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Ņ}* .* |$ 2-NŅz Áºº-N 2-S&Șz $| 3 • +2…S. $|©§ Sz�*… :) {%$ º-N{QSz $|· , : Sº z· * * * � �Șz Şzº• Š %> Ķ§2 Svº* _ _* %> N· · * 2-S§2 N· * Șzz2S .* ~);× Zaes (~~~~2,772,STOESFOENTZ25577772, STTOESTF22:RST ZASTUTZEST№Ț22:STF22:RSTIZZĘSTOEST, STT:N TOEST, ST-22 (2,7 T-72,5772N ° ^^^^^^ , ^^^^^^`Ź5*Za`` ^^^ ^*^- ^^^^^^ ^^^^®^ ^^®* '^Z^^ ^^^^&^. Xº^^^. ;**^* $ $ $ $ $ $, º 3£ ($*$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 32,3%.3€, $2, $, 3€. 3. §. 3€, $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ¢ © ® 3, §§ [[KÇſ.º', ,'%S',*^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^º^.^ “…, ¿(…, :-) (22. ^ \\ ^^,§§ g, UNIVERSITY OF CALFORNIA LIE RARY EIU L LET IN NO. 1. [SECOND EDITION.] COOPERATIVE LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. [Supplementſ, the Sºrtiary's Repºrt tº the Bºard of Rºgºnis, 1892.] BERKELEY, CALIF OR NIA: 1892. / Printed at the State Printing Office, Sacramento. A. J. JoBINSTON, Superintendent. 3. . # s *- Y. *s--- RTL,- ~ ~, * § FEREFATORY NOTE. The first edition of this Bulletin, issued in 1880, has been out of print for several years, and in response to repeated calls this new enlarged edition has been prepared. - To the Librarians of the various institutions, by whose courtesy and with whose hearty coöperation only is this pub- lication possible, I return sincere thanks. - J. C. ROWELL. COOPERATING LIBRARIES. California Academy of Sciences. S. F. . . . . . . . . (Printed Catalogue.) California State Library. Sacramento. . . . . . . .... (George T. Clark.) Odd Fellows' Library. S. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A. J. Cleary.) Lick Observatory. Mt. Hamilton. . . . . . . . . . . . (Edward S. Holden.) Mechanics’ Institute. S. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Horace Wilson.) Law Library Association. S. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Printed Catalogue.) . Mercantile Library. S. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Alfred E. Whitaker.) Ligue Nationale Française. S. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A. Masson.) Oakland Free Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H. F. Peterson.) Free Public Library. S. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (J. V. Cheuey.) St. Ignatius College. S. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Ist ed. of this Bulletin.) University of California Library. Berkeley. EXPLANATIONS. This list includes reviews, magazines, newspapers, and the publications of societies; but not geological surveys or, in general, governmental publications. Reviews, magazines, and journals are entered under the first word of their titles not an article or preposition. American and British (English, Canadian, Australian, etc.) societies are entered under their corporate names; other foreign societies are entered under place of publication. The Annales, Bulletin, Journal or -Zeitschrift of societies in most instances are entered also under these headings. Newspapers are entered under place of publication, except when the title begins with the name of a state or county, in which case entry is made under that name. Thus: “Amador dispatch. Jackson”; “Cali- fornia star. S. F.” An incomplete set is indicated by an asterisk—Us, etc. LIST OF PERIODICALS. Abo. See Helsingfors. Universitas. Academy. Lond. C (-1882), I, M, P (-1887), U (1889–) Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. journal A*, F#, M Proceedings A, F*, M, U Acta mathematica. Stockholm - U Acta Sanctae Sedis. Roma St Adin. Weekly Adin argus C (1887–) Advocate. Minneapolis, Chic. (Legal) - C Aelfric society. Publications. Lond. Iſ Aeronautical society of Great Britain. Reports M+ Agricultural science. Knoxville, Lafayette, State College, Pa. U Agricultural society of India. Journal. Calcutta. C Transactions - C Alameda county gazette. San Leandro C (1856–62, 1864–75) Alameda county gazette. Oakland C (1873-5) . Alaska herald I# Albany institute. Transactions A*, U (1887–) Albany law journal. Albany, N. Y. C, I*, L. Aldine. N. Y. C (v. 5–8), F, I*, M All the year round. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, P Allgemeine Bibliographie für Deutschland. Leipzig P (1884–) Almanach de Gotha P Alpine (weekly) chronicle. Silver Mountain C (1870–2) Amador dispatch. Jackson C (1870–5, 1878–) America. Chicago, 1888– I*, P American academy of arts and sciences. Memoirs. Bost. H*, M* Proceedings A, C, H%, M% American academy of political and social science. Annals. Phila. I, U American agriculturist. N. Y. I*, M, P (v. 18–), U (v. 35–) American almanac. Bost. 1830–61 - C, P, U (1830–58) American almanac (Spofford). N. Y. 1878– C, U (1881) American analyst. N. Y. . . U (v. 4-) American annual register. N. Y. C, M . American anthropologist. Wash. A, P, U American antiquarian. Cleveland, Chicago A*, C, I*, M American antiquarian society. Proceedings. Cambr. M*, P Transactions. Worcester C, U (v. 1–2) American architect and building news. Bost. C, I, M, P (v. 5–) American art review. Bost. A* C (v. 1), F, I American artisan. N. Y. F#, I*, M American association for the advancement of science. Proceed- ings. Salem A, C, F#, H+, P, U 6 LIST OF PERIODICALS. American astronomical society. Papers. Brooklyn, 1885–8 H American bee journal. Chicago C, I* American bible society. Annual reports. N. Y. U (1838–80). American biblical repository. Andover, Mass. P (1842–50) Continuation to Biblical repository. American bibliopolist (Sabin). N. Y. 1870– M, P (v. 1-6) American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Reports U (1837-52). American bookmaker. N. Y. C (v. 4-) American bookseller. N. Y. 1876– M, P (v. I—Io) American catalogue. N. Y. 1876– M, P, U American catalogue of books (Kelly). N. Y. 1861–71 P. American catholic quarterly review. Phila. 1876– I, P (v. I-12), St. American chemical journal. Balt. A, I*, U American chemical society. Journal. N. Y. U (Rising) American chemist. N. Y. - A*, I*, M American civil law journal. N. Y. 1873 C, L. American druggist. . N. Y. 1884– C Continuation of New remedies. American eclectic. N. Y. C American economic association. Publications. Balt. C, I, U. American education society. Quarterly register. Andover, etc. I829–39 C, P, U American engineer. Chicago C (1884—), I*, U (1884–) American entomological society. Transactions. Phila. A, C, P (1867–73), U. American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Wash. A, C#, H, M, P, U. — Astronomical papers prepared for the use of. Wash. Uſ American ethnological society. Transactions. N. Y. U (v. 1–2) American field. N. Y., Chicago P (v. 17–) American garden. N. Y. A (v. Io-) American gaslight journal. N. Y. I+ American geographical society of New York. Journal P, U+ American geologist. Minneapolis C, I, P, U American gynecological society. Transactions. N. Y. C (1876–9) American historical association. Papers. N. Y. C. American historical record. Phila. 1872 C, M. (v. 1) , Continuation in Potter's American monthly. - American home missionary society. Reports. N. Y. U (1827–54) American horticultural society. Transactions. Indianapolis, 1883– C American institute. Transactions. N. Y. F (1843–59) American institute of electrical engineers. N. Y. I (v. 5-6) American institute of mining engineers. Transactions. A, C*, I, M, P, U American journal of archaeology. Balt., Bost. I+, P, U American journal of conchology. Phila. A (v. 1-7) American journal of education (Barnard). Hartford, Conn. C, U American journal of education. St. Louis U% American journal of folk-lore. Bost., N. Y. U American journal of forestry. Cinn. 1882–3 P, U. LIST OF PERIODICALS. 7 American journal of horticulture. Bost. 1869– M (v. 1-7) American journal of insanity. Utica, N. Y. C American journal of mathematics. Balt. A (v. 3–6), C, I, U American journal of numismatics. Bost. M, P (v. 16–) American journal of obstetrics. N. Y. - C American journal of otology. N. Y. 1879– C (v. I-4) American journal of pharmacy. Phila. U (1888–) American journal of philology. Balt. C, I, U American journal of psychology. Balt. P, U American journal of science. New Haven A*, C, F, H*, I*, M, O, P, U American journal of the medical sciences. Phila. C*, P (v. 37–42), U (v. 35–48) American jurist and law magazine. Bost. C, L., U (v. 16-27) American law journal. Columbus C, L* American law magazine. Phila. C, L, American law record. Cinn. C, L. American law register. Phila. C, L, American law review. Bost., St. Louis - C, L., P (v. I5–) American law times bankruptcy reports C American law times reports - C, L, American literary gazette (Childs). Phila. 1863– C (v. 2–18), P (v. 1–15) American machinist. N. Y. I*, P (v. 6–) American mechanics' magazine. N. Y. 1825– M (v. I–2) American medical association. Transactions. Phila. C (v. 1–26, 28–31), U (v. 14) American medical monthly. N. Y. C American meteorological journal. Ann Arbor, Bost. U (v. 5–) American metric bureau. Bulletin. Bost. M% American meteorological society. Proceedings. N. Y. H (v. 2), U (v. 1–2) American monthly. See Knickerbocker magazine. - American monthly microscopical journal. N. Y., Wash. C, I*, U American museum; or, repository. Phila. I?87–92 C, P American national preacher. N. Y. See National preacher. American naturalist. Phila. A (v. 19–), C, Fºº, I, O, P, U (v. II-) American neurological society. Transactions. N. Y. C (1875–7) American notes and queries. Phila. I, P American oriental society. Journal. New Haven U American pharmaceutical association. Proceedings. Phila. C American philological association. Transactions C, U American philosophical society. Proceedings. Phila. A (v. 15–), H*, P, U Transactions. Phila. P (v. 1–15), U American pioneer. Cinn. 1842-3 C, P American public health association. Reports. N. Y., Bost. C American publishers' circular. Phila. C (1863), U (1863–4) American quarterly microscopical journal. N. Y. 1879 F, U American quarterly register. See American education society. - American quarterly register (Stryker). Phila. 1848– C (v. 2-3) See also Stryker's American register. 8 LIST OF PERIODICALS. American quarterly review. Phila. 1827–37 C’ American railroad journal. N. Y. - I+ Continued as Railroad and engineering journal. American register. Phila. See American annual register. American repertory of arts (Mapes). N. Y. 1840– M (v. 1-4) American review. See American whig review. American review of history and politics. Phila. 1811–12 C American social science association. Transactions. In Journal of social science. American society of civil engineers. Transactions. N. Y. A*, C, I*, P, U American society of mechanical engineers. Transactions. N. Y. I+ American standard. S. F. 1889–91 C, P, U American tract society. Reports. N. Y. U (1837-53) American whig review. N. Y. 1845–52 C, P, U Amsterdam. Kon. Akademie van Wetenschappen. Jarboek A Verhandelingen A & Verslagen en Mededeelingen A, H% Analectic magazine. Phila. 1813–19 C, F Analyst. Lond. |U (v. 4-) Analyst. Des Moines (Mathematical) I*, P Anatomischer Anzeiger. Jena U (1892–) Andover review. Bost. C (v. 9–), I, P, U Anglia. Halle U Anglo-African magazine. N. Y. 1859– P (v. 1) Ann Arbor scientific association. Proceedings U Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie (Liebig). Leipzig U (Rising) Annalen der Hydrographie. Berlin U% Annalen der Oenologie. Heidelberg f U Annalen der Physik and Chemie. Leipzig H*, I, U Annales de chimie et de physique. Paris - I+, U Annales de la construction. See Nouvelles annales. Annales des mines. Paris & I*, M, U (1832-) Annales des ponts et chaussées. Paris I, U (1851–) Annales des.sciences naturelles: Botanique. Paris P*, U (1875–) Zoologie. Paris P*, U (1875–) Annales du génie civil. Paris P (v. 6–) Annals and magazine of natural history. Lond. F#, P*, U (1875–) Annals of botany. Lond. 1887– P Annals of horticulture. Lond. I846–50 C Annals of mathematics. University of Virginia H, P Annals of philosophy (Thomson). Lond. I813– C, M Annals of the propagation of the faith. Dublin St. Année scientifique et industrielle (Figuier). Paris C#, U* Annuaire des deux mondes. Paris U (1850–67) Annuaire géologique. Paris * U Annuaire scientifique. Paris C (1861–9), U (1862–3) Annual American catalogue. N. Y. C, M, P Annual biography and obituary. Lond. I817-37 C LIST OF PERIODICALS, 9 Annual cyclopaedia. See Appleton’s annual cyclopaedia. Annual monitor and memorandum book. N. Y. 1813– C Annual of scientific discovery (Wells'). Bost. C, F, M*, P Annual of the universal medical sciences. Phila. C (1888– Annual record of science and industry (Baird). N. Y. , M*, P, U Annual register. Lond. C, F, Ok, P, U Annual statistician (McCarty). S. F. , F, I, M, P Anthropologia. Lond. 1873- C (v. 1) Anthropological institute of Great Britain. Journal. Lond. C (1871–4), F*, P Anthropological review. Lond. I863–70 P Continued as the Journal of anthropology. Anthropological society of London. Memoirs. I865–70 P Proceedings. In Anthropologia. In 1870 amalgamated to form the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain. Anthropological society of Washington. Transactions A, U Anthropologie. Paris U Anti-Jacobin review and magazine. Lond. C (1798–1805), F+ Antiquarian and general review P (v. 2, 1846–7) Antiquary (Walford). Lond. 1880– - P (v. 1–2) Anzeiger für deutscher Alterthum. With Zeitschrift. Appalachia. Bost. - A, H Appleton’s annual cyclopaedia. N. Y. C, F, M, O*, U Appleton’s journal. N. Y. C, F#, I*, M, O, P, U (v. 7–9) Archaeologia: publ. by the Society of Antiquaries. Lond. C, P (v. 1-30) Archaeologia Americana. Worcester, etc. C, M*, U (v. 1–2) Archaeological journal. Lond. I844– F#, P (v. 1-28) Architect. Lond. 1869– - C, M Architectural magazine and journal. Lond. * C Architectural review. Phila. 1868– M (v. I-3) Architectural review. Bost. 1892– U Architecture and building I+ Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. Leipzig IJ Archiv des Criminalrechts. Halle, etc. U (1834-57) Archiv für Anthropologie. Braunschweig U (v. 7–9) Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen. Braunschweig U Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie. Bonn U Archiv für die sachsiche Geschichte. Leipzig A (v. 1-6) Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. Berlin U Archiv für wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. Berlin A% Archives de biologie. Paris U (1892–) Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. Genève P4, U (Le Conte) Archives du musée Teyler. Haarlem H% Archives néerlandaises. Haarlem A, H% Archives of ophthalmology (and otology). N. Y. C Archives of otology. N. Y. C Arena. Bost. C, I, U (v. 5–) Argonaut. S. F. - C, I, M, Pº Argosy. Lond. P (v. I–22) 10 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Arizona miner. Prescott, Fort Whipple M (1864) Arlon. Institut archéologique du Luxembourg. Annales A. Arminian magazine. Lond. 1778– C Continued as the Methodist magazine. - Army and navy journal. N. Y. I (1872–), Pº Army and navy register. Wash. I+ Art amateur. N. Y. C (1882–), I*, P. Art and letters. Lond., N. Y. C (1888–9) Art interchange. N. Y. O%. Art journal. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, Pº, U* Art journal. N. Y. C, I*, M, Ok Art, pictorial and industrial. Lond. 1870–72 # M Art pour tous. Paris g C, I* Art. Revue hebdomadaire illustrée. Paris I Art union, London. Monthly journal C (1839–48) Art union. N. Y. - U (v. 1) Art worker: a journal of design. N. Y. 1878– C (v. 1) Artizan. Lond. I843– I*, M. Arundel society. Publications. Lond. M. Asiatic journal. Lond. C (1816–39), P (1816–45), U (1818–40) Asiatic quarterly review. Lond. 1886– C, I* Asiatic researches. See Asiatic society of Bengal. Transactions. Asiatic society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta A* Transactions C. Asiatic society of Japan. Transactions. Yokohama A*, I See also Royal Asiatic society. Association of American geologists and naturalists. Reports. Bost. A (1840–2), C (1843) Association of municipal and sanitary engineers. Proceedings. Lond. C. Astronomical journal (Gould). Cambridge, Bost. H (v. 7–), U (v. 7–) Astronomical notices (Bruennow). Ann Arbor H% Astronomical register. Lond. H% Astronomical society of the Pacific. Publications. S. F. A, H, I, U Astronomie. Paris t H% Astronomische Mittheilungen (R. Wolf). Zürich e H+. Astronomische Mittheilungen und Verôffentlichungen. Göttingen H* Astronomische Nachrichten. Altona, Kiel H, U (v. 126–) Astronomisches Jahrbuch (Bode). Berlin H. Astronomisch-nautische Ephemeriden. Trieste H (1890–) Astronomy and astro-physics. Northfield, Minn. 1892– H, U Atalanta. Lond. P. Athenaeum. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, P, U Atlanta constitution C (1887–) Atlantic monthly. Bost. - C, F, I, M, O*, P, U Atlantic reporter. St. Paul C, L. Aurora borealis. S. F. 1887 I, P. Australian law times C (1881–4) Author. Bost. P. LIST OF PERIODICALS, 11 Auxerre. Société des sciences historiques et naturelles de 1'Yonne. Bulletin A3+ Ave Maria se P (v. 12-13) Baily's monthly magazine of sports. Lond. 186o- F (v. 1-29) Baltimore American C (1887-). Bankers' magazine. Lond. M, P (v. I-43) Bankers' magazine. N. Y. I*, M, O, P (v. 36-), U (v. 17) Banking law journal. N. Y. C: Bankruptcy register. See National bankruptcy register. Banner of Israel. Lond. Pºk Banner of light. Bost. (Spiritist) P3- Batavia (Java). Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Notulen e A38- Verhandelingen A3k Bay state monthly. Bost. I884-5. 3 v. C. Continued as New England magazine. Bost. 1886- Beadle's monthly. N. Y. 1866-7 L Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Halle U Belfast natural history and philosophicalsociety. Proceedings A (1878-) Belford's magazine. N. Y. F- Belgravia. Lond. - - F*, I*, M, U (v. 16-2o) Belle assemblée. Lond. P (v. 2-15). Bench and bar. Chicago C Bentley's miscellany. Lond. M*, P, U Bentley's quarterly review. Lond. 1859-6o - P. Berg-und hütten maennische Zeitung. Leipzig I*, U Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin U (Rising) Berkeley advocate. 1877- U Berkeley beacon. 1882 U Berkeley herald. 1886- UT Berkeley quarterly. 188o-1 P, U Berkeley standard. 1882-3 UT Berkeleyan. Berkeley, Cal. tº C*, M, P, U Berlin. Botanischer Verein für die Provinz Brandenburg. Verhandelungen A38- Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte U (Rising) Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift A3k- Kön. Akademie der Wissenschaftn. Abhandlungen H*, U Monatsberichte A*, Hºe Sitzungsberichte A*, H*, U (1891-) Kön. Sternwarte. Astronomische Beobachtungen H Kön. technischen Versuchsanstalten. Mittheilungen U Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Wochenschrift U Zeitschrift U Gesellschaft für Erdkunde. Zeitschrift A*, U (v. 9-II) Verein für Volkskunde. Zeitschrift U Verein Hütte. Sammlung von Zeichnungen UT Verein zur Beförderung des Gewerbfleisses. Verhandlungen U 12 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. Berlin H, U (1889–) Bern. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Mittheilungen A* Société helvétique des sciences naturelles. Actes - A* Biblical repository. Andover, Mass. U (1831–3) Continization in American biblical repository. Bibliographer. Lond. C, P (v. 1-6) Bibliographie de la France. Paris P (1881–) Bibliotheca Americana (Roorbach). N. Y. P (1820–61), U (1820–58) Bibliotheca historico-naturalis. Göttingen H*, P+, U Bibliotheca mathematica. Stockholm, Berlin U Bibliotheca philologica U (1876–) Bibliotheca sacra. Andover M, P (v. 19–30), U (v. 1–47) Bieber (Cal.). Mountain tribune C (1881–) Biedermann's Central-Blatt für Agrikulturchemie. ‘Leipzig U Biographical magazine. Lond. - M (1794) Biological society of Washington. Proceedings A, U Biologisches Centralblatt. Erlangen - U Birmingham. Midland union. See Midland naturalist. Blacksmith and wheelwright. N. Y. I+ Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine C, F#, I, M, O*, P, U Blue and gold. Oakland, Berkeley H*, I, Pº, U Bon ton. Paris - I#, M Bonn. Naturhistorischer Verein der preuss. Rheinlande. Ver- handlungen - - A (v. II–) Universitat. Sternwarte. Astronomische Beobachtungen H Bookbinder. Lond. 1887– r . C Book buyer. N. Y. I*, M, P (N. S. v. I–) Book chat. N. Y. P (v. 3-5) Book-lore. Lond. 4. C Bookseller. Lond. I*, M, P (1859–) Bordeaux. Observatoire. Annales, 1885– H Boston. Evening bulletin M (1842–3) New England palladium M (1807) Public library. Bulletins M, P, U Record commissioners. Reports TJ Boston daily advertiser C (1887–) Boston herald C (1887-), P (1884-5) Boston journal of chemistry I# Continued (1873) as Popular science news and Boston journal of chemistry. Boston medical and surgical journal C Boston society of natural history. Journal A% - Memoirs A Occasional papers A. Proceedings - A (v. 5–), U Boston weekly magazine. Bost. 1802– * M. (v. 2) Botanical gazette. Crawfordsville A (v. I3–), U (v. I4–) Botanical magazine. Lond. I787–1800 • C Continued as "Curtis's botanical magazine. LIST OF PERIODICALS. 13 Botanical miscellany (Hooker). Lond., Glasgow, 1830–33 U Continued in the Journal of botany. 1834–42. Botanical society of Edinburgh. Transactions A% Botanisk Tidsskrift (Heiberg). Copenhagen A (v. 5–) Botaniska Notiser. Lund. A (1871–) Brain. Lond. - C, F. Braithwaite's retrospect. See Retrospect of practical medicine. Bremen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Abhandlungen A% British and foreign medico-chirurgical review. Lond. ‘c, P British and foreign review. Lond. 1835-44 I British archaeological association. Journal. Lond. C British association for the advancement of science. Reports A, C, F#, H*, I*, M, U. P British chess magazine. Huddersfield I, British economic association. Journal. See Economic journal. British journal of photography. Liverpool, Lond. I+ British medical association journal. See British medical journal. British medical journal. Lond. I857– C British quarterly review. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, O*, P (v. 70–83), U Brooklyn entomological society. Bulletin - A. See also Entomologica Americana. e - Brooklyn home journal C (1871-4) Brother Jonathan. N. Y. 1842– I (v. I-5), M. (v. 1-4) Browning society. Papers. Lond. U Brünn. Naturforschender Verein. Verhandlungen A* Bruxelles. Academie royale de Belgique. Annuaire A* Bulletin A* Mémoires A* Observatoire royal. Annales Société belge de microscopie. Annales Société entomologique de Belgique. Annales Société malacologique de Belgique. Annales Bulletin 29 Société royale belge de géographie. Bulletin Société royale de botanique. Bulletin Société scientifique. Annales Budapest. Ungarische geologische Anstalt. Jahresberichte A (1882-) i Mittheilungen A* Buenos Aires. Instituto geografico argentino. Boletin A (v. 8-) Sociedad cientifica argentina. Anales A (v. 6-) Buffalo historical society. Publications e U Buffalo medical and surgical journal P (v. 20) Buffalo society of natural history. Bulletin A Builder. Lond. 1842– C, F*, I, M, P (v. 1–36) Builder and woodworker. N. Y. I+ Bulletin astronomique. Paris H (v. 3–) Bulletin de la société chimique de Paris I*, U Bulletin de la société de géographie. Paris - P (1846–) Bulletin de la société de l'industrie minérale. St. Étienne, Paris U 14 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Bulletin de la société d’encouragement pour 1’industrie nationale. Paris U Bulletin de la société française de minéralogie. Paris U Bulletin de 1a société industrielle de Mulhouse I* Bulletin de la société mathématique de France. Paris U Bulletin of the Torrey botanical club. N. Y. A (v. I5–), I*, P, U Burlington hawkeye - C (1887–) Bussey institution. Bulletins. Cambridge A, U Butte (Weekly) record. Chico, Oroville C (1870–87) Continued in Chico weekly chronicle-record. Cairo. Société Khédiviale de géographie. Bulletin - A# Calaveras chronicle. Mokelumne Hill C (1870–) Calcutta review. Calcutta C California academy of sciences. Bulletin. S. F. A, C, H, U - Memoirs #º A, C, U Proceedings A, C, F, H*, I, M, P, U California architect and building news. S. F. F, I, P, U (v. 12-) California banker’s magazine. S. F. C, I, P California culturist. S. F. 1858– A (v. I-2), C (v. I-3) California daily courier. S. F. - M (1850–2) California decisions. S. F. - - C California educational review. S. F. 1891 g U (nos. I-5). California farmer. S. F. C. (1871–9), F (1854–64), I (1855–62), M (1854-8) California homoeopath. S. F. I*, P (v. 3-4), U (v. 2-) California horticulturist, S. F. 1870– A*, C#, F#, I#, M, O, P#, U (v. 3-7, 9–10) California illustrated magazine. Los Angeles - I California law journal. S. F. 1862–3 C, L, California legal record. S. F. 1878–9 C, L, California mail bag. S. F. 1871 I*, M. (v. 1) California mercantile journal. S. F. (?) 1860– M. (v. 1) California (magazine and) mountaineer. S. F. 1861 C, F California medical gazette. S. F. 1868– C (v. 1), F, M California medical journal. Oakland, S. F. 1880– P+, U California nautical magazine. S. F. 1862– M. (v. 1) California pictorial almanac. S. F. M (1858–64) California political record. S. F. 1882–6 P California spirit of the times. S. F. C (1882—) California star. S. F. - C (1847–8), M (1847) California state medical journal. Sacramento, 1856–7 C California state medical society. Transactions M*, Px, Uk California statesman. Sacramento C (1854–5) California teacher (and home journal). S. F. C#, M, U+ California voice (Prohibitionist). S. F., Los Angeles, 1886- P(v. 1), U(v.5) Californian. Monterey, S. F. C (1846–8), F (1847), M (1846–8) Beginning of the S. F. Daily Alta California. - Californian. S.F. C (Oct. 17, 1868) LIST OF PERIODICALS. 15 Californian: a western monthly magazine. S. F. 1880–2 * C, F, I*, M, O, P, U Cambridge. Observatory. Astronomical observations A (v. 1–8), H+ Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal - U Cambridge philosophical society. Transactions U Cambridge (Mass.) entomological club. See Psyche. Cambridge (Mass.). See Bussey institution; Dante society; Har- vard; Nuttall ornithological club; Peabody museum. Camden society. Publications. Lond. P, U Canada law journal. See Upper Canada, Lower Canada. Canadian entomologist. London, Ontario C, U* Canadian institute. Canadian journal. Proceedings. Toronto A* Transactions H*, Uk Canadian law times. 1881– C, L, Canadian naturalist. Montreal - A* Canadian record of science. Montreal - A% Cape of Good Hope. Royal observatory. Annals - H. - Observations: magnetical H Results of meridian observations H Carolina law repository. Raleigh L (1814–15) Carpentry and building. N. Y. I Carriage world: a monthly journal. Cincinnati I Carrier dove. S. F. e P (1887–) Cassell’s family magazine. Lond. P (1879–) Cassell’s illustrated family paper. Lond. P (1857–66) Catholic guardian. S. F. - P (1872–3) Catholic world. N. Y. C, I*, M, P, St, U (v. 15–17) Cavendish society. Publications. Lond. M Central law journal. St. Louis - C, L, Central Ohio scientific association. Proceedings. Urbana A (v. 2), U (v I) Central reporter. Rochester C Central-Blatt für Agrikulturchemie. See Biedermann's. . Century (weekly). N. Y. - P (1879–80) Century illustrated monthly magazine. N. Y. C, F, I, M, O, P, U Continuation of Scribner's monthly. Chambers' journal. Edinb. C, F#, I, M, O, P, U+ Chancery sentinel. Saratoga, N. Y. - C, L, Chapultepec. Observatorio astronómico. Anuario H. Charleston medical journal and review C (1854–75) Chaucer society. Publications. Lond. M, P, U Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa. I#, P Chemical news. Lond. C, I, M, U Chemical society of London. Journal I, M, U Memoirs. 1841-8 I, U Chemische Industrie. Berlin U Chemisches Centralblatt. Leipzig D Chess monthly. Lond. I Chicago daily inter-ocean CH(1887–) Times C (1887–) 16 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Chicago astronomical society. Reports Chicago historical society. Collections Chicago journal of commerce Chicago legal news Chicago medical review Chicago tribune Chico weekly chronicle-record Continuation of Butte record. China review. Hongkong Chinese repository. Canton H% P, U P (1882-3) C, L, P (1882) C (1887–) C (1887–) M% . M, O, U (1834-5) Christian examiner and theological review. Bost. P Christian observer. Lond. and Bost. U (v. I-33) Christian spectator. New Haven U (1819–38) Christian union. N. Y. - P (1883–7) Christiania. Norske meteorologiske Institut. Aarbog. A* - Universitet. Aarsberetning A% Videnskabs-Selskab. Forhandlingar, 1858– A Christian's magazine. N. Y. 1806–7 U Church review and ecclesiastical register. New Haven P (1848–56) Ciel et terre. Bruxelles H+ Cincinnati. Observatory. Publications - H Cincinnati enquirer - C (1887–) Cincinnati law bulletin. See Weekly Cincinnati, etc. Cincinnati society of natural history. Journal A. Cincinnati superior court reporter C (1870–3) City of London chess magazine. Lond. 1874– C (v. 1) Civil engineer and architect’s journal. Lond. C#, I*, M, P, U Civilingenieur. Leipzig U Civilta cattolica. Roma St Classical journal. Lond. C, M, P, U Classical review. Lond., Bost. P, U Clear Lake. See Lakeport. - Cleveland law record. Cleveland C Cleveland law reporter. Cleveland C Clinical society of London. Transactions I Coast review. S. F. F, O Cobden club. Publications. London U% Collector. N. Y. P (1887–) Coloma. Empire county argus C (1853–6) Colorado law reporter. Denver C, L, Colorado scientific society. Proceedings. Denver A Columbia jurist - L. Colusa daily gazette C (1891-) Colusa sun - C (1890–) Commercia1 and financial chronicle. N. Y. I87I- C, I*, M, P Continuation of the Merchants' magazine. Commissioners of patents' journal. Lond. F*, I Common pleas reporter. Scranton C LIST OF PERIODICALS. 17 Congregational quarterly. Bost. C, U (v. 1-7) Congregationalist. Lond. I872– C (v. I–I5) Congrès géologique international. Compte rendu U (1878–88) Congressional debates. Wash. 1824–37 P Congressional globe. Wash. I833-73 C, M, P, U Congressional record. Wash. 1873– C, F, M, O*, P, U Connecticut academy of arts and sciences. Transactions. New Haven • A, H Connecticut historical society. Collections. Hartford P (v. 1) Contemporary review. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, P, U Continental monthly. N. Y., Bost., 1862-4 M Contra Costa gazette. Martinez C (1870–8), U (1880–) Contractor. S. F. See Pacific lumberman and. Copenhagen. Botanisk forening. See Botanisk Tidsskrift. Kon. danske videnskabernes Selskab. Oversigt. A (1856–), H* Copernicus. Dublin, 1881–4 H, U Copp's land owner. Wash. 1874– - C, L., P (v. I-4) Cordoba. Academia nacional de-ciencias. Boletin A% Observatorio nacional argentino. Resultados H* Officina meteorologica argentina. Anales H* Cornell university. Library bulletin. Ithaca - P, U Cornhill magazine. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, O, P, U Cornwall reflector. N. Y. P (1883–6) Correspondence astronomique. Genoa, 1818–26 H Correspondent. N. Y. 1827–9 - C Cosmopolitan. N. Y. C, F, I* Cosmos. Paris - U (1870) Cottage gardener. Lond. 1849–61 - C Continued (z. 26) as Journal of horticulture, cottage gardener, etc. Cottage magazine. Lond. I812– M (v. 1) Country gentleman's magazine. Lond. C (1868–81) County courts’ chronicle. Lond. C (1847–60) Craftsman. Lond. - C (1731-7) Criminal law magazine. Jersey City C, L Critic. N. Y. C, I*, O*, P (v. 4-), U Critique philosophique. Paris |U Cultivator and country gentleman. Albany, N. Y. U Cultivator's guide. Sacramento, 1883–4 U Current. Chicago - P (1886–7) Current comment and legal miscellany. Phila. C Current literature. N. Y. I, P (1890–) Curtis's botanical magazine C (v. I5–), I Continuation to the Botanical magazine. Dante-Gesellschaft. See Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Dante society. Reports. Cambridge, Mass. - U Danzig. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Schriften A% Davenport academy of natural sciences. Proceedings A, H*, U De Bow’s review. New Orleans C (n. s. v. I-2), M, U (v. I–II) 2—N 18 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Decorator and furnisher. N. Y. - Ix Democrat. Lond. . ſº 3. P (1884–7) Democratic review. N. Y. See United States magazine and. Demorest’s monthly magazine. N. Y. * I*, M Dental jairus. Sacramento, Oakland - - C, PA, U+ Denver law journal, 1883 L (v. 1–2) Denver times - C (1889–) Detroit free press . - C (1887–) Detroit lancet e P (1879–80) Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch U Deutsche Industrie-Zeitung. Chemnitz - - U Deutsche Maler Journal. Stuttgart I Deutsche morgenländische Gesellschaft. See Zeitschrift. I)eutsche Rundschau. Berlin I, M, U Deutscher Einheitsschulverein. Schriften. Hannover U Dial. Boston M, P Dial. Chicago P Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Augsburg, Stuttgart I, M, U Diplomatic review. Lond. P, Uk Dixon tribune - - C (1883–4) Dodsley's annual register. See Annual register. Domestic monthly. N. Y. P (1888–) Dominion annual register and review. Montreal, Toronto C (1880–) Dorpat. Universitäts-Sternwarte. Observationes, Beobachtungen H Douglas Jerrold's shilling magazine. Lond. R+ Downieville democrat - C (1870–1) Drama. Lond. I82I– . C (v. 2–6) Dresden. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis. Sitzungsberichte A* Dublin. Trinity college. Observatory at Dunsink. Astronom- ical observations - H Dublin penny journal. Dublin, 1832– . P Dublin quarterly journal of science C (v. 2–3) Dublin review C*, P (v. 1-79), St, U Dublin society. See Royal Dublin society. : Dublin university magazine C, Fº, I*, M. (v. 49–), P, U Continued as the University magazine. Dun Echt observatory. Publications H Early English text society. Publications. London P, U East India register and directory. Lond, C Eastern reporter. Albany C Ecclesiologist. Lond. P (1841-59) Eclectic magazine. N. Y. F, I*, M, O#, P*, U (v. 45–) Economic journal. Lond. U Economist. Lond. C, I*, P4, U (1877–) Edinburgh. Royal observatory. Astronomical observations H* Edinburgh circulars H+ Edinburgh geological society. Transactions A. Edinburgh law journal. Edin. . C LIST OF PERIODICALS. 19 Edinburgh philosophical (also, new philosophical) journal, I819–64 A (1819–26), C Merged (1864) in the Quarterly journal of science. Edinburgh review C, F#, I*, M, O*, P, U Education. Bost. 1881– t C, P, U (v. 9–) Educational review. N. Y. C, U Educational times. Lond. U (v. 42—) Egypt exploration fund. Publications P (v. 1-6) Electrical review. Lond. I, U (1887–) Aormerly known as the Telegraphic journal and electrical review. Electrical review. N. Y. * P (1889–) Electrical world. N. Y. - I, U (1889–) Electricien. Paris, 1881 C Elisha Mitchell scientific society, Raleigh, N. C. Journal A, U Emerald; or, miscellany of literature. Bost. P (1806–8) Emerson's magazine and Putnam's monthly. N. Y. P (v. 5–7) Emporium of arts and sciences. Phila. 1812– - P, Uk Encyclopédie d’architecture; journal mensuel. Paris C (1851–62) Engineer. Lond. C, Fºº, I, M, P, U Engineer of the Pacific. S. F. 1877–80 - U Engineering. Lond. C, H*, I, M, P, U Engineering and building record, and sanitary engineer. N. Y. C, I*, P (1887–), U (1888–) Engineering and mining journal. N. Y. C, I*, P, U (1877–) Engineering facts and figures. Edin. C (1864—9) Engineering news (and American railway journal). N. Y. C#, I*, U(v. 27–) Englische Studien. Heilbronn - TJ English catalogue of books. Lond. M, P, U (1835–) English dialect society. Publications. Lond. U English historica1 review. Lond. - - U English illustrated magazine. Lond. I, P, U English mechanic and world of science. Lond. C, I*, P (1887–) Entomologica Americana. Brooklyn, N. Y. A, U Entomological magazine (Newman). Lond. I833–8 - C Entomological society of London. Transactions U Entomological society of Ontario. Reports. Toronto A (v. 12–15) Entomological society of Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1861–7 - C, P, U (v. 2–6) Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin, Leipzig A* Entomologist (Newman, Carrington). Lond. I840– c During 1843–63 merged in the Zoologist. Entomologist’s annual. Lond. I855– P (1855–61) Entomologist's weekly intelligencer. Lond. 1856–61 P Epidemiological society of London. Transactions C Epoch. N. Y. . C (v. 3-4) Erfahrungen im Berg-und hittenmännischen Maschinen. Wien TJ Esoteric. Boston - I, P (1887-8) 20 LIST OF PERIODICAL S. Essex institute, Salem, Mass. Bulletin, 1869– A, C, U (v. 15–) Historical collections, 1859— C, U (v. 21-) Proceedings, 1848–68 A, C, P Estia. Athens, Greece U (1892–) Ethnological society of London. Journal, Transactions F# Etonian. Lond. P (1822) Eureka. Northern weekly independent C (1870–2) West coast signal C (1874–6) European magazine. Lond. C (1782–1821), P (1787–1821) Every Saturday. Bost. C (1870–1), I*, M, P Experiment station record. Wash. U Family’s defender magazine. Oakland, Cal., 1881–4 U Farmer’s magazine. Lond. M (1839–45) Federal reporter. St. Paul * - C, L, Field and forest. Wash. A (v. 1-3) Field, the farm, and the garden. Lond. I (1886–) Figaro in London. Lond. - P (1832-6) Financial and mining record. N. Y. I+ Financier. N. Y. See Public. Fire Lands pioneer. Norwalk, O. P (1858–78) Fliegende Blätter. München F#, I*, M, Pº Flora, oder botanische Zeitung. Regensburg A* Floral world and garden guide. Lond. 1858–80 C Florence. Biblioteca nazionale centrale. Bolletino delle pub- blicazione italiane - - A*, U Floricultural cabinet (Harrison). Lond. - C, F, M, P Florist and garden miscellany. Lond. C Foederal American monthly. See Knickerbocker magazine. Folio. Bost. Folk-lore society. London. Publications, namely: M Folk-lore record. Lond. I878–82 C, P Folk-lore journal. Lond. 1883–89 - C Folk-lore: a quarterly review. Lond. I890– C Folsom telegraph C (1889–) Fonotypic journal. Lond. P (v. 6–7) Foreign quarterly review. Lond. 1827–46 C, M*, P, U Forest and stream. N. Y. F#, I, M, Pº Forschungen aus dem Gebiete der Agrikulturphysik. Heidelberg U Fortnightly review. Lond. - C, F#, I, M, O, P, U Fortschritte der Physik. Berli A*, U Forum. N. Y. - C, F, I, P, U Forum. N. Y. 1874-5 (Legal) C, L, Franco-Californien. S. F. * N Frank Harrison's shorthand magazine. Newark, N. J. P. (1890–) Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. N. Y. F, M*, P (1855–) Frank Leslie's lady's journal. N. Y. M, P Frank Leslie's lady's magazine. N. Y. P (1882) Frank Leslie's popular monthly. N. Y. I+, P LIST OF PERIODICALS. 21 Frank Leslie's Sunday magazine. N. Y. I (v. I-24) Franklin institute. See Journal of the Franklin institute. Fraser’s magazine. Lond. C#, F#, I*, M, P, U Free enquirer. N. Y. 1829– C Freeman and Irish agricultural weekly. Dublin C (1884–7) Freeman’s journal. N. Y. St Freemason’s monthly magazine. Bost. I842– C (v. 1–5) Free thought. S. F. P (1888–) Fresno weekly expositor. Millerton, Fresno C (1870–82, 1890–) Friend. Honolulu M (v. 8, 1850–4) Galaxy. N. Y. (Merged into the Atlantic, 1879) C, F, I*, M, O Galt. Weekly Galt gazette. C (1882-) Garden and forest. N. Y. A, C, I*, P, U Gardener's chronicle. Lond. 1844– A Gardener’s magazine (Loudon). Lond. F (1826–34) Gardening illustrated. Lond. I880– *** C Gartenlaube. Leipzig F#, M, P, U (1877–) Gazette archéologique. Paris I Gazette des beaux-arts. Paris I#, N* Gazette nationale. Paris, 1789–. See Moniteur universel. Gazette of bankruptcy. Lond. C Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1848–56 s U Geneva. Société de géographie. Mémoires et Bulletin A (v. 1–3), U (v. 1) Société de physique et d’histoire naturelle. . Mémoires A% Génie industriel. Paris - |U (v. 19–22, 25–26) Gentleman’s magazine. Lond. C, F*, M, P (-1871), U (1840–56) Geographical magazine (Markham). Lond. I874–8 C, I Geological magazine. Iond. C, M, U (1874–) Geological record. Lond. U (1874-8) Geological society of London. Quarterly journal A*, C, F#, I, U Transactions I (1811–56) Georgia historical society. Collections. Savannah & P Georgia law reporter. Atlanta C Germania: Vierteljahrsschrift für deutsche Alterthumskunde. Stuttgart, Wien U Gesta Romanorum pontificum. Roma St Giessen. Oberhessische Gesellschaft für Natur und Heilkunde. Berichte - A Giornale vinicolo italiano. Casale U (1889–) Glasgow. Natural history society. Proceedings A* Philosophical society. Proceedings A* Godey's lady's book. Phila. F#, M, Pº Goethe-Jahrbuch. Frankfurt-a-M. - U Good health. Battle Creek, Mich. . P (v. 20) Good housekeeping. N. Y. - I* Good words. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, Ps 22 LIST OF PERIODICALs. Göttingen. Kön. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen U (1889–) - Nachrichten. A Kön. Sternwarte. Astronomische Mittheilungen H - Veróffentlichungen H Government year book. Lond. P (1888–) Graphic. Lond. C, I, M, P (-1879) Grass Valley. Foothill tidings ." C (1877–81) - Telegraph - C (1890) Grass Valley union C (1891–) 's Gravenhage. See Hague. Great Britain. Patent office. Specifications and drawings of patents. Lond. - F#, I Green bag. Bost. - C Greenwich. Royal observatory. Astronomical results. . H* Catalogues of stars H • * Reports H Observations H% . . Spectroscopic and photographic results H Greifswald. Geographische Gesellschaft. Jahresberichte A (v. 1-3) Grenzboten: Zeitschrift für Politik. Leipzig U (1874) Grevillea. Lond., Edin. C Griffiths' annual law register. Burlington C (v. 3-4), L. (v. 3-4) Haarlem. Société hollandaise des sciences. See Archives néer- landaises. Teyler's Stichting. Archives du musée A*, H% Hague. Kon. zoologisch-botanisch Genootschap. Verslag A. Hakluyt society. Publications. Lond. F*, M, P Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences. N. Y., Phila. - - C (1845–58) Half-yearly compendium of medical science. Phila. C (1868–76) Halle. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen - A% Berichte A% Verein für Erdkunde. Mittheilungen A. Hall's journal of health. N. Y. - F, I*, M, O Hamburg. Verein für naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung. Verhandlungen A. Hannover. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. Jahresbericht A (v. 34–) Hansard’s parliamentary debates. Lond. C, U (–1827) Hardwicke's science-gossip. Lond. - F (1865–73), I* Harper's bazar. N. Y. - P Harper's monthly magazine. N. Y. w - C, F, I, M, O, P, U Harper's weekly. N. Y. C#, F, I, M*, Pº Harper’s young people. N. Y. P Harvard historical monographs. Bost. - U Harvard law review. Cambridge - C, L (1887–8) Harvard university. Astronomical observatory. Annals A*, H*, U Reports A*, H*, U LIST OF PERIODICALS. 23 IHarvard university. Library. Bulletins. A*, I, M, P, U Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletins A, U* Memoirs A*, U* Reports A, U* See also Bussey institution; Peabody museum. Havilah miner * - C (1872-4) Healdsburg. Russian river flag U (1880–4) Heir of the world. N. Y. I880– - - P (v. 1-4) Helsingfors. Finska Vetenskaps Societeten. Acta A (v. 8-) Bidrag af Finlands Natur och Folk A* Ofversigt af Förhandlingar A (v. 9–) Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Acta A. Meddelanden A. Universitas litteraria fennica. Observatory. Ob- servationes astronomicae - H Zonenbeobachtungen der Sterne H Herald of health. N. Y. O Hermes. Berlin - U (v. 8–13) Hesperian. S. F. 1858– A*, F (1859–63), I*, M. (v. 1–9) Highland and agricultural society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edin. & C Himme1 und Erde. Berlin - H Historical magazine (Dawson). Bost., N. Y. C, M*, P, U (ser. 2–3) Historical register. Lond. I714–38 P Historische Zeitschrift. München s U Historisches Taschenbuch (Raumer). Leipzig U (1830–46) Historiska handlingar. Stockholm U (v. 1-7) Hogg's instructor. Edin. I845– C, F#, M Continued as the Titan. Home-maker. N. Y. - I+ Hongkong observatory. Observations FH Honolulu. Friend - M (y. 8, 1850–4) Polynesian * M (1844–5) Hooker's journal of botany. See London journal of botany. Horticultural society of London. Journal - C, U (v. 1–8) Proceedings * A Transactions C, F (1820–4), P (1812–41), U (1812–48) Horticulturist. Albany P (1846–52) Hours at home. N. Y. 1865– M. (v. I–II) Household words. Lond., N. Y. 1850–9 - C, F#, M*, P Howitt's journal of literature and popular progress. Lond. C (1847-8) Hub. N. Y. (Carriage trade) I*, P (v. 22) Humboldt standard. Eureka * C (1883–) Hunt's merchants’ magazine. See Merchant’s magazine. Hutchings' illustrated California magazine. S. F. A*, C, F, I*, M, U Hydraulic press. See North San Juan. Illinois society of engineers and surveyors. Reports U Illinois state laboratory of natural history. Bulletins. Champaign A 24 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Illuminated magazine (Jerrold). Lond. 1843–5 Illustrated American. N. Y. Illustrated London news. Lond. Illustrated naval and military magazine. Illustrated news of the world. N. Y. Illustrated official journal of English patents Illustrated Pacific states. S. F. Illustrated press. S. F. Illustrated sporting and dramatic news. Illustrated times (weekly newspaper). Illustration. Paris 4. Illustrirte Welt. Stuttgart Illustrirte Zeitung. Leipzig Ilustracion española y americana. Index. Lond. Index. Bost. Index medicus. Bost., Detroit Index of current events. Montreal Index reporter - * * Index society. Publications. India. Lond. Lond. Lond. Madrid Lond. Geological survey. Memoirs. Calcutta Palaeontologica India Records P I C, F#, I*, M, P I+ C - I P (1889–) F (1873) M P (1855–66) N, P (1883–) F F#, M, P I*, M*, U (1877–82) C (1862-3) P+ C (v. 9–Io) P (1890-) L (1882-3) P A*, M A*, U (1868–89) Great trigonometrical survey. Account of operations. Dehra Dun See also Agricultural society of India. Industrial monthly. N. Y. 1872– Industrie Zeitung. See Deutsche Industrie Zeitung. A, U F#, M. (v. 1) Institute of British architects. See Royal institute, etc. Institution of civil engineers. Minutes of proceedings. Lond. I, P (v. 1–58), U Institution of naval architects. Transactions. Lond. I* Insurance law journal. N. Y. C, L, Intellectual observer. Lond. 1862–8 C, F, M, P Continued as the Student and intellectual observer. Internal revenue record and customs journal. N. Y. C (1865–87) International journal of ethics. Phila. P, U International review. N. Y. 1874–83 C, F#, I*, M, O, P, U International standard. Cleveland P (1883–6) Interstate commerce reports. Rochester C Invention: journal mensuel. Paris (J (1864) Investor's monthly manual. Lond. P (1887–), U Inyo independent. Independence C (1870–84) Iowa Hill. Patriot. C (1859) Iowa historical record. Iowa City, 1885– J Iowa state historical society. Annals. Iowa City, Davenport U+ Irish jurist. Dublin C, L* Irish law times. Dublin C Irish monthly magazine. Dublin, 1873– C LIST OF PERIODICALS. 25 Iron. Lond. 1873– C, I*, M, U (v. 33–) Iron age. N. Y. I+ Iron and steel institute. See Journal of the, etc. Italy. Reale comitato geologico. Bolletino. Roma U (v. 7–) Memorie. Roma U% Jahrbuch der Erfindungen (Hirzel, Gretschel). Leipzig J Jahrbuch der Kais.-Kön. geologischen Reichsanstalt. Wien U (1888–) Jahrbuch für das Berg-und Hüttenwesen im Konigreiche Sach- sen. Freiberg U (1888–) Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie. Heidelb., Stuttg. D Jahrbuch iber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. Berlin U Jahrbücher (Neue) für Philologie und Pädagogik. Leipzig U (v. III-) Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der reinen Chemie (Staedel). Tübingen U Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Agrikulturchemie. Berlin U Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritter der . . . Chemie. Giessen * U (Rising) Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der chemischen Technologie (Wagner, Fischer). Leipzig U Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Pharmacognosie, Phar- macie, und Toxicologie. Göttingen U Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Thierchemie. Wiesbaden U Japan. Seismological society. Transactions. Yokohama A*, H*, I*, U Jerrold's magazine. See Douglas Jerrold’s. John Bull. Lond. C (1820–40) Johns Hopkins university. Biological laboratory. Studies. Balt. A*, U (v. 5–) Circulars. Balt. A, H, P (1886–), U Studies in historical and political science. Balt. I, P, U Journal de sciencias. Lisbon H% Journal amusant. Paris N Journal de conchyliologie. Paris A*, U (1863-5) Journal de la campagnie géneral transatlantique. Paris P (1882—4) Journal de l'école polytechnique. Paris H*, U Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées. Paris U Journal de physique (Almeida). Paris U Journal des économistes. Paris U Journal du ciel. Paris H (1891-) Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Berlin H*, U Journal für Gasbeleuchtung. München, Leipzig U Journal fir praktische Chemie. Leipzig U Journal “Industry.” S. F. P, U Journal of American folk-lore. Bost., N. Y. P, U Journal of analytical and applied chemistry. Easton, Pa. U Journal of anthropology. Lond. 1870 C, P Continuation in Journal of the anthropological institute. 26 LIST OF PERIODICALS. , Journal of botany (Hooker). Lond. 1834–42 - - - P See also London journal of botany. Journal of botany, British and foreign (Seemann). Lond. I863–71 U New series (Trimen, Baker). Lond. 1872– A3% Journal of cutaneous and genito-urinary diseases. N. Y. C (v. 5–) Journal of education. Boston - P (1888–) Aormerly the New England journal of education. - Journal of forestry. Lond. 1877– - C, F+ Journal of gas-lighting. Lond. , - I Journal of Hellenic studies. Lond. - U Journal of horticulture, cottage gardener, etc. Lond. 1861– C Continuation of Cottage gardener. e Journal of jurisprudence. Edin. Cº., L. (1857–) Journal of jurisprudence (Hall). Phila. . C Journal of mental science. Lond. .C. Journal of morphology. Bost. A, P, U Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry and the arts (Nichol- son). Lond. - • M Journal of philology. Lond. U Journal of physiology (Foster). Cambridge, Engl. - U Journal of psychological medicine. Lond. I848– C Journal of public health and sanitary review. Lond. C (1855–8) Journal of sacred literature. Lond. 1848–68 C Journal of science and the arts. Lond. I816– - C (v. I-31) Journal of science (Crookes). Lond. 1879– C, I, P (v. I-5) Continuation of the Quarterly journal of science. Journal of social science. Bost., N. Y. C, M, P (-1882), U (–1878) Journal of speculative philosophy. St. Louis, N. Y. F#, I, M, P, U Journal of the agricultural society of India e C Journal of the American chemical society. N. Y. U (Rising) Journal of the American geographical society. N. Y. P, U% Journal of the American oriental society. New Haven U Journal of the anthropological institute of Great Britain. Lond. e - C, F#, P (1872–82) Journal of the association of engineering societies. N. Y. I*, U Journal of the British archaeological association. Lond. C Journal of the chemical society of London . I, M, U Journal of the Franklin institute. Phila. - - C (v. 12I–), F*, H*, I*, M, U (v. Io9–) Journal of the horticultural society of London C, U (v. I–8) Journal of the household brigade. Lond. P (1862–74) Journal of the iron and steel institute. Lond., etc. C, I, P Journal of the Linnaean society. Lond. * I# Journal of the Quekett microscopical club. Lond. - - C Journal of the royal agricultural society. Lond. C, I, Pº, U Journal of the royal asiatic society of Great Britain. Lond. F#, P Journal of the royal geographical society. Lond. C, F#, M*, P (v. I-47), U (v. I-7) LIST OF PERIODICALs. 2 7 Journal of the royal united service institution. Lond. C, I Journal of the society of arts. Lond. C Journal of the society of chemical industry. Manchester U Journal of the society of telegraph engineers. Lond. C Journal of the statistical society. Lond. C, F*, I, P (-1881) Journal of the United States cavalry association. Fort Leaven- worth, 1888– C Judge. N. Y. + C (1884–) Jurist. Lond. C (1827–33), L. Justice. N. Y. P (1882–5) Justice of the peace. Lond. (?) 1837– L Kalocsa. Observatory. Publications FH Kansas academy of science. Transactions. Topeka A* Kansas law journal. Topeka - C, L (1885–7) Kansas state historical society. Transactions. Topeka U Earlsruhe. Sternwarte. Veröffentlichungen H Kasan. Observatory. Observations des étoiles H Kentucky law journal L. Kentucky law reporter. Frankfort C, L, Rern county gazette. Bakersfield C (1877–84) Kern county weekly courier. Bakersfield - C (1870–74) Kidd's own journal. Lond. I852-4 C Kitto's journal. See Journal of sacred literature. . Kladderadatsch. Berlin I*, P Knickerbocker magazine. N. Y. F#, I*, M, O*, P, U* Continued as the American monthly, and Foederal American monthly. 1864-5. P. Knight's penny magazine. Lond. I846– C (v. I–2) Knight's quarterly magazine. Lond. I823-4 P Knowledge (Weekly). N. Y. 1890– P Knowledge: an illustrated magazine of science. Lond. I881– H*, P Königsberg. Physikalisch-Oekonomische Gesellschaft. Schriften A. Universitäts-Sternwarte. Beobachtungen H Kosmos: an eclectic monthly journal. S. F. 1887 J Krakow. Universytet. Sternwarte. [Publications] H+. Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft. Heidelberg U (v. 5–28) Ladies' museum. Lond. C (1836) Ladies' repository. Cinn. 1841– U (v. 2) Lady’s companion. N. Y. C, M (1838–40) Lakeport. Clear Lake courier C (1870–1) Lakeside monthly. Chic. 1872– M (v. 7–) Continuation of the Western monthly. Lancet. London, N. Y. C, I, M, P (1827–44) Land and water. Lond. - I+ Landwirthschaftliche Versuchsstationen. Berlin U Latine (et Graece). N. Y. U (v. 2–4) Law and equity reporter. N. Y. 1876–7 C, L, 28 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Law bulletin. S. F. L (1870–1) Law central. Wash. C Law chronicle. Edin. C Law examination journal. Lond. C Law intelligencer L (1829–31) Law journal: notes of cases and legal news. Lond. C Law journal reports. Lond. 1822– - C, L, Law magazine. Lond. I829– C, L, Law magazine and law review. Lond. C Law magazine and review. Lond. C Law quarterly review. Lond. I885– C, L, Law review. Lond. - C Law reporter. Bost. 1839– * C (v. 5–9), L. Law times. Lond. 1843– L Law times reports. The reporter. Lond. 1859– L Laws of life and journal of health. Dansville, N. Y. P (1880) League, The. Lond. [Anti-corn laws] U (1843–5) Leander McCormick observatory. Publications. Univ. of Va. H*, U* Legal intelligencer. Phila. L* Legal magazine and review. Lond. I856– L Legal news. Montreal, 1878– C (v. 5–), L. Legal observer. Lond. C, L, Legal reporter. Dublin C Leiden. Sternwaarte, Annalen A (v. 1-4), H Verslag H Leipzig. Astronomische Gesellschaft. Publicationen H% Vierteljahrsschrift H Deutsche morgenländische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift U Kön. sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Ab- handlungen d. Imath.-phys. Classe A*, H (1888–) Berichte H+ Leisure hour. Lond. 1852– F*, M (1869–) Lend a hand. Bost. g I*, P (1886–8) Lens. Chic. 1872– - M. (v. 1) Leslie's. See Frank Leslie's. Librarian F Library. Lond. t I*, P (1889–) Library association of the United Kingdom. Monthly notes. Lond. Pº Library chronicle. Lond. 1884– P Library journal. N. Y. C, F#, I, M, O, P, U Library notes. Bost. C, P Library record. Worcester P (1888–) Library table. N. Y. I+, M. Lick observatory, Mt. Hamilton. Publications H, P, U Liége. Société géologique de Belgique. Annales A* Life (Weekly). N. Y. C (1890–), I*, P (1888–) Linnean society. Journal. Lond. I+ Proceedings. Lond. I+ Transactions. Lond. g F, I*, M, U (v. 1-20) LIST OF PERIODICALS. 29 Linnean society of New South Wales. Proceedings. Sydney A% Lippincott’s magazine. Phila. C, F#, I*, M, O, P Lisbon. Academia (real) das sciencias. Jornal - A*, H+ Memorias A* Commissão geologica. [Publications] A# Sociedade de geographia. Boletin A* Literarisches Centralblatt. Leipzig U Literary and historical society of Quebec. Transactions U (1880–) Literary and philosophical society of Liverpool. Proceedings H (v. 33–) Literary and scientific repository. N. Y. 1820 C (v. 1) Literary gazette and journal of belles lettres. Lond. C (1817–51), P (1818–29) Literary magazine. Lond. I735–43 P Literary magazine and American register. ‘ Phil. 1803– C (v. 1-8) Literary news. N.Y. C (1884–), I*, P (1884–), U Literary panorama. Lond. I807– C (v. I-15) Literary world (Duyckinck). N. Y. 1846–53 P Literary world. Bost. I*, M, O*, P (1883–) Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologie. Heilbronn U+ Littell’s living age. Bost. C, F, I*, M, O*, P, U Littell’s museum. Bost. * F, M. (v. 8–45) Liverpool. Astronomical society. Journal H% Geological society. Proceedings A* See Literary and philosophical society. Livingston’s monthly law magazine. N. Y. C, L* Livre. Paris M Lodi. Valley review C (1881–5, 1888–) Lodi cyclone C (1885–7) Lodi weekly news C (1887–8) Logan historical society. See American pioneer, 1842-3. London. Daily telegraph C (1887–) Guy's hospital. Reports I Pall Mall gazette C (1887–) St. Bartholomew's hospital. Reports C, I St. George’s hospital. Reports I St. Thomas hospital. Reports I Times (Daily) g I (Weekly) C (1884–6, 1888–) World I (1875–82) London catalogue of books M, P, U (1816–51) London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine M, U (1851–) º See also Journal of natural philosophy; Annals of philosophy. London journal and weekly record. Lond. 1845– P London journal of arts and sciences. 1820–68 C London journal of botany (Hooker). Lond. 1842–57 P Continuation of Journal of botany. London magazine. 1820–29 P (1820–6) 30 - LIST OF PERIODICALS. London mathematical society. Proceedings IJ London medical gazette. I827–51 P London quarterly review. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, O*, P London society. Lond. F*, I*, M, P (v. 1–31) Longman's magazine. Lond. I, P, U Los Angeles daily herald c (1886-) Los Angeles daily news & C (1870–72) Los Angeles (daily) times C (1888–), U (1884–) Louisiana law journal. New Orleans C (1841–2) Louisville, Ky. Courier-journal C (1887–) Lowell, Mass. Old residents’ historical association. Contribu- tions U (v. 3–) Lower Canada jurist. Montreal, 1856– C, L. Lower Canada law journal. Montreal , C, L (1865–8) Loyal publication society. Publications. N. Y. U Lucifer. Lond. I887– I Lumière electrique. Paris - U (v. 2–6) Lund. Universitet. Arsskrift A* Luzerne legal register L (v. I) Lyon. Académie des sciences. Mémoires A* Musée d’histoire naturelle. Archives A Observatoire. Travaux H Société botanique. Annales - A* Bulletin A* Société d’études scientifiques. Bulletin A Macmillan’s magazine. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, P3, U Madras observatory. Observations of the fixed stars H Madrid. Real academia de ciencias. Memorias A* Real observatorio. Anuario A*, U+ Observaciones meteorologicas A (1866–) Magazine of American history. N. Y. C, F*, I, M, O, P, U (v. 9–) Magazine of art. Lond. - C, F+ Magazine of botany (Paxton). See Paxton's magazine. Magazine of poetry. Buffalo, N. Y. - C, O, P Magazine of western history. Cleveland, O., N. Y. U+ Continued as the National magazine. 1892–. Manchester. Literary and philosophical society. Memoirs H, U (v. 3) Proceedings A* Society of chemical industry. See Journal of the. Mannheim. Sternwarte. Astronomische Beobachtungen FH Manufacturer and builder. N. Y. - F#, I*, P (v. II–) Marburg, Gesellschaft für Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaften. Schriften - A* Mariposa democrat - F (1857–8) Mariposa free press C (1870–72) Marseilles. Société scientifique. Bulletin (Flammarion) EI* Marysville daily appeal U (1860–63) Marysville daily democrat C (1890–) IIST OF PERIODICALS. 31 Marysville daily standard C (1870–72) Marysville weekly appeal C (1871–) Masonic mirror. S. F. 1869– - - M Masonic monthly. S. F. 1878– - C (v. 1-3) Massachusetts historical society. Collections C, P : Proceedings C, P, U (1862–3) Massachusetts quarterly review. Bost. I848–50 C, P Massachusetts register and U. S. calendar. Bost. C (18or-) Mathematical monthly (Runkle). Cambridge, 1858–61 H, I*, P Mathematical questions and solutions. Lond. U Mathematical society of London. See London. Mathematische annalen. Leipzig U (v. 33–) Mechanical news. N. Y. I+ Mechanics' magazine. Lond. I823– C, I*, M Mechanics' register. Lond. I824– - M. (v. I-4) Medical and chirurgical society of London. Transactions C, I*, P Medical and surgical reporter. Phila. C (1858-76) Medical brief. St. Louis P (1880–) Medical critic and psychological journal. Lond. I861– C (v. I-3) Medical eclectic. N. Y. C (v. 3-7) Medical news. Phila. C (1854–81) Medical record. N. Y. I866– C Medical society of the county of Kings. Proceedings. Brooklyn - . P (1879) Medical times and gazette. Lond. C (1842—) Medico-chirurgical review. Lond. F (v. 1–36) Continued, y, in the British and foreign medico-chirurgical review. Medico-legal journal. N. Y. * C, L Medico-legal papers I, Medico-literary journal. S. F. 1878– M, P Mélanges mathématiques et astronomiques. St. Petersburg H% Melbourne. Australasian - I, M Observatory. Results of observations A*, H Monthly record of observations in meteorology A*, U* Memphis law journal I, (1878–9) Mendocino beacon. Mendocino C (1878–) Mendocino democrat. Ukiah - C (1870–2) Mercantile marine magazine. Lond. - IM Merchants' magazine (Hunt's). N. Y. C, F#, I, M, Pº, U+ Continued as the Commercial and financial chronicle. Meriden, Conn. Scientific association. Transactions . A, U* Messager agricole. Montpellier C (1889) Messenger of mathematics. Lond. TJ (v. 6-) Messenger of the sacred heart. Woodstock, Md. St Metal worker. N. Y. P (1884–) Metallurgical review. N. Y. 1878– C (v. I–2) Meteorological society. Proceedings. Lond. C (1861–71) Quarterly journal C 32 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Methodist review: continuation of the Arminian magazine. Lond. C Metropolitan. N. Y. M (1837) Meudon. Observatoire. Communications H3; Mexico. Ministerio de fomento. Anales A (v. 3–), U (v. I-3) Boletin A* Museo nacional. Anales A*, U (v. 1) Observatorio meteorologico-magnetico central. [Pub- lications] . A* Sociedad cientifica “Antonia Alzate.” Memorias A#, H+ Sociedad mexicana de geografia y estadistica. Boletin A% Sociedad mexicana de historia natural. Naturaleza A* Michigan engineering society. Proceedings. Lansing, etc. U Michigan lawyer L (v. 2) Microscopical society of London. Since 1869 Royal microscop- ical society, zwhich see. Midland naturalist. Birmingham - A (v. 8-) Milan. Reale istituto lombardo di scienze. Rendiconti A. Reale osservatorio di Brera. Pubblicazioni H Mind. Lond. C, P (v. 1-6), U Mineralogical magazine. Lond. |U (v. I–8) Mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen. Wien IJ Mining and scientific press. S. F. C#, F, I*, M, O, P (v. 8–), U+ Mining and smelting magazine. Lond. I862-5 C Mining industry. Denver C Mining journal. Lond. I*, M*, P (v. 49), U (v. 42–43, 51–) Mining record. N. Y. - I# Minnesota academy of natural sciences. Bulletin. Minneapolis A. Minnesota historical society. Collections. St. Paul. P (v. 1-3), U (v. 1–5) Mirror of literature, amusement, etc. Lond. M (v. 20–21) Mirror of parliament. Lond. C (1828–40) Missionary herald. Bost., Cambridge P (v. 62–77), U (v. 17–45) Missouri historical society. Publications. St. Louis A% Missouri republican. St. Louis C (1877, 1887–) Mode. Paris C (1829–55) Mode illustrée. Paris P (1867–70) Modena. Reale osservatorio astronomico. Atti. I834 H Regia academia di scienze. Memorie A* Modern language notes. Balt. U (v. 4-) Modern review. Lond. I880–4 - P Monatliche correspondenz. Gotha, I800–13 H Monatshefte für Chemie. Wien - U Also in the Wien Kais. Akad. Wissensch. Sitzungsberichte d. math.-naturw. Classe. • Monde illustré. Paris - • N Monist. Chicago - I, P, U Moniteur scientifique. Paris U Moniteur universel. Paris, I789– N Montana historical society. Helena, Mont. P (1876) Monterey. Californian. See Californian. LIST OF PERIODICALs. 33 Monterey democrat C (1870–2) Monterey sentinel M (1855–6) Month. Lond. I864– C Monthly American journal of geology and natural science. Phila. C (1832) Monthly and catholic review. Lond. St Monthly journal of foreign medicine. Phila. P (1828) Monthly jurist L (1877–9) Monthly law magazine. Lond. C, L (1838–41) Monthly law reporter. Bost. - C (1849–59) Monthly magazine, or British register. Lond. C (1796–1820) Monthly microscopical journal. Lond. I869–77 C, I*, M, P Continued as the Journal of the royal microscopical society. * Monthly mirror. Lond. C# Monthly reference lists (Foster's). N. Y. U Monthly review; or literary journal. Lond. A (v. I–28), C#, P Monthly review of medicine and pharmacy. Phila. P (1882) Monthly weather review. Wash. P (1887), U (1872–82) Monthly western jurist I, (1874–7) Moore's rural New Yorker. N. Y. M. (v. 23–) Morrison observatory. Publications. Lynn H Morrison’s transcript C, L, Mount Shasta. See Sisson. Moscow. Observatoire. Annales * H* Société impériale des naturalistes. Bulletin A* Mulhausen. Société industrielle. Bulletin I* München. Kön. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen der math.-physik. Classe A*, H+, U Sitzungsberichte der math.-physik. Classe A*, H+ Kön. Sternwarte. Annalen A, H Annalen für Meteorologie H Astronomischer.Kalender. 1850–3 H Beobachtungen; Observationes A, H Jahrbuch H (1838–41) Jahresbericht - H (1852–8) Meteorologische Beobachtungen H - Neue Annalen. I890– H Kön. technische Hochschule. Mittheilungen aus g dem mech.-technische Laboratorium U Municipal gazette (Canadian legal) L Museum of foreign literature, science, and art. Phila. 1822– C#, I* Music: a monthly magazine. Chicago, I892– e I Napa county reporter. C (1870–85) Naples. Zoologische Station. Monographien. Leipzig U%. Zoologische Jahresbericht U (1892–) Narragansett club. Publications. Providence, R. I. F+ Nashville journal of medicine and surgery C (1857–61) 3—N - d 34 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Nashville medical record C (1859–60) Natal observatory. Reports. Pietermaritzburg H+ Nation. N. Y. C, F#, I*, M, P, U (v. 8-) National academy of sciences. Washington. Biographical memoirs U (v. 2) - - Memoirs A*, U Proceedings P National association for the promotion of social science. Trans- actions. Lond. F#, I*, M, P National bankruptcy digest L National bankruptcy register reports. N. Y. C (1867-), L. (1873–) National magazine. N. Y. I852– F. National magazine: devoted to American history. N. Y. 1892– U * Continuation of Magazine of western history. w National preacher. N. Y. 1826–66 P Title changes in zº. 3 to American national preacher. National quarterly review. N. Y. C (1877–80), I*, M National review. Lond. I883– C Natur. Halle. - I+, M Naturae novitates. Berlin H% Naturaliste canadien. Cap Rouge - A% Nature. Lond. A*, C, F#, H*, I, M, P, U Nature. Paris - º N Naturforscher. Berlin - U (1874–76) Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Braunschweig U Nautical almanac. London IH% See also American ephemeris. Nautical magazine. Lond. F (1859–66), P (1835–69) Naval chronicle. Lond. I'799–1818 U Neuchatel. Société helvetique des sciences naturelles. Bulletin A* Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie. See Jahrbücher. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. See Jahrbuch. Nevada daily national gazette C (1870–1) Nevada state journal. Reno C (1870–3) Nevada (Cal.) daily transcript. Nevada City C (1882—4) Nevada (Cal.) democrat. Nevada City C (1853–63) . New century. N. Y. 1875 U New England historic-genealogical society. Publications. Bost. M, P New England historical and genealogical register. Bost. C, I*, M*, P (v. 1–15), U (v. 43–) New England journal of education. Bost. U (–v. 28) Continued in the Journal of education. Bost. New England magazine. Bost. 1831-5 - P (1831–3) New England magazine. Bost. I886– C, U (v. 7–) P. r–3 issued under title Bay state monthly. V. 7, 1889, begins a new series. New England methodist historical society. Proceedings. Bost. U New England reporter. Rochester C, L (1885–) New Englander. • New Haven e C, M, P, U LIST OF PERIODICALS. 35 New Hampshire historical society. Collections. New Harmony gazette. New Harmony, 1825– New Jersey historical society. Collections. Newark Proceedings New Jersey law journal. Newark, Somerville New monthly magazine. Lond. 1814– New Orleans. Daily picayune Times-democrat New Princeton review. See Princeton review. New remedies. N. Y. 1872–83 Continued as the American druggist. New review. Lond. 1889– New Shakespeare society. See Shakespeare. New sporting magazine. Lond. New Sydenham society. See Sydenham. New world: a weekly journal. N. Y. New York. Evening post Spirit of the times Sun World - New York academy of sciences. Annals Transactions New York coach-maker's magazine. N. Y. New York commercial advertiser (Daily) New York daily transcript (Legal) New York entomological club. See Papilio. New York graphic (Daily) New York herald (Daily) New York historical society. Collections Proceedings New York journal of medicine. N. Y. 1843– New York lancet. I842– New York ledger New York legal observer. N. Y. New York lyceum of natural history. Annals Proceedings Continued as the N. Y. academy of sciences. New York medical abstract New York monthly law bulletin New York pathological society. Transactions New York review and quarterly church journal. New York state museum of natural history. Reports. New York supplement (Legal) New York times (Daily) New York tribune (Daily) (Semi-weekly) Tribune almanac P, U+ C (v. 1–3) P (1847–66) A. C, L, C (1814–58), P (1821–43) C (1887–) C (1887–) C P (v. 1), U P (1831–40) P (1842—4) C (1887–) P+ C (1887–) C (1887–) A, U A, U P (1858–68) C (1887–) L (1870–2) I, Pº C (1887–), P (1883–7) C, Px C C P (v. I) F, M C, L (1842–54) A, U (v. 5–9, II) A*, U (1873-4) Albany V P (v. 2) C, L. C P A*, M, Pº C C (1887-), M*, U (1851–65) C (1887–), I, M*, P+ F (1848–59), U (1885–7) C (1838–75) 36 e LIST OF PERIODICALS. New York weekly digest. N. Y. - - C, L, New Zealand colonial museum and geological survey depart- ment. Annual reports A Geological reports A* New Zealand gazette. Wellington M (1868-9) New Zealand institute. Transactions. Wellington A, H+ New Zealand jurist C (1873–9) TNewcastle news C (1887–) News letter. S.F. C (1876–), I* Nice. Observatory. Annales - H Nicholson's journal of natural philosophy. See Journal. Niles' weekly register. Balt., etc. 1811–49 C, F, I, M, P, U (1811–45) Nineteenth century. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, O*, P, U North American journal of homoeopathy. N. Y. 1851– North American review. Bost., N. Y. C, F, I, M, O, P, North British review. Edinb., Lond. I844–71 C, I*, M, P North Georgia gazette and winter chronicle. Lond. 1821 North of England institute of mining engineers. Transactions. } : Newcastle-upon-Tyne - C, I North Pacific review. S. F. I862– - F, M. (v. 1-2) North San Juan hydraulic press U (1858–61) Northeastern reporter. St. Paul C, L. Northern record. See Orleans. Northwestern reporter. St. Paul C, L Norton's literary advertiser (later Gazette). N. Y. e P Notary's journal L (1877–8) Notes and queries. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, Ok, P, U+ Nouvelle revue. Paris N Nouvelles annales de la construction. Paris, 1855— C (-1879), P (-1880) Nova Scotia historical society. Report and collections. Halifax P (1878–88) Nova Scotia institute of natural sciences. Proceedings, Trans- actions. Halifax - A% Nuovo giornale botanica italiano. Firenze A (v. 17–) Nürnberg. Academia caesarea leopoldino-carolina naturae curiosum. Nova acta A% Nutta11 ornithological club. Bulletins. Cambridge A, P Oakland (Cal.) daily evening tribune C (1883–), O (1878–), P (1884–6), U (1880–) Oakland (Cal.) daily news O (1869–77) Oakland (Cal.) daily times C (1878–), O (1878–) Oakland (Cal.) daily transcript C (1869–77), O (1869–78) Alater 2merged into the Times. Oakland (Cal.) enquirer C (1891-), U (1892—) Oakland (Cal.) paragraph. I888–9 . U Observatory. Lond. H (v. Io-), U (v. I2-) Obstetric gazette. Cinn. - P (v. 5) Obstetrical society of London. Transactions C LIST OF PERIODICALS. 37 Occident (Students' paper). Berkeley, Cal. C#, U Occidental medical times. Sacramento, 1889– C V. 1–2 were published under the title Sacramento medical times. Odessa. [Natural history society. Mathematical section. Memoirs]. A [Society of naturalists of New Russia. Memoirs] A% Oenologisches Jahresbericht. Berlin, etc. U Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Berg-und Hüttenwesen. Wien U Official gazette of the U. S. patent office. Wash. A, C, F, I, M, O*, P*, U O-Gyalla. Sternwarte. Beobachtungen. Halle H% Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus C (v. 2) Ohio law journal. Columbus e C, L (v. I3–16) Ohio. See also Western Reserve. Old and new. Bost. I870– C (v. 1–II), F, I*, M Old guard. N. Y. 1863– º - P (v. I–2) Old Testament student. Chicago - P (1883–4) Oliver Optic's magazine P (v. 15–18) Once a week. Lond. I859– F#, I*, M Once a week (Collier's). N. Y. P (1888–) Oneida historical society. Transactions. Utica U Oregon (city) spectator M (1849), P (1846–8) Orleans (Cal.). Northern record C (1870–2) Ottawa naturalist. Ottawa - A* Our day. Bost. P (1888) Outing. N. Y. I, Ok, U+ Overland monthly. S. F. 1868–75 C, I, M, O, P, U 2d Series, 1883– C, F, I, M, O, P, U Oxford. Radcliffe observatory. Results of observations , H (1880–) University observatory. Astronomical observations H Oxford historical society. Publications P Pacific. S. F. M (1851–4), U (1869, 1883–) Pacific churchman. S. F. P (v. 16–) Pacific coast law journal. S. F. 1878–83 C, L., P (v. 1) Pacific coast mercantile director. S. F. 1872– C (1872-3), M. (v. 1) Pacific coast wine and liquor herald. S. F. - U (1876–9) Pacific educational journal. S. F. 1887– C, U Pacific expositor. S. F. 1859– C (v. 1-3) Pacific health journal and temperance advocate. Oakland P (1888–90) Pacific law magazine. S. F. C (1867). Pacific law reporter. S. F. C (1870–4), L. (1870–8) Pacific life. S. F. P (v. 12-13) Pacific lumberman and contractor. S. F. P (1888–) Pacific medical and surgical journal. S. F. 1858– C, F, I*, M, Pº, U* Pacific monthly. S. F. 1863– F#, M. (v. 1–2) Continuation to the Hesperian. Pacific news. S. F. M (1849) Pacific odd fellow. S. F. C (1873-5) Pacific reporter. St. Paul, 1884 * C, I, Pacific rural press. S. F. w C, F, I, M, O, P, U 38 LIST OF PERIODICAL S. Pacific school and home journal. S. F. C (v. 1-7), F*, I*, M, U* Pacific states watchman. S. F. 4 P (1881-3) Palaeontographical society. Publications. Lond. I Palamède. Paris, 1836-47 P Palerino. Reale osservatorio. Publicazioni H (v. 2-) Pall Mall budget. Lond. Fx, I* Pamphleteer. Lond. 1813-28 F (1813-25), P Papilio. N. Y. C (v. I-4), U (v. 1-3) Paris. Bureau des longitudes. Annales 3 EI Annuaire Hx, Ux Connaissance des temps JH% École polytechnique. Journal H*, U Galignani's messenger M (1832-3) Institut de France. Academie des sciences. Comptes rendus . A*, H*, M, U Machines et inventions approu- vées H (-1777) Mémoires H (-1793), U (1816-) Mémoires non imprimés (Fon- taine), I744 1H Mémoires par divers savants H (I75o-86), U (1827-) Academie des sciences morales et politiques. Compte rendu U (v. I-99, 131-) Observatoire de Montsouris. Annuaire FI% Observatoire nationa1. Annales-mémoires H (1861-) Rapports annuels H (1884-) Société chimique. Bulletin Ix, U Société d'astronomie. Bulletin. In Journal du ciel. Société de géographie. Bulletin A*, P (1846-) Société de 1'industrie minérale. Bulletin U Société d'encouragement pour 1'industrie nationale. Bulletin U Société des ingénieurs civils. Mémoires P, U (1877-) Société entomologique de France. Annales A3k Société française de minéralogie. Bulletin U Société mathématique de France. Bulletin U (v. II-) Parthenon. Lond. C (1825) Patentees'journal of dates. Lond. F^ Pathological society of London. Transactions F*, I Pathologica1 society of New York. See New York. Patriot (Prohibitionist). S. F. 1884- P (v. I-3) Passau. Naturhistorischer Verein. Berichte A* Paxton's magazine of botany. Lond. 1834-49 C, P Peabody academy of science. Proceedings. Salem, Mass. A, M* Peabody institute. Proceedings. Balt. M% Peabody museum of archaeology. Reports. Cambridge A, U Penn monthly. Phila. U (v. 6-7) LIST OF PERIODICALS. 39 Pennsylvania chronicle and universal advertiser. Phila. F (1768) Pennsylvania law journal. Phila. C (1842–8), L. (1842–61) Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. Phila. C Penny magazine. Lond. I832– C, F, M, O*, P See also Knight's penny magazine. Percy society. Publications. Lond. U Petermann’s Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthe’s geographischer Anstalt. Gotha P, U Peterson’s magazine. Phila. F#, I*, M Petit Californien. S. F. N Petit journal pour rire. Paris N Pharmaceutical journal and transactions. Lond. I841– C Pharmazeutisches Centralblatt. Leipzig, 1830–55 U Continued in the Chemisches Centralblatt. Philadelphia. Academy of natural sciences. See Academy. Press C (1887–) Philadelphia legal gazette L Philadelphia photographer. Phila. I#, M, Pº Philobiblion. N. Y. 1862–3 C, P Philological society. Proceedings, Transactions. Lond. C, M, P, U Philologus. Göttingen U Philosophical magazine. Lond. I798–1831 M Continued in the London, Edinburgh and Dublin philos. magazine. Philosophical review. Bost., N. Y. U Philosophical society of Glasgow. Proceedings A. Philosophical society of Washington. Bulletin A, U Philosophische Monatshefte. Leipzig U Philosophische Studien. Leipzig |U Phoenix (and the Ubiquitous). Sacramento P (1857–8) Phonetic journal. Lond. P (1890–) Phonographic magazine. Cincinnati, 1887– C (v. I–2) Photographic times. N. Y. M Phrenological journal. N. Y. F*, I, M. (v. 50–), P (v. 72-) Physical society of London. Proceedings U (v. I—IO) Physio-medical journal. Indianapolis P (v. 5) Pioneer; or, California monthly magazine. S. F. 1854–5 A*, C, F, I*, M, P Pipe roll society. London. Publications P Pisa. Societa toscana di scienzi naturali. Memorie A (v. I-9) Pittonia (Greene). Berkeley, Cal. * A*, U Pittsburgh legal journal L Placer argus. Auburn C (1889–) Placer herald. Auburn C (1852—) Placer herald. Placerville C (1853) Placer press. Auburn C (1857–8) Placer times. Sacramento M (1850–1) Placer times (Weekly). Dutch Flat C (1881–4) Placer times and transcript. S. F. F (1853–4), M (1853-4) Placerville. Mountain democrat C (1870–84) 40 LIST OF PERIODICAL S. Plumas national. Quincy c (1870–2) Plumber and sanitary engineer. N. Y. C, I Incorporated in the Engineering and building record. Pocket magazine. Lond. P (1818–22) Poet-lore. Phila. 1889– I, P Political science quarterly. N. Y. 1887– C, I, P, U Polyclinic: a monthly journal. Phila. e C (v. 5) Polytechnic review. Phila. 1876– I (v. 1-6) Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig U (v. 36–) Polytechnisches Journal. See Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Popular magazine of anthropology. 1866. In Anthropological review, v. 4. Popular science monthly. N. Y. C, F, I, M, O, P, U Popular science news and Boston journal of chemistry. Bost. H (v. 24-), I, P (v. 18–) Popular science review. Lond. C, M, P Portfolio. Lond. C, I, M Potter’s American monthly. Phila. M Continuation of American historical record. Practical entomologist. Phila. I865–7 U Practical magazine. Lond., Bost. I873-7 C (v. 1-6), F#, I*, M Practical mechanic's journal. Glasgow, 1848–69 C (1848–56) Practical teacher. N. Y. C (v. 8), P (v. 8) Practitioner: monthly journal of therapeutics. Lond., N. Y. C (v. 3-) Prag. Kön. bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Ab- handlungen A* Jahresbericht A Sitzungsberichte A Gesellschaft des waterländischen Museums. Verhandlungen A* K. K. Sternwarte. Beobachtungen A#, H* Preussische Jahrbücher. Berlin U (v. I–62) Prince society. Publications. Bost. P Princeton review. New series (and New Princeton review). N. Y. 1878– C, M, Pº, U Printer. N. Y. 1858– P (v. 2–3, 5) Professional papers of the royal engineers. See Royal engineers. Professional papers on Indian engineering (Medley). Roorkee. C, I*, U Projector: a periodical paper. Lond. I802-9 C Property lawyer. Lond. 1826–30 C Propriété industrielle. Berne P (1889–) Provincial medical and surgical association. Transactions. Lond. 4? F (1833–53) Psyche. Cambridge, Mass. A*, F, M Public: a journal of finance, etc. N. Y. U (1872–83) Vols. Z–&Auðlished under the title The financier. Public opinion. Lond. 1861– I (1873–82) Public opinion. Wash., N. Y. 1886– C Publishers’ and stationers’ weekly. V. 1–2 of Publishers’ weekly. N. Y. | IIST OF PERIODICALS. 41 Publishers’ circular. Lond. C (1886–), P (1887–), U* Publishers’ trade-list annual. N. Y. C, I, M, P (1879–) Publishers’ weekly. N. Y. C, F, I*, M, Pº, U (1877–) Puck. N. Y. C (1886–), M, P Puck. S. F. 1865 M (v. 1) Pulkova. See St. Petersburg. Pump court. Lond. I884– C (v. 1-6) Punch. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, O, P, U* Punch and Judy. Lond. 1869– se M (v. 1) Punchinello. N. Y. P (1870) Putnam’s monthly magazine. N. Y. C, Fºº, I*, M, P (v. 1-9), U (v. 14–16) Quarterly architectural review. I879– P (v. 1) Quarterly epitome of practical medicine. N. Y. 1880– P (v. 2) Quarterly journal of agriculture. Edinb., Lond. C Quarterly journal of economics. Bost. C, I*, U Quarterly journal of microscopical science. Lond. A*, C, I*, M, U (N. S. v. 27–) Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. Lond. U 9uarterly journal of science (Crookes). Lond. I864-78 C, F#, I* Continued in 1879 as the Journal of science. Quarterly journal of the geological society. See Geological society. Quarterly journal of the meteorological society. See Meteorological society. Quarterly law journal. Richmond, 1856–9 C, L, Quarterly law review. Richmond, 1860– C, L* Quarterly oriental magazine. Calcutta M. (v. 3, 1825) 9uarterly register and journal. Bost. See American education society. Quarterly review. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, P, U Quebec law reports L (1875–81) Queensland law journal C (1881–2) 9uekett microscopical club. Journal. Lond. C Racing calendar. Lond. I773– C Radical. Bost. (Religious) M% Railroad and engineering journal. N. Y. 1887– I, P, U Successor to American railroad journal, and to Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Railroad gazette. N. Y. I*, P (v. 18–), U (v. 22-) Railway and corporation law journal. N. Y. C - Ratisbon. See Regensburg. Ray society. Publications. Lond. A*, F#, U+ Recreative science. Lond. I860–2 C Continued as Intellectual observer. Red Bluff. Sentine1. C (1870–82) Redlands. Citrograph (Weekly) C (1890–), P (1887–) Reference catalogue of current literature (Whitaker). Lond. I, P, U 42 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Regensburg. Botanische Gesellschaft. See Flora. ºr Historischer Verein der Oberpfalz. Verhand- lungen + A (v. 29-) Zoologisch-mineralogischer Verein. Abhandlungen A. Korrespondenz-Blatt A* Register of Pennsylvania. Phila. 1828–35 P Religio-philosophical journal. Chicago P (v. 13–23, 29–) Religious magazine. Phila. U (v. I-4) Religious telescope. Dayton, O. - P (1888) Reliquary. Lond. I860– C Repertorium der analytischen Chemie. Hamburg, Leipzig, 1881–7 U. Repertorium der Physik. Berlin, 1837–49 - A. Repertorium der Physik. München, Leipzig U (v. 19-) Repertorium der technischen Journal-Litteratur (Rieth). Ber- lin, 1886– - - U Repertorium der technischen Litteratur (Schubarth, Kerl). Berlin, Leipzig U Repertory of arts and patent inventions. Lond. F (1843–53) Reporter. Bost., N. Y. 1878– C, L. Reporter. Wash. 1865–66 C Republic. Wash. M Republic of letters. N. Y. 1834– M. (v. 1-2) Resources of California. S. F. P (1883–8) Retrospect of practical medicine (Braithwaite). Lond. C, I*, M, P (1840–69) Retrospective review. Lond. 1820–28 C, M, P, U Retrospective review. Lond. 1853–4 |P. Revista do observatorio. Rio Janeiro FH+. Revista minera. Madrid U (1889–) Review of reviews. Lond., N. Y. F, I, U (v. 3-) Revue archéologique. Paris C (1844–53) Revue bleue. Paris N Revue contemporaine (Nettement). Paris, 1852– P (v. 1–II) Revue critique (Canadian legal) L (1871) Revue d'anthropologie. Paris U (1887–9) Continued as 1’Anthropologie. Revue de droit français et étranger. Paris -- U (1844–49) Revue de géologie. Paris U (1860–77) Continued in the Annales des mines. Revue de la philosophie positive. Paris *. P (1879–80), U (1874) Revue de législation. Montreal L (1846–8) Revue de philologie (française et provençale). Paris U (1892–) Revue des deux mondes. Paris C (1856–), I*, M, N, P, U (1856–) Revue des questions scientifiques. Bruxelles St Revue étrangère et française de legislation. Paris U (1833–43) Contzzzeed ºn the Revue de droit. Revue générale de l'architecture. Paris, 1840— C (v. 1-44), I*, P (v. 1–29) Revue historique. Paris Uſ LIST OF PERIODICALS. - 43 Revue internationale des falsifications des denrées alimentaires. Amsterdam U Revue légale (Canadian) L (1869–72) Revue nationale et étrangère. Paris U (v. 16–23) Revue philosophique. Paris U Revue politique et littéraire. Paris N Revue scientifique (Revue rose). Paris - U (1887–) Revue scientifique de la France, etc. Paris U (1872-4) Revue universelle des mines. Paris, Liége M, U Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. Bonn, Frankfurt U Rhode Island historical magazine. Newport P (1885–) Rhode Island historical society. Collections. Providence . - P (v. 1-4), U (v. 4) Proceedings U (1881–) Riga. Naturforscher Verein. Arbeiten A* - Korrespondenzblatt A* Rio de Janeiro. Museu nacional. Archivos . A, U Observatorio nacional. Anales H% Riverside magazine. N. Y. - M (1870), P (1868-9) Robinson’s epitome of literature. Phila. M Rochester academy of science. Proceedings .* U Romania. Paris Iſ Romanische Studien. Strassburg U (v. 1-6) Romberg's Zeitschrift. See Zeitschrift für praktische Baukunst. Rome. Acta sanctae sedis St. Gesta Romanorum pontificum St Reale accademia dei Lincei. Rendiconti A#, H*, U*. Transunti A#, H% Società degli spettroscopisti italiani. Memorie H Rough-hewer. Albany, 1840. (Democratic campaign paper) P. Round table. N. Y. P (1863–70) Rousdon observatory, Lyme-Regis. Publications H% Royal agricultural society of England. Journal. Lond. C, I, U Royal American magazine. Bost. I774-5 C (1775), M (1774) Royal Asiatic society, Bombay branch. Journal A* Ceylon branch. Journal. Colombo A% North China branch. Journal. Shanghai A*, C (1865–6) See also Asiatic society. Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain. Journal. Lond. F#, P : Royal astronomical society. Memoirs. Lond. C, H, I, P - Monthly notices C, H+ Royal Dublin society. Scientific proceedings H - Scientific transactions H Royal engineer institute. Occasional papers. Chatham U Royal engineers, Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the corps of Lond., Woolwich C, P, U Royal geographical society of Australia. Publications. Bris- bane * A#, H+ 44 w LIST OF PERIODICALS. Royal geographical society of London. Journal A*, C, M, P (v. 1–47), U (v. 1-7) Proceedings A*, C, I, M, P Royal historical society. Transactions. Lond. C, P, U Royal institute of British architects. Papers C (–1874), P (1853–80) Royal institution of Great Britain. Proceedings. Lond. U (v. 7–) Royal Irish academy. Proceedings. Dublin H+ Transactions C, H*, U (v. I-25, 29–) Royal medical and chirurgical society. See Medical and. Royal microscopical society. London. Transactions. 1844— C, I (v. 1-3) The Transactions were published after 1868 in the Monthly microscopical journal; after 1877 in the Journal of the royal microscopicaſsociety. Royal physical society of Edinburgh. Proceedings A Royal Society of Canada. Transactions. Montreal C, P, U Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings A, H*, U (1889–) ‘. Transactions C, U (v. I-29, 33-) Royal society of London. Proceedings A*, H*, I*, U Transactions - c, Hº, I, U Royal society of New South Wales. Proceedings. Sydney A (v. 12-), U (v. 9–II) Royal society of south Australia. Transactions. Adelaide A Royal society of Victoria. Transactions. Melbourne A Royal united service institution. London. See Journal of the. Sacramento. Bee (Daily) - C (1857–60, 1878–), F (1858–62) Bee (Weekly) U (1885–) Daily California times U (1856–7) “Only existing copy.”—Cornelius Cole. Daily democratic state journal C (1852–7) Daily evening news C (1891–) Daily state sentinel F (1857–8) Daily state tribune C (1855–6) State capital reporter C (1868–70) Continued as the Sacramento reporter. State daily democrat C (1880) Themis C (1889–) Sacramento daily record C (1873-5) Sacramento daily record-union. 1875– C, F#, I, M, O*, Pº, U Sacramento daily union. -1875 C (1854–75), F, I, M*, P*, U (1855–) Sacramento democrat . C (1871) Sacramento medical times. Sac. 1887–8. 2 v. C Continued as Occidental medical times. Sacramento reporter - C (1870–2), F (1871–2) Sacramento sun C (1878) Sacramento transcript M (1850–4) St. Etienne. Société de l’industrie minérale. See Paris. St. Gallen. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Bericht A% St. Helena star C (1884–) St. James magazine. Lond. I861–82 C (v. I-44), M LIST OF PERIODICALS. 45 St. Louis academy of science. Transactions A, C (v. 1), H*, U* St. Louis clinical record P (1879–80) St. Louis daily globe C (1874) St. Louis globe-democrat (Daily) C (1887–) St. Louis republic C (1888–) St. Louis times C (1873) St. Nicholas. N. Y. I*, M, O, Pº St. Petersburg. Académie impériale des sciences. Bulletin A. Mélanges mathématiques H* Mémoires A*, U (1889–) Hortus botanicus petropolitanus. Acta A. Imperial Russian geographical society. Bulletin A* Memoirs A% Proceedings A* Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte (in Pulkova). Jahres- bericht H (1878–) Observations H Observatoire physique central. Annales H (1879–) Société physico-chimique russe. Journal A (v. 18-) # Society of Naturalists. Transactions . U Sammlung gemeinverst. wissensch. Vorträge. Berlin, Hamburg P, U Sammlung von Zeichnungen für die Hütte. Berlin U San Diegan - g C (1890-) San Diego. Sun - C (1890–) San Diego bee (Daily) - C (1887) San Diego weekly bulletin C (1870–2) San Franciscan. S. F. 1884–6 - P San Francisco. Abstracts from records of land (Dun) P (1872–3) Argonaut C, I, M, Pº Breeder and sportsman C (1891–) Breviate of records P+ Chamber of commerce. Annual reports U Chit-chat club. Proceedings U Chronicle C (1877-), I, M (1872–), Pº, U (1871–2) City argus C (1888) Commercial herald and market review © (1870–2), M (1867–72), P (1857–73) Courrier de S. F. s N Courrier des Amériques. 1861– P (v. 1) (Daily) Alta California C (1849–), F*, I (1852—), M (1851-), Pº, U (1853, '59–72, '86–) Daily American flag I (1864–5), M (1864–6) Daily'California chronicle. 1853–8 F, I, M, Pº, U Daily commercial news I Daily evening bulletin. 1855— C, F, I*, M, O*, P*, U Daily evening journal P (1861–2) Daily evening picayune C (1851–2), F (1851), U(1851–2) Daily evening post C (1872–), I, Pº Daily evening star P (1884) 46 LIST OF PERIODICALS. San Francisco. ping list F, M (1850–2) Morning post • M (1851) New age C (1865), F News letter C (1876–), I* Oriental (Chinese) C (1856), F (1857), U (1855) Pacific news M (1849) Pictorial town talk U (July 5, 1856) Political record C (1882—) Public balance I (1851), M (1850–1) Public ledger M (1853–4) Rescue P (1881–4), C (1880–4) Smith & Young’s building advertiser P (1889–90) Society of California pioneers. Anniversaries - U (1857–) Sun . M (1853) Town talk M (1857) Trades guide and Pacific coast directory P (1874–5) Transcript of records of land P (1870–2) True Californian. 1856 C#, F, M Wasp. 1876– t I*, P, U (v. 8) Weekly star. 1884– P (v. 1–5) Weekly stock report I*, P* - West U (1871–2) San Francisco daily evening news. I853-6 M (1853–4), U San Francisco daily herald (and mirror) C (1852–61, Daily Pacific star M (1851) Daily report. 1880– g C, U (1883–) Continuation of the Stock report. Daily stock report C (1875-), Pº Continued as the Daily report. 1880– Echo du Pacifique N Evening mirror (merged in the Daily herald) P (1860–2) Evening telegram M (Oct.–Dec., 1859) Evening tribune C (June–July, 1866) Examiner C (1870–), F#, I, Pº, U (1889–) Figaro C (1874–5) Franco-Californien N Fraternal record C (1881–3) Golden era (Daily) P (1869–70) Guide - I# Leader M Local mission P (1877–80) Mechanics' fair daily F (1871–2), M (1871), P (1879–80) Mechanics’ institute. Reports of exhibitions A, I, M, P, U. Mercantile gazette and prices current M (1859–67), P (1860–6) Merchants’ exchange, prices current, and ship- 1869), F (1861–2), I (1854–63, 1869), P (1851—62), U (1850–62) Issued in 1869 in a “new series.” LIST OF PERIODICALS. 47 San Francisco daily morning call - C (1877–), I, Pº San Francisco daily whig C (1852), I (1852–3) San Francisco journal (German) - F (-1855) San Francisco journal of commerce (Daily) M (1850) San Francisco journal of commerce (Weekly) C (1874–86), I (1873–81, '83, '86–) San Francisco law journal. 1877–8 C, L, Continued in California legal record. - San Francisco mail C (1877) San Francisco medical press. S. F. 1860– C (v. 1–5) San Francisco. merchant U (1880–) San Francisco real estate circular M (1867–8), Pº San Francisco times (Daily) C (1868–9), M (1857–61, 1866–9), P (1867–8) San Joaquin valley argus. Snelling, Merced C (1870–5) San José. Morning times C (1882–4) Pioneer (Weekly) C (1877) San José daily herald C (1883–) San José daily mercury C (1880–) San Juan. See North San Juan. San Luis Obispo. Democratic standard C (1870–2) San Luis Obispo tribune - C (1890–) San Mateo county gazette. Redwood City C (1870–2) San Mateo county journal. Redwood City C (1880–4) Sanitarian: a monthly magazine. N. Y. I873— . C, I* Sanitary engineer (and construction record). N. Y. C, I*, P (v. 5–) Continued in the Engineering and building record, and sanitary engineer. Sanitary institute of Great Britain. Transactions. Lond. C Sanitary news. Chicago, 1883– C Sanitary record: a monthly journal. Lond. 1874– C Sanitary review. Lond. See Journal of public health. Santa Barbara press. Santa Barbara C (1870–80) Santa Clara argus. San José C (1870–2) Santa Cruz. Pacific sentinel M (1856–7) Santa Cruz surf C (1890–) Santiago de Chile. Universidad. Anales A% Saturday magazine. Lond. I832–44 C Saturday magazine. Bost. 1879 P Saturday review. Lond. I855– C (v. 12-), F4, I*, M, P, U Schmidt’s law journal. Louisiana I, (1841) School of mines quarterly. N. Y. A*, C, I*, U (v. 9–) Schweizerische meteorologische Beobachtungen. Zürich P (1864–70) Schwerin. Verein für Mecklenburgische Geschichte. Jahrbücher - A (v. 21-) Science. Cambridge, N. Y. A, C, H*, I, U (v. 1-18) Science-gossip. See Hardwicke's science-gossip. Science observer. Bost. U Science record. N. Y. C (1873-6) Scientific American. N. Y. C, F, Hº, I, M, O, P, U Supplement. N. Y. C, F, I, M, Pº, U Architect and builder’s edition. N. Y. I, M 48 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Scottish jurist. Edin. 1829– C, L, Scottish law journal, Glasgow C, L (1859–61) Scottish law magazine. Glasgow C, L (1862–7) Scottish law reporter. Edin. 1865– - C, L, Scottish review. Glasgow, 1853–63 P (v. 2) Scottish review. Lond. I882– P (v. II–), U Scribner’s magazine. N. Y. 1887– C, I, M, O, P, U Scribner's monthly. N. Y. 1870–81 C, F, I, M, O, P, U Seismological society of Japan. See Japan. - Senator: Clarendon's parliamentary chronicle. Lond. C (1790–4) Shakespeare society. Lond. Publications - P, U Shakespeare society (New). Lond. Publications M, P Shakespeariana. Phila. - I Sharpe’s London magazine. Lond. 1845– M Shasta courier. Shasta C (1870–2) Sidereal messenger. Northfield, Minn. H, I*, U (v. 6–) Continued as Astronomy and astro-physics. Sierra age. Downieville - C (1871) Sirius. Leipzig H+ Sisson. Mount Shasta herald C (1887–) Six-penny magazine. Lond. I860– - M Skizzenbuch für den praktischen Maschinen-Constructeur. Leip- zig, Dresden - Smithsonian institution. Washington, D. C. Annual reports TJ U U TJ A, C, F, H*, I, M, P, Contributions to knowledge A, C, F, Hº, I, M, P, Miscellaneous collections A, C, F, H*, I, M, P, Société helvétique des sciences naturelles. See Bern, Neuchatel. Society for psychical research. Proceedings. Lond. C (v. 1–3), U (v. 1-4) Society (for the encouragement) of arts. Journal. Lond. A, C Society for the promotion of agricultural science. Proceedings. [v. p.] IJ Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies. See Journal. Society of antiquaries. London. See Archaeologia. Society of engineers. Transactions. Lond. C, I, P (1865-8) Society of public analysts. Proceedings. Lond. In the Analyst. Society of telegraph engineers. Journal. Lond. C Solano county advertiser. Vallejo - C (1868) Solano democrat. Vallejo C (1870–2) Solicitor's journal and reporter. Lond. I856– C, L, Sonoma democrat. Santa Rosa C (1870–87) Sonora. Union democrat C (1870–7) Southeastern reporter. St. Paul C Southern California horticulturist. Los Angeles M, O Southern cultivator and Dixie farmer. Athens, Atlanta U (1870–5, 1884–) Southern historical society. Papers. Richmond - C, P Southern law journal and reporter. Montgomery, 1879- . L (v. 1) Southern law review. Nashville, 1872– C, L. Southern law review. St. Louis, 1875– tº - C, L, LIST OF PERIODICALS. 49 Southern literary messenger. Richmond, 1834– C, M Southern quarterly review. Charleston C# Southern reporter. St. Paul C Southern review. Charleston, 1828– C (v. 1-8) Southern review. Balt. 1867– M (v. 1-12) Southwestern reporter. St. Paul C Sozialist. N. Y. 1885– P (v. 2) Spectator: a weekly review. London C#, F#, I*, M, Pº, U (v. 50–) Spirit of the pilgrims. Bost. C Springfield republican C (1887–) Standard. N. Y. P (1889) Stanislaus county news. Modesto C (1870–82) Statesman’s year-book. Lond. C, F#, H*, I, P Statistical society of London. Journal C, F*, I, P (-1881) Statistician. See Annual statistician. Stettin. Entomologischer Verein. See Entomologische Zeitung. Stockholm. Entomologiska Förening. Tidskrift A. Kon. (Svenska) Vetenskaps Academi. Handlingar A#, H* Ofversigtaf Förhandlingar A* Stockton. Daily evening herald C (1870–4) Daily evening leader C (1874–5) Stockton daily independent C (1871–) Stockton evening mail C (1883–7, 1890–) Stonyhurst observatory. Results of meteorological and mag- netical observations H* Struggle, The. Preston, 1844. [Anti-corn-laws] U Stryker's American register and magazine. Phila. I850 C Continuation of American quarterly register. Student and intellectual observer. Lond. I868–71 C, M, P Continuation of the Intellectual observer. Student’s journal. N. Y. P (1887–) Stuttgart. Verein für waterländische Naturkunde in Wurttem- berg. Jahreshefte A% Sugar cane: monthly magazine. Manchester, 1869— C, F (v. I), P (v. 1, 4–6) Sunday magazine. Lond. I, M (1865) Sunday magazine. See Frank Leslie’s Sunday magazine. Supreme court reporter. St. Paul, 1882– C, L Sutter (Weekly) banner. Yuba City C (1870–2) Swiss cross. N. Y. I*, P (1887-9) Sydenham society. Publications. Lond. C Sydenham society (New). Publications. Lond. C Sydney, N. S. W. [Observatory]. Astronomical and meteoro- logical observations H Results of meteorological observations U% Results of rain and river observations U# Syllabi (Legal). 1876– L (v. 1) 4—N 50 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Tablet. Lond. St Tab1et. N. Y. St Tacubaya. Observatorio astronomico nacional. Anuario A*, H Boletin A, H Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edin. P (v. 1–27) Taschkent, Russia. [Observatory. Annals.] H Technical repository (Gill). Lond. C (v. I–II) Technical society of the Pacific coast. Transactions. S. F. A., I, P, U Technologist. N. Y. 1870– I*, M. (v. 1–2) Technology, architectural review. Bost. I*, U+ Continued in the Architectural review. Bost. 1892– Technology quarterly. Bost. H*, U% Telegraphic journal and electrical review. Lond. See Electrical review. Temple Bar. Lond. C, F*, I, M, P, U Texas law review. 1883– L Theatre. Lond. C (1878–), I* Thémis (Canadian legal periodical) C Theosophist. Madras, 1879– P Thomson’s annals of philosophy. See Annals. Tidskrift for philologi og padagogik. Copenhagen U (v. 8) Tiflis. Observatory. Magnetische Beobachtungen H+ Meteorologische Beobachtungen U% Beobachtungen d. Temperatur d. Erdbodens H* Tinsley's magazine. Lond. P Titan: continuation of Hogg's instructor. Edin. C (v. 23–25) Tokio. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur-und Volkenkunde Ostasiens. Mittheilungen A. Tomahawk. Lond. I867– P (v. 1-3) Torch. Lond. / C Toronto. Magnetical and meteorological observatory. Obser- vations A% Torrey botanical club. N. Y. See Bulletin. Tour du monde (Charton). Paris, 1860– P (1860–82) Town and country magazine. Lond. M. (v. 3) Trade circular annual. N. Y. P (1871) Transcontinental, 1870. (Issued on a Pullman car) M Trestle board. S. F. O P (1889–) Trieste. Societa Adriatica di scienze naturali. Bolletino A* Trondhjem. Kon, norske Videnskabers-Selskab. Skrifter A* Trübner's literary record P (1869–82), U (1880–) Truth: a weekly journal. Lond. C, I, U (v. 7–8, II-19) Tulare times. Visalia C (1870–3) Tuolumne City news C (1870) Turf, field, and farm. N. Y. P (1868) Turin. Associazione italiana per le osservazioni delle meteore luminose. Osservazioni H% Reale osservatorio astronomico. Observations. 1822-5 H Università. Musei di zoologia ed anatomia. Bolletino A% LIST OF PERIODICALS. 51 Ueber Land und Meer. Stuttgart F#, M, P, U Unità cattolica. Turin St United service: a review. Phila. C (v. 1-2), F*, I, Pº, U (N. S. v. 7–) United service journal and naval and military magazine. Lond. C (1829–60), M (1857-), P (1829–58), U (1829–41) United States. Congress. Annals. I789–1824 P, U See also Congressional debates, – globe, – record. National museum. Wash. Annual report A. Bulletin A Proceedings A, Naval observatory. Wash. Publications A, C, H, P, U Patent office. Specifications and drawings of patents. Wash. F*, I, P (1880–) See also Official gazette. 3. United States army and navy journal. N. Y. M, Px United States government publications: monthly catalogue (Hickcox). Wash. C, P United States insurance gazette and magazine. N. Y. C United States jurist. Wash. C, L (1871–3) United States law intelligencer and review. Providence, Phila. C, L (1829–31) United States literary gazette. Bost. U (1825–7) United States magazine and democratic review. Wash., N. Y. 1838– C (v. 1–3, 5–6), F*, M, O*, P United States monthly law magazine. N. Y. 1850–1 C, L, United States official postal guide. Bost., Chicago P United States reporter L (1885–) United States service magazine. N. Y. 1864– C (v. I-5), I United States telegraph. Wash. 1828 |U Univers illustré. Paris N, St Universal magazine of knowledge. Lond. I'747– C University magazine. Dublin, 1878–80 C, F, I, M, P Continuation of Dublin university magazine. University of California. Bulletins A, H+, M, U See also Lick observatory. University of Virginia. See Leander McCormick observatory. University of Wisconsin. See Washburn observatory. University studies. Lincoln, Neb. H, U Unsere Zeit. Leipzig, 1857–91 I#, U Upper Canada law journal. 1855– C, L, Upsala. Regia societas scientiarum. Nova acta A* Sternwarte. Beobachtungen A% Bulletin mensuel A* Universitet. Arsskrift A*, U (1886–) Utrecht. Academia Rheno-Trajectina. Annales A% Kon. nederlandsch meteorologisch instituut. Jaarboek A* Observatoire. Recherches astronomiques. 1861–4 H* Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Aanteekeningen A* 52 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Van Nostrand’s eclectic engineering magazine. N. Y. C, F#, M, P, U Merged, 1887, in the Railroad and engineering journal. Vanity fair. N. Y. 1860–3 C (v. 1), I, P Veterinarian. Lond. F (1868–73) Veterinary journal. Lond. 1875– C Victorian year-book. Melbourne P (1875–9), U (1874, '76–7) Vienna. See Wien. Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie. Leipzig U Vierteljahrsschrift über die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete de Chemie der Nahrungs-und Genussmittel. Berlin TJ Vigne américaine et la viticulture en Europa. Wien C Vinos y aceitos. Madrid U (v. 12-) Virginia historical society. Collections. Richmond U (N. S. v. 2-4) Virginia law journal. Richmond, 1877– C, L, Visalia. Equal rights expositor C (1862-3) Voice (Werner's). N. Y., Albany C (v. 5–Io), I, P (v. 7–10) Continued in Werner's voice magazine. Washburn observatory. Contributions. Madison, Wis. H, U Publications A, H, U Washington law reporter. Wash., D. C. L (1874–) Wasp. S. F. 1876– I*, P, U (v. 8) Week. N. Y. P (1872) Weekly notes. Lond. 1865– L Weekly notes of cases. Phila. 1875– L Weekly reporter. Lond. C (1857–), L. (1852—) Weekly Cincinnati law bulletin. Cinn. C Weekly law bulletin. Columbus C See also Ohio law journal. Weinlaube. Wien U (v. 19–) Wellington. See New Zealand. Werner's voice magazine. N. Y. I, P Wernigerode. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes. Berichte A (1846–62) Wesleyan-Methodist magazine. See Methodist magazine. West American scientist. San Diego A, H, I*, P, U West coast reporter. S. F. 1884–6 C, L Western. St. Louis, 1875– U (v. 1) Western jurist. Des Moines, 1867– C, L Western lancet. S. F. 1872– C*, F*, U (v. 2–3, 9–13) In 1884 merged in the Pacific medical and surgical journal. Western land owner. See Copp’s land owner. Western law journal. Cincinnati, 1843– C#, L* Western monthly. Chicago, 1869–70 M Western reporter. Rochester C, L (1885–) Western Reserve and northern Ohio historical society. Tracts. Cleveland U Westminster review. Lond. C, F#, I*, M, O*, P*, U (v. 18–19, 57–) T,IST OF PERIODICALS. 53 Westminster teacher. Phila. P (v. 8–9) Wheelman I+ Whitaker's reference catalogue. See Reference catalogue. Wide awake. Bost. P+ Wien. Kais. Akademie der Wissenchaften. Mathematisch- naturwissensch. Classe. Denkschriften A (v. 27—), U (v. 1-47, 54—) Sitzungsberichte A*, H*, U (v. 97–) Kais.-kön. geologische Reichsanstalt. Jahrbuch A, U (v. 38–) Verhandlungen A (1867–) Kais.-kön. Sternwarte. Annalen FH Kuffner'sche Sternwarte. Publicationen FH Oesterreichischer Ingenieur-und Architekten Verein. Zeitschrift U (v. 22-) Verein zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kent- nisse. Schriften A Zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen A. Wilford's microcosm. N. Y. P (1882—4) Willis’s current notes. Lond. 1851–7 P Winters express. Winters C (1889–) Wisconsin academy of science. Transactions H+, U% Wisconsin state historical society. Report and collections. Mad- ison P#, U% Woman’s world. Lond. P (1890) Woodland daily democrat C (1891–) Worcester magazine and historical journal. 1825–6 U Worcester society of antiquity. Collections U (v. 6–) Wordsworth society. Transactions. Lond. U Workshop. N. Y. 1868– F#, I*, M. (v. 1–4), Pº Writer. Bost. P (1887–91) Yale literary magazine. New Haven U (1847–50) Yale university. Astronomical observatory. Reports. New Haven H, U Transactions H, U Yolo democrat. Woodland C (1870–3) Youth’s companion. Bost. P (1881–) Yreka weekly union. Yreka City C (1870–2) Yuba City. Weekly Sutter banner (1870–2) Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig U (v. I-36, 42-) Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde. Berlin A*, U (v. 9–11) Zeitschrift des deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin A* Zeitschrift des oesterreichischen Ingenieur und Architekten Vereins. Wien U (v. 22-) Zeitschrift des Vereines deutschen Ingenieure. Berlin TJ Zeitschrift des Vereins für die Rübenzucker-Industrie. Berlin U (v. 38) Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde. Berlin TJ Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie. Wiesbaden U (Rising) Zeitschrift für angewandte Chemie. Berlin |U 54 LIST OF PERIODICALS. Zeitschrift für Astronomie. Tübingen, 1816-18 H Zeitschrift für Bauwesen. Berlin U Zeitschrift für das Berg-Huetten-und Salinen-Wesen im preuss- ischen Staate. Berlin U Zeitschrift für das chemische Grosswerbe. Berlin U (Rising) Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. Halle U (v. I–7, 2I-) Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Literatur. Leipzig, Berlin U? Zeitschrift für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Halle A X- Zeitschrift für Entomologie. Breslau A? Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Berlin U (v. 6–Io) Zeitschrift für historische Theologie. Gotha U (v. 25–26) Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde. Berlin H*, U Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Mineralogie. Leipzig U Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik. Leipzig U (v. 34-) Zeitschrift für Nahrungsmittel-Untersuchung. Wien U Zeitschrift für Philosophie. Halle U (N. S. v. 86–) Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. Leipzig U Zeitschrift für populäre Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Astronomie (Peters). Altona, I860–9 H Zeitschrift für praktische Baukunst. Leipzig, Berlin I Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. Halle U (v. I–5, I2-) Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung. Berlin U Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie (Steinthal). Berlin U Zeitsterne-Ephemeriden. St. Petersburg H (1886–) Zoe: a biological journal. S. F. A, C, P, U Zoist: journal of cerebral physiology. Lond. I843–56 C Zoological record. Lond. A* Zoological society. Proceedings. Lond. A*, I, M Transactions C, I*, M Zoologische Garten. Frankfurt-a-M. A Zürich. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Vierteljahrsschrift A (v. 3o-)