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Sº persons familiar with library needs co-operated in preparing this list. The final selec- tion and arrangement was made at Harvard College Library. SCANDINAVIA ºxià #. . ... BIBLIOGRAPHY tº . . . . . . . . . . . . : ". . . . . Bay, Jens Christian. Denmark in English and American literature; a bibliography. Chicago, Danish Amer. Assoc., 1915. 96 p. Cornell University Library. Catalogue of the Icelandic collection bequeathed by Willard Fiske. Comp. by Halldór Hermannsson. Ithaca, N. Y., 1914. 755 p. . Flom, George Tobias. A history of Scandina- vian studies in American universities, with a bibliography. Iowa City, State Univ. of Iowa, 1907. 66 p. (Iowa studies in language and litera- ture, 11.) Griswold, William McCrillis. A descriptive list of novels and tales dealing with life in Norway. Cambridge, Mass., Griswold, 1892. 20 p. • Knapp, Winifred. Select list of books in Eng- lish about Scandinavia or by Scandinavians. (Bulletin of bibliography, Boston, 1915, v. VIII, p. 187-192.) Solberg, Thorvald. Bibliography of Scandina- via. A catalogue of the important books in the English language. (Horn, F. W., History of the literature of the Scandinavian north, Chicago, 1884, p. 413-500.) PERIODICALS AND OTHER SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Islandica; an annual relating to Iceland. v. 1 §3) to date. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Univ. Lib., American-Scandinavian review. Pub. by the Amer. Scand. Found. v. 1 (Jan. 1913) to date. N. Y., 1913—, monthly, illus. Editors: H. G. Leach, H. A. Larsen. Scandinavian classics. Pub. by the Amer. Scand. Found. v. 1–. N. Y., 1914—. Scandinavian monographs. Pub. by the Amer. Scand. Found. v. 1–. N. Y., 1914–. Society for the advancement of Scandinavian study. Publications. Pub. three times a year by the society, with the support of the Amer. Scand. #nd v. 1 (June, 1911) to date. Urbana, Ill., Swedish historical society of America. Year book. 1905-07 to date. Swedish and English. Chicago, 1907—. The viking. v. 1 (July, 1906) to date. Omaha, i. Amer. Viking Pub. Co., 1906— monthly. 11111S. Viking society for northern research. Saga- º v. 1-8 (1892-1914). London, 1896-1914. 1||llS. DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS Brynildsen, John. Dictionary of the English and Dano-Norwegian languages. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1902-07, 2 v. 3 f; Burt's Swedish-English dictionary. New ed. New York, Burt, n. d. 300 p., 435 p. Cleasby, Richard. An Icelandic-English dic- tionary, enlarged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1874. 779 p. Elmquist, Axel Louis. Elementary Swedish gºmar. Chicago, Engberg-Holmberg, 1914. D. Groth, Peter Olsen. A Danish and Dano-Nor- wegian grammar. Boston, Heath, 1894. 143 p. (Heath's modern language series.) Larsen, Anton Laurentius. A dictionary of the Dano-Norwegian and English languages. 4th ed. Copenhagen, etc., Gyldendal, 1910. 687 p. Sweet, Henry. An Icelandic primer, with gram- mar, notes and glossary. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1886. 110 p. - Wenström, Oscar Edmund, and Harlock, W. E. A Swedish-English dictionary. Stereotyped ed. Stockholm, Norstedt, 1918. 880 p. Zoéga, Geir Tómasson. A concise dictionary of § Icelandic. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1910. 1 p. OLD NORSE LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY Ári Thorgilsson. The book of the settlement of Iceland. Tr. from the Icelandic by T. Elwood. Kendal, 1898. 245 p. Edda Saemundar. The elder eddas of Saemund Sigfusson, tr. from the old Norse text by Benja- min Thorpe; and The younger eddas of Snorre Sturleson, tr. from the old Norse text by I. A. Blackwell. R. B. Anderson, ed. in chief. London, N. Y., etc., Norroena Society, 1906. 345 p. plates. (Norroena, the history and romance of northern Europe.) The Elder or poetic Edda, commonly known as Saemund's Edda. Pt. 1. The mytho- logical poems. Ed. and tr. by Olive Bray. Lon- don, Nutt, 1908. Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. The prose Edda, by Snorri Sturluson. Tr. from the Icelandic by A. G. Brodeur. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1916. 266 p. (Scandinavian classics, 5.) — The younger Edda; also called Snorre's Edda, or the prose Edda. An English version of the foreword; The fooling of Gylfe, the afterword; Brage's talk, the afterword to Brage's talk, and the important passages in the poetical diction (Skáldskaparmál). By R. B. Anderson. Chicago, Griggs, etc., etc., 1880. 302 p. Egils saga Skallagrímssonar. The story of Egil Skallagrimsson; being an Icelandic family history of the ninth and tenth centuries. Tr. from the ºdie by W. C. Green. London, Stock, 1893. p. Eiríkr hinn Rauði. Eirik the Red's saga. Tr. by J. Sephton. Liverpool, Marples, 1880. 34 p. Eyrbyggia saga and Víga-Styrs ok Heiðarvíga. The story of the Ere-dwellers (Eyrbyggja saga), 4 with the story of the Heath-slayings (Heiðarvíga saga) as appendix, done into English out of the Icelandic by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnús- son. London, Quaritch, 1892. 410 p. (The Saga library, 2.) Faereyinga saga. The tale of Thrond of Gate; commonly called Faereyinga saga. Englished by F. Y. Powell. London, Nutt, 1896. 83 p. (North- ern library, 2.) Gísla saga Sürssonar. The story of Gisli the out- law. From the Icelandic by G. W. Dasent. With illus. by C. E. St. John Mildmay. Edinburgh, Ed- monston, 1866. 123 p. and plates. Grettis saga. The saga of Grettir the Strong; a story of the eleventh century. Tr. from the Ice- landic by G. A. Hight. N. Y., Dutton, etc. 258 p. map. (Everyman’s library.) The story of Grettir the Strong. Tr. from the Icelandic by E. Magnússon and Wm. Morris. London, Ellis, 1869. 306 p. Hákonar saga gamla Hákonarsonar. The Nor- wegian account of Haco's expedition against Scot- land. Edinburgh, Brown, 1882. 74 p. Håvarðar saga fsfiróings, Bandmanna saga and Hoensa-pôris saga. The story of Howard the Halt. The story of the -banded men. The story of Hen Thorir. Done into English out of the Icelandic. By William Morris and Eiríkr Mag- nusson. London, Quaritch, 1891. 227 p. maps. (The Saga library, 1.) Konungs skuggsjá. The king’s mirror (Specu- lum regale—Konungs skuggsjá). Tr. from the old Norwegian by L. M. Larson. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1917. 388 p. (Scandi- navian monographs, 3.) Kormáks saga. The life and death of Cormac the skald, being the Icelandic Kormáks-saga ren- dered into English by W. G. Collingwood [and] Jón Stefánsson. Ulverston, W. Holmes, 1902. 145 p. col. plates. (Viking club tr. series, 1.) Laxdaela saga. Laxdaela saga. Tr. from the Icelandic by M. A. C. Press. 2d ed. London, Dent, 1906. 276 p. (The Temple classics.) Njála. The story of Burnt Njal. From the Ice- landic by G. W. Dasent. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc., 1911. 330 p. (Everyman's library.) Olafs saga Tryggvasonar. The saga of King Olaf Tryggwason who reigned over Norway A. D. 995 to A. D. 1000. Tr. by J. Sephton. N. Y., Macmillan, etc., etc., 1895. 500 p. . Orkneyinga saga. The Orkneyinga saga. Tr. by J. A. Hjaltalín and G. Goudie. Edinburgh, Ed- monston, 1873. 227 p. The saga library. Ed. by Wm. Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon. London, Quaritch, 1891-1905. 6 v. - — The stories of the kings of Norway called the Round world (Heimskringla). Done into English out of the Icelandic by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon. London, Quaritch, 1893– 1905. 4 v. (The Saga library, 3-6.) 5 Sturlunga saga. Sturlunga saga, including the Islendinga saga of lawman Sturla Thordsson and other works. Ed. by Gudbrand Vigfusson. Ox- º Clarendon Press, 1878. 2 v. maps, geneal. tab. Snorri Sturluson. Heimskringla: the Olaf sagas. Tr. by Samuel Laing. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc., 1915? (Everyman’s library.) Sverris saga. Sverris saga, tr. by J. Sephton. London, Nutt, 1899. 288 p. (Northern library, 4.) Viga-Glüms saga. Viga-Glum's saga. Tr. from the Icelandic by Sir Edmund Head. London, etc., Williams, 1866. 124 p. Völsunga saga. The Volsunga saga. Tr. from the Icelandic by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris, with introduction by H. Halliday Sparling. With legends of the Wagner trilogy by J. L. Weston, and old Norse sagas kindred to the Volsung and Niblung tale. R. B. Anderson, ed. in chief. London, N. Y., etc., Norroena Society, 1906. 340 p. plates (Norroena, the history and romance of northern Europe.) Anderson, Rasmus Björn. Norse mythology or, The religion of our forefathers. 7th ed. Chicago, Scott, 1901. 473 p. Boult, Katharine F. Asgard and the Norse heroes. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 268 p. (Every- man's library.) Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Norseland tales. N. Y., Scribner, 1894. 247 p. Bugge, Sophus. The home of the Eddic poems. Rev. ed., tr. by W. H. Schofield. London, Nutt, 1899. 403 p. (Grimm library, 11.) Chadwick, Hector Munro. The cult of Othin; an essay in the ancient religion of the North. London, Clay, 1899. 82 p. Craigie, William Alexander. The Icelandic sagas. N. Y., Putnam, etc., etc., 1913. 120 p. map, facsims. (The Cambridge manuals of science and literature.) The religion of ancient Scandinavia. Chi- cago, Open Court Pub. Co., 1908. 71 p. (Reli- gions ancient and modern.) Kauffmann, Friedrich. Northern mythology. Tr. by M. S. Smith. London, Dent, 1903. 106 p. (Temple primers.) Magnússon, Eiríkr and Morris, William, comp. Three northern love stories and other tales; tr. from the Icelandic. New ed. London, Long- mans, 1901. 278 p. Mortensen, Karl. A handbook of Norse mythol- ogy. Tr. from the Danish by A. C. Crowell. N. Y., Crowell, 1913. 208 p. illus. Olrik, Axel. The heroic legends of Denmark, by Axel Olrik. Tr. from the Danish and rev. by L. M. Hollander. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1919. 530 p. illus. (Scandinavian mono- graphs, 4.) 6 Rydberg, Viktor. Teutonic mythology; gods and goddesses of the Northland. Authorized tr. from the Swedish by R. B. Anderson. N. Y., etc., Norroena Society, 1906. 3 v. plates. (Norroena, the history and romance of northern Europe.) Thomas, Edward. Norse tales. Oxford, Claren- don Press, 1912. 159 p. Vigfússon, Guðbrandur and Powell, Frederick York. Corpvs poeticvm boreale: the poetry of the Old Northern tongue; ed. and tr. by Gud- brand Vigfusson and F. York Powell. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1883. 2 v. Origines islandicae; a collection of the more important sagas and other native writings relating to the settlement and early history of Iceland. Ed. and tr. by Gudbrand Vigfusson and F. York Powell. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1905. 2 v. OLD NORSE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES Anderson, Rasmus Björn. America not dis- covered by Columbus. An historical sketch of the discovery of America by the Norsemen in the tenth century. With an appendix on the value of the Scandinavian languages. Also a bibliography of the pre-Columbian discoveries of America, by #4. Watson. 4th ed. Chicago, Griggs, 1891. D. Dasent, Sir George Webbe. The vikings of the Baltic. London, Chapman, 1875. 3 v. Hildebrand, Hans Olof Hildebrand. Industrial arts of Scandinavia in the pagan time. New ed. London, Chapman, 1892. 150 p. illus. (South Kensington Museum, Art handbooks.) Hovgaard, William. The voyages of the Norse- men to America. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., #4. 304 p. plates. (Scandinavian monographs, Keary, Charles Francis. The vikings in western Christendom. N. Y., Putnam, etc., etc., 1891. 571 p. Ker, William Paton. Sturla the historian. Ox- ford, Clarendon Press, 1906. 24 p. (Romanes lecture.) Keyser, Rudolph. The private life of the old Northmen. Tr. by M. R. Barnard. London, Chapman, 1868. 177 p. Mallet, Paul Henri. Northern antiquities; his- torical account of ancient Scandinavia. Tr. from the French by Bishop Percy. New ed., with a tr. of the prose Edda from the original old Norse text. London, Bohn, 1847. 578 p. Mawer, Allen. The vikings. N. Y., Putnam, etc., etc., 1913. 150 p. (Cambridge manuals of science and literature.) Montelius, Oscar. The civilization of Sweden in heathen times. Tr. by F. H. Woods. N. Y., etc., Macmillan, 1888. 214 p. illus. Olsen, Arthur Edward. The land of the Norse- men. Minneapolis, Holter, 1915. 207 p. illus. 7 Saxo Grammaticus. The nine books of the Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus. Tr. by Oliver Elton. London, N. Y., etc., Norroena Society, 1905. 2 v. col. plates. (Norroena, the history and romance of northern Europe.) Williams, Mary Wilhelmine. Social Scandi- navia in the viking age. N. Y., Macmillan, 1920. 451 p. plates. Worsaae, Jens Jakob Asmussen. The pre- history of the North, based on contemporary memorials. Tr. by H. F. Morland Simpson. London, Trübner, 1886. 206 p. illus. HISTORY AND POLITICS Ady, Mrs. Henry. Christina, princess of Den- mark, duchess of Milan and Lorraine, 1522-1590. N. Y., Dutton, 1913. 562 p. plates. Bain, Robert Nisbet. Charles XII. and the col- lapse of the Swedish empire, 1682–1719. N. Y., Putnam, 1895. 320 p. plates. (Heroes of the nations.) Gustavus III. and his contemporaries, 1746- 1792. London, Paul, 1894. 2 v. Scandinavia; a political history, 1513–1900. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1905. 460 p. (Cambridge historical series.) Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. A history of Nor- way. N. Y., Putnam, etc., etc., 1900. 572 p. illus. (Story of the nations.) Braekstad, Hans Lien. The constitution of Nor- way. London, Nutt, 1905. 75 p. Brown, John. Memoirs of the courts of Sweden and Denmark. Boston, Page, 1900. 2 v. (Court memoir series.) Cambridge modern history, planned by Lord Acton. Ed. by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, Stanley Leathes. N. Y., etc., Macmillan, 1902-12. 13 v. and atlas. Carlyle, Thomas. The early kings of Norway. N. Y., Love11, 1885. 107 p. Cronholm, Neander Nicolas. A history of Swe- den. Chicago, etc., Author, 1902. 2 v. illus., InapS. Drolsum, Axel Charlot. Sovereign Norway and her state rights. Christiania, 1905. 75 p. Edén, Nils. Sweden for peace; the programme of Sweden in the Union crisis. Upsala, etc., Alm- quist, [1905]. 40 p. Egan, Maurice Francis. Ten years near the German frontier. N. Y., Doran, 1919. 364 p. illus. Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie. Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. N. Y., Putnam, etc., etc., 1903. 316 p. plates. (Heroes of the nations.) Gade, John Allyne. Charles XII, king of Swe- den. Tr. from the manuscript of Carl Gustafson Klingspor. Boston and N. Y., Houghton Mifflin, 1916. 370 p. plates. Gjerset, Knut. History of the Norwegian people. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. 2 v. plates. 8 Gribble, Francis Henry. The court of Chris- . of Sweden. London, Nash, 1913. 355 p. plates. Hill, Mary. Margaret of Denmark, 1397-1412. London, Unwin, 1898. 164 p. Keary, Charles Francis. Norway and the Nor- wegians. N. Y., Scribner, 1892. 408 p. Larson, Laurence Marcellus. Canute the Great, 995-1035, and the rise of Danish imperialism during the viking age. N. Y., Putnam, 1912. 375 p. plates. (Heroes of the nations.) Leach, Henry Goddard. Scandinavia of the Scandinavians. N. Y., Scribner, 1916. 332 p. plates. Nansen, Fridtjof. Norway and the union with Sweden. London, N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 155 p. Nordlund, Karl. The Swedish-Norwegian union crisis. Upsala, etc., Almquist, 1905. 107 p. Otté, Elise C. Denmark and Iceland. London, Rivingtons, 1881. 267 p. Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Ed. by E. S. Corwin. Polar research, by G. T. Surface. Ghent ed. N. Y., Collier, 1916. 373 p. plates. (History of nations, 16.) Scandinavian history. London, Macmillan, 1874. 399 p. Riis, Jacob August. Hero tales of the Far North. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. 328 p. Sidgwick, Charlotte Sophia. The story of Den- mark. London, Rivingtons, 1890. 312 p. plates. Sörensen, Sigvart. Norway. N. Y., Collier, 1901. 353 p. plates. (Nations of the world.) Stefánsson, Jón. Denmark and Sweden, with Iceland and Finland. N. Y., Putnam, 1917. 378 p. illus. (Story of the nations.) Steveni, William Barnes. The Scandinavian question. London, Unwin, 1905. 152 p. Taylor, Ida Ashworth. Christina of Sweden. N. Y., Appleton, 1910. 336 p. ports. Thomas, William Widgery. Sweden and the Swedes. Chicago, etc., Rand, McNally, 1893. 749 p. illus. Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de. History of Charles XII. Tr. by Winifred Todhunter. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 347 p. (Everyman’s library.) Weitemeyer, Harald. Denmark; its history. London, Heinemann, etc., etc., 1891. 268 p. Wilkins, William Henry. A queen of tears, Caroline Matilda, queen of Denmark and Norway and princess of Great Britain and Ireland. N. Y., etc., Longmans, 1904. 2 v. plates. DESCRIPTION, TRAVEL, SOCIAL LIFE AND Clſ STOMS Baedeker, Karl. Norway, Sweden and Den- mark, handbook for travellers. 10th ed. N. Y., Scribner, etc., etc., 1912. 478 p. maps. • Baker, Mrs. Woods. Pictures of Swedish life. Chicago, Engberg-Holmberg, 1903. 408 p. plates. 9 Beckett, Samuel J. The fjords and folk of Nor- way. London, Methuen, 1915. 307 p. plates. — Norway and its treasures. London, 1914. Bisiker, William. Across Iceland. London, Longmans, 1902. 236 p. maps. 6 Bradshaw, J. Norway; its fjords, fjelds, and fosses. London, Digby, 1896. 218 p. Bröchner, Jessie. Danish life in town and country. N. Y., Putnam, etc., etc., 1903. 266 p. (Our European neighbors.) Butlin, F. M. Among the Danes. N. Y., Pott, etc., etc., 1909. 278 p. plates. Clark, Francis Edward and Sydney A. The charm of Scandinavia. Boston, Little, Brown, 1914. 326 p. plates. * • Cook, T. Handbook to Norway and Denmark. 8th ed. London, Cook, 1911. 292 p. Cooper, Alfred Heaton. The Norwegian fjords. London, Black, 1914. 178 p. col. plates. (Beau- tiful Europe.) Curtis, William Eleroy. Denmark, Norway and Sweden. N. Y., etc., Saalfield, 1903. 505 p. • Daniels, Heber K. Home life in Norway. N. Y., Macmillan, 1911. 298 p. DuChaillu, Paul Belloni. The land of the long night. N. Y., Scribner, 1899. 266 p. plates. The land of the midnight sun. N. Y., Harper, 1904. 2 v. plates. - The viking age. N. Y., Scribner, 1889. 2 v. illus. Fulton, J. H. W. With ski in Norway and Lap- land. N. Y., Scribner, 1912. 254 p. plates. Gosse, Edmund William. Two visits to Den- mark, 1872, 1874. London, Smith, 1917. 371 p. Hannah, Ian Campbell. Capitals of the north- lands. London, Cranston, 1914. 264 p. plates. Hargrove, Ethel C. The charm of Copenhagen. London, Methuen, 1911. 314 p. plates. • — Silhouettes of Sweden. N. Y., Pott, 1913. 296 p. plates. Laurin, Carl G. Stockholm through artist eyes. Stockholm, Norstedt, 1912. 54 p. illus. Sweden through the artist’s eye. Stock- holm, Norstedt, 1911. 62 p. illus. LeBlond, Mrs. Aubrey. Mountaineering in the land of the midnight sun. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, 1908. plates. Leith, Mrs. Disney. Iceland. London, Black, 1908. 69 p. col. plates. (Peeps at many lands.) Monroe, Will Seymour. In viking land; Nor- way, its peoples, its fjords and its fjelds. Boston, Page, 1908. 332 p. plates. Murray, John, pub. Handbook for travellers in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. 3d ed., rev. London, Murray, etc., etc., 1871. maps. Norway. Official publication for the Paris ex- hibition, 1900. Kristiania, Aktiebogtrykkeriet, 1900. 626 p. 10 Riis, Jacob August. The old town [Ribe, Den- mark]. With illus. by W. T. Benda. N. Y., Macmillan, 1909. 269 p. Russell, Waterman Spaulding Chapman. Ice- land; horseback tours in Saga land. Boston, Bad- ger, 1914. 314 p. plates. Simpson, Harold. Rambles in Norway. Lon- don, Mills, 1912. 243 p. plates. Slingsby, W. C. Norway, the northern play- ground. Edinburgh, Douglas, 1904. 446 p. Spender, Arthur Edmund. Two winters in Nor- way. N. Y., etc., Longmans, 1903. 270 p. plates. Steveni, William Barnes. Things seen in Swe- den. N. Y., Dutton, 1915. 253 p. plates. Stoddard, Seneca Roy. Under the midnight sun. Glens Falls, N. Y., Stoddard, n. d. Sweden: historical and statistical handbook. Ed. by J. Guinchard, 2d ed. Stockholm, Govt. printing office, 1914. 2 pt. illus. Sweden. Official Swedish catalogue, Panama- Pacific International Exhibition, San Francisco, 1915. Stockholm, Central tryckeriet, 1915. 287 p. illus. Taylor, Bayard. Northern travel; pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. Rev. ed. N. Y., Putnam, 1872. 436 p. Thomas, Margaret. Denmark, past and present. London, Treherne, 1902. 302 p. Turisttrafikförbundet, Stockholm. Sweden, a short handbook. Stockholm, Centraltryckeriet, 1906. 178 p. illus. Willson, Thomas Benjamin. Norway at home. N. Y., Scribner, 1908. 227 p. Wood, Charles William. Norwegian by-ways. N. Y., etc., Macmillan, 1903. 384 p. plates. FOLK-LORE Asbjörnsen, Peter Christen. East o’ the sun and west o’ the moon, and other Norse fairy tales. By G. W. Dasent. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1917. 308 p. - . Fairy tales from the Far North. Tr. from the Norwegian by H. L. Braekstad. London, Nutt, 1897. 303 p. 'Round the yule-log. Christmas in Nor- way. Tr. by H. L. Braekstad. Boston, Estes and Lauriat, 1895. 32 p. plates. Tales from the fjeld; a series of popular tales from the Norse, by Sir George Dasent. New ed. with illus. by Moyr Smith. N. Y., Putnam, etc., etc., 1908. 403 p. illus. . Tales from the fjeld. A second series of popular tales from the Norse. By G. W. Dasent. London, Chapman, 1874, 375 p. Bay, Jens Christian, comp. Danish fairy and folk tales. From the Danish of Svend Grundtvig, E. T. Kristensen, etc. N. Y., etc., Harper, 1899. 293 p. - 11 Bergquist, Nils William. Swedish folk dances. N. Y., Barnes, 1910. Burchenal, Elizabeth, ed. Folk-dances of Den- #. N. Y., Schirmer, etc., etc., 1915. 95 p. 11111S. Craigie, William Alexander, tr. Scandinavian folk-lore. Paisley, Gardner, 1896. 554 p. Dasent, Sir George Webbe. A collection of popular tales from the Norse and north German, by George Webbe Dasent. R. B. Anderson, ed. in chief. London, N. Y., etc, Norroena Society, 1906. 327 p. plates. (Norroena, the history and romance of northern Europe.) Djurklou, Gabriel, friherre. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Authorized tr. by H. L. Braekstad, with illus. by Th. Kittelsen and E. Werenskiold. N. Y., Stokes, 1901. 177 p. plates. Foreningen til folkedansens fremme, Copen- hagen. Danish folk dances. Chicago, School of Civics and Philanthrophy, 1917. Grundtvig, Svend. Danish fairy tales. Tr. by J. G. Cramer. Boston, Four Seas Co., 1919. 122 p. plates. Hägg, Gustaf, ed. Songs of Sweden; tr. by H. G. Chapman. N. Y., G. Schirmer, 1909. 193 p. Hofberg, Herman. Swedish folk-lore; tr. by W. H. Myers. Chicago, Belford, etc., etc., 1888. 228 p. Kastman, Valborg, and Köhler, Greta. Swedish song games. Boston, N. Y., etc., Ginn, 1913. 95 p. plates. - Smith-Dampier, E. M., tr. Danish ballads. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1920. 167 p. Stephens, George, and Hyltén-Cavallius, G. O. Old Norse fairy tales, gathered from the Swedish folk. Tr. by Albert Alberg. London, Sonnen- schein, 1882. 246 p. illus. BIOGRAPHY Andersen, Hans Christian. Bain, Robert Nisbet. Hans Christian Andersen. N. Y., Dodd, Mead, etc., etc., 1895. 461 p. Bering, Vitus. Lauridsen, Peter, Vitus Bering, the discoverer of Bering Strait. Tr. from the Danish by J. E. Olsen. Chicago, Griggs, 1889. 223 p. (Russian explorations, 1725–43.) Björnson, Björnstjerne. Nordberg, Carl E. The peasant stories of Björnstjerne Björnson. Minne- apolis, Free Church Book Concern, 1920. 115 p. — Payne, William Morton. Björnstjerne Björnson, 1832-1910. Chicago, McClurg, 1910. 98 p. Bull, Ole. Bull, Sara Chapman. Life of Ole Bull. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1906. Garborg, Arne. Lillehei, Ingebright. A study in the language and the main ideas of Arne Gar- borg's works. Urbana, Ill., 1914. (Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies. Pub. W. III, No. 2.) 73 p. 12 Grieg, Edvard. Finck, Henry Theophilus. jº and his music. N. Y., Lane, etc., etc., 1909. 317 p. Lee, Ernest Markham. Grieg. London, Bell, 1908. 79 p. (Bell’s miniature series of musicians.) Holberg, Ludvig, baron. Campbell, Oscar James, Jr. The comedies of Holberg. Cam- bridge, Harvard Univ. Press, etc., etc., 1914. ; p. (Harvard studies in comparative literature, Ibsen, Henrik, Brandes, Georg. Henrik Ibsen. Bºsjerne Björnson. N. Y., Macmillan, 1899. 171 p. — Gosse, Edmund William. Henrik Ibsen. N. Y., Scribner, 1915. 244 p. — Jaeger, Henrik. Henrik Ibsen. Tr. by ; M. Payne. 2d ed. Chicago, McClurg, 1901. D. — Shaw, Bernard. The quintessence of Ibsen- ism. N. Y., Brentano, 1913. 240 p. Key, Ellen. Nyström-Hamilton, Mrs. Louise. Ellen Key; her life and her work. Authorized ed. from the Swedish by A. E. B. Fries. With an lºgº. by Havelock Ellis. N. Y., Putnam, 1913. 87 p. Lagerlöf, Selma. Maule, Henry Edward. Selma Lagerlöf. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1917. 81 p. Lind, Jenny. Holland, Henry Scott. Jenny Lind the artist, 1820–1851. New abridged ed. London, Murray, 1893. 473 p. Linné, Carl von. Caddy, Mrs. Florence. Through the fields with Linnaeus. London, Long- mans, 1887. 2 v. illus. Strindberg, August. Lind-af-Hageby, Lizzy. August Strindberg; the spirit of revolt. N. Y., Appleton, 1913. 370 p. plates, ports. Uddgren, Gustaf. Strindberg the man. Boston, Four Seas Pub. Co., 1919. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Parsons, Theophilus. Outlines of the religion and philosophy of Swe- ºrg. Rev. ed. N. Y., New Church Bd., 1902. D. Zorn, Anders. Laurvik, John Nilsen. Anders Zorn. N. Y., Keppel, 1913. 34 p. plates. SCANDINAVIANS IN AMERICA Anderson, Rasmus Björn. The first chapter of Norwegian immigration, 1821–1840; its causes and º Madison, Wis., Author, 1895. 476 p. plates. The first Norwegian settlements in America within the present century. (Proceed- ings of the State Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin, 1898, p. 149-167.) Babcock, Kendric Charles. The Scandinavian element in the United States. Urbana, Univ. of Ill., 1914. 223 p. 13 Bergin, Alfred. The Swedish setttlements in gºal Kansas. Topeka, State Hist. Soc., 1910. D. Clay, Jehu Curtis. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. 3d ed. Chicago, Swedish Hist. Soc. of Amer., 1914. 170 p. Evjen, John Oluf. Scandinavian immigrants in New York, 1630–1674. Minneapolis, Holter, 1916. 438 p. illus. Flom, George Tobias. Chapters on Scandina- vian immigration to Iowa. Urbana, Ill., The author, 1906. 150 p. History of Norwegian immigration to 1848. Iowa City, Torch Press, 1909. 407 p. Fonkalsrud, Alfred O. Scandinavians as a social force in America. Brooklyn, Heiberg Printery, 1914. 88 p. Hoverstad, Torger Anderson. The Norwegian farmers in the United States. Fargo, N. D., Jer- vell, 1915. 31 p. plates. Johnson, Amandus. The Swedes in America, 1638–1900. v. 1– Philadelphia, Lenapé Press, 1914— plates. (To be complete in 4 vols.) The Swedish settlements on the Delaware. |Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1911. 2 v. Marshall, Logan, ed. Swedish-American hand- book. Philadelphia, Winston, 1914. 350 p. illus. Nelson, Olof Nickolaus. History of the Scandi- navians and successful Scandinavians in the guited States. 2d ed. Minneapolis, Nelson, 1900. V. Olson, Ernest Wilhelm. History of the Swedes of Illinois. Chicago, Engberg-Holmberg, 1908. 2 v. plates. \ Strand, Algot E. A history of the Norwegians of Illinois. Chicago, Anderson, 1905. 560 p. illus. A history of the Swedish-Americans of Minnesota. Chicago, Lewis, 1910. 3 v. illus. Thomas, William Widgery. The story of new Sweden in the woods of Maine. Portland, Me., Loring, 1901 (?). Pamphlet. (Maine Hist. Soc. Pub., 1896.) LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM Björkman, Edwin. Voices of to-morrow; criti- cal studies of the new spirit in literature. N. Y., etc., Kennerley, 1913. 328 p. Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Essays on Scandi- navian literature. N. Y., Scribner, 1895. 288 p. Brandes, Georg. Eminent authors of the nine- teenth century. Literary protraits. Tr. from the original [Danish] by R. B. Anderson. N. Y., Crowell, 1886. 460 p. port. Gosse, Edmund William. Northern studies. London, Scott, 1890. 268 p. Horn, Fredrik Winkel. History of the litera- ture of the Scandinavian North. Rev. by the author and tr. by R. B. Anderson, with a bibliog. of the important books in the English language 14 relating to the Scandinavian countries, prepared for the tr. by Thorvald Solberg. Chicago, Griggs, 1895. 507 p. Howitt, William and Mary. The literature and romance of northern Europe. London, Colburn, 1852. 2 v. Hustvedt, Sigurd Bernhard. Ballad criticism in Scandinavia and Great Britain during the 18th century. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1916. 535 p. (Scandinavian monographs, 2 COLLECTIONS Foss, Claude William, ed. Masterpieces from Swedish literature in English form. Rock Island, Ill., Augustana Book Concern, 1909. 2 v. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The poets and poetry of Europe. New ed. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1896. 921 p. Stork, Charles Wharton, comp. and tr. An- thology of Swedish lyrics from 1750 to 1915. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1917. 280 p. (Scandinavian classics, 9.) Stub, Mrs. Valborg Hovind, ed. Songs from the North. Boston, Ditson, n. d Volk, John. Sange og digte paa dansk og en- gelsk. Danish and English. N. Y., “Nordly sets” forlag, 1903. 99, 93 p. OTHER WORKS RELATING TO SCANDINAVIA Anderson, David Allen. The school system of Norway. Boston, Badger, 1913. 232 p. Anthony, Katharine Susan. Feminism in Ger- many and Scandinavia. N. Y., Holt, 1915. 260 p. Brown Brothers & Co. Denmark; agriculture, commerce, finance. N. Y., etc., Brown Brothers, 1920. 32 p. illus. Bumpus, Thomas Francis. Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. N. Y., Pott, 1908. 299 p. plates. Desmond, Shaw. The soul of Denmark. N. Y., Scribner, 1918. 277 p. Drachmann, Poul. Industrial development and commercial policies of the three Scandinavian countries. N. Y., etc., H. Milford, 1915. 124 p. (Carnegie endowment for international peace. Publications.) Foght, Harold Waldstein. Rural Denmark and ; schools. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. 355 p. plates. Haggard, Sir Henry Rider. Rural Denmark, and its lessons. New ed. N. Y., etc., Longmans, 1913. 335 p. Harvey, William James, and Reppian, Christian. Denmark and the Danes. London, Unwin, 1915. 346 p. plates. Hayden, Arthur. Royal Copenhagen porcelain, its history and development from the 18th century. London, Unwin, 1911. 452 p. 108 plates. 15 Healey, E. Educational systems of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. London, Taylor, 1892. 36 p. Hegland, Martin. Danish people’s high school. Wash., Govt. Printing Office, 1915. 182 p. (U. S. Bur. of Education, Bul., 1915, No. 45.) Heidenstam, Oscar Gustav von. Swedish life in town and country. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1904. 286 p. plates. (Our European neighbors, 12.) Holme, Charles, ed. Peasant art in Sweden, Lapland and Iceland. N. Y., The Studio, 1910. 48 p. 88 plates. Lloyd, Llewelyn. Peasant life in Sweden. Lon- don, Tinsley, 1870. 479 p. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, tr. Poems of places. v. 6-8. Boston, N. Y., Houghton Mifflin, n. d. Martineau, Harriet. Feats on the fjord, and Merdhin. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 239 p. (Every- man’s library.) Moore, Mrs. Aubertine Woodward and Ander- son, Rasmus B. Norway music album. Boston, Ditson, 1900. Sellers, Edith. The Danish poor relief system. London, King, 1904. 131 p. Wergeland, Agnes Mathilde. Leaders in Nor- way and other essays. Menasha, Wis., Banta, 1916. 193 p. Willson, Thomas Benjamin. History of the church and state in Norway from the tenth to the sixteenth century. Westminster, Eng., Constable, 1903. 394 p. illus. Wordsworth, John. The national church of Sweden. Milwaukee, Wis., Young Churchman Co., etc., etc., 1911. 459 p. (Hale lectures, 1910.) Worsaae, Jens Jakob Asmussen. Industrial arts of Denmark From the earliest times to the Dan- ish conquest of England. London, Chapman, 1882. 2 v. illus. (South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.) WRITINGS OF INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS DANISH Andersen, Hans Christian. Works. Boston, Houghton Mifflin. 10 v. — Fairy tales and stories; with illus. by Hans Tegner, and introd. by Edmund Gosse. Tr. from the Danish by H. L. Braekstad. N. Y., Century Co., 1900. 524 p. plates. Fairy tales and other stories. Rev. and in part newly tr. by W. A. and J. K. Craigie. Lon- don, N. Y., etc., Milford, 1914. 1140 p. illus. — Fairy tales. London, Dent. 387 p. illus. (Everyman’s library.) — Fairy tales. Philadelphia, McKay, 1918. 459 p. col, plates. (The golden books for chil- dren.) 16 Bergsöe, Vilhelm. The bride of Roervig. Tr. from the Danish by N. Francis. London, Guild- ford, 1877. 285 p. Pillone. From the Danish by D. G. Hub- bard. N. Y., Lovell, 1883. 179 p. Bergström, Hjalmar. Karen Borneman, Lyn- gaard & Co.; two plays tr. from the Danish. N. Y., Kennerley, 1913. 255 p. (Modern drama series.) Brandes, Georg. Reminiscences of my child- hood and youth. N. Y., Duffield, 1906. 397 p. Drachmann, Holger. The cruise of the wild duck. London, Unwin, 1893. 308 p. (Pseudonym library, 24.) Nanna, a story of Danish love (Poul og Virginie under nordlig bredde.) Rewritten in English by F. B. Browne. Chicago, McClurg, 1901. 208 p. (Tales from foreign lands.) “Renaissance,” melodrama. Tr. from the Danish by L. M. Hollander. (Poet-lore, Boston, 1908, vol. XIX, no. IV, p. 369-419.) Ewald, Carl. The four seasons. Tr. by Alex- ander Teixeira de Mattos. N. Y., Dodd, Mead, 1913. 187 p. — My little boy. Tr. from the Danish by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. N. Y., Scribner, 1912. 120 p. The old room. Tr. from the Danish by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. N. Y., Scribner, 1908. 317 p. — The pond and other stories. Tr. from the Danish by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos and illus. º H. B. Neilson. London, Everett, 1909. 320 p. plates. The queen bee, and other nature stories. Tr. from the Danish by G. C. Moore Smith. Lon- don, N. Y., etc., Nelson, 1908. 125 p. col. plates. The spider, and other tales. Tr. from the Danish by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, N. Y., Scribner, 1907. 231 p. Ewald, Herman Fredrik. John Falk; a novel, from the Danish. London, Bentley, 1868. 3 v. — The story of Waldemar Krone’s youth. Tr. §". the Danish. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1868. D. Gjellerup, Karl Adolph. Minna; a novel from the Danish. Tr. by C. L. Nielsen. London, Heinemann, 1913. 340 p. The pilgrim Kaminita. A legendary ro- mance. Tr. by J. E. Logie. N. Y., Dutton, 1912. 305 p. Hertz, Henrik. King René's daughter, a Danish lyrical drama. Boston, Baker, 1892. 20 p. Holberg, Ludvig, baron. Comedies by Holberg: Jeppe of the hill; The political tinker; Erasmus Montanus. Tr. from the Danish by Oscar James Campbell, jr., and Frederick Schenck. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., 1914. 178 p. (Scandi- navian classics, 1.) 17 — Three comedies. Tr. from the Danish by H. W. L. Hime. London, N. Y., etc., Long- mans, 1912. 207 p. Niels Klim's journey under the ground. Tr. from the Danish by John Gierlow. Boston, Saxton, etc., etc., 1845. 190 p. plates. Ingemann, Bernhard Severin. The childhood of King Erik Menved. An historical romance. Tr. from the Danish by J. Kesson. London, Bruce, 1846. 390 p. (The library of foreign romance, 7.) King Eric and the outlaws. From the Danish by J. F. Chapman. London, Longmans, 1843. 3 v. Waldemar, surnamed Seir. Tr. from the Rºsh by J. F. Chapman. London, Saunders, 841. 3 v. Jacobsen, Jens Peter. Marie Grubbe, a lady of the seventeenth century. Tr. from the Danish by Hanna Astrup Larsen. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1917. 261 p. (Scandinavian classics, 7.) Niels Lyhne. Tr. from the Danish by Hanna Astrup Larsen. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1919. 284 p. (Scandinavian classics, 13.) Jörgensen, Johannes. False Witness. Author- ized tr. of “Klokke Roland.” N. Y., Hodder, etc., 1917. 227 p. Michaëlis, Karin. Andrea, the tribulations of a child. Tr. from the Danish by J. N. Laurvik. N. Y., McClure, 1904. 141 p. — The dangerous age; letters and fragments from a woman’s diary. Tr. from the Danish. N. Y., Lane, 1911. 215 p. Elsie Lindtner, a sequel to “The dangerous age.” Authorized tr. by Beatrice Marshall. N. Y., Lane, 1912. 212 p. —The governor. Tr. from the Danish by Amy Skovgaard-Pedersen. N. Y., Lane, etc., etc., 1913. 233 p. Nansen, Peter. Love's trilogy. Julie's diary, Marie, God’s peace. From the Danish by Julia Le Gallienne, Boston, Luce, 1907. 377 p. Nexø, Martin Andersen. Ditte, girl alive! N. Y., Holt, 1920, 333 p. — Pelle, the conqueror; apprenticeship. Tr. by Bernard Miall. N. Y., Holt, 1914. 330 p. Pelle, the conqueror; boyhood. Tr. b y Jessie Muir. 2d impression. N. Y., Holt, 1915. 352 p. Pelle, the conqueror; daybreak. Tr. from #: Danish by Jessie Muir. N. Y., Holt, 1917. 275 p. Pelle, the conqueror; the great struggle. Tr. by Bernard Miall. N. Y., Holt, 1915. 438 p. Oehlenschläger, Adam. Axel and Valborg; an historical tragedy. Tr. by F. S. Kolle. N. Y., Grafton Press, 1906. 120 p. Correggio; a tragedy. Tr. by Theodore Martin. London, Parker, 1854. 147 p. 18 — The gods of the North, an epic poem. Tr. from the Danish into English verse by W. E. Frye. London, Pickering, etc., etc., 1845. 372 p. Hakon jarl, a tragedy. Tr. from the Dan- ish, London, Hookham, 1840. 221 p. An English version of Hakon jarl, by J. C. Lindberg. (Nebraska Univ. studies, Lincoln, 1905, v. V, no. 1, p. 39–141.) Palnatoke; a tragedy. Tr. from the Danish § John Chapman. London, priv. print., 1855. 65 p. Rosenkrantz, Palle, baron. The magistrate’s own case. N. Y., McClure, 1908. 293 p. The man in the basement. N. Y., Empire Book Co., 1907. 318 p. Stuckenberg, Viggo Henrik Fog. By the way- side; little tales and legends. Tr. by Una Hook, from the Danish. London, Chatto, 1917. 88 p. ICELANDIC Einarsson, Indriði. Sword and crozier, drama. Authorized tr. from the Icelandic by L. M. Hol- lander. (Poet-lore, Boston, 1912, v. XXIV (i.e. XXIII), no. IV, p. 225-283.) Kamban, Guðmundur. Hadda Padda; a drama. Tr. by S. L. Peller. N. Y., Knopf, 1917. 80 p. (Borzoi plays, 5.) Sigurjónsson, Jóhann... Modern Icelandic plays: Eyvind of the hills; The Hraun farm. Tr. by Henninge Krohn Schanche. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1916. 131 p. (Scandinavian classics, 6.) NORWEGIAN Aanrud, Hans. Lisbeth Longfrock. Tr. from the Norwegian by L. E. Poulsson. Boston, Ginn, 1907. 149 p. Björnson, Björnstjerne. Novels. Ed. by Ed- mund Gosse. N. Y., Macmillan, 1895–1909. 13 v. — Plays. [First series] : The gauntlet (En hanske); Beyond our power (Over evne); The new system (Det ny system). Tr. from the Norwegian by Edwin Björkman. N. Y., Scribner, 1913. 281 p. Plays. Second series: Love and geography (Geografi og kjærlighed); Beyond human might ver evne: annet stykke) ; Laboremus (Labore- mus). Tr. from the Norwegian by Edwin Björk- man. N. Y., Scribner, 1914, 284 p. Three comedies: The newly married couple; Leonarda; A gauntlet. Tr. by R. F. Sharp. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc., 1914. 198 p. (Everyman’s library.) Three dramas: The editor; The bankrupt; The king. Tr. by R. F. Sharp. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc., n. d. 291 p. (Everyman’s library.) Arnljot Gelline. Tr. from the Norwegian by William Morton Payne. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1917. 155 p. (Scandinavian classics, 8.) 19 Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg. Tr. from the Norwegian by H. L. Braekstad. N. Y., etc., Harper, 1899. 204 p. Poems and songs. Tr. from the Norwegian in the original meters by Arthur Hubbell Palmer. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1915. 264 p. (Scandinavian classics, 3.) — Sigurd Slembe; a dramatic trilogy. Tr. from the Norwegian by W. M. Payne. Chicago, Sergel, 1910. 323 p. When the new wine blooms. Tr. from the Danish-Norwegian by L. M. Hollander. (Poet- 1ore, Boston, 1911, vol. XXII, no. I, p. 1-69.) Bojer, Johan. The face of the world. Tr. from the Norwegian by Jessie Muir. N. Y., Moffat, 1919. 328 p. — The great hunger. Tr. from the Norwegian by W. J. A. Worster and C. Archer. N. Y., Moffat, 1919. 327 p. Life. Tr. by Jessie Muir. N. Y., Moffat, 1920. 339 p. — The power of a lie. Tr. from the Nor- wegian by Jessie Muir, with an introd. by Hall Caine. N. Y., Kennerley, 1909. 246 p. Treacherous ground. Tr. from the Nor- jºin by Jessie Muir. N. Y., Moffat, 1920. 301 p. Hamsun, Knut. Growth of the soil. Tr. by W. Worster. London, Gyldendal, 1920. 406 p. Hunger. N. Y., Knopf, 1920. 266 p. — Pan. London, Gyldendal, 1920. 230 p. — Shallow soil. Authorized tr. by C. C. Hyllested. N. Y., Scribner, 1914. 339 p. Ibsen, Henrik. Collected works. Rev. and ed. by William Archer. Copyright ed. N. Y., Scrib- ner, 1906-12. 13 v. ports. Brand, a dramatic poem. Tr. into English verse in the original metre by M. M. Dawson. Boston, Four Seas Co., 1916. 304 p. (Also in Everyman’s library.) A doll’s house: and two other plays. Tr. by R. F. Sharp and Eleanor Marx-Aveling. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 284 p. (Everyman’s library.) — Ghosts: and two other plays. Tr. by R. F. Sharp. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 247 p. (Every- man's library.) Hedda Gabler; a drama. Tr. from the Norwegian by Edmund Gosse. N. Y., U. S. Book Co., 1891. 272 p. John Gabriel Borkman, Tr. by William Archer. N. Y., Stone & Kimball, 1897. 198 numb. 1. (The green tree library.) — The lady from the sea. Tr. by Clara Bell. Boston, Baker, 1900. 122 p. — Lady Inger of Ostraat; Love's comedy and the league of youth. Tr. by R. Farquharson Sharp. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 286 p. (Every- man’s library.) Letters, Tr. by J. N. Laurvik and Mary Morison. N. Y., Duffield, 1908. 463 p. 20 The master builder. Pillars of society. Hedda Gabler. N. Y., Boni, 1917. 305 p. (The modern library of the world’s best books.) Peer Gynt; a dramatic poem. Tr. in the original meter by R. E. Roberts. N. Y., Kenner- ley, 1913. 246 p. (The modern drama series.) Peer Gynt. An acting version arranged by Richard Mansfield. Boston, Baker, 1915. 153 p. The pillars of society; tr. by William Archer. Boston, Baker, 1900. 124 p. The pretenders, and two other plays. Tr. by R. Farquharson Sharp. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 316 p. (Everyman’s library.) Speeches and new letters. Tr. by Arne Kildal, with an introd. by L. M. Hollander and a ºlºgraphical appendix. Boston, Badger, 1910. 2 p. When we dead awaken; a dramatic epi- logue. Tr. by W. Archer. Chicago, N. Y., Stone & Co., 1900. 157 p. (The green tree library.) The wild duck; The league of youth; Ros- mersholm. N. Y., Boni, 1918. 342 p. (The modern library of the world’s best books.) Ibsen, Sigurd. Human quintessence. Author- º tr. by M. H. Janson. N. Y., Huebsch, 1912. D. — Robert Frank. Tr. from the Norwegian by M. H. Janson. Authorized tr. N. Y., Scribner, 1914. 192 p. Janson, Kristofer Nagel. The spell-bound fiddler; a Norse romance. Tr. by Auber Forestier, pseud. With an introd. by R. B. Anderson. 2d ed. Chicago, Griggs, 1884. 163 p. Kielland, Alexander Lange. Elsie; a Christmas story. From the Norwegian by M. M. Dawson. Chicago, Kerr, 1894. 109 p. Professor Lovdahl. Tr. from the Nor- wegian by R. B. Flandrau. Boston, Turner, 1904. 296 p. — Skipper Worse. Tr. by Henry John, Earl of Ducie. London, Low, 1885. 301 p. Tales of two countries. Tr. from the Nor- wegian by William Archer. With an introd. by H. H. Boyesen. N. Y., Harper, 1891. 204 p. (Odd number series.) Lie, Jonas. The barque Future, or Life in the far North. Tr. by Mrs. Ole Bull. Chicago, Griggs, 1879. 253 p. The commodore's daughter. Tr. from the Norwegian by H. L. Braekstad and Gertrude Hughes. London, Heinemann, 1892. 272 p. The family at Gilje. Tr. from the Nor- wegian by Samuel Coffin Eastman. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., 1920. 245 p. (Scandinavian classics, 14.) Niobe. Tr. by H. L. Braekstad. London, Heinemann, 1892. 302 p. The pilot and his wife. Tr. by Mrs. Ole Bull. 3d ed. Chicago, Griggs, 1891. 336 p. 21 The visionary, or Pictures from Nordland. Tr. from the Norwegian by Jessie Muir. London, Hodder, 1894. 165 p. Weird tales from northern seas. From the Danish by R. N. Bain. London, Paul, 1898. 201 p. Prydz, Alvilde. He is coming; a play. Tr. from the Norwegian by Hester Coddington. (Poet- lore. Boston, 1914, vol. XXV, no. III, p. 230–244.) Sanpriel, the promised land. Authorized tr. from the Norwegian by Hester Coddington. Boston, Badger, etc., etc., 1914. 316 p. Wiers-Jenssen, Hans. Anne Pedersdotter. English version by John Masefield. Boston, Little, Brown, 1917. 93 p. SWEDISH Almquist, Carl Jonas Love. Sara Videbeck and The chapel. Tr. from the Swedish by Adolph Burnett Benson. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., 1919. 229 p. (Scandinavian classics, 12.) Bremer, Fredrika. Works. Tr. by Mary Howitt. London, N. Y., Bell, 1892–1909. 4 v. (Bohn's libraries.) Brothers and sisters. Tr. from the Swedish by Mary Howitt. N. Y., Harper, 1848. 160 p. (Library of select novels, 115.) Hertha. Tr. from the Swedish by Mary Howitt. Authorized Amer. ed. N. Y., Putnam, 1856. 383 p. — The homes of the new world; impressions ºngºa Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y., Harper, 1854. 2 V. — Life, letters, and posthumous works. Ed. by Charlotte Bremer. Tr. from the Swedish by Fredr. Milow. N. Y., Lovell, 1884. 439 p. (Lovell’s library.) New sketches of every-day life: a diary. Together with Strife and peace. Tr. from the Swedish by Mary Howitt. N. Y., Harper, 1844. 134 p. Carlén, Emilia Flygare. Gustavus Lindorm, or “Lead us not into temptation.” From the Swed- ish by E1bert Perce. N. Y., Scribner, 1853. 343 p. —Ivar, or The skjuts-boy. A romance. From the original Swedish by A. L. Krause. N. Y., Harper, 1852. 114 p. — The smugglers of the Swedish coast, or The rose of Thistle Island. Tr. from the Swedish by G. C. Hebbe and H. C. Deming. N. Y., Win– chester, 1844. 162 p. Edgren, Anna Carlotta, duchesa di Cajanello. True women, a play. Tr. from the Swedish by H. L. Braekstad. Authorized ed. London, French, etc., etc., n. d. 32 p. Elkan, Mrs. Sofie. An exiled king, Gustav Adolf IV of Sweden. Ed. and tr. by M. Eugénie Roch. London, Hutchinson, 1913. 2 v. Fröding, Gustaf. Selected poems. Tr. from the jah by C. W. Stork. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. p. 22 Heidenstan, Verner von. The birth of God. Authorized tr. from the Swedish by K. M. Knud- sen. Boston, Four Seas Co., 1920. 32 p. — The Charles men. Tr. from the Swedish by Charles Wharton Stork. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., 1920. 2 v. (Scandinavian classics, 15-16.) A king and his campaigners. Rendered into English by Axel Tegnier. London, Duck- worth, 1902. 248 p. (The greenback library, 3.) The soothsayer. Authorized tr. from the Swedish by K. M. Knudsen. Boston, Four Seas Co., 1919. 48 p. Sweden’s laureate; selected poems. Tr. from the Swedish by C. W. Stork. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, etc., etc., 1919. 159 p. Janson, Gustaf. Pride of war. Tr. from the Swedish original “Lögnerna.” Boston, Little, Brown, 1912. 350 p. Lagerlöf, Selma. Christ legends. Tr. from the Swedish by V. S. Howard, decorations by Bertha Stuart. N. Y., Holt, 1908. 272 p. The emperor of Portugallia. From the Swedish by V. S. Howard. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1916. 323 p. From a Swedish homestead. Tr. by Jessie Brochner. N. Y., McClure, 1901. 376 p. The girl from the marsh croft. Tr. from the Swedish by V. S. Howard. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1916. 277 p. — Gösta Berling's saga. Tr. from the Swed- ish by Lillie Tudeer. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1918. 2 v. illus. (Scandinavian classics, 10-11.) The Holy City, Jerusalem II. From the Swedish by V. S. Howard. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1918. 348 p. — Invisible links. Tr. from the Swedish by P. B. Flach. Boston, Little, Brown, 1899. 286 p. — Jerusalem, a novel. From the Swedish by V. S. Howard. With an introd. by H. G. Leach. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1915. 342 p. The wonderful adventures of Nils. From the Swedish by V. S. Howard. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1917. 430 p. illus. — Further adventures of Nils. From the Swedish by V. S. Howard; illus. by Astri Heiberg. ºn City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1915. 339 p. plates. Lundegård, Axel. The storm bird. Tr. by A. Rilgour. London, Hodder, 1895. 166 p. Malling, Fru Mathilda. The governor’s wife (Mme. Junot); pictures from the imperial court of France, 1806-07. Tr. by H. L. St. John. N. Y., St. John, 1904. 261 p. Nyblom, Fru Helena Augusta. Jolly Calle and other Swedish fairy tales. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc., 1912. 223 p. - col. plates. Runeberg, Johan Ludvig. Christmas eve, or The angel guest. From the Swedish. N. Y., Lockwood, 1887. 12 1. 23 — King Fialar; a poem. Tr. by E. Magnús- son. London, Dent, 1912. — Lyrical songs, idylls, and epigrams. Done into English by E. Magnússon and E. H. Palmer. London, Paul, 1878. 232 p. Nadeschda; a poem. Tr. from the Swedish by M. A. Brown. Boston, Brown, 1879. 103 p. Rydberg, Viktor. The freebooter of the Baltic. Tr. from the Swedish by C. L. Broomall. Media, Pa., Cooper & Vernon, 1891. 400 p. — The last Athenian. Tr. from the Swedish by W. W. Thomas, Jr. Philadelphia, Peterson, 1879. 555 p. Roman days. From the Swedish by A. C. Clark. Authorized tr. N. Y., Putnam, 1879. 332 p. plates. — Roman legends about the apostles Paul and Peter. Tr. from the Swedish by Ottilia von Düben. London, E. Stock, 1898. 94 p. Singoalla; a romance written in Swedish. Tr. into English by Axel Josephsson, illus. by Carl Larsson. Autograph ed. N. Y., Grafton Press, 1903. 209 p. plates. Strindberg, August. Plays. [First series] : The dream play, The link, The dance of death, pt. I, II. Tr. by Edwin Björkman. N. Y., Scribner, 1916. 268 p. Plays. Second series: There are crimes and crimes, Miss Julia, The stronger, Creditors, Pariah. Tr. by Edwin Björkman. Authorized ed. N. Y., Scribner, 1913. Plays. Third series: Swanwhite; Simoom; Debit and credit; Advent; The thunderstorm; After the fire. Tr. from the Swedish by Edwin Hºman. Authorized ed. N. Y., Scribner, 1913. P. Plays. Fourth series: The bridal crown; The Spook Sonata; The first warning; Gustavus Vasa. Tr. by Edwin Björkman. Authorized ed. N. Y., Scribner, 1916. 283 p. — Plays: Comrades; Facing death; Pariah; Easter. Tr. by Edith and Wärner Oland. Boston, Luce, 1912. 218 p. — Plays: The father; Countess Julie; The outlaw; The stronger. Tr. by Edith and Wärner Oland. Boston, Luce, 1912. 211 p. — Plays: Swanwhite; Advent; The storm. Tr. % Edith and Wärner Oland. Boston, Luce, 1914. 3 p. The confession of a fool. Tr. by Ellie Schleussner. London, Swift, 1912. 319 p. º Easter (a play) and stories from the Swed- ish. Tr. by V. S. Howard. Cincinnati, Stewart, 1912. 269 p. Fair haven and foul strand. N. Y., Mc- Bride, 1914. 243 p. The German lieutenant, and other stories. Chicago, McClurg, 1915. 295 p. The growth of a soul. Tr. by Claud Field. London, Rider, 1913. 252 p. 24 — Historical miniatures. Tr. by Claud Field. London, Allen, 1913. 362 p. — In midsummer days, and other tales. Tr. }} Ellie Schleussner. London, Latimer, 1913. 176 p. — The inferno. Tr. by Claud Field. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1913. 230 p. Legends; autobiographical sketches. Lon- don, Melrose, 1912. 245 p. Lucky Pehr, a drama. From the Swedish º, V. S. Howard. Cincinnati, Stewart, 1912. 81 p. — Married. N. Y., Boni, 1917. 254 p. (The modern library of the world’s best books.) — Master Olof; a drama. Tr. from the Swed- ish by Edwin Björkman. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., etc., etc., 1915. 125 p. (Scandinavian classics, 4.) Motherlove (Moderskärlek). English ver- sion by F. J. Ziegler. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Brown, 1916. 41 p. (Modern authors’ series.) — On the seaboard; a novel of the Baltic Islands, from the Swedish. Tr. by E. C. Wester- gren. Authorized ed. Cincinnati, Stewart, 1913. 300 p. The red room. Authorized tr. by Ellie Schleussner. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1913. 393 p. The son of a servant. Tr. by Claud Field. N. Y., Putnam, 1913. 261 p. Zones of the spirit. With an introd. by Arthur Babillotte; tr. by Claud Field. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1913. 293 p. Swedenborg, Emanuel. The divine love and wisdom. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 216 p. (Every- man’s library.) Heaven and its wonders, and hell. N. Y., Dutton, etc., etc. 340 p. (Everyman’s library.) Tegnér, Esaias. Axel. From the Swedish by Magnus Bernhard (revised). Buffalo, N. Y., Burow, 1915. 45 p. Frithiof's saga, a legend of ancient Nor- way. Tr. from the Swedish in the original meters by C. B. Shaw. Rev. ed. Chicago, Engberg- Holmberg, 1911. 355 p. (With music.) Poems: The children of the Lord’s supper, tr. from the Swedish by Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow; and Frithiof's saga, tr. by W. Lewery Blackley. With an introd. by Paul Robert Lieder. N. Y., Amer. Scand. Found., 1914. 207 p. (Scan- dinavian classics, 2.) Topélius, Zakarias. Fairy tales from Finland. From the Swedish by E. R. Christie. Illus. by . Holland. London, Unwin, 1896. 232 p. plates. Four fairy plays. Tr. and dramatized from the Finnish by E. J. Macintire. (Poet-lore, Bos- ton, 1917, vol. XXVIII, no. V, p. 567-599.) Times of alchemy. Tr. from the Swedish. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1884. 331 p. (The surgeon’s stories, 6.) 25 Times of battle and of rest. Tr. from the Swedish. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1883. 393 p. (The surgeon’s stories, 2.) Times of Charles XII, Tr. from the Swedish. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1884. 349 p. (The surgeon’s stories, 3.) Times of Gustaf Adolf. Tr. from the Swedish. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1883. 341 p. (The surgeon's stories, 1.) Times of Frederick I. Tr. from the Swed- ish. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1884. 370 p. (The surgeon’s stories, 4.) Times of Linnaeus. Tr. from the Swedish. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1884. 394 p. (The surgeon's stories, 5.) Wahlenberg, Anna. Swedish fairy tales. , Tr. by Axel Wahlenberg. Chicago, McClurg, 1901. 158 p. Wallin, Johan Olof. The angel of death. Tr. from the Swedish in the original meters by C. B. i. Chicago, Engberg-Holmberg, 1910. 39 p. 11111S, SCANDINAVIAN AUTHORS ON NON- SCANDINAVIAN SUBJECTS Amundsen, Roald. “The North West Passage;” being the record of a voyage of exploration of the ship “Gjoa,” 1903-1907. With a supplement by First Lieut. Hansen. N. Y., Dutton, 1908. 2 v. maps. illus. The South Pole, an account of the Nor- wegian Antarctic expedition in the “Fram,” 1910– 1912. Tr. from the Norwegian by A. G. Chater. London, Murray, etc., etc., 1913. 2 v. maps. illus. Arrhenius, Svante. The destinies of the stars. Authorized tr. from the Swedish by J. E. Fries. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1918. 256 p. illus. — Life of the universe as conceived by man from the earliest ages to the present time. N. Y., etc., Harper, 1909. 2 v. (Harper’s library of liv- ing thought.) Worlds in the making; the evolution of the universe. Tr. by H. Borns. N. Y., etc., Harper, 1908. 229 p. illus. Bjerre, Poul Carl. The history and practice of psychanalysis. Authorized tr. by E. N. Barrow. Rev. ed. Boston, Badger, etc., etc., 1920, 349 p. Brandes, Georg. Anatole France. London, Heinemann, 1908. 127 p. (Contemporary men of letters series.) Ferdinand Lassalle. N. Y., Macmillan, etc., etc., 1911. 230 p. — Friedrich Nietzsche. Tr. from the Danish }. G. Chater. N. Y., Macmillan, etc., etc., 1909. D. Lord Beaconsfield. Authorized tr. by Mrs. George Sturge. N. Y., Scribner, 1880, 382 p. 26 — Impressions of Russia. Tr. from the Danish by S. C. Eastman. N. Y., Crowell, 1889. 353 p. Main currents in nineteenth century litera- ture. London, Heinemann, 1901-05. 6 v. On reading; an essay. N. Y., Duffield, 1906. 64 p. Poland; a study of the land, people, and literature. N. Y., Macmillan, 1903. 310 p. William Shakespeare. Tr. from the Danish by William Archer, Mary Morison and Diana White. London, Heinemann, 1898. 2 v. The world at war. Tr. by C. D. Groth. N. Y., Macmillan, 1917. 272 p. Christensen, Arthur. Politics and crowd moral- ity; a study in the philosophy of politics. Tr. from the Danish by A. C. Curtis. London, Williams, 1915. 270 p. Collin, Christen. The war against war and the enforcement of peace. With an introd. by William Archer. London, Macmillan, 1917. 163 p. Erichsen, Erich. Forced to fight; the tale of a Schleswig Dane. Tr. from the Danish by Inge- borg Lund. London, Heinemann, 1917. 184 p. Hedin, Sven. From pole to pole, a book for . people. London, Macmillan, 1912. 407 p. plates. Overland to India. London, Macmillan, 1910. 2 v. col. plates and illus. — Through Asia. Tr. from the Swedish by J. T. Bealby. N. Y., etc., Harper, 1899. 2 v. plates. maps. Trans-Himalaya; discoveries and adven- i. in Tibet. N. Y., Macmillan, 1909–13. 3 v. plates. Höffding, Harald. A brief history of modern philosophy. Authorized tr. by S. F. Sanders. Y., etc., Macmillan, 1912. 324 p. Outlines of psychology. Tr. by M. E. Lowndes. N. Y., etc., Macmillan, 1904. The philosophy of religion. Tr. from the German ed. by B. E. Meyer. N. Y., etc., Mac- millan, 1906. 410 p. Problems of philosophy. Tr. by G. M. Fisher. With a pref. by William James. N. Y., etc., Macmillan, 1905. 201 p. Jespersen, Otto. Growth and structure of the ºsh language. 2d ed. Leipzig, Teubner, 1912. 259 p. Progress in language, with special refer- ence to English. London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., N. Y., Macmillan, 1894. 370 p. Jörgensen, Johannes. Lourdes. Tr. from the Danish by Ingeborg Lund. With a preface by Hilaire Belloc. London, N. Y., Longmans, 1914. 195 p. plates. Pilgrim walks in Franciscan Italy. Lon- don, Sand, etc., etc., 1908. St. Francis of Assisi. Tr. from the Danish by T. O’Conor Sloane. N. Y., etc., Longmans, 1912. 428 p. ports. 27 The war pilgrim. Tr. from the Danish by Ingeborg Lund. London, Burns, 1917. 120 p. Key, Ellen. The century of the child. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1912. 339 p. — Love and marriage. Tr., from the Swedish by A. G. Chater. With introd. by Havelock Ellis. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1911. 399 p. — Rahel Varnhagen. Tr. from the Swedish by A. G. Chater; with an introd. by Havelock Ellis. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1913. 312 p. port. The renaissance of motherhood. Tr. from the Swedish by A. E. B. Fries. N. Y., etc., Put- nam, 1914. 171 p. War, peace, and the future; a consideration of nationalism and internationalism, and of the relation of women to war. Tr. by Hildegard Nor- berg. N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1916. 271 p. Kielland, Alexander Lange. Napoleon’s men and methods. Tr. by Joseph McCabe; with a gºe by Oscar Browning. London, Owen, 1907. 356 p. Mantzius, Karl. History of theatrical arts in ancient and modern times. London, Duckworth, 1903-09, 5 v. Mikkelsen, Ejnar. Conquering the Arctic ice. London, 1909. 470 p. illus. Lost in the Arctic; being the story of the “Alabama” expedition, 1909-1912. N. Y., Doran, 1913. 399 p. plates. Nansen, Fridtjof. Eskimo life. Tr. by William Archer. London, Longmans, 1893. 350 p. plates. Farthest north; being the record of a voy- age of exploration of the ship “Fram,” 1893–96. New ed. N. Y., Harper, 1897. 2 v. plates, maps. The first crossing of Greenland. Tr. from the Norwegian by H. M. Gepp. London, Long- mans, 1890. 2 v. plates, maps. In northern mists. Tr. by A. G. Chater. N. Y., Stokes, 1911. 2 v. plates. — The Norwegian North polar expedition, 1893–1896. Scientific results. N. Y., etc., etc., Longmans, etc., etc., 1900-06. 6 v. plates, charts. Through Siberia, the land of the future. Tr. by A. G. Chater. N. Y., Stokes, etc., etc., 1914. 477 p. plates, maps. Nordenskjöld, Otto, and Andersson, J. G. Ant- arctica, or Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole. N. Y., Macmillan, etc., etc., 1905. 608 p. col. plates, maps. s Nyrop, Kristoffer. France. Tr, from the Dan- ish by C. A. Bang and A. G. Chater. London, Heinemann, 1917. 125 p. — Is war civilization? Authorized tr. by H. G. Wright. London, Heinemann, 1917. 256 p. Nyström, Anton. Before, during and after 1914. Tr. by H. G. de Walterstorff. With an introd. by Edmund Gosse. London, Heinemann, 1915. 368 p. Rasmussen, Knud. The people of the polar North. London, Paul, 1908. 358 p. plates. 28 Rydberg, Viktor. The magic of the middle ages. Tr. from the Swedish by A. H. Edgren. N. Y., Holt, 1879. 231 p. 1 §en, Osvald. Essentials in art. London, Lane, 920. — Giotto and some of his followers. English tr. by Frederic Schenck. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, etc., etc., 1917. 2 v. 220 plates. Leonardo da Vinci; the artist and the man. Rev. with the aid of William Rankin and others. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, etc., etc., 1916. 235 p. plates. Steenstrup, Johannes Christoffer Hagemann Reinhardt. The mediaeval popular ballad. Tr. from the Danish by E. G. Cox. Boston, etc., Ginn, 1914, 269 p. (Univ. of Washington pub. in English, 3.) Stefánsson, Vilhjálmur. My life with the Es- kimo. N. Y., Macmillan, 1913. 538 p. plates. — The Stefánsson-Anderson Arctic expedition of the American museum. N. Y., The trustees, 1914. 395 p. illus. (Anthropological papers of the Amer. Museum of Nat. Hist., vol. XIV, pt. I.) Steffen, Gustaf Fredrik. Russia, Poland and the Ukraine. Authorized tr. from the Swedish by J. W. Hartmann. Jersey City, N. J., Ukrainian National Council, 1915. 36 p. Sverdrup, Otto. New land; four years in the Arctic regions. Tr. from the Norwegian by E. H. Hearn. N. Y., etc., Longmans, 1904. 2 v. plates. Vilhelm, duke of Södermanland. In the lands of the sun. London, Nash, 1915. 344 p. 29 SCANDINAVIAN CLASSICS $2.00 Each—$28.00 the Set Comedies by Holberg. Translated by Oscar James Campbell, Jr., and Frederic Schenck. Poems by Tegnér. Translated by Henry Wads- worth Longfellow and W. Lewery Blackley. Poems and Songs by Björnstjerne Björnson. Translated by Arthur Hubbell Palmer. Master Olof by August Strindberg. Translated by Edwin Björkman. The Prose Edda. Translated from Old Icelandic by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur. Modern Icelandic Plays by Jóhann Sigurjónsson. Translated by Henninge Krohn Schanche. Marie Grubbe by J. P. Jacobsen. Translated by Hanna Astrup Larsen. Arnljot Gelline by Björnstjerne Björnson. Trans- lated by William Morton Payne. Anthology of Swedish Lyrics. From 1750 to 1915. gººsted and translated by Charles Wharton tork. Gösta Berling’s Saga by Selma Lagerlöf. Trans- lated by Lillie Tudeer. 2 vol. Sara Videbeck by C. J. L. Almquist. Translated by Adolph Burnett Benson. Niels Lyhne by J. P. Jacobsen. Translated by Hanna Astrup Larsen. The Family at Gilje by Jonas Lie. Translated by Samuel Coffin Eastman. The Charles Men by Verner von Heidenstam. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork, 2 vol. SCANDINAVIAN MONOGRAPHS I. The Voyages of the Norsemen to America by William Hovgaard. Price $4.00. II. Ballad Criticism in Scandinavia and Great Britain . During, the Eighteenth Century by Sigurd Bernhard Hustvedt. Price $3.00. III. The King's Mirror. Translated from the Norwegian of the thirteenth century by Lau- rence Marcellus Larson. Price $3.00. IV. The Heroic Legends of Denmark by Axel §§ Translated by Lee M. Hollander. Price tº-º-º-º-º-º: --- Order from The American-Scandinavian Foundation 25 West 45th Street, New York City 30 THE AMERICAN SCANDINAVIAN FOUNDATION AN ORGANIZATION OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Founded in 1911 by Niels Poulsen, who came to America a Danish immigrant boy, attained wealth and honor by his own efforts and, when an old man without children to inherit his fortune, estab- lished a trust fund to be used to draw the Ameri- can and Scandinavian peoples closer in bonds of intellectual kinship, and to help provide for others the advantages of the higher education which he himself had missed. Others have contributed gen- erously of their time and their means to the Foun- dation thus established. To keep the lamp of international friendship burning, to dispel ignorance, to create good will, we consecrate our efforts and ask the support of our associates. Departments of the Work Information Bureau: At the service of the public to answer questions about Scandi.lavia and to give Scandinavians information about the United States. Student Exchanges: Annual exchanges of more than forty young men and women students be- tween American and Scandinavian colleges and universities. Publications: The “American-Scandinavian Re- view,” a monthly magazine ($2.00); and an annual issue of translations from the best Scan- dinavian literature, as well as books of study. Hospitality: Personal introductions for travelers going to and coming from the Scandinavian countries; arranging of lecture tours, art ex- hibits, receptions to public officials; establishing of co-operating agencies abroad. Associate Chapters: Local groups of Americans who have either a business interest or heart interest, or both, in the Scandinavian countries and who have come together under the guidance of the Foundation for discussion and to en- courage the contribution of Scandinavian cul- ture and progress to the enrichment of Ameri- can thought and life. 25 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK 31 | 3 9015 07808 1778 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN •••••••••• ±() () ••••••••• ---- --• !_ (___|_,_,_,__ (ae •- •-,-,-,-,-,- ------------ ---> №š &&(?!?!?!!?!!! &########{{#¡¿š §§§ «; ¿ ✉ș §§ 。 ſº,5×3 ¿·¿ §§§§ !<*.xae &§§§