c. for by Cal- culation I have proved that in 72 Years time, the diffe- rence of the Equation in the fame part of the Orbit, is, as is here fet down. When enters XT CHOLEIENS VS Min. Sec. 2 22 I O 37 fub. 25 53 2 ΟΙ હ 2 2 34 add 24. Zlub. I 35 35 I 2 22 577 58 add 30 to, or from the Equations of the Year 1728 in 72 Years, and ſo proportionable for any intermediate Years. 1728 = Example. Idemand the time of the Sun's Ingrefs into the Tropical Sign Capricorn, Anno 1740? Firft 1740 12 Years? Then ſay, As 72 Y: 2 min. 30 fec:: 12 Y: 25 feconds. This is to be added to the Elliptic Equation of the Year 1728, 16 min. 25 fec. in Capricorn, and it makes 16 min. 50 fec. for the Elliptic Equation in Capricorn for the Year 1740. Сc 2 Now 348 Aftronomical Precepts. 1 Now the Operation ftands thus: Anno 1740, Sun's Longitude Equation for 1740 fub. Rem. fub. S. Deg. Min. Sec. 9 20 17 ΙΟ 16 50 9 20 CO 20 From VS 9 0 Rem. II 9 59 40 Dec. o Biffextile fub. I I 9 3 45 1 Rem. Hours 22 fub. 55 55 54 13 42 Thirds. 2 Rem. I Minutes 41 fub. I 41 Rem. Seconds 23 ſub. Rem. Thirds 32 fub. 58 Fourths. 56 40 I 20 I 19 I I 1 Rem. Fourths 25 fub. Rem. O By this Calculation it appears that the Sun will enter Ca pricorn Anno 1740, at London, December 9 d. 22 h. 41 min. 23 fec. 32 thirds 25 fourths, equal Time, the Anomaly at that Time being 5S. 21 deg. 50 min. 44 feconds, which gives the Equation of Time 1 min. 7 fec. to be added to the E- qual Time, which makes the Apparent Time of this Solar Ingrefs on December the 9th, 22 h. 42 min. 30 fec. 32 thirds 25 fourths. 1 PRE- } Aftronomical Precepts. 349 PRECEPT 6. To Calculate the true Place of the Moon. 1. By Precept the 4th, find the Sun's true Place, to the gi- ven Time. 2. In the Tables of the Mean Motions of the Moon, write out her Longitude, Anomaly, and Node; to the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minutes, and Seconds given, add the Motions of Longitude and of Anomaly into two feveral Sums; but the Node (becauſe it is Retrograde) muft be fubtracted; that is, fubtract the Motions of Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds, from the Mean Motion anfwering the given Year; and thus you will have the Middle Motions of the Moon collected to the given Time. 3. With the Mean Anomaly enter the Table of the Moon's Elliptic Equation, in Pages 51, 52, and 53; and take out the Equation and Logarithm of her Diſtance from the Earth, (as I have fhewn in that of the Sun) taking the propor- tional Parts to the Minutes and Seconds of her Mean Ano- maly; and (according to the Title of the Table,) the Equa- tion added to, or fubtracted from the Mean Longitude and Anomaly, gives her Place firft Equated. 4. From the firft Equated Place of the Moon, fubtract the Sun's true Place; the Refidue is the Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun; which double, and with the double Diſtance enter the Table, Page 54, 55, and take out the Moon's Re- flection, which (according to its Title) apply to the Equated Anomaly, and it gives you her Anomaly corrected. Alfo with the Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun take out of the fame Table the Logarithm of the Chord of Evection: Or, to the Logarithm of the Diameter of the Circle of Evection 3.640432; add the Sign of the Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun, rejecting Radius, is the Logarithm of the Chord of E- vection; which reſerve. 5. To find the Synodical Anomaly; the Moon paffing from the Conjunction or Oppofition of the Sun to the Quadratures, the Complement of the Diſtance of the Sun and Moon to a Quadrant is to be added to the Correct Anomaly before found. But from the Quadratures to the Conjunction or Oppofition, the Excefs of the Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun is to be } Aftronomical Precepts. 350 { ! be fubtracted from the Correct Anomaly; and the Sum or Difference is the Synodical Anomaly. 6. From the Logarithm of the Diſtance of the Moon from the Earth, (found by the 3d hereof) fubtract the Logarithm of the Chord of Evection; and to the Refidue add the Radius. the Sum is the Tangent of an Arch; from which reject 45º. Then ſay, As Radius, To the Tangent of the remaining Arch; So is the Tangent of the half Synodical Anomaly, To the Tangent of an Arch, whofe Difference from the half Synodical Anomaly is the Angle of Evection; which, if the Synodical Anomaly were lefs than fix Signs, it fubtracts; if more, it adds. 7. If the Reflection, and Evection, both add, or both fub- tract their Sum; otherwife their Difference according to the greater part, is the fecond Equation; which added to, or fubtracted from the Longitude of the Moon firſt Equated, gives her Longitude in her Orb. 8. To find the Moon's Latitude, and Reduction from her Orbit to the Ecliptic. 1. With the double Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun, enter the Table, Page 56, and there take out the Equation of the Mocn's Nodes; which, (according to its Title) added to, or fubtracted from the equal Place of the Node, gives the true Place; which fubtracted from the Moon's Longitude in her Orb, leaves the Argument of Latitude. 2. With the Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun, take out the Exceſs of the Moon's Latitude above 5 degrees, in Page 57; which added to 5 degrees (always) gives the Angle of the Moon's Orb and Ecliptic at that time. Then for her Latitude, by Trigonometry, it will always hold. As Radius, To Sine Moon's Distance from the neareſt Node; So Sine of the Angle of her Orb with Ecliptic at that time, To the Sine of her Latitude. Which is North, if Argu- .ment of Latitude be leſs than 6 Signs; but South, if more. 3. With the Argument of Latitude enter the Table, Pages 58 and 59, and take out the Reduction; (according to its Title) being apply'd to the Moon's Orbit-Place, gives her Longitude reduced to the Ecliptic. Ex- Aftronomical Precepts. 351 Example. Anno 1728, Let the Place of the Moon in Lon- gitude and Latitude be required April 7th Day at Noon? Equal Time Longit. 、 Anno 1728 Apr. 7 Biff. Anom. Node> ?.. S. 9 17 46 7 I 17 I 19 20 50 6.2021 I 151 15 II 53 8fub. 5 11 22 Mean Mot. Equat. fub. >'s Pla. fub. 4 19 3 13 4 11 I 2 3 32 56 3 3 23111 sladd on ΙΟ 00 3 x <8 23 4 15 30 17 4 7 39 -7 I 10 -8 4 O's Pla. fub. c 28 6 Reft fub.o Dift. à O 3 16 5; 7 3 46 1 ་ ! Double Dift. fec.Equ.fub. Din her Orb 2 13 27, 4 7 4 fub 16 4 12 47 12 N. Node fub. 11 Argum. Lat. 5 Tr. Lat.N.D. Reduct. add 19 26 Log. Di.Cir.Ev. 3.640432 53 278073°5′33″.980848 5 3 20 25 59 Log.Ch.Evect 3.6 1200 1 25 12 59 Log.) ab. 10 58 54 1 48 18 As Rad. to 29 17 Ecl. Place 4 12 52 39 So tSy. An. Tot.of the Ar.ful. Rem.Ev.lub. Reflect. fub. 2d Equa.fub. t 87°29′39′ 1.45 4980219 11.358932 c fub. t.42 299-- 9.961961 55 12 59--10.158 69 52 49 55--10.120230 2 23 20 }}add 2 43 5 Sum. 2 43 For the Moon's Latitude, and Ecliptic Place. With the Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun 3 S. 16 deg. 53 min. 27, enter the Table, Page 57, and you'll find the Angle of the Moon's Orb above 5 degrees to be 16 min. 10 feconds; which, added to 5 degrees, make 5 degr 16 min. 10 ſeconds the Obliquity of the Moon's Orb at that time, and the Moon's Orbit Place 4 S. 12 degr. 47 min. 12 feconds fub- tracted from the Place of the South Node 5 S. 10 deg. 58 min. 54 feconds leaves 28 deg. 11 min. 42 feconds, the Moon's Distance from the neareft Node. Theſe things being known, ſay, As Radius To S. of from Deg Min. Sec. 90 Co 00--10 000000 1 1 To S. Obliquity Orb To S. Latitude N.D. } 28 II 5 16 42-- 9.674378 10-- 8963029 2 29 13-- 8.637407 For f 352 1 Aftronomical Precepts. For the Ecliptic-Place. With the Argument of Latitude 5 S. 1 deg. 48 min. 18 fec. enter the Table, Page 58, and take out the Reduction 5 min, 27 feconds; which (according to its Title) added to the Moon's Orbit Place 4 S. 12 deg. 47 min. 12 feconds, gives her Ecliptic Place 4 S. 12 deg. 52 min. 39 feconds. Example 2. Let the Moon's Place be fought on August 29, at 36 min. 46 lec. paſt 8 in the Morning. Equ.Time Long. S Q Anno 1728 1 > Anom. > S. 9 Node> " S. 9 17 46 1 9 20 50 1511 15 11 53 Aug. 28 Bif Hours 20 9 25 30 40 10 58 49 8 20 39 42 . I 2 45 44 10 53 15 39 Minute 36 Seconds 46 Equat. add 19 46 Mean Mot 7 24.35 447 043 19 36 5 25 25 } 12 48 28 0 43 13!I 2 23 25 2 22 3 2 's Pla. Eq 7 5 26 58 13 7 16 46 42 22 3: Sub. 1 II I 6 56 16 29 O's Pla.fub Dift. D à G2 Double Dift. 22 Equa. add Refl 3 5 45 add 23 56 Log.Di.Cir.Evect. 3.640432 10 11 31 7 3 29 41 S.àО70°11′31″ 9 973513 4 20 23 in her Orb 7 N.Node fub.11 2 27 A add19 8 2 Log.Chor.Ev. 3.613945 7 23 18 ic Log.) from 29 25 19 3 26 39 5 t.87 29 46 16 29 3 20 55 45 о o fub. 1 Argu. Latit 8 28 Tr. Lat. S.A. Reduct. fub. 2 4.973196 11.359251 859 As Rad. toft.42 29 46-- 9.962160 1528 So Sy.An. t.63 20 55--10.299396 25 To the Archt.61 17 45--10.261556 Eclip. Place 7 29 24 54 1 2 3 10 Evect. add 0 23 56 Refl. add 2 27 06 ad Equation. For the Moon's Latitude and Ecliptic Place. ¡ With the Diſtance of the Moon from the Sun 2 S. 10 deg. 11 min. 31 feconds, Enter the Table, Page 57, and it gives the Angle of the Moon's Orb with the Ecliptic above s deg. 15 min 38 feconds; which added to degr. makes 5 deg. 15 min. 38 feconds, the Obliquity of the Moon's Orb at that Time. And the Place of the South Node 5 S. 1 deg. 16 min. 29 fẹc. fubtracted from the Moon's Orbit ; Aftronomical Precepts. 353 Orbit-Place 7 S. 29 deg. 25 min. 19 feconds, leaves 2 S. 88 deg. 8 min. 5o fec. the Moon's 28 deg. 8 min. 50 fec. Diſtance from the neareft Node. Now for the Latitude, ſay, 50 Deg. Min. Sec. As Radius 90 00 00--10.000000 To: S. of from 2 88 8 50-- 9.99977.3 So S. Obliquity Orb 5 15 38-- 8.962298 To S. Latitude South A 5 15 28-- 8.96207 £ Lastly, For the Ecliptic-Place. With the Argument of Latitude 8 S. 28 deg. 8 min. 50 fec. enter the Table, Page 59, and take out the Reduction 25 ſeconds, which (according to its Title) fubtracted from the Moon's Place in her Orbit 7 S. 29 deg. 25 min. 19 fec. leaves 7 S. 29 degr. 24 min. 54 fec. the Moon's Place redu- ced to the Ecliptic. PRECEPT 7. To find the true Time of the Conjunction or Oppofition of the Sun and Moon. 1 This may be performed three ſeveral ways. 1. By the Logiſtical Logarithms. 2. By the Table of Lunar Afpects in Page 67. 3. By the Table of the Mean Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun in Page 65; which Method is this. With the Epact for the given Year, find the Day of the New or Full Moon, as has been fhewn in Page 297; to which Day at Noon compute the True Place of the Sun, and the firft Equated Place of the Moon. If theſe two Pla- ces be the fame Sign, Degree, Minute, and Second, then have you the true Time of the Full Moon: Or if their Places dif fer juft x Signs, then have you the true Time of the Full Moon: But if their Places differ at Noon (as most common- ly they do) fubtract the leffer Place from the greater, and with this Difference enter the Table, Page 65, and ſee how many Dd 7 * 354 Aftronomical Precepts. many Hours and Minutes, or Minutes and Seconds of Time the Diſtance of the Sun and Moon anſwers to; which, if the Sun's Place at Noon was more than the Moon's firft Equated Place, then this Difference in Time muſt be added to the Day at Noon above found by the Epact; but if the Moon's Place exceeds the Sun's, then are the Luminaries paft the Conjunction, or Oppofition: Therefore you muſt fubtract the Time found in the Table from the Noon of that Day; and this Sum or Difference, is the fuppofed Time of the New or Full Moon; to which Time compute again the Sun's true Place, and the firft Equated Place of the Moon; and if their Places now agree, then you may conclude you have the true Time of the New or Full Moon; but if you find a difference in their Places, you must enter the aforefaid Table, and take out the Time anſwering. to that Difference, and add or fubtract it, to, or from the time laft found, according as the Moon's Place was lefs or more than the Sun's: And thus you muſt proceed un- til you find the Sun's Place, and the firft Equated Place of the Moon to agree in Signs, Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds; for then you may be affured that you have the true equal Time of the New or Full Moon: And ever remember to make a Repetition of your Work until you find a Concur- rence in the Places of the Sun and Moon: Here you are to Note, that the time of the New and Full Moons are more eafily obtained than the Times of the Sextile, Square or Trine; by reafon that feveral Inequalities of the Moon va- nifh: An Example will make all plain to the diligent Rea- der. Example. Let it be required to find the time of the Full Moon in January, Anno 1730? } OPE 1 Aftronomical Precepts. 355 I OPERATION. Epact for the Year is 22, fub. from 45. Refts at Noon{ Jan. 23, at Noon Difference paft 8 ត ૧. In the Table give 7 hor. Remain Minutes 20 fub. Rem. Seconds 40 ſub. 2'3d Day. Deg. Min. Sec. 14 30 31 18 14 21 3 43 50 3 33 20 10 30 10 ΙΟ 20 20 } From the 23d. H. Min, Sec. 00 Sub. 7 40 40 40 Remain 22 16 39 30 then 30 then O 14º II' 51" 20 14. 14 21 08 Difference paft & Minutes 18 fub. 9 17 9 9 Remain Seconds 16 fnb. Rem.. 8 8 Days H. Min. Sec. From January 22 16 39 20 Sub. 18 16 1 Remain 22 16 21 4 Dd 2 At F 356 Aftronomical Precepts Deg. Min. Sec. At which time the 14 AW 14 II об ટી 12 Difference paft & 17 Minutes 2 fub. Rem. Seconds 20 fub. ; Days H. Min Sec. From January 22 16 21 4 Sub. 2 20 Remain 22 16 18 44 I II I OI 10 LO Deg. Min. Sec. At which time the Differ. paft & Seconds 6 fub. Rem. 14 II 0 4. 14 II 3 3 3 o So that the preciſe time of this Full Moon is January 22 D. 16 h. 18 min. 38 feconds; at which time the Sun's true place is 14 deg. 11 min. and the Moon in 14 deg. 11 minutes. After this manner muft you find the equal Times of the New and Full Moons. This is the moft expeditious of all other Methods made ufe of by Aftronomical Writers; which Me- thod is my own, and will become eafie if you will but work upon your Slate, and find the proportional Parts of the Elliptic Equations by a Sliding-Rule, as mentioned in Page 301. PRE- Aftronomical Precepts. 357 PRECEPT 8. To Calculate the true Heliocentrick, and Geocentrick. Places of the five Primary Planets 5, 4, d, f, and. §. t 1. By Precept 4, find the Sun's true Place, and the Loga- rithm of his Diftance from the Earth to the given Time. 2. Out of the Tables of the middle Motions of the Pla- net, write out the Longitude, Anomaly, and Node, to the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second; if need be, add them up feverally; fo have you the Mean Motions of the Planet to the Time propoſed. 3. With the Mean Anomaly take out the Elliptic Equation of the Planet and its Logarithm, referve the Logarithm and apply the Equation to the Mean Longitude, and (according to its Title) either add or fubtract, and the Sum or Difference will give you the Heliocentric Place of the Planet in its Orbit from the Vernal Eqninox. 4 From the Heliocentric Orbit-Place, fubtract the North Node of the Planet, and the refidue is the Argument of La- titude; with which take out the Reduction of its proper Table, and (according to its Title) added to, or fubtracted from the Heliocentric Orbit-Place you will have the fame Place reduced to the Ecliptic. 5. From the Longitude of the Sun, fubtract the Heliocen- tric Ecliptic Longitude of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars; but from the Ecliptic Heliocentric Longitude of Venus or Mercury fub- tract the Longitude of the Sun; the refidue is the Angle at the Sun, or Anomaly of Commutation; of which take the half; and if the half be more than three Signs, take its Complement to fix Signs or 180°. 6. From the Logarithm of Saturn's, Jupiter's, Mars's Di- ftance from the Sun, fubtract the Logarithm of the Sun's Distance from the Earth; to this remainder add the Ra dius, and you will have the Tangent of an Arch; from which reject 45º. But F 358 Aftronomical Precepts. But in the two Inferiours Venus and Mercury, take the Lo- garithm of their Diftance from the Sun, out of the Loga- rithm of the Sun's Diſtance from the Earth, and to the remain- der add Radius, and it is the Tangent of an Arch, from which reject 45 Degrees. Then, As Radius, To Tangent of the remaining Arch, So is the Tangent of half Anomaly of Commutation, or its Complement, To the Tangent of an Arch. Whofe Sum and Difference to the half Commutation is the Elongation and Parallax of the Earth's Orb. Or otherwiſe, the Paral- lax of the Earth's Orb may be found. Thus, In Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, fubtract the Loga- rithm of their Diſtance from the Sun, from the Loga- rithm of the Sun's Diſtance from the Earth (ie. the grea- ter Logarithm from the leffer, the Radius being firft ad- ded,) and the remainder will be the Tangent of an Arch; to which you must add 45°. But in Venus and Mercury fubtract the Logarithm of the Sun's Diſtance from the Earth, from the Logarithm of the Planet's Diſtance from the Sun, (the Radius being firft ad- ded) and the remainder is the Tangent of an Arch; to which always add 45°. Then, As Radius, To Co. Tangent of that Sum, So is the Tangent of half Anomaly of Commutation, to the Tangent of an Arch. This Paragraph is no more than the fecond Axiom (or Norwood's 3d) of Plain Trigonometry; for here are always two Sides, and the Angle included given, to find the other two Angles; that is, the Diſtance from the Earth to the Sun, and the Diſtance of the Planet from the Sun by their Lo- garithms with the Angle at the Sun always given, to find the Angle at the Earth, being the Elongation, and the An- gle at the Planet, being the Parallax of the Orbit. This I have made plain in my System of the Planets Demonstrated, Printed Anno 1727, for Mr. Wilcox in Little Britain, and for Mr. Heath, Mathematical Inftrument-maker in the Strand, London. 7. In Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the fourth proportional Tan- gent added to the Anomaly of half the Angle at the Sun, or Commutation, gives the Elongation; but fubtracted, gives the Parallax of the Earth's Orb. But Aftronomical Precepts. 359 But in Venus and Mercury the Sum of the fourth propor- portional Tangent added to half the Angle at the Sun, or Commutation, gives the Angle at the Planet or Parallax of the Orb; but fubtracted, gives the Angle at the Earth, or E- longation from the Sun. 8. If the Anomaly of Commutation be less than fix Signs, the Parallax of the Earth's Orb is to be added to the Helio- centric Longitude of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars; but in Venus and Mercury to be fubtracted: If the Anomaly of Commu- tation be more than fix Signs, the Parallax of the Earth's Orb (or Angle at the Planet) is to be fubtracted from the Helio- centric Longitude of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars; but in Ve- nus and Mercury to be added; the Sum or Difference, is the true Geocentric Longitude from the Vernal Equi- nox. Or, in Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, if the Anomaly of Com- mutation be less than fix Signs, fubtract the Elongation; but if more than fix Signs, add the Elongation to the Sun's Place. In Venus and Mercury, if the Anomaly of Commu- tation be less than fix Signs, add the Elongation; but if it be more, fubtract, to or from the Sun's place; the Sum or Difference is the true Geocentric Longitude of the Planet as before. 9. For the Geocentric Latitude of the Planets. With the Argument of Latitude take out of the pro- per Table the Planets Inclination, or Heliocentric Lati- tude; and then ſay, } As the Sine Commutation Co. Ar. To S. of Elongation; So is the Tangent of the Heliocentric Latitude, To the Tangent of the Geocentric Latitude. Or fay, As the Sine of Elongation Co. Ar. To the Sine of the Commutation; So Co. Tangent of the Heliocentric Latitude, To Co. Tangent of the Geocentric Latitude. Example. Let the true Place of Mercury be enquired the first Day of January at Noon, Anno 1728, under the Meri- dian of our Table's equal Time? See 360 Aftronomical Precepts. Tempus datum Longit. S. A See the Work.. Anom. S. o Anno 1728, 5 21 50 49 January 1, 4 5 32 S. Node ? 8 42 45 I 15 10 40 4 5 32 1 Mean Mot.5 25 56 139 Equat. add 21 16 5 Hel Or. pla. 6 12, 48 17 12,48 Node fub. 17 12 18 Log. Qà I 15 10 40 Log. ✪ à น Arg. Latit. Reduc. add 5 2 1 38 T. 23°4′18″ 10 32 4dd45 0 o Hel.Ecl. pla. 6 17 22 50 C.T.68 4 18 Sun's pla.fub 9 21 37 Anom.Com.18 25 45 21 29 Ta.47 7 20 Ta.23 26 27 Sum70 33 47 Half Complem. I 17 4 12 52 40 17 7 20 Diff.23 40 53 Parallax add 2 10 33 47 Geo. place 8 27 56 37 Dir.Orient.l 4.622239 4.992785 9.629454 9.604843 10.032291 9.637044 Parallax add. Elongat. fub, from the Sun's Place will give the Geocentric Place the fame, by adding the Pa rallaxes to the Heliocen tric Ecliptic Place. 1 For the Latitude. With the Argument of Latitude 5 S. 2 deg. 1 min. 38 fe- conds, take the Inclination out of its proper Table 3 deg. 14 min. 11 fec. N.D. and then ſay, As S. Commutation Co. Ar. To S. Elongation So T. Inclination North Deſc. To T. Geocentric Latitude N.D. Deg. Min. Sec. 85 45 E5 21--0.001193 23. 40 53--9.603848 3 14 11--8.752399 1 18 17--8.357.449.. N. B. In three Superiours h, 4, d, if the Anomaly of Commutation be less than fix Signs, they are Oriental; if more, Occidental. But in the two Inferiours 2 and 9, when 1 เ Aftronomical Precepts. 361 Example 2. Anno 1728, Let the Place of Venus be rẹ- quired April 16th Day at Noon, 1728 ? Given Time Longit. Anno 1728 [S 4 28 5557 55:57 Apr. 16 Biff. 5 21 25 56 Mean Mot.10 20 21 531 Equat. fub. O II 4 Anom. R Node ? " S. S. 6 21 586 2 14 12 5 21 25 41 013 22.47 Log. lào Hel.Orb. Pl. 10 26 10 49 Log.à 21 4.862278 5.003469 Node fub. 2 14 12 Argum. Lat. 8 5 58 21 Ta. 35°50′ 461 28 Add45 0 9.858809 Reduct. fub. 2 12 C.T.80 50 46 9.207201 Hel.Ecl. Pla. 10 20 8 37 Ta. 38 36 36 9.902315 I 7 21 48 Tan. 7 19 57... 9.109516 Sum45 56 33 Parallax add O's Pla. fub. Anom.Com. 9 12 46 49 Diff 31 16 39 Elongation fub. Half 4 21 23 24 1 8 36 36 Complem. Parallax add I 15 56 Geo.Lon. ? Dir. Orient. O 6 5 For theLatit. AsS.Co. C.A. 77 13 11--0.010895 10 To S. Elong.31 16 39--9.715321 10 SOT.Incl.SĂ. 3 5 34--3-732644 ToGe.La.SA. 1 38 50--8.45876 0 3 testatieateusutatatertiaintertoutuitectents etrctents E e } Ex- 1 362 Aftronomical Precepts. Example 3. Let the Place of Mars be fought June 11th, Day at Noon 17282 Equ.Time. Long. * S. Q Anom. & Node d : S: } 7 2 Argu. Latit. I 17 42 26 Ta. 32°43 55 Anno 1728 4 16 18 21 15 12 21~17 42 26 June 11 Biff. 2 25 25 25 2 25 24 55 Mean Mot 7 11 43 46 210~37 16 Equat. fub Hel. Orb.Pl. Node fub. :: 9:38 oc 4 Log Đào 5 46 Log ởàO 5.007229 " 5.199168 9.808061 5 14 23 20 Add45.00 cc Redu&t. fub. 36.7.77 43 55 9.337362 3 2 m I 5 3.7 Half Dir.&Occid, Hel. Ecl. Pl. 7 Sun's Place Anom.Com 7 28 59 21 Diff. 39 28 38 Parallax fub. 3 29 29401 Complem. 2 0.30 20For the Lato Parallax fub I 9 2838 Geo Long.5 22 37 38 So t.He.L.NDoo 29 52 6 16a. 60 30 20 10.247456 Ta. 21 1:42 9.584818 Sum81 32 2 Elongation add As S. Com8 59 21 C. Ar. 0.066983 To S. Elong. 81 32 2 9.995242 Tot.Ge.L.NDoo 34 28 7.938894 8.001119 ! ! 1 · EXAM Aftronomical Precepts. 363 S. 17 4 5 11 27 Example 4 Let the Place of Jupiter be required Auguft 26, 1728, at Noon? EqualTime. Longit, 1s." Anno 1728, S.O 1 26 56 Aug. 26Biffex. o 19 52 Mean Mot. Equat. add 2 16 48 21 # Anom. 24 Node 24 " S. 11. 7 16 48 533 7 57 30 30 0 19 51 16 86 40 9 Hel.Orb. Pl. 2 21.59 48. Log. → à 5.002902 Node fub. 3 7 57 30 Log. 24 à 5.708603 Ta. 110 8' 20 9.294299 Argum. Lat. II 14 2 18 Add 45 O Reduct. add 15 C.T. 56 8.20) 9.826714 } 5.13 59 16 Hel.Ecl.Pla. 2 22 O Sun's Place Anom.Com.2 21.59 13 'I' 10 59 36, Half Parallax add Geo. Lon. 24 Dir.and Ori 3 1 For theLatit at the Earth. IO 44 43 As S. Com C4.81°59′13″0.004261 To S. Elong 2 44 46 SOT.Incl.s.D TòT.Geo.La.SD 71 14 29-9976296 : 00 21 47-7.801710 @0 20 49-7-782327 Tan. 40 59 36 9.939061 3 Tan. 30 14-53) 9.765775 Sum 71 14 29 Elongation fub. Diff. 10 44 43 Parallax add Ee 2 Ex- 2 364 Aftronomical Precepts. t 1 Examples. Let the Place of Saturn be fought November 6, 1728, at Noon ? Equal Time. Long. H Anom. Node T S. a S. " S. " Anno 1728, 10 21 42 36 Novem. Biff 10 25 40 Ĩ * 22 31 563 21 0 10 23 55 F3 30 M. Mot. 11 2 7 407 'd Σ 2 55 51- Equat. fub. 5.37 29 Hel. Or.Pla. 10 26 30 11 Log. Node fub. 3 21 13 30 Log. O à O ་ - 4.994518 5.991720 Tan.5°44' 50' Arg. Lätit. 7 5 16 41 Add 45 00 Reduct,fub. I 33 CT. 50 44 50 Hel. Ecl. Pla.2 26 28 Tan.45 31 32 Sun's Place 7 25 25 35 Sum85 17 39 Elongation add 38 Tan.39 46' 7 9.002798 9.912283 10.007968 9.920251 Ano. C om. 8 28 56 Diff. 5 45 25 Parallax fub. 57 Half 4 14 28 28 Complem. Í 15 31 32 For the Lat. at the Earth. As S.Com.C. A.88°56′ 57″0.000073 Parallax add To S. Elong. 5 45 351 So T.Incl.S.A. Geo.Longh 10 20 43 Dir.and Oc. 13 ToT:Ge=Lat.SA 85 17:39-9-998533 I 26 42-8.401831 I 26 25-8.400437 < PRE- 1 Aftronomical Precepts. 365 ! 1 PRECEPT 9. Shewing how to find the Time when any of the Primary Planets will be in their Aphelions, and Peribe- lions. First, You must underſtand, that when the Mean Anomaly of a Planet is no Signs, Degrees, Minutes, nor Seconds, then that Planet is in Aphelion; and if it be juft fix Signs, then it is in Perihelion. Thefe things being known, fubtract the Mean Anomaly for the given Year from 12 Signs, and ſeek the remainder in the Months of that Planet, and what Day you find it ftand againſt, is the Day that that Planet is in its Aphelion, 2. Subtract the Mean Anomaly for the given Year from 'fix Signs, and feek the remainder as before, and you will have the Day that it is in its Perihelion. Example. Anno 1728, I would know the Days that Mer- cury will be in Aphelion and Perihelion ? From OPERATION. Aphelion. S. Deg. Min. Sec. I 2 00 DO 00 Sub.Anom.for 1728 9 Remains 1 8 42 44 2 21 17 and Perihelion. S. Deg. Min. Sec. 6 00 00 9 08 42 44 16 and 8 21 17 16 First, I feek in the Months of the Mean Motions of Mer- and I find this Anomaly 2 S. 21° 17′ 16″ ſtand againſt theſe Days, viz. sury; Fanuary 10 April 17(which are the Days that Mercury will be in Fuly 14 October 10 Aphelion in the Year 1728. Alfo 366 Aftronomical Precepts. Alſo I ſeek the Anomaly 8 S. 21° 17' 16" as above, and I find it againſt theſe Days, 4 March the Days on which Mercury will be in Peri- SM May 31 27 S Aug. 27 Nov. 23 helion Anno 1728. Example. In Venus, Anno 1728 ? From OPERATION. At Aphelion S. Deg, Min. Sec. 12 Sub. Anom. for 1728 6 21 Remains Perihelion S. Deg. Min. Sec. 6 oo .00 00 21 58 7 00 oo and 5807 6 5 8 53 and 11 8 I 53 April Anse 1728 Aphelion. Anno Novem, 18 ! July 29, in Perihelion. So Venus in the Year 1728, comes twice to her Aphelion, and once to her Perihelion, as above. Example in Mars, Anno 1728 ? ““ Perihelion. S. Deg. Min. Sec. 00 00 and 6 00 00 00 Aphelion. S. Deg. Min, Sec. From I 2 Sub. Anom: for 1728 11 1512 21 Remain 00 14 47 39 II 15 12 21 6 14 47 39 Aphelion Jan. 28. But doth not reach his Perihelion till Jan. 1729. For the Anomaly 6 S. 14° 47' 39" is not to be found in the Months of the Mean Motions of this Planet. Exam- Aftronomical Precepts. 367 A Example in Jupiter for 1728. 5 1 t Aphelion S. Deg. Min. eec. From 12 O and 6 O Perihelion. S. Deg. Min. Sec. O O Sub. Anom. for 1728 7 16 48 53 7 16 48 53 / Rcmains 4 13 II 7 and 10 13 II 7 Theſe Numbers cannot be found in the Months of the Mean Motions of Jupiter; which proves he doth not come to either of thoſe Points in the Year 1728. Example in Saturn for the Year. From Aphelion. ' S. Deg. Min. Sec. 12 00, 00 oo and Sub.Anom. for 1728 1 22 31 56 Remains Perihelion S. Deg. Min. Sec. 6 00 Oo Oo I 22 31 56 4 ΙΟ 7 28 4 and 4 7 28 Theſe Anomalies cannot be found in the Months of the Mean Motions of Saturn; which fhews, he doth not come to thoſe Points in the Year 1728. And thus I have given you a New and Expeditious Method to find the Days when the Planets will be in Aphelion and Perihelion. The Times of the Earth's Aphelion and Perihelion are found the fame way. Example in the Earth for the Year 1728? Aphelion. S. Deg. Min. Sec. From 12 00 Oo o and Perihelon. S. Deg. Min. Sec. 6 00 00 00 Sub. Anom. for 1728 6 11 58 52 Remains 5 18 6 II 58 52 1 8 and IL 18 I 8 The $68 Aftronomical Precepts. The Anomaly S. 18° 1' 8" anfwers to June 18, OR which Day the Earth is in Aphelion: And the Anomaly 11S. 18° 18' I find the neareft unto it right against December 18, the Day that the Earth is in Perihelion. But to find the pre- cife Time of the Aphelion or Perihelion, you muft work as in the Solar Ingreffes; thus, for the Time of the Earth's A- phelion. From June 18, fub. S. Deg. Min. Seo. 5:18 I 8 5 17 33 8 Rem. Rem. 28 Ӧ Hours II fub. 27 6 54 Thirds. 51 45 2 15 2 15 Minutes 21 ſub. Rem. Seconds 55, ſub. Rem. By which it appears that the Earth will be in Aphelion, Anno 1728, June 18 d. 11 h. 21′ 55″ P.M. For the Time of its Perihelion. S. Deg. Min. Sec. From \II 18 I 8 Decembber 18, fub. II 17 54 58 Remain 6 10 Hours 2, fub. 4 56 Remains I 14 Thirds. Minutes 30, fub. 1 13 $5 Rem. 5 Seconds 2, fub. S Remain Anno Aftronomical Precepts. 369 Anno 1728, December 18 d. 2 h. 302 the Earth is in Peri- helion. For proof of your Work, if to thoſe times above found you collect the Anomaly of the Earth, you will find it in the Aphelion to be nothing, and in the Perihelion fix Signs. And after the fame manner you may find the precife times of the Perihelions and Aphelions of the Primary Pla- nets. PRECEPT 10. To find the Times of the Apogeon and Perigeon of the Sun and Moon. I The Method for this is the very fame as has been ſhewn in the laft Precept; but here you are to Note, that when I mention the Earth's or Sun's Anomaly, it is all one and the fame thing; for 6 S. 11 deg. 58 min. 52 feconds is the Earth's Anomaly as well as the Sun's for the Year of Chrift 1728, Current; and that the time of the Earth's Aphelion is alfo the time of the Sun's Apogeon; and the time of the Earth's Perihelion, is likewife the time of the Sun's Perigeon, which were found in the laſt Precept, and ſo needs not be repeated here: But the Places of the Earth and Sun are ever Diametrically oppofite. Secondly, Becauſe of the Moon's fwift Motion, fhe tran- fits the Points of the Apogeon, and Perigeon feveral times every Year; therefore let it fuffice to find the true time of her tranfiting her Apogeon in January in the Year 1728. ~ A A F.f OPE 370 Aftronomical Precepts. OPERATION. From S. Deg. Min. Sēt. 12 Sub. Mean Anomaly 1728, Rem. Fan 5, fub. 2 2 9 20 50 15 9 9 45 $ 19 30 Rem. 3. Hours 7 fub. 3 50 15 48 38 Rem. I 3.7. Minutes fub. I 5 Rem. 32 Seconds 59 fub. 32 Rem.. So the Moon is in Apogeon 1728, Fan. 5th 7h. 2 min. 59 fe- conds. And in 27 deg. 31 min. 9 feconds. For the Time of her next Perigeon. S. Deg. Min. Sec. 6.00 co 00 9 20 50 15 1 From Sub. Anomaly for 1728 Rem. Fan, 19, fub. .8 ∞ ∞ 8 9 9 45 8 14 5 Rem. 55 40 Hours 22 fub. 32 39 Rem. 23 I Minutes 42 fub. 22 52 Rem. 9 Seconds 17 fub. 9. Rem 、; } Se Aftronomical Precepts. 37x So that the Moon is in Perigeon Jan. 19th 1 h. 46° 17!', 1728, in m 29 deg. 3 min. 15 feconds. And thus you may find in every Month of the Year the equal time that the Moon is in Apogeon, and in Perigeon: For when you have fubtracted the Mean Anomaly for the Year from 12, . and 6 Signs ſeverally, thoſe remainders may be found in e- very Month of the Year, which has been taught above. You will have the times of the Moon's Tranfiting thofe two Points in her Syftem. D. H. M. S. 5 7 2 59 in 27° 31 min. 9 fec. 20 21 31 !Fan. Feb. 1 Feb. 28 9 40 8 March 27 22 58 42 Anno 1728 April 24 May 221 I 2 17 17 35 50 in Fune 18 14 54 24 Apo- Fuly 16 4 12 57 Aug. 12 17 31 32 geon Sept. 9 6 50 6. Octob. 6 Nov. Nov. 30 Dec. 28 30∞ (Jan. 20 8 43 9 27 15 45 48 22 12 4 19 in Ŏ 7º 25 min. 33 fec. D. H. M. S. I 42 42 17 in m 29° 3 min. 15 fec. 19 Feb 1,5 15 Oo 52 Mar. 14 4 19 24 April 10 17 Anno 1 May 37 37 56 8 6 58 22 1728 Fune 4 > in Fuly 2 Peri- July 20° 15 92 29 22 33 8 40 52 15 geon Aug. 26 12 9 19 Sept. 23 3 19 35 o&. 20 14 47 58 Nov. 17 4 Dec. 14 17 25. 6 32 2 ) in m 5º 53 min. 28 fec. And ! Ff 2 372 Aftronomical Precepts. 1 And as I have given you here the Moon's Mean Place a the firſt and laſt times that fhe is in Apogeon and Perigeon in the Year 1728; fo you may find her Place at the other times, as fet down, if you do but collect her Mean Motions to thoſe times feverally. t PRECEPT II. To find the Time of the Retrogradations of the Pla- nets. What I intend here, is to find out the Days when the Pla- nets become Retrograde; and firft, you are to understand, that Saturn and Jupiter are Retrograde every Year; Mars once in two Years; Venus is fix times Retrograde in the ſpace of Eight Years; Mercury three or four times every Year. In order therefore to make the Work plain and eafie, we muſt have the Angle at the Sun, or Anomaly of Commuta- tion when the Planet becomes Retrograde; and altho 'tis impoffible (by reaſon of the Different Pofitions of the Earth at different times) to fix this Angle to each Planet fo as to be Perpetual; yet that it may be of fervice herein, I have fta- ted that Angle to each Planet, as is here fet down. Ret. Limit. Dir. Limit. S. D. M. 路 ​3 24 30 S. D. M. 8 ö 4 630 be more than <5 8 7 23 30 6 22 5 15 6 15 4 28 ) 7 2 ده the Planet is Retrograde. RULE. Subtract the Mean Longitude of a Superiour Planet for any given Year from the Mean Longitude of the Sun for the fame Year, and that is the Mean Anomaly of Commutation; which, if it be not between the Retrograde and Direct Limit, (as fpecified by the Table above) then the Planet is Direct: And to find when it will become Re- trograde, fubtract the Angle at the Sun fo found from the Retrograde Limit, and feek the remainder in the Month of the Solar Tables for all the Planets except Mercury, and fee Aftronomical Precepts. 373 fee what Day it anſwers to; on which Day compute the Longitude of the Sun, and Heliocentric Place of the Pla- net; find the Angle at the Sun now; and if it be ſhort of the Retrograde Limit, fubtract it from it, and feek the remain- der in the Solar Tables, and add this time to the time firſt found in the Solar Tables; to this time compute the Places of the Sun and Planet as before, and the Angle at the Sun; and if it is yet fhort of the Retrograde Limit, fubtract it from it, and work as before, till you find it agree with the Retrograde Limit, and then you will have the time that the Planet becomes Retrograde. Example. In the Year 1727, I would know when Saturn becomes Retrograde. OPERATION. 1727 Mean Long. of{ Angle at the Sun Retrograde Limit In the Solar Tables So May 1575 Ş. Deg. Min. Sec. 9 20 26 3 ħ 13 9 29 14 II 10 56 49 3 24 30 4 13 33 11 is May 15. '༡ 4 35 3 10 9 39 44 3 24 55 19. Angle at the Sun This agreeing with the Limit, fhews Saturn becomes Retrograde May 15. And if to this Point you add a Year and 12 Days, it will give May 27, 1728, the Day that Saturn becomes Retrograde. See the Table in my Syftem of the Planets De- monftrated, Page 102. 1 Exam- 374 Aftronomical Precepts. Example in Mercury, S. Deg. Min. Sec. ŏ 1728 Mean Long.of 5 21 50 41 9 20 II 43 Angle at Sun 8 1 38 58. This being more. than the Direct Limit, fhews the Planet to be Direct. Retrograde Limit Angle at Sun fub. In Tables S. Deg. Min. 4 28 8 Σ 39 26 21 is March 5. S. Deg. Min. Sec. 2 20 26 57 March 5,{8 Angle at Sun Limit Retrog. 11 26 9 37 24 17 20 2 4 28 Oo 00 t Diſtance 2 3 42 40 give 15 Days in Mer- cury's Tables; added to March 5, give 20 of March, the Days that Mercury becomes Retrograde; to which add 125 Days (ſee the above-cited Book, Page 66,) and that points out July 23, when Mercury becomes Retrograde again. He is now in Virgo; add 112 Days, and that points out November 12, when Mercury becomes Retrograde a third time in the Year 1728. And thus you may proceed in any other Planet; by adding the Diſtance of Days from one Retrogradation to a- nother, you will nearly have the Day of the next Retrograda- tion of the fame Planet; which Diftances between each Re- trogradation of all the Planets you have Tables of in my Book above-mentioned, PRE- Aftronomical Precepts. 375 PRECEPT 12. To find the Times of the Mutual and Lunar Af 1 pects. To perform this, you must first have the Motion of all the Planets computed to the Noon of feveral Days fuccef- fively; as, for a Month, or for a Year, &c. And for the Mutual Aspects, it doth fuffice to find the Day only, becauſe of their Slow Motions; but becauſe of the Moon's fwift Motion, her Aſpects with the other Planets are (or ought to be) computed to the precife Time. Then having the Motions of all the Planets in readineſs for a Month, begin with any two of them, and guide your Eye down their Columns, and fee if you can find the fame Degree and Minute of an Aſpect-Sign (a Table of the Aſpects you have in my Aftronomy before-mention- ed, Page 17,) for that is the Day of the Afpect. Example. This Year 1727, I look in the Month of No- vember, and I compare the Places the Sun and Saturn toge- ther, and find on the 22d Day the Sun's Place at Noon 10 deg. 52 minutes, Saturn 10 deg. 36 minutes; this be- ing two Signs afunder, makes the Sextile-Afpect; but the true Time was before Noon that Day; becauſe the Sun, being the Swifter Planet, is a few Minutes lefs than two Signs diſtant from Saturn. The true time of this Aſpect is found by the Logiſtical Logarithms, thus, Diur. Motion of 1 {{ Deg. Min. I 00 O -5 Diſtance 21 Day at Noon 44′ Diurnal Motion of à O. 55 Now 1 876 Aftronomical Precepts. H. Min. .32 Now fay, Òì 55 Co.ÁN LiL. 622 If Give 24 00 What o 44 Answer 19 12 3979 1347 4948 By which the true time of the Afpect is 21 d, 19 h. 12 minutes. Alſo in the fame Month, I compare the Places of the Sun and Jupiter together, and find on the 8th Day at Noon the Sun in Scorpio 26 deg. 41 minutes, and Jupiter in Taurus 26 degr. 31 min. Retrograde; that is, a few Minutes in Mo- tion paſt the Oppoſite Diurnal Motion of { J à 2 Deg. Min. I Ο 6 8 Diurnal Motion I 9 Diſtance at Noon o deg. 59 minutes; therefore the time of this Oppofition in November 7 d. 20 h. 30 minutes: And after this manner I compare the Sun's Place with the other Planets; by which I diſcover all the Aſpects that he makes with them. Then I take Saturn's Place, and compare it with the Places of Jupi- ter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury feverally; by which i fhall dif- cover all the Aſpects that he makes with them. Then I compare the Place of Jupiter with Mars, Venus and Mercury, and his Afpects with them are difcovered. Next, I compare the Place of Mars with the Places of Venus and Mercury; and Laftly, I compare the Places of Venus and Mercury together; and if they form any Afpects with each other, I fhall dif- cover the Day whereon it falls; and the Hour and Minute may be found by the Logiſtical Logarithms, as is fhewn a bove; obferving, if the Planets are both Direct, or both Retrograde, that you take the difference between their Diur- nal Motion; but if one be Direct, and the other Retrograde, the Sum, and this Sum or Difference, fhall be the Diurnal Motion of the Swifter Planet from the Slower. And after the like manner muft you examine each Month in the Year; by which Method, not one Mutual Aſpect can eſcape your ſpection. In- Se- 1 1 1 Aftronomical Precepts. 377 Secondly, For the Lunar Aſpects. Compare the Longitude of the Moon with every Planet feverally, as has been fhewn in the Primary Planets a- above, and you will diſcover the Days of the Lunar A- fpects; the Hour and Minute may be had by the Tables of Lunar Afpects, Page 67, &c. by entring the Table with the Diurnal Motion of the Moon from the Planet; and the firſt Column on the left hand, with the Diſtance of the Moon and Planet on the Day at Noon before the Afpect, and the An- gle, or place of Meeting, is the Hour and Minute of the Time of the Afpect. Example. Anno 1727, in November, I would know the time of the Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter? By comparing the Longitude of the Moon with that of Jupiter in the faid Month, I find that fome time be- tween the 16th and 17th Day at Noon they will be Conjoyn'd. OPERATION. S. Q 3 at Noon is2 Į Place of {17} Day D Diurnal Motion of Add 1 Diurnal Morion ◄ à 2 I 20 19. S... 1 25 19 12525 12 46 of 24 8 8 (Retrog 1254 S. Deg. Min. Place of{ 16 Day at Noon 1 25 27 1 20 19 Their Dift. at Noor 5 8 Ey entering the Table of Lunar Aſpects, with the Diur. nal Motion of the Moon from Jupiter, and their Diſtance at Noon, as before directed, you will find the time of the Con junction to be the 16 d. 9 h. 33 minutes. And in a Conjun- ction of the Moon with the Planets, if you have regard to their Latitudes, you may difcover whether there will be an Occultation or not. In the Example before us, the Latitude of the Moon is 4 degr. 36 min. North, and the Latitude of Jupiter 1 degr. 4 minutes South; which added together, G g make 378 Aftronomical Precepts. make 5 degr. 40 minutes, their Difference in Latitude; by which I fee the Moon paffes far above Jupiter at the Con- junction; and therefore free from Occultation. This Me- thod is to be obferved in the Moon and other Primary Pla- nets, whether it be a Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, or Oppofition. PRECEPT 13. Shewing how to Determine the Ecliptic Boundaries of the Sun and Moon. Firft for the Moon. OPERATION. The Moon's Perigeon Horizontal Parallax Sun's Horizontal Parallax add Sun's Apogeon, Apparent Semidiameter fub. Min, Sec. 61 24 00 10 Sum 61 34 15 49 45 45 16 40 Sum 62 25 Greateſt Apparent Semidiameter Earth's Shadow Moon's Perigeon Semidiameter add i In the Table of the Moon's Latitude, Page 58, the Argu- ment of Latitude anſwering to this Latitude 62 min. 25 fe- conds, is 12 degr. 1 min. 22 feconds; that is, before and after 6 or 12 Signs. For if the Diſtance of the Moon from either Node at the time of the true Oppofition to the Sun, be less than great. Limit. S. | G | S. 12° 1′22″, or more than 12° 1′22", or more than 170 58′38″. |, II The Moon at that Full will be Eclipfed; elfe not. And if at the time of the Oppofition of the Sun and Moon, the Latitude of the Moon exceed the Sum of the Semidiame- ters of the Moon's and Earth's Shadow, the Moon at that time Aftronomical Precepts. 379 time will not be Eclipfed; but if lefs, fhe will. See the Word Limit in the Definitions. For the leaft Limit work thus. Min. Sec. Apog. Horizontal Parallax Moon Sun's add Sum Sun's Perig. Semidiameter fub. Appar. Semidiameter Earth's fhadow. Moon's Apogeon Semidiameter add Sum 54 59 о ΙΟ 55 59 16 22 38 47 14 54 53 41. The Argument of Latitude anſwering this Latitude thus, 53 min. 41 fec. is o S. 10 degr. 19 min, 17 feconds: That is, before and after Six and Twelve Signs. S. Thus : S. 10 deg. 19 min. 17 fec. or || 19deg. 40 min. 43 fec. And the Mean Limit is o S. 11 deg. 5 min. 4 fec. 4 S. Thus : S. 11 deg. 5 min. 4 fec. or 18 deg. 54min. 56 fec. I I Secondly, To determine the Ecliptic Boundaries of the Sun Perigeon Horizontal Parallax of the Moon Sun's fub. Min. Sec. 61 24 O IO Rem. Perigeon Horizontal Semidiameter of 14 16 22 16 40 .. Sum G g 2 94 16 In 380 Aftronomical Precepts. 1 In the Table of the Moon's Latitude, the Argument of Latitude anſwering to this Latitude 94 min. 16 feconds, is 18 degr. 20 min. 8 feconds; that is, before and after Six and Twelve Signs. .་ Thus, S. S. 8} 180 { -189 20′ 80″ or{5}11° 39′52″ Greateſt Limit. For the leaft Limit. Apogeon Horizontal Parallax of the D Min. Sec. 54. 59 10 Sun's fub. Difference 54 49 Apogeon Semidiameter of{ 15 49 14 54 Sum, to > Latitude 85 32 The Argument of Latitude anſwering to this Latitude 85 min. 32 feconds, is o S. 16 deg. 35 min. 5 ſeconds the leaft Limit; that is, before and after Six and Twelve Signs. S. Thus; S. fec. And 0 | 16 deg. 35 min. 5 fec.|5|13 deg. 24 min. 55 fec. 6 the Mean Limit, that is, when the Luminaries are at a mid- dle diſtance from the Earth, is 17 deg. 21 min. 52 ſeç. before Six and Twelve Signs. S 8 | 17 deg, 21 min. 52 fec. or } Thus, S. | 12 deg. 38 min. 8 feconds. Sa that when you are ſeeking an Eclipſe of the Sun, you muſt make uſe of the Limit the Sun is neareſt ro; as, if he be in Apogeon, take the leaft Limit, &c. And } Aftronomical Precepts. 381 And if at the true time of the true Conjunction of the Sun and Moon, the Moon's true Latitude be less than the Sum of the Apparent Semidiameters of the Sun and Moon, added to their Differences of the Horizontal Parallaxes, the Sun will then be Eclipfed fomewhere on the Earth; elfe not. Otherwiſe, If at the Apparent Time of the Viſible Con- junction of Sun and Moon, the Viſible Latitude of the Moon be less than the Sum of their Apparent Semidiameters, then the Sun will be Eclipfed at that Time and Place on the Earth. But if the Moon's Vifible Latitude exceed that Sum, then will the People of that Place who behold the Moon's Visible Latitude to be fuch, fee no Eclipſe at all. PRECEPT 14. To find in any Year, how many Eclipfes there will be, and in what Months they happen. First, You are to observe, that the Sun enters the Twelve Zodiacal Signs on thefe Days, as hereunder ſet down. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, Auguſt, 9 7 9 * ԴՐ 9 10 ୪ II 10 12 12 ૧. m September, October, November, December. 12 12 II. IO M Z VS 2. Look into the Table of the Moon's Mean Motions for the given Year, and fee what the Radical Place of the Moon's North Node is; for in thoſe Months in which the Sun enters the Signs that the Moon's Nodes are in, will the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon fall in that Year. And the Moon's Nodes being always Diametrically Oppofite, if there happen an Eclipfe in Fannary, there will alſo be one in July; becauſe the Sun enters Aquarius in January, and Lea in July, Aquarius and Leo being Oppofite Signs, &c. And if the Nodes change their. Signs in that Year in which you are 382 Aftronomical Precepts. ľ are ſeeking the Eclipfes, then in the Months preceding the Months above found, will there alſo be an Eclipfe; and thefe Months I call the Node-Months. 1 3. By Precept 7, find the Equal Time of the New and Full Moons in the Node-Months, and alfo in the Months next before and after the Node-Months, (by which means you will be fure not to miſs the Eclipſes that Year.) Set down the true Places of the Luminaries at the New Moon, and the Place of the Moon at the Full; and from thefe Places feverally fubtract the Place of the Moon's North Node for the time given; and this Remainder is called the Argument of the Moon's Latitude; which, if it be leſs than the Limits of E- clipſes ſet down in the laſt Precept, there will be an Eclipſe at that time, elſe not. A Example. Let it be required to find how many Eclipfes there will be of the Sun and Moon in the Year of Chrift 1730, and alſo in what Months they happen? The Method of your Examination for the whole Year will ftand thus: The Year 1730, is the fecond paft Leap-Year; the Epact is 22; and the Radical Place of the Moon's North Node is Aquarius 6 deg. 29 min. 16 feconds, but comes back into Capricorn on May 1. Confequently, the Months in which the Eclipfes will happen, are January, February, June, July, Auguft, and December. Note, Altho' the Eclipfes cannot happen in ail the Months above written, yet they are the Months in which you muft examine the Lunations, and by that means you will be fure not to miss any Eclipfe that Year. New D 1730, Jan. 7 d. 6 h. 57′ 44″ in 9 North Node fub. S. Deg. Min. Sec. 28 33 I I 10 6 6 6 Sun's 11 22 27 5 Ecl. Ecliptic Bounds Sun are from 11 11 39 52 Invif. To .. 0 18 20 Argument Latitude T Full Aftronomical Precepts. 383 S.Deg. Min.Sec! Full) 1730 Jan. 22 d. 16 h, 18″ 38″ ) in 4 14 FI North Node fub. Argument Latitude Ecliptic Bound. Moon are from To I 10 5 17 13 6 8 53 48 5 19 49 43 6 10 19 17 New 1730 Feb. 5 18 28 38 in 10 28 25 21 Argument Latitude › Eclip. viſible. North Node fub. 10 4 32 26 0 23 52 55 Paſt the Bo,noEcl. Ecliptic Bounds Sun are from ∙11 12 38 8 To O 17 21 52 North Node fub. Argument Latitude Full 1730, June 18 21. 319 in 9 8 8 47fhort of 9 29 29 47 thort of 27 29 31 II 10 39 16 Boun. no E- Ecliptic Bound. Moon are from 11 17 58 38 clipfe. To 0 12 I 22 New D 17.30, July 3 17 14 39 14 39 in in 3 22 17 9 Sun is E- North Node fub. Argument Latitude Ecliptic Bound. Sun are from To 3 22 17 9 26 42 22(clipfed 5 25 34 47 part vi- 5 13 24 55ible. 6 16 35 5 Full 1730, July 18 4 26 24 in 10 6 6 48 North Node fub. Argument Latitude Ecliptic Bound. Moon are from To Moon is 9 25 56 24 Eclipfed 0 10 10 24 Invifible. 11 17 58 38. O 12 I 22 New 1730 Aug. 2 1730 Aug. 2 8 34 55 in 4 20 39 52Paft the North Node fub. Argument of Latitude Ecliptic Bound. Sun are from To 9 25 8 8 9 Boun. no 6 25 31 43 Eclipfe. 5 13 24 55. 6 16 35 5 1 L L Fall $84 Aftronomical Precepts. d. h. min. fec. Full 1730, Dee, 12 20 26 5 > North Node fub. Argument of Latitude Ecliptic Round. Moon are from To S.Deg.Min.Sec. 1 in 3 2 22 5hort of 9 18 7 13 5 14 15 38 5 19 49 43 6 10 19 17 New 1730, Dec. 27 22 9 45 in 9 17 44 50 North Nade fub. Argument Latitude Ecliptic Bound. Sun are from To + 9 17 19 18 theBoun. no Eclip. Sun isEcl. invifib.by 0 0 25 32 reafon of II 11 39 52her great 9 18 20 8 Parallax. Si By the Work above, I have examined all the New and Full Moons in the Year 1730, that are poffible of produ- cing an Eclipſe; and I find within the Circumference thereof, there will be five Luminarian Eclipfes, viz. three of the Sun, and two of the Moon: And for this purpoſe alſo, I have Calculated the following Table; which, if you enter with the Moon's Mean Anomaly at the time of any Eclipſe, and take out the Argument of Latitude, and add it to the Augument of Latitude at the rine of any Eclipfe, that will fhew you whether the next Lunation will produce an Eclipfe or not: For if the Sum, be within the Limits of Eclipfing (as determin'd in the laft Pre- cept) there will be an Eclipfe; elſe not. • ΑΤΑ Aftronomical Precepts. 385 ! rian Eclipfes. Mean Anom. D A TABLE of the Mean Motion of the Argument of Latitude of the Moon, for discovering of the Lumina- Argument Latitude. 1 S. Deg. S. S. Deg. Min. See: 00 00 6 14 04 35 15 II 6 14 17 05 T 00 II 6 14 29 35 I 15 ΙΟ 6 14 42 2 10 6 14 54 35 2 15 9 6 15 07 05 3 00 9 6. 15 .19 35 3 15 8 6 IS 32 05 4 00 8 4 15 7 00 7 aa a 15 44 35 15 57 05 16 09 35 5 15 6 6 16 22 05 6 00 6 6 16 34 35 Example. I have found that the Sun is Eclipfed the 28th of December 1730: I would know at one View whether the next full Moon in January 1731, will be Eclipſed or not? OPERATION. Moon's Mean Anomaly Argum. Latitude December 28, is Augument Latitude per Table Argument Latitude S. Deg. Min. Sec. 5 19 47 18 Oo 00 25 32 6 16 26 05 6 16 51 37 This Sum, is the Argument of Latitude at the Full Moon in Fanuary 1731; which far exceeding the greateſt Limit of the Moon's Eclipfe, proves that, that Full Moon will paſs below the Earth's Shadow; and confequently free from any Obſcurity. Hh Note, 386 Aftronomical Precepts. - Note, When the Argument of Latitude falls near the Li- mit, then you muſt carefully examine that Lunation as has been taught in Precept 13; otherwife 'tis poffible you may mifs of diſcovering à ſmall Eclipſe. PRECEPT 15. To Calculate an Eclipfe of the Moon. First, In order hereunto, you must fet down the Calculati- on of the Sun's and Moon's Place to the Equal Time of the True Orbit-oppofition; and for' an Example, I fhall take the Moon's Eclipfe which I have found in the laft Precept to hap- pen January 23, in the Morning, Anno 1730, the time of the true Oppofition found as has been fhewn in Precept 7, and ftands thus: Eq.Time & Longit.O S. Longit. Anom. O ,, S. 0 Anno 1730 9 25 42 12 January 22 o 21 41, 4 6 12 27 14 o 21 41. O Hours, 16 Minutes 18 39 25 44 39 25 44 Seconds 36 Mean Mot. 10 13 Equat. add Sun's Place.'I® 14 II 2 2 3 26 7 4 48 25 I 7 34 1 Equal Aftronomical Precepts. 387 Eq. Time 8 Longit, Anom, > > Node > S. o S. O S. Anno 1730 6 19 42 42 4 I 20 35 10 6 29.16 Jan. 22, 9 19 52 50 9 17 25 47 I 954 Hours 16 8 47 3 8 42 36 1 Minutes 18 9 53 Seconds 36 20 9 48 27 20 ! Sub. 1 12 3 Mean Mot. 4 18 32 48 1 27 39 610 5 17 13 Equat. fub. 4 21 48 > in her Orb 4 14 II 00 Node fub. IO 5 17 13 8 53 47 Argu. Latit. 6 Tr.Lat.S.A. Reduct. fub. 46 20 2 Eclip. Place 4 14 9 O 1. With the Mean Anomalies of the Sun and Moon, take out of the Table, Page 62, their Hourly Motion, thus: Hourly Motion of? 29 O Min. Sec. 2 32 31 19 Hourly Motion of Dà 28 47 Now for time of Reduction, fay, As Hourly Motion of Moon from Sun To one Hour, or So is Reduction To Time of Reduction Min. Sec. 28 47 L.L. 3190 60 2 Oo 4 ΙΟ 14771 11588 This time of Reduction thus found, (in any Eclipfe) ap- ply'd to the equal Time firſt found, according to its firft Ti- tle, gives the Equal Time of the Middle of the Eclipſe ; and apply'd contrary to its firft Title, gives the Equal Time of the true Ecliptic Oppofition. Thus, if the Latitude of the Moon be Afcending (either North or South). then the time of Reduction must be fubtracted from the Equal Time of the true Orbit-Oppofition; the remainder is the Equal Time of the Middle of the Eclipfe: Add the Time of Re- Hh 2 ducti- 388 Aftronomical Precepts. duction to the Equal Time of the Orbit-Oppofition, and the Sum is the Equal Time of the true Ecliptic Oppofi- tion. 2. But when the Latitude of the Moon is Defcending (See the Schemes, Page 61,) which is when the Argument of Latitude is more than 5 or 11 Signs, and less than 6 or 12, add the time of Reduction to the Equal time of the true Orbit-Oppoſition, gives the middle of the Eclipſe; and ſub- tracted, you will have the true time of the Ecliptic Op- pofition. Thus in the Eclipfe before us; D. Eq. time of the true Orb. 8 at Lon.1730 Jan. 22 Time of Reduction fub. and add Equal Time of the Middle of the Eclipſe Equal Time of the Ecliptic Oppofition Equation of time fubtract S Middle Ap. Time of the Ecliptic 8 16 H. M. ·S' 18 36 4 10 22 16 14 26 22 16 22 46 14 24 22 16 00 2 22 16 8 22 3. With the Mean Anomalies of the Sun and Moon, take out their Horizontal Parallaxes (the Sun's being ever 10 fe- conds) and Apparent Semidiameters, and from the Sum of the Horizontal Parallaxes, fubtract the Apparent Semidia- meter of the Sun; the remainder will be the Apparent Semidiameter of the Earth's Shadow that the Moon at that time paffeth through. Horizon Parallax of{ Sum Semidiameter Sun fubtract Appar. Semidiameter Earth's Shadow- Semidiameter Moon add Sum Moon's true Latitude fubtra&t Remain the Parts deficient Min. Sec. 10 56 14 56 24 16 18 40 6 IS 15 21 '55 46 20 9 ! I Hence, Aftronomical Precepts. 389 Hence, becauſe the Parts deficient are leſs than the Moon's Diameter, it flrews, the Eclipfe will not be total; but if they be equal, then the Eclipfe will be total without continuance. But if the Parts deficient be more than the Moon's Diameter, then the Eclipfe will be total with con- tinuance. Now for the Digits Eclifped, fay, Min. Sec. As the Semidiameter Moon 15 15 L.L. 5949 As to Six Digits 6 00 00 10000 So are the Parts deficient 9 I To the Digits Eclipfed 3 32 51 8231 12282 4. To find the Scruples of Incidence, or Motion of half Duration. This may be performed Four ſeveral ways. 1. By the 47th of the firft of Euclid. 2. By Trigonometry. 3. Logarithmetically. 4. By Shakerley's Logiſtical Logarithms. Firft, In the right-Angled plain Triangle AP M, right- Angled at P, there are given in the following Scheme, A P, the true Latitude of the Moon, at the time of the true Op- pofition 46 min. 20 feconds, and A MPN the Sum of the Moon's Semidiameter and Earth's Shadow 55 min. 21 fe- conds, to find PM PN the Motion of half Duration. OPE- 390 Aftronomical Precepts. ན་་ OPERATION. Min. Sec. Min. Sec. { 46 20 55 21 60 67 2780 3321 2780 3321 222400. 3321 19460 6642 5560 9963 9963. 7728400 Square of A M, 11029041 Square of A P fubtract 7728400 Extract the Square Root of 3300641(1817 fec. fquare Root in feconds; which Divided by 60, gives 30 min. 17 fec. = BC, the Motion of half Duration of the Eclipfe. Secondly, By Trigonometry. 1. For the Angles at A and M. As Sum Semidiameters A M To Radius So Moon's Latitude A P To C. f. Angle BAM Deg. Min. 3321 3.521169 3.444045 90 00--10.000000 2780 33 10-- 9.922776 As Radius Again, Deg. Min. 90 To Z Semid. Moon's and Earth's Shad. 3321 0--10.000000 3.521269 So S. Angle P A M To P M Motion of half Durat. fore. Ľ 33 10-- 9.738048 1817 3.259317 as be- J Thirdly, Aftronomical Precepts. Thirdly, Logarithmetically. RULE. The Rect-Angle made of the Sum, and Dif ference of any two Numbers, is equal to the Difference of the Squares of thofe Numbers. That is, take the Lo- garithms of the Sum and Difference of the Semidiameters of the Moon's and Earth's Shadow, and of the Latitude of the Moon; the half Sum of the two Logarithms is the Logarithm of the Scruples of Incidence or half Dura- tion. OPERATION. Sum of Semid. D's and 's Shad. in Sec. 3321 Latitude Moon in Seconds 2780 Sum 6101--3.785401 Difference 541--2.733197 Sum of the Logarithms 6.518598 Half Sum of the Logarithms. 1817--3.259299 is the Half Durations in Seconds, as found above. Lastly, By Shakerley's Logiſtical Logarithms. RULE. Subtract the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Sum of the Semidiameters of the Moon's and Earth's Shadow,' from the Logistical Logarithm of the Moon's Latitude, the remainder is the Sine of an Arch; to the Co. Sine of which Arch, add the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Sum of the Moon's and Earth's Shadow; this Sum, fhall be the Logiſtical Logarithm of the Scruples of Incidence of half Duration, 3 OPE- i | 392 Aftronomical Precepts. 1 OPERATION. Min. Sec. Latitude of the Moon 46 20 LL 9.88774 Sum of the Semid.) and ✪ fhadow fhadow 55 21 EL 9.96496 Remains the Sine of 56 50 9.92278 Co. Sine of $6 50 9 73805 Sum Semid. Moon and Earth Shad. 55 21 LL 9.96496 Scruples of Incidence .30 17 LL 9.70301 5. To find the Time of Incidence, or half Dura- tion, and from thence the Beginning, and End of the E- clipse. By Street's Logiſtical Logarithm, ſay, As true hourly Mor. Moon from Sun To one Hour, or Min. Sec. 28 47 LL. 3190 60 00 0000 So are the Scruples of Incidence .30 17 2969 To Time of half Duration 63 8 221 For the Beginning and End of the Eclipfe. Apparent Time of the Middle Time of half Duration fubtract and add Appar. Time of the Beginning Ending D. H. M. S. 22 1.6 00 2 I 3 8 22 14 56 54 22 17 3 10 6. To find the Latitude of the Moon at the Beginning and End of the Eclipfe. The moft exact way is to Calculate the Place of the Moon in Longitude and Latitude by the 6th Precept. But because that is fomething troubleſome, and the ufe of her Latitude being for no other end than to ferve for Drawing the Type, or a Repreſentation of the Eclipfe in Plano, there- fore the following practical Method is fufficient for this pur- poſe. First, Aftronomical Precepts. -393 1 First, Find the Motion of the Sun in time of Incidence and add it to the Scruples of Incidence, As one hour, or Is to Sun's hourly Motion So the time of Incidence To Motion Sun in that time Scruples of Incidence add Sum Min. Sec. 60 00 LL 2 32 13745 63 8 2 40 221 13524 30 17 32 57 Subtract this Sum, from the Argument of Latitude at the Middle, gives the Argument of Latitude at the Beginning; and added, gives the Argument of Latitude at the End; by which Arguments of Latitudes find the Moon's true Latitude anſwering there- unto by the Table, Page 58. OPERTION. S. D. M. S. Argument of Latitude at the Middle Sum, fubtract and add 6 8 53 47 32 57 Argument Latitude at End Beginning 6 8 20 50 9 26 44 Min. Sec. Beg. 43 307 Hence, the Latit. at South Afcending. End 49 10 1 Note, The Latitude is Afçending either North or South, until the Moon be three Signs diftant from her Nodes; be- cauſe it increaſes all that time; but if the diftance be more than three Signs, then 'tis Defcending towards the Nodes, and therefore the Latitude decreaſes. From the foregoing Calculation I have found the Appar. time at London of the D. H. M. S. Begin. of the Eclip. 1730, Jan. 22 14 56 541 Middle Ecliptic 8 End 16 00 02 16 8 P.M. 22 17 3 10 Total Duration Digits Eclipfed are 2 6 16 3 32 51 I i To .394 Aftronomical Precepts. 7. To delineate the Eclipfe of the Moon in Plano. 1. From the Line of Lines on the Sector opened to any convenient Radius, (or from any Scale of equal Parts) take the Semidiameter of the Earth's Shadow in your Compaffes, and fet one Foot in A; defcribe the Circle B C DE, this ſhall repreſent that part of the Cone of the Earth's Shadow and Atmoſphere 40 min. 6 feconds, cut off in that place. which the Moon paffeth thro' at that time. 2. With the Sum of the Semidiameters of the Moon and Shadow 55 min. 21 feconds taken from the fame Scale, decribe the Circle, F, G, H, I: Draw FI, to repreſent a Horizontal Line. 3. At the time of the middle of the Eclipfe find the Al- titude of the Nonagefime Degree, which in this Eclipfe at London is 37 degr. 50 minutes; then by help of the Lines of Chord on the Sector fet from F to G; draw G A thro' the Center of the ſhadow and it ſhall repreſent the Ecliptic at that Time and Place. " G FLB N K P } H E I t M 4. Take Aftronomical Precepts. 395 · 4. Take the Latitude of the Moon at the beginning of the Eclipſe 43 min. 30 feconds, from the Line of Lines on the Sector (fer to the fame Radius as you drew the Circles by) and fet it from A to K, becauſe the Latitude is South; (had it been North you muſt have fet it from A towards D,) take 49 min. 10 ſeconds, the Latitude at the end, and ſet it from A to L; then by help of your Parallel-Ruler draw K M, and NL, parallel to GA, and draw M N, which fhall repre- fent the Moon's Orb during the time of the Eclipfe, and ſhall lye in a true Poſition at that Time in reſpect of the Ho- rizon of London. Laſtly, Divide M, N, into two equal Parts, at P, with the Semidiameter of the Moon 15 min. 15 feconds, on M, P and N; ſeverally fweep three Circles; fo fhall that at M, repreſent the Moon at the beginning of the Eclipfe, that at P at the Middle or greateſt Obfcuration, and that at N, the Moon when he begins to Emerge out of the Earth's Shadow and Atmoſphere, or the final End of the Eclipſe. A P, is the Axis of the Moon's Way, to which fhe always comes at the middle of the Eclipfe; A L is the Axis of the Ecliptic, to which ſhe comes at the time of the true Ecliptic Oppofi- tion. And the Angle L, A, P, is the double quantity of the time of Reduction, as is manifeft if you compare the Scheme with the Calculation. 8. To Construct an Eclipfe of the Moon Geometri- cally. The greateſt part of this Work is performed in the 7th Paragraph of this Precept, fo that here is nothing to be done, but only to divide the Moon's Orb, into Hours and Minutes of Time; which being performed, you may preſently ſee at any time during the Eclipfe, how many Digits are dark- ned at that Time. To Divide the Moon's Orb. Confider what Hour is nearest to the middle of the Eclipfe, which in this Example is Four a Clock in the Morning, whofe Difference from 4 is only 2"; and then I fay, * Ii 2 wh If 396 Aftronomical Precepts If one Hour, or Give Hourly Motion Moon from Sun What dift. from 4 a-Clock give › Anfwer, Motion Moon from Sun Min. Sec. бо o LL 12847* 3190 2 32553 I 35743 Take this 1 in your Compaffes from the fame Scale the Diagram was laid down by, and fet it from the middle of the Eclipſe on the Moon's Orb at P towards M, and that Point fhall be the Place of the Moon at Four a-Clock, (but in this Cafe it is fo fmall, that 'tis fcarce difcerni- ble ;) but had the Middle of the Eclipfe been before 4 - Clock, then the Diſtance in the Moon's Orb must have been laid down towards N, as your own Reafon will direct you better than a Multitude of Words. Take 28 min. 47 fec. in your Compaffes, the Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun, and fet one Foot in the Moon's Orb at the Hour of Four (just now found,) and turn the other Foot towards M; that fhall give the Hour of Three in the Morning, and turn'd towards N, fhall give the Place of the Moon at the Hour of Five: And thus you may mark out the Orb of the Moon in Hours and Minutes during the time of the Eclipfe, which you will find to agree exactly with your Calculation, diftinguishing the Minutes by fmall Dots along the Moon's Orb.w Take the Semidiameter of the Moon 15' 15/' in your Com- paffes from the fame Scale, and upon ftrong Paper, or fine Card; fweep a Circle as per Figure, and draw the Diameter AB, which Divide into 12 equal Parts, • > > or Digits, and with the Semidiameter of the Earth's Shadow and Atmoſphere 40 min. 6 feconds, draw Eleven Arch- Lines; fo fhall you have the Body of Moon divided into 12 Digits: Cut this Moon out, and put a Pin thro' the Cen- ter; carry the Point of the Pin gently a- long the Moon's Orb, always keeping the Point A truly to the Center of the Shadow; and by this Method, you will fee at every Hour and Minute of time how many Digits and Parts of Digits of the Moon's Body are. Eclipfed during the whole time of the Deliquium And by this Method Projected upon a long Sheet of Paper, I always fhew Gentlemen the nature of a Lunar Eclipſe. 4 I 9. Ta Aftronomical Precepts. 39.9 To find the Scruples of Half Total Darkneſs in a To- tal Eclipfe of the Moon, and thence the Continuance, Be- ginning, and End of Total Darkneſs. RULE. From the Semidiameter of the Earth's Sha- dow, fubtract the Semidiameter of the Moon; the remainder reduce into Seconds, and alfo reduce the Moon's Latitude in- to Seconds; the Half Sum of the Logarithms of the Sum and Difference in Seconds fhall be the Motion of half Con- tinuance in the Total Darkneſs, as has been fhewn in finding the Scruple of Incidence in the Partial Eclipfe. Example. In the Eclipfe of the Moon, March 15, 1736, ac- cording to a former Inveſtigation of mine, the Min Sec. S's Shadow 44 18 Lat. 》 0º 51' Semidiam. of's 16 33 Difference 27 45 60 Dierence in Seconds 1665. Latit. Din Seconds SI Sum 1716, Logar. 3.234517 Differenee 1614 Logar. 3.207904 Sum of the Logarithms 6.442421 Motion of half continuance 1664 Half 3.221210 7 7 Which Divided by 60, gives 27 min. 44 feconds; thes fay by the Logiſtical Logarithms,, ་་ As true Hourly Motion, à Q To one Hour, or So Mot. of half Cont. to t. Dark. To the time of half Darkneſs Min. Stc. .'.34 5.0 L.L. 2362, 60 0 27 44 47 41 3350 998 This half Continuance of Total Darkneſs, fubtracted from the middle of the Eclipſe, gives the time of the Beginning off the Toral Darkneſs; and added to the time of the Mid- le, gives the Time of the End thereof. r Second- 198 Aftronomical Precepts. Secondly, By Shakerley's Logiſtical Logarithms, work as has been fhewn in the Partial Eclipſe. OPERATION. Latitude Moon Difference Sine of Deg. Min. Sec. O 5 I LL. 8415127 27 45 LL. 9.66511 Co. Sine 1- 45 I 45 O 8:48616 9.99979 Difference 27 45 LL. 9.66511 Mot. of half Total Darkneſs 27 44 LL. 9.66490 as be- fore. PRECEPT 16. To Calculate an Eclipfe of the Sun, to any particular Place on the Globe. First, By Precept 14, I have found that in the Year 1737, there will be four Eclipfes of the Luminaries, viz. two of each Light: (See my Treatife of Eclipfes, for 26 Years, and alfo my Sheet for 35 Years ending with the Year 1761. Which is fold by my Self, and by Mr. Wright, Mathema- rical-Inftrument-Maker to his Majefty at the Globe and Orrery in Fleetftreet, London,) and on February 18, there will be a great and visible Eclipfe of the Sun, whofe Calculation fol- lows for the Meridian and Latitude of London. By the foregoing Problems of the Doctrine of the Sphere, you muſt carefully find the Requifites, and fet them down thus: Middle Time true & 1737, February Place of Sun and Moon in her Orb Mean Anomaly Sun Mean Anomaly' Möón North Node fub. Argument Latit. 7 1 D. H. M. S. 18 I 1. * 8 51 48 1 oo 29 22 47 5·18 19-7 5 22 536 I´S True Aftronomical Precepts. 199 [ True Lat. Moon N.D. Reduction add Ecliptic Place Moon Hourly Mor. of{ Hourly Mot. of > à O Time of Reduct. fub. Equal Time true Eclipt. & February. Equation of, Time fub. Appar. Time true Eclipt. o Appar. Time from Noon in Degrees Sun's Place Sun's Right Afcenfion 1 Right Aft. Med. Cæli paft Y Medium Cæli in Ecliptic T Meridian Angle Declin. Cul. Point North Alt. Equat. London add Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Degree Nonagefime Degree o D. H. M. S. 38 34 * 2 12 43 I 40 11 7 2. 30 30 4 27 34 ? 3 38 18 I 48 8 10 18 1 35 27. * II S 13 342 33 16 23 51 51 46 6 25 I 6 59 00 66 41 2 47 00 38 28 41 15 46 20 00 24 17 I 16 I 20 10 47 55 10 Diſtance Mid-Heaven from from Nonag. add Diſtance Sun from Nonagefime Horizontal Parallax Moon from Sun Parallax Longitude Moon from Sun Ecliptic Place Moon Visible Place Moon 30 39 * II 7 2 * 10 36 23 Read Page 179. And from thence you will gather, that becauſe the Luminaries are between the Defcendant and the Nonagefime Degree, the Vifible Conjunction will follow the True. Parallax in Latitude Moon from Sun True Latitude Moon N.D. Visible Latitude North } Min, Sec. 38 06 38 34 00 28 And becauſe the Eclipfe falls in the Occidental Quadrant, you muſt ſeek the Requifites juft now found. by Problems 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 39; and to an Hour, (to 50, 40, or to 30 Minutes, more or lefs, as you ſhall find moft conve nient for you prefent purpoſe) after the time of the true Con- Aftronomical Precepts. 1 7 ·Conjunction and fet them down as you fee in the following Order. : 2. To 1 Hor. after true & February I Sun's Place 'Sun's Right Afcenfion Appar. Time from Noon add Right Afcenfion Med. Cali Declination Culminating Point North Med. Celi in Ecliptic Y Meridian Angle Altitude Equi. London add Altitude Nonagefime Altitude Mid-Heaven Dift. Mid-Heaven from Nonagefimé Nonagefime Degree Diſtant Sun from Nonagefime Mean Anomaly > Horizontal Parallax à O Parallax Longitude 》 à O Parallax Latitude> à O ད་ D. H. M. S. 18 2 35 27 * II 7 43 342 36 0 38 51 45 21 27 45 23 13 0 68 14 9 38 28 47 30 51 9 O 18 46 ว I I 59 00 60 51 17 11 I 0 0 13 29 55 9 37 31 34 56 α 3. To find the Vifible Motion of the Moon from the Sun in - any Time propoſed. 1. If the Eclipfe happen in the Oriental Quadrant, and the Parallax of Longitude of the Moon from the Sun -Increaſe add the Difference of the Parallax of the Decreaſe fubtract Longitude the Moon from the Sun in an Hour, or in any o- ther time, to, or from the true Motion of the Moon, from Sun and you will have the Visible Motion of Moon from Sun in the fame Time. 2. But if the Eclipfe fall in the Occidental Quadrant (as the preſent Eclipfe doth) and the Parallax of Longitude, Increaſe fubftract 3 the Difference of the Parallax of Longi- Decreaſe add tude Moon from Sun in an Hour, or in any other Time, to, or from the true Motion of the Moon from Sun, and you will gain the Visible Hourly Motion of Moon from Sun in the fame Time, 1 Ac ļ Aftronomical Precepts. 401 H. Min. Sec. Min. Sec. I At- 35 27 Paral. Longit. 30 .. 3 à O 37 3 Difference I 00 Increaſe fub. 6 52 27 33 20 41 2 35 27 True Hourly Motion Moon from the Sun Viſible Hourly Motion Moon.from the Sun Now fay, for the Time of the Vifible Conjunction, As Vifi. Hor. Mot. Moon from Sun 26 To one Hour, or So Par. Long. true d To Interval of time add Min. Sec. 41 LL 60 Q. 30 39 -88 55 4625 α 2917 1708 r Becauſe the Eclipfe falls in the Occidental Quadrant, this Interval or Diſtance, between the True and Visible Conjun- ction of the Sun and Moon must be added to the Time of the True Conjunction, and the Sum is the Time of the Vifi- ble Conjunction. But when the Eclipfe is in the Oriental Quadrant, you muſt fubtract that Diſtance. Apparent time true February Interval add Vifible ♂ is Sun's Place then Sun's Right Afcenfion Appar. time from Noon add Right Afcen. Med. Cali Medium Cali in Ecliptic Meridian Angle Decl. Cul. Point North. ' Alt. Equin, London add, Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Degree Dift. Mid-Heav. à Nonagefime add Nonagefime Degree Ŏ Dift. Sun from Nonag. Degree Kk A D. H. M. 18 I 35 I 28 S. 27 28 35 Feb. 18 3 4 22 ,40 * 11 8 342 37 51 30 28 42. 5 I 69 33 II 47 38 28 5 ૬૦ 15 53 I 2 16 12 17 3 65 50 I 2 Hori- 402 Aftronomical Precepts. Horizontal Parallax Moon from Sun Parallax Longitude Moon from Sun Diftance of Sun and Moon Motion Sun in 88′ 55″ is Sum, add Arg, Lat. at true ♂ Arg, Lat. at Viſible ♂ True Lat. at Vifible & N.D.: ... • * Vifible Latit. at Vifible -N.A. D. H. M. S. 55 9 t 40 18 40 18 3 42 00 93 44 44 123 136 15 5 23 १ 20 IS Parallax Latitude Moon from Sun Vifible Latit. at true ♂ N. " I 34 46 33 2 44 428 By which the middle of the Eclipfe happens after the, Vi- fible d. See Page 61, in the Tables.. To the Parallax in Longitude Moon from the Sun at the Vifible, add the Motion of the Sun in the time between the True and Visible o; that Sum fubtract in the Oriental Quadrant; but in the Occidental add to, or from the Ar- gument of Latitude at the time of the True os the Sum or Difference is the Argument of Latitude at the time of the Vifible Conjunction; to which find the Moon's true Latitude out of the Table, Page 58, and by her Parallax her Vifible Latitude as you fee it wrought above. Min. Sec. As one Hour, or 60 o LL. 0 To the Sun's Hourly Motion. 2 30 13802 So is Dift. from Viſible ♂ to true 88 55 1708 To Mot. Sun in that time 3 42 12090 Min. Sec. To Hor. Mot. Moon from Sun As one Hour, or To Dift. à Vifible & to True To Mot. Moon from Sun in that time 40 49 60 o LL. 0 27 33 3380 88 55 1708 1672 Semidiameter of Sun S Moon Sum Visible Latitude fub. Rem. Parts deficient Just 16 13 15 I } 31 14 I 44 29 30 1 For 1 403 Aftronomical Precepts. For the Digits, fay, As Semidiameter Sun To Six Digits So are Parts Deficient Min. Sec. 16 13 LL 5682 10000. 29 30 ·3083 100 55 OO To Digits Eclipſed { 7401 4. To find the Scruples of Incidence, or Motion of half Duration. This may be done all the four ways, as I have ſhewn in the Moon's Eclipfe; but need not repeat them here; there- fore I fhall, work this Example by Shakerley's Logiſtical Loga-. rithms. OPERATION. Deg. Min. Sec. 1 44 LL.8.46073. LL. 9.71647 3114 Visible Lat. Moon Visible d Z Semid, of the Sun and Moon 1 Rem, the Sine 3 II 8.74426 To the Co. Sine 3 II 9.99933 Add Z Semid. Sun and Moon 31 14 LL. 9.71647 31 II 9.71580 Scruples of Incidence 5. To find the Vifible Hourly Motion of Moon from the Sun to an Hour before the time of the Visible Conjunction, you must repeat the Work again, as you may fee here fer down. 1 One Hor. before Vifible & February Sun's Place Sun's Right Afcenfion Appar. time from Noon add Right Afcenfion, Med. Cali Medinm Cali in Ecliptic T Kk 2 D. H M. S. 18 2 4 22. * 11 6 1 342 34 18 31 5 30 13.39 30 14 51 00 Meri- 1 404 Aftronomical Precepts. } D. H. M. S Meridian Angle Declinat. Culmin. Point N. Altitude Equinox London Altitude Mid-Heaven 67 13 5 52 38 28 00 44 20 48-44 00 Altitude Nonagefime Dift. Mid-Heav. from the Nonagefime add Nonagefime Degree & Distance Sun from the Nonagefime Mean Anomaly Moon Horizontal Parallax Moon from the Sud Parallax Longitude Moon from the Sun Parallax Latitude Moon from the Sun True Hor. Motion Moon from the Sun Diff. Par. Long. in this Hor. Increasing fub. Vifible Horiz. Motion Moon from the Sun I 6. At 1 Hour after Vifible & February Sun's Place is Sun's Right Afcenfion Apparent Time from Noon Right Afcenfion Medium Cali Medium Cæli in Ecliptic Meridian Angle Decl. Culmin. Point N. add 21 37 00 6 28 00 55 21 42 IO 29 56 34 55 34 7 36 23 27 33 · 6 11 21 22 D. H. M. S. 18 4 4 22 * II II 18 ୮ 342 39 00 6I 5 30 ŏ 16 45 43 44 30 00 73 16 16 43 00 00 Altitude Equin. London Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Dift. Mid-Heav. Nonagefime add Nonagefime Degree & Dift. Sun from the Nonagefime Degr. Mean Anomaly Moon Horizontal Parallax Moon from the Sun Parallax Longitude Moon from the Sun Parallax Latitude Moon from the Sun True Hor. Mot. Moon from the Sun Diff. Par. Long. in the Hor. Increaſing ſub. Viable Motion Moon from the Sun 38 28 00 55 11 00 56 51 00 19.00 4 00 I I 1 2 28 96 52 42 I 1 53 55 9 44 58 10 30 27 31 20 4 51 22 I 1 1 7. To Aftronomical Precepts. 1 1 7. To find the Middle, Beginning, and End of the E- clipfe. By the Visible Latitude of the Moon at the time of the True and Vifible Conjunction; you may fee the Visible La- titude is NA; enter therefore the Table, Page 60, with the Visible Latitude at the time of the Vifible Conjunction r min. 44 feconds; and take out the Motion of the Moon from the Sun, 9 feconds; which, becauſe the Latitude is afçending, is to be divided by the Vifible Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun to one Hour before the Vifible Conjunction 21 min. 22 feconds, and the Operation ſtands thus by the Logiſtical Logarithms. As Vifible Hor. Motion D à @ To one Hour, or So is Motion To the time à Vifible & to Mid. P Min, Sec. · 21 22 LL 4484 60 OO Oo 09 oooo 00 25 26021 21537 D. H. M. S. Vifible d 1737 February Sub. 18 3 4 22 25 *Middle of the Eclipfe 18 3 3 57 8. For the Time of Incidence, and the Beginning of the Eclipſe. Here you must take the Vifible Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun to an Hour before the Viable Conjun- ction 21 min. 22 feconds, and fay, As Vifible Hourly Motion à To one Hour, or So are the Scruples of Incidence To the Time, fub. Middle of the Eclipfe Time of Incidence fub. Min. Sec. 21 22 LL 4484 60 Ơo 0000 31 II 87.34 2842 1264 D. H. M. S. 18 3 3 57 I 27 34 I 36 23 9. For Beginning is February 19 t 1 } ! 406 Aftronomical Precepts. 7 9. For the Time of Repletion, and End of the Eclipfe. Here you must take the Vifible Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun to an Hour following the Viſible Con- junction, 22 min. 51 feconds, and fay, As Viſible Hourly Motion à O To one Hour, or So Scruple of Incidence Min. Sec. 22 51 LL 4193 60 : O O 31 II 2842 81 54 1351 D. H. M. S. To Time Repletion add Middle of Eclipfe Repletion add February 18 3 3 57 I 21 54 End of the Eclipfe is Feb. 18 4 25 51 10. In order to delineate a Solar Eclipfe, we muſt have. the Latitude of the Moon feen at the time of the Beginning and End of the Eclipfe, which is found at the Beginning by repeating the former Work, as is here fet down. D. H. M. S. Beginning of the Eclipfe February 18 I 36 23 Sun's Place * II 5 14 Sun's Right Afcenfion 342 33 00 Apparent Time from Noon add Right Afcenfion Medium Cælî Medium Cæli in Ecliptic Meridian Angle Declination Culminating Point North Altitude Equin. Zondon add Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Diſtance Mid-Heaven from the Nonagefime Nonagefime Degree Distance Sun from the Nonagefime Mean Anomaly Moon Horizontal Parallax Moon from the Sun Parallax Longitude Moon from the Sun x ୪ 24 5 45 6 38 45 7 15 66 41 2 38 41 53 28 2 I 46 25 24 13. O I 28 .0 50 22 46 10 29 41 18 55 10 30 47 Scru- Aftronomical Precepts. L 407 1 Scruples of Incidence Difference Diſtance of the Sun and Moon Mot. of the Sun in 87'34" is Scruples of Incidence add Sum, Sub. Argument Latitude at Vifible o Argument Latitude at the Beginning True Latitude Moon N. D. Parallax Latitude Moon from Sun Vifible Latitude Moon's South Descending D. H. M. S. 31 ΙΕ 00 24 24 3 39 31 II 34 50, 1 5 23 20 15 5 22 45 25 37 7 38 2 15 11. For the Latitude of the Moon feen at the End of the Eclipfe, you muſt again make a Repetition of your former Work, as in the following Order. End of the Eclipfe February Sun's Place Sun's Right Afcenfion Apparent Time from Noon add Right Afcenfion Med. Celi Medium Cæli in Ecliptic o Meridian Angle Declination Culminating Point North Altitude Equ. London Altitude Mid-Heaven Altitude Nonagefime Degree Diſtance Mid-Heaven from the Nonagefime Nonagefime Degree ш Diſtance Sun from the Nonagefime Mean Anomaly Moon Horizontal Parallax Moon from the Sun Parallax Longitude Moon from the Sun Scruples of Incidence add Sum Diſtance of the Sun and Moon Motion Sun in 81′ 54″ is Scruples of Incidence add Şum, add 1 D. H. M. S. 18 4 25 51 * II 12 18 342 40 00 66 27 45 21 49 7 45 34 Oo 74 53 00 18 ΙΙ 00 38 28 56 39 00 743 57 57 9 44 00 I 18 8a 5 42 II 1 13 35 55 9 46 3 35 II 77 14 77 14 3 25 31 II 34 36 Argu- 408 Aftronomical Precepts. Argument Latitude at Vifible d Argument Latitude at End True Latitude Moon N.D. Parallax Latitude fub. Vifible Latitude Moon North afcending the D. H. M. S: 5 23 20 15 S 23 54 51 3-1 46 29 16 2 30 And thus from the foregoing Calculation I have found London of the Appar. Time at Begin. 1737 February Middle Vifible o End Total Duration Digits Eclipfed D. H. M. S. 18. 1 36.23 3 3 57 P.M. 3 4 22 4 25.51 2 44 28 10°55 00 SP.M. 12. To Delineate the particular Eclipfe of the Sun in Plane. · Open the Sector to any convenient Radius, and from the Line of Lines take the Sun's Semidiameter 16 min. 13 fec. I O E A J id Aftronomical Precepts. 409 in your Compaffes, and fweep the Circle D G D I, to repre- the Sun; through its Center draw the Line HO to repre- ſent an horizontal Line; with the Sum of the Semidiameters of the Sun and Moon, (which in this Example is 31 min. 14 fec.) defcribe the Circle (on the fame Center) AEXC: Take the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree at the time of the Visible Conjunction 53 degr. 12 minutes, and fet the Chord thereof from H to E; draw E C for the Eclipfe at that time, and A X at right-Angles for its Axis Take the Visible Latitude of the Moon 15 fec. South at the beginning of the Eclipſe, and fet it from the Center of the Sun to e; draw e f parallel to E C, the Ecliptic: Then take the Visible Latitude of the Moon at the end, 2 min. 30 fec. North, and fet it from the Sun's Center to c, and draw be parallel to the Ecliptic EC; draw bf which fhall here repreſent the Moon's Visible Way. Lastly, Take the Semidiameter of the Moon 15 min, 1 fec. in your Compaffes from the fame Scale of equal Parts; and fetting one Foot in f, defcribe a Circle which fhall reprefent the Moon at the beginning of the Eclipfe; with the fame Extent of the Compaffes fet one Foot in the middle between band f, and defcribe a Circle: Thiş reprefents the Moon at the time of the greateſt Obſcura- tion of the Eclipfe, and will fhew you likewife the Digits of the Sun then Obfcured: Carry the fame Extent of your Compaffes, and fer one Foot at b; draw a Circle which fhall repreſent the Moon at the End of the Eclipfe; and thus you may repreſent, or Typifie any Solar Eclipfe to any particular Place on the Earth, in its true Pofition at that Time; which was first publish'd by me, in my Treatife of Eclipfes, and which is performed by having only regard to the Altitude of the Nonagefime Degree at the time of the middle of the E- cliple, as is fhewn. Thus have I finiſhed the practical Me- thod of Calculating the Sun's Eclipfe for a particular place on the Globe; in which you are to obferve, that whatever City or Town you would do it for, that you take the Com- plement of the Latitude of that Place, which is always equal to the Elevation of the Equinoctial, and apply it to the De- clination of the Culminating Point, (as you may fee I have done, and as I have taught in Prob. 31 ;) and by duly obſer- ying the Premiffes, you will truly gain the Appearance of the Sun's Eclipfe at that Place, whofe Complement of the Lati- tude you made ute of in your Work. LI PRE- } 1 ! ↓ 410 Aftronomical Precepts. PRECEPT 17. To Calculate the Times of the Principal Appear- ances of a Solar Eclipfe under any known Me- ridian. " And for an Example, I fhall take the Eclipſe of the Sun, which will happen February 18, 1737 ? 1 D. H. M. S. Equal Time of the true o is February 18 } I SI 48 Moon's Place in her Orbit Ecliptic Place of the Moon Equation of Time fub. Apparent Time in the Moon's Orb Sun's Place from the Earth ! 18 .12 I 39 43 S * II 5 22 * II 5 22 * II ༡ 2 Argument of Latitude True Latitude of the Moon N.D. True Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun 5 22 36 15 38 34 27 34 Declination of the Sun South 7 25 12 Horizontal Parallax of the Moon 55 20 Horizontal Parallax of the Sun fub. ΤΟ Remains the Semidiameter of the Earth's Disk 55 ΙΟ Min. Sec. Sun Semidiameter of Moon 16 13 15 I Sum is Semidiameter Penumbra Angle of the Moon's Way Semidiameter Earth's Disk Semidiameter of the Penumbra Sum 5 31. 14 43 0. This is taken out of the Table, in Page 81. Min. Sec. 1 55 10 31 14 86 24 ? 1 ་ Hence, Aftronomical Precepts. 411 Hence, becauſe the Semidiameter of the Disk and Penum- bra is greater than the Moon's true Latitude at the Equal Time of the true Conjunction, it fhews the Sun (Vulgarly ſpeaking) will be Eclipfed; or rather, that fome part of the Earth's Inhabitants will be deprived of the Sun's glorious Light And becauſe the Moon's true Latitude is less than the Semidiameter of the Disk, it fhews, the Sun will be cen- trally Eclipfed to fome part of the Earth. Min. Sec. 1 Earth's Disk 55 ΙΟ Semidiameter of Penumbra 31 14 Difference 23 56 Becauſe the Difference is less than the Moon's true Lati- tude, it proves, the Penumbra will not all fall within the Disk, and that there will be but two Angles of Inci- dence. Projection. From the Line of Lines on the Sector, take the Semi- diameter of the Earth's Disk 55 min. 10 fec. in you Com- paffes, and fet one Foot in the Center of the Sun; fweep the Circle A B C D, which fhall here repreſent the Horizon of the Disk of the Earth; from the fame Scale of equal Parts take the Sum of the Semidiameters of the Disk and Pe- numbra 86 min. 24 fec. in your Compaffes, and fet one foot in the Sun as before, and draw the Circle E F GH; then draw, EG to reprefent the Ecliptic, and FH its Axis. Now becauſe the true Latitude of the Moon is North Def cending, the Axis of the Moon's Orb will lye to the Left- Hand of the Axis of the Ecliptic: Take therefore 5 degr. 43 minutes the Angle of the Moon's Way, from the Line of Chords, and fet it from F to I, and draw IK for the Axis of the Moon's Orb. From the Scale of equal Parts take the Moon's Latitude 38' 34" North; and becauſe 'tis North, fet it on the Moon's Axis from the Sun to L, through Land at Right Angles to IK, draw M N, which fhall repreſent the Moon's Orb, or Line of her Way over the Disk, or Path of the Penumbra. LI 2 } Take 412 Aftronomical Precepts. 1 Take the Semidiameter of the Penumbra 31 min. 14 ſec in your Compaffes, and fet.one foot in M, O, L, P, --and N प IF N I B M SLT D C G i HK R feverally; then draw Circles which fhall repreſent the Center of the Penumbra at thoſe Places in its paffage over the Earth's Disk Draw Lines from the Center, to M, O, P, and N; fo fhall there be feveral Triangles formed, viz. the Tri- angle ML, OOL, OLP, and OL N, in which are given, firft in the Triangle OL M, M the Sum of the Se- midiameters of the Disk and Penumbra 86' 24", and OL the Latitude of the Moon 38' 34", to find the Angle MOL the first Angle of Incidence, and L 'M, the Motion of the Penum- bra from M to L, which is the half Motion of the general E- clipfe. First, Aftronomical Precepts. 413 * Firſt, for the Angle of Incidence LM O. As Z Semidiameters in Second M To Radius. So Moon's Latitnde in Seconds O To C.f. Ang. M O L 1ft ▲ of Incidence Sec. 5184 Deg. Min. ၄၁ ၄ဝ 2314 3.714665 10.000000 3.364363 63 30 9.649698 Secondly, for the Motion of half Duration L M, » fay, Deg. Min. As Radius To O M in Seconds 90 o IC.000000 5184 3.714665 So S. Angle LOM To L M, the Motion of half Duration 63 30 4639 9.951791 3.666456 That is 77 min. 19 feconds, For the Time that the Penumbra is moving from M, to L, fay, As true Hourly Motion of > à O To one Hour, or So Motion of half Duration M L To the Time. Min. Scc. 27 34 LL. 3378 60 00 77 19 ΙΙΟΙ Hence, becauſe the Proportion above will exceed the Ta- bles of Logistical Logarithms, you must take half the Num- bers, and what comes out muſt be doubled, and that will be the true Anſwer. } X. OP E- 414 Aftronomical Precepts: OPERATION. Min. Sec. As half Hourly Motion à @ 13 47 LL. 6388 from. To half an Hour So half the Motion ML 30 00 38 39 • 84 8 30102 1919+ Z 4920 fub. 168 16 16 To half the time Doubled is That is 2 h. 48 min. 16 feconds 1468 Secondly, In the Triangle OLO, there are given OO, the Semidiameter of the Disk 55 min. 10 feconds, and O L the Moon's Latitude, to find LOM, the fecond Angle of Incidence, and OL, the half motion of the Central E- clipse. Say, for the Angle L © M. As Semid. Disk ≈.☺ O feconds Sec. 3310 3.519828 Min. Sec. To Radius 90 O 10.000000 So Moon's Latitude in fec. LO, 2314 To C.f. Angle LO M 3.364363 45 39 9.844531 For the Motion L O, fay, } As Radius To, O So S. Angle LO To LO Which Divided by 60, are 36 min. 15 ec. Deg. Min. : 90 0 10.000000 3310 ? ·3.519828 45 39. 9.854356 2175 3.374184 * For Aftronomical Precepts, 419 } For the time fay, Min. Sec. As true Hour, Mot. Moon from the Sun 27 34 LL 3378 To one Hour, or So Motion LO To the Time 60 00 36 15 78 55 2188 1190 3. We are to find the Inclination of the Axis of the Globe with the Axis of the Ecliptic. ANALOGY. As Radius To C. f. of the Sun's Longitude So T. of the greateſt Reflection To T. of the Inclination Deg. Min. 90 00--10.0000oo 18 55-- 9.975887 23 22 29-- 9.637956 20-- 9.613843 Now you are to obferve, that if the Sun be the Axis of the Globe Right-Hand DIMM in{a} Left-Hand of the Axis of the Ecliptic. Open the Sector to the Radius F on the Lines of Chords, and take of the Chord of the Inclination 22 degr. 20 minutes, and fet it from F to q; draw q R, and that fhall be the Axis of the Globe projected in the Earth's Disk. Now becauſe the Axis of the Globe, and the Axis of the Moon's Orb lie both on the fame fide of the Axis of the E- cliptic, therefore the Angle q OF is Negative; then from the Angle 40 F 22° 20' fubtract the Angle I O F 5° 43', there Remains the Angle qOI 16° 37' the Angle of Dire- ction. Now to find the Motion L S. > In the Triangle LOS, right-Angled at L, are given, the Angle of Direction LOS 16° 37', and the Moon's Lati- tude L 38' 34", to find LS. 1 ANA- Aftronomical Precepts. } As Radius, To L, ANALOGY. Deg. Min. 90 Sec. 00 10.000000 Latitude in Seconds 1 2314 3.364363 So t. Angle LOS Direction To LS the Motion 16 37 9.47+842 690.6 * 2.839205 This 690 fec. is Ir min. 30 feconds, to Reduce it into Time, fay, Min. Sec. As true Hourly Mot. Moon from Sun 27 34 LL. 3378 To one Hour, or 60 00 So is the Motion L S II 30 7175 To the Time 25 2 3797 Theſe 25 min. 2 fec. added to the Apparent Time of the Middle, give the Apparent Time when the Meridional Sun will be Centrally Eclipfed. And by the foregoing Calculation of this general Eclipfe I have found, The firft Angle of Incidence The Second The Mot. of half Durat. of this general Eclipfe I The Motion of Semiduration of this Central Eclipfe in the Disk. From the Axis to the nearest approach Hence, half the time of the general Eclipfe Half Duration of the Central Eclipfe The time from the Axis to the Middle fub. D. M. S. 16.3 30 30 45 39 00 Ι 19 O 36 10 I I 30 2 48 16 I 18 55 O 0 2 25 2 4. For Aftronomical Precepts. 417 4. For the apparent Time of the neareſt approach of the Moon to the Center of the Disk. D. H. M. S. 's Orb. Feb. 18 I 39 5 3 38 18 I 35 27 18 I Apparent time true d in the Time Reduction fubtract and add Ecliptic & Middle 42 43 Having found the middle of the Eclipfe, or the apparent Time when the Center of the Penumbra comes to L, if to and from that you ſubtract and add the Semidurations feve- rally, you will have the Beginning and End of the general Eclipfe. EXAMPLE. D. H. M. S. Middle of the Eclipfe 1737 Feb. 18 1 42 43 Semiduration fubtract and add 2 48 16 Beginning of the Eclipſe 17 22 54 27 End 18 4 30 59 1 18 55 18 00 23 48 End 18 3 1 38 Half Durat. of the Cen. Eclip. fub. and add Beginning of the Central Eclipſe From the foregoing Calculation I have found at London the times when The Penumbra firſt touches the Disk, and the Eclipſe firſt of all begins in the Earth; its Center is then at M 17 d. 22h. 54 min. 27 feconds. 1 ì M m The 418 Aftronomical Precepts. . D. H. M. S. 18 00 23 48 The Center of the Penumbra enters the Earth's Disk and the Central Eclipfe firft begins, and is then at O, The Nonag. Sun Centrally Eclifed at T Middle, or Center of the Penumbra is now at L The Meridional Sun Centrally Eclipfed at S Center of the Penumbra paffes off the Disk, and the Central Eclipfe ends at P The Penumbra paffes off the Disk, and the Eclipfe ends in all places of the Earth at N 2 35 27 42 43 2 7 45 3. 1- 38 4 30 59 0-} 5 36 32 After they have continued in paffing o- ver the Earth, • Laftly, To determine the Latitudes of thofe Places on the Globe, and their Longitude from London, where any of thofe Appearances happen. Theſe Places are all eafily found by any who are well skill'd in Sphericks; but becaufe, the Book fwells too much, I must defire the Reader to be content only with the Latitudes and Longitudes of the Places themſelves, and defer the Calculation till another Opportunity. Hence, the Latitude and Longitude from London where Lat. Sun beg. Ecl. as he rifes at M 9 48 9 48 | 107 Sun rifes Centrally Eclip. at O 27 29 the Sun Cen. Eclip. in the Mer. S 39 26 Sun fets Cent. Eclipfed at P 60 Eclip. Ends at Sun-fétting N 42 7 40 Long. J 40 15 W 92 4 00 W 31 56 15 W 31 30 30 E 15 25 15 E 1 ! PRE- 1 4.19 Aftronomical Precepts. PRECEPT 18. To Conftruct the Sun's Eclipfe Geometrically. The Projection that I fhall here defcribe, is that mentioned by Mr. Flamsteed in the 27th Page of his Doctrine of the Sphere; and is, if a Plane be conceived to touch the Moon's Orbit in that Point, wherein a Line connecting the Centers of the Earth and Sun, interfects the faid Orbit, and ftands at right Angles to the aforefaid Line: and if an infinite Number of ftreight Lines be fuppofed to paſs from the Cen- ter of the Sun, thro' this Plane of the Periphery of the Earth, to its Axis, as likewife to the Axis of the Ecliptic, and the Path of any Vertex; the faid Lines will Othographically project the Earth's Disk, its Axis, the Axis of the Ecliptic, and the Path of the Vertex, on the aforefaid Plane. And this is the Projection we are to delineate. + In Problem 3, of the Projection of the Sphere, I have fhewn how the Path of any Vertex may be drawn; and that when the Sun's apparent Place is either in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, or Virgo, the North Pole of the Globe lies to the right Hand from the Axis of the Ecliptic, and the North Pole of the Globe lies in the illuminated part of the Disk: But if the Sun be in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittary, Capricorn, Aqua- rius, or Pifces, then the North Pole lies in the Obfcure. If the Sun be in the Equinoctial, the Paths of the Verti- ces, will be projected in right L'nes upon the faid Plane; but if the Sun be not in the Equinoctial, then the Path will be Ellipfes upon the faid Plane. The Tranſverſe Diameter of the Ellipfis reprefenting any Path is equal to double the right Line of the Diſtance of the faid Vertex from the Pole; that is, equal to twice the Co- Sine of the Latitude of the Place or Vertex ; but the Con- jugate, to the Difference of the right Sines of the Sum and Difference of the Diſtances of the Path and Sun from the Pole; that is, equal to the Sine-Complement of the Sun's Declination added to the Co-Latitude of the Place, lefs the right Sine of the Difference of the Complement of the Sun's Declination and the Co-Latitude of the Place. M m 2 The 1 420 Aftronomical Precepts. The Tranfverfe Diameter lies at right Angles to the Earth's Axis, and the Conjugate coincides with it. For an Example I fhall conftruct the Eclipfe of the Sun which will happen February 18, 1737, for London. Open the Sector to any convenient Diftance, as OA, and draw the Semicircle ABC; this fhall reprefent the Sou- thern half of the Earth's illuminated Disk Projected on the Plane of the Ecliptic A O C. Take the Chord of 23 deg. 29 minutes, the conftant Di- ftance of the Pole of the Ecliptic and the Pole of the Equino- ctial, and fet it from B, to dand e; draw de, in which the Pole of the Globe will be always found. Make de ge the Radius of a Line of Sines, and fet off the Sine of the Sun's Distance from the Solftitial Co- lure VS 7° 5' 22"; (becauſe the Sun at the time of the true dis in 11° 5' 22") and if the Sun be in ,,,, m, or, then the Axis of the Globe muft lie to the right Hand of the Axis of the Ecliptic; but if the Sun be in VS, *, X, T, 8, or I, then to the Left. So in our Example, the Sun being in X, I fet the Sine of 71° 5' from G to P, and draw P for the Axis of the Globe. Or by Calculation it will always hold. As Radius To C. f. Sun's Longitude To t. Diſtance of the two Poles To t. Inclination two Axis PO B Deg. Min. 90 00-101000000 18. 55-- 9.975887 23 29-- 9:637956 22: 20-- 9.613843 being fet to the Take the Chord of 22° 20' (the Sector Radius B) in your Compaffes, and fer one Foot in B, the other Foot will reach almoſt to d; draw dP O, and it will repreſent the Axis of the Globe, as was found juft be- fóre by Projection. The next thing to be done, is to draw the Path of the Vertex of London; for the doing of which you must always have in readineſs the Sun's Declination, which in this Exam- ple is 7º 25' 21' South; which being known, work thus: Sun's Aftronomical Precepts. 421 Sun's Declin. Complement Co. Latitude Sum Complement Difference Deg. Min. Séc. 7 25 21 South. 82 34 39 Diſtance from the South Pole. -38 28 O 121 2 39. 58 57 21 Vertex à O at Midnight. 44 6 39 Vertex à at Noon. 1 Make B the Radius of a Line of Sines on the Sector, and take the Sine of 58° 57421" in your Compaffes, and fet it from O to I; alfo take 44 degrees 6 minutes 39 ſeconds and fet it from O to H; fo is I the Meridional Interfection of the Nocturnal Arch of the Path with the Axis, and H the Interfection of the Diurnal Arch of the Path of the Vertex of London with the Meridian. MET V :6 a TB G 2 H7 R 10 T TIX a T A Nь Biffect HI in K, thro' K, at right Angles to P; draw an occult Line; then from the fame Radius of the Line of Sines take the Sine of 38 degrees 28 minutes, the Comple- plement of the given Latitude, and fet one Foot of your Compaffes in K; turn the other each way to 6, 6; draw the Line 6, 6, and it fhall repreſent the Tranfverfe Diameter of the Earth's Ellipfis to the Vertex of London, and HI the Conjugate. Make 422 Aftronomical Precepts. 事 ​Make half the Tranſverſe, viz. 6 K the Radius of a Line of Sines, and take the Sines of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75° feverally in your Compaffes, and fet them feverally in the Tranfverfe Diameter from K each way towards 6, 6; thro' theſe Points, draw Occult Lines parallel to P O'; make HK the Radius of a Circle on the Line of Sines, and take the Sines of 75, 60, 45, 30, 15°, and fet one Foot in the tranſverſe Diame- ter feverally on each fide K, at 15, 30°, &e. and let the o- ther Foot fall in the Occult Line; fo will you have Points thro' which with an even Hand if you draw a Curve, it will be an Ellipfis, and repreſent the Path of the Vertex of Lon- don, to which fet the Figures 12, 1, 2, 3, &c. as in the Dia- gram: Note, You need only draw the Diurnal Path. And this is no more than laying down an Ellipfis by the Line of Sines, which I prefume every one of my Readers is well skill'd in doing. Take the Sun's Declination 7 degrees 25 minutes from the Line of Chords in your Compaffes, and fet it from A to L; draw L, take the Co. Latitude of London 38 degrees 28 minutes, fet it from A to M, let fall M N, perpendicular to the Ecliptic A C, and it will cut LO in O'; transfer O in the Axis from O, and it will reach (in this Ex- ample almoft to K; thro' this Point if you draw a Line parallel to 6, 6, it will give you the Amplitude of the Path of the Vertex of London, and does fhew you that the Sun that Day riſes after Six in the Morning, and fers before Six at Night. Otherways, by Calculation thus, As C. f. Sun's Declination c Deg. Min. 7 25-- 9996351 90 0--10.000000 To Radius So S. of the Latitude of London To C. f. of the Arch & S As by the Projection above defcribed. 51 32-- 9.893745 37 52 9.897394. How to place the Moon's Orb in the Projection. With the Argument of Latitude 5 S. 22 degr. 36 min. 15 feconds at time of the True Conjunction, and true Hourly Motion of the Moon from the Sun 27 minutes 34 feconds; take out of the Table, Page 81, the Angle of the Moon's Vifible Way 5 degrees 43 minutes, and becauſe the Moon's Latitude is N.D. fet it by help of the Line of Chords from B to q, and draw Og for the Axis of the Moon's Aftronomical Precepts. 42 3.-- Moon's Orb. Set the Line of Lines on the Sector to the Radius of the Earth's Disk B 55 min. 10 feconds,' O and, as the Sector now ftands take off the Moon's true Latitude 38 min. 34 feconds at the time of the true Con- junction, and fet in the Axis of the Moon's Orb from O to R; thro' R, at right Angles to q draw TV, which fhall reprefent the Way of the Moon over the Earth's Disk during the time of the Eclipſe. To Divide the Moon's Orb. The Middle Time of the true Conjun&t. is Feb. 18 Equation of Time fub. D. H. M. S. I 51 48 12 43 Apparent Time of the Orbit-Conjunction Time of Reduction add 18 I 39 S 3 38 Apparent Time Middle of the Eclipfe 18 I 42 43 That is, when the Moon's Center paffes the Axis of her Orb, being 42 min. 43 feconds paft One a-Clock. As one Hour, or Now fay, Min. Sec. 50 。 LL. 27 34 3378 To true Hourly Motion Moon from Sun So Time more than I a-Clock To Mot, Moon from the Sun in that time 1 1476 42 43 19 37 4854 Take this 19 min. 37 feconds in your Compaffes from the Line of Lines on the Sector open'd to the Radius of the Disk 55 minutes 10 feconds, and fet one Foot in the Inter- fection of the Moon's Orb with its Axis; turn the other Foot towards the Right-Hand, and where it falls, is the Hour of One: Then take 27 minutes' 34 feconds in your Compaffes from the fame Scale of equal Parts, fet one Foot in the Moon's Orb at I, and turn the other Foot each way, and it will mark out the Hours of 12 and 2 a-Clock, or the Places in the Orb where the Center of the Penumbra will be at thofe Hours. ገፈ 1 Laft- 1 * 424 Aftronomical Precepts. Lastly, Divide each Hour into 60 equal Parts, and then you will have given the Place of the Moon's Center in the Line of her Way to every fingle Minute in Time. To find the Time of the Visible Conjunction. Having divided the Path of the Vertex, and the Line of the Moon's Way into their proper Hours, &c. take a Ru- ler and lay on the Moon's Way, and move it at right- Angles therewith from the Right-Hand to the Left, until the Edge thereof cut the fame Hour and Minute in the Line of the Moon's Way, that it doth in the Path of the Vertex; for that is the true Time of the Visible Conjunction at that Place for which the Path was drawn. So in this Example I find the Vifible Conjunction at London to be at 4 minutes 22 feconds paft Three in the Afternoon. From the fame Scale of Minutes take the Semidiameter of the Sun 16 minutes 13 feconds in your Compaffes and fet one Foot in the Path of the Vertex of London at the Hour and Minute of the Time of the Vifible Conjunction, and there deſcribe a Circle which ſhall repreſent the Body of the Sun, at that Time and Place. Alfo, from the fame Scale take the Semidiameter of the Moon 15 minutes 1 fecond in your Compaffes, and fet one Foot in the Line of the Moon's Way at the time of the Viſible Conjunction, and there deſcribe a Circle; this fhall reprefent, the Body of the Moon at that Time and Place. Divide the Sun's Diameter into 12 equal Parts, by fet- ting the Sector to the Radius of 12 upon the Line of Lines ; from which take the Sun's darkned Space, and apply that Extent of the Compaffes to the Sector open'd as now dire- cted, and you will have the Digits of the Sun's Diameter then Eclipfed; which in the Eclipſe before us is 10 Dig. 55 min. To find the Beginning of the Eclipfe. Take the Sum of the Semidiameters 31 min. 14 feconds in your Compaffes from the Line of Lines on the Sector open'd to the Radius of the Earth's Disk 55 minutes 10 feconds; and carry this Extent of the Compaffes one Foot along the Moon's Way, and the other along the Path of the Vertex > t The Doctrine of the Sphere. 425 ! い ​Vertex until both Points fall in the fame Hour and Minute, and that is the beginning of the Eclipfe: Which in this Ex- ample you will find to be Feb. 18 d. i h. 36 minutes 23 ſe- conds. For the End, Carry the former Extent of the Compaffes on towards the left hand, one Foot in the Path of the Vertex, and the other in the Moon's Way, till each Point fall in the fame Hour and Minute of Time, and that is the Apparent Time of the End of the Eclipfe: Which in this Example you will find to be Feb. 18 d. 4 h. 25 min. 51 feconds, the End of this Solar Eclipfe at London. In which Conſtruction, Long. of Latit. 3 b 3 O 3 the Parallax the Parallax of Latit î Altit. Min.Sec. 40 18 Moon à Sun which meafur. on the Scale 33 of Sun equal Parts is 533 And, as this Method is entirely free from all Parallaxes; fo by it you may readily Conftruct any Solar Eclipfe for any Latitude, or Occultation of the Fixed Stars or Planets, as has been taught in this Solar Eclipfe; only minding to pro- ject them by a Sector of a Foor Radius, and let the Proje- ction be as large as poffible. PRECEPT 19. To Calculate the Tranfit of Venus and Mercury over the Sun. F For an Example I fhall here fhew how to inveſtigate the Paffage of Mercury over the Sun October 31, Anno 1736. ? First, You must find the Time of the True Conjunction by Precept, having regard to the Motion of Mercury from the Sun inftead of the Table, in Page 65. Na : Equal 426 Aftronomical Precepts. D. H. M. S. Equal Time of the True o at London 1736 0&. Equation of Time add Apparent Time in Mercury's Orb 30 22 39 26 15 38 30 22 55 Mean Anomaly of Mercury of{Sun 4 12 27 22 5 14 27 4 Heliocentric Place of Mercury Anomaly of Commutation Hourly Motion of Hourly Motion of Mercury à O I 19 22 20 Geocentric Place of Sun and Mercury R 7 19 22 20 6 0 O } 2 } 35 5 57 3 26 True Diftance of Sun from the Earth Mercury from the Sun 98874 4.995082 31197 4.494110 Remains Diſtance Mercury from the Earth 67677 4.830441 D. H. M. S. North Node of Mercury I IS 17 20 Argument Latitude 4 5 0 Reduction fub. I 49 Inclination, or Heliocentric Latitude N.A. 29 29 With the Mean Anomaly take out of their Tables, the Logarithms of their Diſtance from the Sun and Earth, and to thofe Logarithms (by Problem 58) find the Abfolute Numbers to them; then fubtract the Abfolute Number of Mercury, from that of the Sun, and the Remainder will be the Abfolute Number of Mercury from the Earth in Parts; to which Parts, find by Problem 57, the Logarithm thereunto, as you fee are inferted above.] Now for the Latitude of Mercury feen from the Earth at the Time of his True Conjunction with the Sun, fay as is taught in my Syſtem of the Planets Demonſtrated, Page 24. • ? OPE- Aftronomical Precepts. 427 OPERATION. 4.494110 As the Dift. of Mercury from the Earth 67677 Co.Ar. 5.169559 To Diſtance of Mercury from the Sun 31197 So T. Heliocentric Latitude N.A. To T. of the Geocentric Latitude N.A. 29′ 29″--7.933291 13 36 --7.596920 Now becauſe the Latitude of Mercury is Afcending, you muft find the Geocentric Places of the Sun and Mercury to Six Hours before the Time of the True Conjunction. To Six Hours before the true & October J Sun True Geocentric place of Mercury Sun Mean Anomaly of Mercury Heliocentric Latitude Geocentric Latitude Six Hours before Geocentric Latitude at the true o Difference in Latitude D. H. M. S. 30 16 39 26 7 19 7 II 7 19 42 41 4 12 12 34 5 13 25 41 18 23 8 29 13 36 $ 7 60 307 fec.. Now for the Angle of Mercury's Visible Way over the Sun, fay, As the Elongation in Seconds To Radius, Sec. 2146 Deg. Min. '90 do } 3.331630 10.000000 So Difference in Latitude 3༠༡ 2.487138. To T. of the Visible Way 88 28"-9.155508 Open the Sector to any convenient Radius, and, take the Semidiameter of the Sun 16 minutes 16 feconds (found in the Table, Page 62,) in your Compaffes, and draw the Nn 2 Semi- 428 Aftronomcal Precepts. H E B NE ས I K I D ОС M Semicircle A B D, which fhall reprefent half of the Sun's upper Vifible Periphery A D, a portion of the Ecliptic: Open the Chord of 60' on the Sector to the Radius C B, and take the Chord of 8 degr. 8 min. 28 fec. the Angle of Mercury's Vifible Way; and becauſe Mercury is Re- trograde, and Latitude afcending, fet the Chord of 8 degrees, 8 minutes, 28 feconds from B to E, and draw CE for, the Axis of Mercury's Visible Way; take the Latitude 13 minutes 36 feconds at the Time of the True- Conjunction, and fet it on the Axis of the Ecliptic from C to F; draw HI through the Point F at right Angles to C-E; fo fhall, HI be the Vifible Way of Mercury over the Sun Draw HL, NO, and I M parallel to B C the Axis of the Ecliptic, and H K, and NG parallel to the Ecliptic A D. Then is C F the Latitude at the time of the True Conjunction, CN the neareft Diftance of the Centers of the Sun and Mercury, NO the Latitude of Mer- cury at the Middle of the Ecliple, HL his Latitude at the Beginning, I M his Latitude at the Central Egrefs or End: For becaule Mercury is always Retrograde at the time he is feen in the Sun, therefore he touches the Sun's Disk at H, and goes off at I. From this Demonftration it is plain, that HK = NG,' HN to NI, and NK to GI, Like- Aftronomical Precepts. I Likewife the Angles KHN, GNI, CNO; and BCE or FCN are equal to the Angle of the Vifible Way of Mercury with the Ecliptic, which was found above to be 820 8' 28" NF, is the Motion of Mercury from the Sun in Longitude in the interval between the True Conjunction and middle of this Mercurial Eclipfe, HK LO=NG=O M thé Mo- tion of half Duration. And laftly, A H and DI are the Arches of the Sun's Visible Periphery intercepted between Mercury and the Ecliptic in his Ingreſs and Egrefs. Now having explain'd the Nature of the Calculation, I fhall proceed to find the Requifites by plain Trigonometry in the following Order. " First, In the Triangle CNF, right Angled at N, are given C F the Latitude of Mercury 13 minutes 36 feconds at the True Conjunction, and the Angle FCN 8 degr. 8- min. 28 feconds, to find C N, the neareſt approach of their Centers; which I find to be 13 min. 28 feconds. Secondly, In the Triangle NOC, right-Angled at O, are known C N 807"8, and the Angles as before, to find OC the Motion from the Middle to the True Conjunction, which I find to be 114.3 1 min. 54 feconds. Thirdly, In the famè right-Angled plain Triangle NO C, with the fame things given to find NO, the Latitude of Mercury at the Middle, which I find to be 799.7 fec. = 15 min. 19 feconds. Fourthly, In the Triangle CHNACIN, there are given CN 808 fec. ferè, the neareft approach of Mercury to the Center of the Sun, and CHCI the Sun's Semi- diameter in Seconds 976 fec. to find H NNI the Mo- tion of half Duration, which by the 47th of the firſt of Euclid I find to be 547/fec: 9 min. 7. feconds. + + = Fifthly, In the Triangle H N K, are given HN = NI 547 fec. and the Angle HNK 8 degr. 8 min. 28 feconds, to find H K=N G; which I find 541 fec. 9 min. 21 fec. 4. Sixthly; In the fame Triangle, there are given as before, to find NK FG, which I find to be 78 feconds, and ON 799:7 KN78= OK 721.7 min. LH the La- ≈ titude of Mercury when he first touches the Sun's Periphery. Alfo O N 799.7 fec. + GI 78 fec. MI 877.7 fec. the Latitude of Mercury when he goes off the Sun's Disk. • 4 Seventh- 450! Aftronomical Precepts.. Seventhly, Having found the Motions of all the Arches of Mercury's Paffage over the Sun, I fhall fhew how to find the Times that he takes to move over thoſe ſpaces of his Orb, thus. 1 First, For the time that he moves from O to C, fay, As the part of the Elong. 357 fec. To one Hour, or So is the Motion OC To the time fub. Min. Sec. 5 57 LL. 10036 60 00 114= I 54 14994 · 19 9 4958 8. For the Time of half Duration. As part of Elongation To one Hour, or So is the Motion HK To to Time of half Duration 9. For the Arch A H. Min. Sec. 5 57 LL 10036 60 фо 9 Ι 90 56 8231 1805 *Sec. As Semidiameter O, CH 976 2.989450 Deg. Min. To Radius, 90 00 So CH Latitude at beginning To S. A H 721.7 47 41 10.000000 ·2.858357 9.868907 Lastly, For the Arch D I. In the Triangle CIM, there are given CL, the Sun's Semidiameter, and the Latitude of Mercury when he goes off the Disk = M I, to find the Angle M CI, which is meaſured by the Arch D I. As CI Sec. 976 Deg. Min. 90 + 877-7 To S. Angle MCI = Arch DI 64 To Radius, Se MI 1* 12.989450 10.000000 *** 2.943346 9.953896 Now, Aftronomical Precepts Now, from the foregoing Calculations I have found, D. H. M. S. Apparent Time True Conjunction 1736 08. 30 Time from O, to C, fub. Middle of the Eclipfe Half Duration ſub. and add Central Ingreſs, or Beginning Central Egrefs, or End Total Duration 22 55 4 19 9 30 22 35 55 I 30 56 30 21 4 59 3 I Oo 6 SI 3 $2 The TYPE. I H 1 At the Middle time of this Tranfit of Mercury, he may be ſeen in the Sun not much unlike a Patch on a Lady's Face, and the Sun is then Vertical to the South-Weft Parts of Africa, in Latitude 17 degrees, 36 minutes South, and Longitude 21 degrees, 31 minutes, 15 feconds Eaft from the Meridian of London; confequently Viſible to all Europe, Africa, and Part of Afia. After the fame manner you may Calculate the Time of Venus's being feen in the Sun by the Inhabitants of our Earth, which happens but twice in this Century, and that of Mercury fixteen Times; whofe Calculations all at large I have now by me in M. S. [See my Treatise of Eclipfes] If the Type of Venus or Mercury be projected by a large Scale, and their Orb, or Viſible Way be divi- ded into Hours and Minutes of Time, as has been fhewn in dividing the Moon's Orb in Page 395, it will pleaſantly repre- ༔ 1 143 afronomical Precepts. reprefent to your View at every Moment of Time the Place of the Planet during the Time of its Tranfiting the Sun's Disk. So that he, who is able, and fitted with proper • Inftruments ta obſerve the Times, I do not at all doubt, but will find them to agree, with my Calculations. 1 Fortisakontiratie afisatisats : 1 New A Aftronomical Precepts. 433 PRECEPT 20. Shewing how to compute the true Times of the · Im= merfion and Emerfion of the first Satellite of Ju- piter. Theſe Tables of this Satellite were firſt publiſh'd in the Philofophical Tranfactions by M. Caffini, and reduced to the following Method by Mr. Pound in the faid Tranfactions: * But becauſe the Eclipſe of the first Satellite of Jupiter affords the beſt Mean of determining the Longitude of Places on 'the Land where Teleſcopes of a convenient length may be uſed, thirteen of theſe Eclipfes happening every twenty three Days, it is requifite that the Obferver know near when theſe Opportunites offer themſelves, left on the one hand he let them flip, or elſe grow weary by a long At- tendance on them, Phil. Tranf. N. 361. Out of the firft Table take the Epoche for the Year with its correfponding Number A and B ; and then add, out of the Tables of Months, the Day, Hour, Minutes and Seconds, neareſt leſs than the time of the Eclipſe you ſeek, together with its Number A and B ; the Sum of the Times, is the Mean Time of the Conjunction or middle of the Eclipfe. 2. With Number A, thus collected take out the firft Equation of the Conjunction; as also the Equation of Number B, is always to be added to Number B before found. 3. With Number B fo Equated, take out the fecond E- quation of the Conjunctions; and in the laft Table, the third Equation, as alfo the Semiduration of the Eclipſe an- fwering to Number A. 4. To the Mean Time of the middle of the Eclipſe, add all thoſe three Equations; the Sum fhall be the true Equa- ted Time of the middle of the Eclipfe fought. 5. If Number B Equated be less than 500, fubtract the Semiduration, and you will have the time of the Immer- fion; or if it be more than 500, adding the fame, will give the time of the Emerfion. (See the 28th Page of my Syftem of the Planets Demonftrated. O o N B. 434 Aftronomical Precepts. N. B. The times thus found are Equal Time, which muft be reduced to the Apparent, as has been taught in the 2d Precept. And in Leap-Year after February you muſt ſubtract one Day from the Day of the Month. Example. Let it be required to find the Emerſion of Ju- piter's firſt Satellite January 20, 1728 ? OPERATION. D. H. M. S. Nu. A. Nu. B. 1728 Fanuary 19 21 20 8 630 636 II 14 36 4 51 Mean Conj. 20 8 34 44 634 687 Equated { Ι 2 3 I am I 9 19 4 Equat. B. 5 6 38 691 B. Equat. Middle 20 9 49 47 Semid. add I 4 44 January 20 ΙΟ 54 31 Emerfion Equal Time, Equat. fub. 'Appar.Time 20 14 4 10 40 27 Example 2. Let it be required to find the Immerfion 'of Jupiter's firft Satellite Auguſt 26, 1728? OPERATION. D. H. M. M. S. 1728 0 21 20 8 630 635 Auguſt Biff. 25 22 20 54 55 593 26 19 41 2 685 229 I 15 53 I Equat. B. Equation2 8 33 3 I I 230 Middle 26 21 21 6 36 Semid! Aftronomical Precepts. 435 Semid. Sub. D. H. M. S. I 6 2 Auguft Equat. add 26 20 O 34 Equal time of the Immersion, 2 18 Apparent 26.20 2 52 Immerfion. At which time, the true place of the Sun is 14° 47′ 58", and Mean Anomaly 2 S. 8° 139" which gives the Equation of Time 2' 18" to be added as above; therefore the Apparent Time is at 2' 5244 paſt 8 a-Clock in the Morn- ing of the 27th Day. Example 3. Let the time of the Emerfion of this Satel- lite be required December 25, 1728. OPERATION. D. H. M. S. A B 1728 O 21 20 8 630 636 December Biff 24 6 45 40 83 900 December 25 4 5 48 713 536 I 17 40 o Equ. B. Equation 2 0 13 3 I 25 Equat. 25 5 25 6 Middle Semidur. add I 6 51 December 25 6 31 57 Eq. time fub. 4 14 25 6 27 43 'Apparent 1 Revol. add 1 T. of the next 27. 18 28 36 。 56 19 Emerfion. 002 After 436 Aftronomical Precepts. After this manner may you easily compute the times of the Immerſions and Emerfions of this Satellite; and if you are fitted with a good Teleſcope and Pendulum-Clock, you may compare your Obfervations with your Calculations, and I doubt not but you will find them agree, as I have often ex- perienced. When thefe Tables of the firft Satellite of Fu- piter were publifh'd by Mr. Pound, there were feveral Ty- pographical Errors, which I have taken care to correct, by the Directions of the Reverend Author; from whom I receiv'd the Corrections done by his own Hand, which I have apply'd; and now thefe Tables appear free from any Error, I hope, to the fatisfaction of the moft Curious in Aftronomy. PRECEPT 21. Shewing how to find the Hour of the Night by the Shadow of the Moon upon a Sun-Dial. First, By Problem 47, find the true time of the Moon's Southing Then obſerve, if the Shadow of the Moon fall among the Morning-Hours upon a Sun-Dial, whatever the Shadow wants of 12 a-Clock by the Dial, fubtract from the time of the Moon's Southing: But if the Shadow of the Moon fall among the Afternoon-Hours, fo many as it is paft 12 by the Dial, add to the true time of the Moon's Southing; the Sum, or Difference, is the true Hour and Mi- nute of the Night. Example, Anno 1728, January 16, at London, the true time of the Moon's Southing will be at 13' paft 12 at Night; and I obferving the Shadow on a Sun- Dial to fall upon the Eleven a-Clock Hour-Line, then what will be the Hour of the Night ? OPE Aftronomical Precepts. 437 OPERATION. True time of the Moon's Southing Shadow fhort of 12 fub. Remains the true Hour of the Night H. M. 12 13 I O 71 13 Example 2. Admit the Moon is South at 7 h. 30 Af- ternoon; and obferving the Shadow upon the Dial to fall on the Hour of 1 h. 30; I defire to know the true Hour of the Night? OPERATION. H. M. True time of the Moon's Southing Shadow paft 12 add 7 39 I 30 Sum, is the true Hour of the Night 9 0 Theſe Rules being fe plain, it is needleſs to give any more Examples. PRECEPT 22. The Calculation, and Demonftration of our Pole-Star, that it was not the Pole at the Creation of the World, &c. In the 19th Page of my System of the Planets Demonftra- ted, I have fhewn you in what Signs the Fixed Stars increaſe, and in which their Declinations decreaſe, and alſo hinted that the prefent Polar Star would in Proceſs of time be to the South of the Zenith of London; I fhall in this place clear up that Point, and make it plainly appear to the meaneft Capacity, that the Star of the fecond Magnitude in the End of the Tail of the Leffer Bear was not the Polar Star at the Creation of the World. } First, 438 Aftronomical Precepts. ९ First, then, You are to underſtand that this proceeds from two Cauſes; the one by the Receffion of the Equinox, which makes all the Fixed Stars feem to move in Confequentià 5011 a Year; the other, is their moving upon the Poles of the E- cliptic, and therefore always keeping at the fame diſtance from the Ecliptic; but the Declinations or Diftance from the Equinoctial being always altering, (as I have fhewn in my fore-cited Book) hence it is, that the Fixed Stars do not. always keep the fame Places in the Heavens, but are found fometimes on this fide, fometimes on that, fometimes to the North, at other times to the South of your Zenith: And this may ſeem a Paradox to the unskilful in Aftronomy; but I can affure you, there is not any one Propofition in Euclid more Demonftrable in it felf, than is now the Cafe before us. I fhall illuftrate this, in giving the Work of the preſent Polar Star's neareft approach to the Pole, and alfo fhewing when it will be to the South of the Zenith of London. OPERATION. S. D. M. S. D. M. S. 1727,Long. of the Pole of 2 Sub.its Longitude from 3 24 45 31 Lat. 66 4 II N. 0 O O Pole is now fhort of 5 14 29 бо 314 Nom Say, 60 Year. if 50″ : 1 : 18869 Seconds. I 5|0)188619 (377 Years. 1727 add. 38 2104 Sum, 36 Rem. 19 Lat. Aftronomical Precepts. 439 } } Latitude of the Pole Star is Obliquity of the Ecliptic add Pole's Declination D. M. S. 66 4 II North. 23 29 O 89 33 II North. By the Work above it appears, that 377 Years hence, which will be in the Year of Chrift 2104 the Pole Star's Lon- gitude will be in the firſt Minute of Cancer, and then its Declination will be 89° 33' 11" North, whofe Comple- ment to 90° is o° 26' 49", which is the neareſt Approach of the Polar Star to the Pole it felf that can poffibly be. As, when the Polar Star's nearest Approach to the Pole is when its Longitude is in the firſt Minute of Cancer; fo its greateft Distance from the Pole will be when its Longitude is in the firft Minute of Capricorn. The next thing therefore to be done, is to find how long time it will be e're its Longitude will be in the firſt Minute of Ca- pricorn, that is, in what ſpace of time it will by its Annual Motion move a Semicircle, or from Cancer to Capricorn; which is found by this Proportion ; Years If 50" : I :: 180 60 10800 60 510)64800/0 (12960 Years. Remains By the Work above, I have proved, that in 12960 Years. the North Polar Star (and alfo every fixed Star) will move half round the Heavens, and in that time will alter their Declination 46 degr. 58 minutes, equal to the diftance of the two Tropicks; therefore if you fubtract the diſtance of the two Tropicks for the Declination of the Polar Star when in Cancer, there will remain the Declination of the Polar Star when in Capricorn. OPE- 1 1 Aftronomical Precepts. OPERATION. Pole's Declination when in Cancer is Diſtance of the two Tropicks fub. Pole's Declination when in Capricorn Declination of the Zenith of London Diſtance of the Polar Star D. M. S. 89 33 II North. 46 58 0 42 35 II North. 51 32 O 8 56 49 to the South of the Zenith, or Vertex of London: Then to find when this will be, if to the Year of Chrift 2104, which is the time the Polar Star will be in Cancer, you add 12960 the Years it is in moving from Cancer to Capricorn, the Sum 15064 is the Year of Chrift that the Polar Star that we now obferve will then be 8° 56' 49 to the South of the Zenith of London. And if you would know what Star will be the Polar Star in the Year of Chrift 15064 when our Pole that now is, will be to the South of the Zenith of London 8° 56′ 49"; it will be a Star of the third Magnitude in the Calf of the left Leg of Hercules, whofe Longitude in the Catalogue you will find 16° 2', and Latitude 69° 22' North. And the Star that was the Polar Star at the Creation of the World, was a Star of the fecond Magnitude in the Tail of Draco, which I have alfo Noted in the Cata- logue. For the better clearing up of this Point, and for your own Satisfaction, I fhall acquaint you how you may prove, what has been faid by the Celestial Globe. Thus, take in your Compaffes from any great Circle of the Globe, (as from the Equinoctial or Ecliptick) the Latitude of the preſent Polar Star 66° 4' 11"; carry this extant and fer one Foot in the very beginning of Copricorn, viz. in the Point where the Solftitial Colure, the Ecliptick and Tropick meet, or touch each other, and the other Foot will fall in the fame Colure 8° 56'49" fhort, or South of the Zenith of London, which is the place on the Globe where the Pole will be in the Year of Chrift 15064. 'Tis Aftronomical Precepts. 441 } 'Tis certain that all the fixed Stars, do appear every Day to rife and fet, and to move with a Circular Motion from Eaft to Weft; the Plains alfo of theſe Diurnal Circular Re- volutions being at right Angles to the Earth's Axis, or paral- lel to the Equator. All which is fairly and eafily accounted for, by fuppofing our Earth to revolve round its own Axis in 24 Hours from Weft to Eaft, (as I have proved in my Syftem of the Planets De- monftrated:) But the Eye of the Spectator moving round to- gether with the Earth, that muft appear to him immoveable as a Ship doth to thoſe that are in it, till by Obſervation and Judgment they find it otherwiſe. There are above a 1000 Stars which appear, or that are Vifible to the naked Eye; but the Teleſcope hath diſcover- ed above 20 times as many more; and the larger and bet ter theſe Glaffes are, the more are ftill diſcovered. With my 13 Feet Tube I have ſeen above 20 in the Conftella- tion Pleiades where the naked Eye can fee no more than fix. Σ That the Fixed Stars by reafon of their immenſe Diſtance, are to be looked upon as Points (unleſs ſo far as their Light is dilated by Refraction) is plain from hence, That when by the Appulfes to them they are Eclipfed or covered by her Body, their Light doth, like that of the Planets in the like cafe, vanifh or difappear gradually, but at once and all to- gether; and when they emerge again out of the Eclipfe, they do not become Visible by Degrees, but as it were in- ftanteouſly, or at leaſt, in the ſpace of one or two Seconds. The Diſtance therefore of the Fixed Stars, feems hardly within the reach of any of our Methods to determin; but from what has been laid down, we may draw fome Con- clufions that will much illuftrate the Immenfity of it. 1. That the Earth's Annual Orbit is but as a Point in comparison of the Diſtance of the Earth and Fixed Stars. 2. That could we advance towards the Stars 99 parts of the whole Diſtance, and have only Part remaining, the Stars would feem no bigger to us than they do here; for they would fhew no otherwife than they do through a Teleſcope which magnifies an hundred-fold. I 3. That at leaft nine Parts in ten, of the ſpace between us and the Fixed Stars, can receive no greater Light from the Sun or any of the Stars, than what we have from the Stars in a clear Night. P P 4. That 442 Aftronomical Precepts. 4. That Light takes up more time in travelling from the Stars to us, than we in making a Weft-India Voyage; That found would not arrive to us from thence in 50000 Years, nor a Cannon-Ball in a much longer time; this is eafily compu- ted by allowing (according to Sir Ifaac Newton and Mr. Pound) 7 Minutes for the Journey of Light from the Sun hither; and that Sound moves about 968 Feet in a Second of time, as they found by the Eclipfes of Jupiter's Satellites. ! Sirius 1 > Sirius's Rifing, Lat. 519 32′ N. Days. January Febr. March April May June H. H. H. H. ¿ H. H. bood a on I *6A 25 | 4A 18 2 6 21 4 14 3 6 17 4 10 4. 6 13 4 5 6 10 4 6 6 6 78 6 3 58 2 3 54 06 200 5 59 3 50 9 5 55 3 46 ΙΟ 5 5 3 43 I II 5 47 3 39 I 32 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 = food 2A 31 OA 3910M45 8M40 27 35 10 41 8 36 23 O 31 10 37 8 8 32 2120 O 27 IO 33 8 28 16 23 10 30 8 24 12 O 20 ΙΟ 25 8 20 8 0 4 Ι 9 16 ΙΟ 22 8. 12 IC 18 8 IO 14 8 15 II 7 58 5 ΙΟ 10 8 2 55 O I 10 6 12 5 43 3 35 I 52 11M58 10 2 77 58 54 13 5 39 3 31 I 48 11 54 9 58 7 50 14 5 35 3 27 I 44 II 50 9 54 7 46 15 5 313 23 I 40 II 46 9 50 7 42 16 5 27 3 20 I 37 II 43 9 467 38 17 5 23 3 16 I 3311 -39 9 42 7 34 18 5 19 3 12 I 30 II 35 9 38 38 7 7 30 19 5 15 3 8 I 26 11 31 9 34 7 26 20 5 10 3 5 I 22 I I 28 9 297 21 2 I ·5 6 3 I I 1811 24 9 25 7 17 22 4 2 2 57 I 14 II 20 9 21 7 13 23 4 59 2 53 I 10 II 16 9 17 7 9 24 4 54 2 49 I 711 12 25 4 50 2 46 Ι 311 28 9 13 7 5 9 ୨ 7 26 4 45 2 42 I 0 ΙΙ 4 9 5 6 57 27 4 40 28 4.36 2 2 39 O 5611 35 O 52 10 56 29 4 32 O 49 10 52 30 28 4 O 4510 48 31 4 23 O 42 8∞∞∞∞ I 6 53 57 6 536 8 49 6 41 49 45 8 45 PP 2 443 1 444 Sirius's Rifing, Lat. 51° 32' N. Days. July August Septem. O&tober Novem. Decem. H. I H. 6M36 4M34 H. H. H. H. 2M40 12M51 10A 51 2 6 32 4 30 2 36 12 47 10 47 6 28 4 26 2 33 12 43 10 43 4 6 24 4 22 2 2912 40/10 49 8 8 5 6 20 4 18 2 2612 3610 35 8 6 6 16 4 14 2 22 12 3210 7 6 12 4 I I 8 6 8 4 7 9 6 4 4 10 5 59 4 mo 3 2 2 2 2 18 12 28 10 3 2 1512 II 2510 30 26 22 8 8 11 12 21 ΙΟ 18 8 2 812 12 18 10 14 8 ΙΙ 5 55 3 56 2 4 12 14 10 10 ते ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ t .8A 43 8 38 34 30 26 21 17 12 8 3 7 59 12 5 5 3 52 2 0 I 2 10 10 6 7 54 13 5 47 3 48 I 57 12 6,10 2 7 50 14 5 43 3 44 I 53 12 2 9 58 7 45 15 5 39 3 40 I 50 11A 58 9 54 7 41 16 5 353 37 I 46 II 54 9 50 7 36 17 5 31 3 33 I 43 II 50 9 46 7 32 18 5 27 3 30 I 39 11 46 ୨ 42 7 19 5 24 3 27 I 35 11 42 9 37 7 2 2 28 23 20 5 20 3 24 I 32 II 39 9 31 7 19 21 5 16 3 20 I 28 II 35 9 27 7 15 22 5 12 3 16 I 24 II 31 9 23 7 II 23 5 83 13 I 20 II 27 9 18 24 5 43 9 I 17 ΙΙ 24 ୨ 14 7 3 2 2 2 6 7∞ a 25 5 O 3 26 27 28 29 4 56 3 4 52 2 4 48 4 44 30 4 40 5 I 13 ΙΙ 20 ୨ ΙΟ 6 58 2 I 911 15 9 6 6 53 58 I 511 12 6 49 2 54 I I I I 7 8 58 58 6 6 45 2 50 58 II 3 2 47 54 10 59 8 8 54 6 4.1 49 6 33 31 4 35 2 43 10 55 6 31 1 Sirius's Southing 445 Days. H. H. 1 H. 11 3 Ham+n6200 a I IOA 57 8A 50 January Febr. March H. 'H. 1 5 A11 3A 17 April May Fune H. 1 7 A 3 IO 53 8 46 7 5 7 IO 47 8 42 6 56 5 4 IO 44 8 38 6 52 43 O 5 10 40 8 34 6 48 4 56 10 36 8 30 6 45 4 52 2 7 10 31 8 26 6 41 4 48 8 10 27 8 22 6 37 4 44 442 9 IO 23 8 18 6 34 4 40 ΙΟ ΙΟ 19 8 15 6 31 4.37 I I 10 15 8 I I 6 27 4 3 33 4 12 ΙΟ I I 8 7 6 23 4 30 13. IO 68 3 6 20 4 26 14 I a 2 8 6 16 4 22 15 9 58 7 56 6 12 4 18 16 9 54 7 52 6 17 9 497 48 6 18 9 45 7 44 6 19 9 41 7 40 5 58 amaa 4 15 4 II 2 них my om en co el a 2 d d d d a 2 2 A IA 12 3 13 I 8 9 I '4 3 5 I O 2. 56 58 51 2 54 41 50 43 2 46 O 38 2 42 O 34 2 38 O 30 2 34 O 26 2 30 22 26 22 0 18 O 14 2 18 ΙΟ 14 0 6 4 7 2 ΙΟ °M 1 4 3 2 611 57 20 9 37 7 21 9 33 7 22 9 28 7 · 23 24 9 24 7 9 20 7 25 9 16 7 18 m on cn2 2 37 5 54 4 2 I ΙΙ 53 33 5 50 3 56 I 57 11 49 30 5 46 3 52 I 53 11 44 26 5 43 3 48 48 I 49 11 40 22 5 39 3 44 1 45 11 5 35 3 40 I 40 II 2 2 2 78 a 26, 9 12 7 14 5 31 3 36 I 27 28 29 9 30 .8 31 8 57 53 9 8 7 10 5 28 3 32 I 36 11 32/11 m on a 36 a a∞∞ 4 7 7 5 24 3 28 I 28 11 32 28 24 20 5 21 3 24 1 2411 16 5 18 3 20 I 20 ΙΙ 12 5 14 IIỐ 1 446 Sirius's Southing Days. Fuly Auguft Septem. Octob. Novem. Decem. Ι 2 3 = H. IIM 8 ΙΙ I I H. } H. H. J H. H. 9M 6 7M12 4 9 2 7 O 8 58 7 4 ΙΟ 56 8 54 7 2∞ 40 5M23 3 M23 IMIS 8 5 19 3 18 1 I I 5 15 3 14 I 7 5 10 52 8 50 6 57 6 ΙΟ 48 8 8 46 6 53 7 ΙΟ 44 8 43 6 50 555 5 12 5 4 ∞ 4.0 8 8 ΙΟ 40 8 39 6 46 4 57 9 10 36 8 35 6 434 53 10 10 II ΙΟ 12 10 on a d 31 8 13 271 8 23 ΙΟ 19 8 14 10 15 8 15 ΙΟ I I 16 ΙΟ 7 8 17 18 IO IO mo 3 O 19 9 56 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞T 20 2 2 32 6 40 4 Mmm 222N 3 ΙΟ I 2 3 6 58 3 2 O 54 580 50 54 45 50 O 40 50 46 28 6 зб 30 4 46 2 42 24 6 33 4 42 2 38 8 20 6 304 39 2 17 6 26 4 35 8 13 6 22 4 31 ΙΟ 6 19 4 27 8 6 6 15 4 24 8 2 6 I 2 4 20 2 2 2 22 2 34 OOO.O 35 31 30 O 26 13 9 59 6 8 4 16 2 3x 22 18 27 22 18 O 13 O 4 o A o 9 8 II 56 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 224 no 20 21 9 48 7 52 52 7 56 6 44 I I 2 311 5 I 6 4 7 .I 59 11 47 22 9 44 7 48 5 574 3 1 5511 42 23 24 25 26 27 9 40 7 44 5 53 3 59 I 5011 38 9 36 7 41 5 50 3 55 Ι 4611 34 9 32 7 37 5 46 3 51 I 42 II 29 ? 28 7- 33 5 423 48 I 37 11 25 ୨ 25 7 30 5 38 3 43 I 331 I 21 28 9 21 7 26 5 341 3 39 I 2.91 I 16 29 9 17 7 23 5 301 3 34 1 2511 12 30 ୨ 13 7 20 5 26 3 30 I 2011 31 9 9 7 16 3 26 ΙΣ ∞ 3 8 The Time of Sirius's Setting, Lat. 51° 32 N. 447 Days. January Febr. March April May Fune H. H. H. H. H. TH. 1 #2 on + I 3 M29 1M22 11 A35 9A 43 7 A49 5A 44 3 4 6 78 9 10 1 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 19 20 21 22 mmm on on on m 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 25 I 18 11 II 319 9 39 7 45 5 40 3 20 I 14 II 279 35 357 7 41 41 5 5 36 3 16 Ι IO II 23 9 31 7 37 5 32 3 12 I 611 20 9 28 7 33 335 5 28 3 8 I 2 II' 169 9 24 7 305 3 3 12 2 4 12 A58 5512 51 12 4712 I I 139 20 7 26 5 54 11 10 9 16 7 22 50 50111 II 69 12 7 18 ИИИИ 24 20 5 16 5 10 47 II 39 97 14 5 6 43 Io 59 9 5 7 10 5 2 2 4312 39 10 559 7 6 4 58 2 39 12 3510 51 8 57 2 7 4 54 2 35 3512 31 10 478 53 6 584 50 2 3012 2612 22 12 1812 14 12 9/12 1610 2710 43 8 2310 40 8 50 506 54 4 46 46 6 50 4 42 2010 3618 43 6 46 46 4 33 8 396 12 ΙΟ 298 36 366 424 38 4 38 34 4 30 910 268 32 6 33 4 25 2 5 I 2 5 10 22 8 28 6 29 4 21 I I 2 I ΙΟ 188 246 25 4 I 17 23 1 5711 57 10 20 148 6 21 4 13 24 1 5311 53 10 ΙΟ 8 16 166 17 4 9 25 I 49 11 50 10 78 12 6 13 4 26 I 45 11 46 10 318 86 914 SH 5 I 27 I 1 41 41 II 4210 8 6 43 3 57 28 I 3711 39 9 56 8 6 3 53 29 30 I 33 I 30 9 52 9 56 5 56 3 49 9 49 7 52 5 523 45 31 I 26 9 46 5 48 448 The Time of Sirius's Setting, Lat. 519 32′ N. } Days. July August Septem. October Novem. Decem. H. .1 H: H. H. TH. 1 H. "} I 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 2 14 15 on on on m m m m m m od da 2 2 +234 3A 40 3 36 1 A38 11M44| 9M55| 7M55 I 34 II 5 M47 3 32 I 3011 34 II 409 51 | 51 7 51 369 47 7 47 5 43 5 39 3 28 I 26 II 329 44 7 447 43 5 35 3 24. I 22 II 29.9 407 38 5 30 3 20 1 1811 II -25 9 36 7 367 34 5 26 3 15 I 14 II 22 9 33 7 30 5 22 3 I I I IO 11 199 9 29 7 26 5 17 3 7 I 7 I 1 15 9 9. 25.17 22 3 3. I 4: I I 12 2 59 I 2 55 O 6II 5611 8 9227 9. 18 7 419 14 7 18 2∞ 5 12 5 7 14 5 8 10 4 58 51 O 52 II J 10 7 6 , 4 54 2 47 48 10 ΙΟ 562 6 7 2 4 50 43 0 44 10 539 2 6 58 4 45 16 2 40 O 40 IO ΙΟ 498 586 54 4 40 17 2 36 2 2 32 2 2 2 2 2 ∞ 4 34 in 6 2 2 2 2 2 28 24 20 16 12 8 O O 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 26 2 27 I 1- 53 11M57 10 5310 28 29 I 49 II 30 I 31 I 41 II. 47 4511 50 9 58 37 10 461 8 541 6 0 34 10 438 506 4 36 504 46 4 32 31 10 40 8 466 466 41 4 28 28 10 36 8 368 43 6. 35. 4 23 0 24 10 328 39 6 18 910 5.10 55 0 Ι ΙΟ 10 68 2 8 58 ∞∞∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ♪ J4 8 19 6 10 3 57 8 II 15 6 6 6 2 3 5 8 45 53 ∞ 3 58 3 7 59 mmm on on en 3 53 48 44 3 40 3 35 20 10 298 35 6 16 10 258 316 12 JO 22 8 27 6 18. 3 2 31 4 19 27 4 15 23 4 ΙΟ 4 6 8 23 6 14 4 I The End of the First Volume, JUL 10 1920 ! 1 鉴 ​ļ ! . 1 } A 1 > i A 426968 DUPL : 1