*~ * 1876 – 1893 PARTS II AND III CHEMISTRY GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY ISSUED BY THE JOHNs HoPKINS UNIVERSITY B.A. L TIM O RE 1893 | BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIs sos .V.5 See | * BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS 1876 — 1893 ſ PARTS II AND III ..CHEMISTRY GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY ISSUED BY THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IB A. L TIM O R. E. 1893 THE FRIEDEN WALD Co., PRINTERS, BALTIMORE, EDITORIAL INOTE. The following bibliography is intended to include the im- portant publications of present and former members of the Academic Staff during the period of their connection with the University; also a full bibliography of present and former Fellows and Graduates ; a few important papers by other members of the University, not included in the classes above named, are also enumerated. For convenient reference, the titles of some papers published by former members of the Academic Staff and former Fellows by Courtesy, after their connection with the University had ceased, are added. Papers not of a chemical or of a geological character are occasionally enumerated, for completeness of statement, where the principal scientific work of the individual has been in these fields. The chemical section has been prepared under the editorial supervision of Dr. Wyatt W. Randall, and the geological and mineralogical section under the supervision of Professor George H. Williams and Professor William B. Clark. The philological section, edited by Professor Bloomfield, is also ready. ABBREVIATIONS USED. Agr. Sci. = Agricultural Science. Am. Chem. J l. = American Chemical Journal. Am. Chemist = American Chemist. Am. Geologist = The American Geologist. Am. J l. Sci. = American Journal of Science. Am. Month. Microscop. Ji. = American Monthly Microscopical Journal. Am... Naturalist = The American Naturalist. Ann. Chém. (Liebig) = Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Ann. Meet. Soc. Prom. Agr.Sci. = Annual Meeting, Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science. Archiv evp. Path. u. Pharmak. = Archiv für experimentalische Path- ologie und Pharmakologie. Archiv f. Physiol. = Archiv für Physiologie (Du Bois-Reymond). Ber, d. chem. Ges. = Berichte der deutschen chemischen Ge- sellschaft. Boston Jl. Chem. = Boston Journal of Chemistry. Bull. Dept. Geol., Univ. of Cal. = Bulletin of the Department of Geology in the University of California. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. = Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoël. Harv. Coll. = Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoëlogy of Harvard College. Geological Series. Bull. Soc. chim. (Paris) = Bulletin de la Société chimique de Paris. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey = Bulletins of the United States Geological Survey. Chém. Wew8 = Chemical News. Eng. and Mèn. J l. = Engineering and Mining Journal. J. Am. Chem. Soc. = Journal of the American Chemical Society. J l. Amal. Chem. = Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Jl. Anal. and App. Chem. = Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry (continuation of above). J l. of Geology E Journal of Geology, Chicago. Jl. f. Landwºrtsch. = Journal für Landwirtschaft. JMonaish. Chem. E Monatshefte für Chemie. Nat. Geog. Mag. = The National Geographic Magazine. Newes Jahrbuch für Mön., etc. = Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. = Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia. vi ABBREVIATIONS USED. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Science = Proceedings of the American Asso- clation for the Advancement of Science. Proc. Am. Chem. Soc. = Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. * Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc. = Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society. Proc. Can. Institute=Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc. = Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. = Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. = Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Rep. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Canada = Annual Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Rep. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Minn. = Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Annual Reports or Bulletins. Rep. Wat. Acad. Sci. = Report to the National Academy of Sciences. Rev. čnt, falsifications = Revue internationale des falsifications. School Mºnes Q. = School of Mines Quarterly. Scè. Am. = Scientific American. Sci. Am. Suppl. = Scientific American Supplement. Sitzb. Akad. When = Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaftem (Wien). Trans. Am. Soc. Civil Eng. = Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Trans. Ka8. Acad. Sci. = Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. =Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science. Tschermak’8 mineral. W. petrog. Mittheil. = Tschermak’s mineral- ogische und petrographische Mittheilungen (Vienna). Univ. Circ. = Johns Hopkins University Circulars. Zł8chr. anal. Chem. = Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie. Zisch’. anorg. Chem. = Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie. ZłSchºr. Chem. E Zeitschrift für Chemie. Ztschr. Kryst, u. Mºn. = Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Min- eralogie. & Ztschr, phys. Chem. = Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. BIBLIOGRAPHLA HOPKINSIENSIS, 1876–1893. PART II. * CHEMISTRY. John J. Abel. (Graduate Student, 1883–84; Professºr of Pharmacology, 1893.) Dissertation: Wie verhält sich die negative Schwankung des Ner- venstroms bei Reizung der sensiblen und motorischen Spinal- Würzeln des Frosches? (Strassburg, 1888.) Bemerkungen über die thierischen Melanine und das Hāmosiderin: (Virchow's Archiv, ca'a, 204.) Bestimmung des Moleculargewichtes der Cholalsåure, des Chol- esterins und des Hydrobilirubins nach der Raoult'schen Methode: (Monatsh. Chem., aft, 61.) On benzylidene-biuret and chlor-benzylidene-thiobiuret : (Am. Chem. J., a £2, 114.) and E. Drechsel. Neues Vorkommen von Carbaminsäure: (Archiv f. Physiol., 1891, p. 236.) and A. Muirhead. TJeber das Vorkommen der Carbaminsáure im Menschen- und Hundeharn nach reichlichem Genuss von Kalkhydrat: (Archiv eap. Path. u. Pharmak., awaii, 15.) Eugene T. Allen. (Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation : The reaction between lead peroxide and potassium permanganate. W. Shirley Bayley. (A.B., 1883; University Scholar, 1884–85; Fellow, 1885–86; Ph.D., 1886.) Dissertation : On para-brom-benzoic sulphinide : (Am. Chem. J l., viii, 229.) For other papers, see Geological Section. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. & [54 Charles C. Blackshear. (University Scholar, 1889–90; Ph.D., 1890.) Dissertation: Dioxy-benzoyl-benzene-sulphonic acid and sulphon- fluorescein: (Am. Chem. J., wiv, 455.) Richard N. Brackett. (Ph.D., 1887.) Dissertation : On the ethers of benzoic sulphinide : (Am. Chem, J., ia, 406.) — and C. W. Hayes. Qºn the preparation of Ortho-sulpho-benzoic acid: (Ib., iv, 399.) For other papers, see Geological Section. C. Pliny Brigham. (A.B., 1888; Ph.D., 1891.) Dissertation : Some double chlorides containing bismuth : (Am. Chem. J., aliv, 164.) Philip H. Broun (f). (Graduate Student, 1877–82.) On ethoxy-meta-toluic acid : (Am. Chem. J., iv, 374.) and Ira Remsen. Concerning mesitylenic sulphinide : (Ib., iii, 216.) William Burney (Fellow, 1879–80) and Ira Remsen. Sulpho-terephthalic acid : (Am. Chem. J l., ii, 405.) William M. Burton. (University Scholar, 1887–88; Fellow, 1888–89; Ph.D., 1889.) Dissertation : The atomic weight of zinc as determined by the composition of the oxide : (Aſm. Ohem. J., a 2, 472.) A rapid method for the estimation of sulphur in organic com- pounds: (Ib., a, 311.) A method for the detection and estimation of petroleum in oil of turpentine : (Ib., aft, 102.) and H. N. Morse. A method for the determination of butter in milk : (Ib., iv, 222.) 55] CHEMISTRY. 3 On the supposed dissociation of zinc oxide, and the condition of the atmosphere within a platinum vessel heated by a gas flame : (Tb., a, 148.) A method for the separation and determination of boric acid: (Ib., a, 154.) The removal of iodate from the iodide of potassium by means of zinc amalgam : (Ib., a, 321.) A method for the analysis of butter, oleomargarine, etc.: (Ib., a, 322.) — and Ira Remsen. On the action of dilute acids on benzoic sulphinide and the analysis of commercial saccharin : (Tö., aſt, 403.) and G. H. Williams. On the crystal form of metallic zinc: (Tö., ai, 219.) — and L. D. Worce. The atomic weight of magnesium as determined by the composi- tion of its oxide: (Ib., aii, 219.) G. J. L. de Chalmot. (Fellow by Courtesy, 1891–92.) The condensation-products of furfurol with aromatic bases: (Am. Chem. J., aliv, 310; Ann. Chem. [Liebigl, cclaizi, 11.) Soluble pentoses in plants: (Am. Chem. Ji., av, 21.) Pentosans in plants: (Ib., aw, 276.) and B. Tollens. f TJeber die quantitative Bestimmung von Penta-glycosen in Vege- tabilien : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a ſºv, 694.) A. Gunther and B. Tollens. Ueber die Bestimmung des Furfurols und der in Vegetabilien enthaltenen Penta-Glycosen und Pentosane : (Tö., a.ſviv, 3575.) Die Penta-Glycosen, ihr Vorkommen in Pflanzenstoffen und ihre analytische Bestimmung : (Jil. f. Landwirtsch., al., 11.) TJeber die Bildung von Furfurol aus Glykuronsäure und derer Derivaten sowie aus Eiweissstoffen : (Ber. d. chem. Ges, aſaw, 2569.) Thomas H. Clark. (Graduate Student, 1884–85.) The addition-products of benzo- and of tolu-quinone : (Am. Chem. Jl., wiv, 553.) 4 BIBLIOGRAPHIA EIOPRINSIENSIS. [56 R. Dorsey Coale. (Fellow, 1880–81; Ph. D., 1881; Assistant, 1881–83.) Dissertation : On the oxidation of sulphamine-meta-toluic acid in alkaline and in acid solution: (Am. Ohem. J., &, 204.) and Ira Remsen. Ueber die Anhydrosulfaminisophtalsåure: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., aſſi, 1436.) On sinapic acid : (Am. Chem. J., vi, 50.) Charles E. Coates. (A. B., 1887; University Scholar, 1887–88; Ph.D., 1891.) Dissertation : The action of aniline and the toluidines on ortho- sulpho-benzoic acid and its chloride. William J. COrnstock. (Fellow, 1881–82.) TJeber die Alkylirung des Formanilids: (Ber. d. chem. Gé8., alſº, 2274.) and A. von Baeyer. TJeber Oxindol und Isatoxim : (Tb., avº, 1704.) and R. R. Clapp. On some derivatives of aromatic formyl compounds: (Am. Chem. Jl., aft, 525.) and F. Kleeberg. On silver formanilide : (Ib., wä,493.) and W. Koenigs. Zur Kenntniss der China-Alkaloide : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a vić, 1984; avčič, 1219, 2379; asia, 2853.) Additions.producte von China-Aſkaloide: (Ib., a.a., 2510.) Ueber das Apocinchen und das Apochinen : (Ib., aw, 2674.) and Ira Remsen. Oxidation of a- and 3-naphthalene-Sulphamides: (Am. Chem. J., o, 106.) and H. L. Wheeler. Researches on the iso-anilides: (Ib., alº, 514.) On the preparation of oxygen-ethers of succinimide from its silver salt : (Tö., aſſi, 520.) 57] CHEMISTRY. 5 Paul J. Dashiell. (A. B., 1887; University Scholar, 1887–88 and 1890–91; Ph.D., 1891.) Dissertation : Reaction of para-diazo-ortho-toluene-sulphonic acid with ethyl alcohol under various conditions of dilution and pressure : (Am. Chem. J., aw, 105.) Paraethoxyorthotoluenesulphonic acid and some of its derivatives: (Ib., aw, 126.) Floyd Davis. (Graduate Student, 1886–87.) Natural gas: (Published by Author.) Impurities in potable water, and their relations to disease : (Published by Author.) Potable water: (Published by the Iowa State Board of Health.) An elementary handbook on potable water: (Boston : Silver, Burdett & Co.) David T. Day. (A. B., 1881; Fellow, 1882–84; Ph.D., 1884.) Dissertation : On the changes effected by heat in the constitu- tion of ethylene : (Am. Chem. J., vići, 153.) Manganese, chromium, tungsten : (Möneral Resources of the United States, 1882.) Cobalt, manganese, chromium, tungsten, zirconium, phosphate rock, manufactured fertilizers, bromine, iodine, sulphur, feld- spar : (Ib., 1883–4.) Chromium, cobalt, tungsten, zirconium, phosphate rock, bromine, iodine : (Ib., 1885.) Mineral resources of the United States, 1886. Do., 1887. Do., 1888. William C. Day. (A. B., 1880; University Scholar, 1880–81; Fellow, 1881–83; Ph.D., 1883.) Dissertation : Oxidation of 3-cymene-sulphamide: (Am. Chem. J., o, 149.) Sulphur, feldspar : (Möneral Resources of the United States, 1885.) Structural materials, sulphur, feldspar : (1b., 1886.) Structural materials, sulphur, potassium salts, sodium salts: (Ib., 1887.) & 6 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPECINSIENSIS. [58 Structural materials: (Ib., 1888.) Reports on mines and mining; slate, granite, bluestone, the Marble-quarrying Industry, stone quarried in the United States during the year 1889: (Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890.) and H. N. Morse. Determination of chromium in chrome iron ore : (Am. Chem. J., it?, 163.) Alfred R. L. Dohme. (A. B., 1886; University Scholar, 1887–89; Ph.D., 1889.) Dissertation : On ortho-sulpho-benzoic acid and some of its deriva- tives: (Am. Chem. J l., a 2, 332.) On coumarone : (Tö., aº, 29.) Jarnes R. Duggan (f). (University Scholar, 1882–83; Fellow, 1883–84; Ph.D., 1884; Fellow by Courtesy, 1884–86.) Dissertation : On fermentation. The estimation of urea by sodium hypobromite : (Am. Chem. J., Żv, 47.) A new gas generator : (Tb., v, 143.) Some experiments on the relation of antiseptic power to chemical constitution : (Ib., vić, 62.) On the determination of diastatic action: (Ib., vić, 306.) On the determination of absolute neutrality: (Tö., viii, 211.) William H. Emerson. (Fellow, 1885–86; Ph. D., 1886.) Dissertation : Oxidation of cymene with potassium permanganate: (Am. Chem. Ji., viii, 267.) Note on the oxidation of mononitro-mesitylene : (Tö., viii, 268.) and Ira Remsen. Oxidation of derivatives of para-xylene with potassium permanga- nate : (Ib., vić, 264.) Constantine Fahlberg. (Fellow, 1878–80.) On the liquid toluene-sulpho-chloride: (Am. Chem. J., 2, 170.) Ueber das flüssige Toluolsulfochlorid und die sogenannte Beck- urts'sche Toluolmetasulfosáure: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., aii, 1048.) 59] CHEMISTRY. 7 On a-toluene-disulphonic acid and its derivatives: (Am. Chem. J., it, 181.) Préparation du sulfate d’aluminium exempt de fer au moyen de la bauxite : (Bull. Soc. chim. [Paris], awaiviii, 154.) Ira Remsen's Protectionstheorie und die Sulfinide : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., alſº, 2928.) and M. W. Iles. Eine neue Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Schwefel : (Ib., ai, 1187.) Erwiderung auf B. Delachanal’s und A. Mermet's Prioritätsan- sprüche : (Tb., aii, 2303.) and R. List. TJeber die Aether des Benzoësäuresulfinids und der o-Sulfaminben- Zoésàure: (Ib., a.a., 1596.) Zur Bildung der o-Sulfamincarbonsäure : (Tb., awi, 242.) and Ira Remsen. Ueber die Oxydation des Orthotoluolsulfamids: (Ib., aii, 469.) On the oxidation of ortho-toluene-sulphamide : (Am. Chem. J l., 2, 426.) J. Elliott Gilpin. (A. B., 1889; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation: Orcin-sulphon-phthalein and trichlorphosphanil. ' Experiments with mercury hypochlorsulphite : (Am. Chem. J l., a.io, 182.) 4 Robert O. Graham. (Fellow by Courtesy, 1887–88; Ph.D., 1888.) Dissertation: On the conduct towards alcohol of the diazo com- pounds obtained from the three nitranilines, and of those ob- tained from the three amido-benzoic acids: (Am. Chem. J., aft, 319.) Lyman B. Hall (Fellow, 1877–79; Assistant, 1879–80) and Ira Remsen. Ueber die Oxydation der Mesitylensulfosáure: (Ber. d. chem. Gé8., ar, 1039.) Ueber Oxydationsprodukte aus Cymolsulfamid: (Ib., aft, 1432.) 8 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS, [60 On the oxidation of substitution-products of aromatic hydrocarbons: V.—Experiments in the para series: (Am. Chem. J., &, 50.) Do. : VI.—Experiments with mesitylene : (Tö., &, 130.) Edward Hart. (Fellow, 1876–78; Ph. D., 1879.) Dissertation: Nitro-sulpho-benzoic acid and some derivatives: (Am. Chem. J., i, 340.) A stop-cock of easy construction : (Ib., 7, 209.) Piscidia, the active principle of Jamaica dogwood (Piscidia Ery- thrina): (Ib., v, 39.) New forms of laboratory apparatus: (Ib., vi, 178.) A new method for the detection of iodine, bromine and chlorine : (Ib., vi, 346; Chem. News, l, 268; Ztschr. anal. Ohem., a.a.iv, 182.) Note on the resolution of ignited alumina : (Jil. Anal. Chem., i, 163.) A new form of Liebig’s condenser: (Ib., 8, 287.) Some lecture experiments: (Ib., º, 391.) A new separating-tube for fractional distillations: (1b., iii, 39.) A bottle for storing and transporting hydrofluoric acid: (Ib., iii, 372.) The Welsbach incandescent light: (Jil. Anal. and Appl. Chem., v, 41.) A new retort stand : (Ib., v, 132.) The manufacture of nitric acid: (Ib., v, 382.) The manufacture of phosphorus: (Ib., v, 443.) Copper sulphate as a material for standardizing solutions: (Ið., vi, °421.) The spelling of chemical words: (Ib., vi, 534.) More about spelling: (Ib., vić, 55.) — and S. Croasdale. A new method for standardizing the solutions used in alkalimetry and acidimetry: (J7. Anal. Chem., §v, 424.) and J. E. Merion. The decomposition of blast-furnace cinder by acid : (Ib., 3, 160, 288.) and Ira Remsen. TJeber isomere Sulfosáuren aus Paranitrotoluol: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a, 1046.) C. Willard Hayes. (University Scholar, 1885–86; Fellow, 1886–87; Ph.D., 1887.) Dissertation: On sulphon-fluorescein : (Am. Chem. J., &c., 372.) 61] CHEMISTRY. 9 and R. N. Brackett. On the preparation of ortho-sulpho-benzoic acid: (Ib., iv, 399.) For other papers, see Geological Section. william A. Hedrick. (Ph.D., 1887.) Dissertation: Para-amido-ortho-sulpho-benzoic acid : (Am. Chem. J l., &c, 410.) Charles H. Herty. (Ph.D., 1890.) Dissertation : The double halides of lead : (Am. Chem. J., aiv, 107.) Mixed double halides of lead and potassium : (Ib., aw, 81, 357.) Homer W. Hillyer. (University Scholar, 1883–84; Fellow, 1884–85; Ph. D., 1885.) Dissertation: Methods for determining the relative stability of the alkyl bromides : (Am. Chem. J., viii, 251.) A self-regulating gas-generator on a new principle : (Ib., wº, 228.) Jesse H. Holmes. (Ph.D., 1890.) Dissertation: On para-xylene-disulphonic acid : (Am. Chem. J., a.iii., 371.) Malvern W. Iles. (Fellow, 1876–78.) A new qualitative reaction for boric acid : (Am. Chemist, vi, 361; Chem. News, waav, 204.) A new method for the separation of copper, cadmium and bis- muth in qualitative analysis: (Sci. Am. Suppl., Ap. 2, 1876; Am. Chemist, vi, 407.) A new method for the detection of nickel in the presence of cobalt : (Sct. Am. Suppl., June 10, 1876.) Direct test for calcium in the presence of barium and strontium : (Ib., Aug. 12, 1876.) Chemical reagents: (Ib., vi, 1561.) Why milk sours during thunder storms: (Boston Jl. Chem., asiº, 66.) Glycerine, borax and bi-carbonate of soda ; (Ib., wº, 71.) Blowpipe experiments upon the chloride, bromide and iodide of silver: (Proc. Am. Chem. Soc., ii, 74.) 10 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [62 Analysis of Colorado coals: (Eng. and Mön. J., awa, 86.) Chemical and metallurgical considerations on the treatment of Leadville ores: (Ib., away, 156, 171.) Decomposition of slags and silicates: (Ib., a.a.ſvē, 58; Chem. News, aliii, 78.) º Chloro-bromide of lead : (Am. Chem. J l., º, 52.) Chemical and metallurgical considerations on lead Smelting: (Eng. and Møn. J., awaii, 180.) A new manganese mineral: (Am. Chém. J., &, 420.) Occurrence of smaltite in Colorado: (Am. J. Sci. [3], a.ſvić, 380.) Vanadium in Leadville ores: (Ib. [3], aſſº, 381.) Notes on calamine : (Leadville Mºn?ng Indéa, 1882.) The Leadville limestones: (Tb., Mar. 18, 1882.) Native carbonate of lead : (Eng. and Mön, J., 1882.) The separation of lead sulphate and silver salts from silicic acid : (School Mines Q., 1883.) Technical estimation of zinc: (Eng. and Min. Ji., Feb. 2, 1884.) On the properties of silver and of silicon compounds, with a description of a new oxide of silver: (Ib., 1884, p. 297.) Chemical and mineralogical report upon the ores of the Robert E. Lee Mine, Leadville, Col. : (Published for private circulation.) Manganese in slags formed by argentiferous-lead smelting : (School Mēnes Q., Mar., 1884.) Decomposition and analysis of slags: (Ib., May, 1884.) Flue dust: (Eng. and Mön. J., Feb. 27, 1886.) Lead slags: (U. S. Gov. Report): (Tö., Mar. 13, 1886.) and C. Fahlberg. Eine neue Methode Zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Schwefel: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., ai, 1187.) Erwiderung auf B. Delachanal’s und A. Mermet's Prioritätsan- sprüche : (Ib., wº, 2303.) and J. D. Hawkins. The occurrence of amorphous sulphide of zinc: (Eng, and Min. J., May 3, 1890.) and Ira Remsen. Ueber die Oxydation der Sulfosáuren des Metaxylols: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a, 1042.) Ueber die Oxydation der Xylolsulfosáuren : (Ib., wi, 229, 888.) Ueber die Oxydation der Xylolsulfamide: (Ib., ai, 462, 1326.) tieber eine neue Bildungsmethode der a-Oxyisophtalsåure (a-Phenoldicarbonsāure): (Ib., ai, 579.) On the oxidation of xylene-sulphamides: (Am. Chem. J., &, 37, 114.) 63] CHEMISTRY. 11 Harry C. Jones. (A. B., 1889; University Scholar, 1889–91; Fellow, 1891–92; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation : A redetermination of the atomic weight of cad- mium : (Aſm. Chem. J l., aliv, 261.) The application of hydrogen peroxide in quantitative analysis: (Ib., atº, 277 ; Analyst, avī, 215.) |Ueber den Gefrierpunkt sehr verdünnter Lösungen : (Ztschr. phys. Chem., ai, 110.) Zur Bestimmung des Gefrierpunktes sehr verdünnter Salz-Lösun- gen: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., aa'vi, 547.) TJeber die Bestimmung des Gefrierpunktes sehr verdünnter Salz- Lösungen : (Ztschr. phys. Chem., alt., 529.) and H. N. Morse. On the action of metallic cadmium on the halogen salts of cad- mium, and on the sub-hydroxide and sub-oxide of cadmium : (Am. Chem. Ji., aii, 488.) Walter J. Jones. (A.B., 1888; University Scholar, 1888–89; Ph.D., 1891.) Dissertation: Sulphon-phthaleins obtained from ortho-sulpho-para- toluic acid. Joseph H. Kastle. (University Scholar, 1885–86; Fellow, 1887–88; Ph.D., 1888.) Dissertation: On para-nitro-ortho-sulpho-benzoic acid : (Am. Chem. Jl., aft, 177.) On the separation of copper from cadmium : (Tb, ai, 503.) The decomposition of silver chloracetate &onsidered in the light of Ostwald’s theory of affinity: (Tb., wiv, 586.) Edward H. Keiser. (Fellow, 1882–84; Ph.D., 1884; Assistant, 1884–85.) Dissertation : On the conduct of moist phosphorus and air towards carbon monoxide : (Am. Chem. Ji., §v, 454; v, 424.) Estimation of sulphur in organic compounds: (Ib., 0, 207.) A new apparatus for measuring gases and making gas analyses : (1b., vić, 9.) 12 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [64 A lecture experiment for showing the composition by volume of nitrous and nitric oxides : (Tb., vić, 92.) On the action of chlorine upon pyridine : (Ib., vić, 308.) Ueber die Verbrennung abgewogener Mengen von Wasserstoff und iiber das Atomgewicht des Sauerstoff: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., aſa, 2323.) A new pyrometer: (Am. Chem. J., 'ay, 296.) On the combustion of weighed quantities of hydrogen, and the atomic weight of oxygen : (Ib., a, 249.) Redetermination of the atomic weight of palladium : (Ib., wi, 398.) On the synthesis of fumaric acid : (Ib., aft, 99; J W. Frank. Inst., Feb. 20, 1890.) On the atomic weight of oxygen : (Am. Chem. J l., aſſº, 253.) The composition of the explosive copper and silver compounds of acetylene : (Tö., aſſo, 285.) and H. N. Morse. A simple apparatus which enables students to determine the equivalents of certain elements: (Tö., v.2, 347.) $ and Ira Remsen. White phosphorus : (Ib., §v, 459.) Oxidation of para-dipropyl-benzene-sulphamide : (Ib., v, 161.) TJeber das Verhalten des Kohlenoxyds gegen Luft und feuchten Phosphor : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., avić, 83.) The quantitative estimation of carbon in ordinary phosphorus: (Am. Chem. J l., v., 153.) | | Leonard P. Kinnicutt. (Graduate Student, 1878–79.) An indirect determination of chlorine and bromine by electrolysis: (Am. Chem. J., iv, 22.) The decomposition of phenyl-tribrom-propionic acid by water: (Ib., ºv, 25.) A modification of Noack’s method for preparing carbonic oxide: (Ib., v, 43.) and F. A. Bigelow. Georgia marble : (Jil. Anal. and Appl. Chem., v, 541.) and H. P. Eddy. .# Purification of the sewage of Worcester, Mass., by chemical pre- cipitation : (Tö., v, 544.) and G. D. Moore. The action of an alcoholic solution of silver nitrate on the ethyl ether of phenyl-dibrom-propionic acid : (Am. Ohem. J., aft, 204.) 65] CHEMISTRY. 13 and J. U. Nef. The volumetric determination of combined nitrous acid : (Ib., v, 388.) and G. M. Palmer. 8-Phenyl-tribrom-propionic acid: (Tb., v, 383.) and G. W. Patterson. The determination of chromium in chrome iron ore : (Jil. Anal. Chem., &, 132.) Tyrotoxicon in milk : (Ib., iii, 134.) and J. F. Rogers. Fire-clay from Mt. Savage, Allegany County, Md. : (Jil. Anal. and Appl. Chém., v, 542.) and R. C. Sweetser. Remarks on Schulze's process for the quantitative determination of the halogens in aromatic compounds: (Am. Chem. J., vi, 415.) Elmer P. Kohler. (Fellow, 1891–92; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation : The action of aniline on the chlorides of orthosul- phobenzoic acid. Mitsuru Kuhara. (Fellow, 1879–81; Ph. D., 1881.) Dissertation: Sulpho-terephthalic acid from para-xylene-sulphonic acid : (Am. Chem. J l., 27, 413.) A method for estimating bismuth volumetrically : (Tö., *, 326.) Concerning phthalimide : (Ib., &, 26.) On ortho-tolyl-phthalimide : (Ib., &c, 51.) Specific volume of camphor and of borneol determined with prox- imate accuracy : (Tö., a 7, 244.) and Ira Remsen. On the conduct of nitro-meta-xylene towards oxidizing agents: (Ib., 2%, 424.) A. D. Lawrie (Graduate Student, 1876–77) and H. Hübner. a- und 3-Metaorthodibrombenzoësäuren : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a, 1704.) Tribrombenzoësäure : (Ib., a, 1705.) Dibromsalicylsåure: (Ib., a, 1706.) 14 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [66 and Ira Remsen. Nichtexistenz einer zweiten Dioxybenzoésàure aus Benzoësul- fosâure: (Ib., ai, 233.) "- Einwirkung von Salpetersäure auf Protocatechusäure: (Ib., ai, 234.) Felix Lengfeld. (Fellow, 1887–88; Ph. D., 1888.) Dissertation : On the relative stability of the alkyl bromides: (Am. Chem. J., aft, 40.) and E. Bamberger. Zur Charakteristik des Hydrirungsprocesses: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a.a.iii, 1124.) * Neue Reductions.producte des Chinolins: (Ib., a wiłł, 1138.) and Edmond O’Neill. A study of California petroleum : (Am. Chem. Ji., aw, 19.) and L. Paparelli. Notes sur la recherche de la pureté de l’huile d’olives: (Rev. čnt. falsifications, v, 98.) and Julius Stieglitz. Derivatives of nitrogen halogen compounds: (Am. Chem. J., aw, 215.) Alvin F. Linn. (Fellow, 1888; Fellow by Courtesy, 1891–92; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation: Sulphon-fluorescein and related compounds: (Am. Chem. J., a 7, 73.) and H. N. Morse. The determination of nitric acid by the absorption of nitric oxide in a standard solution of potassium permanganate : (Ib., vić, 274.) James A. Lynnan. (Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation : The phthaleins of orthosulphoparatoluic acid. W. V. Metcalf. (Ph.D., 1890.) Dissertation : On the reaction of certain alcohols with para-diazo- meta-toluene-sulphonic acid : (Am. Chem. J l., av, 301.) 67] CHEMISTRY. 15 H. N. Morse. (Fellow, 1876; Associate, 1876–83; Asso- ciate Professor, 1883–92; Professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1892—.) Ueber eine neue Darstellungsmethode der Acetylamidophenole: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., ai, 232.) On the determination of barium as chromate: (Am. Chem. J., ii, 176.) A method of determining the value of zinc dust: (Tb., vić, 52.) Two forms of apparatus which facilitate the correct reading of gas-volumes over water : (Tö., vić, 58.) An apparatus for the purification of mercury by distillation in a vacuum : (Ib., vii, 60.) — and W. S. Bayley. Haydenite: (Ib., vi, 24.) and W. M. Burton. A method for the determination of butter in milk : (Ib., ia, 222.) On the supposed dissociation of zinc oxide, and the condition of the atmosphere within a platinum vessel heated by a gas flame: (Iö., a, 148.) A method for the separation and determination of boric acid : (Ib., a, 154.) t The atomic weight of zinc as determined by the composition of the oxide: (Ib., a, 311.) The removal of iodate from the iodide of potassium by means of zinc amalgam : (Tö., a, 321.) A method for the analysis of butter, oleomargarine, etc. : (Ib., a, 322.) and W. C. Day. Determination of chromium in chrome iron ore : (Ib., iii, 163.) and H. C. Jones. On the action of metallic cadmium on the halogen salts of cad- mium, and on the sub-hydroxide and sub-oxide of cadmium : (Ib., aft, 488.) A redetermination of the atomic weight of cadmium : (Tö., aſſºv, 261.) — and E. H. Keiser. A simple apparatus which enables students to determine the equivalents of certain elements: (Ib., vi, 347.) 16 EIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [68 and A. F. Linn. The determination of nitric acid by the absorption of nitric oxide in a standard solution of permanganate of potassium : (Ib., viii, 274.) sº and C. Piggot. A method for the determination of butter in milk : (Ib., la, 108.) and Ira Remsen. TJeber die Oxydation des Aethyltoluols und Ähnlicher Substitu- tions.produkte: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., ai, 224.) On the oxidation of brom-para-ethyl-toluene : (Am. Chem. J., &, 138.) and J. White, Jr. The dissociation of the oxides of zinc and cadmium in the vapors of their respective metals: (Ib., ai, 258.) The dissociation of the Sulphides of cadmium and zinc by means of metallic cadmium and zinc: (Ib., ai, 348.) The dissociation of magnesium oxide by means of metallic mag- nesium : (Tö., aº, 128.) The transportation of solids in a vacuum by the vapors of metals: (Tb., a £v, 314.) Charles W. Moulton. (Ph.D., 1889.) Dissertation: Some derivatives of phthalic sulphinide: (Am. Chem. J l., aſſº, 193.) William A. Noyes. (University Scholar, 1881–82; Ph.D., 1882.) Dissertation: Protection of a group containing two carbon atoms: (Am. Chem. J l., iv, 197.) TJeber die Oxydation der Nitrotoluole mit Ferridcyankalium : (Ber. d. chem. Gé8., aw?, 52.) Note on a test for tin : (Am. Chem. J l., v, 72.) On the oxidation of benzene derivatives with potassium ferricya- nide : (Tb., v, 97; vić, 145; viii, 176; a , 472.) Para-nitro-benzoic sulphinide : (Tö., vº, 167.) On the atomic weight of oxygen : (Tö., a 2, 155; Chem. News, lia, 244.) The atomic weight of oxygen : (Am. Chem. J l., aft, 441; aft, 354.) The unit for atomic weights: (Ji. Anal. and Appl. Chem., v, 36; Ber. d. chem. Ges., a.a.iv,238.) 69] CHEMISTRY. 17 The detection and estimation of titanium : (Ji. Anal. and Appl. Ohem., v, 39.) s A simple form of apparatus for a common lecture experiment: (Am. Chem. J l., a iii, 553.) Di-benzylcarbamine and its conduct towards nitric acid : (Ib., aiv, 225.) An effective condenser for volatile liquids and for water analysis : (J7, Anal. and Appl. Chem., vi, 511.) The Elements of Qualitative Analysis: (pp. 77, privately published. Second (revised) edition, 1890, pp. 91 : New York.) * and A. von Băyer. Deber die Succinylobernsteinsäure : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., waii, 2.168.) and W. E. Moses. Oxidation of meta-nitro-toluene : (Am. Chem. J l., vii, 149.) — and Charles Walker. Oxidation of meta-brom-toluene : (Ib., viii, 185.) On the oxidation of benzene derivatives with potassium ferricya- nide. IV. : (Ib., a, 93.) — and W. B. Wiley. On the oxidation of benzene derivatives with potassium ferricya- nide. VI. : (Tb., ai, 161.) William R. Orndorff. (A. B., 1884; University Scholar, 1885–86; Fellow, 1886–87; Ph.D., 1887.) Dissertation : On the conduct of the salts of diazo-benzene and of the three diazo-toluenes toward alcohol : (Am. Chem. Jil., a, 387.) On the decomposition of some diazo compounds in formic and acetic acids: (Tb., a, 368.) Parapropionic and metapropionic aldehydes: (Tö., aft, 352.) A general index of the American Chemical Journal, volumes I-X. A Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry: (New York, 1893.) and M. Cauffman. Decomposition with alcohol of the diazo compounds obtained from Some of the nitro-naphthyl-amines: (Am. Chem. J., aio, 45.) w — and H. Jessel. On the decomposition of acetone with bleaching powder : (Ib., a, 363.) 18 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [70 t and F. L. Kortright. * Decomposition of some diazo compounds of naphthalene with alcohol : (Tö., aſſº, 153.) p and S. B. Newbury. The action of dilute nitric acid on acetone : (Ib., aiº, 517.) Ueber die Darstellung von Aldol und Croton-aldehyd: (Monatsh. Chem., ai'i, 516.) and John White. The molecular weight of hydrogen peroxide and of benzoyl peroxide : (Am. Chem. J., aw, 347.) and S. W. Young. The products of the condensation of acetone with concentrated sulphuric acid : (Tö., aw, 249.) Albert G. Palmer. (A.B., 1882; University Scholar, 1883–84; Fellow, 1884–85; Ph.D., 1885.) Dissertation : On the conduct of para-diazo-ortho-toluene-sulphonic acid towards alcohol: (Am. Chem. J., vići, 243.) and Ira Remsen. On benzoic sulphinide : (Tb., vići, 223.) On para-ethoxy-benzoic sulphinide: (Ib., viii, 227.) Chase Palmer. (A. B., 1879; University Scholar, 1879–80; Fellow, 1880–82; Ph.D., 1882.) Dissertation : Oxidation of meta-toluene-sulphamide : (Am. Chem. Jl., iv, 142.) On the sulpho-cinnamic acids: (Tb., ºv, 161.) Constitution of allyl cyanide : (Tb., at, 89.) ^ f Charles S. Palmer. (Fellow, 1885–86; Ph.D., 1886.) Dissertation : On benzoyl-toluene-Sulphamide and some of its der- ivatives: (Am. Chem. J., vić, 235.) Stereo-Chemistry: A descriptive and critical paper on some re- cently-discovered isomeric compounds: (Proc. Col. Sci. Soc., iii, Part 2, 211.) Preliminary paper on the eruptive rocks of Boulder County, Colo- rado : (Tb., iii, Part 2, 230.) º tº 71] CHEMISTRY. 19 On the nature of the chemical elements: (In Print.) The chemical definitions in Webster's Ihternational Dictionary : (Springfield.) and H. Fulton. The eruptive rocks of Boulder County: the Quartz-porphyry of Flag-staff Hill: (Proc. Col. Sci. Soc. [In Prºnt.]) Robert M. Parks, Jr. (Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation : On the action of methyl alcohol on paradiazoortho- toluenesulphonic acid : (Am. Chem. J., wo, 320.) Canneron Piggot (Assistant in Chemistry, 1886–87) and H. N. Morse. A method for the determination of butter in milk : (Am. Ghem. J l., ia, 108.) Wyatt W. Randall. (Ph. D., 1890; Instructor in Chemistry, 1890—.) Dissertation : On Ortho-sulpho-para-toluic acid and some of its derivatives: (Am. Chem. J., aft, 256.) * Ira Remsen. (Professor of Chemistry, 1876—.) Dissertation : Weitere Untersuchungen über die Constitution der Piperinsáure [Göttingen]: (Ztschr. Chem. [2], vi, 97.) Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise der Paraoxybenzoësäure : (Tö., [2], off, 81.) Ueber die Parasulfobenzoësäure: (Ib. [2], vić, 199.) Worläufige Mittheilungen : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., v, 379.) Bemerkung zu der Arbeit von C. Böttinger: (Ib., viº, 878.) Untersuchungen über die Parasulfobenzoésäure : (Ann. Chem. (Lie- big), claſſºvić, 275.) TJeber isomere Sulfosalicylsåuren : (Ib., clawia, 107.) |Ueber das Produkt der Einwirkung von Kalium auf bernsteinsäures Aethyl : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., vić, 1408.) Bildung der Paratoluylsåure aus Paratoluolsulfosáure : (Tö., vić, 1412.) Berichtigung : (Tb., vić, 1414.) Ueber das Verhalten des Körpers C12H16Oc gegen Phosphorchlorid : (Tb., a, 8.) 20 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [72 Zur Kenntniss des Phosphoroxychlorids: (Tb, ºv, 1872.) Ueber die Xylolsulfamide : (Ib., ſº, 1199.) Berichtigung : (Tö., aft, 233.) Ein Worlesungsversuch: (Ib., ſº, 234.) TJeber die Formeln der Xylolsulfamide: (Ib., wº, 465.) Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung: “Ueber das Chlorcymolaus Thy- mol und damit in naher Verbindung stehende Körper”: (Ib., wº, 921.) Ueber die Oxydation der Xylolsulfamide : (Tö., a 7, 2087.) On the oxidation of substitution-products of aromatic hydrocar- bons : (Am. Chem. J., &, 32, 114, 138, 426 ; ?, 50, 130, 405, 413; ??, 204, 216,424; 30, 142, 197; o, 106, 149, 161; wiłł, 262.) Ueber die Oxydation der Sulfaminmetatoluylsåure : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a jº, 347.) On the conduct of finely divided iron towards nitrogen : (Am. Ghem. J., &, 134.) Chemical action in a magnetic field : (Tb., '8, 157.) On the transformation of ozone into oxygen by heat : (Tb., ºv, 50.) Historical note concerning the presence of carbon in phosphorus: (Ib., vi, 72.) On a new class of compounds analogous to the phthaleins: (Ib., vì, 180.) Investigations on the Sulphinides: (Ib., vi, 260; viii, 223; 'a', 406; aii, 403; a`ā, 217.) º Note in regard to the influence of magnetism on chemical action : (Ib., vi. 430.) TJeber die Einwirkung von Alkohol auf Diazoverbindungen : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., avº, 65.) - Oxidation by means of potassium permanganate : (Am. Chem. J., vič, 262.) Ueber die Sulfinide : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a.a., 2274.) On the nature and structure of the double halides: (Am. Chem. J., a'i, 291.) Bemerkung Zu der Abhandlung “Ueber die o-Sulfobenzoësäure und einige Derivate derselben’’: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a.a.iº, 1185.) Researches on the double halides: (Am. Chem. J., wiv, 81.) Reports. Report on the subject of organic matter in the air : (Nat. Board of Health Bulletiºn, Sept., 1880.) Carbonic oxide as a source of danger to health in apartments heated by cast-iron furnaces or stoves: (Tö., June, 1881.) Report on a peculiar condition of the water of Boston, in Novem- ber, 1881: (Document 143 (1881), City of Boston.) Report on methylated spirits: (Rep. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1883.) Report on glucose: (Ib., 1883.) 73] CHEMISTRY. 21 Addresses. Chemistry in its relations to medicine : (Annual Addré88 before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, 1878.) Relations of organic chemistry to chemistry : (Address before the SubSection of Chemistry of the American A380ciation for the Advance- * nent of Science, August, 1879.) Relations between chemical science and chemical industry : (Ad- dress delivered before the Chemical and Watural History Society of the Lehigh University, June, 1888.) College education and the ability to think : (Address delivered before the Graduating Class of Bryn Mawr College, June 5, 1890.) Books. I. The Principles of Theoretical Chemistry, with special reference to the Constitution of Chemical Compounds: (Philadelphia, 1876, 1883, 1887, 1892.) II. An Introduction to the Study of Organic Chemistry : (Boston, * 1885, 1887, 1889, 1892.) * III. Introduction to the Study of Chemistry: (Wew York, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1893.) IV. The Elements of Chemistry: (New York, 1888.) V. Inorganic Chemistry: (New York, 1889.) VI. A Laboratory Manual : (New York, 1889.) German translations of all the above books have been published by Laupp, Tübingen, Germany. English editions of II, III, IV, and V have been published by Macmillan & Co., London. An Italian translation of II was published in 1888 and of I in 1892. A Japanese translation of IV was published in 1889. In addition to the above, articles have appeared in The Popular Science Monthly, The Critic, and elsewhere. and W. S. Bayley. On para-brom-benzoic sulphinide : (Am. Chem. J., vić, 229.) and P. H. Broun. Concerning mesity lenic sulphinide : (Ib., áč, 216.) and W. Burney. Sulpho-terephthalic acid : (I b., &, 405.) — and W. M. Burton. On the action of dilute acids on benzoic sulphinide, and the analysis of commercial saccharin : (Tb., wi, 403.) 22 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [74 and R. D. Coale. Ueber die Anhydrosulfaminisophtalsåure : (Ber. d. chem. Gé8., º, 1436.) & Oxidation of sulphamine-meta-toluic acid in alkaline and in acid • solution : (Aſm. Ohem. J l., &, 204.) Investigations on sinapine : (Tb., vi, 50.) and W. J. Comstock Experiments with derivatives of naphthalene : (Ib., o, 106.) and P. J. Dashiell. The action of ethyl alcohol on paradiazotoluenesulphonic acid under different pressures: (Tb., aw, 105.) —- and W. C. Day. Oxidation of £3-cymene-sulphamide: (Tb., v, 149.) and A. R. L. Dohme. On o-sulpho-benzoic acid and some of its derivatives: (Ib., wi, 332.): and W. H. Emerson. Oxidation of derivatives of para-xylene with potassium permanga- nate : (Tb., viii, 264.) Oxidation of cymene with potassium permanganate : (Tö., vić, 267.) and C. Fahlberg. TJeber die Oxydation des Orthotoluolsulfamids: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., ań, 469.) On the oxidation of ortho-toluene-sulphamide : (Am. Chem. J l., 2, 426.) — and R. Fittig. Ueber die Homologen des Naphtalins: (ZłSchr. Chem. [2], v, 37; Ann. Ohem. (Liebig), clv, 112.) TJeber die Umwandlung der Piperonylsåure in Protocatechusäure : (Ztschr. Chem. [2], vi, 427.) TJeber die Synthese der Piperonylsåure und eine neue Bildungs- weise des Protocatechu-Aldehyds: (Tb. [2], vič, 289.) Ueber die Einwirkung won schmelzenden Kalihydrat auf Sulfoxy- benzoësiure: (Ib. [2], vić, 294.) Ueber isomere Sulfosalicylsåuren: (Ib. [2], vii, 296.) TJeber die Oxydation der Toluolsulfosáuren : (Tb. [2], vii, 297.) Untersuchungen über die Constitution des Piperins undseiner Spalt- ungsproducte Piperinsáure und Piperidin: (Ann. Chem. (Liebig), clia, 129; clavčič, 93.) *. 75] CEIEMISTRY. 23 – and R. O. Graham. On the conduct towards alcohol of the diazo compounds obtained from the three nitranilines, and of those obtained from the three amido-benzoic acids: (Am. Chem. J., ai, 319.) and L. B. Hall. Ueber die Oxydation der Mesitylensulfosäure: (Ber. d. chem. Ge8., a, 1039.) Ueber Oxydationsprodukte aus Cymolsulfamid: (Tb., wié, 1432.) Oxidation in the para series: (Am. Chem. J., 5., 50.) Experiments with mesitylene: (Tb., 5, 130.) and E. Hart. Ueber isomere Sulfosäuren aus Paranitrotoluol: (Ber. d. chem. Ge8., a, 1046.) and C. W. Hayes. On sulphon-fluorescein: (Am. Chem. J., v, 372.) and H. W. Hillyer. Methods for determining the relative stability of the alkyl bro- mides: (Tb., viii, 251.) and M. W. Iles. Ueber die Oxydation der Sulfosäuren des Metaxylols: (Ber. d. chem. Ge8., a; 1042.) Ueber die Oxydation der Xylolsulfosäuren: (Tb., az, 229, 888.) Ueber die Oxydation der Xylolsulfosamide: (Tb., ai, 462, 1326.) Ueber eine neue Bildungsmethode der a-Oxyisophtalsäure (a-Phe- noldicarbonsäure): (Ib., wé, 579.) On the oxidation of xylenesulphamides: (Am. Chem. J., , 37, 114.) – and E. H. Keiser. On the conduct of moist phosphorus and air towards carbon monoxide: (Tb., v, 454; 0,424.) White phosphorus: (Tb., v, 459.) Oxidation of para-dipropyl-benzene-sulphamide: (Tb., v, 161.) Ueber das Verhalten des Kohlenoxyds gegen Luft und feuchten Phosphor: (Ber. d. chem. Ge8., wvi, 83.) The quantitative estimation of carbon in ordinary phosphorus: (Am. Chem. Jºl., vö, 153.) and M. Kuhara. Sulpho-terephthalic acid from para-xylene-sulphonic acid: (Ib., 5, 413.) 24 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [76 On the conduct of nitro-meta-xylene towards oxidizing agents : (Tö., º, 424.) and A. D. Lawrie. Berichtigung : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a 7, 233.) and A. F. Linn. Sulphon-fluorescein and related compounds: (Am. Chém. J., art, 73.) and H. N. Morse. Ueber die Oxydation des Aethyltoluols und ahnlicher Substitu- tions.produkte: (Ber. d. chem. Gé8., aft, 224.) On the oxidation of brom-para-ethyl-toluene : (Am. Chém. J., 2, 138.) - and W. A. Noyes. f Protection of a group containing two carbon atoms: (Ib., §v, 197.) and W. R. Orndorff. On the conduct of the salts of diazo-benzene and of the three diazo-toluenes towards alcohol : (Tö., 'a', 387.) and A. G. Palmer. On benzoic sulphinide: (Ib., viii, 223.) On para-ethoxy-benzoic sulphinide : (Ib., viii, 227.) . On the conduct of para-diazo-ortho-toluene-sulphonic acid towards alcohol : (Tb., vić, 243.) and C. Palmer. Oxidation of meta-toluene-sulphamide: (Ib., §v, 142.) and C. S. Palmer. On benzoyl-toluene-Sulphamide and some of its derivatives: b. viii, 235.) and M. S. Southworth. TJeber die Einwirkung von Ozon auf Kohlenoxyd : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., viii, 1414.) Edward Renouf. (Instructor in Chemistry, 1885–86; Associate, 1886–92; Collegiate Professor, 1892—.) Dissertation: Ueber das Dimethylhydrazin [Freiburg] : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., aft, 2169.) Ueber einige Derivate des Triphenylmethans: (Ib., woi, 1301.) 77 | & CHEMISTRY. 25 Experiments in General Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Analysis. A translation of Volhard and Zimmermann’s “Anleit- ung zur chemischen Analyse ’’: (Baltimore, 1887.) An abbreviated edition of the above : (Baltimore, 1889.) and O. Fischer. Einige Derivate des Chinolins und Pyridins: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., avić, 755.) Ueber einige Abkömmlinge des Orthooxychinolins: (Ib., a vič, 1642.) Zur Kenntniss des Oxypyridins aus Pyridinsulfosaure : (Tb., a vić, 1896.) George M. Richardson. (Fellow, 1889–90; Ph.D., 1890.) Dissertation: Stannous double halide salts: (Am. Chem. J ., a 'v, 89.) Rudolf J. J. de Roode, Jr. (Fellow, 1889–90; Ph.D., 1890.) Dissertation: On some derivatives of benzoic sulphinide, and the changes caused in their taste by changes in composition : (Am. Chem. J., aft, 217.) A modification of the method of combustion with lead chromate: (Tb., aft, 226.) Charles E. Saunders. (Fellow, 1890–91; Ph.D., 1891.) Dissertation: Researches on the double halides: (Am. Chem. J., afto, 127, 152.) Notes on diazobenzene perbromide: (Tö., wä, 486.) On certain derivatives of pyromucamide: (Ib., av, 130.) Edward A. Schneider. (Graduate Student, 1885–86.) Dissertation: Ueber Nitroanthrachinon-a-disulfonsäure und ihre Derivate nebst Beiträgen zur Kenntniss der Anthrachinon- a-disulfonsāure: [Freiburg-?.-B.] Action of concentrated sulphuric acid on hydrazine-toluene-sul- phonic acids: (Am. Chem. J., vić, 271.) 26 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPRINSIENSIS. [78 A method of separating the two isomeric toluidine-Sulphonic acids: (Tb., vić, 274.) On a compound of manganese sesquioxide with cupric oxide : (Tb., Ča, 269.) An analysis of soil from Washington Territory, and some remarks on the utility of soil-analysis: (Am. J. Sci., a.a.a.0%, 236.) On the treatment of natural silicates with hydrochloric acid as a means of ascertaining their structure : (Am. Chem. J l., a, 405.) Ueber die relative Basicität der Sesquioxydihydrate des Eisens und Aluminiums: (Ann. Ohem. [Liebigl, cclvià, 359.) TJeber die colloidalen Sulfide des Goldes: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., awło, 2241.) Zur Kenntniss des colloidalen Silbers: (Ib., waiv, 3370; aſſºv, 1440.) Ueber einige Organosole : (Ib., a.aw, 1164.) Tſeber die Reindarstellung des Silberhydrosols: (Ib., wav, 1281.) Tſeber einem Fall der festen Lösung : (ZłSchr. phys. Chem., a, 425.) Ueber das Verhalten der Kolloïde in organischen Lösungsmitteln (Organosole) bei der kritischen Temperatur des Lösungsmittels : (Ztschr. anorg. Chem., iii, 78.) and C. Barus. Ueber die Natur der kolloidalen Lösungen : (Ztschr. phys. Chem., vić, 278.) y and F. W. Clarke. Experimentaluntersuchungen über die Constitution der natürlichen Silicate : (Ztschr. Kryst. w. Mºn., a vići, 389; Am. J. Sci., al, 303, 405, 452.) On the constitution of certain micas, vermiculites and chlorites: (Ib., alii, 242; a liń, 378; Ztschr. Kryst. u. Min., avia, 646; Ztschr. anorg. Chem., 7, 343.) The fractional analysis of silicates: (J7. Am. Chem. Soc., a iii, 277.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Salmiaks bei Dissociationstemperatur auf Silicate : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., wav, 883.) and A. Claus. Ueber einige Derivate der Anthrachinon-a-disulfonsäure : (Tb., avī, 907.) Louis H. Schubart. (Graduate Student, 1882–85.) Dissertation: Ueber p- und o-Homobenzenylamidoxim und Ab- kömmlinge derselben : [Berlin.] TJeber das p-Homobenzenylamidoxim und Abkömmlinge desselben : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., aria, 1487.) 79] CHEMISTRY. 27 Will B. Shober. (University Scholar, 1891–92; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation : On the action of certain alcohols with paradiazo- benzenesulphonic acid. Henry N. Stokes. (University Scholar, 1880-81; IFellow, 1881–83; Ph.D., 1884.) Dissertation: On phthalic sulphinide : (Am. Chém. J., vi, 262.) On the action of phosphorus oxychloride on the ethers and chlor- hydrines of silicic acid : (Tö., ań, 244; Ber. d. chem. Ges, a.a.iv, 933.) On the catalytic action of aluminium chloride on silicic ethers: (Am. Chem. J., wiv, 438.) On the action of phosphorus oxychloride on aromatic silicic ethers: (Tö., alſo, 545.) Note on benzyl silicate : (Ib., aiv, 547.) On amidophosphoric acid : (Tb. av, 198.) — and H. von Pechmann. Ueber die Einwirkung von Ammoniak auf Acetondicarbonsaure- ăther: (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a vići, 2290.) Ueber die Einwirkung von Ammoniak auf Acetondicarbonsäure- ăthyläther. Synthese von Pyridinderivaten : (Ib., alia, 2694; Am. Chem. J., vići, 375.) and F. P. Treadwell. Ueber eine Fehlerquelle bei der Benzolbestimmung in Gasge- mengen : (Ber. d. chem. Ges., a vi, 3131.) Martin B. Stubbs. (University Scholar, 1891–92; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation : On nitroorthosulphobenzoic acid and some of its derivatives. Jannes E. Talmage. (Special Student, 1883–84.) The waters of the Great Salt Lake : (Science, aſſo, No. 360.) First book of nature. (Salt Lake City, 1888.) Domestic science. (Salt Lake City, 1891.) 28 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPECINSIENSIS. [80 Harry M. Ullmann. (A. B., 1889; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation: On parachlormetasulphobenzoic acid and some of its derivatives. Lucius L. Van Slyke. (Fellow by Courtesy, 1889–90.) Analysis of milk of ripe and unripe cocoanuts: (Aſm. Ohem. J., ... wit, 130.) John White, Jr. (A. B., 1888; University Scholar, 1888–89; Fellow, 1890–91; Ph.D., 1891.) Dissertation: Sulphon-fluorescein and other sulphon-phthaleins. and H. N. Morse. The dissociation of the oxides of zinc and cadmium in the vapors of their respective metals: (Am. Chem. J., aº, 258.) The dissociation of the sulphides of cadmium and zinc by means of metallic cadmium and zinc : (Tb., aft, 348.) The dissociation of magnesium oxide by means of metallic mag- nesium : (Tö., aft, 128.) The transportation of solids in a vacuum by the vapors of metals: (Tö., a to., 314.) & and W. R. Orndorff. The molecular weight of hydrogen peroxide and of benzoyl perox- ide : (Am. Chem. J., av, 347.) Milton Whitney. (Special Student, 1879–80; Fellow by Courtesy, 1890–.) Report of the superintendent of farm of the North Carolina Ex- periment Station, 1886. Do., 1887. * Report of progress of work on the North Carolina Experiment Farm : (Bull. W. Carolina Dep. of Agric., 1886–7.) Soil-temperature: (Proc. 8th Ann. Meet. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci., 1887.) Soil-temperature and moisture: (U. S. Sign. Serv. Monthly Weather Rev., June, 1887.) Defects of soil-thermometers: (Agr. Sci., Nov., 1887.) Six lectures for the South Carolina Department of Agriculture 1888 and 1889 : * a. The fertilizing value of leguminous plants. 81] CHEMISTRY, 29 sº b. The agricultural vs. the commercial value of fertilizers, and their effects on various crops. c. Soil exhaustion, I. d. Some physical properties of soils and some effects of culti- vation on soil and crops. º (a, b, c, d-Ninth Ann. Rep. S. Car. Board Agr., 1888.) e. Soil-exhaustion, II: (Monthly Rep. S. Car. Dep. Agr., Wow. and Dec., 1888.) J. Are fertilizers more profitable at the North than at the South ? (Tenth Ann. Rep. S. Car. Board Agr., 1889.) Report of Vice-Director: “Meteorology and the physical properties of soils as related to plant growth and crop production”: (Second Ann. Rep. S. Car. Elap. Sta., 1889.) Meteorological data: (Bull. No. 7, S. Car. Agr. Eap. Sta., Oct., 1889.) On a new self-registering soil-thermometer: (Agr.Sci., Oct., 1889.) Soil-moisture: A study : (Tö., July and Aug., 1889, and July and Aug., 1890.) Soil investigations: (Fourth Ann. Rep. Md. Agric. Stat., 1892.) Julius T. Willard. (Graduate Student, 1887–88.) An improved form of gas apparatus: (Am. Chem. J l., a, 53.) Notes on the analysis of agricultural products: (Trans. Kas. Acad. Sci., 1889–90, p. 21; Rep. Ka8. Agr. Elap. Sta., 1889, p. 117.) On the sugar of watermelons: (Trans. Ka8. Acad. Sci., 1889–90, • p. 95.) and G. H. Failyer. A new method of milk analysis: (Rep. Ka8. Flap. Sta., 1888, p. 33; Jl. Anal. Chem., 77%, 294.) Papers on the shrinkage of hay, and on the nature and cultiva- tion of sorghum : (Rep. Kas. Hºp. Sta., 1888.) Papers on the cultivation of Sorghum, on the composition of corn and of feeding-stuffs, and on the ammonia and nitric acid con- tained in atmospheric waters: (Ib., 1889.) A new glass siphoning extraction-apparatus: (Trams. Kas. Acad. Sci., 1889–90, p. 165; Jil. Anal. and App. Chem., v, 436.) Experiments with sorghum and with sugar-beets: (Bull. No. 16, Ra8. Agr. Eap. Sta., 1891.) John F. Woodhull. (Graduate Student, 1885–86.) Manual of home-made apparatus: (Published by Author, 1888.) 30 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIs. [82 Simple experiments for the school-room : (New York, 1889.) Training in natural science as an essential factor in the education of the citizen: (New York, 1889.) Abram V. E. Young. (Fellow, 1878–80.) An apparatus for gas analysis from simple laboratory material : (Am. Chem. J., 7, 105.) A thermochemical analysis of the reaction between alum and potassium hydrate : (Tö., vić, 23.) PART III. GEOILOGY AND MINERALOGY. º Harry Foster Bain. (Graduate Student, 1891–93.) Distribution and relations of the St. Louis limestone in Mahaska county, Iowa : (Iowa Geol. Survey, i, First Ann. Rep., 8 pp., map and section, 1893.) W. Shirley Bayley. (A.B., 1883; Fellow, 1885–86; Ph. D., 1886.) Petrographical notes accompanying Lawson’s report on the Lake of the Woods region : (Rep. Geol. dº Nat. Hist. Survey, Canada, 1885.) Synopsis of Rosenbusch’s new scheme for the classification of mas- sive rocks: (Aſm. Naturalist, pp. 207, 295.) Notes of microscopical examinations of rocks from the Thunder Bay silver district: (Rep. Geol. dé Nat. Hist. Survey, Canada, 1887–88, p. 115.) On some peculiarly spotted rocks from Pigeon Point, Minnesota: (Am. J. Sci., awaiv, 388.) A quartz-keratophyre from Pigeon Point and Irving's augite-sye- nites: (Ib., a ſºvº, 54.) The origin of the soda-granite and quartz-keratophyre of Pigeon Point: (Ib., awaiia, 274.) Notes on the petrography and geology of the Akeley Lake region, in northeastern Minnesota: (Geol. dº Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn., 19th Ann. Rep., p. 193, 1892.) A fibrous intergrowth of augite and plagioclase, resembling a reac- tion-rim in a Minnesota gabbro : (Am. J. Sci., al???, p. 515.) A fulgurite from Waterville, Maine : (Ib., alić, p. 327.) Eleolite-syenite of Litchfield, Maine, and Hawes hornblende- syenite from Red Hill, New Hampshire : (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., tº, p. 231.) The classification and naming of igneous rocks: (Science, aſa'i, p. 87.) The sedimentary and eruptive rocks of Pigeon Point, Minnesota, and their contact-phenomena: (Bull. No. 109, U. S. Geol. Survey.) [In press.] 32 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [84 Monthly notes on mineralogy and petrography: (Aſm. Naturalist, 1886–93.) and Francis P. King. Catalogue of the Maine Geological Collection, Waterville, Me. and H. N. Morse. Haydenite : (Am. Chem. J., vi, 24.) For other papers, seebhemical Section. Samuel W. Beyer. (Graduate Student, 1891–93.) Ancient lava flows in the strata of northwestern Iowa : (Iowa Geol. Survey, 2, Fºrst Ann. Rep., 6 pp., one figure. 1893.) Richard N. Brackett. (Ph.D., 1887.) Analyses and assays of gold, silver and lead ores: (Ann. Rep. Géol. Survey of Arkansas, 1888, 7.) Analyses of chalk, limestones, marls and soils: (Ib., &.) Analyses of Arkansas coals: (Ib., &.) Analyses of clays, marls and soils: (Tö., 1889, £2.) Analyses of manganese ores, limestones and residual clays: (Ib., 1890, i.) Analyses of rocks and minerals: (Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey of Arkan- sas, 1890, Č.) Analyses of cherts, novaculites (Arkansas whetstones), clays, quartz massive and crystallized, polishing powder, tripoli, and mineral waters: (Tb., 77.) Analyses of the Hot Springs and some other mineral waters of Arkansas. Sanitary water analysis: I. Little Rock water supply—1. Wells and cisterns; 2. Arkansas river water. II. Fort Smith water supply. III. Hot Springs water supply. IV. Miscellaneous samples: (Tb, for 1891, 7.) Determinations of phosphoric acid in cotton-seed meal: (Bulletin Wo. 8, Wew Series, S. O. Agric. Eag. Stat., Clemson Agric. Coll.) Analyses of waters, clays, Ores, etc.; assays of gold ores : (Fºfth Ann. Rep. of the S. C. Agric. Hap. Stat., Clemson Agric. Coll.) Analyses of iron ores: (Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey of Arkansas, 1892, 2.) and J. C. Branner. The peridotiſe of Pike County, Arkansas: (Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Science, 1888; Am. Ji. Sci., a.ſvævčić, 50; Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey of Arkansas, 1890, ii.) 85] GEOILOGY AND MINIERAILOGY. 33 and J. F. Williams. Newtonite and rectorite, two new minerals of the kaolinite group: (Am. J l. Sci., a lić, 11.) For other papers, see Chemical Section. William Bullock Clark. (Instructor, 1887–89; Associate, 1889–92; Associate Professor of Organic Geology, 1892—.) Ueber die geologischen Verhältnisse der Gegend nordwestlich vom Achen-See mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bivalven und Gasteropoden des unteren Lias: (Inaugural Dissertation, Munich, 1887, 8vo, 45 pp., 2 plates and a map.) A new ammonite which throws additional light on the geological position of the Alpine rhaetic : (Am. J. Sci., Third Series, awaw, 1888, pp. 118–120.) On three geological excursions made during the months of October and November, 1887, into the southern counties of Maryland : (Univ. Cºrc., 65, 1888, pp. 65–67.) On the geology of a region in northern Tyrol, together with descrip- tions of new species of fossils: (Ib., 65, 1888, pp. 67–69.) On the origin, structure and sequence of the sedimentary rocks: (Baltimore, 8vo, 1889, 45 pp.) Discovery of fossil-bearing Cretaceous strata in Anne Arundel and Prince George Counties, Maryland: (Univ. Circ., 69, 1889, pp. 20–21.) Third annual geological expedition into southern Maryland and Virginia: (Tb., 81, 1890, pp. 69-71.) The geological features of Gay Head, Mass. ; (Ib., 84, 1890, p. 28.) On the Tertiary deposits of the Cape Fear River region: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amér., 3, 1891, pp. 537–540.) A revision of the Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America: (Univ. Circ., 87, 1891, pp. 75–77.) Report of the scientific expedition into southern Maryland (under the joint auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, Maryland Agricultural College, and U. S. Geological Survey). Geology: (Ib., 89, 1891, pp. 105–108.) Organization of the Maryland State Weather Service: (Ib., 89, 1891, p. 109.) Correlation papers. The Eocene of the United States: (Bull. No. 83, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1891, 170 pp. and 2 maps.) Report on short excursions made by the Geological Department of the University during the autumn of 1891: (Univ. Circ., 95, 1892, pp. 37–39.) 34 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [86 On certain aspects of local geology : (Address before the Professional Club of Brattleboro, Vermont : The Vermont Phoenia, May 20, 1892, p. 2.) The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States: (Bull. No. 97, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1893, 207 pp., 50 plates.) * The Eocene of the United States. A review : (Univ. Circ., 103, 1893, pp. 50–51.) The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States. A review : (Tb., 103, 1893, pp. 51-52.) . Maryland State Weather Service. Report of progress: (Ib., 103, 1893, pp. 52–53.) The annual expedition of the students in geology, 1892: (Ib., 103, 1893, pp. 53–54.) The surface configuration of Maryland: (Monthly Rep. Maryland State Weather Service, ii, 1893, pp. 85–89.) A preliminary report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of New Jersey; with especial reference to Monmouth and Middlesex Counties: (Ann. Rep. of the State Geologist for 1892, pp. 167—239, 4 plates and map.) The leading features of Maryland climate : (Monthly Rep. Mary- land State Weather Service, iž, 1893, pp. 1–6.) The available water-power of Maryland: (Ib., iii, 1893, pp. 7–9.) Public water supply in Maryland : (Tö., iii, 1893, pp. 31, 32.) Physical features of Maryland: (In the book “Maryland,” published by the State Board of Managers for the World's Fair Commission, 1893.) and Geo. H. Williams. Geology and mineral resources of Maryland: (In the book “Mary- land,” published by the State Board of Managers for the World's Fair Commission, 1893.) Aaron Hodgrman Cole. (Graduate Student, 1888–89.) Palaeaster eucharis, Hall: (Bull: Geol. Soc. Amér., iii, 1891, pp. 512– 514, and plate.) The solution of the dust problem in microscopy: (Aſm. Naturalist, 1893, pp. 405–408, and 3 plates.) C. W. Corman. (Graduate Student, 1891–92.) Report on geological work in Southern New Jersey : (Anºn. Rep. of the State Geologist for 1891, pp. 111–140.) 87] GEOILOGY AND MINERALOGY. 35 A. C. Gill. (University Scholar, 1887–88; Fellow, 1888– 89.) Petrographical notes on a rock collection from Fernando Noronha : (Univ. Circ., 65, April, 1888.) Minerals from the chrome pits of Montgomery county, Md.: (Ib., 75 September, 1889.) Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Quarzes: (Inaugural Dissertation, Ztschr. Kryst. v. Mön., a.a.ii, pp. 97–128 and 2 plates, 1893.) Ulysses Sherrman Grant. (Fellow, 1891–92; Fel- low by Courtesy, 1892–93; Ph.D., 1893.) Dissertation: The geology of Kekeguabic Lake in northeastern Minnesota, with special reference to an augite or soda-granite. [In press.] Conchological notes: (14th (1885) Ann. Rep. of the Geol, and Nat. Hist. Survey of Mönn., part iv, pp. 114–124, 1886.) Notes on the molluscan fauna of Minnesota: (16th (1887) Ann. Rep. of the Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn., pp. 479–484, 1888.) Report of geological observations made in northeastern Minnesota during the summer of 1888: (17th (1888) Ann. Rep. of the Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn., part iv, pp. 147-215, 1889.) Account of a deserted gorge of the Mississippi near Minnehaha falls: (Am. Geologist, vi, 1, pp. 1–6, July, 1890.) The stratigraphic position of the Ogishke conglomerate of north- eastern Minnesota : (Tö., a, 1, pp. 4-10, July, 1892.) Catalogue of the meteorites in the University collection, with refer- ences to the literature describing them : (19th (1890) Ann. Rep. of the Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn., part vić, pp. 170–192, 1892.) Field observations on certain granitic areas in northeastern Minne- sota: (20th (1891) Ann. Rep. of the Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn., part à, pp. 35–110, 1892.) Note on a quartz-bearing gabbro in Maryland : (Univ. Cºrc., 103, pp. 47–49, Feb., 1893.) Note on an augite soda-granite from Minnesota : (Aſm. Géologist, aft, No. 6, pp. 383–388, June, 1893.) Several reviews of geological papers: (Aſm. Geologist, a 7, 1893.) G. P. Grimsley. (Graduate Student, 1891—.) Microscopical study of Ohio limestones: (Cincinnati Journal of Natural History, Jan., 1892.) 36 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [88 Erasmus Haworth. (Ph.D., 1888.) Dissertation: A contribution to the Archaean geology of Missouri: (Am. Geologist, 2, 1888.) The age and origin of the crystalline rocks of Missouri: (Bulletºn No. 5 of the State Geological Survey of Missouri, pp. 5–42, 1891.) C. Willard Hayes. (University Scholar, 1885–86; Fellow, 1886–87; Ph.D., 1887.) The overthrust faults of the southern Appalachians: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amér., 77.) Notes on the geology of the Yukon basin : (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amér., Č.) An expedition through the Yukon district: (Nat. Geog. Mag., fo.) Report on the geology of northeastern Alabama and adjacent por- tions of Georgia and Tennessee : (Geol. Survey of Alabama, Bulle- tên No. 4.) Chattanooga atlas sheet: (Geologie Atlas of the United States, U. S. Geol. Survey.) kingston atlas sheet: (Ib.) Ringgold atlas sheet: (Tö.) For other papers, see Chemical Section. William H. Hobbs. (Fellow, 1887–88; Ph.D., 1888.) Dissertation: On the rocks occurring in the neighborhood of Il- chester, Howard County, Maryland. On the petrographical characters of a dike of diabase in the Boston basin : (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoël. Harv. Coll., avi, pp. 1-12, one plate, November, 1887.) On the use of the microscope in petrography: (Am. Month. MŽcroscop. Jl., ia, pp. 70–74, April, 1888.) On the rocks occurring in the neighborhood of Ilchester, Howard county, Md.: (Preliminary note of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.) (Univ. Circ., 65, pp. 69–70, April, 1888.) Ueber die Verwachsung von Allanit und Epidot in Gesteinen : (Tschermak’s mineral. w. petrog. MŽttheil., ai, pp. 1–6, October, 1889.) On the paragenesis of allanite and epidote as rock-forming min- erals: (Am. J. Sci., awawić, pp. 223–228, September, 1889.) On some metamorphosed eruptives in the crystalline rocks of Mary- land : (Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., vići, pp. 156–160, one plate, November, 1890.) 89] GEOI,OGY AND MINERALOGY. 37 Note on cerussite from Illinois and Wisconsin: (Ib., pp. 399–400, June, 1892.) Note on some pseudomorphs from the Taconic region : (Am. Geol- ogist, a, pp. 44–48, July, 1892.) Notes on a trip to the Lipari islands in 1889 : (Trans. Wes. Acad. Sci., iv, pp. 21–32, one plate, September, 1892.) Secondary banding in gneiss: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., iii, pp. 460–464, one plate, November, 1892.) On intergrowths of hornblende with augite in crystalline rocks: (Science, aw, p. 354, December, 1892.) Phases in the metamorphism of the schists of southern Berkshire: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., iv, pp. 167–178, one plate, February, 1893.) On a rose-colored lime-and-alumina-bearing variety of talc : (Am. J7. Sc., alv, pp. 404–407, May, 1893.) and "G. E. Culver. On a new occurrence of olivine diabase in Minnehaha county, South Dakota: (Ib., pp. 206–210, April, 1892.) Charles Rollin Keyes. (University Scholar, 1889–90; Fellow, 1890–91; Fellow by Courtesy, 1891–92; Ph.D., 1892.) Dissertation: The classification of the lower carboniferous rocks of the Mississippi valley: (Inaugural Dissertation, Johns Hopkins Un?versity, 24 pp., 1 plate, 1892.) On some fossils from the lower coal measures at Des Moines, Iowa : (Am. Geologist, %, pp. 23–28, 1888.) Sedentary habits of platyceras: (Am. J. Sci., awayvi, pp. 269-273, 1888.) On the fauna of the lower coal measures of central Iowa : (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1888, pp. 222–247, 1 plate.) Description of two new fossils from the Iowa Devonian : (Proc. Acad. Wat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1888, 1 plate, pp. 247–249.) Blackbird flights at Burlington, Iowa : (The Auk, v, p. 207, 1888.) Iowa greenlets: (Ornithologist and Oologist, aft, p. 44, 1888.) Occurrence of coccothraustes in Iowa : (The Auk, v, p. 114, 1888.) Dendroica tigrina at Iowa City ; (Ib., v, p. 211, 1888.) Nesting of Bubo virginianus: (Ornithologist and Oologist, aft, p. 93, 1888.) On the attachment of platyceras to paleocrinoids, and its effects in modifying the form of the shell : (Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc., a'aw, pp. 231-243, 1 plate, 1888.) 38 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [90 Attachment of platyceras to fossil crinoidea : (Am. Naturalist, alſº, pp. 924–925, 1888.) * The coal measures of central Iowa; and particularly in the vicinity of Des Moines: (Aſm. Geologist, %, pp. 396–404, two figure8, 1888.) Surface geology of Burlington, Iowa : (Am. Waturalist, aº, pp. 1049– 1054, two plates, 1888.) Annotated catalogue of the mollusca of Iowa : (Bull. of E8864. In 8t:- tute, aw, 1889.) Variation exhibited by a carbonic gasteropod : (Aſm. Geologist, Č, pp. 330–334, two figure8, 1889.) Note on the distribution of helicina occulta: (The Nautilus, £7, pp. 18–19, 1889.) Note on the distribution of certain loess fossils : (Am. Geologist, ºv, pp. 109–121, 1889.) The carboniferous echinodermata of the Mississippi basin : (Aſm. Jl. Sci., a waviž, pp. 186–193, 1889.) The subgeneric groups of naticopsis: (Am, Geologist, ºv, pp. 193–196, 1889.) Lower carbonic gasteropoda from Burlington, Iowa : (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, pp. 284–298, 1888.) American species of polyphemopsis : (Tö., pp. 299–302, 1889.) Sphaerodoma: a genus of fossil gasteropoda ; (Ib., pp. 303—309, 1889.) Soleniscus: its generic characters and relations: (Am. Waturalist, a'aº, pp. 420-424, 1889.) Review of the progress of American invertebrate palaeontology for 1889: (Am. Waturalist, aa'v, pp. 131–138, 1890.) Certain forms of straparollus from southeastern Iowa : (Aſm. Geolo- gist, v, pp. 193–197, 1 plate, 1890.) Genesis of American actinocrinidae: (Am. Naturalist, waiv, pp. 243– 254, 3 plates, 1890.) Relations of platyceras and capulus: (Am. Geologist, iii, pp. 6-9, 1890.) Synopsis of the American carbonic calyptraeidae : (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, pp. 180–181, 1 plate, 1890.) Preservation of color in fossil shells: (The Nautilus, iv, pp. 30–31, 1890.) Discovery of fossils in the limestones of Frederick county, Mary- land : (Univ. Circ., 84, p. 32, 1890.) The naticoid genus strophostylus: (Am. Waturalist, waiv, pp. 1111– 1117, 1 plate of 23 figures, 1890.) Remarks on the perisomic plates of the crinoids: (Am. J. Sci., (3), al?, pp. 247–248, 1891.) Stratigraphy of the carboniferous in central Iowa : (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amér., ii, pp. 277–292, 2 plates, 1891.) 91] GEOILOGY AND MINERALOGY. 39 A geological Section across the Piedmont plateau in Maryland : (Ib., &, pp. 319–322, 3 figures, 1891.) 30 The red rock sandstone of Marion county, Iowa : (Am. J. Sci., (3), al?, pp. 273–276, 1 figure, 1891.) Review of the progress of American invertebrate paleontology for the year 1890: (Am. Naturalist, awv, pp. 327–333, 1891.) Fossil faunas in central Iowa : (Proc. Acad. Wat. Sci., Philadelphia, pp. 242–265, 1891.) Perisomic plates of the crinoids: (Am. Geologist, vić, pp. 255–258, 1891.) Proposed economical geological survey of Iowa: (Iowa State Register, July 12, 1891.) [1000 eatras reprinted in 8vo form and distributed.] Paleozoic fossils of Maryland : (Univ. Circ., aft, pp. 28–29, 1891.) The principal Mississippian section : (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amér., 777, pp. 283—300, æ, plate, 1892.) Eastern extension of the cretaceous in Iowa : (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, part 2, for 1890–91, p. 21, 1892.) A new conocardium from the Devonian: (Ib., pp. 23–24, 1892.) Contribution to the fauna of the lower coal measures of central Iowa : (Tö., pp. 22–23, 1892.) Evolution of strophostylus: (Tö., p. 25, 1892.) On a quaternary section eight miles southeast of Des Moines, Iowa : (Tb., p. 30, 1892.) [With R. E. Call.] Age of the Iowa City sandstones: (Ib., pp. 26–27, 1892.) Notes on the red rock sandstone : (Tö., pp. 26–27, 1892.) Geological structure and relations of the coal-bearing strata of central Iowa : (Tb., pp. 27–28, 1892.) Brick and other clays of Des Moines: (Ib., p. 29, 1892.) Aluminum in Iowa : (Ib., pp. 29–30, 1892.) Preliminary note on the sedentary habits of platyceras: (Ib., p. 24, 1892.) The platyceras group of paleozoic gasteropods: (Aſm. Geologist, a, pp. 273–277, 1892.) A remarkable fauna at the base of the Burlington limestone in northeastern Missouri: (Am. J. Sci., (3), aliv, pp. 447–452, 1892.) The present basal line of delimitation of the carboniferous of northeastern Missouri : (Aſm. Geologist, a, pp. 380-384, 1892.) “Nickel ore ” in Iowa : (Eng. and Möning J., liv, p. 634, 1892.) The occurrence of natural gas in Iowa, and its probable future : (Mon. Bull. Iowa Weather and Crop Ser., iii, pp. 3–4, 1892.) Iowa mineralogical notes: (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., §, part 3, pp. 19–22, 6 figures, 1893.) Natural gas and oil in Iowa : (Tö., 6 pp., 3 figures, 1893.) Surface disintegration of granitic masses: (Tb., pp. 22–24, 1893.) Some American eruptive granites: (Ib., §v, part 3, pp. 22–26, 1893.) 40 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [92 Paleontology of Missouri: (Geol. Surv. Missour?, ?v, 600 pp., 60 plates, 12 figures, and colored geological map of the State, 1893.) Report of the Assistant State Geologist: (Iowa Geol. Surv., i, 1st Ann. Rep., 6 pp., 1893.) Geological formations in Iowa : (Tb., 125 pp., 18 plates, 25 figures, and colored geological map of the State, 1893.) Annotated catalogue of minerals: (Tb., 15 pp., 1 plate, 7 figures, 1893.) Bibliography of Iowa geology: (Tb., 225 pp., 1893.) An old volcanic eruption in Iowa : (Science, awi, p. 132, 1893.) Iowa's gypsum deposits: (Mon. Rev. Iowa Weather and Crop Service, 20, 3, pp. 2–4, 1893.) Epidote as a primary component of eruptive rocks: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amér., ºv, 8 pp., 3 figures, 1893.) Some Maryland granites and their origin: (Tö., 10 pp., 1 plate, 1893.) F. P. King. (University Scholar, 1890–91; Fellow, 1892– 93.) [See W. S. Bayley.] Andrew C. Lawson. (Fellow, 1886–87; Ph.D., 1888.) Dissertation : Report on the geology of the Rainy Lake region : (Inaugural Dissertation. Johns Hopkins University, published in Geol. and Wat. Hist. Surv. of Canada, Ann. Rep., 1887.) Gneissic foliation and schistose cleavage in dykes, and their bearing upon the problem of the origin of the Archaean rocks: (Proc. Can. Institute.) Ancient rock inscriptions on the Lake of the Woods: (Aſm. Natu- Talist, July, 1885.) y Geology of the Rainy Lake region, with remarks on the classifica- tion of the crystalline rocks west of Lake Superior: Preliminary note : (Am. J. Sci., awayº, June, 1887.) Notes on some diabase dykes of the Rainy Lake region : (Proc. Can. Institute, 1887.) Report on the geology of the Lake of the Woods region, with special reference to the Keewatin (Huronian 2) belt of the Arch- aean rocks: (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. of Canada, Ann. Rep., 1885.) Archaean geology of the region northwest of Lake Superior: (Études sur les Schistes cristallins, International Geological Congress, London, 1888.) Foliation and sedimentation : (Am. Geologist, March, 1889.) Note on the mapping of the Archaean northwest of Lake Superior : (Abstract Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Science, awayvić, 1889.) 93] GEOILOGY AND MINERALOGY. 41 Petrographical differentiation of certain dykes of the Rainy Lake region : (Tö.) The same. Full paper, with analyses, by F. T. Shutt : (Aſm. Geolo- gist, March, 1891.) Notes on the occurrence of native copper in the Animikee rocks of Thunder Bay : (Ib.) Note on the pre-Palaeozoic surface of the Archaean terracles of Canada: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., i, 1890.) The internal relations and taxonomy of the Archaean of central Canada ; (Ib.) Lake Superior stratigraphy: (Am, Geologist, May, 1891.) Sketch of the coastal topography of the north side of Lake Superior, with special reference to the abandoned strands of Lake Warren (the greatest of the Late Quaternary Lakes of North America): (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn., Ann. Rep., 1891.) The anorthosites of the Minnesota coast of Lake Superior: (Ib., Bulletºn No. 8, 1893.) The laccolitic sills of the northwest coast of Lake Superior ; (Ib.) The geology of Carmelo Bay. With chemical analyses and coöpera- tion in the field work by J. de la C. Posada : (Bull. Dept. Geol., Univ. of Cal., Vol. I, May, 1893.) and F. D. Adams. On Some Canadian rocks containing scapolite, with a few notes on some rocks associated with the apatite deposits : (Canadian Record of Science.) Henry Carvill Lewis. (Fellow by Courtesy, 1884– 85. Died July 21, 1888.) Sketch of, with bibliography, by Warren Upham : (Am. Geologist, ??, p. 371 et seq., 1888.) George Perkins Merrill. (Graduate Student, On the black nodules in the Maine granites: (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, vi, p. 137.) On the collection of Maine building stones in the U. S. National Museum : (Ib., p. 165.) Bibliography of writings of Dr. George W. Hawes: (Report of Assistant Director U. S. Wational Museum for 1882, pp. 42–48.) Note on a Potsdam sandstone, or conglomerate, from Berks County, Pennsylvania : (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, v, p. 660.) 42 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. “[94 On prochlorite from the District of Columbia : (Tö., off, June 11, 1884, p. 67.) Hornblende andesite from the new Bogosloff volcano : (Science, &v, No. 97, December 12, 1884, p. 524.) Notes on the character of the rock formation in the vicinity of Auburn, Maine : (Report Maine State College for 1884.) Read before the Scientific Society of the Maine State College, April, 1884. The origin of soils: (Prairie Farmer, August 2, 1884, p. 489.) Microscopic structure of building stones: (Report on the building stones of the United States, and statistics of the quarry industry for 1880. Publications of Tenth Census, a, chapter if, pp. 15–29, 18 plates.) Preliminary plan for a collection of the building and ornamental stones and rocks of the United States, to be exhibited at the World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition of 1884–85, at New Orleans: (Proc. U. S. Wat. Mus., vii, 1884, pp. 573–574. Also published as Museum Circular Wo. 25.) Volcanic dust from southwestern Nebraska : (Science, April 24, 1885, p. 209.) A brief note; the subject being more fully dealt with in a subsequent paper. On supposed crude jade from Alaska : (Ib., March 13, 1885, p. 209.) On hornblende andesite from the new volcano on Bogosloff Island, in Bering Sea: (Proc. U. S. Wat. Mus., wiłł, April 20, 1885, pp. 31–33.) On deposits of volcanic dust and sand in southwestern Nebraska : (Ib., viii, May 23, 1885, pp. 99–100.) Report on the Department of Lithology and Physical Geology, TJ. S. National Museum, 1883 : (Report of the Smithsonian Institu- tion for 1883 [1885], pp. 263-266. Also pp. 103–106 of Report on National Museum.) On fulgurites: (Proc. U. S. Wat. Mus., ia, August 26, 1886, pp. 83-91, 1 plate.) Report on the Department of Lithology and Physical Geology in the U. S. National Museum, 1885: (Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885 [1886], part à, pp. 139–142.) The salt industry in the United States: (Wature, awawii, Wo. 963, April 12, 1888, p. 558.) Fulgurites, or lightning holes: (Popular Science Monthly, awa, No. 4, February, 1887, pp. 529–539, 4 figures.) Stones for building and decoration : (Building, New York, April 16 and March 26, 1887.) Notes on the mineralogy and lithology of the District of Columbia : (Proc. U. S. Nat Mus., vič, September 2, 1885, pp. 351–353.) Building and ornamental stones of the United States: (Popular Science Monthly, wavč, 160, August, 1885, pp. 520–532.) 95] GEOILOGY AND MINIERATIOGY. 43 Report on the Department of Lithology and Physical Geology in the U. S. National Museum, 1884: (Report Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1884 [1886], ii, pp. 227–238.) Notes on the composition of certain “pliocene sandstones” from Montana and Idaho : (Am, J l. Sci., awvić, 1886, pp. 199–204, 3 jigures.) Our building stone supply: (Scientific American, January 8, 1887, and Scientific American Supplement, January 22 and 29, 1887.) Note on the secondary enlargement of augites in a peridotite from Little Deer Isle, Maine : (Am. J. Sci., awayo, No. 210, June, 1888, pp. 488–490.) Common salt : its geology and manufacture: (The Chautauquan, včić, No. 2, November, 1887, pp. 82–85.) What makes it rain? (St. Nicholas, aw, No. 6, April, 1888, pp. 403– 405, 2 illustrations.) On a new meteorite from the San Emigdio Range, San Bernardino County, California : (Am. J. Sci., awayo, No. 210, pp. 490–491.) Concerning the Montville serpentine : (Science, ač, No. 281, June 22, 1888, p. 302.) On the San Emigdio meteorite : (Proc. U. S. Wat. Mus., aft, 1888, pp. 161–167, 1 plate showing micro-structures.) On the ophiolite of Thurman, Warren County, New York; with notes on the eozoon canadense: (Am. Ji. Sci., March, 1889, pp. 189–191.) On the serpentine of Montville, New Jersey : (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., a 7, 1888, pp. 105–111, 2 plates showing macro- and micro-struc- tures.) On a peridotite from Little Deer Isle, Maine, in Penobscot Bay, on the coast of Maine : (Ib., pp. 191—195, 1 plate, 2 teat figures showing micro-structures.) The literature of geyserite : (Am. Geologist, December, 1888, p. 437.) Among the Pennsylvania slate quarries: (Scº. Am. Supplement, January, 1889, 3 columns.) Salt from sea water : (Ið., April.) On the selection of building stone : (Stone, December, 1888, pp. 196–197.) The onyx marbles: (Ib., February, 1889, p. 224.) Poor weathering qualities of marble : (Ib., p. 276.) The collection of building and ornamental stones in the U. S. National Museum : (Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1886 [1889], 77, pp. 277-648, plates 1–9, 14 teast figures.) Notes on the serpentinous rocks of Essex County, New York; from Aqueduct Shaft 26, New York City, and from near Easton, Penn- sylvania: (Proc. U. S. Wat. Mus., aft, May 22, 1890, pp. 595-600.) 44 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [96 itºumite, or flexible sandstone : (Stone, September, 1889, pp. 72, ..) On grindstones and whetstones: (Tb., June, 1890, pp. 39–40.) Report on the Department of Lithology and Physical Geology in the U. S. National Museum, 1887: (Report of the Smithsonian Institution, Č, 1886 [1889], pp. 239–244.) Report on the Department of Lithology and Physical Geology in the U. S. National Museum, 1886: (Ib., U. S. Wat. Mus., 1887 [1889], pp. 151–153.) Preliminary handbook of the Department of Geology in the U. S. National Museum : (Ib., 1888 [1890], pp. 1–50.) Report of progress in petrography for 1887 and 1888: (Tb., pp. 327–354.) Critical notes on American marbles: (Stone, º, No. 8, December, 1890.) Report on the Department of Lithology and Physical Geology in the U. S. National Museum, 1888: (Report of the Smithsonian Institution, U. S. National Museum, 1888 [1890], pp. 199—208.) Stones for building and decoration: (Wiley & Sons, New York, 1891, 8vo, 450 pp., with 11 full-page plates and 18 figures ºn teart.) The wind as a factor in geology : (The Engineering Magazine, February, 1892, 12 pp. and 7 illustrations.) Handbook of the Department of Geology in the U. S. National Museum. Part I, Geognosy : the materials of the earth’s crust : (Ann. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1890, pp. 503–591, with plates caſvić– ca'ato, and figures 89–98 in teat.) A marble quarry : (St. Nicholas Magazine, August, 1891, 2 pp., 2 2llustrations.) Notes on some North Carolina building and ornamental stones : (Stone, ºv, No. 3, July, 1891, p. 77.) Some errors of the Eleventh Census: (Tö., p. 92.) Notes on Some new marbles: (Ib., §v, No. 4, August, 1891, p. 109.) Foreign vs. American marbles : (Tb., §v, No. 6, October, 1891, p. 172.) Our sources of tin : (Ib., §v, No. 7, November, 1891, p. 212.) Concerning the Arizona onyx : (Ib., §v, No. 8, December, 1891, p. 345.) Cave marbles: (Ib., §v, No. 9, February, 1892, p. 398.) A lesson from the Eleventh Census: (Ib., iv, No. 11, March, 1892, p. 432.) Some Montana building stones: (Ib., p. 453.) Discussion of the strength and weathering qualities of roofing slate: (Trans. Am. Soc. Civil Eng., a.avi'i, December, 1892, pp. 685–687.) The architect and his materials: (The Am. Architect and Building Wews, March 4, 1893, p. 134.) 97] GEOILOGY AND MINIERALOGY. 45 A cheap form of box for microscopic slides: (Science, November 25, 1892, p. 298. A peculiar occurrence of beeswax : (Tö., June 18, 1893, p. 331.) The building stone industry of the United States: (Stone, July, 1892, pp. 131–139, 2 plates ; August, 1892, pp. 263-268, 2 plates, 1 figure in teat; September, 1892, pp. 369-374, 3 plates and 2 figures in tea;t.) The marble region of Knoxville, Tennessee : (Ib., November, 1892, pp. 591–599, 1 map and 5 figure8 ºn teat.) Remarks on prevalent methods of testing building stone : (Tb., December, 1892, pp. 5-8.) The strength and weathering qualities of roofing slates: (Tö., January, 1893, pp. 135–139.) The onyx deposits of Cave Creek, Arizona : (Ib., February, 1893, pp. 204–205.) and R. L. Packard. On an azure-blue pyroxenic rock from the Middle Gila, New Mexico : (Am. J. Science, April, 1892.) On some basic eruptive rocks in the vicinity of Lewiston and Auburn, in Androscoggin County, Maine : (Aſm. Geologist, July, 1892, pp. 49–55, with 1 plate.) — and J. E. Whitfield. The Fayette County meteorite: (Am. J. Science, August, 1888, pp. 113–119, 3 teat figures.) — and F. W. Clarke. On nephrite and jadeite : (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., aft, 1888, pp. 115–130, 1 plate showing micro-structures.) Frank L. Nason. (Graduate Student, 1886–87.) Some New York minerals and their localities: (Bull. of the N. Y. State Museum of Nat. Hist., No. 4, August, 1888, 20 pp., 1 plate.) On the location of some vertebrate fossil beds in Honduras, C. A. : (Am. J. Sci., awajiv, p. 485, December, 1887.) A new locality of the camptonite of Hawes and Rosenbusch : (Tö., awawā, p. 229, September, 1889.) The triassic rocks or red sandstones of New Jersey: (Ann. Rep. State Geologist W. J. for 1888, pp. 16–44, 1889.) Petrographical notes on the building stones of New York : (Bull. of the W. Y. State Museum Wat. Hist., No. 10, Sept. 1890.) 46 wº BIBLIOGRAPEIIA EIOPRINSIENSIS. [98 Geological studies of the Archaean rocks of New Jersey : (Ann. Rep. State Geologist N. J. for 1889, pp. 12–65, 1889.) Geological studies of the triassic or red sandstone and trap rocks: (Ib., pp. 66–72.) On the intrusive origin of the Watchung traps of New Jersey. Abstract: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., i, p. 562, 1890.) The Post-Archaean age of the white limestones of Sussex Co., N. J.: (Ann. Rep. State Geologist W. J. for 1890, pp. 25–50, 1891.) Iron mines of New Jersey : (Tö., pp. 51–127.) The Post-Archaean age of the white limestones of Sussex Co., N. J.: (Am. Geologist, vić, p. 241, 1891.) The Post-Archaean age of the white limestones of Sussex Co., N. J. A reply to a review : (Ib., vić, p. 166, 1891.) Eruptive origin of some iron ores: (Mºning and Hng. J l.) A report on the iron ores of Missouri: (Geol. Survey of Mž88our?, ?, 8vo, 366 pp., 1892.) The Magnesian series of the Ozark Uplift: (Am. Geologist, aft, p. 91, February, 1893.) * Robert L. Packard. (Fellow by Courtesy, 1892–93.) [See G. P. Merrill.] Edw. B. Sanger. (Graduate Student, 1883–84. Died November, 1886.) The geology of central Australia: (Am. Naturalist, 1883, pp. 1117– 1134.) Fresh water shells of Cooper's Creek, central Australia : (Tö., p. 1184.) Note on the occurrence of two genera of brachyopoda in the Austra- lian Desert: (Ib., p. 1185.) Timothy W. Stanton. (Graduate Student, 1888–89.) Paleontological notes: (Proc. Colorado Sct, Soc., º, part 3, pp. 184–187, 1888.) Cretaceous and tertiary strata near Wilmington, N. C. : (Am, Geolo- gist, vii, pp. 333–334, 1891.) .* The stratigraphic position of the Bear River formation : (Am. J l. Sci., al?, pp. 98–115, 1892.) The Colorado formation and its invertebrate fauna : (Bull. No. 106, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1893.) [In press.] On the faunas of the Shasta and Chico formations: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., §v, 1893, pp. 225 et seq.) [I'm pré88.] 99] GEOILOGY AND MINERALOGY. is 47 Geo. Huntington Williams. (Associate, 1883–85; Associate Professor, 1885–92; Professor of Inorganic Geology, 1892 —.) Glaukophangesteine aus Nord-Italien : (Neues Jahrbuch für MŽn., etc., 1882, ii, p. 202.) Die Eruptivgesteine der Gegend von Tryberg im Schwarzwald. In- augural dissertation : (Tb., Beilage-Band º, pp. 585-634, 1883.) The synthesis of minerals and rocks. Review of Fouqué et Michel- Lévy’s “Synthèse des minéraux et des roches”: (Am. Chem. J l., o, p. 127.) Relations of crystallography to chemistry : (Am. Chem. Ji., v, p. 461.) Barite crystals from DeKalb, N. Y. : (Univ. Circ., 29, March, 1884, p. 61.) Preliminary notice of the gabbros and associated hornblende rocks in the vicinity of Baltimore : (Tb., 30, April, 1884, p. 79.) Note on the so-called quartz-porphyry of Hollins Station, north of Baltimore : (Tb., 32, July, 1884, p. 131.) On the paramorphosis of pyroxene to hornblende in rocks: (Am. Jl. Sci., awvić, pp. 259–268, October, 1884.) Notice of J. Lehmann’s work on the origin of the crystalline schists: (Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., a vač, p. 405.) Review of J. Lehmann’s “Entstehung der altkrystallinen schiefer- gesteine”: (Am. J. Sci., a ſºvčić, p. 392, November, 1884.) Dykes of apparently eruptive granite in the neighborhood of Bal- timore : (Univ. Circ., 38, March, 1885, p. 65.) The microscope in geology : (Science, v, March, 1885.) Hornblende aus St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; Amphibol-anthophyllit aus der gegend von Baltimore ; Ueber das Vorkommen des von Cohen als “Hudsonit’ bezeichneten Gesteins am Hudson Fluss : (Neues Jahrbuch für Mön., etc., 1885, ii, p. 175.) Cause of the apparently perfect cleavage in American sphene: (Am. J l. Sci., a.ſvia, pp. 486–490, June, 1885.) A summary of the progress in mineralogy and petrography in 1885 : (Reprinted from the Am. Naturalist for 1885.) The peridotites of the “Cortlandt Series” near Peekskill on the Hudson River, N.Y.: (Am. J. Sci., waali, pp. 26–41, January, 1886.) The gabbros and associated hornblende rocks occurring in the neighborhood of Baltimore, Md.: (Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, Wo. 28, Washington, 1886, 78 pp. and 4 colored plates.) * Modern petrography: (Heath's Monographs on Education, No. 1, 35 pp., Boston, 1886.) On a remarkable crystal of pyrite from Baltimore Co., Md. : (Univ. Circ., 53, November, 1886, p. 30.) 48 EIBILIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [100 The norites of the “Cortlandt Series” on the Hudson River near Peekskill, N. Y.: (Am. J. Sci., 3, awaii?, pp. 135-144 and 191–199, February and March, 1887.) On the chemical composition of the orthoclase in the Cortlandt norite : (Tb., p. 243.) On the serpentine of Syracuse, N. Y.: (Science, i.a., p. 232, March 11, 1887.) On the serpentine (peridotite) occurring in the Onondaga salt-group at Syracuse, N. Y.: (Am. J l. Sci., a.a.ſvěv, pp. 137–145, August, 1887.) Holocrystalline granite structure in eruptive rocks of tertiary age. (Review of Stelzner’s “Beiträge zur Geologie der Argentinischen Republik”) ; (Ib., awaº, p. 315, April, 1887.) Notes on the minerals occurring in the neighborhood of Baltimore : (Baltimore, 1887, 18 pp.) Note on some remarkable crystals of pyroxene from Orange Co., N. Y.: (Am. J. Sci., awaiv, p. 275, October, 1887.) Rutil mach Ilmenit in verändertem Diabas. Pleonast (Hercynit) in Norit vom Hudson-Fluss. Perowskit in Serpentin (Peridotit) von Syracuse, N. Y.: (Neues Jahrbuch für MŽn., etc., 1887, iž, pp. 263-267.) On a new petrographical microscope of American manufacture : (Univ. Circ., 62, p. 22, January, 1888; Am. J. Sci., awayo, p. 114, February, 1888.) On a plan proposed for future work upon the geological map of the Baltimore region : (Univ. Circ., 59, p. 122, August, 1887.) Progress of the work on the Archaean geology of Maryland: (Tö., No. 65, p. 61, April, 1888.) The gabbros and diorites of the “Cortlandt Series '' on the Hudson River near Peekskill, N. Y.: (Am. J. Sci., awaw, pp. 438–448, June, 1888.) The contact-metamorphism produced in the adjoining micaschists and limestones by the massive rocks of the “Cortlandt Series” near Peekskill, N. Y.: (Ib., waa'vi, pp. 254–269, plate vi, October, 1888.) Geology of Fernando de Noronha. Part II. Petrography: (Ib., awayvić, pp. 178–189, March, 1889.) On the possibility of hemihedrism in the monoclinic crystal system, with especial reference to the hemihedrism of pyroxene : (Ib., a.a.avčič, pp. 115–120, August, 1889.) Contributions to the mineralogy of Maryland: (Univ. Circ., 75, p. 98, September, 1889.) Some modern aspects of geology: (Popular Science Monthly, Sep- tember, 1889.) Note on the eruptive origin of the Syracuse serpentine : (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amér., &, p. 533.) 101] GEOILOGY AND MINERALOGY. 49 Geological and petrographical observations in southern and western Norway: (Ib., pp. 551–553.) Celestite from Mineral Co., West Virginia: (Am. J. Sci., awaiia, pp. 183–188, March, 1890.) Same, reprinted in German in Zeitschr. Kryst, u. Mön., avčić, p. 1, 1890. On the hornblende of St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., and its gliding planes: (Am. J. Sci., waſvia, pp. 352–358, May, 1890.) The non-feldspathic intrusive rocks of Maryland and the course of their alteration. First paper: The original rocks: (Am. Geolo- g?st, July, 1890, vi, p. 35.) Elements of crystallography for students of chemistry, physics and mineralogy: (New York, H. Holt & Co.; 8vo, 250 pp., 383 figures and 2 plates.) The greenstone-schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette regions in Michigan: (Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 62, 241 pp., 29 figs. and 16 plates, Washington, 1890.) The silicified glass-breccia of Vermilion River, Sudbury district: (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., ii, p. 138.) The petrography and structure of the Piedmont plateau in Mary- land : (Ib., pp. 301–318.) Anglesite, cerussite and sulphur from the Mountain View lead mine, near Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Md.: (Univ. Circ., 87, April, 1891.) [Octavo, reprint.] Anatase from the Arvon slate quarries, Buckingham Co., Va.; (Am. Jl. Sci., alii, p. 431, November, 1891.) Notes on the microscopical character of rocks from the Sudbury mining district, Canada. Appendix I to Dr. R. Bell’s paper on the Sudbury mining district: (Rep. Geol. and Wat. Hist. Survey of Canada, 1888–90, F, pp. 55–82.) Notes on some eruptive rocks from Alaska. Appendix to Prof. H. F. Reid’s paper on the Muir glacier: (Nat. Geog. Mag., iv, pp. 63–74.) Geological excursion by University students across the Appala- chians in May, 1891: (Univ. Circ., 94, December, 1891.) A university and its natural environment: Address before the Johns Hopkins University : (Ib., 96, March, 1892.) Crystals of metallic cadmium : (Am. Chem. Jºl, aftv, p. 274.) Geology of Baltimore and vicinity. Part I. Crystalline rocks: (Guidebook for Am. Inst. Mºn. Engineers, Baltimore, February, 1892, pp. 77–124.) Geological map of Baltimore and vicinity : (Published by the Johns Hopkins University, G. H. Williams, Editor, October, 1892.) 50 BIBLIOGRAPHIA HOPKINSIENSIS. [102 The volcanic rocks of South Mountain in Pennsylvania and Mary- land: (Am. J. Sci., aliv, pp. 482-496, December, 1892.) [Reprinted in “Scientific American,” January 14, 1893, and abstract Univ. Circ., 103.] The microscope and the study of the crystalline schists: (Science, January 6, 1893.) - A new machine for cutting and grinding thin sections of rocks and minerals: (Am. J l. Sci., alv, p. 102, February, 1893, and Univ. Circ., 103.) Maps of the territory included within the State of Maryland, espe- cially the vicinity of Baltimore : (Univ. Circ., 103, February, 1893.) On the use of the terms poikilitic and micropoikilitic in petro- graphy: (Jºl. of Geology, i, No. 2, p. 176, February, 1893.) Piedmontite in the acid volcanic rocks of South Mountain, Penn- sylvania: (Am. J l. Sci., alvi, p. 50, July, 1893.) Crystalline rocks from the Andes: (Jil. of Geology, 2, No. 4, p. 141, 1893.) Sixty-eight reviews of American geological and petrographical literature, published in the Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, between 1884 and 1890. The Williams family, tracing the descendants of Thomas Williams, of Roxbury, Mass.: (W. Eng. Hist. Reg., 1880.) [Reprinted for private distribution.] and W. M. Burton. On the crystal form of metallic zinc : (Am. Chem. J., ai, No. 4.) and Wm. B. Clark. Geology and mineral resources of Maryland, with geological map: (In the book “Maryland,” published by the State Board of Managers for the World's Fair Commission, July, 1893.) and N. H. Darton. Baltimore Atlas Sheet: (Geologic Atlas of the United States, U. S. Geol. Survey.) [In press.] Chas. E. Wright. (Fellow by Courtesy, 1887–88; State Geologist of Michigan. Died March 22, 1888.) Sketch of, by C. D. Lawton: (Aſm. Geologist, Č, p. 307, 1888.)