Bd the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIOLI RISPENİMSELAM A MAINAN 4 We BALZ SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY TIDA CIRCUMERIO GIFT OF REGENT LA HUBBARD EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The AFFILIATED CLUBS FRANK A. VANDERLIP FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF N. Y. THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF NEW YORK (N. Y.) STATISTICIAN ROGER W. BABSON JOHN HAYS HAMMOND THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF BOSTON (Mass.) MINING ENGINEER National Eronomir League THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF WORCESTER (MASS.) A. LAWRENCE LOWELL PRESIDENT HARVARD UNIVERSITY THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF PORTLAND (ME.) NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER PRESIDENT OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF PROVIDENCE (R. 1.) GEORGE B. CORTELYOU FORMER SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF SPRINGFIELD (MASS.) 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. FRANK O. LOWDEN FORMER GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF INDIANAPOLIS (IND.) LINDLEY M. GARRISON FORNER SECRETARY OF WAR THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF SAN FRANCISCO (CAL.) EDWARD A. FILENE MERCHANT OBJECT THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA (PA) GEORGE W. WICKERSHAM FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL THE EDUCATION AND EXPRESSION THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF WASHINGTON (D. C.) SECRETARY AND TREASURER J. W. BEATSON 6 BEACON STREET, BOSTON OF PUBLIC OPINION THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF BUFFALO (N. Y.) AND OTHERS October 18th, 1923. Dear Sir: As a member of our National Council, will you kindly answer and return the enclosed questionnaire relating to subjects for future consideration by The National Economic League? The returns are to be classified under general headings and voted on by our National Council, after which more definite questions on the subjects receiving the highest vote are to be submitted. Sincerely yours, J. W. BEATSON Secretary To the members of the National Council of The National Economic League. . ॥ - / |s2 3 4 . Is Sunday With May 27 365d, = 52 uks Iday ਦੇ ਉਪ San , /, 24 , 77, 72,ਤੇ Jan. I 14 . 7 ) , Sandy 03 . e . ਨੂੰ ਸਨ ਪਰ buck Noll Ho , . ਹੈ ਹੈ Moth Sunday ਦੇ ॥ ਦੇ ਉਹੈ ਜੋ کی { 0 " ''..": '.'' , ' ' ' ' stur Hubbard Imag. Voy. ران 1 مل L 21 W: ing doing 4 Go c "G ind Blow to Br இதயம் if Morridoonialls f #4 zach H Mottast og lotion ay from G ff M Lect thonol ve Bedfos 7 Proakor or 3 Sant 3 2447 630 y nay month any opravde simpt Fath in doop 373 Taj off 2 nellvé 387589 799341 45 13 4711 3 87389 29 m m m 19.727 1:11: PHIM 1 1 12:}u 23:21 # }s:51 H meridian 37 Zo Is gëzor 406349 1:97474 32394 4th, Rob: Catbot a diff Laht 54 732394 farfars I do & Puff Lochendencia flesh 2 2:24234740 Platt ylure, promijmerican -344 Ls су г. iff of hat in meredio 1490 / I 3 1468 1 7) T 13672 >27 86 1824 14.0 3902 > 13092 7815 . : . ! a 1960 Sturmy Ætatis captaine samuel Tue 36 Effigies of true Anno Domini The 1669 BE way HES WWW ON WWW Home www. mode legal ws w WE'RE WE WOW .. ws . ORI . 38 W WE Am wy om We are CE 記 ​. 1 What here you ſee is but a grauen face, Only, the pịđure of that brittle Café, Whole, Soules the magazine of all theſe Arts , which here most freely, he to all imp'arts Nimasi LL ANDPRACTICALL ARTS and fortune Art pon akan dengan TURMYS SUB 1 IN THE MARINERS MAGAZINE or VIT and Containing HARE Chaos W Sturmys Mathematicall and Practicallrts. The Deſcription makeing andule of the most usefull Inftrument for at fifts and Navigators The Arts of Navigation at Large a New way of Surveying of Land Gaging, Gunery, Aftronomy and Dyalling, performed Geome- Vtrically, Inſtrumentally , and by Calculation By Cap:Samuel Sturmy M 1669: 1 Houres 1 W Inclin,,ation of Mer. 20 30 of 영 ​og 4 Gnomon OL 20 1: The Greater Pole 70. Bofill 8 Points 4 1 innan Chords the lefler pole Leag: 10 OT of G 넹 ​90 80 60 50 ont 30 20 10 Sines 10 20 30 40 Half Tangents 700 30 LILLE 빙 ​Substite ot 8 60 Secants of 70 5 20 30 42 del Tangent 10 oE 40 50 бо 7° 75 Stile 06 80 70 60 30 1 1 Edward Fage at the Suger Loaf in Hoſier Lane London Fecit, who makes all ſorts of Mathematicall Inſtruments, . 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Werged Tangent 80 Longitud or Part of the Æquator. Mercaters Meridian Line. 70 60 50 40 20 30 10 .. sites 1 3 Z 5 6 8 9 10 20 30 to 501 6 A 70 80 90 Sines Chordr Tangents 89 88 86 87 70] 82 85 84 60 Tangents 83 30/60 2070 4050 84 1080 45 50 Numbers 1 3 6 41 5. 8 110 9 zol 20 300 aNumbers 410 50 2000 100 60 80 go 70 Inches 10 220 30 410 510 60 710 80 40 90 30 210 10 Reduction 262 The SCALE of SCALES Thefteturall and Artficiall Scales are deſcribed at large with their Fundamentall Diagrams in the Second Booke of this Treatiſe, and their use exemplified in the Reſolution of all Mathematicall concluſions, with many other Instruments, the makeing and necesſary uſe whereof is Demonſtrated. ng 1 6.r: #4rt, THE вое 4. re SA ) Mariners Magazine; 1 alin le STURMY's Mathematical and Practical ARTS. CONTAINING, The Deſcription and uſe of the SCALE of SCALES; it being a Mathematical Ruler,that reſolves moſt Mathematical Concluſions: And likewiſe the Making and Uſe of the Croftaff, Quadrant, and the Quadrat, Nocturnals and other mof Uſeful Inſtruments for all Artiſts and Navigators, The ART of NAVIGATION, Reſolved Geometrically, Inſtrumentally, and by Calculation, and by that lace Excellent Invention of Logarithms, in the Three Principal kinds of Sailing ; with New Tables of the Longitude and Latitude of the moſt Eminent Places round the World, froin the Meridian of the Lizard: And New Exact Tables of the Sun's Declina- tion, newly Calculated ; and of the Longitude and Latitude, Declination and Right Aſcenſion of ſome Eminent Fixed Stars. TO GETHER WITH. A Diſcourſe of the Practick Part of NAVIGATION, in Working a Ship in all Wcachers and Condicions at Sca. A New Way of Surveying of Land, by che Mariners Azimuth or Amplitude Compaſs; very eaſie and delightful to all ſorts of Navigators, Mariners, or others. The ART of GAUGING all Sorts of VESSELS; and the Meaſuring of Timber, Glaſs, Board, Stone, Walls, Cielings, and Tylings. The ART of GUNNERY, Geometrically, Inſtrumentally, and by a way of Calculation, by the Logarithm Tables, by Addition and Subſtraction, in the place of other Mens way of Arithmetick, of Multiplication and Diviſion: Alſo, Artificial Fire-Works for Sea and Land Service, as alſo for Recreation and Delight, with Figures. ASTRONOMY, Geometrical, Inſtrumental, and by Calculation. The ART of DIALLING by a Gnomonical Scale, and likewiſe by Calculation ; Making all forts of Dials both without Doors and within, upon any Wall, Çieling, or Floor, be they never ſo Irregular, whereſoever the Director Reflect Beams of the Sun may come. WHEREUNTO IS ANNEXED, An Abridgment of the Penaltics and Forfeitures, by Acts of Parliaments appointed, relating to the Cuſtoms and Navigation. ALSO, A COMPENDIUM of FORTIFICATION, both Geometrically and Inſtrumentally. By Capt. SAMUEL STURMY. LONDON, Printed by E. Cotes for G. Harlock, W.Fiſker, E. Thomas, and D. Page : and are to be ſold at chcir Shops over againſt St. Magnus Church neer London-bridge, 20 che Postern-gate uicer Tower-bill, at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, and at the Anchor and Mariner in Eaſt-Smithfield. MDCLXIX. moſt eaſie 4 -44 Homes P THT 1 f ܢ h ܪ n ܐ ܠܐ ܪ '- f ; 1 ܙ ܙ 1 h 1 1 1 ܪ 1 { { ܢ +° 1 ܙ ܠܐ. ܡ Histz Scouce soilinan 8.7.41 43637 To the moſt Auguſt and Moft Serenę M A JE S TY OF CHARLES II. King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, c. meilt. Mof Gracious Sovereign, Our Majeſties Royal Grandfather King Fames, the Peace-maker,was by the Wiſeſt of His Age juftly reputed worthy to be entituled Great Britain's Solomon, for His Wiſdom, Learning, and Proſperous Govern- . Your Pious and Judicious Father King Charles the Firſt His eſteem of the more Inge- nuous and Politer Arts, Sculpture, Picture, and whatever elſe was Ancient or Excellent, drew hither into His own Galleries and Cabinets, and other Noble Palaces of this happx Jand, the beſt Monuments of Old Greece, and of Modern Rome : And His own Incomparable Writings will demonſtrate to ſucceeding Ages, how richly he was furniſhed with the bet kinds of Knowledge, and with the truly Celeſtial and Divine Arts, which appeared in the whole Courſe A 2 tor + The Epiftle Dedicatory. Courſe of His Life, but moſt of all in His laſt Sufferings. And now Your Majeſty hath, not only an Hereditary Claim to Your Anceſtors Virtues and Bleſſings, being by God's miraculous Pro- vidence and Protection reſtored, and redeemed from Your Fathers Calamities; but herein You have infinitely excelled them all, and that in the main, in that You are the firſt Founder of a Royal Inſtitution for the Advancement and Propagation of all Noble Arts and Beneficial Inventions : So that all the Kings in the Chri- ſtian World do emulate Your Great Example, and do value themſelves in nothing more, than that ſome of their wiſelt Subjects do follow and adore the Foor-ſteps of Your Royal Society, And by this that Everlaſting Renown is alrea- dy ſpread over the face of the whole Earth 3 it hath ſurrounded the Globe by Sea and Land; and we who are Borderers on the Shores, and all they who inhabite on the deep Seas, are wit- neſſes of the perpetual Ecchoes of your Fame, with this Averment, That the better Spirits in all the Univerſities of Chriſtendom are allured by Your Majeſties Luſtre to embrace and rejoyce in this Brighter Light, which can never hence- forth be extinguiſhed. And this conſtrains as well all Your Loyal and I rue-hearted Sub- jects, as all Intelligent and Friendly Foreiners, to offer their Applauſes, Veneration, and Ad- miration But it is far above the reach of my Abilities 1 i to The Epiſtle Dedicatory. to make juſt report of theſe Great Deſigns, and of all Your Majeſties more than Heroical Ac- compliſhments. And yet I have a more Obli- ging and Perſonal Concernment: For as the Amplitude and Proſperouſneſs of Your Ma- jeſties Dominions are chiefly maintained by Your Majeſties Countenance upon the Mathe- matical Arts, and eſpecially of Navigation ; ſo Your Majeſty doth apparently excel all the Kings that ever were, in this Noble kind of Knowledge of the Naval Arts and Sciences. And for there, and many other good reaſons, I hold it my bounden duty to lay theſe Eſſays of my beft Endeavours at Your Royal Feet; and with the l'roteſtation of a tryed and truſty Sea-man, to avouch, That not only my beſt Skill in Arts, . But my Heart and Life alſo, are entirely devo- ted for Your Majeſties Service: And all my fel- low Sea-men, and all true-hearted Engliſhmen, do joyn in this one Voice, God ſave King Charles the Second * Moſt Gracious Sovereign, Your Majeſties moft Dutiful and moſt Obedient Subject. SAMUEL STURMY. 9 { To the Honourable SOCIETY of MERCHANT-ADVENTURERS Of the CITY of 1 1 B R I S T O L. • Τ Ο Τ Η Ε i MASTER, WAR DE NS, and ASSISTANTS OF THE SAID S O CI Ε Τ Υ. . To my Honoured Friends Sir Robert Cannand Sir Robert Yeomans,Knights and Baronets, Sir Humfry Hooke, Sir Henry Creſwick, Sir Fohn Knight, and Sir Thomas Langton, Knights, fohn WV illoughby and fohn Knight, Eſquires. Honourable Gentlemen, Ut of the great Refpet I bear to you all of this Society, in regard from my Touch I have lived among you, and am a Burgeſs of your City, and have been commanded, and a Commander , bave failed to ſeveral Parts of the World out of this Port, I cannot commit thefe Productions of my Pen to the wide Ocean of flu&tuating Opinions, without the aſs- rance of the Prote&ion of ſome Honourable Patronage, as your ſelves; without the which I might haply appear mis ſhapen, and mon- strous to the eye of the World, and uneaſily eſcape ſubmerſion; ſince that as the Year conſisting of more foul than fair Days, ſo the World in truth affords more bitter Blaſts and virulent Cenſures of Detra- Etion, than candid, firene , unprejudiced Judgment. Therefore I muſt repair to you, as to Seth's Pillar, which in deſpight of whole Torrents of Oppoſers, and Cataracts of Zoilus bis furious off- Spring, and A A - 1 I . 1 1 Spring, will (media inter prælia) ſecure theſe my poor Labours, and perpetuate them as indelible as the Stars; or yodo deferved Ho- nours, mbo of your Funktion are the Pillars of a Country, Jupa pòrting all manner of Trade and Commerce in the World, and, like the induſtrious Bee, bringing, Honey to repery ones Hive, in adven- turing jour Eſtates to ſeveral Parts of the World, for tbe Good of many thouſands, wbich live and depend upon your Profperity. I could, with many others, deſire, That this City and Society . had in all re- ſpects the ſame Laws, and Customs in, all Maritime Affairs, as the Flonourable City of London: then would much Loſs, "Charge, and Damage be prevented, that many times befals your Ships and Goodsis a competent Company of Sea-men, for half. Pay, would attend on board at the Ships going out, and coming home, until diſcharged; and that Pay would relieve-themſelves, their wives, and Children, and fit them for the Voyage, and be great ſatisfaction to them for their attendance on your Service : for by tļse Rules of Charity, The Labourer is worthy of his Hire ; and none deſerve it more than Sea-men. Then would your Sea-mens Courage be fortified, Honeſty incouraged, and deſerving Mein rewarded , and the Reformers of an ill Cuſtomi be had in everlaſting memory, for the Good they did in their Generation. i humbly beg pardon for this:Digreßion; and humbly deſire that you would take it into conſideration. For my part lever did, and ſhall to the utmoſt of my poor abilities endeauöur to honour this City, and will adventure my Life to ſerve this Society in any Parts of the World. Accept therefore this off-ſpring of ſomie ſpare Hours, improved more with an intent for the Publick Good, than for any Private Benefit. I ſhall conclude this my Humble Addreſs with a Temporal and Spiritual wiſh, viz. That the Encreaſe of your Treaſures may anſwer your Hazards and Deſires, and that your Virtues and Graces may exceed your Treaſures in this Life, and in that to come, may your Glories as far tranſceud both, as Heaven doth Earth: And for this you have not only the earneſt Wiſhes, but tbe cordial Prayers of, 0 Your Honours moſt humble Servitor 1 Briſol, 1 6 6 7 to be Commanded, SAMUEL STURMY, 1 . TO THE t Courteous Reader. I M Shall make his Athematical Studies have for theſe many Years been much neglected, if not contemned; yet have chere been ſo many rare Inventions found, even by Men of our own Nation, that nothing now ſcems almoſt pof- fible to be added more. As in other Studies, ſo we may ſay in theſe, Nil di£tum quod non dictum prius : We at the leaſt muſt needs acknowledge, That in this we have preſented thee with nothing new, nothing that is our own. Ex integra greca, integram Comædiam hodie ſum ačturus, Qui edeficer faith Terence, that moſt excellent Comedian, in his Heautontimorumenon. publick place, Tranſlation was his Apology; Tranſcription,Collection,and compoſition, ours. trop haue on This only we have endeavoured, That the firft Principles and Foundations trop balſe. of thoſe Studics (which were not to be known until now, but by being ubo builds i'ch ' acquainted with niany Books) might in a due method, and a perſpicuous way where all manner, be as it were at oncc preſented to thy view. paſs by, The Matter, being Mathematical and Practical Arts of my own pra- houſe too low or Eticc, I can the better avouch the caſe and rruth of thcoi to all ingenuous high). Pra&ticioners, and unto ſuch as have as yet Icarned nothing but i Arith- metick. To that purpoſe, we have at firſt laid down ſuch Propoſitions, as all young Seamen are or ſhould be perfect in, concerning the Compaſs, and the Moon's Motion, Inſtrumentally and Arithmetically; and by it; in the ſame manner, how to know the Rúlcs af the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea, with the Rules of Time of Flood and High-water in any Port in the World; with a Diſcourſe of the Practick Pari of Navigation, in working of a Ship in all Caſes and Conditions of Weacher ar Sea, to the beſt of my Experience. And the ABG of Geometry, its Definitions and Geometrical Pro- blems, out of Euclid and others, as muſt be known to ſuch as would know the Nature and Menſuration of Triangles. Next,We have proceeded to the Deſcriptions of all the moſt uſeful inſtruments for Artiſts and Na- vigators; as the scale of Scales, which is a Mathematical Ruler, that re- ſolves all Mathematical Rules whatſoever : And wc our ſelves have fitted Tables and Diagrams in that inanner, as we preſune has not been done in that plainnels, and ſo caſic to be underltood, by any Man before. Therç is the Diagrams and Tables together, both Natural and Artificial and the Scale, and its Making and uſe follows. Secondly, The Making and Uſe of the Traverſe-Scale of Artificial Points and Quarters; The Ma- king of the Quadrant and Index, and their ready uſe in Aſtronomy and Na- vigation; and the Protractor ; The Projection and uſe of the Nocturnal, and new Tables of the North Stars Declination. And on the back-ſide are 32 of the moſt uſeful Stars in the Heaven for Navigators, and its Ule; with 3 а } 1 1 To the Reader. with Tables of the Longitude and Latitude, Right Aſcenſion and Declinati- on; The Deſcription and uſe of the Foreſtaff, Davis his Quadrant ; as allo a new Quadrant and Quadrat, that I uſe my ſelf at Land and Sea; A Conſtant Kalendar, joyned-with the Tables of the Suns Declination, for 32 years to come. And, Thirdly, The Nature and Quality of Triangles. And, Fourthly. Of Sailing by the Plain Sca-Chart, and the Uacertainty thereof; and of Navigation by Mercator, or Mr. Wright's Projection, and by the necreſt way of Sailing by the Globe, or Arch of a Great Circle ; with the making of the True Sea-Chart, Geometrically, Arithmetically, and Inſtrumentally, as the true way of keeping a Sca-Journal at Sca, very caſic at once by plain, Mercator, or Great Circle Sailing, with new Ta- bles of Longitude and Latitude round the World, from the Meridiat, of tho Lizard, terminating at 180 deg. Eaft and weſt of tbat Meridian. The Fifth Book, The Art of Surveying of Land by the Sea Azimistkor Amplitude Compaſs, very eaſie and uſeful for Sea-men : The Art of Gam- ging of all ſorts of veſſels , and Meaſuring of Timber, Stone, and Glaſs, and Ships, Geometrically, Inſtrumentally, arid Arithmetically; and a nioſt excellent Gunners Scale; with the caſieſt way of Gunnery char hath been writ by any : For what Nathaniel Nye hath done by Arithmetick, by the square and Cube, and their Roots, which is the hardeſt ſort of Arith- metick, by Maltiplication and Diviſion, I have done by the Logarithme Tables, by Addition and Subtraction, and likewiſe Geometrically and In- ſtrumentally. The Scale (héws at once, in a moment, the ready Dimenifi- ons of twenty ſorts of moſt uſeful Ordnance, from a Bafe to a Cannon- Rayxb;' their length, and weight of the Gun, Powder, and Shot, and Ta- blés of weight of Shor of Lead, Iron, and Stone'; with a Table of Righie Ranges and Point Blanks; with a Plain Scale and Dialling Scale, Quadrant, and Quadrat, for taking of Heights and Diſtances; with a Line of Inches and Numbers, for the ready working all other Proportions of Solids, or otherwiſe ; being a moſt uſeful Inſtrument for all Land and Sea Gunners : But moſt eſpecially I do adviſe all Sca Gunners to carry one of thoſe molt uſefal Inſtruments in bis Pocket, and by our Directions learn the Uſe per- fc&ly of them. I am aſhamed to hear how fenflelly many Sea Gunners will talk of rhe Art, and know little or nothing therein, but only how to ſpunge, lade, and fire a Gun at Random,. without any Rules of finding the Diſpart, thickneſs of the Mettle in all places, and proportion any Charge of Powder thereto, and other Rules which ſhould be known. Hercin how many of them are defective ? And to ſupply that defect, I have taken this pains in the Aft, to the end to help all ſuch as are ingenu. ous, and willing to learn : As allo, all manner of Artificial Fire-works and Rockets, with their Figures and Fiery Arrows, Granadoes, and Pots. The Sixth Book is the Art of Aſtronomy, containing the Definition of the Circle of the spheres, with the manner how to reſolve all the moſt ne- ceſſary Propoſitions thereto belonging, by a Line of Chords and sines, and Chords and Targents, and half Tangents, Geometrically and by Calcula- tion, by the Logarithme Tables of Artificial Sines and Tangents: And all uſeful Aſtronomical Propoſitions appertaining to the Firſt Motion ; and Tables for finding always the Suns truc place; being all of extraordinary uſe, and made plain to the meaneſt Capacity, Seventhly, The Seventh Book is the Art of Dialling by the Gnomonical Scale, ܪ 1 + E * To the Reader. Soale, with the Diagram and making of the ſaid Scales, with Tables alſo in the Second Book deſcribed; with the Fundamental Diagram of all scales on the Ruler, as alſo by Calculation, ſhowing the making of all ſorts of Dials, both within doors and without, upon any Wall, Ceiling, or Floor, be they never ſo irregular, whereſoever the direct or reflected Beams of the Sun may come, for any Latitude ; and how to find the true Hour of the Night by the Moon and Stars ; and how to Colour, Guild, and Paint Dials; and how to faften the Gnomen in Stone or Wood. We have in- filted the more upon it, and by our Explanation have endeavoured to piake it plain and eaſie, it being all our own Practical Arts; fo chat nothing may be wanting, which either fornier Ages or our own (by Gods Blel ſing and their Induſtry) have afforded to us. We have to the Artificial Canon added out of Mr. wing's Harmonicon Cæleſte, page 263. the Rules to be taken and obſerved in ufc of Mr. Gunter's Canon of Artificial Sines and Tangents, and Mr. Brigs his Canon of Logarithme Numbers, as in chac Form, and in this work, we have made uſe of his Directions in the Aſtronomical Calculation, and the Demonſtration by our own Rules ; and of Mr. Norwood's Advice in Navigation, and by Demonſtration our own (the way of our uſual practice at Sea in keeping our Journal ) and for the Longitude and Latitude of Places, we have had the beſt Experi- ence we could procure from the ableſt Pilots and Maſters that have been in the ſeveral Places of the World, and likewiſe of our own Obſervation of ſeveral Places in the weſt-Indies, and other Parts of the World; to- gether comparing of them with ſeveral Tables, formerly'made and lately corrected, and fitted for a Meridian of our own Country, and the prin- cipal Cape of this Land, for thy caſe; the Lizard being the farewel Cape to moſt Ships that ſail out of the Britiſh Seas, any way to the South or weft, and likewiſe the firſt Land made at their return home; and therefore it muſt needs be very uſeful for all Northern and Southern Navigators in their Voyages, with great caſe and exactneſs. It's nothing new, nor does it corne by chance, That Art is envy'd ſtill by Ignorance. For the Art of Gauging, I have conferred with Mr. Philip Staynred, Ma- thematician and Gager in Briſtol; and all the Rules that have been laid down in the following Treatiſe, are moſt exact and caſie to the meancit Capacity of ſuch as are skiiful in Arithmetick ; but with a great deal of Labour, Study, Care, and Charge, in the Tryal of the Practice of them by our ſelf: which may be conlidered by the Ingenuous Practicioners, though much more abuſed by ignorant Momus and his Mates, who make it their buſineſs to ſcoff, deride, affront, and abuſe all ſuch as are Inge- nious, and pretend to have any thing more than theniſelves; and know then by their railing Diſcourſe of any Ingenious Work or Artiſt . For ſuch Loiterers there is a pair of Stocks fitted in Hell by the Devil, where for their malice, abuſes, curſed railings, and villainous revilings of thoſe that Study the Honour of their Country to Poſterity, the harm- leſs ſtudy of Virtue, and praiſe-worthy commendation of all good honeft- minded men ; I ſay, ſuch Momuſſes will have their Heads in ſuch Scocks, and their Tails laſh'd by the Devils for ever, for their malice and envy, if they # 1 you ſhall a 2 1 1 To the Reader. ( they give it not over, and repent of it in time. But for all honeft-minded men that love Arts and Sciences, Theorical and Practical, God doth give them his Spirit to guide them in all Lawful Arts, to the knowledge there- of, according to their deſire of him. Others that have either ſpent more time, or made a farther progreſs in theſe raviſhing Studies, might (if they would have taken the pains) have haply preſented thee with more in a leſs room; but the moſt of this was at the firſt collected for our private uſe, and direction of our three Bro- thers and Son; but now publiſhed for the good of others. Nevertheleſs; I am not ignorant, how that never any man living, in his writing, could pleaſe the phanſie of all men, neitber do I expect to be the firſt. To pleaſe the envious, I cannot ; for they are reſolute: To content the fcornful, I will not attempt it : To flatter the baughty, were much folly: To dillwade the capricious, were needleſs; and to perſwade the courte- ous, were unnecellary. Let every one do as his Genius doth beſt diſpoſe him, take where he pleaſeth, read whar he liketh, and leave what he likech not. For my own part, I have with much diligence and induſtry waded through many ænigmatical Difficulties, and have removed and drawn back the Curtain of Darkneſs from off our Engliſla Horizon, iti our Mathematical and Practical Arts following. Laſtly, I deſire the Judicious Reader, if he chance to meet with any Errata (as ſome may happen in a Work of this Nature) that he would courteouſly amend them, and not with cavillation ungratefully requite my painful Labours. Haply, if this find acceptance, it may cncourage me to publiſh ſome other thing, which perhaps may give thee much fa- tisfaction, and be commodious to my Country-men of England. Vale. # Yours, and Urania's Servant, St. Georges Pill, 10 Novemb. 1667. SAMUEL STURMY. To - . T To his Ingenious and Induſtrious Friend Capt. SAMUEL ŠTUR MY. A double Acroſtick. t S-uch Noble Captains Honour well deſerve, A-s to their utmoſt, King and Country ferue; M-aking their skill and Practice freely known U-nto all others who will Learning own. E-aft, Weſt, North, South, thy Compaſs will them guide, L-eft they should wander with each wind and Tide. ì S-tir up thy Noble Genius, and go or ; 5: T-hy Book Shall live, when thou art dead and gon, U-nto thy Glory: and proud Braggards will R-epine they could not like thee hew their skill. M-omus may carp, but from all honeſt Hearts Y-ou'l Thanks have for your MAGAZINE of Arts. Ś -ome men, when they this MAGAZINE ſhall spy's Arnd note the Author, preſently will cry, M-axy fuch Captains will undo the Trade: U-nlock theſe Secrets, all are Captains made. E-nvy thus, Devil-like, would keep men blind, L-et Noble Sons of Art be free and kind. ! S-o well ford, Captain, is thy MAGAZINE, T-hat 'twill invite all ſorts : This Buſh of mine U-nto thy wine is needleſs . All men fall R-eap Profit by thy Labours : and if all M-en thus would add their Talents unto thine, Y-od foon compleat a famous MAGAZINE. Non nobis folum nati ſumus. 1 HENRY PHILLIPPES. * 1 1 To : 1 To His Worthy Friend the Author Captain S AMUEL STURMY. On his BOOK Entituled, The MARINER'S MAGAZINE. 1 'Weet gentle Reader, ſearch this: Magazin, And tell me then what thou haſt found therein : Thou canſt not chuſe, but ſay, There is ſuch Store of Mathematick Arts, there needs no more. Well, to be brief, jould I extol thy Fame, 'Twould be in vain : Thy Book Shall do the ſame. PHILIP STAINRED. ܀ 1 To his Judicious Friend the Author Capt. S AMUEL STUR MY, ON HIS MAGAZINE of ARTS. R EADE R, Survey, with an impartial Eye, The Care, the Pains, the Art, the Induſtry, And Charge, at which the Author, long, hath been, To Store (with Plenty) this his MAGAZEEN; Or, rather, MART OF ARTS; where you may buy (For little Money) INGENUITY: And be partaker of thoſe Arts we call Sciences Liberal, MATHEMATICAL: He having taken Pains on th' Deep and Shore, Graſping and Grap'ling to increaſe his Store; And after all his Toil and Pains (thus ſpent) Gives it his Country for an Ornament. Ranſack this CASCATE (therefore) wbere goil find Plenty of JEWELS to adorn the Mind. I Gcometry. And firſt, is repreſented to your Eye Selected Problems in GEOMETRY. Navigation. In NAVIGATION Rules it doth afford, will make Men Sca-men e're they go aboard: And when Embarked on the Ocean far,. May Sreer from th Artick to th' Antartick Star; 1 And 1 H + 1 ܀ + And so, with Prudeucc, may & Voyage make Over the Occan's Univerſal Lake : No Places diſtance hindring of Commerce, Having free Traffick through the Univerſe. The GIO DECIAN, in this Book, may have Rules to Survey his Land, and then his Grave.... VINERIUS now will find it no hard Task To know he hath his Dwe, and Gauge his Cask. Surveying. + Gauging? Here MURIFRA GUş certain Skill may gain To reach his Mark, making no Shot in vain. Gunnery Aſtronomy And fair URANIA leads you by the Hand, Deſcrying how the Spheres to underſtand ; Unlocking all the Hidden Treaſury, And Secret Mylt’rics in ASTRONOMY. : In HOROMETRIA Skill To trace Sol's Courſe out on a Dial Plain. you may attain, Dialling. Fortification, 1 And the Munitor hither may reſort For Rules whereby to Fabricate his Forr, To Spring his Myne, and alſo Sconces raiſe Againſt his Foes, to his Renown and Praiſe. . And to the Trader it will be a Treaſure, Yielding him Knowledge both in Weights and Meaſure. With this, and ſuch like beneficial Skill, Our Author This his MAGAZINE did fill; And that for th Good and Benefit of thoſe who honour Vertue, and to Vice are. Foes. Conſider, then, th elaborate Pains he took, And thank him as thou "profit' Jt by. kis BOOK. WILL, LEY B O URN. i + To 1 ! 1 In Praiſe of his Dear Friend the Author, for his ART, Capt. SAMUEL STURMY. 9 Or Vr Artiſt here, I am ſo bold to tell Je, Treats of no Toys, nor does be Baubles ſell ge; Though fuch like ftuff indeed, it well may be, to have met i tħ Mathematicks Theory: where he is for the Practick, and does Aight All fisch as but Theorically write. 'Tis much and high, you'l ſay; but 'tis as fore, Sutch Practick Works for ever will endure. And as your fluent Naſo dropp'd before, Theſe will be read where e're olly Cannons rore. Here is no trivial Traſh, or frothy Rbimes, To Drunkards grateful at their tippling times. . Here's no Acroſticks, nor no Anagrams, In Combs and Sciſſors for th' Barbarians : Much leſs your Epigrams, and ſuch like Toys, For Children fit, or at the beſt for Boys: No novel Romance, nor no paultry Plays, To wear out Time with, and miſ-Spend our Days. The Matter here is all ſublime and high, That bear: bis Name unto the Starry Sky. But if you neerly mark him, and his End, You muſt confeſs, he doth them all tranſcend. ! 1 1 + j WILLIAM BERWICK, jun. ! 1 - 1 The -- ** 4 h Tv S. 1 1 The AUTHOR to His BOOK. Gº O forth, thou ſhapeleſs Embryon of my Brain, , Unfaſhion'd as thou art ; expreſs the Atrain And Language of thy: diſcontented-Sire, who hardly ransom'd his poor :Babe from fire, To offer to the world, and careleſs Mena The timeleſs Fruits of his officious Pen. Thou art no lovely Darling, ſtamp:d to pleaſe The Looks of Greatneſs; no Delight to eaſe Their melancholy, Temper, who reject, As idle Toys, but what themſelves affet. No lucky Planet darted forth his Rays, To promile love unto thy Infant Days. Thou maiſt, perhaps, bé Merchandiſe for Slaves, who ſell their Asthors wits, and buy their Graves. Thou maiſt be cenfur’d guilty of that blame, which is the Midwifes fault, the Parents ſhame : Th014 maiſt be Talk for Tables, us'd for sport At Tavern-meetings, Paſtime for the Court. Thon mailt be torn by their malicious Phang's who ne're were taught to know & Parents Pangs: How cas’ly can proud Ignorance out-fare. The comlieft weeds thy. Poverty can wear? when all the siſters on our Iſis ſide Are oft livorn Servants to aſpiring Pride; And our renowned Mother Athens groans, To ſee her Garden ſet with Cadmus Sons, whoſe Birth is mutual Strife, whoſe Deſtiny Is only to be born, to fight, and die. Prometheus is chain’d faſt, and cannot move To steal a little Fire from mighty Jove, To People new the world, that we may ſee Our Mother teem with a new Progeny: And therefore with thy hapleſs Father prove To place thy Duty, where thor findeſt Love. when thou arrivſt at Court, thou long mayſt ſtay Some Friends alliſtance, to prepare thee way; As in a cloudy morning i have done, when envious Vapours Tout me from the Sun. --when all elſe enter, ſee thou humbly ftand, To beg a Kiſs from thy Mæcenas Hand: if Fre vouchlafe a Look to guild thy State, Proclaime Hins Noble, thy ſelf. Fortunate. 1 1 Y pre 1 . 1 A S. S. b Thc 1. ។ 1 1 Τ Η Ε AUTHOR'S COMPLAINT. on in theſe days are Artifs now regarded! No, not ſo much as oil or Ink rewarded. Tet shall a Sycophant, or Rhiming Knave, If be but Impudence and gay Clothes have, Car harp upon some ſcurr loses Jeft or Tale, (Though fifteen times told, and i' th city ſtale) Command a Great Mans Ear, perhaps be able To prefer Suitsy and elbow at his Table, Wear Speaking Pockets, boast whom he doth ſerve; when meriting Mex may either beg or ſtarve. Mean time we spend our fruitleſs Hours in vain. and Age of want and hunger doth complain. It grieves us now, although too late at laft, Our time in painful Studies to have past; and what a Folly 'tis we now have found, To caſt our Seed in an unfruitful Ground; That in time paßt we have laid xp no store, which might maintain us when our Heads be hoar ; And that our fbaken Veſſels, torn and thin, Can find no eafie Port to harbour in. Ther, barres Arts, seek out ſome other Friend; For i henceforth a thriving Courſe intend. None will with Violets my aſbes grace, Or ſtrew ſweet fragrant Rofes in the place. if any loves me, and intends to give, I wiſh to taſte his Bounty whilſt i live. what do I care, when Fates my Thred have fpur, Though Briars and Thorns may Grave ſball over-run, Impiger extremos currit Mercator ad Indos, Per marc paupcricm fugiens, pcr ſaxa, per ignes. 1 1 AN ! AN : I N D E X , SHE WING; The CONTENTS of the SEVEN BOOKS . 1 OF THE MARINER'S MAGAZINE, BOOK I. TH He Deſcription of Navigation in general. Page 1 Of what is needfub firft to be known in the Practick Part : And of the Compaſs; and bow to divide the Circles and Parts, 3 The Moon's Motion, and the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea. 6 ibid. The making a moſt uſeful Inſtrument for the Moon. ibid. The Variation-Compaſs, and the uſe thereof, in 10 Propoſitions. The finding the Golden Number, or Prime, and Epact, according to the Engliſh Accompt, and all other things relating to the Moon and Tides, Arithmetia cally. 9 The Practick Part of Navigation, in working a ship in all weathers and Conditions at Sea. Geometrical Definitions. Geometrical Problems. 28, to 43 Is, to 22 22 BOOK II. { TH He Argument, and Deſcription of Inſtruments in general., Page 45 Deſcription of the Fundamental Diagram, and Tables for the making of the Lines of Chords and Rumbs, as alſo of Sines, Tangents, and Secants Natural, on the Scale ; and of what Inſtruments you muſt be pro- vided with before you can make Inſtruments for Mathematical vſes. 47 The Explanation of the other half of the former Semicircle, being a Deſcri- ption of the Fundamental Diagram of the Dialling Scale on the Mathema- tical Ruler ; with a Table for the dividing of the Hours and Minutes on the fame; 4 Táble for the dividing of the Gnomon-line on the scale, called by fome a Line of Latitudes, as alſo a Table of Tangents for five Hours, to every five Minutes of an Hour, for the inlarging the Hour-line Scale. 55 The Scales or Lines on the back-ſide of the Mathematical Ruler, viz. A Line of Artificial Numbers, with a Table how to make the ſame. A Table of Artificial Tangents, and how to make the Line ; as alſo a Táble of Artifi- b 2 ciał The Contents ! 71 cial Sines; The making of Mercator's Meridian Line, by our Table of Meridional Parts, in Leagues and 10 parts of a League: And the Æquia noćtial is the Line of Equal parts, by which the Table of Numbers were taken out, and the Lines made by. Page 58 How to calculate and make & Table for the Diviſion of the scale of Redučtion, and the uſe thereof. 62 A Täble for the diviſion and making of the Artificial Rumbs, or Points, Halfs, and Quarters, on the Traverſe Scale. 63 How to make a Quadrant, which will reſolve many Queſtions in Aſtronomy by the help of an Index, and alſo very uſeful in Navigation ; with the uſe thereof in Aſtronomy and Navigation, in ſeven sections. 64 To find how many Leagnes do anſwer to every Rumb and Quarter, in fix Pro- poſitions in Navigation, 70 How to make a uſeful Protractor, The Projection of the Nocturnal, and the uſe thereof by the North Star. 73 How to uſe the Pole Stars Declination, and thereby to get the Latitude, with the Table. 74 How to make a moſt uſefal Inſtrument of the Stars on the back ſide of the No- Eturnal, and by it to know moſt readily when any of 31 of the moſt notable Stars will come to the Meridian, what Hour of the Night at anj time of the rear, at the first ſight; with a Table of the Longitude and Latitude from the beginning of the Year 1671; with the Right Aſcenſion and Declina- tion of 31 of the moſt notable fixed Stars, Calculated from Tycho his Ta- bles, Rectified from the Year of our Lord 1671. 76 The uſe of the moſt uſeful Inftrument of the Stars, how to know the Hour of the Night any Star comes to the Meridian in any Latitude ; and how to know what Stars are in Courſe at any Time or Day of the rear. 77 The Deſcription and uſe of 3 Stars.called the Croſiers. 78 A Deſcription of the making of the Croſs-ſtaff, and how to uſe the ſame fully. 79, to 85 A Deſcription and uſe of the Quadrant or Back-ſtaff, in ſix Propoſitions, de- claring the uſe thereof in all obſervations. The Deſcription and uſe of the moſt uſeful Quadrant for the taking of Alti- tudes of the Sun or Stars, on Land or Sea, backwards or forwards, or any other Altitude of Hills, Trees, Caſtles, or Things whatſoever. 92 A Conftant Kalendar or Almanack for 300 Years; but more exactly ſerving for 19 Years, being the Circle of the Moon, or the Golden Number; with new exact Tables of the Suns Declination, retified by the beſt Hypotheſis until the Leap-years, and the uſe thereof. IOI, to 122 1 85 } BOOK III. CHAP. I. F the Nature and Quality of Triangles. Page 123 CHAP. II. Containing the Doctrine of the Dimenſions of Right-lined Triangles, whether Right-angled cr oblique-angled; and the ſeveral Caſes therein reſolved, both by Tables, and alſo by the Lines of Artificial Numbers, Sines, and Tangents. 125 CASE I. In a Righe-angled Plain Triangle , the Baſe and the Angle at the 126 Bafe being given, to find the perpendicular, CASE II. 1 . 1 The Contents. Page 127 Case II. The Baſe aad the Angle at the Bafe being given, to find the Hy- pothennfal. Case III. The Hypothennfal and Angle at the Baſe being given, to find the Perpendicular. 128 CASE IV. The Hypothenuſal and Angle at the Baſé being given, to find the Bale. 129 CASE V. Let the perpendicular be the Difference of Latitude 253 Leagues, and the Angle at C béS WW1 deg. 45 min. Weſterly, or 58 deg. ler it be given to find the Hypothenuſal. 129 CASE VI. The Hypothenuſal or Diſtance failed, the perpendicular of Diffe- rence of Latitude given, to find the Kumb. 130 CASE VII. The Hypothennfal, and the Parallel of Longitude, and the Ra- dins given, to find the Rumb or Courſe failed. ibid. Case Vill. Having two Angles and a side oppoſite to one of them given, to find the side oppoſite to the other. 131 CASE IX. Two Sides and an Angle oppoſite to one of them being given, to find the Angle oppoſite unto the other. 132 CASE X. Having two sides and the Angle contained by them given, to find either of the other Angles. ibid. CAS E XI. Two sides and their contained Angle given, to find the third Side, 134 CASE XII. Three Sides of an Oblique Triangle being given, to find the Angles. ibid. Β ο ο κ ΙV. CHAP I. F Sailing by the Plain Chart, and the Uncertainties there- of ; and of Navigation, with its parts. Page 137 Queſtions of Sailing by the ordinary Sea-Chart. 140 CHAP. II. Declaring what muſt be obſerved by all that keep Accompt of a Ships way; and to find the true Point of the ship at any time, according to the Plain Chayt. 144 Directions how wę do keep our Reckoning's at Sea by the Log-board, and alſo by our Journal Book. 145 CHAP. III. A formal and exact way of ſetting down and perfekting a Sea-Reckoning: 1:47 A Traverſe-Table for every Point, Half-Point, and Oilarter-Point of the Compaſs, to the hundredth part of a League or Mile, which gives the Difference of Latitude and Departure from the Meridian. 149 Examples and uſe of the Tables, with a Journal from Lundy to Barbadoes by the Plain Chart. 153 The Plain Sea. Chart, and how to make it, and the uſe thereof. 156 CHA P. IV. How to correct the Accompt when the Dead Latitude différs from the Latitude by obſervation. 157 CHAP. V. Hopp to allow for known Currents , in estimating the ships Corrſe and Diſtance. CHAP. VI. Curious Queſtions in Navigation, and how to reſolve them Ge- ometrically and by Calculation. 161 . CHAP. VII. The diſagreement betwixt the ordinary Sea-Chart and the Globe 1 159, 160 1 1 A The Contents Globe; and the agreement betwixt the Globe and the True Sea-Chart, made after Mercator's way, or Mt. Edward Wright’s Projection ; with the uſe thereof Page 166 A Table of Meridional Parts to the tenth part of a League, and for every 10 Minutes of Latitude, from the Aquinoctial to the Poles, with the uſe thereof in Mercator's Sailing, Geometrically and by Calculation. 169 HA P. VIII. How to divide a Particular Sea-Chart according to Mercator and Mr. Wright's Projection. 174 CHAP. IX. The Proječtion of the Meridian-line by Geometry; and homo to make a Scale of Leagues for to meaſure Diſtances in any Latitude. 184,185 CHAP. X. The way of Sailing by a Great Circle. 176 CHA P. XL. How to find the true diſtance of Places, one of them having no Latitude, the other having Latitude and Difference of Longitude leſs than 180 deg. To find (1) Their Distance in a Great Circle, (2) The direct • Poſition of the firſt place from the ſecond, (3) And the ſecond place from the firſt. 179 GĦAP. XII. The Deſcription of the Globe in Plano, and the ſeveral com cluſions wrought thereby 189 CHAP. XIII. To Calculate the Arch of a Great Circle for every fifth or tenth Degree of Latitude or Longitude. CHAP. XIV. How by the scale of Tangents to make a part of the Globe in Plano, whereby goi may trace out the Latitudes to every Degree of Longi- tude, or every 5 or 10 Degrees, as neer as you will deſire, without Calcu- lation. 193 CHAP. XV. By the Latitude, and Difference of Longitude from the obli- quity, to find the true Great Circles Diſtance. 196 CHA P. XŅI. How to make the Trueſt sen-Chart, and the uſe thereof in Mercator's and Great Circle Sailing, called a General Chart. CHA P. XVII. How to keep a true and perfect Ses-Fournal by Plain Sailing and the True Sea-Chart, together with the Explanation thereof. CHAP. XVIII. A Deſcription of the Table of the Latitude and Longitude of Places, and the way how to find both. 192 200 202 3 206 7 BOOK V. 1 1 6 + CHAP. I. He Art of Surveying Land by the Azimuth or Amplitude Compaſs, with the Deſcription thereof; as alſo the Staff and chain, with the uſe thereof. Page 2 How to meaſure a Square piece of Ground. 4 To meaſure a Long Square piece of Ground by the Line of Numbers and Arith- metick, 5 Hew to meaſure a Triangular piece of Ground. How to meaſure a piece of Ground of four unequal Sides, called a Trapezia. ibid. How to meaſure a piece of Ground being a perfe&t Circle. 7 How to meaſure an Oval piece of Ground. 8 How to meaſure a piece of Ground lying in form of a Se&tor. ibid. To meaſure a piece of Ground being a Segment or part of a Circle. 9 Having the content of a piece of Groundin Acres, to find how many Perch of that Scale was concained in one Inch whereby. it was plotted. ibid. CHAP. II. ! 1 I 1 13. your I 26 27 29 The Contents . CHAP. II. How to take the plot of a Field at one ſtation, taken in the mid- dle thereof, by the Compaſs. Page 1 Chap. III. How to take the Plot of a Field at one ſtation, taken at any Angle thereof. CụAP. IV. How to meaſure an Irregular piece of Ground, by reducing the Sides into Triangles and Trapezia's, and how to lay is down in Field- Book. 14 CHAP. V. How to take the Height of Tenariffe, or any other iſland or Mountain, 18 CHAP. VI. How to find the diſtance of a Fort or Caſtle, or the breadth of a River; by two stations, with the Quantity of the Angle at each fta- tion, CHAP. VII. How to take the diſtance of divers Places one from another, and to protrakt as it were a Map thereof by the Compaſs and Plain Scale, 24 CHAP. VIII. The Art of Gauging of veſſels by the Line of Numbers, and the Lines on the Gauging Rod or Staff, and by Arithmetick. The true Content of a foli: Meafure being known; to find the Gauge-point of the ſame Meaſure. ibid. The Deſcription of the Gauging Rod or Staff. The Deſcriptiox of Symbols of words for brevity in Arithmetick. ibid. How to meaſure a Cubical Veſſel. 28 How to meaſure any Square Veſſel. ibid. How to meaſure a Cylinder Veſſel. How to meaſure a Veſſel in form of a Globe. ibid. How to meaſure a Barrel , Pipe, But, Puncheon, Hogſhead, or ſmall Cask. ibid. How to find the Quantity of Liquor in a Cask that is part full. 31 How to meaſure a Brewers Tun or Maſh-var. How to meaſure a Cone Veſſel. 33 How to meaſure a Segment of a Globe or Sphere. 34 How to reduce Ale-meaſure into wine, and likewiſe to reduce wine-gallons in- to Ale. ibid. How to meaſure a Brewers Oval Thn. ibid. Chap. IX. wherein is ſhewed, How to meaſure exactly all kinds of Plain Superficies, both by Arithmetick and Inſtrumentally. How to meaſure a wall of an Houſe in form of a long Square. ibid, How to meaſure Boards, Glaſs, Pavement, wainſcot, and the like. 39 How to meaſure folid Bodies, as Timber and Stone. ibid. To find how many Inches in-lexgth will make one foot of Timber, being alike 39 How to meaſure a Cylinder or a Tree whoſe Diameters at the ends be equal. 40 How to meaſure a round piece of taper Timber. 41 How to meaſure a Pyramidal piece of Timber. ibid. How to meaſure a Conical piece of Timber. 42 How to find the Burden of a ship. The Uſe of the Line of Numbers in Reduktion and the Rule of Three. 44 CHAP. X. Sect. 1. The Art of Gunnery, by a New-invented, uſefuls. and Portable Scale. 45 Scēt. 2. The Qualifications each Gunner ought to have, and his Duty and of- fice. ibid: Scct. 3. The Deſcription and uſe of the Gunners Scale on both sides. 47 Sect . 32 1 1 A 30 in the Squares. 43 1 1 The Contents Sect. 4. The Uſe of the Line of Numbers on the edge of the Scale, for the help of ſuch as cannot extract the Square and Cube Rööts. Page 49 Sećt. 5: As likewiſe how by the Logarithm Tables and Addition and Subjèracti- on, to Reſolve with wonderful eaſe all Concluſions in the Art of Gunnery: 50 Sca.6. The Geometrical finding the Diameter for the weight of any shot af- Signed. :51 Sect. 7. How to find what Proportion is between Bullets of Iron, Lead, and Stone ; by knowing the weight of one shot of Iron, to find the weighi of another Shot of Lead, Braſs, or Stone, of the like Diameter. :53 Sect, 8. How by knowing the weight of one Piece or Ordnance, to find the weight of another piece of the ſame ſhape, and the Same Metal, or any other Metal. 54 Sect. 9. How to make a shot of Lead and Stone in the ſame Mold, of the same Diameter as the Iron Shot is of. 55 Sect. 10. Hon by knowing what Quantity of Powder will load one Piece of Ordnance, to know how much will load any other Piece whatſoever. 56 How to make the true Difpart of any true boared Piece of Ordnance, or other. wiſe, to know whether the Piece be Chamber-boared. 57 To know what Diameters every shot meiſt be.of to fit any Piece of Ordnance. 58 To find what Flaws, Cracks, or Honey-combs are in any piece of Ordnance; and likewiſe to find whether a Piece of Ordnance be true boared, or no. ibid. of Iron Ordnance, what Quantity of Powder to allow for their Loading ; and what Powder to allow for Ordnance not true boared. 61 How Molds, Forms, and Cartrages are to be made for any ſort of Ordnance. 63 How to make Ladles, Rammers; Sponges, for all ſorts of Ordnance and how the Carriage of a piece ſhould be made. ibid. How much Rope will make Britching and Tackle for any Piece. what Powder is allowed for Proof, and what for Astion. ibid. The difference between common Legitimate Pieces, and Bastard Pieces. ibid. How Powder is made, and the ſerveral ways to know when it is decaying. 65 How to make excellent good Match; and how to make Powder that it shall not waſte with Time, and how to make good that which is bad, and how to make Powder of divers Colours. 66 Several ſorts of Saltpetre, and how to make an excellent fort, very eaſie, and leſs Charge; and how to load and fire a piece of Ordnance like an Artiſt.67 The difference of shooting by the metal , and by n Diſpart, by Right Ranges, and at Random; with the Figures thereof, 68 How to make a good shot to any place aſſigned; out of any Gun. 70 How to make an effectral Shot out of a piece of Ordnance at Random. 72 How to find the Right Line or Range of any shot diſcharged out of any Piece, for every Elevation, by one Right or Dead Range given for the Piece allign- ed: And to know how much of the Horizontal Line is contained under the Right Line of any shot made out of any Piecè, at any Elevation. 74 of the violent, crooked, and natural Motion or Courſe of a Shot, diſcharged 011t of any piece of ordnance aſſigned. 75 How to make a Gunners Ruler, and how to divide the ſame, by the help of Table, fitting it for any Piece ; and how to give Level with the Gunners Kuler at any Degree of Random How to give Level to a piece of Ordnance without the Gunners Rule. How to make a shot at the Enemies Light inshe Night: 79 64 . + 76 1 How t 1 The Contents, How to ſhoot perfeitly at a Company of Foot or Horſe, or a ship under fail. P.79 How the Same Powder in weight ſhall carry the shot more cloſe or ſcattering: And how a shot that ſticketb falt within the Concavity of the Piece, that cannot be driven home, may be ſhot out without any harm to the Gunner ; and what difference there is in ſhooting out of one piece ſeveral shots tóa gether. ibid. Sect . 46. How to weigh ships that are funk, or Ordnance isnder Water ; or to know what empty'Cask will carry any ſort of Ordnance over a River. 80 How many Oxen, Horſes, or Men, will ſerve to draw a piece of Ordnance. 81 How Gunners may take a plot of their Garriſon, and every Object therein, 'or ncer it. ibid. ARTIFICIAL FIR E-WORKS, -U Deſcription of the Mortar-piece: How to make one of wood and Paſte-board: ü How to fit and prepare Granadoes for the Mortar-piece: How to make 83 How to make Granadoes of Canvas for the Mortar-piece ; and how Granadoes are to be charged in a Mortar-piece, and fired. 84 How to make Hand. granadoes, to heave by Hand. How to make Fiery Arrows or Darts, like Death-Arrows Heads. ibid. How to make Fiery Pots of clay, and Powder Cheſts. How to make Artificial Fire-works for Recreation and Delight. ibid. How to make Compoſition for Rockets of any ſize, and how to fire them. 87 How to make Fiery Serpents and Rockets that will run upon a Line, and return again; and how to make Fire-wheels, as ſome call them; Girondels. 88 How to make divers Compoſitions for Stars, and the uſe of them. 89 How to repreſent divers forts of Figures in the Air with Rockets. ibid. How to make silver and Golden Rain, Fire-Lances, and Balloons for the Mor. tar-piece; and the Figures of the moſt uſeful forts of fire-works, and the Explanation thereof. 90 Moſt Precious Salves for Burning by Fire. 91 Fuces. 1 85 86 } 5 BOOK VI. 1 97 101 TH He Projection of the sphere by Tangents and half Tangents. 94 The Rudiments of Aſtronomy put into plain Rimes. 95 The Definitions of the Circles of the sphere, and Imaginary Circles, which are not deſcribed in a Material sphere or Globe. ' The Projection of the sphere in Plano, repreſented by the Analemına; and the Points and Circles before deſcribed in a Convex and a Concave Sphere, by Chords and Sines, and likewiſe reſolved by Chords and Tangents. How to Calculate the suns true place, and the Table of his mean Motion. 105 Probl. 2. The Suns diſtance from the next Æquinoctial Point, and his great- eft Declinatiombeing given, to find the Declination of any point required. 107 Probl. 3. Having the Suns greateſt Declination, and his diſtance from the next Aquinoctial Point, to find his Right Aſcenſion. 108 Probl. 4. The Elevation of the Pole and Declination of the Sun being given, to find the Aſcenſional Difference. 109 C Probl. 5. 1 … The Contents III IIZ Probl. 5. The Suns Righi Aſcenſion, and his Aſcenſional Difference being given, to find his oblique Aſcenſion and Deſcenſion. Page 110 Probl. 6. To find the time of Sun-riſing and ſetting, with the length of the Day and Night. ibid. Probl. 7. The elevation of the Pole and the Declination of the Sun being gi- ven, to find his Amplitude, and by it to know the Variation. Probl. 8. Having the Latitude of the place and the Suns Declination, to find when the sun comes to the due Eaſt and weſt. Probl. 9. The Elevation of the Pole and the Declination of the Sun being gi- ven, to find the Suns Altitude when he comes due Eaſt and weſt. ibid. Probl. io. The ſame being given, to find his Altitude at the hour of fix.113 Probl. 11. The Same being given, to find his Azimuth at the hour of fix. ib. Probl. 12. Having the Latitude of the place, and the Suns Declination, and his diſtance from the Meridian being given, to find the Suns Altitude at anytime aligned. 114 Probl. 13. The Latitude of the place, and the Suns Altitude and Declination being given, to find the Suns Azimuth, and by it hope to find the Varia ation. I 18 Probl. 15. How to find the Altitude of the Sun by the shadow of a Gnomon ſet perpendicular to the Horizon,by Scale and compaſs , as alſo by Calculatiox. Probl. 16. Having the Latitude of the place, the Declination of the Sun, and the Suns Altitude, to find the hour of the day, Probl. 17. Having the Azimuth of the Sun, and his Altitude, to find the hour of the day. I24 Probl. 18. Homo to find the Right Aſcenſion of a Star, and the Declination of 4 Star, having the Longitude and Latitude of the Star given. ibid. Probl. 19. Having the Declination and Right Aſcenſion of a Star, to find the Longitude and Latitude thereof. Probl, 20. Having the Meridian Altitude of an unknown Star, and the di- ſtance thereof from a known Star, to find the Longitude and Latitude of the unknown Star. 128 Probl. 21. To find the Parallax of Altitude of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. 131 S I22 123 126 1 BOOK VII. T 2 5 1 He Fundamental Diagram of the Dialling Scale, and the Argument. P.1 The Preface of the kinds of Dials and Theorems premiſed. How to make the Polar or Æquinoctial Dial, and how to place it. How to make the Æquinoctial Diab, or Polar Plane, Geometrically, and by cal- culation. 8 How to make the Eaſt Æquinoctial Dial, or the Weſt, Lat. 51 d. 30 m. 9 How to make a Vertical Horizontal Dial. How to make a South inclining 23 deg. in Latitude 5ı d. 30 m. 14 How to obſerve the Declination of any Declining Plane. 15 How to take the Declination of any wall or Plane, without the help of a Needle or Load-ſtone. How to make a Declining Horizontal Dial, or South erect declining from the South Eaſtward. 17 II .. 16 TO 1 The Contents. 21 22 1 38 To find how much time the Subſtiler is diſtant from the Meridian, or Inclina- tion of Meridians, Geometrically and by Calculation. 18 How to draw the Hour lines in a Declining Horizontal Plane, or South Erect declining 32 d. 30 m, from the South Eastward. 19 How to obſerve the Reclinationer Inclinatioñijf any Plane: How to draw Hour-lines in all Declining Reclining Inclining Planes. ibid. How to deſcribe the sphere or Diagram. How to make a North or South Reclining Dial 23 How to make an Eaſt and weſt Reclining or. Inclining Dial. 25. How to find the Arches and Angles that are requiſite for the making of the Re- clining Declining Dials. 27 How to draw the Reclining Declining Dial. 30 How to find the Horary diſtance of a Reclining Declining Dial. 31 How to know in what country any Declining Dial ſhall ſerve for a Vertical.33 How to find the Arches and Angles which are requiſite in a North Decliner Re- cliner, and a South Decliner Incliner. ibid. How to draw the Declining Inclining Dial. 36 How to know the fundry forts of Dials in the Fundamental Diagram of the Sphere. 37 How other Circles upon the Sphere may be deſcribed upon Dials, beſides the Me- ridians. How to deſcribe on any Dial the proper Azimuths and Almicantars of the plane. How to deal with Declining, Reclining, or Inclining Planes, where the but of Small Elevation. ibid. How to inlarge the Hours of any Plane. 40 How to make a Vertical Dialupon the Cieling of 1 Floor within doors, where the direct Beams of the Sun never come. 42 u Table for the Altitude of the Sun in the beginning of each sign, for all the Hours of the Day, for the Latitude of sid. 30 m. 44 How to make an Univerſal Dial on a Globe, and how to cover it if need re- quires. 45 How to make a North Dial for the Cape of Good Hope, in South Latitude 35 deg. and Longitude 32 deg. 54 min. to the Eaſtward of the Meridian of the Lizard. How to find the Hour of the Night by the Moon Shining upon a Sun-dial. 48 How to find the Hour of the Day or Night by a Gold Ring and a silver Bowl, or Braſs, Glaſs, or Iron veſſel. How to Paint the Dials that you make, and faſter the Gnomons in wood or 49 The uſe of the Tables of Artificial Sines and Tangents, The Uſe of the Logarithme Numbers. Next follow the Tables. After them is an Abridgment of Caſtom-Laws in Navigation. And laſt of all is annexed, A Compendium of Fortification both Geometrically and Inſtrumentally. 39' 1 46 ibid. Stone. go 51 1 1 t 5 с 2 To 1 6 ! + --- 1 TO THE 1 Truly Induſtrious, and Highly Deſerving of Engliſh-men Captain SAMUEL STURM Y. On his Excellent and Elaborate Treatiſe, Entituled, THE MARINERS MAGAZINE, GC c. IF F'Earth and Water make one Globe, then he Had brave Columbus worn lo peor a Soul, Muſt like a Stranger to his Country be, Or bold Americus a Brain ſo Foul, That's ignorant in Navigation; Or Noble Cabot of that Temper been, And is indeed the out-ſide of a Man. The Indies to this Day had not been ſeen For he that's truly Microcoſmical, By brisk Europeans! whereas nore the Name Omns Noah's Ships, as well as Adam's Fall. Of Worthy Columb, gives the Spaniards Fame; The Sun and Man (they say) beget a Man: Americus the Portugals; and Cabot pields A Menſal-Line appends to David's Span: Stout Albion Honour, all its Glories guilds. who thinks by Rctail.pow'r his Kind to keep, who breaks the Ice in any Great Deſign, And merrily expoſe the Sun to Sleep, And happy Actions unto Judgement joyn) May of a Kingdom soon a Cortage make, Deferu's to wear their Countries brighter Bays!. And Fences build to't, without Wall or Scake. Who Perfects it, merits Immortal Praiſe. Nature requires no Miracles, but proceeds Then thank our painful Author, thu imparts In Order, by Fit Cauſes, as the needs. Unto the World his choice and dear-bought Arts; And he's the true Philoſopher, who views Whereby our ruder Underſtandings may Earth, Sea, dnd Sky; not he on Earth doth Muſe. Gain Knowledge in the Mathematick way: Can any by one Seaſon underſtand No Spot on Earth, no part of Sea or Sky, That this onr Earth, Four diff'rent ones command ? | But by this Book Men may learn to Survey. Or that Phyſician reach Anatomy, Horologie (an Art fo highly priz'd, who knows nor Bladder or Emunctory? And by Sumse Nacions almoſt Idoliz'd!) Or can tbe Ableft-Theoriſt deny Is here so plainly taught, that Vulgar Men That Juſt Experience's witneſs’d by the Eye? May Dials make, although they ſcarce know Pen. who to such Sopliſtry their Reaſon bow, Now Hogen-Friar's Skill muft be laid by, Lift Failax up, and ſet the Truth lelow. li's far out-done by th' Author's Gunnery. In Schools, I hold Theorick Knowledge good; Merchants and Sea-men here their Cuſtoms learn, l'th' World, it leads our Senſes in a Wood. Their Juſter Laws from Tyranny diſcorn. The ačtive Soul txkes nothing upon Truſt, N. Book ſo comprehnlive in our Tongse But proves its Trutlı: while duller Wights in Ruſt As This. But left my ruder Lines do wrong, And Sloth conſume their Time:Their empty Faith I will retire, and leave Thar to its Fare, Believes all true, whatever any faith. which I fore-ſec will be moft Fortunate, Thus Three parts of the World (in Error grown!) 'Gainſt Practick-knowledge vouch Opinion. John Gadbury, Φλόμαθηματικός. $ 1 A 1 t 1 2 1 A FRIENDLY ADVERTISEMENT TO THE Navigators and Mariners of ENGLAND, BRETHREN, He Duties of a Friend and the Properties of a Flatterer do dif- fer ſo greatly, that a Man cannot perform the Office of the one, but he muſt renounce the Practice of the other; And a very Fountain it is, from whence many Miſchiefs do ſpring and overflow the wretched Life of Mankind, that the true dealing of Friends is moſt commonly unpleaſant and hateful; but the ſoothing of Flatterers is become plauſible, and much ſer by: In reſemblance they bear many times like ſhow; but in purpoſes they always differ. A true friend will ſometimes commend and praiſc divers things in his Friend; and ſo will alſo che Flaccerer, in thoſe whom he followeth. The one commendech that which in Judgment lie thinketh commenda- ble, to the end that his Friend ſhould ſtill proceed in Actions worthy of Commenda- tions; the other commendeth even choſe things many times which in his heart he dotli, deteſt, to the cnd that he may ſooth up the Humour of the Party. A faithful Friend, what he diſallows in his Judgment of his Friend, he will be earneſt with him to ſee the fault, to the end the Party may amend, and give no advantage to his Enemy: The Flatcerer' ſometimes, though ſeldom, will alſo diſcommend, but evermore crifling matters ; fearing ty offend the Party, if he ſhould touch him ; fo counterfeiting in cere Love (the Badge only of true Friendſhip) and ſo leavechi che Party, thus abuſed, to the ſcorn and reproach of the Adverſary, reaping the Commodity wnich he looked for, as clie only end of his deſire. I do not think that there is any Man, that either regardech Gods Glory, or cſteem- echi of Hamane Society, but holdeth our Art worthy to be numbred with the moſt excellent that are exerciſed among men; and clierefore ic is great reaſon the Practicers of ic thould be had in greater reputation than they be now adays. Neither is chere 211y other Art wherein God Mhewech his Divine Power ſo manifeſtly, as in ours; pet- miccing unto uis certain Rules to work by, and increaſing of them from time to ciine, growing ſtill onwards towards perfection, as the World doth towards its end; and reſerveth ſtill unco himſelf the managing of the whole, that when we have done what we can, according to the Skill we have already, or may have by any thing that we may learn hereafter, yer always will God make it manifeft, That'he alone is Lord - and Ruler of Sca and Land; That all Storms and Tempeſts do but fulfil his will and pleaſure, who oftentimes adminiſtrech many helps, beyond all expectation, when the Art of Man utterly faileth ; which is lively expreſſed in Pſalm 107. where is nothing omitted which is neceſſary, nor any thing affirmed but that which the continual ex- perience of aur daily dangers do proclaim to be true. Oʻihat ive that see his wondrous Works in the Diep, would therefore praiſe the Lord for his Mercies, and ſhew forth his Wonders beforc the Children of Men; that we might once learn, That the Pear of the Lord is the beginning of wiſdom. Moſt undoubtedly then would our Art flouriſh, our Voyages proſper, and have better ſucceſs ; yea, our felves would be more cſteemed and honoured of all men. Whercas now the profane Lives, and brutiſh Behaviour of too too many of our Trade, doth ſomewhat eclipſe the Glory of the Profeſſion it felf. Beſides other manifold puniſhments , God ſtrikech ſome of us with the Spiric of Blindneſs, as no mon living, of any Trade whatſoever, are to be found ſo ignorant as many of us are: lo ſenſeleſs are we in our own defects, fo V yer 1 1 A A Friendly Advertiſement, cc. ful unto him for it. Farewel. folitde deſirous to amend them , Yea, and ſome of us of the greateſt Skill and Pra- ctice are ſo loch to give God his due Glory, that many times labouring to ſuppreſs it, we make Shipwreck of our own Credits and Repucations, which otherwiſe of right might accrew unco us. When we have performed a long Voyage, of great difficulties, wherein many a time and oft we have been at our wits end, and knew not which way in the World to turn our ſelves, God delivering us beyond our cxpectation, as our Conſciences can witneſs; yet when the danger is once paſt, and that liome we be come, We take it as a blemiſh of our Eſtimations, and a great Impeachiment to our Credits, to give God the Praiſe, and yield him Thanksi imagining that would derogate too much from the Admiracion which we ſo greedily hunt after among Men. But let me give you one Example of this Ingratitude to God, on à Voyage from the Weſt-Indies , in the Society of Zepham, a Ship that I had command of . It pleaſed God by a vio- lone Storm and Sea,' 500 Leagues from England, we loſt all our Maſts, and were le- veral ciines like to founder our Ship: It pleaſed God that little Proviſion we made for Sail, and the miſchievous Storm continuing, turned to our good; for the Wind was fair, buc the Sea ſo dangerous and gronc, that we could noć Scud or Sail but ſome- times; hur in good time it brought us fafe into the foreſaid Harbour of Toplam, And in our diſtreſs our Men were very mindful of Prayer, as all are; but coming to our deſired Port, I deſired them to return our gracious God Thanks, wich mc, for our great Deliverance : Some were willing, but two rcfuſed; whereupon I told them, That when they were next in diſtreſs, it may be God would refuſe them helpor den liverance : And ſo it fell out; for William Witheridge of Kenton in Devonſhire was drowned at Billoa the next Voyage following, and the other was drowned at London. Therefore let me adviſe all, to have a care not to be ungrateful to God. tve of this Na. There are many men that perform long Voyages God knoweth how, but not they tion are toomuch themſelves; yet will ſwear and ſtarc, crack and boaſt, That they have done all things given to admire according to Art; and tell a Tale to Strangers at home, of ſuch Ġulfs and ſwift Cur- God made, to ſhadow their Ignorance, and rob God of his coatema our own rents, more than ever God made, to thadow Countrg.meile Praiſe : But yet for the Navigators and Mariners of England, I do hope and verily believe in my Conſcience, That divers of them do fear God unfeignedly, and do as much diſlike the diffolute courſe of the common fort, as any men can: And I do nothing doubt, although the number of ſuch are too few in our Nation, yer are they more than any Nation in the World can ſhew beſides. However, two things arc greatly wiſh'd by all our Well-willers ; An Increaſe in us of the true Fear of God, and a careful Diligence in us in things belonging to our Art. Where che Fear of God is not, no Art can ſerve the curn; for that were to make of Art an Idol: And yet all thoſe that fear God, muft take heed that they do not tempt God ; and therefore ought they to uſc Art, as the means that God hath ordained for their benefit , and be thank- 1 + 1 Yeurs, From my Houſe and Study at St. Georges, or Pill, neer Briſtol, November 12. 1 667. SAMUEL STURMI. Errata. + 1 1 ERRA TA; ". Courteous Reader, I NÅwork of this Nature it is impoſſible to eſcape Miſtakes, the which Man-kind could nevër totally evade fince the first lapſe. of his Great grandfather Adam. I hope I ſhall obtain your pardon therefore, though this preſent Tract bath some few Typographical Errors, which yer are not many, nor conſiderable, though the Ampbor were far remote from the Preſs all the while. I have bere given thee notice of as many as I could here readily efpy; If those findeſt any other, I deſire thy favourable Cenſure, and that thou wouldeſt correct theſe in wanner Following. In the Firſt, Second, Third, and Fourth Books. Page 1 6. line 3. for when I al Sea, read mpērc I. et Sex. 135.for baft of r. bamplaft, p.19.1.22.for all the amo! 1.35. for therefore's the fore, 1.41, for 2.1454 muſt, p.18.1.5. for laugbtr.caughi, 1.45. for Laught r. taught, p.19. 13.for Private r. Priuaicer, p.20.1.17.for Guns 6. Graner, P-34.1.6.for flate flat.p541.10.for inexed r. invet. ed, p.61.1.10. in the Table of Sincs againft 40 m. puc in 1121 P.640.114 for firfc. fth, p.145. the laſt Courſe but one upon the Log-board, for S E, B r. S , L; chc laſt Courſe on thc log board, for S'Eg knots r. S EO Inols, P.146.1.47.for the wind at IS and E S E s. the wind at SSE and S S W the ship made Leeward way, the Table at the fifth Courſe, for N by w r. NN 450.160.1.5 3.for N Sr.NE, p.162.1.3.for Arabicala ig c, analytically, p.174.1 40.for su parts, p.117.1.4.for legree s. degrees pigs.1.46,for 20 deg. of Lor. gitude s. 30 deg.30 m. of Latitude, p.200.1.38. for letr. fet. In the Fifth and Sixch Books. 1 . 1 P.2.1.44. for Verafter r.Peraator, p.4. the Square ABCD ſhould be a Geometrical Square of equal fides, pa 7,8,9. Tone figures in the Sims of Diviſion are ſet our of order,.p.24.11 1. for rotract r.protraft, marg.for having done rohanging down, p.ioz.1.1.for cóxvex r.concave. In the Seventh Book. In cic.p.for Gomical r,Gromorical, for Gromicaļ r. Gnomonical. p.8.1.23. for C H 1.CG, p.12. in the Dial chere waars the letter E toward the top of the Scile; p.13ichis ſhould be added to Chap. 8. for the North and Southerca Dial. Stile 38 deg.. 30 min. To Calculate the Hour-Lines. Angle of the Arch 0x the Hour, Plaxe Hohys. d. m. d. m : 12 O O 1 As the Radius, To the Stiles Height 38 d. 30, So the Tangent of the Hour, To the diſtance from the Meridian. 9 28 / IS 30 45 60 75" 90 19 54 31 54 9 3 4 S 6 66 42 90 O P.18. in the Figure, C is wanting in the Center, p. 19.1.7. for Br H, and ſome ſmall Lercers are wanting in the Hour Scale, p.23.1.9.for Fir, EW, 1.8.for continue r. contain, 1.2 1. for tbird Poirit to three points, p 286 1.1. for Fler. F Lé, p. 30 Pis wanting at the edge of the Srile, P.31 . 1.34. for os r. as; for FORC gr. FORel. p.34. in the Dial, for er. CP.40. in the Dial, che Letter 1 is wanting at the Interfe&tion of the Line F B A with the Hour-line of 5. P 40.1.14. for Rr, little i. 1. 16. for ERC. É r. p.41. in the Dial, for K make B. p.43. in the Dial, for 4 make q. 4 1 I thought Good to advertiſe thoſe that have occaſion for any Inſtruments mentioned in this Book, or any other for the Mathematical Practice, either in Silver, Braſs, or Wood, they may be exactly farniſhed by Mr. Walter Hayes at the Croſs-daggers in Moor-fields, next door to the Popes Head Tavern, where they may be furniſhed with all ſorts of Carpenters Rules, Poft and Pocket Dials for any Latitude, at reaſonable Rates. THE ។ 1 1 - . • Τ THE AUTHOR 1 4 Implores Aid of GOD'S EVERLASTING FOUNTAIN . : C 1 OH H! All-fufficient Fountain, Lord of Light, Without whoſe gracious Aid and conſtant Sprite NO Labours proſper, homſoe're begun, But fly like Mifts before the Morning-Sun. 0, raiſe my Thoughts, and cleer my Apprehenfion; Pour down thy Spirit on my weak Invention : Be thouthe Load-ftar to my wandring Mind, New rigg'd, and bound upon a new Deſign ; O, fill my-Canvas with a proſperous Wind, Grant that of thee I may Aſsiſtance find: So bleſs my Talent with a fruitful Loan That it at leaſt may render Two for One. THE 1 . ! ነ 1 1 CHAP. I. The Compleat MARINER, OR + NAVIGATOR I The Firſt Book. CHAP. I. The Argument by Deſcription of the Art of Navigation in general. AVIGATION of all Arts and Sciences (ſetting Divinity aſide) hath much reaſon to have the preheminence, it being of ſuch neceſſary and publick Concernment; and what uſe there is made of ic by Seamen at this preſent, as well as hach been in times paſt, All men know, to whom the Countries are beholden for their good Service, whoſe Courage hath kept Great Britain, Queen and Regent of the Sea, and deſerves it well, in reſpect of the skill and Valour of her Mariners, and Goodneſs and Number of her Ships. I wiſh as long as the Sun and Moon endures, That they may maintain their Courage, and improve their Art, as they ever have, againſt all Nations that have been England's Enemies; and ever may they crown their Undertakings with everlaſting Credit. The Art of Navigation being ſuch, I think I may be bold to affirm without pre- fumption, This Art is more neceſſary for the well-being and honour of our Nation, than any other Art or Science Mathematical, which is inore carefully kept in the Uni- verſities. Look upon Grammar, Rhetorick, and Logick; theſe are but Introductions to other Arts; Mufick is but of little uſe. The chief Profeſſions now in the Univerſities are Phyfick and Law. Without en- vy be it ſpoken, we may as well live as the ancient Romans without Phyſicians, and as honeſt Neighbours without Lawyers, better than without skilful Seamen, which are che chief Importers of our Wealth, and Supporters of our Warfare. Beſides that, of all Mathematical Sciences and Arts profeſſed in the Univerſities, of this Art of Navigation is inade the moſt gencral and proficable uſe; for what can the Scholar make of his Geometry, with all the nice and notional Problems thereof; of Aftronory, with all his curious Speculations about the motion of the Planets , wịchouc they be applied to ſome more Mechanical and Practical Arts, as Coſmography, Geograa phy, Surveying, Dyalling, Architetture, Military Employments, which ſhall in ſome meaſure (ſufficient for the help of Mariners) bc ſhewn in the following Treatiſe, wherein it will appear, That the Art of Navigation comprehends them all in the uſe thereof And thoſe that will be comipleat Sea-Ariiſts, had need to endeavour to have ſome skill and underſtanding in moſt of theſe Arts, namely, the Theorick and Practick parts, whereby they may be fully informed of the Compoſition of the Sphere in ge- neral; and in particular for the Figure, Number, and Mution made in the Heavens by cho or 14 B ! 1 The Compleat Mariner. 2 BOOK I. the higheſt Movcable called Prime Mobile, and likewiſe of the firſt, fourth, eighth, and ninth Heavens. It will alſo inform them how the Elements are diſpoſed, with their quantities and ſcituations, cſpecially in the Compoſition of the Sphere of the World, which is cominonly underfood to be the whole Globe of the Hcavcns; with all that therein is contained; which is divided into two parts; Elemental and Çæbeſti- al. The Elemental liath again four parts , viz. The firſt is the*Earth, which ebgether with Elie Water, as the ſecond, maketh a perfe&t Round Globe, thereupon we dwell; therefore the Nature and Circles which are ſuppoſed to be contained in that Sphere, are fit to be known. The next is the Air, comprehending the Earth; and the fourth the Fire, which according to the opinion of Philoſophers containcth the ſpace which is between the.Aizand the Heavens, or Circle of the Moon. Out of cliefe Elements; which are the beginning of all things that are ſubject to change, together with the warinth of the Heavens, all things do come forth; and decay, as we ſee and find upon the Earth, by the continual Change and Motion of the One into the other. The Cæleftial part ( containing within the concavity thercof the Elementaltis tranſparent and perſpicuous, ſhining, ſevered, and free from all mutability; and is divided into cight Spheres, of round hollow Globes, which are called Heavens, vlereof the greateſt doch contain tie next unto it Globe-like; the ſeven Inferior ljave in cach of them but one Star or Planet only, thereof the firſt (the next to the Earth) is the Heaven of the Moon ; The ſecond of Mercury; The third of Venus; The fourth of the Sun; The fifth of Mars; The ſixch of Jupiter ; The ſeventh of Saturn; And the cight of all the Fixed Stars, The number of thele Hermens are kuown by their Courſes round about the Poles of the Zodiack. The Moon rünnctlı through her Heaven by her Natural Courſe froin the Weſt to the Eaſt in 27 days 8 ho. Mercury, Venus, and the Sun, their courſe in a year, and ſome leſs than a ycar ; Mars his courſe in two years, Jupists in 12, and Saturn in 30 years; The Eiglith Heaven, according to the Obſervation of Tycho Brahe, in 25400 years. Theſe Heavens are carried all together in 24 Hours upon tlie Poles, about the Axle- tree of the World thorow the ninth Heavcıl, by vcrtuc of the Primum Mobile; that is, the Firſt Moveable; by which Morion to 'our appcarance is cauſed the Day and Night, and the daily Riſing and Setting of the Celeſtial Lights; But more of this in another place, for here I have made a Digreſſion. So that 110 Art is more capacious; and were the Excellency well underſtood, and put in practice, as it might be ( as Mr. Philips ſajthi in the like caſe) 110 Employment would be more honourable and advantageous for the moſt generous Gentleman, and Learned Student, than this of Navigation ; thus it was in eſteem in the days of Qucen Elizabeth, T When Drake and Candiſh Sayld the World about, And many Hero's fossnd new Countries out, To Britain's Glory, and their lasting Fame; Were me like-minded, we might do the ſame. ; 1 The Practick part of Navigation is properly placed in making and uſing of Inſtru- ments, which is thewn in the ſecond Book. Yet there is a certain Compoſition in the Practick, more rare than all the reſt, in the compleat Sca-Artiſt; and that is the right Words and Phraſes uſed in guiding, governing, and conſtraining, to perform the expert Navigator's pleaſure in the Sca; In ruling the unparallelld Fabrick of a gallant Ship, which hath been omitted by moſt men that have writ of this Art; therefore I ſhall explain it with my Pen, becauſe I know with proper Phraſes how to pçrforin it, not hindring any other, as they not me, to ſhew truly and lively their skill in controlling, guiding, and working a Ship, according to all Weachers at Sea; although it be of no uſe to Sea-men, that have been all their lifc-time at Sea: but for Gentlemen on Sliore to read for their Recreation, the Words of Command ac Sea, which may be delightful unto them. But for experienced Sca-men , they have all thoſe things imprinted in them, and make uſe thereof according as their buſineſs Thall fall out at Sea, but after the ſame manner. In regard all Arts and Sciences are divided into two principal parts, that is, the Theorick and Pračtick, I tooke upon me to demonſtrate according to my ability, which CHAP. II. The Compleat Mariner, 3 which will give the moſt reaſonable men facisfaction; for the unreaſonable, I care not a fig for them; for I know it to be impoſſible for any man to be a compleat Sea- man, wherein this Knowledge is wanting, they being both inſeparable Companions which always wait upon Perfection. I ſhall draw out the Deſcription in as ſmall a compaſs as it can be, and haſten to the moſt material Practice. CHAP. II. of what is needful firſt to be known in the Praktick Part of the Compaſs, and how to divide the Circles and Parts. T 1 rence. HE principal Hand-maids that expert Sca-men are furniſhed with, that their Undertakings may be crowned with everlaſting Credit are theſe, viz. Arith- metick, Aſtronomy, Geometry, and the Mathematiques. By the operation of theſe loving Siſters, and excellent Arts, as hath been ſaid, Navigation is daily pra- cticed by expert Sea-men : but much abuſed by hundreds of ignorant Affes, that know nothing what belongs to them, yet do undertake Voyages, to direct a ship naviga- ble upon the Terreſtrial Globe, reſting wholly upon favourable Fortune, which hath made ſome of them famous ;- but many times diſaſterous Periods have ended their Undertakings, with the loſs of many mens Goods and Lives; which yet I muſt confeſs have and do happen to the beſt, bue not ſo often as to them by great diffe- But to come to the Subſtance of what is here intended, I would have it to be underſtood, That he that intendcth the Art of Navigation, háth Arithmetick in readineſs. If he want it, he may be inſtructed by divers Books now excant, as Rea cord, Blandevill, and Mr. William Leybourn's Arithmeticks. As for the Mathemacical and Aſtronomical Knowledge, ſo much as is uſeful for Sca-inen, will be ſhown in the Projection and uſe.of divers Inſtruments, which will after follow in its due place. In ahis Treatiſe we will come to the Sea-Compaſs, chat we may proceed in a regular form. The knowledge of it is the root of that famous Art we chiefly treat of, and preſents himſelf as the firſt Principle framed bý: God in the Operation and Nature of the Magnet, which being in its quality beyond our capacities , yet it is the firſt thing to be learned and underſtood, it being the foundation to all the following Concluſions, and is firſt caught to our Youchs ånd Boys which are intended for Navigators. They are caught firſt to know the Point on the Card, and by what Name it is called, and to lay it perfectly backwards and forwards; and to know that to every Point of the Compaſs there is allowed for Time of an Hour, which is 11 Degrees Is Minutes ; and how to number the Hours from the North and South, either Eaſtward or Weſt- ward readily to anſwer as ſoon as demanded: As alſo to know how the Ship Capes; that'is, to know the Point of the Compaſs chat looks ſtraight forwards to the Head of che Ship: As likewiſe to know upon what point of the Compaſs the Wisid blows overs that is, if the Wind be at North, it blows over the toward the South; and ſo of the reſt. So we teach them to know what Point the Sun is on; That in England a South-eaſt Sun on the Aguator "makes 9.24' of the Clock; and when he is South, makes 12 of the Clock; and South-weſt, 2. 36 of the Clock. As alſo they learn to ſet the Moon in the ſame manner on the Full and Change-days, to know the Tides by, as ſhall be ſhewed. The Compals we Secer our Ships by, is only a Circle of ſome 8 inches diameter ; and is divided into 32 Points, which have ſeveral denominacions, as you may ſee ex- preſſed in the Figure. The whole Circle is divided into 360 degrces, and 24 liours: The Compaſs contains alſo 16 diſtinct Rhombs or Courſes; for each ſeveral Courſe hath two Points of the Compaſs, by which it is expreſſed. As for example, Where there is any place ſcituated South-eaſt, in reſpect of another place, we ſay the Rhomb or Courſe that runneth berwixt them; is South-caſt and North-weſt: or if ir bear South or North, ſo we call it: or if Weſt, we ſay Weſt and Eaſt: The Compaſs ſwings in the Boxes, the Wyers firſt well touched with a good Load-ſtone, and the Chard ſuvimming well on the Pin perpendicular in the middle of the Box; it repre- B2 fenes 1 1 ! 1 4 BobK I The Compleat Mariner. 40.000 170 091OL 018 Ble 1719 GOSO 40 Sea? {cuts the plain Superficies or Horizon as we call it, when looking round about us at and ſee the Heavens make interſection with the Waters, theweth that you are in the Center, and that every place in the Horizon is cqually diſtant from you: So that wlien you eſpy any Iſland, Rocks, Ships, or Cape-Lands, by looking ſtraight up- on the Coinpaſs,you thall know upon what Point of the Compaſs the object bearech from you. But we will hatte to thew the young Practitioners the Sca-Compaſs, with the 32 Points, cxpreſſed by the Letters , upon each Line, and alſo how to make it, as followcth. The COMPASS 4 XII I XI 10 llo B X EL 310 26 20 IX N Intw N 6E ODOSTO NNW wwén NW NNE TITA NEEN NWbvy ITI WNW Fr.wb ILA w slo W VI W 90 VI wis SIT уц W ŚW 08 OZ02 agas swbw E SW W SJAS VIL MSS SE ot MgS JUL gs ISS gas 016 TI 017 os X 이다​. 이다​. D I TIX IX How to divide the Circles of the Mariners Compaſs. FIA Irſt draw a Line at pleaſure, and croſs it in the midſt with another Line at righe Angles; Then in the croſſing of theſe two Lines fer-one foot of your Conipals , and open the other to what diſtance you pleaſe, and with that diſtance draw the Cir- cle, which by the croſs Lines of Eaſt and welt North and South, are divided into four Quadrants and equal parts, cach of them containing, 6 hours apicce; ſet VI at Eaſt and VI at Weſt, XII ar Nirth, and XII at Sosth, fo have you the four firſt Diviſions of your Figure: Then keeping your Compaſs at the ſame diſtance as you draw'd the Circle, ſet one foot in the croſſing of the Line and the Circle at Eaſt 6, with the other make two marks, one of II, and X. Then ſet one foot iar the Weft at 6, on the other ſide mark out the hours of II and X, as before ; keeping the Compafies ſtill at the fame diſtance, ſet one Foct at South XII, and with the other you thall inark out the Hours of VIII and IIII. Then ſet one foot of your Compal- fes at North at XII, and in the ſame manuer mark out the Hours of VÍII and IIII. Thus the Circle is divided into 12 cqual parts, and cach of them contajuis 2 hour apiece ; 08*01608oL CHAP. II. The Compleat Mariner. 5 done, you ſo piece j ſo that it will be caſie for you to divide each of theſe into two parts; which have the 24 hours. Laſtly, you may divide each liour into 4 cqual parts, which will be quarters of an Hourc, as you may ſee in the Figures. To divide a Circle into 360 cqual parts, is a thing very neceſſary; for in all Quc- ſtions in Aſtronomy, and in the Calculation of all Triengles , theſe parts are the mea- ſure of clie' Angles : ſo that in reſpect of this , every Arch is ſuppoſed to be divided inco 360 cqual parts or Degrees; and every Degrce is ſuppoſed to be divided into 60 lcfler parts, called Minutes. To divide a Circle after this manner, draw a Line at pleaſure, and croſs it at right Angles with another Line, and draw a Circle as befcrc. Kcep your Compaſſes at the ſame diſtance, and divide the Circle from the 4 Quar- eers into 12 equal parts. Then cloſing your Companies, divide cach of theſe into 3; you have in all 36 parts. Then you inay caſily divide with your Pen cach of theſe parts into 10 little parts, as you may loc in the middle Circle of the Figure, whiclı are Degrces. For the 32 Points of the Compaſs, draw the Line of North and Soseth, and croſs it at right Angles with the Line of Eaſt and West, and draw the Circle, as before ; and with the ſame diſtance, ſet one foot of your Compaſſes, at Eaſt, and with the other draw a ſinall Arch at A and B, and croſs it from North to South with the ſame, diſtance ; tlic like do from the Weſt Point to C and D. Then laying your Rule crofl- ways to theſe Crofics, draw the Line B D and A C; ſo is your Circle divided in 8 equal parts. Then cloſing your Compaſſes, you may caſily divide chefe 8 parts into 4; divide one and that diſtance which will divide all the reſt into cqual parts, if you have followed Directions. And ſo you have tlie 32 Rhcombs or Points of the Com- paſs; and ſo you may ſubdivide theſe Points into halves and quarters, as you may fec in the Figure. So have you made the Mariner's Sca-Compals. The Uſe thall de ſhew'd in its place. The Figure of the Compaſs, and the Traverſe Quadrat, joyned both together. B The weſt Longitude: 7 The Eaſt Longitude. с Globocze gazob ob 17.210904/SG0.29% 4 *. 4 . 110 20:30 1 Northerly Latitude. N 103107 MINI HAN EINO 0 og of Ag aso alcol com NG IN NNW a NW INWON BY AN 80%O BO SO4 0.3 0 210 10 Northerly Latitude NW6W4 60,70 WNW 1 NEBE NE WON 9 gbni 810 W. W I 표 ​ESS 9° 810 A ESE WS 위​이이 ​9 “ SELE WSW SE: 60 SWÓW I SWT Southerly. Latitude. SWOS U M5S SEESH ocol ole ASSES 1o do go40 S06 Zo 80.919 AIJS 5W 80 70 80 Southerly Latitude. CE Holzkole & duzlog103,04% 30 2010 510 : Ilo 20:30 Logo 50 780 9 A The weſt Longitude. The Eaſt Longitude. D The Traverſe Quadrat (hewch tlie making of the Traverſe Table, in Chap. 3. OF Sayling by th' plain Sca-Clart. The e 1 + 6 The Compleat Mariner. Book I. 1 . 2 . . the true Point of the Compaſs the Moon will be, when ſhe is 16 days old The Moons Motion, and the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea. THE "He Praditioner in Navigation, is next to Icarn to know the certain time of the Flowing and Ebbing of the Sea ; In all Ports called by Sea-men the fhifting of Tydes, which is governed by the Moon's Motion, as it is found by experience. Wherefore I will firſt ſhew the uſe of a ſmall Inſtrument, which is licrc framed, whereby the meaneſt Capacity (which is void of Arithmetick) ſhall be able to know the Age of the Moon, with what Flood and Ebb it maketh in all Channels, and in every Port and Creek at High-water ; and alſo be able to know what a Clock it is ac of the Night; and divers other Queſtions, only by moving the Inſtrument, according as ſhall be directed. I thall alſo thew your, how you may do all theſe Queſtions of the Tyde by the Moon Arithmetically: But firſt by your Inſtrument it muſt be projected according to the following Figure, which'you may make of three pieces of Board, well planed, and cxactly divided, according as you ſec it formed in tlie Figure. The outward Circle, being the biggeſt Board, hath 32 Points of the Compaſs ; The inward Cir- clccn the fame Board is divided into 24 Hours, being chic chickeſt Board. The fc- conc! Circle muſt be divided into 30 equal parts, repreſenting the diſtance 30 times 24 Hours, or 30 natural days, attributed to the Sun. The uppermoſt Circle of the thrce, is attributed to the Moon, with an Index as that of the Sun, and to be turned and applied to cithcr thc 30 days, containing the Computation of the Moon betwixo Change and Change, or the 24 hours; as likewile to the Points of the Compaſsi And ſo may the Index of the Sun be applied either to Time, or the points of the Com- paſs, which ſhall be made plain by the following Queſtions ; which will appear de- lightful and eaſie; and the illiterate man will find in moſt uſeful; and he that hath better knowledge, will ſometime uſe the Inſtrument for‘variety fake. Firſt, for the Figure of thc Inſtrument. u uſeful Variation-Compaſs. U Poli che two upþér Circles of the Inſtrumont I haye ſet ajhof uſeful Variation- Compals; calie to be underſtood, and as exact as'any Inſtrument whatſoever for that purpoſe. You ſhall havefüll direction how to uſe them in the following Diſcourſe, who we come to treat of the Variation of the Compaſs. But this obſerve, The mid- le Compaſs repreſentech the Compaſs you ſteer your Ship by, which is ſubject to Va- riation; but the upper Compaſs and Circle repreſentech the true Compaſs, that never varieth; and by it you may very readily know the Variation of the Steering Compaſs , how much it varieth from the true Point. The inward Circle of the middle Com- paſs is divided into the 32 Points, with their halves and quarters: and likewiſe the outward Circle of the ſmaller or upper Compafs. This is too hard for Practitioners at firſt to know how to uſe this Inſtrument, to rectifie the variation of the Compaſs; therefore I ſhall be no longer on this Diſcourſe, and proceed to what was promifed, and ſhew the farther uſe of it afterward. PROPOSITION I. Here the The Moon being 16 days old, 1 demand upon what Point of the Compaſs ſke will Variarion be at 8 of the Clock at night. Compaſs is to be In all Queſtions of this nature you have the Hour and Time given, and the placed. Moons Age, to find the Point of the Compaſs. To anſwer theſe Queſtions, place the middle"Index of the Sun on 8 of the Clock at night; then bring the upper In- dex of the Mcon right over the 16th. day of her Age, in the middle Circle of the Sun, and the Index of the Moon or upper Circle points to E. b. S. half a point Southerly, the Clock at night. J 2 1 be 1 ? * - ar 8 of 1 PRO- L 1 1 INEBEENEN NWBW NW NWBNWNWNBW North NBE INNE INEBN NE MMMMMS STASIMSSS unos XI An Inſtrument Shewing ý Changing of ý Tides and y Variation ofÝCompas TI 12 13 al lo 14 E 1 SW SWBS 1 15 SWBW SSW SBW WSW Sout? WBS aas HWest ISS sebe ESE Semin SEBS Vio IWBN Els SSE SaaS 2193 elos INW qua South sbw 5 2924 7507 SSW NWBW US swos Tu SW NW 4 OS +49au swber EBS gun NWBN wbs 3 353 j9u [1127 NNW Hiztowy NBW nn um Inwbr west nu mumn uqm hwbwl S807 NBW 7 E set ourt C* VEBE NE NEBN NNE NBE North SEBELSE shez 1 أعلم ar i Soll } leta 81 le I X www DR ISIS as betwvere fol:6 & 7. TAS 1 中 ​CHAP. II. The Compleat Mariner. 1 PROPOSITION II. 4 The Moon being 16 days old, I demand, what is the clock when ſhe is upon the S. E. Point ? In Queſtions of this nature, you have the Point of the Compaſs, as well as the Moons Age: therefore turn the Index of the Moon to the Souch-Eaſt Point; keeping the Index faſt to the Point, bring the 16th. day of her Age in the middle Circle, righe under Luna's Index, and the Index of the Sun points and ſhews you 10 a Clock at night, that the Moon will be South-Eaſt. I PROPOSITION III. The Moon being S. E. b. S. at 8 of the Clock at night, I demand, How many days old ſhe is In ſuch like Queſtions, you muſt firſt put the Index of che-Moon to the point of the Compafs South-Eaſt by South, and the Index of the Sun ſet to clie Hour of the Night; then look where the Index of the Moon cuts thc Circle of Days, and you Thall find it cut the 13th. day of the Moons Age required. 1 PROPOSITION IV.', The Moon being Eaft-South-East, and the Sun Weft-North-1Veſt, ' , demand the Moons Age. In all Queſtions of this nacure, obſerve what you have given ; then put the Index of the Moon to the E.S. E. Point, and hold it ſteady whilſt you put the Index of the Sun to Weſt-North-Weſt, and then look where the Index of the Moon curs is the Circle of Days, and you ſhall find it cut the 15th day of her Age, thiar'is the Day ſhe was at the Full, and anſwerech the Queſtion deſired. PROPOSITION V. 1 The Moon being 17 days old, I demand the time of the Day ſhe will be Eaſt North-Eaſt. In all theſe forts of Queſtions, Nore, You muſt put the Index of the Moon to chę Eaſt-North-Eaſt Point, ſtop it faſt there, and turn the Index of the Sun. about inil the 17th day of her Age is under the Index of the Moon; then look wliat hour che Index of the Sun is upon, and you will find it 6 a Clock and 5 Minutes paſt, which anſwers you the time of the Day required. This is worth your Obſervation, That if the Index points to the Eaſtward of the North and South, it thews the morning 12 hours; if it points to the Weſtward of the North and South, it ſhewech the Evening 12 hours. Thus you ſee how ready the Practitioner in Navigation may have the uſe of this Inſtrument, and by- often practicing it, may be in a ſhort time lo imprinted in his mind, that as ſoon as he hath occaſion to uſe it, he will be able to reſolve it by memory, which is an excellent Drnament to a young Mariner; Therefore let ſo much fatisfie for the Uſc of the In- ſtrument in ſuch like Queſtions, } PROPOSITION VI. 5 ! By the Inſtrument to find the time of Elling and Flowing, in any Port, River, os Creek. Note. You are to obſerve juſt at the time of High-Tyde, what Point of the Com- paſs the Moon is upon that Day which ſhe changeth, in any Port, River, or Creek, where you ' would know the Ebbing and Flowing of the Týdes, and time of High- Water or Full-Sea. This being found, you may know what Hour belongech to that 8 ! The Compleat Mariner, Воок І. 1 that Point of the Compaſs, by turning the Index of the Moon, as b. fore was ſhewed: So you may be ſure to have the Hour always under the Index, on the Change-day, throughout all the Points of the Compaſs; and ſo we ſhall proceed to Examples. PROPOSITION VII. The Moon being 16 days old, I demand, What a Clock it will be Full-Sea at Briſtol, Start-point, Waterford, where an Eaſt-by-South Moon on the Change-day makes the Full-Sea ? You are to conſider the Point of the Compaſs the Moon is upon in theſe Ports, when it is Full-Sea on the Change-day (as in all other Ports) which in theſe Ports is found by obſervation to be always Eaſt-by-South Moon (which is 6 hours 45 mi- nutes) Then conſider whether it be the Day or che Night-Tyde you would know the Time of Full-Sea; if it be the Morning-Tyde, bring the Index of the Moon to the Weft-by-North Point, ſtaying it there; bring the 16th. day of her Age under thic Index of the Moon, and the Index of the Sun will point you to 7 of the Clock and 33 Mínures, the time of Full-Sca in the Morning. If it be the Evening Tyde, bring the Index of Luna to the Eaſt-by-Scuth, and ſtay it there, until you have brought 76 Days and half under the Index of Luna, and the Index of Sol will point directly upon 8 of the Clock at Night, the time of Full-Sea in the aforeſaid Ports: Thus you ſce there is 27 Mimites difference in every Tyde in theſe Ports. So you may know in every other Port in the ſame manner, if you do as before-directed, and allowing half a day more for the Night-Tyde, by turning of it half a day further. And take this for a Rule, That the Moon betwixt Change and Full is ever to the Eaſtward of the Sun,and riſeth by day, ſtill ſeparating it ſelf from the Sun until ſhe be at the Fall: Then after the Full, in regard the hath gone more Degrees in her feparation than is contained in a Semicircle, ſhe is gotten to the Weſtward of the Sun (riſing by night) and applieth towards the Sun again until the Change-day, which you may ſee plain- ly demonſtrated by the Inſtrument. PROPOSITION VIII. The Moon being 16 days old, I de fire to know at what hour it will be FullSea af London, Tinmouth, Amſterdam, and Rotterdam, where a S.W. And N.E. Moon makes a Full-Sea xpon the Change-day. It is found by obſervation, That the S. W. and N. E. Moon makes Full-Sea in all the aforeſaid Ports. You may know the Moon is to the Eaſtward of the Sun that is before him; Bring the Index of the Moon to the S. W. Point; then turn the 16 day of her Age under the Moons Index, and the Index of the Sun anſwereth the Que- ftion, That it is Full-Sea at all the aforeſaid Ports at 3 of the clock and 48 minutes in the morning, the Moon being 16 days old. PROPOSITION IX. At Yarmouthi , Dover, and Harwich, where a S.S.E. Moon maketh Full-Sea on the Change-day, the Moon being 9 days old, I demand the time or hour of Full-Sea that day in the aforeſaid Places. Here it hath been found by experience , That a S.S. E. Mcon makes Full-sca on the Change-day, in the aforeſaid places; therefore bring the Index of the Moon to the S.S. E. Point, keep it there faſt directly on the Point, and bring the Moons Age to cut the edge of the Moons Index, and the Index of the Suu will ſhew you, That the time of Full-Sea in the aforeſaid Ports, will be at 5 a Clock and 42 minutes in the morning. PROPOSITION X. At St. Andrews, Dundee, Lisbone, and St. Lucas, where a South-Weft-and-lig, South Moon makes High-Water or Full-Sea on the Change-day; The Moon being 28 days old, I demand the time of Full-Sea that day in theſe Places. You 1 A 1 1 1 ret } 5 Chap. II. The Compleat Mariner, 9 You have here given you the S.W.b. S. Point of the Compaſs; therefore bring the Index of the Moon, and ſtay ic on chat Point, and bring the 28 day of her Age un- der the edge of the Index of the Moon, and the Index of the Sun will point you out the time of Full-Sea, which is at 39 minutes paſt 12 of the clock at noon, in the aforeſaid places. And ſo are all Queſtions of this nature anſwered. And ſo I will conclude the uſe of this Inſtrument, for finding the Ebbing and Flowing of the Tyde, and ſo will proceed to thew you Arithmetically how to find the Golden Num. ber or Prime without a Table, the Epact, and Full, Chang', and Quriers of the Moon, and how to know her Age for ever; and what Sign and Degree ſhe is in the Zodiack, how long the Moon thineth, and whac time of the day or night it is High- Water or Full-Sea in any Port; and alſo the Moon's Motion, as far as it is uſeful for Mariners. t ! How to find the Golden Number or Prime, according to the Juliari; Engliſh, or Old Account. I. Y: Ou may obſerve this, That the Prime or Golden Number is the ſpace of 19 years, in which the Moon performeth all her Motions with the Sun: At the expulaticu of which Term, ſhe beginnech again in the ſame sign and Degree of the Zodiecky that the was 19 years before; and always finiſheth her Courſe with the Sun, and never excecdeth that Term. To find this uſeful Number, you muſt do tlus; Al- ways in what year you would know what is the Prime Number, add 1 to the date thereof, and then divide it by yo, and that which remaineth upon the Diviſion, and cometh not into the Quotight, is the Number required. As for example,-- In thie year of our Lord 1665. I demand what is the Prime Number. Add to the year of our Lord always i, which makes in this Queſtion 1666. Then divide that fum bý, 19, the remain is the Prime or Golden Number , as you may ſee bý tlic Work, which anſwerech the Prime or Golden Number for this preſent ,. year to be 13, it being left out of the Diviſion that comech not into (1 ile Quotient. Thus you ſee it is very caſie to do it for any other year. 27 Obnič, That when you find uothing remaining upon the Diviſion, that is Jelaſt year of the Moon's Revolution, and may conclude, *$66 (87 that' 10 is ihe Prime for that year. Note, The Prime beginnech always in Fanuary, and the Epact in March. 84.3, Y IL - How to find the Epact, according to the Julian, Engliſh, or old Account, and what is proceedeth from He Epax is a Number that proceedeth from the difference which is made in the {pace of one whole year, between the Sun and the Moon. Note, The Solar year doth contain 365 days, s hours, 48 minutes; and the Lunar year, allowing is Moons, there being 29 days, 12 h. 44 min. between Change and Change, doch .con- tainbit 354 days , 8 hours , 48 min. So that there is almoſt ir days difference between the Revolution of the Sun and Moon, at every years end; which difference makes the put. Therefore to find the Epact for any year, fült you muſt know the Prime Number for that year, which we found before for the year 1665. Tobe I'3. Then you muft multiply this . Prime Number 13. by the difference II. and it will make 143: which divide by 30. and there re-. II. mainech of the Diviſion, that comech not into the Quotient, 13 (2 23 which is the Epoct for the year required. So I make' no *4'3 (4 Queſtion.but that you underſtand host to find the Prime and 33 the Epit for any year paſt, preſent, of to come. Therefore I hold this ſufficient to expreſs to facilc a thing as this is. I 143 have told you already, That the Epact always beginnech in Märch; but I ſhall make a ſmall Table for thoſe that are ignorant in Arithmetick; and cannot find theſe two Golden Numbers, as I may call chem, for 45 years to с II come, 10 Book I. The Compleat Mariner. come, where any one may find the Prime and Epact moſt readily in any year you ſhall deſire. III. 1 A Rule to find the Change, Full, and Quarters of the Moon. A year Dd unto the Epact propoſed all the Months from March, including the Month of March, and ſubftract that ſum from 30. the remain ſheweth the day of the Change : But if the Epact be above 26. there this Rule faileth a day at the leaſt; but at other times it will be no great difference: Therefore it may ſerve for the following Concluſions. As for Example, I deſire to know the New-Moon in October, 1665. The Epaxt is 23. the Months from March are 8. which added makes 31. from it 30 ſubftracted, remainis 1. which taken from 30. one whole Moon, there remains 29. So that the 29th. day of Otober is the day of her Change, or New-Moon, which by exact Calcu- latiòn it is at 58 min. paft 4 in the morning, Having thus found the time of the New-Moon, you may from thence reckon the Age of the Moon, and ſo find the Quarters, or Full-Moon. ; Thus the Moon's Age is At the Firſt Quarter. At the Full Moon At the Laſt Quarter At the whole Moon Days Hours Min. 07 09--II -18 18-22 -22 03-33 -29-2-- I2-44 -14 J IV. 1 L V. Hors to finde the Age of the Moon at any time for ever. " A Dd to the days of the Month you are in, the Epact, and as many days more as are Months from March, including March for one ; and if theſe 3 Numbers ac'ded together excecd 30, rake 30 from it as often as you can, and the remain is her Age :'But if the Numbers added be under 30, that's her Age : As' for Example, 166 5. the Epact is 23. I demand, What Age the Moon is the zith. day of September From March có, September is 7 Months, the Epact 23, and the day of the Month is 21. Added together, makes 51. From it fubftract 29, becauſe the Monch hath but 30 daysin it, and the remain is 22, the Age of the Moon that day. Had it been the 2ath. of Auguſt, and added them together, it would have made $1. Then to have taken 30 out, there had remained 21 for the Moon's Age the 22 day of Auguft : {":,: To finde what Sign the Moon is in, by which is gathered, what the Moon differeth from the Sun. Ultiply the Age of the Moon by 4. divide the Augment or Sum by 10, the Oxotlent ſheweth the sign the Moon differech from the Sun; the Remain -milciplied by 4, giveth the Degrees to be added. As for ExampleThe Moon 22 days old, I demand what ſhe differcth from the Sun? Multiply 22 by 4, and the Product is 88. That divide by 10, and in the (8. Quotient is 8, and 8 remaincth upon the Diviſion : Thar multi 88 (8 plied by 4, iś 32; from which take 30, the number of Degrees to in a Sign, and add the 8 Signs in the Quotient; it makes 9 Signs. 88 The odd 2, mulciplied by 4, make 8 Degrees; to which add clie San's Motion from his entrance into the Sign in which was the 14 day,to the 21, makė 7 days or Degrees to be added to the 8 Degrees make 9 Signs 15; which counted, after this manner, from , ſaying, m 1, ** 2, VP 3, * 4, * 5, 76, 87, II 8,5 9 Sign, and the odd 25 Degrees is i's Degrees of Cancer: So the Queſtion is anſwered, That the Moon is 9 Signs Is Degrees from the Sun at 22 days old; which note, She differeth but 4 Degrees from her true Motion by the Tables, which is near enougli for the Mariner to anſwer any Man.: M 22 4 12 How . CHAP, II. The Compleat Mariner, 11 Hope to find what Sign the Moon is in more exact ; with the Moon's Motion for every day of her Age. 100 II 21 02 28 35 II 1205 08 Stronomers divide the Compaſs of the Heavens into 12 Signs, which they ſer forth by chefe Names and Characters, which you muſt be a little acquainted with, and the place of the Sun in the Zodiack. Each of theſc Signes you have them as followeth. Firſt know, That the Sun entrech the firſt Sign r the i Ith of March, 8 the 11th of April, II che 12th of D. D. M. May, So the 12th of June, ol the 14th of Faly, m the 13 14th of Auguſt, - the 14th of September, m the 14th 200 26 of O&ober, the 13th of November, 2 the 12th of 3 or 09 0932 December, the oth of January, * the Toth of Fe 401 22 42 5 02 05 05 53 bruary. This known, the place of the Sun is well found, 602 adding for every day paſt any of theſe, 1 Degree. 19 04 Thus you ſec, the Sun runs thrcugh theſe 12 Signs but 703 041 once in a year; The Moon in leſs than a Month, viz. in 803 15 26 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes. Note, That every New- 903 26 Moon, the Sun and Moon are in onc Sign and Degree; but 1004 46 the Moon hath a Motion of about 13 Degrees every day, as I104 24 56 is ſhewed in this Table. Therefore according to the Age 07 of the Moon, add the signs and Degrees of the Moon's 1305 21 18 Motion, to the place of the Sein at the New Moon, and ſo 1406 04 28 you ſhall have the sign and Degree which the Moon is in 1506 17 39 at any time defircd. 1607 00 49 Thus for Example, A New-Moon 1665.che 26th. No- 1707 14 vember, and the Sun and Moon are both in 14 Degrees of 1807 27 ixNow upon the 17th of December, the Moon being 14 days old, I would know what' Sign the Moon is in. 2008 23 32 This Table thews, for the 14 days of the Moon's Motion, 21 09 06 42 you muſt add 6 S, 4 D, 28 Min. to the ſaid 14 Degrees 22,09 19:53 of mi 2310 03 03 Now couạting thplc 6 Signs upon your fingers, recko- 2410 16 14 ing the Namçs of the Signe in order from Sagittarius, 18.1, 2510 29 251 * 2, 43, ņ 4, 85, II 6, it falls upon the sign Gemini. 26 II Laſtly, adding the odd 14 Degrees unto thc 4 Deg. of the 2711 25 25.46 2813 08 Hon's Motion together, ſhews the place of the Moon to be in 18 Degrees of Gemini. 29 I 2 22 07 There is much uſe made of the Moon's being in ſuch 3013 05 17 and ſuch Sigris, in Phyſick and Hasbandry, of which I Thall ſay nothing ; but give you one Conclulion which much depends liercon ; A Table ſewing the Moon's Motion according to her Age. oo II 19.08 10 21 1 2 35 :56 that is; F ) i ? i , r int- To know the time of the Moon's Riſing, Southing, and Setting. Or her Riſing (know tħiis) having found the place, or wliat Sign ſhe is in, ſeek out in the following Kalendar toliat time'the Sun is in this sign and De- gree, and there you ſhall find the tric'time of the Sun-Setting, being in that place: Thịş is half the continuance of the Sun above the Horizon in that sign and Degree. Add this to the time of the cell points coming to the south, it ſhevxs the time of her Setting; and fubftracted from it; "heivs the time of her Riſing. Thus upon the ruth of September, 'as before, the Moon being 14 days old, aırd'in? the 18 Degree of Gemini, 'I deſire to know the time of the Moon's Riſing and Setting C 2 Tirt ܪ i 12 The Compleat Mariner. Book I. $o. 11 I2 10 ( Rif. 3 02 Added 19 22 (Set. 22 Firſt multiply 14, the Moon's Age, by 4. Divide the Product H. M. by 5. In the Quotient will be li a Clock, and the one Unite € upon the Diviſion is Min. 12, that the Moon will be South that Ö Šet. 8 night. Secondly, The Sun is in this Sign and Degree about the firſt day of June, and then ſecs at 8 a Clock 10 minutes paft. This ſubſtračted, ſhews the Riſing of the Moon to be at 3 of the Clock 2 minutes in the afternoon. The ſaid 8 hours, 10 being added, makes 19 hours 22 min. which by caſting away 12, the remain ſhews the Moon's Setting to be ar 7 of the Clock, and 22 min. paſt in the morning, which anſwers the Qucftion deſired; which is as neer as can be for your uſc. PROP. I. How to find when it is Full-Sea in any Port, Rode, Creek, or River. I have ſhewed you already how to find the Prime, Epact, and Age of the Moon, at any time deſired. Now we will proceed to thew you the finding of Full-Sea in any Place; as in manner following.--- Firſt, Carefully watch the time of High-Water, and what Point of the Compaſs the Moon is upon, on her Change-day, in that Port or Place where you would know the time of the Full-Sea, or find by the Table what Moon makes a Full-Sea in the ſaid Port. Secondly, Conſider the Age of the Moon; then by Arithmetick reſolve it in this manner. Multiply the Moon's Age by 4, di- vide the Product by 5, the Quotient ſhews the Moon's being South. If any thing remaineth upon the Diviſion, for every Unite you muſt add 1 2 Min.. If it was 4 rc- maining, it would be 48 Minutes to be added. Then add the hour that it Flows on the Change-day to it, and the Total is the hour of. Full-Sea. If it exceed 12, fub- Itract 12 from it, the remain is the hour of the day or night of Full-Sea, in any Port, River, or Creek. Which I will make plain by ſome Examples, (viz.) PROP. II. The Moon 16 days old, I demand, what a Clock it will be Full- Sea at Briſtol, Start-point, and Waterford, where E. b. S. Moon maketh Full-Sea on Change-day ? ¢ Age 16 Conſider herc an E. b. S. Moon maketh 6 hours 45 min. and the Age of the Moon is 16 days old: Therefore multiply the -64 Age by 4, and it makes 64; divide that by 5, and it is 12, 4 and 4 reinainech, which is 48 min. To it add 6 hours 45 min. 24 (i2 48 E.b.S. it makes 19 ho. 33 min. Therefore ſubſtract 12 hour's 55 from it, there remainech 7 a Clock 33 minutes, the time of E.b.S. Full-Sea in the morning at the aforeſaid Ports which you Total may compare with your Inſtrument, and find it very well Subſt. 12 agrec. j :: 4 6 45 3 19 33 00 F. Sea. 733 PROP. III. The Moon being 25 days old, I demand, what a Clock it will be Full-Sea at London, Tinmouth, Amſterdam, and Rot- terdam, where it flows S. W? . Age ( 25 4 100 - pe Conſider that at theſe Places on the Change-days a s.w.? Moon makech Full-Sea, which is 3 hours. Therefore multi- *ply 25, the Moon's Age, by 4, it makes 100. Thàt divide by 5; in thc Quocient will be 20, and nothing remain. To it add 3 ho. S.W.and it makes 23 hours. From it ſubſtract 12, and the Remainder ſhews you, That it will be Fxl-Sea at all the aforeſaid Places, at 11 of the Clock in the mor- ning. So you will find it agree with your Inſtrument. 2$ (20 55 2 S.W. 12 II Full Sea. PROP. 1 CHAP. II. The Compleat Mariner. . 13 . 9 lölt PROP. IV. The Moon being 9 days old, I deſire to know the hour of Full-Sea at Quinborough, Southam. And Portſmouth. Note, That a, South-Moon on the Change-day, maketh Full-Sea at theſe Places. Therefore multiply the Moon's Age by 4, it makes 36. That divide by 5, and the Quotient is 7 of the Clock; and I remaineth, which is 12 minutes, the time of Full-Sea at the aforeſaid Places, the Moon's 4 Age being nine days. Note, If a North or South Moon makes Full- 36 Sea on the Change-day, there is nothing to be added to the Quotient; (1 but the Quotient is the hour of the day, and the Remainder is the 36 (7 18 min. as before directed. One Example more ſhall ſuffice. 5 PROP. V. The Moon 5 days old, I demand the time of Full-Sea at Rocheſter, . Malden, Blacktail, where. S. b. W, Moon is Full-Sea. Here you may note, That on the Change-day at theſe Places it flows S.b.W. which is but one point from the South, being but 1 of an hour, or 45 min. And it had been all one if it had been North-by-Eaſt. Multiply by 4, divide by 5, and the Quotient will be 4; to it add 45 min. s. b. w. ſhews you it will be Full-Sea at the aforeſaid Places at 4 a Clok and 45 min. in the morning. But note, Had it been S.b. E. or N.6.W. it had been 11 ho. 15 min. By this time I hope I have made the Practitio- ner able to know the time of Full-Sea in any Port, by Inſtrument and Arithmetick: Therefore I will leave him a ſmall Table for his uſe. 4 A TIDE-TABLE. i 8 15 * * H. M. Rye, Winchelſey, Cullhet, a S. b. E. Moon. II 15 Rocheſter, Malden, Blacktaile, S. b. W. O 45 Yarmouth, Dover, Harwich, S.S. E.- 10 30 Graveſend, Downs, Blackneſs, Silly, S.S.W. I 30 Needles, Orford, South and North Fore-land, S.E.B.S. 9 45 Dundee, St. Andrews, Lisbone, St. Lucas, S.W.b. S. 2 15 Poole, Iſles of Man, Dunbar, Diepe, S.E. 9 oo London, Tinmouth, Amſterdam, Rotterdam, S.W.- 3 oo Portland, Hartflew, Dublin, S. E. b. E. Barwick, Fluſhing, Hamborough, S.W.b. W 3 45 Milford, Bridgewater, Lands-end, E.S. E.... 7 30 Baltimore, Corke, Severn, Calice, W.S. W. 4 30 Briſtol, Start-point, Waterford, E. b.S. 6 45 Falmouth, Humber, Newcaſtle, W.b.S. 5 is Plimsouth, Hull, Lyn, St. Davids, W.CE. 6 00 Quinborough, Southam. Portſmouth, N. & S.. O oo Add any two Numbers together of the foregoing Table, and they ſhall be I? hours; Except the two laſt , N, S. and E. w. So that you may perceive, what hath been ſaid from the South, cicher Eaſtward or Weſtward, the ſame anſwereth to che North, either Weſtward or Eaſtward. And ſo much for the Tydes . But we will know the Moon's Motion, and the Proportion between Tyde and Tyde. PROP. VI. The Motion of the Moon, and the Proportion of Time betwixt Tyde and Tyde. After all this , I will thew you in brief che Motion of the Moon, and the reaſon of the difference between Tyde and Tyde. You muſt note, the Motion of the Moon is twofold. Firſt, A violent Motion, which is from Eaſt to Weſt, cauſed by the diurnal ſwiftneſs of the Primum Mobile. Secondly, A natural Motion from Weſt to Eaſt, which is the reaſon the Moon requirech 27 days and 8 hours 8 min. to come into the ſame minute of the Zodiack from whence Thc 14 The Compleat Mariner. Book I. tinent in this placa. 10 the departed. But coming to the ſame Point and Degree where ſhe was in Conjuncti- on with the Sun.laſt, ſhe is ſhort of the Sun, by reaſon the Sun's Motion every day is natural Eaſt, Degree, or 60 Minutes, which maketh ſo much difference, thác the Moon muſt go longer 2 days, 4 ho. 36 min. neareſt, more than her natural Motion, before ſhe can fetch up the Sun, to come into Conjunction with her: So that betwixt Change and Change is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 min. by my account. The Marinors always allow juſt 30 days between the changes, by reaſon he will not be troubled with ſmall Frations of Time, in this Account of Tydes, which breedech no great error : Expérience therefore muſt needs ſhew me this, That I muſt allow the ſome Proportion to the Moon in cvery 24 hours, to depart from the Sun 12 De- grees, which is 48 min. of time, untill her full Eaft; but then having performed her Natural Motion above half the Globe, ſhe is to the VVeſt, as we may know by Reaſon. Now if the Moon move in 24 hours, 48 min. then in 12 hours ſhe muſt move 24 min. and in fix hours, 12 min. By this proportion cach hour ſhe moveth 2 min. So the Tydes differeth as the time differech. I will add one old approyed Experience for the Mariners uſe, though it is imper- clipping in the Wane, cauſech baldneſs; but the beſt time in the Wane, is in s, m, or *. "So I hope I have ſatisfied the Learner concerning the Moon. 2 17 t t 2. ܨ ܇ 1. 1 1 IK 12 1 7 ? 1 + 1 3 ใ ? THE 1..., ! .:: 1 1 ज 1 1 + I 4 4 i } LE (5) ily 1 11 1 . 4 1 :.****** 1 Mariners Magazine; OR, STURMY's Mathematical and Practical ARTS + Mariners and more ſufficient Men before the Maſt, which are firſt to hawl a bowl CHAP. II. 15 THE 1 The Practick Part of Navigation, in working of a Ship in all Weathers at Sea. E have been ſhewing the Practitioner all this while, the Course and Motion of cle Moon, and ſo by it to know how to ſhift the Tydes, or time of High-Water, in any Port, Road, Har- bour, or Creek, Inſtrumentally and Arithmetically. The next thing to be obſerved by a Learnir, is the Words of Command, with readineſs to anſwer and obey, which is the moſt excel- lent Ornament that can be in a Complear Navigator, ur Maria ner. And as Captains Exerciſe their Men on Shore, that their Souldiers may underſtand the Poſtures of War, and to execute it when the Word of Command is givca by their Commander; In like manner are Seamen ond Mariners brought up in Practical Knowledge of Navigation at Sea, in working a Ship in all Weathers. Although the Rules here demonſtrated, are but of liccle benefit to him, that hath been brought up all his Life-time at Sea; and leſs to thoſe that be altogether ignorant in Marine Affairs : But that the Pra&tick may be de- livered in proper Sea-Phrafes, according to cach ſeveral Marerial that belongs to a Ship compleatly rigg'd, with the Uſe of the ſeveral Ropes in working and crimming of Sails at Sea on all Occaſions, cannot be denied by thoſe that know theſe things perfectly : Therefore it is impoſſible for any Man to be a Compleat Mariner or Navi- gator, without he hath attained to the true Knowledge of Theorickand Practick, be- ing both Siſters and inſeparable Companions, that makes them perfect Navigators; Therefore I could not let this fcape my Pen. And to explain myſelf , that I may prevent the Cenſures of all ſuch chat will be curious; înquiring whether I am not lame, or incapable of that, and like themſelves appear imperfect; I may ſpeak it with trouble to my ſelf, and ſhame to others, That there was never more lame and decrepit Fellows preferred by Favour and Fortune, as alſo by Kindred, and by Serving for Under-Wages (which a deſerving Man might and would have) as is now adays. "Let a man go aboard the beſt Ship at Sea, and it will be very rare to find Ignorance out of the Officers Cabinsand commonly able ing, through the averſeneſs of their Fares, which is great picy. I ſhould be glad to live to ſee a more equaller Balance among Seamang, and their Imployers, to further the induſtrious, and encourage the deſerving Men; for if this partiality ſhould con- çinue long, it is to be feared, in ſome ſhort time, the Compleat Mariner wil be hard- ly found aboard any Ship, to the great diſparagement of our Englifh Nation, which liach from time to time so long deſervingly had the Superiority over all other parts of the World, for breeding the moſt famous Navigators. The Hollander to his Loſs knows it right well , that there are none like Engliſh for Courage at Sea; but that ma- of them out-ſtrip us in the Art of Navigation, which proceeds from the former unequal 1 ny . 16 BOOK I. The Compleat Mariner. uncquial Balance, which makes our expert Saylers to ſeek if Fortune will be favoura- ble amongſt them. They had not at this day been High and Mighty, and in ſuch a flouriſhing Condition as now they are. Therefore I hope to ſee and hear, That the Eng!iſk Mariner will make berter uſe of ſwift-ſtealing Time, that he may redcem vybac isletty and atcali coſuch perfection, as that he may parallel his Art with his Vialpur and Courage; And thač Imployers will uſe more Equity , in placing de øving meu according to their merit. 'I ſhall not draw duriny Digreffior to any longerdi- ſcourſe; for I know my plain Rhetorick will not relliſh in ſome mens ears, chcuch it may in others : Therefore I thall draw to a Concluſion, deliring that no man will cenſure me, before he knows what is in me, cr is able to mend this. For ſome there are, Feing a little couched (as the commou Saying is) that if they had me at Sea, they would put me to ſeek all my preſcribed Rules; but I would have ſuch to kiciu, That when I at Sca, I ſhall work the Ship in all Aſſays as well as ever they did, aud can as often as I ſhall be called thereunto, after this manner, (viz.) PROP. I. The wind is fair. The Wind is fair, though but little; he comes well, as if he would ſtand; there- fore up a hand and looſe fore Top-fail in the Top, that the Ships may ſee we w ill Sail; Bring Cable to the Capſton, have up your Anchor, looſe your Forc- fail in the Crailes; pur abroad our Colours, looſe the Milne in the Brailes. Is all our mon on board ? Thoſe that be on Shore may have a Towe, and be bleſt with a Ruchers for we will ſtay for 110 man. Come my Hearts, have up your Anchor, that we may have a good Prize. Come, Who ſay Amen? One and all . Oh brave Hearts; the Anchorys a Peck; have our fore Top-fail , have our main Top-fajl, hawl hầme the Top-lail Shcers. The Anchor is away, let fall your Forc-fail, hoiſe up your fore Top-fail, hoire up your main Top-fail; upan: looſe the Main-fail , and ſet him; looſe Sprit-ſail, and Sprit-fail Top-fail. A brave Gale. Bring the fore-Tack to the Cat-head, and trim our Sails quartering ;-hoiſe up our ſmall Sails have out the Milne Top-fail and ſet him. Now we are clear, and she Wind like to ſtand; hoiſe in our Boats before it is too inuch Sea ; aboard Main-tack, aboard Fore-tack, a Lee the Helmne handſomly, and bring her to eaſily, that ſhe may hot ſtay. Breace the Fore-lail and Fore-top-fail co the Maſt, and hawl up the Lec-Bowlings, that the Ship may not ſtay,;, paſs Ropes for the Boor on the Lee-fide, and be ready to clap on your Tackle, and hoiſe them in; ſtow them faſt. Let go the Lec-Bowling of Fore-Sail , and Weather-Braces. Right your Helmnes, hale aft the Fore-ſheet, trim che Sails quartering as before : Let go the Sprit la 1 Breales, and haft of the Sheets; and hoiſe up the Sprir-fail Top-fail, and other ſmall Sails. See the main Stay-ſail, and fore Top-ſail , Stay-ſail and Milne Staya fail, and main Top-fail, Stay-fail and leeſc in your Boonets, chat we may make moſt of our way. To our Station, and clear your Ropes. Comc, ger up our ſteering Cails. The Lee ſteering Sails of Main-lail, and Main-top fail, Fore-ſail and Fore- top-fail only;, for they will ſet faixeſt , and draw moſt away. I have on purpoſe omiited leveral Words, by reaſon I would nor trouble the Reader with ſuch indiffe- rene things as is conceived by all Mariners to be done; as Cooning the Ship, Breaſing, Vereing, and haleing aft, and hoiling, looring, and the like; but it is to be fuppa- ſed all to be done at the ſame time. Thus have you a brave Ship under all her Sails and Canvas, in her ſwirteſt way of Sailing upon the Sca. Now let us have her righe before the Wind. 1 7 Right afore the wind, and a freſlo Gale. :: The Wind is vered right aft, take in your Fore and Fore-top-fail , Steering=fail, and Fore-top-ſail , and Main and Main-top-lail , Stay-fails; for they are becalmed by the after Sails, and will only beat or rub out. The Wind blows a freth Gale, rrund zfr the Main-ſheets, and Forc-sheets, braſſe. Square your Yards,'take in your Main and Ma'nı-top-fail,Steering-fails. Unleaſe your Bonnets. Take in your Main and Fore- top-gallant-fails , In the Sprit-fail , and Milne Top-ſail; let go the Sheets, hale from che chu Book I. ر The Compleat Mariner, 17 1 che Cholyens, caſt off Top-gallant Bowlings. Thus you have all the ſmall Sails in, and furled, when it blows too hard a Wind to bear them. The wind vereth forward, and ſcanteth. . The Wind ſcanteth, vere out ſome of your Fore and Main-ſheets, and Sprifle- ſheets, and let go your Weather Braces; tope your Sprit-ſail Yard. The Wind ſtill verech forward; Get aboard the Fore and Main-Tack; caſt off your Weather- ſheets and Braces: The Sails are in che Wind, hawle off Main and Fore-ſheers; the Wind is tharp, hawl forward the main Bowline, aud hawl up the Main top-fail, and Fore top-lail Bowline, and ſer in your Lee-braces, and keep lier as near as ſhe will lie. Thus have you all the Sails trimm'd harp, full, and by a Wind. The wind blows Frisking. The Wind blows hard; fecule our fore and main Top-fails two thirds of the Maſt down. It is more Wind, come, hawl down both Top-fails cloſe. Come, ſtand by, take in our Top-ſails; Let go the Top-Sail Bowlines, and Lee-Braces ; let go the Lcc-Sheets, ſet in your Weather Braces, ſpill the Sails, hawl home the Top-fail Clue- lines, ſquare the Yeard. Now the Sail is furled, and you have the Ship in all her low Sails, or Courſes at ſuch a time. 1 It bloweth a Storm. It is like to over-blow; Take in your Sprit-ſail, ſtand by to hand the Fore-fail. . Caſt off the Top-ſail Sheets , Clue-garnets, Leech-lines, Bunt-lines ; ſtand by the Sheer, and brace ; loure the Ycard, and furl the Sail, (here is like to be very much Wind) See that your main Hallyards be clear, and the reſt of your Geer clear and caſt off. (It is all clear.) Loure the main Yard. All down upon your doone hall; now the Yard is down, hawl up the Clue-garnets, Lifts, Leach-lines, and Bunt- lines, and furle the Sail faſt, and Fasten the Yards, 'that they may not trayers and gall. Thus have you the Ship a trije under a Mizen. . i very hollow grown Sea. + . We make foul weather, look the Guns be all falt, come hand the Mizen. The Ship lies very broad off; it is bercer {pooning before the Sea, than trying or hulling: go reefe the Fore-fail, and ſet him; hawl afc the Fore-ſheet ; The Helmne is hard a weather, mind at Helmne what is ſaid to you carefully. The Ship wears bravely ftu- dy, ſhe is before it, and the Sheets are afle and braces ; belay the fore doon hall, that the Yard may not turn up; it is done. The Sail is ſplit; go hawl down the Yeard, and get the Sail into the ship, and unbind all things clear of it, and bring too the Fore-bonnet ; make all clear, and hoiſe up the Fore-yard; hawl aft che Sheets, get aft on the Quarter-Deck, the fore Braces. Starboard; hard up, right your Helmne Port. Port hard, more hands, he cannot put up, the Helmne. A very fierce Storm. The Sea breaks ſtrange and dangerous; Nandby to hawl off above the Lennerd of the Whipſtaff, and help the man ac Helinne, and mind what is ſaid to you. Shall we get down our Top.maſts? No, let all ſtand; yer we may have occaſion to ſpoon before the Sea with our Powles. As we maſt, get down the Fore-yeard- She cuds before the Sea very well; the Top.maft being aloft the Ship is the hollomeſt, and maketh better way through the Sea, ſeeing we have Sea-Room. I would adviſe none in our condition to ſtrike their Top-maſts, before the Sea or under. Thus you ſee the ship handled in fair weather and foul,, by and learge. Now let us ſee how we can turn to windward. . i 1 D The 1 18 Book T The Compleat Mariner. The Storm is over, let us turn to Windward. V. The Storm is over, ſet Fore-fail and Main ſail; bring our Ship too; fet che Milue and Main Top-fail, and Fore Top-fail. Our Courſe is E. S. E. the Wind is at -South: Get the Starboard-Tacks abcard, caſt off our Weather Braces and Lifts; Set fuithe Lec-Braces, and hawl forward by the Weather Bowlines, and hawl them laught and belaye them, and hawlover the Mizen Tack to Winerd; keep her full, and by as- near as fhe will lye. Hon Wind 2014? Eaſt. A bad quade Wind. (No near) hard, so 'near. The Wind verech to the Eaſtward ſtill. How Wind you ? N. E. hard, no near. The Wind is right in our teeth; no near ſtill. How wind you? N.W.b. N. The Wind will be Northerly, make ready to go about; we ſhall lay our Courſe another way, no near, give che Ship way, that ſhe may ſtay: ready, ready a Lee the Helmuc. Vare out there Fore-hect, caſt off your Lec-Braces, brace in upon your Weather Bra- ces. The Fore-fails is a back ſtays, hawl Main-fail, hawl, about, let riſe the main Tack, caſt off your Larboard-Braces, let go main Bowline, and main Top-fail Bow- line; brace about the Yard, hawl forward by the Larboard-Bowlines; gee the main Tack cloſe down, in the Cheeſe-trce : hawl up the Weather Bowline, and let the Lee Brace of Main and Main Top-fail Yards, and the Sheets is cloſe aft; hawl, of all; hawi; get to fore-Tack, let go fore-Bowline, and fore-Top-fail Bowline; hpwl afte the fore-Shect, hawl taught, the main Bowline, and main Top-fail Bowliite; ſhift the Mizeni, tack, hawl bout forc Bowline, and fore Top-fail Bowline; fet in the Lec-Braces taught, fore and aft, kecp her as ncar as ſhe will lie. No near, Hox Wind you? N.N.E. thus werr no more ; no ncar,keep her full. The Wind is at N.N.E. thus werr no more. (Hom Wind yox?) E. N. E. The Wind is at N. keep her away, her Courſe E.S.E.Caſt off the Lee-Braces and Weacher-Bowlines and ſee in your Weather- Braces. Vere out the main Sheet,and fore Shect,looſe the Spric-fail, and Spit-fail, Top- fail,and Mizen Top-ſail,and Top-gallant-fails;hoife chem up, the Wind vears aflc ftill; ler riſe the fore-Tack:the Wind's quartering,hawl aft the fore-Shect,bring him dovan to the Cat-licad with a paſs-a-rec; ſtuddy in your Weather Braces; the Wind ſtands, here. Thus you have the Ship as at firſt, ſteering under all her Canvas, quarter Wind, las the did at firſt, ſetting Sail. She hath been wrought with all manner of Weather, and all ſorts of Winds. Therefore we will draw to the laſt with a Man of War im Chaſc and taking of her Prize, and ſo leave this Practick Parç to your Cenſure. ܪ 1 The Man of War in her Station. T. ril Now we are in our Station, and a good Latitude, hand your Top-fails, and furle your Main-lail and Fore-fail, and brail up the Mizen, and let her lie at Hull, until Fortune appear within our Horizon. up alaft to the Top-maſt-head, and look abroad, young-men ; look well to the Westward, if you can ſee any Ships that have been nipt with the laſt Eaſterly Winds. A Sail, a Sall. Where? Fair by us How ſtands ſhe? To the Eaſtward, and is cwo Points upon her Weather Bow, and hách her Larboard-Tacks aboard. “O then ſhe lies cloſe by a wind; we ſee her izpon the Decks plainly. A good mani to Helmnc. Up young-men, and looſe the Fore-fail , Main-fail , and Mizen. Get the Larboard-Tacks aboardžhave out the Main top-lailand Porc-top-fail, and fooſe the Spritzfail, aloofc. Keep her as neer as ſhe will tic; hawi afé tle, sheets , and hawl up your Bowlincs laught. Do you ſee your Chaſe? How Wind' jouÉN. E. Then thę Wind is at N. Hoiſe up your Top-Sails as high as you can have quit Sprit-ſail, Top-ſail, and Mizen Top-fail; hawl home the Sheets, and hoiſe themfüp: A young man and looſe the Main-top-gallant-fail, and Fore-top- gállant-ſail; hawl home the Sheets, and hoiſe them up; hoiſe up Main Stay-fail, and Mizen Stay-ſail, and looſe the Main-top-fail, and Fore-top-fail; Stay-fail , and ſet them. It blows a brave chaſeing Gale of Wind; The Ship makes brave way through the Sea; we riſe her apace; if ſhe keep her Courſe, we ihall be up with lier in three Glaſſes. No ncar, keep the Chaſc open with little of the Fore-fail . So, thus, Keep her thus. Come ofle all hands; the ship will Stear the better when you ſit all quices 1 + Book I. The Compleat Mariner. t 1 She ſettles her Top-fails, we are within ſhot; lec all our Guns be looſe, In the 19 quier ; by, by her ſmall Sails, for ſhe is too inuch by the Head. The Chaſe is a luſty brave Ship. So much the better, the hath the more Goods in her Hold. The Ship hath a great many Guns (no force) it may be ſhe is a Private Port, the Chaſe is about, come ferch her wack, and we will be about after her. We fayl far better than the; we have her Wack; a Lee the Helmu,about Ship, vere our Fore- ſheet. Every man ſtand handſomly to his buſineſs, and mind the Bowlines and Bra- ces, Tacks and Sheets; hawl Main-lail, hawl about. Let go Main Bowline, Top Bowlinc, Top-gallant Bowline; Hawl off all, hawl Fore-fail, about, ſhifts the Helmi ; bring her too, Hawl the Main-ſheets cloſe aflc,and fore-thect. Set in che Leen Braces, hawl too the Bowlines. Thus the Chaſe keeps cloſe to the Wind; keep her open under our Lee. Gunner, ſee that you have all things in readineſs, and that the Guns be clear; and that nothing peſter our decks. our decks.-Down with all Hammocks and Cabins that may hinder and hurt us. Gunner, is all our Geer ready? Is the ſtore of Cartrages ready fillid, all manner of Shot at the Main-maſt? Is there Rammers, Sponges, Ladles, Priming-Irons, and Horns, Lyncſtocks, Wads, and Water at their ſeveral quarters ſufficient for them? Be ſure that none of our Guns be cloy’d; and when we are in Fight, be ſure to load our Guns with Croſs-bar and Langrel. Always cbſerve to give Fire when the Word is given. See that there be Half-Pikes and Jave- lings in a readineſs, and all our Small-ſhot well furniſhed, and all their Bandaliers fill'd with Powder, and Shot in their Pooches. See that our Murtherers and Stockfowlers have their Chambers fill'd with good Powder, and Bags of ſmall Shoc to load them, that if we ſhould be laid aboard, we might clear our Decks.Starboard, the Chaſe pays away more room, Starboard hard; Vere out ſome of the Main-lhece and Fore-lhect; Caft of the Larboard-Bra- ces, (Steady) Kecp her thus: Well Steerd; the Chaſe goes away room, her Sheets are both aft, ſhe is right before the Wind: Stereboard hard ; Let riſe main Tack, let riſe forc-Tack; Hawl afle 'Main-lhect, hawl afle fore-Sheet. We have a ſtearn-Chaſe, but we ſhall be up with her preſently, for’we fetch upon her hand-going. The Chaſe hawls up his Majn-fail and furles it; ſhe puts aboard her Waſte-clothes; ſhe will from alow young mcır , and furle our Main-lail; ſling our Main Yard, with the Chains in the Main-top; lling our Fore-yard, put aboard our Waſte- Cloaths; he will fighe us before the Winde I lce; she is full of Men; It is a hor Ship, but deep and foul. Come clearly my Hearts, It is a Prize worth fighting for; The Chaſe takes in her ſmall Sails; up aloft and take in our Top-gallant-ſails, Sprit- fails, Top-fails, Mizen Top-fail, and furle the Sprit-ſail, and get the Yard alongſt under the Bowſprit. She puts abroad her Colours, It is Red, White, and Blew; they are Dutch Colours; no force, the worſt of Enemies. Boy, up and put abroad St. George's Colours in our Main-top; ſtep oft a hand, and put abroad our bloody Ancient ; Call all hands aloft; Coine up aloft all hands. They are all up Captain. Gentlemen, We are here employed and maintained by his Majeſty King CHARLES and our Corniry, to do cur Endeavours to keep this Coaſt from Pyracy and Robbers, and his Majeſties Enemies;, whereof it is our Fortune to meet this ship at this time : Therefore I de fire you in his Majesties Name, and for the sake of our country, and the Honour of our Engliſh Nation, and our felves, for every man to behave himſelf coura- geous like Engliſhmen; and not to havi the least skem of a Coward: but to obſerve the Words of Command, and do his utmoſt endeavour againſt this barbaroris and inhumane Enensy the Durch, who have treacherouſly and inhumanely murthered fo meny of our Engliſh Nation, in the Exlt-Indies and other parts, whose Blood tries for vengeance. Therefore our Quarrel is jaft, and into Gods hands we.commit our Cauſes and ourſelves . every man to his Quarters, and flew his Courage, and God be with you. Tackles and the Ports, all knockt opein , that wc.inay be ready to sui out our Guus when the Word is given." Up noiſe of Trumpets, and hail our Prize; ſhe anſwer- eth again with hçe - Trumper: Hold faft Gunner, do not fire till we hail them with our Voices. (Haye, Hool) Amain for King CHARLES. (Port) edge towards him, he fires his Broad-lide upon us. (What chear my Hearts?) Is all well betwixo Docks? fight us. Come up 1 1 1 1 So D% - 20 The Compleat Mariner. Воок 1: Decks? Tea, Tea, only he rackt us through and through. No force, it is his turn next; but give not Filc until we are within Piſtol-thot. Port, edge towards hiin. He plies his ſmall Shot; hold faſt Gunner. Port, right your Helmuc. We will run up his side. Starboard a little ; Give fire, Gunner. (That was well donc.) This Broad fide hath made their Deck thin, but the ſmall Shor at firſt did gaul us. Clap in fome Cale-lhot in the Guns you are now a loading; Bracc tco'the Fore-top-fail,that we may imt thoot a head; He lies broad off to the Southward, to bring his orier Broad- fide to bear upon iis. (Starboard hard.) Get to Larboard Forc-rack"; trim your Top- fails, run out your Larboard Guns. He fires his Sterboard Broad-lide upon us; He pours in his ſmall Shot. Starboard give not fircuntil he fall off, that the Prize may re- cive our full Broad-ſide. Steady: Port a little ; give fire Gunner: His Fore-maſt is by the board. This laſt Broad-lide hath done great Execution. Cheerly my Mates, the day will be ours; He is thot a Head; He bears up before the Wind to ſtop his Leaks : Kecp her chus; Well Steercd. Port, Port bard; Bear up before the Wind, chiát we may give him our Scarboard Broad-ſide. Gunner, Is there great ſtore of Caſes thot and Langrel in cur Guns? rea, yea. Port, make ready to board him ; Have your Laſhers clear, and alle men with them. Edge towards him Guns wlien you give fires Bring your Guns to bear amongſt his Men with the Caſe-lhor. Well ſteered, we are cloſe on boord. Give fire Starboard; Well done Gunner; They lie Heads and Points aboard the Chaſe. Come, Aboard him bravely; Enter, Enter. Are you lached falt? Tea, yea, We will have hin before we go here-hence. Cur up the Decks; Ply your Hånd-Granadoes and Srink-Pors. He cries out Quarter ; Quarter for orir Lives, and we will yield up Ship and Goods. Good Quarter is granted, Provided you will lay down all your Arms, open the Hatches; lawł down all your Sails and furle them; looſe the Lachings, we will ſhcer off our Ship, and hoiſc out our Shallop. If you of för to make any Sail, expect no Quarter for your Lives. Go with clie Shallor, and fend aboard the Captain, Liçutenant, and Maſter and Mates, with as many more as the Shallop will carry. So vre will leave the Man of War to puc his Priſoners down into thc Hold, and ſecure. And fo likewiſe I have hewn you thus much of the Pra Otick part of Navigation, in which yoti may perceive that I have wrought the Ship in all Eſſays, in Words and proper Sca-Phraſes; and if I was at Sea, I ſhould perform it both in Word and Deed: therefore I leave it all to your Judicious Cenſures. And Jer not Ignorance, the Arch-enemy of Arts deceive you, and cauſe you to think that I have writ what I cannor do; but that I can as caſily turn him in the Theorick, which Tray I liſt, as I càu the ship in the Practick. And ſo I will conclude with Ovid, whca ve failed in the Straighit Tonian, 1 + . + و : 1 no + Nothing but Ilaves we view in Sea where Ships do float, And Dangers lie, huge IVhales, and all Fiſh play: Above our Heads, Heaven's Star-embroidered Coat, Whole Vault contains two Eyes, for Night and; Far from the Main, or any Marine Coaſt, 'Twixt Borean Blafts, and Billomosy ipe are toff. If Ovid in that. ſtraight Ionian Deep Was toſt. So hard, mach more are we on Seas Of larger Bounds; where Staff and Compaſs keep Their ſtrict obfervance Yet in this uneale of Tackling Boards, we fo the way make short, That Still osr:Courſe.draws nearer to our Porta: Bezbeen the Stream and filver-ſpanigled 'Skicsson) We rolling climle, theus hurling fall beneath; Our way is Serpent-like; in Meads which lie; That boss the Grojis, but never makes it Path : · But fitter, like young Maids and Youths together, Run here and there; all sphere, andinone know whether: 1 hu 3 ? 1 t. d ini ) You... OKT 1 1 21,2% Book I. The Compleat Mariner. :21 Our way, we know, and yet unknown to other; And whiles misknown to is; before we dive : The Hand and Compaſs that governs the Ruther Do often erre, although the Pilots ftrive iyith Card and Compaſs , get oxr*Reck'nings fall Too narror, ſort, too high, too wide, too ſmall . To diſcon this, remark when we fet Land, Some this, some that do gueſs, this Hill , that Cape. For some howers our Skill in ſuſpence ſtand, Terming this shire, that Head-land Points the Map; which when miftook, this forg'd Excesfe goes clear, O ſuch and ſuch a Land it firſt did 'pear. In all which ſtrife, Streſs’d Sailers have the pain, By drudging, palling, hawling, ſtanding to it In Cold and Rain, Loth dry and wet, they ſtrain Themſelves, and toyl; wone elſe but they muſt do it. Both Prow and Poop do anſwer to the Helm; The Stcarſman fings, no Grief bis Foy can whelm. By Night our Watch we ſet, by day our Sight, And furle our Sails : If Piratcs do appear, We reft refolv’d; 'Tis Force make's Cowards fight, Though none more dare, than they that have most fear. It's Courage makes us rath, and Wiſdom cold; Yet Wiſemen ſtort, and ftung, grom Lion-bold. Sapientiam Sapiens dirigit, Artes Coartifex, &c. The Wiſe-man knorys biřs Wiſdom how to uſe, Tib? Artificer, what Art 'sis beſt to chuſe. ...Tiskrue Saying, and approved long? The Wiſe-man is more worthy than the Strong The Fields he tills, the City he can guide, And” for the Ships in Tempeſts well provide. Pbocilides. THE * 22 Book I. THE GEOMETRICAL DEFINITION S. T He ARTS, faith Arnobius, are not together with our Minds ſent out of the Heavenly Places; but all are found out on Earth, and are in proceſs of time ſought and fairly forged by a conti- nual Meditation. Our poor and nccdy Lives perceiving foine caſual Things to happen prepoſterouſly, while it doch imitate, attempt, and cry, while it doth ſlip, reform, and change, hath out of theſe, ſome Fiduous Apprehenſion made by ſmall sci- ences of Art, the which afterwards by Study are brought to ſome perfection. Yer the Practice of Art is not manifeſt but by Speculative Illuſtration ; becauſe by Speculation we know that we may the better know. And for this cauſe I choſe a Spe- culative Part; And firſt of Geometry, that you may the better know the Practice. To begin then. 1 A D I. u Point is that which hath no Parts. A Point is ſuppoſed to be a Thing indiviſible, or that cannot be divided into parts; yet it is the firſt of all Dimenſions. It is the Philoſopher's Atome. Such a Nothing, as that it is thre very Energie of All Things. In God it carrieth its Extremes from Eternity to Eternity; which proceeds from the leaſt imaginable ching, as the Point or Prick noted with the Letter A; and is but only the Terms or Ends of Quan- A tity. II. A Line is a ſuppoſed Length, with- out Breadth or Thickneſs. A Lines Extremes or Bounds are two 4 Points, as you may ſee the Line a ; b is made 古 ​古 ​G by moving of a Point from a to b. A Lime is either ſtraight or crooked; and in Geometry of three kinds of Magnitudes, viz. Length, Breadth, and Thickneſs . A Line is capable of Diviſion in Length only, and may be di- vided equally in the Point C, -or-unequally A B in D, and the like. III. The Ends or Bounds of . Line are Points. You are to underſtand, the Ends or Bounds of a finite Line is A, B, as before: but in a Circular Line it is otherwiſe ; for there the point in its Motion returnech again to the Place where it firſt began, and ſo makech the Line infinite. *IV: A Right Line is the ſhorteſt of all Lines, drawn from any two of the ſaid Points, As you may ſee the Right Line A B ſtraight, and equal between the points A and B, with A- 3 -B out bowing, which are the Bounds thereof. V. A 1 07. Book I. Geometrical Definitions. 23 i 1 V. A Superficies is a Longitude, having only Latitude. Superficies is That which hath only A B tr length and breadth , whoſe Terms and Limits are two Lines. In the firſt kind of Magnitude the Motion of a Point pro- 4 ducech a Line : So in the ſecond kind of Magnitude, thc Motion of a Linc produ- D cech a Superficies . This is alſo capable of с two dimenſions, as the length A B and CD, and the breadth A C and B D; and may be divided into any kind or number of Parts, VI. The Extremes of a Superficies are Lines. . As die Ends of a Line are Points, ſo the Bounds or Extremes of a Superficies are Lines; as before, you may ſee the Ends of the Lires A B, and BD, and 'D'c, and CA, VII. A Plain Superficies lieth equally between his Lines. Șo the Superficies A B C D is that which liech direct and equally bericen his Lines. And whatſoever is ſaid of a Right Line, the ſame is meant of a Plain Superficies. VIII. An Angle is when two Lines are extended upon the Same Superficies, Sex so that they touch one another in a Point, int not dire&tly. B As you may ſee the ord Lines A B and B C incline one towards the other, and touch one the other, in the Point B. In which point;' by reaſon of the bowing in- clination of the ſaid Lines, is made the Angle A BC. And here note, That an Angle is moſt commonly ſigned by three Letters, the middlemoſt whereof ſhewech the Angular Point, as iu this Figure, when we ſay Anglė A B C, you are to underſtand the very A C Point ar B. ;** 1 IX. A Right Angle is that which is produced of a Right Line, falling upora Right Line, and making two equal Angles on each ſide the point where they touch each other, + 1 - 19 A As upon the Right Line CD fup- poſe there dotlı ſtand another Right Line A B, in ſuch fort char it ma- kech the Angles on cither ſide there- of; namely, the Angle A BD on the one fide: equal to the Angle ABC on the other ſide, then are either of the two Angles Right An- ; and the Right Line A B, which D D Itaudeth erected upon the Right Line B CD, without bowing or inclining to either part thereof, -isa Perpendicular to the Line CD. 6 J. glesi X An 24 Book I. Geometrical Definitions. A E X. An Obruſe Angle is that which is greater than a Right Angle. 7 D So the Angle CBE is an Obture An- gle, becauſe it is greater than the Angle A B C, which is a Right Angle; For it doth not only contain that Right An- gle, but the Angle A B E allo, and therefore is Obtwiſe. B XI. Ax Acute Angle is leſs than a Right Angle. Therefore you may ſec the Angle EBD is an Acute Angle; for it is leſs than the Right Angle A B D, in which it is contained by the other Acute Angle AB E. XII. A Limit or Term is the End of every Thing. As a Point is the Limit or Term of a Line, becauſe it is the End thereof; fo a Line Likewiſe is the Limit and Term of a Superficles, and a Superficies is the Limit and Terms of a Budy. XIII. A Figure is that which is contained under one Limit or Term, or many. As thc Figure A is contained under one Limit or Term, which is the round Line; alſo the Figures B and C are contained under four Right Lines: likewiſe the Figure E is contained un- B А. der three Right Lines, C which are the Limits or Terms thereof; and the Figure F under five Right Lines: And ſo of all ocher Figures. And here note, We call F any plain Superficies, whoſe E sides are unequal (as the Figure F) a Plot, as of a Field, Wood, Park, Forest, and the like. T XIV. A Circle is a plain Figure contained under oxe Line, which is called a Circumference; unto which all Lines drawn from one point within the Figure, and falling xpon the A Circumference thereof, are egaal one to the other. As the Figure A ECF is a Circle contained under the Crooked Line A ECD, which Line is called the circumference. In the middle of F E this Figure is the Center or Point B, from which Point áll Lines drawn from the Circumference are equal, as the Lines BA, BE, BD, BC; D and this Point B is called the Center of the Cir- 23 cle. C 9 ch XV. A A t 1 1 BOOK I. Geometrical Definitions. 25 XV. A Diameter of a Circle is a Right Line drawn by the Center thereof, and ending at the Circumference, on either fide dividing the Circle into two equal Parts. So the Line A B C in the former Figure, is the Diameter thereof, becauſe it paflech from the Point A on the one ſide, and pafſeth alſo by the Point B, which is the Center of the Circle ; and moreover, it divideth the Circle into two cqual parts, namely, AEC being on one ſide of the Dinmeter, equal to A F C on the other. And this Obſervation was firſt made by Thales Mileſius; For, faith he, if a Line drawn by the Center of any Circle do not divide ic equally, all the Lines drawn from the Center of that Circle, from the Circumference, cannot be equal. XVI. A Semicircle is a Figure contained under the Diameter, and that part of the Circumference cut off by the Diamecer. As in the former Circle, the Figure A F C is a Semicircle, becauſe it is contained of the Right Line A B C which is the Diameter, and of the crooked Line A FC, being that part of the Circumference which is cut off by the Diameter: Alſo che parc A EC is a Semicircle. XVII. A Section or Portion of a Circle, is a Figure contained under a Right. Line, and a part of the Circumference, greater or leſs than a Semicircle. B So che Figure A B C, which conſiſtech of the part CA thie Circüimference AB C, and the Right Line A C, is a Sektion of Portion of a Circle, greater than a Semi- circle. Alſo the other Figure A CD, which is contained E under the Right Line A C, and the parts of the Cir. cumference ADC, is a Section of a Circle leſs than a Semicircle. And here note, That by a Section, Sega ment, Portion, or part of a Circle, is meant the ſame thing, and ſignifieth ſuch part as is greater or lefler than a Semicircle: So that a Semicircle cannor properly D be called a Section, Segment, or part of a Circle. XVIII. Right-lined Figures are ſuch as are contained under Right Lincs. XIX. Three-ſided Figures are ſuch as are contained under three Right Lines. XX. Four-ſided Figures are ſuch as are contained under four Right Lines. XXI. Many-ſided Figures are ſuch as have more Sides than four. XXII. Al Three-ſided Figures are called Triangles. And ſuch are the Triangles A B C. . B A C :.... E XXIII. Of ; 26 Book I. Geometrical Definitions. XXIII. Of Four-ſided Figures, A Quadrat or Square is that whole Sides are equal , and his An- gles right, as the Figure A. 3 1 XXIV. A Long Square is that which hath right An- gles, but unequal Sides, as the Figure B. B 1 + 1 XXV. A Rhombus is a Figure Quadrangular, having equal Sides, but not equal or right Angles, as the Figure C. C XXVI. A Rhomboides is a Figure whoſe oppoſite sides are equal, and whoſe oppoſite Angles are alſo equal: but it hath neither equal Sides, nor equal Angles, as the Figure D. D 1 2 1 XXVII. All other Figures of Four Sides are called Trapezia's. i : XXVIII. Such are all of Four Sides, in which is ob- ſerved no equality of Sides or Angles, as the Figures L and M, which have neither equal Sides nor Angles, but are deſcribed by all Adventures, without the obſerva- tion of any Order. M XXIX. Parallel + Book I. Geometrical Theoremes. 27 XXIX. Parallel or Aqui-diſtant Right Lines are ſuch which being in one and the ſame A- -B Superficies, and produced infinitely on both ſides, do never in any part concur; as you may ſee by the two C D Lines A B, CD. XXX. A Solid Body is that which hath Length, and Breadth, and [ Thickneſs, as a Cube or Die; and the Limits and Extremes of it are Superficies, as the Figure I. XXXI. Axis is the Diameter about which the Sphere or Globe is turiicd. K XXXII. The Poles of a Sphere are the Extremes or Ends of the Diamen ter, and are terminated in the Superficies of the Sphere. XXXIII. A Sphere is defined by Euclid to be made, when the Diameter of a Semi- circle remaining fixed, che Semicircle is turned about, till it be returned to the place whence it began to move at firſt. 1 Geometrical Theoremes. I. NY cwo Right Lines croſſing one another, make the contrary or vertical Angles cqual. Euclid. 15. I. SU II. If any Right Lines fall upon'two parallel Right Lines, it makech the outward Angles of the one, equal to the inward Angles of the other; and the cwo inward oppoſice Angles, on contrary ſides of the falling Line, allo cqual. Euclid 29. I. 1 III. If any Side of a Triangle be produced, the outward Angle is equal to the in- ward oppoſite Ingles , and all the chrce Angles of any Triangle are equal to two Right Angles. Euclid 32, 1. IV. In Æqui-angled Triangles all their Sides are proportioned, as well ſuch as con- tain the equal Angles, as alſo the ſubtendent Sides. V. If any four Quantities be proportional, the firſt multiplied in the fourthi, produceck a Quantity equal to that which is made by multiplication of the fccond in the third. VI. In all Righe-angled Triangles, the Square of the Side ſubrending the Right Angle, is equal to both the Squares of the containing fides. Euclid 47.1. VII. All Parallellograms are double to che Triangles that are deſcribed upon their Baſis, their Altitudes being equal. Euclid 41. I. VIII. All Triangles that have one and the ſame Baſe, and lie between two Parallel Lines, are equal one to the other. Euclid 37. I. E 2 GEO 28 Воок І 1 Geometrical Problems G PROBLEM I. Upon a Right Line given, how to erect another Right Linc which ſhall be perpendicular to the Right Line given. HE Right Line given is A B, upon which from the Point E it is required to creet the perpendicular E H. Opening your com- paſs at any convenient diſtance, place one Foot in che aſſigned Point E, and with the other make the HF two Marks C and D, cqual on cach ſide the Point E; G then opening your compaſſes again to any other convenient diſtance wider than the former , place one Foot in C, and with the other deſcribe the Arch GG; alſo (the Compaſſes remaining at the ſame diſtance) Isten place one Foot in the Point D, and with the other deſcribe the Archo FF. Then from the point where thoſe two Arches in-A. C E B terſect or cut each other (which is at H) draw the Right Line HÉ, which thall be Perpendicular to the given Right Line A B, which was the thing required to be done. F... ఆ D 1 PROBL. II. How to erect a Perpendicular on the end of a Right Line given. Firſt upon the Line A B, with your compaſſes opened to any ſmall diſtance, Ba , required make five ſmall Diviſions, beginning at A, noted with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then take D hi with your Comp-les the diſtance from A to 4, and place one Foot in A, and with the other deſcribe the 'Arch će: Then take the diſtance from A to 5, and 7 placing one Foot of the compaſſes in 3, with the other foot deſcribe the Arch 16 h h, cutting the former Arch in the Point D: Laſtly, from D draw the Line DA, which ſhall be perpendicular to the given Line A B. This operation is grounded upon this B 4 3 2 Concluſion, viz. Theſe three Numbers 3, 4, and 5, make a Right-angled Tri- angle , which is very neceſſary in many Mechanical Operations, and eaſie to be re- membred. PROBL. for compare...... 6 o Š Á. 2 * BOOK I. Geometrical Problems. 29 PROBL. III. How to let fall a Perpendicular upon any Point aſſigned, upon a Right Line given. T He Point given is C, from which Point it is required how to draw a Right Line which ſhall be perpendicolar to the gi- 17 ven Right Line A B. Firſt from the given Point C, to the Line A B, draw a Line by chance, as CE, which divide into two cqual parts in the Point D. D Then placing one foot of the Compaſſes in the Point D, with that diſtance DC deſcribe the Semicircle CFE, cutting the given Line A B in the Point F. Laſtly, If from the Point C you draw the Right Line CF, it ſhall be a Perpendicular to h B the given Line A B, which was required. ► L PROBL. IV. How to make an Angle equal to an Angle given. Et the Angle given be AC B, and let it be required to make another Angle cqual chercunto. Firſt draw thc Line E F at plea- ſure; then upon the given Angle ac C (the Compaſſes opened to any di- ſtance) deſcribe the Arch AB; and allo upon the Point F, the Compaſſes unaltered, deſcribe che Arch D E; B Then take the diſtance A B, and ſec the ſame from E to D; Laſtly draw the Line DF: So Thall the Angle DFE be equal to the given Angle A C B. A here to 18 1 + PROBL. V. Right Line being given, how to draw another Right Line which shall be parallel to the former, åt any diſtance required. He Line given is A B, unto which it is required to draw another Righe Line „ ра- rallel thereunto, at the diſtance A Cor D B. Firſt open your Compaſſes to the diſtance A Cor BD; then placing C D one Foot in A , with the ſcribe the Arch C; alſo(at that diſtance place onc Foot in B, and with the Othier deſcribe the Arch D. Laſtly, 10 draw the Line CD, that it may only touch the Arches C and D: So ſhall А. B the Line CD be parallel to che Line A B, and at the diſtance required. 4 PROBL. 1 1 30 Book 1. Geometrical Problems 4 D PROBL. VI. To divide a Right Line into any number of equal Parts. Ec A B be a Right Line given, rand let it be required to divide the ſame into five equal Parts. Firſt, From the given Line A, draw the Line AC, making any Angle from the end of the given Line which is ac che Point B. Then draw the Line BD cqual to the Angle CA B. Then from В the Points A and B, ſer off upon cheſe (wo Lines any Number of equal parts, bcing leſs by one than the Paris into which the Line A B is to be divided, which in this Example muſt be 4. Then draw ſmall L ne rrom 1 to 4, from 2 to 3 twici, and from 1 to 4, etc. which Lines crofing the given lin.' A B, thall divide it into five equal Parts, as was required. 1. TITIII 2 1 2 그 ​UVIIIII B 4 F PROBL. VII. u Right Line being given, how to draw another Right Line parallel thereunto, which ſhall alſo paſs through a Point aligned. L Ec A B be a Line given, and let it be required to draw another Line paralle thereunico, which ſhall paſs through the given Paint C. Firſt, Take with your Com- C paſſes the diſtance from A to C, and place- ing one Foot thereof at B, with the other D' deſcribe the Arc DE; then take in your Compaffes the whole Line A B, and place one Foot in C, and with the other deſcribe the B A. Arch FG, cro.ling the former Arch in the Point H: Then if you draw the Line CH, it Thall be parallel to A B, the thing required. H > PROBL. VIII. Having any three Points given which are not ſcituated in a Right Line, How to find the Center of a Circle which ſhall paſs directly through the three Points given. He three points given are A, B, and C; R T now it is required to finde the Center of :Circle whoſe circumferenice Šliall paſsthrough the three Points given..! Firſt open your compasſes to any diſtance greaser" elan half the diſtance between B and C; then place one Foor in the Point B, and with the other deſcribe the Arch F.G;. then the Compaffes remaining at the ſamc diſtance, place one Foot in the Point C, G and with the other turn'd about make the marks F and G in the former Arch, and draw the Line F O G at length, if need be. Ir like manner open your compaſs at a di- ſtance greater than half A B; Place one Foot in the Point A, with the other deſcribe the 22 Arch HK: Then the compaſſes remaining ac the ſame diſtance, place onc Foot in the Point C, ic - 1 - Book I. Geometrical Problems. 31 C, and turning the other about, make the marks H K in che former Arch. Laſtly, draw the Right Line H K, cutting the Line F G in O, fo ſhall o be the Center, upon which you may deſcribe a Circle at the diſtance of O A, and it ſhall paſs directly through the three given Points A B C, which was required. • PROBL. IX. A How to deſcribe a Circle in a Triangle, that Mall only touch the three sides; and to find the Centre. 1 E C A Ay down che Triangle A B C, the three Sides equal; then divide the sides of the Triangle A B in two cqual parts, as at B, and draw the Line CE and likewiſe di vide B C, and draw the Line A D; and where they croſs one che other, as at O, that is the Center: Therefore put onc Point of the Compulles in the Cenier O, and extend the other to cither ſide, and deſcribe the Cir. cle GF, which will only couch the sides A B C of the Triangle. D 23 В. 1 1 PROBL. X. How to lay down a Triangle in a Circle, and to find the Center of the Circle in the Triangle. D C not F H Raw the three sides of a Triangle AB ..t C, it is no matter if they be equal or then put one foot of your Compales in the Point B, open the other to more than half the length of the greateſt fide, as to C; and with that diſtance deſcribe the Arch F HDG; and ſo removing the Compaſſes to C, croſs the former Arch at F and D, and draw the Line DF. Again, the Compaſſes at the ſame diſtance, pur one Foot in A, and deſcribing a ſmall Arch, croſs the for- mer Arch at H and G; and laying a Ruler B.over the Interſections of theſe two Arches at Hand G, draw the Line GH; and where theſe two Lines croſs áne che other, as at K, that is the Center of the Triangular Points. From it exrend the compaſſes to either of the Points, and deſcribe the Circle A B C; and. the Triangle will be within the Circle. А SD 1 1 1 24 ; I PROBLE 32 Geometrical Problems. Воок І. } : PROBL. X I. Any three. Right Lines being given, ſo that the two shorteſt together be longer than the third; To make thereof a Triangle. Ee it be required to make a Triangle L of theſe three Lines A, B, and C, YA the two ſhorteſt whereof, viz. A and B together, are longer than the third-C. Firſt diay the Lire D. E cqual-to che given Line B ; then take with F poiler che Line C, and ſetting one Foot in E, with the other deſcribe the Arch FF: TE alio take with your compaſſes the given 25 Line A, and placing one foot in D, with the odlier deſcribe the Arch G G, curcing the former Arch in the Point K. Laſtly, from the. Painit K, if you draw the Lines KE and KD, you ſhall conſtitute the KEM Triangle KD E,whoſe Sides ſhall be cqual to the three given Sides A B C. *** 1 تفنني -41 PROBL. XII. Having a Right Line given, How to make a Geometrical Square, whole Sides Mall be equal to the Right Line given. He Line given is RI, and it is required an inake a Geometrical Square whoſe :D C Sides ſhall be equal to the Line R I. Firſt draw shiegiken, Line Ja then.(by the firſt and ſem :: cond Wrobleme upon the Point B raife the per- pendicular BC, making the Line B C equal to the given Line R I alſo: Then taking the ſaid R. I iy your compaſſes, place one Foot in C, dith the ocher deſcribe an Arch at D, The 26 Campafs at the ſame diſtance, ſet one Foor in 1, and trofs the former Arch at D; then draw the Lines DC and D A, which ſhall conclude A B the Geometrical Square ABCD, which was itquued. RU I . 1 ܫܐܵ + in PROBL. XIII. Two Right Lines being given, How to find a third which ſhall be in prog portion unto them. A. 8 L Èt the given Lines be a B В 12 and B; and it is required to find a third Line which ſhall be in proportion unto niem. Firſt draw two Right Lines, F making any Angle at pleaſure, as the Lines L M and MN, E making the Angle LMN: Then take the Line A in your Compaſſes, and ſee the length thereof from Mto E ; alſo take the line B, and ſet the Length M N H chereof than, 12 1 BOOK I, Geometrical Problems 33 thereof from M to F, and alſo from Mto H: Then draw the Right Line E H, and then from the Point F draw the Line F G parallel to EH. So ſhall MG be the third Proporcional required: For Arithmctically ſay, , . As ME to MH: Sos MF to MG 18. 8 12 I 2 12 + 3 24 I 2 844 (1-8 88 144 PROBL. XIV. Three Right Lines being given, To find a fourth in proportion to them. -36 42 ES He three Lines given are A B C, unto which it is required to find a fourth Pro- portional Line. This is to perform the Rule of A. 24 Three. As in the laſt B 29 Problem, you muſt draw two Right Lines, making any Angle at pleaſure, as the Angle E FG; then take the Line A in your Compaſs, and ſee it from F to 1; then take the Line B in your compas- fes, and let that from F 28 to K; then take the third given Line in your Con- pafles, and ſet that from G F to H, and from thar K L Point H draw the Line H L, parallel to I K; So ſhall the Line F L be the third Proportional required. Note, Thar theſe Lines are taken off a Scale, that is divided into 20 parts to an Inch : To do it Arithmetically ſay, A FI is to FK: Sois F H to F L. 24 28 36 42 28 24 288 2$$8 (42 72 244 1008 Here 110te, That in performance of the laſt Problem, That the firſt and third Terms namely the Lines A and C muſt be ſet upon one and the fanie Line, as here upon the Line F E, and the ſecond Line B muſt be ſet upon the other Line F*G, upon which Line alſo the fourth Proportion will be found. 1 T PROBL: ! 34 Geometrical Problems: Воок І. 9 PROBL. XV. How to work the Rule of Proportion by a Scale of equal Parts, and ſuch other Concluſions as are uſually wrought in Lincs and Numbers, as in Mr. Gunter's 10 Prob. 2 Chap. He Scale of Inches is a Scale of equal Parts, and will perform (by protraction upon a Flat or Paper) ſuch Concluſions as are uſually wrought in Lines and Numbers, as in Mr.Gunter's 10 Prob. 2 Chap. Sector, may be ſeen, and in ochers that have writ in the ſame kind. This way Mr. Samuel Foſter hath directed in the I Chap. of his Posthumus Fosteri. T An Example in Numbers like his Tenth Probl. As 16 to 7: So is 8 to what? Here becauſe the ſecond Term is leſs than the firſt, upon the Line A B, I ſet AC the firſt Term 16, and the ſecond Term AD 7, both taken out of the Scale of equal parts: thence alſo the third Number 8 being taken, with it upon the Center C, Ide- fcribe the Arke E F, and from A draw the Line A E, which may only touch the ſame Arke ; then from D, I take DG, the leaſt diſtance from the Line Á E, and the fame meaſured in the ſame Scale of cqual parts, gives 3 , the fourth Term required. A 4 6 29 re rut But if the ſecond Term (hall be greater than the firſt, then the form of working muſt be changed, as in the following Example. EXAMPLE. As 7 to 16: So 21 to what ?-48. Upon the Line A B, I ſet the ſecond Term 16, which is here ſuppoſed to be A D; chen with the firſt Term 7 upon the Center D, I deſcribe the Arke GH, and draw A G chat may juft touch it : Again, having caken 31 out of the ſame Scale, I ſer one Foot of that Extent upon the Line A B, removing it until it fall into ſuch a place, as that the other Foot being turned about, will.juſtly touch the Line A G before-drawn; and where (upon ſuch Conditions) it reſtech, I make the Point C; then meaſuring A Cupon your Scale, you ſhall find it to reach 48 Parts, which is the fourth Num- ber required. The form of Works (although not ſo. Geometrical) is here given, becauſe it is here more expedite than the other by drawing Parallel Lines; but in ſome Practice the othier may be uſed. I have been the more large upon this, becauſe in the following Treatifc Book I. Geometrical Problems 35 Treatiſe I ſhall quote ſome more remarkable Places in Poſthuma Foſteri: and the So- lution of Proportions muſt be referred thither, the form of their Operations being the fame with this. In them therefore {hall only be intimated what muſt be done in ge- neral, the particular way of working being here directed. 30 PROBL. XVI. To divide a Right Line given, into two parts, which ſhall have ſuch pro- portion one to the other as two given Right Lines. He Line given is A E, and it is required to divide the ſame into two parts, which ſhall have ſuch proportion one to the other, as the Line C hath to the Line D. Firſt, From the Point A draw a Right Line at pleaſure, B C D making the Angle 'BAE; 30 then take in your compaſſes the Line C, and ſet it from A to F; and alſo take the Line D and ſet it from F to B, and draw thc Line B E: Then F from the Point F draw the Line F G, parallel to B E, 10 cutting the given Line A E in the Point G: So is the Line A A A L16 2.4 E in B divided into two parts 30 G the Paint G, in proportion to icone the other, as the-Lise C is to thc Line D: Arithmetically, ler che Line A E contain 40 Perches or Foot, and let the Line C be 20, and the Line D 30 Perches; and let it be required to divide the Line A E inco two parts, being in proportion one to the other, as the Line C is to the Line D. Firſt , Add the Lines C and D together, their Sum is 50: Then ſay by the Rule of Proportion, If so (which is the Sum of the two given Terms) give 40, the whole Line A E; What Thall 30 the greater given Term give? Multiply and divide, and you ſhall have in the Quotient 24 for thic grcater part of the Line A E; which being taken from 40, there remains 26 for che other part AG: For AE 16 G 40 As A B is to AE: BF to EG. 50 30 24 40 40 2z$ (24 00 120 880 I 200 ! : PROBL. XVII. "How to divide a Triangle into two parts, according to any proportion af figned, by a Line drawn from any Angle thereof; and to lay the les- ſer part unto any side aſſigned. L Ec A B C be a Triangle giveri, and let it be required to divide the ſame by a Line drawn from the Angle A, into two parts, the one bearing proportion to the other, Asche Line F to the Line G; And that the leſſer part may be towards the Side A B.. F. 2 By: 1 + BOOK I. 36 . Geometrical Problems. A GTF 31 der ***** C B 45 D By the laſt Problem divide the Baſe of the Triangle B C in the Point I, in propor- tion as the Line F is to the Line G (the leſſer part being ſet from B to D.) Laſtly, draw the Line A D, which ſhall divide the Triangle A B C in proportion as F to G. As the Line F, is to the Line G: So is the Triangle A DC, to the Triangle A BD. · PROBL. XVIII. The Baſe of the Triangle being known, To perform the foregoing Problem Arithmetically. Uppoſe the Baſe of the Triangle BC be 45, and let the Proportion into which the Triangle A B C is to be divided, be as 2 to 4. Firſt add the two proportional Terms together, 2 and 4, which makes 6; then ſay by thc Rule of Proportion, If 6, the Sum of the Proportional Term, give 45 (the whole Baſe BC) What ſhall 4 ché greater Term given ? Multiply and divide, and the Quotient will give you 30, for the greater Segment of the Baſe DC, which being deducted from the wholc Bafé 45, there will remain 15 for the leffer Segment B D. ܪ 1 As 16 is to 45: So is 4 DC 30. 4 180 x86 (30 66 PROBL. XIX. How to divide a Triangle (whoſe Area or Content is known) into two Parts, by a Line drawn from an Angle afligned, according to any Proportion required. L Et the Triangle A B C contain 9 Acres, and let it be required to divide the ſame into two Parts, by a Line drawn from the Angle A, the one to contain 5 Acres, and the othei 4 Acres. First, meaſure the whole length of tlie Baſe, which ſuppoſe 45 ; Then fay, If 9 Acres the quantity of the whole Triangle, give 45 the whole Bafe, What parts of the Baſe shall 4 Acres give ? Multiply and divide, the Quotient will 1 . Воок І. Geometrical Problems. 37 Triangle will be 20 for the lcfier Segment of the Baſe BD; which being deducted from 45 the whole Baſe DC, then draw the Line AD, which ſhall divide the A B C according to the proportion required. If 9 Acres give 45, What fall 4 Acres give ? Anſwer 20 { 180 288 (20 99 2 PROBL. XX. How to divide a Triangle given into two parts, according to any Propozi tion aligned, by a Line drawn from a Point limited in any of the Sides thereof; and to lay the greater or leſſer part towards any Angle aſſigned. TH 'He Triangle given is Á BC, and it is N- required from the Point А. M to draw a Line that O Thall divide the Triangle into two parts, being in proportion one to the other, as the Line N is to the Line O ; and to lay the leſſer part to- wards B. Firſt, from the limited Point M draw a Line to B. the oppoſite Angle at A; M then divide the Baſe BC in proportion as O to N, which Point of Diviſion will be at É; then draw E D parallel to A M : Laftly, from D draw the Line D M, which will divide the Triangle into two parts, being in Proportion one to the other, as the Line O is to the Line N. در 1 H RE I PROBL. XXI. To perform the foregoing Problem Arithmetically. T is required to divide the Triangle A B C, from the Point M, into tivo parts in proportion as 5 to 2. Firſt divide the Baſe B Caccording to the given Proportion; then becauſe the leſſer Part is to be laid towards B, mcäfui'c the diſtance from M to B, which ſuppoſe 32: Then ſay by the Rule of Proportion, IF M B 32, give E B 16, what ſhall A R 28 (Perpendicular of the Triangle) give Multiply and divide, the Quotient will be 14, at which diſtance draw a Parallel Line tò Bíc, namely D; then from D draw the Line D M, which thall divide the Triangle according to the reqùired Proportion. + F 1 * PROBL: 38 Воок І. Geometrical Problems. PROBL. XXII. How to divide a Triangle (whoſe Arca or Content is known) into two Parts, by a Line drawn from a Point limited, into any Side thereof, according to any number of Acres, Roods, and Perches. 1 N the foregoing Triangle A B C, whoſe Area or Content is 5 Acres 1 Rood, let the I limited Point be M in the Bare thereof; and let it be required from the Point M to draw a Line which ſhall divide the Triangle into two parts becween Johnſon and Porell , ſo as Johnſon may have 3 Acres 3 Roods thereof, and Powell may have Acre and . Roods thereof. Firſi, Reduce the quantity of Poppellºs, being the leſſer, into Perches (Obſerve, 160 ſquare Poles contaius i Acre, half an Acre contains 80 Perck, a quarter or one Rood 40 Perch.) which makes 240. Then conſidering on which ſide of the limited Point M this part is to be laid, as towards B, meaſuring the part of the Baſe from M to B 32 Perch, whereof take the half, which is 16, and thereby divide 240, the Parcs be- longing to Powell, the Quotient will be 15, the length of the Perpendicular D H, ac which Parallel-diſtance from the Baſe B C, cut the Side A B in D, from whence draw the Line D M, which ſhall cut off the Triangle DBM, containing i Acre 2 Roods, the parë belonging to Powell: Then the Trapezia A DMC (which is the part be- longing to Johnſon) contains the reſiduc, namely, 3 Acres 3 Roods. : 3 28 160 80 246 (15 240 288 Z > 1 PROBL. XXIII. Horý to divide a Triangle according to any Proportion given, by & Lins drawn parallel to one of the sides given. He following Triangle A B C is given, and it is required to divide the ſame into two Parts -by a Line drawn parallel to the Side A C, which ſhall be in pro-. portion one to the other, as the Line I is to the Line K. Firſt (by the 16th Problem) divide the Line B-C in E, in proportion as I to K; then (by the 27th Arpblem following) find a mean Proportional between B E and BC, which ler be BF, from which Point F draw che Line FH, parallel to A C, which Line ſhall divide the Triangle into two parts, viz. the Trapezia AHFC, and the Triangle H F B,which are in proportion one to the other, as the Line I is to the Line K. 1 PROBL, XXIV. To perform the foregoing Problem Arithmetically. L Er the Triangle be A B C, and let it be required to divide the ſame into two parts, which ſhall be in proportion one to che other, as 4 to 5, by a Line drawn Parallel to one of the Sides. Firſ i . Воок І. Geometrical Problems. 39 1 H Firſt let the Baſe BC, А A K. 4. containing 54, be divided according to the propor- I- tion given; ſo ſħall the leſler Segment B E con- tain 24, and the greater EC 30; Then find out a 33 mcan Proportional be- tween B E 24, and the whole Baſe BC 54; by multiplying 54 by 24, whoſe Product will be B 1296; the Square Root thereof is 36, the man G D E F F Proportional ſought, sch is BF. Now if BF 36 give BE 24, what ſhall AD 36? The Anſwer is HG 24, at which diſtance draw a Parallel Line to the Baſe, to cut the Side A B in H, from whence draw the Line H F, Parallel to A C, whichi ſhall divide the Triangle as was required. 1 - 54 24 216 To8 1296 1296 PROBL. XXV. To divide a Triangle of any known Quantity into two parts, by a Line Parallel to one of the Sides, according to any Number of Acres, Roods, and Perches. He Triangle given is A B C, wlioſe Quantity is 8 Acres, o Roods, and 16 Peň- ches; and it is deſired to divide the fame (by a Line drawn up parallel to the Side A C) into two parts, vič. 4 Acres, 2 Roods, O Perches; and 3 Acres, 2 Roods, and 16 Perches. Firſt, Reduce boch Quantities into Perches (as it is hereafter caught) and they will be 720, and 576; then reduce both theſe Numbers by abbreviation into the leaſt proportional Term, viz. 5 and 4; and according to that proportion, divide the Baſe B C 54 of the given Triangle in E: then ſeek chc mcan Proportion between BE and BC, which Proportion is B F 36, of which 36 take the half, and thereby divide -576, the leſſer Quantity of Perches, the Quotient will be HG 32, ac which Paw rallel-diſtance from the Baſc, cut off the Line A B in H, from whence draw the Line HF parallel to the Side A C, which ſhall divide the Triangle given, according as it was required. 23.0 876 (32 288 1 2 " PROBL 40 Book. Geometrical Problems. 1 Į PROBL. XXVI. From a Line given, To cut off any Parts required. r Tom 7 34 He Line give is AB, from which it is rés quired to cut off"; Parts. i Fird, draw the Line A C, making any Angle, as GAB is ellen from a ſet off any 7 cqual Parts, as 10,7, 3, 4, 5,6,7; an trony 7 draw the Line 7 B. Now becaute 1 is to be cut A oH fiqi dhe Lin: B, chere- --B Fore from the Poin: 3, draw dic Line 3 D, parallel m 7 B, cutting the Line A B in D; So thall A D be che! of the Line A B, and D.B thall be of die ſame Line. 1 1. 3 ܝܬ i.! As 7 is to A B: So is A i to A D. IN PROBL. XXVII. To find a Mean Proportional between two Lines given. N the following Figure, let the two Lines given be A and B, between which it is re- quired to find a Mec:n Proportional . Let the two Lines A and B be joyncd roge- ther in the Point E, making one Right Line as C D, which divided into two equal Parts in the Point G; upon whichi Point G, with the diſtance G C or GD, deſcribe skis semicircle us Di Then from the Point E, where the two Lițies arc joyned moge- mile'tlfé perpendicular E F : So ſhall the Line E F be a Mean Proportional becwveen ofte ato giveri Dine's A and Bi For; As E D is to E F: So E F to CF. 16 tier, 9 12 12 OI 68 1 PROBL. XXVIII. How to finde two Lines,which together ſhall be equal in Power to any Line given; And in Power the one to the other, according to any propor. tion aſſigned. A- B -16 C 25 F F N this Figure let CD bc a Line givçın, to be divided in Poruci, as the Line A is to the Line B. Firſt, divide the Line CD in the Point E, in proportion as A to B (by the 16th Probl.) Then divide the Line CD into two equal Parts in the Point G, and on G, at the diſtance G D orGC, deſcribe the 3 12 15 20 16 9 256 H 9 Semicircle 1 . Book II. Geometrical Problems. 41 Semicircle CFD, and upon the Point E raiſe the Perpendicular EF, cutting the Se- micircle in F. Liftly, draw the Line C F and D F, which together in Power will be equal to the Power of the given Line CD; and yet in Pover one to the other, as A to B. ** PROBL. XXIX. A B A la ng AN 。 F. DITUIT How to divide a Line in Power according to any Proportion given. Fi: Divide the Line C Irſt, Divide the Line C D in the Point E,in pro- portion as A to B : Then di- A vide the Line CD in two e- B qual Parts in the Point G,and upon G as a Center, at the di- ſtance CD, deſcribe the Sem micircle CFD, and on E 3 raiſe the perpendicular of EF, cutting the Scmicircle in F: Then draw the Line CF and DF, and produce the Line CF to H, till FH be equal to FD, and draw the Line 12 DH. Laſtly, draw the Line FK, parallel to DH: Then D Thall the Line CD be divi- 14. 10 ded in K; ſo charche Square of C K hall be to the Square of K D, as C E to E D, or as B to A. VITIT PROBL. XXX. How to enlarge a Linc in Power, according to any Proportion aſſigned N the Diagram of the 28th Problem, Ice CE be a Line given, to be enlarged in a Power as the Line B to the Line C. Firſt (by the I6th Problem) find a Line in proportion to the given Line CE, as B is to C, which will be CD; upon which Line deſcribe the Semicircle CFD, and on the Point E erect the Perpendicular E F: Then draw the Line C F, which ſhall be in power to CE, as C to B. PROBL, XXXI. To enlarge or diminiſh a Plot given, according to any Proportion required. L Et ABCD E be a plot given, to be diminiſhed in Power as L to K. Divide one of the sides, as A B in Power as L to K, in ſuch fort chat the Power of A F may be to the Power of A B, as I to K; then from the Angle A draw Lines to the Point' C and D. That donc, by F draw a Parallel to B C, to cut A C in G, as FG: again, from G draw a Parallel to D C, to cut A D in H. Laſtly, from H draw a Parallel to D E, to cut A E in I: So ſhall the Plet A FGHI be like ABCDE, and in proportion to it, as the Line L to the Line K, which iras required. G Allo 42 Geometrical Problems. Book I. € G D F H a A be the length of the Perpen- Alſo if the leſſer Plot was given, and it was required to make it in proportion to it as K- K to L; then from the Point L A draw the Lines A Cand A D at leisgtli; alfo increaſe AF and A I: That done, B enlarge A F in Power as K to L, which ſer from A to B ; then by. B draw a Parallel to FG, to cut A Cin C, as B C: likcwiſc from C draw Parallel to GH, to cut A D in D: Laſtly, a Parallel from 37 D to H I, as D E, to cat A I being increaſed in E; fo ſhall you include the Plot A BC DE, like A FGHI, and in proportion thereunto, as the Line K is to the Line L, which was required. PROBL. XXXII. How to make a Triangle which ſhall contain any Number of Acres, Roods, and Perches, and whoſe Baſe ſhall be equal to any poſſible) Num- ber given. Er it be required to make a Triangle which ſhall contain 6 Acres, 2 Roeds, 25 L Perches, whole Baſe ſhall contain 50 Perches. You muſt firſt reduce your 6 Acres 2 Roods, and 25 Perches, all into Perches, after this manner. Firſt, Becauſe 4 Roeds makes 1 Acre, multiply your 6 Acres by 4. makes 24; to wliich add the 2 odd Roods, ſo have you 26 Roods in 6 Acres 2 Roods; then becauſe 40 Perches makes i Rood, multiply your 26 by 40, which makcs 1040, to which add the 25 Perches, and you ſhall have 1065, and ſo many Perches are contained in 6 Acres, 2 Roods, and 25 Perches.Now to make a Triangle that ſhall contain 1065 Perches, and whoſe Baſe ſhall be 50 Perches, do thus ; double the number of Per- ches given, namely 1065, and they make 2130, then be A D cauſe the baſe of the Trian- gle muſt contain 50 Perches, divide 2130 by so, the Q:10- tient will be 42. which will + 1 3 125 dicular of the Triangle. This done, from any Scale of equal Parts, lay down the Line B C equal to 50 Perches; then 38 upon C raiſe the Perpendicular C E, cqual to 42 Perches, and draw the Line A E, pa- rallel to B C; then from any Point in the Line A E, as from G, draw che Line BG, and G'c, including the Triangle BGC, which ſhall contain 6 Acres, 2 Roods, 25 Perches, which was required. 1 50 BL ول t PROBL 1 3 Book I. Geometrical Problems. 43 PROBL. XXXIII. How to reduce a Trapezia into a Triangle, by a Line drawn from any Angle thereof. 33 f А. He Trapezia given is TH ABCD, and it is required to reduce the ſame 39 into a Triangle. Firſt, cxtcnd the Line D C, and draw the Diagonal BC; then from the Point A draw the Line A F, pa- rallel to CB, extending it D till it cut the Side DC in F C the Point F. Laſtly, from the Point B draw the Line BF, confticuting the Triangle F BD, which ſhall be equal to the Trapezia A BDC. And ſo I have concluded what I did intend of Geometrical Problems : Neither had I gone ſo far as I have, in regard Mr. William Leybourn hath ingeniouſly and very fully demonſtrated them in his Firſt Book of his Compleat Surveyer. But 110 Book (as I remember) now extant of Navigation, hath the foregoing Problems ſo large. Be- ſides, I ſhall direct (in tlic following Treatiſe) the Mariner to Survey any Plantation or Parcel of Land very exactly and caſily, by his Sea-Compaſs. + The End of the Firſt Boo 1 G2 - } 1 1 # 1 1 1 1 生 ​中​, 4 : P 生​。 5 45 THE 1 val V in > OR, STURMY's Mathematical and Practical ARTS. 1 1 The Second Book. 1 b. The ARGUMENT. Yon On're come to ſee a Sight, the World's the Stages Perhaps you'll ſay, 'Tis a Scar-gazing Age. Cume out and ſee the uſe of Inſtrument, Can Speculation field for ſuch Content ? That you can reſt in Learning; But the Name Offijing Pegalus, or Swift, Gharles-Wain. And muuld you learn. to know how bé dóth movie About his Axis, fet at work" by Jove ? If you would learn the Practice, rçady and then I need not thus intreat you by my Pen, To tread in Arts fair Steps, or gain the way; Go on, make haſte, Delinquent, do net Stay. Or will you ſcale Olympick Hills so high? Be Care take faſt hold on Aſtronomy : Then in that fáir-ſpread Canopy no Way From thee is hid, no not Galaxia. They that deſcend the Waters deep, do fee Our great God's Wonders there, and what they ber They that contemplate on the Starry Sky, Do see the Works that he hath fram'd so high. Then learn the Worlds Diviſion, and that Art which I ſhall ſhew you in this Second Part. N this Book is contained both a general and particular Deſcription, Making, and Uſe of all the moſt neceſſary inſtruments belonging to the Art of Navigation ; As the Mathematical Ruler, on which are theſe Scales following; viz. The Line of Chords, Points, Leagues, Longitude, Natural Sines, Tangents , Secants, at one End; at the other is Dialing Scales, viz. The Art of Dialling of all forts , reſolved by the Chords and Gnomon Line, and Scale of Six Hours; Scale of Inclination of Me- ridians, and two Scales inlarging Hours; Lines upon any reclining, inclining, or de- clining, Plain without a Center, called the greater and leſſer Pole : On the other ſide is a Line of Artificial Signs, Tangents, and Numbers; A Meridim Line, according to Mercator's or Mr. Edward Wright's Projection ; And Tables for the making of theſe Scales, with a Line of Longitude and Reduction, which are the Lines on the Mathea matical I 3 } Paces point-blank 46 The Argument. BOOK II. matical Scale; alſo, A Portable moſt uſeful Travis-Scale, with a Table for to make it, with artificial Rhombs, Points, 1 Quarters, and Tangent-Rhombs, and the making of the Sinical Quadrant, and ſo ordered, that by the help of an Index, and Lines thereon, it ſhall anſwer moſt of the uſeful Queſtions in Affronomy and Navigation. Alſo the making the plain Sea-Chard, and the true Sea-Chard, and particular Chards for any Place; with the moſt uſeful and neceſſary Semicircle, that will protract ariy Angle, or run upon any Chard, without drawing Rhomb-lines to fill the Chard; that fo, by help of this Inſtrument, the Chard may ſerve for many Voyages. Alſo the Ma- king and ilſc of a Compleat infrument, made in the manner and on the back-ſide of a Noturnal, wich 31 of the moſt uſeful and caſieſt Stars to be known in the North and South Hemiſphere, of the firſt, fecond, and third Magnitude ; which in a Mo- meilt, the Inſtrument being rectified, thewcth the Hour of the Night thaç any Star comcth to the Meridian, with his Declination N. and S. Alſo a Table of thic De- clination, Right Afcenfion, Latitude, and Longitude calculated from Tycho's Tables, re- stified for the year 1671. On the other ſide a Nocturnal fo ordered, that it ſhall give you the Hour of the Night by the Nurth-Star, and the brighteſt Guard, and his bearing every Point of the Compaſs from the Pole, whereby you may take the true De- clination; and alſo being ſo rectified, ſhoweth the Suns place in cach Sign and De- gree in the Ecliptick every day in the year. The Making and the uſe of the Croſs- Staff, Back-staff, Quadrant; The Making and Uſe of the ſmall Pucket-Inſtrument, on which is contained the moſt uſeful Lines, Scales, and Proportions, that in an Inſtant will ſhow the Diameter of any ſort of Ordnance at the Bore, and the length and weight of the Gun, and Shot, and Powder, in Brafs or iron; and the Diameter and Names of caclı Piece, Diameter of the show to cach Pičce, and the weight of any Iron Skot, the Diameter being given in Inches, with the breadth and length of the Ladle; Point of the Quadrant, which may by this Inſtrument be anſwered near enough for fo ſhort a time, to give any reaſonable Man an anſwer to any uſeful Queſtion in the Art of Gunnery. Allothe Deſcription of the Mariners Azimuth-Compaſs, ſo ordered that it ſhall meaſure all kind of Grounds whatſoever, whether Wood-land or other; and for taking of Heights and Diſtances, wheeltér acceſſible or inacceſſible : And by the help of the aforeſaid Semicircle, to protract any Plot of a Field or Plantation whatſo- ever, as ſoon as any Inſtrument, as the Plain Table; the Theodolit or Circumfcrenter, with much delight and pleaſure to the Ingenious Mariner, it agrecing ſo well with his Traviſſes at Sen. All which ſhall be thewn in the following Treatiſe in its duc Place. 4 1 } А 1 Book II. 06:01 cos C 47 А DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS. * CHAP. I. Of Inſtruments in general, He particular Deſcription of the ſeveral Inſtruments that have from time to time been invented for Mathematical Practice, would make a Treatiſe of it felf'; and in this place is not fo neceffary to be inſiſted on cvcry of the Inventors in their Conſtruction. To omit therefore the Deſcription and Super- fluity of unneceſſary Inſtruments; I ſhall immediately begin with the Deſcription of thoſe which are the Grounds and Foundation of all the reſt, and are now the only Inſtruments in cſtcem amongſt Navigators and Mariners at Sea, which are chiefly theſc; viz. The Mathematical Ruler, chc Plain Scale, che Sinical Quadrant, the Plain Sea-Chard, and die True Sca-Chard, the particular Chard, the Semicircle or Protraktor, the Notarnal, thic Croſs-ſtaff, Back-staff, and Quadrant; the Gunter's Scale, and the Mariner's Azimuth-Compaſs. Now as I would not confine any Man -to the Uſe of any particular Inſtrument for all Imployments; ſo I would adviſe any Man not to incumber himſelf with Multiplicity, ſince theſe aforeſaid are fufficient for all Occa- fions. Theſe ſpecial Inſtruments have been largely deſcribed already by divers; As namely, by Mr. Blundevil, Mr. Wright, Mr. Gunter, and others : but not fitted wich Tables for the making of them, or demonſtrated ſo plain to the Capacities of Sea- men, as they are here. Therefore in this place it will be very neceſſary to give a parti- cular Deſcription of them, becauſe that if any Man hath a deſire to any particular In- ftrument, he may give the better direction for the making thereof, or making of it himſelf. Foraſmuch as there is a continual uſe both of Scales and Chords, which are on the Mathematical Soale, in drawing of Schemes in the Art of Navigation, and all other forts in this Treatiſé ; Therefore we will demonſtrate the fundamental Diagram of the Mathematical Scale, that all Mariners may underſtand ( that have not the know- ledge already) the making of them, which is a moſt commendable Verrue in an expera Mariner. I could wiſh that all Maſters and Mates were able to make their own Infruments, that if they ſhould be long at Sea, and by diſaſter break or loſe their In- fruments; or if any in the Ship diſcovers the Practice, he may be able to make more for himſelf and others, without the help of the Artificer's Labour, and ſupply that This Diagram plainly ſheveth the making of the scale of Degrees or Chords, and Points of the Mariner's Compaſs; in a Right Line B 8, being the Degrees, containing in all 90; and F & is the Scale for the Points of the Compaſs, being in all 8 Points for the part of the whole Circle. Now for the Sines, Tangents, and Secants, you ſhall note, That the Semi-dia- meter A B muſt be divided into a Radical Number, for the more eaſe in Calculation as into 100, or 1000, 10000, 100000; and that by the Table of Natural Sines, Tangents defect by their own pains. ; 48 ba co I 1 o i 40 800 to mom O 1 50 Tangent Line 3 ini 40 2 Poynts 2 Tangent sployh 10 181 313 331 5681 A Deſcription of the Fundamental Book I. Tangents, Secants, Chords, and Points, which I have fitted on purpoſe for this Work. You may take off ſo many Nambers as the Table directs you, as ſhall be ſhewn. Miles Equall parts. 10 20 30 40'slo do zlé sloblo 70 80 fol:48. Here followeth a Table of 90 Degrees of the Quadrant. He chat deſires it larger, may make it to the Parts of a Degree. I have joyned the Chord proper to it, which is the Natural Sine of half the Arch doubled. Fot; Example, :If you double the Natural Line of 6.15.25. 30 Deg. you ſhall produce the chords of 12. 30.45.60 Degrees; thus 10453 is the Sine of 6 Degrees, being doubled, the Sum will be 20906 the Chord of 12 Degrees; and ſo of the reſt, as in the Table following. The Table of Degrees and Chords. De Chord De Choral D Chord 1 DelChord De Chord De Chora 17 16 278 311 5341 46 7811 101 10151701231 25 17 290 32 5511477971 162 1039 771245 03 52 04 7019 330 34 585 49 830 641060791373 87 20 347 351 601 150 845 65 1074 801 286 06 105 21 364 36 61851 861 66 1089 811299 07 132 22 382 22 382 1371 6351 152 870 167 1104 821312 os 139 23 398 138] 651 153 892 1681118 831325 09 151 24' 416 139 668 154 908 169 11331 184.1338 10 1751 251 432 406841155923170 1147 85/1351 II 19226450 141 700 56 9391711161' 861364 12 2091 271 466 42 717 57 954 721176 8711377 13 228 28 4841 1431 733158 9701731190 881389 14' 244) 29 Soil 144 749 59 9841741204 89.1402 15 2611301 581.145176 60 roooi 175 1217 Jool1414 F A O so 30 610 50 D 1 OI 02 a ! This ܊ ܐ Book II. Diagram of Scales and Tables, . 8 26 15 49 This done, Proportion the Radius of a Circle co what extent you pleaſe; make A B equal . thereto, which muſt be divided into equal Parts, as before-directed, by half thereof, and this Table, the Chord of any Arch proportionable to this Radius, may ſpeedily be obtained. As for Example, Ler thicre be required the Chord of Thirty De grces, the Number in the Table is si8; or in proportion to this Scale of 100 cqual Parts, A B is 52 almoſt; I cake chcrefore 52 from the Scale of equal Parts, and ſet them from B towards 8 to hand o, and draw chc Line ho, which is the Chord delired 30 Degrees : Thus may you find the Churd of any other Arch agrccable to this Radira. Or if your Radius be of a greater or leſſer extent, if you make the baſe of your Right Angle A B equal thereunto, You may in like manner find the Cherd of any arch, agreeable to any Radius given. Only remember, That if the Chord of the Arch deſi- red exceed 60 Deg. A B which is divided into ioo equal parts, you muſt continue thic Baſe A B in the diviſion of ſuch parts, as nccd ihall require. In this manner is made the Line of Chords in the Fundamental Diagram anſwerable to cliat Radius. And in this manner you may find the Cherd of the Rhomb, Pointszhalfs,and quarters, and the Sines, Tangents, and Secants of any Arch proportionable to any Radius, by help of theſe Tables following (which is an abbreviation of the Canon of Natural Sines, Tangents, and Secants] and proportioning the Baſe A B thereunto, which is the Scale of equal pares; as by Example may more plainly appear. A Table for the Angles which every Rhomb makroh, with the Meri- dian, and the Chords of every Quarter and Point of the Compaſs. North, South. deg. mi. ſec. Chor South. North. 2 48 45 49 5 37 30 98 15 147 N. b. E. s. b. E. IS 00 1955. b. W. N. b. W. 4.3 451 244 52 30 29 1941 151 333 N.N.E.S.S.E. 22 30 oo 39 S.S. W. N. N. W. 2 25 18 45 427 28 30 56 15 533 N.E.b.N.S.E.B.S. 33 33 45 od 580 5. W.b. S./V.W.6.N.2. 33 451 627 39 22 39 673 42 is 720 N. E. s. E. 45 00 oo 76715. W. N. W. 4 47 48 45) Ön 50 37 30 855 53 26 151 899 N.E.b.E.S. E. b. F.56 15 00 942)S.W.b.W. N.W.6.Ws 59 3 451 985 61 52 64 41 151069 E.N.E.E.S.F. 67 30 001111 W.S.W.W.N.W. 6 70 18 451151 73 7 301190 75 56 151230 001268w. b. S. W.b. N. 7 81 33 45, 1305 301 343 11 151378 Eaſt. Eaſt. 90 001414 wcft. Welt. i 8 H Les .) T 16 7 30 485 36 33 II 30.1028 + E. b. N. E. b.S. 78 45 184 2. 1 87 O 1 . 50 The Tables for the Making the Book II. } Let there be required the Chord of the firſt Point of the Scale, 11 Deg. 15, in this Table, as I have ficted for every Point, Half, and Quarter, for of the Compaſs. The Numbers anſwering to 11 Deg. 15 Min. is 195. I take therefore with my Compaſſes 19, or reckon ſo many on the scale of Equal parts, which is joyned with a Scale intended to be made; and ſo with a Square for that purpoſe, as thall be (hewed, mark from F towards 8 the firſt Point 11 Deg. 15, where the Redius of the Circle is AB; and ſo of the reſt. The Scale of Longitude. TH His Scale is made allo by the Table of Degrees and Chords, as beforc. E X A M P L E. · It is required to know how many Miles make a Degree in the Parallel of 10 Deg. If you cxtcnd thic Compaſſes. from A, to the Complement of the Latitude 80 Deg. in the Line of Sines, and ſetting one Foot in F, turn chat diſtance from F toward A, you will find it reach 59 Miles scarcſt, in the former Diagram. Another EXAMPLE: It is required in thic' Latitude of 60 Degrees to know the Miles anſwering to a De- grec. In chat Parallel cxtend the Compaſſes from A to the Complement of the Latitude 3), in the Line of Sines; and ſetting one foot of the Compaſſes in F, turn that di- ftance towards A, and you will find it rcach 30 Miles, that makes a Degree in that Parallel; and ſo of the reſt. But if it be required how to make a Scale of Longitude in Miles anſwerable to the Radius of the fame Scheme, for the Parallei of 10 Degrees, you will find in the Ta- lle, thc Chord for so Degrees is 17.5 for the firſt Mile, and for 60 Degrees 1000,take Ico from A to B, as yol was before-clirected, and ſo do with the reft, until you have made the whole Scalc. Remember, chat 60 Miles muſt begin where the firft Degree of the Chords aloci on the Scale, and ſo diminiſh towards the Pole 90 Degrees of the Scale, as rcaſon will give you, 1 2 SIN E S. N Ore, That a Sine falls al- A Table of Natural Sines to the Radius of 1000. ways within the Qandrant of a De Sines. De Sines. TD: Sines. De Sines. De Sines. |De Sines. Circle, as CD, 17 16 275|311 515 40 719 61 874 70 970 whicli is the Sine of the Arch BC 34 171 292 32 529147 731 62 8881 771 974 3 52181.309 33 544 48 7431 163 891 179 978 60 Degrees; and 4 69 19 325 34 5591 491 754 64 898 179 981 by thc Table of 5 871 20 343 35 573 50 766 65 906 80 984 Natural Sines, to 6 1041 21 21 358 36 5871 151 777 160 913 81 987 7 134 22 374 137 603|152 788 67 9201 82 990 8 139 231 390138 015153 798 68 927 834 992 I have fitted 9 150 24' 400 351 629 54 809169 933 84 994 for this purpoſc, 10 -1781251 422 40 642 155 819 70 939 85, 996 whoſc Radins is II 1901 126 438 41 656|156 829 71 945 ' 997 1000, you thall 12 207271 4531 42 669 57 838 72 951 871 998 find the Sine of 13 224 28 469 43 682 58 848 731 956 88 999 60 be 86.6. 14 241 291 4841 44 694 59 857,174 961 99 999 I take therefore 15 2581'c sool 1451 7071 160! 866 75 905 19011000 with iny Compaſes 86 from my scale of Equal Parts, and ſee them froin A towards 8 in the Line of Sines for 60 Degrees, where the Radics of the Circle is A B, and CE is the Comple- ment thercof, or Sine of 30 Degrees of the Arch CS, the Number in the Table an- fwering 30 Degrees is 500; take therefore with your Compalles so equal Parts of A B, and lay it from A upon the Line of Sines for 30 towards 8 ; and ſo of the reſty TAN every Degr. of the Quadrant which F * ** BOOK II. Chords, Rhombs, Longitudes, &c. 51 T A‘N GENT S. A De Tan. I 2 37321 Tangent Line is A Table of Natural Tangents to every Degree of the always falling Quadrant. without the Quadrant, and is drawn at the end De Tan. De Tan. | Del Tan. Di Tangents. of a Semidiameter at 17 19 344 371 7531155/1428 73 3270 Right Angles, as B6 34 20 363 38 7811 501482/ 174 3487! in the Fundamental Di- 3 52 21 383 39 809 57115591 75 agrani, which is the 4 691.221 404 40 839 58116001 176 40101 Tangent of the Arch s 87 23 424 41 869 59 1664 177 4331 BC 60 Degrees, as in 6 105 24 445 421 900 160 1732 178 4704 the Table of Tangents 7 122 25 456 43 932 61 1804179 5144 you ſhall find it to be 80 81 140 26 487 44 905 6211880 5671 1732 cqual parts, 9 15 27 509 45 1000 63 1962 181 6313 which take with your 10 170 128 5311 46 1035 64 2650 82 711S Compaffes from from A, II 194 295541 47 10726521441 83 whcı you lave conci- 12 212 30 577 481111066122401184 9514 nued thc Line beyond 13.230 131 600 4911150 16713355 11430 B, take 173 parrs, and 14 249 32 6241501191 6812475 86 14300 that will reach from B IS 367 33 649 S1|1234.69 2601 87 19081 to G, the Tangent of 16 286 34 674 152 1279 70127471 188 28336 60 Degrees in the 17 305 35 700 35 700 15:1327 51 2904 1891 57289 Scale, and 8 H is the 18 3241 36 720 541370723177 90 Coocooo Complement Tangent 30 Infinite. Degrees 577 parts; cherefore takc 57-pares, ic will rcách from B to the length of 30 Degrees ; 'and Co. of che iota ... 8144 85 I SE C A N T. A 7185! Secant Line is A Table of Secants to every Degree of the Quadrant. drawn always from the Center of the Del. Sec. Del Sec. Del Scc. De Sec. Del Secants. Circle, until it cut thic I 1000 191057 381269561788 74 3627 Tangent Line ; as A 21000 2010641 39 1286 157 1836|175 3863 G in the foregoing 311001121110711 40113051 1581887/ 176 4133 Diagram cuts the 410021 122 1078 4113251 59 1941 177 771 4445 Tangent of the Arch 51003 23 1086 142134516020001 78 4809 B C 60 Degrees in G: 61005 24 1094 43 1367|61 2062 179 52401 fo is A G thic Secant 71007 251103 1441139011622130 180 5758 of 60 Degrees, which 811009112611112 4514141631220281 6392 in this Table of Se- 9 TOI227 1122 27 1122 46 143916412281 82 cants is found 2000 1010152811132 471466165236683 8205 equal parts; therefore 1111018 29'1434814941 166 2458 84 9566 take off ſuch akc oft ſuch parts as 0111541 149 15241 67125591 185 1473 are in proportion to 131026 131066 150 1555 5011555 68 2669 186 14335 A B 200, it fall 141030321179 157 158269 2790 189 19107 reach from A to G 151 1035 33 1192 15216241 70292383 28653 for the Secant of 60 161040 341206, 531661 4130711 89-57208) Degrees, and A H 17110451 35 1220 54 1701 1723236100 000000 18.1051 is the complemeni-Se- 361228 Infinite. 551743733420 371252 pos cant, or Secant of the Arch 8C,30 Degreos, which in this Table of Secants is found to be 1154; therefore take with your Compal- ſes, or other Inſtruments, 115 equal parts, and it ſhall reach from A towards Gº for ché Secant of 30 Degrees, as you may find by the Scale in the Diagram. H 2 Morfeld I21022 52 A Deſcription of what Inſtruments Book II A Verſed Sines. Verſed Sine is found by ſubftracting his complement-Sine out of the Redimu. Example. For to know the Verſed Sine of 60 Degrees, you muſt ſubſtract EC or A D, which is the Complement or Sine of 30 Degrees, viz. soo out of the Redins 1000, or Sine of 90, A B, the remain will be DB soo, for the Verſed Sine of the Arch B C 60 Degrees. In like manner F 8 will be found 134 for the Verfed Sine of the Arch C 8, being 30 Degrees; and ſo work in like manner for any other De gree. The Word Perſed is a fufficient Direction, to let them underſtand, that do not, That the Degrees of this Scale, or ſort of reckoning, begins at B or F, and con- tinues to 180 Degrees, the Diameter of the Circle; or the Line of Sines Reverſed, by putting the two beginnings of Degrees together of the Quadrant or Scale, and lobe gin to count at cue End; for 80 Degrees muſt be placed 10, for 70 Degrees 20 Deg. and fo to 180 ; and of the firſt 90 or middle of the Scale, count the Sun's greatest Declination 23 Degrees 30 Min. towards both ends, that is , 47 Degrees alurideti in that diſtance; by the ſide thereof muſt be placed the Reverſed lix Northern Signes; ac- cording to the Sun's Declination, and place in the Ecliptick at ſuch Declination : And likewiſe 23 Degrees 30 Min. the ſpace for dividing the Reverſed Southern Sigres'-ad- ward 180; and are reckoned double, as occaſion requireth. Either of the Semidiameters A Bor A F, the sides of the Quadrant, you may take the equal diviſions thercof, and make a Scale of Leagues or Miles, or Equal Parts, for the demonſtration of all plain Triangles, which you cannot be without, having it ز upon the Ruler. CHAP. II. u Deſcription of what Inſtruments of Braſs, Steel, Iron, ard Wood you muſt be provided with before you can make Inſtruments for Mathe- matical ulcs. B Efore we explain the other half of the Fundamental Diagram and Semicircle, it will be neceſſary for to give a Deſcription of what Inſtruments in Braſsi Steel,, Iron, or Wood, you muſt have by you in readineſs, before you can make a Mathematical Inſtrument; Thac Men that are ingenuous may be provided in ſome meaſure with ſuch, before they go to Sea, in ſpending their ſpare-time on this Practice. In brief, they are theſe. Firſt, For Inſtruments of wood, you' muſt Scales of be provided with ſeveral scales of Equal Parts, of ſeveral lengths, which muſt be equal parts exactly and carefully divided, the length you intend to make the Radius of the In- ſtruments by it. Firſt, divide this Line into 10 cqual parts, and each 10 into 10 more; ſo is your Line divided into 100; and ſo you may continue it into 200, 300, 400, ſo much as you pleaſe, as the Inſtrument you are making will re- quirc;which you may quick- ly ſee by the Table. You Will VIIMTIWA muſt be firred with ſome 100 gog 20.10 ina Scales of pieces of Box (dry, clean Box of 6 from Knots, ſtraight, and Wher lood. ſmooch planed ) or other I Food, on which you may When inake what Scale you pleaſe. You muſt have by you a true 2 Squares. Sgenre of Rrafs and Wood, ſuch as you may ſee in this 2 Cramps. Figure with a pair of Cramps made of Iron, with Scrers to faften the scale of Equal when manninnian UND TUTTO V Parts, !! on Deal ner. BOOK II. or Tools muſt be provided. 53 Parts, and the Scale to be made together, ſo as they may not flip, whereby may be made no miſtake in Graduating. Or for ſmall Scales, you may faſten the scale of Scales Equal Parts, and the Scale to be inade by it, on a piece of Deal Board, with the Heads saftened with Nails of Scuper Nails, ſo as they will not ſtir; but for greater Inſtruments, and Croſs-ſtaves, and Gauging-flaves, you muſt do by them as in this Figure. You muſt have a Gauge Boards. made of Brals, with a good Steel Pin, for the drawing of ſtraight Lines on your Bials a Scale, for the diviſion of the Columnes for Graduation. You inuſt have two or three Gange. Sorts and Sets of Steel Letters and Figures, and Figures for Ornament, with a neac Steel Let- Hammer to uſe with them: And the Figures and Letters and Ornament-Figures, fet ters and in an Alphabet-Box:, with written Letters and Figures before them, for the ready find- Figures. ing of them; wich Characters of the Signes, and Planets, and Stars, in like man- The Inſtrument that you graduate with, the Edge muſt be very thin and ſharp, Gauging and you may have ſeveral of them; or the end of a Pen-knife may do for a ſhift. Inftrx- You muſt have a Braſs pair of Compaſſes to go with an Arch and Screws; to faſten at Braſs come any diftance; and four Steel Points to take in and out; two long Points for to rcach a paſles, to- great diſtance. I have a pair by me will extend 3 Foot,; on a large scale of Artificial gether with Sines, Tangents, and Numbers, they are to be uſed. The other are thort Points. One an Arch & is to be made round for a Center-Point, that it may not go too far into the Wood; and 4 Points, the other pointed like a Dutch Knife, and the Shoulder fitted ſquare as che other Points, to be faſtned, and taken in and out at pleaſurc. The Uſe of theſe Points is to be taken to draw Circles on round Inſtruments, as Notturnals , and the like. You may have in and out two pair of Dividers, the leaſt 3 Inches and, and the biggeſt 7.5 Inches long. I hold A pair of them beſt chat go with a Bow at the Head, and to be ſet together by a Screw in che Dividers. midſt. Be ſure they be made of good Steel. Theſe are to divide equal Parts, and any ceher equal Diviſion. You muſt have for great Inſtruments, as Bows, Quadrants, and the like, a pair of Beam-Compalles, for to ſweep the Arches of them. You Beam-com- - Thould have a Hand-Vice, ſo made as to ſcrew into the edge of a Board for your uſe, paſſes, and to take out again with three or four forts of ſmall Files, for to file and make Hand-vice. Pins, which you will have occaſion for. Theſe Braſs and Iron Inftruments or Scales ġou inay now give direction to an ingenuous Smith (Thomas Moore) in Briſtol (if you where they cannot liave them before of theſe forts) and he will fit you with them : Or you may may be have them ready made of Walter Hayes, at the Croſs-Daggers in Moor-Fields, wich made or many uſeful instruments in Braſs; Or of Andrew Wakely, Mathematician, at his bought. Shop on Redriff-Wall, near the Cherry-Garden Stairs; Or in Briſtal of Philip Staynred, Math. And now I have thewn the Practitioner what Inſtruments he muſt be fur- niſhed with, I will return to the Explanation of the other half of the Fundamental Diagram of the Mathematical Ræler. I had almoſt forgot a Receit for ſetting off che Graduation, when it is newly done on Box-Inſtruments, which is this. Take Cbarcoal, To ſet off and beat it to a fine Powder, and temper it with Linſeed-031; and let it be rubb'd on the Laftrise the Inſtrument newly made, and lie fo on it for a time, untill it be pretty dry; and ment, then with ſome Sellet-Oyl rub the Inſtrument, and make it clean: So will you have che Gradaation and Figures ſet off very neatly on Box Inſtruments, with Blaćk. The uſe. Filos. Tbe 1 The Figure of the Foure Poyntcd. Compafés The Short Doints M 1 LTD The Long Points 6 De L " IIII. Green F 1 The figuer of the Zivide The Figure ofÝ Gaudge f sphelin Kalousell 2 ܕܳܕ݂ Book II, Of the Dialling-Scale. 55 CHAP. III. The Explanation of the other half of the former Semicircle; being a De fcription of the Fundamental Diagram, of the Dialling-Scale on the Ma- thematical Ruler. T "His annexed Diagram ſheweth plainly the Deſcription of the Dialling-Scales on the Mathematical Ruler; It being the moſt caſic and exact Inſtrument uſed in that Art, as by the uſe will be manifeſt in the Seventh Books IH 3 C 80 90 O ::o 1 6lo + 510 40 Sines D os 80 bo'slo 40 oc *** 60 O 이 ​gla Gnomen Line 4050 Chords 10 04 10 --- Inclination of Aleridians 2/0 370 40 50 610 BI A 5 21 3R Hour Line fol:55 and ME 1 4 ! How to make the Diagrain. FM Irft, Make a Semicircle by a leſs Radius, as A D B, and upon the midſt of the Arch at D, with the diſtance D A deſcribe the Quadrant- Arch, as A EB, which muſt be divided into fix equal Parts, for the Hours in the of the Sphores which is ſufficient to reſolve the whole; and from cach Point draw Lines to the Center ar D; So will it cut the Line A B in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, for the Hour-Lines upon the ſaid Scale for Dialing: and thus you ſee it is a Tangent Line, for which uſe it is more certainly done by this Table of Naturel Tangents for three Hours, if you do but obſerve where the Right Line D E cuts the Tangent Line A B, which you ſee in the middle or Center of the Semicircle at R; therefore you muſt begin to make this Scale in the midſt, and lay the diſtance of parts anſwering the Hoxers both ways from R to- wards 1 15.6 Book 1 The Tables for the Making IO 2 20 5 00 00 10117 30 + 20 20 3022 1 oo 00 40/40 or wards B and A: As by Example, To Graduare 2 Hours and 4 Hours, you ſee in the Table, che Wisimbers A Table for the dividing of tbe Hours and Minutes anſwering to 2 Hours and 4 Hours in the first Column so cheletc hand; is in the ſecond: 60 Minutes, or is the upon the Dialling-Scales shirdi. 15 Degrees; and fix the fourth, Column the Tann : HO.MD. M. l'an.par. . gent-parts 267; therefore if you take 267 fuch Parts 3 30 43 whereof the Semidiameter R B is divided into 1000, as 87 was ihowed in the former Diagram, and put one Foer 01 7 30 131 of thie Compaſſes with that extent ac R che midſt or 3 40110 00 1761 Hours, and turn the other toward B, it will make the 5012 30 221 diſtance of 4 Hours; and turn chat diſtance towards A, 2 4160115 267 it will be 2 Hours of the Scale: And ſo do with the rcſt of clie Hours, and diſtance of the Minutes. 315 20 00 In like' manier for the Scale of Inclination of Meria 363 30 414 dians, you miift-cakë put the Tangent-parts out of the 40125 0 466 Table of Tangents to every Degree, and graduate in the ſame manner as before, from the Center which is the 5027 30 520 I 511030 577 midft of the Scale 45 Degrees, as is hewn plain in the Diagr.m. 0132 30 637 For the Gnimen-Line, as others call it the Line of 20135 700 Latitud:, Let B A be the Semidiameter; fo on B de 301?7 30 767 fcribe the Quadrant ABC, whoſe Arch AC divide 839 into 90 Degrees, from whence you may project the Line 50142 30 916 of Sines BC. 10 16014? Of 1000 Now from each. Drgree of thoſe Sines, draw Lines toward the Center of thein at A, and note where they cut the Arch of the Quadrant BD: Thien from B as a Center, take the diſtance of cach of theſe Intersections, and lay them on the Line B D; ſo ſhall you liave che Diviſion of the Gnonson-Line, or Line of Latigde For the more ready A Table of Latitudes for Dialling. making of this Scale, here is a Table of Láti. tudes calculated to the 90 Degrees of che. Quan 80992160 926 45 817130 63205 354 drant, and the way to 78 989 59 920 44.80729 617 14 332 calculate': it your ſelf. 76, 985158 915 43 797 281 60113, 310 As for Eximple, To 74 98057 909 42-787 27/ 585 12 288 find the Latitude parts 72 975 56 903.411 77626 568 11 265 for 30 Degrees of Lati. 190 1000 70 969155 896 40 765251 55910 242 tude, 39 69 965154 890 391 753124) 533 9 219 Firſt, Find the Sine 88 68 96253 88338 741 23 515 8 195 thereof in the Natural 87 671 958152 8751371 729 22 496 71 171 36 Table of Sines , which 66 954151 868 36 717 21 477 6 147 will be found to be 85 998 65 950 50 86035 704 201 4581 5 123 Joooo; which ſought 84 64 945 49 852134 690 19 438 41 98 for in the Table of 183 63 241 48 844 33 676 18 419 3 82 62 936 47 835 32 662 171 3972 Tangents, giveth an 49 Arch of 26 Deg. 34 81 611 9311461 8261311 648116 376 il Min. Then the Pro- portion will hold, As the Radius. -100000 To the Secant 45 Deg- 141421 So is the Sine of 26 Deg. 34 Min.-- 44724 Unto the Latitude-parts- Whici anſwers to the Radius 100000 : But in iny Table the Parts 632 anſwer to the Radius 1000, which will be ſufficient for the Graduating the Line of Gasmons or Latitude. But obſerve, To make 30 Degrees of Latitude on your Scale, you muſt take off 632 1 Degalo Paris D:81 74 25 63249 ! of the Dialling-Scale. 57 I 21 5 Io 871 25 6 fame, as you will find in the Book II. 57 632 ſuch Parts as the Line is divided into 100, or 1000, as you have been ſhewn in the former Diagram. How to inake the Line of Chords, you have been fully inſtructed already in the for- mer Figure; which is only by dividing the Arch of the Quadrant A D inco 90 equal parts; And from A as a Center, take the diſtance, and lay thein down in a ſtraighé Line AD: So ſhall you have the Line of Chords or Sublemes. Or you may do ic by the Table of Chords, as before-directed. How to make chie two Lines or Scales of Inlarging Hour-Lines upon any reclining Plain, wichout a Center, called by me the greater and the leſſer Pole. Invexed, you have a Table ready fitted for the making thereof. Firſt, You inuſt make choice of the length of this Scale, that is in Proportion to the former Lines of the Scale. The firſt 3 Hours muſt be di- vided into 10 parts, and each of A Table of Tangents for 5 Ho. to every 5 Min. of them into no more, which ſtånd an Hour, for inlarging the Hour-Line Scale. for 100, or as you have been thewd for Icoo. You muſt have Hours. Mi.Deg. Min l' Hours Mi Deg. Min. Tanpa two of thele Lines of Equal IS 546 15 1044 parts parts , of two proportionable 2 30 43 10 47 30 1091 Lengtlis, for the greater and lef- 15 3 45165 1548 45 1140 fer Pole; And ſo take of the 2015 00 20150 0011191 Tangent-parts anſwerable to eve- 151 100 25 51 Is 1245 ry 5 Minutes of an Hosr: As 301 7 301 131 30152 30 1303 you ſee the firſt and ſecond Co- 35 8 451 153 35153 451363 451363 lumns of the Table are Hours and 40110 001 1761 40155 0011428 Minutes, the third Degrees, and 45II IS 198 45 156 1511496 the fourth Tangent-parts. So 50I2 30 22) 50 57 30 1569 30 1969 the Tangent of the firſt 2 Hours 5513 451 2441 55 58 45 1647 451647 of the Scale or 30 Degrees, is oo 267; 4 60160 oo 1732 577 Parts ; take of your two IS! 291 1822 Scales 57 Parts; Firſt of the 10 17 301 315 10162 30 1920 largeſt Radius for 2 Hours 2 on the 15 18 451 339 15163 45 2027 greater Scale, and the like num- 2012000 363 20165 0012044 002044! ber of the ſmaller Radiw, or 2521 15:388 25166 1512272 152272 Line of Equal Parts for 2 Hours. 30 22 30 414 30167 302414 of the lefler Pole-Scale. And ſo 3523 451 440 35 68 45 2571 52571 in the ſame manner, you muſt 40125 00 466 40170 00:2747 work to finiſh the whole Scales. 4526 15.493 of what Radiss you pleaſe, by 50127 301 520 theſe Tables, as hachbecn di- 55 28 45 451 548 5 55173 45 3430 45 3430 rected. ooi 577 003732 The Ulle liereof is fully ſhewsa in the Seventh Book, 29th and. 301 637 30 Chap. of the Art of Dialling. 33 45 668 Theíc Scales are ſufficient to 20135 700 make any ſort of Dials, in any 25136 15 151 733 Latitude (as is there ſhewn) with 3037 301 767 caſc and cxactneſs. 35 38 45 802 There are two Lines called by oo 839 the Names of Style and Subſtyle- Scale; but is only for this Lati- tude, but may be found for any, 30 916 . 5543 But the Scales before-explained 451 957 3 160'45 oo' 1000 are moſt uſeful, and do the Seventh Book and Twelfth Chapter of the Art of Dialling. And theſe are the Scales of one side of the Ruler. I CHAP 1 1 1 60115 5/16 5161 15 15] 457 5072 IS12945 3013171 hi 60175 2 16030 5131 10132 is 606 j 40140 4541 50142 15 876 ] ។ 1 1 58 A Deſcription of the other Side Book II, 1 H Н 1 Itance will reach from 10 in manner do with the reſt; for CHAP. IV. The Scales or Lines on the Back-ſide of the Mathematical Ruler, are theſe: A Line of Numbers, A Line of Artificial Tangents, A Line of Sines, A Meridian Line according to Mercator's or Mr. Wright's Projection; and the Scale of Equal Parts, by which the Numbers were taken off for the Graduating theſe Scales; and a Line of Longitude or Equinoctial, with a Scale of Reductior., as followeth. I. "Ow to divide the Line of Numbers is thus. You muſt prepare a Ruler of what length you pleaſe, and alſo a Scale of Equal Parts, divided into 2 100 or 1000 : You muſt count them. But if you divide the Artifici- al Tangents and Sines with the Line of Number, you were beſt to divide the Line into 2030 A Table for the Diviſion of the Line of Parts; ſo will you have 100 Artificial Numbers. on the Line of Numbers. This Table is taken out of the Lo- garithms, by rejecting the In- dex or firſt Figure. It is beſt to omit the firſt Number, by rca- 0021 322411 61261 785 811 908 fon they will take up ſo much 30122 3421425623162 7921 821 913. room; and begin at 1 or 11, 31 47 23 361 431 63363) 799 831 919 and take the Logarithm-part at 4 60 241 380 44 643 64 806 841.934 41 for the firft ioth or Integer. 5 69.25 397 4565365! 813 85929 But if you intend to make 100 77126 414 46 662166 819 8611934) on your Line of Numbers, firſt 84/27 431147) 672167) 826 871.939 take 100, which is réckoned 9028 447 48 681 68 832 88 944 1000, as you ſee in 'the forca 95 291 462 49 690 691 838 89 949 going Table, Parts of the Scale 100 30 47750698708451 901954 of Equal Parts, for the firſt 41 311 4911517071711 8511 911950 10 or middle of the Scale: 1932 505 52 71672 857 92 1963 Then ſuppoſe you were to 13 113 33 518531 72473 863 93 968 make the fift 2 or 20, take 14! 14634! 5311541 7321741 869 94 973 with your Inſtrument or com 15! 170135 54415517401751 875 95 977 paſs 301 equal Parts, and lay 16 20436 556 56 74870 880190982 it froin I to 2, and the ſame di 171 230 37 568 57 755177 886 97 986 18 255381 579158763 78 8921 98 99 the middle to 20. In the like 191 2781 391 5911591 770 791 897) 991 995 20 30140 60260 778180 903/100/1000 3 or 30 the cqual parts is 477, and for 4 or 40, the Log. parts is 602: So you may eaſily perceive haw to do it, by what is written. Num. (parts. Num parts. Log. Num parts. Lag. Num. parts: Log. Num.lo parts. Log. 2. i ! 6 9 II I 2 20 ) 1 II. Hon $ > G + BOOK II. of the Scale of Scales. 59 II. How to make the Line of Artificial Tangents on the Ruler. THE *Hc Artificial Tangents are made in the ſame manner as before directed, beginning upon a Right Line of Numliers, omitting the firſt 30 Minutes, and beginning at 40 Minutes. The Tangent-parts are 106, taken off the former Scale , and applied as beforc-directed uptvard, will make 40 Minutes on your Scale: So the firſt and 89 Degree, the Tangent-part anſwer- ing thereunto is 241; with them do in like manner, and ſo of the reſt, until you have fi- niſhed the wholc Line or Scale, as you may ſee in the Figure. 1 1 + 1 2 i + The following Table is ſo plain to be undera ſtood, that I need write no more, buc, Thac che firft Column to the left hand is Minutes, The fe- cond Tangent-parts anſwering to the Minutes and Degrees over cach Column to 30 Degrees, and af- ter to every 20 Minutes, as you may ſee in the Table : 2 : 1 1 T W! 1 t 1 1 1 ; . + 7 1 t I 2 Tablo 1 7 The Tables for the Making the Book II. Minutes. 851 84 81 80 o I 2 10 1 . . . . . : . 60 III. A Table for the Diviſion of the Line of Artificial Tangents to 45 Deg. and the Minutes fit to be ſet thereon. Deg. Dig: Pego Deg. Deg. Deg. Dig. Dug. D-g. Deg. Dil. Dep. Tang. Tang. Tang. Tang. Tang. Trang Trang. 1/ang. Tang. aag. Tang. Tag: 1 dig. is. parts. parts. parts. parts. paris. Paris. parts paris. parts. parts. parts, 89 88 87 ! 86 84 83 82 79 6 13 8 4 5 7 ୨ co 241 546 719 844 941 1021 1089 1147 1199 12461288 IO 46 308 577 742 862) 956 10331099 1150 1207 12531295 20 76 366/ 610 765 879 97010451100116511215126011301 301 96 4101 6401 786 895) 9831105611191117412231126711308 40 100 4631 668 800 911 996 106711291183123112741314 50 162 595 694 826 227 10090781139 1191 1238 1281 1321 70 12 | 13 | 14 | 22 | 23 013271363 1395 142811457 148515111536156111584 16061627 1013331369 1402 143311462 148915161541|1564158711610 1631 :013391 3741407 143814661494) 1230154515681591101311634 301345 1380 1412 144211471 14981152415491572 159511617|1638 401351 1385 1417 1447 14761503 15281553 1576 1599 1620 1641 5013571191_14221452 1480 150715321557 1580 16031624 1645 601 24 25 | 26 | 27 28 29 130 35 0164816687688 1707 1725 174 1761 1738 17951812 1828 1845 10 1651 1671 16911710 1728 1746 2011655 1675 1694 171357341749 176711784 1801181818341850 30 1658 167811697j17161735-1752 40 166216811700 1719 1737|175517731790 1806 18231839 1855 501665 1684 1704 1722 1742 1758 | SOM 45 36 37 38 41 43 44 45 0 1861 1877 1892 1908 1923 1939 1954 1969 1984/2000 201866 1882 1898 1913 1928|1944 1959 1974 1989 401187111887 1963 19181934' 1949 1964 1979|1994 Min. IS 16 | 17 18 19 120 21 1 Min | 31 32 33 24 39 40 42 1 IV. How to make the Scale or Line of Artificial Sines 80 90 Deg. and Minutes fit to be ſet thereon. Ow to make this Line, was ſhewn by making the laſt; only that is ſufficient to HOME 45 Degrees, and this muſt be to 90 Degrees . And if your Line of Equal Parts be divided into 100, or as they be reckoned 1000, you may omic clie laſt Fi- gure of the Number : But if you number the Scale to 2000, as the Tables are made to, if you would fer off the Sine of 30 Degrees, the Parts anſwering chereunto is 1698; therefore take off your Scale of Equal Parts with your compaſſes 169, and it will reach from the beginning, to 30 Degrees on the Line of Sines. So I hope you underſtand how to do the reſt, it being made fo plain and caſie for che mcanert Capacity, by what hath been writ already. i Table :: * ܟܪܟ ya Book II. Artificial Lines on the Scale. 61 7 4 Table for the Diviſion of the Artificial Sines on the Ruler. Minutes. 10 Deg. Deg. Drg. Dig. Deg. Deg. Dog. Deg. Deg: Deg. Deg. Sine Sine Sine Siat Sine Sine Sine Sine Sine Sine Sine parts. parts. Parts. parts. parts. parts. I paris. parts. I paris, parts. parts. I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO O 2 IO II I2 16 20 21 | 26 22 1 1 00241 542 718 843 940 1019 10851143 1194 1239 46 308 5771 743) 361 95410311096 1152 1202 1 246 201 76 366 609 7641 8781 9681042 110511611209 1253 30* 94 4171 639 7851 894 9811053111151169 1317 1260 40 463 667 805 910 994 106411251178 12351267 50 362 505 697| 825 925/1007 1075 1134 11861232 1 274 13 14 15 17 18 19 0 1280 13171352138311412 1440 1465 1489151215341554 10 1287 13231357 188 1417 1444 1470 1493151615321557 2012931329 13621393|1422 1449 1474 14971519 1540 1560 30129991335 136811398,1426 14531478115011523-15441564 4013051340 1373 14031431 1457 1482 1505 1527 1547 1567 5013121346.1378 1408 435 1461 1486 1508 1530 1551 1570 23 | 24 1 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 01573.15911609|1625|16411657 1677|1685|1698 171111724 10 15761594161216281644116591673 1687 201579 1597 1614 163, 1646 16611670 1690 170311716 1728 30 1582 1600 1617 1633-1649 1664 1678 1692 40 15851603162616361652|16661680/16941707|1720 1732 5011588160511623116391654 1669 1683 1696 -33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 5 1736 1747|1758 1769 1779 1789 179818081816 1825| 18 33 20 1739 1751 1762 1772 1782 1792 1801 401743 1754 1765 1706 1786 179511805 | 44 45 | 46 47 48 49 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 1841 1849 8561864 1871 1881 18841789011896 1902 1907 55 156 157 58 59 60 61 | 62 62 63 64 | 65 1913 1918 1022 19281637 1937 1941 1945194011953 1957 71 72 73 74 75 76 0 1960 1964|1967 1970 1972107511978 1980 1981 1984 1986 86 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 84 85 90 87 1988 1990 1991 1993119941995119901997119901199-2000 DI Min.) 0 Min. Min./ ° | Min. 66 68 69 70 67 Min. | og 79 } 1 1 V. Hon + .' 1 62 Of making Mercator's Meridian Line, Book II. V. How to make a Meridian Line according to the true Sea-Chard, or Mercator and Mr. Wright's Projection. to His Line is made out of the Table of Meridian parts, called alſo tlic Diviſion of the Meridian Line. To every 10 Minutes of Latitude, nearer we have no Chards or Plots made, which I have as yet fecn; but they may be made by Mr. Wright's Tables to every Minute, if any perſon will be ſo curious. For the Graduating this Line in the scale, you muſt note the Number anſwering the firſt Degree is 200; therefore divide the Degrees of the Aquinoctial into 20 eqızal Parts, which ſtand for 200 of the Numbers of your Table. As by example, Suppoſe you would make the firſt 10 Degrees from the Aquator, towards either of the Poles, on the Scale; the number anſwering 10 Degrees is 201, omitting the laſt Figure o: Therefore you may take out of the Line of Longitude (which is Equal Parts , or the ſame Line by which you made all the reſt), 201 or 20 Parts, and lay that diſtance for the beginning of the firſt 10 Degrees; and for 20 Degrees 40,8; and for 30 Degrees 62,9; and fo of the reſt. But if you are to make a particular Line, you muſt take the difference of the De grees and Minutes, as thall be fully ſhewn in the Treatiſe of making a general and particular Sea-Chard, according to Truth, and Mr. Wright's Projection ; but what hrath been done alrcady will ſerve for both, if you follow direction. There is demonſtrated and ſhewn tlic making of Mercator's Scale, to meaſure Dia ſtance in any Parallel of Latitude in any truc Sea-Chart. + VI. How to Calculate a Table, and by it how to take out the Numbers, and make a Scale of Reduction, to be uſed in Surveying of Land. Slalute Acres. 25 00 and Artificial Sines on the Ruler, for the more ready uſe thereof, as will be thewed : I ſhall firſt ſhew the Cal- 06 Qulation and Proportion uſed in making the Table, which is thus as followeth. 12 272 255 189 161 138 I 21 106 13 14 15 16 Іо 91 oo 35 Example, For a Perch whoſe Meaſure is 21 Foot (whichi is the Iriſh Chain) this muſt be done by the back Rule 16 2 1 100 of Three. 17 18 19 00 094 21 84 03 75 42 68 7 As 16 Squared, to 100 Acres: So is 21 Squared, so 61,73 Acres. 20 21 61 73 22 A Table for the Diviſion of the Scale of Reduction. 23 24 25 126 27 28 29 30 31 56 25 SI 47 47 27 43 56 40 271 37 35 34 73 32 37 30 25 So a piece of Ground being meaſured by the Statute- Chain of 16 Foot to che Perch, Ihould contain 100 Acres. Then the ſame piece of Ground being meaſured by the Iriſh Chain of 21 Foot, will contain but 61-7. Acres, as you may ſee in the Table, which is near 61 Acres 2 Quarters 38. 28 33 By che Line of Artificial Numbers extend the compaſſes from 16 to 21, the fame will reach twice repeated from 100 unto 61,73 in the ſame Line of Numbers. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 26 59 25 23 55 211 21 I 1989 18 85 17 90 17 02) To make this Live on the Scale, Take the Numbers off the Line of Numbers of the ſame Scale you make this Line upon. 39 40 EXAM- + Book II. and the Scale of Reduction. 63 EXAMPLE. 1 + I ſhall place the firſt to on the Scale, to tliis Number anſwers 272. 25"; there- fore extend the Compaſſes from 103 to 272, or from 274, and lay one Foot of the Compaſſes at A, and the other will reach to B the diſtance to 16 From 165 you must ſay all your other Numbers. As ſuppoſe you would fet down 14 on the Scale, the Stars:e Numbers anſwering thereunto is 138 and 9r". Extend the com- paſſes from 100 to 138 and 9r", and that diſtance will reach from 16, at B, to 14 of thc Scale . The like if you would ſet off 20, the Numbers to chat is 68.7; and that diſtance will reach from 16 at B, to 20: and ſo do with the reſt. Thus have I done with this Scale, being ſufficient to reſolve all manner of Mathematical Concluſions whiatſoever. The Uſe follows in the ſucceeding Treatiſe. 1 1 $ FO of A B 1 CHAP. V. 2 I A Table for the Diviſion of the Artificial Rhomb, or Points, Halfs, and Quarters on the Travis-Scale. 1 1811630 1673 T: 36 1870 22 1802 Poinis.Nor. Sourb. Deg. Mir. Sine Tang. (Tang. parts Rbomb. 191400 N. DET 481 688 689 Sb. E. 5 371 990 992 S. 5, W. 3 8 .2611160 I 1177 N. b. w.411 15 1290 71299 N. N. E. 14 3/1385 1398 S.S.E 16 52] 1462 1481 ). S: W. 19 41/15 271 2 1553 NN. W. :2 30, 1582 6 1617 N.E, b, N. 25 S. E. b. S. 28 7 1673 1727 S. W. b. S 30 56 17101 3 1777 3 N. W.b.8.133 45/1744 5 11824 N. E. 3311774 S. E. 39 1914 N.W. 42 IT 182714 1957 4 45 00 1849 4 2000 N. E. b. E.47 ¡ 26 1904 S 2 N.W.b.W.. 56 031933 E, SE. 161 52:1945 W. S. W. 164 411956 6 W.N. W 167 301965 t, b. N. 70 E.b. S. 73 7|1989 75 5611986 1 78 45|1991 81 33.1995 84 4.522|1997 wet. 00 2000 S. W. He Uſe of this Tabe is eaſily underſtood : The firſt con lumn is the Number of Points in one quarter of the Compaſs, and the ſecond their Names in the whole; The third the Degrees anſwering to each quarter of a Point in the Quadrant ; The fourth the Sines and Equal Parts anſwering thereunto 3 The fifth the Tangent- Rhombs; The ſixth the Tangent-parts anſwering to each Quarter and Point to 45 Degrees s, which is ſufficient, S. E. b. E. 150 s.Web.w. 53 48.1869 37 1890 1 15 1919 E. N.E. 159 18|1973 W, b.S. Wib. N. Egg & 87 120 II 1999 The 1 64 A Deſcription of the Travis-Scale. Book II. ! The Deſcription of the Travis-Scale. Thngents. $94 Eat Weft. North South Numbers. Equall parts. 1100 200 1190 ti 8. 190 70 3 60 180 50 170 The making of this Scale is all one in a man- ner as you made the former ; only the Line of Sines is there but once made, and here the Parts anſwering each Quarter are twice put down, or in two Lines marked with N.S. which ſtands for to ſhew the Line to be Northing, Southing; and E. W. ſignifies Eafting and Weſting. The firſt is the Sine, the ſecond is the Complement that any point or Quar- ter makech an Angle with the Meridian. The Line marked with T. is the Tangent-Rhomb and Quar- ters, and the firſt Line is a Line of Numlers, which you have been already ſhewn to make. One Example I will give the Learner, notwith- ſtanding it is ſo eaſie; for ſome there are that will not. underſtand, though they ſee it often done; yet (to my knowledge) are Mates to good Ships. 160 30 150 140 10 A 130 EXAMPLE. 170 110 10 The Traverſe Scale. 100 9 8 1 Suppoſe you was to ſet ile firſt and fevener Rhomi or Artificial Point on the Scale, which is 11 Degrees 15 Minutes, the Equal Parts anſwering chereunto is 1290; therefore cake 129 of your Scale of Equal Parts, and lay it from the beginning upwards, and you have by that diſtance the firſt and ſeventh Rhomb of your Scale: manner do: for any other of the Points and: Quarters by thcle Numbers, until you have fi- niſhed the Scale; and when you have done, you liave an Inſtrument the moſt caſie' ,--çady, and neceſſary that I know of, for the working of Traviſés, and correcting your dead Reckoning, which ſhall be ſhewn in the Part of Sailing by the Plain Chard, in the Fourth Book. On the back ſide of this Scale you may ſet a Line of Chords and Egual Parts, and Points, for the ready protraction of Angles.. 7 180 : 5. 70 4 60 . 3 59 1 ET 2 30 1 20 10 fol:64 CHA P. VI. How to make a Quadrant which will reſolve many Pullions in Affort my, by the help of an Index; and alſo very useful in Navigation. Fter you have made choice of the Radius of your Quadrant CD, draw Pai rabel Circles chercunto, to hold the Degrees of the Quadrant and Columns, for the Figures, Points, and Quarters, as P 8. Then divide che Semi- diameter or Side of the Quadrant CD and C Minta 60 equal parts, and draw Pa- A rallels 1 CHAP.VI. Of the Sinical Quadrant. 65 rallel to each of the Diviſions, as Sides, C D and CM. Firſt divide them into 6, and then each of them into io more, as you ſee in the Figure ; at every Parcs make a Point, for the ready numbring of the Diviſions. P 90M 810 { 710 5 ! a che 210 oll en ho :blar osipto o1 Hot mm jot + T OS O E oc olt 1109 ols 015 OE ot ol1 I 1 pood Sorg/ot of 이 ​cata fol. 65: Make an Index anſwerable to the Radius CD, with a Line of Sines on the firſt Side, and a Center-Ear to put over the Center-Brals-Pin of the Quadrant C; as oc- cafion ſhall require: And on the other Edge make a Line of Equal Parts, equal to the 60 Diviſions of the Side CD, with an Ear in like manner to remove at pleaſure. Make on the Edge a Tangent-Line; from it you muſt take the Sun's Declination, as you ſhall be fully ſhewn in the Uſe thereof. This. Quadrant will ſerve excellent well for a Protractor, with a long Index divided into 100 or 200 Equal Parts, with an Ear as the former, and a Needle put into a Stick, to put through the Center of the Index and Quadrant on any Point, in a Plain or Mercator's Chard, by which you may Protract any Rhomb without drawing Lines upon the ſaid Chard; as likewiſe the Protractor or Semicircle which follows may do the fame, being inade in the ſame manner. On the back ſide of the Quadrant you may puc Mr. Gunter's or Mr. Samuel Foſter's Quadrant, or any other as you ſhall think fit. 1 1 'A 11 지 ​The 1 66 Book.II. The Uſe of the Quadrant The Uſe of the Quadrant in Aſtronomy. SECT. I. Having the Latitude of the Place of the Sun's Declination, It is required to find the Time of the Sun-Riſing and Setting. The Latitude 51 Deg. 30 Min. Northward, and the Diclinatiin 20 Degrees, the difference of Aſcenſion will be found thus. Fiſt, Lay clic Center Ear at E of the Index, over the Brafsu Pin in the Center at A of the Qualrant, and lay the Edge of the Index to E L; to the Latitute of the Place on the Arch D M; and take of the Tangent-Line on the Edge of the Quadrant 20 Digrees the Sun's Declination ; and lay that diſtance from the Center at A cowards D, at that diſtance run with your Eye al ng the Parallel-Lines, and mark where it couclicth the Edge of the Index; there follow that Parall:I-Line to the Arch, and reckon the Degrees from B to that Parallel-Line will be 27. Deg. :4 Min. chre dife- rence of Aſcenſion between the Sun's Riſing and Setting, and hour or 6, according to thic cime of the Year. The Degrees reſolved into Hours and Minutes, is 1 Hour 49 Min. ivliich is 4 of the Clock' and about 11 Min, for the San Riſing in the Morin, and 7 of the Clock 49 Min. his Setting in the Evening. In the fame manner you muft vork for all La- titudes, SECT. I Having the Latitude of the Place, and the Diſtance of the Sun from the next Æquinoctial Point, To find the Amplitudeš So the Latitude being 51 Deg: 30 Min. and the place of the Sun in one Degree of Aquarius, that is 59 Degrees from the next Aquinoéti.el Point; therefore let the Ear ats of the Line of Sines of the Index on thg. Pin it A, and the Edge chercof to the Latitude, and reckon 59 Degrees the Sun's diſtanc from the first Aquino&i- al Point, from the Genter to C along the Line of Sinos of the Index; there noce che Line that cuts the 59 Degrees following with your Eye, to tic Degrees in the Arch, and reckon the Minutes of Degrees from M to the Edge of che Index, and you will find it about 33 Deg. 20 Min. the Amplitude required. + SECT. III. Having the diſtance of the Sun from the next Aquinoctial Point, To find his Declination. The Sun being either in 29 Degrees of Taurus; or I Deg. of Aquarius, or I Deg. of Leo, or 29 Deg. of Scorpio, that is 59 Degrees from the next et quinettial Point To find his Declination do clius: Par the Ear of the Line of Sines on the Pin and Edge of the Index; pue to 23 Deg: 30 plin. in the Sun's greateſt Declination, reckoned from M on the Arch; then count the Sun's diſtance 52 Deg. on the Deg. of Sines of the Index : From the Center put one Foor of your compactes by the Degree, with the other take the neareſt diſtance to the Line or Side CM; apply thac diſtance in the Line of Sines of the Index, from S along, and the other Foot will reach to, 20 Degrees, the Declination required when the sun is in the aforeſaid Degrees and Sines. In like manner you muſt do for any other Degrees of the Sun's Place. 1 SECT. BOOK II. In Aſtronomy. 67 + r SECT. IV. ** Having the Latitude of the Place, and the Declination of the Sun, Ta find the Sun's trne Amplitude from the true Eaſt and Weſt. This is a moſt excellent ready way by chis Quadrant, and as icar the Truth as any Man can make any rational uſe of this problem at Sea: It is thus. Suppoſe the Latitude to be 13 Degrees, and the Sun's Declination 20 Degrees Northward, the Sun's true Amplitude of Riſing and Setting is required, from the true Eaſt and Weft. Set the Ear of the side of the Index on which is the Line of Sines on the Center, and Edge to the Latitude 13 ; then count from M 20 Degrees of Declination, and carry your Eye upon the Parallel-Line from that Degree of the Arch, and mark what Degree it curs of the Index and Line of Sines, as in chis Queſtion it doch 20 De- grees 25 Minutes, and that is the true Amplitude required. Secondly, Suppoſe you was about the Cape of Virginia, in Latitude 37 Degrees and 30 Min. and Declination 10 Deg: If you work as before-directed, you may find the true Amplitude to be 12 Deg. and about. 36 Min. You may eſtimate the Min. but you cannot Steer by a whole Deg: when you have retified your compaſs by this; therefore this is ſufficient for that uſe, to ſhow you the difference between the true Compaſs and the Steering Compaſs, if you obſerve his Riſing and Setting by it. Note, The Amplitude is the diſtance of Riſing or Setting of the Sun or Stars from che true Eaft and Weſt Points upon the Horizon. As for the foregoing Work In dhe Latitade of 13 Deg. the Sun or Star having North-Declination 20 Deg. therefore they will riſe 20 Deg: 33 Min. to the Northward of the Eaſt, and ſet 20 Deg.33 Min. to the Northward of che Weſt. But if the De- clination had been 20 Deg. South, then they would have riſen 20 Deg. 33 Min. Southward of the Eaſt, and ſet 20 Deg. 33 Min. to the Southward of the Weft. And ſo if you bring theſe Degrees and Minstes into Points and Quarters, and uſe the Variation-Compaſs upon the Inſtrument of the Moon in the Firſt Book, you may readily rectifie the Compaſs you Steep by. r SECT. V. The uſe of the Quadrant and Variation-Compaſs in the Firſt Books on the Inſtrument of the Moon for Shifting of Tydes. This Inſtrument contains two Parts or Rundles, which are the two uppermoſt in the aforeſaid Inſtrument made of wood or Braſs, moving one upon the other, as there you may fee. The biggeſt of the tivo uppermoſt Rundles repreſents the Compaſs you Sreer the ship by, which is ſubject to Variation : but the upper Compaſs doth repre- ſent the true Compaſs that never varieth, whereby you have a moſt neceſſary Inftru- ment to rectifie che compaſs, as Mr. Wakely hath made Tables to be uſed with it; buc this will ſerve for uſe as near by the Quadrant. Admit I am in the Latitude of 27 Deg. and Declination 20 Deg. Northward, and I obſerve the Sun's Rifing and Setting to be due Eaſt and by Vorsh, and Weſt by South Point of my Steering or Varixtion-Compaſs; the Variation in that Latitude is required. The Sun having North-Declination, and in that Latitude of 27 Deg. if there be no Variation the Sun will riſe (as you may preſently find his Amplitude by the Qua- drant and Index, 22 Deg. 34 Min. which is buit 4 Min. not to be taken notice of, 11 d. 1 sito above) E. N. E. and fees w. N.W. But according to the foregoing Propoſitions , the cach Point. Sun did riſe at 2.b. N. and ſet at W.b. N. Therefore it plainly appeareth that there is a full Point Variation. Therefore on the Variation-Compaſs on the Inſtrument of the Moon, you muſt al- ways bring the true Point of Riſing and Setting on the upper Compaſs, to touch the falſe Peine or Riſing and Setting, found by Osſervation and Steering-Compaſs , on the K 2 middle 68 The Uſe of the Quadrant, and Book II. 1 1 thoſe few Rules following. middle Rundle,being ſet in this poſition. You will find the Enb. N. to be the true E.N.E. and the W. and by N. to be the true W.N.W. and the N. 6. E. to be che true N. and the S.b. E. to be the true S. and the S. E. Point Southerly, to be the crue S. E.b. S. Sontherly; and the South Eaft, to be che South Weſt: And ſo you may do with caſe in all other Obſervations, in like manner as you have been ſhewn, by Points, Halfs, and Quarters, which is on the two Trundles; and be fure ncarer than of a Point I never did ſee any man Steer or 1heape a Courſe: SECT. VI. To know the Variation by the Quadrant. You may do the ſame thing by the Quadrant, without the help of the Rectifier before ſpoken of, if you will remember, That this Quadrant hath cight Points, or of the whole Compaſs, by which you may orderly reckon the whole, and let the Index to the greatest difference either from the Eaſt, Southward, or Northward, or West. In like manner as in the foregoing Propofition, the true Amplitude of Riſing and Setting was 2 Points, or 22 D.g. 34 Min. E. N. E. Set the Index to the Degrees and Points, reckoning the Deg. from D on the Arch of the Osadrant, toward the Scale of Leagues of the Index ; then reckon the Point and Degree taken by Obſerva- tion, which is 11 Deg. and 15 Min. a juft Point of the Compaſs: therefore it being but E. by N. ſhort a Point of the true Amplitsde, therefore the E.V. N. of the Steer- ing-Compaſs, reſpecteth the true E. N. E. and the N.b. E. reſpectech the truc N. and fo account all round the Compaſs a Point more than the Steering Compaſs ſhewetli: And if you would kæow whiclı way the Variation is, you ſee it is a Point inore from che E. than your Compaſs thewech Northerly. • But if the Steering or Azimuth-Compaſs, had ſhewn a Point more than the true Amplitude found by the Quadrant and true Polnt, the Variation had been Weſterly. Bur ſuppoſe the Amplitude found had been a Point Southerly, E. b. S. and the Sæn's Riſing and Setting had been a Point Northerly; by Obſervation of the ship-com- paſs, you ſee there is cwo Points difference: therefore ſet the Index to two Points, from M the Eaſt or Weft ſide of the Quadrant, as in this Propoſition you muſt reckon it , and you may ſee plainly that the Eaſt Point by the Steering Compaſs is the true Eaſt-South-Eaſt Point, and the South Point is the true South-Sosth-Weff Point; and the North is the trųe North-North-Weſt Point ; and ſo of all che reſt: And the Va- riation is Southerly. So that you ſee how readily this Quadrant doth theſe things, when the Points of the Compaſs is imprinted in a Mans mind, which muſt be, and is in all Maſters and Mates. Suppoſe I would know by the Quadrant the true Point of the Compaſs, when Bootes Ar&turus riſeth and fetrech: In the Latitude of 40 Deg. Bootes Arcturus De- clination is 20 Deg. 58 Min. Set the side of the Index and Sine to the Latitude of 40, and count the Declinga tion 21 Degrees almoſt, from Mon the Arch; and run your Eye up the Parallel, and it will cut the Index about 27 Deg. so Mix. which is reduced into Roints and Oxar- ters by allowing, Gr. 15 Min. to a Point, his Rifing will be almoſt E. N. E. & a Point Northerly, his Setting W. N. W. Weſterly . But if the Declination of a Star of the South 'ſide the Aquino&tial, the Riſing had been E.S. E. Southerly, and his Setting W. S.w. Southerly. In the like manner you may know the Riſing and Setting of any Star in an inſtant, by this Quadrant and Index, which I hold to be as neceſſary an Inſtrument as Seamen can uſe, in reſpect of its plainneſs, and brevity, and portability, ſo made as you ſec the Figure, the larger the better : And on it you may work all manner of Traviſſes to the diſtance of 60 Leagues or Miles which is on the ſide of the Index. It being ſo plain and caſie, I need not write any thing thereof; but for the Learner's ſake, take 1 SECT f ( . 7 7. Book II. Variation-Compaſs, in the Firſt Book. 69 SECT. VII. To finde the Number of Miles anſwering to one Degree of Longitude, in each ſeveral Degree of Latitude. 4 60 00 66 In Sailing by the Compaſs, the Courſe ſometimes holds upon a great Circle, fome- time upon a Parallel to the Aguator ; but moſt commonly upon a crooked Line, winding towards one of the Poles, which Lines are well known by the Name of Rhombs. If the Courſe hold upon a great Circle, it is either North or South under fome Meridian; or Eaft or Weft under the Agxator. In theſe Caſes every Degree requires an allowance of 60 Miles, or 20 Leagues, every 60 Miles or 20 Leagues will make a Degree Deg. Min. Miles, difference in the Sailing; therefore as was ſhewn in the firſt Di- oo od 00 60 agram, and uſe of the Line of Sines, may be ſufficient here, which 18 I2 57 is the Rule of Proportion. 25 15 54 But if the Courſe hold Eaſt or Weſt, on any of the Parallels 31 48 51 to the Aquator, 36 52 48 41 251 45 As the Radius is to 60 Miles, or 20 Leagues, the Meaſure of 45 341 42 one Degree of the Æquator : 49 281 39 So is the Sine-Compl. of the Latitude, to the Meaſure of 53 08 36 Miles or Leagues to one Degree in that Latitude. 56 381 33 001 30 But if you would know by the foregoing Quadrant thc Miles 63 01 27 anſwering to a Degree in each Parallel of Latitude, it is thus. off 251 24 Set the Ear E on the Center-Pin, and reckon the Degrees 69 30 21 Latitude from D: to which ſet the Edge of the Index, and note 72 321 18 the Parallel-Line that is at the Degree; carry your Eye on ic to 75 31 IS the Side CD, and from the Center to that Line you have the Number of Miles anſwering a Degree in that Latitude, 78 28 12 81 231 09 EXAMPLE. 84 15! 06 87 08 03 In the Latitude of 18 degrees 12 min. ſet the Index 18 gr. 12 min. from D, and the Parallel-Line riſing with char Degree, wich your Eye or a Pin follow to the Edge, and you will find it to be 57 Miles, the Miles anſwering one Degree of Longitude and sr Miles, in the Latitude of 31 gr. 48 min. as in the foregoing Table ; and ſo work for any other Latitude in like . manner. But if the Courſe hold upon any of the Rhombs becween the Parallel of the Æquator and the Meridian, we are to conſider beſides the Aquator of the World to which we Land, which muſt be always known. Firſt, The difference of Longitude, at leaſt in general. 2. The difference of Latitude, and that in particular. 3. The Rhomb whereon the Courſe holds. 4. The diſtance upon the Rhomb, which is the diſtance we are here to conſider, and is always ſomewhat greater than the like diſtance upon a great Circle. The firſt follows in the next Propoſition, .. I. To 1 1 70 The Uſe of the Inſtruments. Book II. 1. To find how many Leagues do anſwer to one Degree of Latitude, in every ſeveral Rhomb. Rhombs. 49120 3720 III 39 16 19 15/20 412062 52 20 4121 2 22 I 2 7122 68 II 26 In this Table is the Degrees of every quarter Point, , and whole Point in the Quadrant ; as the firſt quarter is 2 gr. Iaclinati. Number of 49 m. ſo the half Rhomb is s gr. 37 m. the third is 8 gr. on 10 the Leagues, 26 m. and the firſt point from the Meridian is II gr. 15 ms. Meridian. and ſo you may plainly ſee the reſt. Gr. Min. Leag. par. 2 2 As the Sine-Complement of the Rhomb from the Meri- 5 IO dian, is to 20 Leagues or 60 Miles, the Meaſure of 8 26/22 22 1 Degree at the Meridian : So is the Radius or Sine of 90, to the Leagues of Miles 14 anſwering to one Degree supon the Rhomb. go 24 Suppoſe by the Quadrant it were required to anſwer this 3021_65 O Heſtion, Sailing N.N.E. from 40 Degrees of North-Latitude, How 25 19/22 28 many Leagues ſhall the Shiprun before it can come to 41? By 30 56123 56123 32 reaſon this is the ſecond Rhomb from the Meridian, and the Inclination thereof is 22 deg. 30 m. 3133 45 24 05 Therefore ſet the ſide of the Index EL to the ſecond Point 36 34124 90 from thic Meridian N. N. E. 22 d. 30 m. and reckon from 39 2225 87 C 20 Leagues towards D, and with your Eye or a Pin fol 42 26 991 low the Parallel- Line to the Index, and you will find it cut 4145 0028 08 21 Leagues 65 parts (or better than more) the number of 47 4929 78 Leagues you muſt Sail before you can reach 1 Degree. 50 37131 52 You may do the ſame by the Travis-Scale thus. Extend 53 2633 57 the Compalles from 2 Points neareſt the end of the Scale, and SI56 15/36 greateſt Number of the Line of Numbers that is N. N. E. 2, 152 4138 90 and E. N. E. 6 Points, unto 20 Leagues on the Line of 542 43 Numbers; remove the compaſſes to 100 in the Line of Num 64 41 36 76 bers, and the other Point of the Compaſs will reachi to 21 667 3052 36 Leagues or 6s parts, as before in the Line of Numbers. 70 19 59 37 73 7168 90 This may be found alſo by a Line of Chords and Equal 75 5682 31 Parts, if you draw a Right Line, and take with your com- 2178 45) 102 521 pafles 20 parts, and lay it from one end on the Line ; then 34 136 30 take 60 deg. and ſweep an Arch, and take 2 Points with 84 22 205 14 your Compaſſes, and lay from the Meridian on that Arch 87 11 407 60 from N.N. E. and draw the Secant or Rhomb-Line, at 20 890 oolad infinit. Leagues draw a Perpendicular or Line at Right Angles chere to the former, and meaſure the diſtance from the Center, to the Interſection of the Line drawn from 20, with the Rhomb-Line on the scale of Leagues or Egnal Parts, and you will find it the ſame as before. And ſo the Qua- drant thews you all at one fight, if you underſtand without more words. By the Artificial Sine and Number, Extend your Compaſſes from the Sine of the Rhomb 67 deg: 30 to 20 in the Line of Numbers, the ſame Extent will reach from 8 Points, or go deg. or 100 in the Line of Numbers, to 2 1 Leagues 65 parts, as before. This conſider in general; I ſhall thew you more particularly in 12 Proofs (how of theſe four, any two being given, the other two may be found, both by Mercator's Chart, and all other ways, as is uſual) when I come to treat more particularly of Na- vigation. 00 161 81 i II. By 1 + thing CHAP. VI. The Uſe of the Quadrant. 71 i II. By one Latitude, Rhomb, and Diſtance, To find the difference of Latitudes. Ler the place given be in the Latitude of 40 Degrees, that is on the Center of the Os idrant, the ſecond Latitude unknown; The diſtance upon the Rhomb 2 1 Leagues 65 parts of a League ; the Rhomb N. N. E. the ſecond from the Meridian: Therefore fee thic Index ro che point, and count 21 Luogues 10 parts, and run your Eye up the Parallel-Line you there meet with, and reckon the Leagues from the Center Ċ to that Line, ard you will find it 20 Leagues; and ſuch is the difference of Latitude required. It is cafic to be underſtood how to lay it down by the Plain Scale; therefore I Thall farbear to write any more of that Way. As the Radiis, to the Co-fine of the Rhomb from the Meridian : Su the diſtance upon the Rhomb, to the difference of the Latitudes. Extend the Compaſſes form the Sine of 90, to the Co-line of the Rhamb 67 deg. 30 m. the fainc distance will reach from 21-65 Leagues in the Line of Numbers, torche clifference of Eatitade 20 tegurs. In like manner you muſt work for all ſuch Propofi:ions, ler chic Number be greater or leſs, by citcr Inſtrument. The Travis Scale is clic fame manger of Work, as the Artificial Sines, Tangents, and Numbers; For at find the compaſſes from 8 Points to 2 Points, the fame diſtance will reach from 21:65 in the Line of Numbers, .to 20 the difference required. "UL. By the Rhomb and both Latitudes, To find the Diſtance upon the Birt'. Rhomb: As'ſuppoſe'che one place given wore C che Center of the Quadrant, in the Latitude 40 deg. the ſecond place in the Latitude 41 deg. and the Courſe the ſecond from the Meridian. Set the Index to the R3,5ml, and account 20 Leagues, which is 41 deg. the ſecond Littitude, and carry your Eye on that Parallel chat leads to. che Iridex; and there iç will cut the diſtance upon the Rhimiz jhich in this Queſtion is 2 1 Leagues 65 parts: Extend the Compafis from the co-line of the Rhomb froin the Meridian, to the Ruzdins er Sine ni 90 The ſame Extcur tvill rein!: from 20 Leagues, the difference of Latitude, to 21:05 in the Lize of Number's, chc diſtance upon the Courſe required. IV. By the diſtance and both Latitudes, To find the Rhomb. Suppoſe the Place given was at C, in Latitude 49 deg. and the ſecond Place a Degree or 20 Le.gues further Nurihivard, and the diſtance was 21~-65 Leagues upon the Code. From the Center C reckon 20 Levignes towards D, follow that Parallel, and ſet the Index, and count the diſtance until it touch the Parallel, and look in Arch of the Quadrant, and you will find the Rhomb 22 gr. 30 m. or N. N. E. 2 Points from the Meridian. Or, Extend the compaſſes from the diſtance upon the Rhomb 21:65, to the diſtance of Latitudes 20 Leagues; The ſame Extent will reach from the Radius or Sine of 90, to the Sine-Complement of the Rhomb 67 deg. 30, which was required. V. By the difference of Meridians, and Latitude of both places, To find the Rhomb. As if the Place given was the Center of the Quadrant, 40 deg: and 20 Leagues was the difference of Latitude Northward, that is 41 deg. and the difference of Longia tude 8 Leagues 45 parts of a League. Firſt, count from the difference of Latitude 20 Leagues, on that Parallel coudt 8 Leagues 45 parts ; to chat put the Index ; and in the Arch you will find the Converse 22 gr. 30. from the Meridian. Extend the Compaſſes from 20 Leagues to 8:45, the fame Extent will reach from 90 to the Tangent of the Rhonib 22 gr. 30 min. as before. VI. By 72 The Deſcription of the Protractor. Book II. 31012015 ) * 807016050 401 30 LA - VI. By the Rhomb and both Latitudes, To find the difference of Longi- tude, or departure from the Meridian. Let the Rhomb be 2 Points from the Meridian, the one Latitude giveni 40 deg. the other Laritude 41 deg. the difference 20 Leagues. Sct the Index to the point and Rhomb 20 gr. from the Meridian, and count 20 Leagues the difference ; on that Parallel reckon the Leagues between the side and the Index, and you will find it in this Queſtion 8 Leagues 45 parts, the Meridians-diſtance required. - Or, Extend the Compaſſes from the Tangent of the Rhomb 22 gr. 30, to Radius 90, the faine Extent will reach from the difference of Latitude 20 Leagues, to the departure from the Meridian 8 Leagues 45 parts. Theſe ſix laſt Propoſitions depend one upon the other, as you may plainly ſee; which may be ſufficient for the Explanation of the Owadrant, by wirich may be un- derſtood much more. + CHAP. VII. How to make a moſt uſeful Protractor. His Inſtrument is always to be made in Rrafs or Copper, but beſt in Braſs. On the Center C draw che Semicircle BO, and divide it into two go, or 180 Degrees, as you may ſee the Figure ; and let the fixteen Points of the Compaſs P P be ſet in she inward Circle, with the Quarter-Points. And let the T 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 40 TAITITI 910 80 30 6020 30 A 10 610 20 20 eller . LO 10 시​의 ​www w www 22 B IA C + to * 210 18 310 4/0 51 019 710 80 E fol: 72 . 1 Index 1 1. | - 1 1 14 A : Nocturnal: he NY September 003 ningu 20 01 18 Gemini 01 € OLE . April. olz TOW 20 011 2010 10 | Aries 0 31 Cancer March I e i XII 310 II une Ilo 01 IX! 20 201 ILL. 281 02: 30 O Leo 10 Iuly 1 Pise Februa ols 10 VIII IX - 20 1 131 + VIT 20 :.. II. VIII 9 1IUHN January wer 1 Aquarius Auguſt son VI www. Virgo 310 20 K M VI 011 20 0 % 11 20 nus 을 ​12 Dereinber XII Th. mi Libra Capricorn 310 교 ​:30 310 20 10 vetober. 20 * 10 012 et LOUITTROSELIS 210 Nouember yo 이 ​3 lo 101 20 Scorpio m Sagitarius CHAP. VIII. A Deſcription of the Nocturnal. You may 73 Index A E be two Diameters and long, and ſo fitced as the Semidiameter of the Cir. cle may be the diſtance froin the Center, for the ready ſetting to any number of De- grees, or Points and Quarters che Edge thereof, and divide from the Center to the end of the Index into 100 cqual Parts, which are accounted ſometime Leagues, and rec- koned by the Surveyors of Land Perches, or any other Denomination of Numbers: call it for protraction according as you have occaſion to uſe it. Let the Index be faſtned to the Center with a Braſs Rivet, and through the midſt of the Rivet there muſt be a Hole drillid; you inuſt put the Pin or Needle ſpoken of in the laſt Chapter, upon any Point aſſigned, in any Chart or Protrałžion whatſoever. You may divide the Edges into equal parts,' by which you may make a Meridian-Line on the blauik Charts, according to Mercator's or wright's Projection. And 110w you have a neceſſary Inſtrument, which will protract any Travis or piece of Land upon Paper, with as much ſpced as any Inſtrument I ever yer knew, and readier by much, the uſe whereof ihall be thewn in this Treatiſe. 1 CHAP. VIII. The Projection of the Nocturnal. T T consiſts, as you ſec, of three Parts. The greateſt or handle-part liach on it two Circles divided : On the firſt or outmoſt is the Ecliptick, divided into 12 cqual Parts, in which is put thic 1 2 Signes; and cach of thoſe I 2 Parts is divided into 30 equal Parts or Degrees, in each Signe, numbered 10, 20, 30, as you ſce tire Figure plainly theweth. The inward Circle is the 12 Months of the Year, ſet in by a Table of the Sun's place every day of the Year, accounting the Degrees of the outward Cir- cle, and the number of Days in cach Month equally divided and ſet down 10, 20, 30. Note, Where to begin to divide the Months and Days is thus. Obſerve the bright- eſt Guarde, or by Calculation or thic Globes find when he comes to the Meridian juſt at 12 a Clock at Night. In the following Tables the Right Aſcenſion of the brighteſt Gusard is 223 Degrees 31 Minutes; from it fubftract 12 Hours, or 180 Degrees , the Remainder is 43 deg. 31 min. che Right Aſcenſion of the Soin the 26th day of April , in 16 deg. of Tauries, which muſt be uppermoſt next the Zenith in the middle. Thic other Part or middle Rundle equally divideth the outward Circle into twice Iz Hours; and within that is a Circle cqually divided into 32 Parts, or Points of the Mariner's Compaſs projceted thercori. The upper part is an Index, the length is from thic Center to the foot of the Inſtrument ; all three being faſtned with a piece of Braſs, lo Riverted that the Center is an Holc through which you may ſee the North- Star. You inay make it in Braſs, or good dry Box. The uſe of the Nocturnal. TH He Llíc of the Nocturnal is caſie and ready. Let the Tooth or Index of the mid- dle Circle be ſet to clic Day of the Month, and it will cut in tlie outward Circle the Sun's Place in thc Ecliptique. Then hold thc Inſtrument on high, a precey diſtance from you, with the Poor A B right with the Horizon level : Then look through the Holc of the Center, and ſec the North-Star, turning the long Index or Pointer up- wards or downwards, untill you ſee the brighteſt of the Guards over or under the Edge that comes ſtraight to the Center. Then look on the Hour-Circle by the Edge of chc Pointer, and it ſhows the Hour of the Night, and likewiſe thc Point of the com paſs the Guard beareth from the Pole; by tlic avhich you may have his Declination by the following Tables cxactly. Thic Hour of the Night may be alſo found by the Right Aſcenſion of the Sun and Stars. Thus, When that you ſee any Stars in the South, whoſe Right Aſcenſion is known, and alſo the Right Aſcenſion of the Sun for that day, you ſhall ſubſtract the Sha's Aſcenſion from the Star's ; that which remaineth divide by 15, to bring it inco L Hours + ; 74 The Uſe of the Table of the Book II. Here place Hours; for 15 Degrees makes an Horr, and 4 Minutes make a Degree; thereby you the North have the Hour of the Night. If the Sun's Aſcenſion be more than the Star's , in fuch caſe you ſhall add 360 Degrees to the Aſcenſion of the Stars, and then ſubſtract the Pole Star Sun's Aſcenſion, as before directed, you have the time alſo. No&urnal for the andGuards CHA P. IX. How to uſe the Pole-Star's Declination and Table, and thereby to get the Latitude. T year Hc Pole-Star, being ſo very well known to all Sea-men, is thicrcforc made the moſt uſe of by them: Therefore know, That this Table is made for the 1660. the true Declination being 2 deg. 30 min. but will ſerve for many years after. This Table is made contrary to the two former Tables; for whereas the North Point of the Nocturnal is the fiſt Point you reckon from, and was on the for- mer Nocturnal reckoned from Senth: ſo of this Nostwrnal you muſt take the Point at the Toth for North, and ſo reckon forward North and by Eaſt, and ſo on to Eaſt and South-East, South and Weſt, to North again. And likewiſe in the Table, you muſt begin in like manner at that part of the Ta- lle that lies directly under the Pole ; which, as beforc-ſaid, is properly called the North, and ſo procecd about the Pole, aſcending from this loweſt or North Point of the Me- ridian, as was ſaid before, to the North-Enft, Eaſt, and South-Eaſt, ſo to the South or higheſt Point of aſcending, being directly over the Pole : From the Soutb they deſcend again by the Weſt, and ſo return to the North again. Obferve chis, That the brighteſt of the Guards is the firſt of the little Bear, which is the Star you are to obſerve, and is almoſt in oppoſition to the Pole-Star. Note, That when the guard-Star is under the Pole, then the Pole-Star is above the Pole ; and when the Guard-Star is above the Pele, then the Pole-Star is under the Pole ſo many Degrees and Minutes as the Table ſhows you. The Uſe of this Table and Inſtrument is this : Look with the NoEtarnal, and fee what Point the Guards bears from the Pole, as before-directed ; and if you find the Gward is not on a full Point, ſtay a little longer until he is juſt, and then obſerve the height of the Pole-Star exactly as you can; then knowing by your Dead Reckoning within a Degree or two what Latitude you are in, look for the ncareſt to that Lati- tude in the top of the Table; and if you find the Point of the Compaſs, which the Guard-Star is upon, in the firſt Column of the Table, and in that Line under the Com Inmon of your Latitude, you ſhall find the number of Degrees and Ministes the Polen Star is cither above or below the Pole, according to the direction of the laſt Column of the Table, which you muſt thus make uſe of ; If the Star be any clıing above the Pole , lubſtract the Number in the Table from che height of the Star obſerved : but if the Star be under the Pole, then add the Nismber found in the Table to the height obſerved, by wliich you !hall have the height of the Pole. For Example . Eſtimate the Latitude to be near 40 Degrees , and obſerve the Pole- Star. Suppoſe you find the Altitude 40 Degrees, and the Grard-Star bears N.N.E. from the Pole; therefore look for N. N. E. in che firſt Column, and right under your eſtimated Latitude 40, in the ſame Line with N. N. E. you will find the Declination to be i Degree 30 Minutes; ſubſtract that from 40 Deg: the Altitude obſerved leaves the true Latitude 38 Degrees 30 Minutes. But if the Guard- Star had been S.S.W. then the Pole-Star had been i Degree 33 Minstes d. mo under the Pole; which being added to the Altitude obſerved 40 Deg. 40 the Latitude would have been exactly 41 Degrees 30 Minutes by the Star. So the Star’s. Altitude by obſervation being ss Deg. the Guard bears from 38 30 the Pole-Star S. E. b. S. the Declination againſt char Point is 2 Degrees 30 Mindtes, added to 55. had been 57 Degrees 30 Minutes for the Latitude: but if your eſtimated Latitude had been near 50, and the Guard bear from the Pole North- } + V 00 OI 30 Weft CHAP.IX. North-Star, to get the. Latitude. 75 Weſt by North, the Declination againſt that point is 2 deg. 30 min. ſubſtracted from 55 Degrees, the Altitude obſerved, chere remains g2 deg. 30 min. the Latitude of the place by the Star. A Table of the North-Star's Declination in theſe several Latitudes. O 20 so • I I 2811 Above the Pole. T 021 OIO 0810 0410 2210 4910 ISI 21 IS12 152 Under the Pole. S. E. 2 302 The True 30 40 60 70 Point of the Compaſs. D. M. D. M. D. M. D. M. D. M.D. M D. M North. iz 1012 1012 1012 092 0912 0812 07 N. b. E. 5311 53 I 5311 52 1 521 Sili 49 N. N.E. 311 3111 3011 301 291 25 IN.E.B.N. 061 051 041 031 02 58 N. E. lo 3910 3810 3710 3610 3500 3310 30 N. E. b. E.O 100 09 070 060 01 E.N.E. 180 190 2010 210 2310 26 E. b. N. 10 500 solo Solo si lo 5210 5210 5310 5310 56 Eaſt. 1511 1011 17 18 1 1811 1910 E.b.S. 3811 391 391 401 411 411421 421 44 E.S. E. 2 001 2 00 002 002 0012 002 OI2 02 S.E. b. E. 2 1512 152 162 1612 16 2 252 252 2512 2512 2512 2512 25 S.E.B.S. 3012 2012 303 302 302 30 S.S. E. 292 2912 292 292 292 2912 29 S. b. E. South. IO 2 1012 Sob. W. 580 5411 531 57 S.S. W. 32 I 3311 341 350 38 S.W.b. S. li 0711 071 0711 08 III 13 S. W. 0 390 400 4110 4010 4310 4410 47 S.W.b.W.O,100 S.W.b.w. Illo I 210 130 14 19 W. S. W. 190 1910 170 1610 150 1310 W.b. S. 480 470 460 450 440 4310 42 Weft. isl. 141 1311 1211 1111 101 08 W.b. N. 397 391 381 371 3611 35 I 33 W.N. W. 12 0011 591 5911 5811 580 5711 56 N.W.b.W.12 15.2 1512 1512 1412 132 12 7512 2512 25 2 242 242 24 N.W.b. N.12 3012 302 3012 3012 3012 30. N.N. W. 292 2912 29/2 292 2912 292 29 N. b. W. 2212 222 222 222 2212 2112 2 2 2212 222 2212 2211 2 222 the North or lower part of the Meridian, If the former of the Guards be afcending from If the former of the Guards be deſcending from the South or upper part of the Meridian. 22/2 22 z 102 N IIZ I I2 II 2 12 1. 531 321 55/1 551 I 31 I I I IQI 131 I 160 O IO I I Above the Pole. 1412 1412 N. W. 2 2512 3012 2 2 21 I hope the young Seamen are pleaſed for Examples, it being made ſo plain to their Capacity, and as profitable for their Liſe as any Kule whatſoever. 3 L 2 CHAP. 1 1 76 A Deſcription of the moſt Uſeful Book II. CHAP. X. How to make a moſt uſeful Inſtrument of the Stars, and by it to know moſt readily when any of 31 of the moſt notable Stars will come to the Meridian, what Hour of the Night, at any time of the Year, at the firſt fight. 1 T His Inftrument conſiſtech of two parts, which is two Rundles; on the back ſide of the foregoing Nolturnal it inay be very fitly made : On the matter or greater Rundle are three Circles divided; the outermoſt is the 12 Months of the Year, begun the 10th of March, the day the Sun enters inco Aries ; and the Days equally divided to the Number of Days in each Month. The ſecond Circle re- preſenteth the 24 Hour Circle, divided equally into 24 Hours, { and “, beginning the joth of March at 12 a Clock at Noon, the time the Sun comes to the Meridian, and the firſt Degree of Aries. The third and inward Circle is the Aquinoctial, divided into 360 Degrees; by them is accounted the Righi Aſcenſion of tlicíc 31 Stars in the Table following A Table of the Longitude, Latitude, Right Aſcenſions, and Declinations, of 31 of the moſt notable Fixed Stars : Calculated from Tycho his Tables, rectified for the rear of our Lord, 1671. ! 2 2 1 1 I 2 1 . Longitude. Latitude. Afcenfi-|Decli- Nor. nation. Sou. The Whale's Tail 27 56 * 20 47. So6 45 19 48 S The Bright Star in the South Foot of Androm. 09 39 8127 46 N 25 57140 44 N The Bright Star in the Right Side of Perſeus. 27 17 &?o os N144 16 48 30 N The Bright Star of the 7 Scars or Pleiades. 24 24 804 ON 53 00123 03 3 The South Eye of the Bull Aldebaran. 05 [2 IOS 31 564 17 15 48 N The Bright Star in the left foot of Orion Riges. 12 17 I 31 ir 574 44 8 37 N Orion's right Shoulder towards the Eaſt. 124 12 16 6 S 84 6 S 84 23/07 181 N The glittering Star in the Mouth of the great Dog. 09 35 5 29 30 597 4216 141S The Little Dog's Thigb Procyon. 21 18.15 57 STIO 34 06 03 In the South Arm of the Crab. 09 03 02 05 08 S125.22 20 48 3 The Bright Star called the Heart of the Hydra. 22 45 or j22 24 N 137 5407 15 The Lion's Heart Regulus. 225 17 Stoo 26 N 147 4313 33 N 1 The lower of the Pointers. 14 43.02 45:03 N 160 1858 081 N The white or North Pointter. 10 34 2 49.40 N 160 4863 32 The Lion's Tail. 17 03 12 18 N 173 04 16 25 The Firſt between the Tail and the Body. 04 10 me 54 18 N 189 03157 47 N The ſecond of the T'ail of the Horſes. 10 56 7h56 14 N197 37 56 41 N The Fore-Horſe, or lat in the Tail . 2 2 2 254 25 N203 3715 00 In the Skirt of his Garment Arcturus. 19 39 31 2 N 210 13:20. 58! N The South Balance of Libra. 10 31. m00 26 N 218 13.14 371 S The Brighteſt of the Guards. o8 16 z2 SI N 323 37|75 38 N The Scorpion Heart Antares. 08 13 04 27 S 242 2325 37 S Engonaſis Head Hercules. It 31 x 37 23 N 254 12114 sol N The Bright Star of the Harp Lyra. 10 43 761 47 N 276 2738 30 The Swan's Bill. 26 44 249 02 N 289 23 27 18 N The Bright Star the Eagle's Heart, 27 09 229 21 N 293 41108 03 N The Dolphin's Tail. og 32 29 08 N 304 24 10 14 The Mouth of Pegaſus the winged Horſe. 27 22 22 7N 323 03 08 24 The Bright Star of. Pegaſus Neck. I 397 17 41 N 336 21 09 08 The Southern Star in the Wing of Pegaſus Macrobe 18 56*119 26 N 342 07113 28 Andromeda her Head. 09 47 7 25 42 N 357 54127 18 N On 2 :. 2 2 2 고 ​1 3 2 2 1 ...340 -331060 i 10 1111:11 II III :. 3 210 TL icorpion Heart 25 37 Douth Ballanc A4.37 Bullseye Aldebre5 48|| acatwaing Point 63 32M 220vinteren OG ab 091 01 1 28 March flo 210 28 31 February 32 April 312 IX olz ola 20 ci 30 30 40 IT 30 May of oz IK La 114 50NI 81 ole 8 28M 011 S VIII con has8s Loj san 3001110 Heart Dolphins taile 210 31. Ianuary Pagales Mouth Neck 312 200 VIE Ils Zorth 10.37 311 June G74 210 ... 270 thes are Arydromeda head 27.18W hale tolle South 1948 { Petrus Boates Andromedis foote 40474 to 270 Bé Beers Penkeus his side es his side 48 30M go oli 1go Wit 98 puosal 119 30 December 20 vo GBears taile firſt 57'47MB VI 이는 ​250 1290 Lions taile 30 31 30 Iuly Hydrae heart Cancery Crabb Wir gil LittleDoggs thigh 16.3 Greate Doggsmouths Orions left foote ons Right shouldedy VII Hear Point" | 58 59 v 33 30 8.37 17 25 18 371 D 31. November thing 20 48 210 N 0172 000 31 Auguſt I tlo 180 210 210 MIX 30 1 2 1 110 October 31 September 30 1 O ។ ។ 19 } CHAP. X. Inſtrument of the Stars. 77 1 On the other Rundle or upper part, is placed all theſe aforeſaid Stars; and any other you may ſet thercon, if you follow this Rele. For example, Firſt ſet the Intex to eliet och day of March of the upper Circle ; on the under Circle, which will be at. 1 2 2 Clạck at Noon, or 360 Degrees, ſtop it faſt there, that it may not move, until you have placed the Stars on it as you intend to fer thereon. As ſuppoſe you would let the whale's Tail on the Rundle in his place; look in the foregoing Table , and you will find his Right Aſcenſion 6 deg. 45 mins-account that from the noch of March, and on the Aquinoctial Circle, and lay a Ruler from the Center over the 6 deg. 45 min in the Matter and Aquator or inward Circle, and draw the Line from the Center to the outward Edge of the upper Circle , and thereon fet the Name of the Star, next to that the Declination of the Star, and the Letter S or N. repreſencing South or North Declination :: on the inward Circle, fet before cach Star the Magnitude of the Star, wvliereby you may know the better, as the Figure following thews you all plain. Take this Exemple morc. Suppoſe you would ſet the Lion's Heart in his place; In the. T'ebles I find his Right Aſcenſion is 147 deg. 43 min. reckon that Number on the Aquinoctial Circle next the Rundle, and draw the Line as before-directed, i fignify- ing the Firſt Magnitude, ſecondly his Name, thirdly 13 deg. 33 N, for his North Declination, The Inſtrument in this poſture, you will find the Lion's Heart will come to the Meridian at almoſt 10 a Clock in the Evening the roch day of March in tude. any Latie * How to know the Hour of the Night any Stár comes to the Meridian Latitude. in any re с ) Eye Ou the om or Hand of the upper Rundle to the Day of the Month, and right againſt the Star is the Hour of che Night, in the Matter the Star will be on the Meridian. For example, Suppoſe you would know che Hour of the Night the. Bull's comes to the Meridian chc 20ch Day of Otober ; Sec the Index to the Day, and right againſt the Bull's Eye is of an Hour paſt 1, che cime in the Morning that Star will be on the Meridian South. And in the ſame manner you may ſee the Stars, and Hours they come to the Meridian that Night and Day. For note the upper half of the Circle, and 12 Hours is the Day-hours, and the lower and Handle-half is the Night-hours. You begin to reckon the Day-hours on the left ſide of the Inftrument, and the Night-hours on the right ſide; ſo round with the Sun. How to know what Scars are in Courſe ' at any time or Day of the Year. THe Courſe and ſeaſonable coming to the Meridian of the Stars, and what are fit to be obſerved, is Thewn you ar once, the Inſtrument in the former polture, if yo:1 took againſt each Star, you have the Hour of the Night and Day, being the whole 24 Hors. This is ſo plain, you need no further Precept. L How to know the Hour of the Night, by the Stars being on the Meridian. Suppoſe it were required to know the Hour of the Night the 10:h of December, the brighteſt of the 7 Stars being on che Meridian South; Set the Inies to the day of the Month, and right againſt the brighteſt of the 7 Stars, is half an Hour paſt 9 at Night, which is the Hour required, 1 CHAP. ! " 1 78 Of the Croſiers and Croſs-Staff. Book:II. ! CH AP. XI. of the Crofiers. W Hen the Mariners paſs the Aquinoctial Line towards the South, ſo that they cannot ſee the North-Star, they make uſe of another Star, which is the Conſtellation called the Centaur ; which Star, with three other no- table Stars which are in the ſame Conſtellation, makech the Figure of a Crofs (be- twixt his Legs) for which cauſe they call it the Crofiers. And it is holden for certain, That when the Star A (which of all four cometh neareſt the South-Pole) is 1 I Cox fout North and South by the Star B, then it is rightly ſcituated to take the Height by: And becauſe this Star A, which is called the Cocks-foot, is 30 Degrees from the South-Pole, ic comech to paſs, it being ſcituared as before-faid, we take the Height thereof (which is then the greateſt that it can have) chis Heighe will truly Thew how far we are diſtant from the Aquinoctial: For if the ſaid Height be 36 Degrees , then we are under the very Aquino&tial : But if it be more than 30 deg. then are we by ſo much paſt the Aquinoctial , toward the South: And if it be leſs than 30 deg. ſo much as it wanteth, we are to the North of the Aquinoctial. And here it is to be noted, That when the Guards are to the North-Eaſt, then is tho Star in the Crofiers' fitly ſcituated for obſervation, becauſe then they are in the Meridian. . CHAP. XII. 1 How to make the Croſs-Staff. T Hc Mariner's Croſs-Staff is that which by the Aſtronomers is called Radius Aftronomicou, by which we obſerve the Celeſtial Lights above the Horizon. The Mathematicians have invented many kinds of Inſtruments, whereof the Croſs-Staff and Quadrant are the moſt uſeful above all che reſt . At Sea it is not every Mans Work to make and mark a Croſs-Staff and other Inſtruments, for want of Practice needful thereunto; yet norwithſtanding it is fic and neceſſary that a Mafter, his Mates, and Pilot, who are to have the uſe of it, ſhould at leaſt know when it is well made. For to mark well a Croſs-Staff, you ſhall make a plain Alat Board of good dry Wood, 1 CHAP. XII. A Deſcription of the Croſs-Staff, part of a 79 Wood, fifteen or fixteen Inches broad, and about four Foot or three Fuot long : Paſtes it well with good Paper; draw along the one side a Right Line, as in the next fol- lowing Figure CAD; out of the Line C draw a Square Line upon A C, as CB, and upon the Center C draw the Arch A E B, being a Quadrant or fourth Circle; divide that into two parts; the one half thereof, as A E, divide into 90 Equal Parts or Degrees, thus; firſt into three Parts, and cach of the ſame again into three; theſe Parts each into two, and each of the laſt Parts into five; ſo the Arch A E ſhall then be divided into 30 Parts. Then take a right Røler, lay the onc end on the Point or Center C, the other upcn cach Point of the foreſaid ſeveral Diviſions, and draw ſmall Lines out of C, through each of the foreſaid Points or Degrees of the Quadrant, ſo long as they can ſtand upon the Board, as you may ſee it plain in the Figure. Then take with a pair of Compaſſes, juſt the half length of the Croſs that you would mark the Staff after; prick it from the Point C cowards B; as by Exam- ple, from Cto F, and from D to G; joyn theſe two Points with a Line to one ano- ther; and cven into ſuch Parts as that Line is cut, and divided by the aforeſaid Lines coming out of the Center of the Quadrant, muſt your Staff be marked, whether the Croſs be long or ſhort, as appcareth by the Lines H I and KL, which are drawn for Cruſſes: the half thercof is ſo long as CH, or CK, or CF. If the aforeſaid Quadrant, for want of good Skill.or Practice, be not well divided, or Lines not well drawn, the Staves being marked thereafter will alſo be faulty. Therefore they may be marked more exactly by Points equally divided, in manner as followeth. I 39 C D 49 12 F W t 20 70 24236 42222lo E. | . 1 B Ε Η K C F -10-20.7450ma Prepare 1 86 The Uſe of the Croſs-Staff. Book II. A Table for the Diviſion of the Crols-Scaff. 7 Prepare you a Staff; draw thereon a Right Line ſo long as your Staff, and take with a tharp pair of Compaſſes the half Length of the Croſs after which you defire to mark your Staff: prick it ſo often along the aforeſaid Line , as it can ſtand upon the ſame. Divide cach of the Lengths of the half Cross into 1000 Equal Parts. Then prick upon the Staff you will mark from the Center-end, juſt half the Length of the Croſs; and mark there a ſinall thwart Stroke. Off from thence prick for cach Degree ſo many of the ſame Parts as the Cross is divided in his half Length, like as is marked in the Table liere annexed for every Degree. For the firſt Degree you ſhall mark off from go the aforeſaid thwart Stroke 176, for the fourth Degree 724, for the io Degree 1918 of thoſe Parts, and ſo of the reſt. If you cannot divide the half Crefs, by reaſon he is ſo little, into 1000, divide him into 100, and ſcave out the cwo laſt Figures, and that ſhall ſatisfie your deſire: For 30 De- grees take 73, and for 40 Degrees 114, and for 10 Degrees 19 Parts, and ſo of the reſt. 1 D. Parts D.Parts. DI Parts. 1 176 176 31 76751161 28667 2 355 32 80401162 30108 31 53811331 841811631 316531 41 7241 1341 88071 641 33315 51 9131 351 9210165 35107 6 11061 1361 262666 37046 71303 37 1005767 39152 811504 13811050368 41445 9 1708 139 109651 169 43955 10 1918 40 114441 70 46713 11121314111943117 4975 8 121234914211246072 53197 1312572 143 12998 173 56912 1412799 44 13558 174 61154 15.303214514142175 65958 16132704014751176 71445 173514 47 15386177 77769 18 3764 48156051 178 85144 194019 49 167467995854 2014281 50 174751 180 104301 21 4550 51 18239 81 117062 22/4826 52 19042 82 133007 23 s108153198871 83 153499 245399 5420777 841 180811 2515697155121716 851 219038 26.600356227081 186276332 276318) 57 237591 187 371885 2866431 1581248741 881 561810 29 69761 15926059891135891 2017320 1601272211 190 Endleſs. 1 : CHAP. XIII. A How to uſe the Croſs-Staff. Et the end of the Croſs-Staff to the outſide of the Eye, ſo that the end of the Staff come to ſtand right with the Center of the Motion of the sights. Then move the Croſs ſo long off from you or towards you, holding it right up and down, and winking with your other Eye, till that the upper end come upon the middle or Center of the Sun or Star, and the lower end right with the Horizon, the Croſs then ſhall ſhow upon the ſide of the Staff belonging chereunto, the Degrees of chc Altitude of the Sun or Star. Note, The Staff is marked with two Lines of Numbers, with 90 Degrees next the Eye, and dininishing from 90 to 80 and 70, 60 towards the outmoſt end: The Complement-Sine beginneth towards the Eye-end, ni cncreaſech contrarywiſe towards the outinoſt end, as from 10, to 20, 30. The Firſt Number ſheweth' you the Altitude, the ſecond Number is the Sun's diſtance from the Zenith. The Sünor Stars being liigh clevated from the Horizonthe Cross cometh nearer the Ege than when they are but a little clevated, and do ſtand neer the Horizonzthereby the eye makchi(ſeeing oow to the lower, and then again to the upper end of thecroſs)greater motion 1 CHAP.XIII,I he Uſe of the Croſs-Staff. 81 . 1 motion in looking upand down, than when the Sun or Star doth ſtand low.And info- much cheCenter of the Sight by ſuch looking up and down together with the end chc Staff, a Man ſeech then Imaller Angles then if it did remain Stedfaſt, in regard where- of the Croſs comech nearer to the Ege than it ſhould, and there is found too much Altitude. This being found by many, beſides my ſelf, by experience, they were there- fore wont to cut off a piece of che end of their staff , or fet the Croſſes a Degree and or cwo Degrees nearer the Eye; but it isnot the right means for to amend the afore- ſaid Errors. The beſt means of all in mný. opinion is this; That upon each ſeveral Height which men will obſerve, they do try with two Groffes fer upon the like De- grees, how the Staff muſt be ſet , chat they may ſee the end of the ſame ewo. Crolles right one with the other. 1 + 1 + i. 31 cu . Long + ) Ł & Bunum 17 : B 1 + 1 lozi 80 8 " MUI. D mais с nanin TININ - + ii is Having found that , and then taking off one of the Crofes , and ſetting the Staff again, in the ſame manner as before, all Errowrs will be ſo prevented, which by the lifting up or caſting down of the Eye, might any 'manner of way happen. F 1 1 EXAMPLE I deGre to obſerve the Sun or any Star in the South : I make my Eſtiination, as neer as I' can, how high that ſhall ſtand, or take the Height of them a little before they ſhall come to the South, which I take to be 50 Degrees. I ſet therefore the two Creffes in. M ra + ! The Uſe of the Croſs-Staff . Book II . 2 But if the Sum hach North Declination, and in the Zenith, then look how many 82 Croſſes each upon their so Degrees, and the end of the Staff in the hollow of the Eye-bone, on the outſide of the Eye, and bow the Head forward or backward, or over the one ſide or che olier, till I ſee the utmoſt end of both the Croſſes right one with the other, according as is ſhewn by theſe Lines A B and CD, as is apparent enough by the foregoing Figure ; That the Sight-beams over the ends of the Croſses Mall their agree with the Lines which might be drawn over the end of the Croſſes, to the Point or Center at the end of the Staff, which doch agree with the Center of the Quadrant, or the beginning of the Equal Points upon which the staff is marked. Keeping in memory lich ſtanding of the Staff, I take off the one Croſsy and fer the Staff again in the aforeſaid manner to tlic Eye, and obſerve without any errour of the Eye. In taking the Height of the Sun with the Croſs-Staff, Men do uſe red or blew Glaſſes, for the ſaving and preſerving the Eyes; yet it is notwithſtanding a grcat let, and very troubleſom for the Sight, eſpecially if it be high : therefore the Quadrant and Back-Staff is much better, as will be thewed in the next Chapter. Thus I have ſhewed you how to take an Obſervation by the Fore-Staff. The nexo thing that followeth in courſe will be to ſhew you how to work your Obſervation; which to do, take notice of theſe following Rules. To Work your Obſervation. F the Sun liath North Declination, and be on the Meridian to the Southwards of you then you muſt ſubſtract the Sun's Declination from your Meridian Altitude, and that Remainder is the Height of the Aquino&ial, or the Complement of the Liana titude North. But if the Sun hath South Declination, you muſt add the Sun's De- clination to your Meridian Altitude, and the sum is the Height of the Aqualor, or the Complement of the Latitude North. If the Sun hath North Declination, and be on Meridian to the Northwards, then add the Sun's Declination to his Meridian Al- titude, and the Sum is the Height of the Aquator, or the Complement of the Latitude South, if the ſaid Sum doth not exceed 90 deg. but if it doch exceed 90. deg, you muſt ſubſtract go deg. from the ſaid Sum, and the Remainder is your Latitude North If the Sun hath South Declination, and be to the Northwards at Noon, you muſt then ſubſtract the Sun's Declination from his Meridian Altitude, and the Remainder is the Complement of your Latitude South. When the sun hach no Declination, then the Meridian-Altitude is the Complement of the Latitude. If the Sun be in the Ze-, nith, and if at the ſame tince the sun hachi no Declination, then you are under the Aquineltial. Degrees and Minutes the Declination is, and that is the Latitude you be in North. But if your Declination be South, then you are in South Latitude. If you obſerve the Sun or Star upon the Meridian beneath the Pole, then add your Meridian Alti- tude to the Complement of the Sun or Stars Declination, and the Sum is the Height of the Pole, If Rules for Obſervation in North Latitude. + 1 Uppoſe I am at Sea, and I obſerve the Sans Meridian Altitude to be 39 deg. 32 min. and the ſame time the Sun's. Declination is 15 deg. 20 min. North; I doo mand the Latitude I am in. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude 39 32 The Declinacion North, fubft.- 15 20 The Complement of the Lati 24 90 00 65 48 North.. o Suppoſe I2 The Latitude I am in i . ؛ ܢܼܲ ܢܼܲ.ܨ ܂ Se CHAP. XIII. The Uſe of the Croſs-Staff. . 83 Suppoſe I were in a Ship at Sea the 18th of April, Anno 1667. and by Obſervati- on I find the Sun's Meridian Altitude to be 62 deg. 15 min. The Latitude is required. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude- 62 is The Declination North, fubft. 14 18 The Complement of the Latitude 47 57 90 The Latitude I am in, required. -42 03 00 1 Admit you were in a Ship at Sea the sth of November, Anno 1679. and I find the Sun's Meridian Altitude to be 24 deg. 56 min. The Latitude is required I am in. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude- 24 56 The Declinacion South, add--- Tbc Complement of the Latitude 43. 33 90 00 The Latitude 1 an in 46 27 18 37 1 oo Suppoſe a ship at Sea the 28th of May, Anno 1666. and I find the Sun's Me- ridian Altitude by Obſervation 56 deg. 45 min. The Latitude is required I ain in. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude "56 45 The Declinacion North, Subst. 22 46 The Complement of the Latitude 33 59 go The Latitude required I go in- a56 Admit a Ship at Sea the I th of June 1668. and find the Sun's Meridian Al- titude by Obſervation 79 deg. 30 min. North, It is required the Latitude I am in. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude 79 30 The Declination North- -23 3l add. 103 01 90 00 The Latitude I am in 13 OI required. Suppoſe I were at Sea the 14th of May 1693. and the Meridian Altitude of the Sun was 69 deg.07 min. North, I demand the Latitude the Ship is in at that time. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude 69 07 The Declination North- ។ 1 -20 53 add. oo 90 go OQ The Ship is under -00 oo the Aquinoctial. A+ ; M2 Rules ! 84 . The Uſe of the Croſs-Staff. Book. II . Rules for obſervation in South Latitude. E SY Uppoſe I at Sea in a Ship the ſecond of Fune, Anno 1666. and I find the Sun's Meridian Altitude by Obſervation to be 64 deg. 45 min. The Latitude the Ship is in, is required. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude North- 64 45 The Declination North, add. 23 15 The Complement of the Latitude-88 88 00 90 00 The Latitude the ship is in -02 oo South, Suppoſe a ship at Sea the 28th of December, Anno 1695. and in Longitude 169 deg. Eaſt, and I find the Meridian Altitude by Obſervation to be 59 deg. 52 min. The Latitude the Shipis in,is required. The Declination in the Meridian of Briſtol for the 28th of December, is 22 deg. 25 min, and the daily difference of Declination is at this time 8 min. Therefore if you look in the Table of Proportion following, you will find the Proportional Minutes to be about 4, which you muſt add to the Declination of the Meridian of Briſtol, and the Sum will be the true Declination for the Longitude 169 deg. Eaſt, which is 22 deg. 29 min. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude North-- 59 5? The Declination South, Subſtr.- The Complement of the Latitude---37 23 -22 29 A 90 00 1 62 23 22 26 84 49 / The Latitude the Ship is in, which was-52 37 required. Suppoſe I were at Sea in a Ship the 29th of June, 1679. and I find the Sun's Me- ridian Alsitude to be 62 deg. 30 min. North, The Latitude is required. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude North The Declination North, add The Complement of the Laricude 90 00 The Latitude the Ship is in n! OS 11 South. Admit I am in a Ship at Sea the 20th of Fanuary 1667. the Sun's Declination 20 deg. 4 min. and the Sun's Meridian Altitude 79 deg. 36 min. South, I require the Latitude che ship is in. Anſwer, 9 deg. 30 min. South. Admit a Ship were at Sea, the Sun's. Declination 13 deg: 5.3 min. Sowth, and the Sun's Meridian Altitude 80 deg. 43 min. South; The Latitude is required. The Declination South 53 The Meridian Altitude- 80 43 add. 94 36 the Sum: Sulſtr.-9000 The Latitude the Ship is in----04 36 Soutb. If ycu obſerve the upper part of the Sun, you muſt ſubſtrazt 16 min. But to the contrary, if you obſerve the lower part of the Sun, you muſt add 16 min. for the Sun's Diameter, and the Sum will be the true Altitude of the Sun's Center. Rules } deg. min. I3 I : 1 CHAP. XIV. A Deſcription of the Quadrant. 85 . Rules for obſerving the Stais. Uppoſe I am at Sea, and obſerve the Brighteſt of the 7 Stars upon the Meridia an, and find his Meridian Altitude to bc 47 deg. 20 min, and the Latitude were required. The Declination of this Star is 23 The Meridian Altitude- 47 Subſtract the North Declination----23 The Complement of the Latitude----24 17 go 03 North 20. 23 03 OO The Latitude I am in- 65 43 Admit I were at Sea, and obſerve Hydra's Heart on the Meridian, his Altitude is 36 deg. 15 min. and luis Declination is 7 deg. 15 min. Sowth, The Latitude of the Place is dcnianded. deg. min. The Meridian Alcitude is 36 IS The Declination is South-. -07 The Height of the Æquinoctial above-43 30 the Horizon. go The Latitude the Ship is in -46. 30 required. . 15 add. oo This you ſee is plain, and needs no further Precept but what is already ſaid. CHAP. XIV. A Deſcription of the Back-Staff er Quadrant. .1 ./ "He Back-Staff or Quadrant is a double Triangle, as this Figure following ſhewech; whereof the Triangle A B C the Arch is equally divided into 60 deg. and the other Triangle is divided equally into 30 deg. A DF the Vanes are ficted ntar. In proportion to him, the Uſe followeth. T The uſe of the Back-Staff or Quadrant. Et the Vane Ġ to a certain number of Degrees, as the Altitude of the Sun re- quircth; and looking through the Vane F, to the upper Edge of the Slic of the Sight of the Horizon, if you ſee all Skie and no Water, then draw your Sight-Vane a lictle lower towards E:' but if you ſee all Water and no Skie, then put your Eye- Vane up higher towards F; aid when you have done ſo, obſerve again; and then if you ſee the shade lie upon the upper part of the Slit, on the Horizon-V'ane, and you at the ſame time do fcc che Horizon through the Sight-Vane, then that is all you can do untill the Sun be riſen higher; and tending the Sun until he be. upon the Meridi- out, you will perceive he is deſcending, or as we commonly , fay he is fallen, you will ſee nothing but Water ; your Vanes faſt in this poſture, you have done obſerving the Sun 1pon che Meridian chat day: Therefore reckon thc Degrees froin B to the up- pèr ſide of the Vane Gy to it add the number of Degrees from E to the Eye-Sight, and their Susm is the Distance of the Sun from the Zenith to the upper Edge of the Sup; to which Sum if you add 16 minutes, which is the Sun's Semidiameter, you will haye the truc diſtance of the Sun's Center from the Zenith or Complement of the Meridian Altitude. Nore this, If you obſerve the upper Limb of the Sun by the up- per 1 CIM 86 A Deſcription of the Quadrant. Book II. you work per part of the Shade, then it is the upper Limb that gives the Shade ; but if you obſerve the lower part of your Shade, then it is the lower ſide of the Sun that gives the Shade : Therefore you muſt ſubſtract 16 min. from whiar your Back-Staff gives you, and the sum or Difference gives you the right Diſtance of the Sun from the Zenith. You may have the Altitude of the Sun from your Quadrant, if thus; from Cto G is 40 deg. for the Vane ſtands at 20 deg: from D to Fis 16 deg. being added cogether makes 56, the Altitude or Height of the Sun above the Hori- zon, which you may uſe as you were ſhewn by the Fore-Staff : Bue in regard che Engliſh Navigators work their Obſervation by the Complement of the Sun's Altitude, when he is upon the Meridian, being ſo ready to be counted by their Osadrant ; Therefore we will direct you in general, and after in particular Rules. F + A HALILI un The Figureof the Quadrant Ашдципшивашхиції. պայմաննես ITาพ NTTI IM II XUT*11 B M D C. Go 25 FE A $ 2 Firſt, If the Sun hath North Declination, and you in North Latitude, and the Sun upon the Meridián, South of you; then if you add the san's Declination to his Žer mith-Diſtance, that is the Complement of the Sun's Aseridian Altitude, the Sum will lac the Latitude you are in. But if the Sun hath South Declination, you muſt ſubſtract the Complement of the Meridian Altitude, and the Remainder will be the Latitude the ship is in. If you be ro the:solithward of the Aguinoctial, and the Sun to the Northwards of the Aquinoctialy in ſuch caſe you muſt add the sum of the Declination to the Zenith-diſtance, and the Sum will be your Latitude South. But if the Sun be to the Northwards of che Aquinoctial (that is, have North De- clination) ! . th CHAP. XIV, The Uſe of the Quadrant. 87 clination) you muſt ſubſtract the Declination from the Zenith-diſtance, and the Re- mainder will be the Latitude South. If you underſtand the forc-going Rules given of the uſe of the Fore-Stuff you cannot miſtake the Uſe of the Quadrant or Back Staff. We will now come to Examples what are needful. obſerve theſe Rules for North Latitude. 1 the 00 .-56 54 1 IO 16 07 A Dmit we were in a Ship at Sea the fifth of May, Anno 1694. and by Obſervation I find the upper ſide of the Sun to be diſtant from the Zenith 37 deg. 36 min.. Sun being upon the Meridian, I require the Latitude the Ship is in. deg: min. The Sun's Diſtancc from the Zenith- 37 36 his upper Edge. The Sun's Semidiameter, add- 16 The Center of the Sun from the Zenith 37 52 North Declination. -19 02 The Latitude reguired, the ship is in Suppoſe a Ship at Sea the 29th of July, Anno 1682. and I find the Complement of the Sun's Meridian Altitude by obſervacion to be 32 deg. 54 min. The Latitude of that Place the ship is in, is required. deg. min. The Complement of the Altitude ist 32 54 The Sun's Semidiameter add so it do 16 The Diſtance of the Sun's Center from Zenith-33 North Declination, add-o The Latitude the Ship is in 42 49 17 Suppoſe a Ship were at Sea the 13th of Sept. 1683. and I find the Complement of the Sun's Meridian Altitudė, or Diſtance from the Zenith, 45 deg. 42 min. I demand what Latitude the ship is in. deg. min. The Complement of the Altitude is 45 42 The Sun's Semidiameter add to it 2016 The Diſtance of the Center of the Sun 45 58 The Declination South, fubftract The Latitude the Ship is in 45. SE Admit a Ship were at Sea the fourth of December, Anno 1690. and the Comple- ment of the Sun's Meridian Altitude chat day were 49 deg. The Latitude the ship is in, is required. deg. min. The Complement of the Meridian Altitude-49 07 The Sun's Semidiameter Add- The Center of the Sun diſtant from the Zenith—49 23 The Sun's Declinación South, ſubſtract- 30 The Latitude the Ship is in North - Suppoſe I were in a ship at Sea the 23d of May, Anne 1695. and I am allo in Longitude to the Eaſt of the Meridian of London 135 deg.. and I find the Comple- ment of the Meridian Altitude by Obſervation to be 13 deg. 12 min. The Latitude is „required. 1 00 07 00 16 23 25 53 T . Declination . 88 The Uſe of the Quadrant Book II. IZ OO deg. min. Declination in the Meridian of London- -22 17 The Proporcional Minutes, Sabſtract-- 00 03 The Sun's Declination in the Meridian given-- 32 14 The Complement of the Sun's Altitude I3 The Sun's Semidiameter, added. 16 The True: Zenith Diſtance of the Sunë -1.3 28 Tihe True Latitude the ship is in North- That is, by rcaſon the Sin is to the Northward of my Zenith, and the Declination more than the true Diſtance from the Zenith or Complement of the Meridian Altitude; therefore ſubſtract 13 deg. 28 min. from 22 deg.20 min. and the Remainder is the true Latitude 8 deg. 52 min. Norch. -08 46 EXAMPLE. d. m. Let the Complement of the Sun's Altitude bez S,che Altitude 76 deg. 32 min. in the North BS, the Declination North E S 22 deg. 14 min. if you add the Altitude SB 76 deg: 32 min. to the Declination SE 22 deg. 14 min. the Sum is B E 98 deg. 46 min. the Diſtance of the Aquinoctial BS 76 32 from the Horizon in dic North B Z 90'deg. being ſubſtracted from SE:22 14 it, remaineth for Z E, the Diſtance of the Aquinoctial from the BE 98 46 Zenith towards the South, 8 deg. 46 min. juſt B P the Latitude of the Place, and Altitude of the Pele above che Horizon. 90 00 B 08 46 is i S 1 N > } 4.1. . North Q. . ü B i South 4 1 Let the Complement of the Sun's Altitude be Z S 13 deg. 28 min. the North Decli- nation ÉS 22 deg. 14 min. being more than the Diſtance of the Sun from the Zenith, ſubſtract ZS 13 deg. 28 min. the Complement of the Altitude from S E the Declinati- on, there remaineth deg: 46 min. the Diftance of the Aquinoctial from the Zenith Z'E or Latitude of the Place BP, as before. I have been the more large on this, by reaſon I would have Learners perfect in it, it being moſt uſeful Questions, When . CHAP. XIV. In South Latitude, 89 When that you Sail far Northward or Southward, that the Sun goeth not down, as they find that Sail about the North Cape, and to Spitsberghen, or Greenland ; and that you would obſerve the Altitude by the Sun, alſo when he is in the North at the loweſt, Firſt, There muſt be added to the Altitude of the Sun taken above the Horizon, the Complement of the Sun's Declination ; that is, the Diſtance betwixt the Sux and the Pole, that Number ſheweth the Altitude of the Pole. Secondly, or elſe che obſerved Altitude moſt be ſubſtracted from the Declination, that which remainech is the depreſſion or depth of the Aquinitial under the Hori- zon in the North, juſt to the Altitude of the ſame in the South, the Complement thereof is the Altitude or Height of the Pole. Thirdly, If you take the Complement of the Sun's Altitude, and ſubſtract from it the Complement of the Sun's Declination, there remainech che Diſtance of the Pole from the Zenith, or thé Altitude of the AgninoEtial in the South; the Complement thereof is the Altitude or Height of the Pole. Fourthly, or elſe if you add the Declination to the Complement of the Altitude, and you ſubſtract 90 Degrees out of that Nämber, chere remaineth the Depth of the Aiguinoftial in the North under the Horizon; that being ſubſtracted out of 90, there remainech the Altitude of the Pole. A Dire&tions for obſervation in South Latitude. Dmit a ship at Sea the 7th of July, Anno 1695. and I am in Longitude 135 deg. Eaſt, and the Sun being upon the Meridian, I find the Complement of I his Meridian Altitude by Obſervation to be 42 deg. 34 min. North'; The Latitude is demanded, the ship is in. The Complement of the Meridian Altitude-42 34 The Sun's Semidiameter, addin The Sun's Center diftant from the Zenith. The Declination North, Subfrad- The Latitude the Ship is in deg. min. 00 16 42 50 21 16 -21 34 00 16 T 18. 37 -00 42 Admit I were in a Ship the fifth of November, Anno 1687, and in Longitude 122 deg. Weft, and the Complement of the Sun's Meridian Altitade by Obſervation is 31 deg. 37 min. North; The Latitude is required, the ship is in. deg. min. The Complement of the Meridian Alcicude----31 37 The Sun's Semidiameter, add The Sun's Center diſtant from the Zenith 31 53 The Declination South The Proporcional Minutes-. 05 Added. The Sun's Declination in the Meridian given---18 which add to the Zenith-diſtance -31 53 The Latitude the Ship is in 50 35 Suppoſe I were in a Ship at Sea to the Southwards of the Aquinoctial, the third of Fansary, Anno 1683. and I find the Sun upon the South part of the Meridian, and by Obſervation his Meridian Altitude is 75 deg. 38 min. The Latitude the Skip is in, is required. deg. min. The Complement of the Meridian Altitude14 22 The Sun's Semidiameter, adla The Sun's Center from the Zenith The Declination South 14 38 28 The Latitude the ship is in South- N EXAM- 1 00 16 21 06 50 90 The Uſe of the Fore-Staff, cc.: Book II. . EXAMPLE. F South TIRTILA NI B ! In this Figure let C bc the South, and .P the North Pole, DE the Æguino&tial, AB F the Horizon, Z thc Ze- D nith. Let A F be clic Altitude of the Sun a- bove the Horizon, in the North 58 deg. DF , Sosth Declination 8 deg. If you ſubftract the Declination D F 8 dege. from F A the Altitude, A thicre remains so deg. the Height of the X- quinoctial above the Horizon in thc North that being deducted out of 90 deg. there : remaincth AP 40 deg. for the Depth of the North Pole under the Horizon, juſt to E C. the Elevation or Alti- tude of the South-Pole above the Horizon in the South. deg. min. Sun's Altitude- 58 00 Souch Declinacion- -08 00 Height of the Equator- -50 5 P North 1 1 00 90.00 er The Latitude isomea 40 00 2 7 .. 1 I 23 15 90 00 The uſe of the Fore-Staff in South Latitude for the Sun and Stars. Su Uppoſe I were at Sea in a ship the ſecond of Fune, Anno 1694. and I find the Sun's Meridian Altitude by Obſervation to be so deg. I demand the Latitude the Ship is in. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude North- -59 'oo . The Declination North, add- The Complement of the Latitude-in82 15 The Latitude regwired 207 45 Admit I were 'at Sealin a Ship to the Sesstbivard of the Aquinoétial, the 12th of January, Anno 1682. and in Longitude 135 Eaſt; and I find by Obſervation the Me- ridian Altitude 63 deg: 34 min. North: There is required the Latitude the Ship is ini . The Declination for chis Meridian, the Lands-end-of England; is about 19 deg. 33 min. the daily sifference in Declinating at this time is 14 min. Therefore if you look in the Table of Proportion, you will find the Proportional Minutes to be 5, whiclı yoil muſt add to the Declination of the former Meridian, and the Sum-will be the truc Declination for the Longitude of 135 deg. Eaſt, which is 19 deg: 38 min. The 1 . :: I CHAP.XV. Directions for obſerving the Stars. 91 deg. min. 63 34 The Meridian Altitude The Declinacion South-- The Complement of the Latitude -19 38 folftract. 43 56 90 00 The Latitude required- 46 04 + Admit a Ship were at Sea the chird of Axguft, Anno 1675. and I find the Sun's Meridian Altitude to be 59 deg. 36 min. North, The Latitude is required. deg. min. The Meridian Afritudė North 59:36 The Declination North, 'addomion The Coinplement of the Latitude 74.18 34 42 90 00 The Latitude the Ship is in- 15 42 : : Suppoſc, a Ship at Sea, the Sun's Declination being 21 deg. 42 min. Sosih, and the Sun's Meridian Altitude 74 deg. 23 min. South, The Latitude is required the Ship is in. deg. min., The Complement of the Sun's Meridiari Altitude-15. 37 Subftracted from the Sun's Declinacion 42 The Latitude the Ship is in ، ، ;ܛ ܝ ܕ ' ܙ 21 206 OS This being made ſo plain and eaſie to be underſtood, need 110 more Precedent: But obſerve this, If you obſerve the upper Edge or part of the Sun, you muſt ſub- ftract 16 minutes; if the lower part, add 16 minsites for the Semidiameter of the Sun, and the Sun (hewech the true Altitude of the Center of the Sun. Chie.' XV. Directions for obſerving the Stars. S Uppoſe I am at Sea in a ship, and I obſerve the bright Star in the left foot of Orion Rigel, upori the Meridian, and find his Altitude 44 deg, 32 min , his Declination iş. 8 deg. 37 min. North; The Latitude is required, the ship is in. deg. min. The Meridian Altitude 44 32 The Declination North -08 37 Substratti The Complement of the Latitude- 35...55 .90 00 The Latitude the Ship is in 54 05 deg. min. Suppoſe I am at Sea, and I obſerve the South Balance of Libra, and by Obſervati- on of the Star upon the Meridian, I find his Altitude 39 deg. 27 min. and his Declination South 14 deg. 27 min. I require the Latitude I am in. The Meridian Altitudemmm 39 27 The Declination of the Star -14 37 South. The Height of the Æquinoctial 90 00 The Latitude the Ship is in 35 56 N2 I 54 04 1 1 92 The Deſcription of the Quadrant. Book II. I have furniſhed the Practitioner with all uſeful and needful Examples, which I thought neceſſary for direction, which explains the following Tabies, and ſhews the moſt eaſie and perfect way of Obſervation, and how to work them on either ſide the Agrater. Others I confeſs have been larger, but none more plain: for he that can- not underſtand theſe Rules and Directions, is not fit to be a Mate of any Ship or Veſſel, nor fit to be ranked among the Ingenious Mariners. i CH A P. XVI. The Deſcription and uſe of the most uſeful Quadrant for the taking Alti- tudes on Land or Sea, of the Sun or Stars, backwards or forwards, or any other Altitude of Hills, Trees, Steeples, or Caſtles, or any thing what- ever, T His Quadrant is made of well-ſeaſoned and ſmooth dry Box Wood or Pear- tree. The Sides or Semidiameter of the Circle is about 19 or 20 Inches. C V and CH the Arch of the Quadrant is divided into 90 Degrees firſt, and cach Degree into 6 Equal Paris, each Part being 10 Minutes, which is near enough for Sea or Land Observations, and numbred as you ſee from 10 to 90 deg. The two Sides next thc Center, E F and GF, are divided each of them into 100 Equal Parts: 1 ŽA . iro ... inde Blo E WHO stade math + 400 01 02 OZ de K wadrats hall 30 Luadrat 2 31 2 ROAN.10007 sight uane 20 4 nieppe 1 G Eige Pendriant 1 1 H That : CHAP. XVI. The Uſe of the Quadrant. 93 That which is next the Horizon GFH, are called the parts of Right Shadow : che other Side E F V, is the parts of contrary Shadow. In the Center at C there is a Braſs Pin, and on it hang the Thred and Plummet; and on the Side there is a Sight made of Braſs at E. There is alſo an Horizon-Vane, lec in upon the Center C, with two Laggs that the Braſs-Pin comes upon in the middle of the Slit; and a Shade-Vane and Sight-V ane, for Back-Obſervation. The Uſe of the Quadrant is, EXAMPLE. . Admit I am aſhore upon any Land or Iſland, and would know the Sun's Men ridian Altitude, and true Latitude of the place. Take the Altitude chus; The String and Pluimmet being hanged on the Center C, turn the Braſs-Pin to the Sun, and held up the Center until the Shade of the Brafs-Pin ſtrikes on the Sight and Line of E, the Thred and Plummet playing eaſily by the Side: mark where it cuts the Arch of the Quadrant, as at F, that is the Sun's Altitude, and reckoned from H; and the Latitude is found by the ſame Rules as you have been given in the Uſe of the Fore- Staff. The beſt way to hold the Quadrant ſteady, is to skrew it with a Braſs-Pin through at K, to a Staff ſet perpendicular, and then you may raiſe it by degrees, as the sun riſes. PROPOSITION I. For Back-Obſervation at Sea. Take the Handle of the Quadrant at H in your Hand, after the Vanes are ſer 011, and fix the Shade. Vane; then hold your Quadrant as upright as you can; then bring your Sight-Vane to your Eye, and look through your Sighe upon the Horizon-Vane. You muſt be ſure to hold your Quadrant, lo chiar che upper part of your Shade-V ane, may be upon the upper part of the Slit on your Horizon-V ane, and look through the slit for the Horizon: But if you cannot ſee the Horizon, but all skie and no Wador, you muſt draw your Sighi-Vane a little lower down towards H; but if, on the contrary, you do ſee all Water and no Skie,then ſlide your Sight-Vane a little higher towards V, and then make 'Obſervation again ; and then if the upper part of the Shade do lie upon the upper part of the Slit, and you ſee the Horizon at the ſame time, then it is well, and you muſt wait a little longer as your Judgment thinks fit, till the Sun is upon the Meridian, and ſo do as you did before; and if the Sun be to the Weſtward of the Meridian, and falling, you will ſee all.Water and no Skie, the Work is done for that time and day. Then look what Degrees the Shade-Vane is put at, which in the Figure is at 70 deg. which note. Look alſo whar Degrees and Minutes do ſtand againſt your sight, which ſubſtra& from the former Degree's by the Shade Vane, and the Remainder is the San's Meridian Altitude. As in the Figure, . The Sight-ý ane is at 25 deg. 30 min. which taken out of 70 deg: the Remainder is 44 deg. 30 min. the Sun's Altitude, or the diſtance of the upper part of the Srin from the Horizon; from which if you ſubftract 16 min. which is the Sun's Semidi- ameter, che Remainder will be the Diſtance of the Sun's Center from the Horizon, or the true Meridian Altitude. · And the way of working your obfervation, is the very ſame as you have been given in che Uſe of the Fore-Staff. PROP. II. Any Point being given, To find whether it be level with the Eye, or not.. Take the Quadrant and look through the Sight at E and Center-pin C, unto the Point given, or the Place you would know whecher it be level, or not. If the Thred fall on ch the Horizontal Line, then is the place level with the Eye: But if it ſhould fall within, upon any of the Diviſions, then it is higher ; if without the Quadrant, then it is lower than the level of the Eye. PROP 94 BOOK IT The uſe of the Quadrat PROP. III. To find the Height of an Houſe, Steeple, Tower, or Trce, from the Ground, at one obſervation ; and the length of the Ladder which will scale it. TE you can approach the bottom or foot of the Thing whoſe Height you deſire, the thing is eaſily performed by this Quadrant or Croſs-Staff, holding up your Qua- drant to the Place whoſe Height you would know, and looking through the Sight on the Side E C, going nearer or further from it, till the Thred cut 45 neg. or fall uponi 100 Parts in the Qyadrat : So ſhall the Height of the Thing above the level of your Eye, be equal to the Diſtance between the Place and your Eye. If che Thred fall on so parts of a right Shadow, or 26 deg. or Vanes on the Croſs-Staff, ſet to the Number of Deg. the Height is buc half che Diſtance - If the Thred cut 25 Parts in the Quadrat, or 13 deg. 55 min. in che Arch of the Quadrant, it is but a quarter of the Diſtance : But if it fall on 75 Paris, or 36 deg. 53, it is three quarters of the Diſtance. The Rule is, As 100, to the Parts on which the Thred falleth: So is the Diſtance, to the Height required. And on the contrary, As the Parts cut by the Thred, are to 100: Soss the Height, to the Diſtance. E F ) 1 集 ​46 a Wan E ( K KEC ANONİKumNumTMIINI IIKKIKI 10 KLIK 214. *t 21 135.13 ILIKI LGL P 1.29 ܣܛܘ A 64 of 192. B 3.0 C upon the contrary But when the Thred ſhall fall on the parts of the contrary Shadow, if it fall on 50 Parts, or 63 deg: 30 mix. as it doth at C, the Height is double unto the Diſtance CD. If on 25, it is four times the Diſtance. If the Thred fall Shadow, this is the Rule, As the Parts cut by the Thred, are unto too: So is the Diſtance, unto the Heighr. . On the contrary, As 100, are unto the Parts cut by the Thred : So is the Height, to the Diſtance. Theſe are the Rules Mr. Gunter ſhews by the Quadrat , And what hatlı been ſaid of 7 . ! 95 CHAP.XVI. The Uſe of the Quadrant. of Height and Diſtance, the fame inay be underſtood of Height and shadow; but here follows more uſclul Rules than theſe before going. PROP. IV. The Diſtance being given, To find the Altitude. + Suppoſe E F G D were a Tower, or Steeple, or Tree, or Houſe, whoſe Altitude you would know, and you cannot come ſo nicer as to meaſure between your Station of 45 deg. and the Befe of the Thing, by reaſon of ſome Wall, or Moat ; yer by the Pro- portion of the Line of Quadrature, you may help your ſelf by going backwards. Thus if you could not meaſure the Diſtance from B to D, then go backward from B to A, until the Thred cut the 26 deg. 30 min. of your Quadrant ; and meaſure the Diſtance between B and A, as ſuppoſe it to be 32 Foot or Yards, equal to the Height D E 32 ; The whole Line D A being 64 Feet or Yards, which is double to the Height. By the Tables, Suppoſe then the Angle made by tlıc Thred on the Ouadrant A D B, be equal to the Angle E A D 26:30 min. and the Diſtance A D bc 64 Yards, or 192 Foot, to fund die Height D Е, I ſay, ti? 1 ,1 As the Radius 90 Degrecs. 100000 To the Tangent of the Angle E AD 26 deg. 30 min.969773 So is AD 64 Yards- 180618 To the Height required, DE 32 Yards 4,50391 1 PROP. V. The Diſtance being given, To find the Diſtance from the Eye to the top of the Tower. + Let the Diſtance A D be 192 Feet, the Angle at the Eye A 26 deg. 30 min. and the Diſtance from the Eye or. Hypotenuſa A-E is required. sveikatos 1 fe As the Sine of the Angle A ED 63 deg. 30 min. Is to the Radius 90 deg. So is AD 192 Fect-- TO A E 214 4. Feet 995179 -IO I 228330 233151 PRO P. VI. Some part of the Diſtance being given, To find the Diſtance from the Eye or Hypoténuſc. } 1 Let the Part of the Distance given be A B'96 Fiet, and it is required to find tlie Diſtance from the Eye or Hypothenuſe. E B," which is che' Length or Hypotherufe to the Triangle D B E. Firſt find the other Angles thus: A E is 214 4. Fect:2 The Suni is 310, 349206 AB 13.90 . Feet The Difference i 18 1 307371 The Angle at B is 153 deg: 30.7. Tö Tång. : Sum of 1062808 The Half-Tangent is 76 deg. 45.5 oppoſite Angle 76 deg. 45.---1370177 1020971 The 96 The Uſe of the Quadrant. Book II. + . I deg. min. The Half-Tang. difference is 58 20. The Half-Tangent Sum -76 45 Sum 135 os Taken out of 180 со whoſe Complement remains - 44 55 Angle E B D. Then to find the Length of B E, As the Sine of the Angle A B E 135 deg. 5 min. or 44 deg. 35 min.-984885 To A E 214 Feet 333142 So is the Sinc of the Angle E A B 26 deg. 30 min. 964952 To the Diſtance from the Eye B E 135 1. Feet or Hypotcnuſe--1298094 3t3209 PROP. VII. Some part of the Diſtance being given, To find the Altitude, IO Kcep the Angle and Diſtance from the Eye found by the former Propoſition. As the Radius 90 deg.-- Is to the Sine of the Angle E B D 44 deg. 55 min.- 984885 So is EB 135 313225 TO E D the Height required, 95 4. Feet1298100 which is the ſame as before found, without ſesſible difference. By the ſame Rule you may find the neareſt Obſervacion in the Figure to che Tower. 1 1 PROP. VIII. To do the ſame thing by the Quadrant, and Scale of Ëqual Parrs, another way. Without Calculation, by your Quadrant or Scale of Equal Paris, you may be re- ſolved of all the foreſaid Propoſitions, by the help of a Line of Chords; you may lay it down and demonſtrate it, as you ſee the Figure , by the fame Scale of Equal Parts as you meaſured, the firſt Diſtance, will anſwer all the reſt. This is ſo plain, it needs no other Precept. Here is another way to find the Length of the Scaling-Ladder without Calculation, which in mauy Caſes is the chief thing looked after; which cannot be ſo well done by the Quadrat, as by obſerving the Angles of the Quadrants and this ische beſt way I know. Let your Station be any where at random, or as neer as you can come to the Food of the Tower or Wall, for the Ditch, or Móat, or Cannon Moe: As ſuppoſe at B, aud obſerve there the Angle of the Helghi of the Thing, which let be any Degrees what- foever, as here is 45 deg. I ſay, If you go ſo far backwards from this Station of B, toward H, till you make the thing appear juft at half the aforeſaid Angle, which is here 22 deg. 30 min. the half of 45 deg. That then this Diſtance from B to H is the true Length of the Sloap-ſide BE, without farther trouble; and a Ladder of that Length will Scale the ſaid Myat or Wall, allowing only the Height of your Eye from the Ground. F . PROP. 1 1 1 CHAP. XVI. The Uſe of the Quadrant. 97 1 A PROF. IX. Part of the Diſtance being given, To find the Remainder of the Diſtance. Let part of the Diſtance given be A B 96 Feet, and the Remainder of the Diſtance cannot be meaſured, by rcalon of danger of Shos, or Moat of Water, or ſome other Impediments; Therefore by the 7 Rule I found the Angle at B to be 44 deg. 55 So that thic Angle BED 45 deg. 05 min. is the Complement thereof: Which knowing I ſay, As the Radius To the Sine of the Angle B.ED 45 deg. 5 min. 985011 So is the Diſtance from the Eye BE 135. Fecting 313235 To the Renainder of the Diſtance B D 96 Foot-298236 min. 1 TO PROP. X. 1 5 By the Height of the Sun, and the Length of the Shadow, To find the Height of any Tree, Tower, or Steeple, This Conc leſion may be tried by a little Quadrant or Pocket- Inſtrument, by which you may take the Sun's Altitude to a Degree, or $, which is ncar enough for theſe Concluſions. + E 47 VIA C MY A. Sony А 4 В D IO Suppoſe D E to be a Turret, Tree, or Steeple, whoſe Height is required to be found by the Sbadow it makes on Level Ground, the Rule is thus, viz. Let the Height of the Sun be 37 deg.00 wir. and the Length of the Sbadow 40 Foot, the Rule is, As the Radius 90 deg. 160306 To the Length of ibe Shadow 40 Foot So is the Tangent of the Sun's Height 37 deg. -987711 To tbe Height of the Thing defiredo 147917 which is found to be 30-14 Parts, which ſhews the Height to be a little above 30 Foot. Here is another way to do the ſame without the help of a Quadrant and Sun's Altitude, viz, Set up a Staff of any Length, ſuppoſe 3 Feet in Length, as C B, and tha o 1 98 The Vje of the Quadrant. Book II. the Shadora which it makes from B to A is 4 Feet; Becauſe the Shadow of the Toms froin the Baſe thereof to B is 40 Feet, I ſay, As the Shadow of the Staff, is ta the Height of the Staff: So is the Shadow of the Stceple, to the Height of the Steeple. The Operation may be performed by Natural Numbers, or by Logarithms, thus, viz. As 4 Feet, to 3 Feet: So 40 Feet, to 30 Feet. 3 228 (30 AA As the Sliadow of the Staff 4 Feet A B, Log. 4.0, 60206 To the Length of the Staff 3 Feet B C-- 3.0, 47712 So is the Shadow of the Srecple 40 Feet DB- -40, I, 60206 2, 47918 To the Height of the Tower 30 Feet D Emmen 1,47712 * 1 : 1 : ;. A 1 : A I Conſtant Kalendar; OR AN ALMANACK For Three Hundred Years. But more exactly ſerving for Nineteen Years, BEING THE CIRCLE of the MOON, OR THE GOLDEN NUMBER. With New Exact 1 TABLES + OF THE Suns Declination 1, Rectified by the beſt Hypothefis, until the L'E A P-YEARS 1695. BY Capt. S A MUEL STUR MY. London, Printed Anno Domini 1669. 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 4 1 Book II. Ιοι AN AL MANACK For XXXII, Years According to the Engliſh and Foreign Accounts. Anno Dors. Prime. Epact. 1 Sund. . Shrove Letter Sunday. Eafter White Sunday, Sunday. Diff. The uſe of the Almaa nack for 32 Years. be 1410 T* 1666 1404 G 17 131 300 22 1 CON an 22 1 A 1664 1212 CB Feb. 21 10 May 29 1 His Table The 1665131231 A 5 March 26 eth firſt the 251 April 15 June 030 Date of the 1667 15 15 F 7 May 26 I Tears ; ſecondly, the 1668 16 26 ED 2 March 22 1010 Prime, or Golden Numa 1669171 C 21 April 11 30 ber ; thirdly, the Epact ; 1670 18/18 B 3 fourchly, the Dominical 1670.19129) A March os 23 June 15 Letter for theſe Tears ; 1672 01 11 GF Feb. 18 7 May 2610 and then in their Or- 1673 2221 E 9 March 30 18! I der the Chief Movable 1674 3 3 D March 1 April 19 June 07 Feafts (vizi) Shrove- 1675 4140 Feb. 141 4 May 239 Sunday, Eaſ, and 1676 525 BA 6 March 26 1410 Whitſunday, upon which 1677! 06G 25 April is June 03 1 all the reſt depend. The 1678) 717 F 10 March 31 May 1 190 Foreign Account is com- 1679 828 E March 2 April 20 June 08 monly ten days before 1680 91 9 DCFeb. 22 II May 2010 us; but their Mova- 1681110 20 B 13 31 Ble Feafs fall ſometimes 1682 II 26 16 June @4 at the ſame time with 1683) 12/12 G 18 8 May 27 outs, ſometimes 1, 2, 3, 16847323 FE 10 March 30 18 43 or 5 Weeks before 1685 1404 D March April 19 June 07 ours, as you ſee in the 1686 1515 C - Feb. 14 4 May 23 laſt Column of the Ta 1687 1626 B 6 March 27 ble. 1688171 7 AG 26 April 15 June 03 168911818 F 10 March 31 May 05 1690 191,20 E Marcli 2 April 20 June 08 of the Terms. Feb. 22 April 17 May 31 1692) 2122 CB 7 March 27 May 15 Here are four times of the rear apo 1693! 3 3. A Feb. 26 April 16 June 4 16941 414 G 18 pointed for the Deter- May 27 16951 51251F Feb. 3 March 24! mining of Cauſes; theſc are called Terims. Two of theſe Terms (viz. ) Hillary Term, and Michaelmas Term, are at a conſtant time of the Year: but xafter Term and Trinity Term are ſooner or later, as thoſe Feafts happen. Each of theſe Terms liath ſeveral Returns, and each Return hath four Days belonging to it. The firſt is the Day of Return or Eloin, for the Defendant in a Perſonal Action, or the Tenant in a Real Action. The ſecond is the Day of Exception, for the Plaintiff or Defendant to lay an Exception. The third is the Day whereon the Sheriff mult rs- turn che Writ. The fourth is the Day of Appearance in the Court. "Theſe four Days follow each other in order, except a Sunday or Holyday take Holyday take up any of them, and then clic Day following ſerves for both Occaſions. The Beginning and End of Hillary Term and Michaelmas Térm, with all their Returns, you ſhall find in this following Kalendar, which are conſtant if no Sunday hinder them. Eaſter IS 1691 1111 III D 1 The che rear ap- 12 IO2 To. Rectifie the Sun's Declination, Book II. 2 1 121 36147140141 Eaſter Term begins Wedneſday, Fortnight or 17 Days after Eaſter, and ends thg Munday after Holy Thurſday, or the Munday before VV hitſunday: It hath chieſc five Returns. Quind. Paſc. A Fornight) Trel. Pafc. Three Weekš after Eaſter. Menf. Pafc. A Month Quing. Pafc. Five Weeks) Craft. Afcen. Thc Day aftcr Holy-Thurſday. Trinity Tirhi begins the Friday aftci Trinity-Sunday, which is next Sunday to Whit- Sunday, and hath cheſe four Returns. Craft. Trin. The Munday after Trinity-Sunday: OEZ. in. A Week after Trinity-Sunday. Quind. Trin. A Fortnight after Trinity-Sunday, Tref. Trin. Three Weeks after Trinity-Sunday. The Exchequer opciis four Days before Trinity-Term ; but eight Days before the otlier Terms. Lo! here a Trade ſurpaſſeth all the reſt; Nº Change annoys the Lawyer's Iutereſt. His Tongue besyes Lands, bæilds Houſes, without Toil; The Pen's his Plough, the Parchment is his Soil; Him Storms diſturb not, nor Militia Bands, The Tree roots beſt, that in the Weacher ſtands. ! Sept. Dec. fan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Day Monih. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Nou. O&ob. Sec. Scc. Sec. Sec. Sec. * 4 2 1 . How to Rectifie the Tables of the Proſtaphărcſes of the Suns Declination Sun's Declination at any Time by Proſtaphareſes. The uſe of the Table. 111713614240128 8115133 42141130 218 37 43 3928 715 34 43 42129 8 When tbe N huis Kalendar, Printed for the rear 31191374340 27 01635431421291 7 Declination 1665, 66, 67, and 1668. the Sun's 41203814440127 51173543 42 28 6 increaſeth, Declination to be truſted fufficient ; but 5120137144139 26 4118341431411285 then add; for ayy rear after 1668. thc Rule is thus. 61211371431391251 4119135143|41|28 and for de- 7 21 38 431381251 31191354441127 3 creafing, 8 22139143|38|24 2 1935 43 40 26 Subfiraft. For Example. I vould know the Sun's 924 38 44138123 Declination for the Year 1689. you muſt 10124139 45137123 always lubftract 1668. from the rear gi- 1|25|39|44|37|22|21|37|43|40|24 yen, which is here 1689. the Remainder is 1225140144 37 22 1 2213843139-3 21 Years; which being divided by 4, the 13126 41 43 37 21 1/22 38/4339122 1426 4044 3720 2123138/44/38 21 Ossotient is 5, Leap-rears, and 1 remains, 15127 41 44135 201 3123138 43138/21 which ſheweth it is the firſt Year. 161281421433519! 35119! 412 Now I deſire to rectifie the Table for the 24139 44 37 20 17128 414213519 4.253943138 20 firſt day of April, which in the Kalendar 1829141 43 35 18 5126 39 43 37 19 8 d. 39 m you have 8 deg. 36 min. and in this Table 19:30141 43 34117 626 39143 37 1817 Declinations you have 40 Seconds; which multiplied by 2013114242 3417) 727 40|43|36|178 I April 2131142143133116 8127|40|43|361619 5 Leap-years, give 200 Seconds, that is 3m. 22132142143 33 15812841 44/35/1610 20 ſec. to be added to 8 deg. 36 min. So 23|32|4314313914 9129401431351511 have 24/32/43142132114 10129141142134/14/12 you 8 deg. 39 min. for the Sun's Decli- nation in 1689. 25133144|42|31|12|11|3014143134113112 26/33144141131112/12/30/41/42133113113 27/34 43 4130111131301411423411214 28/35 4341,291 9141314143132 11 16 29 35 43 41 29 91413141 43 32 11 16 30135 1411291 9114132142142132/10116 311361 14111 8113311 1311 117 2 3 4 5 6 1689. :: A Table 1 Book II. A. Conftant Kalendar. . 103 A Table of the Sun's Declination. JANUARY XXX.I. } Leap je. Firſt. Second. Third. 1 1664 1668 1672 1665 1669 1673 1677 1681 1685 1689 1693 1 1676 1680 1684 1688 1692 1666 1670 1674 1678 1682 1686 1690 1694 1667 1671 1075 1679 1683 1687 1691 1695 1 Day Mo.1 ( Epal Hour. CMin. Differ. europe Min. Differ. 1 Min. |Differ. 1 Min. Differ. I 21 21 2.B 28 2 2010 2 1 21 21 1014 8120 8120 9 20 20 II 820 South Declination. 0314 II 19 O Rif. Setting. A 29 Curcumcif. 21 50 21 43 45 47 4 I 8 21 40110121 3310 21 35110 21 3819 310 120 1214 3 21 3011021 231121 25/10 21 18116 41025 08 4 3 8 21. II 1121 14 11 21 17111 SE 23 4 4 8 OD 11/21 0011121 031121 6 II 6F * Twelf day. 20 57.12 20 48112 20 511220 120 54121 ZG 22 7 45:112 20 36/12/20 361220 39. 12j20 42112 8A21 8 33/12 20 24/12/20' 27 12 20 30112 B 06 21/12/20 II 13 20 14 13 20 1713 ICICIS 18 14 812 19 5811320 11320 413 UD * 14 12 8119 55113119 44114119 49114119 51113 12 E 17 154 14 819 411419 301419 41 14 19 30114119 33114 19 37 14 1 3F 16 Hilary. 19 27 1419 16 14 19 19/14/19 23 23 14 54/G 15 8 12 15 19 01 1519 04 1519 815 15 ISA i* 14 18 8 818 57 15.18 46,15,18 soj 14118 54114 16 B 14 4 8118 42115118 31115118 31115118 35115118 39115 171C 12 124 21 8118 271518 15116118 1910 18 23 16 * 4 23 818 1916 17 59110118 311618 1116 19 E 0 19 de 17 55 16 17 42 17 17 47 16 17 S1,16 9 Oēt. Hilar. 17 38 17 12 2611617 303717 3417 7 17 22 16 17 1717 13117117 13 1717 17117 23 A* Ret. Brev. 17 511716 51 1816 56 1757 0017 23 B 6 6 Term beg. 116 4718 16 34.17.16 38 1816 41 24 C 4 18 4 33 816 301716 16 1816 20.1816 20/18/16° 25117 25 D * Conv.Paul 16 1218115 5818 16 2/18/16 26 E 3 74...37., 815 541815 40 18115 441815 4918 Qu. Hilar. 15 35 19115 2119115 - 3 Except. is 2/10/15 718115 11/19 Ret. Brev. 14 57 19 14 43.11915 481914 52119 29 16 Appear. 14. 38/19/14 22 21 14 C 28 12/4" 46 8114 814 18120114 4/28/14 13120 South Declisation, 20 1819 3 20F 3116 10 Except. 471181 25/17 718 27F 2 25119115 30119 128G 29 A* T 16119115 POB 28/2014 3319 8120114 1 A Tables + 1 1 -- 104 A Conſtant Kalendar , Book II. A Table of the Sun's Declination. FEBRUA ë ï XXVIII. Leap-je. Firft. Second. Third. 1667 1671 1675 1679 1664. 1668 1672 1670 1680 1684 1688 1692 1665 1 1669 1673 1677 1681 1685 1689 1693 1666 16go 1674 1678 1682 1686 1699 1694 1683 1687 1691 1695 Hour. k Epact. Soria 1 Da. Mo. Min. (Differ. Deg. Min. Differ. Deg. Min. Differ. Deg. Min. Differ. I 1 1,53 + 13 24/2013 SA 22 ૨૦ 1721 12 12112 1121 1 12 ! I IT 19/21/11 9E18 8121 36/2010 2122 South Declination. O Rif. & Setting. 37 4 18. 8 13 591 13 44 13 48 2 E 26 Purif. Mar. 13 39|20 24/2013 28 2013 33120 3 F 125 Craft. Pur. 13. 10/2013 32113 8120113 13 30 4G 23 10 Except. 12 5812213 43120 12 48120112 5212 22 Ret. Brev. Iz IZ 3.9 3/2012 2212312. 27/21112 3212 6 B 21 Appear. 6211129 71C120 1814 59 8 50121111 4012117 451 451?1111 50121 8D19 O in * 35/2011 24121/11 29121 8 0#. Par. 111 142110 57 2211 22TL Io F 18 8 18 Except. 10 522210 36 24 4022110.47 21 111G117 3 Ret. Brev. 10 3022;to 1412? 192 2110 242 12A s'16 Term'ends. 10. 81221 9 52122 9 57722 10 13B * 5 1 7 9 46 32.9 30122 9 35122 9 40/13 9 24122 2412219 7123 9 1322 9 15 D 113 is 14 719 2122 45433 8 50 8 55423 16 E IZ IS 718 16 71 8 392; 8 221228 27 23 8 33122 17 F: 111 145 18 7 8 18 7 8 17/22 8 0/23 8 si I122 18 G 9 100 10 * 7 *7 5423 7 37 23 7: 4223 7.4423 8 15. 22 71 7 312317 14:23 7 20 221 7 7 ols 24 17 81236 5723 6 57231 7 325 6 1915 26 7 6 45 236 28 24 6 34123 6 39 24 5 5 28. 28. 716 221236 41231 6 10 241 6 16 23 23 E4 475, 30 715 59235 30 7 5 59231 5 41123! 5 4712315 53122 24 F 3 20 Matchew. 5 36 23 5 18/23 5 24 23 5 30123 25 5 34 715 12 24 4 55124 5 24 5 261A I 165 36 7 4 4923 4 4 49231 4 37 23 4 4 37231 4 43/22 27 B * 538 7 4 25 24! 4 13241 4 19124 510 20 #4 3 50123 3 5023 33923 C14 + 14 12 Valentine. IE 122 South Dec inution. 9A 20 B 21 C 22 D 2 5125 81244 2231 3 44 28/C29 { U Tablc i 11 . .. ke 1 Book II. A Conſtant Kalendar. . dos A Table of the Sun's Declination. MARGH XXXI. Leap-ye. Firſt. Second. Thörd. : Hour. Deg. ( Epactos Min. |Differ. I Som Deg, Min. Differ. I . Min. Differ.. \Deg. IS 20 Day Mo. South Declination. Min.. Differ. I South Declination 2812312 292412 16 13:12 212 .:58 58143 162411 11123 Il 24 1240 1 1664 1665. 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 '1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 169а 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 O Rif. Setting. 28 1 David. 3. 3 3 26 3 32 JE 26 1415 44 7 2 512412 5712313 31233 9123 31F * is 46 712 3311412 45:4 4G 25 25 105 48 72 412412 92412 PA SA 24 5 50 71 40241 46123 1 52 241 6 B 123 05. 52 7 22241 28 245534134 71C 21 115 54 710 $312310 5912311 5231 8D 21 5 56 70 292410 35 2410 412410.46 24 9 E 20 75 58 70 5 2410 17 2410 12321 IF 18 2010 in Nor. 18/24 Nur. 1324 North 611 North i|221 AguinoEtial. UG IK 6 6io 42 2410 307410:25124 12 A 17 1016 4 61 24. 4924 6 29241 I8 241 516 5312311 47124 I 42241 ISID 114 10 612 12412 Q0131 16 E 12 12 1416 1416 12 612 40/24/2 35 23, 2 2913412 2323 F Flak 14 63 412312 5812312 532312 40123 181G 11 G 216 18 212413 1512313 ! 10 19 A 10 16 16 3 50243 4512313 33128 9 olo 10 714 1412314 812314 56123 7 11 116 614 3712314 312314 251234 1933 22 DI* 6 24 65 oo 114 542314 49|244:43 24 6 76 26 6 6'5 2312315 1712315 I 2723 5 623 2016 28 65 46/2315 40 2315 351235 25 G * An. Mar. 16 3225 52123 26 A 3 86 32 66 312216 2012316 15123 6 34 616 5412316 482316 42 2216 2810 716 36 67 11/2017 0123 29 D 29 1716 38 6 38227 2222 30 E 28 14 0 20 r18 1/237 502217 45/23 211F 27 16 42 618 1212218 7122 2 3712310 6 2310 00124 542410 13 B 16 61 8 61 24/23/1 * 12123 141 C15 36/24 116 161242 II 512312 North Declination. North Declination... 6 14 3 2712313 1024 20 B 3912413 212313 211C 22 37 23 E 24 F 4 2016 29123 9/2316 57 225 25 2216 27 B 2 3722 I 16 2217 512317 281237 3312217 552217 1712218 23'22/8 1 P A Table ! :. PO6 Book II. A Conſtant Kalendar. A Table of the Sun's Déclination: -A PRIE XXX. Leap-je. Firſt. Second. Tbird. 1 1664 1675 1679 1683 . Y Dig Min. (Differ. SPA 151 Da: Moi Hour: ke Epalt. D.Veekil A Min. Differ. 1 Serie Wins. Deg. Differ. :: Min. Differ. | 6 8 45 8 39 8 34 8 Di B! So 20 A 18 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 16701 1671 1672 1673 1674 1676 1677 1678 1680 1681 1682 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1603 1694 1695 O-Riſi o Setting. 26 216 44 6 8 29 2 A 25 :326 46 61 9 7122! 9 122 8 562-28 5122 3 B 124 01648 48. 69 29221 g 23 22 9 18122 9 1312? 4.C 23 I 111 69 5021 9 4421 2i 239 23 9 34 21 DI* 6:52'610 II 21/10 6/22 10 122 9 56 32 22 6 54 54 6/10 610 32 2110 32 21/10 27121 27|2110 2221110 1721 boje. 566|10: 53/2010 56.616: 53121110 48121110 43121110' 38137 G 19 18:57 57 611 14121 II 92111 4 21 10 5921 18 1916 35|2I|II 2521lus 20121 B: * Tilo in 55120 11 5020 TI 4621111 401:20 517 5112 75120112 Iof20 12 6120112 I121 D$15 o 67.: 4 S12 26/2012 12 3512012 2120 E ! 114 1417 6 512 55 20 1 2 50/2012 46 20/12 41 20 13 17 8 5/13 5113 15.2013 IO/19 13 6.2013 I20 15 G 12 5,217 217: 10 5113 34/19113 29 19 13 2519 13 2019 16 A TI ISTII 5113: 53.19113' 481913' 441913 40 20 27-13 13 5114 12 1914 71914 3119113 59119 9 117 15 514 37119 14 26 19 14 22 19 14. 1819 8 17 17.5114 17.5 14 5014914 45118 14 41 19 14 3618 10 E7 pto 10:8 15 81815 311814 59:18 14 5519 6 207 20 515 361815 21 1815 1711815 13 18 22, Gis 7. 22 : 515 44 1715 391715 39 17 15 35 1815 31 18 16 4 : 9 George. 1117,15 5611815 53118115 48 17 B 5116 181716. 1447 16 :21 7 25 24 17/16 1017 3 618 Mark. -16 3517|16 31 0616 27 17 16 27/17 26 DI 1817 49 49 516 521716 4718 16 44716 40117 271E * 7 31 5 17 59 16/17 5 16 17 117116 57 17 617 7 32 32 slis 25|16|12 311617 17116117 1316 219 34 34 517 41 15 17 3711617 3316 17 3316 17 29/10 20 A 27 © 20 81756.1517 52/1517 S 521517 4916 17 .4415 ObCNQuito 6.500 Tyto 59 6 IT in II 30/20111 C17 2 3020112 12 2614 Nurth Dedinations. North Declination. 10 18.C 19 D 21F 231A ?SIC 2 29 2817 79 G 28 *7.50 17 W Table P Book II. A Conftant Kalendar. 167 A Table of the Sun's Declination. MAY XXXI. A Leap-ye. Firſt. Second. Third. mar 1664 1668 1672 1676 1610 1684 1688 1692 1665 1669 1673 1677 1681 1685 1689 1693 1666 1670 1674 1678 1682 1686 1690 1694 1667 1671 1675 1679 1683 1687 1691 1695 Honr. Rif. 6 Deg. Deg Day Mo. DaWeeklogo а Ерасі! * Min. 1 Differ. 1 Deg. Min. \Differ. 1 Deg. alin., | Differ. 1 Min, Differ. I QO 55 1418 6.1419 2117 520 I 1112120 8 1220 North Declination. 14A 12 2/20 Setting B Ph. Ja. 18 11 18 8 18 4 18 21C 125 II 7 39 Sl18 261518 23115118 19115118 18 151.5 3 D 24 7 40 5118 5 18 4115118 37114118 341518 30 15 41E 23 7 42 5 18 52/15 18 48 14 18 4515 5 F 22 1317 44 slig 91419 2 1418 5914 61G 21 7 45 sig 2511419 19113 19 161419 13 31 141 A 120 917 46 5119 36114119 33114119 3011419 271141 8 B 118 47 519 51194911319 4011319 4311319 40113 91C* 7 49 2113119 591319 56 12 1953 13 10 D 17 1810 in II 20 1412120 512 E 116 7 so 5120 26112/20 24113120 20112120 8113 12F 15 67 53 5 20 38 12 20 30/12/20 3211220 30/12 131G 14 27 54 5120 49 4911 20 471120 43122041 157 55 521 00111/20 57 1220 II 15B * 17 56 52 I11021 9110121 9 3111 16C 11 47 57 5121 2110121 1910121 17D 10 7 58 31 9121 29 9121 18E 9 017 59 381 921 21 36 921 191F 4121 soj 921 921 47 9:21 451 921 431 439 2016 * 8 4121 59 21 56 9 21 54 8 21 529 21 A 6 910 IO II 22 7 58122 4 118 3 412 15 7 22 7 22 131 8/22 91 8 23 Ci* 8 22 7:22 21 7 22 19 7 22 171 8 5 4122 291 241 7/22 31 25E 2 8 6 4/22 361 7122 351 6122 38 7 26 F I 618 7 4122 43 622 411 622 40 4517 27G 8 491 6132 6/82 471 6/22 461 622 8 4 22 5/22 sol 27 8 9 4123 001 5:22 ) S 30026 418 1 423 ? 3 5123 2 512} 6 S 13110 18 14122 81 5123 4123 5511/20 52! 611 21 16l1clai 2610121 North Diclipation. 1 I 5121 52: 401021 1411 14/10 34/10 7 138 O I 81 8122 1 22 B 2 932 11 922 4 4132 19 7:22 17 24D3 1018 722 28 28 722 33 7/22 6122 4122 · 49 281A 28 1918 1518 51! 6 512 2, 291B 55 5/22 53 5122 522 581 5/22 4.23 52 522 571 523 * IO P 2 A Table 1 A Conftant Kalendar. BOOK II. A Table of the Sun's Declination. menang 1675 1683 1684 1687 Da.M10. Hour. 30+ 125 108 JUNE *** 12 Leap-ye. Firft. Second, Third. 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1685 1686 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 Rif. Setting. 25 이이 ​13. 23 23 23 23 1318 II 423 17! 4:23 161 4 23 15! 4.23 3/G * * 18 4/23 20 20 323 19 3/23 19 4123 18 4 118 231 223 22 323 22 323 5 B 20 12 4123 25 2123 23 251 3123 241 223 241 3 6C19 8 I2 4123 271 2123 26 2123 262 D 118 1018 13 4123 29 123 28! 1123 28) 2123 281 2 8 E * 8 13 4/23 30 1123 423 30 1123 29 1123 291 123 123 29 1 9 17 6 Days at a 23 311 0 23 301 123 30 123 30 10G|15 191 stand. 23 311 0123 31 1/23 31 123 311 IA 114 IS10 31 1 23 311 0,23 311 12 B 13 Dags 23 30 I 23 31 023 31 13/C 12 4 Morten. 23 291 291 023 30 0123 301 123 30 DII 108 13 13 412} 2} 291 223 29 223 291 1123 291 123 291 123 29 13 4123 4123: 271 2123 271 2;23 281 123 281 16 9 I 3 8 4123 25 3123 251 2123 26 26 2123 26 17 G: 8 8 12 4123 221 3123 23) 2123 23 3123 2241 2 7 8 4/23 19 323 20 3123 20 323 201 323 21 3 19 B! 6 21 II 4123 16, 4123 4123 171 423 171 3,23 19 20 5 8 4123 1 2 4123 13 4 23 13 4123 15 15! 4 21 4 4123 5123 9 $123 91 4/23 II 4 22 E O 3 5123 5 4123 615 23 F 3 58 5123 O; 5:23 Ii 4!23 24 24 Gli 19 John Bapt.22 531 622 6 22 56 5/22 5715 *. 8 8. 4122 471 6122 49 4/22 26 B 29 6/8 8 422 41 7 2243 222 45 271C28 34, 7 22 30 722 381 7122 39 61 6 4/22 271 7122 24/ 7/22 31 7122 7 22 331 29 E Peter Ap. 122 2017122 22 8122 341 712? 26 4 4/22 12/8/22 14 14 822 161 812 18 de Epalt. Min. (Differ. 1 Deg. Min. | Differ. I Deg. Min. \Differ. Copy Min. (Differ. I 20 I 23 I 2 II 10 141 4 II 4123 12 423 41A 122 21 21/8 271 2/23 018 13 F 17 I in $123 31 o;23 311 0123 North Declination. 14 North Declination. I E 1o I 2 O CO O CO 18 A I I 2 192 Olc 10/8 II II IO $123 8 IO 8 * 41 4/23 422 55 251A Sul 5/22 451 6/22 51 6 451 6 $18 7. 4122 28 D 126 17 * 17/8 13/8 16 이 ​A Table -" i i Book II. A Conftant Kalendar. 109 A Table of the Sun's Declination. J u L ♡ XXXI. Leap-je. Firſt. Second Third. + Meeting 1665 1669 1673 1677 1666 1670 1674 1664 1668 1672 1676 1680 1684 1688 1692 1681 1667 1671 1675 1679 1683 1687 1691 1695 1678 1682 1686 1690 1694 1685 1689 1693 Hour. Deg. Min. IDiffer. 1 Shop Min. Differ. 1 Suome Hlin. | Differ. Deg. Min. Differ. 1 Day Mo.) ( Epalt Da Weeklo ou 22 22 22 14 21 أو 51 arاو او 21 أو أ47 421 2 429 4519 1018 26 9 57 sle 31021 A16 B15 812 North Declination. O Rif. ajo Setting 8 24 3 4 22 4 6 8 IO 21A 23 Ilo 20 2012- SO! 8.21 58 8122 00! 822 21 8 3 B 122 1418 541 9 410121 8 1 421 38921 921 40.921 21 SD20 421 28 1021 31 11021 33 9/21 35110 61 19 7 58 5121 1811021 21 1021 2311021 7. F 18 o]7 이​7 21 810121 II II 21 13 10:0 16 81G 17 1917 197 56 56 5720 57 11 21 00111121 STI 91 7 55 520 520 4611120 49|1220 521120 5411 ICB 817 54 520 34/12 20 37 21 20 40 12 20 43 II uC 14 417 53 520 2311120 26/12/20 29111120 31112 120 12 1717 1717 52 5120 II1220 14/12 20 17 12 20 2011 13 E * O in th 19 59 12 20 21330 5 1220 14F II 517 49 519 46 1319. 42319 521319 5513 ISG 10 • Swithin. 19 33113119 361319 39113119 4213 16A 9 117 46 519 2013119 23 1319 261319 34.13 7 1417 45 519 614.19 1014.19 1311319 18/C * 7 43 518.52 14 18 5214118 56 14/18 59114119 1910 6 10 Dog d. beg.18 3014118 4245,18 451141 8 48.14 5 7 40' 518 2311518 271518 3015 18 34 14 4 017 39 518 81518 121518 151151 8 3 II Magdalen. 17 5311517 57 16 18 415 10 $217 371617 411161745115 17 49 TSI 817 34 4 17 617 2511611 2916 ir 2316 25 C 29 20 S.Jam.Ap. 17 511617 91617 131017 1716 0 516 42 16 16 5311616 116 7 29 S116 33116.16 3311616 3711716 4116,16 45115 517 27 516 (6/17/16 20/17/16 2017 16 24/17/16 2 417116 28 2817 291G* 7 25 555 59117116 7 17/16 301 A 25 117 501715 5417 24 5155 411815 45 18 25 3 515 North Diclination, 17B 16/13 2141 1 19/15 2015 21F 23/G 23 A 24B 2 O T 21 1617 57/16/17 26 D:28 14,7 27 E 27 28 F 26 IT17 73.23 1414 3/18/16 23/18/1s 2118li's 22 3211815 3618 ! A Table 1 1 { Sunt maintenant 1fΟ A Conſtant Kalendar Book II. 1: . 1664 1675 1679 1683 - 1694 Hour. porno NI Min. Shop (Differ. 1 Min. Du Mo. ka Epact. * Shop (Diffr. 1 Min. Differ.! Deg. 221.7 55122 A A u Gus I XXXI. Leap-ye. Firſt: Second. Third. 1665 1606 1 1067 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1676 1677 1678 1680 168 1683 1684 1685 1686 1. 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1695 O Rif. 6 Setting. CIK . Lamas, 5 IS IS IS 19 2D 22 317 19 5114 47118114 5211814 52118114 5618115 I 18 3 E 21 00 29 20 '14 19 18 14 34 18 14 38 18 14 42 19 4 F 20 olz 16 514 1019114 15 1914 19914 1217 14 513 5119113 5111913 56194 00 1914 S119 6 A* 17 I 2 5113 32/19/13 37 19/13 37119113 4119,13 4619 71B17 817 10 5/13 1311 1913 1811913 5211913 2719 8C 2017 8 512 54 1912 31913 0819 OD 14 1717 7 SI2 34120112 3912 2012 43 2012 43 20 12 48120 Laurence. 112 14/20/12 19/2012 33 2012 F (12 517 3 Siri 54120111 5912012 312012 8 20 2G11 Sir 33121 II 38:111 43 2011 4 320 O in M11 131201 I 821 II II 232011 28120 4 B 9 14 58 610 57121 II 320 II 8 6 56 6110 32;2010 42121110 472 16D 7 6 o 11/21 10 2 1/2 TO 26121 * 52 9 5021 9 54121110 00|21|10 21 6 016 6 619 9 9 38 22 9 44 21 19 G4 126 48 69 9 I2;221 9 1712112 46 08 44211 8 55122 9 21 B 3 016 44 618 23 22 8 20/22 8 33/221 8 39122 618 1122 8 I 221 8 24 E 29 9 Barthol. 7 171227 217. 231331 7 28/22 516 36 6 6 562317 001231 7 51231 7 II22 266 26 186 34 0 6 32221 6 38/22 38 22 6 6 43122 6 1012316 27 A* 6 1523 6. 21 22 6 20 22 14 Dog d. endal s 4722 47/22 5 5312 531226 582316 2910 24 66 29 6 S 2512315 30 231 5 2523 5 30231 5 35231 5 4112? 30 D 23 316 27 6) 5 S Ś 1322 5 1823 21 E 122. 1516 25 6 4 391271 4 441244 50123' 4 Min. 12 ffer. 1 his IO 14 24118 SG 18 8 Ciis 59119,13 E13 28120 12 187 I 13 A110 Nurth Declination. 522110 721 North Dec.ination. 361211M 1512110 3 54 0 0 lo 619 181 so 6 28122 6122 33/2119 33/21 30% 22122 1 21 20 A * 6. 46 50219 21 39 I 2210 2016 42 O'10 722) 8 1732 23D i* Ź 33/22 25 F 28 45/23. 6 32 66 28 B 25 4/22 2 8221 5 55123 u Taple 2 1. e Book II. A Conftant Kalendar III A Table of the Sun's Declination . SEP.TE MB E R XXX. Leap-ye. Firſt. Second. Third. 1 rum 1 +1664 , 1668 1672 1676. 1680 1684 1688 1692 1665 1669 1673 1677 1681 1685 1689 1693 1666 1670 1674 1678 1682 1686 1690 1694 1667 1671 1675 1679 1683 1687 1691 1695 L Hour. Rif. & Deg: Day Mo.] DaWeeklizo ( Epactant Min. I Differ. ! Supe Min. Differ. 1 Deg. Mir. Differ: 1 Differ. I 16 4 C 17 2 North Declination, EIS 916 I 2 I 13124 North Declisation, OG 161231 2411 2311 olo IO2410 1624 13 D O Setting. F 21 Giles. 4 4 22 4 27 4 32 6 2 G 20 1216 21 3 532313 592314 412314 9123 31A 19 io 2013 30233 352413. 412313 4623 B 18 016 17 3 71233 1 2 2313 171243 23123 2016 15 43 142, 492312: 54233 0023 D16 6. 13 6 2023 2 262312 31/232 37123 5712312 3 23 2 81232 8 F 14 6 Lady Fair.t 3312411 391241 451231 50123 GIZ 1816 7 61 ID 2311 21 2723 IOA * 6 5 60 4612410 52 2410 58 3124 пjВ II 76 3 60 23/330 2912310 302410 4024 12C 10 6. I I 2210 512410 9 .310 in Scuth24 23 South18 24 South 13 7 South 7 9 Aquino&ial. 141 E 7 57 710 4812410 42 2310 3124 151 i* is ss 55 71 II231 512411 0012610 541231 16 G 6 1215 53 710 35/2411 29241 232311 5 IS SI 71 582311 521231 47 24 1 41123 18 B 4 5 49 72 22 2412 102312 24 is 47 47 72 451232 401241 2 3412412 28i 23 5 45 45 73 3232 5712312 5224 I 9 March.Ap.13 322 3 3 27243 15 23 22 F 29 2215 42 73. 56124 3. 5.01233 441233 3823 O 104 19234. 13;23 4 72314 24/A 27 s 38 714 42 244 362314 301234 25 B 26 1715 36 75 592314 40123 261C 5 34 75 2912315 23/245 171235 3.5 32.75 52 2315 361235 41;24,5 35123 2815 23 16 30 716 6 152316 F 4275 * Michael 6 38 2316 55. 6 Or 236 492316 44123 165 57 3612310 1824 17A South Declination. 1612412 1910 2010 211E South Declination, 2 9 243 21|2413 231G 28 18 2124 25123 36 062314 54/2414 12124 27 D25 29 09/23 3.2/2316 1612216 5823 2123 OG 122 Als 415 26 77 77 A Table 1 112 BOOK II. A Conſtant Kalendar. Å Table of the Sun's Declination. OCTOBER XXXI. Lear-ye. Firſt. Second. Tbird. 1664 1667 1668 1672 : 1665 1669 1673 1677 1681 1685 1689 1693 1671 1675 1679 1683 1676 1606 1670 1674 1678 1683 1686 1690 1694 11680 1684 1688 1692 1687 1691 1695 Hour. O Rif. 6 Se care Min. (Differ. 1 Min. | Differ. Deg. Setting. (Da.Mo. D.Werk.lcea ke Epact. Mix. Differ. I Deg. Min. Differ. 1 I 2 ܪ 1310 20 w 13 8 31122 252318 915 16 16 7 9/22/ 2219 37/22 59122 21122 4312 2 D10 71 I 1022 13 F 4112111 3121 South Declination. IA 21 5 24 7 7 24 7 17 7 7 06 2B20 ols 22 7! 7 401221 7 40231 7 9 40231 7 35 2213 35 22 7 29123 31C 118 8 923/ 8 21221.7 58231 7 581231 7 52123 521231 18 S 8 8 41D * 20221 8 Isi23 SIE117 8 53228 47/22 22 8 42221 8 6F 22 2215 14 71 9 151221 9 4 22 8:59:22 71G114 1815 12 71 9 371221 9 321231.9 271231 9 SA 13 5.10 719 59 32 9 54122 9 49 22 9 9 B 12 :75 8 7110 21 22 10 162210 102110 2 101C II 195 6:7110' 4312210' 37121110 322210 27122 5 4 711 04121110 04121110 59122 10 53 2110 53121110 48121 12/E 9 165 2 25211 20 21 II 15122 11 8 O in M11 46/21/11 36 21 II 141G 7 4/4 59 812 721 12 22I|II 57 21 11 5221 ISA * 4 57 8112 38 21412 2312112 18/2012 16B 6 04 55 812 48 2012 4412112. 39121 12 19C14 4 134 53 813 92113 4 2012 59 2012 18 D * Luke. 13 29/2013 34/2013 20 21 13 14120 19E 3 14 49 813 49.20413 44 20 23 40 20 13 34 20 Treſ. Mic. 14 9/2014 4/2013 591913. 5420 14 1914 24/2014 19/2014 14 22 A 129 11 Ret. Brev. 14 48/2014 4319114 381914 3420 7 7!19115 2/19/14 57119/1 53119! 3410 26 194 40 815 26 19 15: 271915 16.1915 12 191 25|Dl* Criſpin. 115 441875' 40 19 15 35 19115 31119 E 25 16 0 13 m 16 211815 5811815 53 18 15 4918 27°F 24 Menf. Mi. 16 2018 16 16 1816 II!ı8116 181 4 Sim. Jude. 16 38 17 16 33117116 291816 16 29 A 22 17 Ret. Brev. 16 5517 5111816 4718116 3217 Appear. 107 12/17/17 41717 110 120 C120 1314".2 8117 29117'17 25117117 21117117...17117 Sonth Declination. 13 21 34/21 54/20 Nw 2017 211G o Except. 28 14/20 Term beg. ins 23.B 28 A 1 26 28 G 23 25/18 301B 21 81717 00/18 A Table ! Book II. A Conſtant Kalendar . 113 A Table of the Sun's Declination. 7 * NOVEMBER XXX. Leap-ye. Firſ. Second. Third. 1678 k Da.Mo. Your. Shop Min. (Differ. 1 Epati. Min. I Differ, i \Deg. Minto Differ. Gore Min. Differ. 46 17 38 3D* II ro 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 •1693 1694 1695 O Rif. Setting. D19 All Saints. 1746 17 41 17 32 2 E 18 . 2 2 All Souls. 18 2116117 58117 11 54116 17 50 3 F * Craft. An. 18 1816118 1816 18 14 10 8 10 1618. 6116 41G |17: 0 Except: 18 3341518 30 16 18 26 1618 22116 A 15 In Powder Tr. 184815118 4875 18 451518 41115118' 37115 B 14 71 Appear. - 19 311519 0011518. 56:51:8 53116 71C 12 1914 16 8119 18115119 14115119 '11115119 8 15 O 25 M119 32 1419 29 1419 25.14 i9 22.14 ୨ 84 15 819 46 1419 43 14 19 9914 19 36 14 8 4 13 819 5913 19 5013119 $31419 $014 II G 19 4 Martin. 120 13114120 1014120 6113,20 : 313 12 AT 17 7 17 Craft. Ma. 20 2313110 19113 20 1913.20 16.10 13 B* Except. 20 38/12 20 3511 2 20 3112 20: 291 14 13 Ret. Brev. 20 501220 47 12 20 43/12 20 41 15 Appear. 2 10 20 59,12 20 551220 53 S3112 4 210 4 131121 IOI121 7|12] 21 17 8/21 23.1021 21 TI 22 18 11 21 Ox. Mar.) 21 34 II 21 31/10/23 29 1421 216 266 19 A i ri Except. 21 441031 41 102T 39110 21 36110 201B B 29 29 23 Ret. Brev. 2. 5410|21 5 SI 1021 49 10 21. 4610 20 Appear. 31 01:22 ool 921 21 81 9 21 5 ID 27 *22 IL 8122 7 922 59 23 E 26 83 $6,922 2011 22 18 I6; 9122. '13! 8 8/22 3 55 9122 28/8/22 20 8 22 24 4 Qui Mar. 22 35 722 341 8 22 22 301 8 26 A 23 17| Excépt. 421 782 41 722 39 37 27 B * Ret. Breü. 122 48622 481.722 481 322 45 622 44-7 281C 22 6 Term ends. 22 54 5426]22 541 632 52 7.2.2:5040 299 D121 3.51 9123. 001 o 22 52.5 22 58 522532 58 622:56 41 5123 031 523 216 23 os 03 1320 2311320 South Declination. South Deciination. 20 1 16 XT21 5112 14/4 3 BI 181G 2 i 21C 28 23 + 22 D 37 10 at او اوه 22 N N N 9.22 22! 24 F 25/G 37 7122 8122 22 30/E 20 2 Andrew. 23 os! S/23 t Q Table } + 1 1 114 Воок II, A Conftant Kalendar. } A Table of the Sun's Declination. DE CE M B E R XXXI. Leap ye. Firft. Second. Third. 1 1 chamane 1664 1668 1672 1665 1669 1673 1677 1681 1666 1670 1674 1678 1682 1686 1690 1694 1667 1671 1675 1679 1683 1676 1680 1684 1688 1692 1685 1687 1689 1693 1691 1695 Hour. Deg. Shop Day Mom Min. | Differ: 1 DaWeeklarar ( Epact * SHIP Min. 10 \Differ. I Min. Differ. 1 Min. Differ. 1 7123 223 28 I 31) 1/23 1 + Sonth Declination. O Rifs Setting ISO 20 20 X 23 23 og 23 08 23 06 2/G * 3 SO 9123 14! 623 131 4123 124123 II 5 A 117 1113 49 9/23 18 18 4 23 17 423 4123 10 4123 15 4 4B 15 233 48 923 21 3 33 20 3123 201 4123 191 4 SIC 14 20 3 48 923 241 3123 23 3123 23 323 22 6D 13 3 48 9.23 26 2123 26 3123 26 3123 25! 323 25! 31 23 25 31 7/ E 112 813 47 923 281 2123 28 2123 27) 2123 271 2 8/F II 21 Days are 23 30: 223 29 29 1 22 291 2123 9 GIO at a ſtand. 23 311 1123 23 301 301 123 30.1123 1123 30 301 2 IOA 9 17 기 ​23 1 023 31 123 23 31 311 IIB 8 o in ve 23 311 0123 311 023 31 @j23 31 31 O 1210 7 6 Days in- 123 23 301.123 31 023 31 012331 13 D * creaſe. 23 291 123 301 133 30 1123 30 E 6 23 47 923 28 123 291 2123 291 123 29 4 1513 47 923 26 2123 2123 271 2123 271 223 271 Ꮐ 3 48 9123 24 251 21 23 251.2123 25 IFA :3 313 48: 923 211 3123 221 3123 22 3123 23 3 49 - 9/23 18 3/23 191 323 191 3123 20 19°C 0 3 49 9/23 141 423 15 4123 IS, 4123 16, 4123 16. 20 D 29 I 9 1823 25/23 Io 5123 121 4123 8 Thomas. 23 51 4123 71 5123 8 F 27 3 50: 9123 oo 5123 o Il 623 21 5133. 315 3 55 623 57 522 541 5 24 À 25 173, 52 922 48 622 49 723 491 7/23 sil 51) 622 526 Chriſtmas. 22 41 7 22 43822 45) 6 22! 46 26 C 23 6 Stephen. 22 34): 7122 36 8122 381 7 22 22 39 22 127D 22 78 John. 27! 7122 211 8122 311 722 327 28 E 21 Innocents. 22 191 8122 23 8 II 8/22 12 8/22 29 F 20 1513 56 9122 IS 8122 17 8 4 9122 61 9122 8 9 1311A118 3'3 58 9121 531 621 South Declination. 2/23 18/B Mango I i 124 6 623 21 E 28 22 23 G 26 SI: 9.122 541 6123 25 B 24 201 822 22 251 ? 301G 19 3 57 9/22 91.8 22 او اور 21 او 57 31 او 5 TO Book II, To find the Sun's Declination. 115 T To find the Sun's Declination upon every Day of the Year. "He Sun's Tear (that is, the time that the sun goeth out of a certain Point of the Ecliptick, and returnech again to the fame) is not of 365 days juſt; but about 5 Hours and 49 Minutes inore (char is, little leſs than 6 Hours ;) Wherefore after three rears, there is always added to the fourth four times 6 Hours, that is, a Day more in February, for to count the rear or the Repolution of the Sun ini even Days therefore chat fourth rear is called Leap-year: Therefore when we de- ſcribe the Sun's Declination in Tables, we always uſe to make four ſeveral Tables, for four ſuch Years following one the other; and yet by reaſon of the foreſaid difference, that four Revolutions of the Sun do not juſtly make up one Day, but wants about 48 min. bringeth in proceſs of time ſo great a difference in the Declination, that it is needful every twenty Years to renew fuch Tables. How to find the Leap-years, it is thus: Divide the rear of our Lord above 1600. by 4 ; If the Diviſion doch fall out even, without any over-pless, that rear then is a Leap-year of 366 Days: But if one of the Diviſion there remain any Nismeber, that Remainder theweclı how many rears that rear propounded, is after the Leap-year. For EXAMPLE. I deſire to know what rear the Year 1666. is. Leaving 1600, I divide 66 by 4, and find there remains 2 ; for 16 times 4, or 4 times 16, is 64; that taken from 66, there remains 2; whereby I find the rear 1666. to be the ſecond rear after the Leap-year. In the like manner you muſt work for any other Years: Only note this, If nothing remainech upon the Diviſion out of the Quotient, then it is a Leap-year if ic be even. As for EXAMPLE. • It is required to know what Year 1692 is. Leaving the 1600, divide the 92 by 4, and nothing remains upon the Diviſion, but is even 23 in the Quntient; where- by I find that rear 1692. is a Leap-year. For to know the ſame by the foregoing Tables, it is thus. Each Month hath 12 Co- lumns; The firſt chereof thews che Days of che Month; The ſecond Column, having the Dominical Letters, ſhews che Days of the Week; The chird Column having cwo Rows of Figures, the firſt of them ſhews the Epact of the Moon, and the other the Hour of the Day, reckoning che ſaid Hours always from Noon; the fourch Column Thews the Chief Days of the Year, and the Terms and their Returns which are fixed and certain ; and in the void places it ſhews the Riſing and Setting of the Sun in this Latitude, and the Place of the Sun every 10 Day or Degree. Theſe four Columns of themſelves are fit for Mens ordinary uſe, and may be made with a little Art and Pains to perform all the Concluſions which the yearly Almanacks ſhew and teach, as you ſhall ſee by the following Rules and Obſervations. The fifth Column of the foregoing Tables thews the Sun's Declination for every Day of the Year, for all theſe years in the firſt Column under-wfitten, which are all Leap- years. The ſixth Column ſhews the Daily Difference of the Sun's Declination. The ſeventh Column ſhews the firſt Tear from the Leap-year : The eighth, the Daily Difference of the Sun's Declination in that year. The ninth ſhews the ſecond Year from the Leap-jear ; The tenth, the Difference; The eleventh, the third Tear from the Leap-year; The twelfth, the Difference every Day of the Sun's Declination, you ſee in the Tables. This Table following thews the Leap years, Pirſt, Second, and Third Tears, as they are plainly expreſſed in the Head of each Table. as 1 R 2 Leapa. 1 1 1 To find the Sun's Declination Book II. I 6 6 8 I 67 I 674 g I 679 I 6 8 I 690 I 694 I I 692 of the Line, as well between the 116 Leap-years. Firſt. Second. Third, I 6 6 4 I 665 I 6 6 6 I 6 6 7 I 669 I 6 7 I I 6 7 2 I 673 I 6 7 5 I 676 I 677 1678 80 I 6 8 I I 6 8 2 1 683 I 6 8 1 685 [ 686 4 I 687 I 6 8 8 I 689 I 69 I 6 9 3 1 6*25 For to find the Sun's Declination, Look for the Day of the Month in the left hand of the Table, and in the common Angle of meeting you will find the Declination which you ſeek after. I: EXAMPLE. I deſire to know the Sun's Declination for the 22 of May, in the rear 1693. being the firſt year after the Leap-jear. In the Head of the Table I find the Month and Year ; on the left hand of the Table I find the Day; and in the Common Angle or Line of Meeting, I find the Declination I look for to be North 22 deg. 13 min. II. EXAMPLE, Upon the 5th of November in the Leap-year 1692. I deſire to know the Declina- tion of the Sun. In the Head of the Table I find the Month and Day, and in the firſt Column to the left hand I find the Day of the Month, and in the Common Line of Meeting, under the rear, I find the Sun's Declination required, to be 18 deg. 37 m. South Declination; and His Difference in -24 Hoitrs, 15 min. The foregoing Tables of the Sun's Declination is rectified properly for the Meridian' of the moſt famous and Metropolitan Cicy of London. The conſtant Kalendar I bor- rowed out of Ingenious Mr. Philips's Purchaſer's Pattern; at the end of page 247 With ſome addicion it is very afeful with the foregoing Tables.. of the Difference and Æqua- A Table by which you may proportion the Sun's tion of Declination in dia Declination to any other Meridian. vers Places of the Earth. The Difference in MMMMMMMMM Declination daily. 00 03'06091215 1831/24 more Deg. 150 dian of London, have the Ducis- 3010 nation leſs when the Sun de- 4510 oli clinch from the Line, an 11- Degrees of 6000 3 creaſcch in Declination eithi 31 4 Difference of 75 o Northward or Southward, as well Longitude gololo 2344 between the soch of March and either Eaſt or 10s che i 2ch of June, as between the O I 2 2 3 4 5 7 Weft. I 3th of September and the 12th 2'31415 7 8 of December, and more wlich the 135OI 21314 5171 8 9 Sun returned again totvards the 15010 315 618910 16510 Line, whiccher it be North or South 2141568 1011 1801 314161719'II'12 I 2ch of December and the roch of March, as between the 12th of June and the 13th of September. Oo Nether, They come are more 1 I I I I I I 2 I I 2 2 Nmm w I,I 22 O I'2 23.14 1 I 2010 I 2 I I ' HIEM BOOK II. By the Tables. !!7. On the contrary, They that are more Weſterly from the veridian cf London, when the Declination increaſcth North or Sopil, have more Declination, and leſs when the Declination decreaſeth ; that is, when the Sin is going towards the Aquinoctial, ci- ther on the North op Sarth ſide of the Lince the reaſon is, becauſe the Sun çoraçth to the Meridian Eaſtward, to them that live there, always before it doth to us; and them thát live mórc Weſterly, have him later, to-their Meridian. L:: EX A.MA LE. I. 24 440 220 of thoſe that are more Eaſterly, which increaſe in Declination: On the 26th of March, the firſt rear after the Leng-wear, I deſire to know the Declination of the Sun at Noon at Bantam in the Eaſt-Indies. I find by Globes, ör the Plat of Mercator, -that Bantam is to the - 360.24. 110 Eaſtward of the Meridian of London about tio Degrees; we do not cſteem of a Degree or two, becauſe ic' ambunteth to nothing in this Praćtice.: 'The Sun for his Courſe round the Heavens and Earth, which is 360 Degrees , háth 'need of 24 Hours; What time tvill (1 2640 110 Degrees have * Fácit:7 Hours, and ſomething more not avoreh 362 the noting; whicreby the Sun comes to the Méridian: 7. Huller's ſooner, at Bantan, than it doth at London That it is 12 a Olockmat 26109 62. Noon at Bankam, when it is 4 of the.Clock in the Morning with us 36. at Londen. The San’s Decliation for the 26th of March, iso deg. ibi 25 min.: The Difference of the Declination of the Day following, you find is 2 3 min. which it is increaſed; Therefore I ſay, If in 24 24., 23:7 Hours the Declination increaſeth 23 Minutes; How much ilien in ven 7 Hours ? Facit almoſt .iq Minutes, that the Declination is letto than it is at London. So that the Declination at Bantam thar Day, 1 is but.6 deg. 18 min. North:"And on the contrary, when the De- 467 ISI clination decreafeth, work, and you will have the Declination South, Eaſtward, or Weſtward. 1 16 24 EXAMPLE II. The uſe of the Table. On the 17th of September in the ſame Year, I defire to know the Declination thac - day at Noon at,Bantam." The Declination for the Meridian of London is cha Day 1 deg. 52 min. and the Difference of the Declination of the Day following is 24 min. decreaſed; and, as was ſaid before in the laft Example , the difference of Longitude is rro deg. Therefore I look in the Hcad of the foregoing Table, for the neareſt Inm- ber to the Difference 24, and find it to fall juſt even on the Head of , the laſt Columns then look on the left hand of the Table for the Difference of Longitude, and I find 105 deg. ncareſt, and in the common Angle of Meeting I find 7, which is to be ſubſtracted from the Declination in the Azeridian of London abovelaid, i deg. 52 min. and the Remainder will be the Declination for the. Meridian gr Longitude , I am in, which is i deg. 45 min. South : But if the Declinafion decreaſech, as it dotlı here in- cicaſe, then you muſt have added. deg. min.: the Meridian of London the Dçclinación co2 52 The Minutes Proportional ſubftracted. The Dçclination for 11o deg. Lo:gitude of Bantam, Eator 45 The Declination of iro deg. Weft of the Meridian of London-00_07 1 + 1 1 7 00 07:1 1 . 'Weftmoisa EXAMPLE i A 118 The difference of Equation of Declinat. Book II. EXAMPLE III. 19 A Ship coming on tlic ſeventh of November, in the third Year after the Leap gear, into the great South-Sen, thwart of the Coaſt of Peru, in Longitude 76 deg. The Pi- lot defircth the Declination there at Noon in that Meridian. deg. min. In the Meridian of London the Declination is 19 08. Suuth.. The Minutes Proporcional anddelen 00 03 In the Longitude 76 deg. the Declination. 11 Weft. In the Longitude of 76 deg. Eaſt, the Declinacion ism 19 os Two Ships being in Company, they parted at the Lands-end of England: The one Sails Eaſtwards, and comethi upon his Reckoning upon the 28th of September 180 Degrees on the other ſide thc Globe of the Earth (being the firſt Year after the Leap-year) and by the foregoing Tables finds the Sun's Declination 5 deg. 57 min., The other Ship Sails weſtwards, and meecech the firſt ship at the aforeſaid place, by his Reckoning not the 28th, bue cn the 27th of September, and findech the Declt- nation in theſe Tables for that Day;, ſo that they differ in the Time one Day, and in Declination 24 min. the which proceedeth from this caliſe : The firſt having Sailed againſt the Riſing of elie Sun 180 Degrees, hach ſhortned his time 12-Hökrs; the other hach Sailed with the Sun 180 Degrees, hath lengthned his time 12 Hours, and thereby hath one Night leſs than the firſt. Seeing then in 24 Hours increaſeth 34 Minutes, he that Sailed Eaſtward muſt reckon 12 Minutes Declination leſs, and he datesailed weſtward 12 Minutes more than the Table doth ſhew; and ſo both of them all keep one' manner of Declination, to wit, 6 deg. 9 min. 7 may be had. 18 > 21 3 | 17 4 | 15 net ir no no He , A Table of the Refractions of the Sun, Moon, Moon and Stars, cauferli and Stars, according to the Obſervation of them to appear higher above the thrice Noble Tycho Brahe. Horizon chan they are: Therefore the Refraction is always to be ſub- Sun Moon Stars ſtrasted from the Altitude ob- Alti- alti- s'an. Moon ſeryed, that the true Altitude tudes. tudes. min, min. min. min, min. 0 34 33 30 06 06 As for Examplc. 26 25 21. 19 os 06 2 20 20 15 20 04 05 The Sun's Meridian Altitude 17 I 2 04 og by Obſervation being 9 Degrees, 15 II 03 04 I require the true Altitude. 14 14 I 23 03 04 6 13 13 00 24 | 03 Altitude by Obſervation--900 I 2 13 08 25 02 03 II I 2 Refraction ſubſtract -- IO 07 26 02 03 9 IO II 06 27 02 | 03 The true Meridian Alci- 8 10 IO 11 28 O2 tude- II 09 1 og 29 02 02 I 2-1 09 0909 04 30 OI 02 of the Refraction of the Sun, 13 08 04 31 OI 02 A Dutch ship being the 08 08 03 32 QI OL Diſcovery of a North-Eaſt Paſſage IS 07 08 03 33 OI to the East-India, was forced to 16 07 07 02 34 OI 01 Winter in Nova Zembla : the 17 06 07 02 35 OI Mariners beheld the San 14 days ſooner than he ſhould by his De- clination, and by Computation 5 Degrees under the Horizon; which is cauſed by the grols Vapours, and thickneſs of the Air neer the Horizon. 22 OA deg. mi. O 1 so' 02 the + 01 OT THE 1 1 T t the filling up of the Column. BOOK II. 119 The U SE of the CONSTANT KALENDAR I. To know the Day of the Month. His is the Chief and moſt uſeful Olfervation of any Almanack, and may as well be performed by this, as by any other. To this purpoſe, you muſt by the general Kalendar at the beginning hereof, know the Dominical or Svina day Letter for the Year; then conſidering with your ſelf, whether it be the beginning, midſt, or end of the Month (as you muſt do in any Almanack) find this Letter in the beginning, midſt, or end of the Monih, and reckoning from it to the Day of the Week, either Munday, or Tueſday, or whatſoever other Day, right againſt the Day of the Weck, you ſhall find what Day of the Month it is. Here is 110 difficulty in this ; only when it is Leap-year, you ſee there is two Sunday Letters, the firſt of theſe you may uſe only to the 24th of February, and the other all the rear after. For Example. In the 1668. the Dominical Letter E D the firſt Sunday in faniary, is at the firſt E, which is at the fifth Day of the Month; the firſt Sunday in February is at the ſecond Day of the Month; but the firſt Sunday in Márch is at the firſt D, which is at the firſt Day of the Month, and ſo all the Year after. II. To know what Day of the Week any Notable Day will fall upon, in any Year. 's Firſt find the Dominical Letter in the former Table; then find your Letter in your Month next before che Day you deſire, and ſo from thence count the Days of the Week, till you come to the Day deſired. Thus if you would know what D of the Week Lady-day, or the Annunciation of the Lady Maryfalls upon this rear : 1668. the Dominical Letter is D; this is three Days before the ſaid Day, therefore that falls upon a Wedneſday. But now in the rear 1669. when the Dominical Letter is C, Lady-day will be upon the Tharfday. This will be in a ſhort time as ready to you, as if theſe Letters were painted out for you in Vermilion. III. To find the Time of Sun Riſing and Setting. This is ſet down for moſt of the Days in the whole Year, for London; and may ſerve for all the Eaſt, South, and Weft Parts of England: And this is done after ſomewhat a briefer manner than is uſual, making the Minutes which are placed in the midſt , to ſerve both che Hours of Setting and Riſing ;-which you muſt underſtand thus: The 7th of February you ſhall find theſe Figures, 4. 59. 8. that is , the Sin that Day ſets at 4 h.59 m. that is 59 m. after 4. and riſech at 59 m, 8 h.that is 59 m. before 8. or almoſt 7 a Clock. And ſo you muſt account them always remembring, That as the Minutes follow the firſt Figure, ſo they muſt be reckoned in Time after: as they ſtand before the laſt Figure, ſo they muſt be reckoned in :Time before it. And think it not prepoſterous that the time of the Sun's Setting is ſet down before the Riſing; for the Sun's Setting is of moſt uſe, and the other ſerves in a maitner for ho. min, If you double this time of Sun Setting 04 59 You have the Length of the Day. 09 58 If you fabſtract it from -I2 00 You have the time of Riſing, differing in bero from the Kalendar- 07 OI But all one in effects and this doubled, ſhews the Length of the Night-14 02 IV. TO 1 + . 1 1 1 P3 1 L 1 A i 120 The Uſe of the Conſtant Kalendar. Book II. IV. To find the Place of the Sun. His is ſet down in the Kalendar, about every tenth Day, to every tenth Degree; TH ſo that reckoning a Degree for each Day becween, you ſhall have the place of the Sun exact enough for moſt ordinary Uſes. Thus the s oth of March the Sun cnters into Aries; therefore the 15th Day, or five Days after the Sun is in five De- grees of Aries. V. To find the Day and Hour of the Change or New Moon, and thereby the Full and Quarters. 0 F Irſt you muſt find the Moon's Epa£t for the preſent rear you are in : This Name ber is found out in the Firſt Book, Page 12. and alſo in the Table before at the beginning of the Kalendar. The Change alſo may be found out by the Golden Nume ber; yet that would ſtand fo fcateering and without form, that it is much hand- ſomer and readier to find out by this Epalt, which runs for the moſt part in a Conſtant Order, only here and there skipping a Day or a Number, which is marked with this *. Having found out the Epalt for this preſent Year, turn to the Month you deſire, and there find out the ſaid Number of the Epact in the third Column of the Months, and mark what Day of the Month it ſtands againſt ; for that is the Day of the Change or New Moon. Likewiſe if you have reſpect unto the Dominical Letter, which is by it, you ſhall ſee what Day of the Week it is. Now here in this Column there are two Rows of Figures; The firſt ſhews die Epact-Number, and the next the Time of the Day reckoned by the Hours from Noon, which are plain to underſtand till you come to 12 Honrs after Noon, which is Midnight; but then the Numbers above 12, you muſt reckon to the Morning of the next Day. So that theſe Hours after Noon, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, are all one with theſe, 1, 2, 3, 4o 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, the next Day in the Morning. Thus in the rear 1666. the Epact being 4, and the Dominical Letter G, you ſhall find this Epact-Number 4 againſt the ar of July being Saturday; and the Figure o ſtanding by it, ſhews that the New Moon is juſt at Noon. Again, You ſhall find the Epact-Number againſt the 16th of November, being Friday; and the Figure of 2 ſtanding by it, thews char it is about 2 Hours after Noon the Moon changeth. Now this is the true cime of the New Moon, according to the Moon's mean Motion ; which though it may differ half a day from the true Change, yet it ſeldom differs ſo much, and is better for the following Concluſion than the true time. Having firſt found out the time of the New Moon, you may from thence reckon the Age of the Moon, and find the Quarters and Full Moon. Thus the Moon's Age is Days Hours Min. At the Firſt Quarter mm 7mm 09 At the Full Moon At the Laft Quarter- 22-03 33 An whole Moon 39. I 2 44 Or elſe obſerve the Dominical Letter that is againſt the Epact, or Day of the New and where you find that Letter again, that is the Firſt Qxarter; for the Full Moon take two weeks and one Day,which will fall upon the Letter next to it; for the Laſt Quarter take one Week more, which will fall upon the Letter of the Full Moon. Thus II -14-18 22 Moon; Book II, The Uſe of the Conſtant Kalendar. IZI 1100 upon Thus is the New Moon fali aron A, the Firſt Qurter falls upon the next A, and the Full Moon on the next B a wrek after, and thc Laft wrter on the next B. And thus you have this brick or Conſtant Almanack for many rears; only for the more cxa&tuſs in the Huur of the Moon's Change and Age, it is reſtrained to 19 Tears: För chough the change of the Moon (for the moſt part) hapnech again upon the ſame Days, fór ſeveral Revolutions of the Prime or Golden Number XIX ; yet the ſame Hour of the Day, but alters every Revolution 7 Hours, 27 Minutes, 30 Seconds, procceling forward for the moſt part;, but the Leap-years coming in with a Duty more than ordinary, kceps this Motion ſo much backward, that in 300 Tears it neither gains nor loſeth a Day, only differeth in the Hear of the Day ; yet for the more exactneſs, it will be bercer to renew this every 19 Years. All theſe things this brief Kalendar 1hcws plainly, with little or no trouble more than in an yearly Almanack.. I thall nowy proceed to ſome ocher Concluſions. I have been very large already, in the Firſt Book, of Things concerning the uſe of the Moon in other Concluſions ; to which I refer you for any thing of the Tides, or the Southing of the Moon, or the Riſing or Setting of the Moon, or what elſe is neceſſary in Navigation. I thought to have entred my Figure of the Sea-Compaſs, for the Surveying of Land, which was promiſed in the Argument; As likewiſe the Gunner's Scale and Gauging : Rod: But I refer you to the ſeveral Books in the following Treatiſe, where · the figure and the Life of it, is together for your ſatisfaction. The End of the Second Book. R 1 زی } : په : 4 2. ا : أ IF 1 TE f و . + . 123 1. A Triangle is a Figure conſiſting of three sides and three Angless 1 Mathematical and Practical THE IVI iners IV. Zini OR, STURM Y’S ܀ 5 I ; ARTS The Third Booki men CHARI of the Nature and Quality of Triangles. 1 His Third Book is as it were a Key to theſe that follow, the Sub- ject whereof is Trigonometry; therefore I hold it convenient before I come to the following Praćtice, to ſay ſomething con- cerning Plain Triangles at leaſt, although that Subject be handled by divers more able Mathematicians already, whoſe Works are extant, (viz.) Pitiſcus, Snellius, che Lord Napier, Maſter Gunter, Maſter Norwood, Maſter Gellibrand: fo that thoſe who deſire to make a farther ſcrutiny into Trigonometry, may peruſe the forementioned Authors. Before we come to thew how the Quantity of the Sides and Angles of any Triangle may be found by the Tables of Artificial Sines and Logarithms, and by the Lines of Artificial Sines, Tangents, and Numbers, cake theſe following Theorems, as Neceſſa- ries thereunto. as in the Figure DBC. i D B II. Any two sides of a Triangles are called the sides of the Angle comprehended by chem ; asche Sides C B and'D B, are che Sides containing the Angle CBD. R 2 III. The 11 124 Trigonometry. Book II. ( 1 III, The Meaſure of an Angle is the Quantity of an Arch of a Circle, deſcribed on the Angular Point, and cutting both the containing Sides of the ſame Angle; As in the Triangle following, the Arch CB 'is the Meaſure of the Angle at A, the arch KD is the Meaſure of the Angle at E, and the Arch F G is the Meaſure of the Angle at H. Each of theſe Arches are deſcribed on the Angular Points A, H, El and cus clre contaiging Sider contain A SOM ol 7181 1 wir Thors 6+ he E B F tril on 478 414 yo E 1 Elly 1 + *** H D pole i Tiltak :RSV.? IV. A Degree is the 360 part of a Circle. V: A Semicircle containech 180 Degrees. VI: A Quadrant containeth's0 Degrees. VII: The Complement of an Angle leſs than a Quadrant, is to much as chat Angle wanteth of 90 Degrées, as if che Angle A HE ſhould contain 41 deg. the Conspie- ment thereof would be 4ô deg: Forif you taikė 41 from go, there will remain 49 deg. VIII. The Complement of an Angle to a Servicircle, is the Remainder chercof to 180 Degrees. · IX. At Angle is' eittier Right; Achte; or 'Oltiife. X. A Rigbi Angle is that whoſe Meaſure is a Quadrant. XI. An Acute Angle is leſs than a Right Angle. XII. An Obtul Angle is greater than a Quadránt. XIII. A Triangle is either Righi- Angled; or Obrufe-Angled, XIV: A Right-Angled Triangle is that which hath one Right Angle as the Tri- angle A HE is Right-Angled at E. xy. In every Right-Angled Triangle, that Side which ſubtendeth or lieth oppoſite to the Right Angle, is called the Hypothenufa ; and of the other two Sides, the one is called the Perpendicular, and the other the Baſe, at pleaſure : Bue moſt commonly the ſhorteſt is called the perpendicular, and the longer is called the Bafe . So in the former Triangle, the Side A His the Hypothenuſa, HE the Baſe, and a Ethe Per- XVI: In every Righi- Angled Triangle, if you have one of the Acute Angles given, the other is alſo given, it being the Complement thereof to 90 d:g. As in the Triangle A HE, ſuppoſe there were given the Angle H A E 49 deg. then by conſequence the Angle -AH E muſt-- Be 4 Degrees, which is the Complement of the other to go XVII. The three Angles of any right-Lined Triangle whatſoever, are equal to LI pendicular. 1)." Degres. 1 two CHAP. II. Iriganometry. 125 two Right Angles, oy to 180 Degrees: Sæthat if of aný Right-Lined Triangle, you have any two of the Angles given, you liave thc chird Angle alſo given, it being clic Complement of the other to 180 D grees.' I. Lisac org 1 i Luxos c 8', 1 k126 : + ::D! 1 CA &T 6 5 B ** که م L so " . ** + I So in this Triangle A B C, if there were given the Angle B A C 36 Degrees, and the Angle A CB 126 Degrees, I ſay by the conſequence, there is alſo given the third Angle. For if you add tlacitivo given Jalgtskotagèrbertzange fubftrax it from 180 Degrees, there will remain A B C 18. Degrees. The tw@given Angles being taken from 180, the Remainder is the Angle required., In all plain Triangles whatſoever, the IsFoletare'in proportion one to the other, as dic Sives of the Anglès arperipe, sp thựſe Sidese : So in the Triangle A B C, the Sine of the Angle AC Bºis in fuch proportion cpo flic Side AB, as the Sine of "cht Angle CAB is to the Side B C. And 10 of any other. mesne CHAP, IN Containing the Do&rine of the Dimenſions of Right-Lined Triangles, whether Right-Angled or Oblique-Angled, and the ſeveral Caſes therein refolved, both by Tables, and alſo by the Lines of Artificial Num- bers, Sines, and Tangents. Come now to Thew you how a Plain Triangle may be reſolved; that is, "bý hia- ving any three of the ſix Parts of a Plain Triangle , ta find a fourth by the inftrue ments before-inentioned. In all the Caſes following I have made uſe of but two Triangles for Examples; one Right-Angled, the other Oblique-Angled : Bur in either of them I have expreſſed all the Variccies that are neceſſary; lo that any threc Parts being given in any of them, a fourth may be found at pleaſure. The Sides of any Plain Triangle may be meaſured by any Meaſure of Scale of Equal Parts; as an Inch divided into io Parts, or 20, 30 Parts; or likeiviſe into Inches, Feet, Tards, Poles, Miles, or Leagues, Draw a Line at pleaſure, as Ą B; How to las and from the Peint A leçit be requi- dowa di red to protract an Angle of 41 deg. Angle by TL 134 min. Firſt extend the companies the Line of upon the Line of Chords, from the beginning thereof to 60 deg. alvvays, and with this diſtance ſetting one riFoot upon the Point A, with the other deſcribe the pricked ArchB.C: Theo with your Compaffes take 44 deg. 24 min. (which is cliç Quantity A 6 В. of the inquired. Angle) out of the Linc of Chords, from the beginning thereof I t ! 9 Chords. 1 1 + , B i. 126 -Trigonometry. BOOK III. In the reſolving of Plain Triangles there are ſeveral Cafes, of which I will only thereof co 41 deg. 24 min. Keeping the Compaſſes at this diſtance, if you ſet one Food thereof upon B, the other'will reach upon the Arch to C. Laſtly, draw the Line A C. So the Angle C A B ſhall contain 41 deg. 24 min. To find the Suppoſe C A B were an Angle given, and that it were required to find the Quan- Degrees tity thereof. Open your Compaffes , as before, to 6o deg. of your Chord; and placing one Foot in A, with the other deſcribe the Arch B C. Then take in your compasſes gle. the Diftance C B, and meaſuring that Extent upon the Line of Chords, from the beginning thereof, you ſhall find it reach 41 deg: 24 min. whích is the Quantity of the inquired Angle. If any Angle given or required ſhall contain above 90 Degrees, you muſt then protract it at twice, by taking fiſt the whole Line, and then the Remainder. The ſeveral caſes of Right-Angled Triangles,may not only be applied to Navigation, but alſo in the taking of Heights, as is thewn elſewhere: And the Obligu:- Angles Triangle, for the taking of Diſtances, taught in this following Treatiſe. contained in an An. 1 inſiſt on theſc, which have moſt relation to the Work in hand. 1 of Right-Angled Plain Triangles. 1 CAS E L In a Right-Angled Plain Triangle, The Baſe and the Angle at the Baſe being given, To find the Perpendicular. Uppoſe that the Line C A (in the following Figure) in the Right-Angled Trian- Sun gle, were a Tree, Tower, or Steeple, and that you would know the Height thereof; you muſt obſerve with your inſtrument the Angle CBA, and meaſure the Diſtance BA. So have you in the Right-Angled Triangle A B C, the Baſe 405 Poot (Miles or Leagues the denomination might have been as well) and the Angle at the Baſe 32 deg. and it is required co find the perpendicular A C... Now becauſe the Angle C B A is given, the Angle BCA is alſo given, it being the Complement of the other to 90 deg. and therefore the Angle BCA is 38 Degrees: Then to find the perpendicular CA, the Proportion is, As the Sine of the Angle B C A 58 deg. (which is) 9928420 Is to the Logarithm of the Side B A 405 Foot 2607455 So is the Sine of the Angle CBA 32 deg. (which is) 9724210 The Sum of the Second and Third added. 12331665 The firſt Number fubftracted from the Sum- 9928420 To the Logarithm of the Side CA 1403245 The neareſt Abſolute Number anſwering to this Logarithm 2403245, is 253 fert; and that is the Length of the Side CA in Miles or Leagues, or the Height of the Tree, Tower, or Steeple , which was required. U GENERAL Ruir. ING N all Proportions wrought by Sines and Logarithms, you muſt obſerve this for a General Rule , (viz.) To add the ſecond and third Numbers together, and from the sum of them to fubftract the firſt Number ; ſo ſhall the Remainder anſwer your Queftion demanded, As by the former Work you may perceive, where the Loga- rithm of the Side B A 2607455 (which is the ſecond Term) is added to the Size of the Angle CB A 9724210 (which is the third Term) and from the sum of them, namely from 12331665, is ſubſtracted 9928420, the Sine of the Angle B C A, which t 0 A 1 CHAP. II. Trigonometry. 127 which is the firſt Number, and there remaineth 2, 403245, which is the Logarithm of 253 almoſt, and that is the Length of the Side required. L A 283 ferie 478 32 go A B 405 To reſolve the ſame Work by the Line of Sines and Numbers. Ou may work theſe Proportions more eaſily by help of the Line of Sines, Tan- Place here gents, and Numbers, on your Scale, the Proportion being as before. the Line of Therefore if you ſet one Font of your compaſſes at 58 deg. in the Line of Sines, Numbers, and extend the other Foot to 405 in the Line of Numbers, the fame will reach from tlre Sines, and Sine of 32 253 in the Line of Numbers, which is the Length of the Side A Tangents. C, which was required. Or otherwiſe , Extend the compaſſes from the Şine of 32 deg. to the Sine of 58 deg. in the Line of Sines; the ſame Extent will reach from 405 in the Line of Nam- bers, to 253, as before, the work is much abbreviated, there being no need of Pen, Ink, nor Paper, or Tables; but only of your compaſſes. CA S II. The Baſe and the Angle at the Baſe being głven, To find the Hypothenuſa. N the ſame Triangle A B C, Ler there be given (as before) the Baſe A B 405 Foor, Miles, Leagues, or Perches, and the Angle A B C 32 deg. and let it be required to find the Hypothenuſa B C. Now becauſe the Angle CB A is given, the other Angle BCA is alſo given; and the Proportion is, As the Sine of the Angle BCA 58 deg. 9, 928420 To the Logarithm of the Side 405 Foot 2,607455 So is the Sine of the Angle C A B 90 deg.- ļo, nooooo The Sun of the ſecond and third Number 12, 667455 added To the Logarithm of the Side B C, which is 2,679033 Tlie Abſolute Nymaber anſwering to this Logarithm is 478; and ſo many Feet, Atiles, Leagues , Plichek. is_che Hypothenifa, according to the denomination of the Queſtion; that is, whether it be Fees, Perches, Miles, or Leagues. By either of theſe . By the Line of Numbers and Sincs.. As was ſaid before, the work is altogeclitr, che-fame with the Tables; For che Proportion being As the Sine of the Angle BCA 58 degrees Is to the Length of the Side B A 405 Foor: So is the Sine of the Angle CA B 90 Degrees, To the Length of the Side CB 478. Extend the work is the ſame way. - + 128 Trigonometry. BOOK III. Extend the compaſſes from the Sine of 58 deg, to 405 in the Line of Numbers; the ſame Extent will reach from the Sine of 90 deg. to 478 in the Line of Num'ers, and that is the Length of the Side B C. Or you inay cxtend the Compaſſes from the Sing of 58 deg. te go deg.chę ſame Extent will reach 405 to 478, as before. CAS E III. Miles, Leagues, The Hypothenuſal and Angle, at the Baſe being given, To find the Perpendicular. N the ſame Triangle let there be given the Hipothenuſal B C 473 Fies, Poles, and the Angle at the Baſe C B A 32.deg. To find the Perpen- dicular CA. The Angle CAB is a Right Angle, or 90 Degrees ; Thereforeihe Fruportion is, As the Sine of the Angle CAB 90 deg 10,000000 Is to the Logarithm of the Side B C 478 2,679428 So is the Sine of the Angle C B A 32 deg.-- 9,724210 Tothe Logarithm of the Side A C 25392, 403638 The Number anſwering to this Logarithm'is 253 fere; and that is the Length of the Side CA in Feet, Poles, Miles, or Leagnes. Here the work is ſomething abbreviated; for the Angle CA B being a Right Angle, and being the firſt Term, when the ſecond and third Terms are added together, the firſt is cafily ſubſtracted from it, by cancelling the Figure next your left hand, as you fee in the Example; and fo the reſt of that Number is the Logarithm of the Numza ber ſought. By the Line of Sines and Numbers. Xtend the Compaffes from the Sine of 90 Degrees, to 478; the ſame Extent will reach from che Sine of 32 Degrees, to 253. Or, Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 Degrees, to the Sine of 32 Degrees; the ſame Extent will reach from 478, to 253; and that is the Side C A. T CAS E IV. The Hypothenuſal and Angle at the Baſe being given, To find the Baſe. Et there be given in the Triangle the Hypothenuſal B C, and the Angle at the Baſe CBA, and by conſequence the Angle BCA the Complement of the other to go degrees : Then to find B Å, the Proportion is, rot 응 ​& 1 OMFEST 827 + 11,1 с As . m HAL 1 CHAP. II. Trigonometry. 129 As the Sine of 90 deg, CAB. -10, OCO000 To the Hypothenuſal C B 478- 2, 679428 So is the Sine of the Angle ACB 58 9,928420 To the Logarithm of the Bale A B- 22, 607848 The neareſt Number anſwering to 2,607848, is the Logarithm of 405: And ſo many Foot or Poies, or if the Queſtion be Miles or Leagues, is the Baſe or Parallel of Longitude AB. Now you ſee the former Figure is turned, and therefore very fitly may have other Denominations (or Nim's) So that in the Art of Navigation, it will not be unfic to call one of theſe Sides the Parallel-Side, as A B, or Side of Longitude, or Meridian Diſtance; the other the Perpendicus!ar-Side, or the side of Latitude, asĆ A; and the Hypothenufa!, the side of Diſtance C B, and che Arches to lay down from the Chords, as before-directed. By the Line of Sines and Numbers. He Angle given, as before, Extend the compaſſes from the Sine of 90 deg. unto 478. the ſame Extent will reach from the Sine of 58 deg. to 40s in the Line of Numbers. Or, Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 deg. co the Sine of 58 deg. the fame Excent will reach from 478 to 405, which is the Length of the Baſe turned up, or Parallel-Line of Longitude, as before laid, A B. Case V. Let the perpendicular be the Difference of Latitude 253 Leagues, and the Angle at Css. Web. W. 1 deg. 45 min. Weſterly, or 58 deg. Let it be given to find the Hypothenuſal or Diſtance upon the Rhomb. 7 F the Perpendicular or Difference of Latitude 253 Leagues AC be given, and the I Anglè ar A CB, S.W.6.W. I deg. 45 Wefterly, or $8 deg. Then by conſequence the Angle A B C, or Complement of the Rhomb is allo given; taking the firſt out of 90 deg. then the Hypothenaſal may be found thus. As the Complement Sine of the Rhomb 32 deg. at B---- 9,724210 Is to the Logarithm of the Difference of Latitude 253---12,403121 So is the Sine of the Angle or Radius 90 deg. . To the Logarithm of the Hypochenuſal, or Diſtance upon? the Rhomb or Courſc failed! 478 2,678911 Here becauſe the Angle CAB is a Right Angle, or go Degrees the Radius, and comes in the third place, I cherefore only put an Unity before the ſecond Term, and ſo ſubſtract the firit Term, andittie Rennainder is 2,678911s the Abſolute Number anſwering thercunto is 478, the Side required. 10, 000000 1 By the Line of Numbers. Xtend the Compaſses from the Sine of 32 deg. to 253 deg. the ſamie Diffànce. will reach from the Sine of go deg. to 478, the Side required. Or, The Diſtance between che Sine of 32 deg. and 90 deg. will be equal to the Diſtance between 25 3 and 478, and givech the Side required ; S CASE 1 1 1 130 Trigonométrý. Book III: 9 CASE VI The Hypothenuſal or Diſtance Sailed, and the Perpendicular or Diffe- rence of Latitude given, To find the Rhomb or Angle A B C. IN N the foregoing Triangle, there is given the Hypothenuſal or Diſtance failed, CB 478 Leaguis, and the Perpendicular or 253 Leagues difference of Latitude, and it is required to find the Angle A B C, and by it the Rhomb. As the Logarithm of the Hypochenuſal C B 478 Leagues - 2,679428 Is to th: Right Angle or Radius 90 deg. C A B- 10,000000 Só is the Logarithm of the Perpendicular 253 CA--- 2, 403121 To the Complement Sine of the Rhomb, or Sine of the Aa? gle A BC 32 deg.-- $ 9,723693 The ncareſt Nem!er anfwering to 9; 723693, is the Sine of 32 deg. which de- dufted from 90 deg. cherc remains the Angle of the Rhomb 58 deg. or J.W.b.w. I deg. 45 V Veſterly. E from 253, 40 32 deg 1 By the Line of Numbers. Xtend the Compaſſes from 478, to the Sine of 90 ; the ſame Diſtance will reach from to Or, Extend the compaſſes from 478, to 253; the ſame Extent will reach from the Sine of 90, co the Sine of 32 deg, whiclı: is che inquired Angle A B C, and the con- plement of the Rhomb.. 9 C A'S E' VII. The Hypothenuſal, and the Parallel of Longitude, and the Radius given, To find the Rhonb or Courſe sailed. N the forcgoing Triangle there is given the. Hypothenuſal or Diſtance Sailed, CB 478. Leagues, and the Right Angle C AB.90 deg. the Radiisand the Parallel of Longitude or Baſe 405 Leagues, to find the courſe or Rhomb: failed, or the Angle A CB. 91: Hii haitotine? عم :'( ر.ن. 4 mai 2; 679428 As the Hypothenuſal or Diſtance Sdiled 498 CB To the Right Angle CA B Radius or Sine of go deg. TO,000000 So is the Parallel of Longitude; or Baſe A B 405 Leaguesit 12, 607455 To the Sine of the Angle of the Rhombor Courſe Sailed 58 or S.W.B.W, i deg. 45 weſterly 9,928027 ki By the Lines of Sines and Numbers. EX Xtend the Compaſſes from 478 in the Line of Numbers, to the Sine of 90 deg. the ſame Extent will reach from 405, to the Sine of 32 deg. Or, Extend the Compaffes from 478 to 405; the ſame Extent evill reach from the Sine of 90, to the Sine of 37 deg, A C.B, the Angle of the Rhomb or Courſe failed, which was required. + ܪܢ 4 of 1 2 A ܐ ܀ f CHAP. II. Trigonometry. 131 Of Oblique-Angled Plain Triangles: CASE VIII. Having two Angles, and a Side oppoſite to one of them, To find the Side oppoſite to the other. IN N the Triangle QR 5, is given the Angle QSR 25 deg. 30 min. and the Angle QRS 45 deg, 20 min. and the Side RS 305 Feet ; And it is find the Side QR. Here note, That in Oblique-Angled, Plain Triangles, as well as in Right-Angled, the sides are in proportion one to the other, as the Sines of the Angles oppoſite to thoſe Sides: Therefore, As the Sine of the Angle QRS 45 deg. 20 min.- 9,851997 Is to the Logarithm of the Side QS žoš 2, 484299 : So is the Şine of the Angle QSR 25 deg: 39 min. 2.6339.84 The Sum of the ſecond andi tbird Terms- I 2, 118283 The firſt Term ſubſtractedom 9, 851997 To the Logarithm of the Side QR-- The ncareſt Abſolute Number anſwering to this Logarithm is 185 ; änd ſo many Feet is the Sido QR. 1 2, 266286 1 By the Line of Sines and Numbers. He Line of Sines.and Numbers will reſolve the Triangle by the ſame manner.of Work, as in the other before. For if you excend the Compasſes from the Sine of 45 deg. 20 min. to 305 Foot, the ſame Diſtance will reach from 25 deg. 30 min. to 185 Foot, and ſo much is the Side QR. Or, Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine af 45 deg. 20 min. co 25 deg. 30 min. the ſame Diſtance will reach from 305 to 185, the Length of the Side inquired. $ i 1 1 309 3 Logoro + T8S 230 45.20 1 R 40 g s HT In like manner if the Angle R RS, 10g deg. To min, and the Angle QR $ 45 deg. 20 min. and the Side OS 305 Foot, had been given, and the side Ř S required, the manner of Work had been the fame: For, As the Sine of the Angle QR S 45 deg, 20. min. 9, 851997 Is to tbe Logarithm of the Side R$ 305 2, 484299 So is the Sinc of R OS 109 deg. io min. (or go deg. so min.) 9,975233 The Sum of the second and third Terms 12,459532 The firſt Term fubftrated- 9,851997 To the Logarithm of the Side R S 495-> 2, 697535 S2 The. 12 132 Trigonometry Book III. RS. - til E :: T TO .. together wich thc Angle QSR 25 deg. 30 min. and let it be required to find The Abſolute Number anſwering to this Logarithm is 406, and ſo much is the Side In this Cafe , becaületbe'küçlerosis hable than yopilegres , you mult chere- fote take the complement thereof ' to 180 deg. ſo 109 deg. 10 min. being taken from 180 deg. there remains 70 deg. so min. whoſe Sine is the ſame with 109 deg. 10 min. And fo you muſt work with all Angles above, 90 Degrees; and" ſo will the Geosple- ment to look as befcte directed; effect the Dame thing. By the Line of Numbers and Sines. Xtend the Compaſſes from the Sine bf 45'deg: 20 min.' to 305 Peets the ſame Di- ſtance will reach from 70 deg. 50 min. to 405. Or, Thie Compaſſes exrčnded from the 'Sing of 45deg. 20 min. to 70 dég: 50 min. the fame Excent will reach from 305, to 406 in the Line of Numbers, which is the Side RS required. . CA SE IX. Two Sides, and an Angle oppoſite to one of them being given; To find G... the Angle oppoſite to the other. N the fàlme Trianglez-let-chere be given the Şide: 098395,' and Q R 185 Feet, IN the Angle Q R S. The Proportioh is, As the Logarithm of the side Q R 185 2, 267172 Is to the side of the Nagle OSR"zigidega za minket 93633984 So is the Logarithm of the Side R$ 305- 2,484299 The Sum of the ferond and third Numbers-- 12,118283 The firſt Number ſubftracted from the Sum 2,267172 To the Sine of the Angle QRS 45 deg. 20 miu. i 97851111 The neareſt Degree anſwering to this'sine is 45 dég: 20 min. which is the · Angle re- quired Q R S. By the Line of Sives and Numbers. E Xtend the compaſſes from 185, to 25 deg: 30 *} the ſame Diſtance will reach from 305, to 45 deg: 20 min. che Angle QR %. Or, Extend the Compalles from 185, to 305; the ſame Extent will reach from 25 deg. 39 min. to 45 deg. 20 min. as before. ins CASEX Having two Sides, and the Angle contained between them given , To find either of the other Angles. : 3) Or the performance of this problem, Suppoſe there were given the Side RS 406, and the Side R Q 185, and the Angle comprehended by them, namely the An ? gle at Rx 45 deg. 10.min. and it were required to find either of che other Anglese Firſt; Take the Sum and Difference of the two sides given; their sum is 591, and their Difference is 291. Then knowing, that the three Angles of all Right-lined Triangles, are equal to two Right Angles , or i80 Degrees (by the 17th Theor, of Chap: 3.) Thicrefore the Angle ÖR being. 45'deg. 20°min. if you fübftract this Angle from 180 deg. the Remainder will be 134 deg: 40 min: which is the sum of the two unknowa: Angles ar Qand S;. the half chereof is 67.deg. 20 min. The S. "L inni rii 1 2 OS 2 i i 1 T “ + 0:*: A CHAP. II. . Trigonometry: 133 2 1 1 " Ia ao deg. mi. The Side R SW-406 Paces, Two Right Angles-180 00 The Side RQ_185-paces. The Aliglasat ibis 20 TheSum of the two 134:40 The Sum-----591 of the Sides given, RS and R:Q.. joppoſite Angles- The Difference-221 of the sides. The Half-Süm-28 The Sun and Difference of cheesides being alias found, and alſo the Half-sism of the two unknown e Angles: The Proportion by " włticle you muſt find the Angles ſe- verally is, As the Logarithm of the Sum of the Sides 591 ,2771587 Is to the Logarithm of the Difference of the Sides 22.1. 344392 So is the Tangent of the Half-Sum of the two unknown Angle 10379313 67 deg. 20 min. The Sum of the ſecond and third Number-- -12723605 The firſt Number fubftracted from the Sum 2771587. The Tángent of 4r deg. 50 min. (is this )-- 9952018 which added to the Half Sum, makesam 199, dega 10 min. Greater Angle. The greater Of tbe Angles required, 7 Sulfrat 41 deg. so min. from the ze deg. 30 min . Leſſer Angle: Half-Sum,leaves the leffer Angle at S :::I:: “21iIslt (e” . . Sum 67 20 Tang 41 50 109 TO Leffer}30 Angle 7 + 13 3 6:11 1 } 2 30 1 (togdro I83 i ܝ ܀ 2.30 45.20 R 40% I? S ON ir vi HI By, the Line of Sines and Numbers. I F Xtend the Compaſſes from the sum of the Sides 591, to the Difference of the Sides 221; the fame Extent upon the Line of Tangents, will reach from chei Half-Sum, to the Tangent of the found Angle 41 deg: sa min. Or elle extend the Compaſſes from the Difference 231, to-the Tangent of the Half- Sum of the unknown Angles; the ſame Dinânce will reach from the Half-Sum 67 20 m. in the ſame Line-toʻthe Tangent of 45 deg: 50 min. which added to, or fubftracted from the Half-Sum, as before is thetřn, will give che Quantity of either of the two unknown Angles. deg. - :) i i A . 'CZ j 1 . 134 Book III. Trigonometry. CA S XI. Two Sides and their Containing Angle given, To find the third Side. Here is given R S 406 Pades, fand RQ 185 Paces, and the Angle at R 45 deg: T 20 min. which is by the 10 Cafe, As the Sum of the sides given RS+RR 594P. 02771587 Is in proportion to their Difference R Safe R Q 221 -2344392 So is the Tangent of the Half Sum of the 67 deg. 20 min. -1079213 Two oppoſite Angles Q and Sanknown, 2, 3 Numb. 1272 3605 To the Tangent of the Angle 41d.som.--~-9952018 which added to the Half Sum--- -67 20 Leaves the greater Angle at a required-109 ' whose Complement to 180 deg. is-70*50 IO 1 Then ſay, 1 Asshe Sine of the Angle found 109, ar 70 deg. 50 min.- Is in proportion to his oppoſite Side R S 406 Paces. So'tke Sine of the Angle given at R45 deg: 20 min.- To his oppoſite. Side required. R s žos Paces! The Logarithm of the Side required By the Line of Sines and Numbers. 9,975233 mi 2, 608526 9,851997 12,464523 - 29485290 L E Xtend the Compaffes from the Sine of 70 deg. 50 min. to che Logarithm-Side RS 406 Paces; the ſame Extent will reach from the Sine of 45 deg. 20 min. to the Side 305 . Or, Extend the Compales from the Sise of 70 deg. so'mln. to the Sine of 45 deg: 20 min. the ſame Diſtance will rcach from 406, to 305 Paces, which is the Length of the Side Q S, which is required. A 1 + CASE XII. Three Sides of an Oblique Triangle being given, To find the Angles. best!. : 7 ! ** Indom 30 581 3 406 1 1 B R ! N this Triangle SQR, Lee the three Sides known, The Side SR 406 The Side SQ -305 The Side QR 185 And it is required to find the three Angles. To perform this, you muſt firſt let fall a Perpendicular from the Point Q, upon the Side's R, which you may do by ſetting one Foot of your Compaſſes in the Point Q, and open the other to the Point R, draw the Arch RE, and divide che Space E Ř into two equal parts; and ſo the Perpendicular will fall upon the Point B. То . . Chap. II. Trigonometry. 1 135 To perform this more exactly by Numbers, As the greater Side or Baſe S R, 406 To the Sum of the two leffer Sides 490. So is the Difference of theſe two Sides 820- To the Part SE (cut off by the Arch RBE) 145-- 2,608526 -2, 690196 2, 079181 -4, 769377 2,608526 2,161851 This ſabſtracted from the whole Line 406, leaves for tlne pārt wițhin the Arch 261; the half thereof is 130, which is the Place B where the perpendicular will fall, icckoned from the Angle R; and by this perpendicular you have divided the Triangle into two Right Angles, whoſe Sides are known: For R B being 103, ſub- ſtracted froin the whole Line SR-406, leaves for the remaining Part 275 Now having thoſe two sides of theſe cwo Right-Angled Triangles, and the two fiift given Sides, :05 and 185, being the two Hypothenuſals thercot, you may bay the oppoſition of Sides to their Angkes, as in the 6 caſe; or by the Sides, and Hypothens/al, as in the 7 Caſc, find the Angles. By the Line of Sines and Numbers. Xtend the Companies from 406, to 490°; the" (aře Diſtance will teach from 120, to145 SE Leagues, the Side required. EX Theſe are the moſt necdful Caſes in the Reſolution of Plain Triangles, which inghe have been ſet forth with much Variety and Inlargement; but I rather ſtrive to thew the beſt and plainelt way. The Practitioner bcing perfect in what hath beenraid, be; fore, we will proceed to our interided Diſcourse of NAVIGATION.. The End of the Third Book t 1 + THE } A U THOR TO HIS Fourth Book. Let ſlip $ M Y Nem-riggd Ship, Strike now thy Sails, thine Anchor, the Wind fails; And Sea-men oft in Calms do fear That foul and boiſťrous Weather's near. If a robuſtious Storm ſhould riſe, And bluſter from cenforious Eyes; Although the ſwelling Waves be rough, And proud, thy Harbour's ſafe enough. Reft, reſt a while, till Ebbing Tides Shail make thee ſtanch, and breme thy Sides : When VĚinds ſhall ſerve, hoiſe up thy Sail, And fly before a Proſprous Gale; That all the Coaſters may reſort, And bid thee Welcome to thy Port. 1 11 -- Compleat Sea-Artiſt; A R T 1 NAVIGATION. ſtructed in che principal Points of the foreſaid Arts ; that is, that he know the Order 137 THE OR THE OF gi The Fourth Book. CHAP. I. Of Sailing by the Plain Chard, and the Uncertainties thereof "; And of Navigation. HE Art of Navigation, is a Knowledge by cercain Rules for to Sreer a Ship through the Sea, from the one place to the other; and may not improperly be divided into two parts, namely, the common, and alſo the Great Navigation. The Common Navigation requireth the Uíc of no Inſtre- ments but the Compaſs and Sounding-Lead, as chiefly confift- ing in Practice and Experience, in Knowledge of Lands and Points how they lie in Diſtance and Courſe one from the other, and how they are kilown at Sea, in knowledge of Depths and Shoulds and varieties of Grounds, the Courſe and Setting of Tides, upon what Point of the Compaſs the Mron maketh High-water in cach ſ, and the like ; which muſt be reckoned partly by the Information of skilful Pilots , but far better by a Man's own Practice and Experience. The Great Navigation uſeth, beſides the foreſaid common Practice, divers other Artificial Inftruments and Rules, which they muſt take out of Aſtronomy and Coſmo- graphy. It is therefore needful, that every Pilot and Officer, that takes charge of any or riffel in the Practice of the Great Navigation, be firſt and chiefly well in- and underſtand che Diviſion of the Sphere of the World, and the Mocions of the Heavens, eſpecially the Eighth, Fourth, and Firſt; Together with the contriving or Making and uſe of Inſtruments, as I have ſhown briefly in the Second Book. Know this , Without this Knowledge it is impoſſible to perform great Voyages (not before 'ar- over the Sea. In regard ſuch Knowledge may be attained to, by good In- Struction, we liave ſet forth the ſame in this Treatiſe,for the benefit of all ſuch young T. 1 f Ship tempted) Sea A 138 Uncertainties in the Plain Chart. Book IV. ! Sea-faring Men, as are deſirous to be Sea-Artiſts or Navigators, fo clearly and plainly as the brevity of the ſame could ſuffer to be done. The Defeats and Imperfections of this Art are many; partly in the Skill or Theo- rick, partly in the Practick. After a long Koyages the ship ſuppoſed to be nçar the Šhore, the Commander or Mafter rệquires from their Mates an Account of their Judgement how the Land or Cape bears from them, the Courſe and Diſtanceof it when they ſee it : Hechat comes neareſt the shore, is ſuppoſed to have kept the beſt Reckoning. I have known ſome shat have not been ſcarce able to nuinber and make five Figures, have gone neereſt the Shore than the beſt Artiſt in the Ship; bur they have been wonderfully miſtaken, to my knowledge, in other Voyages . I went a Voyage to Barbadees in the Rainbow, and took our Reckoning from Lundy, in the Mouth of Severn; and in the Ship were 12 Practitioners and Keepers of Accoant ; eleven of them kept it by the Plain Chart, and my ſelf made uſe of Mercator and Mr. Wright's Projection. When we came in the Latitude (which was 400 Leagues from the Shore) every Man was ready to give his beſt Judgement of his Diſtance off the shore: But they all fell wonderfully ſhort of the truth; for he that ſhould have had che beſt Reckoning, was 300 Leagues ſhort, and moſt of all the reſt was 268 and 250 Leagues, and he that was account- ed ați excellenc“ Artiſt aboard the Ship, was 340. But by the Reckoning kepa by: Mercator's Chart, which wanced but three Lengnes ſhort of the Iſland. In the ſame Ship going from ebence to Virginia, they alſo fell ſhort, by the ſame way of Account by the Plain Chart, 90 Leagnes the ncareſt; and thoſe that were adviſed to keep it by Mercator, found it come but 4 or 5 Leagues ſhort of the Cape of Virginia: But coining froni thence home, they gor their Credit mcyded; they came all within 30, 20, and 10 Leagues of the Shore. So I ſay, If the Courſe and Diſtance had been firſt agreed upon from the Place they were bound to, to be juſt the fame, unto the Cape or Land they fift deſcried; If men differ then, there is ſomething in that, in refpect of the uncertainty of the Longitude: A bad Reckoning may prove betrer than a good. Buc we find that there is near 180 Leagues difference Error, between the Meridian of Barbadoes and Lundy, and mucli more in the Diſtance; and in ſome Charts about 620 Leagues Eirour, in the Diſtance between Cape Fortuna, the South Cape of Anian Fretum, to Cape Hondo by the River Depiſcadores; and theſe Errors may be aſcribed partly to the uncertainty of the Longitude, and partly unto the Plain Chart, and Sailing by it, which makes ſome places nearer than they are, and other places far more diſtanc chan they are, and ſcituated much out of their true Courſe or Rhomb. Secondly, Men many times commit great Errors in bad Sreerage, and careleſs look- ing to the compoſis; for I have known many Seamen wlien their crike or turn have, and the Log hove, chey have told the Miſter or his Mate, they have Steered a Point a Weather the courſe; beſides, the Points of the Needle or Wyres beiug opuchcd, by elle Lead-ſtone, are ſubject to be driwn aſide by the Gans in the Stecrage, or any Iron neer it, and liable to Variation, and doth not ſhew the true Northand South, which ought continually to be obſerved by a good. Meridian, or as it an azimuth:Compaſs, which is the proper Name. Such a one you have deſcribed, by which I Survey Land with, as is ſhewn in the following Treatiſe; lo; the Variation ought to be carefully allowed. I found 11 Beſides, on Land there is great difference in the ſame Country and Places, as Dial- degr, in a lifts well know, by taking often the Declination of ſeveral Walls; as alfo Mi. Gunter's George's Obſervations at Limehouſe, for the finding of the Variation, found it a Degree more; and Briſtol and other places of the ſame Ground leſs; and Mætius faith, hic hach found a Deo being four free or two.difference. This difference at Land muſt needs (hew the uncertainty we miles dio hayo at sem. ' Beſides, many times the ship is carried away by unkuown Currentsa , frant ; and which when they be diſcovered by their Ripplings, as alſo ſome by reaſon of Trade- Obertatio Winds, we ſet chem in our Journal; as alſo if we meet with any Soundings , ons, as in p. is in divers Places 1.00 Leagues off the Land or Ipands, to my knowledge, I would 330. and" adviſe all Learners to be careful to put down all ſuch remarkable things as neer as lic differed can, their Latitude and Longituds . So I believe did Mætius, to remember the Current of a degr. chat ſet becueen Braſilia and Angola, in the oppoſite Coafts of Africa, where he in- only. Itanceth, 1 1 CHAP. I. Uncertainties in Sailing. ac fee 139 ſtanceth, That an able Maſter bound to St. Helen’s,in 16 Degrees of South-Latitude, in the mid-way becwixt boch Coafts, and being in the Parallel of Laticude thereof, ſteered Eaſt, was notwithſtanding carried by the unknown Motion of an unknown Current 800 Miles Weſtward, and yet ſtemmed the Current with a fair Wind, and laſt made the Coaſts of Brafilia. From chic 10 of April to the 15 of July, the Current fets near North-West. From the 15 of July to the 12 of O&tober, there is no Current perceivable. From the -12 of Otober to the 13 of January, it ſets South-Weſt; And from the 13 of January to the 12 of April, it ſeems to have no Motion perceivable . Again, Currents is a means of great miſtake in keeping of a Reckoning; for Captain Luke Fox in his North-Weſt Diſcoveries, and the reſt, complained tearfully of the falt Lands of Ice upon thoſe Coafts, that ſo alters the current, that in ſome places they cannot make good their Courſe they ſteer upon, by three Points; eſpecially in Davis his Streights, where ſteering East-by-South, they ſcarce could make good South Eaſt- by-South, which is four Points of the Compaſs, and the Error at leaſt 70 Leagues. I have alſo perceived a good Current to let to the Eaſtward, E. S. E. about the. Weſtern Iſlands, and the Madera's, in ſeveral Voyages I have made to the West-Indies but more eſpecially I have obſerved it in my laſt Voyage to Barbadors. I went out of England in Company with Captain Jeremy Blackman, in the Eagle bound to the Eat-Indies, and a Dutch Ship in his Company, and one of Phimouth for the Iſle of May: So we kepe company together as far as the Madera's, but intended never to it thac Voyage ; for we reckoned our felves 25 Leagues, and ſoine more, to the Weſt- ward of the Meridian of the Mideras: But being in the Lalitede near about we had eſpied the Land; and being becalmed, drove with the Current by the Eaſtern end of the Iſland, betwixt Porto Sancto, and the Departs or Rocks that lic off from chat end. I compared Reckoning with moſt aboard each Ship that kept Account, and found ſome 39 Leagues to the West ward of the Iſland and thereby in five Voyages made before that way, kịcw by Experience there is a Current ſets ſtrongly nicar about it E, S. E. Beſides, ſeveral 'Ships of London and the Weſt-Country have miſtir, afrer much labour and trouble to find it. Snellises inſtancech, That one of good repure, failing out of Holland twice, milt it and came home. I thall not here trouble you with more Inſtances, nor mulciply needleſs Queſtions, nor ſtrive to branch chem out in their ſeveral Varieties; but give you thoſe which are moſt uſeful and neceſſary : And then if my time will permit, I will ſhew you ſome Arts which will as much delight you to learn, and this as briefly as I can. As for the firſt and moſt uſeful Queſtions in Navigation, is 'this; By the know-How we ledge of the Rhomb or Courſe you failed upon, and the diſtance of Miles or Leagues keep our that you ſailed thereon, to know your difference of Latitude and Longitude (that is , Reckoning. how much you are Northerly or Southerly in reſpect of Latitude, or Eaſterly or Weſter- ly in reſpect of Longitude.) This is the moſt ordinary manner of keeping of Account by moſt Maſters and Mátes, of the Ships Way, which is called the Dead Reckoning And to keep this Account, firſt you ſee, That the knowledge of the Rhomb they fail- cd is always ſuppoſed to be had of the Log-board, ſuppoſing the Compaſs by which we ſteer, either doch or ſhould ſhew the ſame exactly; and (o you have the Diſtan- ces in Miles and Leaguesa, put down every half Watch upon the Lng-board, with the Courſe failed, and Winds By or Large: 'Therefore we will come to the firſt Que- ſtion, and Reſolve it by the Traverſe-Table following, and allo by the Traverſe-Scale in the Fifth Chapter of the Second Book. I have ſhowed by the Sinical Quadrant alrea- dy, in the Sixth Chapter of the Second Book: And we will reſolve it allo by the Arti- ficial Sines and Tangents on the Ruler, and the Tables. But know this, I never knew any Courſe ſteered at Sea, nearer than go half a Point; for there is no Halfs nor Quarters marked on the Compaſs. . T2 The -- - 140 Book IV. Plain Sailing. The Firſt Propoſition. Queſtions of Sailing by the Plain, Ordinary Sea-Chart. fifth 1. Sailing 57 Leagues tipon the fear Rhomb, How much ſhall I alter my Parallel of Latitude? TH He Angle that any point makes with the Meridian, we call che Rhomb; but the Angle that it makes with any Parallel, is called the Complensent of the Rhomb. I. lnto cvery Point of the Conspaſs there anſwers 11 deg. 15 min. thercfore the fifth Rhomb from the Meridian makes Argles cherewith of 56 deg. 15 min. namely, S.W. b.11. S.E. b. E. N.W.b.w. N.E.1. E. whoſe Complement 33 deg. 45 min. is the Angle of the ſame Rhomb with every Paralel. Now adinit I fail from A to D, S.W.b.W.57 Leagues, I demand cl.e difference of Latitude E A. 3345 1 + . 31 100 HII IIIIIIIII Firſt, by the following Traverſe-Table, at the Head of the Table, over every Co- 47. 200 D lumn, is put the Figure of E Halfs, Quarters, and whole Rbombs; and in cn: of the Columns cver liead is N. S. an. I at the foot'E.W. and ſo is numbred at the Head, from the left hand to the right. N. S. ſtands for Northing. Thien the Rhumus are reckon- ed at the bottom, froin the right hand back again; The A Margent of the. Tables thews the Leagues failed; and over E.W. or under E. W. Thews how much you have failed Eaft or Weft from the Meridi- an. N. S. fhews North or South from the Latitude. As in this Example, The di- ſtanice failed is 57 Leagues on the fifth Rhomb; therefore under Diſtance Sailed, in the Side, I enter with 57 Leagues, and in the ? Rhimb. Common Angle or. Lize of Meeting, I find 31. over N. S. N SW in the Foot; and ju the next Column, over E.W. is 47.39, as you ſee in the Tallein the Side : So thac che Difference of Lati- 47 3931 Blog tude is 31 Leagues and ... Paris of a League. "And if it were E ;WIN required to find the Departure, you ſee it to be 47 Leagues and . parts. This is very plain and calis, yqu need ng, falther sastow buzzle i . 1 E S :5 Rhomb. A Preceptai L ; con seisma . By the Traverſe-Scale . E Xtend the compaſſes in the line of Numbers from 100 to 57, the fame Diſtance will reach from5 Point and about ' in the Line of Numbers. 1 IT A 6. .BY 11 1 0 CHAP. I. Plain Sailing 141 By the Artificial Sincs and Numbers on the Ruler. E Xtend the Compaſſes from ico in the Line of Numbers, 'to 57, as before; the fame Diſtance wi'l reach from the Sine-Complement of the Romb, to the Diffi- rence of Latitude, which is the ſame way as by the Traverſe-Scale. By the Tables of Artificial Sines und Numbers, by the Fourth Caſe of Plain Triangles. TO00000 As the Radius, which is the Sine of go deg. or Angle at Ę Is to the Diſtance run 57 Leagues A D 175587 So is the Sine Complement of the Rhomb at D 33 deg. 45 min., 974473 To the Difference of Latitude required A E 31 Leag. 1 150060 In like manner you may find the Difference of Latitude for any Diſtance run upon any point of the Compaſs : But remember to add the ſecond and third Numers 10 zether, and from it to ſubſtra&t the firſt or upperinoſt. c II, Sailing, 57 Leagues upon the firſt Rhomb , How far am I de- parted from the Meridian of the place from whence I came? By the Traverſe-Table. 1 His Qu•ſtion was anſwered in the laſt Example, and found over E.W. to be 47 Leagues and ..., as you may ſee in the ſmall Table in the foregoing Side. In the like manner, you may find the Difference of Latitude and departure from the Me ridian, for any Diſtance run upon any Point of the Compaſs; which is the life of elfs Table By the Traverſe-Scale. ELeagues ; 1 1 Xtend the Comp-les from 100 in the Line of Numbers, to che Diſtance run 57 ſo is the Sine of the Rhomb; that is, pụt cne, Point of the Compaſs On 5 Points, in tlie Line of Eaſt and Weſt of the Scale, and the other will reach to the Departure from the Meridian 47 Leagues i Paris. By the Tables of Sines and Numbers, by the Fourth Caſe of Plain Triangles. As the Radius'or Sine of go deg. at E- 1000000 Is to the Diſtance run 57 Leágues ADL So is the Siric of the Rhomb-56 deg. 15 miñ ALI 1991084 To the Departure from the Meridian to 4771. ED. ?! ED.citesti 166671 175587 By the Artificial Lines on the Ruler. E Send the Compaſſes from 99-dog.tq 575 the fame Diſtance will reach from from $7 Leagues, to 47 , as before Or, Extend the comparies from 90, to 56 deg: 15 ming the ſame Diſtance will reach III. Sailing 1 : . 1 142 Plain Sailing. BOOK IV. III. Sailing upon the fifth Rhomb, until 1 alter my Latitude 1 deg. 35 min. I demand how far I have sailed? AS S failing from A to C, S.W.b.w. till the Difference of Latitude be 31 Leagues 6. I demand the Diſtance run A C. 47.000 A Aam 3345 INRINNWI 68 a 1 1 156wowbizzle Annunun A Firſt, By the Traverſe-Table, Look in the Foot of the Table for the fifth Rhomb, and over N. S. in that column, look for 31 Leagues, and in the Common Angle of Meeting, to the left hand, under Diſtance Sailed, you will find Diſtance Sailed 57 Leagues A C required. By the Line of Sines and Numbers. 57 the Diffe- E Xtend the compasſes from the Complement-Sine 33 deg. 450 to 31.10. rence of Latitude; the ſame Extent will reach from go deg. to 57 Leagues. Or, Extend the Compaſſes from 33 deg. 45 min. to 90; the ſame Diſtance will reach from 310 Leagues, to 57 Leagues, the Diſtance AC, as before. Say by the ſecond Cafe in Plain Triangles, As the Sine-Complement of the Rhomb, 33 deg. 45 9,744739 Is to the Difference of Latitude 31.01. Leagues- 3500648 So is the Sine of 90 deg: "Radius 10000000 To the Diſtance run AC 57Leagues- 3755909 1 61 IV. Sailing upon the fifth Rhomb, until I have altered my Latitude 31.7 or deg. 35 min. How much am i departed from my firf Meridian ? AS S failing from A to C, S.W.b. w. till the Difference of Latitude A B be 31 Leagues, I require BĈ my departure from my Meridian. By the Traverſe-Table. AS S in the laſt caſe, find 31:17. Leagues over the fifth Rhomb, in the Foot, and in the next Column to the left hand, over E. w. is 47 1. Leagues, the Departure required. ) 1 4 B) 1 Chap.I. Sailing by the Plain Chart. 143 56-15 By the Line of Sines and Numbers. Xtend the Compaſſes from the complement-Sine.of the Rhomb, to 33 deg. 45, to 31. Leagues; the ſame Diſtance will reach from 56 deg. 15 min. the Sine of the Rhomb, to 47 1. Leagues, che Departure from the Meridian. By the fourth Caſe of Plain Triangles, As the Sine of go deg.-- -10000000 To the Difference of Latitude A B 315 2501059 So is the Tangent of the Rhomb 56 deg. 15 10175107 To the Departure from the Meridian 47 4. Leaguesa 2676166 In the like manner, by the Departure from the Meridian, you may find the Diffe- rence of Latitude. V. Sailing upon forme Rhomb between the South and the Welt 57 Leagues, and finding I have altered my Latitude i deg. 35 min.. I demand upon what Point I have failed. Uppoſe I had ſailed from A to C (being a Rhomb bectveen the weſt and South) 57 Leagues, and then find the Difference of Latitude 310 Leagues, I demand the Angle B AC. By the Traverſe-Table. N VY Umber 57 Leagues in the Column of Diſtance Sailed, and in that Line or com- mon Angle of Meeting, you muſt find the Difference of Latitude 31 Leagues, at the Foot of the Table in the fifth Rhomb, which was required. * 1 By the Line of Sines and Numbers on the Scale. 1 Xtend the Compaſſes from the Diſtance run 57 Leagues, to the Sise of 90; the fame Diſtance will reach from the Difference of Latitude, to the Sine-Comple- nicat of the Rhomb 33 deg: 45 min. By the fifth Caſe of Plain Triangles. R, Open the Compaſſes from 37 Leagnes the Diſtance, to 31. the Difference of Latitude; the fame Diſtance will reach from the Sine of 903 to the Sine of 33 deg. 45 min. the Sine-Compl. Rhomeb. As the Diſtance on the Rhomb AC 57 Leagues-- Is to the Difference of Latitude 311. Leagues AB- 2501059 So is the Sine of 90 deg. B- rod00000 To the Compl. Sine of the Rhomb at C 33 d. 45 m. the Sum-12501059 The firſt Number Subſtract- 2755874 The Sine of the Anglemm 9745185 The Sine-Complement of the Rhomb is C 33 degi 45, ſübſtracted from 90 degrees, there remains the Angle of the Rhomb at A 56 deg. 15 min. which is five Points namely, s.Web.w. We neglect ſome part of a Minute, which is not co:be regarded. 2755874 VI. Sailing + 144 1 Sailing by the Plain Chart. Book IV. VI. Sailing upon fome Rhomb between the South and the Weſt 57 Leagues, and finding I have altered my Latitude i deg. 35 min. I demand my Departure from my firſt Meridian. " By the Traverſe-Table. Umber 57 Leagues in the Column of Diſtance Salled, and in that Line or Angle of Meeting find 31 7. Leagues, and in the Column to the left hand you will have 471.. the Departure from the Meridian. By the Sixth Caſe of Plain Triangles. Diſtance run A C 57 Leagues? Sum 88 Leagues 2947923 Diff. of Lat. A B 316. Leagues SRemain 261. Leagues 2424881 5372804 Departure from the Meridian B C 47. Leagues-- This is thus done. To the Diſtance run, add the Difference of Latitude, and alſo ſubſtract it from the ſame, noring the Sum and Remainder; then add together the Lo- garithm of this Sum and Remain, and half that is the Logarithm of the Diſtance froin the firſt Meridian. -2681402 titude; By the Line of Numbers. EXtend the Compaſſes from the Diffance 57 Leagues, to-31. die Diference of La- the ſame Diſtance will reach from 88 the Sum, to the Departure, as be- fore, 47 Leagues. Or, Extend the Compaſſes from 57, to the Sum 88 Leagues; the fame Diſtance will reach from 31, 1047}, as before, which is the Departure required. All things that have been done by the Artificial Sines and ii umbers are done by thie Traverſe Scale, or Artificial Points, Halfs, and Quarters, and Tangent-Rhombs, with the Line of Numbers in the Traverſe-Table; and chis agreeing very well in Leagues and 100 Part of a League. 1 i.. CHAP. II. what muſt be obſerved by all that keep Account of a Ship’s Way at Sea; And to find the true Point of the Ship at any time, according to the Plain Chart. I Might have further inlarged and mulųplied Queſtions, but that, I think theſe fufficient for any uſe at preſent'; and therefore † will be brief, and come to the moſt inaterial Buſineſs, (viz) The whole Practice of the Art of Navigation, in keeping of a right Reckoning, conſiſts chiefly of three Members or Branches. Firſt, Well cxperienced in Judgment, in eſtimating clio Ship's Way in her Courſe upon every ſhift of Wind; allowing for Leeward-way, and Currents. Secondly, In duly eſtimating the Corse or Point of the Compaſs on which the Ship hath made lier way good; allowing for Currents, and the Variation of the com- paſs. Thirdly, Thc diligent taking all'Opportunities of due obſerving the Latitude: The Reckoning ariſing out of the two firſt Branches, we call our Dead Reckoning; and of theſe Branches there ought to be ſuch an Harmony and Concent, that any TIVO +4 ou -- CHAP. II. Sailing by the Plain Chart, . 145 two being given, as you ſee by the Work before-going, a third Concluſion may thence be raiſed with Truth. As, Having the Courſe and Diſtance, to find the Latitude of the ship's Place. Or, By the courſe and Difference of Latitude, to find the Diſtance: Or, By the Difference of Latitade and Diſtance; to find the courſe. But in the midſt of ſo many Uncertainties chat daily occur in the Practice of N14- vigation, a joynit Conſent in the three Particulars, is hardly to be expected ; and when an Error ariſeth, the ſole Remedy to be truſted to, is the Obſervation of the Latitude, or the known Soundings when a Ship is near Land: and how to rectifie the Reckoning by the obſerved Latitude, we ſhall ſhew. I would adviſe all Sea-men to yield unto Truth in this particular, That about:24 of the common Engliſh Sea-Leagues, are to be allowed to vary a Degree of Latitude, Sailing due North or South, under the Meridian; otherwiſe they put themſelves to many Uncertaintics in their Accounts. Firſt, In Sailing directly Nereb of South, where there is n10 Current, finding their Reckoning to fall ſhort of the obſerved Latitude, they take it to be an Errour in cheir Judgement, in concluding the ship's Way by cſtimation or gueſs to be too little. and ſecondly, If there be a Current that helps ſer chem forward, that there is a ncer agreement between the obſerved and the Deal Latitude, they conclude there is no luach Current. Or laſtly, If they ſtem che Current, they conclude it to be much ſwifter than in truth ic is: And thus one Error commonly begets another. But luppoſing a Confor- mity to the Truth, we ſhall preſcribe four Rules for corre&ting a Single Courſe. THE LOG-BO A Ř D. But firſt of all it is moſt neceſſary. co ſhew how we do keep our Reckonings at Seag by the Lg-board, and allo by our Journal-Book. i Half Fathom. Large. 2 1 9 8 L The firſt Column is for Time. SS The ſecond for the ship's I 6 6 6. Courſe. By or The chird for the Knots. ; Hoxrs. Courſe. Knots. . The fourth for the Half 2 S.E.b.S. L 7 Knots. 4 S.S.W. 6 L 6 E. b.N. L The fifth for the Fathoms. 8 N.b. E. E. L IO N.N.W.W. 7 L The fixth is to put down che Sailing Large; that is, co 12 W.N.W. 9 L make her way good on the 2 2 S. E. 6. S. 8 11 / 을 ​L Point ſhe Sails, ſignified by L; 4 S.S. W. 7 L and Sailing By the Wind, ſigni- 6. S.W.b. S. L fied by B; that is, to give al- 8 S. W. lowance to your Courſe ac- L cording to the Lee-way you S. E. 3 B have made (by taking in or having out more Sail, or by Currents or Variation) choſe ſeveral Diſtances Our Engliſh or Italian Mile by which we reckon at Sea, contains 1000 Paces, and cach Pace ş Foot, and every Foot 12 Inches; the 120 part of that Mile is 41 Fers, and ſo much is the ſpace between the Kness upon the Log-line : ſo many V Knots IH Holalalalal-10 2 5 ܚܙܐ ܚܐ ܝ ܝ ܝ ܝ ܝ ܝ ܕ 6 10 8 I 1 1 12 S. E. 9 B : 1 ma 146 Sailing by stihle Plain Chart Book IV. Knots as the Ship runs in half a Minute, ſo many Miles She Saileth in an Hour ; or ſo many Leagues and ſo many Miles she runnerh in a Watch, which is four Hours, the time in which half the Company belonging to the Ship watcheth ar orice by turns. EX Á M P L E. !!! of the Compass. 1 > Nine Knots in half a Minutes is 'inine Miles in an Hour, which is nine Leggises and nine Miles in a Watch, which is 12 Leagwes or 36 Miles in all. Every. Noon, after the Maſter Mates having obſerved the Sun's Altitude, for every Day at Nooni they take the Reckoning from the Lag-board, and double the Knots run, and élien di vide the product, which is the number of Miles run, by three; the Quotient is the Leagues run ſince the former Noon. Or eļſe add up the Knots, and multiply them by 2, and divide by 3, you have the ſame': But be ſure it is all upon Ccurſes Wé throw the Lng every two Hours, and we neveſ expreſs the Conife nearer than is a Point Mr. Norwood gives full ſatisfaction in liis Seaman's Practice, by his own experience; That in our ordinary Practice at Sea, we cannot, if we will yield Truth the Con queſt, allow leſs than 360000 of our Engliſh Feet to vary one-Degree of Latitude upon the Earth, in failing North or South under any Meridian. According to this Meaſure, there will be in a Degree 68. of Miles of our Statute-me difiere, cach Mile 5280 Feet; and by the common Sea-meaſure, 5000 Feet to a Mile, there will be 72 Miles or 24 Leagues in a Degree, which we svill take for truth. Now if you would liave ſhown the Miles of a true Degree, allowing 60 to a De- gree, the Miles muſt be enlarged proportionally, and the diſtance between every one of the Knots muſt be so Foot; as many of theſe as run out ih half a Minute, ſo many Miles or Minutes the Ship faileth in an Howr; and for every Foot more, you muſt allow the 10 part of a Mile . And ſo if you will work the old way by Leagues, you muſt reduce them by Arithmetick into a Degree, and 100 parts of a Degree; or Miles or Minutes may ſervc. For I have ſeen no Chart that the Meridiart is divided into more parts chan 6 cimęs 10, which is 60 Minutes; or Mercator's Chart 20 times 3; which is 60: So che ſmall Divifions on the Dutch Mercator's Charts, every 3 is a Mile or Minute, which is ncar enough for any uſe at Sea and theſe Degrees are not above . an Inch upon the Aquator. Sailing Eaſt or Welt berwen any cwo Places, and uſing a Log-line that hath a Knot at every 7 Fathoms, and to reduce it into ſach Miles 60 to a Degree, each con- taining 6000 Feet, the Proportion in Number of theſe two is chis, As 6 to 5; for 6 Knots of 7 Fathoms makes's of 87 Fathom, or so:Feet. Admit 2. Man keeps à Reckoning of his Ship by a Log line of 7 Fathoms, and by it find the diſtance of tivo Places 1524'Milestor 508°Leagues , and would know the diſtance by a bog-line of 50 Feet to a Knot, or 6000 feet to a Mile : Say then by the Rule of Proportion, As 6 i 70,5: Sois 1924 to 1720 Miles, whereof 60 Miles make a Degree of 10 Leagues. Next we will work the Courſes of the Log-board, and_by_it find the difference of Latitude, and departure from the firſt Meridian. A Ship being in the Latitude of 47. deg. 30 min. North, and Longitude oo degrees, the firft. Coarse of the Log-board is S. 2.6. Six6 Miles, and s: S.W.13 Miles ; 2.6. N:18 Miles, and N.b, E. E. 16 Miles, N. N.W. W.18 Miles , and w. N.W:18 Miles, and S. E. b. S. 18 Miles, and S. Miles, S.W:b, S: 12 Miles, and S.W.18 Miles, 3. E. 18 Miles by the Wind, the wind at W. S.W. and E.S. &. The Ship made two Points Leard-way on the two laſt Courſesa. .. . I demand the Difference of Latitude, and departure from the Meridiani che laſt 24 Horrs, and the Latitude I am in. There are ſeveral ways to work Traverſes; but the moſt neceſſary and readieſt is by the Traverſe-Scale, and the following Table; the firſt is to the 10 part of a League, and the Table to thic 100 part of a League or Mile. We ſhall work clic for- mer Traverſe by the Tables following, and you at leiſure may work it by the Tra- verſe-Scale, and find the necr agreement of both without any ſenſible Error. You + * 1 CHAP. III, Sailing by the Plain Chart , 1 1 Miles. 100. Miles. 100. I 3 I 2 OT 17 65 04 641 12 Leeward-way, it is but E. S. E, that is, 6 from the South; therefore I reckon them 1 ard 147 You muſt put North. South Eaſt. Weft. down the Courſes made good upon Courſe by com- Miles pafs. failed. cach Point of thie Compaſs, and the number of Miles or S. E. b. S. 16 13 30108 89 S.S. W. 04 97 Leogues you find E. b. N. failed on them by 18 03 51 N. b. E. E. 16 the Lng-board; in 15 31 ſuch manner as I N.b. W. W. IS 13 231 07 07 have done in this W. N.W. 18 06 89 16 63 Table: then accord- S. E. b. S. 18 14 97110 00 ing to the Rbombs, S. S. W. IS 13 86 os 74 look in the Table S. W.b. S. 0998 106 67 S.W:W.S.W. following for the 18 06 89 16 63 S.E: E. SE. Print, Half, or 18 06.89116 63 Quarter failed, and Sum of all 38 94177. 90157 81.57 61 the Diſtance in Subftract Icaft 38 9457 61 Miles or Leagues, in Remains differ. Latitude. 38 96.00 30 the right hand or II Differ. The Laticude the Ship is in is 46 d. 49 m. lefc hand Column ; Sonth and The Courſe made is South almoſt. and count the four Eaſt. Points and Quarters in tiic head of the Table, and the four next the Eaſt and West, from the left hand to the right hand, in the foot of the Table. Put down in four Columns N. S.E.VV. and under put what anſwers cach Point. As for Example. The firſt Courſe failed is three points from the Meridian; namely, S.E. b. S. under that Column I count 16 Miles in the ſide, and find againſt it 13 * Miles Southing, and 87. Miles Eafting. I put it down in tlieta- ble isi its placc, 13. 30 under South, 8.89 under Eaſt. In the like manner you muſt do by the reſt . Likewiſe the laſt courſe ſailed s. e. but by reaſon of 2 Points iu che foot of the Table, and right againſt 18 I find 06.89 Southward, and 16.63 Eaſtward, which you may pur down as I have done in the Table . In the like manner you muſt do if your Courſe were North or Vvesting. This is ſo plain it needs no far- Then add up the Sums in cach Column, and ſubſtrast the leffer out of the greater, the Remainer is the Difference of Latitude and Departure : As I find that the Ship hath gone but 38.6Miles to the Southward, and the Latitude ſhe now is in is 46 deg. 49 min. and the Eaſtward but 20 parts of 100 of a Mile : Therefore her Courſe is neer South ſhe made good the laſt 24 Hours. I ther Precept: CHA P. III. 1 F T Formal and Exact Way of Setting down and perfecting a The Rule of Sea-Reckoning. keeping a perfc&sea: Reckoning His being the moſt neceſſary Rule in this Art of Navigation, How to keep an is beft fer Exact Reckoning; Although the Courſe and Diſtance cannot be ſo truly and down in certainly known, as the Latitude may be ; yet we muſt endeavour in theſe particular alſo to come as neer the truth as may be, the rather, for chat ſome Reckonings muſt geacral neceſſarily depend wholly upon them. Therefore we come 11ow to thew an Orderly true Sca- and Exact way of Framing and Keeping a Reckoning at Sea'; for which purpoſe 1 Chart, ir have inſerted this Table following, which ihewch how much a ship is more Nor- Chap. 17 the fly or Southerly, and how much Eaſterly or VW efterly, by ſailing upon any Point Circle Sail- after the or ing. 148 Sailing by the Plain Chart. BOOK IJ. ti: or Qstarter-point of the Compaſs, any diſtance or number of Miles or Leagues propo- fed. Mr. Norwood many years ſince laid the ground of inaking this Table, after this Proportion, [ As Radiasis in Proportion to Diſtance run: So is the Sine-Complement of the Rhomb, to the Diſtance of North or South : And ſo is the Sjne of the Rhou:b to the Diſtance of Eeft or Weſt) as you may ſee by the firſt and ſecond Caſe of Plain Triangles. Therefore for every Point and Quarter-point from the ileridian, chere are four Columns: In the firſt chereof is ſet down the number of Leagues or Miles run or failed upon that point or Quarter-point of the Compaſs ; The ſecond thewech how much you have altered the Latitssde, that is, how much you are more Southerly or Nurtherly, by - running ſo far upon that point or Quart:r-point ;: The third theweth how much yon are morc Eaſterly or Weſterly, by running or ſailing chat Courſe and Diſtance, as your have been bcfore directed. Nore this, Thc Numbers ſet in the firſt Column from I to 10, are alſo to be un- derſtood from 10 to 100, or from 100 to 1000 : and the Figure of the fourth place anſwers to the Figure in the firſt. As, Suppoſe a ship ſails away Soxibi a Point Weſterly 173 Leagues or Miles; we ſet down this Number thus. Look into the firſt Column for the Point, or the firſt Courſe Diſtance. Southing. Weſting. Rhomb from che Meridian againſt To is South 98 ſometimes made uſc of, and underſtood to Po. W. 70 697 68 be 100. I find in the ſecond Column againſt it 995 (or you may have the ſame Number Leagues. 173 | 1721 168 at 100 towards the foot of the Table, omitting the laſt Figure) and then in the third Column you may ſee 98; alſo againſt 70, or 7, there is 697, and in the ſecond 68; and in the third againſt three in the firſt Column is 29, in the ſecond is 2 and, which is almoſt 4:; therefore I put down 3. Theſe ſummed up as in the Table, ſhews that the Ship failing upon the firſt half Point from the Meridian, as namely, S. W. is to the Scuthwards of the Place the de- parted 1727. Leagues or Miles, and to the Weſtward 16 Leagues and... If you deſire more Exactuels, you may uſe all the Places for the greateſt Number, which is 100, (viz.) . 100 995 3 29 3 r Color: 2 ०६. * ol ملز 30 3 Traverſe-Table 21 S); 1) ; 1 T 1 A Traverte-Table for every Point, Half-Point, and Quarter-Point of the Compals, to the 100 part of a League or Milc; which gives the Difference of Lac. and Departure from tbe Meridian. The Traverſe. Table, The r Points Quarter. 49 m. is deg. 26 m. 111 deg. 15 m . 149 2 dig. 38m. 18 deg. nr Milis faild. Leagues 1 o Point SIE W 00100 os ooloo IS for Miles failid. Leagues - wmtu OI 98100 N 1 i lot 202 3 03 4 04 § 104 6 Jos IO 99100 OI oooo 9600 58 oooo ogloo 94/00 9200 9၁ဝဝ 104 78 98 20. اوه 94100 9300 92/01 8 107 56 , 9 08 109 08 90101 09 98 811101 10 1 II 76 IS II 34 12 10 109 II lio 12 11 13 12 14 13 15 14 16 IS 17 16 18 17 13 37 9301 93121 14 84 02 20 15 82102 80102 6703 64 SI 18 79 20 lis 62103 20 쩨 ​20 20 76103 ܐܐ 22 22 681 24 8810m 88102 87.14 32 96 49105 4605 851.30 30 091 25 29 7 106 09.00 34 09100 39 0900 44 09100 49 93103 $4 98100 59 98 00 63 9800 68 98105 731 98100 78 9800 83 9700 88 19 118 9700 93 19 9700 21 97101 031 II 97 01 08 23 9701 13 24 23. 9701 17 25 24 97/01 22 26 125 961or 27 27 26 96101 .28 96101 32 29 28 9601 42 30-129 9610i 47 31 30 96101 521 32 960I 57 33. 132 96101 61 34 33 65 35 134 36 135 95 lor 75 37 36 95 10T 88 38 37 95101 86 9501 91 9501 961 41.140 95 oz OI 43341 '9502 06 43 95 02 4 94103 IS 94102 420 9402 25 . 9402 30 47 94 OZ 35. 94102 40 941 45 93/02 50 12 55 93102 60 93102 65 55154 93102 70 55 93102 751 57 156 93102 59. 158 31 14 هاها به به به با o Point o Point 1 I Point. N SIE W IN SIE W N SIE W 0000 101 100 141 100 98100 20 I OY 20 01 97100 29 9609 39 98100 29 44 OZ 3 03 9800 39 03 95 oo 58 03 4 9700 491 04 731 04 los 971no 59 los 88 25 6 83101 171 06 97100 69 06 O2 v6 86101 37 7 07 9600 78 07 OI 17 07 85101 8 9600 88 OS 32 108 83101 Oi 76 9 95/00 109 8901 46 09 95 10 10 95101 08 8801 61 IO 79102 9401 18 87 01 II 77102 I2 94101 27 12 86101 91 I 2 75102 541 13 13 85102 os 13 73102 73 14 14 47 114 7102 19 is 91101 57 IS 83102 34 105 69103 I 2 16 16 92101 67 16 49 16 32 17 17 I 76 17 17 65103 18 911or 86 18 79102 18 64103 71119 19 90101 96 19 78 oz 93 19 901.20 20 90103 06 77103 08 20 60104 101 21 ZI 98102 16 21 22 21 $804 291 22 22 89102 25 75103 37 56104 49 23 23 35 23 74 03 $2 23 5404 24 45 24 73103 66 2 52104 $8) 25 25 55 25 85 125 50105 07 26 26 97102 65 26 26 27 22 27 8603 75 27 IO 27 46 28 28 86102 84 28 25 28 44 05 66 29 29 86102 94 29 40 29 42 05 04 55 30 40106 05 1 31 31 69 31 23 32 84 32 441 33 33 33 98 33 06 63 34 13 34 33106 831 35 .83103 53 31 135 28 31/07: 021 36 3682103 63 36 42 29/07 37 73 37 5905 37 27107 41 38 82 53105 25107 39 92 39 57105 39 23107 801 40 40 80104 021 40 02 40 21/08 41 IZ 41 $4/06 16 1942 42 79104 21 42 15106 31 17108 39 43 43 79104. 31 43 2106 45 43 44 78104 411 44 5106 60이 ​44 14/08 78 45 45 51 145. 60106 75 12 08.971 46 46 77104 61 49/06 89 171 47 47 7704 47 48 07 04 08/09 361 48 80 47107 20 06109 49 149 90 49 33 49 04109_751 só so 75los so 44127 48 so : 02/09 SI 7505 10 51 43107 63 OO IO 7410S 20 52 4207 17 9810 7405 29 53 41107 22 9610 54 73105 391 54 40108 07 53 94/10 731 SS 73125 491 55 92110 921 56 56 72105 59 56 36 90 11 I 2 57 57 7210s 68 57 SI 56 89111 311 58 71 OS 78 57 87111 511 59 7110S 88 59 158 85u 701 60 86 24110 68 65/13 651 70 79 13/11 78 82 601 80 46115 88 27/17 99 80 551 १० silog 98 1999 0119 08/19, Sol 100 60 197 34 196 1639 001200 It S! E HIN SI: IVIN S 7 Pomnt 7 Point 4 7Point. 84 drg. 22 m 81dpg. 74 m. 178 deg 45.m The 7 Points Quarters. 3806 241 32 71103 7003 69104 68104 67 04 66104 65104 6404 63104 62105 61/05 60105 85103 85103 9403 84103 83103 431 95101 37106 35106 9510i 75 63 34 135 30 36 221 37 57 39 38 40, 39 38 82103 8103 81103 38 72 38 61 39 87 55106 001 41 30104 19108 berperanto 41 42 #443 15 08 58 44 7804 45.744 46 145 4&. 147 49.: 148 145 46 10109 70 46 47 48 SO 149 in 604 7604 48 48 56! 4607 00 si so Sim SI 53 5.2 54 53 51 SI 951 51 14) $2 341 53 531 54 53 ۶۶ 154 93102 79 58 157 155 84 ܐܘܪܐ9 30408 38 108 3708 3608 35108 89 92102 94 60 159 58 58 ES 80 70 169 59 169 1 80 79 66106 di 07 1 . 84 271 73 89 56108 89 69 79 02/13 98 91114 82129 too. 199 200199 20 91 PR 43 90103 92 90 89 8904 41 go 76109 80 S 7 Point 8704 67 E WIN WIN 1 . 87dre. 150 A Traverſe-Table for every Pomc, Halt-Point, and Quarter-Point of the Compals, to the 100 part of a League or Milc; which gives the Difference of Lar, and Depareure from ihr Meridian. 122 deg. 18 Miles fail'd. Diſt.iis Leagues 28 1 Point or Miles failed Le.g!!! 100 I OI 94100 91 00 02 3 Oz O2 ܀ O 7701 7710I 21 ܐܪܪ 7 106 )ن 54102 3016 47 02 59 02 53/02 ૧ 7302 03 0 ola 의 ​16104 10 IZ 59 12 13 (2 IZ IZ OI 04 61103 58103 18 04 20 14 Izlos 16 115 39 71106 46104 18105 95106 8906 40 55107 86 20 22 21 05/06 20 20 32/08 25/08 22 801 23 1824 280S 22 22 25106 26 [25 24 24 19/06 56 79108 26. 29 28 13.07 7911 1 The Traverſe. Table, The 2 Points Quarter. 14 deg. 04m. 16 deg. 52 m. 119 deg. 41m. 30 m. 1 Point I Point 2 Point! N SE W pl IN SE 11 IN SIE V N SIE I loo 9700 24 96100 291 oo 94/00 331 00 9100 381 12 lor 48 ΟΙ 91100 58 OI 8800 67 5109 76 72 87120 87 82101 OI 75 3 4 103 8800 97 03 83101 16 03 34 03 70101 53 4 5 04 8 SOI 104 7301 451 04 71101 68 04 6:3I 9! S 6 105 82101 45 os 74101 741 105 65102 los 7910T 70 06 70102 03 06 35 a 7 8 07 7601 94 07 66102 32 07 70 07 3903 16 8 9 08 18 08 6110Z 61 los 4703 08 31103 44! 9 10 109 7002 43 09 57 22 90 41103 37 09 21103 831 10 11 110 67102 67 53103 19 3003 71 jo 21 II 64102 21 11 48103 48 II 3004 04 09104 IS 12 • 44103 77 24/04 36 971 13 14 13 40 13 06 40104 12 13 72 930S 36 14 I5 114 55103 64 14 35104 35 351 051 13 86105 14). 15 52103 88 15 31104 641 15 06/05 14 73116 12 16 17 16 49104 13 16 27104 93 16 00105 73 15 SI 17 18 17 37 17 2210S 22 16 06 16 63106 891.18 19 18 43104 61 18 SI 17 17 27 19 20 19 40104 19 14/05 81 18 83106 18 74 48107 651 20 21 37 05 101 20 1006 IO 19 77107 08 19 40108 041 21 340S 34 39 71107 41 42 22 23 34105 48 or|06 68 .64107 75 21 24 23 83 97106 97 60198 08 17 99 25 24 07 23 91107 26 123 54108 42 23 10109 57 25 22106 311 124 83107 55 24 4808 76 02/09 951 26 27 26 25 84107 84 25 42109 IO 9410 331 27 28 27 16106 80 26 13 26 3609 43 25 87110 71 28 04 27 7508 42 27 30/09 77 20 129 1007 .28 28 U 71108 71 28 27 7: II 3.1 130 07/07 29 66109 ou 29 441 28 64 II 32 131 04/07 77 30 29 30 741 56|12 251 32 33 132 01108 01 31 58109 58 31 I 2 30 631:33. 34 32 98108 32 5409 87 OLII 45 31 4413 35 133 sol 133 981 791 32 34113 391 35 36134 92108 74. 34 33 89/12 131 33 26113 781 36 3735 8008 99 35 74 34 84.13 47 3-4 16 38 36 03 23 35 78/12 80 35 54138 39 37 83.09 47 32 72113 03/14 4.0 138 80109 28/11 31 61 66113 48 96115 3.1140 81 96 37 39 38 23!1.90 88115 691 41 42 40 7410 1912 20 39 40 138 IS 34/14 8016 o 0; 4.7 43 14! :7IIO 41 41 15/12 48 40 44114 73116 451 43 44 47 69 42 IzI2 77 41 72 4) 65116 8.4 4.5 43 43 06/13 061 42 37/15 16 141 57117 45 46 44 17 44 3.5 43 50 50117 601 46- 47 45 42 44 64 44 83 43 4917 991: 47 48 46 66 45. 9513 93 45 17 44 37|| 48 49 47 90 46 8914 46 37 45 29 18 75! 49. 50 148 147 51 47 OS 16 146 19119 131 go SI 149 39 80 01117 18 47 I 19 saj so 52 150 63 49 09 9617 31 204|19 Salsa 72115 50 53 SI 49 9017 85 9720 67 54 32 67115 12 so 84 18 19 661 54 55 353 961 63115 51 7818 15$ 01 35113 361 56 154 87 32/13 60 53 52 91 :73121 -6719 5755 20 29113 85 55 53 54 66/21 58 156 09: 55. 84 54 54 53 58/22 811. 58 2314 4617 56 5519 23 33 55 87 21:2 54 2015 60 158 571 157 4217 156 66 90 20 311 165 90133 581 64 781 70 80 71 6011943 55123 75 95 73. 9130 611 so 86 86 101:6 7330 39 14134 z'9 0024 95 190 197 O2 94 15133 68 92 16 100 00148 58 TOI 38158 2,00 1194 04 188 30167 36 184 7676 SI: E IN WN E NIN S S? MN 6. Points ] 6 Points 6 Points 6 Points. 75 dec. ***6 m. 173 deg. 70 deg. 19 m. 67 deg. 30m. The 6 Points Quarters. 10 29 48 30 861 31 6 53 25 10 1910 13/10 07 11 -62109 29. 4912 26 al 34 32 32 95108 16} 45 49/10 45110 41 to 36111 32 2 1814 II 14 37 26109 1o 36 37 14 36 92: 39 36 37 1.36 38 AI 39 7709 60113 H #4 19 49 39 43/14 1 : 6810 6511o: 63 62111 224 6213 98 13 4115 2515 59111 5611 3518 + 1916 13/16 22 33/11 P/12 14 85 85114 Sol14 48 76115 47112 4412 4112 48 48 48 87 38 48, 2853 ol 3813 SI 851:0 49. 661 53 26 73118 196 ( 59116 55/16 5016 15! 5G 431 57 .26114 61 19 S157 20114 42 49/20 23 Iss 581 60 43/22 67:6 70 167 90117 00 76 22 32/26 30121 90 87 84 83 441 go 69129 38 38 041 5 2 200 S > *** 4 7 m . 151 . 133 deg. 45 m lor Miles faitd Dijl in Leagues 1 of Miles fail'd. wift in League I 00 OO 00 1 goloo 8110 2 Or ol OI 2 or 02 ܐܘ 89 49 01 32102 22 > 4 03 5 104 14 $3/01 41 :) 104 4252 33102 99 1703 82103 .8 07 8604 II .9 108 oo 2 31155 55 94194 701 IO 44105 29/06 15/06 09 13 10 81107 .64 07 4606 3506 ES 6625 IZ 20 14 IZ IS 13 78:14 ( 2 ܐ11 4916 37137 14. 14 99198 OD) 14 14 15 441 17 DO 90 18 21 98108 . 4010 22 22 ปี à des 84. 781 23 20 .7311 :59 12 -44/12 19 691 LI 05/11 193,482 2 22 mܐ .62|14 441 26 27 24 59111 41 IT 31|LI 73 22 24 ܘ ,1613 foil14 87114 23 2815 25. IBIZ 14 9416 A Traverle-Table for every Point, Half-Point, and Quarter-Point of the Compals, ta the 100 part of a League or Mile; which gives the Difference of Lac. and Deparsore from the Meridian. The Trauerre. Table. The 3 Points Quarter. 250 g., 19;m 28 deg. 07m. 2o deg 56 m. . 2 Paints 2 Points 2 Points 1 3 Points, N SIE W Wil N SIE W N SIE W N SIE W 431 8810) 47 86100 511 83100 561 85 7600 94 7101 03 6601 SS 3 102 7101 28 65121 41 OZ 5701 54 67 3 6:lol 71 03 03 43102 06 4 52102 za los 04 29102 571 기 ​04 · 180 781 5 6 25 56 los 29 02 831 us is 03 os col 99103 331 6 06 30 36 00103 60 us 897 23 03 42 27 0503 77 06 06 65104 44 8 14103 85 07 94194 24 07 72104 63 07 48 los 19 jo 109 04/04 108 82104 21 23 58105 14 os ss 10 il" 109 c9' 70105 18 109 66 109 IS196 II II I2 I 8505 13 58105 66 17 98/06 67| 12 755 $6 68 II 13 :22 13 60 99 0007 II 56106 41 13 27107 에 ​07 85101 711 47108 331 15 16 14 3,4 I1107 5.4 13 72108 23 13 30108 891 16 17 IS 27 58108 74 13,09 18 16 27 7 ZQ 87108 48 15 44109 25 14 97 10 18 19 17 18198 1.2 16 76108 I -30199 77 IS 8010 56 19 08138 551 17 64139 431 17 16.15 28 16 6311 18 18 52409 gol 13 0110 801 17 4611 6.71 zi 19 89109 41 19 37 13 8711 31 18 29112 zo 79109 83 28.10 19 82 19 1212 24 2 1 62110 26 21 1711 31 34 95,13 33. 24 25 22 6010 78 85 20 : 7913 891 25. 26 23 26 .30113 521 zi 54 ? 8112 23 88 45 15 15.2.7 28 25 97 69113 25+ 39 561.28 29 26 22 IZ 40 5.8 13 67 24 91 24 II16 129 10 127 831 26 401.24 25 731.25 421 24 671 30 31 28 0213 25 94 125 70 17 31 93113 68 28 115 08 27 45 78 33 29 83114 29 56 28 97 27 331 33 34 130 74114 54 29 9916 031 29 48 2S 35 31 14 96 १० 87116 sol 3.2 02117 99 441 35 36 32 5415 391 31 75/56 971 30 88118 SI 29 37 33 4515 82 631!7 44 31 74119 02 30 7620 3516 25 33 $717 91 32 5919 54 31 6021 II 38 26116 68 34 38 33 OS 32 40 36 16/17 135 28 18 34 56 33 2622 221 40 017 36 34 35 17:1 08 34 0922 78141 42 37 6717 96 37 0419 81 36 59 34 92123 3442 43 133 87118 38 37 27 36 II 75123 891 43 44 139 78/18 81 8020 74 37 74122 62 36 58124 441 44 45 24 40 139 69125 38 14 37 4225 09:45 46' 141 51/19 67 140 68 39* 46/23 65 [38 25125 -561.46 47 42 4920 09 16 40 3124 16 39 0826 IT-47 391:0 52 63 41 1724 68 39 30 20 95 +3 lo 22 49 03125 19 40 74127 50 las 2011 44 57 8925 71 141 51-146 1021 61 44 98124. 04 40128 331 SI 01/22 23 45 51 44 6026 73 43 '53 147 66 46 7414 98 45 4627 25 44 0729 54 48 08 46 3217 76 44 9030 5549 72123 521 28 13130 56133 45 156 150 46 49 40 79 57 151 53 24 371 47 so 89129 58 152 4324 79 82 SI 15127 34 49 75129 221 5.8 59 53 33125 -23 52 8) 33 50 49 06132 78 59 60 154 14:5 65 91128 281 st 46130 84 52 49 33 70 163 27129 GI 60 04135 73137.99 98 58 22138 881:70 31134. 20 63 70 5537 66 5144 44180 47 79 77 19146 74 8315000 901 1,09 190 75 88 13 85 41 83 1455 551100 78185 50 176 38194 26 171 54/102, 87 166, 281111 HIN SI IN S E HN SI E MIN SI Ś Points ? 5 Points + 5.Points, téa deg Godee. 59 06. 156 deg. IS m The s Pointe N70Pys, 126] 34114 61 22 TIS 4516 3116 26 3228 61 17 II 10155 15 17 44/18 27/18 891 34 129 10119 441 COW 93/20 ool 36 561 37 32 38 34 39 135 4018 4321 67 39 45 20 3120 101 10 Ou :0w 41 137 531 16/19 0221 9220 88122 35 38 6919 21 21 60123 5721 ܐܐ]41 41 42 4322 48 43 49 44 9126 67 48 21123 10123 42 42 38 571-4 _-78156 43 74/26 22 42 $2 147 86.4 24/28 891.52 44 53 91122 82123 62125 47 001 54 46 $1125_93 148 6123 17/28 03/28 47 48 43 94 56131 39/20 IL1:56 671 57 2725 87 30 39131 48 22/32 ,61.30 3:27 89133 331,6 80 72 6141 I 2 71 43 90 81 26 ool.90 35138 39/42 j 3742 19347 7751 200 180 111700 LT s Prints S2 4 m 152 A Traverſe-Table for every Point, Half-Point, and Quarter-Point of the Cuinpals, to the 100 part of a League or Mile; which gives the Difference of Lat. and Departure from ihr Meridian. 39 deg. 1 jur Miles ſaild. Dif in Leagues or Miles failid. Leagues 80100 77100 63 00 I 2 4101 2 4|oi 02 OZ 69 Z 83102 83 981. 103 70103 82103 62104 104 18104 78 1805 6605 g 107 34 107 IZ 28107 . 06 89108 63/08 49108 491 It 1 24/08 10 IZ VIO 6110 IZ 85129 53 IS II II 31/11 17 13 OZI OL 34 12 73112 14 82113 20 67113 11 17 Q113 VO 261 23 22 17 16 97 16 20 891 86 79 08 14 88115 68117 63125 20 20 09 18 ܐ 75 18 8019 80 28 49/16 29/17 43/18 27 87 21 The Traverſe. Table, The 4 Points Quarter, 36 deg. 34 . 22 m. 42 deg. II. 45 deg. com. 3 Points 3 Points 3 Points of 4 Points, N SIE w IN SIE W N SIE W N SIE W I loo 601 foo loo 74 09 671 7100 71 01 bilan 19 OI 55 JOI 27 OI 4801 34 4.1 3 02 41 02 32101 90 oi 22/02 OI 1202 3 4 03 31 oz 38 03 0902 54 96102 4 5 04 02102 86103 17 103 361 123 54103 54 S 6 104 571 64103 81 04 44104 031 04 2404 24 6 7 l'os 17 4104 44 OS 04 9504 95 7 8 Job 43104 76 06 07 OS 9305 37 66 8 2310s 36 106 960s 71 06 67106 04 06 36106 361 9 10 J08 03los 96. 107 73106 07 4+1 06 72 07 07 071 10 11 138 83106 55 los SO106 981 108 15107 39 07 78/07 781 ir ng 64107 IS 09 61 08 08 13 fo 44127 74 10 0508 09 73 09 19109 191 13 14 34 10 82108 88 37109 47 90109 9014 IS 05 08 94 lin_601095 52 II ILO 07 611 15 16 IZ 37110 85110 74 31| 16 66110 13 13 14 10 78 2 70 II 42 12 17. 18 14 46 10 72 13 9111 42 13 09 12 73 18 19 15 2611 32 14 69112 041 0812 76 13 4413 44 19 16 06/11 911 46112 691 14 43 14 14 14 141 ZI 16 87|12 SI 116 23.13 32 IS 5614 IO 14 8514 851 21 1.7 96 16 30114 77 15 '9615 56 22 23 78 47 13 70 17 78 14 59 17 0445 45 16 26/16 24 1.9 28 14 30 18 SSIS 78 16 12 971 24 25 19 32/15 18 5116 17 26 20 49 2) 10/16 49 19 26117 461 118 38118 381 26 27 21 69116 08 87117 13 00:18'13 19 09 27 28 68 I 64/17 76 10 77 19 29 23 22 40 4919 44 20 SI:0 SI 29 30 (14 10/17 23 19119 03 23/2 ! I: 21 2121 30 31 124 47 23 96119 67 972 82 92121 92 며 ​31 32 125 70119 06 24 74/20 30 49 23 63122 119 66 25 5120 93 24 16 23 33:3, 331 33 34 27 15 26 28121 25 83 24 04124 11 20 85 127 06 22 125 93123 50 24. 75124 91121 46 27 83122 84 126 67|24 17 25 46125 37 129 72/22 04 28 47 27 41 24 85 26 1626 5 2 12 64 29 3724 28 lib 52 87126 87 39 31 33/23 23 30 IS 24 74 28 19 27 56127 40 132 130 9212 38 29 6426. 861 28 28128 93124 42 69126 30 28 38127 531 991:9 9941 7325 32 64 31 12/28 29 43134 54125 33 28 86128 88 30 41 43 4435 34126 ZI 0127 91 37 SS 31 44 14/26 81 34 78 28.551 621 33 3430 31 46,136 94/27 401 35 56129 18 34 08130 89 32 53132 36 33129 82 34 56 33 2333 23 47 37 45 35 5732 23 33 9433 49 39 36/29 19 37 31 32 91 34 65! 49 so 140 17129_781 38 721 37 os 35/35 351 sa SI 140 39 351 37 79134 35 36 06136 06 SI 5241 99 53134 92 77136 5342 57 5731 40 62 9733 39 2735 59 37 26 7434 17 37 32 40 26 14138 14 $4 5234 86 75136 94 89155 98 33 36 43 29135 53 41 49 37 601 so 57 145 16 96 06 36 44 42 23138 10 30140 30] 57 58 46 59134 55 44 83136 79 43 0738 95 01 58 59 147 39135 IS 45 43 43 62 7239 41 72/41 72] 59 60 48 19135 741 146 3838 06 44 45140 142 4314 22|41 691 41 51 85147 49149 491 70 80,64 25147 65 61 84150 75 59 72 56 56136 56 80 61 69 5757 09 66 67160 44 63 63163 631 90 77 30163 43 74 IS 70 7170 71 roa 200'|160641119 12 154 60 126 86 148 161134 30 141 41141 41200 WIN SI IE WIN S E WIN S HN SI 4 Points 4 4 Points 4 Points. 5.3 deg. 26 m. 27 7 147 deg. 49 m. 45 deg. The 4 Points Quarters. 90/18 22 631 33 33 26 7121 45 22 1922 31/20 20 35 28 36 123 04 34 751 35 461 36 1637 60123 38 30 1 1625 38 90126 561 39 2840 13123 83 4132 437133 31 01 02 ZI IO) 42 61 47/26 24127 31 10129 4130 II31 8231 34 60129 II 45 i 26 22 821 821 45 53 46 OO 37 1828 55/28 mmmmmmmm 82131 59 38- 941 48 03 36 65134 10130 8831 65131 42132 2013 05133_58 lei 96130 38 77130 98 40 38 36 771 52 48 53 4837 ao 33 0136 54 43 55 144 56 144 18132 76) 41 42 38 38 40 611 28 89138 60139 39 78133 01 41 6137 29 431 60 70 156 44 11144 49 26153 28153 90 172 Too 80 3259 08167 200 E 2 I 4 Points so deg. QO m. CHAP.III. Sailing by the Plain Chart. 153 As for Example. 100 3 29 Beforegoing, if you take all the Numbers 9951 980 in the Table, they will ſtand as here appear- S. Weft. 70 6966 686 eth, where the Southerly Diſtance is 172*** 299 Leagues , and the Weſterly is 16,25. Leagues , Leaguos. 117: 3172:10 16:95 But I hold it more convenient to omit the laſt Figure to the right hand, and ſo take the Tenths, as in the ſecond Example; and then in all things it will agree with the Tra- verſe-Scale, on which if you extend the Compaffes from 100 to 73, the ſame Diſtance will reach from the firſt's Point 11ext che Line of Numbers, to 172.o and from the half Puint of the Weſting, to 16. Leagues, as before. As alſo, If you extend the compafles from 172.-- the Difference of Latitude, or 72.000, which ſtands for 16., on this or the like occaſion, and apply this Distance from 4 Points on the Tangent-Line of the Scale, and the other Point of the compaſſes will reach co ; Point, which is from the South Wefterly, as before. Now for the point and Points reckoned at the Bottom, it is thw. Admit a Ship fails 57 Leagues or Miles North-Weſt and by Wift, or che sth Rbomb from the Meridian ; I would know how much I am to che VVeftward, and how much to the Southward. from 1 3 B -474 S 5 { Therefore look in the bottom of the Tain Diſtance 3 Rhomb. I ble for the sch Rhomb, and in the Side for IN SIE 57 Leagues or Miles; and in the Line of Meeting over the fifth Rhomb you have. 57 47. 39 or 47 6. for the Weſting, and 31.67 317 or 31almoſt for the Northing. Now had you been to find the Northing Sailed E MIN and Weſting of the third Rhomb" from the 5 Rbomli. 1 Meridian, as N.w.beN. to 57 Leagues di- ſtance, the Northing would be 47, and the Wiſting 31.7, as you ſee ſignified by the Letters N. S. and E.W. at the head of the Table, and North N. S. under E.W. at the foot of the Table. This is ſo plain, it needs no further Precept. Or by the Traverſe-Scale, Extend the compaſſes in the Line of Numbers from 10 of foc, to 57 Lergues; the ſame Diſtance will reach from 3 Points in the next Line, with s Points of the Easting and Westing, to 47.4 Leagues or Miles; that Diſtance will reach from s Points in the Line of N. and S. to 31.7 Leagues, as before. And the Compaſſes extended from 47c, to 31. on the Line of Numbers; che fame Diſtance will reach from 4 Points in the Tangent-Line, to s Points from the Meridian, or 3 Points it the Caſe ſo required, as if it had been N.W.6. N. The like do in all ſuch lHeftions. Likewiſe by the Traverſe-Scale, Let the Courſe be given N.W.1.W. and Departure 47*., To find the Diſtance and Difference of Latitnde. Extend the compaſſes from s Points in the Line of e.w.of the Scale, to the De- Parture; clie ſame Diſtance will reach from 10 or 100 in the Line of Numbers, to 57 the Diſtance ; And alſo from 5 Points in the Line of N. S. to 31, the Diffe- rence of Latitude . I make this plain by the Scale, by reaſon the compaſſes and the Scale, are more portable than the Book and Table. A larger Example I will give you of the Tables and Traverſe-Scale together, whereby you inay perceive, That the Artificial Numbers, Points, and Quarters agree in all things with the Table; nay, I hold the Scale the beſt of the two, for the ready allowing for Variation, and for Currents, which is done by removing the Compaſſes froin one Point or Diſtance to another. Now let the Queſtion be this , X Suppoſe rumenti 154 Sdiling by the Plain Chart. Book IV. + Suppoſe a ship fail from the IP and of Lundy, iu Latitude 51 deg. 22 min. Nurth, and Longitude 35 deg. 52 min. to che Iſland of Barbadoes, in Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. North, and Longitude 332 deg. 57 min. By the Plain-Chart, Difference of Latitisde is 764 Leagues, and Longitude 1059 Leagues , and I fail cheſc ſeveral Courſes, (viz.) S: S.W. W. from A to B 400 Leagues, S.W.b.S. W. 125 Leagues, and s.. 180 Eeagues, and S.W.b: w., Wefterly 190 Leagues, W. S. W. 146 Leagues, and Wib.S. 159 Leagtes, and South 8 Leagues 776: All theſe Courſes and Diſtances I ſce down as followech. In the firſt Column is expreſſed the Days of the Month, and Diſtance failing upon cach Courſe ; The ſecond, the D.ry of the Veek: The third, clie Courſe failed; The fourth, the Diſtance from the Meridian ; The fifeli, che Place and Point of each courſe by Letters; The ſixth, the Diſtance ſailed; The fe- venth, eighth, nich, and renth, the Northing, Southing, Eaſting, and teſting, which is the Difference of Latitude and Departure from the Meridian in Leagues Parts; The eleventh Column is the Latitude; The twelfth, the Longitude; The thir- tecnich, the Variation of the Compaſs. Diſtance Latitud. Longit. Courſe from the The Dift. Dift. Norib- South-Eaſt-Weſt- Sailed. Meridi- Places. Sailed. ing. ing. ing. ing. Variatic Dige D1. Month. The D... Week. 14 Min. Degr. ON. Min. lan. 2,212 5 10 Cur.fets 3 с 2001 Variat. Ho S. W. 4 From C Variat. Points. ); S. W. S.W.54 Prom A 1306 764 704 1058105851 52 Erfterly Apr. 21 f 2.12 m. K. Lcagu. Leagues Leagu. Leag. Leag. 13 3 32 57 Sm. Current S. S. W. S. W. From A 200 176,4 94 May 21 Sets W. 33 44 16 26 by eſtim. 2 B. 176 41 E.S. E. 194 3 E.S.E. 100 773 634 S. W.b.S. S. W. From B G 20 ISS 1 27/28 2812 38 W: .113 Ponto C. 00 n. 5 39 32 100 707 707 S. W rold 80 566 S.W. W. 566 32 06 ro D. 42 00 m. 1 2 87 S. S. W. From D 100 471 882 Weſterly W.W. 5. Poso. E. 424 2 degr. 100 383 9241 S. W.6 From E Weſterly 19 f W. S. W. 153 40 Points. co F. 370115 50/350 24 4 degr. 6 23 55 S. W. 7 From F 1001 195 981 Hefterly Points. co G. 50 490 13 11 342 46 5 degr. 92 The Courſe S.W.48 862 made good. 14. 34 m. $W.3 8c 151 b 90 o 79457 38/35 19 24d W. by S. 981 38 7637 12121 13 17|342 46 2 220 This done, add up the South Column, which Sum is 763. Leagues; which redu- 7834. (38: 11 çed into Di grees, by dividing by 20 and multiplying the odd Leagues under 20 by 3, and adding the Minutes in the Tenths, you will find the Difference of Lati- tude in Degrees to be 38 deg. 11 min. which ſubſtracted from si deg. 22 min. there se- deg. min. mains 13 deg. Il min. the Latitude of Barbadoes. "Add up elle Soomes of the Weff Column, which is 862 Leagues ; that converted in- to Degrees , is 43 dig. 6 min. Subſtract that from the Longitude of the iſland of Lun- dy; it, you cannot, add to it 360 deg. So, 25 deg: 52 min. added to 360 deg. makes Latitude of Bar- 385 deg. 52 min." Then the Difference of Longitude ſubſtracted from it, 43 deg. 6 m. badoes. there remaius 342 deg. 46 min. the Longitude the ship is in. You muſt note, The Degrees are ſuch that 60 Miles or min. makes a Degree Longitude or Latitude, or of a Great Circle. Nore, The day we ſet ſail, we put down the day of the Montband Veek, the di- rcet Courſe to the Port we are bound to, and the Place marked with two Letters, as * 22 -IT SI- 38. 13- 11 of in CHAP. IV. Sailing by the Plain Charti ! 155 t 1 in this Table A for Lundy and K for Barbadoes; and alſo uncler Diſtince, the number of Leagues upon a ſtraight Courſe; and under Northing and Southing, the Difference of Latitude in Leagues and Tenth Parts; and ander Latitude, the Latitude of the two Places; and under Longitude, the Longitude of the two Places, and alſo the Va- riation of the Compaſs from whence we ſet our firſt : which you may ſee all plain in the head of the Table, in the Common Angle of Mciting with the 21 of April . And remember,Yon have the Latitude and Longitude given you; therefore by it you muſt find the direct Rhomb and Diſtance, as you have becn (hewed by the ſecond and ſixth Caſe of Plain Triangles. Now if you would ſct down this Reckoning on the Plain Chart ſeverally, you muſt extend your Conopalles from one of the Paralleis of Longitude, to the Latitude you are in; as alſo take off ſo many Leagues of the Meridian Line, as your Depariure hath been, reckoning s Degrees for 100 Leagues, and every Degree for 20 Leagues. As for Example. Suppoſe we would ſet down the firſt Diſtance of Soush and Weſt, Extend your Compaſſes from the Parallel of 40 deg. to your Latitude you are in 33 deg. 44 min. And alſo extend another pair of Coropales on the Aquinoctial, if chere is one divided ; if not, on the Meridian, which is all one; and take off 16 d:g26 min. by one of the Parallels of the Meridian: or take off 188 Leagues which is 9 deg. 26 min. the Difference to the Weſtward from your firſt Meridian; and fo let the compaſſes of the Difference of Latitude run upon the Parallel of 40 deg. and the other Compaſſes with 188.or 9 deg. 26 min. on one of the Parallels of North and South, until they meer in the Point B: (And ſo add the Meridian-difference of the ſecond Place to the firſt; and the Difference of Latitude of the ſecond Place, fubftract from the firſt, by reaſon But add the you are going from the North Pole toward the South or Æquator.) As for your De- difference grees of Longitude, you muſt know where you begin the firſt Meridian; and as you of Lati: go to the Weſtward ſubſtract the Difference of Degrees of Meridians, and as fail to the Eaſtward add the Difference of Degrees, and you have the Longitude in Degrees sporto melard where you are. So that this may ſuffice for a Preſident, to lay down on your Draught or Blank Chart che Point of the Place of the ship, by the Meridian-diſtance and Difference of have been directed , fo are che Points C, D, E, F, G let down, So that you need not peſter che Chart with Rbomb-iines, as formerly; but take the Difference between the Latitude and Meridian-diſtance off the Line of Numbers, and apply that Diſtance to the Tangent-line of Rbombs on the Traverſe-Scale, and that will preſently ſhew you the point or Rbomb between any two Places aſſigned. The drawing of the Plain Sea-Chast, and the way of ſailing thereby, is the moſt eaſie and plaineſt of all others: And though it be fit to uſe only in Places neer the Aquinoctial, or in ſhort Voyages, yet it will ſerve for a good Introduction to the other kinds of Sailing. Therefore we ſhall not loſe our labour ; for in all kinds of Sailing the ſame Work muſt be obſerved with ſome caution. 11 tude as jou you mi Firſt, 1 1 B 156 The Plain Sea-Chart, and how to make it, B.IV. The Plaine Sea Chart: SI 10 20 30 50 T lo ot The Equingtial 10 10 G K. F E C.Deiverd St Antonio Barbados non $ 20 D E W . с Palero 3016 30 B Madara P.Santo. ! ws: Michal 0 401 40 is + ibo 507 AU Londy 125 15 folio 156. 5 35 5 3415 335 in Bib ܪܝܢ folio + 1. Firſt make the Square ASTB, of what length and breadth you pleaſe and divide each Side into as many equal Parts as your occaſion requires; and theh draw ſtraighc Lines through theſe Paris, croſſing one the other at Right Angles, ſo making many lit- cle Geometrical Squares, each of which may contain one Degree: but I have made this, by reaſon of its largeneſs; to contain 10 Degrees. Note, That the Degrees of the Meridian at the Aquinoētial are all of equal diſtance to the Poles, which is a groſs Error, which ſhall be ſhewn in the following Diſcourſe. So that you may make the Meridian-Line in your Chart 25 deg. 52 min. to the Weftward of the Meridian of Lundy: Or you may divide the two Sides into Degrees as far as you think fit, and every Degree into 66 Parts, which is the old way; and I know molt Mariners will not be directed a new way of dividing the Degrees cach of them into 10 Parts; ſo each Part will contain about 2 Leagues; and that diviſion of double Leagues is near enough for the Mariners uſe. You may ſuppoſe each of theſe Parts to be ſub- divided into 10 ; ſo every Degree will contain 100 Parts, which is a very ready way if you keep your Account by Arithmetick, by Decimals or 10 Parts. This is fo plain, it needs no further Precept; therefore we will proceed to the uſe of it. Now your ſeveral Courſes and Traverſe-Points are laid down on your Chart, from Lundy 20) Ch.IV.The Plain Sea-Chart,and how to ufë-it, ist 000 02 The Errors Lundy at A, to B the firſt,ſecond to C, third to D, fourth to E, fifth to F, the ſixth to to G, which is the point the ship is in when you 764 00 caſt up this Reckoning. Now to know how far 1058 763 08 you are ſhort of the ſand by the Plain Chart, 862 fubftract the sum of the South Column 7634 796 Leagues from the Difference of Latitude 764 Leagues, sort of Barbadoes at G. and you will find you are bur ia parts of a League to the Northward of your given Latitude, which is not to be regarded ; and alſo ſubſtract the Sum of the Weſt Column, from the Difference of Longitude, and the Remainer is 197 Leagues, which you are ſhort at G of the Barbadoes; aná being in the Latitude of 13 deg. 11 min. the Iſland bears off you due Weſt at K : So char you ſhould fail 197 Leagues on chat Point Weſt, before you ſhould be arrived at your Port by che Plain Chart. But by the true Sea-Chart you are arrived at G, which is the Iſland of Barbadses : For the true Meridian-diſtance is buc 865 Leagues between Lundy, and Barbadoes, and of the Plais the Plain Chart makes it 1059 Leagues; and the true Courſe from Lundy to Barbas sea-Cbart. does is but 48 deg. 34 min. which is S.W.a little above a quarter of a Print Weſterly; and the Plain Chart makes it 54 deg. 12 min. S.W. which is above of a Point; And che true Diſtance is but 1152 Leagues, and by the Plain Chart it is 1366 Lergues. By this you may plainly perceive, that no Ifand, nor Cape, or Head-Land, can be truly laid down in the Plain Chart in its true ſcituation, but near the Aguine£tial only, and near about the ſame may be uſed without ſenſible Erior, becauſe there only the Meridians and Parallels are cqual; but on this ſide or beyond the Aquino- Etial there is Error committed proportionally to the Difference of the Meridian and Parallel, that is.-Thetrue Difference of Longitude found out by the Plain Chart, hath the fame. proportiointa the-true-Difference of Longitude, chat the Parallel hath to the Meridian. " But moſt Mariners will not be drawn from this plain caſie way of Sailing, notwithſtanding they have it plailly demonſtrated to them by us: Buc thoſe that take the true way of Sailing, find the Credit and Benefic of it, to the Ihare of thoſe that are ſo obftinats, conccited, and grounded in Ignorance. Bus in the following Diſcourſe I will uſe my endeavour to make chings ſo plain, tliat-if the Ingenious Mariner will but ſpend half an hours time at the ferting forth of liis Voyage, to find, by direction his true Courſe and Diſtance, and Meridian-di- ftances and put it at the Head of his Journal, as you ſee in the Table, he ſhall ale his plain Sailing all the reſt of his Voyage ; and he ihall have direction how to uſe le by the Chart made according to the Globe. But ſomething more of this way, accord- ing to my Promiſe. they CHAP.: IV. How to Correct the Account, when the Dead Latitude differs from the Obſerved Latitude. E are come now to make good what was promiſed in the ſecond Chapter, to preſcribe four Precepts for correcting a Single Courſe. I ſhall be brief, in regard Mr. Collins, in pag. 22. of his Mariner's Scale new Plained, hath imitated Mætiu a Hollander, a Latin Author, in theſe Examin ples; but good Rules, che oftner writ, che mose they get. W The Firſt E XAMPI E. F a Ship fail under the Meridian, if the Difference of Latitude be leſs by Eſti- mation, than it is by Obſervation, the ship's Place muſt be corrected and enlara ged under the Meridian; and the Error is to be imputed either to the Judgment in eſtimating the Diſtance run, in making it too little; or if the ſaid Diſtance bc eſtima- ted by a ſound experienced Judgment, it is to be ſuppoſed you ſtem ſome Current, Adinic 1 158 How to Correct the Dead Reckoning. Book IV? : Admit a Ship fail from A, in the Latitude of -36 deg. dirc&tly Souch, 70 L'aguses, or 3 deg. 30 min. and by Eſtimation is at B,but by Obſervation lie is in Latitud 32 deg: The Reckoning rcctified, the ship's Place is in the Point C; if the Difference of Latitude be more by Eſtimation, than it is by Oblervation, the Judgment may crri in ſuppoſing the Diſtance run to be too much. In this Cale, che Diſtance is to be ſhortned, and the Correction muſt be made according to the Latitude obſerved ander the Meridian. Admit a ship ſail South from A, in the Latitude 36 deg. untill hac have altered lier Latitude 3 deg. 30 min. by Eſtimation being at B, in Latitude 32 deg. zo mir. and if che obſerved Latitude be 33 deg. oo mino the ship's Place corrected is at C, and 100 at B. no W MIINIIIIIIIIINNI* RULE II. Uppoſing no Current, If the Dead Latitude differ from the Olſerved Latitude, the Error is in misjudging the Diſtance run, which is to be made longer or ſhorter, as the Caſe requires. .. Admit a ship ſail from A, S.S. E. Eaſterly 70 Leagues, and is by Eſtimation at P in the Latitude of 33 deg. but if the obſerved Latitude be 32 deg. 30 min. ad- mit at B, then a Line drawn through B, parallel to NA, crofleth de Lin. of the Ship’s Courſe at, which is che corrected Point where the ship is: So that the Di. ſtance is inlarged 10 Leagues , the whole Diſtance AQ_is 82 Leagues 1.. The ſame manner, If the Ship liad failed 94 Leagues on the C ſaine Courſe, and by Eſtimation were at the point R, in the Pas- R rakel of 32 deg. and by Obſerva- 32 BI tion the Latitude were found to D be 32 deg. 30 min. In this Caſe the ship's Diſance is to be ſhort- ged, by drawing the foreſaid 33 Line B parallel to N A; and it will croſs the Line of the Ships Courſe at , the Corrected Point where the Ship is. 134 By the Traverſe-Scale. M V135 Xtend the Compaſſes from 10o, to 94; the ſame Di- S ſtance will reach from 2 Points, to 824 Leagues in the Line of NK Numbers. I A 101 0 பா F 1 136 데 ​K 1 RULE III. i Suppoſe there is ſome Current, and you can depend upon the Olferved Difference of Latitude, and Lng-diſtance, as both true; then the Error may be impuced to the Rhomb, which alters by reaſon of the ſuppoſed Current. Eſpecially when you fail in Rhombs near the Eaſt and Weſt ; for then if the Dead Latitude differ from the Obſerved Latitude, the Error is to be im puted citlier wholly to the Rhomb, or partly to the Rbomb, partly to the Diſtance. If wholly to the Rhomb, then retain the obſerved Difference of Latitude, and Di- ftance by Obſervation, and thereby find the D.parture from the Meridian, by draw- ing a new Rbomb-line But if your Judgment would allot the Error partly to the Rhomb, partly to the Diſtance, CHAP.V. How to Córrect the Dead Reckoning. 159, Diſtance, keep the obſerved Difference of Latitude : And for the Departure from the Meridian, let it be the ſame as was by the Dead Reckoning. Suppoſe a ship fail Eaſt by Sostb. a Point Southerly 72 Leagues, from the Latitude of 36 deg. from A to M, and by Dead Reckoning ſhould be in the Latitude of 35 deg. If the Obſerved Latitude be 35 deg. 20 min. which is at S; In this Caſe, if the Error be wholly imputed to the Diſtance, the Line S X being drawn parallel to N A, would cut off or ſhorten the Diſtance as much as the Meaſure MX, which is 26 Leagues; which becauſe it ſeems abſurd and improbable, is not to be admitted of: Whicrefore imputing the Error to the Rhomb only, place one foot of the Excent AM in S, and with the other croſs the Line N A ac L; and ſo is A L the Departure from the Meri- dian required ; whereby the Rhomb-line, if it were drawn, will be ordered to paſs through F the Crofs. By the Traverſe-Scale. F I you extend the Compaſſes from 100, to 72 the Diſtance; the ſame Extent will reach from the Difference of Latitude by Obſervation, to the true Rhomb, which is almoſt Eaſt by South: and if you apply that Diſtance to one point on the Line N. S. of the Scale, the other will reach to the Departure required 70. Leagues.- Which is far better than the other way. 1 The Fourth PRECEPT, CASE, or EXAMPLE. 1 If a Ship fail Eaft or Weſt, and the Dead and Obſerved Latitude doth agree, the Reckoning cannot be corrected; but if they differ, the Error will be partly in the Rhumb, and partly in the Diſtance : In ſuch a Caſe keep the Meridian-diſtance , and the Difference of Latitude is the Diſtance you are gone to the Northward or South, Dard of the Eaft and Weft. 1 4 By the Traverſe-Scale. Xtend the Compaffes from 100, to the Diſtance failed; the fame Extent will reach from the Difference of Latitude by Obſervation, to the true Courſe: So that you may in a moment do all theſe Queſtions and Cafes by chc Traverſe-Scale, and Line of Numbers and Artificial Points and Quarters thercon. If you have buc the perfect Uſe of it, I know there is no Inſtrument whatſoever more ready to reſolve any uſeful Queſtion, and correct your Reckoning. Laſtly, If by frequent Obſervation you find the Ship is ſtill carried from the Eaſt or Weſt, cither Northward or Soutbward, you may conclude ſome Current to be the cauſe thereof : Keep the Diſtance by Dead Reskoning and Obſervation, and the Diffe- rence is the Diſtance from the Parallel. We will not multiply too many Examples, but rather adviſe the Ingenious to make uſe of ſuch as his need ſhall require; for underſtanding what hach been ſaid, will be advantageous to the Practitioner. CHAP. V. How to allow for known Currents, in Eſtimating the Ship’s Courſe and Diſtance. His Subject hath been largely handled by Mr. Norwood, at the end of his Sea-mans Praćtice ; and by Mr. Philips, in his Advancement of Navigation, page 54, to 64. As alſo how to find them out by comparing the Reckoning homeward with the Reckoning outward, which was kept betwixt two Places: There- fore T 160 ; Hom to allow for kroppn Currents, Book IV. fore I ſhall be brief, and demonſtrace by Soale and compaſs, what they have done by Tables. Firft, This is caſie to be underſtood, If you fail againſt a Corrent, if it be ſwifter than the Ship’s way, you fall a Stern; but if it be flower, you get on head ſo much as is the Difference between the Way of the ship, and the Race of the C#rrent. V EXAMPLE. . Soulb Current mil, S 3 1 Current 8 D 1 4 5 LEPTH 2 2 . ( C If a ship fail 8 Miles South in an Hour, by Log or Eftimation, againſt a Current that fets North 3 Miles in an Hour, that fubftracted from 8, leaves s Mile an Hour the Ship goes a head Sonh: But if the ship's way were 3 Mile an Hour South, againſt Gres a head 5S a Current that ſees 8 Mile an Hone North, the ship would fall s Miles an Hour a Stern. mil Admit a Ship runs East 4 Miles an Hour, and the Current runs alſo 3 Miles an Ships Itay 13 Hour, What is the true Motion of the Ship? Anſwer, 7 Miles an Hour a Head. Falls afterns Admit a Ship croſs a Current thac fers North Eaſt-by-North 4 Miles an Hoxr; the Ship fails in a Watch, or 4 Hoxrs, 9 Leagues East-by . North, and in two Watches more ſhe ſails 13 Leagues. E. N. E. by the Compaſs . Now it is required what Courſe and Diſtance the Ship hath made good from the firſt place of fecting out from A. Firſt draw the Right Line AL, IT H 411 their with the Chord of 60 Deg. Z deſcribe the Quadrant ön it; to 2 be ſure take 90 deg. off the Line 3 of Chords, and lay it from N to R O;, then draw the North Line AP; then ſec off the ship's firſt : Courſe one point from thic Eaft from N to G, and draw the Line G N AG, and from A to B lay off the firſt Dilance 9 Leagues : Then E prick off the courſe of the Cura B xent, being s Points from N to F, and draw the Line A F, being the Courſe N. E. b. N. of the Current. And becauſe the Cure Tent in 4 Hours ſets 5 Leagues forward in its own Race, there P fore draw the Line B C, parallel to AF, that is, take the neareſt North24 2 LA. Diſtance from B to AF, and . ſweep a ſmall Arch, and from B to the upper Edge of the Arch, draw the Line BC thereon, put from B to Cs the Currents Motion, and draw the Line A C, which thews the Courſe the ship hath made good the firſt Watch. Now for the ſecond Courſe, draw CH parallel to the Line A L, and with the Raa dims or Chord of 60 deg: upon C asa Center, draw the Arch Hz, whereon prick 22 deg. 30 min. or 2 Points for E. N. E. for the ship's ſecond Courſe from the Eaft; and draw cz, whereon prick down the Diſtance failed 13 Leagues from C to D; then draw D W parallel to AF, as you did B.C; then becauſe the Current ſets 10 in two Watches, therefore prick down 10, Leagues from D to W, and draw the line A W; which being meaſured upon the ſame scale of an Inch divided into 10 parts, ſhews the ship's direct Diſtance is 35 - Leagues ; whereas if there had been no Curs rent, the direct Diſtance had been A R 22 F Leagnes : Then meaſure the Arch NE, and you will find it 35 deg. which is a little above 3 Points from the Eaft. So the Point the ship hath made good is North-Eaſt-by-Eaſt a little Northerly; whereas if there had been uo Current, the Courſe had been N s, that is, Eaſt and by North of a Point Northerly, and had been at R, but now the Ship is ac W, therefore di- ftant from it equal to RW 15 to Leagues. The prick'd Lines are the Courſes and Arches without a Current. 1 E 3 1 1 وا This r CHAP.VI. Queſtions in Navigation: !" A 1 ther Number which here I * ; I ? 161 This is a good way to work theſe Queſtions: If you have no Compallis, draw on a Slat or Quadrant to work Traverſes by; if you have, that way is the ſooneſt donc by them after the ſame manner. Some will expect, that knows me, ſome other fort of Queſtions, (beſides theſe moſt uſeful beforegoing:) For them, and their leiſure- cime, I have inſerted theſe fix Queſtions following. QUESTION I. A Ship Sails 40 Leagues more than her Difference of Latitude, and is departed from the Meridian 80 Leagues, I demand her Diffe- rence of Latitude. Ake a Right-Angled Trian- H Make gle, to that the Bafe FG be equal to her Difference 40 Leagues, and the Perpendicular GĦ equal to her Departure 80 Leagues: Then continue che Baſe FG, and find the Center point E unto H and F, ſo it will be E, and G 60 Leagues for the Diffe- 80 rence of Latitude ſought. Atohmetically . 40. Square GH 80,you have 6400, which divide by GF 40, the R Oslotient is 160 ; from whence 6400 ſubftract G F 40, there remains 2 120; che half is 60, for the Difference of Latitude fought. 6400 (160 40 Questi II. A 60 A Ship Sails 20 Leagues more than her Difference of Latitude, and but 10 Leagues more than her Departure from the Meridian, I demand her Diſtance Sailech B IN, the Trlangle A BC, you.haye E B 20. Leagues more than the Difference of T12Datitude Aic'; and A D, 10 mit L'agnesimore than theildar parture from the Meridian BC. IT Firſt, with the double of ei- A ji take, the double of E-B 20, ?? wch is 40 Leagu.and lay from A ana add it thereunto, as Ġ H. Now on the midſt of FH, 210 as at K, making it the Cen- ter, I deſcribe the Semicircle HIF: Then on G crect the 2 TO 43 F Perpendicular which cuts the G K Yrch in I ; then pleaſuring GI, 8 80 80 1 E G 640 44 lo I20 Slulinis IN 20 E ID D f! 1 + .T 210 E 1 t Queſtions in Navigation. Book IV. 162 200 200 . GI, it will be equal to D E 20 Leagaes, which added to the two former Numbers 10 20 and 10, you have in all so Leagues for the Diſtance failed, required. Anabically: 2 AD:X:EBSDE2400, whoſe V q is 20, 4$$ (20 che Root. The Square 490 Ques T. III. Two Ships Sail from one Port; The firſt Ship Sails dixeEtly South, the Second Ship Sails W.S. W. more than the firſt by 35 Leagues, and then were aſunder 76 Leagues; The Queſtion is, How ma- ny Leagues each Ship Sailed. Fire Irſt draw the Meridian-line A B, and from A draw a W.S.W. Courſe as AC continued, and from C lay down the 35 Leagues unto D. Now draw the Chord-line of 6 Points, as B C; then take 76 Leagues, and lay it from D to cut the Chord-line in E. Laſtly, from E you muſt draw a Parallel Meridian, which will cut the Rhomb-line in F'; fo meaſuring E F, you ſhall have 45 To Leagues, that the firſt ship failed directly Somsh : So the ſecond ship ſailed 35 Leagues more, therefore muſt Sail in all 80Leagues, which is the Diſtance required. } B A ) 56.15 li :. >D pa 1 35 ! ۲: دلي. 1 A 16130167.39 Til f Al WSW 1 А 13 viis vir It gigante unit: 91657cuIII: los client By the Artificial Tables of sines and Numbers i ci WA? aub !!) Asthe Side E D 76 Leagues co:ar. 8119.19 Ta the Sine of the Angle EČ D 56 deg. 15 min 991985 So is the side CD 35 Leagues 154407 To the Sing of the Angle CED 22 deg. 31 min.- 9583111 which ſubſtract from. 56 deg: 15 min. you have the D 33 degi 44 min. Then, As the Sine of the Angle at F 67 deg. 30 min. co. ar. 99348 Is to his oppoſite Sider 76 188081. So the Sine of the Angle at D 33 deg. 45 min. S add 974455 Tio his oppoſite Side FE 45 ** Leaguesa 165974 Şamah Ship Sailęd 45.5 Leagues, and the other W. S. W. 80 m Leagues. 1 irti niciale t : QUEST. e che 1 } 1 Chap. VI. Queſtions in Navigation. 163 3 QUE's T. IV. Two Ships Sailed from one Port: The firſt Sails S. S.W. a certain Diſtance ; then altering her Courſe, She Sails due Weſt 92 Leagues : The ſecond Ship, Sailing, 120 Leagues, meets with the firſt Ship. I demand the ſecond Ship's Courſe and Rhomb, and homo many Leagues the firſt Ship Sailed S. S.W. D Raw the firſt Ship's Rhomb from A unco E, being S.S.W.chen lay her Diſtance failed weſt 92 Leagues from A unto C, and from C draw a s. s. w. Courſes as CD continued: Next take i 20 Leagues, and lay it from A, fo that it ſhall cut the continued Line in D: ſo drawing Å D, you ſhall have the ſecond ship's Rhom! near W. S. W. Laſtly, meaſuring CD equal to A B, you ſhall find it to be 49 Leagues that the firſt Ship failed S.S.W. F I 퍼 ​D " B В ASS 10 1 A - For the Courſe, As the Side AD-I 20 Leagues, co:ar. Is to the Sine of the Angle at B 67 deg. 30 min.- So is the Sine of the Side BD 92 Leagues- To the Sine of the Angle BAD 45 deg. 6 min. 792082 996562: 196379 985023 Unto which add the Angle F A B 22 deg. 30 min. you have the ſecond Ships Rbomb 67 deg. 36 min. being near W. S.W. whoſe Complement is the Angle ADB 21 deg. 24 min. For the Diffance As the Angle BAD. 45 deg. 6 min. Is to the Side -BD 92 Leagues So is the Angle ABD 22 deg. 24 min.- Tatbe Side A B 49. Leaguesrequired. 614976 196379 958101 169456 r 1 : 1 Y 2 Qui ST. 1 1 164 Queſtions in Navigation: Book IV. Ship. Now 32 deg. 30 min. added to 78 deg.45min the halfis so deg:37 min. 3. Quos T, 'V. Two Ships Sail from one Port 7 Points afunder: The one Sails in the S.W. Quadrant, and departs from the Meridian 57 Leagues ; and the other Sailed in the S. E. Quadrant, and was departed from the Meridian but 25 Leagues, and then are both fallen into one Latitude; I demand the Rhomb ør Courſes of each FT Irſt draw an Eaſt and Weft Line continued ; and making choice of a Point at D, upon D erecta Perpendicular, which will be a Meridian-line; as D A continued. Now from D lay down the West Ship’s Departure D B 57 Leagues; alſo the Eaft Ships Departure 25 Leagues DC: ſo their whole Diſtance will be ČB 82 Leagues. Now apon the Puint at B, or elſe as here at C, draw an Angle of the Complement of 7 Points, or one point, which is w.b. N. as CF the prickt Line; but if their courſes had been more than 8 Points, then you muſt lay it to the Southward of che West Line. C D E LS 32 P ΤΑ Now from the midſt between B and C, ar E, draw another Meridian-line, until it cut the former Rhomb-line C F in the Point G: So taking the Diſtance from the Point G unto C, lay the ſame from G until ic-cur the Meridian-line in the Point A, I Courſe which is the place and Port you Sailed from. Laſtly, From A you ſhall draw their S.W. W. Rhombs or Courſes, as.A B, which is 4 from H to N from the South, Weſtwards; 2 Courſe and the Eastward Ships Courſe is A Cas Point from. Pro N, from the South, Enfamando S.S.E.SE As the Sum of their Departures CB 82 Leagues- 191381 To the Difference of their Departure SB 52 Leagues-- 150515 So is she Sine of the Sum of their Courſes C AB 78 deg. 45 min.- 999080 To the Sine of the Difference of their Courſes, Sum -1149595 SAB 22 deg. 30 min. the Sum 958214 25 . 22/A 1 + 1) that is 4 Points or S.w.w.for che one Ships Courſe Sailed from A to B: and 22 deg. 30 min. ſubſtracted from 78 deg. 45 min. the half is 28 deg. o7 min. ;; that is, a Points and; S.S. E. a Point Efterly, for the other Ship's Courſe 0 QUESTO . 1 CHAP.VI. Queſtions in Navigation. . 165 1 QUE s T. VI. From the Port at A I Sail S.S. W. unto B, and from B I Sail N. w. b. W. unto C, and from C I Sailed unto my firſt Port at A, E. b. N. Now having sailed in all 120 Leagaes, I would know how many Leagues I have Sailed upon each Point. t F Irſt draw A B a S.S.VV.Courſe, at any convenient diſtance; then from B dray a N. VV.b.VV. Courſe, and from A draw the oppoſite Courſe of E, WN. which is V veſt by Suth, which will cut B Cin C; ſo continue the sides of thciri- angle A B unto E, and A C unto F. Then lay BC from B unto D, and A C from D unto E. Then take 120 Leagues, and lay the ſame from A unto F: Next draw thc Line E F, and from D and B draw Parallels chereunto, which will cut A Fin G and H. Laſtly, meaſuring A H, you ſhall have 33 } Leagues char you have Sailed S. S.VV. And meaſuring HG, you ſhall have 39 Leagues parts that you have Sailed N. vy.b.VV. Allo meaſuring G F, you Thall have 46 Leagues nicar, that you have Sailed E. b. N. which makes in all near 120 Leagues. E 3 D 7 2 B В 1 G Sam Arithmetically, By the Table of Natural Sines in the Sea-mans Kalendar. A J 8314 + 28 { Firſt, Add upall che Sines of the Angles together, deg. min. 45-minoo 007071 Which is 56154 78-459790 25175 Then by the Rule of Three, SS. S. W. 3310 AB. $45-00 As 25194, to 120 Leagues: 50756-15 2 To the Diſtan- N.W.b.W.39Leag. E. b. N. 46. CA. 78-45 ces failed I might have added ſeveral other Queftions of this nature, but I hold theſe ſufficient; for choſe that underſtand how theſe are donc, may do any of the like nature: But way of demonſtrating and laying of them down, as you ſee in the Figures, Ine- ver ſaw before of any other Mans Work. Therefore now we will come to the true Way of Sailing, and Uſe of the true Sea-Charf. CHAP 1 . " WL 166 The Difference of Agreement of the Book IV. + i CHAP. VII. 71. The Diſagreement betwixt the Ordinary Sea-Chart, and the Globe ; Cand the Agreement betwixt tbe Globe and the True Sea-Chart, made after Mercator's Way; or Mr. Edward Wright's Projection. ſtrated. He Meridians in the ordinary Sen-Chart are Rigbt Lines, all parallel one to i another, and conſequently do never meet; yet they cut the Aquinoctial, and all' Circles of Latitude, or Parallels thereunto, at Right Angles, as in the Terreſtrial Globe: 'Buc herein it differeth from the Globe, for that here all the Pinabels to the Aquinoctial being lefſer Circles, are made equal to the Aquinoctial is ſelf, being a great Circle; and conſequently, the Degrees of thoſe Parallels, or leffer Circles, arc equal to the Degrees of the Aquino&tial, or any other great Circle, which is mccrly fallë, andicantrary to the nature of the Globe, as ſhall be plainly demon- The Meridians in the Terreſtrial Globe do all mcer in the Poles of the World, cut- ting the Aquinoctial, and conſequently all Circles of Latitude, or Parallels to the Aquater, at right Spherical Angles : ſo that all ſuch Parallels do grow leſſer to- ward either Pole, decreaſing from the Aquinoctial Line. As for example, 360 Degrees, or the whole Ciècle in the Parallel of 60 Degrees, is but 180 Degrees of the diguingEtials and ſo of the reft: Whereas in the ordina- ry Chart, that Parallel and all others are made cqual ane to another, and to the Equinoctial Circle, as we have faid before. The Meridians in a Map of Mercator or MryWright's Projection, are Right Lines, all Parallel one to another, and croſs the Aquino&ial, and all Circles of La- titude, at Right Angles, asin the ordinary Sea; Chart: But in this , though the Cir- cles of Latitude are all equal to che Aquinoctiat, and one to another, both wholly, and in their Parts and Degrees; yet they keep the ſame proportion one to the other, and to the Meridian it ſelf, by reaſon of the inlarging thercof, as the ſame Parallels in the Globe do "Wherein it differeth from the ordinary Sea-Chatt, for in that the Degrees of great and lefſer Circles of Latitude are equal; and, in this, though the Degrees of the Circles of Latitude arc equal, yer äře the Degrees of the Aleridian un- equal, being inlarged from the Aquinoctial towards either Pole, to retain the ſame proportion as they do in the Globe it ſelf; for as two Degrees of the Parallel of 60 Degrees, is but one Degree of the Aguinoctial, or any Great Circle upon the Globe, ſo here civo Degrees of the Aquinoctial, or of any Circle of Latitude, is but equal to one Degree of the Meridian; bécwikt the Parallel of 59 and 60; and ſo forth of the reſt. Now for clie making of this Táble of Latitudes, or Meridional Parts, ic is by an addition of Secants; for the Parallels of Latitude are leſs than the Æquator or Me- Radines ridian, in ſuch proportion as the Radius is to the Secant of the Parallel. 10000, For Example . The Parallel of 60 Degrees is leſs than the Æquator; and con- ſequently, cach Degree of chis Parallel of 60 Degrees is leſs than a Degree of die Secant Aquator or Meridian; in Tüch proportion as 100000 Radius, hath to 200000 the 20000. Secant of 60 Degrees. Norv how Mr. Gunter and Mr. Norwood's Tables are made, which are true Meridi- onal Parts, is by the help of Mr. Edward Wright's Tables of Latitude. Mr. Gunter's is an Abridgment, conſiſting of the Oxotient of cvery ſixth Number, divided by 6, and two Figures cur off. : As for Example. . In the Tables of Latitude for 40 Degrees, the Number is 1242's deg. parts. 3B21739 (43:712 That divided by 6, the Quotient is 43 deg. 712 parts of the 66666 Æquator, to make 40 Degrees of the Meridian. And Mr. Norwood's Tables of Meridional parts, is an Alridgment of Mr. Wright's Table of Latitudes; namely, every } to 4 g -12 w! 1 L 2 - in ig 7 2: -262217559 4 CHAP.VII. Plain Chart, True Chart, and Globe, 167 every fixth Number cutting off four Figures to the riglır hand, as for 40 Degrees: as before the Number is in regard it wants but a little of nodo sue offz. we make the Meridional parts 2623, as you will find by his Table. So this talle hensch hos-many. Parts every Degree, and every Tenth part of a Degree of Latitude in this Chart, is from the Aquinoctial namely, of ſuch Parts, as a Degree of the Aquesor containeth 60, And this which I here exhibit, and call a Table of Meridional Parts, is alſo ati Alridgment of the Table of-Larizudes of Mr:Wright's, namely; the fift-Nummitverse Samitting al- ways the three laſt Figures. As for example. All thic Numbers are for 40 deg. 26. 227.559; bmit the three laſt, and divide the reſt by 3;tand in the Quotient is 8742, the Meridional parts for 40 Degrees; and ſo of the reſt: So that this Table Thewech how many Paris cvery Degree, and every Tenth part of a League, and every Tenth Minute of Lati: 1xde in this Chart. is from the Æquinsetial to the Poles ; namely, of such.Parts as a Degree of the Aquinoctial contains 20. Leagues. This is large cnough for our Uſes at Sea, and as ready, being in Leagues, by cutting off the laſt Fignre, which is a Tenth: For I could never ſee any Draught or Plat made according to Mr. Wright's Projection, excepting his own in his Book, that is divided into more Parts than 6; for all the Mercator's or Dutch Charts as I have ſeerty, are divided into 6 times 10, which is 60 Minutes: But he that deſires a larger Table,max make uſe of Mr.Wright's Tables of Latitudes. The Uſe of this Table (hall partly appear in the Problems following, and may be illuſtrated after this manner. . ) 1 4 11:] + . 1 .:01 # PROBLEM I. How to find by the following Tables what Meridional Parts are cona tained in any Difference of Latitude. ү° Ou muſt take the Meridional Parts anſwering to tachi Lätitude , and ſübſtract the leffer from the greater; ſoʻthe Remainer is the Number of Meridional parts contained in the Difference of Latifnde propoſed. As, Let one Laticide be gi deg. 20 mini . -1 2002 And the other Latitude le 13 deg. 10 min. Meridional Parts: 2657 9345 The Meridional Parts contained in the Difference of Lacitude are 934. Leago Thie Degrees are over șhe Parts, and the Minutes are ou cach ſide under the De- grees; and in the common Angle of Meeting or Line with the Minutes, is the Mer ridional Party you defire . là !)?!ic :.:02 m. RO. B'Ir? II. :!:04 The: Latifudes of two Places being given, and Difference of Longi- itude of both.Places. To find the Rhombiand Diffance. I and ! To the intene the Application may be the more:evidenieji bhuri Examples Yhåll be Suppoſe the Latitude of the Iſland of Lundy in the Mouth of Seavern, to be at A; 18 51 deg: 22 min. and the Latitude of Barbadoes 13 deg. 10 min. ac B, and the Diffe- 1058 rence of Longitude 52 deg. 55 min. CD, chat the Barbadoes is to the VVeſtward of the m. Iſland of Lundy; The Course and Diſtance from the one place to the other is de- manded. Firſt you may demonſtrate the Queſtion by the Scale. Draw the Right Line A C for the Meridian ; and in regard the Difference of Latitude is 38 deg. 12 min. con- vcrt"them into Leagues, by multiplying them by 20, the Number that goes to a De- gree, 10 sunt 06:5:1 ::22: L } و ) wiwa Til! It'y?! * 77 79.. C ri Ländi 25 si 360 00 385 52 Barbad.332 57 Differ. 32 55 im s! ܢ 3 * 1040 13 10 38 12 (4 20 3 760 764 168 Sailing by the True Sea-Chart. Book IV. . IOS& Leagires D 巧 ​B F 2764 bd 9341 2 K TE A } gree , ard the odd Minutes diýide:by B, and the Difference in Leagues will be 764; As Was ſhewed which lay from A to B, for the common Difference of Latitude. Then cake the Diffe- in ibe lajt Ex- rence of che two Latitudes ¿qlarged, 934 Leagues, and lay from A to C; chen draya ample. the two Parallel Lines, as B'E and C D. Then 52 deg: 55 min. the Difference of Lona gitude; converted into Leagues, as before-directed, is 10583 which lay from C'to D, and draw the Line A D, which is the true Courſe from A to D, and the Diſtance according to the True Chart inlarged: Therefore AE is the true Rhambaline and Di- Stance found out, produced by elie former Worko, And as D is the true Poins by Mercator's Chart of Batbadoes, ſo ise the true Point of the ſame Place of Barbadoes by the Plain Chart; and A E the true Diſtance, B.A E the true Courſe. And as CD is the true Longitude by the Globe; ſois B E the true Meridian-diſtance between Lun- Then you muſt dy and Barbadoes. You may work afterwards by the Rules of the Plain Chart ; and put down the you need not work Mercator's way witymore, without you lave a Mercator's True Courſe and Di- Chart; and to work by that, you ſhall be directed'ini che following Discourſ. There fance and Meo fore to work by the Plain Rules all the Voyage after, meaſure' A E, and you will have in the Head of 1157 Leagues for the Diſtance; and for the Courſe take GH, and apply it to the Tour Journal.. Points on the Scale , and you will findithe tfue-Tobirse S.VV. a litdle more than 2 Quarter Wefterly, which is all onç Courſe, with the True Sea-Chartą but the Di- Flance Inlarged is 1908 Leàgris AD: Nów bylihe'rlain Stathaft the Courſe is BAF, S, W. abovci kofia Point Writerly; and the Diſtance is À Filző6 Leagues : So that the Plain Chart ſheweth the Diſtance more than it is by 149 Leagues, and the Courſes more VVeſterly by half a Point, and the Meridián-diſtance, rooimuch bj 194 Leagues, which is a groſs Error; and in ſuch Diffances grolly arc theſë Men miſtaken, that uſe a Plain Chart. :: gabi? ។ ܂ ;io، ، :. 2:2 . 1 po ! cii .:19T'I 4 Táble + 10 1 . 3o da yo CHAP.VII, Sailing by the True Sea-Chart. 169 Io or 3 3 7 16 1 Minutes. 2 ba ... Minutos. Join OO 200 6001 801 1001 I202 Io 233 267 20 67 100 40 to M. II MI IO zo 50 20 21 22 23 29. 0127917129130130404132019133739,35881130441141740463871543311 A Table of Meridional Parts to the 10 part of a League, and for every 10 Mi- nutes of Lacitude from the Aquino&ial to the Poles, •DEGREES 3 4 5 16 7 8 9 Leon Le... Le, Le. Le... Le Le Le Le Leon 400 1403 1605 1807 33 433 6341 834! 1035 1236 1437! 1639! 1841 10 467 6671 867) 1068 1269 1471 1673 187520 30 300 500 700 901 1102 1393 1504 1706 1909 30 1331. 333 534 1734 934 1935 1336 1538 1740 1943140 1671 367 567 767 968 1109) 13701 1571 1774) 1976 591 IO 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2010 2314 2418 2623 28 28 3035 3242 345 3661 3827 2044 2248 2452 2657 2863) 3069 32771 3436 3696 390710 2078 2282 2486 2691) 2897) 3104) 3312 3521 3731 3942120 301 2112 2316 2520 27251 29311 3138 29311 31381 3347 3556 3766 397.7 40 21641 23501 25541 27601 2966 31731 33811 35911 38011 4013 40 2180 2384 2588 2794 3000_3208 3416 36261 38361 4048 50 24 25 26 27 28 of 4084 4297 45121 4729 4947 5167 5388 5612 58376065 10 10 4119 4119 4333! 4548 4765; 49831 5203 5425 5648 58756103 10 20 41551 4369 4584 4801 5020 52401 5462 5686 5913 6141 20 301 4196 4405 4620 4838 5056 5277 556057241 59511 617930 401 4226 44404656 4874 5090 5314 5537 5761 59891 6218 49 501 4262 _4476.4692 4910 5130 5351 5574 5799 6027 625650 30 i 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 138 1 39 62946527 67616998 7238 7481 7726 79758277 8433 0 10 6333 6565 6800 7038 72781 7521 7768 801782708526 10 3711 6604 6840 7078 73197562 7809 805 9 83128569:20 301 6410 664468791 7118! 7359 7603 7850 8101 8355 3612 30 40 64496683 6919 71581 24001 76441 7892 81431 83978655140 50 64886722 6938 7198 7440 7685 7934) 8185 8440 869950 40 43 44 4 46 47 48 49 Oj 87421 9005| 9272 9543 9819 toloo 103851067510971 11273 10 8786 9049 93171 95891 986510147 1043311072411021111324 10 20 $8291 9093 9363 9635 9912 10194 10481 10773 1107111375 20 308873 9138 9407 9681 995910241 10530108231112111426 30 40 39171 9182 9452 9727 1000516289110578|10872 11172 11478 40 so 8961 9227)_94981 9773 ICO5210337 10626 1092211122211529150 50 51 52 53 54 55. 1 56 57 | 58 59 1158111896 12217125.45 12831132261358113941114313 14696 11633|11949|12271|12600 12938132841364014004 14377 1476110 20.1163512002123251126361299511334213700 1406314440 1482620 30111737 1295511238012713130521340111375914121 145041489230 40|1179312109124351 2768 13110 1346013820 1418814568 1495840 11842113163 1249012825,13168 1352011388114251 14632 15024 50 60 loi 62 64 65 66 67 68, 15091 15497 159171635016798117263.17745 1824618769119315 101515811558611598816433116874 73421178271183321885811940810 2015225|15635 16059|16497116957 1742117920 1844818948 19502 20 30115293 15705 16131 16572 17028 1750117993 18505 19035 i959730 4015300 1577516204 1664717106|17582 18077 18592 19130 19693 40 5011542815846 162771 167221718417662 181611156801922219789 50 71 72 73 74 75 75 76 76 77 78 78 | 79 19836 20485 21116 -1781122455)23234/24033 24890 25815 26819 019984/20588 21224 21896 2260923368 241722503925976 2699510 20120083/20692 21333 23211 -2730123495 24312251901261402717320 301201832079621444-212822854123628 244552534426306 27354 301 40120383 2090120555|2224623979 23762-4593625 492/26474 27530140 50 2038421008 21668 22365 2310623899 247432565626645 27727 so 83 84 85 88 89 있​M. 39 1 TV ZO 41 14? I!! " . 1.1.1 IO 63 ور) O ol'w Il 4 9 170 1090 1 I ܐܐ 1 lo 333 1293 *O 81 8 82 86 87 1 1 49 1 44 101281101293451307261322961341121362701389294239514738515642010 20/28307 29564 3097432579344453667313943943090 48477 5897720 3012850729787 3122632870 3478837096 39973 43830 4958462274/30 4012871130015131484331681351413752340532 4462113103466920140 5028919/20247131748133474135 505!37973|41120145970 52564174863150 Z 1 1 By 1 170 Sailing by the True Sea-Chart. Book IV. By the Tables 1 A Dmit a Ship is at A, in Latitude 55 deg.2 2 min. Northgas is Lundy,and fails,or is to fail to E, in Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. according to the Plain Chart corrected, which is Barbadoes; or by Mercator's Chart, Barbadoes is in the Point D, and the Difference of Longitude is 1058 Leagues, which is 52 deg.55 min.. Firšt find the Difference of Latitude inlarged, as is before-directed in the firſt Problem, and found to be 934 . Leagues. Now you have given A B the Difference of Latitude 38 deg. 12 min. inlarged from B to C, and CD the Difference of Longitude 52 deg: 55 min. whereby the Angles and Hypothenuſal ſhall be found by the Fourth and Fifch Caſe of Plain Triangles. But becauſe in this kind of Proje£tion, the Degrees of Longitude and Latitude are not equal (except in Places near the Aquinołtiat) the Degrees of Latitude at every Parallel, exceeding the Degrees of Longitude, in ſuch proportion as the Aquin.Etial excċeds chat Parallel; therefore theſe Differences of Longitude and Latitude muſt be expreſſed by ſome one common meaſure; and for that purpoſe ferves the foregoing Table, which theweth how many Equal Parts are from the Aquinoctial, in every Digree of Latitude, to the Poles; namely, of ſuch Equal Parts as a Degree of Lon- gitude contains 20 Leagues, Wherefore, as before-diłę&ed, multiplying 52 deg. by 20, and dividing the odd Minutes, being 55, by, 3, it will be 18, Leagues; added to the former Sum, makes 1058; Lengkes, for the Meridional parts contained in the Difference of Longierde. Allo by the laſt Problem, I find the Méridional parts.contained in the Difference of Latitude to be 9341. Leagues: So that A C is 934 . Parts, and CD 1058 of ſucli Parts. : Therefore, By the Second Caſe of Plain Triangles. IO As the Difference of Latitude inlarged AC is 934 1. parts 297057 Is in proportion to the Radius go deg. Sois the Difference of Longitude in ſuch Parts CD 10581_-1302448 To the Tangent of the Rhoinb at A 48 deg: 33 1005391 į Extend the compaſſes from 934. Leagues the inlarged Latitude , 'to to$85 Leaguess the fame Diſtance will rcach from the Radius to the Tangent of the Course 48.deg. 33 min. which is the Courſe from Lundy to Barbadoes, S.W. a little above'a quarter of a Point Wefterly. . By the Fifth Caſe of Plain Triangles. As the Sine+Complement of the Rhomb at D 41 deg. 27 min.- 982083 To the Difference of Latitude A B 764 Leagues 288309 So is the Radius o 90 deg. To the Diſtance A E 1154 , Leagues 306226 Extend the compaſſes from the Complement-Sine of the Rhomb 41 deg. 27 min. to the Sine of 90 deg. the ſame Extent will reach from the trne. Difference of Latitude 764 Leagues, to che Diftince A E 1157 Lergues, which is required. IO : 4 1 PR Ó BL, . 4 I L CHAP.VII. Sailing by the True Sea-Chart. 171 . ' -IO hach failed upon. So is the Sine of the Rhomb, 48 deg. 33 min., at A- P R O B L. III. The Latitude of two places, and their Diſtance given; To find the true Courſe and Point, or Place you are in, by Mercator's Chart. ADmit I fail from the I find of Lundy, in the Latitude si deg . 22 min. in the Southweſt Qaarter of the Compaſs, 1154 Leagues; and then find my felf in the Latitude of 13 deg. io min. I would know what Point of the Compaſs I have failed upon, and my Difference of Longitude to the Weftward. The Difference of Latitude A B is 38 deg. i 2 min. which reduced into Leagues is 764 Leagies. As the Diſtance failed 1154; Leagues A E 306226 Is in proportion to the Radius go deg. So is the true Difference of Latitude 764 Leagues. A Bm 288309 To the Sine-Complement of the Rhomb4 i deg, 27 min. at D 982083 that is, S.W. W. or Southweft 3 deg. 33 min. Weftefly, the Courſe that the ship Extend the Compaſſes from 1154 Leagaes the Diſtance, to the Sine of 90; the ſame Diſtance will reach from the Difference of Latitude 764 Leagues, to 41 deg: 27 min. die Co-fine of the Rhomb: The Sine is 48 deg. 33 min. that is, 4 Points and above a Quarter from che South Weſtward from the Merididn. Secondly, For the Difference of Longitude. Find by the Firſt Problem the Difference of Latitude inlarged, as is thère dire- cted, 934 1. Leagues : Then it is, As the Radius 90 deg. -IO To the Difference of Latitude in Parts 934, FAC-~ 297057 Inlarged. So is the Tangent of the Rhomb 48 deg. 33 min. An-1005395 To the Difference of Longitude in Parts 1058 Leagues-- 303452 Extend the compaſſes from the Sine of 90 deg, to the Difference of Latitude inlar ged 934 , Leagues; the ſame Extent will reach from the Tangent of the courſe 48 deg. 33 min. to 1058 Leagues : which laid off from C to D, ſhall be the Point or Place in Mercator's Chart where the ship is. Or, 1058 Leagues converted into Degrees, by dividing by 20, che bisotient is 52 deg. 55 min. tlic Difference of Longitude required. PROBL. IV. Sailing 1154 Leagues upon the 4; Rhomb from the Meridian, or 48 deg. 33 min. from the South Weſterly, I demand the Departure from the Meridian. As the Radius 90 deg. To the Diſtance failed 1154 Leagues A-E 306226 987479 To the Departure from the firji Meridian 865 Leagues 293705 Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 48 deg. 33 min. the fame Excent will reach from the Difance failed 1154, to the Meridien -Departure.865 Leaguets, Z 2 BE ! ! . , 1 TO h 1 172 Sailing by the True Sea-Chart. BOOK IV 1 BE is the true Meridian Diſtance, which you may ſet in che Head of yo:ur Journal, to ſubſtract your Daily Diſtance from your firſt Meridian, PROBL. V. Both Latitudes and the Meridian Diſtance of two Places being given, To find the Difference of Longitude, and Courſe and Diſtance on the True Sca. Chart. TH His is a moſt uſeful Problem, when the Mariner hach caſt up his Traverſe : Sup- poſe a ship ſail lipon the $.w. Quarter of the Compaſs, from Latitude si deg. 22 mir. unto Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. and the Departure from the firſt Meridian to chie Weſtward 865 Leagues. You muſt find firſt che Difference of Latitude inlarged, as is before-directed in the firſt Problem 934 1. As the tru. Difference of Latitude AB 764 Leagues 288709 Is to the Meridian-diſtance or Deparcure B E 865 Leagues 293701 So is the Difference of Latitude inlarged A C 9341 - Leagues -297057 To the Difference of Longitude in Leagues 1058 CD --590758 302449 By the Line of Numbers. Xtend the Compasſes from A B the true Difference of Latitude 764 BE 865 Leagues Meridian-diſtance, the fame Extent will reach from Ad 934. Leagues che Difference of Latitude inlarged, to the Difference of Longitude 1058 Leagues; which "iaid off upon the Parallel-Line from Cto D, is the point and place of the ship in Mr. Wright's or Mercator's Chart. As the true Difference of Latitude 764 Leagues A B- 288209 Is to the Meridian-diſtance 865 Leagues B E 1293701 So is the Radius go deg. -IO To the Tangent of the Courſe 48 deg. 33 min. at A 1005392 By the Artificial Lines on the Scale. j A reach from 90 deg. to the Tangent of 48 deg. 33 min. that is, 4 Points and above a Quarter from the Sousb weffard, that is, š.W. Wefterly, the Courſe the Ship hach kept. As the Sine of the Courſe at A, 48 deg. 33 min.- 987472 Is to the Radius 90 deg. So is the Departure from the Meridian 865 Leagues -1293701 To the Diſtance Salled Ą E 1154 Leagues- 306222 By the Scale. 90 deg. the fame Extent will reach from 865 Leagues-BE, to 1154 Leagues A É, the Diſtance failed. PROBL. VI. By the Difference of Longitude, and one Latitude, and the Courſe, To find the other Latitude and Diſtance run, Uppoſe I ſail from Lundy, in Latitude 51 deg. 22 min. North Latitude, S. W, 3 deg. 33 min. Wefterly, until my Difference of Longitude be 52 deg. 55 min. chac is, -10 # 2 t 1 A CHAP.VII, Sailing by the True Sea-Chart. 173 -10 is, from Cto D, which is the Place of the ship in Mercator's Chart; I demand how much I have laid the Pole, and how far I am from Lundy? As the Tangent of the Rhomb 48 deg. 33 min. 1005395 To the Difference of Longitude CD tos8 Leagues 302448 *So is the Radius To the Differcnce of Lacicude in Leagues 934'. A C-.. 297053 By the Artificial Lines on the Scale. Xtend the Comp-affes from 48 deg: 33 min. to 1058 in the Line of Numbers; the fame Extent will reach from 90 deg. to 934 f. Leagues. Or, Extend the Compaſſes from 48 deg. 33 min. to go dig. the ſame Diſtance will reach from 105 8 Leagues, to AC 934 f. Leagues, as before. Now the Meridional parts anſwering the Latitude of si deg: 20 min. is I 2002; from it ſubſtract 934. here found, and there remains 2657%, which Number I look for in the Table, and find it under 13 deg, and in the Line of 10 min. which is the Latitæde of the ſccond place where the Ship is; and the Difference of Latitude is 38 deg. 12 min. The Diſtance may be found as before, in the ſecond and fifth Problems. I 2002 9345: 2657 7. PROBL. VII. TO000co 1 By the Courſe and Diſtance, and one Latitude, To find the other La- titude, and Difference of Longitude. Uppoſe I ſail S. W3 deg. 33 min. Wefterly, 1157 Leagues, and by obſervation find my ſelf in the Latitude of 13 deg. 10 min. I require the Latitude of the Place from whence I came, and the Difference of Longitude becsveen the two Places. For the Difference of Latitude, As the Radius B 90 deg. To the Diſtance failed 1154 Leagues A E 306222 So is the Sine-Complement of the Courſe E, 41 deg. 27 min. 982083 To the D'fference of Laticude 764 Leagues--- 288315 Extend the compaſſes from the Sine of godeg. to 1154 Leagues; the ſame will reach from the Sine of 41 deg. 27 min. to 764 Leagues, which converted into Degrees, is 38 deg. 12 min. the Difference of Latitude ; which added to 13 deg. 12 min. the Latitude of the laſt Place, the Total is so deg. 22 min. the Latitude of the firſt Place required. The Difference of Longitude is found as before in the chird Problem, ſaying, As the Radius, To the Difference of Latitude inlarged 934 4.: So is the Tangent of 748 d. 33 m. To the Difference of Longitude in Leagues 1058, which is so deg: 55 min. Now to convert the Difference of Longitude found in any Latitude inco Leagues, do it after this Example. Suppoſe two Places in one Parallel of Latitude, as in the Parallel of 55 deg. 22 min. whoſe Difference of Longitude is 52 deg. 55min. I require che Diſtance of thoſe two Places. As the Radius- Is in proportion to the Compl.Sine of the Latitude 5ı d. 22 m.- 979573 So is the Difference of Longitude 1058 Leagues. 302448 To the Diſtance in that Latitude 661 Leagues 282092 You 10 ! 1 1 1 174 Sailing by the True Sea-Chart. Book IV. You muſt underſtand, That the Leagues of Longitudo in any Parallel of Latitude, are in proportion to the Diſtance in Leagues, as the Aquinoctial is to chat Parallel; or, as the Semidiameter of the one, is to thie Simidi.imeter of the ocher, as was faid in the Seventh Chapter : CHA P. VIII. How to divide a · Particòlar:Sea-Chart , according to. Mercator and Mr. Wright's Projection. 49. D:8. Y + 55:30 F it be a Particular Chart you would makć, you muſt firſt conſider the cwo 49 L-titsdes you would make the Chart for ; and out of the foregoing Table of 13401 2 Meridional parts, take the Numbers anſwering to cach Latitude, and ſubſtract : 11427 the lefſer out of the greater , and the Remain is the Numbers which you muſt take for the extreme Parallel of Latitude. 1975 As for Example, I would make a Blank Merca- tor's Chart from the Latitude of 49 deg. 30 min. to 55 deg. 30 min. and for 10 Degrees of Longitude. Look 2975 (9:52 in the Table of Meridional Parts, and for the Latitude 301 13401 1975 of 49 deg. 30 min. you will find the Number anſwer- 2013142159 1921 ing thereunto is 11426, and the Numbers for the Lati- 10 13284158 1863 tude of $5 deg. 30 min. is 13401; the leaſt ſubſtracted 09143226 58 1805 from ihc grcarct;che-Remainer is 1975 Equal Parts for 50113168581747 Divide the Dif- the length of the Meridian-Line: Therefore first diaw 40/1311015811689 ference 1973s the Line A B, DC for the Meridian-Line, and croſs 3013052 581631 by 26,the Quo- it with cwo Perpendiculars, as B C and AD: Then di- citat will ſheme vide one of the Parallels of Latitude into 1o Equal parts, 2012995 571573 you the oumber TO 1293815711516 of Degrees of as A D,and ſubdivide eaclíof thoſe Degrees inco zorgwal 54 00112882157 1459 the A quinoai- parts or Leagues that makes a Degree of Longitude and so 12825571402 al and min. that Latitude at the Aquator; and ſuppoſe each of theſe makes the length 20 Parts to be divided into 10 parts more, ſo will a 40 12768 571345 30/12712 551288 Line; as for 6 Degree be divided into 200 parts: Then take with your 20112656 5612321 deg. form Aro Compasſes 1975 Equal parts out of the Line A D, and 1012600 56 1176 D, will be 9 d. lay from A to B, and from D to C, for the extreme 53 001254515511120 $5 m. of ibe Parallels of Latitude ; and through cach Degree of Æquator. 50112490151065 Longitude marked with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 40 12435155 IOIO 10, draw Meridian-lines parallel to the firſt Meridian : 301238055) 955 Then out of the Table of Meridional parts collect the Numbers anſwering to every 10 Minutes of Latitude, 2012325155 900 You may divide as in the firſt Column of this Table annexed, che ſecond 10 122711541 846 Column is the Number anſwering the Minutes of La- 152 00112217 541_7921 nutes into two Equal parts i fo titude in the Table of Meridional parts, which ſubſtra 50112163 54 738 is every Degree cted the leſſer from the greater, the Remain is the Dif- 4012109541 684 divided into sference, as in the third Coluon si deg. for the D.Fe- 3012055/541 630 min. as A B & rence of the two lowermoſt Numbers: Then add the 20113002153) 5761 DC into som. Numbers together in the fourth Column in this manner; IO 11949 531 523 si for the firſt 10 minutes, and 52 added to it, $1.00 11896 53 470 makes 102 for 50 Minstes; and 52 added to 102, 5011843 53! 417 From D. makes 154 for the Number of Equal parts you muſt 40 11790531 364 cake out of the Line A D for 30 min. from A to so 3011737153 311 Deg. of Latitude, and lay ic on both ſides of the 20111685152 258 Chart, and draw the Parallels of so Degrees of Lati . To 11633/521 2061 tude; and ſo do of the reſt, as you ſee in this Table. 50 001115811521 1541 And for 51 Degrees the Number is 470; take 470 So1153952 103 and lay it upwards from A to 51 Degrees on both 40111479152 fidcs , and draw the Parallels of s1 Degrees of Lati- 3011426151 tudes and ſo do with all the reſt. CH A P. F every 10 Mi- 1 + 1 51 . . CHAP.IX, A Figure of the True Sea-Chart. 175 A Particular Sea Chart N 35. to 515 ! Ilg 514 1 7 Elg 513 East West elg ! } 19 511 1 olg 이다​. : E 2 3 4 5. 6 S 20. 7 8 او А in 200 (40a] -600 800 1000 1200 0077 1600 8 D Souto 175 1 . .::::.. CX A P. IX. The Projection of the Meridian-Line by Geometry, and how to make a *: , Scale of. Leagues for to meaſure Diſtances in any Latitude HE Projection is the ground-work of Mr. Wright's Table of Latitudes, in his Book called, The Corre&tion of Errers in Navigation, where he ſhewech how to make it , and hath alſo made a Table by the continual addition of the Secants of every minute, which Ihiews how much you are to lengthen the De grees of Latitude in your chart, thar-ſo there may be a true proportion becween the Degrees T * . 176 The Projection of.the Meridian-Line. Book IV. . 1 Degrees of Longitude and Latitude in all Places. Which Table I have abridged, and made it more plain and eaſic, by reducing it into Leagues and Tenth parts, as hath been ſhewed before. We will here ſhew you how to do the ſame by Geometry, and alſo how to make a Meridian-line anſwerable to any Line of Longitudes, and a Scale of roo Leagues to meaſure any Diſtance in any Latitude. Firſt, Make the Quadrant A B C, of what largeneſs you pleaſe, and divide the Limb thereof into 90 Degrees, and number them from B towards'C; Then divide the side of the Quadrant into s Equal parts, which are five Degrees of the Aqui- noEtial. Then divide che firſt Degree from the Center, as A D, into 6 Equal parts, and through them draw Parallel-lines to A C: You may divide cach of the other , four Degrees from Dco B into 20 Equal parts, which are 20 Leagues, which makes a Deo gree Longitude at chc Aquator; and ſo you may number them as you ſee, from 10 to 100: So the whole Line A B will be your Radius, and the length of rio Leagues, or five Degrees and a half of Longitude of your Chart. "And becauſe the Degrees of Longitude are to be of one length in all Latitudes, therefore the Degrees of Lati- tudes mnft encreaſe, as the Secants of the Latitudes increaſe. Therefore if you would know how long one Degree of Latitude muſt be in the Latitude of 50 Degrees, lay a Ruler on so Degrees, and on the Conter A, and draw the Line AH. Now the Raa dims being AD, the length of one Degree of the Aguator, this Line A h, or l Kg of 1 " B 3 110 N 110 M > 110 Ho 100 100 go 30 80 80 70 so 60 60 so 40 K қ zlo 30 : 20 DE AG R O 0 ITA 06 d'e 17.6 being both of one length, is the Sesaxt of 80 Degrees to that Radius, and muſt be the length of one Degree of Latitude in a Chart from 5o. Degrees ta, fi Degrees, as you may preſently try by the former Charl; and fo'ché Line A @ which is the secant of 20 Degrees, is the length of one Degree of the Meridian-linelim the Latitude:of 20 Degrees; and ſo for any other Latitude. The fix Lines divided in the firſt Degree 'AD, are 10 Minutes apiece; and ſo you have the Secant of every 10 Minutes of Latitude, and their length in every Latitude, for a particular Chart, and for a gene- ral Chart, which hath in it North and Soxth Latitude. You may divide the Quadrant's Side A B into 10 Equal parts, and ſubdivide thidm into io mors; fo will D * bero Degrees of the equator, and ey will be che 7 Y N 10 20 20 60 80 go 10 751 coo 30 13 L 1 40 100 जात > draw Parallel-lines to MN, through every 10 Leagues in the Side A B, you drant extend your Compages from the Center A, CHAP.X. How to make a Scale of Leagues. 177 the length and Secant of 10 Degrees in the Latitude of 20 Degrees, and L r the length and Secant of 10 Degrees in the Latitude of 60 Degrees, which is twice the length of one Degree of the Æquator : So that you may preſently try the truth of this proje- ction, how it agrees with the Globe: Whereas one Legree of Latitude in the Globe, is equal to two Degrees of Longitude in chat Latitude of 60 Degrees; 1 here A L 'the Secant of 60 Degrees, is twice the length of A D the meaſure of one Degree of Longitude in the Blank Chart; and I r is twice the length of 10 Degrees D * : Só cvery Degree is two of the Æquator in the Latitude of 60 Degrees of a general Charts and by the Globe, in the Latitude of 75 deg. 30 min. one Degree of Latitude is equal to four Degrees of Longitude. So in the Quadrant, A R is four times the length of A D: and ſo the Proportion will hold in any other Latitude. u Scale of Leagues from the Latitude of 25 Degrees, to the Latitude of 57 Degrees oo Minutes. How to make the Scale of Leagues. HE Quadrant being drawn, as before-directed, take 110 Leagues and lay from A to B, and draw the Line MNB ar Right Angles thicreunto : and if it be for a particular Chart, as that before-going, draw Lines from the Center through every Particular Latitudes as you ſee in the Quadrant I have done, to make a Scale for the blank Chart before-coing, from the Latitude of 49 deg: 30 min. to 55 deg: 30 min. So that if you would know the length of 110 Leagues in the Latitude of so Degrees, lay a Ruler upon so deg. in the Arch of the Quadrant and the Center, and draw the Line Adh, and that is the length of 110 Leagues in that Latitude. So that if you will the Quadrant: and ſo you may do for every League, as you ſee the little Checkers be- wwixe the Latitude of 20 deg. and 30 deg. for to Leagues between Latitude of 50 Suppoſe you would know the length of 40 Leagues in the Latitude of so deg. Extend the Compaſſes from A to K, and that Diſtance is 4. Leagues in that Latitude: And in like manner work by the reſt in any other Latitude, you would make this into a Scale, as the Figure Y MmN; Firſt in the Qua- to the Interſections of the Lines drawn through every Degree MN B, and lay them down upon the side of the : extreme Latitude of your chari, as A, O, P, Q, Y, M, with the ſmall Arthes, as you sce I have done from M to NY, and that is the length of the Meridian-line of your go 819 310 ! 1 А 10 30 20 40 50 60 80 70 too M 90. 177 . T deg. and 56. If Аа 178 Of Sailing by a Great:Circle, BookIV. fance of the uppermoſt Line Y N of your Scale; and draw Nm the outſide of ſelf, by altering your Latitude many Degrees, by which you may often rectific your Scale or Degree of Latitude MY; therefore draw the Parallel-limes Y N and Mm for the extreme Parallels of your Scoile : Then extend your comp.rſ/es. from Y in the Quadrant, to each of the Inter feЕtions of theſe ſmall Arches that are drawn from the Interſections on the Tangent-line MN;' and from 25 deg. uppermoſt, lay that Extent downward for the Parallel of 55 deg. of Latitude, as che Line above the Igwermoſt; and fo lay down all your Latitudes by theſe ſmall Arches, in like mani- ner; and ſo neatly divide the side of your Scale M Y of Deg. of Latitude: Then draw Parallel-lines to all theſe Degrees, as you ſcc: Then excend the Compages froin the Center of the Ouadrant co M, for the length of the lowermoſt Line of your Scale Mm for 110 Leagues. Then extend the compaſſes from the Center of the Quadrong to N, which is the length of 110 Leagues in the Latitude of 25 deg. and it is the Di- your Scale 110 Leagues : So take every to Leagues from the Center A, in the Line A M, in Latitude 56 Degrees, and divide che lowermoſt Line of the Scale ; and the like do in the Latitude of e5, for to divide the uppermoſt Line of the Scale; and draw Lines through each of them, which will divide all the reſt of the Parallel- lines in cach Latitude into 10 Leagues apicce, and number them as you ſee I have done ; and divide the firſt 10 Leagues by the Meridian-line of the Scale, into 10 Equal parts below and above, and draw Lines through each of the Diviſions: So have you ncacly divided your Scale, and cvery Degree of Latitude thereof, iuto Leagues, to 100 and 10 odd Leagues ; which will meaſure any Diſtance in a Chart, made according to che Degrees of Latitude and Longitude in the foregoing Chart. For to know the Rbomb berween any two Places, ſhall be ſhewed in the Uſe of the gcueral Sea-Chart following, by a Protraćting Quadrant, and alſo how to find the Place of any Shipin Mercator's Chart, and to lay down any Traverſes. CMA P. X. The way of Sailing by a Great Circle. TE will now (hew you the way of Sailing by the Arch of a Great Circle, which is the moſt true way of Sailing of all others, if a Man is ſure to have Winds, that he may keep neer the Arch that goes over any two Places propoundod. But as there is a great deal of uncertainty in having a conſtant Wind by the Arch, ſo likewiſe the Trade-winds many times lye wide of this Arch many Leagues; beſides many dangers of Rocks, and Sands, and great Currents, and danger of Pirates; which by keeping near the Arch may lead Men into many incon- veniences; which may be a greater crouble to a Man, more than by ſailing a fer Leggmes the more, for his beſt advantage and more ſecurity ; beſides the trouble in that way, of keeping of Accounts, which Men chat svarch every 4 Hassrs, cannot al- low ſo much time cvery Noon, nor will be perſwaded to do it once in three of four Days, in regard Mercator's Clart comes neer the very truth. Lec the Wind, and Sea, and Currents,, or Pirates, drive a ship ever ſo far wide of the Archa yer it is all one by that True Chart. If you keep a true Account of the Ship’s way, allowing for Variation of the Compaſs, and Setting of Currents, and heaving of the Sea, you may at any time have the cruc Point where the ship is, and how to ſhape a Courſe the moſt ready and convenient way to the Port you are bound to : Yet, I ſay, theſe Meni that are perfect in this way of ſailing, may ſee by their Mercator's Chart the dan- gers that lie between any two Places, and ſhun them; and likewiſc make many Vog- ages, where the Winds may favour them, ſailing by the Arch, and no danger of Racks or Sands to trouble them, which will prove a great advantage when your Courſe lies neers Eaft and West, for failing upon theſe two Points, Men truſt altogether upor Plain Sailles, their Dead Reckaning (by the two former ways) but by this way you may help your Mercator's. W your Account Far Examples Admiç you were to fail from Avere on the coaſt of Portugal, to the Bay no. way he 1 Degrees, To find Chap.XI. Of Sailing by a Great Circle. 179 Bay on the back ſide of Aguamacke ncer Virginia, which lye both nicer the Latitude This Arch of 4 of 40 Degrees; and ſuppoſe the Difference of Longitude between theſe two places be Great Circle 70 Degrees : The Diſtance of the two Places Eaſt and Weſt is 53 deg. į and ſome- over two Places ching more; but the Diſtance in the Arch of a Great Circle is buc 52 deg. and a little in Lacitude 40 more, that is, 1 deg. and about ; leſs, which is but a little benefic to this, which is d.oo m. and the chiefeſt, That in failing between two ſuch Places by the Arch of a Great Circle, Difference of you will in the firſt half of the way raiſe the Pole ş deg. 41 min. and then in the the Line ocher half depreſs the Pole as much ; ſo that in the whole Voyage you will alter your PW in the Di- Latitude 11 deg.22 min. by ſeveral courſes; by which you may rectific your Dead agram of the Reckoning, which you cannot do in failing upon a Parallel of. Eaſt and Weſt; by 14. Chap; of which you ſee it is the beſt way of ſailing, as well as the neareſt, eſpecially in ſuch Globe iz Pla- occafions, if the Wind favour you. Now concerning this way of ſailing, Mr. Edward Wright our Noble Countryman did firſt lay down a way, in his Book of Correction of Errors in Navigation, pag. 63, 64 and 65, by Geometry, which Captain Santanſtal did comment upon in his Book called the Navigator, which was only of a Parallel Courſe; for any ocher ſaid but little or nothing. Mr. Norwood in his Book of Trigonometry hath added many Problems of failing by the Arch of a Great Circle; for thoſe that will or can, inay by his pains find out all things in this way of ſailing: But as they are difficult , and the way unknown to moſt Sea-men how to calculare; ſo they arc tedious to thoſe of clie beſt skill : There- fore I commend Mr. Philips his Tables , in his Book called The Advancement of. Nd- vigation, and likewiſe his 'Plain Figures in his Book of the Geometrical Sea-nsair. I Thall likewiſe by Geometry, and by Calculation, give you ſome ſatisfaction. Either way ſhall be done with ſpeed, and as exactly as need be required. The true Diſtance between two Places in the Arch of a Great Circle contained be- twixt chein, is chus to be found out. If the two Places have no Latitude (being boch under che Aguator, and one of them allo no Longitude, the Longitude of the other being leſs or not more than 180 Degrees, the Longitude is the Diſtance. But if the Longitude be greater than 180 Degrees, ſubſtract it out of 360 Degr. the Remainer is the Diſtance. If two places be in one Meridian, and have the ſame Longitude both, and but one hath Latitude North or South, the Latitude is the Diſtance. But if both Places agreeing in Longitude, lave Latitude alſo of like denomination Latitude, (that is, both Latitudes Northerly, or both Sostherly) then ſubſtract che lefſer out of Landle. 50:15 the greater, the Romain is the Diſtance . Ribedev.43:30 But if both Places in one Meridian, have one Northerly Latitude, and the other Diſtance 7:45 Soutkerly Latitude, add them together , for the Sum is the Diſtance in Degrees . C H A P. XI. Horo to find the true Diſtance of Places, one of them having no Latitude: The other having Latitude and Difference of Longitude leſs than 180 I Their Diſtance in a Great Circle: 2 The Direct Poſition of the Firſt Place from the Second. 3 And the Second place from the Firſt. The Firſt Scituation. Irft, If any two Places being propored, the one under the Aquinoctial, the other may be in any other Latitude given, cither North or South, and the Difference of Longitude of the "Places being known; you may find the three things before ſpoken of in any Queſtion, by the following Directions. We call che Aa 2 Angle 11 20 140 IS Leagues 155 3 Miles 465 : ) > 1 : F 180 Of Sailing by a Great Circle. Book IV: To draw a Great Circle Angle that the Rhomb leading from one place to another, makes with the Meridians, the Poſition of theſe Places : But in regard the Arch of a Great Circle, drawn berwen two Places, is the moſt neer diſtance from the one place to the other; therefore the Angles which that Arch makes with the Meridian of thoſe Places, we call the An- gles of Direct Poſition: or direct way of cwo Places one from the other. Now in the following Diagram, let A be the Entrance of the great River of Am.u- zones, under the Aquator; A Q the Arch of the Aquator, or Difference of Longi- from the Ama- tude and let C repreſent the Iſland of Lundy, lying in Latitude 55 deg. 22 min. dy, put ebe Dif- Northerly, and the Meridian thercof: and ſuppoſe the Difference of Longitude ference of Lon- A Q_to be 41 deg. 22 min. gitude on the Weſt Side from A toG; ad draw the prickt Liu NS, N for the North, and S for the Soutb Pole; and through G draw the Azimuth Circle NGS, and draw the Parrallel of Latitude CZC; and brough z diam tbe Arch A ZRV Q, for ibe Circle which pafesh from £ Amazones to Z Lundy. N C E H: ia Æ West G A East का S. ។ F as Hopp to do theſe Queſtions Geographically. Irft, With an Arsh of 60 Degrees deſcribe the outward Meridian Æ ECQIF. Secondly, Draw A Q the Aguinotial Line. Thirdly, Take si deg. 22 min. of the Line of Chords, and lay it from toc and draw the Line CD through the Center, and the Line EF at Right Angles chiereunto. Fourchly, Take off your Sarthe of Tangents, counting from 90,-41 deg. 23 min. and lay. from Q to A; Faria re- preſents the River of Amazones. Now draw the Circle CAD chrough A, the Hori. zon thereof is EF; then meaſure.FK, and apply it to the Line of Tangerits, before directed; and you will find the Angle of Direct Poſition to be 48 deg. 25 min. Take that Number out of your Line of į Tangents from 1 Degree forwards towards 90, and lay it from H to L for the Pole, and draw a Lins from L through A, it will cut the Live in I; ſo meaſuring CI on the Line of Chords, it will be gi deg. 57 min. for the Distance, which is 1237. Leagues and:3712 Miles. By' the Tables. Hen in this Triangle CAQ, Right-Angled at there is required C A the neareſt Diſtance of the two places in the Arch of a Great Circle ; and the Angle ACQ_of Direct Poſition from the INland Lundy to the Amazopes: and the Angle Coo ! 1 termos 1 it CHAP.XI. Of Sailing by a Great Circle. 181 CRO being the Complement of the Angle of the Direct Poſition of the iſland of Lundy. For the neareſt Diſtance CA, As Radius, is to Co-ſine of Difference of Longitude 41 d. 12 m.-989534 So is Co-fine of the Latitude or Difference si deg: 22 min. 979699 To the Co-line of the Diſtance 61 deg. 57 min.- -967233 which 6r deg. 57 min, converted into Leagues, is 1237 as before, the ncareſt De stance between thoſe two Places. For the Angle of Direct Poſition from che Amazones toward Lundy, NER, As the Radius, to the Sine of the Differ. of Longitude 41 d.22 m.-982011 So is the Co-cangent of Difference of Latitude 51 deg. 22 min.-990267 To the Co-tangent of the Angle of Poſition 27 d. som. NÆR-972278 For the Angle of Poſition ACQ, Meaſure NR As Radius 90, is to Co-fine of Differ. of Lat. 51 d. 32m. QC-989273 on tbc half Tan- gents, and the So is Co-tangent of Differ. of Longitude 41 deg. 22 m. AQ1005522 Angle of Police To the Co-tang.of the Angle of Direct Poſition 48 d.25 m. ACQ-994795 tion, and tbe Diſtance is all The ſame Preportions will hold by the Artificial Lines on the Scale: ont as before And thus you ſee, he which will fail the ncareſt way from the Amazones to the Lizard, ſhall at firſt ſhape his Gouiſe, 50 min. from the Meridian to the Eastward; that is, N. N. E. almoſt a Polnt" Eaſterly. Now if the Wind ſhould ſerve that you might ſail this Courſe; it is to be underſtood, that in this kind of fail- ing he is not to continue this Courſe long; but to ſhift it, and incline more and more to che Eaſtward, as often as occafiou requires : which how it may be dons, ſhall be ſhowed in the following Diſcourſe. 1 P R O EL II. How to find the Great Circle's greateb Latitude N.or S. or Obliquity. Ote, Without the knowledge of the true Quantity of the Obliquity or Latinade of that Great Circle which will paſs directly over the Places propounded, there can be no complear Demonſtration, much leſs Arithmetical Calculation of things per- taining thereunto ; therefore it is needfull that the true Quantity of each Great Cira cle's Obliquity be diligently found to exact certainty: which to do, in ſome caſes is very caſic, and in ſome again more difficult. Therefore I will propound Rules for the ſeveral Scituations following, except thoſe that are ſcituate under the Aquator, or under the ſame Meridian. If one place be under the Aguator and hath no Latitude, and the other hath any Quantity of Latitude, and the Difference of Longitude being leſs chan 90 deg, as before 41 deg. 32 min. it is eaſily found, thus: The greateſt Olliquity in the foregoing Diagrain is H RV, As the Sine of the fourd Diſtance 61 deg. 57 inin. 994573 Is to the Sine of the Latitude si deg. 22 mju.- 1989273 So is the Radius (added to the Loff-Number) To the Sinc of the greateff Obliqúary 62 d.16 m.) 994706 So 62 deg. 16 min. is the greateſt Obliquity or Latitude from the Æquator, of thac Great Circle extended over thoſe cwo Places, Buc 182 Of Sailing by a Great Circle, BOOK IV. But if the Difference of Longitude be 90 deg. as Æ H, and one of the Places have n0 Latitude, and the other have any Quanticy of Latitude; then it is evident to reaſon, as in the forcgoing Diagram may appear, that the fecond place is ſcituate in the very point of the greateſt Obliguity, which is never above 90 Degrees, as HN; and the other place is in the very point of Interfection of the ſaid Great Circle with the Aguator : For note, That every Great Circle that paſſeth over any two Places propounded, cuts the Æquator in two oppoſite Points 180 deg. from each other, as the Ecliptick Line doth in the two Points of Aries and Lilra; and the greateſt Olli- gulty of char Circle is 23 deg. 30 min. the Sun's greateſt Declination, and never any Now if one Place have no Latitude oo deg. oo min. and che other have any Quantity of Latitude, the Difference of Longitude being more than godeg. to find the Obligrity of the Great Circle paſſing over thoſe Places. As admit one Place Latitude oo deg. 00 min. and the other si deg:22 min. Diffe- rence of Longitude 138 deg. 38 min. Diſtance betwixe them is near 107 deg. There fore take che Diſtance 107 deg. out of 180, and there remains 73 deg. Then, more. . As the Sine of the Remainer-73 deg. Is to the Sine of the Latitude 51 deg. 22 min. Se is Radius To the Sine of the greateſt Obliquity 54 deg. 25 min. 998251 989273 IO 1 991022 so that 54 deg. 25 min. is the greateſt Obliquity of the Great Circle extended over theſe two Places. And ſo you may work for any Queſtions of this nature. The ſecond Scituation. Econdly, There may be two Places fcituated in divers Parallels of Latitude, be- twixt the Artick and Antartick Poles, that may have one Degree and Minute of Latitude, yet may have ſeveral Degrees of Longitude. .. ! *NFO ? 8 H R o 31 drie 1 K sadsr Q L 1 G Family t B В IS th PROBL 1 CHAP.XI. Of Sailing by a Great Circle. 183 PROBL. III. 1 1 PAD:::... 1 .... (1 Admit there be two places both in the Latitude of 51 deg. 22 min. and their Difference of Longitude be 52 deg. 55 min. 1. To find the neareſt Diſtance of thoſe two places. 2. The Direct Poſition of the one place from the other. How to do theſe Queſtions Geographically. Ake off the Lize of Chords the Latitude of the Place 51 deg: 29 min.and:lay from Æ to X, and froin Q to C; and take of the Tangents clie ſame Liitude, and lay from K to ();, and through theſe three points draw the Parallel of Latitude XOC; che Differesce-of Longitude laid from Q to L, draw the Heridian-Circle NLS, the ſecond place is at R, and firſt at C the Meridian-circle cuts a R: Therefore draw thic Circle from C through R to B, and meaſure HI on the Tane gents, and you will find it 68 deg: 46 min. for the Angle of DireEt Poſition HCI. Now from the Tangents cake 68 deg. 46 min. and lay it from the Center K to E and from E draw through che Point of Interfe£tion at R the prickt Line ERF; and becauſe it cuts the Line in F, therefore mcaſure C F en che Line of Chords, and you will find it 32 deg. 18 min. forotlic triteGreat-ircle Diſtance, which is 646 Leagues , or 1938 Milos. In ilt "Sevcuch Problems of falling bý Mercabdras-Chaves yonayote ikeře jare- quired the Diſtance of theſe two mldas meaſured irr fhe Paralla, and fotirid to be 660,4.. but here is required the-ndareſt Difrocesin the Arch of a Great Circle: Work chus by the Tablese For the Dištančejo prima As the Radius;-Is to the site Comisle of the Lars 384. 38 im RN=779541 So is the Sine of the Differvbf Longitude 367 m.R FN-984876 To the Sine of half the Diſtance 16 deg. 09 min. R F 944415 Which doubled is 32 deg. 18 min. and this converted into Leagues and Miles, as bea fore, is 646 Leagues, and 1938 Miles; the neareſt Diſtance; and leſs than the Stance meaſured in a Parallel by Miles 42. To find the Dire& Poſition, As Radius 90, Is to the Sine Compl. of the Lat. 58d.38m.RN-989273 So is the Tangent of the Differ. of Longitude 260 d.27 m.RNF-969678 To the Co-rangent of the Angle of Poſition 68 d. 46 m. NRF-958951 Which ſhewech, that if you will go the neareſt way from Cto R, you muſt not go Weft, though both be under one Parallels but muſt firſt ſhape your Courſe from C from North 68 deg. 46 min Wefterly, that is almoſt w.N.w. and ſo by little and little inclining to w. b. N. and then W. and W.b.S.and almoſt W. S.W. as before. How to find the Obliquity, Wo Places having Latitude both the ſame, as 51 deg. 22 min: and towards the famc Pole , whether North of South, and Difference of Lośgitude sa deg. ss min, or any number of Degrees under 90: If above 90, take it out of 180, and work with the Remainer the fame manner of way. PROBL IV. As Radius 90, Tá Co-tangengi of the Latitudes 5-1 d. 22 m. RN-990267 So is the Co-fine of the Difter of Longitude 26 d.27m.RNF-995197 To the Compl. Tan. of the greatest Obliquity 54 d. 25 m,NF-985464 DIE 1 + So 184 Of Sailing by aGreat Circle. Book IV. So that the greateſt Obliquity is 54 deg. 25 min. And the ſame Proportion will hold for any Queſtion of this nature. We mighc proceed to frame many Queſtions touching thoſe two Places ; but theſe being the moſt material, I leavetle" reſt to your own Practice, to uſe aš inuch brevity as I may. I might have ſhewn you the Side and Angles; buc in regard chey are Sphée rical I omic it, and thall demonſtrate them at laſt in Plano: But you may fo low theſc Rules, if you cannot appiciend the Diagram; but ſome may deſire the Tri- angle, therefore I lay it down. In chis Triangle CRN, let the two Places be C and CR, and let N be the North Pole; then CN or RN either of them are 38 deg: 38 min. the Complement of the Latitude and the Angle CN R is the Difference of Lon- C gitude: There is required CFR the neareſt Diſtance and the Direct Poſition of the one to the other, NCR or NRC; for in tliis Caſe choſe two Angles are equal: And ſecing NC and NR are equal, therefore let fall the Perpendicular N F, the Triangle NCR is divided into tivo-Right-angled Triangles CNF and RNF, which are every way cqual. The Third Scituation. 11.386388 ៗ R One Place having North Latitude, and the other Place having South La- titude, of different Quantities, and the Difference of their Longitudes :s leſs than 90. As I omit one place having North Latitude, as Lundy, si deg. 22 min. the other South Latitude, as the Rio de la Plata, 35 deg. oo min. Difference of Longitude betwixt them 45 deg. 55 min. I demand the Diſtance, the Angleof Poſition, and the greateſt La- titude or Obliquity of the Great Circle that pafſeth over theſe two Places, A Fter you have deſcribed the outward Meridian N ESA, stake from the Line of. Chords the Latitude si deg. 22 min. and lay it from E to P, and draw the Line PCO and HC M at Right Angles to P, take off che half Tangent Line the Dif- + .:In N 7 .H (am SI22 1 1 LA 1 K 5 Pole, نورر4 لل E A i 11 + 35 MM El :) V S W ference 1 CHAP.XI. In Sailing by a Great Circle. 185 4 ference of Longitude 45 deg. 55 min. and lay it from E'to F, and draw the Me- ridian-Circle NFS, whereon lay the Latitude of Rio dela Plata 35 deg. from F to R, by taking 35 out of the Line of Chords, and laying it from E to 35, and the Tangent of F E from C to Pole, and draw the prick'd Line Pole 35, which cuts the Circle N FSi R, the Rio dela Plata: and through R draw the Circle PRO, and meaſure M N on the half Tangents, you will find the Angle of Poſition to be RPE 36 deg. 2 min. Then take the half Tangent of 36 deg. 2 min. and lay from C to K, and draw the prick'd-Line from Kthrough R, and it will cut the Line at T; therefore meaſure T P on the Line of Chords, and that is the meaſure of RP os deg. 18 min. for the Diſtance, or 1906 Leagues, or 5718 Miles: The greateſt Latitude or Obliquity is: from A Eco L; and Ý LW is the Parallel of 68 deg. 21 min. che greateſt obliquity required, PRO BL. V. 1 901318 Then by the Tables; "As Radius, To the Co-line of Differ. of Longitude 45 d. 55 m.-984241 So is the Co-tangent of the greater Latitude gi deg. 22 min. 990267 To the Tangent of the firft Arch 29 deg. 5 min. 934509 The loſs Latitude 35 deg. andrea As fakes satrdeg. Take the firſt Arch 29 deg: 5 min, therefrom, and there remains 95 deg. 55 min. Take this out of 180 deg. and there remains 84 deg: 5.min, che ſecond Arch:-Then mons 71. As Co-Gide of the fir} AFERdeg. $ moin.. 994005 Is to the Co-line of the Second Atch 84. deſ. 15 mín. So is the Sine of the greater Latitude 58 deg. 22 inin, 989273 Out of ifsódico Taken . 84 42 STo the Co-line of 84 d. 42 m.8905ģt Sum And there remains 95 18 SThe truc Diſtance 95 d. 18m._-896586. which was required. Now to find the Obliguity, Take both their Latitudes as if they were perih, or both Soxtb, and the Complement of the Difference of Longitude to 1 80 deg. which here is 1,34 deg. og min. half that is 67 deg. 2 min. 30": both the Latitudes added to- gether make 86 deg. 22 min. half that is 43 deg. II min. ic being too little, I added i deg. 20 min. to the half, to find the mean and true Latitude 44 deg. 31 min. which I find the Obliguity, as I proved by this Operation. As Radius, Tó Co-tangent of the Latitude 44 deg. 31 mia.--1000732 So is Co-line of half the Difference of Longitude 67 deg, 2 min.- 959158 To the Co-tangent of the Obliquity 68 deg.. 21 min. 959890 Now to find whether 68 deg21 min. be indeed the true Obliquity, make theſe 1 1 about 1 Proofs of it. P As Radius, To Co-tangent of Obliquicy 68 deg. 21 min.- 959890 Take from it the Tangent of the Latitude 5ı deg. 22 min. 990267 There remains the Co-line of Differ. of Longitude 60 deg.14 min.-969623 Again, As Radius, To Co-tangent of Obliquity 68 deg. 21 min. 1959890 Take out the Co-tangent of the other Lacitude 35 deg. oo min.-1015477 There remains Co-line of Differ. of Longitude 73 min.- 944413 Now both the Longitudes found, 73 deg. 51 mix, and 60 deg. 14 min. added Sr Вь cogether, 134 Os 60 14 73 186 Geographical Queſtions Book IV. . together, makes juſt 134 deg., 05 min. the Difference of Longitude at firſt propounded berwixt thoſe cwo Places ; which proves, That the greateſt Obliquity of the Great Circle that paſſech directly over theſe two Places, the Iſland Lundy and Rio dela Pla. ta, lo ſcituate, is 68 deg. 21 min. Now if it ſo happen that both the Latitudes be of the ſame Quantity, as one Place North Latitude 11 deg. 30 min. and the other Place South Latitude 11 deg.30 . and the Difference of Longitude betwise the two Longitudes 55 deg. 48 min. To find the truc Great Circles Diſtance betwixe ſuch Places, firſt divide the Difference of Lon- gitude juto civo equal parts, and then take one Latitude and half.che Difference of Longitude, and find the Diſtance belonging to one Latitude, which doubled, yields the whole Diſtance betwixt the Places propounded : As Longitude 55 deg. 48 min. halfed is 27 deg. 54 min. and Latitude il deg. 54 min. Then worķ thus. As Radius, To Co-fine of Differ. of Longitude 27 d. 54 m. 994633 So is the Co-line of the Latitude 11 deg: 30 min. 999119 To the Co-finc of 30 deg, half the Diſtance 993752 which doubled is 6o deg. the whole Diſtance betwixt one Place: South Latitude 11 deg. 30 min. and and another North Latitude 11 deg. 30 min. having 55 deg. 48 min. Difference of Longitude. And ſo work for any two. Places ſo ſcituate. D 1 * Geographical Queſtions. Two Ships being at Sea, their Difference of Longitudczas s3 deg. Now upon a day they obſerved the Sun being between them; the North Ship found the Sun's Meridian Height 33 deg. and the South Ship 77 deg. the middle Latitude between them was 15 deg, North of the Æqui- no&ial Line : I demand the Angle of Poſition, and Diſtance from the North Ship to the South ? Meridian alitude. T Irſt add the two Meridian Altitudes complement together, 33 deg. and 77. deg. 33d.Compl.spdeg. Complement 57 and 13, che Sum is 70, che half sum is 35 deg. the middle La- 77d.Comol izdeg. titude 15; add the middle Latiinde and half sum together, it makes so deg. the Sam 70 Sun 35 Mid.Lal. 15 P. Nor.Sbip.golat. South Ship 20 lar. N wi , ) A ? I bi 33 e 20 . L H + De В 2. . North 1 d CHAP.XI. In Sailing by a Great Circle. 187 North Ships Latitude; and ſubſtract the middle Latitude from the half Sum, and the Remain is 20 deg. clie Latitude: of the South Ship. The North Ships Latitade is laid from Q to N so deg. the Difference of Longitude QF $3 des. Through F de- ſcribe the Great Circle Meridian PË B, on which lay down the South Ships Latitude 20 deg. as F C, and ſo draw the Great Circle NCD through chc Interfe£tion of the prick'd Line IH, with the Meridian ac C; for that is the Latitude of the ſecond Ship: So the Angle of Poſition is NCR, whoſe meaſure is Gon the half Tangents 48 deg. 58 min. from the South Westwards; and the Diſtance is NH 48 deg. 22 min. that is , 1683, Leagues, or 5051 Miles, the neareſt Diſtance of the cwo Ships, which was required. How to do it by the Tables, you have been shewed in the laſt Example. T ► The Fourth Scituation. 1. 17 P R O B L. ,VII., The Latitude of two Places being given, together with the Difference of Longitude, To find, Firſt, The neareft Diſtance in the Arch of a Great Circle. Secondly, The Direct Poſition from the firſt place to the ſe cond. And, Thirdly, From the ſecond place to the firſt. And, Fourthly, The Circles greateſt Obliquity that paſſeth ever thoſe two Places, ADmit L be the Latitude of Lundy 51 deg. 22 min. and Longitude 25 deg. 52 min. and B is the Latitude of Barbadoes 13 deg. 10 min. and Longitude 332 deg. 57 m. and Difference of Longitude 52 deg. 55 min. : : P *. : 1 y H •22 Pole (3 K $2.5 A G F 5 Y + N 15 1 S Lay down firſt the Latitude si deg. 22 min. from Q to L; ſecondly, the Diffe- rence of Longitude QF 52 deg. 55 min. and draw the Meridian-circle P through F to S; then lay down the Latitude of Barbadoes from Q to 13, and take of the half Tangens B b 2 1 188 Geographical Queſtions Book IV. 1 ! 1157 M. I140 G 166 Tangent Line QF 57.deg.: 55 min, and lay from C to K, and draw the prick'd Line, and he will cut the Meridian PFS in B, the Latitude of Barbadoes; 13 deg. 10 min. through B draw the Circle L BN, ſo the Angle of 'Poſition is BLC, whole meaſure is RO 67 deg. 5 i min. that is, W. S.W.21 min. Weſterly; which taken off the Line of half Tangents of your Scale, and laid from C to Pole, and draw the Line from Pole through B, and it will cut the Limb in G: Therefore meaſure. G L on the Line of Chords, you have 57.deg. for the Diſtance, or 1140 Leagues, or 3420 Miles. To find the Diſtance in Queſtions of clis Nature, 1 As the Radius, Isto the Co-line of the Diff. of Longit. 52 d.55 m.-978030 So is the Co-tangent of the greater Latitude si deg. 22 min. -990267 To the Tangent of the firft Arch 25 deg: 44min -968297 Take 25 deg. 44 min. from 76 deg, 50 min. the Complement of i 3 deg. 10 min. the leſs Latitude, and the Remain is si deg. 6 min. the ſecond Arch. 2 As the Sine of the firſt Archi:25 4. 44 m. 9954647 Is to the Co-fine of the ſecond Arch 51d.06 m.- 979797? To find tbe Diſtance. So is the Sine of the greater Latitude srdizzin- 9892733 1909066 1306 P. To the Co-finc of the Diſtance 57 d. oo m... 973602. keltich is the neareſt Diftangeln dhorch of a Gront Circles by 17 Leagues leſs than Mercator's Chart by the Rbomb, and leſs by 166 Leagues than by she Rhomb on the Leag.17 Plain Chart; which confirms this to be the neareſt of all ways of Sailing becwixt any two Places A To find the Angle of Poſition, 3. As the Sinc of the Diſtance 57 deg. oo min. 992359 Is to the Sine of the Difference of Longitude 52 deg. 55 min. 990187 So is the Co-line of the Latitude 13 deg. 10 min.--. 998843 Add the two laft: Subſtrall the firſ Numbers 1989030 There remains the Sine of the Angle of Direct Poſition- 996681 Which is 67 deg. Fi min. from the South part of the Meridian-weſtward, as name- ly, W. S. W. 20 m. Wefterly. Now to know the Diſtance and Angle of. Rofition, you muſt þut Barbadoes at B, on the Weſt ſide of the Circle iz deg. from £gránd draw the Parallel of Latitnde si deg: 22 min. and lay off the Difference of-Longitade from 2 to F, and draw the Meridian-circle. PFs, and it will cuc chei Parakei of-Latitudain. Icherefore from B draw the Circle from L to K: And if you follow your former Directions, BD will be the Meaſure of BL the Diftance found, as beforc, 57 deg. co min. and LBP che Angle of Poſition, whoſc Meaſure is R G 38.deg. 26 min. and the Great Circles greateſt Obliguity is CO 54 deg. 40 min. For, 4. As the Sine of the ſecond Arch's i deg. 6 min 989111 Is to the Sine of the firſt Arch 25 deg. 44 min. 963767 So is the Tangent of Difference of Longitude 52 deg.-55 min.-1012151 1975924 To the Tangent of the Direct Poſition 36 deg. 26 min. 986813 - Fróm B towards L; which is 3 : Points, 2 deg.41 min. from the Aeridian, namelyz -N. E.b. N. 2 deg 41 min. Eaſterly you mụſt fail.firſt from B towards L; bur al- ter your Courſe, ſtill increaſing toward thc Eaftward, as ſhall be thewed. For L 1 { SI - 22 a CHAP.XII. In Great Circle Sailing. 189 . D G e t YI22 1 L R B 1 til C .za, a Æ F K Roll S I ::: 1 2 onl! Pluton Ballote 1 : ? I A 1 insريد .1 72 !? Oor For the Obliquity, to find that, 5 As Radius, To Co-fine of leſs Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. 998843. So is the Sine of the Angle of Poſition 36 deg. 26 min. -977370 To the Co-fine of the greateſt Obliquity 54 deg. 40 min. -976213 Theſe are the Scituations of all Places upon the Terreſtrial Globe; ſo that there can- not be any two Queſtions, but, in reſpect of each other, they will be found in one of cheſe four kinds; except they fall in one Meridian, or on the Æquator: and theſe Directions you have in the Tenth Chapter : Therefore if you will ſeriouſly obſerve theſe ſhort Directions already given, and as follows, you ſhall never have your Expe- ctation deceived. CHAP. XII. 0 How to deſcribe the Globe in Plano, by the Mathematical Scale. T: Heſe, and all other Queſtions of this nature, concerning the Reſolution of any Spherical Triangles may very eaſily be performed by the Globe: But be- cauſe the Globe is a chargeable, Inſtrument, and ſo every one cannot have it, therefore ſeveral Men, have for ſeveral Uſes, invented ſeveral ways to Project the Globe upon a Plain, as Mr. Gunter hach them in his Book of the sector. The firceſt for this purpoſe will be chat of Gemma Friſina, which is moſt uſed in the Great Maps of the World, the Projection whereof is as followeth. Firſt, By the Chord of 60 deg. deſcribe the Circle ÆNES, and by the Chord of 20 deg. divide it into four parts, as £ E a Croſs Diameter for the Aquator, and NS for the great Meridian: Then by taking off every 10 deg.of the Chord, you may divide each Quadrant into 90 deg. and number chem as in the Figure : Then if you take off your Line of Tangents in your Scale every 10 deg. and 5 deg. and lay them from the Center C on the four sides of the Quadrants , as you ſee the Figure, and number them as they are in the Figure ; fo thall you divide the Diameters into his parts Æ E the AquincEtial, NS the Meridian, which arc half Tangents. You may do it alſo wich- OUC M 11 1 190 11 1 Geographical Sailing BOOK IV. you extend Meridian-cir- des. out the Scale, by your Ruler, if you ſtop one end of your Ru'er ac N, and curn the other end about to the ſeveral Degrees in the lower Semicircle ES E: And alſo if you keep one end of your Ruler fixed in the Point £,and lay the other end abour to che le- veral Degrees in the Semicircle NES; ſo have you the Meridien-diam ter divided into half Tangents likewiſe. Now you have divided the Diameters, they muſt guide you in clic drawing of the Meridians from Pole N to Pola S, which arc- perfect Circles; as likewile are the How to find the Parallels of Latitude. You may find the Centers in the Diameter £, if Centers of the the Compasſes from the firſt Degree on the half Tangents, to the Secants of every 10 Degrees, and with chat Diſtance put one point at 10 deg. in che Semidiameter EC, and in EC will the other Point be the Center of.che- Meridiin of the firſt 10 deg. from £: and do the like from E in the ſame manner, for any other Degree. To draw the Meridian of so-deg. Longitude, take the Secant of so deg. off the Scale, and one point will ſtand in the Semidiameter Æ Cy'at ço deg. and the other will ſtand in the Center at Eåff, and likewiſe at Weft for go 'deg. on the other ſide: And ſo do for the reſt; and ſo you may find the Center of any Circle whatſoever, upon the Croſs Semidiameter belonging to it, which you muſt continue beyond the Great Cir- How to find ebe cle, where the Center will be in many Queſtions. For the Parallels of Latitude, it is Centers of tbe thús: Take the complemient-number of Degrees. off your Line of Tangents, put onc Parallels of Point in thc Degree of Latitude, the other will ſtand in the Center. Latitude The GLOBE in PLANO. The Globe in Platno. XI North, Vrati واو 9 80 80 To zo 60 бо ---provela L 50 59 H 40 iz 999: 30 sܕ 30 2019 ofic. 510 20 410 39 HS: 10 Why Mulo 20 E. East. West. 867666 510 0401 ,35/ glid F P 210310 40,58 3to . m do 3 of. # TA AA Comment 20 I. got 1 ALTO sto 30 08 m п 0 sif Zo 50 fool. + N ogs 09 Hi 04 11. 08 08 06S T 1 Vt i xt South 190. For 1 Chap.XII . By an Arch of a Great Circle. 191 For Example. If you will draw the Parallel of Latitude for 60 deg. take off the Tangent-line of your Scale 30 deg. the Compl. of 60 Latitude, and the other will fall upon V the Center of the Parallel of 60 deg. in the Semidiameter NS continued be- yond the Circle. So, Take the Tangent of 40 deg. and it will draw tlie Paralel of 50 deg. whole Center is at #: and lo do in drawing all Parallels of Latitude. You may draw them alſo by making ſeveral Trials, until your three "Points be in a Circle, and alſo draw the Parallels of Latitude : with the ſame Diſtance find their Centers; but if you can, by the Scale is tlie ſureſt way. 1 1 1 The Four Scituations that are if the Globe. t The Firſt Scituation. you A is a Point of Interfe£tion for the mouth of the River of Amazones, 2 Lundy, CRV the Obliquity 63 deg. 16 min. E the other Point of Interſection with the Aqua- bor, N RV che incalure of the Angle of Poſition, which applied to the Æquator from Einwards, thews you 27 deg 50 min. from Amazones to Lundy. Now if will know the Diſtance in ſuch Quefians, meaſure it in the Meridian that agrees with- the Angle of Poſition; as namely, for this Diſtance ÆZ, you muſt mcafure from N in the Meridian-line of 27 deg. 50, min. and you will find it 61 deg. 57 min. And lo do for to meaſure any other Diſtance . The Second Scituation. I is the firſt Places Latitude, r is the Difference of Longitude şu deg. 55 min. T is likewiſe the ſecond Places Latitude ; and n H is the meaſure of the Angle of Poſition, which meaſured in the Semidiameter Æc, will be found 68 deg. 46 min. In that Meridian meaſurel r the Diſtance, and you will find it from N towards C, to reach 32 deg. 18 min. Remember to meaſure che Diſtances from the Poles in the ſame Meria dian, of the Number of Degrees of the Angle of Poſition : The greateſt Obliquity of that Circle Nrl is at W 54 deg. 25 min. Interfe&tion of the Aquator at Y, 'W is a Meridian of greateſt Obliguity. The Third Seituation. Listhe firſt Places Latitude si deg: 22 min. North; Ep is the Difference of Lor- gitude 45 deg. 55 min. R is the ſecond Places Latitude, or Rio de Plata, a che greaceſt Olliqalty 68 deg. 22 min. m n the Meaſure of the Angle of Direct Poſition: applied to E C will be found 36 deg. 02 min. in that Meridian: from the Pole meaſure the Di france L R, and you will find it 95 deg. 18 min. P the Interfe&tion of the Great Circle, paſſing over the cwo Places in che Æquator. The Fourth Scituation. The firſt Latitude is at L Lundy 51 deg. 22 min. Difference of Longitude counted from E 52'deg, 55 min. that Meridian will cuc the Latitude of Barbadoes 13 deg. 10 min, at b: M H the Meaſure of the Angle of Direct Pofition 67 deg. 51 min. and bL meaſured in thar Meridian is 57 deg. min. che Diſtance. Now to know the Angle of Poſition from Barbadoes, being westward from Lundy, ſet it on the weſt ſide of the Figure, as at B; and likewiſe if the firſt place be to the Eaſtward, puc his Latitude to the Eoft ſide of the Meridian. Now to know the Angle of Poſition from Barbadoes , and Diſtance, and Obliguity, BOO is the Arch of the Great Circle that paſſeth over theſe two Places; ais Lundy, qh is the Meaſure of the Angle of Poſition 36 deg. 26 min. Bo meaſured in chas Line, 192 Geographical Sailing Book IV. Line, you will find the Diſtance 57 deg. O is the greateſt Olliquity 54 deg. 40 min. NÓ Ó S a Meridian of the greateſt obliquity : d is the interſektion with che Aguator. CMAP. XIII. By Arithmetick how to calculate exaktly for any Degrees and Minutes of Obliquity; what Degree and Minute of Latitude the Great Circle Shall paſs through for any. Degree and Minute of Longitude, from the Point of Obliquity, ör of its Interſection with the Aquinoctial. Ore theſe Rules well; for tliey ſerve ForaliQueſtions of this nature, what Difference of Longitude focver any Point or Place hath from the Meridian of its next Obliquity, which is ever go deg. or leſs ; " the Complement chereof to 90 deg, is the Difference of Longitude of that point or Place, from the Meridian of that Great Circle's next Inter fečtion with the Æquator. The firſt fort of RuL I s are theſc. By the Latitude of two places, the Difference of Longitude betwist them, and the Obliquity of the Great Circle paffing directly over both Places given ; To find the Difference of Longitude of each Place from the Meridian of the greateſt Obliquity. C 1 Ler this be our Example. Lundy in North Latitude si deg. 22 min. and Barbadoes in North Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. and Difference of Longitude 52 deg. 55 min, and the greateſt Obliqnity 54 deg. 40 min, Work firſt with the leſs Latitude, to find the Difference of Longitude from the Meridian of obliquity of both Places. Ru LI I. . Thus, As Radius, and Co-rangent of Obliquicy 54 deg. 40 min.-1,985059 Take from it the Co-tangent of lefs Laciqde 13 deg. 10 min.-1, 063090 Tbere remains the Co-ſiné of Differ. of Longitude 80 d. 27 m. 921969 The Difference of Longitude of the ſecond place from the Meridian of the greateſt Obliquity. And by reaſon the Difference of Longitude from the Obliguity is more than the Difference of Longitude betwixt the two Places, therefore ſubſtract the Dif- ference of Longitude 52 deg.: 55 min. from 80 deg. 27 min, and there remains the Dif- ference of the firſt place from the Meridian of Obliquity 27 deg. 32 min. and the firſt Place is becwixt the ſecond Place and the Meridian of Obliguity. But if the Difference of Longitude from Obliguity had been leſs than the Difference of Longitude betwixt the two Places , then ſubftract the Longitæde from the Difference of Longitude betwixt the two Places, and the Remain had been che Difference of Longitude from the Meridian of Obligxity, to the firſt Place. The uſe of theſe Rules are, 1. To find where to place the Meridian of the greateſt Obliquity betwixt any two Places, in a blank Chart, or Mercator's Chars or Plat, to trace out the Voyages as we find that it is 80 deg. 27 min, the Difference of Longitude of the ſecond place from che Meridian of Obliguity, and 27 deg. 32 min. from the firſt. 2. You ſee you find the Difference of Longitude berwixt the Obliquity and any LA- titude propounded, by the laſť Rule. 3. By the Obliguity of the Great Circle, and the Difference of Longitude from the Obliquity, to find the true Latitude, RuLa + CHAP.XV. By the Arch of a Great Circle. 193 Ru I E II. 1 921986 Y As Radius, To Co-tangent of Obliquity 54 deg. 40 min. -1985059 Take from it Co-line.of Differ. of Longitude 80 deg. 27 min. There remains Co-tangent of the Latitude 13 deg. 10 min.--1063073 And ſo likewiſe if you work with 27 deg. 32 min. by the ſame Rule, you will find the other Latitude 51 deg. 22 min. and by it find from any Place through what Lati- tude the Great Circle pafleth every 10 deg. or 5 deg. or more or leſs Quantity of Longi- tude from che Obliquity; and thereby find the Latitude, to make marks in every Merl- dian ; and ſo trace to our che Great Circle Arch, in your Mercator, or Mr. Wright's plat or Blank Chart. As thus, for a deg. 28 min. of Longitude morc, added to 27 deg. 32 min. makes 30 deg. oo min. Ru LE III. As Radius, To Co-tangent of Obliquity 54 deg. 40 min. 1985059 Take from it the Co-line of Differ.of Long. from Obliq. 30 d.00'- 993753 Tbere remains the Co-tangent of the Latitude so deg. 41 min.-- 991306 . Deg. Min. 220 OO 00 00 42 IZ And by the ſame Rule I made this Differ. of Longit. Latitude from Table, of an Arch of a Great Circle, ex- from Obliq.Lundy Lundy. tended from Latitude si deg. 22 min. Deg. Min. to Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. Difference 27 32 51 of Longitude 52 deg. 55 min. ſetting the 30 50 41 Point of the greateſt Obliquity upon a 35 49 07 Meridian-line, tliát ſo it might be the 40 47 13 better protracted on Mercator's Chart: 45 00 44 56 This is, for every 5 deg Difference of 50 00 Longitude, theſe are the Latitudes the 55 00 38 58 Great Circle will paſs through; ſo chac 60 00 35 12 you ſee there is 52 deg. 55 min. added 65 00 30 48 by s to the Difference of Longitude of 25 46 the firſt place from the Meridian of Obm 75 03 lignity, which makes 8o deg. 27 min. 13 Barbadoes. the Difference of Obliguity of the ſecond Place, which was the Difference of Longitude from Obliquity at firſt found. In like manner work for any other place. | 1. 70 00 00 20 80 37 IO -" 1 CHAP. XIV. Homo by the Scale of Tangents to make a part of the Globe in Plano, where. by you may trace out the Laticudes to every Degree of Longitude, or eve- gry 5 or 10 Degrees, As neer As jou will defire, without Calculation, Y the Line of Tangents on the ſide of your Mathematical. Scale, you may make the following Projection, which was made by Mr. Philips in his Geo- metrical Seaman, pag. s. by Tables and Geometry: But here you may ſave chat labour, if you have a Scale with a Line of Tangents on it. Firſt , Conſider of whac length your Tangent or side of your Quadrant muſt be, and accordingly fee off your Radius from A towards: D, as I have done, by taking off 77 deg. of the Tangent-line of my Scale, and ſet it from A the Pole to D, for 13 deg, the rate numbe . ſerves for on the North ſide of the Æquator, or 1 3 deg. of North Latitude, which is the com- of deg. in Soweb pleruent Latituds B Сс ? 1 ! + 194 Geographical Sailing Book IV. 1 plement of 77 to go dog. Then make the other ſide of the ſame length, and draw che Quadrant A DÉ, the Radius is always a Tangent of 45 deg. Then with your com- partes take off the Line of Tangents the ſeveral Degrees, and draw the Arches or Parallels of Latitude, as you ſee I have done in the Figure. Thirdly, divide the Limb of the Arch D E into 90 deg. and through every s or 10 deg. draw Lines of Longitade, or Meridian-lines. The Arches of Latitude muſt be numbred as in thic Fl- gure; but thc Lixes of Longitssde you may number from either ſide, as occaſion re- quires. You may, if you will, when occaſion requires, divide a Circle into four Qua- drants, and draw the Lines of Longitude from the Center ; and you may make this as large or as little as you will, by the Tables of Natural Tangents in ine Sccond Book, have been there ſhewed how to lengthen or ſhorten your Radins : You may number the whole Circle of Longitude inco 360 deg. as you ! . 1 D 1 I lo [21 210 . 1 310 2 1 40 51 8. R 60 .?? 30 bylo HT FR F11 510 00 . 710,66 go 73 8/0 7990. 1.50 40 30 210 T11: 194. 4 CHAP.XII. By an Arch of a Great Circle. 0 Places doth paſs. Differ.) Longit. Latitude Longit. 57 d. the true 195 The Blank Quadrant, being thus made, will ſerve for many Examples; eſpecially if you make it upon a Slat Stane, that you may wipe the Arch, that is lightly drawn by a Slat Den betwixt any two Places, off at pleaſure. You may ſee down therein che cwo Places you are to fail becween, according to their Latitudes and Longitudes ; and then only by your Ruler draw a ſtreight Line from the one Place to the other, which will repreſent the Great Circle which paſiech between the cwo Places, and will croſs thoſe Degrees of Longitude and Latitude, whidi you muſt fail by exactly. You may do ic by che. Difference of Longitøde orily, if you will, as ſhall be thewed in this Examples for proof thereof. of a Voyage from Lændy, in Latitude 5 deg. 22 min. and Barbadoes, in Longitude 332 deg. 27 min. Difference 52 deg. 55 min. and Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. To find by whac Longitude and Latitudes the Arch of a Great Circle drawn becween choſe two Firſt , Lcc the Line A D repreſent the Meridian of the land of Lundy, marked you may mesa out by L for its Latitude si deg. 22 min. and the Longitude thercof 25 deg. 52 min. at ſure the Diften. D, which is ſet down according to its Longitxde and Latitude. Then from D in the cestbus. Take Limb or Arch of the Quadrant, counc tlic Difference of Longitude 52 deg. 55 min. B L she Dir and this is the Meridian of the Ifland of Barbadoes, on which you muſt mark out Bance of sheim the Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. at B; lay a Ruler from the firft Latitude L to the ſecond it upon the Me- Places, and put at B, and draw chic ſtreight Line LB, which repreſented the Arch of a Great Circle ridian B 2 of becwcen che two Places; and if you guide your Eye along in this Line, you may rca- Barbadocsibe dily and truly perceive by what Longitudes ſecond place, and Latitudes you ſhould fail : For where you will find this Line croſſeth the Arches of Latitude and the Parallels of Differ.of Latitude to be the Lines of Longitude, that ſhows the true . from i Longitude and Latitude of the Arch, accord Sabftract added. , as bei Obligu. ing to your deſire. Now the truth hereof fore found. will inorc evidently appear, if you compare D. M.D.M.D. M. D, M. the Latitudes and Longitudes which this Line 5527 3251 interſecteth, with this Table, as before, Cal- 20130oolso 00150 41102 culared by inc for every 5 deg. of Longitude: S 0013:5 00149 07.07 28 You may, ſcc by the Figuri, that the Line 5 00/4000/47 13\12 28 BL in the points a, b, c, d, c, F, g, h, i, k, 00145 00 0044 56117 28 L, doth croſs che Parallel of Latitude, as you 5 12 281 ſce in the fourth Column of this Table, at the 5 0038 88127 58127 28 ſame number of Degrees from the firſt Me 5 12 32 28 ridian, as you ſee in the fifth Column. The 5:00 0030 481 37 28 firſt Column is the Number of Degrees of 5 00170 00125 46 42 28 Longitude, the ſecond is the Difference ſub 5 0075 0020 3047 28 {tracted, the third is the Degrees of Longi 5 2780 2713 10152 55 tude from the Meridian of the grcateſt Ob- 55 152 55 Barbad. liquity, the fourth and fifth arc, as before, Latitude and Longitude added, for the Dif- ference of Longitude from Lundy. For Example: I would know what Degree of Latitude 47 deg. 28 min. of Longitude from the firſt Meridian doch croſs; and I ſee by che Figure it is at 20 deg. of Longitude, which the Table ſhewech is 20 deg. 30 m. of Latitude, and ſo of the reſt, 75 deg. from Meridian of Obliguity, and Longitude 338 deg. 24 min. And ſo in like manner you may lay down upon the former Quadrant any two Places , howſoever fcituated, by their Longitude and Latitude, or Difference of Longi- tade, in the manner as you have been ſhewed in the laft Erämiple . Differ.of] 52 22:00 00 2 28 5 00 0042 00150 00155 I222 ! 0060 00135 C C2 Снар. A 1 196 Geographical Sailing BOOKIV. ! CHAP. XV. 1 titude well ob- titude, Rhomb, Ru L E IV. How by the La By the Latitude, and Difference of Longitude from the Obliquity, to find the true Great Circle's Diſtance. farved, and the Rbomb diſcreet. ly rectified, to As Radius 90, To Co-fine of the Latitude si deg. 22 min. 979541 find the Lao So is the Sinc of the Difference of Longitude 27 deg. 32 min. 966489' and Longitude, To the Sine of the Diſtance 16 deg. 47 min. 946030 and Diſtance, baving two of So that 16 deg. 47 min. iš the Great Circle's Diſtance from the Point of the greateſt OL- them knowi, by liquity of that Great Circle. är Arithmetical Rue, and by them to price Ru I E V. the same down is áBlank Chart or Mercator's By the Obliquity of the Great Circle, to find the true Latitude to any pist. Quantity of a Great Circle's Diſtance, from the Point of his greateſt Obliquity. As Radius, To Sîne of greatest Obliquicy 54 deg. 40 min.- 991158 So Co-line of the Diſtance from Obliquiry 16 deg. 47 min.-998109 To the Sine of the true Laticude si deg. 22 min. 989267 Again, As Radius, To Sine of greateſt Obliquity 54 deg. 40 min.- Sots Co-líne of Diſtance from Obliquity 73 deg. 47 min. To Siue of true Latitude of Barbadoes 13 deg. 10 min.. 991158 944602 -935760 Ru L E VI. By the Great Circle's Diſtance from the Point of Obliquity, and the Latitude given; To find the Difference of Longitude betwixt the Place and the Meridian of greateſt Obliquity. As Radias, To the Sine of Diſtance from Obliquity 16d. 47 m.-.-946052 Take from it the Co-line of the Latitude gi deg. 22 min. -979541 Remains the Sine of Difference of Longitude 27 deg. 33 min.-----966511 By theſe four laſt Rules you may be confirmed of the truth of the former Work, of tracing of the Great Circle by Longitade, Latitude, and Diſtance, from che Point of its greateſt Obliguity. This is worth your Obſervation, That the Complement to 90 Degrees of the Great Circle's Diſtance of a Place from the Point of the Great Circle's Obliquity, is always the Great Circle's Diſtance from the point wherein that Circle interſectech the Agui- noctial. 1 The E V CHAP.XV. By the Arch of a Great Circle.. 197 The ſecond ſort of 'R U LES; whereby to find what Rhomb you are to fail upon, that you may keep in or neer the Arch of a Great Circle, extended from one place to another. Ru LE VII. 1 By the Difference of Longitude from the Obliquity, and Latitude given; To find the Great Circle's Diffance from the Poins and Me- ridian of greateſt Obliquity. As Radius . To the Sine of Differente of Longitude from. Ob-3999393 liquicy &o deg. 27 min. So is Co-line of the Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. 998843 To the Sine of the Great Circle's Diſtance from Oblic. 73 d. 47m.-998236 So that if you take out 16 deg. 47 min. in the Diſtances of. Obliquity before found oue of 73 deg: 47 min. the Remain will be the true Diſtance of the two Places 57 deg. as was found in the ſecond Rule of the fourth Scituation. But if the Point of greareſt Obliguity had been betwixt the two Places, you muſt have added them together, and the ſame had been chc Diſtance of the two Places. Ru L E VIII. . By the Great Circle's Diſtance from the Obliquity, and the Latitude given ; To find the Rhomb. As Radius 90 d. and Tang of Great Circles Diſtance 16 d.47m.-947943 Take out the Co-tangent of the Latitude 51 deg. 22 min. 990267 There remains the Co-finc of the Rhomb 67 deg. 50 min, 957676 Having therefore in the four Scituations, before-going, been directed how to find the Diſtance betwixc thc evo Places, by the Arch of a Great Circle, and the greaceſt Olli- quity of any Circle, you may by the firſt Rule of Chap. 13. find the Difference of Longitude of each Place, from the Point of the Great Circle's greateſt Obliquity; and then by the fourth and ſeventh Rules of Chap. 15. find the Great Circle's Ditance to the obliguity, and by the eighth Rule find the Rhomb to be failed on, from either place towards the other. Ru i E IX.. .1 To find how far a Man fhould ſail upon « Rhombbefore he change his Courſe a Point, Half a Point, or a Quarter of a Point, wit'ſ You may try this by your Protracting Quadrant, on your Blank Plat or Chart, made according to Mr Wright's or Mercator's Projection ;} where the Voyage is truly and carefully traced our as before. Or you may arithmetically try every Point, or Quartér of a Point, or Half Point, as you ſee cauſe, by cheſc Rules. Having found by thc eighth Rule the Rhomb was 67. deg. so min. add co-ita Quarter of a Point, or 2 deg: 29 min. it makes 70 deg. 19 min. 1. N.W. W. and Latitude 49 deg. 07 min, and Difference of Latitude 2 deg. 35 min. and it is required the Di- Stance. 1 ; As . HU. + 198 Geographical Sailing Book IV. As Radius go deg. To Sine of Difference of Latitude a d.15 m.-859394 Take out the Co-liue of the Rliomb 70 deg. 19 min.- 952739 There remains the Sine of the Diſtance 06 deg. 42 min. 906655 Therëföreno6 deg. 42 min. is 134 Leagues, may be failed W.N.w. Weftirly, from the Latitude si deg. 22 min. to Latitude 49 deg. 07 min. 1 Ru L & X. By the Great Circle's Diſtance, and the Difference of Latitude given; To find the Rhomb. As Radius, To Sine of Difference of Lacitude 2 deg. 15 min. Take out tbe Sinc of the Diſtance 6 deg. 42 min. There remains the Co-fine of the Rhomb 70 deg. 19 min.- 859394 906655 952739 Ru L E XI. By the Rhomb, and Diſtance upon it given, To find the Difference of Latitude. } As Radius, To Cc-finc of the Rhomb 70 deg. 1.9 min. 952739 So is Sine of the Diſtancc 06 deg. 42 min. 906655 To the Sinc of Difference of Latitude a deg. 15 min. Which 2 deg.. 15 min. taken froin the firſt Latitude si deg. 22 min. there reinains the Latitude 49 deg. 07 min. which are good Proofs. 859394 RuL E XII. By the Obliquity of the Great Circle, and the Latitude given ; To find the Difference of Longitude from the Meridian of Obliquity. As Radius 90, To Co-tangent of Obliquity 54 deg. 40 min. -985059 Take out the Co-tangent of the Latitude 49 deg. 07 min.- -993737 There remains Co-line of Difference of Longitude 35 deg. oo in -991322 35 deg. co min. is the Difference of Longitude from the Meridian of Obliquity. You you may alſo try it by the Difference of Longitude in the fifth Column, 7 deg. 28 min. in the foregoing Table, added to 27 deg. 32 min. makes 35 deg. as before. 4 981592 Ru L & XIII. By the Latitude; and Difference of Longitude from the Obliquity given; To find the Great Circles Diſtance from the Meridian of Obliquity- As Radius, To Co-line of the Laticude 49 deg.:07 min.- So is the Sine of the Difference of Longitude 35 deg. oo mini.----975859 To the Sine of the Diſtance 32 deg. 05 min. -957451 Which is the Dift ange from the Meridian of the greateſt Obliguity: Then you may proceed to the Rhomb next to be ſailed on. Now if you add 2 deg. 49 min. to che former Rhomb 70 deg. ig mini ic makes 73 deg. 8 min, that iswis.w. half a Poins Wefterly, and the Difference of Latitude. 4. dega rimin. which you may find by the foregoing Tables, or thus by the ninch Rule. RULE 1 XT", CHAP.XIT. By an Arch of a Great Circle. 199 RULE XIV. As Radius, Is to Co-line of Difference of Latitude 4 deg. II m.--886301 Take out the Co-line of the Rhoinb 73 deg. o8 min. 946261 There remains the Sine of the Diſtance 14 deg. 34 min. -940040 Which 14 deg. 34 min. converted into Leagues is 291 Leaguesſ the Diſtance you may fail w. s.w.1a Point Weſterly, from Latiende 49.deg. 07 min. to Latitude 44 deg. 56 min. and the Difference of Longitude is so deg. as you may ſee by the former Table, by the Lati:M:le 44 deg. 56 min. is 17 deg. 28 min. and the Difference of Longitade from Obliguity is 45 deg. oo min. and the Longitudes according to my Globes made by Hon- dius & drg. 24 min. and ſo work until you have calculated the Diſtance for every Point, or rather half Point, becauſe of a Point cannot be well ſteered well ſteered upon. It is 110 matter if you do not exactly keep the Arch of a Great Circle, for the Reaſons be- fore given : but as neer to it as you may conveniently, as Mr. Norwood hath ſufficiently anſwered in his ninth Problem of Sailing by a Great Circle. But let me adviſe you to gee into your Latitude ſhort of the Place you are bound to, for fear of miſtakes in your Reckoning, and ſo over-ſhoot your Port to a greater diſgrace, than the credit of Great Circle Sailing will bring you; and then to know whiar Diſtance you are to fail in that Parallel of Latitude, Rui . XV. By the Latitude, and Difference of Longitude given : To find the Di- ſtance upon Courſe of Eaſt or Weſt, As Radius, Is to Co-fine of the Latitude 13 deg. Io min. 998843 So is the Sine of Difference of Longitude 5 deg. so min. 894029 To the Sine of the true Diſtance 4 deg, 53 min. 892872 which is 97 Leagues š. After you have made ſome progreſs in your Voyage, you may make uſe of theſe moſt excellent Rules, whereby a Mariner may make liis Concluſion moſt certain. Ru L I XVI. By the Difference of Latitude, and Rhomb failed on ; To find the Diſtance. You have it in the Fourteenth Rule before-going. Ru L E XVIL By the Latitude, and Diſtance failed spon an Eaſt or Weſt Courſe, To find the Difference of Longitude ; AS 20 Leagues failed in Latitude 51 deg. 22 min. As Radius, To Sine of the Diſtance i deg. 00 min. 1824185 Take away Co-line of the Laticude so deg, 22 min. 979541 Remains the Sine of Difference of Longitude 1 deg. 36 min. 844644 Therefore failing 20 Leagues Eaſt cr Welt in the Parallel of si deg. 22 min. the Difference of Longitude made is I deg. 36 min. which is a good Rule when you are in the Latitude of the place you are bound co. In the firſt Rule you have how for to find the Difference of Longitude from Oblignity, Chap. 13. and likewiſe in Rule 19. where the Difference of Longitude is 35 deg. ſubſtract it from 27 deg. 32 min. and the Remain will be the Difference of Longitude of two Places, one in Latitude si do 23 min. the other 49 deg. 7 min, as you have been directed before. 1 So . : . f + * F 1 1 rallel-Meridians and Parallels of Latitude ; fo laying, che Index over, the ſecond place, 200 Geographical Sailing BOOK IV. So that what hath been written will ſatisfie any ingenious Spirit, to make uſe of theſe Rules in theſe four Scithations; and cheſe four will anſwer any thing required, in all ſorts of Great Circle failing. I ſhall now make the blanis Mercator Plat; and trace out the Arch of a Great Circle; and likewiſe thew how by Latitude and Longin tude to find the Place of any Ship in Mercator's Chart. CMA P. XVI. How to make the moſt true Sea-Chart, and the uſe thereof in Mercator's and Great Circle Sailing, called a General Chart. Or the manner of the Diviſion, Ler the Aquater be drawn and divided, and crolled with Parallel-Meridians, as before directed; only one Degree of Longitude in the Particular Chart beforc-going, is 10 deg. of the Æquator of this General Chart. You have been directed how to make the Meridian-line off che Scale which is for a General Chart; and the ſame Rule makes this. Look in che Table of Meridional parts, and you will find the Difference between the Aquator and 40 deg. of Latitude in the Meridian-line to be 874,2 which is 874 Leagues ande; that divided by 20 is 43 deg. 42 min. of the Aguator , therefore take out of a Scale of Equal parts, anſwerable to cach Degree of che Æquator, divided into 30s. which you muſt reckon 200 Parts, take 874 Parts, and that Diſtance will reach from the Águator to 40 deg. of Latinde. Always remember in a General Chart to omic the laſt Figure in the Table, which is Tenths, tilin this 17 And for so deg. take 1758 ſuch Equal parts, which is 57 deg. 54 min. will reach from the Aquator at Æ, to so deg. of Latitude in the Meridian-line: And ſo do for any other Degree or Minute of Latitude, until you have made che Chart, as I have done the Figure following. How to make You may divide the Meridian- line by the Proje£tion in the Quadrant, making the the Meridiana fide thereof anſwerable to 5 Degrees of the Æquator of the Chart, as in this . line by the for- Suppoſe you would know the Diſtance betwixt 40 deg. and so deg. of Latitude, in mer Geometri. cal Proje&isu. the Meridian-line of a Chart.-Take the middle of 1o deg. which is 45 deg. ouc of that Latitude in the Quadrant, and it will reach from 40 to 50 deg. of Latitude in the Chart, which you may ſoon try: And ſo work for any other Latitude. A Scale of You have alſo there a Scale of Leagues for every. Parallel of Latitude, to meaſure Lengues. any Diſtances in the Chart; for cycry Degree is 200 Leagues in this Chart, as you may ícon apprehend, without more words, by the former Directions. The Protracting The Protracting Quadrant (you may ſee the Figisre following) ſheivs you all at one Quadrant. fight, without more ivords, how to make it by dividing it into eight Peints, and cach Point into four Quarters, and an Arch within into 90 deg. anda Libal or Index to be riverted to the Center, and a Hole drilled through the Rivet, to put a Pin through the Center of the Quadrant upon any Place aſſigned, and let him, ſquare by the pas the Limb of the Quadrant will fhew you the point of the Compaſs , and whac Angle it makes with the Meridian, or bearing of the firſt place from the ſecond, as we have thewn by divers Arithmetical Rules, for your more certain and exact direction, how to keep your Reckoning upon your Mercator's Chart, or Blank; know.firſt and afterwards what Rhomb you are to fail upon, keeping in or.nccr the Arch of a Great Circle; and to know what Longitude and Latitude you are in, after ſome pro- greſs madein your Voyage. You ſhall have herealfo the way how you ſhall crace out the Arch of a Great Cir- cle betwixt the Places in a Blank or Mercator's Plat, and how to prick down upon? your Chart any Diſtances of Longitude and Latitude: Before in the third Rule of Chap. 13. you have the way how to calculate for any Degree and Minute of Obliquity, and any number of Degrees of Longitude; whác: Degrees and Minutes of Latitaide the Great Circle ſhall paſs through; by the fames Rules I have calculated, forcvery 10 Degrees of Longitude, reckoning from the greatce Obliquity, 1 1 . 1 . A i 1 ** 49 A Generall sea Chart According to Mercator. North HI 29 A A 60 ୧୨ G Londy H Trondy 50 50 50 a 이도 ​ot OTE Edust Wert 40 olt Foften this in with a Rivet to the Centor of the fuadrant A. that it may turne upon it with a hole through the Rivet 40 The Index min 130 Cancy Tropicos D 30 20 1 1 Barbados B E 1 Barbada b ho F 10 10 10 20 30 401 50 60 .yo 80 90 801 sol 30 50 20 10 Æ sto Æquino Etial Line 01 of ot 20 t 200 150 100 South ģ Å scale of equall posts for the deviding the MeridianLine by the Table of Meridionallºparts ano 071 AS 1 oopt 2600 gooo 2.800 33.00 3490 Page:200 1 4 4 4 F 1 | 4 4 1 ; : : } 上 ​i : r 4 上 ​4 i 1 | { 1 1 4 ve CH.XVHI. Sailing by the Arch of a Great Circle. 20 Obliquity, 7 20, $ 60 í + : ! to the Interfe&tion of the Great Circle with the Aguator, viz. Greateſt Obliquity G 54 deg! 40 min S 10- 30 For Deg: 'Eat. 400; 50. 254dos m. 52.458 SØ: 4.1 472 13 -42:12 : 70 80:27 590 deg. Longit. 35:13.25:46 13:10'. For ço deg. Latitude. In this following. Mercator's Plat, G ffandede at 54 deg. 40 min. of North Las titude, and Æ. juſt 90 deg. of Longitude Weſtward, and £ N 90;deg. Eaſtward from Ga-bcing the two oppoſite Paints in the Aguator, 180 deg. from cach. Point of Inn terfe£tion , In every Meridian betwixt Grand-Æ, on both ſides a Meridian drawn at cvely ro deg. of Longitude in the Charts make a mark at Latitude found in the Table; by the Meridian-lirie.of the Chart; and having ſo marked every Meridián betwixt Gand , then by chefe marks ye may draw. Arches from one to another : but it will ſuffice to draw Right Lines from Mark to Mark; as from G the greateſti Obliquity of the Great Circle, to the next Meridian on cach ſide...and likewiſe to the next, until you come down to the Æquator a¢ Æ on both ſides ; ſo have you pourtrayed on this Mercator Plat a Great Circle Arch from Lundy to Barbadoes, one being in North Latitude 51 deg. 22 min. at Ly the other at Bin North Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. with Difference of Longitude 52 deg. 55 min. from Cunco. L, to C under B. Note, To make a perfect Circle: the Latitudes of the Arch are the ſame on the South ſide of the Aqualor, as you have found them on the North ſide. You might have marked out only ſo much of the Great Circle from the firſt Latitudes as you fcc I have done from the ſide of the Meridian-line, and Latitude of Lundy 5r deg.i 32 min. atl, to Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. at B, by the Difference of Longitude in the laſt Column of the Table in Chap. 13. and Difference. you will find of Longitude is 52 deg: 55 min, by the former Direction: The Figure makes all plain in the Chart or Blank Two Places in one Latitude, as in the ſecond Soituation Latitude 5 I deg. 22 min. as in the following Chari, one at H, and the other Place at Lin the ſame Latitude, and Difference of Longitude 52 deg. Śs min. the neereſt Diſtance is trot upon a Parallel di- rectly froin H to L, but from H to fail from 5 i deg. 22 min. by G the greateſt Obli- quity, in Latitude 54 deg. 40 min. W. N.w. almoſt, then w.b. N. and w.b, S: W. $.w. the other half from Gto L, which is the neereſt Diſtance by 42 Miles; for the Diſtance by the Parallel is 660. Leagues, but by the Arch of a Great Circle is buc 646 Leagues: And one would not think but the Parallel were the neerelt, to look in thc Plat : but he that knows the Globe, conceives that by the Arch that goes neerer the Poles, croſs the Meridians, to be the neerer ; therefore the Arch muſt be the neereſt way. And ſailing into ſeveral Latitudes, you have the benefit to correct your Reckoning, which you cannot ſo well do by keeping a Parallel of Eaſt and Weſt. Theſe Directions may be ſufficient for any Queſtions you will have any way in Great But he that will take the pains, may find great delight in this ſort of Practice : Yet I mult conclude, That although it is the necreſt way, it is not the convenientoft svay for Seamer, for ſeveral Reaſons beſt known to them that keep an Account of the Ships way, which I could lay down here ; but in regard it is needleſs, I leave every one to liis mind, and ſhall thew you the way how I did keep my Account at Sea, by the Plain Coari and Mercator's Chart; and how to meaſure Diſtances in Mercator's Chart, in ang Parallel alſo: which, if you have a better way, publiſh it, that others may gain benefic by it; for you will not hurt me any way; but rather I deſirć, that allthc Nauigators in England did exceed me (for His Majeſtie's ſake, whoſe Subjects we are) and hope that the Neighbour-Nations will once know, Thac che Engliſh Mariners are not leſs known in Art, than by their Courage, which the Dutch kuos by dear-bought Experience. Dd CHAP . : Dead Circle Sailing. :1 1 : + 1 2022 How to keep a Sea-Journal, "Book IV: C H A P XVII. How to keep a Sea-Journal, that ſo every Sea-man, Navigator, and Mari- ner, may not be ashamed to Shen their Accoune to any Artiſt, and by is benefit themſelves and others. I A Would not have any ingenious Sea-Artiſt, that hàth a long time kept Account of a Ship’s way, and hath been commander or Mate many years, to think I pre- ſcribe him Rules, and to perſwade him ont of his beaten Rach (No, I think that a hard matter.) But we preſcribe Rules for thoſe that are but new Learners, that ſo they may have a perfect Micthod and Way of keeping Account of a Ships way at Sea; that if the Master Thould perceive an Ingenious Praeticioner aboard, and by exami- ning his Journal find him able, might at his recurn home give him encouragement, by ſpeaking in his behalf to other Men to make him a Mate; and that is the way to encourage Artiſts.: Buc I confeſs the greateſt Dunces have commonly the beſt Imploy- meiits, and many abler men before the Maſt: which is great pity, that the deſerviag Men had 110r their right. But what thall I ſay? There is ſú h an averſment in Face. Therefore I ſhall procced to our fournal. I conceive it will be fit to have a Book in Folio, that a sheet of paper makes but two Leafs, and to keep the left ſide of your Book voids that you may write all the Pall ages of the Voyage ; that is to ſay, when you let Sail, with what wind, and what Ships are in company with you, and how far you keep company; what Storms, and how the Wind was : and likewiſe pur down the time that you come by any misfortune, of crackiug or breaking a Maft or Yard, or if any Men ſhould die; and alſo what Damage you receive by any Storm, and the like Occurrences, as you ſhall think requiſite ; and what Currents and Variation you mcee with. But before all this, put down the Title of the Voyage, Gver the left-hand Page, incheſa or ſuch like Words, viz. 4 JOURNAL of our Intended VOYAGE by God's Aliſtance from Kingrode-Port Briſtol in Latitude 51 deg. 30 min. to the Illand of Madara in Latitude 32 deg. 10 min. and from thence to Barbadoes in Latitude 13 deg. 10 min. The right ſide of your Book throughout may be divided into 13 Columns, by Lines, as you may ſee in the following Example. In the firſt muſt be expreſſed the day of the Month, in the ſecond the Letter of the Week-day that rear; put it once in the top of the Page : In thie third Column the Months; make him large enough to put down the Latitudes you make by Obſerva- tion of the Sun or Stars, and Currents, and how they ſer: In the fourch, the Courſe ſteered by the Compaſs: In the fifth, the Variation of the Compaſs, if there be any; or clſo the Variation by Currents, if there be any. Ser down the Angle of the Rhomb, it made with the Meridian in the ſixth Column; and in the ſeventlı, che Diſtance failed in Leigues or Miles: In che cighth, Ininch, centh, and elevencí Columns, fer down the Northing, Somthing, Eaſting, and Westing: In the twelfth, the Latitude by Dead Reckoning; and in the thirteenth Column, the Difference of Longitude from the firſt Meridian, according to Mercator's Chart, or the Arch of a Great Circle, or a Polar Chart or Globe. . ... The * } } { | 生 ​1 1 牛 ​} h 上 ​} d 十 ​។ 1 1 } 4 中 ​1 1 d 1 1 1 * " ) 25 a Ser fail out of Kingroad, in Company with the Fohn bound to Cales, and Ant 1666. A Journal of orr Intended. Voyage, by God's Aſsiſtance, in the Good Shi the Eliz. of B.S.S. Commander, from Kingrode in Latitude 5ı d. 3017 to Madara in Latitude 32 d. 30 m. and from thence to Barbadoes, Latitude 13 d. 10 m. March bound to Virginia ; the Wind at E. N. E. thick rainy Weacher, Month Days. Week Days. I 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 + ! | 1 f I ! + 1 1 1 . Diſtance 698 Leagues, Difference of Longitude 41 d. 40 m. The Journal of our Intended Voyage , by God's Allistance, in the C. (of B.) 5.$. Comman- det, from Lundy, in Latitude 514.20 m. to the Iſland of Madara, in Latitude 32 d.30m. Angle of Politión, or Courſe s. s. W. Diſtance 411 Leagues, Meridian Diſtance 167 Leagues, Difference of Longitude 11 d. 16 m. from Madara to Barbadoes, in Latitude Angle of Poſition or Courſe S. W.61 d. 14 m3. Diſtance 798 Leagues, Meridian 1 13 d. 10 m. si deg. 20 min. 32 deg. 30 min. ' 5 East ſervacion. Deer. 48 28 1 ---- 283 SI 2910 1136 74 39 e 40 deg. 27 min. 36 03 1117 401 2 70 ΟΙ ΤΟ I 20 10 April, ſets Ebs. I 2 16 0722 191 3 days 3 9 3 66 120 13 8 58 13 dog, io min. SWBW half w Laricudc by Ob Cnurle by Set laji March 25. SbW halt Wis deg: 30 min. ES W21 0.30 m. 38 deg. 30 min. 32 deg. 30 mio. Secco th'Eaſtward Add up the Numbers, the ſun is land almoſt a halt Madara Ifand bears Weft diftant :72 . 127868, 43 min. 1c 18 deg. 57 min. He 16 dek. so min. 14 deg, oz min. WSW hall wis d.30 m. Weft S W 69 d.zom. 46 14 deg. oz min. WSW half wis d.30 m. Wcft: W 69 d.30 m. 30 Ship is in Lat.Bar-Add up the Nambers, the lam is badocs 6. lca. Ea. Difference of Laricude, Depart. from firft Merid. 1092 The Current ſec S. 1316 13 deg. SI min. Difference of Latitude, Depart. from Lundy 1131 Barbadoes ID and bears Welt diftant of Leag._ Courro Degr. from the Diltan, Diff. La Dif. La. M. dep./M. dcp. 51 d. 20 Milt.LO. SSW Variacion. Merid.SW 250. 411 1377 377 167 167 32 0.30 110.161 $ W 61 d.14 m. 998 1387 lea.387 lca. 698 698 13 d.109410.40 Dift. Variation of Degrees from Norib. Souch. Eaſt. Weft. Lac. dyp.f. of Compaſs. the Meridian. failed. North. Souch. Eaſt. Compaſs. dead R. Longit. Min. Points. Degrees. Dcgrces. Leag.10 Lea.joo Lca.1oo Lca.100 L ca.100D. M.D. M. 44 351 18 37 49 07 Sb W halfw s deg.30 min. ES W 22 d.30 m. 49 4527 18 7546 51 (44 deg. 31 min: Sb Whalf w ls dee. 30 min. E'S W 22 d.20 m. 47 12 19 5244 30 Add up the Numbers, chc lum is 148 56 64 04 14! Sis w 2 deg. 45 min.Els W. 25 d.15 m. 43 38 87 18:38142 34 SS W 1 degree Eaſt S W22 d.zom 46 42 50 17 60/40 26 SSW o degr. Eaſt W:2d.30 m. 39 14 92 38 38 Add up the Numbers, the ſum is I28 So go Correáion by Obſervation : 9 8 The ſum corre&cd is 1309 52 0038 3007 43 Difference of Latitude, Depart. from firſt Merid. 278 1:56 84 108 64 na Current SWbS fid.30 m. Cur." W 220.30 m. 43 43 42 17 99136 17 SWS 11 d.30 m. Cur. S W22 d.30 m. 45 41 57 17 22:34 SWOS 110,30 m. Cur. S W22 d.zo m. 42 38 30 134 123 79 SI 28 by the Current in Corre&tion by Obſervation I SO 22 Leagues The fum corrected is 131 49 78132 3010 46 . 8.58 cftimat. , *from firſt 376 97 167 00132 3011 16 swbs s d. 30 m. East? SW 28 d.30 m. 36 31 75 16 97 30 by Current. 55 SWIS 2 d. 45 m. Eaſt SW 300.45 W on 39 46 57 SWS SW 33 4.45 m. 30 24 94 25 deg. 54 min. SW SW 45 degr. 51 36 06 36 2625 55 min. SW s W 45 degr. 60 42 43 42 4323 48 SW IS W 45 degr. 28 19 80122 47 Numbers added, thc tum is ISI 194 44 I55 58 Corre&ion by Obſervation 3 I 90 7 Sum corrected is 157 48 22 40 Difference of Latitude, Depart. from firſt Merid, 572 573 71 324 48 47 SWbw oo degr. IS W 56 d.15 m. 45 25 oo 37 42 21 SWbw oo dogr. SW 56 d.15 m. 47 26 II 39 0820 C7 Swbw oo degr. sw 56 d.15 m. 43 23 89 35 75 18 50 SwbW oo degr. SW 56 d.15 m. 44 24 44! 36 5817 43 SW6W on degr. sw $60.15 m. 39 21 67 32 4316 37 nya upine Numbers, the ſum is 218 181 26 Corrc&ion by Obſervation 7 $ 4 33 1 650 13 Sum corre&ted is 116 78 Difference of Latitude, Depart. from firſt Merid. 782 2 690 49 31 06 dc8.14 min. Ws w half wis degr, Welt 5 W 670.30 31 II 86 WSW half wisd.jom. WeS W 67d.30 m. 33 I: 63 II 48 Add up the Numbers, the ſum is 140 Correction by Obſervacion 5 2 6 Sim corre&cd is 55 57 7 Difference of Latitude, Depart. from firſt Marid. 921 4 746 6 38 50 13 deg. 48 min. Wbs half wi sdegr. half S W 84 d.zom. 55 54 73113 47 Wb S half W. degr. so min.S W 87 d. 11 m. 60 13 deg. 10 min. Wb S half woodeg. 60 min. S W 78 d.30 m: 51 5992|13 39 so 02/13 09 166 164 67 796 06 Well go inin, 148 41 50.30'Cur.ſetS W 840.22 m. 39 WbN 380 38 6012 Is. 2 d. 45'Curls W 81d.30 m. 59 26 81 Ιο 1163 1764 -33 5 Set fail April 23. from Madara. 46 23 65128 16 67127 42 23 d. A7 22deg. 40 min. 19 80 30 ISA 196 74 2018 ( May 20 1 1 1 121 II 210 2 Star 174,7616 499 241 7 om. m 17 Go 22 26 64116 151 42 5015 30 4914 44 27 7214 09 127 35 53 57 ܘܘ ܐ 8 4 80 145 2 132 1514 03. 9 lolo 631 32 5 39 2 94 995 18 28 1764 34 At 13 dog. 25 71113 1860 3713 10152:39 1 1 Place this bocween folio 20.. and folio 203. L 는 ​A 1 } | f i 4 了 ​} } { 1 1 4 1 1 1 1. 4 1 1 4 { j 4 一 ​4 4 十 ​1 1 4 4 { . | t neer tbe Iribor Miles in the Eaſt and Weft Column, into Degrees and Minutes of Longitude. I will CHAP.XVII, How to keep a Sea-Journal. 203 Let this be our Example. We will frame a Reckoning between che three Places before-mentioned, from Lien- dy to Madara, from thence to Barbadoes, whoſe Diſtance in their Rhombs, and Diffen peace of Latitude, and Meridian-diſtance, I have put over in the head of the left- hand page, as you may ſec, anſwers to the words under. And in truth, I have found theſe Diſtances very near the crytlı ; In two Voyages I differ but two Leagues, and that I was ſhort. I worked it firſt out of a Mercator-Chart, and in Plain Sailing took the Product of that Work for my Diſtance, and Meridian-diſtance, and Courſe, as you have been alrcady thewn in the firſt Queſtion iu Mercator-Sailing You ſee by the left-hand Page that we ſet ſail the 25th day; but we entred it not in the right-hand Page until the 26th day at Noon: for it is to be underſtood, Not that I do That ſince her ſetting fail March 25. to Noon of the 26th day, the Ship ſteers away affirm the Vari- and makes her Way good on the S.b.w.w. Point of the Compaſs; but the. Varia- ation to be E.a- tion being 5 deg. or half a Point to the Eaſtward, as you ſee in the fifth Colmen, Berly.for I know therefore the point the hath made good upon is only S. W. 22 deg. 30 min. as is ex- weltli but being preſſed in the ſixth Column: Upon this Rhomb the fails 48 Leagues, as in the ſeventh Colamn appears : And anſwerable thereunto I find in the Traverſe-Table before-going, not, it ſerves to the Somthing to be 44.1 Leagues, or by the Traverſe-Scale 444. Leagues; and the exemplife the Weſting 18,?. Leagues by the Traverſe-Scale 18 4. Leagues, as here in the ninth and Rule, that being eleventh Column appears by the Figures plainly ſee down. The Figures to the left hand the end for fignifie Leagues in this Journal , or Miles; and the two Figures to the right hand ſig- ample is made. nific the 100 part of a League: Tle Southing being 44. Leagues, which is a deg. 13 min. neareſt; if chat be ſubſtracted from the Latitade from whence you came, Lundy si deg. 20 min. it makes the Latitude the ship is in at Noon to be 49 deg. 07 miz. as appears in the twelfth Column. In the ſame manner, the ſecond entrance, being the 27th of March, ſhewech, that from the 26th day at Noon, to che 27th day at Noon, ſhe made her way good' upon the S.b.w. W. Point of the Compaſs; but the Variation being 5 deg Eafterly, therefore the Angle of the Rhomb which the true Meridian was from the South to the Weſtward S.W. 22 deg. 30 min. and failing 49 Leagues, the Southing is 45 ? Leagues, and che Weſting 187. Leagues: So the La- titude is now 46 deg. 51 min. So the third Entrance is the 28th day, the Courſe and Variation the ſame as before, and the Diſtance si Leagues ; the Southing 477 Leagues, the Weſting 19 Leagues : So the Latitude now is 44 deg. 30 min. You muſt underſtand the like manner of working of all the reſt . What hath been ſaid of a Reckoning may ſuffice; but it is of very good uſe to ſet down the Longitæde in the laſt Column, and a Resle how to convert the Eaſting and Weſting, that is, the Leagues or give you this General Rule, that you inay do it neer enough, without any ſenſible Error, on your Mercator Chart, or Polar Chart or Globe, provided theſe Rhombs differ noć much one from another; by which Rule I found the Longitude for every Sum in the Say then, As the Difference of Latitude, To the Deparcure from the Meridian : So is the Difference of Latitude in Meridional parts, To the Difference of Longitude in Leagues or Miles. The Difference of Latitude in the South Column fumm'd up (as you muſt do as often as you have any notable Difference betwixt your obſerved Latitude and Dead Latitude) is 136.14. Leagues; omit the laſt Figure to the right hand #r, and then The Departure from the Meridian in the Weft Column is 56.64; omit the laſt Figure, it is 556: So you puc then down. But if you fail All on oueCostley The Meridional parts for the Latitude si deg. 22 min. isa 12002 The Meridional parts for the Laticude 44 deg. 30 min. iso 9959 of Mercacor The Difference of Latitude in Meridional parts is- 2043 Sailing Dd 2 Say Journal. it will be 1361 the Rule is in the tbird Proble 1 .. : 1 204 How to keep a Sea-Journal. Book IV. : Say thien, 90 al : As the Sum of the South Column, or Difference of Latitude 1367-313576 ds Radius deg. To Tang Is to the Sum of the Weſt, vr Departure from the Meridian 566-275281 Rhomb: SO So is the Difference of Latitude in Meridional parts 2043 331026 difference of Lar, in Merid, 606307 parcs, Te diffe. To the Difference of Longitude in Leagues 84 292731 nence of Longi. inde in Leagues which reduced into Degrees is 4 deg. 14 min. for the 28th of March. So ſtill you or Atiles muſt remember to take the Sum of Difference of Latitude and Departure from the firſt Meridian. There are ſeveral other Rules you may ſcc laid down before, for a Paral- lel-Courſe of Eaſt and Weſt, and other Rules to find the Longitude; as occafion re- quires, you may make uſe of them : But this Rule ſaves you trouble, and comes neer enough in ſailing ſeveral Courſes. 8 min. is But let us proceed with our Journal. I obſerved the Meridian Altitude of the Sun 21 Lea.neer the third day at Noon, that is from 30. at Noon co 31. I find my Latitudo by obſer- 1201 1: 520 vation 38 deg. 30 min. which, by Dead Reckoning it, is but 38 deg, 38 mln. ſo the Dif- so 27:) 27 ference is 8 min. Southerly; but being aſſured of a good Obſervation, I correct the 3640 Dead Reckoning thereby, by this Rule of Proportion, ſaying, 1040 As th: Sum of the North Column corre&ted is 1201- 307954 14040 To the Sum of the Eaſt Column corrected 520- 271600 203 So is the aforeſaid Increaſing Southerly 27 cm 143136 24040 (1 : 414736 To the Inertaling Weſterly 7. Leagnesam entre 106782 220T Which is 1 League, and ſomething more, not to be taken notice of. This Rule of Proportion Mr. Norwood hath laid down in page 111. of his Scaman's Pralkice, in the Deſcription of his fournal in Miles, from Barmsadoes or Summer Iſlands to the Li- Zard; which method I do in many things follow, but 110t all : But this Rule that I propoſe is by the Traverſo-Scale, which I hold beſt, which is thus. $ 1 6 1 By the Traverſe-Scale, Extend the compaſſes from the point made good in the laſt funining up, to the number of Leagues or Miles Difference of Latitude by Obſervation, and by Dead Res- koring, in the Line of Numbers; the famë Diſtance will reach from ſome points from the Eaſt and Weſt, to the Difference of Eaſt or Weſt. As for Example. Excend the Compaſſes from 2 Peints and a little more (which was the sum of the Courſe made good the 31 of March) unto 2 1. Leagues, which is 8 min. or there- abouts in the Line of Numbers; the ſame Excene will reach from 6 Poists to i Leagues and ſomething more in the Line of Numbers and that is the increaſing Weſterly. You may alſo with the ſame Excent correct the Diſtance, if you put one Poot at W or 100 in the Line of Numbers, the other will reach to the Diſtance 27: Leagues corre- Eted byObſervation, as you ſee I have done in the faxrnal.So you ſee, That underſtand- ing perfectly the uſe of the Traverſe-Scale,you may do the ſame, and more readily, as Mr. Norwood doth with his Table, to every Degree and Minute of the Quadrant, without ſenſiblc Error. Now this Difference being fonnd, I add therefore and put down in the South Co- lumn the Difference 27. Leagues, and the Weſt Column 1 Leagues, and under Diſtance 2 Leagues: Now the ſame corrected is by obſervation 130. Leagues, Diſtance 120 **. Leag. Sossthing and Wefing 52 Leasi 8 min. ſubſtrated" from the Dead Latitude,make 38. deg. 30 min. che truc corrected Latitude according to obſerva- E 1 cion: + et CHAP.XVII: How to prick down your.Reckonings, 205 I it must be corre- tion: Then I ſum up the firſt Sems of the 28 of March, and this Sun corrected 3r of March together, and you have the Diſtance 278 Leagues, Difference of Latituido This is becauſe 256. Leagues, and Departure 108. Leagues, and by the Rules before-giren find way self so 256 Leagsses Sosthing, and 108 Leagues weffing; and with the Difference in Me: timae in terms to ridional Leegues 364 %. Leng. I find the Differente of Longitude in Leagues 554 the Souirware Leagues, converted into deg. and min. is 7 deg 43 min. by II ms.than by In like manner, upon the third of April I thould be in Latitude 32 deg. 19 min. Dead Receox- but by very good obſervation, I find the ship in the Latitude 32 deg: 30 min, that is, 113.6m tiverefore not ſo much Southerly by 11 minutes : therefore to correct it by Obſervation, I put ward in under Diſtance 3 ? Leagues , and in the South Column 3* Leagises, and in the East Leag.orgo mich To Leagues, and under Dead Latitude 11 min. I ſubſtract the corrested Difference to the latwra, of Diſtance our of the Sum over it , and likewiſe the corrected Difference in the North by reason my Column out of the Sum in the South, and likewiſe the Eaſt out of the West Column, Courſe is in the and add the 11 min. to the Dead Latitude, and then you have the Sum corrected; but S.11. Qxarters if there be any Current, you may ſet it down, and allow for it, and note it down, as sted in the cosa is that Example following the firſt of April to the third, and by your Traverſe-Scale traiy Quarter. preſently find how much the Current hath fet you to the Eaſtward. But if your Courſe be ncer the Eaft and Weſt, it is ſufficient to correct it in Lati- In Sailing East tude only, as in the Example of the 12ch and 13th of May; for in that Caſe the and West, you Longitude canaot be corrected but from ſome further ground. Now to ſer down this have a Kule ir Reckoning upon the Plain Chart, or common Sea-Charš, it is ncedleſs and inncccffary : Probl.7.f fai! The becter way is to ſet down every one of the Sumns as they are corrected by Obferva-*3.9Mehr tion, in the ſame manner as you are directed in the larger end of the third Chapter of C1,23 this Book; and ſo by the coral sums of the Difference of Latitude and Departure from tlic fuft Meristian, or Latitude and Meridian diſtance, you may ſet it down on your Draught or Chart as often as you pleaſe with eaſe. Now to ſet off every Sum corrected in Degrees of Latitude and Leagues of Longi- tude, you have a Scale of Leagues or Miles for that very purpoſc, and Directions how to do it, in the ninth chapter of this Book: But if you are deſirous to ſec down your Reckoning in a Mercator or Mr.Wright's Chars, or in the Polar Chart, you have in the 12th and 13th, or laſt two Columens of your Journal, chc ſubſtance and principal ſcope of your Reckoning ſet down as often as you ſum up or correct your Reckoning : name- ly, your Latitude and Longituds; which whenfocver you have a deſire to ſee down in the foreſaid Chart, or any other graduated Chart, with Degrees of Longitude and La- titude, you may readily do it. As for Example. Suppoſe I would ſet down the plat of the aforeſaid Juurnal from the 25th of March to the 13th of May, I and the Latitude againſt the 25th of March'sı deg. 30 min. and the Latitude of the Barbadoes 13 deg. 10 min. and the Difference of Longitude 52 deg. 35 min. Therefore in the Latitude of 13 deg. 10 min. I'draw or point out an occult Parallel, and reckon 52 deg: 35 min. from the Ifand Lundy towards che Welt: I draw by chat Longitude an occulc Meridian; the I hope this way Interſection of this Meridian with the foreſaid Parallel is the point repreſenting Bar. will find goo. badoes, or the Place of the Ship; and the like is to be underſtood of any of the other : acceptative with And ſo I put down in the General Chare of Mercator the 8 Points of the ship's Place, a; 2 b, 36, 40, 5c, 6 f, 75, 8h, as there you may ſee. This forin of keep- ing a Reckoning is the moſt fit and agreeable of all others as I have ſeen or heard of, to all ſorts of Charts, Maps, or the Globe ic felf, and to all kinds and ways of Sailing 1 } ) the ingenious Aldrinei cr Arift. whatſoever. 1 1 ! 2 1 1 CHAP : 1 1 1 í . 206 How to find the Latitude, 6c. Book IV. 1 1 CA A P. XVIII. A Deſcription of the following Table of the Latitude and Longicude of Places, and the way how to find both. T } nent + Y HE ancient Geographers, from Ptolomy's time downward, reckoned the Longitude of Places from the Meridian, which pafleth chrough the Calo Verde Iſlands; and others have the beginning at the Canary Iſlands ; and Jodocus Hondius beginneth at the Ife Pico one of the Azores; and Mr. Emery Mulli- doth account the Longitude from the Weftermoſt parts of St. Michael's, another Mand of the Azores: who, albeic they differ greatly in reſpect of the beginning of cach of their ſeveral Longitsides, they come all to a neer agreement for their Difference of Longitude from any particular Meridian or Place: And for the exact ſetling of La- titudes, we have many ccrtain helps; but the Longitude of Meridians hath ftill wca- ried the moſt able Maſters of Geography. By Latitude and Longitude the Geographers ſtrive to repreſent the Parts of the Earth, that they may keep Symmetry and Harmony with the Whole. Now the Longitude of any Place is defined to be an Arch or Portion of the Ægsi- noctial, incercepced between che Meridian of any Place aſſigned; as the Meridian that paſſeth through the Lizard, the moſt Southern Land of England, or any other Place from whence the Longitude of Places is wont to be determined. Many have en- deavoured to ſcc down divers ways how to find by obſervation the Difference of Longitude of Places; but the moſt certain way of all for this purpoſe, is confeſſed by all Lcarned Writers to be by the Eclipſes of the Moon: But now theſe Eclipſes hap- pen buc feldom, and are yet more ſeldom and in very few places obſerved by the Skilful Artiſt in this Science; ſo that (ſome there are) but very few Longitudes of Pla- ces deſigned out by theſc means. If you would know how to find out the Longitude of any Place by the Eclipſe of the 'Moon, you muſt firſt ger fome Ephemerides, as the Praćtick Tables, or Mr. Vincerit wing's Directions in his Harmonicon Cælefte, pag. 150. or any other Learned Mathe- maticians Calculation, and ſee what hour ſuch an Eclipſe of the Moon ſhall happen at that place for which the faid Tables were made; chen afterwards you muſt ob- ſerve the ſame Eclipſe in that place whole Longitude you deſire to know. Now if the time of the Eclipſe agree with that other for which the Tables were made, then you may conclude, that both Places have the ſame Longitude, and are ſituated under the ſame Meridian. But if che number of the Hours be more than the Place you are in is ſcituare Eaſtward, you muſt therefore ſubſtract the leſs Number out of the greater, and the Remainer muſt be converted into Degrees and Minutes. 2 6 1 + 1 I + 1 M 톡 ​A TABLE 1 1 1 : CHAP.XVIII, 4K*. . 207 t : A 7 im TL TAB L E 1 1 } indi ! OF THE LONGITUDE and LATITUDE Of the moſt Notable Places, F t That is, + 1 HARBOURS, HE A D-LANDS, and ISLANDS ! OF THE 1 1 W ORL D. Newly Corrected, and Compoſed after a new manner, by beginning the ſaid Longitude at the Meridian of the moſt Southern Port of England, the Lizard. 1 . By Capt. SAMUEL STURMy Math. ) ' I 21 54 Cape Brittan 42 2161 The Sea-Coast of Newfound-Land, and North | WA New-England. The Places Names. Latitude Longit. D. M.D. M. North Weſt Cape Raya 48 05'52 49 The Places Names. Latitude Longit. Cape Deganica 54 01:53 D. M.D. M. New-Eng.Cape S.Charles 52 4852 23 Cape Honblanto 52 11 50 841 46 01 52 57 Belile SI 0248 44 Cape Salila 43 4655 · 22 Cape Bonaviſta 32 49 1947 42 Capo Codde 5449 04 Boſton 42 3964 36 40146 55 Plymouth 42 07.62 35 Nantucker 21 47 49 41 0860 17 Cape St. Francis 41 1761 Cape Daſpaire 48 0147 27 Martins Tinyard 47 36 46 03 Cape de Raca 46 27/46 30 The Sea-Coafts on the main Continent in A- Bay Bulls 47 28 47 merica, or Welt-India. St. John's Harbour 47, 47147 47 41 32147 411 The Places Names. The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Gape St. Larinſo 47 10 48 52 D. MD. M. 47 36150 18 Elizabeth Iland 41 0262 04 Bloik Trinity Bay Bacalao Iſland Conſumption Bay 48 48 ! IZ II Plalancia Bay 21 Iſland St. Paly 208- A Table of the Lat, and Long of the Book IV. II I 2 Cape Hatcrafs Cape Fara 12 5054 16 00155 16. 20155. 5054 28 31 8 00:12 SEVAC! 57157 28 12 IL I 2 II II 1 12 20 I 2 12 I 2 1 TY 1 North West North Well The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. D. M.D. M. D. M.D. M. Bloik Iſland 40 $562 36-L Barbadus 13 10152 58 Long Iſland 40 45163 16 Tobago 12153 06 Cape May 5364 45 Point Degällaia IC 45153 31 Virginia. Cape Charles zqu-43165 26- Gianada 10154 32 Cape Henry 37 0.65 38 St. Vincent 35 49651 46 Guardadupa 34. 0669 56 Monfariat 2015 41 Cape de Catocha 27 2380 37: Mayeś. 1700 36 37 Cape de Camaron 16 05176 05176 19 St. Criſtova 17 30 56 45 Cape de Gracias I5 1311201.56 Hand Devas IS 57157 Cattcrgaine io 24121062 Inand Blanco i 20156 52 Bay Tonto 1062 36 Margaita 28 56 37 Cape St. Roman 55 60 36 Turtuga 3057 40 Cape Dacodara II 08156 08156 38 Iſland Derickilla 12 19158 01 Cape Trag, or 3 Points 1755. 41 Boca 12 1958 53 Cape Brama 09:21 54' 16 Illand Deavos 29159 Cape Dasbalſas 08 20153 ir Bonoga 3260 54 Saramo 06 09 50 56 Quiſlai : 25,60 39 Suranam 05 58149 52 Moagos 20161 55 3 Eaft end of Hiſpaniola : 18 4762 38 Middle of Hiſpaniola 18 30 64 58 The Weft-India Inands. . Weſt end of Hiſpaniola 18 25,68 26 Eaft end of Jamaica 18 20171. 58 North 18 Weft Jamaica Harbour 1572 52 The Places Names Latitud. Longit. Weft end of Jamaicz! 18 38 24 57 D. M.D. M. The Eaſt end of Cuba - 22 0075 56 Defonffcaca Ifand": 3:32 33148, 30. Caimanis 19 4177 41 La Burmuda 32 25156 00 19 21178 45 Beliama 27 5773 06 Santavillä 172877 50 Tcavis 27 277! 04 14 50176 04 Sigvatro 26 18168 Guanabo 16 3381 3318 19 45 25 47168, o Guanabimo Guamjua 25 1516453. Cozumál 19 25 84 56 Tiango Laſallecranas .-30 00/87 58 Guanahimo 23 5066 39 The Iſland Delas 23 30191 58 Mayagnana 23 05166 SI Abraio · 25 50 94 00 22 05164.31 Labarmaia Amiana 4064 38 Iſand Dearanas 22 30193 14 Inagua 21 19.69 03 Triango 33193 05 Yamatta! 22 32167 49 Zarka 50193 00 Soamia 24 20168 50 The Ipand of Proudancol3 2781 16 25 10 71 1071 30 St. Andrea 12 42180 57 Yamia 24 St. Jolin 18 30160 42 Santa Cruce 17 4259 18 The Sea-coaſts of Brazilia. Anguilla 18 4857 St. Martin 18 3556 47 South , Weft St. Bartolama 18 IS156 33 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Barbada 17 678 55 39 D. M.D. M. Antego 16 32154 52 The River Amazones 00 00 41. 30 Dallijada 16 0054 36 | The Iſland of St. Paul oo 5514 36 Marigallatita 15. 41155 26 The Iland of Aſcenſion 07 48/2006 Dominica 15 00155 05 | Cape Blanco 02 25 22 29 Matralina 14 20 54 44 Inand Rocas 03 42 17 St. Lucia 13 3054 43 Iſland Farnando 03 folis 16 00 Grand Caiman A 04 Moſquito 16 10 83 -04 22 24 33166 Caycoſs 22 55/93 16 21 21 20 Javaqua 22170 IO 00 Maria 42]17 16 Abratho 1 1 7 CHAP.XVIII. Chjefeſt Places of the World, I 30119 01 08 0011!444 II II I 2 101114_44 Oc1114 41 00 114 39 02 II 21 0905191 53191 07 10 II 12.90043 35 I2 } IT I 2 1271 44 I I Aduose 56 | Nurth end of Sumatra 05' 281116 3.5 , . 209 South Weft North Enft The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. The Places Names. - Latitudi Longit. D. M.D.. M. D. M.D. M. Abracho 05 00117 56 Cape St. Raphall 06 10119 36 36 | Gomafpala 05 401116 29 Cape St. Auguſtin 08.25.18 28 Niobar 07 00-115 04 River St. Mignall Illand Defombro og The River Roall 21 20 41 INand Ruſta 09 50114 33 River Gianda. 14. 49122. 06 | Quiarinibar Abeorho 17 52/21 42 Chitra Andomaio St. Harbara 18 1121 06 Inand Dandemajo 13 Illand Aſcenſion 17 1917 01 Illand Decocols 1.14 39 115 12 Trinidada 19 50114. 24 Celloan 07.:: 50198 39 St. Maria Dagaſta 19.38 12 14 14 | Doda Safia og 40193 Iſland de Marcin 19 00:08:03 Andaio 30190 SI Illand de Pidos 25520s 51. Garine w 19:59 20:56 Cape-St. Toma 47123 38 Moique 29 Cape Frio Cuballa 23.5.224.. 43 08 Cape Sc. Mariz 00 37 :II Illand de Profoll 239056 River de Platta : 35 5045:52 Inand de Zoclia Port St. Juliano 50 00152 30 Chorebaman 12.321870:55 The Screights of. Ma-? Sucatra 5:3 3056 30 1874 oz gellane Abdelcari Cape, de Sancto Spirito 52 2058 30 Apoluria . 09 S.20190550 Cape Victoria, West 2 11 os 39188901:50. end of the Sareights 352 30165 * 4* Degomo 02 40871:35 12 0080 30 Piedros Blanco Cape St. Frainico OL: 30180. 30 Ser 03 $279.alias CapciSt. Frances, : North Weſt Domes Caicuhas. 03 211 6573124 Poincde bon matre 07 3880.00 Iland Quclalla 03 40/64 bao Nombre de Dips: W.Sesió 0079:-130 De Almiranta . 03 57163 -28 Nova Albion,or New- Agnalaga 09 006615 England, in the Aldore Has 46 00162 30 ,:!,09 05165 02 Soxtb Sea, the back Nava Orton, 09 163,26 fide of it Calmobodo og 40 61:1:5 Gape de Fortuna}s's 30 i 30.00 Donatallo OS (Anjar. frais Aignose! 30158 18 Infulz Salamonis So. Lat.w.Long. John de Comoro 09:00 57..20 Nombre de Jeſus os 50169 30 | Pemba, 12 : 05 09530530 Tapan Infules 36N.00 153E00 | Zanziba 06 261153 39 Cape de Bucnz Deſco...ols.00155.00 Manfia: ...o 07 501551508 John Demiz Es 10 481549,24 TI 20551448 po * Mohalla 12: TII56:25 Foannada 12 09157: 03. - The Eaft India Inanders 12:49 57-55 St. Chriſtopher, a 14 2089115) 303 ۲ P SPOTI Southi b: Eaſt John de Nova co »7 2015.5362251 c: The Pilates Names . Latitud. Longit: | Ballas de India: 1.2. Lau- 25 37160 co DMD, M. Calcio Hipon Inand 06, 1-45/1 29 20 St. A pohima ? 20 50 49:119505 Bantam, Eaſt India 06:15 115 34 Dom(caicahas 20:25,816 9:54 Janba Iklandsi I 49.12.25 Moroſlars 2001IP 68,344 south enth of Sumatra Q5:06:52 1:25:48 Dolgarias , IS.929.7043 Middlaendsof Şumatra 01,30 1:20:49 | $a Branda : 17 13.1741 44 EC Englands Lima Cape 06, 1076 155 08 3017811315 01 o IT DI 205916:57 09 30 II 1 61 Mayacxa 21 . 0! : 22 10 ss.122 do Co., O >> $ OO ! 1 ПЕ * mat 210 ATable of the Lat. and Long of the Book IV. + 4 1 20 1 1 I@ IO CI ΟΙ 20 18 15 33172.-39 South Eaſt The Places Names... Latitud. Longit. D. M.D. M. Englands Foreſt 5071 14 Diego Roize 20 05174 54 | The Sea-coaſt from Cape Bone Eſprance John de Lisbon 25 2468 32 to Guiney. Romoras 28 21 South | Eaſt The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. D. M.D. M. Illand Defiftian 36 57 11 44 The Sea-coaſt on the Main Continent in the Inand Degiaiatica 37 56114.04 Eaſt India. Cape Agullas 36 20133 54 Cape Bonee ſprance 35 50132 54 North | Eaft Cape Sacos 29 4030 14 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Aſcention Iſland 07 48105 24 St. Elana 16 0310 68 D. M.D. M St. Elana Nova 16 03.19. 48 Malacca : or 41116 14 Baſſas 17 45/27 35 Queda 06 47119 44 Cape Lado ooj29 13 River de Care 45118 54 | Cape Padron: 06 0029 "04 River Bongale 22 09128 33 Cape Lopas 00 2521 Aicopoir 19|112 39 Anabona Iland 22 22 56 Samnabronza 30108 52 Inand St-Mathaos OI, 40107; 45 Arme GOD 14 3510027 Idand St. Toma Idand St. Toma SooN.10 23: 34 Naga Patam Iſland Chocos 21199 59 II 16.00 40123 So Cape Comorin 07 7 50j97 39 River Gaboan 10127 12:16 Cochin OI 09 40 97 29 River de Angai Callant 10 48197.27 Illand de Principas 01 SO125 14 Mongalar I 40197:19 Iſland Defarnanda 03 10126 06 Dodalle! 17 River Boilin 02 4227 29 Goa 14 40 971 01 River Decainaronas 04.00 27.:09 Chaul) 18 10198 51 Calecatini Eaſt India II II 30 9258 Macao tn the K:of Pegu 19:30112' 49 Domon; 19 5499 01 Surrati, 21 00 99 36 The Sea-coaſt from Samſons River to the Dio : 20 4896 57 River of Gambo, Corft Guiney and River Decinda 24 55195 39 Barbary. Gudaries 24 5089-28 Cape Muchoaridan 25 32 82: 39 North | Eaſt Cape Ruflallgat 07 84 39 The Places Names. Latitad. Longit: 18 19 79 09. D. M.D. M. Dofari's 17 00175-04 Old Callabar 04 50125..15 Nero Callabar 04 40123 37 Adon? 13 08/66,58 Cape Formoſſus 04 03 22 52 Cape Gaardafuy II. 4077* 24 River Binhin 14 06: S0122 Cape de Baflos 0430165 - 19 River Dallagoa 07 4019 49 Magadox 0 02 3059-124 River de Valta'. 06 05 16 52 Molinda!?! 02 5.42 5277 11 Capo g Points ***04 1013 20152 05 OT River St. Andraſs os 23108 06 Cape Fallco o8 02 52:24 Cape de Palmas 04 40 06 05 Dagnade op 15 17153.26 River de Caſto os 20103 48 Cape Corintes 23 30 48 st 30 48 st | Cape Mounta ob 23 or. 145 Cape St. Marina 25 4046 59 Cape Roxo II:381613 River St. Lufſcais 28 254609 River of Gambo 12 :17 33 18:43' 59 | Cape de Verd - 14 2416:57 tion The 00 00127 30 0198 55 . ( 7 1 ( 1 22 Cape de Ponto ; ! Cape de Matriaia h 12 το Tangga I 20' 472 Bay Doliagoa ܐܰ܂ ܙ܆ 1 1 + 7 Chap.XVIII. Chiefeſt Places of the World. I 211 1 00 00 1οΙο 16 Chercune 01 Cape Mizarrara 32/14 56 | Cape de Solli 16 Cape Ruſſurta 07 Cape Roartini 30 40 41 I 2 Varo Vigia Abrogo Brava Fogo 22 02 A 30:9:26 North Eaft The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. D. M.D.M. Stora 39 0915 44 Bona The Cape de Verd Iſlands. 37 1916 44 Bozarat 37 30 17 50 North Weſt 36 50117. 24 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit . | Cape Beun 37 0518.11 Sulía 36 02118 07 D. M.D. M. Britto 35 23 18 41 Abrollio 00116 16 34 5618 36 Vigia 03 32 18124 St. Paul or 31 1125 49 Rochaſs 02 30116 16 32 58129 26 1 12121 07 32 1813:2 1 81 3-2 04 2619 48 Alexandria 28 16 36 10 19 Michallat 30 30141 55 Cairo 14 49 15 14 30 35 41 44 14 42 14 56 Joppa 31 42143 39 Lantiago 14 52114 Maya Is 0014 Bouaniſta IS 5813 49 Sall 17 00113 26 St. Nicholas 16 30 15 44 The Coaſt from Antiochia to Sagua in the Sz. Lucia 16 50116 08 Straights. St. Tincant 16 55116 32 St. Antonio 17 07116 55 North Eaſt Cape Blanco 20 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit: Cape Boyadojo 26 5512 52 D. M.D. MA Marquepana 27 From Antiochia to Sagua 34 54146 , 26 28 46 Cape Pollopolla 35 35144 29 501 5011 29 Cape Seridioni 35 5541 24 30 30. I 25 Cape Decoxman 36 16 36 44 Cape Cancin 32 271 I 271. oo 06 Cape Babarnau 37 5836 .22 Tangiar Enft Longit. 35 36 1 49 | Land Miri 39 12137 05 Incomodio 40 26 40 39 Conſtantinople 40 50 40 33 Gallippollo 40 20137 59 Cape Degriffa 40 12137 The S82-Coaſt on the Main, from Tangiar Cape Pimra 40 26/32 23 to Joppa in the Straights. Cape St. George 39 28/32 19 37 4032 35 North East 37 15 31 T531 52 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Cape Macapan im 36 28 30. 53 Caſtelcornis 37. 45130 32 A D. M.D. M. Drugromaſtra 38 3830 40 Wadallo in the Straights 34 57 3 13 Cape Linga 40 18:29 38 34 571.3 48 Hirafla 40 57 30. 38 Qran, 35 467 59 Antavara 41 49 30 54 Tanis 36 30 9 18 Caccaro 42 Sally 36 40 9 48 Raguſſa 43 Argier 36 40 1 40110' 54 Stanio 42 5728 : Tádallis 36 48111 25 Trovor 43 30 27 37 Ragin 36 501 44 | Cape Caſta 43 27 26: 48 Gion 36 50 13 50113 30 Salconico 44 Gigaria 37 03 14 44 05:26:39 Colla 37 oglis - 14 | Sagua 44 47125:49 E e 3 22:2 II 521 1 7 Cape Denao Cape Gillain Cape de Garro ! II Cape Collo Cape Sille Ballis 년 ​then 21129: 41 2928 57 II E 01\27: 24 03 14 26 Zaro From 1 + ! 212 A Table of the Lat: and Long. of the Book IV 38 Cape Fiſtria 02 Gállipoli + 1 Sallaurio.. 22 29 14 40 41 52116 11.08 42 North | Eaſt The Places Names. Lasitade Longit. D. M.D. M. St. Penaga 38 5233 03 Andrea 12/34 46 From Cape Fiſtria to Giblitore. Ipſava 38 28135 II Mortalin North Eaft 38 54 35 52 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Sravifratta 39 28 35 14 Lamnofs. 394135 49 D. M.D.M. Embroſs 40 09136 44 4024 IO 09 Venecia Palamos 14136 04 40 14136 45 37 22 22 45 Tafla. Gorro 40 0035 19 44 57121 35 Giavocha 44 1921 26 Ancana Iſlands in the Straighies. 43 25124. 29 Angollo 41 3127 Cape St. Maffa Sapiencia 36 47130 1.6 39 52 26 53 Scouty 40 0821 04 37 10129 43 Zane : Cape Callom 38 50 25 40 37 37 ?9 38 Cape Sparta-venta Cape Şidro 38 15 29.33 37 40124 16 Pollicaſtro Paxa 38 49/29 30 40 0824 02 Corfu 39 26/29 26 40 S1123 32 Faimo, Napolis 41 08122 39 4429 19 SI Sellino Rome 41 Soj21 501210g Ciritaclia Pianaſſa 46 20:24 41 46 20 Trinitc Lcagueorne 43 2819 03 41. Sol?5 - 53 . Cape Malle Pollagafia 43 S115 37 17126 37. Mallida 42 37/28 Cape Larci 42 58114 38 0:3 Corſella Tallone 42 35177. 38 43 0014 04 Marſilia 43 12 12 44 Aguſta 42 36/27 13 Catllalla 42 40127 93 Cape Degofrito 41 41 II 18 Catrio Cape Pallomallo 42 44 76 58 10 8 39 40 Lilla 43 0026 Cape Martin 38 46 820 33 Buzo; 43 02/26 Allagant 38 2017 14 $t, Andrea 43 0725 0712558 Cape Paul 37 28:7 "II Cape Degac 36 471 5:24 Iſland Groſſo Poma, la 43., 14125 48 Välis 44 36 491 3 33 Malagolc Sauſſaga 44 Giblitore 36,401 2 06 35 52/22 IS Malta 36 00/21 54 Comino 36. 15, 21: :24 Eaft end of Cyprus 34 48144 18 $: Middle of Cyprus 34 I i Weſt End of Cyprus 34 The Iflands in the Straights, called the Rhodes 35 4037 22 Archipelago. an Sivia 36 0537 17 : : 34 37 38 39 North Eaſt Eats Eaft end of Candia 32 The Places Numes. Latitud. Longit? Midąle of Candia 35 D. M. D. Mwest endilo Cajidia 35 Sarfanto -36 57 33.39 Scarpaataa 35 1036 Sapfo . 37 17133 35 35135 Eamania 37 28!33 18 Langa . 36 3.1!36 Trava 37 49 34 41 Stampalią 341.552 Pipor 39 32133 51 Leyatta n. 36 38 34:54 Laffor: 39 58 33 51 Niza !! 2134 135 Laino.... 39 44'33 38 Cavari : 36 403.2018 Střipo: 39 1633 51 51 | Palla?!! 36 52132 09 ! ? 18 002536 2025 36 45 3:07 Piper 03 T 18 43 09 22 41 41 > 1 35:04 0413:5. mmmmmmm 08133.5 1532, 75 04 22 Carose : 133 27 36 11 37 I. r . Cardinal 1 1 CHAP.XVIII. Chiefeſt Places of the World. 213 1. North Eaſt The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Cardinals Hats Forlconari ។ Maſſina 21 09 10 28 58 10 42 38 38 38 38 34/22 38 1 4 Lcja 40 46 21 36 1 5 D. MJD. M. The Canary Iſlands. 37 2532 31 36 5932 37 North West Millo 36 4033 19 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Goza 35 4120 SI Samatto 35 46119 39 D. M.D. M. Lampadoſla 35 5819 59 59 Forta Ventura 28 12106 Linofía 12106 28 36 20 20 os Sanſlorrotca 28 51/06 08 Pantalaria 36 53119 35 35 | Allegranſſa 29 11106 1110,6.13 Kambro 37 10 18 · 34 Grand Canary Maritimo 27 43 08 3€ 37 5220 02 Tenarife 28 20109 28 38 0723 Gomara 28 IS Eaſt end of Sicilia 37 07/23. 24 Faro 28 osio 43 Middle of Sicilia 37 4222 09 09 Palma Welt end of Sicilia 37 52/2007 07 Salvagas 30 05108 57 Uſtica 50125 58 58 Dazarts 32 08 09 46 Allicur 45/21 47 47 Madara 32 27 11 19 FaHicur 43122 Of Por. Santo 33 14110 09 Liſtallin 32 Lipari 40122 27 Võlcana 38 48 22 30 Stroinballo 39 3123 03123 02 Foldemaſlina 38 2023 20123 29 The Weſtern Iſlands. Ponuſla yö 40120 40120 32 Palmarolla North Weſt 40 50119 59 Ginnute 41 5919 48 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Gigig 41' 58119 39 Criſta 41 55118 51 D. M.D. M. Planoſſa 42 07/18 33 Abraoſo 37 55129 46 Lilbo 42 31118 36 Valo 40 3027 28 : Caprera 42 58 18 20 Corvo 40 09 24 59 Gargona 43 20 18 28 Flauris 39 30124 55 Northend of Corſica 42 551!7 26 Fiall 38 49 22 13 Middle of Corſica 42 05117 07 Pico 38 30 21 37 St. George Southend of Corſica 41 2017 39 002.1 20 Taloro, 40 5617 19 | Traſſara 39 3110 Azancra 41 08116 22 Gratiaſſa 39 30121 Worth end of Sardinia. 41 10117 10117 25 | Abrajo 39 52 78 5. diddle of Sardinia. 40 06 16 54 Vajo 38 43118 23 South end of Sardinia. 38 5616 37 St. Michael The Ifand of St. Pedra39 2016 03 Hornisgo Pallmade folla. 39 IljL6 05. | St. Maria 37 06/17 56 Sarpentara 39 00117 18 Vejo! 22 28 56 43 Callatta 37 57 16 28 Illánd Varda 48 Minorke 39 55112 16 Maiden Iſland 46 30123 36 Mayorka 39 38'ir 12 l'Old Bražecl SI 03/09 58 Cabrea 39 0711 05 Collombratta 12 39 soos Eviffa, 39 05109 57 : Eormentara ::,,38 44109 154 Vile IT The ::::::... .܆ 7 . 1 1 OI, 22 II ] 38 00 18 16 37 25117 36 46 1 44 1 1 1 ! 3 > 1 1 214 A Table of the Lat, and Long of the Book IV A North | Eat Latitude Longit. mes The Places Names. 50 50 50 37 00/1 39 081 002 04 Illes of Boyon 85 29 42 43 10/2 212 44 0810 43 492 43/2 1 North | Eaſt 45 285 D. M.D. M. The Sea-coaſt of Portugal and France, Chofol 49 53 from Cales to Callis. Boffin 49 193 42 Jarze 49 303 24 North Eaſt Sark 49 373 09 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Garnalle 49 4312 49 D. M.D. M. Arme 49 483 Os Cales Caskats 36 32 1 24 73 09 Cape St. Maria Arderny 36 520 We.24 23 37 Cape St. Vincent 18 i Cape Hag. 43 52 Lisbone 06 Cape Barſlaw 49 574 32 Rock of Lisbon Rone 39 49 4615 54 Burlings Saine Head 39 4312 28 50 415 28 2212 St. Vallari 00 so Cape Finiſterre 55 Deip 50 1516 39 Cape Corian Callis 43 56 SI 137 16 Sazarka 43 381 52 Cape Artingal 06 Cape Pinas 44 040 Ea.52 Lyons 06 Sr. Andrea 43 36 The Sea-corſt of England from the Lizard Bilbo 43 413 to Newcaſtlc. St. Abaſtian 43 4014 19 Burdeux 45 10 5 En. 44 , Bloy 19 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. Shorant 46 0014 56 Rochel 46 174 54 D. M.D. M. Toppar 45 3613 29 The Lizard 50 ioloo Mamoſin 45 4914 34 Falmouth go 22 00 12 45 584 50 35100 35|0o 34 . St. Martins 46 164 29 Ramhed 5o 34 00.49 Barges : 46 3003 54 Plymouth so 30100 51 uils 46 443 The Ediftonc so Piller 47 043 The Start 50 27 1 19 Nancs 47 454 15 Dartmouth 50 377 Radon 47 5513 SO 4211 50 401 The Coafts of Britanny. Abſom Bar 5 4710 37 50 5512 Ia Cardinals 47 2712 24 Chiddock 50 5712 14 Ballile 47 192 14 Portland 50 5012 36 Groy 47 351 54 Weymouth 51 44 Glannats 47 3311 34 Pool 51 413 34 Pennes, pr Pennemark 47 3511 10 Ine of Wight 50 584 08 Paiker 48 000:We;os ("Portſmouth 8 4 24 Seames 48 040 E:23 Shorám 57 Camarica Bay 48 25 250 56 Beache 2 50 5815 15 Brift 3510 51 48 450 19 Dongeners 51 916 uſhant 48 480 St 25 32 Iſland of Baſſe 49 011 27 Ripraps 5D 1316 49 Morlias 48 S41 39 The South Foreland st2216.744 49 02 The Downs 5t 256 45 St. Mallas SI Nortli 00 Olloron 30 Foy 20 23 00 44 22 28 36 3.3 | Torbay i The Bary Limes 1 1 3.2, 5 51 51 74 43 59 Rye 1316 Conquer 05 Dover 2516 C Satta Inics 712 48 4513 39 | Sandwich 27/6 33 1 ] CHAP.XVIII. Chiefeſt Places of the World. 215 North | Enft The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. 3016 01 I IIG 38 SI 4819 819 1 51 3719 46 48 1 North Foreland Margarec Quinborow Rocheſter London Graveſend Tilbury Hope Colcheſter Harwich Ipſwich Orfordnals Alborow Yarmouth Winterton Cromar Blackneſs Wells Lin Bolton Grimsbe Hill The Sporne Burlington Flamborough Head Scarborough Whitby Hartlepool Sunderland Shelles Newcaſtle D. M.D. M. The Sea coaſt of Flanders and Holland SI 2816 44 from Callis to the Scaw. 51 2916 34 51 North Eaſt SI 2815 54 The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. si 3015 24 SI 3515 44 D. M. D . : SI 3815 54 Duynkirke SI 1817 49 52 046 O2 oftend 51 308 29 52 27 Sluice SI 9 II 52 1416 24 Zealand OS 52 2016 35 The Brill 52 08 52 24.6.39 Antwerp 52 456 Rotterdam 52 519 52 526 46 Amſterdam 524010 53 206 41 The Tafel 4010 01 53 20, 10:16 53 416 19 | The Uly 53 30.10.12 53 Skelling 53 35110 14 52 5815 33 Amaland 53 40110 16 53 915 02 Embden 53 441106 53 3914 28 Breme 53 50 12 26 53 454 16 Hambrough 54 4113 26 53 455 QI Holikeland 54 30 54 0014 Stonar- 55 17 12 08 54 814 35 The Scaw 57 52113.SI 54 2014 21 54 3514 10 54 3713 29 54 4213 26 55 0213 24 | The Sea-coaſt from the Lizard to Holy- 54 5813 14 head. 1 1 716 1 28 1 SI Leithe North Weſt The Places Names, Latitud, Langit. The Coast of Scotland. D. M. D. M. Lands end so 2010 34 North Eaſt Gulfe SO: ILI · The Places Namis. Latitud. Longit. Scilly So 711 7 Stones 50 181 '16 D. M. D. M. Harry Point 51. rojo: Eing Barwick 55 492 39 Londy 2010. W.3 2 09 Holmes SI 261 E. 44 Dondce 56 262 17 Briſtol 51 29/2 57 222 29 Glocelter 312 39 57 4811 34 Caldy SI 5310 Cac. Nafsu 58 371 38 Milford 52 Slo W.: 6 58 592 02 Ramza 52 Fair Eſc 59 303 19 | Studwalls 53 IZ10 04 Shetland бо 2212 54 Barzs 53 1309.16 Fair Head 58 43/2, W.21 2. W.21 Weſtcheſter Iſland Lewes 53 37 01E.04 58 3012 48 Holy-head 53 440 26 Skey Inand 57 4012 Iſle of Man 54 .2510 36 The 34 Aberdeen Bafom Naſs 52 IO Illes of Orkney 120 38 3 216 A Table of the Lat. and Long of the Book IV. ! 1 1 + 56 175 1715 18 20116 44 52 006 IS/22 56 58 41 Heda 56 57 58 58 58 52/26 The Sea-coaſt of Ireland. The Sea-coaſt in the Sound. North West North Eaſt The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. D. M.D. M. D. M.D. M. Lamby 44 4411 46 Lizol 57 35114 Dublin 9 53 32 1 56 | Anall 57 814 41 Wexford 52 3311 44 | Ellen-nore Waterford 56 40115 21 52 3012 24 Copenhaven Corke 52 0112 56 Mooan 55 41195 29 Kingfail 52 52/3 08 Witmond SS 20116 37 Old Head SI 403 14 | Iſmond 55 Mizand Head şi 2815 go Burnthom 56 00117 40 Cow and Calf st 4215 42 Erchholm 56 1017 38 Skillukes 06 Gathe ſand 03 Blaskos 52 1516 II Farro Sound 48/21 53 Limbrick 53 0414 51 Gotland 58 2021 22 Loopas Head 52 4415 55 53121 29 Gally Head 53 2015. 36 36 Dormąmel 55 23 44 43 4015 16 Dines Naſs 58 22 23:55 Ifles of Aion.. 53 2116 36 Righa 50 26 25 Slages 54 2716 21 Runen 38125 14 Ifles of Art 55 1815 36 Parun 54 Fore Head SS 3814 4 56 Shorham 5826 30 Fair Foreland 55 3512 36 | Wile 59 6125 6 Ardenbro 59 6 Dagarąco 59 4472355 Oglholm 59 58 24 32 Norgin 60 1025 14 The Sea-coaſt of Ireland-Iland. Eaſt Rand 60 19 18 41 Wibro 61 1630 Nortle | Weft Wakaco 61 1629 42 The Places Names Latitud. Longit. Latitud. Longit. Parting 61 0028 15 Burga 61 2 27 14 D. M.D. M. Roſtbrugh 61 3125 04 61 3.21 2 51 Abbo 61 Merchant Forcland 63 5211 42 Bu hoers 60 Horn 63 42 10 16 Stockholm 58 4920 6 Silly 64 509 56 Froučnboro 48/18 16 Bargafar Point 01 Stickholm 2318 24 66 267 36 Yaffro 58 10-18 58 Griinſa 20 Fuland 57 42!19 IZ Marza 67 8 9 42 Chiping 56 $3|18 -27 Rage Poinc 66 40 10. 00 Fastinboro 215 49 Fair Foreland 65 40/14 53 53 Scarlet Iland 40116 02 Snow Hill 65 11 14 11/14 Šo Ellinbro 56 46 16:00 64 00 14 69 Cape Cole 57 00 15 36 Weft main Illes 63 17112 53 Nading Gammat Ifles 57 5315 4 63 48115 48115 06 | Hólm Sound 59 813 44 Grimes Hols. 63 23115 46 Mordo 58 37112 Walle Sound 58 25 11 40 Long Sound 59 71.12 54 From $134 1 00 Mage Nafs 8123 28 921. 54 A 1 65 2717 58 58 Long Naſs. 66 429 56 56 Rook Point 3 CHAP.XVIII. Hom to find the Latitude, G. 217 + Hope Iſland 1 1 Cape Blande Staye Angor Out Shers Bomal Harla IIand Katts Naſs Swin Gallee Gripo Rols Illes 60 149 61 54 79 Iglig. 29 North East From Naze of Norway to Archangel. The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. North Eaft D. M.D. M. The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. 76 13123 16 D. M.D. M. Hopeleſs Illes 77 00 22 54 The Naze of Norway 58 0010 26 Nageo Point 77 10 23 38 58 571 9 44 Duckus Cone 77 4522 54 59 7 8 30 78 25 23 28 Helis Sound 59 31 9 4 79 27/24 19 02 Point Lookcut 76 2520 18 8 06 Horn Sound 77 720 00 62 40 9 Ball Sound 77 34120 3 63 529 46 Foe Sound 78 38/20 45 63 4010 26 Beare Sound 79 1519 IS19 ss 67 11330 Black Point 78 32 18 34 67 3813 52 Cape Cold 79 00 17 56 68 30 14 40 Fair Foreland 70 28118 32 Aſſumption 71 7 20 38 71 22 22 6 70 5624 Iſland Kilding 68 54 26 16 The Coaſt of the North-Weſt Diſcovery. Cape Race 65 49'29 28 Cape Gallant 67 11 28. 56 North | Welt 65 17 28 54 The Places Names: Latitud. Longit. 64 12 26 31 Archangel 63 22/26 46 D. M.D. M. Cape Farewell 590014: 50 Sir Thomas Smith's Bay79 10179 50 The Coaft of Greenland. Botton's Illes 60 2062 50 Belifle 51 2148 44 North | Eift where the Table is be- The Places Names. Latitud. Longit. gun, on the coaſt of D.' M. Di M, Terra Nova. Cherri Iſland. 74 34120 32 IO i Werro Low Fat Zanham North Cape Skitanboro 2 Cape Crace Fox Naze ។ 1. + 1 By, multiplying the Hours by 15, and dividing the Minutes of Hours, if there be any, bý' 4, ſo will the number of Degrees ariſe; and if there remain any Minutes after the Diviſion, they muſt be multiplied again by 15, and ſo will the number of Minigtes of Degrers ariſe, by which theſe Places are diſtant from each other, which Điffance is called the Difference of Longitude of that place for which the Tables were calculated, if the other place be Eaſtward of the firſt ; but if it be more Weſtwardy it is to be ſubſtracted from the Longitude of the other. "And this is the way we have endeavoured to ſettle the Longitude, with as much neetneſs to the truth as poſſible we could. I have’not only made uſe of my own Cal . cùlation of the Difference of Meridians of Places, as I have often uſed at Barbadoes and Virginia, or any other Place, from the Meridian of the Lizard'; but I have alſo ob- täinėd-them from the beſt Geographical Charts that are yet diſcovered, and the lateſt Tables made; and ſo by conſulting with the able and skilful Mariners, that have uſed the East and Weſt India; by the firſt we have informed our felves for the fetling che Longitude of Places in the Eaſt India, with the beſt approved Authors: as in page 161 of Harmonicon Cælefte we find the Difference of Meridians betwixt Calicut in Eaſt- India and London to be s hoärs and so min. which being converted into Degrees and Minutes as before directed, is 37 deg. 30 min. the Difference of the Meridian of London and Calicut; and the Difference of the Meridian of London and che Lizards Ff 5 deg. 1 } 1 218 .30 - How to find the Latitude: BookIV. + 5 deg. 24 min. added to it, gives the Difference of the Meridian of Calickt and the Lizard, it makes 92 deg. 54 min. thc Differenc: of Longitude to the Eaſtward of the Meridian of the Lizard. And Macao in the Kingdom of Pegu, whoſe Difference of Meridians with the City of London is 7 ha. 9 min. which is 107 deg. 15 min. the former Difference added inakcsó Mateo to the Eaſtward of che Lizard 11z deg. 39 min. The Difference becwise thê Tables before-going, and the Eclipſes, in the Difference of Meridians of Calicht and London, is very ſmall, the Tables 4 min. more; and the Difference between the Eclipfos and the Tables is 22 min. more. Then the Obſervation of Macao and London, being ſo ſmall, it may very well be born withal: And we have ſetled the Longitude of the West India, according to long and approved Experience of Voyages of my ſelf and otliers, from the Lizard to Barbadoes, and co.Cape Henry and Charles the Capes of Virginia. The Latitude of a Place is the Distance of the Zenith, or the Vertical Point thereof : from the Agrator, or the Height of the Pole elevated above the Horizon. You have been thewed ſeveral ways already, for the finding the Pales Elevation above the Horda, zon: but this Rule will not be impertinent to this place, being nor named before, which is by the Stars thus. You muſt obferve ſome Fixed Star in the Heavent, which is neer the Pole, and chat.: never fets in that Region : Thus, you muſt obſerve the leaſt and alſo the greateſt Alti- tude of the ſaid Star, when he doth come to the Meridian under the Pole, and alſo above the Pole; which done, you muſt add the leaft. Altitude to the greateſt, and fo the half of the deg. and min. thus nuinbred together, will be che Elevation of the Pale; or Latitade of the Place. An Example whereof may be this. The firſt Star of chic chrce in the Tail of the Great Bear, in his leaft Altisude, obſerved at Briſtol, is about to deg. 59 min. and the * ' greateſt Altitude of the.lame, when hiefs above the Pole, is found to be neereſt gi deg. 59 min, both which Numbers being added together, do make 102 deg. 58 min. the half of rhat fame deg. 29 min. the crue Latitude or Elevation of the Pole. You imày cake notice, I begin to Longitude at the Meridian of the inoſt Soutbern Parts of Brigland acthé Lizard, and increaſes on each ſide of that Meridias, from I deg. to 180 deg>both Eaſtwardiand Westward, ; therdfore you muſt note, That by chiefe gtables all Places, that lic to the Eastbeard of the Meridian of the Lizard, are called Eaſt Longitude ; and all Places on the Weff fide of the Meridian of the Lizard, is called Weſt Longitnde ora? Therefore a Ship being in Eaſt Longitude,' ſailiiig to the Eaſt ward, the increal- eth her Longitude; but ſailing to the Weſtward, it decreaſcth. And likewiſe if a Ship be to the Weſtward of the Lizard, that is, in West Longitude, and failech to the Weſtward, the Longitude increaſeth ; but failing to the Eaſtward, the Longitude de- creaſeth: You muſt norėsiche Sun riſeth to the Enftward, therefore all the stars, and are carried Weft; and that all Places tlaat ase to the Ealimard of dịe Meridian of the Lizard, the sun comes to their Meridian fiil, according the time it is to the Emblem ward of the Meridian of the Lizard : As you may note wher: was bcforç, directed That every 15 degasis an Hours and 4 min. a Degree i Therefore in the former Expert ple of Calicus, whole Difference of Meridians is. 5ibo 50 min. that is to ſay, the Suni is on the Meridian in the Angst Indiaat : Galicut ar: 19 min. paft 6 a:Clask in the morn- ing here at the Lizard, that is, 5 hox:£9 m.foontiitlaan he comes to the Meridian of these make liere 12 a Clock'at Nool. And:o:on the contrary Icfier to the Hub by every. 15 deg. As for Example. The Difference of Longitude bervext the Meridian of che Lizard and Barbudaeis 52 deg. 58 min. that converted into Iijone is 3 hours 42 min. the ciraesche Sancome to the Meridian of the Lizard, before it comes to the Meridian oh Barbadoes; Erla's is ta lay, it is our 3 a.Clock 42 mida paſt ar thc Ličara in the afternoong beforegsod 12 at Noon in the Barbadoes. in..! You may take notices . I took my firſt Latitude and Longitude froin tinc Nortkerd parts of Nin found-land, to the Weſtward-at Cape Homblanto, ucet. Bell-ile , and (a have coaſted all round che Bay of Mexicu, and taken the Welt India Ifands in the way; CI; HU and ! . 1 1 219 + CHAP.VIII. and Longitude of Places. and ſo round the Coaſt by Brazil, and through the Straights of Magellane to Nova Albion, where Sir Francis Drake was on the back ſide of New-England, in the Soxth Sex; and from thence to the Eaſt India, firſt the Iſlands, and then the Main Land, and back by Cape Bon Eſprance, and round the Coaſt of Guinney and Barbary down from Tangire, and upon the Chriſtian Shore to Gillitore and Tocke in the Canary Ifands and weſtward Ipands, and ſo along the Coaſt from Cales to Callis, and from thc Lizard to Newcaſtle, and from thence along the Coaſt of Scotland to Skey Iſland, and along the Coaſt from Calis co the Scaw, and along the Coaſt from the Lizard to the Iſle of Man, and round the coaſt of Ireland to the Sea-coaſt of Iſeland, and ſo from the Scaw round the Sound, by the Naſe of Norway to Archangel, and about by the Sta-coaſt of Greenland by the North-weſt Diſcovery, to the coast of New.found Land, where firſt I began ; whereby you may ſee I have traced a Path, or coaſted round to chc inoſt Chief Harbours, Head-lands, and Iſlands in the World, by the Tables. And ſo I ſhall conclude with cheſe Verſes in Mr. Philips's Preface, when Drake and Candiſh Saild the World about, And many Herocs found nen Countries ont To Britains Glory, and their laſting Fame : Were we like-minded, we might do the same. 4 1 1 1 1 The End of the Fourth Book. r 1 1 ' * } 1 { i f } 4 { 1 F 自 ​| | i 1 4 { 1 | : 1 - | 了 ​4 4 MATHEMATICAL Practical Arts LE . 1 A new W On a new invented Scale, which refolyes moſt Queſtions in a moment S T O R M Yº's AND Il The Fifth Book. -S HEWING ETING of LAND. by the MARINERS AZIMUTH or AMPLITUDE.COMPASS; By which you may $ ORVEY and PLOTT with eaſe and Delight, áll manner of Grounds, either finall-Incloſures, Champions, Plains, Wood- Lands, or any other Uneven Grounds. AND ALSO, How to take the Ploit of a whole Town.; and a moft Excel. lent way to be ſatisfied whether his Plott will Cloſe, before lie be- gins to Protract the ſame. ALSO The ART of GÀGEING all ſorts of Veffels; as Clbe: Veſſels, or to Meaſure Square Veſſels, as Cylinder Veſſels, and-Pipes, Hogſheads, and Barrels and to Meaſure Veſſels that are part out ; and alſo to Meaſure Brewers Tuns, or Oval Tuns, or Malh-Fats, or Cone-Veſſels, or Brewers Coppers, or any other Veſels. AND LIKEWISE, How to Meaſure exactly allkirid of-Plain Superficies, as Walls, Timber Work, Roofs of Houſes, Tyling, Board, and Glaſs, and Wainſcot, Pavement, and the like; As alſo Timber and Stones; And of Meaſuring of SHIPS.: The ART of GUNNERT, in that AR Tinä moft Excellent Compendious Form; never by any ſet forth in the like manner before in the ART of 'GUNNÉRÍ: With divers Excellent Concluſions, all reſolved, both Arithmetical and Geometrical and Inſtrumental and by Tables ; Being framed both with, and without the help of Arithrizetick; As alſo divers forts of Artificial FIRE-WORKS, both for Recreation, and Sea and Land Service. 1 1 1 + T * 1 By Cap" SAMUEL STURMI LONDON, Printed by Iriſtiáni Godbid, Anno Dom. M.DC.LXIX: . 1 " t D The Mariners Azimuth Amplitude Compass Or an Inſtrument for Surpaing of Land by a New-way . to 40 I 510 go HI VIT 10 0 20 50 PO word 10 K к 0 810 V VITA IX MIL R SI 4141. X C 이다​. V ol OZ 이​:: F o IX ան 03 O+ 02 1 OL OK MIX On OT | honom boto 468 The AUT H OR to his Fifth Book. Erc comes a Critick, cloſe thy Page, Bc open as the Eye of Noon, Thou art no Subject for this Age: And let the Dogs bark 'gainſt the Motor And Cenſure oftentimes you know Thou haſt no Luſtre of thy own Will ſtrike the Dove, and ſpare the Crow. But what's deriv'd from Art alone, · But hold, thy Guilt does not require Fear not, thy Art inſtructed Page That thou ſhould't lurk, or yet retire. May either pleaſe, or teach the Age. H Н 1 To my much Honoured Patron, Sir FOHN SHAVV Knight and Baronet : And to the reſt of the Honourable. F A R M E R S OF HIS MAJESTIES CUSTOMS, Sir Fohn Wolſtenholme, Sir Robert Vyner Knights and Baronets; Sir Edmond Turner Knight, Edward Backwell and Francis Millington Eſquires: External, Internal, and Eternal Happineſs be wiſhed, + M HONOUR ABLE SORS, AN bad at the firſt, and ſo have all Souls before their entrance into the Body, an Explicite Methodi- cal Knowledge ; but they are no Sooner Veſſeld, but that Liberty is loft, and nothing remains but a vaſt confuſed Notion of the Creature. Thus had I only a Ca- pacity without Power, and a Will to do that which was far enough above me. In this perplexi- ty I ſtudied ſeveral Arts, and put them into pra- čtice: For my own fullen Fate hath forcd me to ſeveral Courſes of Life; but I find not one hither- to which ends not in Surfeits or Saciety, and all the I a a a 1 - The Epiſtle Dedicatory. the Fortunes of this Life are Follies. Thus I ram- bled over all theſe Mathematical Inventions or Sciences , Wherefore (Honourable Sirs): I ha- ving Compoſed, out of my poor Studies, this Mi- ſcellany, and conſidering there was nothing in it more uſeful for your Service than the Art of Sur- veying, knowing that jou beſton Surveyors Offices upon many, but divers may be wanting in the Knowledge and Labour of the Art; my ſelf once enjoyed both in your Honours Service, by.the kind thankful Remeinbrance of my much Honou- red Patronobit Eivy foon eclipſed my. Office without defert; and left me only my Art : There- fore (as St. Paul faith in another Caſe) I will wait with Patience until my Change will come; and in the mean time I am your Honours humble Ser- vant, and humbly proſtrate theſe my poor Labours at your Honours Feet, begging your Patronage thereof; knowing; That there was never any thing fowell contrived by the Wit of Man, that hath not been ſubject to the Cenſure and Mif- conſtruction of the Envions : Nor do I at this time (in the Production of this) expect Immunity from the Cenforious Criticks of this preſent Age ; jet for ſuch was this work never intended, but only for the Fudicious, whoſe candid Cenſures I dare abide : But yet not without labour and difficul tycan Books have paſſage into the World; there- fore to the end the placid Fruits of theſe my La- bours (now grown up among the wild Grapes of the Field) may be cheriſhed and preſerved from the turbulent Storms of diſcontented Spirits, it 1 1 now 1 The Epiſtle Dedicatory. nom being come to its Maturity and Perfection, muſt humbly implore the Protection of frme Ho- nourable Perſons to defend it. And being well afJured (Sirs) of your Honours moſt Heroick and Candid Diſpoſitions, I humbly call this into the Arms of your Humanity for Shelter and Prote- €tion; not doubting but that your refulgent Rays Mining thereon, will be ſufficient to annihilate and diſpel the moſt dark and miſty Clouds afcendo ing our Horizon ; which will not a little ſtrengthen both my preſent and future Undertakings for the Publick Good, and excite the Author to a grate- ful Acknowledgment of your Memorable Virtues, and to echo forth the Praiſes due to your Names and Éminencies. All that I have endea- voured, is to profit others, and to make my diligent and ſtudious Reader and Practicioner able to be- nefit his Country (which,certes,is no more than the Common Law of Hunanity requires at all our Hands) and not, like ſome, to bury their Trea- ſures in the Aſhes of Oblivion; which puts me in mind of that excellent Saying of Tullie, Non no- bis ſolum nati ſumus. Wherefore (Honourable Sirs ) I have endeavoured, in as plain and Suc- cinct a Method as I could imagine, to lay down the Art of Surveying, a new way, bythe Ma- riners Sea-Compaſs, which is the beſt Inſtrument for their uſe and purpoſe, it agreeing ſo neer their Traverſe Rules at Sea, that there is very little difference. And likewiſe, I have ſhewed the Sea-men the Land-man's Art of Surveying and Gauging all ſorts of Veſſels, and plain Superfi- . 1 H + à à a 2 cies - The Epiſtle Dedicatory. cies and Solids ; the Art of Gunnery, Artificial Fire-works, and Aſtronomy, in the following Book; and ſo furniſhed the whole Work with ſuch Theorems and Problems, Geometrically, Inſtrumentally, and by Calculation, as are moſt ne- ceſary and ſubſervient thereunto : And there- fore (Honourable Sirs) you being able to protect it, I most humbly commit it to your gracious Pro- te&tion, reſting, 1 1 Sirs, St. Georges, or the Pill, neer Briſtol, Mar.25. Anno 1669. Your Honours moſt humble and faithful Servant, SAMUEL STUR MY. 1 ! 1 + CHAP. I. 1 4. The ART of Surveying of Land By the SE A-COM PASS: The DESCRIPTION of the COMPASS and ST AFF, and CHAIN. The Fifth Book . CHAP. I. ward; Have been all this while a Niewing the Maria ner, How to deſcribe and make his own 19 ſtruments, and the uſe thereof in Navigaa tion; I am alſo willing to ſhew him the great uſe there may be made of his Sen- Compass, commonly called the Azimuth, or Amplitude.Compaſs, which all ingeni- ouis Mariners carry to Sea. This Compaſs requires but little deſcrip- tion, it being ſo well known to all Sea-men; for it is the ſame in a manner as they Steer the Ship by: But it is called by the name of a Meridian Compaſs. The Chart within the Box is divided as you ſee in this Figure each quarter into go Degrees, beginning at North and South, numbred Eaſt and Weſt- on the Glaſs there is a Braſs Circle, and Diameter, that goes over the Center of the Compaſs-Chart, the Braſs Circle is about 7 Inches Diameter, and about f. of an inch broad; The outward Circle is divided into 360 Degrees by 90 Degrees in each Quarter, as you ſee the former was; the Figure niakes all plain to the meaneſt capacity and numbred as you there fee from 1 Degree each way from each oppoſite Point, The inward Circke is the Hours anſwering each 15 Degrees and Quarters of the Horizen, and they are nunbred as you ſee in the Figure. There is a Circle the like divide the high of the Needle and Box-Chart, with lines drawn up the Box at 90 Degrecs every way, that the Degrees of țhe upper Circle, and lower Circle, and Chart, may agree. In the Diameter FGHK there is a right Line drawn in the inidit, as GH, and at each end is two llits of an inch and an half long, each of them, as FG and HK; which are cut right in the middle : by which in taking any Angle, you muſt be ſure to fer the North Point right ander the liſt and line of the one, and the South Point under the flit and Line of the other : and 10 muſt you always, when you take the Angle ofany twe 9 A 3 2 2 The Art of Surveying of Land Book. V. A The life of the two ſtations from one place to another, You muſt be ſure to keep the two flits in the Braſs Diameter over the North and South Point of the Chart , and turn the Index that is riveted to the Center at C to the Object, and look through the lights that ſtand upon it ; when you find you ſee it plainly, and have made a good obſervation of the Angle, look what Degrees the edge of the Index cuts, and upon.what Quarter of the Compal and that number of Degrees is the Angle of the two places from the Meridian. The lights that ſtand perpendicular on the Index are 1 inch and ; long"; the further light hath a wire that goeth through the midſt thereof, by which we cut the Object : that fight next unto you hath only a lit. Through which you muſt ſee the Wire and Object you look at in one and the fame Line, when you make any Obſervation. Betwixt the two lights is a right line drawn through the midſt, and at the further ſight is faſtened a perpendicular of Braſs with a right line through the midſt as BD: this perpendicular is faſtned with two ſmall Braſs ſcrews at M: to the further ſight with a wire; and at D is a hole where is faſtned a Silk thred twiſted and ſcrewed through a ſmall hole in the Eye-light at S, and faſtned with a ſmall wooden pin. And this is for to take the Sun's Azimuth at any time of the day, by turning the Azimusla-com- Eye-light to the Sun ; and the flics over the North and South point of the Chartº as pass. before directed) you may ſet the Index to what Degree you pleaſe; and when the ſhadow made by the Thred D S, comes upon the Line in the midſt of the Index on the Line SA, and on the perpendicular Line RD; then on that inſtant take the Sun's Altitude by a Quadrant or Staff, and note it down : and likewiſe the Degrees cut by the Index at the perpendicular end, and that is the Sun's Magnetical Azimuth at that time. When you The Amplitude have done, you may unſcrew the perpendicular from the ſight; and then you have the Compaſs. Compaſs ready to take an Amplitude of the Sun's Riſing or Setting : but more of that in the following Treatiſe, when we ſhall touch upon Aſtronomy. When you make uſe of the Compaſs for Surveying of Land, you have a Braſs ſocket ſcrewed faſt to the bottom of the inward Box that holds the Chard, In that ſocket you put the head of your three legged Surveying-Staff with a ſmall ſcrew on the ſide to faſten it to the head, that it may not ſtir when the Compaſs is ſet North and South as before directed ; then you may turn the Iridex and lights to what obje£t you pleaſe, and be fure of your Angle from the Meridian if your Chard be good, and the Needle well couched and placed. Thoſe that make them ſhould have a ſpecial care of that; and that How th: Nee- the points of the Needle be faſtned and cemented together with a little Tin, ſo that they dis of the do not ſtir abroad, as I have ſeen many Charts careleſly made, doth; It might be to the thame of them that make them; and likewiſe the Wires put off one ſide s Degr. more or leſs, as if in all places there were ſtill a Point-variation, which is a lazy trick as well as faulty in moſt places. I would adviſe all Ingenious Mariners to make a conſtant practice of taking obſervation of the Sun's Altitude or Azimath, and Steer a Courſe, and make allowance accordingly, as hath been ſhewed elſewhere, with the Wires of the Needle put exactly under the Meridian, as this Compaſs before going the Points are; and then in all things this Inſtrument will come to the Truth, as well as a Needle of greater charge, and Plain Table and their appurtenances of 3 l. price : or the Theodolite, and Circumferenter and Veracter. And yet I cannot but highly commend theſe 11- Struments as very uſeful for Land-aber which have Money enough. Neither dare I re- Of the Devices ject as uſeleſs, either the Topographical Inſtrument and Croſs-Staff of Mr. Diggs, the of Infoments. Familiar Staff of Mr. John Blagrave, the Geodetical Staff, and "Topographical Glaſs of Mr. Arthur Hopton, the Settor Croſs-Staff, and the Pandoron of Mr. George Al- wel , or any other witry Invention which hath been deviſed for the Exact Plotting, and Speedy Meaſuration of all manner of Superficies, as Landşand the like. But in regard the Authors have in their own Works to their exceeding Commendation deſcribed the Making and uſe of the ſaid Inſtruments, I ſhall ſay no more. And for the Mariners Compaſs in a manner to do the fame things for the Surveying of Land, or Plantations , or the like, I hope will be well taken and accepted of all Inge- nious Mariner's, for whoſe fake I take theſe pains. Let the Glaſs over the Chard be as clear as poſibly you can get him, 1 be ſet. The 1 3 The Staff: Links; and that of Mr. Gunter's which Links : fo that each Link of Mr. Gunter's bora's. And this year Mr. Wing hach den CHAP. I. By the Sea-Compaſs. The.Figure of the staff is plain, it needs no further deſcription : It is to be had at any Inſtrumeni-Makers. Of Chains, the ſeveral ſorts thereof. Of Chains there are ſeveral forts, as namely Foot-Chains, each Link containing a Foot or 12 Inches ; ſo the whole Pole or Perch will contain 16 Links or Feet according to the Statute Pole. The Chains now uſed and in moſt ekteem among Surveyors are Three. The Firſt I will name is Mr. Rathborn's, which had every Perch divided into 16 had 4 Perches or Poles divided into 100 Chain is as long as Four of Mr. Rath. fcribed a Chain of 20 Links in a Perch for the more ready uſe thereof in his Art of Surveying ; Therefore when we have taken the Angles, and Plotted a piece of Ground, we will ſhew how to know the contents thereof in Acres, Roods, and Perch by the two lalt Chains, 1 Sect.I. is 25 Mr. Gunter's Chain. After Gunter's Chain is a Chain moſt uſed amongſt the Surveyors of this Age, and 4 7 Inches some of an Inch, and each Pole according to the Statute contain 16 Feet, the whole Chain is 100 Links in the Four Pole or 66 Feet. In meaſuring with this Chain you are to take notice of only Chains and Links, ſaying, ſuch a line meaſured by the Chain contains 54 Chairs 45 Links, or thus diſtinguilhed 64. 45. and this is all you take notice of in Surveying of Land. Now for the ready counting of the Links; at every Perch let there be two Curtain Rings faſtned, and one Ring at every s Links : ſo you may readily count the Rings at either end. If the Ingenious Mariner wants a Chain, he may mark a ſix Thred-line Or ſmall Belch as before directed with Red Cloth marks and White for diſtinction, or bitts of Leather as we mark our Dipley line ; and be ſure to ſtretch him well firſt; or if you can, let it be a Top gallant Brace half worn; then meaſure them exactly : and mark him as before directed, and you may meaſure any place of Land or Plantation, or any diſtance, as well in dry weather, as with a Chain, without ſenſible Errour, 1 SECT. II. Cautions to be uſed, and to be obſerved in the uſe of any Chain. VV 'Hen you have occaſion to meaſure large diſtances, or otherwiſe, you may by chance miſtake or miſs a chain or two in keeping your account, which will breed a conſiderable Errour ; and alſo in meaſuring of diſtances, in going along by a Hedge lide you can hardly keep your Inſtrument-Chain & mark in a right line and there- fore the diſtance will be more than in reality it is. For avoiding theſe miſtakes you ought to provide tan ſmall ſticks, which let him that leadeth the Chain,carry in his Hand before; and at the end of every one of thoſe Chains, ſtick one of theſe Sticks or Arrows into the Ground, 4 Ike Aar of Surveying of Land Воок. 66 Figures to the right Hand, and Ground, whichler him that followeth take up; ſo going on until the whole oxun. of Sricks be ſpent, and then you may conclude you have meaſured Ten Chains ui sont further trouble: and theſe Ten Chains if the diſtance be large, you call a Change and lo you may denominate every large diſtance by Changes, Chains and Links in a fice of Paper you keep the account by. If the diſtance be tär, you muſt fet up a Cloih uport a Stick for a mark betwixt your Inſtrument and the further mark, and ſee through your Inſtrument both the marks in one ; then you may be ſure to go ſtraight with the Chain. Sect. III. How to reduce any Number of Chains and Links into Feet and Yards. IN N taking of Heights and Diſtances hereafter taught, it is neceſſary in the Practice of my Geometrical Concluſions to give your mtaſure, in ſuch caſes, in Feet and Yards by reducing of your Chains and Links thus. Multiply your Numbers of Chains and Links, as one whole Number by 60, cutting off the Product the two laſt Figures towards the right Hand ; ſo ſhall the figures to the left Hand be Feet, and the Figures cut off ſhall be 100 parts of a Foot. Let it be required to know how many 5:32 8:06 Feet are contained in s Chains, 32 Links. 66 Set down the Chains and Links with a Examples. 4836. Comma (3) thus and theſe Multiplyed 4836 359L117 by 66, the ſum will be 35. Feet and 333 351, I2 -531,96 parts of a Foot as thus you ſee it ſtand 351:12. This is the Rule by Mr. Gunter's Chains. , li you divide the Feet by 3, the Quotient will be 11 7 Yards. Now if you have leſs than 10 Links as 6, you muſt always remember to put (o) to ſupply before the 6, and Multiply the number as you ſee in the laſt Example. SECT. IV. How to caft up the Content of any piece of Land in Acres, Roods and Perches by air. Gunter's Chain. BY Y a Statute made the 33 of EDVVARD the I. an Acre of Ground ought to contain 160 ſquare Perches, and every Rood of Land 40 ſquare Perches, and every ferch contains 16 | Foot; and 4 Perches, Poles, or Laggs in breadth, and 40 in length makes an Acre: which multiplyed together is 160, Half an Acre is 80, a Quarter 4 ' ſquare Perches. Suppoſe the Figure ABCD A were a ſquare piece of Ground B as the Marſh of Briſtol, and were is Chuin 16 Links every way: Then to find how many Acres, Roods and Perches are in it, do thus. Square the ſides, that is, Multiply the other, and cut off the s laſt 3192 3192 To 1 one in A C that before is Acres : what re- mains Multiply by 4 (for 4 Roods makes an Acre) and cut off 5 Figures as before, and the comma:is Reods;and that which remains 1 + L 5 IS:16 IS16 ? is is S 40 + produce 22,98256: thes left hand, remains before the Comma 22, which is 22 stand thus, and cutting off 2 Figures, and you have for the contents. of che piece of Ground 11 4 Perches. (bain; the surveyors all generally Perch, and his breadth AC 8 Chains), fore in the lalt Example, directed by CHAP. I. By the Sea-Compaſs. remains, maltiply by 40 the number of Perch in a Rood, and cut off 5 Figures to the right hand of the Produkt, and in like manner you have the odd Pershes. This Exa ample will make all clear and plain. So you will find 15 Chans, 16 Links Multiplyed together, as before directed, wil! r lalt Figures cut off to the 15:16 By the Line of Numbers. 90 96 Extend the Compaſſes on the line of Acres, and the 5 Figures 7580 Numbers on the scale of Scales from isultiplyea by 4, the Product which is at 160 unto the fade of the 15.16 Square AB 15 Ch: 16 Lin, which is 393024: s Fic? Acres 2 21.98256 60 perch and above, the fame diſtance gures cut off on the s will reach from the fame 60 Perch, to left hand, the comma Roods 3193024 22 Acres, 3 Roods, and 37 Perch, and ? Roods, and the s the 20960 part of a Perch. last Figures multipia; } Perch 37 [20960 Figures, and the reſt will be 37 Perch. . SECT. V. How to Meaſure a Long Square Piece of Ground by a Chain of 20 Links to a Perch, according to Mr. Wing. M After Wing in his Art of Surveying, in the 113 Page hath deſcribed a Chain of 23 Links in a Perch, which is ſomewhat more ready, if you will reckon the Liar in perches for ſmall parcels of Land. Suppole a piece of and be in length 36 Perches and 16 Links, and in the breadth 3 Perches 2 Links; By this Chain 1 deſire to know the Contents thereof, having 20 Links in a prich, 1 deſire to perform the operation, in a Decimal Count by half the number of links, and then the Sums will ...:.:368 3685 Practitioner in greater parcels of Land, to follow Mr. Gunter's 1104 1T14:08 ; Secr. VI. To Meaſure a Long Square piece of Ground. Et the long piece of Ground be: A ABCD whole length A B is 1106.21.F II Chams 25 Links, or 45..... Or 32 Perches. Multiply one by the other, as be- way 31 of Surveying O * LI co Mr. Gunter's Chain; and you will find the contents of the Ground to be 9 Agres, no Roods, but a Perch. ! C D By 1 1 + The Art of Surveying of Land 1 Baſe A B-45, the fame extent 6 Book. V. By the Line of Numbers. II2S Extend the Compafles from the Center, which is at 160 Perch unto the length 800 AB 45, and the fame diſtance will reach from the bredth AC 32 l'erch, to 9 9100000 Acres. Sect. VII. To Meaſure a Triangular Piece of Ground. Uppoſe the Baſe of a Triangular of Ground. A B whole means jure is in Chains 25 Links, or 45 C Perch, and the perpendicular CD 32 Perch, or 8 Chains ; Take the half thereof, and Multiply one in the other, will produce the Como tents of the whole Triangle to be 4 Acres, 2 Roods, o Perch. By the Line of Numbers. II 2S Extend the Compaſſes from the 400 Center, which is at 320 - unto the 4150000 B will reach from the perpendicular 4 2 00ooo CD 32 unto the quantity of Agreso which is 4 A. as before. 4 Apr 2 Ros 32P FA2R, 27 45 171 F SECT, VIII. To Meaſure a picce of Ground of Four unequal ſides called a Trapezia. 1 Et the Ground given be A,B,C,D; after you have taken the Angles with your Compaſs, and (noted them down in a piece of Paper or Field-Book, (as dhewn in the following Diſcourſe) You muſt Protract or lay down the Figure as I do this, by a Scale of equal parts of 10, or 15, or 20, or 25, or 30 parts divided L Ihall be B A &A, ROP 20P E 60P F c 1 21:P into (. + emergen 60 22 I20 CHAP. I. By the Mariners Sea-Compaſs. 7 into an, I have laid down all the following by 20 pares or Perch in an Inch : then draw the Diagonal Line AC, and with your Compaſſes take the diſtance AC, and ap- ply it to your Scale of 20 Perch to an Inch; and you will find it 60 Perch, or is hain, and then if you let fall the perpendicislars BF and D E, and meaſure them in the like manner, you will find by your Scale BF 20 Perch or 5 Chain, and DE -4 Perch, or 6 Chain. In reſpect the Baſe is common to both the Triangles : You may therefore add the o perpendiculars together 20, and 24, the fun will be 44, the half thereof is 2 2 Perch. This Number being multiplyed by the whole length of the Common Baſe AC, Go Perch, giveth 1320 Perch, that divided by 160, gives the Contents of the Trape- 1320 zia or piece of Ground to be 8 Acres, 1 Rood, o Perch. You might have multipłyed half the Baſe AC 30 by the ſum of the two perpendiculars 44, and it gives you the fame 5 (7) as before. 132(0)(8 By the Line of Numbers. 36(0) Extend the Compaſſes from the Trine A Center at 329 to half the length of the Diagonal AC 30 The fame will reach from the sum of the perpendicular 44, to the quantity of Agres, which is 8 : Acres. After this manner you may meaſure a piece of Ground of 5-6-7-8, or any gumber of Sides, by bringing it into Triangles and Trapezias, as shall be ſhewn. I20 ( 44 30 1320 SECT. IX. T : that is the area of 7:22:56 22 3 II2 To Meaſure a Piece of Ground which is a perfect Circle. "He proportion of the fircismference of any Circle, to its Dianseter, is as 7 to 22, (2) Example. In this Circle ABCD let the Diameter thereof be 56 Perches, Feet, 0(4) or Inches, which multiplyed in 4(0) it ſelf giveth 4136. This Num- Acres as ii. B В ber mulriplyed by 11, gives 5:1:24 Peri 45496, which being divided by-14, the Quatient will be 3249" the Circle. How many Poles and Feet, II2 ór ſquare Inches, is in any Cir- 1232 A 6P cle whatſoever, you may know 5:4 better by theſe Rules; Firſt, 82321176 A RP If you know the Diameter, and would find the Circumference, 22:7:176 FIT fay, as 7 to 32, fo the Diamke ter 56 to the Circumference 176; Or if you know the Cir- cumference, and would find the xr Diameter, ſay, as 22 to 7, fo 23 X232 D is the Circumference 176, to (s 222 the Diameter 56. 10 24 15 ,, : 1237 56 J 88 28 ! 704 176 2464 The Diameter and Circumference being this known, the Rule to find the Content is this . The Diameter being 56 Perch, and the Compaſ: 176, the half of both theſe multi- plyed together, and divided by 160, you have the quantity of Acres 15, Roods 1, Perch 24, which is the Contents of that Circle. By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes from o Center at (203 1. unto the Diameter AC 56, che fame diſtance will reach again from 56 to the quantity of Acres 15.4. x86 I confeſs though the ordinary proporcion of 7 to 22, is ſomewhat too much; yet it 246 is byt about 1 in 2000, which will breed no great difference in theſe Queſtions. ((1S IGG Bbb SECT. X. X 3 8 Book. V. The Art of Surveying of Land Secr.X. IN 30 of со To Meaſure a Grcund being a trui Oval. Nthe Oval ABCD, let the length be given 40 Perch, or Fect, or lacher, and DB the fame memfure: Then to find the Quantity in Perch, Feet or Incles; if yo:r work by the faine Denomination of Ecct and inches, as I do of Perches. Multiply AC by DC;C, the Product Mal- tiply by 491, and from that Produit ciit off's fi- gures as before directed, and as in the Margin, the Contents will be s Acres, 3 Rools, 22 Perch, + Multiply 40 one by.he io other. I 20 Muli:- 491 I 200 IOSCO 17800 A:; 89200 4 8.356800 40 I20 3 2² parts of a Perch. Per.22372000 By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes from the o Center in the Line at 203 ?to the length of the Oval AC 40, the ſame diſtance will reach from the breadth DB 30 unto the Contents in Acres, s Acres ; fere. C SBCT. XI. To Meaſure a piece of Ground lying in form of a Sector of a Circle. . Mult. 48 30 00 B 144 :30 C 1440 Divided by 320 (1) (0) ¥44(0)(4 320 X610(2914 O. Et the Se&tor be ABC, whoſe fides is AB, or A C 48 Perch, and the Arch thereof BC 30 Perch : Then to find the Contents in Acres, Multiply AB 48, by BC 30, the Product divide by 320, the Quotient is 4 Acres, and 160, the Remain divide by 18o the of 320, and the Quotient is the Roods; if any thing remain, it is Perch; So the Contents of this piece of Ground is 4 Acres, 2 quar. o Perch. By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes from the A Center at 320 unto the ſide, or Semidiameter AB or AC 48, the fame diſtance will reach from BC 30,0 the quantity of Acres 4 and to 48 148 ** CO(2 94. + به7 j 1 Sacr.XII. . tar Chap. I. By the Mariners Sea-Compaſs. ୨ ---- Sacr. XII. 60 18 480 60 To Meaſure a piece of Ground that is a Segment, or part of a Circle. L Et the Segment be ABC; AB 60 Perch, DC18 Perch: Multiply the Chord of the Segment 60 by the perpendicuslar Height, and the Produkt divide by 225 the Gage- vumber, and the Osiotient will be the Acres, the Remain divide by and it is found 1 Acres, 3 'Roods, 3 Perch, the quancity of Ground in the Segment, 1080 (1) (8) C 29 () x=80(4A. 225 3(2) 18 18% (3 R. c. so 1 IO B 2 1 Q 160 -P. 8 A. R. P. .. 4:3:8 1 By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes always from 22 5 unto the Chord of the Segment AB 60: the ſame diſtance will reach always from the perpendicular Height, unto the quantity of Acres 4 and i fercie Sect. XIII. + Having a Plot of Ground with the Content in Acres, To find how many Perch of that Scale was contained in one ffich, whereby it was Plotted. Etthe long Square piece of Ground, be containing 9 Acres ,Firſt, Meaſure the Plott by a known Scale, which B ſuppoſe it be of so Perch in an Inch; ſo meaſuring AB, you find it 22 : Perch; alſo the breadth 16 Perch. 3 - By the Line of Numbers. If you work by the Rule of the laſt Square Blote, you will find the Contents 2. Acres. Now on the line of Numbers, take with your Compaſſes the diſtance between 27 and 9 Acres, the half diftance thereof will reach from 1o on the Line of Numbers unto 20: ſo I con- clude the Ground was caſt up by a Scale of 20 Perch in an Inch. 9 X 109 2 Bbb 2 A 4 2 4 By Arithmetick Sacr. XIV. 1 11 IO The Art of Surveying of Land Book V. . Per.. **? 2 I Sta.Per:16 Xample. The laſt Piece of Square Ground being found 9 Acres by the Statute- SECT. XIV. A Piece of Ground being meaſured by the Statute-Perch of 16; Feet, Ta know how many Acres it is, it being meaſured by a Perch of 21 Foot, nhich is the Iriſh Perch. É Perch of 16 Foot; and you would know how many it is by the Iriſh Perch of 2 1 Ir, 3311 Foot. By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes from the Iriſh-Perch of 21 Foot, to the Engliſh Statute-Perch of 16 Foot, the ſame diſtance will reach from 9 Acres turned twice over unto s. x- Acre, fere: Or in the scale of Reduction extend the Compaſſes from 16. Foot to 21, 42114 the ſame diſtance will reach from 9 to, in the Line of Numbers, And so of 33 meaſure. Now by, reducing the 9 Acres into Perches, it makes 1440 Perch ; and be- The Square of cauſe the greater ndeaſure is to be reduced into the leſſer, Multiply the given Quantity 1440 by 1 2 i the Square of 11, which 11 was found, thus. 10 f being a Frałtion, it and of 14:196 reduced into halfs, makes 33 divided by 3 is 1 1 ; So the Iriſh-Perch 21 Hoot in halfs 196:12 1:1440 is 42 divided by 3 is 14, thoſe two Numbers Squared a 1r is 121, the Square of 14 is 196, the Product of two Numbers 1440 multiplyed by 121, the Produt is 174240: 2888 that divide by 196, the Square of 14, and the Ouotient is 888,192 Perch, reduced into Acres, is 5 Acres, 5 Roods, 8 Perch', almoſt 9 Perch according to the Iriſh-es- #1174249 Sure, 292(1) 197 2724(9) Suppoſe you had been to Reduce Iriſh-meaſure into Stateite-meaſure; 9246(2) 192 then multiply 1440 by 196, and the Produkt would have been 282240: 174240 883, 96 that divided by 121, and the Produ£t had been 2332 Perches fere, Ig666 which makes Acres 14, Roods 2, Perch 12 ; fere, Statute-menfure. 42 any other a I ( 15 (21. I 21 1440 1440 کرو'I 1 | .. در 6 By brot Line of Numbers. 3(8) 881815 Extend the Compaſſes in the Scale of Reduction from the Number of Feet in Cuftomary 2010 meaſure, as I do from 21 Foot to the Perch of Iriſh. meaſure : the fanie will reach quar. from 9 Acres Iriſh in the Line of Numbers to 14 Acres, 2 Quarters, and 12 Perch 8(812--& P. Statute-meaſure. 4 o Or if you extend the Compaſſes from 21 in the Line of Numbers to 16 andį, the 5 dC.2 Q.8 P. extent turned twice over from 9, will fall upon 14 and Acres, and a little more. Perch So that if you remember in all ſorts of meaſure to reduce your Fraction into the ſame 1440 Denomination, and ſeek out the leaſt proportionable terms : by Dividing by 3 if half 196 Fost, and Squaring theſe terms as before directed, you have a Rule that ſerves for all 8640 forts of Cuſtomary or Iriſh meaſure whatſoever. I 2960 1440 282240 282 2 40 . 19% 196 1211 } 68 12332 12I ! 79 233/2 (14 XOGO 1 1 VIXT: CHA P. II. CHAP. II. By the Mariners Sea-Compaſs. 11 nologna chonch babaya 29 CHAP. II . B How to take the Plott of a Field at one Station taken in the middle thereof by the Azimuth-Compaſs . Efore you go into the Field, you muſt Rule a piece of paper in 8 Colamus as you ſee the Figure following in this Chapter, makes all plain, without any more Deſcription, which is called a Field-Book. Secondly, when your come into the field, firſt place Marks at the ſeveral Angles of the Field, as at ABCDEF, in the following Figure ; then make choice of ſome con- venient place about the middle thereof ato, to fix your Compaſs, if you can ſee all the Marks, and be ſure the Braſs-Diameter and Slits before deſcriebd, be ſet directly over the Meridian or North and South Line of the Chard, and there fixed. This done, direct your Sights to your firſt Marks at A, Marking what Degree the Index curteth, which let be 36 Degr. 45 Min. you may eſtimate the Minutes; This you muſt note down in your Field-Book in 1 and 2 Column thercof, as you ſee in the Book it is plain ſet down, then meaſure the diſtance from o the place of the Compaſs to A your firſt Mark, which let contain 8 Chains, 10 Links, which muſt be placed in th 3 and 4 Column of your Field-Book, as you ſee in the Figure of the Book, - ésst B 10152 A 8.75 75 . قازق 36445 2017 1790 Soutfit -N S- 8 3:27 9:55 . F Size! W D. 8.15 10.2.3 ย West 7 12 are. The Art of Surveying of Land Book V. Then direct your sights to B the ſecond Mark, and note the Degrees cut by the Index, wliich let be South Eaſterly 8. Degrees 45 Minutes, and the diſtance 8 Chains 75 Lix. You muſt put down in the Field-Book, as before ; Firſt, the Letter B ; Secondly, the Inclination to the Meridian cut by the Index South Eaſterly 80. Dezt. 45 Min. in the third Column; then & Chains 75 Links in the fourth, as you may ſee in the Columns in the Book, all plain; then direct your sights to C your third Mark, and note the Degre:s cut by the Index, which let be s. £. 16 degr. 45 min. and the diſtance OC 10 Chains 45 Links, put the fame down in the Field-Rock likewiſe, as before directed; then direct your Sights to D, and note the Degrees cut by the Index, which let be s.w. 32 degr. oo min. the diſtance OD, 8 Chains's 3 Links, Nore it down in the Book, as before. Then direct your Sights to E, the Index cutting 72 degr. 45 min, North Weſterly; and the diſtance OE 8 Chains 15 Links: They muſt be no:ed in the Book as the rest Laſtly, direct your Sights to F your laſt Mark, the Edge of the Index cutting in the upper Braſs Cicle M.W. 18 degr. co min, the diſtance OF 9 Chains ss Links ; then will the Obſervation ſtand in the Field. Book as in the following Table or Figure; then by a line of Chords, or by the Protractor you may preſently Protract the exact Figure of the Field upon Paper thus, By a line of Chords; take 60 degr. ard draw the Cicle. Secondly, draw the Meridian line of North and South, and parallel-line of Eaſt and Weſt. Thirdly, your firſt Obſervation and degr. cut by the Index, was 36 degr. 45 min. N. E. Therefore take 36 degr. 45 min. off the line of Chords, and lay from the Meridian line Mto N. Fourthly, the diſtance O A was found 8 Chains 10 Links, take with your Compasses off any Scale of equal parts, 8 Chains and that ſtands for 8 Chains 10 Links ; lay this diſtance from 0 to A, and draw the prick's line O A. Then ſecondly, take out of the line of Chords the ſecond Angle S. {. 80 degr. 45 min. and lay from the south towards the Eaſt on the blind- Arch, and through it draw the line OB; then take off the fame Scale of equal parts 8 Chains 75 Links, that is, 8 parts, and 75 parts of divided into 100, and lay it from 0 to B, and prick the line from O to B, and draw the line AB, which meaſure with your compaſſes, and apply it to the Scale of equal parts as before, and you will find the fede AB 8 Chains 75 Lin. The like do by all the other Angles and diſtances in the famie manner as you have been thewed in the two firſt Angles. The Figure makes it ſo plain, it need no further precept; and you may put down the Number in the ſide, as I have done. Now by the Protractor inihe Second Book deſcribed. You may lay the Diameter-Edge thereof on the North and South line, and through you have laid the Center, put a Pin on the Center of the Plott at 0, and note the degr, and diſtances down all the in the field-Book, as before: the firſt was North Eaſterly 36 deg. 45 min. put the Angles in the Edge of the Index to 36 degr. 45 min. in the Arch of the Protractor , and by the Edge quarterly , and account in the Scale thereof 8 Chains 1o Links; and by the ſide thereof draw the line Jay the Center-A O, prick'd as before, and ſo do by the reſt of the Angles and fides in like manner, l'is of the Pro- and you may preſently draw a Plott of Ground you have meaſured. This is very plain, fractor on the and may be underſtood by the meaneſt capacity in this Art. The Obſervations Marked Point O, as be in the field. Book ſtand as in the following Table, fore ; and the the Meridian- The manner how the Field-Book muſt be Ruled. Mark. ID.M.Ch. Lin You are to note, that every Degree in the uppermoſt N. E.36 450810 Braſs-Circle is ſuppoſed to be divided into 60 parts, which is called Minutes, which cannot be expreſſed in S. E. 8045 875 с S. E.16 4510 45 regard of the ſmalneſs of the Inſtrument or Circle of Braſs on the Glass of the Compaſs; and therefore the S. W. 32 00 8153 odd minutes muſt only be eſtimated : fo muſt the odd N. W.7245 815 Links taken off your Scale of equal parts, and it will 55 breed no ſenſible Errour. "Turn the Pro- Tractor after 4 , Diameter 011 line: B E F N.w.180019 CHAP. III, Chap. III. By the Mariners Sea-Compaſs. 13 fond on ปัว จ ricanhattartar om hur dhe សយ begonnen momento CHAP. III. r Ilow to take the Plott of a Field at onc Station taken in any Angle thercof, by the Sea-Compaſs. the Figesre of the Field following, place your Compaſ M, fet your Braſs- Diameter right over the North and South points or Line ; then firſt direct your Sighesto A, which let be ſuppoſed to be 22 degr. 15 min. N. E. which Note in your Field-Book, as before, then meaſuring the diſtance with your Chain MA which let be 8 Chains 46 Links, which place in your Field Book according to former directions. Secondly, Direct your Sights to B, the degrees cut off by the Index, fuppoſe 42 degr. 45 min. and ſuppoſe the diſtance meaſured to be M B 10 Chains 21 Links, and put them down alſo in the Field-Book. Thirdly, Direct your Sights to C, the degr.cut is 66 degr. 30 min. and the diſtance MC ni Chains 64 Link!, put theſe in your Field-Book alſo, as before, and in the ſame manner you muſt deal with the other marks DM, and EM, and MĚ, and MG, and ſo having them all in the Field-Book, they will ſtand as followeth. a D C AL... J 11.27 B m u66 10.21 Fast 20:15.. 30 3 8 & 21115 Nore 2 N? cii 7512 sonih L- M. 1 2 The Figure of the Field-Book. Deg. Min. C. L. North.South. Eat Welt. 158 46 42 45/10 21 30 11 64 E SE 45 II 23 57 30 11 68 FIS E 49 45 TO 15 GIS E 18 72 M ĀNE 22 BNE CNE 66 DINE 86 it t . 0017 СНАР? ment .. i 1 14 Book V. The Art of Surveying of Land r hi Wo din incinta anche di un dia cura dina din cur vingine indigcinacinanincipcincioginfiraigsinci paipginais 2 VAC VALOT CHAP. IV. 1 1 1 S How to Meaſure any Piece of Ground be it never ſo Irregular; And how to reduce the Sides into Triangles or Trapezias, and to caſt up the Content thereof in Acres and Perches. Uppoſe you were to Meaſure a piece of Ground, or Woad; or Marſh, or any place whatſoever, by your Compaſs and a Line inarked as the 4 Pole-Chain before deſcribed in the firſt Chapter , and if you cannot ſee all the Angles by reaſon of the bigneſs thereof, then you muſt meaſure round about by the ſides thereof, as in this Figure following ; and the Obſervations made in the field are fet down in the Field-Book following, ſo plain, that it need no further precept. Suppoſe you made your firſt Obſervation at A in the Field in the following Fighie. (the Compaſs being rectifyed as before directed) you direct your Sighes along the hedge to the Mark in the corner at B, and the Index cutts 54 degr. from the South iveſtwards, and the diſtance is 5 Chain 12 Links, which ſer down in your Field-Book, thus, AR bears SW 54 degr. oo min. diſtance 5 Chain 12 Links; Then make your ſecond Station at B, and direct your Sights to C, the Index cuts NW 45 min. diſtance 2 Chain 89, Links, which note down in your field-Book, as you did before in the re- cond place, and ſo do by all the reſt." From C to D NW 76 degr. diftance 3 Chains 35 Links, from Dto E NE 31 degr. diſtance 4 Chains 55 Links, from E to F NE 56 degr. diſtance 2 Chains 57 Links, from Fro G N E 21 degr. diftance 2 Chains 24 Links, from Gto H SE 31 degr. co min. 2 Chains 95 Links, from HtoK S E-34 degr. 3 Chains 25 Links, from K to A SW 4 degr. 2 Chains 95 Links ; Thus you ſee all the Obſervations plainly ſet down in the Field-Book, you may proceed to Protracting How to know your places of Obſervation and Marks in the Field, and your degrees and length of if the sides, be Lines orderly placed in your Field-Book; We proceed two ways to examine the truth rightly meafu Thus the Rule is. Ted before you Firſt, As the Radius of Sine of 90 degr. is to the length of the fede of the Field in Chains tract the Plal- and Links, or Perches and 100 parts ; ſo is the Sine of the degree cut by the Index to form thereof the length of the Parallel of Eaſt and Weft in Chains and Links, or Perches and 100 Therefore by your Scale extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 to the length of the ſide of the Field in the Line of Numbers, the ſame diſtance will reach from the degrees cut by the Index to the length in the Parallel of Eaft or Welt. Secondly, As the Radius or Size of 90 degrees to the length of the ſide of the Field in Chains and Links: or Perch and 100 parts; fo is the Complement Sine of the degrees cut by the Index to the length of the Meridian of North or South in Chains, or Links, or Perch, Wherefore Extendthe Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 degrees to the lengtb of the fide of the field in the line of Numbers; the fame diſtance will reach from the Sine Como plement of degrees cut by the Index tb the length of North or Somsh in the Meridian. So that you ſee the laſt Columnt in the Field-Book are noted Northand South, Eaſt and Weft. Now to know by the Chains and Links, the firſt Obfervation from Ato B, is S154 degr. and the diſtanc AB is 5 Chains 12 Links ; therefore by the laft Rule extend the Compaſſes from 90 degr. to. s Chains 12 Links in the Line of Numbers, that diſtance TANO go out of the Pield, and Pro- parts. or 1oo parts. 1 i svill 1 15 CHAP. IV. Bythe Mariners Sea-Compaſs. will reach from 54 degr. cut by the Index to 4 Chains 14 Links in the line of Num- bers, which is the diſtance in the Parallel of weſt, and alſo the ſame extent will reach from the Complement of 54 degr. which is 36 degr. to z chains 97 links in the line of Numbers, which is the diſtance in the Meridian Sossth, and put it in the South Column of your Field-Book, as you did 4 chains 14 links in the Column of weft; and ſo you may do with the reſt of the Obſervations, 1 1 But the moſt ſure way and leaſt Errour, is, to convert your chain and links into Perches and 100 parts of a Perch, and then you can Protract in Perch and 100 parts the better. 5: I Ź Thus if you Maltiply the number of chains found in the ſide by 4, by reaſon 4 Perches are in every chain ; and if there be above 25 links in the place of links, divide by 25, and the Quotient will ſhew the odd Perch to be added, and what remains is links: that Multiply by 4 likewiſe, the Produkt will be 100 parts o: a Perch. As for Example. The firſt fide AB his diſtance is 5 chains 12 links, multiplyed by 4, makes 20 Perch, is parts, which put in the next Column to it; Now if you extend the Compaſſes from 96 4 : 4 degr. to 20 Perch Sparts, the fame diſtance will reach from the Sine of $4 degr. cur by 20 : 48 the Index to 16 Perch 56 parts, which is in the Weſt Column, and the fame extent will reach from the Complement 54-degr. which is 36 degr. to 11 Perch - 88 parts, which I (1 put in the Soush Column; and by the fame Role I work in like manner by the reſt of the 2(4 Obfervations. The ſecond fide' B C is a chains 89 links, reduced as before, makes it 2-89(3 Percher parts; and ſo work by them, as before directed, you ſhall have all your 4 23 Numbers ſtand as in the following Figure of the Field-Book. 3P: - pts. (Houſes name. Angle with Merid. cha. Lin.Pol. roopis: North. Soush. Eaft. Weft. Id-56 ABS W 540015 12 20 48 [P. 48 P. pos. 11 88 BCNW 45 0012 89 11 GDNW 76 603 3513 32 13003 DEN E 31 004 5518 2015 72 09 40 14 EFN E 56 002. 6710 68 5 88 FGN E 21 0012 2418 96 8 40 GHS E 51 002 95 II 80. 7 3219 HKS E 34 003 25 13:00 10.727 28 KAS W 4 00 2 2 oslit 80 2462 The Sum 41 6041 6037 963796 8 1 16 soli 8 16 100 16 56 18 40, 3 oo 3 mt no 3 20 20 f. . I7 68 O н . Under the line are the diſtances in the Eaſt Colomy; and likewiſe the Figures on the inſide the Meridian, are the points of North, as 1,2,3,4,5,6 Column; and the Figures on the outſide are 7, 8 to A, and are taken out of the Souch Column, and working as directed in the two firſt ſides, you may find all the reſt. The Figure makes all, plain to the meaneſt Capacity, and ſo you will have the trae Plott of your Ground, or Park, or Wood-land, or i lantation, or place whatſoever, drawn on Paper or Farchment. Now if there be any Houſes by the hedge.fide, made a mark in your Field-Book in that Angle, and how many Chains or Persh from the place you obſerve, and by it inſert it into your Plots. 1 * ! Ccc As + 16 Book V. The Art of Surveying of Land 1 Souit B 30, 1 ME 0 1 SHA 2,50 25125 20 EastAT J 1 41 す​。 D 3 West 61 5 P7 and 12:20 I 88 32.86. 99.4 + 10 OL K; 3.914 P El & 2.3. -1 S 1310 KT 1 H Ito *** Norths - G j 1 I As for Examples How to draw There is a Houſe in the firſt fide and Angle AB, SW 54 degr:about 2 Chains 42 4. the Plott by the Links, or 9 Perch 21 parts, and reckon 1 Chain 2 4 Links, or about 5 Perch; there Protractor. fore put it down in your Book, with the Man's Name that ows the Houſe, as I have done, ( Fohn Cooke) or the like ; and if any Howſe, Charch, or Castle, be in the middle, take the Angle thereof from any Point, and meaſure the diſtance, and note it in your Book, and enter it into your Plort, as I have done this Hoxfe. By theſe rules you may compleatly take a whole Pariſh, Plantation, or Iſland : Now if you draw a Plott by the Protractor deſcribed in the Book of Inftruments, You muſt rule your Paper or Parchment with an obfcure plummet Merid. Lines, and Parallel Lines about 1 inch, and aſunder; and put the Pin, the Center and Rivet upon any Point, and turn the ſide of the Protractor on the Meridians, and look in the Field-Book for the Angle, and put che Edge of the Index to the degrees, and count the Perch on the index-fide, there make a Mark with your Pin for the ſecond place, and draw a Line from that place by the Edge of the Ruler to the Centers for the ſide of the Hedge or Field. As for Example. Suppoſe you were to draw the ſide A B in the Plott with your Protractor, lay the Pro- tractor on the akt-fide of the Meridian-Line, and the Diameter-Edge thereof to the Meridian. Line, then in the oppoſite Degree and Quarter as in this Example is NE: 1 put the foot of the Index to 54 degrees, and from the Center, the Edge points SW 54 degr. Number the Chains, or Links, or 20 Perch 42 parts, and from that Number to the Center draw a Line by the Edge thereof , and you have the Side AB; by this Rule you may gain all the reſt. There is no Man that underſtands any thing in theſe Aris; but knows readily how to Plett a Field by the Rule before-going without more Directi- ons, for they will be all the fame. 1 + CHAP ל GHAP, V. By the Mariners Sea-Compaſs. 17 3 Cu o cincin sain arte a la cara do Tradio in curan Diagociagiogiogiapies OTAQIPgiagio india Togiani dieciegienia CAOVADONGAS DE AGRODNO DOOR . } CHAP. V I 1 1 I VVS 1 1 How to find the juſt Quantity or Content of any Piece of Ground in any form. E have ſhewed in the fore-going Chap. how to Meafure the Geometrical Square; the Parallelogram, the Triangle, Trapezium, the Circles and the like. Now we will thew you how to caſt up the Contents thereof more fully. Sup- poſe the fore-going Figure A, B, C, D, E;F, G, H, K, be a Plott drawn or Protrated by a Scale of 10 Perch in an Inch, and the exact Contents thereof is required. Now becauſe it is an Angular Plott, neither in the form of a Square, Parallelogram, Trapezium, nor Triangle, therefore all ſuch Plotis muſt be reduced into ſome of theſe forms: which to effect, I reduce the main Body of the Field into the Trapezium ACE K, and the reſidue of it into s Trio angles; as ABC, and CD E, and EFK, FHK, and FGH. Now to know the juſt Quantity of Acres, Roods, and Perches the Field contains I firſt meaſure the Trapeziun A CEK, I meaſure with my, compaſſes the length of the perpendicular CO, and apply it tomy Scale of 10 Perch in an luch, and find it 14 Perche parts, and likewiſe the perpendicular KP, and find it 10 Perches, so parts, which I add together, and they make 25 Perches 38 parts, which I Multiply in half the Baſe AE 16:43, and the Produłt is 416: 99 : 34: Therefore if you cut off Figures to the right-hand, you will have the Contents of the Trapezium 416 Perch, and cut off 2 Figures of the 4; and before the Comma is 99 parts of 100 of a Perch and The remains, which is not to be taken notice of. 1 . 11 4 Fig. 98 ini Sllowing es. * . In like manner for the Triangle ABC, I multiply half the perpendicular :4 75 by the whole Baſe 25 Perch 26 parts, or the whole perpendicular by half the Baſe, as be- fore ; it is all one, and the Produét is the Content of the Triangle ABC 119 Perch ps parts: and ſo likewiſe for the Triangle CDE; multiply half the baſe 9 Perch se by iz Perch, and 20 D. Y the perpendicular, and the Product is 1/16 Perch 14: is the Contents of that “Triangle. Likewiſe in the Triangle EFK, the length of the perpen- Ricular FR is 7 Perch: oo and the half length of the baſe ÉK is 14 Perch 70, multi- blyed as one whole Number, the Product is to2 Perch 90 parts 00 : the Contents of that Triangle EFK: the 4 Triangle FH'K perpendicular:6 P.10:Hq baſe FK 11 2:50 the Coriteres is 70 Perch:15: the firſt'Triangle FGH the perpendicular GS is 7?:92 and the baſe FH, the half thereof iso P. 50: multiplyed together, and the Product is SI P. 48 parts for the Triangle FGH. Laſtly, I add the ſeveral fun:s together, and they give the Content of the whole Figure in Perches and 100 parts. 1 Trapezium ACEK 416:99 2 Triangle А ВС. 119:98 The Area or. Cox. 3 The Triangle CDF tent of the T 4 Triangle EFK Triangle FHK Lo Triangle EGH 51:48 The Area or Content of the whole Field or Wood is 87.7 P.64 Dda2 Whichin 1. t - 116:14 1:02:90 70:15 e ie / 18 The Art of taking of the Heights Book V: ice Perches Which if you will reduce into Acres, Roods and Perches, you muſt note, that 16 Acres, Fost and Square isa Perch, and 160 of theſe Perches makes an Acre; therefore Di- and vide 877 Perch by .150, the Quotiext fhews the Acres to be 5; that which remains above 40 divide by 40, and the Quotient will be Roods 1 : and that which remains will. be 37. Perch. This is a General Rule for reducing of Perches; ſo that the whole Plott of Ground yieldeth the Content of the faid Field 5 Acres, 1 Rood, 37 Perch and of a Pereh. This is the way to caſt up the Content of ariy, Irregular Field, by reducing it into Trapeziums and Triangles, and adding their ſeveral Products into one sam, which ought heedfully to be regarded, it being one of the moſt material works belonging to the Pra- Etice of a Særveyor; for unleſs he be perfect herein, he can never perform any Work of that nature aright . Thave been brief and plain in ſhewing the Art of Surveying by the Sea Compaſs; I might have been longer, but to avoid Prolixity, I think what is right is fufficient :' Íf any deſire a larger Diſcourſe, he may make uſe of Mr. Leybourn's com- pleat Surveyor, or Mr. Wing's Art of Sarveying, and others that have writ at large of the Uſe of the Plain Table, which is the moſt eaſy and uſeful Inſtrument in the Art of Sør- vering of ſmall Incloſures. But the Compaſs fitted as before, will with a little labour do any thing as exact as the Plain Table, Theodolite, Circumferentor, Protractor, or any other Inſtrument : cſpecially large places, as Woods, Parks, Forreſts, or Plant a- tions or the like : and what Direction I have given in Uſe of the Sea-Compaſs will ſerve for an Introduction to all other forts of Inſtruments for Surveying of Land. 1 1 40 Apologia ល hobo mababa ang tot poppable hotos o$ CHAP. V. M 1 How to take the Height of any Illand, or Mountain in the Sea by an Example made by the Author of the Height of Tenariff. Any Learned Men have writt of the Great Incredible Height of feve- ral Mountainous Hils and Iſlands in the World. For taking of the Height of Iſlands in the sea, none have greater opportunities than Sea.mer. By then may all Men be informed of the truth of ſuch like things; and alſo of ſeveral good stars that be to the Soutbward, as the Crofiers and Cannobas in the Stern of the ship, and any other, did they but obſerve any ſuch Stars from a known Latitude, and take their Meridiana Altitude and time of Night; or if they cannot, or will not Calculate, and find by, it the Stars Altitude, and Longitude, and Declination : yet if they bring it home, and give it to ſome able Artiſt, he will do it, and all Men ſhall have the benefit of it, and by it, it would be a great help to Navigators. It is reported of Ariſtotle, Mela, Pliny, and Solinus of the Invincible Height of Athos a Hill in Macedonia, and of Caucaſus; and of Caffius in Syria, and many other places : and among the reſt one of the moſt miraculous things which they have obſerved of the Mountain Athos, is, that it being a Hill and Mountain ſituated in Ma- cedonia, it caſts a Madow into the Market-place in Myrrhina, a Town in the Ifland Leonos, diſtant from Athos 86 Miles to the Eaſtward. It is no marvel it caſt fo large a lhadow, feeing by Experience of the ſhadow of a Mans Body, we find it extraordi- zary long at Sun-Rifing, as well as at Sun-Setting. They report it is Higher than the Region of the Air. Falins Scaliger writes from other Mens Relations, that the Iſland 3 :: 1 1 CHAP. V. of Iſlands and Mountains at Sea. 19 Inand Pico of Texariff riſeth in height is Leagues, or 60 Milés : Moſt Writers agree that it is the higheſt Mountain in the World, not excepting the Mountain Slotus it fell, which I queſtion whether any mortal Man ever fee Slotus, beſides the Mork of Oxford, who by his skill in Magick conveyed himſelf into the utmoſt parts of the World, and took-a-view-of all places about the Pole : yer that this IMand cannot be fo high, ſhall appear by the following Deinonftration and Obſervation made by Me; ali Sea-men that have uſed to Sail to the Canaries know; that the Sńow is not off it above 2 Months in a Year, that is, June and July. .. Patricire not content with the former Meaſure of 60 Mile high, reaches to 70 Mile high ; Now that any Snow is generated 60 or 70 Mile above the pláin ſuperficies of the Earth and Water, is more then ever they can perſwade any Men that underſtand theſe things, ſeeing that the higheſt Vapours never ariſe by Prolomy 41 Miles, and by Era- tofthenes's Meiſure 48 Miles above the Earth; that is, There is never no Rain, Dew, Hail, Snow, or Wind, but ſtill a clear ſerenity. I have been and paſſed by Tenariff ſeveral times my ſelf, in the Year 1652 I was there in the Caſtle-Frigos of London Cap, John Wall Mr. and Loaded our Ship at Garrachica right under the Pico, and ſince bound to the Weſt-Indies in the Year 1656, in the Society of Topfam, a Ship I had Command of, was put by Weſterly winds to the Eaſtwards that we had light of the Pico of Tenariff, it bore off us South; about Noon I was reſolved to make Obſervations of the height thereof, to try Concluſions with my Quadrant of 20 Inches Semidiameter, deſcribed in Chap. 16 of the ſecond Book ; and by the Rules of Ouadrature I made theſe Obſervations following. On the sth. of M&y 1656 I obſerved, and found the Sun's appareiit Meridian- Altitude 81 degr. 44 min. his Declination 19 degr. o 8 min, the Latitude 27 degr: 20 min, the Latitude of Pico I found formerly to be 28 degr. 20 min. difference of Latitude 60 min. or miles, which in the following Figure I make ove half of my Horizontal Bafe AD, then at the ſame time obſerving the Height or Altitude of Pico, I found it 2.4 degr. 14. mir. Therefore according to the Sphericality of this Terreftial Globe conſiſting of the Earth and, Sea, I demonſtrated the following Figure. The Section of the Arch A E FS reprefeuts the Superficies of the Horizan of Tenariff; or a part of an Arch of a great Circle, the Me- ridian-AD, the differefice of Latitude 60 mile; DC Pico the perpendicular, E B a fe- cond Obſervation, N the North.part of the Horizon, S the South part; C the Port of See Fig. 98 in Garrachica. the following Schemes. Now to find the perpendicslar Height thereof, you have the Rules at large ſet down in the 16th. Chap. of the Deſcription and uſe of the Quadrate and Quadrant ; and by the firſt Rule of the Ouadrant I found the perpexdicular Height D Pico 27 min. ormile, if the Sea were a flat plain as a Tableöboard, as the Right-Line ABD.S repreſents. But having 3 days of Fair Weather, in ſight of Pica I made a ſecond Obfervation, and ran to it with my ship until I made an Angle with the Pico of 45 degr. oo min. as Pico E C:or Pica BD; and had the apparent Meridian-Altitude of the Sun 81 degr. 29 min. the Declination 19 degr. 22 min. Latitude the Ship is in 27 degr. 53. min. difference of Latitude 27 min. or miles, being equal to the Height, as BD to the per- pendicular D C Pico, the Angle of 45 degr. being the moſt fure as can be made by any Inſtrument which confirms the firſt, and the Height of the Pico of Tenariff to be 27 min. or miles High, if the Sen were flat as a Board. But touching the Hypothefis, that the Earth and Sea makes a - Round Body, It is ge- nerally agreed upon by all the Philoſophers, Aſtronomers, Geographers, and Naviga- tors Ancient and Modern; and therefore the diſtance of a degree 60 min. reckoned in the Heavens by Obſervations of the Sax or Stars is more than o miles upon the ſuper- ficies of the Earth and Sca, as appears by ſeveral Experiments made by able Arrifts: but eſpecially by the Labour and Induſtry of our own Countrey-Man Mr. Richard Norwood, as you may ſee in his ſecond Chap. of his Book the Seamans Practice, made by hiin berwixt Tork and London. He makes it evident that I degree of a Great Circle 4 2 1 1 I on 5 1 1 "1. 20 The Art of taking the Diſtance from Book V. rence of the How to find 6120 . 22 Therefore if you do on the Earth, is near 367200 Feet, which in our Statute-Poles of 16 and Feet to the Pole is 22254 Poles; and about half, and theſe reduced into Furlong's at 40 Poles to a Furlong, makes 5:54 Furlongs and 14 Perch; and laſtly, theſe reduced into Engliſh- miles of 8 Furlongs to a mile, makes 69 miles and 4 Furlongs 14 Poles, that is 63 and miles and 14 Peles to a degree upon the ſuperficies of the Earth and Sea. And fee- ing a Degree is the 369. part of any Circle,equally divided in the Circumference; There- fore if we can find how many Feet, Perches, Furlongs, or Pieces, are in a Degree of known meaſure: then can we preſently reſolve how many of the ſame known mea- ſure are in the Circumference of any Circle fo divided on the Earth and Sea; for if How to know here is 367200 Feet in one degree of a Great Circle upon the ſuperficies of the Earth the circumfe- and Sea, therefore it is evident, that if you multiply: 367200 by 360 degr. the. Pro- duet, is 1 32192000 Feet, which reduced into Poles, is 8011636, and theſe reduced Earth, into. Furlongs, are 200290 Furlongs, and 36 Polesi. And laſtly, theſe reduced into miles, are 2 5036 Engliſh miles, 36 for the circumference of the Earth and Sea And now if you deſire the Diameter and Semidiameter of the Earth, as it is proyed by the Diameter & Archimedes, That the proportion of the Circumference of a Circle is to the Diameter drflance to the thereof almoſt as .2 2 to 7; therefore by the Rule of Proportion, Multiply the Circui- Ciucer of the ference of the Earth; namely, 1 32192000 by 7, and divide the Product 925344000 Earth aud Sea. by :2, the Quotjent is 42061091, which is the Diameter of the Earth in Feet: and the half thereof, namely, 21030545 is the Semidiameter of the fame, or diſtance of the ſiperficies of the Earth and Water, to the Center, being 2 1 millions of feet, and a little more ; and theſe reduced into miles, as we did the Circumference, thews the Dia- meter of the Earth, to be 79.66 miles, and ſomewhat more: and the diſtance to the 2:45. Center or Seriridiameter 3983 miles'; and thus is found the Circumference, Diameter, and Semidiameter of the Earth and Sea, and alſo the quantity of a degree of the fame meaſure in Engliſh meaſures of Feet, Perch, Roods, and miles. 33(3)f. Nill retain a degr. in the Heavens to be 60 minutes , you may find how many Feet is *%240(370 in a mile on the Earth and Water, if you divide 367200 feet by 60, the Quotient will 3333 be 6120 feet; which doubled, and divided by 33, and half-feet to a perch, the 140- 33 tient is 370 perch, and 30 foot remains : divide 370 by 40 perch to a furlong, and the ( Quotient is g Roods or furlongs, and 10 perch or poles remains, divided by 8 Roods to 3706 a mile, the Quotient is t, and i remains; ſo that a minute in the Heavens by this Rule 400 and meaſure npon the ſuperficies of the Earth and Water, contains i mile, i roed, 10 R. perch, and 30 foot; therefore my degr. 60 min. of Latitude at my firſt Obſervation, (I is found by theſe Rules to be 69 and į miles, 14 perch my diſtance upon the Arch of a o(IR Great Circle from the Latitade of Pico : therefore working by the Rules given of Osadrature in the 16th. Chapter of the 2 Book, the crie Height of Pico will be found The true beizhe to be 3 miles, and the diſtance from the Eye to the Top of the Pico A,P, will be and d. flance found by the Rules in the 16th. Chap. 76 miles. froin the Eye. And working the ſecond Obſervation by the fame Rules, your difference of Lati- tude 27 minutes B:D will be found to be 31 miles, 2 furlongs, 14 perch, 18 foos, which is 31 miles and a little more ; which is almoſtthe fame Height found by the firſt Ob- fervation : and the diſtance from the Eye to the Top of the Pico is 44. miles. By theſe ſeveral Rules you may find the Height of any Mountainous Iſlard at Seks or High-Laxd on the Main-Land, if you can come bring it North or Somth of you, and make any Obſervation of the Sun or Stars; or if you will but truſt to a Log-Line marked after the former Experiment, that a mile doth contain 6120 feet, or 1020 fa- thamis; and fo 3 miles or a League contains 18 360 feet, or 3060 fathoms: then if you intend to keep a Log by } minute-Glaſs: and becauſe half a minute is part of an hour, divide 6120 by 120, the Quotient is si feet... Therefore ſo many si feet or knots fhe runs out in a minste, ſo many miles ſhe ſails an hour. By this Rule you may keep your Reckoning exactly; for I had Experience in failing North and South by a Login Line marked after the rate of 6000 in a mile, that is by the ſame Rule so feet or 8 fa- choms, and 2 feet to every knot, that I have ran or ſailed almoſt 22 Leagues to raiſe or depreſs the Pele i degr. on a Great Circle ; and if any have impartially taken the fans 1 8 5 1 f 21 CH. VI. Forts, City-Walls, or Caſtles which have Rivers betwixt. fame notice and carc, (or will) they ſhall find the like. But many that follow the old Rule 300000 feet to a degree, and sooo feet to one mile, and 60 mile to a degree, or the 120 part of an hour 41 feet, or 7 fathoms to the knots upon the Log : when they Sail North or South, and find the Log to fall too fhort of their Obſervation, impures it to ill Steerage, Sometimes to the Variation of the Compaſs, or ſome Errour in their Plotts, or ſome Current, or other accident, but will not believe the truth a great many without they had Angels ſhould tell them ſo,, a great many have ſo much Ignorance and Obſtinacy. But for confutation of ſome of the Antient Authors, eſpecially Cleomedes, whom I take to be a Man which did never ſee, nor obſerved Texariff Pico; He af- firms, that there is no Hill found to be above 15 furlings in Height; and of Mr. Hughes, He faith, that if Mercury hinſelf ſhould affirm a Hill to be above 4 miles in Height, he will not believe him ; neither will I believe them that are of that Opinion, be they what they will, without they could prove the foregoing Obſervation not good, and produce better of their own made by the Pico of Tenariff'; and ſo much for the Alti- tude of Hills at Sea. na in cura cincino circa ciocura cuina piegiaciggiodiniocinioniodi MOUROS Naciocinio drastici indian innocopinioniocietie Da PORCON CH A P. VI. How to find the Diſtance of a Fort, or Walls of a City, or Caſtle, that you dare not approach for fear of Gun-Shot; Or the Breadth of a River "or Water, that you cannot paſs, or Meaſure over it , made by 2 Stations, with the Quan: tity of the Angle at each Station. Uppoſe from ſome private place as at A, you eſpy a Caſtle, Fort, Tree, or place - whatſoever, that you dare not approach for fear of Gun-Shot, Marſh-Grounds, or a River betwixt you, or ſome other Impediments, that you cannot make your ſecond Station in any open place, but are forc'd to make it in ſome other ſecure Place at B; therefore plant your Inſtrument or Compaſs at A, and direct the Sights to Cand B, take the Quantity of the Angle CAB 46 degr. 00 min, and go to B, and take the Quantity of the Angle ABC 79 degr. o min. then meaſure the diſtance of the 3 Stations A and B 350 fathoms. S See Figure 98 in the follow- ! ܀ Then by a Plair Scale, or by the Line of Sines on the Scale of Scales ; you may ing Schemes: prefently reſolve the diſtance, as I do by the Tables. As the Sine of s5 degr. og ACB - 991336 46 d. oo m. АВ: 79 to 350 Fathoms, 354406 So is the Sine of 79 dsgr. ABC 999194 I 25 to the diſtance i do o 1353600 AC 419:42 362264 125 0 OO 11 oo SS O 991336 354406 As the Sine of 55 degr. 00 ACB - is to AB 350 Fathoms, So is the Sine of 46 degr. o CAB to BC 307 Fathoms, the diſtance required. 1 985693 1340099 ma 348763 Sicr.1. I 1 22 The Art of taking the Breadth of Rivers. Book V. Sect. I. 1 How to take the Breadth of a River, a runs betwixt Gloceſter-ſhire and Somerſet.shire, and found the breadih of the SPuser upon a Spring-Tide 40 Perch or a Furlong; you muſt do it thus. Being on the River fide as in the former Figure at E, there ſet your Compaſs; Ubſerve fome mark on the other ſide of the Water, as ac D, then ſer a mark at É, and go [quare-wife either to the right-hand, or to the left from theſe 2 marks, ſo far, until you ipie the mark Don the other ſide the Water doth juſtly make an Angle of 45 degr. with the mark E; and this will be when you come to F; then meaſure carefully F E, the diſtance of the 2 Stations, and that Thall be equal to the breadth of the River : fo that if FE be 10:30:30:40:50: or 100 Poles, or Tards, or Feet, the breadth is the fanie. The like may be done by at:y other Angle, as if you go to G, and make an angle of 26 degr. 30 min. in D; then is the diſtance G E twice the breadth; but ever if you can get an Angle of 45 degr. for that is the beſt and readieſt Angle to find out ſuch a diſtance ; therefore if you can, uſe to other. And the like way of Working you may Sea, if you gain the sight of any Cap, Head-Land, or iſland, ſet it by your Compaſs when you ſee it, without altering your Courſe, make an Angle of 45 degr. And by your Plan Scale if you have reçe a good account of your Way by the ſame Rules as before, you ſhall have the true diftanse of your ship from the firſt place, or Cape, or Hend. Lund, or iſland whatſoever : Go you may get the Slope-ſide DF or DG if you meaſure it with your ' ompoles and apply it to the fame Scale of equal parts by which you put down the wifi anc. Ė F or E G. Thus you may find the diſtance from the hip, to any ape ; Theſe are made ſo plain by the Rules before-going, that it need no further precept. 1 1 SECT. II. SECT. II. Being upon the Top of a Hill, Tower, Steeple, or a Ships Top-Maft-Head, there obſerving the Anglo of diſtance from you, 10 find the true diſtance thereof. Ou , Steeple, or Ships Top-Malt-Head be 40 yards, or any other mealøre: and from ic you ſee an House, Tree, or Place whatſoever, and you deſire the diſtance from you. You have been ſhewed already to find the height of a Tree, ower. Hill, or Steeple, by this Rule we will thew you how to ſtand upon them, and take the diſtance from any 1 thing elſe, viz. LU 1 Let the height of the Tower, or Maſt, or Hill be 40 yards, and let the Angle of diftance taken with your Quadrant be Ro degrees, being 10 degrees under the Lise of Level, this is the Rule for all ſuch Queſtions. As the Tangent Compl. 80 degr. which is 10d. 924631 is to the beight 40 Yards. 260206 So is the Radim to the diſtance from the Top of the Tower or Hill 226 4; 235575 yards. IO ...? Sacr. III. ! 1 Ch. VI. The Art of Plotting a City, Town, or Village. 23 SECT. III. You ſoever. By the way of your Ship, and any 2 Angles of Poſition; to find the Diſtance of any iſland, Cape, or Head-Land from you. Ou have been ſhewed how to do it with a right-Angle of 45 degr. already ; but with a little more trouble, you ſhall learn to do it by any z Angles what- As for Examples Suppoſe you were Sailing full South from A towards B, and from A Mould eſpy. Land at C bearing 2 Points from you to the Weſtward, as S S W or SW 22 deg.30 min. and Sailing ſtill upon your Courſe until you come to B, you obſerve the place bears from you juſt 4 Points, or SW 45 degr. which is the doubleof the Angle obſerved at A. If in this manner you double any Angle ; that is, let your firſt Angle be what it will, you muſt Sail until you have doubled that Number, then you may aſſure your ſelf that the diſtance you have Sailed between A and B, is juſtly, equal to the diſtance between Band CB being the ſecond place where you made your laft Obſervation, and C běing the Place obſerved. So that if A B be 12 miles, B C'is likewife 12 miles; and this you may do without furthor trouble or Calculation, and may lay 'ît down by your Plain- Scale, as I have done this following Figure. إن 1 In all fuch Queſtions remember that the Angles at the ſecond place of Obſervation, see Figure 100 Thall be either juſt the double, if you go nearer to the Place, or elfe juſt the half if you in the follow- go further off than the Angle at the firſt place. Therefore the firſt Angle you may ing Schemes. take at Random, no matter what it is, ſo you be careful to obſerve when you be juſt a upon the double, or the half; ſo that by Calculation you may reſolve it almoit with as little trouble as a Right- angle, which is made plain thus. In the Triangle ABC the 180 acute-Angle being the outward at B, being 45 degr. the obtufe or inward- Angle being the Complement thereof to 180 degr. muſt be 135 degr, and the Angle at A being - 450 22 degrees 30 msic, being added to this, makes 157 degr. 30 min. which Subſtracted 135_o from i do degr. there muſt needs reſt for the Angle at C 22 degr: 30 min. Now chis 22 - 30 Angle at being equal to the Angle at A 22 degr. s; therefore the ſide A Boppoſite tờ 157 - 30 the one Angle, mult needs be equal to the fade B Coppoſite to the other Angle, as you 18000 ſee by this Cafe. d. 22 - 30 And by theſe As the Sine of the Angle ACB 22 degr. 30 min. 958283 to the diſtance Sailed 12 milė A B metoda 107918 So is the size of the Angle CAB 22 degr: 30 min poſite fides. to the diſtance BC 12 miles. - 1066201 To find the 5 As the Sine of ACB 27 deg. 30 min. 958283 diftance AC2. is to AB 12. So is the Co-fone of 135. d. which is 45 d. 984948 to the sliſtarce from the firſt place of Obſervation AC 23 miles parts. 134583 Rules you may find all the op- 2.958283 107918 1092866 7 }; 1 1 1 1 ī: 1 ! : Dad CHAP. VII. 1 24 I be Art of Plotting a City, Town, or Book V. bono TO abocholtenboek opboude oortree condo hoofd ററവും Lanangalanche ណ្តុរ CHAP. VII. . moir ir 1 How to take the Diſtance of divers places one from the other, remote from you, according their true Situation in Plano, and to rotra& (as it were) a Mapp thereof by the Compaſs and. Pplain-Scale. He Problem ſerveth chiefly to deſcribe upon Paper or Patchinent all the moſt Eminent and Remarkable places in a Country, Town, or Cicz: whereby a Mapp. thereof may be exactly made by help of a Table of Obſervations following, as with a little Practice you may foon per- T ceive. Upon ſome high Piece of Ground make choice of:2 Stations as A and P, from whence you may plainly difcern all the Principal Places which you intend to deſcribe in your Mapp; then at A Plant or ſet your Comp.:s fixed, and turn the Index about top and let A and P bear one of the other North and South, as you ſee marked with the Letters R and S: and then direct your Sights to the ſeveral Marks from A to B, CDEFG HIKLM obſerving what degr. the Index cutteth. As ſuppoſe your Inſtrument fixed at A, and the sights directed to B, the Index cutreth NĖ: 83 degr. so min. and like- wiſe the Index directed to C, curs 82 degr. 5 min. and ſo in like manner take the reſt of the Angles, as you ſee them in the Table following, which were noted down by you in a: Paper-Book when they were taken. 1 i. 1 82 : os I. 20 45 : 26 A A 09 :'oc oo" 1 : . Places Angles: deg. min. ) AB NE 83 : 50 AC SE AD SE 64 : 50 The Stationary Diſtance AE SE 56: AF .SE 730 Perch; or 2 miles AG SE 41 : 30 go Perch. AH SE 24 : 40 AI SE AK w II со . AL... 1 16 : 00 KAM SW 23:00 ::..8::: Next meaſure the Stationary diſtance A P, which was found 730 Perch, which you muſt Nore down likewiſe in your Book; then plant your Compaſs, and fix him at P, that the Chard may ſtand North and South on the Stationary-Line PA, then turn the Index to your firſt Mark K, the Irdex cuts NW 24 degrees;. Likewiie turn the jights to I, and mark-the-Inclination to the Meridian, and sut it down-Nw 17 degr and ſo do by all the reſt of the forme: Marks or Points; and Note them down as you ſee in this Table PK:PL:PM: P1: PD: PB:PC:PE:PG:PF:P H: and where the Lines Interſect each other, drawn from the two Places r. and P, there muſt Sco Figure 1 10 ſcribe the ſeveral Places, to which you made Obſervation, where you may write the Laſtly, و را .م you de & Name of the Places. 1 Chap. VII. Village By the Mariners Sea-Compaſs. 25 00 OO : 00 oo оо + 1. 33 : 43 : so 40 IO QO 20 73 : Places Angles Deg. Min. PK NW 24 : PL NW 17 : PM NW 12 PI NE 9 : PD NE 21 PB NE PC NE PE NE 54: PG NE 64 : PF NE PH NE 87 : IS See Figure 101 Laſtly, If you would know the Diſtance of any of the Places thus deſcribed, one from another, you have no more to do, but open your compaſſes to the two Places on the Paper, and then apply it to the fame Scale, by which you laid down the ſtationary Dift- ance AP, which in this Figure was laid down by a Scale of 20 Perch to an Inch: the like is to be underſtood of Fathoms, Yards, or Feet, and ſoʻ applyed, it will without farther trouble effect your deſire. And you may Protrait it by help of your line of Chords, and Line of equal parts, as this you ſee is done, or by the help of your Protractor,as before directed : and if there any other Notable Caſtle, or lower, or Place, lying in a right-Line with your Ob- ſervation upon any Hill, you muſt remember always in taking of Inacceſſible Heights and Diſtances; as alſo in Plotting Unpaſſable Diſtances, by reaſon of Water, that you take theſe two ſtationary diſtances as far alunder as may be.And if at any time you require the Altitude of a Church, Caſtle, or Tree, ſtanding upon a Hill, you muſt perform it at two Operations ; firſt by taking the Altitude of the Church, or Caftle, or Tree to- gether as one Altitude; and ſecondly by taking the Altitude of the Hill alone; then by ſubſtračting the height of the Hill from the whole height, the remainder ſhall be the height of the Castle, or the like. . And here Note alſo, That in the taking of all manner of Altitudes, whether acces- fible or inacceſſible, you muſt always add the height of your Inftrument from the Ground to the height found, the total is the true height. And thus much briefly touching this is Matter. " 1 4 ! 1 ! Ddd 2 THE 1 1 26 Book V. Gaging of Veſsels . 1 jn an Ale-Gallon, which I believe is the Truth: But that which is received by Autho- as Corn 272 Inches. Theſe The ART of Chap. VIII. The Uſe of the Line of Numbers, and the Lines on the Gaging Rod or Staff, and the Rules in Arithmetick in Gaging of all ſorts of Veſſels, (viz.) to Gage a Cube-Veſſel, to Mea- fure any Square-Vefſel, and a Cylinder-Veſlel; Alſo, Bar- rels, Pipes, or Hogſheads; to Meaſure a Veſſel part out, to Mealure a Brewers-Tun, or a Maſh-Fat, to Meaſured Cone-Veſſel, to Meafúre a Riſing or Convex Crown ; and alſo a Convex or Falling Crown in a Brewers-Copper ; alſo a Brewers Oval Tun. PROBL.I. The true Content of a Solid Meaſure being known, To find the Gage-Point of the Jame Meaſure. He Gage-Point of a Solid Meaſure is the Diameter of a Circle whole ſuperficial Content is equal to the ſolid Content of the fame meaſure; ſo the ſolid Content of a Wine. Gallon according to win chefter menfure, being found to be 231 Cube-Inches: if you conceive a Circle to contain ſo many inches, you ſhall find the Diameter thereof to be 17:15 by this Rule. Example. A Wine-Veſſel at London is ſaid being the 66 Inches in length, and 38 inches in the Diameter, would contain 324 Gallons. If ſo, by the Line of Numbers we may divide the ſpace be- tween 3 2 4 and 66 into two equal parts, the middle will fall about 146, and that diſtance will reach from the Diameter 38 unto 17:15 the Gage-point for a Gallon of Wine or Oyl after London meaſure : the like reaſon holdeth for the like meaſure in all places. Thus likewiſe you may diſcover the Gage point for Ale.meaſure, an Ale-Gallon, hath been of late diſcovered containing 282. Cubique-Irches, for asri is to 1: 2733 fo is 2 82 to 356, 3 whoſe Square-root is 18:95 the Cage-point for Ale-meaſure, becauſe of Waft and Soil exceeding that of Wine above two Inches: or you may find it as before by the Content 256, 3 and the length 56, and the Diameter 38, as before. There are ſeveral other Rules to find it, but theſe may fatisfy to ſave Prolixity, Mr. Phillips , and others, have found and proved by Example . That there is 288 Cabique leches rity, are theſe forts of meaſures, the wine-meaſure is 331 (ubique Inches, and Rules are undeceivable with Authority. C i 1 : 1 EU mi as Therefore + 1 i 1 9 į CHAP. VIII. The Art of Gaging of Veſſels. 27 Therefore take notice you muſt be very careful in all your meaſures of all ſorts of Veſels, their length, breadth, and Jephth, as alſo of the Head and Bong; for all ſmall Errours in them ntay increaſe too much in the Content: for the miſtake of a quarter of an Inch in a large Veſſel, may make you miſreckon a Gallon in the Content ; therefore how to be careful is beſt known to the Practicioner more than I can declare by many words. PROBL. II. Bogy The Defiription of the Gaging-Rod, or Staff. He moſt uſeful Gaging-Rod is 48 Inches or so in length, upon one ſquare there T is 2 Lines, a Line of Numbers, and a Line of 48 Inches, every inch divided into 10 parts for the ready meaſuring of any Veffels, length, breadıh, or depth. But for the meaſuring of Great-Veffels, there is cwo Staffs divided into Inches and to parts, made to ſide. On the ſecond ſide is two Lines, the firſt to Gage by the Head, and the ſecond by the which added together multiplyed in the length, will give the Contents; Ás by Example in the following Problem, and uſe of a Table of wine-meaſure. And the third ſquare is two Diagonal Lines, for the Gage of wine the firſt; and for Ale, the ſecond; which ſhews the Contents to the part of a Gallon according to 282 Cubique-Inches in a Beer or Ale-Gallon, the Uſe in Probl. 7. On the fourth fidèis a Line of Segments, or 6.3 Gallons, divided into 1000 parts, as have the Ufe by the following Table in Probl. 8; The making of this staff is beſt known to the Inſtrument-Maker, by reaſon it muſt be exactly done, and you may have them of Mr. Philip Standridge in Briſtol , and by Mr. Hays, and John Brown in London, Mathematical Inſtrument-Makers, 1 you may mano PROBL. III. х 2 The Deſcription of Symbols of words for Brevity in Arithmeticki. VV Here theſe following Characters, are placed, you are to Work by theſe Rules; and that will reſolve your Queſtion. Ploss or Addition, which is as much as to ſay.add: Minus or Subſtraction, then you muſt fubſtrat. In or Multiplication, now you are to multiply. To Divide by 2 or any other Number under the line. Equal to the thing deſired. 9 Square the Number given. 2-9 Twice Squared, when 2 ſtands before the Letters. C Cubs the Numbers, Z Sum and Z9 Square of the Sum. Va To Extract the ſquare Root. Ž. The Sums of the Squares. * Difference, and X. difference of the Squares. X9 Squares of the difference. £ The Rest angular or Plain of them, which is the Produit of 2 Numbers multiplyed. : 11 1 PROBL, IV. 5 } 1 t ? # 28 The Art of Gaging 1 Book V: PROBL. IV. How to Meaſure a Cubical Veſſel. 1 S Uppoſe we have a Cubical Veſſel to meaſure, whoſe ſides let be ABCDEF, which let be every way 24 Inches, and I deſire to know how many Gallons of Wine or Ale Sce Figure 1oz the faine will hold. in the follow- ing Scheme. For Beer or Ale by the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compalles always from the Gage-Point (which for Ale is 16 };) unto the ſide of the Cube 24 Inches, the fame extent will reach from the fame 24, turning ewice over unto 49 Gallons, and better. For wine. Extend the Compaſſes always from the Gage. Point, which for wine is 15 i- unto the fode of the Cube 24 Inches: the fame extent will reach from the fame 24, turning twice over unto 59. Gallons, which is almoſt 60 Gallons of Wine, 1 The Arithmetical way. AB, C=Gall.of Ale 49. AB, C=Gallons of Wine 59 282 231 PROBL. V... 1 1 1 How to Meaſure any Square Veſſel. Uppoſe we have a Square Veſſel to Measure, whoſe fide AB let be 72 Inches, and breadth AC 32, and the depth CD 8 Inches. See Figure 103 By the Line of Numbers for Ale, You muſt firſt find a mean proportion between the length AB 72, and the breadth AC 32, by multiplying it together, and taking the Square Roos thereof, or taking the middle way between 72, and 32 on the Line of Numbers , and you will find it 48 for the mean. Now Extending the Compaſſes from the Gage point 16 to the mean Number 48 Inches, the ſame extent will reach from the depth CD 8 Inches, turning twice over unto 65 Gallons. For Wine. To find how many Wine-Gallons it is, Work by the Gage-point is to as you did in the laſt Rule, and you will find near 79. Gallons; or you may find a mean proportion between the breadth AC 32, and the depth CD 8: which will be 16 Inches, and ſo Work according to the former Rule. Hew to Work the ſame without the Gage-Point. Example for all . Extend the Compaſſes from the Ale-Gallon 2 82 unto the length AB 72: the fame diſtance will reach from the breadth AC 32 unto 8:2 Gallons: for an Ínch depth, ſo for 8 Inches you may preſently find it to be 65 Gallons. For Wine-Gallons. Take the Numbers 2 3 I the Gage-point, which by the former work you ſhall find 9. Gallons for i Isch depth. The Mathematical way. ABX: ACX CD Ale-G allows 817 2 S2 ABX AC XCD Wine Gallons 9.225 231 The Brewer's Coolers are meaſured all one as this Peffelis. PROLL.VE. 1 1 1 Chap. VIII. The Art of Gaging of Veſſels. 29 PROBL, VI. 1 How to Meaſure a Cylinder Veſſel. Suppoſe the Diameter of the Head AB be . 20 Inches, and the length thereof AC be 30 leches, To find the contents in Ale.Gallons. Extend the Compaſſes always See Figure 104 from the Gage-point, which for Ale is 18 ? - Inches unto the diameter 24 Inches; the ſame difance will reach from the length 30 Inches turned twice over unto 48 Gal- lons For Wine. Extend the Compaſſes from the Gage.poizt 17. unto the diameter 24 ; the fame diſtance will reach from 30 turned twice to 58; Gallons. The Arithmetical way. For Ale. АВХАС Ale-Gallons (viz.) 48,5 For Wine. 'ABqXAC -Wire-Gallons, (viz.) 587 294 359 PROBL. VII. Figure Ios D How to Meaſure a Globe-Veffel. Suppoſe the diameter of height of the Globe be A B 24 Inches: Then to know the For Ale. Extend the Compaſſes from the Gage point, which is 23 id unto the diameter AB 24 Inches; the ſame diſtance will reach from the fame 24 carned twice over unto 25 Gallons of me, For Wine. Extend the Compaſſes from the Gage-point 2 1 unto the diameter 24 turned twice over, as before, you ſhall have 31 Gallons. The Arithmetical way. For Ale AB.C.. Gallons, (viz.) 25 540 For Wine, ABC Gallons; (viz.) 31 440 23 20 1 60 3 7 21 z(1 (2 1 To १० PROBL. VIII. 23-0 20-0 How to Meaſure a Barrel, Pipe, Buit, Punching, Hogſhead, or ſmall 43— ci Cask 21-50 3 100 3 I vu 3 Suppoſe you have a Cask to meaſure, whoſe length is AB 27 Inches, and depth ar the Roug CD 23 inches, and breadth at the Heat E F 20 Inches. you are to find a mean-diameter berween the Head and the Bong by theſe Rules. Take the difference between 23 and 20, which is 3 ; which being multipłyed always 300 by z the product, here is 21, and divided by 10, the Quotient will be 2 to which added to the Teffer diameter 20, you have 22 for the mean-diameter. Another way to find the mean diameter is thus. A Vesſel having 20 Inches diande- 30.016 ter at the Head, ?: Inches at the Boxg, I would know the mean-diameter: 20 and 23 45 makes 43, the half is 21: so the leiler taken out of the greater', the difference is 3, which reduced into 10 is 300; then divide by 45, the Product is so added to 212 makes 2 2 3 Inches the mean-diameter required. Then ..! 21S O 6 22 30 2.::, The Art of Gaging Воок у ܘܘܕ 2 Gallons (viz.) 36 Gallons 44 566 72 Compares from 231 to 282, Then for Ale. Extend the Compaſſes from the Gage-point always 18. unto the Mean-diameter 22.4., the fame will reach from the length 27 Inches turned twice over, to 36;? Gallons. For Wine. Extend the Compaſſes always from the Gage-point 15 unto 22 :, the fame will reach from 3 7 to 44 and Gallons, as before. The Arithmetical way. M ſtands for For Ale. CD29+: EFqXAB Meani, D for Diameter, 1077 MD for meana For wine. CD 29+:EFqXAB Diameter. 880 There is another way to Work this Veffel or Queſtion, by the Mean-diameter which See Figure 10k was before found to be 22 1. Inches; and that is after the Cylinder-Vellel, which may be reſolved by the Line of Numbers, as before, and by Aritbmetick, thus. For Ale. MDX AB Theſe fort of Gallons, (viz.) 36. Cask Gaged s 359 ſeveral ways. For Wine. MDXAB Galons, (viz.) 447 ferr. 294 By the Diagonal Line on the Rod or Staff. To know what Take the meaſure with your Kod from the Bong hole at C to the lower part of the it fhiall hold in He-d at F, as the Line FĆ, which in the Exciple is near 251. inches : ſo if you all. would know how much Alc the Cask will hold, you ſhall find the Bong Hole to cut in the Diagonal Line 36 %. Gall. And for Wine it will cut 444 Gall, the contents required. Extend the A Table for the Gaging of Veſſels. the fane cx- Head. Bang. Head. Bong. The Uſe of the two Lines uspon the Rod "tent will reach D Gpts. Gois Gps. Guido from the Cone marked Head and Bong; and of this ten! in Irise- ol 0,001 0.002 3:1,08912,78 Table for Wine-meaſure. 020,004 0.009321,160 2.32 I 03 0,010 0.020 33 1,234/2.468 The Uſe of this Table is the root of Contents in all 04 0,018 0.636 34/ 1,310 2.620 the uſual Making and Uſe of the Lines Gallons. 05 0,028 0.056351,3882.776 on the Rod or Staff only. In the Table 06 0,041 0.081 36.1,469 2.938 you have the perfect Number, bur By the ſame 07 0,0560111 371 1,551 3.102 you muſt number upon the Staff, for Rule you may 0810,072 0.1453811,636 3.272 what 10 account 100, and every ſmall Di. Ale-Carte will 0910,092 0.183139 1,724 3.448 viſion is 10 ; and you muſt eſtimate hold in V Vine. 10 0,113 0.226140 1,8133.625 the parts of theſe ſmall Diviſions: then II 0,1370.274 411,904 3.809 is the Work all one as with this 12 0,163 0.326 422,000 4.000 Table, (viz.) 130,192 10:383 +3 2,096 4.1.91 40,222 0.444 44 2,194 4:288 You muſt meaſure the Diameter 150,255 0.510 45 2,296 4.588 16 0,290 0.580 1 46 2,398 4.796 firſt at the Head, and find the Numa 17 0,32810:557 47 2,504:5.097 it ; then meaſure the Diameter at the ber in the Table, or Staff belonging to 180,367 0.734 4812,611 5.222 Bong, and likewiſe in the Table, or op 190,409 0.818 49122721 5.442 the Staff, find the Number belong. 20 0,453 0.90650 2,833 5.665 ing to that, then add thoſe two toge- 21 0,500 1.000 512,948 5.895 ther, and workiply the Sum thereof by: 22 0,548 1.097 52 3,065. 6.129 the inches of the Velleis length, mert 23 0,60011.199 5333184 6.367 ſured from Head to Head in the init 24 0,653 1.30554 3,305 6.609 ſide. 250,703 1.416 55 39428 6.856 2610,766 1.532156 3,554 7.108 27 0,826 1.69257 3,682 7.364 28 0,888 1.777.5813,813: 7.625 29 0,953 1.9065913,945 7.8 90 30:1,02012.040160 4,080 %.1 60 Gallons 44 1. to 36 1. the + The Diameter in Incbes. : 1 .! !; The 31 Ву 371.2 i 6223 a, 2390 61 $976 13387 2 10 7672 737029 4706 8 1846 6944 / 26.433815|1235 140: 681125 4213 4 1038 Chap. VII. Of all ſorts of Veſſels. The Table and Staff Shews for 20 Inches at the Head. 0, 453 For 20 Inches at the Bong. 1,199 Theſe 2 added together, make 1 652 27 Which being Multiplyed by U1564 27, the length, 3304 Makes 44604 According to this Operation, it ſhould be 44 G allons nous parts, which difference is of no Moment in theſe Concluſions. The Table of Segments. PROB L. VIII. Gal. l'arts. Gal. Parts. Gal, Parts the Line of Segments on the Rod or 63|10000 42 6288 Staff, and alſo by a Table , How to 3647 9705 62 95304161582013582 find the Quantity of Liquor in a Cask 60941 3517 that is part full. 9:80 40 604019,3452 9170 Uppoſe you would know the Quantity of 6019065 39 5973 181332 1 Liquor in a Cask whoſe depth at the Bong 8962 15850 3255 is 23 inches, as before, and let the Liquor be 59 8862 381578717 3189 in beight 16 Inches, and the whole Cask to 8765 See Figure 107 5724) 3123 hold 44 Gallons. 58 8661 37 5662 16 3056 8580 56002986 By the Line of Numbers on the Staff, the 57 8491 3615535 15 2918 proportion will be as the whole depth 23 Inch- 8404 54761.1 2847 es is to the depth in Liquor 16 inches, fo is 5618319355415142775 1000 to 392 parts. 8236 5354 2703 Which being fought for in the Segment-line 551 8154 34 5294 13 2630 on the Staff, you shall have in the Line by it 8072 52341 25501 46 Galonsa 54! 7990 33517412 2481 Now if 7909 151152405 you extend the Compaſſes from 63 53 7829 132, 's057 11 2323 00 467. Gallons; the ſame diſtance will reach sooo 2250 once from 44sh, the Contents of the whole fa 6 4943 the Cask: 7595 4885 2091 33-To SI 7519 30 4826 Then by this Rule always as 63 Galors is to 7444 476050|1928 467. Galons, fo is 44 Gallons to 33 Cask. fo. parts of a il 7297 4646|50|1764 49:7225 128:4585,1 7 1681 By the ſame Rule Work for Beer or Ale. Gallon: by 7153 4543-501509 To Work this Arithmetically is fomewhat fame Rules 4.8 2082 27 446276 1420 tedious ; wherefore I have here Caléulated a you may 4400 501329 Table whereby you may perform it very eaſy make him Rule 年 ​**75 50 1138 Examples In the laſt Vesel whoſe depth at the Bong is The top or 4150501935 Fong is up- 15.6679 24 4087131035 | 23 Inches, and depth in Liquor 16 Inches 1 4024 50 permoſt in 446548 23 3960 The firſt Rule of Proportion. the Column 720 682 390650 As : 3 is to 15, ſo is 10000 to 69 21 parts, to the left 43 6.418223842 which fought for in the neareſt Number in the hand 63 Gal. sable of Segments you fhall have againſt it the bottom is 353 295 ?S_ Gallons neareſt. to the right hand Colum. Eee Then 1 7758 2 1) 9 20IO This table is made to or 2 So 2 7012 Quarts or Pints. 6877 6679 6613 830 2 602 I 470 13777150 45 is 1 11 vremena 32 The Art of Gaging Book V Then again. 23-7: 10000 3043 anſwers 76 As the whole Radizes 63 Gallons is to 407., ſo is the Gage of your Veffel 44 to 3049 Gallons to 33. Gallons near, as before. After this manner of Working you ſhall have for 7 Inches depth of Liquor In gallons. 63; 15. 76 And ſo by theſe Rules you may work for any other Cask. 10 = Il 1. Gall. PROBL, IX. IS: jou 1 How to Meaſure a Brewers Tun, or a Maſh-Fat. L Et the Tunbe ACDE, whoſe Diameter in the bottom let be ED 98 Inches, and the Diameter at the top AC let be 90 Inches, add both the Diameters toge thér, you have 188 Inches; then take the half thereof, and it is 94 Inches, this is the Mean-diameter FG; then get the height of the Tun, which let be AB 40 Iniches. Now to know how many Barrels of Ale or Beer it will hold according to 36 Gallons to the Barrel, you ſhall Work thus. 1 1 By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes always from 113., which is the Gage-point for a Barrel uinto the Mean-diameter 94, the fame diſtance will reach from the height 40 Inches turned twice over vinto 27 of a Barrel. The Arithmetical way by the Mean-diameter. FG, XAB Gallons 9841 359 Which being divided by 36, you have 27 Barrels 121 Gallons! 5 1.. Or thus for Barrels. FGqXAB Barrels 27 km, uear as before 12924 This Arithmetical way by the Mean-diameter is not abſolute true, yet near enough for Brewers Tuns, by reaſon there is difference of Diameters between the bottom and the top; yet it is ſeldom above 7 or 8 Ipches : But to have an Exact way which allo ferverh for Coopers or any, take this way for Working this Tun for an Example. The trueſt Arithmetical way. E Dq+AC9; + EDX. ACZ, XAB ==985 Gallo y 1077 Divide 985 Gallons by 36 Gallons in a Barrel, and the Quotient 27 Barrelse and 13 Gallons remains : ſo the one will hold 27 Barrels 13 Gallons de parts. 1990 Or thus for Barrels EDq+ AC9, +EDXAC.ZXAB 38772 Barels 378 Too! j PROBL. . Chap. VIII. The Art of Gaging 33 PROBL. X. How to Meaſure a Cone-Veſſel, frech as is a Spire of a Steeple, or te like, by having the Height and the Diameter at the Bafe. Suppoſe the Diameter at the Baſe A B be y8 Inches, and the height DC 492 Then by the Line of Numbers for Barrels of Ale or Beer. Extend the Compaſſes from the Gage-point 169 iunto the Diameter A B 98, the ſame will reach from the height of the Cone DC 490, turned twice over unto 1214: See Figure 109 Barrels fere. This is the beſt Proportion to Work for great Cones to have it in Barrels, but ſmall Cones have it in Gallons. Then thus Work, Extend the Compaſſes from the Gage-point 32 .. unto the Diameter of the Baſe 98, the ſame will reach from the height of the Cone 490 twice turned unto 436941, Gall . The Arithmetical way. For Gallons. ABgx DC 4369 37. Gallons. Which being divided by 36, you have 1211. Barrels. 1 Or thus for Barrels? AB, XDC 121 347. Barrels. 38772 An Example, The Brewers Tun before meaſured may be meaſured, after this manner by Cones, by this Example in this Figure I have proportioned the lame Tøn in this Cone, as you may , prove thus by the Rule of Proportion to find thie Diaineter on the top E É was before. Work thus, As CD490 is to AB 98, ſo is CG 450 to EF 90 Inches; and ſo back again, to find the height of the greater Cone , fay, as the difference of the Diameters $ inches is to the height of the Tuin 40 Inches : ſo is the Diameter of the bottom AB 98 Inches to.the greater height DC 490 Inches, from whence ſubftract 40, there remains the height of the leſſer Cone G C 450 Inches. Now Working as before, for the Contents of each Coxe. The greater Cone will be found to be 4369 Gall. And the leſſer Cone to contain 3384 Gall. Which ſubſtracted from the greater Cone, there remains 985 Gallons to Parts. 985 Gallons For the Brewers Th11, as before found in the 9 PROBL, which is 27 Barrels 13 Gallans, 90, it * 547 Parts. 432 Parts. IIS 1000 I ܘ1 Tee 2 PROBL. XI. 1 } 34 The Art of Gaging Book V PROBL. XI. How to Meaſure a Segment or portion of a Globe or Sphere, which ſerves for a Convex Signet or Riſing, or Falling Crown in a Brewers Copper. Dmit you have the Diameter of the Crown AB 80 Inches, and the height there A А of CD 6 Inches. A Convex Riting Crown. See Figure 1 10 The Falling Crown is nothing but this Figure, the upper part turned down. Note that a Crown is feldom leſs then 2 Inches, nor above 12 Inches; for in Briſtol in all their Crowns belonging to the Breivers Coppers, the leaſt that was found, was in Inch, and the greateſt height or depth u : Inches. By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compasſes from the Gage-point 18, unto the Dianeter AB 80, the fame diſtance will reach from half the height CD 6, which is 3 being turned twice unto 53 Gallonsfere. The Arichnesical way for Ale or Beer-Gallons. ABg.X;CD 53: Gallons. 359 1 PROBL. XII, 1 How to Reduce Ale-mcaſure into Wine; And likewiſe to Reduce Wine Gallons into Ale. For Example. TH Here is a veſſel that holds 60 Gallons of Ale; the Queſtion is how many Galloss of wire it will hold. The Proportion of the backward Rule of 3. As 282 Ale is to 231 Wine :: fo 60 Ale to Orthus. As 94 is to 77 ::fo is 60 Ale to 73; Wine-Gallons. The reaſon is thus, 231 Ale-Galons is 282 Wine-Gallons, or 77 Ale-Gallons is 94 wine-Gallons: Or, as 2 82 to 231, fo is 116.410 958 30, and as 231:282, fo is 95:30 to 116 1, or extend the Compaſſes from the Ale-gallon 282 to the tVine-gallon 231, the ſame diſtance will reach from 60 to 73 i Gallons, or from 77 to 94, or from 9400 77. ! 1 + PROBL. XIII. 1 How to Meaſure a Brewers Oval Tun. СА. Sec Figure in LEt the length in the bottom be A B 1 20 Inches; and the breadth E F 90; let the length at the top be CD 112 Inches, and the breadth 84; alſo the depth 40 Incher A Brewers Oval Tun. Now to Work this, you muſt find a Mean-proportion between the length in the bat- toni 123, and the breidth go Inches. The Arithmetical way. A Bx EFV9 = 103-92. That is, Multiply the two Nambers together, and of the Product thereof extract the Square Rent a lo hall you have the Mean-propora tional Number By: 1 23. E A 27 2 to 6. F . 109. . 20 116 49:6 107. G E 9:0 F * The Ture 40 B A 9:8 D C с go 40 G 64 94 A-Brewers Ovall Tun. B E 98 A H 108 (! C с 84 112 D G D 40 F b А C B. A 120 B + 110, go 111, E Book.V. p. 34-35 חד 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 3 35 CHAP. VIII. Of all ſorts of Vefſels. By this Rule you will find a Mean-proportion between the 120 at the bottom, and the breadth 90, to be 103 and 92. And likewiſe for the top between 112 and 84, will be 97; then as before, you ſhall. find the Sun to be 200-92 ; the half thereof is the Mean-diameter 100; 5.5 inches ; ſo Thall you Work all one, as you did in the Round Tun. Houd to get the Mean-diameter by the Line of Numbers. Let the Numbers given be 120, and 20. Extend the compaſſes from 90 to 120: Divide that in half, the ſame diſtance will reach from 90 to 103 %. almoſt 104 the Mean Number required; and fó likewiſe between the Number 112 and 84, you will find it 97 ; then as before, you ſhall find the Sum 200:92 andį 100inches. The Arithmetical way, as before, is thus. M. Dianı:X CA 31: Barrels of Ale or Bçer. 12934 219 And in Gall, M. Diam. XAC=1119 Gallons of Beer or Ale. 1000 + By the Line of Numbers for Barrels. Extend the Compaſſes always from the Gage - Point 113 is to the Mean-diameter 100 14: the ſame will reach from the height 40 turned twice over, to the Quantity of Barrels of Ale or Beer 31; PROBL. XIV. .. How to Gage a Veſſel by Oughtreds Gage-Rulc. THis is an Inftrument by taking the length in Inches and 10 parts, and is as Exact as any way Inftrumental extant; both the Diameters at the fieat and Bong, with a Line called Oughtred's Gage-Line. The Uſe is thus. Take the Diameter at the Bong with thoſe Diviſions before faid from that end where the Diviſions begin to be numbred, aud fet that down twice : and on the Diameter of the inſide the Head in this manner, * and then add them together, as here you + fee the length in Ixches. Suppoſe to be (30. 82) then fay, as 1, is to : 77, fo is 30: 82 to 54 of a Gallan, being a little more then a Gallon, 0,63 or 54 Gallons the Content of a High Country Hogſhead; and fo you may do by any other great or ſmall ſort of Cask. 0163 2 [ 77 The end of the 8 Chapter of Gaging Veſſels, t CHAP. IX. 1 VV u F the Produit is 1254 Feet; which Divide by 324 (becauſe there is ſo many Square Feet is contained in a Tard, and the uolient is 31 Tards, and 3 remains which 36 The Art of Meaſuring of VValls, and Book , To Sun in our in cur si intended in an inain and are sinaingiaciociniocianidiaciocianinaingioginionici VACUNOVODAODACOAS Chap. IX. Wherein is ſhewed both Arithmetically and Inſtrumentally How to Meaſure exa&tly all kind of plain Superficies, as Walls, Timber-work, Roofs of Houſes, Tyling, Board, Glaſs, Wainſcot, Pavement, and the like ; as alſo Timber and Stone. PROBL. I. Oraſmuch as it is very requiſite for a Compleat Artiſt to know how to Mea- fure all manner of Buildings, as Walls, Timber-work, Tyling, and ſuch like; I Mall in the following Example make Illuſtration thereof. Note this, that Walls and Tyling are meaſured by the Rod of 18 Fert, Wainſcot by the Tardor Feet, and Board and Glaſs by the Foot only. There- fore meaſuring any of theſe things, confideration muſt be had to the juſt Form and Figure thereof : Then by the following Rules you will ſoon have the Arca Content thereof. As for Examples Suppoſe there be a Wall in the Form of the Figure, and it is required to know how many Perch, or Rods, Yards, and Feet are contained therein. The Arithmetical way for Perch. ABX AD, or thus, ABXAD, ZX2 16 Extend the Compaſſes always from 16 to the length 66, the fame Extent will reach from the height 19 Foot unto the true Contents of the Wall 76 Perche A 66 A VIVA Then to bring it into Rods, and Feet, and Yards, Work as before. Multiply 66 by Feet in a Rod,) and the Oxorient is 3 Rods, and 28zremains , which divide by 9 (for ſo many ) , is Feet; fo this wall being 66 Foot long, 19 Foot high, there certains 3 Reds Erard, 4 Feet (for as 81 Feet or 9 Tards is a quarter of a Rod. But 11 76 Percb. 19, 37 1 20 1 t : :43560 Chap. IX. Dormant-Pikes, Chimneys, c. But ſuppoſe ABC be a Govel Dormant Pike, ſuch you muſt meaſure them as Triangles, to bring it into Feet. Multiply 16 the Perpendicular by B half the Baſe AC, the Produ£t is 166, the Contents in Feer double it : divide by 33 half Feet, the Quo- 116 fient is 9 Perch, 11 Feet remains. Work by the Line of Numbers as in the laſt Rule, and it will be A 9 Perch så, (or : divide i 60 by the Quotient 17 Tards and 7 Feet, remains the true Contents of the Dormant Pike, that is i Rod, 8 Yards, 7 Feet. But in Meaſuring of Chimneys which require more Workmanſhip then other ordi- nary Walls, they are uſually accounted at double meaſure. Firſt mealsire them as firgle- meaſure. Take the length of the braſt Wall E F, and the 2 ſide Angles DE, and FC, which Multiplyed into the height C B the Produ&t of that Multiplication doubled, yieldeth the Content, According to che Cuſtomary meaſure allowed for Chimneys that ſtand in a Govel or Side-wall, (but if I the Chimney fland by himſelf, the Back is to be meaſured with the reſt of the Chimney; but the 218 Back. ftanding againſt a Govel or Wall is accounted. K part.of the Vall; and muſt not be meaſured with 1024 the Chimney. Admit this. Figure LIK. GH. ABDC be á Chimney to be meaſured, and according to double meaſure, the Content is required, 13 D C Firſt meaſure the Baſe CF the Braft-wall D C, € 24, f and FC the ſide Angles , which together makes24 Feet; next take the height of the Square CB 18 Feet, which Multiplyed together, the Produkt is 435 ! 60 Fect for the Content of the Figure ABDC Then for theand Brafts Wall GH, and ſide Angles is 15 Feet, height n H 6:26 Feet : X as before, makes 93: Go Feet, for the Content of the Square GHm: n. Feet. Parts. In like manner of Working, you will have the 1 ABDC: : Contents of the Square IK : RV:92: 16; like- | The Squares. GHmn: 93:90 wiſe the Chimney+SHäfe in compaſs is 9 Feet, and ZIKRV : 93.: 16 8 Foot high. * together as before, is 72 Feet The Shrift:IL : 32:06 for the Contents: add theſe 4 Sums together, the The Sum 693:66. Som is 693:66 Feetrdoubled is 1 387 Feeti doubled. 603: 66 Fcat.the Content of the Chimney according to Crstomary meaſure. The Toral Sum. 1387: 32 Which reduced into Perches as before, is's Perch 36 Foot ? Parts; or into Rods, és 4 Röds 10 Cards 1 Foot according to theſe Meaſures : But it is fit the Maſter- Frorkman Should Meaſure it, and ſhould have ſo much to Multiply and Divide, or elſe he caññót be a Compléat Workman in every part. Note that after the fame order Slate-work and Tyling are meaſured either by Perch or Rods of 1 8 Foot Square. Note that Roofs of Houſes, and Timber-work, Partition- Floors, and the like, are reckoned by the Square of 10 Foot, but Worked by the fame Rule, as have been already delivered in this Problem , therefore it needs no other pre- . cept..,, PROBL. II. G G ital 1845 1 inte T !i; : / 38 The Art of Meaſuring Timber and Stone. Book V. 0 Hays in Morp- ber of Inches in a foot of flat-meaſure, and the Quotiext ſhews 10 feet, and PROB L. II. How to Meaſure Boards, Glaſs, Pavement, Wainſcot, and the like. N the laſt Problem we have Mewed that Boards, Glaſs, Pavement and Wainſcor, I and the like, they are commonly accounted by the foot or Yards . Therefore to make this plain, we ſhall inſtance only upon Boards which are cut out in long Squares commonly. How to Meaſure them. Take the length and breadth in Inches and Parts, Multiply one by the other, the Produit will thew the context in Inches ; (that divide by 144 the Numbers of Inches in one Foot, the Quocient will tell you the Nunsber of Fees, and the remainder is Inches. For Example. Such Rilles are Admit I have a Board that is 7 Foot long, and 18 Inches broad; Multiply 84 Inchi made bywalcr which is in 7 Feet by 18 Ixches, the Product is 1512; which divide by 144 the Num- Ficlds, and in remains, Biially by P." which is: 144; therefore the Board contains so foot }; but many times the Board falls Staynard. out to be broader at one end, then it is at the other, add together the breadth at each end; then take the for the true breadth. : And Work as before, But commonly Artificers have a Uſeful Linc put upon their Rules for their ready Meaſuring of Board and Timber-meaſure ; but this is the Exaételt way, though that is near; and what have been ſaid of Board-meaſure, only the ſame is to be underſtood is the way of Meaſuring not only Boards and Gials; but likewiſe all manner of Wainſcot, Paviment, Floors, and fuch like; they depend upon one and the fame Geometrical Ground, though they be reckoned by different meafure, as you ſee by the Perch, Rod, Square, Tard or foot according to the Cuſtom of the Place, there- fóre needs no further Example. Extend the Compaſſes always from 12 Inches unto the breadth 18 Inches, the ſame extent will reach from the length 7 foot, unto the Number of Square foot in the Board, which is 10 za foot. AB 18 Inch x AD 7 foot =10 feet. 72 1 1 21 1 PROBL. III. 1 The Menſurations of Solid Bodies of Timber and Storie, and firſt of Squared-Timber VV b - ber, and Stone, and the likes which are uſually meaſured by the foot: and therefore you are to obſerve that ai foos of Timber or Scone is accounted a foot ſquare every way in the Form of a Die; whereby it plainly appears that a foot of Timber is 12 tiines more than a foot of woard, which it 344 Inches; but a foot of Timber muſt be 1728 Inches: '' } For Timber that is Squared you may find the Contents thereof on this wiſe ; Firſt To find the find a Mean betwixt the two Sides at the End. Admit the height at the End be AC Square-Roor by the Tables. 16 Inches, the breadth thereof AB 25 Inches ? By the 7ables -- 120412 the half Sum 139794 Sum. 260206 The half Sum. I30103 is the Square. fost and Mean-propertion between 16 and 25 which is 20: Ву S Add together 1 1 CHA P. X. of Timber and Stone. 39 By the Line of Numbers. Divide, and take the middle between 16 and 25, and you will find the Mean 20 as before; Then to know how many foot of Timber is in a Square of 16 Inches in height, 25 Triches broad, and 14 foot long. Extend the Compaſſes always from 12 Inches unto the Mean-proportion or ſide of the Square 20 Inches the ſame will reach from the length 14 foet turned twice over to 387: foot of Timber. The Arithmetical way. Thus. ABXAC. XAD to the Contents in feet. 3878 144 Orthius. 'ABXACAD reduced into inches 168 in 14 foot 38 feet, as before found. L 1728 A common Era Er- Yet it is common with the Carpenters to add the broad and narrow fide together, and for amongt to take the halfiberçof-the true Square that wayisvery erroneous, eſpecially when the moſt Carpen- difference between the ſide is much, ters, 1 E 36. Ai 1:5 14.50 168, Anchos HURUMLARUANGLAHEIDELBERGELAR in the former Example one fide is 2.5, the other 16, the Sum 41, the half 20%* inches; that is, half an inch roo‘mach, as was proved by the former Rules; that is Juſt zo for the Meax or true Square : ſo that by taking the 2 ſides 20, it makes the piece of Timber 40 footwhen indeed it is bür 38 :feet, which is a foot and half too much. Now if a piece of Timber that , iş tapering, the Cortimon Rule is to take the Mean betwixt both'endtand fo to Work as in the lalf Form, but it is not abſolute true. For Examiple. Admit a Piece of Timber were Square at one end 25 inch. and at the other 1 siaches, and 14 foot long. This is the abſolute Arithmetical way, Z'AB, DEFÆXAD Contents-39:15 432 1 : PROBL, IV. How to find how many Inches in length will make one Foot of Timber, be- ing alike in the Squares. So Uppoſe you have a piece of Timber that is forroSquare 16 inches every way, and you would know how many inches in length will make one foot of Timber. By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes always from 12 inches to the Gode of the Square, which in this Queſtion is 16 inches, the fanie turned twice over from 12 inches, will reach to 6 inch, in length for one foot of Timber. FES The 1 1 1 i 1 ! * - int 1 ! 1428 11 N . foot, Then as a Tree whoſe Diameter 40 The Art of Meaſuring of Timber, cc. Book V. The Arithmetical way. 192 "75 Ef 6:257 or 6 Too Inches as before: A C.169 Having the fide of a Square piese of Timber, at the end and the length in feet; to find how many feet is contained therein. Admit the ſide of the Square at the end be AC 16 Inches, and the length thereof 14 By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes always from 12 Inches unto the ſide of the Square AC 16 inches; the ſame diſtance will reach from the length 14 foot turned twice over unto 2:4 si feet in the Piese of Timber. The Arithmetical way. Cvi AC169. * B D 14 foots The Content in Feet 243 : 144 PROB 1. V. How to Meaſure Round-Timber five ſeveral ways. A of thicknefs at the end is 20 inches; I deſire to know how many inches in lexgth will måke one foot of Timber. مرد 1 1 + By the Line of Numbers. .::Extend the Compalles from the Diameter AB 20 inches unto the conſtant Number 23. the ſame distance will reach from the fame 13 turned twice over unto s jinches for one foots, as ADU: 1 220 . ABY The Arithmetical way. AD5 inches for one foot. Having the Diameter of a Piece of Timber, as admit it to be 20 inches, and the length ſuppoſe 15 foot; To find the Contents in feet. By the Line of Numbers. Extend the Compaſſes always from 13 744 to the Diameter AB 20 inches, the famo diſtance will reach from 15 the length turned twice over unto the Contents. 32 já feet ig 1 12srce. 1 1 Acid 15 foot " 15 foot 10 tri 22 namanya memandan B В G 1 The 1 / before. 1 Chap. IX. Of Timber and Stone. 41 The Arithmetical way. Squara the Diameter A B 20, and it is 400; treble it by 3,, and it is 1200, mul- tiply itby the length 15, and the Product is 18000, that divide by 550, and the con- sents is 32 mii? feet of timber in a round piece or tree, which is 32 foot, and about quar. Here is likewiſe another brief Rule, Arithinetically thus. Square the Diameter A B 20, and it will be 400; Multiply that by 11, and it is 4400, divide it by 14, and the Quotient is 314, and 4 remains, which multiplyed by the length 15,' the Product is 4714 ; that divide by 144, and the Quotient is 32 -2 Orelſe you may find the Contents of the Circle by this Rule, as 7 is to 22, ſo is the Diameter to the Circumference; or multiply half the Diameter by half the Circumfe- rence, and the Product is the Content of the Circle, that Multiply by the length, and divide by 144, gives the content of the iimber or Tree in feet or purts. Now the common way uſed by Artificers, is to meaſure round a Piece of Timber or Tree, and to take the one fourth parț for the Square, which is very erroneons and falſe. For Example. The meaſure of the Compaſs or Circumference by the Rule before-going is 62 t: irch. of the round piece of timber or tree the thereof iş is inches, which they take to be the Square ; which Multiplyed into it ſelf, produceth 2+3 : 50 for the area of the Bale; which Multiplyed by the length is frot, the Product-is 365490, the Contents in feet and parts; that divided by 144, the Quotient is 25 is that is differing from the Truth no leſs then 7. 29. that is, 7 foot and about a quarter too much : the Buyer hath then his due; hut I conceive they agree in the Price to ſtand to that meaſure, by reaſon of the waſt in Chips before it is bronght into Squares; but the beſt way will be to msea- Sure the tree right, and afterwards allow for the Waſt; or elſe in time the Error will be taken for Truth, and Truth will be accounted Error, as it is by too many this day. How to Meaſure a Round piece of Tapering Timber. Admit the Diameter of the Great End of a piece of tapering timber be AB 20 Inches, and the Leſſer End CD 16 Inches, and the length' E F 15 foot. To find the Contents, odd both the Diameters 20 and 16, the Sum is 36, the half is 18 for the Mean. Then Extend the Compaſſes always from 13 14 to the Mean-diameter 18, the fame will reach from the length is foot turned twice over unto 26 foot. Or by Aritha netick, Squire 18 the Mean-diameter, and it makes 324; that treble by 3, the Prodat is 972 ; that Multiply by the length 16, the Product is 1.4586, that divide by 550, and the Quotient is 26 foor, the Contents of the taper. piece of timber is 26 foot and half. PROBL. VI. How to Meaſure a Pyramedal piece of Timber. This piece of timber is meaſured by this Rule, (viz.) A right Lined AA Dmit you have a piece of timber to meaſure, whoſe length at the Baſe is 2 5 inches marp Piece of Timber is A B, and breadth AC i6 inches : and the length of the piece DE is foot. 1 led a Pyramide 1 5 cor 5 rool 25 اور Islitact 16 D E 1 1 By the Line of Numbers. Firſt, by the Line of Numbers find a Mean-proportion between 25 and 16 by di viding it into 2 paʻts, and the middle will fall upon 20 inches, the Mean-proportion reqnired. Then Fff 2 1 + i 42 The Art of Meaſuring of Timber, cc. Book V. Then extend the Compaſſes always from 20. unto the Meandiameter 20 Ixch. the fame distance will reach from the length 15 foot turned twice over unto 13 #foos of timber. The Arithmetical way. ABX ACX DE XDE = 13 foot parts of timber in the Fiece. 1 S 11 11 888 1000 432 A B ACXIDE = 13 foot 888 parts, that is 13 foot and above 1000 three quarters. 144 PROBL, VII. How to Meaſure a Conical piece of Timber. Dmit A you had a Cone Piece of timber whoſe Baſe or Diameter at the End AB is 28 inches, and the length thereof CD 15 fuot, it is required to know how many feet of timber is in the Piece. A stot e Támot Footer 11 sirnaal 11.777 7 777 ERR But the Baſe thereof Round it is a Cone. G 1 1 [ 1 Extend the Compaſſes always from 23. unto the Diameter A B 28, the fame distance will reach from the length 15 foos turned twice over unto 21.1 The Arithmetical way. A BqxCD S21, foot of timber in the Cone Piece. 550 **. And by the former Rule you may Meaſure any part of a Cone or Pyramide-piece. Admit you were to cut a Piece of 5 foot at the greater End, and you find the Diameter EF 18:95 Inch. Firſt, Mean-diameter 18:95 and 2 8 Inch. added is 46; 95 the half is 23:48 the Mean: then extend the Compaſſes from 13 ik unto the Mean-dia- meter 23the ſame diſtance twice repeated from the length 5 foot, will reach to 15 the foot in the of the Cone at the great End; And likewiſe to Meaſure EFHG the Diameter HG is 9.45 added to 1895 EF, the Sum is 2 8:4. The is 14; 20 Inches the Mean proportion the lengths foot; by the former Rule you will find in that Piece of timbers foot; and to Meaſure the little Come GH 9 inches diameter and 's foot long.; Work as to Meaſure the whole Core, and you will find it is parts of a foot. And ſo you have truly Meaſured the Pieces, as you may find by foot. parts. IS 07 adding them up, and they make 2 1 foot is parts, as you found in the whole Cone at firſt; and to by finding the Area of the Circle and part, si you may find the Segment of any Cone or Pyramide that is Square in the fides by the Area thereof; by the fame Rules you Meaſure śrone. It is. 21 mm 38 needleſs to make more Examples in this thing. 1 50 5 1 CHAP. X. ܢܙܐ sa 7 7 Chap. X. 43 ఉంట porn ook va balone sono CHAP. X. 1 1 For the Burden of a Ship, or her Tunnage, Take theſe Rules following: SECT, I. 1 S Uppoſe you were to Gage a Ship that the length of her Keel is 45 foot, the breadıb of the Beam 17 foot, the depth of her Hould 9 foot always to find the 11nnage. Multiply the breadth by the length; and with the Produkt Multiply the depth in Hold, and divide by 100, and the Quoricat will Mew you the Tuna nage to be in this Example 68 tun. Or extend the Compasſes always from 100 to 17 the breadth, the fame diſtance will reach from 45 the length; to 7 Then extend the Compaſſes from I unto 7 ) and the ſame diſtance will reach from the depth in Hold 9 foot to the tunnage 68, twn of King's tunnage. But for Merchants Ships who give no allowance for Ordnance, Mafts; Sails; Cables, and Anchors, which is all a Burden, and no tunnage. You muſt ſiork thus for tlie tunnage 1 4 Sect. II. 45 * 17 *9 =72.45 Tun Burden. 95 Or, extend from the Gage-point 95 always to the length of the Keel 45, the fanie will reach from the breadth 17 of the Beam to a 4 Number, as to 873; then extend from 1 to 8.; the fame diſtance will reach from the depth in Hold 9 foos to the Burden 72 tun. 1 SECT. III. L Having the Proportion of any one Ship in Burden, with the length of her Keel-Timbers; To Build another of any Burden according to that. t PROPORTION. Dmit I have a ship of 8o Tun, the length of her Keel is 46 foot. Now I am to Build a Ship whole Keel muſt be 65 foot; I delire to know how many Tan The muſt be. Extend the Compaſſes from 46 foot unto ós foot, the ſame extent will reach from the Burden So Tun, being turned 3 times over unto 225 is cunc. The Arithmetical way. 8. X:65 225:57 tonsa 46 C .. SECT.IV. 1 44 The Art of Gaging of Ships and Veſſels, Book V. SECT, IV: I A 1 had a Ship of 226 tuns, and the length of her Keel is 65 font. Now I would Build a Ship of twice the Burden; that is 452 tuns ; Now I would deſire to know the length of her Keci. Extend the Compaſſes from 226 unto 452, thes of that diſtance will reach from the length of her Keel 65 foot unto the length of the greater Ship’s Keel 81 zá foot ferè. The Arithmetical way. 65. C.x 452 81 i fooi fere. 226 I could have infifted upon more Examples, but it is to no purpoſe; by reaſon the Carpenters have theſe Rules in Practice moſt of them, and for jaging and Meaſuring Ships, the breadth and ſharpness of her bottom is to be conſidered, and to abate fume- thing of 95 the Divizer, or add ſomething to it according to Judgement and Reaſon; and To likewiſe to 100, to find the tannage. 5 1 A CH A P. XI. . The Application of the Line of Numbers in Common Affairs, as in Reduction of Weight and Meaſure of Cheeſe, Burter, and the like. I elle; 25 Have added this Chapter , not for that I think it abſolutely neceſſary; but only becauſe I would have the abſolute applicableneſs of the Rule to any thing be hinted at, that it may be known, that any thing may be meaſured by Rule, as well as by neighi, ſo far as there is Proportion conſidering that, and any thing the Application of which I leave to the Induſtrious Practitioner, only here I give a hint. What have been ſaid of other things in Reduction, is general in any other, as from 1 2 to ro either shillings or Inches to tenths, as of a Shiling, or tenths of a root, or Pence or Farshings, Ounces or Chauldrons, Yundreds, either weight or tale. The Rule is thus, (viz.) In either one ſhilling, or foot, hundred, or the like. If 100 is 12 d. what thall 66 be ? facut 8 pence or · Inches; that is, Extend the Compaſſes from 100 1012, the fame will reach from 66 to 8, and ſo of all other. If icobe 112 P. what ſhall so be? facie 66 Pound, If 100 be 8 Pines, what ſhall be? facit 2 Pints ; If 100 be 48 farthings , what ſhall 30 be? facit 14.4, that is 3 d. 2 f. near. If 100 be 36 bushels, what ſhall 2 4 be? facie S buſhels and better. If 100 be 60 min. what ſhall so be ? facit 30 min. or an hour. If 100 beL: 0, what ihall so be? facit 96. The like is for any Line of Reduction. Now if you would know how many there muſt be in any greater Number then one then fay, By the line of Numbers thus: If 48 farthing's be one ſhilling, how many ſhillings is 14+ farihings? facit 3 Shillings. For the extent from 48 to 1, will reach from 1 44 to 3; And again, if a Mark and a half be one Pound, how many Pound is 12. Mark? the extent from 1 : 50 to 1 ſhall reach from 12 to 8, which reaſon muſt help you to call it 8 Pound. Again, if : Nobles be one Pound, what is :12 Nobles? facit. ofl. the extent from 3 N.o 17. will reach from 312 to 104 : Further, if a Chauldron of Colis coſt 26 jhil. what lhall awal.coſt? facit 1?.' But more to the If : : 6 buſhels coſt 30 s. what shall's bujh. coſt? facit 4.5. 2 d. If one week be 7 days how many days in 3 9 week? as i ro 7, ſo 39 to 273 days in 39 weeks ; As 8 furlong; make 1 mile, how much is 60 furlongs? facit 7 miles, for the extent from I to 3, gives from 60 to 7: 50, and the like of all other. t j Illatter; CH AP. XI. Chap. XII. 45 1 Singin mo ang din tiro con din strainatunci adinin cincinetto gingisdiagoaingias ciosiQgingIONIO Singiagiogieriggiogiagiogia WACVAVAGNAGRUPACOSTAONA LOCACAUSA DAVVAUDACOMODO !, CHAP. XII. 1 The moft Excellent 1 Gunners Scale, L. 9 Which refolves the Chief Principles of the whole Art of Gunnery, in a very brief and Compendious form, never by any ſet forth in the like nature before; with divers Excellent Concluſions both 'Arithmetical, and Geometrical, and Inſtrumental; and by Tables being framed both with, and without the help of Arithmetick. As alſo divers Artificial Fire-Works, both for Recreation, and for Sea and Land-Service. SACT. I. The Qualifications every Gunner ought to have, and the Properties, Duty, and Office of a Gunner. H E ought to have skill in Arithmetick, to work any Concluſion by the ſingle and double Rule of 3, to abſtract both the Square and Cube Roots, and to be perfect in the Art of Decimal Arithmetick, and to be skilful in Geometry; to the end he may be able through his knowledge in theſe Arts, to meaſure heights, deptbes, breadths and lengths; and to draw the Plot of any Piece of Ground, to make Artificial Fire-Works which are uſed in the time of War : A Gunner that hath a Charge ought to have in readineſs all neceſſary things for his Artillery : Aswheels, Axle-trees, Ladles, Rammers, Sheep-skins to make Sponges, Gun-powder, Shot, Tampions, Chain-shot, Croſs-bar-ſher, Carvas, or Strong Paper to make Car- tredges, Fire-works, Artificial Torches, Dark Lanthorns; again, to Mount and Dil- mount Guns, Hand-ſpikes, Coyns, Budge-Barrels to carry Powder, and Baskets to carry Shot to your Piece. When leiſure will permit, he is to choole good Match-cords, to Arm his Linſtocks in readineſs to light, for to give Fire, and alſo a pair of Caloper Com. Posjes to meaſure the Diameters of Shot, or the Muzzle, or Baſe-ring, or the like ; and alſo a ſmall Braſs pair of Scales and weights, a Ruler divided into Inches, and 8 Parts in every İnch, for the ready meaſuring of Cartredges, how to fill them. A Gunner ſhould never be without ſuch a Scale as this as I have here deſcribed, and to know the Uſe thereof perfectly; and thereby be ready to give a reaſonable anſwer any Man of any Queſtion belonging to any ſort of Ordranse uſed in England in a moment , as this Scale will do, as thall be ſhewn : He ſhould always carry a pair of Compaſſes with him to meaſure the Diameter or Bore of any, Piece ; and alſo the length of the Cylinder within, the better to fit her with a shot, and proportion a Charge. to A 늘 ​4 46 Book V. The Art of Gunnery. A Gunner ought to know the Names, -Length, weight and Fortification of every Piece about the Chamber (that is as far as the piece is Laden with Powder;) and be able to tell readily how much Powder is a due Charge for any Piece, what Shot is fir, how many Matroſſes multfattend the fame, how many Horſes or Oxen will draw the ſaid Piece, or Men, if occaſion be ; He muſt be careful in making Choice of a fober honeſt Man, for the Yeoman of the Powder; and he muſt not beat up the Head of his Powder- Barrels with an Iron tool, but with a Wooden Mallet, which can never Fire the ſame: A Gunser ought to trie his Piece, to know whether it be true bored or not, to proportion his Charge according to the thinneſt ſide of the Meral, and accordingly take his Obſer- vation at the Britch of the Piece, juſt over, where by his Ari he finds the middle of the Bore within the Piece is; by which means a good shat may be made out of a bad Piece. ܪ t Before he makes a Shot, he is to conſider, that if the Piece lie point blank, or under Metal, he ought to putin & fufficient Wadst after the Shot, to keep it cloſe to the Powder; for if it ſhould not be clofe, but ſome diſtance between the Powder and Shot, the Piece will break in the vacant place; but in caſe you morint your Piece, put no wadd after the Shor. And one chief thing is to know very well how to Diſport his Piece, be it either true bored, or not true bored, which he may try firſt. When a fit Mag is entertained, the Mr. Gunner (whom he ſerves,) ſhould bring him to his Pieces, and give him the Denominations of his piece, and parts thereof; which when he hath learned, which is the baſe-ring, and trunnion-ring, the muffel-ring, and the like, (you may fee their names all plain in the Fig.of the Gun without more words) and like- wiſe the Crows, Handspikes; the Cogn, and the likes and how far in the Bore is called the Chamber of the Piece: Theſe things, with the Gunner's care well underſtood, he may give them further Directions, (viz.) But it is great pity, that the Gunners at Sea did not exerciſe the Sea-mer in this knowledge, as the Corporal doth in Muſtering of them with their Mufgaets ; for want of the like knowledge, the greateſt part of common Sea-men, are as dull and ignorant, when they be required to ſtand by a great Gun in time of Fight; and therefore it would be much for the Credit and Honour of our En- glifs Nation, to train up their Sea-men in this knowledge eſpecially ; but it is taken no- tice of, that if any man have any Art above another, he is afraid to let another fee hini do any thing, or underſtand from him ſuch knowledge, for fear he will be in a ſhort time as able as himſelf; which many do attain unto in a ſhort time to be as able as himſelf with, out their help, therefore it is more for their Credit to teach them what they know. 1 1 1 1 SECT. II. 1 Sam it ho were the Inventors of Gun-powder, and ſome Principles of Philoſo- phy fit to be known. Ome Italians have writ that Archimides the Philoſopher was the firſt Inventor of Guns and Gun-powder: or whether this be truth or not, Learned Men are of divers minds; Munſter, and Gilbert Cognot have written, that Guns were deviſed firſt in the year 1370 by a Monk, whom Munſter calls Bertholdus; fichen our Dr. Dee in his Mathematical Preface and Diſcourſe of Menader faith, that an Engliſh-man was firſt Inventor of Gun-powder in another Country, and they firſt made uſe of it from him; alſo our Englim Chronicles do report, that in the year 1380 a Monk did accidentally ler fall a ſpark' of Fire upon Brimſtone and Salt peter beaten to Powder in a Morter cove- red with a Slat-ſtone, he ſeeing this mixture blow off the Stone from the Morter, did thereupon deviſe a kind of Powder, and taught the Venetians how to uſe the fame in Pipes of Iron againſt the Garvates. Every Simple Body is either bright and Light, or elſe Groſs and Dark, and Ponde- rous, and according to the variety and difference, it is always naturally carryed towards ſome one or other part, the World hath height as upwards, or deprh as downwards; and the depıb dependeth upon the Influence of the height. All 1 1 $ 4 47 CHAP. XII The Art of Gunnery. All pure and rare bodies aſcend, as the Fire more than the Air ; but the thick and groſs bodies deſcend, as the Earth more than the Water. Nothing worketh naturally, but in that which is contrary to it, and more feeble the form of working, is aided by the Qualities; and the matter fuffering, which ſuf- fereth by the Quantity. Nature is extremely curious, as well of her perfection, as her conſervation ; and then when all things conſpire, as well the Action that cometh from the Agent; as the Pallion from the Patient hath proportion. Accident hath its variety from the Subject, and goeth not from one thing unto ang- ther.. Every Corporal thing! repoſeth in its nåtural place : Motion may be made any where within the Orb of the Moon, Nature admitteth no Empreſs. A body rarifying it felf, the place thereof increaſeth as the body increaſeth, the reſiſtance of the moved proportion to the Mover, furthereth the motion ; the longer the Chace of a Piece, the louder the Report; alſo the force of the kroke dependeth on the ſwiftneſs of the Courſe, , ħ hon 1) 1 --- { 1 ! 1 1 ܪ Se cir. III. The Deſcription and uſe of the Gunners Scale, upon which is all ſorts of Ordnance from the Canon, to the baſe of their Weight, Lading, Shot, I and all other things appertaining to them. T His Scale is made according to the Diameter of our Engliſh Ordnance, but 8 inch. loxg, the Diameter of a Canon-Royals and it may be made of Silver, Braſs, or Box, or any other, fine grained Wood, that will not warp. Upon one ſide'l have fee the Names of all ſorts of Ordnance, and in the Angle of meeting with the Names, is the diameter of the bore ; and begwixt chat and the next leſs diameter, is firſt the com- mon.length of. fuch Pieces; and upon the ſtep of breadth, is how many Paces theſe Pieces thoot,point blank, and right in the Argte of meeting, betwixt the two disise ters with the Angle of meeting with the Names, is firſt the weight of the Gala, the breadth of the Ladle ; and thirdly, the length, fourthly, the weighe of the Charge in Powder, fifthly, the diameter of the Shat, ſixthly, the weight of the Shot , ſeventhly, a Line of Inches ; eighthly, each. Inch divided into 10 parts, and likewiſe into 8 paris, which are parts and half quarters, which the Line of Diameters of the bore comes from. The degrees in the diviſions, and on the thickneſs and lengeb thereof, there is à Line of Numbers, by which you work all the moſt uſeful Queſtions in Gunnery, as you will find in the following page.. The Uſe of this fide is thus. Suppoſe you come to a Piece of Ordnance, and it is deſired to know what Diece it is; take the scale, and put it into the bore of the Piece, mark the ſtep of a Diameter that fits it, and tře Angle of Diameter goes down into the Line of Inches, and parts; and that diameter goes into the ſide in the Angle of meeting, and tells you.the Nanie of the Piese' : Betwixt the next leſs Diameter, right under, you have as before, the common weight of the Piece, the breadth and length of the Ladle, weight of Powder, diameter of Shos, and weight. As for Examples Admit I came to a Gun, and found by the former directions, that her diameter of the bere is 4 Inches . And in the Angle of meeting in the ſide, I find her Name is Demi- culvering, lower then ordinary; at the end thereofIfind 9 or 10 for the uſual length, and betwixt the next leſs diameter and the ftép is 174 the paces the Piece carries the Beller in a level-line, point blank, right againſt weight in the next lefs Diameter, which is 4 Inches, is the uſual weight 2000 l. breadth of the Ladle 8, and length iz Inches , the weight of the Powder 6 or 4 ounces; and next the diameter of the Shot 4 Inches; and next, the weight 91. So that you ſee the next leſs diameter is the diameter of the Shut, as well as of a leſs Piece of Ordnance. This I have made plain to the meancit ca- pacity: Here they are ſet down in this Table following, Ggg The ( 1 1 1 48 1 :! you + The Art of Gunnery. Book V The Explanation of the Scale may ſerve likewiſe for the Table; only take notice, that under Inches and Parts, is to be underſtood the firſt; to the left hand is. Inches , and tlie other is ſo many of an Inch. As for Example. Admit you enter the Table with a Saker of the loweſt fort, the hiight of the lore is 3: Inshes, 8 foot long, the weight 1400, breadth of the Ladle.olength 9 Ixch, weight of the Powder . 3.pornd 6 ounces, diameter of the Shot 35 weight of the shop 4 pound 12 ounces, and the paces the Piece carriės;. by Alex. Bianco's Tables is 1 5o of juniori Obferve that the Ladle is but 3 diameters of the Shot in length, and parts Circuimference from the Canon, to the whole Culuering , I allow the Charge of Pow- der to be about two diameters of the Piece :. from the Culvering to the Minion the Charge to fill two diameters and a half; all from the Minion to the Baſe three disa meters of Poroder. 1 s foot to the Piece. parts of the : ' 1 3 The names of the Pieces of Ordnance. Bore. Gun. Ladle. Ladle. Shot. Length of the blank. Gun in pounds. Diameter of the Parts. Powder. Weight of the Breadth of the Length of the the Shot. Weight of the Diameter of the Parts. 1o The weight of Inches. Parts. He ſhoots point ; Paces. : The L8 18 > 3 : 07:0 750 1 18 18 A Baſe, 1 : 24:6 200 2:04 :00 : 81:50 : 5 60 A Rabanet. :45:0 300 2:44 : 10:121 : 30 : 81 70 Fauconets. 2: 26150 40074:04:41:92: 21 : 590 Faucons. 67 of 750 4:48 : 22:42:52 : 8130 Ordinary Minion. $:08:42 :82:73 : 4120 Minion of the largeſt ſize. 3:28:01 000 5:09:03:43:03:12 125 Saker the loweſt fort. 3:41 8:014006:49:63:63: 24 :121150 Ordinary Sakers. 3:6:01 500 6:51 0:44:03:46 : 0160 Sakers of the oldeſt fort. 4:010:01 800 7:211:05:03: 67 : 5163 Loweſt Demiculvering 4:2 10:0 2000 8:012:06:44:09: 0174 Ordinary Demiculvering. 4:4 :0 2700 8:012:64 :44 : 2 10:11 175 Elder fort of Demiculvering. 4:612 : 3000 8:413:48:84412:11 178 Culverings of the beſt ſize. 5:01:04000 9:0 14:2110:04: 6115: Oli So Ordinary Culvering. 5: : 14500 9:4 16:0 11:05: 017: 5|181 Culvering of the largeſt ſize. 5:46:04800 10:010:011:&'s : 220: 0183 Loweſt Demicanon. 6: 211:0540011:4 20:0 14:06: 030: 0156 Ordinary Demicanon. - 6:412:0560012: 022:0|17:816 : 432: 0162 Demicanon of great liže. 6: 612:0600012: 022:0|18:016: 5 36: 0180 Canon Royal, or of : 18: 011-2: 18000|14:624:0 32:87: 458: oli 85 7 2 is + 1 P The Deſcription of the other ſide of my Gunner's Scale. Upon the other ſide is a Scale of 8. Inchés divided into four quarters, and betwixe each quarter above it is three Columns; the Inches News the height of alí ſorts of Iron Mots from 2 ounces to 72 pound; and of Lead from 3 ounces to 806 pounds, and of Stone from 1 ounce to 26 pounds ; each diſtinguiſhed from other by their names , written in the firſt Inch, the Table is in the ſixth Section, and the weights and meaſures, accommodated into our Engliſh Averdupoiz weight of 16 ounces to the pound, and to our Foot of Aſſize of 12 inches to the Foot. The Line of Inches being likewife di- vided into Io parts, the whole into 8o, may ſerve for 800 ; for Protraction as follows: There is alſo the Gunners Quadrant divided into go degr. in the outmoſt Limb, and in the ſecond Limb within, is divided into the 12 points of the Gunner's Quadrant, and ! + cach j 51 1 util.this Ordnant $ med amo fronion Ring Cormash hing 4 Casacabell deel uit Ring Touteh hole --Chamber orcharged eslinder Ramforce ring H hased night whole cies wi Eric ... " :: LIEBE WWW.1017" 2+timi 7 *****: Fitilista: LT1*11 ANI!F1-11- 1.1.1. 1. VI. "..** Het mit 11IHAN nder EP111110 " # vittu, +++++++++ 11:3:19 MM LIGHTIRADIM Trinions %os Muzzle Ring life touteh hole nopous Arique | 10. Diamitor of. y shot B K The Chaçois per fi Concave d B Conca of the true Bored vride 15 C € saung foonair 4 9 oft opzon2 49.99 02 su17 woulou, น Dead Raing 1922984045101670 22 32 8193 4. 10441129121419222185 22892283 1792 12141000 Right Raing 102209 2272442627 8. 285 302 320 337 13544246338.352000 114012201300 1350 D. 3 4 5 6 8 30 4015060.140 Stone Pounds i 310.410:30.7 0.910.12 41.82 02.72.133 104.35.916.317.818.14.10.10 12.4 12 12 14.3 15.12.17 10.19.1421.12/24 020.12 Lend: 03.014.315.016 98 212. 17.25 21.5 24.12 30.05.2019.945 of 31.057.0 Iron Pound 3 10 124.1216 10.1012.2014.1417 3112-1|23.-26.630.034 038.0 42.0 48.0 53.0 88.064. 0172.10 A Peces Point blanck Teces Boje. 200 Rabanet Falkennet Saucon The ordinary Minion inion of y. largeſt size Sakers lowest sort. Sakers ordinary Sakers of y oldelt sort. Demiculver lower then ordin. 09 ordinary Demiculvering Taldersoft of Demculver OST Cauvering of yleast Size ordinary whole (ulvering Culvering of lasgelt size SIN Lowet Demicannon SO ordinary Demicannon 2. 300 Demicannon of greate size 80o Weight of y Gunn 30o 4 DO 75 750 Loooloolisoa 1800 26.4 2700 3000 4000 4500 4800 54.00 5600 Copo Cannon Reyall. 8000. Breadth of Tadle 4. Lt 6. 16:15 18 8 18:19 Użlio 14 31 Length of Tadle 4 + 7. 8 8 :o 9.410.11: 12:11220:1416 16 20. 22-0224 Weight of Powder 1 2 i 2.33:13.640 05 5:06:17 8: 240.. 11:6 12:8 1.8 1-8 32 10: Joun : 58 2.163 03:43:23 4:44:3 4:35 5 1 6 6 66 4 7 / Weight of sholt 08 1:5 876 3 13:22146.01745100 10:14 12:10:17: $20 32 136 58 BR FI F DML SL30 SOL DCO ODCDC CLOC CGLD.C ODC DCG C.R Will The Mettall ans SL ring Muzzel Peren ito drat 3%/% 19 ° smo ole Ad Right Shadow 5 /4 13/2 saunog res 9 sonon 7 0 so 1 P 10 20 1 2 8.0 90 Peg of Mournal Ot Cou 450.61 71 attres 8 O, 11 2 ' 24 2 1 Inches 2 3 6 7 8 7 2 3/%% 24 3 و و c sf 6% Book..V.p.48.49. وه 7 7 1 1 1 | 1 7 | 49 1 . 1 a Chap. XII . The Art of Gunnery. each point 4 paris; and in the third Limb is a Geometrical diviſion of right and contrary Thadows, for the ready taking of heights and diſtances; but there is alſo a Geometrical Quadrate, with each fide divided into 10 parts, which ſtands for 100, and each 10 parts divided into 10 more, the Uſe thereof in taking of heights and diſtances is in the 16 Chap. of the second Book of the Deſcription of inſtruments : But the life for to level, or elſe to mount or Imbafe any piece of Ordnance, is in the 34 Sect. of this Book. To the ſide thereof is fitted a piece of Braſs of the ſame breadth as the Scale in thick- neſs, with two holes within an Inch of each End, and two Screws fitted to ſerve the four holes, as you may ſee in the Figure to the ſide of the Scale, that if you would level or mount any piece of Ordnance, Screw the plate to the end of the fide B, with both Screws, and put the plate in the bottom of the metal as far as he will go, and put the tomping in upon him to keep the plate faſt, and then level or mount your Piece, as in 33 Section directed. But if you will Imbaſe any piece of Ordnance to any place or point alligned, you muſt ſcrew the plate to the end 'A, and let the ſide with the Line of Numbers be next the muzzle, and Itop him with the tomping, as before ; then Imbaſe your Piece, or put him under the Line of Level as you will , to what degree you pleaſe ; and when you have done, Screw the plate to the ſide A B, with a ſcrew at one end, and a ſcrew at the other, (there is alſo over the weight of the Shot a divifion of the right Ranges , and degree to degree; and likewiſe you may put the diviſion of Inches in the 38 Section, for the number of Inches and parts from 5 foot to 14 foot long, requireth to mount her to any degree of mounture with great facility and eaſe. There is alſo Triangle.wiſe a plain Scale, that goes along down by the degrees of diameters, or ſteps, the Line is a Line of Cbords, with the Gnomor-line, and a Line of ſix hours of the fame Radites, and a Line of Rhumbs, with the line of Sines; and this is for the making any ſort of Dial iò any. Latitude by the following directions, and alſo for the Plotting any Triangle, or reſolving any Queſtion in Navigation, or Affrononey. You muſt remember, there is a Braſs Pin in the Center at C for to hang the Plummet and String, with the Lope upon. Thus 1 hope I have filtei all ingenious Gunners with a Scale ſo uſeful, that I will leave it to them to give me commendation for my labour and pains. If I might adviſe Gun- ners of all forts, that are able to have one of theſe Scales of Braſs or Wood, to carry a- bout him, to reſolve any Queſtion preſently for his own credit, and it is very portable and fit for his Pocket; but it is beſt to have a caſe of Leather or Cloth to keep it clean; and you may carry a pair of Compaſſes with him, and by him you may reſolve moſt of all the Queſtions in this Noble Art of Gunnery. On the ſide of the Quadrant betwixt the Equinoctial, and the Radiw, or Sans great- et Declination is a diviſion to every 10 minutes of the Suns Amplitude Riſing and Seta ting anſwerable to the Ecliptick Line, and the Declination on the other ſide the Figure, makes all plain to any Inſtrumext-maker, without further precept. . 1 SECT. IV. 7h: Vſe of the Line of Numbers on the Scale, for the help of ſuch as cannot Extract the Cube and Square-Root. How by knowing the weight of one Bullet, to find the weight of another Bullet, the height being giver. Buller of Iron of.6 Inches heigbt, weigheth 30 l. what will the like Bullet of 7 Inckes, in Diameter or height weigh; always take theſe Rules. Extend the Compaſſes from Inches to 7 Inches Diameter, the ſame diſtance will reach from 30 l. weight, turned 3 times over unto 47 1.10 01xces, the weight of a sbos 7 Inchi high. ::: Ggg 2 The A 2 . 50 The Art of Gunnery. Book V. The Arithmetical way. C6C7.£. 30x 343 1 = 47 l. 10 DANC. 216 one pound of Iron. That is Cube 6 makes 216, and Cube 7 makes 343 ; then by the Rule of Proportions Multiply 343 by 30, the product is 10240, divide by 216, the Quotient is 47 pound; for which is 10 ounces as before, there is ſomething leſs then 7 Eube Inches in By she Tables of Logarithms. The Logarithm of 6 is 07781512 The Logarithm of 7 is 08450980 Subſtract the appermoſt Number out of the lower, the diff. increaſing. 0669468 - 3 The laſt Number Multiply by 3, and the triple of this difference is --- 2008404 Added to the Logarithm of 30 l. with no ounces, (which is 3000) - 34771212 Gives the Logarithm of the weight 47. 36779616 Now to know how many ownces is, work thus by the Rule of Proportion. If 100 gives 64, what will 16 ounces give? Anſwer, 10 ounces y ſo the Shot of 7 Inches diameter weighs 47 l. 10 ounces or 47 70 pound, the likc way of work is with all ſuch Queſtions. + SECT. V. + 34 10 Q0O 100 24 Admit the weight of an Iron Bullet being 30 pound, the Diameter was 6 Inches, the weight being 42 1 what may the Diameter be.? 16:100 10 Irſt I will ſhew you how to turn 10 oances and into 100 parts of a pound; always fay, If 16 give 100, what fall 10 give ; : (64 as you may ſee the work in the Mar- gent, where the weight is known, and the Diameter required. Always Divide the weight 30 l. and 47 l. into 3 equal parts, and that diſtance 1000 will reach from 6 Inches Diameter, to 7 Inches the Diameter required on the Line of Numbers. 1024 By the Tables the Logarithm of 30 is 34771212 The Logarithm of 47 mil. is 36779616 468 Uppermoſt Subſtracted from it, leaves the difference increaſing, - 2008404 *524 (54 The difference divided by 3, or the third part of this difference. 0669468 x06 added to 6 Inch. Diameter, the Logarithm 7781512 Gives the Logarithm of 7 inch. Diameter required 08450980 This is the moſt eaſy, ready, and certain way of Arithmetick; and fo work for all ſuch Queſtions, if three Numbers be given, to find a fourth in a Triplicated Propora rion. I + SECT. VI. The Geometrical finding the Diameter for the weight of any Shot affigned. M R. Gunter in his firſt Book, Section 4, hath ſhewed the Making of the Line of Solids on his Sector : but this "Rule Thews the proportion of the Diamesets in weight : having a Shot of one pound 2 pounds or 3 pounds weight of the Meral or Store aſſigned; if it be of a pound, divide the Diameter into 4 equal parts, and 5 ſuch parts will make a Diam, for a shot of the ſaid Metal or Store that ſhall weigh juſt two l. And 1 1 1 + 51 Chap. XII. The Art of Gunnery. And divide the Diameter of a Shot that weighs juſt 2 l. into 7 equal parts, and 8 ſuch parts will make a Diam. for a shor of 3 l. weight And divide the Liamet, of a Shot of 3 l. weight into 10 equal parts, and 11 ſuch parts will make a shot for 41. weight. And divide the diam. for a shot of 41. weight into 13 parts, 14 ſuch parts will make a diam. of a Shot for 's l. w eight. And divide the diam.of a Shot of sl. weight into 16 equal parts, 17 ſuch parts will make a diam. for a ſhot that will weigh 6 l. and fo dividing each next diam. into 3 equal parts more then the next leſſer was Divided into, and it will with one part added from a diamet. of a ſhot that will weigh juſt 1 l. more; and ſo you may proceed infinitely, in- creaſing or decreaſing, by taking one part leſs, as is appointed to be Divided, for one i. jeſs, and the next into 8 7. leſs, to abate 1 for the Remainder, infinitely decreaſing it. HA FitrH Hry HHHHHHHH , Afacond Geometrical way. Firft you muſt have exactly the diamet. of a ſhot that weigheth one pound, and thieri deſcribe a Circle, whoſe diamet. Ihall be juſt cqual thereunto ; and Divide it into 4 Quan . 1 E A! 1 2 ماه او ا8 7 6 5 4 3 1 1 1 ! 3 an 2rants 1 Į 1 : 2 . 1 52 I be Art of Gunnery. Book V. The Diameter 94 13 parts. drints, with 2 diamet. cutting each other in the Centor orthogonally; ; Then take the Chord of the whole Quadrant ou degr. B C in your Compaſes, and lay it from the of a shot of " Centor of the firſt Shot one pound D to 2, and ſo A 2 will be the Diameter of a Shot of pound is i Inch 2 pocend; Then extend the Compaſſes from 2 to the Chord C, and lay that diſtance from D'to?,' ſo will A 3 be the Diameter of a Shot of 31. And fo likewiſe extend the Cumpailes from 3 to C, it will reach from D to 4, and from 4 to C, and it reaches from Dto s, and from s to C, lay it ſtill always from D to 6; and ſo continuing till you have proceeded as far as you will: You ſhall find that if AB were the Diameter of one pound, A 2. is the Diameter of 2 pound, and A 3 is the Diam. of 3 1. and A 4 the Diam. of 41. and As the Dinm. of 5 1. A 6 the Diam. of 6 l, and laſtly, A8 is the Diam. of 8l. and ſo you may proceed in like manner infinitely. Likewiſe having the Diameter of a Shot of any weight, the double of the Diam. is the 'Diam. of a Shot which weighs & times as much. Thus the double of A1, which is A 8, makes the Diameter of a Shot of 8 pound ; and ſo the double of A2, which is the Diameter of a Shot of 2 1. makes A 16, the Diameter of a shor of 16 pounds, that is 8 times 2 pounds, and ſo the double of A 3 makes the Diameter of a shot of 24 pounds, and the double of A4 makes the Diameter of a Shot of 32 pounds, four times 8 being 32 ; and ſo you may proceed as you pleaſe, and find the bigneſs of any Shot. i A third way. This you may do alfo, having the Diameter of a shot of one pound, double that diam. it will make a diam. of 8 pound; and treble the diameter of one pound, will make a diameter of a Shot of 27 pound, and quadruple or 4 times the ſame, will make a diam. of a Shot of 64 pounds, and s diameters will make a Ball of 125 1. and 6 diameters of a Shot of one 1, will make a diameter of a Shot that will weigh 2161. L А. 215 C 2 B 125 1 64 1 1 a 1 1 277 1 37 19 . M 1 H New 1 . * i t + Shot given 1 > vifons Stone ſhot of 10b. Chap. XII. Tbe Art of Gunnery. 53 Now it is convenient to flew how to find the Mear-diviſions between theſe extremes; as for the diameter of a shot of 2 l. l. or what more you will, fo as by ſuch progreſſion you may proceed from pound to pound, until you come to the last term of 218 pound; nevertheleſs the ſame manner of working will proceed infinitely. Lay the forementioned 6 diameters upon one and the ſame right Line you muſt at the end of them draw another Right-line orthogonally , and fit therein the diamet. of 2 ſuch as at C, and from thence draw another Right-line parallel to the firſt, as GH, and then draw a Ouadrant as A B, and from the Centre G draw right Lines through all the divifions of the digm. marked upon the right Line AF which are all equal, fo Shail you have 6 diviſions to be divided; the firſt being divided already, and is the diam. of a Shor of I l. but the ſecond diviſion is to be in the Circumference or Quadrant divided into 7 parts equally, becauſe it containeth the ſecond diameter unto 8, for adding i to 7 it niakes 8, the third diviſion is into 19 equal parts , which being added to 8, makes 27, the fourthi hall be divided into 3 7 equal parts; which together with 27, makes 64 the fifth thall be divided into 61 equal parts, which added to 64, makes 125 ; and laſtly, the ſixth place muſt be divided into 91 equal parts, unto which adding 125, you ſhall make a diameter of a Shot of 2 16 pound juſtly. Now foraſmuch as theſe diviſions are difficult to make well, within ſo ſmall a Osa- drant : you may therefore deſcribe a greater, as the Quadranti L M, and there the di are more diſtint, and larger than in the leſſer they can be; Further, you may note, that Fire-balls,Granadoes, and other Globous Artifices, muſt have the ſame pro- portion to their Grandures from their Ball of one pound, which may be exactly confi- dered; and ſo by this Method you may make Balls of Lead, Braſs, Stone, and Granadoes , Fireballs, and all other Spherical Fire-works, of what weight you will , having one of One pound firſt, to lead you accordingly: SBCT. VII. To find what proportion is between Bullets of Iron, Lead, and Stone, by knowing the weight of one Shot of Iron; to find the weight of any other Shot of Lead, Braſs, or Stone of the like Diameter. He proportion between Lead and Iron, is as 2 to 3, ſo that a shot of 2 pound of Iron, is of like diameter or height as 3 l. of Lead. As for Example. A ſhot of 6 Inches diameter weighs 30 pound,' to find the weight of a ſhot of Lead of By the Rule of Proportion. Firſt, if 2 gives 30, what will 3 give ? multiply and divide, and the Quotient is 450g- the weight of a shor of Lead. By the Tables, the Logarithm of 2 is 0301300 The Logarithm of 30 is 14771212 The Logarithm of 3 is Add the z lowermoſt, the ſum is 19542424 Subiraεt the upper Num. Log.of 451. the weight of the the Remain is the Žoi in Lead of the fame diam. 316532124 Extend the Compaſes from 2 to 30, the fame diſtance ſhall reach from 3 to 45 i (In like manner work by the reſt following.) 8-30 --- 3 The porportion between Iron and Stone, is as 3 to 8 ; ſo that a ſhot of 30 pound of 3 Stoxe, is as big as the like hor of 80 l. of Iron and ii l. of Stone, is of the ſame 90 diameter 6 Inches, as a ſhot of 30 l. of Iron and 45 l. of Lead; the proportion between X2 Lead and Scone, is as 4 to 1 ſo that one shot of Lead of 40 1. is of the beight as a gø (113 88 The proportion between Lead and Brals , is as 24 to 19, The proportion between Iron and Braſs, is as 16 to 1%. 1 1 I 1 the ſame diameter. 3 90 X 04771 212 90L45 3 Ву ! } + 1 1 . Book V. / Inches. In Quart. 1 I I 2 I I. 2 9 IO 6 O 310 SI 2 2 2 I2 2 3 that Line you ſhall have 30 pomalo 54 The Art of Gunnery: By theſe Rules aforegoing you may Calculate with eaſe, if Iron flot be wanting, and the other to be had, what height and weight either ſher of Lead, Braſs, or Stone, ought to be of to fit any pieces of Ordnance ; and by the fame Rules here is a Table faithfully Calculated; and doth ſhew the weight of any ſhot of Lead, Iron, and Store, from 2 Inches diam. to 8 Irches, and Quarters of Inches; the proper Stone for this purpoſe is Marble, Pibble, Blew hand Stone ; (there may be a little difference of weight in: ſome ſort of Stone : but theſe do never agree in weight; you muſt remember in load. ing your Piece with a Shot of ſtone, you muſt not have ſo much Powder as you do with Iron-shot, but abate according to proportion, as is between Stone and Iron. Iron. Lead. Stone. The uſe of the Table, to find Poun. Ounc. Poun. Oun. Poun. Oun. the weight of any shot of 7 Iron, Lead, or Stone frönk 9 2 to 8 Inches Diameter. 213 This Table is exactly Calcu- lated, and the uſe thereof is very 3 3 caly; we will make it plain by 3 I 4 32 6 two Examples; I would know of Shor of 6 inches, their weight in 3 3 7 7 Iron, Lead, and Stone : the firſt 4 S IS Column 'is' Inches, the ſecond 411 IO IO 16 Quarters of Inch. the third Poune 4 12 I 2 10 I 18 12 and Ounc. of Iron, fourth Pounds 4 13 14 14 55 9 and Ounces of Lead, fifth Porno and Ounces of Stone. 5 17 26 216 5. I 20 I i 30 2 7 Enter the Table with 6 Inchis 52 23 2134 II8 II diam. in the firſt Column, and in 5 326 6139 919 14 6 of Iron, 45 pound of Leady II 04 6 II | 0051 00 12 pound 4 ounces of Store, the weight of 6 Inches diam. And likewiſe, 6 12 04 for 4 Inches diam. the weight of 6 13 42 0062 an Iron Shot is 14 pound, 140X16. 7 48 0072 of Lead 22 pound 5 ounces, 7I 53 0079 0820 Stone 5 pound ounces; and ſo of 7 258 0087 00 | 22 12 the reſt. 73.64 loo96 0024 8 71 106 8126 2 1414 1 1 I2S I27 IOI 2 I IS2 OQ 12 8 7 13 4 I 2 Sir 1 6 073 4 1514 22 1 8 8 0045 00 II surumloons TANAN 30 34 3 12 00157 oo 14 00|IS 1 I 2 cle 00 18 of 00 oo 1 00 IO SECT. VIII. How by knowing the weight of one Piece of Ordnance, to find the weight of another Picce being of that very shape of the same Metal, or any other Metal. Irſt, with a pair of Crallapers take the greateſt thickneſs of your Piece, as at the Baſe-Ring; and alſo the Piece, whoſe weight you know not. Example. Admit a Braſs Saker of 1900 weight, hath his greateſt thickneſs 11 Inches; Now I find the diam. of the other Braſs Piece, whoſe weight I know not, to be 8 : : then always by theſe Rules: 1 If + 1 1 1 ܂ 55 * CI :). 1 4 i I . Shot, from 1 Inch and to every half in Chap. XII. Tbe Art of Gunnery. If the greateſt diam, and weight is given, to find leſs weight, or elſe the contrary. As the Logarithm greateſt diameter, 11 306069 The Logarithm of the leaſt, 8,7 294200 The Differéſce increaſing. 11869 3 x 3 or the Triple of this Difference Subſtra£t 35607 From the Logarithm of the weight given 1900 3278359 Reſt the Logarithm of 837, the weight required, 292 228 Or extend the Compaſſes from 11 to 87 Inches diam, the ſame diſtance will reachi from the weight given 1900 pound turned 3 times over ta 837 pound. The Arithmetical way. . C8 X 1900 , 837 1. weight almoſt in Braſs. But if the Piece had been Iron whoſe weight you fought, you muſt always do as before with the Braſs, and find the difference of their Metals by the laſt Problem, which is 16 to 18, then fay by the Tables, As the Logarithm of Braſs, 18, 125.527 o? is to the Logarithm of weight in Braſ1,8357 292272 So is the Logarithm of proportion of Iron 16 - en 120412 The Sum 412684 to the Logarithm of the weight in Iron 744-287757 Or extend the Compaſſes from 18 to 837, the ſame diſtance will reach from 16 to 744.1. weight in Irox. Arithmetical way. X 837 by 16 ====744 l. of Iron almoſt. Sect. IX. How to make a Shot of Lead and Stone, the Stone being put in the Mould in which the Leaden Shot ſhould afterwards be caſt, to be of the like Dia- meter and Weight as an Iron Shot is of Lead. Stone. : It is found by experience, that if Poun. Ou. Poan. Oun. Poun. Oun. you take siparts Lead, and one part Scone, ic will.come very near the mat-li ilo ter, wanting, not above 3 Ounces, i 60 which is nothing, reſpecting the diffe- 14. rence you ſhall find in Pebble Stones....2 IZ Here you have a Table how much 3 Lead, and how mach Stone muſt be together, to make the equal of Iron 3 4 the firit and ſecond Column to 8 Inch.. 4_2 1417 Diameter; the third Columnis how 5 77 S much Lead, the fourth how much 413 Stone, the fifth how much weight both 25 ols 30 6 6 o together. 8 po o 48 7 2 148 o 58 59 071 / 18 1 5 1 Both together. Inches. Quart.). 'n 2 8 2 o 2 a rol 2. tals 4 3 2 12 2.15 OII 103 S 818 0 7 IO 7 812 IS IO IZ- 1 14 2 119 I223 6 22 38 olanco OIO ! QII2 CH Hhh SECI. 1 1 1 56 Ibe Art of Gunnery. Book V. Sect. X. * 1 281291 1 1 - kili 16 1 SO4 84 YOO 11. Hors by knowing what quantity of Powder will load one Piece of Ordnance ; to know how much will load any other Piece whatſoever. Dmit you have a Saker of three luches three quarters at the bore dians. and it rea quires 4 pound of Powder ; what will a Demi-Canox of 6 ; Inch. require? Work by theſe Rules always. As the Logarithm of 3 in diam. 257403 The Logarithm of 6 Inch. diam. the difference increaſing, 23888 (3 The triple of the difference added 71664 The Logarithm of 41. of Powder, O OMNCES. 160206 to the Logarithm of 20 or 2016 L. of Pow. 2 31870 100--84-16 So that the Demi-Canon muſt have 20 pound 13 ounces for her Charge of Powder; reduce the Fraction as before in the Margin into ounces. · By the Scale, extend the Compalles from 3.7 to 6 Inches diam. the ſame diſtance turned three times over from 4. - will reach to 20 % pourd weight, as before. 1344 The Arithmetical way. 3 44L13 iyong C6,5*4 201.13 Ounces of Powder for to load a Demi-Canon: 3 C You are likewiſe to underſtand that the Demi.Canon ſhould be fortified ſo well as the Saker by this Rule. The diameter of the Saker is 3 Inches - 257403 The cemi. Canox diam. is 6 Inches the difference increaſing, 23888 (3 The triple of the difference by (3) 71664 added to the Logar. of 1600 weight of Saker 320412 gives the Logar. of 8332 the demi-Canon, 392076 Alſo by the Scale, and Arithmetick Rules, as in the foregoing Rules you will find the weight of the Demi-Canon 8332 pound, proportionable according to the saker; but fuppoſe the Demi.Canon to be no more than 6000 weight, then you must uſe theſe Rules. The ſuppoſed weight of the Demi-canon 6000 377815 add the weight of the Powder well fortified, is 20 The ſum is 709704 Subſtract the weight of the Gur well fortified 8332 392074 leaves the weight of the Powder 15 pound, 317630 Fifteen pourd being a fufficient Charge for that Piece: or extend the Compaſſes from 6000 to 8332, the fame diſtance will reach from 20 to 15l. of Powder, as before. . 281291 1 1 1 331889 The Arithmetical way. 6000 x 20 pound 13 oxnces. 15 pound almoſt, as before. - 8332 Thus 1 1 į '. CHAP. XII. I be. Art of Gunnery. 57 15 / Rules you may ..:.:.61 find the Diao meter of a sboc . CY1011 1 vii. + Thus you are always to take care of over- loading your Piece, which error many run into, when they call a Piece a Demi-canon; they preſently load her with ſo much as is allowed for ſuch a,Piece fo named, feldom examining whether the Piece have Metal énough for falträ'Charge ; by which miſtake they endanger their own lives, and others which ſtand near. Now, for eaſy plain Rules, I ſay you never had before laid down · In'this manner to reſolve theſe things ; for: if you compare theſe Rules with Paih. mitjeMaſter Guniher of the City of Worčifter, for any other Arc-of: Gunuery, you will find a great deal- of difficulty in Cubing anul. Extracting the Lube Röst, and with re- ducing and Fractions (which here you may do five Queſtions for one that way, and more true and near, therefore I compare them to his Rules. .**.!!111) Misir s How to make the true. difpert of any true bored Piece; of Ordnäicė. Now we have found how to proportion Shótani Porder to any Piece of Ordnance By the lanie true bored ; - Before we Load and Fire, let us find the true Diſpert. to directithe shot to the aſſigned mark. Girt the Piece about the Baſc Ring round at the Britch with a Thred, and alſo the with a string. Muzele Ring at the Mouth, and divide them wợ meaſures into 22 equal parts, which you may preſently do, by applying it to a Scale, that hath an inch divided into 10 parts and Divide the parts by. 7, and Subſtract the greater out of the Jeffer, and.take half the difference, is thie true Diſpërt. As for Example. Sappoſe when I have meaſured the length of each String, and Divided it into 22 equal parts, I find that 7 parts of the longer String is in inches and 7 parts of the Thórrer is 9 inches I ŞubItract 9 out of it and the remain is z; the half is i, which is the true Diſpert Another way to Diſpert any Piece.! :- -:If you have a pair of Callipers; as in the general Figure ACB, as you take the diameter of a Shot, and apply it to a Scale : Divided into 8 or 10 parts, to know the Contents thereof; ſo with the Callipers take the greateſt thicknels or diam. of the Bale Ring, and by your Scale ſee how much that is; as admit that the length of the Linea:b;cid, where the diam. of the Bale Ring, then take the diam. of the Muzzle Ring; as admit it be a, b, as you may try by the Figure of the Gun in the general Eigure then Divide the difference bd into 2, equal parts, and one of them is the Diſpert, put it upon the Müzzle of the Gunas CB, and ſtick it faſt on the top of the Muzzle Ring with a little Pitch or Wax, and from the Baſe Ring at A in the Fi; gure., to the top of the Diſpert at By take aim to the Mark. you would floor to, that is the way to bit, but if Callipers be wanting, take a Stick that is ſtraight and flát , and 2 Strings with two Musket Bullers ár the end, and two Loops made at the other end, the Stick being ſomething more than the diam." at the Bafe Ring, and put the Stick upon the top of the Ring at the Mazzls, as you ſee the Fig. HK on the Gun, and put the Strings fo nearer:and farther, until they only touch the ſide of the matter of the muzzle Ring, and mark the Loops on the Sțick, and put the Stick on the Baſe Ring, and do in like manner, and mark the Sticks; and the Work will be the fame, as it were taken by the Callipers, and the difference of the two Notches on the Stick will be ab the Baſe Ring, and ab the Notches of the diam. of the Mozzle Ring, and half the dif- ference bc or cd is the Diſpert, as before, if the Piece be true bored. A fourth way to Diſpert a Piece of Ordnance. If the Piece be noț Chamber-bored, take the Priming. Iron, and put it down in the Touch-hole, until it reſt upon the Metal in the bottom of the bore, there make a mark with the Baſe Ring; likewiſe apply the Priming Iron'to the bottom of the Metal at the mouth, and ſo much higher as the mačk'is which you made at the Baſe Ring, than the Muzzle Ring, the difference is the true Diſpert. $ ::o 31 2 1 and + L > í Hhh 2 SECT. 7 ! 5 58 The Art of Gunnery. Book V. SECI. XI. 1 ; laſt way; How to know whether jour Piece be Chamber-bored. Irft you may Diſpert your Piece the three firſt ways, and when they agree in one; take that for the true Diſpert ; then with your Priming Iron take the Diſpert this which done, compare it with the other Diſpert firſt found, and what it wants, is the juſt difference of the Chamber from the Bore of the Piece, Admit the Diſpert truly found by the two firſt ways be three Inches, as by this laſe way is but two Inches, it ſhews that the Chamber differs from the true Bore on each ſide one lächs ſo that if the Bore of the Prece be five" Inches high; the Chamber be- ing one Inch on each ſide lower, is bur three Inches high : the like Obſervation we would always have you to make, that you may not afterwards be deceived in making Cartredges of Canvas or Paper to load the fame. 1 ! 1 SE'E T. XII. How to know what Diameter.every Shot muſt be of to fit any Piece of Ord nance, or to chooſe Shot for Ordnance. Ake the Diameter of the Bore of the Pieces, and Divide into 20 equal parts, and one of thoſe parts is ſufficient vent for any piece, the reſt of the ing parts muſt be the height of the Shot , but now adays moſt Gunners allow the shot to be juſt one quarter of an Inch lower than the Bore; which Rule makes the Shot too big for a Caron, and too little for a Faulcon, but if the mouth of the Piece be grown wider, then the reſt of the Cylinder within by often ſhooting; to fit Shot to ſuch a Piece, you muſt trie with ſeveral Ransmers-heads, until you find the Diameter of the Bore in that place where the Shot uſech to lie in the Piece ; and a Sbot of one twentieth part lower than that Piece is fufficient, therefore let Gunners remember to triethe Piece, as di- . pected. 3 SECI. XIII. 1 + How to find what Flaws, Cracks, and Honey.combs are in Pieces of Ordnance. Te Here is one good way, as foon as you have diſcharged a piece of Ordnance, cover the mouth of the Piece cloſe, and ſtop the Toxcb- hole at the inſtant time ; if there be any unknown Cracks or Flaws which go through the Metal, a viſible Smoak will come through thoſe Cracks and Flaws; if not, the Gun is norcracked. There is a way to reflect the Sun-beams when he ſhineth, with a Looking-glaſs of Steel in at the hallow Cylinder of the Piece ; for by this means a bright and clear light will be within, and by that light you will ſee every Flav, Crack, or Honey-comb. But this way you may fee at any time ; takea Stick ſomething.longer than the Piece cleave the end of the ſaid Stick, for to hold an end of a Candle, light the Candle, and pat it into the cleft end of the Stick, and put it into the Piece; by this light obſerve by degrees whether from the one end to the other there be any of the foreſaid Flaws, Cracks or Honey-combs in the Piece. This is a uſual way likewiſe, if in ſtriking a Piece upon ſeveral places of the Metal with a Hammer of fron, you ſhall at any Itroak hear a hoarte found, then without doubt there is Honey-combs : but if in ſo ſtriking the Piece, you tlall'at every ſtroak hear a clear ſound, then may you be ſure your Piece is clear of any Horey-combs, Cracks, or Flaws. SECT. XIV. 4 1 1, 1 i i The Art of Gunnery. 59 2 that ſhews the Centre of the bore to be at CHAP. XII. SECT. XIV. How to find whether a Piece of Ordnance be true bored, or not. firſt , there muſt be provided a Staff , and two Rammer heads upon the Staff, and on the Rammers heads there muſt be two right Lines drawn upon them; that is, Divide the two Rammer heads that are the juſt height, and fit the bore into two equal parts oppoſite to each other, and draw Lines thereon ; the like do by the Staff, that the Lines on the Rammer heads may ſtand alike, one at one end and at the other end, as you ſee in the general Figure L M. And let the Staff come through one of the Rammer heads about 9 Inches longer than the Cylinder of the Gur; then lay a flat Stick on the Myzele-Ring, and hold the ſide of the Quadrant on the Scale to the Stick, and it will by the String and Plummet find the middle , or upper and lower place of the Metal; or by hanging a Plumb-Line and Quadrant before the concave, and the Stick on the top; then after you have found the Point, and upper and lower place of the Metal, put the Rammer head L into the Gun, and let one hold him hard, and right with the Line or Mark on the upper part of the Gwn, and lower part with the Line on the Rammer head on the Staff above and below, whilſt you put in a Priming Iron in at the Toach-hole, and ſtrike hard the Rammer head, make a Mark; then pull him out, and apply the Line on the Ram- mer head to the Mark on the upper and lower edge of the Muzzle of the Gun, and you may preſently ſee how much the Mark is from the right Line of the Ram- mer head, to the right hand, or to the left; that is, if the Mark is juſt on the right Line, the bore is in the midſt : but if you find it a quarter of an Inch on the right or left hand, ſo much lyeth the bore either to the right or left; and in Shooting, the Piece muſt be ordred accordingly. But now to know whether it is thicker upwards or downwards, or how the bore is the way to know this, find the Diameter of the Piece at the Touch-hole, as is already taught in 10 Chap. bend a Wire a little at the very end, that it may catch at the Metal when it is drawn out, after the Wire is fitted thus, firſt put it into the Touch-hole til it touch the bottom of the Metal in the Chamber ; then holding it in that place, make a mark upon the Wire, juſt even with the ſaid Touch-hole ; afterwards draw up the ſame Wire, untill it catch at the Metal at the top of the Chamber ; at that inſtant make a mark upon the Wire juſt even with the Touch-hole : the difference betwixt the two marks, is the juſt wideneſs of the Chamber, and the diſtance between the firtt mark, and the end of the Wire, having half the Diameter of the Chamber of the Piece Sub- ſtracted from it, will leave the half of the 'Diameter of the Piece, if the Piece be true bored; but if this number be more then half the Diameter, then the bore lyeth too far from the Touch-hole, and the upper part of the Meral is thickeſt, but if leſs, the under part bath moft Metal. One Example will make it very plain. Suppoſe that the Metal at the Britch be repreſented by ABCD, and the Metal at the Muzzle by eteh, and the bore of the Piece I, whoſe Centre is 1, or the bore K, whoſe Centre is m: (and I find the Diam.of the Piece to be 21 Inc. at the Touch-hole, the halt thereof is 10 inch. Then I find by a Wire the Diam.of the bore to be s inch. but the bottom of the Metal is olsch. half the Diam. of the bore being 2 ; Inches to a 10' makes 13 to the bottom of the Metal ; but if you add to 8; half the diam. of the bore 2 : R, and the thinneſt of the Metal is undermoſt , and there he is like to break firſt; beſides , it thews that you muſt add balf an Inich to your Diſpert of a true bored Piece , te make a Diſpert for the Piece to thoot well : but if you had found by the direction beforegiven, that the an Inch had been lefs, as 1o only, and the greateſt part of the Metal had been under, and therefore you muſt cut the Diſpert an Inch Shorter then a Diſpert made for ſuch a true bored Piece; and likewiſe if you find by the Rammer head, and prick with a Wire at the Touch-hole; an Inch difference to the right or left hand, as I or m. that lide which is the thinneſt, yon muſt put the Diſpert cur an Inch Morter, the three Figures makes all plain as it is written, as you may ſee by the direction of inches. . SBCT. XV. 1 T J + } 60 1 Book V. The Arë of Gunnery. ji 1 ! ASI 1 :,, 1 ! A wi? Lil 1) ;.11 CD 1 how's ! . Blür:péu:VOIENTE:DUL:RET : 1 pente ! 1 1 1 : I DATE: (51KW Blo:11:31:1:1:1 GATIT:3:1:21TTI CRI:18:1:171):13: 1 1 C 1 + 1 Builo Uumului 1 1 ! 1 SECT 1 ! 1 ! + 3 1 f 1 Chap. XII. The Art of Gunnery. 61 1 . ! + + SECT. X V. Of Iron Ordnance what quantity of Powder to allow for their Loading. Ou muſt firſt Calculate a Charge of Powder for the faid Iron Piece, as if it had been a Braſs Piece, and in caſe you want the weight of the ſaid Irox Piece, you muſt find it as you were taught in Chap. ? ; and yýhen you have found it as is taught in Chap. 9, how much Powder will Load the fame if it were of Braſs, then juſt 3 quarters lo much is ſufficient to Load an Iron Piece. As for Eample . A Braſs Saker of 1500 weight requires 44. what will an Iron Demi-Culvering of 2800 weight require? Work as in the 9 Chạp. and you ſhall find 61. or 61.141 ounces, ſo well fortified as the saker, will ferye a Braſs Demi-Culvering for a Charge. The which we will likewiſe examine by the Rule in the 7 Chapter. . The Braſs Saker's diam. is 3 til inthi Logarithm 257403 The diam. of the Demi-Culvering Braſs 4 inches 265321 The difference increaſing. 7919.03 The triple of the difference. - 23754 The weight of the Saker added to it 1500 317609 gives the Logar. of the weight of of the Demi-C. Braſs 2 592 1. 341363 Or by the Scale, extend the Compasses from 3 7.00 4 av to the fame diſtance turned 3 times from 15oo, will reach 2592 l. as before. The Arithmetical way. 4C*15.00 is equal to the weight 2592 pound, which is ==== the weight ſuch a Demi-Culvering ſhould be of 310 that burneth 61.14 ounces of Powder. To find what a Demicalvering of Braſs of 28 hundred will require, Work thus. The Logarithmof 2592 - 341363 The Logarithm of 2 800 344715 The difference increaſing. 3352 The one third of the difference, - 1117 The weight in Powder 6 l. added 283884 gives the weight 7 1. 8 ounces 285001 Or extend the Compaſſes from 2592 to 2800, the fame diſtance will reach from 6:41074 . as before. The Arithmetical way. 2800 x 6 --=7 pound 8 ounces, as before. 1 1 ? 2592 + S Of which number you muſt take 3 Quarters for a Charge for the ſaid Demi-C#- vering; thereof, being 5 pound 1 o ounces will be a fufficient Charge for ſuch a Piece; and alſo whatſoever you find on the Scale, and in the Table in the third Chapter for Braſs Pieces, take three quarters thereof for the Charge of your Iron Piece, it they be near that weight. 1 Sacr.XVI. 62 1 Book V. The Art of-Gunnery. 2 SE c f. XVI. To know what quantity of Powder ſhould be allowed to a Piece of Ordnance not truly bored. 1 thinneſt 4:3 C thinneſt 4:3 of Met. 4:3 Dmit the diameter of the Metal of the Piece at the Touch-hole be 16 inches, and the diameter at the bore is si inches, the weight of the Piece 48go, as you may ſee By Chap. 7, ſuch a piece you may find in the ninth Chap. requires 1 1 i. for her due Charge, being near two Diameters of her bore in Powder But by my Inftrum msent in the general Figure, with the two Rammers heads at the two ends LM (at the Rammer end that was in the Gun at the Touch-hole, I find by the prick at S on the Rammer, the foule or bore to be i ined out of his place, or i inch from the middle of the Metal; then I conclude, that the thinnest part of the Metal is 4 inches parts, and the thickeſt lide 6 and parts; by which it appears that one ſide is juſt 2 inches thicker than the other ſide, as you may fee plainly by this Figure; the Line AB divided is the diameter or greateſt thickneſs at the Touch-hole, every Diviſion ſignifies an inch from the inward Circle to the outward Circle, is the thickneſs of the Metal; the inward B ...Circle ſignifies the bore of the Piece, which you may ſee is juſt an inch from Diani, 2:5 ' A the true bore or Centre of the outmoſt Circle; therefore you muſt work as if Centre 6:8 the Piéce were fortified no more than only ſo much as the thinneſt part of the Metal is, which here doth appear to be 5:2 4 inches parts, the of the diameter of Dem 14 the bore is 2 inches added, makes 7 from A to D, the Centre of the bore being the thinneſt part of the Metal, the whole diameter being 14, which is the true diameter, by reaſon the thinneſt ſide of the Metal is but 4 inches thick, And by this you muſt proportion your Charge by the former being 16 inches, if the bore had been placed at C in the true Centre, then evermore by theſe Rules. 10:4:16 The Logarithm of greateſt diameter 16 is --220412 The Logarithm of the leſs diameter 14:01. 214012 9(4L6 The difference decreaſing, 5800 x[o 3 The triple of the difference Subſtracted -- 17400, from the Logarithm of 11 l. Powder o oruces, 304139 Leaves the Logarishm of the Powder 7 i pound 1 86739 So that 7 peand'i or 6 ounces, is a ſufficient Charge for ſach a falſe bored Piece; or extend the Compaſſes from 16 to 14, the fame diſtance 3 times repeated from 11, will reach 7 its pound, as before. The Arithmetical way. C14 is 2744 * II ====7 pound 6 ounces, as before. C 16 is 14096 4 1 1 > 1 . SECT. XVII. 1 1 - CHAP. XII. The Art of Gunnery, 63 3 i $467: -YI. How Moulds, Forms and Cartredges.gnare to be made for any ſort of Ordnance. Artredges ärtulually made of Canvas and Paper-Royal, firlé'take the height of thé Ubore of the Piéce of your Scall a little leſs. part of an inch of the diameter for the Vent, and three dzami. bf the Chamber of the Piece in breadtkj cut the Paper and the Canvas; añid forth¢Canon in hảight to the whole Culdering, is allowed about 4 diam. of the Pièce, from the Cultering to the Minicn; the Charge the length of two dianiet and call from the Minion to the Baſe 3 diameters of Powder and make them, at firſt about 4 diameters long, and according to the directions here given,' mark them of půc a pound of Powder into each Cartredge, and meaſure how full it fils by your Scale for each Gun in your ship, or Army and by that Rule you may know how to make a Table, to make a Scale, to mark the Cartredge for the full loading, or diminiſh- ing of your Powder., according to the goodneſs or: þadneſs of the Powder and to the exraordinary over-heating of the Piece, having reſolved for what ført of Ordnance care to ſerve you, and accordingly, to, have a form of Wood turned to the height of the Cartredge, which is the 7, 1 part of 22 the diameter of the bore, and an inch longer than the Cartredge is to be, before, you paſte your Paper on the form, firſt Tallow him, fo will ſhe Canvas and Paper Mip off without ſtarting or tearing: if you will make for tapered bore Guns, your, Forms muſt be accordingly tapered, if you make Cartredges of Canvas, allow one inch for the Seams ; but of Paper { of an inch more than 3 diameters for the paſting. If once about the former, having a bottom fitted upon the end of the former, and Cartredge you muſt paſte the bottom close, and hard round about, then let them be well dryed and then mark every one with Black or Red Lead; or Ink, how high they ought to be filled, which if you have no Ladles, Scales, nor Weights, theſe diameters of the Bullets make a reaſonable Charge for the Canon 2 - for a "ulvering.3; and for the saker 3. for the lefſer Pieces 3 of the diameter of the Bullet, and let lome want of their weight againſt time they are over hor, or elſe you may endanger your ſelf, and others. ; 1 Sec T. XVIII. How to make. Ladles,. Rammers, or Spuoges for all ſorts of Ordnance. Very Mr. Gunner doth, or ſhould know how to Trace, Cut out, and alſo make up and finill all Ladles, Spunges, and Rammers, and direct others how to make, and finiſh the ſame ready for uſe. You have in the Table in the third Chapter the length and breadth of the Ladle, anſwerable to eacli Gun in inches and parts, and you muſt allows a diameter more to incloſe the head of the Staff within the Plate; the Button, or head of the Ladle-ſtaff muſt be the height of the Shop almoſt; for Spunges, their bottoms and heads are to be made of ſoft Wood, as Aſp, Birch, Willow, to be one diameter in length, and, or a very little leſs of the height of the shot, and covered with Sheep-skins, Wool, and nailed with Cooper's”. ails, that together they may fill the concave of the Piece, Let the Bottom or Head of the Rammers be of good hard Wood, and the height, as before one, and the length of the diameter of the Shot at one end next the Staff, it must be ſo turned, that a Ferril of Braſs may be pur thereon, to ſave the Head from cleaying, when you Ramme home the Shot, the Buttons muſt be bored for the Staff to be put in and faſtned with a Pin through, and his length a Foot more than the concave of the Gun. To make a Ladle for a Chamber-bored Piece, your Compasſes opened to juſt the diam. of your Chamber within part of an inch, Divide the meaſure into two equal parts, then ſet your Conspasſes to one of them, and by that diſtance draw a Circle'oni 2 Slat or Paper, the diam. of that Circle is - ſhorter than the diam. of the Chamber, and take parts of the Circle for the breadth of the Plate of the Ladle; and for Cannons, the length ought to be twice and parts to hold at two times, the juſt quantity of Iii Sec z 1 7 1 Powder. / 64 1 The Art of Gunnery. II Book V? . 1 o S2C%. XIX: Honö the Carriage of a Pièce Should be made. M Eaſure the length of the Cylinder of the bore, and once, and half that. length Thould be the length of the Carriags, and in depth 4 diameters of the bore of the Piece at the fore-end, in the middle 3 and in and ar the end next the ground 2, and the thickneſs the diameter of the Shor; the Wheels ſhould be one half the length of the Picca in height; the Saker and Minion muſt, exceed the former by part, the Foula con and Fanlcones by one fixth part, : Sca-Carriagos are made lęksas the Block-maker that makes them hach. Rules for. 03:37::. ravimo Siu.c T. X X. ܝܪܗ. ܕ ܀܂ 1 L f "! 1 + To Borrit 1 To know whether the Trunnions of any Piece of Ordnance are placed right! МБ Eafure the length of the Cylinder of the boſe from the Muzzle to the Britch, Divide the length by 7, and Multiply the Qyotſent by 3, and the Product wití ſhew you how many Inches the Trunnions muft ſtand from the loweſt part of the con- cavity of the Piece, and you muſt know that the Trunnions ought to be placed, ſo that of the Piece may be feen above, or ia that place where the Trunnions are ſet. ig:02 SI C'T. XXI. How much Rope will make Britchings and Tackles for any Piece. N Ships that carry Guns, the moſt experienced Gunners take thiş Rule.. Look how many foot your Piece is in length, four times ſo much is the length of the Tackle, and their Britchings twice the length; and if the Ropes, be ſuſpected not to be good, they nail down Quoyners to the Fore-Trucks of heavy Guws, that he may not have any play; and if britchings, and I ackles, and Q Hoywers Phould give way in foul weather, preſently diſmount her, that is the fureſt way. The Rammers and Spunges are made of four Seranda "Ropes beſt, and ſerved cloſe, and ſewed with Yarn, that they may be ſtiff to Ramme home the Shot and Wadd. Sacri XXII. 4 에 ​ih , 2 I 21 r 1 A + 1 1 What Powder is allowed for Proof, and what for Action of each Piece Or the biggeſt fort of Pieces and Canons; for Proof , and for Service her weight of her Iron shot, for the Culvering the weight of the shot almoſt for Proof, and for Action, for the saker and Faulcon, and for leſſer Pieces the whole weight of the Stot, until they grow hot ; and for Proof, the leſſer Pieces give them I and of the weight of the Bullet in Powder. SICT. XXIII. The difference between the common Legitimate Pieces, and the Baſtard. Pieces, and Extraordinary Pieces. Ging pners call them Legitimate Pieces, as have due length of their Chaſe, accord- ing to the height of their bores; Baſtard Pieces are ſuch as have ſhorter Chaſes, than the Proportion of their bore doth requires and Extraordinary, are fuch Pieces as have longer Chaſes, than che proportion of their bore alloweth; and theſe are called Baſtard Conors, Culverings; and fo likewiſe of Saker and Fanlcon, which by your Scale, and the Rule thereon, you may preſently find them. Sect, XXIV. . 1 1 1 1 1 * Chap. XII. Tbe Art of Gunnery 65 1 - f ! 1 ! in:0... SECT: XXIY: How Powder is made, and ſeveral ways. to knop whether Powder be de- eaged ob 10, by moi tirre or Age, in pårt, önin whole. Owder was always made of Sait-peter, Brimſtons and Charícole ; but in theſe latter times experiencë hàth Itill mended the goodneſs or ſtrenģth of it more, that is Wäs'in former times by much: but briefly tilts , the beſt fore that is made at this pret Pént time is made of ſix parts Sälc-peter, Brimſtone, Chár-cole, one part . si birthe Muſquetór Piſtol Powder is niow commonly made of Salt;peter five pafts,- ofie part of Brimſtone, and one of Cole; Canon-Powder of Salt-peter four times as much as of Brimſtone, and as of Cole. The reaſon why Piſtol-Powder being the ſtrongeſt of 6 - 1 - 1 is not ſo good for the Canow as 4-1-1 the weakeſt, although you take but ſo much of the Piſtol Powder as you find by an Engine to be of like ſtrength with another quantity of Canon-Poroderi The reaſon why Canon Powder is beſt for Ordnance, -is; becauſe it taketh üpa grea- rer room in the Cylinder of the Piece, than Piſtol-Porder , for in taking it hath the greater length or fortification of Métal about it in the Pitch 111115, Suppoſe a Saker require four l. of great Powder for her loading, and I would knoiv how much Piſtol Powder is equal in ſtrength to fólir l. of Canon-Powder, trying by an Engine made on purpoſe to try Powder, I find 3 l. of Piſtol-Powder ; therefore you calily concieve, that 3 pounds have but 3 quarters of the Metal of the Piece to keep it from breaking, when 4 pound had a quarter more Métal, than the other had. Lipi Nath. Nye'Mr. Gänner föund-by 'an'experiment made by him at Deriton tfie-37 of March Anno 1644, he loading a Saker-bore Piece of Iron, and the thickneſs of the 47 Pound of Metal. Ivietal about the Chamber was 2-inch. and load her with 4 pound of weakGanon- Pójväder which filled the Cylinder of the bore 9 inch. juſt; which girch. in length, and two irich. in thickneſs is 225 inches of Merál-about the Powder, which was 6 ounces more than the Piece ſhould have had in proportion to Piſtol- Powder': He fired, and the Piece went off fafe, and he faith, he loaded her again with one pound and of fine Powder almoſt, which filled the bore but 2 inches and, and had to its Fortification but 6,8 inches, which in weight is 15l. and when the Gun was diſcharged, it broke into divers pieces, as there is witneſs enough in that Town, The harder the Corns of Powder, are in feeling, by ſo much the better it is. Secondly, How to know Gun-powder of a fair Azure or French, Ruffer colour is very good, and it may be judged gocd Powder: to have all its Receipts well wrought, and the proportion of Peter well refined. Thirdly, Lay 3 or 4 Corns of "Gun-powder upon a white piece of paper, the one three fingers diſtant from the other, and fire one, if the Powder is good, they will all fire at once, and leave nothing but a white chalky colour in the place where they were burned, neither will the Paper be touched; but if there remains a groſneſs of Brimſtone and Salt-peter; it is not good. Fourthly, If yon lay good Powder or the palm of your Hand; and ſet it on Fire, it will not burn you. Fifthly, To know the beſt amongſt many forts of Pox- der, make a little heap of every fort, and then ſetting thoſe heaps one from the other, mark well when you put Fire into them, which of the heaps did rake Fire the ſooneft; for that Powder that will ſooneſt be on Fire, fmoak leaſt, leave leaſt ſign behind it, is the beſt fort of Gun-powder. J: 11.15 / } 11 } 1 1 : liig S5Ć T. 1 Foto 1 66 . + Boor V The Art of Gunnery. is ide! W** ::2 1 1 * ij SË C T. XXV. How to make an excellent good Match to give Fire to ang Ordnance. Ake Cords made of Hemp that is not very fine, or of Tow which is better, Cal- though it will conſurae ſooner and twitt irruntil you liave made the Srands as in sa makis little Finger ; this done böyl the faid Cords in ſtrong Lye aſhes , and a little Sale-peter, until all the Lye be waſted, and then make it up, and take the feces or re- mainer into your hand, and with the other draw the Match through twice or thrice, then, and keep it for ſpecial uſes, for Vaults, Mines, and moiſt weather, and it is very fit for your uſe any where. Ś i c r., X.XVI. How to make Powder it ſhall not waſt with time, and preſerve that as is good to keep it from decaying, Hat time ſhall not waſt it, take what quantity of Powder you will, and mix it with 1 Brandy, and make it up in Balls, and drie them well in the Sun, or in a warm place, and keep them in Earthen Pocs well glazed until you have cauſe to uſe them; this Pow der will not waſt with age, nor decay. To preſerve, Powder that is good, all Gruners have, or ſhould have that reaſon to keep their powder and Store in as good a drie place as is to be had in Porto Ship con, venient , and every Fortnight or at moſt three weeks turn all the Barrels, and Carrjedges Barrelled up for readineſs , turn theni upſide down, ſo will the Peter be Diſperz into every place and part alike; for if it thould ſtand long, the i'eter will deſcend-down- wards always as it lies, and if it is not well ſhaked and moved, it will want of its ítrerigrh at top very much, and one Pound at bottom with long Itanding, will be ſtronger than three at the top; keep all Carcredges which are filled for the Piece againſt he is, lot in Barrels by themſelves, that you may know them by a mark when need requires 1 1 1 1 1 ::? 1 1 : . 1 1 Sich. XXVII. T . 1 To renew and make good again any ſort of Gun-powder that hath loſt its ſtrength by long lying, or moiſture, or any other means. FREE Irſt moiſten the ſaid Gun-porder with Vinegar or fair water, beat it well in a Mor- tar, and then ſift it through a fine Sieve, or a Search;with every pound of Gun-powder mingle one ounce of Salt-peter that hath been mealed; and have ſo done, beat and moiſten this mixture again, until you ſee by breaking, or cutting with a knife that there is no ſign of Sali-peter or Brimſtone in it; moreover, corn this Powder when it is incorporated with the Peter as it ought to be; then prepare a Sieve with a botrom of thick Parchment made full of round holes, then moiſten the Powoder which ſhall be corned with Water, put the ſame, and alſo a little Boul into the Sieve ; and when you have fo done, life the Powder fo-as che Boul rolling up and down in the sieve may break the clods of Powder, and make it by running through the holes to corn; and if it will not go through, you muſt beat it again until it will. 1 + 1 1 1 > SECTIE 1 } ! fr . 1 Lt GHAR. XII. I bei Art of Gunnery. 67 I -vin 1 is!! T sp Sarcér.: XXVIII. To make Powder of diven's Colours, and firſt to make White Powder. Ake of Sult-peter 12 pares ; of Brimſtone two parts; and of Campllir öne part, beat,and fift, and incorporate all theſe things together, and after you have' to done, bcat tlieta again, aid ſo oft until you'are ſure they are well incorporated, then móilen it'with Aqua Vitd and which you have thus doné, cořn the Ponder; as you are fäsight before. Tai make Red Powder :::910 1.2. also: ; Take the ſame things , and jork them as before directed for white Powder, and as that was moiltred, with Aqua Vite, now you muſt moiſten this with Yineagaf, being Red as Blood, which will make the Punyder likewiſe ſo in moiſtening of it, and then corn it, as is before taught. 6. To make any Coloured Powder. !!!!!!!!!! BoiltheViņeagarin ſuch tranſparent Colours as you would have the Powder to be of, as if: Blew with Blew Bice, of Green with a little Verdigreace and the likers always take care that the Colour berhot too thick, but very thin, or elſe it will weaken the Powder that you do make. od VLT !: Tit!,! osar Sect. XXIX. son't Fill's 1 veriline | 1 !! 1 ,* sºr:-:fi:... 1.. 1 OD 30 honi si of ſeveral ſorts of Salt-peter, and a way how to make a fort of Salt-peter very excellent, with eaſe; and leſs-cost than any way. W!! - oltinis Rtificial Salt-peter is a mixture of many ſubſtances gotten with Fire and Watercout A the beſt of all is of Beaft-dung converted into Earth, in Stables, or Durghills of a long time not uſed; and when it is to be made it is made with a great deal of Charge. Another excellent fort of Salt peter is made on Flower that is called Plaſter that groweth on Walls four parts, of Unlak'd Lime one part, and ſo boiled over the Fire with Water, which is to no purpoſe to make relation how for to make full direction will fill my live- ſed ſheets too fåſt; but this one way, which is the moſt eaſie and leaſt coft, I will write the Receipt thereof;" which is this ... Take quick Lime, and pour warm Water upon it, and lex it.ſtand ſix days, ſtirring it twice or thrice a day; and take the clear of this . Water, ſet it in the Sun until it be waſted, and the Salt-peter will remain in the bottom. To refine Salt-peter, and make it fit for uſe, there is ſeveral ways, but this by:Fire Iſhall only write thereof. Do:thus": take an Iron Potor Skellet, and fill it with Petery ſet it on the Fire, and cover ir cloſe with an Iron Cover on the top, or with a Stone, when the Sale-peter is melted, cake Brimſtone moſt finely bearengand caſt ſome thereon, kindle it,ánd let it burn until all the upper part be burned, which when eftected, will leave the Salt-peter clofe like to a piece of Marble, for the Brimſtone will burn up the groſs victioufnels of the Salt/perer ; It is to no purpoſe to give a further relation of this, by reaſon every Gunner may have his Peter ready made refined and in Meal at the Powder-mens, or Chandlers; or it he is conſtrained to make Peter'or Fowder, he may have ſeveral Books which give a full and large deſcription of the making thereof, as Nath. Nye Tarta glid, or Nurton's, but for what is uſeful for a Gunner in particular, is fufficiently ſpoken already ; therefore let it fuffice now, having ſhewed fufficiently how to make Powder, and trie the ſtrength of Powder ; to know what Shot and Powder is meet for every Piete, to find whether the Piece. be true bored or not, to load a piece with difcretion, if not true bored to make the Diſpert ; and alſo to know the difference betwixt Iron and Braſs Pieces. I all come to touch how to make a good shor either of Point-blank, or at Random, with as much eafe and plainneſs as ever was taught by any before. SECT. XXX 1 3 1 1 ! T 68 IlBooKIN: The Artufi Gunnėry. t ܀ Be With 1 ! " 1 Secr. XX.X. soviHow to Loağ.and Fire aiPiece of. Drdnarićetlikeinın Artiſta: ;? B Efore, je ſhootas , Mark, it is best to Load our Pjece, in whicl.fift.obfervethe and.befareto lay your Budge Barrelui. Cartredgehof youporn to Wind- ward e fryzur iLiestorand place your Liñſtock to life ward clear the Tçach-holes and Spungehe, well, ans: Atrike the Spunge on the Muzzleafbake off the foulnets tivo pa three blows. Then let him ſtand on the right ſide of the Grö, äna ibid the Barrel, ſo that his altiſtant may thruſt in the Ladle being full, give it a ſhogy, then Itrike off the heaped Powder, he being in the right lidt likevile, with His Body eleif of the Muzzles Put the Ladie home rofilie Chambé, Niidily holding yolix Thimb upol the upper part of the Ladie, füll, then carti che si dit until your Thumb be quite Ahderit, and give'a ſhake or tivo to clear the Pow.ler out of the Ladic; as you hale hini out, keep him upilike you may bring no Powder out with the Ladle; then with the Rammer put the Powder home gently, and after put in a good wad, and thruſt it home to the Powder, and give it two or three ſtroakş, to gather the 199fe Powder, together, and it will. fire the better ; be ſure your allikant have his Thumb on the Touch-bole all chis while; then pat in the Show with the Rammer homegrand after him another Wad, cand then with the Rimmer give trvo or three ſtrokes more to ſettle it home, that there may be no vacuity between the first Wad Bullet, and laſt Wadde your Budge-Barrel and your ſelf ſtanding to Wind- ward always, and your"Piece by the Diſpért,directed to the Mark, Prime her, and let the Powder come from the Touch-hole to the Baſe-ring, your Leg, {tanding for- wards and fire the Powder on the Baſe-ring, and draw-back your Hand; and you have fired like the beſt of Gunners, but if you had given fire upon the Touch-hole; the Porder there would have endangered to have blowed the Cole and Linſtock and all out of your fiand; therefore, you muſt have a care:ofcagreat. Touch-hole. ! to ai SBCT. XXXI. The difference of Shooting by the rižetal , and by a Diſpertly a Right Range, and at Random, by the Figures following.tsa: :. Hooting by the Metal is the Figure A B, that is, admit you raiſed the Muzzle-ring, Shooting by and the Baſe-ring, and the Mark, and your Eye in a Right-line, if you put the Scale inta the Muzzle with the Plummet:hanging to its you ſhall find it differ 4 or 5 or 6 degti according to the length or Mark of the pieces and in regard of the ſeveral diffe- rences of the length and marks, or Diameter of her Baſevand Muzzle-ring, no certain proportion can be generally alligned, yet før moft hath been well obſerved, that the Piece.directed by, her Metal, will ihvor about twice as far as when the Mark is level and ſet by.a Diſpert &c; Quadrant and the Sight-line parallel to the Horizon, ſo that admit à Piecë were laid-by the Metal of Baſe and. Muzzle-ring, and that it differed from a right Level 6 degr. as you found by your Quadrant in the Scale, you fired at the Mark; thie Gun fo layed, and meaſuring the diſtance you Paces, which is as much beyond the Mark,as it is to it, which is the difference of Shooting by the Diſperc or Axis of the bore in right bored Pieces following, this is chlled Point-blank; for if you ackrïow- Shooting by a Dilperto ledge the higher the Muzzle of a piece is elevated, the farther the shot is carryed in a Right-line." There can be no Point-blank directly known, nor Rules to know them, without you take a Piece and make 11 Shots out of her, and ſo proportion a Table , as here is one following. You muſt have leave, if poſſible, to Shoot ſo many Shots in a fuch elevations with the like goodneſs and quantity of Powder, as will sake you ſuch a Table of the Proportions of Right Ranges, called Point-blanks, before you can have any gueſs certainly of Proportion for other Guns; but to make a good Shot:a6 a Mark, firſt be ſure your Guns Trunnions be placed right, the Carriage well made, the Platforos 1 11. il 10: } } ។ con ce ::,! the Metal. 1 1 ? 5 > . The mixt or Crooked Motion. 1 F I 2.48 to paces, right Rainge 10;.. D E A: of Shooting Mira Comme ;' or by the mettall of the peice 412. Paces. Wh The way B مممممم + 4 Shooting, punctually, Levill by adjpurt 206. Paces. D JOIHIN LP *yout ܐ. ܘܟ I The violent Motion. 2123161 , B Motion The Tlaturall INTE is HE 1 th 900 Boo 700 600 500 400 300 200 Too Paces. 100 I A 6 Book:V:page.68:69. 4 F F 1 4 | 7 + 1 , 1 1 A! I 1. . 4 1 제 ​1 1. 1 + 1 1 T 41264 $ 2.7.8 and Quadrant on it and Plumb-line, "if it hang in the Mouth of the Chap. XII. Fle:Art of Gunnery. 69 Platform clean ſwept, and that the ground be Level, and that the Carriage- A Table of Wheels be one as high as the other, and whether the Axle-tree be placed Point-blanks. jult acroſs the Carriage, or not; or whether the Piece be true bored or not, i deg.:tandoris if it be a true bored Pieci, let your Diſpert on the Muzzle-ring gust over, O. 192. then Centre of the Muzzle of the Piece, which may be done by holding a 17.299 Line right before the Muzzle, and two Sefcks or Notches máce iti Sticks put 2224 on the Muzzle-ring, and by the Line you may eaſily find the middle where 3,6244 to put the Diſpert; and likewilė if the Line touch the upper lide & lowér fide of the Metal alike, you may be ſure the Gost liés Level, or by the scale piece, 6.1285 and no degrees of Altitude, but by the Long Side-lie thereof, be ſure the 71302 Pisce is Level, and will earry the Bullet Horizontally in his violenc oyile, s. 310 therefore by your Crows and Standers by, or Matrolles ſet about the Piece 99337 to the Mark, a9 at D, that with your Eye two foos from the baté:ring 10 354 you may ſee the Mark on the upper part of the Balk: ring, the top of the 20 454 Difpečt, and the Mark or Turret you Shoot si in a Right-line, as CD, 30693 atid this you may call Point-blanik, and all Shooting in this Form, and no 49 855 other, SO1060 On the upper part of the Baſe-Ring, the top of the Dilpëre; 'ati thë Mark or Turget To Shoot in 2 Right-Rarge, you Shoot at in a Right-line, as CB; and this you may call Point-blank, and all Shooting in this formu, and no other. But for Shooting in a Right-line called the Right Range of a Buller out of Right-kira: for making of Batteries, or Shooting at Random at any advantage, you may make uſe an; Degree of of this Table, until by your own experience, you have inade out of a Guw by Shopring Elevation. firſt Level, and aftet ward from degree to degree to 10 degrees mouritüre, or more in a By the Rule of Right-line. Proportion. The uſe of the Table of Right-Ranges, or Point-blanks before-going, it is foundi248 239519 by experience, that the Piece aſſigned at ſix degrees of mounture Shoot 200 Paces in a a right or inſenſible crooked Line; 1.deſire to know how far the fame Piece will Shoot 10:354,25 4900 in a ſtraight Line, being mounted to 10 degrees? lay by the Table if 285 the Number againſt o degrees giveth 200 paces, what will 354 the Number againſt so degrees give? I anſwer, 2487% paces. The Logarithm of 6 degr. is 28 5. 245484 bacl wards, is The Logarithm of the Paces known 200 6 digr. againſt 230103 The Paces againſt 10 degr. is 354 is 2 54900 Table, The Sum 485030 give the Logarithm of 248: Paces 239519 U :: . Siiri that is, & far as the Bullet doth go in a any Piece pl. laces, 200'230703 Sum 485003 285245484 Which done 285 in the last ll Orextend the Compaſes from 285 to 200, the fame diſtance will reach from 354 200*354 to 248 5 Paces as before = 2:48: Paces, as beföré. 285 And the Figure is from E the top of the Caſtle to F the ſide of the Tower at To degr. mounture, carries the Bullet violently 248 Paces. 1 . SÉCT. 70 The Aidof Gunnery. II Book V: Siva 1 + + 5. 1 Jus:1; . Papillit L ... SECT. XXXII. T. nigiri za :511 Y DSi,....ini. Horb to Ordego Dire& a Piece, and amend an ill shot that was mirdi, either by the Keton Level, Right-line , oy Advantage, or itlount. Adonyos hath been before taught again, and when your Preçelies directly against Fter you have made one Shot, und find the piece carry juſt over the Mark, then the Mark, obſerve how much the laſt ſtroke of the Shor is above die Marx, lo much longer make your Diſpert, that the top of it may be juſt ſeen from the Britch of the Piece in a direct Line with the ſtroke of the Shor; and being to fitted, Leyel yous Piece with this new Diſpert to the aſſigned Mark, give Fire, and without doubt it will. Atrike the ſame ; if the trſt Shot had ſtruck under the Mark, then bring the Piece in all points , as before ;, mark how much of the Diſpert'is over the Shot) and cut it juſt to Thort, as being at the Britch, you may diſcern the top of it , the Mark of the Bile- Ring, and the ſtroke of the Shot in a Right-line, when you percieve it is of Inch: length, Level thë' Pièce to the intended Mark as at the firſt, Prime, and give Fire. If the firſt Shot had ſtruck on the right Hand of the Mark, to mend it, you muſt I.evel the Piece'as furmerly, you ſtanding behind the Britch of the Piece, obſerve the Itroke of the Shut over the Diſpert, that part of the Bafe-ring which you at that inſtant looked over in a kight-line towards the Diſpert, and the ſtroke of the Shot, ſet up a Pin with a little foft Wax on the Baſe-ring, ſo this Pin will be in a Right-line with the Dif- perr and ſtroke, chen Level your Piece to the Mark intended by this Pin, and the firſt Diſpert; and without queſtion you will make a fur: Shos; for when you Level by the Meral of the Baſe-ring where the Pin is placed and the Mark; the Piece ſtanding at thär direction, look over the top of the Diſpear from the Mark in the Bafe-ring, and you . thall find the Piece to lie juſt ſo much to the left, as the former Shot ſtruck , to the right, from the intended Mark, which thould in all likelihood now ítrike the Mark. ? ) But if the Shot be both wide abil too low, then you muſt uſe both directions, as before taught to make the next Shot ;' firſt regulate the Diſpert by cutting it thorter, according as the Ivark of the Shot is lower than the intended Mark, then by the laſt Rule mend the Shooting wide ; theſe things done with care and diligence, you may be ſure will mend a bad Shot. 1 Se c'T. XXXIII. of shooting upon the Advantage or Random, at a Mark, beyond the Righi. line of the Pieces reach, or Right-range of the shot, and of the Dead- range for every Degree. N the two laſt Sections we have Mewed for the Right-range ; now we come to Mhew for the Dead-range; which confifteth of the right and crooked Range together jo one, and then called the Dead range, which is the whole diſtance from the Platform upon which the Piece intended. or aſſigned is diſcharged unto the firſt full of graze of the Bullet on the Level-Line , or on the ground called the Horizontal Plain, (by reaſon the different length of the Piece, and ſtrength of the Pow- der increaſeth or diminisheth the courſe or fury of the Shot, and therefore more difficult to be found out, but only by Experience, or Diagrams, Tables, or Scales made by Experiment; now it vis ery diftiault, and a thing uncertain alſo to arrive hure- in unto exactneſs, without ſome Experience at the Piece; and therefere every one that will learn to Shoot at Random, muft draw his Piece in a Level Ground, where firſt Shooting Level, he'muſt obſerve that diſtance in Feet and Paces; then Mount his Piece to one degree, and mark where that shall Graze, and thus find the diſtance of every degree from the Level to the 10 degree, and by theſe diſtances make a Table, to which annes 71 CHAP. XII. The Art of Gunnery. annex the degrees againſt the diſtances, by which Table, and the Rule of Proportion; or Logarithms, or Line of Numbers, find how far another Piece will convey her Shot from degree to degree; but in caſe you cannot have the Liberty, nor Powder to do the aforeſaid, you ſhall have a Table here that was made out of a Saker eight Foot long (by Nath. Nye, as in the 40th. Chap. of his Book,) where he faith, he Loaded her with three Pound of Porder:, the Shor at one degree of mounture was carryed 375 Yards, or 225 Paces; the next Shot was at five degrees Random, and at that mouriture the Shot was conveyed 416 Paces; and the next tryal was at ſeven degrees mounture, and the Random produced 5os Paces; the laſt tryal was at 10 degr. mounture, which ſent the Shot 630 Paces of five Fort to a Pace. Whilſt he made theſe Shots, he loaded the Piece himſelf with looſe Powder, exactly weighed, and weighed the Wad alſo, and beat down the ſaid Wad with four ſtrokes ſo near as he could by the fame ſtrength, as he did the time before; alſo he let the Piece coot betwixt each Shot of it felf, ſtaying above half an hour betwixt each Shot, he pue no Wad after the Bullet, becauſe thé Piece was mounted, he tryed the ſtrength of his Powder, and noted it down, to compare with other Powder, to know its ſtrength by ; and that is the way all Gunners muſt take, that intend to make good Shots at Random All Mr Gunners ſhould be able to draw an exact Deſcription of the ſaid Garriſon, and every object as lyeth near his works by the Rules of the 7th. Chap. of the Ars of Surveying by the Sea-Compaſs in this sth Book; fo that he may know what is within reach of his Gans, by which means he ſhall not be troubled to take Diſtances, but be ready at all times to know his Diſtances by his Maps : then after he hath made one Shot, he may make another Shot to any Diſtance he pleaſeth. + Example. Suppoſe I know the Diſtance by my Map where the firſt Shot grazed to be 704 Paces, as you may ſee by the Figure out of the lowermoft Gun of the Caſtle from Ś to the graze at A, the mounture of the Piece being 4 degr. how much muſt I mount the Piece to convey her Shot 900 Paces, as you may ſee by the Figure B the Gun, to C the Shots graze, or place required. You muſt proportion theſe Diſtances of Random, to thoſe in the Table following : ſaying, if 704 Paces require 370 Paces, as is in the Table at 4 degrees of Random, what number will be found againſt the degree in the Table; I muſt Mount the Piece unto 900, and work by theſe Rules. Extend the Compaffes from 370 x 900 the ſame will 473 701 704 to 370, 11 11 Il reaci from goo lo 473• 295424 The Logarithm of the Shot made 704 is 284757 The Logarithm in the Table againſt 4 degr. is 370) - 250820 The Logarithm of goo Paces Random is The Sum is 552244 gives the Logar. of 473 Paces, which I look for in – 267487 the Table of Randoms, but find no fuch number there, but the next leſs is 461, and the nex greateſt is $50 againſt 7 degrees, the difference between theſe two Numbers, is 44 and 461 is 12 leſs than 473, and 12 is almoſt the one fourth part of 44, and therefore it thews that the Piece muſt be mounted at 6 degr. 15 min, or one Quarter to reach the Diſtance of 200 Paces as from B or b to C. $05 461 44 sos 473 32 Kkka Here 72 The Art of Gunnery Book V. 2 } of the Quadrant I have ſhewn you; and alſo obſerve how many degrees the Platform A Table of the proportion Here is a Table of Randoms that was made out of the fore-named of dead Ran Saker of 8 Foot long, and loaded with 3 Pound of Powder, and every ges. Gunner is adviſed, it poſſible, to get Powder, to make one by his own Deg. Randoms. experience, and always to keep ſome of the fame Powder to try his 206 Proportions by ; the Rule in the 24 Section by any other Powder he Thall have occaſion to uſe, for this is 1 of the material things belonging I 225 274 to a Gunner, without which knowledg hec an never make a good Shor; 3 1 323 for at the time of a Leagure he muſt expect often to change his Poro- der, as ſometimes you ſhall have 9 Pound of one fort as good as 15 of another fort, as by Inſtrument and Shooting you may have expe- 6 rience. 7 .sos 8 548 SECT. XXXIV. 9589 10 630 How to make an effettual Shot out of a piece of Ordnance at Random. Very one that hath Charge of a Gun, muſt at one time or other ger leave of his ſure the Diſtance from the Platform to the firſt graze of the Shot, you muſt apply it to this Table by the laſt Rules of Proportion in the laſt Section and find what deg. you ſhall need Mount the Guito for any other shot at any other time, when you ſhall have oc- caſion; when you have Loaden your Piece, as you are directed in Sect. 32, take the Diſtance to the Mark in the XVI Chap. of the ſecond Book of the Deſcription and uſe 4 370 5 416 461 1 E 1 F J is higher or lower than your Mark by your Quadrant on the back-lide of your Scale; after you have done that, then Calculate by the laſt Rules what degree the Gun muſt be Mounted to, to reach the Mark, if the ſaid Work be under the Platform, subftract the Difference found by your Quadrant, out of the degree of the Random; but if the ſaid Mark be higher than the Platform, Add the degr. of that Altitude to the degree of the Random, and at theſe corrected degrees Mount your Piece. on a How to Mount pour Piece by your Scalc and Quadrant thercon. t tha l'iece. The uſe of the To the ſide of the Scale or Quadrant is a piece of Braſs .fitted of the ſame breadth, Quadrant on with two Screws, and holes fitted to ſcrew the Brafs Plate two Ixches of the former back-ſide of length, without the Edge or Side of the Line of Numbers, for to take any Angle that th: Scale in the is under the Line of Level, for if you put the Braſs into the Mouth of the Piece, the third Chap. for the Mounting of Line of Numbers being next unto it, and put in the Tompkin into the Mouch likewiſe to ſtop ir faſt in the middle of the Metal at the bottom, and then the ſtanders by raiſe the Britch with Crows to what degree you pleaſe; and ſo likewiſe if the Mark or degr. aſſigned be above the Line of Level, if the scale will not ſtand faſt by the degree of the Diameter that fits, the Bore, putting of it juft into the Mouth of the Piece, then ſcrew the Braſs Plate to a hole made on purpoſe for the other ſide, and turn the degrees of the Diameter to the Bore, and falten it with the Tompkin in the middle of the Mouth, as before ; and ſo this Inſtrument will be moſt uſeful for all things as belong to a Ganner, with leſs trouble and Charge, than any other that ever was made by any other Men, and far more uſeful. · Then the Inſtrument being in the Month of the Piece, as before directed, mark di- ligently until the Plumb-Line, which proceeds from the Centre of the Quadrant, cut theſe aſſigned degrees and Parts of degrees that you are to Mount the Genby, in the Arch which is Divided into 90 degrecs in the outward Circle thereof ; your Gun fo Loaded and fitted, as beforeſaid, make your Shot, for without queſtion, you make a good Shot, and ſtrike or came near the Mark, As } will 1 ? A CHAP. XII. Ibe Art of Gunnery. 73 As for Example. you Suppoſe you make tryal of your Gun as is ſpoken of in the laſt Section 32, find that at 4 degrees of Random upon a Level. Ground the Shot is conveyed 704 Paces, if you be called out in haft upon Service againſt a City, or other Fort, and being ap- pointed to play your Guntowards it, you alſo find it to be beyond the reach of the Right-range of your Shot, and the Diſtance being 560 Paces; and alſo that the place is lower than where you can Plant your Cun by one degree and or 10 min. then to know the degree of Mounture, you may work as by the laſt Rule, if 704 gives 370 againſt four degrees, what will s60 give? the Diſtance to the Mark, it will give you the Number 295 ; look for this Number in the laſt Table 295, or the neareſt Number to it, and againſt that degree and Part of a degree, which muſt alſo be found by Sub- ſtracting the neareſt leſs Number out of the neareſt great Number, the greateſt Num- ber in the Table is 323, the neareſt leaſt is 274, the Difference is 49, the difference betwixt 323, and 395, is 28, the half of 49 is 241, which thews that degree is 2 and a little above of Random, but becauſe the Mark is lower than the Platform, Sub- Atract one degree or 10 min. out of 2 degr. 32 min. and the Remain is o degr. 22 min. the true height the Piece muſt be elevated, to reach the Mark; but if the Shot graze to the right cr left, you are to mend it by direction in Sect. 31, but ever by the Example or Direction there. Suppoſe the Shot graze over the Mark 20 Paces, Subftract this 20 out of 56o che Diſtance, and Mount the next Shot according as if the Mark were but 5 40 Paces diſtant, if 20 Paces too ſhort, make the next Shot as 5 80 Paces, that is the degree that is found by that Proportion to reach ſo far. ! Sac I. XXXV. Irft, you How to find the Right-Line, or Right-Range of any Shot diſcharged out of any Piece, for every elevation by one Right or Dead-Range given for the Piece aligned. muſt have the help of this Table of Dead-Ranges, which was made by You may make Experience of Mr. Norton, and the Table of Point-blanks, or Right-Ranges, was uſe of this Ta- the fame Shots in a Right-line at every degree of Mounture, as this Table is the Dead- ble by the ſame graze of the Bullet at the fame Shot with the ſame Gun, for he made 200 Shots for Rules in the 32 tryal. Now although it be a thing very difficult, and likewiſe uncertain to arrive herein to exactneſs, without ſome Experiments made with the aſſigned Piece and Powder ; yet to come to a neceſſary nearneſs at firſt , far furer than by accertain gaeſling by this Fable, or by my Scale , and the Rules therein directed. Se&. and Table of dead-ranges As for Example. Admit you were to ſeek the Right-Range of a Bullet, that the Piece was fired at 30 degrees Mounture, and the Dead- Range of the Bullet was known to be 2200 Paces. . 2200 X 693 210 Paces. 2150 3 11 .| Kkk 2 Or 1 1 I 1 1 574 T-be Art of Gunnery Book V R 1 O 1 { .. اور ivici 1.610 Range of } ::* 1 i ! : دارد به دل ولو 1 КІ І 1849 A Table of Pro- Or look in this Table of Dead-Ranges againſt 30 degrees is portion of Dead- Ranges. 42150) -333243 Degr. Paces. And the Dead-Range given or knowit for 30, déğreti 192. to be 2800 Paces. 334 42 08:298 The Number againſt 30 degrees in the firſt Table of 21.09 - 404 Point-blanks 693 284073 ? -3.510 610 Y: The Sum 41 618315 4; Gives the Logarithm of 710 Paces, for the Right=2 518722 285072 6:. 6. 828 The Bullet carryed violently in a Right-Linejat 3:0 degr. Moun 934 8.; 1044 ture. 9:1-1129 ind But admit the Level Right-Range is given, and the Right-Range 19.1214 of 30 degrees Mounture be fought. IL 1296 1.2 I 394 Work by theſe Rulesa 13 1469 The Logarithm of Point-blank o degr. is 192 27833'0 14:1544 15 1622 The Num. againſt 30 d. is 693 in the Table Point-blank-284673 16 1686 The Level Right-Range of this piece is 197 Paces 229446 17. i 1744 18lib -1792 The Suña 5.113519 Gives the Log. of 711 Pačes for the Right-ranges required 285189 19 20 1917 And as the Numbers are in the Logarithm, fo you may do by 25 2013 the Line of Numbers. 30 2150 693 + x +97 711 Paces the 35 2249 2289 Range in a 2296 192" Right-Line. 45 2289 52 2283 SICT. XXXVI. 60 1792 To know how much of the Horizontal-Line is contained directly ander the Right-Line of any Shot called the Right-Range made out of any Pięce at any Elevation aſſigned. Eit propounded to find what part of the Horizontal-Line lyeth directly under the Right-Range of the Piese alligned at 30 degr. Elevation, the Right-Range for 30 deg. Mounture, by the laſt Rule is found to be 711 Paces, Work with the Complement of the pieces Mountare 60 degr. thús always. As the Radins 90 degr. 1000000 is to the number of Paces in the Right-Range 711 Paces 285186 So is the Compl. Sign of 30 dégr. Mountare, which is 60 degr...993969 to the Logarithm of the Horizontal-Baſe 619 Paces Now yon find that 619 Paces lies under the Right-Range of the Shor; you may pre- fently find how much of the Horizon is contained under the Crooked-Range of the Shot, you Subſtract 619 the Horizontal Diſtance out of 2200, the Randoms at the firſt graze of the Bullet from the Piece, the Remainer is the Horizontal Diſtance 1581 Paces, which lies under the way of the Shot, as it goeth helically between the Right- Range, and the natural or perpendicular motion, or before it make the firſt graze; like in all other queſtions. IH .11 40 42 / ! : 1 } 1 1 1 279155 11 is ...: if the 1 Secr, XXXVII. 1 1 1 1 1 75 : ازر . :: .: 1. > . i M 0 1 + Chap. XII. Hibe Are of Gunnery. e silioria , & C3.XXXVII. of the violent, érõokėd; and, natural Motion or course of a Shot diſcharged out of any Piece of Ordnance affigned, Y the thiqd and fourth Propoſition of the ſecond Book of Tartaglia, his Nova Scientia; ſhews that every bodynequally titavy, as a Shot in the end of the violent motion thereof, being Diletrarged out of a Prece of Ordnance, ſo it be not right up, or right down, the Crooked-Range, hall join with the Right-Range, and to the natural Courſe and Motion betwixt them bort. + B X 1.11. A birinto IT CH : As for Example. The Right-Range being all the Right-Line A B which is properly called his Violent Motion, and BC will be the mixt or Crooked-Range, and CD the Natural Motion, wherein from A to B is the furtheſt part of the Violent Motion, and from C to d the end of the Natural Motion. And in the ſeventh Propoſition of the fame Book, he proveth that every Shot equal- y heavy, great or little, equally elevated above the Horizon, or equally Oblique or Levelly directed, are among themſelves like and proportional in their Diſtances, as the Figure following thewetla, as A:E:F is like and proportional in the Right and Crooked-Ranges unto H : 1, and in their Diſtance or Dead-Ranges AF unto A: I. And in his fourth and fixth Propoſitions of the fame Book, he proveth that every Shot made upon the Level hath the mixt of Crooked-Range thereof, equal to the Arch of a Onadrant 90 degr. and if it be made upon any Elevation above the Level, that then it will make the Crooked-Range, to be more than the Quadrant. And if that be made Imbaſed under the Level, that then the Crooked-Range thergof will be an Arch leſs than a Quadrant, And 4 76 Book V, Tbe Art of Gunncry. if And laſtly, in his ninth Propoſition of the fame Book, he undertakes to prove, one Piece be Shot off twice, the one Level, and the other at the beſt of the Random at 42 degr. Mounture, that the Right-Range of the length is but of the Right-Range of the beſt of the Randoms, and that the Dead-Range of the Level is but as of the Dead-Range of the beſt Random, whereto he that delires a further Demonſtration of theſe Propoſitions in his ſaid fecond Book of Nova Scientia. + : : line > 1 1 A I K SECT. XXXVIII. 1 How to make a Gunner's Rule, being an Inſtrument which will ſerve to ele- vate a Piece of Ordnance with more facility than the Gunner's Qua- drant. Ecauſe the Quadrant on the back-ſide of the Scale cannot be conveniently uſed at all times, eſpecially when the Wind blows hard, and being near the Enemies Guns, the Plumb-Line is ſo long, or too long before he ſtands ſtill; to remedy this , the Gunner's Rule was invented; the Figure thereof you may here fee; this Ruler muſt be 1, or 1 2, or 14 Inch. long according as the Gun will require, it muſt have a long flit down the middle thereof like an Eye-vane of a Quadrant or Back-staff, the Head thereof make Circular according to your Gun, as you ſee in the Figure ; the Inſtrument is deſcribed ſtanding upon his Britch of a piece of Ordnance; 3 in the middle of the ſmall narrow lit you muſt place a Lute-ſtring, a well twiſted Thrid, or Silk-ſtring may ſerve, this Bead muſt be ſet to ſuch an Ixch and Parts, as you find is agreeable to ſuch a degr. as you muſt Mount your Gun unto, and on one ſide the ſlic you muſt place a Diviſion of Inches, and every Incb into ro Parts Divided, and thus it will ſerve for all ſorts of Guns, but if it be for a particular Gæn, then on the other ſide you may place the degr, and min. when you ſhall find by the length of your G:51, incb. and Parts goes to make one degree; but to uſe it with all ſorts of Ordnance, let it only be Divided into Inches and Parts, the Bead ſtands if Ir.cb. four in the Rule. 2 . ZI 1 SECT. 77 the legii The uſe of the Table if your Gan be 8 Foot long one Inch on makes one degree; your Gun 12 Foot long 5 Inches into makes 2 degrees. Or you may ſet your Bead to 5 i: Inch, to Mount him a degrees. SECR 2 I 167 198 1412 7016 847 989 821 I 210 7811 2611 (1 40 I 222 LO7 443 388 & 12 8912 2 5113 The Art of Gunnery. 1 472 6518 8210 II 2414 I 715 8519 fitting is the help of this How to Divide the Gunner's Rule into degr. by help of a Table, be Elevated to any degr. without the help of a foot long to 14 foot long; and by SECT. XXXIX. other Geometrical Inſtrument phatſoever. fit the Ruler for one Gun only, here is the Rule for the Deviation of Note, this Table hath 11 Columns, the firſt shew's the length of the Piece in Feet and half Feet, the other 10 in the Head is ro degr. and under is Inches and the of an Inch, from i degr. to 10 degr. and ſo you may take them out of the Piece from 5 Piece 1719 y Quadrant, Ruler, or any Table, and let them on the Rulers oppoſite ſide. ing Table, 8 Foot long. I 683 81 18 ) ܐ The ler.. of the Picce 1 Degree.lz Degrees 3 Degreeift Degrees's Degreesls Degrees 7 Degrees 8 Degreesi? Degreestro Degr. Feet and Feet. Tach.100 Inch.100 Inch. 100 Inchio d'Inch.soofiach.100 Inch.100 Inch, 10 olunch. 1ool Tach.1o. Inch. 100 s Foot long I 312 613 817 1416 219 25110 281 S Foot and half. I 283 4214 56S 201 6 Foot long 66 + 886 589 291 6 Foot and half. I 36 2 6 724 815 44 80ls 1719 5310 691 7 Foot long 944 4115 88,7 7713 7 7 Foor and half. 583 14.4 28,7 4210 9912 5514 14115 71 S 365 410 721 4010 7613 44:15 12116 32 S Foot and half. 585 3717 6 9511o 74.12 5314 3216 92 9 Foot long 6812 471 3713 2715 9 Foot and half. 2 0014 06 8 216 4120 4 10 Foot loug. 2016 4010 S4118 5021 8 1 Foor & half. 2 2014 4116 6918 4817 681 11 Foot long. 314 6216 939 2411 9120 14 u Foot & half. 2 42/4 269 68112 1014 5316 9519 37 21 12 Foot long. 67 5910 65IS 7120 2522 33 1 2 Foot & half. 6315 2017 8910 5213 15115 7818 6726 33 1 3 Foot long. 8210 9613 4419 40 13 Foot & half. 2 845 688 3614 20127 4'12 88;22 5628 14 Foor long. 9515 go 8 85111 75.17 7020 6523 6c126 5629 53 793 893 12117 8118 19:19 I 795 589 98 Io Cli2 1014 gir8 2 30112 1014 3018 6114 28.15 73116 8113 8811 19 8 9122 10 88,16 5613 2 22:18 82123 80124 487 21 2 I 2!1 2 1817 5315 7825 2 4123 Chap. XII. 4127 48,21 2 488 745 7016 9224 68,27 for any 5211 7225 421 TN 100 part 2 8014 * : 1 1 "} 78 The Art of Gunnery. Воок V. SECI. XL. How to give Level to a Piece of Ordnance, with the Gunner's Rule at ang :i Degree of Random. "; Y Our Piece being Loaded in all points, as is before taught, and you have brought the Piece in a Right-line with the Mark, the Diſpert being placed upon the Muzzle. Ring; in like manner place your Ruler upon the Baſe-ring, and let one Itanding by hold it, for the Foot of it fitted round to the Gux, you may be ſure to put it right, and you may eſtimate on its perpendicular near enough, now having before the Diſtance to the Mark you intend to Shoot at; and admit you have found it to be 461 Paces, and the firſt Shot you made for Practice out of that Gun, conveyed her Shot at two degrees of Mounture 2 74 Paces, then according to the Rules in the 32 Section, and the Tables of Random, there I find 461 againſt 6 degr. which I muſt Mount the Gun to reach 461 Paces. will require; Then to find by this Table how many Inches, ard hundred parts of one Inch 6 degr. look in the Table above, and find on the left Hand in the firſt Column the length of the Piece 13 Foot juſt, under 6 degr. in the Common-Angle, you ſhall find 16. Inches, and to that height I fer the Bead on the Lute-ſtring, to 16.4 inch, or 16.0; for every Inch is Divided into 10 Parts, and every Part is ſuppoſed to be Di- vided into to more ; then cauſe the Piece to be Mounted higher or lower, until you bring the Bead, the top of the Diſpert, and the Mark all in one Line, ſtop the Piece in that poſition with a Coyn, Prime, and give Fire. If you will Shoot by the Meral of the Piece, Subſtract the height of the Diſpert out of the Inches found by the Table, and the Remainer, Mount your Picce unto it the Diſpert be 3 Inches long, Subftracted from 16:44 found in the Table, leaves 1 2 , or 12 of an Inch, you muſt fer the height of the Bead to Shoot the ſame Die ſtance, by the Muzzle-Ring without the Diſpert. SECT. XLI. 1 How by the Table to give Level to a piece of Ordnance, without the Gunner's Rule. of F you have not a Quadraxt, nor a Ruler, and would make a Shot at 4 degrees of Elevation, look in the Table, and find the length of the Piece, which fuppofe to be 9 Foot and half, right againg 9 in the Angle under 4 degr. you ſhall have 7 Inches to be the length of any Stick, cut, and ſet it upon the Bale-Ring, and bring the top the ſaid Stick, the top of the Diſpert, and the Mark in a Right-line with your Eye, and Prime, and give Fire, and you will make as good a Shot, as if you had the Ruler, and Bead, or Quadrant; if you will have no Diſpert, take the Diſpert , and Meaſure it upon the foreſaid Stick at the Bafe-Ring, and from it cut off its lenghth juſt, and the Remainer you may uſe upon the Baſe-Ring, and it ſhall mount the Gun to 4 degrees, as before ; aud bring the top of the Stick, the Muzzle-Ring, and the Mark in a Right-line, and you may be ſure to make a good Shot , if the Diſpert were 3 Inches, that cut from 7 inshes, the Remain is 4 Inches, for the length of the Stick to be ſet on the Baſc-Ring, for to Level the Piece without a Diſpert. 1 .. 1 + : SECT, 1 1 CHAP. XII. The Art of Gunnery. 79 SECT. XLII. How to make a shot at the Enemies Lights in a dark Night. U Pon ſuch occaſion, to Shoot at a Light ſeen in the Night, Diſpert your Piece with a lighted and flaming Wax-Candle, or with a lighted piece of March, that with your Eye you may bring the Baſe-ring, the fired Match on the Muzzle-Ring, and the Enemies Light in a Right-line, (or mark) then give Fire, and you will make a good Shot. SECI. XLIII, How to make a perfect shot at a company of Horſe-men, or Foot-men paſſing by the plare where Ordnance doth lie upon a Level-Ground; and aljo to make a good shot at a Ship Sailing upon a River. The Ake a Piece that will reach the way or Mark in a Right-Line that the Horſe or Foot are to paſs by, then your Gun Loaded ſo with Powder as it may preſently take Fire, and Shot fit for that ufe'; and ſeeing a Tree, Buſh, or Hillock, or ſome turn- ing croſs way for his Mark, and when the Enemies come near to that way in a Right- Line with his Gun, give Fire : and at Shooting at a Ship in a River, he muſt put his Piece to ſome evident Mark on the other ſide the River, and when the Head of the Ship ſhall begin to be betwix the Piece and the Mark, and then give Fire. SECT. XLIV. . How to cauſe the ſame quantity bosh of Powder and Shot, diſcharged out of the ſame Piece, to carry cloſe, or more ſcattering. N the Book of Mr. John Bate of Extravagants, he faith, take the quantity of a Peaſe of Upiam, and charge it among the Cafe-Shot, and it will make the ſaid Shot fie cloſer together, than otherwiſe it would; for Opium is of congealing and fixa- this a Sea-man found by experience. 1 1 tive nature; Sect. XLV. How a shot which ſticketh faſt within the Concavity of a Picce, that it can- not be driven home unto the Powder, may be shot out, without hurt to the Gunner, or hurt to the Piece. : VV in as Hen any Piece of Ordnance is Charged with ſuch a Shot as will not be driven home unto the Powder, then the Gunner to ſave his Piece from breaking, muſt ſo Imbaſe the Mouth thereof, or put hin under the Line of Level, that fair Water for two or three days being put into the Touch-hole at ſeveral times, may run into a Veſſel fet under the Mouth of the Gun, to ſave all the Salt-Peter that was in the Powder : and then let the Gunner clear the Touch-hole, and put much Powder as poſſible he can, and Prime, and give Pire, and it will ſerve to drive out the Shor. But when a Shot hath lain long in a Piece, until he is grown ruſty, and ſo ſtick falt; put ſtrong Vinegar in the Mouth of the Piece, and with the Rammer ſtrike the Shot until it doth move, then put in Vinegar until it run clear through the Powder and Shot, Prime, as before, and give Fire with good Powder ; and if it do not run through after it hath ſtood 3 days, clear the Touch-hole, Prime, and give Fire. LII SEC L 80 The Art of Gunnery. Boox V. ! ! 1 S. CET. XLVI. A Piece of Ordnance at the fame Elevation, and towards the ſelf-fame place, with the like quantity:ef . Powder and Shot, diſcharged ſeveral times what difference there is in their Ranges. Here hath been a Piece diſcharged in the ſpace of an Hour feaven times, with the T like quantity of Powder, Shot, and Mounture, and their Ranges have been fonud as followeth ; the firſt Shot was conveyed 418 Paces, the ſecond 438, the third 442, the courth 4?4, the fifth 427, the ſixth 412, the feaventh 395; ſo that the greateſt difference from the firſt Shot was '4 Paces; this every Graner muſt take notice of, if he intends to Shoot well at Random ; the reaſon of theſe things is this, the firſt Shot of Powder found, the Chamber of the Gun moiſt, and the Air quier, the ſecond Shot, the Chamber was dryed, and the Gun in a good temper, and the Air moved towards the Mark with the firſt Bullet, and having lefs aſſiſtance than the firſt, went beyond, and made the beſt Shot ; and every Shot after, will come ſhorter and shorter, as the Gues grows hotter and hotter ; the reafon is, by how much hotter the Piece is, by ſo much the more attractive is the concavity of the Piece made ; and becauſe the Shot' is driven forth or expelled with no other thing, than by the Air's exaltation, or Wind, cauſed through the Sald-Peter; and therefore the oftneř the Piece is Fired, and the more heat, the more attractive, which fuppleth and retaineth çonringally more of that Wind, which ſhould ferve to expel the Bultes And therefore the vutúe expullive in that Piece, doth more and more' decreaſe, and the Skol Ayeth no Wiili itat fwifineis, as it did before in the 2 firſt Shots, which dryed and brought the Giw into his beſt temper; but the third and fourth Shot is but little differeřice from the firſt, but the reſt will differ f every Shot. . Nicholas Tartaglia doth report, that many Shots being made at a Battery by a Piece, it chanced by fome occafion, the Piece role up in fich fort that the piece touched the ground with its Mouth; a little Dog running by, did ſmell into the Mouth of the Piece; and aftera little time, was drawn almost to the further end of the conca- vity : they pulled hing out almost dead this was done by the virpe Attractive. ,,;;; : 1 <3 SECI. XLVII. How to Weighs Ships funk, or Ordnance under Water : or to know wka empty Cask will carry any ſort of Ordnance over River. No Isholas Tartaglia hath well collected from the Learned Archimedes, and fath calculated the Proportion of Stone, and other Metrals, what they will weigh in the Water, and in the Air. All Men know by, reaſon, that whatſoever is heavyer than ſo much Water, as the body of the Metal thruſteth our of the place, or Vefteſ, will link; and being lighter than ſo much Water, will ſwim. Tartaglia faith, that ordinary Free ſtone weighing 93 Iin the Air, trill weigh büt in the Water; which is near, asa isto f, between the Free-ſtore, alid'the Wateř. And that Marble-ſtone that weigheth 7 l. in the Air, will weigh but 5 l. in the Water, whichi is near as, 7 to 2, between the Marble , and the Waçer. ArdiIron and Trin; that in the Alf weighieth ribt. will weigh 16%. in the Winter ſo it is as 19 to 3.12.11 Braſs weighing in the Air 65:1. will in the Water weigh so la sed to Braſs is to Water, as 65 to 10. And Lead weighing in the Air 30 l. will weigh in the Water but 27 1. 6o Lead is to Water, as 30 to 3: .! bas & And -- > Chap. XII. I be Art of Gunnery. 81 ; 'we And laſtly, Gold in the Air being 171. in the Water, Briſtol, Septem. 1 2.1667 it will weigh but 16 l. fo Gold is to Water, 'as 17 to 1. by experience of a Spaniſh He alſo layeth down Rules to weigh Ships, or Guns, or any ship called ibe Viétory of thing elſe in the Water, that hath not lain coo long, and Majork, Somke in Hung- docked it ſelf in Oaze : for it the thing funk be upon Sands rode at the Pill; her Bur- or Rockis, it will weigh the better. He deſcribes Vefſels then about 300 lins, Loadeu to be brought to the place where the thing is funk, iveighed her with 4 empty and a Globe of Glaſs put in a Frame of Wood, and a place Lighter; of 30 Tunsa in the bottom of the Glaſs to put his Head into the concave, piece, by laſhing the Ligh- he.may both ſee and breath, and by a Windleſs Rope, and cors at LowWater, Head weight to link it, he may firſt let down the weight, and and Stern; and at High- after have himſelf down in that Frame, that is in a form of water the Ship we heavil an Hour-Glaſs , to the bottom of the Sea, and do the work, A ſhore by a Grabbie, and ſling the hip, and Guns, and when he will come up erd did riſe as the Water to the top again, to un-wind the Rope, and the Frame did flow; and the Low-wa- will be guided upright, and he and it will come to the ter or two afterw.rd, che top of the water very fafe, and faſten this Rope brought Ship was free, and ſwim- from the Ships, and un-lead the Veſſels, then will they med; the ship and Water Buoy up the Ship ſunk, or any thing from the ground. WAS Eſtimated to weigh 1000 Tuns, that the four Or by a Float-Stage & Windleſs, Capſton, and Trunk of Lighers weighed; she bad Leather made ſo thick, that no Water can come in, and with ng Goods in, cut turned over a pair of Glaſs Eyes faftned, that no Water can go through, as ſhe was She was, having done fitted to the Caſe of Leather within, and two Bladders blown to Carein. at the brim or top of the Water, made faſt to the Caſe of Leather to ſwim, the Mouth of the Caſe, while the Man goes down with Ropes fit to The beſt weight lling it, and makes them faſt at liberty, then hale him up after a time fit, and by is where the your Veſſels, as before, and Float-Stage, Heave and Buoy up the thing funk. Know this, that s Tun of Cask will ſwim a Canon of 8 or 9000 weight, 4 Tun a Demi-Canon, 3 Tun a Culvering, and 2 Tun a Saker, with all things belonging there- unto, as Planks and Ropes. water cbs and flows much, SECT. XLVIII. How many Horſes, Oxen, or Men will ſerve to draw a piece of Ordnance. Or every hundred weight of Metal, one Man; fo a Piece of 8000 Pound weight requires 80 Men, and as many more Men as the Carriage may be in hand weights; for every: oo weight of Metal, one Horſe, then 16 Horſes will draw a Cun of xooo weight, but in the Winter 24; alſo 17 Yoke of Oxen is thought ſufficient to draw a Piece of 8000 weight, but in the Winter, they had need be one third part more. Lll 2, SECT. 1 1 82 The Art of Gunnery. Воок V. 1 1 1 Sec T. XLIX. Hom Gunners may take a Plott of their Garriſon, and every object near it. HE E may by the Compaſs and Ruler directed in the ſeventh Chapter of Surveying of, Land, take the Plott of his Garriſon, and every noted place or way within Gun- Mot, and draw it into a Map, and have it in a readineſs, and need not be troubled to make. Diſtances every time he hath an occaſion to make a Shot , but by his Scale and Map, may know if his Gun will reach any place thereabouts; and by the fourth Chap of the General uſe of the Canox of Logarithms in Mr. Gunter's Works, learn the Pra- Etice of Fortifications, there it is put down for him at large. "! 41 1 1 .. 나 ​1 1 11 1 83 Rodi baiset ရင် OF A R T I F I C I AL FIRE-WORKS, FOR Recreation, 9 A N D SEA and LAN D-SERVICE. CHAP. XIII. SECT. I. A Deſcription of the Mortar-Piece, and how to make one of Wood, and Paft-Board (for a need,) Braſs and Irois one's being wanting He fame Metal that makes the beſt fort of Braſs.Ordnance, they make Mortar-Pieces with, and by theſe Medfüres, if the Dium. or Bore be 9 Inches, let the Mortar be one Foot and half' in length, and let the Chamber in which you Load your Piece with Powder be 3 Inches Diam, and 4 and a half deep; the thickeſt of the Meral above the Tõuch-hole 3 Inches, and the upper part thereof 1 Inch To make the Mortar-Piece of ivood and Paft-Bourel . Provide a Wooden-Ruler of ſuch bigneſs as you deſire to make the Diam:ter of the Moricr, then greaſe your Ruler well, thar the ſtuff may flip off that is put about hiin, which is Paft-Boards and Canvas, and very well plyed with hot Glue; and after he idey a little while on the Rowler, and another while off from the Rowler; and when this kind of Trunk is very dry, piu it on the Ruler, and let it in a Lathe, and cut vif biors ends of the Trunk with a Chizel very even, then turn a Foor thereto with a louder in put the Trunk upon, and in the middle thereof make the Chamber for your intelis if the Piece be s Ixches in the Mouth, let the thickneſs of the Part-Bourd two inches thick, and 18 Inches long, the Britch or Foot 10, the Shoulder 2 inches Jong, and 2 high, that when the Trunk is put on this Shoulder, and joyned wirn the Food, N I ! 1 1 84 E El Artificial Fire-VVorks. Book V. Wood, it may be juſt even with the fame; the Bore into which you put your Powder muſt be two Inches high, and three deep, Plated with Copper, Lattin, (if it be poſſible) as alſo all the reſt of the Wood that goeth into the Trunk; when you have put the Trunk into the Britch of Wood, nail it round about the Shoulder, by making holes for the Nails, and then driving in the Nails upon that Wood, that you made to receive the Paſt-boards or Trunk; then cover both Wood and Trunk with good Belch-Cord and Glue again, and let it be well dryed, it will laſt a long time, and with ſuch you may Shoot Ballouns into the Air for Recreation. 1 1 * SECT. II. E How to fit and prepare Granadoes for the Mortar-Piece. He Shot of great Mortar-Pieces are moſt commonly one tenth part lower than the Bore, becauſe of Cording thens, to ſling into the Mouth of the Piece; and for fear of ſecret Cracks, which cannot be eaſily eſpyed, they are coated with Pitch, ſo that being fitted and prepared, they do but juit fit the Bore. How to make Fuſes.' Every Ball hath an hole left to put in a Fuſe, or piece of Wood, juſt like a Faucet for a Spiggot; this hole muſt be juſt one quarter of the Diameter of the wooden Fuſe, which Fufe muſt be in length three quarters of the height of tbe Granadoe; make it taper; and then filled with compoſition, and driven gently into the Powder that is in the Ball, Icaving a little of it without: the Compoſition of this Fuſe is made thus ; take one Pound of Powder, four Ounces of Salt-Peter, and one of Brimſtone, firſt beaten to Powder, and lifted in a Sieve ſeverally, theſe Ingredients being mixt together, your Compoſition is fit for uſe. 1 Se CT. III. 1 How to make Granadoes of Canvas for the Mortar. T He operation of theſe Granadoes made of Canvas is quite contrary to theſe already ſet down : theſe are only Fit to Fire a Town, they are not of fo violent execu- tion, as the precedent, yet altogether as coſtly in the making; for tħe making of then, fit a piece of Canvas upon a round Bal of Wood or Form, fo big as you would have your Granadoe, then take this Compoſition following ; four Pound of Salt-peter, two Pound of Gun powder duſt, "and two Pound of Brimſtone ; all theſe incorporated, and moiſtned with Oyl of Salt-peter ; fill your Caſe with this Compound, and cover it with Cords, and pierce the Sack full of holes, and in every hole put an Iron Barrel, Charged like a Piſtul; thefe muſt be driven into the Sack unto the head, then let there be an hule about an Inch deep, which ſhall ſerve to Prime it with Powdet-duſt, moiſten it with Oyl of Petrol; be ſure your Barrels have great Touch-holes that the rúlt through time may not choak them, and they will be ready for ſervice many years. ។ 1 SBCT. IV... Hon Granadoes are to be charged in a Mortar, Aud Fired, Ou muſt take great care in the Loading or Charging the Mortar, thus; firſt, weigh Y the Powder to a brachn that you put into the Chamber, and after it pur'a gcod cloſe Wadd of Hay, or a Tampion of Wood, then.cut a TupFo# the Ground that - may juſt fill the bottom of the hole or bore of the Mortar next the Wadd ;- your Gra. nadue being prépared with a coat oi Rich and Card, as before caught; fing it into che Mouth of the Mortar'; obſerve to have the lule of the Granadse in the micdle of the Bore, then go to the Britch, thruſt up a Wire, " in the Touch-hole to make.fürė, then . Prime T 1 A LITI Chap. XIII. Artificial Fire-VVorks for VVar. 85 Prime with the beſt drie Powder you have ; for (believe me) this is a ticklish fort of Shooting; without care, your Life, and Mortar-Piece is now at ſtake; but we will give you very fure directions how to give Fire. Provide ſmall Fuſes, ſuch as we taught you to make before for the Shells, but leför about a quarter of an Inch bore, three quarters of an Inch thickneſs, and eight Inches long, fill theſe with good Powder-duſt, moiſten it with Oyl of Salt-Peter but a little, and put it in with an Iron Rammer, try whether you like the time, they continue burn- ing; if tco flow, abate Oyl of Peter; if tvo fift, add more to it. This being prepared, the uſe is, (viz.) thruſt the Pick of your Linſtock in at one end of the Fule you mean to give Fire withal, bid one of your aſſiſtants come to one ſide of the Mouth of the Piece, and give Fire to your Fuſe, wherewith Fire the Fuſe in thu Mortar, and then with great ſpeed give Fire to the Touch-hole; theſe Fules are very certain to give Fire, but Match doth ofttimes fail. SECT. V. T Pitch it, How to make Hand-Granadoes to be hove by Hand. Here is good uſe made of Hand-Granadoes in affauits , and Boarding of Ships, and there be two ſorts of them made; the firſt is thewed already, the ſecond is made The Sdells die by Sea-Gunners upon a Mould made with Twine, and covered over with Car. made of Glaſs, tredge-Paper, and Muſquet-Bullets cut in two, put with Paſt and bits of Paper thick on or nelld Clay, or Paper the out-lide; after you have doubled the Shells, Paſte on ſome at a time, and let it drie, and then ſome more until he is quite full; then dip him in ſcalding Rozin, or Pitch, and hang him up, and he is for your uſe, but you muſt have the innermoſt end of the Twine. which muſt be left out at the ſmall hole for the Fuſe; and before you you are to wind it out, and ſtop the hole, and then Pitch it. To Load them, fill theſe ſmall Shells with Gun-Powder, then make a Fuſe of one Pound of Gun. Powder, lix Ounces of Salt-Perer, and one of Char-cole; or if you will have thein of leſs durance, you may take the Compoſition made for the Fures be- fore ſpoken of for great Granadoes, knock the Fuſe up to the head within 0.2 quarter of an Inch, which is only to find it by in the night ; ſtop well the reſt of the holes, if any Chinks are open, with ſoft Wax; then your firſt Shells muſt be coated with Pitch and Hurds, left it ihould break with the fall, and be ſure when you have Fired the Fuſe, ſuddenly to caſt it out of your hand, and it will do good execution. SE c T. VI. 1 A How to make Fiery-Arrows or Darts like Death Arrow-Heads. MA Ake your Head of Iron, Tharp and bearded, to ſtick fast; and to it have an Ar- row or long thaft of Wood, and about the middle of that Head make faſt a Lin- nen Bag in form of an Egg, leaving open at the end a hule, that it may be filled with the Compoſicion following ; take one Pound of Peter, half a Pound of Gan-powder, and as much Brimſtone in Powder ; all theſe Ingredients being mixt well, and mingled with Oyl of Petriol; with this fill the Bag round about the Arrow-head, then let all be bound about with Wire ; and for Priming of theſe , dip Cotton-week into Gun- Powder wet with Water; and well dryed again before it is uſed, and let the Arrows or Shafts be fo put into the Head, that when they be ſtuck in a Houſe or Ship-lide, or any whcre elſe, the Man which endeavours to pull them out, may be deceived, and pull only the Shaft, and leave the Heud to burn the Houſe, or Ship, or Mens Cloaths, or any thing elſe ; if you throw or ſhoot it well, it will fire whatſoever combuſtible ſtuff or matter Thall be near it, as Sails, Timber, Pitch, Tarrel places; and this will much aí fault Eneries in ſtorming a Work, or Boarding a Ship SECI 1 86 Artificial Fire-VVorks Book V, SIC T. VII. 1 How to make Fire-pots of Clay. Ire-Pots, and Balls to throw out of Mens Hands, or with a Baſcula, may be made of Potters-Clay, with Ears baked, and to it hang lighted Matches, and throwing them, if it lighteth on a hard thing, it breaks, and the Matches Fire the Powder, and the half Bullets of Muſquets contrived upon them, as before, diſperſes, and doth much miſchief; their mixture is of Powder, Peter, Sulphur, and Sal-armoniack of each one Pound, and 4 Ounces of Camphire pounded, and Searced, and mixed well together with hot Pitch, Linſeed-Oy), or Oyl of Peter ; prove it firſt by burning it, if it be too ſlow, add more Powder, and if it be too quick, more Oyl, or Rozin, and then it is for your uſe. 1 SICI. VIII. How to make Powder-Cheſts. Ou Y , and one longer and broader to the bottom thereof; between the three Boards put a Cartredge, then make it up like a Sea Cheſt, and fill it with Pibble-ſtones, Nails, Stubs of old Iron, then nail the Cover on, and the end to the Decks, in ſuch a place as you may Fire the Powder underneath throngha hole made to put a Piſtol in. SECT. IX. How to make Artificial Fire-Works for Recreation and Delight. VV E ſhall not deſcribe the Moulds in particular, being needleſs ; for ſuch Men as are inquiſitive into theſe things, let them buy Mr. Babrington, or Bate, or Malihus, or Nortor's Fire-Works, here we will lay down ſuch Rules, as ſhall be as ſoon conceived without Figures, only a Rowler or Mould for to make the Paper upon ; and that may ſerve for all the reſt, they being made in the jame manner. To mak good experienced Rockets our way, do thus ; get a Form or Rowler to be turned in a Lathe, what thickneſs you pleaſe, and intend to make your Rockets, and let his length be 8 times the Diameter; if it be of an Inch in thickneſs, the length will be o Inches, put ſo many Rowls of Paper on this Form, until it is an Inch thick, or make it aInch the whole then Paſte the upper ſide to the reſt , then you muſt contract the Paper together an Inch from the Mouth, thus : dip an Inch of the Caſe in Water, the Formor in him, and with Twine, about of an Inch from the end gather it in; but let a Formor, or a thing near the bigneſs be put into his Mouth, while you draw it in with the Twine and choak it ; you muſt remember to leave a ſmall hole to put in a Wire through the Compoſition half way the Rocket, as big as a Bod- kin; then take out the Formor, and dry them, and they are for uſe at any time; the Figure following makes all plain ; A is the Mouzh of the Rocker, B ſo far the Bódkin muſt be thruſt up the middle; you muſt be provided with a ſmaller Bodkin, which when your Rocket is filled with the Compoſition, and tyed to the Rod, you muſt thruſt this Wire Bodkin in at the Mouth, ſtraight up to the midſt of the Rocket, having a care not to thruſt it more upon one ſide than the other. * *** SECT, } Chap. XIII. For Recreation. 87 S = c T. X. To make the Compoſition for Rockets of any ſize, He Reader may make uſe of theſe Rules, not upon truſt out of Authors, but found by Practice and Experience; and frit for Rockets of 1 Ounce, you muſt uſe only Canon- Powder-duſt, being beaten in a Mortar, and finely Searſed; this makes him rife very fwiit, making a great noik, but car- ries no Tail. Theſe of more Operations are made by putting one Ounce of Char-cole-dult to 8 Ounces of Powder ; this Compoſition will hold for Rockets of one, two, and three Ounces; but for theſe of four, take three Ounces of Char- cole-dult, to one Pound of Canon-Powder-duſt, continuing that Rule, until you come to Rockets of jo Ounces; and alſo for Rockets of a Pound, take one Pound of Powder-duft, and tour Ounces of Char-cole-duſt, and theſe are big enough for any Recreation or Delight. To fill the Rockets with this Compoſition, Hold the Mouth downwards where it was Choaked, and with a knife put in ſo much as you can of the Receipt provided for that size at one time, then with a Rammer fitted to the Caſe, and with a Mallet give three or four indifferent knocks, then put in more Compoſition until it be full, every time knocking the Rammer, as before, until the Compoſition come within one Diameter of the bore of the top; then put down a piece of Paſte-board, and knock it in hard, prick three or four little holes therein; then put fine Piſtol-Powder in almoſt to the top, and upon that another cap of Paper, upon which put a Piece of Leather, that it may be tyed on the top of the Rocket, and faſt Glued on; then get a ſtraight Twigg, and bind it upon the Rocket with good Twine ; it muſt be no heavier, than being put upon your Finger an Inch and a halt from the Mouth of the fame, that it may jult ballance the Rocket, then it is prepared for ufe. ܝܙܝܐ a train of To give Firc to one or two Rockets. Set your Rockets Mouth upon the Edge of any piece of Timber, that ſtands fo high from the ground, that the ſtick may ſtand perpendicular from it downwards or upon a lide of a Wale or Carriage-wheel, or any dry place whatſoever; then lay Powder that may come under the Mouth thereof; give Fire thereto, and you have done; but to Fire more Rockets than one , that as one deſcendeth, the other may aſcend by degrees : make this Compoſition following; of Roch-Peter eight Ounces, Quick- Brimſtone four Ounces, and fine Powder-duſt two Ounces, which lay in a Line, from one Rocket to another, they being placed ten Inches, or a Foot one from another ; give Fire to this Compoſition, and you have your defire, if you did prick the Rocket with the Wire, as directed; you ihall ſee how gallant one will mount the Air,when the other is ſpent. 11 mm SECT. 88 Book V: Artificial Fire-Works. SBCT. XI. How to make flying Serpents and Rockets that will run upon a Line, and return again. Or this you muſt provide a ſmall Rowling-Pin about one quarter of an Inch in thickneſs; upon which Roul ſeaven or eight thickneſs of Paper ; fill them four Inches with Powder duft, ſometimes putting between the filling a little of the Compo- ſition for Rockets of ten Ounces, and at the end of four Inches choak him ; fill two Inches more with Piſtol-Powder, then choak the end up, and at the other end put in a little of the mixture for Stars, which follows, and choak between them and the Com- pofition, and it is fit for uſe ; but divers of thoſe with the Starry end downwards upon the head of a Rocker and Powder-train to blow them out, when the Rocket is ſpent, they will firſt appear like ſo many Stars ; when the Stars are ſpent, taking hold of the Powder-duſt, they will run riggling to and fro like Serpents; and when that Compoli- tion is ſpent, they will end with every one a Report, which will give great content to the beholder, I did omit to ſpeak of Runners in its proper place in the laſt Section, for that is the Compoſition, which you muſt make them of, very carefully whether they be, double or ſingle, or thoſe that carry Dragons, Men, or Ships, or other Shapes in motion, leaſt they ſhame their Maſter; the Line muſt therefore be fine, even, and ſtrong, and being rubbed over with ſoft Sope to make it ſlippery, and not eaſily to take Fire; Thoſe that turn Wheels, may have a further addition of Roch-Peter in their Receipts to add plea- fure and life to the beholders ; You muſt have a piece of Cane as long as the Rocket, and bind to the Rockets, and ſo that ones Head may be to the others Vent, that when one hath carryed the Cane on the Line to the end thereof, the other may Fire, and bring him back again to the Tower or place where it was fired; theſe Figures are made wide ſtrong Paper or Parchment, and with Lattin, and Wire, and Twine, until they be brought into theſe Shapes, and then painted like Ships, or Dragons, or like the thing it carries with it. . SE cT. XII. How to make Fire-Wheels, or as ſome call them Girondles. File Irſt be provided with Spinning-Wheels or the like, made eaſy to run round upon its Axis, Horizontal, or Vertically ; and put Flags on the top of the middle,to ſet out the 'Wheel; bind Rockets to the Wheel, and Crackers betwixt each Rocket, with the Mouth of one towards the Tail of the other ; thus continued, until you have firted the Wheel quite round; which done, cover them with Paper paſted over, and coloured handſomly to ſet it out, that one taking Fire, they may not Fire all, and daub Soap upon them quite round, leaving the Mouth of one of them open, to give Fire thereco; the firſt Rocket being burned, will ſet Fire to the reſt one after another, keep- ing the Wheel in a contioual motion, until they be all ſpent; you may bind Fire- Lances to theſe Wheels, either upright, or near over athwart, which will make to appear diverſity of Fire-Circles; you muſt take care to place your Wheels called Gi- rondles at convenient diſtance from other Fire-Works, leaſt they ſhould make a confu, fion, and ſpoil all the Work. SECT, XIII. 1 Chap. XIII. Artificial Fire-VVorks. &q SECT, XIII. 1 How to make divers Compoſitions for Starrs. F: Or Starrs of a Blew colour mixed with Red, the Compoſition is of Powder-mealed eight Ounces, Salt-Perer fonr, Quick Brimſtone twelve Oances, Meal all theſe vec fine, and mix them together with two Ounces of Aqua Viva, and half an Ounce of Oyſ of Spike ; which let it be very dry before you uſe it. Another Compoſition which will make White and beautiful Fire ; take Powder, eight, Salt-Peter 24, quick Brimſtone two, Camphire one Ounce, Meal theſe Ingre- dients, and Incorporate them; make the Camphire with dipping your Peſtil into a little Oyl of Almonds, and it will Meal preſently, and keep it cloſe from the Air, or elſe it will become of no uſe. Another White-Fire which laſtech long, take Powder four, Salt-Peter 16, Brin- fone eight, Camyhire one, Oyl of Peter tio Ounces, Meal theſe that are to be Mealed, and mix them according to the former directions. 1 SECT. XIV. T How to make and uſe the Starrs. Ake little ſquare pieces of Brown Paper, which fill with either of the foreſaid Compoſitions which you like beſt, fold it down, rowling it til you make it round, about the bigneſs of a ut or bigger, according to the ſize of your Rocket that you intend them for, Prime them with drawing through them Cotton-Week, and they are prepared to make faſt to the Wheels : you may alſo make them thus; you muſt have a Rowler which muſt be as big as an ordinary Arrow, which thall be to Rowl a lengtla of Paper about, and Paſte it round, and dry it well, fill it with a Thimble, and thrult it down with a Rowler, and then cut it in Thort Pieces about half an Inch long; then you muſt have in readineſs either hot Glue, or Size mingled with red Lead, dip therein ons end of your ſhort Pieces, leaſt they take Fire at both ends together ; bélides, it wil Bot ſo eaſily blow out; theſe being thus done, ſet them to dry antil you uſe them, and in the top of the Rocker, whereas in the 10 Section you were to fill ii with Piſtol- Powder, now you must put rone, but a very little, and that is to blow one of the bits of Starrs out, which muſt ſtand in the room of the Powder , and on the top of thui another Tire, with ſtrewing a little Powder and duft ; and in like manner another, to third or fourth, putting a little ſmall corned Powder between them, until you come unto the top of the Rocket-caſe, there put a Paper over the Head of it , and tie it clor: about the top, that none of the Powder come from between the Stars; the Corton- Week is ſuch as the Chaundlers uſe doubled 6 or 7 times, dipped in Salt-Peter Water, or Aqua Vile, wherein ſome Camphire hath been diſſolved; or for want of either, in fair Water, cut it in divers pieces, Rowled in Mealed Powder dryed in the Sur, and it is done. 2 V Sec T. XV. How to repreſent divers forts of Figures in the Air with Rockets. Hen you have divers Rockets to make for a great Fire-W'ork,let one be with a Report, another with Starrs, another with Golden Hair or Rain, one with Silver Hair or Rain, which it ſeems to be when you are right under; and upon the Head of another Rocket place the Serpents, and they will make moſt delight- VV fil ſport. Mmm 2 SE?, 90 Воок У. Artificial Fire-Works. SECT. X.V.I. How to make silver and Golden Rain, and how to uſe them. 1 Y Ou muſt provide ſtore of Gooſe-Quills, which being provided, you muſt cut then off fo far as they are hollow ; the Compolition to fill them is, cwo Ounces of Cole-duft, and one Pound of Powder well mixed; having filled many of theſe Quills, you Mall place them in the ſame place as I told you to put the Powder and Stars, put- ting a little Piſtol-Powder to blow them out, as you did the Stars, and fill the top of the Caſe as full of them as you can, with the open end downwards ; ſo ſoon as the Rocket is ſpent, there will appear a Golden Shower, or Rain; or with the Compo- fition for White-Stars filled in the Quills, will make a shower of Silver Rain. 1 . . 4 Sec T. X VII. How to make Fire-Lances. M Ake them thus ; firſt, you muſt make Cartredges, or Caſes juſt like the Caſes for Rockets, only thoſe for a need may be made with Paft-Board, and Glued, as they are formed round, but the former is better ; let them be filled with the drie Com- polition for Stars in the 13th Section ; Prime them with wet Gun-Powder , the lower end of the Cafe is ſtopped with a piece of Wood, to the end they may be nailed and ſtirred when and where they dhall be uſed, the Wood being about three Fingers.breadtls long out of the Caſe or Cartredge, or as long as you will. ::: F 1 Soc. XVIII. 11 The manner how to make Balloons for the Mortar-Piece. Ou muſt have a Formor or Ruler twice the length of the Diameter and of the bigneſs, as you will have the inſide of your Balloon, and upon that Formor put ſo many Paft-Boards, as you ſhall think ſufficient for ſtrength, then Paſte or Glue them well together, and choak him at the end with a String, leaving a ſmall hole for a Port-Fire, which muſt be made juſt like a Rocket, but no holes in it as the Rocker hath, and of ſuch length as is fit : now to fill the Balloons, place all your Serpents within ic together, with Stars, Rockets, and Crackers, leave very little room within the Cafe, or Cartredge; and being filled, put in as much Powder-duſt as you can, that it may run every where through the Chinks between the Serpents, Rockets, and Stars, that they may all Fire, and that the ſaid Powder-duft may break the Balloon; theſe things thus done,' choak up the other end cloſe, and Charge it in the Mortar, as we have taught you to do the Canvas Granadoe in the fourth Section, and you may ſhoot it when you pleaſe, and you will make moſt excellent delight to the Spectators, and credit to your felf; for this is part of the way of Mr. Malibus's Fire-Works, which were the beſt that ever I practiſed. + 1 A SECT. 1 F 了​一 ​: - 三 ​生​。 A * section 17 Rocket single or doble madetorin vpon line from tower to lower : . Section sect: 4. OTION H B A 6 is E Bee The BallA is a Granado coated armed ard bopdeg th Fire Bols of Clay wireares and market iB Secliore, y Balls fofire and stick is D made up same 7 section Fire Arroyes ordarts sect: FG is a sillinder Granada of turned timber to shoote fliers section the zo Vertual wheelew House w you may vnder- slandýform of horizon dall wheeles or any other ABCD are the monter Peie e mould and Ballons section & AndM N is a wonder Morterrorchambers as m section 18 Piena die hele o : 6 F . DIRECT G 100 M G NE ដើម្បី . D C c B Booke V. ». 90.91. . : : : : '.' 主 ​i 1 } 1 | | 1 1 1 . 4 9 | 上 ​f i 4 1 引 ​} 垂 ​* 己 ​4 } 1 r . - 1 | 作 ​1 -- | 4 F : | 1" : 1 1 JF 1 4 || | 1 1 产 ​青 ​} 4 ” } Chap. XIII. A Cure for burning with Gun-Powder. 91 SE cT. XIX. A moši precious Unguent for any Burning. D Ivers Men in the Practice of Fire-Works one time or other chance to be burned, or blown in the Face by Powder ; here you have Mr. Malthus's Salves, which is known by often Experience to be very good; and will fully cure you. The S ALVES. Take freſh Hogs-Greaſe, or Lard, as much as you pleaſe, and boyl, and take off the Scum, until there ariſe no more Scum; then ſet the Lard three or four nights abroad, after which it muſt be walhed in running Water to take away the Saltiſh nature, and to make it White ; then melt it, and keep it for your uſe. Otherwiſe, The White of an Egg, and freſh Butter being mingled together, and well beaten into an Oyntment, is excellent goodi SE cT. XX. Another Salve moft Excellent. TA Ake a Stone of Quick Lime, and let it be diſſolved in clear Water, and when the water is ſettled, pour it out gently from the Lime through a Linnen cloath, then pui as much Sallet-Oyl, as you have Water together, and beat it all to an Oyl, you may keep it for ſuch uſes, and you have a molt Sovereign Care for all manner of Burning whatſoever. ܀ ; 1 The End of the Fifth Book. TO 12 12 F 2 + i, လုံး *** bobolo dai proceso 9o Search ho *** ၁၅ google Τ Ο. E Cap. SAMUEL S A MŰ EL S T U R MY THE 1 A U T H O R, For his Work and VVortb. Slancia Ince'mongſt all Nations Warit ſelf doth ſhew, It Man behooves Wars Weapons for to know. Who here may learn the Gunner's aiming Arts, Which thy free Induftry to all imparts. Therfitceſt Subject now it is by far, At theſe times when ſuch Rumors are of War. And fills the Ears, and couragës awake; Go on then, and to thee this credit take, (write, That he that Reads theſe things which thou doſt May know a Gunner's part, though he never Fight. And knowWars chiefeſt Engines uſe, and ſtrength, In Bar, Cylinder, Axis, and in Length ; In Touch-bole, Carriage, Wadd, in Shot and Charge; Of Fire-Works; in brief, Thou giv'ſt in Charge French, Spaniſh, Dutch, Italian, Vail your Caps To the Author's skill in Mars his Thunder-Claps. Cap. JOHN VINGEN T. 1 1 Τ Η Ε 1 70-90 90 90 OUXO 70 . 017OELOCUCI 1 T H E MARINER'S MAGAZINE OR, STURMI'S Mathematical and Practical ARTS The Sixth Book, Wherein is Contained, The Definitions of the Circles of the sphere; With the manner how to Reſolve all the moſt neceffary Propoſitions thereunto belonging, by a Line of Chords and Signs; As alſo, by Chords and Tangents, and half Tangents; and likewiſe by Calculation of the Tables of Artificial Signs and Tangents, and all uſual Aſtronomical Propoſitions appertaining to the firſt Motions, being all of extraordinary life; whereof few of them have yet been Treated fo plain in the Engliſh Tongue. 420 e 30 20 OTT Circultis Eguineti AGRIUS OI.2 Tunewsfeed Stordal II Tropicus WR Canoni ols Hori zm 80.7coo4.30*20-10.940:20 130:4023000-170-810-6.90 440 Murni U1111111! ITINIAI 60 SO. 470 Mimdi Capricorni alis 30 1:20.. IO Circulus Anfartinus SPM 08 OL 09 os WW BUMNITRITONOWE reu Felices anime quibus hac cognofcere primam Inque domos Superas Scandere cura fuit. F - | 1 수 ​, 1 . 1 성 ​! 4 1 + 1 95 ราวการต่อ stoch ออกจอ poor het maibe sabe de the ooosha 4 dodnebor Τ Η Ε Denomination of Eight and Forty Conſtellations of the Fixed S T A R S; OR, The Rudiments of ASTRONOMY, Put into plain RHYTHM E s. 7 3 He Army of Then comes the great Dog, at whoſe Tail, Declares the Glory of God moſt high, The famous Argo ſpreads her Sail: Seen and perceived of all Nations, Above the little Dog doth Hame, For whom the Latins had no Name; In Eight and Forty Conſtellations. Firſt, near unto the Northern Pole, Long Hydra on her Tail alow, The Dragon and two Bears do role, Carries the Pitcher and the Crow'; Whole hinder parts and Tails contain The Centaur holds the Wolf by'th bee!, The luffer and the greater Wain. The Altar, and Ixion's Wheel, The Hare, the Bear-ward, and the Crown; Are never ſeen of us; but here And then comes Hercules kneeling down ; The Southern Fish brings up the rear. The Planets. And next below a place doth take, Under thoſe Fixed Stars above, Great Serpentarius with his Snake. Under the Harp of Orpheus, Seven Planets in their Orbs do move ; The Eagle, and Antinous, The higheſt is Saturn, thirty year The Silver Swan her wings doth ſpread He ſpends in compaſſing his Sphere; Above the Dart and Dolphin's head; Twelve Jupiter, and Marsin twain, Then fegafres comes on amain, Sets forward, and comes round again. Andromida follows in her Chain Then in one year the Sun diſplays Th: Triangle below her Itands, Three hundred ſixty and five days; And at her Feet in Perſeus's hands, And near a Quarter, which in Four The Gorgon's head above are ſeen Encompaſſings, makes one Day more. Her Parents Cepheus, with his Queen Between the Sun and us, there Hy Caſſiope, not far below, Fair Venus, and ſwift Mercury; Heniochus his Goat doth ſhow; Theſe always near the Sun we find, On his left Shoulder, in his Hand Not far betore, nor far behind. Canft thou He doth the ſtormy Kids command. The Moon is lowelt, who in ſeaven bind the ſweet Here in the zodiack begins (Twins (1) And twenty Days goes round the Heaven Influence of The Ram (.) the Bull (o) the loving And about two Days more doth run, looſe the The Crab (,) the Lion (0) and Before the overtakes the Sun. Bouds of Orz- (Virgin (sup) tender ; So twenty nine and half in all, Canit thou The Ballance) Scorpion (m) and Do make a Month Synonidal. Bow-bender (7) Theſe Planets make their courſe to thiEaft, bring forth the Mazarroch in Goat (Y,) Water man internet ) then Fiſhes. Though they be fafter hurled Weſt ; his reaſon, or twain (,) And lix Degrees the reſt may ſtray, cault thou Shall bring you round to the Rami'y again. Belides the Suns Ecliptick way. quite .-rétines Ek's O1:S ? In the Southern Herniſphere, The Circles of the Sphere. The monſtrous Whale above the rest, Six greater Circles nark you thall, Eridanus ſcarce wets his Breaft, Which equally divides this Ball; Over the Hare Orion bright, Juſt in the midſt in between the Poles, Sparkles in a cold Winters Night; From Eaſt to West the Equ?!95 Roles. Nnn The Job 7. v. 31. the Pleiadies, Ol on ? ver. 32 Fifteen Images appear Ae 96 + ! The Ecliptick cuts him, and doth ſlide Through both the Poles o'th'World do paſs Twerity three and half Degrees alide. And the Equinoctial down-right croſs; Horizox even with the ground, And Nineſcore Parallels have that Line, From Stars below our light doth bound. By which Stars North and South decline. Meridian ſtraight upright doth riſe, The Ecliptisk hath his Longitudes, Parting the Eaſt and Weſtern Skies. And Parallels of Latitudes Two Colares through the Poles do run, For Stars ; But in Geography, Quartring the Circle of the Sun; The Towns beſides the Equator lie. One where the Spring and Fall begin; Over our Head, and under, Feet, Th’other where longeſt Days come in : The Nineſcore Azimuths do meet; Four leſler Circles mark them well, And here as many Parallels, Are to th’Equator Parallel. Of Altitude Horizontels. Two Tropicks bound the Sun's high way, Longitudes and Meridians all, Shewing the long'ſt and shorteſt Day. And Azimuhs great, Circles call , The Arttick Circle cuts the Bears, But all the Parallels in Heaven, Th’ Antarktick oppoſite appears. Being leſſer cut, the Globe uneven, Meridians half twenty four, Degrees three hundred and threeſcore For Hours, and for Degrees Nine ſcore; Hath every Circle, and no more. ! The Heavens declare the Glory of God, and the Firmament ſhew- eth his handy-work, Pfal. 19 When I conſider the Heavens the work of thy Fingers, the Moon, and the Stars which thou haſt ordained, what is Man, that thou art mindful of bim? orihe Son of Man, that thou viſiteſt him? Pfal. 8. t 1 1 1 $ 1 STORM T 'S 1 t' 97 964 Photo ၌ အ do 10 debe other boobs bobobet autofocus on todella obok ဝသ ܘܗܽ bahor ( 2006 ogbogbo S T V R MY 'S MATHEMATICAL and PRACTICAL A R T S The Sixth Book. . Wherein is contained a Definition of the Circles of the Sphere, with the manner bom to Reſolve all the most neceſſary Propoſitions thereunto belonging, by a Line of Chords and Signs, or by Chords and Tangents; as alſo by Calculation by Tables , CHAP. I. 1 N the former Books are contained fuch Pro- blems Geometrically, as are moſt neceſſary for every profeſled ingenious Artiſt to un- derſtand and Practice ; Now to the end the Practitioner may Elevate his Thoughts to the contemplation of thoſe Glorious Bo- dies, the Sun, Moon, and Stars ; I Mall here in this place give a brief Survey of the firſt Rudiments of Aſtronomy, for the help of young Practitioners and Mariners, for whom chiefly I take theſe pains; 1 thall give a brief and ſuccin&t Explanation of the ſe- veral Circles of the Sphere, better than we could in the foregoing RHYTHMES to be underſtood, and then thew how to re- folve the moſt uſual and common Problems thereof; and after the Art of Dialling Geométrically and Inſtrumentally, and by Cal- culation, as promiſed. 1. This is to be underſtood, that Aſtronomers do imagine 1o principal Points, and 10 Circles to be in the hollow inſide of the firſt Moveable Sphere, which are commonly drawn upon any Globe or Sphere, belides divers other Circles which are not delineated, but only apprehended in the Fancy. OC Non 2 The .' 1 98 Spherical Definitions in Aſtronomy. Book VI. The Points are the two Poles of the World, the two Poles of the Zodiack, the two Equinoctial Points, the two Solftitial Points, and the Zenith and Nadir. 2. The Poles of the World are two Points, which are directly oppoſite to one another, about which the whole frame of Heaven noveth from the Eaſt into the weſt, whereof that which is ſeen on the North-ſide the Equinoctial, is called the Arctick- Pole. 3. And the other directly oppoſite to the former is called the Antrittick, or Souch- Pole, and can be ſeen only on the South-lide of the Equator ; a right Line imagined to be drawn from the one Pole to the other, is called the Axis or Axle tree of the World. 1 į 1 4. All other Lines drawn through the Centre of the Sphere, and limited on each ſide of the ſurface of the Sphere, is a Diameter, but not an Axis, unleſs the Sphere move round about it. 5. The Poles of the Zodiack are two Points directly oppoſite to each other, diſtant from the North and South Pole 23 degr. 31 min. and are Diametrically oppolite, on which the Heavens move, from the Weſt into the Eaſt. 6. The Equinoctial Points are in the beginning of Aries and Libra, to which Points the Sun cometh the 11 of March, and 13 of September, and makes the Days and Nights of equal Length in all places in the World. 7. The Point of the Summer Solſtice, is the beginning of Cancer, which the Sun cometh unto about the 12 of June, and longeſt day, to the Inhabitants on the North pårt of the World, and the ſhorteſt day to the Inhabitants of the South. 8. And the Point of the Winter Solſtice , is the beginning of Capricorn, to which the Sun cometh the II of December, and maketh the Thortert Days of the Year to the Inhabitants of the North Hemiſphere, and the longeſt to the Inhabitants on the South- ſide the Equinoctial. 9. The Vertical Point, or Zenith, is the Point directly over-head, and is the Centre or Pole of the Horizon, 90 degr. every way from the Horizon. IC. The Ņadir is the oppoſite Point under our Feet. Circles of the Sphere. The Ten Circles are as followeth ; The Equinoctial, or likewiſe called the Equator, which is the chief Circle in the Sphere, dividing the Heavens in the middle between the two Poles; the two Points of Aries and Libra, cut this Circle in oppoſite Points, and make the Days and Nights of equal length over all the World. 2. The Meridian is a great Circle paſſing through the Poles of the World, and the Zenith of the place, the Sun when he comes to this Meridian, it is Noon; the number of Meridians is as many as can be imagined Vertical Points from the Weſt to the Eaſt, whereof the Coſmographers have deſcribed, 180. 3. The Horizon is diſtinguiſhed by the names of Rational, or Senſible; the firſt is a great Circle every where Equidiſtant from the Zenith, and divides the ſuperior or upper Hemiſphere, from the lower, and by chance are diſtinguiſhed by the names of Right, Oblique, and Parallel-Horizon. A Right-Horizon have the Inhabitants under the Equator, who have the Horizon paſſing through the Poles of the World, and cuts the Equator at Right-Angles. An Oblique-Horizon is ſuch an one as cuts the Equinoctial Oblique, or aflope, or hath any degr. of Latitude from the Equator. - į 1 1 1 A 1 Chap. I. Spherical Definitions in Aſtronomy. 99 KE A Parallel-Horizon is one that hath the Pules for the Zenith and Nadir, and the Equinoctial for the Horizon. The Senſible-Horizon is a Circle that divideth the part of the Heavens, which weise, from the part we ſee not; called a Finitor. 4. The Zodiack is a great Circle, that divides the Equator into two equal parts ; the Points of Interſection are Aries and Libra, the one half declining toward the North, the other to the South 23 degr. 35 min. his ordinary breadth is 12 degrees; but later Writers make it 14 or 16 degrees by reaſon of the wandring of Mars and Venus. In the middle thereof is a Line called the Ecliprick, from which the Latitude of the Planets are numbred both Northward and Southward; the Circumference of this Circle containeth 360 degr. which is divided into 12 equal Purts called Signs, every one repreſenting ſome living Creature, either in Shape or Property, as you read in the De- nominations, and alſo every Sign containeth 30 degr. and every degree containeth 60 min, and every min. 60 ſeconds, and every ſecond 60 thirds. : The Names and Characters of the 12 Signs. 8 NE V Aries. IL Gemini. 12 L.O. Taurus. Cancer. Virgem m 1 ve * Libra, Scorpio. Sagitarises. Capricornw. Aquarius. Pifccs. s. The Six uppermoſt are the Northern, and Six undermoſt the Southern Signs. Of the Colures, 6. Theſe are two great Circies, or two Meridians paſſing through the Poles of the World, croſſing one the other at right Angles, and dividing the Equinoctial and the Zodiack into four equal parts, making thereby the four Seaſons of the Year, 7. The Solſtitial Colure is as before, a great Circle drawn through the Poles of the World, the Poles of the Zodiack, and the Solſtitial Points of Cancer and Capricorn, ſnewing the beginning of Summer and Winter. 8. The Equinoctial Colure, is a Circle palling by the Poles of the World through both the Equinoctial Points of Aries and Libra, Thewing the beginning of the Spring and Autumn, when Days and Nights are equal. 9. The T. opick of Cancer is a leffer Circle of the Sphere, equally diſtant from the Equinoctial to the Northward 2 3 degr. 31 min. 30, wherein when the Sun is, he is entring Cancer, and making his greateſt Northern Declination. 10. The Tropick of Capricira is alſo a leſler Circle, equally diſtant from the Equi- noctial Southward 23 deg. 31 min. 30 ſeconds, to which when the Sun cometh, which is the icth of December, maketh his greateſt Southern Declination. 11. Of the two Pole Circles. Theſe are two leſler Circles, diſtant ſo much from the Poles of the World, as the Tropick of Cancer and Capricornos is from the Equinoctial 23 degr: 30 min. which are the Pole Points of the Zodiack, which moving round the Poles of the World, deſcribe by their motion the faid two Circles; that about the North-Pole is the Arctick Circle, and that about the South the Antarctick Circle. 12. The firſt Six are called great Circles, and the other Four leſler Circles; by the Centre of a Circle is meant a Point or Prick in the middle of a Circle, from whence all Lines drawn to the Circumference are equals and are known by the names of Radius. 1:. That 1 . 100 Spherical Definitions in Aſtronomy. Book VI: 13. That is ſaid to be a great Circle, which hath the fame Centre as the Sphere, and Divides it into two equal halfs, called Hemiſpheres ; and that is a leſſer Circle which hath a different Centre from the Centre of the Sphere, and Divides the Sphere into tiró unequal Portions or Segments. 14. Of other Circles imagined but-nor deſcribed in a material Sphere or Globe. Such are the Azimaths, Almicanters, Parallels of Latitude and Declination. Azimuth or Vertical Circles paſs through the Zenith, and Interſect the Horizon with right Angles; wherein the diſtance of the Sun or Stars from any part of the Meri- dian are accounted, which are called Azimuth, and the Enft and Weſt is called the Primc Vertical Azimuth. 15. The Sun or any Star having Elevation or Depreſſion above or below the Horizon, are then properly ſaid to have Azimuths; but if they be in the Horizon, either riſing or ſetting, the Arch of the Horizon between the Centre of the Sun or Star, and the true Points of Eaſt and Weſt, is called Amplitude. 16. Circles of Altitude called Almisanters, are Circles Parallel to the Horizon, and Interſect the Vertical Circles with right Angles, which are greateſt in the Horizon, and meet together in the zenith of the place, in which Circles the Altitude of the Sun, Moon, or Stars above the Horizon are accounted, which is the Arch of an dzinsuih, contained betwixt the Almicanters, which paſieth through the Centre of che Sun,Moon, or Stars, and the Horizon. 17. Parallels of Declinations are leſſer Circles, all Parallel to the EquincEtial, and may be imagined to paſs through every degree and part of the Meridian, and are de fcribed upon the Poles of the World ; in like manner, the Declination of the Sun or- Star is meaſured by the Arch of the Meridiar between the Sun and Star, and the Equia noctial. 18. Parallels of Latitude in the Heavens, are leſſer Circles deſcribed upon the Poles. of the zodiack, or Eclipsack, and ferve to define the Latitude of a Star, which is the Arch of a Circle contained betwixt the Centre of any Star ur Planet, and the Ecliptick Line, making right Angles therewith and counted toward the North or Soussh Poles of the Ecliprick, the Sun never paſſeth from under the Ecliptick-Line, is ſaid there- fore to have no Latitude. 19. Longitude of the Sun or Stars is meaſured by the Arch of the Ecliprick, com- prehended between the Point of Aries, and a ſuppoſed great Circle paſſing from the Poles of the Ecliptick, and the Sun or Stars Centre, and accounted according to the order and ſucceſſion of the Signs. 20. Longitude on the Earth, is an Arch of the Equinoctial contained between any aſſigned Meridian where it begins, and the Meridian of any other place, but accounted Eaſtward from the firſt place, as the Right-Aſcention ; but in my Tables it is counted Eaſt and weſt from the Meridian of the Lands-end terminating at 180 degrees. 21. Right-Aſcention is an Arch of the Equinoctial accounted from the beginning of Aries, which cometh to the Meridian with the Sun, Moon, or Stars, or any portion of the Ecliprick ; and by it there are Tables made for the Sun, Moon, and Stars to know the time of their coming to the Meridiár, as by the help of the hour of the Star, the true time of the Night. 22. Oblique-Aſcention, is an Arch of the Equinoctial between the beginning of Aries and that part of the Equinoctial, that riſeth with the Centre of the Sun or Star, and any portion of the Ecliptick in any Oblique-Sphere. 23. Aſcentional-difference is the Arch of Difference between the Right- Aſcentior, and the biblique-Aſcention, and thereby is meaſured the time of the Sun or Stars before, and after Six. 24. Elevation of the Pole is the Height thereof above the Horizon, which is equal to the diſtance between the zenith, and the Equinoctial, whoſe Complement is equal to the diſtance of the zenith from the North or South Pole, or the Elevation of the Egnator above the Horizox; theſe Circles I have inſerted, to the end they may be perfectly known; for without them, the Reader cannot well underſtand the following Problems of the Sphere that are depending thereon. 1 ! * 1 1 1 CHA P. II. ... . IOI T 3 the Arctick.Circle, about the Pole North, Xħ the darbas hoopisto poboador 2004 အရ၍ అందం అంతం လို့ ခံလို့ရှိဝသို့ဂလို့ရှိရာသို့လို့ CHAP. II. The Projection of the Sphere in Plano, repreſented by the Analemma, and the Points and Circles before deſcribed. He Sphere may be Projected in Plano in ſtraight Lines, as in the Ania lemma, if the Semi-diameters of the Circles given, be Divided in ſuch fort as the Line of Signs in the Fundamental Diagram of the Scale. This Scheme is fitted for the Latitude of Briſtol si degr. 28 min. and repreſents the points and Circles of the Sphere before deſcribed. Take with your compaſſes the Chord of 60 degr. and upon the Centre C deſcribe the Circle HZON (2.) Draw the Diameter HCO which repreſents the Horizon and at Right-Angles thereunto, croſs it with another Diameter 2 CN. Then with the Latitude of the place, prickoff sa degr.28 min. from Oto N, and from Htos, and of the ſame Line of Chords, take the Complement of the Latitude 38 degr. 32 min. and prick off from HÆ, and from 0 to Q, and draw NSC and ECO Then take the Suns Declination 23 degr; 31 min. and prick off from £ to G and T, and with the like Chord do the fame from N to Y and g, for the Polar-Circle, and the like do from Q_to D and P, and from S to X and h; and through theſe Points draw Parallels to the Equator Yg, and TSD, and Ghip, and X h. And through the Centre draw the Ecliptick-Line TGP, and draw RS Parallel to the Horizon HCO, which is the Parallel of Altitude of the Hour of Sis; and at any other diſtance, draw Parallels of Altitude Eif. (1.) Thiis are the Points before defined, repreſented in this Diagram, N is the North-Pole- Aretick, S the South-Pole-Antarctick; & the North, x the South-Pole of the Ecliprick; C both the Equinoctial-Points of Aries and Libra. T The Point of the Summer-Solſtice --- P the Point of the Winter-Solffice, Z the Zenith over our Heads, N the Nadir-points under our Feet. (2.) The greater Circles are HCO the Horizon, ZCN the Axis thereof, or Prime Vertical Azimuth of Eaſt and Weſt; HZON the great Meridiar, and alſo the Colure of the Summer and Winter-Solſtice, - ECQ the Equinoctial; TCP the Ecliptick; SCN the Axes of the World, the Hour-Circle of 6; an dlſo it repre- fents the Celare of the Equinox es. (3.) The leffer Circles are there reprefented, TD the Tropick of Cancer; GP Antarctick-Circle, or South-Pole. (4.) Other Circles not defcribed upon Globes, are there repreſented ; Ef repre- ſents a Parallel of Altitude called an Almsicanter : phe Prickt Arches zó, and si be- ing Ellipſes repreſent the Azimuths, or Vertical-Circles. The 102 The Analemma repreſenting the Sphere. Book VI. The Projection of the sphere in Plano, by straight Lines or Signs. ! 780 Zame उगा 습 ​Æ 1 1 T 40 M 8 1 8 R Fit H Η 907060 50 40 30 20 IO TO 420 30 50 50 07090 T h X х for...fenocooler n . 1 P ! N 1 he 1 The Prickt Arches from the Poles, repreſent the Meridian or Hour-Circles, which are alſo Ellipſes; the Drawing thereof will be troubleſom, and for that reaſon is not mentioned; and how to 'ſhun them in the reſolution of any Propoſition of the Sphere, by Chords ſhall be ſhewn in the ſeveral Queſtions following; But the Sphero may be Projected in Plano by Cireular-Lines, as in the general Aftrolobe of Gemma Trifius, by help of the Tangent, and į Tangents in the Fundamental Diagram of the Scale, and by the Directions in the 4 Book 12 Chapter beforegoing, and will reſolve the ſame things; the directions Thall be one and the fame, in both, in Letters, and repreſents the fame. 1 1 1 1 3 . Th 1 ។ .. Chap. II. The uſe of the Line of Signs & Tunçuris. 107 The Convex Sphere, by Circular Lincs. Z y T no N ÆC E 9 G ma H n D SE X 2 2 ! din P , h > Any Line drawn Parallel to the Equinoctial E Q, as p9, TD. Yg: doth repre- fent Parallels of Declination. And any Line drawn Parallel io the Ecliptick TP, repreſents a Parallel of Laticidi of the Stars and Planets in the Heavens. (5.) Divers Arches relating to the motion of the Sun, and ſeen upon the Globos, and found by Calculation, are in the Cont:ex-Sphere, repreſented in Right-Lines, and in the Concave-Sphere by Circular-Lines. (1.) The Suns Amplitude, or Coaſt of Riſing and Setting, from the Eaſt and Weſt in the Anaiemma, is repreſented by CL in North Signs, and by CF in South Signs. :: (2.) His Aſcentional-difference, or time of Riling and Setting from Six in Summer by SÍ, in Winter by FH. (3.) His Altitude at Six in Summer by RC, and his Depreſſion at Six in Winter, by @%. (4.) His Azimuth at the hour of Six in Summer, by R S, or C1, equal to h} in. Winter, (:) His Vertical-Altitude, or Altitude of Eaſt and Weſt, by MC in Sumcier, and his Depreſſion therein in Winter by CN (6.) "His hour from Six being Eaſt and Weſt, in Summer by MS, in Winter by N. (7.) His Azimuth from the Eaſt and Weſt upon any Altitude, is repreſented in the Parallel of Altitude by the Convex-Sphere, where it Interſects the Parallel of D. cinz- cion by lo; but in the Concave-Sphere may be meaſured on the Horizon Ho, as CV, or C1, meaſured on the Line of half Tangents. (S.) The Ooo 1 104 Book VI. The uſe of the Line of Signs, &c. 1 (3.) The Hour of the Day from Six, to any Altitude, is always repreſented in the laid Point of Interſection, in the Parallel of Declination, hereby 90, or in the Concave-Sphere by So; and all theſe Arches thus repreſented in Right-Lines, are the Signs of thole Arches to the Radius of that Parallel in which they happen, being ac- counted in the midft of that Parallel. How to meaſure the Quantities of thoſe reſpective Arches by a Line of Chords, and Signs, and by Half. Tangents ; and conſegnently thereby to reſolve the moſt uſeful Caſes of Spherical Triangles; as alſo by Calculation, is what I inteird ſhall be the fub- jest of the Pages, viz. and the Art of Dialling bý a Gnomical Scale. The former Sphere or Scheme doth repreſent the Trianglés commonly uſed in Cal. culation. Thus the Right-Angled Triangle CK 0, Right-Angled at K; ſuppoſing the Sun at o, is made of CK, his Right Aſcention, ok his Declination ; - K Co the Angle of the Ecliptick, and the Eqdinoctial being the Sùns greateſt Declination 23 deg. 31, Cok, the Angle of the Súns Meridian and Ecliptické. In the Right-Anglēí-Triangle LON, Right-Angled at 0; fuppofing the Sun at LON is the Elevation of the Pote, NL the Complement of the Suns Declinacion, LO the Suns Azimuth from the North. I NO the Hour from Midnight, or Complement of the Aſcentional: Difference, NLO the Angle.of Poſition, that is, of the Sans Meçidian with the Horizon, and of the like parts, of their Complements, iş made the Triangle CML, In the Right-Angled-Triangle CIS, Right-Angled at 1; ſuppoſing the Sun at S, there is given CS his Declination, i3 his Altitude at the hour of Six, CI the Suns Azimuth from the Eaſt and Welt at the hour of Şix, 1CS the Angle of the Poles Elevation, CSI the Angle of the Süßis Poſition. In the Right-Angled-Triangle CCM, fuppoſe the Sun at M; d M the Suns De- clination, Cå his hour from Six, in the Altitude being Eaſt or Weſt, HCM the Latitude, dMC the Angle of the Suns Pofition. In the Oblique-Angled Triangle ZON, if the Sun be at O. ZN is the Com- plement of the Latitude, and Nw the complement of the Suns Declination, or di, Itance from the Pole. Ź the Comple-nt of the Suns Altitude, or height; ZNG the Angle of the Hour from Noon; NZO the Sans Azimuth from the North-part of the Meridian ; ZON the Angle of the Suns Potition. And thus we have ſhewed how the fo.mer Diagram or Analemma repreſents the spherical i riangles uſed in Calculatio: whey, or the Six parts in each Triangle, it any three are given, the reſt may be fome oy walculation rom the Proportions, and that either by Addition and Sut ftracis. wy che Aricciai Signs and Tangents, and what is resolved by either of theſe ior, o tables, we will reſolve with the firſt Tables, and with Scale and Companies, that you may see the near agreement betwixt shem. : W* CHAP. III: 105 99006 sono pohoto loco boot ാറുമാറ്റം sebab hambo st CHAP. III. 1 T 1 How to Calculate the Sun's true place. His Propoſition is propounded, in the firſt place, becauſe many others depend upon it ; According to the Hypotheſis of Ticho, it is to be lug- geſted, and there is afcribed to the Sun a Triple Motion ; firſt, a Mo- tian upon his own Centre, whereby he finiſheth one Revolution in 26 Days. 2. A daily motion from the Eaſt into the Weſt, whereby he cauſeth the Day and Night. 3. An oppoſite Motion from the West into the Eaſt, called the Annual Motion, whereby he runs once round in a Year through the whole Ecliptick, moving near a degree in a Day, and thereby caùſeth the ſeveral Seaſons of the Year. The two later Motions are fancied out unto us, by a Man turning a Crane-Wheel, or Grindəftone 365 times round, while a Worm ſtruggling againſt, and contrary to that Motion, creeps once round the contrary way, but Obliquely and a flope; that is, from the further ſide of the Wheel, towards the hithermoſt, and by this Motion the Sun is ſuppoſed to deſcribe the Ecliptick-Line, and continually to inſiſt in this Courſe; the other Planets, except the Moon, moving round him, or following after him, like Birds flying in the Air, being ſubject to his Motions , and many of their own belides many of which Motions are removed by the Copernican ſuppoſition of the Earths Mo- tion, which is a ſubject of much controverſy among the Learned; However, be icei- ther the one, or the other, the Propoſitions hereafter Reſolved, vary not, by reaſon thereof : And ſo the Sun being ſuppoſed not to vary from under the Ecliptick in re- ſpect of Latitude; the Propolition and Quære, in effect is what Longitude he hath therein, from the neareſt Equino&tial-Point, which may be found within a Degree for his Courſe in each day, from his Entrance into each Sign, from that day of the Month. 3 1 1 1 po Aries, March 10. 8 Taurus, April 9. I Gemini, May 11. Cancer, June 12. I Leo, Fuly 13. The Day of the Month m Virgo, Auguſt 13. the Sun enters into each i Libra, September 13. Sign. m Scorpio, Ołtober 13. 7 Sagitarius, November 11. Yo Capricornus, Decem. Il. mons Aquarius, Fanuary 9. # Pisces, February 8. 1:. If the number of the Day of the Month given, exceed the number of that Day, in which the Sun enters into any Sign; Subſtract the leſſer Number from the greater and the Remainer is the Degree of the Sign, that the Sun poſſederh. 000 2 PROBL 106 To Calculate the Suns place in Aſtronomy. Book.VI. PROBL.I. ܕܐ • 6 45. Example. N the 1 2 of May I would find the Suns true place by the former Rules ; The Sun enters Gemini May 11, which Subſtract from 12, the Remainer is , which Thews the Sun to be in i deg. of Gemini the third Sign; that is, 61 degr, from the next Equinoctial-Point. 2. Examples Let it be required to know the Suns Place the 4th of November ; on the 11 day of that Month the Sun enters Sagitarius, and the 13th day of September he enters Libra: betwixt the'1 3 of September, and the 4 of November is 52 days, and conſequently 52 degr. from the Equinoctial-Point Libra; then jo taken from 52, there remains 22 degr. the Suns place in Scorpio, which is the thing required. But here is a ņearer Rule yet than this, to find the Suns place exactly, and that is by Mr. Vincent Wing's Hypotheſis, and Tables in Aſtronomia Britanica, how to Calculate his true place from Earth, the Rule is, Firſt , enter the Table of the Middle-Motion of the Sun, and write out the Epocha nexi going before the time given, under which fet the Motion diſtinętly belonging to the Years, Months, and Days, and Hours, and Minutes, if any be; (only in the Biffexstile or Leap-Years,) after February a Day is to be added to the number of Days given ; then adding them all together, the ſum will be the Middle-Motion of the Sun for the time given. As for Example. Suppoſe the time given be the 12 of May at Noon 1667, at which time the Suns place is required. Time given. Longitude o Apog. o SD MSS SS DMS The Epocha 9 20 24 493 1661 years In- 11 29 33 070 6'io cluding 6 Mar. 3 28 16 39 Days 12. o II 49 40 The Suns Mean-motion, or Longitude. 2 00 04 153 2 00 04 153 6 si 37 2. Subſtract the Apog. of the Sun from his Mean-Longitude, and the Remain will be his Mean Anomaly. Example SD M S The Suns Mean-Longitude is 04 IS The Apogeum Subſtracted The Suns Anomaly. 38 With the Suns Anomaly enter the Table of his Equation with the Sign on the Head and the deg. deſcending on the left hand, if the Number thereof be under 6 Signs ; but if it be more than 6 Signs, enter with the Signin the bottom, and the degr.aſcending on the right hand , and in the common-Angle you have the Equation anſwering thereunto ; only you muſt, if need require, remember to take the Proportional part. Example. In the Table of Equation anſwering to 23 degr. is 51 The Suns Mean-Longitude, add 04 15 The Suns true Longitude. Therefore the true place of the Sun is in i degr. 16 min. 6 ſeconds of Gemini. Another Example. In the Year 1583 March 14 at Noon, in the Meridian of Vraneburg in Denmark, thrice Noblç Ticho-Brahe, moſt excellently obſerved the Suns true place in 3 deg. 17 min. 42 ſeconds of r. The time at Londow was 1583 March 13 day 3 h. & 2. O 20 1 2 2 OO 1 3 06 SI 37 IO 23 12 | A S SD OT M II 2 OO 2 01 16 16 06 + . A 1 1 1 A Table of the Suns Mean Motion. Longit . Apog. Long. SM i H M SDM SIM S D M S Lon M S 1 0 O O 1 I 19 1 I 0. O 2 O I I 2.4 O 1 O 1 5 OS I 29 I 31 1 34 IO I 0 оос 2 10 I 39 II IO 0 0 ܕܐ I 43 00 30 A Table of the Suns Mean Motion, . The Apoche, or Radius. Mean Motion in years under 20 Longit. © Apog. O Longit. O Apog. Years. Year. SDM SSD M S S D M S M S Ch.119 07 59.5112 08 20 03 II 29 45 40 15819 19 48 55 3 05 22 55 IT 29 31 20 04 160119 19 52 5413 50 43 28 3 !1 20 16 59 3 OS 162119 20 06 52 20 06 5213 06 04 00 L 400 00 01 48 4 07 164119 20 15 513 06 24 33 511 29 47 28 16613 20 24 4913 06 45 05 6II 29 33 7 6 168119 20 33 4813 07 OS 38 211 29 10 47 7 I 2 L 8100 00 3 35 8 13 9 II 29 49 IS 9 54 Mean Motion in Years above 20. 10 11 29 34 55 16 II 29 20 35! II 18 00 00 05 23 12 ooo 08 5910 20 33 000 17 57000 41 05 40 1311 29 51 03 13 21 60 000 26 5610II OD 38 14 II 29 35 43 14 23 80 000 35 5410 II 22 10 ISII 29 22 23 IS 25 L 16100 00. 07 II 16 26 100 10 00 44 530 II 42 43 17 11 23 52 51 17 28 O 02 29 45 10 03 25 26 18 11 29 38 31 18 29 30010 02 14 38005 08 08 400 10 02 59 3110 50 51 19112924. TO 19 31 Oo oo 08:59 | 20 33 5000 03 44 23 10 08 33 34 600 o 04 29 16 O 10 16 17 Mean Motion in Months. 700 005 14 09 10 11 59 00 800 0 05 59 01 0 13 41 42 Febr. for oa 33 18 00 Jamu. loo oo oo oo yooo 06 43 5410 15 2.4 26 Marc. or 28 09 1! oo os OO IO 10000 07 23 47 10 17 07 08 20000 14 57 341, 041415 May 03 28 io 390 April 02 28 42 306 is 3000 O 22 26 21 June 104 28 49 58 oo 0025 40000 29 55 08 2 08 28 30 July 105 28 24 07 00 31 552 6000 1.14 52-4213 12 42 44 Sept. oj 29 30 4400 57 25 42 Oto.8 29 04 54 00 47 Nov. 09 29 38 12 53 Dec. 10 29 12 22 59 1310 L 12 I 46 20 20 I O O 59 OS 2 24131 17 001 SS 17! Do 20 4 5632 30 0257 25 3 7 24133 1 2 1 410 03 56 33 4 9 51 31 O 04 SS 42 5 I 2 1935 I 26 6 Oo5 54 50 6 0 14 47 36 2006 53 581 DI 7 17 1537 8 @ 07 53 0710 8 0 19 43 38 9 O 08 52 IS 0 1 9 22 II 39 I 36 IO ooy SI 23 O 24 38 40 10 so 31 027 6141 I 41 11 49 4010 1310 29 34 42 12 48 491 O2 13 o 32 243 14'0 13 47 57 141 0 34 30 44 I 48 ISO 14 47 OSO 2 IS o 36 5845 SI 160 15 46 1310 316 0 39 25 140 1716 45 22 0317 O 41 53147 1810 17 44 300 18 0 44 21 48 I 58 1910 18 43 38 10 3119 O 46 4049 2 01 20 0 19 42 47! O 3 20 O 49 1750 21 10 20 41 55 O SI 45 Si 2 06 o 21 41 03 4 | 22 o 54 1352 2 08 2.3 10 22 41 12 O 4 23 56 4053 240 23 40 20 0424 o 59 250 24 39 2804 O4 125 IOI 34155 18 26 0 25 38 37 0426 I 04 0456 2 18 270 26 37 45 427 I 06 3257 2 20 28 10 27 36 53 I 09 00 58 28 35 02 5 29 I II 2759 30 10 29 35 io lo s 130 I 13 55 160 2 28 31 OOO 00 34 18 os (Mm se. th. I See See m . I th. تم ا ر د بیا بیا بیا با ما با I 53 I56 200 2 03 Bl 5510 L 30 321 22 2 IT 854 2 13 OO 00 2 O O S 2-8 I 21 21 22 20 2 23 2 25 29 A Table of the Suns Equation. 00 oo The Calculationi Apog. o 1 SD SDM S Long. Mi Š w 3 22 22 55 The Apocha. T 1581. Years added 2 March. Days 13 Hours 23 Minutes 8 IO 9 19 48 55 IT 29 31 20 I 28 9. 1.1 I2 48, 48 56 40 20 2 + . OO 2 2 2 3 5 25 II I IS 14 3 S-125 II The Suns Mean Motion, Apogeum Subſtract. The Anomaly of The Equator added to i 15' 14 The Suns true place, with Obſervation. So 03 SI p. 3 18 5 Sig. o Sig. o Sig. 1 | Sig. 2 Sig. 31 Sig. 4 Sig. 5 E Sub, IE Sub. Sub. E Sub. Sub. E Sub. IDM SID MSID MSID MSID SMDM SI oyooo105932 11 44 2.812 25411 482311 3 26130 10.25 1 121 145 34 22 501 47 201 I I 32/29 210 940 3.10 146 382 2561 1 4675 0 59 37 28 310 6121 457 147412 255 I 45 90574027 4. 816 6 42 1 48 402 6 42 1 48402 252 11 44 105542 26 51 010191 8261 49 382 8 261 49 38/2 2 471 42 50 0 534325 6101222 1 10 9115o 342 2 39 1 41 37 051 43 24 1101425 1.115111511912 2291140 22 229 140 22 0 49 42 23 801628113 32 152 222 2 17! I 39 410 45 391 22 9101830 IIS III 53132 I 37 450 45 35 1 2 1 100?032116491154 I 1 46 1 36 24 0 43 31 | 20 11 22:34 1 1:8 26 11 5443 i 2 I 29 I 3.5 3 041 2619 120.24377 20 0211'55312 I 7 7!3339 039 2018 13.0 26-39 1 21 36 14 56142 0441 1 32 30371417 1402841 123 91356.552 0181304435 6/16 15 10 30 42 | 1 24 41 1573415949 129133258115 161 32431 261115810159 19 1 2741030 50 14 17 0 34 44 11 27 40158.44 1 58 47 1 26 70 28 41 13 1810 36 431 29 1159-16115812 1 24 37|0 2531 12 1910 384" 1 30 34 1594515735 11 22 560 24 21 11 2010 4038 1315812 01411565611 21181022101.10 21 03335 1 33 202 0401 5614111938 1959 9 220 34 811 3741 10415530100756101748 23 0 4627 11 360 I 261 54 44 116 12 0 15 36 7 241 048 22 1 461 153.561 1426101333 6 351OS0161 3833 2 2 3 153 si 1240 III 26 10 52 091 39.482 152 12 I 10 520 4 271 054 I I4I 12 2 301 IS118119 3 281055 52 I 42 I 2 2 2 40|ISO 21 50211711 7 Illo 429 2910 57421 43 21 2 2 48 149 231 1 0594211 44 2812 25411 48 23 1 33610 Oo Add Add Add Add Add Sig. 11 Sig. 10 i Sig. 9 | Sig. 8 | Sig. 7 7 | Sig. 6 Agreeing Z (3) Example the time given the 10 of April 166 at Noon, and admit by the former Rules we have found the Suns Mean Motion 29 degr. o min. 30' his Apogeum 3 s. 6 d. 49 m. 295. his Anomally 9 s. 22 d. 11' I; firſt find a Proportional part, the Equat. anſwering to 22 s. I 8. 52' 22" The Equator anſwering to 23 d. 1 51 29 their difference Then I ſay, if i deg. or 60 min. give 53 ſeconds, what ſhall 11 of the Anomaly give? by the Rule of proportion, . 60: 53 11 (4) 53 58(3)9- I 37172 59 S 2 18 8 57 92 643 43 3 578 2 IS I ( 0 30 te siendo ............. + I The Convex. Sphere, which reſolves all the moſt uſeful Problems in Aſtronomsy, by the Direction of 13 Problems following. N 팀 ​I и 8 UT.. M K 8 ma At - h H c Р X m -foodporn X $ 1 W BOR n - * The Goncave-Sphere, which reſolves 13 Problems, vizi and by then may be reſolved, moſt of the uſeful Problems in Aftronomy. 2 ! X e * minus 7 E d B B MR S H 00 $ n L म BR o CHAP. III. The uſe of the Line, &c. 107 Multiply 53 by 11, the Product is 583, which Divide by 60, the Quotient will be 9", and becauſe the Equation decreaſes ! Subſtract it from the Equa. anſwering 22 which is i d. 52 - 12" for the true Equation deſired, which according to the Title, being added to the Suns Mean-Longitude, giveth the true place of the Sun re- quired. Example. S D 29 00 30 The Suns Mean-Longitude. The Equation added. The Suns true Longitude. 52 12 I 00 52 42 D. Therefore the Suns true place is in 0 52:42 of Taurus ; theſe Examples are ſuffi- cient for Direction, to find the Suns true place at any time, PROBL. II. i The Suns Diſtance from the next Equinoctial-point; and his greateſt De- clination being given, to find the Declination of any point required. VV Ith your Compaffes take the Chord of 60 degr. upon the Centre C, deſcribe the Circle HZON, and draw the Diameter HCO, which repreſents the Horizon, and at Right-Angles, or perpendicular thereunto, draw Z CN, the Vertical Azimuth of Eaſt and Weſt, and take the Latitude of the Place, as in this Example, is Ś I d. 28 m. and prick it from Oto N, and from H to S, and draw the Axis or Meridian of the Hour of Six NCS, then prick from Z to E, and from Nto est. degr. 28 min, and draw the Equinoctial Line & CQ, then the Suns place being given, take 23 deg. 31 m. and prick from E to , and from Q_to P, and draw the prickt Line SCP, then take the Suns Diſtance from the next Equin.-Point, which in this Example Mall be 61 deg. 18 m. out of the Line of Signs, and prick it from C to C, and through 0 draw a Parallel-Line to the Equinoctial , as TD, and it hall be a Parallel of Decii. nation, and where it cuts the outward Meridian, as at T; apply the Diſtance E T to the Line of Chords, and you have the Declination 20 degr. 30 min. which was required Or you may take the neareſt Diſtance from o to the Equator, and apply it to the Line of Signs, and that will give you the Declination 20 degr. 30 min. as before ; and if through you draw a Line Parallel to the Horizon HO, as ef, it is a Parallel of the Suns Altitude, and ſo have you the Sphere Orthographically in Right-Lines in the Convex-Sphere; and if you follow the directions of the uſe of Tangents, and half Tan- gents in the 12 Chap. of the fourth Book of the Deſcription of the Globe in Plano, you have the Sphere projected in Plain and Circular Lines, and fitted for the uſe of divers Queſtions; the Direction in both Spheres by the Letters ſignify the ſame thing ; but obſerve what you are directed by Signs in the Convex-Sphere, is likewiſe to be done by Tangents in the Concave-Sphere. By the Tables in the Right Angled Triangle CKO; we have given, firſt the Hy- Co 61 degrees 18'; fecondly, the Angle K CO 23 degr:31', hence to find ko, the Rule is, as the Radius is in proportion to the Sign of the Suns greateſt Decl. 2 3 d. 31'K CO So is the Sign of the Suns diſtance from the next Equinartial.Poiix 994307 61 degrees i 8 min.COM to the Sign of his Declination required 20 degrees, 30% 954406 Or extend the Compaſes in the line of Artificial Signs from 90 degr. to 23 degr. 30 min, the fume extent will give the diſtance from the Suns Place, to his Declination. The porhenafc IO 960099 Ке I 1 44 $ MWL 1 108 The ule of the Line of Natural and Book VI 1. Z GO 'n N Æ dt. M e 700 S B 699 H X + 2 foculA S I 1 The Sun being either in i deg: 18 min. of Gemini, or 29 deg. 42 min. of Capricorn, or i degr. 18 of Sagitarius, or 28 degr: 42 min. of Cancer, that is, 61 degri is mim from the next Equinoctial-Point, the Declination will be found to be 20 degrees 30 minutes. PROBL. III. I 1 J 4 A 6 Having the Suns greateſt Declination, and his Diſtance from the next Equi- noctial-Point; to find his Right-Aſcention. I N the Foregoing Scheme, having drawn the Parallel of the Suns Declination TD, paſſing through the place at * the extent se, is the Sign of the Suns Right-Aſcen- tion from the next neareſt Equinoctial-Point, to the Radius of the Parallel TD, and therefore place the extent ST from C to X, and upon X as a Centre with the extend se, deſcribe the Arch at k; a Ruler laid from the Centre juft touching the extremity of that Arch, finds the Point N in the Limb of the Meridian or Quadrant, and the Arch ON, applyed to the Line of Chords, is so degr. og min. and ſo much is the Suns Right-Aſcenlion in the firſt quarter of the Ecliptick. In the Triangle CK we have given as before, (1.) the Angle of the Suns grea- teſt Declination KC® 23 degr. 31 min. (2.) the Longitude of the Sun from the next Equinoctial-Point Aries cô 61 degr. 1 8 min. hence to find the Suns Rght-Ar- fcention, the Rule is; As the Radius to the Tangent of the diſtance 65 degr. 18 min.Co - 1026162 So is the Co-Sign of the Suns greateſt Decl. 23 deg. 31' KC0--996234 to the Tangent of the Right-Aſcention CK 59 deg. 9m.- 1022 396 Or in the Concave-Sphere ; it you draw the Meridian from N through to S, whole Centre will be found upon the Equator, it will cut the Equinoctial in K; mea- ſure the diſtance GK on the Line of half-Tangents, and you have s9 d. 09', as before. Or extend the Compaſſes from 90 d. to 66 d. 29, the fame diſtance will reach from deg.18 59 deg. 9 min, which is the Suns Right Aſcention in 61 deg. 18 I. I - IO 6 Buc 1 I 1 . 1. 7 Chap. III. Artificial Signs and Tangents . 109 ; But this you are to obſerve, that if the Right-Aſcention fought, be in the ſecond Qua- drant on 1, then you are to take the Complément of the Arch found to 180 deg. if in the third Quadrant a mi, adde 180 deg. to the Arch found; but in the laſt Quadrant, Subſtract the Arch'found from the whole Circle 360 degr. and you shall have the Right- Aſcention deſired. Example 2. The Sun in 28 degr. 42 min. of so, that is , 61 degr. 18 min. from the Equinoctial Pointed the Rule'is as before. As the Radiss is to the Co-Sign of the greateſt Decli- nation, ſo is the Tangent of the Suns diſtance from the next Equinoctial-Point 61 degr. 18 min. co the Tangent of 59 degr. og as before, which taken from 180, is 1 30 deg. simin. which is the Suns Right-Aſcention in 28 degr. 42 min. of Cancer. Example 3. The Sun in i degr. 16 min. off, thac is, 61 degr. 18 mix. from the next Equinoctial- Point is, the work is the fame as before; therefore to the Arch found, I add 180 degr. a Semi-Circle, fo 58 deg. og mix and 180, makes 239deg. 09 min. the Right-Aſcention of the Sun fought in i deg. 18 min. of Sagitarius F. Example 4. The Sun in 28 degr. 42 min. of Capricorn, 61 deg. 18 min. from the next Equi- noctial Point r, the operation is the ſame with the former Example; wherefore Sub- ſtract the Arch found 59 deg. 09 min. from the whole Circle 360 deg. and there will remain 200 deg. si min, which is the Suns Right-Aſcention in 28 deg. 42 min. of y Capricorn. PROBL. IV. # The Elevation of the Pole, and Declination of the Sun being given; to find tbe Aſcentional-Difference. THE His is repreſented in the Figure by SL in the Parallel of Declination, and it is therefore to be reduced into the cominon Radins, therefore take the Radius of the Parallel ST, and prick it from C to X, as before ; then take the extent SL, and ſetting one Foot upon X, with the other draw the part of an Arch at a, lay a Ruler from C; that it may juſt touch the outſide thereof, and it cuts the Circle in d, and tåke thé Chord or Extent Hd; and you will find it 2 8 deg. o min. which being con- veried into Time, is an Hour 52 min. and ſo much doth the Sun Riſe before, and Ser after Six in Summer, but ſo much doth he Riſe after, and Set before Six in Winter, when he hath the fame Declination South. In the Right-Angled Spherical Triangle SLC are known. I. SCL the Com. plement of the Poles Elevation 38 dega 32 min. 2. The Suns Declination 20 deg. 30 min. hence to find the Aſcentional Difference SĖ. As the Radius 90 deg. is in Proportion to the Tangent of the Latit. 5 i deg. 28 min. SCL-1009887 So is the Tangent of the Suns Declination 20 deg. 30'SC-957273 to the Sign of SL the Aſcentional-difference 28 d. oo m.-967160 Extend the Compaſſes on the Artificial-Lines of Signs and Tangents , and you will find it, as before; or if you take the diſtance NS, and prick it from Stok, and lay the Ruler from Cover L, it will cut the Arch of the Meridian in a; then Meaſure the diſtance Nd on the Line of Chords, and it will be 28 deg. oo min. as before found, that is one Hour 52 min. 10 t PROBL: 1 1 110 Book VI. The uſe of the Line of Natural and PROBL. V. The Suns Right-Afcention, and his Aſcentional-difference being given; to find bis Oblique-Aſcention, and Deſcention. TO perform , theſe 1. If the Suns Decli- nation be North, you muſt Subſtract the Aſcentional-difference from the Right- Aſcention, and the Remain will be the Oblique-Aſcention; but if you add them toge. ther, the ſum will be the Oblique Deſcention. 2. If his Declination be South, add the Aſcentional-difference, and the Right Aſcention together, the ſum will be the Oblique-Aſcention ; but if you make Subſtraction, the Remainer will be the Oblique- Deſcention. Admit the Sun is in the i deg. 18 min. of Gemini by the ſecond Problem, his Right- Aſcention is 59 deg. o9 min, and his Aſcentional-difference by the 4 Problem, is 28 deg.: o min. therefore according to the firſt Rule, becauſe his Declination is North, the difference thereof 31 deg. 09 min. is the Suns Oblique-Aſcention, and the ſum of them 87 deg. og min. his Oblique-Deſcention. e PROBL, VI. V I Y ↑ To find the time of Sun-Riſing, and Setting, with the length of the Day and Night. Ou muſt find the Afcentoinal-difference by the 4 Problem, which conveited into Time, allowing 4 min. of an hour for every degr. and feconds for every min. and the ſum of Hours and Minutes, is his difference of Riling and Setting before or after the hour of Six, which was found before to be 28 deg.or.i hour 52 min. Therefore when the Sun is in Northern Signs, add the ſum to Six, and the Total is the Semi-diurnal Arch, as in this Example, is 7 hours 5'2, or time of Sun-ſetting, and Subſtract it from Sis, and the Remain is 4. b. 8.74 the time of Sun-Riſing ; double 7 ho. s'2 m, it is I's ho.44, the length of the Day; Subſtract it from 24 bo. oom. and the Remain is 8 ho. 16 n. the length of the Night the 12 of May, in Latitude deg. 28 min. at Briſtol. Bur if the Sun is in Southern Signs,' make Subftraction, as in this Example, the Sun having 20 deg. 2c min. South Declination, or in s deg. 18-tix: 1; Subſtract i ho. S'2 from 6, the Remain is 4 ho. o8 m. for the time of Sun-Setting, double it, and it is 8 ha. 16 m. the length of the day; add 1 ho. 52 m. to 6, the fum is 7 ho. 52 m. is the time of Sun-Riling ; double it, it is is bo. 44 m. the length of the Night, in Latitude si deg. 28 m. in i deg. 18 m. of Sagitarius. SI: + . PROBL. VII. 1 The Elevation of the Pole, and Declination of the Sun being given ; to find his Amplitude. Eaſure the extent CL with the Compaſſes in the Line of Signs, and it will reach to 34 degr. 40 min. and ſo much doth the Sun Riſe and Set to the Northward of the Eaſt and Weſt' in the Latitude of Bruviai, when his Declination is 20 deg. 30 þur he Riſeth and Setteth ſo much to the Southward of the Eaſt and West, when his Declination is ſo much South. Now on the Concave-Sphere, the extent CL on the Horizon, applyed to the Line of half-Targents, is 34 deg. 40 min. the Amplitude, as before. If win. North; Cap. III. 21:Artificial Signs and Tahgents: III thús.. .16 c't .. pino L them and then iii If the Suns Parallel of Declination doth not meet with the Horizontal-Line HO, as in Regions far North, the Sửn doth riot Riſe not Ser. In the Right. Arigled Spherical-Trainġle LOC of the 4 Problemi, having the Argil ICO, the Complement of the Latitude 38 degt: 32 min. and L'O the Suns Decli- nation 20 degr. 30 min. in 1 d. 18 m. II his Amplitude by Calculation may be found The Artificial - As the Co-Sign of the Latitude's 1 deg: 2.8 poin, l'co - 979445 Lines by this is to the Kadius go degr. Rule anſwers So isthe Sign of the Declination 20 degr. 36:10 954432 the fame. to the Sign of the Amplitude CL 34, deg. 40 min. 974986 ? This Rule is the comnion Rule Mariners make uſe of for the finding of the Variation of the Compaſs at Sea, by comparing the Coaſt, or bearing of the Sun, obſerved bý áin Amplitude or Azimuth-Compaſs at the Suns Riſing or Setting, and by his bearing, found by thèſe Rules beforegoing, the difference Theweth the Variation. 2. : As for Examples Admit you obſerved the Suns Amplitude of Riſing or Setting by your Compaſs in the firſt Chap. and fifth Book of the Art of Surveying deſcribed:? i? And by the Compaſs found, the Magnetical Amplitude: 4.5 1.55 compl. 44 d: 05N. By the Rules beforegoing find the true Amplitude, --- 34 d. 40 compl. 55. d. 20' N. Subſtract the leſs out of the greater, the difference is dois m., Variation, And by reaſon the Magnetical. Amplitude is more than the true. Amplitude " there- fore the Variation is 11 degr: 15 min. which is one Point Weſterly, and ifłyouare: bound to a place that bear Northof. you, you muſt Sail upon the North by West Point or if you bare Weſt, you muſt Sail W and by S, and if South, the Courie muſt be south and by Eaſt; or if you bear Eaſt, then the Courſe muſt be Eaſt and by North, to make good á North, or Weſt, or South, of Eaſt'Courrë'; and ſo of all the reſt of the Points you muſt allow in like manner. 2. But admit the Magnetical Amplitude obſerved by the Carpaſs, were buti 2:3:das. 25 min, and the true Amplitude by the former Rules found to be 34 degr. 40 min. the upper-Subſtract from the lowerj . the difference is a degr. 15) mini and by reate the Magnetical Amplitude :is leſs than the true Amplitude, and the difference i idegruz. which is one point Variations Eaſterly; and forthe North Point is the Nby.E poist; and NE is the N E:by. E; and Eis Ebys, and South is S:by W., and W is Wilý N Point of your Sailing Compaſs, when you have ſuch a Variation, and the Complenten: of the Amplitude isihe . Suns Azimuth from the Northvor South parted the Meridian; according as your Declination is.;. And this is ſufficient for:ani Example to find tbe Vari- ation of the Compaſs in any place or time. ......, As likewiſe by his Oblique-Aſcenſion, and Aſcenſional differences or by the syns bţing Eaſt and Welt by the following Rules , or by, the Suns Azimuth at the hour of six ; as likewiſe his Azimuth at any other time or place obſerved, as hall be hewn for the telpand benefit of young lariier's ,!;!:,: Arish; Mesin ! . 1 . 2 silo: : + 1 .': !!! I i .:! ! e nii . H I • A3791.1 PPP PROBL I 9 112 The uſe of the Line of Signs & Tangents. Book VI. 1 t PROBL. VIII. 1 I Having the Latitude of the Place, and the Suns Declination, to find the time when the Sun cometh to be dve Eaſt and Weſt. N the Parallel of Declination, the hour from Six is sepreſented by SM; with that citent upon the Point X draw the Arch b the Ruler laid from C to the outward edge of the ſaid Arch, cuts the Circle at(e) tbc diſtance Oc applyed to the Line of Chords Theweth 17 deg. 30 min. it converted into Time is I h.9 m. 20 ſec. and ſo much after Six in the Morning, and before Six in the Afternoon, will the Sun be due Eaſt and Weſt, by the Concave-Sphere, if you lay a Ruler from A over M, it cuts the Limb in () mealure Ne on the Linc of Chords, and it is the fame 17 deg. 20 min. the Rule by Artificial Signs and Tangents holds as by Calculation, 'viz. r Suppoſe the Latitude se degrees 28 min. and Declination North 20 degrees 30 min. thereforc in the Right-Angled Spherical Triangle ZN M are given (1) ZN the Com- plement of the Latitude 38 degr. 30 min. (2) NM the Complement of the Suns Decli. nation 69 degr. 30 min. Then I ſay. As the Radiu go is in proportion IG To the Co-Tangent of the Declination 69 degr. 30 min. NM -957273 fo is the Tangent of Z N compl. of Latitude 38 degr. 32 min. 990112 is to the Co-Sign of ZNM 17 deg. 20 min. which Reduced is 1 b.9 m. of time, as before. } 9.47385 \Vhich sb.9 m.added to 6 b. the moment in the Morning, the sun will be due East; and if you Subſtract 1 b.9 m. 20 jec, from 6 b.oom, and the Remaia will be ak.gom. 40 fer. the moment in the Afternoon the San will be due Wet. Puos 1.IX. i The Elevation of the Pole, and the Declination of the Sun being given; to find the suns Altitude when he is dne Eaſt and Weſt. Eaſure the extent CM on the Vertical-Circle, and apply it to the Line of Signs, Spherc, and applyed to the Line of Tangents, ſhews the ſame number, and fo much is . his Altitude fought in Summer ; but when he hath the like Declination South, then fo much is his Depreſſion under the Horizon in Winter, when he is Eaſt and Weſt, if the Suns Parallel of:Declination TM doch not meet with the prime Vertical Circle CZ, the Sun cometh not to the Eaſt and Weſt, as it happeneth many times in ſmall Latitudes, or Countreys betwixt the Tropicks. 1 1 In the former Diagram, the Suns Altitude when he is duc Eaſt and Welt, istheved by the Arch CM, wherefore in the Triangle CVMwc have given, (1) the Suns De clination VM 20 degr. 30 min. (2) thc Angle of the Poles Elevation MCV si deg. 28 min. to find his Altitude CM; I ſay, This Rule will hold As the Sign of the Angle of Latit. şı d. 28 m.UCM 989334 is to the Sign of the Declin. 20 degr. 30 min. UM 954432 by the Artificial Lincs.of Signs and So is the Radius 90 degr. . 10 Tangents. to the Sign of the Altitude 26 deg. 37 min. CM-965098 PAOL. X. 11 1 ن : /3 41 Chap. III. The uſe of tbe Line of Signs & Tangents. 113 1 PROB Li X. The Elevation of the Pole, and Declination of the Sun being given; to find the Suns Altitude at the Hour of Six. THE Ake the neareſt diſtance from S to the Horizon CL, and apply it to the Line of Signs, ſheweth the Altitude to be 15 degr. 54 min, or the fame taken of the Con- Gave-Sphere, and meaſured on the Line of Tangents, theweth the ſame, and ſo much is his Depreſſion under the Horizon at Six, when he hath South-Declination 20 degr. 30 min. 10 In the Concave-Sphere, you may ſee all the Triangles plain, and we have known in this Triangle ZSN, (1.) The Complement of the Latitude ZN 38 degr: 32 m. (2.) the Complement of the Suns Declination NS 69 degr. 30 min. to find the Hypotenafe 2$; therefore I ſay, As the Radius go degr. is in Proportion To the Co-Sign of 69 degr. 30 min. NS 954432 ſo is the Co-Sign of 38 degr. 32 min. ZN 989334 To the Sign of the Altitude 74 degr. 6 min. Soo 943766 Whoſe Sign is 15 degr. 54 min. is the Suns Altitude at the hour of Six, when he is I degr. 18 m. off in Latitude si deg, 28 m. Extend the Compaſſes from 90 degr. to 20 d. 30', the fame extent will reach from the Latitude 52 deg. 28 min. tà is deg. 54 m, as beforc. ) PROBL. XI. Having the Latitude of the place, and the Declination of the Sun given ; to find the Surs Azimuth at the Hour of Six. 2 His is repreſented in the Convex-Sphere by VZ in the Parallel of Altitude of the Sun VSB; Prick VB from Cto W, and with the diſtance VS draw the Arch upon W at h, and lay the Ruler juſt touching the faid Archi , cuts the Circle in Y ; the distance HY meaſured on the Chords, theweth the Azimuth, or the diſtance Goo, on the Concave-Sphere, applyed only to the Line of { Tangents, thews the Azimuth to be 13 deg. 07 min. and ſo much is the Sun to the Northwards of the Eaſt and Weſt of the hour of Six. In the Right-Angled Spherical-Triangle ZNS of the general Diagram, we have known firſt, ZN, the Complement of the Latitude 38 degr. 32 min. (2.) NS the Complement of the Suns Declination 59 degr. 30 min. to find the Azimuth of the hour of Six, repreſented by the Angle NZS. I ſay, As the Radisi go is in proportion to the Compl . Sign of the Latitude 38 deg: 32'ZN 979446 So is the Co-Tangent of NS 69 deg. 30 min. 957273 to the Co-Tangent of the Azimuth NZS 76 d.53-936719 Or extend the Compaſſes from the Co-Sign of the Latitude to the Radius ; the fame extent will reach from the Tangent of the Declination, to the Azimub 76 deg. 53 min. as before; the Suns Azimuth from the North part of the Meridian in the Latitude of Si degr. 28 min. and Declination 20 degr. 30 North, (13 degr. 07 min is from the Weſt.) Ppp 2 PROEL XII, IO A 1 114 Book VI. The uſe of the Natural and PROBL. XII. Having the Latitude of the place of the Suns Declination, and his distance from the Meridian being given, to find the Suns Altitude at any Time aſſigned. Y this Caſe may be found the Suns Altitude on all hours, and the diſtance of Places, B in the Arch of a great Gircle ; for the Suns Altitude on all hours thereby is meant, that if the hour of the Day, the Declination and Latitude be given, the Suns Altitude proper to the hour, er his Depreſſion may be found. Take the Chord of 60 degr. and deſcribe the Arch HT POD, draw the Horie zontal-Line HCO, and from 0 to P prick of the Chord of the Latitude sr degr. 28 min. and from P to T and D fer of the Complement of the Suns greateſt Declination, 66 degr. 29 min. and draw the Parallel of Declination TD, and the Axis CSP, or the Meridian of the hour of Six; then draw the Radinis TC, which is the Ecliptick- Line, and take off the Line of Signs, and prick 30 45 Suppose 1 CHAP. III. And born to Calculate in Aſtronomy. 117 10.0; Suppoſe the Sun in the Southern Signs am 7. ve H in the oppoſite Point to the former, having South-Declination 20 degr. 3 oʻmir: and be alſo diſtant from the Meri- dian 29 d. 58 m. take the Declination 20 deg: 30 min. and prick it from £ to B, and R in both the Spheres, and draw the ſtraight Line in the Convex Sphere B MR, and cake from the Suns place in the oppoſite Sign in the Parallel of Declination, his diſtance from the Meridian YR, and prick it on the other ſide of the Parallel from B and the neareſt diſtance to the Horizon-Line HC, applyed to the Line of Signs thew's the Altitude to be 13 d. 23 m. and in the Concave-Sphere take of the I ine of half Tangents, the Declination 20 degr: 30 mix, and lay it from the Centre Cto M, and the Atis CS continued, take the Complement of the Declination of the Line of Se. Catics, and place it from Con the continued Line or Axis, and that will be the Centre of the Parallel of Declination; or if you take the like Complement 69 degr: 30 min. of the Line of Tangents, and put it frorm M on the Axis; it will be the Centre of the Parallel of Declination, therefore drawit BMR, and it will cut the Meridian in the place wherc the Sun is. Now to find the Suns Altitude or Ark (10) or Ze; therefore to find how much it is you muſt find the Pole of the Circle No2, which is done aftef this manner. Lay' a Ruler from Z to h, and it will cut the Circle in ; then take go deg: and prick it from 4 to 7, then lay a Ruler over from 2 to $, and it ſhall cut the Hòrizon in 8; which Point is the Pole of the Circle z hn, To meaſure the Ark Zº, you muſt lay a Ruler upon and ®, which will cut the out- ward Circle in the Point X, ſo ſhall X Z meaſured on the Line of Chords, give you the quantity of d.contained in the Arch XZ, which will be 26 d. 39° equal to the Comple: ment of the Suns Altitude/ 'I have been the larger in this precepr, that it may be a Rule of Dircation, to thew.howthe Ark of any great Circle of the Sphere ; the ſides of all Spherical Triangles being luch, may be macaſured whatſoever, by his operation in the Concave-Sphere. Obſerve the Fígare we have given in the Oblique-Angled Triangle ZN8. 1.NZ as before, the complemenr of the Latitude 38 dég. 32 min. 2. No 110 deg. 30 min. the fame diſtance from the North-Pole. 3. the Angle ZN 29 deg. 58' to find the Altitude As the Radiwu 90 is to the Tangent of NZ 38 deg. 32 min. So is the Co-Sign of the Angle, ZNO 29' 993767 to the Tangent of N9.34 deg. 36 min. 4 Ark, as before, -983879 From the Ark No iro deģ. 30 min. Subſtract the Arch Ng 34 deg.36 min. and there remains -75 deg. 54 min. As the Co-Sign of N, 34 dag. 36 min. is to the Co Sign of ZN 38 degi 32 min. 989334 So is the Co-Sign of tle Sfth Ark q. 75 deg. 54 min 938670 1928004 to the Co-Sign of Z8 76 deg: 37 mir. Now the Complement of Ze, is a ť deg. 23 min. Which is the Slips Altitude required. 1 ..: IO 990112 1 1 991547 936457 1 ! 1 PROBLE 1 . 1 118 1 The uſe of the Line of Natural and Book VI. PROJ L. XIII. 5 with ins 4 1 The Suns Altitude, and his Distance from the Meridian, and Declination being given; to find his Azimuth. Emonſtrate the Queſtion by the Line of . Signs and Chords, with 60 degr. draw , , ; and of B Parallel to the Horizon; then draw the Axis CN, and the Equinoctial CE at Right-Angles or 90 degrees from N, as. NJE; then draw the Parallel of De: clination TL and (BR) by the Line of Chords, and Signs, then take the exteņtil: Ex and ſet from Cto P, and upon P with the extent 1 , draw the Arch (oo) a Ruler laid from C, juſt touching that Arch, cuts the Limb (0.) the Arch Ho meafured on the Line of Chords, is 41: degr. 42 min, and ſo much is the Sun to the Southward of the Eaſt and Weſt, the Complement is 43 deg. 18 min. and ſo much is the. Suns Azimuth from the South part of the Meridian Weltward. Now by the Concave-Sphere, if you find the Centre of the Aximuth Circle on the Horizontal-Line at 0, and draw. the Circle. from 2 through N; meaſure the diſtance Co on the Line of half- Tangents, and it will be the Suns Azimuth from the Eaſt and Welt, as before, 45 deg. 42 min. (Complement 48 deg. 18 min. from the South) ,:! .. 1 1 1 Gril: :smi 1 viviis:::1 30ogii'isins 17:1). !! b T : زر . 200911033090), 1/4: :.. Zy lisiloliniuti il !::: 7 i 1r lirinin II : TV? j ។ A Home + *1 . rin :: both 1 :: + SEKS 1 DL BY 1 1 : ; ܪ it. I que R t ; 9 L. * - In the Oblique Spherical-Triangle ZN, we have known. 1. Ze the Com- plement of the Suns Altitude 38 degi 148 min. 2. The Angle ZN 0.29 degy..58 m. the Suns diſtance from the Meridian." 3. The Complement of the Suns. Declination NO 69 deg. 30 m. Now I work thus As the Complement-ſign of the Altitude 38-degr: 48 min. Ze 979699 is to the Sign of the Angle from the Merid. 29 deg: 58m. ZNO 969859 So is the Compl. Sign of the Declination 69 deg: 30 NO 1967011 to the Sign of the Suns Aximath NZ 48 deg. 18 min, 9,879 12 Now admit the Altitude were 13 degr. 23 min. his diſtance from the Meridian 29 Set Vy from deg. 58, and his Declination South 20 deg. 30'. o 3," and "By the foregoing Rules, you will find the Arch Hwy, meaſured on the Line of with vo draw Chords 6 i deg. 15 min. the Suns Azimuth from the Eaſt and Weſt, whoſe Comple- t'e Arch at d. ment is 28 deg. 45 min, the Azimuth from the South part of the Meridian, Os 997158 71 1 1 } Chap. III. And bow to Calculate in Aſtronomy. 119 Or on the Concave-Sphere draw the Azimuth Circle ZON, and meaſure on the Horizontal-Line Chi, applyed to the Line of half-Tangents, is 61 deg. 15' as before, and the Azimuth 28 deg: 45 min. H h from the South part of the Meridian ; and asi deg. 15 min. his Azimuth from the North part of the Meridian Oh. Obſerve the general Diagram of the Concave-Sphere, you have in the Oblique-An- gled Spherical Triangle RNO. 1. Zo the Complement of the Suns Altitude 26 76 deg: 37'. 2. The Angle Z NƏ 29 deg; 58 min, his diſtance from the Meridian. 3. N110 deg. 30', the Complement of the Suns Declination. The Rule is to find the Azimuth, As the Complement-Sign of the Altitude Zo 76 deg. 37 998804 is to the Sign of the Angle from the Merid. ZNO 29 d. 58 m. 969853 So is the Complement-Sign of the Declination No 69 d. 30 m.- 997158 1967011 to the Sign of the Suns Azimuth NZ 28 degr. 45 min. - 968207 PROBL, XIV. The Poles Elevation, with the Suns Altitude and Declination given ; to find the Suns Azimuth, 1 2 draw a Diagram by the Rules beforegoing in the Convex-Sphere, that is, the Elevation of the Pole ON $r deg. 28 m. the Suns parallel of Altitude vo V 13 d. 23 m. and the parallel of the Suns Declination 20*digr; 30 min. BR; then take v V, the parallel of Altitude, and prick it from Cto oo then take the diſtance ye, and on & as a Centre, draw the Archat (2), a Ruler laid over C, and the outſide of ) Thall cut the Arch in (^,) then meaſure the diſtance (HW) and the Line of Chords gi deg. 15 min. as before. Or dsaw the Concave-Sphere, and the Axis or Elevation of the Pole ON; and likewiſe prick from Hand on both ſides the Parallel of the Suns Altitude vo V 13 deg. 23 min. and take the ſame number of the Line of half-Tangents, and prick it on C2, the Prime Vertical Line of Eaſt and Weſt from Cupwards io (v.) and draw the parallel of Altitude, you, whoſe Centre will be upon the Vertical CZ continued or found, by taking the Complement of the Altitude 76 deg: 37 min. of the Line of Secants, and prick it from Con the Vertical-Line continued, and that is the Centre; draw, as (you) thence draw the Parallel of Declination 2 o deg. 30 min. by the former direction from Æto B, and from Oto R, and take zo deg: 30 min. of the Line of half-Tangenrs, and prick it from Con the Axis to (m.) and draw BOM R the Parallel, whoſe Centre is found upon the Axis continued, as before, by the Complement Secant of the Decli- nation 69 deg: 30 min. Then where the Parallel of Altitude and Declination croſs each other, which is at e, there is the Sun aç that time, therefore draw the Azimuth-Circle, as before (12 Probl. directed,) from Z through to N, and it will cut the Horizon in Hi then meaſure Ch, and it is the Suns Azimuth from the Eaſt and Weſt, which applyed to the Line of half-Tangents, deg. 15 min. as before, whoſe Complement is 28 deg: 45 min. the Azimuth from the South ; in like männer meaſure all Azimuths from the Prime Vertical on the Horizon, By Calculation ; Firſt, conſider the Declination of the Sun, whether it be towards thie North or South, fo haye you his diſtance from the Poles; then add this diſtance, the Complement of his Altitside, and the Complement of your Latitude all three together, and from hialf the ſum Subſtract the diſtance from the Pole or Complement of his De clination, and note the difference. Q.99 Look i 70 120 The uſe of the Line of Signs & Tangents. Book VI. 2. The 5 Look well and obſerve the general Diagram in the Oblique-angled Triangle. ZON the Complement of the Suns Altitude is 20 76 deg 37 min. Complement of the Suns Declination is Nº 69 deg. 30 min. and the Complement of the Latitude ZN 38 deg. 32 min. which known, you may frame your operation, thus, Decl. South 20 d. 30m. The diſtance from the Pole 110 deg. 30 min. Suns Altit. 13 d. 33 mil Complement, or Sign is 76 : 37,20 998804 Latit, North 1.28 m. Complement, or Sign of 38: 32, ZN 979446 ( 37 deg. 18 m. Sign, or fum is 225 : 39, 1978250 all The Sign of 67 deg. li', or half fum of (3) 112 : 49 996461 So is the Sign of 2 deg. 19 min. or the difference Add the Radius (2) From this Sum Subſtract 1978250 the fourth Sign 2857123 Take the half with the Radius (it is the 7th. Sign) 1878873 The half doth give the Mean-proportional Sign 14 degr. 22 min. 939439 SI 2 : 19 860662 2000006 And the double of 14 degr. 22 min, is 28 degr. 44 mix, the Azimuth of the Sun from the South part of the Meridian; and it taken from 180 degr. oo min. leaves 15 I degr. 15 min. the Suns Azimuth from the North part of the Meridian, as before. An Example for North Declination anſwerable to the first in (13 Probl.) By the former Rules, you may find the Azimuth in each Sphere by Inſtrument. The Suns Declination North 20 degr. 30 min. his Altitude si deg. 12 min. the Latitude SI degr. 28 min.. Obferve the Diagram in the Oblique-Triangle ZoN the Complement of the Suns Altitude 2 o 38 deg. 48 min. the Complement of the Suns Declination, NO 69 deg. 30 min. the Complement of the Poles Elevation ZN 38 deg. 32 min. which known, the operation may be thus framed. . 1 1 Suns Decl. North 20 d. 30 m. Compl. 69 d. 30° As the Radius Altitude SI : I2 Compl. 38 : 48 : 979699 is to the Co-Sign of Alt. Latitude SI : 28 Compl. 38 : 32 : 979446 fo is the Co-Sign of Lat. The Sum 146: 50:1959145 to a fourth Sign 2 2 4.59 The Sum. 73:25:998154 as 4 S. is to the S. offum The difference 3:55: 883445 ſo is the Sign of the differ. Add the Baſe 69 deg. 30 NO (2) 2000000 3881599 The half of it 1922454 to'a 7th. Sign 9 d. 39m So is the Co.Sign 24 deg.09 min. . 961227 The double of it is 48 deg. 18 min. the Suns Azimuth from the South part of the Meridian, as before found, or 131 deg. 42 mins from the North part of the Meridian. I have ſet down theſe two Examples thus particularly, to ſew the agreement with the this note, that generally in all Spherical-Triangles where three ſides are known, and an Angle required, make that fide which is oppoſite to the Angle required, to be the Baſe, and gather the Šum, the half Sam, and the difference, as before. Having theſe means to find the Suns Azimuth, we may compare it with the Magne- tical Azimuth, and ſo find the variation. former two; } 1 . 1 Għap. III. And Calcultate in Aſtronomy. 121 As for Example. Admit the Magnetical Azimuth by the Needle, is 59 drg. 33 And the Suns Azimuth found; as before, is 48--18 The Variation is the difference Weſt - Il deg. 15 So the Magnetical Azimuth being more than the true Azimuth by 11 deg. 15 mix. which is one Point of the Compaſs; therefore it ſhews the Variation to be one Point, or 11 deg. 15 min. Weſterly. And ſuppoſe the Courſe by the Compaſs be Eaſt 8 Points from the North or South, or 90 degrees; and let the Variation be ir deg. 15 min. to the Weſtward. I demand the true Rumb; Mr. Borough obſerved in 1580 d. 7 The Magnetical Rumb !1 deg. 15 min. Variation Eaſterly Subſtract the Variátion Weſterly - 11 d. 1s in Line, Houſe, Fields. there remains the true Rumb NE 78 1.45 Mr. Gunter 1662 found 6 deg. 15 So that if the Variation be Weſterly, you may concieve by looking upon the North- Point; by the Variation one Point, that it being Weſterly, it is always accounted to the left hand, fo the North-Point, is one point to the right hand of his true place; and you muſt Sail N by W, to make good a North way, and w by S to be a good Weſt, and Sby E to be a direct South, and E by N to make good an Eaſt Courſe, which will make an Angle with the Meridian of 78 deg. 45 min. . god. oon. 1 7 .! 2 Examples Bat ſuppoſe the Magnetical Azimuth by the Needle had been And the Suns Azimuth found, as before, to be 371.03 48-IS Subſtract the lefſer out of the greater, the difference NE And in regard the Magnetical Azimuth is leſs than the true Azimuth by ir deg. 15 min, therefore the difference and variation is Eaſterly one Point, which is ur deg. is min. and conſequently all the Points , ſtand 11 deg. is min. or one point to the left hand out of their true Places; and therefore, to make good a Northi Courſe, you muſt Sail by your Compaſs N by E ; and an East Courſe, Sail E by South, and South Sail Sby W; and to make good a Weſt Courſe, Sail W by N; and ſo it is to be underſtood of all other Courſes or Points; for in this Example, the true Courſe makes an Angle with the Meridian of 48 deg. 18 min. The Year 1666 at Briſtol, in Rownam Meadows, My felf and Mr. Phillip Stainard, and ſome other friends Maſters of Ships, took with us a Quadrant deſcribed in the 16 Chapter of the Second Book of 20 Inches Semi-diameter, and one Needle, and one A- zimuth Compaſs, deſcribed in the Firſt of the Fifth Book, the Needle about 9 Inches long, the Chard 8 Inches ; and in the Afternoon we made theſe Obſervations follow- ing Declin. 23 d. 30'dift. 66 d. 30 Altitude 44: 20 Com. 45 : 40 As the Radius is in proportion Latit. 51 d. 28 m. Com. 38: 32 To the Co-Sign of the Latit. 38 d. 32' 970446 The Sum - So is the Co-Sign of the Alt. 45 d. 40 985447 ISO 42 To the fourth Sign 26 d.27 m. The half Sum 964287 75 21 The differencce -- 8:51 Q992 Add IO L 11 122 Book VI. The uſe of the Line of Natural and 1 As the fourth Sign 26 degr. 27 min. 954893 Add the Radius to the Sum is to the Sign of the half Sum 75 d. 21' Take the half is the Sign of So is the Sign of the difference 8 deg. 51'-918709 add 998564 half the Ark. 1917273 ſum to the ſeventh Sign 19 deg. 31 min. (add Rad.) 1952 380 the half is the Mean proportional Sign of 35: 19976190 Obſer. Magnetical | Suns true Variation Which doubled, is 70 deg. 38 min. Altitude. Azimuth, Azimuth. VVefterly. the Suns Azimuth from the South part Gr. M. Gr. M. Gr. M. Gr. M. of the Meridian, or 54 degr. 41 min. the Complement of 35 deg. 19 min, 44 oo 170 380I doubled, is 109 deg. 22 min. the Suns 39 0078 2401 36 Azimuth from the North part of the 50190 88 26 34 Meridian; and fo of the reſt, as they 27 42195 00193 36 are ſet down in this Table, viz. from the South part of the Meridian, 23 20103 23 23 1 20172 22 308 31 OC I 00 I 24 00 IOI I PROBI. XV, . 1 زورونا VV To find the Altitude of the Sun by the shadow of 4 Gnomon fet perpendicular to the Horizon by Scale and Compaſſes ; as alſo by Calculation. Mon Ith your Compaſſes on a piece of Board, deſcribe the Circle ABCD, place it Horizontal with a Gnomen in the Centre O, croſs it with 2 Diameters; then turn the Board, until the ſhadow be upon one of the Diameters, at the end of the ſhadow make a Mark, as here at E ; lay down alſo the length of the Gnomon-Pin or Wire from the Centre on the other Diameter from O to F, draw a right-I ine from Eto F, as EFH; then with the Chord of 6o deg. ſweep the Arch G H upon E as a Centre ; apply the diſtonce GH the Arch to your Line of Chords, and that will give you the Altitude of the Sun required, as in this Example will be 52 deg. 53 min. B > TH i, 37 t 1 1 G E I . K 2 D As 1 [ I Chap. III. Artificial Signs and Tangents. qu : .: 123 1 1 4 As the parts of the ſhadow 2 8 144715 are to the parts of the Gnomon 37 156820 So is thc Radius 9o deg. 1000000 to the Tangent of s2 deg. 53 min. IOI ZIOS So the Pin or Gromen OF being 37 parts, and the ſhadow OE 28, fuch equal parts, the Altitude will be found to be 52 degr. 53; or the Gnomon being 28, and the Shadow 37 parts, the Altitude will be 1 K 37 d. 07 m. or the ſhadow being 83, the Gnomon or Staff 100, the Tangent of the Angle will be 50 deg. 18 min. 20" the Alti- tude of the upper edge of the Sun or Angle HEG; from which, taking the Semi-dia- meter of the Sun 16 m. 27', there remains sod, 1'59" the true Altitude of the Centre of the Sun. After this manner, if you obſerve the greateſt Meridian-Altitude of the Sun the ir of June, and 10 of December, you ſhall by the difference of them find the diſtancco fthe Tropicks; the greateſt Declination of the Sun, and Elevation of the Equator, and La- titude of the Place. As for Example. At Londos the greateſt Meridian-Altitude of the Sun is 61 deg. 59" 30", and the leaſt 14 deg. 56' 30". The Suns greateſt Meridian-Altitude taken Fosne II, is 61 d.59 : 30" The Suns leaft Meridian-Altitude taken December 10 14:56:30 The diſtance of the Tropicks, take the half of 47:03:00 And it is the Suns greateſt Declination, Subſtracted from the Alt. 23 : 31 : 39 Leaves the Elevation of the Equator, 38 : 28 : Whoſe Complement is the Latitude of the Place, SI : 32 : 0 t O PROS L. XVI. Having the Latitude of the place, the Suws Declination, and the Suns Altia tude; to find the Hour of the Day. 1 } 1 Y the Line of Chords and Signs, by the Convex-Sphere, fer the extent ST, from B C to X, and upon X as a Centre, with the extent So, draw the Arch K, a Ruler laid from Ć juft touching the Arch, finds the Point (",) the Arch (on) meaſured on the Chords, theweth 61 deg. 10 min, the Suns diſtance from the hour of Six, viz. 4 ho. and almoſt one min. The Rule is by the Tables ; Add the Complement of the Suns Altitude, and the Complement of the Suns Declination, or Diſtance of the Sun from the Pole, and the Complement of your Latitude, all three cogether, and from half the lum; Subſtract the Complement of the Altitude, and note the difference. Thus in our Latitude of Briſtol si deg. 28 min. the Declination of the Sun, being 20 deg. 30 min. Northward, and the Altitude si deg. 12'. I find the Sun to be 29 deg: 50 min. from the Meridian, as by this Example. Altitude of the Sun si d. 12, the Compl. 38 d. 48, As the Radius, 90 Declination North 20 : 30 the diſtance from the Pole 63 30. to the Sign of the Suns diſtance from the Pole. 097158 Latitude North 51:38 the Compl. is 38: 32 fo is the Sign Compl. of Lat.979414 The ſum of all three 146:50 to a fourth Sign The half Sum 73: 25 as the 4 Sign is to the Sign of half ſum 998154 The difference 34:37 ſo is the Sign of the difference 975441 197359) To a feaventh Sign add the Radius 1997023 Take the half , is the Sign of 14 deg. 55 min. van 998511 IO 976572 I The 1 . 1 124 + The uſe of the Natural Lines of Signs, Book VI. The Mean Proportional between this ſeventh Sign, and the Sign of 90 ; that is, add the Radius to the ſeventh Sign, and take the half, and it will be the sign of the Complement of half the Hour from the Meridian, which in this Example is found to be 14 deg. 55 min. the double of that is 29 deg. so min. which converted into Hours, doch give almoſt cwo Hours, it wants but 40 Seconds. PROBL, XVII. Having the Azimuth of the Sun, the Altitude of the Sun, and the Declina. tion to find the Hour of the Day. 1 Hus the Declination being 20 deg. 30', the Altitude si deg. 12 min. the Azi- T be 18 . find the time to be 29 deg. 58', that is, almoſt 2 Hours wanting & Seconds ; fo the difference is 32 Seconds; that is, by reaſon of the ſeveral Operations, which is near enough for the Mariners óſe. As the Co-Sign of the Declination 69 deg: 30min. 997158 is to the Sign of the Azimuth 48 deg. 18 min. 987311 So is the Co-sign of the Altitude 38 deg. 48 min. 979699 to the Sign of the Hour 29 deg. 58 min. 1967010 969852 A PRO3 L. XVIII. How to find the Right-Aſcenſion of a Star, and the Declination of a sinta having the Longitude and Latitude of that Star given. P Roject the Sphere Geometrically, that is, draw she great Meridian with a Che.. of 60 deg. you may draw the Horizontal Line Ho, and Vertical ZN, then i the Latitude si deg. 28' from 0 to N, and draw 2 E, and from H to S, and from Nto Q: and draw the Equinoctial-Line ECQ, then take the diſtance of the Pole of the Ecliptick, from the Pole of the World 23 deg. 31 min. and prick it from N to P, from & to V, from Sto A, and from Qtos; then draw the Ecliptick - Line ve, C, S, on which you muſt put the Longitude or Diſtance of the Star, 'from the rext Equinoctial-Point, as in this Example; The Star in the Mouth of the great Dog Siricos. his Longitude is found by the following Rules to be 9 deg 32 min. of Cancer and his Latitude is 39 deg. 30 min. South, a Star of the firſt Magnitude ; take 9 deg: 31 min. out of 90 deg. the Remain is 80 deg. 28 min. the diſtance of the Star from the next Equinoctial Point C, prick that from Cto K on the Ecliptick, and draw the Circle of Longitude P, KS, then prick the Latitude 39 deg. 30' from we to D, and from 5 to F by the Chords; then take the ſame number of the half-Tangents, and prick it from to M, and draw the Circle of Latitude of the Star parallel to the Ecliptick, as DMF and where this Parallel cuts the Circle of Longitude, as at * that is , the place of the Star; then draw the Meridian-Circle from the North Pole through * the Interſection to the South-Pole, and it cuts the Equinoctial in R; meaſure CR on the Line of half- Tangents, and it gives the Right-Aſcenſion Complement to 180 deg. which is 82 deg. 21 mix, the Complement is 97 deg. 39 min, the Right-Aſcenſion deſired. Now to find the Declination of the Star; lay a Ruler over Pand the Ecliptick, at K, and it will cut the Arch in L, take a Quadrant 90 deg. and prick it from L' toľ ; lay a Ruler over p and P, and it will cut the Ecliptick in 0; lay a Ruler over, and *, and it cuts the Lamb ine ; meaſure Qe on the Line of Chords, and it is 16 deg. 14.03. the Stars Declination required, By the Concave-Sphere; the Convex-Sphere, will not ſo conveniently ſhew the true Scituation and Place of the Stars as this, and there- fore it is omitted Ву 1 } 1 Chap. III. And bow to Calculate in Aftronomy. 125. ។ B ng H 1 y K 12 69 Di M S 33 1 A. 11 I By Calculation The Stars have little or no alceration in their Latitude; bnt in their Longitude they move forward about 1. degr. 25 min, in a hundred years, which is 85'. By Noble Ticho, his Tables of Longitude and Latitude of the Stars, rectified by himſelf, to the beginning of the year 1601. The Latitude of the moſt bright Star Sirius in the Mouth of the great Dog, is 39 deg. 30 min. and his Longitude is 8 degr. 35 mix. 30" of ; I delire the Stars true Longitude, or to be rectified for this preſent year 1667. You muſt work by the Rule of Proportion, thus, if 100 give 85 m. what ſhall 66 the difference in years betwixt 1601, and 1667 give ? Multiply, and Divide, and the Quotient will be 56m. 6'added to the Longitude found in the Tables of the Stars in the ſecond Book on the back-ſide the Nocturnal, which 8 deg.35 min. 30" makes 9 d. 3136' of Cancer, the Longitude of the Star Sirius this year 1667; and fo work to find the Longitude of any other Star in any other ycar, paft, or to come. Take 9 deg. ğz' the Longitude of the Star, out of 90 deg. there remains so degr. 28', his diſtance from the next Equinoctial Point ; which being knowo, the Firſt Rule is, As the Radius 90 is to the Sign of the Stars Longitude from the next Equ. Point 80 d. 28 CK 999396 So is the Co-Tangent of the Stars Latitude 39 deg: 30' A* 1008389 to the Tangent of the fourth Ark so deg. 06 min. 1007785 Compare this fourth Ark with the Arch of Diſtance betwixt the Poles of the Eclip- gick, and the Poles of the World 9.3 dég. 31 min. ifikie Longitude and Latitude of the Scar be alike, as in North Signs V8 IS Szuk, and the Latitude is on the North-ſide the Ecliptick Or if the Longitlide be among the Southern Signs, as 4m 7 19 23 *, and the Latitude Southward, then ihäll the difference between the fourth Ask found, and the diſtance of the Poles' 2 3 deg. 31' be your fifth Ark. : I IO 1. But 71 126 Tikeruleiofibe. Natural Lines of:Signs, Book VI. But if the Longitude and Latitude ſhall be unlike, as it is in this Example; as the Lon- gitude in a Northern Sign, and the Latitude South, or the Longitude in a Southern Sign, and the Latitude North , then Add this fourth Ark found, to the diſtance of both Poles 23 deg. 3 r min. the ſum of bath ſhall be the fifth Ark. t Then the Rule is, As the Sign of the fourth Ark so deg.06 988488 is to the Sign of the Fifth Ark 73 deg. 37 998199 So is the Tan. of the Stars Long. from the next Equin. Point 80 deg. 28 m. 4077484 to the Stars Right-Aſcenſion from the next Equin. Point 82 deg. 21 m. 2075683 82 d. 2 1 m. Subſtracted from 90 d. or 1 8o leaves 7 d. 39' which added to 90 de the ſum is 79 d. 39' the Right-Aſcen. of Siriu required . --} 1087195 } Then the Rule to find the Declination, is, As the Co-Sign of the fourth Ark 50 deg: 06-980716 is to the Co-Sign of the fifth Ark 73 deg. 37' — 945034 So is the sign of the Stars Latitude 39 deg. 30%, 980351 1925385 to the Sign of the Stars Decl. required 16 d. 14' 944669 988740 You have the proof of the Work by the foregoing Geometrical Rules; or you may take this by Calculation, if there be no former errour, the Proportion will hold. "As the Co-Sign of the Latitude 39 deg: 30 min. is to the Co-Sign of the Right Aſcen. from the next Equ. Point S2 d. 21'912424 So is the Co-Sign of the Declination 16 deg: 14 min. 998233 1910657 to the Compl. Sign of Longit: ftom'the next Equinoctial 80 d. 2,8 m. 2 or Sign of the Longitude 9 deg: 32 min. as was at firſt given. - $ 921917 by theſe Rules and directions work, to find the Right-Aſcenſion, and Declination of any Star, which you deſire to know, wid PROBI. XIX. i. I : . + 9 5 Having the Declination, and Right- Aſcenſion of a Star; to find the Longi- tude and Latitude thereof. I N the former Diagram of the 18th Problem, you have the Right- Aſcenſion of the Gliſtering-Star in the great Dog's Mouth called Sirius ;. CR 82 4.21 m. take it off the Line of half-Tangents, and prick it from Cro'R ; and you have alſo the Decli- nation drawn Bye; then draw the Meridian-Circle'from N, cutting the Point R, the Stars Right-Aſcenſion from the next Equinoctial. Point, and Parallel, of Declination in *to S the South-Pole; then take the diſtance of the Poles of the World, and the Poles of the Ecliptick 23 d., 31, and prick from N to P, and from Ætov, and from Sto A, and from Q to and draw wy'C's the Ecliptick-Line; then draw the Circle of Longitude through P; through the interſection of the Parallel of Declination, and Meridiãn, which is the body of the Star to A, and it will cut the Écliptick in K; mea- ſure Č K on the Line of half-Tangents, and you have the Longitude of the Star from the next Equinoctial-Point 80 deg. 28 min. And + IF 1 Cap. VI. And how to Calculate in Aſtronomy: . 127 ܪ ! And to firled thie, Iatitude if you lay a Ruler over P ånd K, it will cut the Limb in I, prick 90 deg, from 5 to , and lay a Rulėr över P and 4, and it will cut the Eclip- tick in the Point 3 ; lay a Ruler over 8 and * and it will cut the Limb in F; apply the diſtance or to the Line of Chords, and it will be 39 deg. 30, the Latitude re- quired. Li agrilis Thathe Triangle ZRC by Calculation, we have 1. the Angle ZC R; tkie diſtance Poles zi minpilz, the lide CR 8z degr. 21 " the Right-Aſcenſion from the next Esquinołtial-Poitit, then seaſon muſt guide yols as by theſe Rules, to firia the Longiture and Latitude of #Star. IO As the Radius 90 deg. is to the Tang. of the Angle ZCR:23 d. 31 m.the Poles diſtance - 963864 So is the Sign of Right-Aſcenſion CR 82 d. 2 1' from the next Point -999611 to the Tangerit of ZR 23 deg. 20 mini 963475 ti Which 2 3 degy:20 add to the South-Declination 16 degr. 14 min. makes 39 deg. 34, ZR; bur it the Decliparion had been Northerly, you muſt have Subſtracted the Arch, found out of it, and the Remain had been ZR; but if it had been more than tle Declination; Subſtract itour of the Arch found; "and the difference had been ZŘ; ſo.with reaſon Wave thie Rule; as occaſion requireth: Therf to find the Aggle CZR, and the ſide CZ, the Rule is, Ästhe Sign of ilte fourth Ark ZR 23:deg: 2009 959778 is to the Sign of the Angle of diſtance of the Poles ZCR 23 d. 3,17T960099 So is the Sign of Right-Afcen. from the next Equ. Point CR. 82 d. 21 m.999611 7) 1 3 M 1 13 to the Sign of CZR 86 deg. 49 min.,the fifth Ark 1959710 999932 L 1 IO 1. Then As the Sign of ZCR 23 deg. 3 1 min. 960099 is to the Co-Sign of RC 23 deg.:20 min. 959771 So is the Sign of CŘ Z 9 degr. Radius to the Sign of CZ 83 degr. oz min. 999679 Which Anglé CZR 86 deg. 49' is equal to the Angle *Z K. Then to find the Latitude of the Star, As the Sign of * KZ Radius 90 degr. is to the Sign of 39 deg. 34' the 4 Ark and Declination R* 982412 So is the Sign of *ZK 86 deg. 49 min. 999932 to the Sign of the Latitude of the Star deſired *K 39 deg. 3'0m, 980344 And laſtly; to find the Arch Z K, and by it conſequently the Longitude C K. As the Tangent of the Angle ZK* 86 deg. 49 min. 1125479 is to the Radius 90 deg: IO So is the Tangent of 2* 39 degr. 34 991713 to the Sign of Z K 2 deg, 35' 866234 Rrr Therefore "M 1 1 1 1 1 4 128 The uſe of the Line of Signs & Tangents. Book VI. 1 Therefore, if you Subſtract 2 degr. 35 min. out of the Arch CZ,83 deg.03 min. the Remain is 80 degr. 28 min. the true Longitude of the Gliſtering Star Sirin in the Mouth of the great Dog, from the next Equinoctial . Point at the time given, But if the Meridian-Circle had cut the Ecliptick at K, and the Circle of Longitude at Z; then in ſuch caſes, add the Arch found 2 K to CZ, and the ſum had been the true Longitude from the next Equinoctial-Point C;; and ſo work with reaſon, to find the Longitude and Latitude of all other Stars, as by reaſon you did Subſtract Z K from CK; therefore the Sign was above Quadrant, if you Şubſtract his diſtance from the Vernal-Equinox 80 deg. 28 min. from go.d. the Remajn is 9 deg: 32 of Cancer, the Sign and deg. the Star is in, as before. 1 i i PRO. I. XX: ;?. . Having the Meridian-Altitude of an unknown Star, and the diſtance there- of from a known Star; to find the Longitude and Latitude of the unknown Star. impia 1.N the 16th Chapter of the ſecond Book of, Harmonicon Cælefte, Mr. Vincent Wing hath this Example, and Obſervation , made by the phenix of Aſtronomy Tiche- Braghe in the year 1977, which we will borrow for an Example ; it being a uſeful Rule for all Ingenious Navigators, for by it they may find the Longitude and Latitude, and conſequently, by, the gregoing Rulesz the Right-Afcenfion, and Declination of thoſe good Stars for their uſe, that are in the South Hemiſphere, viz. as they have been named by the Portugals; the South-Triangle, which Conſtellation hath 5 Stars, one of che Eaſtermoft corner, which comes laſt to the Meridian of the ſecond Magnitude. The Crasie, in which there is 13 Srars on the left Wing, and another on the right ſide the back of the ſecond Magnitude. The Bhanix, 15 Stars, the Water.Serpent hath 15 Stars. The Dorado, or Gilt-head-Fiſh, fituate in the very Pole of the Ecliptick; and in that Conſtellation is 4 Stars. , The Chamelion, with the Flie, in which is 13 Stars ; The'Bird of Paradiſe, in which is' 12 Stars, the Peacock, in which is 15 Stars ; one in the head of the ſecond Magnitude ; the Naked Indiar, in which is 12 Stars; and alſo the Bird I aican, or Braſilian Pye, in which Conſtellation is 7 Stars, two of them of the third Magnitude: Alſo two uſeful Stars for Navigators; ' in one Conſtellation, which are Noah's Dove, which containeth 1 1 Stars, of which there are 2 in the back of it, of the ſecond Magnitude, which they call-thie Good Mesſengers, or Bringers of good News, and thole in the right-Wing are conſecrated to the appeaſed Deity; and thoſe in the left to the retiring of the Waters, in the time of the Deluge; and they come to the Meri- dian about half an hour before the great Dog; and by the Globes are about 21 degr. zo' diftant, from the neareſt in the back; but I would have the Sea-men take him exact, as likewiſe a good Conſtellation called the Crane Grus, or the Flamengo, as the Spa- niards call its this Aftenſine conſiſteth of 13 Stars, and hath 3 Stars of the ſecond Magnitude, that in the head is called the Phanicopter Eve, and the other are on his Back, atid the other in ſiis left Wing;. Theſe Stars I would deſire thole Mariners that Sail to the Eaſt or Weſt Indies; to take the Meridian-Altitude thereof, and their diſtants from any known Stars, and by it you ſhall have all the reft; for many times I havg beenSailing between the Tropicks, and for 1-2 days together have had no Meri- din-Altitude of the Sun, by reaſon of cloſe and cloudy weather, which is bad for thoſe that are bound to ſmall . Ilands, and Cape-Lands; therefore to the Southward, as well as to the Northward, theſe Stars will ſtand them in great ſtead, and ſerve their turn, as well As the Sun, to find the Latitude thereof. The Rule is thus - About the end of the Year 1577, 'Ticho obſerved the diſtance of il:e little Star in the breait of Pegaſus from the bright Star of the Vulture, to be exactly 45 degrees zi', and by the Meridian-Altitude thereof, he found the Declination thus. Ticho { i 3. ܪ } Chap. III. And how to Calculate in Aſtronomy. 190 tude of the Equa- tor. Ticho obſerved at Uranibürge the Star in the breaſt of Pegaisis, and found his Meridian-Altitude 56 d. 32'rs. The Latitude of Ilraniburge is 55 d. 54' the Compl. 34 06 Subſtract the Alci- The Declination is found to be 22 : 26 To it add the Complement of 56 deg. 32', which is 33 : 28 And the ſum is the Latitude of Hraniburge 55: 54m. So the Declination is found to be 22 deg: 26 min. North, which being given, the Lon. gitude of the ſaid Star is to be inquired. Therefore in the Oblique-Angled Triangle (of this Diagram) FOL is known. Ji!. 1 1 I ! 1 H- ilj! :)... GURU :22 E O ។ Oi!! M i : 3 1 + .; .. ;; } 'n 1 1 S 4 i. *T 1 1 L } + : Firſts... The Complement of the Declination of the bright Star of the Vallare 8ż degrees 8 min. FL. Secondly, FO, the Complement of the Declination of the Scar in the Breaſt of Pegafon 67 degr. 34. Thirdly, OL the diſtance of them 45 degr. 31'. By this Rule the Angle at F, which is the difference of their Right-Afcenfion, will be found to be 44 degr: 54", as will be here demonſtrated. Rer The a 1 1 1 1 .! } 130 The uſe of the Natural Lines of Signs, Book VI. + سنة *** The CoSign of Declination FL, is 82 deg 08 mix. 999589 The Co-Sign of Declinat. FO, is 67 34: 996582 The difference is 14-34 (1.) The ſum is 1996121 (2.) The Quadrat. or (2) the Rad. 2000000 :. The Baſe or diſtance of the Stars LO 45 d., 31 41 Thic difference of their Declin, F L and FO 14:34 The Sum 60:05 The difference 30': 57 The half of the Sum 30 d. 02 30" Sign 96995 1 The half of the difference como 15: 28 30 Sign --- 942621 The (3) Sum is 1912572 1 . Then ſay, As the firſt Sum 1996171 . is to the double or Quadrăt of the Radius - 2000000 So is the third Sum 1912572 'to the double or Quad. of the Sign of half &T 1916401 The Angle fought, which Bi-fected, gives the Sign of 22 d. 27' 17" 958200 } 1 1 1 Which doubled, is 44 degr. 54' 34", is the Angle LFO, which is equal to the Arch DE, the difference of their Right-Afcenfion, which I add to the Right-Afcen- fion of the bright Star of the Vulture, 292 degr. 35', and the Sum is 337 degr. 291 34", is the Right-Aſcention of the little Star in the breaſt of Pegaſu. Then having the Declination of this Star 22 degr. 20, and the Right-Aſcenſion 337 degr. 29 34", the Longitude of the ſaid Star by the laſt Problem (19) will be found to be 18 degr. 36. 4, and the Latitude thereof 29 degr. 24 min. North. Now to draw the Diagram by Chords, and half-Tangents Geometrically, with the Chord of 60 degr. draw the Circle ; then draw , , the Ecliptick 23 degr. 31' , S, and by C draw the Equator; then by the Parallel of Declination, and Right Afcen- fion of the Vulture, will find LO, therefore if you put the difference of Aſcenſion from v to E 22 degr. 30' 20", from the neareſt Equinoctial-Point, and draw the Meridian-Circle FÉS, and it will cut the Parallel of Declination ato draw through O, as PON the Circle of Longitude, and meaſure r X on the Line of half-Tan- gents, and it is 11 degr. 24 min. from the neareſt Vernal Equinox, Subſtracted from 30 degr..leayes 18 degr; 36.0f * for the Stars Longitude"; and as before directed you may find the Latitude je na to bc 29 degr. 24. 1 | f j i 1 ? PROBL: XX.I. 1 F 1 Chap. III. And bów to Calculate in Aftronomý. } 131 ::.orT 1 PROBL. XXI. To find the Parallax of Altitude of tlc Sun, 110011, or Stars. :.* DR. He true Altitade of the Sun, Moon, or Stars,..ought to be obſerved in the Centre of the Earth, (if poſſible) wherero the Tablestare conformed ; but becauſe we dwell upon the Superficies of the Earth 4000 Miles deareſt, origáz: Engliſh Milęs from the Centre of the Earth ; therefore, the Planets ſeemi. Iower to uss than indeed they be ; and therefore to find the true place of the .o *you mult. draw a Righis- Line from the Centre of the Earth, through the Centre of the Sun, Moon, or Stars'; but the apparent viſible place is determined by a Line drawn from tho Eye, through the Centre of the Star ; therefore the Parallax of a Star is an Arch of a great Circle, (paf- fing by the Zenith, and the true place of the Star, the :Arch of the time Circle interi cepted between the true and apparent place. A Figure or Schemse ſhewing what the Parallax, or diverſity of Aſpects is. 1 N I . 1 M 1 1 T C E P 8 H B 1 In this Figure, C denotes the Centre of the Earth. D the Place or Superficies of the Earth, from whence the cor* is ſeen, cand 7, their Place in their Orbs. C&I, COM, CON. she Lines of their true Place. DIG, DOK, DOM, the Lines of their viſible or apparent Places. Hence the Angle made by the Interfection of the ſaid two Lines through the Body of the Planet, is the Angle of Parallax, that is to fay, in the Angle C&D, which is equal to the Angle ISG, in the othe Angle of Parallax, is the Angle COD; and laſtly in the Moon it is the Angle COD, or NOM, which is all one. By this it is manifeſt, the nearer a Star is to the Horizon and Centre of the Earth, the greater is the Parallax ; and hence it is, that the Orbit of the Moon being neare to the Earth, her Parallax is greateft, and moſt perceptible, becauſe the Semi-Diameter of the Earth bears a fenfible proportion to the Semi-Diameter of the Moons Orbit, though it be very little, or nothing at all in compariſon of the Orbs of ħ 4, and the fixed stars, which is cauſed by the Interval and vaſt diſtance which is between them but this laſt Problem hath no relation to the common uſe of Mariners, therefore I ſhalí not infiſt any further, but refer the Reader to Harmonicon Corlefte, where there is a full diſcourſe, and Rules relating thereunto. But 1 11 1 1 1 11 ! 1 132 The uſe of the Line of. Signs & Tangepts. Book VI, + 1 i But theſe Aſtronomical Propoſitions as I know to be uſeful for Sea-men, I have here inſerted ; for the firſt and ſecond will find the Suns Place and Declination, together with the 15 Probl. will find the Latitude. The third, fourth fifth, and fixth will find the Suns Rifing and Setting, as the 7, 8, 9;15, 17:13; 14; to find the Variation of the Compáſs, and the i 2 to find the Sans Alti- Lude at any time alligned, and the deſt being very uſeful Rules of thie Stars, by which you may have the Hour of the Day, and Night) for having the Latitude of the Place, with the Declination and Altitude of the Sun; orany:Star, they may find the Hour of thic Sun.or-Star from the Meridian:by.the 16 and 1 Problem, then comparing the Right- Afcenfion of the Sun, with the Righr-Afcenfion of the Star, they may have the Hour of the all theſe Propofitions, I have been as plain and aš briet, as the ſeveral Refolutions thereof would permitme, and I do with the Practitioner as much delight in the Practice, as I have hadiin tfie Çompoſing of it. +7 3 t 1 1 1 The End of the Sixth Book. 1 + rice. 1. ! . 1 . 1 4 L ! 1 { 1 t 1 1 1 广 ​1 有 ​年 ​上 ​} 十 ​} { 1 1 . | { } 1 '. 1 { 1 | 自 ​f { | [ 4 1 { 1 | 1 { - } 中 ​1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 The Seventh Book: THE Mariners Magazine, OR, STURMY's Mathematical and Practical ARTS. THE 1 OF A RT DIALLING Gnomical Scale :? BY THE J J l 1 AS ALSO BY CALCULATION. SHE WING The Making of all ſorts of DIALS, both within Doors and without, upon any Walls;: Cielings, or Floors, be they never ſo'ùregulār, whércſoever the Director Refle&ed Bcams of the Suħ may come for any Latitude. :1 + . A N D How to find the true Hour of the Night, by the Moon and Stars : And how to Colour, Guild, and Paint Dials; And how to faften the Gnomon in Stone or Wood Never before made ile-plain to the meaniëft Capacity. By Capt. SAMUEL STUR M. Y. LONDON-Printed Anno Domini MDCLXIX. 1 14 Dj r t 1 Chery IV ) 1 1 3. 44 1 1 ☆ * 25 Z 8 F uk 12 . r 11 1 Transit Hora Siriemora . 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 ti 22. z 3 1 } 8\.Sic tranſit gloria MunditAr:1667/4 VIL JVI5 8 3 7/ be F VI s V 10 1 VIL III 81 ?? 10. 1 11.12 17 IX 1.1.72 riX XI I. I Zo 11221232 + 8 1 8 GA 1;! Minden 4 2. 10. 11. 112 111 211030 1 won bric: 1 Recict 03 NOV 111 TITIVI para . 1 . UA Horologium vitæ. Latus ad occafum nunquam rediturus ad ortum Wivo hodie, moriar cras, keri natus eram . } 1 ! To my much Honoured Friend 1 Ifaac Morgan Eſq; Collector of his Majeſties Cuſtoms in the Port of Briſtol. ► N 2 . : 1 Si R. Ot to inform your fudgment in any thing concerning the Subjeet Mat ter of theſe my poor Labours (jour Wiſdom and approved Knowledge in all Learning being ſo general, that I can add nothing unto it) but to inform the World how much I honour you and your Vertues, and by how many Obligations I ſtand engaged to you for the many ſignal Favours you have vouch- Safed me ſince the time I came firſt into this Port, I dedicate this part of my Book, as the proper Part of the fruits of my ſpare time, in twenty ſe- ven Dials; unto- jou preſented as an unworthy New-years-gift; and that Dial-piece being the Subject of the mhole Art of Dialling, I will naine the Dials, that I may charge you to Patronage no more than you had; viz, Eight Verticals and De- cliners, Eight Recliners and Incliners, and Eight Décliners, Recliners, and Incliners, a Globe with two Pole-Dials and one Shadow-Dial, made on a Piece of Freez-Itone, as is ſeen in the Fron- tiſpiece the Gromon or Stile fafined by me, and likewiſe Painted and Guilded, which is well Аааа 2 known { H 3 I The Fpiſtle Dedicatory. known by jou and many others: And being de- fired by forne Friends that ſaw my way, and this Piece of Dialling, to Print it, by their impor- tunity, according to the beſt of my judgment, I have ſo done ; and if any way profitably, then ac- cording to minė own deſire. As it is, I have made bold to make choice of you for the Patronage thereof, that it may gain the more Credit by your Protection ; And if any Mall be offended at this Work,my Device ſhall be a Dial,with this Motto, ASPICIO UT ASPICIAR; only to all Fa- pourers of ART I am direct, erect, plain, as I am, Sir, to you, and deſire to be, it N SIR ii. ? 3 Your humble and affectionate Servant to be commanded, , St. Georges the pill, ¥ 29 Aug. 1667 ! 1 SAMUEL STURM Y. 1 1 1 Book VII. I 2 THE 1 Art of Dialling. The FUNDAMENTAL DIAGRAM of the DIALLING SCALE, 3 90 810 1 710 이 ​To 60 60 50 50 D Sinės 80,9 70 70 30 60 8 oz 60 slo OL 410 270 20 30 por 5 Chordis 30 40 50 Ghoren Line 310 10 10 . Inclination of Meridians 3. ماه های 7 90 А 4:1 5 3R Line VOB Hour, 5. fol:55 and fol: 1:6:9 MA His Diagram of the Giaponical Scale I hayedefcribed Book 2. Chip. 3. to which I ſhall only deſcribe the Lines on the Scalc, viz. There are ſix Scales or Lines on this Inſtrument, 1. A Scale or Line of Chords, A D, in Degrees. 2. A T I refer you. 1 The Art of DIALLING. Book VII. R 4 3. A Gnomon Scalc or Line, as BD, the uſe thereof you may ſee in Chap. 7. and ſo forward in Degrees. 3. A Scale or Line of fix Hours, for drawing the Hour-lines in any Dial, divided into every ro Minates; thcuſe you may read from Chap. 4. forward, as B E A. 4. A Scale of Inclination of Meridians, divided in Degrees as the Diam. BA; the uſe thereof is in Chap. 12. and ſo forward. 5. U pon the clier Tide are tyvo Lihes or Scalesz fór the inlarging the Hour-Lines on any Plain? Thic greater Pole is marked with the lefſer is marked with, called the leſier Pole for diſtinction fake; and theſe Lines are divided into every 10 Minutes, but may be by the Table into every 5 Minutes. 6. Theſc Scales or Lines are on the Mathematical Scale, with the reſt that are deſcri bed Blok 2. called The Scale of Scales, NAME IT! 1 Τ Η Ε I 1 ARGUMENT R Eeader, read this ;-for I dare this defend, Thy poſting Life on Dials doth depend. Conſider thou, kon quick the Hour's gone; Alive to day, to morrow Life is done. Then uſe thy time, and always bear in mind, Time's Forchead hairy is, but bald behind. Here's that which will decline to thee, and now How quick Time rans, how faſt thy Life dotb go. Yet be ingenious, learn the Pra&tick Part, And so attain to Practice of this Art : Whereby you ſhall be able for to trace Ont such a path, where Sol shall run his Race; And make the greater Coſmus to appear, According to each Seaſon of the rear. : 1 C H - P. I. CH The Preface of the kinds of Dials, 1 A 1 Lthough Gnomoniques pertain to Aſtronomy; yet I think it not amiſs for the caſeofche Reader, to place theſe in a diſtinět Book by themſelves. Sun-Dials may be reduced to two forts. Some hew the Hour by the Altitude of the Sun, as Quadrants, Rings Cylinders; and for the making thereof, you muſt know the Suns Altitude for every day, or at leaſt every tenth day of che year, and for every hour of thoſe days. The other ſort ſhew che hour by the ſhadow of a Gnomon or Stile parallel to the Axis of the World ; and of that I treat chiefly in this Book. Theſe be all Projecti- ons of the Sphere, upon a Plane which lies parallel to ſome Horizon or other in the World. And if upon ſuch a plane the Meridians only be projected, they ſhall ſuf- ficc to ſhew che Hour, without projecting the other Circles, as the Ecliptique, the Æquator with his Parallels of Declination, the Horizon with his Almicanters andrazimaths, which are ſometimes drawil izpon's Dials more för Ornament chân for Neceſſity. :: ? slizam, b) ilus ir Pils : iO;I:2 x1 CH, P. 1 777 03 1:1 1 .: ! 1 CHAP.II. The Art of DIALLING. . 3 CHA P. II. 1 1 Theorems premiſed. F Or the better underſtanding of the Reaſons of Dials, theſe Theorems would be known. I. That every Plane whercupon any. Dial is drawn, is part of the Plane of a Great Circle of the Heaven, which Circle is an Horizon to ſome Country or other ; That the Center of the Dial, repreſentech the Center of the Earth and World; and the Gromon wliich caſtech the Shade, repreſentech the Axis, and ought to point directly to the two Poles. i / II. That theſe Dial Planes are not Mathematically in the very Planes of Great Cir- cles; for chen they ſhould have their Centers in the Center of the Earth, from which they are removed almoſt 4000 miles'; and yet we may ſay they lye in the Planes of Circles parallel to the firſt Horizen, becauſe the Seinidiameter of the Earth bearech ſo ſmall proporcion to the Suns Diſtance, that the whole Earth may be taken for one Poiîtor Center; without any perceivable Error. III. That as all Great Circles of the Sphere, ſo every Dial Plane hath his Axis, which is a ſtraight Line paſſing through the Center of the Plane, and making Right An- gles with it; and at the end of the Axis be the two Poles of the Plane, whereof that above our Horizon is called the Pole Zenüb, and the other the Pole Nadir of the Dial. FL .. I IV. That every Plane hath cwo Faces or Sides : and look what reſpect or ſituation the North Pole of the World hath to the one ſide, the ſame hạth the South Pole to the other; and theſe two Sides will receive 24 Hours always: ſo that what one side wantech, the other side ſhall have; and the one is deſcribed in all things as the other. V. That as Horizons, lo Dial Planes are with reſpect to the Ægvator divided into firſt, Paralel or Äquino£tiál; ſecondly, Right ; thirdly, Oblique Planes. VI. A Parallel or Polar Plane makech no Angles with the Aquator, but lies in the Plane of it, or parallel to it ; that is, hath the Gnomon erected on the Plane ac Right Angles, as the Axis of the World is upon the Plane of the Aquator: be- cauſe the Axis and Poles of the Dial are here all one with the Axis and Poles of the World, and the Hour-lines here meet all at the Center, making equal Angles, and dividing the Dial Circle inco 24 equal parts, as the Meridians do the equator, in whole Planc thc Dial lies. 1. 1 1 VII. A Right Horizon or Dial Plane curtcth the e£qnator at Right Angles, and ſo cutseth through the Poles of the World, that it hath che Gremon parallel to the Planc, and ſo the Hour-lines parallel one to another; becauſe their Planes , though infinitely extended, will never cut the Axis of the World :: yec have choſe Dials a Center, though not for the meeting of the Hour-linės, viz. through which the Axis of the Dial Circle pafíechi, cutting the Plane at. Right Angles, and cutting allo (necr enough for the projecting of a Dial) the Circle of the World. VIII. An Oblique Horizon or Dial Plane cutteth the Æquator at Oblique Angles ; that is, hath for their Gnomon the fide of a:Triangle, whoſe Angles vary according to the more or leſs Obliquity of the ſaid Horizon : and the Gnomon shall always make an Angle with the Plane, of ſo many Degrees as the Axis of the World maketk with the Plane, or as either of the Poles of the World is elevated above the plane. IX. Every ' 1 1 1 4 The Art of DIALLING. Book VII IX. Every Oblique Horičom is divided by the Meridians or Hour-circles of the Sphere into 24 unequal parts; which parts are always leſſer, as they are ncerer to the Meridian of that Horizon or Plane; and greater, as they are farther off: and on both ſides of the Meridian of the Plane, the Hour-circles which are equally diſtant in time, are alſo equally diſtant in ſpace. Whence it is, that che diviſions of one Quadránt of your Dial Plane being known, the diviſions of the whole Circle are likewiſe known. X.. The Hour-lines in an Oblique Dial, are the Seations of the Planes of the Hour- circles of the Sphere, with the Dial Plane: and becauſe the Planes of Great Circles do always cut one another in Halves by Diameters, which are ſtraight Lincs paf- 12 I II 2 Іо NT 3 ų 6 8 1 KA 1 ſing through the common Center; therefore Lines drawn from the Center of the Dial, to the Interſections of the Hour-circles with the Great Circles of the Plane, ſhall be thoſe very Sections, and the very Hour-lines of the Dial. XI. Every Dial Plane being an Horizon to ſome place in the Earth (as was ſaid Theo- rem I.) hath his proper Meridian, which is the Meridian cutting through the Polcs of the Plane, and making Right Angles with the Plane. If the Poles of the Dial Plane lie in the Meridian of the place, then is the Meridian of the Plane all one with the Meridian of the Place, and the Gnomon or Style ſhall ſtand erected upon the Noon-line, or Line of 12 a Clock, as in all direct Dials Buc if the Planc decline, then ſhall the Subſtyle Linc, or Line which the Gnomon ſtandech upon, which is the Meridian of the Plane, vary from the Line which is the Meri- dian of the Place; and this Variacion ſhall be Eaſt, if the Declinacion be Welt of the Plane: And contrarily, becauſe rhe Viſual Lines, by which the Spliere is pro- jected on Dial Planes, do, like the Beams of a Burning-glaſs, interſect or croſs one another in a certain Point of the Gnomon (to be alligned at pleaſure, and cal- led Nodes) and ſo do all place and depaint themſelves on the Dial Planc, beyondthe Audus, the contrary way: XII. Dials 1 ! . 1 1 1 A 1 CHAP.III, The Art of DIAL L'ING. 1 XII. Dials are moſt aptly denominated from that part of the Sphere where their Poles lie, though ſomc Authors have choſen to denominate them from the Circles in which their Planes lie; as che Dial Plane which lieth in the Aguinoctial, or Parallel to it, is called by many an £quinoctial Plane; but I concur with thoſe who would ra- ther call it a Polar Plane, becauſe the Poles thereof are in the Poles of the World. T . 5 CHAP..JII. How to make the Polar-Dial, and how to place it. He Plane of the Polar Dial lieth in the Æguinoctial, where the 12 chief Meridians or Hour-circles divide both che Æquinoctial and this Plane into 24 Hours of equal parts; the Gnomon ſtands upon the lencer ac Right An- gles with the Plane." Firſt draw che' Horizontal Line A B, and croſs the ſame af Right Angles with the Line, CD; now on the Center at G, with the Chord of 60 Derices, or with che Tangent of three hours, you may deſcribe the Circle A C-BD, jana about it make the Square EFHI, then take out of the Hour-line One Hour, and lay it from each corner, as. E F H I both ways: alſo do the like with two hours as you fee_done, and from the Cenyer at G draw Lines to thoſe Hour-points:-10 ſhall/yqu have the Hour- fines in che Æquinoctial Dial; C D being the Meridian or 12-a dock Line, and AB the Eaſt and Weſt Line, ſerving for 6 in the morning at B, and 6 in'che afternoon ar A, and ſo number the reſt of the Hours in order . You need draw no more hours chan from 4 in the morning unco 8 açnight, for chis Latitude of Briſtol, being neer: 51 d. 30 min. if For the Gnomon or Stile, you muſt have a {traight Pin or Wyre ſet upright in the Center, of ſach length as you ſeeconvenient ; but if you will have it of ſuch a length as may neither be too ſhort nor too long, then take this Rule. Horo by Calculation to find the length of the Stile, and Seinidiameters of the Parallels of Declination. I F it were required to proportion the Stile to the Plane, ſuppoſe che Semidiameter of the greateſt Parallel upon the Plane were buc 6 Inches, and the Parallels ſhould be the sd. of Declination, the Rule is general. 1 . TOD0000 * As the Tangent of 45 deg. Is to the Tangeut-parallel of Declination 5 deg.--. 894195 So is the Semidiameter of the Plane 6 inches O A 277813 To the length of the Stile 53 partsa 172010 which ſhews that the length of the Stile muſt be as parts of an Inch divided into Ico parts. 1 How to find by the length of the Stile, the Semidiameter of the Par rallel Circles of Declination. Suomi Uppoſe the length of the Stile above the plane co be ro inches , and you were to find the Semidiameter of the Tropick, whoſe Declination is known to be 23 deg. 30 min. the Rule is for this and any other Declination, As the Tangent of 45 deg. 1000000 Is to the length of the Stile 10 inches- Iooooo So is the Co-tangent of Declination 23 deg. 30 min.--1036169 To the Semidiameter of his Circle 23 inches 136169 Вь 1 f 1 which 1 } * 1 4 9 11 2 ܟܫܝ ܀ 1 1 I ILX IX X XI IA 6 The Art of DI ALLING, BOOK VII : which ſhews the Semidiameter of the Tropick to be a3 inchies : So if the Declination be 20 d. the Semidiameter will be 27 inches; if 15 d. then 37 *..; if 10 d. theu 56.776.; if s d. then 1145; and ſo of any other height of the Stile: as admit it were parts of an inch high, then the Semidiameter of 23 deg. 30 min. would be and for 20 deg. it will be in and for 15 deg. 17.; if 10, then 22; if 5 deg.then 6 inches; if Stile be, '4 and 7, the Semidiameter 23 deg. 30 min. is.. parts, as you may ſee the Figure inakes all plain ; and ſo of any other. F B 15 T Inom firiem H. D INC 1 1 1. TO LL . IL 1 1 1 Of all Dials this is the plaineſt; for it is no more but divide a whole Circle into 24 cqual parts : and chis is the very ground to all the reſt. With this Dial, the Hour-lines being equally divided into 24 equal parts, on the inner circle you may make a Mariners Compaſs, with the 3 2 Points drawn upon it, to know in all Latitudes whether the Moon being upon ſuch a Point makech High-wa- ter; or upon what Point the Moon muſt be, when at thoſe Places ſer cogecher it ma- keth High-water or Full-Sea. For to know upon what Point the Moon is, may be done two manner of ways; by ſetting it by the Compaſs, or by reckoning according to the age of the Moon; and thc Hour of the day. The feețing according to any Point, may not be done with a common flat Compaſs as the Mariners ſteer by (as many, wanting better reaſon,chink they snay, to their great miſtake) by reaſon is dóch only divide the Horizon into equal Points, and thewech in what Vertical Circle or Azimuth the Sun or Moon ſtands : But this muſt be done with a Compaſs, which being elevated according to the Superficies of the Æquinoctial, dividech the Æquinoctial fo likewiſe inco equal parts, as the common flat Mariners Compaſs doth divide the Horizon. Such alı Aquinoctial Compaſs, with a Dial in, as aboveſaid, is of faſhion 'as hereafter fol- lowcth pourtrayed. Whereof the Wheel A B C ſheweth the Superficies of the Aquinoctial, the Wyre ED the Axle-trec of the World. The foreſaid Wheel muſt be all alike marked on both ſides, as well under as above, with the 32 Points of the Compaſs, and with twice iz Hours: and right againſt the Eaſt and Weſt ac L and M, muſt ſo hang upon cwo Pins, as upon an Axletree, that it may be tarned r oder so . LIP 1 1 : I 1 CHAP Vi The Art of D IA LLING 7 E M 23 127 B G 8.9 TOOB D 2012 ETI F A Ad K 07 O up and down, and thc Wyre at the under end at D, by the Quadrant FDG, niay be ſet unto any height of the Pole. If then you ſec. ſuch a Compaſs with the under bottom level, the Line HK Norch and South, viz. H to the North, and K to the South, and the under end of the Wyre right againſt ſuch a Degree of the Quadrant F G, as the height of the Pole that you find your ſelf in, then ſhall the Wheel ABC ſtand cqual with the Superficies of the true Equinoctial, and the Wyre E D with the Axle- cree of the World; and the ſecting by ſuch a one, and a common Compaſs, giveth great Difference. And the nicerer the Æquinoctial, the greater; as may be underſtood by the Examples following: Ε Χ Α Μ Ρ Ι Ε Ι. IN N the height of so deg. or thereabouts, the Sun being in the beginning of Cancer, ac his greateſt Declinacion to the North, by a common Compaſs cometh not before · half an hour after ſeven of the Clock to the Eaſt, and at half an hour after four to the W«ft; that is, he gocth from the Eaſt to the South and round to the Weſt in nine hours; but from the Weſt through the North, until again in the Eaſt, in 15 hours. Ε Χ Α Μ Ρ Ι Ε ΙΙ. N N thc hicight of 30 deg. he cometh a little before half an hour paſt nine of the clock to the Eaſt, and a little after half an hour paſt two of the Clock in the Weſt, and forgoech in leſs than five hours and a balf.fram the Eaſt chrough the South to the Wet; buc from the Weſt through clic North, until again in the Eaſt , hego- eth more than 18 hours. Thriedly, Being under the Line, and the Sun having no Declination, he ariſeth in the morning right in the Eaſt, and ſo riſing higher and higher, continuech"Eaſt until that he gotth over qurthcads through the Zenith into the West; and fo continueth went ſtill going down Welt until he cometh again to the Horizon: and ſo according to a flat Compaſs he is the one half of the day Eaſt, and the other Welt, without coming upon any other Point. It is not ſo wich cluis Æqui- noctial Compaſs . The Sun and Moon go always a like time on cyery one Point of the Compaſs, to wit , from the Eaſt to the South 6 hours, from the South to the Weſt 6 hours, from the Weft through the North to the Eaſt in twice 6 hours . This Dial will Terve for all Latitudes, if you put the end of the Wyre at Dg to the height of the Pole,or. Latitude of the place as befofefaid, lo che ſhadow of the other end at E will fall upon the Holurs and rue Roines of the Compaſs, all the time the Sàn is to the North of the Aquinoctiál: but when the Syn is to South of the Æqui- noctial, you muſt look for the Hours and Points of the Compaſs upon the under lide of the Dial. Bbbb 2 CHAP . i > f 1 1 ។ : 9 JO1112 1 2 3 1 L 8 The Art of DIA LLING, Book VII + CHA IV. How to make the South Æquinoctial Dial, or Polar Plane. T ! He Æquinoctial Dial we call that which hath his Poles in the Æquino&tial Circle, of which there be three kinds. 1. The Direct or Sotich Æquinoctial Dial, which faceth the Meridian directly, not looking from him to the one ſide more than to the other, having his Poles in the Interſectians of the Æquinoctial and Meridian. 2. The Eaſt or Welt Æquinoctial Dials, which may alſo be called Æquinoctial Horizontal D als; for alt Horizontal Dial declining juſt 90 Degrees from the South or North, becomes an Æquinoctial Dial, as well as Horizontal, becauſe there is his Polar height, upon the Interſection of the Horizon with the Aquinoctial: and though this Dial be of kin to botli, yet-his-Gnomon shows that he ſhould be ſorted rather with the Equinoctial Dials,than with the Horizontal. Theſe two ſorts are regular, having the Poles in the four notableft Points of the Æquator. The third is ſomewhat irregalar, but may be brought to Rule. How to make the firſt of theſe, draw the Horizontal Line AB, and about the midſt at C let fall the perpendicular CD, which is che Meridian or 12 a clock Line. Let CD be equal to a Chord of 60 Degrees, or the Tangent of three hours, and through D draw the Line F.E, parallel to A B : make alfo D E and C B cqual to D, ſo have you a truc: Square CDEB." Now.cake one hour with your Compaſſcs off your Scálc, and lay the ſame both ways from E towards B and D, as E 1.Do che like with rwo hours, and draw the pricked Tangent-lines from C to theſe Marks. Next, Let the length or height of the Gnomon or Stile be GH, equal to CH, or 3 hours; ſo drawing a Line chrough G H, parallel to the Horizon, you ſhall find it cut the former Lines drawn to the Center C, in the Points l, m, n, o, p: through which Points, if you draw Parallel-linės to the ri a clock Line CD, you ſhall have all the afternoon hours as far as V: and the inorning hours muſt be drawn in like manner and diſtance, to the left hand or Weſt fide, beginning from 7 in the morn- ing unto 1:2, as in the Figure following: Note , that the height or length of the Stile is always 3 hours from the Meridian, as you ſee HG, which you may make with Copper or Braſs Plate, or Iron, in form as you ſee ſhadowed, whoſe breadth on the cop is here HR, which may be made more or leſs as you pleaſe. This Dial will ſerve in any Latitude, if the Plane be placed parallel co the hour of 6, ſo that the Planc be even with the Pole of the World. 1 1 C B I H Za ER P 주 ​18 SƏM KEast 1 R E и 2! 8 1 4 t 1 4 Howy 41 H 1 I 1 + 1 TV L 1 1 i CHAP.V. The Art of DIALLING. 1 9 + How to calculate the Height of the Stile, and the Points of Hour-diftance from the Meridian. were required to put on all the Hours from 7 in the morning to s in the even- ing; here we have 5 hours and 6 inches on either ſide of the Meridian, wherefore I allow 15 Degrees for an hour. The Rule to find the height of the Stile is, As the Tangent-compl. of the given Hour 15 TO57194 Isto half the Horizon or Diſtance from the Meridian 6 inches 277815 So is the Tangent of 45 Degreesome 1000000 To the height of the Stile 17 inches and parts 220621 And likewiſe the diſtance of the Hour-points of 9 and 3 from the Meridian will be 1, or Ilinch and 61 parts of 100, How to finid the length of the Tangent between the Subſtile and the Hour-Points, . 1 } 1 . of 100, Aving found the length of the Stile in our Example to be inch 61 pares chen in this Example, as we find the firſt Hour, fo find the reſt. 1000000 As the Tangent of 45 degim Is to the Tangent of the Hour from the Meridian 15. degia 942805 So is ie height of the Stile, 1.. inchesama 220621 Tophe length of the Tangent-lixe between the Meridian òr Sub-? 163426 ſtiler 4 inch I 1 An. Po Hours Tang: In. par. deg. mi. 1 2 9 O o O II I O IO and the Hour-point of 1 and of 11 --a-clock, And fo of the reſt,take them off a Scale of an Inch divided into 100 parts, and prick them from C and D both ways to B A and EF, and draw the Hour-lines parallel to the Meridian.;, and ſo do with the reſt, until it be finiſhed, as you may fee by the Table. 15 30 45 60 ana w N 43 93 .I - 61 2 79 6 O Infinit. ܟܗ ܙܘ O 75 90 O Si 1 ! 1 CHA P. V. How to make the Eaſt Equinoctial Dial, or the welft Lat. 51 d. 30-m. His Plane is a right Horizon of thoſe people who dwell under the Æquacor, diſtant from us go deg. of Longitude; as the South Æquinoctial Plane of ti the laſt Chapter was the Horizon of thoſe who dwell under the Æquatoriin the fame Longitude with us: Therefore theſe Dials are in all Poincs alike, only the Subſíler Line, which in the South Æquinoctial Dial is at 12, is but 6 in the morning for our Country, becauſe of the difference of Longitude. To pourtraiót this on a Wall or Plane, firſt draw the Horizontal Line A B; then upon the Center C deſcribe the Semicircle ADB, whereon lay the Latitude of the place si d. 30 m: from A unco D; ſo drawing G D continued, you ſhall have the Hour of 6: chen with your Compaſſes take off your Scale 15 deg. of the Line of Chords, and turning them off 6 times, divide the Arch D F into 6 equal parcs, and draw 1 ܙ 1 i 1 . 10, The Art of DKALLING. Book VII. you had 1 draw prick'd or blind Lines to choſe Diviſions, which would be all one as if donc it thus, CD bemg equal to the Chord of 60, or Tangent of 3 hours, you Thall make the Quadrant or true Square equal to the fide chereof C DEF, and from the corner at E, you thall lay down both ways towards D and F the hours of 1 and 2, from whence draw Lines to the Center C : Next make choice of the length or lieight of your Pin or Stile, which you muſt lay down from C to G on the 6 hour Line, drawing from the Point G a Linc perpendicular to the Line of 6, or parallel to the ſide CF, as GH, which curs che former Lines in the Points I KLMH; through which Points drawing Lines parallel to the hour of 6, you ſhall have the morning hours from 6 to 11, and the hours before 6, from 4 in the morning, are equal as from 6 to 7 and 8. A Horisontall line C Anº Domº1669 *B 7 1 Gigi 1 w Soitih F B 2 Nortti * I VI VI VA VIU IX X E 1 XI X 1 3 1 1. 1 11 1 . + Ang. Po. Hours, How to make the weſt Aquinoctial Dial. THA *He Weſt Æquinoctial Dial erect, ſerving for the afternoon, is drawn by the fame Rules contrariwiſe like the Eaſt in all points, only it ſhews but the after- noon hours, as the Eaſt thews the forenoan hours: When you have drawn on paper the Eaſt Dial, and ſet it by gueſs in its fcicuacion, go on the Weſt ſide of it, and you may ſee through the paper the picture by reflection of the Weſt Dial; and ſo will the picture of the backſide of the Weſt fhèw you the true picture of the Eaſt Dial. The way to calculate the height of the Stile, and the diſtance of the Hour-lines Tang from the hour of 6, is the ſame as in the deg. min. In. par. lalt Chapter of the Polar Plane : For 57 68: Suppoſe the length of che Stile to be 10 4 8 inches, chen che length of the Tangent- 45 line belonging to the firſt hour will be 3 inches and 68 parts of 1co, as you ſee 17 32 in this Table for the reſt of the hours, 75 37 32 which taken off 2 Scale of equal paxts, Infinit. and prick'd from the Aquinoctial from C cowards F, and likeiviſe upon the parallel DE: fo you will make a Dial ail, one as by the former way, which is good proof, if you draw the Hour-lines through theſe two Points ; and lo of the reſt. СНАР. 1 2 15 30" 0 5 77 IO 0 60 3 9 I 2 II I 12 O go O 11 1 1 ! 1 H 1 1 L 1 i < CHAP.V. The Art of DIALLING, Cé. VI. of ibékinds of Oblique Dials. .. 5 W Hat an Oblique Dial is, and why it. hath been ſo called, hath been thewed Chap. 2: SRegulár. Theyl be Irregular. The Regular lie in ſome notable Circle of the Sphere; as firſt!che Vertical Dial, whoſe Plane liech in the Horizon, for which cauſe miany call it che: Horizontal Dial. Secondly, the South and North Horizontal Dials,, ivhole Plane liech in the Eaſt Azi- muth, and is commonly called the South or North erect direct Dial. As for the Eaſt and Weſt Dials, they belong to another place, as wás ſaid.Chap. s. The Irregular are ſuch as lic Oblique to the Horizon, as Reclining'or Inclining, Di- als; or elíc lie Oblique to the Meridians, as Decliners.;.of elle Oblique to boich Recliners or Incliners declining, which are eſteemed che hardeſt of all, becauſe of their double irregularity. The Declination of a Plane is the Azimuthal Diſtance of his Poles from the Meri- dian of the place Eaſt or Weſt. The Reclination is the diſtance of his Poles from the Zenith and Nadir of your place. Inclination is the neereſt diſtance of the Poles of the Plane from your Horizon ; and whatſoever the reclination of the upper face of a Plane is, the inclinacion of the lower face is the Complement thereof. 1 1 1 : CHA P. VII. 1 How to make the Vertical Horizontal Dial. LT HII D Raw firſt the Horizontal-line A B, which is the Hour-line of 6; then take Take off the the Latitude of sid. 30 m. from the Gnomon-line, and lay it down both scale of Hours ways from the Center C, as to A and B : Next take the whole Hour-line of the balfs and 6, fixing one leg of your Compaſſes on A, deſcribe a little Arch towards D ; do che quarters, axd like from the Point B, croſſing the Arch ac D; ſo draw the Lige A Dand B.D. Now prick from D upon theſc Lines you muſt tranſport the 6 hours from D unto A, and alſo from D Hours, and unco B, as you ſee by the Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, from whence drawing, Lines from dramo the quar- the Center C, you ſhall have the Hours as you ſee numbred from 4 in the morning ters in the Dial uncil 8 in the afternoon, which ſufficeth for this Lacicude si d. 30 m. As you were dic For the height of the Stile, cake off your Line of Chords with your Compaſſes Hoteis . the Latitude of the Place 51 d. 30 m. and lay from Kto E, from 12 to neer 4, and {o drawing CE, you have the height of the Scile, which may be made in Braſs or Copper Plate, as you ſee ſhadowed in the Dial following. Thus by Calculation, As the Sine of god. Is to the Sine of the Latitude 51 d.30 m. 989354 So is the Tangent of the Ho. 15 do- 942805 To the Tangent of the Hour. line from the Meridian 11 d. 50 .-932159 retted for the - - : + as 1 1 • 11 1 1 12 The Art of DIA L LING. BOOK VII ID I I *** j I K 7 E u 1 Alcun AL HB ;; ; ܫܝ ܙܪ Z u . I S हो + Hours. Gr. mi. Gr. mi. Tangents. 1 I2 20 00 I As in this Table, which rake from the Line of Chords, and prick from the Meridian 12 from K on cach fide, the Degree or Tangent of each hour; And by the fame Rule you may find the Quarters, and that you may prick off in a like manner which is a way how to make an Horizontal Dial, as before, Laci- cude si deg. 30 min. 2 00 TS OB 30 00 45 00 60 00 75 100 90 II 50 24 20 28 3 53 35 3 4 5 .6 1 71 og 90 ܕܽ 051 Arn 1 CHA P. VIII. A South and North Erect DireEt or Horizontal Dial, and how to make it. T His belongs co an upright Wall looking full North or South, and the Plane of it lies in the Eaft Azimuth. Firſt draw the Horizontal-line A B which ſervech for 6 in the morning at A, and 6 in the afternoon at B; then from the Center lay down from the Gno- mon of the Latitudes Complement 33. 30 both ways, as to A and B: Now with the whole Line of 6 hours from A deſcribe an Arch cowards D, and with the ſame di- ſtance from B croſs the ſame Arch, and draw the cwo Lines A D and BD, whereon from D you muſt tranſport the hours, as you ſee by the Figures 1, 2, 3, 4; 5; drawing Lines through thoſe parts from the Center C, you ſhall have the hours from 6 a clock in the morning to fix a clock in the afternoon. With the Chord of 6o on the Center C deſcribe the Semicircle A D B from which Line of Ghords take the Complement of the Latitude 38. 30, and lay down froin Compl. 38 3o the Meridian at E unro F; ſo drawing CF, you ſhall have the height of the Stile above So. 90 Lat. SI 30 i Limony VTIT . CHAP.X. The Art of DIA L·LING. 13 above the Planc. This, if it be for a large Dial, as againft a Wall, is beſt to be made of a Rod of Iron; for ſmall Dials a Braſs Plate is beſt, and your Dial is done. N А. V B VI * 4. *F DS XXXII. 2112 *I D 1 * } 2 . This Dial ſhows the Hours from 6 in the morning to 6 at night: The other hours before and after 6, as far as four and eight; belong to the North face of this Dial. Becauſe the Almicantars, may oft obſcure the Interſections of the Hour-circles, you may avoid thac if you reduce this Dial co a Vertical Dial, for the South Horizontal Diál, being the Vertical Dial of thoſe people who live go degrees Southward from us, that is, in 38 d. 30 m. of South Latitude. Secondly, For the North face, imagine you had for the Gnomon a Wire thruſt allope through the center of the Plane from this, Southſide Northward, and you will preſently conceive, that in the North Dial the Horizontal r6 a clock. Line žvill be loweſt, and that the Stile or Gnomon will cațn upwards towards the North Pole, as much as it turned downwards on the other ſide, and that all the Hours. Save 6 in the morning, and 627, 8 at night, may be left out in our Latitude, becauſe the Sun ſhi- neth no longer upon it; and thoſe Hour-diftances you may find and ſet off from 6 a clock Line, as you did the Hours of like diſtance in the South face. Note in a South erect direct, or a South creat declining Dial, the Stile always points downwards; buc if ic be a North erect declining Dial, the Scile points upwards. ( cccc CHAR 14 The Art of DIALLING. Book VII. CHA P. IX. How to make a South inclining 23 deg, in the Latitude of so deg.30 min. ! S + Incl. 23 Uppoſe that the Plane be ſo inclining; tħat the face thereof be tovards the South, and che North part be elevated 23 deg. above the Horizon, and that the South part be dipped as much under the Horizon; then to find the height of the Stile d. m. above thc Planc, you muſt ſubftract the Inclinación 23 deg. from the Latitude of the Lat. 51 30 Place, which is here's i deg. 30 min. ſo the Remainer being 28 deg. 30 min. ſhall be the height of the Stile. Now for drawing the Hour-lįnes, you ſhall do no otherwiſe W. Srilc.28 30th 30 than you have done before in making the Horizontal Dial according to the Stiles height 28. 30, as you may perceive in the Dial following. Note, That if the Inclination of the Plane be more than the Latitude, then you muſt ſubſtract the Latitude from it, ſo there ſhall remain the height of the Stile above rhe Planc. Barif the inclination be South, that ſo the upward face of the Plane looks North- ward, then you are to add the Inclination to the Latitude of the Place; and if ic exceed 90 degrecs, you muſt then ſubſtract it from 180 degrees, ſo fhall you have the Poles height above the Planc towards the South part of the Dial. The Figure of this Dial followeth. 1 ( I X XXXI I I M R 3 4 Ά B South 1 ve correlacions trentai... CH AP. -- CHAP.X: The Art of DIALLING. 1 15 CHAZ: X. How to obſerve the Declination of any Declining Plane: A LL perpendicular Plancs, as Walls , lie in the Planes of one of the Azimnůchs; which Planes cut always bh Zenich' and Nadir, and the Center of the Earth, as in the Figure 24 cnith and Nadir E ŚWN. Horizon EW is the Baſe or Ground-line, or any Horizontal Line, drawn upon a Wall or Plane, look- ing full South or North: his Poles are at S and N in the Meridian ; wherefore he declineth not, but lieth in the Eaſt Azimuth E W. ' . piz 1 . ܨ ܫܪ ܀ I B 1 N E A SP A B is a Wall or Plane declining Eaſt by the Arch SP, to which A B or WE are equal: for ſo much as the Wall bendech from the Eaſt Azimuth, ſo much doth his Pole at P decline or bend from the Meridian. Now to find how much any Plane declineth, and ſo in what Azimuth he lies, one good way is this. When the Sun begins to enlighten the Wall, or when he leaves it, then is tlic Sun in che ſame Azimuth with the Wall : therefore take at that inſtant his Altitude, and thereby get his Azimuth, according to Clap. 14.of the Sixth Book, ſo you ſhall have tlie Declination of the Wall. Another way, if you have not time until the Sun cometh unto the Azimuch of the Wall, or the Vertical of it, which cutteth the Pole thereof, then get thic Suns Azi- muth as before when you can, and at the ſaine time obſerve by the light of your Cir- cumferenter the Suns Horizontal Diſtance from the Pole of the Plage ; and by compa- ring of thoſe together, you may caſily gather the Declination of the Wall: As in Example. I obſerved the Sun to be gone Weſt from the Pole of the Plane 72 deg. and by tlie Alcitude of the Sun then taken, I found his Azimuth 62 deg. Here I reaſon thus: The Sun is gone from the Pole Vertical of the Wall 72 deg. and from the Meridian 62 deg. therefore the Meridian lies between the Pole of the Plane, and the Sun: And becaule 0 Pis 72, and OS 62, cherefore SP the Declinacion of the Plane is to deg. the Difference of 12 and 62; and the Declination is Eaſt. for the Sun is nccrer to the Meridian, clan to the Vertical of the Plane. Cecc 2 And 1 L 1 4 4 A The Art of DIA DEING BOOK VII. And thus if you draw a rude Scheme of your Caſe, you may ſoon reaſon out the Declination, better than do it blindfold, by the Rules commonly given. And by thoſe two laſt ways you may take the Declination not only of upright Planes, but of. Recliners allo. : 1 1 How to take the Declination of any wall or Plane, without the help of # Needle or Lor 'stone. } 1 2 B Or Example. SuppoſeSND E repreſent a Wall, or the face of thc Plane where- on I am to make a Dial, and I deſire to know the Declination thereof from the Meridian Eaſtward or Weſtward. If you have no Inſtrument, take a plain Board, having one planed or ſtraight fide or edge, which Board let be repre- ſented by DEVQ: apply the ſtraight edge of the Board ED to the ſide of the S N Wall or Plane, as in this Figure, and in the middle of the Board at C, I ſet one D foot of the Compaſſes, and the other opened to 60 deg. of my Line of Chords, I deſcribe the Circle Ż BHA. In the Center C, I erect or place a Srile or Wire, as CO perpendicular to the Horizon, pla- cing the Board as neer Horizontal as I can. I find by obſervation, that the ſhadow of the top of the Pin or Wire toucheth the V Circle in the forcpoon at the Point. B, where I make a little mark; and like- wiſe I obſerve in the afcernoon that it touchetk che laid Circle in the Point A: Then I meaſure the half thereof from B or A to X, and drawing a Line through the Center to X, as KCX, you ſhall have the Meridian Line exactly deſcribed K Cx. Laſtly, I take the Diſtance Z X, which I apply to my Scale of Chords, and; find the Arch thereof 18 deg. 10 min. and ſo much is the Declination of th Plane E DNS, which you may ſee by clie Meridian Line X K to be towards the Eaſt; therefore it is a South Plane declining Weft 18 d. 10 m. This way is the moſt caſie way, and requires time for the making the cwo Ob- ſervations; therefore I will lay down ſome other ways, that may reſolve at one mo- ment, or at onc obſervation. G K $ 9 + [ How ta find the Declination by the Needle, whether the fir be clear or not. 1 Apply the North ſide of the Inſtrument wherein the Needle is placed unto the Wall, and hold it Horizontally as neer as you can, chac che Needle may have li- berty to play to and fro; and when it ſtands, obſerve upon the Limb of the Chard over which it moves, upon what Degree the Needle ſtands; for that is the Declinati- on of the Plane, reckoned from the South Point of the Needle: And if you would know the Coaſt, obſerve, That if the Needle ſtand upon the Eaſt ſide of the Meri- dian Line, then is the Declination Weft; but if it ſtand on the Weſt ſide of the Meridian Line, the Declination is Eaſt. By the Sea-Compaſs deſcribed Book V. as it hangs in the Box, you may alſo find the Declination. Set the flit of the Brafs Die amccer North and South, as before directed; then ſci the ſquare ſide of the Compaſs- box next the Plane, reckon outwards 180 deg. and ſet the Index to it; fo reckon the number of Degrees betwixt 180 che Index, and che Meridian, and chat number of Degrees is the Declination of the plane required ; and by the Chard you may ſee what Coaſt it is, that is, whechier he declines from the North or South Eaſtward or Weſtward. And note, That all Lines parallel to any Horizontal Line be Horizontal, and all Lines parallel to Vertical Lines be allo Vertical. С НАР. 1 CHAP.XI. The Art of DIA L»E ING. 17 1 H Н 4 C H 4 g. XI. i en How to inake a Declining. Horizontal Dialzori South erect declining from the South Eaſtwards 32 deg. 30 min. in the Latitude of 51 deg. 30 min. Ere chrec things-are required; for beſides-che-Diſtance-ofthe- ſeveral hours froin 12, and the Elevation of che Gnomon, which are requiſite to the ma- king of all direct and regulär Dials, we muſt here alſo know the Declinati- on of che Gnomon, which ſome call the Diſtance of the Subſtile from the Meridian, or the diſtance of the Meridian of the Plane from the-Meridian of the Place. For in all Dials thic Noon-line in the Méridian of the Place, projected on the Dial, and in all Horizontal or Mural Dials norrectiningor inclįning, the Noou-linc is a Perpen- .dicular cutting the Center of the Dial, how much foever they declínie. Bac declining Dials which look awry from our Meridian, havca Meridian of their Ow11, which is called the Meridian of the Plane anche Subſtile becauſe the Srile or Gnomon ſtands upon ic) avid is indeed the Meridian of that Place where this Decli- ning Dial would be a Vértical Dial, and wheretlić Subſtile would be Noon-line; and to this Subſtile the Hours of the Plane are always ſo conformed, that the necrer they be to the Subſtile, the narrower are the Hour-ſpaces ; and contrarily, becauſe the Meridians do cut every Oblique Horizon, that is thickeſt ncer the Meridian of the place; and this Declining Dial being a Stranger with us, followeth the faſhion of his own Country, and ſo hach his narroweſt Hour ſpaces neer his own Meridian, rather than ours: And now, as that is the Meridian of our place, which cutteth our Horizon at Right Angles, paſſing through his Poles, Zenith, and Nadir; ſo the Meridian of any Plane is that which cuttch the Plane at Right Angles, and paffech through his Poles. Before we draw the Hour-lines in theſe ſort of Dials; it will be very convenient to thew a general way for all Latitudes in a Diagram by it ſelf, and how to find the Subſtiter Diſtance from the Meridian or 12 a clock Line, and the height of the Gno- inon of Scile above the Planc. Firſt, Draw the Horizontal-line AB, and upon the Center at C, take off your Scale with your Compaſſes a Chord of 60 Degrees, de- fcribe che Semicircle ADB, and with a Chord" of 90 you may lay from A to D, and froin B co D, ſo thall you draw CD from the Meridian-line of 12 a Clock Then take the Coinplement of the Latitude 38 deg. 30 min. and lay from D to E, and lo draw E F parallel to the Horizon A C; next cake the Declination of the Dial 32 d. 30 94, and lay from D to G, drawing the Radir O G thercon, you muſt lay che Di- ſtance E F froin the Center at C, as CH. Now with the neereſt diſtance from H to the Meridian CD, as HI, inake FL; and drawing a Line from C through L, it will cut the Limb in the Point M; ſo meaſuring D M on the Line of Chords, you Thall have the Subſtiler Diſtance 23 dog. 8 min. all which you may ſee in this Scheme following By Calculation, As the Radiu's go deg. Is to the Sine of the Declination SE 32 deg. 30 m. So is the Co-tangent of the Latitude 5ı d. 30 m. To the Tang of the Sulſtiler Dift from the Meridian 23 d.8 m.- 963081 For the height of the Stile, take the necroft Diſtance from H to the Horizon K, and lay the ſame from L to cut the Arch in N:So meaſure MN, you ſhall have on the Line of Chords the Height of the Stile ricereft 3 deg. 40 min. By Calculation, viz, As th: Radims 90 deg. Is to the Go-fine of the Latitude gi deg. 30 min.-- 979414 So is the Co-fine of the Declination 32 deg. 30 min. 992602 To the Height of the Stile 31 deg. 40 min. amma Те j 1 1 IO 973021 990060 1 -10 ". . 97 2016 1 4 N Jl. 18 The Art of DIA LLING. Book VII. 1 To find what Hour or how much Time the Subſtiler is diſtant from the Meridian or Inclination of Meridian. 2 A B 1 stile म 1 programmieru Projets gras E F 0 G M 1. D r TA 1 Ake the neereſt Diſtance from Mto FE, and lay it on the Meridian from Fro 0: Then take the Diſtance from O unto G, and lay it from O unto P on the Meridian ; ſo the Diſtance from Pro M, meaſured on a Line of Chords, will be found to be 39.drg. 9 min. or cliercabours; which in time, allowing 15 deg. for an hour, and four. Minuces to a Degree, you ſhall have 2 ho. 36 min. 36 ſec. which is the di- ſtance of the Subſtile Line from the 12 a Clock Line, which in this Dial is, between Dand 10 of the Clock in the morning. And by Calculation, 10 As the Radius go deg. Is to the Şine of the Latitude 50 deg. 30 min. So is the Co-tangent of the Declination 3.3. deg. 30 min. To the Co-tangent of the Inclination 39 deg:9 min. 989354 1019581 1098935 Thus is ſhadowed a Geometrical way, and by Calculation, for any Latitude: But for one particular Latitude, Mr. Philip Staynred, which firſt compoſed the Scale and Gnomon Line, and Inclination of Meridians, and the greater and leſſer Pole on the Dialling Scale, for 37 ycars ſince, as I have ſeen by him calculated, and the Projecti- on Geometrical in his Study: he hach for the more cafe fer two Lines upon che Dial- ling Scale, as he uſually makes, to find the Subſtile for the Latitude of 51 deg.30 m. againſt the Lines ſtands the Letters Sub or Stile joyved with it ; ſo if you cake from off the Subſtile-line che Declinacion of the Dial, and lay it from D unto M, which in the laſt Example was 32 deg. 30 min. you ſhall find it to reach in the Diagram from D unto M, as in the Line of Chords 23 deg for the Subſtilc, as before. Alſo, the other Line nored with the word Srile, you thall likewiſe take from thence the Declioration 32 deg. 30 min. which you ſhall find to reach in the Diagram from M unto N, or in the Line of Chords 31 deg. 40 min. CHA P. XII. 1 1 How to draw the Hour-Lines in a Declining Horizontal-Dial, or South erect, declining 32 deg. 30 min. from the South Eaſtward, the Latitude being 51 deg. 30 min. Inft draw tlič Horizontal Line A B, and on the Center at C deſcribe the Semi- circle A E B, with thc Chord of 6o deg. and from A and B lay down go deg. unto E; o Thall you draw ĆE the Meridian Line or Hour of 12 ; then in the 4 F } 1 1 I. 6, CHAP.XII The Art of DIA I LING. 19 1 the former Diagram take the Subſtile diſtance DM 23 deg. and lay the ſame in the Dial following from Eunto F, and from the Center C through you ſhall draw CF K the Subſtiler Line. Next take the Chord of go deg. and lay ic from F both ways upon the Arch, lo ſhall you draw the Gnomon Line GH, whereon from C, with the Sciles Altitude before fount, 31 deg. 40 min. taken from the Gnomon Linc, you ſhall make CG and CH. Then take the whole Linc of 6 hours, and with the fame diſtance from G deſcribe an Arch at K, and with the like from B croſs the fame Arch, and draw the Lincs G K and HK, which laſt Line cuts the Meridian at N. Now if you meaſure K N on the Hour-lines, you ſhall find it ncer 2 ho. 36 m. as you found in the laſt Diagram. Then take one Hour more, which is 3 bo. 36 min. and lay the ſame from K unto M; and ſo increaſing one Hour more, you ſhall have the Hour points 1 and i; allo diminifhing one Hour leſs than a ho. 36 min. which is i ho. 36 min. the ſame will reach from K to O, and ſo 38 min. from K to P. Now as you have divided K H, the very famc diſtance as is from K towards H, muſt be from Ġ towards K; ſo drawing the Lines from the Center C through thoſc Points, you ſhall have the Hour-lines, as you ſee in the Dial following. IT I IXXX XVII UT 1 VI ul IL lis A ir 1 fin 1 I 7 VI XXXX I w AR :. K -10 By Calculation, As the Radius go deg. Is to the Sine of the Stiles or Gnomors Height 310.40 m. 972013 So is the Tangent of the Dift. of an Hour from the Suft.9d.9 m.- 920701 To the Tangent of the Hour-Arch from the Subſtile 4 d. 50m. 2 892714 betwixt the 10 a clock Lipe, and the Sult. Line on the Arch By 1 * 6 SI 8 20 II 10 II 9 I2 23 do o I 2 2 You may apply this Diſtance to the Line of Inctuon of Meridians, and it will 20 The Art of DI ALLING. BOOK VII. By this Rule was this Table made; Egual Dift. Hour Arches. and by the fame you may make one for Hours. any Latitude, and for any Declining D. M. D. M. Dial; and you may by it prove your 4 80 SI 72 57 former Work: for if you prick from the 5 65 51 49 30 Subſtiler Line Fiche Chord of 4 deg.50m. 50 SI 32749 and draw a Line from che Center, it will 7 35 2046 be the Hour-line of 10 ; and prick the sr 18 Chord of 3 deg. 5 min. from the Subſtile, 9 S SI 3 5 and draw a Line through that Point to Meridian. Subftile. the Center, and it will be the Hour-line 9 9 04 50 of 9 a clock; and ſo of the reſt , as you .24 13 IS find them in the laſt Column. 39 9 Note, Thar the Height of che Stile FS 54 9 36 being equal unto MN in the former Dia- 69.9 54 gram, which is the Chord of zi d. 40 75. 3 84.9. 78. 57 now becauſe the Plane declines-Eaſt, there 11 I fore the Gnomon ſhall decline Weft: for the Dial being ſuch a Projection of the Sphere, wherein all chęúſual Lines croſs in the Nodus of the Gnomon, and thence diſperſe themſelves again cowards the Plane; therefore that which is Eaſt in the Sphère, will be expreſſed Weft on the plane, and contrarily, as was ſaid Chap. 2: Theorem 3. Alſo I conſider, that howſoever the Plane be surned Eaſt or Weſt, the Gnomon place is fixed, becauſe it is a part of he Axis of the World, or a Lind Parallel to ſite Now"therefore I turn a South Dal, and make him decline Eaſt, and hold the Gnomonlunmovable, clië Weft ſide of the Dial will approach ncerer to the Gnornan, as reaſon and ſenſe will require. Likewiſe the Hours which are found on the ſame ſide of the Meridian or Noon-line with the Sabſtile, muſt be for the ſame way with it from the Noon-line in the Dial. And if you would draw the North Dial of this Plane, do but prolong thoſe Hour lines, and the Subſtile upwards beyond the Center, and you have the North Dial beyond C, or abovethe Horizontal Lincta Bs as the South Dial below it. And note, Becauſe the Sun ſets after 8-á. Clåck in Summer, cherefore the three hours next before and after midnight, may be lefy out in this Dial, and all others which muſt ſerve in our Latitude. This is the meſt ready way to delincate thè oppofítc . face' of any'Dial. Nire, That if a Wall decline from the South Eaſtwards 31 deg. 30 min. therefore the Plane which lieth 90 deg. from his Pole; is in the 32. Ažimuch from the Eaſt Northward. Note this well: Extend the Compaſſes as before from K to N, che Interſection of the Meridian with the Line K Hac N; before found to be 2 ha. 36 min which converted into Degrees, by allowing 5 Degrees to an Hout, and 4 Minutes to a Degree, it makes 39 deg. 9 min. which 39. deg: 9 min. Thew me the Difference of Longitude berween our Country and the Country of this Dial... 1 am 5 give you che Diſtance before-39 deg: 9 min. Nore, I allow this Countries Longitude to be 27 deg. 44 min. at Briſtol, to the Eaſtward of the Grand Meridian Fowers and Calfs one of the Iles of Azores, which added to 39 deg. 9 min. fhcws the Longitude of the Councry of the Dial to be 66 4. 53 min. Eaſtward, and Latitude 31 deg. 40 min. which I find by my Globe is in the Delarts of Arabia at Afickia necr Soar. 1 . 1 CHA. " 1 ! 4 1 CHAP.XIV, The Art of DFALLING, 21 CHA P. XIII. How to obſerve the Reclination or Inclination of any Plane. W Hit Reclination and Inclination are, hath been ſhewed Chap. 8. you will have it following in a Diagram by it felf. All Reclining aud Inclining Planes have their Baſes or Horizontal Diameters lying in the Horizontal Diameter of ſome Azimuth; but the top of the Plane leaneth back from the Zenith of your place in the Vertical of the Plane" (which is the Azimuth cutting the Plane at Right Angles) ſo much as the Reclination hap- nech to be: and the Polc of the Plane,on that fide the Planè inclines to is ſunk as much below the Horizon, as the top of the Plane is funk below the Zénith; and the oppoſite Pole is mounted as much. Ler ESW N be Horizon, Z the Zenith, E W the Horizontal Diameter of the Plane and of che Eaſt Azimuth, EOW a Plane not declining bue reclining Souch- wards from the Zenith by the Arch Z O 45 deg. and his oppoſite Face inclining to the Horizon according to the Arch OS 45 deg. the Pole of the reclining Face is at Pin the Meridian CP, which here is alſo Vertical of the Plane, and is clevared 45 deg. in the Arch NP, equal to the Arch of Reclination 2 O, the Pole of the inclining Face is depreſied as much on the other ſide under the Horizon. To find the Quantity of the Reclination, you ſhall draw a Vertical Line on the Plane by Chap. 3. and thereto apply a long Ruler, which may overſhoot the Plane either above or below : to that Ruler apply any Semidiameter of a Quadrant, and the Degrees, between char Semidiamererand che Plumb-line; ſhall be the Degrees of Reclination. Or ſtick up in the Vertical Line two Pins of cqual height, and perpen- dicular, and placing your ſelf cither above or below the Plane, as you find moſt cafie, direct the sights of your Quadrant to the Heads of the two Pins, being in a righe Line with your eye; and the Plummer ſhall ſhew che Reclination on the side of the Quadrant, and the Inclination, which is always the Complement thereof, on the other. 5 CHAP. XIV, To draw the Hour-Lines in all Declining, Reclining, Inclining Planes. I 1 F a Plane ſhall decline from the Prime Vertical, and incline to the Horizon, and yet not lie even with the Poles of the World, it is then called a Declining, In- clining Plane. Of theſe there be ſeveral ſorts, you may ſee 19 Planes in the following Diagram, and directed how to know them in the 25th Chaptır: but to fhew the Recliners in order as they come, viz. the North Recliner 45 deg. and South Incliner falls between the Æquator and the Tropick of %, as the Circle ÉQW; che Souch Recliner 45 deg. and North Incliner, falls between the Horizon and the Pole, and is repreſented by the Circle E A W. The Eaſt and Weſt Recliner and Iucliner 45 deg. may be ſeen by the Circle NVS, the Inclination may be Northward 45 deg. and declining 45, as the Circle FKC, or the Plane may decline S 45 Weſtward, and recline 45 deg, from the Zenich, asche Circle CLF. If your Inclination or Reclina- tion fall more or l-fs , you may ſee the way. Each of theſe Plancs have two Faces, the upper toward the Zenith, the lower towards thé Nadir, wherein having the Latitude of the Place, and the Declination, with the Inclination of the Plàne, you are farther to conſider what muſt be found before you can draw the Dial, which will follow in order, and is repreſented in this Fundamental Diagram; only I will mention the Arches and Angles in the hardelt, which is a South declining Weſt 45 deg. and recli- ning from the Zenich 45 deg. In ſuch you muſt conſider, Dddd 1: The 1 1 www 1 ! 22 The Art of DI A L'LING, Book VII. 1. The Arch of the Plane berween the Horizon and Meridian CO or FO. 2. The Arch of the Meridian berween the Horizon and the Plane ON or Os. 3. The Angle of Inclination between the Meridian and the Plane CON or FOS. 4. The Subſtile-diſtance from the Meridian OR or OR. 5. The Height of the Pole above the Plane or Stiles Height P R. 6. The Inclination of both Meridians or Angles at P. 7. The Difference of the Hour from the Subſtile. But firſt we will deſcribe the Diagram. 1 hie 1 S t 80 go 018 112 09 2 mo 40 od slo of 액 ​& . K Ho 1 to E + W Hi R 01 20 O th ... of a of 05 112 70 80 ok 9) 018 ° N To Deſcribe the DIAGRAM. ! . + He Deſcription of this Diagram is ſet down at large by that worthy Mathematici- au Mr. Edmond Gunter, in the use of his Sektor, Chap.3. But for this fuffice, if it have the Vertical Circle, the Hour Circles, the quacor, and the Tro- picks firſt drawn in it; other Circles may be ſupplied afterward, as we shall have ulc of them ; and thoſe may be readily drawn, as I have borrowed of liin, in chis . manner. Lec the outward Circle, repreſenting the Horizon, be drawn and divided into four equal parts, wich S N the Meridian, E W the Vertical, and cach fourth part into 90 deg. That donc, lay a Ruler to the Point ș, and each Degree in the Qua- drant EN, and not the Interſc&tions where che Ruler croſſeth the Vertical ; ſo thalli the Semidiameter EZ be divided into other 90 deg. and from thence the other Semi- diameters may be divided in the ſame fort; thoſe may be numbred with 10, 20, 30, from E towards C; and for variecy, with 10, 20, 30, from C towards W! But for the Meridian, the South part would be beſt numbered according to the Declination from the Equator, and the North part according to the Diſtance from the Polc. Then with reſpect unto the Latitude, which here we ſuppoſe to kc si deg. 30 min. open 1 a X1V CHAP.X.V. The Art of DIA LLING: 23 + ! open the Cornpaſſes unto 38 deg. 30 min. from C toward W, and prick them down in the Meridian from Cunto P ; ſo this Point Pfhall repreſent the Pole of the World, and through it muſt be drawn all the Hour-circles, Having three Points E PW, find their Centers, which will fall in the Meridian, a little without the Point S, and draw them in a Circle EPW, which will be the Circle of the Hour of 6. Through chis Center of the Hour of 6 draw an occult Line at length parallel to F w, to this Line ſhall continue the Centers of all the other Hour-circles: where the Circles of the Hour of 6 crofſeth chis occult Line, there will be clic Centers of , and 3 their Hour-circles. The diſtance between theſe Centers of 9 and 3, will be equal to the Semidiameters of the Hour.ircles of soand 2: where theſe two Circles of 10 and 2 ſhall croſs this occult Linc, there will be the Center of 7 and s. And again, take with your Com- paſſes off che Diameter E W 75 deg. under w, and turn the Compaſſes three times over on the occult Line, from the Center of the Hour of 6, and you have the Center of the Hours of 1 and 11. Again, take 78 deg.from E cowards C, and lay ic boch ways from the Center of the firſt Hour-circle of 6, on the occult Live, and you have the Center of the Hour-circle of 4. So practice for any other Latitude, The Hour-circles being thus drawn, take şi deg. 30 min. from C toward w, and prick chein down in the South part of the Meridian froul Cunto A, and bring the third Point E A W into a Circle; this Circle ſo drawn ſhall repreſent the Æquator. The Tropick of Cancer is 23 deg. 30 min. above the Equator, and 66 deg. 30 min. diſtant from the Pole; and ſo in chiš. Lacicude it will cross the Souch part of the Me- ridian at 28 dég. from the Zenith, and the North part of the Meridian 15 deg. be- low che Horizɔn. Take therefore 28 deg. from C towards W, and prick them down in the Meridia’ı from C unto D, ſo have you the South Interſc&tion: Then lay the Ruler to the Poin: W and 15 deg., in the Quadrant NW, numbréd from N toward W, and note where it croffech the Meridian ; lo ſhåll you have the North Inirerfect: on. The half way between theſe two Interſections in the Meridian Line is thic Center of the Tropick of Cancer: Which being truly drawn, will croſs the Horizon, before 4 in the Morning, and after S in the Evening, about 40 deg. Northward from E and W, according to the riſing and ſetting of the Sun at his entrance into Cancer. The Tropick of Capricorn is 23 deg. 30 min. below the Æquator, and 113 deg. 30 min. diſtant from the North Pole; ſo that in this Latitude ir croſſech the South part of the Meridian at 75 deg. from the Zenith, and the North part of the Meridian at 62 deg. below the Horizon. Take therefore 75 deg. towards w, and prick them down in the Meridian from Z unto 19; ſo have you the South Interſection : Then lay the Ruler to the point w, and 62 deg. in the Quadrant NW, numbred from N to- wards w, and note where it crofſeth the Meridian, ſo ſhall you have the North In- terſection: the half way thall be the Center, whereon you may deſcribe the Tropick of Capricorn vg. This Tropick will croſs the Horizon after 8 in the morning, and be- fore 4 in che Evening, about 40 deg. Southward from E and w, according to the ring and ſetting of the Sun at his entrance into Capricorn. Now we will proceed co draw the Hour-lines in a North Recliner and a South Incliner, and ſhew the Height of the Stile above the Plane on the Meridian, and a Souch Recliner, and a North In- cliner; and ſo in order to the reſt. i CHA P. XV. How to make a North and South Reclining Dial. 1 T T Hc Baſc or Horizontal-line of ſuch a Dial licch in the Eaſt Azimuch, and his Pole in the Meridian, as you may ſee Chap: 14. The Plane of the 14 Chapter was a North Plane reclining Southward 45 deg. the Zenith is diſtant from the North Pole 38 deg. 30 min. the Complement Dddd 2 of 1 + ! 24 The Art of DIALLING, Book VII. + of the Latitude si deg. 30 min. toward the South, and I ſee che Reclination is 45 deg. more Souchward, becauſe I ſee my Plane reclines ſo much that way. I add the com- plement of the Latitude 38 deg. 30 min. and the Reclination 45 deg, together, and I ſee then by the ſame the North Pole is elevated 83 deg. 30 min. which is the Height of the Stile above che Plane on the Meridian; which 83 deg. 30 min. taken off the Gnomon Line of the Scale, you may proceed and draw the Dial, and lay that on the Line W E, and work as you did in the other Dials. The oppoſite face to this is the South Incliner ; and if you would draw it, do but prolong thoſe Hour-Lines, as was ſaid in Chap. 13. and you have the South Recliner below the Horizontal Line WE. Note, Had this Reclination been gi deg; 30 min. and che Complement of the La- titudc added to it would have made go deg.chen it would have fallen into the Plane of the Aquinoctial, and ſo the Dial would have been a Polar Dial, and all the Hours would have had equal ſpaces, and the Gnomon would have ſtood perpendicular, which are the properties of a Polar Dial, as hath been ſhowed Chap. s. - ܙܝܙܗ 1 F ALE 6 E B s VIZ g IX X XI XI I T. d. As for the South reclination, which is 45 deg: which ſubftract from the Latitude 5l 30 si deg. 30 min. and you have the height of the Gnomon or Scile above the Plane, 45 oo which by reaſon the Hour-lines will be lo neer together, continue them, and cut them off as they may fit your Planc, by leaving out one of the Hours, or more, as you 6 30 will; ſo will you have the Stilc a handſom height above the Plane, and the Hour- circles a good diſtance alunder: But for the North Incliner, his Lines and Stile mult be drawn from the Center of the Plane, although they do come neer. If the Recli- 51 30 nation had been 31 deg. then you ſhould have ſubſtracted the Reclination from the Latitude s ! deg: 30 min. and the Remainder would have been 20 deg. 30 min. the 30 Height of the Stilc or Gnomon , d. 31 CHAP.XVI The Art of DIALLING. 25 C H A P. XVI. How to make an Eaft or Weſt Reclining or Inclining Dial. A S it hath been ſhewn Chap. 15. That the Baſc or Horizontal-line of a South Recliner lieth always in the Eaſt Azimuth ; ſo the Baſe of an Eaſt Recliner lieth always in the Meridian of the Place: And as all Declining Planes lic in ſome Azimuth, and croſs one another in the Zenith and Nadir, by Chap. 13. So theſe Reclining Planes lic in ſome Circle of Poſition, and croſs one another in the North and South Points of the Horizon ; which being conſidered; theſe Eaſt Recli- ners, Weſt Incliners, and Weſt Recliners, and Eaſt Incliners, ſhall be made as eaſily as the former. For theſe Eaſt Recliners be in very deed South Decliners to thoſe that live ga deg. from us Nortliward or Southward, and liave one of thoſe Poles elevated as much as the Complement of our Latitude; for the perpendicular or Plumb-line of thoſe peo- plc is parallel to the Horizontal Diameter of our Meridian. 1 EXAMPLE. I Have an Eaſt Plànc reclining 45 deg. which I would make a Dial. In the former Diagram I number 45 deg. from E to F, and then lay a Ruler from N to F, and it will cut the Semidiameter Z W in 45 deg. in V. And then draw the Arch SVN, which Circle ſhall repreſent the Plane propoſed. Then thic Arch of the Planc bcoween the Horizon and the Subſtiler Diſtance is re- preſented in the Diagram by NQ and may be found by reſolving the Triangle ON P, wherein che Angleat Q is known to be Radius, and the Angle at N to be Recli- nation, and the Angle ac P the Latitude: Then work thus, As the Radims or Sine of 90 deg. l- -1000000 Is to the Sine of Reclination 45 deg. N- 984948 So is the Tangent of the Latitude si deg. 30 min. PN- 1009939 To the Tangent of the Subftile QN 41 deg. 38 min. 994887 . Or upon Gunter's Ruler, Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of go deg. to che Sine of 45 deg. the ſame will reach from the Tangent of the Latitude 51 deg. 30 min. to ncer41 deg. 38 min. as before, in the Line of Sines; and ſuch is the Subſtiler diſtance. Secondly, The Height of the Pole above the Plane may be repreſented by the Arch P Q and may be found, by which we have given in the Triangle QNP: For, As the Sine of 90 Q- I000000 To the Sine of si.deg. 30 min. PN- 989354 So is the Sine of Reclination 45 deg. N. 984948 : the Plane P 1 + Extend the Compaſſes from the Sinc of 90 deg. coche Sine of șr deg, 30 min. the ſame Extent will reach from the Sinc of Reclination 45 deg. to 33 deg. 36 min. as bo- fore, which is the Height of the Stile.. Thirdly, The Inclination of Meridians (or indeed you may call ic Longitude) is here repreſented by the Angle P QN; for having drawn the Arch of the Meridian of the Plane SON, or let fall a Perpendicular PR, and that from the Pole unto the Plane, this perpendicular ſhall be the Meridian of the Plane; ſo that from Q to N is the Diſtance of Inclination of both Meridians, which will be found as before : For, As ! t 26 The Art of DIA LLING. Book VII. 989354 1000000 As the Sine of si deg. 30 min. P N-. To the Sine of 90 deg; So is the Sine of the Subſtiler Diſtance 41 deg. 38 min. To the Sine of Inclination of both Meridiassa 971594 which will be found to be s8 deg. 40 min. N PQ. Extend the Compaſſes from chic Sine şi deg. 30 min. to the Sine of 90; the ſame Extent will reach from 41 deg. 38 min. the Subſtiler Diſtance, to 58 deg: 40 mix and furch is the Angle PQN of the Inclination, berween the Meridian of the place and thc proper Meridian of the Planc: which reſolved into time, doch make about 3 ho. 54 min. and ſo the Subſtiler muſt be placed neer the Hour of 8 in the morning. to III V V VEL 1 K к 1. 1 UUED I HR S 3 포 ​X 1 X 1 1 1 VI V V MIUI TU .. 1 : For to draw the Hour-lines on the Plane, firſt draw the Horizontal-line SN: Then take off your Line of Chords with your Compaſſes the Chord of 60 deg. from your Scale, and (wcep the Semicircle: Then cake off your Linc of Chords with your Coin- paſſes the Subſtiler Diſtance, and lay it from N on the Arch to A; Then draw through the Center aud A in the Arch, the Subſtiler Line, croſſing it in the Center at Right Angles with the Line KF: Then cake off with your Compalies the Height of the Pole above the Plane, or the Sciles Height 33 deg: 36 min. from the Gnomon Line of the Scale, and lay it from the Center of the Dial both ways from K to F. Then take the whole Linc of 6 Hours, and ſweep the two ſmall Archies from K towards G, and che like from F toward G? Then draw the Lines KG and FG: Then extend the Compaſſes from G to N, and apply it to the Hour-line, and you ſhall find the Indi- nation of Meridians to be as beforc'; ho. 54 min, Then take 4 ho. 54 min. and lay it to O, and the ſame Diſtance from K unto o toward G; and the like do with 2 bo. 54 min. and make ſuch marks on the Line G F and KG as you ſcc in chc Figure to 1 draw ) A CHAP.XVI), The Art of DIALLING. 27 draw the Hour-lines by; and then take off the Line of Chords 33 deg. 36 mir. the Stiles Height, and lay from A to B; ſo drawing the Hour-lines, and you have done. And then you may ſee as in a Glaſs the Weſt Recliner, the oppoſite Face, as you were Thew'd before Chap. 13. that is, ſtrike the Subſtiler Line, and all the Hour Lines through the Center, and the ſame Figures to every Hour beyond the Center, which you had on the firſt fide, and ſet the Gnomon upon the Subſtile downwards, to behold the South Pole, and you have done both : So have you on the back ſide, looking through the Paper, the Weſt Recliner and Eaſt Incliner, if you draw in the like manner, or prick on the back ſide, for 11 in the Eaſt I in the Weſt Recliner, and ſo contrarily of the reſt. C H 4 P. XVII. How to find the Arches and Angles that are reqaiſite for the making of the Reclining Declining Dial. Efore you can intelligently make a Reclining Declining Dial, which is the moſt irregular of al, having two Anomalies, viz. Declination and Reclination, you muſt be acquainced with thoſe chree Triangles in the Sphere, wherein cer- tain Arches and Angles lie, which are needful to be known. I adviſe you firſt to draw,. though it be buut by aim, an Horizontal Projection of the Sphere, ſuch as here I have drawn for a South declining Weſt 45 deg. and reclining from the Zenith 45 deg. in the Latitude of si deg. 30 min. which thall be our Example. The ſame alſo is thewed in the Fundamental Diagram; only I ſhow you this, to let you know, therc is ſeve- ral ways to the Wood bclides one. 1 N M 1 5 Æ 1 PIA P E H . 1 mis + Q Lu 1 ܪܙ 1 28 The Art of DIALLING. Book VII. 2 95; the Jame Extent will reach from the Co- In this Figure the Arch FL Cisthe Plane, Z L the Reclination thereof, F E the Baſe or Horizontal Line of the Plane,and Æ n the Vertical of the Plane,cutting it right at L, and cutting the Pole thereof at H: for n is the Pole of a Plane erceted upon F E; bue the Pole of the Reclined Plane FLE is Hng; or Sn is the Declination of the Plane, PHm the Meridian of the Planc, cutting the North Pole at P, the Plane at Right Angles at R, and the Pole thereof ac H. In the firſt Triangle FN () you have given F N 45 deg. the Complement of the Planes Reclination N, the Right Angle of our Meridian with our Horizon F, che Complement of Reclination 45 deg. whereby you nday find FO the Oblique Aſcen- fion, or the Arch of the Plane becween the Horizon and our Meridian, that is, how many Degrees chc Noon-line ſhall lie above the Horizontal-line. Alſo you may find NO the Perpendicular Altitude of the Noon-line, or the Inclination of the Noon- line of the Dial to the Horizon, which caken out of si deg. 30 min. remains the Arch of the Meridian betweep the Pole and the Plane. But note, That when this Alcitude of the Noon-line NO is equal to NP the Elevation of che Pole, then is the fecond Triangle PR O quite loft in the Point P, and the Plane becomech then a De- clining Æquinoctial Plane: Alſo you may find the Angle at O, called the Angle of Inclination between the Meridian and the Plane. In the ſecond Triangle ORP you have given O as beforc, R the Right Angle of clie Plane with his Meridian, O P'the Poſition Laticude, that is, the Latitude of the Place wherein the Reclining Plane ORLEQ_ ſhall be a Circle of Poſition; this is given if you ſubſtract NO, the Al- titude of the Noon-line, as before, out of the Latitude ; and hence may be found OR the Declination of the Gnomon or Subſtiler Diſtance, or Diſtance of the Meri- dian of the Plane from the Meridian of che Place ; Rathc Elevation of the Pole above the Plane, in the Plancs own Meridian or Sriles Height 3 P the Angle be- tween the Meridian of the Plane, and the Meridian of the place. This Angle is called the Difference of Longitude, becauſe it ſhews how far the Places are diſtant from us in Longitude; wherein this Dial ſhall be a Direct Dial, without Declina- tion, having his Gnomon in the Noon-line of the Place, and thews alſo how many Degrees of thc Planc comes between the ſaid Meridians. Let this be well obſerved by Learners. Hence may be found, if you will, the phird Triangle PZH: You have given P Z the Compleinent of our Latitude, ZH the Complement of the Planes Reclination, Z the Supplement of the Planes Declination. Alſo hence may be found H Pixwhoſe Complement is P Riche Elevation of the Pole above the Plane, the Difference of Longitud, H, whoſe meaſure is R L, the Arch of the Plane between the Méridian of the Plane or Subſtile, and the Vertical Line of the Plane; the Complemerit thereof is R F, the Subſtiles Diſtance from the Horizontal Line of the Plane, Every Arch and Angle is given and may be found by the Problems of Spherical Triangles, as before; but we will make ſhort our buſineſs. Firſt find the Arch of the Plane between the Horizon and Meridian Fo. As the Sine of 90 N- 1000000 To the Sine of Reclination for the Zenith F 45 984948 So is the Co-tangent of Declination 45 NE -1000000 To the Co-tangent of F0°36. 16 984948 taken out of 99, there remains for FO 54.44. which is the Arch of the Plane be- tween thc Horizon and Meridian. tangent 45, to 35. 16, as before, by the Ruler. Secondly, The next to find is the Arch of the Meridian berween che Pole and the Plane; but we vvill by oppoſite Work find it thus, As the Sine of the Angle at N 90- 1000000 To the Sime of his oppoſite Side FO 54.44-- 991194 So is the Sine of the Angle at F 45 984948 To the Sine of the Side NO-35 deg. 16 min. 976142 Or, : ! 1 * CHAP.XVII. The Art of DIAL LIN G. 29 Or, Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 deg. to che Sine of 54 and 44 ;-the ſame Extent will reach from the Sine of 45 deg. to 35.16 NO, which Subſtrated from the Latitude si deg. 30 min. remains the Arch of the Meridian between the Pole and the Plane O Pio deg. 14 min. Thirdly, Now you muſt find the Angle N OF, which will be ROP, which is called the Angle of Inclination betwecn the Meridian and the Plane, thus : 1 As the Sine of FO 54. 44 008805 To the Radius or Sine of go 1000000 So is the Sine of ihe Side FN 45- 984948 To the Sive of the Angle ROP 60. O 993753 Extend the Compafles from the side of 90, coʻche:Sine of 54:44; the ſame Ex- tent will reach from the Sine of 45, unto 60, as before-found, the Angle of Inclina- cion berwveen the Meridians and the Plane. Fourthly, The next to be found is the Subſtile Diſtance, or the Meridian of the Plane from the Meridian of the Place. As the Sine of the Angle at R 90 1000000 To the Co-fine of the Angle at O 30.0- 269897 !! So is the side of the Tangent PO 16.14 946412 To the Tungerit of the Sulfiile OR 8 deg. 17 min. 916309 And thus extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 deg. to the Co-line of 30 deg the ſame Diſtance will reach from the Tangeas of 26714, to the Tangent of the so stile from che Meridian 8 deg. 12 min. Fifthly, Next find the Elevation of the Polda bo above the phone of Scilés Height : Por As the Sine of so deg. at R To the Sine of his Oppoſite PO 16. 14... 944645 So is the Sine of the Angle at O 60 993752 To the Sine of the Stiles Height above tht Planë 14. I 438398 Or, Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of godeg, to the Sine of 16. dég. 14 min the ſame Diſtance will reach froin the Sine of 60 сhe Angle at 0, to the Height of the Pole above the Planc 14 deg. I min. or Stiles Height, as before. Sixthly, Now for the Difference of Longitude or Angle ac-P, or Inclination of thc Meridian of the Plane to the Meridian of the Place, it is thus. As the Sine of the Arch PO 16. 14 944645 Is to the Sine of 90 deg. R- 1000000 So is the Sine of the Subſtile Diſtance 8 deg. 19- 915856 To the Angle as Por Difference of Longitude 3 i deg. 1 min. +971211 Excend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 16 deg. 14 min. to the Sind of 90 deg. the famc Excent will reach from the Subſtile Diſtance 8 deg. 17 min. fo the Inclination of boch Meridians 2 ho. 4 min, as before. Seventhly, The Diſtance of the Hours from the Subſtiler are here alſo repreſenced by thoſe Arches of the Plane which are interſected between the propěr Meridian and the Hour-circles. The Angle ac R, becween the Pole and the proper Meridian, is a Right Angle; che Side R P is the Height of the Pole above the plants and then the Angles at the Pole between the proper Meridian and the Hour-cistles may be gathered into a Table: For, As the Sine of go R, To the Sine of the Height of the Pole above the Plane 14. 1. So is the Sine of the Angle at i be Pole 16. 14. To the Sine of the Hoxr-line from the Sabftiler 3 deg. 50 min. Excend the Compaſſes from the Sine of go, to the Sine of 14. 1; the ſame Excent will reach from 16.34, o 3 deg. so min. The Ееее 30 The Art of DIAD ZING. Book VN. ZIZ I OJ The Arch of the Plane between the Horizon and the Meridian FO 54 deg. 44. The Arch of the Meridian between the Horizon and the Planc ON 35. 10. The Angle.of Inclination becween the Meridian and the Plane FON 60. The Subſtile Diſtance from the Meridian OR 8 deg. 17 min. 2: The Heighoof the Stile above chiePlane PR 14 deg. 1 mio. The Inclination of both Meridians or AnglearP 31 deg. I min. The Difference of the Hour from the Subſtile 3 deg. 50 min, I C-H A P.; XVIII. 1 11 is i'! فت:ر . N i Ham to dramaesthe Reclining Declining Dial. Ore, You have got the chree principal Arthes for che drawing the Hours. 1, The Arch of the Plane between the Horizon and the Meridian. 54 deg. 44 min. 2. The Subſtilc Diſtance from che Meridian of the Place OR 8 d.17 m. 3! The Heighc of the Pole above the Plane or Stiles Heighị PR 140.10. How to draw the South declining Weſt 45 deg, and reclining from the Zenith 45 d. is thus: : Firſt draw the Horizontal Line Fe, with your Compafies cake off the Scale and Line of Chords the Radius oo deg. and ſweep the Circle FQ;RP c; clien take I 4 on VG 3: . 6 7 1 1 IR + LE AP 00 + 1 II F Horizontal e Line K 6 1 ! 9 off the ſame Line of Chords 54 drg. 44 min. the Arch of.che Plarie between the Horia 200-and chc Meridian, and lay it from Fon the Arch to 0: Then take off your OF Line LI -- 3 CHAP.XIX, The Art of DIALLING, 31 1 of Chords 8 deg. 17 min. the Subſtile Diſtance, and lay it from 0 to R; then from the Center draw the Subſtile Line CG; then take of the Quadrant go deg. of clie Line of Chords, and lay it both ways from R to M and N, and draw that obſcure Line; then take off che Poles Height above the Plane or Stiles Heighe 14 deg. I min. from the Gnomon Line of the Scale, and lay it both ways from C coK; and then with your Compaſſes cake off your Scale the whole Line of 6 Hours, and from K co- ward'G, and from I toward G, ſtrike the owo ſmall Arches; then draw the Lines KG and I G; then extend the Compaſſes from G to the Meridian Line ac L, and; apply that Diſtance to your Scale and Hour-line, and you will find it to be 2 hv. 4 mi which is the Inclination of Meridians or Angle at P, as before: Then lay that Diſtance from L toward G, and take (as before directed in Chap. 17.) one Houir loſs, and lay it off in the ſame manner from G toward K, and from I coward G; and the likedo with 3 ho.4 mir. until you have put all the 6 Hours on the Line from Gco K, and from I to G: Then draw the Hour Lincs according to your Plane, whether it be a Triangle, or Circle, or Square, or what ſhape focver , then lay off the Height of Stile 14 deg. I min. from R to P, taken off the Line of Chords, and draw it from the Center, and cut it fit to your Plane in what thape you will, as you may fee in the Figure, and your Dial is done. The oppoſite Face or Incliher to the Horizon is but to continue the Stile and Subſtile and Hour lines tlırough the Center, as you may fee, and you have it. In like manner you may draw the South Eaſt Decliner 45 deg. and Reclining from the Zenith 45 deg. if you once draw on Paper this before, and the Hour-lincs over the faine, and che like the Subſtile, and the Stilcro ſtand uponi the Subſtile upright, as of the reſt: And let the higheſt. part of the Stile bë çowards the North Pole, pointing upwards; and where chc Hour of 10 is in the South Weſt Re- cliner, on the back fidc put z'a clock; and for at puc , and for 1 put 11, and for 2 put 10, and ſo contrary all the reſt. And if you obſerve your Work, you have the South Weſt and the South Eaſt Recliners, àud the North Weſt and Nortli Eaſt Incliners; or you may draw them by what was given in the firſt, in the ſame manner. 1 your } . CHAP. XIX. How to find the Horary Diſtance of a Reclining Declining Dial. Y Ou have ſeen Chup. 17. how caſily Eaſt and Weſt Reclining Dials are to be made; and by the Figure in Chap. 18. how shey fall out to be Circles of Poſición, os you may ſee by FOR CO. I will ſhow you how all reclining Dials may be reduced to Eaſt or Welt Recliners, for ſome Latitude or other ; and ſo the Hour-diſtance found by the Method of Chat. I7. The Circles of Polition, as have been ſhowed, do all croſs one another in the North and South Points of the Meridian: Now therefore by the Poinc 0, where the Plane. cuts our Meridian, draw a new Horizon, as O BQC, and then ſhall you fee your Planc in chat Horizon to be a very Circle of Poſition. But now we are gotten into a new Latitude OP, called before Chap. 18. the Pori- tion Latitude; and we liave here a new Reclination: for wliereas this Plane reclineth in our Latitude ZF L 45 deg. his Poſition Reclination is O, viz. ZOL or POR 68 deg. In the making of this Dial therefore you ſhall forget your own Laticus, and the Planes Reclinacion in your Horizon ; and with this new Latitude and Reclina tion inake the Dial after the manner of the Eaſt Recliner, Chap. 17. not regarding the Declinacion at all: for the Baſe of chis Plane is now fallen into the Horizontal Lime of the Meridian ; and his Declination being a Quadrant, he is become a Regular Plane, and neither his Declination nor Reclination ſhall much trouble you. How to place your Noon-line from the Horizontal or Vertical Line of tlie Planc, you have found alrcady. Еece 2 Note, 1 1 + t 1 32 The Art of DIALLING. Book VII. Note, Your new Latitude is PO 16 d. 14 m. then you know your Plane is the 60 d. Azimuch from the Axis, becauſe POR is 6o deg. as before 90 deg. farther from the faid Azimuth you have chc Pole of the Plans, and therefore is the Meridian of my Plane, and ſhall make che Subſtile of my Dial OPR 3 deg. 1 min. his Diſtance from the Meridian of the Place in that Æquinoctial, and is therefore the Difference of Lon- gitude, as before. Then have you the Side P R the Height of the Stilc 14 deg. I min. or. Elevation of the Gnomon, as before: Likewiſe have you OR the Declination or Subſtile Diſtance from the Meridian 8 deg. 17 min. as before, and you may proceed to draw the Dial in like manner as you have been directed in Chap. 16. 1 N M PA DO W H 五 ​1 1 0i B mas E CH Äri XX. To draw the Proper Hours of any Declining Dial. Very declining Plane, whether it recline or not, hach two great Meridians , much ſpoken of. I The Meridian of the Plane, which is the proper Meridian of that Country to whoſe Horizon the Plane lieth Parallel. 2 The Meridian of the Place, which is the Meridian of our Country in which your ſet up this Declining Planc, tó ſhew the Hours; and fo either of theſe Meridian Dials may be conformed. How to draw the Hours of our Country on ſuch a Plane, is the harder work, be- cauſe money 1. 1 CHAP.XXI. The Art of DIALLING, 33 cauſe the Plane is irregular co our Horizon : yet I ſuppoſe I have made the way very eaſie in the former Chapters . But to draw the Hours of the Country to which the Plane belongs, is moſt caſie; for if you take the Subſtiler for the Noon-line, and the Elevation of the Pole above the Plane for the Latitude, you may make this Dial in all points like the Vertical Dial, after the Precept of chap. 8. CH A P2 XXI. ܚܪ To know in what countrý awy Declining Dial fhall.ferve for å Vertical I F the Dialdcoline Ealt, add the Difference of Longitude foundin. Chap. 13.0 18. to the Longitude of the Place, and the ſum of the exceſs above 360 is the number of the Longitude fought. If the Dial décline Weſt, fubftract the ſaid Difference of Longitude out of the Longiruịc of your Place, and the Difference is the Longitude inquired: but whçói che Longijude of your placc happens to be leſs than the Difference of Longitude, you muſt add có it 360 degan before you fubftract the Difference of Longitude. Note, The Elevation of the Pole above clië Plane, or Stiles Height, if the Latitude of the Place inquired. Example. The Declining. Plane of Chap. 13. will be a Vertical Plane in the Lon- gitude of 66 deg. 46 min. in the Døfartsok. Arabir nēer Zoar: and the declining rc- clining Plane of Ghap. 18.& 2 parallel to the Horizon of thoſe that fail in Lon- gitude 357 deg 41 min. and North Latitude 14 deg. that is, as the Terreſtrial Globes and Maps Thew me, between Bonaviſta, one of the Cape Verd INànds, and Barbadoes. + CHA P. XXII. . How to find the Arckes and Angles which are requiſite in a North Decliner Recliner, and a South Decliner Incliner. 1 I 14 Could not paſs by this Example of the North Recliner Decliner, and South In- cliner Decliner, alchough it is ſhewed in the Fundamental Diagram; but it may be too obſcure, and harder to be apprehended by the Induſtrious Practitio- ner there;' therefore I would adviſe him to draw a Scheme of the Dial, as was ſhewed Chap: 15.6 18. or draw the Fundamental Diagram in Paper, and with a ſmall Needle prick the Hour-lines, Horizon, and Meridians, Æquinoctial , and the Tro- picks; and then you have a Figure ready to be ſtamped with a little Charcoal-duft as often as you have occaſion: Or if you apprehend your Work in any manner, the Figure following, or the like, may ſerve your curn, to ſhew you the Angles you are to find, and Arches for the making of your Dial. I ſhall be short in this, and refer you to chap. 15. a 18. The Circle ESWN is our Horizon, as before ; NS our Meridian, FLC the Plane, 2 L the Reclination thereof, F C the Baſé or Horizontal Line of the Plane, ÆN the Vertical of the Plane, cutting it right at L, and cutting the Pole thereof ac H: for N is the Pole of a Planc crect upon FC; but the Pole of the Reclining Plane FL Ç is H; SE or n N the Declination of the Planc. Now you ſee your three Triangles all adjoyning in this Scheme, viz. FSO and OR P rectangled at Sand R, and PZ H obtuſe angled at Z. It is truc, That the ewo first may do the Work, and ſo we will be brief, Obſerve, you are to find as followech. 1. The Arch between the Horizon and the Plane FO 2. The Arch of the Meridian between the Horizon and the Plane SO. co 3. The 1 국 ​f 34 The Art of DIALLING, BOOK VII. 3. The Arch of the Meridian between the Pole and the Planc PO. 4. The Angle of Inclination between the Meridian an 1, the Plane FOS. 5. The Angle of Inclination becween both Meridians OP R. 6. The Subſtile Diſtance from the Meridian OR. 7. The Height of the Scile above the Plane PR. 1 $ I F Æ 8 A W R *** 8 11 M 7 Zr: a I OF N 1 1 ?2 1. To find the Arch of the Meridian between the Horizon and the Plane, it is thus. 1 1000000 1 As the Sine of 90 at S- 1000000 To the Sine of Reclinatien at F 45 984948 So is the Co-tangent of Declination F S 45 To the Complement Tangent of FO 35 deg. 16 min. 984948 Or chus: Extend the Compaſſes from the Sinc of 90, to the Sine of 45; the ſame Extent will reach from the Tangent of 45 che Sine of 35 deg. 16 min. as be- fore'; which ſubſtracted from 90 deg. there remains 54 deg. 44 min. the Arch of the Planc between thc Horizon and Meridian F O. 2. To find the Arch of the Meridian between the Polc and the Plane, firſt find the Arch of che Meridian between the Horizon and the Plane So chus. ind} As the Sine of go at S 1000000 To the Sine of the Arch of the Plane between the Horizon and 991194 Plane FO 54.44 So is the Tangent of Reclination at F 45- 1000000 To the Tangent of the Arch of the Meridian between the Horizon? 991194 And Plabe SO 39 deg. 14 min. Or thus: Extend the Compaſſes from the Sinc of 90, to the Sine of 54 deg. 44 ms. the ſame Extent will reach. from the Tangent of 45 deg. to the Tangent of SO 39 d. 14 min. by the Tables found before ; which 39 deg. 14 min. taken out of 90 deg. there 1 1 4 1 . 1 1 CHAP.XXII. The Art of Dia Z'LANG. 35 છે A ...19 . I !!! T : и 1 . + there remains so deg. 46 min. the Arch of che Meridian berween the Zenich and the Plane OZ ; which being added to the Complement of che Latitude Z P, there will be 89 deg. 16 min. for the Arch of the Meridian between che Pole and the Plane Pom 3. For the Anglobecween chc Meridian and skis Rļaue: F60SQËZOL, it is As the Sine of the Arch FO 54 deg. 44 min. T. 991 194 To the Radius or Sine of godeg. Sa 1000000 So is the Şine of the Declination FS 45 degos- 98494 To the Sine of the Angle at 0 60.0. 993754 Ór, Or, by Gunter's Rule, Extend che Compaſſes from the Sinc of s4 deg: 44 min. to the Sine of 90 deg. the ſame Extent will reach from the Slue'ofi 45 deg: 0;' co-ahe Sic of 60 deg. o, the Angle between the Meridiaá' and the Plane. V * :. 4. Before we find the Inclinations of bochi Meridians, or the Difference of Longi- cude or Anglc at P, we will find the Subſtiler Diſtánco O Rim...:1," *!1961C5 As the Sine of the Angle at Rgodega 1000000 mm To the Co-fine of the 0 60 deg. ?969897 So is the Tangent of the Side PO 89 deg. 1.6:min. -118917013 To the Tangent of the Subfifile OR 88'deg: 32 min dahiij9r7652!. Extend the Compaſſes from the Sine of 90 deg. to the Sing of 30 deg. the ſame Excent will reach from the Tangent of 89 deg. 16 min. to che Tangent of the Subſtilo 88 deg. 32 min. 5. Now for the, Inclination of both Meridians, or Difference of Longitude, or Angle at P, it is thuis. For, As the Sine of the Arch PO 89 deg. 16 mi 999996 To the Rádius or Sine of 90 aiR So is th: Subftiler Diſtance OR.88 deg: 32 min. 999985 To the Sine of the Angle of Inclinations bet pieen both Meridians 88 min. of Longitude Which converted into Hours, by allowing 15 deg, to onc Hour, 4 Minutes to a De- gree will be s ho, 55 min. as you may find by the Line of Inclinacion and Hours on 6. For the Height of the Pole aboyc thc Planes, or Stiles Height; As the Radius, or Sine of godog, 1060000 To the Sine of the Arch PO 89 deg. 16'min. 999996 So is the Sine of the Angle at o 6odegoms 993753 To the Sine of the Stiles Height PR 60 993749 the Height of the Pole above the Plane or Stiles Height. And thus if you obſcrvo what was ſaid before in the South-Decliners Recliners, and now for the North Decli- ners Recliners Incliners, you have the Propoſitions for any ſorts of Reclining Decli- ning Inclining Dials , and how to find the Arches and Angles , as before, fitting for the making of them. Now we will proceed and draw the Dial. I 000000 . 3. 999989 your Scale. terpen Goldeg. 1 } CHAT + 1 1 . ?. なれい ​1 26 3 The Art of D. I\A EL TNG. BOÓK VÍT. 1 . XXIII.. ( is no I A Orain CHAR. Howo (to-drappi the Declining. Inclining Dial: is wað faid-Tháp. 18. the itiree prišcipal Atches for draiving the Hour-lines o'in a South declining Weſt and inclining to the Horizon, and a Norch Recli- ncr Decliner, as before, or South Eaſt Incliner, or Nòrch Weſt Recliner, are theſe three. 1. The Arch of the Plane becween the Horizon and Meridian 54 deg. 44 FO. 2. The Subſtile Diſtance from the Meridian of the Place 88 deg: 32 O R. 3. The Height of the Polc above.che Planc, or Stiles Height 60 Heg. PR. And ſo follow the Directions of Chap. 19. and di'aw che Dialas you ſee. In whic fkapelocver the Plančiss proportion thé Hours and Subſtile to your Plane, and let the Gromon or Stile ſtand upright on the Subſtile Line; and ſo have you the lower Face the South Welt Incliner to the Horizon 45 deg. Recliner the like North Face, and de- clining:45 degras before, and your Dial is done. Nocc, This . South-Weſt Incliner-Recliner is parallel to the Horizon of thoſe that live on the South Land in the South:Sea ar Térfà viſta Decleros, ivi Longitude 297, and South Latitude 60.necr.che Scraights of Magellanicum. 1 1 . I'. uli 'urrains 31': 1 17 oci8 Trimine 2014 31 21 I 1 4 12!! 1 1 DES P 4 1 91 1 1 F 0 0,7 12:01 1 1 e f Bi -- I Soi!? t 61 ܘܐ iix R B. C 1 . And the North declining Eaſt and Recliner will be parallel to the Colducks; nece Tartaria, in Longitude 114 deg.and Latitude Norch. Go'deg. as the Globe thews me, and I have ſhewed you how to know the like in Chap. 21. And obſerys, The's ho. 55 min, or 88 deg. 45 Difference of Longitude, as before, fhews that the Sun riſes and comes to the Meridian, or 12 2 Clock with us ac Briſtol, Ś ho. 55 min. before it doch with thoſe Inhabitants in the South Sca, as before : And on the contrary, the Sun is riſen or on the Meridian with the Coffacks to the Eaſtward of us, the like time as the Sun riſes with us before ir doch with thoſe of TerroViſta Decleron in the South Sca: So that you ſee of what uſe the Line of Inclination of Meridians on your Scalc is, as likewiſe of all Declining Dials. САР. A 1, 1 : 1 I * 7!!! 018 1 1 1 7 CHAP.XXIV, The Art of DIA LLIN G. 1 . 37 CHA P. XXIV, : How to know the ſeveral ſorts of Dials in the Fundamental Diagram. T Heſe ſeveral ſorts of Planes take their denomination from thoſe. Great Circles to which they are Parallels, and may be known by their Horizontal and Perpendicular Lines, of ſuch as know the Latitude of the Place, and the Circles of the Sphere. 1. An Æquinoctial.Plane, parallel to the Æquinoctial, which paſſeth through the Pojnes çf Eaſt and Weſt, being right to the Meridian, but inclining to the Horizon, with an Angle equal to chc Complement of the Laticude; this here is repreſented by EOW. 2.. A Polar Plane, parallel to the Huur of 6, which paſſech through the Polc and Points of Eaſt and Weſt, being right to the Aquinoctial and Meridian, buc incli- niig co thc Horizon, with an Angle equal to the Latitude; this is here repreſented by EPW. 3. A Meridian Plane, parallel to the Meridian the Circle of the Hour of 12, which paſlech through the Zenith, the Pole, and the Points of Souch and North, being right to the Horizon, and the Prime Vertical; this is here repreſented by SZN. 4. An Horizontal Plane, parallel to the Horizo11,, liere repreſented by the outward Ciclo E SIN. + 1 1 i 1 S 1 8 OZ 11 9 2 70 re 9 3 oft 4o 5o bolo 18 30 + 30 OK po 2 1 : a th 1 lot W Ꮃ 4 510 oft R; O 40 А. som 4/0 * 20 of a ! Hola og 7 기이 ​80. 08 1 9 N 15. A South and North erect dircet Dial,parallel to the Prime Vertical Circle, which palleth through the Zenith, and the Points of Eaſt and Weſt in the Horizon, and ffff is ។ 1 + 1 i 1 18 The Art of DIALLING. BOOK VIL . 1 is right to the Horizon and Meridian; tharis, makes Right Angles with them both: this is repreſented by EZW. 6: A South Declining Plane Exftward is repreſented by B D. 7. A South Incliner and North Recliner is repreſented by E QW. &i*Th¢Soutli Recliner and North Incliner is repreſented by EAW. 9. A Meridian Plane, which is the Eaſt and Weſt Incliners and Recliners, and from the Zenith parallel to any Great Circle which paſſech through the Points of South and North, being right to the Prime Vertical, but inclining to the Horizon; this is repreſented by SÝN. 10. A declining, reclining, inclíning Plane, which is parallel to any Great Circle which is right to none of the former Circles, bue declining from the Prime Vertical, reclining from the Zenich, inclining to the Horizon and Meridian, and all the Hour Circles; this may here be repreſented either by FLC or FK C, or any ſuch Great Circles which país neither through the South and North, nor Eaſt and Weſt Points, nor through che Zenith nor the Pole. Each of thoſe Planes, except the Horizontal, and South ioclining 23 deg. hath two Faces whereon Hour-lines may be drawn; and ſo there are 19 Planes in all. The Meridian Plane you ſee hath one Face to the Eaſt, and the other to the Weſt: Re- member, that it is an Eaſt and Weſt Dial. The other Vertical Plancs have one to the South, another to the North; and the reſt, one to the Zenith, and another to the Nadir. What is ſaid of the onc, may be underſtood of the other. | 1 CH A P. XXV. How other Circles of the Sphere beſides the Meridians may be projected upon Dials. T ! 4 1 He Projection of ſome other Circles of the Sphere beſides the Meridians (chough it be not neceſſary for finding the Hours, yer) may be both an Or- nament to Dials, and uſeful alſo for finding the Meridian, and placing the Dial in its due fituation, if ic be made upon a movable Body, as ſhall hereafter be ſhewed, The Circles ficreſt to be projected in all Dials for thoſe purpoſes, are, the Equator with bris Tropicks, and other his. Parallels, which may be accoanted Parallels of Declination, as they paſs through equal Degrees , as every 5 or 10 of Declination : Or Parallels of che signs, as they pals through ſuch Degrees of Declination as the Suu declinch when he entrech into aoy Sign, or any norable Degree chcreof; or Paral- lels of the Length of the Day, as they paſs through ſuch Degrees of Declination wherсin the Sun increaſeth or decreaſeth the Length of the Day by Hours or half Hours. Alſo the Horizon, with his Azimuths and Almicancars, are as an Ornament to Horizontal and Vertical Dials, and are likewiſe uſeful for projecting the Æquator and his Parallels in all-Dials. My intent is to be brief in this Trcatiſe of the Furni- ture here following, becauſe I will have a Preſident of ſome other Country Dials : I ſhall therefore think it ſufficient if I ſhew you one way to furniſh any Dial with the Circles of the Sphcre, leaving you to deviſc others which I could have thewn. 1 7 1 CHAP. 5 i TI ! 1 CHAP XXVII. The Art of DIAL UNG. 99 1 CH A P. XXVI. How to deferibe on any Dial the proper Azimuths and simicantATS. of the plane. 11 F ។ 1 Rom any point of the Gnomon taken at pleaſure les fall ' af Perpendicular upon the Subſtile ; that Perpendicular thall be påre of chië Axis of the plane, and ſhall be repured Radius to the Horizon of che Horizon of your Planc. The top of this Radius in the Gnomon is called Nodms, becauſe there you muſt ſet a Knot, Bead, or Butron, or elſe cut there a Norch in the Gnomon, co give ſhade; or cut off che Gno- mon in the place of the Noduso-that the end máy give the ſhadow for choſc Linca- ments. Let ilot your Nodus tand too liigh above the Plane, for too great a parc of the Planes day ; nor Icc ic ſtand too low, for then che Linçaments will run too cloſe together : a mean muſt be choſen. Ac che foot of this Radius cake your Center and deſcribc;á Circle of the Plane, Tropicks and and divide it into equal Degrecs,., and from the Center draiv Lines through thoſe other kircles of Degrees infinitely, that is , ſo far as your Dial Plane will bcar; cheſc Lines ſhall be Declization is the Azimuths of the Horizon of the Planc, and ſhall be numbred froņ'hiş Meridian Shewed in chap- or Subſtilc. 3. . Divide any of theſe Azimuth Lincs inco Degrees, by Tangents agreeable to the wbere they be ſaid Radius ; and having made a prick ac every Degree, through every of theſe pricks calculated and you ſhall draw parallel Circles , which ſhall be Almicàntars or Parallels of Alcitude, drama by belo to be numbred inwards : ſo that at the Cencer bé go for the Zenith, and from che of 4 Scale of Center outwards you ſhall number 80, 70, 60, until you come wichin 10 or 5 deg. Equal Parts. of thic Horizon for the Plane is too narrow to receive its own Horizon, or chic pa- rallel neer, if the Nodus have any compcrent Alcicude. 1 noctial Diil, 1 0 + CHA P. XXVII. 1 Horo to deal with thoſe Planes where the Pole is but of ſmall Elevation, and how to enlarge the stile thereof. 1 S 1 L 1ml Uch Planes whoſe Sciles or Gnomons lic low, cannot have their Hour-lines di- ſtinctly ſevered, unleſs the Cencer of the Dial-beplaced-oue:of che-Plage, as you may,ſce in Chapter 18. Now to, inlarge the Stile in ſuch Dials, there are two Lincs or Scales in the large-Mathematical Scalej which I call Polar.or Iangent Lincs.of cwo ſeveral Radius's, the larger of them marked thus *, and the leſſer of them marked ng as you may ſec in die Second. Book, :Chapi 3: -The-uſe whercof I thall here ſhew you. In Chapter 18. of chis Book there is deſcibed a Planc char declines from the Soul, Weſtward 45 deg, and'reclitics. from.che Zeriich :45' deg. Nộto fùppoſe is Were re- quired to inlarge chat Stilc and Dial. :.: Firſt you thall find that there is given the Arch of chie Plásič bietween the.Horizen and the Meridian, 54, deg. 44 min: Secondly, The Slıbftiler Diſtance from the Mezi- dian!" ro'chie Subftite is . & deg. 1.7min. Thirdly: The Height of the Pole above clie Plane is sadegh i mie Fourchlys The Difference ofí Longirude or Inclination of Me ridiánfis 31 degimin, as you may fee in Chap.1; Thele Being found, yog inuſt chus proceed in the delineation of your Dial... Firſt with your Compafles cake from off your Scale a Chotd of 60 deg: and, on the Center Cfwcapuche Arch H L R:P; and draw CH che Horizontal Line blindly: Then from H fec; off the ſeveral Diſtasices before found, upon this Arcli of a Circle viz: Firſt, H L 54 deg: 44 min. for the Arch of the Plané berwésii clic Horizon and the Meridian. Then (čc off L R 8 deg. 17 min. for the Diſtancdf- the Subſtile from Efff 2 clic 1 . I 4 7 si. 1 1 1 The Art of DIAL EST-N G. Book:VII. 1 1 1 women I the Meridian, and there draw chc Line of the Subſtile CRB. Thirdly, From this Point R ſec off RP, which is 14 deg: I min. for che, Height of the Srile above the Subſtile, and draw che prick'd Line CPK for the Stile or Axis. Now this Stile being but ſomewhat low, for the enlarging hereof, firſt chuſe , ſome convenient place in your Subſtiler Line, as in chis Example at B, and there draw the Line FB A ſquire wiſe to the Subſtiler Line. Then take with your Compaſes from off your larger Polar Line marked the Diſtance of three Hours, and prick it down in this Line from B to I; then from this point I take with your Compaſſes the ncerelt diſtance to the Line of the Scile, and with that diſtance draw the Line It pa- rallel to the Stile, and this will be the Line of the Stile inlarged. 1 4 + 1 3 ; 1 I I A А 12 3 1 G + Substile Stile Stileinlarged I2 F T oly 1 10 110 ER Il 19 JY? . TH 1 ma K.LT der's 101 mi venit 22. bang IVIA + 1 L Now co ſet on the leſſer Polar Line; char ſo you may draw the Holir-libes, firſt take from off your lefſer Polar Line marked mi, che diſtance of 3. Hours, and with chac diſtance draw a little white Line parallel to the Line of the Stile, and note where it cuts the Line of the Stile inlarged, which is in the Point R. Mark this point R well, and through this. Point R draw the Line O G parallel to the former Polar, Line FBĄ. And now if you raķe th; diſtance ER in this Line, and meaſure it on your Scale, if you have done your work right, you shall find it juft equal to 3 Hours upon the leſſer Polar Linc. And now by theſe two Polar Lines you muſt draw the Hour Lincs after this manner. Firſt you muſt conGider the Inclination of the Meridians, which in this exampsaisi 31 deg. 1 min. which reduced into time, is 2 ho. 4 min: or 2 of the Clock and 4 mines in the afternoon, from whence you may frame a Table for your direçtiğii in plăcing the Hours, after this manner. Now 1 1 *10.2) : . . 1 1 1 GHAP, XXVIII. The Art of DPÅ LITIN G. 141 1 XII 2 I II Now according to this Table, take the diſtance of theſe Hour-lincs firſt out of your larger Polar Ling %, and The Homr-(Tb:di prick them down in the Line FB A, from the Point B lines of the from the cowards F and AB Thus the Line of II muſt be ſec Plane. Subpild 4 min, from the Subſtile B towards F; the Line of I Ho. muſt be ſer i ho. 4 min. from the Subſtile B toward F; Mi. the Line of XII muſt be ſer 2 ho. 4 min. from B cowards X 4 F 4 F. And ſo on the other ſide of the Subſtil, thc Line of XI 3 4 III muſt be ſer 56 min. from the Poinç B toward A; the 41 Line of IIII muſt be ſet 1 ho.56 min. from B toward A. I: 4 And ſo you muſt do till you have let down all the Hour- the Linc FBÁ, taking them out of the larger Subſtile B: Polar Line upon your Scale. ..:50 Having chus ſet down the. Hour-lines in the Line IIII $ 6 V FB A, you muſt let them allo in thc Linc O EG, taking 56 their Diſtances off from your lefſer Polar Line , as be- VI 3 A 56 fore you did from the larger Polar Line, making uſe of the Table to direct you, as before. sil And thus having made marks for the Hour-lines in both cheſc Tangent-lines; yok muſt draw the Hour-lines through theſe Marks; and ſo ſhaping your Dial into a Triangls, Square, or Circle, as your Planc will beſt allow, number the Hour-livies with their proper Figures, and to finiſh your Dial, as the Scheme will direct you better than many words. :D ork's lines upon I 1 Į i' 1 ...1: vich !!11 goly CH-Ä Pi XXVIII. Ariother Example, How to Inlarge the Stile in a South Dial, reclining 45 deg. from the Zenith Northard. 1 8 9 10 II I2 I 2, 3 i ia Ele dati 01:1 tror .: F q A 016 ir . skile A Silbs file * รร' Llity." ! زر enn 1 sfilemnlarged 6:31 ../i16. ?? 111: i F öl Linieves . E G 1 min 7 4 O 29 ܕ. 1 + Qi: 3 HE Stile or Gnomon in this Example is very low, lying véfy sheer toth Pole of the World, as you may fee before in the fundamentai Diagram. This Dialionly rášlíñics from the Zénith ; and thercfore to know the Sciles Height, you 17 w... 1 1 } 1 ។ 42 The Art of DIA LLING BOOK VII. you need only ſubftract the Reclination from the Lacicude of the Pole; which being 58 deg. 30 min. she Reclination 45 deg. ſubſtracted out of it, chere remains 6 deg. 30 min. for the Height of the Stile. This Dial hath no Declinacion, and therefore the Subſtile muſt be the Meridian- lino; draw thar-Line cherefore firſt about the middle of the Plane, and then with a Chord of 60_deg, deſcribe a ſhort Arch RP and from R prick off 6 deg. 30 min. according to the Height of the Stile before-found, and thereby draw the pricke Line CP from the Center C, repreſenting the leſſer Scile of the Plane. Now make choice of ſoine fit place upon the Subſtiler Line;" as B, and there croſs the Meridian at Righ¢ Angles with the Line FBA: Then cake from off your larger Polar Scale * the diſtanc: of 3. Hours, and prick it from B toq. Then take the neercft diſtance from this point q, co che Line of the Srile or Axis, and therewiclı draw a Line parallel to the Scile, and this ſhall be the Line of che Stile inlarged. Then take the diſtance of 3 Hours off from your leffer Scale marked hood, and with that diſtance draw a blind Lioc parallel co the Meridian or Subſtile, and mark where it croffech chc Line of the Stile Inlarged, which is in the Point r: Then cake the acerct diſtance from this Poinc , to che former Polar Line FB A, and ſo draw the Linc O E G parallel chercunto, chrough the Point q : This ſhall be your leſſer Polar-Line. Now to ſet off the Hour-lines upon theſe two Lines, fint cake with yoar Compaſſes he diſtance of one Hour off froin your Polar Scale, and prick ic boch ways from the Poinc:B coward A dod' f:: Likewiſe do the ſame for 2, 3, and 4 Hours, and prick chem down in the Line FBA. Then take the diſtances of each Hour alſo off from the leſſer Polar Scale H, and prick them down from E on both ſides the Meridian Line, in che Line OEG. Then draw through theſe Poincs the Hour-lines by their ſeveral marks, as you may fec in che Figarc, and put the numbers of the Hours thercanto; ſo your Dial will be finiſhed, as in the Figure. And if you well underſtand this, you may do the like in any other Dial which ſhall aced inlarging... vi → ini ! 1 сн.р. ХХIХ. Home to make a Vertical Didd upon the Cieling of 4 Floor within Doors, where the Direct, Beams of the Sun never come. 1 1 T 1 I He greateſt part, and as much as you (hall uſe of the Vercical or Horizontal Dialy deſcribed chap. 8. may by reflection be curned upſide down, atid placed upon a Cicling; btcche Center will be in the Air wichouc dobrs. The fifft thing to do is to falten a piece of Looking-glaſs ; as brood as a Groat or Sixpence, ſec level; or a Gally-poc of Fair-water, which will ſee it ſelf level; being placed upon the Sple of the Window, ſhall ſupply the uíc of the Now in the Gno- mon ; and the Beams of the Sun being reflected by the Glaſs or Water, ſhall ſhew the Hours upon cheCieling Before you can daw a Figure for chis Dial well, I would adviſe you firſt to find che Meridian of the Room, which may be done thus. Hanga Plumb linç in the Windbu, directly over the Nodus or place of the Glaſs; for the shadox_whichche Plumb-line gives upon-the-Floor'a Noon," is the Meridiah- linc lought; and by Ruler, or a Liệe fttecched upon it, you may prolong is as far as you ſhall nccd. Then take che perpendicular Height chereof from the Glaſs co'che Cieling of the Room, which ſuppote it be 40 Inches, as D-B, the Glaſs being fixed at D7 Now from B draw the Meridian-line upon the Cieling, which ſhall be repreſenred boch ways continued, as ABCK, and from, Derecta Perpendicular co D.C.::Or-le-a. ftander bý topone end of a Thred on che Glaſs, acD; extead, the fame to the Meri- dráh-liac, moving thic end of theiltring Qories and longer upon the Meridian, till anothe ។ 113 1 # 2137 .!!Y 1 + 1 1 11 43 CHAP.XXIX, The Art of DIALLING. another holding the side of a Quadrant, ſhall find the Thred and-Plummet to fall directly upon the Complement of the Latitude, which in this example is 38 deg. 30 min, and that is the Interſection of the æquinoctial. Then raiſe the perpendicu- lar, as D A ; take a Chord of 60 deg. and from A ſweep che Arch at P, and, from Play down che Larisude si deg. 30 q, and draw the Line A D. 3 K WI . Meridianline B А See اند Au E 3381.30 TO 1 L 51-30 M 20 F Gnomonline-fiaken of -309 1 G M کہ 460 02-ISA tayo 80 TITI 190 A NEX -100 LITO IZO 130 1 I V21 0 VA PINO FIN LIGO Iyo P Q :180 Then let fall a Perpendicular from-C, as CEFGHI, which is the Æquinoctial Line ; and ſo likciviſc draw a Parallel Line to the Meridian of 40 Inches at D. Now note, That the Hours muſt be drawn all one as the Horizontal Dials are. Then draw a Line Parallel to the Equinoctial, as K O, at what diſtance you think convenient, on che Cieling of the Room, which let be here so Inches, as C K, as you may meaſure by the Scale. Now for the placing of the Hours on the Cieling of the Room, you muſt meaſure how much by the scale of Inches: cach Diſtance on the Æquino&tial Line is from C to E, and from Cro F, and from Cto G, H, and I, and likewiſe on the Parallel from K, collecting them into a Tablc ;. Co will it be ready to tranſport on the Cieling. Here I have niade the Table. I 1 Inches. par. Inches. par. 17 38 7 7 O CE CF C G CH СІ 27 59 101 173 63 K L K M K N KO KP $ 3 4 5 III 222 385 8 So 2 1 I The Art of DIA LE'İN G. Book VII. 44 + 1 + So by chis Table you ſtiall find the Diſtance CE, which is from 12 to 1 in the afternoon, or it in the morning, to be 17 Inchies; which you may prick upon the Cieling. Likewiſe K L on the Parallel, between 12, 11, and 1, will be found to be 27 Inclics parts of an Inch in 10 pares ; which Hour-line mark out upon the Ciel- ing. Then draw a ſtraight Line through thoſe two Points L and E; this Line conti- nued ſhall be the firſt Hour from the Meridian, which is II in che forning, or I in the afternoon: SQ do for all the reſt of. che Hours: Now by this you may know.baixfär_che Center is without the Window; meaſure it, and you will find ie 31 Inches from A to B, and from B to C 52 Inches, and from C to K 50 Inches, as before. I hope now I have given the Practicioner content, in making this ſo çaſic to be underſtood, although I may be condemned by others. I will give you 'one Example more, to find the Meridian Line on the Cicling, which is this. Fit a plain ſmooth Board, about a Foot ſquare, to lie level from the Solc of the Window inwards; then-neer the ouċward edge thereof make a Center in the Board, in the very placc of Nodus, or a little under it: Then by Chap. 3. get the Meridian Line from the Glaſs on the Board; after you have drawn che Line on the Board upon the Center, deſcribe as much of a Circle as you may with the Scmidia- meter of your Quadrant, which Circle ſhall be Horizon ; then from the Meridian you may with your Degrees,on the Quadrant graduate your Horizon inco Degrees of Azi- muchs both ways as far as you can. Next you may deviſe to make your Quadrant ſtand firm and upright upon one of his ſtraight Sides,' ivhich I will call bis Foot for this time ; and that you may chus do, take a ſhort ſpace of a Ruler or Tranſom, and ſaw in one ſide of it a Notch perpendi- cularly, in which Norch you may ſtick faſt or wedge chc heel of che coe of your Qua- drant, in ſuch ſort as his Foor may come cloſe to the Board, and the other Triangular Side or Leg may ſtand perpendicular upon it. ' Let the Foot be round, and with your Compaſſes ſtrike a Circle round it : when you have ficted the Diameter of the Foot on thc Meridian Line on the Board, draw a Circle round the Glaſs, char ſo you may ſet the edge of the Circle according as you may have need, for to lay off the Suns Altitude at every Hour. Now to find the Meridian on the Cieling, you may make a Table for the Suns Altitude every Hour of the Day, in this manner as here is for the Latitude si deg. 30 min. and place the Foots Diameter directly on the Meridian of the Board, and clevate the Quadrant to the Tropịck of Capricorn, which in this Laci- cude is 15 deg. 1 1 1 1 1 } 4 1 OL A Table for the Altitude of the Sun in the beginning of each Sine, for all the Hours of the Day, for the Latitude of si deg. 30 min. + 1 O 1 Hours. Gemini. {TANTHS, Cancer. Aries. | Piſces. Piſces. | Agwari. Capric. Leo. Virgo. Libra. Scorpio. Sagitta. I 2 62 oj 58 45 150 038 3027 Oj 18 18 II. 159 59 43 56 34 48 12 36 5825 4017 613 53 IO 2! 53 45 50 5543 12 32 37 21 511 13 38 10 30 3 45 42 43 0 26 3115 58 3 12's 15 8 436 41 | 34 13 | 27. 31.188 8 33 IS 7 5 27 17 24 56 18 56 18 18 9 37 6 6. 6 18 11 15 15 40 9 S 7 933 II 37 4 8 I 32 2 I 40 50 55 61 36 1 6 50 1 on to 110. Let a ftander by ſtop on the Glaſs a Thred, and extend the other part ſtraighe the Cieling, che Thred touching only the Plane of the Quadrant, and making Angle with it, but held parallel; and where the Thred thus extended touches the Cicling, make a Point; then the Quadrant unmord, elevated co 62 deg. of Alcicude, and cxtend the Line, and make another Point as before ; and between capſe two Points draw a ſtraight Line, and that'ſhall be your Meridian, and ſhall be long r2 enough 1 **...... . 45 A 2 : orang CHAP.XXX, The Art of DIA ELING, enough for your uſe. Then elevate che Quadrant to 38 deg. 30 min. and hold the Thred co ché Meridian on the Cieling, and where he touches mark; and croſs the Meridian at Right Angles with an Infinite Line, which ſhall be the Æquator: So you may do as you did before. but if the Plane of the Cieling of the Wall is inter- rupred, and made irregular by Beams, Wall-plates , Corniſhes , Wainſcot; or Chim- ney-piece, and ſuch like Bodies, I will ſhow you the Atomedy to carry on your Hour- lines over all. Extend the Thred from any Hour-line to the Tropick of Cancer in the Cicling, as you were caught before, and fix ic there; and extend another Thred in like manner to che Tropick of Capricorn, wherc-ever it ſhall happen beyond the middle Beam, or quite beyond the Cieling upon the Wall , and fix the Threds alſo. Then place your eye ſo behind theſe Threds, chat one of them may cover another; and ac che fainė inſtant where the upper Line to your ſight or Imagination cuts the Cieling, Beam, Wall, or any irregular Body, about the end of the lower Line, there thall the Hours line paſs from Tropick to Tropick: Direct any By.ſtander to make Marks, as many as you ſhall need, and by thoſe Marks draw ché Hour-lines according to your deſire. This is in Mr. Palmer, pag. 102. If thc Arch of the Horizon, between the Tropicks, be within view of your Wino dow, you ſhall draw the fame on the Wall co bound the Parallels. The Horizon Aicitude is nothing, and therefore it will be a level Linc: and the Suns Azimuth when he riſeth, commonly called Ortine Latitude, is in Cancer 40 deg. Eaſt North- ward, and in Capricorn as much Souchward; and cheſe will be reiected to the contra- ry Coaſts on the Dial. . as 1 1 CHÄ P. XXX. + How to make an Univerſal Dial on a Globe; and to cover it, if it be required. } 1 A 1 . . Globe, faith Euclid, is made by the turning about of , Semicircle, keeping the Diameter fixed. This Dial, if Univerſal, will want the aid of a Magneti- cal Needle to ſee it, and it muſt move on an Axis in an Horizon, as the uſual Globes do; whole Æquator let be divided into 24 Hours, clie proporcion of the Day Natural. You may ſee the Figare on the top of the Dial in the Title, but that you cannor ſee the two Poles, and the Scmicircle, and the Horizontal Circle. You may imagine this Globe ſet to the Elevation of the Pole, as that is, with two Gnomons of the length of the Suns greateſt Declination, proporcion- ed to chc Poles Circle, with the 24 Hours, according to the 24 Meridians, and ferves for a North and South Polar Dial. But in the Meridian let be placed the 12 a Clock Line; chen turn the Semi- circle till it caſt no ſhadow: xhen doch it croſs the Hours, which Hours are drawn from the Pole to each of the 24 Diviſions, as before. IE you deſire to cover the Globe ; and make iocher Inycations theicon pt fifti learn here to cover it exactly With 2. Pair of Compaſſes bowed towards the Points (like a Pair of Calapers the Gunners uſe meaſure the Diameter of the Globe you intend to cover ; which being known, find the Circumference thas. Mulciply thé: Diameter by 22, and divide the Product by 7, and you have Let the Circumference found be the Line E F, which divide into 12 Equal parts ; draw the Parallel A B ärid CD, ac the diſtance of three of thoſe, Parts from E to A and from F to C'; then by the outward Bulks of chofe Arches draw the Line A B and CD. Gggg And your delire. 13 1 1 4 A 46 The Art of DIALLING. Book VII, 1 "G - 1 4 3 (T I TO D And to divide che Circumference in- to 12 parts, as our Example is, work chus, Ser your Compaſſes in E, and make the Arch FC: The Compaſſes fo open- ed ſec again in F, and make Arch E A ; then draw the Linc from F, and from Eco C. Then Then your com- paffes opened at any diſtance, prick down one part leſs on both thoſe flanc- ing Lines, than you intend to divide thereon ; which is here ir, becauſe we would divide the Line E F into 12: Theo draw Lincs from each Diviſion to his oppofite, that cuts the Line EF in the parts of Diviſion. - But to proceed, It is Mr. Morgan's Conceit, Page 116. Continue the Circumference at length to G and H, numbring from E towards G 12 of choſe Equal Parts, and from F towards H as many, which Thall be the Center for each Arch; ſo thoſe Quarters fo cut out, ſhall exact ly cover the Globo, whoſe Circumfe. rence is equal to EF. Thus have you a glance of the Mä- thematicks, ſtriking at one cluing through the ſide of another :. For here ons Fi- gure is made for ſeveral Operations, to ſave the Preſs chc charge of Fi- gurcsac 1 IO 1 5 3 2 1 B F 도고 ​3 ; $ 6 1 + ta a les i H ! II 1 C'H A P. XXXI, How to make a Dire& North Dial for the Cape of Good Hope, in South Lati- tude 35 de and Longitude 57 d. to the Eaſtward of Flores and Corvo. His Dial is made all one as the South Dial you may fee Chap. 9. Only obſerve this, That you are 35 deg. to the Souchwárd of the Æquinoctial , and that the Sun, when he is on the Tropick of Capricorn, wants 11 Degrees of the Zenith of chat Place Northward : As the sun goes always to the Southward of us in England; ſo it goes to the Northward of, them therefore muſt che Scile or Gnomon, point-downward in the North Face, and upward in the South Face. So likewiſe as in our Souch Dial the afternoon Hours are out on the Eaſt Gde the Dial Plane and the T 1 ! 1 ,,h NE VIVIX, . 47 I 12. I JILL IT I. I TIY X CHAP.XXXI. The Art of DIA LLING. this morning Hours on the Weſt fide; ſo in their North Dials chey will ſtand con- crarily, by reaſon the Sun caſts 2. Shadow (as the Plane muſt ſtand there) in the morning to the Weſt fide, and in thc afternoon to the Eaſt: So you ſee the Plane is only curned to face the Sun. If you do but coacciye in your miod how the Sun s 1 amb m 1 1. + 9 IO 00 AA B A 1 1 11 1 ' + XX t E 4 1 caſts his ſhadow, you may as eafily make all ſorts of Dials on the South fidc of the Æquinoctial, as on the North ſide: but that the People there have neither Order, Po- licy, Religion, nor Underſtanding in Mathematical Arts or Sciences. The Africans at the Cape of Good Hope are of a ſwarthy dark colour, and made black by daubing them- felves with Grcaſe and Charcoal; they are fo wedded to ſuperſtition, that ſome adore the Devil in the form of a bloody Dragon, others a Ram, a Goat, a Leopard, a Bat, an Owl, a Snake, or Dog, to whom they ceremoniouſly kncel and bow. So much for Æthiopia, and for Dials for them ; only you fee che manner, and that the former Rules ſerve for any Latitude. 1 Ġggg i. CIK A e. 1 1 48 + 21 + 4 H MOON- 9 da.'old. O Di. 3o 10 30 for it will ſtrike what Hour of the Day or Night it is, and then leave off ſtriking, and The Art of DIA È LING, BOOK VII. CHA P. XXXII. How to find the Time of the Night by the Moon ſhining upon a Sun Dial. Aving the Age of the Moon by the Epact; as for Example, the 9t11 . day of Auguſt 1665. the tipare to which add 9 che day of the Month, and 6 the Months from Marbh makes 38; from it ſubſtract 29 a whole Moon, wich 12 ho.44 min. which mulţi ply-chiç remaining 9 by 4, makes 36; that divide by 5, and you have 7 ho. and 12 mint the odd Llnite, and 24 min. for the half day, or 12 hours added togecher, makes 7 do 36 mine for the Moon being Souchi. Now having the Moons coming to shie Sauch by the former way, add this Souching of the Moon and the Shadow of the Moon upang Dial cogccher, and cliat is the cime of the Night. If the Sum seed 12 Hoix tal couly the overplus. Or chus you maydo: If the Moon be p days old at Moon, die will be 9«lays and an So. 178.3om. half at night; therefore you may add abolre a quarter or half an hour clicrcanto, as it is more early or late in the nigbac, and add the Sodthing af bad Moon, which makes at Nigbe. 7 ko . zemin added to the shadow of the Moon 3 ho . upon the şuın-dial, it inakes Io ho 30 min. for the time of cha night: $o you ſee there is Opin. difference betwixt theſçtwo kvays, which cangor well be ekonated, but-êther way will give neer enouglı fatisfaction for the citne of the Ni CHA P." XXXIII. Hopia tę find the Hour of the Day or night by x-Geld Ring, and a Silver Drinking Borol, or Chels or Braſs, ox Iron, or Tirall. Aving a Gold Ring and a Siljer Drinking Bowl, také á pall Thred or Silk and meaſure the compass of the top of the'şilver Bom Glaſs, or other Vel- rel, which will be a convenent lcrigių for your yle: Then Pile this Thred through the Ring, and tic the ends the cof togelitr, taking up as little as you can with the knots. Put this. Iured over your Thumb, where yod feel the Palle b:ac, upon the lower Joyne ir maybe; slicu. Otrdkçlı oy your hand, and hold it ſo thac che in- ſide of your Thumb may be upwarty and hole gour Hand fo over the Bowl, that the Ring may liang as neer the middle of the Bowl as you can gueſs: and you shall ſec that the beating of your Pulſe.(holding your Hand a while as fill as you can) will give a 'motion to the Ring, cauling it to Twing croſs the Bowl by Degrees more and more, till at laſt it will beat again..che Sides chercof. Now mark when it begins to ſtike, and cell the ſtrokes as you would do a Clock; ſwinging alſo by degrees: Which hacíı been approved of by the experience and judg. ment of many. H A Good Obſervation. E inay take notice, Thac chere is no Dial can thew the crack time, without the allowance of the Suns Semidiamccer, which in a ſtrict acceptacion is triie. But hereto Mr. Wells liath anſwered in page 85. of his Art of Sh.:dows, where faith he, Becauſe the Shadow of the Center is hindered by the Srile, the Shadows of the Hinr- line proceeds from the Limb, which always precedech the Crnter one minute of tim", an- Swer able to rs minutes the Semidiameter of the Sun : which to alloy in the Height of the Stile mere erroneous ; bes: there may be allowance in the Flower-line, detrálling from the true efquinoctial Diſtance of every Hour or 15 degrees, 15 minutes. But I will farther with this Subject, to put the Learners in doubt of the true Hour ; for this is as ncer a way which I have thewed you, as any projected upon Dial Planes. Your may feca Geometrical Figure of it in iny Problems of the Spherc, CHAP Sono ! 1 GWAP XXXIV, The Art of DHA DHIN G. 49 . F A T is. I Tini Court O UNA P 10XXXNX nils : - How to Paint the Dials whichlsyou-make, :) 012 Hi, :..!?"."; dierba: blod Lthough:I' never ſaw-ary inár Make aliat not paincore, but wliat wiat made painted, and guilded my ſelf; as you may ſee che Pied ifke Title on which I made 16 Dials; and put in die Braſsendtons or Stirred into the free with Lead, and guilded them with all the Figüres, and on tlft Ulfbedreiv the £quia noctial Circle, the Ecliptick, the Tropicks, and Polar Circles, and the 24 Meridians, tvith ſuch Conſtellations in the dark and Souch Memiſphere, and Stars, in ſuch co- lours as was fic to ſet out the Dial, with Pole Dials, and Globe Diales Chap: 33 To Pdisit And Finiſh the Didls, ready to be set up in the place stimoline on lyrhive it, whi? FO Or to faſten the Gnonion to the plane, he is of wood or Freeſtone, you muſt have a finall thin Cliiſel, op Googc, or Gittbret, as iš fit for the Stile, be it round as a Rod of Ironor 2 piece of Brnis,les in wich a Foge am inchu and half or magontato as you will į avid'iniche Wopet makeuchi ligele Morriles ar mußt the bregdely and in the of Hic Foor of Elie Stile: and ifjiç çames cloroy, coflich jephthe pher, fids, shen ic is faſt: bna If it is in Freiſtònič, your Dial drawn firſt in Paper, lay it upon the Planc as it ſhould be ; then cut out the Subſtile-line usiness its breadch as you can, and only leave ſo much as will juſt hold is together. The paper láid as before on the Plane, withi Blac's lead Penſili or ſuch like, draw che Şubſtilcising whers. ig kaadiqche Papety and with a ſmall Chiſel make ſuçli Mortiſes in chat Ling as a snwcable to he Fööt of the Stile; and crook liis Foot, and put it into ics place with almall Lagisand ſome Lead melted, put the Stile perpendicular with the Plane, and pour in the Lead into che Mortiſe until it is full, and when it is cold, then with a blunt Chiſel har- den the Lead in one Inch ſide of the Stilc or Gnomon: And if the Morriſc ſhould be too wide, er broken, and not even snough with the Rlang, then avez fome Flower of Alabaſter, as joy inay have ie fit for that purpore at any Melonis, wild as 488H as 'cis we make a Plaſter, and ſo ſmoosh it and Ipread imeven and plain with the Plane; it is preſenly dry. Now have you the Stilc or Gnomon as faſt as if it grew there. : To Painc chem, you muſt firſt Prime them: The Prime is made chus. Take an equal quantity of Bole Armoniack and Red Lead, well ground together with in- feed Oyi, and sell rubb'd in with a Bruſh or Penſil into the Plans; that being diy, for thic outſide Colour, ic is. White Lead, or Ceruſe well.ground fogęchei wide Linseed Oyl. How to know the beſt . Buy the White Lezd, and grind i saj? Powder , and put it into Water until it become as thick as Pap, and let it dry chrá it is for your uſe. For the Hour Lines a Vermillion, and a part "Red Lead, well grand together with Linſeed Oy!, with a ſmall quantity of Oyl of Spike, or Turpenting that will dure, and make tlic Lines thine, Fora Gold Border, Rub the Þorder well wiçli çhiç whitę Ceräte Paint;, be ſursis thick in the Border : Then with Blew Smalcs ftrew ycry chick the Border wliile it is wet; and when it is dry, wing that which is looſe off, and ſave it in a par per and for the reſt that clings, it is faſt cnouli, os Take Red Lead and White Lead, and as much Red Lead, agzin as Whire, or Ycha low Oker, well ground with Oyle of Spike of Turpencine; this is the Siſe : Then, draw with chac tlic Figure you would have isi Gold, and when it is ſo dry that it will not come off on your fingers by a ſlight couch, lay on the Gold; and when it is thorowly dry, wing ic off. How to make a good Black, to ſhadow or makc Figures. Grind well with Linſeed Oyi Lam-black, with ſome Verdigreaſe, and thac iş a, firm Black. Thc like you may do with all other Colours, as you fancy for ſuch Work. 1:01: . .. ü 1 + + i be very III ។ 50 The Art of ĐIẢ " IN G.BooKVII. F mi 7 1 f . 4 1 V Receipt for Red trik. Irſt, Sceep onc penny-worth of Brazcel Wood call night ih? Piſs or lirin; chen boil it well and ſtrain it; then bruiſe two penny-worth of Cochincel, and boil iſ, and put in it the bigneſs of a Hens Egg of Rocli Allom, chat brings it to a colour, and then it is for your turn: To Paint Freeltous, waſh the Stone with Oil, and it will laſt; and then, all the Coldursbefore may be uſed, as directed. 1:7 How to cleanſe a picture. it sic Tako blew Smalis , cemper is in water, and rub the Pitture with ic, and after wipe it with a Lionen Cloth, which Clach hould be dipp din Beer, or other- wiſe widi a dry cloth,' and it is clean. To cleanſe a Gold Boräer W Alh it with Beer, and dry it, and then cleanſe is with Linſeed Oyl. Maſticóus is a fine Yellow, ground with loine Oyl of Spike or Turpeuşine, *** Bice is a good-Blew Colouring, to be ground with Linſeed Oyland Red Lcad. And Spaniſh Brown will makca laſting Colour for, Courſe Work. To grind Gold to write and Paint. ::- Akę as many Leaves of Gold as you pleaſe, Honey three or four drops; mix and grind chcſcand keep it ioCome Bone Veliels . If you will ivrice ivich ic, add fóme Gum-water, and it will be Excellent. be F j :1 - 1 ! + ji ! 37 in L Some. Uſes of the following Tables of Logarithmes, Sines, and Tangents. Mongſt the many admirable ways that have been from time to timc invciited for propagating the Arts Mathemacical, and eſpecially chat of Trigonometry, Logarithmes, invented by the Right Honourable the Lord Napier, Baron of Marcheſton, may challenge the priority, and chic Tables of Artificial s'ines and Tan- gents, “compoſed by Mr. Edmund Gunter Profeſſor of Aſtronomy, in Greſham-College London ; for that they expedite the Arithmetical Work in moſt Queſtions ; Multipli- cacion being performed by Addition, and Diviſion by Subſtraction, the Square Rpoc extracted by Bipartition, and the Cubique Roor by Tripartition : Só that by help of chele Numbers, and the aforeſaid Sines and Tangenes, more may bic performed in the ſpace of an Hour, than by Natural Nambers or by Vulgar Aciilimerick can be in ſix. Now of what frcquent uſe the Doctrine of Triangles, both Plain and Spherical, is in Aſtronomy (for the Reſolution of which the Tables Following chiefly ferve) let the precedent Work teſtifie. And as Mr. Newton in his Mathematical Inſtitutinns, or in the ſame form as Mr. Vincent Wing in his Harmonicon Cæ!efte, are theſe Tables follow- ing: And therefore I think it noc amiſs here in this place to infert ſome few Propoſiti, ons, to ſhew the uſe of the Canón and Tables of Sines and Tangents following. PROBL. I. How to find the Logarithmes of any Number under 1000. 1 + ! 1 ľ, 3 which Columns, having the Lċccer N at the Head chereof, are all Numbers luc- cettively continued from 1 to 1000: So chat to find the Logarithmes of any Num. :ber, 1 1 + V 4 1 . ! + CHAP.XXXIV. The Art of DIALLING, 51 : ber, is no more but to find the Number in the firſt Column, and in the ſecond Co. lumn you Thall have the Logerithe anſwering thereunto. Example. Let the Number given be 415, and if it is required to find the Loga- rithme chcredf, in the Table of Logorithmes , in the firſt Column thercof, under the Letter N, I find the Number. 415, and right againſt it in the next Column Ipfind 618048, which is the Logarithme of 415. In che ſame manner you may find the Logarithme under 1000; as che Logarithme of 506 is 704151, and the Logarithime of goo is 954243, etc. ...:1 Buc here is to be noted, That before every Logarithme muſt be placed his proper Characteriſtick; viz. If the Number consiſt but of one Figure, as 'ail Numbers uin- der 10, then the Characteriſtick is o; if the Number conſiſt of twy Figures, as all Numbers between 10 and 100, then the Characteriſtick is I; if the Number confift of three Figures, as all Numbers berwixt 100 and 1000, then the Characteriſtick is. ?? 2 ; and if the Number conſiſt of four Figures, as all between 1000 and 10000, the Chara Steriſtick muft be 3. In brief, the Characteriſtick of any Logarithme mult con- fiſt of an Unit leſs than the given Number conſiſteth of Digits or Places : And by ob- ſerving this Rule, the Logarithme of 415 will be 2.618048, and the Logarithme of 506 is 2.704151, and the Logarithme of goo is 2.954243, c. PROBL. II. . A Logarithme being given, to find the Abfolute Number thereurto belonging, by the former Obſervation ; the Characteriſtick will declare of what Number of Places the Abfolute Number confifteth. Example. Ler the Logaritbme given be 2.164353; now becauſe the Characteria ſtick is 2, I know by it the Abſolute Number confiftech of three places, and therefore may be found in the ſecond Column of the Logarithmsc Tables, having o at the top thereof, againſt which I find 146, which is the Abſolute Number anſwering to the Logarithme of 2.164353. 0 3 i 1 4 ܨܝ ; z PROBL. III. How to find the Logarithme of a Number that confifteth of four Places. You muſt find the three firſt Figures of the given Number in the firſt Column, as before, and ſeek the laſt Figure thereof amongſt the great Figures in the head of the Page; and in the common Arca or meeting of theſe two Lines is the Logarithmse you delire, if before it you add or prefix its proper Characteriſtick. Example. Let it be required to find the Logarithme of 5745; I find 574, the three firlt Figures, in the firſt Column, and 5, the laft Figure, in the head of the Table; then going down from ş in the head of the Table, uncil I come agaimt 574 in the firſt Column, there I find 759290, before which I place 3 for che Characte- riſtick, whidi is 3.759290, and that is the Logarithme ſought for. 1 1 1 I PROBL. IV. Ang Number of Degrees and Minutes being given; to find the artficial Sine and I angent thereof. Admic ic were required to find the Sine of 21 deg, 34 min. I turn to the Sines in the Table, and in the head thereof I find Degrees 21; then in che firſt Column (under M) I find 24, and right againſt it is 9.562146 for the Sinc, and 9.593170 for the Tangede of 21 deg. 24 min. But ſuppoſe it were required to find the Sine or Tan- genc of 56 deg. 35 min, look for ålrelle under 45 deg. are found in the head, and the odd miss. in the left hand; and all above 45 deg. are found in the foot of the Table, and the min. in the laſt Column toward the right hand; as in this Example the Sirof 56 deg. 35 min.'is 9.921524, and che Tangent is 16.180590. 1 PROBL. ļ } 1 42 i - I 1 1 52 } The Art of DIALLING, Book VII. PR 1 1 5 PROBL. V. If any Sine or Tangent be given, to find what Degrees and Minutes anſwer thereunto. Suppoſe 9.584663. were a Sine given, I look for the Number in the Table of Sines, and I find it Itand againſt 22 d. 36 m. and therefore is the Sine thereof. As admit 9.624330 were a Tangent given, look for the Number in the Column of Tangents, and 1 find ſtand againſt it 22 d. 50 m. The ſame muſt be donc for Sines and Tangents in the foot of the Tables. I 1 Ovid. Lib. Mere Cancta fluunt omniſque vagans formatur Imago. Ipfa quoque affidno labantur tempora motu. All things paſs on : 'Thoſe Creatures which are made Fail, and by Time's aſſiduate motion fade. Much like the Running Strcam, which cannot ſtay, No more can the light Hours that poſte away. But as one Billow, haft'ning to the Shore, Impels another, and ſtill that before Is by the following driv'n ; ſo we conclude Of Time, it ſo flics, and is fo. purſu'd. Thc Hours are always new; and what hath been Is never more to be perceiv'd or ſeen : Thar daily grows, which had before no ground; And Minutes, paſt once, never more are found. 1 1 } 1 Lib. Eles. I, Labitur occulte fallitque volubilis ætas. The frecting Age deceives, and ſtealing glides ; And the ſwift Year on looſe-rein'd Horſcs rides. Quid non longa dies ? quid non confumitis Anni ? 外 ​; 1 5 r I The End of the Seventh Book. ( 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 C A NON 1 TRIANGULORUM LOGARITHMICUS. OR, AT ABLE of ARTIFICIAL SINES and TANGENTS to every Degree and Minute of the QVADRANT, The Common Radius being 10,000000 . By Capt. SAMUEL STURM Y. M 28.22 4gost 216 64.19 38.30 29 28 65-44 0 19.1 40 0' 31.34 473 47.40 yo R 34.77 P 1 30.28 38.53 $ The Deſcription of the TRIANGLE. Let ZPS repreſent the Zenith, Pole, and Sun, ZP being 38 deg. 30 min. Complement of the Latitude, PS the Complement of the Suns Declination 70 deg. and the Complement of the Suns Altitude ZS 40 deg. oo min. the Angle at Z ſhall ſhew the Azimuth, and the Angle at P the Hour of the Day from the Meridian: Then if from Z to PŚ we let down a Per- pendicular,as ZR, weſball reduce the Oblique Triangle into two Rectangled Triangles ZR P and ZRS: If from S to ZP we let down a Perpendicular SM, we ſhall reduce the fame ZPS into two other Triangles, as SMZ and SMÝ Rectangled at M. wbatſoever is faid of any of theſe Triangles , the ſame holdeth for all other Triangles in the like Caſes. g 1 London, Printed by E.Cotes, Anno Dóm, 1669. Canon Triangulorun Logarithmicus. 4518.1.169261 9.999963 18.116963 11.3830371 18.48484819.99979718:48 5050f11.51495alis Degree o. Degree 1. MI Sine 1 Co-line |Tangent Co-tång. Sinc 1. Co-fine |Tangentl:Coting. M ol0.000000 10.000000 0.000000 Infinita, 3.24185519.99993418.141921111.75007167 116.4637261. 9.999999 6.463726 13.5 36274 8.24903319.99993215.24910211.750898 59 26.764756 9.999999 6.764756 13.235 244 13:256094 9999929 3.256165|11.743835158 36.940847 9.9999996.940847 13.0591533.2630429.9999278.263115|11.736885152 417.065786 9.99999917.06578612.934214 3.26988119.999925 8.25995611.73004466 $17.1626961 9.99999917.162696112.837304 8.27661419.9999228.276691111.723309155 617.2418771 9.99999917.241878|12.758122 3.28324319.99992018.283323111.716677154 7 7.3088241 9.999999 7:308825|12,691175 .6911751 3.28977319.99991818.289856 11.716144.53 877.3668169.9999997.366817 12.633183 3.296207 9.99991518.296292 11.703708151 917.417968 9.9999997.417970 12.582030 8.30254619.999912 8.302634 11.6973665-1 107:463726 9.99999847.463727 12:536273) 8.30879419.99991c|3.308884111. .691116550 17.505118 9.99999817.505120112.49488. 9.3149549.999907/8.315046111.634954149 127.542906 9.999997 7.542909126497091 8.321027 19:999909 8.3.211,2211.67887348 1317.577668 9.999997 7.57727262.422328 8.327016 9.9999028.327114111.67288647 1417.609853 9.999996 7.609857|12.390143 8.3329249.9998998.33302511.666975146 1517.639816.9.9999967.639826.12.360188.33875319.999897 19:338856/15.661144145 167.667844 9.99999517.667849122332151 8.344504|9.99989418:344610418.65539944 17 7.694173 9.9999957.694179112.305821 3.350180 9.999891 8.35028911.649711 43 187.718977 9.9999947.71900312:281997 8.355783/9.9998888.35589511.64410542 197.7424771 9.9999937.742484 12.257516 8.361315 9.9998858.361430 11.638570 41 2017.7647541 9.999993177764761.12.235239 8.366777 9.999882 8:366355111.633105149 2117.785943 9.99999217.785951|12.214045 8.37217119.999899/8.372293211.627708139 227.806146_9.999991.17.806145.412,193845 8.37749919.9998769.377622 11.622378 38 2317.8294511 9.999990 7.825460 12.174540 8.3827629.9998738.382889 11.617111137 24 7.843934 9.99998212.843944 12.156050 8.3879629.99987013.38809211.611908 36 2517.861662) 9.99998915.861674 12.138326 8.39310119.99986718.393234|11.606766135 2617.5786951 9.99998917.878700|12.52129: 8.39817919.99986418.398315|11.601685134 27 7.895085 9.9999877.895099 i 2.104901 8.4031999.999861 8.403338 11.596662 33 28 7.910879 9.999986 7.910894 12.089106 8.40816119.99985818.40839411.59169032 297.9:6119 9.9999857.926194 1207-3866 8.473068 9.99985418.413213|11.586787131 3017.940842 9.99998317.940858112.059142 8.41791919.99985118.418068|11.585937130 3117.955082, 9.9999821.7. 98510012.04A900 8.42271719.9998488.422869|11.577131124 327.968870. 9.9999817-968889 12.031111 1.427462 9.999844 8.42761811.572382 28 3317.982233 9.999980 7.98*2253 12.017747 3.4321569.999841 3.432315 11.56;695 29 347.995198 9.999978 7.995215 12.004781 13.436800 9.999838 5.436962|11.56303826 35/8.007787 9.99997817.007810 11.9921913.44139419.9998343-441560 11.558440125 3618.020011 4.9999768.020044111.979956 2.44594119.99983113:440110101.553990124 37 8.031919 9.99997518.03194511.9680551 14.450444 9.9998278.450613 1.549387 23 388.043501 9.9999738.04352711.9564731 3.4548939.999824 8.455070111,544930 22 398.054781 9.999972 8.05 487911.9451813.459301 9.99982€ 8.459481 1.54051921 4018.065776 9.99997110.005800|11.934194) 18.46366519.9998168.463949|11.536151 20 4118.0765001 9.99996918.076531111.923469 8.4679859.99981248.46817211.531828119 42 8.086965 9.9999688,086997 17.9130031 8.4722639.9998998.47245411.52754618 43 8.097183 9.9999668.097217|11.9027831 8.476498 9.999805 8.476693|11.523307 17 44 8.107167 9.99996413.197203 11.892797 8.4806939.999801 8.480892 11.51910816 4618.126471; 9.99996118.126510 11.8734908.48896319.99979418.489170111.510839/14 47861358109-9999598.135851111.864149 8.49304019.999790 8.493250 11.50675013 488.144953) 9.9999588.14499611.855004118.497078 9.9997868.497293|11.90270712 4918.153907 9.999956|8:153952111.8460481 8.501.98019.999782;8.501298|11.4987021 58.3.16168119.99995418.162737111.837273 18.50504$10.99977818.505267111.494733) 5118.1.712801 9.99995218:171328|11.828692 8.50897419.999774/8.509200|11.499800 9 5.28.179713 9.9999508.17976311.820237 8.512867 9.9997698.5 1309811.486902 5318.187985) 9.9999488.188036 11.811964 18.5167269.999765 8.51696111.4830397 548.196102 9.9999468.19615611,803844 8.520551 9.99976118.520790 11.4793106 $518:2040701:9.999944/8.20412611.795374 8.52434319.9997568.524586)11.47541415 5618.2118951 9.99994218.21195 3111.788047 8.52810:19.99975318.528349111.4716514 57 8.219581 9.999940 8.219641 11.7803598.531828 9.999748 8.532080 11.467910 3 15818.227134 9.999938 8.227195 11.772805 18.5355239.99974418.535779|11.464221 59 8.234557 9.999936 8.234621|11.765379 18.5391869.9997408.53944711.460553 6018:2418551 9.999934 8.241921111.7580791 8.54281919.999735 8.54308411.45691610 Mi Co-fire Sine Co-tang | Tangene Co-lineSine 1 Co-tang. I Tingent.M Degree 88. 1. . 1 1 I 1 Degrec 89. * Canon Triangulorum Logarithmicus, 4 15718.7115079.99942418.712083/11.287917) 18.8381309.998967/8.93916311.1608377 Degree 2 Degree 3. M| Sine 1 Cô-rine [Tangent Ca-tang. Sine | Co-fine (Tangent. Co tang. IM 13.5428 1919.99973518.543034 11.456916 8.71880-19.99940418.71939611.-80604160 118.5464229.999731 8.546697 11:453309: 18.72120419.99939818.72180611.278194159 218.549995 9.999726 8.55026811.449732 8.7235959.999391 8.724254 11.27579615 318.553558 9.999722 8.55381711.446183 18.7259729.999384 8.72658441.273412157 418.5570549.99971718.55733611.442664 8.728336 9.99937818.723959-11.27104:56 $18.56054019.99971313.560827111.439172 8.730688/9.9993718.73 317|11.268683/15 68.56399919.99970818.564291(11.435.709 18.733027/9.99936418.73366311.26633715 :78.56743119.9997033.567727 11.4322721 18.7353549.99935718.73599611,2640045 88.5708369.99969918.571137 11.428863 8.737667 9.99935018.736317 11.2616835 1918.574214 9.999694 3.57452011.4254808.7399699.99934318.7406:611,259374151 10 8.577566 9.99968913.577877111.422123 8.74225919.9993318.742922.11.257078150 1118.58089-19.99960513.58120811.418792 8.74453619.999339 3.745107111.254793149 128.58419319.999650 3.58451411.4154868.746801 9.99933a 8.747479 11.252521 48 138.5874699.9996758.587795 11.412205 8.74595519.999315 18.749740 11.25024047 145.5907219.99967018.591051 11.408949 8.75129: 9.999308 13.7598911.24801146 1518.5939489.99966518.594283|11.405717 8.753528/9.99930113.754227|11.24577345 1618.59715219.9996608.597492/11.402508 8.7567479.99929418.75645311.243547144 1718.6003329.999655 8.600977 11.399323 8.7579559.99928613.758668|11,241332 43 188.603488 9.99965018.60383811.396161 8.7601819.99921938.76087211.23912841 1918.6066229.999645 8.60697811.393022 8.762337 9.99927284763065111.-36935 41 2018.60973419.9996408.610094 11.389906 8.76451119.999265185765246|15.234754140 2118.61282319.99963518.613189111.386011 8.76667519.99925718.767417411.232583139 228.61539119.9996298.616267 11.383738 8.7688289.99925078.769578|11.230422 38 2318.618937 9.999624 8.61931311.380687 8.7709709.9992428.771727 11.228273137 24 8.6219679.9996198.62234311.377657 8.773101 9.999235/5.773866 11.229134 36 $ 8.62496519.99961418.625352111.374648 8.77522319.999-2718.775995111,224005135 1618.62794819:99960818.628 340 11.371660 8.777.33319.9992108.778114111.321886 278.630911 9.9996938.63130811.368692 8.779434 9.999.212 3.78322211,219773 33 283.6338549.999597 8.634455 11.365744 8.78415242-9992048.782320 11:21768032 29 3.6367769.999592 8.6371845.362816 8.783605 9.999197 8.784404 11.215592131 308.63967919.99942618.640093|11.359907 8.78567519.9991893.78648611.213514130 3118.64256319.9995 010.64293211.357917 8.78773619.99918115.788554411.21 1446129 3218.645423 9.9995758.64585311.354147 18.789787 9.99917418.790613|11.20938728 33 3.648274 9.9995708.648704 11.351296 8.7918289.9991669.792662 11.207338 27 348.651102 9.9995648.651538 11.348463 8.793859 9.99915818.794701 11.205299 26 3518.65391119.999558 3.65433(11.345648 8-79588119.9991508.796731|11.203269125 3613.65670219.99955318.657149711.3428511 8.79789419.99914218.798752(11.201248124 37 3.659475 9.9995 47 8.65992811.340072 8.799897 9.999134 8.800763|11.199237 3818.662230 9.9995418.66268911.337311 8.80189119.9991268.80276511.197235 22 3918.6649689.9995358.665433 11.334567 8.8038769.9991188,807458 11.195242/21 40 8.667639 9.99952918.668160111.331840 8.80585-19.999110/8.806742111,193258/20 4118.670393 9.99952313.670869111.329130 8.80781919.99910218.808717/11.191283119 428.673080 9.999518 8.67356311.326437 8.809777/9.9995948.81268311,18931718 438.675751 9.9995128.676239111.323761 8.811726 9.9990868.812641 11.187359117 448.678405 9.999506 8.678899|11.321100 8.813667 9.9990778.814589 11.189411 16 4518.681043 9.999499 8.64154411.3184568.81559819.99906918.816529111.183471 15 4613.68366519.99949318.68417211.31582811,8.81752219.9990618.81846111.181539 47 8.6862729.999487 8.68678411.313216 18.819436 9.99905 28.82038 411.17961613 4818.688892 9.999481 8.689381|11.310619 8.821342 9.999044 3.822298111,177702 12 8.6914389.9994758.691963|11.308037 18.8:3240 9.9990368.824205 11.17579511 50 8.693998|9.99946918.694529|11.3054711 8.8251309.999927/8.826103|51.17389710 5118.696543 9.99946248.697081/11.302919 8.82701119.99901918.877992|11.1720089 $218.69907319.9994568.699617 11.300383 8.8288849.999010 3.82987411.170126 8 5318.70158919.9994508.702139|11.29786118.83074919.9990028.831748!1,1682547 54 8.704090 9.9994438.704646 11.295354 8.8321069.9989938.83361311.1663876 5518.7065769.999437/8.707139|11.292560 8.83445619.998984/8.83547111,16452915 5618.709049|9.99943113.709618)11.290381 8.836297|9.99897618.837321|17.1626791 588.7139529.999418 8.754534 11.285466 8.8399569.9989588.540998 11.1590022 598.716383 9.9994118.71697211.28 3018 8.841774 9.998940 8.842825 0.137175 608.718800 9.999404/8.719398|11.280604 8.84358519.99894118.84464411.15535610 Co-fine I Sine I co tang (Tangene Co. fine | Sie | Co-tang. 1 Tangent M Degree 87. Degree 86. (a 2) 49 1 Canon Triangulorum Logarithmicus. 618.89429119.99888718.855403111.14459? 18.950814:9.9982778.950597411.049403541 Degree 4: Derlee 5. M Sine Sine I Co-line |Tangent! Coting! Sine | Cr-fine (Tangent! (o-tang. 018.84358419.99894118.844644|11.155356 8.94029619.99834418.941952/11.058048160 118.84538719.99893118.846455111.1535451 8.941738 19.99833318.943404111.056595159 28.8471837.9989238.848240 11.151740 18.9431744.9.)836218.944852 11.05514858 3 8.848971 9.998914 8.85005711149943 3.94460019.993311 8.946295 11.05 3705 57 418.85075119.998905 3.851846 11.148154 2.94603419.9933038.947734 11.05 2266 56 518.85252519.99889613.853628111.146372 3.95745*19.99828918.94916811.050832155 14 1 78.8560499.998878/8.857171 11.142829 1.9502875.9932658.952921 11.04797953 88.85780119.9988698.85893211.141368 18.9516969.99*2558.953441 11.046559152 918.859546 9.9988608.86068611.139314 3.953099 7.99324318.954856 11.045144 51 103.36128319.99885119.862433111.137567 8.95449919.99823213.956267111.043733156 1118.8630149.99884118.864173|11.135827 8.955894'9.9982208.957674/11.042326 128.86473819.9988328.865906 11.134094 8.957284,9.9982098.95907511.04092548 13 8.8664549.998823 8.86763211.132368 8.9586709:9981978.960473|11.039527 47 8.8681659.998813 3.869351|11.130649 8.9600$29.998186 8.96186611.038134 46 1518.8698689.998804 3.87106411.128936 8.96140919.99317415.963254191.036740 45 1618.87156519.99879513.872750111.127230 8.96280119.99316318.964639111.635261/44 178.873255 2.9987858.87446911,125531 18.9641709.998551 8.966019 11.033981 43 188.87493819.998776 8.876162 11.123838 8.9655349.999139 5.967394 11.032606 42 19 8.876615 2.9987668.877849 11.122151 8.96689319.9981288.968766 11.031234 41 2018.87828519.998757 8.879529111.120471 8.96824919.998 r06 9.970133111.029867 40 2118.879949|9.99874718.881202/11.118798 8.96960019.99010414.97149511.028505139 2218.881607 9.99873818..882869 11.1171311 8.9709479.998092 8.972855 0.027145 38 238.8832589.998728 8.884530111,1154748.972289 9.9980808.974209 11.02579137 248.88490319.998718 8.88618511.113815 8.9736269.9980688.975560 11.024440 36 25 8.88654219.99870818.887833111.112167 8.97496219.99805 68.976906111.023094135. 2618.88817419.998699|8.889476111,110524 13.97629319.99804415.978248111.021752134) 278.889801 9.998689 8.89111211.108888 18.977619 9.9980328.97958611.020414 33 28 8.8914219.9986798.892742 11.1072588.978941 9.9980208.980921|11.01907932 298.893-359.9986698.894366 11.105634 8.980259 9.9980988.982251 11.01774931 30/8.89464319.99865918.895984111.104016 18.98157319.99799618.983577 11.016423130 3119.89624619.99864918.897596|11.102404 13.98288319.997984/8.984899|11.015101129 3213.897842 9.9986398.899203 11.100797 2.9341899.99797118.986217 11.01378328 33 8.8994329.998629 3.900803 11.09919; 23.985491 9.9979598.987532 11.01246327 348.901017 9.99861918.902398 11.097602 3.93678919.997947.3.988842 11.011158126 3518.9025969.99860913.903987111.096013 9.98808319.99793518.990149|11.909851125 3618.90416919.99359918.995570111.094430 3.98937414.99792213.991451|11.008549124 3718.9057369.9985898.907147 11.092853 13.990660 9.99791018.9927501.00725023 3818.907297 9.99357718.908719 11.091281 3.9919439.997897 3.994045|11.005955122 398.9088539.998;683.910235 11.089715 3.9932289.9973853.995337|11.004663 21 4018.91040419.94855818.991846111.0891541 2.99449719.99787318.996624111.003376120 4118.9119499.99854818.913401|11.086599 3.99576819.99786018.997908|11.902092119 428.913488 9.9985378.91495111.085049 13.9970369.9978478.999188 11.090812 18 438.9150229.99352718.916495 11.0835051 3.998 299 9.9978359.03046510.999535119 8.916550 9.9985168.918034 11.081966 8.99956019.9978229.001738 10.998 262 16 8.91807319.9935068.919568111.080432 3.00081619.99780919.003507 10.996993|15. 4618.91959119.99849518.921096|11.078994 19.002969;9.99779719.004272/10.995728114 478.9211039.9984858.922619 11.077381 19.003318 9.9977849.005534 10.994466 13 48 8.922610 9.998474/8.924136 11.075864 9.0045639.99777119.006792 10.99320812 4918.924112 9.998464/8.925649 11.074351 19.005 805 9.997758 9.008047 10.991953/11 5018.92560919.99845318.927156111,072844! 19.00704419.9977329.009298 10.990702110 5118.92710019.9984428.928658|11.071342 19.09827819.99773219.010546|10.98945419 5218.92858719.998431 8.93015511.069845 19.00951019.99771919.011790 10.988210 8 $38.930068 9.998421 8.931647 11.068 3539.010737 9.997706 9.013031 10.986969 7. 5418.931544 9.998410 8.933134 11.066866 19.0119629.99769319.014268 10.9857326 301519.99839918.93461611.065384 9.0131829.9976809.01550210.9844985 5618.93448119.99838818.936093|11.063907 19.01439919.99766719.01673210.9832681 4 578.935942 9.9983778.937565|11.062435| 19.015613 9.9976549.017959 10:982041 3 5818.937398/9.9983668.939032 11.060968 19.0168249.9976419.01918310.980817 5918.938850 9.993355 8.940494 11.059506 19.018031 9.9976289.020403 10.979597 I 6018.94029619.9983448.941951/11.0580481 19.01923519.99761419.02162010.978380 1 Co-line Sinc 1Co-tang. | Tangent Co-finel Sine Co-tang (Tangent M Degrec 85. Degree 84. 1 44 8 2 I Canon Triangulorum Logarithmicus. Degree 7. 2 Degree 6. M! Sinc | Co-ipe {Tangentl Cơ-tang. Sine 1 Co-ſine (Tangent Co-tang. 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Tangent Co-line | Sine !Cotong. Tangent IM Degree 47 (+2) 1 + 1 Degree 46 1 : -1 Canon Triangulorum Logarithmicus. 1 . . + 1 ? 301 Degree 44. MI Sine 1 Co-ſine 11 Tangene i Co-tang. I 019.84177119.8569349.984837110.015162160 119.84190219.8568121 | 9.985090110.014910159 2 9.842033 9.8566.90|| 9.985343 10.014657158 319.84216319.856568 9.985596 10.014404157 49.842294 9.856445 9.985848 10.014151156 519.842424 9.85632311 9.986101|10.013899155 619.84255519.856201|| 9.986354/10.013646154 7 9.84269519.8.56978| 9.986607 10.01339353 89.84281519.8559569.986859 10.013140 919.8429459.855833|| 9.987112/10.0128885 109.843076 9.855710|| 9.98736510.01 263515 1119.843206.9.855588|| 9.98761810.01238249 129.843336 9.855465|| 9.987871 10.012129 48 13.9.843465 9.8553421) 9.988123 10.011877 47 149.84359519.855215|| 9.988376 10:011634 46 1519.84372519.855096 | 9.988629110.011371145 1619.84385519.854973|| 9.988882f16.011118144 1.79.8439849.85485011 9.989134 10.010866 43 18 9.844114 9.854727 9.989387 10.010613142 1919.844243 9:854603|| 9.989640 10.010360 41 2019.844372 9.8544801] 9.9898931 10.01010740 2119.84450219.85435611 9.990145710.009855139 2219.844631 9.88423311 9.990398 10.00960238 39.84476019.854109|| 9.990651 19.00934937) 24 9,8448899,853986. 9.99090310.00909636 2519.84501819.853862 9.99115610.008844135 26/9.845147 9.853738|| 9.9:71409110.008591134 27 9.845276 9.853614) 9.921662 10.008 338 33 28 9,845 404 9.8534901| 9.991914 19.008086 32 29 9.845533 9.853366 9.992167 10.007833131 3019.84566219.853242|| 9.992420110.007580130 3119.84579019.853118119.99267210.00732829 329,84597919.852994 9.992929 10.007078 28 3319.846047 9.85 2869 9.993178 10.00682227 349.846175 9.852745 9.993430 10,00656926 3519.84630419.852620|| 9.993683119.0063171-5 3019.84643219.8524961| 9.993936110,00606424 37 9.8465609.852371|| 9.99418910.09581123 38 9.8466889.852246 9.99444110.00555922 3919.846816 9.852122 9.99469419.005 306:1 4019.84694419.851997|| 9.994947110.005053120 4119.84707119.85187211 9.995199110.004801119 4219.847199 9.851747|| 9.995452110.004548118 439.84732719.851622 9.995701 10.00429517 4419.8474549.851497 9.995957 10.00404316 4519.84758219.8513721) 9.996210 10.003790115 469.84770919.8512461) 9.99646310.00353714 47 9.847836 9.85112I 9.99671510.003285113 4819.847964 9.85099611.9.996968 10.003032112 49 9.84€09119.850870 || 9.997220|10.00277911 5019,84821819.850745|| 9.997473110.00252710 51 19.848 3459.3506191 9.99772619.00-27419 52 9.8484729.850493 9.997979 10.002021 8 53 9.848599 9.850367|| 9.998231 10.0017691 ; 5419.8487269.850242 9.998484 10.001516) 6 5519.848852 9.850116|| 9.998737110.0012631,5 5619.84897919.849990|| 9.998989/10.00101114 5719.84910619.849864|| 9.999342 10.0017581 3 5819.84923219.849737|| 9.999495 10.000505 2 59 9.849359/9.849611 9.99974710.000253) I 6c19.84948519.8494851/10.000000 10.000000 I co-fine I Siue ll Co-tang. Tangent /M Degree 45. 1 2 t N ! 1 ! 1 CHILIADES DE CE M LOGARITHMORUM, SHE WING The LOGARITHMES of all NUMBERS Increaſing by Natural Succeſſion from an Unite to 10000 : Whereby the Logarithmes of all Numbers under 1000000 may bc ſpeedily deduced. Firſt Calculated by that Excellent Mathemacician Mr. H E N R I B R Í GG S; Profeſſor of Geometry in the Univerſity of Oxford. 11 And their Uſe now Amplified, By Capt. SAMUEL STURMY. ܐ 410.602060 + Ni Log. IN Log. 1 INI Log. I INI Log. TINI Log. 110.000000 21(1.3222191 14111.612784.16111.785330 8741.908485 20.301030221.342422 42 1.6232491 162 1.792391 821.913814 310.477121 123 1.361728 4311.633468 16311.799340 831.919078 34/1.380251 44 1.643452 641.806180 8411.924:79 510.6989741125 11.397940 145 1.653212 16511.811913 8511.929419 680:778151 12611.414973. 1461.662758116611.8195.441 | 8611:234498 710.845098 271.431364471.672098 67. 1.826075 871..939519 80.903090 28 1.4471581 48 1.681241 68 1.837509 88 1.944483 9 0.954242 2911.462398 49 1.69019669)1.838849 89 1.949390 101.000000 1301.4771 21! Iso 1.6989701 170/1.845098 ] go 1.954242 1111.0413931 13:41.491361115111.7075701 17111.851258 911.95.9041 1211.079181 32 1.505 ISO 521.7160031 1721.857333 9211.963788 13/1.113943 3311.518514) 1:3 1.7242761 1731.863323 93.1.958483 141.149128 34 1.531479 54 1.732394 7411.869232 941:973128 15 1.1760911 13511.5 44068 5511.740362 1751.1.875061 95:11.977723 1611.2041201 1361.5563031 15611.748188] 17611.880813 961.982271 171.230449 37 1.568202 57 1.755875 77 1.886491 971.986772 18.1.255272138 1.5797831 15811.763428 7811.892094 981.991226 191.273753 39 1.5910641 59 1.7709521.79 1.897627 9911.995635 2011.301030 4011.60.0601 16011.778151 8971.903090 100 13.000000 1 ! f F i I LONDON , Printed by E, Cotes, Anno Domini 1669 . (8) The Table of Logarithmes. . 1 illo I . 21 3 14 15 16 17 181.9D 100||oooooo100043400086810013010317341002166|0025981003029|003461|00389111432 10111004321 004751005181005609006038 006466006894007327 00774810081741428 10200860n|c09026009451009876010299 0107241011147/011570011993/012415 ||424 10310128371513259913679014100|O1452110149400153590157791016197 016616 1419 19411017033/?174511017868018284101870001911601953240199471020361/0207751 1416 105192118 910116931022016027428|0228411023252102366410740751024486|024896|412 1062025336 025715026125|06533 026942027349027757028164102857110289781408 107||0293841029789030195030599 03100403140803181203227632619 033021||404 108|033424 033826034227|034628035029035429 035829 036229103662940370281400 109110374261037825103822310386201039017103941 41039811040207040602040998|l396 11004139310417871042182104257610429691043362104375510441 480445 390449321/393 111||04532304.5714/0461050464950468851047275104766404805 3 04844204883011389 112||049248 049603104999305037910507660511:53 051538 JOS 1924 08 2309 08 26941386 113|05 30781083466083846 054229108 46131054996055378 085760105614205.65241382 114110569051057283 1057666058046105842610588951059185 1059563108994206032011379 115||060698061075 10614521061829706220606258210629581063333.1063709106408311376 116||06445810648321065 206 065579,0659531066326 066699 067071|067443 06781511372 117||068186 068557068928969298 069668 070238 070407070776 071145071514||369 118||071882072249 0726170729850733527073718 0740851074453 0748160751821.366 1191)0755471078912/07627610766401077004107736810777311078094|078457078819|1363 1201107918140795431079904/080266|08062608098710813471081707 0820670824261/360 1121||0827850831441083503 083861084219 0845761084934 085291 0856470860047357 122|086359 0867160870711087426 087781088136088490 083845 089198108955211355 123||089905 090288 0906100909630913151091667|092018|0923691092721109307111351 12411093427/6937721094122109447140948202095169109551810958661096275109656211349 125110969101097.25.91097604/09795110982981098644/098.98910993354099681|1000261346 12010037110071510105 9101403 101747102091 102434 102777 103119103462|343 127||103804 104146 104487 10482810S169 105510105851 106191|100537 106871340 128 |107209 1075 49 107888108227|108565108903109241 109579|109916110253338 129 11105891109:6111263111159911119341112269118260511129391113275/11360911335 130||113943[114277|114611|114944115278|115611|115943|116276116608|1169391333 131|11727111760371 179341182651.185951118926 119256119586 11991$ 120145330 132110374 129903121231 121559121888 121216122544 1 228711123198|12352511328 133|12385211240781245041114830125156129481 125806126131 126456 126781||325 134111271931127429112775311280761283991287221290451 293681296891130012 | 323 1351|130334|1306551130977|1312981131619131939|1322591132579|132899113321911321 136133539133858341771134496134814135133 1354511135769 136086136403318 137||136721137037 - 37354.137671|1379871138303 138618 138934139249113956411315 138 139879|149194 1 40508 140822 141136141449 1417631420761423891427021314 1391|14301,51143327_143639|14395 1114426314457411448851145 196 145507114581811311 1401|14612814643814674814705814736714767614798514829411486031148911309 141||149219149527 149835150142 150449 150756 151063/151369 151676 151982|1307 142|152288 152594152899 153205153599 153815154119 154423154728 555032305 143||155336 155639 155943156246 156549156352157154157457157759158061303 14411158362415866411589651159266|15956711598681160168160469|160769|161068H301 145111613691161667|161967|162766162564/163863163761|1634591163758/164055|1299 146164353164650164947165244 165541_165838166134 166430166726167023|| 292 147||167317167612167903168203 188497 168792 169086169380169674 169968295 1481702925705131108431792417.434 47370907201917017266317789511293 149||17318611734781173769|1740511174351|174641|174932175122 115sizli7580211291 1 3) 1 The Table of Logarithmes. ܊ N0.11.12 13 14 15 16 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 D 1150|176091|176381f176669|17695911772481775361778251178113178401|17868911289 i511178977179264.179552173839 180126180413180699 180986181272181558287 152181844 1821291182415182699 1829851183269183555 183839 1841231184407285 153184691 1849751852591855421185825 186108 186391186674186956187239283 541|1875211187803119828418336618864711889-81189209|19949011891711990511|281 15511190332f1936121190892119117111914511191730|192009192289|192567|19284611279 56|193125 193403193681193959 194237 194514194792195069195346 1956131278 1571195899 196176 196453196729|197005197281197556197832 198107 1983821276 1581198657|19893-199200 199481 99755200029209303/200577 2008502011241274 15911201397 201670|2019432022162024882027611203033|203303|203577203848272 1601|20411942043911204663 2049341205204 20547512057462060161206286206556|271 161||206826 207096 207365207364207904208173 208441208710208978 2092471:69 .6220951512099831210051|210319 210586-10853 211121 211388 211654/211921 | 267 163|1212187212454212730212986 213252 213518 213783214049214314214579266 164 | 21484412151091215373121563812159021216166216429|21669421695721722111264 1651|217484/21774721801021827312185361-187982190601219323121958512198461|262 166|220108 220369220631122089222115312214141221675221936 222190 2224561161 1672227161222976 223236 2234961223755122401512242742245331224791|2250511259 168||2253092255681225826 226084226342/226599)22685812271152273721229629||258 1691|227887228142 2284001228657 2289131229169|229426122968212299381230193||256 170|1230449|230704|230959123121512354691238724|231979|232234/8324881232742||254 1711232996 233250233504 233757-34011 2342641234517 234770235023-35276353 1723355282357811236033 236285 236537236789237041237292 237544237795 252 1731233046 238297-38548 2387991239049|239299 239549 239799124004924029911250 1741|2405491240799174104872412971241546241795124204412422932425411242789|1249 1751|24393812432862435341243782/2440291244277/244525|244772/2450192452061|248 1762455132457592460062-46252 246499246745 246991 247237247482 247728|246 1771247973124321924846412487091248954/249198 2494432496871249932125017611245 1781|250420250664250908-511511251395 25163812518812521251252368 252610243 179 1252853125309612533341-5358012538222540641254306 254548125478925503111242 180112552731255514125575512559961256237125647712567181256958125719812574381)241 181|1257679 257918 258158258398125863712588772591162503551259594259833||239 1821260071 2603091260548 2607872650251261263|261501 261739 261976 261214||238 183 262451 262688 262925263162 263399 263636 263873 264109|264346264582||237 1841126431812650541265289265525126576 1265996266232 266467 266702 266937||235 185112671721267406/267641|267875|268109|26834412685781268812 269046126927911234 186269513 26974612699792702131270446 270679|270912271144271377271609233 187271842 27,20741272306 272538 272769 273001 27323312734641273696273927||232 1882741581274389 274619|27485012750811275311 275542 275772 276002 2762321|230 1891|27646212766921276921127715112773791277609127783812780671278296]27852511229 190278754127898212792.11|279439127966712798951280123|280351/280578128080611228 191 1281033 281261 28.1488281714 281942 281169 282396 282622 282849283075227 192||283301 2835.27. 2837531283979284205284431 284656 284887 285107285332 226 1932855572857821286007 286232 286456286681 286905 287129 289354 287578||225 19411287802 2880261288249|28847312886962889191289143|289366289589|289812||223 195.||290035|29025.7|293479|290702290925|291147129136912915911291813|2920341|222 196272256 292478 2926992929202931432933631935841293804 294025294246)|i21 197 | 294466 294687 294907295127295347 295567295787 296007 296226 296446 220 1981|296665 296884 297104/297323297542 297768|297979298198298416 2986351219 1991|2988531299074/29928912995072997251299943300161 300378 300595130081311278 1 (g2) 1 1 The Table of Logarithmes. No 11 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ID 200|130102y|3012471301464130168113018983021141302331130254713027641302979|1217 201||363196 203412 303628 303844 30405913042751304491304706304921 305 136216 202|13053511305.566 305781 305996 306211 3064253066391306854 307068 307282 215 203||307496 3077093079241308137 30835 11308564308778 308991309204 309417213 2041130963013098431310056315268310481|3106931310906131111813113291311542||212 205113117541311966131217713123893126001312812131302313132341313445313656||213 2061313867 314078 314289314499 314709 314920 315130315340315551315760210 207||315970 3161801316389 3165991216809317018 317227317436317646317854/209 208 ||318063/318272 318481 318689 318898319106 319314319522319730319938||208 20911320146 3203541320562132076932097713211841321391132159813218051322012||207 2101322219 322426322633132283913230463-3252132345813236651323871|324077||206 211||324282324488 324694/3248993251051325310 325516 3257211325926 326131||205 2121326336326541326745 326949 3271551327359 3275631327767 327972 328176204 213328 379 328583328787 328991329194/329398 329601 329805 330008 330211203 21411330414 3306171330819/331022133122513314271331629)33183213320341332236|| 202 2151133243813326403328421333044133324613334471333649133385913340511334353||202 2161334454 334655 334856335057 335257 335458 335658 335 859133605913362591 201 2171336459336659 336859 337059337259337459337659337859 338058 338257200 21813384593385563388561339054] 3392531339453 339650 339849 340047|340246199 2191134044413406421340841/3410391341 237)3414351341632134183013410281342225||198 2201134222713426201342817|34301413432121343409|343606134380213439991344196||197 221||3443923445891344785 344981 345178 345737 345569345766345962 346157||196 222 3463531346549 346744 346939 347135347330 347515 347720 347915 348110|195 22311348305348499 348694 34888913490831349278 349472 349659134986013500541194 224|13502481350442|350636135082913510231351216135140913516031351796135198911193 22511352183135237513525681351765135295413531471353339135353213537241353916||193 2261354108 3543013544933546851354876 355068 3552591355452355643355834||192 227|| 356026 3562173564081356599 3567921356981357172 357363357554 357944||191 2281357935 358125358316 3585261358696358886359076359266359456359646|190 2291135983513600251360215|3604041360593|3607831360972 361161361350361539||189 23011361728361917 362105136229413624821362671|362859136304813632361363424|188 1231||3636121363799363988 364176364363 36455113647391364926 3651131365301||188 232365488365675365862 366049366236366423 366609 366796366983367169|187 233367356 3675421367729 367915 368101 368287368473|368659 3688451369030 ||186 234|| 369316136940113695871369772/36995813701431370328/370513137069813708321189 2351|37106813712531371437137162237180613719911372175137235913725441372728||184 236|372912 373096373279373464 373647 373831 374015374198 374382 374565184 237|| 374748 374932 3751151375293 3754813756641375846 376029 3762123763941|183 238376577 3761591376942 377124 377306 377488 3776703778921378034 378216182 23911378395/378579 378761137894313791241379306379487137966813798491380030||181 2401138021113803923805731380754138093413811151381296138147613816561381837||181 24111382017 382197382377382557382737/382917 3830973832771383456 383636||180 2421383815 3839953841741384353 384533 384712 384891/3850691385249 385428||179 2431385606 3857853859641386142 3863211386499 3866771386856387034/387212178 244113873891387568/3877461387923138810113882791388456388634 .3888111388989|| 178 245113891661389343/38951013896981389875/3900511390228 3904051390582139075$||177 246|390935139111: 391288 391464/391641 391817 391993 392169392345 392521.176 247|| 392697 3928733930483932241393399 393575 393751 393926 394101 394277||176 248|394452 394627 394802 394977 395152 395326395501 395676 395850 396025||175 24911396199|3963741396548/3967221396896 3970711397245/397419/3975921397766|1174 1 1 The Table of Logarithmes. 1 NI 0111? 1 3 14151612 16 17 18 19 D Tim 269) 250113979401398134139828713584611398634|398808139898139915413993281399501||173 251||399674 399847 400019400192 400365 400538 400771|400883 401056 401228||173 252401401 401573401745 401917 402089402261 402433402605 402777 402949172 2531403121403292 403464403635403807 4039781404149 404320 404492 404663|171 2541|404834|405005|405176405346405517 405688 40585814060291406199|406369|1171 2551|406540|40671014069811407051407221|4073911407561407731407901|40807011170 256408239 408 409 408579408749.408918 409087|409257409426 409595 409764169 257|409933|410102410271410439410609 410777 4109464111141411283|411451||169 258411619 411788 411956 412124 412293412461 412629 412796 412964 41.3132||168 2591413299141346714136334138031413969141413714133051:414472 4146391414806|167 2601141497314151401415307141547414156414158081415974 4161411416308416474||167 2611416641416807 416973|417139417306 417472 4176381417804417969 4181351166 262418301 418467 418633418798 418964.419129 4192951419460419625419791165 263419956420121420286.420451 420616 4207814209454215104212754214391165 2641|42160414217681421933|4220971422261142242614225891422754 4229181423082|1164 265 ||423246423409|423574423737|42390114240651424228142439214245551424718||164 266424882425045 425208 425371425534 425697 425860 426023 426186 426349163 267||426511 426674426836 426999 427161 4273241427486 427648 427811 4279731 162 2684281351428297 428459 428621: 428783 428944 42910G 429268 429429 429591||162 42975214299141430075.430236430398/430559430714436881. 431042 43120311161 270431364|431525143568514318461432007 432167 43232814324891432649|432809||161 2911432969433129 433289 433449433609 4337694339291434034 43424914344091601 272 1434569 434729 434888 435048435207 435366 435526 435685435844 4360041159 2731|436163 436322436481 436639 436799 436957 437116 4372754374334375921159 27414377514379091438067|438226 43838414385421438701 4388591439017|4391751 158 275 || 439333|439491 4396484398c6439964 440122/440279440437 440594|440752||158 276440909 441066 441224 441381 441538 441695 441852442009 442166 442323|157 2771442479 442637 442793 442949443106 443263 443419 443596443732 443889157 2781444045444201 444357 444513444669 444825 444981 445137 445293445449|156 279|1445604|44575914459151446071|4462261446382 446537 446692 4468481447093|1155 280||4471581447313447468|447623|4477784479324480881448242 448397f448552||155 281448706443861 449015449169 449324 449478 449633 449787449941 450095 ||154 282450249 450403450557450711 450865 451018 451172451326 481479 451633|154 283451786 451939 452093452247 452399452553 452706 452859 45301245316511153 284114533181453471 4536241453777/4539291454082 454235/454387 454539145469231153 2851145 4845|454997 455149|455302 45545445560645575814559101456061145621411152 2861;456366456518456669 456821 456973457125 457276 457428 457579 457731152 287 1459889 458033 458184 458336458487 458638 45878914589391459031 459242151 288459392 459543 459694 459845 459995 460146460266 460447 460597 4607481153 2891|4608984610481461198 4613481461499|461649|4617991461948 4620981462248111so 290||462390|4625481462697|462847462997|463146463296|463445|4635941463744||150 291|1463893 464042 464191 464340 464489 464639 464787 4649364650854652341149 292465383 465532465689465829 465977 466126 466274 466423 466571466719149 2931466868 467016 467164 467312 467460 467608 467756 467904 468052468199 148 294114683471468495 468643|4687901468798 469085469233|469380469527/469675|147 2.9511469822146996914701161470263|470410 470557 470704|470851/4709981471145||147 296471292471438 471585 471732 471878 472025472171 472318 472464 472610146 2971|472756472903 473049 473195 473341 473487 4736331473779 473915 474071146 298474216 474362 474508 474653474799474944 475089475235 475381|475526146 29914756711475816 475962/476107 476252/4763971476542 +76687/4768321476976|1145 I + } (h) A 1 1 + ܙ܀ 0 The Table of Logarithmes. No| 1 2 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 D 3004771211477266477411 4775551477699477844/47798914781331478 2781478422||145 2011|478566 478711 478855478999 4791 43 479287 479431479575 479719 4798631144 302480007 480151 480294 480438480582 480725480869431012481156 481299||144 303||481443 481586 481929481872 48 2016 482159 482302 482445 482588 482731143 304114828741483016 483159483302483445433587/48372954838724840151484157| 143 305 ||484299484442148458514847271484869 4850114851534852951485437/4855791|142 306485721 485863436005486147 486289 486430 436572 486714486855486997143 307487138487279 487421 487563487704 487845 487986 488137 488269488409141 308 ||488551 488692488833 488974489114 489255 489396 489537 489677|489818141 309||489958/4900991490239/490379149052014906611490801139094114910811491222 || 140 310|49136214915021491642 49178214919227492062492201 14923411492431/492621||140 311492760 492900493039493179 493319 493458493597 493737 493876 494015||139 312||494155 494294 494433 494572 494711 4948 50 494989495128 4952671495406|139 313 495544495683495822 495960496099 496238)4963764965154966531496791|1139 3141|496929497068497206 497344/497483497621|4997591497897/4930351498173 138 315||498311/498448149858614287241498862/4989991499137 4992754994121499549||138 3:16|4996874998.24 4999625000991500236 500374 soos 10 500648500785500922|137 317|| 501059 501196501333|501470 501607 505744 501880502017 502154 502291|137 31815924:7502564.502790 502837 502973503109 503246503382 503518 3036551136 319||503791/50392715040631504199 504335 50447115046071504743|504878150501411136 320 115081491505286|5054211505557/5056931505828150596415060991506234|5063691136 321||506505 5066401506776|506911|5070461507181 507316 5074511507586 507921135 322||07856507991 508126 508260 508395 5085291508664150879,15089341509068|1135 1323509203509337 5094711509606 509740509874 51000915101431510277 510411134 32411510545151067915108131510947151108115112151511349|51148215116161511749134 1 325||511883151201715121511512284151241815125511512684151281815129511513084||133 32611513218 31335151348415136171513750513883514016 5141491514282 514415133 327||$145481514681 514813|$14946515079 515211|51534415154765156091515741133 328515874 516006 5161391'51627151640351653515166681556799151693215170641132 329115171961517328151745915175921517724151785515179871518119151825115183821|13: ! 330||5185141318646]518777|51890951904015191775193031519434/519566151969711131 331519328 51995915200901520221520353 5204841520615520745 5208761521007 131 3325211381521269152139952153015216615217921521922 522053522183]522314||131 3331152244415225751522705 522835152-9661523096 5 2322615233561523486 5236161130 33411 52374615238761524006152413615242661524396152452615246561524785152491511130 3351152504515-517415253041525434525563152569315258231525951/526081152621011129 336 192633915264691526598 52672715268565269855271145272435273721527501|129 337527629527759 5278881528016 528145528274 528402|52853115286591528788129 338||$28916 529045 529174152930215294301529559152968715298151529943530072|128 339 53019915 30328153045615305841530712153083915 30968 53109615312231531351||128 340||5314791531607153173453186215319891532117153224515323721532499|532627||128 341||532754 532882533009 5331365332645333915335181533645 533772 5338991|127 342||$34026 33415315342801534407 534534534661 534787 534914 5350415351671|127 535294 5354211535547 53567453580015359271536053536179 53630415364321|126 34411536558)536685153681115 369375 3706315371891537315153744115 37567537693||126 345||$37819153794515380911538197538322|5384481538574153869953882515389511|126 3461439076 539202 539327 5394531539578539703, 539829 539954 54007954020411125 540320 54045515 40579 540705540829 540955541079541205 54132915414541125 34854157915417045418:9 541953/5420781542203 542327 54245215425761542701||125 349||44282=15429191543074 54319915433231543447/54357115436965438191543944_1124 : 347 + 1 1 + The Table of Logarithmės. N|| o | I | 2 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 D 35011544008154419215443161544440|5445645446881544312/544934154505915451831|124 35.111545307 545421 545555 545678 545802/545925|546049 546172 546296 546419||124 352546543 546666 5467891546913 547036 5471591547282 547405 547529 547652||123 35311547775 5478981548021 548144 548267/548389 548512 548635548758 548881||izz 3541149003154912615492491549371154949415496161549739 549861549984550106||123 1 3551155022855035115504731550595155071715508391550962|551084|5512061551328||122 35615514495515721551694 5518161551938 552059 55218115523035524251552547||122 357||55266815527891552911553033|553155553276 553398553519553640 553962121 35815538835540041554126554247 5543681554489554610554734554852 5549731121 3591155509455521515553361555457.55557815556991555819155594015560611556182) 121 3601155630315564231556544155666415567851556905155702615571465572671557387||1 20 3611557507 557627 557748 557868 557988155810815582281558349 558469 5585891|120 26211558709 55882955894815594681559188|559308 55942815595481559667559787 || 120 3631559907|560026 5601461560265560385 560504 560624 5607431560863 560982|119 3641156110115612211561339|5614591561578156169815618171561936|5620551562174119 1 365 ||562293|56241215625311562649156296915628871563006156312515632441563362||119 366|563481 563599 563718 5638375639551564074564192 5643115644291964548||119 3671564666564784 5649031565021 565139 56525756537615654941565612 565719|t 18 368|15658481565966 566084)566202 566319 566437 566555 566673 5667911566909||118 36911567026 56714415672621567379156749715696141567732156784915679671568084||118 370||568202|5683195684365685541568671568788/56899515690231569139|5692591|119 1327569374 569491 569608 569725 569842 569959570076 570193 570309590426 127 372||$70543 570659570776 570893 571009 571126 5712435713591571476571592|1171 373||571709 571825571942|572058572174.5722911572407 572523 57263915727551 116 374115728721572988157310415732191573336|573452157356815736841573799/5739151|16 1 375||57403115741 47 5742631574379574494157460915747261574841157495715750721|116 3761575188 575303 5754191575534/575649575765575880575996 57611157622611115 377576347576457 5765721576687 576802 576917 577032 577147 577262 577377||115 37811577492 5776071577722 5778365779511578066578181 578295578409 57852511115 379|157863915787541578868 578983157909715792125793261579441/579555157966910114 38011579784 579898580012580126580241|5803551580469158058315806371580811||114 38111580925 181039581153 581267581381 581495 581608 5817221581836 581949|114 332115820631582177 582291 532404582513 582631582745 158285815829725830851114 383 583199 583312583426 583539 583652583765583379 5839921584105 484218||113 3841158433115844441584587158467015847831584896585009 58512215852351585348||113 O. 38511585461 5855741585686158579915859125860241586137158624915863627586475||113 3865-865871586699 5868121586925 587037 587149 587262587374 587486587599||112 387158771115878231587935 58804715881591588272 588384 588496 588608 5887191112 383 588832 588944589056589167589279158939115895035896151589726|5898381112 389589949 590061159017315902841590396 5905071590619 5907305908425909531/ 112 1 . 1 393||5910651591176159128715913991591509591621159173215918435919551592066|111 391||592177592288 5923991592509159262115927321 592843592954593064 5931751|111 392593286593397593508 593618 593729 5938391593950 3940611594171 594282|111 393 594393 594503 594614 5947241594834/594945 3950551595165 595276 5953881|110 394/13954965956001595717159582715959371596047159615715962671596377|59648711110 1 395||596597596707159681715969-71597037159714615972563973665.97476 59758611110 396597695 5978051597914 598024598134 598243 5.98353598462598572 598681|110 397 ||598790 598399 599009599119 599228 599337 5994465995565936651599774 109 398599883599992 600109600210600319 6004286005376006466007551600864 109 399||600973 6010826011911601299|601408601517|60162516017341601843601951109 21 (h 2) . The-Table of Logarithmes. NO 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 15 16 17 18 19 D 402||602059160216916022771602386602494160260316028191602819160292816030361108 4016031446032536033616934691603577603686 603794603902 604009604118 |108 40260422660433416044421604550 604658 604766 604874604982605089605197||108 4031|6053056054131605521 605 628605736605844 60595 1160605 91606166606274||108 704116963811606489606596160670416068111606919160702660713316072411607348|1107 405160745516075621607669160777716078841607991608098160820516083121608419][107 400608526 6086336087396088471608984609061609167609274609381609488107 407|6995946097011609808 609914610021 610128610234610341 610447 610554107 408||61066016107671610873610979 611086611192611248611405|6115116116171106 4096117231611829|611936|612042]612148612254612359|6124661612572612678||106 4101612784/61288916129961613102161320716133131613419161352516136301613736||106 4111613842 613947614053 6141591614264614369 614475614581614686,614792|106 4121614897 615003 615108615233615319 615424 615529615634/615.73916158451105 4:36159501616055 6161606162656163706164766165811616686 61679016168951|1os 414116170006171051617210|6173151617419|6175251617629 6177346178391617943||105 4151618048161815316182571618362161846616185711618676618780161988416189891|105 41616190936191981619302 619406 619511619615 6197196193246199281620032||104 4171610135620240620344 620448620552620650620760620864 620968621072||104 4181620176 521280162138462144816215926216951621799621902 622007 622110|104 419|162221416223171622421|62252516226286227311622835 1622939633042623146||104 47011623249162335316234561623559162366316237661623869162397316240761624179||103 471624282624385624488 624591624695624798624997 625004625107 625209103 422||625312625415625518625627 62572446258271625929626032626135626237||103 423626340 62644362654662664862675162685362695616270581627161627263]|103 424116273661627468|6275711627673162777516378981627979162808 216281851628287 || 1oz 1 42516283891628491162859316286951628797628899162900216291041629206162930811102 42662940916295126296136297151629817629919,630021630123 630224630326102 427|6304286305296306316307336308356309361631038631139631241631342102 42863144416315451631647631748|631849631951632052|632153632255632356101 14291632457|63255916326591632761|632862/632963163306416331651633266633367| 101 4301163346816335691633670163377116338721633973634075163417516342761634376|109 431|6344776345781634679634779|634880634981 635081 635182635283635383/100 43211635404635584635685 6357851635886635.98663608763618716362886363381100 433|636483 636558163668863678916368895636989637089637189637289637389|100 4341|6374891637589163768916377891637889163798916380891638189|6382891638389 99 4351|638489163858916386891638789163888816389881639088163918816392871639387|| 99 4361639436639586639686,639785639885639984 640084640183640283640382 | 99. 4371640481 64058164068064077916408796409781641077 641177 6412761641375 99 43811641475 641573 641672641771641871 6419696420691642168642267642366 99 43911642465164256316416626427616428671642959643058164315616432551643354|| 99 449|64345316435511643650164374964384716439461644044164414316442421644340|| 98 441|644439|644537 644636 644734 649,832 6449301645029 645127 645226645324 98 4421645422645521645619 645717645815 645 913 6460r1 646109646208646306 4431646404164650216465996466981646796646894646992647089 6471871647285 4441647383647481647579647676647774647872 64796964806716481656482621) 98 445|164836016484581648555164865316487501648848164894516490436491401649237|| 97 446649335649432649529649627649724649821649919650016650113650210 97 44765030816504051650502165059965069665079316508906509871651084651181 97 448691278651375 6514721651569651666651762651859651956 652053652149 97 449||6522461652343.65 2439165253665263316527291652826_65292316530197653116| 27 98 98 IH The Table of Logarithmes. No11 II 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 D 94 45011653213165330916534051653502165359816536951653791/6538881653984165408011 96 45111654177 654273)65436916544651654562165465816547546548506549466550421 S6 45211655138165523516553316554271655523655619 6557156558101655906656002 96 45311656098165619465628916563861656482656577|6566731656769/6868641656960 96 454116570561657152365724716573431657438165753416576291657725565782016579161 96 4551165801116581071658201165829816583931658488165858416586791658774165886911 95 4561658965165906016591551659250659346659441 659536659630659726659821 95 457165991666001166010666020116602966603911660486660581660676 66077111.95 45816608656609601661055661149 661245 661339 661434 661529661623 661718|| 95 459)|661813661907|66200216620961662191 1662286166238016634751662569|662663|1 95 460166275816628521662947|663041|663135 166322966332466341816635121663607 94 46116639011663795663889663983664078166417216642666643591664454664548 94 46216646426647366648296649246650181665112665206)665299 665393665487|| 94 46316695816656756657696658621665956666049166614366623716663311666424 46411666518166661116667051666799666892166698616670791667173|6672661667359|| 94 465|1667453166754616676391667733/66782666791916680136681061668199166829 4661668386663479668572166866566875966885216689451669038 6691311669224 93 467669317 669409669503166959666968966978266987516699671670060670153 93 468|670246670339670431 670524 6706171670709 670802670895 670988 671080193 4691167117367126567135816714511671543167163616717286718211671913672005|1 93 4701167209816721901672283169237516724671672559167265216727441672836167292911 92 471 673021673.113673203673297 673389673482673574673666673758 673849 921 4721673942674034 674126 674218 674309 674402674494 674586674677674769 92 4731|674861674953675045 675 137 675228675319675412675503675595 675689 92 4741167577816758691675962676053167614516762366763281676419|676511167660211 92 47511676694167678516768761676968167705916771516772421677333167743467751611 91 4761677607 6776981677789677881677972678063698154678245678335, 678427 91 4771678518678609 678700 678791 6788821678973 6790641679755 6792461679337 478|6794281679519 679609679700679791 679882 679972 680063/680154 680245|| 91 4791168033616804261680517168060716806981680789168087968096916810601681151 91 91 480116812411681332 681422468151316816031681693168178416818741681964/682055|| 90 481116821456322351682326682416 682506682596682686682777 6828671682957 90 4821|68304716831371683227683317 683407_683497683587683677|68376768385711 90 4831683947 684037 684127|684217 6843076843966844866845761484666|684756 90 48411484845684935168502516851141685204685294168538316854731685563168565211 90 485|1685742168583116859211686010168609916861891686299168636816864581686547|| 89 486|686636686726686815686904 686994 687083687172687261 687351687439|| 89 4876875291697618687707|68775616878851687975 688064 6881531688242 688331|| 89 488|688419 688509688598688687683776 688865|688953 689047 689131689220 | 89 48911689309689378689486689575168966468975316898411689930 6900196901071) 89 49011690195169028516903731690462169055016906391690728169081616909051690993|| 89 491169108116911696912586913476914351691524691612691709691789691877|| 88 4921169 1968 16930536921426922291692318 692406 692494 69258369267.5 692759 88 493|1692847692935693023693111693199/693287 6933756934636935511693639|| 88 49416937271693815169390316939916940781694166694254/6943471694429|694517|| 88 49511694605169469369478716948681694956169504469513116952191695307169539411 88 49616954826955696956576957446958326959196.96007696094696183696269 87 497696356696444696531 696618696706696793696880696968697055697142 | 89 4981697229697317697404697491697578697665 977521697839697926698014 1499|1698101628788698275|698362698449|698535/698622169870916987061698883 87 871 + (i) 5 The Table of Logarithmes. NI 0111213141516171819 D 500||69897069905716991441699231169931716994041699491169957816996641699751|| 89 sou699838699924700011 700098 700184 700271700358 7004441700531700617 87 so27007047007907008771700963 7010491701136701222701309701395701482 86 503||701568701654701741701827 701913|701999 702086702172 7022581702344 86 5041170243017035177026031702689|702775 7028611702947170303317031191793205 86 CO CO 1 85 85 84 7 83 83 sos||70329117033777034637035 49/703635170372170380717038931703979704065 | 86 50670415317042367043221704408 7044947045791704665 704751704837704922 86 507|705008705094705179705265 705350705436705522705607 705693705778 86 50817058637059497060351706120706206 706295706376706462 7065 47 706632185 5091|70671817068031706888/706974170705917071441707219170731517073991707485:11 85 51011707570707655170774017078261707911170799617080817081667082511708336|| 85 $117084217085061708591708676708761 708846 708931 709015709100709185) 85 $12||709269709355709439 709524 709609 709694.7097791709863709948 710033 553|7101171710202710287 710371 7104567105401710625710709710794 710879 514117109631711048171113217178171711301/7113851711469171155417116391711723!! 84 515|711807171189217119767120601712144171222917123131712397 7124811712566|| 84 $16712649|712734 7118187129021712986713070713154713238713223-713409. 517|7134917135757136591713742 713826713910713994714778714162 7142461 84 $18714329 714714 714497/714581 7146657147491 714833.714916/714999 715084184 51911715167170525*17153351715478|71530117135*51745669171575317158361715919|| 84 5201|716003|716087|71617017162541716337|7164211716504|71658817166711706754783 521|716838716921717004 7170831717171717254717338 7174211717504717587183 522|71767117177547178371717.920171800317780867181691718253718336 718419 523718502 71858517186687187511718834,718917/7189991719083719165719248 524117193311719414719497171.9579171966371974517198:8|7199111719994720077|| 33 52511720159172024272032517204077204901720573|720655172073817208 2117209031|: 33 526720986721968 721151721-233721316 7:13997314811721563 7216467217281 82 52711721801172189372197572205817.2214017222221722305722387 722469172255282 5291722634722716 722798722881 72296372304572312717232091723291723374 32 529117234567235381123619|7:23701172378417238661723948 7240291741127241941) 82 $3011724276724358724439724327246041724685172476717348497249311725013 82 13711725095725196.125.215817253397254227255037255851725667725748 725829 82 532|17:25912725993 726075 1726156 726238|7163-19|77-26401172648317265641726646 133||72672772880072689017269721727053727134/727216727297 727379727459 5:3411727541172762317.2770417277851727866727948 72802917281701728 191.72827|| 835172835417284351748516172859772867817287591728841172892217290031729084 536|72916517292491729327729408429489 72956917296511729737298131729893|| $1 537172997417:300551730136 730217 730298 730378 730459|7305407306211730702 81 5381730782730863730944 731024 731105 131186 731 266 7313471731428 731508 SI 539117315891731669|731749|7318301131911/731991.732073173215317322331732313|| 88 5401173239417324"41732555173263517327151732796173287617329561733037733117 80 5:41||73319717332781733358733438 733518 733598 733679173375917338391733919 5421173399917340791734159 734239 734319734399173447917345591734639 734719 | 80 5431734799 73487917349591735039 735119 735 1997-35279735359 735439735510480 S4411735599173567917357591735838113591817359981736078173615717362371736317|| 80 5451736397173647617365561736635736715173679517368747369547370341737113|| So 546737192737292 737352737431737511737590737669737749737829737908 79 547||73796 738067738146738225.17383057383841738463738543738622738701 5482387881738859738939 739078739097 739177 739256739335739414739493 79 5491739572739651439731 739809|73988917399681740047/74012617402051740284 gt SI so 1 79 -79 1 ! The Table of Logarithmes. 1 N| o | 1 | 2 | 213141516171819D 791 79 78 73 55011740363174044217405 21 17405991740678174c757174083674091517409941741073 79 55111741152 741230741309741388 741467 741546741624741703 141782 741360 55211741939742018 1742096 74217517422547423327424111742489 7425681742647 553|7427257428027428827429611743039743118 743190743275 1743353743431 5541174350917435887436671743745174382317439021743979|74405817441361744215 5551174429317443711744449174452817446067446841744762 7448401744919/74-997|| 78 55674507517451.53745231 745309745387 745465745543745621 7456991745777 5571745855745933 7460117460897461671746245746323746401 746479 246556 78 55874663417467121746789 7468687469451747023747101 747179|147256747334 55911747412747489174756717476451747722174780017478 78 17479551748033748 110 78 78 ! 17 77 76 5601 748188748 266748343748421194849817485761748653748731/7488081748885 771 56174896374904017491187491957492721749349 749427 74950417495821749659 77 562|1749736 7498141749891749968 750045175012317501991750377 7503541750431 77 5631750508175058617506631750739750817 7868941750971175104817511251751202 77 564l|7512791,751356/75 14331751510/751587|751664|751741/75 1818{7518958751972 77 5651175204817521251752202175227917523561752433175.2509175253617526631752739 77 56617528167528931752969753047 753123 753199175377717533531753429753506 5671753583 7536591753736753813753889753966 7540427941197541951754272 568754348 75442575450175457817546547547301754807 7548837549591255036 56911755112175518917552651755341755417175549417555697556461755722175579911 76 57011755875175595117560271756103756179175625617563327564081756484175636011 26 59111756636756712756788756864756940 757016757992757168 757244 757320 59211757396 757472757$48757627 757699 757775 75.765 1757927758093.758079 573!1758655758230 758306758382758458758533 7586091758685758761758836 574117589121758988075906317591391759214175929017593667594411759517175959211 76 5751(7596681759743|75981917598941759969|760045|76012117601967602721760347|| 75 5761760422 760498 760573/760649 7607231760799760875760949 761025761101 577|1761176 761251,761326 761402 761477 7615521761627 7617021761778761853|| 75 5781761928 76200317620787621531762228 762303 7623787624531762529 76260411 75. 579117626791962754176282911629041762978176305317631281763203176.32791763353|| 75. 76. 761 76 75 74 58011763428176350317635781763653176,37271763892176387717639521764027_764101 75; 581764176764251 764326 764400764475764549.7646247646991764774/764843 75 5827649237649987650727651471765221 765296765370765445 765519765594 5831765669765743 7658181965892 7659667660471766115, 766189 766264 76633824 584117664131766487176656276663617667107667851766859176693337670071967082 74 585117671567672307673041767379176745376752917676011767675176774917678231) 74 58617678981767972 46304676811917681941768268768342 768410 763490176856474 587768638176871217637867688607689341769008 17690821769156769329,769303 | 74 588117693771769451 7695251769599 1696731769746 769820 7.698941769968 770042 58911770115 77018917702631770336770410177048417.70557777063117707051774778|| 74 s gal|7708521770926770999|771073|7911461771219|791293177136717714401771514|| 74 59117715877716.61771734771803177188117719551772028 772102 772175772248 59211772322772395772468177-54377261577-6881772762772835 772908772981 593||773055773128773201 773274773348773421 773494 773567 773640773713 59411773786177385917739337740061774779177415217742251774298177437137744. 595177451717745891774663)774736177480977488217749551775028]7751001775173|| 73 596975246 775319775392 775465775538 775650775683 775.756775829775902 73 597 ||775974 776047 776119776193173626.5 7763387964111776483776556776629 73 5981776701776774 7768467769191776992 777064777137 7772091797282 777354 59911777427777499/77.757217776441797717177778977786217779341778006778079 73 73 73 73 73 72 (12) 1 1 - t The Table of Logarithmes. NI 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 15 16 17 18 19 D 60011778151!7782241778296778368177844117785131778585177865817787291778802|| 72 60117788741778947 779019 779091 77916317792361779308 7793801779452 7795 24 72 6021779596 77966917797417798131779885 779957780029178010117801731780245 72 60317803177803897804617805331780605780677780749 7808211780893780965 || 72 6041|781037 781109|78118178125317813241781396178146817815391781612178168472 505117817551781827178189978197917820421782114178218617822557823291782401 72 606|782473|782544 7826167826881782759782831 782902 782974 78 3046783117 72 607|783189783260783332178340378 3475 783546783618 783689783761783832 || 71 608| 78390417839751784046 784118 784189 784261 78433278443784475 1784546 609||784617|784699 764759 7848311784902 78497417850451785116785137178525911 71 71 61011785329178540117854721785543178561517856861785757178582817358991785970!| 71 611|78604178611217861837862547863257863967864671786538 786609|786680 71 612117867517868327868937869647870357871067871777872487873191787389 71 6131 787460 787531 7876027876731787744 787815 787888787956788017788093 71 614178816417882391788309|78838178845217885221788593178866317881341788804|| 71 615117888751788946178901678908717891571789228178929917893697894391789510 71 6161789581 7896511789722 7897927898631789933|790004790074|7901447902151| 70 617||790285 7903561790426 790496790567790637790707790778790848790918|| jo 618||790988 791059 791129179.1199 7912691791339 791409 7914801741550791620 70 61911798691179176117918311791901179197117920411792111179238117922521792322|| 70 620||79239217924627925321792602179267217927427928121792832 17929521763022 621||793092793162 79323779330117933711793447 79351179358117936511793721 70 6221793791 793860179393017939991794069|794139 794209 794279 794349794418 10 16231794488 794558794627 794697 794767 7948361794906 794976795045 795115!! jo 62411795185179525417953241795393179546317955321795602795672795741795810 6251|795880179594917960591796088179615817962271796297179636617964361796505 || 69 636|796574,796644796713 7967827968521796921 79699017970597971291797198|| 69 627||7972687973377974067974757975457976147976837977521797821797890 69 628|79795917980291798098 798167 7982361798305798374 798443179851317985321 69 62917986511798719179878979885817989271798996|7990651799134179920317992721 69 691 68 63011799341179940917994781799547179661617996851799754179982317998921799961 6311800029 800098800167 800236 800305 800373 800442800511 8005798006481 69 632800717 800786 800854/800923800992 801061801129801198801266801335. 69 633 801404801472801541|8016091801678 801747, 801 815 80188418019521802021 69 $34||8020898021581302226]802295/8023631802432/8025001802568/802637|802705|| 68 63511802774180284218029101802979|803047803116180318418032521803321803389|| 68 636||$03457803525 803594 803662 803730 803798803867803935804003 804071 68 6378041398042088042768043441304412804480804548/80461618046851804753 68 638 804823 804889804957805025805093 805161 805229805297/805365805433 639||805501805569805637805705805773805841805908.805976806044/806112 68 64011806179180624818063161806384/806451180651918065871806655180672318067901168 641806858806926806994807061 807129807197807264807332807399807467 6421807535807603807670807738807806807873 807941808008808076 8081143 68 643 808211 808279 808 346808414808481808549808616 808684808751808858 64411808836_808953180902:180908818091561809.223.8092901809358180942518094921) 67 6451/80955918096271809694180976218098291809896809964/88003118100981810165 | 67 646|1810233810299 810367810434 810501 810569810636 810703810770810837 67 647||810904810971 811039811106811173 811239811307811374 811441 811508 67 648811975811642811709811776811843 811909811977812044)812111 812178 16491812245812312812379812445 8125121812579812646812713 8127121812847 67 68 67 67 . I The Table of Logarithmes . I 4 NI 0112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 D . 67 650||8129131812980181304781311418131811813347181331418133811813448181351 651813581813648813714813781 813848813914813981 814048814114814181 679 65211814248814314181438131444781451481458148146471814714814780 814847 67. 653118149133149798150468150138151291815246 815312815378815445815511 66 6541181557881564418157118157773158431815909815976816042816109816175 || 66 655|181624148163081816374/81644018165c68165731816639816705|3167711816838|| 66 6561816904816910817036817102817169817235 817301817367 817433817499 66 657817565817631 8176988177648178298178968179628180288180941818159 66 6581818226818292 8183588184241818489 818556818622818688 818754818819 66 659118188851818951181901718190831819149819215/819281819346181941281947€ 66 660118195431819609181967618197411819807181987318199398200041820070182013611 66 661||$20201 820267820333820399820464 820529820595820661820727820792 66 6621820858820924820989 8210551821129]$21186821251 821317821382821448 66 663821514821509821645182170982177518218411821906821972822037822103 65 66411822168 82223318222991822364/32242918224951822560 8226168226911822756 65 66511322822182288718229521823018182308318231481823213182327918233441823409|| 65 6668234748235391823605823669 823735 823800 823865823930823996824061 65 66718241268241911824256824321 824386824451 824510924581/824646824711 65 668824776824841 824906924971825030 825101 8251668252318252961825361165 6691182542682549118255568256218256868257511825815825880 825945826009ll 6's 67011326075182613918 26204182626918263341826399182646482652818265931826658 651 6911826723826787826852 826917 826981827046827111827175 827239 827305 65 6721827369827434327499827563827628 827697827757827822 827886827551 673828015828079828144828209 82827318283381828402828467 828531828595 67418286591828724 82878982885382891882898218290468291118291758292 65 64 + 64 64 641 67511829304182936818294321829497829561182962518296891829754182981818-5882 676 829947830011830075 830139 830204830268 83033-183039683046830525 6773305898306538.30717830781 830845 830909 8309731831037831102831166 6781183122918312948313581831422831486 5315491831614831678831741 83180664) 6791183186918319341831998832062183212615321821832253183231718323811832445|| 64 64 64 641 64 63 68011832509183257318326371832700183296418328 28.183 289218329561833019833083|| 64 6811833147833211 833275.833338 833402 833466833529833593833657833721 682833784 8338488339128339758340398341031834166 834229834294834357 6831834421 8344841834548834613834675834739834802834866 834929834993 6841183505618351191835 183835247183531018353738354371835500/3355641835627\| 63 - 6851183569113357541835817183588118359441336007183607183613413361971836261 63 6361836324 836387 836451836514836577 936641 8367048367671836830836894 63 687836957837019 8370838371468372098372731837336 8373991837462837525 6881837588837652837915837777837841837904837967838039838093 8381501 63 68918382191838282 83834513 334088384718385341838597183866018387231338786|| 63 6901183884913389121838975183903818391019839164183922718392891839352f839415 6918394788395418396041839667839729839792839855 839918839981840043 692840106 840169840232 840294340357840419|840482 8405 45840608840671 63 693840733840796840859840921 840984841049 841109841172841234 841297|| 63 6941|841359841423184148518415.4718416091841672841735184179718418551841922 63 69511841985184204718421091842172542235184229718423591342432842484184254 696842609842672842734 842796842859842921 84298 3843046 843108843170 697843233 843295 343357843419 8434828 435 44 8436068436698437314843293 699843855 8439181843979844042844104844166 84422984429184435384441562 693844477844539844601 844664/3447-26844788 844849844912844978450361 62 63 63 62 62 62 1 (k) + The Table of Logarithmes. f N 0111213141516171819 D 62 6.2 70011845098184516013452228452841845 3461845408184547084553218455941845656 62 7018457181845779|845842 8459041845956846028846089 846151846213846275 702||463378463998464618465238465851846646 846708846769846832846894 62 10318469553470171847079 8471418472023472648473268473388474491847511 1041847573847634847694347758)84781913478318479438480041348067 348128 62 7051.18481891348251134831284837+1848 +3584849734855913486208486821848743 62 706848805848866 84892884898984905 18491121849174849235849297 849358 7078494193494312495421849604 849665849726 8497881849849849911 849972 61 70813500338520911850156185021.7850279185033918504011850462 8505 24350585 7091 350646135070718507698508291850891 8509521851014851075851136851197 61 61 61 71011851258185131918513811851442/8515031851564135162518516861851747851809|| 61 7118518698519311851992 852053852114 852175852236 8522971852358 852419 61 712185247918525411852602852663852724 85278518528468529071852968853029 61 713185308918531509532118532728533338533941853455/8535168535771853637 61 71411853698853758135381918538818539418540021854063185412418541851854245 61 71511854306185436718544281854488185454918546091854670185473118547921884852 61 7161854913854974 355034355095 895156855216 855277855337 855398855459 61 71718555198555798556408557018557618558228558828559438560031856064 61 7188561241856185 856245|856306856366/85642718564871856548856608856668 60 7191856729,856789185684983691055697018570311857091185715218572121857272 60 720118873321857393155745318375131857574)8576341857694185775518578151857875 7218579358579958580568581168581761858236858297 858357858437858477 72284853785859718586578587188587781858838858898858958859018859078 723859138859198 859258859318859379859439 859499859559859619859679 724118597391059799185985918599181859978136003818609988601581860218860278 60 60l 60 60 60 60 60 72511860338186039818604581860518860576186063718606971860757/360817186c877 7268609371360996 861056861116 8611761861236 86129586135586145 861475 7271|861534 861594 861654/861714 861773861833186189336595286201 21862072 7281862131186-1918622511862310 862369862429|36248918625491862608 862663 7291,8627288627878628471862906862966863025136308518631441363204863263 60 60 60 . 59 730118633231863382863442863501186356118636208636798637391863799186385811 59 731||863917 863977 864036 864096 864155 864254 864274864333 864392,864452 59 732 864511 864570864629864689864748 864808 864867 864926864985 8650451 59 7331865104/865163 865222865282 8653418654001865459865519865578 865637 | 59 7341/86569618657551865814/865874/86593386599-866051 866110|866169866228 735118662871866346186640586646518665241366583866642186670118667598668191| 59 736866878 8669371866996 867055867114 867173 867232 867291867349867499 ! 737867467 867526867585 867644 867703 867762867821 8678798679391367998 59 738 8680568681158681741868233 8682921868350 868409 868468868527 8685861 59 739||868643/8687031868762868821868879868938186899718690568691148691731 59 اور 58 58 58 740|186923218692907869349186940'518694661869525186958418696421869701186975911 59 741 8698181869877 869935869994870053870117 8701698702288702871870345 59 742870404870462870521 870579 3706381370696870755870813870872 870930 7431870989871047 871106871164871223871281 871339 871398 871450871519 74411871573871631 87168987174887180687186518719231871981/8720391872093 745872156872215187227318723311872389187244818725068725641877622372631 746872739872797872855 8729138129728730298730888731468732041873262|| 58 147|1873325 873379873437873495 873553873611873669873727 8737851873844 | 58 7481|373902 873959874018 874076 874134874192874249|374308874366874424) 58 14987448:187453987459887465687471487477487482987488818749451875003|| 58 ? 58 1 1 The Table of Logarithmes. NO 58 58 58 17591188024-8832991880356188041317080527188058518806421880699188075611 57 78139265118927071892762189281818928731892929189298518830401893096 893151 I 2 750118750611875119/87517718752351871293187535118754091875466875524187558211 58 as 137563918756983757568758134875871 8759291975987876045876102876160 75211876278 8762768763331876391 876449 376507 376564876622876679876737 753 876795 8768531876910876468 8770261377083877141 877199 8772561377314 75411877371877429187748718775 44/877602 37765987771713777741877332/67788911 58 75511877947878004,87836218781191878177187823418782921878349878407187846411 57 7568785:2878579 878637 878694 8787528788081878866 378924 878981879039 57 757879096 879153879211 879268879325879382879459879497 8795551879612|| 57 758879669879726 879784879841 8798988799553800131880070880127880185 57 7601188081418308711380928188098518810428810991881156188121318812711881328 57 761881385881442 8814991888556881613881669|88172788178418818471881898 57 7621881955882012 882069882126 382183 88:2239882297882354882411 382468 57 763|8825258325318826381882695882752882809 882866882923882979883037 57 764118830931883050833207|8832641883321|88337783343418834911083548 88360sli 57 765118836611883718188377518839321383888 1883945188400218840591884115188417211 57 7601884:291384235 884342884399884455 884512884569884625 884682 384739 767884795 884852884909884965 $850221885078 885135 885192 885248885305 57 7688853611885418885474885531 885587 885644 885700385757 885813 885 869 57 76911835926885983886039|896096886152|8862098362658863211 886378/886434 36 27011886491188654713866041386659180671618867731886329188688588694118869981 56 ] 771887054 887111887167887223887279887336 887392 8874491887505 887561 56 772887617 887674 887720 887786 3878428898981887955380011 8880671388123 773 888179 888236 888292888348 388404 888460 888516888573 888629888685 56 774|8887411888797_888853 883909 588965889021 8890778891348891898892461 36 775118893021889358188941413894691889526188958:188963818896941889749188980611 56 7768898621889918899974390029 890086 8901411890197 890253890309890365 777890421 890477 899533890599890645390909 890756 890812390568890924 7781890979891035891091 891147 891203 891259 891314 391370891426891482 7791189153713915931891649189170518917601891916 8918728919281891983189203911 56 780118920951892150189220618922621892317189237318934291892484189:5391892595 56 56 78289320793262893318 393373893429893484 893939893595.893651189370656 783393762 893817893873893925893984894039 894094894149 894205894261 SS 7841/8943161894371 8944271894432894530894593 3946431894704 894759894814 | 55 56 56 56 56 78511894869139492518949801895036139509118951461895 2011895257189531218953671) 35 786895423895478895533895588/895644 895699)89575489580989586418959191 55 7871895975896029896085 896140896195 8962518963068963611896416|896471|| 55 1881896526 3965 &1 8966368966929967471896802 896857896912,396967897022 55 7891397077897132 397187 8972428972978973528974073974628975171897572 55 790118976271897682/8977378977928978471897902189795718980121893067898122 SS 1918 981761898231 898 286 898341 8983961898451898506898561898615892670|| 55 792898725895789898835898339398944 8959998990548991098991641899218 551 79318992731899328189938318994378994921899547 899602 8996568997111899766 55 1941|8998 21 89987518999291899985900039300094900149900203|90035819003121 55 7951190036719304229094761900531/9005869006409006951900749|900804190085911 55 79619009131900968 9010221901077 991131195119690124090129519013491901404 797 1901458901513901567 901622901676 931731 9017851901839 9018941901945 54 798902903902057 902112 902166902221 902275902329902384902438 902492 54 799||90:547 902601 9026551902709.902764 902818190-873|9029271902981199303611 54 SS + 1 (k 2) 1 1 1 1 The Table of Logarithmes. . No | | 1 | 2 | L|و| 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 اور 781 535و4 9035 |3190330719033619034161903469 903144903199190355 و 308 30 300 26 19640669041ء 69.401 301903633903637903741903795903849190320495395 30:1 904174| 9042990428 33904337904391 19044459044999045531904607904661 202 05و 144 955 904932904286902539905094[49e4878 48 و 9476 [4716ہوا303 اور ال905742 | 68 05وه 63 905 |26905580 5 9054721905|418 4905 36 35و90531c1[256 30411955 24 54 C 24 54 ال906281|9061731906247 |8906012906c66956119 90595[904 55وا05579690,849 || 05 و90644319c649790655190665490665819c671290676690681 و638: و 335 306 306 9730419c7355و9071439071969672500 و 768ووا 1907.035 1750798 و1906874906 807 کو 7وو37841و07787 و 076859677341و97626و07573و او: so74659075 : 19074 308 اور ا|431وو [o8378 4 : 083 و 9217908275ووا163 908 اوہ 19080569081ء 309907949190800 54 4 ؟ 34 08967 و 14 و 698 968 [887 58753908واووo86و 46 6 08واد و 5 19085391908 485 8101908 909396909449909503 |0909342و18 و19091819093590 8ء ، وهو [ 1909074- 9095 | 3II اور 841910037وو 30/9 8239095779099 و90 و90960990966390971690976 909556 | 312 16571و18 105 1035910411910464 و 9715251910304 9101 44 9101 | 910c91 || 313 زر ال911051911104|دووه91 [44 و10و11و108 و 84 91083 41 106.41910678910731,1078و314 ا 53 53 1 23 23 (911584911637[911535[477 11و911424[371 9I1|81,911138911211112631911317 و120631912116191216و1و100 911946191[91184991903|5911743914797و6 8161911 مر 9125949126471917|47 9124359124889145[381 و 7519113 : 31:ة 91 ==-1و 817 913178913231|2966913019913572913125 397 85991291ء اور 912753912806[818 137081913761و655; 1و136o2و45 135و133371913389913443913494و1384وااو31 53 53 53 53 olو42 91[14237و4184 191ء3 41 21 و492691407 913973191و91391[13861و32olly1384 53 و1481و [14766و914665914713 4608 39145559-450 3211191434394396191444991 347 4212 ور4191- راواو91218 361 1ر 91[912039915583[14977واء:149و1487zو11ءة 8 475ر1وا:82 راو 205191555891561191664915716913769 15و3 39991545 8391 14391629691634919164c1 191916 91916;9161[59799160331916585 1591791و8 : 41 53 53 23 0I 8591 645 491 507]91655991661 2191 666491.6717\91676991 62 22916875 916927 7453 91734891740091) 17295 0917 : 43و170339176859171389171و8و16و8a61 191797 17925و91761119176639117161917768917820 / 91773[8 و 175و8 : 26175061 و18و449 919|19345918397 18.939 و 828918030191858391813591818891824 026و1ر ;1و18و11و18واو S86 ،9188169[8764 ، 19187129ء 918555121860791865] او:8 ܐܐ 53 53 2 در او4 9444994969195 :19ء 1939و9339 91 [918319192351919287 919130191|78رو[830 2007 9679200199و491 91و91 = 975891381091986 97o691 91 | 3 1965و9601 91 | 831 عر 3 9:05 | 41 205 و 20384920436920489 و 20176902289207992033 01:39 وراء83 II14 : 9210629 و20906920959100 و 3 2069792074919 : 08o192o85 و 33311910645 52 (21634 و309215821 9 : 15|478 21 و 1426 و 1892117092132291374 83411911661 22 52 4 8 ۲: : ال154: وا1205592210aو8و491194619 : 19 و18429 : 18 و 921790 [19 : 1686921738 835 2674 و 22 226و2466922318922569 2و41 141 192ء36:وه31 932|22069258و836 : و31و23089923140و[23037و1942985 1933 و 881=دواو:227779228و[1275 وال837 9 : 34519350392355592360792365923710 43296923348923399 و 244 23 و838 51 |28 249241769 : 42 9 : 45 : 19 : 40729241 |9 : 3969 [49238651973917 381=واء1376 و 8391 ك 52 1 دک 44 1947 4693 و41 46 9 : 443419448619245389245899[1433119 : 4383وا84011924279 : ؟ 26 25و209 45و157 25 و 106 425 92500392505 |1 489992495 - 48489 و 8411914796 دک 25776و25725 و 55699256 : 125673 و18 9:55 [167 و 415 22 و 53641:واء192531ء4 ک او 26و39 262 و 26188و26034926085916137 و 321و 25و25931 واد32 و 025328||943 در 268 49 649782654891659992665191670292675 و 84all9a63429639426445 ای او 1927114927165927216927264191731ء92701192706 و 9168571969o8191695|45 اراء 783:و | 27781وو2767494772و27576917627 و 24 75وا27473واء 742و846927370 28345 و1928242918293 9191دواو3 281 و23088و80371و7986:وار7883993-8479 28857و880 و4 2875 و8703:واء 2865 و29601 واوور28و8و28 و 8396928447 و88 360 29 و 1929166929317 16392926و 11:52 29و561وووووووور و918 90 5. و{849' I 4 . I دک I \ F 1 1 -- 1 The Table of Logarithmes . NII 0 I 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 D SI 8501192941919-9470:9-95211929572192962314296741929725192977619298271929879 SI $511929429 929.940 930032230083930134930185 9302369302879303381930389 SI 452930439 930491 930542930592 930643 930694930745 930796930847930898 SI 8531 9309499349991931051931102931153931204931254931305931356931407 SI 354!93145819315091931559 9316101931661|93171293176319318141931865 931915 SI 355119319661932017/9320681932118932169193222019322711932322932372/93242311 51 8561932474 932524932575 93262619326771932727932778932829932879932930 857 1932981 93303119330829331339331831933234 9332851933335 933386933437 58 8581933487 933538 9335893336399336899337401933791 93384) 933892 933943 SI 85911933993193404493499419341451734195193424693429693434719343971934448 56093449819345491234599193464993470019347511934S01 93485219349021934953|| so 861 9350031935056935104 935154193520519352551935 306 9353561935426 935457 so! 8629355079355581935608935658 535709935759935809 935859 935910 935960 So 863 936011036061936111 S36162936212|936262 936313936363936413 936463 So 3641193651419365649366141936665|936715|9367651936815 9368651936916336966! 365119370161937066 937117193716719372171937267937317193736719374181937468 || 50 8669375189375689376181937668 937718 937769937819 93786919379191937969 $0 867|938019 938069 238119|938169938219938269938319 938369938419 938469 So 868193851919385691938619 938669938719938769938819 938869938919938964 8691193901919390699391191939169|939215|939269|939319|939369939419|939469|| so 8709395191939569 939619193966919397191939769939819193986993991893996811 50 871940018 940068940118940168940218 940267|9403171940367940417940467 501 1872940516940566940616940666940716 940765940315940865940915 9409641) sos 873941014941064 941154941163941213941263941313941362 941412 941462 So 8741|941501 9415611941611941660194171019417591941809194185919419091941958 so SO 87594200819420581942107/9421571942207194225694230612423551942405942455 376119425041242554194260319426531942702 942752942801 942851 942901 942950 577 | 9429999430499430991943148 943198 943247 943297 943346 943396943445 8781194349519435449435941943643 943692943742 943791 9438411943890943939 879||943989 94403819440981944137/94418694423612442851944335 1944384944433 So so 49 49 49 830944483194453294458119446311944680194472919447799448281944877944927|| 49 1881944976 9450251945074945124 945:73,9452221945272 9453:1945370945419 49 1882 945466 9455189455671945616945665 945715945764945813 945862 945912 49 883945961 9460099460591946108946157 946207946256 946305 94635 4946403 49 8341194645294650119465511946599946649194669819467471946796946845946894 49 885194694319469921947041194709019471399471891947238164728719473361947385|| 49 386947434 9474839475324947581 947629 947679 947728 947777947826 947875 42 887947924947973 943022 948070 948119 948168 948217 948266 948315 948 364 49 898948413948462948511 9485599486099486571948706 94875594880494885311 49 8891 948902948951 948999 949048194999719491469491951949244949292 949341|| 49 8.90119493901949439194948894953619495851949633949683949731194978019498291| 49 8911949878 949926949975 950024 950073 9541 21 9501709502191950267 950316 49 892950365 950484950462 950511950558950608950657 950706 950754950&oz 49 893||950851 950900950949950997 951046951095951143951192951240 951289 491 8941/9513331951386 95143519514831951532195158019516391 9516771951729951775 || 49 8951195182319518721951920/951969195 2017|952066952114|952163952211195225911.49 8969523089523569524059524531952502952550195259995264795269695274 897952792952841 992889 952938952986953034 953083 953137953179 953228 898853276953325953373 953421195346995351&f953566953615 953663953711 189911953759195380819538569539051953953954001195404919540991954146 954194 48 48 48 (1) The Table of Logarithmes. IN || 2 | 2 | 3456 D و78 48 4677 1995 46 99 458 448495453295 95[4339954387954435 95[491 43195 42 وو !ooو 4955562955110955558 49669550I 95|4918 95و486 و 4773954821 47 : 595 زو 21و 447955495955543195559295563 19553991955 35 107955559553031955 و 95 | 95 60249560729561.0 95597695 9 955 و395566895573695578415583295588 ہو 6601 956505956553195[457 956 و40 9563611956[956265956313 [256168956116 41 دو 48 20596664995 66979567459567939468 409,668895693695.698 495703957080 48 و195755 49575 46 7 95736895741695 و 131 957224957272195|56957128957176« 307195760795765593770395775 1957799957547957894 95 94-95 7990953038 8 48 4 4 16 4689585 58373958421958 و 81775832 رو او22 5o8695813495818i958ور ہو 48 41 و89 9895894695 588واه 882 25 (9587557955853 [59659958707( 959564258612 |91 در 48 ! 4 : 595947 59328959375959 ورو27و5واء 23 و 13795918595 و 95 و 98 و 95 +964 1095 و 959947اوو38 299 96149596619597699597579598042598 95 66 95 1895 95 9II95 6032896537696043 و 6o280وا233 60 9651859 009960138 6 19-96004 95و9ووداو 48 اوو 12608;608و 697569608o4و وہ07او960613960661 66 605 و 18 60471960sو | 13و 47 61346961374و61279و 961184961231 [961136 61089و 641 961 اووو960 [46 وهو !!4 91 48 2 231 1801261848 اول 658196170696175 11961ه 1961 63 196151619645 و46 61و 41 61واو 62312و127 6و2179962227 96113296 961990962039962085 1943 196 61895و16و وو627و62653962701962748و1606 96 و 255 231196) 464 136596141762 96|97 63174963221963268و26 631واو 307 6 و 63032و5و6و37و962 و8 1842962 1896 و 963693963741 [963646 وور1963ء 2193315963363196341c96345796325496355 47 47 47 47 47 47 (1 : 1 :64118964165964و4971 6397796401496واو2و63و9637581963835963882 0 9 47 ا4 468 26463796 و6458واء4 45 6 و 4449964495 440196 496 435 964307196 و 219642 و 65155 و 198 65061965 و 3 64969650i وو491 487296 2496 48 196477496 473 96اء و 624, 96|4965531965578 48 5 6 و 437 565 و38 9653431965 [296 و 96 و4 2 65واء: 965 3 2 47 ، وهنا 96|66048 و 66001 54 و 65 و 906 5 6 و او 65766965813196585,او96571 [672 و 96 ا9 : 4 47} 47 1 47 {64 65 6651796 و470 96637696642366 [966329 [ 83-9661899662391966 (966142 | 95 6967533 26633996698 و459668 668 و او6679 و 66589667059667521 وو 66611واو 4967501 96745 | 408 1967 716796731496736) و دد 9671739674|27 671 او 67 : 57و27 و 47 و96787596792296796 و96759619676429676885677359677826782 | 49 9289675 47 68436 و 9683439683821 أهو: 1968 و14 68 و 02 968 56 69 واو10 1968ء 56 966 68516 ورود و 47 47 . 939|1968 48 319685299635769636:3968669968716968763|9688o9968856968902 I و36 و394 693 و69276واود: 31969 18و6 و 136و96 و 58و 6و349689499689969695431و 35 97419697899698 96 95 96 96 و 696 و396952996955696965 45و5و6 6941واد93 47 4970300 97025|970207 19750689701141970161 289699759700 9و96 [882 و6و33 و 97o67297071976766 (33970579970626 9704969705و97039397043 47 349703 و 47 47 47 ) 46 935 970812 46 {{و97118397122[971095971137 971044|1970828970904970951973997ء 9716010971647971693\4 5 2 971503971 461 2971 4 971و2769713229713 971 36 و 411097 : 157 497 206 97|1972018 97197 92 971 71739971786971832971879و37و که او 97.57397261 [27 49724819745 43 971263972249972295972342971383972 [38 و 46 {اء 308 97|973035 و 198 4397 و1974897972 9728497285|9716669717129727.58 46 46 1 وو 940973118|97317497322097 3266]97333973359973405197345197397|973543 44 941 942|974050974097|974 143974189974235|974281 974327|974374) 744191974466 974005و1395و131و66973 9731749738209738|1973728ء 368 37363697 او358 97 4 46 46 46 46 49 : 6 4981997 3497 97469s19747429747989748 و7460497464و943974510974558 386 294975339915 481975 * 1975ء 20 9751561975و75oi897506497510واء9441197497 1975616975662975707975763975799975845 و56 47895541975 9754321975 [451 و 76304و1976 : 58-76167976و 9469758919759379759839760299760759761 5799766259766719767171976763 تا 7633397و97634997639676449764381 [47 و 91720[77176واو:770379776839771واء وو76546976ووو768واه 97685|768o8و8و يه (77495775419775897763977678و1و977266977311977358977455197744 اووو 46 کو 48 ! مد The Table of Logarithmes. | No|1| 2 | D| و | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | . 46 I 95 39790939791 38|979184979 : 2979:75979329793669794 2979457979503 46 46 46 46 45 45 978135 و 97804297868|2977998 97790697795 977769977815977861|5o9777 : 4 46973591 550,785 4978 45 978و36397840 978|978 : 72978317 کد 978181978 | 951 647و7واء6و7و956 978911978 | 978865و97877497881|1978637978633978728ء کو 958و1و12وو97|67 119738: 979739797769798 و 3997968 94,796 489795 49795 95 198o185 980231980-769832298636798o41 و198o094198o13 و3005398004 و 955 .8087 و 80s 9498o639980685986735980776980821 و 49 8045398oso39855و56 54798129 : 19816379316839817 : 5981773 1456981501931 589313669814198و و 8 و 2181 235198 28 و209 204593 193 1992 493 195 3190998و 4 86: 3 [31519و 59 26331981678 258898 43198 24979825 298 98245 [407 - 136298 8و16 3: 3227193و 965 وع 830859831و3039 98 94و2 8و2949 29 294 293 285 1498 28 9و و3.76 و 3-7-3و961 3591 38 36 35 98 |33356993401983446983490و23322ca63265983310 (983175 62و 403 Sو (983987 = 394 98 33897واء 380798385 3376298و (33616933671983716و63و د 443798448 8 - 439 4392198934798 98[4257 93 | 4:12 8416798وا:12 984077193 [64 و ک4 1 I 45 45 r 1 I | 1 45 45 45 45 45 965 \ 84527198457298461798 466 = 984757984752198 4797 | 98 48 42984887\98 4332 || 45 1 45 45 4 4 : 38 85337985و:29 85و247 2986 20 85157985واء11 85و85067و350 : 2و4977 8و66و 38,830 386 5696985741985 56198560698565198 85و6 51 471985 و 98 416 935\967 و986234286.7 [6189 198609998614498 6009986055 8596598و 10 و875985, 8و968 و ال1986727ء 98668 [936293986637 ]48 3198645899650419865 41 6 93636998 [986324و6و 1987175 و198699698704098708598712 8690698695و1986772936817996861[دو x2 875779876واء 8753و488 9874431987 | 398 87وا3 35 87 و 4997309 :987 و 9721و 971 So68 و 87979993624و937934 و8788و57666987711997756987800997845 و 72و 45 884259884698814و8839 و 398811398815798820298824798829983336 97 که ال8896و16و88و98871و88826واء98878 |98737وا:98869 48 886 و 88559998604 و 74 45 45 45 Q0 45 44 44 44 405 و8 و316989361و4 و 172و18398922798و8و138 و 89094193وا989049 | 35 و 196 975 856و8و8c6 و8 و761و8و1989717ء967 و 628و8 و 989584 39 495و89494 و 449 و 1978 90 : 94و9025و2206وو95117995161واء207وو002 و 83و59 و 89939 و989995 977 38 307و4و9906 و9064و90561193c6o5و90472990516و9789953399903430990428 44 ||1182 99 [37 وو3و16وو 1049وو [1004وو60 و90و16وووو [937831,90327290871 و 9791 44 ال 991625 |1580 وو1536وواء و14 وول 449 91و403 اوول 1359ووا 131 ووا1270وو 126وهو 2023992667وووووو ا35ووو هووو | 175399182991846 و1713وواو 166وو:28 465992509-وو41 وو [377 ووا:33 وو 92288و 44:وواوو دوور دوو :II:وداء و 99295 [957:ووا 863: وو او 281 و429926869917309927749 26وووووو4 455 399 93 933392{3304993348 وواو 99325\99995993539199308399312799317993216\984 44 44 44 44 I 93833و937891 و 343699348o993524993568993613993657993701993745و519و 994273او:4 وور418وو 869938779939219939659940c9994053994097994141و 94669994713و4625 وو94581و37 944499944939945و495 994 [94361د(394317 || 7» و 44 21 15 109995 95و5061وو394933994977995521 و99484599488 42oi 699 ;947 98 95547995591 و 504 995 أو 45 95و416 2995 37 995 ،99532 241 کو 95:40 96 95وووو 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 ه 4 ||996019 986 95و [942 1995 98 958و41 995811199585 [672995723995764 1995 35 56وورادوو 9638o9964-4996468و96337و3و62ووو4: 6 زو05-996 | 6117996161 وو 24 6 9999 967749968r8 ] 99686 2969e6و(6731وو(99996643996687 65551965ووا:1 2965 (922 4997168997112997455597299997343: 93997037997o8o9971و9231799949996 ;199773699777ء 17997569976599764899769 49975 47 97و994 / 19913861597430 44 اإ8216 وواء9817و129 98و9841998o95و8و979و41 9795و979ro1و1997823997867 95و 2 265و99852998564998608 477 998 |98390999434و969992299983531,98347و ووووو ا999043 و99 998 399895 S91 وو او852699886ووا 98783 و 98739و99695 و 97و : وووواو47ووو61999305999348999392999435 ووو 149992181ووو ا133وووووو 57وووووووووو2699986 0997839998 39 97ووووووووء 965وواو960وو [65 وووواووو I 44 44 44 43 (12) + 1 - 一 ​1 4 * { - 十 ​{ } A TABLE OF PROPORTIONAL PARTS, Whereby the Intermediate Logarithmesof all Numbers, and the Numbers of all Logarithmes, from 10000 to 100000, may more readily be found out by the fore- going Table of Logarithmes. D111213141516171819 D111213141516171819 22 22 46 20 21 113 II 22 21 22 22 SII 171 22 18 24 30 36 42 43 431 4| 8| 121 171 21 251 301 341 38 44 41 8 13 17 26 30 351 39 451 41 91 131 18 271 31 36 40 4 91 13 18 23 27 321 36 41 471 41 9 14 18 23) 281-321 37 42 481 41 91 141 19 241 281 331 381 43 49 41 9 141 19 241 29 341 39 44 SOSIO IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 Sil: 510 IS 20 251 30 35 40 45 521 5/10 is 26 311 36 41| 46 53! 5 10 15 261 311 371 42 | 47 54 S10 16 27 321 37 43 48 551 SII 16 27 33 33 44 49 565 II 16 281 331 391 44 so 570 5 281 341 391 451 si 581.5|11|17| 23 29 341 40 461 52 59 siis 17 231 29 351 41 47 53 601 612 54 61) 6/12| 18 24 30l 36] 42| 481 54 621 6112 18 24 311 37) 431 49 55 631 61131 181 251 311 371 44 501 56 64 612 19 25 32 38 44 511 57 6.5 1673 191.26 32 391 451 52 58 661, 6113 19 26 33 391 46 521 59 67 613) 20 26 331 401 46 53 60 68.4 61131.20 27 341 401 471 54 61 6916131 20 271 341 41 481 55 62 70 7 14 21 281 351 421 491 56 63 711 714 21 281 351 421 491 56 63 72 714 21 281 36 431 50 57 64 731 71141 21° 29 361 431 SIT 581 65 741 714 221 29 37 44 511 591 66 751 7115 22.30 37 451 521 60 67 761 715 30 381 45 53 601 68 771 71151 23 30 38 46 53 611 69 781 71151 231 311 391 461 541,621 70 79 7 151 231 311 391 471 55 631 71 : 801 8 16 24 321, 401 481 56 64 72 81 816241 321 40 48 56 64 72 82 81161 24 32 41| 49 571 651 73 831.8116 241 331 411 491 58 661 74 841 816 251 33 42 50 58 67/ 75 858171 251 341 42 si 591 68 76 86 81171 251 34) 431 si 34 43 51 60 681 77 87 81171 26 341 43 52 601 6978 88] 8117 26 351 441 521 611 70 79 891 8117 26 35 441 53 62 711 80 90.9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 91 918 27 36.45 54 63 72 81 92 118271 361 461 55 641 731 82 93 918 271 37 46 551 651 741 83 941,9|18 281 371. 471 56 65 75 84 95 | 919 28 39: 47 57 661 76 85 96 9 19 281 381: 48.57 67 761&6 97! 9119! 291 381 481 581.67 771 87 981 91191 291 391 491 581 681 781 88 99 919 29 394959697989 2010 20 301 40150 60 70 80 90 101 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 102/10/20 101201 30 401 51 611 71 811 91 103/10/201 301 41 SI 6172182192 104 1020 31 41 52] 62 721 831 93 IOS 1021 31 4252631 731 841 94 106 1021 31 421 53 631 74) 84 95 107 101211 32 421 531 641 741 851 96 1081101211 321 431 541 641 751 861 97 109 10 21 32 431 541 651 76 87 98 1101122 33 44 551 66 77 88 99 111 11221 33.44 551 66 77 88 99 112111 22 331 441 56 671 78 89100 331 451 571 671 78; 901101 114 11 22 34 45 57 68 791 91102 115 11 23 34 46 57 69 80 92 103 116 11231 34 46 581 691 81 92 104 1171111231 351 461 581 701 81) 93105 1181111231 351 471 591 701 821 941106 119|11 231 351 47 591 71 831.95 107 120 12 24 36 481 60 72 84 96 108 12112124 36 48 601 72 841 96 108 Iz2121241 36 48 611 731 851 97 109 1231121241 361 481611 731 861 981110 124 12 24 37| 491 621 741 86 991111 125 12:51 371 50 621 75 871100 112 126 12 25 37 50163) 75 88 100 113 127 12 251 381 501 631 76 881011114 I 281121251 381 51 641 761 8911021115 129 13 25 38 51 641 77 90 103 116 130 13 26 39 52 65 781 91 104 117 13113 26 39 5265 78 91 104117 132/13/26 391 52 66 791 92 1081118 133113126 391 531 661 79 93106119 13413 26 40 53 67 801 931107120 135 13 271 40 541 67 814 941108121 136 13 271 40 54 68 811 95 108 122 137113 271 411 54 68 821 951109|123 138131271 411 55 691 821 96110|124 1391327 411 55 691 83) 971111125 140 14 28 421 56 70 841 98 112126 141 1428 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 142 141281 42 56 711 851 9911131127 143/141281 421 571 711 85110011141128 144 14 28 431 57 72 86 100 115129 145 14 28 43 58 721 87 1011161130 146141291 43 5873 87 102116131 147 141291 441 58 731 881102|1171132 148141291 441 591 741 881031181133 149 14 291 44.591 74 89 104 119134 150115 30 45 60 75 901105120-135 ISI115301 45 60 75 gopros 1201135 15211530 45 601 761 9111061211136 1531513o 45! 601 761 9110711221137 IS 411513048 61 77 15515311 46 62 77 93108124139 156 15 311 481 62 78 93-109 124140 157115!311 47! 62! 78 941109|1251141 1581151318 47 63 791 9411101126 142 15911511 471 631 79 95T1127143 160116 32 481 64 8096112128144 161 1632 48 64 80 96112128 144 162116 97111311291145 22 11 92/107|123|138 6132 48 641 81 (m) 1 F | | The Table, of Proportional Parts. |12 3 \8\7\6\راوا3 Dli al و 6171819 آر او ادا2{1}D 321346 | 69| 9116/1391621 185 1:08 | او 163 16132, 48 65 52 98 | 114 | 1351146 16:16 32 49 668 : 98114} : 31:47 165 1633 49 66 82 99112132148 633 167\113) 20 6 9312016\13 3:30 و20 (186|163 116139|93 |69 23312 : 46 10: {3117 / 140 / 163187و 10 2341 : 3146 51II 48 6 1171411اوو 1 |235123147 148 116132149|99 |83 |66 او4 1633 166 3350 Iooji171134 : 51 |84 |67 |20 أ168116133 در: 101118135|84 |67 اور 1633 و16 3 1362 أو ioi | r1|85 |68 136153 و 10:11 ,8 681 51 34[17ilia 3623147| 70| 94| 118|14116518] 212 23723147| 71| 94|1181421651189|213 238 2347 18135 | 17017134 21 ) ] 172 1734) 51| 65| 86| 103 10/137154 131734 51 691 86|1031211;855 14:اوود 166 142و9611 11 1382347 15:بودا167 143 [95/119 7 392347 216 = و:{165 144 20 961 |72 |2448 240 ا 156|39 871041 : 11 وه 52 |1734 174 41 | 44| 48| 72| 96| 120| 144 :68} 192.16 4:{24} 49 71 96111145169|193) 17 243 24481 72 97121146110: 94-18 88105123140128 70 در 35 |17 176 و1-95 1701 | 146 |9742 73 24491 244 10 : 6و12 : 1471711 |98 |73 |49 | 4524 اد : 195 172 [47 1|123 |98 |73 و4 24 246 مدد (148/1721197 143 [s8 74 أو44 ;247 23 تا 98 1241481734 و 14 2449 248 177 1783 53 70 88| 106| 123| 141159 89| 53 | 4160 411 |106اوه {71 |53 178/1735 164 | 143 | 890715 ا ا ار173 |179 144162 126 08: 951 72 ا4 5 1836 و18 249|24 | 49| 74| 99| 124 | 149 | 174 | 1994 18118136| 54 74 95| 108 | 146 | 144162 36 18 | 36| 54| 73| 91 | 109| 128|14 |164 184 1836) 55 73| 92 | 110|128147165 1163 17:45 |109 |91 |72 |34 |18136ء18 |183 کد اه20 (475 50 35 / 1oo1251 او 255 250 کد اه: 175 130 129 |7500 اور 1:51 25 251 2550 | ] 25 | 25 || 75 | 105| 126| 151476/201226 25 30 25 50 15151 | 126 12:177) 2017 166( 48 1 و1112+91 74 54 1851837 14867|130 |111 |93 74 55 أ1861837 I | 187337| 56| 74| 93|112 | 130| 49| 168 177 : 53 : 28ء 16 / 1o111715 اه؟ اره ا4 45 و2 : 10 : 1 : 7153178 : 04 | 76 ادوا;1ء 25 41 : 36د: 26to228153179 56:51 إ 7610 | 2572551 | 77|10|128154179|206 231 ] 5 6 75 7594113132|15170 و2113112016 94/11 [15 56 1837 188 56 (1837و18 133152171 | 114 |95 | 76 |57 |38ود وود 4133152171 II 95 76 57 138و11و1 32=06ة 4180 15و11|77163 (51( 15/ 258 297.33 |155181او771031 134 | 8و18 : 12 136 135 |104 |78 |1651652 2591551 | 261 261,2| 78| 104|130156182208234 | | 192 1938| 57| 70| 96 |115 11 34,153172 1931 1938 : 57| 77| 96|115 11351154173 194|19| 38| 58| 77| 97| 116 | 134 135 174 175 : أو20 (1041131156183[ 78 آء رأ26 : 16 236 131157184210 78،05 ء۶{26 263 264106| 52| 79| 105 | 132|1581184-11) 37 38=ع 1: 13 : 159185|106 |79 |53 |26 ,26 و1223*159186|33 |106 |79 |53 6: 266 13 : 40ء 8oli06133160,186 3 5\6\267 8 156175 (17:36 |97 |78 |58 اور اورارو ! 6176 15 (117 : 36[ 98 [78 ور او3 او 1961 137157177 |118 |99 |78 59 اور و1971 138178 | 138 |118 |99 |79 اور 139و1981 و11و12|39 991191 79 اور 1939|199 80 ، 160 اه80 /100 / 12014 و60 امها مع 200 8oltool1201140 ] 160 i8o 601 (40و2011 11 / 141161181/8o / 1oi ]60 ام4 اء اء20 60 امه (20910 8 268 2653| 85| 107|1341160] 1871 4 241 1:15:42 188 | 61:(8or07134 1653 او26 43: اه 1: ار18 |135162 |108 |81 2701754 275 27 5 4 31/1o135162/18921 6:43 27: :254 8110811361631 90 217 248 8:11o11111142162|18: 20410140| 61| 8102122142163183 255 (1041| 61| 82| 102|1 23 143 | 164| 184 | 41 07:0141 62 82،03/14144165186 124 36163491218 داوود | 81 1734754 1641912946 |37 |109 |82 او 275 274 247 مه 82111013716592 2755 275 185 4 6 441 31ة ro31: 61 تهامة (206 و 176 17551 8211o13816519322043 \\ وداع: 193 [138166و11|83 2755 277 اور222: 166194|11 : 39: 83 او 275 275 279-755 83111139 167195 | 223 224 187 | 166 | 45 2411 8311041 |62 |41 اه: {208 167188 83/16412146 :6 :واهد او20 و18[ 147،68 |126 |105 |84 63 .10 : 14 و14716918 |126 | 105 |84 |63 |42 21 211 190 او16 148 127 106|84 |63 42 ادعاء1 1701191او14 147 106 85 63 42 |21321 17119 و14 |128 |07:{85 64 .14 : 14 193ء15017 و12 |86to7 64 143: ارد2 و17 : 1 131و86 / 08 / 12 |64 |21621143 2 25 4: 68,196 1401ء ا84 856: اه28 2 25 (401681796224 1|12: ل84 28.2356 28 228i5 6) 34 11 | 1411091197\125:53 283 28/56 84:13:41:69|1 98226 224 284 2856 851113142 | 170 | 198 | 227455 28 286 28]57[ 85114 143| 171 | 500 :48] 257 22856وو14 / 171 / 1 114|85 |57 |28 285 | | 170 | 421 172 16143 217 2:43 65| 86| 108 | 130| 151/173/19 43 219| 143 6 971091311 3175/197 2011 221) 22 44 66| 88/10/13415 41761 98 222 22| 44| 66| 38| 111|133|152177199 423 421 441 66| 59| 111|1331 26 11781100 174196ء 13015|109 |87 أ65 أ143: 218 258 وooja2ء (%17أ14 : 43 |86 8is7i:[287 و کد 17:01:35 144 | 15 | 86 6o: 17340223 ا44 دارد 96 [2857او28 288 2857 176,198 4 15 132ه88 / 11 66 اهواء: 220 : 290 291591 87}ri 6145174-031 232 261 1912958| 87116145174) 2031 232 261 : . :26 أ33 (175204 146 8i sai116ء اوعjء وه 1791201 6 13415ه 89/11 67 22144 224 46175452341263 87117/1 s8 او:93 202 1351571801|2 lilدو |67 |2245 ( 5دة 264 176 : 05 : 35 |88117147 [58 و42وء 103 14313558186 هو 671 |2245 226 205 2 r8 و13 4136 11|91 |68 |8j2245) 267(17807237(148ر118|88 |59|129 297 3:06 18 137165| 14|91 |68 451 داود 238468 288 (178|149و11و8 و 29/5 298 11 : 38i61184207 |92 |69 46 ادء ا230 و109 : 396 (149179و11|89 29 / 59اوو 4:07 i6iii8/38, دايو 69 46 (a3113 دعامه |adjr alr8olino او او6|30035 67 :27 | 45| 68| 9011313618181204 295 29|59| 85118147}177|206) 236363 296 29|59| 88| 118| 148 | 17720723666 ] | . 1 819 309/3061 1 The Table of Proportional Parts. D111213141516171 D111213141516171819 301 3016119711201150, 1801210;2401290 369136:7311101147|1841221125842951332 302 30 60 90112015111811211241 271 370 37,74111 1481185122212591296 333 303 30 60 90121151181121212421272 37137744111481185 -221259 296 333 304 301601 9112111521182121212434273 372 37 74 11 14811861223260297334 30513016119111221152183121312441274 373137174111 1491 86 22312611-931335 3061301011 q11122315315321412441275 3741371747112114911871224126112991336 307 30161 9211221153 184 214 245 276 3751371751112150 1871225262 300 337 308 30161 92|123[154|184/215/246|277 376 377511315018822526313001338 9212311541852162471278 377137175113150118812261263300 339 (310/31/621 93/124|155/186/217/245/279 378137175111311511189122626413021340 3111311629312411551186/21712481279 379137175|113115111891227126513031341 312 3162 93112411561871218 249 280 38013876 1141521901228 266 304 342 3131311621 931125156187 219:50 281 381 38|76|1141152190228 266 304 342 314 31162 94 125 11971188 219 251 282 382 33 7611411521911229267 305343 3151311631 9411201157118912201252,283 3831381761141153119112291268/3061344 316131631 94112611881189122112521284 38413817611151153119223012683071345 317 311631 981126 1581190 2:1-53285 38538177 115115411922312693081346 31831631 95|127|159190222254286 386 3877115154193-311270303347 319311631 9512711591912232551287 387 38 77116|154193-322701309 348 320/32/64 961128 16019212241256288 388 3877 11611551194123212711310349 3211321641 9612811601192122412561288 3891381771161155194/23327213111350 32232164) 96128 16119322%257 299 390 391781171156195123327313121351 323132641 9612 9612911611193226 25 8290 3913978117156 195 233127313121351 3241321641 97129162/19412262591291 39:39178 117 156196234127413131352 325132165) 9711301162|195122712601292 393 39178117115711961235127513141353 3261321651 9715301163|1951228|2601293 394)3917811181157|1971236127513151354 327 32165 98 130163 196 228 2611294 395)39 791118115811971237 276 316355 323 32 651 9811311163 196229 2621295 396139179 11811981198 237 2771316356 329321651 981137164/1972301263/296 397 3979 19 15 8 1981238 277/3171357 330133166 99113211651198/235/2641297 39813911911191159|199123812783181358 331!331661 991132,1681198123112641297 39913917911191159|1991239127913191359 332 33166 99132/166199 232 265 298 400 40 801120,1601200240280 320 360 33333166 99113311661199233 266199 401 408011201601200240128013201360 334 33 66100133 167 200233 267 300 402 401801201601201241281/321/361 335133167 1001134|1671201123412681301 403|4080|120116112011241128213221362 3361331671100113411681201123512681303 404|401801121116112021242128213231363 337 33 67101 1341168 202 235 269 303 405 4018112111622021243 -83 324 364 3383367 101 135 1691202236 270 304 406 408112116212031 243 284 324 365! 33913367 101 135169 203 23712711305 407 4081 122 162/203 244 284 325 366 340 34168 10211361170120412381272 306 408 4018112216312041244/285132613671 341134168 102 13611701204123812721306 4091401811122116312041245128613271368 342 3468|1021361712052391273307 410 411821231164 205 246 287 328 369 343) 34 68 1021371711205240274 303 411 411821231164) 205 246 287 3281369 344 34 68 103 137 172 206 240 275 309 41241 32 12311641206247285132913701 34513416910313817220712411-76310 413 41182|12311651206 247 28913301311 3461341691103113811731207124212701311 4141411821124|16513071248128913311372 347134 6911041138 173/208242 277 312 415 41 83 124 166 207 249 290 332 373 348 34169 1041:39 174 2082432731313 4164133 124 166 208 249 291 332 374 349134|69|1041391741209 244/279314 417141 B3 125 166 208 290 291 3331375 35.0134170) 1o5li4?11731210124512801315 418 41 8311251167/2091250129213341376 $7135170105140117512101245|2801315 4191411831125116712091251129313351377 352 35170105140|1761211246 281 316 420 42 84 126 168121012521294 3361378 353 35 70 105 141 176211247 282317 421 42184 1261682102521294 336378 3541351701061411177 212 247 283318 422 421841126 1682112531.95 337379 35513517111061421771213124812841319 423 42/841126 169 211 25312961338 380 356135171710614211781213124912841320 4241421841127116912121254129613391381 35735171 107142178 2141249285321 425 421351127170 2121255129713401382 358 35171107 143 179/21412901286 322 426 42851271702131255,298 340383 3593571107143 1791215 2511287323 427 42851128170213256 398 341 384 36013672 108 144 180216/25212881324 -428 42851128171 77412561:9913427385 361\361721108|144 1801216125212881324 42934208511281171|2141257130013431386 362 36172 1081441181 217253 2891325 430 43186129172215258301344 587 36313672 108 145 181217125412901326 431 43 86129172 215 258 301 3441387 364/36172/109 145 182 2181254,29,377 432 4386 129|172 216 259 302 3451388 365136173110914611827219 255129213 433143186 129 173 216125913033461389 366/3617311091146|182/219125612921329 434|43|8611301731217 26013041347/390 369 361731110|1461183122010561293/330 4351431871130117412171261130413481391 3681361731110114711841220125712941331 3 28 (m 2) 1 ' The Uſe of the Table of Proportion, for the more ready find- ing out of any Logarithme, from 10000 to 100000. 1 W" Hen you have any Logarithmse or Number above 10000, you may find it out as before, by the Differences which are in the laſt Column of the Tables: But for your more eaſie and ready perforining it, this Table is of great uſe; wherein you have all thoſe Differences ready divided, and caſt into 10 parts: So that becween cach of the roooo Logarithmes in the Table, you may eaſily know the cen Intermediate Logarithmes, by the Proporcional Parc of the Difference for any of them. Thus in the Table the Logarithose of 2000 is 3.301029 The next Ligarithme, bciug the Logarithme of 2001, is 3.301147 Alter the Characteriſticks of cheſe Logarithmes, So have you the Logarithme of 20000, 4.301029 And the Logarithme of 20010, 4.301 247 The Difference between theſe two Numbers is. 218; which for the ten Intermediate Logarithmes muſt be divided into 10 Equal Parts, which is ready douc in the Table of Proportion, after this manner. 1 * D I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 318 31 63 95 137 159 '190 232 254 286 1 So that the Logarithme of 20000 being 4.301029 The Logarithme of 20001, by adding 31, is 4.301060 The Logarithme of 20002, by adding 63, is 4.301092 And ſo for the reſt, to 20010. Or, on the other ſide, Let your Logarithme given be 4.301251, and you deſire to know what Number anſwers to it; the next Nuinber leſs in the Tables is 301019, which is the Logarithme of 20000: but this is 222 more, and the Common Diffe. rence in the Table is about 218; turn therefore to this Difference in the Table of Proportion, and there you shall ſce chat 222 makes your Number 7 more: So that 4.301251 is the Logarithme of 20007. And thus you, ſave the Labour of mulciplying and dividing the Differences in the Table of Logarithmes, they being here ready done to your hand. 1 . 1 FINIS . . A SU M M AR Y OF SUCH PENALTIES and FORFEITURES ! As are Limited and Appointed by ſeveral 4 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT Relating to the 1 Cuſtoms & Navigation 1 1 7 AS ALSO, For the EXPORTING and IMPORTING of PROHIBITED GOODS. TOGETHER WITH The ſeveral STATUTE S whereupon they are Grounded : Being duly Compared with the Statuces at Large, and the Abridgment to this preſent Year, 1664. USEFUL FOR Merchants, Factors, for all Officers belonging to the Cuſtoms, Maſters of Ships, Purſers, and Boatſwains, Mariners, Wharfingers, Lighcermen, and Watermen. In what caſe both Ship and Goods are Forfeited upon Importatione 1. 1 LONDON Printed by E. Cotes, Anno Domini 1669. (n) 4 1 身 ​4 1 1 * - : 1 1 1 } { } } { 1 长​, 主 ​1 } 生 ​a 1 了 ​1 1 “%, 4 f 1 f { 4 1 : 4 } 1 1 1 1 TO ALL Merchants and Factors, and Comman- ders or Maſters of Ships; AND To all other Officers and Mariners: And to att other Honeft-minded Men whom this may Concern. SA MUEL STURMʻr Wilheth Proſperity,Courage, and Wiſdom in all Your Lawful Undertakings } ani G ENTLEMEN, OR Your ſakes I have 'inſerted this following Abridgment or Summary of the Laws, and Penalties, and Forfeitures, as dre limited and ap- pointed by ſeveral Acts of Parlia- ment, relating to the Cuſtoms and Navigation ; and in what Caſes both Ships and Goods are forfei- ted, upon Exporting or Iinportation of Prohibited Goods; together with the ſeveral Statutes where- upon they are grounded, being duly compared with the Statutes at large, and the Abridgment to 1664. I have been provoked to annex this Summary of Cuſtom-Houſe Laws, the more out of a Princi- ple of good will I have to you, and by knowing ſome of your defects, or want of knowledge in thelė (12) . things. 1 + 1 - 1 1 A 1 1 The Epiſtle Dedicatory. things, by my own in times paſt, when I was a Com- mander my ſelf . Through ignorance of theſe Laws your Goods have been Teiled, and loft, and Ships Roppd and bindred in their Voyages, to the gredt loſs and damage of the Merchants, and Owners, and Mariners: Whereas if all concerned had but the knowledge of what they ſhould know, they imight prevent this loſⓇand damage, and walk ſafe ly, without any detriment to themſelves or Goods, by the Officers; whereas otherwiſe, without this knowledge, your Ignorance is the Officers Advan- tage, and he will make you pay for it. And as I mould adviſés every man to follow on Saviour's Counſel Matthew 22, 21, Render therefore unto Cæfar the things that are Cæſar's, and unto God the things which are God's: as likewiſe Rom: 3. 6,7. Render therefore to all their dues, Tribute to whom Tribute is due, Cuſtom to whom (u-, (tom, Fear to whom Fear, Honour to whom Ho- nour: So likewiſe I do adviſe all Officers to go diſcreetly on in their Buſineſs with all men, and not hinder, lett, or abufe, in word or action, any one with whom they have Buſineſs, without juſt Çauſe; nor thoſe that fall into their Hands ; nor to take the juſt rigour of the Law of England, left the Univerſal God ſhould take the Law of Hea- ven upon us for our Errors and Failings : but take reaſonable Satisfaction. This is my advice to both Merchants and Officers and all others concerned. I am their W'ell-wiſher, and ſo remain to be, í 1 + Pill, (Septemb. 2. 1 66 7. SAMUEL STURMY N 1 : 5 E + A SU M M A A RY OF SUCH PENALTIES and FORFEITURES As are Limited and Appointed by Several ACTS of PARLIAMENT Relating to the CUSTOMS and NAVIGATION 1 + First 1 LL manner of Goods Imported into his Majeſties Plan- tacions, or Exporced out of his Majeſties Plantacions, in Forreign Shipping, both Ship and Goods are forfeited. Vide Statute of Navigation, I 2 Caroli 2. 28. Secondly, All Goods that are of the growth of Afidz Africa, and America, Imported in Forreign Shipping are forfeit, per id. Stat. T'hirdly, All Goods of the growth, production, and manufacture of Aſia, Africa, and America, (hall bc Imported from the place of their growth, production, or ma- nufacture; otherwiſe both ship and Goods are forfeiced, per id. Stat. Except the Goods of the Spaniſh Plantations may be brought from Spain, and the Goods of the Portugal Plantations may be brought from Portugal, and Eaſt India Commodities may be brought from any Port on the Southward or Eaſtward of Cape Bona Speranza, and the Commodities of the Levant Seas may be brought from any Port within the Straights; Provided that all theſe Goods may be Imported in Engliſh Shipping, otherwiſe both Ship and Goods are forfcited, per id. Stat. Fourthly, All Goods of Foreign growth, production, or manufactarc, ſhall be Imported from chc place of their growth, production, or manufacturc, or from ſuch Ixebis cafea place where they are uſually firſt Shipp'd for Tranſportation only, and only in Engliſh called the Ships, or in Ships truly belonging to ſuch place where ſuch Goods are lawful to be Ship- Grals Mower , ped; otherwiſ both Ship and Goods are forfeired, per id. Stat. Salt and Brana dy, was Seifed by me, for bringing Goods from Rochel to a Briſtol-Merchant į and the ship and Goods was bought again for 2201. by A Letter of Licence: Fifthly, All Goods carried from Port to Port (in England, Ireland, Wales, cí Berwick) in Forreign Shipping, whercof the Owners or Part-owners are not all Éng- liſh, as alſo the Maſter and three fourchs of the Mariners, both Ship and Goods are forfeited, per id. Stat. Sixthly, All Goods of the growth, production, or manufacture of any of his Ma- jefties Plantations, ſhall be firſt landed in England, Ireland, Wales, or Berwick, before they can be tranſported; otherwiſe both Ship and Goods are forfeired, per id. Stat. Seventhly, laden will + 1 2 Penalties and Forfeitures relating to ܪ Seventhly, All manner of Wines, except Rheniſh; all Spicery and Grocery, Tobac- co, Poc-aſhes, Pirch, Tar, Rofin, Salt, Dbal Boards, Fir Timber, or Olive Oyl, that shall be imported from the Netherlands or Germany, are forfeited, as alſo the Ship in which they are Imported. Vide Stat 14.Car. 2. 1 intituled, Ant Act to prevenc Frandš; &c. in his Majefties Cuſtoms. ; . Eighthly, All Freſh Herring i Freſh: Cad or Haddock, Cole-fiſh or Gul-fith, that ſhall be Imported into England or Wales in Forreign Shipping, both Ship and Goods așe forfeited. Vide State is Car. t. 5: jõtituled, an At For Encorráging of Trade. 1 ከ 41 ni Goods forfeited for being Imported inta England or Wales, with- out any Penalty upon the Shib; - theſe Goods being all Engliſh Manufactures. 15: LL 'manner of Tinand Pewter Manufactures made in Forreign Parts are for : feited. Vide Stat. 25 Hen. 8. 14. Officers may ſearch and ſeiſe Wares broughc into the. Realm contrary to the Täid Act, and none ſhall withſtand the ſearch of Braſs, Tin, and Pewter, on the forfeit of five pounds, per id. Stat. Tin and Pewter Braſs. 1 } Several com- 1 1 1 Woolen Clothes, Woulen Caps, Ribbons, Fringes of Silk and of Thred, Laces of modities for. Silk and of Thred, Silk Twinc, Embroidered Laces of Silk or Gold, Saddles, Stir- feited. Tops, or any Harneſs belonging to Saddles, Spurs, Boſſes for Bridles, Andirons, Grid- irons, any manner of Locks, Hammers, Pincers, Fire-tongs, Dripping-pans, Dice, Tennis-balls , Points, Purſes, Girdles, Gloves, Harneſs for Girdles, Iron, Latten, Stecl, Tin, or Alchyny, or any Wrought or any Tawed Leather, any Tawed Furs, Biskin Shoos, Galloſhes, or Cork, Knives, Daggers, Wood-knives, Bodkins, Sheers for Taylors, Sciſſors, Razors, Cheſs-men, Playing Cards, Combs, Pacrens, Pack- needles, any Painted Wares, Forſers, Caskers, Kings of Copper or of Latten, guilo Chafingdiſhes, Hanging Candleſticks, Caffing Balls, Sacring Bells, Rings for Cur- tains, Ladles, Scummers, counterfeit Baſons, Ewers, Hats, and Bruſhes, Cards for Wooll, black Iron, Thred called Iron Wyre, or whited Wyre, are forfeited if any. , ſuch be Imported into England or Wales. Vide Stat.4 Edw. 4. Prohibited All Iron Wyre, Card-wyre, or Wool-cards, chat ſhall be Imported into England Goods forfeited. or Walès, are forfeited. per Stat. 39 Eliz. 14. 14 Car. 2. 19. Probibited more All manner of Girdles, Harneſs for Girdles; Poirits, Leather, Laces, Purſes, forfeited. Pouches, Pins, Gloves, Knives, Hangers, Taylors Sheers, Sciſſors, Andirons, cob- bards, Tongs, Fire-locks, Gridirons, Stock-locks, Keys, Hinges and Garnets, Spurs, painted Glaſſes, painted Papers, painted Forcers, paisited Images, painted Clothes, bearen Gold or Silver wrought in Papers for Painters, Saddles, Saddle-crees, Horſe- Harneſs; Boots, Bits, Stirrops, Chains, Buckles, Lacten Nails with Iron Shanks, Curvets, Hanging-candleſticks, Holy-water, Stops, Chafing-diſhes, Hanging Lavers, Curtain-rings, Cards for Wool, Roan Cards, sheers, Buckles for Shoos, Broaches for Spits, Belés, Hawk-bells, Tin and Leaden Spoons, Wyre of Latten and Iron, Candleſticks, Graces, Horns for Larithorns, or any of theſe, bcing Imported into England, are forfcitéd, or the value thereof, betwixt the King and the Proſecutor, Theſe may be ſued for in any Corporation where they are. Vide Stat. T R. 3. 12. All Girdles, Harneſs for Girdles, Rapiers, Daggers, Knives, Hilts, Pummels, Lockets, Blades, Handles, Scabbards, Sheaths for Knives, Saddles, Horſe-Harneſs , Stirrops, F 1 1 1 1 + -illo 1 1 1 ted. the Cuſtoms and Navigation. 3 Scirrops, Bits, Gloves, or Points, Lcather Laces, or Pins, chat Thall b: Imported in. Goods prohibi , to England or Wales, ſhall be forfeit. 5 Eliz. 7 All manner of Silk wrought by it felf , or with any other Stuff, in any place out of the Realm, Ribbons, Laces, Girdles, Corſes called Corſes of Tiſſue, or Points, ſhall be forfeited, per Stat. 19 Hen. 7. 21. All Forrcign Bone-lace, Cur-work, Frinige; Embroidery, Bandftrings, Buttons, or Goeds probibi- Needle work, made of silk or Thred, or either of them, being Imported into Eng- ted 100 l. land, Wales, or Berwick, ihall be forfeited, beſides the Forfcicure of one hundred pound. 14 Car. 2. 13. All manner of Woollen Cloth that ſhall be Imported into England, Irgland, or Wales, from beyond the Sca,i thall be forfeited. Vide Stat. 2 Edv. 3. 3. & 4' Ed. 4.1. ? L. -- In what Caſes Goods arë forfeited for Undue Shipping or Landing 4 ! A IL Goods that chall be shipped or Landed before the Cuſtom paid or agreed for Goods.fsipped in che Cuſtom-houſe, are forfeited. Tide Stat. 12 Car. 2. 4. intituled, The AEE or landed before. for the Tonnage and Poundage. Cuſtom paid arc (All Goods that ſhall be shipped or Landed, or put into any other Veſſel to be Ship- unlavoſ ul time ped or Landed, at any unlawful time or place, are forfeit, or the value of them. or place loſe. 1 Eliz. 2. 14 Car. 2. II. forfeir. inward bound without irar- 1 ty. All Goods that ſhall be pue into any Lighter, Boat, or any other Veſſel, to be Shipped or Landed, without Warrant from the Cuſtom-houſe, and the preſence of one or more Cuſtom-houſc Officer, are forfcited, as alſo the Lighter or other Veſſel in which they are found to be shipped or Landed. Vide Star. 14 Čar. 2. II. If any Maſter of Ship, Purſer, Boatſwain, or other Mariner , knowing or con- Perſons confexca ſenting to the diſcharge of Goods inward bound, without Warrant from the Cuſtom- ing to the dif- houſe, or the preſence of one or more Cuſtom-houſe Officer, lhall forfcit the value of charge of Goods the ſaid Goods ſo unſhipped. Vide Stat. 14 Car. 2. 11. Tant, the penal- Every Cuſtomer, Collector, and Comptroller, that doth conceal his Majeſties Cu- ſtoms; being duly Entred, ſhall forfeic treble the value thereof, per Stat. 3 H.6. 3. Officers concea- ling Cuftom, the If any Goods having paid Cuſtom at the Importation, and ought to have allow- penalıy . ance at the Exportation; if the Merchant Ship our leſs in quantity than is expreſſed ſhip out cler in liis Cercificate, thall be forfeited, or the value of thein. 14 Car. 2. 11. iban is express sed. If the faid Goods be Landed again in England, wales, or Berwick, except they be Landing Goods, made known in the Cuſtom-houſe, ſhall be forfeit, per id. Stat. unleſs made known in C160 If any Goods be put on board a Ship to be carried from Port to Port, without em boufe, for- Warrant from the Cuſtom-louſe, all ſuch Goods ſhall be forfeit, per id. Stat. Goods carried from Port to Port If the crue content of Quaratity and Qulalicy be not mentioned in the Certificate, without war- under the Cuſtomers Hand in the Port where they are shipped firſt to paſs for rant forfeited, another Port, all ſuch Goods not certified or diſcharged before the ſaid Certificate Quantity and delivered, and the Goods viewed, ſhall be forfeit, per Stat. 3 H. 7.7. quality muft be expreſſed. Quere, whether this Statiste be in force or not? All 3. . . I 1 1 4 Penalties and Forfeitures relating to *** Goods èxported, All manner of Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, that ſhall be Exported, and eſcape and not diſcove- undiſcovered unto the Officers of the Cuſtoms, the Owner or Propriсtor ſhall forfeit red onto the of- double the Value, according to the Book of Rates; Except for Coals, for which they fecer, forfcit ihall forfeit double the Cuſtom. Vide Stat. 14 Car. 2. double the on- England and All Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, that shall paſs by Land betwixt England Scotland, Goods and Scotland, ſhall paſs by and through Berwick and Carlife, and pay Cuſtom at that paſsi one of thoſe Ports, otherwiſe be forfeited, per Stat. 14 Car. 2. 11. Luc. In what Caſes Ship and Goods are forfeited upon Exportation of Goods. Licence to be Leather, Tal- F any Woman, or other perſon under the Age of twenty one years, except Ship- granted for Paf boys, Saylors , or Merchants, Apprentices, or Factors, ſhall paſs over the Sea, ſengers to paſs without Licence from the King, or 6 of the Privy Council, the Ship in which ſuch beyond the Set. Perſon ſhall ſo paſs thall be forfeit. Vide Stat. I Jac. 4. If any Perſon ſhall Tranſport, or Ship to be Tranſported, Leather, Tallowor Low,&c. Raw Hides, to any Place beyond the Sca, all ſuch Goods ſhall be forfeit, as allo the Ship wherein they are Exported. Vide Stat. 18 Eliz. 9. Hoys or Plats If any Hoy or Plac croſs the Seas beyond Norway Eaſtward, or Caen in Normandy Southward, they ſhall be forfeit. Vide Stat. 1. Eliz. 13. s Eliz. 5. 13 Eliz. 15. &c. Cora oy Vianal. If any Corn, or other Viftual, be Tranſported, exceeding the Prices mentioned in the Act for Encouraging of Trade; or if any Wood ſhall be Traſporrcd, they ſhall forfeit the Veſſel in which ic ſhall be Exported, and alſo double the value of the Goods. Vide Stat. 1, 2 Phil. Mar. s. the Maſters and Mariners all cheir Goods, and a years Impriſonment. Engliſh Manu If any Goods of the growth, production, or manufacture of Europe be tranſported factures to be into his Majeſties Plantations, except from England, and in Engliſh built Shipping, exported in Eng- both Ship and Goods are forfeited. Vide Stat, 15 Car. 2.5. liſh Shipping. Due entry to be If the Maſter shall ſuffer any Goodsco be Landed before a due Entry made with- made in 24 bo. in twenty four Hours after arrival in the ſaid Plantations, both Ship and Goods are forfeited, per id. Stat. . Ships for fifb If any Ship thall ſet out to Fiſhing, or other Veſſel ſhall ſet out for the Weſt ing, the time to Country or Iſèland Fiſhing, before the tenth day of March in any Year, ſuch Veſick Set ont. ſhall be forfeit. Vide Stat. 15 Car. 2. 14. intituled, An Act for the Fiſhing Trade. If Sheep,flool,&c. any Sheep or Wooll, Wooll-fells, Wooll-flocks, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Woolly , Fullers Earth, Fulling Clay, ſhall be Exportéd, all ſuch Goods are forfeit, as alſo the Ship wherein they are Exported. Vide Stat. 12 Cor. 2. 32. Silver Gold, If any Silver or Gold be Exported without Licence, it ſhall be forfeited. Vide Stat: SR. 2. 2. 6 9 Edw. 3.1.& 2 Hen. 4.5.0, 2 Hen. 6.6. None but Merchant Strangers ſhall Tranſport Wooll, Wooll-fells, Leather, and Lcad beyond the Seas, upon the Forfeiture of the ſaid Goods. Vide Stat, 27 Ed.3.3. 14 Rich. 2.5. IF &c. s 11 1 4 01 priseOnfamound Navigation :/:!!) 19981:1 JXiv: is is per id. Stat. ..g? ain 1 7 i 1. iment .title Adem Stat...100.15 m2!1d...cil puis 2001:21: !.. made IF Skin, cantor untažin?a; öfany Oxil Stecr; Bill; Cotv, or Calf (except skins tand or any Calve-skins of four pound weight apicce, or under) and Sheeps Skins dreſſed without untana'd. the Woolf of Cuci Skirls ofHides, Awhich are for élie Ships iieceffary Proviçon, ſhall.), paſs out of Englandibeydnatlid Sess, or into Ireland or scotland, or tļic Iands be- longing to England, fliah' 5c-forféicédoide Stat. 14 Car. 2.7 illaup of cHe Hidesio7 Skins áforėlard," that ſnall be caken off of any Beaſt in any hides traitzen . -oficlic-Illähas belongina to Engibrid, except freland, ſhall be Transported into any ted, except from Place cxculpt2England, chit Oftendcrtani forfeit-double de valab for every Offenice, Ireland, "th: penalty. 2500!!!::1107 liesoorl.z.?. i.' All manner of Ammunition may be prohibited at his Majeſties pleature: -12 Cai. Ammunition 2.4. may be probibi- c.1.W Yviq no 1993 :: .:/?. 1o milo 1. teden Ifrâny:SheepfHallbExported!delle?Offender fidll . forfeić 2097 fotiztery Shëep. Sheep exported, zriye 70.!. Vie to the penalis. Vide 12 Cars2 3 27M:1 to bris. 578 976 902 :: 5r... Y om bij If any WoollyWollfells; Wböl-fockis; Moltlings; StörlingskaYarñ made of Fillers Earelo Wooll, Fullers Earth, Fulling Clay, ſhall be ſhipp'd to be Exported, the Offender & Fulling clay. ſhall forfcit three ſhillings for every pound weight. Cinsi 2015-2:11. for If any Maſter of a Ship, or other Mariner, We knowhigland conſenting to the Ex= The penalty of the shipping of csno od 9.15 LEO..!!L...? 303964il Jald Goods Weather-fhçep, Wooll,,or Wooll-flocks, as are før neceſāry' proportion for the Sheep. Ships uſea": If any Wooll, Wooll Aocks, or Yarn made of Wooll , shall be preſſed with any wooll, &c. pret Enginc into any Sack; Pack, or other Wrapper, or Thall puţ, preſt;' or ftecve Wooll with any times or Woollen Yårn into any. Pipc, But; or Hogſhead, Cheſt, or other Cask or Vefici, gine,&c.penulij . or cafry or lay any ſuch Wooll , Wpoll-flocks, or Yarri made of Wohl, neer to "thlé -.. Sea or any Navigable River, all ſuch Wooll, Wooll-flocks, änd-Yařk hade of Wooll ſhall be forfeited. Vide Stat, 13 % 14.Car. 2. 18. :: boca ) If any Wooll, Wooll-fells , Mortlings, Shorlings, Yårn made of Wooll, Wcolli Fullers earli, Rocks, Fullers-Earth, Fulling-clay, or Tobaccopipe-clay, being in any Pack, Sack, &c. Tobacco- pipe clay. Bag of Cašk, ihall be carried upon any Horſe, Carė, or other Carriage; except in the day'titne, viz. from the first of March to the twenty ninth of September betwixo the Hours of four in the morning and eighie at night, and from the twenty nincli of September until the firft of March between the Hours of ſeven in the morning and five at hight otherwiſe to be forfeited; per id. Stat. If any Tobaccopipe-clay be Exported beyond the Sea, the Officer ſhall forfeit darčė Tobacco pipe Shillings for every pound weight, per id. Stat. clay. :)!i.: If- any manner öfshidépéskîns; Widoll-Fells , Mortliigs, Shorlings, or the Skins shtep' skins, en of any Stag, Buck, Hind, Doe, Grat, Fawn, or Kid, or the Peſcs or Skins of the Leather,&c. any of them, or the Leather made of any of them, be pur on board any Veſſel to perialty. be exported, they fiallobé forfeited; tasallo tivo fhillings fix pence for every Shorling, Mortling; Peles or Skin, ſo Shipped to be Exported. Vide Stat. 5 Elizzk. All grcat Carrel, except of Scotland, that ſhall be Imported into England or Great Cartel Walis berwise the firth of July and the riventieth of September in anyycar; and all imported, thie great Carcel of Scotland that shall be brought int becwixt che twenty fourth of Awa penalty. gaſt and clie ewentieth of December in any year, ſhall forfeit for every Head forty (0) fhillings; 11 0. Via 4 ... ,). . '!!!!!!! 1 L 2 . 1 ..fio !! 31 iW..... every Féli, + 1 / another mans name. Butlerage of Wines. 1 1 Tiit Penalties and Forfeitures relating to Shillings; and for every Sheep brought in becwixt the one and twenticch of Auguſt and twentieth of December, ten ſhillings, per-Stat. 15. Car.. 20:56 Gesods entred in: If any Goods be entered in any other mans Name than she mue Ownct and Pro- prietor, they fhall be forfeit: And if the Officcr conceal any Offence in the ſaid Act, lic ſhall forfeit one hundred pounds. Vide Stat. 1 Eliz. II. Prifage and If any man, being free of the Priſage or Butlerage of Wine, fhall Enter another mans Wines in his Name, whereby the King loſeth his Butlerage, all Wines ſo En- : fred arc co forfeit double clie valuc of the Cuſtoms chereof, Vijde 'r Hen, 8.5.. If any man offend contrary to the Stat. I Hexs. 8. . he ſhall forfeir all his Goods. Vide Stat, 2:3 Edw. 6. 2?. Sugar, Tobacte, If any Officer of the Cuſtoms ſhall ſuffer or give any warrant for any Sugar, GingerTobacco, Ginger Cotton-Wooll; Indicos Speckle-wood, Jamaica-wood, Fuſtick, or any other Dying-wood, of chic growth of any of his Majeſtięs Plantations, to be conveyed into any Parts beyond the Seas , before they are Landed in England or Wales, for every Offenco hic, ſhall forfcic the value of the ſaid Goods. Vide Stat. 15 Car. 2.5.,' . Goods of Alien All che Goods of an Alien Merchant or Factor in any of his Majeſties Plantations Merchants. are forfçired. Vide Stat, 12 CAT. 2. 18. qiri? a > Copper, Rrafsi IF any manner of Copper, Braſs , Latten, Bell-mercle, Pan-metcle, Gun-medle, Bell-inettle,&c., or Shroof-mectle, Thall be put on board any Veſſel to be tranſported, the Offender Thall forfeic double chc values to be divided batwise the King and the Proſecutor. Vide State 33 Hen. 8.7. 101. penaliy. And alſo ten pounds more for every thouſand pound weight, per Stasi 2&fo 3 Edw. 6.37. از... ܢܢܐ܀ ܟ݂|| 1 1. tj. The penalty of The Cupomer The Cuſtomer ſhall take Bond in double the value of the ſaid Goods, when ust performing they ſhall be tranſported from Port to Port, and alſo rol. over and above for every duty , the penats chouland pounds weight, and give Bond; which Bond, if it want a Date, the Cuſtomer ſhall forfeit the value of the ſaid Goods, and alſo his Place, per id. Stat. To grant a false If any Cuſtomer grant a falſe Certificate for chc ſaid Goods, he ſhall forfeit his Certificate, lbe, Place, and the value of the Goods ſo concealed. 33 Her. 8.7. penally. If any Maſter of a Ship, Owner, Purſer, or Boatſwain, knowing ſuch Mercles to the not diſco- be Shipp'd, and do not diſcloſe it within three days, he ſhall forfcit double the value vering of it. Vide Stat. 2 & 3 Edw.6. 37. Not ſeifing ebe If any Officer of the Cuſtom-houſe, knowing ſuch Meccles to be shipp'd to be Said Goods, the Tranſported, do not ſeiſe it, he ſhall loſe his Office, and the value of the Goods ſo pexally. Shippd. Vide Stat. 2 & 3 Edw. 6.37. The Said Goods IF any Perſon Ship any of the ſaid Mercles at any Place, except where there is a not to be shippid Cuſtomer, he ſhall forfeir the value of the Goods, and alſo ten pounds for Cvery but where there 1000 pounds weight, per id. Stat. is a Cuftomti. Penalty 1000 l. If the Governour of any Plantation belonging to his Majeſty, do not his duty to a Governoar juſtly, according to the Alt for Encouragement of Trade, he ihall forfeit his Place not doing his and 1000 l. per Stat. 15 Car. 2. 15. duty. Transporting Every perſon that ſhall be found guilty of Tranſporting of Leather, Shall for every Leather. Offence forfeit sool. Vide Stat. 14 Car. 2.7. Every ir 1 . gishieCuftoms and Navigation doci 19:41 Every Cuſtomer, or other: Officeryl.thas ſhall negleet his duży, or.corinįve ät che Oficentage- Tranſportation of Leather, ſhall før every Offence forfeic 109.pounds. Vide Stato ing bis helyen + Fac. 22 Balty 100 , Every Cuſtomers, or other Officeri that (haļl make a fallc Certificate of the Land- To make fase ing of Leather, ſhall forfeit 100 l. per id. Stat. Certificates of Landing Leatberg perally 1996 If any Goodsor. Merchandiſe ſhall be shipped or Landed at any unlawful time or Goods Shipping place, for every Ofence che Maſters Owners. :or: Purſer ſhall forfeic 100l. 1 Eliz. ang unlarsful 17,6 14 Car. 2. 11. ty 100 l. Laxful times are only from the firſt of March until the firſt of Septemberzbetwixt What läroful Sun-riſing and Sun-Settings and from the forff of September antil the times are by firſt of March betwixt seven-a clock in the Morning, and for a clock Ordera tako in the afternoon. The Port of Hull is here excepted. hour, the persals ان . . before entry made 100: 11 1 ܆jiܙ܆ 1 with as much 1 If the Captain, Maſter of a Ship, or Purſer outward bound, Chall take in any Goods taken is Goods before Entry, he ſhall forfeit 100 l Vide Stab. 14 Car. 2. II. . if hè go away before cleared on Oath in the Cuſtom-houſe, giving 4 truc Accompt to go before of his Lading, & c. he lhall forfcic 100 l. per id. Stat. cleared morath perally 100 1. Li-IF If any Captain, Maſter of a ship, or Purſer, do not bring. Pors, Maſter of Ship and make Entry with as much ſpeed as Wind and Water will permic, for every Of to bring his ship fence he ſhall forfeit 100 l. Vide Stat. 14 Car. 2. convenience, ,&ς, If he permit any Goods to be taken out of the Ship, to be Landed, before he hath To ſuffer Gåods inade his general Entry upon Oath in the Cuſtom-kouſc, for every Offence he ſhall taken out before forfeit 1001. Vide Stat. 1 Eliz. 11. penalty 100 If any Captain, Maſter of a ship, Purſer, or Boat-ſain, or other Perſon taking Goods imbeze- Charge of the Ship, ſhall permit any ſort of the package cherein co be opened, im- ledy &cJoeyro bezeled, or altered; for every Offence he shall forfeic 100 l. Vide Sta. 14. Car. 2, 11. I Men of War to be liable to the Rules that Merchant Ships are ſubject to. Liberty 10. go on board and take out Prohibited and Uncüſtomed Goods. The Commiffi- oners and their Deputies to enter on board, and bring on ſhore Goods outward and inward bound. The Officers may ſtay on board until the Goods be diſcharged. 14 Car. 2. A general entry) 1. If any Goods be found conccaled aboard the Ship, when the Officers of the Cu- Goods concealed ſtoms have cleared the Ship, the Maſter, or other perſon, ſhall for every Offence for. 100l. fčit 100l. per id. Stat. If any Wharfinger, Crane-keeper, Searcher, „Lighterman, or other Officer, know- Wharfinger, &c: - ing any Offence contrary to the Statute, do not diſcloſe it to the Cuftomer, he thall not diſcloſing foifcit 100 l. Vide Stat. I Eliz. 11, &c. penalty If any Wharfinger or Crane-keeper ſhall take up.or Land, or ſuffer to be Landed, To ſuffer Goodser or Ship off, or ſuffer to be Water:bound, any. Warts or Merchandiſes, at any unlaw- to be taken up or fül cimc, or without the preſence of, or nocice given to an Officer at the Cuſtom- landed as houſe , he shall forfcic for every Offence 1001. per, Stat, 14 Car.2, 11. The Porr of laxofal times Hull excepted. (02) If Iool. + 8 to Penalties and Forfeitures delating i - Yotarating Bathua 2001. perally. If any Oficers of the Cuſtoms ſhall directly or indirectly receive any Bribe, Be- ; ifamprotſe, or Reward, or (hall connive at any falle Entry of Goods, he ſhall forfeit 100l. per id. Stas. 50d. penalty to If any Merchaisc, ôr other Perſon, ſhall give fuchi Bribes, for every Officace he Thall forfeit sol. per id. Stat. Frük a Bribe. 87. 1002 in If any Packet Boat, or other Voffet appointed to carry Letters, ſhall Import or Expore any Goods or Merchandiſe, for every' Orience the Maſter Thall forfeit. 100 ). qad: ::44 per id. Stat. Foreign Bacem fa Perſop offer to fale any Forraign Bonc-lace'; Cut-work, Imbroidery, Fringe, lave Spil-pamerite or Needle-work made of Silk or Thred, for every Offencë he ſhall forfeit sol. penalty soubor be pat jidSfat. lool. IF any of the ſaid Goods be Imported into England or Wales, the Offender ſhall forfeig 100%; por id. Seat. s 500 i r 7 ! Falle Certif- If any Officer of any Port ſhall make a falſe Certificate, he ſhall forfeir soli cate, perally per, id. Stat!? sola To'false'ang If any perſon ſhall falſifie any Cuſtom-honſe Warrant, he ſhall forfeic for syery WATAN 1006. Offerre 100 l. per 'ida Stai. i ii I 1 The Office? 10 Every Officer appointed to perfect an Ency, ſhall make report thereof under his make atrne re. Hand, unto the Chief Officers of the Cuſtoms, che next day, upon cae Penalty of parts ont penalty rool. unleſs there be cauſe of longer time to be allowed by the Chief Officers of che of 100... Cuſtoms, per id. Stat. . Pilot or I'atti- French VrNels If any French Vefſel put any Goods or Paſſengers on Shore, or into any Boat, to not copiatGoods be conveyed on Shore, and not pay the five ſhillings.per Tonnage duc upon French on flore mot par - Venels, upon their return ehey ſhall forfeit ten pounds, and pay all the former ing 5 s. per Tube Duty, per id. Stat. the penaliy tola If any Pilot or Waterman Shall go out from any Port, to bring in'any Goods or mais going out of Paliengers from aboard of any French Veſſels, for every Offence he ſhall forfeit 401, auf Port brings Goods,&c. per per id. Stat, nalig 401. officers not gi. If any Cuſtomer, Comptroller, or Searcher, or their Deputies, do not give their ving attendance atecadańce at the Cuſtom houſe at ſuch time and places as are appointed by Law, pinaliy 1oole and allo do not cheir utmoſt diligence in their reſpective Places, for every Offence the Offender ſhall forfeit 1ool. Vide Stat. 1 Eliz. i 1, Nat refdent on IF any Cuſtomer, Comptroller, or Searcher be nof reſident upon his Place and kis places pe Office for every:Offerice he ſhall forfeit 100l. Vide Staf. i Hen. 4.13. 4 Hen. 4. naliy 1002: 20,6 21, 13 Hen. 4.5. No Ciftom offi- If any Cuſtom-houſe Officer fraighç any Slip, or uſe aay Merchandiſe, or keep cer to be Owner any Wharfe, or hold any Hoſtery, or Tavern, or be Factor, or Attorney, or Holt of a shiptor wife to any Merchant, for every Offence he hall forfeit 40 l. for every ſix Months, Merchandiſes to be divided betwixt the King and the Proſecutor. Vide Stat. 20 Hen. 6. 5. &c.penalty 40 1. IF the Cuſtoms and Navigation. 9 IF any Cuſtomer, Comptroller, or Searcher, be a Common Officer, or Deputy to No Cuftom o ffon a Common Officer, in any City, Burrough, or Town, upon the penalty of 40 l. cer to be a coms. for every fix Months he ſhall ſo officiate boch Offices cogecher. Vide Stat. 3 Hen. men oficer, pes nally qol 7.1. Quere, whether this Statuse be in force, or Repealed by the Statute of į Hen. 8. 5. Engliſh Shipping is either Engliſh builc, or bought bona fide by Engliſh Money, English built whereof every Owner or Part-owner are Engliffen Iriſh, Welcb, or of his Majefties shipping, was Plantations. C is mean op 1 --- tait 18 72 55 M 38 67 62 55 4 4 + isini A TABLE A 010 A Τ Α Β L E OF THE STATUTES 1 TO Rclating to the Customs, and NAVIGATION, and TRADE, Made in the Reign of King CHARLES the Second, . Onnage and Poundage . . Preventing Frauds 14 Car. II. 11. Navigation Encouraged 12 Car. II. 18. Wooll, Sheep, &c. 12 Car. II. 32. Leather, &c. 14 Car. 11.7. Bonelace, &c. 14 Car. II. 13. Wooll-fells, &c. 14. Car. II. 185 Card-Wyre and Iron Wyre, &c. . . Encouragement of Trade, &c. 15 Car. II. 5 Encouragement of Fifing 15 Car. II. 14 i 1 THE L ! II ! THE. A U THOR 1 j Τ Ο His Books. SH Ince now, my Book, thou art ſo far gone on, Abroad on Gods Name ,, and be better known : But had there been now but one quarter done, That, nor the rest, ſhould n’er have ſeen the Sun. To Friends be free, ope them thy Treaſures Store : But carping Scoffers, let them have no more But Scraps; for that's enough, and good for ſuch As poyſon all they fee, foul all they touch, And on Mechanick Scapes forge Arts detraction, Ere they will wink, or mend the faultier action Tb' Errata's made. I never did intend it For ſuch as not commend, nor can come mend it; Not I: And ſo I end it. 1 1 5 ERRAT 4. { ! f | 1 ܪ + A COMPENDIUM A OF + FORTIFICATION, BOTH 4 Geometrically and Inſtrumentally, 1 BY A SC A L E + The Making whereof is ſhewed by the Tables, and their Uſe, both of the Tables and the Scale, for ſpeedy Protracting of any Fort conſiſting of 8 Bulwarks, whoſe Baſtion-Angles ſhall not exceed 90 Degrees; and ſo the like for Baſtion- Angles of 12 Bulwarks, : WRITTEN BY PHILIPS T A Y N RED Profeffor and Teacher of the MATHEMATICKS in the City of BRISTOL. / JE R. XVI. 19. The Lord is my strength, and my fortreſs ,' and my refuge in the day of affliction. 1 1 LONDON, Printed by E. Cotes, Anno Domini 1669. 4 1 - , 1 1 1 1 + A COMPENDIUM OF FORTIFICATION. Irfts of the sides and Angles thereof, as in the Figure following. the Names 1 A 1 3 + . H >i F M ... UTY II IIIIIII XT I10 JI1 0:- 111111 min A E * HI 4 Names of the sides of # Forf. A B the Ourward side of the Polygon, and D E che Inward Sidc. CA the Semidiameter of the Outward Polygon, and CD the Inward. IHAGF the Bulwark or Baſtion. AG, or A H, the Front or Face of the Baſtion: 280 Foot. A D the Capital or Head Line, D I, or D F, the Gorge Line.. IH, or FG, the Flank; and FM the ſecond Flank, : D G the Eſpaule, or Shoulder. FK the Curtain- A K the longeſt Line of Defence AL the ſhorteſt Linc of Defence. Names of the Angles. N A B the Angle of the Polygon, and N A C the half Angle. HA G che Flanked Angle of the Bulwark, (p2) AGR -420 Foot. 720 Foot. 1 A 2 स Fortification. L A GF the Angle of the Shoulder. FDG the Angle forming the Flank, commonly 40 Degrees. GA O the Inward Flanking Angle. APB the Outward Flanking Angle, and APO half the ſame. Note, That_thc Baſtion or Flanked. AngletH A G muſt never be leſs than 60 Degrees neither above 90 Degrees; but as neer as you can toán Angle' of 90 De- grees : So that it may be defended from the Flank and Curtain on either side. The longeſt Line of Defence K A not to be above 12 ſcore Yards, that is, 720 Foot, being within Musket-hot; and the bredder of the Rampire to reſiſt the Barcery 100 Foot. *** como . any Deſcribe a Fort of Five Pulmarks, or any other; ſo that the Baſtion, of Flanked Angle of 8 Baſtions or Bulwarks exceed not go Degrees by the Line of Chords. Irft, Draw an Oblaire Line, as A.B; and upon A, as a Center, with the Chord of 60 deg, deſcribe an Arch, as CDE; and from Clay down half the Polygon Angle (which in the Table following the Pigure you ſhall find to be) 54 deg. as CD; alſo the ſame again from Dto E, and draw the Line A E. Now divide the half Polygon Arches CD and D E each into three equal parts, as in FHIG, and from two of thoſe parts from D, as Fand G, draw Lines unto the Baſtion Point ac A. Then take any convenient Diſtance, and lay thie ſame on thoſc Lines from A unco K and L, which ſhall make the Front or Face of the Bulwark. Next, from the ſhoulder at K let fall a Perpendicular to AB, as K M; and on the Center at K deſcribe an Arch of 60 deg. from M towards N, and from M lay down on the ſame Arch sodeg. or more exact 49 deg. 24 min. and ſo dray KN, which will cut the Sea midiameter of the Polygon in the Point O ; fo fhall A O be the Capital Line of the Baſtion. Then fom o draw a Linc parallel to AB, as OP; ſo ſhall you have OR for the Gorge Ling, and R K the Flank. Now for the Currain, take half the Front A K, as AT, and lay ic down three cimes from R cowards P, which will fall in S; lois R S the Curtain. Then on the Point at Screct a Perpendicular, as SV, equal to R K, which ſhall be the Flank of another Baſtion; and ſo the Front K A being laid from V, ſhall cut the firſt Linc AB in B ; ſo drawing V B, you have the Front of the ſame Baltion. Láhly, Divide A B in the middle, as in W, and from W let fall a Perpendicular to A B, which will cut the Semidiameter of the Polygon in the Point D; lo is D the Center of the Polygon. And with the ſame Semidiameter D A you muſt deſcribe a wholc Circle, of che whſchi A B is the part chereof, which Diſtance will reach from B unto X, and from Xunto Y, and ſo to Z, and your firſt Point at A, where you begun your Work. For the other Baſtions, they may be eaſily tranſported from the firſt Baſtion. And norç, That if your Fort exceed 8 Bulyarks, you muſt add 15 deg, to half the Poly- gon Angle, lo have you the Baſtion Angle; and then work as before. Bur in the Forts that exceed not 8 Bulwarks, where the Baltion Angle will not be above 90 deg. you muſt take the part of the Angle of the Polygon. The longeſt Line of Defence is from A unto , and ſhould not exceed 720 Foot (becauſe of being-szichin Musket-Shot) the Currain RS about-420 Foot, and the Frone A K 280 Foor:. And for the Flank R Ky and Gorge R O, their proportion commonly is as 6 to 7: but the Angie KOR forming the Flank is about 40 gr. by which the Proportion is neer as 5 to 6. 1 1 A Table LI Fortification, . 3 T C B K. V R IR 5. 1 F: H 1 IN N M A Table for 8. Baftions. 1 A 60 64 9 5 36 A Table for 12 Baftions. Polygoms. i Angle of 15, Angie of thie Polycon. the Baftion. Degrees, Degrees . 4 Tetragon 45 30. 5 Pentagon 54 34 6 Hexagon 37 7 Heptagon 39 8 Octagon 67 41 9 Enucagon 70 42 10 Decagon 72 43 11 Undecagon 73 77 4475 12 Dodecagon 75 The Baſtion Angle is here found by adding 15 d. to che Polygon Angle, and take the thereof: So che Baſtion Angle will be an An- gle of 90 deg. in a Dedecagon. of Angle of Angle of Polygons. the Polygons the Baſtions Degrees. Degrees. 4 Terragon 45 30 5 Pentagon 54 6 Hexagon 60 40 7 Heptagon 8 Oeagon 45 The Baſtion Angle is here found by caking the of the Polygon i Angle: So the Baſtion Angle will be an Angle of go degr. in the OEtagon. And no more muſt the Baſtion Angle be in any Polygon. I 64 42 7 1 67 45 1 ? . 4 Fortification. Of the works that are in or about Forts of moſt Importance. 41 Catal 1 SA I. H VIUNTITWINTHRIINUNLIMITATITANJE ID HOINNTNIMIT Ufufomunid AMIDINI QUIMITOLITICULATE B A TUNNINHUUMIA Wimno HWA TINDINI HE AB the Breadth or Walk on the Rampire 40 Feer. BC the Breadth of the Parapet of the Rampire, with the Fauſſe- bray, and Parapet chercof, cach 20 Foot ; in all a } DE the Breadth of the Moat, Ditch, or Trench -120 E F the Coridon, or Covere-way of the Counterſcarp F G the Argin or Paraper thercof, being -go or 6o H chc Ravelines; I the Half-moons, with their Parapets--- 20 20 T ! } There may be ſometimes an occaſion in Forts to raiſe Mounts, Cavaliers, Plat- formis, or Batteries, to command all the other Works, and to view the Country about; which may be raiſed upon the Baſtions, if yon have room withal to make uſe of the Flanks: Ocherwiſe let them be raiſed on the Curtains, a little within the Rampire, ſo that you may have room left for the Walk. > . TO L j 9 1 [] r Fortification. 5 + To Draw the Platform of a Fort, beginning with the capital (or Hend) Line ; And alſo to draw the Horn-works. 1 P 1 OR L T con 1 . 1 1 . 12 1 1 llimine H E M Kos 1 4 D 5 um beli ! Et thc Fort bean Hexagon, that is, of fix Baſtions or Bulwarks. Firſt draw the Line A B, and upon X deſcribe an Arch of a Circle, as BDC, whereon lay down half the Polygon-Angle, which in che former Table you ſhall find to be 6o deg, as from B unto D, and theace to C; and draw A Cand AD. Now the part of the half Polygon Angle is BG and C F; then draw the Obſcure Line A Fand AG. Next you ſhall make choice of the Capical Line, of any ſufficient length, which let be A E, and from E draw a Line parallel to AB, as EH, continued ; and upon the Point E, as a Center, deſcribe K l, making it an Angle of 40 deg, as KEI; ſo ſhall EI cut out the Fronc in L, as A L: So from L lec fall the perpendi- cular LM, which ſhall be che Flank; and MN the Curtain ſhall be as formerly che whole length of the Front, and a half more. For the reſt of the Work, you muſt proceed as formerly. Pop 1 1 1 6 Fortification. 1 1 For the Horn-works. you and Y Qu muſt continue the "Flárikers' M L and. No anco- P and Q; then take the longeſt Line of Defence AN, and lay it thereon from the ſhoulders at L and O, unto P and Q; drawing the Line PĆ, dividing it into three equal parts; from thoſe parts 1 and 2, draw parallels unto PL and Qo: alſo from thoſe Points P and Qdraw parallels to the Fronts A L apd. B O, thoſe will cut the former Pa- rallels in R, S, T, and V, which Inçerfections will limit the Fronts, Flanks, and Curtains, as you may caſily perccivc; unto which you muſt make che Rampire, Para- pet, fc. as in the former Works. / * $ Now follow two Tables; the one for 12 Bastions, and the other for Forts of 8 Baftions"Whereby you may trace out any Fort by help of a Line of Equal Partss which fall divide the side of the Outer Polygon into 10000 parts. The Firſt Table for 12 Sides. Number of Sides 4 Ś 6 7 8 9 10 II 1 2 ) The Side of the 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Outer Polygon The Capital Line 2428 2592 2756 2926 3086 3136 3148 3180, 3204 The Gorge 1088 1264' 1378 1470 1538 1640 1722 1793 1842 The Front 2914 1953 2986 -3014 3024 3054 3070 3083 3094 The Flank 970 1128 1246' 1360 1516 15261 1536 1542 1546 1 The Second Table, for 8 Sides, whoſe Baftion Angle then fall make 90 Degrees. kom Number of-Sides 4* ** 5 6 7 oo The Sidc of che Outer Polygon 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 " The Capital Line 2778 The Gorge 2396 2498 2602 2695 T120 1327, 1480 1592 1698 2939 2959 297.5 2987 940 II13.11242 1:1342)' 1423 ' The Front The Flank 2914 : The uſe of theſe Tables. I Et it be required to draw the Proporcional Dimenſion of a Regular. Fort of 6 Sides: As for Example, in the fourth Figure, whoſe Side A B muſt be divi- ded into 10o equal parts, and cach part ſuppoſed to be ſubdivided into 10 parts ; ſo have you 1000 parts, which shall ſuffice. Now proceeding according to former Di- rections, until you come to make choice of your Capical Line, you ſhall here find in the ſecond Table, which is beſt for the purpoſe, under the Figure 6, and right againſt the word Capital in the firſt Column, 2602, but 260 will ſerve : Take the ſame mit 1 Fortification. " + R fame from the Scale of Equal parts, and lay it from the Baſtion Point at A, and it falls in the Point E, which will be the Center of the Baſtion. From thence you may lay down the Gorge Line out of the Table, which is 148 unto M: So will che Front Al be a96, and the Flank ML. The Curtain, being once and a half che length of the Front, will be MN 444. Thus you may do for any of the reſt. Theſe Ta- bles are uſeful for Irregular Forts; But firſt I will ſhew you the Height, Broadch, and Scarpings of the Rampire, Parapec, Ditch; for of theſe Sconces, as they are repreſented in the Profile, or Section, as followch. H M 7 10 4/7 7. E F G 7. ? I 6 2.3.. Terra plana 6.30 3 К во A 6 "6 པརབ་ 6 20 B ន 1 The Breadth of the Rampire may be 24, 30, or 40 Foor; blir here A B is büca The Inward Scarp AC- The Height of the Rampire CD · The Breadth of the Walk of the Rampire D E Ig The Breadth of the Bank or Foot-pace of the Parapet EF and the Height of the ſame Foot-pace. The Inward Scarp of the Parapet FG- The Inward Height of the Parapec GH The Brcadth of the Parapet at the Foot FI__ The oucward Scarp of thc Rampire BK Tlie Inward Scarp of the Parapet I L- The Outward Height of the Parapet L M- The Thickneſs of the Parapet ac the top MN- The Brim of the Ditch BOL The Breadth of the Ditch at the top OP. 33 The Scarp of the Dicchi o Q The Depch of the Ditch on- The Breadth of the Ditch ac the Bottom RS The Profile or Section of A Fort with a Fauſſe-Bray and Counterſcarp; alfo Subtrenched. 1 6 NAILINIIBEIIIII D32 2:M 6 3 6 20 K 1 B to :6 10 30 6I wwrivom A Terka plana 6 15 27 JH 150 To CD is che Fauffc-bray, and D M his Parapet: EFGH is the Suberench, and I K che Coridor, or Coverc-way. Laſtly, KL is the Argin or Paraper of the (9) Counter- 32 $ 1 1 8 Fortification. 1 Counterſcarp.' Nore, That the Height of the Rampire A be raiſed is or 18.Fooe above the Terra Plana, although here it is bác 12 Foor, which is ſomewhac too low to command the Trencil of Dicch: Butlif the Trench bewade broader, then is will command the bottomh thereof, . of Irregular Fortification. IN N the ſeventh Figure following let A B CD E be an Irregular Fort, containing 5 Baſtions, or 'Bulwarks. Firſt we will make a Baſtion on che Angle ac Az which do thus : Divide the Polygon Angle in half with the Line A F, and draw: the Baſtion-Angle as formerly, beings of the Polygon-Angle, as AH, and A I con- cinued, being the Sides wherсon the Fronts muſt be laid down. Now apon ſome ſpare Paper you ſhall make the half Polygon-Angle G AF, as you may ſee underneath this ſeventh Figure, as LKM : Then make choice of the Ca pital Line, as before ; let it be of any convenient length (larger than you think your Baſtion will be in the ſeventh Figure) as underncach KN, and from N the Center of the Gorge draw a Parallel to KL, continued to O, as NP; and ſo proceeding as be- fore, you ſhall find the point of the ſecond Baſtion at O: So have you the Propor- tion of your Baſtions, whereby you may gain thoſe in the ſeventh Figure. Now co reduce it from the Baſtion Poinţat Az you muſt take. A B che fhorrect Gde, and lay it from O unto Q and from Q draw a Lino parallel to the Capital Line KN continued as Q R. Laſtly, drawing a Line from N to C, it ſhall cit QR in the Point S; To is Qs the length of the Capical Line fouglıç for, which muſt be faid down on the ſeventh Figure from A unto T; fo is I the Center of the Gorge Then for the Front take KV, and lay it on the Capital Line fram K to W:fo.a Ru- ter being laid from W to o, it ſhall cut the Line QR in the Point at X; ſo is Q X the length of the Front, to be laid down in the ſevent, Figurç from. A unto and 1. Thus ſhall you finiſh your Baltion, when you have let fallen . your Hanks perpendicular on the ends of your Gurrains as you ſeç. The like Method you are to obſerve for the other Baltions, And when you have finiſhed your Fors, 'yor mult.obferve whether your; Çurraiti Enes (that is , from the Centers of the Gorge) be parallel to the Qurward Sides & B, o c. which if they are not, you muſt correct them; and, by your Judgment, Hy help of the Lincs of Defence, you may as you ſcc occafior widen the Necks: of She Gorges, and alſo the Baltion Angles; but not above go Degreas: And fo lectie Flankers be as nicer proporcional as the Rules (or Oculan Demonſtration dirotech). which commonly the Gorge Line to the Flank bcare proportion as 7 to 6 Much more could I write of Irregular Fortification: bac my purpoſe at this time is but to make a ſmall Treaciſeor-an Epicomechereof. Tiba ง 1 } 1 I YVYYTTYY H A R K L A 40 Fortification The ſeventh Fizure, of an Irregular Fort, containing 5 Baſtions ; being the Platform of the Royal Fort ſometimes on St. Michací's Hill, on the North wejt side of the City of Briſtol. E D M Z 1 i < DIM N. A Y dows I R + 1 P (ga) lo IO Fortification. To make a Scale for Fortification by the Tables. А D Equall parts o 986 75 100 Ont Pot F His may be performed Geometrically by obſerving che former Inſtructions, whereby you may gain che length of every Line: but it will be ſooner done, and more caſie, by thcſc Tables following. १० M 80 1 in Pol: L K 70 I Firf Table, for 12 Sides. H 60 10 Numb.or Sidesi 4 S 7 8 9 10 1 IZ 1 4 50 ИМ 40 Erant P Semi.Out.Pal. 1000 1000100010001000 1000 1000 10001000 Semi. Inn.Pol. 661 700 7311 756 777 795 810 823 834 The Front 412 3471 299 261 232 209 193 174 160 The Gorge 158 151 1411 132 133 115 108 10196 The Flank 133 127) 1191 111 1031 971 90 PS 80 30 20 Gorg Second Table for & Sides. Flar 12 Nnmbct of sides 1 S 7 4 6 7 8 9 272 90 4 Semi. Outer Polyg. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Semi. loner Polyg. 96117061740 766 787 The Front 412 346.296 259 229 158 156 1481.5381 130 The Flagler 133 1311,121 116 109 The Scales of Forti - fication. 80 The Gorge 5 70 too Out Pol: 60. 6. 90 7 50 30 + Inpol 70 HO 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 30 40 Eront IP Make your-Scale afe" a ſufficient'length, that may hold both Liries, che one for 12 Sides, and the other for 8. Make choice wichin the brcadch of the Scals, between the Border's, any fufficient breadth, as CD; froin whence draw_Parallels to the Sides, and djwide. CD into 30 Equaſ parcs, and begin : your Account from C wich 45 : lo ſhall the end ; a D be 75 degr. Now make choice of the length of the outer Po- lygon, which here I make three Inches apped di- vide á Line by the Side thereof, cquial. chcreto, in 100 cqual parts, and ſuppoſe each part into 4o; ſo have you iooo paros agreeablçı to: the Tables The next thing is co draw Parallels to CE, ac="? cording to the Polygon halt Ingtes, : as you may ſee in the Tables under che Pencigog. Fort, being che ſecond Figure: So from the Scale CĐ you have for the half Angle of a Pentagon 54 Degrees, whereby you may dray the Psabagoir parallel FG; and ſo in the lower. Stále of 8 Baſtions. In the like manner you may do for all the reſt. Now to draw the croſs Lines for the Semidiame- ters of the Ingér Polygons, as alſo the Lines for the Froncs, Gorges, and Flanks, you ſhall work chus. Firſt, you muſt noce, That the Semidiameter of the Outer Dolygon is the Radius of whole Line of 1000 equal 20 30 2o Gorg 10 Flank 10 10 N G 5 6 7 8 4 Chords Poligons Sides B + + + Fortification. / 1 ។ equal parts, and that is drawn at Right Angles, or a croſs at F: Buc for che Semi- diameter of the Inner Polygon, look in the Tablc of 12 Sides in the ſecond Ccm lumn under 4, you have 661. Take the ſame Number off your Scale of Equal Parts, and lay it from Eco H: Then in che third Column under 5 you have 700 parts ; lay the ſame down from G to I, and make chcre a prick or point : Do the like for the Hexagon and Heptagon, as at I and K; proceeding along with all the reſt, unto the Dodecagon. And laſtly, draw a Line through all thoſe Points: So have you the Arch Line H M for the Scmidiameters of the Inner Polygon. In the ſame manner work for the Front, Gorge, and Flank Lines. The scale of 8 Sides is the ſame Method. I have allo inſerted on the left ſide of the Scale a Linc of Chords, whoſe Radius . (or Arch of 60 Degrees) is chrec Inches ; and on the left ſide, a Line for the sides of the Polygons. The Hex!gon, or ſix Sides, is equal to the Radius: And for che Tetragon, or four sides, it is cqual to che Chord of 90 Degrces. So having defcribed a whole Circle with the Chord of 60 Degrecs, you thall find that if you cake from the Cen:er Nunto 5; it ſhall divide the Circle inco s.equal parts, fok- drawing the Figure of a Pentagon, which in the ſecond Figure of a Pentagon Fort will reach from A to B, and lo co X, Y, Z, and A. Now D A in the ſame le- cond Figure you ſhall find to be che Semidiameter of the Oucer Polygon, which in the Scale is a F; and taking GI off che Scale for 12 Baſtions, or GO on the Scale of 8 Baſtions, it will give the Semidiameter of the Inner Polygon, as DE in the ſame Figure. So likewile G P on the Scale will be equal to the Frons A K in the Pentagin För:. The like you may underſtand for laying down the Gorge and the Flank. And for the Curtain, as before, you muſt make R$i; che length of the Front A.K. This Scale will alſo be of good llle in Irregular Forcification. As for Inſtancea In the Irregular Fort, the ſeventh Figure, you thall find the halk Baſtion Angle GAF to be 58 Degrees, which falls on the Scale between the pentagon and Hexagon, from whence you may draw a Baltion on ſome ſpare, place, and from thence proportionate the ſame unto the outer ſide of the ſeventi Figure A B. The reft I lcave to your own practice. ! - A + . Hong : l -- * 112 Fortification. :: . How to Fortifie a long Curtain with Bulwarks, or a ſtrait / Town wall. .: . 1 : : 5. 3 %. 72 H 3 K В, A D. 420 420 10 , Er the Curtain be A B. Firſt cake 200 Foot from th: Scale of Fortification, accounting to for 100; and lay the ſame from A unto C, and from C unco D: So ſhall A D be the breadth of the Neck of the Gorge: and upon the Polit C creet a Perpendicular, as CF. Then take 420 Foot off your Scale, and layıthe fame from D ro E, which ſhall be the length of the Curtain. Next you muſt take 720 Foot, and lay the ſame from E, to cut off the Capital Line at F; fo fhall EF be the longeſt Line of Defence, and CF the Capital Line; which Line F muſt be laid down from Cunto G: and draw G F for the ſhorteft Line of Defence Laſtly, upon D erect a Perpendicular, which will cut the fame Line in H ; ſo have you DH for che Flank, and HF the Front. Thus have you finished half the Ba- ftion, from whence you may tranſport all the reſt of the Baſtions, were they ever fa many. Nore, That theſe Baſtions muſt not exceed 720 Foot, that ſo it may not be with- out Musket-ſhot. Bur if you will defend the Front with Cannon, you may make the Line of Defence almoſt twice ſo much. The like for the Curcain, which inay be 8oo Foor; and in the middle of the Curtain you may make a Spur, or Point of a Baſtion, as at K, which will be neceſſary for Musket-ſhor, beſide the Cannon; which in the Linc drawn about the City of Bridal I have ſeen many of them. : - . How to Role faire. José too : ullos hos two noworly of cua dagoenote galben annyire a) a luat qe as tirg frumger. Har ing you must enables harro ou 3 or 4 times reals bo oust of itt T'lishiguien would land allow . o this will maks amfish will acesta Chango y voel mi top may 1 Groc 24 houros greatest .: :: i Fortification Theſe five following Pieces are taken out of Malthus ; The Proportions you may find by the Scale, and the Rales before ſhered. Tetragon pentagory Hexagon ALAMASINI ht Heptagon 7 octagoni - FINIS. 2: * , . ... , 1 P * * 1 FA •!