Hubbard mary Voyages PR 3541 .483 H6 1840 P A S • .*.** 1 POR C : janetary اول Linna PR 3541 L83 } پر عداوت 1 i *. * ܘ S I! -} Res "Regent L. L. Fibtard's 炸 ​11-18-1725 THE WHO WAS LATELY DISCOVERED ON AN UNINHABITED ISLAND IN THE SOUTH SEA, WHERE HE HAD LIVED ABOUT FIFTY YEARS WITHOUT ANY HUMAN ASSISTANCE. ENGLISH HERMIT; OR, UNPARALLELED SUFFERINGS AND SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF MR PHILIP QUARLL, { PREFACE. -- རྞནྟུ TRUTH and fiction have of late been so promiscuously blended together in two performances of this nature, that, in the present case, it seems absolutely necessary to distinguish the one from the other. If Robinson If Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, and Colonel Jack, have had their admirers among the lower rank of readers, it is as certain that the morality, in masquerade, which may be discovered in the Travels of Lemuel Gulliver, has been an equal entertainment to the superior class of mankind. 1-44 *: When Mr Dorrington undertook this voyage, he set sail, as is well known, from Bristol to the South Sea, and traded all along that coast to Mexico, now called New Spain. And he is now making a second voyage to the same places. To proceed to the work itself. The first Book con- tains a relation of Mr Dorrington's discovery of Mr Quarll; his several conferences with him; a descrip- tion of the island, and the manner of our hermit's living there; with many other curious particulars. The second and third Books are the contents of the hermit's parchment-roll above mentioned, and con- tain the most surprising, as well as various, turns of fortune ever yet recounted in any work of this kind. And although the continued series of misfortunes which attended him seemed to render his life an ex- ample of the most unhappy state of human nature, yet we do not find so great an enormity in his actions that Mr Edward Dorrington is descended from a very ancient and honourable family in Staffordshire. His vengeance should pursue him so closcly by unparalleled grandfather, Mr Joseph Dorrington, removed out of crosses. If polygamy could call down such divine resent- that county to Frome in Somersetshire; his employments, we must be silent, nor farther urge his fate. However, for this fact he was brought to justice by was that of a very considerable grazier. The issue he left at his decease was one son, Richard (the father the laws of his country, and he accounts for the in- of my friend), and two daughters. Mr Richard Dor- ducements of his committing that sin at his trial. rington for some time was a student at Gray's inn; This reflection, therefore, should be wiped off, since he This reflection, therefore, should be wiped off, since he but, liking a country life best, he having thoroughly is now become the humblest of penitents. qualified himself, retired to Frome, the above-men- tioned residence of his father, where he married Mrs Margaret Groves, of Taunton, a gentlewoman of about a thousand pounds' fortune. Soon after his marriage, he went and settled at Bath, where the integrity of The observations throughout these sheets will be found to be modest, serious, and instructive, and all centre in the unerring moral, that— "Whate'er we do, or wheresoe'er we're driven, I his fair practice soon rendered him eminent in his pro- fession. He acquired a very competent estate, and died in the year 1708, having no other issue than his only son, the present Mr Edward Dorrington, whom he had put to be bred a merchant under the care of Mr Stephen Graham, of Bristol. His diligence and courteous behaviour during his servitude so highly re- commended him to his master's esteem, that, when his time was expired, he admitted him into a moiety of his commerce, married him to his daughter, and gave her a handsome portion suitable to his merit. Still, we must own, such is the will of Heaven." have discharged two promises; the one made by Mr To conclude. In the publication of these papers Dorrington to the Hermit, and the other made by myself to Mr Dorrington: and that they may mect with a reception as candid as they are useful is the hearty wish of ten The happiness of my acquaintance with him began [ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY—No. 101.] 71 ? Now it may, without the least arrogance, be affirmed that, though this surprising narrative be not so replete with vulgar stories as the former, or so interspersed with a satirical vein as the last of the above-mentioned treatises, yet it is certainly of more use to the public than either of them, because every incident herein related is real matter of fact. But because my share in this work is no other than that of a bare editor, I think it my duty to account for the possession of this manuscript. It was put into my hands about a year ago by Mr Dorrington, an eminent merchant, with full liberty to publish it when and in what manner I thought most proper. I hope, therefore, it will not be deemed im- pertinent to give some account of my friend, as a reputation to the work itself. 1 in his apprenticeship; and has, with the greatest sa- tisfaction to me, continued ever since. As to the genuineness of this treatise, I am farther to assure the reader that, as Mr Dorrington is allowed by all who knew him to be a gentleman of unques- tionable veracity, and above attempting an imposition on the public; so the first Book herein was wholly written by himself, and the second and third Books were faithfully transcribed from Mr Quarll's parch- ment-roll, which was a continuation of what my friend had begun. The public's humble servant, P. L. ON THE HERMIT'S SOLITUde. BEHOLD a man in his first class of years, When youthful sports made way for growing cares, The chequer'd fortunes of a manly age, F Busies reflecting sense with thoughts more sage; Various affairs will cause a world of woes; Then, in the fall of life how sweet's repose! The calm he now enjoys makes full amends For all he felt; Heaven never ill intends. Suff'rings are sent to us from God above, To make us practise faith and sacred love; Aw'd into patience by fresh scenes of fate, We live too soon, and learn to live too late. In busy worlds, and trading peopled towns, More fast we sin than sin itself abounds. In soft repose, Quarll empires does disdain; Free from disquiet, solitude 's his gain. Thoughts more sublime, a haven more serenc, Nought e'er to vex him that may cause the spleen. Methinks I with him share of Eden's grove, And wish no better Paradise to rove. Here's not Ambition with her gaudy train, Nor Envy trampling down the poor or mean; Nor Avarice nor haughty Pride invade, Nor can Remorse his slumb'ring nights upbraid; In peace he rests, unenvied or unknown, And pities monarchs on their toilsome throne, No king that reigns but must, as mortals, die; And when they rule, no subject should ask why? Heav'n grants them license; and, when God gives laws, Where's the bold man that dares dispute the cause? Would the great men from one so mean be told They serve a crown for int'rest and for gold? 'Tis with content Quarl! lives, he's truly bless'd, Has nought to dread, nor is with aught distress'd; Prays for his country, and its present prince, That he may reign in heav'n when called from hence. Here, in these lonely shades, he just uprose, A type of resurrection to disclose; A resurrection from a watery hell, Where shoals of terror strove which should excel; A resurrection, emblem of the last, Which will recal our ev'ry guilt that's past; Drawing a glare of conscience to our view, Of horror for our sins, both old and new; I'd wish myself as happy-not more great; But so unspotted in his present state, I'd know no change; but, when God calls, obey, Prepar'd in my account for judgment-day; To more substantial and eternal joys. Then happy rise, from cares and worldly toys, This honest Hermit, at a transient view, Seems to be born all precedent t' out-do; Something uncommon makes him wond'rous seem; Sound are his morals, drawn from ev'ry theme. Thus from our English Hermit learn to know That early piety opposes woe. Thro' ev'ry stage of life see Philip tost, And on a desert shore by tempest cast, Where he's most happy, when imagin'd lost. So true it is the God's our good design, As lab'ring slaves dig diamonds from a mine. From rugged rocks the sailors gain a prize, By true repentance here on earth, be found And, shipwreck'd oft, from death to life arise; So may we at the last dread trumpet's sound, Acceptable in heav'n, where joys abound! In grateful hymns hail in the new spring-day; And, like the angels, never cease to pray. A kingdom Quarll doth undisturb'd enjoy; He's rais'd a monarch from an abject boy. And here I can't omit the pencill'd plan Of Beau-fidelle, his monkey, and his man. The docile beast most servilely obeys, And justly merits more than human praise; A beauty of his kind, good-natur'd, too, A brute so pleasing, wonderful and new; Subservient to his lord, loving and just, Where's human servant we can thus intrust? " 354 THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. fine trees and here and there small groves, which we judged to be composed of forty or fifty several trees; upon examination we found it, to our great amaze- ment, to proceed from only one plant, whose outmost lower branches bending to the ground, about seven or eight feet from the middle stem, struck root, and became plants, which did the same; and in that manner covered a considerable spot of ground, still growing less as they stood farthest from the old body. Having walked some time under that most sur- prising and wonderful plant, admiring the greatness of Nature's works, we went on finding several of the same in our way wherein harboured monkeys, but their swift flight prevented our discerning their co- lours; yet, going on, we found there were two kinds, one having green backs, yellow faces, and bellies; the other grey, with white bellies and faces, but both sorts exceeding beautiful. BOOK 1. AN ACCOUNT HOW MR QUARLL WAS FOUND OUT; WITH A DESCRIPTION OF HIS DRESS, HABITATION, AND Uten- SILS; AS ALSO HIS CONVERSATION WITH THE persons WHO FIRST DISCOVERED HIM. HAVING Concluded those mercantile affairs which I undertook by this voyage to negotiate, and being upon my return for England, and wind-bound, during my stay I daily walked about the sea-shore. Very early one morning, the weather being extremely fair, and the sea wonderfully calm, as I was taking my usual turn, I accidentally fell into discourse with a Spanish Mexican inhabitant named Alvarado; and, as we were viewing the rocks which abound in those seas, he desired me to take notice of a vast long one about seven leagues from shore, which he said was supposed to inclose some land, by its great extent; but the access to it was very dangerous, by reason of the rocks, which reach so far under water, being in some places too shallow for boats, and in others too deep to ford over; and the sea, commonly very rough in that place, hitherto prevented further research, supposing the advantage which might accrue from the land would not countervail the cost and trouble of making it habitable; for that he and some friends had, on a fine day, as now it was, the curiosity to go as near as they could with safety, which was about fifty yards from the main rock, but were forced to return as unsatisfied as they went; only that he had the pleasure of catching some delicious fish, which lay playing upon the surface of the water, having a rod in his hand and lines in his pocket, being seldom without when he walks on the sea-shore. These fish are somewhat larger than a herring in its prime, skinned like a mackarel, made as a gudgeon, and of divers beautiful colours, especially if caught on a fair day; having since observed that they are more or less beautiful according to the serenity of the weather. The account he gave me of them excited my curiosity to go and catch some; and he being, as usual, pro- vided with tackle, we picked up a parcel of yellow maggots which breed in dead tortoises upon the rock, at which those fishes bite very eagerly. Thus equipped with all necessaries for the sport, we agreed with a young fellow, one of the long-boat's crew belonging to the ship I was come over in, whose master being just come on shore and not expected to return speedily, he readily consented to row us thither for about the value of a shilling. Being come to the place, we found extraordinary sport; the fishes were so eager that our lines were no sooner in but we had a bite. Whilst we were fishing, the young man who rowed us thither spying a cleft in the rock, through which he saw a light, had a mind to see what was at the other side, so put off his clothes in order to wade to it; thus, having taken the hitcher of the boat, he groped along for sure footing, the rock being very full of holes. "Gentle- Being come to the cleft he crept through, and in a short time returned, calling to us with precipitation, which expresssed both joy and surprise. men! gentlemen!" said he, "I have made a discovery of a new land, and the finest that the sun ever shone on; leave off your fishing, you'll find here much better business." Having by that time caught a pretty hand- some dish of fish, we put up our tackling, fastened our boat to the rock, and so we went to see this new- found land. Being come at the other side of the rock, we saw, as he said, a most delightful country; but despaired going to it, there being a lake about a mile long at the bottom of the rock, which parted it from the land, for neither Alvarado nor myself could swim; but the young fellow, who could, having leaped into the water, finding it all the way but breast-high, we wont in also and waded to the other side, which ascended gently, about five or six feet from the lake, to a most pleasant land, flat and level, covered with a curious grass, something like camomile, but of no smell, and of an agrecable taste; it bore also abundance of fine lofty trees, of different kinds and make, which in several places stood in clusters, composing groves of different height and largeness. Being come to a place where the trees stood in such a disposition as gave our sight a greater scope, we saw, at some distance, a most delightful wood of considerable extent. The agreeableness of the perspective made by na- ture, both for creating pleasure and condolence of grief, prompted my curiosity to a view of the delights which the distance we were at might, in some mea- sure, rob us of: but Alvarado, who till then had dis- cerned nothing whereby we could judge the island to be inhabited, was fearful, and would not venture far ther that way, lest we should of a sudden be sallied upon by wild beasts out of the wood; and as I could not discommend his precaution, the thickness of it giving room to believe there might be dangerous crea- tures in it; so we went southward, finding numbers of At some distance we perceived three things standing together, which I took to be houses. "I believe," said I, "this island is inhabited, for, if I mistake not, yonder are dwelling places." "So they are," said Alvarado; "and therefore I don't think it wisdom to venture any farther, lest they should be savages and do us hurt." So he would have gone back, but I was resolved to see what they were, and persuaded him to go on, saying it would be time enough for us to retreat when we perceived danger. "That may be too late,” said he; "for, as evil doth not always succeed danger, danger doth not always precede evil; we may be surprised." "Well, well," said I, "if any people should come upon us, we must see them at some distance, and if we can't avoid them, here are three of us, a good long staff, with an iron point at one end and an hook at the other; I shall exercise that and keep them off, at least till you get away; come along and fear not." So I pulled him along. Being come near enough to discern better, we found that what we took for houses were rather arbours, being apparently made of green trees; then, indeed, I began to fancy some wild people inhabited them, and doubted whether it were safe to go nearer, but con- cealed my doubt, lest I should intimidate Alvarado, so that he should run away, to which he was very much inclined. I only slackened my pace, which Alvarado perceiving, imagined I saw some evil coming, which he thought unavoidable; and not daring to go from my company, he only condoled his misfortune saying he dearly repented taking my advice, that he feared we should pay dearly for our silly curiosity; for indeed those things were more like thieves' dens, or wild people's huts, than Christians' habitations. 4 By this time we were come near a spot of ground pretty clear of trees, on which some animals were feeding, which I took to be goats, but Alvarado fan, cied them to be deers by their swift flight at our appearing. However, I inferred by their shyness that we were out of the way in our judgment concerning the arbours; "For," said I, "if these were inhabited, those creatures would not have been so scared at the sight of men; and if by nature wild, they would not graze so near men's habitations had there been any body in them. I rather believe some hermit has for: merly lived there, and is either dead or gone." Alva- rado who, to that time had neither heard nor seen anything that could contradict what I said, began to acquiesce to it, and goes on. Being come within reach of plain discernment, we were surprised. "If these,” said I, "be the works of savages, they far exceed our expert artists." Their complete architecture without the craft of the artist; regularity appeared unconfined to the rules of art, and nature and time only being capable of bringing them capable of bringing them to that perfection. They were neither houses, huts, nor arbours; yet had all the usefulness and agree ments of each. Having sufficiently admired the uncommon beauty of the outside without interruption, but rather diverted with the most agreeable harmony of various singing birds as perched on a green hedge which surrounded about one acre of land near the place, we had the curiosity to see the inside, and being nearest the mid- dlemost, we examined that first. It was about nine feet high, and as much square; the walls were straight and smooth, covered with green leaves, something like those of a mulberry tree, lying as close and regular as slates on a slated house; the top went up rounding like a cupola, and covered in the same manner as the sides; from each corner issued a straight stem, about twelve feet higher, bare of branches to the top, which were full of leaves, and spread over, making a most pleasant canopy to the mansion beneath. Being full of admiration at the wonderful structure and nature of the place, we came to a door which was made of green twigs, neatly woven and fastened with a small stick, through a loop made of the same. The door being fastened without, gave us encourage- ment to venture in, it being evident that the host was absent; so we opened it, and the first thing we saw, being opposite to the door, was a bed lying on the ground, which was a hard dry earth, very smooth and clean. We had the curiosity to examine what it was made of, and found it another subject of admiration. The covering was a mat about three inches thick, made of a sort of grass, which, though as dry as the oldest hay, was as green as a leek, felt as soft as cotton, and was warm as wool; the bed was made of the same and in the same manner, but three times as thick, which made it as easy as a down bed; under that lay another, but somewhat harder. At one side of the room stood a table made of two pieces of thin oak board, about three feet long, fastened upon four sticks driven into the ground, and by it a chair made of green twigs, as the door. At the other side of the room lay a chest on the ground like a sailor's small chest; over it, against the wall, hung a linen jacket and breeches such as seamen wear on board. On another pin hung a large coat or gown, made of the same sort of grass, and after the same manner as the bed's covering, but not above half an inch thick, and a cap by it of the same. These we supposed to be a winter garb for somebody. Having viewed the furniture of the dwelling-place, we examined its fabric, which we could not find out by the outside, it being so closely covered with leaves; but the inside being bare, we found it to be several trees whose bodies met close and made a solid wall, which, by the breadth of every stem, we judged to be about six inches thick, their bark being very smooth, and of a pleasant olive colour, made a mighty agree- able wainscoting. The roof, which was hung very thick with leaves, was branches which reached from end to end, and were crossed over by the side one that were woven between, which made a very even and smooth ceiling, so thick of leaves and branches that no rain could penetrate. My companion's uncasi- ness, expecting the host's return every moment, hin- having slightly looked into the chest, which lay open, dered my examining everything more narrowly; and wherein we saw nothing but sheets of parchment, which bis haste would not permit me to look into, we went away. Going out, we saw at one corner of the room, be- hind the door, a couple of firelocks, the sight of which much alarmed my company, and I must confess, startled me, for till then I was inclinable to believe some hermit dwelt in the place; but finding arms in the room of a crucifix and religious pictures, which were the common ornaments of those religious men, made me waver in my opinion; and having taken the pieces in my hands which, for rust, appeared not to have been fit for use for many years, renewed my former opinion, supposing them to be the effects of some shipwreck, which the hermit found upon the rocks. But my company persisting in their own, hastened out, and would have gone quite away without seeing any more, had I not, by many arguments, made them sensible that if those arms had been intended for the evil use Alvarado imagined, they would have been kept in better order; to which being obliged to ac- quiesce, he consented to go and examine the other, it though quite of another nature, but much of the same being as worthy of admiration as that we had seen, height and make. The next we came at was covered all over with the same sort of grass as grew on the ground, which lay as even as though it had been mowed and rolled. Be- hind it were several lodges, made as it were for some dogs, but we neither saw nor heard any. Having viewed the place all round, we posted the young fellow with us at the outside, to give notice when anybody appeared, lest we should be surprised whilst we saw the inside; so having opened the door, which was made and fastened after the manner of the first, we went in, expecting to find another dwelling- place, but it proved rather a kitchen, there being no bed, but only a parcel of shells of different sizes, which we supposed to be applied for utensils, some being scorched at the outside as having been on the fire, but exceedingly clean within; the rest were both inside and outside as fine as nakes of pearl. 1 At one end of the room was a hole cut in the ground like stew-stoves in great kitchens; about three or four feet from that there was another fire-place made of three stones, fit to roast at; in both which places ap- peared to have been fire lately, by wood, coals, and ashes fresh made: this confirmed my opinion that it was a hermitage. Alvarado, who all along feared we should meet with men who would misuse us, was not a little pleased to find fire-places in room of beds, and kitchen utensils instead of weapons. "I hope," said he, "we are not in so great a danger as I feared; here cannot be many men, unless they crowd together in yonder place; and if so, they would have been here before now, had any been in the way." His fears being in a great measure dispersed, we looked about more leisurely; and seeing several shells that were covered, on a shelf that lay across two sticks that were stuck in the wall, which was made of turf, we had the curiosity to see what was in them; and found in one pickled anchovies, in others mushrooms, capers, and other sorts of pickles. " "Let them," said I, "be who they will that dwell here, I am sure they know good eating, and therefore, probably, may be no strangers to good manners, Upon another shelf behind the door, lay divers sorts of dried fishes, and upon the ground stood, uncovered, two chests with fish and flesh in salt, . These provisions being somewhat too voluptuous for a hermit, gave us room for speculation. "I have lived," said Alvarado, “at Mexico those six years, and have been at Peru above twenty times, and yet never heard talk of this island; the access to it is 80 difficult and dangerous that I dare say we are the first that have been on these sides of the rocks. I am very apt to believe that a company of determined buccaneers, which are said to frequent these seas, shelter here; and that the habitation we have seen and this place belong to their captain, and that the company resort in caves up and down these rocks." Really I could not well gainsay it, being too probable, yet I would not altogether acquiesce to his opinion, lest he should thereby take a motive to go away before we had seen the other place. I must confess," said I, "here's room for conjec- tures, but no proof of certainty: however, let it be as you say, it is a plain case there are none to disturb us; therefore, whilst we have liberty, let us see the other place." So we fastened the door as we found it, and went to the next, which was shut after the same manner as the two preceding, but made of quite. different stuff, being a complete arbour composed of trees, planted within a foot of one another, whose branches were woven together in such a regular man- ner that they made several agreeable compartments, and so close that nothing but air could enter; it was of the same height and bigness with the kitchen, which stood at the other end of the dwelling-place, which made a very uniform wing to it. · The coolness of the arbour removed our doubts of its being another dwelling, unless only used in hot weather. Having sufficiently viewed the outside, we went in, and found several boards, like dressers or tables in a pantry, on which lay divers broad and deep shells, as beautiful as those in the kitchen, in some of which was butter, in others cream and milk. On a shelf lay several small cheeses, and on another a parcel of roots like Jerusalem artichokes, which seemed to have been roasted. All this did but confirm the opinion we were in that it was no hermitage, there being sufficient to gratify the appetite, as well as to support nature. Therefore, not knowing what to think of the master of the house, we made no long atay, but concluded to haste and get our fish dressed, it being near dinner time, and as the trees stood very thick inland, and might conccal men from our sight till we came too near to shun them, we thought it proper to walk on the outside near the rocks, that we might see at some distance before us. Walking along, a phlegm sticking in my throat, I happened to hawk pretty loud; the noise was answered from, I believe, twenty places of the rock, and in as many different sounds, which alarmed Alvarado, who took it to be a signal from men concealed up and down the rock, not considering the difficulty of their coming at us, there being a lake at the foot of it which they must have been obliged to wade over, and which would have given us time to get away; but fear, which often blinds reason, represented the evil infallible to his thought, which was morally impossible. I did all I could to make him sensible they were but echoes; and, to convince him thereof, I gave a loud hem, which was answered in like manner; but by being a second time repeated, and by a louder voice, I was certain the last did not proceed from me, which put me in apprehension that somebody beside myself had hemmed also. My companion, whose countenance being turned- as pale as death, expressed the excess of his fears, would have run away, had not the voice come from the very way we were to go. << Now," said he, (hardly able to utter his words for trembling,) "you are, L hope, convinced that it would have been safer for us to retire, instead of gratifying your unreasonable du riosity; what do you think will become of us?" The young fellow, at these words, falls a weeping, saying, he wished he had missed the getting of that money which was likely to be dearly earned. I must confess I began to be a little apprehensive of danger, and wished myself safe away, but concealed my thoughts, heartening them as well as I could, and representing the danger equal, either moving forwards or standing still, I at last persuaded them to go on We were scarcely gone forty paoes farther before we perceived, at a considerable distance, something. like a man, with another creature, but presently lost them among the trees before we could have a full view of them, which made every one of us conceive a diffe- rent idea of what we had seen, Alvarado would have it was a giant and a man of common size with him and both armed cap-a-pie. + THE ENGLISH HERMIT. The poor lad, who was already as bad as a slave, being bound to a severe, ill-tempered master, feared death more than bondage, so took what he had seen for some she-bear and one of her whelps with her, to make her yet more dreadful; and, by all means, would have thrown himself into the lake, in order to get at the other side of the rock: thus the danger appeared to each of them to be what they dreaded most; but I was somewhat better composed in mind than they. I gave the object I saw the likeliest resemblance the time it was in sight would permit, which I could adapt to nothing but a man of common size, and somewhat like a dog with him; so, persisting in my opinion, made them waver in theirs. Thus we went on some- thing better composed. Being gone about an hundred yards farther, we saw the same again, but nearer hand and without inter- ruption, the place being pretty clear of trees; thus, having a full view, we were all, to our great satisfaction, convinced that what had been taken for a formidable giant, and a terrible she-bear, was but an ordinary man; but that which was with him, running up a tree as soon as he perceived us, prevented our discerning what animal it was; but the man, who walked on apacé, soon came within the reach of a more certain discernment, and appeared to be a venerable old man, with a worshipful white beard which covered his naked breast, and a long head of hair of the same colour, which, spreading over his shoulders, hung down to his loins. His presence, which inspired respect more than fear, soon recalled the frightened folks' scared senses, who, to recover their faint-heartedness, excused themselves by the misrepresentation distance causes in objects. The old man, who by that time was come near enough to discern our speaking English, let fall a bundle of sticks he had under one arm and a hatchet he carried in the other hand, and runs to me, being the next to him, embracing me, and saying "Dear countrymen (for I hear you are Englishmen), by what accident are you come hither? a place, the approach whereof is defended by a thousand perils and dangers, and not to be come at but by a narrow escape of death. Are ye shipwrecked?" "No, thank God," said I, “most reverend father, it was mere curiosity that brought us hither; these perils which you say defend the approach of this island being absent by the extraordinary calmness of the sea. But, if I may ask, pray how came you hither ?" "By the help of Providence," replied the good old man, "who snatched me out of the ravenous jaws of death, to fix me in this safe and peaceable spot of land. I was shipwrecked, thanks to my Maker! and was saved by being cast away." "I conceive, sir," said I, "you have been chased by some pirates, and escaped slavery by striking upon the rocks which surround this island; but now you have avoided that dismal fate, embrace the lucky opportu- nity of getting away from a place so remote from human assistance, which your age makes you stand in need of " "That's your mistake," replied the old man; "he who trusts in God needs no other help." "I allow that, sir," said I; "but our trust in God doth not require us to cast away, or despise, the help of man. I do not in the least question your piety, but mistrust the frailty of nature and debility of age; therefore would have you come and live within the reach of attendance. You may, without slackening your devotion, live in the world; you shall have no occasion to concern yourself with any cares that may disturb your pious thoughts." "No," replied the old man; << was I to be made em- peror of the universe, I would not be concerned with the world again; nor would you require me, did you but know the happiness I enjoy. Come along with me; and if, after you have seen how I live here, you persist in your advice, I will say you have no notion of a happy life." "I have, good sir," said I, "already seen, with great admiration, your matchless habitation; but there are other necessaries your age requires, as clothes to ex- clude the injuries of the air, and meat suitable to the weakness of your stomach." "That is your mistake," replied the old man; "I wan't for no clothes; I have a change for every season of the year; I am not confined to fashions, but suit my own conveniences. Now this is my summer dress; and I put on warmer as the weather grows colder: and for meat, I have fish, flesh, and fowl, and as choice and for meat, I have fish, flesh, and fowl, and as choice as any man can wish for. Come, you shall dine with me, and ten to one but I may give you venison, and perhaps a dish of wild fowl too; let us go and see what Providence has sent us. Só we went to a wood about a mile farther, where he had fastened se- veral low nets in different gaps in the thickset, in one of which happened to be an animal something like a fawn, twice as big as a bare, the colour of a fox, and faced and footed like a goat. "Did I not tell you," said the good man, "I might chance to give you venison? Now let us look after the fowls." So we So we went a little farther, at a place where he had hung a ; ارد 355 long net between two high trees, at the bottom of which was fastened a bag of the same to receive the fowls, who in the night, being stopped by the net, fluttered to the bottom. There also happened to be game-a couple of fowls made like woodcocks, but of the bigness and colour of a pheasant, were taken ät the bottom of a bag. Now," said the old man," these I have without committing the sin of bidding less for them than I know they are really worth, or making the poulterers swear they cost them more than they did. Well, now I may give you a dish of fish also, it is but going half a mile or thereabouts." "There is no need, sir," said I, "for any more; there are but four of us, and here is provision for half a score; but if you are disposed for fish, we have some in a boat on the other side of a rock; it is but going for them." 66 Very well," said the old man, "it is but going about a mile, then strip and wade over a lake, then climb up a ragged rock twice backward and forward, to fetch what we can have for only taking a pleasant walk, all the while diverted with the sweet harmony of a number of fine birds. Look here; this com- plaisance often puts men to a world of needless trouble; come, we'll make a shift to pick a dinnner out of these." 66 Sir," said I," it is no shift where there is such a plenty." " " Plenty," said the old man; "why, I tell ye this is a second garden of Eden; only here is no forbidden fruit, nor women to tempt a man. >> "I see, sir," said I, "Providence supplies you plentifully with necessaries, if age does not deprive you of strength." "l Age !" replied the old man, why, I am not so old as that comes to, neither; I was but eight-and-twenty when I was cast away, and that is but fifty years ago. Indeed, if I lived as you do that dwell in the wise world, who hurry on your days as if your end came on too slow, I might be accounted old." "I do not gainsay, reverend father, but that you bear your age wonderfully well; but a multiplicity of days must make the strongest nature bend; yes, time will break the toughest constitution, and, by what you say, you have seen a considerable number of years." (6 Yes," replied the old man, " a few days have run over my head; but I never strove to out-run them, as they do that live too fast. Well," says he, "you are a young man, and have seen fewer days than I, yet you may be almost worn out. Come, match this," says he; with that he gave a hem with such strength and clearness that the sound made my ears tingle for some minutes after. "C "Indeed, sir," said I, "you have so far out-done what I can pretend to do, that I will not presume to imitate you.' 33 "Then I am afraid," said he, "you will prove to be the old man. Well, then, you or your friend, the strongest of you, fetch hither that stone; it does not look to be very heavy," pointing at a large stone that lay above two yards off, "I will endeavour, sir,” said I, "to roll it; for I dare say it is past my strength to lift it.” So, to please the old man, I went to take it up; but could hardly move it. "Come, come," said the old gentleman, "I find that must be work for me." With that he goes, takes up the stone, and tosses it to the place he bid me bring it. "I see," said he, "you have exerted your strength too often, which makes you now so weak. Well, you see the advantage of living remote from the world. Had you had less of human assistance, I am apt to believe you would not want it so soon as you are likely to do. Come, let us make much of that little strength we have left, taking necessary support at proper times; it is now past noon, therefore let us lose no time, but haste home to get our dinner ready.” ¿ So we went back to the place where the bundle of Sticks lay, which we made the young fellow with us carry, and went directly to the kitchen, where, whilst he made a fire, one cast the animal, and the other two pulled the fowls. <3 "I am sorry," said the old man, "you must take that trouble, but your presence has frightened away my servant, who used to do that work for me. "Have you a servant, then, sir ?” said I. "" 60 "Yes," said he, “and one a native of this island. "Then I find, sir," said I, "this island is inhabited." Yes," answered the old man, "with monkeys and myself, but nobody else, thank God; otherwise, I can tell you, I should hardly have lived so long." "Then, sir," said I, "I suppose that was it we saw run up à tree ?” 65 19 Yes," said he; "my monkey, like myself, loves not much company.” "1 "Pray, sir," said I, "how did you bring him so well under command, as to keep him with you when he has liberty to run away? I wonder the wild ones do not entice him from you. "I had him young," replied the old ut «and made very much of him, which those creatures dearly love; besides, when he was grown up, the wild ones man, 356 would not suffer him amongst them, so he was forced to remain with me. I had another before this; but he, I may say, was sent by Providence both to be a help and diversion to me; for he was so knowing that he took a great deal of labour off my hands, and dis- persed many anxious hours which the irksomeness of my solitude had created. It is now about twelve years since; for I keep a memorial, which indeed I designed to have been a journal; but I unfortunately let the regular order of the days slip out of my memory; how- ever, I observed a seventh day, and reckoned the years from winter to winter; so I cannot well mistake. THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. 66 "One day, when I had roasted a quantity of roots, which I eat instead of bread, having spread them on my table and chest to cool, in order to lay them by for use, I went out, leaving my door open to let the air in. Having walked an hour or two, I returned home, where I found a monkey, whom the smell of the hot roots had brought; who, during my absence, had been eating. My presence very much surprised him, yet he still kept his place, only discontinued eating, staring me in the face. The unexpected guest at once startled me and filled me with admiration; for, certainly, no creature of its kind could be compared to it for beauty. His back was of a lively green, his face and belly of a lively yellow; his coat, all over, shining like burnished gold. The extraordinary beauty of the creature raised in me an ardent desire to keep him; but I despaired of ever making him tame, being come to his full growth ; therefore having resolved to keep him tied, I went in and shut the door. The beast, which, till then, had not offered to make his escape, appeared very much disturbed, and stared about him for some place to get out at. Perceiving his disorder, I did not advance, but turned my back to him, to give him time to compose himself, which he in a short time did, as appeared by his fall- ing to eat again; which made me conceive hopes that I should in time make him familiar. Having about me stale roasted roots which eat much pleasanter than the fresh, and are less stuffing, I threw some at him, at which he seemed displeased, and stood still awhile staring me in the face; but my looking well pleased, which I believe the animal was sensible of, made him pick them up and fall to eating with a fresh appetite. I was overjoyed at his easy composure; so reached him water in a shell, that the want of nothing might induce him to a retreat. I set it down as near him as I could without disturbing him; he came to it very or- derly, and, having drunk his fill, he laid it down and looked me in the face, carelessly scratching his back- side. Seeing he had done, I advanced and took away the shell, at which he never stirred. "The forward disposition of the beast towards à perfect familiarity made me resolve to stay within the remainder of the day, nowise questioning but my company would in a great measure advance it. So I made shift to sup upon a few roots I had about me, and went pretty early to bed; where I was no sooner laid, but the creature got across the feet, and continued very quiet till the next morning when I got up; at which time he was also watching my actions. I made very much of him, which he took very composedly, standing still to be stroked. Then indeed I thought myself in a manner secure of him, and gave him his belly-full, as I had done the day before; but having a pressing occasion to go out, I went to the door, think- ing to shut him in till my return; but he followed me so close that I could not open it without endangering his getting out, which, though he appeared pretty tame, I did not care to venture, our acquaintance being so very new; yet, as I was obliged to go, I ran the hazard; so I opened the door by degrees, that, in case the beast should offer to run, I might take the oppor- tunity to slip out and keep him in; but the creature never offering to go any farther than I went, I trusted him to go with me, hoping that, if he went away, the kind usage he met with would one day or other make him come back again; but to my great surprise, as well as satisfaction, he readily returned with me, having waited my time: yet, as I had occasion to go out the second time, wanting sticks to make a fire, for which I was obliged to go near the place where most of his kind resorted, I was afraid to trust him with me, lest he should be decoyed by the others; therefore, having taken up a bundle of cords with which I tie up my faggots, I watched an opportunity to get out and leave him behind: but the beast was certainly appre- hensive of my design, for he always kept near the door, looking steadfastly at my bundle of cords as desirous of such another; which I not having for him, cut a piece off mine, and gave it him; and, seeing 1 could not leave him behind, I ventured to let him with me, which he did very orderly, never offering to go one step out of the way; though others of this kind came to look at him as he went by. • go "Being come to the place where I used to cut dry sticks, having cut down a sufficient quantity, I began to lay some across my card. The creature, having taken notice of it, did the same to his, and with so much dexterity and agility that his faggot was larger and sooner made than mine; which, by that time being large enough and as much as he could well • ་ : carry, I bound it up; which set him to do the same with his, that was abundantly too large a load for him. "Our faggots being made, I took up that which I had made to see how he would go about taking up his; which being much too heavy for him, he could not lift so, running round it I believe twenty times, he looked me in the face, as craving help. Having been sufficiently diverted with the out-of-the-way shifts he made, I gave him mine and took up his the poor animal appeared overjoyed at the exchange; therefore cheerfully took up the bundle and followed me home. "Seeing myself, according to all probability, sure of the dear creature, whose late actions gave me such ground to hope from him both service and pleasure, I returned my hearty thanks to kind Providence for its late prodigious gift; for certainly it was never heard of before that in a desert place one of those wild animals who fly at the single appearance of a human creature should voluntarily give itself to a man, and from the very beginning be so docile and tractable. Oh! surely it was endued with more than natural instinct, for perfect reason was seen in all its actions.. "One day, finding a fowl in the net-bag, he pulled it Indeed I was happy whilst I had him; but my hap-alive as he brought it home, so that I could not see any- piness, alas ! was not of long standing." thing whereby to discern its kind. As soon as he came in, he set it down with such motions as expressed joy; the poor naked fowl was no sooner out of his clutches than it took to its legs, for want of wings; its sudden escape so surprised the captor that he stood amazed for a while, which gave the poor creature time to gain a considerable scope of ground; but the astonished beast, being recovered from his surprise, soon made after it, but was a considerable time before he could' catch it, having nothing to lay hold of; so that the fowl would slip out of his hands. The race held about a quarter of an hour, in which time the poor creature, having run itself out of breath, was forced to lie down before its pursuer, who immediately threw himself upon it; so took it up in his arms, and brought it home, but was not so ready to set it down as before, for he held it by one leg till I had laid hold of it. 'Being extremely fond of me, he very seldom would be from me, but followed me everywhere; and, as he used to go with me when I went to czamine my nets, seeing me now and then take out game, he would of his own accord, when he saw me busy writing, go and fetch what happened to be taken. As he spoke, I perceived tears in his eyes. 1 "Pray, sir," said I, "what became of that wonderful crea- ture?" "Alas!" said he, "he was killed by monkeys of the other kind, which fell upon him one day as he was going for water by himself: for the poor dear creature was grown so knowing that if at any time either firing or water was wanted, I had nothing to do but give him the bundle of cords or the empty vessel, and he would straight go and fetch either: in short, he wanted nothing but speech to complete him for human society." Indeed, sir," said I, "I cannot blame you for "I cannot blame you for bemoaning the loss of so incomparable a creature; the account you give of him well entitles his memory to regret; but I hope this you have now, in a great measure, makes up your loss." 66 "Oh! not by far," replied the old mau: "indeed he goes about with me, and will carry a faggot or a vessel of water, pick a fowl, turn the spit or string when meat is roasting; yet he is nothing like my late dear Beau-fidelle, for so I called that most lovely creature: besides, this is unlucky; in imitating me he often does me mischief. It was but the other day that I had been writing for five or six hours; I had occasion to go out, and happened to leave my pen and ink upon the table, and the parchment I had been writing on close by it: I was no sooner gone, but the writing on close by it: I was no sooner gone, but the mischievous beast falls to work scribbling over every word I had been writing; and, when he had done, he lays it by in the chest, as he saw me do what I had written, and takes out another, which he does the same to, and so to half a score more; my return pre- vented his doing more mischief: however, in a quarter of an hour that I was absent, he blotted out as much as I had been full six months writing. Indeed I was angry and could have beaten him; but that I con- sidered my revenge would not have repaired the damage, but rather perhaps added to my loss, by making the beast run away.' "" "C Pray, sir," said I, "how came you by him? Did he also give himself to you ?” No," replied the old man, " I had him young, and by mere accident, unexpected and unsought for; having lost both time and labour about getting one in old ones are so fond of their young that they never the room of him I had so unfortunately lost. The are from them, unless in their play they chase one another into the other kind's quarters, where their dams dare not follow them; for they are such enemies to one another that they watch all opportunities to catch all they can of the contrary sort, which they immediately strangle; which keeps their increase very backward, that would otherwise grow too numerous for the food the island produces; which is, I believe, the cause of their animosity. pains with him, you love, him as well as his prede- cessor. "I cannot say so neither," replied the old man ; "though I cannot say but that I love the creature; but its having the ill fortune to be of that unlucky kind which was the death of my dear Beau-fidelle, in a great measure lessens my affection. Besides, he falls so short both of his merit and beauty, that I must givo the deceased the preference; and was it not for his cunning tricks, which often divert me, I should hardly value him at all; but he is so very cunning and face- tious that he makes me love him, notwithstanding I mortally hate his kind. I must divert you, whilst dinner is getting ready, with an account of some of his tricks. "" "I had a second time as good diversion, but after another manner. One morning early, whilst I was busy in my cottage, he went out unperceived by me; and having been a considerable time absent, I feared that such another accident had befallen him as that which had happened to his predecessor; so I went to see after him; and as he would often go and visit the nets in the woods, I went there first, where I found him very busy with such an animal as this we have here, which he found taken in one of the gap-nets, and being nearly as big as himself, kept him a while strug- gling for mastership. Sometimes he would take it by the ears, now and then by one leg, next by the tail, but could not get him along; at last he laid hold of one of his hind legs, and with the other hand smote him on the back, in order to drive him, not being able to pull him along; but the beast, being too strong, still made towards the thickset, where he certainly would have hailed the driver, had I not come up to help him." + Thus the old gentleman entertained us with his monkey's tricks whilst dinner was dressing. The dinner being ready, we went to the dwelling. place to eat it, leaving the young fellow that was with us to attend the roasted meat, while we ate the first dish. The old gentleman having laid the cloth, which, though something coarse, being made out of a ship-sail, was very clean, he laid three shells on it about the bigness of a middle-sized plate, but as beautiful as any nakes of pearl I ever saw. Gentlemen, said he, "if you car eat off shells, ye are welcome; I have no better plates to give you. " • >> "Sir," said I, "these are preferable to silver ones, prince in Europe can produce so curious a service." in my opinion, and I very much question whether any "They may be richer," replied the old man, "but not cleaner." The first dish he served was soup in a large deep shell, as fine as the first, and one spoon made of shell, which he said was all his stock, being not used to, nor expecting, company; however, he fetched a couple of muscle-shells, which he washed very clean, then gave Alvarado one, and took the other himself, obliging me to make use of the spoon; so we sat down, Alvarado and I upon the chest, which we drew near the table, and the old gentleman, though much against his wii.. upon the chair. "About eight years ago, which is about the time I have had this beast, I was walking under one of the clusters of trees where the green sort of monkeys harbour, which being the largest and most shady in the island, I took the most delight therein. As I was walking, at a small distance from me, this creature dropped off a tree and lay for dead, which being of the grey kind, made me wonder less at the accident. I went and took him up, and accidentally handling Being set down, we fell to eating the soup, whose his throat I opened his windpipe, which was almost fragrant smell. excited my appetite; and I profess the squeezed close by that which took him, which my taste thereof was so excellent that I never ate any sudden coming prevented from strangling quite. I was comparable to it at Pontac's, nor anywhere before; extremely well pleased at this event, by which I got it was made of one-half of the beast we took in tho what my past cares and diligence never could produce morning, with several sorts of herbs, which eat like arti- Having pretty well recovered its breath, and chokes, asparagus, and celery; there were also bits of seeing no visible hurt about it, I imagined that I soon roasted roots in it, instead of toasted bread, which added might recover it quite; so hastened home with it, much to the richness of it, tasting like chesnuts; but gave it warm milk, and laid it on my bed: so that what surprised me most, there were green peas in it, with careful nursing I quite recovered him, and with whose extraordinary sweetness was discernible from good keeping made the rogue thrive to that degree every other ingredient. | "Pity," said 1, "the access that he has outgrown the rest of his kind." to this island is so difficult; what a blessed spot or "No question, sir," said I, "having taken such land would it make, were it but inhabited! Here na- me. * t ..: * ! J is turally grows what in Europe we plough, till, and labour hard for." "You say," replied the old man, "this would be a blessed spot of ground if it was inhabited. Now I am quite of another opinion; for I think its blessing consists in its not being inhabited, being free of those curses your populous and celebrated cities abound in; here is nothing but praises and thanksgivings heard, and as for nature bestowing freely, and of her own accord, what in Europe you are obliged, by in- dustry and hard labour, in a manner to force from her, wonder not at it. Consider how much you daily rob her of her due, and charge her with slander and calumny, Don't you frequently say, if a man is addicted to any vice, that it is his nature, when it is the effect and fruit of his corruption? So nature, who attended the So nature, who attended the great origin of all things at the creation, is now, by vile wretches, deemed in fault for all their wickedness. Had man remained in his first and natural state of in- nocence, nature would also have continued her ori- ginal indulgence over him. We may now think our- selves very happy if that blessing attends our labour which, before the fall of man, flowed on him, accom- panied with ease and pleasure. "Now these peas, which have so much raised your surprise, are indeed the growth of this island, though not its natural product, but the gifts of Providence and the fruits of labour and industry. I have tilled the ground, Providence procured the seed, nature gave it growth, and time increase. With seven peas and three beans, I have in four years raised seed enough to stock a piece of ground, out of which I gather yearly a sufficient quantity for my use, besides preserving fresh seed." "No doubt, sir,” said I, “but when right means are taken, prosperity will attend." By that time, having eaten sufficiently of the soup, he himself would carry the remains to the young man in the kitchen, and fetch in the boiled meat and oyster sauce, which he brought in another shell much of the same nature with that which the soup was served in, but something shallower, which ate as delicious as house-lamb. Having done with that, he fetches in the other half of the beast roasted, and several sorts of delicate pickles, which I never ate of before, and mushrooms, but of a curious colour, flavour, and taste. "These,' said he, "are the natural product of a particular spot of ground, where, at a certain time of the year," he said, he gathered, for the space of six days only, three sizes of mushrooms; for, though, they were all buttons and fit to pickle, by that time he had gathered all he had also to stew, and some about four inches over, which he broiled; and they eat as choice as any veal- cutlet. "These pickles, sir," said I, "though far exceeding any I ever ate in Europe, are really at this time need- less; the meat wanting nothing to raise its relish, no flesh being more delicious." Having done with that, I offered to take it away, but he in nowise would permit me, so went away with it himself and brought the fowls, at which I was some- what vexed; for I feared I should find no room in my stomach for any, having eaten so heartily of the meat; but having, at his pressing request, tasted them, my appetite renewed at their inexpressible deliciousness, so I fell to eating afresh. 1 ► ་ "" · J Having done with that dish, the young man, having nothing to do in the kitchen, came, and was bid to take away, and fall to. In the meantime the good old man fetched us out of his dairy a small cheese of his own making, which being set down, he related to `us the unaccountable manner he came by the antelopes which supplied him with the milk it was made with, which introduced several weighty remarks on the wonderful acts of Providence, and the strictness of the obligations we lie under to our great benefactor; like- wise the vast encouragement we have to love and serve God, the benefits and comforts of a clear conscience, as also the inestimable treasure of content. From that he epitomized the different tempers and dispositions of men, much commending timely education, as being a means to reverse and change evil inclinations, highly praising the charity of those pious people who choose to bestow good schooling upon poor folks' children, before clothing and even food; the first being rather the most necessary, and the last the easiest to come at. That discourse being ended, he inquired very care- fully after the state of his dear native country, which, he said, he left fifty years ago in a very indulgent dis- position. I gave him the best account I could, at that time, of all the transactions that had happened in England since his absence. 1 1 "The relation of past evils," said he, "is like pic- tures of earthquakes and shipwreck, which affect the mind but slightly; and though I think myself out of my prince's power, yet I shall always partake with my countryman's grief. Pray be explicit. What king have we now?" "A complete patriot, and father to his subjects," said I;" both tender-hearted and merciful, encourag THE ENGLISH HERMIT. ing virtue and suppressing vice; a promoter of religion, and an example of charity," 66 Then," said he, in a manner which expressed zeal and joy, "long may that pious monarch live, and his posterity for ever grace the British throne! And may old England, by its faithful obedience and loyalty, old England, by its faithful obedience and loyalty, henceforth atone for its past rebellions, that it may remove that execrable reproach it now lies under !' To which we all said-" Amen." Then he filled up the shell we drank out of, and drank good King George's health, which was succeeded with that of the royal family, and prosperity to the church. Thus ended a most delicious and splendid dinner, and a conversation both delightful and instructive. But having not as then mentioned anything about his own history, which I exceedingly longed to inquire into, I begged him to inform us by what accident he came hither, and how he had so long maintained a good state of health. To which he answered, time would not permit him to relate his own history, being very long, and the remainder of the day too short; but that he would, before we parted, give it me in writing; having, for want of other occupation, made a me- morial. But as to the maintaining of his health, he would tell me by word of mouth. "The receipt," said he, "is both short and easy; yet I fear you will not be able to follow it. Look you, you must use none but wholesome exercises, observe a sober diet, and live a pious life. Now, if you can con- fine yourself to this way of living, I'll be bound that you will both preserve your health and waste less money. But, what's more valuable than all that, you will not endanger your precious soul." I returned him thanks for his good advice, and pro- mised him I would observe it as strictly as I could. "I am afraid," replied he, "that will not be at all; you have too many powerful obstacles, the world and the flesh, from whom your affections must be entirely withdrawn, and all commerce prohibited, which is morally impossible whilst living; therefore, since you are obliged to converse with the world, I will give you a few cautions, which, if rightly taken, may be of use to you. "Make not the world your enemy, nor rely too much on its fidelity. "Be not too free with your friend; repetitions of favours often wear out friendship. "Waste not your vigour or substance on women, lest weakness and want be your reward. "Secrets are not safe in a woman's breast; 'tis a confinement the sex can't bear. "Pass no contract over liquor; wine overcomes reason, and dulls the understanding. "He who games puts his money in jeopardy, and is not sure of his own. ▼ "There's but little honour to wager on sure grounds, and less wisdom to lay upon a chance. "And in all your dealings take this for a constant rule: • He whom unlawful means advance to gain, Instead of comfort finds a constant pain; What e'en by lawful arts we do possess, Old age and sickness make it comfortless. Be ruled by me, not to increase your store By means unjust, for 'twill but make you poor; Take but your due, and never covet more.' · "" G I returned him thanks for his good morals, the copy of which I begged he would give me in writing, for my better putting them in practice. To which he readily consented, wishing I might observe them; and being very sure that I should reap a considerable benefit thereby, both here and hereafter. The day being pretty far spent, I was obliged to think of going, which grieved me much; for I was so taken with his company, that if I had not had a father and mother, whose years required my presence, I would have spent the rest of my days with him. I was so delighted with his company, and pleased with his way of living, that I almost overlooked my duty; obliged to yield to nature. Thus, but, after a struggle with my inclination, I was Thus, having expressed my vexation to leave so good a man, I took my leave. The good old man, perceiving my regret to leave him, could not conceal his to part with me. Indeed," said he, with tears in his eyes, "I should have been very glad to have had a fellow-creature in this solitary island, especially one whom I think pos- sessed of a good inclination, which I perceive you have, by your reluctance at leaving this innocent garden of life. I imagine that you have relations in the world that may stand in need of you; Heaven protect you, and send you safe to them. I don't imagine that you will ever see this island again; nor would I advise you to venture, the approach to it is so dangerous. There- fore, before you go, let me show you some of the rari- ties with which it abounds." I told him I was afraid time would not permit; but as he said that an hour or two would do, and we had day-light enough, I went along with him. Going out, and seeing the guns stand behind the door, I asked what he did with them. 4. 357 "I keep them," said he, “for a trophy of Provi- dence's victory over my enemies, and a monument of my fourth miraculous deliverance." As we went along he related to us the manner in which he had been sacrilegiously robbed once by In. dians; villainously infested twice by pirates; the ruf- fians having combined to carry him away like a slave to their own country, and there make a show of him, as if he had been a monster, Talking, we walked under several of the before- mentioned clusters of trees, which proceed from one single plant. Being come to one larger than the rest, and which he said he frequented most, it being the largest in the island, "This," said he, "covers with its own branches a whole acre of land ;" so made several remarks on the wonderful works of nature; "which," said he, "were all intended for the use and pleasure of man; everything in the universe containing such differ- ent virtues and properties as were requisite to render life happy." From that he made several more reflec- tions on the fatal effects of disobedience, which is accounted a slight breach in duty, but is the mother of all sins. • That discourse held for a considerable time, till a parcel of each different kind of monkeys having met, fell to fighting, observing an admirable order during the fray; which withdrew our admiration from the pre- ceding subject, and stopped us awhile to observe them. The scuffle was very diverting whilst it lasted, which was but a short time, for they happened to perceive us; at which they parted, each sort running to their own quarters, which were not very distant from one another, so that from it they could see each other's motions. "I am sorry," said I, “the battle was so soon over ; they cuffed one another so prettily, that I could have stood an hour to see them." .. If you like the sport," said the old man, "I can soon set them at it again." With that he took out of his breeches-pocket some roasted roots, which he com- monly carried about him, to throw at them when he went that way, which made them less shy of him. Having broke the roots in bits, he laid them down in their sight; for they on both sides were peeping from under the leaves of the trees where they har- boured. Then he cut a score of sticks about the big- ness of one's finger, and near a foot and a half long, and laid them over the bits of roots; then we retired to some small distance, and hid ourselves behind the trees. We were no sooner out of sight, but they hastened to the meat. The green monkeys, having less ground to go, were at them first, yet never stopped, but went on to hinder the others' approach, who vigorously strove to gain ground. The struggle was hard, and the victory often wavering; each party alternately gave way. At last the grey sort kept the advantage, and drove their adversaries back, who being come where the sticks lay, immediately took them up, and charged their enemies with fresh courage, like a yielding army that has received new forces; thus, with their clubsters in the front, they fell on their adversaries with great vigour, knocking them down like our English mob at an election, and so drove them back again almost to their own quarters. In the meantime stragglers of both the kinds, who had not joined with the main bodies of the armies, seeing the coast clear and the provisions unguarded, unanimously fell to plunder, and quietly did eat what their comrades fought for, which the combatants per- ceiving left off fighting, and of one accord turned upon the plunderers, who by that time having devoured the booty, left them the field without contending any farther. The battle being over, the old gentleman would have us to go on, "Lest," said he, "they should fall to it again out of revenge, for those creatures are very spiteful." Having dispersed them by our advancing as in- tended, we walked from under the trees at the outside to have a better view of the rock, which in some places, he said, changes its form as one approaches it. And, as he said, being got clear of the trees, we saw at a distance, as it were, a considerable number of buildings, and here and there something like steeples, which represented a handsome city; and seemingly the houses appeared so plain that, had I not been apprized of the illusion, I should have taken it for be persuaded but what we saw were really buildings, such; but Alvarado and the young fellow could not and even in the island, though the old gentleman made us stop a while the better to observe every- thing, then bid us keep our eyes fixed on what we looked at and go on. We perceived every particular of what we observed to change its form; that which at first seemed to be fronting showed itself either side- ways or backwards, and so of every object till, being come at a certain distance, all the agreeableness of the perspective of a sudden turned into its real shape like a phantom which, whilst visible, screens that which it stands before, but, by its vanishing, leaves it dis- covered. } . THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIS I'S LIBRARY cavities in it, in rows one above another, as round niches where figures stand. "Now," said the old man, "we are here, I will entertain you with an invi- sible chorus of harmonious voices, little inferior to hautboys, trumpets, or other melodious music. Here I twice come and pay my devotions each day." Alvarado who, by what he had already seen, was prepossessed that the island was full of enchantments, was now certain of it, and looked upon that place in the rock to be the receptacle of fiends and evil spirits, so would by no means stay, but takes his leave, saying, he was not very curious of supernatural things. The old gentleman thereupon made several learned observations on the alterations that distance works upon objects, and showed how easily our organs of sight may be deceived; drawing thence this inference, that we ought not to be too positive of the reality of what we see afar off, nor to affirm for truth that which we only hear of. Having ended that discourse, he carried us to the "Supernatural," said the old man, "you can't well other side of the jetting part of the rock, which, ad- call it, though to you it may seem very amazing; it vancing like a bastion of a fortified wall, screened from is, therefore, well deserving your sight, I mean your our eyes a second piece of wonder; a fine rainbow is-hearing, the eyes have no share in the entertainment; suing as it were out of the mouth of a giant lying on we shall only sing a few psalms; I am sure there can a rock, reaching quite over the lake: at the bottom of be no harm in that, but rather good, being a holy it I could not but stop to admire the various colours it exercise in divine worship, in which all good souls consisted of, which far exceeded in beauty and liveli- ought to join." ness any I ever saw in the sky. I presently imagined that it proceeded from the rays of the sun falling upon some pond or other standing water, whose reflections rose and met the tops, which caused that beautiful circle. But Alvarado, who, by what he had seen before, concluded that the island was enchanted, said was another illusion, which the place was full of; and would have gone away, but that the old man fell a-laughing and said, ""Tis a sign you seldom inquire into natural causes. Well, do but come a little nearer to it, and you will find that which you term an illu- sion is the natural effect of all fountains when the sun shines." "That may be," said Alvarado; "but I love to see those with whom I worship; I don't think myself as yet company for spirits. As for your part," continued Alvarado, speaking to me, "you may do what you please, but take care your curiosity don't cost you dear. Tim and I will wait for you in the boat; but pray be not too long before you come." So, having returned the old gentleman thanks for his kind enter- tainment, they went away, at which the good man was much affronted. 358 、 | Being come as near the rock as the lake that parts it would perimit, we could discern nothing in it that could in the least soften its ruggedness, or give it a more agreeable aspect than those which are repre- sented in the pictures of shipwrecks. Being come to the place it proceeded from, it proved, as he said, only a fountain, but of the clearest and sweetest water that ever was tasted; but the place it issued out of was changed from the likeness of a giant to that of some strange sort of creature; which, though having no particular resemblance, yet would bear being compared to several different things. The old man's opinion was, that it resembled a whale spurting water out of one nostril, Alvarado supposed it was more like a horse or a cow, and rather the last, there being horns plainly to be seen. For my part, I could find no proper similitude to it but that of an old ruined monument, which formerly they built over the heads of springs. Timothy Anchors (for that was the name of the young fellow that was with us) being asked what he could make of it, "Why, really," said he, "nothing, unless it be an old patched-up pump that stands at the end of my mother's court in Rose- mary lane, which every spring runs out of itself;" which comparison made us all to laugh. Thus we differed in our opinions as to the likeness, yet agreed that it was the finest fountain and the best water we ever saw or drank. What surprised me most was the force wherewith it sprung from the rock, that stood full five yards from the place it fell on, which was another subject of admiration; for certainly the arts of men could not have invented nor com- pleted a more compact or pleasanter bason, though it had been for a fountain to adorn a monarch's garden; indeed, there were no mason's nor any expert artist's work to be seen, but a great deal of nature's match- less understanding; there regularity, dimensions, and proportions concerted to make it useful, convenient, and agreeable. The bason was very near round, about eight feet diameter, a bank around it near a foot high, and as broad at top, slanting gently at the bottom, both inside and outside, which made a most pleasant and uniform bank, adorned with various small flowers and herbs of divers beautiful colours and most fragrant smells. Having viewed with pleasure and amazement such regularity in a wild and uninhabited place, I walked about it as long as the time I could stay would per- mit; I proposed going, but the old gentleman, taking me by the hand, stopped me. "You have," said he, bestowed a considerable time in observing the ferti- lity of this island, now pray allow one minute for con- sideration; the object you have been admiring all this time is as wonderful and surprising, as beautiful and pleasant. You see this fountain, which runs stiff and as large as your thumb, and therefore, by computa- tion, may be allowed to give near a hundred gallons of water in an hour: now it runs night and day; it nei- ther decreases nor runs over its bank, but keeps to the same height." 46 This, as you say, sir,” said I, “is really worth in- quiring into ;" so I went several times round it, scarch- ing for the place whereby the overplus of the comple- ment did issue, but could not discover it."-" Come," said he, "scek no more for that which nature has so well concealed; I have spent many hours in that in- quiry, and still remain ignorant, but have found the place out of which it runs into, a fine fish-pond, about | a mile inland; we will make it our way to the lake; we may look at it as we go on, but can make no long stay. So we went on. Going along we came by a hollow part of the rock, which went in like an alcove, with a great many con- " "What," said he, " do your friends imagine I deal with spirits? Besides, where did they ever hear that devils loved to sing psalms? for here shall nothing else be sung. I would not for the world that those admirable echoes, that hitherto have repeated nothing but the Almighty's praises, should be polluted with the sound of any profane words." I excused their timorousness, saying, it was not a failing peculiar to themselves only, but to many besides. The old man allowed it, attributing the cause thereof to a very per- nicious custom nurses have to frighten children when they cry, with buggabos and such things to make them quiet, which frightful ideas often make such deep impression on their puerile minds, that when they come to mature age it is hardly worn out, which intimi- dates dates many. "C That discourse being ended, we advanced as near that part of the rock as the lake would permit, which in that place was not above seven or eight feet broad, so that we were within the concavity of the rock. Now," said the old man, "let us sit down on this bank and sing the hundred and seventeenth psalm." Indeed, sir," said I, "I don't know it by heart, "I don't know it by heart, and I have no psalm book about me." "Well, then," said he, I'll sing myself;" so he so he begins, but with such a clear and loud voice, managed with so much skill and judgment, that it exceeded all the singing I ever heard before; and was repeated by such a number of melodious echoes that one would have believed there were a hundred voices in chorus. The melody so transported me, that I willingly would have spent not only the remainder of the day, but the succeeding also, the extacy having quite put out of my mind the necessity of my going and the danger of delaying; but the good man having sung an evening hymn after the psalm, which he said he sung every night, he takes me by the hand. "Now," said he, said he, "is not this emulation? Who would not sing with such a chorus of cho:isters as you might ima- gine was there?" | "Indeed, sir," said I, "this has so great a resem- blance to the relation we have given us in holy history of the superior joys the blessed possess in heaven, that I thought myself already there; for which reason I would willingly end my days here.” "This is impossible," said the old gentleman; " nor can you spend here many more moments. can you spend here many more moments. I have the fish-pond to show you yet; come, let's go." So we went on about fifty paces thence more inland; we saw at a small distance, between the trees, a parcel of fowls like ducks, but considerably larger, which flew away from the pond at our approach towards them. He told me how he came by the old one that bred them, of which he was robbed. At length being come to the pond, I was surprised at the clearness of the water, at the bottom of which seemed to be large rubies, emeralds, jacinths, and other coloured stones; till, being come to the brink of it, those which I took for precious stones proved to be fishes by their swimming about, which, to my thinking, looked like stars shooting from place to place in the sky. Having spent several minutes in admír- ing the surprising nature and beauty of the fishes, I took notice of the pond, which was about forty yards in length, and near thirty in breadth: its form was a broken oval, sinking in and out here and there, which made it the more agreeable; all around it grew divers sorts of herbs intermixed with flowers of different colours, and here and there a basket on sticks, which the old man told me he had made and set there for his ducks to breed in. The day being far spent, the old man, after having showed me the places at one side of the pond wherein the basin emptied itself, as also the ' other side whereby the pond ran into the lake, takes me by the hand; "Come," said he, “I'll keep you no longer; night comes on apace, and the retreat from this island is dangerous, therefore I would have you improve the short remains of the day, to avoid the dangers the darkness of the night may lead you into; so let us go home, that I may give you the memorial I have promised you, and then my blessing and hearty prayers for your safe departure and happy arrival." So he went to his habitation, where he gave me a roll of parchment. "Here it is," said he, "written in a rough and unpolite language, for I did not compose it out of ostentation, nor to exert my parts, but to keep me in mind of the many mercies I have received from heaven ever since my youth, and to record the won- derful effects of Providence; that if ever these writings should have the luck to fall into the hands of men after my decease, they might be an encouragement to the destitute, and a comfort to the afflicted; that he who rightly applies himself, and firmly trusts in the Almighty, shall at his extremity find relief: and now my intent is in some measure answered, expecting you will revise and publish it when you come to Old Eng-. land. I must enjoin you not to give it as my own dic- tation, but a history taken from heads out of my memorial; for I have been obliged to insert particu- lars, and use such expressions without which the account I give of myself would have been imperfect; and which, being related as by me, may chance to be accounted self-flattery, which is a censure I would willingly avoid." I told him he might depend upon it I should always and on all accounts be very tender of any thing that could in the least lessen the merit of the subject or tarnish the lustre of the history. With that the good man takes me in his open arms, and embraces me over and over with all the tender- ness words and actions could express; saying, with tears in his eyes, that my exit was a renewing of his past grief, and would for a considerable time damp the pleasures he before my coming did enjoy in his solitude; since now he again had had the comfort to converse with one of his dear countrymen, after full fifty years being severed from human society. The height of his grief having for some moments stopped the utter- ance of his words, he, sighing, laid his head upon my neck, squeezing me close in his arms. This most tender and moving action moved me to a reciprocal grief. Never did any man reflect with more reluctance than when I parted with that good old man, who, having recovered in some measure his former firmness of mind, his soul being again resigned, we re- peated our embraces with a mutual affection. Then I took my leave; but he would not part with me there; he would by all means wait on me to the lake I was to wade over to come at the rock, on the other side of which the boat waited for me. And when I came thither, he would also have waded over with me, that he might have the satisfaction of seeing me safe from the dangerous rock; but I would in nowise permit him. Thus having prevailed upon him to stay be- hind, I prepared to wade over; so after a few more embraces I crossed the lake, and came to my impatient companions, who received me with heavy reprimands for trusting myself so long alone with that necromancer. "For nothing," said they, "shall ever persuade us a man can have such plenty of dainties with only the help of nature. No, no, he may talk of Providence as much as he pleases; he applies to the black art; and those voices he calls echoes are his invisible imps, which, if truth be known, are often employed in raising the wind and causing storms, which render these seas often so dangerous. And it has been observed that few, or no ships, come near those rocks, and escape being staved. For my part, I assure you, I don't think myself safe whilst within the reach of his en- chantments.” chantments." With that he takes one of the oars out of young Tim's hand, and falls to rowing. "Indeed," said Tim, "as you say, he looked very much like a conjuror with his long hair and beard, and I believe he is conjuring now. See, here is bad weather coming; let us make haste from these rocks." Even as he said, in short, so it happened; for in a little time after the wind rose, and the sea began to be a little rough; so that I was forced to take the hitcher, and with it keep the boat from the rocks, whither the waves very often drove us. But standing out to sea the wind grew more calm, and fair for the continent. I took one of the oars, and by help of our sail, in a short time we got safe to shore; where being arrived, very much fatigued, we put up at the first cottage, which was inhabited by an old man and woman, In- dians, where we dressed our fish, and went to supper; which was scarce over, but I was hurried on board, the wind being tacked about and fair for our departure. We weighed anchor on the seventeenth day of May, 1724, and stood out to sea, and sailed south and by east, till we arrived on the twenty-sixth at Panama on terra firma, after meeting with some stormy weather. Here we began to traffic, in our way home, for some corn necessary for our following voyage; as also cotton,, some metals, rosin, gums, and pepper. Our stay was not long here; for we sailed thence on the fifth of June, the wind then being very favourable. But we had not sailed above twenty leagues when we met with a violent storm which lasted some hours, and the wind blowing hard at north-north-east; wherein we had the misfortune to lose our surgeon, one John Davis, who, being imprudently upon deck, was washed overboard by a prodigious wave coming in at the forecastle. Our ship received no damage in that storm, put our loss of Mr Davis was very great, and worse than if any other man on board had been missing; for we might also call him our chaplain, as well as surgeon; and by his exemplary, pious life, during the time he belonged to our ship, he might really be called a divine. He was a man who, as he told me, had been educated at Hart Hall, Oxon, in his early days, and designed for the sacred robe. But his genius very much inclining to those most pleasant studies, viz., physic and surgery, he afterwards made them his practice. But meeting with some misfortunes about the thirty-fifth year of his life, he left England in the year 1711, and em- barked on board the John and Mary for New England, where he lived till the year 1723, when our ship arrived at that country, at that time wanting a surgeon, for our own died at our approach near the continent. Our captain, on inquiry, having an excellent character of Mr Davis, agreed with him for our voyage till we re- turned back thither again. I think it but just to eternize his memory in these memoirs, and give him the character which he merited. He was a pious good man, sober, just, and virtuous; ready to serve, but never to offend, any man. His morals were instructive to all those who knew him, and his constant exhortation, while on board our ship, to frequent daily prayers, was the reason we esteemed him the doctor of our souls, as well as a surgeon to our bodies. Nay, which is still more, while he was with us, though he never entered into sacred orders, yet he told us he thought it his duty to give us the best in- structions he was capable of for the preservation of our souls and bodies, both which were always in danger; and, accordingly, after divine service, as I may call it, was performed by him in a very solemn manner, he would frequently discourse on the nature and heinousness of the sin of man, which occasioned the sufferings of Christ; on the terrors of hell, and the joys of heaven; as also on the glorious creation of the world, setting forth the works of Omnipotence in very lively colours, telling the advantage, pleasure, and beauty that attended a godly life. Sometimes his dis- courses would be on natural philosophy, which were extremely well delivered; at other times on some of the sciences, most of which he well understood, and to which we gave very great attention, as being desirous of such useful knowledge. In short, his death was greatly lamented by the captain as well as myself, and indeed by all the ship's crew; for he was a man of a quick thought and lively apprehension; had an uni- versal knowledge in things, entirely free from reserved- ness, but of perfect humility and condescension; most agreeably entertaining in his conversation, and dear to all that ever knew him. Thus, having given an imperfect character of that great man, to whose memory I owe so much, I shall proceed to a further description of our voyage. As to the coast on those seas, I think it needless to make any mention thereof, they having been so well de- scribed already by our modern geographers, nor is it in anywise useful to my purpose; so that I shall en- tirely omit it, and only give an account of those places where we traded or touched at for fresh provisions or necessaries, and remark what happened most worthy our notice in our voyage home to England. The weather now proving more favourable, I began to peruse the memorials of my good old hermit. But oh, with what moving sympathy did I share with him in the multitude of his misfortunes during his minor years. Nor could I less sympathise with him on the extasies of his hermetical life. I read with pleasure and amazement what he had laboriously transcribed, being at that time doubtful whether it would ever be perused by any mortal; where he set forth a continued series of misfortunes, as if linked together by divine Providence (while he lived in the wise world as he called it); and in this account, during his abode on that desolate island, denotes that the omnipotent Being had always an immediate direction in every circum- stance or point of time. I was more and more as- tonished and amazed by this good man's precepts, who has abandoned the world, content to live in a desolate and lonesome island, uninhabited by any mortal but himself; where he has had the space of fifty years to reflect and contemplate on the follies and misfortunes of man, during which time his maxims were always his rule of life in every case. O may I once more see that dear old man, whose habitation is free from all anxious cares, from oppression and usury, and all the evils that attend this populous world! There would I abide, and never depart from that happy soli- tude which he so peaceably enjoys. But whither am THE ENGLISH HERMIT. I running? These contemplations have made me forget the remarks of my voyage. We sailed from Panama on the sixth day of June, and had frequent thunder and lightning, attended with some rain; but nothing else extraordinary happened. On the fifteenth we made Gorgona Bay, in Peru, where our boat went on shore to a village on the main, with twenty hands well armed, resolved to get some fresh provisions at any rate; for we began to be in want, having taken in but very little at Panama. It is a low land, full of mangrove trees, and, within land, pretty high. The village was but poor; however, they brought away six hogs and four goats, some limes and plan- tains. Not far thence are some gold mines, but of no great note, as we were informed by some Indians. They are a very warlike people who live on that coast, and often engage one another with clubs and darts made of hard wood. The island is about six leagues in length. There are monkeys, lizards, hares, and Guinea pigs; also several sorts of snakes, some of which are as big as one's leg, so that it is dangerous to walk in some parts of the island. One of our men happened to be bit by one, and did not live above six hours after; though hie death had been prevented, I believe, had we not met with that misfortune of losing Mr Davis, our surgeon. Here, also, we caught some mullets, and several sorts of fish, extremely good, though unknown to us as to their names. In this island there is a creature which the Indians call a mundago, but the Spaniards a sloth, which I think is its properest name, for it is a creature which seems to sleep as it walks, by its slow motion; and it is re- ported that it eats the leaves of trees, which are its only food; but is so prodigiously lazy that, when it has cleared one tree of its leaves, it will be almost starved to death before it attempts to climb another; in short, it is a very ugly creature, and seems to be of the monkey kind, by its make; but its hair is thicker and longer, nor is it so agreeable to look at, and is different in its nature. Here we also got fresh water and wood; for there are very good brooks on that island, and wood enough. 359 it, till he had driven two stakes in the ground, where he roasted it with a wooden spit. As to fresh water, as I observed before, there were very good brooks in the valleys. At length he invented a way, by thickets, to ensnare a goat sometimes, which furnished him with flesh. Here were cabbage-trees, which furnished him with sauce to his meat, it being very agreeable when seasoned with the fruit of the pimento-tree, which is much like Jamaica pepper; but afterwards he could run a goat down. Sometimes he had the good luck to find some eggs, for there were very good fowls. He caught some young teal also, and, by cutting their wings, and keeping them always cut, he preserved them in a brook, just by his hut, which he had en. closed. There they bred, and were tame. But being one day gone a pretty distance from his hut, a great number of monkeys finding them out, and that they could not fly away, destroyed them all. His clothes were almost worn out, nay, his shoes were quite gone, and had been for some time; but to preserve his fect he cut the goat skins in the shape of stockings, and sewed them, or laced them up with thongs of the same; and also laced the foot part, making holes with his knife for the thongs, three or four times doubled together, to serve for soles. together, to serve for soles. The Spaniard told me that he was so well inured to that way of life, when he was taken from the island, that it was a consider- able time before he could relish either drink, or any kind of victuals which was dressed on board the ship. I gave the Spaniard an account of the hermit, to which he gave very great attention. So, having refreshed ourselves, we sailed thence, after a stay of three days only in the bay, having got a pretty many goats from the island, and some maize, or Indian corn. Thence we steered for the Galliapago islands, but in our passage met with several storms and tornadoes, attended with very great rains. Some of our men began to be very sickly, which we thought proceeded from their eating the livers of some young seals they had caught, they being unhealthy. After about three days' sail, we met with frequent calms. During this voyage one of our negro women, of whom we had three on board, being with child, and near her time, was delivered of a fine boy, which was of a swarthy colour. She had been on board us ever since we came from the Brazils, and proved very useful in washing our linen, &c. ; but Juno, for that was her name, proved with child by one of our men, whose name was Thomas Higgins. I, with the help of the other two negro women who were on board, performed the office of a midwife, and delivered her. 1 had purchased a little wine at Panama, which proved very useful to mull for Juno, to comfort her in that condition; also the other negro women, Tom Higgins and I, drank one bottle after her delivery; and we were really merry on that occasion, The captain was somewhat displeased at this accident; but being unwilling (in so long a voyage, attended with so many difficulties as we had met with) to inflict too heavy punishments on his men, he only obliged Tom to agree that he should allow Juno two pistoles when she went ashore at Brazil, to take care of the child. Tom readily agreed thereto, but had some remorse of conscience, and began to reflect; and was really very much concerned to think that the child got by him (though on a negro, yet she was a woman, and the child in likeness of him- self, and firmly believing that it was really begot by him, and by no other person) should be bred up in Paganism. Accordingly, he grew very dull and melan- choly at the thoughts thereof, which he communicated to me, asking my advice about it. So I persuaded him to be merry, and not cast himself down, for that many such accidents had happened in the West Indies before then, among the Englishmen, who never thought much of it afterwards. However, this had no effect at all on him. He told me that, whatever crimes other people had been guilty of, he could not reconcile him- self thereunto. Finding him so very uneasy, I ac- quainted the captain of it. "Ah!" says he, “is Tom under so great a concern about the child's being not to be educated in the Christian religion? "> While we lay near the island, I went ashore and in my conversation with a Spaniard, he related to me the following account of one Thomas Jenkins, a Lan- cashire man, who was boatswain on board a merchant's ship, whose name I have since forgot, who was left on that island, and lived alone there two years and three months; but was first seen on that island by some Indians who came from the main for oysters and other shell-fish, which they frequently gather for the Spaniards. He made his escape from them, and hid himself in the woods, fearing that they would carry him to the Spaniards, and by that means he might be made a slave; choosing rather solitude than to enter into bondage for life. However, an English ship, trading on that coast, had notice of it from the Indians, and imagining that he might be an Englishman cast away, or set on shore there (as he really was) by some pirate who had been in those seas, they sent their boat with six hands to the island in search of him. They took their speaking trumpet with them, and by that means, after about six hours' stay on the island, they found him out. He told them that, at his first being set on shore on the island, it seemed very melancholy and frightful; when he began to reflect on the bar- barity of the pirates, to leave him there without pro- visions, or any manner of necessaries whereby he might support himself (they leaving him only his wearing❘ clothes and his pocket knife). If they had left hin any fire-arms and ammunition, his case would not have been near so desperate, because he then might not have only defended himself against any enemy, but likewise have killed some goats or fowls for his sub- sistence. He also said that what made him very melancholy was to think his habitation and place of abode was where he could have no human society, and in an island that he, at first, knew not whether there was anything on it for his subsistence, never having been on that coast before. But the second day of his being there, he took a survey of the island, and found that there were monkeys, goats, &c., and also good fish. He dreaded greatly the snakes, which were larger than he had ever seen before; however, as they endeavoured to get from him, he rested pretty well satisfied, hoping there was no beast of prey to hurt him there; for fear of which, at first, he climbed up into a pimento tree to sleep. He was well pleased to find such good shell-fish, which was the only food he lived on for the first five days, when, by accident, he caught a young kid, which very much rejoiced him but he was at a great loss for fire to dress it; till, having nothing to employ himself with but thinking, he re- membered that he had heard that the rubbing of two piece of wood hard together produced fire he tried the experiment, and by rubbing two pieces of pimento wood together, did produce fire, after the manner the Indians make use of. He then made a fire as having wood enough, and broiled part of his goat, which was a delicious meal to him. He afterwards began to build himself a hut to dwell in, where he lived, and dressed his fish and goats' flesh; but could at first only broil ; Yes, sir," said I; "and I am apprehensive that it will grow upon him very much to his prejudice, he is so concerned about it; for less than that I have known people grow melancholy (as he seems to be), and they have entered into a state of lunacy, and never could be brought to their former reason, but have laid vio- lent hands on themselves. As he is a very honest, good-natured fellow (setting aside this slip)," said I, "I wish some expedient could be found out to make him easy." 66 "Well, then, Mr Dorrington," says the captain, "we have the Common Prayer Book on board; and 'tis a pity we lost poor John Davis, our surgeon and chap- lain; he could have christened the child, and that would have satisfied Tom,” " O, sir," said I, "with your leave, as we have no chaplain belonging to the ship, now Mr Davis is dead, yet, as we are tolerated to bury our dead, pray why may we not christen the living also? It can be no crime to do a good action." The captain approved of what I said; so I told him, with his leave, I would be 360 chaplain in that case, as well as I had been man-mid- wife before. "But, sir," said I, "there is an obstacle that will hinder us still." He asked me what that was? " Why, sir," said I, "we have neither godfathers nor godmothers; and you know that it is not accounted lawful to perform that ceremony, which is one of the sacraments, unless it be done with order and decency, as the church directs. To which the captain re- plied- " THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. very dangerous, for three of our men died in our voyage to the Galliapagoes. 11 ? water. As we sailed on the twenty-fifth, at night, the sea very much surprised us, it seeming to be as red as blood, which occasioned Stephen Jones, who was upon the watch with some others, to call us up, for they had never seen the like before. had never seen the like before. When we came upon deck we supposed it to be a great quantity of the spawn of fish swimming on the water, it being very We weighed anchor on the twentieth, and sailed hence fair. Having passed the line, we made the Galliapa- round Cape Horn, in 51° and 15' south latitude, as our goes on the fifth of July, where we anchored about a pilot informed me, I being only a merchant on board, mile off the shore, in a good, smooth, sandy ground. and therefore do not pretend to make a methodical We sent our boat ashore for water, but could find journal, only as I promised to give an account of the none. Some of our men began to be sick, but none most material passages in our voyage home. Round of them died before we arrived at Puna Isle, in Peru; the Cape the weather favoured us extremely, and no- whence we sailed a little way up the river Guaquil, thing happened that was material, only that we were where we saw a great many alligators, and sold some chased by a pirate-ship for about twelve hours on the of our goods; but the Spaniards being jealous that twenty-ninth; but the night coming on, it favoured us we came as spies, and belonged to some other ships so that we lost her. On the fourth of September we on that coast, which were Buccaniers, we thought it made Falkland's Island. Here we saw a great number best to leave that place, having taken in some fresh of porpoises, which often leaped out of the water, of water and a few provisions, to serve us to the isle of an uncommon sort. On the fifth we had the misfor- Labos. We stood out to sea, and made the island of tune to have one of our men fall into the sea as he was St Clara, where we anchored on the tenth for that throwing the lead, and he was drowned before we could night (our ship proving crank and sailing very heavy); give him any help. We had very brisk gales at south- the next morning, when we were preparing to sail, we west. We sailed, and made Cape St Antonio, near the found that our ship had sprung a leak, so that we mouth of the river De la Plata, in Paragua, on the were obliged to have one hand at the pump conti- twenty-fifth, the wind south by west; when we stood nually. Before we had sailed six leagues, the wind out to sea and made the isle of Grande and the coast freshened upon us, and the sky looked extraordinary of Brazil on the twenty-ninth. We got a pilot who black at north-east, and it moved towards us, which conducted us into the watering-cove, at inner western- made us take in our top-sails; and afterwards we most point of the island. In sounding as we went in, reeved our main-sail and mizen; at which time it we hardly met in any place with less than ten fathoms began to rain, and poured down as if through a sieve. The island is about nine leagues long, high The sea seemed as if it had been all on fire, by the land near the water side; it abounds with wood; has prodigious thunder and lightning. It then being monkeys and other wild beasts; plenty of good timber night, the elements over our head looked most dis- and fresh water, oranges and lemons. We had plea- mally black, but all round the horizon was as red as sant weather, but extremely hot. We here received a blood; the waves, which seemed to dash against the letter from our owners commanding us home, and not clouds, by the violence of the wind, sparkled like to sail for New England, as designed. Here we got lightning, which, together with the thunder, made a beef, mutton, hogs, fowl, sugar, rum, oranges, and le- terrible noise; at last, breaking in upon our deck, it mons; so that now we did not want good punch. carried away one of our anchors; and we durst not During our voyage from the Galliapagoes I applied my- bring our ship to the wind for fear of her foundering, self to the perusal of my good old man's memoirs, it being dangerous, in a storm, to turn a ship back- which I took very great delight in; and finding the ward and forward; so we were obliged to lie in the whole series of his minor years attended with such a trough of the sea. But the wind and rain abating, we number of unaccountable accidents, hardly to be par- observed, to our great joy, a Corpus Sanct at the top alleled, I thought proper, as I designed them to be pub- of our spindle. These Corpus Sancts are good signs lished at my arrival in England, to digest them in a when seen aloft, but bad omens, and denote a great more regular manner than I found them wrote in his storm, when seen on the decks. It is a small glim- a small glim-manuscript; but neither added nor diminished, nor mering light, like a star, when aloft; but when on deck did I in the least vary from what he himself had wrote, it appears like a glow-worm. It is the opinion of as to the accidents of life; only I made some amend- mariners that it is a sort of jelly, incorporated by the ments which I thought necessary, for his absence from wind, rain, sea vapours, and air; because it is never England so long as fifty years had occasioned him in observed unless in stormy weather. some manner not to be well acquainted with the lan- guage as it is now spoken: and, by his living without any conversation so long a time, had made him in some measure forget his own mother tongue. Though I really think, taking that into consideration, that his ac- count was very polite; yet, had his life been published as in his memoirs, it would have appeared very obso- lete, and difficult to be read, though ever so entertain- ing. I accordingly collected all the passages of his first twenty-eight years together, and thought proper to make a book or part by themselves, that part of his life being different from his hermetical confinement on the island, which at first sight appeared so full of hor- ror, and nothing but a prospect of the most miserable condition that could befal him. He no sooner looked round him, depending upon Providence as a supporter of the distressed, but he found almost everything ne- cessary for human life on that small island; and he, who then thought of nothing but immediately perish- ing in the most miserable condition, has lived, by the help of divine Providence, in a safe and plentiful man- ner; and is now so inured thereunto that he despises the populous world and its vanities; he also considers its pompous glory to be of no more substance than a shadow, and that there is no felicity on earth unless solitude. • "Is there not Mr Clark, our lieutenant? I and he will stand godfathers; and he shall, as he is Clark by name, perform the office of clerk in the cere- mony. " +6 But, sir," said I, "what must we do for a god- mother? You know there ought to be one, and we have no woman on board that is a Christian. >> "Well, then," said the captain, "the women we have on board, by a little persuasion, may be willing to be christened themselves; and, if they consent, they are of age, and therefore capable of answering for themselves, by which means they may become godmothers, on occasion, to the child." So, accord- ingly, the captain called for a bottle of wine, and sent for Diana, one of the negro women, aged about twenty-three years. When she came into the cabin, the captain filled a glass of wine, and gave it her; after she had drank it, the captain said- "So, Diana, 'tis to be hoped that you won't be troubled with the wantons and play the trick your sister Juno did. Pray, how does the child do?" To which she answered- "It be ver well, but it cry, cry, ver mush, great deal." "Well," says the captain; "but, Diana, I sent for but, Diana, I sent for you on another occasion; do you not remember Mr Davis, our surgeon and chaplain ?” “Yes,” says she, "me ver well know him; he give me ver gret goot stuff" (meaning a dram). "But," says the captain, "you know, Diana, he, was a very good man, and used to tell you your duty, and teach you how to say your prayers." "Yes," says she, "me ver well remember dat he be ver goot man.” "Why, then," says the captain, "Diana, what do you think of being made a Christian, and christened as we Christians are?" 66 "Me mak Christian," says she, “hou?" Why," says the captain, " you know Mr Davis taught you to read, and you learned to say your prayers; they are very good prayers, are they not, to pray to God?" "Yes," says she; "they be ver goot prayer; me love dem ver great mush." " 1 Well, then," says the captain, “are you willing to be good, and do as those prayers learn you to do?" "} Yes," said she; "me be always ver goot, me be ver glad, me lern me prayer, me lern more, me tank you. So, by the captain's advice, I read the public baptism of those of riper years, and baptized her, she answering to the questions by the instruction of the captain; and we christened her by the name of Eli- zabeth, which was the name of our ship. As soon as the ceremony was over, the captain ordered Elizabeth to dress the child in as decent a manner as she could and bring it to his cabin; in the meantime we drank' the bottle of wine. As soon as the child was dressed, Elizabeth carried it to the captain, who sent for Tho- mas Higgins, and told him that Diana was christened, and that he himself and the lieutenant were to stand godfathers to his son, and Elizabeth godmother; and that it was to be christened, and desired to know what name should be given to the child; to which he an- swered his own, viz. Thomas. I never saw such an alteration in any man in my life, as I immediately ob- served in him; so suddenly it appeared that it sur- prised us all; for he, who before was dejected, even to the greatest degree imaginable, now appeared fully satisfied in his mind; and, conscience no longer seem- ing to fly in his face, he became full of mirth and ollity. So, by the captain's order, I christened the child in a very decent manner; the captain and lieu- tenant stood godfathers and Elizabeth stood godmo- ther. When the ceremony was over the captain said, "Tom, as this child was begot and born on board my ship, and I am its godfather, and as it is now a Chris- tian, I think it properly belongs to me (though I am not the father of it) to see it brought up in a Chris- tian manner, which, if it please God to bless me with life, I will see performed; and not only that, but will take care of it, if it lives, during my life, and see it well educated." So the captain ordered half a goat to be roasted; and he, the lieutenant, and I, with Tom and Elizabeth, whom he permitted on that occa- sion, supped at his table, and were very merry, which so rejoiced Elizabeth, that she, immediately after sup- per, related what had happened to her fellow negro woman, who was called Antiope; and they both went to Juno, and told her that her son was baptized by the name of Thomas. M - The weather here was extremely hot in the day- time; but there were cold dews at night, which were เ We sailed right before the wind, which was south- west, but were obliged to keep continually pumping till the eighteenth day; when we made the isle of Labos, about twelve at noon. That night we got safe That night we got safe into the harbour, and anchored at twenty fathoms' water, in clean ground between the two islands. Here we resolved to careen our ship. Accordingly, ob- serving the time of high water, we put her into a cove in the southernmost island, where we hauled her up as far as we could on the land; and our carpenter, and all hands, set to work the next day. This island is barren, and without fresh water. Here we killed several seals, sea-lions, boobies, and penguins; a sea fowl about as big as a duck, whose flesh is very ordi- nary food, but the eggs exceeding good. Here also we found a small black fowl, which makes holes in the ground to roost in at night, whose flesh is very good; and a great many vultures and crows. We had ca- reened our ship, and were in readiness to sail on the twenty-sixth, and sailed to the island Fernandos, and made the middle bay on the seventh of August, winter being just over there; which continues only for two months, viz., June and July. We have verbal ac- counts here of several men who have, been left or cast away, and have lived some time, and very well, on this island. Here we mended our sails. There is plenty of very good fish of divers sorts. It is very pleasant on the shore, and very healthy; so that the men who had been ill on our voyage perfectly recovered their health; for the green pimento-trees diffused a very agreeable and refreshing healthy smell all over the island. Here we spent some time in taking wood on board, and likewise in laying water up, which here is very good. very good. We also boiled a considerable number of sea-lions, of which there are plenty here. We had also plenty of young seals, which eat very well; only their livers are unwholesome; and at the south end of the island we found some goats, of which we killed about thirty, which were excellent food. Here were also plenty of turnips and water-cresses, which were of great service to us in curing the scurvy; of which we gathered a very large quantity.. ; So having refreshed ourselves very well on this island, we resolved to steer for Cape Verde in Chili; on the 12th made the island of St Jago, where we anchored, and sent our boat on shore. Here we bought some hogs and black cattle for our voyage round Cape Horn to the Brazils, as also some corn and maize. Here the people, from the ill-usage they had formerly met with from the French, are extremely sharp, and really dis- honest; for if they trade with you, and cannot get the advantage of you which they think you would have of them, they will snatch your goods and run away with them. 4 I likewise methodized his account, during his resi- dence on the island, in the former manner, and made another book or part; which, with this account of my finding him on the island, and my conference with him, completes my design; so that it cannot be called an imperfect description, but complete, in three books. So I return to my voyage. 1 In our voyage from Juan Fernandez we saw a very large bird, which is called an Alcatres; these birds spread their wings from eight to ten feet wide. In the Brazils is a serpent called Liboya, or the Roebuck ser- pent, the report of which is incredible (in my opinion), but affirmed by some of the Portuguese; viz., that there are some of them thirty feet long, the body being as big, as a hogshead, and that he destroys a roebuck at one meal. Here we trafficked for several sorts of drugs. We treated the Portuguese very civilly, who supplied us with all things necessary for our use. During our stay here there arrived a brigantine laden with negroes for the golden mines. Here four of our men died and three ran away from us, the last of which : ▾ • ( we had just occasion: to be thankful for rather than sorry, for Timothy Anchors overheard them discoursing that they designed to mutiny at our next sailing, but was doubtful whether or no they might get enough on their side to overpower the captain and his party, and agreeing among themselves that it was a very difficult matter to become masters of the ship; and, besides, considering the hazard they run in being punished after such a severe manner as they should be if found out by any means, before they could accomplish their de- sign, or if they should fail in their attempt, made them rather choose to desert the ship than continue any longer. Though our captain was an extraordinary good man, yet rogues will be always employing their wicked thoughts, and neither clemency nor good usage can make such characters perform their duty in their stations. #1 The tenth of October, after having set Antiope, one of our negro women, on shore, who refused to be chris- tened as Diana was, we began to sail, but kept Eliza- beth and Juno on board, the captain resolving that she should live with him as his servant, and by that We did not means he would bring up Tom's child. meet with anything very remarkable, but after about twenty-four hours' easy sail, we passed the tropic and the next day saw land. We stood from it south south- west, and had close cloudy weather all night, with showers of rain. When day broke we saw Ascension Island at about a league's distance, and about nine o'clock we came to an anchor. The sea is here very deep. The next day we weighed anchor, and sailing north north-east till the seventeenth, with a fresh gale at west south-west, we crossed the line. The next day an ugly accident happened, for we brought a young bear from Mexico, and our men being often used to play with her and tease her, it proved very fatal to one Thad Obrian, an Irish boy of about sixteen years of age, who had been fretting the creature with a small rope, which he made a noose to, and slipped her hind leg into it, and so worried her. Her blood growing warm, and she being enraged at his hunting her to-and- fro on the deck, where he happened to slip down, the bear immediately seized poor Thady by the neck with such violence that, before anybody could deliver him from her paws, the poor boy's throat was torn to pieces, so that he died instantly. I 1. We sailed but very slowly now, meeting with con- tinual calms, and directed our course for the Cape Verde islands; but on the twenty-sixth we had a heavy tornado, attended with lightning, which fell as if the elements had been on fire, but it continued only for a short time; afterwards the weather proved extremely fair, the wind being full south. A sailor going up to furl the main top-gallant, on the third of November in the morning, saw land, and supposed it to be one of the Cape Verde islands, bearing north-east, distant about seven leagues, smooth water, and fresh gales. About four o'clock we bore north-north-west, and went with an easy sail till day-light, and made the island of St Vincent; when about nine o'clock we anchored in the bay, in about five fathom's water, where we rode till the next day; and then we went to St Nicholas, ano- ther and one of the largest of the Cape Verde islands. These islands are so called from Cape Verde in Africa, and are mostly inhabited by Portuguese.. One of them is called Sal; it derives its name from the prodigious quantity of salt which is naturally congealed in salt- ponds. There are some poor goats on this island, and some wild fowls. Here are flamingoes, a large fowl much like a heron, but bigger, and of a reddish colour; they feed together in muddy ponds, or where there is but little water. They are hard to shoot, being very shy. < • In St. Nicholas we traded with some of the Spaniards for ambergris; but they were very fraudulent, having counterfeited it much. Here are some vineyards and plantations belonging to the Portuguese, and wine much like Madeira, of a pale colour, and thick. The people are swarthy, and the inhabitants live scattered in the valleys. ✓ • · • 2 While we were at this island we scrubbed our ship's bottom, and dug some wells on the shore, where we got fresh water! Here an ugly accident had like to have happened; for one of our men, going down into the hold with a candle, set fire to a bale of cotton, which, by his carelessness, had like to have been the loss of our ship; but, thanks to God, it was discovered by its smother, just before it began to blaze out; so that by immediate help we got it extinguished. Very soon after we hoisted it upon deck, for fear any of the fire should remain and revive again, and because we would have it in mind for our safety. ¿ On the eighth we went to the isle of Mayo, another We + P of the Cape Verde islands, but made no stay. saw at south-west, the island of Del Fago, which is remarkable for being a volcano, or burning mountain, out of which issue flames of fire; but they are only discerned in the night, and then they are seen a great way off at sea; notwithstanding, there are inhabitants on this island (as I have been informed by the Portu- guese of the island of St Nicholas) who lived at the foot of the mountain, near the sea. There are also cocoa-nuts, plantains, goats, and fowls. ▾ " 静 ​• 1 THE ENGLISH HERMIT. In the island of St Aritanio, another of the Cape Verde islands, there is a very large spider (as I was in- formed by the same Portuguese) which weaves its web between the trees; and it is so strong that it is difficult for a man to get through. Here are also wild asses; likewise salt-pits, where great quantities of salt are naturally made by the sun's heat; with which they load yearly several ships, and are able to sell much greater quantities than they do, if they had but vent for it. Having dispatched our affairs at the Cape Verde islands, we weighed with the flood, having a small gale at south south-west. On the seventeenth it began to blow, and veered to the south-west by south. That evening we saw three sail of ships at west north-west, bearing, as we supposed, for the Canary islands, as well as ourselves. The night coming on, which was ex- tremely clear and fine, we passed the tropic about the break of day; soon after which we observed a north bank lying in the horizon. We then provided for a storm, which those clouds denote. The wind was at north-west. We brought the ship under our main- sail and mizen only, and ballasted our mizen; but yet the wind and seas were too high for us, and every wave seemingly threatened to overwhelm us; so that we beat up and down with only our bare poles, which we feared would break in upon our deck, which must have foundered us in case it had so happened. We also lowered our main yard and fore-yard down a port-last, as I observed the sailors called it, that is, pretty near the deck; and the wind blew so extremely fierce that we did not dare to loose any head-sail at all; for if we had! they certainly would have been blown away. During the storm it rained exceedingly fast, which continued for about four hours, when it changed, and was pretty calm; and we began to get everything in good order. The wind that evening changing to south-west, about six the next evening we saw the Peak of Teneriffe at nine leagues' distance. We saw some flying-fish and a great deal of sea-thistle swimming about. We sailed all night with a small easy gale, and at break of day made the Canaries; bearing at north-west by west about three leagues. We crowded all our sail, and came to an anchor in the harbour of Santa Cruz in the island of Teneriffe, on the twenty-first, in about thirty fathoms water, black slimy ground, and about half a mile from the shore. The land being for the most part pretty high, it is very bad going ashore here in boats; and ships riding here are often forced to put to sea, or slip their anchors, by reason the 10ad lies so open to the east. Ships are here supplied with good water between the coves, where they generally water. Santa Cruz, a small town fronting the sea, has two forts to secure the road. Here some English merchants reside. Their houses are low and uniform, covered with pantiles. Here are oranges, lemons, and other fruits; also flowers and sallading, and a great number of pleasant gardens. At Oratavia the country is so full of risings and fallings that it is troublesome to walk up and down in it. Mules and asses are most used by them. Here grows the right and true Malmsey wine; here are also Canary and Verdona, or green wine; like- wise a great many convents. Ships are forced to slip their cables, perhaps three or four times, by reason of the winds, and put to sea before they can take in all their lading. their lading. Here are wheat, barley, maize, beans, peas, apples, pears, plums, cherries, pomegranates, citrons, oranges, lemons, and several other fruits, ex- cellently good; also horses, asses, mules, cows, goats, hogs, deer, and fowl, both tame and wild, in great plenty. Provisions are dear on the trading islands, but cheap on the others. Faro isle is very remarkable; it hath no fresh water, only in the middle of the island, where there grows a tree which, being continually covered with clouds, from its leaves aiways drop great quantities of excel- lent water. These Canary islands are commonly the rendezvous of the Spanish West-India fleet, where they generally receive orders for unlading their wealth. From the harbour of Santa Cruz we sailed on the twenty-fifth of November, to the Canary Islands; here the soil is so fertile that they have two harvests in a year. Its commodities are honey, wax, sugar, and the best of wines; of which we took in a sufficient quan- tity of each. Here is also dragen's-tree, which pro- duces a red liquor, called dragon's blood. These islands are exceedingly wholesome, though they are inclinable to heat. 361 | modities as Madeira. Here we took in about thirty pipes of Madeira wine; and having accomplished our business, we left that island on the tenth, and sailed for the Lizard with a westerly wind. We had not sailed above six leagues, but it changed to north-east, and the sky began to be covered with small hard clouds, very thick one by another, which we imagined an approaching storm. Accordingly we provided for it by reefing our top-sails, and took in our sails as fast as possible. The wind began to blow a very brisk gale, and soon after the storm began; the wind still in- creased by squalls of rain and hail, which came very thick and fast, and the sea ran very high, so that we were obliged to run before the wind. We shipped little or no water, though some washed into our upper deck; and with some of the waves a dolphin was cast thereon. The wind blew very hard, but about eight hours after it abated its fierceness, and then the wind veered to the west, and the foul weather broke up, and we had smaller gales, with some calms, and fair weather. On the eighteenth the wind veered to south south-east, which continued a brisk gale till the twenty- ninth, and we kept right before wind and sea, the wind still increasing; and we made the Lizard on the twenty-seventh, at about three leagues, and stood in for the land, and came to an anchor in King's Road, January 3, 1724-5. Thus I have given an account of our voyage from Mexico, as I promised, which I hope may not be offen- sive to anybody; it being my intention to divert the readers, rather than displease them. Having taken in the cargo which we designed from these islands, we sailed thence on the third of Decem- ber for the Madeira island, with a fair wind at south south-west, and saw several ships sailing towards the Lizard. The next day, at eight in the morning, we made land, which was the Madeira, at about four leagues' distance, and came to an anchor. Here are many fountains and rivers, which refresh the country. It is a very beautiful island, exceedingly fertile, and produces excellent wine, which is very strong. We anchored in the port, which resembles a half moon, not far from the town. Near this island is another, not so large as this (which is about sixty leagues in compass) called Porto Santo, which affords much the same com- N. B. The ship belonged to Bristol. I communi- cated the following memoirs to a friend in London, in order to be published; which, if approved of by the public, I shall at my return, be very well satisfied. In the meantime I have business that calls me to Peru and Mexico again; in which voyage I hope to see poor Phil, my good old hermit. And so I take my leave, and end the First Part. EDWARD Dorrington. Bristol, Nov. 6, 1725. BOOK II. AN ACCOUNT OF THE BIRTH AND EDUCATION OF PHILIP QUARLL; AS ALSO THE MOST SURPRISING TRANSAC- TIONS OF HIS LIFE, FROM HIS INFANCY TO HIS BEING CAST AWAY, TAKEN FROM THE MEMOIRS HE GAVE TO MR EDWARD DORRINGTON, THE PERSON WHO FOUND HIM ON THE ISLAND. PHILIP QUARLL was born in the parish of St Giles, in the year 1647. His father, Thomas Quarll, formerly a master builder, having unfortunately ruined himself in building, was at last reduced to work at the laborious and mean business of brick-making. His poor wife also was obliged to lay her hand to the labouring oar, so went a charing; which slavish and confining occu- pation robbed her of the necessary time to attend to the fruit of her conjugal affection, her beloved Phil, so that she was obliged, whilst she and her poor yoke- fellow were drudging to get him bread, to commit him to the care of one kind neighbour or another, for a small consideration, till he could prattle and go alone; at which time she put him to school to a good old almswoman, where he continued till he was six years old. One day a neighbour, who formerly had the care of the child in his mother's absence, having contracted a particular love for him, being a very pretty child, find- ing him, after school time, sitting at his father's door, takes him by the hand and leads him to his mother, then at work at an old lady's house in Great Russell street. The housekeeper, who was naturally fond of chil- dren, seeing this pretty child, takes him up in her arms, and runs up to her good old lady, who had just ended her customary private devotion. The child, whom the poor woman kept very neat and clean, beyond what could be expected out of her small gettings, was naturally very handsome; being tall for his age, and well-shaped, his features regular and well-proportioned, his complexion fair, his hair long and curling, his countenance mild and sprightly, his behaviour gentle and easy; all which qualifications rendered him completely amiable, and made the old lady conceive an inclination for him uncommon for a stranger's child, especially of so mean a birth. Thus having often kissed him, she wished he had been her own. "But why," said she, “can't I do for this lovely creature, though no kin to me by birth? Nature, who has endued him with qualifications so proximal and suitable to my inclination, has, by sym- pathy, made him related to me. His mother gave him birth, which, without prejudice to her own life, she could not refuse; now I'll give him education, the principal and most necessary care by which real love can be expressed to a child." So, having given orders that a good school might be inquired after, she put him to board to a master, whose most commendable character of instructing his scho- lars in their duty to God and man, as well as in lite rature, had procured him a considerable number of children of the best families, where she intended to 362 have kept him till he was, in years and learning, qua lified for some genteel trade, intending to leave him in her will forty pounds to set him up when out of his time. THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. But now ill fate begins to show its averseness to poor Phil's happiness; the worthy lady died suddenly, and was interred a few days after, to his unspeakable prejudice and threatening ruin. But watchful Provi- dence, who had decreed him good, averted the appa- rent evil, and only permitted some interception to her purposes, the better to raise his esteem of her succeed- ing favours when sensible of them. The master, having conceived a particular love for the boy (whose uncommon docility and extraordinary aptness in learning had overtaken the rest of his school-fellows, though of a much longer standing), was very much vexed at the thoughts of his going away to his parents, they being no longer able to continue his schooling: he was unwilling to part with the boy, and much disturbed to lose twelve pounds a year for a boarder. His love for the child, whom he had in a manner adopted for his own, would now and then rouse slumbering charity, which self-interest too often casts asleep. Pity," said he, "such blooming wisdom and forward learning should wither away for want of culti- vation." Thus, having pondered awhile, love and charity, after a long struggle with interest, gained the victory. The old man concludes to give him his learn- ing if his relations would only find him in board and other necessaries. 64 This being concluded upon by both parties, Phil continued going to school for the space of four years longer, during which time he made himself a complete master of the grammar, writing, and arithmetic; he also made a vast improvement in singing, having all that time been taught by a master who attended some boarders three times a week, who, finding an extraor- dinary voice and natural disposition in the boy, took a fancy to teach him; so that Phil was, in some respects, qualified to attend the school in the nature of usher, had his age permitted it. But as he was as yet too young to keep the scholars in that awe which is neces- sary in a school, the master only gave him his board, till the elder scholars left off, and he was grown bigger, intending then to allow him a sufficiency to maintain himself, as others in that station. But ill fate still attends the poor boy; the good old man died in less 'than a twelvemonth, and was succeeded by a super- annuated nonconformist minister, who having not so prosperous a school as his predecessor, had no business for an assistant. So Phil was a second time obliged to return to his poor mother (his father being dead), who, not being in a capacity to do for him as his edu cation and natural parts really deserved, proposed to him to learn some trade, in order to get his bread ho- nestly and creditably, when she should be no more able to help him, having, by her hard working and frugal living, made shift to lay up five pounds, which she dedicated to that purpose. Poor Phil, who had conceived a notion that there is a servitude and hardship entailed upon that station, was very loath to resolve upon entering into it; but as he was a very discreet boy, not inclined to play, as children commonly are, and seeing that there was a necessity for him to resolve upon something, to make his choice the more easy, he consults the master's nature and temper, rather than the goodness and profitableness of the trade; and as there lived in the neighbourhood a locksmith, ever since he was born, who being great with his father, would often play with him when a child, and now and then give him farthings to buy fruit, he chose to be bound to him, which was done in about a month's time. They both agreed wonderfully well, the master being very kind and good-natured, and the man as diligent and careful; so that those fears of meeting with hardships being dispersed, he cheerfully worked on, without thinking the time tedious. But this happiness, though slight, was but of a short lasting; for the poor man having been bound for a relation who failed, had all his effects scized upon, and himself thrown into gaol; and poor Phil, in a year's time, was obliged to go to his mother again. This accident was a vast disappointment to the boy's learning his trade, he being obliged to be idle, his unfor- tunate master begging that he would seek after no other, hoping every day to make up his affairs, and carry on business again; so that the lad, for want of employment, would play about the streets with neigh- bours' children. - One day, as he was playing at leap-frog with other boys, there happened to go by one James Turner, a house-breaker, who, taking notice of his activity, which much exceeded the rest, judged he might be of great use to him in the practice of his art. The meanness of his dress, which spoke him of no considerable family, gave him room to hope that he might easily get him: so, having stopped awhile he took the opportunity that the boy, being hot with running and jumping, went to drink at a pump hard by. He takes him by the arm, saying, "Do you mean to kill yourself, child, to go and drink cold water now when you are hot? Come along with me, and I will give thee a draught of good ale; | weeping_eyes, implores the Almighty to direct and you shall only go a short errand for me." receive him into his protection; and as she was ac- quainted with no one that could direct and advise him in that matter, she bid him go to St Catherine's; “There,” said she, "you may chance to hear of some captain or master of a ship, bound for some short voy- age, who perhaps may want a cabin-boy; which is, my dear child, all that your age and strength qualifies you for. In a few years, with the help of God, you may find some advantageous opportunity to advance yourself by your learning." So having given him six- pence to bear his charges, with a tender kiss, she goes to her wonted occupation, and he straight to St Catherine's, where Providence had prepared a master for him; he being no sooner come thither than a cap- tain of a ship, bound for the East Indies, taking a par- ticular fancy to bim, asked him whether he would go to sea; and that, if he was so disposed, he would take him to look after his cabin, and provide very well for him. "Will you, master?" the innocent boy answered; "I will go your errand, if it is not too far." So followed him to an alehouse in a blind alley, not far thence, which he commonly used. Being come, he calls for a quart, and bids the boy take a hearty pull; which he did, being very dry, and the liquor as pleasant; this being done a second time, it began to creep into his head, not being used to strong drink; and in a little time he fell asleep on the bench on which he sat. The seducer thinking himself secure of him, leaves him to take his nap, shutting the door upon him, and charging the people of the house not to awake him, nor let him go away when awake till he returned; so went to get ready the implements necessary to set his evil project into execution, having determined to rob a rich merchant that night; in which wicked action he intended to make the harmless boy his chief instru. ment, by putting him in at a hole he was to break, and then to open the door for him, under the pretence that it was his uncle, who was so ill-natured as to lock him out, if not at home at the shop shutting up. The gentle manner in which he spoke to the boy, and his mild countenance, made a vast progress in his affection. So having joyfully accepted his offer, he desires that he may run home and acquaint his mother of it. The captain, baving taken his name and place of abode, gave him half-a-crown to spend with his mother, and then to come to him, at the sign of the Black Boy, near the Iron Gate; that he need bring no clothes with him; for he would provide everything necessary for the voyage. The overjoyed boy having told his mother of his ex- traordinary success, gave her the money, being in great haste to return to his new master; so having embraced his tender mother, and she her dear son, weeping over one another for some time, he leaves her at her work. Having got the tools, he returned to the boy, whom he found just awake, and very uneasy to go home, having slept till it was dark, being afraid to anger his relations by staying out late, contrary to his custom, being used to orderly hours; and would have gone away had not Turner, whose projects would have been quite unhinged, used all the devices he was master of to persuade him. First he bespeaks a supper of that which the boy liked best, who, since his being come from the boarding-school, had been used to none but coarse meat, his poor parent's ability affording no better; then to divert away the time he intended to prolong till his opportunity suited, he told him several stories, and most particularly that of his pretended uncle's unkindness to lock him out of doors, and of his cunning invention to get in at his own time, and un- known to him; but that he was afraid he must be forced to lie out that night, which would be his death, not being used to such hardship. The poor tender- hearted boy, who could scarce forbear crying whilst he related this dismal story of his uncle's unkind usage, asked him what was the matter he could not get in Phil, who from his infancy had been used to be that night as well as at other times? Because," re-from his mother, was less disturbed at his leaving her, plied the sly knave, "the poor boy that used to let me nothing but this newly intended voyage running in his in is sick of the small-pox, as I have heard since you mind; so he hastened to the rendezvous his new fell asleep." master had appointed him; who, not expecting that he would return, was so glad to see him that he went that moment and bought him both clothes and linen fit for the sea; so equipping him anew cap-a-pie; then took him home, and, in a few days after, set sail for a three years' voyage. The good woman, though she had all the reason in the world to be easy in her mind that the boy was out of those temptations which great want and bad com- pany might lead him into, could not be reconciled at his going from her. But, seeing no remedy, she sends crowds of prayers after him, accompanied with showers of tears, recommending him to the care of Heaven, to whom she daily made addresses for his prosperity. "6 1 "What! can't you get somebody else ?" said the simple Phil. "I would do that for you, if I could tell how to get into my own hole; for my mother goes to bed betimes, being obliged to get up early." "As for that matter," answered the subtle serpent, "do not trouble yourself; I will provide a bed for you." Thus, having removed both that and all other obstacles the boy raised, he persuades him to stay. But ever-watchful Providence rescues his ensnared innocence. Some hours before he was to go about the execution of that evil project, Turner was apprehended for a great robbery he committed the night before in Lime street; and the boy being in his company, was also carried before a magistrate. But the justice un- derstanding, by the innocent boy's defence, he hardly was yet guilty of any robbery, having regard to his youth and modest countenance, reprimanded him for his easiness of being drawn into bad company, and warned him to be more cautious for the future; so discharged him, and committed Turner, who was hanged. That accident, though very lucky by preserving inno- cent Phil from being made accessory to a robbery which would have put his life in jeopardy, at the end proved fatal; he having thereby gained the character of belonging to some ill gang, for which reason nobody cared to be concerned with him, which grieved his poor mother. The poor widow (being left with her unfortunate son, who she feared would take to some evil owing to want, which often tempts the innocently-inclined) not being able, out of her small gettings, to maintain him as when assisted by her late husband, and seeing no prospect of his master's coming out of prison and being set up again, endeavoured to get him into some place to wait upon some of her mistresses; but the unlucky acoi- dent of being had before a justice of the peace with a notorious house-breaker frustrated her endeavours; so that poor Phil was obliged to continue with his mother, in a very mean condition, which his honest mother very much feared would induce him to evil company, of which the parish she lived in swarmed; but the good instructions which were given him in his infancy, before bad examples could have made any impression on his mind, kept out of his thoughts all wicked devices. Thus, seeing no probability of amend- ment in the station he was in, he resolved upon going to sea, wanting for that employment neither character nor recommendation, which he was sensible would be a hard matter to get, by reason of this most fatal accident. Thus, having imparted his design to his loving mother, who, with much reluctance, acquiesced in his going from her, and leaving his native country, where she once had hopes to see him well settled; she, with During their sailing, Phil, whose agreeable aspect and temper had gained him all the ship's crew's love, being often with the man at the helm, soon learned the compass; and by the instructions everybody on board strove to give him, in a little time he was quali- fied for a sailor; which his master being made sensible of, whom he had often diverted with his singing during that voyage, allowed him sailor's pay the following voyage, which was soon after; for, in less than three weeks' time, the ship was new-laden, and set out again for the same place, and was gone as long as before. At the end whereof it returned home richly laden, and in a shorter time than was common; which being put in the news as usual, prompted a certain number of Drury lane nymphs to go down to the place where they heard the ship was arrived; supposing that the lusty sailors, having a long time been confined to salt meat, would at their arrival, being flush of money, pur- chase a bit of fresh at any rate. + Being come to Gravesend, where the ship lay, they found, according to custom, the jolly crew in an ale- house, spending like asses, what they had earned like horses, even before they had received it. At the ladies' coming the elevated sailors, who had been sailing on salt water for the space of three years, and since set their brains floating in strong drink for six hours, having lost the rudder of their reason, ran headlong upon those quick sands, where most of them lost all they had before they could get off. The ingenious ladies, who had more wit than honesty, improved the absence of their understanding, and being very expert in the art of fathoming, they fell to examining the depth of those shallow-brained fel- lows' pockets; which, finding very low, they were much disheartened from going on, for fear of running a- ground; but understanding that their ship had not yet been cleared, they cast their anchor there, waiting for a fresh gale. Meantime the merry sailors, fearing no storm, gave themselves up to sport; and, for better diversion, every man takes a playfellow, and goes aside, leaving bash- ful Phil behind; who, being a stranger to the game they were going to play at, did not dare to put in for a partner. But, cross fate still attending him, a snare is laid in which he must fall. Every man, except modest Quarll, being gone away with a wench, one being come, supernumerary, staid behind. The crafty creature, who, from her firs coming in, had fixed on the innocent young man for her quarry, kept at some distance from her comrades, waiting their absence to work her design. Unthinking Phil, having no suspicion of her cunning devices, lying entirely unguarded against her sly at- tacks, stood no long siege, but capitulated at the first summons. It is true, she was provided with such artillery as no fortifications against love could with- stand, but would force the most stubborn to surrender, or ar least parley down the fore-runner thereof. Thus having opened her basilisk's eyes upon him, as being the first battering-piece the sex plants when they purpose a breach in a man's heart, she charges him with a volley of engaging words, whilst her looks and earriage offer him such prevailing terms as no man of any feeling can refuse; therefore, being an exquisite mistress of her art, she soon obtains her ends. Poor Quarll, whose heart till then had never been besieged, finding the invader more tempting than dreadful, she having a very agreeable shape, charming complexion, and most engaging features, surrenders up at discretion, and submits even to bear the yoke of matrimony; which, in less than an hour, is laid upon him; the chaplain of a man of war, who lodged in the house, happening to come in at that critical minute. By that time the absent revelling crew were cloyed with their mistresses, and had dismissed them with rough usage and ill language, of which they generally are flush when money is scant. The disappointed wretches, seeing no redress for their treatment lately received, which they well knew proceeded from want of money, concluded upon stay- ing in that place till their ship was cleared; by which time their appetite being sharpened again, and they flush of 'money, and hoping they would also be better chaps, they took a garret in a little strong-water-shop, where they made shift to kennel together, and live upon short commons. • Our new-married couple, whose money was but scanty, were also obliged to put up with indifferent quarters; but the hopes of receiving the poor hus- band's pay soon, and, withal, the thoughts of being protected from a gaol, which she was in danger of be- fore marriage, being the principle advantage she pro- posed to herself by having a husband, it made her now easy. But she and all the rest of her companions were disappointed. The ship being unladen the cargo proved damaged, by the leaking of the vessel, which is commonly made good by the sailors; so that instead of three years' wages being due, the poor men stood indebted to the merchants, 4 That disappointment put the unfortunate seamen, and especially the ladies, into a sad consternation: the former being obliged to go another voyage with empty pockets, and the latter to seek for cullies to support their extravagance, and to pay for new lodgings. Phil, who, during his voyage, had saved a little mo- ney, which his master gave him at sundry times, being disgusted at the sea by the late accident, resolves to seek his better fortune in another manner. His crafty wife, who was, by her marriage, screened from her creditors, depending upon her former occupa- tion, indulged him in that resolution; so they set out with what little he had, and arrived pretty bare. Finding no friends in London, his master being dead whilst he was at sea, he resolves to enlist in the foot- guards for bread, he having no other dependence; so he consults with his spouse about a lodging till he had quarters appointed for him. She, indeed, was best acquainted with the town, and knew of several that would both suit their stock and station, but durst go to nonc, having bilked most of them, and left a score with the rest. But lodging must be had before night, and the day was far spent, which set her a thinking, necessity being the mother of invention; and she, as is peculiar to women of her employment, being well acquainted with it, was no stranger to shifts, and pre- sently finds one. Having pondered for a short time, she concludes upon going to her last lodgings, where, though she was considerably in debt, she questioned not but she should still find a kind reception, and that her landlady where she had been about a fortnight, having giyen over her debt, would at her coming slack'en the ill opinion she had conceived of her, and afford her kind usage; so having fixed a rendezvous with her husband, she has tens there, where she found, as was expected, the old woman as overjoyed as surprised to see her, and much more when she understood she was married to a sailor, lately arrived from a three year's voyage; who in a short time, would be cleared, and that then she would rub off her score. The old woman, thinking herself secure of her debt and sure of a good customer, bids her kindly welcome; and that she hoped she would take no other lodging but at her house; that she would make everything as easy and convenient as she should desire, being as welcome to score as with ready money. The subtle woman, having gained ner ends, goes and fetches her husband, whom the over-reached old wo- man receives most kindly, expressing her love by a THE ENGLISH HERMIT. quartern of all-fours, the chief commodity of her house; that being drunk was succeeded by a second, at the new tenant's cost; which being brought, with a cheer- ful welcome to as many as they pleased, encouraged the coming in of half a dozen more; these warmed the company, and particularly the landlady, who, hav- ing greeted Quarll for his most happy marriage, over and over, fell upon praising his wife, whom she had known for a long time, giving her all the encomiums that virtue itself could deserve. In this manner they lived about a fortnight, still upon score; which increasing very fast, and no prospect of money, it obliged the landlady to put them in mind, often asking when they expected the ship to be cleared. Quarll, who discerned by the cloud which appeared over her brow, a threatening storm, begins to think of a harbour, and forthwith goes and enlists himself in the foot-guards. In that mean station, which often is the last spite of a surly fate, a continuation of misfortunes attends him : the company in which he enlisted is full of mercers and shopkeepers, who, for a protection, took on in the service, and quitted their pay to the covetous colonel to be exempted from duty, which made it fall heavy on the effective men; but kind Providence, who ever limited the evil that attended him by fortune, ordered this its vexatious influence to turn to his advantage. One day that he mounted guard out of his turn, being upon duty at the Park gate next to Chelsea, about ten at night, the place being clear of people, he fell a singing, to divert melancholy thoughts, which so- litude is apt to indulge; at that time happened to come by a colonel of the same regiment, who, being merrily disposed, stopped for several minutes to hear him sing; Quarll, having made an end of his song, fell a whistling the tune; at which the colonel came to him saying, “How can you profane such a fine tune with whistling when you can sing it so well? Pray let me hear you do it once more, and grace it with that good voice na- ture has given you." Quarll having made some few modest excuses, yields to his pressing solicitation, and sings the same song over again, and with more care than before, which so pleased the gentleman that he stood half an hour with him, asking him questions, and being by him informed whose company he belonged to, having his consent to be exchanged, he gives him five shillings to drink his health, and charges him to come to him at the Mitre tavern, at Charing cross, the next day, at eight o'clock in the evening, and ask for Colonel Bonguard; so went away. Quarli, being off duty, the next day went to the place at the time appointed, where he finds the colonel in company with half a score more gentlemen, who re- ceived him with more civility and complaisance than is usually paid to men of his coat; so, having desired him to sit down amongst them, and the glass going round once or twice, the colonel having praised his singing to the company, he was desired to compliment them with a song; if he pleased, with that he sung to the colonel the night before. Quarll, having modestly told the gentlemen he wished that his skill and voice deserved the honour of their hearing, and that he would do the best he could, having at their request drunk another glass, sung the song they desired, to their great satisfaction and applause. After a short space of time was spent in the praise of singing, and a talk of what an engaging accomplishment it is, either in man or woman, some of the company hold- ing that the charms of music are nowise inferior to the power of love, it occasioned a very agreeable debate; there being in the company a gentleman unfortunately under that circumstance, who would give love the su- premacy over all that can affect our minds; seeing it strips a man of the benefits of his own senses, of the strength of his reason, and soundness of judgment. No object is fair but that whose idea hath impressed the mind; no harmony heard but in the beloved voice, or that which sounds its praise; dainties have no savour in the absence of that which everything relishes; the fairest days are but dull, if not enlivened by the light of the charmer's presence. Thus he rat. on, till the company, perceiving he was beginning to be uneasy, desired Quarll to sing the gen- tleman a love song who spoke so much in its praise, which he did, and pleased the lover so exceedingly, that he made him a present of half a guinea. The gentleman who was altogether for music, having asked Quarll whether he had anything in the praise thereof, having also his request answered, he made the rest of the company crave a song in the commendation of what suited their inclinations; some being for a bottle, others for roving, and others for a country life. Quarll, being provided with such songs, entertained them to their desires till supper was brought up; which being over, the company, which had been so well diverted with Quarll's singing, consulted together to do him service; and, as he was well qualified to teach, they proposed to recommend him scholars. A gentleman in company having a sister who intended to learn, he writes a letter to her, desiring she would make use of no other master, which letter he was to carry the next morning; and, as his regimental clothes 363. might lessen her opinion of his merit, he bids him,' before he goes, to call at his lodging, and he would present him with a suit of clothes, which he wore but part of last summer, and therefore little the worse for wearing. And, as he wanted but a hat to be com- pletely dressed (having an extraordinary handsome head of hair), another gentleman bids him call on him for one; so that he had all that he wanted to set him out. The gentleman having given him his directions where to go for the things, and the colonel having made him a promise to get him discharged out of the company he did belong to, at least to have him exchanged into his own, they every one gave him their crown apiece; so they departed, strictly bidding him not to fail coming thither again that day seven-night. This unexpected, but lucky adventure, like a sud- den surprise, unframed his reason, and makes poor Quarll overlook the only obstacle that could obstruct his blooming happiness. Thus transported with seeing himself master of more money than ever he was worth before, and, as he concluded, in a fair prospect of ad- vancing himself, he now hastens home, and dressed in his guard clothes, in which he ought not to be scen there, that being a dress obnoxious to most, and more especially to creditors. His landlady, who, till then, had been made to expect her money, thinking he only waited the ship's being discharged, to go another voyage, seeing him in that hope-killing dress, gave a shriek as if she had seen the devil: slanders and abuses, striving utterance, crowd in her foaming mouth, and, like a rapid torrent which, running from a large extent into a narrow channel, swells and overflows its banks; so her passion, finding her mouth too small a passage, breaks out through her eyes thus, having shrieked and roared awhile, which occasioned all her lodgers to come down, she charges poor Quarli with shoals of abuses, in the vilest and most insulting terms the most inveterate malice can express. Thus having exhausted her stock of slanders, her tongue having uttered all the evil she could, she set her mischievous hands to work upon his wife, who being come to see the occasion of her shrieking, stood like one bereft of her senses; so, having torn her head clothes off her head, with words suitable to the barba- rous deeds, she thrust them both out of doors; which, though the rudest action that could denote the un- mercifulness of her intended revenge, was to them at that time the kindest act she could perform. That unexpected treatment was no small check to Quarll's cheerful disposition; but having considered that one time or other he must have stood the shock, he rejoices that it is over: and, being free from the care of getting her paid, he has at that time nothing to think of but to find another lodging; which being then too late to go about, he concludes to wait for morning at a certain cellar at Charing cross, which is open all night. Going along, his wife mildly blamed him for his unadvised coming in that dress, which, he might imagine, could produce no better effect; to which he answered, he never could have wished for better; for, by her turning him out of doors, she had paid herself, which he would have done had he stayed; but now he was come away, being better provided, and in a better way, he would have better lodgings: he then told her of the adventure, which much rejoiced her, and from that time made her resolve to forsake her former way of living, which misfortunes only drove her to, being not led by evil inclination, as many are. The morning being come, whilst she went to seek her lodging, he went for the clothes he was promised the evening before, which fitted him as if made on purpose, and made him appear as one of the genteel employ- ment he was recommended for. Being newly shaved and powdered, he went with the letter, according to order; and was received suitably to the recommenda- tion given him. The lady being just up, made him. drink chocolate with her; then, having required a song, she agrees with him for a guinea a month, the usual rate, and gives him a guinea at entrance, as it is common, and so began that very morning promising to recommend him to a lady, who had two daughters, which she accordingly did, and sent him thither the next time he came. This fair prospect of a handsome and genteel living, which he always was desirous of, made him forget his past misfortunes. Thus joyfully he returns to the cellar, where he had spent the night before, and where he had appointed to meet his wife, after she had fixed upon a lodging; who accordingly came in less than a quarter of an hour, hoping she had pleased her hus- band, which she resolved for the future to endeavour. She sat down, expecting his coming, not knowing he had already waited her's; his change of dress con- cealing him from her, not expecting to see him in so different a garb from that which she left him in; which he perceiving, comes up to her, and takes her by the hand, going to ask her the success of her walk; but she putting it out of his power, in an angry manner bidding him go about his business, having none with her, prevented his speaking. His silence, which she THE ROMANCİST AND NOVELIS г'S LIBRARY. I'Š 364 *****-car | took to proceed from bashfulness, occasioned her look- ing him in the face; in which discovering her dear husband's features, to whose natural handsomeness his genteel clothes were no small addition, she was seized with such a surprise that it struck her speechless for some minutes. more brought them together, none but death should more brought them together, none but death should sever him from the person he loved so dearly; and that he would expire in those soft arms which often gave him life. (6 Quarll, discerning her disorder by the fading of her fresh complexion, was as much surprised as she. Thus, trembling, he takes her in his arms, My dear," said he, "what's the matter? are you not well?" Having recovered her speech, she embraced him, saying, 64 How can I be ill, when my dear heart and soul appears so well?” These kind words, and the return of that flush which first kindled love's fire in his heart, enflames it afresh; hardly can he govern his new-raised passion: thus, giving her a kiss, "My love," says he, "have you got me a lodging?" "Yes, my dear," replies the loving wife; "you shall ever dwell in my heart." "But I want to lie in your arms," answers he; "that can't be done here." 46 Well, then," said she, "I have provided a fit place." So, having each of them taken a dram, they went away. Sally, who till then was a stranger to real love, now feels its true smart; and though she has for some time enjoyed the fruition, the only bliss pains-taking lovers aspire at for the reward of all their toils and labours, and the happy shore love's compass points at, yet she seems uneasy, as expecting something more; she ca- vils with time for flying too fast. Whole days and nights are too short for her to behold her dear. She continually bears his image in her heart, and wishes she could for ever have him in her arms; which from that time she consecrates to chaste embraces; devot- ing herself wholly to the diligent and assiduous prac- tice of the necessary qualifications in a wife, to render a husband truly happy; the execution of which wise and virtuous resolutions gained her the tenderest and most sincere love and affection a really fond husband can show or express to a darling wife. They lived in that truly happy state about half a year; at the end of which cruel fate, envious of his uncommon happiness; most barbarously robs him of it, almost as soon as he had favoured its incomparable and matchless sweets. One summer morning, loving and truly observing Sally, knowing her husband delighted in flowers and greens, went to Covent garden, in order to buy some to garnish her windows and chimney, being the only things wanting to complete the neatness of her lodg- ing, which she kept in the greatest order. As she was going she most unfortunately met with the per- jured knight who deceived her out of her virtue, and with whom she had lived for a considerable time, in expectation of his fulfilling the promise he made her when she put him in possession of her maiden-treasure ; who, being glutted with his sacrilegious theft, most basely and ungratefully left her destitute. Fain would she have shunned the fatal principle and origin of her past misfortunes and hellish motive of her late evil life, which she mortally abhorred, and zealously re- nounced, but inexorable fate has decreed her ruin; she can nowise avoid him, he was too near before she perceived that he had hold of her hand ere she could shift it out of his way. Being thus suddenly stopped, by him, she would have embraced the severest death to avoid the vile seducer by whom her innocence was first betrayed. The irreconcilable antipathy she had conceived for the mortal enemy of her newly retrieved virtue being star- tled at his terrifying appearance, set her whole faculty in an uproar, and scares away her senses; not so much as a word being left her. The amorous knight, whose late love for the fair Sally (whose regular living had repaired those charms her former lewd life had very much damaged) was revived, and grown more passionate than ever, flat- tering his hopes with the thoughts that her present disorder proceeded from joy and surprise, took the opportunity of an empty hackney-coach which was going by to bring her to his lodgings; so having stopped it, he puts in the poor dispirited woman, alto- gether insensible of what was done or designed; but having, with the shaking of the coach, recovered a little spirit, and finding herself so much in his power, as aimed at her total ruin, she gave a loud shriek, which occasioned the coach to be stopped by some people who were going by; but his protesting he had no other design but to take her to a friend's house till she was entirely recovered, representing also the dan- ger of exposing herself by opposing his kind intention, being then near a street where he and she had lived together a considerable time, in some measure pacified her; so having put his head out of the coach, he tells the people who stood by that his wife, who had been lately overset, was afraid of the like accident, which made her scream, so bid the coachman drive on; during which time he entertains her with all the marks of a passionate love, swearing over and over he was her slave for ever; and that now kind fortune once These fond expressions, which she formerly had given credit to, are now upbraidings and reproaches for her too easy credulity, and only increased her ha- tred for the deluder, which at that time she thought proper to conceal; thus, restraining her passion, she assumes a feigned calmness, and mildly returns him thanks for his love, which she cannot indulge, being married. “Married !” said he, "and I living! Was you not mine?" "I was, indeed," replied she, blushing with anger and shame. "But what was I? I tremble to think on't." 46 Why," said he, "my love and heart's delight, and shall be whilst breath keeps it in motion." "Oh, false man!" said she, weeping most bitterly, "repeat not those deluding words which betrayed my virtue." 46 Come," said he, "eease that flood which over- flows my soul with the bitterest of sorrows, and re- prieve the most penitent of men from the cruelest of deaths; my submissive observance of your incli- nations shall henceforth atone for all past given dis pleasures." "Mean you," said she, "as you speak”” "By all that's sacred, I do," replied he. "Then," said Sally, joyfully, "set me down here, and I'll forgive what's past." CL No, my dear, this being a request I cannot in ho- nour grant, I may, without breach of promise, refuse; I must see you quite re-established first." By this time the coach was arrived to the directed place, which proved to be a house where she had last lived with the knight, which being open, and the landlady at the door, landlady at the door, obliged her to go in without resistance, fearing it would be of no use, but rather prejudicial to her design; so she quietly went in, hoping she should have a better opportunity to get away, after she had made the landlady understand that she was married. But the sordid wretch, hoping the knight would lodge there again, who proved an extra- ordinary beneficial lodger before, went out of the room, and left her to his pleasure. Poor Sally, seeing herself at the point of being a second time undone, there being no one to assist her second time undone, there being no one to assist her within, nor hopes of any help from abroad, the room she was in being backwards, next to large gardens, and distant from the house, and therefore out of hearing, distant from the house, and therefore out of hearing, gives herself up to despair, sought the opportunity of laying hold of his sword, on which she was resolved to fall, rather than yield to his adulterous desires. Thus, whilst the knight was labouring to express the height of his love, by the most endearing terms and prevailing words the most passionate lover could invent, she, of a sudden, snatched the sword from his side, and turned the point thereof towards her breast, in order to exe- cute her barbarous though virtuous resolution. "What do you mean?" said he, laying hold of her arm. "} "To get myself at liberty," said she, "which you basely refuse: so falls into a violent fit, which lasted some minutes; which was no sooner over but it was succeeded by another, and so on for the space of three hours, at the end of which time she was so faint and weak that her life was despaired of, and so continued all day, which made the knight repent that he had forced her to stay, so much against her will, heartily wishing that he knew where she lived, that he might wishing that he knew where she lived, that he might send her home; which she not being well enough to tell, the landlady, by the knight's order, got the best room of the house fitted up for her; and, the bed being warmed, she was carefully laid in it, and a doc- tor sent for, who, having felt her disordered pulse, said her indisposition proceeded from passion and grief, and ordered that she should be let blood, which would give her oppressed spirits a present relief. The physician was no sooner gone but the surgeon was sent for to perform the doctor's orders, which gave her immediate ease, and in a little time caused her to sleep, which lasted all the night. This great and sudden amendment much rejoiced the most afflicted knight, who made a vow not to leave her till she was restored to her wonted health, sitting up by her all night. The next morning Sally, whose good night's rest had in a great measure recovered her strength and reason, finding herself in a strange bed, and from her husband, was again seized with surprise, which did much threaten a relapse. "Heavens!" said she, “by what enchantments am I here? What fiends could ravish me out of my dear spouse's arms?" Then, see- ing the knight stand by the bedside, she gives a loud shriek. Oh! vile ravisher!" said she, "is it then by another of your hellish stratagems that I am again betrayed into your power?" at which she fell into a violent fit of crying. "No, most virtuous woman," replied the knight, falling on his knees; "it is by accident, of which I own myself to be the most miserable occasion, for which I myself to be the most miserable occasion, for which I ) heartily ask both Heaven and your pardon." Then he relates the whole matter, which the late illness her excessive grief and passion brought upon her had made her forget. That woeful relation did but add to her trouble by heightening her grief. “Oh !" said she, with a fresh shower of tears, "how can I look my deur husband in the face, when any very justification turns to my shame ? " The knight, who was in as great a consternation as she could be in, takes her hand, which lay motionless out of the bed, and, bathing it with tears, begs her to forbear terrifying his most penitent soul, promising to rectify all past wrongs. "You remember, my life," said he, "the vows I made when first you gave your- self to me: I renew them now, and would fulfil them, but that it would expose you to the rigour of the law; therefore I'll only, for the present, settle five hundred pounds a year upon you for your life, till, by your husband's death, I am empowered to make you lawful mistress of all my estate. Pray compose yourself, and sedately consider on't, and when 'tis come to a con- clusion, I'll attend for your answer." So withdrew for awhile. This generous offer, expressing the sincerity of his love, for whom she had formerly more than a common esteem, in a great measure appeased her passion; the offered atonement disarms her revenge; she now pleads for him she had condemned, and blames herself for the crime she had charged him with." How could I," said she, "think my virtue safe in his hands, on whom love has such an ascendant (which is itself guilty of as many faults as it covers)? If he went away with my heart, it was but a breach of trust; besides, his absence was no flight, it being occasioned by busi- >> ness. tue. Having made these reconcilable reflections, and being at the point of accepting his offer, conscience starts and opposes her resolution; her husband stands in the way, rigged in all those engaging qualifications which had won her affection. This coming into her mind, in a manner scares away her reason; she can- not help loving both; her love for the knight pleads seniority, and that for her husband justice. The first is attended with interest, the last is prompted by vir- The debate is great, and both their arguments strong. Reason is called to decide the matter, which having (as it is her custom) sedately weighed the cause, examined both accidents and incidents, at last seems inclinable to favour the love for the knight; but justice, who is always in the right, will not resign it. Peace and content, the only motives worth con- tending for, must be consulted. They being also cau- tious of giving a rash verdict, examined on which side they were in most safety; and finding themselves most screened from upbraidings and reproaches (their mortal enemies) for the knight, gave it of his side. So justice, who seldom gets its due, is forced to drop the cause, and tacitly withdraw. The knight's offer being the softest choice for an easy and quiet life, which she could not reasonably expect from her husband, who doubtless would, from the late accident, conceive an ill opinion of her virtue (which, although at that time blameless, she could not with modesty vindicate), having sent for the knight, she speaks to him after this manner :- "I have had so much reason to repent my being too credulous, by the many vexations it has occasioned me now, that should I, upon the bare repeating of broken promises, expose myself to the same, you yourself could not but blame me." "L Indeed, dear Sally," said the knight, interrupting her, "I own you have sufficient cause to question my sincerity; but I will this moment remove it." So he that moment sends for a lawyer, and makes the pro. posed settlement; then gives orders that a mercor should be fetched for her to take her choice of the most modish silks, and then for a silk night-gown, for her to wear till her clothes were made; as, alsó, fór all manner of linen, shoes, and stockings. Then, having new rigged her from top to toe-"Now," said he, " my dear, you are entirely mine; give me direc- tions that I may send your husband what he can challenge as his own;" so he writes the following • letter: to. "Sir,-Lest the absence of her who unthinkingly gave herself to you for a wife (though not at her own disposal, being mine before) should cause you any further trouble, these are to satisfy you that I have retaken possession of my own: to send you back her clothes, as being all you can clainf a right I am yours, R. S." Having sealed up the letter, and bundled up the clothes, a porter was called, to whom orders were given to carry the bundle and letter to the most per- plexed and concerned Quarll, who had spent the night in unspeakable torment. A thousand dismal accidents glared at his alarmed fancy, which created new racks for his tortured soul. He tumbles on his bed like an unmasted ship tossed about by a violent storm, cursing the tedious hours for creeping thus in the dark night; taxing the sun with sloth, and nature with unkind- ness. Thus, like one bereft of his genses, and quite void of reason, he snarls at the whole creation. : At length the long-wished-for day having sent forth its dawn to proclaim its approach, he starts from off the bed whereon he lay as if upon thorns, and, like a madman, runs about to inform himself of what he dreads more than death to know. But having spent several hours in diligent inquiry after lately befallen accidents, without hearing of any, jealousy creeps in, which in some measure removes his former fears, but nowise lessens his pains. Thus he returns home as much racked as before. Being arrived, he finds on his table a bundle and a letter, which his landlady told him were brought by a porter. His impatience to know the contents of both were equal; but the bundle being more surprising to him, he precipitately opens it first; which finding it to be every individual part of the clothes his wife had on the day before when she went out; with the sur- prise he lets it drop out of his hands, and like one thunderstruck, remained speechless for several minutes. Then fetching a deep and heavy sigh, attended with a shower of tears, he bitterly exclaims against himself for questioning the faithfulness of that love of which he now has such fatal proofs, Thus concluding she had drowned herself, and that the letter would inform him of the cause thereof, he takes it up, saying, “O that thou hadst been a timely forerunner of the fatal tidings thou art bearer of! Yet for her dear sake that wrote it I'll peruse thee, though thy contents be but racks for ine, and the most cruel tortures that ever were or can be invented." The good lady having conceived the principal means to bring her design about, took the opportunity of Quarll's next coming to propose it to him, promising to make her worth three hundred pounds, which was the only motive that could engage him to break the re- solution he had made. The young woman being also very agreeable in her person, and extraordinarily obliging to him, he readily accepted the offer. The old lady having so far prevailed upon him, is resolved to push on till quite concluded, so has them married in less than a week, and gave them lodgings in her house, where they continued but one month. The now-married wife, thinking herself in some mea- sure under confinement whilst in the good lady's house, to whom duty and gratitude obliged her to be more than indifferently observing, being somewhat am- bitious of living great, persuades her husband to take a house, and furnish it, which being done according to her desire, they went away from the kind old lady to live by themselves, without considering the expense of housekeeping, which they both till then had been strangers to, but in a little time became too well ac- quainted with. The three hundred pounds being gone in furnishing the house and paying two years rent, and as many 1 1 ! 3 THE ENGLISH HERMIT. | years' wages to a couple of maids, one whereof she kept in the station she herself had but lately overcome, Quarll was obliged to reduce his charges, and level his expenses to his income; so he discharges the su- perfluous servant, whose business was only to indulge her indolence, and increase her pride. That sudden lessening of her attendants checked her ambitious disposition in such a manner that it threw her into the spleen, which was like to have cost him more money in doctors than the servant's wages which he endeavoured to save. Being taken very ill, and knowing not what to com- plain of, a doctor was granted at her importunity rather than her need; who, being come, and finding her indisposition lie in her temper more than a defect of nature, ordered her medicines to make them both in the same condition. Her strength decaying, and the apothecary's bill in- creasing, which are the usual effects of imaginary ill- ness, made her husband apprehensive that considerable charges might accrue from her fanciful and imaginary distemper, which he would not indulge, and feared to check too suddenly lest it might produce some other ill effect, so, in compliance to her natural pride, he promises her going in the country, as being a proper expedient to save his money, and to be rid of a grunt- ing companion, at least during the summer. But great was his surprise when he found it to come from a man; and inexpressible his confusion at the contents: his senses are all in an uproar, he blames his eyes for not seeing right, his apprehension for mis- taking the meaning; his blind love taxes his reason with rashness, the mistaken expressions being but il- lusions proceeding from an oppression upon the in- tellects; so he lays down the letter till his disturbed mind was better settled; yet he cannot be easy; he still defective; on which finding no fault, he hastily distant from meddling and inspecting neighbours, and tendance, told them that indeed she could not find takes up the letter again, but, alas! it was the same room to spare, were very glad to take in a gentlewoman fault with them; and that their habitation might suit as before. "My judgment," said he, "has been as to board, being some company for them in their re- their birth, but really it did not her's, which her hus- much wronged as my love." So after a few considera- mote living, and therefore stood upon no rate, which band very well knew; and therefore she never would tions, calling to mind that, as an accident had pro- suiting Quarll's circumstances and wishes, he began to forgive him for bringing her thither, and that he should cured her to him, he ought, without reluctancy, to consult on means to keep his wife there for a constancy; soon know; so she desired them to give her paper and surrender her again; having made a resolution never and as he well knew she never would consent, nor he ink, if the house could afford such a thing. to venture any more on that uncertain state which be able to force her to it by violence, he applies to The good people, who had been cautioned to give commonly promises happiness, but often brings sorrow, stratagems. Thus having given her the best cha-her her humour in that at the beginning, having none he shifts his lodging, and goes to live where he is un- racter he could to the old people for good humour, at home, sent the boy that attended their sheep on known, the better to pass for a bachelor, in which he tells them that indeed she had one failing, but that horseback to the next town for them; then leaving free station ha enjoyed peace undisturbed, and plea- it was nowise troublesome provided one gave her her her to compose herself, they retired to bewail among sures uncontrolled, for the space of twelve months. way; she is very vapourish, and looks for great at- themselves her misfortune, which they perceived to be But cross fate still pursues him; he must again be tendance. “O dear! that's quality distemper. Well, the effect of pride, reflecting upon the happiness of fettered, and bear yet heavier chains than before. A if that be all," replied the old folks, "she shall not their own condition, and the pleasure of a contented second mate is allotted him, who, though very chaste, want for any one thing." life. dooms him wretched, being short of other qualifications necessary in a wife to make a man happy. ** * 3797: EC #F This woman had been bred up from her infancy under the care of the lady whose two daughters Quarĺl taught to sing, and had lived with her, in the station of chamber-maid, ever since she was big enough to offi- ciate in that place; during which time, having behaved herself to her mistress's content, she gained her affec- tion; so that this good lady, being desirous to advance her maid, whose age fitted her for marriage, the chief settlement for a woman, she cast her eyes upon her daughters' singing-master, who she thought would make her a good husband, having observed him, ever since he came to her house, to carry and behave him- self very decently. Thus having declared her mind to her, who had already a great inclination that way, she readily submitted to her lady's will, who promised to bring it about. More," said he, "I must caution you of, which is this; she will soon be tired of her lodging, and will be for returning to London, so will seek all opportunities to steal away, if she finds herself opposed in her de- sires; therefore it is best not to contradict her directly, sires; therefore it is best not to contradict her directly, but be sure watch her narrowly, lest she give you the slip." "Never fear," replied the good people; << we will take care of that: she never shall go one step alone. She is not apt to lay violent hands upon herself, and do herself a mischief." This proposal suiting her ambition to imitate quality (who, for the generality, go out of town about that time of the year), was soon accepted of; and that portunity, of being freed from one of the greatest plagues which can befal a man, by him as soon ap- proved. Quarll being gone, the old people, according to their charge, were extraordinarily diligent and careful in pleasing their new lodger; who, finding her ambition gratified by their observance, kept in that day; but the next morning, having a fancy to walk out, the young woman of the house took her to see the ground and cattle which belonged to them, as being the prin- cipal things she could show her, there being neither house nor habitation, but their own little cottage, within sight. She, who thought her lodgings to be in a handsome and creditable house, near a genteel neigh- op-bourhood, with whom she might converse, finding the reverse of her expectations, could not conceal her passion at the disappointment, but falls a-railing against her husband in such a rage as frightened the poor di-young woman; who, doubting she was going into one of her fits, ran home to fetch her father and mother, who, being come, were as much frightened as their daughter at her furious countenance, the blood being ready to start out of her face, and her eyes out of her head. head. Thus, fearing she would grow unruly, each of them took hold of one of her arms, and so in a man- ner dragged her home; where, being come, they would have laid her upon the bed; but she, who took this Quarll having got her in the mind, was nowise latory to get it performed: but made diligent inquiry about the most convenient place in the country for re- moteness and cheapness, which being informed of, he forthwith takes horse, and having found a good old countryman with his wife and daughter in Yorkshire, whose diligent cares and frugal living, while young and strong, had been rewarded with a moderate com- petence, to keep him from toiling when grown old, "No, no," replied he, "there is no danger of that; you may trust her alone within doors at any time, but never abroad. One thing more I must give you notice of; that is, when she finds she cannot get away, she will be for sending letters: I charge you let her have no paper, only at first; to write to me once or twice, or so; and that you will guess when proper, by her railing, which will be a token of her being discomposed: and as for her diet, she is something dainty; but I see you have plenty of poultry, which she loves very well." "O dear, sir," answered the old woman, "she shall have fish, flesh, and fowl, when she pleases. We have a fine pond in the ground, well stocked with fish; and cocks and hens enough, you see, about the yard; and for butcher's meat, it is but a two or three hours' ride to the next town.” 365 hood, answered her ambition or his commendations, he contrived to arrive in the night, that she might not find the deceit; and, as the good people of the house, according to direction, showed her abundance of respect, giving her the title of lady, and a good supper being prepared, she inquired no further into the matter. The next morning, Quarll having represented to his spouse it would be of prejudice to him if he stayed any longer from his scholars, having already lost six days, took his leave of her, and left her in bed, it not being her usual time to rise; so, having promised to be with her in a short time to see how she liked her lodgings, he returned to London, having first renewed his charge to the good people of the house of giving her her humour, and, above all, not to let her go out alone, nor consent to her coming up to London, which, in a little time, he questioned not but she would be very desirous of. So Quarll having agreed, and paid one quarter be- forehand, (which he promised to do whilst she boarded there,) he returns to London, in order to fetch his wife; who having projected a greatness of living in the country, which she was disappointed of in town, immediately inquired into the appearance of the house, the handsomeness of the lodgings, and the gentility of the neighbours; to which questions Quarll took care to answer suitable to her inclination. So, having con- cluded to go the next day, they went out to make pro- vision of such things as cannot well be had in the country, as Nantz brandy, ratafia, usquebaugh, coffee, chocolate, and such things as were necessary for gen- teel company. "Now," said they,* "she has been brought up in a city where excess of pleasure and luxury are made the only means to arrive at content. But, alas! how widely do they miss their aim! their life is a continued series of cares; their emulation and vanity in fashions, entertainments, and such like, together with their in- separable companion, envy, only contribute to make an unhappy life still more miserable. Here this gen- tlewoman wants for no manner of necessaries to make a life comfortable, but has rather a superabundancy. Could she reject that horrid pain-causing quality of pride, and learn a little humility, it is that brings con- tent and sweetens all the misfortunes of this life. How preferable is our station to hers! how solid is the pleasure we enjoy in this solitary habitatiou compared to the trifling joys the great ones possess in the most populous cities! O happy fields and silent groves! where nothing but eternal rounds of pleasure centre ! Here no debaucheries, riotings, fashions, and luxurious entertainments; no envy of others' good fortune, no drunkenness, swearing, and blaspheming the mercies of the Almighty God ever take place as in flourishing cities; but Providence gives us all things with a boun- tiful hand; in short, we have all we desire, and more than we justly deserve. Here the beauteous birds, joyfully hopping from bough to bough, stretch their tuneful throats, and warble out melodious anthems to their great Creator's praise; whilst flowery hills, in harmonious echoes, repeat the same to the fruitful neighbouring vales. Here is nothing to be seen or heard but universal acclamations of praise to the great God of all things. This is the real solid pleasure; this is what makes us perfectly happy. For how much more eligible is the company of irrational animals, or even inanimate things, than the society of men who have divested themselves of all things but shape, whereby to distinguish them from the most deformed brutes, or, indeed, from more horrible devils? This + * N.B. The lines marked with (") are set down word for word with his memoirs, for these reasons: 1. I thought it a Being provided for everything, they set out the next pity to alter anything from his notion of the pleasures of a day; but, as neither lodgings, house, nor neighbour-lively ideas of the perfect happiness he enjoys in his solitude. Country life. 9. And the rather, because it gives us very I THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. and so from time to time, till at last she began to doubt of their giving orders, meaning to keep her there; she thus resolved to go herself; but, not knowing the way, she desired somebody might be sent along with her, which they were ready to grant, but never could be had, being always out of the way, about some business or other. -366 gentlewoman has put us in mind of our own happiness, of which, before her coming, we were almost ignorant; but now we may see that happiness consists not in riches, nor content in gaudy apparel. But why do we tarry here? It is not proper to leave the gentlewoman so long alone, lest, in one of her fits, she should do her- self a mischief. Therefore let one of us go to her." So the good woman of the house went to her, and finding her in tears, used all possible endeavours to divert her melancholy, but all to no purpose, for still she was in- terrupted by exclamations against "That villain ! that rogue!" her husband. The good woman finding that words could not prevail, thought a glass of ratifla might do better; so desired her to comfort herself, and take a glass of her cordial, to which she soon consented, and after that four or five more, which had the de- sired effect; for her melancholy was by this time turned into most violent fits of the spleen, and pre- sently into drowsiness. The landlady perceiving her condition, desired her to lie down and refresh herself by taking a little sleep. So laying her down upon her bed, and watching her to sleep, she retired. After she had slept an hour or two, she awakes in a very splenetic humour, and calls to know the reason why pen, ink, and paper were refused her. "Indeed,” said the old woman, "we did not know that your ladyship was awake; and we did not care to disturb you; but I will bring it to you presently." So went and brought it; which she no sooner received, but she began to write the following letter: "Most barbarous of Men, "Were you afraid that my indisposition (for which you most deceitfully did persuade me to leave Lon- don) would not kill me quick enough itself, that you have decoyed me to me to an oven, the dulness whereof is sufficient to make any well-bred dog pine itself to death; here not being a rational creature to talk to but the insipid folks of the hut, who, being stript of their clumsy human shape, will be as complete brutes as their oxen and cows. Pray Pray see that you forthwith fetch me hence, or expect to incur all the resentment an injured wife can show as soon as arrived to London, where I shall surely come in a few days, though I was to travel all the "MARY QUARll." way barefoot. Yours, &c. This letter being written, the good people of the house were in a great consternation whether they ought to send it or not; but after some consultation about the matter they concluded it should go, lest her husband should take it amiss. Quarll, who expected some such letter from his haughty dame as soon as she had discovered the cheat, had, with a great deal of judgment, prepared the following answer :- " My Dear, "If your pride and vanity do outrun your reason, it is no argument my compliance to them should hasten my ruin; and if you consult your circum- stances, as I do my ability, you will not discommend your careful husband, "PHILIP QUarel." And with that, one to her landlord and landlady, whom he thanked for their care of sending the letter, but desired they would not trouble themselves with sending any more, nor give her opportunity of writing, seeing that it did but aggravate her distemper; and, above all things, to have a particular care she should not give them the slip, and he would take care to gra- tify them for their trouble. This obliging letter, together with a pair of hand- some green stockings and lemon-colour gloves to the daughter, did so win the old folk's affection, that they were extremely punctual in observing his orders; but that to his wife had quite a different success; for, instead of putting her into consideration, it set her into such a violent rage as would scarce permit her to read it throughout; so, tearing it to pieces, she storms out, "Consider my circumstances, vile wretch let him behold my portion, whether it deserves me no better a place than a hovel! Landlady, send imme- diately to the town, and get me a placé in the stage against to-morrow, for I will go and tear that villain to pieces." The good woman was not a little displeased to hear her thus despise her house, which was the best within a mile round; but as she imagined it was the effect of her vapours, instead of vindicating her house, which, though old and low built, was tolerably large, and very convenient, she seemed to acquiesce with her, wishing it had been better for her suke; but as for sending to take a place, it was then too late, for by the time a messenger could be got to town the office would be shut up; so that the next time she went out she would take care that a place should be taken, so ex- cused it for that weck. In the mean time she gave her her humour, being very respectful and observing; which, suiting her pride, niade her something more easy, and in some measure diverted her raving fits, for she fully depended upon going the week following, but was again disappointed by one mishap or other, BOKO KA all the necessary qualifications of his employ; but his mistress being a very religious woman, going to church two or three times every day, where he was obliged constantly to attend her, and so much gravity not suiting his mercurial temper, soon obliged him to quit his post. But he being an arch wag and sly knave, soon advanced himself to be a footman to a young Thus continuing for the space of a month or more, nobleman. Here he began to show his genius; for his and no news coming from London, she began to think master being a young gentleman very much delighted it was a contrivance of her husband's to be rid of her with love adventures, frequently made use of him in with only paying for her board and lodging, which she those cases; and, finding him to be of a sharp ready understood he had done beforehand, and agreed to do wit, very careful, and well skilled in taciturnity, soon so during her stay, which, very probably, might be for made him secret messenger in ordinary to all his in- her life; but she resolved to disappoint him by privily trigues; in which station he behaved himself re- stealing away, and at a venture seek out the road to stealing away, and at a venture seek out the road to markably well, having all the markably well, having all the accomplishments ne- the next town, not questioning but she should find cessary for so weighty a trust, viz. vigilance, dispatch, somebody as she went that would direct her; but the and secrecy, and these so well managed that he sel- old folks, having been warned of such an enterprize dom failed in his designs. This post of honour he en- by her husband, were too vigilant to give her an op-joyed for a long time, with great credit and reputation; portunity of attempting it, never leaving her by her- and gained so great a share of his master's affections self from the time of her getting up to her going to that he likewise made him first minister to all his affairs. bed again, which over-attendance convinced her of her imprisonment. Then finding herself curbed in her ambition, disap- pointed in her pride, and tricked out of her liberty, without hopes of being relieved; the letters she sent to her friends being intercepted, she falls into a pas- sion suitable to her case and disposition, which having vented upon the people of the abetting adhering to her perfidious husband in so traitorous a deed, her spirits being exhausted so prodigiously with raving, that nothing but a cordial dram could ever have brought them to their usual tone, and which she by long experience knew, calls for her grand specific; and, after she had drunk three or four refreshing glasses, she became more easy, and retired to rest; when having slept a few hours, she awakes something better composed. Thus, considering that all the re sentment she was capable to show could not mend her condition, she therefore concluded to make her land- lord and landlady her friends, that if she did not enjoy her liberty, as she proposed, she might, at least, enjoy a little more content in her confinement. Thus she resolved, and, indeed, kept her resolution a long time; laying aside her haughty temper, and curbing those violent passions she had so long accus- tomed herself to, she now began to be much more familiar and condescending than what she had hitherto shown, to the great joy and surprise of the good peo- ple, who, by this strange alteration were in great hopes her madness was wearing off; and, upon that account, were extremely industrious to humour her in every point; using her with all the good manners they were capable of, which she, easily perceiving, thought to make use of their credulity to her advantage, for she was a woman of quick penetration; and finding how egregiously those ignorant people had been im- posed upon in relation to her phrenzy, saw the only posed upon in relation to her phrenzy, saw the only means to regain her liberty was to pretend a recovery. And accordingly, by a counterfeit change of temper, she endeavoured to persuade the people into a good opinion of her, telling them she could never requite sition, and lamenting her own unhappiness in being so their extreme good services to her during her indispo- troublesome and fatiguing to persons of so kind and obliging a behaviour. They, in like manner, answered that, if their poor services had contributed anything to her ease and recovery, they were sufficiently made amends for all their trouble. - • There was a servant in the house, whose name was Thomas, and a lively, brisk, fresh-coloured young man, indeed a fellow of admirable sense and good manners : this spark was of a very amorous disposition, well versed in intrigues, and extremely obliging in his temper and behaviour, who, as soon as he saw Quarll's wife, began to think of his former way of living. Now this young fellow was born in London, of very mean parents, whose friends not being able to give him a trade, he was obliged to enter himself a meniber of the ancient and honourable society of lacqueys. His first service was to a widow gentlewoman, where he learnt Now Tom is arrived to the very summit of his for- tune; regaling himself in all kinds of pleasure, beloved and trusted by his master, honoured and respected by his fellow servants, and, in short, might be said to be perfectly happy. But here that jilt, which so long flattered him with her kind embraces, at one fatal blow pushes him from the lofty precipice to the deepest sink removes all the means whereby he ascended, and of poverty imaginable. This Tom's master being a lover of variety, his curiosity prompted him to see the diversion of a country wake, in order to start some, fresh game; and, to that pur- pose, disguises himself as a plain country gentleman, and equips his man Tom in the same garb, on purpose to make him his companion in his adventure. place, where the wake was kept, was about ten miles from the nobleman's seat; so each mounted his horse, and away they rode; when being arrived at the town nigh which they were to hunt their game, they both alight, and put up their horses at an inni; and having pulled off their boots, out they walk to the place of rendezvous. As soon as they came within sight of the place they beheld the fields prettily bespotted with different companies, at as many different diversions. In one place a parcel of wrestlers, cagerly contending with broken shins for a pair of gloves; in another a company of cudgel-players, with battered ribs, fight- ing for a laced hat; some at one game and some at another; but Tom and his master, who cared for neither broken shins nor bloody brows, resolved to seek out softer combatants. After they had walked up and down the field, seeing the several diversions: "Well, Tom," says the young nobleman, "where is our diversion ?” "O," says Tom, "we shall be with them presently. Hark, I hear the noise of catgut, and I warrant we will find them there." So following their ears instead of noses, they came to a spacious dome, vulgarly called a barn, which they no sooner entered, but Tom says to his master, "Here, sir, here's variety for you: here's nymphs of all sorts and sizes, and, faith, of all complexions; they're all clean and neat, all fit for the game: come, sir, pick and choose; which pretty smiling rogue must be your nymph? Come, let's see what you'll do, for I long to be at it. 1 , (C "Do you long to see what I'll do ?" says the noble- man, why I intend to work miracles: I shall make my nymph a goddess before I leave her." Now the scene was entirely changed; the raving, "Well, then," replied Tom, "I suppose I may take proud, ill-natured gentlewoman became the most the privilege to make my girl a nymph, at least.' pleasant, sociable, and best-natured person they had While they were thus tulking, they stood like two ever met with; and they who just before con- hawks hovering over their prey, not knowing on which ceived so great a dislike to her, were now so delighted to fix their fatal talons; and the rustics staring at with her company and conversation that she was less them with open mouth and distended nostrils, not alone than formerly, they always contriving some di- knowing what to think of them. At length Mr Scrape, version or other to drive away her melancholy, and to by turning his mélodious battered fiddle, summons prevent a relapse; hoping to send the welcome news all the girls to readiness, each preparing her feet for of her perfect recovery to her husband; frequently the sport, while every Hob began to seize a partner, pleasing her with odd country tales; showing her all and Tom and his master in the mean time (you may the pleasures their fields, gardens, and orchards could be sure) were not idle; for offering their services to a afford, with many other little contrivances to pass the couple of pretty, cherry-cheeked rogues, as Tom called time away, while she endeavoured to divert them with them, the innocent girls very gladly accepted their offers, the comical adventures of the Londoners. This she little dreaming their wicked intentions: but the mis- endured almost a month, with all the seeming good-chief was, the nobleman had got the girl which Tom nature imaginable; but finding herself in no way to had the most indlination to, which caused such a sé- procure her enlargement, and rather more strictly oret envy in his breast that became the fatal cause of guarded than formerly, she resolved to obtain her his unfortunate disgrace. liberty by stratagem, which she designed in the follow- ing manner. Now the dance was begun with great fury on both sides, the girls romping and tearing, and the fellows pulling and hauling, and shoving and kissing, and tumbling like so many mad devils: while Tom and his master, being strangers to such kind of diversion, stood like two images, and the country fellows mocking them, which Tom observing, and seeing his partner very dull, thought they should never out-do him in ca- terwauling, therefore shrugging up his shoulders, and rubbing his eyes a little bit, he began to be as brisk as the best. The nobleman, observing his man Tom's alteration, thought proper to follow his example: so, pushing down two or three girls, fell upon them, and kissed them till they were almost stifled; then hoist- A ing them up, extends his mouth to a full yawn, and laughs as loud and with as great a grace as any of them: while Tom, to show his activity, jumps about a yard high, always taking care to light upon some- body's toes; which generally put the whole company into a loud fit of laughter, except the person hurt, who in compliance to the rest, was obliged to put her mouth into a grinning posture. Thus they became the most facetious cómpanions imaginable (every one praising the two gentlemen's good humour and activity), and, in short, became the wonder of the whole company. But Tom and his master, having tired themselves and their partners sufficiently, began to think of retiring, in order to re- fresh their weary limbs; and motioning the same to their nymphs, the poor girls very willingly accom- panied them. Now they thought themselves secure of their intended sport, and conducted them, for that purpose, to the inn where they had put up their horses. As soon as they were set down, they ordered wine to be brought, and a supper got ready, in order to detain and intoxicate the girls, if possible; and there- fore they plied themselves very close with liquor. Now Tom's partner, being a very brisk lively girl, never refused her glass; but the nobleman's was of a very mild, easy deportment, and would drink but little. He seeing her temper, began to be very amorous, on purpose to try what that would do; but she, in so sweet and easy a manner, checked his rudeness, that it raised in Tom a most violent passion for his master's partner. At length supper was brought to table, which was no sooner over but night began to appear. The two girls, perceiving the time, desired leave to go home, which the nobleman absolutely refused; but Tom, thinking to make sure of his game upon the road, consented to go with his partner, which the other hearing, begged not be left alone, but that she might go likewise. The nobleman (thinking he had not brought her to the desired pitch) as heartily de- sired her to stay, vowing that nobody should wrong or hurt her. But when the other gentleman returned (meaning Tom) they both would conduct her home. So, by mere dint of argument, prevailed upon her to Larry till Tom's return. Now Tom, as soon as he had got from the town, began to attack his fort, which, after a little parley, surrendered at discretion. So Tom rased the walls to the ground, entered the castle, and took possession of the city, all which being transacted, he leaves her, promising to revisit her the next day, and bends his hasty steps towards the inn, with a deal of impatience, muttering these words as he went "What a block- head was I to let my master be too nimble for me. Ah, fool that I was, to lose so delicious a morsel, and take possession of so easy a fool, who, as soon as asked, consented; when the other, with all the pretty en- gaging airs, so modestly checks anything that looks like rudeness. Well, faith, since it is so, I'll make the best on't, and try whether I can't chouse him of his partner." So said, so resolved, and indeed so done, For, as soon as Tom came in, the girl claimed their promise; saying, the gentleman was so rude that she would stay no longer; desiring them either to go home with her, or let her go by herself. But Tom, desirous to renew the sport, begged of her, with all the prevailing arguments he was capable of, to tarry; telling her he was a little tired with the walk he had taken, and wanted to refresh himself; so desired her to stay while he only took a glass, and he would go with her. The girl very unwillingly complied, and sat down again. The nobleman finding Tom had no mind to part with her, imagined he was bringing about what he himself had so long endeavoured in vain; and, therefore, pulling out his watch, he starts up in haste, and says he must needs go, for it was past the time that he promised to be at a certain place. So tells the innocent girl he very unwillingly left her; but he hoped this would not break their new acquaintance, for he would pay her a visit in a short time, desiring to be excused for this time, and he believed he could prevail upon the other gentleman to conduct her home. Tom, who understood his meaning, follows him to the door, and there receives his charge, which was, that he should bring her to a house they both knew, about three miles off, as soon as possible; so took his leave, mounted his horse, and went thither, impatiently waiting for his prey. . Now Tom was exceedingly pleased with his master's intentions, resolving to put the bite upon the biter; and as soon as the nobleman departed, began to attack the fortification with all the artillery wine and soft words could supply him with. But the defendant, proof to battery of this kind, held out nobly a long time, and moved strongly for a cessation of arms, de- siring leave to go home. But Tom, acquainted with the various turns of intrigues, resolved not to lose his game, being well assured he should bring her to arti- cles in a little time; and began a fresh attack, which lasted so lon that she was obliged to cry for quarters. But it being too late for going home, Tom persuaded A THE ENGLISH HERMIT. her to lie there, assuring her that he would see her well provided for; and so she blushingly consented. Thus Tom, having gained his point, orders a bed to be got ready; and then desired his mistress, who was by this time much overcome with wine and sleep, to go to bed. The poor girl (still between doubt and fear) knew not what to say, but, trembling, denies what her looks desired. And after a great many ar- guments on both sides, she resigns herself entirely to him. The sly knave, joyful of his prey, conducts his mistress to bed; but, as they were going, the old crafty innkeeper cries, in mere form-"I hope, sir, that's your wife, for I would by no means have anything dis- honest done in my house."-" Yes, yes," (says our rogue), " you may assure yourself it is my wife, or else I should not have offered to go to bed with her," while the poor girl, hiding her face, ran up stairs as fast as she could. They had not been long above, when the nobleman, uneasy at their delay, returns to the inn, and inquires after the couple he left. Why, sir," said the host, << 66 they're a-bed." "A-bed!" says the nobleman, "a-bed !" Yes, sir," answered he, "it being too late to go home, they took up their lodgings here." "What are they a-bed together?" said the gentleman. "Yes," says the innkeeper, "I left 'em together." The nobleman, hearing this, stood like one thunder- struck, his eyes darting lightning, and his blood all in flame; but, bridling his passion, very coolly inquired where they lodged, saying he had some business of moment to impart to the gentleman, and he must that minute speak to him. The innkeeper, unacquainted with his design, very complaisantly conducted him to their apartment; and knocking at the door, told Tom the gentleman was returned, and wanted to speak with him. Tom, not being yet undressed, knowing his master's fiery temper, and the just resentment, he was sure to meet with, opens the window, and out he jumps, without saying a word; and having bruised himself with the fall, lay some time upon the ground; till, recovering himself a little, he precipitately got over the garden- wall, into which he had dropped from the window; and scours over the fields as fast as he could, without ever looking back. But having run himself out of breath, and thinking himself out of danger, down he sits, reflecting upon his melancholy circumstances. "O, miserable wretch !" says he, "what have I done? How dare I ever see my master, who always reposed his trust in me? And I, like a perfidious villain, to deceive him! Certain death attends me if I go home; and if I tarry here, there's nothing but beggary or starving; I have at once lost all credit and reputation, and see nothing but ruin, unavoidable ruin. O woman, woman, cursed, bewitching woman, what an infinite number of mis- chiefs are you the source of. But why do I exclaim against a woman so innocent and so charming, when I, the traitorous deceiver, sought nothing but her eternal misery? O, just Heaven! 'twas you that saved her from impending ruin, and deservedly threw all the fatal effects upon myself. Well, I'll bear them patiently; load me with all the evils you can bring, till they mount so high you can lay no more." Raving and cursing in this manner, he tired his spirits, and fell asleep. Having slept some time, he awakes, wondering where he was. "Did I dream," says he, "or is it real? No, it must certainly be true; I am the most wretched mortal breathing. The very same ruin I intended the poor innocent girl has justly fallen upon myself; and what has become of her I know not, nor dare I to in- quire; but I hope, as heaven has hitherto protected her, it will likewise preserve her from the evil intents of my master." Reflecting upon himself in this man- ner, he walked about till daylight, not knowing what to do nor whither to go. He was not a great way from London, destitute of friends or acquaintance, little or no money in his pocket, and durst not see his pany of haymakers going to work, it being summer- master. Despairing in this condition, he saw a com- time; and resolved to make one of their number, if possible; hoping by that means to keep himself from starving, and work his passage up to London. With this resolution he attacks the haymakers, ask- ing them whence they came, and whither they were they came from London, and were going towards the going, which they answered very civily, telling him north of England. So being baulked in his expecta- tion of coming to London along with them, he knew not what to do; but at last resolved to go along with them, hoping to meet something in his way to make his journey pleasant, so tells them his resolution to make one amongst them; but they seeing a man gen- teelly dressed, petitioning for a poor haymaker's place, took him to be only in jest, and told him they should be glad of such a companion, if he spoke as he thought. He protested to them the sincerity of his intention, telling them his misfortunes drove him to such low cir- cumstances. They then said they should be very glad to serve him, and that their master would be in the field by and bye, and he would hire hin, for he wanted 367 hands so he went with them, and tarried till the old farmer came, who, finding a well-dressed young fellow wanting an employment of that kind, asked him a great many questions, which Tom answered very per- tinently; the farmer, therefore, taking it only as a frolic, was willing not to baulk him, and so hired him, saying, he might go to work that very day, if he would; but Tom, wanting a fork, told him as soon as he could get his tools in readiness he would come. So he hires a man to go to the next town to buy him one, with which, as soon as bought, he falls to work very pleasantly. Tom went with them from place to place, conform- ing himself to their customs in every point, being a very merry companion, and much beloved by his fel- lows; his present life became much pleasanter than his former, never inquiring after his master, or country girl, nor did he know what was become of them. At last it fell to his lot to be hired by the farmer he then worked for; who, secing him a tractable brisk young fellow, asked him whether he would be his ser- vant, for he then wanted one. Tom, after a little he- sitation, told him he should be glad of such a master; so struck a bargain, and hired himself for a year. Tom had not been there much above a year, before Quarll's wife came down thither, who, being a genteel London madam, reminded him of his former intrigues, and raised in him an inclination for her; but being in so humble a station, he dared not attack the haughty dame, till he might find a favourable opportunity; and so took all occasions to oblige her, and was better respected by her than any of the others, she often say- ing that that fellow had a certain je ne scai qnoi in him, which at once claimed love and respect. Tom, under- standing this, thought time would certainly bring about his purpose, which not long after happened in this manner. Tom, during her alteration of temper, had more liberty of converse than before, and often diverted her with entertaining stories; and one day being alone with her, opened to her the whole series of his past fortunes and misfortunes, which she heard with great attention and pleasure; for Tom had never before discovered himself to any; but thinking to gain credit with this gentlewoman, made her only privy to it. When Tom was gone, she began to reflect on the fellow's dexterity, and believing him well skilled in all kinds of adventures, thought he might be a fit instrument for her escape, and resolved to advise with him about it, accordingly the next day took an opportunity to call him to her again, when she was alone, desiring him to divert her with some of his merry tales, telling him she was then very melancholy. "Madam," says Tom, "I am sorry I should find you melancholy; but I'll do all I can to please you." "Aye," says she, "if you knew the occasion of my melancholy, you would pity me, as well as be sorry; but you cannot be ignorant what a prisoner I am made here, how constantly I am attended and have scarce any- thing but brutes to speak to. I can assure you, that this usage is enough to make me as mad as the people take me to be; for I never was brought up in this manner, which my husband knows; it is only a con- trivance of his to keep me here a close prisoner, if possible; but I'll deceive him, for if a woman's inven- tion can find any means to escape this cursed place, he shall be sure to see me in London quickly, and that to his great mortification." The sly rogue heard her very quietly, and thought he might now have his desired ends: so tells her she should be released that very night, if she pleased, and he himself would accompany her to London, for he longed to be there again. She was glad to hear him say so; and asked him by what means he intended to convey her thence. "O Lord!" says he, Cs easy enough. I'll tell you how. I'll take a ladder, and set it against your window, and so come into your room, and take your clothes, and everything you have a mind to send to London, and send them to a particular ac- quaintance of mine; then I'll come back and fetch you, and conduct you to the next town, which is not above five or six miles off, and stay there for the stage coach, and so go both to London together." The gentle- woman, willing to get her liberty at any rate, agreed to the proposal, only desiring another day to look after all her things, and pack them up conveniently, because she would not hurry herself, lest they should mistrust, and stop her journey. Tom consented to what she said, and wished for the approaching time; which being come, and all things in readiness, he brings the ladder, and mounts up towards the room, while she as readily delivers him from the window all her baggage ready packed up; which Tom the gentlewoman; who, overjoyed to think herself takes and carries away, and presently returns to fetch freed from that tiresome place, gets out of window, and began to descend the ladder; but, being over-eager, slipped, and down she tumbles, ladder and all; which and not used to enterprises of that kind, her foot Tom seeing, knew the consequence, and ran away as he could, leaving Mrs Quarll to get up by herself, for the ladder, in tumbling, broke the windows where the old THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. } sorts of choice drams, as also the ensuing quarter's money for her board, and the season rendering the country extremely agreeable, made her patiently sub- mit to continue there till the fall of the leaf; against which time she would contrive some way or other to go, if her husband did not come for her.. 368 farmer lay, and made a horrid noise, so that it scared the good man out of his sleep, who got up to see what was the matter; and perceiving the gentlewoman's window open and a fellow running across the yard, cries out, "Murder! Thieves thieves!"-which alarmed the whole family, some getting pitchforks, some pokers, some one thing, some another, in order to scare the thieves; but the old man, with his fowling-piece in hand, like a noble commander, led the van, searching all his house over for thieves, and to see what he had lost; carefully looking into every hole and corner, not daring to advance too fast for fear of a surprise; and coming to Mrs Quarll's room, whose window he had seen open, calls to her a long time, but hearing no answer, fancied she was mur- dered, and therefore breaks open the door and searches the room; but there was no Mrs Quarll to be found. They stared one at another, not knowing what to think. However, when they had examined all the house, they boldly sallied into the yard to hunt the thieves there; and, looking about, they perceived something under the ladder, which looked like women's clothes; so; taking it up, they pulled from under it a real woman, something like Mrs Quarll; and, looking more nar- rowly, perceived it to be the very same individual per- son, almost dead with the fright and the bruises she had received. And now their greatest wonder was, how she came thither. The old man said he believed that some thieves had gotten into the house, and, to prevent her crying, had stopped her mouth, and thrown her out of the window. But," says another wiseacre, "how came she to have her clothes on? I am sure she ought to have been a bed. Now," adds he, "I bc- lieve the devil tempted her to throw herself out of the window; and that must certainly be him you saw run across the yard so swiftly." Thus they disputed a long time, but at last agreed that she ought to be car- ried to bed again, and have care taken of her; and so carried her up stairs, and then went to finish their search, while the good old woman and her daughter undressed her, got her to bed, and sat up with her all that night. I After all was finished, the old man, willing to know what quantity of men he had lost, calls a general mus- ter, and finding Tom missing, wondered where he was got to, asking if he lay at home that night. They told him "No," but they believed he was gone a sweet- hearting. "A sweethearting!" says the old fellow; "well, let him be there always, for he shall never come hither again. How do I know but he has sent the thieves to rob me, or that he is not one of them him- self? If he ever comes hither I'll turn him about his business as soon as I see him." But Tom understood better things than to come thither again: for he knew the adventure would be blown, and then he should be certainly discarded with disgrace; so was resolved to make the best of what he had got; went away, and was never heard of again. Mrs Quarll, as soon as she came to her speech, con- fesses the whole intrigue, and lays the blame upon her husband; saying he sent her thither to be murdered; and now he had his desired end, only that she was the unhappy cause of her own death. The old man, as soon as he knew the matter perfectly, writes to her husband a full account of the whole story; telling him he was in a fair way to lose his wife, and that, if it should so happen, he had no occasion to send for his wife's clothes, for she had before lost them, and he tells him by what means. Quarll, as soon as he had the letter, was very much troubled at his wife's folly, but resolved, if she recovered, she should tarry some time without clothes, which he knew would be punish- ment enough to her pride: so he writes back to them that they should take all possible care to restore her to health, and likewise to prevent anything of that kind for the future; telling them that in a little time. he would send her some clothes, and make them amends for their trouble. Mrs Quarll, in about a month, began to be upon the mending hand, which her husband being informed of, resolved to make her stay another month without clothes, which he knew would be a greater punish- ment than the other month of sickness. But here he was mistaken, for it was almost three months before she perfectly recovered; who finding that, before that time, her husband had sent her some new clothes, was, in a great measure, reconciled to him; and resolved, during her stay there, to be much more easy in her mind than before. The good people, whom she had often scared with her outrageous passion, were very glad to see her so calm, and took that opportunity to represent to her the happiness of her condition; being well attended, and as well provided with all necessaries, free from that subjection she might be under if with her husband, whose cross and ill humours she would be obliged to bear with; besides twenty other vexations incumbent to a married life, from which she was screened by his being from her. The old woman's wise remonstrances being backed with the sudden arrival of a fresh supply of several But Quarll, who, ever since her being in the country, had enjoyed the uncontrolled pleasuros of a single life, having no mind to interrupt them by her presence, took care to secure her there; sending her guardians now and then fresh charge to be watchful over her, and a small present to encourage them to it. But surly Fate, who was ever averse to his happi- ness, suggests a new interruption thereto... Quarll, having given over housekeeping, happened to come and live at a mantua-maker's of vast business, and reputed worth money. She was a single woman, pretty hand- some, but intolerably proud and conceited; which was the cause of her being still unmarried, thinking her- self too good for any tradesman, or anything below a gentleman; which seeing no prospect to get, being courted by none, she became a general man-hater; but Quarll, who was a handsome young man and of a genteel employment, though not a gentleman, coming to lodge at her house, reconciled her to the sex in a little time, and made her change her resolution never to marry, heartily wishing he would court her; there- fore, by her more than common attendance for a lod- ger, did all she could to give him invitation, but all to little success; for Quarll, who had been already twice incumbered in the troublesome state of matrimony, and but lately rid of his last plague, had no mind to venture any more, so did not answer her expectation; but her love increasing daily without being taken no- tice of, she was obliged to declare it to an old gentle- woman, who lodged in the next room to him, who, having doubtless been in the same condition, was, by experience, capable to give her advice. 4. The old gentlewoman (as it is peculiar to tnem when past the sport themselves, to love to promote it in others) took upon her the management of that affair; and from that time watched the opportunity of speak ing to him, which was only in the morning before he went out, or at night when he came home, being abroad all the day beside; so having resolved upon it, the next morning she leaves her own door open, which was opposite to his, waiting his coming out, to invite him to a dish of chocolate, which she had ready for that purpose. Having, according to her desire, got him into her chamber, as he was drinking his dish, she feigns a fit of laughing. "You wonder," said she, "what 'tis I laugh at; but I dare say you'll laugh as well as I, when you know; why, our man-hater is in love at last; in love up to her ears, as sure as you are alive!" "Our man-hater, madam!" says he; "who is ་ that?" "Don't you know?" replied she; "why, our land- lady, who has refused so many fine offers. Lord, how happily might that woman have married! She might have rode in her coach years ago; but no man was good enough for madam; this had such a fault, and that another; in short, none could please her. 'Tis 'Tis true, indeed, she is very deserving; the worst part of her is in the sight, and that you know is not disagree- able; but did you see what a fine body she has, you would be ready to run mad for her; surely she has. the finest leg and foot that ever woman went on; and, for a skin, she may challenge the whole sex; in short, she is fit for a king's embraces. She has several good properties besides; and one above all, which perhaps you'll say is the principal; she has money, and a great deal; well, that will be soon disposed of, I dare say; I wish I knew on whom; sure it must be some angel, for I have heard her find fault with very handsome men that have addressed to her. Pray, did you ever observe any man to come here? He must be the person, for all her concerns are with "> women. "6 Indeed," replied Quarll, "I never take notice who comes; besides, I am seldom at home, so have not an opportunity to make observations." "But I have," said she," and made it my business to mind, yet never saw any man in this house since I came but you; suppose you should be he at last ?” "Oh madam, there is no danger," answered Quarll; "she, who has refused so many rich matches, will hardly set her mind on a poor singing-master." * "How do you know that?" replied the old lady; "love comes by fancy, and marriage by fate, and it may be yours to have her, so I would have you culti- vate her love, which I could almost swear you pos- sess; you will find it worth your while; here is an agreeable woman in an extraordinarily good business, a house well furnished, and, I'll warrant, money-bags well filled; now, if you are disposed to make your for- tune, here is a fair opportunity." Quarll was sadly puzzled what answer to make. His present circum- stances prompt him to soothe what his condition obliges him to deny; his business slackens, and his charges nowise lessen; his income is dubicus and expenses certain the most prevailing arguments to C f embrace the offer. But then a strong obstacle starts up-a wife; but she is out of the way, and as good as dead, whilst her living is paid for, which this proposed marriage will enable him to do, though other business failed. That objection being removed, his answer was, he feared that happiness would be above his as❤ - piring to; which being according to the mediatress's wish, she promised him Her assistance. So he took his leave and went about his daily affairs, leaving thơ management of that to her, who immediately went to inform the amorous landlady of her success. ; Quarll being returned at night, the old lady, pursu ant to the business she had taken in hand, follows him to his chamber, with the joyful news that she had, by would have concealed; that he was the man beloved, her landlady's blushing, discovered what her modesty and, therefore, she would not have him delay his being made happy. To which he answered, as she had been the first cause of his happiness, he left the accomplish- ment thereof to her direction. " Well, then," said she, "if I have the ordering of it, it shall be done next Sunday, as being, of all the week, the most blessed day," and so bid him good night. • · I . ad • A 1'* The old gentlewoman, being made sole directress of that affair, was very diligent in the accomplishment thereof, so had them married on the day she had pro- - posed. The business was done privately, but the joy it produced could not be concealed, everybody read bride in the new-married wife's face, so that greetings daily filled the house, which, for a month, was a resi dence for mirth, and, during the space of a year, the ✅ seat of happiness; peace kept the door, and plenty attended them. But churlishi fate, which ever perse…: cuted him, would not permit that happy state to con- tinue; and, the more to aggravate his loss, makes love, the chief author of his bliss, now the principal instrument of his sorrow, jealousy, the greatest plagues that can befal a married life, infects his wife. She is upon thorns whilst he is absent, and uncasy when pre-- sent, with the fears of what he had done abroad B discontented mind often urges the utterance of vexas tious words, and breeds jarrings, enemies to peace; which, being often disturbed, leaves her abode, which is immediately taken up by strife, and is commonly attended with ruin, the decreed influence of poor Quarll's surly fate. Business falling off from both their hands, makes them negligent of the little they have; the husband diverts his cares abroad, whilst the wife drinks away her sorrow at home. her sorrow at home. Thus money-grow- ing scant, credit must be pledged, which, being not redeemed, exposes the owner to disgrace, which is commonly the poor man's lot. : سمجھو 4 ✓ CAPITA • ཋཱ- The mercer and silkman with whom his wife dealt before she was married, having received money but once since her marriage, and seeing her discontent, imagined her husband (who appeared something too airy for one of her sedate years) was the occasion thereof, by his extravagant spending what she, with much care and frugality, had saved, arrested him, without giving him notice, lest, being warned, he should get away what she might have left, and then abscond. -t the guards, where he continued to screen him from Quarll, who till then had kept secret his being in those debts his eloped wife might contract, is now obliged to let it be known, to keep himself out of gaol. His proud wife, who thought men of the best and genteelest trades inferior to her merits, seeing her- self at last married to one whose station was looked upon to be as odious as that of a common bailiff, fell into such a passion that it cast her into a violent fit, from which being recovered, she flies out of the house in a great fury, swearing by all that was good she would no more live with a foot-soldier, so left him in a sad confusion; yet he stayed in the house, hoping she would, when cooler, consider of it, and be reconciled. ** But great was his surprise when, next morning, instead of his wife's coming according to expectation, a judgment is served upon the goods of the house; at the suit of an upholsterer; so, the house being entirely unfurnished, he was obliged to seek new lodgings, where he continued a full quarter without hearing of his wife. : Quarll, hoping his wife had left him in good earnest, indulges himself with the thoughts of being a third time delivered from the greatest incumbrance that can involve a man, wondering how he could so often fall into the same snare. Three wives," said he, י N · " " ↓ - in three years! and every one equal plagues, though of a different nature! The first a whore, of whom I was most luckily rid by accident; the second a proud, lazy, indolent creature, she by stratagem is secured; and the third a conceited; jealous wretch, to her ostentation I owe my deliverance. Well, now I am once more free, I'll take care how I hamper myself again." So he makes a strong resolution, let what would happen, to live single from that time ever after. 4 *: 1 Aise 38 But his resolution, though ever so strong, cannot avert fato's irrevocable decree: a fourth wife is allotted nim, which will bring upon him more vexation and trouble than he has yet gone through; his peace will not only be broken, and his ease disturbed, but his life must be in jeopardy. One evening that he was diverting his colonel and the rest of his club with singing at the tavern, as he usually did once a week, the landlady (who was then in company) much praised his voice and skill. The gentlemen took that opportunity to propose a match between Quarll (who went for a bachelor) and her, being a widow: all the company liked the proposal, and carnestly urged on the match. Quarll, being a brisk, handsome, genteel young man, which qualifications have a vast ascendant upon the sex, especially on widows, inade a considerable im- pression upon the hostess, who, being already above forty, was willing to intermix her supernumerary years with those of a husband of a lesser age; so turning to jest what she heartily wished to be in earnest, answers, in a jóking manner, that Mr Quarll had doubtless before that time made a better choice; so would hardly agree to their proposal. "A better choice," said the gentle- men, "I deny that: here is a handsome jolly woman, a noble house well accustomed, a cellar well stocked with good wine, and bags doubtless well filled with money: I say he cannot make a better choice, nor shall he make any other; so here's to its good success.' Thus he drinks to her, who, in a joking way. puts it about. The glass having been round, "Now, Mr Quarll," said the colonel, let us have a love song to conclude the matter." Quarll, who thought the gentlemen had been but in jest, in his heart wished it could turn to earnest. The notion of a good establishment, and prospect of con- siderable advantage, having blanched over those great obstacles his présent low circumstances and elevated condition made him overlook, he did all he could to forward what had been proposed: so having, according to request, given the landlady a love song, he goes and salutes her with a hearty kiss; who, smiling, asked him whether he thought she was to be purchased with a song? to which he replied, the song was only to ex- press the thoughts of his heart, which he offered to purchase her love. Indeed," said she, in a pleasant manner, "I do not know what your thoughts may be, but I never heard more agreeable expressions." "Well, then, widow," said these gentlemen, "you cannot, in gratitude and good manners, but answer them kindly." 44 Indeed, gentlemen," said she, “I can say no more, but that they are mighty pretty words and charmingly sung." "Well, then," replied the colonel, "I'll say the rest for you. The lover having expressed his passion in so soft terms and engaging a way, you cannot, without doing violence to your good nature, deny him what he requests in so melting a manner; nor shall: I say the word;" which was confirmed by all the company. To which she making no answer, it was taken for granted. So the marriage being concluded on, the next day was fixed upon for the performance thereof; being resolved not to adjourn till it was over, they bespoke a splendid supper, and so spent the night merrily. The wedding was. kept all the week, during which time every gentleman was profuse in his expenses, as an encouragement to the new-married couple, whose trade increased daily. Their prosperous beginning seemed to promise a happy life, living in love and peace at home, and being in, good repute and credit abroad; but the same fate which all along haunted poor Quarll is still at his heels; his bliss was but a blast. His eloped wife un- fortunately happened to go by as he was going out. She had him immediately in her eye, which as speedily conveyed him to her heart. The addition which a charming new suit of clothes he then had on made to his natural handsomeness put out of her mind the cause of that disdain she had conceived for him, and turns it into a more passionate love than ever. She cannot live any longer from him; she must have him with her at any rate, and will not rest till she finds out his lodgings; whence she resolves to wash all sorrow away with her tears, and settle him again in her arms. So she straight goes to the tavern she saw him come out of, supposing it might be a house he constantly used, on purpose to inquire where he lodged. • + The new wife, who was then in the bar, to whom she applied, perceiving in her some sort of disorder, was very inquisitive to know her business; in which the poor woman refusing to satisfy her, she told her that he lived there, and that she was his wife; and therefore the fittest to know her concern. At these most dreadful words she falls, like one thunderstruck, on the ground, deprived of all her senses; and, for a considerable time, lies as though bereft of life. This dull scene turns the new wife's passion into commiseration, and she pities that misfortune which in her mind she before condemned as a crime. "This," said she, "is a true sign of love, which a harlot is not THE ENGLISH HERMIT. 19 capable of. I cannot blame her for loving him, but rather condole her misfortune. So, having ordered fair water and hartshorn drops to be brought, gave her some in a glass of water, which in a small time fetched her a little to life; who, recovering, cried out" Had I not been so bewitched as to go from him, he would not have left me." These words in a moment turned the officious condoler into a revengeful rival, who im- mediately imagined she had lately lived with him as a mistress, and, doubtless, would endeavour to do the same again. So giving her hand (which she kindly held before) a scornful toss from her, "Why, you vile woman," said she, "would you have him to live for ever in whoredom ?"-" You judge me wrong, madam," replied the poor afflicted woman; "I am his lawful wife." So produces her certificate (which she hap- pened to have about her), which caused almost as much disorder in the beholder as she herself was lately in, Having recovered her speech, which the late sur- prise had obstructed, she asked her, in a violent pas- sion, why she had been so base as to give him the opportunity to come and cheat her by her leaving him, for she was his wife also. To which she an- swered that she could not justify her going from him, though indeed she had great provocation, he not proving the man she took him to be. "What!" re- plied she in the bar, "was he not man enough for you? ? I think you are very hard to please. How- ever, since the deceit made you leave him, why do you disturb yourself about him? He has not deceived me, unless it be in having a wife before. But as you left him of your own accord, he had no more to do with you." " "No!” replied she in a passion, "but he shall find, and so shall you, that I have to do with him," and so went away. It being then about noon, his usual time to come home from market, she went into a public house opposite to the tavern, there to wait his return, which was a little after. As soon as she saw him she gave him a call over. The sudden and unexpected sight of the only obstacle to the happiness he then enjoyed was most He wished he had met with terribly shocking to him. death to have missed her; but to no purpose; she had him in her eye, and was fully resolved to have him in her arms ere she went; and as he did not come as quick at her call as her impatience required, she at- tempted to go over to him; but Quarll, who knew her fiery temper, was afraid she should break out in a pas- sion in the street; which would have exposed him, and brought it to his new wife's knowledge, being near home so he hastens over to the house she was in to prevent her coming; and judging his beginning to upbraid her with her elopement would, in some measure, moderate her railing at him, he tells her, as he enters the room, "I hope, madam, you have, by this time, found a man more to your mind." This was sufficient to provoke a milder temper to reproach him with his adulterous marriage, of which she was too certain; hers is but a fault, but his a crime. But as reproaches are not proper means to advance a recon- ciliation, which was her intent, she bridles her passion, and forces her nature to a submission; so throws her- self at his feet, and falls a-weeping; owning she had committed a fault for which she heartily repented, and promised to atone by her future behaviour; calling Heaven to witness her chastity during her most un- happy separation. Quarll, being of a compassionate temper, was soon made flexible by her tears; so takes her up by the hand, who as soon fell into his arms, incapable of speak- ing for weeping; but Quarll, who was in haste to be gone, being waited for at home, it being about his time of dinner, complied with the poor afflicted woman's crying and sobbing, whose chief request was that he would only see her home that time; which he pre- sently granted to be quit of her, so ordered a coach to be called. His new wife, at home, being uneasy at his staying beyond his time, came to the door to look whether she could see him come. At that most unlucky time he was handing his other wife into the coach, which she unfortunately spying, ran over as swift as a hawk flies after his prey, and pulls him back by the lappet of his coat as he was stepping in after her. The disorder this second surprise put him in obliged him to go again into the house he just came out of, where she followed him, raving and railing as much as the provocation and her passion did allow, leaving in the coach his former wife, who, by that second terrible surprise, was again struck speechless, and like one bereft of sense. The coachman having waited some time, being impa- tient, calls in the house, desiring the gentleman to make haste, or else to allow him for waiting; at which the new wife comes out in a violent passion, and bids him begone, for he was not wanted. "What shall I do with the gentlewoman in my coach?" said he; "you had best take care of her, she is not well, or tell me where I shall carry her." [ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY-No. 102.] 369 Carry her to the devil, an' you will,” said she, and so went in. "You may carry her thero," replied the surly coach- man, "you best know the way." So goes to the coach and shakes her till she comes to herself, then taking her up in his arms, "I am bid to carry you to the devil," said he, “but I believe you are able to go yourself, so I will set you down here that you may take your own time.” Having set her down he then drives away. There being a milliner's shop just by she goes in, de- siring leave to sit awhile, till she was able to go. She had scarce been there three minutes but she sees her husband handing his new wife over very complaisantly, which so exasperated her that she fully resolved upon revenge, choosing he should be hanged, rather than her rival should enjoy him; so went directly and took out a warrant, which she immediately served, and had him before a justice of the peace, who committed him forthwith to Newgate. 46 • The following sessions happening to be extraordi- narily great by the vast number of criminals, his trial and several more were put off until the next, so that he was confined at the time he used to send the money for his wife's board in the country; and not daring to employ any acquaintance in that affair, lest they should inquire into the occasion of his sending that money, he desired one who often came to visit a prisoner to do him that favour, which he readily promised, but did not per- form; so that the people in the country, who were used to be paid a quarter before-hand, were a quarter in arrear, which, with the boarder's pressing impor- tunity to come up to London, made them at last resolve upon it, where, being arrived, they immediately in- quired after the unfortunate Quarll, whose imprison- ment they soon heard of, as also of the cause thereof. This did not a little exasperate the already sufficiently provoked inquisitress, who, presently imagining, with good reason, that his confining her in the country was merely for that intent, resolved to prosecute him with the utmost rigour of the law, wondering who that good person was that had him apprehended; so she went and consulted her friends, who advised her not to let her husband know of her being in town till his trial came on and then she would know the prosecutor, and, at her own discretion, back the prosecution. In the meantime his first wife, who had lately been dismissed (the knight who kept her being not long since married to a vast fortune), having heard of Quarll's being in Newgate, went straight to visit him. Her grief and his surprise at her coming stopped, for some time, the utterance of both their minds; at last, Quarll, who had just reason to tax her as the author of his present misfortune, reproached her with leaving him, which was the original cause thereof. The inno- cent, yet guilty Sally, whose inclination, disposition, and resolution had been violated, related the dismal account of her fatal ravishment, and pleaded her cause with such a prevailing eloquence as new-kindled his former love, and made him (though the sufferer) give it on her side. Being thoroughly reconciled, and having spent some hours in expressing both their griefs, they at last parted, after a thousand cordial embraces; and as she was enabled, by the settlement the knight had made upon her, she supplied him with money and necessaries during his confinement in Newgate, and was with him constantly every day almost from morning till night; the court, more concerned than if she herself had been and when he was called upon his trial, she attended in arraigned. The sessions being commenced, he was first called to the bar; his indictment being read, he desired to be heard by his counsel, which was granted. The de- ponent having proved her marriage, required the pri- soner at the bar should be obliged to live with her, or allow her a sufficient maintenance, as being his first wife, at which she whom he kept in the country starts up, "That belongs to me," said she, "I am the first wife;" so produces her certificate. A third wife ap- pearing, startles both the judges and the prisoner, who thought her secure. Sally, who till then had been silent, seeing the priority of marriage so much pleaded for, thought it might be worth her while to claim it, being her right, which she may chance to turn to the prisoner's ad- vantage, so addressing the bench, "My lords," said she, "I did not think to apply for justice, but secing these women contending for that which belongs to neither of them, I think myself obliged to claim my right: I am the first wife, an' please your lordships." * How! a fourth wife, and indicted but for two!" said the judges, in a great surprise. 66 Why, my lords," replied an old surly judge upon the bench, "if truth be known, he has half a score; see it in his looks: these smock-faced young fellows are so admired by the women that they have not the power to refuse anything." Sally, who thought to do the prisoner service in taking the privilege of first wife into her own hands, finding the success of her good intent quite reversed, heartily repented appearing, and would have withdrawn; but the judges told her she was now become the prosecutrix, and was obliged to go 370 on in the prosecution. This caused such a dis- order in her, who imagined she should be the unfor- tunate occasion of his being cast, that she was ready to swoon. Quarll's counsel, perceiving her disorder, imagined it might proceed from a regret of the mis- chief she had done; so put her in a way to invalidate her deposition. Now, madam," said the counsel, "I very much question whether you can make your as- sertion good; pray produce your certificate, you can do us no hurt else." Sally, overjoyed to hear that, said she had none, choosing to undergo the greatest disgrace, rather than he should come to the least hurt. (6 THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. "My lord," said the prisoner, "I beg this letter, | which she sent me a week after she was there, may be read, and then your lordships may judge whether I do her wrong." *- "I thought as much," said the counsel. "Well, well," replied the surly judge, "she may have lost it. Where was you married, child ?" "At Chatham, my lord, I think," answered she, very much discountenanced. 66 "At Chatham did you say?" replied the counsel. I doubt yours has been a sailor's wedding, over a pot of drink; a man's wife till the next voyage, and anybody's when he is gone. Your lordship sees how this case stands.' "Yes, yes," answered a judge; "if she is first wife that way, I dare say he is not her first husband by many.' So she was hissed out of the court. Then the judge addressing the next pretender, "I hope," says he, "yours will not prove a sailor's wedding as hers did.' >> ; "A sailor's! No, my lord,” replied the second wife "I have witnesses enough to; mine my Lady Firebrass, with whom I lived, and her two daughters, saw me fairly married in St Martin's church," "How came it," said the judge, “ you did not sue him before he married the third wife? You should have prevented his cheating any other poor woman." "Why, my lord," said she, "I knew nothing of it; he kept me a prisoner in the country at this good woman's house, where he decoyed me under pretence of being careful of me. I must go into the country for a month or two to take the air; but when he had me there, there he kept me ever since, charging the people of the house not to suffer me to come up to London, nor yet to go out; pretending I was mad, because I complained I was not well." "A very pretty device," replied the old judge. "Yes, my lord," cried out all the women in the court (who were come in great numbers to hear a trial about a rape committed by a Quaker upon a maid of fifty years of age), "and a very bad precedent, if not severely punished. Should this be suffered, a poor wife will not dare to be out of order or complain, in hopes to be made much of, for fear her husband, under colour of giving her the pleasure of the country air, shall, when he has got her there, confine her, and so marry whom he pleases at London.” The judges, to quell their clamour, were obliged to call to them, and promise them it should be no precedent; and that they might be sick at will, and groan at their pleasure, and also accept of their husbands' kindnesses when offered. The court being silenced, the proceedings went on, and several of the judges having been spoken to by some of Quarll's particular friends, who were re- lated to some of them. they were more favourable in their judgment, all but the o.d suriy judge, with whom no interest had been made. The three wives then present having proved their marriage, the prisoner at the bar was asked what he had to say in his own defence. 66 Quarll, who thought his wife in the country was se- cure from coming against him, not having given his counsel instructions concerning her, was obliged to plead himself. My lords," said he, "the first de- ponent against me being run mad, and therefore unfit for human society, I was obliged to think of some re- tirement for her, as it is necessary for people. in her case."-" Unfit for human society !" replied the se- cond wife, in a geat fury, and was going on in the same temper, but was bid to be silent, and he to proceed. "So, my lords," said he, "I proposed the country, as the most pleasant and wholesome place, as also that which suited her indisposition best, being always am- bitious to imitate the quality, who commonly go into the country in summer, which made her accept the offer. There, my lords, I boarded her with very honest sufficient people, in a handsome, creditable, and plea- sant house.” * (6 "A pleasant house!" replied she, "a perfect hovel." There, my lords, I provided her everything she could want or desire, as her landlady here present can testify." His counsel, who, by what he had said, had taken sufficient hints to proceed, took the plea out of his hand, and went on: "An't please your lordship," said he, “since by her madness "-"My madness !" said she, interrupting the counsel. "I desire, my lords, this good woman, with whom I have lived many years, may be sworn, whether she, in all that time, did see or discern the least symptoms of madness in me. "Indeed," replied the old woman, "I have often "I have often seen you in the vapours, but I cannot say I ever saw you what they say raving mad but once." "} $ "s Orders being given from the bench, the letter was read. The old woman hearing her house so despised, where a well-bred dog would run mad if kept in, and then her husband and herself compared to oxen and cows, was not a little displeased. My house, madam," said the old woman, "is not so despicable neither as that comes to; I'm sure there's hardly a better or more convenient within ten miles round it. As for the room you lay in, no gentlewoman, in her right senses, but would be contented with, especially in the country. I must be obliged to side with your husband there; and for my husband and me to be reckoned no better than brutes, you have little reason to say so, for no woman can be used with more hu- manity than you have been; and as for your being confined, you never were shut up anywhere, but al- ways had the liberty of walking about our ground; only, indeed, I would not consent you should trudge to London, as you often did offer to do." The old woman having done speaking, Quarll's counsel put it to the bench whether the prosecutrix ought to be ac- counted in her right senses. The judges having given their opinion that she was frantic, the old judge being displeased at their answer, asked them whether a man or woman's being frantic (which but few in this town are more or less) does empower either to marry again; and if they will allow that, why did he marry a third? The second is not mad." "The second," replied the counsel, "eloped, my lord, and was from her husband half a year; and 'tis to be questioned whether she would ever have come near him, had she not accidentally found this opportunity to trouble him. ""Tis a plain case, my lord," said another judge, "the prisoner is guilty of the crime he stands indicted for, yet I don't see but that there is room for favour. His constitution perhaps may require a woman for the maintenance of his health, and his inclination is averse against vile women; besides, my lord, we don't hear that he did cohabit or correspond with more than one at a time, and never sought a supply till he was destitute. In my opinion, my lord, he may be favoured a little." The ill-natured judge told them, very surlily, that the fact was plain, and that he was tried according to the laws of his country, and must expect to suffer the penalty of those laws; but he could see no room for favour, unless his majesty (Charles the Second) would graciously be pleased to show it him, and it was entirely out of his own power; so sums up the evidence, and refers it to the jury. The jury went out accordingly; and, after having stayed some time, brought in their verdict-" Death." Sally, who was just by, no sooner heard the terrible news but she fainted away, and was obliged to be car- ried out of court. The three wives likewise went away, upbraiding and reproaching one another with being the fatal cause of losing their busband, wishing one another never to be relieved by man, and so parted. But Sally, as soon as recovered, went back to the prisoner again, and stayed with him till the court broke up, and then was allowed a coach to carry him to Newgate, and attended him there all that night. As soon as the keepers came in the morning, he calls for pen, ink, and paper, which were brought him, and wrote the following letter to his colonel:- "May it please your Honour, "I am now under the terrible sentence of condem- nation; I need not tell you upon what account, my case being too well known to the world already; but as you have bestowed so many particular fa- vours upon me hitherto, this emboldens me once more, in this my extreme necessity, to rely upon your goodness. It is true, my merit cannot lay claim to the least mark of your esteem, but it is your genero- sity prompts me to beg my life at your hands, which, if you preserve, shall always be devoted to your ser- vice by your unfortunate humble servant, "PHILIP QUARLL." As soon as he had finished, he delivers it to his dear-beloved Sally, and desires her to carry the same to his colonel, Sally, joyful to serve him, takes the letter, and away she flies. Being come to the housė, she delivers the letter to the colonel, who, having having opened and read it, told her that she might assure him he would do all that lay in his power to serve him; so Sally, expressing her gratitude, retirea to carry the news to her husband. When she came to the prison, she found him reading very seriously, leaning upon his hand, with tears in his eyes; she stood some time to look at him, but finding he never stirred his head, nor moved his eyes, she went softly up to him and spoke to him; he no sooner heard her voice, but he starts, and looks like one just awoke from a dream, and then burst into tears, and could not speak a word, which Sally seeing, could not forbear weeping, and fell upon his neck, desiring him, with all tenderness, to stop the torrent, for she had some joyful news to tell him. "What joyful news,” said he, "can you bring a man under my wretched cir- cumstances? Can anything elevate the mind whom Heaven itself has contrived to depress?, Am not I the very outcast and scorn of Providence? Have not I been unfortunate from my infancy? And why will you still add to my misery? 'Tis you that now make me wretched; had you not so compassionately assisted me in this my dismal calamity with so much ten- derness, I then willingly should have left this hateful world, without thinking of you; but why must I make you the wretched partner of my misfortunes? 'Tis that adds to my uneasiness. Oh, that I had not seen you in these my last moments" Sally, interrupting him, said,- + Ang "Come, talk not of last moments, you may yet enjoy many happy years; your colonel has promised to use his utmost endeavours to preserve your life." "I don't flatter myself with anything of that kind," says he, “but if such a thing should happen, I am fully resolved not to tarry long in England, which has brought upon me so many dire mishaps." The colonel was as good as his word, for he loved Quarll extremely well; and therefore, as soon as Sally was gone, he orders his coach to be got ready, and away he posts to my Lord Danby, who had a great influence at court at that time, and who was his par- ticular friend. When he came thither his lordship was not stirring, so he waited till he got up; who, as soon as come down, cries out, "So, colonel, what brings you here so soon? Did you come to breakfast with me? The colonel seeing him so facetious and pleasant, told him his message. My lord, as soon as he heard it, an- swered, "That upon his honour he certainly would grant his request" and made him stay to breakfast with him. As soon as breakfast was over, he took leave of his lordship, and away he comes to bring the tidings to Quarll, whom he found alone, Sally having just left him. The colonel told him he was sorry to see him there, with other compliments usual in such cases, and related to him the success he had with my Lord Danby, so desired him to be of good cheer. Quartl fell at his feet, and expressed his gratitude in the most thankful terms imaginable, telling him his life should always be at his service. His colonel, raising him up, told him he was very well satisfied, and after a little more conversation left him. + Sally, in the meantime, was not idle; for she went and bought a rich piece of plate, and presented it to the Recorder, that he might favour Quarll in his re- port to his Majesty, which had the desired effect; for when the death warrant came down he was excluded; and in a few days after my Lord Danby procured his Majesty's most gracious pardon, which his colonel brought him with great joy. Quarll being discharged out of Newgate, resolved not to tarry long in England, and told his beloved Sally that he must now leave her, for he had made a vow not to tarry in Britain. She endeavoured to die- suade him from his intentions; but finding it to no purpose, desired she might accompany him. He asked her why she desired to be wretched, telling her he was doomed to perpetual misery; but she was resolutely bent to follow him wherever he went, and accordingly sold what the knight had settled upon her, in order to carry the money with her. Quarll, hearing of a ship bound for the South Seas; which in her return was to touch at Barbadoes, the cap- tain of her having been first mate of the ship to which Quarll had formerly belonged, this encouraged him to venture the voyage: Accordingly, he went to the commander, in order to agree with him about it. The captain, after some talk, began to call to mind their former acquaintance; but wondered to see him so much altered as to his condition; Quarll being very handsomely dressed, and his behaviour much better polished than formerly: so desired him to give him an account how this strange alteration had happened, and by what means he came to this good fortune. "Good fortune do you call it?" says Quarll. "I suppose, then, you look upon men by their outward ap- pearance; but did you know the world as well as I do, you would judge the contrary. Now," adds he, "I'll give you a short account of my past life, and then I'll leave you to say whether I am not rather thé per- fect scorn and mock of fortune:" so related to him his past his past misfortunes, which Quarll told him in so moving a manner, that it almiöst drew tears from the captain's eyes. As soon as he had made an end, "Well," says the captain, "I thought that my way of living brought upon me more troubles than landsmen are subject to, för since I saw you I have been ship- wrecked twice-once on the coast of Guinea, where I lost the ship and cargo, and but five men saved, the other time homeward bound from the East Indies, a violent storm arose and drove us upon the coast of France, where, with great difficulty, we cast anchor, in order to refit our ship, which was very much damaged in the late storm. But about twelve o'clock the same night we came thither, a most violent hurri- cane blew in upon us, broke our cables, and drově us ashore, where again I lost the ship and cargo, but all the men saved. Thus I think I have been unfortu nate, but since they are past never think of them: we shall have a pleasant voyage; and as you say you have a mind to reside at Barbadoes, where I must touch in my return, I'd have you lay out your money in the woollen manufacture and cutlery-ware, which are very good commodities in those parts." Quarll thanked him for his advice, and parted with him. Away then he goes to Sally, and told her what he had been doing, and whither he intended to go. Sally answered what was his pleasure should be hers, and that she would be a partner in his fortunes or misfor. tunes, go whither he would: So Quarll went and bought the goods which the captain advised him to, and sent them on board, and soon after followed with himself and wife. · They had not been long at sea before his darling Sally fell sick and died, to his inexpressible grief, wishing ten thousand times he had died with her. He began to be extrémely melancholy, took no rest, and would eat no victuals. The captain was afraid that he would die also, and did all he could to divert him; but was a long time before he could bring him to his former temper. They sailed on with a side-wind for the space of a month; though it changing full in their teeth, and very high withal, obliged them to cast anchor, in order to lie by till the wind should serve; but seeing them- selves made upon by a pirate, they were obliged to weigh their anchor, and make the best of their way before the wind, in order to avoid being taken by those infidels, who pursued them from four of the clock on Friday morning till ten at night the following Sunday; at which time there arose a stórm; the sky looked very black, the wind being at north-west, and clouds began to rise and move towards them, having hung all the morning in the horizon, so that they took in their top sails and furled their main sail; the sea ran very short, and broke in upon their deck; however, they put right before the wind, and sailed so for three weeks, when they made Cape Horn, They had no sooner got round the cape, but the wind veered to the south, and it fell flat calm, which continued for two days, when the wind sprung up at south-west, and they scudded before the wind very swiftly, and made an island whose name none of them knew, the ship having never been on the coast before; but there they found wood, water, and herbs of several sorts, some seals and sea-fowls. Here they refreshed themselves for four days, and then weighed atichor, the wind being fair at full south; and traded at several ports on the coast of Peru, Chili, aud Mexico. From Port Aquapulco they sailed, having a fresh breeze at N.N.E. They had Abt sailed above one day be- fore the wind veered to the south-west, and blew a violent gale; and there being a great sea, so that their ship took in a great deal of water, the wind continuing two days increasing to a very great storm, which held for one day and two nights more, during which time they perceived themselves near some rocks. The storm rather increasing, and it growing dark, they despaired of saying the ship; and as the main-yard could not lower, the ship's tackling being disordered by the violence of the storm, Quaril being bold and active, took a hatchet which tumbled about the deck, and ran up the shrouds in order to cut down what stopped the working of the main-yard; but by the time he was got up there came a sea which dashed 'the ship to shatters against the rock, and with the violénéé of the chơck flưng Quarit; who was astride upon the main-yard, on the top of the rock, where, having the good fortune to fall in a cliff, he was hin- dered from being washed back agaiti into the sea and 'drowned, as everybody was that belonged to the ship: Quarll, in a' dismal condition, remained the succeed. ing night in the cliff, being continually beaten with the dashing back of the sea, and being both bruised and numbed, pulled off his clothes, which were drop ping wet, and spread them in the sun; and being over- fatigued; laid himself down on the smoothest place of the rock he could find, being quite spent with the hurdships he had undergone, and slept while his clothes were drying 1 His sleep, though very profound, was not refreshing The danger he had been lately in so ran in his mind that grim death was ever before his eyes, which con- stantly disturbed his rest; but nature, who wanted repose, would be supplied, though it be broken. | Having slept a few hours, He awakes almost as much fatigued as before, and faint for want of nourishment, having tákén norie for thirty-six hours before; so having looked upon his olathes, which he perceived Were not quite dry, he turned the other side to the 'sub, arti laid himself down to sleep again; but still nothing but horror entered his mind; his soul was con- tinually harassed with the dismal apprehensions the effects of the late storm had impressed upon him. He dreamt he was in a terrible tempest, and the ship he was in dashed backwards and forwards through the waves with prodigious violence, the clouds pouring down vast streams of liquid fire, and the raging ocean " · 1 J · + M THE ENGLISH HERMIT. all in flames, In this dismal condition he knew not what to do; but, spying some land, as he thought, at a little distance from the ship, he was endeavouring to get thither; but not daring to trust the sea, which he imagined was like a cauldron of oil in a blaze, resolved to try whether he could not jump ashore; but, just as he was going to leap, he saw a horrid frightful mon- ster, with glaring eyes and open mouth, rush from the boiling flames, and make at him to devour him; which scared him out of his sleep. When he awoke, he was very much terrified with his dream, and stared about him in a frighted manner, expecting every minute some creature to devour him: but, taking a little courage, put on his clothes, which by this time were quite dry. He then looks about him; but, alas! could see nothing but the dreadful effects of the late tempest dead corpses, broken planks, and battered chests floating, and such aspects which at once filled him with terror and grief. Turning from those shocking objects, which pre- sented to his eyes the dreadful death he so lately had escaped, he sees at the other side the prospect of one more terrible, hunger and thirst, attended with all the miseries than can make life burthensome. Being seized with the terror of the threatening evil, he turns again towards the sea, and looking on the dead corpses which the sea now and then drove to the rock and back again, "Oh, that I was like one of you!" said he, 66 past all dangers! I have shared with you in the ter- rors of death; why did I not also partake with you in its relief? But why should I complain, who have so much reason to be thankful? Had I been cut off when the cares of saving this worthless carcass inter- cepted me from seeking the salvation of my soul, I should not have had the present opportunity of taking care of it." So, having returned thanks for his late deliverance, he resigns himself to Providence, on whom he fully relies; climbs up the rock, and, being come to the top, sees land at the inside, bearing both trees and grass. "Heaven be praised!" said he, "I shall not perish upon these barren rocks;" so made a shift to go down to it, the weather then being calm. BOOK III. AN ACCOUNT of quarll'S WONDERFUL SHIFTS AND SUR- PRISING MANNER OF LIVING; THE MIRACULOUS ACTS OF Providence, AND OF THE STRANGE EVENTS WHICH HAPPENED IN THE ISLAND SINCE HIS BEING THERE. : BEING Come to the other side of the rock, he finds at the bottom of it a narrow lake, which separated it from the land therefore, pulling off his clothes, the water being but shallow, he wades over with them in bis arms; and, dressing himself, walks up a consider- able way in the island, without seeing any human creature, or perceiving any sign of its being inhabited, which struck a great damp to his spirits. He walks it over and over, cross-ways and long-ways; yet could see nothing but monkeys, see nothing but monkeys, strange beasts, birds, and fowls, such as he had never seen before. Having ranged himself weary, he sat down under a cluster of trees, that made an agreeable arbour; the place being pleasant and cool, made, as it were, for repose, and he being still very much fatigued, prompted him to lie down and sleep; during which his mind is continually alarmed with the frightful aspect of grim death. Sometimes he fancies himself striving with the rolling waves, stretching out his arms to catch hold of a plank tossing by, which, just come at, is beaten back by the roaritig billows, whose terrible noise pro- nounces his death; at other times he thinks himself astride upon a piece of mast, labouring to keep himself on, and of a sudden washed away, and sunk down by a balky wave; on every side of him men calling for help; others spent and past speaking; here some floating that are already perished, and there others ex- piring: thus, in every object, seeing his approaching fate. Being awaked out of that irksome and uneasy sleep, he falls into as anxious and melancholy thoughts. “ I have,”” said he, "escaped being drowned, but how shat! I avoid starving? here's no food for man. But why should I despair? Did not Nebuchadnezzar live upon grass for several years, till restored to his nation? Cannot I do the same for a few days? by which time Providence, who has hitherto protected me, may raise me some means to get hence." So, being entirely re- digned, he walked about to see the island, which he found surrounded with rocks, at the bottom of which there was a small lake, which was fordable in most places, so that he could with ease wade over to the rock, which he did at every side of the island, to see if he could perceive any ship whereby he might get away: but, seeing none, and it drawing towards night, he returns, and employs the remainder of the day in looking for the most convenient place for him to pass away the approaching night; and having fixed upon one of the highest trees, he gets up as well as he could, fearing some wild beast might devour him if he slept below; where, having returned thanks to heaven for his late great deliverance, he commits himself to its his late great deliverance, he commits himself to its 371 care; then settles, and falls to sleep, and slept till hunger waked him in the morning, having dreamt over night of abundance of victuals, which he would fain have come at, but was kept off by a cross cook, who bid him go and fish for some, to which he answered, that he was shipwrecked, and had nothing to fish withal. Well, then," said the cook to him again, "go where thou wast like to lose thy life, and there thou shalt find wherewithal to support it.” (C Being awaked, he makes reflections upon his dream, which though he imagined might proceed from the emptiness of his stomach, it being customary for people to dream of victuals when they go to bed hungry, yet at that time it may prove ominous. Șo, driven by necessity and led by curiosity, he went to the same side of the rock he had been cast upon; where having stood several hours without seeing shipping, or aught that might answer his dream, the air coming from the sea being pretty sharp, and he faint, having taken no manner of food for near three days, he gave over all hopes of relief. Thus submitting himself to the will of heaven, which he supposed decreed a lingering death to punish him for his past sins, he resolves to return. where he lay the night before, and there wait for his doom; but being stopped by a sudden noise which issued from a creek in the rock, not far from where he stood, he had the curiosity to go and see what occa- sioned it. Being come to the place he heard the noise proceed from, he sees a fine large cod-fish, near six feet long, dabbling in a hole in the rock, where the late storm had cast it. One under condemnation of death, and just arrived at the place of execution, could not be more rejoiced at the coming of a reprieve than he was at the sight of this fish, having felt several sick qualms, forerunners of the death he thought he was doomed to. "Heaven be praised !' said he, "here's my dream right: where Providence rescued my life from the grim jaws of death, there it has provided me wherewithal to sup- port it." So, having taken off both his garters, he gets into the hole where the fish lay; and, having run them through its gills, he hauls it out, and drags it after him, being heavy, and he very weak. Going along he finds several oysters, muscles, and cockles in his way, which the sea had cast up and down the rock; and, having a knife about him, he sat down and ate a few; so refreshed himself, his spirits being exhausted for want of food. This small nutriment very much re- cruited his decayed strength; and the thoughts of his supply of provision having dispersed the dull ideas his late want had bred in his mind, he cheerfully takes his fish, which he drags with much more vigour than be- fore; and filling his pockets with salt that was con- gealed by the sun, which he found in the concavities of the rock, away he goes to the place where he lay the night before, in order to dress some of the cod- fish: where being come, he picks up a parcel of dry leaves, and with his knife and a flint struck fire, and kindled them; then, getting together a few sticks made a fire presently, and broiled a slice of his fish, of whicn he ate so heartily that it overcame his stomach, being grown weak with fasting. Thus sick, and out of order, be applies to the helpless resource, which was lying down; and having much fatigued and harrassed himself with hauling the heavy fish up and down the rock, he fell asleep till the next morning; during which time his rest was very much disturbed with the frightful dream of being attacked by a terrible mon- ster, such as never was heard of, either for bigness or grimness, which pursued him; till having run himself out of breath, he was forced to lie exposed to his fury, but was prevented being devoured by a grave old gen- tlewoman of a most graceful and majestic countenance, at whose sudden appearance the monster fled. Having recovered breath and strength to speak, he returns the old lady thanks for his deliverance, and begs leave to wait on her home, that he might know whither to come, and pay his constant duty to her for this her late great kindness. To which she answered that she was fixed in no particular habitation, but dwelt at every poor man's house; her occupation being to as- sist the helpless, but not the slothful and negligent; that he should see her again before it was long. Meantime she bid him not go on in evil ways, but, whenever overtaken, not to despair, for she was always at hand. Nevertheless, she would not have him too depending; and so went away, leaving him. very easy and pleased in his mind that he had escaped such vast danger. Having slept quietly the remainder of the night, he awoke in the morning pretty fresh and hearty, but very much disturbed at his late dream, which he feared pre- saged and prognosticated some approaching evil; but as he could make no comparative allusion of the old lady who rescued him from the monster, he concludes it must be an inspiration of Providence (whom the grave old lady did personate in the dream), who lately had preserved him from a death by all appearance un- avoidable, to keep him from despair in this his great extremity, promising to be at hand upon occasion, yet THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. his surly refusal and rough usage prognosticate a forward and hard winter, to whose severity I must lie exposed, being altogether unprovided." 372 would not have him neglect means to get away from a place where want threatens him. For though he might for a while subsist on fish, wherewith he may be supplied, being surrounded by the sea, yet he could not imagine which way he could be furnished with clothes and bed against the winter; for want of which he must miserably perish with cold, unless supplied by some such dismal accident as exposed him to the want thereof, which he heartily wishes and prays may never happen. Having made these considerations, he, on his knees, returns kind Providence his hearty thanks for all the mercies that had been extended to him, begging the continuance of its assistance. Then, as he took direc- tions from his dream, watching the opportunity to get away from that melancholy place, he goes to the other side of the rock to try if he could perceive any ship- ping in sight. The wind being pretty high fed his hopes, that each succeeding hour would gratify his wishing look with that object the preceding could not bring forth, but was disappointed. The night approaching, kept back all probability for that time; however, depending on better success the next day, he returns whence he came; and, being hungry, makes a fire, and broils another slice of the fish, then lays the rest upon broad green leaves, and strews salt thereon to keep it from spoiling, then goes to rest; and as he lay undisturbed the night before under the trees, and much more easy than a-top, he ventured again, committing himself to the care of Providence. But his thoughts, which all day had been disturbed with the dread of those hardships he must probably undergo if obliged to continue there all winter, so ran in his mind that they occasioned ideas suitable to those he had formed the day before; and cold being the' greatest of his fears, it is also the principal subject of his dream; which presented to his imagination that he was in a spacious place paved with hailstones of a prodigious bigness, and surrounded with high moun- tains of ice which echoed with shivers. At the far- ther end thereof he saw an old man resembling Time, as he is commonly painted, with heaps of hail and snow about him, and himself very busy with making more; at his side stood a very beautiful woman, whose shape and make was uncommon, and her features and complexion extraordinary; but what surprised him most was her having three pair of breasts, wonderfully handsome and curiously placed, which seemed to adorn her bosom far more than the richest stomacher made of diamonds or pearls could do; so that what in other women would look monstrous was in her an addition to her matchless beauty. The sight of that most perfect and complete woman warmed his blood, which the coldness of the place had chilled, and tempted him to come nearer the charmer. As he advanced every step he made seemed to add strength to his limbs and vigour to his life, which made him desirous to come nearer to the person from whom he received such beneficial effluvia, but was suddenly stopped by the old man's turning towards him with a grim and surly countenance, which threatened his nearer approach with evil. Not daring to stand nearer, he stands still, won- dering what business that most charming creature could have with that surly, morose old fellow; when, listening awhile, he perceived she was asking boons of him in the behalf of a vast number of all sorts of creatures that attended her at some distance behind, which he refused in a most churlish manner; and as she still persisted in her suit, following him up and down, the ill-natured old man slily steps to the frosty moun- tain, and pulls down a large clod of ice which stopped a gap therein, whence came out a creature made and featured like a man, but of a monstrous size and frightful aspect, his excessive broad cheeks hanging down on each side of his long-piked, chin like two empty bladders, and his preposterous belly hanging down, looking just like a sail without wind. That monster was no sooner out, but he had orders from the spiteful old man to drive away the woman and all her attendants, which word of command was no sooner given but it was put in execution. Having filled his shrivelled jaws with wind, which then stood out like so many kettle drums, he falls a-blowing upon one (of the hills of snow, and turns it into a thick shower, which ne drove with violence against that angel-like creature and her clients, who immediately fled for shelter. This barbarous treatment towards the most de- serving of creatures, put him in amaze; to whom the angry old man (seeing he did not go with the rest) came in a fury, saying, "Dost thou put me to defiance ? I'll bury thee in that which I only strewed over them,' and went to lay hold of him, which caused him to awake in a wonderful fright. Being risen, he made reflections upon the late dreams. "All my dreams," said he, "have ever proved ominous; and, if I mistake not, this must have some signification. Certainly this old man is Time, laying up a store of frost and snow against next winter; and that goodly woman is Nature, who, being tender over all her creatures, interceded for moderation; and These reflections bred various melancholy thoughts, which almost led him to despair. "Oh !" said he, "that I was but a mouse, a bat, or a yet meaner crea- ture! Then should I be below the cruel persecutions of Fate. But man, who was created in the noblest form, endued with reason and understanding, animated with an immortal soul, must be aimed at as the only mark worthy its malignant darts! But why do I thus rave at those evils we are the authors of? Had man continued in his original state of innocence, the very name of Fate or Fortune would not have been known. Well, since this is the product of sin, I accept this black lot as justly coming to my share; and, humbly submitting to heaven's decrec, I thankfully take this dream as a timely warning; and, in imitation of those creatures represented in it, I'll provide what shelter I can against bad weather comes. " J Accordingly, first he begins to think of making him- self a house to preserve him from the injuries of the weather; but having nothing to make it of, nor any instrument but a knife, which could be of little service to him, he resolves to go to that part of the rocks where he was shipwrecked, to see if he could discover anything among the wreck that might be serviceable to him; and therefore takes a branch of a tree along with him, and coming to the place, he strips himself and goes into the water (the water being low, dis- covering the tops of several sharp-pointed rocks), and gropes along with his staff for sure footing, wading as high as his chin, diving to the bottom frequently, and feeling about with his hands. This he continued doing for almost two hours, but to no purpose, not daring to go out of his depth; for he well knew that he could do little good there, because he could discover no part of the ship, not so much as the mast, or any of the rigging, but fancied she lay in some deep hole, where it was impossible to get at her. Thus, despairing and fretting, and teazing himself, he calls to mind that he had a hatchet in his hand when he was cast away, and thought probably it might lie in that cleft of the rock into which he was thrown; thither he went, and, looking about, perceived some- thing like the handle of a hatchet just above the sur- face of the water at the bottom of the rock; and going down to it, took it up, which, to his great joy, proved to be the very thing he wanted. } • Having got his tool, he dresses himself, and goes on to the island again, intending to cut down some trees to make himself a hut. Looking about, therefore, for the properest plants, and taking notice of a sort of tree whose branches, bending to the ground, took root, and became a plant, he thought they might be the fittest for this purpose, and cut a sufficient parcel of them to make his barrack; which was full business for him that day. • • ; + The next morning, having paid his usual devotion, he walks out again to look out a pleasant and conve- nient place to make his hut or barrack upon. He walked several hours, and could find none more sheltered from the cold winds than that where he already lay, being in the middle of the island, well fenced on the north and east sides with trees, which stood very thick. The place being fixed upon, he hews down some trees that grew in his way, and clears a spot of ground about twelve feet square, leaving one tree standing at each corner; and, with the young plants he provided the day before, filled the distance between quite round, setting them about six inches asunder, leaving a larger vacancy for the door. His enclosure being made, he bends the branches a-top from both sides, and weaves them across one another, making a cover to it; which being something too thin, he laid other branches over, till they were grown thicker. Having finished the top, taking large branches, he strips off their small twigs, he goes about closing the sides; for which purpose, and weaves them between the plants as they do for sheep-pens; then made a door after the same manner. His barrack being finished, which took him up fifteen days' hard work ; days' hard work; "Now," said he, "here's a house, but where's the furniture? This, indeed, may keep the weather from me, but not the cold. The ground on which I do and must lie is hard, and doubt- less, in the winter, will grow damp; which, with want of covering, may occasion agues and fevers, the cholic and rheumatism, and twenty racking distempers, which may cause me to repent my having escaped a milder death." ! In this great consternation and perplexity, he goes to see if he could spy any shipping riding within sight of the island. As he was walking along, full of heavy and dull thoughts, which weighed his looks to the ground, he happened to find a sort of high grass that grows but here and there, round some particular sort of trees, of which he never took notice before. "Heaven be praised!" said he, "I have found wherewithal to keep my poor body from the ground, whilst I am, by Providence, doomed to remain here." So passes on, intending, at his return, to cut down a sufficient quan- tity of it to make mats that might serve him instead of bed and bed- clothes. Having looked himself almost blind, without. seeing the least prospect of what he desired, he concludes upon going to cut the grass, which he stood in such want of, and spread it together to dry, whilst the weather was yet warm. That piece of work kept him, employed the remainder of the day, and best part of the succeeding, having nothing but a pocket knife to cut withal. That work being done, wanting a tool to spread and turn his grass, he takes a branch off the next tree, which, having stripped of all the small ones. about it, all but part of that at the top, being forky,. made a tolerable fork. Thus being equipped for hay- making, he went on with his work; and as he was at it, he saw, at some distance, several monkeys as busy as himself, scratching something out of the ground, which they did eat upon the spot, and carried the rest to their home, ! His hopes that those roots might be for his use,: those creatures being naturally dainty, cating nothing but what men may, made him hasten to the place he saw them scratching at, that by the herb they bear (which they tore off) he might find out the root. Having, by the leaves which he picked off the ground, found some of the same, he dug them up, and carried them to his barrack, where he broiled a slice of his fish, and in the ashes roasted them, which eat something like chesnuts done in the same manner. 1 J. This new found out eatable much rejoicing him, hẹ returned his hearty thanks to kind Providence, that had put him in a way to provide himself with bread, and that of a most delicious kind. As soon, therefore, good quantity; but as he was going to the place where as he had dined, he went out on purpose to dig up a he had taken notice they grew pretty thick, he sees a tortoise, of about a foot over, crawling before him.. "Heaven be praised!" said he, "here's what will sup-. ply me both with victuals, and utensils to dress it in." He ran, therefore, and turned it on its back, to, keep it from getting away, whilst he went for his hatchet,. that he might cut the bottom shell from the top, in order to make a kettle of the deepest, and a dish of the flat part. 14 > Being tired of cod-fish, he dresses the tortoise, an animal seldom eaten but upon extremity, the flesh/ thereof often giving the flux. Nevertheless he ven- eating very much like veal; which at that time was a tured upon it, and liked it extremely, some part of it, very great novelty to him, having caten no fresh meat, for a long time before. tu Happening to eat of that part of the tortoise which is the most feeding, and least hurtful, he was in nowise. the least discomposed; but, having boiled it all, he laid by the remainder to eat now and then between his fish. - i Being provided with a boiling utensil, he often had change, by means of those admirable roots so luckily discovered; some of which he roasted for bread, others he boiled with salt cod. This in a great mea sure mitigated his misfortune, and softened the hard- ship he lay under; so that, seeing but little prospect of changing his present condition by getting away. thence yet awhile, he thinks on means to make it us. easy as possible while he remained in it; for having projected a bed, and taking the grass, which by that time was dry, he falls to work; and a mat being thes thing concluded upon, he twisted the hay into ropes: the bigness of his leg, then he cuts a pretty number of sticks about two feet long, which he drives in the ground, ten in a row, and near four inches asunder, and opposite to them such another row at six or seven feet distance from the first, which made the length of his mat; then, having fastened one end of his rope to: one of the corner sticks, he brings it round the other.. corner stick, and so to the next at the other end, till he has laid his frame: then he weaves across shorter.y ropes of the same, in the manner in which they make pallions on board with old cable ends. When he had finished his mat he beat it with a long stick, which.. made it swell up, and the grass being of a soft cottony. nature, he had a warm and easy bed to lie on. + a } + • HCE [ $ " The comfort and pleasure he found on his soft!: mat (being grown sore with lying on the ground for the space of a month or more), so liberally gratified him for the time and labour he had bostowed in making it, that it gave him encouragement to go about another; a covering being the next necessary « wanted; for though the weather was as yet pretty warm, and he in a great measure seasoned by the hardships he had gone through, yet the winter ap.. proaching, and the present season still favourable for him to make provision against it, he goes and cuts... more grass, which, being made ready for use, he lengthens his loom to allow for rolling up at one,.. end, instead of a bolster, and makes it thicker than " the first, which he intends in cold weather shall lie: upon him instead of blankets. 65 + Being provided with the most necessary furniture' he wanted, he thinks on more conveniences, resolving to make himself a table to eat his victuals upon," and a chair to sit on. Thus, having cut several A · 7.80 -4 " } : · T sticks about four feet long, he drives them in a row, a little way in the ground, then takes smaller, which he interweaves between; having made the top, he sets it upon four other sticks, forky at the upper end, which he stuck in the ground at one side of his bar- rack to the height of a table: this being done, he cuts four more branches, such as he judged would do best for the seat and back of a chair, which he also drove in the ground 'near' his ´table; and having twisted the branches which grew to them with each other, from back to front, and across again, he weaves smäller between, bottoming his seat, which completes the furniture of his habitation. I That care being over, another zucceeds, of far greater moment. "Here's a dwelling," said he, "to shelter me from the weather, and a bed to rest this poor body of mine; but where is food to support it? Here have I subsisted near one month upon a fish, which the same dreadful storm that took away forty lives sent me to maintain my own. Well, since kind Providence has been pleased to preserve my life, pre- ferable to so many who perished in that dismal acci- dent, I am bound in gratitude to hold it precious; and since my fish is almost gone, and I am not certain of more, I must by degrees bring myself to live upon roots, which I hope will never be wanting, being the natural product of this island: so I must eat of the small remnant of my fish but now and then, to make it hold out longer. Dainties or plenty were not allot- ted for him that was doomed to slavery, but labour and hard living; and if I meet here the latter, Heaven be praised, I have escaped the worse; I can take my rest, and stand in no dread of any severe inspector and task-master." ܀ I • ? ነ Now being entirely reconciled to the state of life Providence, on whom he fully depended, had been pleased to call him tò, he resolves to make provision of those excellent roots, and with his hatchet he cuts a piece of a tree, wherewith he makes a shovel, in order to dig them up with more ease. With this in- strument he went to the place where he had observed they grew thickest, which, being near the monkeys' quarters, they came down from off their trees in great numbers, grinning as if they would have flown at him, which made him stop awhile. He might, indeed, with his instrument in his hand, have killed several, and perhaps dispersed the rest; but would not. Why," said he, "should I add barbarity to injustice? It is but natural and reasonable for every creature to guard and defend their own; this was given them by nature for food, which I come to rob them of: and since I am obliged to get of them for my subsistence, if I am de- creed to be here another season, I will set some in a place distant from theirs for my own use." * Having stood still a considerable time, those animals, seeing he did not go forward, each went and scratched up for itself, afterwards retiring, giving him the oppor- tunity to dig up a few for himself: and as he was not come to the place where they grew thick, he laid them in small heaps as he dug them up';, whilst those sly creatures would, whilst he was digging up more, come down from the trees, where they stood hid among the leaves, and steal them away, which obliged him to be contented for that time with as many as his pockets would hold, resolving to bring something next time which would contain a larger quantity; and fearing these animals, which are naturally very cunning, should dig them up and hide them, he comes early the morning following to make his provision; and, for want of a sack to put them in, he takes his jacket, which he buttons up and ties at the sleeves; and as he had observed that every root had abundance of little off-sets hanging at it by small fibres, he pulls off his shirt' also, of which he makes another sack to put them in. 疲 ​• • Being naked all but his breeches, and the day being pretty hot, he thought he had as good pull them off too; and fill them, his jacket being but short, and there fore holding but few. Taking, therefore, his bundle in one arm, and having the shovel in the other hand, | ha goes to the place he intended to do the day before, and expecting to find the same opposition as he did then, he brought with him some of the roots he had dug up the preceding day, in order to throw them amongst those animals, and so quiet them. But to his great wonder, and as great satisfaction, those crea- tures which the time before had opposed him with noise and offensive motions, let him now pass by quietly, without offering to meddle with any when dug up, though he had laid them up by heaps in their way, and stood at a considerable distance from them. This surprising reverence from these creatures set him upon deep reflections on what could be the cause thereof: whether it might not proceed from the prox- imity of their shape and his. "But then," said he, "my stature and colour of skin is so different from theirs, that they cannot but distinguish I am not of their kind. No, it must be a remnant of that awe entailed by nature upon all animals to that most noble and complete masterpiece of the creation, called Man, which, now appearing in the state he was first created in, and undisguised by clothe renew an image of that • + THE ENGLISH HERMIT. respect he has forfeited by his fatal transgression which ever since obliged him to hide the beauty of his' fabric under a gaudy disguise, which often renders him ridiculous to the rest of mankind, and generally ob- noxious to all other creatures; making a pride of what he ought to be ashamed of. Well," adds he, "since my clothes bred the antipathy, I will remove that cause, which will suit both the nature of these ani- mals and my own circumstances." From that time he resolved to go naked till the hardiness of the weather obliged him to put something on. Having picked up a sufficient quantity of offsets to stock about two acres of land, he returns home, leaving behind him a considerable number of roots dug up for those poor animals, which attended him all the time he was at work, without offering to touch one till he was gone. Being come home, he fixes upon a spot of ground near his habitation, and digs it up as well as he could with his wooden instrument, in order to sow his seed; which, having compassed in about twenty days, he implores a blessing upon his labour, and leaves it to time to bring it forth. Thus, having finished the most Thus, having finished the most necessary work about his barrack, he resolves to take a more particular view of the island, which till then he had not time to do; and, taking a long staff in his hand, he walks to the lake which parts the land from the rock, and goes along the side of it quite round the island, finding all the way new subjects of admiration. On the left hand stood a rampart made of one solid stone, adorned by nature with various forms and shapes, beyond the power of art to imitate; some parts challenging a likeness to a city, and clusters of houses, with here and there a high steeple standing above the other buildings: another place claiming a near resemblance to a distant squadron of men-of-war in a line of battle further, it bears comparison with the dull remains of some sumptuous edifice, ruined by the often repeated shocks of time, inciting the be- holders to condolence for the loss of its former beauty. At some distance thence, the prospect of a demolished city is presented to the sight; in another place large stones, like small mountains, laid as it were a-top of one another, impress the mind with an idea of the tower of Babel; and on the right hand a most pleasant land covered with beautiful green grass, like camomile, and here and there a cluster of trees composing most agreeable groves, amongst a vast number of fine lofty trees of divers heights and shapes, which stood more distant, whose irregularity added much to the delight- fulness of the place. As he was walking on, admiring all these wonderful works of nature, having caught cold (not being used to go naked), he happened to sneeze opposite to a place in the rock which hollowed in after the inanner of the inside of some cathedral, and was answered by a multitude of different voices issuing from that place. The agreeableness of the surprise induced him to rouse those echoes a second time, by giving a loud hem, which was, like his sneezing, repeated in different tones, but all very harmonious: again he hemmed, and was so delighted with the repetition that he could have spent hours in the hearing of it. "But why should I," said he, "waste those melodious sounds, so fit to waste those melodious sounds, so fit to relate the Almighty's wonderful works, and set forth his praise ?" Immediately he sung several psalms and hymns, with as much emulation and devotion as if he had been in company with numbers of skilful and celebrated choristers. 373 searched into the cause without any satisfaction, he conjectures it must make its way out somewhere under ground, so went on till he came to the place he had begun his march at, which ended that day's work. but, Having been round the island, which, to the best of his judgment, was about ten or eleven miles in circum- ference, of an oblong form, going in and out in several places, extending from north to south, the south end near twice as broad as the opposite, he resolves to em- ploy the next day in viewing the inside. Then, re- commending himself to Providence, as he never failed to do both morning and evening, he goes to bed; not being sleepy, the over-active faculty in man roves from one subject to another. His mind runs from his present station to his former, re-assuming his past pleasures, which he never must hope to meet again, and calls in all the evils his present condition of life lays him exposed to. These dull, thoughts quite dislodge his late-born hopes of Heaven's assistance, and shake his future dependence on Providence; he snarls and quarrels with his fate, and repines at his condition, which, not being in his power to mend, he wishes for eternal sleep, to free his mind of tumults and cares, which crowd upon him. Being satisfied about that subject, he enters upon another as puzzling. another as puzzling. The basin in which the foun- tain ran, which was about five yards distant whence the water did spring, being about nine feet over every way, without any visible place to evacuate its over complement, and yet keeping the same height, without dashing or running over, although the stream that fell into it ran as big as his wrist: having a long time | Sleep was granted him, but not rest; his repining is chastised with terrifying dreams of the punishinent he had been condemned to; all his past troubles come upon him in the most grievous and shocking manner they could appear; his raging wives fall at once upon him, exerting their utmost malice and revenge, which he cannot avoid, but by embracing either an ignomi- nious death, or a severe and vile bondage. These ter- rible aspects put him in the same pains and agony as if already feeling the assigned torment. Having, in his dream, with hard strugglings, escaped death, he finds himself in an exceeding hot country, his half-naked body continually bending to the hard and dry ground, grabbling round a nauseous weed for ful- some worms; every now and then lashed by a cross and severe task-master, who hurries him to work. In this great perplexity he cries out, "Oh, that I had ended my woful days at the shameful gibbet! Sure it would have been a milder fate!" At which he awoke in such a consternation that it was several minutes be- fore he could be thoroughly satisfied it was but a dream. Having recalled his dispersed senses, he made this reflection, that it was really the penalty he had been sentenced to, and by Providence preserved from. Setting then his present condition in opposition to that, he acknowledges his ingratitude, for which he secretly repents, and on his knees, with weeping eyes, asks par- don, imploring the continuation of Providence's pro- tection; resolving, for the future, never to think or wish to change that state of life it had pleased Heaven to place him in, wholly dedicating the remains of his days to God's worship; holding, henceforth, as ines- timable, the happiness of being freed from those cares which daily flew on them who are concerned with the world, which might cool or slacken his duty to so great a benefactor. | Having entirely resigned himself to the will of God, he casts off all cares, and banishes from his mind all that could create any; resolving to employ those hours that ran between the intervals of time he had dedicated to divine worship, in the contemplation of the many wonderful works of nature, manifested in such various manners all over the island. Y Having spent a considerable time there with much pleasure, he proceeds in his walk, being resolved to make that his place of worship for the future, and at- tend it twice a day constantly. So he walks along the land, which he found very level, covered with a delightful green grass, and adorned with trees of divers sorts, shapes, and height, inhabited with several sorts of curious singing birds, of various colours and notes, which entertained him with their melodious harmony. In some places stood a cluster About three or four hundred paces farther, having of trees, composing agreeable and delightful groves, turned on the other side of a jetting-out part of the proceeding from only one main body, whose lower rock, he was stopped a second time by another sur- branches, being come to a certain length, applied to prising product of nature; a large stone, growing out the earth for immediate nourishment, as it were, to of the rock, advancing quite over the lake at the bot-ease the old stem that produced them; and so became tom of it, representing something of a human shape, a plant, and did the same. out of the breast whereof issued a fountain of exceed- Having for some time admired the agreeableness and ing clear water, as sweet as milk; and, when looked at curiosity of the plant, by which nature seemed to give fronting, was like an antique piece of architecture, human kind instructions; and looking about, if per- which in old times they built over particular springs which in old times they built over particular springs; chance he could find anything in his way for his own and on the other side appeared as if springing from the proper use; he took along with him a sample of every nostrils of a sea-horse. Those three so very different, different herb he thought might be eatable. Crossing and yet, rightly compared, likenesses being offered by the island in several places, he comes at a most de- one and the same unaltered object, made him curious lightful pond, about two hundred yards in length, and to examine what parts of every resemblance helped to one hundred and fifty wide, with fine trees spreading make out the others; and, having spent a consider- make out the others; and, having spent a consider- their branchy limbs over its brink, which was sur- able time in the examination, he found everything rounded with a beautiful bank, covered with divers which the front had likeness of was employed in mak-kinds of flowers and herbs, so naturally intermixed, ing the side representation, by being in some places which completed it in ornament and conveniency, as shortened, and others lengthened, according to the though intended by nature for more than mortals' use. point of sight. Having walked several times around it with much pleasure, he sat down awhile upon its bank, to admire the clearness of the water, through which, to his great comfort, he saw many different sorts of fish, of various bignesses, shapes, and colours. "Heaven be praised!” said he, "here is a stock of fresh-water fish to supply me with food, if the sea should fail me. Being sufficiently diverted with their chasing one another, which were of many beautiful and different "1 374 colours, and made a most delightful scene, he proceeds | in his walk, and goes to the south of the island, where he finds another subject of admiration-a noble and spacious wood, whose shades seemed to be made for the abode of peace and pleasure. He walked round it with much delight, which made the time seem short; yet he could guess it to be no less than two miles about. THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. the bottom of the chest lay a rundlet of brandy, a Cheshire cheese, a leather bottle full of ink, with a parcel of pens, and a penknife. "As for these," said he, "they are of use; the pens, ink, and parchments he, "they are of use; the pens, ink, and parchments have equipped me to keep a journal, which will divert and pass away a few anxious hours. As for the cheese and brandy, they will but cause me new cares. Before I had them I wanted them not; now the benefit and comfort I shall find in them, when gone, will make me hanker after them most. I wish I had still been with out them; but now they are here, it would be a sin to let them be lost. I'll take them home, and only use them at my need, which will both make them hold out the longer, and me grow less fond of them." Having viewed the outside, whose extraordinary agreeableness incited in him an insurmountable desire to get into it, but where he was afraid to venture, lest there might be destructive creatures; yet, having recommended himself to the care of Providence, he ventured into it, finding several pleasant walks, some straight, edged with lofty trees, as though planted for pleasure; others crooked and winding, bordered with a thick hedge of pimentoes, which cast a most fragrant | smell. Here and there a large cluster of bushes and dwarf-trees, wherein sheltered several kinds of wild beasts and fowls. Sure," said he, "this island was never intended by nature to lie waste, but rather re- served to be the happy abode of some for whom Heaven had a particular blessing in store. Here is everything sufficient, not only for the support, but also for the pleasure, of life; Heaven make me thankful that I am the happy inhabitant of so blessed a land!" Being hungry, and tired with walking, he goes home, in order to get some victuals; and, having made a fire, he boils a slice of his salt fish with some roots, and then the herbs he brought with him, which proved of divers tastes, and all excellent; some eating like arti- chokes, others like asparagus and spinnage, Now," said he, "what can I wish for more? here I possess a plentiful land, which produces both fowls, flesh, and fish, bears excellent greens and roots, and affords the best of water, which by nature was ordained for man's drink. Pomp and greatness are but pageantry, which oftentimes prove more prejudicial to the actor than diverting to the beholder. Ease and indulgence are apt to breed the gout and various distempers, which make the rich more wretched than the poor. Now these evils, thanks to my Maker, I stand in no danger of, having but what is sufficient, which never can do any harm." << << Thus, thoroughly easy in his mind, he proposes to spend the afternoon at the outside of the rock, in view- ing the sea, and looking for oysters; so takes in his hand his long staff, to grabble in holes; and his breeches, which he ties at the knees, to bring them in. Being come to a place of the rock he never had been at before, he sees at a distance something like linen hanging upon it, which, when came at, he found to be the main-sail of a ship, with a piece of the yard fastened to it. "Alas!" said he, "a dismal token of insatiable ambition, which makes men often lose their lives in seeking what they seldom find; and, if ever they do, 'tis commonly attended with a world of care. Happy is he who limits his desire to his ability; aspiring not above his reach, and is contented with what nature requires." Then he falls a-ripping the sheet from the yard, which he finds in one place tied with one of his garters! (having himself made use of it for want of another string). "Heaven be praised !" said he, "this is no effect of another shipwreck, but a fragment of the unfortunate ship whose loss was my redemption ;" which reflection made him shed tears. IN Having ripped the sail in pieces, he rolls them up in such bundles as he could conveniently carry, and lays them down till he had got a few oysters, proceeding to grope in holes with his stick as he went on. About forty paces farther he finds a chest in a cleft of the rock, which had been washed up there by the violence of the late storm. "Heavens !" said he, "more fatal effects of Fate's cruelty, and man's teme- rity! Was the sea made for men to travel on? Is there not land enough for his rambling mind to rove? Must he hunt after dangers, and put Death to defi- ance? What is the owner of this the better for it now? Or who can be the better in a place so re- mote, and the access to it so difficult? being not to be approached but on the wings of Providence, and over the back of Death. Now, was this full of massy gold, or yet richer things, I thank my God I am above the use of it; yet I'll take it home, it was sent hither by Providence, perhaps for the relief of some so necessi- tated and destitute." Then going to lift it he could not; therefore was obliged to fetch his hatchet to beat it open, that he might take away what was in it by degrees. Having taken as much of the sail-cloth as he could conveniently carry, with the few oysters he had got, he went home and fetched the tool, where- with he wrenched the chest open, from which he took a suit of clothes, and some wearing linen. "These," said he, "neither the owner nor I want;" so laid them down. The next thing he took out was a roll of several sheets of parchment, being blank indentures and leases." These," said he, "are instruments of the law, and often applied to injustice; but I'll alter their mischievous properties, and make them records of Heaven's mercies, and Providence's wonderful libe- rality to me; so, instead of being the ruin of some, they may chance to be the reclaiming of others." At So, by degrees, he takes home the chest and what was in it; and now having materials to begin his journal, he immediately fell to work, that, for want of other books, he might at his leisure peruse his past transactions, and the many mercies he had received from Heaven; and that after his decease, whoever is directed thither by Providence, upon reading his wonderful escapes in the greatest of dangers, his miraculous living when remote from human assistance, in the like extremity, might not despair, Thus he begins from his being eight years old (as well as he can remember he heard an old aunt of his say) to the day of his being cast away, which happened on the tenth of July, 1675, being then twenty-eight years of age, resolving to continue it to his death. Thus having written the preceding account of the shipwreck, and what had befallen him since, to the shipwreck, and what had befallen him since, to the finding of the chest, which was on the fifteenth of September, 1675, he proceeds. But calling to mind his last dream but one, which did warn him to make provision against winter, and the season being pretty far advanced, he gathers a good store of fuel and roots, begins to line the outside of his barrack with a wall of turf, and lays the same at top to keep out the wet; and as he now and then found small shell-fish and oysters upon the rock, he makes a bridge over the lake which in warm weather he used to wade, that in the winter he might go over dry; so having completed his bridge, which was made of two strong poles, which reached from the land to the rock, and several lesser branches laid across pretty close, he retires home, the day being far spent. The following night being the eighteenth of September, there arose a violent storm, attended with dreadful claps of thunder, which the many echoes from the rock rendered more terrible ; and lightnings flashing in a most frightful manner, suc- ceeding each other before the preceding was well out of the sky, which put poor lonesome Quarll in such a consternation, that, notwithstanding his reliance on Heaven's protection, he would have given the world, had it been in his possession, to have been within reach of human assistance, or, at least, to have some company; solitude adding much to his terror and affliction. The glorious rising of the next morning's sun having laid the mortifying rage of the blustering winds, Quarll, whose late alarm was hardly quelled, still suspected its most reviving raye to be terrifying glances and Aushes of lightning; but having lain awhile, and hearing no noise but that which still raged in his mind, was at last convinced the storm was over, and so gets up with a resolution to go and see if he could discern any effect of the late tempest. Being come at the other side of the rock, he saw indeed surprising objects, but not afflicting; the mis- chief that was done being to the inhabitants of the sea only, a vast number of which had, by the wind, been dis-elemented; a quantity of stately whitings, fine inackarels, large herrings, divers sizes of codlings, and several other sorts of fish; with a great number of shells, of different shapes and bigness, lying up and down the rock. "Heaven be praised!" said he, “in- stead of damage to bewail, what thanks have I now to return for this mighty benefit! Here the powerful agent of mischief is, by kind Providence, made a mi- pister of good to me. Make me thankful! I am now Thus he spent the best part of the winter, making provided for all the next winter, and yet longer, by tended with high winds, and abundance of hail and no farther remarks, but that it was very sharp, at- which time I am certain to have a fresh supply. The winter being near at hand, and the weather growing damp and cold, hinders him from his walks; so, being confined within doors, he employs his idle hours in beautifying his utensils, which were not to be used on the fire, and bestowed some pains in scraping and polishing the rest of his shells, some as fine as though they had been nakers of pearl, which made them not only more fit for their intended uses, but also a great ornament to his barrack, which he shelved round with plaited twigs after the manner of his table, and so set them upon it. snow, which obliged him to make a broom to sweep it away from about his hut, which otherwise would have been damaged by it. He who, when in distress, To God makes his address, And his bounties implore, Is sure and may depend, That relief he will send, And at need help the poor.* Thus having taken up as many fish as he could hold in his arms, he carries them home, and brings his shirt, which he used instead of a sack. So at several times he brought away all the fish, and as many of the shells as he had occasion for; of some of which he made boilers and stewpans, of others dishes and plates; some he kept water in, and others fish in pickle; so that he was stocked with necessary vessels as well as provision. Being very weary with often going backwards and for- wards with his fish, which took up all that day to bring them home, he sits down to rest himself, and the rundlet of brandy lying by, he was tempted to take a sup, which was at this time very much wanted, his spirits being very low, but he was loth to taste it lest he should grow fond of the liquor, and grieve after it when it was gone, Some moments were spent before he could come to a resolution; at last, having considered the use of it, which suited the present occasion, he concludes to take a dram, and to use it as a cordial, as it was first intended for; but the vessel out of which he drank being at his mouth, the cordial turns to a nectar-one gulp decoys another down-so the intended dram becomes a hearty draught. The pleasantness of the liquor made him forget its nature, so that poor Quarll, who had, for the space of near three months before, drank nothing but water, was presently overcome with the strength of the brandy, and fell asleep in his chair with the rundlet in his bare lap, whence it fell to the ground, and being unstopt ran all out, Being awaked with hunger, having slept from evening till almost noon of another day, which he knew not whether the succeeding or the next to it, seeing what had happened, he was sorely vexed, and could have wept at the accident; but considering the liquor which occasioned it might perhaps, in time, have caused greater mischief, he soon was reconciled with the loss, but could not with that of the right order of the days, which, having entirely forgot, hindered the going on of his journal, so was obliged to make only a memorial. That damage being repaired, an- other appears of a far greater consequence, the Sunday is lost, which he had so carefully observed till that time. How can that be made up? · "Now," said he, "shall I daily be in danger of breaking the Sabbath, knowing not the day. Oh, fatal liquor that ever thou wert invented to cause so much mischief! Murder, adulteries, and blasphemies are daily, by thy pernicious use, occasioned. But why should I lay the blame upon the use, when it is the abuse that does the hurt? and exclaim against a thing which, being taken in moderation, is of so great a be- nefit, reviving a fainting heart, raising sinking spirits, warming cold and decayed nature, and assuaging seve- ral pains!" So blames himself highly for gratifying his appetite with that wherewith he only ought to have refreshed nature; and since that often misguided faculty had prompted him to commit the fault, he dedicated that day, in which he became sensible of it, to prayers and fasting; and every seventh from that he set apart for divine worship only, which he hoped would keep him from breaking the commandment for keeping holy the sabbath day, it being not certain that the day appointed by the church for that purpose was the very day God had sanctified for rest; so went melodious sounds, repeated his thanksgivings to the to the place where the echoes, in many different and Almighty, which he had fixed upon to pay his devo- tion, and there spent the rest of the day in prayers and singing of psalms. The next morning, having breakfasted on some of his usual bread and a slice of the cheese he found in the chest, he goes about curing his fish, in order to salt them; having laid by as many for the present use as he thought he could eat while fresh; he improves the fair weather to dry one part of the remainder, and keeps the rest in pickle. * Lest the reader should think these and the following verses to be the effect of my own brain, I solemnly protest they are what I found in his memoirs, written by his own hand. But shivering winter having exhausted his frosty stores, and weary with vexing nature, retired; Boreas also, grown faint with hard blowing, is forced to re- treat into his cave; gentle Zephyrus (who till then kept up in his temperate cell) now comes forth to form nature of her favourite's approach, who, at the usher in the blooming spring, so mildly slips on to in- of her rich wardrobe supplies all vegetables with new joyful news, put on her gay enamelled garb, and out vesture, to welcome the most lovely guest. The fea- thered choristers also receive new strength; their ten- der lungs are repaired from the injuries the foggy and misty air did occasion; and, thus revived, are placed harmonious notes. on every budding tree, to grace his entrance with their → f Quarll, also, whom bad weather had confined within doors a considerable time, which had in a great mea- ! 1 ! sure numbed his limbs, and dulled his senses, now finds himself quite revived; he no longer can keep within; the fair weather invites him out; the singing birds on every side call to him; nature itself fetches him out to behold her treasures. Having, with unspeakable pleasure, walked some time, diverted with the sweet melody of various kinds of singing birds, and the sight of abundance of diffe- rent sorts of blossomed trees and blooming flowers,, all things within the island inspiring joy, he had the curiosity to go and view the sea, so goes over his bridge; and then, at the other side of the rock, he finds more objects requiring as much admiration, but affording a great deal less pleasure, vast mountains of ice floating up and down, threatening all that came in their way. * These terrible effects of the winter, which to that time he was a stranger to, occasioned his making these reflections:- "He who on billow roves, riches or wealth to gain, Is ever in danger, and labours oft in vain ; If fortune on him smiles, giving his toil success, Each day new cares arise, which mar his happiness. The only treasure, then, worth laying up in store, Is a contented mind, which never leaves one poor; He is not truly rịch that hankers after more. •}| So, having returned Heaven thanks for his happy state, he creeps to the north-east side of the rock, at the foot of which lay an extraordinary large whale, which the late high wind had cast there, and had died for want of water. "If this," said he, "is all the da- mage that has been done last winter, it may be borne;" so went down, and measured the length of it, which was above thirty yards, and proportionable in bigness. There were shoals of small fishes swimming about it in the shallow water wherein it lay, as rejoicing at its death. "Thus," said he, "the oppressed rejoice at a ´tyrant's fall, What numbers of these have been de- stroyed to make this monstrous bulk of fat! Well, happy are they who, like me, are under Heaven's go- vernment only." So, with his knife, which he always carried in his pocket, he cuts several slices of the whale, and throws them to the small fishes, saying, "It is but just ye should, at last, feed on that which so long fed on you;" and as oil ran in abundance from the places he had cut the slices out of, it vexed him to see that wasted which might turn to good money. " But why," said he, "should I be disturbed at it? What use have I for any? Providence takes none, it gives me all gratis." So goes on feeling for oysters with his staff, which he always walked with. Having at last found a hole, where, by their rattling at the bottom with his staff, he judged there might be a pretty many, he marks the place, and goes home to contrive some instrument to drag them up, being yet too cold for him to go into the water; and as he had no tool but his knife and hatchet, both improper to make a hole in a board, as requisite to make a rake, which was wanting for that purpose, he beats out the end of his chest, in which there was a knot: so, having driven it out, he fastens the small end of a pole to it. Thus equipped, he went and raked up oysters, which added one dish to his ordinary, and sauce to others; yet at length, his stomach growing qualmish with eating altogether fish, and drinking nothing but water withal, he wishes he could have a little flesh, which he night easily, there being animals enough in the wood apparently fit for food; but then he must deprive them of their lives, barely to make his own more easy. Thus he debates with himself for some time, whether of it would not be injustice for him (who only by a r no providential accident was brought thither to save his life) now to destroy those creatures to whom nature has given a being, in a land out of man's reach to dis- turb: "Yet nature requires what seems to be against nature to grant: I am faint, and like to grow worse the longer I abstained from flesh. Having paused awhile, " Why," said he, "should I be sa scrupulous? Were not all things created for the use of man? Now, whether is it not worse to let a man perish than to destroy any other creature for his relief? Natures craves it, and Providence gives it: now, not to use it in necessity, is undervaluing the gift." So, having concluded upon catching some of those animals he had seen in the wood, he considers by what means, having no dogs to hunt nor guns to shoot. Having paused awhile, he resolves upon making gins, wherewith he had seen hares catched in Europe: thus, taking some of the cords which he found with the sail at the outside of the rock, he goes to work and makes several, which he fastens at divers gaps in the thickset within the wood, through which he judged that sort of beast he had a mind for went. » • ( Impatient to know the success of his snares, he gets: up betimes the next morning, and goes to examine 'them; in one of which he found a certain animal, something like a fawn, the colour of a deer, but feet and ears like a fox, and as big as a well grown hare. He was much rejoiced at his game, whose mouth he Immediately opened to see if he could find out whe- 平 ​1 THE ENGLISH HERMIT. ther it fed upon grass or lived upon prey: the crea- ture being caught by the neck, and strangled with struggling, before it died had brought up in its throat some of the greens it had been eating, which very much pleased him, accounting those that lived upon flesh as bad as carrion. Having returned thanks for his good luck, he takes it home in order to dress part of it for his dinner, so eases and guts it: but its proving to be a female big with three young ones grieved him to the heart, and made him repent making those killing rooses. "What pity," said he, " so many lives should be lost, and crea- tures wasted! one would have served me four days, and here are four killed at once. Well, henceforth, to prevent the like evil, I will take alive what I just want, and save all the females. So, having stuck a long stick at both ends in the ground, making a half circle, he hangs one quarter of the animal upon a string be- fore a good fire, and so roasts it. 19 His dinner being ready, having said grace, he set to eating with an uncommon appetite; and whether it was the novelty of the dish, or that the meat did really deserve the praise, he really thought he never ate thing of flesh till then comparable to it, either for taste or tenderness. Having completed that piece of work, he goes and visits his plantations, which he finds in a thriving con- dition, the roots being in six months' time grown from the bigness of a pea (as they were when first set) to that of an egg; his antelopes also were come to their full growth and complete beauty, which exceeded most four-footed beasts, having a majestic presence, body, and limbs, representing a stag, and the noble march of a horse; so everything concurred to his any-happiness;-for which, having returned his most liberal benefactor his grateful acknowledgments, he thinks on means to prevent any obstructions that may intercept the continuation thereof; and as the want of clothes was the only cause he could think of to make him un- easy, having but the jacket and hose which were given him on board, to save his own clothes, which, when worn out, he could not recruit; therefore, to accustom himself to go without, he thins those he had, so takes away the lining from the outside of his clothing, in order to wear the thickest in the coldest weather; and so thins his dress by degrees, till at last he went quite naked. Having dined both plentifully and deliciously, he most zealously returns kind Providence thanks for the late and all favours received; then, pursuant to his resolution, he goes about making nets, in order to take his game alive for the future; and as he had no small twine to make it with, he was obliged to unravel some of the sail which he luckily had by him, and, with the thread, twist some of the bigness he judged proper for that use. Having made a sufficient quantity, he makes a couple of nets, about four feet square, which he fastens in the room of the killing snares; so retired and re- solved to come and examine them every morning. Several days passed without taking anything, so that he wanted flesh a whole week, which did begin to disorder his stomach, but not his temper, being entirely resigned to the will of Providence, and fully contented with whatever heaven was pleased to send. One afternoon, which was not his customary time of day to examine his nets, being too visible in the day- day to examine his nets, being too visible in the day- time for game to run in, he happened to walk in the wood, to take the full dimensions thereof, so chanced to go by his nets, in one of which were taken two ani- mals as big as a kid six weeks old, of a bright dun, their horns upright and straight, their shape like a stag, most curiously limbed, with a small tuft of hair on each shoulder and hip. By their horns, which were but short, they appeared to be very young, which re- joiced him the more, being in hopes to tame those which he did not want for present use; so carried them home, joyful of his game, depending upon a good dinner, but was sadly disappointed; the animals he found were antelopes (calling to mind he had seen them in his travels) which, proving both females, he had made a resolution to preserve. Though they were too young to be with kid, and he in great need of flesh, yet he would not kill them; so, with cords, fastens them to the outside of his lodge; and, with constant feeding them, in two months' time made them so tame that they followed him up and down, which added much to the pleasure he already took in his ha- bitation, which by that time was covered with green leaves, both top and sides, the stakes it was made of having struck root, and shot out young branches, whose strength increasing that sunimer, to fill up the vacancy between each plant he pulled the turfs, where- with he had covered the outside and top of the hut between them, to keep the cold out in the winter. His former hut, being now become a pleasant arbour, gave him encouragement to bestow some pains about it towards the embellishment of it, which seemed to depend on being well attended. He resolved upon keeping it pruned and watered, the better to make it grow thick and fast, which answered his intent; for in three years' time the stems of every plant that com- posed the arbour were grown quite close, and made a solid wall of about six inches thick, covered with green leaves without, which lay most regular and even, and within had a most agreeable smooth bark, of a pleasant olive colour. 375 The outside being done, he goes about inside neces- saries, as fire-places, to roast and boil at; thus cuts a hole in the ground, at a small distance from the wall. after the manner of stew-stoves in noblemen's kitchens; then, at another place, he sets two flat stones, about eight or nine inches broad, and one foot long, edge- ways, opposite to one another, near two feet asunder; then puts a third in the same manner, at the end of the other two, so makes a fire-place fit to roast at; then, for other conveniences, he weaves twigs about sticks stuck in the wall on one side of the kitchen, where he lays the shells fit for utensils, which both adorned and furnished it. His late arbour being, by his care, and time, and nature's assistance, become a matchless lodge, as in- tended by nature for something more than human guests, he now consults to make it as commodious as beautiful. "Here is," said he, "a delightful dwelling, warm in the winter, and cool in the summer; delightful to the eye, and comfortable to the body; pity it should be employed to any use but repose and delight!" so resolved upon making a kitchen near it. Thus having fixed upon a place convenient at the side of his lodge, about six feet from it, twelve in length, and eight in breadth, which he enclosed with the turfs that covered the outside of his arbour, before it was sufficiently thick to keep out the cold; then, having laid sticks across the top of the walls, which were about eight feet high, he lays turf thereon, and so covers it, leaving an open place for the smoke to go out. Having thus concluded, as being the best shift neces- sity could raise him, he falls to ripping his jacket, in the lining of which he finds seven peas and three beans, which were got in at a hole at the corner of the pocket. Those few made him wish for more, which he had no room to hope for, they being raised by seed, which the island did not produce. These few," said he, "which at present are hardly sufficient to satisfy a woman's longing, may, with time and industry, be improved to a quantity large enough to serve me for a meal;" then lays them up against a proper time to set them; so spent the remainder of that summer in walking about the island, watering his lodge, weeding his root plantation, attending his nets, which now and then supplied him with an antelope or goat, to eat at intervals between fish he commonly found on the rock after high winds and storms, never failing to visit the sea three or four times a week, according as the weather did prove; thus diverting many anxious hours with the variety of objects that element affords. Some- times he had the pleasure of seeing great whales chas- ing one another, spouting large streams of water out of their gills and nostrils; at other times numbers of beautiful dolphins rolling amongst the waves; now and then a quantity of strange monstrous fish playing on the surface of the sea, some whereof had heads (not common to fishes) like those of hogs; others not un- like those of dogs, calves, horses, lions, bulls, goats, and several other creatures; some chasing another sort, which, to avoid being taken, would quit their element, and seek refuge in the air, and fly some yards above the water, till their fins being dry, obliged them to plunge in again. These pastimes being generally succeeded with bad weather and dreadful storms, checked the pleasure they gave, with a dread of the evil that threatened to · follow; thus commiserating the case of those whose misfortune is to be exposed to them. Having spent some time in reflection, he goes to his usual devotion; and, calling to mind that in all that time he never saw a young fish in it, he conjectured that something might destroy the small ones; and, as he imagined, so it proved, for, at his approach, a large fowl flew out of the pond with a fish in its bill, being too large for it to swallow. At that distance, the bird being also upon the wing, he could neither discern colour nor make; but he had the satisfaction of discovering the cause why the fishes did not increase, they being devoured when young by that creature; which, to prevent for the future, he studies means to kill the destroyer, ǹets not being proper instruments; it being necessary, for that purpose, to have one all round, as also to cover the pond, which was impossible, by reason of its largeness; and a less being of no use, the birds probably not coming to one certain place. He wished for a gun and ammunition fitting, as being the most probable things to succeed; but no such instrument being within his reach, he ponders again, during which time a cross- bow offers itself to his mind, but is as distant from his reach as the gun. It is true there was stuff enough in the island to make many, but no tools but a hatchet and a pocket-knife; wherewith if he made shift to cùt and shape a bow, he could not make a latch and spring necessary to it, so he must not think on it. Yet a bow being the only thing he could apply to, he goes about one forthwith, Thus having picked a branch of a 376 1 not always at hand, he resolves upon making a net, and fastens it between the trees he saw them come in at. ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. creature decked with new life. Love, by nature's di- rection, for the increase of every kind, warms their harmless breasts; each animal seeks a mate, our tame antelopes quit their abode, and range the woods for the relief ordained to quell their innocent passion; which being assuaged, they return home pregnant with young, to their master's grest satisfaction, who, having given them over, was doubly rejoiced to see them come again in an increasing condition. "Heaven be praised I" said he, “I shall have a stock of my own, and will not fear wanting.” The succeeding winter proving very wet and windy, gave him but little invitation to take his usual walks; so, having everything he had occasion for at hand, he kept close to net-making; for which, having twine to twist, and thread to ravel out to make the said twine, kept him employed till the following spring, which came on apace. 1 7 THE tree, which had the resemblance of yew, and as tough, of which they are sometimes made, he, with the tools he had, made shift to make one of, about six feet long, and arrows of the same, which he hardens and straightens over the fire; then, having slit them at one end about two or three inclies, he slips in a bit of parchment, cut sharp, at one end, and about two or three inches at the other; then ties the end close, to keep it in, which served for feathers; and with the ravelling of some of the sail he makes a string to it. Having finished his net, and everything which be- Thus equipped for an archer, wanting nothing but longed to it, he goes and fastens it to the trees, as he skill, which is only to be gained by practice, he daily So having made fitting preparations against their kid- had proposed; then takes a walk to his new plantations, exercises shooting at a mark for the space of a fort-ding, he goes and examines the improvement of his which he found in a thriving condition; for which, night, in which time he made such an improvement new plantation, where he found his roots grown full as and other benefits already received, he resolves, as in that in three shots he would hit a mark of about three large as any of those that grew wild. "Make me duty bound, to attend at his usual place of worship, inches square, at near fifty paces distant. thankful!" said he, " I am now provided with all neces- and sing thanksgiving psalms, which the hardness of sary food; I shall no more need to rob those poor the weather had kept him from all the late winter; but $/ creatures of that which nature had provided for their it coming into his mind that whilst he was at his devo- own proper use." Next he goes and views his small tion, returning thanks for the fair prospect of a plenti- stock of peas and beans, which he found in a very pro-ful crop, his antelopes would break into the close, the mising case; so, whilst the weather was fair, he falls hedge being as yet but thin, and devour the promising to clearing a spot of ground to set them in, as they buds, which are the principal occasion of his devotion; increased. this not altogether improper consideration puts a sad check to his religious intention; and though there was a vast obligation to prompt him to the performance of that part of his duty, yet he could not with wisdom run the hazard, out of mere devotion to lose so pro- mising a crop, which he should never be able to re- trieve, his stock of seed being then in grass. Į Being sufficiently skilled, he goes and lies in wait for his desired game; so placed himself behind a tree, as near to the pond as he could, whither, the bird came in a few hours after. Turning up the ground, he found several sorts of roots that looked to be eatable, some whereof were as big as a large carrot, others less. He broke a bit of every one, some of which breaking short, and not being stringy, he judged they might be eatable; then he smells them, and finding the scent not disagreeable, he tastes them. Some were sweetish, others sharp and As he was debating in his mind between religion and hot, like horse-radish; and those he proposes to use renson, whether the latter ought not to be a director instead of spice. “Sure,” said he, "these, being of a to the former, he perceived his antelopes making to- pleasant scent and savour, cannot be of an offensive wards the peas, whither they, doubtless, would have nature." So, having manured his ground, he takes a got in, had he not returned and driven them another sample of every root which he judged eatable, and way, which accident convinced him he might find a boils them, as the surest way to experience their good-proper time to go about his devotions, no man being ness. required to worship to his prejudice. So, having put off his religious duty till he had better secured his peas and beans, he cuts a parcel of branches, where- with he stops those gaps to prevent those creatures going in; and having completed his work he goes to his devotion, adding to his usual thanksgiving a par- ticular collect for his being luckily in the way to pre- vent his being frustrated of the blessing Heaven su fairly promised to bestow on his labours. > 64. Having paid his devotion, he walks about the island, being all the way delighted with the birds celebrating their Maker's praise in their different harmonious notes. Everything in nature," said he, “answers the end of its creation but ungrateful man! who, am- bitious to be wise as his Creator, only learns to make himself wretched." Thus he walks till the evening, making several reflections on the different conditions of men, preferring his present state to that of Adam before his fall, who could not be sensible of happiness, having never known a reverse; which, otherwise, he would have been more careful to prevent. Being become home, and near bed-time, he first cats his sup- per, and then having performed his customary religious service, he goes to bed. The next morning, having performed his customary devotion, he takes a walk to his plantations, on which he implores a con- 'tinuation of the prosperous condition they appear to be in; next he goes to examine his nets, in which he finds a brace of fowls like ducks, but twice as large, and exceeding beautiful. The drake (which he knew by a coloured feather on his rump) was of a fine cin- namon colour upon his back, his breast of a mazarino blue, his belly of a deep orange, his neck green, his head purple, his eyes, bill, and feet, red,-every colour changing most agreeably as they moved. The duck was also very beautiful, but of quite different colours and much paler than the drake's. The creature, being pitched upon the bank, never stood still, but kept running round, watching for a sizeable fish fit to swallow, so that he had no oppor- tunity to shoot, till, having at last spied out one, it launched itself into the pond, but rose more easily, | which gave him time to take aim; nevertheless, he missed it, being in motion, but when come to the top, he struck it through the body as it opened its wings, and laid it flat on the other side of the pond. He took it up, wonderfully pleased at his good success the first time of his practising his newly-acquired art; yet, having taken notice of the bird's beauty, he had a re- gret. for its death, though he might, in time, have rued its living, the stock of fish weekly decreasing, by his own catching one now and then with a small net he made for that use, when short of other provisions, and their recruiting prevented by that bird's daily devour- ing their young. I Most of them proved not only passable good, but The inexpressible beauty of the feathers, which were extraordinary; some eating like parsnips, others almost after the nature of a drake, every one distinguished like carrots, but rather more agreeable; some like from another by a rim round the edge thereof, about beets and turnips; every one in their several kinds as the breadth of a large thread, and of a changeable good as ever he ate in England, but of different colours colour from red to aurora and green, the ribs of a de- and make, some being blueish, others black, some red lightful blue, and the feathers pearl colour, speckled and some yellow. These, though not wanted, having with a bright yellow; the breast and belly (if it might sufficient to gratify a nicer taste than his, were, never- be said to be of any particular colour) was that of a theless, extremely welcome, being something like his dove's feathers, rimmed like the back, diversely chang-native country's fate and product. So, having returned ing; the head, which was like that of a swan for make, thanks for this most agreeable addition to his ordi- was purple also, changing as it moved; the bill like nary, he sets a mark to every herb which those roots - burnished gold, eyes like a ruby, with a rim of gold bore, in order to get some of the seed to sow in a round it, the feet the same as the bill; the size of the ground he would prepare. So, being provided with bird was between a middling goose and a duck, and in flesh, fish, herbs, and several sorts of roots, he goes shape resembling a swan. and examines what improvement his peas aud beans have made, which he found increased to admiration, the seven peas having produced one thousand, and the three beans one hundred. Having returned thanks for that vast increase, he lays them by, in order to set them at a proper season, as he had done the year fore. + * 饔 ​Having bemoaned the death of that delightful crea- ture, he carefully takes out its flesh, which, corrupting, would spoil the outside; then fills the skin with sweet herbs, which he dried for that use; and having sewed up the place he had cut open to take the flesh out, he set it up in his lodge. • His good success in archery made him love the ex- By this time his antelopes had kidded, one of them ercise, so that what odd hours he had in the day having brought four young ones, and the second three. (besides those he set apart for his divine worship, and This vast addition to his provisions very much re- those necessary occupations about his lodge, planta-joiced him, being sure now not to want flesh at his tions, and making remarks) he bestowed in shooting need, which before he was in danger of, finding but at the mark, which in time made him so expert that seldom anything in his net, so makes account to live he hardly would miss a standing mark the bigness of a upon two of the young bucks whilst they lasted, killing dove, at forty or fifty yards distance, once in ten one as soon as fit for meat; and so now and then times, and would shoot tolerably well flying, having another, saving only five to breed, one whereof should once occasion to try it upon a monstrous eagle, which be a mate to keep the females in rutting time from the often flew rounding over the place where his antelopes wood, lest at one time or other they should stay away and goats fed, near his lodge, which he shot at, fearing for good and all. it would damage them, and killed with the second arrow. The summer being over, during which, having been much taken up about his habitation and plantations, he had neither time nor opportunity to make remarks farther than it was some days very showery, and for the most part generally very hot; but now the weather being grown something cold, and the wind pretty sharp, he must be obliged to put on some clothes to keep it off, being as yet too tender to go any longer without, next to provide for his antelopes against the approaching winter; so makes a lodge for them, at the backside of his kitchen, with sticks, which he drove into the ground about two feet from the wall, and then bends them about three feet from the ground, and sticks them in the said wall, and smaller branches he interwove be- tween them; he shuts up the front and covers the top, leaving both ends open for the antelopes to go in at; then lays grass, which he dried on purpose, in the said lodge for them to lie on. Thus, having dug up a considerable quantity of roots, and being already stocked with salt fish, both dry and in pickle, he was pretty well provided for his cattle and himself against the ensuing winter, which proved much like the pre- ceding one, only not so stormy. The succeeding spring having awaked slumbering nature, and rovived what the preceding hard'season had caused to droop, every vegetable puts on new clothing and recovers its wonted beauty; each animal assumes fresh vigour; the beasts in the wood leap and bound for joy, and each bird on the trees sings for gladness. The whole creation, is, as it were, repaired, and every The old ones being well fed, as he always took care to do, providing for them store of those greens he knew they loved, as also boiled roots for them now and then, of which they are very fond; the young ones throve apace, and grew very fat, so that in three weeks' time they were large, and fit to eat. He killed one, which, being roasted, proved to be more delicious than any house-lamb, sucking-pig, young fawn, or any other suckling whatever. Having lived upon that, with now and then a little fish, about one month, which was as long as he could keep it eatable, having dressed it at two different times, five days' intervals, eating the cold remains in several manners, reserving one of the other two males for a time when he should be scanted and in want of flesh; but was unluckily disappointed by a parcel of large eagles, which flying one morning over the place where the young antelopes were playing, being of a gay, as well as active, disposition, who launched themselves with precipitation upon the male he reserved for time of need, and one of the females, which he kept for breed; seeing his beloved diverters carried away by those birds of prey, he runs for his bow, but came too late with it, the eagles being gone. Having lost his two dear antelopes, especially the female, having doomed the male for his own eating, he could hardly forbear weeping, to think of their being cruelly torn to pieces by those ravenous creatures. Thus having for some time lamented his loss, and be- wailed their hard fate, he thinks on means to prevent the like evil for the time to come; and as his bow was 5 · . . : 1 • י • 4 7 · 4 66 The disappointment in catching those delightful fowls instead of ravenous eagles, as he had purposed, no ways displeased him, but he rather was rejoiced at having such beautiful fowls to look at; yet it went much against his mind to deprive those creatures of their liberty (the greatest comfort in life), which na- ture took such pains to adorn. But," said he, "they were created for the use of man, so in keeping them for my pleasure they will but answer the end of their creation. Their confinement shall be no stricter than my own; they shall have the whole island to range in." He then pinions them, puts them in the pond, and makes baskets for them to shelter in, which he places in the branches of those trees that hung closest to the water, taking particular care to feed them daily with roots roasted and boiled, and the guts of the fish and other créatures he used for his own eating, which made them thrive mainly, and take to the place, so that they bred in their season. [ The five antelopes had by this time kidded, and brought sixteen young ones; his peas and beans also were wonderfully improved, having that season enough to stock the ground the year following. Thus he re- turned kind Providence thanks for the vast increase, and concludes to live upon the young antelopes as long as they lasted, reserving only one for suck of the old ones, to keep them in milk, of which he had taken notice they had plenty, designing to draw it daily for his own use so that in a little time he had enough to ► V ++ PA • • • Having completed his dairy, he proceeds in his reso- Jution of making cheese, having learnt the way in Holland; and, for want of rennet to turn his milk, he takos some of the horse-radish seed, which, being of a hot nature, had the same effect. Having curd to his mind, he seasons it to his palate, then with his hatchet he cuts a notch round in the bark of a tree, about eighteen inches in circumference, and a second in the same manner, six inches below that; then slits the circle, and with his knife gently opens it, parting it *-* : from the tree. Thus he makes as many hoops as he * 5 .27. ✔ ...skim for cream, which he used for sauce, instead of butter, and made small cheeses of the rest. Now, having a pretty store of dairy ware, he resolves to Amake a place to keep it in, the kitchen wherein he was obliged to lay his salt fish (which commonly smells atrong) not being a proper place for cream or milk; for which end he makes a dairy-house at the other side of his dwelling with branches of trees, after the manner of a close arbour, and thatches it over with grass, which, answering the kitchen in form and situa- tion, made uniform wings, that added as much to the beauty as conveniency of the habitation. 材 ​+ } judged would contain his paste, which, being girded round with cords to keep them from opening, he fills with the said paste, and lays them by till fit to eat. This being done, which completed his provisions, he returns thanks for those blessings which had been so liberally bestowed on him. "Now," said he, "Heaven be praised! I exceed a prince in happiness.. I have a habitation strong and lasting, beautiful and conve- nient, freehold; a store of comforts, with all necessa- ries of life at free cost, which I enjoy with peace and pleasure uncontrolled; yet I think there is still some- thing wanting to complete my happiness; if a partner in grief lessens sorrow, certainly it must in delight augment pleasure. What objects of admiration are here concealed, and, like a miser's treacure, hid from the world! If man, who was created for bliss, could ... have been completely happy alone, he would not have had a companion given him." Thus he walks about thoughtful till bed-time. ! ** .. · : 1 • 1, } **** .4 In that disposition he goes to bed, and soon fell asleep. The night also being windy added to his heavy disposition; but his mind finds no repose, it ….. stillʼruns on upon the subject that took it up the day 3 before, and forms ideas suitable to his inclination; and was solitude was the motive of its being disturbed, he indulges it with the thoughts of company, dreaming that the fame of his station and happy state of life was > spread about the world; that it prompted a vast num- ber of people from all parts to come to it, which at last induced several princes to claim a right to it; which, being decided by a bloody war, a governor was sent, who laid taxes, demanded duties, raised rents, and warned him to be gone, having fixed upon his habi- gri tation for himself to dwell in. Being sadly disturbed, he cries out in his sleep-" This is a great punish- ment for my uneasiness. Could I not be contented with being lord of this island, without provoking heaven to bring me under the power of extorting - governors?” * 01 .. .. 13 4 1 7 1. : ▸ - - Being within forty or fifty yards thereof, he saw a number of monkeys of two different kinds, one sort squealing and fighting against the other, without inter- * mixing, but still rallying, as they scattered in the scuf- 5. fle. He stood some time admiring the order they kept in; and the battle still continuing as fierce as at first, he advanced to see what they fought about, for he took notice they very much strove to keep their ground. At his approach the battle ceased, and the combat- ants, retiring at some distance, left the spot of ground on which they fought clear; whereon lay a consider- able quantity of wild pomegranates which the wind had shook off the trees the night before, and which were the occasion of their strife. 1 こ ​4 • B ► + + • There happening a great noise, he starts out of his sleep, with the thought of hearing a proclamation; and cries out-" Alas! it is too late to proclaim an evil which is already come." But being thoroughly awake, and the noise still continuing, he found he had been dreaming, which very much rejoiced him; he, there- fore, puts on his clothes, and hastens to the place he heard the noise come from. • + His coming having caused a truce, every one of those creatures keeping still and quiet during his stay, he resolves to use his endeavours to make a solid peace; and as that difference had arisen from the fruit there present, to which he could see no reason but that each kind had an equal right, he divides it into two equal parcels, which he lays opposite to each other towards both the parties, retiring a little way, to see whether this expedient would decide the quarrel, which an- swered his intention, those animals quietly coming to • H He shall not be wasteful of anything whatsoever, especially of any creature's life, killing no more than especially of any creature's life, killing no more than what is necessary for his health, but shall every day examine his nets, setting at liberty the overplus of his necessity, lest they should perish in their confinement. He must also keep everything in the same order and cleanness he shall find them in, till and manure the ground yearly, set and sow plants and seeds, fit for food, in their proper seasons. g. that share: next to them, and peaceably carrying it J * away, each to their quarters. This occasioned several reflections on the frivolous, and often unjust, quarrels ‚ that arise among princes, which create such bloody el: wars as prove the destruction of vast numbers of their subjects. "If monarchs," said he, "always acted with as much reason as these creatures, how much blood The next morning he takes his usual walks, and and money would they save!" Thus goes on to his ❘ visits his nets. In that he had set for eagles he found Having written this at the bottom of the map he had drawn, being supper-time, he takes his meal, then goes to his usual evening devotion, and, after an hour's walk, to his bed, sleeping walk, to his bed, sleeping quietly all night, as being easy in his mind. 1 • 377 a fowl as big as a turkey, but the colour of a pheasant, only a tail like a partridge; this having no sign of being a bird of prey, he was loth to kill it, but having had no fresh meat for above a week he yields to his appe. tite and dresses it, eating part thereof for his dinner; it was very fat and plump, and ate much like a phea- sant, but rather tenderer and fuller of gravy. Having paid his devotion, he takes a walk to see how his peas and beans came on, which he found in a very improving disposition, each stem bearing a vast number of well-filled pods. "Heaven be praised!" said he, "I shall eat of this year's crop, and have suffi- cient to stock my ground the ensuing one.' | " Though he was very well pleased with the bird he had taken, yet he had rather it had been one of the eagles which kept his young antelopes in jeopardy ; but as he could not destroy them with his net, which Thus being plentifully supplied with necessaries, and had hung a considerable time without the intended in a pleasant island, everything about him being come success, he projects the prevention of their increase by to perfection, his dwelling, which seems intended by destroying their eggs, leaving his nets wholly for the nature for some immortal guest, being by time yearly use they had been successful in, and searches the repaired and improved, leaving no room for care; yet clefts of the rock next to the sea, where those birds the unwise man, as if an enemy to his own ease, can- commonly build; where, having found several nests, not be contented with the enjoyment of more than he he takes away the eggs that were in them, being then could reasonably crave, but must disturb his mind with their breeding time, and carries them home in order to what concerns him not. "What pity," said he, "so empty the shells, and hang them up and down in his delightful, a habitation, attended with such conveni-habitation amongst the green leaves which covered ences, and situated in so wholesome an air and fruitful the ceiling thereof; but having accidentally broke one, a land, should at my death lose all those wonderful and the yolk and white thereof being like that of a properties, and become useless for want of somebody turkey, he had the curiosity to boil one and taste it, to enjoy them! What admiration will here be lost for which ate much after the manner of a swan's; the rest want of beholders! But what kind of man could I he saved to cat now and then for a change, reaping a settle it upon, worthy of so fine an inheritance? double advantage by robbing these birds, lessening Were it at my pleasure to choose myself an heir, such | thereby the damage they might do him in time, and only appear virtuous whose weak nature confides to adding a dish to his present fare. chastity. Every constitution cannot bear excess; want of courage occasions mildness, and lack of strength good temper; thus virtue is made a cloak to infirmity. But why do I thus willingly hamper myself with those cares Providence has been pleased to free me of? In this prosperous way he lived fifteen years, find- ing no alteration in the weather or seasons, nor meet- ing in all the time with any transactions worthy of re- cording; still performing his usual exercises, and taking his walks with all the satisfaction his happy condition could procure; entirely forsaking all thoughts and de- sires of ever quitting the blessed station he then had in his possession. Thus having walked the island over and over (which though delightful, yet the frequent repetition of the wonders it produces renders them, as it were, common and less admirable) he proceeds to view the sea, whose fluid element, being ever in motion, daily affords new objects of admiration. THE ENGLISH HERMIT. - usual place of worship, in order to return thanks that he was free of that evil, the dream whereof had so tor- tured his mind; though he confessed he justly deserved the reality for his uneasiness in the happiest of cir- cumstances. "Leave the miser the knowing care ; Who'll succeed him, or be his heir That racks his soul with discontent, Lest what he rak'd for should be spent. His gold to him is far more dear Than all his friends or kindred near.” Thus he holds the island from Providence; freely he bequeaths it to whom Providence shall think fit to bestow it upon; and that his heir may the better know the worth of the gift, he draws a map of the whole estate, and made an inventory of every indivi- dual tenement, appurtenances, messuages, goods, and chattels, and also a draught of the terms and condi- tions he is to hold the here-mentioned possessions upon; viz. Imprimis, a fair and most pleasant island, richly stocked with fine trees, and adorned with several de- lightful groves, planted and improved by nature, stored with choice and delicious roots and plants for food, bearing peas and beans; likewise a noble fish-pond, well stocked with divers sorts of curious fish, and a spacious wood, harbouring several sorts of wild-fowl and beasts fit for a king's table. Item,-A dwelling commenced by art, improved by nature and completed by time, which yearly keeps it in repair, as also its furniture. Item,-The offices and appurtenances thereof, with the utensils thereunto belonging, which said island, dwelling, &c. are freehold and clear from taxes; in no temporal dominion, therefore screened from any impo- sitions, duties, and exactions; defended by nature from invasions or assaults; guarded and supported by Providence. All which incomparable possessions are to be held upon the following terms, viz., That whosoever shall be by Providence settled in this blessed abode, shall, morning and evening, con- stantly (unless prevented by ill weather or accident) attend at the east side of this island, and within the alcove nature prepared for the lodgment of several har- monious echoes, and there pay his devotions, singing thanksgiving-psalms to the great Origin and Director of all things, whose praises he will have the comfort to hear repeated by melodious voices. Next, he shall religiously observe and keep a seventh day for worship only, from the rising of the sun till the going down thereof; therefore he shall the day before make all necessary provision for that day. That he shall, after any tempestuous wind or storm, visit the sea at the outside of the rock, at the east, south, west, and north ends, in order to assist any one in distress. 1 The day being very fair, and the weather as calm, he sat down upon the rock, taking pleasure in seeing the waves roll, and, as it were, chase one another; the next pursuing the first, on which it rides, when come at; and being itself overtaken by a succeeding, is also mounted on thus, wave upon wave, till, come to a bulky body, too heavy for the undermost to bear, sunk all together. "This," said he, "is a true emblem of ambition: men, striving to outdo one another, are often undone." 66 As he was making reflections on the emptiness of vanity and pride, returning heaven thanks that he was separated from the world, which abounds in nothing else, a ship appears at a great distance, a sight he had not seen since his shipwreck. Unlucky invention !" said he, "that thou should'st ever come into men's thoughts! The ark, which gave the first notion of a floating habitation, was ordered for the preservation of man, but its fatal copies daily expose him to de- struction." Having therefore returned heaven thanks for his being out of those dangers, he makes a solemn vow never to return into them again, though it were to gain the world. But his resolution proved as brittle as his nature was frail: the men on board had spied him out with their perspective glasses; and, supposing him to be shipwrecked, and to want relief, sent their long-boat with two men to fetch him away. At their approach his heart alters its motion, his blood stops from its common course, his sinews are all stagnated, which entirely unframes his reason, and makes him a stranger to his own inclination: which, struggling with his wavering resolution, occasions a debate between hope and fear; but the boat, being come pretty nigh, gave hope the advantage, and his late resolution yields to his revived inclination; which being now encouraged by a probable opportunity of being answered, rushes on to execution. He now, quitting all his former reliance on Providence, depends altogether upon his getting away, blessing the lucky opportunity of seeing his blessed country again, for which pleasure he freely quits and forsakes all the happiness he enjoyed; gladly abandoning his delight- ful habitation and plentiful island! He thinks no more of Providence; his mind is entirely taken up with his voyage. voyage. But disappointment, which often attends the greatest probabilities, snatches success out of his hand before he could grasp it, and intercepts his supposedly infallible retreat: the boat could not approach him by reason of the rocks running a great way into the sea under the water, nor could he come at the boat for sharp points and deep holes, which made it unfordable, as well as unnavigable; so that after several hours' striving in vain on both sides to come at one another, the men, after they had strove all they could, but to no purpose, said something to him in a rage, which he understood not, and went without him, more wretched now than he was when he was first cast away. His full dependence upon a retreat made him abandon all fur- ther reliance on Providence, whom then he could in- • 378 <6 Plore; but now, having ungratefully despised heaven's bounties, which had been so largely bestowed on him, he has forfeited all hopes of assistance thence, and ex- pects none from the world. Thus destitute, and in the greatest perplexity, he cries out, "Whither shall I now fly for help? The world can give me none, and I dare not crave any more from heaven. O cursed delusion! but rather cursed weakness! Why did I give way to it? Had I not enough of the world, or was I grown weary of being happy?" So saying, he falls a weeping. Could I shed a flood of tears, suffi- cient to wash away my fault, or case me of the remorse it does create! But why does my distracted fancy propose impossibilities? Is not the ocean sufficient to rid me of this wretched life? Then adieu, infectious world, thou magician of iniquity! The thoughts of which are now more offensive than the most nauseous odour of an old sepulchre." Here he was going to cast himself into the sea; but a vast large monster, rising out of the water, with its terrible jaws wide open, looking at him in a most dreadful manner, stop- ped the execution of his desperate design. Thus, death appearing in a different shape than he had pro- posed to meet him in, frightens away his resolution of dying. "I may," said he, "condemn myself: but vengeance belongs to God alone, who rejects not tears. of repentance, but always extends his mercies towards the penitent; and since St Peter, after thrice denying his Lord and Master, was, by repenting and weeping over his sin, received again into favour, I hope these my weak but sincere tokens of repentance, will be ac- cepted of, for ever divorcing myself from the world, and never thinking of its alluring pleasures but to des- pise them." And, for the better performance of that pious resolution, he sets that woful day apart (in which he was about to commit that fatal deed) for prayer and fasting. Thus he went home, and having ate nothing since the day before, he spent the remainder of the day in fasting and praying; singing penitential psalms till dark night, that nature urged him to re- pose, THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. late vow, never to endeavour to wish to go hence, whatever opportunity offers, though attended with ever so great a probability of success, and prospect of gain;" fully settling his whole mind and affection on the state and condition Heaven had been pleased to place him in; resolving to let nothing enter into his thoughts, but his most grateful duty to so great a benefactor, who had so often and miraculously rescued him from death. The pains and labour he had been at in the day, climbing up and down the rock, dragging himself to and fro, to come at the boat, having very much racked his limbs; and the disappointment of his full depend- ence on the late promising success, as also the tor- nienting remorse, and heavy grief, for his sinful re- liance thereon, much fatiguing his mind, rendered sleep, which is ordained for the refreshment of nature, of no manner of help to him; his thoughts are conti- nually disturbed with frightful visions; all his past dangers glare at him, as if threatening their return; but that which terrified him most was the frightful idea of the terrible monster which rose out of the sea at that instant ne was going to plunge himself in it. 64 46 Being awaked out of his restless sleep, rather more fatigued than when he lay down, having still the ter- rible aspect of the sea monster in his mind, he made several reflections on the execrable nature of his intended sin; admiring the immense goodness of Pro- vidence, who, to deter him from committing the enormous act, had ordered that (beyond imagination) terrible object, as the most suitable to the barbarity of his design, to strike into him that terror which the species of death he had fixed upon could not. Thus having with tears acknowledged the enormity of his resolution, he returns Providence thanks for its inesti- mable goodness, who, notwithstanding his late most ungrateful elopement, preserved him from eternal, as well as temporal, ruin. Having paid his devotion, and sung a thanksgiving psalm, he takes a little nourish- ment, his spirits being low with his past fatigue and fasting; and as he could not put out of his eyes the terrible aspect of the monster, which was beyond any chimerical conception, he resolves to draw it according to the idea he had in his mind. Perhaps," said he, having often the representation before my eyes, it will make the object more familiar and less frightful." Taking, therefore, pen and ink, and a sheet of parch- ment," Now," said he, "how shall I represent what is past imagination to conceive? A form without like- ness, and yet comparable to the most terrible part of every frightful creature; a large head, resembling that of a lion, bearing three pair of horns; one pair upright, like that of an antelope; another pair like a wild goat's; two more bending backwards: its face armed all round with darts, like a porcupine; vast great eyes, sparkling like a flint struck with a steel; its nose like a wild horse, always snarling; the mouth of a lion, and teeth of a panther; the fences of an elephant, and the tusks of a wild boar; shouldered like a giant, with claws like an eagle; bodied and covered with shells like a rhinoceros, and the colour of a crocodile." Having likened every different part, he proceeds in the representation thereof, which, being finished, put him in the greatest admiration. Sure," said he, "if nature had a hand in thy making, it was to assemble, in one creature, all the fiercest and dreadfullest animals that are most frightful and terrible! Now, perhaps, this being constantly before me, may come less in my mind." Then fixing it against his wall- "This," said he, "will be also a memorandum of my "C Thus having entirely banished the world out of his mind, which before often disturbed it, he limits his thoughts within the bounds of his blessed possession, which affords him more than is sufficient to make his life happy; where plenty flows on him, and pleasure attends his desires; abounding in all things that cap gratify his appetite, or delight his fancy. A herd of delightful antelopes, bounding and playing about his habitation, divert him at home; and in his walks he is entertained with the harmony of divers kinds of singing birds; every place he comes at offers him new objects for pleasure: thus all seems to concur in com- pleting his happiness. In this most blessed state he thinks himself as Adam before his fall, having no room for wishes, only that everything may continue in its present condition; but it cannot be expected that fair weather, which smiles on his beauty, will not change. The sun must go its course, and the seasons take their turn; which consi- derations must, for the present, admit some small care, He is naked, and his tender constitution susceptible of the cold; therefore, the clothes he was cast away in being worn out, he is obliged to think of providing something to defend his limbs from the hardness of the approaching winter, whilst it is yet warm. Having considered what to make a wrapper of, he concludes upon using some of the same grass he made his mats of, on which he lay, being soft and warm, very fit for that purpose; of this hè cuts down asufficient quantity, which, when ready to work, he makes small twine with, and plaits it in narrow braids, which he sews together with some of the same, and shapes a long, loose gown, that covered him to his heels, and a cap of the same. By the time he had finished his winter garb, thẹ weather was grown cold enough for him to put it on, The frosty season came on apace, in which there fell such a quantity of snow that he was forced to make a broom, and sweep it away from about his habitation from about his habitation twice a day; as also the same he made to the places he had occasion to go to, tossing the snow on each side, which, before the winter was over, met a-top, and covered it all the way, which obliged him to keep within doors for a considerable time, and melt snow instead of water, lest, going for some, he might chance to be buried among the snow. The winter being over, and the snow dissolved, the gay spring advances apace, offering nature its usual assistance, repairing the damages the late frost had done, which joyful tidings made everything smile.- Quarll also, finding himself revived, took his former walks, which the preceding bad weather had kept him from, though there had been no considerable storm the winter before. He having a mind to view the sea, and being come to the outside of the north-west end of the rock, sees at the foot thereof something like part of the body of a large hollow tree, the ends whereof were stopped with its own pitch, and the middle, which was slit open from end to end, and kept gaping by a stick laid across. + K This put him in mind of canoes, with which the In- dians paddle up and down their lakes and rivers; and, being on that side of the rock next the island of Cali- fornia, he fancied some of them were come to visit this island, though not many in number, their canoes hold- ing, at the most, but two men; yet, as some of these ing, at the most, but two men; yet, as some of these people are accounted great thieves, daily robbing one another, he hastens home to secure what he had, but it was too late; they had been there already, and had taken away the clothes he found in the chest, which being by far too little for him, hung carelessly on a pin behind his door. Had they been contented with that, he would not have regarded it; but they carried away some of his curious fish, and, what grieved bim most, the fine bird he had taken such pains to dress and stuff, and care to preserve; as also his bows and arrows. the effect of the high wind which happened the night before. Having missed these things, which he much valued, he hastens to the outside of the rock, with his long staff in his hand, in hopes to overtake them before they could get into their canoe, but happened to too late, they being already got near half a league from the rock. Yet they did not carry away their theft; for there arising some wind, it made the sea somewhat rough, and overset their canoe, so that what was in it was all lost but the two Indians, who most dexterously turned it on its bottom again, and with surprising activity leaped into it, one at the one side, and the other at the opposite so that the canoe being trimmed at once, they paddled out of sight. Having seen as much of them as he could, he walks to the north-east side, in order to discover Being come to the outside of the rock, he perceives at a distance something like a large chest, but having no lid to it. Taking that to be the product of some late shipwreck, he grieved at the fatal accident. "How long," reflected he, "will covetousness decay men to pursue wealth, at the cost of their precious lives? Has not nature provided every nation and country a sufficiency for its inhabitants, that they will rove on this most dangerous and boisterous sea, which may be titled 'Death's Dominions,' many perishing therein, and not one on it being safe." As he was bewailing their fate who he imagined had been cast away, he sees two men come down the rock, with each a bundle in his arm, who went to that which he had taken to be a chest; and having put their load in it pushed it away till come to deeper water; then, having got in it, with a long staff shoved it off, till they could row to a long-boat that lay at some distance behind a jetting part of the rock, which screened it from his sight, as also the ship it belonged to. The sight of this much amazed him, and made him cense condoling others' supposed loss to run home and examine his own, well knowing those bundles he saw carried away must needs belong to him, there being no other moveables in the island but what were in his lodge. Being come home, ho finds indeed what he sus- pected; those villains had most sacrilegiously rifled and ransacked his habitation, not leaving him so much as one of the mats to keep his poor body from the ground: his winter garb was also gone, and what else they could find for their use, The loss of those things, which he could not be without, filled him with sorrow, "Now," said he, "I am in my first state of being; naked I came into the world, and naked I shall go out of it;" at which he fell a weeping. Having grieved awhile" Why," said he, "should I thus cast myself down? Is not Providence, who gave me them, able to give me more? Thus, having resolved before winter to replenish his loss, he rests himself contented, and gives the ruffians' evil actions the best construction he could. Now I think on it," said he, "these surely are the men who, about twelve months since, would charitably have carried me hence, but could not for want of necessary implements; and now, being better provided, came to accomplish their hospitable design; but not finding me, supposing I was either dead or gone, took away what was here of no Much good may what they have got do them, and may it be of as much use to them as it was to me," Thus he walks out in order to cut grass to dry, and make himself new bedding and a winter garb, use. } Having walked about half a mile, he perceives the sume men coming towards the pond. Heaven be praised!" said he, "here they be still. Now, when they see I am not gone, nor willing to go, they will return me my things, which they are sensible I cannot do without;" with which words he goes up to them. 44 By this time they had caught the two old ducks, which, being pinioned, could not fly away as the rest did. He was much vexed to see the best of his stock thus taken away; yet as he thought they were come to do him service, he could grudge them nothing that would anywise gratify so good an intent. But, having returned them thanks for their good will, he told them he was very happy in the island, and had made a vow never to go out of it. J These being Frenchmen, and of an employment where politeness is of little use, being fishermen, and not understanding what he said, only laughed in his face, and went on to the purpose they came about; then, having as many of the ducks as they could get, they proceeded towards the house where they had seen the antelopes, some of which not running away at their approach, they proposed to catch hold o them. Being come to the place where they used to feed, which was near the dwelling, the young ones, not being used to see any men in clothes, nor anybody but their master, presently fled, but the two old ones, which he had bred up, were so tame that they stood still, only when the men came to them they kept close to him, which gave the men opportunity to lay hold of them, when, notwithstanding Quarll's repeated entrea- ties, they tied a halter about their horns, and barba- gorously led them away, Quarll was grieved to the heart to see his darlings, which he had taken such care to breed up, and, which were become the principal part of his delight, follow- ing him up and down, and which, by their jumping and playing before him, often dispersed melancholy thoughts; notwithstanding all these endearing quali- fications thus hauled away, he weeps, and on his knees begs they may be left; and though they under- stood not his words, his actions were so expressive and moving that, had they had the humanity of can- nibals, who eat one another, they would have yielded to so melting an object as the poor broken-hearted A . | Quarll was; but the inflexible boors went on, cruelly hauling and dragging the poor creature, which, as if sensible of the barbarity of the act, looked back to their afflicted master as craving his assistance, which at last so exasperated him that he was several times tempted to lay on the ravishers with his long staff, but as often was stopped by the following consideration, “Shall I," said he, "be the destruction of my fellow, creatures, to rescue out of their hands animals of which I have an improving store left, and deprive them of their healths, and perhaps of their lives, to recover what cost me nought? Let them go with what they have, and the merit of their deed be their reward." Thus he walks about melancholy, bemoan- ing his poor antelopes' fate and his own misfortune. "They were used to liberty," said he, "which they are now deprived of, and for which they will pine and die, which, for their sake, I cannot but wish, for life with- out liberty is a continual death." + As he was walking, thinking (as it is usual after the loss of anything one loves) of the pleasure he had during the enjoyment, the ruffians, having secured the poor animals, came back with ropes in their hands. What do they want next?" said he, "have they not all they desire; would they carry away my habitation also? Sure they have no design on my person; if so, they will not take it so easily as they did my dear antelopes." Thus he resolved to exercise his quarter- staff if they offered to lay hands on him. The vil- lains, whose design was to bind him and so carry him away, seeing him armed and resolute, did not judge it safe for them to advance within the reach of his weapon, but kept at some distance, divining how to seize him. • [ Quarll, who, by their consulting, guessed at their design, not thinking it proper to let them come to a resolution, makes at the nearest, who immediately took to his heels, and then to the next, who imme- diately does the same. Thus he follows them about for a considerable time; but they divided, in order to tire him with running, till the night approaching and the wind rising, made them fear their retreat might be dangerous if they deferred it, so that they went clear away, which being all that he desired, he returned as soon as he saw them in the long-boat that they rowed to their ship, which lay at anchor some distance from the rocks. 1 + THE ENGLISH HERMIT. 379 Having made reflections upon the latter part of his | which they imagined the island produced; likewise dream, the first part thereof being but a repetition of flat-bottomed boats to tow in shallow water, where what happened the day before, he makes this applica- others could not come; and thus by degrees to load tion, "This," said he, "is a check for my discom- their ship with booty, But ever-watchful Providence posing that peace upon such a frivolous account, blasted their evil projects, and confounded their de- which, by Providence, was intended I should enjoy, vices, at the very instant they thought themselves sure having supplied me with all necessaries to maintain of success. The implements in a flat-bottomed boat it." He therefore makes a resolution never to be were towed to the very foot of the rock by a young vexed, let what will happen; but with patience submit fellow, who, being lighter than a man, was thought to the will of God, who has the direction of all things. fittest to go with the tools, which pretty well loaded Then, having paid his usual devotion, he goes into the the boat. kitchen, in order to breakfast, and afterwards to take his customary walk. Whilst he was eating there arose a noise in the air as proceeding from a quantity of rooks, jackdaws, crows, and such like birds, whose common notes he was acquainted with; and, as the noise approached, he had the curiosity to go and see what was the matter, but was prevented by the coming of a large fowl, which flew over his head, as he was going out, He turned back to gaze at the bird, whose beauty seized him with admiration; the pleasure of seeing so charming a creature quite put out of his mind the curiosity of looking whence proceeded the disagreeable noise without; which ceasing as soon as the bird was sheltered, made him imagine those car rion birds had been chasing that beautiful fowl, which, seeing itself out of danger, stood still, very calm and composed; which gave him the opportunity of making a discussion of every individual agreement which com- posed so delightful an object. It was about the big- ness and form of a swan, almost headed like it, only the bill was not so long, nor so broad, and red like coral; his eyes like those of a hawk, his head of a ma- zarine blue, and on the top of it a tuft of shining gold- | coloured feathers, which spread over it, hanging near three inches beyond, all round; its breast, face, and part of its neck, milk-white, curiously speckled with small black spots, a gold-coloured circle about it, its back and neck behind of a fine crimson, speckled with purple; its legs and feet the same colour as its bill; its tail long and round, spreading like that of a pea- cock, composed of six rows of feathers, all of different colours, which made a most delightful mixture. • S M Their materials being landed, to their great satisfac tion, the men on board embarked in two more of the same sorts of boats, but were no sooner in them but a storm arose, which dashed their slender bottom to pieces, and washed them into the sea, in which they perished, over-setting also the flat-bottomed boat on shore with the load, and the lad underneath it. The storm being over, which lasted from about eight in the morning till almost twelve at noon, Quarll, according to his custom, went to see if he could per- ceive any damage done by the late tempest, and if any, distressed by it, stood in want of help. Being at that side of the rock he used to visit, he could see nothing but a few fishes and shells the sea had left in the clefts. "If this," said he, "be all the damage that has been done, make me thankful; it will recruit me with fresh fish and utensils." Going to the N. W. part, where he sees a battered boat, floating with the keel upwards, "This," said he, "bodes some mischief;" but thought it not to be of any consequence. Having gone about fifty yards farther, he espies a small barrel at the foot of the rock, with several planks and fragments of a ship, floating with the tidẹ. “Alas," said he, "these are too evident proofs of a shipwreck to hope otherwise." As he was looking about he hears a voice cry out, much like that of a man, at some dis- tance, behind a part of the rock. Being advanced a small matter beyond where he was "Heaven be praised!" says he, "there is somebody whom I am luckily come to save, and he, most fortunately, come to be my companion. I cannot but rejoice at the event, though I heartily grieve for the accident." Hastening to the place where he thought the cries came from, which, as he advanced, he could discern to be too shrill for a man's voice-"Certainly," says he, "this must be some woman, by the noise. This sets his blood a glowing, his heart alters its motion. Now," said he, joyful," Providence has completed my happi- ness, I shall have a companion, and a helpmate ;" and goes on with fresh vigour, as though he had recovered Quarll, being at the outside, was dubious whether his strength, and got new limbs. The rough and he should detain him or let him go; his affection for savage rock, which was before in a manner inaccessible, that admirable creature equally prompts him to both is now made easy to walk. He climbs the highest he cannot bear the thoughts of parting with so lovely places with activity, and goes down the steep as an object, nor harbour that of depriving it of. its nimbly, and soon arrived where he judged the person liberty, which it so implicitly trusted him withal. to be. Yet, seeing nothing but what he took to be a Thus, after a small pause, generosity prevails over chest, began to be disheartened. Sure," said be, self-pleasure. Why should I," said he, "make the "this is not a second illusion to decoy my fancy after place of its refuge its prison?" He therefore makes what is to be had!" Thus his joy on a sudden turned room for it to go, which, with a slow pace, walks out; into a deep melancholy; but the creature underneath, and, having looked about a small time, mounts up a who, having heard some noise near at hand, ceased considerable height, and then takes its course north-crying to listen; yet, seeing nobody come, cries out west. again somewhat louder than before. Having spent several minutes in admiring the bird he lays peas and crumbled roots, both roasted and boiled, before it, as also water in a shell, withdrawing to give it liberty to eat and drink, and stood out peep- ing to see what it would do; which, being alone, having looked about, picks a few peas and drinks heartily; then walks towards the door in a composed and easy manner, much like that of a cock. 66 << "6 "} warm. These wretches being gone, he returns heaven thanks for his deliverance, and as his bridge bad favoured their coming he pulls it off, and only laid it over when he had a mind to view the sea, and goes home to eat a bit, having pot as yet broken his fast. Having, therefore, eaten some of his roots and cheese, and being wearied with hunting these boors, he con- sults how to lie, his bed and bedding being gone, as also his winter-gown, and the nights being as yet cold; however, after a small time of consideration, he con- cludes to lie in the lodge, which was left vacant by the stolen antelopes' absence, whose litter being made of the same grass as his mats were, he lay both soft and When laid down, being sorely fatigued, he soon fell | asleep, and as the plunderers had the preceding day took up his cares, they filled his mind in the night; he has them continually before his eyes, sometimes with The bird being gone out of sight, he made reflec- This revived him quite, and recalled his hopes. "It his beloved antelopes in their pilfering hands, at other tions on the adventure, which he judges to be a prog- is a woman," said he, "and in that chest;" when, times barbarously hauling them by their horns with a nostic of some rebellion or revolution in Europe; going to break it open, he stops on a sudden. “What halter, which they ought to have about their own whereupon, having recommended his native country am I going to do? How do I know the cause of her necks. These acts of austerity provoking his anger, to the protection of Heaven, begging a continuation of being thus locked up? Though women are in a man- and urging him on to revenge, he lifts his staff, which peace, and an end of those unhappy divisions which ner become a merchandize, yet they never are packed on a sudden is turned into Hercules' club. Startled often prove the ruin of nations, he goes and sets down up or chested; she must be in there for a punishment, to see that wonderful change, he stops from laying on in the memorial-book the transactions of that year, be- which in some countries is inflicted on witches." The the intended blow. "Rescuing," said he, "my dar-ing 1689, and the fifteenth since his being in the boy, who heard a voice, calls out in French, which ling animals, I shall lose my precious and inestimable island, which proved more fruitful in events than any Quarll not understanding, he was afraid to let him out, peace of mind. What can atone for the life of a of the preceding. of the preceding. The picture which he had drawn but his mentioning Christ being intelligible to him, man?" Whilst he was making these reflections, the of the terrible sea-monster being against his wall bav-made him change his opinion. "For Christ's sake, men got clear away with the fowls and antelopes, ing accustomed him to the frightful object that con- doth she say? That holy name witches seldom make leaving him in deep melancholy. Thus, as he was stantly disturbed his mind, he draws that of the two use of; however, in that name I'll let her out. If she bewailing his loss, calling to mind the agreeable pas- ruffians committing their barbarity, and hangs it by be under condemnation was I not so? Had she by times they had often been to him, and the many auxi- the place; the idea whereof being to him more terrible Heaven been decreed to die, she would not have been ous hours he had dispersed with their diversion, a than the preceding, he could not suffer it to be long here. At which words, with hie staff, he endeavoured gentlewoman appeared before him, of a most agreea- in his sight, but takes it down and draws on the back to break that which he took to be the lid of the chest, ble, yet grave countenance, dressed in plain dove- side of it the villains on a gibbet. "Now," said he, but proved to be the bottom; and as he was striking, coloured clothes, in most places thread-bare, and in "this being what ought to be the end and explanation the boy underneath calling to him to turn it up, thrust others patched with divers sorts of stuffs, yet genteel of the history, shall now be the right side of the his hand under the side, which he perceiving, though and becoming. He starts at her appearing, wondering picture.” he understood him not, stood still. Finding his mis- what she could come for, having nothing more to lose. There happening nothing the remainder of the year take" This," said he, "is a flat-bottomed boat, such I come not," said she, "to seek ought from thee, worthy of record, he employs it in his customary occu- as the Frenchmen used the year before, when they but to restore what thou hast lost." He, being over-pations, as pruning and watering nis lodge and dairy, came and plundered me. Now, am I safe if I turn it joyed at the words, looks about expecting his beloved making his mats to lie on, as also his winter-garb; up? Doubtless they are come in great numbers." antelopes and what else the men had taken away; every day milking his antelopes and goats, making now Pausing awhile, and the lad (whom he took to be a but, seeing nothing, he thought that vision proceeded and then butter and cheese, attending his nets, and woman) still continuing his moan, he was moved to from vapours, which the great grief for his late loss such like necessary employments. compassion, and having considered the boat could not had occasioned, and falls a thinking till he was a hold any great number, he ventures. Let what will second time interrupted by her bidding him look her come on it, or who will be under, for the poor woman's in the face. "Be satisfied, be satisfied, woman," sake I'll relieve them; there cannot be many men. said ho; " why, I neither know thee nor what thou However, I'll let but one out at a time; if he be mis- meanest."“Well, then," replied she, "I'll inform chievous, I am able to deal with him." At this he puts thee of both. I am Patience, whom all the world the end of the staff where he had seen the hand, and strive to grieve, and whom none can provoke; and lifts it up about a foot from the ground; out of the what I promise to restore thee is content, which thou opening immediately creeps the boy, who on his knees throwest away after worthless things." So she va falls a begging and weeping, expecting death every nishes; at which he awakes, moment, as being the merited punishment for the " In the meantime the French mariners, who probably got money by what they had taken from him the year before, returned, it being much about the same season, and being resolved to take him away, and all they❘ could make anything of out of the island, were pro- vided with hands and implements to accomplish their design, as ropes to bind what they could get alive, and guns to shoot what they could not come at; saws and batchets to cut down logwood, and brazil pick-axes and shovels to dig up orris roots, and others of worth, • "" 380 evil purpose he came about. Quarll, who expected there was a woman beside, fearing the gap the youth came out at would be too uneasy for her to come through, made motions for the boy to help him, in order to set the boat on its bottom which he did. Quarll, seeing the implements instead of the woman, was as much vexed as disappointed. His countenance changes; sometimes he looks at the things, then at the boy, who, seeing him appear angry, thought of nothing but present death, and again falls on his knees, holding up his hands, almost drowned in tears, begging for mercy in such a moving manner that Quarll could not forbear shedding some tears; and though the late disappointment of his proposed happi- ness, and the sight of the preparations made for his intended ruin, had moved him to anger against that mercenary nation, he helped the young fellow up by the hand; and, the night coming on apace, he takes one of the hatchets that lay by, and gave another to the boy, then falls a knocking the boat to pieces, and directed him to do the same, which he accordingly did. THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. The boat being demolished, they carried the boards higher up on the rock, as also the rest of the things, lest in the night some storm should rise, which might wash them back into the sea, it being then too late to bring them away. Having done, they each of them took up what they could carry, and so went home. The young Frenchman, finding a kinder treatment than either he deserved or expected, was extraordi- narily submissive and tractable, which made Quarll the more kind and mild; and instead of condemning his evil attempt, he commiserated his misfortune, and in room of resentment showed him kindness. Thus, having given him of what he had to eat, he puts him to bed in his lodge, wherein he lay, till he had got his mats made up, then went to bed himself, but could not sleep for thinking of his late disappointment, which intercepted those pleasures he so much depended on, thinking himself sure of a female partner, who, in sharing happiness with him, would have much added to his bliss. Having tossed and tumbled a considerable time, he begins to be heavy spirited; nature is fatigued, and must be refreshed. Thus he falls asleep; and, as his hopes the preceding day had indulged his desire, his mind is so impressed in the night with the idea of a female object, that he dreams he has her by his side; condoling her for the dangers she has gone through, congratulating her lucky escape, and greeting her happy arrival into so blessed an abode. Thus expressing his joy, in possessing the only ob- ject which could complete his happiness, with all the softness and eloquence the most passionate love can impress, he reaches out his arms to embrace the lovely phantom his inclination had bred in his imagination; but, having groped awhile, and finding nothing, he starts out of his sleep at this most shocking disappoint ment. Being awaked, the late delusive pleasures called to his mind the real, which he had formerly enjoyed, and did then hanker after. "What is man," said he, "without that part of himself, out of which God made him a mate? Adam, though possessing all the world, was still wanting, till he had a woman to keep him com- pany." In this melancholy disposition he again falls asleep, and dreams afresh; in which his imagination gluts his inclination with those pleasures it so much desired. Fruition to him is but like liquor to a man sick of a violent fever, which only for a minute quenches his heat, but augments the distemper, and at last destroys the patient. Excessive love is but short-lived; what is violent is not lasting time with pleasure runs fast away, but dwells long with sorrow; care weakens love, and indifferences breed discontent; the jarrings follow which introduce Division, the mother of Poverty. : These dismal accidents, incident to inconsiderate love, coming into the amorous dreamer's mind, his great heat being quenched, he took him to consider his condition; and, seeing himself liable to them, is struck with such a fear, as blots all pleasures out of his thoughts, and fills them with dread of future cares, which he unad- visedly run himself into, and all for the sake of a short pleasure. Starting out of his sleep at the approach of those sad troubles, he returns Heaven thanks that it was but a dream; and begs pardon for having given so much way to the concupiscence of the flosh; getting up, though sooner than ordinary, lest he should fall asleep, and dream again of women. Having walked about till he thought it time for the boy to rise, he calls him up, and takes him to the place that he usually went every morning and evening to sing psalms; where the youth being come, and hearing so many voices, and seeing nobody, was scared out of his wits, and took to his heels, making towards the rock as fast as he could; but as he was not acquainted with the easiest and most practicable parts thereof, Quarll had made an end of his psalm, and overtook him before he could get to the sea-side into which he certainly would have cast himself at the fright; but Quarl), 1 who, by the boy's staring guessed his disorder, not | bed, the lodge being wanting for his antelopes against having the benefit of the language, endeavoured to breeding-time; he adds, therefore, to his mats. His calm him by his pleasing countenance, and prevented other provisions also wanting to be augmented, and he his drowning himself; but could not keep off a violent having both tools and boards, out of the flat boat which fit the fright had occasioned, which held him several he had taken to pieces, he and the lad went about minutes. making large boxes to salt flesh and fish in; then with the boards that were left, they made a table for his. dwelling that he had before, and one for his kitchen'; as also shelves in the room of those that were made of wicker; then, having recruited his shell utensils that were stolen the year before, he was completely fur- nished with all manner of conveniences, and Providence 'supplying him daily with other necessaries, there was no room left him for wishes, but for thanksgiving, which they daily most religiously paid. J · The fit being over, he and the boy took away at divers times the remains of the chest, and of what was in it, which they could not carry home the day before. Then taking up two guns "Now," said he, "these unlucky instruments, which were intended for destruc- tion, shall be employed for the preservation of that they were to destroy." Taking them to his lodge, he sets them at each side of the door; then it being dinner-time he strikes a light, and sets the boy to make a fire, whilst he made some of the fish fit to fry, which he picked up upon the rock the evening before; then takes dripping, he saved when he roasted any flesh, to fry with them. The boy, who had lived some time in Holland, where they used much butter, seeing dripping employed in room thereof, thought to please his master in making some; and as he had seen milk and cream in the dairy arbour, wanting a churn only, there being a small runlet lying by empty, he takes one of the ends of it, in which, the next day, he beat butter. In this most happy state they lived in peace and concord the space of ten years, unanimously doing what was to be done, as it lay in each of their ways, without relying on one another. Quarll, who before, though alone and deprived of society (the principal comfort of life), thought himself blessed, now cannot express his happiness, there being none in the world to be compared to it, heartily pray ing he might find no alteration till death; but the young man, not having met with so many disappoint- ments in the world as he, had not quite withdrawn his affections from it; his mind sometimes will run upon his native country, where he has left his relations, and where he cannot help wishing to be himself; thus, opportunity offering itself one day, as he went to get oysters to make sauce for some fresh codfish which Quarll was dressing, he saw at a distance a ship, at which his heart fell a panting, his pulses double their motion; his blood grows warmer and warmner, till at last, inflamed with desire of getting at it, he lays down the bag he brought to put the oysters in, as also the instrument to dredge them up with, and takes to swim- ming. The men on board having espied him out, sent their boat to take him up; so he went away without taking his leave of him he had received so much gooů from; who, having waited a considerable time, fearing some accident would befal him, leaves his cooking and goes to see for him; and being come at the place where he was to get the oysters, he sees the bag and instru- ments lie and nobody with them. Having called seve, ral times without being answered, various racking fears tortured his mind; sometimes he doubts he is fallen in some hole in the rock, there being many near that place where the oysters were; he therefore, with his staff, which he always carried about with him when he went abroad, at the other side of the rock grabbled in every one round the place, and, feeling nothing, he concludes some sea-monster had stolen him away, and, weeping, condemns himself as the cause of this fatal accident, resolving, for the future, to punish himself by denying his appetite, and only eat to support nature, and not to please his palate. J J } • Having given over hopes of getting him again, he returns home in the greatest affiiction, resolving to fast till that time the next day; but happening to look westward, in which was the point the wind stood, he perceives something like a boat at a great distance; wiping the tears off his eyes, and looking steadfastly, he discovers a sail beyond it, which quite altered the motive of his former fear: "No monster," said he, "hath devoured him; it is too plain a case that he hath villanously left me; but what could I expect of his son who had projected such evil against me?” So saying, he went home, and made an end of dressing his dinner; and afterwards hangs up the picture which he had taken down upon his account, being the true emblem of what he deserved; resting himself con- tented, being but as he was before, and rather better; since he had more conveniences, and tools to till his ground and dig up his roots with. Having recom- mended himself to Providence, he resumes his usual works and recreations, resolving that no cares shall mar his happiness for the future, being out of all those irresistible temptations' way, in which the world abounds, and daily lays the best men's hopes in the dust. Quarll, seeing the youth industrious, began to fancy him, notwithstanding the aversion he had conceived for his nation, ever since the ill-treatment he had received from his countrymen; and, as speech is one of the most necessary faculties to breed and maintain fellowship, he took pains to teach him English. The lad being acute and ingenious, was soon made to undestand it, and 'in six months capable to speak it sufficiently, so as to give his master a relation of his late coming, and to what intent. "The men," said he, "who about one year since, carried away hence some antelopes, with extraordinary ducks, and several rari- ties, which they said belonged to a monstrous English hermit, whose hair and beard covered all his body, having got a great deal of money by showing them, encouraged others to come; whereupon several, join. ing together, hired a ship to fetch away the hermit, and what else they could find; therefore brought with them tools, and guns to shoot what they could not take alive.”. "Barbarous wretches !" replied he, "to kill my dear antelopes and ducks! Pray, what did they intend to do with me?" (C "said the boy, "to make a show of you." "To make a show of me! Sordid wretches!' ls a Christian then such a rarity among them? Well, and what were the saws and hatchets for?" - \ - "To cut down your house, which they intended to make a drinking booth of." "Oh, monstrous! what time and nature has been fifteen years a completing, they would have ruined in a moment: well, thanks to Providence, their evil de- sign is averted. Pray, what is become of those sa- crilegious persons ?" "They are all drowned," said the boy. "Then," replies he, "the Heavens are satisfied, and I avenged. But how camest thou to escape? for thou wast with them." "No," replied the youth, "I was upon the rock when their boat was dashed against it, and was over- set with the same sea, under the flat-bottomed boat, where you found me." "That was a happy overset for thee. Well, is there no gratitude due to Providence for thy escape?" "Due to Providence!" said he, "why, I thought you had saved me: I'm sure you let me out." "Yes," replied Quarll; "but I was sent by Provi- dence for that purpose." "That was kindly done, too," said the boy; "well, when I see him, I'll thank him; doth he live here- about?" "Poor ignorant creature!" replied Quarll; "why Providence is everywhere. What! didst thou never hear of Providence? What religion art thou?” Religion!" answered the youth; "I don't know what you mean; I'm a fisherman by trade, which my father lived by." 66 "L ↓ "} ▼ } 4 • 1 • 1 Being again alone, the whole business of the house lies upon his hands; he now must prune and trim his Well," said Quarll, "did he teach thee nothing habitation, that daily harbours him, being made of fine else? 'no prayers?" growing plants, which yearly shoot out young branches; "Prayers!" replied the lad; "why fishermen have this makes them grow out of shape. He must also no time to pray; that's for them who have nothing till the ground, set and gather his pease and beans in else to do; poor folks must work, and get money; their season, milk and feed his antelopes daily, make that's the way of our town." butter and cheese at proper times, dig up his roots, "Covetous wretches! Well," said he, "I grudge fetch in fuel and water when wanted, attend his nets, them not what they possess, since it is all the happi-go eagle-nesting, and every day dress his own victuals; ness they aspire at; but thou shalt learn to pray, which all which necessary occupations, besides the time dedi- will be of far more advantage to thee than work, both cated for morning and evening devotions, kept him here and hereafter. From which time he begins to wholly employed, which made his renewed solitude less teach him the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Command- irksome. And, having walked all that afternoon to ments, as also the principles of the Christian religion; divert his thoughts, admired all the way the wonderful all which instructions the youth taking readily, won works of Nature, both in the surprising rocks which his affection the more. He likewise taught him to surrounded the island, and in the delightful creatures, sing psalms, which farther qualified him to be his com- and admirable plants, that are in it. Being weary with panion in spiritual exercises, as well as in temporal oc- walking he returns home, thanking kind Providence for cupations. settling him in so blessed a place; and in his way calls at his invisible choir, where having sung a thanksgiv- Now, having company, he is obliged to enlarge his :: + L 0 • Į • ing psalm, and his usual evening hymn, he goes to sup. per, and then to bed, with a thoroughly contented mind, which occasions pleasant dreams to entertain his thoughts. During his sleep, his fancy is delighted with being in Nature's garden of pleasure, where none but her friends are permitted to enter. The place appeared very spacious, and of an admi- rable form; full of all sorts of Nature's works, both animals, vegetables, and minerals, every individual thing in perfection; and though some were distant, yet all appeared as at hand. The lofty trees, which stood on a level ground, co.. vered with curious grass, embalmed with many differ- ent-coloured flowers, exceeding in beauty any carpet that the most expert artist could make, spread their branchy arms over creatures of all kinds, which lay beneath their delightful shades; there the bold lion lies by the innocent lamb, the fierce panther near the harmless sheep, the ravenous wolf with the mild goat, leopard and deer, tiger and hare, reposed together in peace; on the trees, eagles, vultures, falcons, and hawks, quietly perched with the turtle and the dove. These most agreeable objects, joined with the de- lightful noise of the fountains falling into their basons, and the purling streams running their course, together with the various harmonious notes of divers kinds of singing birds, put him into an ecstasy. "Sure," said he," this is the garden of Eden, out of which unfor- tunate Adam was cast after his fall, as being a dwelling only for innocence." : Having walked a little way, there being on every side curious lanes, every one affording new objects of admiration, he comes to a walk edged with orange and lemon trees, full of fruit and blossoms, at the foot of which was a narrow bank bordered with jonquils, tube- roses, hyacinths, and other delightful flowers, both for sight and smell. At the end of it there was an arbour of the same, but so beautiful that, at first sight, he took it for a tapestry the most expert artist. had ex- erted himself in making, to show the curiosity of trade and greatness of his skill; in it there sat three ladies of uncommon beauty, the middlemost, who was the lustiest, appeared to be the eldest, being of a most sedate countenance, a moderate number of years having both established her judgment and settled her features: she at her right hand seemed to be of a weaker constitution, she had in her hand an olive- branch bearing fruit, which, when gathered, was im- mediately succeeded with blossoms, so that it never was without one or the other: the lady who sat on the left side was more jolly and gay, yet looked some- what careful; she had in her hand a long vessel, broad at one end and sharp at the other, like a horn, bending towards the point, full of all sorts of fruits. Having stood still a short space of time, looking at those ladies, thinking it ill manners to interrupt their conversation; they, perceiving his modesty would not permit him to advance, rose up and went another way, to give him an opportunity of viewing the garden: he accordingly went quite round, till come to the place where he had begun his walk, where he saw a stately cock, of an extraordinary size, strutting from animal to animal, taking from most of them something whilst they were asleep, which, having secured, he falls a crowing in such a loud manner that he startled all the other creatures; which, being awake, and every one missing something, challenged him with it; but be, having crowed a second time in an insulting and daring manner, strutted most haughtily away; at which the losers, being much offended, consulted together on means to retake by force what he had in so clandestine a manner taken from them, choosing the lion for their director: but the watchful cock, which, whilst they were indulging themselves, carefully made sufficient provision to maintain what he had done, bid them all defiance. , There happening a great noise of squeeling, it waked him out of his dream; and his mind being impressed with notions of war, it at first seized him with terror; but, being somewhat settled, and the noise still con- tinuing, he perceived it proceeded from the two differ- ent kinds of monkeys in the island, which were fighting for the wild pomegranates that the high wind had shook off the trees the preceding night, which was very boisterous. Having guessed the occasion of their debate, he gets up, in order to go and quell their difference by dividing amongst them the cause thereof. Getting up, he opens the door, at the outside of which an old monkey of each sort were quietly waiting his levee, to entice him to come, as he once before did, and put an end to their bloody war. • He was not a little surprised to see two such invete rate enemies, who at other times never meet without fighting, at that, juncture agree. so well. : That most surprising sign of reason in those brutes, which, knowing his decision would compose their com- rades' difference, came to implore it, put him upon those reflections-" Would princes," said he, "be, but reasonable as those which by nature are irrational, how much blood and money might be saved!" Having admired the uneasiness of those poor creatures, which THE ENGLISH. HERMIT. I | still went a few steps forward, and then backward to him, he was in hopes to decoy one or both into his lodge, by throwing meat to them; but those exemplary animals, hearing their fellows in trouble, had no regard to their separate interest, taking no notice of what he gave them, but kept moving to-and-again with all the tokens of uneasiness they could express, which so moved him that he hastened to the place, where his presence caused immediately a cessation of arms, and each party moved a considerable distance off each other, waiting his sharing the windfalls; which being done, they quietly took that heap which lay next each kind, and went to their different quarters. This accident, which in some manner made out his dream of wars, brought it also fresh into his mind, which was full of cares about his country, which he much feared, if any should happen in Europe, would be involved therein; and calling to remembrance the indigent disposition he left it in, he feared it would lay it open to some usurping prince's power; but, lest further speculation should occasion evil prognostication to disturb his peace, he leaves the event of all things to the direction of Providence, and goes home to set down his dream, and the year he dreamed it, which was in 1690. | Fourteen years more being past, everything keeping its natural course, there happened nothing extraordi- nary, each succeeding year renewing the pleasures the preceding had produced; thunders and high winds being frequent, though not equally violent, he thought it not material to record them, or their effects, as blowing and throwing fishes, shells, empty vessels, bat- tered chests, &c., upon the rock; only transactions and events wonderful and uncommon; and there hap- pened a most surprising one a few days after, which, though of no great moment, is as worthy of record as any of far greater concern, being a wonderful effect of Providence, manifested in a miraculous manner, though not to be said supernatural. One morning, when he had roasted a parcel of those roots which he used to eat instead of bread, and this he commonly did once a week, it eating best when stale, having spread them on his table chest to cool, he went out to walk, leaving his door open to let the air in. His walk, though graced with all the agreeables nature could adorn it with to make it delightful- a grass carpet, embroidered with beautiful flowers of many different colours and smells, under his feet, to tread on; before, and on each side of him, fine lof y trees, of various forms and heights, clothed with pleasant green leaves, trimmed with rich blossoms of many colours, to divert his eye; a number of various sorts of melodious singing-birds, perching in their most lovely shades, as though nature had studied to excel man's brightest imagination and exquisiteness of art; yet all these profusenesses of nature's wonders are not sufficient to keep away or expel anxious thoughts from his mind. It runs upon his two dear antelopes, the darling heads of his present stock, which he took such care to bring up, and were become so engaging, always attending him in those fine walks, adding, by their swift races, active leapings, and other uncommon diversions, to the natural pleasantness of the place, which, now, by their most lamented absence, is become a dull memoranduin of the barbarous man- ner in which they were ravished away from him. In these melancholy thoughts, which his lonesome- ness every now and then created, he returns home, where Providence had left a remedy for his grievance, a companion, far exceeding any he ever had, waits his return, which was a beautiful monkey of the finest kind, and the most complete of the sort, as though made to manifest the unparalleled skill of nature, is sent him by Providence, to dissipate his melancholy. Being come to his lodge, and beholding that won- derful creature, and in his own possession, at the farthest end of it, and him at the entrance thereof to oppose its flight, if offered, he is at once filled with joy and admiration. "Long," said he, "I endeavoured in vain to get one, and would have been glad of any, though of the worst kind, and even of the meanest sort; and here kind Providence has sent me one of unparalleled beauty." Having a considerable time admired the beast, which all the while stood unconcerned, now and then eating of the roots that lay before him, he shuts the door and goes in, with a resolution of staying within all day, in order to tame him, which he hoped would be no diffi. cult matter, his disposition being already pretty fami- liar, little thinking that Providence, who sent him hither, had already qualified him for the commission he bore; which having found out by the creature's docility, he returns his benefactor his most hearty thanks for that miraculous gift. ▾ This most wonderful animal having, by its surprising tractability and good nature, joined to its matchless handsomeness, gained its master's love, beyond what is usual to place on any sort of beasts, he thought himself doubly recompensed for all his former losses, especially for that of his late ungrateful companion, especially for that of his late ungrateful companion, who, notwithstanding all the obligations he held from him, basely left him, at a time he might be most help. I > 381 ful; and, as he fancied his dear Beau-fidelle (for so he called that admirable creature) had some sort of re- semblance to the picture he framed of him, he takes it down, thinking it unjust to bear in his sight that vile object, which could not in any wise claim a likeness to so worthy a creature as his beloved monkey. One day, as this lovely animal was officiating the charge it had of its own accord taken, being gone for wood, as wont to do when wanted, he finds in his way a wild pomegranate, whose extraordinary size and weight had caused it to fall off the tree; he takes it home, and then returns for his faggot, in which time Quarll, wishing the goodness of the inside might answer its outward beauty, cuts its open, and, finding it of a dull lusciousness, too flat for eating, imagined it might be used with things of an acid and sharp taste; having therefore boiled some water, he puts it into a vessel, with a sort of herb which is of the taste and nature of cresses, and some of the pomegranate, letting them infuse some time, now and then stirring it, which the monkey having taken notice of, did the same; but one very hot day, happening to lay the vessel in the sun, made it turn sour. Quarll, who very much wanted vinegar in his sauces, was well pleased with the accident, and so continued souring the liquor, which proving excellent, he made a five-gallon vessel of it, having several, which at times he found upon the rock. Having now store of vinegar, and being a great lover of pickles, which he had learned to make by seeing his last wife, who was an extraordinary cook, and made all sorts every year, calling to mind he had often in his walks seen something like mushrooms, he makes it his business to look for some; thus he picked up a few, of which Beau-fidelle (who followed him up and down) having taken notice, immediately ranges about; and being nimbler footed than his master, and not obliged to stoop so low, pickled double the quantity in the same space of time; so that he soon had enough to serve him till the next season. His good success in making that sort of pickle en- courages him to try another, and, having taken notice of a plant in the wood that bears a small green flower, which, before it is blown, looks like a caper, he gathers a few; and their taste and flavour being no way disa- greeable, judging that, when pickled, they would be pleasant, he tries them, which, according to his mind, were full as good as the real ones, and gathers a suffi- cient quantity, with the help of his attendant, stocking himself with two as pleasant pickles as different sorts, but there is another he admires above all; none, to his mind like the cucumber; and the island producing none, left him no room to hope for any; yet (as like- ness is a vast help to imagination) if he could but find anything which ever so little resembles them in make, nature, or taste, it will please his fancy: he therefore examines every kind of buds, blossoms, and seeds; having at last found that of a wild parsnip, which be ing long and narrow, almost the bigness and make of a pickling cucumber, green and crisp withal, ful' of a small flat seed, not unlike the thing he would fain have it to be, he pickles some of them, which being of a colour, and near upon the make, he fancies them quite of the taste. 46 His beans being at that time large enough for the first crop, he gathers some for his dinner. The shells being tender and of a delicate green, it came into his mind they might be made to imitate French beans. They are," said he, "near the nature, I can make them quite of the shape, if so be they have the same savour. Accordingly he cuts them in long narrow slips, and pickles some, the other part he boils; and, there being none to contradict their taste, they passed current for as good French beans as any that ever grew. 21 The disappointment of having something more com- fortable than water to drink being retrieved by pro- ducing, in the room thereof, wherewithal to make his eatables more delicious, he proceeds in his first pro- spect; and, taking necessary care to prevent that acci- dent which intercepted success in his first undertaking, he accomplishes his design, and makes a liquor nowisc inferior to the best cider: so that now he has both to revive and keep up his spirits, as well as to please his palate and suit his appetite. Having now nothing to crave or wish for, but rather all motives for content, he lies down with a peaceable mind, no care nor fear disturbing his thoughts: his sleep is not interrupted with frightful fancies, but rather diverted with pleasant and diverting dreams; he is not startled at thunder or storms, though ever so ter- rible, his trust being on Providence, who at sundry times, and in various manners, has rescued him from death, though apparently unavoidable, being for above thirty years miraculously protected and maintained in a place so remote from all human help and assistance. Yet, notwithstanding his firmness and whole trust on Providence, he is obliged to give way to the weakness of his nature; a strange and shocking noise is heard at a distance in the air, which, having reached the spot where he stood, covers it with darkness for several minutes, at which he is so alarmed that he thinks him- self past all hopes; till the noise being ceased, and that 382 which intercepted the light dispersed, his scared senses | to express a feeling for the loss; the trees sheď half returning to their proper seat, and his strayed reason their virtues, and the grass withered. recalled, he is ashamed of the weakness of his faith, and begs pardon for his late mistrust of the continuation of Providence's protection, who had all along given him all imaginable reason to depend on it at all times. Thus, having opened his door, he steps out to see if he could discover the cause of the late most surprising and sudden darkness, in a bright sun-shining day; which having found out by the vast number of dead birds of various kinds lying up and down the ground, he was seized with no small amazement, though with less This dull scene having lasted some time, the trees and grass recover their former verdure, brighter than before; the lofty oaks, which he fancied bordered the Mall, bore fine roses in vast abundance. This addi- tional beauty in those noble plants, already so famed abroad for their toughness and strength, prompts peo- ple of all nations to come and refresh themselves under their lofty and fragrant shades. ear. THE ROMANČÍST AND NOVELIST'S LIBRARY. From that most, surprising aspect he infers there had been a battle of those creatures in the air, the great number of which had occasioned the late decrease. Having with great satisfaction admired the surpris- ing improvement of the oaks, which, to his imagination, prognosticated prosperity to the nation, he walks on northward, where he saw abundance of thistles, which made him wonder they were permitted to grow in a place where everything ought to contribute to its agreeableness and pleasantness: but, having considered the stoutness of the plants, which denoted their being well rooted, he judged it impossible to clear the ground; besides, the bees loving to settle on them, and proba- bly sucking more honey from their blossoms than any more agreeable or sweet-scented flower; for that rea- son he imagined they were not gathered. Having made reflections upon that astonishing transaction, he can draw thence no other înference but à prognostication of dreadful wars in Europé, from which he begs Heaven to protect his native country: and, lest the dead birds, that lay in great numbers, should (with lying) infect the island, he and his monkey carried them to the other side of the rock, throwing them into the sea; only as many of them as had soft Walking back again, he meets with several noble feathers on their breast and bellies he plucked away to men, some with a blue cordon, others with green, each stuff a pillow for the beast, being a little too hot at with a gardening tool in his hand, going to turn up nights for it to lie upon the bed. So having cleared and till the ground; between that where the thistles the place, and being tired with often going up and down grew and that where the oaks stood. He was startled the rugged rock, he stayed at home the remainder of to see those great persons, who hardly will concern the day and at night goes to bed, but as the late omen themselves with their own lands and possessions, la- of approaching evil had pre-occupied his thoughts in bour to improve that wherein every private person had the day concerning his country, his mind ran upon it a share. He stood some time admiring their dexterity in the night, dreaming he sees wives weeping and and readiness at their work, then walks on to the Mall, melting into tears, taking their leaves of their indulgent which he found thronged with a multitude of people of husbands, hanging, destitute of strength, about their all nations, every one having a rose in his hand, where- necks, whose grief weighed them to the ground. Turn-with they diverted themselves as they walked. ing from that afflicting object, he sees another ás shock- Having gazed about hini a considerable time, he had ing; the old father, bathed in tears, embracing his a fancy to go and see how the noble gardeners went only son, bidding him farewell, and with him all the on with their work, where being come, he finds, to his comforts of this life and support of his age. Moving great admiration, the ground had been so wonderfully his eyes from that they light on full as bad a sight; the well manured that the oaks and thistles had struck tender mother swooning in her dear child's arms, whom their roots through it and met; so, growing together, an inexorable press-gang is hauling away. Thus every had produced a plant which bore both roses and face expressing grief for a relation or a friend, not being thistles, to everybody's wonder, which made the thistles able any longer to behold those terrifying objects with so valued ever since that there are but few great or which the town abounded, he betakes himself to the fine gardens which have not more or less of them. country, that, by keeping from the afflicted he may avoid grief. At a distance thence, some in pursuit of their ene- mies, hacking and cutting them down all the way be- fore them, like wood for fuel; others, flying from being slain, cast themselves into rapid rivers, where they perish by thousands. As he was looking at those terrible objects, he finds himself on a sudden surrounded by rustical soldiers, holding their swords and bayonets to his breast, and asking him, in a surly manner, "Whether high or low?" at which, being very much startled, not knowing what to answer, nor, indeed, what they meant, he told them he was an Englishman, which they appearing to be also, made him hope for better usage; but they, seiz- ing him in a violent manner, said he might be English, and yet an enemy to the country. Then he awaked in a wonderful fright, but being come to himself, le concludes that his dream proceeded from his láte sur- prise at the preceding day's astonishing transactions; therefore, having recommended his country to Heaven's protection, he goes about making the bed for his mon- key, as he had concluded on before, and with some sail- cloth makes a case, stuffing it with the feathers he had saved for that purpose. he made for the beast by his own bed, which very The night being come, he lays the couching which readily went to it, being very soft and easy. Having quitted the town, he finds himself on a sud- den in a place as full of terrors, where he saw streams of reeking blood here and there, loose horses kicking and prancing about, some dragging their late riders by the stirrups, others wounded and their guts hanging about; at a distance, crowds of men in flame and Thus, though earlier than he usually rose, he gets smoke, confusedly moving like heaps of dust in a whirl up to set it down whilst fresh in his mind, and also the wind, leaving behind them as they moved, vast num-year, being 1707; then takes a walk before breakfast, bers of men and horses both dead and dying, some and the beast with him, which, being not yet récovered without legs, others without arms, and abundance with of its late fright, keeps close to his master, every now but one of each. and then looking behind, as though still afraid; at which Quarll concludes the creature must needs have been disturbed in its sleep the night before with some frightful dream, which made him wonder that an ani- mal void of reason, and incapable of reflection, should be susceptible of imagination. And, as cares for his country had in the day oceu pied his thoughts, his mind in the night is impressed with the subject, though not with so dismal an idea as the preceding, having since been diverted with such objects as removed the terrifying aspects which before offered themselves to his taken up with being in St James's Park, where he had with being in St James's where he had formerly taken pleasure, and which he fancies had since formerly taken pleasure, and which he fancies had since lost many of its former agreeablenesses. • As he was walking, a report was raised that a certain great person (who by his late great services to the nation had gained a title to the palace), was just de- ceased; having, before his death, entailed the same upon a foreign prince of great renown. This surprising .piece of news occasioned a sudden alteration in every body's countenance; some looked pale with grief, others red with wrath, but everything in nature seemed 1 - His monkey being stattled out of his sleep in a mighty fright, ran behind his back squeaking, and awaked him in the midst of his amazement, being exceedingly pleased with his late dream, of which he conceived a mighty good omen to Old England, differing so very much from the preceding, both in nature and signifi- cation. The day being passed without any extraordinary occurrence, he made no further remark, but followed his usual occupation, and then went to his rest, and the monkey to his new bed, as the night before, which he took care to draw as close to his master as he could; then, having been twice or thrice about the room, ex- amining every corner, he lies down, and sleeps quietly till the dawning of the morning, at which time he starts up again, as the night before. Quarll, being a second time awaked in the same manner, and much about the same hour, concludes the cause must proceed from the pillow, and resolves to experiment it himself the next night, at which time crowds of terrifying aspects appear in his imagination, which allure his whole faculties, and sets all his senses in an uproar; his eyes are taken up with frightful ob- jects, and his ears filled with a terrible noise, at which the rest of his senses have lost their offices, and are become useless. inclined to believe that the pillow had really some in- Being awake the next morning, he finds himself fluence on his imagination; but as one night's expe- rience was not a sufficient solution to his inquiry in that supernatural operation, having often dreamed before he used the pillow, he resolves to try it several nights successively; during which time his monkey slept very quiet, and he as disturbed. This works a great way towards the persuasion of what he had a the reality of it, he lays by the pillow for three or four strong fancy to believe; yet, to be better satisfied of nights together; during which time both he and the beast slept very quietly. This added much to his opinion that evil effluvia issued out of those feathers the pillow was stuffed with; but as he formerly dreamed, and had many nights intermission between those that were entertained with dreams, he will once more try it, before he concludes that it is so; thus puts it again under his head that night, and, as it was the last experiment, it proved --- cao Cha, da m also the most troublesome, fè. being at that time tët- Also the most tiffed with more shocking objects than the preceding, which, though they represent fierce and bloody battles to his imagination, yet were less terrible to him, having not as yet discerned his native country engaged therein, whom now he finds to be the principal party concerned, on which all success depends, and which cannot be sírove for without vast expenses, and irre- trievable loss of his dear countrymen, for whom his heart bled as plentifully as for those whom he dreamed he saw in their goré.' Having with terror and grief fatigued his eyes with the most shocking and afflicting effects of war-men and horses lying as thick upon the ground as grass in a meadow, and streams of blood running like so many brooks, supplied by a strong spring-he lifts up his eyes to Heaven; imploring an end to that execrable devourer of mankind. And whilst his eyes were still fixed to the heavens, he sees Victory rushing through thick clouds of obsta cles approaching to her; which having overcome, she settled over the army his countrymen belonged to, over whose head she shook and flourished her colours, pointing at approaching Peace, attended with Plenty; but on a sudden there arose an infectious mist out of the ground, which cramping the Englishmen's hands, that they could no more use their conquering arms, this fatal accident having both encouraged and strength- ened the enemy, they fell on the unfortunate remains of the army with unmerciful fury; who how having lost all their support and dependence, were most cru- elly cut to pieces; at which most dismal and afflicting object he awaked. And though this dream was a sufficient proof of the feathers' influence, yet he can- not be satisfied but it must be ominous, having sc much relation to the preceding, therefore sets it down with them; and, for a more certain convic- tion of what he had all cause imaginable to believe, he is resolved to try his monkey once more the might following; but the beast, who had not yet forgot the uneasiness that the bed had caused him, chose to fit on the ground; which entirely convinced Quarll that there was a malignant quality in those feathers: where- fore he throws them into the sea, and fills thẻ cášė with a sort of soft moss, which grew at the bottom of a particular tree, on which the creature lay very quiet ever after. ↑ And as yearly stripping the eagles of their eggs háď prevented their increase, it also favoured and advanced that of the creatures in the island, on whose young they fed; so that the number of the wild monkeys being considerably augmented, made their food scanty, which caused them now and then to come and steal somewhat out of Quarll's ground. Beau-fidelle, whose good keeping and warm lying had made him thrive in bigness and strength exceeding his kind, finding some of them stealing his master's roots, beat them away, which obliged those subtle créatures to come several together the better to be able to encounter him; which Quarl having taken notice of, and being willing to add a new sport to his usual diversions, he cuts a stick of the length and bigness that the creature could manage, which he gave him; and, taking his own staff, exer- cises it before him, which did the same with his; and, apprehending what use it was given him for, he had it often in his hands, and with it drove away the others when when they came, though ten or a dozen together, so that the roots were very well guarded by his continual watching, which made those sly and spiteful creatures watch an opportunity to take him at a disadvantage. Thus, finding him one morning, as he was going for water by himself, as he was wont to do, and being then without his staff, of which they stood in great fear, a considerable number fell upon him, and so bit and beat him that he lay as dead; but his master appear- ing, whỏ, being uneasy at his extraordinary stay, was gone to see what was the occasion thereof, put them to fight, and they left the poor creature with just breath enough to keep its life in, and scarce strength sufficient to draw it: | QuarH being come to the place where his beloved Beauidthe lay in a most dismal bloody condition, could not forbear shedding tears to see him thus miserably dying but finding still breath in him, it : gave him Hopes of his recovery; and taking him up in his arms with all the care he could, he hastens honic, and gives him a little of the liquor he had made, which by that time had got both body and spirit; then having laid it upon its bed, and covered it with his winter-wrapper, he makes a fire and warms some of the said liquor, and fresh butter, wherewith he washes its sores; so lays him down again, giving him all the careful attend- ance he could during his illness, which held but one week, at the end of which it died, to his unspeakable grief; who, from that time, grew so melancholy, that he had not the courage to go on with his memorial; till, having a most remarkable dream about twelve months after; he changed his resolution, and proceeded in his memoirs and as he set down his dream, he also did the death of his beloved beast, it happening near the same time. · • Having spent the year but dully, for want of His diverting company at home to put this as much out of ་ his mind as he could, he walked the spare hours he had left, from his usual occupation. Thus being one day somewhat fatigued, having lost. his wonted alá-learnest crity, he sat down under the next cluster of trees he came at, and, being in a dull disposition, was soon lulled asleep at a lonesome note of a certain sort of melancholy bird, which shuns other company (though of its own kind) at all times but in breeding-time, which, having placed itself in the thickest and shadiest part of the grove where Quarll had made choice to lie,, falls a singing his melancholy notes, which being sujtable to his disposition of both body and mind, soon lulled him asleep; during which he dreamed that he saw an old man sitting in a large circle, around which all the signs of the zodiac were, and the old gentleman appeared extremely busy stringing of small beads, some white and some black, and when he had strung a certain number he began another string, and so on. He had the curiosity to tell how many he put in a string, so keeps an account of the next he did begin, and tells just sixty. Having made as many of those strings as there were beads in each, he puts them to- gether and begins again, to string, mixing white and black as they came to his hand, twisting every sixtieth string in parcels till he had made sixty of them, which he neatly plaits together, proceeding as from the be- ginning, and makes twenty-four of those plaits which he weaves together, making a flat piece of bead-work, changeable upon black which, when looked upon one way, seemed pleasant, and being seen from another, as disagreeable. He worked on till he had made three hundred and sixty-five such pieces, then lays them up in a bundle and goes to work again, beginning to string as at first. 6. Having looked himself weary with seeing still the same, of which he could make nothing, he goes away, leaving the old gentleman stringing his beads, who, seeing him go, lays by his work and follows him; and, having overtaken him, asked him what he had been looking at all that time? He being surprised at the surly question, modestly replies, he had been admiring THE LA BOʻLƏ BU S J CHAPTER I. Exorres, King of Sicily, and his queen, the beautiful and virtuous Hermione, once lived in the greatest har- mony together. So happy was Leontes in the love of this excellent lady that he had no wish ungratified, ex- cept that he sometimes desired to see again, and to present to his queen, his old companion and school- fellow, Polixenes, King of Bohemia. Leontes and Polixenes were brought up together from their infancy, but Being by the death of their fathers called to reign over; their respective kingdoms they had not met for many years, though they frequently interchanged gifts, letters, and loving embassies. At length, after repeated invitations, Polixenes came from Bohemia to the Sicilian court to make his friend Léontés a visit, At first this visit gave nothing but pleasure to Léontés. He recommended the friend of his youth to the queen's particular attention, and seemed in the presence of his dear friend and old companion to have his felicity quite completed. They talked over old times; their school-days and their youthful pranks were remembered and recounted to Hermione, who ilways took a cheerful part in these conversations. When after a long stay Polixenes was preparing to depart Hermione, at the desire of her husband, joined her entreaties to his that Polixenes would prolong his visit: • BY £ And now began this good queen's sorrow, for Po lixenes refusing to stay at the request of Leontes, was won over by Hermione's gentle and persuasive words to put off his departure for some weeks longer. Upon this, although Lebrites had so long known the integ rity and honourable principles of his friend Polixones, as well as the excellent disposition of his virtuous queen, he was seized with an ungovernable jealousy. Every attention Hermione showed to Polixenes, though by her husband's particular desire, and merely to please him, imoreased. the unfortunate king's malady; and and from being a loving and a true friend, and the best and föndest of husbands, Leontes suddenly became a savage and inhuman monster. Sending for Camillo, one of the lords of his court, and telling him of the suspicion he entertained he commanded him to poison Po lixenes. → THE WINTER'S TALE .. his work, in doing which he hoped there was no of- fence. No," said the old man, "provided thou something by what thou hast seen." To which he answered, it was impossible for him to learn such a mysterious business with once seeing it done, so much less being entirely a stranger to it. "A stranger to it art thou?" replied the old man, in a surly manner; and hast wasted so much of my work! I am Time, whom thou hast often ill-used, and those white and black beads that thou hast seen me string are good and bad moments I crowd into mi- dutes, which I link into hours, thus weave days where- with years are composed. Thou hast seen me com- plete the present, which is reckoned the year 1713. I tell thee before the ensuing is ended I will grace the British throne with an illustrious race to the end of Then he awaked in a kings' reigns," so vanished. great surprise and goes home pondering on his dream, of which he inferred that if there be any signification in the roving conceptions of the mind, this must prog- nosticate the speedy accession of some great monarch upon the English throne; so sets down in his memo- upon the English throne; so sets down in his memo- tial that most remarkable dream, which happened in 1713, heartily wishing the accomplishment thereof, for the quiet and prosperity of his dear country. + There happened nothing after for the space of four years, but great thunders and lightnings in the sum- mer, and abundance of hail and snow in the winter, with now and then storms, which left several sorts of fishes in the clefts and holes of the rocks, and some- times fragments of staved ships, and battered casks, or broken chests, with a plank, and such like products of shipwreck, not worth recording; by which means for want of employment, he had several idle and sullen hours in the daytime, which his late beloved animal's diverting company made slip away with pleasure, and for want of which they now creep slowly on, being loaded with dull and heavy thoughts, which made those walks irksome he at that time took for ease; that by the diversity of objects abroad, his mind might be withdrawn from his anxious solitude. Camillo was a good man, and he, well knowing that the jealousy of Leontes had not the slightest founda tion in truth, instead of poisoning Polixenes acquainted him with the king his master's orders, and agreed to es- 383 Having one day perused his memorial, as he com- monly did once a year, the dream he had in 1713, wherein Time predicted such great happiness to his country the year ensuing, made such an impression on his mind that he always thought of it. Accordingly, being walking, and the day proving extraordinarily hot, he goes to shelter himself in one of his natural groves, where having laid himself down on the grass he was soon lulled asleep, during which, the idea he had con- ceived of his former dream represented to his imagina- tion a most majestic and graceful monarch, sitting on a magnificent throne, round which stood many delight- ful olive-plants, which much added to his lustre. The flight of Polixenes enraged the jealous Leontes still more; he went to the queen's apartment, where the good lady was sitting with her little son, Mamillus, who was just beginning to tell one of his best stories to amuse his mother, when the king entered, and, taking the child away, sent Hermione to prison. Mamillus, though but a very young child, loved his mother tenderly; and when he saw her so dishonoured, and found she was taken from him to be put into a prison, he took it deeply to heart and drooped and pined away by slow degrees, losing his appetite and his sleep till it was thought his grief would kill him. • The king, when he had sent his queen to prison, com- manded Cleomenes and Dion, two Sicilian lords, to go to Delphos, there to inquire of the oracle at the tem- ple of Apollo if his queen had been unfaithful to him. When Hermione had been a short time in prison she was brought to bed of a daughter, and the poor lady received much comfort from the sight of her pretty baby, and she said to it, "My poor little pri- soner, I am as innocent as you are." Hermione had a kind friend in the noble-spirited Paulina, who was the wife of Antigonus, a Sicilian lord; and when the Lady Paulina heard her royal mistress was brought to bed, she went to the prison where Hermione was confined, and she said to Emilia, a lady who attended upon Hermione, "I pray you, Emilia, tell the good queen if her majesty dare trust me with her little babe, I will carry it to the king, its father; we do not know how he may soften at the sight of his innocent child.” is Most worthy madam,” replied Emilia, "I will ac- quaint the queen with your noble offer; she was wish- ing to-day that she had any friend who would venture to present the child to the king.' "And tell her," said Paulina, that I will speak boldly to Leontes in her defence." " CC May you be for ever blessed," said Emilia, "for your kindness to our gracious queen!" Emilia then went to Hermione, who joyfully gave up her baby to the care of Paulina, for she had feared that no one would dare venture to present the child to its father. Paulina took the new-born infant and forcing herself into the king's presence, notwithstanding her husband, fearing the king's anger, endeavoured to prevent her, Having with a great deal of pleasure gazed at the most graceful countenance of the king, which denoted justice, equity, love, and elemency; he gave Heaven thanks for the mighty blessing bestowed on his country, coming away in order to return to his island, with this additional happiness to the many he already enjoyed. Being come from court, on his journey he meets the same old gentleman of whom he dreamed the year be- fore, who, taking him by the hand, said--" I find that thou hast been to see the accomplishment of my pre- Now I will tell thee more- diction. WINTER'S FROM SHAKSPEARE. CHARLES LAM B. < "Ere one thousand seven hundred and sixty is written, All divisions, remember, will cease in Great Britain." "Next I will show thee what I have done to secure the accomplishment of my prophecy. Then takes him to a high place whence he could see into the cabinets of all the princes in Europe; in several of which he took notice lay a vast heap of rich and costly things, but confused, shapeless, and fit for no use. Now," said the old man to him, "these are disappointments and defeated projects, made to intercept what I deter- mined." Then vanishes; at which he awaked exceed- ing glad to find himself safe in his blessed island, and wonderfully pleased with his dream, which betokened so much good to his dear country. This was the con- clusion of his records in 1724. EDWARD DORRINGTON. TALE. cape with him out of the Sicilian dominions; and Po- | she laid the babe at its father's feet, and Paulina lixenes, with the assistance of Camillo, arrived safe in made a noble speech to the king in defence of Her- his own kingdom of Bohemia, where Camillo lived from mione, and she reproached him severely for his inhu- that time in the king's court, and became the chief manity, and implored him to have mercy on his inno- friend and favourite of Polixenes. cent wife and child. But Paulina's spirited remon- strances only aggravated Leontes' displeasure, and he ordered her husband, Antigonus, to take her from his << presence. When Paulina went away she left the little baby at its father's feet, thinking when he was alone with it he would look upon it, and have pity on its helpless in- nocence. The good Paulina was mistaken, for no sooner was she gone than the merciless father ordered Antigonus, Paulina's husband, to take the child and carry it out to sea, and leave it upon some desert shore to perish. Antigonus, unlike the good Camillo, too well obeyed the orders of Leontes, for he immediately carried the child on ship-board and put out to sea, intending to leave it on the first desert coast he could find. So firmly was the king persuaded of the guilt of Hermione, that he would not wait for the return of Cleomenes and Dion, whom he had sent to consult the oracle of Apollo at Delphos, but before the queen was recovered from her lying-in, and from her grief for the loss of her precious baby, he had her brought to a public trial before all the lords and nobles of his court. And when all the great lords, the judges, and all the nobility of the land were assembled together to try Hermione, and that unhappy queen was standing as a prisoner before her subjects to receive their judgment, Cleomenes and Dion entered the assembly, and pre- isented to the king the answer of the oracle sealed up, and Leontes commanded the seal to be broken, and the words of the oracle to be read aloud, and these were the words: Hermione is innocent, Polixenes blame- less, Camillo a true subject, Leontes a jealous týrant, and the king shall live without an heir if that which. is lost be not found.” The king would give no credit to the words of the oracle; he said it was a falsehood invented by the queen's friends, and he desired the judge to proceed in the trial of the queen; but while Leontes was speaking, a man entered and told him that the prince Mamillus, hearing his mother was to be tried for her life, struck with grief and shame, had suddenly died. S Hermione, upon hearing of the death of this dear affectionate child, who had lost his life in sorrowing for her misfortune, fainted; and Leontes, pierced to the heart by the news, began to feel pity for his un- THE ROMANCIST AND NOVELISt's library. Polixenes then addressed his son "How now, young man!" said he, "your heart seems full of some- thing that takes off your mind from feasting. When I was young I used to load my love with presents, but you have let the pedlar go and have bought your lass no toy." The young prince, who little thought he was talking to the king his father, replied, "Old sir, she prizes not such trifles; the gifts which Perdita expects from me are locked up in my heart." Then turning to Perdita, he said to her, "O hear me, Perdita, before this antient gentleman, who it seems was once himself a lover; he shall hear what I profess." Florizel then called upon this old stranger to be a witness to a so- lemn promise of marriage which he made to Perdita, saying to Polixenes, "I pray you to mark our con- tract." 384 happy queen, and he ordered Paulina, and the ladies who were her attendants, to take her away, and use the means for her recovery. Paulina soon returned, and told the king that Hermione was dead. When Leontes heard that the queen was dead, he repented of his cruelty to her; and now that he thought | his ill usage had broken Hermione's heart, he believed her innocent: and he now thought the words of the oracle were true, as he knew "if that which was lost was not found," which he concluded was his young daughter, he should be without an heir, the young prince Mamillus being dead; and he would give his | kingdom now to recover his lost daughter: and Le- ontes gave himself up to remorse, and passed many years in mournful thoughts and repentant grief. The ship in which Antigonus carried the infant princess out to sea was driven by a storm upon the coast of Bohemia, the very kingdom of the good king Polixenes. Here Antigonus landed, and here he left the little baby. Antigonus never returned to Sicily to tell Leontes where he had left his daughter, for as he was going back to the ship a bear came out of the woods and tore him to pieces; a just punishment on him for obeying the wicked order of Leontes. The child was dressed in rich clothes and jewels; | for Hermione had made it very fine when she sent it to Leontes, and Antigonus had pinned a paper to its mantle with the name of Perdita written thereon, and words obscurely intimating its high birth and un- toward fate. This poor deserted baby was found by a shepherd, He was a humane man, and so he carried the little Perdita home to his wife, who nursed it tenderly; but poverty tempted the shepherd to conceal the rich prize he had found, therefore he left that part of the coun- try, that no one might know where he got his riches; and with part of Perdita's jewels he bought herds of sheep, and became a wealthy shepherd. He brought up Perdita as his own child, and she knew not she was any other than a shepherd's daughter. The little Perdita grew up a lovely maiden, and though she had no better education than that of a shepherd's daughter, yet so did the natural graces she inherited from her royal mother shine forth in her un- tutored mind, that no one from her behaviour would have known that she had not been brought up in her father's court. Polixenes, the king of Bohemia, had an only son, whose name was Florizel. As this young prince was hunting near the shepherd's dwelling, he saw the old man's supposed daughter; and the beauty, modesty, and queen-like deportment of Perdita caused him in- stantly to fall in love with her. He soon, under the name of Doricles, and in the disguise of a private gen- tleman, became a constant visitor at the old shepherd's house. Polixenes and Camillo, both in disguise, arrived at the old shepherd's dwelling while they were celebrat- ing the feast of sheep shoaring; and though they were strangers, yet at the sheep-shearing every guest being made welcome, they were invited to walk in and join in the general festivity. Nothing but mirth and jollity was going forward. Tables were spread, and great preparations were mak- ing for the rustic feast. Some lads and lasses were dancing on the green before the house, while others of the young men were buying ribbons, gloves, and such toys, of a pedlar at the door. While this busy scene was going forward, Florizel and Perdita sat quietly in a retired corner, seemingly more pleased with the conversation of each other than desirous of engaging in the sports and silly amuse- ments of those around them. “Mark your divorce, young sir,” said the king, dis- covering himself. Polixenes then reproached his son for daring to contract himself to this low-born maiden, calling Perdita "shepherd's brat, sheep-hook," and other disrespectful names; and threatening, if ever she suffered his son to see her again, he would put her and the old shepherd her father, to a cruel death, f The king was so disguised that it was impossible his son could know him; he, therefore, advanced near enough to hear the conversation. The simple, yet, elegant manner in which Perdita conversed with his son did not a little surprise Polixenes. He said to Camillo, "This is the prettiest low-born lass I ever saw ; nothing she does or says but looks like something greater than herself too noble for this place." "Camillo replied, Indeed she is the very queen of curds and cream. The king then left them in great wrath, and ordered Camillo to follow him with Prince Florizel. When the king had departed, Perdita, whose royal nature was roused by Polixenes' reproaches, said, "Though we are all undone, I was not much afraid; and once or twice I was about to speak, and tell him plainly that the self-same sun which shines upon his palace hides not his face from our cottage, but looks on both alike." Then, sorrowfully, she said, "but now I am awakened from this dream I will queen it no farther: leave me, sir; I will go milk my ewes, and weep. The shepherd took with him the remainder of Per- Florizel's frequent absences from court alarmed Po- dita's jewels, her baby clothes, and the paper which he Jixenes; and setting people to watch his son, he dis-had found pinned to her mantle. covered his love for the shepherd's fair daughter. Polixenes then called for Camillo, the faithful Ca- millo, who had preserved his life from the fury of Leontes, and desired that he would accompany him to the house of the shepherd, the supposed father of Perdita, "Pray, my good friend," said the king to the old shepherd, "what fair swain is that talking with your daughter?"—"They call him Doricles," replied the shepherd. "He says he loves my daughter; and to speak the truth, there is not a kiss to choose which loves the other best. If young Doricles can get her she shall bring him that he little dreams of:" mean- ing the remainder of Perdita's jewels; which, after he had bought herds of sheep with part of them he had carefully hoarded up for her marriage-portion. 39 The kind-hearted Camillo was charmed with the spirit and propriety of Perdita's behaviour; and per- ceiving that the young prince was too deeply in love to give up his mistress at the command of his royal father, he thought of a way to befriend the lovers, and at the same time to execute a favourite scheme he had in his mind. ! Camillo had long known that Leontes, the king of Sicily, was become a true penitent; and though Ca- millo was now the favoured friend of King Polixenes, he could not help wishing once more to see his late royal master and his native home. He therefore pro- posed to Florizel and Perdita that they should accom- pany him to the Sicilian court, where he would engage Leontes should protect them, till through his media- tion they could obtain pardon from Polixenes, and his consent to their marriage. To this proposal they joyfully agreed; and Camillo, who conducted everything relative to their flight, al- lowed the old shepherd to go along with them. After a prosperous voyage, Florizel and Perdita, Camillo and the old shepherd, arrived in safety at the court of Leontes. Leontes, who still mourned his dead Hermione and his lost child, received Camillo with great kindness, and gave a cordial welcome to Prince Florizel. But Perdita, whom Florizel intro- duced as his princess, seemed to engross all Leontes' attention: perceiving a resemblance between her and his dead queen Hermione, his grief broke out afresh, and he said, such a lovely creature might his own daughter have been if he had not so cruelly destroyed 4 her. “And then too," said be to Florizel, “I lost the society and friendship of your brave father, whom I now desire more than my life once again to look upon." When the old shepherd heard how much notice the king had taken of Perdita, and that he had lost a daughter, who was exposed in infancy, he fell to com- paring the time when he found the little Perdita, with the manner of its exposure, the jewels and other tokens of its high birth; from all which it was impossible for him not to conclude that Perdita and the king's lost daughter were the same. finished by that rare Italian master Julio Romano which was such a perfect resemblance of the queen, that would his majesty be pleased to go to her house, and look upon it, he would be almost ready to think it was Hermione herself, Thither then they all went, the king anxious to see the semblance of his Hermi- one, and Perdita longing to behold what the mother she never saw did look like. When Paulina drew back the curtain which con- cealed this famous statue, so perfectly did it resemble Hermione that all the king's sorrow was renewed at the sight for a long time he had no power to speak or move. "I like your silence, my liege," said Paulina; "it the more shows your wonder. Is not this statuc very like your queen?" At length the king said, "O, thus she stood, even with such majesty, when I first wooed her. But yet, Paulina, Hermione was not so aged as this statue looks." Paulina replied, "So much the more the carver's excellence, who has made the statue as Hermi- one would have looked had she been living now. But let me draw the curtain, sire, lest presently yon think it moves." The king then said, "Do not draw the curtain! Would I were dead! See, Camillo, would you not think it breathed? Her eye seems to have motion in it." "I must draw the curtain, my liege," said Pau- lina; "you are so transported, you will persuade yourself the statue lives."-" O, sweet Paulina," said Leontes, "make me think so twenty years together! Still methinks there is an air comes from her. What fine chisel could ever yet cut breath? Let no man mock me, for I will kiss her."-"Good my lord, for- bear!" said Paulina; "the ruddiness upon her lip is wet; you will stain your own with oily painting. Shall I draw the curtain.?"-"No, not these twenty years," said Leontes. Perdita, who all this time had been kneeling and beholding in silent admiration the statue of her match- less mother, said now, "And so long could I stay here, looking upon my dear mother." "Either forbear this transport," said Paulina to Leontes, "and let me draw the curtain, or prepare yourself for more amazement. I can make the statue move indeed; ay, and descend from off the pedestal, and take you by the hand. But then you will think, which I protest I am not, that I am assisted by some wicked powers."-" What you can make her do," said the astonished king, "I am content to look upon. What you can make her speak, I am content to hear; for it is as easy to make her speak as move." Paulina then ordered some slow and solemn music, which she had prepared for the purpose, to strike up; and, to the amazement of all the beholders, the statue came down from off the pedestal, and threw its arms. around Leontes' neck. The statue then began to speak, praying for blessings on her husband, and on her child, the newly-found Perdita. Florizel and Perdita, Camillo and the faithful Pau- lina, were present when the old shepherd related to the king the manner in which he had found the child, and also the circumstance of Antigonus's death, he having seen the bear seize upon him. He showed the rich mantle in which Paulina remembered Hermione had wrapped the child; and he produced a jewel which she remembered Hermione had tied about Perdita's neck; and he gave up the paper which Paulina knew to be the writing of her husband; it could not be doubted that Perdita was Leontes' own daughter; but oh! the noble struggles of Paulina between sorrow for her husband's death and joy that the oracle was fulfilled, in the king's heir, his long lost daughter being found. When Leontes heard that Perdita was his daughter, the great sorrow that he felt that Her- mione was not living to behold her child, made him that he could say nothing for a long time but "O thy mother, thy mother!" Paulina interrupted this joyful yet distressful scene with saying to Leontes that she had a statue, newly newly END OF THE STORY OF THE WINTER'S TALE. 4 No wonder that the statue hung upon Leontes' neck, and blessed her husband and child; no wonder: for the statue was indeed Hermione herself, the real, the living queen. Paulina had falsely reported to the king the death of Hermione, thinking that the only means to pre- serve her royal mistress's life; and with the good Paulina Hermione had lived ever since, never choosing Leontes should know she was living till she heard Perdita was found; for though she had long forgiven the injuries which Leontes had done to herself, she could not pardon his cruelty to his infant daughter. His dead queen thus restored to life, his lost daugh- ter found, the long-sorrowing Leontes could scarcely support the excess of his own happiness. Nothing but congratulations and affectionate speeches were heard on all sides. Now the delighted parents thanked Prince Florizel for loving their lowly. seeming daughter: and now they blessed the good old shepherd for preserving their child. Greatly did Camillo and Paulina rejoice that they had lived to see so good an end of all their faithful services. And as if nothing should be wanting to complete this strange and unlooked-for joy, King Polixenes himself now entered the palace. When Polixenes first missed his son and Camillo, knowing that Camillo had long wished to return to Sicily, he conjectured he should find the fugitives here; and following them with all speed, he happened to arrive just at this the happiest moment of Leontes' life. Polixenes took a part in the general joy; he forgava´ his friend Leontes the unjust jealousy he had con- ceived against him, and they once more loved each other with all the warmth of their first boyish friend- ship. And there was no fear that Polixenes would now oppose his son's marriage with Perdita. She was no "sheep-hook” now, but the heiress of the crown of Sicily. Thus have we seen the patient virtues of the long- suffering Hermione rewarded. That excellent lady lived many years with her Leontes and her Perdita, ❘ the happiest of mothers and of queens, B ་ ! 2 3 ...... Je 1 } ? 1. 2. # St ܀ A 2