IN CHIGAN THE 1817 LIBRARIES ***FTUAN EIHHAHIE: 1 C 3. 223/5 : 2oop PHC - 3 - 8 0159-c-07 Chod DOCS HA 201.122 .C455 ne.8-14 ecticut: 2000 on and Housing Unit Counts Issued July 2003 PHC-3-8 2000 Census of Population and Housing UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UBRARIES OCT 02 2003 DEPOSITED BY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA United States US CENSUS BUREAU Helping You Make Informed Decisions U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Census 2000 TIT. Nonton HE ALISAINS OF Connecticut: 2000 . Issued July 2003 PHCO3-8 Population and Housing Unit Counts 1 . 2000 Census of Population and Housing . 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES OF DEPARTMENT COMMERCE UNITED AMERICA STATES OF U.S. Department of Commerce Donald L. Evans, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, Deputy Secretary Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director 76 265 AR 2969 07/05 XL5 -013-01 GBC HATCH/Does НА zolina (455 2 fuz 4.8 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-8, Connecticut Washington, DC, 2003 141 ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs COMMERCE SUPRAVO CENSUS U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director Hermann Habermann, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer Vacant, Principal Associate Director and Chief Financial Officer Vacant, Principal Associate Director for Programs Preston Jay Waite, Associate Director for Decennial Census Nancy M. Gordon, Associate Director for Demographic Programs Cynthia Z.F. Clark, Associate Director for Methodology and Standards Marvin D. Raines, Associate Director for Field Operations Arnold A. Jackson, Assistant Director for Decennial Census For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet:; Phone: toll-free 1-866-512-1800; DC area 202-512-1800; Fax: 202-512-2250; Mail: Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-0001 Docs - Depos 8/3/03 CONTENTS List of Statistical Tables ... How to Use This Census Report Table Finding Guide. . User Notes. Statistical Tables (For a detailed list of statistical tables, see page v) 1-1 11-1 111-1 1 * * * Appendixes А. Geographic Terms and Concepts B Definitions of Subject Characteristics. Data Collection and Processing Procedures D Questionnaire. E Data Products and User Assistance. F Maps . ... G Accuracy of the Data H Acknowledgments. * ► ם ס ח ד I C * F-1 * * Appendix may be found in the separate volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print and on the Internet at UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES Contents iii 1 ! 1 --- LIST OF STATISTICAL TABLES Table no. Title Page 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 State, Urban and Rural 2. 2 3. 3 4. 5. 5 6. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 ..., State, County Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000. . State, County Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 . State, County Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000. State, County, County Subdivision, Place Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 State, Place and [In Selected States) County Subdivision Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000. State, Place (2,500 or More Population) Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000. State, Minor Civil Division (2,500 or More Population] Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000. ... State, Size of Place [Population) Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 State, Urban and Rural, Size of Urban Area [Population] 9 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES 18 7a. 19 8. 22 9. 24 List of Statistical Tables | | | How to Use This Census Report CONTENTS Page Introduction 1-1 1-2 How to Find Geographic Areas and Subject Matter Data.... How to Use the Statistical Tables 1-2 Graphics 1-5 User Notes... 1-5 Appendixes 1-5 INTRODUCTION Data from Census 2000 are presented in three printed report series: 1. PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics 2. PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics 3. PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts The data from Census 2000 were derived from a limited number of basic questions asked of the entire population and about every housing unit (referred to as the 100-percent questions, found on the “short form"), and from additional questions asked of a sample of the population and housing units (referred to as the sample questions, found on the "long form"). The PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, report series provides data based on the 100-percent questions. The subjects are age, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relation- ship, race, sex, tenure (owner- or renter-occupied), and vacancy characteristics. Land area mea- surements and population density also are provided. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-1 series. The PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, report series provides sample data based on both the 100-percent and the sample questions. Sample subjects include place of birth; residence in 1995; language; educational attainment and school enrollment; vet- eran status; disability status; employment status; journey to work; work status, earnings, income, and poverty status in 1999; physical housing characteristics; units in structure; fuel and equip- ment characteristics; owner and renter household characteristics, such as year owner moved into unit; home value; contract and gross rent; and mortgage and rental cost characteristics. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-5 series. The PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series provides Census 2000 and histori- cal comparisons of the 100 percent population and housing unit counts. It provides land and water area measurements, and population density. The user notes section documents geographic changes over the past decade. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-2 series. In each series, there is one report for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, plus a United States summary report. Many tables in the United States summary reports include data for Puerto Rico. How to Use This Census Report 1-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 HOW TO FIND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS AND SUBJECT MATTER DATA Figure 1-1. Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Average per Population Housing units Area measurement square mile Geographic area This report includes a table finding guide to assist the user in locating those sta- tistical tables that contain the desired data. The table finding guide lists alpha- betically, by geographic area, the subjects shown in this report. To determine which tables in this report show data for a particular topic, find the subject in the lefthand column of the table finding guide and then look across the col- umns using the headings at the top for the desired type of geographic area. Figure 1-1 is an example of a table finding guide. Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number area tion units of places THE STATE Total 5,6 3,5,6.9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1.8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1.2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,7a,8,9 7.7a 7,7a,9 1,4,8,9 1.4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6. 7,7a 1 1 1 1,8 9 9 1,8 1 8 - - 1 - - 8 Urban and rural Current urban definition 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place In urbanized area and in urban cluster Size of banized area and urban cluster In place and not in place. 4,9 - 9 - 9 - 1 1 - 9 9 4,8 8 COUNTY 2,3,4,5 2,3,5 2,5 5 2,4,5 4 Total Urban and rural 3,5 3,5 3,5 - COUNTY SUBDIVISION By county Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 7a 7a PLACE The table finding guide does not include cross- classifications of subject- matter items. Additional information to locate data within specific reports is provided in the headnote at the top of the table find- ing guide and in the foot- notes at the bottom of the guide. By county and county subdivision Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 7 State. District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico *Parish in Louisiana, city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties, the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. HOW TO USE THE STATISTICAL TABLES Parts of a Statistical Table The census data included in printed reports are arranged in tables. Each table includes four major parts: (1) heading, (2) boxhead, (3) stub, and (4) data field. A typical census report table is illus- trated in Figure 1-2. The heading consists of the table number, title, and headnote. The table number indicates the position of the table within the report, while the title is a brief statement indicating the subjects and time reference of the data presented in the table. The headnote is enclosed in brackets and is located under the title. It contains statements that qualify, explain, or provide information pertain- ing to the entire table. The boxhead is under the heading. This portion of the table, which contains the individual column heads or captions, describes the data in each vertical column. In the boxhead of many tables, a spanner appears across and above two or more column heads or across two or more lower span- ners. The purpose of a spanner is to classify or qualify items below it or separate the table into identifiable blocks in terms of major aspects of the data. 1-2 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Figure 1-2. The stub is located at PARTS OF A STATISTICAL TABLE Headnote Table number and title 1 Tabte 6 Population for Selected Categories of Race 2000 Column head Spanner Heading the left edge of the table. It includes a list- ing of line or row cap- tions or descriptions. At the top of the stub is the stubhead. The stub- head is considered to be an extension of the table title and usually shows generic geo- graphic area designa- tions and restrictions. Stubhead Pack Blaced County Sadision Boxhead 29 22 1.trri.isl sinis stsuštvo.. sieteellises iesiveria intill ******** ********** ******&* ayri*** p***** ********** Data 0-=6... 100-3. 1.Ind... Barevesa next... »sai....#: ill P*: **** ****************************** ******:1 ********** 09*** ???taba aba**N1 SEDIH*A! ***!1!" !" !!!430516 3***2*98*5 ****** 289****85*3 ********** 198835313 Bil**** ***CERS! ****52EP** FOR*** ! ********** ********** ********** *****$***? **3***** !**4*3*2** tęs*** Westis Waikatkenä kesiscal ExTN988* *8.12.2019 yixil**8x talsiasis fuer new In the stub, several fea- tures are used to help Stub the user better under- field stand the contents of the table. Usually, a block of data lines is preceded by a side- head. The sidehead, similar to a spanner, describes and classifies the stub entries follow- Sidehead ing it. The use of inden- tation in a stub indi- cates the relationship of one data line to another. Indented data 1 1 lines represent sub- Page number Report title categories that, in most instances, sum to a total. Occasionally in tables, it is desirable to show one or more single-line subcategories that do not sum to the total. PUNCH # S.EE 1.6 m4438!.. ***** ****sRecr. 16 Alabama Summary Population and Housing Characteristics and state name The data field is that part of the statistical table that contains the data. It extends from the bottom of the boxhead to the bottom of the table and from the right of the stub to the right edge of the page. Both geographic and subject matter terms appear in tables. It is important to read the definitions of the terms used in the tables because census terms often are defined in special ways that reflect the manner in which the questions were asked and the data were tabulated. Definitions of geo- graphic terms are provided in PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, Appendix A. Census tables often include derived measures such as medians, means, percentages, and ratios. These and other subject-matter terms are defined in Appendix B of the same report. Symbols and Geographic Abbreviations The following symbols are used in the tables and explanations of subjects covered in Census 2000 reports: • A dash “.” represents zero or a derived measure that rounds to less than 0.1. • (X) means not applicable. In the 1990 and earlier decennial census reports, three dots "..." meant not applicable. (NA) means not available. How to Use This Census Report 1-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 • The superscript prefix"r" indicates that the count has been revised since the publication of the 1990 census reports, or that the area was erroneously omitted or not shown in the correct geo- graphic relationship in the 1990 census reports. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • A dagger "t" next to the name of a geographic area indicates that there has been a geographic change (for example, an annexation or detachment, a new incorporation, or a name change) since the information was published for the 1990 census for that area. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. The geo- graphic change information for the entities in a state is shown in the "User Notes” section of the Census 2000 PHC-3 report for that state. • A plus sign “+” is appended to the lower bound of the highest interval when the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A minus sign “.” is appended to the upper bound of the lowest interval when the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution. For more information on medians, see the section on “Derived Measures” in Appendix B. • A minus sign "." preceding a figure denotes decrease. The minus sign appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (U) means the place or place part is composed entirely of urban land area. The (U) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (R) means the place or place part is composed entirely of rural land area. The (R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (U/R) means the place or place part is composed of both urban land area and rural land area. The (U/R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. The following geographic abbreviations and terms may be used in the tables in this report: • A "(part)" next to the name of a geographic area in a hierarchical presentation indicates that the geographic entity is located only partially in the superior geographic entity. For example, a "(part)" next to a place name in a county subdivision-place hierarchy indicates that the place is located in more than one county subdivision. (Places also may be "split” by county, congres- sional district, urban/rural, metropolitan area, voting district, and other geographic boundaries, depending on the presentation.) Other geographic entities also can be "split" by a higher level entity. The exception is a tabulation block, which is unique within all geographic entities in census products. • ANVSA is Alaska Native village statistical area. • ANRC is Alaska Native Regional Corporation. • CCD is census county division. • CDP is census designated place. • CMSA is consolidated metropolitan statistical area. • MA is metropolitan area. • MSA is metropolitan statistical area. • OTSA is Oklahoma tribal statistical area. • PMSA is primary metropolitan statistical area. • SDAISA is state designated American Indian statistical area. • TDSA is tribal designated statistical area. • UT is unorganized territory. |-4 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 GRAPHICS Charts, statistical maps, and other graphic summaries are included in some Census 2000 reports. USER NOTES User notes include corrections, errata, and related explanatory information. This section appears directly before the statistical tables in census reports. It presents information about unique char- acteristics of the report and changes or corrections made too late to be reflected in the text or tables themselves. However, sometimes this information becomes available too late to be reflected even in the user notes. Census 2000 user updates are available on the Census Bureau's Internet site at 2000.html. To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Services Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at APPENDIXES Appendixes A through E, G, and H, described below, are found in the separate printed volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, or on the Internet at Appendix F is included in this report. Appendix A, Geographic Terms and Concepts. Provides definitions of the types of geo- graphic areas and related information used in census products. Appendix B, Definitions of Subject Characteristics. Contains definitions for the subject- matter terms used in census products, including explanations of derived measures, limitations of the data, and comparability with previous censuses. The subjects are listed alphabetically. Popula- tion characteristics are defined first, followed by the definitions of the housing subjects. Appendix C, Data Collection and Processing Procedures. Explains the enumeration and residence rules used in counting the population and housing units in the United States and Puerto Rico. It also describes the major components of the operational plan for Census 2000, and includes a glossary of terms. Presents a facsimile of the Census 2000 question- Appendix D, Questionnaire Facsimile. naire used to collect the data in this report. Appendix E, Data Products and User Assistance. Summarizes the Census 2000 data prod- ucts by describing the information available in printed reports and through electronic media such as CD-ROM, DVD, and the Internet. It also describes Census 2000 maps and other geographic products, reference materials, and sources of assistance. Appendix F, Maps. Contains maps depicting the geographic areas shown in this report. Appendix G, Accuracy of the Data. Provides information on confidentiality of the data, impu- tation of housing unit status and population counts, sources of errors in the data, and editing of unacceptable data. Appendix H, Acknowledgments. Lists many of the U.S. Census Bureau staff who participated in the various activities of Census 2000. How to Use This Census Report 1-5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 | 1 Table Finding Guide 1 1 SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). i Average per Population Area measurement Housing units square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number area tion units of places THE STATE Total .... 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,7a,8,9 7,7a 7,72,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6, 7,7a 1 1 1 -- 9 9 1,8 1,8 1 - - 1 8 - - - - - - - 8 Urban and rural ... Current urban definition .. 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place .... In urbanized area and in urban cluster .... Size of urbanized area and urban cluster In place and not in place. 4,9 - 9 9 - - - 9 9 1 9 4,8 - - - 8 COUNTY? 2,3,4,5 2,3,5 2,5 5 3,5 3 5 3,5 3,5 Total .... Urban and rural 2,4,5 4 COUNTY SUBDIVISION3 5 5 O on 5 6 By county Alphabetically by state. By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank. 5 6 5 6 6 7a ܗ ܗ ܗ 5 6 6 ܗ ܗ ܗ | 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 7a 7a 7a 1 PLACE By county and county subdivision. Alphabetically by state. By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank. 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 ܗ ܗ ܗ | 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 7 'State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. 3 County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin, Table Finding Guide 11-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 User Notes Additional information concerning this Census 2000 product may become available after this report is published. This information, called Notes and Errata, is available in portable document format (PDF) on the U.S. Census Bureau's Internet site at To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Service Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at GENERAL NOTES User Note 1 The user should be aware that there are limitations to many of these data. Please refer to the text provided with this report for further explanation of the limitations of the data. The population and other data shown for Census 2000 in this report is as of April 1, 2000; the boundaries used for all geographic entities are as of January 1, 2000. All boundaries are intended for Census Bureau sta- tistical data collection and presentation only; their depiction and designation for statistical pur- poses do not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or entitlement. Corrections to the Census 2000 data as a result of certified Count Question Review changes are available from the Census Bureau's Internet site at: User Note 2 Data comparability for county subdivisions is shown only when the county subdivision contains substantially the same territory as reported for the 1990 census (generally defined as at least 80 percent of the previous territory. There is no comparability provided for county subdivisions that have been extensively revised. Revised entities are noted by and within county. Changes to a geographic entity can be the result of legal change actions, statistical redefinition, correction of previous boundary or drafting errors, or new erroneous information. Incorporated place and census designated place (CDP) comparability is provided for all places that retained their name or general area without regard to the amount of territorial change between censuses. Place comparability is not shown if the entity is new for Census 2000 (including changes from a CDP to a legally incorporated place and vice versa) or is the result of a merger that created an entirely new entity, or if a Census 2000 CDP contains less than 50 percent of the terri- tory of a 1990 census CDP. HISTORICAL NOTES ? The area of Connecticut was part of the original territory of the United States. It was chartered as a colony in 1662. In 1786, it ceded area to the United States' government that became part of the Northwest Territory in 1787, but Connecticut retained the "Connecticut Western Reserve", a 120- mile strip of territory in present-day northeast Ohio. Connecticut did not cede this territory until 1800. Connecticut ratified the U.S. Constitution on January 9, 1788; it was the fifth of the original 13 states to join the Union. Its boundary was generally the same as the present state (excluding the Connecticut Western Reserve), although the boundary between Connecticut and Massachu- setts was changed slightly in 1804. Census data for Connecticut are available beginning with the 1790 census. H User Notes 111-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 GEOGRAPHIC NOTES The Census Bureau reports Connecticut to be divided into eight counties. Legally, Connecticut abolished its counties in 1960, with their authority transferred to the state and town govern- ments. However, the geographic areas still serve a judicial purpose as well as a historical geo- graphic framework. The 169 county subdivisions in the state are towns, which are functioning governmental units. The Census Bureau identifies four areas in Long Island Sound that are not within a county subdivision; these areas are not assigned to any county subdivision and not counted in the number of county subdivisions. There are 30 incorporated places and 90 CDPs in Connecticut. Incorporated places in the state are legally described as boroughs and cities. The Census Bureau treats all incorporated places and CDPs as dependent within towns. In 2000, 19 of the 20 cities (all but Groton) and one borough (Naugatuck) were geographically coextensive and governmentally consolidated with a town. The Census Bureau treats Milford city as a consolidated city because it is governmentally consolidated with Milford town and includes the separately incorporated place of Woodmont borough. The por- tion of Milford city outside of Woodmont borough is shown in the data tables as Milford city (bal- ance). GEOGRAPHIC CHANGE NOTES The Geographic Change Notes listed below document high-level geographic entities-counties, county subdivisions, and places-that are different from the information reported in the 1990 cen- sus. The notes identify geographic entities whose name and/or boundary have changed, entities that no longer exist, newly established entities (both legal and statistical), and changes in geo- graphic relationships, such as places that exist in one county and have expanded into or with- drawn from another county (the notes do not identify the other county(ies) in which the entity exists; this can be determined from the Table listing all places in this publication) and places that have become independent of or dependent within one or more county subdivisions. The changes are reported by and within county. A few of the reported changes in name, legal status, or legal relationship may be incorrect; if so, the correct version is shown in any Correction Notes section above. Some changes are the result of legal actions that took place prior to the 1990 census, but were not reported in that census. The change notes for previous censuses reported only changes that occurred primarily as the result of specific legal actions, as well as identifiable revisions to statistical entities (primarily county subdivisions). For Census 2000, the notes reflect any boundary change that affects a geo- graphic entity, regardless of whether it is the result of legal action, redefinition of a statistical entity, correction of a previous boundary-reporting or -drafting error, or new erroneous informa- tion. For example, the county-level text "all districts revised" may reflect a legal redistricting of all county subdivisions in the county, a major or minor relocation of county subdivision boundaries due to more accurate mapping or more accurate boundary information, or a combination of these that, in one way or another, affect every county subdivision in a county. In states whose legal enti- ties rarely undergo a legal boundary change, such as the New England states, most of the entities reported to have exchanged, gained, or lost territory did so as the result of mapping changes, not legal actions. The extent and location of the boundary changes affecting any particular entity can be determined by comparing the TIGER/Line® Files, Cartographic Boundary Files, or a comparable set of maps for the 1990 and 2000 censuses. Fairfield County, Connecticut Bethel CDP.... Darien CDP Darien town Greenwich town Monroe town Newtown borough...... Ridgefield CDP... gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Stamford town. lost territory to Stamford town. exchanged territory with Shelton town. lost territory. gained territory. 111-2 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Fairfield County, Connecticut-Con. Shelton city.. Shelton town Stamford city Stamford town.... gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Monroe and Trumbull towns. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Greenwich town; lost territory to Darien town. .. gained territory. exchanged territory with Shelton town. gained and lost territory. Trumbull CDP... Trumbull town... Westport CDP ..... Hartford County, Connecticut Avon town Bristol city Bristol town.. Broad Brook CDP ... Canton Valley CDP. Canton town.... Central Manchester CDP Collinsville CDP...... Farmington town. Hazardville CDP North Granby CDP.. Salmon Brook CDP.... Sherwood Manor CDP Tariffville CDP....... Thompsonville CDP West Simsbury CDP... Windsor Locks CDP... lost territory to Canton town. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Farmington town. gained territory. lost territory. gained territory from Avon town. gained territory. gained territory. .. exchanged territory with Bristol town. gained territory. lost territory. lost territory. gained territory gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. Litchfield County, Connecticut Bethlehem Village CDP ..... New Hartford Center CDP ... New Milford CDP .... Winsted CDP .... Woodbury Center CDP. lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. lost territory. lost territory. Middlesex County, Connecticut Higganum CDP Lake Pocotopaug CDP Middlefield town Middletown city Middletown town.. Moodus CDP .... Portland CDP.... lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Middletown town. gained territory. gained territory from Middlefield town. lost territory. gained territory. New Haven County, Connecticut Branford Center CDP ... Guilford Center CDP. Hamden town.... Madison Center CDP Milford city (balance). gained and lost territory. gained territory. exchanged territory with North Haven town. lost territory. reported as Milford city (remainder) in the 1990 census; gained and lost territory. reported as Milford city (balance) in Census 2000. Milford city (remainder) User Notes 111-3 : U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 New Haven County, Connecticut-Con. North Haven CDP.... North Haven town. Woodmont borough ... ... lost territory. exchanged territory with Hamden town. gained and lost territory. New London County, Connecticut Colchester borough ...... Conning Towers-Nautilus Park CDP... Groton Long Point borough Long Hill CDP... Mystic CDP. Noank CDP.... . Old Mystic CDP ..... Oxoboxo River CDP disincorporated. gained territory. new incorporated place. new CDP. gained territory, including part of deleted West Mystic CDP. ... new CDP. new CDP. name changed from Uncasville-Oxoboxo Valley; lost territory. gained and lost territory. name changed to Oxoboxo River. deleted; part now in Mystic CDP. Poquonock Bridge CDP .... Uncasville-Oxoboxo Valley CDP. West Mystic CDP.... Tolland County, Connecticut Mansfield Center CDP ..... Rockville CDP..... Stafford Springs borough Storrs CDP ... Willington town.. gained territory from Windham County. new CDP. new CDP. ... disincorporated. lost territory. gained territory from Ashford town, Windham County. Windham County, Connecticut Ashford town.. East Brooklyn CDP ..... North Grosvenor Dale CDP. Plainfield Village CDP Putnam District CDP... South Woodstock CDP. lost territory to Tolland County. ... lost territory to Willington town, Tolland County. ... gained territory. lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. 111-4 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] The State Urban Rural Percent of total State Urban and Rural Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Number of places of 2,500 or more Total number Number Percent Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Urban Rural POPULATION Current urban definition: 导 ​2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 3 405 565 3 287 116 118 449 (X) 3.6 (X) 79 81 2 988 059 2 858 929 129 130 (X) 4.5 (X) 417 506 428 187 -10 681 (X) -2.5 (X) 87.7 87.0 12.3 13.0 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 3 287 116 3 107 564 3 032 217 2 535 234 2 007 280 179 552 75 347 496 983 527 954 (X) 5.8 2.5 19.6 26.3 (X) 创乃​$84 81 75 46 62 41 2 601 548 2 449 774 2 376 079 1 985 567 1 558 642 151 774 73 695 390 512 426 925 6.2 3.1 19.7 27.4 (X) 685 568 657 802 655 630 549 667 448 638 27 766 2 172 105 963 101 029 (X) 4.2 0.3 19.3 22.5 (X) 79.1 78.8 78.4 78.3 77.6 20.9 21.2 21.6 21.7 22.4 (X) Pre-1950 urban definition: 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1940 (Apr. 1) 1930 (Apr. 1) 1920 (Jan. 1) 2 535 234 2 007 280 1 709 242 1 606 903 1 380 631 527 954 298 038 102 339 226 272 265 875 26.3 17.4 6.4 16.4 23.9 42 36 32 33 30 1 749 569 1 390 504 1 158 162 1 131 770 936 339 359 065 232 342 26 392 195 431 204 542 258 20.1 2.3 20.9 28.0 785 665 616 776 551 080 475 133 444 292 168 889 65 696 75 947 30 841 61 333 27.4 11.9 16.0 6.9 16.0 69,0 69.3 67.8 70.4 67.8 31.0 30.7 32.2 29.6 32.2 1910 (Apr. 15) 1900 (June 1) 1890 (June 1) 1880 (June 1) 1870 (June 1) 1 114 756 908 420 746 258 622 700 537 454 206 336 162 162 123 558 85 246 77 307 22.7 21.7 19.8 15.9 16.8 32 28 21 20 11 731 797 543 755 379 853 260 718 177 153 188 042 163 902 119 135 83 565 55 032 34.6 43.1 45.7 47.2 45.1 382 959 364 665 366 405 361 982 360 301 18 294 -1 740 4 423 1 681 22 275 5.0 -0.5 1.2 0.5 6.6 65.6 59.9 50.9 41.9 33.0 34.4 40.1 49.1 58.1 67.0 1860 (June 1) 1850 (June 1) 1840 (June 1) 1830 (June 1) 1820 (Aug. 7). 460 147 370 792 309 978 297 675 275 248 89 355 60 814 12 303 22 427 13 306 24.1 19.6 4.1 8.1 5.1 urono 122 121 59 321 38 952 27 847 20 804 62 800 20 369 11 105 7 043 4 863 105.9 52.3 39.9 33.9 30.5 338 026 311 471 271 026 269 828 254 444 26 555 40 445 1198 15 384 8 443 8.5 14.9 0.4 6.0 3.4 26.5 16.0 12.6 9.4 7.6 73.5 84.0 87.4 90.6 92.4 1810 (Aug. 6). 1800 (Aug. 4) 1790 (Aug. 2) 261 942 251 002 237 946 10 940 13 056 (X) 4.4 5.5 (X) 15 941 12 722 7 170 3 219 5 552 (X) 25.3 77.4 (X) 246 001 238 280 230 776 7 721 7 504 (X) 3.2 3.3 (X) ο ο ο 6.1 5.1 3.0 93.9 94.9 97.0 O HOUSING UNITS 1 Current urban definition: 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 1 385 975 1 320 850 (X) 65 125 (X) 4.9 (X) 1 218 624 1 154 048 64 576 (X) 5.6 (X) 167 351 166 802 549 (X) 0.3 (X) 87.9 874 12.1 12.6 1950-90 urban definition: (X) 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 Apr. 1) 1 320 850 1 158 880 981 603 818 544 611 162 161 970 177 277 163 059 207 382 (X) 14.0 18.1 19.9 33.9 (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 053 591 920 602 765 557 631 709 459 353 132 989 155 045 133 848 172 356 (X) 14.4 20.3 21.2 37.5 (X) 267 259 238 282 215 061 186 835 151 809 28 977 23 221 28 226 35 026 (X) 12.2. 10.8 15.1 23.1 (X) 79.8 79.4 78.1 77.2 75.2 20.2 20.6 21.9 22.8 24.8 i Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 New Haven County, Connecticut-Con. North Haven CDP..... North Haven town... Woodmont borough lost territory. exchanged territory with Hamden town. gained and lost territory. New London County, Connecticut Colchester borough Conning Towers-Nautilus Park CDP Groton Long Point borough. Long Hill CDP.... Mystic CDP.... Noank CDP...... Old Mystic CDP Oxoboxo River CDP disincorporated. gained territory. new incorporated place. new CDP. gained territory, including part of deleted West Mystic CDP. new CDP. new CDP. name changed from Uncasville-Oxoboxo Valley; lost territory. gained and lost territory. name changed to Oxoboxo River. deleted; part now in Mystic CDP. Poquonock Bridge CDP.. Uncasville-Oxoboxo Valley CDP. West Mystic CDP...... Tolland County, Connecticut . Mansfield Center CDP .... Rockville CDP....... Stafford Springs borough Storrs CDP .... Willington town.. gained territory from Windham County. new CDP. new CDP. disincorporated. lost territory. gained territory from Ashford town, Windham County. Windham County, Connecticut Ashford town ..... East Brooklyn CDP ....... North Grosvenor Dale CDP. Plainfield Village CDP. Putnam District CDP. South Woodstock CDP... . lost territory to Tolland County. lost territory to Willington town, Tolland County. gained territory lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. III-4 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) The State Urban Rural Percent of total State Urban and Rural Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Number of places of 2,500 or more Total number Number Percent Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Urban Rural POPULATION Current urban definition: 118 449 -10 681 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 3 405 565 3 287 116 (X) 3.6 (X) 79 81 2 988 059 2 858 929 129 130 (X) 4.5 (X) 417 506 428 187 (X) -2.5 (X) 87.7 87.0 12.3 13.0 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 3 287 116 3 107 564 3 032 217 2 535 234 2 007 280 179 552 75 347 496 983 527 954 (X) 5.8 2.5 19.6 26.3 (X) 81 75 46 62 41 2 601 548 2 449 774 2 376 079 1 985 567 1 558 642 151 774 73 695 390 512 426 925 (X) 6.2 3.1 19.7 27.4 (X) 685 568 657 802 655 630 549 667 448 638 27 766 2 172 105 963 101 029 (X) 4.2 0.3 19.3 22.5 (X) 79.1 78.8 78.4 78.3 77.6 20.9 21.2 21.6 21.7 22.4 Pre-1950 urban definition: 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1940 (Apr. 1) 1930 (Apr. 1) 1920 (Jan. 1) 2 535 234 2 007 280 1 709 242 1 606 903 1 380 631 527 954 298 038 102 339 226 272 265 875 26.3 17.4 6.4 16.4 23.9 42 36 32 33 30 1 749 569 1 390 504 1 158 162 1 131 770 936 339 359 065 232 342 26 392 195 431 204 542 25.8 20.1 2.3 20.9 28.0 785 665 616 776 551 080 475 133 444 292 168 889 65 696 75 947 30 841 61 333 27.4 11.9 16.0 6.9 16.0 69.0 69.3 67.8 70.4 67.8 31.0 30.7 32.2 29.6 32.2 1910 (Apr. 15) 1900 (June 1) 1890 (June 1) 1880 (June 1) 1870 (June 1) 1 114 756 908 420 746 258 622 700 537 454 206 336 162 162 123 558 85 246 77 307 22.7 21.7 19.8 15.9 16.8 32 28 21 20 11 731 797 543 755 379 853 260 718 177 153 188 042 163 902 119 135 83 565 55 032 34.6 43.1 45.7 47.2 45.1 382 959 364 665 366 405 361 982 360 301 18 294 -1 740 4 423 1 681 22 275 5.0 -0.5 1.2 0.5 6.6 65.6 59.9 50.9 41.9 33.0 34.4 40.1 49.1 58.1 67.0 8.5 1860 (June 1) 1850 (June 1) 1840 (June 1) 1830 (June 1) 1820 (Aug. 7) 460 147 370 792 309 978 297 675 275 248 89 355 60 814 12 303 22 427 13 306 24.1 19.6 4.1 8.1 5.1 in uno 122 121 59 321 38 952 27 847 20 804 62 800 20 369 11 105 7 043 4 863 105.9 52.3 39.9 33.9 30.5 338 026 311 471 271 026 269 828 254 444 26 555 40 445 1 198 15 384 8 443 14.9 0.4 6.0 3.4 26.5 16.0 12.6 9.4 7.6 73.5 84.0 87.4 90.6 92.4 1810 (Aug. 6) 1800 (Aug. 4) 1790 (Aug. 2). 261 942 251 002 237 946 10 940 13 056 (X) 4.4 5.5 (X) 15 941 12 722 7 170 3 219 5 552 (X) 25.3 77.4 (X) 246 001 238 280 230 776 7 721 7 504 (X) 3.2 3.3 (X) 6.1 5.1 3.0 93.9 94.9 97.0 HOUSING UNITS Current urban definition: 4.9 & 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 1 385 975 1 320 850 65 125 (X) 1 218 624 1 154 048 64 576 (X) 5.6 (X) 167 351 166 802 (X) (X) 549 (X) 87.9 87.4 0.3 (X) 12.1 12.6 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 Apr. 1) 1960 Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1 320 850 1 158 880 981 603 818 544 611 162 161 970 177 277 163 059 207 382 (X) 14.0 18.1 19.9 33.9 (X) 1 053 591 920 602 765 557 631 709 459 353 132 989 155 045 133 848 172 356 (X) 14.4 20.3 21.2 37.5 (X) 267 259 238 282 215 061 186 835 151 809 28 977 23 221 28 226 35 026 (X) 12.2 10.8 15.1 23.1 (X) 79.8 79.4 78.1 77.2 75.2 20.2 20.6 21.9 22.8 24.8 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population County Housing units 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 The State ....... 3 405 565 3 287 116 3 107 564 3 032 217 2 535 234 1 385 975 1 320 850 1 158 880 981 603 818 544 COUNTY Fairfield County Hartford County Litchfield County Middlesex County New Haven County. 882 567 857 183 182 193 155 071 824 008 827 645 851 783 174 092 143 196 804 219 807 143 807 766 156 769 129 017 761 325 792 814 816 737 144 091 115 018 744 948 653 589 689 555 119 856 88 865 660 315 339 466 353 022 79 267 67 285 340 732 324 355 341 812 74 274 61 593 327 079 295 065 300 683 61 786 51 220 287 180 254 618 262 881 51 052 38 608 242 851 208 997 215 370 43 343 32 426 212 735 New London County Tolland County Windham County.. 259 088 136 364 109 091 254 957 128 699 102 525 238 409 114 823 92 312 230 654 103 440 84 515 185 745 68 737 68 572 110 674 51 570 43 959 104 461 46 677 40 599 90 271 38 039 34 636 73 475 29 735 28 383 62 100 20 281 23 292 2 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) Average per square mile Percent change State County Population Housing units Housing Land area in units square miles Housing units 1980 to 1990 Population 1990 to 2000 1970 to 1980 Population 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 The State 3 405 565 1 385 975 4 844.80 702.9 286.1 3.6 5.8 2.5 4.9 14.0 18.1 COUNTY Fairfield County Hartford County Litchfield County Middlesex County New Haven County 882 567 857 183 182 193 155 071 824 008 339 466 353 022 79 267 67 285 340 732 625.80 735.44 919.92 369.26 605.64 1 410.3 1 165.5 198.1 419.9 1 360.6 542.4 480.0 86.2 182.2 562.6 6.6 0.6 4.7 8.3 2.5 2.5 5.4 11.1 11.0 5.6 1.8 -1.1 8.8 12.2 2.2 4.7 3.3 6.7 9.2 4.2 9.9 13.7 20.2 20.3 13.9 15.9 14.4 21.0 32.7 18.3 New London County Tolland County Windham County. 259 088 136 364 109 091 110 674 51 570 43 959 665.91 410.07 512.75 389.1 332.5 212.8 166.2 125.8 85.7 1.6 6.0 6.4 6.9 12.1 11.1 3.4 11.0 9.2 5.9 10.5 8.3 15.7 22.7 17.2 22.9 27.9 22.0 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 4. Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 1990 Urban Rural Percent of total population State County Urban Total population In urbanized area In urban cluster in place Total Current urban definition Not in place Total 1950-90 urban definition Total population Urban Rural The State 3 405 565 2 988 059 2 848 497 139 562 417 506 34 527 382 979 87.7 12.3 3 287 116 2 858 929 2 601 548 COUNTY Fairfield County Hartford County Litchfield County Middlesex County New Haven County 882 567 857 183 182 193 155 071 824 008 846 372 810 283 102 451 111 745 789 277 846 372 810 283 60 040 102 184 789 277 42 411 9 561 36 195 46 900 79 742 43 326 34 731 3 808 3 553 13 168 6 407 853 32 387 43 347 66 574 36 919 33 878 95.9 94.5 56.2 72.1 95.8 4.1 5.5 43.8 27.9 4.2 827 645 851 783 174 092 143 196 804 219 777 987 799 188 95 166 103 470 761 346 724 159 750 898 86 249 75 479 709 438 New London County Tolland County : Windham County. 259 088 136 364 109 091 187 980 84 206 55 745 173 136 55 930 11 275 14 844 28 276 44 470 71 108 52 158 53 346 2 004 2 955 1 779 69 104 49 203 51 567 72.6 61.8 51.1 27.4 38.2 48.9 254 957 128 699 102 525 186 703 78 916 56 153 168 136 54 467 32 722 4 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State County County Subdivision Place 2000 Housing units 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 3 405 565 3 287 116 3 107 564 1 385 975 1 320 850 1 158 880 5 543.33 4 844.80 702.9 286.1 882 567 18 067 9 137 139 529 139 529 15 664 74 848 74 848 19 607 19 607 7 272 57 340 61 101 19 247 19 395 13 953 25 031 1 843 82 951 82 951 8 270 307 23 643 7 212 38 101 38 101 3 827 117 083 117 083 49 976 49 976 34 243 34 243 10 037 157 25 749 25 749 17 633 1 186 827 645 17 541 8 835 141 686 141 686 14 113 65 585 65 585 18 196 18 130 6 303 53 418 58 441 16 896 17 864 12 911 20 779 1 800 78 331 78 331 7 927 358 20 919 6 363 35 418 35 418 2 809 108 056 108 056 49 389 49 389 32 016 32 000 8 648 177 24 410 24 407 15 989 1 159 807 143 16 004 8 755 142 546 142 546 12 872 60 470 60 470 18 892 18 892 5 962 54 849 59 565 14 010 17 931 11 260 19 107 2 022 77 767 77 767 7 272 362 20 120 6 066 31 314 31 314 2 281 102 466 102 466 50 541 50 541 32 989 32 989 8 284 194 25 290 25 290 15 351 1 278 339 466 6 653 3 744 54 367 54 367 5 781 28 519 28 519 6 792 6 792 2 511 21 029 24 511 6 601 7 141 5 148 8 601 668 33 753 33 753 3 086 124 8 877 3 078 14 707 14 707 1 606 47 317 47 317 20 596 20 596 12 160 12 160 3 532 67 10 065 10 065 6 113 406 324 355 6 399 3 615 57 224 57 224 5 354 25 950 25 950 6 653 6 627 2 215 20 204 23 515 5 596 6 856 5 081 7 194 674 32 224 32 224 2 990 172 7 999 2 717 12 981 12 981 1 451 44 279 44 279 20 152 20 152 11 095 11 090 3 278 68 9 841 9 840 5 824 441 295 065 5 403 3 254 55 291 55 291 4 344 22 581 22 581 6 340 6 340 1 979 18 906 22 299 4 131 6 365 4 447 6 268 686 29 448 29 448 2 460 151 6 949 2 305 10 461 10 461 1 143 40 063 40 063 18 957 18 957 10 182 10 182 2 830 64 9 119 9 119 5 099 476 836.96 16.89 4.08 19.40 19.40 20.40 44.30 44.30 23.44 14.84 28.63 31.33 67.24 26.33 22.48 25.06 59.07 2.31 36.33 36.33 32.06 0.33 34.97 6.42 31.93 31.93 23.36 52.07 52.07 19.88 19.88 23.52 23.52 20.71 0.16 33.33 33.33 27.36 2.36 625.80 16.79 4.08 16.00 16.00 19.80 42.11 42.11 12.86 12.86 27.42 30.03 47.83 26.13 22.13 20.46 57.76 2.31 22.81 22.81 31.50 0.31 34.43 6.41 30.57 30.57 21.80 37.75 37.75 17.59 17.59 23.29 23.29 19.80 0.16 20.01 20.01 26.95 2.36 1 410.3 1 075.7 2 237.8 8 720.9 8 720.9 791.1 1 777.4 1 777.4 1 525.2 1 525.2 265.2 1 909.3 1 277.6 736.5 876.5 681.9 433.4 796.7 3 637.3 3 637.3 262.5 989.2 686.7 1 125.2 1 246.4 1 246.4 175.6 3 101.9 3 101.9 2 841.9 2 841.9 1 470.6 1 470.6 507.0 966.4 1 286.7 1 286.7 654.3 501.8 542.4 396.1 916.9 3 398.1 3 398.1 292.0 677.2 677.2 528.3 528.3 91.6 700.2 512.5 252.6 322.7 251.6 148.9 288.8 1 480.0 1 480.0 98.0 399.5 257.8 480.2 481.1 481.1 73.7 1 253.6 1 253.6 1 171.2 1 171.2 522.2 522.2 178.4 412.4 503.0 503.0 226.8 171.8 The State Fairfield County Bethel town Bethel CDP 1 Bridgeport town Bridgeport city Brookfield town. Danbury town Danbury city Darien town t Darien CDP Easton town Fairfield town Greenwich town t Monroe town t New Canaan town New Fairfield town Newtown town Newtown borought Norwalk town Norwalk city Redding town. Georgetown CDP (part) Ridgefield town. Ridgefield CDP Shelton town t Shelton city t Sherman town Stamford town t. Stamford city t Stratford town Stratford CDP Trumbull town t Trumbull CDP Weston town. Georgetown CDP (part) Westport town Westport CDP Wilton town Georgetown CDP (part) Hartford County Avon town t Berlin town. Kensington CDP Bloomfield town Blue Hills CDP Bristol town to Bristol city t Burlington town Canton town t Canton Valley CDP | Collinsville COP East Granby town East Hartford town East Hartford CDP East Windsor town Broad Brook CDP Enfield town Hazardville CDP 1. Sherwood Manor CDP I. Southwood Acres CDP Thompsonville CDP + Farmington town t.. Glastonbury town.. Glastonbury Center CDP Wethersfield CDP (part) Granby town North Granby CDP | . Salmon Brook CDP | Hartford town Hartford city Hartland town Manchester town Central Manchester CDP 1 Marlborough town Terramuggus CDP New Britain town New Britain city Newington town Newington CDP Plainville town.. Rocky Hill town.. Simsbury town Simsbury Center CDP Tariftville CDP Weatogue CDP West Simsbury CDP Southington town. South Windsor town Suffield town. Suffield Depot CDP West Hartford town West Hartford CDP Wethersfield town Wethersfield CDP (part) Windsor town Windsor Locks town Windsor Locks CDP Litchfield County Barkhamsted town. 857 183 15 832 18 215 8 541 19 587 3 020 60 062 60 062 8 190 8 840 1 565 2 686 4 745 49 575 49 575 9 818 3 469 45 212 4 900 5 689 8 067 8 125 23 641 31 876 7 157 851 783 13 937 16 787 8 306 19 483 3 206 60 640 60 640 7 026 8 268 1 563 2 591 4 302 50 452 50 452 10 081 3 585 45 532 5 179 6 357 8 963 8 458 20 608 27 901 7 082 807 766 11 201 15 121 7 502 18 608 (X) 57 370 57 370 5 660 7 635 1 680 2 555 4 102 52 563 52 563 8 925 (X) 42 695 5 436 6 303 9 779 8 151 16 407 24 327 7 049 (X) 7 956 353 022 6480 6 955 3 377 8 195 1 044 26 125 26 125 2 901 3 616 764 1 128 1 903 21 273 21 273 4 356 1 589 17 043 1 876 2 230 3 018 3 728 9 854 12 614 3 405 341 812 5 709 6 204 3 159 7 738 1 046 24 989 24 989 2 372 3 323 740 1 075 1 685 21 274 21 274 4 115 1 497 16 614 1 891 2 226 3 015 3 635 8 654 10 948 3 228 735.44 23.12 26.45 5.26 26.01 1.14 26.51 26.51 29.80 24.57 1.76 3.08 17.48 18.02 18.02 26.29 5.92 33.38 3.29 3.13 4.08 2.14 28.06 51.37 4.77 1 165.5 684.8 688.6 1 622.6 753.0 2 643.7 2 265.8 2 265.8 274.8 359.7 886.7 871.8 271.5 2 750.5 2 750.5 373.5 586.2 1 354.3 1 487.6 1 818.5 1 975.4 3 797.9 842.6 620.5 1 500.0 480.0 280.3 262.9 641.6 315.0 913.9 985.6 985.6 97.3 147.2 432.9 366.1 108.9 1 180.2 1 180.2 165.7 268.5 510.5 569.6 712.8 739.0 1 742.6 351.2 245.5 713.6 10 347 1 720 2 453 121 578 121 578 2 012 54 740 30 595 5 709 1 048 71 538 71 538 29 306 29 306 17 328 17 966 23 234 5 603 1 371 2 805 2 395 39 728 24 412 13 552 1 244 63 589 63 589 26 271 26 271 28 237 12 043 12 043 9 369 1 422 2 185 139 739 139 739 1 866 51 618 30 934 5 535 1 044 75 491 75 491 29 208 29 208 17 392 16 554 22 023 5 577 1 477 2 521 2 149 38 518 22 090 11 427 1 353 60 110 60 110 25 651 25 651 27 817 12 358 12 358 1 912 136 392 136 392 1 416 49 761 31 058 4 746 1 039 73 840 73 840 28 841 28 841 16 401 14 559 21 161 5 488 1 324 2 249 2 140 36 879 17 198 9 294 1 122 61 301 61 301 26 013 26 013 25 204 12 190 12 190 3 887 579 1 018 50 644 50 644 759 24 256 13 640 2 057 407 31 164 31 164 12 264 12 264 7 707 7 962 8 739 2 285 638 1 031 763 15 557 9 071 4 853 598 25 332 25 332 11 454 11 454 10 900 5 101 5 101 3 492 467 948 56 098 56 098 695 21 704 13 443 1 869 403 32 335 32 335 11 609 11 609 7 452 7 107 8 175 2 196 645 917 690 14 250 8 044 4 384 557 25 021 25 021 10 790 10 790 10 233 4 929 4 929 300 683 4 270 5 317 2 679 6 513 (X) 21 004 21 004 1 835 2 859 755 945 1 433 20 210 20 210 3 236 (X) 13 486 1 694 1 755 2 709 3 146 6 262 8 599 2 807 (X) 2 654 (X) 674 55 254 55 254 522 18 805 12 214 1 514 362 29 762 29 762 10 445 10 445 6 181 5 692 6 837 1 939 534 669 621 12 437 5 590 3 384 475 23 900 23 900 9 657 9 657 8 793 4 232 4 232 750.57 23.52 27.04 5.42 26.18 1.14 26.84 26.84 30.43 25.04 1.76 3.53 17.56 18.78 18.78 26.82 5.94 34.22 3.29 3.13 4.08 2.37 28.77 52.29 4.84 0.02 40.82 8.36 2.97 17.97 17.97 34.57 27.68 6.48 23.43 1.29 13.40 13.40 13.18 13.18 9.81 13.80 34.31 4.51 0.65 3.03 4.37 36.62 28.66 42.94 1.95 22.36 22.36 13.11 13.11 31.05 9.36 9.36 40.69 8.36 2.97 17.31 17.31 33.03 27.26 6.45 23.28 1.18 13.34 13.34 3.18 13.18 9.76 13.45 33.88 4.50 0.61 3.00 4.37 35.99 27.96 42.21 1.94 21.98 21.98 12.39 12.39 29.63 9.03 9.03 254.3 205.8 826.8 7 025.5 7 025.5 60.9 2 008.2 4 740.7 245.2 890.5 5 364.0 5 364.0 2 223.4 2 223.4 1 776.0 1 335.4 685.7 1 246.1 2 260.3 935.0 548.6 1 103.8 873.1 321.0 640.9 2 892.6 2 892.6 2 119.9 2 119.9 953.0 1 333.8 1 333.8 95.5 69.3 343.1 2 926.5 2 926.5 23.0 889.9 2 113.5 88.4 345.8 2 336.7 2 336.7 930.4 930.4 789.9 591.8 257.9 508.2 1 051.8 343.6 174.8 432.2 324.4 115.0 308.1 1 152.3 1 152.3 924.3 924.3 367.9 565.0 565.0 182 193 3 494 174 092 3 369 156 769 2 935 79 267 1 436 74 274 1 334 61 786 1 075 944.57 38.83 919.92 36.22 198.1 96.5 86.2 39.6 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. 5 Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units in square miles County County Subdivision Housing Place Total area Land area Population square mile 1 1 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 units The State-Con. Litchfield County-Con. Bethlehem town ... Bethlehem Village CDP | Bridgewater town.. Canaan town Colebrook town Cornwall town... Goshen town Harwinton town Northwest Harwinton CDP Kent town ... Litchfield town. Bantam borough Litchfield borough Morris town New Hartford town. New Hartford Center CDP | New Milford town New Milford CDP Norfolk town North Canaan town Canaan CDP Plymouth town Terryville CDP Roxbury town Salisbury town Sharon town Thomaston town Torrington town Torrington city Warren town.. Washington town New Preston CDP Watertown town Oakville CDP Winchester town Winsted CDP 1. Woodbury town Woodbury Center CDP | Middlesex County Chester town Chester Center CDP Clinton town Clinton CDP Cromwell town Deep River town Deep River Center CDP Durham town Durham CDP East Haddam town Moodus CDP 1. East Hampton town. East Hampton CDP Lake Pocotopaug CDP | Essex town Essex Village CDP Haddam town Higganum CDP .. Killingworth town Middlefield town t Middletown town t. Middletown city t Old Saybrook town Fenwick borough Old Saybrook Center CDP Saybrook Manor CDP Portland town Portland CDPT Westbrook town ... Westbrook Center CDP 3 422 2 022 1 824 1 081 1 471 1 434 2 697 5 283 3 242 2 858 8 316 802 1 328 2 301 6 088 1 049 27 121 6 633 1 660 3 350 1 288 11 634 5 360 2 136 3 977 2 968 7 503 35 202 35 202 1 254 3 596 1 110 21 661 8 618 10 664 7 321 9 198 1 298 3 071 1 976 1 654 1 057 1 365 1 414 2 329 5 228 3 299 2 918 8 365 757 1 378 2 039 5 769 1 269 23 629 5 775 2 060 3 284 1 194 11 822 5 426 1 825 4 090 2 928 6 947 33 687 33 687 1 226 3 905 1 217 20 456 8 741 11 524 8 254 8 131 1 212 2 573 1 762 1 563 1 002 1 221 1 288 1 706 4 889 3 293 2 505 7 605 860 1 489 1 899 4 884 1 310 19 420 5 186 2 156 3 185 1 160 10 732 5 234 1 468 3 896 2 623 6 276 30 987 30 987 1 027 3 657 1 209 19 489 8 737 10 841 8 092 6 942 1 290 1 388 879 779 610 656 873 1 482 2 022 1 296 1 463 3 629 376 624 1 181 2 368 451 10 710 2 872 871 1 444 622 4 646 2 312 1 018 2 410 1 617 3 014 16 147 16 147 650 1 764 563 8 298 3 358 4 922 3 370 3 869 644 1 262 849 734 587 613 822 1 287 1 883 1 233 1 414 3 430 344 600 1 089 2 319 546 9 295 2 563 904 1 405 596 4 556 2 267 871 2 469 1 595 2 736 15 161 15 161 592 1 856 585 7 522 3 218 5 093 3 643 3 445 594 1 074 763 589 537 485 705 851 1 624 1 121 1 017 2 760 308 609 994 1 903 498 7 346 2 008 729 1 220 502 3 855 2 012 630 1 992 1 291 2 248 12 791 12 791 464 1 564 526 6 618 3 005 4 500 3 352 2 924 638 19.66 8.07 17.26 33.28 32.92 46.27 45.20 31.10 8.81 49.59 56.78 1.01 1.39 18.72 38.14 3.45 63.70 3.42 46.41 19.46 1.72 22.32 2.80 26.29 60 08 59.56 12.23 40.37 40.37 27.56 38.71 7.85 29.58 3.19 33.84 4.84 36.73 1.94 19.36 7.80 16.23 32.95 31.47 46.01 43.66 30.75 8.70 48.47 56.06 1.01 1.39 17.19 37.03 3.25 61.59 3.39 45.31 19.45 1.72 21.72 2.77 26.23 57.32 58.70 12.01 39.79 39.79 26.31 38.19 7.39 29.15 3.16 32.28 4.68 36.47 1.94 176.8 259.3 112.4 32.8 46.7 31.2 61.8 171.8 372.5 59.0 148.4 793.4 953.5 133.9 164.4 322.4 440.4 1 955.7 36.6 172.2 750.6 535.6 1 935.6 81.4 69.4 50.6 624.7 884.7 884.7 47.7 94.2 150.1 743.0 2 726.7 330.4 1 563.6 252.2 668.8 71.7 112.7 480 18.5 20.8 19.0 33.9 658 148.9 30.2 64.7 3720 448.0 687 640 138.6 173.9 846.8 19.2 74.2 3625 213.9 834.9 38.8 42.0 27.5 251.0 405.8 405.8 24.7 46.2 76.1 284.6 1 062.5 152.5 719.7 106.1 331.8 155 071 3 743 1 546 13 094 3 516 12 871 4 610 2 470 6 627 2 773 8 333 1 263 13 352 2 254 3 169 6 505 2 573 7 157 1 671 6 018 4 203 43 167 43 167 10 367 52 1 962 1 133 8 732 5 534 6 292 2 238 143 196 3 417 1 563 12 767 3 439 12 286 4 332 2 520 5 732 2 650 6 676 1 170 10 428 2 167 3 029 5 904 2 500 6 769 1 692 4 814 3 925 42 762 42 762 9 552 89 1 820 1 073 8 418 5 645 5 414 2 060 129 017 3 068 1 388 11 195 3 168 10 265 3 994 2 495 5 143 2 641 5 621 1 179 8 572 2 152 2 137 5 078 2 501 6 383 1 660 3 976 3 796 39 040 39 040 9 287 41 1 857 1 140 8 383 5 914 5 216 2 035 67 285 1 613 669 5 757 1 624 5 365 1 910 1 077 2 349 1 078 4 015 592 4 412 858 1 532 2 977 1 286 2 822 698 2 283 1 740 19 697 19 697 5 357 83 984 1 027 3 528 2 286 3 460 1 662 61 593 1 379 647 5 411 1 578 5 090 1 786 1 064 1 927 954 3 289 535 4 205 817 1 527 2 728 1 247 2 598 657 1 879 1 587 18 102 18 102 5 092 81 940 1 000 3 289 2 222 3 231 1 657 51 220 1 171 545 4 632 1 445 3 932 1 534 960 1 579 864 2 648 465 3 297 728 1 125 2 162 1 177 2 305 613 1 464 1 480 14 774 14 774 4 520 67 830 976 2 960 2 092 2 762 1 434 439.07 16.83 2.06 19.04 2.69 12.91 14.17 2.74 23.76 6.27 56.57 2.90 36.84 2.57 3.48 11.82 4.82 46.35 5.09 35.81 13.32 42.32 42.32 21.61 0.43 2.90 0.96 24.89 5.46 21.38 2.15 369.26 16.03 2.03 16.28 2.42 12.39 13.55 2.62 23.60 6.26 54.33 2.88 35.59 2.55 2.68 10.36 3.50 44.03 4.87 35.33 12.70 40.90 40.90 15.04 0.43 1.97 0.76 23.40 4.93 15.72 1.68 419.9 233.5 762.1 804.2 1 451.5 1 038.5 340.1 943.2 280.8 443.1 153.4 438.8 375.2 883.0 1 183.9 627.6 734.9 162.5 343.4 170.3 330.9 1 055.4 1 055.4 689.5 121.9 994.3 1 497.7 373.1 1 121.8 400.3 1 336.0 1822 100.6 329.8 353.6 670.4 432.9 140.9 411.3 99.5 172.3 73.9 205.7 124.0 336.1 572.3 2872 367.3 64.1 143.4 64.6 137.0 481.6 481.6 356.3 194.5 498.7 1 357.5 150.7 463.4 220.1 992.2 824 008 18 554 18 554 5 246 5 040 28 683 5 735 804 219 18 403 18 403 5 083 4 608 27 603 5 688 340 732 7 937 7 937 2 104 1 792 13 342 2 982 327 079 7 503 7 503 1 990 1 581 13 056 3 000 862.02 6.19 6.19 9.87 21.36 28.00 2.07 605.64 6.03 6.03 9.78 20.97 21.98 1.85 1 360.6 3 076.3 3 076.3 536.6 240.4 1 305.2 3 096.9 562.6 1 316.0 1 316.0 215.2 85.5 607.1 1 610.3 New Haven County Ansonia town Ansonia city Beacon Falls town Bethany town Branford town. Branford Center CDP | East Haven CDP (part). Cheshire town Cheshire Village CDP Derby town Derby city East Haven town East Haven CDP (part). Guilford town Guilford Center CDP | Hamden town t North Haven CDP (part) | Madison town. Madison Center CDP . Meriden town Meriden city Middlebury town. Milford town Milford city (balance) | Woodmont borought. Naugatuck town Naugatuck borough... New Haven town 28 543 5 789 12 391 12 391 28 189 28 189 21 398 2 603 56 913 25 684 5 759 12 199 12 199 26 144 26 144 19 848 2 588 52 434 761 325 19 039 19 039 3 995 4 330 23 363 5 438 (X) 21 788 5 722 12 346 12 346 25 036 25 036 17 375 2 555 51 071 (X) 14 031 2 069 57 118 57 118 5 995 50 898 49 101 1 797 26 456 26 456 126 089 9 588 2 381 5 568 5 568 11 698 11 698 8 724 1 300 23 464 287 180 7 267 7 267 1 380 1 422 9 953 2 403 (X) 6 996 1 992 4 828 4 828 9 084 9 084 6 321 1 043 19 274 (X) 5 327 1 122 22 198 22 198 2 168 18 437 17 694 743 9 728 9 728 50 627 867.4 1 720.8 2 487.6 2 487.6 2 298.4 2 298.4 454.8 1 169.4 1 736.1 291.4 707.7 1 117.8 1 117.8 953.8 953.8 185.4 584.0 715.7 17 858 2 222 58 244 58 244 6 451 52 305 50 594 1 711 30 989 30 989 123 626 15 485 2 139 59 479 59 479 6 145 49 938 48 168 1 770 30 625 30 625 130 474 8 590 2 294 5 269 5 269 10 580 10 580 7 765 1 253 21 738 (X) 6 511 1 160 24 826 24 826 2 365 20 149 19 339 810 11 930 11 930 54 057 7 386 1 208 24 631 24 631 2 494 21 962 21 145 817 12 341 12 341 52 941 33.41 3.36 5.38 5.38 13.42 13.42 49.73 2.25 33.32 0.01 36.78 2.09 24.14 24.14 18.45 26.15 23.74 0.98 16.45 16.45 20.25 32.91 3.36 4.98 4.98 12.26 12.26 47.05 2.23 32.78 0.01 36.20 2.08 23.75 23.75 17.75 22.56 22.28 0.28 16.39 16.39 18.85 493.3 1 067.0 2 452.8 2 452.8 363.4 2 318.5 2 270.7 6 156.7 1 890.9 1 890.9 6 558.4 204.0 580.1 1 037.3 1 037.3 140.5 973.5 949.0 2 939.8 753.0 753.0 2 808.5 6 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State County County Subdivision Place Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 123 626 13 906 23 035 23 035 13 233 13 233 9 821 8 707 15 454 18 567 3 435 43 026 17 509 107 271 107 271 52 360 52 360 15 215 8 983 130 474 12 996 22 247 22 247 12 830 12 830 8 685 7 775 14 288 15 818 3 623 40 822 17 827 108 961 108 961 54 021 54 021 13 700 7 924 126 089 11 554 22 080 22 080 13 237 13 237 6 634 6 807 13 434 14 156 (X) 37 274 17 821 103 266 103 266 53 184 53 184 13 008 7 761 52 941 5 246 8 773 8 773 4 870 4 870 3 420 3 094 6 356 7 799 2 590 17 306 7 720 46 827 46 827 22 336 22 336 5 544 3 189 54 057 4 610 8 243 8 243 4 544 4 544 2 930 2 624 5 877 6 826 2 700 15 936 7 716 47 205 47 205 22 679 22 679 4 870 2 825 50 627 3 578 7 466 7 466 4 277 4 277 2 197 2 063 5 084 5 838 (X) 13 216 6 977 40 854 40 854 20 915 20 915 4 071 2 611 20.25 26.65 21.09 21.09 17.43 17.43 33.39 14.54 14.97 39.97 2.29 39.88 7.29 28.92 28.92 11.01 11.01 21.11 19.23 18.85 24.92 20.77 20.77 17.19 17.19 32.89 14.32 14.57 39.06 2.29 39.02 7.16 28.57 28.57 10.84 10.84 20.43 18.83 6 558.4 558.0 1 108.9 1 109.0 770.0 770.0 298.6 608.1 1 060.6 475.4 1 500.8 1 102.7 2 444.6 3 754.7 3 754.7 4 832.0 4 832.0 744.7 477.0 2 808.5 210.5 422.3 422.4 283.4 283.4 104.0 216.1 436.2 199.7 1 131.6 443.5 1 077.9 1 639.0 1 639.0 2 061.3 2 061.3 271.4 169.3 254 957 2 297 10 980 15 340 3 048 1 810 10 384 3 349 45 144 10 013 9 837 r 628 (X) (x) 238 409 2 135 7 761 13 870 3 151 1 592 8 967 3 294 41 062 9 665 10 086 (X) 104 461 874 4 150 6 772 1 690 666 4 211 1 469 16 598 2 769 4 479 r 605 90 271 740 2 729 5 955 1 622 552 3 408 1 402 13 864 2 581 4 344 (X) XXXX% The State-Con New Haven County-Con. New Haven town-Con. New Haven city North Branford town North Haven town t North Haven CDP (part) Orange town.. Orange CDP Oxford town Prospect town Seymour town Southbury town Heritage Village CDP Wallingford town Wallingford Center CDP Waterbury town Waterbury city West Haven town West Haven city. Wolcott town.. Woodbridge town. New London County Bozrah town Colchester town East Lyme town Niantic CDP Franklin town Griswold town. Jewett City borough Groton town Conning Towers-Nautilus Park CDP . Groton city Groton Long Point borough † Long Hill CĎP Mystic CDP (part) +. Noank CDP | Old Mystic CDP Poquonock Bridge CDP 1 Lebanon town... Ledyard town Lisbon town... Lyme town Montville town.. Oxoboxo River CDP t.. New London town New London city North Stonington town Norwich town Norwich city Old Lyme town Preston town Salem town.. Sprague town Stonington town Mystic CDP (part) + Pawcatuck CDP Stonington borough. Voluntown town Waterford town.. Central Waterford CDP Tolland County t Andover town Bolton town.. Columbia town Coventry town Coventry Lake CDP South Coventry CDP Ellington town. Crystal Lake CDP (part) Hebron town Mansfield town Mansfield Center CDP Storrs CDP 1 Somers town Central Somers CDP. Stafford town Tolland town. Union town Vernon town Rockville CDP Willington town t Crystal Lake CDP (part) Windham County t Ashtord town t Brooklyn town. East Brooklyn CDP | Canterbury town Chaplin town. Eastford town Hampton town Killingly town. Danielson borough Plainfield town Moosup CDP Plainfield Village CDP | Wauregan CDP Portret town Putnam town Putnam District CDP 259 088 2 357 14 551 18 118 3 085 1 835 10 807 3 053 39 907 10 241 10 010 667 3 534 1 288 1 830 3 205 1 592 6 907 14 687 4 069 2 016 18 546 2 938 25 671 25 671 4 991 36 117 36 117 7 406 4 688 3 858 2 971 17 906 2 713 5 474 1 032 2 528 19 152 2 935 2 549 4 762 13 735 3 279 1 822 16 455 2 770 6 041 14 913 3 790 1 949 16 673 2 975 28 540 28 540 4 884 37 391 37 391 6 535 5 006 3 310 3 008 16 919 2 618 5 289 1 100 2 113 17 930 2 939 110 674 917 5 407 7459 1 756 711 4 530 1 464 16 817 2 822 4 569 589 1 924 725 911 1 249 630 2 820 5 486 1 563 989 6 805 1 356 11 560 11 560 2 052 16 600 16 600 4 570 1 901 1 655 1 164 8 591 1 263 2 598 723 1 091 7 986 1 379 1 028 2 422 5 250 1 400 986 6 283 1 283 11 970 11 970 1 858 16 472 16 472 4 336 1 689 1 245 1 109 7 923 1 211 2 324 713 890 7 357 1 338 771.66 20.24 49.80 41.97 3.53 19.58 37.10 0.75 45.20 5.59 6.74 0.45 1.57 0.42 2.21 4.37 1.44 55.24 40.00 16.63 34.48 44.13 4.49 10.76 10.76 54.97 29.48 29.48 28.82 31.76 29.79 13.83 50.04 3.37 3.72 0.69 39.76 44.39 2.01 (X) (X) 916 1 907 4 415 1 126 836 5 551 (X) 11 424 11 424 1 434 15 265 15 265 3 919 1 361 876 1 055 6 746 936 2012 681 703 6 405 1 036 665.91 19.97 49.06 34.03 1.46 19.51 34.95 0.72 31.30 4.98 3.19 0.44 1.49 0.38 1.54 4.27 1.37 54.11 38.14 16.26 31.85 42.02 4.26 5.54 5.54 54.31 28.33 28.33 23.10 30.90 28.95 13.21 38.69 2.98 3.70 0.34 38.92 32.75 2.00 389.1 118.0 296.6 532.3 2 110.3 94.0 309.2 4 213.9 1 275.2 2 055.1 3 138.0 1 529.6 2 378.6 3 433.0 1 187.7 750.5 1 165.8 127.6 385.1 250.3 63.3 441.4 689.6 4 635.5 4 635.5 91.9 1 274.7 1 274.7 320.6 151,7 133.2 224.8 462.8 910.6 1 479.9 3 071.2 65.0 584.7 1 465.7 28 842 28 842 4 219 38 074 38 074 6 159 4 644 2 335 2 996 16 220 2 333 5 216 1 228 1 637 17 843 2 736 166.2 45.9 110.2 219.2 1 2012 36.4 129.6 2 020.7 537.4 566.3 1 432.3 1 350.8 1 295.0 1 932.4 591.2 292.5 461.3 52.1 143.8 96.1 31.0 162.0 318.3 2 087.4 2 087.4 37.8 585.9 585.9 197.8 61.5 57.2 88.1 222.1 423.9 702.4 2 151.6 28.0 243.8 688.6 136 364 3 036 5 017 4 971 11 504 2 914 1 381 12 921 1 459 8 610 20 720 973 10 996 10 417 1 626 11 307 13 146 693 28 063 7 708 5 959 128 699 2 540 4 575 4 510 10 063 2 895 1 257 11 197 1 175 7 079 21 103 (X) 12 198 9 108 1 644 11 091 11 001 612 29 841 114 823 2 144 3 951 3 386 8 895 (X) 3 769 9 711 (X) 5 453 20 634 (X) 11 394 8 473 1 643 9 268 9 694 546 27 974 51 570 1 198 1 969 1 988 4 486 1 272 576 5 417 634 3 110 5 481 382 1 701 3 012 645 4 616 4 665 332 12 867 3 824 2 429 46 677 980 1 704 1 754 3 894 1 272 508 4 562 538 2 489 5 158 (X) 1 717 2 739 605 4 310 3 747 291 12 748 (X) 2 301 38 039 776 1 393 1 262 3 375 (X) 1 671 3 486 (X) 1 811 4 550 (X) 1 317 2 390 555 3 437 2 971 237 10 611 (X) 1 740 (X) 417.01 15.70 14.69 21.97 38.36 3.52 3.22 34.61 8.06 37.26 45.49 3.41 5.70 28.48 2.09 58.77 40.30 29.83 18.07 1.76 33.48 410.07 15.46 14.41 21.36 37.72 2.93 3.21 34.05 7.79 36.90 44.46 3.05 5.67 28.34 2.09 57.96 39.71 28.71 17.73 1.73 33.27 332.5 196.4 348.2 232.8 305.0 994.1 430.2 379.4 187.2 233.3 466.0 318.9 1 939.3 367.6 777.3 195.1 331.0 24.1 1 582.8 4 448.1 179.1 125.8 77.5 136.6 93.1 118.9 433.9 179.4 159.1 81.3 84.3 123.3 125.2 300.0 1063 308.3 79.6 117.5 11.6 725.7 2 206.7 73.0 5 979 4 694 109 091 4 098 7 173 1 473 4 692 2 250 1 618 1 758 16 472 4 265 14 619 3 237 2 638 1 085 3 798 9 002 6 746 102 525 3 765 6 681 1 481 4 467 2 048 1 314 1 578 15 889 4 441 14 363 3 289 2 856 1 079 3 102 9 031 6 835 92 312 3 221 5 691 1 251 3 426 1 793 1 028 1 322 14 519 4 553 12 774 3 308 2 799 (X) 2 775 8 580 (X) 43 959 1 699 2 708 690 1 762 897 705 695 6 909 1 859 5 676 1 321 1 007 410 1 503 3 955 3 119 40 599 1 562 2 405 657 1 556 770 608 611 6480 1 912 5 342 1 323 1 025 403 1 258 3 790 3 020 34 636 1 344 1 932 500 1 176 678 422 487 5 643 1 910 4 416 1 241 946 (X) 987 3 317 (X) 521.47 39.50 29.14 1.65 40.15 19.56 29.23 25.50 49.99 1.22 43.04 2.35 1.67 0.92 40.56 20.40 3.23 512.75 38.79 28.97 1.63 39.90 19.43 28.89 25.00 48.52 1.10 42.27 2.33 1.64 0.90 40.30 20.29 3.19 212.8 105.6 247.6 903.8 117.6 115.8 56.0 70.3 339.5 3 860.7 345.9 1 390.4 1 605.5 1 211.5 94.2 443.6 2 113.0 85.7 43.8 93.5 423.4 44.2 46.2 24.4 27.8 142.4 1 682.8 134.3 567.4 612.9 457.8 37.3 194.9 976.9 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 7 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles 2000 average per square mile State County County Subdivision Place 2000 Housing units 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State--Con. 383 Windham County t-Con. Scotland town.. Sterling town.. Thompson town North Grosvenor Dale CDP Quinebaug CDP Windham town South Windham CDP Willimantic CDP Woodstock town South Woodstock CDP | 1 556 3 099 8 878 1 424 1 122 22 857 1 278 15 823 7 221 1 211 1 215 2 357 8 668 1 705 1 031 22 039 1 644 14 746 6 008 1 112 1 072 1 791 8 141 1 856 1 088 21 062 1 399 577 1 193 3 710 654 476 8 926 579 6 026 3 044 565 435 877 3 563 673 445 8 727 690 5 887 2 615 546 638 3 097 697 415 8 195 614 (X) 1 921 497 18.66 27.31 48.65 2.25 4.54 27.92 3.14 4.49 61.83 5.41 18.61 27.23 46.94 2.25 4.36 27.07 3.11 83.6 113.8 189.1 6322 257.1 844.4 411.0 3 607.0 119.3 230.3 31.0 43.8 79.0 290.4 109.1 329.8 186.2 1 373.7 50.3 107.5 4.39 5 117 1 319 60.54 5.26 8 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 3 405 565 3 287 116 3 107 564 1 385 975 1 320 850 1 158 880 5 543.33 4 844.80 702.9 286.1 (U/R) (U/R) 2 540 776 3 036 38 2 998 2 144 (X) (X) 19 039 1 198 13 1 185 15.70 0.05 15.65 15.46 0.05 15.40 196.4 725.6 194.6 77.5 248.2 76.9 (X) 18 554 18 403 7 937 7 503 7 267 6.12 6.03 1 316.0 3 076.3 105.6 4 098 3 765 3 221 1 699 1 562 1 344 39.50 38.79 43.8 11 201 5 709 4 270 15 832 14 636 1 196 13 937 (X) 6480 6 004 476 23.52 16.07 7.45 23.12 15.87 7.24 684.8 922.0 165.1 280.3 378.2 65.7 (X) (R) 802 757 860 376 308 1.01 1.01 793.4 372.0 3 369 2 935 1 334 3 494 85 3 409 1 436 46 1 390 1 075 (X) 38.83 0.59 38.24 36.22 0.59 35.63 96.5 143.8 95.7 39.6 77.8 39.0 (X) (X) 5 3 995 1 990 1 380 5 246 4 595 651 78388 388 88 988 588 XX 2 104 1 869 235 9.87 5.45 4.43 988 og en gee 88 88 538 533 32 33 long 9.78 5.43 4.35 536.6 846.5 149.7 215.2 344.3 54.0 (X) 6 204 18 215 15 951 2 264 16 787 (X) (X) 6 955 6 116 839 5 317 (X) 27.04 14.89 12.16 26.45 14.60 11.85 688.6 1 092.4 191.1 262.9 418.9 70.8 () (X) 15 121 (X) (X) 4 330 (X) (X) 16 004 1 581 5 040 1 866 3 174 4 608 (X) 1 792 669 1 123 1 422 (X) (X) 5 403 21.36 3.70 17.66 20.97 3.67 17.30 240.4 509.0 183.4 85.5 182.5 64.9 17 541 6 399 18 067 17 203 864 6 653 6 366 287 16.89 13.15 3.74 16.79 13.14 3.65 1 075.7 1 308.9 236.6 396.1 484.4 78.6 (X) 8 8 755 3 615 9 137 9 110 27 3 744 3 734 10 3 254 (X) (X) 4.08 4.03 0.05 4.08 4.03 0.05 2 237.8 2 261.3 495.2 916.9 926.9 183.4 D @ @ BCS BCS acha de Doc. dc och och se sem a schaa choses 3 422 3 071 2 573 1 388 1 262 1 074 19.66 19.36 176.8 71.7 2 022 1 976 1 762 879 763 8.07 7.80 259.3 112.7 19 483 18 608 6 513 19 587 18 420 1 167 8 195 7 693 502 7 738 (X) 26.18 15.71 10.47 26.01 15.69 10.32 753.0 1 173.7 113.1 315.0 490.2 48.6 (X) 3 020 3 206 (X) (X) 3 951 1 044 1 046 1.14 1.14 2 643.7 913.9 4 575 1 704 1 393 5 017 4 093 924 1 969 1 636 333 14.69 9.72 4.97 14.41 9.68 4.73 348.2 422.8 195.3 The State...... Andover town, Tolland County. Urban part Rural part. Ansonia city, New Haven County Ashford town, Windham County Avon town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part. Bantam borough, Litchfield County.. Barkhamsted town, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part.. Beacon Falls town, New Haven County Urban part Rural part. Berlin town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part... Bethany town, New Haven County Urban part Rural part.. Bethel town, Fairfield County Urban part Rural part. Bethel CDP, Fairfield County Urban part Rural part.... Bethlehem town, Litchfield County Bethlehem Village CDP, Litchfield County : Bloomfield town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part. Blue Hills CDP, Hartford County Bolton town, Tolland County.. Urban part Rural part. Bozrah town, New London County Urban part Rural part. Branford town, New Haven County. Urban part Rural part. Branford Center CDP, New Haven County Bridgeport city, Fairfield County. Bridgewater town, Litchfield County Bristol city, Hartford County Urban part Rural part..... Broad Brook CDP, Hartford County Urban part Rural part.. Brookfield town, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part.. Brooklyn town, Windham County.. Urban part Rural part. Burlington town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part. Canaan CDP, Litchfield County Canaan town, Litchfield County. Canterbury town, Windham County Urban part Rural part. Canton town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part.. Canton Valley CDP, Hartford County. Urban part Rural part. Central Manchester CDP, Hartford County .... 136.6 169 0 70.4 () 2 297 (X) 740 2 135 874 2 357 506 1 851 କୃxx ୫ XX XXXX ୫ 917 202 715 & % 88 ** 20.24 0.45 19.79 19.97 0.44 19.52 118.0 1 142.8 94.8 45.9 456 2 36 6 27 603 13 056 28 683 28 172 511 23 363 (X) (X) 288 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 788 13 342 13 132 210 (X) 9 953 (X) (X) 28.00 19.34 8.66 21.98 18.92 3.06 1 305.2 1 489.1 167.1 607.1 694.1 68.7 5 735 5 688 5 438 2 982 3 000 2 403 1.85 1.85 3 096.9 1 610.3 139 529 141 686 142 546 54 367 57 224 55 291 16.30 16.00 8 720.9 3 398.1 1 824 1 654 1 563 779 734 589 17.26 16.23 112.4 48.0 (U/R) 60 640 57 370 24 989 60 062 59 806 256 26 125 26 048 77 21 004 (X) (X) 26.84 25.30 1.54 26.51 25.05 1.46 2 265.8 2 387.4 175.7 985.6 1 039.8 52.9 (X) 3 585 3 469 2 558 911 1 589 1 247 342 1 497 (X) 5.94 1.67 4.27 88 88888 888 je &x 588 88 88 ya leo 988 88 88 5.92 1.64 4.27 586.2 1 555.1 213.2 (U/R) (U) (R) (U/R) (U) (R) 268.5 758.1 80.0 (X) 14 113 (X) (X) (X) 12 872 5 354 15 664 15 406 258 4 344 5 781 5 700 81 888 20.40 18.99 1.41 19.80 18.98 0.82 791.1 811.7 314.4 292.0 300.3 98.7 6 681 5 691 2 405 1 932 7 173 4 080 3 093 2 708 1 443 1 265 29.14 6.77 22.37 28.97 6.72 22.25 247.6 607.4 139.0 93.5 214.8 56.8 (X) (U/R) (U) (R) (U/R) (U) (R) (X) 5 660 2 372 8 190 4 550 3 640 7 026 (X) (X) 2 901 1 641 1 260 (X) 1 835 (X) (X) 30.43 8.16 22.27 29.80 8.07 21.73 274.8 564.0 167.5 97.3 203.4 58.0 2ཚེ ཚེ ཚེ (X) 1 160 1 288 1 194 622 502 1.72 1.72 750.6 362.5 (R) (R) 1 081 1 057 1 002 610 537 33.28 32.95 32.8 18.5 (U/R) 3 426 1 556 g2g 4 692 718 3 974 4 467 (X) (X) 1 762 270 1 492 1 176 (X) (X) 40.15 1.15 39.01 39.90 1.15 38.75 117.6 625.2. 102.6 44.2 235.1 38.5 1 (R) (X) (U/R) 7 635 3 323 8 840 4 773 4 067 8 268 (X) (X) 3 616 2 092 1 524 2 859 (X) (X) 25.04 5.39 19.65 24.57 5.30 19.27 359.7 900.8 211.0 147.2 3948 79 1 (R) (U/R) 1 680 755 1 565 1 010 555 1 563 (X) (x) 764 546 218 1.76 0.53 1.23 1.76 0.53 1.23 886.7 1 901.2 449.9 4329 1 027.8 176.7 1 (R) (X) (X) (U) 30 595 30 934 31 058 13 640 13 443 12 214 6.48 6.45 4 740.7 2 113 5 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units in square miles 2000 urban square mile Place and (in Selected States] (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units area (U/R) 1 643 1 626 1 391 235 1 644 (X) 645 553 92 605 (X) (X) 555 (X) (X) 2.09 1.49 0.60 2.09 1.49 0.60 777.3 935.0 389.0 308.3 371.7 152.3 (X) 2 935 2 939 2 736 1 379 1 338 1 036 2.01 2.00 1 465.7 688.6 (R) 2 250 2 048 1 793 897 770 678 19.56 19.43 46.2 6 996 och 28 543 26 653 1 890 25 684 (X) (X) 21 788 (X) 9 588 8 950 638 8 590 (X) 33.41 24.96 8.45 32.91 24.93 7.98 115.8 867.4 1 069.1 237.0 291.4 359.0 80.0 5 789 5 759 5 722 2 381 2 294 ſex gaz X EX 788 1 992 3.36 3.36 1 720.8 707.7 3 068 1 379 3 743 2 234 1 509 3 417 (X) (X) 1 613 923 690 1 171 (X) (X) 16.83 2.64 14.19 16.03 2.63 13.40 233.5 850.1 112.6 100.6 351.2 51.5 (X) 1 563 545 1 546 1 434 112 1 388 (X) 669 616 53 2.06 1.60 2.03 1.59 0.44 762.1 903.7 253.5 329.8 388.2 119.9 0.46 12 767 13 094 11 672 1 422 11 195 (X) (X) 3 168 5 757 5 178 579 () () 5 411 (X) (X) (X) 4 632 (X) (X) 1 445 19.04 11.71 7.33 16.28 11.65 4.63 804.2 1 002.0 307.0 353.6 444.5 125.0 3 516 3 439 1 624 1 578 2.43 2.42 1 451.5 670.4 14 551 6 865 7 686 10 980 (X) (X) 1 365 2 729 (X) 7 761 (X) (X) 1 221 5 407 2 581 2 826 4 150 (X) (X) 613 49.80 7.48 42.32 49.06 7.48 41.58 296.6 917.6 184.8 110.2 345.0 68.0 1 471 656 485 32.92 31.47 46.7 20.8 2 591 2 686 2 686 945 1 128 1 128 1 075 (X) 3.53 3.17 0.35 3.08 3.08 2 555 (X) (X) 3 386 871.8 873.1 366.1 366.7 & ** &&&&&& up 8x xx to ***** *** ögs I 4 971 4 510 1 988 1 754 1 262 21.97 21.36 232.8 93.1 10 013 10 241 9 657 584 9 665 (X) şaxy S8 && @&& 82 g 588 8 88 88 922 83 82 88 988 2x 2 822 2 609 213 e og & & & & & gusto EX XXXX XXX XXXX Sex 5xx 2 769 (X) (X) 2 581 (X) (X) 705 5.59 2.73 2.86 4.98 2.73 2.26 2 055.1 3 543.5 258.7 566.3 957.3 94.3 1 434 1 414 1 288 873 822 46.27 46.01 pel des sel a scl acl del oes des DDS D DES B debe se och seha 31.2 19.0 10 063 8 895 3 894 3 375 4 486 2 204 2 282 The State-Con Central Somers CDP, Tolland County . Urban part Rural part.. Central Waterford CDP, New London County Chaplin town, Windham County. Cheshire town, New Haven County Urban part Rural part. Cheshire Village CDP, New Haven County Chester town, Middlesex County Urban part. Rural part..... Chester Center CDP, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part. Clinton town, Middlesex County. Urban part Rural part. Clinton CDP, Middlesex County....... Colchester town, New London County. Urban part Rural part. Colebrook town, Litchfield County Collinsville CDP, Hartford County Urban part. Rural part. Columbia town, Tolland County ... Conning Towers-Nautilus Park CDP, New London County Urban part Rural part. Cornwall town, Litchfield County Coventry town, Tolland County Urban part Rural part. Coventry Lake CDP, Tolland County Urban part Rural part.. Cromwell town, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part.. Crystal Lake CDP, Tolland County Urban part Rural part. Danbury city, Fairfield County Urban part. Rural part.... Danielson borough, Windham County . Darien town, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part.. Darien CDP, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part. Deep River town, Middlesex County ... Urban part Rural part. Deep River Center CDP, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part. Derby city, New Haven County Durham CDP, Middlesex County. Urban part Rural part. Durham town, Middlesex County. Urban part Rural part. East Brooklyn CDP, Windham County. Eastford town, Windham County .... East Granby town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part. 38.36 8.10 30.26 37.72 7.48 30.24 305.0 709.6 204.9 118.9 294.6 75.5 () 11 504 5 308 6 196 2 914 2 754 160 (U/R) 2 895 1 272 1 215 57 1 272 (X) 3.52 2.91 0.61 2.93 2.32 0.61 994.1 1 185.9 262.7 433.9 523.2 93.6 () (U/R) 12 286 12 871 12 871 10 265 () 5 365 5 365 12.91 12.42 0.49 12.39 12.37 0.02 1 038.5 1 040.5 432.9 433.7 (X) (X) 3 932 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 090 (X) (X) 538 (X) (X) (X) 1 175 (X) (X) (U/R 1 459 651 808 634 334 300 henge 88 888 888 8 8 8 8 8 8 888 @ 88 88 8.06 0.98 7.08 7.80 0.72 7.08 187.1 910.2 114.1 81.3 467.0 42.4 () (U/R) 60 470 25 950 74 848 72 106 2 742 65 585 (X) 28 519 27 321 1 198 22 581 (X) (X) 44.30 30.01 14.28 42.11 29.53 12.58 1 777.4 2 442.0 217.9 677.2 925.3 95.2 s 4 265 4 441 4 553 1 859 1 912 1 910 1.22 1.10 3 860.7 1 682.8 (U/R) 19 607 19 607 18 196 (X) 18 892 () () 6 792 6 792 6 653 (X) 6 340 (X) (X) 23.44 12.88 10.56 12.86 12.85 0.01 1 525.2 1 526.2 528.3 528.7 (U/R) 19 607 19 607 18 130 (X) 18 892 (X) 6 792 6 792 6 627 (X) (X) 6 340 (X) (X) 14.84 12.88 1.96 12.86 12.85 0.01 1 525.2 1 526.2 528.3 528.7 (U/R) 4 332 1 786 4 610 2 247 2 363 3 994 (X) (X) 1 910 1 005 905 1 534 (X) (X) 14.17 1.71 12.45 13.55 1.69 11.86 340.1 1 326.7 199.2 140.9 593.4 76.3 (X) (U/R) 960 Das 2 470 2 110 360 2 520 () () 2 495 (X) (X) 1 077 929 148 1 064 (X) (X) (X) (X) 2.74 1.62 1.12 2.62 1.60 1.02 9432 1 318.0 353.7 411.3 580.3 145.4 12 391 12 199 12 346 5 568 5 269 4 828 5.06 4.98 2 487.6 1 117.8 (U) (U/R) 2 650 864 2 773 2 186 587 ୫XX ୫ ୫xx Xx 2 641 (X) 1 078 835 243 954 (X) (X) c hot xx 6.27 3.06 3.21 6.26 3.06 3.20 443.1 715.0 183.4 172.3 273.1 75.9 (X) (U/R) 5 732 5 143 အ 1 579 @ 6 627 3 267 3 360 2 349 1 183 1 166 1 927 (X) (X) 23.76 4.27 19.50 23.60 4.27 19.34 280.8 765.9 173.7 99.5 277.3 60.3 (X) e 1 473 1 481 1 251 690 657 500 1.65 1.63 903.8 423.4 1 618 1 314 1 028 705 608 422 29.23 28.89 56.0 24.4 (R) (U/R) 4 745 1 908 2 837 4 302 (X) 4 102 (X) (X) ဒင့် 1 685 (X) & 1 903 768 1 135 1 433 (X) (X) 17.56 4.21 13.35 17.48 4.20 13.27 271.5 454.0 213.7 108.9 182.7 85.5 (X) 10 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For intormation on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and [in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population (U/R) 6 676 5 621 3 289 2 648 8 333 333 8 000 4 015 369 3 646 56.57 0.73 55.84 54.33 0.47 53.86 153.4 715.5 148.5 73.9 792.9 67.7 () 2 152 2 254 1 825 429 2 167 (X) 858 709 149 728 (X) 2.57 1.41 1.16 2.55 1.39 1.16 883.0 1 311.3 369.5 336.1 509.4 128.3 (U/R) 4 205 13 352 8 946 4 406 10 428 (X) 8 572 (X) (X) 52 563 4 412 2 801 1 611 3 297 (X) (X) 36.84 7.57 29.27 35.59 6.74 28.85 375.2 1 327.5 152.7 124.0 415.6 55.8 49 575 50 452 21 273 21 274 20 210 18.22 18.02 2 750.5 1 180.2 1 180.2 49 575 50 452 52 563 21 273 21 274 20 210 18.22 18.02 2 750.5 (U) (U/R) 26 144 25 036 10 580 9 084 28 189 28 137 52 11 698 11 678 20 13.42 12.05 1.37 12.26 11.70 0.57 2 298.4 2 405.5 91.6 953.8 998.4 35.2 (X) 9 084 (U/R) 26 144 25 036 10 580 28 189 28 137 52 11 698 11 678 20 13.42 12.05 1.37 12.26 11.70 0.57 2 298.4 2 405.5 91.6 953.8 998.4 35.2 (U/R) 13 870 6 772 18 118 16 232 1 886 15 340 (X) (X) 7 459 6 750 709 (X) 5 955 (X) 41.97 16.83 25.14 34.03 16.52 17.51 532.3 982.3 107.7 219.2 408.5 40.5 (U/E 6 303 5 962 2 215 7 272 2 968 4 304 2 511 1 039 1 472 1 979 (X) (X) 3 236 (X) 28.63 3.20 25.43 27.42 3.20 24.22 265.2 927.9 177.7 91.6 324.8 60.8 (U/R 10 081 9 818 5 082 4 736 8 925 () 4 356 2 334 2 022 4 115 (X) 26.82 4.05 22.77 26.29 4.03 22.26 373.5 1 262.4 212.7 165.7 579.8 90.8 (X) 11 197 (U/F 9 71 4 562 12 921 9 369 3 552 5 417 4 044 1 373 3 486 (X) (X) 13 486 34.61 10.77 23.83 34.05 10.51 23.55 379.4 891.6 150.9 159.1 384.8 58.3 45 532 42 695 16 614 45 212 44 436 776 17 043 16 731 312 34.22 28.58 5.63 1 354.3 1 560.7 157.9 510.5 587.6 63.5 () 5 078 82 83 88 988 888 88 88 88 88 88 32 88 && co Ex 588 88 88 938 33.38 28.47 4.91 10.36 6.36 4.00 2 728 6 505 5 618 887 5 904 (X) (X) 2 162 (X) 2 977 2 555 422 11.82 6.41 5.41 627.6 883.3 221.5 287.2 401.7 105.4 szer aze aze sa se aseaze gaze azeaze ze gee aseaze aze a gze azeaze se aseaza ace 3 aze (X) 2 501 (U/ 2 500 The State-Con. East Haddam town, Middlesex County. Urban part Rural part. East Hampton CDP, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part.. East Hampton town, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part. East Hartford town, Hartford County ... East Hartford CDP, Hartford County... East Haven town, New Haven County . Urban part. Rural part.. East Haven CDP, New Haven County . Urban part. Rural part.. East Lyme town, New London County. Urban part. Rural part.. Easton town, Fairfield County Urban part. Rural part.. East Windsor town, Hartford County... Urban part Rural part. Ellington town, Tolland County.. Urban part Rural part.. Enfield town, Hartford County Urban part. Rural part.. Essex town, Middlesex County Urban part. Rural part.. Essex Village CDP, Middlesex County. Urban part. Rural part. Fairfield town, Fairfield County... Urban part Rural part.. Farmington town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part. Fenwick borough, Middlesex County .. Franklin town, New London County Urban part Rural part. Georgetown CDP, Fairfield County. Urban part. Rural part. Glastonbury town, Hartford County.. Urban part Rural part... Glastonbury Center CDP, Hartford County Goshen town, Litchfield County. Granby town, Hartford County Urban part. Rural part... Greenwich town, Fairfield County Urban part. Rural part.. Griswold town, New London County .. Urban part. Rural part... Groton city, New London County.... Groton town, New London County Urban part. Rural part. Groton Long Point borough, New London County Guitord town, New Haven County Urban part Rural part. 1 247 2 573 1 969 604 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 788 688 32 x 588 88 g Ex % 88 88 S8 && S 182 sXX ୫&xx ୫ ୫ ୫.୪ ୫xx & gXx &XXXX ୫XX eXX XX sxx Xx sXX ୫ #XX ୫XX BX ୫ 8xx 1 286 975 311 1 177 (X) 4.82 1.69 3.13 3.50 1.69 1.81 734.9 1 167.1 332.9 367.3 577.9 171.4 (X) (U/R) 53 418 20 204 18 906 57 340 57 042 298 54 849 () () 21 029 20 938 91 31.33 28.84 2.50 30.03 28.68 1.36 1 909.3 1 989.2 219.7 700.2 730.2 67.1 (X) (X) (X) (U/R) 8 654 6 262 23 641 23 182 459 20 608 (X) (X) 16 407 () () 9 854 9 662 192 28.77 26.53 2.24 28.06 25.98 2.08 842.6 892.4 220.9 351.2 371.9 92.4 (X) 52 89 83 67 0.43 0.43 121.9 194.5 (U/R) 1 810 1 592 1 835 36 1 799 711 12 699 552 (X) (X) 19.58 0.02 19.56 19.51 0.02 19.49 94.0 1 814.4 92.3 36.4 604.8 35.9 (X) (X) (U/R) 1 650 1 650 1 694 (X) (X) 1 834 () () 597 597 2.85 2.85 2.84 2.83 581.8 582.4 210.5 210.7 691 (X) (X) 8 599 (X) (X) (U/ 27 901 10 948 31 876 27 746 4 130 24 327 () () 12 614 11 131 1 483 52.29 27.87 24.43 51.37 27.78 23.59 620.5 998.7 175.1 245.5 400.7 62.9 (X) 7 157 7 082 7 049 3 405 3 228 2 807 4.77 4.77 1 500.0 713.6 2 697 2 329 1 706 1 482 1 287 851 45.20 43.66 61.8 33.9 (U/R) 9 369 2 654 10 347 5 967 4 380 7 956 () () 3 887 2 294 1 593 3 492 (X) 40.82 6.88 33.94 40.69 6.86 33.83 254.3 870.4 129.5 95.5 334.6 47.1 (X) (X) (U/R) 58 441 23 515 61 101 55 881 5 220 59 565 () () 24 511 22 669 1 842 22 299 (X) (X) 67.24 27.81 39.43 47.83 27.57 20.26 1 277.6 2 026.8 257.7 512.5 822.2 90.9 (X) (X) (U/R) 10 807 4 528 6 279 10 384 (X) (X) 8 967 () (X) 4 530 2 046 2 484 4 211 (X) (X) 3 408 (X) (X) 37.10 2.44 34.66 34.95 2.38 32.57 309.2 1 903.3 192.8 129.6 860.0 76.3 10 010 9 837 10 086 4 569 4 479 4 344 3.21 3.19 3 138.0 1 432.3 (U/R) 1 16 598 39 907 38 343 1 564 45 144 (X) (X) 41 062 (X) (X) 16 817 16 189 628 (X) 13 864 (X) (X) 45.20 21.60 23.59 31.30 21.07 10.23 1 275.2 1 820.0 152.9 537,4 768.4 61.4 (X) (U) 667 ! 628 (X) 589 1 605 (X) 0.45 0.44 1 529.6 1 350.8 ! (U/R) 19 848 6 321 21 398 16 032 5 366 17 375 (X) 1 8 724 6468 2 256 7 765 (X) (X) 49.73 20.03 29.70 47.05 19.85 27.21 454.8 807.8 197.2 185.4 325.9 82.9 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 11 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: && ** 88 & Š 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) it it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per Population State Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State--Con. Guilford Center CDP, New Haven County 2 603 2 588 2 555 1 300 1 253 1 043 2.23 2.23 1 169.4 584.0 Haddam town, Middlesex County (U/R) 7 157 6 769 6 383 2 822 2 598 2 305 46.35 44.03 162.5 64.1 Urban part 822 (X) (X) 353 (X) 0.96 0.96 854.7 367.0 Rural part. 6 335 (X) (X) 2 469 (X) (X) 45.39 43.07 147.1 57.3 Hamden town, New Haven County 56 913 52 434 51 071 23 464 21 738 19 274 33.32 32.78 1 736.1 715.7 Urban part 55 088 (X) 22 804 (X) 21.79 21.32 2 583.4 1 069.4 Rural part.. 1 825 (X) 660 11.53 11.46 159.3 57.6 Hampton town, Windham County 1 758 1 578 1 322 695 611 487 25.50 25.00 70.3 27.8 Hartford city, Hartford County 121 578 139 739 136 392 50 644 56 098 55 254 17.34 17.31 7 025.5 2 926.5 Hartland town, Hartford County 2 012 1 866 1 416 759 695 522 34.57 33.03 60.9 23.0 Harwinton town, Litchfield County. 5 283 5 228 4 889 2 022 1 883 1 624 31.10 30.75 171.8 65.8 Urban part 1 532 (X) (X) 627 (X) 1.96 1.90 805.3 329.6 Rural part.. 3 751 (X) (X) 1 395 29.14 28.85 130.0 48.4 Hazardville CDP, Hartford County.. 4 900 5 179 5 436 1 876 1 891 1 694 3.29 3.29 1 487.6 569.6 Hebron town, Tolland County. 8 610 7 079 5 453 3 110 2 489 1 811 37.26 36.90 233.3 84.3 Urban part 1 085 361 1.29 1.29 842.4 280.3 Rural part.. 7 525 (X) (X) 2 749 (X) (X) 35.97 35.61 211.3 77.2 Heritage Village CDP, New Haven County (U) 3 435 3 623 (X) 2 590 2 700 (X) 2.29 2.29 1 500.8 1 131.6 Higganum CDP, Middlesex County... (U/R) 1 671 1 692 1 660 698 657 613 5.09 4.87 343.4 143.4 Urban part 818 (X) (X) 351 (X) (X) 0.96 0.96 850.9 365.1 Rural part. 853 (X) (X) 347 (X) (X) 4.13 3.90 218.5 88.9 Jewett City borough, New London County 3 053 3 349 3 294 1 464 1 469 1 402 0.72 0.72 4 213.9 2 020.7 Kensington CDP, Hartford County.... 8 541 8 306 7 502 3 377 3 159 2 679 5.42 5.26 1 622.6 641.6 Kent town, Litchfield County.... 2 858 2 918 2 505 1 463 1 414 1 017 49.59 48.47 59.0 30.2 Killingly town, Windham County. 16 472 15 889 14 519 6 909 6480 5 643 49.99 48.52 339.5 142.4 Urban part 10 578 (X) 4 414 (X) 9.13 8.94 1 183.3 493.8 Rural part. 5 894 (X) (X) 2 495 (x) (X) 40.86 39.58 148.9 63.0 Killingworth town, Middlesex County... (U/R) 6 018 4 814 3 976 2 283 1 879 1 464 35.81 35.33 170.3 64.6 Urban part 2 (X) (X) 1 586.1 293.1 Rural part.. 6 016 (X) 2 282 (X) (X) 35.81 35.33 170.3 64.6 Lake Pocotopaug CDP, Middlesex County 3 169 3 029 2 137 1 532 1 527 1 125 3.48 2.68 1 183.9 572.3 Urban part 3 169 (X) (X 1 532 (X) (X) 3.46 2.66 1 192.5 576.5 (X) (X) 0.02 0.02 Lebanon town, New London County ... 6 907 6 041 4 762 2 820 2 422 1 907 55.24 54.11 127.6 52.1 Urban part 56 22 (X) (X) 0.03 0.03 2 134.9 838.7 Rural part.. 6 851 () 2 798 () 55.21 54.09 126.7 51.7 Ledyard town, New London County 14 687 14 913 13 735 5 486 5 250 4 415 40.00 38.14 385.1 143.8 Urban part 8 460 (X) 3 128 (X) 7.46 7.44 1 136.6 420.3 Rural part. 6 227 2 358 (X) (X) 32.54 30.70 202.8 76.8 Lisbon town, New London County.. 4 069 3 790 3 279 1 563 1 400 1 126 16.63 16.26 250.3 96.1 Urban part 1 272 (X) 530 (X) 2.74 2.70 471.6 196.5 Rural part .. 2 797 (X) 1 033 (X) (X) 13.89 13.56 206.3 76.2 Litchfield borough, Litchfield County. 1 328 1 378 1 489 624 600 1.39 1.39 953.5 448.0 Urban part 1 212 565 (X) (X) 1.06 1.06 1 141.9 532.3 Rural part.. 116 59 (X) 0.33 0.33 350.1 178.1 Litchfield town, Litchfield County 8 316 8 365 7 605 3 629 3 430 2 760 56.78 56.06 148.4 64.7 Urban part 2 194 974 (X) () 3.98 3.98 551.5 244.8 Rural part.. 6 122 (X) (X) 2 655 52.80 52.08 117.6 51.0 Long Hill CDP, New London County ... 3 534 (X) 1 924 (X) (X) 1.49 1.49 2 378.6 1 295.0 Lyme town, New London County. 2 016 1 949 1 822 989 836 34.48 31.85 63.3 31.0 Urban part.. 93 0.09 0.09 1 075.8 682.5 Rural part. 1 923 (X) 930 (X) 34.40 31.77 60.5 29.3 Madison town, New Haven County. 17 858 15 485 14 031 7 386 6 511 5 327 36.78 36.20 493.3 204.0 Urban part 15 821 6 490 (X) 20.12 20.07 788.3 323.4 Rural part.. 2 037 (X) 896 (X) 16.66 16.13 126.3 55.6 Madison Center CDP, New Haven County (U/R) 2 222 2 139 2 069 1 208 1 160 1 122 2.09 2.08 1 067.0 580.1 Urban part 2 222 1 208 () 2.08 2.07 1 073.4 583.5 Rural part.. () 0.01 0.01 Manchester town, Hartford County (U/R) 54 740 51 618 49 761 24 256 21 704 18 805 27.68 27.26 2 008.2 889.9 Urban part 53 970 (X) 23 968 (X) (X) 25.31 24.90 2 167.4 962.5 Rural part.. 770 (X) 288 (X) 2.37 2.36 326.6 122.2 Mansfield town, Tolland County. (U/R) 20 720 21 103 20 634 5 481 5 158 4 550 45.49 44.46 466.0 123.3 Urban part 14 610 3 080 (X) (X) 11.58 11.49 1 271.7 268.1 Rural part.. 6 110 2 401 (X) 33.92 32.98 185.3 72.8 Mansfield Center CDP, Tolland County 973 (X) 382 (X) () 3.41 3.05 318.9 125.2 Marlborough town, Hartford County (U/R) 5 709 5 535 4 746 2 057 1 869 1 514 23.43 23.28 245.2 88.4 Urban part 3 089 (X) 1 117 (X) (X) 4.48 4.37 707.1 255.7 Rural part. 2 620 (X) 940 18.94 18.91 138.5 49.7 Meriden city, New Haven County (U/R) 58 244 59 479 57 118 24 631 24 826 22 198 24.14 23.75 2 452.8 1 037.3 Urban part 57 842 24 481 (X) 20.37 20.16 2 869.2 1 214.4 Rural part.. 402 (X) 150 (X) 3.77 3.59 112.1 41.8 De Bela vel des del och oce del de BD S Ê della della dem sa s del desa ** ** ** ** Rural part.. 59 528 788 88 988 28 & 388 388 388 388 8888 88 ** ** ** ୫** ** 8** ** *** ** 288 88 888 888 88 &&&&8 588 x 588 888 988 988 888 DEW Dc o del bebocs ୫xx sxx Xx & xx sxx XX ୫xx sxx X Cxx xx 12 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For intormation concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) 2000 area measurements State Housing units 2000 average per Population 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units 6 145 5 995 2 168 6451 4 541 1 910 2 494 1 754 740 2 365 (X) 18.45 6.88 11.57 17.75 6.84 10.91 363.4 663.9 175.0 140.5 256.4 67.8 (X) 3 925 3 796 1 587 4 203 2 522 1 681 1 740 1 092 648 1 480 (X) (X) 14 774 (X) 13.32 4.87 8.45 12.70 4.69 8.01 330.9 537.2 210.0 137.0 232.6 80.9 18 102 43 167 41 295 1 872 42 762 (X) (X) 49 938 39 040 () () 50 898 19 697 18 980 717 42.32 23.37 18.95 40.90 23.07 17.84 1 055.4 1 790.3 105.0 481.6 822.9 40.2 (X) 20 149 52 305 52 305 21 962 21 962 2 318.5 2 354.9 973.5 988.8 (X) 48 168 18 437 (X) (X) 17 694 (X) 49 101 50 594 50 594 () 19 339 (X) 21 145 21 145 24.02 22.26 1.77 23.74 21.98 1.77 0.28 2 270.7 2 306.8 22.56 22.21 0.35 22.28 21.93 0.35 0.28 949.0 964.1 () 1 797 38888 888 88888 88888 het e 88 1 711 1 770 817 88 88 88 9887 588 88 810 743 6 156.7 2 939.8 16 896 5 596 19 247 17 852 1 395 14 010 () 6 601 6 118 483 4 131 (X) 26.33 20.45 5.88 26.13 20.42 5.71 736.5 874.3 244.1 252.6 299.6 84.5 (X) 16 673 16 455 6 283 18 546 14 332 4 214 6 805 5 096 1 709 5 551 (X) (X) 465 44.13 15.64 28.48 42.02 15.57 26.45 441.4 920.7 159.3 162.0 327.4 64.6 (X) 535 592 2.90 2.88 438.8 205.7 1 263 3 237 1 170 3 289 2 039 1 179 3 308 1 321 1 323 1 241 2.33 2.33 1 390.4 567,4 2 301 1 899 1 181 1 089 994 18.72 133.9 68.7 2 333 1 988 1 211 4 001 3 961 40 2 618 (X) (X) 936 (X) (X) 1 971 17.19 3.35 3.04 0.31 3.79 3.27 0.52 1 192.7 1 302.5 127.6 592.6 648.1 54.2 17 30 989 30 625 26 456 12 341 11 930 9 728 16.45 16.39 1 890.9 753.0 71 538 75 491 73 840 31 164 32 335 29 762 13.40 13.34 5 364.0 2 336.7 17 931 19 395 19 379 16 7 141 7 133 8 6 856 (X) 6 365 (X) 17 864 (X) (X) 12 911 22.48 22.42 0.06 22.13 22.08 0.05 876.5 877.9 296.6 322.7 323.1 148.3 ...... del och sel sel sel sel a deb E E E B del debela a ocho a I DES De Dobbel och des del 11 260 4 447 13 953 13 013 940 5 148 4 844 304 5 081 (X) (X) 25.06 13.45 11.60 20.46 13.13 7.34 681.9 991.5 128.1 251.6 369.1 41.4 () (X) 5 769 The State-Con. Middlebury town, New Haven County.. Urban part Rural part.. Middlefield town, Middlesex County Urban part . Rural part.. Middletown city, Middlesex County. Urban part. Rural part.. Milford city, New Haven County. Urban part. Rural part. Milford city (balance) Urban part Rural part. Woodmont borough Monroe town, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part. Montville town, New London County... Urban part Rural part. Moodus CDP, Middlesex County. Moosup CDP, Windham County Morris town, Litchfield County Mystic CDP, New London County. Urban part Rural part.. Naugatuck borough, New Haven County New Britain city, Hartford County New Canaan town, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part.. New Fairfield town, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part.. New Hartford town, Litchfield County .. Urban part Rural part. New Hartford Center CDP, Litchfield County. New Haven city, New Haven County . Newington town, Hartford County. Newington CDP, Hartford County. New London city, New London County. Urban part Rural part... New Milford CDP, Litchfield County. New Milford town, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part. New Preston CDP, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part.. Newtown borough, Fairfield County Urban part Rural part.. Newtown town, Fairfield County Urban part Rural part.. Niantic CDP, New London County Urban part Rural part. Noank CDP, New London County. Urban part Rural part. Norfolk town, Litchfield County.... North Branford town, New Haven County Urban part Rural part. North Canaan town, Litchfield County . North Granby CDP, Hartford County Urban part Rural part. ୫XX XX 8XX XXXxe SXX XX ୧୫ ୫୫ ଓଁ & sXX 8XX XX : ୫ & & X ୫ ଛୁxx Xx XX XXXX XXX ୫ ୫XX 4 884 1 903 6 088 849 5 239 2 368 311 2 057 2 319 (X) 38.14 1.19 36.95 37.03 1.16 35.86 164.4 729.5 146.1 64.0 267.2 57.4 88 588 88 9888832 82 82 de o 8 de 98% 58% 98% & Ë ģ88 582 gex 88 88 888 § 88 8988 1 269 1 310 451 546 3.45 3.25 322.4 138.6 130 474 126 089 52 941 54 057 50 627 20.25 18.85 6 558.4 2 808.5 (R) (U) (U) (U) 1 049 123 626 29 306 29 306 29 208 28 841 12 264 11 609 10 445 13.18 13.18 2 223.4 930.4 29 208 28 841 12 264 11 609 10 445 13.18 13.18 2 223.4 930.4 28 540 28 842 11 424 25 671 25 671 11 560 11 560 11 970 (X) (X) 10.76 .56 5.20 5.54 5.54 4 635.5 4 636.0 2 087.4 2 087.7 (X) (X) 6 633 5 775 5 186 2 872 2 563 2 008 3.39 3.39 1 955.7 846.8 19 420 9 295 27 121 20 860 6 261 23 629 (X) 10 710 8 360 2 350 7 346 (X) 63.70 24.46 39.24 e ୫** ** ** ୫ ୫ ଝୁ୪୪ ୫ ୫** ୫** ** ** ** xxx ** 61.59 24.44 37.15 440.4 853.7 168.5 173.9 342.1 63.2 (X) 1 209 563 1 110 125 985 1 217 (X) (X) 70 7.85 0.18 7.67 7.39 0.18 7.21 150.1 695.4 136.5 76.1 389.4 68.3 493 2 022 1 843 1 737 106 1 800 (X) (X) 668 629 39 (X) (X) 2.31 1.92 0.40 2.31 1.92 0.40 796.7 906.8 266.4 288.8 328.4 98.0 19 107 7 194 6 268 25 031 19 049 5 982 20 779 (X) 8 601 6 458 2 143 8 % 88 % 88 88 88 888 888 888 g 688 og 88 59.07 32.33 26.73 57.76 32.11 25.65 433.4 593.2 233.2 148.9 201.1 83.6 3 048 3 151 1 622 3 085 3 085 1 756 1 756 1 690 (X) 3.53 1.47 2.06 1.46 1.41 0.05 2 110.3 2 185.1 1 201.2 1 243.8 (X) (X) 1 830 1 776 54 911 890 21 2.21 1.16 1.05 1.54 1.08 0.46 1 187.7 1 642.0 117.6 591.2 822.8 45.7 (R) 1 660 2 060 2 156 871 904 46.41 45.31 36.6 19.2 (U/R) 12 996 11 554 4 610 3 578 ze 13 906 12 513 1 393 5 246 4 707 539 26.65 13.04 13.62 24.92 12.97 11.96 558.0 965.1 116.5 210.5 363.0 45.1 () (X) R ) 3 350 3 284 3 185 1 444 1 405 1 220 19.46 19.45 172.2 74.2 (U/R) 1 455 (X) (X) Long 1 720 276 1 444 579 89 490 8.36 0.41 7.95 8.36 0.41 7.95 205.8 673.6 181.7 69.3 217.2 61.7 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 13 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirety urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Housing units Population 2000 area measurements in square miles 2000 average per square mile State Place and [in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population (U/R) 1 705 673 697 1 424 1 293 131 1 856 () 654 601 53 2.25 1.18 1.08 2.25 1.18 1.08 632.2 1 099.7 121.7 290.4 511.1 49.2 (X) (U) 23 035 22 247 22 080 8 773 8 243 7 466 21.09 20.77 1 108.9 422.3 S S 88 8 885 (U) 23 035 22 249 22 080 8 773 8 244 7 466 21.10 20.78 1 108.5 422.2 (U/R 4 884 4 219 4 991 440 4 551 2 052 176 1 876 1 858 (X) (X) 1 434 (X) (X) 54.97 0.78 54.19 54.31 0.78 53.53 91.9 563.9 85.0 37.8 225.6 35.0 (U/R) 1 121 3 242 1 532 1 710 3 299 (X) 3 293 () () 1 296 627 669 1 233 (X) 8.81 1.96 6.85 8.70 1.90 6.80 372.5 805.3 251.4 148.9 329.6 98.4 XX XX 78 331 77 767 32 224 29 448 82 951 82 948 3 33 753 33 746 7 36.33 22.68 13.65 22.81 22.47 0.33 3 637.3 3 691.3 9.0 1 480.0 1 501.8 20.9 () (X) 37 391 38 074 36 117 35 349 768 15 265 (X) 16 472 (X) (X) 16 600 16 273 327 29.48 23.47 6.01 28.33 23 19 5.14 1 274.7 1 524.3 149.3 585.9 701.7 63.6 Ĉ (X) 3 005 8 618 8 741 8 737 3 358 3 218 3.19 3.16 2 726.7 1 062.5 6 535 6 159 4 570 2 732 1 838 4 336 (X) (X) 3 919 (X) 28.82 5.24 23.58 23.10 5.20 17.90 320.6 840.9 169.6 197.8 525.7 102.7 7 406 4 370 3 036 3 205 3 189 16 1 249 1 243 6 4.37 4.10 0.27 4.27 4.00 0.27 XX ୫ ୫ x ୫XX & ୧୫XX XXX ଛXX ଓ Xx sXX &XX XXX s XX 750.5 796.5 60.1 292.5 310.4 22.5 880 889 889 88 888 880 xxã 88 XX 9 552 5 092 4 520 10 367 9 209 1 158 9 287 () 5 357 4 933 424 21.61 10.16 11.45 15.04 10.11 4.93 689.5 911.2 234.9 356.3 488.1 86.0 1 962 1 820 1 857 984 940 830 1.97 1.97 994.3 498.7 (U/R) 12 830 13 237 4 544 4 277 13 233 12 834 399 4 870 4 718 152 17.43 15.52 1.91 17.19 15.45 1.74 770.0 830.7 229.7 283.4 305.4 87.5 () (U/E 12 830 The State-Con. North Grosvenor Dale CDP, Windham County. Urban part Rural part. North Haven town, New Haven County. North Haven CDP, New Haven County North Stonington town, New London County Urban part Rural part. Northwest Harwinton CDP, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part.. Norwalk city, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part. Norwich city, New London County. Urban part Rural part.. Oakville CDP, Litchfield County ..... Old Lyme town, New London County .. Urban part Rural part... Old Mystic CDP, New London County . Urban part Rural part.. Old Saybrook town, Middlesex County. Urban part Rural part... Old Saybrook Center CDP, Middlesex County Orange town, New Haven County Urban part Rural part... Orange CDP, New Haven County Urban part Rural part.. Oxford town, New Haven County Urban part Rural part. Oxoboxo River CDP, New London County Urban part Rural part. Pawcatuck CDP, New London County. Plainfield town, Windham County Urban part Rural part.. Plainfield Village CDP, Windham County Plainville town, Hartford County.. Plymouth town, Litchfield County.. Urban part Rural part.. Pomfret town, Windham County Poquonock Bridge CDP, New London County Urban part Rural part. Portland town, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part. Portland CDP, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part. Preston town, New London County.. Urban part Rural part. Prospect town, New Haven County.. Urban part Rural part... Putnam town, Windham County Urban part Rural part. 13 237 4 277 13 233 12 834 399 (X) 4 544 (X) (X) 4 870 4 718 152 17.43 15.52 1.91 17.19 15.45 1.74 770.0 830.7 229.7 283.4 305.4 87.5 (X) 8 685 6 634 2 930 2 197 9 821 4 704 5 117 3 420 1 655 1 765 33.39 8.23 25.16 32.89 8.17 24.72 298.6 576.1 207.0 104.0 202.7 71.4 () (X) (U/F Del des del Des de DCS b del De de DES Del deb @ Dell de DES S dc del des 2 938 2 432 506 2 975 (X) (X) 888 8 888 8888 887 Ž 88 a ne o 88 88 88 88 88 C 88 888 8888888888 1 356 1 127 229 1 283 (X) (X) (X) (X) 4.49 2.86 1.63 4.26 2.83 1.44 689.6 860.8 352.6 318.3 398.9 159.6 5 474 5 289 5 216 2 598 2 324 2 012 3.71 3.70 1 479.9 702.4 (U/R) 14 363 12 774 5 342 14 619 9 356 5 263 5 676 3 713 1 963 4 416 (X) 43.04 9.29 33.75 42.27 9.22 33.05 345.9 1 014,8 159.3 134.3 402.7 59.4 (X) 2 638 2 856 2 799 1 007 1 025 946 1.67 1.64 1 605.5 612.9 17 328 17 392 16 401 7 707 7 452 6 181 9.81 9.76 1 776.0 789.9 11 822 3 855 11 634 9 013 2 621 10 732 (X) 4 646 3 706 940 4 556 (X) (X) 22.32 6.89 15.43 21.72 6.71 15.01 535.6 1 342.5 174.7 213.9 552.0 62.6 (X) 3 798 3 102 2 775 1 503 1 258 987 40.56 40.30 94.2 37.3 (U/R) 2 770 2 549 916 1 592 1 556 36 630 611 19 1 028 (X) 1.44 0.53 0.91 1.37 0.53 0.83 1 165.8 2 929.6 43.1 461.3 1 150.4 22.8 (X) (X) 8 732 6 536 2 196 8 418 (X) 8 383 (X) (X) 3 528 2 612 916 3 289 (X) (X) 2 960 (X) (X) 24.89 5.29 19.60 88 88 88 23.40 5.29 18.11 373.1 1 235.5 121.2 150.7 493.7 50.6 5 645 5 914 5 534 5 207 327 2 286 2 149 137 2 222 (X) (X) 2 092 (X) (X) 5.46 3.59 1.88 4.93 3.59 1.35 1 121.8 1 451.6 242.9 463.4 599.1 101.8 (X) ** **** @ 88 88 (U/F 5 006 1 361 4 688 643 4 045 4 644 (X) (X) 1 901 306 1 595 1 689 (X) (X) 31.76 0.88 30.88 30.90 0.85 30.05 151.7 754.0 134.6 61.5 358.8 53.1 7 775 6 807 2 624 8 707 8 309 398 3 094 2 963 131 2 063 (X) (X) 14.54 12.49 2.05 14.32 12.28 2.04 608.1 676.7 195.1 216.1 241.3 64.2 (X) 9 031 8 580 3 790 9 002 7 021 1 981 3 955 3 166 789 3 317 (X) 20.40 3.76 16.65 20.29 3.72 16.58 443.6 1 889.8 119.5 194.9 852.2 47.6 () (X) 14 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. 69 0.16 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as –") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State - Con. Putnam District CDP, Windham County (U/R) 6 746 6 835 3 119 3 020 3.23 3.19 2 113.0 976.9 Urban part 6 713 3 102 3.04 3.00 2 236.8 1 033.6 Rural part. 33 17 0.19 0.19 172.3 88.8 Quinebaug CDP, Windham County.... 1 122 1 031 1 088 476 4.54 4.36 257.1 109.1 Urban part 535 249 0.54 0.54 985.4 458.6 Rural part. 587 (X) 227 4.00 3.82 153.6 59.4 Redding town, Fairfield County (U/R) 8 270 7 927 7 272 3 086 2 990 2 460 32.06 31.50 262.5 98.0 Urban part 1 456 538 2.27 2.25 646.1 238.7 Rural part. 6 814 2 548 29.79 29.25 233.0 87.1 Ridgefield CDP, Fairfield County. 7 212 6 363 6 066 3 078 2 717 2 305 6.42 6.41 1 125.2 480.2 Urban part 7 034 3 009 6.01 6.01 1 170.7 500.8 Rural part.. 178 (x) 0.40 0.40 443.3 171.8 Ridgefield town, Fairfield County. 23 643 20 919 20 120 8 877 7 999 6 949 34.97 34.43 686.7 257.8 Urban part 21 382 8 068 25.91 25.51 838.1 316.2 Rural part. 2 261 809 (X) 9.05 8.92 253.5 90.7 Rockville CDP, Tolland County 7 708 (X) (X) 3 824 (X) 1.74 1.73 4 448.1 2 206.7 Rocky Hill town, Hartford County... 17 966 16 554 14 559 7 962 7 107 5 692 13.47 13.45 1 335.4 591.8 Roxbury town, Litchfield County 2 136 1 825 1 468 1 018 26.29 26.23 81.4 38.8 Salem town, New London County 3 858 3 310 2 335 1 655 1 245 29.79 28.95 133.2 57.2 Urban part 112 (X) 51 0.16 720.3 328.0 Rural part. 3 746 1 604 29.63 28.80 130.1 55.7 Salisbury town, Litchfield County...... 3 977 4 090 3 896 2 410 2 469 1 992 60.08 57.32 69.4 42.0 Salmon Brook CDP, Hartford County .. 2 453 2 185 1 912 1 018 2.97 2.97 826.8 343.1 Urban part 2 321 950 2.63 2.63 882.9 361.4 Rural part. 132 68 (X) 0.34 0.34 390.5 201.2 Saybrook Manor CDP, Middlesex County : 1 133 1 073 1 140 1 027 1 000 0.76 0.76 1 497.7 1 357.5 Scotland town, Windham County..... (R) 1 556 1 215 1 072 577 383 18.66 18.61 83.6 31.0 Seymour town, New Haven County 15 454 14 288 13 434 6 356 5 877 5 084 14.97 14.57 1 060.6 436.2 Urban part 15 082 6 198 13.25 13.09 1 152.2 473.5 Rural part. 372 158 1.72 1.48 251.2 106.7 Sharon town, Litchfield County 2 968 2 928 2 623 1 617 1 595 1 291 59.56 58.70 50.6 27.5 Shelton city, Fairfield County 38 101 35 418 31 314 14 707 12 981 10 461 31.24 30.57 1 246.4 481.1 Sherman town, Fairfield County. 3 827 2 809 2 281 1 606 1 451 1 143 23.36 21.80 175.6 73.7 Urban part 705 (X) 314 1.19 1.19 594.3 264.7 Rural part.. (R) 3 122 1 292 22.17 20.61 151.5 62.7 Sherwood Manor CDP, Hartford County (U) 5 689 6 357 6 303 2 230 2 226 1 755 3.13 3.13 1 818.5 712.8 Simsbury town, Hartford County (U/R) 23 234 22 023 21 161 8 739 8 175 6 837 34.31 33.88 685.7 257.9 Urban part 20 941 7 961 22.88 22.81 918.1 349.0 Rural part. (R) 2 293 778 11.43 11.07 207.1 70.3 Simsbury Center CDP, Harttord County 5 603 5 577 5 488 2 285 2 196 1 939 4.51 4.50 1 246.1 508.2 Urban part 5 603 2 285 4.51 4.50 1 246.4 508.3 Rural part. () Somers town, Tolland County 10 417 9 108 8 473 3 012 2 739 2 390 28.48 28.34 367.6 106.3 Urban part 7 743 2 020 11.17 11.09 698.1 182.1 Rural part.. 2 674 (X) 992 17.31 17.25 155.0 57.5 Southbury town, New Haven County 18 567 15 818 14 156 7 799 6 826 5 838 39.97 39.06 475.4 199.7 Urban part 14 851 6 476 20.65 20.57 722.1 314.9 Rural part. 3 716 1 323 19.32 18.49 201.0 71.6 South Coventry CDP, Tolland County. 1 381 1 257 3 769 576 1 671 3.22 3.21 430.2 179.4 Urban part 1 065 447 1.94 1.94 549.4 230.6 Rural part... 316 129 1.27 1.27 248.4 101.4 Southington town, Hartford County. 39 728 38 518 36 879 15 557 14 250 12 437 36.62 35.99 1 103.8 432.2 Urban part 37 706 14 832 27.47 27.40 1 376.4 541.4 Rural part. 2 022 725 9.15 8.60 235.2 84.3 South Windham CDP, Windham County (U/R) 1 278 1 644 1 399 579 3.14 3.11 411.0 186.2 Urban part 988 (X) 464 1.40 1.40 706.6 331.9 Rural part. 290 115 1.74 1.71 169.4 67.2 South Windsor town, Hartford County 24 412 22 090 17 198 9 071 8 044 5 590 28.66 27.96 873.1 324.4 Urban part 22 393 8 298 15.73 15.64 1 431.4 530.4 Rural part.. 2 019 (X) 773 12.93 12.32 163.9 62.8 Southwood Acres CDP, Hartford County 8 067 8 963 9 779 3 018 3 015 2 709 4.08 4.08 1 975.4 739.0 South Woodstock CDP, Windham County (U/R) 1 211 1 112 1 319 565 5.41 5.26 230.3 107.5 Urban part 473 204 0.59 0.59 802.7 346.2 Rural part. 738 (X) (X) 361 4.82 4.67 158.1 77.3 Sprague town, New London County. (U/R) 2 971 3 008 2 996 1 164 1 109 1 055 13.83 13.21 224.8 88.1 Urban part 1 016 (X) 424 0.63 0.53 1 908.9 796.6 Rural part... 1 955 740 13.20 12.68 154.2 58.4 Stafford town, Tolland County (U/R) 11 307 11 091 9 268 4 616 4 310 3 437 58.77 57.96 195.1 79.6 Urban part 5 595 (X) 2 427 5.70 5.64 991.9 430.2 Rural part... 5 712 (x) 2 189 53.07 52.31 109.2 41.8 acl och och wel vel seba sebe i sebe a dela e a E De Def och oe des 788 788 988 988 88 888 888 88 88 88 688 88 88 888 88 ger som et gaz 588 888 8 88 888 888 & 388 88 @ $88 88 88 88 88 888 888 88 går 188 88888 8888.88 788 g 688 g 588 8 888 888 988 382 383 388 388 888 888 88 88 8 889 Š 8 tot 880 889 280 x8 x 88 e 88 8 888 8820 88 90 8 282 288 289 88 888 aze aze z zze azeaza 388 88 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 15 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as “–“) has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements Population 2000 average per State Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population area units (U/R) 102 466 40 063 7 117 083 116 331 752 108 056 (X) xx 47 317 47 026 291 44 279 (X) (X) (X) 52.07 34.20 17.87 37.75 33.67 4.08 3 101.9 3 455.1 184.5 1 253 6 1 396 7 71.4 3 099 2 357 1 791 1 193 877 638 27.31 27.23 113.8 43.8 (U/R) 1 100 1 032 1 032 1 228 (X) 723 723 713 (X) 0.69 0.33 0.36 3 071.2 3 126.1 * 681 (X) (X) 746 (X) 0.34 0.33 0.01 2 151 6 2 190.1 (U/R) 16 919 16 220 (X) 8 591 6 847 1 744 7 923 (X) 50.04 12.64 37.39 38.69 12.28 26.41 462.8 1 123.4 155.7 222.1 5576 66.0 (U/R) 17 906 13 795 4 111 10 996 10 533 463 49 976 49 976 12 198 1 717 1 701 1 511 190 5.70 4.34 1.36 5.67 4.31 1.36 1 939.3 2 442.9 340.8 300.0 350 4 139.9 888:8888 88 788 688 317 (X) (X) 18 957 11 394 (X) (X) 50 541 (X) (X) 50 541 E8%BBS &&& &叫​& (U/R) 49 389 (X) (X) 20 152 (X) 20 596 20 596 19.88 17.70 2.18 17.59 17.54 0.04 2 841.9 2 848.6 88 289 88 1 171.2 1 174.0 49 976 49 976 20 596 20 596 49 389 (X) (X) 11 427 (X) 2 841.9 2 848.6 19.88 17.70 2.18 1 171.2 1 174.0 20 152 (X) (X) 4 384 (X) 17.59 17.54 0.04 (X) 18 957 (X) (X) 3 384 (X) (X) 9 294 13 552 9 621 3 931 4 853 3 361 1 492 42.94 16.13 26.81 42.21 16.10 26.12 321.0 597.7 150.5 1150 208.8 57.1 1 244 1 353 1 122 598 557 475 1.95 1.94 640.9 308.1 1 371 1 477 1 324 638 645 534 0.61 0.61 2 260.3 1 051.8 1 044 1 039 407 403 362 1.29 1.18 890.5 345.8 1 048 5 360 5 426 2 312 2 267 2 012 2.80 2.77 1 935.6 834.9 (U/R) 7 503 6 404 1 099 6 947 (X) 5 234 6 276 (X) (X) 8 141 (X) 3 014 2 608 406 12.23 7.51 4.72 12.01 7.49 4.52 624.7 854.7 243.3 251.0 348.1 89.9 2 736 (X) (X) 3 563 (X) (X) 248 (X) (X) 3 097 (X) (X) 8 878 3 756 5 122 8 668 (X) (X) 8 458 3 710 1 633 2 077 48.65 4.78 43.87 46.94 4.67 42.28 189.1 805.0 121.1 3 797.9 790 350.0 49.1 8 125 8 151 3 728 3 635 146 2.14 2.14 1 742.6 (U/F 11 001 9 694 3 747 13 146 6 294 6 852 gae e caze ze gze aze ze aze S S S S ze azt a zeaza sa egze e gaze se gaze a gaze azer aze z gaze 4 665 2 293 2 372 && j&£ 588 588 588 3888 88 88 88 88 88 T Q 588 88 888 40.30 10.75 29.55 The State-Con. Stamford city. Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part.. Sterling town, Windham County... Stonington borough, New London County Urban part Rural part. Stonington town, New London County. Urban part Rural part.. Storrs CDP, Tolland County Urban part Rural part.. Stratford town, Fairfield County Urban part Rural part.. Stratford CDP, Fairfield County Urban part Rural part.. Suffield town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part.. Suffield Depot CDP, Hartford County .. Tariftville CDP, Hartford County... Terramuggus CDP, Hartford County... Terryville CDP, Litchfield County.. Thomaston town, Litchfield County Urban part. Rural part.. Thompson town, Windham County. Urban part Rural part.. Thompsonville CDP, Hartford County.. Tolland town, Tolland County. Urban part. Rural part... Torrington city, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part.. Trumbull town, Fairfield County. Trumbull CDP, Fairfield County Union town, Tolland County Vernon town, Tolland County. Urban part Rural part. Voluntown town, New London County . Wallingford town, New Haven County . Urban part. Rural part.. Wallingford Center CDP, New Haven County Warren town, Litchfield County Washington town, Litchfield County Urban part. Rural part. Waterbury city, New Haven County Waterford town, New London County .. Urban part. Rural part. Watertown town, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part. Wauregan CDP, Windham County Urban part. Rural part. Weatogue CDP, Hartford County Westbrook town, Middlesex County Urban part Rural part.. Westbrook Center CDP, Middlesex County West Hartford town, Hartford County Urban part. Rural part.. 2 971 (X) (X) 12 791 (X) 39.71 10.75 28.96 331.0 585.4 236.6 117.5 213.3 81.9 33 687 30 987 35 202 30 888 4 314 98% 98% 78% 88 8 8888 (X) 15 161 (X) (X) 11 095 16 147 13 842 2 305 40.37 13.93 26.44 39.79 13.91 25.88 884.7 2 220.5 166.7 405.8 995.1 89.1 (X) 32 989 34 243 32 016 12 160 10 182 23.48 23.29 1 470.6 522.2 34 243 32 000 32 989 12 160 11 090 10 182 23.48 23.29 1 470.6 522.2 693 612 546 332 291 237 29.83 28.71 24.1 11.6 38% 58% 88 10 611 28 063 28 030 33 29 841 (X) (X) 27 974 (X) 12 867 12 853 12 748 (X) (X) 18.07 17.86 0.21 17.73 17.59 0.14 1 582.8 1 593.4 239.3 725.7 730.6 101.5 14 2 528 2 113 1 637 1 091 890 703 39.76 38.92 65.0 28.0 (U/F 37 274 13 216 43 026 41 352 1 674 40 822 (X) (X) 17 306 16 735 571 15 936 (X) 39.88 29.27 10.61 39.02 28.90 10.11 1 102.7 1 430.7 165.5 443.5 579.0 56.5 (X) 17 509 17 827 17 821 7 720 7 716 6 977 7.29 7.16 2 444.6 1 077.9 1 254 1 226 1 027 650 592 464 27.56 26.31 47.7 24.7 3 657 1 564 3 596 125 3 471 3 905 (X) 1 764 70 1 694 1 856 (X) * 38.71 0.18 38.53 38.19 0.18 38.01 94.2 695.4 91.3 46.2 389.4 44.6 (X) 103 266 (X) 40 854 107 271 108 961 46 827 47 205 28.92 28.57 3 754.7 1 639.0 17 843 19 152 15 861 3 291 17 930 (X) (X) 7 986 6 716 1 270 7 357 (X) (X) 6 405 (X) (X) 44.39 14.89 29.51 32.75 14.74 18.01 584.7 1 076.0 182.7 243.8 455.6 70.5 (X) 20 456 7 522 21 661 19 371 2 290 19 489 (X) 8 298 7 501 797 6 618 (X) (X) 29.58 13.98 15.60 29.15 13.75 15.41 743.0 1 409.3 148.6 284.6 545.7 51.7 1 079 1 085 1 085 87 g 882 88 x h 410 410 403 (X) (X) 0.92 0.90 0.02 0.90 0.88 0.02 1 211.5 1 239.7 457.8 468.5 (X) (X) 2 805 2 521 2 249 1 031 917 669 3.00 3.00 935.0 343.6 5 414 5 216 6 292 4 171 2 121 762 3 460 2 683 777 3 231 (X) (X) xx sxx 21.38 4.19 17.19 15.72 4.18 11.53 400.3 997.0 183.9 220.1 641.3 67.4 (X) (X) 2 238 2 060 2 035 1 662 1 657 1 434 1.68 1.68 1 336.0 992.2 (U) (U/R) 23 900 ze 63 589 63 380 209 60 110 (X) (X) 61 301 (X) 25 332 25 267 65 25 021 (X) (X) 22.36 18.60 3.77 21.98 18.51 3.48 2 892.6 3 424.4 60.1 1 152.3 1 365.2 18.7 (X) 16 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) it it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as '-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State - Con. area units (U/R) 60 110 63 589 63 380 209 61 301 (X) (X) 25 332 25 267 65 25 021 (X) () 23 900 (X) (X) 22.36 18.60 3.77 21.98 18.51 3.48 2 892.6 3 424.4 60.1 1 152.3 1 365.2 18.7 (U) 52 360 54 021 53 184 22 336 22 679 20 915 11.00 10.84 4 832.0 2 061.3 (U/R) 2 830 10 037 8 813 1 224 8 648 (X) (X) 8 284 (X) (X) 3 532 3 096 436 3 278 (X) (X) 20.71 13.43 7.28 19.80 13.39 6.41 507.0 658.3 190.9 178.4 231.2 68.0 (U/R) 24 410 25 749 25 749 å rā 889 280 281 887 25 290 (X) 10 065 10 065 9 841 (X) (X) 588 88 88 888 888 g 9 119 (X) (X) g &&& 288 288 788 33.33 20.00 13.32 20.01 19.95 0.06 1 286.7 1 290.8 503.0 504,6 (U/R) 25 290 9 840 25 749 25 749 24 407 (X) 10 065 10 065 388 9 119 (X) 33.33 20.00 13.32 20.01 19.95 0.06 1 286.7 1 290.8 503.0 504.6 (U/R) 2 149 2 140 2 395 2 349 46 763 748 15 690 (X) 4.37 4.02 0.35 4.37 4.02 0.35 548.6 584.5 132.6 174.8 186.1 43.2 (X) (X) (U) 26 271 25 651 26 013 11 454 10 790 9 657 12.47 12.39 2 119.9 924.3 26 271 25 651 26 013 11 454 10 790 9 657 12.47 12.39 2 119.9 924.3 (U) 15 823 14 746 (X) 6 026 5 887 (X) 4.41 4.39 3 607.0 1 373.7 (U/R) 5 979 4 694 2 301 5 959 2 041 3 918 aze aze ze ze gee = = = ze sąze azer aze a zase şze pas 2 429 841 1 588 1 740 (X) (X) 33.48 3.16 30.31 33.27 3.16 30.10 179.1 645.3 130.2 73.0 265.9 52.8 (X) (X) 17 633 15 989 15 351 6 113 5 824 5 099 27.36 26.95 654.3 226.8 (U/R) 5 093 4 500 10 664 7 121 3 543 11 524 (X) (X) 10 841 (X) (X) 4 922 3 403 1 519 () 33.84 3.33 30.51 32.28 3.33 28.95 330.4 2 137.9 122.4 152.5 1 021.7 52.5 West Hartford CDP, Hartford County .. Urban part Rural part. West Haven city, New Haven County.. Weston town, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part.. Westport town, Fairfield County.. Urban part Rural part. Westport CDP, Fairfield County. Urban part Rural part. West Simsbury CDP, Hartford County. Urban part Rural part.. Wethersfield town, Hartford County Wethersfield CDP, Hartford County . Willimantic CDP, Windham County... Willington town, Tolland County.. Urban part Rural part... Wilton town, Fairfield County Winchester town, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part.. Windham town, Windham County .. Urban part Rural part. Windsor town, Hartford County Urban part Rural part.. Windsor Locks town, Hartford County . Windsor Locks CDP, Hartford County . Winsted CDP, Litchfield County.... Urban part Rural part. Wolcott town, New Haven County. Urban part. Rural part.. Woodbridge town, New Haven County. Urban part Rural part. Woodbury town, Litchfield County ... Urban part Rural part. Woodbury Center CDP, Litchfield County Urban part Rural part. Woodmont borough, New Haven County Woodstock town, Windham County Urban part Rural part. (X) (U/R) 22 039 21 062 22 857 19 762 3 095 8 926 7 618 1 308 8 727 (X) 8 195 (X) 27.92 9.01 18.91 27.07 8.92 18.14 83 888 844.4 2 214.5 170.6 329.8 853.6 72.1 (X) (X) e pe xx xx xx (U/R) 27 817 28 237 27 121 1 116 25 204 (X) (X) 10 900 10 498 402 10 233 (X) (X) 8 793 (X) (X) 31.05 21.15 9.90 29.63 21.15 8.48 953.0 1 282.6 131.6 367.9 496.5 47.4 (U) 12 043 12 358 12 190 5 101 4 929 4 232 9.04 9.03 1 333.8 565.0 en &&&8 38x38 88 x 12 043 12 358 12 190 5 101 4 929 4 232 9.04 9.03 1 333.8 565.0 (U/R) 8 254 7 321 6 691 630 8 092 (X) (X) 3 370 3 102 268 3 643 (X) (X) 3 352 (X) 4.84 2.88 1.96 4.68 2.88 1.80 1 563.6 2 322.4 349.8 719.7 1 076.7 148.8 (X) (U/R) 13 008 15 215 13 776 1 439 13 700 (X) (X) z q&x &x o oax gax 38 x Ô EXX 5 544 5 056 488 4 870 (X) (X) 4 071 (X) (X) 21.11 13.51 7.60 20.43 13.15 7.28 744.7 1 047.8 197.6 271.4 384.6 67.0 ..... (X) (U/R) 7 924 2 825 8 983 6 578 2 405 7 761 (X) 3 189 2 360 829 2 611 (X) (X) 19.23 10.04 9.19 18.83 10.04 8.79 477.0 655.2 273.5 169.3 235.1 94.3 (X) (X) (U/R) 8 131 6 942 2 924 9 198 4 009 5 189 3 869 1 802 2 067 3 445 (X) 36.73 5.58 31.16 36.47 5.54 30.92 252.2 723.3 167.8 106.1 325.1 66.8 (X) (U/R) 1 212 se 1 298 1 046 252 1 290 (X) 644 514 130 594 (X) (X) 638 (X) (X) 1.94 1.07 0.88 1.94 1.07 0.88 668.8 981.7 287.9 331.8 482.4 148.5 (U) 1 711 1 770 1 797 817 810 743 0.28 0.28 6 156.7 2 939.8 5 117 (U/R) (U) ១០ 7 221 474 6 747 6 008 (X) (X) 3 044 205 2 839 2 615 (X) (X) 1 921 (X) 61.83 0.59 61.24 60.54 0.59 59.95 119.3 802.3 112.6 50.3 347.0 47.4 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 17 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population State Place (2,500 or More Population] 2000 rank 2000 Housing units 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 The State.... (X) 3 405 565 3 287 116 (X) 1 385 975 1 320 850 Bridgeport city, New Haven city. Hartford city Stamford city Waterbury city on AWN 2 3 4 5 139 529 123 626 121 578 117 083 107 271 141 686 130 474 139 739 108 056 108 961 AWN 1 2 3 4 5 54 367 52 941 50 644 47 317 46 827 57 224 54 057 56 098 44 279 47 205 Norwalk city Danbury city New Britain city West Hartford CDP Bristol city 6 7 8 9 10 82 951 74 848 71 538 63 589 60 062 78 331 65 585 75 491 60 110 60 640 33 753 28 519 31 164 25 332 26 125 32 224 25 950 32 335 25 021 24 989 10 9 Meriden city West Haven city Milford city (balance) Stratford CDP East Hartford CDP 11 12 13 14 15 58 244 52 360 50 594 49 976 49 575 59 479 54 021 48 168 49 389 50 452 11 12 14 15 13 24 631 22 336 21 145 20 596 21 273 24 826 22 679 19 339 20 152 21 274 Middletown city Shelton city Norwich city Torrington city Trumbull CDP 16 17 18 19 20 43 167 38 101 36 117 35 202 34 243 42 762 35 418 37 391 33 687 32 000 16 19 17 18 23 19 697 14 707 16 600 16 147 12 160 18 102 12 981 16 472 15 161 11 090 Naugatuck borough Central Manchester CDP Newington CDP East Haven CDP Wethersfield CDP 21 22 23 24 25 30 989 30 595 29 306 28 189 26 271 30 625 30 934 29 208 26 144 25 651 21 20 22 12 341 13 640 12 264 11 698 11 454 11 930 13 443 11 609 10 580 10 790 26 27 25 Westport CDP New London city North Haven CÓP Darien CDP Ansonia city 26 27 28 29 30 25 749 25 671 23 035 19 607 18 554 24 407 28 540 22 249 18 130 18 403 10 065 11 560 8 773 6 792 7 937 9 840 11 970 8 244 6 627 7 503 31 29 Wallingford Center CDP Willimantic CDP Orange CDP Derby city. Windsor Locks CDP. 31 32 33 34 35 17 509 15 823 13 233 12 391 12 043 17 827 14 746 12 830 12 199 12 358 30 32 35 33 34 7 720 6 026 4 870 5 568 5 101 7 716 5 887 4 544 5 269 4 929 Storrs CDP Conning Towers-Nautilus Park CDP Groton city Bethel CDP Oakville CDP 36 37 38 39 40 10 996 10 241 10 010 9 137 8 618 12 198 10 013 9 837 8 835 8 741 62 49 36 38 43 1 701 2 822 4 569 3 744 3 358 1 717 2 769 4 479 3 615 3 218 41 42 Kensington CDP Thompsonville CDP Southwood Acres CDP Rockville CDP Winsted CDP. 41 39 8 306 8 458 8 963 8 541 8 125 8 067 7 708 7 321 43 3 159 3 635 3015 46 3 377 3 728 3 018 3 824 3 370 44 45 37 42 8 254 HBHB3 BPM98a8248 28838 8988叫 ​89%891985% 89488 G8858 8888 83791858刀​85乃​乃​的​乃​乃​乃 ​3 643 Ridgefield CDP Glastonbury Center CDP Putnam District CDP New Milford CDP Cheshire Village CDP 46 47 48 7 212 7 157 6 746 6 633 5 789 6 363 7 082 6 835 5 775 5 759 45 40 44 3 078 3 405 3 119 2 872 2 381 2 717 3 228 3 020 2 563 2 294 49 50 52 Branford Center CDP. Sherwood Manor CDP. Simsbury Center CDP Portland COP Pawcatuck CDP 51 52 53 54 55 5 735 5 689 5 603 5 534 5 474 5 688 6 357 5 577 5 645 5 289 47 56 55 54 50 2 982 2 230 2 285 2 286 2 598 3 000 2 226 2 196 2 222 2 324 Terryville CDP Hazardville CDP Danielson borough Mystic CDP Long Hill CDP 56 57 58 59 60 5 360 4 900 4 265 4 001 3 534 5 426 5 179 4 441 2 618 (X) 53 59 60 57 58 2 312 1 876 1 859 1 988 1 924 2 267 1 891 1 912 1 211 (X) Clinton CDP Broad Brook CDP Heritage Village CDP Northwest Harwinton CDP Moosup CDP 61 62 63 63 64 3 516 3 469 3 435 3 242 3 237 3 439 3 585 3 623 3 299 3 289 1 624 1 589 2 590 1 296 1 321 1 578 1 497 2 700 1 233 1 323 64 65 69 Old Mystic COP Lake Pocotopaug CDP Niantic CDP Jewett City borough Blue Hills CD 66 67 68 69 70 3 205 3 169 3 085 3 053 3 020 (X) 3 029 3 048 3 349 3 206 74 65 61 66 77 1 249 1 532 1 756 1 464 1 044 (X) 1 527 1 690 1 469 1 046 71 72 Oxoboxo River CDP. Central Waterford CDP Coventry Lake CDP Weatogue CDP Durham CDP.. 73 2 938 2 935 2 914 2 805 2 773 2 975 2 939 2 895 2 521 2 650 68 67 73 78 76 1 356 1 379 1 272 1 031 1 078 1 283 1 338 1 272 917 954 74 75 Collinsville CDP Plainfield Village CDP Guilford Center CDP Essex Village CDP. 76 77 78 79 2 686 2 638 2 603 2 573 2 591 2 856 2 588 2 500 75 79 70 72 1 128 1 007 1 300 1 286 1 075 1 025 1 253 1 247 18 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7a. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units State Minor Civil Division (2,500 or More Population] 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 UAWN 139 529 123 626 121 578 117 083 107 271 141 686 130 474 139 739 108 056 108 961 1 2 3 4 5 54 367 52 941 50 644 47 317 46 827 57 224 54 057 56 098 44 279 47 205 6 7 8 9 10 82 951 74 848 71 538 63 589 61 101 78 331 65 585 75 491 60 110 58 441 6 8 7 10 12 32 224 25 950 32 335 25 021 23 515 33 753 28 519 31 164 25 332 24 511 26 125 24 631 21 029 23 464 24 256 11 12 13 14 15 60 062 58 244 57 340 56 913 54 740 60 640 59 479 53 418 52 434 51 618 9 11 18 14 13 24 989 24 826 20 204 21 738 21 704 16 17 18 19 20 52 360 52 305 49 976 49 575 45 212 54 021 49 938 49 389 50 452 45 532 15 16 19 17 22 22 336 21 962 20 596 21 273 17 043 22 679 20 149 20 152 21 274 16 614 21 22 23 24 25 43 167 43 026 39 907 39 728 38 101 42 762 40 822 45 144 38 518 35 418 20 21 23 26 27 19 697 17 306 16 817 15 557 14 707 18 102 15 936 16 598 14 250 12 981 26 27 28 29 30 36 117 35 202 34 243 31 876 30 989 37 391 33 687 32 016 27 901 30 625 24 25 33 30 31 16 600 16 147 12 160 12 614 12 341 16 472 15 161 11 095 10 948 11 930 31 32 33 34 35 29 306 28 683 28 543 28 237 28 189 29 208 27 603 25 684 27 817 26 144 32 28 41 37 34 12 264 13 342 9 588 10 900 11 698 11 609 13 056 8590 10 233 10 580 THE STATE Bridgeport town, Fairfield County New Haven town, New Haven County Hartford town, Hartford County Stamford town, Fairfield County Waterbury town, New Haven County Norwalk town, Fairfield County Danbury town, Fairfield County New Britain town, Hartford County West Hartford town, Hartford County Greenwich town, Fairfield County Bristol town, Hartford County. Meriden town, New Haven County Fairtield town, Fairfield County... Hamden town, New Haven County Manchester town, Hartford County West Haven town, New Haven County. Milford town, New Haven County Stratford town, Fairfield County East Hartford town, Hartford County Enfield town, Hartford County Middletown town, Middlesex County.. Wallingford town, New Haven County Groton town, New London County Southington town, Hartford County Shelton town, Fairfield County .. Norwich town, New London County Torrington town, Litchfield County. Trumbull town, Fairfield County. Glastonbury town, Hartford County. Naugatuck town, New Haven County Newington town, Hartford County Branford town, New Haven County Cheshire town, New Haven County Windsor town, Hartford County East Haven town, New Haven County Vernon town, Tolland County... New Milford town, Litchfield County Wethersfield town, Hartford County Westport town, Fairfield County.. New London town, New London County Newtown town, Fairfield County South Windsor town, Hartford County Ridgefield town, Fairfield County. Farmington town, Harttord County Simsbury town, Hartford County North Haven town, New Haven County Windham town, Windham County Watertown town, Litchfield County Guilford town, New Haven County Mansfield town, Tolland County. Darien town, Fairfield County. Bloomfield town, Hartford County New Canaan town, Fairfield County Monroe town. Fairfield County .. Waterford town, New London County Southbury town, New Haven County Ansonia town, New Haven County Montville town, New London County. Berlin town, Hartford County East Lyme town, New London County Bethel town, Fairfield County Rocky Hill town, Hartford County, Stonington town, New London County Madison town, New Haven County Wilton town, Fairfield County. Plainville town, Hartford County. Killingly town, Windham County. Avon town, Hartford County Brookfield town, Fairfield County Seymour town, New Haven County Wolcott town. New Haven County. Ledyard town, New London County Plainfield town, Windham County Colchester town, New London County New Fairfield town, Fairfield County 36 37 38 39 40 28 063 27 121 26 271 25 749 25 671 29 841 23 629 25 651 24 410 28 540 29 38 36 39 35 12 867 10 710 11 454 10 065 11 560 12 748 9 295 10 790 9 841 11 970 41 42 43 44 45 25 031 24 412 23 643 23 641 23 234 20 779 22 090 20 919 20 608 22 023 48 42 44 40 46 8 601 9 071 8 877 9 854 8 739 7 194 8 044 7 999 8 654 8 175 46 47 48 49 50 23 035 22 857 21 661 21 398 20 720 22 247 22 039 20 456 19 848 21 103 45 43 50 47 75 8 773 8 926 8 298 8 724 5 481 8 243 8 727 7 522 7 765 5 158 51 52 53 54 55 19 607 19 587 19 395 19 247 19 152 18 196 19 483 17 864 16 896 17 930 63 51 59 65 52 6 792 8 195 7 141 6 601 7 986 6 653 7 738 6 856 5 596 7 357 56 57 58 59 60 18 567 18 554 18 546 18 215 18 118 15 818 18 403 16 673 16 787 15 340 55 54 62 60 57 7 799 7 937 6 805 6 955 7459 6 826 7 503 6 283 6 204 6 772 61 62 63 64 65 18 067 17 966 17 906 17 858 17 633 17 541 16 554 16 919 15 485 15 989 64 53 49 58 68 6 653 7 962 8 591 7 386 6 113 6 399 7 107 7 923 6 511 5 824 1 66 67 68 69 70 17 328 16 472 15 832 15 664 15 454 17 392 15 889 13 937 14 113 14 288 56 61 66 69 67 7 707 6 909 6480 5 781 6 356 7 452 6480 5 709 5 354 5 877 71 72 73 74 75 15 215 14 687 14 619 14 551 13 953 13 700 14 913 14 363 10 980 12 911 73 74 71 77 5 544 5 486 5 676 5 407 5 148 4 870 5 250 5 342 4 150 5 081 81 76 77 78 79 80 13 906 13 552 13 352 13 233 13 146 12 996 11 427 10 428 12 830 11 001 80 85 92 84 86 5 246 4 853 4 412 4 870 4 665 4 610 4 384 4 205 4 544 3 747 North Branford town, New Haven County Suffield town, Hartford County .. East Hampton town, Middlesex County Orange town, New Haven County Tolland town, Tolland County.. Clinton town, Middlesex County. Ellington town, Tolland County. Cromwell town, Middlesex County Derby town, New Haven County Windsor Locks town, Hartford County 70 81 82 83 84 85 13 094 12 921 12 871 12 391 12 043 12 767 11 197 12 286 12 199 12 358 76 78 72 82 5 757 5 417 5 365 5 568 5 101 5 411 4 562 5 090 5 269 4 929 Plymouth town, Litchfield County.. Coventry town, Tolland County Stafford town, Tolland County Griswold town, New London County. Winchester town, Litchfield County 86 87 88 89 90 11 634 11 504 11 307 10 807 10 664 11 822 10 063 11 091 10 384 11 524 87 91 88 90 83 4 646 4 486 4 616 4 530 4 922 4 556 3 894 4 310 4 211 5 093 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 19 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7a. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population State Minor Civil Division (2,500 or More Population] Housing units 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 THE STATE-Con. Somers town, Tolland County Old Saybrook town, Middlesex County. Granby town, Hartford County Weston town, Fairfield County Oxtord town, New Haven County 91 92 93 94 95 10 417 10 367 10 347 10 037 9 821 9 108 9 552 9 369 8 648 8 685 111 79 96 101 104 3 012 5 357 3 887 3 532 3 420 2 739 5 092 3 492 3 278 2 930 East Windsor town, Hartford County Woodbury town, Litchfield County Putnam town, Windham County Woodbridge town, New Haven County. Thompson town, Windham County 96 97 98 99 100 9 818 9 198 9 002 8 983 8 878 10 081 8 131 9 031 7 924 8 668 93 97 95 105 98 4 356 3 869 3 955 3 189 3 710 4 115 3 445 3 790 2 825 3 563 Canton town, Hartford County Portland town, Middlesex County Prospect town, New Haven County. Hebron town, Tolland County. East Haddam town, Middlesex County 101 102 103 104 105 8 840 8 732 8 707 8 610 8 333 8 268 8 418 7 775 7 079 6 676 100 102 107 106 94 3 616 3 528 3 094 3 110 4 015 3 323 3 289 2 624 2 489 3 289 99 Litchfield town, Litchfield County Redding town, Fairfield County Burlington town, Hartford County Thomaston town, Litchfield County Old Lyme town, New London County 106 107 108 109 110 8 316 8 270 8 190 7 503 7 406 8 365 7 927 7 026 6 947 6 535 108 113 110 89 3 629 3 086 2 901 3 014 4 570 3 430 2 990 2 372 2 736 4 336 Easton town, Fairfield County Woodstock town, Windham County Brooklyn town, Windham County. Haddam town, Middlesex County Lebanon town, New London County. 111 112 113 114 115 7 272 7 221 7 173 7 157 6 907 6 303 6 008 6 681 6 769 6 041 117 109 116 114 115 2 511 3 044 2 708 2 822 2 820 2 215 2 615 2 405 2 598 2 422 Durham town, Middlesex County. Essex town, Middlesex County Middlebury town, New Haven County. Westbrook town, Middlesex County New Hartford town, Litchfield County 116 117 118 119 120 6 627 6 505 6 451 6 292 6 088 5 732 5 904 6 145 5 414 5 769 122 112 118 103 121 2 349 2 977 2 494 3 460 2 368 1 927 2 728 2 365 3 231 2 319 Killingworth town, Middlesex County.. Willington town, Tolland County.. Marlborough town, Hartford County Harwinton town, Litchfield County Beacon Falls town, New Haven County 121 122 123 124 125 6 018 5 959 5 709 5 283 5 246 4 814 5 979 5 535 5 228 5 083 123 119 125 127 124 2 283 2 429 2 057 2 022 2 104 1 879 2 301 1 869 1 883 1 990 Bethany town, New Haven County Bolton town, Tolland County.. North Stonington town, New London County. Columbia town, Tolland County. East Granby town, Hartford County 126 127 128 129 130 5 040 5 017 4 991 4 971 4 745 4 608 4 575 4 884 4 510 4 302 133 129 126 128 131 1 792 1 969 2 052 1 988 1 903 1 581 1 704 1 858 1 754 1 685 Canterbury town, Windham County Preston town, New London County. Deep River town, Middlesex County Middlefield town, Middlesex County Ashford town, Windham County 131 132 133 134 135 4 692 4 688 4 610 4 203 4 098 4 467 5 006 4 332 3 925 3 765 135 132 130 136 137 1 762 1 901 1 910 1 740 1 699 1 556 1 689 1 786 1 587 1 562 Lisbon town, New London County. Salisbury town, Litchfield County, Salem town, New London County Sherman town, Fairfield County.. Pomfret town, Windham County 136 137 138 139 140 4 069 3 977 3 858 3 827 3 798 3 790 4 090 3 310 2 809 3 102 142 120 138 141 143 1 563 2 410 1 655 1 606 1 503 1 400 2 469 1 245 1 451 1 258 Chester town, Middlesex County. Washington town, Litchfield County Barkhamsted town, Litchfield County Bethlehem town, Litchfield County North Canaan town, Litchfield County 141 142 143 144 145 3 743 3 596 3 494 3 422 3 350 3 417 3 905 3 369 3 071 3 284 140 134 147 148 146 1 613 1 764 1 436 1 388 1 444 1 379 1 856 1 334 1 262 1 405 Sterling town, Windham County. Andover town, Tolland County Sprague town, New London County Sharon town, Litchfield County Kent town, Litchfield County Goshen town, Litchfield County Voluntown town, New London County 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 3 099 3 036 2 971 2 968 2 858 2 697 2 528 2 357 2 540 3 008 2 928 2 918 2 329 2 113 150 149 151 139 145 144 152 1 193 1 198 1 164 1 617 1 463 1 482 1 091 877 980 1 109 1 595 1 414 1 287 890 20 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 This page is intentionally blank. Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 21 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000 [Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Total Urban In place State Size of Place (Population) All urban places (entirely or partly urban) Entirely urban places Partly urban places Number Percent of of total places population Number of places Number of places Number ot places | Not in place Population Total Population Population Population The State 3 405 565 120 100.0 2 988 059 1 994 645 114 1 100 083 54 894 562 60 993 414 (X) 2 029 172 120 59.6 1 994 645 1 994 645 114 1 100 083 54 894 562 60 In place Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500,000 to 999.999. 250,000 to 499,999. 100,000 to 249,999. 50,000 to 99,999 Xxxxx 609 087 514 186 ap on I 17.9 15.1 608 335 510 574 608 335 510 574 8 492 004 123 898 116 331 386 676 8 6 25,000 to 49,999 10,000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 483 151 163 442 124 449 73 996 16 054 14 11 18 23 7 14.2 4.8 3.7 2.2. 0.5 476 145 161 996 123 254 69 462 13 065 476 145 161 996 123 254 69 462 13 065 14 11 18 23 6 239 080 109 365 82 896 39 941 2 238 7 7 12 12 1 237 065 52 631 40 358 29 521 10 827 7 4 6 11 5 XXXXX 2 18 716 23 597 2 442 1,500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 11 19 3 0.5 0.7 0.1 15 321 15 774 667 15 321 15 774 667 11 16 1 3 673 6 269 667 11 648 9 505 9 11 XXXXX 52 52 52 1 52 Cumulative summary: Place of - 00.000 or more 500.000 or more 250,000 or more 100,000 or more 50,000 or more 11 10 XXXXX 609 087 1 123 273 17.9 33.0 608 335 1 118 909 608 335 1 118 909 5 13 492 004 615 902 116 331 503 007 1 7 13 688 ಪ| !! 25,000 or more 10,000 or more 5.000 or more 2,500 or more 2,000 or more 1 606 424 1 769 866 1 894 315 1 968 311 1 984 365 27 38 56 79 47.2 52.0 55.6 57.8 58.3 1 595 054 1 757 050 1 880 304 1 949 766 1 962 831 1 595 054 1 757 050 1 880 304 1 949 766 1 962 831 27 38 56 79 85 854 982 964 347 1 047 243 1 087 184 1 089 422 13 20 32 44 45 740 072 792 703 833 061 862 582 873 409 14 18 24 35 40 XXXXX 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more 2 003 081 2 026 678 2 029 120 2 029 120 97 116 119 119 58.8 59.5 59.6 59.6 1 978 152 1 993 926 1 994 593 1 994 593 1 978 152 1 993 926 1 994 593 1 994 593 96 112 113 113 1 093 095 1 099 364 1 100 031 1 100 031 47 52 53 53 885 057 894 562 894 562 894 562 49 60 60 60 (X) Not in place 1 376 393 (X) 40.4 993 414 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 993 414 22 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000-Con. (Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Rural In place All rural places (entirely or partly rural) Entirely rural places Partly rural places State Size of Place (Population] Number of places Number of places Number of places Total Population Population Population Not in place 417 506 34 527 66 7 397 6 27 130 60 382 979 The State 34 527 34 527 66 7 397 6 27 130 60 (X) In place 0-11 Place of 1,000,000 or more 500,000 to 999,999 250,000 to 499,999 100,000 to 249,999 50,000 to 99,999 752 3 612 752 3 612 752 3 612 1 6 () 7 006 1 446 1 195 4 534 2 989 (X) () 7 006 1 446 1 195 4 534 2 989 7 4 6 11 6 7 006 1 446 1 195 4 534 967 7 4 6 11 XXXXX XXXX XXXX 25,000 to 49,999 10,000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 () () 2 022 3 395 7 823 1 775 3 395 7 823 1 775 (X) 9 14 2 3 395 4 223 9 11 LINAO 3 600 1 775 11 NWI 1.500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 () Cumulative summary: (X) ।।। ୫୪ Place of 1.000.000 or more 500.000 or more 250.000 or more 100,000 or more 50,000 or more 752 4 364 752 4 364 752 4 364 1 7 (X) 11 370 12 816 14 011 18 545 21 534 11 370 12 816 14 011 18 545 21 534 14 18 24 35 41 11 370 12 816 14 011 18 545 19 512 14 18 24 35 40 25.000 or more 10.000 or more 5.000 or more 2.500 or more 2,000 or more 2 022 1 () *8888 888 1 4 (X) 24 929 32 752 34 527 34 527 24 929 32 752 34 527 34 527 50 64 66 66 2 022 5 622 7 397 7 397 22 907 27 130 27 130 27 130 49 60 60 60 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more 6 382 979 (X) (X) (X) (X) x) (X) (X) 382 979 Not in place 1 Population and Housing Unit Counts Connecticut 23 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 9. Population, Housing Units, , and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 (Areas classified by population size. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Urban and Rural Size of Urban Area Percent [Population] Total distribution Housing units Land area Number of urban areas Percent distribution In square miles Total Percent distribution Entirely in state Partly in state Total The State 3 405 565 100.0 1 385 975 100.0 4 844.80 100.0 12 7 12 2 988 059 1 255 647 1 732 412 87.7 36.9 50.9 1 218 624 520 842 697 782 87.9 37.6 50.3 1 756.94 336.12 1 420.82 36.3 6.9 29.3 () 83.6 34.7 48.9 1 163 788 491 963 671 825 84.0 35.5 48.5 34.0 6.3 27.7 94 2 848 497 1 181 640 1 666 857 254 53 201 2 325 082 941 190 1 383 892 11 251 1 646.67 305.22 1 341.44 0.25 0.07 0.18 1 297.03 218.33 1 078.71 8.97 21 73 948 217 389 961 558 256 5 004 68.3 27.6 40.6 0.3 68.4 28.1 40.3 0.4 26.8 4.5 22.3 0.2 11 251 511 910 240 397 271 513 0.3 15.0 7.1 8.0 5 004 210 473 101 981 108 492 0.4 15.2 7.4 7.8 Urban In central place Not in central place.. In urbanized area In central place Not in central place. 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place.. 500,000 to 999,999.. In central place Not in central place. 250,000 to 499,999. In central place Not in central place. 100,000 to 249,999.. In central place Not in central place. 50,000 to 99,999.. In central place Not in central place In urban cluster In central place Not in central place. 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 10,000 to 24,999. In central place Not in central place. 5,000 to 9,999 In central place Not in central place. 2,500 to 4,999 In central place Not in central place... 8.97 340.41 86.82 253.59 0.2 7.0 1.8 5.2 XX. XX. XXw XXn XXo XX, XXw XX. XX. XX.XX. XX o 88.88w88w88_880 88, 8388, 82 83, 8XA 88 i XX, XX-88, 88_88n 88, 88-88-88 88-880 88 2.3 0.6 1.6 2 139 562 74 007 65 555 42 335 30 888 11 447 62 125 30 621 31 504 30 284 9 860 20 424 4 818 2 638 2 180 4.1 2.2 1.9 1.2 0.9 0.3 1.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 54 836 28 879 25 957 18 910 13 842 5 068 21 950 9 396 12 554 12 122 4 634 7 488 1 854 1 007 847 4.0 2.1 1.9 1.4 1.0 0.4 1.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 110.27 30.90 79.38 25 84 13.91 11.93 51.54 9.80 41.74 26.80 5.54 21.26 6.09 0.5 0.3 0.2 1.1 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.1 1.64 4.45 0.1 () () Cumulative summary: Urban area of - 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 500,000 or more .. In central place Not in central place 250,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 100,000 or more . In central place Not in central place 50,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place 10,000 or more .. In central place Not in central place. 5,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 2,500 or more In central place Not in central place. Rural.. 254 53 201 2 325 336 941 243 1 384 093 2 336 587 941 243 1 395 344 2 848 497 1 181 640 1 666 857 2 848 497 1 181 640 1 666 857 2 890 832 1 212 528 1 678 304 2 952 957 1 243 149 1 709 808 2 983 241 1 253 009 1 730 232 2 988 059 1 255 647 1 732 412 68.3 27.6 40.6 68.6 27.6 41.0 83.6 34,7 48.9 83.6 34.7 48.9 84.9 35.6 49.3 86.7 36.5 50.2 87.6 36.8 50.8 87.7 36.9 50.9 94 21 73 948 311 389 982 558 329 953 315 389 982 563 333 1 163 788 491 963 671 825 1 163 788 491 963 671 825 1 182 698 505 805 676 893 1 204 648 515 201 689 447 1 216 770 519 835 696 935 1 218 624 520 842 697 782 68.4 28.1 40.3 68.8 28.1 40.6 84.0 35.5 48.5 84.0 35.5 48.5 85.3 36.5 48.8 86.9 37.2 49.7 87.8 37.5 50.3 87.9 37.6 50.3 0.25 0.07 0.18 1 297.28 218.40 1 078.88 1 306,25 218.40 1 087.85 1 646.67 305.22 1 341.44 1 646.67 305.22 1 341.44 1 672.51 319.13 1 353.38 1 724.05 328.94 1 395.11 1 750.85 334.47 1 416.38 1 756.94 336.12 1 420.82 26.8 4.5 22.3 27.0 4.5 22.5 34.0 6.3 27.7 34.0 6.3 27.7 34.5 6.6 27.9 35.6 6.8 28.8 36.1 6.9 29.2 36.3 6.9 29.3 8 880 88 88888=88. XX. XX. XX. XX- '8%^&*^** *** **&&&*&*-**^** & 8 XXv88v 88, 88. XX, 88, 88.88w88- 14 18 19 (X) 417 506 12.3 167 351 12.1 3 087.86 63.7 (X) (X) (X) 24 Connecticut Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Appendixes Several appendixes traditionally found in printed reports are now available in a separate volume. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print or on the Internet at for the following: Appendix A. Geographic Terms and Concepts Appendix B. Definitions of Subject Characteristics Appendix C. Data Collection and Processing Procedures Appendix D. Questionnaire Appendix E. Data Products and User Assistance Appendix G. Accuracy of the Data Appendix H. Acknowledgments This Appendix section contains: Appendix F. Maps Appendixes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 1 Appendix F. 73° 72° Maps Counties LEGEND MAINE Maps State County Shoreline ADAMS Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. MASSACHUSETTS 42° 42° TOLLAND WINDHAM HARTFORD LITCHFIELD RHODE ISLAND NEW YORK NEW LONDON MIDDLESEX NEW HAVEN FAIRFIELD N A 5 41° - 10 15 Kilometers 41° 5 Connecticut F-1 10 15 Miles 73° 72° U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 County Subdivision Outline Map Legend and County Location Index Map Sections 1 Map Legend CAMPO American Indian Reservation (Federal) ZIA Off-Reservation Trust Land 3 TAMA American Indian Reservation (State) State ERIE County YORK County Subdivision' COLUMBUS Consolidated City ROME Incorporated Place Zena Census Designated Place Lake Erie Large River, Lake, Water Body, or Shoreline A fishhook joins contiguous and/or discontiguous parts of the same geographic entity 'A' following a place name indicates that the place is coextensive with a separate county subdivision. The county subdivision name is shown only if different than the name of the place. Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. Where state, county, and/or county subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for the highest level of these geographic entities. The county boundary is always shown. Where a county subdivision boundary coincides with a place boundary, the map does not show the place boundary symbol. Any geographic entity name may include '(pt.)' if some portion of the entity extends beyond the limits of the map area displayed on the page, or if multiple discontiguous pieces of the entity have been discretely labeled on the page. A geographic entity name may include '(pts.)' if many discontiguous pieces exist for that entity that cannot be discretely labeled. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. COUNTY Fairfield.......... Hartford... Litchfield..... Middlesex.... New Haven...... New London.... Tolland...... Windham. County Location Index This list presents the reference coordinates for each county on the county subdivision outline map. Map section numbers refer to the county subdivision outline maps only. IMAP MAP SEC REF 1 LX-BU 1 MB-BR 1 LY-BR 1 MC-BT 1 MA-BT 1 ME-BT 1 MD-BQ 1 MG-BR F-2 Connecticut Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 1 MG Canaan > NORTH Maps HARTLAND BARKHAMSTED EAST WINDSOR EASTFORD CORNWALL WILLINGTON TOLLAND WINDHAM DANIELSON LITCHFIELD Harwinton / HARTFORD HAMPTON נו Weatoque HARTFORD istorts کم ۱ CHAPLIN BOLTON VMANSFIELD ford* HART Wauregan BURLINGTON ANDOVER TWINDHAM CANTERBURY ] HARWINTON GLASTONBURY THOMAS TON BRITAIN STERLING 8*40 NEW PLYMOUTH SCOTLAND WOLCOTT LISBONA SPRAGUE WATERTOWN FRANKLIN SHERMAN PORTLAND V NORWICH) LV LW LX LY LZ MA MB MC MD ME MF 73° 30' 73° 00' 72° 30' 72° 00 Barkhamsted Reservoir Sherwood Thompsonville Manor 42° CANAAN Hazard - SUFFIELD North North Central Somers 42° ville Suffield COLEBROOK Quinebaug 00' Grosvenon UNION Granby SALISBURY 00' Dale NORFOLK Salmon Depot STAFFORD WOODSTOCK CANAAN Brook il {ENFIELD SOMERS South GRANBY EAST Crystal Lake Winsted Woodstock THOMPSON Tariffville GRANBY Windsor Locks SIMSBURY ELLING PUTNAM WINCHESTER Putnam TON WINDSOR 2222 TOLLAND ASHFORD District CANTON Broad Rockville POMFRET Newe, Canton BLOOM Brook SHARON GOSHEN TORRING Hartford Valley SOUTH TON* FIELD Center WINDSOR Blue NEW Central Hills Manchester VERNON COVENTRY Coventry Mans- East field Lake Collinsville Brooklyn Center KILLINGLY AVON BROOKLYN West East LITCHFIELD Hart- Hart- MANCHESTER WARREN BANTAM FORD ford* KENT MORRIS LITCHFIELD FARMINGTON Glastonbury SCHAGH- New Preston Wethers South Center Bethlehem Terryville field Coventry Moosup TICOKE Village PLAIN- COLUMBIA Willi- Plainfield BRISTOL* VILLE ROCKY WETHERS HEBRON mantic Village PLAINFIELD NEW MILFORD BETHLEHEM HILL FIELD South Ken- MARL Windham New WASH BOR Milford, sing- INGTON JEWETT ton -V CROMWELL OUGH LEBANON CITY WOODBURY SOUTH BERLIN ROX Woodbury INGTON GRISWOLD BURY Center Oakville Portland Terramuggus 1 East COLCHESTER BOZRAH BRIDGE- Heritage WATERBURY*/Cheshire Hampton MIDDLE- PRESTON WATER Village MERIDEN* MID- TOWN* 41° Lake Moodus 41° Candlewood FIELD NAUGA NORTH 30' TUCK* Higga-EAST HADDAM STONINGTON CHESHIRE Oxoboxg. BEACON HADDAMI, num River 3 FALLS 5 MIDDLESEX MONT- HAMDEN LEDYARD OXFORD VILLE Pawcatuck GROTON Old CHESTER Deep River Chester DANBURY* NEW EAST Mystic (STONING- NEWTOWN Center LONDON* Center LYME Bethel TON NORTH NEWTOWN Mystic LYME KILLING- BRIDGE HAVEN DEEP FORD Water- WORTH RIDGE Noank RIVER MONROE ANSO Essex ESSEX FIELD ford NIA* Ridge- NEW field Guilford * HAVEN* OLD Center REDDING Clinton STONINGTON LYME SHELTON* Niantic Poquonock GROTON Bridge EASTON Trumbull fold Saybrook Center U Madison Westbrook Saybrook FENWICK LONG Center WESTON MILFORD WEST George GROTON POINT East Branford Manor Center HAVEN* town Haven Center WOODMONT WILTON FAIRFIELD NEW MILFORD CANAAN BRIDGEPORT* KEY HARTFORD NEW LONDON Darien 1 Southwood Acres 1 GOLDEN HILL GREENWICH 2 Simsbury Center 2 MOHEGAN 3 West Simsbury 3 MASHANTUCKET PEQUOT MIDDLESEX 4 MASHANTUCKET PEQUOT 1 Lake Pocotopaug 5 PAUCATUCK EASTERN PEQUOT NEW HAVEN 6 Conning Towers-Nautilus Park 41° 00' 1 Wallingford Center 7 Long Hill 00' VOLUNTOWN Village EAST HAMPTON DLE- Durham NEW LONDON 30' PROSPECT MIDDLEBURY SOUTHBURY NEW FAIRFIELD BROOKFIELD WALLINGFORD DURHAM BETHANY BETHEL NEW HAVEN Haven SEYMOUR WOOD Central WATER My NORTH BRANFORD GUILFORD MADISON CLINTON SAYBROOK Village OLD FAIRFIELD DERBY Orange* EAST HAVEN BRANFORD WESTBROOK co Stratford* Long Island Sound 'Westport* NORWALK STAMFORD N 41° Connecticut F-3 0 2 4 6 8 10 Kilometers 0 2 4 6 8 10 Miles 73° 30' 73° 00' 72° 30' 72° 00' LW LX LY LZ MA MB MC MD ME MF MG U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Metropolitan Areas, Counties, and Central Cities 73° 후 ​72° 1 MASSACHUSETTS F-4 Connecticut Worcester (PART) 42° 42° HARTFORD BOSTON- WORCESTER- LAWRENCE WINDHAM (PART) LITCHFIELD TOLLAND HARTFORD Hartford RHODE ISLAND Waterbury NEW YORK Middletown Norwich Danbury Waterbury Meriden NEW LONDON MIDDLESEX NEW LONDON NORWICH NEW HAVEN Danbury WASHINGTON (PART) New Haven-Meriden New London New Haven یا FAIRFIELD Bridgeport NEW YORK NORTHERN NEW JERSEY LONG ISLAND (PART) Bridgeport Stamford- Norwalk LEGEND Stamford Norwalk الراس 000 N 41° A JACKSON Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) PORTLAND-SALEM Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) New York Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) MAINE State 41° ADAMS County Central City State capital underlined Metropolitan area boundaries are those defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget on June 30, 1999. The use of '(PART)' indicates that the geography is either discontiguous, extends beyond the map page, or in the case of central cities, the central city extends beyond the MSA/CMSA boundary. All other boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000, 72° Newark Maps 0 2 4 6 8 10 Kilometers 0 2 4 6 8 10 Miles 73° U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Urban Areas 74° 73° 72° 71° 뀌 ​Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 WORCESTER, MA--CT N SPRINGFIELD, MA--CT A MASSACHUSETTS 42°H 42° Stafford, CT--MA 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers Winsted 0 5 10 15 20 Miles Torrington Storrs Danielson NEW YORK Willimantie. WATERBURY HARTFORD Plainfield DANBURY, CT--NY RHODE ISLAND Lake Colchester Pocotopaug Westerly, RI--CT NEW HAVEN NORWICH--NEW LONDON BRIDGEPORT- STAMFORD, CT--NY 41°! 41° words Map Legend STATE County URBANIZED AREA Urban Cluster Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. For an urban cluster that consists of more than one piece, its point symbol is located at the center of its largest piece. NEW YORK--NEWARK, NY--NJ--CT (part) U.S. G. P. O. 2003-496-683/60147 Connecticut F-5 74° 73° 72° 71° 1 1 1 + 1 IC 38 1 Connecticut: 2000 Population and Housing Unit Counts 2000 Census of Population and Housing USCENSUS BURI ( 3. a23/23: 2000 - PHC - 3-4 0156-M-of DOCS HA 201.122 .C455 2003 V.9 Issued June 2003 vare: 2000 on and Housing Unit Counts PHC3-9 2000 Census of Population and Housing UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES SEP 2 5 2003 DEPOSITED BY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA United States US CENSUS BUREAU U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Helping You Make Informed Decisions Census 2000 OF UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN THE BRARIES Delaware: 2000 Issued June 2003 PHC-3-9 Population and Housing Unit Counts 2000 Census of Population and Housing OF DEPARTMENT COMMENCE UNITED STATES "OF AMERICA U.S. Department of Commerce Donald L. Evans, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, Deputy Secretary Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director HATCH/00 HA zol./22 ,CYS you V.9 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-9, Delaware Washington, DC, 2003 M ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Of co COMMERCE BUREAU OF CENSUS U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director Hermann Habermann, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer Cynthia Z.F. Clark, Associate Director for Methodology and Standards Marvin D. Raines, Associate Director for Field Operations Arnold A. Jackson, Assistant Director for Decennial Census Vacant, Principal Associate Director and Chief Financial Officer Vacant, Principal Associate Director for Programs Preston Jay Waite, Associate Director for Decennial Census Nancy M. Gordon, Associate Director for Demographic Programs For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet:; Phone: toll-free 1-866-512-1800; DC area 202-512-1800; Fax: 202-512-2250; Mail: Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-0001 ica -Dipos 2,03 CONTENTS 1-1 11-1 III-1 1 , List of Statistical Tables. How to Use This Census Report Table Finding Guide. . User Notes. Statistical Tables (For a detailed list of statistical tables, see page v) Appendixes А Geographic Terms and Concepts B Definitions of Subject Characteristics. С Data Collection and Processing Procedures D Questionnaire. E Data Products and User Assistance. F Maps. G Accuracy of the Data Н. Acknowledgments. * * * * * Owu U I F-1 * Appendix may be found in the separate volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print and on the Internet at Contents ii > P ? < > ► 4 4 ► > ► ► 4 LIST OF STATISTICAL TABLES Table no. Title Page 1. 1 2. 2. . 3. 3 4. 4 5. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 State, Urban and Rural Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 State, County Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 . . State, County Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 State, County Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 State, County, County Subdivision, Place Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 .. State, Place and [In Selected States) County Subdivision Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000. State, Place (2,500 or More Population] Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000. ... State, Size of Place [Population] Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 State, Urban and Rural, Size of Urban Area (Population] 5 6. 7 7. 10 8. 12 9. 14 List of Statistical Tables How to Use This Census Report CONTENTS Page -1 Introduction ... How to Find Geographic Areas and Subject Matter Data. How to Use the Statistical Tables 1-2 1-2 1-5 Graphics ... User Notes ..... 1-5 Appendixes 1-5 INTRODUCTION Data from Census 2000 are presented in three printed report series: 1. PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics 2. PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics 3. PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts The data from Census 2000 were derived from a limited number of basic questions asked of the entire population and about every housing unit (referred to as the 100-percent questions, found on the "short form"), and from additional questions asked of a sample of the population and housing units (referred to as the sample questions, found on the "long form"). The PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, report series provides data based on the 100-percent questions. The subjects are age, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relation- ship, race, sex, tenure (owner- or renter-occupied), and vacancy characteristics. Land area mea- surements and population density also are provided. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-1 series. The PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, report series provides sample data based on both the 100-percent and the sample questions. Sample subjects include place of birth; residence in 1995; language; educational attainment and school enrollment; vet- eran status; disability status; employment status; journey to work; work status, earnings, income, and poverty status in 1999; physical housing characteristics; units in structure; fuel and equip- ment characteristics; owner and renter household characteristics, such as year owner moved into unit; home value; contract and gross rent; and mortgage and rental cost characteristics. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-5 series. The PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series provides Census 2000 and histori- cal comparisons of the 100-percent population and housing unit counts. It provides land and water area measurements, and population density. The user notes section documents geographic changes over the past decade. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-2 series. In each series, there is one report for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, plus a United States summary report. Many tables in the United States summary reports include data for Puerto Rico. How to Use This Census Report |_1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 HOW TO FIND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS AND SUBJECT MATTER DATA Figure 1-1. Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Population Housing units Area measurement Average per square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number area tion units of places THE STATE Total 5,6 3,5,6.9 3.5.6 3,5,6 1.8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,72,8,9 7.7a 7,72,9 1,4,8,9 1.4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1.9 1,4 1 1,2,5,6, 7.78 1 1 1 9 9 1.8 1.8 1 . 1.4 8 8 This report includes a table finding guide to assist the user in locating those sta- tistical tables that contain the desired data. The table finding guide lists alpha- betically, by geographic area, the subjects shown in this report. To determine which tables in this report show data for a particular topic, find the subject in the lefthand column of the table finding guide and then look across the col- umns using the headings at the top for the desired type of geographic area. Figure 1-1 is an example of a table finding guide. The table finding guide does not include cross- classifications of subject- matter items. Additional information to locate data within specific reports is provided in the headnote at the top of the table find- ing guide and in the foot- notes at the bottom of the guide. Urban and rural Current urban definition 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place In urbanized area and in urban cluster Size of urbanized area and urban cluster In place and not in place 4,9 1 9 9 1 ! - 9 9 4,8 8 COUNTY 2,3,5 2,5 5 3.5 3,5 3,5 Total Urban and rural 2,3,4,5 4 2,4,5 4 - COUNTY SUBDIVISION 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 By county Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 7а 6 7а 7а PLACE 5 By county and county subdivision Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent *County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver. mont, and Wisconsin. HOW TO USE THE STATISTICAL TABLES Parts of a Statistical Table The census data included in printed reports are arranged in tables. Each table includes four major parts: (1) heading, (2) boxhead, (3) stub, and (4) data field. A typical census report table is illus- trated in Figure 1-2. The heading consists of the table number, title, and headnote. The table number indicates the position of the table within the report, while the title is a brief statement indicating the subjects and time reference of the data presented in the table. The headnote is enclosed in brackets and is located under the title. It contains statements that qualify, explain, or provide information pertain- ing to the entire table. The boxhead is under the heading. This portion of the table, which contains the individual column heads or captions, describes the data in each vertical column. In the boxhead of many tables, a spanner appears across and above two or more column heads or across two or more lower span- ners. The purpose of a spanner is to classify or qualify items below it or separate the table into identifiable blocks in terms of major aspects of the data. 1-2 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Figure 1-2. The stub is located at PARTS OF A STATISTICAL TABLE Table number and title Headnote Column head Spanner Table & Population for Selected Categories of Race: 2000 Heading the left edge of the table. It includes a list- ing of line or row cap- tions or descriptions. At the top of the stub is the stubhead. The stub- head is considered to be an extension of the table title and usually shows generic geo- graphic area designa- tions and restrictions. Stubhead County Pealed Codice Boxhead OURTY 39:5211: 2113:13 58181*1*11 16:58:*R* *3801162*saya ***** 11:45 I! *********** ********** ********** ********* ***?*$*!** **************** 3.343.6.1.6.- ..... Baxan. ...... 44... il ****9:18**************************************** :21-* Bredde hatuzevi svim viac siecisou visiit skivad se volisi ini 128989883583 *23:1513-5% ***39*32 1523!!!**! ********* *****!?** F*** bosuit soovi.ruti Hirvonen in de to contesto sobre arteriet i Hills Westis kui Abend iaia Bout A 1982 1207:2119 219 388 65&sitis ..... கா In the stub, several fea- tures are used to help Stub Data field the user better under- stand the contents of the table. Usually, a block of data lines is preceded by a side- head. The sidehead, similar to a spanner, describes and classifies the stub entries follow- Sidehead ing it. The use of inden- tation in a stub indi- cates the relationship of one data line to another. Indented data 1 lines represent sub- Page number Report title and state name categories that, in most instances, sum to a total. Occasionally in tables, it is desirable to show one or more single-line subcategories that do not sum to the total. ***ISRE **"588: I. 16 Alabama Summary Population and Housing Characteristics The dat field is that part the statistical ble that contains the data. It extends from the bottom of the boxhead to the bottom of the table and from the right of the stub to the right edge of the page. Both geographic and subject matter terms appear in tables. It is important to read the definitions of the terms used in the tables because census terms often are defined in special ways that reflect the manner in which the questions were asked and the data were tabulated. Definitions of geo- graphic terms are provided in PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, Appendix A. Census tables often include derived measures such as medians, means, percentages, and ratios. These and other subject-matter terms are defined in Appendix B of the same report. Symbols and Geographic Abbreviations The following symbols are used in the tables and explanations of subjects covered in Census 2000 reports: • A dash“.” represents zero or a derived measure that rounds to less than 0.1. • (X) means not applicable. In the 1990 and earlier decennial census reports, three dots "..." meant not applicable. • (NA) means not available. How to Use This Census Report 1-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 • The superscript prefix “y” indicates that the count has been revised since the publication of the 1990 census reports, or that the area was erroneously omitted or not shown in the correct geo- graphic relationship in the 1990 census reports. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • A dagger “” next to the name of a geographic area indicates that there has been a geographic change (for example, an annexation or detachment, a new incorporation, or a name change) since the information was published for the 1990 census for that area. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. The geo- graphic change information for the entities in a state is shown in the “User Notes" section of the Census 2000 PHC-3 report for that state. • A plus sign "+" is appended to the lower bound of the highest interval when the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A minus sign“.” is appended to the upper bound of the lowest interval when the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution. For more information on medians, see the section on “Derived Measures" in Appendix B. • A minus sign "." preceding a figure denotes decrease. The minus sign appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. (U) means the place or place part is composed entirely of urban land area. The (U) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (R) means the place or place part is composed entirely of rural land area. The (R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (U/R) means the place or place part is composed of both urban land area and rural land area. The (U/R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. 1 The following geographic abbreviations and terms may be used in the tables in this report: • A “(part)” next to the name of a geographic area in a hierarchical presentation indicates that the geographic entity is located only partially in the superior geographic entity. For example, a "(part)" next to a place name in a county subdivision-place hierarchy indicates that the place is located in more than one county subdivision. (Places also may be “split" by county, congres- sional district, urban/rural, metropolitan area, voting district, and other geographic boundaries, depending on the presentation.) Other geographic entities also can be “split" by a higher level entity. The exception is a tabulation block, which is unique within all geographic entities in census products. • ANVSA is Alaska Native village statistical area. • ANRC is Alaska Native Regional Corporation. • CCD is census county division. • CDP is census designated place. • CMSA is consolidated metropolitan statistical area. • MA is metropolitan area. • MSA is metropolitan statistical area. • OTSA is Oklahoma tribal statistical area. • PMSA is primary metropolitan statistical area. · SDAISA is state designated American Indian statistical area. • TDSA is tribal designated statistical area. . UT is unorganized territory. 1-4 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 GRAPHICS Charts, statistical maps, and other graphic summaries are included in some Census 2000 reports. USER NOTES User notes include corrections, errata, and related explanatory information. This section appears directly before the statistical tables in census reports. It presents information about unique char- acteristics of the report and changes or corrections made too late to be reflected in the text or tables themselves. However, sometimes this information becomes available too late to be reflected even in the user notes. Census 2000 user updates are available on the Census Bureau's Internet site at To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Services Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at APPENDIXES Appendixes A through E, G, and H, described below, are found in the separate printed volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, or on the Internet at Appendix F is included in this report. Appendix A, Geographic Terms and Concepts. Provides definitions of the types of geo- graphic areas and related information used in census products. Appendix B, Definitions of Subject Characteristics. Contains definitions for the subject- matter terms used in census products, including explanations of derived measures, limitations of the data, and comparability with previous censuses. The subjects are listed alphabetically. Popula- tion characteristics are defined first, followed by the definitions of the housing subjects. Appendix C, Data Collection and Processing Procedures. Explains the enumeration and residence rules used in counting the population and housing units in the United States and Puerto Rico. It also describes the major components of the operational plan for Census 2000, and includes a glossary of terms. Presents a facsimile of the Census 2000 question- Appendix D, Questionnaire Facsimile. naire used to collect the data in this report. Appendix E, Data Products and User Assistance. Summarizes the Census 2000 data prod- ucts by describing the information available in printed reports and through electronic media such as CD-ROM, DVD, and the Internet. It also describes Census 2000 maps and other geographic products, reference materials, and sources of assistance. Appendix F, Maps. Contains maps depicting the geographic areas shown in this report. Appendix G, Accuracy of the Data. Provides information on confidentiality of the data, impu- tation of housing unit status and population counts, sources of errors in the data, and editing of unacceptable data. Appendix H, Acknowledgments. Lists many of the U.S. Census Bureau staff who participated in the various activities of Census 2000. How to Use This Census Report 1-5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 - Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Average per Population Area measurement Housing units square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number tion units of places area THE STATE' Total... 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,72,8,9 7,7a 7,70,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,9 1,4 1,4 1,2,5,6, 7,7a 1 1 1 - 1 9 9 1,4 - 1,8 1,8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 - - - - - 8 1 - 1 Urban and rural ... Current urban definition .. 1950-90 urban definition . Urban and rural by size of place .... In urbanized area and in urban cluster ...... Size of urbanized area and urban cluster In place and not in place. 4,9 - 9 - 9 1 - 9 9 9 9 4,8 - -- 1 1 8 COUNTY2 2,3,5 2,5 5 2,4,5 4 3,5 Total ... Urban and rural . 3,5 2,3,4,5 4 3,5 COUNTY SUBDIVISION3 5 6 6 5 6 By county .... Alphabetically by state ... By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank .... 5 6 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 ܕ ܗ ܗ | 5 6 6 7a 7a 7a 1 - PLACE By county and county subdivision .. Alphabetically by state. By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank... 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 VOOR 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 O 01 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 7 'State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. 3 County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. Table Finding Guide 11-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 1 User Notes Additional information concerning this Census 2000 product and its source file, Summary File 1, may become available after this report is published. This information, called Notes and Errata, is available in portable document format (PDF) on the U.S. Census Bureau's Internet site at To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Service Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at GENERAL NOTES User Note 1 The user should be aware that there are limitations to many of these data. Please refer to the text provided with this report for further explanation of the limitations of the data. The population and other data shown for Census 2000 in this report is as of April 1, 2000; the boundaries used for all geographic entities are as of January 1, 2000. All boundaries are intended for Census Bureau sta- tistical data collection and presentation only; their depiction and designation for statistical pur- poses do not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or entitlement. Corrections to the Census 2000 data as a result of certified Count Question Review changes are available from the Census Bureau's Internet site at: User Note 2 Data comparability for county subdivisions is shown only when the county subdivision contains substantially the same territory as reported for the 1990 census (generally defined as at least 80 percent of the previous territory). There is no comparability provided for county subdivisions that have been extensively revised. Revised entities are noted by and within county. Changes to a geographic entity can be the result of legal change actions, statistical redefinition, correction of previous boundary or drafting errors, or new erroneous information. Incorporated place and census designated place (CDP) comparability is provided for all places that retained their name or general area without regard to the amount of territorial change between censuses. Place comparability is not shown if the entity is new for Census 2000 (including changes from a CDP to a legally incorporated place and vice versa) or is the result of a merger that created an entirely new entity, or if a Census 2000 CDP contains less than 50 percent of the terri- a tory of a 1990 census CDP. HISTORICAL NOTES The area of Delaware was part of the original territory of the United States. Included in the grant to William Penn, the Three Lower Counties (Delaware) were annexed as part of the grant establish- ing the Province of Pennsylvania in 1683. The counties were granted a separate charter providing semi-autonomy in 1701, with generally the same boundary as the present state. In 1776, Delaware declared itself a separate government. Delaware ratified the U.S. Constitution on Decem- ber 7, 1787; it was the first of the original 13 states to join the Union. Census data for Delaware are available beginning with the 1790 census. 1 GEOGRAPHIC NOTES User Note 1 Delaware is divided into 3 counties. The 27 county subdivisions in the state are census county divisions (CCDs), which are statistical subdivisions delineated for presentation of decennial census User Notes III-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 data. There are 57 incorporated places and 18 CDPs in Delaware. Incorporated places in the state are legally described as cities, towns, and villages. The Census Bureau treats all incorporated places and CDPs as dependent within CCDs. User Note 2 Table 5 does not show revised census counts for places that are located in more than one county subdivision. These places are listed below. Revisions to the 1990 census counts for whole places (indicated by the superscript prefix “" next to the figure) can be found in Table 6. Newark city, New Castle County GEOGRAPHIC CHANGE NOTES The Geographic Change Notes listed below document high-level geographic entities-counties, county subdivisions, and places that are different from the information reported in the 1990 cen- sus. The notes identify geographic entities whose name and/or boundary have changed, entities that no longer exist, newly established entities (both legal and statistical), and changes in geo- graphic relationships, such as places that exist in one county and have expanded into or with- drawn from another county (the notes do not identify the other county(ies) in which the entity exists; this can be determined from the Table listing all places in this publication) and places that have become independent of or dependent within one or more county subdivisions. The changes are reported by and within county. A few of the reported changes in name, legal status, or legal relationship may be incorrect; if so, the correct version is shown in any Correction Notes section above. Some changes are the result of legal actions that took place prior to the 1990 census, but were not reported in that census. The change notes for previous censuses reported only changes that occurred primarily as the result of specific legal actions, as well as identifiable revisions to statistical entities (primarily county subdivisions). For Census 2000, the notes reflect any boundary change that affects a geo- graphic entity, regardless of whether it is the result of legal action, redefinition of a statistical entity, correction of a previous boundary-reporting or -drafting error, or new erroneous informa- tion. For example, the county-level text "all districts revised" may reflect a legal redistricting of all county subdivisions in the county, a major or minor relocation of county subdivision boundaries due to more accurate mapping or more accurate boundary information, or a combination of these that, in one way or another, affect every county subdivision in a county. In states whose legal enti- ties rarely undergo a legal boundary change, such as the New England states, most of the entities reported to have exchanged, gained, or lost territory did so as the result of mapping changes, not legal actions. The extent and location of the boundary changes affecting any particular entity can be determined by comparing the TIGER/Line® Files, Cartographic Boundary Files, or a comparable set of maps for the 1990 and 2000 censuses. Kent County, Delaware Camden town.. Central Kent CCD. Cheswold town... Clayton town.. Dover Base Housing CDP... Dover city.... Felton CCD. Felton town.. Harrington CCD Harrington city Kent Acres CDP... Little Creek town Milford North CCD. Milford city ... gained territory. lost territory to Milford North CCD. gained territory gained territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Harrington CCD. gained and lost territory. .. gained territory from Felton CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. .. gained territory. gained territory from Central Kent CCD. gained and lost territory. III-2 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Kent County, Delaware-Con. Rodney Village CDP Woodside East CDP .. Wyoming town lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. New Castle County, Delaware Ardentown village ... Bear CDP.... Brandywine CCD.... Clayton town ..... Delaware City city Edgemoor CDP.... Glasgow CDP .... Greater Newark CCD Greenville CDP.... Hockessin CDP .... Lower Christiana CCD.. Middletown town..... New Castle CCD... New Castle city Newark city... Newport town. North Star CDP Pike Creek CDP .. Pike Creek-Central Kirkwood CCD gained territory. new CDP. exchanged territory with Wilmington CCD. expanded into New Castle County. gained territory. gained territory. new CDP. exchanged territory with Pike Creek-Central Kirkwood CCD; gained territory from Upper Christiana CCD. new CDP. new CDP. exchanged territory with Wilmington CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Wilmington CCD. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained territory. exchanged territory with Greater Newark CCD; lost territory to Greater Newark CCD. gained and lost territory. deleted. deleted. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Greater Newark CCD. exchanged territory with Brandywine and Lower Christiana CCDs; gained territory from New Castle CCD. lost territory. gained and lost territory. Smyrna town Stanton CDP ... Talleyville CDP. Townsend town.... Upper Christiana CCD Wilmington CCD.... Wilmington Manor CDP.. Wilmington city.... Sussex County, Delaware.. Bethany Beach town Bethel town .... Blades town..... Bridgeville town Dagsboro town Delmar town.... Dewey Beach town Georgetown town Laurel town. Lewes city ... Long Neck CDP ... Milford city Millsboro town all CCDs revised except Georgetown and Milton. gained territory lost territory. gained territory. · gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory gained territory. gained territory . gained territory. User Notes 111-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Sussex County, Delaware-Con. Millville town Milton town..... Ocean View town. Seaford city Selbyville town South Bethany town ... gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. ... gained territory. i 111-4 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] The State Urban Rural Percent of total State Urban and Rural Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Number of places of 2,500 or more Total number Number Percent Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Urban Rural POPULATION Current urban definition: 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 783 600 666 168 117 432 (X) 17.6 (X) 24 20 627 758 527 713 100 045 (X) 19.0 (X) 155 842 138 455 17 387 (X) 12.6 (X) 80.1 79.2 19.9 20.8 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 666 168 594 338 548 104 446 292 318 085 71 830 46 234 101 812 128 207 12.1 8.4 22.8 40.3 (X) 20 18 14 10 9 486 501 419 819 395 569 292 788 199 122 66 682 24 250 102 781 93 666 (X) 15.9 6.1 35.1 47.0 179 667 174 519 152 535 153 504 118 963 5 148 21 984 -969 34 541 2.9 14.4 -0.6 29.0 (X) 73.0 70.6 72.2 65.6 62.6 27.0 29.4 27.8 34.4 37.4 (X) (X) (X) Pre-1950 urban definition: 10 9 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1940 Apr. 1) 1930 Apr. 1) 1920 (Jan. 1) 446 292 318 085 266 505 238 380 223 003 128 207 51 580 28 125 15 377 20 681 40.3 19.4 11.8 6.9 10.2 ထ ၈ ရ 145 469 147 890 139 432 123 146 120 767 -2 421 8 458 16 286 2 379 23 682 -1.6 6.1 13.2 2.0 24.4 300 823 170 195 127 073 115 234 102 236 130 628 43 122 11 839 12 998 -3 001 76.8 33.9 10.3 12.7 -2.9 32.6 46.5 52.3 51.7 54.2 67.4 53.5 47.7 48.3 45.8 1910 (Apr. 15) 1900 (June 1) 1890 (June 1) 1880 (June 1) 1870 (June 1) 202 322 184 735 168 493 146 608 125 015 17 587 16 242 21 885 21 593 12 799 9.5 9.6 14.9 17.3 11.4 97 085 85 717 71 067 48 989 30 841 11 368 14 650 22 078 18 148 9 583 13.3 20.6 45.1 58.8 45.1 105 237 99 018 97 426 97 619 94 174 6 219 1 592 -193 3 445 3 216 6.3 1.6 -0.2 3.7 3.5 48.0 46.4 42.2 33.4 24.7 52.0 53.6 57.8 66.6 75.3 1 1860 (June 1) 1850 (June 1) 1840 (June 1) 1830 (June 1) 1820 Aug. 7). 112 216 91 532 78 085 76 748 72 749 20 684 13 447 1 337 3 999 75 22.6 17.2 1.7 5.5 0.1 21 258 13 979 8 367 7 279 5 612 8 367 52.1 67.1 (X) 90 958 77 553 69 718 76 748 72 749 13 405 7 835 -7 030 3 999 75 17.3 11.2 -9.2 5.5 0.1 18.9 15.3 10.7 81.1 84.7 89.3 100.0 100.0 1810 (Aug. 6) 1800 (Aug. 4) 1790 Aug. 2). 72 674 64 273 59 096 8 401 5 177 (X) 13.1 8.8 (X) 'י 'י 72 674 64 273 59 096 8 401 5 177 (X) 13.1 8.8 (X) 100.0 100.0 100.0 (X) HOUSING UNITS Current urban definition: & 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 343 072 289 919 53 153 (X) 18.3 (X) 88 274 756 215 681 59 075 (X) 27.4 (X) 68 316 74 238 -5 922 (X) -8.0 (X) 80.1 74.4 19.9 25.6 1950-90 urban definition: 20.1 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 289 919 238 611 180 233 143 725 97 013 51 308 58 378 36 508 46 712 (X) 21.5 32.4 25.4 48.2 (X) XXXXX 191 643 156 813 123 732 91 827 58 505 34 830 33 081 31 905 33 322 (X) 22.2 26.7 34.7 57.0 (X) 98 276 81 798 56 501 51 898 38 508 16 478 25 297 4 603 13 390 (X) 44.8 8.9 34.8 (X) 66.1 65.7 68.7 63.9 60.3 33.9 34.3 31.3 36.1 39.7 Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) Population Housing units State County 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 The State 783 600 666 168 594 338 548 104 446 292 343 072 289 919 238 611 180 233 143 725 COUNTY Kent County New Castle County Sussex County 126 697 500 265 156 638 110 993 441 946 113 229 98 219 398 115 98 004 81 892 385 856 80 356 65 651 307 446 73 195 50 481 199 521 93 070 42 106 173 560 74 253 35 354 148 563 54 694 25 242 120 704 34 287 19 915 94 688 29 122 2 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Average per square mile Percent change State County Population Housing units Housing Land area units square miles Population Housing units 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 Population The State 783 600 343 072 1 953.56 401.1 175.6 17.6 12.1 8.4 18.3 21.5 32.4 COUNTY Kent County New Castle County Sussex County. 126 697 500 265 156 638 50 481 199 521 93 070 589.72 426.27 937.58 214.8 1 173.6 167.1 85.6 468.1 99.3 14.1 13.2 38.3 13.0 11.0 15.5 19.9 3.2 22.0 19.9 15.0 25.3 19.1 16.8 35.8 40.1 23.1 59.5 Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units State County 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 The State. 783 600 666 168 594 338 548 104 446 292 343 072 289 919 238 611 180 233 143 725 COUNTY Kent County New Castle County. Sussex County 126 697 500 265 156 638 110 993 441 946 113 229 98 219 398 115 98 004 81 892 385 856 80 356 65 651 307 446 73 195 50 481 199 521 93 070 42 106 173 560 74 253 35 354 148 563 54 694 25 242 120 704 34 287 19 915 94 688 29 122 2 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Average per square mile Percent change Population State County Housing units Housing Land area in units square miles Housing units 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 Population 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 Population The State 783 600 343 072 1 953.56 401.1 175.6 17.6 12.1 8.4 18.3 21.5 32.4 COUNTY Kent County New Castle County Sussex County. 126 697 500 265 156 638 50 481 199 521 93 070 589.72 426.27 937.58 214.8 1 173.6 167.1 85.6 468.1 99.3 14.1 13.2 38.3 13.0 11.0 15.5 19.9 3.2 22.0 19.9 15.0 25.3 19.1 16.8 35.8 40.1 23.1 59.5 Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 4. Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 1990 Urban Rural Percent of total population Urban State County Total population In urbanized area In urban cluster Not in place In place Current urban definition Total 1950-90 urban definition Total Total population Urban Rural The State 783 600 627 758 531 032 96 726 155 842 16 047 139 795 80.1 19.9 666 168 527 713 486 501 COUNTY Kent County New Castle County Sussex County 126 697 500 265 156 638 81 728 472 395 73 635 65 044 464 548 1 440 16 684 7 847 72 195 44 969 27 870 83 003 4 573 3 508 7 966 40 396 24 362 75 037 64.5 94.4 47.0 35.5 5.6 53.0 110 993 441 946 113 229 65 981 417 914 43 818 58 494 411 796 16 211 4 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units 2000 average per 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State County County Subdivision Place 2000 Housing units 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State 783 600 666 168 594 338 343 072 289 919 238 611 2 489.27 1 953.56 401.1 175.6 42 106 6 047 86 126 697 18 267 226 2 189 1 583 156 184 2 174 66 555 2 100 313 32 135 3 394 78 3 379 1 637 199 195 269 1 602 1 141 5 493 784 10 352 75 3 174 430 5 337 237 8 786 305 648 2 935 11 907 1 273 4 5 679 110 993 15 838 211 1 915 1 138 153 140 1 655 59 473 1 899 321 27 630 4 376 107 3 151 1 807 236 167 262 1 745 977 4 844 683 9 018 122 2 311 487 4 429 232 6 758 (X) 761 1 2 468 10 633 1 163 98 219 14 152 283 1 980 (X) 167 248 1 490 53 315 1 757 269 23 507 4 391 106 2 994 1 590 228 230 196 1 753 960 4 152 547 7 436 141 2 405 357 3 738 243 6 304 (X) 864 2 157 9 122 1 216 50 481 6 962 96 829 574 62 72 855 26 632 886 122 13 195 1 245 31 1 293 700 88 74 111 630 485 2 172 312 4 110 35 1 328 166 1 919 87 3 910 224 275 1 341 4 776 524 1 2 242 716 384 58 56 635 22 139 748 114 10 488 1 260 47 1 139 689 95 87 108 641 394 1 858 256 3 539 47 977 189 1 582 93 2 938 (X) 317 11 115 4 003 478 1 1 878 35 354 5 234 113 661 (X) 58 100 566 18 634 714 100 8 155 1 257 45 991 611 95 99 85 638 395 1 514 203 2 823 60 964 138 1 229 99 2 638 (X) 347 934 3 282 486 (X) 1 599 800.12 82.75 0.19 2.93 3.67 0.18 0.16 1.71 246.11 1.86 0.43 22.69 0.67 0.06 1.60 0.92 0.20 0.11 0.64 0.60 0.69 57.12 0.62 102.22 0.07 2.03 0.38 48.13 0.17 160.72 0.30 0.84 2.76 103.07 0.86 0.10 3.73 589.72 82.50 0.19 2.92 3.60 0.18 0.16 1.71 153.59 1.86 0.43 22.39 0.67 0.06 1.56 0.88 0.18 0.11 0.47 0.60 0.68 56.93 0.62 102.03 0.07 2.00 0.38 48.13 0.17 77.34 0.29 0.84 2.74 69.20 0.86 0.10 3.66 214.8 221.4 1 178.7 748.5 440.1 878.4 1 130.6 1 272.7 433.3 1 130.9 729.8 1 435.0 5 061.6 1 345.9 2 162.9 1 852.3 1 092.7 1 780.5 573.5 2 652.6 1 690.0 96.5 1 268.1 101.5 1 075.6 1 587.1 1 144.4 110.9 1 375.8 113.6 1 063.4 769.1 1 070.6 172.1 1 486.2 40.4 1 552.3 85.6 84.4 500.7 283.5 159.6 349.1 442.4 500.5 173.4 477.1 284.5 589.2 1 856.7 534.9 827,7 792.1 483.2 675.7 236.7 1 043.2 718.3 38.2 504.6 40.3 501.9 664.0 441.8 39.9 505.0 50.6 781.0 326.4 489.1 69.0 611.8 10.1 612.8 5 231 4 750 441 946 80 434 477 282 325 1 243 9 800 5 853 17 719 (X) 398 115 84 766 516 267 307 1 279 10 022 7 397 8 610 500 265 78 620 474 267 300 1 249 9 220 5 992 32 096 3 876 12 840 12 67 114 14 806 28 535 5 883 36 250 5 800 1 122 Kent County Central Kent CCD .. Magnolia town Rising Sun-Lebanon CDP (part) Riverview CDP Viola town Woodside town. Woodside East CDP | Dover CCD Camden town t Cheswold town t Dover city t. Dover Base Housing CDP | Hartly town Highland Acres CDP Kent Acres CDP | Leipsic town (part) Little Creek town t. Rising Sun-Lebanon CDP (part) Rodney Village CDP 1 Wyoming town t Felton CCB t Felton town t Harrington CCD + Farmington town Harrington city t Houston town Kenton CCD Kenton town Milford North CCD 1 Bowers town. Frederica town Milford city (part) t. Smyrna CCÓ Clayton town (part) t. Leipsic town (part) Smyrna town (part) New Castle County Brandywine CCD 1 Arden village. Ardencroft village Ardentown village Bellefonte town. Claymont CDP Edgemoor CDP. Central Pencader CCD Bear CDP (part) † Glasgow CDP | Newark city (part) | Greater Newark CCD + Brookside CDP Newark city (part) Pike Creek CDP (part) Lower Christiana CCD I. Elsmere town Newport town t Wilmington city (part) Middletown-Odessa CCD. Clayton town (part) f. Middletown town t. Odessa town Smyrna town (part) Townsend town t.. New Castle CCD + Bear CDP (part) New Castle city t. Wilmington Manor CDP 1. Piedmont CCD. Greenville CDP 1. Hockessin CDP (part) | North Star CDP Pike Creek-Central Kirkwood CCD + Hockessin CDP (part) | Pike Creek CDP (part) | Red Lion CCD Delaware City city t. Upper Christiana CD t. Wilmington CCD 7. Wilmington city (part) t. Sussex County Bridgeville-Greenwood CCD 1 Bridgeville town t.. Greenwood town Georgetown CCD Georgetown town t Laurel-Delmar CCD I Bethel town t Delmar town Laurel town t Lewes CCD Dewey Beach town † Henlopen Acres town Lewes city t Rehoboth Beach city Milford South CCD + Ellendale town Milford city (part) Slaughter Beach town. 199 521 33 940 243 115 141 551 4 193 2 851 11 724 1 616 4 629 6 24 014 5 645 9 288 2 552 15 194 2 395 490 148 563 31 838 253 98 136 521 3 938 3 277 3 181 (X) 1 173.6 2 518.6 1 780.5 2 411.4 1 312.8 7 102.7 4 371.4 3 288.3 1 006.4 3 145.3 1 297.6 247.5 2 236.8 3 787.7 3 214.7 4 344.3 3 117.5 5 891.0 2 554.0 173 560 32 890 233 111 137 523 4 075 2 727 6 597 (X) (X) 6 21 307 5 601 7 854 2 367 14 979 2 471 553 2 6 225 (X) 1 475 132 468.1 1 087.3 912.8 1 038.6 617.0 3 133.4 1 988.0 1 564.6 367.6 1 311.4 467.8 123.7 800.3 1 444.1 1 046.4 1 884.5 1 306.7 2 432.6 1 115.4 14 61 003 15 307 25 084 5 438 36 543 5 935 1 240 3 18 578 6 57 470 15 255 25 241 (X) 39 280 6 493 1 167 (X) 13 187 (X) 2 946 384 2 19 116 5 217 7 556 (X) 14 733 2 472 519 (X) 4 454 (X) 1 083 175 29 682 10 004 158.5 53.4 493.51 38.40 0.27 0.11 0.23 0.18 2.11 1.83 32.52 1.23 9.90 0.05 30.00 3.91 8.88 1.35 11.81 0.98 0.45 0.15 215.64 0.17 6.41 0.45 0.02 0.59 50.86 4.51 3.17 1.62 39.73 2.75 9.28 6.84 14.49 0.76 4.78 31.20 1.33 11.98 16.87 16.87 426.27 31.22 0.27 0.11 0.23 0.18 2.11 1.82 31.89 1.23 9.90 0.05 30.00 3.91 8.88 1.35 11.63 0.98 0.44 0.14 187.31 0.17 6.40 0.44 0.02 0.59 37.41 4.51 3.05 1.62 39.35 2.74 9.27 6.84 14.49 0.76 4.78 20.31 1.26 11.96 10.71 10.70 6 161 286 3 834 303 2 514 127 962.4 652.6 392.7 289.8 322 67 798 (X) 4 837 8 568 24 402 (X) 386 56 139 (X) 4 907 9 233 17 295 150 26 075 (X) 2 006 3 173 8 794 (X) 156 19 768 (X) 1 831 3 176 6 137 (X) (x) 346 82 021 13 717 4 862 8 262 29 388 2 332 11 610 8 277 42 312 1 292 13 868 5 589 1 453 24 529 72 664 72 664 (X) 31 519 (X) 151 31 906 4 649 2 199 3 173 11 044 1 329 4 202 2 651 17 645 373 5 863 2 014 616 9 898 32 138 32 138 (X) 38 733 (X) 4 725 4 033 1 682 21 177 71 526 71 526 582.3 2 192.6 3 041.0 1 594.6 5 088.2 746.9 852.4 1 252.4 1 209.5 2 919.6 1 706.9 2 902.4 275.2 1 156.3 2 050.8 6 787.6 6 788.0 11 307 (X) 254.1 852.9 1 030.7 721.2 1 954.1 280.7 485.8 453.3 387.4 1 217.5 492.8 1 227.0 99.2 490.2 827.5 3 002.0 3 002.2 (X) 15 777 (X) 2 365 1 396 658 8 278 31 242 31 242 3 930 1 858 15 724 70 195 70 195 1 323 681 6 200 30 506 30 506 156 638 9 462 1 436 837 11 811 4 643 20 410 184 1 407 3 668 21 517 301 139 2 932 1 495 16 525 327 3 797 198 113 229 6 899 1 210 578 7 776 3 732 15 086 178 962 3 226 13 628 204 107 2 295 1 234 14 044 313 3 564 114 98 004 6 285 1 238 578 6 470 1 710 13 856 197 948 3 052 11 530 93 070 3 807 636 394 3 793 1 591 8 403 97 595 1 561 20 728 1 369 198 2 368 3 167 6 935 128 1 556 253 74 253 2 796 508 262 2 996 1 376 6 100 86 355 1 322 16 845 1 299 181 1 953 3 117 5 910 123 1 483 168 54 694 2 439 553 264 2 520 760 5 244 89 372 1 204 12 279 (X) 161 1 473 3 111 5 065 142 1 356 201 1 195.65 107.26 0.81 0.66 71.18 4.13 183.63 0.45 0.94 1.72 166.65 0.34 0.26 4.29 1.65 229.65 0.25 2.86 1.34 937.58 107.25 0.81 0.66 70.90 4.13 182.43 0.45 0.94 1.66 75.71 0.34 0.26 3.66 1.18 127.60 0.25 2.82 1.34 167.1 88.2 1 768.6 1 267.2 166.6 1 123.9 111.9 413.2 1 498.9 2 215.9 284.2 876.6 544.2 801.5 1 266.5 129.5 1 289.5 1 345.9 147.9 99.3 35.5 783.3 596.5 53.5 385.1 46.1 217.8 633.9 943.0 273.8 3 986.9 775.2 647.3 2 682.9 54.3 504.8 551.5 189.0 176 2 197 1 730 12 323 361 3 209 121 Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; ; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State 2000 area measurements 2000 average per Population Housing units in square miles square mile County County Subdivision Place Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State-Con. Sussex County-Con. Millsboro CCD I. Long Neck CDP + Millsboro town t. Milton CCD Milton town t Seaford CCD . Blades town t.. Seaford city t Selbyville-Frankford CCD + Bethany Beach town t Dagsboro town t Fenwick Island town Frankford town Millville town t Ocean View town t Selbyville town t South Bethany town t. 19 558 1 629 2 360 10 611 1 657 22 498 956 6 699 24 246 903 519 342 714 259 1 006 1 645 492 12 897 886 1 643 7 671 1 417 18 897 834 5 689 16 331 326 398 186 591 206 606 1 335 148 9 971 (X) 1 233 5 902 1 359 17 153 664 5 256 14 514 330 344 114 828 178 495 1 251 115 12 220 1 807 1 153 5 641 804 9 156 393 2 809 22 387 2 376 248 666 258 141 751 664 1 137 10 263 1 649 815 3 847 667 7 484 334 2 360 18 012 2 066 186 668 241 119 452 590 845 6 293 (X) 562 2 622 562 6 342 261 2 073 11 890 1 195 162 467 292 93 325 505 547 99.38 2.50 1.94 63.65 1.16 94.92 0.43 3.51 179.35 1.17 1.27 0.49 0.71 0.48 2.03 1.40 0.53 91.41 2.49 1.73 63.03 1.06 93.76 0.43 3.48 125.48 1.15 1.27 0.34 0.71 0.48 2.03 1.40 0.52 213.9 655.0 1 367.9 168.3 1 568.5 240.0 2 201.4 1 925.9 193.2 782.4 409.5 994.5 1 012.7 534.1 495.0 1 176.9 948.6 133.7 726.6 668.3 89.5 761.1 97.7 905 0 807.5 178.4 2 058.6 195.7 1 936.7 365.9 290.8 369.6 475.1 2 192.1 1 6 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: : 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) it it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] it 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State..... (U/R) 783 600 666 168 594 338 343 072 289 919 238 611 2 489.27 1 953.56 401.1 175.6 474 477 516 243 233 253 0.27 0.27 1 780.5 912.8 267 282 267 115 111 98 0.11 0.11 2 411.4 1 038.6 300 325 307 141 137 136 0.23 0.23 1 312.8 617.0 17 593 (X) 6 265 (X) 5.74 5.74 3 063.4 (X) 1 243 (X) 521 1 249 1 279 551 523 0.18 0.18 7 102.7 1 090.9 3 133.4 2 058.6 2 065.3 1 763.5 (U/R) 903 1 195 901 326 (X) 330 (X) (X) 197 2 376 2 331 45 2 066 (X) (X) 1.17 1.14 0.03 1.15 1.13 0.03 782.4 798.3 78.4 2 (X) 184 178 97 86 89 0.45 0.45 413.2 217.8 956 834 664 393 334 261 0.43 0.43 2 201.4 905.0 305 179 198 224 168 191 0.30 0.29 1 063.4 781.0 1 436 1 210 1 238 636 508 553 0.81 0.81 1 768.6 783.3 14 806 15 307 15 255 5 645 5 601 5 217 3.91 3.91 3 787.7 1 444.1 1 1 757 2 100 1 982 118 886 836 50 1.86 0.96 0.90 1.86 0.96 0.90 477.1 872.1 55.7 (X) 313 0.43 274 39 122 103 19 0.21 0.22 0.43 0.21 0.22 284.5 496.4 85.8 1 130.9 2 067.6 131.3 729.8 1 320.5 176.2 4 371.4 1 242.3 2 466.6 125.0 1 486.2 2 466.6 182.3 (X) 10 022 1 216 9 800 1 163 4 075 3 938 9 220 1 273 1 206 67 1 273 1 206 67 4 193 524 494 30 524 494 30 1 163 1 988.0 511.4 1 010.4 56.0 611.8 1 010.4 81.6 1 216 2.11 1.02 0.49 0.54 0.86 0.49 0.37 0.17 2.11 1.02 0.49 0.54 0.86 0.49 0.37 0.17 (X) (X) 988 Fax 32882888 ;&# 88 888 U SSS S = Şza @ S @ @ sąze gze szczce pse e se s ze S S & S @ @ ze @ @ @ze azeaza 519 256 248 117 131 1.27 0.24 1.02 1.27 0.24 1.02 409.5 1 048.1 257.1 195.7 479.0 128.0 263 (X) (X) (X) 1 453 1 682 1 858 616 1.33 1.26 1 156.3 490.2 962 1 407 1 361 46 595 576 19 (X) 0.94 0.49 0.45 0.94 0.49 0.45 1 2 778.7 102.5 1 176.0 42.3 (X) (X) (X) 301 204 1 369 1 299 (X) 0.34 0.34 876.6 3 986.9 27 630 Arden village, New Castle County .. Ardencroft village, New Castle County Ardentown village, New Castle County.... Bear CDP, New Castle County Bellefonte town, New Castle County... Bethany Beach town, Sussex County... Urban part Rural part.. Bethel town, Sussex County.. Blades town, Sussex County Bowers town, Kent County Bridgeville town, Sussex County. Brookside CDP, New Castle County... Camden town, Kent County Urban part Rural part. Cheswold town, Kent County. Urban part Rural part. Claymont CDP, New Castle County Clayton town Urban part Rural part.. Kent County. Urban part Rural part. New Castle County Dagsboro town, Sussex County.. Urban part Rural part.. Delaware City City, New Castle County Delmar town, Sussex County .. Urban part Rural part.. Dewey Beach town, Sussex County. Dover city, Kent County Urban part Rural part...... Dover Base Housing CDP, Kent County .. Edgemoor CDP, New Castle County Ellendale town, Sussex County. Elsmere town, New Castle County Farmington town, Kent County Felton town, Kent County. Fenwick Island town, Sussex County Urban part Rural part.. Frankford town, Sussex County... Frederica town, Kent County Georgetown town, Sussex County Urban part Rural part. Glasgow CDP, New Castle County. Urban part Rural part.. Greenville CDP, New Castle County.. Urban part. Rural part.. Greenwood town, Sussex County. Harrington city, Kent County Urban part Rural part.. Hartly town, Kent County Henlopen Acres town, Sussex County. Urban part Rural part.. Highland Acres CDP, Kent County Hockessin CDP, New Castle County Urban part. Rural part. 10 488 8 155 32 135 31 500 635 23 507 (X) 13 195 13 086 109 22.69 14.17 8.52 22.39 13.87 8.52 1 435.0 2 271.1 74.5 589.2 943.5 12.8 3 394 4 376 4 391 1 245 1 260 1 257 0.67 0.67 5 061.6 1 856.7 5 992 5 853 7 397 2 851 2 727 3 277 1.83 1.82 3 288.3 1 564.6 327 313 128 0.25 0.25 1 289.5 504.8 (R) (U) (U) (R) (U) (R) (R) (U/R) 5 800 5 935 6 493 2 395 2 471 2 472 0.98 0.98 5 891.0 2 432.6 Ő 988 88 88888 888 728 g 82 slug & 988 888 888 og 688 688 888 E88 8888888 888 g 88 8888 in the home 088 88 888 888 88 4 088 888 75 122 88 88 88888 388 og ps & gas 88 888 E88 1988 ; 888 35 0.07 0.07 1 075.6 501.9 784 683 312 0.62 0.62 1 268.1 504.6 342 305 37 186 (X) 114 (X) 666 544 122 0.49 0.22 0.27 0.34 0.22 0.12 994.5 1 391.0 296.9 1 936.7 2 481.0 979.0 714 591 258 0.71 0.71 1 012.7 365.9 648 761 275 0.84 0.84 769.1 326.4 3 732 1 710 1 376 4 643 4 427 216 1 591 1 492 99 4.13 2.08 2.06 4.13 2.08 2.06 1 123.9 2 133.4 105.1 385.1 719.0 48.2 12 840 12 738 102 4 629 4 583 46 9.90 9.16 0.74 9.90 9.16 0.74 1 297.6 1 391.0 138.3 467.8 500.5 62.3 (U/R) 2 332 1 981 351 1 329 1 186 143 88 ő ** *** *** ** @ 988 ő 888 2.75 1.49 1.26 2.74 1.49 1.25 852.4 1 331.9 281.2 485.8 797.4 114.5 () (X) 837 578 578 394 0.66 0.66 1 267.2 596.5 (R) (U/R) 3 174 3 111 63 2 311 (X) (X) 2 405 (X) 1 328 1 301 27 2.03 1.31 0.72 2.00 1.31 0.69 1 587.1 2 379.7 91.0 664.0 995.2 39.0 (R) 78 107 31 0.06 0.06 1 345.9 534.9 (U/R) 139 91 48 107 (X) (X) 198 118 80 0.26 0.13 0.12 0.26 0.13 0.12 544.2 695.5 385.3 775.2 901.8 642.1 3 379 3 151 2 994 1 293 1 139 1.60 1.56 2 162.9 827.7 (U) (U/R) (U) (R) 12 902 12 615 287 4 575 4 459 116 10.04 8.64 1.40 10.03 8.63 1.40 1 286.7 1 461.8 205.4 456.3 516.7 83.0 Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 7 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) it it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/A) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population 2000 area measurements in square miles Housing units square mile State Place and (in Selected States] County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population (U/R) 357 430 401 29 166 158 8 0.38 0.26 0.12 0.38 0.26 0.12 1 144.4 1 557.6 245.2 441.8 613.7 67.6 (X) (X) 1 590 1 637 1 420 217 1 807 (X) 700 606 94 0.92 0.34 0.58 0.88 0.34 0.55 1 852.3 4 213.5 396.9 792.1 1 798.1 171.9 (X) D D D ཀྱི 237 243 87 0.17 0.17 1 375.8 505.0 (U/R) 1 322 1 204 3 668 3 625 43 3 226 (X) 3 052 (X) 1 561 1 540 21 1.72 1.30 0.42 1.66 1.27 0.39 2 215.9 2 863.3 110.5 943.0 1 216.4 53.9 (X) (R) 203 89 0.30 0.28 722.0 316.6 2 295 2 197 1 953 1 473 Şza 2 932 2 736 196 2 368 2 242 126 4.29 2.08 2.21 3.66 2.06 1.60 801.5 1 330.3 122.4 647.3 1 090.1 78.7 (X) 195 74 0.11 0.11 1 780.5 675.7 1 649 1 629 1 629 1 807 1 807 2.50 2.47 0.03 2.49 2.46 0.03 655.0 663.1 7266 735.6 88 988 88 % 3886 388 : 88 88888888 88 226 283 96 86 0.19 0.19 1 178.7 500.7 2 946 1 475 1 083 6161 5 735 426 3 834 (X) 2 514 2 278 236 6.41 2.14 4.27 6.40 2.14 4.26 962.4 2 680.8 99.9 392.7 1 064.8 55.4 () 2 290 (U/R) 5 366 1 2 598 16 032 (X) (U/R 1 2 468 6 732 6 651 81 2 935 2 874 61 3 797 3 777 20 2 157 (X) 2 897 2 862 35 1 341 1 311 30 1 556 1 551 5 1 1 115 (X) (X) 1 483 5.62 4.15 1.47 2.76 1.64 1.12 2.86 2.51 0.35 5.56 4.10 1.46 2.74 1.63 1.12 2.82 2.48 1 210.2 1 621.2 55.5 1 070.6 1 768.0 54.7 1 345.9 1 524.8 520.8 697.6 24.0 489.1 806.5 26.9 551.5 626.2 14.5 3 1 35€ 3 564 (X) (X) 1 643 (X) 0.34 58.1 1 233 2 360 2 342 18 1 153 1 143 10 1.94 1.61 0.33 1.73 1.61 0.11 1 367.9 1 453.7 157.7 668.3 709.5 87.6 () 259 226 33 (X) 141 125 16 0.48 0.40 0.09 0.48 0.40 0.09 534.1 570.9 370.7 290.8 315.8 179.7 1 657 1 417 1 359 804 667 1.16 1.06 1 568.5 761.1 The State--Con. Houston town, Kent County Urban part Rural part. Kent Acres CDP, Kent County Urban part Rural part... Kenton town, Kent County Laurel town, Sussex County.. Urban part Rural part. Leipsic town, Kent County Lewes city, Sussex County. Urban part Rural part. Little Creek town, Kent County Long Neck CDP, Sussex County. Urban part Rural part. Magnolia town, Kent County.... Middletown town, New Castle County Urban part Rural part. Milford city Urban part Rural part. Kent County. Urban part Rural part. Sussex County Urban part Rural part. Millsboro town, Sussex County Urban part Rural part... Millville town, Sussex County. Urban part Rural part... Milton town, Sussex County .. Newark city, New Castle County New Castle city, New Castle County..... Newport town, New Castle County North Star CDP, New Castle County Urban part. Rural part.. Ocean View town, Sussex County Urban part. Rural part. Odessa town, New Castle County... Pike Creek CDP, New Castle County ... Rehoboth Beach city, Sussex County.... Urban part. Rural part.. Rising Sun-Lebanon CDP, Kent County... Urban part. Rural part... Riverview CDP, Kent County Urban part. Rural part.. Rodney Village CDP, Kent County Seaford city, Sussex County Urban part. Rural part.. Selbyville town, Sussex County. Slaughter Beach town, Sussex County Smyrna town .. Urban part Rural part. Kent County, Urban part Rural part. New Castle County South Bethany town, Sussex County. Urban part Rural part. Townsend town, New Castle County 28 547 126 463 25 247 9 294 17 909 7 558 8.92 8.92 3 198.6 888 588 8 888 8 8 8 8 888 3 888 888888888 888 888 8 8 8 8 888 888 8 8 588 888 888 3 888 8 8 888888' 388 1 041.4 88 588 log og & 88 @ 988 ő 88 y&&&&&988 988 988 een 888 988 E88 E88 888 88 5887&8' 988 og 988 988 588 882 88 &&maxg82 388 88 888 888 888 888 888 888x' 82 (U) 4 862 4 837 4 907 2 199 2 006 1 831 3.05 3.05 & gee a gaze ezezeze gse gza é S a gze zze a ase gze aze a zase © 1 594.6 721.2 1 122 1 240 1 167 490 553 0.44 0.44 2 554.0 1 115.4 (U/R) (X) 8 277 8 020 257 2 651 2 567 84 6.84 5.14 1.71 6.84 5.14 1.71 1 209.5 1 561.3 150.6 387.4 499.7 49.2 XX XXX (U/R) 1 006 1 001 5 751 743 8 452 (X) 2.03 1.26 0.77 2.03 1.26 0.77 495.0 793.9 6.5 369.6 589.3 10.4 . (X) (X) 286 127 132 175 0.45 0.44 652.6 289.8 19 751 10 163 (X) 8 415 4 732 () 6.13 6.13 3 220.8 1 372.2 (U/R) 1 234 1 730 3 117 1 495 1 473 22 3 167 2 989 178 3 111 (X) (X) 1.65 1.00 0.65 1.18 0.98 0.20 1 266.5 1 496.8 112.0 2 682.9 3 037.4 906.5 (X) (U/R) 2 177 2 176 746 2 458 2 296 162 940 857 83 3.57 2.51 1.06 3.39 2.34 1.06 724.3 982.0 153.5 277.0 366.5 78.6 (X) () (U/R) 1 138 1 583 971 612 574 351 223 3.67 1.22 2.45 3.60 1.16 2.43 440.1 834.4 251.6 159.6 301.6 91.7 1 602 1 745 1 753 630 638 0.60 0.60 2 652.6 1 043.2 (U/R) 5 689 2 360 6 699 6 699 5 256 (X) (X) 2 809 2 809 2 073 (X) 3.51 3.24 0.27 3.48 3.24 0.24 1 925.9 2 065.5 E88 88 88 88 g rex' 788 807.5 866.1 1 645 1 335 1 251 664 505 1.40 1.40 1 176.9 475,1 198 114 253 1.34 1.34 147.9 189.0 ... (U/R) 5 231 4 750 1 878 1 599 5 679 5 647 32 5 679 5 647 32 2 242 2 230 12 2 242 2 230 12 (X) 1 599 1 541.9 2 329.4 25.4 1 552.3 2 329.4 25.9 (U/R) 608.7 919.9 9.5 612.8 919.9 9.7 5 231 3.76 2.49 1.27 3.73 2.49 1.24 0.02 4 750 3.68 2.42 1.26 3.66 2.42 1.23 0.02 1 878 (X) (U/R) 845 547 De 492 473 19 1 137 1 102 35 0.53 0.46 0.08 0.52 0.46 0.06 948.6 1 037.0 303.9 2 192.1 2 415.9 559.8 (R) 346 322 151 150 156 0.59 0.59 582.3 254.1 8 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area 2000 Housing units 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State-Con. (U/R) 153 58 Viola town, Kent County Urban part Rural part. och 156 156 xx 167 (X) (X) 62 62 58 (X) 0.18 0.17 0.01 0.18 0.17 0.01 878.4 938.6 349.1 373.0 - ** - Wilmington city, New Castle County. (U) 72 664 71 529 70 195 32 138 31 244 30 506 10.90 10.85 6 698.1 2 962.4 Wilmington Manor CDP, New Castle County (U) 8 262 8 568 9 233 3 173 3 173 3 176 1.62 1.62 5 088.2 1 954.1 Woodside town, Kent County. (U) 184 140 248 72 56 100 0.16 0.16 1 130.6 442.4 (U/R) 1 655 2 174 2 161 13 3 gee xx 1 490 (X) 855 848 7 635 (X) (X) 566 (X) (X) 1.71 1.67 0.03 ୧ xx 1.71 1.67 0.03 Woodside East CDP, Kent County Urban part Rural part. Wyoming town, Kent County Urban part Rural part.. 1 272.7 1 291.5 373.0 y 988 500.5 506.8 200.8 (U/R) 960 395 1 141 1 141 977 (X) 485 484 1 394 (X) (X) 0.69 0.44 0.25 0.68 0.44 0.24 1 690.0 2 619.0 718.3 1 111.0 4.2 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units State Place (2,500 or More Population) 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 The State.... (X) 783 600 666 168 (X) 343 072 289 919 Wilmington city Dover city Newark city Pike Creek CDP Bear CDP.. 1 2 3 4 5 72 664 32 135 28 547 19 751 17 593 71 529 27 630 26 463 10 163 (X) ܝ ܢܨ ܚܬ ܕ 1 2 3 4 5 32 138 13 195 9 294 8 415 6 265 31 244 10 488 +7 909 4 732 5 601 Brookside CDP Hockessin CDP Glasgow CDP Claymont CDP North Star CDP. 6 7 8 9 10 14 806 12 902 12 840 9 220 8 277 15 307 (X) (X) 9 800 (X) 6 8 7 9 14 5 645 4 575 4 629 4 193 2 651 4 075 Wilmington Manor CDP Milford city Seaford city Middletown town. Edgemoor CDP 11 12 13 14 15 H2345 8 262 6 732 6 699 6 161 5 992 8 568 16 032 5 689 3 834 5 853 10 11 13 15 12 3 173 2 897 2 809 2 514 2 851 3 173 ! 2 598 2 360 1 475 2 727 Elsmere town Smyrna town New Castle city. Georgetown town Laurel town 16 17 18 19 20 5 800 5 679 4 862 4 643 3 668 5 935 5 231 4 837 3 732 3 226 16 18 19 20 21 2 395 2 242 2 199 1 591 1 561 2 471 1 878 2 006 1 376 1 322 Dover Base Housing CDP Highland Acres CDP Harrington city. Lewes city 21 22 23 24 3 394 3 379 3 174 2 932 4 376 3 151 2 311 2 295 24 23 22 17 1 245 1 293 1 328 2 368 1 260 1 139 977 1 953 10 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 This page is intentionally blank. Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 11 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000 [Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Total Urban In place State Size of Place [Population) All urban places (entirely or partly urban) Entirely urban places Partly urban places Number Percent of of total places population Number of places Number of places Number of places Not in place Population Total Population Population Population The State 783 600 75 100.0 627 758 328 502 56 22 34 200 951 200 951 127 551 127 551 299 256 (X) In place 344 549 75 44.0 328 502 328 502 56 22 34 ( Place of - 1.000.000 or more 500,000 to 999,999. 250,000 to 499,999. 100,000 to 249.999. 50,000 to 99.999 ا ا ا ا د XXXXX 72 664 1 9.3 72 664 72 664 1 72 664 1 2 1 1 25,000 to 49.999 10.000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 60 682 77 892 62 822 26 052 11 424 7.7 9.9 8.0 3.3 1.5 60 047 77 503 62 026 25 534 10 762 60 047 77 503 62 026 25 534 10 762 28 547 52 150 29 274 11 635 31 500 25 353 32 752 13 899 10 762 XXXXX XXXXX 1 2 1.500 to 1,999 1,000 10 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 9 753 11 582 5 361 5 108 1 209 ON 1.2 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.2 5 622 8 553 2 113 3 247 431 5 622 8 553 2 113 3 247 431 wowvA 1 602 2 371 956 1 568 184 4 020 6 182 1 157 1 679 247 16 8 10 3 1 2 () Cumulative summary: () Place of - 1.000.000 or more 500,000 or more 250.000 or more 100,000 or more 50,000 or more ا ا أ ا دیا 72 664 9.3 72 664 72 664 72 664 25,000 or more 10,000 or more 5,000 or more 2,500 or more 2,000 or more 133 346 211 238 274 060 300 112 311 536 3 8 17 24 29 17.0 27.0 35.0 38.3 39.8 132 711 210 214 272 240 297 774 308 536 132 711 210 214 272 240 297 774 308 536 3 8 17 24 29 101 211 153 361 182 635 194 270 194 270 2 5 9 12 12 31 500 56 853 89 605 103 504 114 266 XX XXXX XXXXX - دی هم 8 12 17 20 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more 321 289 332 871 338 232 343 340 35 44 51 67 41.0 42.5 43.2 43.8 314 158 322 711 324 824 328 071 314 158 322 711 324 824 328 071 33 40 43 53 195 872 198 243 199 199 200 767 13 15 16 21 118 286 124 468 125 625 127 304 25 27 32 Not in place 439 051 (X) 56.0 299 256 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 299 256 12 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000-Con. [Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Rural In place All rural places (entirely or partly rural) Entirely rural places Partly rural places State Size of Place [Population] Number of places Number of places Number of places Total Population Population Population Not in place 155 842 16 047 53 11 608 19 4 439 34 139 795 The State 16 047 16 047 53 11 608 19 4 439 34 (X) In place () Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500,000 to 999,999 250,000 to 499,999 100,000 to 249,999 50,000 to 99,999 1 1 2 635 389 796 518 662 635 389 796 518 662 UNAN- 635 389 796 518 662 XXXXX XXXX XXXXX 25,000 to 49,999 10,000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 () 4 131 3 029 3 248 1 861 778 4 131 3 029 3 248 1 861 778 5 7 6 11 7 3 302 2 889 2 983 1 704 730 UIO ANN 2 2 4 829 140 265 157 48 ה ת ט תסט 1,500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 Cumulative summary: () () Place of 1,000,000 or more 500,000 or more 250,000 or more 100.000 or more 50,000 or more 1 3 635 1 024 1 820 2 338 3 000 635 1 024 1 820 2 338 3 000 635 1 024 1 820 2 338 3 000 cow - 3 8 12 17 XXXXX XXXXX XXXX 25,000 or more 10,000 or more 5,000 or more 2,500 or more 2,000 or more 12 17 () 7 131 10 160 13 408 15 269 7 131 10 160 13 408 15 269 22 29 35 46 3 302 6 191 9 174 10 878 DOAN 3 829 3 969 4 234 4 391 20 25 27 32 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more Not in place 14 () 139 795 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 139 795 Da Population and Housing Unit Counts Delaware 13 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 9. Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 Housing units Land area Number of urban areas (Areas classified by population size. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Urban and Rural Size of Urban Area Percent [Population] Total distribution Percent distribution In square miles Percent distribution Entirely in state Partly in state Total Total The State 783 600 100.0 343 072 100.0 1 953.56 100.0 3 627 758 144 142 483 616 80.1 18.4 61.7 274 756 64 131 210 625 80.1 18.7 61.4 302.01 47.40 254.61 15.5 2.4 13.0 (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) ( 531 032 104 164 426 868 464 548 72 664 391 884 67.8 13.3 54.5 59.3 9.3 50.0 213 852 45 224 168 628 187 111 32 138 154 973 62.3 13.2 49.2 54.5 9.4 45.2 221.93 24.72 197.21 177.96 10.85 167.11 11.4 1.3 10.1 9.1 0.6 8.6 Urban In central place Not in central place In urbanized area In central place Not in central place.. 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place.. 500,000 to 999,999. In central place Not in central place. 250,000 to 499,999. In central place Not in central place. 100,000 to 249,999.. In central place Not in central place. 50,000 to 99,999. In central place Not in central place .. In urban cluster In central place Not in central place. 25.000 or more In central place Not in central place.. 10,000 to 24,999. in central place Not in central place. 5,000 to 9,999 In central place Not in central place. 2,500 to 4,999 In central place Not in central place in oon II III III E = 88 88 'Ex '&'& '8888 288 '88 *&&*&%98% 66 484 31 500 34 984 8.5 4.0 4.5 26 741 13 086 13 655 7.8 3.8 4.0 43.97 13.87 30.10 2.3 0.7 1.5 88 88.88.88_88:88 88, 88, 88, 88_88 88 88, 88, 88, 88.88.88_88, 88, 88, 88_88 88 96 726 39 978 56 748 2 693 12.3 5.1 7.2 0.3 60 904 18 907 41 997 3 574 17.8 5.5 12.2 1.0 80.08 22.68 57.40 1.86 4.1 1.2 2.9 0.1 o 2 693 58 180 21 733 36 447 27 696 12 792 14 904 8 157 5 453 2 704 0.3 7.4 2.8 4.7 3.5 1.6 1.9 1.0 0.7 0.3 3 574 32 845 10 143 22 702 20 948 6 320 14 628 3 537 2 444 1 093 1.0 9.6 3.0 6.6 6.1 1.8 4.3 1.0 0.7 0.3 1.86 46.95 11.83 35.12 24.33 7.93 16.40 6.94 2.92 4.03 0.1 2.4 0.6 1.8 1.2 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.2 (X) (X) (X) (X) Cumulative summary: Urban area of - 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place.. 500.000 or more In central place Not in central place .. 250,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 100,000 or more In central place Not in central place 50,000 or more In central place Not in central place 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 10,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 5,000 or more In central place Not in central place 2,500 or more In central place Not in central place .. Rural ..... 464 548 72 664 391 884 464 548 72 664 391 884 464 548 72 664 391 884 464 548 72 664 391 884 531 032 104 164 426 868 533 725 104 164 429 561 591 905 125 897 466 008 619 601 138 689 480 912 627 758 144 142 483 616 59.3 9.3 50.0 59.3 9.3 50.0 59.3 9.3 50.0 59.3 9.3 50.0 67.8 13.3 54.5 68.1 13.3 54.8 75.5 16.1 59.5 79.1 17.7 61.4 80.1 18.4 61.7 187 111 32 138 154 973 187 111 32 138 154 973 187 111 32 138 154 973 187 111 32 138 154 973 213 852 45 224 168 628 217 426 45 224 172 202 250 271 55 367 194 904 271 219 61 687 209 532 274 756 64 131 210 625 54.5 9.4 45.2 54.5 9.4 45.2 54.5 9.4 45.2 54.5 9.4 45.2 62.3 13.2 49.2 63.4 13.2 50.2 72.9 16.1 56.8 79.1 18.0 61.1 80.1 18.7 61.4 177.96 10.85 167.11 177.96 10.85 167.11 177.96 10.85 167.11 177.96 10.85 167.11 221.93 24,72 197.21 223.79 24.72 199.07 270.73 36.55 234.19 295.06 44.48 250.59 302.01 47.40 254.61 9.1 0.6 8.6 9.1 0.6 8.6 9.1 0.6 8.6 9.1 0.6 8.6 11.4 1.3 10.1 11.5 1.3 10.2 13.9 1.9 12.0 15.1 2.3 12.8 15.5 2.4 13.0 X XX XX i XX. XX. XX w 88_88_88_88_ X XX=820 880 88-88-88, 88, 8X, XX 88w8Xw XXw XX w 88 88-88-88-83- () () () () () 155 842 19.9 68 316 19.9 1 651.56 84.5 () () () 14 Delaware Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Appendixes Several appendixes traditionally found in printed reports are now available in a separate volume. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print or on the Internet at for the following: Appendix A. Geographic Terms and Concepts Appendix B. Definitions of Subject Characteristics Appendix C. Data Collection and Processing Procedures Appendix D. Questionnaire Appendix E. Data Products and User Assistance Appendix G. Accuracy of the Data Appendix H. Acknowledgments This Appendix section contains: Appendix F. Maps Appendixes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 | Appendix F. Maps Counties 76° 75° PENNSYLVANIA NEW CASTLE LEGEND State MAINE ADAMS County Shoreline NEW JERSEY Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. MARYLAND KENT 39° 39° 1 1 i SUSSEX N 1 0 s 10 15 Kilometers 0 5 10 15 Miles 76° 75° Maps Delaware F-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 County Subdivision Outline Map Legend and County Location Index Map Sections Map Legend Lumbee State Designated American Indian Statistical Area State ERIE County YORK County Subdivision ROME Incorporated Place Zena Census Designated Place Lake Erie Large River, Lake, Water Body, or Shoreline A fishhook joins contiguous and/or discontiguous parts of the same geographic entity Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. Where state, county, and/or county subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for the highest level of these geographic entities. The county boundary is always shown. Where a county subdivision boundary coincides with a place boundary, the map does not show the place boundary symbol. Any geographic entity name may include '(pt.)' if some portion of the entity extends beyond the limits of the map area displayed on the page, or if multiple discontiguous pieces of the entity have been discretely labeled on the page. A geographic entity name may include '(pts.)' if many discontiguous pieces exist for that entity that cannot be discretely labeled. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. 1 COUNTY County Location Index This list presents the reference coordinates for each county on the county subdivision outline map. Map section numbers refer to the county subdivision outline maps only. MAP MAP SEC REF 1 LK-CH 1 LK-CE 1 LL-CJ Kent........ New Castle.......... Sussex...... F-2 Delaware Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 1 LO LP ARDEN D WIL LH LI LJ LK LL LM LN 76° 00' 75° 30' 75° 00' ARDENTOWN PIEDMONT) ARDEN Greenville CROFT Claymont Pike Creek Hockessin BRANDYWINE BELLEFONTE North Star Edgemoor PIKE CREEK-CENTRAL KIRKWOOD- MINGTON GREATER NEWARK WILMINGTON NEWARK LOWER CHRISTIANA NEWPORT Brookside NEW ÇASTLE NEW CASTLE Bear Wilmington Manor Glasgow RED LION CENTRAL DELAWARE KEY PENCADER CITY KENT NEW 1 Highland Acres 2 Kent Acres 39° 3 Dover Base Housing 30' CASTLE 4 Rising Sun-Lebanon 5 Woodside East 'FMIDDLETOWN NEW CASTLE 1 ELSMERE Ella UPPER CHRISTIANA E 39° 30 ODESSA TOWNSEND MIDDLETOWN-ODESSA SMYRNA SMYRNA G CLAYTON KENTON LEIPSIC CHESWOLD KENTON KENT . LITTLE CREEK 14 HARTLY DOVER Rodney Village WYOMING DOVER C H CAMDEN WOODSIDE CENTRAL KENT 1-21 VIOLA MAGNOLIA Riverview BOWERS Delaware Bay 39° 00 39° 00 FREDERICA MILFORD NORTH FELTON FELTON MILFORD С 1 HARRINGTON HARRINGTON HOUSTON SLAUGHTER BEACH FARMINGTON MILFORD SOUTH GREENWOOD ELLE ELLENDALE LEWES MILTON LEWES J BRIDGEVILLE-GREENWOOD BRIDGEVILLE o MILTON REHOBOTH BEACH HENLOPEN ACRES GEORGETOWN SEAFORD SUSSEX DEWEY BEACH GEORGETOWN N SEAFORD Nanticoke Indian Tribe Long BLADES Atlantic Ocean MILLSBORO Neck K LAUREL MILLSBORO MILLVILLE BETHEL LAUREL-DELMAR 38° DAGSBORO T) I OCEAN VIEW FRANKFORD BETHANY BEACH SOUTH BETHANY SELBYVILLE-FRANKFORD FENWICK ISLAND 38° 0 2 4 6 8 10 Kilometers 30' 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 Miles kr DELMAR ZSELBYVILLE, 3 76°00 75° 30' 75° 00' LH LI LJ LK LL LM LN LO LP Delaware F-3 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Metropolitan Areas, Counties, and Central Cities 76° 75° PENNSYLVANIA Wilmington Newark NEW CASTLE PHILADELPHIA- WILMINGTON ATLANTIC CITY (PART) CECIL Wilmington Newark NEW JERSEY DOVER MARYLAND Dover KENT 39° 139° SUSSEX LEGEND N JACKSON Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) PORTLAND-SALEM Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) New York Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) MAINE State ADAMS County Newark Central City State capital underlined Metropolitan area boundaries are those defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget on June 30, 1999, The use of '(PART)' indicates that the geography is either discontiguous, extends beyond the map page, or in the case of central cities, the central city extends beyond the MSA/CMSA bour ary. All other boundaries and namnes are as of January 1, 2000. 76° 0 5 10 15 Kilometers 0 5 10 IS Miles 75° F-4 Delaware Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Urban Areas 76° 75° 74° 40° +40° PHILADELPHIA, PA--NJ--DE--MD PENNSYLVANIA Middletown NEW JERSEY 1 *Smyrna Map Legend STATE County URBANIZED AREA Urban Cluster Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. For an urban cluster that consists of more than one piece, its point symbol is located at the center of its largest piece. DOVER MARYLAND 39° 39° Harrington Milford N Lewes Georgetown Seaford Long Neck Millsboro 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers Ocean View 0 5 10 15 20 Miles SALISBURY, MD--DE Ocean City, MD--DE 76° 75° Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Delaware F-5 U.S. G. P. O. 2003-496-683/60133 PR. Delaware 2000 2000 Lensus of Population and Housing Population and Ilousing Unit Counts 03. 223/s: Oooo PAC-3-lo 0159-C-51 DOCS НА / 201,122 .C455 2003 v.10 Issued June 2003 ct of Columbia: 2000 in and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-10 2000 Census of Population and Housing UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES SEP 23 2003 DEPOSITED BY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA United States US CENSUS BUREAU Helping You Make Informed Decisions U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Census 2000 TH IE 10 UNIVE ) ARIES ICH OF WORDEN District of ColumbiaIssued June 2003 : : 2000 PHC-3-10 Population and Housing Unit Counts 2000 Census of Population and Housing OF DEPARTMENT COMMENCE OF AMERICA U.S. Department of Commerce Donald L. Evans, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, Deputy Secretary Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director HATCH/Das FA 201 ir cult :27 10 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-10, District of Columbia Washington, DC, 2003 ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs OF MOVIE S BUREAU OD COMMERCE CENSUS U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director Hermann Habermann, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer Cynthia Z.F. Clark, Associate Director for Methodology and Standards Marvin D. Raines, Associate Director for Field Operations Arnold A. Jackson, Assistant Director for Decennial Census Vacant, Principal Associate Director and Chief Financial Officer Vacant, Principal Associate Director for Programs Preston Jay Waite, Associate Director for Decennial Census Nancy M. Gordon, Associate Director for Demographic Programs For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet:; Phone: toll-free 1-866-512-1800; DC area 202-512-1800; Fax: 202-512-2250; Mail: Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-0001 ccs 5 Depos - 12/03 CONTENTS List of Statistical Tables. How to Use This Census Report Table Finding Guide. User Notes. .. Statistical Tables (For a detailed list of statistical tables, see page v) -1 11-1 II-1 1 * * * In Timon oo D Appendixes A Geographic Terms and Concepts B Definitions of Subject Characteristics. С Data Collection and Processing Procedures D Questionnaire ... E Data Products and User Assistance . F Maps. G Accuracy of the Data H Acknowledgments. * F-1 * Appendix may be found in the separate volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print and on the Internet at Contents ii LIST OF STATISTICAL TABLES Table no. Title Page 1. 1 2. 2. 3. 3 . 4. 4 5. 5 . . Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000. ... District of Columbia, Urban and Rural Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 . District of Columbia, County Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000. District of Columbia, County Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 District of Columbia, County Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 District of Columbia, County, Place Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 District of Columbia, Place Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000.. District of Columbia, Place (2,500 or More Population) Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000. ... District of Columbia, Size of Place (Population) Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 District of Columbia, Urban and Rural, Size of Urban Area [Population] 6. 6 7. 7 8. 8 9. 10 List of Statistical Tables V | 1 ī How to Use This Census Report CONTENTS Page Introduction 1-1 1-2 How to Find Geographic Areas and Subject Matter Data. How to Use the Statistical Tables 1-2 Graphics 1-5 User Notes .... 1-5 Appendixes 1-5 INTRODUCTION Data from Census 2000 are presented in three printed report series: 1. PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics 2. PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics 3. PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts The data from Census 2000 were derived from a limited number of basic questions asked of the entire population and about every housing unit (referred to as the 100-percent questions, found on the “short form"), and from additional questions asked of a sample of the population and housing units (referred to as the sample questions, found on the "long form"). The PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, report series provides data based on the 100-percent questions. The subjects are age, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relation- ship, race, sex, tenure (owner-or renter-occupied), and vacancy characteristics. Land area mea- surements and population density also are provided. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-1 series. The PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, report series provides sample data based on both the 100-percent and the sample questions. Sample subjects include place of birth; residence in 1995; language; educational attainment and school enrollment; vet- eran status; disability status; employment status; journey to work; work status, earnings, income, and poverty status in 1999; physical housing characteristics; units in structure; fuel and equip- ment characteristics; owner and renter household characteristics, such as year owner moved into unit; home value; contract and gross rent; and mortgage and rental cost characteristics. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-5 series. The PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series provides Census 2000 and histori- cal comparisons of the 100-percent population and housing unit counts. It provides land and water area measurements, and population density. The user notes section documents geographic changes over the past decade. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-2 series. In each series, there is one report for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, plus a United States summary report. Many tables in the United States summary reports include data for Puerto Rico. How to Use This Census Report H-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 HOW TO FIND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS AND SUBJECT MATTER DATA Figure 1-1. Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Population Housing units Area measurement Average per square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number area tion units of places THE STATE Total 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7.7a,8,9 7,7a 7,7a,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1.9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1.9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6 7.7a 1 1 1 9 1,8 1.8 1 8 8 1 1 - 1 This report includes a table finding guide to assist the user in locating those sta- tistical tables that contain the desired data. The table finding guide lists alpha- betically, by geographic area, the subjects shown in this report. To determine which tables in this report show data for a particular topic, find the subject in the lefthand column of the table finding guide and then look across the col- umns using the headings at the top for the desired type of geographic area. Figure 1-1 is an example of a table finding guide. The table finding guide does not include cross- classifications of subject- matter items. Additional information to locate data within specific reports is provided in the headnote at the top of the table find- ing guide and in the foot- notes at the bottom of the guide. Urban and rural Current urban definition .. 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place.. In urbanized area and in urban cluster Size of urbanized area and urban cluster In place and not in place 4,9 1 9 1 - 1 9 9 4,8 COUNTY Total.. Urban and rural 2,4,5 2,3,5 2,5 5 3 3,5 3,5 3 2.3,4,5 4 3,5 COUNTY SUBDIVISION 5 5 6 5 6 By county Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 1 oa a Ioan 6 7a 7a 7a 7a PLACE 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 7 By county and county subdivision 5 5 5 5 5 Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts 6 6 By 2000 rank 7 State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough. or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. 'County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. HOW TO USE THE STATISTICAL TABLES Parts of a Statistical Table The census data included in printed reports are arranged in tables. Each table includes four major parts: (1) heading, (2) boxhead, (3) stub, and (4) data field. A typical census report table is illus- trated in Figure 1-2. The heading consists of the table number, title, and headnote. The table number indicates the position of the table within the report, while the title is a brief statement indicating the subjects and time reference of the data presented in the table. The headnote is enclosed in brackets and is located under the title. It contains statements that qualify, explain, or provide information pertain- ing to the entire table. The boxhead is under the heading. This portion of the table, which contains the individual column heads or captions, describes the data in each vertical column. In the boxhead of many tables, a spanner appears across and above two or more column heads or across two or more lower span- ners. The purpose of a spanner is to classify or qualify items below it or separate the table into identifiable blocks in terms of major aspects of the data. 1-2 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Figure 1-2. The stub is located at O PARTS OF A STATISTICAL TABLE the left edge of the table. It includes a list- ing of line or row cap- Table number and title Headnote Column head Spanner tions or descriptions. Heading Tatko e. Population for Selected Categories of Race: 2000 At the top of the stub is the stubhead. The stub- Stubhead Boxhead head is considered to be an extension of the table title and usually shows generic geo- graphic area designa- tions and restrictions. In the stub, several fea- tures are used to help Data Stub the user better under- field stand the contents of the table. Usually, a block of data lines is preceded by a side- head. The sidehead, similar to a spanner, describes and classifies the stub entries follow- Sidehead ing it. The use of inden- tation in a stub indi- cates the relationship of one data line to Summary Population and Housing Characteristics another. Indented data ! | 1 lines represent sub- Page number Report title and state name categories that, in most instances, sum to a total. Occasionally in tables, it is desirable to show one or more single-line subcategories that do not sum to the total. s. Be Exaaye. tetrix.i sasklaixy, syriskos.au3 yrsinar 19*TERARRA ****12*8på y2°****** ******** ****************'"98*** D.:10. Lova 1. o.z... Bur.irra.. 23.Butuels 1.sels... 949...ta ! ********************************************* ********** ***** ... since the data ligula mortis mastiti viiniti ili! ERAS BARONE Dussels diesitiets ab. 198,2220 1919xılmia R89*8*3gg09 EUR299328* SUNSHIga sa 30*363***! *480****** *****LERAZ BARRA U sri. 4.taostur á...e.t. Etsessis ... sti... 13 282&passey eset2E** $111111251 341!" Il r*** RA331088*$90** Now *** SIRDS ܘ ܘܪ@o: 16 Alabama US . . . . The data field is that part of the statistical table that contains the data. It extends from the bottom of the boxhead to the bottom of the table and from the right of the stub to the right edge of the page. Both geographic and subject matter terms appear in tables. It is important to read the definitions of the terms used in the tables because census terms often are defined in special ways that reflect the manner in which the questions were asked and the data were tabulated. Definitions of geo- graphic terms are provided in PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, Appendix A. Census tables often include derived measures such as medians, means, percentages, and ratios. These and other subject matter terms are defined in Appendix B of the same report. Symbols and Geographic Abbreviations The following symbols are used in the tables and explanations of subjects covered in Census 2000 reports: • A dash “.” represents zero or a derived measure that rounds to less than 0.1. (X) means not applicable. In the 1990 and earlier decennial census reports, three dots meant not applicable. · (NA) means not available. How to Use This Census Report 1-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 9 • The superscript prefix"r" indicates that the count has been revised since the publication of the 1990 census reports, or that the area was erroneously omitted or not shown in the correct geo- graphic relationship in the 1990 census reports. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • A dagger “+” next to the name of a geographic area indicates that there has been a geographic change (for example, an annexation or detachment, a new incorporation, or a name change) since the information was published for the 1990 census for that area. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. The geo- graphic change information for the entities in a state is shown in the “User Notes" section of the Census 2000 PHC-3 report for that state. • A plus sign "+" is appended to the lower bound of the highest interval when the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A minus sign “-” is appended to the upper bound of the lowest interval when the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution. For more information on medians, see the section on “Derived Measures" in Appendix B. • A minus sign preceding a figure denotes decrease. The minus sign appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (U) means the place or place part is composed entirely of urban land area. The (U) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (R) means the place or place part is composed entirely of rural land area. The (R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (U/R) means the place or place part is composed of both urban land area and rural land area. The (U/R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. 1 9 The following geographic abbreviations and terms may be used in the tables in this report: • A "(part)" next to the name of a geographic area in a hierarchical presentation indicates that the geographic entity is located only partially in the superior geographic entity. For example, a “(part)" next to a place name in a county subdivision-place hierarchy indicates that the place is located in more than one county subdivision. (Places also may be “split” by county, congres- sional district, urban/rural, metropolitan area, voting district, and other geographic boundaries, depending on the presentation.) Other geographic entities also can be “split" by a higher level entity. The exception is a tabulation block, which is unique within all geographic entities in census products. • ANVSA is Alaska Native village statistical area. • ANRC is Alaska Native Regional Corporation. • CCD is census county division. • CDP is census designated place. · CMSA is consolidated metropolitan statistical area. • MA is metropolitan area. • MSA is metropolitan statistical area. • OTSA is Oklahoma tribal statistical area. · PMSA is primary metropolitan statistical area. · SDAISA is state designated American Indian statistical area. • TDSA is tribal designated statistical area. • UT is unorganized territory. 1-4 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 GRAPHICS Charts, statistical maps, and other graphic summaries are included in some Census 2000 reports. USER NOTES User notes include corrections, errata, and related explanatory information. This section appears directly before the statistical tables in census reports. It presents information about unique char- acteristics of the report and changes or corrections made too late to be reflected in the text or tables themselves. However, sometimes this information becomes available too late to be reflected even in the user notes. Census 2000 user updates are available on the Census Bureau's Internet site at To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Services Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at APPENDIXES Appendixes A through E, G, and H, described below, are found in the separate printed volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, or on the Internet at Appendix F is included in this report. Appendix A, Geographic Terms and Concepts. Provides definitions of the types of geo- graphic areas and related information used in census products. Appendix B, Definitions of Subject Characteristics. Contains definitions for the subject- matter terms used in census products, including explanations of derived measures, limitations of the data, and comparability with previous censuses. The subjects are listed alphabetically. Popula- tion characteristics are defined first, followed by the definitions of the housing subjects. Appendix C, Data Collection and Processing Procedures. Explains the enumeration and residence rules used in counting the population and housing units in the United States and Puerto Rico. It also describes the major components of the operational plan for Census 2000, and includes a glossary of terms. Presents a facsimile of the Census 2000 question- Appendix D, Questionnaire Facsimile. naire used to collect the data in this report. Appendix E, Data Products and User Assistance. Summarizes the Census 2000 data prod- ucts by describing the information available in printed reports and through electronic media such as CD-ROM, DVD, and the Internet. It also describes Census 2000 maps and other geographic products, reference materials, and sources of assistance. Appendix F, Maps. Contains maps depicting the geographic areas shown in this report. Appendix G, Accuracy of the Data. Provides information on confidentiality of the data, impu- tation of housing unit status and population counts, sources of errors in the data, and editing of unacceptable data. Appendix H, Acknowledgments. Lists many of the U.S. Census Bureau staff who participated in the various activities of Census 2000. How to Use This Census Report 1-5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 1 1 . 1 . Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Average per Population Area measurement Housing units square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number area tion units of places THE STATE' Total ..... 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,7a,8,9 7,7a 7,72,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6, 7,7a 1 1 1 - 9 9 1,8 1,8 1,4 - - - 1 8 - - - - - 8 Urban and rural .... Current urban definition .. 1950-90 urban definition . Urban and rural by size of place... In urbanized area and in urban cluster Size of urbanized area and urban cluster ...... In place and not in place . 4,9 - 9 - - 9 1 - - - 9 9 1 9 4,8 - - - - - 1 COUNTY2 Total ..... 2,3,5 2,5 5 3,5 3,5 3,5 2,3,4,5 4 2,4,5 4 Urban and rural 1 - COUNTY SUBDIVISION 5 5 6 5 6 By county Alphabetically by state .. By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank 5 6 6 7a ܗ ܗ ܗ ܤ 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 ܕ ܗ ܗ | 5 6 6 5 6 6 ܗ ܗ ܗ | za 7a 7a PLACE By county and county subdivision Alphabetically by state ... By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 5 6 O O 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 7 'State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. 3 County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. Table Finding Guide 11-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 User Notes Additional information concerning this Census 2000 product may become available after this report is published. This information, called Notes and Errata, is available in portable document format (PDF) on the U.S. Census Bureau's Internet site at 2000.html. To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Service Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at GENERAL NOTES User Note 1 The user should be aware that there are limitations to many of these data. Please refer to the text provided with this report for further explanation of the limitations of the data. The population and other data shown for Census 2000 in this report is as of April 1, 2000; the boundaries used for all geographic entities are as of January 1, 2000. All boundaries are intended for Census Bureau sta- tistical data collection and presentation only; their depiction and designation for statistical pur- poses do not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or entitlement. Corrections to the Census 2000 data as a result of certified Count Question Review changes are available from the Census Bureau's Internet site at: HISTORICAL NOTES The area of the District of Columbia was part of the original territory of the United States. The Dis- trict of Columbia was formed from territory ceded by Maryland and Virginia in 1788, and was established in accordance with Acts of Congress passed in 1790 and 1791. Its boundary, a square ten miles on a side with vertices at the cardinal points to resemble a diamond, was established on March 30, 1791, and included all of the territory within present-day Arlington County, Virginia, and part of Alexandria city, Virginia. The portion south of the Potomac River was retroceded to Vir- ginia in 1846. Census data for the District of Columbia are available beginning with the 1800 census. The popu- lation shown for the District of Columbia from 1800 to 1840 does not include the portion of Vir- ginia legally included in the district at the time of those censuses. The population of the District of Columbia as legally existent in those censuses is: 43,712 in 1840; 39,834 in 1830; 33,039 in 1820; 24,023 in 1810; and 14,093 in 1800. Congress abolished the original county (Washington County) and incorporated places (Georgetown and Washington cities) in the District of Columbia in 1871, but later reestablished the city of Washington. The Census Bureau continued to recognize the boundaries of the previously existing areas for the 1880 and 1890 censuses. Congress has treated the District of Columbia as coextensive with Washington city since 1895. GEOGRAPHIC NOTES The Census Bureau treats the District of Columbia as equivalent to a state for data presentation purposes. Because the District of Columbia is not subdivided into any county or county subdivi- sion entities, the Census Bureau treats the entire District of Columbia as statistically equivalent to a county and Washington city as statistically equivalent to a county subdivision. It treats Washing- ton city as a legally incorporated place geographically coextensive with the District of Columbia. User Notes 111-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 ef 1 2 . Table 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) District of Columbia Urban Rural Percent of total District of Columbia Urban and Rural Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Number of places of 2,500 or more Total number Number Percent Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Urban Rural POPULATION Current urban definition: । 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 572 059 606 900 -34 841 (X) -5.7 (X) 1 1 572 059 606 900 -34 841 (X) -5.7 (X) (x7 X (X) 100.0 100.0 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 Apr. 1) 1960 Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 606 900 638 432 756 668 763 956 802 178 -31 532 -118 236 -7 288 -38 222 (X) 4.9 -15.6 -1.0 -4.8 (X) 1 1 1 606 900 638 333 756 510 763 956 802 178 -31 433 -118 177 -7 446 -38 222 (X) -4.9 - 15.6 -1.0 -4.8 (X) !!!' יורו 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 (X) Pre-1950 urban definition: 1 1 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 Apr. 1) 1940 Apr. 1) 1930 Apr. 1) 1920 (Jan. 1) 763 956 802 178 663 091 486 869 437 571 -38 222 139 087 176 222 49 298 106 502 4.8 21.0 36.2 11.3 32.2 763 956 802 178 663 091 486 869 437 571 -38 222 139 087 176 222 49 298 106 502 -4.8 21.0 36.2 11.3 32.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 - 1910 (Apr. 15) 1900 (June 1) 1890 (June 1) 1880 (June 1) 1870 (June 1) 331 069 278 718 230 392 177 624 131 700 52 351 48 326 52 768 45 924 56 620 18.8 21.0 29.7 34.9 75.4 1 1 1 2 2 NN- 331 069 278 718 230 392 159 871 120 583 52 351 48 326 70 521 39 288 50 728 18.8 21.0 44.1 32.6 72.6 -17,753 6 636 5 892 17 753 11 117 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 91.6 -100.0 59.7 112.8 TO 10.0 8.4 1860 (June 1) 1850 (June 1) 1840 (June 1) 1830 (June 1) 1820 (Aug. 7) 1810 Aug. 6) 1800 (Aug. 4) 75 080 51 687 33 745 30 261 23 336 15 471 8 144 23 393 17 942 3 484 6 925 7 865 7 327 (X) 45.3 53.2 11.5 29.7 50.8 90.0 (X) 69 855 48 367 30 676 27 267 20 607 13 156 6 203 21 488 17 691 3 409 6 660 7 451 6 953 (X) 44.4 57.7 12.5 32.3 56.6 112.1 (X) 5 225 3 320 3 069 2 994 2 729 2 315 1 941 1 905 251 75 265 414 374 (X) 57.4 8.2 2.5 9.7 17.9 19.3 (X) 93.0 93.6 90.9 90.1 88.3 85.0 76.2 7.0 6.4 9.1 9.9 11.7 15.0 23.8 HOUSING UNITS Current urban definition: X ] 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 274 845 278 489 -3 644 (X) -1.3 (X) XX 274 845 278 489 -3 644 (X) -1.3 (X) (X] 100.0 100.0 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 278 489 277 249 278 327 262 641 229 738 1 240 -1 078 15 686 32 903 (X) 0.4 -0.4 6.0 14.3 (X) XXXX% 278 489 276 984 278 444 262 641 229 738 1 505 -1 460 15 803 32 903 (X) 0.5 -0.5 6.0 14.3 (X) יוון 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts District of Columbia 1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units District of Columbia County 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 District of Columbia 572 059 606 900 638 432 756 688 763 956 274 845 278 489 277 249 278 327 282 641 COUNTY District of Columbia..... 572 059 606 900 638 432 756 668 763 956 274 845 278 489 277 249 278 327 262 641 2 District of Columbia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Average per square mile Percent change District of Columbia Population Housing units County Housing Land area in Housing 1990 to 1980 to 1970 to 1990 to 1980 to Population units square miles Population units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1970 to 1980 District of Columbia 572 059 274 845 61.40 9 316.4 4 476.1 -5.7 -4.9 -15.6 -1.3 0.4 -0.4 COUNTY District of Columbia .... 572 059 274 845 61.40 9 316.4 4 476.1 -5.7 -4.9 -15.6 -1.3 0.4 -0.4 Population and Housing Unit Counts District of Columbia 3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 4. Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 1990 Urban Rural Percent of total population District of Columbia County Urban Total population In urbanized area In urban cluster In place Total Current urban definition Not in place Total 1950-90 urban definition Total population Urban Rural District of Columbia .... 572 059 572 059 572 059 - 100.0 1 - 606 900 606 900 606 900 COUNTY District of Columbia .. 572 059 572 059 572 059 - 100.0 606 900 606 900 606 900 1 1 4 District of Columbia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile District of Columbia County Place Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population District of Columbia 572 059 606 900 638 432 274 845 278 489 277 249 68.34 61.40 9 316.4 4 476.1 District of Columbia Washington city 572 059 572 059 606 900 606 900 638 432 638 432 274 845 274 845 278 489 278 489 277 249 277 249 68.34 68.34 61.40 61.40 9 316.4 9 316.4 4 476.1 4 476.1 Population and Housing Unit Counts District of Columbia 5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population 2000 area measurements 2000 average per Housing units District of Columbia 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place (U) or rural (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units area District of Columbia (U/R) 572 059 606 900 638 432 274 845 278 489 277 249 68.34 61.40 9 316.4 4 476.1 (U/R) Washington city, District of Columbia Urban part Rural part.. 572 059 572 059 606 900 (X) 638 432 (X) (X) 274 845 274 845 278 489 (X) (X) 277 249 (X) (X) 68.34 61.39 6.95 61.40 61.25 0.15 9 316.4 9 339.0 4 476.1 4 486.9 6 District of Columbia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units District of Columbia Place (2,500 or More Population] 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 District of Columbia (X) 572 059 606 900 (X) 274 845 278 489 Washington city 1 572 059 606 900 1 274 845 278 489 Population and Housing Unit Counts District of Columbia 7 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000 (Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Total In place Urban District of Columbia Size of Place (Population) All urban places (entirely or partly urban) Entirely urban places Partly urban places Number Percent of of total places population Number of places Number of places Number of places Not in place Population Total Population Population Population District of Columbia 572 059 1 100.0 572 059 1 ! 1 572 059 572 059 572 059 In place 572 059 1 100.0 572 059 1 - 572 059 1 (X) 572 059 1 100.0 572 059 572 059 572 059 Place of 1,000,000 or more 500,000 to 999,999. 250,000 to 499,999 100.000 to 249,999. 50,000 to 99,999 II () 25,000 to 49,999 10.000 to 24.999 5,000 to 9,999 2.500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 XXXXXXXXXX XXXxX 1,500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 Cumulative summary: Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500.000 or more 250.000 or more 100.000 or more 50,000 or more 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 1 1 1 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 1 1 1 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 1 1 1 1 25,000 or more 10,000 or more 5,000 or more 2.500 or more 2,000 or more 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 1 1 1 1 1 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 88888 8888 1 1 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more Not in place 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 1 1 1 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 1 1 1 1 I!!! 572 059 572 059 572 059 572 059 (X) 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 8 District of Columbia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000-Con. (Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Rural In place All rural places (entirely or partly rural) Entirely rural places Partly rural places District of Columbia Size of Place [Population) Number of places Number of places Number of places Total Population Population Population Not in place 1 1 District of Columbia - 1 1 (X) In place 1 1 Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500,000 to 999,999 250,000 to 499,999 100.000 to 249,999 50,000 to 99,999 () () XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX 25,000 to 49,999 10,000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 () 1,500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 Cumulative summary: () () 1 1 1 1 Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500,000 or more 250,000 or more 100.000 or more 50,000 or more () () 1 1 () 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 XXXX XXXXX XXXXX 25,000 or more 10,000 or more 5.000 or more 2,500 or more 2,000 or more () 1 1 () I!!! 1 1 1 1 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more () () 1 (X) (X) (X) (x ) X (X) (X) Not in place Population and Housing Unit Counts District of Columbia 9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 9. Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 [Areas classified by population size. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] District of Columbia Population Housing units Land area Number of urban areas Urban and Rural Size of Urban Area Entirely Partly [Population) Total Percent distribution Total Percent distribution In square miles Percent distribution Total in state in state District of Columbia .. 572 059 100.0 274 845 100.0 61.40 100.0 1 - 1 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 IIIOO TOO 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 COCO Urban ... In central place Not in central place. In urbanized area In central place Not in central place. 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place 500,000 to 999,999. In central place Not in central place. 250,000 to 499,999. In central place Not in central place. 100,000 to 249,999... In central place Not in central place 50,000 to 99,999. In central place Not in central place. In urban cluster. In central place Not in central place. 25,000 or more in central place Not in central place 10,000 to 24,999. In central place Not in central place 5,000 to 9,999 .. in central place Not in central place. 2,500 to 4,999. In central place Not in central place. Cumulative summary: Urban area of - 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place 500,000 or more In central place Not in central place 250,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 100,000 or more In central place Not in central place 50,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place 10,000 or more in central place Not in central place. 5,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 2,500 or more In central place Not in central place. Rural .... 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88.88. 88. 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 83-88 88 דרדווד 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 & 82. XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX. '88'88'88'88'88'88'88'88'88 8 8 88-88-88-88-88-88-88-88-88- 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 572 059 572 059 100.0 100.0 274 845 274 845 100.0 100.0 61.25 61.25 99.8 99.8 - - 0.2 (X) (X) (X) 10 District of Columbia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Appendixes Several appendixes traditionally found in printed reports are now available in a separate volume. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print or on the Internet at for the following: Appendix A. Geographic Terms and Concepts Appendix B. Definitions of Subject Characteristics Appendix C. Data Collection and Processing Procedures Appendix D. Questionnaire Appendix E. Data Products and User Assistance Appendix G. Accuracy of the Data Appendix H. Acknowledgments This Appendix section contains: Appendix F. Maps Appendixes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Appendix F. Maps District of Columbia 77° LEGEND MAINE State ADAMS County or Equivalent Area Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. 39° 39° MARYLAND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIRGINIA N 0 .S 1 1.5 2 Kilometers 0 5 1 1.5 2 Miles 77° District of Columbia F-1 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 District of Columbia Outline Map Legend Map Sections 1 Map Legend State or Statistically Equivalent Entity ERIE County or Statistically Equivalent Entity ROME Incorporated Place' Lake Erie Large River, Lake, Water Body, or Shoreline A fishhook joins contiguous and/or discontiguous parts of the same geographic entity * The District of Columbia is statistically equivalent to a state and also treated as statistically equivalent to a county. Washington city is not divided into any subdivisions and thus serves as the statistical equivalent of a legal county subdivision. The boundaries and name for the county subdivision are the same as the city and not shown on the map. Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. Where state, county, and/or county subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for the highest level of these geographic entities. The county boundary is always shown. Where a county subdivision boundary coincides with a place boundary, the map does not show the place boundary symbol. Any geographic entity name may include '(pt.)' if some portion of the entity extends beyond the limits of the map area displayed on the page, or if multiple discontiguous pieces of the entity have been discretely labeled on the page. A geographic entity name may include (pts.)' if many discontiguous pieces exist for that entity that cannot be discretely labeled. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. F-2 District of Columbia Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 District of Columbia - Section 1 LB LC 77° 000 39° 00' 39° 009 I DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON Anacostia River Potomac River N С J 0 800 1600 2400 Meters 0 2000 40 600) 8000 Feet 77 00 LB LC District of Columbia F-3 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Metropolitan Area, District of Columbia, Counties, Independent Cities, and Central Cities 78° 77° PENNSYLVANIA WEST VIRGINIA FREDERICK BERKELEY Frederick Washington JEFFERSON WASHINGTON- BALTIMORE (PART) MONTGOMERY CLARKE LOUDOUN 39° DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 39° Washington WARREN ARLINGTON FALLS CHURCH Arlington FAIRFAX* PRINCE GEORGE'S MANASSAS FAIRFAX ALEXANDRIA FAUQUIER MANASSAS PARK PRINCE WILLIAM CHARLES CALVERT CULPEPER STAFFORD Fredericksburg MARYLAND FREDERICKSBURG KING GEORGE LU SPOTSYLVANIA VIRGINIA 38° +38° LEGEND N PORTLAND-SALEM Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) M New York Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) MAINE State or Equivalent Area ADAMS County or Equivalent Area BALTIMORE* Independent City Newark Central City Metropolitan area boundaries are those defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget on June 30, 1999. The use of '(PART)' indicates that the geography is either discontiguous, extends beyond the map page, or in the case of central cities, the central city extends beyond the MSA/CMSA boundary. All other boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. 78° 0 S 10 15 Kilometers 0 5 10 15 Miles 77° F-4 District of Columbia Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Urban Areas 77° Z 0 4 6 8 Kilometers 0 2 4 6 8 Miles 39° 39° VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC--VA--MD MARYLAND Map Legend STATE OR EQUIVALENT AREA County URBANIZED AREA Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. For an urban cluster that consists of more than one piece, its point symbol is located at the center of its largest piece. 77° Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 District of Columbia F-5 U.S. G. P. O. 2003-496-683/60130 -- 1 . . 1 PHÚ 310 2000 Census of Population and Housing District of Columbia: 2000 Population and Housing Unit Counts USCENSUS BUREAU C3. 223/5: 200O PH - 3-1 /Ry 0159-6-0 Issued October 2003 Florida: 2000 Population and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-11 (RV) 2000 Census of Population and Housing DOCS HA 201.122 .C455 2003 v/11b UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES JAN 2 6 2004 DEPOSITED BY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U SCEN SUS BUREAU Helping You Make Informed Decisions U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU United States Census Innn UUUUU ERSITY UNIVE OF NO THE N li BRARIES Florida: 2000 Issued October 2003 PHC-3-1 (RV) Population and Housing Unit Counts 2000 Census of Population and Housing This OF DEPARTAMENTO dan STATES OF AMERICA U.S. Department of Commerce Donald L. Evans, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, Deputy Secretary Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director HATCH/Doels MA 201172 (485 2063 心 ​SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-1 | (RV), Florida Washington, DC, 2003 IH ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION 1 Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs 1 DEPARTMENT BUREAU OS CENSUS U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director Hermann Habermann, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer Vacant, Principal Associate Director and Chief Financial Officer Vacant, Principal Associate Director for Programs Preston Jay Waite, Associate Director for Decennial Census Nancy M. Gordon, Associate Director for Demographic Programs Cynthia Z.F. Clark, Associate Director for Methodology and Standards Marvin D. Raines, Associate Director for Field Operations Arnold A. Jackson, Assistant Director for Decennial Census For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet:; Phone: toll-free 1-866-512-1800; DC area 202-512-1800; Fax: 202-512-2250; Mail: Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-0001 Duo ISDERIS 219104 CONTENTS List of Statistical Tables. How to Use This Census Report Table Finding Guide. User Notes. .. Statistical Tables (For a detailed list of statistical tables, see page v) 1-1 11-1 III-1 1 * * IO nomon Appendixes А. Geographic Terms and Concepts B Definitions of Subject Characteristics. С Data Collection and Processing Procedures D Questionnaire ... E Data Products and User Assistance . F Maps . . G Accuracy of the Data H Acknowledgments. F-1 * * Appendix may be found in the separate volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print and on the Internet at Contents ji LIST OF STATISTICAL TABLES Table no. Title Page 1. 1 2. N 3. 3 1 4. 4 5. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 State, Urban and Rural Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 . State, County Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000. . State, County Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 . State, County Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 State, County, County Subdivision, Place Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 State, Place and (in Selected States] County Subdivision Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000. State, Place (2,500 or More Population) Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000 Štate, Size of Place [Population] Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 State, Urban and Rural, Size of Urban Area [Population] 5 6. 22 7. 48 8. 56 9. 58 1 List of Statistical Tables V 1 1 How to Use This Census Report CONTENTS Page Introduction 1-2 How to Find Geographic Areas and Subject Matter Data. How to Use the Statistical Tables 1-2 I Î Ï Ï Ï Î Graphics User Notes ... Appendixes... INTRODUCTION Data from Census 2000 are presented in three printed report series: 1. PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics 2. PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics 3. PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts The data from Census 2000 were derived from a limited number of basic questions asked of the entire population and about every housing unit (referred to as the 100-percent questions, found on the "short form”), and from additional questions asked of a sample of the population and housing units (referred to as the sample questions, found on the "long form"). 9 The PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, report series provides data based on the 100-percent questions. The subjects are age, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relation- ship, race, sex, tenure (owner- or renter-occupied), and vacancy characteristics. Land area mea- surements and population density also are provided. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-1 series. The PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, report series provides sample data based on both the 100-percent and the sample questions. Sample subjects include place of birth; residence in 1995; language; educational attainment and school enrollment; vet- eran status; disability status; employment status; journey to work; work status, earnings, income, and poverty status in 1999; physical housing characteristics; units in structure; fuel and equip- ment characteristics; owner and renter household characteristics, such as year owner moved into unit; home value; contract and gross rent; and mortgage and rental cost characteristics. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-5 series. The PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series provides Census 2000 and histori- cal comparisons of the 100-percent population and housing unit counts. It provides land and water area measurements, and population density. The user notes section documents geographic changes over the past decade. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-2 series. In each series, there is one report for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, plus a United States summary report. Many tables in the United States summary reports include data for Puerto Rico. How to Use This Census Report 1-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 HOW TO FIND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS AND SUBJECT MATTER DATA Figure 1-1. Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Average per Population Area measurement Housing units square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula-Housing Number area tion units of places THE STATE Total 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6. 7,7,8,9 7,7a 7,7a,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6, 7,7a 1 1 1 o o 1,9 9 1,8 1,8 1 1,4 8 8 1 1 1 1 This report includes a table finding guide to assist the user in locating those sta- tistical tables that contain the desired data. The table finding guide lists alpha- betically, by geographic area, the subjects shown in this report. To determine which tables in this report show data for a particular topic, find the subject in the lefthand column of the table finding guide and then look across the col- umns using the headings at the top for the desired type of geographic area. Figure 1-1 is an example of a table finding guide. The table finding guide does not include cross- classifications of subject- matter items. Additional information to locate data within specific reports is provided in the headnote at the top of the table find- ing guide and in the foot- notes at the bottom of the guide. Urban and rural Current urban definition 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place. In urbanized area and in urban cluster Size of urbanized area and urban cluster In place and not in place 4,9 9 - - 9 - 1 I 9 4,8 COUNTY 2,5 2,3,5 5 3,5 3,5 3,5 Total Urban and rural 2,3,4,5 4 2,4,5 4 . 1 COUNTY SUBDIVISION 5 5 5 5 5 By county Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 5 6 6 7a | 9 | 6 6 7a 7а 7a PLACE By county and county subdivision Alphabetically by state. By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank. 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 'State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska, and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties, the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. HOW TO USE THE STATISTICAL TABLES Parts of a Statistical Table The census data included in printed reports are arranged in tables. Each table includes four major parts: (1) heading, (2) boxhead, (3) stub, and (4) data field. A typical census report table is illus- trated in Figure 1-2. The heading consists of the table number, title, and headnote. The table number indicates the position of the table within the report, while the title is a brief statement indicating the subjects and time reference of the data presented in the table. The headnote is enclosed in brackets and is located under the title. It contains statements that qualify, explain, or provide information pertain- ing to the entire table. The boxhead is under the heading. This portion of the table, which contains the individual column heads or captions, describes the data in each vertical column. In the boxhead of many tables, a spanner appears across and above two or more column heads or across two or more lower span- ners. The purpose of a spanner is to classify or qualify items below it or separate the table into identifiable blocks in terms of major aspects of the data. 1-2 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Figure 1-2. The stub is located at County neca Selected Candy th COUNTY BA' Co .8.-11... yes!, s.: ill OC ..tal; bainassol kelinadech deindeiro. cuziobode stof ili!! U! F**F****** *****}**** ******** ***!!!"*31 ?********* ********** ****** PARTS OF A STATISTICAL TABLE the left edge of the table. It includes a list- ing of line or row cap- Table number and title Headnote Column head 1 Spanner tions or descriptions. Heading Tabio e Population for Selected Categories of Race: 2000 At the top of the stub is the stubhead. The stub- Stubhead Boxhead head is considered to be an extension of the table title and usually shows generic geo- graphic area designa- tions and restrictions. In the stub, several fea- tures are used to help Stub Data the user better under- field stand the contents of the table. Usually, a block of data lines is preceded by a side- head. The sidehead, similar to a spanner, describes and classifies the stub entries follow- Sidehead - ing it. The use of inden- tation in a stub indi- cates the relationship of one data line to another. Indented data 1 lines represent sub- Page number Report title and state name categories that, in most instances, sum to a total. Occasionally in tables, it is desirable to show one or more single-line subcategories that do not sum to the total. SASSURE M PLAFO****?! 499525*** BES2838*43 "****"TUR **?!**$$#!$********* ****** 982=1==37** ************************ *****41***922 *** 1? 11 28383*****? ********** 1845#9gasa b***$$***! *****!** P**F*IER I Barana **:*ar*** ***** ************************** 2*11*Z*agar 1.agis fuiteresi i linical till intesa 1! 121689 v.19exts bastaziatiu PC Com RACE 13813. 18 16 Alabama Summary Population and Housing Characteristics Utane Cade The data field is that part of the statistical table that contains the data. It extends from the bottom of the boxhead to the bottom of the table and from the right of the stub to the right edge of the page. Both geographic and subject matter terms appear in tables. It is important to read the definitions of the terms used in the tables because census terms often are defined in special ways that reflect the manner in which the questions were asked and the data were tabulated. Definitions of geo- graphic terms are provided in PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, Appendix A. Census tables often include derived measures such as medians, means, percentages, and ratios. These and other subject-matter terms are defined in Appendix B of the same report. Symbols and Geographic Abbreviations The following symbols are used in the tables and explanations of subjects covered in Census 2000 reports: • A dash“." represents zero or a derived measure that rounds to less than 0.1. • (X) means not applicable. In the 1990 and earlier decennial census reports, three dots meant not applicable. (NA) means not available. How to Use This Census Report 1-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 • The superscript prefix "r" indicates that the count has been revised since the publication of the 1990 census reports, or that the area was erroneously omitted or not shown in the correct geo- graphic relationship in the 1990 census reports. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • A dagger "t" next to the name of a geographic area indicates that there has been a geographic change (for example, an annexation or detachment, a new incorporation, or a name change) since the information was published for the 1990 census for that area. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. The geo- graphic change information for the entities in a state is shown in the "User Notes” section of the Census 2000 PHC-3 report for that state. • A plus sign "+" is appended to the lower bound of the highest interval when the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A minus sign "." is appended to the upper bound of the lowest interval when the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution. For more information on medians, see the section on “Derived Measures" in Appendix B. . A minus sign “-” preceding a figure denotes decrease. The minus sign appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (U) means the place or place part is composed entirely of urban land area. The (U) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (R) means the place or place part is composed entirely of rural land area. The (R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. (U/R) means the place or place part is composed of both urban land area and rural land area. The (U/R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. a The following geographic abbreviations and terms may be used in the tables in this report: • A “(part)" next to the name of a geographic area in a hierarchical presentation indicates that the geographic entity is located only partially in the superior geographic entity. For example, a "(part)" next to a place name in a county subdivision-place hierarchy indicates that the place is located in more than one county subdivision. (Places also may be “split" by county, congres- sional district, urban/rural, metropolitan area, voting district, and other geographic boundaries, depending on the presentation.) Other geographic entities also can be "split" by a higher level entity. The exception is a tabulation block, which is unique within all geographic entities in census products. • ANVSA is Alaska Native village statistical area. • ANRC is Alaska Native Regional Corporation. • CCD is census county division. • CDP is census designated place. • CMSA is consolidated metropolitan statistical area. • MA is metropolitan area. • MSA is metropolitan statistical area. • OTSA is Oklahoma tribal statistical area. . PMSA is primary metropolitan statistical area. • SDAISA is state designated American Indian statistical area. • TDSA is tribal designated statistical area. • UT is unorganized territory. |--4 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 GRAPHICS Charts, statistical maps, and other graphic summaries are included in some Census 2000 reports. USER NOTES User notes include corrections, errata, and related explanatory information. This section appears directly before the statistical tables in census reports. It presents information about unique char- acteristics of the report and changes or corrections made too late to be reflected in the text or tables themselves. However, sometimes this information becomes available too late to be reflected even in the user notes. Census 2000 user updates are available on the Census Bureau's Internet site at To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Services Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at APPENDIXES Appendixes A through E, G, and H, described below, are found in the separate printed volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, or on the Internet at Appendix F is included in this report. Appendix A, Geographic Terms and Concepts. Provides definitions of the types of geo- graphic areas and related information used in census products. Appendix B, Definitions of Subject Characteristics. Contains definitions for the subject- matter terms used in census products, including explanations of derived measures, limitations of the data, and comparability with previous censuses. The subjects are listed alphabetically. Popula- tion characteristics are defined first, followed by the definitions of the housing subjects. Appendix C, Data Collection and Processing Procedures. Explains the enumeration and residence rules used in counting the population and housing units in the United States and Puerto Rico. It also describes the major components of the operational plan for Census 2000, and includes a glossary of terms. Appendix D, Questionnaire Facsimile. naire used to collect the data in this report. Presents a facsimile of the Census 2000 question- Appendix E, Data Products and User Assistance. Summarizes the Census 2000 data prod- ucts by describing the information available in printed reports and through electronic media such as CD-ROM, DVD, and the Internet. It also describes Census 2000 maps and other geographic products, reference materials, and sources of assistance. Appendix F, Maps. Contains maps depicting the geographic areas shown in this report. Appendix G, Accuracy of the Data. Provides information on confidentiality of the data, impu- tation of housing unit status and population counts, sources of errors in the data, and editing of unacceptable data. Appendix H, Acknowledgments. Lists many of the U.S. Census Bureau staff who participated in the various activities of Census 2000. How to Use This Census Report 1-5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Average per Population Housing units Area measurement square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number tion units of places area THE STATE Total .... 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,7a,8,9 7,7a 7,72,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6, 7,7a 1 1 1 9 9 1,8 1,8 1 - - 8 - -- - - - - 8 Urban and rural ...... Current urban definition .. 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place .... In urbanized area and in urban cluster .... Size of urbanized area and urban cluster ..... In place and not in place . 4,9 - 9 - - 9 1 - - 9 9 1 9 4,8 - - - - 8 COUNTY2 Total ..... Urban and rural 2,5 5 2,3,5 3,5 3,5 2,3,4,5 4 3,5 2,4,5 4 - COUNTY SUBDIVISION3 5 6 5 6 By county Alphabetically by state ... By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank. 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 7a 7a PLACE By county and county subdivision ... Alphabetically by state. By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 100 UN 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 ܗ ܗ ܗ | 5 6 6 7 7 State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. Table Finding Guide 11-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 . 5 User Notes Additional information concerning this Census 2000 product and its source file, Summary File 1, may become available after this report is published. This information, called Notes and Errata, is available in portable document format (PDF) on the U.S. Census Bureau's Internet site at 2000.html. To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Service Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at GENERAL NOTES User Note 1 The user should be aware that ther are limitations to many of these data. Please refer to the text provided with this report for further explanation of the limitations of the data. The population and other data shown for Census 2000 in this report is as of April 1, 2000; the boundaries used for all geographic entities are as of January 1, 2000. All boundaries are intended for Census Bureau sta- tistical data collection and presentation only; their depiction and designation for statistical pur- poses do not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or entitlement. Corrections to the Census 2000 data as a result of certified Count Question Review changes are available from the Census Bureau's Internet site at: User Note 2 Data comparability for county subdivisions is shown only when the county subdivision contains substantially the same territory as reported for the 1990 census (generally defined as at least 80 percent of the previous territory). There is no comparability provided for county subdivisions that have been extensively revised. Revised entities are noted by and within county. Changes to a geographic entity can be the result of legal change actions, statistical redefinition, correction of previous boundary or drafting errors, or new erroneous information. Incorporated place and census designated place (CDP) comparability is provided for all places that retained their name or general area without regard to the amount of territorial change between censuses. Place comparability is not shown if the entity is new for Census 2000 (including changes from a CDP to a legally incorporated place and vice versa) or is the result of a merger that created an entirely new entity, or if a Census 2000 CDP contains less than 50 percent of the terri- tory of a 1990 census CDP. CORRECTION NOTES User Note 1 Belleair Shore town in Clearwater CCD, Pinellas County, is incorrectly reported to have zero popu- lation and housing units. The correct Census 2000 population, housing unit count, and population density are shown below: 75 Belleair Shore town Population..... Housing units ...... Population per square mile 48 1,332.9 User Notes 111-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 User Note 2 Bonnie Loch-woodsetter North CDP in Deerfield Beach CCD, Broward County, is shown incorrectly as Bonnie Lock-Woodsetter North in the tables and the Geographic Change Notes. Part of the CDP is incorrectly identified separately as Crystal Lake CDP (see Note 3); the inclusion of this unpopu- lated area in Bonnie Loch-Woodsetter North CDP results in the following corrections to the land area and population density: Bonnie Loch-Woodsetter North CDP Land Area (square miles) .... Population per square mile.. 0.49 8,733.1 User Note 3 Crystal Lake CDP in Deerfield Beach CCD, Broward County, is erroneously shown in the tables and the Geographic Change Notes; the area should be part of Bonnie Loch-Woodsetter North CDP (see Note 2). User Note 4 Fontainebleau CDP in Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres and North Westside CCDs, Miami-Dade County, is shown incorrectly as Fountainbleau in the tables and the Geographic Change Notes. User Note 5 Lake Buenaventura CDP in St. Cloud CCD, Osceola County, is incorrectly identified as Yeehaw Junc- tion (see Note 8) in the tables and the Geographic Change Notes. This CDP was named Buena Ven- tura Lakes in the 1990 census. User Note 6 Lake Butler CDP in Southwest Orange CCD, Orange County, is incorrectly shown as Lake Butter in the tables and the Geographic Change Notes. User Note 7 Manatee Road CDP in Chiefland CCD, Levy County, is incorrectly shown as Manattee Road in the tables and the Geographic Change Notes. User Note 8 Yeehaw Junction CDP, submitted as a CDP for Census 2000 in South and East Osceola CCD, Osceola County, is not reported separately. The entity shown as Yeehaw Junction in St. Cloud CCD, Osceola County, is actually Lake Buenaventura CDP (see Note 5). No data are available for the area submitted as Yeehaw Junction CDP. HISTORICAL NOTES The United States acquired the area of Florida from Spain in 1819, although the area was not for- mally transferred until 1821. Florida Territory was organized on March 30, 1822, with generally the same boundary as the present state. Florida was admitted to the Union on March 3, 1845, as the 27th state. Census data for Florida are available beginning with the 1830 census. GEOGRAPHIC NOTES User Note 1 Florida is divided into 67 counties. One county, Duval, is governmentally consolidated with an incorporated place, Jacksonville city, but the city is not geographically coextensive with the county. In the 1970, 1980, and 1990 censuses, Jacksonville city was erroneously shown as a con- solidated city that was geographically coextensive with Duval County and contained the sepa- rately incorporated places of Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and Neptune Beach cities and III-2 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Baldwin town. The 299 county subdivisions in the state are census county divisions (CCDs), which are statistical subdivisions delineated for presentation of decennial census data. There are 403 incorporated places and 485 CDPs in Florida. Incorporated places in the state are legally described as cities, towns, and villages. The Census Bureau treats all incorporated places and CDPs as dependent within CCDs. User Note 2 Dade County was officially renamed Miami-Dade County in 1997. User Note 3 Table 5 does not show revised 1990 census counts for places that were located in more than one county subdivision. These places are listed below. Revisions to the 1990 census counts for whole places (indicated by the superscript prefix "r" next to the figure) can be found in Table 6. Auburndale city, Polk County Coconut Creek city, Broward County Coral Springs city, Broward County Davie town, Broward County Daytona Beach city, Volusia County De Land city, Volusia County Dunedin city, Pinellas County Eustis city, Lake County Fort Lauderdale city, Broward County Fort Myers city, Lee County Fort Walton Beach city, Okaloosa County Fruitland Park city, Lake County Gainesville city, Alachua County Hallandale city, Broward County Hialeah city, Miami-Dade County Juno Beach town, Palm Beach County Jupiter town, Palm Beach County Kissimmee city, Osceola County Lake City city, Columbia County Largo city, Pinellas County Lauderhill city, Broward County Leesburg city, Lake County Melbourne city, Brevard County Miami city, Miami-Dade County Mount Dora city, Lake County Niceville city, Okaloosa County North Lauderdale city, Broward County Orlando city, Orange County Palm Bay city, Brevard County Palm Beach Gardens city, Palm Beach County Pembroke Pines city, Broward County Pinellas Park city, Pinellas County Plantation city, Broward County Port Orange city, Volusia County Port Richey city, Pasco County Port St. Lucie city, St. Lucie County St. Petersburg city, Pinellas County Sebastian city, Indian River County Sebring city, Highlands County South Dayton city, Volusia County Sunrise city, Broward County Venice city, Sarasota County User Notes II1-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 West Melbourne city, Brevard County West Palm Beach city, Palm Beach County Winter Garden city, Orange County GEOGRAPHIC CHANGE NOTES The Geographic Change Notes listed below document high-level geographic entities-counties, county subdivisions, and places—that are different from the information reported in the 1990 cen- sus. The notes identify geographic entities whose name and/or boundary have changed, entities that no longer exist, newly established entities (both legal and statistical), and changes in geo- graphic relationships, such as places that exist in one county and have expanded into or with- drawn from another county (the notes do not identify the other county(ies) in which the entity exists; this can be determined from the Table listing all places in this publication) and places that have become independent of or dependent within one or more county subdivisions. The changes are reported by and within county. A few of the reported changes in name, legal status, or legal relationship may be incorrect; if so, the correct version is shown in any Correction Notes section above. Some changes are the result of legal actions that took place prior to the 1990 census, but were not reported in that census. The change notes for previous censuses reported only changes that occurred primarily as the result of specific legal actions, as well as identifiable revisions to statistical entities (primarily county subdivisions). For Census 2000, the notes reflect any boundary change that affects a geo- graphic entity, regardless of whether it is the result of legal action, redefinition of a statistical entity, correction of a previous boundary-reporting or -drafting error, or new erroneous informa- tion. For example, the county-level text "all districts revised" may reflect a legal redistricting of all county subdivisions in the county, a major or minor relocation of county subdivision boundaries due to more accurate mapping or more accurate boundary information, or a combination of these that, in one way or another, affect every county subdivision in a county. In states whose legal enti- ties rarely undergo a legal boundary change, such as the New England states, most of the entities reported to have exchanged, gained, or lost territory did so as the result of mapping changes, not legal actions. The extent and location of the boundary changes affecting any particular entity can be determined by comparing the TIGER/Line® Files, Cartographic Boundary Files, or a comparable set of maps for the 1990 and 2000 censuses. 9 Alachua County, Florida Alachua city... Archer city .... Gainesville CCD Gainesville city Hawthorne CCD Hawthorne city High Springs city High Springs-Alachua CCD Micanopy CCD... ... gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory to High Springs-Alachua and Micanopy CCDs. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Micanopy CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Gainesville CCD. gained territory from Gainesville and Hawthorne CCDs. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. ... gained and lost territory. Micanopy town Newberry city... Waldo city.... . Baker County, Florida Glen St. Mary town. Macclenny city..... ... gained territory. ... gained territory. Bay County, Florida Callaway city gained and lost territory. II1-4 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Bay County, Florida-Con. Cedar Grove town ... Hiland Park CDP ..... Laguna Beach CDP.. Lower Grand Lagoon CDP Lynn Haven city Mexico Beach city . Panama City Beach city.... Panama City city.... Parker city .... Pretty Bayou CDP .... Springfield city Tyndall AFB CDP .. gained territory gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Bradford County, Florida Brooker town Hampton city Keystone Heights city .. Lawtey city changed legal description from city to town. gained territory. expanded into Bradford County. gained and lost territory. Brevard County, Florida Cape Canaveral city Cocoa Beach city Cocoa West CDP Cocoa city Cocoa-Rockledge CCD..... Indian Harbour Beach city.... June Park CDP ... Malabar CCD..... Melbourne Beach town. Melbourne city... Merritt Island CCD... Mims CDP... Palm Bay CCD. Palm Bay city Palm Shores town Rockledge city... Satellite Beach city South Patrick Shores CDP Titusville city .... West Brevard CCD West Melbourne city..... lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Merritt Island CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory from West Brevard CCD; lost territory to Palm Bay CCD. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Cocoa-Rockledge CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Malabar CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Malabar CCD. gained territory. Broward County, Florida Bonnie Lock-Woodsetter North CDP... Boulevard Gardens CDP .. Broadview Park CDP ...... Broadview-Pompano Park CDP Broward Estates CDP new CDP; created from part of Pompano Beach Highlands CDP. new CDP; created from part of Washington Park CDP. gained and lost territory. lost territory. new CDP; created from part of deleted Browardale CDP. User Notes 111-5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Broward County, Florida-Con. Browardale CDP .... Carver Ranches CDP...... Chambers Estates CDP Chula Vista CDP ... Coconut Creek city ...... Collier Manor-Cresthaven CDP Conservation CCD...... Cooper City city Coral Springs city.. Country Estates CDP Crystal Lake CDP ... Dania Beach city .... Dania city .... Davie CCD. Davie town Deerfield Beach CCD Deerfield Beach city Edgewater CDP ..... Estates of Fort Lauderdale CDP ... Fort Lauderdale city Franklin Park CDP deleted; split to form Broward Estates and St. George CDPs. new CDP; created from part of deleted Miami Gardens-Utopia-Carver CDP. .... new CDP. new CDP; created from part of Riverland Village CDP. gained and lost territory. lost territory. exchanged territory with Davie CCD; gained territory from Deerfield Beach, Margate, and Plantation CCDs. gained territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP; created from part of Pompano Beach Highlands CDP. name changed from Dania; gained and lost territory. name changed to Dania Beach. exchanged territory with Conservation CCD; gained territory from Hollywood CCD; lost territory to Miramar-Pembroke Pines CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Conservation CCD. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP; created from part of Washington Park CDP. new CDP. new CDP; created from part of Washington Park CDP. new CDP. gained territory. new CDP. new CDP. lost territory to Davie CCD. gained and lost territory. new CDP. lost territory; part now in Leisureville and Loch Lomond CDPs. .... new CDP. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. new CDP; created from part of Kendall Green CDP. lost territory. new CDP; created from part of Kendall Green CDP. Godfrey Road CDP.... Golden Heights CDP Green Meadow CDP Hallandale city.... Hillsboro Pines CDP ... Hillsboro Ranches CDP ... Hollywood CCD.... Hollywood city ... Ivanhoe Estates CDP. Kendall Green CDP Lake Forest CDP Lauderdale-by-the-Sea town.. Lauderhill city Lazy Lake village Leisureville CDP .. Lighthouse Point city... Loch Lomond CDP.... III-6 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Broward County, Florida-Con. Margate CCD ... Margate city ... Miami Gardens CDP Miami Gardens-Utopia-Carver CDP.. Miramar-Pembroke Pines CCD North Andrews Gardens CDP North Lauderdale city Oak Point CDP ..., Oakland Park city. Palm Aire CDP Parkland city... Pembroke Park town Pembroke Pines city.. Pine Island Ridge CDP .... Plantation CCD ... Plantation city .. Pompano Beach Highlands CDP Pompano Beach city. Pompano Estates CDP Ramblewood East CDP ... Ravenswood Estates CDP Riverland CDP ..... Riverland Village CDP .... gained territory from Plantation CCD; lost territory to Conservation CCD. lost territory new CDP; created from part of deleted Miami Gardens-Utopia-Carver CDP. deleted; split to form Carver Ranches, Miami Gardens, and Utopia CDPS. gained territory from Davie CCD. lost territory. gained and lost territory. · new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. lost territory to Conservation and Margate CCDs. gained and lost territory. lost territory; part now in Bonnie Lock- Woodsetter North, Crystal Lake, Pompano Estates, and Tedder CDPS. gained and lost territory. new CDP; created from part of Pompano Beach Highlands CDP. new CDP. new CDP. name changed to Riverland Village. name changed from Riverland; lost territory; part now in Chula Vista CDP. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP; created from part of Washington Park CDP. new CDP. new CDP; created from part of deleted Browardale CDP. lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP; created from part of Pompano Beach Highlands CDP. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP; created from part of deleted Miami Gardens-Utopia-Carver CDP. new CDP. lost territory; part now in Boulevard Gardens, Franklin Park, Golden Heights, and Roosevelt Gardens CDPs. Rock Island CDP Rolling Oaks CDP.. Roosevelt Gardens CDP Royal Palm Ranches CDP .... St. George CDP Sea Ranch Lakes village ... Sunrise city ..... Sunshine Acres CDP Sunshine Ranches CDP. Tamarac city .... Tedder CDP Terra Mar CDP. Twin Lakes CDP.. Utopia CDP.. Village Park CDP. Washington Park CDP User Notes III-7 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Broward County, Florida-Con. West Ken-Lark CDP Weston city ... Wilton Manors city..... new CDP. new incorporated place. gained territory Calhoun County, Florida Altha town .... Blountstown city..... gained territory. gained and lost territory. Charlotte County, Florida Charlotte Harbor CDP .. Charlotte Park CDP Cleveland CDP ..... Grove City CDP Harbour Heights CDP. Port Charlotte CDP Punta Gorda city... Rotonda CDP.... Solana CDP lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. lost territory. lost territory gained and lost territory. lost territory. lost territory. Citrus County, Florida Beverly Hills CDP Black Diamond CDP Citrus Hills CDP..... Citrus Springs CDP Crystal River CCD Crystal River city Floral City CDP. Hernando CDP .... Homosassa CDP .. Homosassa Springs CDP Inverness CCD..... lost territory to Marion County. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. gained territory. gained territory from Inverness CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Crystal River CCD, and to Dunnellon CCD, Marion County. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. Inverness Highlands North CDP. Inverness Highlands South CDP..... Inverness city... Lecanto CDP Pine Ridge CDP Clay County, Florida Green Cove Springs city. Keystone Heights city .. Middleburg CDP Orange Park town Penney Farms town gained territory. · gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. . gained territory. Collier County, Florida Chokoloskee CDP.... East Naples CDP Everglades CCD... new CDP. deleted. lost territory to Marco Island and Naples CCDs. lost territory. new CDP. lost territory to Naples CCD. gained and lost territory. Golden Gate CDP Goodland CDP .. Immokalee CCD Immokalee CDP. 111-8 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Collier County, Florida-Con. Lely CDP .... Lely Resort CDP. Marco Island CCD Marco Island city ... Naples CCD..... Naples Manor CDP. Naples Park CDP... Naples city.. lost territory. new CDP. new CCD; created from part of Everglades CCD. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. gained territory from Everglades and Immokalee CCDs. lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory; includes part of deleted North Naples CDP. deleted; part now in Naples city and Pine Ridge CDP. new CDP. deleted. new CDP. new CDP; created from part of deleted North Naples CDP new CDP. new CDP. North Naples CDP Orangetree CDP Palm River CDP ... Pelican Bay CDP Pine Ridge CDP Plantation Island CDP... Vineyards CDP... Columbia County, Florida Five Points CDP.... Fort White town Lake City city .. Watertown CDP. lost territory gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. Dade County, Florida ... name changed to Miami-Dade. DeSoto County, Florida Arcadia city ... Southeast Arcadia CDP gained territory. lost territory. Duval County, Florida Atlantic Beach city Baldwin town Jacksonville city gained territory. gained territory. reported as a consolidated city coextensive with Duval County in the 1990 census; Jacksonville city for Census 2000 excludes Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and Neptune Beach cities and Baldwin town. deleted; "remainder" of consolidated city in the 1990 census is equivalent to Jackson- ville city in Census 2000. gained territory. lost territory Jacksonville city (remainder) ....... Jacksonville Beach city Neptune Beach city... Escambia County, Florida...... Brent CDP ... Ensley CDP.. Ferry Pass CDP. Gonzalez CDP Goulding CDP... Molino CDP lost territory to Santa Rosa County. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. User Notes III-9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Escambia County, Florida-Con. Pensacola CCD... Pensacola city Warrington CDP West Pensacola CDP , lost territory to Gulf Breeze-Harold CCD, Santa Rosa County. ... gained and lost territory. lost territory. lost territory. Flagler County, Florida Bunnell city .. Flagler Beach city. Palm Coast city. gained and lost territory. ... gained territory. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. Franklin County, Florida Apalachicola CCD.. Carrabelle city Eastpoint CCD. gained territory from Gulf County. gained territory from Eastpoint CCD. ... gained territory. gained territory from Port St. Joe CCD, Gulf County; lost territory to Apalachicola CCD. Gadsden County, Florida Gretna city ..... Havana CCD Midway city. Quincy CCD.. Quincy city.. gained territory. ... exchanged territory with Quincy CCD. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Havana CCD. ... gained and lost territory. Gilchrist County, Florida Bell town..... Fanning Springs city. Trenton city. Glades County, Florida ... gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. exchanged territory with Okeechobee County. exchanged territory with Okeechobee CCD, Okeechobee County. Northeast Glades CCD...... Gulf County, Florida Port St. Joe CCD lost territory to Franklin County. lost territory to Eastpoint CCD, Franklin County. gained territory. Wewahitchka city Hamilton County, Florida Jasper city Jennings town White Springs town. gained territory. ... gained territory. gained territory Hardee County, Florida Bowling Green city Wauchula city .... Zolfo Springs town gained territory. ... gained territory. ... gained territory. Hendry County, Florida Harlem CDP. Labelle city La Belle city Port La Belle CDP gained territory. ... name changed from La Belle; gained territory. name changed to Labelle. ... gained territory. III-10 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Hernando County, Florida Bayport CDP .... Brooksville CCD Brooksville city Hernando Beach CDP... High Point CDP Hill 'n Dale CDP... Istachatta CDP .... Lake Lindsey CDP. Masaryktown CDP Nobleton CDP...... NO th Brooksville CDP.... North Weeki Wachee CDP... Pine Island CDP..... Ridge Manor CDP. South Brooksville CDP Spring Hill CCD ..... new CDP. exchanged territory with Spring Hill CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. name changed from Weeki Wachee; exchanged territory with Brooksville CCD. gained territory, including deleted Weeki Wachee Acres CDP. new CDP. lost territory. deleted; now in Spring Hill CDP. lost territory. name changed to Spring Hill. Spring Hill CDP Spring Lake CDP... Timber Pines CDP.... Weeki Wachee Acres CDP..... Weeki Wachee Gardens CDP.. Weeki Wachi CCD...., Highlands County, Florida Avon Park CCD .. Avon Park city .. Lake Placid town Sebring CCD Sebring city ..... Sylvan Shores CDP gained territory from Sebring CCD. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Avon Park CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. Hillsborough County, Florida. Bloomingdale CDP.... Boyette CDP Brandon CDP.... Carrollwood CDP Carrollwood Village CDP Cheval CDP .... Citrus Park CDP. Del Rio CDP.. Egypt Lake CDP.... Egypt Lake Leto CDP all CCDs revised except Palm River-East Tampa. gained territory. new CDP. lost territory. deleted; now in Greater Carrollwood CDP. deleted; now in Greater Carrollwood CDP. new CDP. new CDP. deleted. deleted; now in Egypt Lake-Leto CDP. new CDP; includes deleted Egypt Lake and West Park CDPs. new CDP. gained territory new CDP; includes deleted Carrollwood and Carrollwood Village CDPs. gained territory. Fish Hawk CDP Gibsonton CDP Greater Carrollwood CDP..... Greater Northdale CDP User Notes 111-11 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Hillsborough County, Florida-Con. Greater Sun Center CDP..... Keystone CDP..... Lake Magdalene CDP ... Lutz CDP..... Palm River-Clair Mel CDP .... Pebble Creek CDP ... Plant City city. Progress Village CDP Riverview CDP Ruskin CDP .... Sun City Center CDP....... Tampa city .... Temple Terrace city... Thonotosassa CDP ... Town 'n' Country CDP .. University CDP...... University West CDP Valrico CDP .... West Park CDP Westchase CDP Wimauma CDP. Holmes County, Florida Bonifay city ... Noma town Ponce de Leon town... name changed from Sun City Center; gained territory. new CDP. gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. name changed to Greater Sun Center. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained territory. name changed from University West. name changed to University. new CDP. ... deleted; now in Egypt Lake-Leto CDP. new CDP. gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained territory Indian River County, Florida Fellsmere city ....... Indian River Shores town.... North Beach CDP ... Roseland CDP.. Sebastian city... Vero Beach South CDP..... Vero Beach city Wabasso Beach CDP .... Wabasso CDP ..... West Vero Corridor CDP ... Winter Beach CDP..... gained and lost territory. gained territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. ... new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. Jackson County, Florida Alford CCD..... Cottondale CCD Graceville CCD.. Graceville city Grand Ridge town Greenwood CCD... gained territory from Cottondale CCD. ... gained territory from Graceville CCD; lost territory to Alford and Marianna CCDs. ... lost territory to Cottondale CCD. gained territory. gained territory gained territory from Malone and Marianna CCDs. ... gained and lost territory. lost territory to Greenwood CCD. gained and lost territory. Greenwood town ... Malone CCD Malone town.. 111-12 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Jefferson County, Florida Marianna CCD .... gained territory from Cottondale CCD; lost territory to Greenwood CCD. gained territory. gained territory. Marianna city Monticello city.. Lake County, Florida Altoona CDP Astatula town. Astor CDP.... Bassville Park CDP.... Citrus Ridge CDP Clermont city. Eustis city.... Ferndale CDP Fruitland Park city Groveland city. Hawthorne CDP.. Howey-in-the-Hills town.. Lady Lake town..... Lake Kathryn CDP Lake Mack-Forest Hills CDP . Leesburg city ... all CCDs revised. new CDP. gained territory. gained and lost territory. deleted. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. deleted. gained territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory; includes part of deleted Sunnyside CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. deleted. · gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. deleted. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. lost territory. new CDP. deleted; part now in Leesburg city. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Lisbon CDP Mascotte city Mid Florida Lakes CDP.... Minneola city ... Montverde town Mount Dora city .... Mount Plymouth CDP. Oakland Park CDP ... Okahumpka CDP Paisley CDP Pine Lakes CDP Pittman CDP ... Silver Lake CDP. Sorrento CDP Sunnyside CDP Tavares city .... Umatilla city Lee County, Florida Alva CDP ..... Bokeelia CDP.. Bonita Springs CCD... Bonita Springs city gained territory. new CDP. gained territory from Estero Island CCD. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. Buckingham CDP Burnt Store Marina CDP Cape Coral city. Captiva CDP Charleston Park CDP User Notes 111-13 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 1 1 Lee County, Florida-Con. East Dunbar CDP ... Estero CDP ..... Estero Island CCD .... Forest Island Park CDP Fort Myers Beach town | Fort Myers CCD... Fort Myers city.. Gateway CDP. Harlem Heights CDP. Lehigh Acres CCD ... Lehigh Acres CDP..... Lochmoor Waterway Estates CDP Matlacha CDP.... Matlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores CDP. Morse Shores CDP ..... North Fort Myers CDP Olga CDP.... Page Park CDP .... ... new CDP. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Bonita Springs CCD. ... deleted. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. gained territory from Lehigh Acres CCD. ... gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. ... lost territory to Fort Myers CCD. gained territory. gained and lost territory. ... new CDP. new CDP. ... deleted. gained and lost territory. new CDP. ... new CDP; created from part of deleted Page Park-Pine Manor CDP. ... deleted; split to form Page Park and Pine Manor CDPs. new CDP. new CDP. ... new CDP; created from part of deleted Page Park-Pine Manor CDP. ... new CDP. gained territory. ... gained and lost territory; part now in Three Oaks CDP. ... lost territory. new CDP; created from part of San Carlos Park CDP. ... lost territory. ... gained and lost territory. Page Park-Pine Manor CDP Palmona Park CDP... Pine Island Center CDP Pine Manor CDP ... Pineland CDP St. James City CDP.. San Carlos Park CDP. Suncoast Estates CDP Three Oaks CDP ... Villas CDP.... Whiskey Creek CDP Leon County, Florida... ... CCD structure completely revised; six 1990 CCDs replaced by ten CCDs for Census 2000; CCDs with the same name as the 1990 census now cover different areas. ... gained and lost territory. Tallahassee city.. Levy County, Florida Andrews CDP Cedar Key city Cedar Key-Yankeetown CCD Chiefland CCD... Chiefland city... East Bronson CDP. East Williston CDP Fanning Springs city. Manattee Road CDP Williston Highlands CDP... new CDP. gained territory. gained territory from Chiefland CCD. lost territory to Cedar Key-Yankeetown CCD. gained and lost territory. ... new CDP. new CDP. gained territory. ... new CDP. new CDP. III-14 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Levy County, Florida-Con. Williston city... Yankeetown town gained territory. .. gained and lost territory. Liberty County, Florida Bristol city East Liberty CCD. West Liberty CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to West Liberty CCD. gained territory from East Liberty CCD. Madison County, Florida.... Greenville CCD lost territory to Taylor County. gained territory from Madison CCD; lost territory to Perry North CCD, Taylor County. gained territory. lost territory to Greenville CCD. gained and lost territory. Lee town... Madison CCD Madison city .... Manatee County, Florida..... Anna Maria city ... Bayshore Gardens CDP Bradenton city Ellenton CDP.... Holmes Beach city Memphis CDP.. Palmetto city.... Samoset CDP. South Bradenton CDP. West Bradenton CDP.... Whitfield CDP ... all CCDs revised. gained territory. .. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. .. gained territory. all CCDs revised except East Marion and Fellowship; gained territory from Citrus County. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Marion County, Florida Belleview city. Dunnellon city Ocala city ... Martin County, Florida Jensen Beach CDP Jupiter Island town North River Shores CDP Palm City CDP ..... Port Salerno-Hobe Sound CCD Stuart CCD..... gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained territory from Stuart CCD. lost territory to Port Salerno-Hobe Sound CCD. gained and lost territory. Stuart city... Miami-Dade County, Florida.. Aventura city .. Brownsville CDP Coral Gables city Country Club CDP Country Walk CDP Cutler CDP Doral CDP. name changed from Dade County. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. gained territory .. gained and lost territory. gained territory. new CDP lost territory. gained territory. User Notes 111-15 us Concurs Concrie 200 Miami-Dade County, Florida-Con. East Perrine CDP..... Everglades CCD. Fisher Island CDP ..... Florida City city... Fountainbleau CDP Golden Beach town. Golden Glades CDP... Hammocks CDP Hialeah city Homestead AFB CDP.... Homestead Base CDP.. Homestead CCD Homestead city Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres CCD... Kendall CDP..... Kendall Lakes West CDP.. Kendall West CDP..... Kendall-Perrine CCD...... Key Biscayne CCD Key Biscayne village new CDP; created from part of deleted Perrine CDP. gained territory from Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres CCD. new CDP. gained territory. new CDP. lost territory. gained and lost territory. name changed to The Hammocks. gained and lost territory. name changed to Homestead Base. name changed from Homestead AFB. gained territory from Princeton-Goulds CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Kendall-Perrine CCD; lost territory to Everglades, North Westside, and South Westside CCDs. lost territory; part now in Pinecrest village. name changed to Kendall West. name changed from Kendall Lakes West; gained territory. lost territory to Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres CCD. · gained territory from Miami CCD. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. name changed to The Crossings. gained territory. gained territory from North Westside CCD; lost territory to Key Biscayne CCD. .... gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres and South Westside CCDs; lost territory to Miami CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. deleted; split to form East Perrine and West Perrine CDPs. new incorporated place; created from part of Kendall CDP. lost territory to Homestead CCD. new CDP. ... gained territory. gained territory from Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres CCD; lost territory to North Westside CCD. Lindgren Acres CDP Medley town.. Miami CCD... Miami city...... Miami Lakes CDP ... Miami Shores village Norland CDP ..... North Miami Beach city... North Miami city... North Westside CCD.. Ojus CDP.... Olympia Heights CDP Perrine CDP ..... Pinecrest village Princeton-Goulds CCD.... Richmond West CDP ...... South Miami city..... South Westside CCD. 111-16 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Miami-Dade County, Florida-Con. Sunny Isles Beach city.. Tamiami CDP The Crossings CDP. The Hammocks CDP.... new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. · gained territory. name changed from Lindgren Acres. name changed from Hammocks; gained territory. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP; created from part of deleted Per- rine CDP. lost territory. Three Lakes CDP.... University Park CDP West Perrine CDP ... Westchester CDP..... Monroe County, Florida... Big Coppitt Key CDP Duck Key CDP Islamorada CDP.... Islamorada, Village of Islands village ... Key Colony Beach city... Key Largo CDP... Key West city Marathon city... all CCDs revised except Key West. lost territory. new CDP. deleted; now in Islamorada, Village of Islands village. new incorporated place; includes deleted Islamorada and Plantation Key CDPs. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. lost territory. deleted; now in Islamorada, Village of Islands village. lost territory. North Key Largo CDP Plantation Key CDP .. Tavernier CDP..... Nassau County, Florida Callahan-Hilliard CCD Fernandina Beach city .. Hilliard town.... Nassau Village-Ratliff CDP... Yulee CCD.. Yulee CDP ...... lost territory to Yulee CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained territory from Callahan-Hilliard CCD. lost territory. Okaloosa County, Florida Cinco Bayou town Crestview city Destin city Eglin CCD. Fort Walton Beach city. Lake Lorraine CDP. Laurel Hill city Niceville city ..... Niceville-Valparaiso CCD Ocean City CDP. Shalimar town. Valparaiso city Wright CDP.. gained territory. · gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Niceville-Valparaiso CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Eglin CCD. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. User Notes 111-17 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Okeechobee County, Florida . Okeechobee CCD exchanged territory with Glades County. exchanged territory with Northeast Glades CCD, Glades County. gained territory. gained territory Okeechobee city.. Taylor Creek CDP Orange County, Florida Apopka city.... Azalea Park CDP... Bay Hill CDP ... Bay Lake city.. Belle Isle city.. Christmas CDP. Citrus Ridge CDP Conway CDP ...... Doctor Phillips CDP.. Eatonville town. Edgewood city... Fairview Shores CDP.. Goldenrod CDP Gotha CDP ..... Holden Heights CDP Hunters Creek CDP Lake Buena Vista city.. Lake Butter CDP .... Lake Hart CDP ... Lockhart CDP Maitland city.. Meadow Wood CDP... Meadow Woods CDP.. all CCDs revised except Union Park. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. new CDP. lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. .. gained territory. gained and lost territory. name changed to Meadow Woods. name changed from Meadow Wood; gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. .. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. new CDP. lost territory. gained and lost territory. .. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. lost territory. new CDP. .. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. Oak Ridge CDP Oakland city Ocoee city .. Orlando city Orlovista CDP... Paradise Heights CDP Pine Castle CDP. Pine Hills CDP...... South Apopka CDP Southchase CDP Taft CDP....... Tangelo Park CDP... Tangerine CDP.... Tildenville CDP Union Park CDP... Wedgefield CDP.. Williamsburg CDP Windermere town. Winter Garden city. Winter Park city.... Zellwood CDP. 111-18 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Osceola County, Florida Buena Ventura Lakes CDP ... Campbell CDP ... Celebration CDP .... Citrus Ridge CDP Kissimmee CCD.... Kissimmee city Poinciana CDP name changed to Yeehaw Junction. lost territory new CDP. new CDP. gained territory from St. Cloud CCD. gained and lost territory. name changed from Poinciana Place; gained territory. name changed to Poinciana. lost territory to Kissimmee CCD. gained and lost territory. name changed from Buena Ventura Lakes; gained and lost territory. Poinciana Place CDP. St. Cloud CCD St. Cloud city .. Yeehaw Junction CDP.. Palm Beach County, Florida Aberdeen CDP Atlantis city... Belle Glade city Belle Glade-Pahokee CCD Boca Raton CCD .... Boca Raton city Boca West CDP.... Boynton Beach city ....... Boynton Beach-Delray Beach CCD Briny Breezes town .... Canal Point CDP .... Century Village CDP Country Club Trail CDP.... Cypress Lakes CDP ... Delray Beach city ... Dunes Road CDP...... Fremd Village-Padgett Island CDP. Glades CCD.... deleted. gained territory. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Glades CCD. gained territory from Boynton Beach-Delray Beach CCD. gained and lost territory. deleted. gained and lost territory. .. gained territory from Lake Worth CCD; lost territory to Boca Raton CCD. lost territory. new CDP. gained territory. deleted. lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. exchanged territory with Belle Glade-Pahokee and Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter CCDs. disincorporated. name changed from Greenacres City; gained and lost territory. name changed to Greenacres. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. .. gained territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. new CDP. new CDP. Golfview town Greenacres city Greenacres City city ... Gulf Stream town... Gun Club Estates CDP Haverhill town.... High Point CDP Hypoluxo town Juno Beach town.. Juno Ridge CDP .... Jupiter Inlet Colony town.. Jupiter town Kings Point CDP Lake Belvedere Estates CDP.. Lake Harbor CDP User Notes 111-19 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Palm Beach County, Florida-Con. Lake Park town ... Lake Worth CCD Lake Worth Corridor CDP... Lake Worth city ... Lantana town ...... Limestone Creek CDP ... Manalapan town.... North Palm Beach village. Ocean Ridge town.. Pahokee city .... Palm Beach Gardens city Palm Beach town .... Palm Springs village ..... Plantation Mobile Home Park CDP ... Rainbow Lakes CDP ... Riviera Beach city... Royal Palm Beach village ..... Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter CCD.. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Boynton Beach-Delray Beach CCD. ... new CDP. gained and lost territory. lost territory. new CDP. lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. ... deleted. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Glades CCD; lost territory to West Palm Beach CCD. new CDP. gained territory. new CDP. new CDP. ... gained territory. ... gained territory. new CDP. ... deleted. gained territory. gained territory. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. gained territory from Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. ... gained territory. Royal Palm Estates CDP Sandalfoot Cove CDP... Schall Circle CDP Seminole Manor CDP South Bay city .... South Palm Beach town Stacey Street CDP... Sun Valley CDP... Tequesta village. Villages of Oriole CDP. Wellington village West Palm Beach CCD ..... West Palm Beach city. Westgate-Belvedere Homes CDP Whisper Walk CDP Pasco County, Florida Crystal Springs CDP Dade City North CDP Dade City city.... Elfers CDP.... Holiday CDP Hudson CDP ... Jasmine Estates CDP.. Land O' Lakes CDP...... New Port Richey East CDP., New Port Richey city Odessa CDP...... Port Richey city St. Leo town new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. ... gained territory. lost territory. gained territory. ... gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. ... gained and lost territory. 111-20 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Pasco County, Florida-Con. San Antonio city. Shady Hills CDP. Trinity CDP.... Wesley Chapel CDP ..... Wesley Chapel South CDP .... Zephyrhills North CDP.... Zephyrhills South CDP. Zephyrhills West CDP... Zephyrhills city ... gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Pinellas County, Florida Baskin CDP.. Bay Pines CDP Belleair town. Boca Ciega CCD Clearwater CCD... Clearwater city Dunedin city.. East Lake CDP Gandy CDP.. Gulfport city. Harbor Bluffs CDP Highpoint CDP... Kenneth City town.. Largo city .... Lealman CDP.... Madeira Beach city Oldsmar city Palm Harbor CDP Pinellas Park city Ridgecrest CDP deleted; part now in Ridgecrest CDP. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Clearwater CCD. lost territory to Boca Ciega and St. Petersburg CCDs. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. deleted; part now in Largo city and South Highpoint CDP. gained and lost territory. .. gained and lost territory; includes part of deleted Highpoint CDP. name changed to West and East Lealman. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP; created from part of deleted Baskin CDP. .. gained and lost territory. name changed from St. Petersburg Beach CCD. · name changed from St. Petersburg Beach. name changed to St. Pete Beach. name changed to St. Pete Beach. gained territory from Clearwater CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP; created from part of deleted High- point CDP. lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. lost territory. name changed from Lealman; gained and lost territory. Safety Harbor city St. Pete Beach CCD St. Pete Beach city... St. Petersburg Beach CCD St. Petersburg Beach city St. Petersburg CCD.... St. Petersburg city.. Seminole city. South Highpoint CDP South Pasadena city Tarpon Springs city. Tierra Verde CDP Treasure Island city.... West and East Lealman CDP. User Notes 111-21 US Census Bureau Consus 2000 Polk County, Florida Auburndale city.... Bartow city...... Citrus Ridge CDP ...... Combee Settlement CDP Crooked Lake Park CDP Crystal Lake CDP Cypress Gardens CDP ... Davenport city... Dundee town Eagle Lake city. Fort Meade city.. Frostproof CCD Frostproof city Fussels Corner CDP... Gibsonia CDP ... Haines City CCD gained and lost territory. gained territory. new CDP. gained territory. lost territory. new CDP. lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Lake Wales CCD. gained territory. .. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Lake Wales CCD; lost territory to Winter Haven-Auburndale CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained territory from Frostproof CCD; lost territory to Haines City CCD. gained territory. gained and lost territory. ... gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Haines City CCD. Haines City city Inwood CDP Lake Alfred city Lake Wales CCD Lake Wales city Lakeland city Loughman CDP Mulberry city Polk City town ... Wahneta CDP Waverly CDP Willow Oak CDP Winston CDP .... Winter Haven city..... Winter Haven-Auburndale CCD Putnam County, Florida Crescent City CCD..... Crescent City city.. Interlachen-Florahome CCD. gained territory from Interlachen-Florahome CCD. gained territory. lost territory to Crescent City and Palatka CCDs. gained territory from Interlachen-Florahome CCD. .... gained and lost territory. gained territory. Palatka CCD... Palatka city Welaka town St. Johns County, Florida Butler Beach CDP .... Fruit Cove CCD .... St. Augustine Beach city.... St. Augustine CCD. St. Augustine city... lost territory. lost territory to St. Augustine CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Fruit Cove CCD. .. gained and lost territory. 111-22 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 St. Lucie County, Florida Fort Pierce CCD..... Fort Pierce North CDP ...... Fort Pierce South CDP ... Fort Pierce city... Indian River Estates CDP . Lakewood Park CDP .... Port St. Lucie CCD.. Port St. Lucie city ..... Port St. Lucie-River Park CDP... St. Lucie village..... West St. Lucie CCD White City CDP exchanged territory with Port St. Lucie and West St. Lucie CCDs. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. exchanged territory with Fort Pierce CCD. lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Fort Pierce CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Escambia County. gained territory from Pensacola CCD, Escambia County. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Santa Rosa County, Florida Gulf Breeze-Harold CCD.... Jay town Milton city Sarasota County, Florida...... Desoto Lakes CDP .. Englewood CDP. Fruitville CDP .... Kensington Park CDP.. Lake Sarasota CDP.. Laurel CDP ... Nokomis CDP. North Port city ..... North Sarasota CDP Osprey CDP.... Sarasota city ..... South Sarasota CDP South Venice CDP.. Southgate CDP... The Meadows CDP.... Venice Gardens CDP. Venice city ..... Warm Mineral Springs CDP. all CCDs revised except Longboat Key. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. .. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory gained and lost territory. .. gained and lost territory. Seminole County, Florida Altamonte Springs city Casselberry city Chuluota CDP... Fern Park CDP Forest City CDP. Geneva CDP.... Heathrow CDP. Lake Mary city Longwood city... Midway CDP Oviedo city Sanford city. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. new CDP. new CDP. gained and lost territory. .. gained and lost territory. new CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. User Notes 111-23 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Seminole County, Florida-Con. Wekiva Springs CDP Wekiwa Springs CDP. ... name changed to Wekiwa Springs. name changed from Wekiva Springs; lost territory. gained and lost territory. Winter Springs city Sumter County, Florida Bushnell city Coleman city. The Villages CDP Webster city .. Wildwood city .... gained and lost territory. gained territory new CDP. ... gained territory. gained territory. Suwannee County, Florida Live Oak CCD... Live Oak city.... McAlpin-Wellborn CCD gained territory from McAlpin-Wellborn CCD. gained territory. lost territory to Live Oak CCD. Taylor County, Florida Perry North CCD.... gained territory from Madison County. gained territory from Greenville CCD, Madison County Union County, Florida Worthington CCD...... Worthington Springs CCD.... name changed to Worthington Springs. name changed from Worthington. Volusia County, Florida Daytona Beach Shores city Daytona Beach city... De Bary city..... De Land CCD De Land Southwest CDP.. De Land city ..... De Leon Springs CDP. Deltona city.. Edgewater city...... Flagler Beach city. Glencoe CDP... Holly Hill city. Lake Helen city New Smyrna Beach CCD... New Smyrna Beach city New Smyrna CCD.. North De Land CDP.. Oak Hill city... Orange City city Ormond Beach city. Pierson town... Pierson-Seville CCD.. Port Orange city Samsula-Spruce Creek CDP.. South Daytona city West De Land CDP.. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. lost territory to Pierson-Seville CCD. lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. ... gained and lost territory. expanded into Volusia County. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. name changed from New Smyrna. .. gained territory. name changed to New Smyrna Beach. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from De Land CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. 111-24 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Wakulla County, Florida East Wakulla CCD... St. Marks city ... Sopchoppy city West Wakulla CCD exchanged territory with West Wakulla CCD. gained territory. gained territory. exchanged territory with East Wakulla CCD. gained territory from Freeport CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to De Funiak Springs CCD. gained territory. Walton County, Florida De Funiak Springs CCD... De Funiak Springs city Freeport CCD... Freeport city ..... Washington County, Florida Caryville town .. Chipley city Ebro town.... Wausau town gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. User Notes Il1-25 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] The State Urban Rural Percent of total State Urban and Rural Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Number of places of 2.500 or more Total number Number Percent Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Urban Rural POPULATION Current urban definition: 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 15 982 378 r 12 938 071 3 044 307 (X) 23.5 (X) 581 521 14 270 020 2 883 331 11 386 689 (X) 9 25.3 (X) 1 712 358 1 551 237 161 121 (X) 10.4 (X) 89.3 88.0 10.7 12.0 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) r 12 938 071 9 746 961 6 791 418 4 951 560 2 771 305 3 191 110 2 955 543 1 839 858 2 180 255 (X) 32.7 43.5 37.2 78.7 (X) 521 430 285 179 98 10 967 328 2 754 943 8 212 385 2 667 834 5 544 551 1 883 168 3 661 383 1 847 493 1 813 890 (X) 33.5 48.1 51.4 101.9 (X) 1 970 598 1 533 939 1 244 892 1 290 177 957 415 436 659 289 047 -45 285 332 762 (X) 28.5 23.2 -3.5 34.8 (X) 84.8 84.3 81.7 73.9 65.5 15.2 15.7 18.3 26.1 34.5 Pre-1950 urban definition: 96.5 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1940 (Apr. 1) 1930 (Apr. 1) 1920 (Jan. 1) 4 951 560 2 771 305 1 897 414 1 468 211 968 470 2 180 255 873 891 429 203 499 741 215 851 78.7 46.1 29.2 51.6 28.7 160 94 70 58 30 3 077 989 1 566 788 1 045 791 759 778 353 515 1 511 201 520 997 286 013 406 263 134 435 49.8 37.6 114.9 61.4 1 873 571 1 204 517 851 623 708 433 614 955 669 054 352 894 143 190 93 478 81 416 55.5 41.4 20.2 15.2 15.3 62.2 56.5 55.1 51.7 36.5 37.8 43.5 44.9 48.3 63.5 ww288 8QQ43 1910 (Apr. 15) 1900 (June 1) 1890 (June 1) 1880 (June 1) 1870 (June 1) 752 619 528 542 391 422 269 493 187 748 224 077 137 120 121 929 81 745 47 324 42.4 35.0 45.2 43.5 33.7 23 12 12 219 080 107 031 77 358 26 947 15 275 112 049 29 673 50 411 11 672 9 567 104.7 38.4 187.1 76.4 167.6 533 539 421 511 314 064 242 546 172 473 112 028 107 447 71 518 70 073 37 757 26.6 34.2 29.5 29.1 20.3 19.8 10.0 8.1 70.9 79.7 80.2 90.0 91.9 40.6 28.0 5 708 5 708 (X) 4.1 1860 (June 1) 1850 (June 1) 1840 (June 1) 1830 (June 1) 140 424 87 445 54 477 34 730 52 979 32 968 19 747 (X) 60.6 60.5 56.9 (X) '' 134 716 87 445 54 477 34 730 47 271 32 968 19 747 (X) 54.1 60.5 56.9 (X) 95.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 (X) (X) HOUSING UNITS Current urban definition: 89.3 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 7 302 947 16 100 250 1 202 697 (X) 19.7 (X) XX 6 518 543 5 388 519 1 130 024 (X) 88 21.0 (X) 784 404 711 743 72 661 (X) 10.2 (X) 10.7 11.7 88.3 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 6 100 250 4 378 867 2 527 596 1 776 961 952 131 1 721 383 1 851 271 750 635 824 830 (X) 39.3 73.2 42.2 86.6 (X) XXXXX 5 188 171 3 683 342 2 042 463 1 339 219 643 512 1 504 829 1 640 879 703 244 695 707 (X) 40.9 80.3 52.5 108.1 (X) 912 091 695 349 484 149 437 742 308 619 216 742 211 200 46 407 129 123 (X) 31.2 43.6 10.6 41.8 (X) 85.0 84.1 80.8 75.4 67.6 15.0 15.9 19.2 24.6 32.4 : Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 1 US Census Bureau Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population State County 2000 1980 1960 Housing units 1990 1970 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 The State 15 982 378 r 12 938 071 9 746 961 6 791 418 4 951 560 7 302 947 " 6 100 250 4 378 867 2 527 596 1 776 961 COUNTY Alachua County Baker County. Bay County Bradford County Brevard County 217 955 22 259 148 217 26 088 476 230 181 596 18 486 126 994 22 515 398 978 151 369 15 289 97 740 20 023 272 959 104 764 9 242 75 283 14 625 230 006 74 074 7 363 67 131 12 446 111 435 95 113 7 592 78 435 9 605 222 072 79 022 5 975 65 999 8 099 185 150 58 961 4 548 42 900 7 249 113 900 33 538 2 352 26 978 4 626 77 981 21 933 1 951 21 680 4 019 36 852 Broward County. Calhoun County. Charlotte County Citrus County. Clay County 1 623 018 13 017 141 627 118 085 140 814 11 255 531 11 011 110 975 ' 93 513 105 986 1 018 257 9 294 58 460 54 703 67 052 620 100 7 624 27 559 19 196 32 059 333 946 7 422 12 594 9 268 19 535 741 043 5 250 79 758 62 204 53 748 628 681 4 468 64 641 r 49 853 40 249 486 161 3 562 34 798 29 195 24 328 253 320 2 710 13 752 9 769 10 988 128 559 2 403 6 188 4 512 7 164 Collier County Columbia County... DeSoto County Dixie County. Duval County 251 377 56 513 32 209 13 827 778 879 152 099 42 613 23 865 10 585 672 971 85 971 35 399 19 039 7 751 571 003 38 040 25 250 13 060 5 480 528 865 15 753 20 077 11 683 4 479 455 411 144 536 23 579 13 608 7 362 329 778 94 165 17 818 10 310 6 445 284 673 50 743 13 628 7 458 4 010 227 077 17 580 8 450 4 095 1 884 174 309 5 950 6 377 3 399 1 584 141 252 Escambia County Flagler County Franklin County Gadsden County Gilchrist County 294 410 49 832 11 057 45 087 14 437 262 798 28 701 8 967 "41 116 9 667 233 794 10 913 7 661 41 674 5 767 205 334 4 454 7 065 39 184 3 551 173 829 4 566 6 576 41 989 2 868 124 647 24 452 7 180 17 703 5 906 112 230 15 215 5 891 " 14 867 4 071 88 661 5 891 4 497 13 387 2 647 65 141 1 867 3 409 10 268 1 253 52 256 1 696 3 101 9 625 1 024 Glades County.. Gulf County Hamilton County Hardee County Hendry County.. 10 576 13 332 13 327 26 938 36 210 7 591 11 504 10 930 19 499 25 773 5 992 10 658 8 761 20 357 18 599 3 669 10 096 7 787 14 889 11 859 2 950 9 937 7 705 12 370 8 119 5 790 7 587 4 966 9 820 12 294 4 624 6 339 4 119 7 941 9 945 3 475 4 741 3 342 7 432 7 032 1 443 3 795 2 562 4 801 3 985 1 035 3 581 2 345 4 063 2 569 Hernando County Highlands County Hillsborough County Holmes County Indian River County 130 802 87 366 998 948 18 564 112 947 101 115 68 432 834 054 15 778 90 208 44 469 47 526 646 939 14 723 59 896 17 004 29 507 490 265 10 720 35 992 11 205 21 338 397 788 10 844 25 309 62 727 48 846 425 962 7 998 57 902 50 018 40 114 367 740 6 785 47 128 22 541 25 994 263 608 5 751 29 417 7 776 12 547 168 555 4 082 14 109 4 406 8 584 135 406 3 473 9 703 Jackson County. Jefferson County Lafayette County. Lake County Lee County 46 755 12 902 7 022 210 528 440 888 41 375 11 296 5 578 152 104 335 113 39 154 10 703 4 035 104 870 205 266 34 434 8 778 2 892 69 305 105 216 36 208 9 543 2 889 57 383 54 539 19 490 5 251 2 660 102 830 245 405 16 320 4 395 2 266 75 707 189 051 14 588 3 843 1 764 50 511 111 013 11 379 2 683 1 036 28 348 43 511 10 962 2 831 1 066 21 757 21 032 Leon County. Levy County Liberty County Madison County Manatee County 239 452 34 450 7 021 18 733 264 002 192 493 1 25 912 5 569 16 569 211 707 148 655 19 870 4 260 14 894 148 445 103 047 12 756 3 379 13 481 97 115 74 225 10 364 3 138 14 154 69 168 103 974 16 570 3 156 7 836 138 128 81 325 r 12 299 2 157 6 275 115 245 59 556 9 068 2 027 5 557 83 608 32 576 4 760 1 287 4 265 42 841 21 103 3 622 990 4 304 30 309 Marion County Martin County Miami-Dade County Monroe County Nassau County 258 916 126 731 2 253 362 79 589 57 663 r 194 835 100 900 r 1 937 194 78 024 43 941 122 488 64 014 1 625 509 63 188 32 894 69 030 28 035 1 267 792 52 586 20 626 51 616 16 932 935 047 47 921 17 189 122 663 65 471 852 278 51 617 25 917 r 94 568 54 199 771 288 46 215 18 726 55 345 34 002 665 282 38 088 13 303 26 129 12 403 453 908 20 731 6 785 17 960 7 473 348 946 16 721 5 344 Okaloosa County.. Okeechobee County. Orange County Osceola County. Palm Beach County 170 498 35 910 896 344 172 493 1 131 184 r 143 777 29 627 677 491 107 728 r 863 503 109 920 20 264 470 865 49 287 576 758 88 187 11 233 344 311 25 267 348 993 61 175 6 424 263 540 19 029 228 106 78 593 15 504 361 349 72 293 556 428 62 570 13 266 282 686 47 959 1 461 625 43 099 9 605 184 701 23 825 295 536 27 296 3 719 117 298 10 540 141 363 17 943 2 013 88 420 7 906 89 396 Pasco County Pinellas County Polk County Putnam County St. Johns County.. 344 765 921 482 483 924 70 423 123 135 281 131 851 659 405 382 65 070 83 829 193 661 728 531 321 652 50 549 51 303 75 955 522 329 228 515 36 424 31 035 36 785 374 665 195 139 32 212 30 034 173 717 481 573 226 376 33 870 58 008 148 965 458 341 186 225 31 840 40 712 100 846 377 052 134 873 23 645 22 861 34 816 228 771 81 244 13 019 11 840 14 854 165 823 64 116 10 880 10 646 St. Lucie County Santa Rosa County. Sarasota County Seminole County. Sumter County 192 695 117 743 325 957 365 196 53 345 150 171 81 608 277 776 287 521 31 577 87 182 55 988 202 251 179 752 24 272 50 836 37 741 120 413 83 692 14 839 39 294 29 547 76 895 54 947 11 869 91 262 49 119 182 467 147 079 25 195 73 843 32 831 157 055 r 117 841 15 298 40 915 20 356 113 355 68 154 11 083 18 871 12 151 56 242 28 446 5 285 13 989 8 673 34 806 18 212 4 138 Suwannee County Taylor County Union County Volusia County Wakulla County Walton County Washington County 34 844 19 256 13 442 443 343 22 863 40 601 20 973 26 780 17 111 10 252 1 370 737 14 202 r 27 759 16 919 22 287 16 532 10 166 258 762 10 887 21 300 14 509 15 559 13 641 8 112 169 487 6 308 16 087 11 453 14 961 13 168 6 043 125 319 5 257 15 576 11 249 15 679 9 646 3 736 211 938 9 820 29 083 9 503 11 699 7 908 2 975 r 180 983 6 587 I 18 727 7 703 8 765 6 982 2 329 124 427 5 072 10 918 5 979 5 227 4 991 1 745 70 605 2 726 6 597 4 237 4 748 4 407 1 298 52 351 1 918 5 591 3 723 2 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Average per square mile Percent change State Population Housing units County Housing Land area in Housing Population units square miles Population 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 units The State 15 982 378 7 302 947 53 926.82 296.4 135.4 23.5 32.7 43.5 19.7 39.3 73.2 COUNTY Alachua County Baker County Bay County Bradford County. Brevard County 217 955 22 259 148 217 26 088 476 230 95 113 7 592 78 435 9 605 222 072 874.25 585.21 763.68 293.13 1 018.19 249.3 38.0 194.1 89.0 467.7 108.8 13.0 102.7 32.8 218.1 20.0 20.4 16.7 15.9 19.4 20.0 20.9 29.9 12.4 46.2 44.5 65.4 29.8 36.9 18.7 20.4 27.1 18.8 18.6 19.9 34.0 31.4 53.8 11.7 62.6 75.8 93.4 59.0 56.7 46.1 Broward County Calhoun County Charlotte County Citrus County Clay County 1 623 018 13 017 141 627 118 085 140 814 741 043 5 250 79 758 62 204 53 748 1 205.40 567.31 693.60 583.81 601.11 1 346.5 22.9 204.2 202.3 234.3 614.8 9.3 115.0 106.5 89.4 29.3 18.2 27.6 26.3 32.9 23.3 18.5 89.8 70.9 58.1 64.2 21.9 112.1 185.0 109.2 17.9 17.5 23.4 24.8 33.5 29.3 25.4 85.8 70.8 65.4 91.9 31.4 153.0 198.9 121.4 Collier County. Columbia County DeSoto County. Dixie County. Duval County 251 377 56 513 32 209 13 827 778 879 144 536 23 579 13 608 7 362 329 778 2 025.34 797.05 637.27 704.01 773.67 124.1 70.9 50.5 19.6 1 006.7 71.4 29.6 21.4 10.5 426.3 65.3 32.6 35.0 30.6 15.7 76.9 20.4 25.3 36.6 17.9 126.0 40.2 45.8 41.4 8.0 53.5 32.3 32.0 14.2 15.8 85.6 30.7 38.2 60.7 25.4 188.6 61.3 82.1 112.8 30.3 Escambia County. Flagler County Franklin County Gadsden County Gilchrist County 294 410 49 832 11 057 45 087 14 437 124 647 24 452 7 180 17 703 5 906 662.35 485.00 544.34 516.13 348.89 444.5 102.7 20.3 87.4 41.4 188.2 50.4 13.2 34.3 16.9 12.0 73.6 23.3 9.7 49.3 12.4 163.0 17.0 -1.3 67.6 13.9 145.0 8.4 6.4 62.4 11.1 60.7 21.9 19.1 45.1 26.6 158.3 31.0 11.1 53.8 36.1 215.5 31.9 30.4 111.3 Glades County : Gulf County.. Hamilton County Hardee County Hendry County 10 576 13 332 13 327 26 938 36 210 5 790 7 587 4 966 9 820 12 294 773.64 554.60 514.86 637.30 1 152.53 13.7 24.0 25.9 42.3 31.4 7.5 13.7 9.6 15.4 10.7 39.3 15.9 21.9 38.2 40.5 26.7 7.9 24.8 -4.2 38.6 63.3 5.6 12.5 36.7 56.8 25.2 19.7 20.6 23.7 23.6 33.1 33.7 23.2 6.8 41.4 140.8 24.9 30.4 54.8 76.5 Hernando County. Highlands County Hillsborough County Holmes County.. Indian River County. 130 802 87 366 998 948 18 564 112 947 62 727 48 846 425 962 7 998 57 902 478.31 1 028.27 1 050.91 482.45 503.23 273.5 85.0 950.6 38.5 224.4 131.1 47.5 405.3 16.6 115.1 29.4 27.7 19.8 17.7 25.2 127.4 44.0 28.9 7.2 50.6 161.5 61.1 32.0 37.3 66.4 25.4 21.8 15.8 17.9 22.9 121.9 54.3 39.5 18.0 60.2 189.9 107.2 56.4 40.9 108.5 Jackson County Jefferson County Lafayette County Lake County Lee County 46 755 12 902 7 022 210 528 440 888 19 490 5 251 2 660 102 830 245 405 915.64 597.74 542.84 953.15 803.63 51.1 21.6 12.9 220.9 548.6 21.3 8.8 4.9 107.9 305.4 13.0 14.2 25.9 38.4 31.6 5.7 5.5 38.2 45.0 63.3 13.7 21.9 39.5 51.3 95.1 19.4 19.5 17.4 35.8 29.8 11.9 14.4 28.5 49.9 70.3 28.2 43.2 70.3 78.2 155.1 Leon County Levy County Liberty County Madison County. Manatee County 239 452 34 450 7 021 18 733 264 002 103 974 16 570 3 156 7 836 138 128 666.74 1 118.38 835.87 691.79 741.03 359.1 30.8 8.4 27.1 356.3 155.9 14.8 3.8 11.3 186.4 24.4 32.9 26.1 13.1 24.7 29.5 30.4 30.7 11.2 42.6 44.3 55.8 26.1 10.5 52.9 27.8 34.7 46.3 24.9 19.9 36.6 35.6 6.4 12.9 37.8 82.8 90.5 57.5 30.3 95.2 32.9 25.6 59.1 57.6 77.4 128.3 29.7 20.8 70.9 59.4 111.8 174.1 Marion County Martin County. Miami-Dade County. Monroe County Nassau County.. 258 916 126 731 2 253 362 79 589 57 663 122 663 65 471 852 278 51 617 25 917 1 578.86 555.62 1 946.06 996.91 651.55 164.0 228.1 1 157.9 79.8 88.5 77.7 117.8 437.9 51.8 39.8 2.0 31.2 23.5 33.6 20.2 59.5 11.7 38.4 21.3 40.8 83.7 96.1 Okaloosa County Okeechobee County Orange County. Osceola County Palm Beach County. 170 498 35 910 896 344 172 493 1 131 184 78 593 15 504 361 349 72 293 556 428 935.63 773.94 907.45 1 321.90 1 974.11 182.2 46.4 987.8 130.5 573.0 84.0 20.0 398.2 54.7 281.9 18.6 21.2 32.3 60.1 31.0 30.8 46.2 43.9 118.6 49.7 24.6 80.4 36.8 95.1 65.3 25.6 16.9 27.8 50.7 20.5 45.2 38.1 53.1 101.3 56.2 57.9 158.3 57.5 126.0 109.1 Pasco County Pinellas County Polk County Putnam County St. Johns County 344 765 921 482 483 924 70 423 123 135 173 717 481 573 226 376 33 870 58 008 744.85 279.92 1 874.38 721.89 609.01 462.9 3 292.0 258.2 97.6 202.2 233.2 1 720.4 120.8 46.9 95.2 22.6 8.2 19.4 8.2 46.9 45.2 16.9 26.0 28.7 63.4 155.0 39.5 40.8 38.8 65.3 16.6 5.1 21.6 6.4 42.5 47.7 21.6 38.1 34.7 78.1 189.7 64.8 66.0 81.6 93.1 St. Lucie County Santa Rosa County Sarasota County Seminole County Sumter County. 192 695 117 743 325 957 365 196 53 345 91 262 49 119 182 467 147 079 25 195 572.45 1 016.93 571.55 308.20 545.73 336.6 115.8 570.3 1 184.9 97.7 159.4 48.3 319.2 477.2 46.2 28.3 44.3 17.3 27.0 68.9 72.3 45.8 37.3 60.0 30.1 71.5 48.3 68.0 114.8 63.6 23.6 49.6 16.2 24.8 64.7 80.5 61.3 38.6 72.9 38.0 116.8 67.5 101.5 139.6 109.7 Suwannee County Taylor County. Union County Volusia County Wakulla County Walton County Washington County 34 844 19 256 13 442 443 343 22 863 40 601 20 973 15 679 9 646 3 736 211 938 9 820 29 083 9 503 687.64 1 041.91 240.29 1 103.25 606.66 1 057.56 579.93 50.7 18.5 55.9 401.9 37.7 38.4 36.2 22.8 9.3 15.5 192.1 16.2 27.5 16.4 30.1 12.5 31.1 19.6 61.0 46.3 24.0 20.2 3.5 0.8 43.3 30.4 30.3 16.6 43.2 21.2 25.3 52.7 72.6 32.4 26.7 34.0 22.0 25.6 17.1 49.1 55.3 23.4 33.5 13.3 27.7 45.5 29.9 71.5 28.8 67.7 39.9 33.5 76.2 86.1 65.5 41.1 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 4. Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; ; and Population by Urban: 1990 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 1990 Urban Rural Percent of total population State County Urban Total population In urbanized area In urban cluster In place Total Current urban definition Not in place Total 1950-90 urban definition Total population Urban Rural The State 15 982 378 14 270 020 13 470 104 799 916 1 712 358 365 135 1 347 223 89.3 10.7 || 12 938 071 11 386 689 10 967 328 COUNTY 159 508 3 006 7 972 Alachua County Baker County Bay County Bradford County. Brevard County 217 955 22 259 148 217 26 088 476 230 162 514 7 972 132 240 8 803 454 444 132 240 55 441 14 287 15 977 17 285 21 786 14 720 264 1 707 1 990 7 833 40 721 14 023 14 270 15 295 13 953 74.6 35.8 89.2 33.7 95.4 25.4 64.2 10.8 66.3 4.6 181 596 18 486 126 994 22 515 398 978 126 256 8 046 110 471 6 494 372 709 132 844 3 966 107 718 5 226 366 284 8 803 454 444 1 620 810 1 241 692 4 459 Broward County Calhoun County Charlotte County Citrus County Clay County 1 623 018 13 017 141 627 118 085 140 814 1 620 810 4 459 127 743 67 791 106 305 127 743 2 208 8 558 13 884 50 294 34 509 2 189 687 1 294 25 636 4 500 19 7 871 12 590 24 658 30 009 99.9 34.3 90.2 57.4 75.5 0.1 65.7 9.8 42.6 24.5 11 255 531 11 011 110 975 93 513 105 986 1 240 325 3 799 93 180 50 316 74 171 67 791 14 068 88 907 28 957 69 616 92 237 189 428 Collier County.. Columbia County DeSoto County. Dixie County Duval County 251 377 56 513 32 209 13 827 778 879 226 345 18 311 14 781 3 195 748 966 36 917 18 311 14 199 3 195 25 032 38 202 17 428 10 632 29 913 2 665 1 281 722 352 29 913 22 367 36 921 16 706 10 280 582 90.0 32.4 45.9 23.1 96.2 10.0 67.6 54.1 76.9 3.8 152 099 42 613 23 865 10 585 672 971 130 052 18 580 11 882 117 957 13 345 10 633 748 966 643 361 664 869 Escambia County. Flagler County Franklin County Gadsden County Gilchrist County 259 411 5 383 294 410 49 832 11 057 45 087 14 437 262 408 33 524 2 900 15 566 2 997 28 141 2 900 15 566 32 002 16 308 8 157 29 521 14 437 4 207 7 367 3 461 3 249 2 239 27 795 8 941 4 696 26 272 12 198 89.1 67.3 26.2 34.5 10.9 32.7 73.8 65.5 100.0 262 798 28 701 8 967 1 41 116 9 667 229 191 16 681 3 252 15 200 225 628 18 107 2 602 11 826 4 044 Glades County Gulf County Hamilton County Hardee County Hendry County 10 576 13 332 13 327 26 938 36 210 2 908 4 358 2 563 14 638 22 883 2 908 4 358 2 563 14 638 22 883 7 668 8 974 10 764 12 300 13 327 1 390 1 722 1 750 264 1 658 6 278 7 252 9 014 12 036 11 669 27.5 32.7 19.2 54.3 63.2 72.5 67.3 80.8 45.7 36.8 7 591 11 504 10 930 19 499 25 773 4 784 3 038 7 065 17 799 3 253 11 614 96 816 Hernando County.. Highlands County Hillsborough County Holmes County. Indian River County. 130 802 87 366 998 948 18 564 112 947 99 591 58 473 942 962 3 925 103 994 912 829 2 775 58 473 30 133 3 925 3 858 31 211 28 893 55 986 14 639 8 953 9 068 1 079 19 938 1 659 2 437 22 143 27 814 36 048 12 980 6 516 76.1 66.9 94.4 21.1 92.1 23.9 33.1 5.6 78.9 7.9 101 115 68 432 834 054 15 778 90 208 72 330 48 546 764 243 3 207 80 538 61 652 16 942 743 741 2 612 74 912 100 136 8 146 8 146 17.4 10 751 2 921 8 967 2 573 Jackson County Jefferson County Lafayette County Lake County : Lee County 46 755 12 902 7 022 210 528 440 888 38 609 12 902 7 022 63 522 51 176 9 987 2 533 988 14 207 45 790 28 622 10 369 6 034 49 315 5 386 82.6 100.0 100.0 30.2 11.6 41 375 11 296 5 578 152 104 335 113 147 006 389 712 116 485 362 615 30 521 27 097 69.8 88.4 100 968 290 413 65 712 288 780 204 260 204 260 85.3 160 000 158 644 Leon County Levy County Liberty County Madison County Manatee County 239 452 34 450 7 021 18 733 264 002 35 192 34 450 7 021 14 714 21 526 3 531 14 821 845 1 460 325 31 661 19 629 6 176 13 254 21 201 14.7 100.0 100.0 78.5 8.2 192 493 ' 25 912 5 569 16 569 211 707 I! 4 019 4 019 242 476 21.5 91.8 4 606 195 289 3 345 187 630 242 476 Marion County Martin County. Miami-Dade County. Monroe County Nassau County. 258 916 126 731 2 253 362 79 589 57 663 157 746 112 560 2 237 340 73 948 28 423 132 732 107 215 2 222 891 25 014 5 345 14 449 73 948 28 423 101 170 14 171 16 022 5 641 29 240 1 520 1 391 1 583 4 503 7 209 99 650 12 780 14 439 1 138 22 031 60.9 88.8 99.3 92.9 49.3 39.1 11.2 0.7 7.1 50.7 r 194 835 100 900 1 1 937 194 78 024 43 941 101 816 90 679 1 920 008 68 704 12 750 77 091 83 909 1 914 660 57 249 19 727 127 970 21 853 20 432 Okaloosa County. Okeechobee County Orange County.. Osceola County Palm Beach County. 170 498 35 910 896 344 172 493 1 131 184 149 823 20 432 865 507 131 897 1 112 172 865 507 123 341 1 070 411 20 675 15 478 30 837 40 596 19 012 1 960 192 12 834 8 429 4 887 18 715 15 286 18 003 32 167 14 125 87.9 56.9 96.6 76.5 98.3 12.1 43.1 3.4 23.5 1.7 r 143 777 29 627 677 491 107 728 ! 863 503 124 526 18 761 645 928 77 025 838 580 120 764 9 024 630 276 71 490 817 843 8 556 41 761 4 906 39 048 Pasco County Pinellas County Polk County Putnam County St. Johns County 344 765 921 482 483 924 70 423 123 135 293 288 920 493 385 657 32 054 94 611 288 382 920 493 354 035 31 622 32 054 51 477 989 98 267 38 369 28 524 12 429 989 12 346 2 772 2 440 85 921 35 597 26 084 85.1 99.9 79.7 45.5 76.8 14.9 0.1 20.3 54.5 23.2 281 131 851 659 405 382 65 070 83 829 231 574 848 643 312 333 27 565 61 015 189 797 848 184 284 491 10 201 47 907 94 611 St. Lucie County Santa Rosa County Sarasota County Seminole County Sumter County 192 695 117 743 325 957 365 196 53 345 181 076 83 627 309 814 349 836 26 224 181 076 83 627 309 814 349 836 10 324 11 619 34 116 16 143 15 360 27 121 2 908 1 296 4 194 3 094 2 465 8 711 32 820 11 949 12 266 24 656 94.0 71.0 95.0 95.8 49.2 6.0 29.0 5.0 4.2 50.8 150 171 81 608 277 776 287 521 31 577 137 380 46 404 263 483 268 290 12 309 138 069 36 204 259 090 266 560 6 126 15 900 Suwannee County Taylor County Union County Volusia County Wakulla County Walton County Washington County. 34 844 19 256 13 442 443 343 22 863 40 601 20 973 6 460 6 565 6 428 401 310 6 460 6 565 6 428 3 627 6 332 7 151 28 384 12 691 7 014 42 033 22 863 32 477 17 359 1 091 1 121 436 15 122 698 3 680 1 818 18.5 34.1 47.8 90.5 397 683 27 293 11 570 6 578 26 911 22 165 28 797 15 541 81.5 65.9 52.2 9.5 100.0 80.0 82.8 6 339 7 127 4 537 330 306 26 780 17 111 10 252 370 737 14 202 r 27 759 16 919 311 013 3 787 8 124 3 614 4 337 3 614 20.0 17.2 6 162 3 981 5 706 3 866 4 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] The State Urban Rural Percent of total State Urban and Rural Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Number of places of 2,500 or more Total number Number Percent Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Urban Rural POPULATION Current urban definition: 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 15 982 378 12 938 071 3 044 307 (X) 23.5 (X) 581 521 14 270 020 11 386 689 2 883 331 (X) r 25.3 1 712 358 (X) 1 551 237 161 121 (X) 10.4 (X) 89.3 88.0 10.7 12.0 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) r 12 938 071 9 746 961 6 791 418 4 951 560 2 771 305 3 191 110 2 955 543 1 839 858 2 180 255 (X) 32.7 43.5 37.2 78.7 (X) 521 430 285 179 10 967 328 8 212 385 5 544 551 3 661 383 1 813 890 2 754 943 2 667 834 1 883 168 1 847 493 (X) 33.5 48.1 51.4 101.9 (X) 1 970 598 1 533 939 1 244 892 1 290 177 957 415 436 659 289 047 -45 285 332 762 (X) 28.5 23.2 -3.5 34.8 (X) 84.8 84.3 81.7 73.9 65.5 15.2 15.7 18.3 26.1 34.5 98 Pre-1950 urban definition: 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1940 (Apr. 1) 1930 (Apr. 1) 1920 (Jan. 1) 4 951 560 2 771 305 1 897 414 1 468 211 968 470 2 180 255 873 891 429 203 499 741 215 851 78.7 46.1 29.2 51.6 28.7 160 94 70 58 3 077 989 1 566 788 1 045 791 759 778 353 515 1 511 201 520 997 286 013 406 263 134 435 96.5 49.8 37.6 114.9 61.4 1 873 571 1 204 517 851 623 708 433 614 955 669 054 352 894 143 190 93 478 81 416 55.5 41.4 20.2 15.2 15.3 62.2 56.5 55.1 51.7 36.5 37.8 43.5 44.9 48.3 63.5 1910 (Apr. 15) 1900 (June 1) 1890 (June 1) 1880 (June 1) 1870 (June 1) a ~ សីដ ៩៩ន 752 619 528 542 391 422 269 493 187 748 224 077 137 120 121 929 81 745 47 324 42.4 35.0 45.2 43.5 33.7 219 080 107 031 77 358 26 947 15 275 112 049 29 673 50 411 11 672 9 567 104.7 38.4 187.1 76.4 167.6 533 539 421 511 314 064 242 546 172 473 112 028 107 447 71 518 70 073 37 757 26.6 34.2 29.5 40.6 28.0 29.1 20.3 19.8 10.0 8.1 70.9 79.7 80.2 90.0 91.9 2 5 708 5 708 (X) 4.1 1860 (June 1) 1850 (June 1) 1840 (June 1) 1830 (June 1) 140 424 87 445 54 477 34 730 52 979 32 968 19 747 (X) 60.6 60.5 56.9 (X) 'י 134 716 87 445 54 477 34 730 47 271 32 968 19 747 (X) 54.1 60.5 56.9 (X) 95.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 (X) (X) HOUSING UNITS Current urban definition: 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 7 302 947 16 100 250 1 202 697 (X) 19.7 (X) (X) (X) 6 518 543 5 388 519 1 130 024 (X) 21.0 (X) 784 404 711 743 72 661 (X) 10.2 (X) ZŇ 89.3 88.3 10.7 11.7 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) " 6 100 250 4 378 867 2 527 596 1 776 961 952 131 1 721 383 1 851 271 750 635 824 830 (X) 39.3 73.2 42.2 86.6 (X) XXXXX ) 5 188 171 3 683 342 2 042 463 1 339 219 643 512 1 504 829 1 640 879 703 244 695 707 (X) 40.9 80.3 52.5 108.1 (X) 912 091 695 349 484 149 437 742 308 619 216 742 211 200 46 407 129 123 (X) 31.2 43.6 10.6 41.8 (X) 85.0 84.1 80.8 75.4 67.6 15.0 15.9 19.2 24.6 32.4 () Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 1 U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population County Housing units 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 The State 15 982 378 r 12 938 071 9 746 961 6 791 418 4 951 560 7 302 947 r 6 100 250 4 378 867 2 527 596 1 776 961 COUNTY Alachua County. Baker County Bay County.. Bradford County Brevard County 217 955 22 259 148 217 26 088 476 230 181 596 18 486 126 994 22 515 398 978 151 369 15 289 97 740 20 023 272 959 104 764 9 242 75 283 14 625 230 006 74 074 7 363 67 131 12 446 111 435 95 113 7 592 78 435 9 605 222 072 79 022 5 975 65 999 8 099 185 150 58 961 4 548 42 900 7 249 113 900 33 538 2 352 26 978 4 626 77 981 21 933 1 951 21 680 4 019 36 852 Broward County. Calhoun County. Charlotte County Citrus County Clay County 1 623 018 13 017 141 627 118 085 140 814 11 255 531 11 011 110 975 r 93 513 105 986 1 018 257 9 294 58 460 54 703 67 052 620 100 7 624 27 559 19 196 32 059 333 946 7 422 12 594 9 268 19 535 741 043 5 250 79 758 62 204 53 748 1 628 681 4 468 64 641 149 853 40 249 486 161 3 562 34 798 29 195 24 328 253 320 2 710 13 752 9 769 10 988 128 559 2 403 6 188 4 512 7 164 Collier County Columbia County. DeSoto County Dixie County Duval County 251 377 56 513 32 209 13 827 778 879 152 099 42 613 23 865 10 585 672 971 85 971 35 399 19 039 7 751 571 003 38 040 25 250 13 060 5 480 528 865 15 753 20 077 11 683 4 479 455 411 144 536 23 579 13 608 7 362 329 778 94 165 17 818 10 310 6 445 284 673 50 743 13 628 7 458 4 010 227 077 17 580 8 450 4 095 1 884 174 309 5 950 6 377 3 399 1 584 141 252 Escambia County Flagler County. Franklin County Gadsden County Gilchrist County 294 410 49 832 11 057 45 087 14 437 262 798 28 701 8 967 41 116 9 667 233 794 10 913 7 661 41 674 5 767 205 334 4 454 7 065 39 184 3 551 173 829 4 566 6 576 41 989 2 868 124 647 24 452 7 180 17 703 5 906 112 230 15 215 5 891 1 14 867 4 071 88 661 5 891 4 497 13 387 2 647 65 141 1 867 3 409 10 268 1 253 52 256 1 696 3 101 9 625 1 024 Glades County. Gulf County Hamilton County Hardee County Hendry County.. 10 576 13 332 13 327 26 938 36 210 7 591 11 504 10 930 19 499 25 773 5 992 10 658 8 761 20 357 18 599 3 669 10 096 7 787 14 889 11 859 2 950 9 937 7 705 12 370 8 119 5 790 7 587 4 966 9 820 12 294 4 624 6 339 4 119 7 941 9 945 3 475 4 741 3 342 7 432 7 032 1 443 3 795 2 562 4 801 3 985 1 035 3 581 2 345 4 063 2 569 Hernando County Highlands County Hillsborough County Holmes County Indian River County 130 802 87 366 998 948 18 564 112 947 101 115 68 432 834 054 15 778 90 208 44 469 47 526 646 939 14 723 59 896 17 004 29 507 490 265 10 720 35 992 11 205 21 338 397 788 10 844 25 309 62 727 48 846 425 962 7 998 57 902 50 018 40 114 367 740 6 785 47 128 22 541 25 994 263 608 5 751 29 417 7 776 12 547 168 555 4 082 14 109 4 406 8 584 135 406 3 473 9 703 Jackson County. Jefferson County Lafayette County Lake County Lee County 46 755 12 902 7 022 210 528 440 888 41 375 11 296 5 578 152 104 335 113 39 154 10 703 4 035 104 870 205 266 34 434 8 778 2 892 69 305 105 216 36 208 9 543 2 889 57 383 54 539 19 490 5 251 2 660 102 830 245 405 16 320 4 395 2 266 75 707 189 051 14 588 3 843 1 764 50 511 111 013 11 379 2 683 1 036 28 348 43 511 10 962 2 831 1 066 21 757 21 032 Leon County. Levy County Liberty County Madison County Manatee County 239 452 34 450 7 021 18 733 264 002 192 493 1 25 912 5 569 16 569 211 707 148 655 19 870 4 260 14 894 148 445 103 047 12 756 3 379 13 481 97 115 74 225 10 364 3 138 14 154 69 168 103 974 16 570 3 156 7 836 138 128 81 325 P 12 299 2 157 6 275 115 245 59 556 9 068 2 027 5 557 83 608 32 576 4 760 1 287 4 265 42 841 21 103 3 622 990 4 304 30 309 Marion County Martin County Miami-Dade County Monroe County Nassau County 258 916 126 731 2 253 362 79 589 57 663 " 194 835 100 900 1 1 937 194 78 024 43 941 122 488 64 014 1 625 509 63 188 32 894 69 030 28 035 1 267 792 52 586 20 626 51 616 16 932 935 047 47 921 17 189 122 663 65 471 852 278 51 617 25 917 1 94 568 54 199 771 288 46 215 18 726 55 345 34 002 665 282 38 088 13 303 26 129 12 403 453 908 20 731 6 785 17 960 7473 348 946 16 721 5 344 Okaloosa County. Okeechobee County. Orange County Osceola County. Palm Beach County 170 498 35 910 896 344 172 493 1 131 184 r 143 777 29 627 677 491 107 728 1 863 503 109 920 20 264 470 865 49 287 576 758 88 187 11 233 344 311 25 267 348 993 61 175 6 424 263 540 19 029 228 106 78 593 15 504 361 349 72 293 556 428 " 62 570 13 266 282 686 47 959 1 461 625 43 099 9 605 184 701 23 825 295 536 27 296 3 719 117 298 10 540 141 363 17 943 2 013 88 420 7 906 89 396 Pasco County Pinellas County Polk County Putnam County St. Johns County 344 765 921 482 483 924 70 423 123 135 281 131 851 659 405 382 65 070 83 829 193 661 728 531 321 652 50 549 51 303 75 955 522 329 228 515 36 424 31 035 36 785 374 665 195 139 32 212 30 034 173 717 481 573 226 376 33 870 58 008 148 965 458 341 186 225 31 840 40 712 100 846 377 052 134 873 23 645 22 861 34 816 228 771 81 244 13 019 11 840 14 854 165 823 64 116 10 880 10 646 St. Lucie County Santa Rosa County. Sarasota County Seminole County. Sumter County 192 695 117 743 325 957 365 196 53 345 150 171 81 608 277 776 r 287 521 31 577 87 182 55 988 202 251 179 752 24 272 50 836 37 741 120 413 83 692 14 839 39 294 29 547 76 895 54 947 11 869 91 262 49 119 182 467 147 079 25 195 73 843 32 831 157 055 r 117 841 15 298 40 915 20 356 113 355 68 154 11 083 18 871 12 151 56 242 28 446 5 285 13 989 8 673 34 806 18 212 4 138 Suwannee County.. Taylor County Union County Volusia County Wakulla County Walton County Washington County 34 844 19 256 13 442 443 343 22 863 40 601 20 973 26 780 17 111 10 252 " 370 737 14 202 r 27 759 16 919 22 287 16 532 10 166 258 762 10 887 21 300 14 509 15 559 13 641 8 112 169 487 6 308 16 087 11 453 14 961 13 168 6 043 125 319 5 257 15 576 11 249 15 679 9 646 3 736 211 938 9 820 29 083 9 503 11 699 7 908 2 975 r 180 983 6 587 I 18 727 7 703 8 765 6 982 2 329 124 427 5 072 10 918 5 979 5 227 4 991 1 745 70 605 2 726 6 597 4 237 4 748 4 407 1 298 52 351 1 918 5 591 3 723 2 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Average per square mile Percent change State Population Housing units County Housing Land area in Housing Population units square miles Population 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 units The State 15 982 378 7 302 947 53 926.82 296.4 135.4 23.5 32.7 43.5 19.7 39.3 73.2 COUNTY Alachua County Baker County Bay County Bradford County Brevard County 217 955 22 259 148 217 26 088 476 230 95 113 7 592 78 435 9 605 222 072 874.25 585.21 763.68 293.13 1 018.19 249.3 38.0 194.1 89.0 467.7 108.8 13.0 102.7 32.8 218.1 20.0 20.4 16.7 15.9 19.4 20.0 20.9 29.9 12.4 46.2 44.5 65.4 29.8 36.9 18.7 20.4 27.1 18.8 18.6 19.9 34.0 31.4 53.8 11.7 62.6 75.8 93.4 59.0 56.7 46.1 Broward County Calhoun County Charlotte County Citrus County Clay County 1 623 018 13 017 141 627 118 085 140 814 741 043 5 250 79 758 62 204 53 748 1 205.40 567.31 693.60 583.81 601.11 1 346.5 22.9 204.2 202.3 234.3 614.8 9.3 115.0 106.5 89.4 29.3 18.2 27.6 26.3 32.9 23.3 18.5 89.8 70.9 58.1 64.2 21.9 112.1 185.0 109.2 17.9 17.5 23.4 24.8 33.5 29.3 25.4 85.8 70.8 65.4 91.9 31.4 153.0 198.9 121.4 Collier County. Columbia County DeSoto County. Dixie County Duval County 251 377 56 513 32 209 13 827 778 879 144 536 23 579 13 608 7 362 329 778 2 025.34 797.05 637.27 704.01 773.67 124.1 70.9 50.5 19.6 1 006.7 71.4 29.6 21.4 10.5 426.3 65.3 32.6 35.0 30.6 15.7 76.9 20.4 25.3 36.6 17.9 126.0 40.2 45.8 41.4 8.0 53.5 32.3 32.0 14.2 15.8 85.6 30.7 38.2 60.7 25.4 188.6 61.3 82.1 112.8 30.3 Escambia County. Flagler County Franklin County Gadsden County Gilchrist County 294 410 49 832 11 057 45 087 14 437 124 647 24 452 7 180 17 703 5 906 662.35 485.00 544.34 516.13 348.89 444.5 102.7 20.3 87.4 41.4 188.2 50.4 13.2 34.3 16.9 12.0 73.6 23.3 9.7 49.3 12.4 163.0 17.0 -1.3 67.6 13.9 145.0 8.4 6.4 62.4 11.1 60.7 21.9 19.1 45.1 26.6 158.3 31.0 11.1 53.8 36.1 215.5 31.9 30.4 111.3 Glades County Guit County Hamilton County Hardee County Hendry County 10 576 13 332 13 327 26 938 36 210 5 790 7 587 4 966 9 820 12 294 773.64 554.60 514.86 637.30 1 152.53 13.7 24.0 25.9 42.3 31.4 7.5 13.7 9.6 15.4 10.7 39.3 15.9 21.9 38.2 40.5 26.7 7.9 24.8 -4.2 38.6 63.3 5.6 12.5 36.7 56.8 25.2 19.7 20.6 23.7 23.6 33.1 33.7 23.2 6.8 41.4 140.8 24.9 30.4 54.8 76.5 Hernando County. Highlands County Hillsborough County Holmes County. Indian River County. 130 802 87 366 998 948 18 564 112 947 62 727 48 846 425 962 7 998 57 902 478.31 1 028.27 1 050.91 482.45 503.23 273.5 85.0 950.6 38.5 224.4 131.1 47.5 405.3 16.6 115.1 29.4 27.7 19.8 17.7 25.2 127.4 44.0 28.9 7.2 50.6 161.5 61.1 32.0 37.3 66.4 25.4 21.8 15.8 17.9 22.9 121.9 54.3 39.5 18.0 60.2 189.9 107.2 56.4 40.9 108.5 Jackson County Jefferson County Lafayette County Lake County Lee County 46 755 12 902 7 022 210 528 440 888 19 490 5 251 2 660 102 830 245 405 915.64 597.74 542.84 953.15 803.63 51.1 21.6 12.9 220.9 548.6 21.3 8.8 4.9 107.9 305.4 13.0 14.2 25.9 38.4 31.6 5.7 5.5 38.2 45.0 63.3 13.7 21.9 39.5 19.4 19.5 17.4 35.8 29.8 11.9 14.4 28.5 49.9 70.3 28.2 43.2 70.3 78.2 155.1 51.3 95.1 Leon County Levy County Liberty County Madison County Manatee County 239 452 34 450 7 021 18 733 264 002 103 974 16 570 3 156 7 836 138 128 666.74 1 118.38 835.87 691.79 741.03 359.1 30.8 8.4 27.1 356.3 155.9 14.8 3.8 11.3 186.4 24.4 32.9 26.1 13.1 24.7 29.5 30.4 30.7 11.2 42.6 44.3 55.8 26.1 10.5 52.9 27.8 34.7 46.3 24.9 19.9 36.6 35.6 6.4 12.9 37.8 82.8 90.5 57.5 30.3 95.2 32.9 25.6 59.1 57.6 77.4 128.3 29.7 20.8 70.9 59.4 111.8 174.1 Marion County Martin County. Miami-Dade County. Monroe County Nassau County. 258 916 126 731 2 253 362 79 589 57 663 122 663 65 471 852 278 51 617 25 917 1 578.86 555.62 1 946.06 996.91 651.55 164.0 228.1 1 157.9 79.8 88.5 77.7 117.8 437.9 51.8 39.8 2.0 31.2 23.5 33.6 20.2 59.5 11.7 38.4 21.3 40.8 83.7 96.1 Okaloosa County. Okeechobee County Orange County. Osceola County Palm Beach County. 170 498 35 910 896 344 172 493 1 131 184 78 593 15 504 361 349 72 293 556 428 935.63 773.94 907.45 1 321.90 1 974.11 182.2 46.4 987.8 130.5 573.0 84.0 20.0 398.2 54.7 281.9 18.6 21.2 32.3 60.1 31.0 30.8 46.2 43.9 118.6 49.7 24.6 80.4 36.8 95.1 65.3 25.6 16.9 27.8 50.7 20.5 45.2 38.1 53.1 101.3 56.2 57.9 158.3 57.5 126.0 109.1 Pasco County Pinellas County Polk County Putnam County St. Johns County 344 765 921 482 483 924 70 423 123 135 173 717 481 573 226 376 33 870 58 008 744.85 279.92 1 874.38 721.89 609.01 462.9 3 292.0 258.2 97.6 202.2 233.2 1 720.4 120.8 46.9 95.2 22.6 8.2 19.4 8.2 46.9 45.2 16.9 26.0 28.7 63.4 155.0 39.5 40.8 38.8 65.3 16.6 5.1 21.6 6.4 42.5 47.7 21.6 38.1 34.7 78.1 189.7 64.8 66.0 81.6 93.1 St. Lucie County Santa Rosa County Sarasota County Seminole County Sumter County 192 695 117 743 325 957 365 196 53 345 91 262 49 119 182 467 147 079 25 195 572.45 1 016.93 571.55 308.20 545.73 336.6 115.8 570.3 1 184.9 97.7 159.4 48.3 319.2 477.2 46.2 28.3 44.3 17.3 27.0 68.9 72.3 45.8 37.3 60.0 30.1 71.5 48.3 68.0 114.8 63.6 23.6 49.6 16.2 24.8 64.7 80.5 61.3 38.6 72.9 38.0 116.8 67.5 101.5 139.6 109.7 Suwannee County. Taylor County. Union County Volusia County Wakulla County Walton County Washington County. 34 844 19 256 13 442 443 343 22 863 40 601 20 973 15 679 9 646 3 736 211 938 9 820 29 083 9 503 687.64 1 041.91 240.29 1 103.25 606.66 1 057.56 579.93 50.7 18.5 55.9 401.9 37.7 38.4 36.2 22.8 9.3 15.5 192.1 16.2 27.5 16.4 30.1 12.5 31.1 19.6 61.0 46.3 24.0 20.2 3.5 0.8 43.3 30.4 30.3 16.6 43.2 21.2 25.3 52.7 72.6 32.4 26.7 34.0 22.0 25.6 17.1 49.1 55.3 23.4 33.5 13.3 27.7 45.5 29.9 71.5 28.8 67.7 39.9 33.5 76.2 86.1 65.5 41.1 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 4. Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 1990 Urban Rural State County Percent of total population Urban Total population In urbanized area In urban cluster In place Total Current urban definition Not in place | Urban Total 1950-90 urban definition Total population Rural The State 15 982 378 14 270 020 13 470 104 799 916 1 712 358 365 135 1 347 223 89.3 10.7' 12 938 071 11 386 689 10 967 328 COUNTY 159 508 3 006 7 972 Alachua County Baker County Bay County Bradford County Brevard County 217 955 22 259 148 217 26 088 476 230 162 514 7 972 132 240 8 803 454 444 132 240 55 441 14 287 15 977 17 285 21 786 14 720 264 1 707 1 990 7 833 40 721 14 023 14 270 15 295 13 953 74.6 35.8 89.2 33.7 95.4 25.4 64.2 10.8 66.3 4.6 181 596 18 486 126 994 22 515 398 978 126 256 8 046 110 471 6 494 372 709 132 844 3 966 107 718 5 226 366 284 8 803 454 444 1 1 620 810 1 241 692 4 459 Broward County Calhoun County Charlotte County Citrus County Clay County 1 623 018 13 017 141 627 118 085 140 814 1 620 810 4 459 127 743 67 791 106 305 127 743 2 208 8 558 13 884 50 294 34 509 2 189 687 1 294 25 636 4 500 19 7 871 12 590 24 658 30 009 99.9 34.3 90.2 57.4 75.5 0.1 65.7 9.8 42.6 24.5 11 255 531 11 011 110 975 93 513 105 986 1 240 325 3 799 93 180 50 316 74 171 67 791 14 068 88 907 28 957 69 616 92 237 189 428 Collier County. Columbia County DeSoto County Dixie County Duval County 251 377 56 513 32 209 13 827 778 879 226 345 18 311 14 781 3 195 748 966 36 917 18 311 14 199 3 195 25 032 38 202 17 428 10 632 29 913 2 665 1 281 722 352 29 913 22 367 36 921 16 706 10 280 582 90.0 32.4 45.9 23.1 96.2 10.0 67.6 54.1 76.9 3.8 152 099 42 613 23 865 10 585 672 971 130 052 18 580 11 882 117 957 13 345 10 633 748 966 643 361 664 869 259 411 5 383 Escambia County. Flagler County Franklin County Gadsden County Gilchrist County 294 410 49 832 11 057 45 087 14 437 262 408 33 524 2 900 15 566 2 997 28 141 2 900 15 566 32 002 16 308 8 157 29 521 14 437 4 207 7 367 3 461 3 249 2 239 27 795 8 941 4 696 26 272 12 198 89.1 67.3 26.2 34.5 10.9 32.7 73.8 65.5 100.0 262 798 28 701 8 967 141 116 9 667 229 191 16 681 3 252 15 200 225 628 18 107 2 602 11 826 1 4 044 Glades County Gulf County. Hamilton County Hardee County Hendry County 10 576 13 332 13 327 26 938 36 210 2 908 4 358 2 563 14 638 22 883 2 908 4 358 2 563 14 638 22 883 7 668 8 974 10 764 12 300 13 327 1 390 1 722 1 750 264 1 658 6 278 7 252 9 014 12 036 11 669 27.5 32.7 19.2 54.3 63.2 72.5 67.3 80.8 45.7 36.8 7 591 11 504 10 930 19 499 25 773 4 784 3 038 7 065 17 799 3 253 11 614 96 816 Hernando County. Highlands County Hillsborough County Holmes County.. Indian River County. 130 802 87 366 998 948 18 564 112 947 99 591 58 473 942 962 3 925 103 994 912 829 2 775 58 473 30 133 3 925 3 858 31 211 28 893 55 986 14 639 8 953 9 068 1 079 19 938 1 659 2 437 22 143 27 814 36 048 12 980 6 516 76.1 66.9 94.4 21.1 92.1 23.9 33.1 5.6 78.9 7.9 101 115 68 432 834 054 15 778 90 208 72 330 48 546 764 243 3 207 80 538 61 652 16 942 743 741 2 612 74 912 100 136 8 146 8 146 17.4 10 751 2 921 8 967 2 573 - Jackson County Jefferson County Lafayette County Lake County Lee County 46 755 12 902 7 022 210 528 440 888 38 609 12 902 7 022 63 522 51 176 9 987 2 533 988 14 207 45 790 28 622 10 369 6 034 49 315 5 386 82.6 100.0 100.0 30.2 11.6 41 375 11 296 5 578 152 104 335 113 147 006 389 712 116 485 362 615 30 521 27 097 69.8 88.4 100 968 290 413 65 712 288 780 204 260 204 260 85.3 160 000 158 644 Leon County Levy County Liberty County Madison County Manatee County 239 452 34 450 7 021 18 733 264 002 35 192 34 450 7 021 14 714 21 526 3 531 14 821 845 1 460 325 31 661 19 629 6 176 13 254 21 201 14.7 100.0 100.0 78.5 8.2 192 493 " 25 912 5 569 16 569 211 707 4 019 4 019 242 476 242 476 - 21.5 91.8 4 606 195 289 3 345 187 630 Marion County Martin County Miami-Dade County. Monroe County Nassau County.. 258 916 126 731 2 253 362 79 589 57 663 157 746 112 560 2 237 340 73 948 28 423 132 732 107 215 2 222 891 25 014 5 345 14 449 73 948 28 423 101 170 14 171 16 022 5 641 29 240 1 520 1 391 1 583 4 503 7 209 99 650 12 780 14 439 1 138 22 031 60.9 88.8 99.3 92.9 49.3 39.1 11.2 0.7 7.1 50.7 r 194 835 100 900 ! 1 937 194 78 024 43 941 101 816 90 679 1 920 008 68 704 12 750 77 091 83 909 1 914 660 57 249 19 727 1 21 853 20 432 Okaloosa County Okeechobee County Orange County.. Osceola County Palm Beach County.. 170 498 35 910 896 344 172 493 1 131 184 149 823 127 970 20 432 865 507 865 507 131 897 123 341 1 112 172 1 070 411 20 675 15 478 30 837 40 596 19 012 1 960 192 12 834 8 429 4 887 18 715 15 286 18 003 32 167 14 125 87.9 56.9 96.6 76.5 98.3 12.1 43.1 3.4 23.5 1.7 " 143 777 29 627 677 491 107 728 ' 863 503 124 526 18 761 645 928 77 025 838 580 120 764 9 024 630 276 71 490 817 843 8 556 41 761 4 906 39 048 Pasco County. Pinellas County Polk County Putnam County St. Johns County 344 765 921 482 483 924 70 423 123 135 293 288 920 493 385 657 32 054 94 611 288 382 920 493 354 035 31 622 32 054 51 477 989 98 267 38 369 28 524 12 429 989 12 346 2 772 2 440 85 921 35 597 26 084 85.1 99.9 79.7 45.5 76.8 14.9 0.1 20.3 54.5 23.2 281 131 851 659 405 382 65 070 83 829 231 574 848 643 312 333 27 565 61 015 189 797 848 184 284 491 10 201 47 907 94 611 - St. Lucie County Santa Rosa County Sarasota County Seminole County Sumter County 192 695 117 743 325 957 365 196 53 345 181 076 83 627 309 814 349 836 26 224 181 076 83 627 309 814 349 836 10 324 11 619 34 116 16 143 15 360 27 121 2 908 1 296 4 194 3 094 2 465 8 711 32 820 11 949 12 266 24 656 94.0 71.0 95.0 95.8 49.2 6.0 29.0 5.0 4.2 50.8 150 171 81 608 277 776 ' 287 521 31 577 137 380 46 404 263 483 268 290 12 309 138 069 36 204 259 090 266 560 6 126 15 900 Suwannee County Taylor County. Union County Volusia County Wakulla County Walton County Washington County 6 332 7 151 34 844 19 256 13 442 443 343 22 863 40 601 20 973 6 460 6 565 6 428 401 310 6 460 6565 6 428 3 627 28 384 12 691 7 014 42 033 22 863 32 477 17 359 1 091 1 121 436 15 122 698 3 680 1 818 397 683 27 293 11 570 6 578 26 911 22 165 28 797 15 541 18.5 34.1 47.8 90.5 81.5 65.9 52.2 9.5 100.0 80.0 82.8 26 780 17 111 10 252 " 370 737 14 202 r 27 759 16 919 6 339 7 127 4 537 330 306 311 013 3 787 8 124 3 614 4 337 3 614 20.0 17.2 6 162 3 981 5 706 3 866 4 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 area measurements 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units 15 982 378 r 12 938 071 9 746 961 7 302 947 16 100 250 4 378 867 65 754.59 53 926.82 296.4 135.4 217 955 153 076 86 800 5 677 95 113 67 342 36 207 2 501 874.25 104.75 38.04 123.03 249.3 1 461.4 2 282.1 46.1 108.8 642.9 951.9 20.3 1 415 33 005 6 098 8 213 3 863 143 2 862 653 16 008 1 289 3 316 7 327 434 821 181 596 130 798 80 127 5 571 (X) 1 305 23 006 14 547 4 643 3 144 122 2 620 626 12 977 1 372 1 644 6 624 151 369 112 522 79 143 4 683 (X) 1 303 16 544 3 561 2 228 2 491 170 2 259 737 9 965 1 230 1 826 5 396 (X) 993 598 14 108 2 501 3 702 1 668 64 1 417 346 6 432 529 1 360 3 313 196 407 79 022 57 659 32 623 2 482 (X) 503 9 405 1 776 1 985 1 317 55 1 176 ! 299 5 346 607 682 2 954 58 961 43 826 28 902 1 780 (X) 458 6 384 1 263 909 961 56 965 333 3 800 438 682 2 206 (X) 414 969.12 106.95 38.34 156.46 0.62 3.35 224.63 29.05 7.46 18.48 1.34 124.50 1.08 186.37 2.38 45.97 170.21 2.68 1.72 3.20 223.51 28.90 7.46 18.45 1.34 83.44 1.03 182.20 2.38 44.92 157.32 2.68 1.72 441.8 147.7 211.0 1 100.5 209.3 106.9 34.3 631.4 87.9 542.6 73.8 46.6 161.8 477.5 186.7 63.1 86.5 496.1 90.4 47.8 17.0 334.6 35.3 222.7 30.3 21.1 73.1 236.7 1 017 491 22 259 11 571 4 459 10 688 473 18 486 10 179 3 966 8 307 480 15 289 9 436 3 851 5 853 462 7 592 4 092 1 644 3 500 196 5 975 3 408 1 480 2 567 180 4 548 2 775 1 381 1 773 166 588.89 129.27 3.29 459.61 0.42 585.21 129.25 3.29 455.96 0.42 38.0 89.5 1 354.9 23.4 1 127.1 13.0 31.7 499.5 7.7 467.0 42 900 3 665 (X) 148 217 20 384 139 9 845 3 774 1 017 2 757 82 523 14 233 4 814 999 2 606 35 726 126 994 16 396 (X) 8 232 5 333 992 4 318 78 403 12 253 1 479 3 865 1 063 34 378 97 740 10 386 (X) 5 918 5 178 632 4 542 67 691 7 154 1 104 4 763 321 33 346 78 435 8 322 66 4 184 1 985 1 322 663 37 086 6 167 2 125 410 1 059 16 542 65 999 6 374 (X) 3 262 2 157 1 196 943 34 442 5 219 717 1 632 369 15 928 2 085 1 687 749 936 26 908 2 609 463 1 811 144 14 148 1 033.27 45.82 1.37 6.59 153.97 1.32 14.64 203.40 6.10 6.74 1.13 2.89 23.00 763.68 36.35 1.37 5.21 64.12 1.31 14.57 176.86 5.69 6.74 1.13 2.89 16.83 194.1 560.7 101.6 1 889.9 58.9 777.3 189.2 466.6 2 503.5 713.7 882.0 900.8 2 122.4 102.7 228.9 48.2 803.2 31.0 1 010.4 45.5 209.7 1 084.7 315.1 362.0 366.1 982.7 4 623 3 519 8 810 26 719 2 909 4 082 7 525 10 889 7 829 4 598 3 839 18 719 17 799 1 876 3 329 4 000 7 855 5 371 3 51 3 692 (X) (X) 4 298 3 340 7 220 8 252 (X) 1 619 2 148 3 314 3 810 (X) 2 280 1 523 3 946 24 913 3 881 5 697 8 857 5 733 3 423 2 251 1 548 1 3 675 19 147 3 212 5 152 5 996 4 331 2 360 1 17 1 519 (X) (X) 1 763 1 214 2 577 8 223 (X) 1 811 2 525 1 847 1 465 (X) The State Alachua County Gainesville CCD + Gainesville city (part) | Hawthorne CCD | Gainesville city (part) t. Hawthorne city f High Springs-Alachua CCD 1 Alachua city t.. Gainesville city (part) High Springs city t.. La Crosse town Micanopy CCD + Micanopy town t Newberry-Archer CCD Archer city t Newberry city t Waldo CCO. Gainesville city (part) Waldo city t Baker County Macclenny CCD Macclenny city Sanderson CCD. Glen St. Mary town † Bay County Lynn Haven CCD. Cedar Grove town (part) Lynn Haven city (part) Mexico Beach CCD. Mexico Beach city | Tyndall AFB CDP | Panama City CCD. Callaway city to Cedar Grove town (part) Hiland Park CDP Lynn Haven city (part) Panama City city (part) | Parker city t Pretty Bayou CDP Springfield city t. Panama City Beaches CCD. Laguna Beach CDP | Lower Grand Lagoon CDP Panama City Beach city (part) Upper Grand Lagoon CDP Southport CCD Lynn Haven city (part) † Panama City Beach city (part) † Youngstown CCD Cedar Grove town (part) + Panama City city (part) | Bradford County.. Brooker CCD Brooker town Hampton CCD Hampton city t. Keystone Heights city (part) Lawtey CCD Lawley city t. Starke CCD.. Starke city Brevard County Cocoa Beach-Cape Canaveral CCD Cape Canaveral city t... Cocoa Beach city t Cocoa-Rockledge CCD 1 Cocoa city t Cocoa West CDP Port St. John CDP Rockledge city t... Sharpes CDP Indialantic-Melbourne Beach CCD Indialantic town Indian Harbour Beach city Melbourne city (part) Melbourne Beach town t Satellite Beach city t. South Patrick Shores CDP | Malabar CCD 1 Malabar town Micco CDP Palm Bay city (part) | Melbourne CCD June Park CDP (part) Melbourne city (part) | Melbourne Village town Palm Bay city (part) | Palm Shores town t West Melbourne city (part) Melbourne Shores-Floridana Beach CCD Merritt Island CCD Melbourne city (part) † Merritt Island CDP Palm Bay CCD 1 Melbourne city (part) Palm Bay city (part) West Melbourne city (part) | 2.43 2.12 4.12 139.98 2.70 2.69 6.81 15.92 321.46 0.05 0.23 168.64 1.26 3.69 1.94 1.97 3.96 36.62 2.56 2.17 6.71 8.25 282.03 0.05 0.23 167.70 1.26 3.69 2 381.7 1 782.5 2 223.6 729.7 1 137.4 1 877.7 1 121.2 1 320.2 27.8 1 174.6 771.5 996.0 680.3 1 517.5 2 620.6 1 319.7 695.1 12.1 952 146 6 988 414 691 2 423 (X) 53 2 706 150 6 632.0 41.7 328.0 187.4 229.4 16.1 118.8 1.6 26 088 1 119 352 5 798 431 9 605 467 136 2 685 190 22 515 1 017 312 4 520 296 (X) 4 950 676 12 028 5 226 20 023 1 012 429 4 118 466 (X) 3 600 692 11 293 5 306 8 099 411 130 2 117 136 (X) 1 361 284 4 210 2 113 32.8 6.2 259.1 37.8 183.8 7 249 349 147 1 804 180 (X) 1 172 292 3 924 2 162 300.04 75.98 0.52 73.18 1.03 1.86 67.72 1.38 83.16 6.66 293.13 75.89 0.52 70.98 1.03 1.83 67.72 1.38 78.54 6.66 89.0 14.7 670.7 81.7 417.0 6 105 656 13 066 5 593 1 609 295 4 844 2 273 90.1 476.8 166.4 839.3 23.8 214.4 61.7 341.1 476 230 23 774 8 829 12 482 95 160 16 412 5 921 12 112 20 170 3 415 45 845 2 944 8 152 3 132 3 335 9 577 8 913 14 910 2 622 9 498 99 104 099 3 811 68 245 706 8 794 9 819 6 533 42 389 398 978 22 420 8 014 12 123 72 894 17 722 6 160 8 933 16 023 3 348 44 685 2 844 6 933 2 370 13 078 9 889 10 249 12 544 1 977 8 757 57 83 984 3 576 57 273 591 95 210 8 395 3 913 36 429 272 959 18 690 5 733 10 926 47 550 16 096 6 432 1 837 11 877 4 149 41 253 2 883 5 967 999 2 713 9 163 9 816 5 857 1 118 3 585 222 072 17 031 6 641 8 709 39 691 8 064 2 537 4 544 8 353 1 680 22 087 1 467 4 315 1 523 1 556 4 257 4 197 8 750 1 177 6 400 33 49 292 1 660 32 153 325 3 377 4 872 4 191 18 448 185 150 16 069 6 077 8 266 30 254 8 248 2 391 3 445 6 533 1 582 20 774 1 414 3 893 1 182 11 520 4 205 4 092 7 266 841 5 693 18 40 090 1 596 26 887 289 52 122 4 058 2 352 15 926 113 900 11 567 4 004 6 246 18 071 6 629 2 124 733 4 458 1 375 16 748 1 286 2 825 548 1 283 3 421 3 530 3 265 484 2 316 1 556.95 69.32 2.35 15.04 167.46 9.52 4.28 3.82 12.18 6.29 95.02 1.24 2.63 1.13 1.28 3.36 3.73 84.24 13.21 9.67 0.18 66.71 3.20 33.87 0.57 0.06 0.49 6.73 71.49 76.39 0.05 47.05 67.55 0.01 66.51 0.47 1 018.19 8.97 2.33 4.89 146.54 7.46 4.28 3.82 10.70 2.98 15.30 1.04 2.14 1.00 1.03 2.38 2.06 76.90 10.63 9.41 0.18 58.86 3.20 28.73 0.57 0.06 0.49 6.71 6.95 34.80 0.02 17.65 64.44 0.01 63.41 0.47 467.7 2 650.3 3 788.0 2 552.1 649.4 2 200.3 1 383.0 3 172.0 1 884.4 1 144.7 2 995.5 2 840.6 3 810.1 3 139.4 3 243.5 4 030.6 4 331.3 193.9 246.6 1 009.9 562.6 1 768.5 1 189.2 2 375.1 1 239.4 129.9 1 608.4 1 462.5 939.8 1 218.0 218.1 1 898.6 2 849.3 1 780.6 270.9 1 081.1 592.6 1 190.0 780.4 563.1 1 443.1 1 415.5 2 016.7 1 526.6 1 513.3 1 791.6 2 039.5 113.8 110.7 680.5 187.5 837,4 518.0 1 119.0 570.5 48.7 763.7 725.7 602.9 530.1 61 542 3 733 45 534 1 004 3 77 5 078 2 073 32 514 24 806 1 454 18 205 409 1 37 2 035 1 515 12 508 36 090 79 523 30 708 18 801 15 813 32 956 11 785 7 971 2 044.6 1 234.0 895.9 511.4 32 886 62 785 3 62 480 (X) 14 424 26 310 1 26 203 (X) 79 306 2 18 557 (X) 32 866 1 7 897 (X) 1 250.8 4.3 518.3 2.1 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. 5 Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population 2000 area measurements 2000 average per Housing units County in square miles County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population square mile 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units 7 704 2 228 5 521 2 072 (X) 609 3 769 1 605 2 978 817 65.61 3.61 117.9 662.8 2 132 766 (X) 240 65.36 3.36 45.6 243.1 1 414 544 (X) 348 580 630 290 1.40 1.40 414.7 207.4 152 099 17 756 (X) 321 (X) 18 066 14 120 85 971 9 877 (X) 524 (X) 13 723 11 038 251 377 10 100 404 479 202 31 242 19 763 950 15 213 320 14 879 194 822 20 951 3 857 1 426 144 536 7 635 589 345 158 9 703 4 987 355 15 156 317 14 826 112 042 7 010 2 641 1 086 94 165 16 805 (X) 192 (X) 6 090 4 507 (X) 50 743 9 233 (X) 254 (X) 4 983 4 136 (X) 2 304.93 1 220.33 0.28 1.19 0.59 659.10 8.08 4.43 101.57 0.40 16.73 323.93 4.07 1.47 5.23 0.36 14.40 2 025.34 1 130.03 0.28 0.93 0.59 655.45 8.07 4.42 17.78 0.21 10.57 222.08 4.04 1.46 5.23 124.1 8.9 1 445.0 513.2 344.1 47.7 2 449.1 214.8 855.6 1 512.0 1 407.1 877.2 5 190.7 2 638.9 272.9 71.4 6.8 2 106.7 369.6 269.2 14.8 618.0 80.3 852.4 1 497.8 1 402.1 504.5 1 736.8 1 806.9 207.8 (X) 62 371 4 327 1 376 The State-Con. Clay County-Con. Penney Farms CCD Asbury Lake CDP Middleburg CDP (part) + Penney Farms town t.. Collier County. Everglades CCD 1 Chokoloskee CDP Everglades city. Plantation Island CDP 1 Immokalee CCD + Immokalee CDP | Orangetree CDP | Marco Island CCD + Goodland CDP Marco Island City (part) 7 Naples CCD + Golden Gate CDP 1 Lely CDP+ Lely Resort CDP I. Marco Island city (part) Naples city t... Naples Manor CDP Naples Park CDP Pelican Bay CDP | Pine Ridge CDP Vineyards CDP Columbia County Fort White CCD Fort White town t Lake City CCD Five Points CDP | Lake City city (part) Watertown CDP North Columbia CCD Lake City city (part) DeSoto County Arcadia East CCD. Arcadia city (part) Southeast Arcadia CDP Arcadia West CCD Arcadia city (part) 116 277 14 148 3 014 (X) (X) 19 505 71 270 6 124 2 145 (X) 36 527 1 775 851 (X) (X) 17 581 20 976 16 956 15 312 12 204 12.03 1 744.3 1 410.0 4 574 8 002 5 186 6 741 5 686 1 965 2 232 3 161 5 438 (X) 1 160 3 145 5 738 957 1 543 2 001 5 162 (X) 1 415 2 991 (X) 0.71 1.22 3.42 1.86 2.26 0.69 1.22 3.24 1.77 2.26 7 483.0 5 541.4 1 754.0 1 111.9 987.1 1 673.8 2 585.3 1 770.0 541.5 682.4 (X) (X) (X) 56 513 12 455 409 42 519 1 362 9 980 2 837 1 539 42 613 7 024 r 468 34 491 1 136 10 001 3 340 1 098 4 35 399 4 377 386 30 210 1 691 9 257 3 804 812 (X) 23 579 5 548 184 17 372 480 4 536 1 339 659 17 818 3 124 r 183 14 228 468 4 491 1 473 466 3 13 628 1 683 146 11 608 606 3 769 1 448 337 (X) 801.04 193.66 2.31 288.66 2.58 10.87 2.45 318.73 0.21 797.05 193.45 2.31 286.25 2.58 10.35 2.39 317.35 0.21 70.9 64.4 176.8 148.5 527.6 964.1 1 186.3 29.6 28.7 79.5 60.7 185.9 438.2 559.9 2.1 1 4.8 32 209 20 715 6 604 6 064 11 494 23 865 15 661 6 488 4 145 8 204 19 039 12 585 6 002 (X) 6 454 13 608 8 251 2 604 2 230 5 357 10 310 6 682 2 835 1 940 3 628 7 458 5 097 2 575 (X) 2 361 639.50 355.15 3.99 7.31 284.34 0.06 637.27 354.17 3.98 7.31 283.10 0.06 50.5 58.5 1 658.7 830.1 40.6 21.4 23.3 654.0 305.3 18.9 Dixie County Cross City North CCD. Cross City town Cross City South CCD Horseshoe Beach town. 13 827 10 152 1 775 3 675 206 10 585 7 233 2 041 3 352 252 7 751 5 375 2 154 2 376 304 7 362 4 567 799 2 795 301 6445 3 687 993 2 758 306 4 010 2 129 921 1 881 365 863.66 295.58 1.90 568.08 0.24 704.01 290.92 1.90 413.10 0.20 19.6 34.9 935.6 8.9 1 014.1 10.5 15.7 421.1 6.8 1 481.7 778 879 778 879 13 368 1 634 735 617 20 990 7 270 672 971 672 971 11 636 1 450 635 230 17 839 6 816 571 003 571 003 7 847 1 526 540 920 15 462 5 248 329 778 329 778 6 003 702 308 826 10 775 3 472 284 673 284 673 4 948 603 267 148 8 709 3 265 227 077 227 077 3 104 587 213 556 7 296 2 534 918.24 918.24 12.98 2.13 874.33 21.96 6.83 773.67 773.67 3.73 2.13 757.68 7.68 2.45 1 006.7 1 006.7 3 584.3 767.3 970.9 2 732.3 2 968.8 426.3 426.3 1 609.5 329.6 407.6 1 402.6 1 417.9 Duval County Jacksonville CCD. Atlantic Beach city | Baldwin town t Jacksonville city Jacksonville Beach city Neptune Beach city t Escambia County | Cantonment CCD Ensley CDP (part) + Ferry Pass CDP (part) t Gonzalez CDP Century CCD Century town Molino CDP (part) Northwest Escambia CCD Molino CDP (part) | Pensacola CCD + Bellview CDP Brent CDP Ensley CDP (part) | Ferry Pass CDP (part) † Goulding CDP | Myrtle Grove CDP Pensacola city Warrington COP + West Pensacola CDP | 294 410 43 737 6 148 5 332 11 365 10 159 1 714 1 161 4 485 151 236 029 21 201 22 257 12 604 21 844 4 484 262 798 34 746 4 879 5 242 7 669 8 395 1 989 1 063 3 864 144 215 793 19 386 21 624 11 483 21 059 4 159 233 794 23 389 3 549 2 493 6 084 8 333 495 1 027 2 985 429 199 087 15 439 21 872 10 873 14 417 5 352 124 647 16 878 2 662 2 049 4 260 3 621 800 439 1 757 65 102 391 8 673 7 796 5 491 10 651 1 437 112 230 13 166 2 083 1 990 2 873 3 337 872 398 1 402 51 94 325 7 474 7 838 4 688 9438 1 616 88 661 7 936 1 458 703 2 120 2 892 176 313 990 159 76 843 5 418 7 793 3 771 5 764 1 926 875.57 127.91 4.00 3.71 15.34 195.58 3.34 6.63 185.91 0.36 366.18 11.88 10.52 8.34 10.39 1.23 662.35 125.61 4.00 3.69 15.29 193.65 3.28 6.61 185.79 0.36 157.31 11.82 10.44 8.34 10.39 1.23 444.5 348.2 1 536.4 1 443.2 743.4 52.5 522.5 175.8 24.1 415.9 1 500.4 1 793.3 2 132.4 1 512.0 2 102.6 3 643.2 188.2 134.4 665.2 554.6 278.7 18.7 243.9 66.5 9.5 179.0 650.9 733.6 746.9 658.7 1 025.2 1 167.6 17 211 56 255 15 207 21 939 17 402 59 198 16 040 22 107 14 238 57 619 15 792 24 371 6 811 26 995 7 582 9 886 6 471 r 26 840 7 553 10 032 4 591 23 312 7 060 9 923 6.60 39.65 8.51 7.44 6.60 22.70 6.57 7.37 2 606.1 2 478.7 2 314.1 2 978.1 1 031.3 1 189.4 1 153.8 1 342.0 49 832 27 953 2 122 20 382 21 879 547 4 878 6 12 350 28 701 13 765 1 873 (X) 14 936 ! 314 " 3 818 21 (X) 10 913 4 166 1 816 (X) 6 747 217 2 208 8 (X) 24 452 12 039 959 8 727 12 413 441 3 139 8 6 202 15 215 6 108 728 (X) 9 107 5 891 1 630 675 (X) 4 261 570.76 445.50 4.66 35.99 125.26 0.39 4.06 0.31 15.71 485.00 427.29 4.66 35.88 57.71 0.36 3.66 0.31 14.83 102.7 65.4 455.0 568.0 379.1 1 527.4 1 332.3 19.6 832.5 50.4 28.2 205.6 243.2 215.1 1 231.4 857.4 26.1 418.1 ! 254 Flagler County Bunnell CCD. Bunnell city Palm Coast city (part) † Flagler Beach CCD Beverly Beach town.. Flagler Beach city (part) † Marineland town (part) Palm Coast city (part) † Franklin County t.. Apalachicola CCD | Apalachicola city Carrabelle CCD Carrabelle city (part) † Eastpoint CCD Í Carrabelle city (part) | Eastpoint CDP 197 ' 2 660 16 (X) 1 540 6 (X) 11 057 4 505 2 334 3 710 1 262 2 842 41 2 158 8 967 4 443 2 602 2 528 1 173 1 996 27 1 577 7 661 3 917 2 565 2 075 1 304 1 669 7 180 3 209 1 207 2 586 761 1 385 29 911 5 891 2 727 1 190 2 214 683 950 22 663 4 497 2 013 1 100 1 703 632 781 1 037.48 333.25 2.66 326.35 3.12 377.87 1.69 7.33 544.34 79.17 1.88 161.22 2.43 303.95 20.3 56.9 1 242.1 23.0 520.4 9.4 31.4 294.4 13.2 40.5 642.3 16.0 313.8 4.6 22.2 124.3 1.31 1 246 490 7.33 8 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population 2000 average per Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile County County Subdivision Place Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units 45 087 5 380 3 287 3 401 619 13 506 1 713 1 446 22 800 1 709 6 982 ! 41 116 6 325 4 382 2 889 586 11 024 11 717 r 976 20 867 1 981 17 452 41 674 7 179 5 332 2 574 562 9 063 2 782 (X) 22 858 1 557 8 591 17 703 2 105 1 188 1 261 230 5 638 762 559 8 699 553 2 917 1 14 867 2 023 1 240 1 023 224 4 244 756 13 387 1 927 1 266 904 198 3 076 942 (X) 7 480 414 2 983 528.49 75.98 5.64 70.36 1.01 151.72 1.86 3.83 230.43 1.88 7.63 516.13 75.19 5.45 70.21 1.01 148.21 1.86 3.83 222.52 1.88 7.62 87.4 71.6 602.7 48.4 612.6 91.1 922.5 377.1 102.5 906.7 916.4 34.3 28.0 217.8 18.0 227.6 38.0 410.4 145.8 39.1 293.4 382.9 356 7 569 531 1 2 887 14 437 4 390 349 10 047 273 1 617 1 10 576 3 309 1 390 7 267 1 635 9 667 2 917 267 6 750 230 1 287 5 767 2 240 227 3 527 164 1 131 5 906 2 149 149 3 757 158 690 4 071 1 534 111 2 537 127 507 2 647 1 199 95 1 448 98 498 355.47 146.67 1.63 208.80 1.42 2.59 348.89 143.76 1.63 205.13 1.34 2.59 41.4 30.5 213.5 49.0 203.6 623.4 16.9 14.9 91.2 18.3 117.9 266.0 7 591 2 865 1 279 4 726 1 432 5 992 2 054 (X) 3 938 1 250 5 790 2 631 1 149 3 159 792 4 624 2 326 1 114 2 298 684 3 475 1 428 (X) 2 047 652 986.43 358.89 1.41 627.55 1.15 773.64 264.03 1.30 509.61 1.08 13.7 12.5 1 066.3 14.3 1 508.8 7.5 10.0 881.4 6.2 730.9 13 332 7 607 3 644 5 725 1 722 11 504 7 490 4 044 4 014 1 779 10 658 6 832 4 027 3 826 1 742 7 587 4 922 1 571 2 665 894 6 339 4 071 1 638 2 268 871 4 741 2 955 1 457 1 786 743 744.59 457.68 3.32 286.92 7.43 554.60 274.40 3.32 280.19 6.21 24.0 27.7 1 097.4 20.4 277.4 13.7 17.9 473.1 9.5 144.0 13 327 7 570 1 780 4 024 833 1 733 819 10 930 6 151 2 099 2 977 712 1 802 704 8 761 4 841 2 093 2 232 749 1 688 781 4 966 2 342 878 1 813 321 811 393 4 119 2 060 873 1 313 269 746 307 3 342 1 848 863 879 266 615 314 519.31 255.47 1.95 159.81 1.81 104.03 1.84 514.86 254.45 1.95 158.90 1.81 101.51 1.84 25.9 29.7 911.2 25.3 461.3 17.1 446.0 9.6 9.2 449.4 11.4 177.8 8.0 214.0 26 938 5 544 2 892 13 867 4 368 19 499 3 969 1 836 9 716 3 253 20 357 4 378 2 310 10 566 3 296 (X) 5 413 (X) 1 495 9 820 2 280 933 4 645 1 562 7 941 1 820 681 3 980 1 385 7 432 1 522 792 3 957 1 497 (X) 1 953 638.33 65.51 1.42 255.50 2.49 637.30 65.48 1.42 254.55 2.49 42.3 84.7 2 042.0 54.5 1 756.9 15.4 34.8 658.8 18.2 628.3 7 527 5 814 2 895 2 141 23.7 9.1 317.32 0.13 1.51 317.27 0.13 1.51 1 641 1 219 634 479 567 1 086.6 419.8 The State-Con. Gadsden County Chattahoochee CCD. Chattahoochee city Greensboro CCD.. Greensboro town Havana CCD Havana town. Midway city t Quincy CCD't Gretna city t Quincy city t Gilchrist County Bell CCD Bell town f Trenton CCD Fanning Springs city (part) † Trenton city Glades County Northeast Glades CCD + Buckhead Ridge CDP Southwest Glades CCD Moore Haven city. Gulf County t Port St. Joe CCD + Port St. Joe city Wewahitchka CCD Wewahitchka city t Hamilton County Jasper CCD Jasper city t Jennings CCD Jennings town t. White Springs CCD White Springs town † Hardee County.. Bowling Green CCD Bowling Green city t. Wauchula CCD Wauchula city (part) Zolfo Springs town (part) Zolfo Springs CCD.. Wauchula city (part) . Zolfo Springs town (part) †. Hendry County. Clewiston CCD. Clewiston city Harlem CDP't La Belle CCD Labelle city t. Port La Belle CDP | Hernando County. Brooksville CCD + Brooksville city Hill 'n Dale CDP | Istachatta CDP Lake Lindsey CDP 1 Masaryktown CDP (part) Nobleton CDP t.. North Brooksville CDP ... South Brooksville CDP (part) + Spring Lake CDP Ridge Manor CCD Ridge Manor CDP | Sping Hill CCD + Bayport CDP Brookridge CDP Hernando Beach CDP .. High Point CDP I. Masaryktown CDP (part) 7. North Weeki Wachee CDP Pine Island CDP South Brooksville CDP (part) † Spring Hill CDP + Timber Pines CDP + Weeki Wachee city Weeki Wachee Gardens CDP Highlands County Avon Park CCD f. Avon Park city Sebring city (part) Lake Placid CCD Lake Placid town † Placid Lakes CDP Sylvan Shores CDP | Sebring CCD 1 Sebring city (part) Hillsborough County Brandon CCD 1 Bloomingdale CDP I. Brandon CDP 1 Fish Hawk CDP (part) Mango CDP Riverview CDP (part) 36 210 18 218 6460 2 730 17 992 4 210 3 050 25 773 14 432 6 085 2 826 11 341 2 703 1 512 18 599 11 135 5 219 2 669 7 464 2 287 (X) 44 469 18 900 5 582 (X) (X) 12 294 6 104 2 434 926 6 190 1 739 973 9 945 5 341 2 413 904 4 604 1 157 676 7 032 3 900 2 021 772 3 132 1 021 (X) 22 541 8 609 2 419 (X) 1 189.79 662.13 4.70 0.97 527.66 3.55 8.62 1 152.53 633.21 4.68 0.97 519.32 3.47 8.61 10.7 9.6 520.3 956.8 11.9 501.4 112.9 31.4 28.8 1 381.0 2 820.9 34.6 1 214.0 354.0 273.5 141.0 1 469.5 2 823.3 505.4 2 206.8 568.9 130 802 28 081 7 264 1 436 65 49 179 101 115 26 179 "7 589 (X) 50 018 12 561 " 3 932 62 727 13 425 3 920 511 52 30 78 589.08 204.33 4.97 0.51 0.15 0.02 0.31 478.31 199.12 4.94 0.51 0.13 0.02 0.31 131.1 67.4 793.0 1 004.7 404.4 1 351.1 247.9 (X) 1 459 1 586 (X) 1 014 1 218 (X) 461 557 160 1 461 1 345 327 5 488 4 108 97 233 (X) 646 779 (X) 2 345 982 (X) 4 475 1 947 2 552 1 074 146 636 624 130 2 753 2 099 46 549 39 2 129 1 182 1 843 353 1 308 552 0.21 2.77 2.95 3.48 59.30 9.03 325.45 0.66 2.03 3.97 2.97 0.74 0.20 2.76 2.89 3.37 56.83 8.72 222.36 0.66 2.03 3.91 2.94 0.74 812.1 528.7 464.6 96.9 96.6 471.2 437.3 54.3 1 617.7 558.1 1 011.4 995.4 741.0 230.2 215.6 38.5 48.4 240.8 209.3 58.8 1 050.4 301.9 627.0 474.2 (X) 36 3 279 2 185 2 973 741 (X) 2 805 1 767 2 814 (X) (X) 1 268 (X) 1 727 (X) 1 789 978 1 717 (X) 855 (X) 1 010 (X) (X) (X) 4 253 64 31 69 078 5 840 12 1 140 6 468 31 117 3 182 r 11 1 170 2 265 45 12 30 658 3 551 5 888 14 863 1 895 5 968 3 396 (X) 10 (X) 8.29 0.07 0.61 54.84 2.38 1.04 1.40 7.36 0.07 0.61 53.13 2.38 1.02 1.39 578.1 945.7 50.8 1 300.1 2 456.3 11.8 822.6 307.9 664.9 19.6 577.0 1 493.5 4.9 640.8 8 (X) 68 432 21 648 18 078 40 114 12 259 " 3 985 87 366 27 504 8 542 4 22 493 1 668 3 054 2 424 37 369 9 663 47 526 14 401 8 026 (X) 11 282 963 15 855 1 158 2 045 2 155 30 929 8 900 48 846 14 985 3 916 2 12 426 776 1 615 1 487 21 435 5 022 9 572 587 1 169 1 285 18 283 4 999 25 994 7 426 3 659 (X) 6 490 479 (X) 846 12 078 4 316 1 106.28 195.28 5.65 0.12 675.00 2.84 18.32 2.82 236.00 10.89 1 028.27 188.26 4.64 0.12 631.04 2.57 18.29 2.23 208.96 5.01 85.0 146.1 1 841.8 32.7 35.6 650.2 166.9 1 086.4 178.8 1 928.8 47.5 79.6 844.4 16.4 19.7 302.5 88.3 666.4 102.6 1 002.4 1 402 21 843 8 736 998 948 153 945 19 839 77 895 834 054 111 266 13 912 57 985 (X) 8 700 4 826 646 939 69 271 (X) 41 826 425 962 59 312 6 846 30 485 367 740 43 352 4 651 22 493 (X) 3 415 2 244 263 608 25 192 (X) 13 975 (X) 1 266.22 91.10 7.89 29.29 0.04 4.66 6.38 1 050.91 89.60 7.83 28.72 950.6 1 718.2 2 534.0 2 712.3 405.3 662.0 874.4 1 061.5 8 842 9 299 3 617 3 636 4.59 6.22 1 927.1 1 494.5 788.3 584.4 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State 2000 area measurements Housing units 2000 average per Population County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 1990 1980 200 1990 1980 Total area units 7 704 2 228 5 521 2 072 2 978 817 65.61 3.61 65.36 3.36 117.9 662.8 45.6 243.1 3 769 1 605 (X) 630 2 132 766 (X) 240 1 414 544 (X) 348 580 609 290 1.40 1.40 414.7 207.4 152 099 17 756 (X) 321 (X) 18 066 14 120 85 971 9 877 (X) 524 94 165 16 805 (X) 192 (X) 6 090 4 507 251 377 10 100 404 479 202 31 242 19 763 950 15 213 320 14 879 194 822 20 951 3 857 1 426 144 536 7 635 589 345 158 9 703 4 987 355 15 156 317 14 826 112 042 7 010 2 641 1 086 50 743 9 233 (X) 254 (X) 4 983 4 136 (X) 13 723 11 038 (X) 2 304.93 1 220.33 0.28 1.19 0.59 659.10 8.08 4.43 101.57 0.40 16.73 323.93 4.07 1.47 5.23 0.36 14.40 2 025.34 1 130.03 0.28 0.93 0.59 655.45 8.07 4.42 17.78 0.21 10.57 222.08 4.04 1.46 5.23 124.1 8.9 1 445.0 513.2 344.1 47.7 2 449.1 214.8 855.6 1 512.0 1 407.1 877.2 5 190.7 2 638.9 272.9 71.4 6.8 2 106.7 369.6 269.2 14.8 618.0 80.3 852.4 1 497.8 1 402.1 504.5 1 736.8 1 806.9 207.8 (X) (X) 116 277 14 148 3 014 (X) 62 371 4 327 1 376 71 270 6 124 2 145 36 527 1 775 851 (X) (X) 20 976 19 505 17 581 16 956 15 312 12 204 12.03 1 744.3 1 410.0 5 186 6 741 5 686 1 965 2 232 2 001 5 162 4 574 8 002 (X) (X) 3 161 5 438 (X) 1 160 3 145 5 738 957 1 543 1 415 2 991 (X) 0.71 1.22 3.42 1.86 2.26 0.69 1.22 3.24 1.77 2.26 7 483.0 5 541.4 1 754.0 1 111.9 987.1 1 673.8 2 585.3 1 770.0 541.5 682.4 (X) (X) 56 513 12 455 409 42 519 1 362 9 980 2 837 1 539 42 613 7 024 r 468 34 491 1 136 10 001 3 340 1 098 4 35 399 4 377 386 30 210 1 691 9 257 3 804 812 (X) 23 579 5 548 184 17 372 480 4 536 1 339 659 17 818 3 124 r 183 14 228 468 4 491 1 473 466 3 13 628 1 683 146 11 608 606 3 769 1 448 337 (X) 801.04 193.66 2.31 288.66 2.58 10.87 2.45 318.73 0.21 797.05 193.45 2.31 286.25 2.58 10.35 2.39 317.35 0.21 70.9 64.4 176.8 148.5 527.6 964.1 1 186.3 4.8 29.6 28.7 79.5 60.7 185.9 438.2 559.9 2.1 32 209 20 715 6 604 6 064 11 494 23 865 15 661 6 488 4 145 8 204 19 039 12 585 6 002 (X) 6 454 13 608 8 251 2 604 2 230 5 357 10 310 6 682 2 835 1 940 3 628 7 458 5 097 2 575 (X) 2 361 639.50 355.15 3.99 7.31 284.34 0.06 637.27 354.17 3.98 7.31 283.10 0.06 50.5 58.5 1 658.7 830.1 40.6 21.4 23.3 654.0 305.3 18.9 - The State-Con. Clay County-Con. Penney Farms CCD Asbury Lake CDP Middleburg CDP (part) t Penney Farms town ť Collier County. Everglades CCD t.. Chokoloskee COP † Everglades city. Plantation Island CDP | Immokalee CCD + Immokalee CDP Orangetree CDP | Marco Island CCD Goodland CDP + Marco Island city (part) Naples CCD Golden Gate CDP 1 Lely CDP+ Lely Resort CDP 1. Marco Island city (part) | Naples city to Naples Manor CDP + Naples Park CDP 1. Pelican Bay CDP | Pine Ridge CDP | Vineyards CDP | Columbia County Fort White CCD Fort White town t Lake City CCD Five Points CDP +. Lake City city (part) † Watertown CDP + North Columbia CCD Lake City city (part) DeSoto County. Arcadia East CCD Arcadia city (part) Southeast Arcadia CDP | Arcadia West CCD Arcadia city (part) | Dixie County Cross City North CCD Cross City town Cross City South CCD Horseshoe Beach town. Duval County Jacksonville CCD.. Atlantic Beach city t Baldwin town t. Jacksonville city t Jacksonville Beach city t Neptune Beach city t Escambia County Cantonment CCD Ensley CDP (part) Ferry Pass CDP (part) | Gonzalez CDP Century CCD Century town Molino CDP (part) + Northwest Escambia CCD Molino CDP (part) f Pensacola CCD + Bellview CDP Brent CDP I Ensley CDP (part) + Ferry Pass CDP (part) Goulding CDP 1. Myrtle Grove CDP Pensacola city f. Warrington CDP t. West Pensacola CDP | Flagler County Bunnell CCD.. Bunnell city Palm Coast city (part) + Flagler Beach CCD Beverly Beach town.. Flagler Beach city (part) Marineland town (part) Palm Coast city (part) Franklin County t. Apalachicola CCD + Apalachicola city Carrabelle CCD Carrabelle city (part) Eastpoint CCD Í Carrabelle city (part) † Eastpoint CDP 13 827 10 152 1 775 3 675 206 10 585 7 233 2 041 3 352 252 7 751 5 375 2 154 2 376 304 7 362 4 567 799 2 795 301 6 445 3 687 993 2 758 306 4 010 2 129 921 1 881 365 863.66 295.58 1.90 568.08 0.24 704.01 290.92 1.90 413.10 0.20 19.6 34.9 935.6 8.9 1 014.1 10.5 15.7 421.1 6.8 1 481.7 778 879 778 879 13 368 1 634 735 617 20 990 7 270 672 971 672 971 11 636 1 450 635 230 17 839 6 816 571 003 571 003 7 847 1 526 540 920 15 462 5 248 329 778 329 778 6 003 702 308 826 10 775 3 472 284 673 284 673 4 948 603 267 148 8 709 3 265 227 077 227 077 3 104 587 213 556 7 296 2 534 918.24 918.24 12.98 2.13 874.33 21.96 6.83 773.67 773.67 3.73 2.13 757.68 7.68 2.45 1 006.7 1 006.7 3 584.3 767.3 970.9 2 732.3 2 968.8 426.3 426.3 1 609.5 329.6 407.6 1 402.6 1 417.9 294 410 43 737 6 148 5 332 11 365 10 159 1 714 1 161 4 485 151 236 029 21 201 22 257 12 604 21 844 4 484 262 798 34 746 4 879 5 242 7 669 8 395 1 989 1 063 3 864 144 215 793 19 386 21 624 11 483 21 059 4 159 233 794 23 389 3 549 2 493 6 084 8 333 495 1 027 2 985 429 199 087 15 439 21 872 10 873 14 417 5 352 124 647 16 878 2 662 2 049 4 260 3 621 800 439 1 757 1 65 102 391 8 673 7 796 5 491 10 651 1 437 112 230 13 166 2 083 1 990 2 873 3 337 872 398 1 402 51 94 325 7 474 7 838 4 688 9438 1 616 88 661 7 936 1 458 703 2 120 2 892 176 313 990 159 76 843 5 418 7 793 3 771 5 764 1 926 875.57 127.91 4.00 3.71 15.34 195.58 3.34 6.63 185.91 0.36 366.18 11.88 10.52 8.34 10.39 1.23 662.35 125.61 4.00 3.69 15.29 193.65 3.28 6.61 185.79 0.36 157.31 11.82 10.44 8.34 10.39 1.23 444.5 348.2 1 536.4 1 443.2 743.4 52.5 522.5 175.8 24.1 415.9 1 500.4 1 793.3 2 132.4 1 512.0 2 102.6 3 643.2 188.2 134.4 665.2 554.6 278.7 18.7 243.9 66.5 9.5 179.0 650.9 733.6 746.9 658.7 1 025.2 1 167.6 17 211 56 255 15 207 21 939 17 402 1 59 198 16 040 22 107 14 238 57 619 15 792 24 371 6 811 26 995 7 582 9 886 6 471 26 840 7 553 10 032 4 591 23 312 7 060 9 923 6.60 39.65 8.51 7.44 6.60 22.70 6.57 7.37 2 606.1 2 478.7 2 314.1 2 978.1 1 031.3 1 189.4 1 153.8 1 342.0 28 701 13 765 1 873 15 215 6 108 728 49 832 27 953 2 122 20 382 21 879 547 4 878 6 12 350 14 936 r 314 r 3 818 21 (X) 10 913 4 166 1 816 (X) 6 747 217 2 208 8 (X) 24 452 12 039 959 8 727 12 413 441 3 139 8 6 202 9 107 254 1 2 660 16 (X) 5 891 1 630 675 (X) 4 261 197 1 540 6 (X) 570.76 445.50 4.66 35.99 125.26 0.39 4.06 0.31 15.71 485.00 427.29 4.66 35.88 57.71 0.36 3.66 0.31 14.83 102.7 65.4 455.0 568.0 379.1 1 527.4 1 332.3 19.6 832.5 50.4 28.2 205.6 243.2 215.1 1 231.4 857.4 26.1 418.1 11 057 4 505 2 334 3 710 1 262 2 842 41 2 158 8 967 4 443 2 602 2 528 1 173 1 996 27 1 577 7 661 3 917 2 565 2 075 1 304 1 669 (X) 1 246 7 180 3 209 1 207 2 586 761 1 385 1 29 911 5 891 2 727 1 190 2 214 683 950 22 663 4 497 2 013 1 100 1 703 632 781 (X) 490 1 037.48 333.25 2.66 326.35 3.12 377.87 1.69 7.33 544.34 79.17 1.88 161.22 2.43 303.95 1.31 7.33 20.3 56.9 1 242.1 23.0 520.4 9.4 31.4 294,4 13.2 40.5 642.3 16.0 313.8 4.6 22.2 124.3 8 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population square mile 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units 45 087 5 380 3 287 3 401 619 13 506 1 713 1 446 22 800 1 709 6 982 1 41 116 6 325 4 382 2 889 586 11 024 11 717 41 674 7 179 5 332 2 574 562 9 063 2 782 (X) 22 858 1 557 8 591 17 703 2 105 1 188 1 261 230 5 638 762 559 8 699 553 2 917 5 906 2 149 r 14 867 2 023 1 240 1 023 224 4 244 r 756 1356 7 569 531 " 2 887 13 387 1 927 1 266 904 198 3 076 942 (X) 7 480 414 2 983 528.49 75.98 5.64 70.36 1.01 151.72 1.86 3.83 230.43 1.88 7.63 516.13 75.19 5.45 70.21 1.01 148.21 1.86 3.83 222.52 1.88 7.62 87.4 71.6 602.7 48.4 612.6 91.1 922.5 377.1 102.5 906.7 916.4 34.3 28.0 217.8 18.0 227.6 38.0 410.4 145.8 39.1 293.4 382.9 976 20 867 1 981 17 452 149 14 437 4 390 349 10 047 273 1 617 9 667 2 917 267 6 750 230 1 287 5 767 2 240 227 3 527 164 1 131 4 071 1 534 111 2 537 127 507 2 647 1 199 95 1 448 98 498 355.47 146.67 1.63 208.80 1.42 2.59 348.89 143.76 1.63 205.13 1.34 2.59 41.4 30.5 213.5 49.0 203.6 623.4 16.9 14.9 91.2 18.3 117.9 266.0 3 757 158 690 10 576 3 309 1 390 7 267 1 635 7 591 2 865 1 279 4 726 1 432 5 992 2 054 (X) 3 938 1 250 5 790 2 631 1 149 3 159 792 4 624 2 326 1 114 2 298 3 475 1 428 (X) 2 047 652 986.43 358.89 1.41 627.55 1.15 773.64 264.03 1.30 509.61 1.08 13.7 12.5 1 066.3 14.3 1 508.8 7.5 10.0 881.4 6.2 730.9 684 11 504 7 490 4 044 4 014 1 779 10 658 6 832 4 027 3 826 1 742 7 587 4 922 1 571 2 665 894 6 339 4 071 1 638 2 268 871 4 741 2 955 1 457 1 786 743 744.59 457.68 3.32 286.92 7.43 554.60 274.40 3.32 280.19 6.21 24.0 27.7 1 097.4 20.4 277.4 13.7 17.9 473.1 9.5 144.0 13 332 7 607 3 644 5 725 1 722 13 327 7 570 1 780 4 024 833 1 733 819 26 938 5 544 2 892 13 867 4 368 10 930 6 151 2 099 2 977 712 1 802 704 8 761 4 841 2 093 2 232 749 1 688 781 4 966 2 342 878 1 813 321 811 393 4 119 2 060 873 1 313 269 746 307 3 342 1 848 863 879 266 615 314 519.31 255.47 1.95 159.81 1.81 104.03 1.84 514.86 254.45 1.95 158.90 1.81 101.51 1.84 25.9 29.7 911.2 25.3 461.3 17.1 446.0 9.6 9.2 449.4 11.4 177.8 8.0 214.0 19 499 3 969 1 836 9 716 3 253 20 357 4 378 2 310 10 566 3 296 (X) 5 413 (X) 1 495 9 820 2 280 933 4 645 1 562 7 941 1 820 681 3 980 1 385 7 432 1 522 792 3 957 1 497 (X) 1 953 638.33 65.51 1.42 255.50 2.49 637.30 65.48 1.42 254.55 2.49 42.3 84.7 2 042.0 54.5 1 756.9 15.4 34.8 658.8 18.2 628.3 7 527 2 895 2 141 23.7 9.1 5 814 (X) 1 219 317.32 0.13 1.51 317.27 0.13 1.51 1 641 634 479 567 1 086.6 419.8 The State-Con. Gadsden County Chattahoochee CCD. Chattahoochee city Greensboro CCD.. Greensboro town Havana CCD Havana town.. Midway city t Quincy CCD't Gretna city t Quincy city i Gilchrist County Bell CCD Bell town t Trenton CCD Fanning Springs city (part) † Trenton city t Glades County t. Northeast Glades CCD + Buckhead Ridge CDP Southwest Glades CCD Moore Haven city. Gulf County t Port St. Joe CCD + Port St. Joe city Wewahitchka CCD Wewahitchka city t Hamilton County Jasper CCD Jasper city t Jennings CCD Jennings town t. White Springs CCD White Springs town Hardee County.. Bowling Green CCD Bowling Green city + Wauchula CCD Wauchula city (part) 7. Zolfo Springs town (part) t. Zolfo Springs CCD... Wauchula city (part) 7. Zolfo Springs town (part) t. Hendry County Clewiston CCD Clewiston city Harlem CDP't La Belle CCD Labelle city t. Port La Belle CDP | Hernando County.. Brooksville CCD + Brooksville city Hill 'n Dale CDP Istachatta CDP | Lake Lindsey CDP 1. Masaryktown CDP (part) t. Nobleton CDP 1. North Brooksville CDP t... South Brooksville CDP (part) † Spring Lake CDP Ridge Manor CCD. Ridge Manor CDP Sping Hill CCD Bayport CDP Brookridge CDP Hernando Beach CDP | High Point CDP 1. Masaryktown CDP (part) t. North Weeki Wachee CDP | Pine Island CDP . South Brooksville CDP (part) † Spring Hill CDP I. Timber Pines CDP | Weeki Wachee city Weeki Wachee Gardens CDP | Highlands County Avon Park CCD +. Avon Park city t : Sebring city (part) Lake Placid CCD Lake Placid town t Placid Lakes CDP Sylvan Shores CDP | Sebring CCD Sebring city (part) Hillsborough County Brandon CCD Bloomingdale CDP 1. Brandon CDP Fish Hawk CDP (part) Mango CDP Riverview CDP (part) 36 210 18 218 6 460 2 730 17 992 4 210 3 050 25 773 14 432 6 085 2 826 11 341 2 703 1 512 18 599 11 135 5 219 2 669 7 464 2 287 (X) 44 469 18 900 5 582 (X) 9 945 5 341 2 413 904 4 604 1 157 676 7 032 3 900 2 021 772 3 132 1 021 (X) 22 541 8 609 2 419 (X) 1 189.79 662.13 4.70 0.97 527.66 3.55 8.62 1 152.53 633.21 4.68 0.97 519.32 3.47 8.61 31.4 28.8 1 381.0 2 820.9 34.6 1 214.0 354.0 12 294 6 104 2 434 926 6 190 1 739 973 62 727 13 425 3 920 511 52 30 78 10.7 9.6 520.3 956.8 11.9 501.4 112.9 101 115 26 179 1 7 589 130 802 28 081 7 264 1 436 65 49 179 50 018 12 561 "3 932 (X) 589.08 204.33 4.97 0.51 0.15 0.02 0.31 478.31 199.12 4.94 0.51 0.13 0.02 0.31 273.5 141.0 1 469.5 2 823.3 505.4 2 206.8 568.9 131.1 67.4 793.0 1 004.7 404.4 1 351.1 247.9 (X) 1 459 1 586 160 1 461 1 345 327 5 488 4 108 97 233 36 3 279 2 185 2 973 741 (X) 1 014 1 218 (X) 2 552 1 074 (X) 146 636 624 130 2 753 2 099 46 549 39 2 129 1 182 1 843 353 646 779 (X) 2 345 982 (X) (X) 461 557 (X) 1 308 552 4 475 1 947 0.21 2.77 2.95 3.48 59.30 9.03 325.45 0.66 2.03 3.97 2.97 0.74 0.20 2.76 2.89 3.37 56.83 8.72 222.36 0.66 2.03 3.91 2.94 0.74 812.1 528.7 464.6 96.9 96.6 471.2 437.3 54.3 1 617.7 558.1 1 011.4 995.4 741.0 230.2 215.6 38.5 48.4 240.8 209.3 58.8 1 050.4 301.9 627.0 474.2 855 2 805 1 767 2 814 (X) 1 268 (X) 1 721 (X) 1 789 978 1 717 (X) (X) 1 010 (X) (X) (X) (X) 4 253 64 31 69 078 5 840 12 1 140 31 117 3 182 6 468 (X) 2 265 45 12 30 658 3 551 5 888 14 863 1 895 "5 968 8.29 0.07 0.61 54.84 2.38 1.04 1.40 3 396 (X) 10 (X) 7.36 0.07 0.61 53.13 2.38 1.02 1.39 578.1 945.7 50.8 1 300.1 2 456.3 11.8 822.6 307.9 664.9 19.6 577.0 1 493.5 4.9 640.8 11 1 170 (X) 68 432 21 648 '8 078 40 114 12 259 r 3 985 87 366 27 504 8 542 4 22 493 1 668 3 054 2 424 37 369 9 663 47 526 14 401 8 026 (X) 11 282 963 (X) 1 402 21 843 8 736 15 855 1 158 2 045 2 155 30 929 8 900 48 846 14 985 3 916 2 12 426 776 1 615 1 487 21 435 5 022 25 994 7 426 3 659 (X) 6 490 479 9 572 587 1 169 1 285 18 283 4 999 1 106.28 195.28 5.65 0.12 675.00 2.84 18.32 2.82 236.00 10.89 1 028.27 188.26 4.64 0.12 631.04 2.57 18.29 2.23 208.96 5.01 85.0 146.1 1 841.8 32.7 35.6 650.2 166.9 1 086.4 178.8 1 928.8 47.5 79.6 844.4 16.4 19.7 302.5 88.3 666.4 102.6 1 002.4 846 12 078 4 316 998 948 153 945 19 839 77 895 834 054 111 266 13 912 57 985 646 939 69 271 (X) 41 826 (X) 425 962 59 312 6 846 30 485 367 740 43 352 4 651 22 493 263 608 25 192 (X) 13 975 1 266.22 91.10 7.89 29.29 0.04 4.66 6.38 1 050.91 89.60 7.83 28.72 950.6 1 718.2 2 534.0 2 712.3 405.3 662.0 874.4 1 061.5 8 842 9 299 8 700 4 826 3 617 3 636 3 415 2 244 4.59 6.22 1 927.1 1 494.5 788.3 584.4 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 I 1, Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements County in square miles County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 average per square mile 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units 5 467 5 371 2 168 2 095 3.62 1 5122 599.7 *** (X) (X) 66 935 22 27 069 9 550 (X) 5 833 16 318 (X) (X) H 7 219 (X) 3 903 2 820 192 7 851 438 4 939 (X) (X) 3 131 (X) (X) 7 155 (X) 4 755 The State-Con. Hillsborough County-Con. Brandon CCD 1-Con. Settner CDP Tampa city (part) + Valrico CDP 1. Citrus Park-Fern Lake CCD + Cheval CDP Citrus Park CDP | Greater Carrollwood CDP (part) Greater Northdale CDP 7. Keystone CDP Lutz CDP (part) . Westchase CDP + Gibsonton CCD I. Gibsonton CDP (part) t Riverview CDP (part) Palm River-East Tampa CCD Gibsonton CDP (part) | Palm River-Clair Mel CDP | Progress Village CDP + Riverview CDP (part) | Tampa city (part) Plant City CCD Dover CDP Plant City city t Ruskin CCD I. Apollo Beach CDP Greater Sun Center CDP | Ruskin CDP I.. Tampa CCD East Lake-Orient Park CDP Egypt Lake-Leto CDP Greater Carrollwood CDP (part) t Lake Magdalene CDP | Lutz CDP (part) ... Pebble Creek CDP (part) | Tampa city (part) | Temple Terrace city Town 'n' Country CDP . University CDP Thonotosassa CCD + Pebble Creek CDP (part) | Tampa city (part) [ Thonotosassa CDP Wimauma-Lithia CCD 1 Boyette CDP . Fish Hawk CDP (part) Riverview CDP (part) . Wimauma CDP | Holmes County. Bonifay CCD. Bonifay city t Esto-Noma CCD Esto town Noma town + Holmes West CCD Ponce de Leon town t Westville town 6 582 100 423 7 602 20 226 25 956 20 461 14 627 435 11 116 10 550 7 437 473 24 866 1 315 17 589 2 482 2 263 8 73 692 2 798 29 915 37 840 7 444 16 321 8 321 545 237 5 703 32 782 7 563 28 755 16 646 9 189 6 692 448 21 523 1 014 13 691 (X) 1 204 16 62 500 2 606 22 754 30 567 6 025 8 326 6 046 489 376 6 171 14 580 (X) 15 973 10 552 21 717 (X) 14 447 (X) (X) 8 47 717 2 354 17 064 18 807 4 014 5 605 5 117 430 750 5 612 11 932 2 831 40 922 3 659 7 607 11 177 7 849 5 709 179 4 742 4 316 2 903 226 9 533 565 6 502 905 938 6 27 998 842 11 797 21 078 3 404 10 500 3 603 242 729 2 126 14 526 3 306 12 938 6 417 3.73 0.08 5.68 84.98 6.84 10.89 7.40 8.45 39.24 1.35 10.80 42.43 12.62 0.68 38.40 1.06 11.71 3.37 2.37 1.60 205.79 2.64 22.75 189.86 5.90 12.81 15.42 267.73 4.66 6.19 2.88 11.69 22.18 5.59 80.41 6.68 10.57 7.28 7.90 36 08 1.15 10.75 18.40 12.11 0.62 25.97 0.74 11.71 3.37 2.30 0.53 204.48 2.61 22.63 85.29 5.69 12.53 14.24 204.50 4.38 5.97 2.29 10.58 20.32 1 176.9 1 248.9 1 137.5 1 913.1 3 565.6 2 591.0 405.4 377.3 1 034.2 573.3 614.1 763.6 957.5 1 773.2 1 502.6 737.4 983.3 15.2 360.4 1 070.7 1 321.9 443.7 1 308.3 1 303.0 584.4 2 666.2 1 3020 5 491.7 3 302.9 2 718.9 819.3 506 2 508.9 5475 719.5 1 535.4 993.9 158.2 155.3 4412 234.5 239.7 364.8 367.1 761.9 555.5 268.9 407.6 11.4 136.9 322.2 521.3 2471 598.3 838 3 253.1 1 186.9 485.4 2 433.4 1 4438 1 223 3 315.8 485 15 24 205 859 9 350 17 234 2 799 5 665 2 800 227 460 2 316 7 264 5 18 114 801 6 755 10 623 1 794 3 883 2 522 179 250 1 913 5 267 (X) 5 701 2 179 13 256 5 555 7 399 4 046 4 824 296 598 20 918 72 523 30 736 21 926 271 569 11 097 37 834 1 871 133 117 9 359 30 720 15 494 9 233 114 204 4 015 13 761 (X) 5 672 (X) 129 528 6 850 26 939 14 910 8 169 (X) 138 (X) 8 497 (X) 1 626.3 2 793.7 3 051.2 3 063.5 7 9413 289.0 630.8 1 253.8 1 365.1 1 297.7 4 0032 121.7 14 529 279 766 16 444 60 946 23 760 19 342 (X) 233 (X) 23 356 (X) 2.97 163.55 6.93 24.42 3.88 7775 0.01 5.37 17.97 268.18 6.89 16.37 2.97 106.17 6.86 23.67 3.87 75.86 0.01 5 37 16.67 266.40 6.60 16.35 6 841 6 091 30 469 5 895 1 991 &&&*& 14 154 2 653 2 532 10 841 2 103 798 (X) 4 915 1 274,1 365.5 114.4 893.1 121.8 494.1 151.9 40.7 318.6 48.8 (X) 2 932 (X) 861 (X) 512 4 246 1 477 1 097 8.81 8.42 504.1 130.2 18 564 9 826 4 078 3 735 356 213 5 003 457 221 15 778 8 260 2 612 3 053 253 207 4 465 406 257 14 723 7 118 2 534 3 289 304 113 4 316 454 343 7 998 3 874 1 216 1 680 167 104 2 444 233 107 6 785 3 409 1 184 1 325 128 87 2 051 207 122 5 751 2 831 1 083 1 223 122 53 1 697 488.71 164.67 3.62 101.17 2.35 1.09 222.86 4.96 7.45 482.45 162.93 3.62 100.30 2.20 1.09 219.22 4.95 7.27 38.5 60.3 1 126.9 37.2 161.6 194.7 22.8 92.3 30.4 16.6 23.8 3360 16.7 75.8 95.1 11.1 47.0 14.7 194 134 112 947 12 633 3 813 90 208 8 640 2 179 57 902 5 685 918 47 128 4 340 787 29 417 1 839 516 224.4 32.7 719.1 115.1 14.7 173.1 Indian River County. Fellsmere CCD. Fellsmere city t Sebastian city (part) West Vero Corridor CDP (part) † Vero Beach CCD Florida Ridge CDP. Gifford CDP Indian River Shores town t North Beach CDP . Orchid town 4 000 100 314 15 217 7 599 3 448 243 140 (X) 81 568 12 218 6 278 2 278 (X) 10 59 896 4 422 1 161 (X) (X) 55 474 4 988 6 240 1 254 2 743 52 217 7 330 3 595 2 881 199 139 (X) 42 788 6 006 2 358 2 294 (X) 3 (X) 27 578 3 126 2 080 1 291 616.92 397.64 5.40 0.23 2.52 219.28 12.58 7.50 7.16 10.33 1.84 503.23 386.59 5.30 0.23 2.52 116.64 10.80 7.05 5.17 3.09 1.23 1 585.6 860.0 1 409.3 1 078.1 666.4 78.7 113.8 1 087 3 447.7 678.9 5100 556.8 64.4 113.0 (* 19 7 1 775 16 181 3 457 17 705 20 362 1 379 10 205 2 754 17 350 16 973 1 607 2 831 (X) 16 176 12 636 987 7 287 2 066 10 286 9 505 802 4 611 1 671 10 064 7 767 842 1 350 (X) 8 983 5 146 3.17 13.32 6.89 12.93 10.90 1.99 12.39 2.70 11.07 10.34 893.3 1 305.8 1 279.8 1 598.9 1 969.8 496.7 588.1 7649 928.9 919.5 2 157 812 918 1 075 3 695 965 1 145 (X) (X) (X) 526 865 2 572 405 1 376 (X) (X) (X) 2.42 1.19 2.44 6.90 2.42 1.18 2.44 6.89 378.8 912.3 1 514.8 140.1 2171 734.1 1 054.4 58.8 (X) (X) (X) 16 320 1 388 220 Roseland CDP Sebastian city (part) † South Beach CDP Vero Beach city t Vero Beach South CDP t.. Wabasso CDP + Wabasso Beach CDP . West Vero Corridor CDP (part) | Winter Beach CDP . Jackson County Alford CCD 1 Alford town Campbellton CCD Campbellton town Jacob City city (part) Cottondale CCD + Cottondale town.. Jacob City city (part) Cypress CCD Grand Ridge town Graceville CCD T. Graceville city + Greenwood CCD + Greenwood town Malone CCD 1 Bascom town Malone town t 46 755 3 499 466 1 568 212 51 3 527 869 230 5 196 792 4 444 2 402 5 684 735 4 021 106 2 007 41 375 2 804 ? 482 1 563 202 45 3 061 900 216 4 361 536 4 544 2 675 4 833 474 2 484 90 765 39 154 2 468 548 1 811 336 (X) 3 106 1 056 (X) 3 880 591 4 869 2 918 2 878 577 2 578 134 897 19 490 1 836 235 727 111 25 1 610 445 91 2 372 344 1 965 1 076 1 758 335 1 188 49 377 658 102 22 1 312 417 93 1 862 236 1 880 1 090 1 350 232 1 091 37 371 14 588 1 092 240 650 136 (X) 1 185 418 (X) 1 498 236 1 906 1 173 1 182 239 1 003 62 349 954.58 147.25 1.31 88.39 0.90 1.38 92.15 1.69 1.85 135 26 2.26 73.94 4.40 141.03 4.80 97.06 0.24 3.13 915.64 142.88 1.28 86.72 0.89 1.38 87.28 1.52 1.72 130.40 2.17 73.67 4.30 135.02 4.80 95.83 0.24 3.13 51.1 24.5 362.9 18.1 238.3 37.0 40.4 573.2 133.7 39.8 364.8 60.3 559.0 42.1 153.3 42.0 448.3 641.4 21.3 12.9 183.0 8.4 124.8 18.1 18.4 293.5 529 18.2 158.4 26.7 250.4 13.0 69.9 12.4 207.2 120.5 10 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau Coneira nn Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State 2000 area measurements Population Housing units 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Population 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area units 10 290 3 510 21 587 4 444 5 507 2 984 19 318 28 200 7 264 12 571 8 252 20 398 4 528 3 819 3 152 12 672 22 336 6 760 9 268 4 764 14 297 8 767 (X) 4 328 5 831 18 603 5 501 8 637 2 826 13 283 1 772 2 065 1 364 7 391 13 413 2 832 5 776 3 477 13 354 1 836 1 666 1 446 5 759 11 583 2 763 4 873 1 887 1 887 2 579 9 733 2 206 4 760 992 4.54 1.43 1.37 1.42 317.84 65.13 3.16 4.37 304.94 4.46 1.36 1.37 1.40 314.65 28.72 3.16 4.24 296.60 4 840.4 3 256.0 4 013.7 2 125.0 61.4 981.8 2 297.1 2 967.2 27.8 2 978.4 1 298.3 1 505.1 971.3 23.5 467.0 895.6 1 363.3 11.7 194 835 41 486 1 2 678 122 488 19 776 1 913 1 94 568 20 667 11 410 55 345 9 615 959 258 916 68 107 3 478 4 10 484 1 898 18 638 18 362 16 465 114 328 45 943 6 686 12 532 453 571 7 073 11 639 15 249 11 721 13 047 95 370 42 045 6 421 10 887 411 554 4 822 1 427 10 592 3 783 9 171 66 142 37 170 3 983 8 202 404 657 122 663 33 032 1 806 1 5 509 1 128 11 909 9 022 6 764 50 904 20 501 3 371 5 523 271 236 3 793 977 10 695 5 744 5 317 43 275 19 478 3 326 5 076 338 252 2 415 749 7 322 1 728 3 766 27 068 14 674 2 123 3 431 193 244 1 663.01 246.14 1.83 0.51 123.40 7.43 537.78 139.39 201.01 209.84 38.63 4.32 205.45 0.70 1.24 1 578.86 229.78 1.83 0.51 118.76 7.05 495.97 139.04 186.64 206.09 38.63 4.26 202.57 0.70 1.24 164.0 296.4 1 905.5 7.8 88.3 269.3 37.6 132.1 88.2 554.7 1 189.2 1 569.0 61.9 650.8 458.7 77.7 143.8 989.5 1.9 46.4 160.0 24.0 64.9 36.2 247.0 530.7 791.1 27.3 389.4 189.6 126 731 15 530 5 588 55 844 11 376 620 100 900 12 007 4 794 46 396 11 507 549 65 471 5 245 1 807 29 881 6 042 494 54 199 4 038 1 673 25 680 5 866 447 555.62 418.67 5.97 98.83 5.46 2.72 228.1 37.1 936.2 565.1 2 082.8 228.0 117.8 12.5 302.7 302.3 1 106.2 181.7 10 141 2 627 55 357 11 100 3 101 463 20 097 1 028 1 946 12 006 7 786 2 373 42 497 9 884 3 250 519 3 925 1 054 1 588 9 563 64 014 8 470 3 383 23 542 6 822 364 (X) 4 511 (X) 32 002 6 642 2 867 466 2 177 1 205 1 187 9 467 † 625 509 3 180 166 331 (X) 141 356 2 700 (X) 9 809 5 838 51 865 (X) 6 174 20 668 12 14 960 77 623 5 126 1 980 30 345 5 805 1 701 579 9 228 622 828 6 797 4 136 1 688 24 481 5 191 1 718 716 1 921 625 672 5 333 34 002 2 753 1 002 12 630 3 462 358 (X) 2 860 (X) 18 619 3 367 1 452 673 868 895 449 5 318 752.79 516.87 5.97 154.54 5.73 3.62 0.01 4.02 1.43 81.38 8.13 1.93 0.21 16.57 0.91 4.14 7.09 3.62 1.06 38.11 7.25 1.30 0.17 14.63 0.40 1.23 5.24 2 803.2 2 473.1 1 452.4 1 531.8 2 385.8 2 706.5 1 373.4 2 568.5 1 578.1 2 289.6 The State-Con. Manatee County-Con. Bradenton CCD 1-Con. South Bradenton CDP | West Bradenton CDP | West Samoset CDP Whitfield CDP Myakka CCD T. Palmetto CCD I. Memphis CDP 1. Palmetto city (part) f Parrish CCD + Marion County Belleview CCD 1 Belleview city t. Silver Springs Shores CDP (part) Dunnellon CCD . Dunnellon city East Marion CCD Fellowship CCD Fort McCoy-Anthony CCD Ocala CCD 1 Ocala city t Silver Springs Shores CDP (part) Reddick-Mcintosh CCD .. Mcintosh town Reddick town Martin County Indiantown CCD. Indiantown CDP Port Salerno-Hobe Sound CCD + Hobe Sound CDP Jupiter Island town t Palm City CDP (part) Port Salerno CDP Stuart city (part) + Stuart CCD + Jensen Beach CDP . North River Shores CDP Ocean Breeze Park town Palm City CDP (part) Rio CDP Sewall's Point town Stuart city (part) | Miami-Dade County † Everglades CCD 7. Hialeah CCD.. Country Club CDP (part) Hialeah city (part) † Hialeah Gardens city Medley town (part) f Miami Lakes CDP t. Palm Springs North CDP Homestead CCD + Coral Gables city (part) | Florida City city Homestead city (part) | Islandia city .. Leisure City CDP (part) Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres CCD 1 Country Walk CDP 1...... Doral CDP (part) . Fountainbleau CDP (part) | Kendale Lakes CDP Kendall CDP (part) . Kendall West CDP | Medley town (part) Olympia Heights CDP (part) t. Richmond West CDP . South Miami Heights CDP (part) Tamiami CDP (part) † The Crossings CDP | The Hammocks CDP + Three Lakes CDP 1. Kendall-Perrine CCD Coral Gables city (part) † Cutler CDP 1 East Perrine CDP | Kendall CDP (part) †. Palmetto Estates CDP Pinecrest village (part) | Richmond Heights CDP Sunset CDP (part) West Perrine CDP Key Biscayne CCD T.. Key Biscayne village Miami city (part) | Miami CCD 1 Andover CDP (part). Aventura city (part) t. Bay Harbor Islands town (part) Biscayne Park village Brownsville CDP . Bunche Park CDP Coral Gables city (part) † Coral Terrace CDP El Portal village Gladeview CĎP 1 416.9 1 864.0 796.2 801.1 1 308.7 3 384.6 630.6 1 554.1 671.5 1 296.2 2 253 362 5 189 317 483 36 077 221 421 19 297 534 22 676 5 460 70 770 1 937 094 4 283 237 725 3 408 183 233 7 713 127 12 750 5 300 60 204 (X) 5 806 26 866 13 15 330 190 810 (X) 852 278 1 638 104 318 13 699 70 382 5 848 204 9 000 1 656 22 611 771 288 1 395 83 074 1 393 60 413 2 883 59 6 040 1 618 21 794 (X) 2 045 10 775 7 4 909 67 821 (X) 665 282 1 094 58 825 (X) 48 812 1 311 (X) 4 277 1 659 19 022 1 946.06 949.46 51.14 4.30 18.23 2.46 0.01 5.96 0.69 462.86 1 157.9 5.5 6 208.6 8 397.9 12 144.1 7 845.8 56 997.9 3 806.4 7 885.2 152.9 437.9 1.7 2 040.0 3 188.8 3 860.2 2 377.7 21 774.5 1 510.7 2 391.6 48.9 2 431.26 950.06 53.20 4.49 18.73 2.52 0.01 6.39 0.79 748.39 0.03 3.22 13.77 66.39 2.80 150.67 2.76 0.05 0.01 8.60 1.43 7 843 30 570 6 18 148 314 677 10 653 2 541 10 870 5 5 231 99 857 3 409 2 186 8 812 9 4 580 28 882 (X) 3.22 13.68 6.45 2.78 145.68 2.75 0.05 0.01 8.17 1.43 2 436.2 2 235.3 0.9 6 531.1 2 160.1 3 879.0 789.3 794.8 0.8 1 882.5 685.5 1 241.3 48 524 3 865 32 769 3 811 (X) 18 656 4 326 (X) 17 129 1 678 56 901 10 970 38 034 322 (X) 12 498 1 774 (X) 2 2 282.8 3 034.7 6 962.4 7 695.5 11 218.6 275.1 6 038 11 12 229 66 2 753 7 3.65 1.17 3.39 1.17 3 607.1 56.4 28 082 5 761 54 788 23 557 47 379 6 955 155 589 10 170 17 390 7 079 64 256 13 675 17 867 8 479 4 872 8 600 10 513 10 507 (X) 5 542 33 845 22 290 10 897 (X) 150 800 7 413 16 201 (X) 82 270 12 293 (X) 8 583 4 794 (X) 8 854 (X) 4 577 17 607 11 986 (X) (X) 135 869 7 352 15 608 (X) 68 994 11 116 (X) 8 577 4 376 (X) 6 337 (X) 8188 1 635 16 707 8 672 15 983 2 627 56 313 4 102 5 806 2 339 25 343 4 187 5 879 2 771 1 693 2 814 6 381 6 378 (X) 1 637 10 916 8 226 5 089 (X) 56 901 3 107 5 530 (X) 33 104 4 016 (X) 2 696 1 649 (X) 5 724 (X) (X) 1 365 5 872 4 613 (X) (X) 50 344 3 157 5 005 (X) 27 647 3 723 (X) 2 402 1 524 (X) 4 645 4.27 0.76 7.56 3.77 8.03 3.81 77.29 30.62 6.75 1.97 14.90 2.15 7.42 1.65 0.96 1.73 40.09 1.39 5.19 146.04 0.45 3.48 0.03 0.64 2.30 0.76 6.50 3.45 0.42 2.54 4.18 0.76 7.33 3.74 7.86 3.26 45.04 6.67 6.73 1.97 14.68 2.12 7.41 1.65 0.96 1.73 4.73 1.28 1.12 124.46 0.42 2.70 6 720.5 7 567.8 7 475.6 6 304.9 6 027.3 2 131.4 3 454.4 1 525.7 2 585.1 3 586.2 4 376.7 6 437.3 2 412.2 5 124.3 5 070.8 4 966.9 2 224.1 8 225.0 1 959.5 2 147.8 2 279.6 2 321.0 2 033.3 805.1 1 250.3 615.4 863.1 1 184.9 1 726.2 1 971.0 793.7 1 674.7 1 762.1 1 625.2 1 349.9 4 992.8 (X) 850 725 3 095 25 267 803 988 2 676 (X) 771 635 (X) 340 604 1 644 20 020 328 533 1 329 (X) 321 883 (X) 6 835.4 7 397.3 9 345.1 2 736.7 3 929.3 7 404.5 1 338 5 596 3 269 14 393 3 972 32 079 24 380 2 505 14 468 3 068 15 607 4 388 32 678 23 255 2 457 15 637 (X) 3 088 18 058 (X) 35 889 22 702 2 055 18 919 1 341 5 506 1 432 13 747 7 955 878 5 107 1 440 13 454 7 789 1 049 5 516 (X) 1 359 5 980 (X) 14 512 8 073 1 064 6 638 0.64 2.29 0.76 6.47 3.43 0.42 2.54 5 147.0 6 275.1 5 240.0 4 959.8 7 110.0 5 896.6 5 694.2. 2 111.4 2 400.5 1 889.1 2 125.5 2 319.9 2 066.7 2 010.0 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 13 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. 2000 average per [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles County County Subdivision Place 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area square mile Housing units Population The State-Con. Miami-Dade County t-Con. Miami CCD 1-Con. Glenvar Heights CDP Golden Glades CDP Hialeah city (part) Ives Estates CDP Kendall CDP (part) f. 16 243 32 623 4 998 17 586 14 823 25 474 4 771 13 531 1 136 13 216 23 154 3 898 10 613 953 7 591 10 540 1 760 7 449 7 512 9 728 1 774 6 650 489 6 919 9 824 1 418 4 538 523 4.38 4.98 1.01 2.80 0.02 4.21 4.92 1.01 2.65 3 858 5 6 635.0 4 955.5 6 645.9 1 8032 2 143.7 1 745.0 2 815.0 0.02 362 470 357 315 148 388 144 165 10 489 9 4 294.4 Miami city (part) † Miami Beach city (part). Miami Shores village (part) Miami Springs city (part). Norland CDP (part) f 10 380 13 712 6 722 10 084 13 268 6 768 346 681 (X) 9 244 12 350 4 666 3 836 5 286 2 538 3 918 5 342 2 852 145 703 (X) 3 886 5 345 2 045 50.03 0.02 305 2.98 141 34.55 0.02 246 2.94 1.37 4 227.6 4 6673 4 905 6 1 5623 1 799 2. 1 8522 59 880 40 786 16 642 2 583 14 951 49 998 35 359 15 519 2 659 15 283 42 566 36 553 17 344 3 009 14 460 22 281 15 350 8 035 844 5 407 22 107 15 821 8 142 847 5 709 20 533 17 000 8 313 958 5 667 9.99 5.29 3.28 1.28 4.47 8.46 4.96 2.79 1.05 4.33 7 0800 8 230 6 5 9732 2 455.7 3 451.9 2 634.4 3 0976 2 883.9 802.4 1 248.4 1 North Miami city North Miami Beach city Ojus CDP Olympia Heights CDP (part) Opa-locka city... Opa-locka North CDP. Pinecrest village (part) | Pinewood CDP South Miami city Virginia Gardens village 6 224 1 188 16 523 10 741 2 348 6 568 (X) 15 518 10 404 2 212 5 721 (X) 14 346 10 895 2 098 1 588 524 5 329 4 457 925 1 553 (X) 5 346 4 346 913 1 517 (X) 5 458 4 498 917 2.29 0.13 1.89 2.30 0.30 2.17 0.13 1.72 2.29 0.30 2 8633 9 054.8 9 621.4 4 680.5 7 820.6 730.5 3 993 8 3 1031 1 942.2 3 080.9 32 498 5 863 9 692 124 804 10 298 2 112 3 111 86 391 Westchester CDP (part) West Little River CDP West Miami city Westview CDP Miami Beach CCD Aventura city (part) 7. Bal Harbour village Bay Harbor Islands town (part) Fisher Island CDP 1 Golden Beach town (X) 32 492 6 076 9 102 126 450 (X) 2 973 4 869 0.01 4.58 0.71 3.12 10.90 7 093.3 8 241.5 3 109 2 11 450.6 33 575 5 727 9 668 122 672 (X) 3 045 4 703 (X) 774 (X) 10 194 2 186 3 053 84 813 (X) 2 647 3 113 (X) 276 10 254 2 082 3 068 85 609 (X) 2 797 3 179 (X) 302 2 247.7 2 968.8 998.0 7 926.2 0.01 4.63 0.71 3.23 87.38 0.03 0.59 0.58 0.34 0.40 3 305 5 146 467 919 3 150 3 103 532 341 0.34 0.37 0.34 0.34 9 791.4 13 875.4 1 3626 2 692.7 9 3322 8 366.8 1 5523 999.1 612 33 44 103 38 30 38 0.42 77.9 89.7 87 933 92 639 59 723 62 413 7.02 12 533.6 8 512.6 64 561 (X) 2 963 96 298 (X) 4 920 (X) 3 763 88 080 (X) 47 349 Indian Creek village.. Miami city (part) Miami Beach city (part). Miami Shores village (part) North Bay Village city Sunny Isles Beach city t Surfside town Northwest Dade CCD Andover CDP (part) Carol City CDP Country Club CDP (part) Lake Lucerne CDP Norland CDP (part) Scott Lake CDP North Westside CCD Doral CDP (part) f. Fountainbleau CDP (part) | Medley town (part) + Miami city (part) Miami Springs city (part). Olympia Heights CDP (part) Sweetwater city Westchester CDP (part) f Princeton-Goulds CCD 1 Cutler Ridge CDP Goulds CDP Homestead city (part) | Homestead Base CDP 1 Lakes by the Bay CDP 6 733 15 315 4 909 104 876 5 394 59 443 233 9 132 16 273 14 401 101 285 20 438 59 549 242 (X) 5 383 (X) 4 108 96 313 3 575 53 331 (X) 9 478 15 341 14 588 75 895 3 126 (X) 525 1 233 3 450 12 946 3 059 31 299 2 312 17 049 83 2 835 4 861 4 159 37 739 9 186 21 881 117 3 401 (X) 2 814 29 122 1 729 15 405 (X) 2 739 5 125 4 124 28 035 1 699 0.45 0.04 18.69 0.68 0.84 1.41 0.97 17.31 1.34 7.74 0.02 2.63 2.24 3.35 34.10 13.59 4.50 3.12 2 441 26 512 (X) 13 720 (X) 2 725 5 104 4 044 15 917 (X) (X) 309 0.33 1.01 0.50 17.04 1.26 7.62 0.02 2.61 2.24 3.29 32.64 13 11 4.39 2.60 9 762 14 805 14 154 35 239 20 267.1 15 231.1 9 721.8 6 153.7 4 288.4 7 796.0 14 4249 3 492.3 7 264.8 4 378.3 3 103.1 1 558.5 13 561.5 93.2 10 384.9 12 875.1 6 058 1 1 836.5 1 838.1 2 236.0 5 138.5 1 084.2 2 170.1 1 264.5 1 156.2 700.5 4 983.1 45.0 (X) 534 269 385 (X) (X) 13 909 4 145 14 226 8 105 498 24 781 7 453 1 339 446 9 055 (X) 8 067 (X) 82 892 20 886 7 078 4 353 3 35 319 8 725 2 367 292 13 3 417 97 996 21 268 7 284 (X) 5 153 5 615 35 349 7 615 2 287 (X) 2 564 (X) 28 075 6 964 2 071 (X) 1 672 (X) 0.02 0.82 0.01 112.50 4.86 2.97 0.61 4.35 4.95 0.02 0.82 0.01 88.09 4.75 2.96 0.61 4.35 4.85 17 439.7 637.5 1 197.6 5 213.4 2 514.5 2 203.5 102.5 1 866.2 5 336.3 2391 400.9 1 835.6 798.6 480.5 3.0 704.2 7 594 (X) 1 322 2 411 2 945 1 542 (X) Leisure City CDP (part) Naranja CÓP Princeton CDP South Miami Heights CDP (part). South Westside CCD + Olympia Heights CDP (part) Sunset CDP (part). Tamiami CDP (part) University Park CDP | Westchester CDP (part) Westwood Lakes CDP 4 004 4 034 10 090 27 761 91 953 10 869 12 278 4 049 5 790 7 073 24 488 87 554 35 133 11 016 (X) 18 982 80 008 30 103 9 155 1 384 1 630 2 906 8 729 29 808 3 387 3 915 2 224 2 883 2 220 8 551 27 931 11 390 3 557 6 616 25 270 9 604 3 074 0.63 1.67 7.35 4.17 14.24 1.71 2.61 0.01 4.10 3.99 1.81 0.63 1.52 7.35 4.17 14.04 1.65 2.60 0.01 4.06 3.99 1.72 6 309.8 2 654.6 1 373.3 6 660.3 6 550.9 6 593.6 4 728.0 2 181.0 1 072.7 395.5 2 094.2 2 123.6 2 054.7 1 507.6 26 538 30 263 12 005 (X) 29 883 11 522 (X) 29 272 11 478 9 047 9 935 3 524 (X) 9 564 3 420 (X) 9 137 3 455 6 535.1 7 5842 6 967.5 2 227.9 2 489.8 2 045.3 63 188 38 088 Monroe County Cape Sable CCD 1 Key West CCD Big Coppitt Key CDP | Key West city Stock Island CDP Lower Keys CCD + Big Pine Key CDP Cudjoe Key CDP Middle Keys CCD Duck Key CDP Key Colony Beach city Layton city.. Marathon cityt Upper Keys CĆD + Islamorada, Village of Islands village t Key Largo CDP North Key Largo CDP | Tavernier CDP 79 589 60 33 730 2 595 25 478 4 410 11 756 5 032 1 695 12 029 443 788 186 10 255 22 014 6 846 11 886 1 049 2 173 78 024 282 32 479 2 388 24 832 3 613 10 415 4 206 1 714 12 792 (X) 977 183 (X) 22 056 (X) 11 336 1 490 2 433 31 727 1 856 24 382 4 446 6 353 2 350 (X) 10 221 (X) 977 88 51 617 45 17 005 1 332 13 306 1 855 7 910 3 153 1 482 9 680 828 1 293 165 6 791 16 977 5461 8 043 1 620 1 806 46 215 179 15 517 1 257 12 221 1 567 6 105 2 453 1 263 8 652 (X) 1 152 145 (X) 15 762 (X) 7 594 1 587 1 623 14 511 888 11 535 1 972 4 514 1 681 (X) 7 193 (X) 1 047 78 (X) 11 870 (X) 5 445 3 73715 1 892.04 634.56 1.47 7.40 0.91 632.84 9.95 5.63 230.21 0.91 0.67 0.24 9.64 347.50 7.25 15.29 19.66 2.71 996.91 866 25 19.22 1.38 5.95 0.90 54.28 9.77 5.24 12.41 0.86 0.51 0.22 8.65 44.75 7.11 12.15 18.77 2.61 79.8 0.1 1 754.6 1 885.2 4 285.0 4 919.1 216.6 515.3 323.6 969.2 514.2 1 549.8 860.0 1 186.1 491.9 962.5 978.1 55.9 832.1 51.8 0.1 884.6 967.6 2 237.9 2 069.2 145.7 322.9 282.9 7800 961.1 2 543.0 762.9 785.4 379.4 767.7 661.9 86.3 691.6 14 887 (X) 7 447 (X) 1 834 1 398 14 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units 21 587 4 444 5 507 2 984 19 318 28 200 7 264 12 571 8 252 20 398 4 528 3 819 3 152 12 672 22 336 6 760 9 268 4 764 14 297 8 767 (X) 4 328 5 831 18 603 5 501 8 637 2 826 13 354 1 836 1 666 1 446 5 759 11 583 2 763 4 873 1 887 10 290 3 510 (X) 1 887 2 579 9 733 2 206 4 760 992 4.54 1.43 1.37 1.42 317.84 65.13 3.16 4.37 304.94 4 840.4 3 256.0 4 013.7 2 125.0 61.4 981.8 2 297.1 2 967.2 27.8 2 978.4 1 298.3 1 505.1 971.3 23.5 467.0 895.6 1 363.3 11.7 I 194 835 41 486 12 678 122 488 19 776 1 913 13 283 1 772 2 065 1 364 7 391 13 413 2 832 5 776 3 477 122 663 33 032 1 806 1 5 509 1 128 11 909 9 022 6 764 50 904 20 501 3 371 5 523 271 236 1 94 568 20 667 11 410 258 916 68 107 3 478 4 10 484 1 898 18 638 18 362 16 465 114 328 45 943 6 686 12 532 453 571 55 345 9 615 959 4.46 1.36 1.37 1.40 314.65 28.72 3.16 4.24 296.60 1 578.86 229.78 1.83 0.51 118.76 7.05 495.97 139.04 186.64 206.09 38.63 4.26 202.57 0.70 1.24 7 073 11 639 15 249 11 721 13 047 95 370 42 045 6 421 10 887 411 554 4 822 1 427 10 592 3 783 9 171 66 142 37 170 3 983 8 202 404 657 3 793 1977 10 695 5 744 5 317 43 275 19 478 3 326 5 076 338 252 1 663.01 246.14 1.83 0.51 123.40 7.43 537.78 139.39 201.01 209.84 38.63 4.32 205.45 0.70 1.24 2 415 749 7 322 1 728 3 766 27 068 14 674 2 123 3 431 193 244 164.0 296.4 1 905.5 7.8 88.3 269.3 37.6 132.1 88.2 554.7 1 189.2 1 569.0 61.9 650.8 458.7 77.7 143.8 989.5 1.9 46.4 160.0 24.0 64.9 36.2 247.0 530.7 791.1 27.3 389.4 189.6 126 731 15 530 5 588 55 844 11 376 620 100 900 12 007 4 794 46 396 11 507 549 65 471 5 245 1 807 29 881 6 042 494 54 199 4 038 1 673 25 680 5 866 447 555.62 418.67 5.97 98.83 5.46 2.72 228.1 37.1 936.2 565.1 2 082.8 228.0 117.8 12.5 302.7 302.3 1 106.2 181.7 10 141 2 627 55 357 11 100 3 101 463 20 097 1 028 1 946 12 006 7 786 2 373 42 497 9 884 3 250 519 3 925 1 054 1 588 9 563 64 014 8 470 3 383 23 542 6 822 364 (X) 4 511 (X) 32 002 6 642 2 867 466 2 177 1 205 1 187 9 467 5 126 1 980 30 345 5 805 1 701 579 9 228 622 828 6 797 4 136 1 688 24 481 5 191 1 718 716 1 921 625 672 5 333 34 002 2 753 1 002 12 630 3 462 358 (X) 2 860 (X) 18 619 3 367 1 452 673 868 895 449 5 318 752.79 516.87 5.97 154.54 5.73 3.62 0.01 4.02 1.43 81.38 8.13 1.93 0.21 16.57 0.91 4.14 7.09 3.62 1.06 38.11 7.25 1.30 0.17 14.63 0.40 1.23 5.24 2 803.2 2 473.1 1 452.4 1 531.8 2 385.8 2 706.5 1 373.4 2 568.5 1 578.1 2 289.6 1 416.9 1 864.0 796.2 801.1 1 308.7 3 384.6 630.6 1 554.1 671.5 1 296.2 The State-Con. Manatee County-Con. Bradenton CCD I-Con. South Bradenton CDP | West Bradenton CDP + West Samoset CDP Whitfield CDP + Myakka CCD 1 Palmetto CCD 1 Memphis CDP Palmetto city (part) + Parrish CCD 1 Marion County Belleview CCD Belleview city t. Silver Springs Shores CDP (part) Dunnellon CCB t. Dunnellon city t East Marion CCD. Fellowship CCD Fort McCoy-Anthony CCD Ocala CCO Ocala city t Silver Springs Shores CDP (part) Reddick-Mcintosh CCD t... Mcintosh town Reddick town Martin County Indiantown CCD Indiantown CDP Port Salerno-Hobe Sound CCD + Hobe Sound CDP Jupiter Island town t Palm City CDP (part) † Port Salerno CDP Stuart city (part) + Stuart CCD 1 Jensen Beach CDP | North River Shores CDP | Ocean Breeze Park town Palm City CDP (part) + Rio CDP Sewall's Point town Stuart city (part) Miami-Dade County t Everglades CCD . Hialeah CCD... Country Club CDP (part) | Hialeah city (part) t Hialeah Gardens city. Medley town (part) f Miami Lakes CDP 7. Palm Springs North CDP Homestead CCD + Coral Gables city (part) | Florida City city Homestead city (part) | Islandia city, Leisure City CDP (part) Kendale Lakes-Lindgren Acres CCD 1 Country Walk CDP I. Doral CDP (part) Fountainbleau CDP (part) 7 Kendale Lakes CDP Kendall CDP (part) Kendall West CDP Medley town (part) . Olympia Heights CDP (part) Richmond West CDP t. South Miami Heights CDP (part). Tamiami CDP (part) | The Crossings CDP 1. The Hammocks CDP | Three Lakes CDP . Kendall-Perrine CCD + Coral Gables city (part) | Cutler CDP t East Perrine CDP .. Kendall CDP (part) Palmetto Estates CDP Pinecrest village (part) t. Richmond Heights CDP Sunset CDP (part). West Perrine CDP | Key Biscayne CCD T. Key Biscayne villaget Miami city (part) Miami CCD † Andover CDP (part). Aventura city (part) 1. Bay Harbor Islands town (part) Biscayne Park village Brownsville CDP t... Bunche Park CDP Coral Gables city (part) | Coral Terrace COP El Portal village Gladeview CÕP 2 253 362 5 189 317 483 36 077 221 421 19 297 534 22 676 5 460 70 770 1 937 094 4 283 237 725 3 408 183 233 7 713 127 12 750 5 300 60 204 (X) 5 806 26 866 13 15 330 190 810 (X) 1 625 509 3 180 166 331 (X) 141 356 2 700 (X) 9 809 5 838 51 865 (X) 6 174 20 668 12 14 960 77 623 (X) (X) 852 278 1 638 104 318 13 699 70 382 5 848 204 9 000 1 656 22 611 771 288 1 395 83 074 1 393 60 413 2 883 59 6 040 1 618 21 794 (X) 2 045 10 775 7 4 909 67 821 (X) 665 282 1 094 58 825 (X) 48 812 1 311 (X) 4 277 1 659 19 022 (X) 2 186 8 812 9 4 580 28 882 1 946.06 949.46 51.14 4.30 18.23 2.46 0.01 5.96 0.69 462.86 1 157.9 5.5 6 208.6 8 397.9 12 144.1 7 845.8 56 997.9 3 806.4 7 885.2 152.9 437.9 1.7 2 040.0 3 188.8 3 860.2 2 377.7 21 774.5 1 510.7 2 391.6 48.9 7 843 30 570 6 18 148 314 677 10 653 2 541 10 870 5 5 231 99 857 3 409 2 431.26 950.06 53.20 4.49 18.73 2.52 0.01 6.39 0.79 748.39 0.03 3.22 13.77 66.39 2.80 150.67 2.76 0.05 0.01 8.60 1.43 3.65 1.17 3.22 13.68 6.45 2.78 145.68 2.75 0.05 0.01 8.17 1.43 2 436.2 2 235.3 0.9 6 531.1 2 160.1 3 879.0 789.3 794.8 0.8 1 882.5 685.5 1 241.3 1 48 524 3 865 56 901 10 970 38 034 322 32 769 3 811 (X) 18 656 4 326 (X) 17 129 1 678 2 753 7 12 498 1 774 (X) 2 6 962.4 7 695.5 11 218.6 275.1 2 282.8 3 034.7 3 607.1 56.4 6 038 11 12 229 66 3.39 1.17 8 188 1 635 4.18 0.76 4 577 1 365 5 872 4 613 28 082 5 761 54 788 23 557 47 379 6 955 155 589 10 170 17 390 7 079 64 256 13 675 17 867 8 479 4 872 8 600 10 513 10 507 (X) 5 542 33 845 22 290 10 897 (X) 150 800 7 413 16 201 (X) 82 270 12 293 (X) 8 583 4 794 (X) 8 854 (X) 17 607 11 986 (X) (X) 135 869 7 352 15 608 (X) 68 994 11 116 16 707 8 672 15 983 2 627 56 313 4 102 5 806 2 339 25 343 4 187 (X) 1 637 10 916 8 226 5 089 (X) 56 901 3 107 5 530 (X) 33 104 4 016 (X) 2 696 1 649 (X) 5 724 (X) 4.27 0.76 7.56 3.77 8.03 3.81 77.29 30.62 6.75 1.97 14.90 50 344 3 157 5 005 (X) 27 647 3 723 7.33 3.74 7.86 3.26 45.04 6.67 6.73 1.97 14.68 2.12 6 720.5 7 567.8 7 475.6 6 304.9 6 027.3 2 131.4 3 454.4 1 525.7 2 585.1 3 586.2 4 376.7 6 437.3 2 412.2 5 124.3 5 070.8 4 966.9 2 224.1 8 225.0 1 959.5 2 147.8 2 279.6 2 321.0 2 033.3 805.1 1 250.3 615.4 863.1 1 184.9 1 726.2 1 971.0 793.7 1 674.7 1 762.1 1 625.2 1 349.9 4 992.8 2.15 8 577 4 376 (X) 6 337 (X) 5 879 2 771 1 693 2 814 6 381 6 378 2 402 1 524 (X) 4 645 (X) 7.41 1.65 0.96 1.73 4.73 1.28 1.12 124.46 0.42 2.70 321 883 850 725 3 095 25 267 803 988 2 676 (X) 771 635 (X) (X) 340 604 1 644 20 020 7.42 1.65 0.96 1.73 40.09 1.39 5.19 146.04 0.45 3.48 0.03 0.64 2.30 0.76 6.50 3.45 0.42 2.54 328 533 1 329 (X) 6 835.4 7 397.3 9 345.1 2 736.7 3 929.3 7 404.5 3 269 14 393 3 972 32 079 24 380 2 505 14 468 3 068 15 607 4 388 32 678 23 255 2 457 15 637 3 088 18 058 (X) 35 889 22 702 2 055 18 919 1 341 5 506 1 432 13 747 7 955 878 5 107 1 338 5 596 1 440 13 454 7 789 1 049 5 516 1 359 5 980 (X) 14 512 8 073 1 064 6 638 0.64 2.29 0.76 6.47 3.43 0.42 2.54 5 147.0 6 275.1 5 240.0 4 959.8 7 110.0 5 896.6 5 694.2 2 111.4 2 400.5 1 889.1 2 125.5 2 319.9 2 066.7 2 010.0 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 13 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements State Population Housing units County County Subdivision Housing Place Population 2000 average per square mile in square miles 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area units The State-Con. Miami-Dade County t-Con. Miami CCD I-Con. Glenvar Heights CDP Golden Glades CDP Hialeah city (part) Ives Estates CDP Kendall CDP (part) 16 243 32 623 4 998 17 586 14 823 25 474 4 771 13 531 1 136 13 216 23 154 3 898 10 613 953 7 591 10 540 1 760 7 449 7 512 9 728 1 774 6 650 489 6 919 9 824 1 418 4 538 523 4.38 4.98 1.01 2.80 0.02 4.21 4.92 1.01 2.65 0.02 3 858.5 6 635 0 4 955 5 6 645.9 1 803 2 2 143.7 1 745.0 2 815.0 362 470 357 315 148 388 144 165 10 489.9 4 294.4 10 380 13 712 6 722 10 084 13 268 6 768 346 681 (X) 9 244 12 350 4 666 3 836 5 286 2 538 3 918 5 342 2 852 145 703 (X) 3 886 5 345 2 045 50.03 0.02 3.05 2.98 1.41 34.55 0.02 246 2.94 1.37 4 2276 4 6673 4 905 6 1 5623 1 799.2 1 8522 Miami city (part) Miami Beach city (part). Miami Shores village (part) Miami Springs city (part).. Norland CDP (part) | North Miami city t North Miami Beach city | Ojus CDP 1. Olympia Heights CDP (part) | Opa-locka city... Opa-locka North CDP Pinecrest village (part) . Pinewood CDP. South Miami city Virginia Gardens village 59 880 40 786 16 642 2 583 14 951 49 998 35 359 15 519 2 659 15 283 42 566 36 553 17 344 3 009 14 460 22 281 15 350 8 035 844 5 407 22 107 15 821 8 142 847 5 709 20 533 17 000 8 313 958 5 667 9.99 5.29 3.28 1.28 4.47 8.46 4.96 2.79 1.05 4.33 7 0800 8 230 6 5 9732 2 455.7 3 451.9 2 634.4 3 0976 2 883.9 802.4 1 248 4 6 224 1 188 16 523 10 741 2 348 6 568 (X) 15 518 10 404 2 212 5 721 (X) 14 346 10 895 2 098 1 588 524 5 329 4 457 925 1 553 (X) 5 346 4 346 913 1 517 (X) 5 458 4 498 917 2.29 0.13 1.89 2.30 0.30 2.17 0.13 1.72 2.29 0.30 2 8633 9 054.8 9 621.4 4 680.5 7 820.6 730.5 3 9938 3 103.1 1 9422 3 080.9 32 498 5 863 9 692 124 804 33 575 5 727 9 668 122 672 (X) 3 045 4 703 (X) 32 492 6 076 9 102 126 450 (X) 2 973 4 869 10 298 2 112 3 111 86 391 Westchester CDP (part) | West Little River CDP West Miami city Westview CDP Miami Beach CCD. Aventura city (part) Bal Harbour village Bay Harbor Islands town (part) Fisher Island CDP Golden Beach town 0.01 4.58 0.71 3.12 10.90 7 093.3 8 241.5 3 109.2 11 450.6 (X) 10 194 2 186 3 053 84 813 (X) 2 647 3 113 (X) 276 10 254 2 082 3 068 85 609 (X) 2 797 3 179 (X) 302 2 2477 2 968.8 9980 7 9262 0.01 4.63 0.71 3.23 87.38 0.03 0.59 0.58 0.34 0.40 3 305 5 146 467 919 3 150 3 103 532 341 0.34 0.37 0.34 0.34 9 791.4 13 875.4 1 362.6 2 692.7 9 3322 8 366.8 1 552 3 999 1 (X) 774 612 33 44 103 38 30 38 0.42 77.9 89.7 87 933 92 639 96 298 59 723 62 413 7.02 12 533.6 8 512.6 4 920 3 450 12 946 3 059 31 299 2 312 17 049 64 561 (X) 2 963 (X) 2 441 26 512 (X) 13 720 Indian Creek village.. Miami city (part) t Miami Beach city (part). Miami Shores village (part) † North Bay Village city Sunny Isles Beach city t Surfside town .. Northwest Dade CCD Andover CDP (part) Carol City CDP Country Club CDP (part) | Lake Lucerne CDP Norland CDP (part) + Scott Lake CDP North Westside CCD + Doral CDP (part) | Fountainbleau CDP (part) † Medley town (part) Miami city (part) Miami Springs city (part).. 6 733 15 315 4 909 104 876 5 394 59 443 233 9 132 16 273 14 401 101 285 20 438 59 549 242 5 383 (X) 4 108 96 313 3 575 53 331 (X) 9 478 15 341 14 588 75 895 3 126 (X) 525 1 233 3 763 88 080 (X) 47 349 (X) 9 762 14 805 14 154 35 239 83 0.45 0.04 18.69 0.68 0.84 1.41 0.97 17.31 1.34 7.74 0.02 2.63 2.24 3.35 34.10 13.59 4.50 3.12 3 401 (X) 2 814 29 122 1 729 15 405 (X) 2 739 5 125 4 124 28 035 1 699 (X) 269 385 0.33 1.01 0.50 17.04 1.26 7.62 0.02 2.61 2.24 3.29 32.64 13.11 4.39 2.60 20 267.1 15 231.1 9 721.8 6 153.7 4 288.4 7 796.0 14 424.9 3 492.3 7 264.8 4 378.3 3 103.1 1 558.5 13 561.5 93.2 10 384.9 12 875.1 6 058.1 1 836.5 1 838.1 2 2360 5 138.5 1 084.2 2 170.1 1 264.5 1 1562 700.5 4 983.1 45.0 2 835 4 861 4 159 37 739 9 186 21 881 117 2 725 5 104 4 044 15 917 (X) 534 309 (X) (X) 1 14 226 13 909 4 145 Olympia Heights CDP (part) | Sweetwater city Westchester CBP (part) | Princeton-Goulds CCD 1 Cutler Ridge CDP Goulds CDP Homestead city (part) † Homestead Base CDP | Lakes by the Bay CDP 105 498 24 781 7 453 1 339 446 9 055 97 996 21 268 7 284 (X) 5 153 5 615 (X) 8 067 (X) 82 892 20 886 7 078 (X) 7 594 (X) 4 353 3 35 319 8 725 2 367 292 13 3 417 35 349 7 615 2 287 (X) 1 322 2 411 (X) 2 564 (X) 28 075 6 964 2 071 (X) 1 672 (X) 0.02 0.82 0.01 112.50 4.86 2.97 0.61 4.35 4.95 0.02 0.82 0.01 88.09 4.75 2.96 0.61 4.35 4.85 17 439.7 637.5 1 197.6 5 213.4 2 514.5 2 203.5 102.5 1 866.2 5 3363 239.1 400.9 1 835.6 798.6 480.5 3.0 704.2 Leisure City CDP (part) Naranja CÓP Princeton CDP South Miami Heights CDP (part). South Westside CCD . Olympia Heights CDP (part) Sunset CDP (part). Tamiami CDP (part) 7. University Park CDP I Westchester CDP (part) | Westwood Lakes CDP 4 004 4 034 10 090 27 761 91 953 10 869 12 278 4 049 5 790 7 073 24 488 87 554 35 133 11 016 2 945 (X) (X) 18 982 80 008 30 103 9 155 1 384 1 630 2 906 8 729 29 808 3 387 3 915 2 224 2 883 2 220 8 551 27 931 11 390 3 557 1 542 (X) (X) 6 616 25 270 9 604 3 074 0.63 1.67 7.35 4.17 14.24 1.71 2.61 0.01 4.10 3.99 1.81 0.63 1.52 7.35 4.17 14.04 1.65 2.60 0.01 4.06 3.99 1.72 6 309.8 2 654.6 1 373.3 6 660.3 6 550.9 6 593.6 4 728.0 2 181.0 1 072.7 395.5 2 094.2 2 123.6 2 054.7 1 507.6 26 538 30 263 12 005 (X) 29 883 11 522 (X) 29 272 11 478 9 047 9 935 3 524 (X) 9 564 3 420 9 137 3 455 6 535.1 7 584.2 6 967.5 2 227.9 2 4898 2 045.3 63 188 38 088 Monroe County Cape Sable CCD Key West CCD. Big Coppitt Key CDP | Key West city t Stock Island CDP Lower Keys CCD + Big Pine Key CDP Cudjoe Key CDP Middle Keys CCD Duck Key CDP Key Colony Beach city t. Layton city Marathon city t Upper Keys CĆD Islamorada, Village of Islands village t Key Largo CDP f... North Key Largo CDP | Tavernier CDP 79 589 60 33 730 2 595 25 478 4 410 11 756 5 032 1 695 12 029 443 788 186 10 255 22 014 6 846 11 886 1 049 2 173 78 024 282 32 479 2 388 24 832 3 613 10 415 4 206 1 714 12 792 (X) 977 183 (X) 22 056 31 727 1 856 24 382 4 446 6 353 2 350 (X) 10 221 51 617 45 17 005 1 332 13 306 1 855 7 910 3 153 1 482 9 680 828 1 293 165 6 791 16 977 5461 8 043 1 620 1 806 46 215 179 15 517 1 257 12 221 1 567 6 105 2 453 1 263 8 652 (X) 1 152 145 (X) 15 762 (X) 7 594 1 587 1 623 14 511 888 11 535 1 972 4 514 1 681 (X) 7 193 (X) 1 047 78 (X) 11 870 (X) 5 445 (X) 1 398 3 737.15 1 892.04 634.56 1.47 7.40 0.91 632.84 9.95 5.63 230.21 0.91 0.67 0.24 9.64 347.50 7.25 15.29 19.66 2.71 996.91 866.25 19.22 1.38 5.95 0.90 54.28 9.77 5.24 12.41 0.86 0.51 0.22 8.65 44.75 7.11 12.15 18.77 2.61 79.8 0.1 1 7546 1 885.2 4 285.0 4 919.1 216.6 515.3 323.6 969.2 514.2 1 549.8 860.0 1 186.1 491.9 962.5 978.1 55.9 832.1 51.8 0.1 884.6 967.6 2 237.9 2 069.2 145.7 322.9 282.9 780.0 961.1 2 543.0 762.9 785.4 379.4 767.7 661.9 86.3 691.6 977 88 (X) 14 887 (X) 7 447 (X) 1 834 11 336 1 490 2 433 14 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State County County Subdivision Place Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 129 888 7 616 1 468 69 487 8 754 973 55 129 7 654 82.74 1.08 0.45 38.35 1.00 0.43 3 386.7 7 588.1 3 438.9 1 811.8 8 721.9 2 279.4 117 796 8 363 1 260 (X) 1 058 (X) 2 994 (X) 1 453 8 497 107 129 10 619 (X) (X) 1 249 (X) 1 454 1 525 3 311 548 497 1 451 2 534.7 2 634.9 6 077.6 955.3 858.7 2 663.4 65 607 7 621 896 (X) 427 (X) 1 398 (X) 500 7 733 (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 906 34 968 (X) 1 419 8 884 (X) (X) 490 7 517 531 1 283 8 356 1 218 3 583 965 958 8 134 76 507 888 88888 8888 in 7 606 0.57 0.58 0.54 0.02 0.71 9.41 0.26 0.80 0.32 0.11 2.06 24.08 0.57 0.58 0.54 0.01 0.71 3.70 0.26 0.80 0.32 0.11 2.06 21.06 1 204 443 267 3 110 37 347 1 809.7 2 260.2 4 734.5 4 451.1 3 035.6 8 354.6 3 944.7 3 632.7 691.2 2 033.2 2 064.0 1 495.7 1 393.6 2 328.5 1 508.3 1 773.3 6 880 67 636 (X) 63 305 30 024 193 661 17 620 4 327 917 529 100 846 6 544 1 784 148 965 12 909 3 057 49 336 (X) 344 765 52 899 18 991 590 655 5 691 3 245 14 624 6 188 3 009 5 5 526 310 1 345 129 548 7 263 13 161 21 904 1 980 16 117 9 916 3 173 409 4 279 97 626 23 577 12 765 18 213 2 612 7 798 44 542 1 175 281 131 31 497 7 523 968 776 (X) (X) 13 281 5 633 2 639 41 5 984 419 2 072 106 730 6 265 12 356 19 360 369 14 044 12 483 4 923 2 619 (X) 5 443 538 1 720 74 437 6 513 11 396 18 392 188 11 196 6 147 (X) 336 (X) 59 582 16 455 5 799 11 995 1 829 (X) 24 096 (X) 173 717 20 653 7 180 42 286 2 072 1 508 6 139 2 818 895 2 2 354 122 457 66 504 4 119 6 482 12 788 1 077 8 428 5 001 1 272 276 1 863 50 954 12 628 7 686 9 289 1 470 3 060 27 113 474 5 548 2 330 912 15 2 327 151 757 58 610 3 968 6 649 12 160 181 7 824 The State - Con Palm Beach County-Con. West Palm Beach CCD † Century Village CDP | Cypress Lakes CDP . Golden Lakes CDP (part). Haverhill town t Lake Belvedere Estates CDP 7. Lakeside Green CDP Lake Worth city (part) † Mangonia Park town Palm Beach town (part) t.. Plantation Mobile Home Park CDP Royal Palm Estates CDP + Schall Circle CDP . Stacey Street CDP | Westgate-Belvedere Homes CDP + West Palm Beach city (part) f. Pasco County ... Central Pasco CCD Land O' Lakes CDP (part) † St. Leo town (part) | San Antonio city Wesley Chapel CDP | Wesley Chapel South CDP . Dade City CCD.. Dade City city (part) | Dade City North CDP (part) † St. Leo town (part) t .. Lacoochee CCD.. Dade City North CDP (part) t Lacoochee CDP New Port Richey CCD Beacon Square CDP Elfers CDP 1.. Holiday CDP Land Ó' Lakes CDP (part) New Port Richey city f New Port Richey East CDP | Odessa CDP+ Port Richey city (part) Trinity CDP Port Richey CCD Bayonet Point CDP Hudson CDP Jasmine Estates CDP 1 Port Richey city (part) † Shady Hills CDP | Zephyrhills CCD. Crystal Springs CDP | Dade City city (part) † Zephyrhills city t Zephyrhills North CDP | Zephyrhills South CDP | Zephyrhills West CDP | Pinellas County Boca Ciega CCD Bay Pines CDP Indian Shores town Largo city (part) Madeira Beach city t North Redington Beach town. Redington Beach town Redington Shores town Seminole city (part) † Clearwater CCD T Belleair town † Belleair Beach city Belleair Bluffs city Belleair Shore town Clearwater city t Dunedin city (part) | Feather Sound CDP (part) Harbor Bluffs CDP Indian Rocks Beach city Largo city (part) + Oldsmar city (part) Pinellas Park city (part) † Ridgecrest CDP'T Safety Harbor city t. South Highpoint CDP . St. Pete Beach CCD + St. Pete Beach city (part) St. Petersburg city (part) | Treasure Island city t St. Petersburg CCD † Feather Sound CDP (part) Gandy CDP+ Gulfport city Kenneth City town t Largo city (part) + Pinellas Park city (part) † St. Pete Beach city (part) [ St. Petersburg city (part) Seminole city (part) . South Pasadena city Tierra Verde CDP 1...... 5 440 1 988 1 017 (X) 1 992 197 647 40 420 3 904 6 100 10 684 70 6 006 3 132 (X) 867.95 276.77 18.30 1.85 1.23 6.08 11.16 26.24 3.36 1.31 0.02 97.76 0.53 2.85 198.09 2.04 3.53 5.73 2.81 4.58 3.66 5.63 0.45 4.72 173.07 5.68 6.38 3.64 2.29 27.40 96.01 5.55 0.01 6.34 1.08 1.92 2.66 744.85 267.03 16.15 1.59 1.23 6.06 11.13 25.33 3.27 1.30 0.02 96.85 0.51 2.85 145.27 2.00 3.51 5.38 2.47 4.51 3.61 5.30 0.45 4.72 115.50 5.60 6.37 3.57 1.66 26.17 94.86 5.55 0.01 6.27 1.08 1.92 2.66 462.9 198.1 1 176.1 371.1 532.2 939.5 291.5 577.4 1 893.8 2 306.0 262.4 57.1 602.5 471.6 891.7 3 633.4 3 749.2 4 070.1 802.3 3 573.3 2 748.0 598.9 918.7 906.4 845.2 4 207.2 2 005.3 5 096.5 1 571.9 298.0 469.5 211.6 233.2 77.3 444.6 26.4 232.4 342.1 135.5 242.4 862.4 685.9 105.0 24.3 237.1 160.2 457.8 2 060.6 1 846.5 2 376.2 436.4 1 868.6 1 385.9 240.1 620.0 394.6 441.2 2 253.4 1 207.5 2 599.3 884.7 116.9 285.8 85.4 4 990 216 9 683 (X) 427 (X) 88 019 21 860 7 344 17 136 2 096 (X) 35 620 (X) (X) 8 220 2 320 2 514 4 249 270 (X) 47 500 12 489 4 660 9 309 1 337 (X) 22 071 (X) 30 265 8 916 3 346 6 072 1 088 (X) 16 185 10 833 2 544 4 435 5 242 5 742 1 710 1 986 3 698 6 167 1 889 3 651 4 133 5 209 1 772 1 818 3 165 4 077 1 387 1 574 2 903 1 728.2 2 360.0 2 311.9 1 973.4 983.8 1 752.4 1 903.2 1 555.9 458 341 37 752 1 893 2 258 703 3 788 854 279.92 16.78 1.39 0.33 0.20 1.03 0.30 921 482 69 604 3 065 1 705 1 315 4 511 1 474 1 539 2 338 10 682 319 588 4 067 1 751 2 243 851 659 67 229 4 171 1 405 1 219 4 225 1 135 1 626 2 366 9 073 301 792 13 963 2 070 r 2 234 60 r 98 669 31 389 728 531 62 848 5 757 984 879 4 520 1 156 1 708 2 142 4 586 262 607 3 673 1 643 2 522 80 85 170 28 714 (X) 481 573 40 268 1 728 2 547 685 3 976 1 372 987 2 101 7 142 169 281 2 263 1 144 1 503 377 052 33 122 2 490 1 491 446 3 328 678 935 1 885 2 999 136 104 1 969 1 023 1 563 52 44 063 607.67 45.78 2.25 0.95 0.21 3.27 1.02 1.30 1.20 2.51 168.42 2.81 1.73 0.63 0.44 37.72 23.55 3 292.0 4 148.0 2 198.9 5 097.7 6 658.7 4 392.0 4 866.5 4 228.5 5 955.4 4 563.2 3 879.4 2 265.8 3 037.2 4 857.7 995 2 239 5 338 164 163 1 2 282 1 589 11 517 34 1 53 792 16 541 1 720.4 2 399.7 1 239.7 7 615.2 3 468.6 3 871.1 4 529.8 2 711.8 5 351.7 3 051.0 2 054.9 1 260.8 1 984.3 3 255.0 0.36 0.39 2.34 82.38 1.79 0.58 0.46 0.06 25.29 9.74 4 302.1 108 787 32 298 56 802 17 672 2 246.3 1 814.7 3 316.6 2 807 5 072 68 056 2 659 3 963 64 455 3 717 57 079 1 251 4 032 39 576 1 260 3 145 38 008 0.95 1.39 15.87 0.70 0.93 15.42 4 030.3 5 454.6 4 414.5 1 796.2 4 336.1 2 567.1 14 506 (X) (X) 2 537 30 614 426 (X) (X) 2 836 (X) 997 4 2 453 17 203 8 839 17 376 9 926 1 862 7 483 2 354 13 509 7 815 6461 (X) (X) 9 354 (X) 6 316 348 797 16 368 (X) (X) 7 205 0.02 0.57 5.05 2.18 41.27 19.73 0.02 0.56 4.92 2.18 3.81 2.22 165.6 4 354.6 3 498.3 4 062.9 4 555.6 4 467.2 41.4 1 530.2 1 521.7 1 082.0 3 541.8 3 517.1 (X) 15 120 (X) (X) 9 200 (X) 7 266 371 659 2 690 3 164 " 11 709 14 345 (X) 7 450 386 248 3 597 2 031 12 527 4 400 5 694 197 226 2 027 1 516 7 306 2 175 6 882 (X) 4 939 176 732 (X) (x) 6 579 2 170 (X) 5 525 196 496 1 535 2 444 7 068 r 2 259 (X) 20 593 5.32 225.94 14.09 16.55 3.84 0.72 0.05 1.59 107.50 4.21 2.55 2.83 0.71 0.05 4 679.0 3 593.1 854.6 797.1 4 422.2. 6 155.2 3 576.2 1 834.7 481.6 595.0 2 579.1 3 042.6 11 180 4 344 (X) 1 43 426 32 811 14 606 238 647 119 486 45 654 3 248 232 208 5 778 3 574 238 629 178 5 644 (X) 21 842 2 124 618 155 4 555 1 975 14.91 0.15 133.08 0.21 1.15 4.55 125 452 61 4 398 (X) 14.72 0.03 59.63 0.13 0.68 1.47 3 100.6 117.6 4 163.1 1 564.7 8 530.6 2 430.1 1 483.4 78.4 2 090.0 1 166.0 6 725.0 1 342.9 4 188 (X) 3 212 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 17 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units in square miles County County Subdivision Housing Place Land area Population square mile 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units The State-Con. 28 174 73 574 180 933 21 483 3 124 13 523 48 709 (X) 700 12 773 266 9 745 658 7 803 (X) 6 789 26 958 64 378 7 364 1 394 5 494 18 391 (X) 264 4 438 118 3 875 10 115 (X) 255 2 645 (X) 2 809 23 825 13 253 1 965 (X) 49.01 1.03 1.20 9.90 1.01 6.58 33.68 0.96 1.20 9.14 0.97 6.56 2 184.5 188.2 779.8 2 350.3 3 208.4 2 062.9 800.4 66.9 315.9 805.7 1 431.6 838.1 107 728 50 723 3 884 (X) 49 287 27 316 2 941 172 493 83 125 2 677 2 736 2 012 36 443 13 647 84 418 11 371 20 074 21 778 4 950 24 469 3 618 53 367 5 581 ! 12 684 14 148 3 638 (X) 14 495 (X) 19 952 992 7 840 (X) 2 019 72 293 37 275 1 853 1 093 1 954 15 719 4 590 32 743 3 923 8 602 7 931 2 275 47 959 24 100 2 146 (X) (X) 11 613 1 490 22 177 1 989 16 186 5 804 1 682 6 334 (X) 9 387 350 3 915 (X) 1 185 295 536 12 064 6 038 409 (X) 1 506.35 198.18 1.90 10.70 24.38 13.88 35.34 192.88 3.44 9.17 5.62 1 115.29 1 321.90 181.65 1.87 10.67 24.12 13.42 35.11 148.79 3.26 9.16 5.60 991.46 130.5 457.6 1 429.0 256.4 83.4 2 716.4 388.7 567.4 3 484.4 2 190.8 3 892.0 5.0 54.7 205 2 989.1 102.4 81.0 1 171.7 130.7 220.1 1 202.1 938.8 1 417.4 2.3 r 863 503 36 165 16 177 1 616 (X) (X) 576 758 35 571 16 535 1 645 1 461 625 12 385 6 045 427 1 131 184 34 759 14 906 1 141 525 2 264 195 5 985 3 859 123 873 21 832 3 302 74 764 1 684 3 775 265 822 4 6 822 3 558 98 567 17 754 2 147 61 492 (X) 3 209 183 514 (X) 2 072 1 261 33 403 (X) 556 428 11 520 5 374 294 227 764 118 1 936 935 68 273 12 009 2 089 37 547 1 503 3 677 142 822 2 (X) 6 346 3 886 58 071 (X) (X) 49 447 (X) 2 030 120 631 (X) (X) 35 624 387 34 329 (X) 110 475 (X) 573 2 422 1 213 58 071 10 353 1 904 33 043 (X) 3 451 109 159 2 386.33 428.76 4.66 0.48 1.55 1.18 1.31 5.39 3.71 75.35 4.02 1.15 29.11 0.44 1.13 118.41 0.01 0.01 16 25 0.09 15.45 1 974.11 195.01 4.65 0.48 1.55 1.18 1.31 5.39 2.71 42.72 4.02 1.15 27.18 0.38 0.49 84.00 0.01 0.01 15.88 0.07 14.98 573.0 1782 3 206.2 2 380.3 339.3 1 915.1 148.7 1 109.4 1 425.4 2 899.9 5 430.1 2 867.7 2 750.9 4 379.8 7 705.7 3 164.6 375.4 281.9 59.1 1 155.9 613.3 146.7 646.3 900 358.9 345.4 1 598.3 2 986.9 1 814.2 1 381.5 3 909.1 7 505.6 1 700.3 187.7 25 723 (X) 2 109 68 885 (X) (X) 18 102 550 19 556 60 389 411 58 336 r 46 284 400 47 181 30 643 534 30 199 25 558 660 27 527 3 803.5 5 912.5 3 893.4 1 930.0 7 6820 2015.5 (X) (X) 1 184 137 391 230 716 2 191 2 015 690 2 288 142 146 625 1 548 1 606 470 1 552 (X) 108 382 (X) 501 0.52 0.84 0.83 0.59 0.82 0.52 0.83 0.75 0.59 0.59 756.0 277.2 953.7 3 693.9 3 389.2 274.5 176.0 832.5 2 609.9 2 701.3 r 807 r 778 12 207 12 422 10 494 9 521 1.82 1.82 6 698.5 5 758.5 Orange County-Con. Winter Garden-Ocoee CCD Gotha CDP (part) | Oakland city (part) Ocoee city (part) : Orlando City (part) | Winter Garden City (part) t. Osceola County Kissimmee CCD †. Campbell CDP 1 Celebration CDP t.. Citrus Ridge CDP (part) † Kissimmee city (part) | Poinciana CDP St. Cloud CCD Kissimmee city (part) | St. Cloud city t Yeehaw Junction CDP t.. South and East Osceola CCD Palm Beach County.. Belle Glade-Pahokee CCD I. Belle Glade city t. Belle Glade Camp CDP Canal Point CDP + Fremd Village-Padgett Island CDP | Lake Harbor CDP Pahokee city t South Bay city Boca Raton CCD 1 Boca Del Mar CDP Boca Pointe CDP Boca Raton city (part) † Delray Beach city (part) t. Highland Beach town Boynton Beach-Delray Beach CCD + Átlantis city (part) Boca Raton city (part) Boynton Beach city t Briny Breezes town Delray Beach city (part) .. Dunes Road CDP ..... Golf village Gulf Stream town High Point CDP . Hypoluxo town t Kings Point CDP | Lake Worth city (part) Lantana town (part) f Manalapan town t Ocean Ridge town Seminole Manor CDP | Villages of Oriole CDP t... Glades CCD 1 Palm Beach Gardens city (part) † West Palm Beach city (part) Jupiter CCD Juno Beach town (part) † Jupiter town (part) Jupiter Inlet Colony town t.. Limestone Creek CDP . Palm Beach Gardens city (part) 7. Tequesta village t. Lake Worth CCD + Atlantis city (part) { Cloud Lake town Glen Ridge town Greenacres city Gun Club Estates CDP | Lake Clarke Shores town ... Lake Worth city (part) † Lake Worth Corridor CDP 1 Lantana town (part) † Palm Beach town (part) . Palm Springs village t South Palm Beach town Riviera Beach CCD Juno Beach town (part) | Juno Ridge CDP | Lake Park town | North Palm Beach Village Palm Beach Gardens city (part) f. Palm Beach Shores town.. Riviera Beach city t.. West Palm Beach city (part) | Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter CCD Golden Lakes CDP (part). Jupiter town (part) † Palm Beach Gardens city (part) †. Royal Palm Beach Village (part) 7. West Palm Beach city (part) Sunshine Parkway CCÓ Hamptons at Boca Raton CDP Mission Bay CDP Royal Palm Beach Village (part) 7. Sandalfoot Cove CDP f. Wellington village Whisper Walk ČDP + 9 387 321 1 636 2 546 4 758 19 113 8 366 312 1 570 (X) 5 698 2 193 4 379 271 1 449 933 3 750 6 573 4 363 287 1 335 (X) 4 249 839 6 600 (X) 3 964 272 1 222 (X) (X) 148 (X) (X) 10 823 216 5 130 209 4 235.3 712.7 1 909.6 6 262.4 4 637.5 16.1 1 975.8 601.7 1 691.3 2 294.9 3 655.0 5.5 995 61 697 496 39 318 368 569 5 774 5 273 187 100 2 001 167 276 27 569 711 8 724 (X) 8 048 329 1 355 (X) (X) 2 515 (X) (X) 22 134 175 9 868 378 (X) 2 214 3 685 114 829 1 325 160 235 8 780 (X) 3 174 27 048 (X) 5 48 124 617 24 913 405 (X) 3 684 4 499 158 253 1 653 121 734 32 166 555 20 939 229 166 2 452 2 834 86 847 1 138 68 105 14 153 268 2.76 2.43 2.00 0.41 1.03 1 185.54 1.23 3.27 57.54 0.65 20.78 0.23 0.45 6.13 2.21 52.97 1.40 0.06 0.23 4.67 0.12 2.22 0.45 0.86 0.41 1.03 1 184.34 1.23 3.27 33.52 0.55 19.66 0.18 0.45 6.13 1.75 43.31 1.36 0.06 0.23 4.66 0.12 913 1 821 58 162 2 26 285 654 14 580 249 (X) 1 607 2 454 82 595 1 067 63 93 11 186 (X) 1 433 15 632 (X) 11 1 458 5 431 1 831 42 513 1 415 (X) 3 363 16 741 6 643 303.8 1 840,6 901.8 1 999 7 2 090.1 1 256.7 942.4 3 013.9 4 319.7 1 471.5 2 651.8 1 222.9 5 917.6 6 010.7 224.1 959.6 1 009 0 1 065.0 1 300.6 366.6 400.2 1 619.8 2 005.1 836.8 1 079.8 465.2 3 037.9 2 265.7 875 207 73 83 4 191 (X) 1 103 15 859 (X) 18 683 (X) 3 364 28 564 (X) 26 1 317 9 763 1 480 80 894 1 504 (X) 6 704 ! 11 284 13 772 3 451 35 133 18 663 50 2 112 11 699 699 97 254 2 766 742 8 721 12 064 21 383 845 8 166 1 304 78 476 967 (X) 6 909 11 344 12 152 1 462 15 861 6 442 53 2 431 5 919 872 48 953 2 048 429 3 650 7 325 10 853 1 058 4 055 1 411 36 621 775 (X) 3 147 5 741 5 181 1.05 6.45 3.42 0.15 1.03 1.66 0.33 66.57 1.22 0.15 2.35 5.80 11.75 0.98 5.63 3.42 0.07 0.22 1.61 0.13 36.46 0.84 0.15 2.17 3.56 11.67 3 538.9 6 236.6 5 452.7 758.4 9 399.3 7 261.1 5 204.3 2 667.4 3 275.4 5 100,7 4 018.8 3 388.0 1 832.4 1 499 2 2 815.6 1 882.1 803.9 10 819.0 3 673.7 6 492.3 1 342.7 2 425.2 2 949.1 1 682.0 2 057.1 930.0 1 232 26 489 1 248 11 974 1 269 29 884 1 777 74 157 6 694 11 035 i 27 646 2 49 700 3 867 73 5 509 14 589 14 136 (X) 11 045 r 14 083 1 21 546 2 759 22 3 921 5 985 6 452 (X) 10 41 3 423 320 1 765 1 171 14 220 596 30 654 3 761 4 5 012 8 074 1 784 59 133 7 729 1 108 9 7 743 14 761 2 637 0.38 9.85 1.74 183.12 2.36 0.35 36.82 9.81 29.11 135.33 2.67 0.77 0.26 2.97 31.37 1.00 7 901 21 503 2 824 137 521 11 306 2 926 20 16 582 38 216 5 135 0.25 8.34 1.73 181.94 2.36 0.34 36.65 9.66 29.07 134.46 2.49 0.77 0.23 2.97 31.05 1.00 5 010.5 3 585.3 1 025.5 407.6 2 831.4 29.7 215.6 2 226.6 97.1 1 022.8 4 547.2 3 785.5 85.5 5 587.0 1 230.7 5 123.7 4 623.6 1 706.0 343.9 168.5 1 590.8 11.9 136.7 836.0 614 439.8 3 108.5 1 433.5 38.5 2 608.9 475.4 2 631.2 23 266 (X) 13 849 (X) 88 312 11 686 1 227 (X) 14 214 (X) 3 037 42 665 7 546 529 (X) 7 179 (X) 1 783 5 299 (X) 3 209 (X) (X) (X) 16 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts US Conei D.. Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing 1990 1990 Land area Population 2000 1980 2000 1980 Total area units The State--Con. 129 888 7 616 1 468 107 129 10 619 (X) 69 487 8 754 973 55 129 7 654 (X) 82.74 1.08 0.45 38.35 1.00 0.43 3 386.7 7 588.1 3 438.9 1 811.8 8 721.9 2 279.4 1 454 1 525 3 311 117 796 8 363 1 260 (X) 1 058 (X) 2 994 (X) 1 453 8 497 (X) 1 249 (X) 548 497 428 (X) () 65 607 7 621 896 (X) 427 (X) 1 398 (X) 500 7 733 (X) (X) 2 534.7 2 634.9 6 077.6 955.3 858.7 1 451 2 663.4 (X) 1 419 8 884 (X) (X) * 1 283 8 356 1 218 3 583 965 958 8 134 76 507 490 7 517 531 7 606 () () ୫୫xxx Xxx Xxxx୪ ୫୫ 0.57 0.58 0.54 0.02 0.71 9.41 0.26 0.80 0.32 0.11 2.06 24.08 0.57 0.58 0.54 0.01 0.71 3.70 0.26 0.80 0.32 0.11 2.06 21.06 1 204 443 267 3 110 37 347 1 809.7 2 260.2 4 734.5 4 451.1 3 035.6 8 354.6 3 944.7 3 632.7 691.2 2 033.2 2 064.0 1 495.7 1 393.6 2 328.5 1 508.3 1 773.3 6 880 67 636 2 906 34 968 () 30 024 63 305 281 131 31 497 7 523 968 776 100 846 6 544 1 784 193 661 17 620 4 327 917 529 (X) 173 717 20 653 7 180 42 286 2 072 1 508 6 139 2 818 895 148 965 12 909 3 057 49 336 (X) 213 344 765 52 899 18 991 590 655 5 691 3 245 14 624 6 188 3 009 5 5 526 310 1 345 129 548 7 263 13 161 21 904 1 980 16 117 9 916 3 173 409 4 279 97 626 23 577 12 765 18 213 2 612 7 798 44 542 1 175 Palm Beach County-Con. West Palm Beach CCD Century Village CDP | Cypress Lakes CDP 1. Golden Lakes CDP (part). Haverhill town t. Lake Belvedere Estates CDP Lakeside Green CDP Lake Worth city (part) Mangonia Park town. Palm Beach town (part). Plantation Mobile Home Park CDP | Royal Palm Estates CDP+ Schall Circle CDP 1. Stacey Street CDP . Westgate-Belvedere Homes CDP + West Palm Beach city (part) Pasco County .. Central Pasco CCD Land O' Lakes CDP (part) St. Leo town (part) San Antonio city Wesley Chapel CDP | Wesley Chapel South CDP 1. Dade City CCD. Dade City city (part) | Dade City North CDP (part) St. Leo town (part) | Lacoochee CCD.. Dade City North CDP (part) Lacoochee CDP New Port Richey CCD Beacon Square CDP Elfers CDP t.. Holiday CDP Land O Lakes CDP (part) | New Port Richey city t New Port Richey East CDP 1 Odessa CDP .. Port Richey city (part) Trinity CDP Port Richey CCD Bayonet Point CDP Hudson CDP Jasmine Estates CDP + Port Richey city (part) † Shady Hills CDP Zephyrhills CCD.. Crystal Springs CDP | Dade City city (part) † Zephyrhills city Zephyrhills North CDP 1. Zephyrhills South CDP t Zephyrhills West CDP | Pinellas County Boca Ciega CCD Bay Pines CDP Indian Shores town Largo city (part) Madeira Beach city t North Redington Beach town.. Redington Beach town Redington Shores town Seminole city (part) Clearwater CCD Belleair town t Belleair Beach city Belleair Bluffs city Belleair Shore town Clearwater city t Dunedin city (part) Feather Sound COP (part) Harbor Bluffs CDP | Indian Rocks Beach city Largo city (part) Oldsmar city (part) Pinellas Park city (part) | Ridgecrest CDP Safety Harbor city t South Highpoint CDP 1. St. Pete Beach CCD St. Pete Beach City (part) + St. Petersburg city (part) | Treasure Island city | St. Petersburg CCD | Feather Sound CDP (part) Gandy CDP+ Gulfport city t Kenneth City town Largo city (part) † Pinellas Park city (part) † St. Pete Beach city (part) | St. Petersburg city (part) | Seminole city (part) | South Pasadena city Tierra Verde CDP .. 13 281 5 633 2 639 41 5 984 419 2 072 106 730 6 265 12 356 19 360 369 14 044 9 683 (X) 427 (X) 88 019 21 860 7 344 17 136 2 096 (X) 35 620 (X) 12 483 4 923 2 619 (X) 5 443 538 1 720 74 437 6 513 11 396 18 392 188 11 196 6 147 (X) 336 (X) 59 582 16 455 5 799 11 995 1 829 (X) 24 096 5 548 2 330 912 15 2 327 151 757 58 610 3 968 6 649 12 160 181 7 824 4 990 (X) 270 2 354 122 457 66 504 4 119 6 482 12 788 1 077 8 428 5 001 1 272 276 1 863 50 954 12 628 7 686 9 289 1 470 3 060 27 113 474 5 440 1 988 1 017 (X) 1 992 197 647 40 420 3 904 6 100 10 684 70 6 006 3 132 (X) 216 (X) 30 265 8 916 3 346 6 072 1 088 (X) 16 185 (X) (X) 4 077 1 387 1 574 2 903 867.95 276.77 18.30 1.85 1.23 6.08 11.16 26.24 3.36 1.31 0.02 97.76 0.53 2.85 198.09 2.04 3.53 5.73 2.81 4.58 3.66 5.63 0.45 4.72 173.07 5.68 6.38 3.64 2.29 27.40 96.01 5.55 0.01 6.34 1.08 1.92 2.66 744.85 267.03 16.15 1.59 1.23 6.06 11.13 25.33 3.27 1.30 0.02 96.85 0.51 2.85 145.27 2.00 3.51 5.38 2.47 4.51 3.61 5.30 0.45 4.72 115.50 5.60 6.37 3.57 1.66 26.17 94.86 5.55 0.01 6.27 1.08 1.92 2.66 462.9 198.1 1 176.1 371.1 532.2 939.5 291.5 577.4 1 893.8 2 306.0 262.4 57.1 602.5 471.6 891.7 3 633.4 3 749.2 4 070.1 802.3 3 573.3 2 748.0 598.9 918.7 906.4 845.2 4 207.2 2 005. 5 096.5 1 571.9 298.0 469.5 211.6 233.2 77.3 444.6 26.4 232.4 342.1 135.5 242.4 862.4 685.9 105.0 24.3 237.1 160.2 457.8 2 060.6 1 846.5 2 376.2 436.4 1 868.6 1 385.9 240.1 620.0 394.6 441.2 2 253.4 1 207.5 2 599.3 884.7 116.9 285.8 85.4 47 500 12 489 4 660 9 309 1 337 (X) 22 071 (X) 10 833 2 544 4 435 5 242 8 220 2 320 2 514 4 249 5 742 1 710 1 986 3 698 6 167 1 889 3 651 4 133 5 209 1 772 1 818 3 165 1 728.2 2 360.0 2 311.9 1 973.4 983.8 1 752.4 1 9032 1 555.9 851 659 67 229 4 171 1 405 1 219 4 225 1 135 728 531 62 848 5 757 984 879 4 520 1 156 279.92 16.78 1.39 0.33 0.20 1.03 0.30 921 482 69 604 3 065 1 705 1 315 4 511 1 474 1 539 2 338 10 682 319 588 4 067 1 751 2 243 481 573 40 268 1 728 2 547 685 3 976 1 372 987 2 101 7 142 169 281 2 263 1 144 1 503 458 341 37 752 1 893 2 258 703 3 788 854 995 2 239 5 338 164 163 ' 2 282 1 589 11 517 34 1 53 792 16 541 1 626 2 366 9 073 301 792 "3 963 2 070 1 2 234 60 r 98 669 377 052 33 122 2 490 1 491 446 3 328 678 935 1 885 2 999 136 104 1 969 1 023 1 563 52 44 063 14 506 (X) (X) 2 537 30 614 426 (X) 3 292.0 4 148.0 2 198.9 5 097.7 6 658.7 4 392.0 4 866.5 4 228.5 5 955.4 4 563.2 3 879.4 2 265.8 3 037.2 4 857.7 1 708 2 142 4 586 262 607 3 673 1 643 2 522 80 85 170 607.67 45.78 2.25 0.95 0.21 3.27 1.02 1.30 1.20 2.51 168.42 2.81 1.73 0.63 0.44 37.72 1 720.4 2 399.7 1 239.7 7 615.2 3 468.6 3 871.1 4 529.8 2 711.8 5 3517 3 051.0 2 054.9 1 260.8 1 984.3 3 255.0 0.36 0.39 2.34 82.38 1.79 0.58 0.46 0.06 25.29 2 246.3 108 787 32 298 56 802 17 672 4 302.1 3 316.6 31 389 23.55 9.74 1 814.7 2 807 5 072 68 056 2 659 3 963 64 455 28 714 (X) (X) 3 717 57 079 997 1 251 4 032 39 576 1 260 3 145 38 008 0.95 1.39 15.87 0.70 0.93 15.42 4 030.3 5 454.6 4 414.5 1 796.2 4 336.1 2 567.1 - 4 2 453 17 203 8 839 17 376 9 926 (X) r15 120 (X) (X) 6 461 i 862 7 483 2 354 13 509 7 815 (X) 16 368 (X) 0.02 0.57 5.05 2.18 41.27 19.73 0.02 0.56 4.92 2.18 3.81 2.22 165.6 4 354.6 3 498.3 4 062.9 4 555.6 4 467.2 41.4 1 530.2 1 521.7 1 082.0 3 5418 3 517.1 7 205 2 836 (X) (X) 6 882 (X) 4 939 176 732 (X) 7 450 386 248 3 597 2 031 12 527 4 400 9 200 (X) 7 266 371 659 2 690 3 164 r 11 709 14 345 (X) 43 426 9 354 (X) 6 316 348 797 (X) (X) 11 180 4 344 (X) 32 811 5 694 197 226 2 027 1 516 7 306 2 175 5 525 196 496 1 535 2 444 7 068 r 2 259 (X) 20 593 5.32 225.94 14.09 16.55 3.84 0.72 0.05 1.59 107.50 4.21 2.55 2.83 0.71 0.05 4 679.0 3 593.1 854.6 797.1 4 422.2 6 155.2 3 576.2 1 834.7 481.6 595.0 2 579.1 3 042.6 6 579 2 170 (X) 14 606 45 654 3 248 232 238 647 119 486 21 842 2 124 618 155 4 555 1 975 238 629 178 5 644 (X) 14.91 0.15 133.08 0.21 1.15 4.55 14.72 0.03 59.63 0.13 0.68 1.47 125 452 61 4 398 (X) 3 100.6 117.6 4 163.1 1 564.7 8 530.6 2 430.1 208 1 483.4 78.4 2 090.0 1 166.0 6 725.0 1 342.9 5 778 3 574 4 188 (X) 3 212 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 17 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 Total area units 11 258 19 273 1 138 21 753 128 666 3 393 29 394 11 910 59 248 21 003 21 748 94 513 2 623 (X) 8 361 50 256 r 17 874 19 873 38 609 1 489 (X) 1 611 5 215 13 251 11 750 61 289 2 280 13 339 4 839 28 044 10 759 4.76 126.25 4.66 31.77 9.66 26.59 16.89 4.73 69.45 0.64 29.78 8.91 17.92 9.14 4 599.4 1 852.8 5 279.5 987.0 1 336.1 3 306.8 2 297.1 2 484.4 882.6 3 547.7 447.9 542.9 1 565.2 1 176.7 612 2 128 6 139 405 382 45 338 14 716 14 993 2 988 3 986 8 794 "2 875 44 130 321 652 41 091 14 780 5 546 2 932 2 111 7 787 2 995 32 443 (X) (X) 1 509 2 227 10 799 (X) 1 552 226 376 20 695 6 099 2 625 1 611 1 426 5 446 1 504 35 309 112 3 110 913 1 457 6 018 12 297 47 200 1 870 (X) 3 507 23 953 9084 186 225 17 971 5 874 r 2 118 1 444 1 475 4 185 11 551 20 519 (X) (X) " 643 1 154 4 951 (X) 465 134 873 14 891 5 351 2 177 1 027 801 3 222 1 433 13 193 1 529 2 335 11 495 441 926 3 858 500 483 924 50 272 15 340 5 691 3 230 4 049 11 145 2 975 68 106 364 4 016 1 924 2 912 12 839 4 1 304 20 1 385 335 1 139 12 214 113 809 5 436 5 341 5 313 4 507 2 051 3 280 78 452 12 557 6 637 1 128 (X) 1 214 226 1 219 2 009.99 480.55 11.37 5.02 3.21 2.75 286.97 2.49 403.50 0.28 6.19 1.63 4.31 8.45 1.23 3.91 0.91 3.77 0.33 2.32 1.06 392.31 0.34 2.12 2.81 7.06 3.23 0.83 3.33 51.45 6.16 5.69 1 874.38 465.47 11.23 4.98 3.07 2.75 269.98 2.49 377.08 0.28 5.96 1.56 3.93 7.80 1.21 3.03 0.90 3.72 0.33 2.29 1.04 383.76 0.34 2.12 2.69 7.06 2.58 0.83 3.33 45.84 5.58 5.68 258.2 108.0 1 366.5 1 143.8 1 053.3 1 471.0 41.3 1 196.8 180.6 1 295.7 674.2 1 230.5 740.7 1 645.4 3.3 430.0 22.2 372.0 1 002.6 498.3 11.6 557.9 2 395.6 2 563.3 1 983.9 752.7 1 748.0 2 474.7 986.4 1 711.3 2 248.8 1 169.3 120.8 44.5 543.3 527.6 525.3 518.1 20.2 605.0 93.6 398.7 522.1 583.9 370.6 771.2 0.8 176.4 8.9 292.2 401.0 227.9 4.8 250.0 986.1 1 1732 887.4 423.5 764.4 987.0 375.9 850.3 850.3 482.6 119 1 535 8 1 088 134 521 5 95 947 333 2 488 2 389 2 989 1 971 517 83 485 42 1 208 437 180 994 812 5 463 5 300 3 840 5 168 1 919 2 743 70 576 9 972 3 977 136 445 88 5 400 6 827 (X) 5 011 81 936 351 2 551 2 466 1 646 2 244 768 1 037 34 933 3 818 1 617 56 538 50 2 350 2 594 (X) 2 028 645 638 21 828 3 370 780 1 555 1 866 47 406 10 426 2 258 818 1 250 38 980 4 748 2 739 457 4 9 315 25 012 (X) The State-Con. Pinellas County-Con. St. Petersburg CCD -Con. West and East Lealman CDP 1 Tarpon Springs CCD. Dunedin city (part) | East Lake CDP Oldsmar city (part) Palm Harbor CDP |.. Tarpon Springs city t Polk County Bartow CCD Bartow cityt Fort Meade city t Mulberry city t Willow Oak CDP (part) | Frostproof CCD Frostproof city to Haines City CCD T Auburndale city (part) Citrus Ridge CDP (part) Davenport city t. Dundee town t. Haines City city (part) Lake Alfred city (part) Lake Hamilton town.. Lake Wales city (part) Loughman CDP I Polk City town (part) Waverly CDP (part) | Winter Haven city (part) Lakeland CCD Auburndale city (part) [ Combee Settlement COP Crystal Lake CDP . Fussels Corner CDP + Gibsonia CDP Highland City CDP. Kathleen CDP. Lakeland city t Lakeland Highlands CDP Medulla CDP Polk City town (part) Willow Oak CDP (part) Winston CDP f... Lake Wales CCD | Babson Park CDP Crooked Lake Park CDP 1. Highland Park village Hillcrest Heights town Lake Wales city (part) f Waverly CDP (part) | Winter Haven-Auburndale CCD Auburndale city (part) Cypress Gardens CDP Eagle Lake City t Haines City city (part) Inwood CDP | . Jan Phyl Village CDP Lake Alfred city (part) Wahneta CDP Winter Haven city (part) † Putnam County Crescent City CCD I.. Crescent City city t Pomona Park town Welaka town East Palatka CCD East Palatka CDP Interlachen-Florahome CCD . Interlachen town Palatka CCD + Palatka city t St. Johns County : Fruit Cove CCD Fruit Cove CDP Hastings CCD.. Hastings town. Matanzas CCD.. Crescent Beach CDP Marineland town (part) St. Augustine Shores CDP Ponte Vedra CCD Palm Valley CDP Sawgrass CDP St. Augustine CCD Butler Beach CDP St. Augustine city St. Augustine Beach city t St. Augustine South CDP Villano Beach CDP St. Lucie County Fort Pierce CCD +. Fort Pierce city (part) Fort Pierce North CDP | Fort Pierce South CDP Indian River Estates CDP . 1 181 868 9 024 35 003 1 182 1 682 244 266 10 174 788 105 285 9 859 8 844 2 496 335 6 925 1 213 31 9 118 32 524 1 125 1 575 155 221 9 670 852 93 602 8 046 9 188 1 758 188 6 824 462 506 4 352 19 831 442 758 174 138 4 590 657 49 148 4 102 3 942 964 265 3 249 184 177 8 466 (X) 78 874 6 413 8 043 1 678 479 8 4 638 17 028 438 679 121 116 4 235 495 44 586 3 514 4 268 694 150 3 134 161 2 4 545 13 155 (X) (X) 171 118 3 738 0.44 0.46 5.45 312.01 1.49 0.56 0.72 0.16 13.10 1.26 134.64 8.68 4.29 1.43 0.49 2.00 0.44 0.46 5.45 273.39 1.49 0.56 0.45 0.16 12.44 1.26 104.69 4.60 3.80 1.39 0.49 1.92 2 703.1 1 875.0 1 656.2 128.0 791.4 2 990.4 544.2 1 640.3 817.7 626.5 1 005.6 2 142.7 2 328.6 1 800.5 685.2 3 612.1 (X) 33 874 2 620 3 262 614 1 057.4 1 093.0 798.7 72.5 295.9 1 347.6 388.1 851.0 368.9 522.4 469.4 891.5 1 037.9 695.4 542.0 1 694.7 431.1 471.4 604.7 835.7 6 668 2 772 5 633 3 886 4 731 26 475 5 308 3 622 4 024 24 725 2 785 3 134 3 329 21 119 2 033 1 740 1 464 13 907 1 955 1 558 1 511 12 752 911 1 275 1 112 10 248 4.83 7.36 2.42 24.35 4.72 3.69 2.42 16.64 1 194.5 1 052.8 1 954.3 1 590.9 70 423 15 127 1 776 789 586 8 947 1 707 23 840 1 475 22 509 10 033 65 070 12 784 1 859 1726 533 8 752 1 989 19 620 1 160 23 914 10 447 50 549 9 058 1 722 791 492 6 814 1 613 12 553 848 22 124 10 175 33 870 8 364 846 433 368 4 175 594 11 605 616 9 726 4 318 31 840 7 664 839 I 424 343 4 155 751 10 179 553 9 842 14 355 23 645 5 358 752 499 254 3 120 680 6 654 395 8 513 3 930 827.16 199.93 2.14 3.33 1.40 72.71 4.50 398.05 6.45 156.46 7.53 721.89 155.86 1.83 2.93 1.36 59.73 3.21 367.53 5.81 138.76 6.96 97.6 97.1 968.6 269.3 431.4 149.8 532.3 64.9 254.1 162.2 1 442.1 46.9 53.7 461.4 147.8 270.9 69.9 185.2 31.6 106.1 70.1 620.7 123 135 17 961 077 7 603 521 11 306 985 83 829 6 548 5 904 4 680 595 8 645 1 081 51 303 4 142 3 4 753 636 3 565 58 008 6 240 5 549 3 118 238 6 487 1 535 40 712 2 417 2 182 1 885 261 5 139 1 553 22 861 1 353 1 236 1 772 259 2412 (X) 25 1 244 2 765 202.2 346.1 900.2 41.2 790.5 184.6 646.2 95.2 120.2 310.7 16.9 361.1 105.9 1 007.1 23 2 105 5 498 (X) 4 922 26 850 19 860 4 942 59 415 4 436 11 592 4 683 5 035 2 533 4 411 14 727 9 960 2 999 49 229 3 377 " 11 695 3 657 4 218 1 867 2 567 12 688 8 648 3 089 29 475 3 694 5 642 3 140 1 993 1 419 2 261 7 718 4 814 2 039 23 553 2 924 5 181 2 562 1 623 1 034 821.43 70.51 17.87 192.22 0.66 93.84 1.52 0.03 3.47 55.31 14.00 3.23 409.55 2.49 10.73 1.94 1.72 1.79 609.01 51.89 17.86 184.74 0.66 61.23 1.52 0.03 3.44 33.81 13.41 3.09 277.34 2.49 8.37 1.94 1.72 1.79 746.7 375.3 644 8 1 000.3 106.3 1 484.8 673.9 1 618.0 1 158.7 790.9 33 345 (X) 11 985 1 289 2 581 (X) 87 182 65 733 31 465 5 929 3 324 (X) 1 431.6 794.1 1 480.8 1 600.4 214.2 1 783.0 1 384.6 2 413.1 2 927.3 1 411.8 336.6 990.5 2 602.2 1 652.4 1 259.5 1 046.2 14 559 (X) 5 068 820 1 000 (X) 40 915 27 723 12 894 2 187 | 239 (X) 192 695 94 060 34 394 7 386 5 672 5 793 150 171 86 771 33 696 5 833 5 320 4 858 91 262 43 595 14 586 3 087 2 213 2 494 73 843 39 918 14 276 2 441 2 251 1 975 688.08 132.05 16.64 4.56 4.50 5.75 572.45 94.96 13.22 4.47 4.50 5.54 159.4 459.1 1 103.6 690.6 491.4 450.4 18 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 average per in square miles square mile County County Subdivision Place Housing Population 2000 area measurements 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area units 10 458 9 772 2 136 604 4 221 8 312 3 122 4 846 85 072 78 997 3 039 5 251 7 211 7 143 1 943 584 4 645 7 027 3 134 3 893 53 144 48 723 2 931 3 229 3 411 2 817 (X) 593 4 110 3 718 2 337 5 124 4 353 1 017 318 1 662 8 985 2 584 5 889 36 055 32 432 1 681 2 627 3 096 3 213 950 292 1 916 8 674 2 974 5 700 23 761 21 028 1 718 1 490 1 336 1 341 (X) 309 1 683 5 443 2 275 6.92 9.91 0.96 0.81 7.06 82.13 4.12 48.07 109.70 66.78 1.55 364.19 6.70 9.60 0.91 0.81 7.06 8.58 1.52 4.51 104.93 65.94 1.43 363.98 1 561.6 1 018.4 2 357.8 746.1 597.7 968.8 2 048.0 1 074.1 810.8 1 197.9 2 125.3 14.4 765.1 453.6 1 122.6 392.8 235.3 1 047.2 1 695.1 1 305.3 343.6 491.8 1 175.6 7.2 15 285 11 873 (X) 2 446 7 000 5 069 (X) 749 117 743 54 412 5 665 55 988 17 400 5 478 49 119 23 193 2 553 115.8 212.7 1 192.0 48.3 90.7 537.2 4 132 579 22 478 7 045 3 612 33 109 1 490 7 393 81 608 31 761 5 530 (X) 3 971 666 19 540 7 216 2 581 23 755 1 457 6 277 3 983 633 16 564 7 206 2 712 15 329 1 479 5 006 1 756 278 9 520 3 151 1 455 13 195 659 3 096 32 831 13 327 2 365 (X) 1 607 284 7 554 2 879 1 062 9 281 656 2 526 20 356 6 750 1 940 (X) 1 519 271 5 629 2 660 938 5 520 583 1 788 1 173.57 355.42 23.55 0.03 154.64 1.58 125.43 4.56 323.01 215.06 4.24 9.38 1 016.93 255.76 4.75 0.03 152.95 1.58 124.18 4.35 322.27 161.76 3.52 9.38 27.0 365.8 181.0 1 620.9 11.2 204.7 423.3 788.0 11.5 175.6 76.7 725.0 4.5 81.6 187.2 330.0 325 957 12 639 10 617 182 467 7 718 6 449 571.55 9.13 6.18 570.3 1 384.0 1 717 319.2 845.1 1 043.5 27 217 8 565 4 143 5 285 32 571 1 081 31 4 168 111 3 323 277 776 12 061 10 079 (X) 20 900 8 679 2 597 3 325 19 797 1 162 370 1 885 111 1 685 (X) 3 393 3 393 15 668 11 603 4 041 156 170 6 406 2 807 9 808 2 943 3 026 202 251 7 657 6 744 (X) 14 498 7 422 1 660 2 574 8 686 979 46 (X) 103 120 (X) 2 383 2 383 7 857 6 159 (X) 122 216 3 313 1 981 2 551 1 826 2 887 16 203 5 076 2 267 3 063 18 439 526 9 2 837 109 2 317 The State-Con. St. Lucie County-Con. Fort Pierce CCD I-Con. Lakewood Park CDP t. Port St. Lucie city (part) Port St. Lucie-River Park CDP (part) | St. Lucie village t.... White City CDP 1. Hutchinson Island CCD Fort Pierce city (part) Hutchinson Island South CDP Port St. Lucie CCD I... Port St. Lucie city (part) Port St. Lucie-River Park CDP (part) † West St. Lucie CCD Santa Rosa County t Gulf Breeze-Harold CCD T. Gulf Breeze city Milton city (part) + Jay CCD Jay town t Milton CCD Milton city (part) Munson-McLellen CCD. Pace CCD Bagdad CDP. Pace CDP Sarasota County Englewood CCD Englewood CDP (part) t.. South Venice CDP (part) t Gulf Gate-Osprey CCD 1 Gulf Gate Estates CDP (part) Osprey CDP Vamo CDP Interior County CCD Nokomis CÓP (part) North Port city (part) Plantation CDP South Venice CDP (part) t Venice city (part) Warm Mineral Springs CDP (part) † Longboat Key CCD Longboat Key town (part) North Port CCD | North Port city (part) † Warm Mineral Springs CDP (part) Sarasota CCD I. Bee Ridge CDP Desoto Lakes CDP . Fruitville CDP Gulf Gate Estates CDP (part) Kensington Park CDP 1 Lake Sarasota CDP Longboat Key town (part). North Sarasota CDP Ridge Wood Heights CDP Sarasota city t. Sarasota Springs CDP Siesta Key CDP Southgate CDP . South Gate Ridge CDP. South Sarasota CDP | The Meadows CDP Venice CCD T.. Laurel CDP Nokomis CDP (part) . South Venice CDP (part) | Venice city (part) | Venice Gardens CDP | Seminole County Casselberry-Altamonte Springs CCD. Altamonte Springs city . Casselberry city Fern Park CDP | Forest City CDP | Goldenrod CDP (part) Longwood city (part) + Wekiwa Springs CDP | Winter Springs city (part) Oviedo CCD Chuluota CDP + Geneva CDP 1.. Oviedo city t.. Winter Springs city (part) Sanford CCD Heathrow CDP Lake Mary city t. Longwood city (part) | Midway CDP't Sanford city t Winter Springs city (part) | Sumter County Sumter South CCD Bushnell city t Center Hill city Lake Panasoffkee CDP (part) 157 055 7 394 6 256 (X) 12 063 4 933 1 517 1 925 11 146 558 149 1 617 113 1 289 (X) 4 411 4 411 9 598 6 375 3 200 83 120 3 102 1 098 3 664 1 484 1 464 113 355 4 707 4 134 (X) 8 606 4 106 1 074 1 686 4 800 459 18 (X) 113 84 (X) 2 510 2 510 5 766 4 154 (X) 64 228 1 536 732 907 945 1 337 725.18 43.28 8.04 0.01 23.69 2.29 6.07 2.09 382.88 0.76 15.35 2.45 0.32 3.14 0.08 25.90 5.49 66.26 60.18 2.83 126.61 3.91 1.26 7.04 0.52 1.35 1 786.7 3 733.6 759.5 2 981.3 86.2 1 430.9 2.1 1 702.7 344.1 1 060.3 1 063.6 2 212.7 415.6 1 727.9 48.8 696.3 0.6 1 159.0 337.9 739.3 5 012 5 012 27 650 22 766 4 811 170 140 8 744 3 198 12 741 3 082 3 720 5 745 5 745 14 002 10 293 3 672 89 808 4 108 1 352 5 476 1 644 1 669 15.23 2.29 5.46 1.77 378.06 0.76 14.96 2.45 0.32 3.13 0.01 2.73 2.73 65.65 59.81 2.61 77.46 3.91 1.26 7.04 0.52 1.35 1 834.2 1 834.2 421.2 380.6 1 841.5 2 196.4 2 238.0 2 537.0 1 809.9 5 956.5 2 765.2 2 102.5 2 102.5 213.3 172.1 1 405.5 1 159.4 1 051.4 1 072.5 777.9 3 177.3 1 240.6 4 458 4 117 (X) 1 586 1 396 1.37 3 258.2 1 1592 6 738 5 028 52 715 6 702 4 851 1 50 897 4 997 3 951 48 868 3 209 2 359 26 898 3 181 2 232 26 934 (X) (X) 2 159 1 709 25 350 1.37 2.65 3.78 1.45 25.93 3.78 1.43 14.89 848.3 1 650.5 1 806.2 15 875 7 150 7 455 5 655 5 314 4 423 50 728 8 393 2 253 13 428 14 441 7 466 16 088 7 772 7 324 5 924 5 298 3 437 49 787 8 245 2 286 11 840 15 237 7 701 13 860 7 010 7 322 4 259 4 267 (X) 38 954 6 368 2 129 7 972 12 033 6 568 7 101 7 885 4 013 2 604 2 719 3 163 30 552 5 047 1 294 6 496 11 199 3 836 6 795 8 077 4 024 2 592 2 684 2 655 29 323 4 827 1 256 5 524 11 160 4 085 5 790 6 817 3 856 1 779 2 049 (X) 22 738 3 725 1 179 3 895 8 707 3 131 3.62 3.45 2.08 1.81 2.32 2.32 56.57 6.08 1.22 6.25 6.52 2.69 3.62 2.29 2.04 1.81 1.95 2.32 23 28 5.21 0.91 5.89 5.98 2.50 1 781.2 3 517.9 3 539.8 4 389.6 3 120.1 3 647.9 3 122.5 2 724.2 1 909.7 2 179.3 1 609.5 2 468.3 2 279.7 2 414.4 2 987.9 1 963.5 3 440.9 1 963.6 1 437.8 1 393.9 1 365.7 1 312.5 967.9 1 417.7 1 102.8 1 872.4 1 535.2 365 196 197 693 41 200 22 629 8 318 12 612 6 207 " 287 521 179 698 " 35 167 r 18 849 8 294 10 638 6 602 179 752 122 387 21 105 15 037 8 904 6 819 5 586 147 079 83 388 19 992 10 450 3 700 4 976 2 367 117 841 75 138 ? 17 345 "8 069 3 706 4 231 2 384 68 154 46 259 9 008 5 992 3 724 2 339 1 788 344.87 72.88 9.45 7.09 2.34 4.92 1.37 308.20 67.53 8.90 6.66 2.05 4.27 1.37 1 184.9 2 927.6 4 631.1 3 396.5 4 055.3 2 953.3 4 520.0 4772 1 234.9 2 247.2 1 568.5 1 803.9 1 165.2 1 723.7 11 789 23 169 19 986 71 712 1 921 2 601 26 316 11 680 95 791 4 068 11 458 1 956 1 714 38 291 11 263 23 026 14 856 37 441 1 441 (X) 11 114 7 295 70 390 (X) 5 929 2 053 (X) 32 387 (X) 9 445 13 386 8 114 13 197 1 394 (X) 3 074 2 361 44 168 (X) 2 853 584 (X) 23 176 4 398 9 123 7 833 25 776 727 970 8 977 4 473 37 915 1 961 4 351 791 625 15 623 4 117 8 716 5 912 14 237 579 (X) 4 212 2 794 28 470 (X) 2 296 807 (X) 13 834 (X) 3 274 4 381 3 062 4 776 526 (X) 1 105 852 17 119 (X) 1 211 194 (X) 9 035 (X) 5.14 9.16 7.91 159.16 2.20 12.43 15.45 6.57 112.84 3.31 9.67 0.47 1.39 22.60 4.85 8.64 7.79 146.44 1.80 11.39 15.13 6.55 94.24 2.77 8.61 0.47 1.39 19.11 2 429.9 2 681.2 2 564.9 489.7 1 064.6 228.4 1 738.9 1 783.3 1 016.5 1 466.6 1 330.8 4 176.3 1 232.0 2 004.1 906.5 1 055.7 1 005 2 176.0 402.9 85.2 593.2 682.9 402.3 707.0 505.4 1 688.9 449.3 817.7 (X) 53 345 22 684 2 050 910 2 948 31 577 17 532 1 998 735 2 262 24 272 13 511 983 751 2 035 25 195 10 716 1 004 319 2 058 15 298 8 380 998 309 1 603 11 083 6 302 548 297 1 537 580.31 358.56 2.35 1.77 3.55 545.73 341.16 2.35 1.71 3.54 97.7 66.5 871.7 531.8 832.2 46.2 31.4 426.9 186.4 581.0 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 19 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State County County Subdivision Place Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State-Con. 805 30 661 647 465 8 333 3 924 746 14 045 857 443 (X) " 3 560 856 10 761 1 022 333 (X) 2 665 353 14 479 301 290 5 065 2 062 334 6 918 357 294 (X) 11 859 347 4 781 405 239 (X) 1 198 1.32 221.75 1.45 0.50 5.58 5.17 1.32 204.57 1.45 0.49 5.19 5.17 608 2 149 9 445.0 950.9 1 605.5 759.7 266.7 70.8 2070 593.0 975.9 399.2 34 844 5 588 695 6 747 15 558 6 480 6 951 26 780 4 022 670 4 507 13 550 6 332 4 701 22 287 3 126 622 3 537 12 283 6 732 3 341 15 679 2 737 320 3 211 6 634 2 745 3 097 11 699 1 925 340 2 120 5 599 2 639 2 055 8 765 1 408 299 1 395 4 702 2 659 1 260 691.90 135.19 0.83 175.78 185.60 6.96 195.33 687.64 134.29 0.83 174.59 184.59 6.96 194.17 50.7 41.6 838.6 38.6 84.3 931.7 35.8 22 8 20.4 386.1 18.4 35.9 394.7 16.0 19 256 13 919 6 847 5 337 17 111 13 723 7 151 3 388 16 532 13 689 8 254 2 843 9 646 6 450 3 073 3 196 7 908 5 719 2 898 2 189 6 982 5 183 3 112 1 799 1 232.01 585.71 9.29 646.30 1 041.91 528.78 9.29 513.13 18.5 26.3 737.3 10.4 9.3 12.2 330.9 6.2 13 442 6 569 1 927 3 379 187 3 494 193 10 252 5 796 2 116 2 194 198 2 262 178 10 166 4 661 1 830 3 836 259 1 669 220 3 736 1 729 832 633 2 975 1 497 811 604 89 874 76 2 329 1 158 701 584 249.71 119.35 1.83 63.19 0.52 67.17 0.36 240.29 111.60 1.72 63.18 0.52 65.51 0.36 55.9 58.9 1 121.2 53.5 356.7 53.3 536.7 15.5 15.5 484.1 10.0 145.0 210 230.8 76 105 1 374 83 587 80 443 343 21 693 170 258 762 5 564 211 938 7 840 95 124 427 2 113 401.9 50.5 5.8 192.1 18.3 3.3 , (X) (X) 12 3 784 4 385 4 877 43 611 42 066 9 32 000 15 471 8 ! 370 737 12 513 136 (X) (X) 739 761 3 404 42 088 40 429 (X) 22 489 (X) 176 1 971 40 405 38 010 (X) 13 001 (X) 4 1 385 1 985 2 203 19 869 19 261 4 15 114 6 960 4 i 180 983 4 053 2 (X) (X) 263 437 1 475 19 521 18 751 (X) 11 255 (X) 120 711 16 602 15 657 (X) 6 849 1.3 662.7 639.5 244.9 2 095.7 2 086.3 277.4 747.7 853.7 509.6 0.4 242.6 289.5 110.6 954.8 955.3 123.3 3532 384.1 254.8 6 604 52 541 20 896 1 169 2 358 (X) 5 347 44 531 16 491 1 249 1 481 (X) 2 795 38 205 15 354 1 481 1 669 24 1 557 3 055 19 379 (X) 3 685 22 662 9 268 459 765 (X) 3 041 19 666 7 724 524 576 Sumter County-Con. Sumter South CCD-Con. Webster city t Wildwood CCD.. Coleman city t Lake Panasoffkee CDP (part) The Villages CDP 7. Wildwood city t Suwannee County Branford CCD.. Branford town. Dowling Park CCD. Live Oak CCD I. Live Oak city t McAlpin-Wellborn CCD + Taylor County t Perry North CCD Perry city Perry South CCD Union County Lake Butler CCD Lake Butler city Raiford CCD. Raiford town Worthington Springs CCD 7. Worthington Springs town Volusia County : Central Volusia CCD. Daytona Beach city (part) | Edgewater city (part) † . New Smyrna Beach city (part) Ormond Beach city (part) + Port Orange city (part) t. Samsula-Špruce Creek CDP | Daytona Beach CCD...... Daytona Beach city (part) Holly Hill city (part) [ De Bary-Orange City CCD De Bary city (part) | De Land city (part) Deltona city (part) Orange City city De Land CCD | De Land city (part) De Land Southwest CDP 1 De Leon Springs CDP | Lake Helen city (part) North De Land CDP .. West De Land CDP | Deltona CCD De Bary city (part) | Deltona city (part) | Lake Helen city (part) | New Smyrna Beach CCD 1 Edgewater city (part) | Glencoe CDP + New Smyrna Beach city (part) Oak Hill city t Ponce Inlet town (part) Port Orange city (part) | North Peninsula CCD Daytona Beach city (part) | Flagler Beach city (part) Ormond Beach city (part) | Ormond-By-The-Sea CDP Ormond Beach CCD... Daytona Beach city (part) † Holly Hill city (part) | Ormond Beach city (part) Pierson-Seville CCD + Pierson town t Port Orange CCD Daytona Beach city (part) + Ponce Inlet town (part) Port Orange city (part) f South Daytona city (part) South Peninsula CCD Daytona Beach City (part) Daytona Beach Shores city Ponce Inlet town (part) Port Orange city (part) 7. South Daytona city (part) | Wakulla County East Wakulla CCD + St. Marks city t West Wakulla CCD + Sopchoppy city Walton County De Funiak Springs CCD De Funiak Springs city (part) | Freeport CCD T Freeport city t Miramar Beach CDP Paxton-Darlington CCD Paxton town Redbay CCD De Funiak Springs city (part) | (X) (X) 1 505 16 258 6 689 626 672 6 674 1 230 9 409 1 091.4 466.0 1 317.9 1 862.9 896.2 609.0 2010 584 5 731.4 290.8 1 327 3 424 77 876 88 69 543 2 743 53 456 18 668 2 485 20 036 1 378 1 493 3 389 55 425 (X) (X) 2 344 45 217 15 337 2 282 16 543 917 2 023 29 876 6 726 1 640 13 557 938 563 1 342 30 121 41 26 417 1 204 30 578 8 235 1 033 13 614 695 627 1 319 22 828 (X) (X) 1 033 26 261 6 888 1 008 11 476 376 (X) 812 17 326 3 182 680 8 698 374 1 432.44 442.47 29.31 1.26 9.39 5.71 6.97 19.93 21.73 21.08 0.03 46.93 21.34 0.02 0.08 6.12 123.56 16.04 0.63 2.63 0.15 0.59 2.34 116.91 0.10 38.24 4.17 231.84 9.08 7.69 21.39 11.25 1.82 2.05 63.80 7.24 0.02 3.04 1.99 56.33 2.25 4.49 20.32 257.98 8.74 31.34 3.90 2.02 17.25 4.68 39.55 1.14 0.94 10.83 0.40 0.16 1 103.25 429.20 29.22 1.26 9.38 5.71 6.86 19.92 20.81 20.16 0.03 42.80 18.12 0.02 0.08 6.05 112.75 15.86 0.63 2.63 0.15 0.59 2.34 101.85 0.10 35.70 4.07 118.29 8.71 7.65 18.31 6.38 1.07 1.92 8.30 2.54 0.02 2.32 1.99 50.91 2.25 3.86 17.72 186.26 8.14 27.67 3.90 1.25 15.84 3.54 4.42 0.60 0.91 202 0.09 0.02 2 253.7 1 465.0 764.6 866.1 1 948.0 674.4 451.9 2 143.7 325.0 1 094.4 216.1 956.2 574.2 295.7 403.5 740.0 296.0 258.5 945.6 135.1 743.6 109.0 27 872 12 489 (X) 6 258 8 157 45 399 17 657 8 315 (X) 3 483 5 241 21 148 28 111 12 081 76 6 420 8 430 49 016 30 12 110 26 097 8 588 2 596 65 395 7 910 29 065 13 997 (X) 6 892 7 665 35 620 (X) 9 953 14 544 4 934 1 085 35 600 2 169 18 809 8 494 85 3 898 5 689 23 232 10 6 144 11 975 3 166 514 31 759 4 498 17 095 8 870 (X) 3 513 4 322 15 077 (X) 4 870 5 793 2 003 382 17 268 1 407 3 385.9 4 748.4 3 488.9 2 770.4 4 245.5 962.8 13.3 3 137.3 1 472.5 46.1 319.1 2 363.5 2 026.6 2 265.5 3 338.6 3 902.0 1 682.1 2 865.1 456.4 4.4 1 591.7 675.7 17.0 63.2 1 147.8 1 152.4 11 141 22 724 8 233 2 988 58 505 7 059 5 652 10 444 2 529 410 29 281 4 155 41 078 13 177 11 056 1 855 4 299 2 513 360 34 187 12 482 8 440 1 808 r 2 197 1 704 369 18 247 11 181 7 113 (X) 1 324 1 003 333 71 18 872 6 457 8 788 987 4 385 2 043 245 16 336 6 122 6 773 944 r 2 746 1 340 246 8 543 5 056 4 427 (X) 1 267 731 192 38 2 593.2 3 724.1 2 502.1 3 110.6 4 722.2 1 246.7 4 022.4 1 191.3 1 824.9 1 988.8 1 655.1 4 816.6 1 013.5 2 737.5 22 863 17 555 272 5 308 426 14 202 10 004 307 4 198 367 10 887 7 346 286 3 541 444 9 820 6 971 168 2 849 216 6 587 4 245 172 2 342 187 5 072 3 109 212 1 963 209 735.74 387.69 1.94 348.05 1.52 606.66 296.81 1.93 309.85 1.52 37.7 59.1 141.0 17.1 280.4 16.2 23.5 87.1 9.2. 142.2 40 601 12 726 5 089 17 215 1 190 2 435 7 743 656 2 917 ! 27 759 9 479 5 120 10 345 843 1 644 5 748 600 2 188 (X) 21 300 8 219 5 563 5 494 669 (X) 5 371 659 2 216 (X) 29 083 5 514 2 464 18 616 563 6 558 3 630 298 1 323 18 727 4 648 2 465 10 453 396 3 834 2 608 266 1 019 (X) 10 918 3 572 2 387 4 247 292 (X) 2 221 273 878 (X) 1 238.03 334.28 11.24 453.79 10.81 4.72 327.21 3.97 122.75 1 057.56 331.35 10.97 279.13 10.78 4.60 325.39 3.91 121.70 38.4 38.4 464.0 61.7 110.4 529.6 23.8 167.9 24.0 27.5 16.6 2247 66.7 52.2 1 426 3 11.2 76.3 10.9 20 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State County County Subdivision Place Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State-Con. Washington County Caryville CCD. Caryville town t Chipley CCD. Chipley city t Vernon CCD Ebro town t Vernon city Wausau town t 20 973 3 079 218 7 603 3 592 10 291 250 743 398 16 919 3 146 631 7 282 3 866 6491 255 778 313 14 509 2 616 633 6 350 3 330 5 543 233 885 9 503 1 500 110 3 456 1 694 4 547 116 372 177 7 703 1 505 257 3 075 1 641 3 123 109 387 159 5 979 1 057 246 2 613 1 446 2 309 90 394 143 615.79 149.14 3.15 84.29 4.12 382.36 3.20 4.73 1.13 579.93 139.23 3.02 81.09 4.12 359.61 3.15 4.72 1.13 36.2 22.1 72.1 93.8 872.5 28.6 79.4 157.3 351.8 16.4 10.8 36.4 42.6 411.5 12.6 36.8 78.8 156.4 347 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 21 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) it it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States] County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population r 12 938 071 9 746 961 7 302 947 " 6 100 250 4 378 867 65 754.59 53 926.82 296.4 135.4 (U/R) 15 982 378 (U/R) 6 098 (U) 3 961 2 137 14 547 3 561 (X) (X) 2 501 1 672 829 1 1 776 (X) 1 263 (X) (X) 29.05 2.67 26.38 28.90 2.67 26.23 211.0 1 483.5 81.5 86.5 626.2 31.6 466 r 482 548 235 ' 220 240 1.31 1.28 362.9 183.0 41 200 r 35 167 21 105 19 992 17 345 9 008 9.45 8.90 4 631.1 2 247.2 506 497 478 226 214 183 1.47 1.43 354.8 158.5 88 (X) 49 0.50 0.45 196.5 109.4 (X) 518 2 182 1 036 1 017 18.80 17.95 121.5 56.7 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 8 489 6 251 3 956 3 058 1.79 1.68 5 064.4 2 360.1 708 (X) 345 6.83 6.83 103.7 50.5 (X) 1 315 1 814 1 744 1 537 1 538 1 249 0.81 0.78 2 338.3 1 982.6 (U) (U/R) 2 565 1 190 2 334 2 334 2 602 (X) (X) 1 207 1 207 1 100 (X) 2.66 1.65 1.01 1.88 1.65 0.22 1 242.1 1 411.0 642.3 729.7 (X) 2 799 7 444 7 327 117 4 014 (X) 3 404 3 355 49 1 794 (X) (X) 5.90 4.58 1.32 5.69 4.49 1.20 1 308.3 1 632.5 97.4 598.3 747.5 40 8 6 019 1 5 766 с ICI 26 642 25 244 1 398 6 025 (X) (X) ! 13 611 (X) (X) 6 488 (X) 10 091 9 566 525 24.93 11.70 13.23 24.04 11.31 12.73 1 108.1 2 231.3 109.8 419.7 845.5 41.2 2 474 (X) (X) 2 575 (X) (U/R) 2 835 6 604 6 552 52 (X) 6 002 (X) X) 1 230 88 2 604 2 583 21 4.04 3.57 0.47 4.04 3.56 0.47 1 635.6 1 838.9 109.6 644.9 725.0 44.2 1 289 1 372 529 607 438 2.38 2.38 542.6 222.7 (U/R) 2 228 1 688 540 2 072 (X) 1 605 (X) 817 628 189 ** *** ** ୫ ୫** ** * ** ୫ (X) 544 (X) (X) 3.61 2.27 1.33 3.36 2.03 1.33 662.8 832.0 405.3 243.1 309.5 141.9 (U/R 83 883 888 888 3 883 888 8 888 8 888 8888 981 546 331 1 298 1 137 161 480 425 (X) 2.20 1.21 0.99 2.19 1.21 0.97 593.7 936.2 165.7 249.8 395.2 67.9 (X) 66 DE CBE D Daha DDC Da Deba Deba De DOCS DES D DCÊ DÊ DS DES C D D D D C D DE (R) 1 487 1 273 1 027 2.47 2.46 603.3 416.6 (X) 3 104 11 636 7 847 4 948 13 368 13 368 6 003 6 003 S8 12.98 3.73 9.26 3.73 3.73 The State.... Alachua city, Alachua County. Urban part Rural part.. Alford town, Jackson County . Altamonte Springs city, Seminole County Altha town, Calhoun County. Altoona CDP, Lake County.. Alva CDP, Lee County... Andover CDP, Miami-Dade County.... Andrews CDP, Levy County .. Anna Maria city, Manatee County. Apalachicola city, Franklin County.... Urban part Rural part.. Apollo Beach CDP, Hillsborough County Urban part Rural part.. Apopka city, Orange County Urban part Rural part... Arcadia city, DeSoto County. Urban part Rural part.. Archer city, Alachua County. Asbury Lake CDP, Clay County. Urban part Rural part.. Astatula town, Lake County Urban part Rural part. Astor CDP, Lake County Atlantic Beach City, Duval County Urban part Rural part.. Atlantis city, Palm Beach County .. Auburndale city, Polk County Urban part Rural part.. Aventura city, Miami-Dade County Avon Park city, Highlands County. Urban part Rural part.. Azalea Park CDP, Orange County Babson Park CDP, Polk County Bagdad CDP, Santa Rosa County Urban part Rural part. Baldwin town, Duval County.. Bal Harbour village, Miami-Dade County Bartow city, Polk County Urban part Rural part. Bascom town, Jackson County Bay Harbor Islands town, Miami-Dade County Bay Hill CDP, Orange County Bay Lake city, Orange County . Bayonet Point CDP, Pasco County ... Bay Pines CDP, Pinellas County. Bayport CDP, Hernando County Bayshore Gardens CDP, Manatee County Beacon Square CDP, Pasco County Bee Ridge CDP, Sarasota County Bell town, Gilchrist County Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace CDP, Clay County. Urban part Rural part.. 3 584.3 3 587.6 1 609 5 1 611.0 (X) 2 005 1 653 1 325 1 140 1 067 875 1.41 1.37 1 462.9 831.8 (U/R) 6 501 1 3 862 11 032 11 013 19 18 846 (X) (X) (X) 4 547 4 540 7 2 670 (X) (X) (X) 9.30 9.06 0.24 5.22 4.98 0.24 2 113.5 2 211.2 79.4 871.1 911.5 29 3 25 267 20 020 2.71 2.70 9 344.7 7 404.2 (X) " 3 985 (U/R) "8 078 (X) 8 026 (X) (X) 8 542 8 403 139 3 916 3 836 80 3 659 (X) 5.65 4.68 0.98 4.64 3.66 0.98 1 841.8 2 295.3 142.3 844.4 1 047.8 819 (X) 11 073 8 926 8 301 4 115 3 610 2 878 3.24 3.21 3 450.1 1 282.1 1 182 1 125 442 438 1.49 1.49 791.4 295.9 (X) 583 656 1 490 1 312 178 1 457 (X) (X) 1 479 (X) (X) 1 526 659 557 102 (X) (X) 4.24 2.22 2.02 3.52 2.22 1.30 423.3 590.5 137.1 1872 250.7 78 6 (X) (X) 587 1 634 1 450 702 603 2.13 2.13 767.3 329.6 (U) 3 305 3 045 2 973 3 150 2 797 2 647 ୫ 0.34 0.34 9 791.4 9 332.2 15 340 15 050 290 14 716 (X) 14 780 (X) (X) 6 099 5 989 110 5 874 (X) (X) 5 351 (X) (X) 62 11.37 6.95 4.42 11.23 6.84 4.39 1 366.5 2 201.6 66.1 543.3 876.1 25 1 106 90 134 49 37 0.24 0.24 448.3 207.2 5 146 4 703 4 869 3 103 3 179 0.37 0.37 13 875.4 8 366.8 3 113 (X) 5 177 5 346 (X) 1 947 2 095 2.60 2.54 2 038.0 766.5 23 I 19 74 9 18 33 21.12 19.93 1.2 0.5 (U) (U) (R) (U) (U) (R) 23 577 21 860 16 455 12 628 12 489 8 916 5.68 5.60 4 207.2 2 253.4 3 065 4 171 5 757 1 728 1 893 2 490 1.68 1.39 2 198.9 1 239.7 36 (X) (X) 39 (X) (X) 0.66 0.66 54.3 58.8 17 350 17 062 14 945 10 121 10 058 8 571 3.58 3.56 4 874.7 2 843.6 7 263 6 265 6 513 4 119 3 968 3 904 2.04 2.00 3 633.4 2 060 6 (U) (U) (U) (R) 8 744 6406 3 313 4 108 3 102 1 536 3.91 3.91 2 238.0 1 051.4 349 267 227 149 111 95 1.63 1.63 213.5 91.2 (U/R) $ 16 539 16 539 15 606 (X) 2009 12 144 (X) (X) 6 805 6 805 6 170 (X) (X) 3 698 (X) (X) 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 2 951.6 2 952.4 1 214.4 1 214.8 22 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. 2 2 2 2 2 Rural part..... See 28 1.83 88 88 r 314 @ @ @ Be Dela sem အ အင့် အင့် 8x8 hengen 8 Bit [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population 2000 area measurements State 2000 average per Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and [in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State - Con. Belleair town, Pinellas County 4 067 1 3 963 3 673 2 263 1 2 282 1 969 1.79 1.79 2 265.8 1 260.8 Belleair Beach city, Pinellas County. 1 751 2 070 1 643 1 144 1 589 1 023 0.58 0.58 3 037.2 1 984.3 Belleair Bluffs city, Pinellas County... 2 243 r 2 234 2 522 1 503 11 517 1 563 0.46 0.46 4 857.7 3 255.0 Belleair Shore town, Pinellas County .. 60 80 34 52 0.06 0.06 Belle Glade city, Palm Beach County. (U/R) 14 906 16 177 16 535 5 374 6 045 6 038 4.66 4.65 3 206.2 1 155.9 Urban part 14 769 (X) 5 324 (X) (X) 3.28 3.28 4 497.1 1 621.1 137 (X) (X) 50 (X) (X) 1.37 1.37 100.4 36.6 Belle Glade Camp CDP, Palm Beach County 1 141 1 616 1 645 294 409 0.48 0.48 2 380.3 613.3 Urban part 1 103 (X) 285 (X) 0.12 0.12 9 217.2 2 381.6 Rural part. 38 9 (x) 0.36 0.36 105.6 25.0 Belle Isle city, Orange County 5 531 5 272 2 848 2 299 2 114 1 164 4.63 1.93 2 873.2 1 194.3 Belleview city, Marion County 3 478 r 2 678 1 913 1 806 11 410 1.83 1 905.5 989.5 Urban part 3 451 (X) 1 785 (X) 1.59 1.58 2 177.6 1 126.3 Rural part.. 27 (X) 21 (X) 0.24 0.24 112.3 87.3 Bellview CDP, Escambia County 21 201 19 386 15 439 8 673 7 474 5 418 11.88 11.82 1 793.3 733.6 Urban part 20 325 8 343 9.90 9.84 2 065.9 848.0 Rural part... 876 (X) 330 1.98 1.98 441.5 166.3 Beverly Beach town, Flagler County... 547 217 441 r 254 197 0.36 0.36 1 527.4 1 231.4 Beverly Hills CDP, Citrus inty..... 8 317 6 163 5 024 4 925 3 704 2 920 2.85 2.85 2 922.0 1 730.3 Big Coppitt Key CDP, Monroe County . 2 595 2 388 1 856 1 332 1 257 888 1.42 1.38 1 885.2 967.6 Big Pine Key CDP, Monroe County.... (U/R) 5 032 4 206 2 350 3 153 2 453 1 681 9.95 9.77 515.3 322.9 Urban part 3 578 (X) 2 217 (X) 2.36 2.35 1 520.5 942.1 Rural part. 1 454 936 (X) (X) 7.59 7.41 196.2 126.3 Biscayne Park village, Miami-Dade County 3 269 3 068 3 088 1 341 1 338 1 359 0.64 0.64 5 147.0 2 111.4 Bithlo CDP, Orange County (U/R) 4 626 4 834 3 143 1 829 1 968 1 195 10.88 10.67 433.5 171.4 Urban part 3 066 (X) 1 193 (X) 2.56 2.52 1 214.3 472.5 Rural part. 1 560 (X) 636 8.32 8.15 191.5 78.1 Black Diamond CDP, Citrus County 694 (X) (X) 374 (X) 3.78 3.78 183.6 98.9 Bloomingdale CDP, Hillsborough County (U) 19 839 13 912 (X) 6 846 4 651 (X) 7.89 7.83 2 534.0 874.4 Blountstown city, Calhoun County. 2 444 2 404 2 632 1 046 1 025 3.19 3.19 767.2 328.4 Urban part 2 263 (X) 961 (X) 1.97 1.96 1 155.4 490.6 Rural part.. 181 (X) (X) 85 1.23 1.23 147.5 69.3 Boca Del Mar CDP, Palm Beach County (U) 21 832 17 754 (X) 12 009 10 353 (X) 4.02 4.02 5 430.1 2 986.9 Boca Pointe CDP, Palm Beach County (U) 3 302 2 147 (X) 2 089 1 904 (X) 1.15 1.15 2 867.7 1 814.2 Boca Raton city, Palm Beach County.. (U) 74 764 r 61 486 49 447 37 547 1 33 039 25 723 27.29 27.19 2 749.8 1 381.0 Bokeelia CDP, Lee County.. (R) 1 997 (X) () 1 436 (X) (X) 8.86 8.85 225.7 162.3 Bonifay city, Holmes County... (U/R) 4 078 2 612 2 534 1 216 1 184 1 083 3.62 3.62 1 126.9 336.0 Urban part 3 666 997 (X) 1.97 1.97 1 861.8 506.3 Rural part. 412 (X) 219 (X) (X) 1.65 1.65 249.7 132.8 Bonita Springs city, Lee County. 32 797 23 329 41.01 35.29 929.4 661.1 Urban part 29 069 20 113 19.64 19.53 1 488.5 1 029.9 Rural part.. 3 728 3 216 (X) 21.37 15.76 236.5 204.1 Bonnie Lock-Woodsetter North CDP, Broward County 4 275 (X) (X) 1 359 (X) (X) 0.48 0.48 8 928.5 2 838.3 Boulevard Gardens CDP, Broward County (U) 1 415 (X) (X) 489 (X) (X) 0.26 0.26 5 376.5 1 858.0 Bowling Green city, Hardee County (U/R) 2 892 1 836 2 310 933 681 792 1.42 1.42 2 042.0 658.8 Urban part 2 772 (X) (X) 884 (X) (X) 1.02 1.02 2 725.7 869.2 Rural part.. 120 49 (X) 0.40 0.40 300.6 122.7 Boyette CDP, Hillsborough County 5 895 2 103 6.89 6.60 893.1 318.6 Urban part 5 524 1 968 4.88 4.85 1 138.9 405.8 Rural part.. 371 135 2.01 1.75 211.9 77.1 Boynton Beach City, Palm Beach County (U) 60 389 r 46 284 35 624 30 643 i 25 558 18 102 15.97 15.88 3 803.5 1 930.0 Bradenton city, Manatee County 49 504 43 769 30 228 24 887 [ 22 119 15 161 14.44 12.11 4 088.5 2 055.4 Urban part 49 504 (X) (X) 24 887 (X) 11.32 11.29 4 383.9 2 203.9 Rural part. (X) 3.13 0.82 Bradenton Beach City, Manatee County (U) 1 482 1 657 1 603 1 762 1 729 1 578 0.55 0.55 2 704.9 3 215.9 Brandon CDP, Hillsborough County (U) 77 895 57 985 41 826 30 485 22 493 13 975 29.27 28.72 2 712.3 1 061.5 Branford town, Suwannee County.... (R) 695 670 622 320 340 299 0.83 0.83 838.6 386.1 Brent CDP, Escambia County (U) 22 257 21 624 21 872 7 796 7 838 7 793 10.52 10.44 2 132.4 746.9 Briny Breezes town, Palm Beach County (U) 411 400 387 534 660 550 0.07 0.07 5 912.5 7 682.0 Bristol city, Liberty County (R) 845 937 1 044 393 421 391 1.63 1.63 517.1 240.5 Broadview Park CDP, Broward County (U) 6 798 6 109 6 022 2 267 2 236 2 218 1.02 0.98 6 949.1 2 317.4 988 g&&& Ogie 83 88 888 Ĉ 플트 ​(X) XXX XXX $ 8 8 & & & && *xx f5c och 88 888 (U) x se 888 *x8 &&& Del Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 23 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as –") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 5 314 5 230 5 223 1 635 2 260 2 117 0.59 0.59 8 947.8 2 753.0 (U) () 964 875 853 431 373 347 4.04 3.95 244.1 109.2 (R) 352 312 429 136 130 147 0.52 0.52 670.7 259.1 3 279 2 805 1 268 2 129 1 789 855 2.03 2.03 1 617.7 1 050.4 (U) (U/R) (U) (R) "7 589 1 3 932 2 419 7 264 7 255 9 5 582 (X) (X) 3 920 3 915 5 4.97 4.82 0.15 4.94 4.80 0.15 1 469.5 1 512.9 60.9 793.0 816.4 33.9 (X) (X) (X) 3 416 1 025 0.52 0.52 6 611.4 1 983.8 () 15 607 (X) 18 058 (X) 5 596 14 393 Og 5 506 (X) 5 980 (X) 2.30 2.29 6 275.1 2 400.5 1 390 1 279 (X) 1 149 1 114 1.41 1.30 1 066.3 881.4 (U/R) (X) (X) * 3 742 165 3 577 1 360 72 1 288 (X) (X) (X) 18.96 0.26 18.71 18.96 0.26 18.71 197.3 638.4 191.2 71.7 278.6 68.9 (X) (X) 4 388 (X) 1 432 1 440 (X) 0.76 0.76 5 240.0 1 889.1 3 972 2 122 1 873 1 816 959 728 675 4.66 4.66 455.0 205.6 1 271 (X) 1 176 1.43 1.22 1 040.9 963.1 (R) (U/R) (X) 1 998 (X) 998 (X) 548 2 050 1 924 126 (X) (X) 1 004 951 53 2.35 1.75 0.60 2.35 1.75 0.60 871.7 1 097.0 210.8 426 9 542.2 88.7 (U/R) 4 436 4 418 18 (X) 3 377 (X) (X) 946 3 694 3 687 7 (X) 2 924 () 2.49 2.42 0.07 2.49 2.42 0.07 1 783.0 1 824.9 268.7 1 4848 1 523.0 104.5 (X) (U/R) 441 326 962 865 444 395 49 1.33 0.87 0.46 &@ Ö *** ** 6** &&&&&&&&8*** 5xx 8 1.33 0.87 0.46 724.9 994.4 212.2 334.6 454.1 107.2 97 sa a se acl och ade och del och C B D E DÊ D @ @ (X) (U/R) 7 154 14 233 14 231 2 12 253 () 6 167 6 166 1 6.10 5.66 0.43 5.69 5.52 0.16 2 503.5 2 577.4 12.2 888 & S8 X 588 88 88888 & 1 084.7 1 116.7 6.1 2 609 () () 1 965 () () (U/R) 2 941 2 677 2 538 139 5 219 (X) (X) 2 146 (X) (X) 102 3 884 (X) (X) 202 1 853 1 797 56 1.90 1.38 0.52 1.87 1.35 0.52 1 429.0 1 873.9 267.8 989.1 1 326.8 107.9 (X) (R) (R) (U/R) 212 111 136 0.90 The State --Con Broadview-Pompano Park CDP, Broward County Bronson town, Levy County Brooker town, Bradford County Brookridge CDP, Hernando County Brooksville city, Hernando County... Urban part Rural part. Broward Estates CDP, Broward County Brownsville CDP, Miami-Dade County. Buckhead Ridge CDP, Glades County. Buckingham CDP, Lee County Urban part Rural part.. Bunche Park CDP, Miami-Dade County Bunnell city, Flagler County Burnt Store Marina CDP, Lee County.. Bushnell city, Sumter County Urban part Rural part. Butler Beach CDP, St. Johns County .. Urban part Rural part. Callahan town, Nassau County Urban part Rural part .. Callaway city, Bay County Urban part Rural part Campbell CDP, Osceola County Urban part Rural part Campbellton town, Jackson County Canal Point CDP, Palm Beach County. Urban part Rural part.. Cape Canaveral city, Brevard County.. Urban part Rural part. Cape Coral city, Lee County.. Urban part Rural part. Captiva CDP, Lee County.... Carol City CDP, Miami-Dade County .. Carrabelle city, Franklin County.. Carver Ranches CDP, Broward County Caryville town, Washington County.... Casselberry city, Seminole County Cedar Grove town, Bay County Urban part Rural part... Cedar Key city, Levy County. Celebration CDP, Osceola County Urban part Rural part. Center Hill city, Sumter County Century town, Escambia County Urban part Rural part. Century Village CDP, Palm Beach County. Chambers Estates CDP, Broward County Charleston Park CDP, Lee County Charlotte Harbor CDP, Charlotte County Urban part Rural part. Charlotte Park CDP, Charlotte County. 0.89 238.3 124.8 (X) 525 396 129 (X) (X) (X) 8 014 227 174 53 1.55 0.34 1.21 1.55 0.34 1.21 339.3 1 180.1 106.5 146.7 518.5 43.7 (R) (U/R) (U (R) (X) 6 077 5 733 8 829 8 829 6 641 6 641 2.35 2.31 0.03 3 788.0 3 817.1 2.33 2.31 0.02 2 849.3 2 871.1 &&&&8 88% 98% 58% 58882 283 28x & & 8 888 ő 88 (X) 4 004 () () 15 942 (X) 32 103 (X) 74 991 XX8 XX @ S 8 XX* XX8 XXX XXXX% 8388 % 102 286 98 491 3 795 45 653 44 209 1 444 (X) 34 486 (X) (X) (X) 15 405 115.10 58.00 57.10 105.19 55.73 49.46 972.4 1 767,4 76.7 434.0 793.3 29.2 379 1 150 10.50 (U) (R) (R) (U) (R) 1.24 305.3 926.2 (X) 53 331 (X) 13 720 59 443 47 349 17 049 7.74 7 796.0 2 236.0 7.62 3.73 1 303 1 200 1 304 790 705 632 4.81 349.2 211.7 4 299 (X) 1 428 (X) (X) 0.67 0.67 6 376.5 2 118.1 (U) (R) 218 631 110 257 246 3.15 3.02 72.1 36.4 22 629 1 18 849 15 037 10 450 18 069 5 992 7.09 6.66 3 396.5 1 568.5 (U) (U/R) 463 5 367 5 233 134 1 479 (X) (X) 1 104 (X) (X) 2 341 2 292 49 717 (X) (X) 9.38 6.18 3.19 9.38 6.18 3.19 572.5 846.5 42.0 249.7 370.8 15.3 (R) Ê (R) 790 686 479 459 2.04 0.91 864.7 750.9 (U/R) (X) 2 736 1 912 824 () 1 093 785 308 (X) (X) 10.70 0.98 9.72 10.67 0.98 9.69 256.4 1 950.4 85.0 102.4 800.8 31.8 De a des 910 735 319 309 297 1.77 1.71 531.8 186.4 (R) (U/R) 1 714 1 294 420 1 989 X) (X) g <88 88 S & 800 578 222 872 (X) (X) 176 (X) (X) 3.34 1.69 1.65 3.28 1.68 1.61 522.5 772.4 261.6 243.9 345.0 138.3 (X) (U) 7 616 8 363 10 619 8 754 7 621 7 654 1.08 1.00 7 588.1 8 721.9 (U) 3 556 (X) 1 432 (X) 0.55 0.55 6 455.9 2 599.8 sa (X) (X) (X) (X) (R) 411 (X) 117 (X) 0.12 0.12 3 379.5 962.0 x 88 (U/R) 1 373 3 647 3 647 3 327 (X) 2 084 (X) (X) 2 277 2 277 2 167 (X) (X) 2.22 2.18 0.03 2.18 2.16 0.02 1 671.9 1 689.8 1 0438 1 055.0 (R) (X) (U) 2 182 2 225 1 605 1 518 1 448 1 075 1.37 1.21 1 801.5 1 253.3 24 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) it it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) it it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area 2000 Housing units 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population (U/R) 4 382 5 332 1 240 1 266 3 287 2 992 295 1 188 1 032 156 5.64 2.14 3.50 5.45 2.14 3.32 602.7 1 399.7 89.0 217.8 482.8 47.0 7 602 7 448 154 3 659 3 589 70 6.84 6.07 0.77 6.68 5.91 0.77 1 137.5 1 259.8 199.7 547.5 607.1 90.8 (X) 1 993 1 917 1 986 931 3.91 3.91 509.5 238.0 3 866 1 641 1 446 3 592 3 383 209 3 330 () 1 694 1 579 115 4.12 2.56 1.56 4.12 2.56 1.56 872.5 1 320.6 134.4 411.5 6 73.9 404 589 0.28 0.28 1 445.0 2 106.7 1 162 446 %&8 888 888 &&&888 888 888 3.57 3.57 325.3 (X) (X) (X) 1 394 124.9 (X) (X) (X) 526 573 215 (X) 0.09 0.09 6 526.6 2 448.9 (X) 1 441 1 921 1 801 120 727 680 47 2.20 1.35 0.84 1.80 1.32 0.48 1 064.6 1 363.6 248.1 402.9 514.9 97.2 377 88 888 988 &&&988 888 888 88888888888 the 386 202 248 r 241 142 0.18 0.18 2 116.0 (U) (U/R) 1 392.0 4 029 3 099 930 2 137 1 719 418 9.80 6.98 2.81 9.80 6.98 2.81 411.2 443.7 330.5 218.1 246.1 148.6 (R) (U/R) 20 226 20 184 42 7 607 7 585 22 10.89 10.51 0.38 10.57 10.25 0.33 1 913.1 1 969.8 129.0 719.5 740.2 67.6 (U/R) 12 015 4 478 7 537 4 605 2 551 2 054 1 382 2 012 4 016 1 927 2 089 (U/R 8 278 2 967 5 311 2 308 1 261 1 047 906 1 954 3 110 1 706 1 404 50.59 4.95 45.64 16.73 4.07 12.67 3.28 24.38 6.19 0.88 5.31 46.85 4.95 41.90 14.10 4.07 10.04 2.66 24.12 5.96 0.88 5.08 EX 888 8 888 &&&&&&&& 888 &&&&&&&&&&&&& ở $88 588 588 R S T 256.5 905.1 179.9 326.5 627.3 204.6 518.9 83.4 674.2 2 187.9 411.6 176.7 599.7 126.8 163.6 310.1 104.3 340.2 81.0 522.1 1 937.0 276.6 (U/ (U/A 1 177 4 157 2 856 1 301 2 213 (X) 1 360 (X) (X) 85 170 2 003 1 419 584 (X) 21.27 3.33 17.94 21.27 3.33 17.94 195.4 856.5 72.5 94.2 425.5 32.6 108 787 r 98 669 ö ! 53 792 44 063 88 888 88888 88888 888 88888888888 888 Š 7 8x 888 88 888 88 § 588 M 388 88 988 & 25.51 25.29 The State-Con. Chattahoochee city, Gadsden County . Urban part Rural part.. Cheval CDP, Hillsborough County Urban part. Rural part.. Chiefland city, Levy County Chipley city, Washington County. Urban part Rural part.. Chokoloskee CDP, Collier County..... Christmas CDP, Orange County Chula Vista CDP, Broward County. Chuluota CDP, Seminole County Urban part Rural part. Cinco Bayou town, Okaloosa County .. Citrus Hills CDP, Citrus County Urban part Rural part. Citrus Park CDP, Hillsborough County. Urban part Rural part. Citrus Ridge CDP Urban part Rural part. Lake County Urban part Rural part. Orange County Osceola County Polk County Urban part Rural part. Citrus Springs CDP, Citrus County Urban part Rural part.. Clearwater city, Pinellas County Clermont city, Lake County Urban part Rural part. Cleveland CDP, Charlotte County. Urban part Rural part. Clewiston city, Hendry County. Urban part Rural part.. Cloud Lake town, Palm Beach County. Cocoa city, Brevard County Urban part Rural part. Cocoa Beach City, Brevard County Urban part Rural part. Cocoa West CDP, Brevard County .. Coconut Creek city, Broward County .. Coleman city, Sumter County Urban part Rural part. Collier Manor-Cresthaven CDP, Broward County Combee Settlement CDP, Polk County Urban part Rural part.. Conway CDP, Orange County Cooper City city, Broward County Urban part Rural part. Coral Gables city, Miami-Dade County. Urban part Rural part. Coral Springs city, Broward County Urban part Rural part.. Coral Terrace CDP, Miami-Dade County Cortez CDP, Manatee County. 4 302.1 2 246.3 Ĉ De Deh seba de Ĉ Della De Deba se des de la del bebodd Soc del Deha De D D D D se des (U/R) 9 333 9 093 240 6 910 (X) 56 802 4 368 4 275 93 5 461 (X) 3 049 (X) 11.47 6.33 5.14 10.49 6.01 4.48 890.1 1 512.8 53.6 416.6 711.2 20.8 (U/R) 1 765 3 268 2 634 634 2 417 (X) 1 978 1 649 329 2 438 (X) (X) 1 557 (X) (X) 2 021 5.55 2.56 2.98 5.50 2.56 2.93 594.7 1 027.1 216.3 359.9 643.0 112.2 (U/R 2 896 (X) (X) 6 085 (X) (X) 121 6 460 6 327 133 5 219 2 434 2 391 43 2 413 (X) 4.70 3.81 0.89 4.68 3.81 0.87 1 381.0 1 662.4 152.6 520.3 628.2 49.3 167 160 68 73 0.06 0.06 2 651.8 1 079.8 (U/R) 17 722 8 248 6 629 16 412 16 412 16 096 (X) 8 064 8 064 9.52 7.67 1.85 7.46 7.43 0.02 2 200.3 2 207.5 1 081.1 1 084.6 (X) 12 123 10 926 8 266 12 482 12 482 8 709 8 709 (X) 6 246 () 15.04 3.48 11.56 4.89 3.48 1.41 2 552.1 3 582.4 1 780.6 2 499.5 (X) 5 921 6 160 6 432 2 537 2 391 2 124 4.28 4.28 1 383.0 592.6 43 566 1 27 269 6 288 22 182 ! 15 693 3 523 11.78 11.55 3 773.2 1 921.2 (U/R) 857 647 472 175 1 022 (X) 301 206 95 1.45 0.46 1.00 1.45 0.46 1.00 445.0 1 030.3 175.7 207.0 449.7 95.4 7 741 7 322 7 045 3 303 3 365 3 340 1.16 1.16 6 682.3 2 851.3 e do 88 88xx xx Š 888 8 8 88 (U/R) 5 463 2 350 5 436 5 436 5 400 (X) (X) 2 488 2 488 2 551 (X) 2.12 2.07 0.05 x Š xeber og 2.12 2.07 0.05 2 563.3 2 630.5 1 173.2 1 204.0 (X) 13 159 14 394 24 027 5 414 4 891 8 761 3.62 3.45 4 171.7 1 569.1 1 21 335 10 140 27 939 27 925 14 c 988 88 i 9 289 9 283 6 17 546 (X) 3 401 (X) 6.70 6.52 0.18 6.35 6.17 0.18 4 402.4 4 528.8 77.7 1 463.7 1 505.5 33.3 40 091 17 669 42 249 42 249 43 241 (X) 17 849 17 849 16 561 (X) 37.16 13.52 23.64 13.13 13.13 0.01 3 216.9 3 218.5 1 359.1 1 359.7 (X) r 78 864 37 349 1 29 040 12 777 117 549 117 549 41 337 41 337 24.15 24.10 0.05 23.91 23.86 0.05 4 916.5 4 927.0 1 728.9 1 732.6 24 380 23 255 22 702 7 955 7 789 8 073 3.45 3.43 7 110.0 2 319.9 (U) 4 491 4 509 3 821 3 308 3 230 2 917 2.19 2.19 2 047.7 1 508.3 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 25 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 1 1 1 1 1 1 XXX 8 xxx 49 XXX Ĉ Bch de ocê a De Beboeba Del sem 7§ 38 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as “) has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and [in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State-Con. Cottondale town, Jackson County .... 869 900 1 056 445 417 418 1.69 1.52 573.2 293.5 Country Club CDP, Miami-Dade County (U) 36 310 3 408 (X) 13 782 1 393 (X) 4.51 4.31 8 420.5 3 196.1 Country Estates CDP, Broward County 1 910 (X) 578 4.00 4.00 477.6 144.5 Urban part 1 861 566 1.91 1.91 973.8 296.2 Rural part. 12 () 2.09 2.09 23.5 5.7 Country Walk CDP, Miami-Dade County 10 653 3 409 2.76 2.75 3 879.0 1 241.3 Urban part 10 653 3 408 1.95 1.94 5 487.9 1 755.6 Rural part. (X) 1 (X) (X) 0.81 0.81 1.2 Crescent Beach CDP, St. Johns County (U) 985 1 061 1 535 1 553 1.52 1.52 646.2 1 007.1 Crescent City city, Putnam County 1 776 1 859 1 722 846 839 752 2.14 1.83 968.6 461.4 Urban part 1 697 (X) 815 1.42 1.39 1 220.7 586.3 Rural part. 79 (X) (X) 31 () (X) 0.72 0.44 178.2 69.9 Crestview city, Okaloosa County, 14 766 9 886 7 617 5 918 4 171 3 025 12.83 12.80 1 153.7 462.4 Urban part 14 371 (X) 5 680 (X) 9.33 9.32 1 541.8 609.4 Rural part. 395 (X) (X) 238 () 3.50 3.48 113.6 68.4 Crooked Lake Park CDP, Polk County. 1 682 1 575 (X) 758 679 (X) 0.56 0.56 2 990.4 1 347.6 Cross City town, Dixie County 1 775 2 041 2 154 799 993 921 1.90 1.90 935.6 421.1 Urban part 1 629 (X) 732 1.20 1.20 1 356.5 609.6 Rural part.. 146 (X) 67 (X) 0.70 0.70 209.6 96.2 Crystal Lake CDP, Broward County (X) (X) (X) (X) 0.01 0.01 Crystal Lake CDP, Polk County. 5 341 5 300 6 827 2 389 2 466 2 594 2.81 2.69 1 983.9 887.4 Crystal River city, Citrus County (U/R) 3 485 r4 050 2 778 1 956 " 2 180 1 323 6.27 5.70 611.8 343.4 Urban part 3 474 (X) 1 949 3.96 3.95 879.1 493.2 Rural part. 11 (X) 7 (X) (X) 2.31 1.74 6.3 4.0 Crystal Springs CDP, Pasco County... 1 175 (X) 474 (X) 5.55 5.55 211.6 85.4 Urban part 534 198 (X) 0.64 0.64 828.1 307.0 Rural part. 641 (X) 276 4.91 130.6 56.2 Cudjoe Key CDP, Monroe County (U/ 1 695 1 714 1 482 1 263 (X) 5.63 5.24 323.6 282.9 Urban part. 1 596 (X) 1 415 (X) 1.03 1.03 1 546.4 1 371.0 Rural part. 99 (X) (X) 67 (X) (X) 4.60 4.21 23.5 15.9 Cutler CDP, Miami-Dade County. 17 390 16 201 15 608 5 806 5 530 5 005 6.74 6.73 2 585.1 863.1 Cutler Ridge CDP, Miami-Dade County (U/R) 24 781 21 268 20 886 8 725 7 615 6 964 4.86 4.75 5 213.4 1 835 6 Urban part 24 781 (X) 8 725 (X) (X) 4.80 4.69 5 282.7 1 860.0 Rural part. (X) (X) (X) 0.06 0.06 Cypress Gardens CDP, Polk County .. (U) 8 844 9 188 8 043 3 942 4 268 3 262 4.29 3.80 2 328.6 1 037.9 Cypress Lake CDP, Lee County (U) 12 072 10 491 8 721 7 994 6 526 4 797 3.98 3.98 3 035.7 2 010.2 Cypress Lakes CDP, Palm Beach County (U) 1 468 1 260 (X) 973 896 (X) 0.45 0.43 3 438.9 2 279.4 Cypress Quarters CDP, Okeechobee County (U/R) 1 150 1 343 1 479 469 550 637 2.71 2.71 425.0 173.3 Urban part 1 118 (X) 460 (X) 1.49 1.49 751.4 309.2 Rural part. 32 (X) (X) 9 (X) (X) 1.22 1.22 26.3 7.4 Dade City city, Pasco County. (U/R) 6 188 5 633 4 923 2 818 2 330 1 988 3.38 3.28 1 885.3 858.6 Urban part 6 136 2 798 2.91 2.85 2 156.5 983.4 Rural part.. 52 (X) 20 (X) 0.47 0.44 119.0 45.8 Dade City North CDP, Pasco County .. (U/R 3 319 3 058 3 157 1 017 1 063 1 214 1.84 1.82 1 824.2 559.0 Urban part 3 103 929 1.33 1.33 2 340.2 700.6 Rural part.. 216 (X) 88 (X) 0.51 0.49 437.8 178.3 Dania Beach City, Broward County 20 061 r13 183 11 796 10 847 17 789 6 216 6.18 6.09 3 294.2 1 781.2 Davenport city, Polk County. (U/R) 1 924 1 529 1 509 913 441 1.63 1.56 1 230.5 583.9 Urban part 1 848 (X) (X) 882 (X) 1.09 1.09 1 694.7 808.8 Rural part. (X) 31 (X) (X) 0.53 0.47 160.7 65.5 Davie town, Broward County (U/R 75 720 147 143 20 500 31 284 20 095 8 126 34.17 33.43 2 265.2 935.9 Urban part 75 720 () 31 284 (X) 34.14 33.40 2 267.1 936.7 Rural part.. () (X) 0.03 0.03 Daytona Beach City, Volusia County... 64 112 161 991 54 176 33 345 r 32 241 25 934 64.93 58.68 1 092.6 568.3 Urban part 63 675 (X) 33 196 (X) (X) 23.51 23.43 2 717.7 1 416.8 Rural part. 437 () (X) 149 (X) (X) 41.42 35.25 12.4 4.2 Daytona Beach Shores city, Volusia County 4 299 r 2 197 1 324 4 385 2 746 1 267 0.91 0.91 4 722.2 4 816.6 De Bary city, Volusia County 15 559 7 001 (X) 21.44 18.22 853.8 384.2 Urban part 13 891 6 176 (X) 8.41 8.31 1 6723 743.5 Rural part. 1 668 (X) 825 (X) 13.03 9.92 168.2 83.2 Deerfield Beach city, Broward County . 64 583 1 46 997 39 193 37 343 I 29 300 22 310 14.86 13.43 4 810.6 2 781.6 De Funiak Springs city, Walton County 5 089 ! 5 200 5 563 2 464 1 2 502 2 387 11.24 10.97 464.0 224.7 Urban part 3 873 (X) 1 903 (X) (X) 3.63 3.41 1 135.8 558.1 Rural part. 1 216 (X) 561 (X) (X) 7.61 7.56 160.9 74.2 De Land city. Volusia County. (U/R) 20 904 r 16 622 15 354 9 272 17 806 6 689 16.06 15.87 1 317.1 584.2 Urban part 20 739 9 190 (X) 8.43 8.37 2 476.6 1 097.4 Rural part. 165 () 82 (X) (X) 7.63 7.50 22.0 10.9 888 888 88 88 &&&&& g 38 *** &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& $88 4.91 ä & ue ** & $88 & 88 &&&&&&&& non &&&&&&8 de gax 988 per a 888 & & DC 2 U ) 643 76 & g& % 88 88 88888 888 ୫xx ୫xx ୫xx ୫ ୫xx Xx &XX $ Xxx & 8XX XX s ses selle e del @ del och 26 Florida Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and [in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 1 169 1 249 1 481 459 524 0.63 0.63 1 862.9 731.4 (U/R) 1 481 1 669 2 358 2 138 220 765 674 91 576 (X) 2.63 1.41 1.23 2.63 1.41 1.23 896.2 1 520.7 179.6 290.8 479.4 74.3 60 020 147 184 888 88 34 329 31 702 1 27 533 19 556 15.62 15.37 3 905.6 2 062.9 (U/R) 69 543 69 030 513 26 417 26 228 189 38.32 35.49 2.83 35.78 33.48 2.30 1 943.7 2 061.8 223.2 738.4 783.4 82.2 () 3 198 2 807 1 981 1 352 1 098 1.26 1.26 2 537.0 1 072.5 11 119 18 090 (X) 10 599 17 276 7.60 7.53 1 477.1 1 408.0 (U/R 3 239 9 548 9 548 3 769 3 769 4.85 3.85 1.01 3.40 3.40 2 808.4 2 809.2 7 963 (X) (X 3 126 1 108.6 1 108.9 1 699 20 438 20 095 343 9 186 9 003 183 13.64 5.85 7.79 13.16 5.81 7.35 1 552.6 3 457.6 46.7 697.8 1 549.1 24.9 2 798 2 606 2 354 842 2.64 2.61 1 070.7 322.2 443 828 0.91 0.86 514.2 961.1 (X) 2 335 (X) 2 227 (X) (X) 1 154 2 912 2 830 82 pela el a I de Bebê deh se sa se debe a selle peale 1 457 1 370 87 4.31 2.19 2.12 Het & Ž 888 8 888 888 88 888888888888888 3.93 2.04 1.89 740.7 1 389.0 43.3 370.6 672.4 45.9 (U/R) r 18 617 15 644 35 691 35 691 ! 34 427 (X) (X) 30 203 () (X) 19 952 19 952 28.21 10.43 17.78 10.38 10.34 0.04 3 438.1 3 450.9 1 922.0 1 929.1 () 391 142 (X) (X) 0.52 0.52 756.0 274.5 (U/R) 11 639 88 988 888888 8888 88888 888 588 977 1 898 1 634 264 1 128 995 133 7.43 1.74 5.69 7.05 1.71 5.34 269.3 954.6 49.5 160.0 581.3 24.9 & & & & & & & & 788 888 8 8 888 87 86 8 1 758 (X) 1 427 (X) (X) 1 678 (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 496 2 496 614 964 964 1.43 1.32 0.11 1.39 1.31 0.07 1 800.5 1 898.1 695.4 733.1 (X) () 1 075 456 11.46 11.46 93.8 39.8 (X) (X) 1 935 710 The State-Con. De Land Southwest CDP, Volusia County De Leon Springs CDP, Volusia County Urban part Rural part. Delray Beach City, Palm Beach County Deltona city, Volusia County. Urban part Rural part. Desoto Lakes CDP, Sarasota County.. Destin city, Okaloosa County .. Doctor Phillips CDP, Orange County Urban part Rural part. Doral CDP, Miami-Dade County Urban part Rural part. Dover CDP, Hillsborough County Duck Key CDP, Monroe County Dundee town, Polk County. Urban part Rural part.. Dunedin city, Pinellas County. Urban part. Rural part. Dunes Road CDP, Palm Beach County Dunnellon city, Marion County Urban part. Rural part. Eagle Lake city, Polk County Urban part. Rural part. East Bronson CDP, Levy County... East Dunbar CDP, Lee County East Lake CDP, Pinellas County Urban part Rural part. East Lake-Orient Park CDP, Hillsborough County... East Palatka CDP, Putnam County. Urban part Rural part. East Perrine CDP, Miami-Dade County Eastpoint CDP, Franklin County East Williston CDP, Levy County... Eatonville town, Orange County Ebro town, Washington County Edgewater CDP, Broward County.. Edgewater city, Volusia County Urban part Rural part. Edgewood city, Orange County .. Eglin AFB CDP, Okaloosa County Urban part, Rural part. Egypt Lake-Leto CDP, Hillsborough County Elfers CDP, Pasco County. Ellenton CDP, Manatee County. Urban part Rural part. El Portal village, Miami-Dade County .. Englewood CDP Urban part . Rural part. Charlotte County. Urban part Rural part.. Sarasota County. Urban part Rural part.. 0.81 0.80 2 427.3 890.6 (U/R) 29 394 28 467 927 13 339 12 976 363 31.77 18.28 13.49 29.78 18.16 11.62 987.0 1 567.4 79.8 447.9 714.4 31.2 5 703 6 171 5 612 2 126 2 316 1 913 4.59 4.38 1 302.0 485.4 888 888 888 & 88 888 88888 8 8 888 && & & & & & &&&&&&&&& g 388888 (U/R) 1 989 1 613 1 707 1 541 166 594 522 72 680 () 4.50 1.82 2.68 3.21 1.82 1.39 532.3 846.7 119.7 185.2 286.8 51.9 7 079 2 339 (X) 1.97 1.97 3 586.2 1 184.9 (X) 1 246 2 158 1 577 911 (X) 663 (X) 7.33 7.33 294.4 124.3 966 381 (X) 3.11 3.11 310.6 122.5 (X) r 2 505 (X) 2 185 2 432 858 815 684 1.09 0.98 2 469.5 871.2 250 255 233 116 90 3.20 3.15 79.4 36.8 803 449 0.23 0.23 3 494.4 1 953.9 (U/R) (X) r 15 351 (X) 18 668 18 594 74 (X) 6 726 (X) 16 896 8 235 8 207 28 3 182 (X) 10.34 7.61 2.73 9.97 7.53 2.44 1 872.6 2 468.3 30.4 826.0 1 089.5 11.5 1 901 1 062 1 034 847 1.48 1.21 1 566.1 697.8 (U/R) 2 363 8 082 8 082 8 347 (X) 7 574 (X) 2 320 2 320 2 348 (X) (X) 3.20 3.14 0.06 3.06 3.06 2 640.1 2 644.1 757.9 759.0 seloeboel a sebe z des E DES E D C B D E 32 782 14 580 11 932 14 526 7 264 5 267 6.19 5.97 5 491.7 2 433.4 13 161 12 356 11 396 6 482 6 649 % 888 388 og ex 58x98x3988 6 100 3.53 3.51 3 749.2 1 846.5 1 561 3 142 2 921 221 2 573 (X) 1 676 1 593 83 1 360 (X) 907 (X) 4.81 1.88 2.92 3.67 1.85 1.82 856.7 1 581.1 121.4 457.0 862.3 45.6 (X) © 2 505 2 457 2 055 878 1 049 1 064 0.42 0.42 5 896.6 2 066.7 10 229 9 6 898 16 196 16 196 15 025 (X) 888 j&&*&&*& 10 495 10 495 1 647.6 1 648.5 1 067.6 1 068.3 9.83 9.82 0.01 3.65 3.65 4 946 3 5 579 5 579 3 485 (X) 4 046 4 046 12.83 9.83 3.00 4.79 3.65 1.14 8.04 6.18 1.86 2 764 (X) 1 528.5 1 529.7 1 108.5 1 109.4 10 079 6 744 6 256 4 134 10 617 10 617 6 449 6 449 6.18 6.18 1 717.9 1 718.7 1 043.5 1 044.0 Population and Housing Unit Counts Florida 27 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State - Con. (U/R) 16 362 14 422 6 771 18 752 18 734 18 (X) 8 153 8 143 10 (X) 5 229 (X) 12.34 12 27 0.07 12.34 12.27 0.07 1 519.9 1 527.3 253.4 660.8 663.8 140.8 (X) (X) (U) 1 791 1 095 (X) 0.40 0.32 5 667.2 3 464.9 (X) 3 177 (X) (X) (X) 9 503 8 071 1 432 3 314 7 345 6 220 1 125 21.13 7.89 13.24 21.08 7.84 13.24 450.7 1 029.2 108.1 348.4 793.2 85 0 (R) (X) 356 253 304 167 128 2.35 2.20 161.6 75.8 (U/R) 12 856 9 453 ! 6 268 4 414 15 106 14 630 476 7 322 7 036 286 9.64 6.95 2.69 8.35 6.83 1.53 1 808.3 2 143.0 311.7 876.5 1 030 6 187.3 (X) (X) 321 479 524 345 192 1.19 0.93 513.2 369.6 13 898 13 192 & *88 88 g protein &&&*& 10 174 6 326 6 094 X80 x e o wo wo es exam Borneo 4 360 4.46 3.91 3 550.8 Ĉ C D C De och DDD C B Debo dela del 1 616.3 737 273 464 493 230 263 314 164 150 397 158 239 264 127 137 3.70 1.42 2.27 3.56 1.34 2.22 207.2 203.6 209.4 111.6 117.9 107.8 3 597 3 597 2 027 2 027 14.09 4.04 10.05 854.1 905.5 (X) (X) (X) 1 161 4.21 3.97 0.24 481.3 510.3 1 535 (X) (X) 787 2 690 (X) (X) 2 179 (X) (X) (X) (U/R) 3 813 3 771 42 918 902 16 (X) 5.40 1.19 4.21 5.30 1.19 4.11 7191 3 160.6 10.2 173.1 756.0 3.9 10 549 8 765 7 224 5 588 4 477 3 356 10.72 10.72 984.4 521.5 233 91 2.84 2.73 85.3 33.3 (X) 8 294 (X) 8 904 (X) 3 706 (X) 3 724 8 318 3 700 2.34 2.05 1 803.9 4 055.3 1 929.6 27 176 26 301 16 910 12 700 11 428 6 467 14.08 14.08 901.8 467 (X) 532 (X) 0.34 0.34 1 362.6 1 552.3 1 991 () 798 (X) 16.41 16.35 121.8 48.8 (X) (X) 1 691 (X) (X) (U/R) 1 362 743 619 1 136 () () 480 328 152 606 (X) 2.58 0.83 1.75 2.58 0.83 1.75 527.6 893.5 353.7 185.9 394.4 86.9 (U/R) XXXXX XX 8 1 2 660 r3 818 () 2 208 X) Ensley CDP, Escambia County Urban part Rural part.. Estates of Fort Lauderdale CDP, Broward County Estero CDP, Lee County Urban part Rural part. Esto town, Holmes County. Eustis city, Lake County Urban part Rural part. Everglades city, Collier County Fairview Shores CDP, Orange County. Fanning Springs city Gilchrist County Levy County Feather Sound CDP, Pinellas County.. Urban part Rural part. Fellsmere city, Indian River County... Urban part Rural part.. Fernandina Beach City, Nassau County Ferndale CDP, Lake County.. Fern Park CDP, Seminole County..... Ferry Pass CDP, Escambia County Fisher Island CDP, Miami-Dade County Fish Hawk CDP, Hillsborough County . Five Points CDP, Columbia County Urban part Rural part.. Flagler Beach city. Urban part Rural part. Flagler County. Urban part Rural part. Volusia County Floral City CDP, Citrus County. Urban part Rural part.. Florida City city, Miami-Dade County. Urban part Rural part. Florida Ridge CDP, Indian River County Urban part Rural part. Forest City CDP, Seminole County.... Fort Lauderdale city, Broward County . Urban part Rural part... Fort Meade city, Polk County Urban part Rural part.. Fort Myers city, Lee County Urban part Rural part .... Fort Myers Beach town, Lee County... Urban part Rural part.... Fort Myers Shores CDP, Lee County .. Fort Pierce city, St. Lucie County Urban part Rural part.. Fort Pierce North CDP, St. Lucie County Urban part Rural part.. Fort Pierce South CDP, St. Lucie County Urban part Rural part. 1 540 (X) (U/R) 4 954 4 822 132 4 878 4 746 132 76 1 3 818 scf 3 ! 2 660 3 224 3 138 86 3 139 3 053 86 85 1 540 2 208 (X) && gax j Spruce Creek NEW SMYRNA دان DE LAND (pt.) BEACH (pt.) West De Land DE LAND (pt.) 29° 00 צו CENTRAL VOLUSIA NEW SMYRNA BEACH (pt. 29° 00 Glencoe LAKE HELEN SES EDGEWATER De Land Southwest ORANGE CITY NEW SMYRNA BEACH DELTONA DE BARY ORANGE CITY DE BARY OAK HILL Lake Monroe DELTONA Lake Harney N A 0 2 4 6 8 Kilometers Florida F-15 0 2 4 6 8 Miles 81° 30' 81° 00' JZ KA KB KC KD KE KF KG U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset D KA KB KC KD KE 81° 30' 81°00' F-16 Florida SANFORD (pt.) اله hi Lake Monroe USA SANFORD 2. - (pt.) N SANFORD Mid-1 ht way LL- Heathrow A Tangerine LAKE MARY Lake Harney 0 6 Kilometers Geneva 0 6 Miles Lake Jessup Zellwood A LONG APOPKA APOPKA SEMINOLE OVIEDO Wekiwa Springs ist WOOD PT ALTAMONTE 2 WINTER SPRINGS 1073 SPRINGS 5.มี CASSEL- Forest 3 BERRY City 1 CASSEL 1 BERRY VE Park ALTAMONTE SPRINGS MAITLAND Lockhart EATONVILLE South Apopka IG OVIEDO --- i Fern Lake Apopka 꽤 ​Chuluota Paradise Heights OCOEE (pt.) FUOCOEE (pt. tus AFTING -- Fairview! WINTER Shores PARK Goldenrod WINTER GARDEN- OCOEE WINTER ru - OAK. GARDEN Union Park LAND Pine Hills Bithlo OCOEE (pt.) ET37 ORLANDO (pt.) . Orlo- vista PE ORLANDO ORANGE Tildenville Gotha inst- Titi Holden Heights Christmas ביתו UNION PARK Tona 'WINDER MERE 1 28° 30 28° - Conway! ORLANDO (pt.) 30' Wedgefield 152 EDGE-T WOODS LG BELLE 1 - Oak Ridge SZSky Castle EAST ORANGE Lake Butter ISLE SOUTHWEST ORANGE Pine 1 Lake! Bay IDoctor Hill/Phillips Tangelo Park ORLANDO (pt.) LAKE BUENA VISTA Williamsburg South chase Lake'a Hart BAY LAKE Citrus Ridge (pt.) Maps Meadow Woods 17 Hunters i Creek 81° 30' 81° 00' KA KB KC KD KE -- - U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset E KD KE KF KG KH KI 81° 00' 80°, 30' E R E R Mosquito Lagoon Mims TITUSVILLE E S E S TITUSVILLE Indian River SPACE CENTER 28° 30' 28° 30' Port Banana River St. John T MERRITT ISLAND Sharpes - E T E javn CAPE CANAVERAL cocoa) -* 1 Cocoa West Merritt Island COCOA BEACH COCOA BEACH-CAPE CANAVERAL COCOA-ROCKLEDGE ROCKLEDGE Atlantic Ocean CITI U E U BREVARD PALM SHORES South Patrick Shores SATELLITE BEACH MELBOURNE INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH your ca MELBOURNE MELBOURNE LE VILLAGE INDIALANTIC MELBOURNE BEACH E V E V Lj June Park 4 INDIA LANTIC MEL BOURNE BEACH WEST MELBOURNE WEST BREVARD 28° 009 28° 00' PALM BAY MALABAR PALM BAY MELBOURNE SHORES-FLORIDANA BEACH E W N E W MALABAR Micco ชาS 2.1 0 2 4 6 8 Kilometers 0 2 4 6 8 Miles 81° 00' 80° 30' KD KE KF KG KH Florida F-17 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - - Inset F KF KG KH KI KJ 80° 30' 80° 00' Roseland FELLSMERE North Beach OR. CHID Wabasso Beach E X shf Wabasso X INDIAN RIVER SHORES Winter Beach INDIAN RIVER VERO BEACH Gifford FELLSMERE VERO I BEACH Vero Beach South West Vero Corridor E Florida Ridge Lake-i i wood 1, Park ST. LUCIE Zero 27° 30 FORT PIERCE 27° 30' Fort Pierce North WEST ST. LUCIE FORT APIERCE NITI Atlantic Ocean FORT PIERCE Fort Pierce South ST. LUCIE White | City Hutchinson Island South Indian River Estates Port St. Lucie-> River Park North PORT ST. LUCIE River Shores 12 HUTCHINSON ISLAND F A NI Jensen Beach F А OCEAN BREEZE PARK PORT ST. LUCIE STUART STUART Rio SEWALL'S POINT Palm City Port Salerno MARTIN F B INDIANTOWN F B PORT SALERNO-HOBE SOUND Hobe Sound (Indiantown 치 ​JUPITER ISLAND 27° Lake Okeechobee 00 27° 00' N F с 0 2 4 6 8 Kilometers 0 2 4 6 8 Miles + 80° 30' KF KG KH KI KJ F-18 Florida Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset G JS JT JU 82° 30' V skl _ TARPON SPRINGS East Lake Gulf of Mexico OLDSMAR (pt.) TARPON SPRINGS E Palm Harbor PINELLAS OLDSMAR (pt.) DUNEDIN fr 28° 28° 00 00' SAFETY HARBOR CLEARWATER CLEARWATER ir infa oll thi BELLEAIR BEACH BELLEAIR E E W w3 BELLEAIR SHORE BELLEAIR BLUFFS Harbor LARGO Bluffs INDIAN ROCKS BEACH South High- point ST. PETERSBURG (pt.) Feather Sound "T -- Gandy Ridge- crest --- BOCA CIEGA INDIAN SHORES SEMINOLE PINELLAS PARK REDINGTON SHORES Bay Piñes heim NORTH REDINGTON BEACH REDINGTON BEACH MADEIRA BEACH LE- ST. B PETERSBURG pa West and East (pt.) A Lealman L21 KENNETH CITY ST. PETERSBURG (pt.) SOUTH PASADENA ST. PETERSBURG ma ME TREASURE ISLAND E GULF-1 PORT! X Tampa Bay M ST. PETE BEACH ST. PETE BEACH N Tierra Verde 0 1 2 3 4 Kilometers 0 1 2 3 4 Miles 82° 30' JS JT JU Florida F-19 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset H JT J U J V J W J X 82° 30' 82° 00' F-20 Florida qui CITRUS PARK-FERN LAKE Pebble Creek Cheval Lutz Com Keystone Greater Northdale THONOTOSASSA Lake Magdalene University Citrus Park I Greater | Carroll wood 1 Westchase I TEMPLE ITERRACE Thonotosassa 1 Town 'n' Country TAMPA Egypt i Lake Leto PL PLANT CITY 28° TAMPA Seffner 28° 00 00 Mango Dover! East Lake Orient 7. ! Park TAMPA Valrico PLANT CITY Brandon Palm River Clair Mel E WI BRANDON PALM RIVER EAST TAMPA Progress Village Bloomingdale Riverview Fish Hawk Boyette GIBSONTON Gibsonton Tampa Bay HILLSBOROUGH N Beach WIMAUMA-LITHIA A RUSKIN 0 4 6 Kilometers Ruskin Greater Sun Center 0 2 6 Miles Wimauma Maps 82° 30' 82° 00' JT JU J V J W J X U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset I J X JY J Z KA KB KC KD 82° 00' 81° 30' Maps Citrus Ridge (pt.) CT HAINES CITY N LAKELAND Loughman POLK CITY A DAVENPORT 0 2 6 8 Kilometers Kathleen Gibsonia 0 2. 4 6 8 Miles HAINES CITY in ' Combee Settlement JAU LAKE ALFRED, uܪ 1 BURN DALE Winston LAKELAND Fussels orner kr LAKE ! HAMIL! TON " Inwood FINDEE Jan Phyl WINTER HAVEN Crystal Lake Village 28° 00 28° 00 rru Highland City EAGLE LAKE WINTER HAVEN AUBURNDALE it. 7-1- I Lakeland I Highlands! Medulla Cypress Gardens Waverly Wahneta E W 6 LAKE WALES! LAKE WALES Willow Oak bing MULBERRY Bartowi POLK HIGHLAND PARK Lake Kissimmee Crooked Babson Park Lake Park BARTOW HILLCREST HEIGHTS FORT MEADE E X FROSTPROOF FROSTPROOF Florida F-21 82° 00' 81° 30' J X JY J Z KA KB KC U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset J J W J T JU J V J X 82° 30' E Y PALMETTO PARRISH BRADENTON ANNA MARIA Ellen- BRADENTON (pt.) ton PAL METTO West HOLMES BEACH Bradenton 27° 30' 27° 30' BRADENTON (pt.) BRADENTON BEACH Cortet "South MANATEE Bradenton Samoset West Samoset Bayshore Gardens Whitfield WN N MYAKKA Desoto Lakes Sarasota si North LONGBOAT KEY The Meadows i Bee Kensington Park? LONGBOAT ärz SARASOTA KEY Fruitville SARASOTA South- Sarasota Lake gate i Springs Sarasota Ridge - Siesta Key South South Gate Sarasota Ridge Ridge Wood Gulf Gate Estates Heights F A F A Vamo GULF GATE- OSPREY Osprey SARASOTA Gulf of Mexico INTERIOR COUNTY Laurel Nokomis VENICE NORTH PORT F B Venice Gardens B NORTH PORT Plantation South Venice Warm Mineral Springs ENGLEWOOD 27° 00' 27° 009 Englewood ('nd) F N 0 2 4 6 8 Kilometers 0 2 6 8 Miles 82° 30' JT JU J V J W J X F-22 Florida Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset K J V J W J X JY J Z KA 82° 30' 82° 00' 81° 30' Maps Harbour Heights PORT CHARLOTTE 27° 009 27° 00' Port Charlotte Charlotte Harbor Cleveland Manasota Key Englewood (pt.) Grove City CHARLOTTE Solana Charlotte Park PUNTA GORDA Rotonda GROVE CITY ROTONDA ! PUNTA ! GORDA pams BOCA GRANDE Burnt Store Marina Charlotte Harbor PINE ISLAND NORTH FORT MYERS North FORT MYERS SHORES Fort Myers Shorés Charleston Park Alva Fort Myers Olga Suncoast Estates i_-- Tice Bokeelia Palmona Park M Gulf of Mexico CAPE CORAL Matlacha Isles- Matlacha Shores Lochmoor Waterway Estate's Buckingham Mat lacha East Dunbar Pine land D D Pine Island Center CAPE CORAL Lehigh Acres SANIBEL ISLAND Whiskey Creek FORT MYERS ITE f파크 ​H I Page Pine Park Manor! Villasi Gateway LEHIGH ACRES James McGregor City LEE Punta Rassa 26° 30' 26° 30' lona Harlem Heights FORT MYERS San Carlos- Park Captiva Three Oaks SANIBEL N Estero BONITA SPRINGS FORT MYERS BEACH ESTERO ISLAND 1 BONITA SPRINGS 0 2 6 8 Kilometers Florida F-23 0 2 6 8 Miles 82° 30' 82° 00' 81°! 30 J V J W J X JY J Z KA U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset L KH KI KJ KK 80° 00' Limestone Creek TEQUESTA JUPITER INLET COLONY JUPITER (pt.) F ROYAL PALM BEACH- WEST JUPITER JUPITER (pt.) GLADES (pt) JUNO BEACH Juno Ridge PALM BEACH GARDENS JUPITER RIVIERA BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH LAKE PARK E-- GLADES (pt) WEST PALM BEACH PALM BEACH SHORES RIVIERA BEACH F D Plantation Village PALM BEACH ROYAL PALM BEACH Cypress MANGONIA Lakes PARK Century Lakeside Green Mobile Schall Westgate Home Park Circle Belvedere Homes Stacey Golden 1 1 Street i Lakes HAVER CLOUD HILL LAKE Lake Belvedere Royal Palm Gun Club Estates Estates Estates GLEN 1 RIDGE PALM T SPRINGS- 1 1 WEST PALM BEACH Atlantic Ocean WELLINGTON LAKE CLARKE SHORES ו-תו Lake Worth Corridor EGREEN. ACRESS LAKE L!WORTH ATLANTIST Seminoles Manor SLAKE WORTH SOUTH PALM BEACH F LANTANA PALM BEACH (pt.) HYPOLUXO E-MANALAPAN BOYNTON BEACH DELRAY BEACH BOYNTON · BEACH OCEAN RIDGE 26° SUNSHINE PARKWAY BRINY BREEZES 30 26° 30' GOLF Dunes Road High Pointyt I GULF STREAM Villages of Oriole DELRAY BEACH Kings I Point F HIGHLAND BEACH Whisper Walk N BOCA RATON BOCA RATON T) Mission Bay Hamptons at Boca Raton Boca Del Mar 0 1 2 3 4 5 Kilometers Sandalfoot Cove Boca Pointe 0 1 2 3 4 5 Miles 80° 00' KH KI KJ KK F-24 Florida Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset M KH KI KJ 80° 30' 80° 00' CONSERVATION (pt.) Maps HILLSBORO BEACH DEERFIELD BEACH ! Hillsboro Ranches DEERFIELD BEACH PARKLAND Hillsboro Pompano Godfrey Pines Bonnie Lock- Pompano Beach Road Woodsetter Estates Highlands [こ​] North LITH Tedder COCONUT! Crystal CREEK Lake Ramblewood_x_] East Loch Lomond COCONUT CORAL SPRINGS CREEK Leisureville Kendall Green Collier MARGATE Manor- MARGATE Cresthaven NORTH LAUDERDALE POMPANO BEACH LIGHTHOUSE POINT KEY BROWARD 1 Twin Lakes 2 FORT LAUDERDALE (pl.) 3 FORT LAUDERDALE (pt.) 4 FORT LAUDERDALE (pt.) POMPANO BEACH SEA RANCH LAKES |_ LAUDERDALE- BY-THE-SEA 2 Atlantic Ocean BROWARD (pt.) West FORT LAUDERDALE 1 Terra TAMARAC (pt.) Broadview? Palm Mar Pompano ir Aire Park FIE FORT North LAUDERDALE, Andrews Village s(pt.) Il Gardens Parkt Flo THESTAMA LAUDERDALE | RAC OAKLAND! LAKES (pt.) PARK PLANTATION LAUDERHILL Rock Island WILTON ti C MANORS. LAZY LAKE SUNRISE Golden Heights Ken-Lark St Roosevelt Gardens an Franklin Park St. George Washington Park PLANTATION Broward Estates PLL Boulevard Gardens rose FORT LAUDERDALE (pt. Park! SEMINOLE Chula Vista Pine Island Ridge Broad- Riverland Village view Park, DANIA BEACH (pt.) DAVIE DAVIE PEdge- Sunshine Ivanhoe Acres Ravenswood i Estates Royal Estates Chambers Estates 1 Palm Estates of Fort Green Ranches Lauderdale Sunshine Oak Point Ranches E COOPER CITY DANIA BEACH HOLLYWOOD (pt.) PEMBROKE PINES Carver MIRAMAR-PEMBROKE PINES Ranches Mel! WESTON watçc TV Oaks í Rolling Meadow HOLLYWOOD Country ! Estate 11 HOLLYWOOD N 26° 00' 26° 00' 1 HALLANDALE Utopia Miami Gardens + Lake HALLANDALE MIRAMAR Forest 0 2 3 4 Kilometers PEMBROKE PARK Florida F-25 0 1 2 3 4 Miles 80° 30' 80° 00' KH KI KJ U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Inset N KH KI KJ 80° 30' Ives Estates GOLDEN BEACH Lake Lucerne Andover Ojus i AVEN- I TURA NORTHWEST DADE Palm Springs North Norland ! Scott Lake Bunche 1 Park Country Club SUNNY ISLES BEACH Carol City NORTH MIAMI BEACH Opa-locka North F 1 Golden Glades HIALEAH Miami Lakes OPA-LOCKA NORTH MIAMI BISCAYNE PARK BAL HARBOUR BAY HARBOR ISLANDS SURFSIDE HIALEAH GARDENS Westview 」 INDIAN CREEK HIALEAH MIAMI West SHORES Little River EL PORTAL NORTH Gladeview; BAY VILLAGE MIAMI BEACH MEDLEYE NORTH WESTSIDE KENDALE LAKES-LINDGREN ACRES MIAMI SPRINGS MIAMI BEACH MIAMI Brownsville, y Doral MIAMI VIRGINIA GARDENS 00 SWEETWATER Atlantic Ocean MIAMI-DADE (pt.) Fountainbleau WEST MIAMI Fisher Island F J Tamiami West- chester University Park Coral | SOUTH Terrace WESTSIDE CORAL TUGABLES West Olympia wood Heights !T Lakes I. Sunset Glenvar SOUTH I MIAMI Heights (pts.) KEY BISCAYNE Kendale Lakes Kendall West 1 Lrt KEY BIS CAYNE KENDALL-PERRINE The Hammocks | PINECREST The Crossings Kendall Richmond Heights Three Lakes Country Walk HOMESTEAD (pt.) 1 Richmond West Palmetto Cutler Estates West ! Perrinei Perrinei í East F K F South Miami / Cutler Heights Ridge Lakes by the Bay PRINCETON-GOULDS Goulds Princeton Naranja 25° 30 25° 30 HOMESTEAD (pt.) Homestead, N Leisure City Base HOMESTEAD FLORIDA 0 1 3 4 Kilometers 1 CITY 0 2 3 4 Miles 80° 30' KH KI KJ F-26 Florida Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Metropolitan Areas, Counties, and Central Cities 51 31° 131° Maps ESCAMBIA OKALOOSA CALHOUN JEFFERSON COLUMBIA 30° UNION 30° BRADFORD ST. JOHNS SGILCHRIST 0 15 30 45 60 Miles FLAGLER 29° 29° SUMTER BREVARD 28° 28° 88° 87° 86° 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° 80° 79° it ALABAMA HOLMES SANTA JACKSON ROSA TALLAHASSE GEORGIA Fort N Walton NASSAU WALTON (WASHINGTONI GADSDEN LEON Beach HAMILTON BAY Tallahassee MADISON Pensacola FORT Jacksonville BAKER PENSACOLA WALTON LIBERTY DUVAL SUWANNEE WAKULLA JACKSONVILLE BEACH Panama City TAYLOR PANAMA CITY GULF FRANKLIN CLAY LAFAYETTE 0 15 30 45 60 Kilometers Gainesville DIXIE ALACHUA PUTNAM GAINESVILLE DAYTONA BEACH LEVY MARION Ocala Daytona OCALA Beach VOLUSIA CITRUS LAKE SEMINOLE - Titusville HERNANDO Orlando ORANGE PASCO TAMPA-ST. PETERSBURG-CLEARWATER PINELLAS POLK ORLANDO MELBOURNE-TITUSVILLE-PALM BAY Winter HILLS Haven -Melbourne BOROUGH Clearwater OSCEOLA Tampa Lakeland Bay LAKELAND- St. Petersburg WINTER HAVEN INDIAN RIVER MANATEE Fort Pierce Bradenton HARDEE ST LUCIE Sara- SARASOTA- Port St. Lucie HIGHLANDS sota BRADENTON DeSOTO FORT PIERCE SARASOTA MARTIN PORT ST. LUCIE Punta Gorda GLADES PUNTA GORDA CHARLOTTE West Palm Beach LEE Cape Coral WEST PALM BEACH- Fort HENDRY PALM BEACH BOCA RATON FORT MYERS-CAPE CORAL Myers Boca Raton Naples Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale COLLIER BROWARD LEGEND MIAMI- NAPLES Miami Beach FORT LAUDERDALE JACKSON Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Miami MIAMI- PORTLAND-SALEM Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) DADE Miami New York Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) MAINE State ADAMS County Newark Central City State capital underlined Metropolitan area boundaries are those defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget on June 30, 1999. The use of '(PART)' indicates that the geography is either discontiguous, extends beyond the map page, or in the case of central cities, the central city extends beyond the MSA/CMSA boundary. All other boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. Palm OKEECHOBEE 27° 27° 26° 26° 000 MONROE 25° 25° Florida F-27 88° 87° 86° 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° 80° 79° U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Urban Areas 89° 88° 87° 86° 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° 80° 79° 31° U.S. G. P. O. 2003-304-044/60186 F-28 Florida 31° Bonifay, Chipley Jasper East Raiford 30° Perrya 30° 29° 2 29° 46 84 94 A 411 3ORLANDO 14 28° Century, FL--AL Chattahoochee Nassau Village Ratliff ALABAMA Crestview Havana GEORGIA De Funiak Springs Marianna Yulee Fernandina Beach PENSACOLA, FL--AL Quiлсу - Blountstown Madison TALLAHASSEE (Florida State FORT WALTON Live Oak JACKSONVILLE Prison) BEACH Lake City Macclenny PANAMA CITY Lake Butler Starke Middleburg ST. AUGUSTINE Port St. Joe. Apalachicola Alachua Keystone Heights GAINESVILLE Cross City Interlachen Palatka Palm Coast Crescent City Daytona LADY LAKE Highridge. DAYTONA BEACH--PORT ORANGE KEY OCALA Estates 1 Dunnellon LEESBURG N 2 Ross Prairie --EUSTIS 3 Citrus Springs DELTONA 4 Marion Oaks 5 Crystal River TITUSVILLE 6 Inverness 13. 12, BROOKSVILLE 7 Homosassa Springs ZEPHYR 8 Floral City HILLS 15 9 Lake Panasoffkee LAKELAND KISSIMMEE PALM BAY--MELBOURNE 10 Wildwood TAMPA--ST. PETERSBURG 0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers Poinciana 11 Bushnell WINTER HAVEN 12 Ridge Manor 0 10 20 30 40 50 Miles Bartow 13 Clermont Fort Meade Fellsmere AFrostproof 14 Citrus Ridge VERO BEACH--SEBASTIAN Greater Wauchula 15 North Wesley Chapel Sun Center ASebring--Avon Park SARASOTA--BRADENTON Placid Lakes PORT ST. LUCIE Arcadia Okeechobee NORTH PORT- Indiantown PUNTA GORDA West Jupitera Mpore Haven, Pahokee Labelle Clewiston Belle Glade CAPE CORAL Lehigh Acres Immokalee MIAMI Map Legend STATE BONITA SPRINGS--NAPLES County Marco Island URBANIZED AREA Urban Cluster Redland Key Biscayne Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. For an urban cluster that consists of more than one piece, its point symbol is located at the center of its largest piece. Islamorada, Village of Islands 28° 27° 27° 26° 26° 25° 25° U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Maps Key West Marathon Big Pine Key 88° 87° 86° 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° 80° 79° - 1 ! ps 다 ​1 • 3.223/5: 20p PHC - 3-12 0159- (-10 DOCS HA 201.122 .C455 ( 2003 v.12 Issued August 2003 ia: 2000 n and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-12 2000 Census of Population and Housing UNIVERSITY OF MICRIGAN LIBRARIES OCT 2 0 2003 DEPOSITED BY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA United States US CENSUS BUREAU Helping You Make Informed Decisions U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Census OF SY UNIVERSITY AINA ZA VERS MICA MICHE 14 BRARIES Georgia: 2000 Issued August 2003 Population and Housing Unit Counts PHC-3-12 2000 Census of Population and Housing OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT UNITED STATA AMERICA OF U.S. Department of Commerce Donald L. Evans, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, Deputy Secretary Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director HATCH lopes HA 201-12 .cups 2003 vil SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts PH-3-12, Georgia Washington, DC, 2003 It ក ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs DEPARTMENTS osn GUREAU OY CENSUS THE U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director Hermann Habermann, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer Cynthia Z.F. Clark, Associate Director for Methodology and Standards Marvin D. Raines, Associate Director for Field Operations Arnold A. Jackson, Assistant Director for Decennial Census Vacant, Principal Associate Director and Chief Financial Officer Vacant, Principal Associate Director for Programs Preston Jay Waite, Associate Director for Decennial Census Nancy M. Gordon, Associate Director for Demographic Programs For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet:; Phone: toll-free 1-866-512-1800; DC area 202-512-1800; Fax: 202-512-2250; Mail: Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-0001 Ĉcs Siepes belo3 CONTENTS List of Statistical Tables. How to Use This Census Report Table Finding Guide. . User Notes.. Statistical Tables (For a detailed list of statistical tables, see page v) III-1 1 Appendixes * . In Timo o D A B с D E F G H Geographic Terms and Concepts Definitions of Subject Characteristics Data Collection and Processing Procedures Questionnaire . . Data Products and User Assistance . Maps . ... Accuracy of the Data Acknowledgments. F-1 Appendix may be found in the separate volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print and on the Internet at 2000/phc-3-a.pdf. Contents iii LIST OF STATISTICAL TABLES Table no. Title Page 1. 1 2. 2 2 3. 4 4. 6 5. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 State, Urban and Rural Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 Štate, County Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000. . State, County Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 . State, County Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 State, County, County Subdivision, Place Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 State, Place and [In Selected States) County Subdivision Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000. State, Place (2,500 or More Population) Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000 State, Size of Place [Population] Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 State, Urban and Rural, Size of Urban Area (Population) 8 6. 25 . 7. 43 8. 46 9. 48 List of Statistical Tables H H How to Use This Census Report CONTENTS Page 1-1 Introduction How to Find Geographic Areas and Subject Matter Data.... How to Use the Statistical Tables 1-2 1-2 Graphics .... 1-5 User Notes ...... 1-5 Appendixes ..... 1-5 INTRODUCTION Data from Census 2000 are presented in three printed report series: 1. PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics 2. PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics 3. PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts The data from Census 2000 were derived from a limited number of basic questions asked of the entire population and about every housing unit (referred to as the 100-percent questions, found on the “short form"), and from additional questions asked of a sample of the population and housing units (referred to as the sample questions, found on the "long form"). The PHC-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, report series provides data based on the 100-percent questions. The subjects are age, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relation- ship, race, sex, tenure (owner- or renter-occupied), and vacancy characteristics. Land area mea- surements and population density also are provided. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-1 series. The PHC-2, Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, report series provides sample data based on both the 100-percent and the sample questions. Sample subjects include place of birth; residence in 1995; language; educational attainment and school enrollment; vet- eran status; disability status; employment status; journey to work; work status, earnings, income, and poverty status in 1999; physical housing characteristics; units in structure; fuel and equip- ment characteristics; owner and renter household characteristics, such as year owner moved into unit; home value; contract and gross rent; and mortgage and rental cost characteristics. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-5 series. The PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series provides Census 2000 and histori- cal comparisons of the 100-percent population and housing unit counts. It provides land and water area measurements, and population density. The user notes section documents geographic changes over the past decade. This series is similar to the 1990 census CPH-2 series. In each series, there is one report for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, plus a United States summary report. Many tables in the United States summary reports include data for Puerto Rico. How to Use This Census Report H-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 HOW TO FIND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS AND SUBJECT MATTER DATA Figure 1-1. Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Population Housing units Area measurement Average per square mile Geographic area Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Total area Land Popula- Housing Number area tion units of places THE STATE Total. 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,7a,8,9 7,7a 7,72,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1.9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6, 7,7a 1 1 1 1,8 1.8 1 8 - - 8 This report includes a table finding guide to assist the user in locating those sta- tistical tables that contain the desired data. The table finding guide lists alpha- betically, by geographic area, the subjects shown in this report. To determine which tables in this report show data for a particular topic, find the subject in the lefthand column of the table finding guide and then look across the col- umns using the headings at the top for the desired type of geographic area. Figure 1-1 is an example of a table finding guide. The table finding guide does not include cross- classifications of subject- matter items. Additional information to locate data within specific reports is provided in the headnote at the top of the table find- ing guide and in the foot- notes at the bottom of the guide. Urban and rural Current urban definition. 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place In urbanized area and in urban cluster Size of urbanized area and urban cluster In place and not in place 4,9 9 - 9 1 1 - 9 4,8 8 COUNTY 2,3,4,5 2,4,5 2,3,5 2,5 2. 5 3,5 3,5 Total Urban and rural 3,5 - 1 1 COUNTY SUBDIVISION 5 5 By county Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 6 7а 7a 7а PLACE 5 By county and county subdivision Alphabetically by state By urban and rural parts By 2000 rank 5 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 7 7 State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico *Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. *County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. HOW TO USE THE STATISTICAL TABLES Parts of a Statistical Table The census data included in printed reports are arranged in tables. Each table includes four major parts: (1) heading, (2) boxhead, (3) stub, and (4) data field. A typical census report table is illus- trated in Figure 1-2. The heading consists of the table number, title, and headnote. The table number indicates the position of the table within the report, while the title is a brief statement indicating the subjects and time reference of the data presented in the table. The headnote is enclosed in brackets and is located under the title. It contains statements that qualify, explain, or provide information pertain- ing to the entire table. The boxhead is under the heading. This portion of the table, which contains the individual column heads or captions, describes the data in each vertical column. In the boxhead of many tables, a spanner appears across and above two or more column heads or across two or more lower span- ners. The purpose of a spanner is to classify or qualify items below it or separate the table into identifiable blocks in terms of major aspects of the data. |-2 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Figure 1-2. The stub is located at PARTS OF A STATISTICAL TABLE Table number and title Headnote Column head Spanner Heading Takie 6. Population for Selected Categories of Race: 2000 the left edge of the table. It includes a list- ing of line or row cap- tions or descriptions. At the top of the stub is the stubhead. The stub- head is considered to be an extension of the table title and usually shows generic geo- graphic area designa- tions and restrictions. Stubhead CO Pomoc We Can Busion Boxhead till! *******$*** ********** *33*3*3*** *3*3*3**** P**2****** ******** ***** 6.118 1.1iteraf sidsvih situétvo. ********k esette itaiuudenüt ille 11! ***** **** ********** 150R2**°** ********} *9**7********** ****** BER! *************************************** *******}" *************** srites 4.104ab exË Rubarizes siltiii... Robinier 1883272466 votaret asia W ! #89*98*$899 FORAG45=3* AUTENTE*S* ***3!!! *******!"! ?**938€RAX Bonave 0.473x sexsi.xxxi 9. Invatas ...... 2.taste ..... s- anel. +1.58% Tessis Wu46&kond 7.818 Real ditulisa 18 1731419 xxixfitues tástusinsin Our NORR 85919818 In the stub, several fea- tures are used to help Stub Data the user better under- field stand the contents of the table. Usually, a block of data lines is preceded by a side- head. The sidehead, similar to a spanner, describes and classifies the stub entries follow- Sidehead C ing it. The use of inden- tation in a stub indi- cates the relationship of one data line to another. Indented data 1 1 lines represent sub- Page number Report title and state name categories that, in most instances, sum to a total. Occasionally in tables, it is desirable to show one or more single-line subcategories that do not sum to the total. *** sis. 16 Alabama Surnmary Population and Housing Characteristics tus Card The data field is that part of the statistical table that contains the data. It extends from the bottom of the boxhead to the bottom of the table and from the right of the stub to the right edge of the page. Both geographic and subject-matter terms appear in tables. It is important to read the definitions of the terms used in the tables because census terms often are defined in special ways that reflect the manner in which the questions were asked and the data were tabulated. Definitions of geo- graphic terms are provided in PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, Appendix A. Census tables often include derived measures such as medians, means, percentages, and ratios. These and other subject-matter terms are defined in Appendix B of the same report. Symbols and Geographic Abbreviations The following symbols are used in the tables and explanations of subjects covered in Census 2000 reports: • A dash represents zero or a derived measure that rounds to less than 0.1. • (X) means not applicable. In the 1990 and earlier decennial census reports, three dots "..." meant not applicable. (NA) means not available. How to Use This Census Report 1-3 U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 • The superscript prefix "r" indicates that the count has been revised since the publication of the 1990 census reports, or that the area was erroneously omitted or not shown in the correct geo- graphic relationship in the 1990 census reports. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • A dagger "+" next to the name of a geographic area indicates that there has been a geographic change (for example, an annexation or detachment, a new incorporation, or a name change) since the information was published for the 1990 census for that area. This symbol appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. The geo- graphic change information for the entities in a state is shown in the “User Notes” section of the Census 2000 PHC-3 report for that state. • A plus sign "+" is appended to the lower bound of the highest interval when the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A minus sign "." is appended to the upper bound of the lowest interval when the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution. For more information on medians, see the section on “Derived Measures" in Appendix B. • A minus sign "-" preceding a figure denotes decrease. The minus sign appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. . (U) means the place or place part is composed entirely of urban land area. The (U) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (R) means the place or place part is composed entirely of rural land area. The (R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. • (U/R) means the place or place part is composed of both urban land area and rural land area. The (U/R) appears only in the Census 2000 PHC-3, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series. The following geographic abbreviations and terms may be used in the tables in this report: • A "(part)" next to the name of a geographic area in a hierarchical presentation indicates that the geographic entity is located only partially in the superior geographic entity. For example, a "(part)" next to a place name in a county subdivision-place hierarchy indicates that the place is located in more than one county subdivision. (Places also may be “split" by county, congres- sional district, urban/rural, metropolitan area, voting district, and other geographic boundaries, depending on the presentation.) Other geographic entities also can be "split” by a higher level entity. The exception is a tabulation block, which is unique within all geographic entities in census products. • ANVSA is Alaska Native village statistical area. • ANRC is Alaska Native Regional Corporation. • CCD is census county division. • CDP is census designated place. • CMSA is consolidated metropolitan statistical area. • MA is metropolitan area. • MSA is metropolitan statistical area. • OTSA is Oklahoma tribal statistical area. • PMSA is primary metropolitan statistical area. • SDAISA is state designated American Indian statistical area. • TDSA is tribal designated statistical area. • UT is unorganized territory. 1-4 How to Use This Census Report U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 GRAPHICS Charts, statistical maps, and other graphic summaries are included in some Census 2000 reports. USER NOTES User notes include corrections, errata, and related explanatory information. This section appears directly before the statistical tables in census reports. It presents information about unique char- acteristics of the report and changes or corrections made too late to be reflected in the text or tables themselves. However, sometimes this information becomes available too late to be reflected even in the user notes. Census 2000 user updates are available on the Census Bureau's Internet site at 2000.html. To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Services Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at APPENDIXES Appendixes A through E, G, and H, described below, are found in the separate printed volume, PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, or on the Internet at Appendix F is included in this report. Appendix A, Geographic Terms and Concepts. Provides definitions of the types of geo- graphic areas and related information used in census products. Appendix B, Definitions of Subject Characteristics. Contains definitions for the subject- matter terms used in census products, including explanations of derived measures, limitations of the data, and comparability with previous censuses. The subjects are listed alphabetically. Popula- tion characteristics are defined first, followed by the definitions of the housing subjects. Appendix C, Data Collection and Processing Procedures. Explains the enumeration and residence rules used in counting the population and housing units in the United States and Puerto Rico. It also describes the major components of the operational plan for Census 2000, and includes a glossary of terms. Presents a facsimile of the Census 2000 question- Appendix D, Questionnaire Facsimile. naire used to collect the data in this report. Appendix E, Data Products and User Assistance. Summarizes the Census 2000 data prod- ucts by describing the information available in printed reports and through electronic media such as CD-ROM, DVD, and the Internet. It also describes Census 2000 maps and other geographic products, reference materials, and sources of assistance. Appendix F, Maps. Contains maps depicting the geographic areas shown in this report. Appendix G, Accuracy of the Data. Provides information on confidentiality of the data, impu- tation of housing unit status and population counts, sources of errors in the data, and editing of unacceptable data. Appendix H, Acknowledgments. Lists many of the U.S. Census Bureau staff who participated in the various activities of Census 2000. How to Use This Census Report |-5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table Finding Guide SUBJECTS BY TYPE OF GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND TABLE NUMBER The types of geographic areas covered in this report are shown on the side, and subjects are shown at the top. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, for a description of area classifications (Appendix A) and for definitions and explanations of subject characteristics (Appendix B). Population Housing units Area measurement Average per square mile Geographic area Total Census Previous 2000 censuses Census Previous 2000 censuses Land Popula- Housing Number units of places area area tion THE STATE Total .. 5,6 3,5,6,9 3,5,6 3,5,6 1,8 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,4,5,6, 1,2,3,5,6, 7,7a,8,9 7,7a 7,7a,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4,8,9 1,4 1,9 1,4 1,4 1 1,2,5,6, 7,7a 1 1 1 - - OOT 9 9 - - 1,8 1,8 1 8 - - - - - - 8 Urban and rural ... Current urban definition .. 1950-90 urban definition Urban and rural by size of place ... In urbanized area and in urban cluster .... Size of urbanized area and urban cluster ..... In place and not in place. 4,9 - 9 - - 9 - - - 9 - 9 9 4,8 - - 6 - 8 COUNTY? 2,3,4,5 2,3,5 2,5 5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3 Total .... Urban and rural 2,4,5 4 COUNTY SUBDIVISION3 5 6 By county Alphabetically by state . By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank . 5 6 5 6 6 7a 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 1 O O O 5 6 6 5 6 6 ܗ ܗ ܗ | 7а 7a 7а PLACE By county and county subdivision. Alphabetically by state. By urban and rural parts . By 2000 rank ... 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 O O OD 7 7 - - *State, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. 2Parish in Louisiana; city and borough, municipality, borough, or census area in Alaska; and municipio in Puerto Rico; in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia, one or more cities are independent of counties and are treated as statistical equivalents of counties; the entire District of Columbia, which has no counties, is treated as a county equiva- lent. *County subdivisions within the state are shown alphabetically with places for the following 12 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and Wisconsin. Table Finding Guide 11-1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 1 1 1 1 1 User Notes Additional information concerning this Census 2000 product may become available after this report is published. This information, called Notes and Errata, is available in portable document format (PDF) on the U.S. Census Bureau's Internet site at To receive notification of user notes, subscribe to the Census Product Update (, a biweekly e-mail newsletter available from the Customer Service Center of the Marketing Services Office at the U.S. Census Bureau, or contact the Customer Services Center directly on 301-763-INFO (4636) or at GENERAL NOTES User Note 1 The user should be aware that there are limitations to many of these data. Please refer to the text provided with this report for further explanation of the limitations of the data. The population and other data shown for Census 2000 in this report is as of April 1, 2000; the boundaries used for all geographic entities are as of January 1, 2000. All boundaries are intended for Census Bureau sta- tistical data collection and presentation only; their depiction and designation for statistical pur- poses do not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or entitlement. Corrections to the Census 2000 data as a result of certified Count Question Review changes are available from the Census Bureau's Internet site at: User Note 2 Data comparability for county subdivisions is shown only when the county subdivision contains substantially the same territory as reported for the 1990 census (generally defined as at least 80 percent of the previous territory). There is no comparability provided for county subdivisions that have been extensively revised. Revised entities are noted by and within county. Changes to a geographic entity can be the result of legal change actions, statistical redefinition, correction of previous boundary or drafting errors, or new erroneous information. Incorporated place and census designated place (CDP) comparability is provided for all places that retained their name or general area without regard to the amount of territorial change between censuses. Place comparability is not shown if the entity is new for Census 2000 (including changes from a CDP to a legally incorporated place and vice versa) or is the result of a merger that created an entirely new entity, or if a Census 2000 CDP contains less than 50 percent of the terri- tory of a 1990 census CDP. CORRECTION NOTES User Note 1 The population, housing unit count, total area, land area, and population density for all of Athens- Clarke County (balance) and the part in Bogart CCD, Clarke County, are incorrect, as are the total area and land area for the part of Athens-Clarke County (balance) in Winterville CCD, Clarke County. The corrections to the entire place record and the part in each CCD are shown below: User Notes 111-1 US Census Rurean Census 2000 Athens-Clarke County (balance) (total) Population..... Housing units ...... Total area (square miles). Land area (square miles)... Population per square mile 100,303 41,643 118.23 117.92 850.6 Athens-Clarke County (balance) (part in Bogart CCD) Population.. Housing units ... Total area (square miles)... Land area (square miles).... 10,790 4,662 19.27 19.24 Athens-Clarke County (balance) (part in Winterville CCD) Land area (square miles)..... 34.24 Population per square mile (unchanged)... 380.1 HISTORICAL NOTES The area of Georgia was part of the original territory of the United States. It was chartered as a colony in 1732. Georgia ratified the U.S. Constitution on January 2, 1788; it was the fourth of the original 13 states to join the Union. At that time, Georgia included territory that extended west- ward to the Mississippi River and now makes up most of Alabama and Mississippi. The territory west of the present state boundary was added to Mississippi Territory when Georgia ceded to the United States its claims to the territory in 1802. As part of this cession, Georgia obtained part of the South Carolina cession of 1787 from the federal government along its northern boundary. These changes left Georgia with generally the same boundary as the present state. Census data for Georgia are available beginning with the 1790 census. No population was reported in 1790 for the portion of Georgia now within Alabama and Mississippi. The 1800 popu- lation shown for Georgia includes population in the territory that is now part of Alabama and Mississippi. For an explanation of the revision to the 1810 population of Georgia, see Richard L. Forstall, Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790-1990, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996, page 40. GEOGRAPHIC NOTES User Note 1 Georgia is divided into 159 counties. Three counties have governmentally and geographically con- solidated with an incorporated place: Clarke County with the former Athens city to form Athens- Clarke County (place), Muscogee County with Columbus city, and Richmond County with the former Augusta city to form Augusta-Richmond County (place). The Census Bureau treats each consolidated place as a consolidated city because each contains one or more separately incorpo- rated places: Athens-Clarke County contains Winterville city and part of Bogart town, Columbus city contains Bibb City town, and Augusta-Richmond County contains Hephzibah city and part of Blythe city. The portion of each consolidated city outside of the separately incorporated place(s) is shown in the data tables as Athens-Clarke County (balance), Columbus city (balance), and Augusta-Richmond County (balance), respectively. The 577 county subdivisions in the state are census county divisions (CCDs), which are statistical subdivisions delineated for presentation of decennial census data. 111-2 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 There are 535 incorporated places and 61 CDPs in Georgia. Incorporated places in the state are legally described as cities, towns, and one village, except for Athens-Clarke County and Augusta- Richmond County, which have no legal description. The Census Bureau treats all incorporated places and CDPs as dependent within CCDs. User Note 2 Table 5 does not show revised 1990 census counts for places that were located in more than one county subdivision. These places are listed below. Revisions to the 1990 census counts for whole places (indicated by the superscript prefix “y” next to the figure) can be found in Table 6. Albany city, Dougherty County Baxley city, Appling County Carrollton city, Carroll County Cartersville city, Bartow County College Park city (part), Fulton County Dalton city, Whitfield County Donalsonville city, Seminole County Duluth city, Gwinnett County East Point city, Fulton County Forest Park city, Clayton County Forsyth city, Monroe County Kingsland city, Camden County La Grange city, Troup County Lawrenceville city, Gwinnett County Macon city (part), Bibb County Pooler city, Chatham County Richland city, Stewart County Roswell city, Fulton County St. Marys city, Camden County Savannah city, Chatham County Sylvester city, Worth County Thunderbolt town, Chatham County Toccoa city, Stephens County Valdosta city, Lowndes Conty GEOGRAPHIC CHANGE NOTES The Geographic Change Notes listed below document high-level geographic entities-counties, county subdivisions, and places that are different from the information reported in the 1990 cen- sus. The notes identify geographic entities whose name and/or boundary have changed, entities that no longer exist, newly established entities (both legal and statistical), and changes in geo- graphic relationships, such as places that exist in one county and have expanded into or with- drawn from another county (the notes do not identify the other county(ies) in which the entity exists; this can be determined from the Table listing all places in this publication) and places that have become independent of or dependent within one or more county subdivisions. The changes are reported by and within county. A few of the reported changes in name, legal status, or legal relationship may be incorrect; if so, the correct version is shown in any Correction Notes section above. Some changes are the result of legal actions that took place prior to the 1990 census, but were not reported in that census. The change notes for previous censuses reported only changes that occurred primarily as the result of specific legal actions, as well as identifiable revisions to statistical entities (primarily county subdivisions). For Census 2000, the notes reflect any boundary change that affects a geo- graphic entity, regardless of whether it is the result of legal action, redefinition of a statistical entity, correction of a previous boundary-reporting or -drafting error, or new erroneous informa- tion. For example, the county-level text "all districts revised" may reflect a legal redistricting of all county subdivisions in the county, a major or minor relocation of county subdivision boundaries due to more accurate mapping or more accurate boundary information, or a combination of these User Notes 111-3 U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 that, in one way or another, affect every county subdivision in a county. In states whose legal enti- ties rarely undergo a legal boundary change, such as the New England states, most of the entities reported to have exchanged, gained, or lost territory did so as the result of mapping changes, not legal actions. The extent and location of the boundary changes affecting any particular entity can be determined by comparing the TIGER/Line® Files, Cartographic Boundary Files, or a comparable set of maps for the 1990 and 2000 censuses. Appling County, Georgia Baxley CCD Baxley city Graham city.... Satilla Creek CCD. gained territory from Satilla Creek CCD. gained and lost territory. new incorporated place. . lost territory to Baxley CCD. Atkinson County, Georgia Pearson CCD..... Willacoochee CCD Willacoochee city ... lost territory to Willacoochee CCD. gained territory from Pearson CCD. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. Bacon County, Georgia Alma city.... gained territory. Baldwin County, Georgia Milledgeville city gained and lost territory. Banks County, Georgia Baldwin CCD... Baldwin city.... Gillsville city... lost territory to Maysville CCD. gained territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained and lost territory. gained territory from Baldwin CCD. gained territory. gained territory. Maysville CCD Homer town Maysville town Barrow County, Georgia Auburn city.. Bethlehem town Braselton town Russell city Statham city Winder city..... gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. disincorporated. gained territory. gained territory. Bartow County, Georgia Adairsville CCD.... Adairsville city. Cartersville CCD Cartersville city. Emerson CCD. Emerson city... Euharlee city. lost territory to Gordon County. lost territory to Calhoun CCD, Gordon County. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with White-Pine Log CCD; lost territory to Emerson CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Cartersville CCD. gained and lost territory. changed legal description from town to city: gained territory. gained territory. exchanged territory with Cartersville CCD. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. Kingston city White-Pine Log CCD White city 111-4 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Ben Hill County, Georgia Fitzgerald city. gained and lost territory. Berrien County, Georgia Enigma town... Nashville city lost territory. gained and lost territory. Bibb County, Georgia Lizella CCD Macon CCD Macon city Payne city.... gained territory from Macon CCD. lost territory to Lizella CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. Bleckley County, Georgia Cochran city ...... Brantley County, Georgia Hoboken city Nahunta city... gained territory. gained and lost territory. Brooks County, Georgia Dixie CCD...... Quitman CCD... Quitman city.... lost territory to Quitman CCD. gained territory from Dixie CCD. ... gained territory. Bryan County, Georgia Fort Stewart CCD.... Pembroke CCD ... Pembroke city Richmond Hill city lost territory to Pembroke CCD. gained territory from Fort Stewart CCD. gained territory. gained territory Bulloch County, Georgia Statesboro city...... Burke County, Georgia..... Blythe city Girard town.. Keysville CCD.. gained territory. gained territory from Richmond County. changed legal description from town to city. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Hephzibah CCD, Richmond County. gained territory. gained and lost territory. new incorporated place. gained and lost territory. Keysville town Sardis town Vidette city Waynesboro city... Butts County, Georgia Flovilla CCD.... Flovilla city Jackson CCD. Jackson city. Jenkinsburg CCD Towaliga CCD... Worthville CCD gained territory from Jackson CCD; includes deleted Worthville CCD. gained territory. lost territory to Flovilla CCD. gained and lost territory. includes deleted Towaliga CCD. deleted; now in Jenkinsburg CCD. deleted; now in Flovilla CCD. Calhoun County, Georgia Morgan city... ... gained and lost territory. User Notes 111-5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Camden County, Georgia Kingsland city St. Marys city .. Woodbine city gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Candler County, Georgia Metter city .... gained and lost territory. Carroll County, Georgia Bowdon city Bremen city.. Carrollton city Mount Zion city. Roopville town Temple city Villa Rica city gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Catoosa County, Georgia Fort Oglethorpe city. Indian Springs CDP Lakeview CDP..... Ringgold city gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Charlton County, Georgia Folkston city. Homeland city ... Chatham County, Georgia ... Bloomingdale city Garden City city Isle of Hope CDP....... Isle of Hope-Dutch Island CDP Montgomery CDP.... Pooler city ...... Port Wentworth city Savannah city..... Skidaway Island CDP Tybee Island city..... gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. all CCDs revised except Montgomery; lost territory to Jasper County, South Carolina. gained territory. gained and lost territory. name changed from Isle of Hope-Dutch Island. name changed to Isle of Hope. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. Chattooga County, Georgia.... Lyerly CCD..... Menlo CCD.. Summerville CCD. Summerville city. lost territory to Walker County. lost territory to Summerville CCD. lost territory to La Fayette CCD, Walker County. gained territory from Lyerly CCD. gained and lost territory. Cherokee County, Georgia.. Ball Ground city.... Canton CCD Canton city Holly Springs CCD. lost territory to Fulton County. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Holly Springs CCD. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Woodstock CCD; lost territory to Canton CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Holly Springs city. Nelson city.... 111-6 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Cherokee County, Georgia-Con. Waleska city Woodstock CCD gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Holly Springs CCD; lost territory to Roswell-Alpharetta CCD, Fulton County. gained and lost territory. Woodstock city Clarke County, Georgia. Athens city..... Athens-Clarke County Athens-Clarke County (balance) all CCDs revised. consolidated with Clarke County to create Athens-Clarke County (consolidated city). new consolidated city created from consolida- tion of Athens city and Clarke County; includes deleted Gaines School CDP. new consolidated city balance resulting from consolidation of Athens city and Clarke County; includes deleted Gaines School CDP. gained and lost territory. deleted; now in Athens-Clarke County and Athens-Clarke County (balance). gained territory. Bogart town Gaines School CDP Winterville city...... Clay County, Georgia Bluffton CCD...... Fort Gaines CCD. gained territory from Fort Gaines CCD. lost territory to Bluffton CCD. Clayton County, Georgia College Park CCD... College Park city...... Conley CDP .... Forest Park city Forest Park-Morrow CCD... Irondale CDP..... Jonesboro CCD Jonesboro city Lake City city. Lovejoy city.... Morrow city... Riverdale city gained territory from Forest Park-Morrow CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to College Park and Jonesboro CCDs. gained territory. gained territory from Forest Park-Morrow CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Clinch County, Georgia Fargo CCD Fargo city.. Homerville CCD gained territory from Homerville CCD. new incorporated place. lost territory to Fargo CCD. Cobb County, Georgia Acworth city ...... Acworth-Kennesaw CCD Austell city.. Fair Oaks CDP Kennesaw city .. Mableton CDP Marietta CCD gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Marietta CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Acworth-Kennesaw CCD; gained territory from Northeast Cobb CCD. User Notes 11-7 US Census Bureau Census 2000 Cobb County, Georgia-Con. Marietta city .... Northeast Cobb CCD. Powder Springs city ... Smyrna CCD. Smyrna city Vinings CCD gained and lost territory. lost territory to Marietta CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Vinings CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Smyrna CCD. Coffee County, Georgia Ambrose CCD. Broxton city.. Douglas CCD Douglas city Nicholls city exchanged territory with Douglas CCD. gained territory. exchanged territory with Ambrose CCD. gained territory. · gained territory. Colquitt County, Georgia Doerun city .. Funston town.. Moultrie city Riverside town... gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Columbia County, Georgia Grovetown city Harlem city Martinez CDP gained territory. gained territory. lost territory. Cook County, Georgia Adel city Cecil town Sparks town gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. Coweta County, Georgia East Newnan CDP.... Moreland town Newnan city Senoia city gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Crawford County, Georgia Roberta city.... gained territory Crisp County, Georgia Cordele city... gained and lost territory. Dade County, Georgia ... Lookout Mountain CCD Sand Mountain CCD Trenton CCD... gained territory from Walker County. new CCD; created from part of deleted Trenton CCD; gained territory from Fairyland CCD, Walker County. lost territory to Valley CCD. deleted; split to form Lookout Mountain and Valley CCDs. gained and lost territory. new CCD; created from part of deleted Trenton CCD; gained territory from Sand Mountain CCD. Trenton city... Valley CCD. 111-8 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Dawson County, Georgia Dawsonville city...... changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. Decatur County, Georgia Attapulgus city Bainbridge city.. Climax city..... Parkers CCD all CCDs revised. changed legal description from town to city. gained territory. gained and lost territory. deleted; now in Climax CCD. DeKalb County, Georgia ... Atlanta city Atlanta-Decatur CCD Avondale Estates city...... Chamblee-Doraville CCD Decatur city..... Doraville city Druid Hills CDP. Gresham Park CDP. North Atlanta CDP ..... North Decatur CDP ... North Druid Hills CDP Pine Lake city.... Scottdale CDP.... Stone Mountain CCD exchanged territory with Gwinnett County. gained territory. lost territory to Chamblee-Doraville CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Atlanta-Decatur CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Lilburn CCD, Gwinnett County. gained and lost territory. Stone Mountain city Dodge County, Georgia..... Abbeville city Eastman city... all CCDs revised. deleted from Dodge County. gained and lost territory. Dooly County, Georgia Dooling town Lilly city.... Unadilla CCD Vienna city. lost territory to Pulaski County. gained and lost territory. changed legal description from town to city. lost territory to Finleyson CCD, Pulaski County. gained territory Dougherty County, Georgia Albany city.. Putney CDP gained and lost territory. lost territory. Douglas County, Georgia Bill Arp CCD Douglasville city... Fairplay CCD...... Lithia Springs city lost territory to Fairplay CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Bill Arp CCD. new incorporated place; reported as a CDP in the 1990 census. gained territory. Villa Rica city Early County, Georgia Blakely city Jakin city... gained territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. User Notes 111-9 U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Effingham County, Georgia Guyton city Rincon city... gained territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained and lost territory. gained territory. Springfield city Elbert County, Georgia Elberton city .. ... gained and lost territory. Emanuel County, Georgia Nunez town.. Oak Park town. Summertown town Swainsboro city.... Twin City city gained territory. gained territory. · gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. Fannin County, Georgia Blue Ridge city... McCaysville city Mineral Bluff town ...... gained territory. gained territory. disincorporated. Fayette County, Georgia Brooks town .. Fayetteville CCD. Fayetteville city Peachtree City city. Tyrone CCD..... Tyrone town Woolsey town... gained territory gained territory from Tyrone CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Fayetteville CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Floyd County, Georgia Cave Spring CCD Cave Spring city Lindale CDP.. Rome CCD exchanged territory with Rome CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Cave Spring CCD; lost territory to Shannon CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Rome CCD. gained territory. Rome city .... Shannon CCD... Shannon CDP ... Forsyth County, Georgia Cumming city... gained and lost territory. Franklin County, Georgia Canon city Carnesville city Gumlog CDP ... Lavonia city... Royston city gained territory. gained territory. lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Fulton County, Georgia ... Alpharetta city .... Atlanta CCD... gained territory from Cherokee County; lost territory to Gwinnett County. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with East Point CCD; lost territory to Norcross CCD, Gwinnett County. gained and lost territory. Atlanta city 111-10 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Fulton County, Georgia-Con. College Park CCD... College Park city... East Point CCD... East Point city Fairburn city. Palmetto city... Roswell city.. Roswell-Alpharetta CCD.... exchanged territory with East Point CCD. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Atlanta and College Park CCDs. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Woodstock CCD, Cherokee County. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Sandy Springs CDP Union City city ...... Gilmer County, Georgia Cartecay CCD..... Carters Lake CCD... Cherry Log CCD Cohutta CCD.... gained territory from Ellijay CCD; lost territory to Rich Mountain CCD. new CCD; created from part of Ellijay CCD. deleted; now in Cohutta and Rich Mountain CCDs. new CCD; created from part of Ellijay and deleted Cherry Log CCDs. gained territory. lost territory to Cartecay, Carters Lake, and Cohutta CCDs. gained and lost territory. new CCD; created from part of Cartecay and deleted Cherry Log CCDs. East Ellijay city.. Ellijay CCD.... Ellijay city. Rich Mountain CCD.. Glascock County, Georgia Gibson city..... gained territory. Glynn County, Georgia.... all CCDs revised except St. Simons. Gordon County, Georgia. Calhoun CCD .... Calhoun city Fairmount city Plainville city Resaca city.. gained territory from Bartow County. gained territory from Adairsville CCD, Bartow County. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Grady County, Georgia Cairo CCD.. Cairo city Calvary-Reno CCD.... Duncanville CCD... Whigham CCD Whigham city ... lost territory to Whigham CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Duncanville CCD. lost territory to Calvary-Reno CCD. gained territory from Cairo CCD. gained territory. Greene County, Georgia Greensboro city... White Plains city. gained and lost territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. User Notes 111-11 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Gwinnett County, Georgia ... Auburn city ... Berkeley Lake city Braselton town Buford city. Dacula city... Duluth city. Grayson city Lawrenceville city Lilburn city.... Loganville city... Mountain Park CDP.. Norcross city.... Snellville city Sugar Hill city... Suwanee city.... all CCDs revised except Snellville-Grayson; exchanged territory with DeKalb County; gained territory from Fulton County. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Habersham County, Georgia Baldwin city...... Clarkesville city.. Cornelia city .. Demorest city..... Mount Airy town. Raoul CDP. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained territory. Hall County, Georgia Braselton town Buford city.. Clermont town Flowery Branch town... Gainesville CCD ... Gainesville Mills CDP Gainesville city ..... expanded into Hall County. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. lost territory to Lula and Oakwood CCDs. deleted. gained and lost territory; includes part of deleted Westside CDP. changed legal description from town to city; gained and lost territory. gained territory from Gainesville CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Gainesville CCD. changed legal description from town to city; gained and lost territory. deleted; part now in Gainesville city. Gillsville city Lula CCD.... Lula city... Oakwood CCD.. Oakwood city.... Westside CDP .... Hancock County, Georgia Sparta city .. lost territory. Haralson County, Georgia Bremen city Buchanan city... Tallapoosa city. Temple city Waco city... all CCDs revised. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. expanded into Haralson County. gained territory 111-12 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Harris County, Georgia all CCDs revised except Pine Mountain. Hamilton city Pine Mountain town Shiloh city Waverly Hall town gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Hart County, Georgia Hartwell city Royston city all CCDs revised. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Henry County, Georgia Blacksville CDP .... Hampton city.. Locust Grove CCD.... Locust Grove city.. McDonough CCD McDonough city Stockbridge city lost territory. gained territory. lost territory to McDonough CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Locust Grove CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Houston County, Georgia Centerville city Elko CCD... Perry city... Warner Robins CCD. Warner Robins city gained and lost territory. lost territory to Warner Robins CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Elko CCD. gained and lost territory. Irwin County, Georgia Fitzgerald city .. Irwinville CCD Ocilla CCD... Ocilla city . gained territory. lost territory to Ocilla CCD. gained territory from Irwinville CCD. gained and lost territory. Jackson County, Georgia Arcade city..... Braselton town Commerce city Hoschton city. Jefferson CCD. Jefferson city Maysville CCD Maysville town Nicholson CCD Nicholson city Pendergrass city. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory from Maysville and Nicholson CCDs. gained territory. lost territory to Jefferson CCD. gained territory lost territory to Jefferson CCD. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Jasper County, Georgia Monticello city ... Shady Dale town gained and lost territory. lost territory Jeff Davis County, Georgia Denton CCD Hazlehurst CCD Hazlehurst city exchanged territory with Hazlehurst CCD. exchanged territory with Denton CCD. gained and lost territory. User Notes 111-13 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Jefferson County, Georgia Avera city. Keysville town. Louisville city Stapleton city Wadley city Wrens city... gained territory. lost territory. ... gained territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Jenkins County, Georgia Millen city.. gained and lost territory. Johnson County, Georgia Kite town Wrightsville city gained and lost territory. gained territory. Jones County, Georgia Gray-Griswold CCD.... Macon city. Round Oak CCD gained territory from Round Oak CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Gray-Griswold CCD. Lamar County, Georgia Aldora town Barnesville city Milner city gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. .. gained territory. Lanier County, Georgia East River CCD... Lakeland CCD.... lost territory to Lakeland CCD. gained territory from East River CCD. Laurens County, Georgia Dexter town Dublin city .. East Dublin city ... gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. Montrose town Rentz town Lee County, Georgia Leesburg city Smithville city gained and lost territory. lost territory. Liberty County, Georgia Hinesville city.. Midway city. Riceboro city.. Walthourville city ... gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Lincoln County, Georgia Lincolnton city.... gained territory. Lowndes County, Georgia Dasher town.. Hahira city ... Lake Park city.. Moody AFB CDP Naylor town Valdosta city... all CCDs revised except Hahira. new incorporated place. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory. disincorporated. gained and lost territory. 111-14 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Lumpkin County, Georgia Dahlonega city.... gained and lost territory. McDuffie County, Georgia Thomson city .... ... gained and lost territory. Mcintosh County, Georgia Darien city lost territory. Macon County, Georgia Montezuma city Oglethorpe city.. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Madison County, Georgia Colbert city Comer CCD. Danielsville CCD... gained territory. exchanged territory with Danielsville CCD. exchanged territory with Comer CCD; lost territory to Ila CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Danielsville CCD. gained territory. Danielsville city... Ila CCD... lla city...... Marion County, Georgia Buena Vista CCD...... North Buena Vista CCD..... ... lost territory to North Buena Vista CCD. gained territory from Buena Vista CCD. Meriwether County, Georgia Gay town Greenville city Haralson town Luthersville city.... Manchester city.. Pine Mountain town Warm Springs city Woodbury city .... gained territory. gained territory. lost territory changed legal description from town to city. gained and lost territory. expanded into Meriwether County. gained territory changed legal description from town to city; gained and lost territory. .... Miller County, Georgia Colquitt CCD..... Colquitt city Mayhaw CCD lost territory to Mayhaw CCD. gained territory gained territory from Colquitt CCD. Mitchell County, Georgia Camilla city Pelham CCD Pelham city Sale City CCD gained and lost territory. gained territory from Sale City CCD. gained territory. lost territory to Pelham CCD. Monroe County, Georgia Forsyth city... gained and lost territory. Montgomery County, Georgia Ailey city ..... Mount Vernon city.. Mount Vernon-Ailey CCD. Tarrytown CCD .... Uvalda city..... lost territory. gained territory. lost territory to Tarrytown CCD. gained territory from Mount Vernon-Ailey CCD. changed legal description from town to city. User Notes 111-15 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Morgan County, Georgia Madison city Rutledge city. gained territory. gained and lost territory. Murray County, Georgia Casey Springs CCD.. Chatsworth CCD... Chatsworth city.... Eton city ... gained territory from Chatsworth CCD. lost territory to Casey Springs CCD. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Muscogee County, Georgia Bibb City town.. Columbus city (balance).... lost territory. reported as Columbus city (remainder) in the 1990 census; gained territory. reported as Columbus city (balance) in Census 2000. Columbus city (remainder)... Newton County, Georgia Covington city... Mansfield city... 1 Oxford city.... gained and lost territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Porterdale town Social Circle city gained territory from Watkinsville CCD. gained territory. lost territory to Bogart CCD. gained territory. Oconee County, Georgia Bogart CCD.. Bogart town Watkinsville CCD. Watkinsville town.... Oglethorpe County, Georgia Crawford city ... Lexington city Lexington-Crawford CCD... Maxeys CCD .... gained territory. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Maxeys CCD. gained territory from Lexington-Crawford CCD. Paulding County, Georgia Braswell city Dallas CCD. Dallas city.... Hiram city.. Huntsville CCD gained and lost territory. gained territory from Huntsville CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory to Dallas CCD. Peach County, Georgia Byron city.. Perry city..... Warner Robins city gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. expanded into Peach County. Pickens County, Georgia Jasper CCD..... gained territory from Talking Rock CCD; includes part of deleted Tate CCD; lost territory to Nelson-Tate-Marble Hill CCD. gained territory. Jasper city III-16 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Pickens County, Georgia-Con. Nelson-Tate-Marble Hill CCD.... Talking Rock CCD Tate CCD..... new CCD; created from part of Jasper and deleted Tate CCDs. lost territory to Jasper CCD. deleted; now in Jasper and Nelson-Tate-Marble Hill CCDs. Pierce County, Georgia Blackshear CCD. Blackshear city... Offerman city ... Patterson city.. gained territory from Ware County. gained territory from Dixie Union CCD, Ware County. gained territory. new incorporated place. gained territory. Pike County, Georgia Concord town Hilltop CDP Meansville CCD.. Williamson town.. Zebulon CCD ... gained territory. new CDP. exchanged territory with Zebulon CCD. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Meansville CCD. Polk County, Georgia Aragon city Braswell city Cedartown city Rockmart city... ... gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. ... gained territory. Pulaski County, Georgia Finleyson CCD..... gained territory from Dooly County. gained territory from Unadilla CCD, Dooly County. gained territory Hawkinsville city Putnam County, Georgia Eatonton city gained territory. Quitman County, Georgia Georgetown city .... ... changed legal description from town to city. Rabun County, Georgia Clayton CCD.. Clayton city Dillard city lost territory to Valley CCD. gained and lost territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. gained territory from Clayton CCD. gained and lost territory. Valley CCD.. Sky Valley city Randolph County, Georgia Shellman city gained territory. Richmond County, Georgia ... Augusta city Augusta-Richmond County...... all CCDs revised; lost territory to Burke County. consolidated with Richmond County to create Augusta-Richmond County (consolidated city). new consolidated city; created from consolida- tion of Augusta City and Richmond County; includes deleted East Boundary, Fort Gordon, South Augusta, and West Augusta CDPs, and the part of Martinez CDP in Richmond County. User Notes 111-17 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Richmond County, Georgia-Con. Augusta-Richmond County (balance) ..... Blythe city East Boundary CDP .... new consolidated city balance resulting from consolidation of Augusta city and Richmond County; includes deleted East Boundary, Fort Gordon, South Augusta, and West Augusta CDPs, and the part of Martinez CDP in Rich- mond County. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory deleted; now in Augusta-Richmond County and Augusta-Richmond County (balance). deleted; now in Augusta-Richmond County and Augusta-Richmond County (balance). gained and lost territory. the part in Richmond County is now in Augusta- Richmond County and Augusta-Richmond County (balance). deleted; now in Augusta-Richmond County and Augusta-Richmond County (balance). deleted; now in Augusta-Richmond County and Augusta-Richmond County (balance). Fort Gordon CDP Hephzibah city Martinez CDP South Augusta CDP....... West Augusta CDP..... Rockdale County, Georgia Conyers city .... gained and lost territory. Schley County, Georgia Ellaville city gained territory. Screven County, Georgia Hilltonia CCD Hilltonia city Hiltonia CCD... Hiltonia city.... Newington CCD Newington town Sylvania CCD Sylvania city name changed to Hiltonia. name changed to Hiltonia. name changed from Hilltonia. name changed from Hilltonia. lost territory to Sylvania CCD. gained territory. gained territory from Newington CCD. · gained territory. Spalding County, Georgia Blantons Mill CCD Digbey CCD... East Griffin CDP. Experiment CDP Griffin city Orchard Hill town. Rover CCD.... deleted; now in Rover CCD. deleted; now in Rover CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory. gained and lost territory. · gained territory. new CCD; created from merger of deleted Blan- tons Mill, Digbey, and Vaughn CCDs. deleted; now in Rover CCD. Vaughn CCD Stephens County, Georgia Broad River CCD.... Toccoa CCD... Toccoa city... gained territory from Toccoa CCD. lost territory to Broad River CCD. gained and lost territory. 111-18 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Stewart County, Georgia Lumpkin CCD...... Lumpkin city.. Omaha CCD... gained territory from Richland CCD; lost terri- tory to Omaha CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Lumpkin and Richland CCDs. disincorporated. lost territory to Lumpkin and Omaha CCDs. Omaha city Richland CCD. Sumter County, Georgia Americus CCD.... Americus city ... Andersonville CCD Andersonville city De Soto city.. Leslie city... Plains city.. Smithville city gained territory from Andersonville CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Americus CCD. changed legal description from village to city. changed legal description from village to city. changed legal description from village to city. gained territory. deleted from Sumter County. Talbot County, Georgia ... Manchester city..... all CCDs revised. gained and lost territory. Tattnall County, Georgia Glennville city Reidsville city.. gained territory gained territory. Taylor County, Georgia Reynolds town.. gained and lost territory. Telfair County, Georgia .. Helena city.. all CCDs revised except Lumber City. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. ... gained and lost territory. McRae city.. Terrell County, Georgia Dawson city .. gained territory. Thomas County, Georgia Pavo-Barwick CCD... Thomasville CCD Thomasville city lost territory to Thomasville CCD. gained territory from Pavo-Barwick CCD. gained and lost territory. Tift County, Georgia Chula CCD Omega CCD... Phillipsburg CDP... Tifton CCD.... Tifton city.. Ty Ty CCD.. Ty Ty city ... gained territory from Tifton CCD. lost territory to Ty Ty CCD. lost territory. lost territory to Chula CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory from Omega CCD. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. lost territory. Unionville CDP. User Notes III-19 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Toombs County, Georgia Lyons city ...... Toombs Central CCD Vidalia city ...... Vidalia-Lyons CCD. Towns County, Georgia... Young Harris CCD .... gained territory. gained territory from Vidalia-Lyons CCD. gained and lost territory. lost territory to Toombs Central CCD. exchanged territory with Union County. exchanged territory with Blairsville CCD, Union County. ... gained territory. Young Harris city.. Treutlen County, Georgia Gillis Springs CCD Soperton CCD Soperton city gained territory from Soperton CCD. lost territory to Gillis Springs CCD. lost territory. Troup County, Georgia Hogansville city La Grange CCD LaGrange CCD LaGrange city ..... gained and lost territory. name changed to LaGrange. name changed from La Grange; gained territory from West Point CCD. name changed from La Grange; gained and lost territory. lost territory to LaGrange CCD. name changed to LaGrange. gained territory. West Point CCD. La Grange city. West Point city. Turner County, Georgia Ashburn CCD .... Ashburn city .... Ashburn-Sycamore CCD.. deleted; now in Ashburn-Sycamore CCD. gained territory. new CCD; created from merger of deleted Ash- burn and Sycamore CCDs. changed legal description from town to city. deleted; now in Ashburn-Sycamore CCD. gained territory. Rebecca city ..... Sycamore CCD Sycamore city.. Twiggs County, Georgia Allentown town... Twiggs North CCD... Twiggs South CCD... gained territory. gained territory from Twiggs South CCD. lost territory to Twiggs North CCD. Union County, Georgia .... Blairsville CCD.... exchanged territory with Towns County. exchanged territory with Young Harris CCD, Towns County; lost territory to Suches CCD. lost territory. gained territory from Blairsville CCD. Blairsville city. Suches CCD... Upson County, Georgia Gordon CCD. Hannahs Mill CDP... Lincoln Park CDP Salem CDP .... Sunset Village CDP The Rock town..... gained territory from The Rock-Yatesville CCD: lost territory to Thomaston CCD. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. new CDP. disincorporated. 111–20 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Upson County, Georgia-Con. The Rock-Yatesville CCD ... Thomaston CCD.... Thomaston city... Yatesville town lost territory to Gordon CCD. gained territory from Gordon CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Walker County, Georgia...... Chickamauga CCD..... Chickamauga city Fairview CDP ... Fairyland CCD Fort Oglethorpe city .... La Fayette CCD gained territory from Chattooga County; lost territory to Dade County. exchanged territory with Rossville-Beverly Hills CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. lost territory to Lookout Mountain CCD, Dade County. lost territory. gained territory from Menlo CCD, Chattooga County. gained and lost territory; includes former Lin- wood town. disincorporated; now in La Fayette city. lost territory. gained and lost territory. exchanged territory with Chickamauga CCD. La Fayette city Linwood town Lookout Mountain city Rossville city...... Rossville-Beverly Hills CCD... Walton County, Georgia Loganville city. Monroe city... Social Circle city.. Walnut Grove town gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. gained territory. Ware County, Georgia...... Deenwood CDP .... Dixie Union CCD.. Sunnyside CDP Waycross city lost territory to Pierce County. lost territory. lost territory to Blackshear CCD, Pierce County. lost territory. gained and lost territory. Warren County, Georgia Norwood city changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. gained territory. Warrenton city ...... Washington County, Georgia Davisboro city Oconee city... gained territory. changed legal description from town to city; gained territory. gained and lost territory. gained territory. Sandersville city. Tennille city.. Wayne County, Georgia Jesup city .. gained and lost territory. Webster County, Georgia Preston town ... changed legal description from city to town; gained and lost territory. User Notes 111-21 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Wheeler County, Georgia Alamo city Helena city.. gained territory. changed legal description from town to city. White County, Georgia Cleveland city Helen city ... gained and lost territory. gained territory Whitfield County, Georgia ... Cohutta town... Dalton city ..... Tunnel Hill city. Varnell city... all CCDs revised. gained territory gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. gained and lost territory. Wilcox County, Georgia... Abbeville city ...... all CCDs revised except Abbeville. lost territory. Wilkes County, Georgia Washington city gained and lost territory. Wilkinson County, Georgia .. Irwinton city ... McIntyre town all CCDs revised except Allentown. changed legal description from town to city. gained territory. Worth County, Georgia Poulan CCD.... Poulan city.. Sumner CCD... Sylvester city Warwick city .. includes deleted Sumner CCD. gained territory. deleted; now in Poulan CCD. gained and lost territory. gained territory. 111-22 User Notes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 1. Population: Earliest Census to 2000; and Housing Units: 1950 to 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] The State Urban Rural Percent of total State Urban and Rural Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Change from preceding census Number of places of 2,500 or more Total number Number Percent Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Urban Rural POPULATION Current urban definition: 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 8 186 453 16 478 149 1 708 304 (X) 26.4 (X) 216 208 5 864 163 4 453 728 1 410 435 (X) ଞ୍ଜି 31.7 2 322 290 (X) 2 024 488 297 802 (X) ୫; 14.7 (X) 71.6 68.8 28.4 31.3 1950-90 urban definition: 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 16 478 149 5 462 982 4 587 930 3 943 116 3 444 578 1 015 167 875 052 644 814 498 538 (X) 18.6 19.1 16.4 14.5 (X) 208 188 147 124 106 4 097 339 3 409 081 2 768 074 2 180 236 1 559 447 688 258 641 007 587 838 620 789 (X) 20.2 2 380 877 23.2 2 054 024 27.0 1 821 501 39.8 1 762 880 (X) 1 885 131 326 853 232 523 58 621 -122 251 (X) 15.9 12.8 3.3 -6.5 (X) 63.2 62.4 60.3 55.3 45.3 36.8 37.6 39.7 44.7 54.7 Pre-1950 urban definition: 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1940 (Apr. 1) 1930 (Apr. 1) 1920 (Jan. 1) 3 943 116 3 444 578 3 123 723 2 908 506 2 895 832 498 538 320 855 215 217 12 674 286 711 14.5 10.3 7.4 0.4 120 103 78 64 59 1 963 012 1 426 206 1 073 808 895 492 727 859 536 806 352 398 178 316 167 633 189 209 37.6 1 980 104 32.82 018 372 19.92 049 915 23.0 2 013 014 35.1 2 167 973 -38 268 -31 543 36 901 -154 959 97 502 -1.9 -1.5 1.8 -7.1 4.7 49.8 41.4 34.4 30.8 25.1 50.2 58.6 65.6 69.2 74.9 11.0 1910 (Apr. 15) 1900 (June 1) 1890 (June 1) 1880 (June 1) 1870 (June 1) 2 609 121 2 216 331 1 837 353 1 542 180 1 184 109 392 790 378 978 295 173 358 071 126 823 17.7 20.6 19.1 30.2 12.0 45 31 22 14 10 538 650 346 382 257 472 145 090 100 053 192 268 88 910 112 382 45 037 24 587 55.5 | 2 070 471 34.5 1 869 949 77.5 1 579 881 45.0 1 397 090 32.6 1 084 056 200 522 290 068 182 791 313 034 102 236 10.7 18.4 13.1 28.9 10.4 20.6 15.6 14.0 9.4 8.4 79.4 84.4 86.0 90.6 91.6 9 1860 (June 1) 1850 (June 1) 1840 (June 1) 1830 (June 1) 1820 (Aug. 7). 1 057 286 906 185 691 392 516 823 340 989 151 101 214 793 174 569 175 834 89 582 16.7 31.1 33.8 51.6 35.6 75 466 38 994 24 658 14 013 7 523 36 472 14 336 10 645 6 490 2 308 93.5 58.1 76.0 86.3 44.3 981 820 867 191 666 734 502 810 333 466 114 629 200 457 163 924 169 344 87 274 13.2 30.1 32.6 50.8 35.4 7.1 4.3 3.6 2.7 2.2 92.9 95.7 96.4 97.3 97.8 69 1810 (Aug. 6) 1800 (Aug. 4) 1790 (Aug. 2). 1 251 407 162 686 82 548 88 721 80 138 (X) 54.5 97.1 (X) 5 215 5 146 1.3 (X) (X) 246 192 157 540 82 548 5 146 (X) 88 652 74 992 (X) 56.3 90.8 (X) win 2.1 3.2 97.9 96.8 100.0 HOUSING UNITS Current urban definition: 2000 (Apr. 1) 1990 (Apr. 1) 3 281 737 1 2 637 904 643 833 (X) 24.4 (X) (X) (X) 2 318 660 1 831 762 486 898 (X) 26.6 (X) 963 077 806 656 156 421 (X) 19.4 (X) 70.7 69.4 29.3 30.6 1950-90 urban definition: (X) 1990 (Apr. 1) 1980 (Apr. 1) 1970 (Apr. 1) 1960 (Apr. 1) 1950 (Apr. 1) 1 2 637 904 2 028 305 1 470 754 1 170 039 966 672 609 599 557 551 300 715 203 367 (X) 30.1 37.9 25.7 21.0 (X) 1 701 039 1 283 876 896 432 665 839 453 035 417 163 387 444 230 593 212 804 (X) 32.5 43.2 34.6 47.0 (X) 937 379 744 474 574 125 504 200 513 637 192 905 170 349 69 925 -9 437 (X) 25.9 29.7 13.9 -1.8 (X) 64.5 63.3 61.0 56.9 46.9 35.5 36.7 39.0 43.1 53.1 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units State County 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 The State 8 186 453 16 478 149 5 462 982 4 587 930 3 943 116 3 281 737 r 2 637 904 2 028 305 1 470 754 1 170 039 17 419 7 609 10 103 4 074 44 700 15 744 6 213 9 566 3 615 39 530 15 565 6 141 9 379 3 808 34 686 12 726 5 879 8 233 3 875 34 240 13 246 6 188 8 359 4 543 34 064 7 854 3 171 4 464 1 740 17 173 5 808 2 317 3 414 1 274 12 235 3 942 1 786 2 787 1 173 7 970 3 627 1 698 2 450 1 398 6 296 6 629 2 449 3 859 1 499 14 200 4 193 11 812 1 21 759 6 875 5 858 14 422 46 144 76 019 17 484 16 235 10 308 29 721 55 915 16 245 14 153 8 702 21 354 40 760 16 000 13 525 6 833 16 859 32 911 13 171 11 556 6 497 14 485 28 267 13 633 12 038 5 808 17 304 28 751 7 623 7 100 3 281 7 776 14 836 6 201 5 121 2 320 5 682 10 522 4 601 3 859 1 884 4 489 8 561 4 351 3 603 42 638 2 823 1 667 4 693 1 795 153 887 11 666 14 629 16 450 23 417 1 150 137 10 430 11 077 15 398 15 438 150 256 10 767 8 701 15 255 10 175 143 366 10 291 5 940 13 743 6 539 67 194 4 866 6 490 7 118 8 675 61 533 4 268 4 404 5 972 5 549 55 579 3 924 3 153 5 363 3 511 47 397 3 209 1 875 4 364 1 947 141 249 9 642 5 891 15 292 6 226 24 263 20 596 8 976 7 341 9 975 55 983 22 243 19 522 6 320 43 664 43 125 20 579 15 326 5 013 30 167 35 785 19 349 13 665 5 717 13 371 31 585 18 255 10 560 6 606 11 334 22 742 8 842 7 380 2 305 16 958 16 541 8 329 5 536 2 061 10 885 12 682 6 812 4 974 1 963 5 380 10 512 5 563 3 685 2 113 3 539 6 902 5 890 3 180 2 316 2 932 9 577 87 268 53 282 10 282 232 048 7 744 71 422 42 464 8 496 I 216 774 7 518 56 346 36 991 7 343 202 226 6 412 45 404 28 271 5 680 187 816 6 672 36 451 21 101 5 313 188 299 3 893 34 067 21 794 3 859 99 683 3 203 27 736 16 762 3 222 1 91 065 2 841 20 321 13 401 2 506 77 485 2 161 14 625 8 807 1 666 61 958 2 169 10 954 6 060 1 511 59 325 14 882 25 470 141 903 101 489 3 357 16 934 22 242 90 204 87 594 3 364 21 732 21 856 51 699 74 498 3 553 25 813 20 541 31 059 65 177 3 636 13 011 19 954 23 001 45 363 4 551 3 316 10 677 51 937 42 126 1 925 3 108 9 142 33 840 35 971 1 586 3 201 8 287 17 894 27 602 1 339 2 127 6 817 9 932 20 559 1 282 6 131 6 823 12 884 1 454 236 517 6 878 607 751 37 413 42 053 r 181 436 6 160 447 745 29 592 36 645 150 357 6 660 297 718 26 894 35 376 98 126 6 405 196 793 22 828 32 298 46 365 6 545 114 174 21 953 34 048 86 461 2 837 237 522 15 610 17 554 r 71 670 2 423 189 872 11 650 14 350 53 014 2 353 113 311 9 794 12 953 29 443 2014 61 190 7 162 10 406 12 864 1 944 33 135 6 381 10 189 89 288 15 771 89 215 12 495 21 996 66 031 13 456 53 853 8 991 20 011 40 118 13 490 39 268 7 684 19 489 22 327 12 129 32 310 5 748 18 087 13 423 11 822 28 893 5 816 17 768 33 321 6 558 33 182 4 872 9 559 23 745 5 340 20 413 3 279 8 318 14 099 4 857 14 119 2 573 7 383 6 740 3 921 10 210 1 666 6 096 3 686 3 610 8 637 1 642 5 649 15 154 15 999 28 240 665 865 19 171 13 147 9 429 r 25 517 " 546 174 17 607 12 318 4 774 25 495 483 024 16 955 9 910 3 639 22 310 415 387 15 658 8 666 3 590 25 203 256 782 16 483 6 224 7 163 11 968 261 231 8 186 COUNTY Appling County Atkinson County Bacon County Baker County Baldwin County Banks County Barrow County. Bartow County Ben Hill County Berrien County. Bibb County Bleckley County. Brantley County Brooks County Bryan County Bulloch County Burke County Butts County Calhoun County Camden County Candler County Carroll County Catoosa County Charlton County Chatham County Chattahoochee County Chattooga County. Cherokee County Clarke County Clay County : Clayton County Clinch County Cobb County Coffee County Colquitt County Columbia County. Cook County Coweta County Crawford County Crisp County Dade County Dawson County Decatur County DeKalb County Dodge County Dooly County. Dougherty County Douglas County. Early County Echols County Effingham County . Elbert County. Emanuel County Evans County Fannin County Fayette County Floyd County Forsyth County Franklin County Fulton County Gilmer County Glascock County. Glynn County Gordon County Grady County Greene County Gwinnett County Habersham County. Hall County... Hancock County Haralson County Harris County Hart County Heard County. Henry County. Houston County. Irwin County. Jackson County. Jasper County Jeff Davis County Jefferson County. Jenkins County Johnson County Jones County. Lamar County Lanier County Laurens County. Lee County. Liberty County Lincoln County. 4 998 4 321 10 122 231 685 7 094 4 293 2 401 9 065 181 849 6 395 2 993 1 344 7 157 129 712 5 468 2 355 1 157 7 432 76 875 4 897 11 525 96 065 92 174 12 354 3 754 9 901 ? 96 321 71 120 11 854 2 334 10 826 100 710 54 573 13 158 2 297 10 404 89 639 28 659 12 682 1 924 11 474 75 680 16 741 13 151 1 876 4 499 39 656 34 825 5 338 1 482 4 003 1 37 386 26 495 4 714 942 3 772 34 735 17 758 4 681 827 3 433 27 041 8 677 4 112 628 3 480 20 980 4 728 4 112 544 37 535 20 511 21 837 10 495 19 798 25 687 18 949 20 546 8 724 15 992 18 327 18 758 20 795 8 428 14 748 13 632 17 262 18 357 7 290 13 357 10 144 17 835 17 815 6 952 13 620 14 169 9 136 9 419 4 381 11 134 9 492 7 891 8 344 3 512 8 363 6 325 7 050 7 808 3 191 6 730 4 002 5 826 6 383 2 376 4 916 2 726 5 355 5 855 2 065 4 401 91 263 90 565 98 407 20 285 816 006 62 415 81 251 44 083 16 650 " 648 776 29 043 79 800 27 958 15 185 589 904 11 364 73 742 16 928 12 784 605 210 8 199 69 130 12 170 13 274 556 326 32 726 36 615 36 505 9 303 348 632 22 428 32 821 17 869 7 613 1 297 124 9 619 30 246 10 969 6 188 246 457 3 437 24 093 6 003 4 397 207 795 2 330 21 054 3 883 4 167 172 942 23 456 2 556 67 568 44 104 23 659 13 368 2 357 62 496 I 35 067 20 279 11 110 2 382 54 981 30 070 19 845 8 956 2 280 50 528 23 570 17 826 8 922 2 672 41 954 19 228 18 015 11 924 1 192 32 636 17 145 9 991 6 986 1 036 27 724 r 13 774 8 129 4 424 910 22 358 10 935 7 126 3 148 875 16 659 7 748 6 003 2 686 887 13 158 5 909 5 352 14 406 588 448 35 902 139 277 10 076 11 793 352 910 27 622 95 434 8 908 11 391 166 808 25 020 75 649 9 466 10 212 72 349 20 691 59 405 9 019 11 193 43 541 18 116 49 739 9 979 6 653 209 682 14 634 51 046 4 287 4 699 137 608 " 11 077 ? 38 317 3 396 4 147 58 109 8 930 27 956 3 162 3 268 22 235 6 574 19 688 2 499 3 114 12 754 5 298 14 888 2 674 25 690 23 695 22 997 11 012 119 341 21 966 17 788 19 712 8 628 58 741 18 422 15 464 18 585 6 520 36 309 15 927 11 520 15 814 5 354 23 724 14 543 11 167 15 229 5 333 17 619 10 719 10 288 11 111 4 512 43 166 9 016 7 814 8 942 3 536 21 275 6 990 6 053 7 527 2 459 12 273 5 437 4 159 4 985 1 823 6 863 4 547 3 304 4 454 1 617 4 849 110 765 9 931 41 589 11 426 12 684 89 208 8 649 30 005 8 453 12 032 77 605 8 988 25 343 7 553 11 473 62 924 8 036 21 093 5 760 9 425 39 154 9 211 18 499 6 135 8 914 44 509 4 149 16 226 4 806 5 581 34 785 3 479 11 775 3 637 4 792 27 423 3 341 9 105 3 083 4 049 19 106 2 637 6 826 2 120 3 046 11 175 2 651 5 667 1 965 2 493 17 266 8 575 8 560 23 639 15 912 17 408 8 247 8 329 20 739 13 038 18 403 8 841 8 660 16 579 12 215 17 174 8 332 7 727 12 270 10 688 17 468 9 148 8 048 8 468 10 240 7 221 3 907 3 634 9 272 6 145 7 065 3 365 3 389 7 722 5 066 6 519 3 346 3 325 5 831 4 332 5 233 2 810 2 566 3 576 3 351 5 043 2 878 2 582 2 282 2 977 7 241 44 874 24 757 61 610 8 348 5 531 39 988 16 250 52 745 7 442 5 654 36 990 11 684 37 583 6 716 5 031 32 738 7 044 17 569 5 895 5 097 32 313 6 204 14 487 5 906 3 011 19 687 8 813 21 977 4 514 2 202 16 504 5 537 16 776 3 870 2 036 13 484 3 877 10 800 3 089 1 584 10 598 2 158 4 810 2 032 1 533 9 582 1 709 4 094 1 553 2 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 2. Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units State County 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 COUNTY-Con. Long County... Lowndes County Lumpkin County McDuffie County McIntosh County 10 304 92 115 21 016 21 231 10 847 202 75 981 14 573 20 119 8 634 4 524 67 972 10 762 18 546 8 046 3 746 55 112 8 728 15 276 7 371 3 874 49 270 7 241 12 627 6 364 4 232 36 551 8 263 8 916 5 735 2 638 28 906 5 729 8 043 4 276 1 734 24 333 3 835 6 899 3 643 1 179 17 404 2 554 4 924 2 644 1 086 14 369 2 103 3 787 2 131 Macon County Madison County Marion County Meriwether County Miller County 14 074 25 730 7 144 22 534 6 383 13 114 21 050 5 590 22 411 6 280 14 003 17 747 5 297 21 229 7 038 12 933 13 517 5 099 19 461 6 424 13 170 11 246 5 477 19 756 6 908 5 495 10 520 3 130 9 211 2 770 4 848 8 428 2 152 8 409 2 602 4 677 6 480 1 841 7 600 2 562 3 750 4 344 1 542 5 947 2 150 3 631 3 415 1 471 5 575 2 069 Mitchell County Monroe County Montgomery County Morgan County Murray County. 23 932 21 757 8 270 15 457 36 506 20 275 17 113 "7 379 12 883 26 147 21 114 14 610 7 011 11 572 19 685 18 956 10 991 6 099 9 904 12 986 19 652 10 495 6 284 10 280 10 447 8 880 8 425 3 492 6 128 14 320 7 443 6 401 2 885 4 814 10 207 7 046 4 996 2 540 3 918 6 942 5 802 3 215 1 931 3 027 4 096 5 531 2 965 1 780 3 069 2 986 Muscogee County. Newton County Oconee County Oglethorpe County Paulding County 186 291 62 001 26 225 12 635 81 678 r 179 280 41 808 17 618 9 763 41 611 170 108 34 666 12 427 8 929 26 110 167 377 26 282 7 915 7 598 17 520 158 623 20 999 6 304 7 926 13 101 76 182 23 033 9 528 5 368 29 274 70 903 15 494 6 561 3 936 15 237 63 818 12 102 4 501 3 149 9 167 56 690 8 125 2 607 2 361 5 408 45 112 6 348 1 828 2 145 3 920 Peach County Pickens County Pierce County Pike County Polk County 23 668 22 983 15 636 13 688 38 127 21 189 14 432 13 328 10 224 33 815 19 151 11 652 11 897 8 937 32 382 15 990 9 620 9 281 7 316 29 656 13 846 8 903 9 678 7 138 28 015 9 093 10 687 6 719 5 068 15 059 7 537 6 403 5 271 3 797 13 585 6 640 4 834 4 297 3 098 12 061 4 528 3 183 2 945 2 352 9 912 3 767 2 659 2 982 2 132 8 588 Pulaski County. Putnam County. Quitman County Rabun County Randolph County 9 588 18 812 2 598 15 050 7 791 8 108 14 137 1 2 210 11 648 8 023 8 950 10 295 2 357 10 466 9 599 8 066 8 394 2 180 8 327 8 734 8 204 7 798 2 432 7 456 11 078 3 944 10 319 1 773 10 210 3 402 3 470 7 113 r 1 347 7 883 3 225 3 404 5 259 975 6 162 3 561 2 819 3 110 632 4 235 2 992 2 533 2 240 622 3 189 3 593 Richmond County. Rockdale County. Schley County Screven County. Seminole County 199 775 70 111 3 766 15 374 9 369 189 719 54 091 1 3 590 13 842 9 010 181 629 36 570 3 433 14 043 9 057 162 437 18 152 3 097 12 591 7 059 135 601 10 572 3 256 14 919 6 802 82 312 25 082 1 612 6 853 4 742 77 288 19 963 11 448 5 861 3 962 64 846 12 105 1 245 5 507 3 853 47 754 5 538 983 4 223 2 519 38 205 2 888 914 4 279 2 041 Spalding County Stephens County. Stewart County Sumter County Talbot County 58 417 25 435 5 252 33 200 6498 54 457 I 23 436 5 654 30 232 6 524 47 899 21 761 5 896 29 360 6 536 39 514 20 331 6 511 26 931 6 625 35 404 18 391 7 371 24 652 7 127 23 001 11 652 2 354 13 700 2 871 20 702 r 10 253 2 156 r 11 727 2 645 17 037 8 570 2 089 10 167 2 387 13 077 6 912 1 961 8 427 1 934 10 538 5 520 2 303 7 456 1 909 Taliaferro County.. Tattnall County Taylor County Teitair County Terrell County 2 077 22 305 8 815 11 794 10 970 1 915 17 722 7 642 11 000 10 653 2 032 18 134 7 902 11 445 12 017 2 423 16 557 7 865 11 394 11 416 3 370 15 837 8 311 11 715 12 742 1 085 8 578 3 978 5 083 4 460 886 6 756 3 162 4 756 4 069 871 6 351 2 865 4 382 4 146 896 4 536 2 455 3 815 3 555 971 3 871 2 392 3 499 3 988 Thomas County Tift County Toombs County Towns County Treutlen County. 42 737 38 407 26 067 9 319 6 854 1 38 943 34 998 24 072 6 754 5 994 38 098 32 862 22 592 5 638 6 087 34 562 27 288 19 151 4 565 5 647 34 319 23 487 16 837 4 538 5 874 18 285 15 411 11 371 6 282 2 865 r 15 917 13 359 9 952 4 577 2 437 13 801 11 007 8 495 3 415 2 346 11 042 8 437 6 230 1 828 1 832 10 198 6 878 4 862 1 538 1 680 Troup County. Turner County Twiggs County Union County Upson County 58 779 9 504 10 590 17 289 27 597 ! 55 532 8 703 9 806 11 993 26 300 50 003 9 510 9 354 9 390 25 998 44 466 8 790 8 222 6 811 23 505 47 189 8 439 7 935 6 510 23 800 23 824 3 916 4 291 10 001 11 616 ! 22 424 3 426 3 648 6 624 10 667 18 346 3 209 3 145 4 389 9 741 14 928 2 960 2 246 2 668 7 818 14 537 2 658 2 006 2 211 7 103 Walker County Walton County Ware County Warren County Washington County 61 053 60 687 35 483 6 336 21 176 58 340 38 586 35 471 6 078 19 112 56 470 31 211 37 180 6 583 18 842 50 691 23 404 33 525 6 669 17 480 45 264 20 481 34 219 7 360 18 903 25 577 22 500 15 831 2 767 8 327 23 347 14 514 14 628 2 443 7 416 20 918 10 442 13 794 2 325 6 627 16 415 7 137 11 123 1 969 5 484 13 552 6 048 10 603 2 142 5 669 Wayne County. Webster County Wheeler County. White County Whitfield County 26 565 2 390 6 179 19 944 83 525 22 356 2 263 4 903 13 006 72 462 20 750 2 341 5 155 10 120 65 775 17 858 2 362 4 596 7 742 55 108 17 921 3 247 5 342 6 935 42 109 10 827 1 115 2 447 9 454 30 722 8 812 898 2 148 6 082 28 832 7 643 830 1 922 4 091 23 836 5 936 696 1 496 2 635 17 201 5 298 912 1 533 2 169 12 126 Wilcox County Wilkes County Wilkinson County Worth County. 8 577 10 687 10 220 21 967 7 008 10 597 10 228 r 19 744 682 10 951 10 368 18 064 6 998 10 184 9 393 14 770 7 905 10 961 9 250 16 682 820 5 022 4 449 9 086 4 548 4 151 17 596 2 795 4 196 3 801 6 401 2 511 3 489 2 974 4 868 2 413 3 351 2 694 4 793 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Average per square mile Percent change State Population Housing units County Housing Land area in Housing 1990 to 1970 to 1990 to 1980 to 1970 to Population units square miles Population units 2000 1980 2000 1990 1980 The State 8 186 453 3 281 737 57 906.14 141.4 56.7 26.4 24.4 30.1 37.9 1980 to 1990 18.6 19.1 17 419 7 609 10 103 4 074 44 700 7 854 3 171 4 464 1 740 17 173 508.51 338.04 284.95 343.22 258.45 34.3 22.5 35.5 11.9 173.0 15.4 9.4 15.7 5.1 66.4 10.6 22.5 5.6 12.7 13.1 1.2 1.2 2.0 -5.1 14.0 22.3 4.5 13.9 -1.7 1.3 18.5 29.5 15.7 16.1 20.9 14.1 5.7 13.0 17.7 16.1 47.3 297 22 5 86 53.5 14 422 46 144 76 019 17 484 16 235 5 808 17 304 28 751 7 623 7 100 233.67 162.17 459.43 251.79 452.41 61.7 284.5 165.5 69.4 35.9 24.9 106.7 62.6 30.3 15.7 39.9 55.3 36.0 7.6 14.7 18.5 39.2 37.2 1.5 4.6 27.4 26.7 23.8 21.5 17.0 38.5 46.5 32.1 10.9 21.2 27.8 51.9 46.7 10.9 14.4 41 4 36.9 41.0 34.8 327 67 194 4 866 6 490 7 118 8 675 249.96 217.39 444.40 493.62 441.71 615.6 53.7 32.9 33.3 53.0 268.8 22.4 14.6 14.4 19.6 2.5 11.9 32.1 6.8 51.7 -0.1 -3.1 27.3 0.9 51.7 4.8 4.6 46.5 11.0 55.6 9.2 14.0 47.4 19.2 56.3 10.7 8.8 39.7 11.4 58.0 17.3 223 682 22.9 80.3 153 887 11 666 14 629 16 450 23 417 55 983 22 243 19 522 6 320 43 664 22 742 8 842 7 380 2 305 16 958 682.07 830.47 186.61 280.18 629.91 82.1 26.8 104.6 22.6 69.3 33.3 10.6 39.5 8.2 26.9 29.8 8.1 27.4 26.1 44.7 20.5 6.4 12.2 -12.3 125.6 13.3 6.0 29.4 - 13.5 18.0 37.5 6.2 33.3 11.8 55.8 30.4 22.3 11.3 5.0 102.3 20.6 225 35 0 -71 520 9 577 87 268 53 282 10 282 232 048 3 893 34 067 21 794 3 859 99 683 246.88 498.93 162.23 780.77 438.11 38.8 174.9 328.4 13.2 529.7 15.8 68.3 134.3 4.9 227.5 23.7 22.2 25.5 21.0 7.0 3.0 26.8 14.8 15.7 7.2 17.2 24.1 30.8 29.3 7.7 21.5 22.8 30.0 19.8 9.5 12.7 36.5 25.1 28.6 17.5 31.5 38.9 522 50.4 25.1 14 882 25 470 141 903 101 489 3 357 3 316 10 677 51 937 42 126 1 925 248.77 313.33 423.68 120.79 195.21 59.8 81.3 334.9 840.2 17.2 13.3 34.1 122.6 348.8 9.9 .12.1 14.5 57.3 15.9 -0.2 -22.1 1.8 74.5 17.6 -5.3 - 15.8 6.4 66.5 14.3 -2.3 6.7 16.8 53.5 17.1 21.4 -2.9 10.3 89.1 30.3 18.4 50.5 21.6 80.2 34 3 236 517 6 878 607 751 37 413 42 053 86 461 2 837 237 522 15 610 17 554 142.62 809.29 340.15 598.90 552.27 1 658.4 8.5 1 786.7 62.5 76.1 606.2 3.5 698.3 26.1 31.8 30.4 11.7 35.7 26.4 14.8 20.7 -7.5 50.4 10.0 3.6 53.2 4.0 51.3 17.8 9.5 20.6 17.1 25.1 34.0 22.3 35.2 3.0 67.6 19.0 10.8 80.1 168 85.2 36.7 24.5 89 288 15 771 89 215 12 495 21 996 33 321 6 558 33 182 4 872 9 559 290.01 229.02 442.62 325.01 273.82 307.9 68.9 201.6 38.4 80.3 114.9 28.6 75.0 15.0 34.9 35.2 17.2 65.7 39.0 9.9 64.6 -0.3 37.1 79.7 11.2 21.5 33.7 7.8 40.3 22.8 62.6 48.6 14.9 68.4 9.9 44.6 27.4 12.7 1092 23.9 38 3 54.4 21.1 2.7 COUNTY Appling County.. Atkinson County. Bacon County Baker County Baldwin County Banks County Barrow County Bartow County Ben Hill County Berrien County Bibb County Bleckley County Brantley County Brooks County Bryan County Bulloch County Burke County Butts County Calhoun County . Camden County Candler County Carroll County Catoosa County Charlton County. Chatham County Chattahoochee County Chattooga County Cherokee County. Clarke County... Clay County Clayton County. Clinch County Cobb County.. Coffee County Colquitt County. Columbia County Cook County, Coweta County, Crawtord County Crisp County. Dade County, Dawson County Decatur County DeKalb County Dodge County Dooly County Dougherty County Douglas County Early County Echols County Effingham County Elbert County Emanuel County Evans County Fannin County Fayette County. Floyd County Forsyth County. Franklin County Fulton County Gilmer County Glascock County Glynn County Gordon County Grady County Greene County. Gwinnett County Habersham County Hall County. Hancock County.. Haralson County Harris County Hart County Heard County Henry County Houston County Irwin County Jackson County Jasper County Jeft Davis County Jefferson County Jenkins County.. Johnson County Jones County Lamar County. 15 154 15 999 28 240 665 865 19 171 6 224 7 163 11 968 261 231 8 186 173.98 211.04 596.80 268.21 500.29 87.1 75.8 47.3 2 482.7 38.3 35.8 33.9 20.1 974.0 16.4 15.3 69.7 10.7 21.9 8.9 6.7 97.5 0.1 13.1 3.8 24.3 31.2 14.3 16.3 8.3 24.5 65.8 18.2 12.8 15.4 16.4 80.0 11.7 27.4 10.9 434 78.6 26.7 402 17.0 11 525 96 065 92 174 12 354 3 754 4 499 39 656 34 825 5 338 1 482 392.88 329.60 199.30 511.23 404.13 29.3 291.5 462.5 24.2 9.3 11.5 120.3 174.7 10.4 3.7 16.4 -0.3 29.6 4.2 60.8 -8.5 -4.4 30.3 -9.9 1.6 4.1 12.4 90.4 3.8 19.4 12.4 6.1 31.4 13.2 57.3 6.1 7.6 49.2 0.7 13.9 9.9 28.5 104.7 13.8 31.7 37 535 20 511 21 837 10 495 19 798 14 169 9 136 9 419 4 381 11 134 479.41 368.76 685.79 184.92 385.74 78.3 55.6 31.8 56.8 51.3 29.6 24.8 13.7 23.7 28.9 46.1 8.2 6. 20.3 23.8 40.2 1.0 -1.2 3.5 8.4 34.4 8.7 13.3 15.6 10.4 49.3 15.8 12.9 24.7 33.1 50.1 11.9 6.9 10.1 24.3 58.0 21.0 223 34.3 36.9 91 263 90 565 98 407 20 285 816 006 32 726 36 615 36 505 9 303 348 632 197.05 513.13 225.80 263.29 528.66 463.1 176.5 435.8 77.0 1 543.5 166.1 71.4 161.7 35.3 659.5 46.2 11.5 123.2 21.8 25.8 114.9 1.8 57.7 9.6 10.0 155.6 8.2 65.2 18.8 -2.5 45.9 11.6 104.3 22.2 17.3 133.2 8.5 62.9 23.0 20.6 179.9 25.5 827 40.7 18.6 23 456 2 556 67 568 44 104 23 659 11 924 1 192 32 636 17 145 9 991 426.69 144.14 422.37 355.54 458.12 55.0 17.7 160.0 124.0 51.6 27.9 8.3 77.3 48.2 21.8 75.5 8.4 8.1 25.8 16.7 20.3 -1.0 13.7 16.6 2.2 24.1 4.5 8.8 27.6 11.3 70.7 15.1 17.7 24.5 22.9 57.9 13.8 24.0 26.0 14.1 40.5 4.0 34.2 41.1 18.7 14 406 588 448 35 902 139 277 10 076 6 653 209 682 14 634 51 046 4 287 388.28 432.73 278.17 393.66 473.28 37.1 1 359.9 129.1 353.8 21.3 17.1 484.6 52.6 129.7 9.1 22.2 66.7 30.0 45.9 13.1 3.5 11.6 10.4 26.2 -5.9 11.5 130.6 20.9 27.3 5.0 41.6 52.4 32.1 33.2 26.2 13.3 136.8 24.0 37.1 7.4 26.9 161.3 35 8 420 26.5 25 690 23 695 22 997 11 012 119 341 10 719 10 288 11 111 4 512 43 166 282.11 463.69 232.21 296.03 322.71 91.1 511 99.0 37.2 369.8 38.0 22.2 47.8 15.2 133.8 17.0 33.2 16.7 27.6 103.2 19.2 15.0 6.1 32.3 61.8 15.7 34.2 17.5 21.8 53.0 18.9 31.7 24.3 27.6 102.9 29.0 29.1 18.8 43.8 73.3 28.6 45.5 51.0 34.9 78.8 118.1 11.6 110 765 9 931 41 589 11 426 12 684 44 509 4 149 16 226 4 806 5 581 376.75 356.81 342.36 370.42 333.38 294.0 27.8 121.5 30.8 38.0 47.4 24.2 14.8 38.6 35.2 5.4 15.0 -3.8 18.4 11.9 4.9 23.3 11.8 20.1 31.1 21.7 28.0 19.3 37.8 32.1 16.5 26.8 4.1 29.3 18.0 18.4 43.5 26.7 33.4 45.4 32.9 13.0 16.7 17 266 8 575 8 560 23 639 15 912 7 221 3 907 3 634 9 272 6 145 527.65 349.81 304.26 393.75 184.82 32.7 24.5 28.1 60.0 86.1 13.7 11.2 11.9 23.5 33.2 -0.8 4.0 2.8 14.0 22.0 -5.4 -6.7 -3.8 25.1 6.7 7.2 6.1 12.1 35.1 14.3 2.2 16.1 7.2 20.1 21.3 8.4 0.6 1.9 32.4 24.6 19.1 29.6 63.1 29.3 16.9 4 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 3. Population, Housing Units, Land Area, and Density: 2000; and Percent Change: 1970 to 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Average per square mile Percent change State Population Housing units County Housing Land area in Housing 1990 to Population units square miles Population 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 1990 to 2000 1980 to 1990 1970 to 1980 units 2000 COUNTY - Con. Lanier County. Laurens County Lee County Liberty County Lincoln County 7 241 44 874 24 757 61 610 8 348 3 011 19 687 8 813 21 977 4 514 186.82 812.27 355.77 519.05 211.09 38.8 55.2 69.6 118.7 39.5 16.1 24.2 24.8 42.3 21.4 30.9 12.2 52.4 16.8 -2.2 8.1 39.1 40.3 10.8 12.4 13.0 65.9 113.9 13.9 36.7 19.3 59.2. 31.0 16.6 8.2 22.4 42.8 55.3 25.3 28.5 27.2 79.7 124.5 52.0 12.2 Long County Lowndes County Lumpkin County McDuffie County McIntosh County 10 304 92 115 21 016 21 231 10 847 4 232 36 551 8 263 8 916 5 735 400.92 504.22 284.47 259.77 433.45 25.7 182.7 73.9 81.7 25.0 10.6 72.5 29.0 34.3 13.2 66.1 21.2 44.2 5.5 25.6 37.1 11.8 35.4 8.5 7.3 20.8 23.3 23.3 21.4 9.2 60.4 26.4 44.2 10.9 34.1 52.1 18.8 49.4 16.6 17.4 47.1 39.8 50.2 40.1 37.8 Macon County Madison County Marion County Meriwether County Miller County.. 14 074 25 730 7 144 22 534 6 383 5 495 10 520 3 130 9 211 2 770 403.28 283.88 367.00 503.28 283.05 34.9 90.6 19.5 44.8 22.6 13.6 37.1 8.5 18.3 9.8 7.3 22.2 27.8 0.5 1.6 -6.3 18.6 5.5 5.6 . 10.8 8.3 31.3 3.9 9.1 9.6 13.3 24.8 45.4 9.5 6.5 3.7 30.1 16.9 10.6 1.6 24.7 49.2 19.4 27.8 19.2 Mitchell County. Monroe County Montgomery County Morgan County Murray County 23 932 21 757 8 270 15 457 36 506 8 880 8 425 3 492 6 128 14 320 511.96 395.63 245.33 349.64 344.41 46.7 55.0 33.7 44.2 106.0 17.3 21.3 14.2 17.5 41.6 18.0 27.1 12.1 20.0 39.6 -4.0 17.1 5.2. 11.3 32.8 11.4 32.9 15.0 16.8 51.6 19.3 31.6 21.0 27.3 40.3 5.6 28.1 13.6 22.9 47.0 21.4 55.4 31.5 29.4 69.5 Muscogee County Newton County. Oconee County Oglethorpe County Paulding County. 186 291 62 001 26 225 12 635 81 678 76 182 23 033 9 528 5 368 29 274 216.26 276.43 185.70 441.11 313.43 861.4 224.3 141.2 28.6 260.6 352.3 83.3 51.3 12.2 93.4 3.9 48.3 48.9 29.4 96.3 5.4 20.6 41.8 9.3 59.4 1.6 31.9 57.0 17.5 49.0 7.4 48.7 45.2 36.4 92.1 11.1 28.0 45.8 25.0 66.2 12.6 48.9 72.7 33.4 69.5 Peach County Pickens County Pierce County Pike County Polk County 23 668 22 983 15 636 13 688 38 127 9 093 10 687 6 719 5 068 15 059 151.06 232.13 343.25 218.37 311.14 156.7 99.0 45.6 62.7 122.5 60.2 46.0 19.6 23.2 48.4 11.7 59.3 17.3 33.9 12.8 10.6 23.9 12.0 14.4 4.4 19.8 21.1 28.2 22.2. 9.2 20.6 66.9 27.5 33.5 13.5 32.5 22.7 22.6 12.6 46.6 51.9 45.9 31.7 21.7 10.9 Pulaski County Putnam County Quitman County Rabun County Randolph County. 9 588 18 812 2 598 15 050 7 791 3 944 10 319 1 773 10 210 3 402 247.42 344.53 151.54 371.05 429.25 38.8 54.6 17.1 40.6 18.2 15.9 30.0 11.7 27.5 7.9 18.3 33.1 17.6 29.2 -2.9 -9.4 37.3 -6.2 11.3 - 16.4 11.0 22.6 8.1 25.7 13.7 45.1 31.6 29.5 5.5 1.9 35.3 38.2 27.9 -9.4 20.8 69.1 54.3 45.5 19.0 9.9 Richmond County Rockdale County Schley County Screven County Seminole County 199 775 70 111 3 766 15 374 9 369 82 312 25 082 1 612 6 853 4 742 324.04 130.63 167.61 648.44 238.04 616.5 536.7 22.5 23.7 39.4 254.0 192.0 9.6 10.6 19.9 5.3 29.6 4.9 11.1 4.0 4.5 47.9 4.6 -1.4 -0.5 11.8 101.5 10.8 11.5 28.3 6.5 25.6 11.3 16.9 19.7 19.2 64.9 16.3 6.4 2.8 35.8 118.6 26.7 30.4 53.0 Spalding County. Stephens County Stewart County Sumter County Talbot County 58 417 25 435 5 252 33 200 6498 23 001 11 652 2 354 13 700 2 871 197.95 179.26 458.70 485.28 393.21 295.1 141.9 11.4 68.4 16.5 116.2 65.0 5.1 28.2. 7.3 7.3 8.5 -7.1 9.8 -0.4 13.7 7.7 -4.1 3.0 -0.2 21.2. 7.0 -9.4 9.0 -1.3 11.1 13.6 9.2 16.8 8.5 21.5 19.6 3.2 15.3 10.8 30.3 24.0 6.5 20.6 23.4 Taliaferro County Tattnall County Taylor County Telfair County Terrell County. 2 077 22 305 8 815 11 794 10 970 1 085 8 578 3 978 5 083 4 460 195.39 483.69 377.44 441.09 335.37 10.6 46.1 23.4 26.7 32.7 5.6 17.7 10.5 11.5 13.3 8.5 25.9 15.3 7.2. 3.0 -5.8 -2.3 -3.3 -16.1 9.5 0.5 0.4 5.3 22.5 27.0 25.8 6.9 9.6 1.7 6.4 10.4 8.5 -1.9 -2.8 40.0 16.7 14.9 16.6 - 11.4 Thomas County Tift County Toombs County Towns County Treutlen County 42 737 38 407 26 067 9 319 6 854 18 285 15 411 11 371 6 282 2 865 548.30 265.05 366.65 166.66 200.66 77.9 144.9 71.1 55.9 34.2 33.3 58.1 31.0 37.7 14.3 9.7 9.7 8.3 38.0 14.3 2.2 6.5 6.6 19.8 -1.5 10.2 20.4 18.0 23.5 14.9 15.4 14.3 37.3 17.6 15.3 21.4 17.2 34.0 3.9 25.0 30.5 36.4 86.8 28.1 7.8 Troup County Turner County Twiggs County Union County Upson County. 58 779 9504 10 590 17 289 27 597 23 824 3 916 4 291 10 001 11 616 413.90 286.03 360.29 322.55 325.48 142.0 33.2 29.4 53.6 84.8 57.6 13.7 11.9 31.0 35.7 5.8 9.2 8.0 44.2 4.9 11.1 -8.5 4.8 27.7 1.2 12.5 8.2 13.8 37.9 10.6 6.2 14.3 17.6 51.0 8.9 22.2 6.8 16.0 50.9 9.5 22.9 8.4 40.0 64.5 24.6 4.7 57.3 Walker County Walton County Ware County Warren County Washington County. 61 053 60 687 35 483 6 336 21 176 25 577 22 500 15 831 2 767 8 327 446.58 329.18 902.29 285.52 680.34 136.7 184.4 39.3 22.2. 31.1 57.3 68.4 17.5 9.7 12.2 3.3 23.6 -4.6 -7.7 1.4 11.4 33.4 10.9 -1.3 7.8 9.6 55.0 8.2 13.3 12.3 11.6 39.0 6.0 5.1 11.9 27.4 46.3 24.0 18.1 20.8 4.2 10.8 Wayne County Webster County Wheeler County White County Whitfield County 26 565 2 390 6 179 19 944 83 525 10 827 1 115 2 447 9 454 30 722 644.66 209.54 297.72 241.58 289.99 41.2 11.4 20.8 82.6 288.0 16.8 5.3 8.2 39.1 105.9 18.8 5.6 26.0 53.3 15.3 7.7 -3.3 -4.9 28.5 10.2 16.2 -0.9 12.2 30.7 19.4 22.9 24.2. 13.9 55.4 6.6 15.3 8.2 11.8 48.7 21.0 28.8 19.3 28.5 55.3 38.6 Wilcox County Wilkes County Wilkinson County Worth County 8 577 10 687 10 220 21 967 3 320 5 022 4 449 9 086 380.30 471.37 446.56 569.73 22.6 22.7 22.9 38.6 8.7 10.7 10.0 15.9 22.4 0.8 -0.1 11.3 -8.8 -3.2 -1.4 9.3 9.8 7.5 10.4 22.3 15.9 10.4 7.2 19.6 2.5 8.4 9.2 18.7 11.3 20.3 27.8 31.5 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 4. Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: 1990 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 1990 Urban Rural State County Percent of total population Urban Total population In urbanized area In urban cluster In place Total Current urban definition Not in place Urban Total 1950-90 urban definition Total population Rural The State 8 186 453 5 864 163 5 010 117 854 046 2 322 290 327 165 1 995 125 71.6 28.4 '6 478 149 4 453 728 4 097 339 5 204 5 204 716 29.9 5 144 3 841 17 419 7 609 10 103 4 074 44 700 2 929 12 215 7 609 7 174 4 074 15 138 11 499 4 370 6 610 3 223 15 071 29.0 3 239 564 851 67 70.1 100.0 710 100.0 33.9 15 744 6 213 9 566 3 615 39 530 2 860 3 663 29 562 66.1 28 276 22 621 14 422 46 144 76 019 17 484 16 235 2 929 29 562 765 21 655 44 432 11 242 4 137 8 386 7 807 765 13 269 36 625 11 242 4 137 13 657 24 489 31 587 6 242 12 098 1 835 3 659 2 922 221 2 868 11 822 20 830 28 665 6 021 9 230 5.3 46.9 58.4 64.3 25.5 94.7 53.1 41.6 35.7 74.5 10 308 29 721 r 55 915 16 245 14 153 191 13 040 25 786 11 188 4 521 10 512 13 803 8 612 4 782 130 988 128 204 4 788 125 742 4 390 153 887 11 666 14 629 16 450 23 417 130 988 5 551 162 4 767 9 466 26 605 5 552 4 116 5 551 162 4 767 9 466 118 234 1 393 1 291 2 896 22 781 5 881 13 074 10 392 11 055 85.1 47.6 1.1 29.0 40.4 14.9 52.4 98.9 71.0 59.6 r 150 137 10 430 11 077 15 398 15 438 6 329 5 292 2 934 22 899 6 115 14 467 11 683 13 951 29 378 16 691 15 406 6 320 15 472 55 983 22 243 19 522 6 320 43 664 26 605 5 552 4 116 1 893 2 520 1 274 4 631 3 230 27 485 14 171 14 132 1 689 12 242 47.5 25.0 21.1 52.5 75.0 78.9 100.0 35.4 43 125 20 579 15 326 5 013 30 167 21 571 5 711 4 741 15 854 5 701 4 076 28 192 28 192 64.6 15 857 15 974 2 778 41 544 9 577 87 268 53 282 10 282 232 048 2 778 41 544 37 616 3 914 219 104 6 799 45 724 15 666 6 368 12 944 37 616 1 362 5 962 450 345 7 604 5 437 39 762 15 216 6 023 5 340 29.0 47.6 70.6 38.1 94.4 71.0 52.4 29.4 61.9 5.6 7 744 71 422 42 464 8 496 216 774 3 071 28 823 29 029 3 229 199 982 3 707 22 506 23 782 3 914 10 218 208 886 205 967 11 737 11 122 14 882 25 470 141 903 101 489 3 357 11 737 11 122 105 993 92 644 3 145 14 348 35 910 8 845 3 357 1 196 1 272 1 774 8 845 1 228 1 949 13 076 34 136 78.9 43.7 74.7 91.3 105 993 92 644 21.1 56.3 25.3 8.7 100.0 16 934 22 242 90 204 87 594 3 364 14 617 9 295 56 072 78 030 14 617 5 025 37 904 72 486 2 129 233 343 2 877 236 517 6 878 607 751 37 413 42 053 233 343 2 877 604 596 12 648 15 642 604 596 3 174 4 001 3 155 24 765 26 411 131 775 113 3 155 4 133 3 043 3 226 3 042 21 610 22 278 98.7 41.8 99.5 33.8 37.2 1.3 58.2 0.5 66.2 62.8 r 181 436 6 160 447 745 29 592 36 645 176 499 2 531 435 284 11 660 16 366 174 044 2 560 422 075 10 464 14 865 12 648 15 642 65 673 89 288 15 771 89 215 12 495 21 996 65 673 6 521 48 586 6 521 23 899 23 615 9 250 40 629 12 495 8 826 1 982 1 735 4 748 808 598 21 633 7 515 35 881 687 8 228 73.6 41.3 54.5 24 687 26.4 58.7 45.5 100.0 40.1 66 031 13 456 53 853 8 991 20 011 45 770 5 917 20 856 45 887 5 093 12 818 13 170 - 13 170 59.9 12 613 10 321 3 204 656 2 548 21.1 476 476 COUNTY Appling County Atkinson County. Bacon County. Baker County Baldwin County Banks County Barrow County Bartow County Ben Hill County Berrien County Bibb County Bleckley County Brantley County Brooks County Bryan County Bulloch County Burke County Butts County Calhoun County Camden County. Candler County Carroll County Catoosa County Charlton County. Chatham County Chattahoochee County Chattooga County Cherokee County. Clarke County.. Clay County Clayton County. Clinch County Cobb County. Coffee County Colquitt County. Columbia County Cook County Coweta County, County Crisp County. Dade County Dawson County Decatur County DeKalb County Dodge County Dooly County Dougherty County Douglas County Early County. Echols County Effingham County Elbert County Emanuel County Evans County Fannin County Fayette County. Floyd County Forsyth County Franklin County Fulton County Gilmer County Glascock County Glynn County Gordon County Grady County Greene County Gwinnett County Habersham County Hall County Hancock County. Haralson County Harris County Hart County Heard County Henry County Houston County Irwin County Jackson County Jasper County Jeff Davis County Jefferson County Jenkins County Johnson County Jones County Lamar County.. 15 154 15 guy 28 240 665 865 19 171 211 619 2 227 11 956 11 950 15 999 16 284 2 958 13 376 11 956 662 907 5 795 11 739 15 380 14 057 2 958 11 554 78.9 100.0 57.7 0.4 69.8 42.3 996 30.2 13 147 9 429 + 25 517 " 546 174 17 607 662 907 10 343 540 063 5 625 10 712 532 201 5 153 5 795 1 822 2 577 11 525 96 065 92 174 12 354 3 754 2 577 83 190 73 467 4 261 83 190 73 404 8 948 12 875 18 707 8 093 3 754 4 318 2 003 850 2 310 4 630 10 872 17 857 5 783 3 754 22.4 86.6 79.7 34.5 63 4 261 77.6 13.4 20.3 65.5 100.0 9 901 1 96 321 71 120 11 854 2 334 2 708 86 734 52 223 5 595 85 897 54 023 4 579 37 535 20 511 21 837 10 495 19 798 9 175 6 313 6 793 3 972 9 175 6 313 6 793 3 972 28 360 14 198 15 044 6 523 19 798 2 081 909 4 353 655 2 580 26 279 13 289 10 691 5 868 17 218 24.4 30 8 31.1 37.8 75.6 69.2 68.9 622 100.0 25 687 18 949 20 546 8 724 15 992 3 590 6 917 7 622 3 942 2 697 5 682 7 361 91 263 90 565 98 407 20 285 816 006 71 391 58 287 64 243 2 169 798 520 71 391 58 287 64 243 19 872 32 278 34 164 18 116 17 486 2 053 2 674 85 5 564 907 17 819 29 604 34 079 12 552 16 579 78.2 64.4 65.3 10.7 97.9 21.8 35.6 34.7 89.3 2.1 62 415 81 251 44 083 16 650 r 648 776 41 368 51 372 8 866 1 979 624 965 28 867 51 589 2 828 2 120 621 573 2 169 2 943 795 577 3 241 3 241 13.8 - 23 456 2 556 67 568 44 104 23 659 51 653 51 653 15 486 8 978 20 215 2 556 15 915 28 618 14 681 303 897 1 360 1 677 1 265 19 912 1 659 14 555 26 941 13 416 86.2 100.0 23.6 64.9 62.1 76.4 35.1 37.9 13 368 2 357 62 496 r 35 067 20 279 15 486 8 978 48 920 12 816 8 904 50 066 7 135 9 035 2 621 573 215 14 406 588 448 35 902 139 277 10 076 2 621 573 215 12 643 93 066 4 054 11 785 15 23 23 259 46 211 6 022 3 334 1 574 2 084 2 163 66 12 643 8 451 13 659 21 175 44 048 5 956 18.2 97.4 35.2 66.8 81.8 2.6 64.8 33.2 59.8 11 793 352 910 ! 27 622 ! 95 434 8 908 2 860 305 041 3 219 17 911 321 253 7 846 52 108 93 066 4 054 40.2 25 690 23 695 22 997 11 012 119 341 4 371 759 5 702 4 371 759 5 702 21 319 22 936 17 295 11 012 32 741 4 713 2 557 2 797 1 873 729 16 606 20 379 14 498 9 139 32 012 17.0 32 24.8 83.0 96.8 75.2 100.0 27.4 21 966 17 788 19 712 8 628 58 741 4 775 808 5 931 7 148 749 5 190 86 600 83 492 3 108 72.6 29 155 14 034 85 700 110 765 9 931 41 589 11 426 12 684 94 247 3 218 4 917 8 547 3 218 4 835 16 518 6 713 36 672 11 426 8 593 1 168 113 10 545 2 670 471 15 350 6 600 26 127 8 756 8 122 85.1 32.4 118 82 14.9 67.6 882 100.0 67.7 89 208 8 649 30 005 8 453 12 032 74 295 3 117 4 017 70 424 3 182 6 601 4 091 4 091 32.3 5 069 4 202 3 233 3 039 3 233 3 039 18.7 35.4 3 085 3 618 3 808 17 266 8 575 8 560 23 639 15 912 14 033 5 536 8 560 19 186 9 183 5 521 453 2 776 1 811 471 8 512 5 083 5 784 17 375 8 712 81.3 64.6 100.0 81.2 57.7 17 408 8 247 8 329 20 739 13 038 4 453 4 453 6 729 18.8 42.3 4 298 5 692 6 729 3 754 4 747 6 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 4. Population by Urban and Rural: 2000; and Population by Urban: : 1990-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 1990 Urban Rural Percent of total population State County Urban Total population In urbanized area In urban cluster In place Total Current urban definition Not in place Total 1950-90 urban definition Total population Urban Rural COUNTY - Con. 415 19 261 Lanier County. Laurens County Lee County Liberty County Lincoln County 7 241 44 874 24 757 61 610 8 348 415 19 261 12 260 49 224 6 826 25 613 12 497 12 386 8 348 12 260 49 224 2 730 2 442 896 2 412 1 595 4 096 23 171 11 601 9 974 6 753 5.7 42.9 49.5 79.9 94.3 57.1 50.5 20.1 100.0 5 531 39 988 16 250 52 745 7 442 19 331 3 642 41 791 18 836 3 597 35 377 1 136 57 647 Long County Lowndes County Lumpkin County McDuffie County Mcintosh County 10 304 92 115 21 016 21 231 10 847 1 136 62 731 3 064 8 182 2 848 5 084 3 064 8 182 2 848 9 168 29 384 17 952 13 049 7 999 1 440 3 328 842 515 147 7 728 26 056 17 110 12 534 7 852 11.0 68.1 14.6 38.5 26.3 89.0 31.9 85.4 61.5 73.7 6 202 75 981 14 573 20 119 8 634 401 50 563 2 837 8 533 2 584 39 806 3 086 6 862 5 943 5 943 953 42.2 3.7 5 975 935 4 506 3 953 Macon County Madison County. Marion County Meriwether County Miller County.. 14 074 25 730 7 144 22 534 6 383 8 131 24 777 7 144 18 827 6 383 2 385 2 638 1 664 4 036 1 939 5 746 22 139 5 480 14 791 4 444 57.8 96.3 100.0 83.5 100.0 13 114 21 050 5 590 22 411 6 280 3 707 3 707 16.5 3 948 3 973 9 217 5 188 Mitchell County. Monroe County Montgomery County Morgan County Murray County 23 932 21 757 8 270 15 457 36 506 11 453 5 276 124 3 616 10 045 11 453 5 276 124 3 616 10 045 12 479 16 481 8 146 11 841 26 461 1 897 690 3 617 1 730 698 10 582 15 791 4 529 10 111 25 763 47.9 24.2 1.5 23.4 27.5 52.1 75.8 98.5 76.6 72.5 20 275 17 113 17 379 12 883 26 147 8 877 4 268 111 3 483 2 865 3 388 6 726 Muscogee County Newton County. Oconee County Oglethorpe County Paulding County. 186 291 62 001 26 225 12 635 81 678 181 632 34 908 12 801 2 49 156 181 632 34 908 12 801 2. 49 156 4 659 27 093 13 424 12 633 32 522 4 659 1 656 835 1 568 279 97.5 56.3 48.8 2.5 43.7 51.2 100.0 39.8 r 179 280 41 808 17 618 9 763 41 611 173 172 18 760 2 837 25 437 12 589 11 065 32 243 173 793 10 026 796 60.2 11 433 2 810 4 867 8 202 Peach County Pickens County Pierce County Pike County Polk County 23 668 22 983 15 636 13 688 38 127 15 120 4 989 3 658 10 253 4 989 3 658 8 548 17 994 11 978 13 688 19 874 263 581 1 224 2 882 448 8 285 17 413 10 754 10 806 19 426 63.9 21.7 23.4 36.1 78.3 76.6 100.0 52.1 21 189 14 432 13 328 10 224 33 815 10 904 2 884 3 482 60 16 518 3 431 18 253 18 253 47.9 11 334 Pulaski County Putnam County Quitman County Rabun County Randolph County. 9 588 18 812 2 598 15 050 7 791 3 957 4 371 1 064 3 957 4 371 1 064 3 527 4 737 5 631 14 441 1 534 15 050 4 129 72 2 393 68 3 686 1 433 5 559 12 048 1 466 11 364 2 696 41.3 23.2 41.0 58.7 76.8 59.0 100.0 53.0 8 108 14 137 1 2 210 11 648 8 023 4 142 4 989 714 3 662 3 662 47.0 3 501 3 730 184 376 59 473 184 376 59 473 92.3 84.8 176 968 41 251 171 115 22 191 Richmond County Rockdale County Schley County Screven County Seminole County 199 775 70 111 3 766 15 374 9 369 15 399 10 638 3 766 12 733 6 752 15 399 272 1 609 1 449 704 7.7 15.2 100.0 82.8 72.1 10 366 2 157 11 284 6 048 189 719 54 091 " 3 590 13 842 9 010 2 641 2 617 2 641 2 617 17.2 27.9 2 740 3 001 2 871 2 761 34 745 34 745 10 089 59.5 39.7 34 072 11 403 25 109 8 266 10 089 Spalding County. Stephens County Stewart County Sumter County Talbot County 58 417 25 435 5 252 33 200 6 498 23 672 15 346 5 252 14 375 6 498 1 155 766 3 163 1 730 1 837 22 517 14 580 2 089 12 645 4 661 40.5 60.3 100.0 43.3 100.0 54 457 1 23 436 5 654 i 30 232 6 524 18 825 18 825 56.7 17 706 16 512 131 - 4 741 4 741 21.3 3 402 3 676 Taliaferro County Tattnall County Taylor County Teſtair County Terrell County. 2 077 22 305 8 815 11 794 10 970 2 077 17 564 8 815 6 755 6 009 677 3 748 2 943 2 400 1 237 1 400 13 816 5 872 4 355 4 772 100.0 78.7 100.0 57.3 54.8 1 915 17 722 7 642 11 000 10 653 5 039 4 961 5 039 4 961 42.7 45.2 4 277 5 240 3 007 5 295 Thomas County Tift County Toombs County Towns County Treutlen County 42 737 38 407 26 067 9 319 6 854 21 322 21 461 12 474 21 322 21 461 12 474 21 415 16 946 13 593 9 319 3 818 4 730 2 208 2 507 1 412 227 16 685 14 738 11 086 7 907 3 591 49.9 55.9 47.9 50.1 44.1 52.1 100.0 55.7 38 943 34 998 24 072 6 754 5 994 19 859 20 344 14 158 17 457 16 925 15 469 3 036 3 036 44.3 2 511 2 797 32 974 4 971 32 974 4 971 56.1 52.3 35 904 4 653 31 395 4 827 Troup County Turner County Twiggs County Union County Upson County. 58 779 9 504 10 590 17 289 27 597 25 805 4 533 10 590 17 289 12 238 3 707 638 1 637 659 2 333 22 098 3 895 8 953 16 630 9 905 43.9 47.7 100.0 100.0 44.3 55 532 8 703 9 806 11 993 26 300 15 359 15 359 55.7 15 435 9 127 Walker County Walton County Ware County Warren County Washington County. 28 067 8 131 61 053 60 687 35 483 6 336 21 176 34 479 25 168 25 406 6 412 17 037 25 406 26 574 35 519 10 077 6 336 14 065 1 532 4 719 386 2 477 3 692 25 042 30 800 9 691 3 859 10 373 56.5 41.5 71.6 43.5 58.5 28.4 100.0 66.4 58 340 38 586 35 471 6 078 19 112 31 885 12 682 26 106 32 337 15 260 16 242 7 111 7 111 33.6 7 662 6 290 12 738 12 738 48.0 9 460 8 958 Wayne County Webster County Wheeler County White County Whitfield County. 26 565 2 390 6 179 19 944 83 525 13 827 2 390 6 179 19 944 26 458 1 580 528 2 870 2 337 1 036 12 247 1 862 3 309 17 607 25 422 ه ا ا ا دیا 52.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 31.7 22 356 2 263 4 903 13 006 72 462 57 067 57 067 68.3 46 638 21 761 3 321 3 321 Wilcox County Wilkes County Wilkinson County Worth County 4 279 8 577 10 687 10 220 21 967 31.1 8 577 7 366 10 220 15 378 4 553 1 771 5 408 1 191 4 024 5 595 4 812 14 187 100.0 68.9 100.0 70.0 7 008 10 597 10 228 I 19 744 3 397 2 768 6 566 6 589 6 589 30.0 5 702 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 7 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. 5 Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State County County Subdivision Place Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State 8 186 453 16 478 149 5 462 982 3 281 737 1 2 637 904 2 028 305 59 424.77 57 906.14 141.4 56.7 17 419 2 882 9 282 4 140 3 680 15 744 2 411 8 808 3 840 2 882 1 15 565 2 152 8 626 3 586 2 965 (X) 7 854 1 413 4 124 1 862 1 588 2 132 729 2 115 6 629 1 118 3 645 1 653 1 207 1 5 808 909 3 138 1 386 1 072 (X) 512.11 128.46 88.36 6.75 144.70 0.39 1.75 150.59 0.01 0.78 508.51 125.32 88.26 6.75 144.36 0.39 1.75 150.57 0.01 0.78 34.3 23.0 105.2 613.4 25.5 20.7 178.5 10.5 168.6 305.5 15.4 11.3 46.7 275.9 11.0 5.2 75.5 4.8 168.6 1482 312 1 575 2 237 1 643 (X) 253 1 822 (X) 368 659 (X) 106 7 609 1 235 4 253 1 805 2 121 1 434 6 213 919 3 590 1 714 1 704 11 230 6 141 974 3 494 1 827 1 673 1 166 3 171 505 1 719 742 947 655 2 449 342 1 392 670 715 529 689 (X) 133 2 317 337 1 296 672 684 459 344.10 89.09 155.72 2.89 99.29 3.79 338.04 88.78 150.36 2.89 98.90 3.79 22.5 13.9 28.3 624.1 21.4 378.0 9.4 5.7 11.4 256.6 9.6 172.7 9 566 7 021 3 648 2 545 4 464 3 274 1 504 1 190 6 9 379 6 948 3 819 2 431 (X) 3 808 1 534 2 274 711 3 859 2 869 1 568 990 5 3 414 2 522 1 483 892 (X) 1 274 531 743 262 284.95 139.59 5.42 145.36 0.32 15 285.92 140.07 5.50 145.84 0.32 349.17 162.07 187.10 3.02 35.5 52.5 595.3 19.1 38.0 10 103 7 327 3 224 2 776 12 4 074 1 431 2 643 851 44 700 6 727 943 33 693 5 135 17 778 4 280 36 15.7 23.5 277.7 8.2 19.0 3 615 1 455 2 160 703 1 740 628 1 112 346 1 499 615 884 301 343.22 160.82 182.40 2.91 11.9 8.9 14.5 292.7 5.1 3.9 6.1 119.0 39 530 5 567 818 30 888 4 910 16 906 3 075 3 34 686 4 192 (X) 27 619 8 977 12 176 2 875 17 173 2 399 9 12 792 2 223 5 331 1 982 16 14 200 1 778 4 11 004 1 978 4 867 1 418 2 12 235 1 368 (X) 9 707 2 238 4 415 1 160 1 267.50 76.59 1.94 104.62 4.92 18.01 86.28 0.31 258.45 76.23 1.92 99.94 4.91 17.85 82.28 0.22 173.0 88.2 492.2 337.1 1 046.8 996.1 52.0 166.6 66.4 31.5 4.7 128.0 453.2 298.7 24.1 74.1 14 422 4 340 357 432 2 606 3 951 950 3 525 28 84 10 308 3 193 184 353 1 825 2 950 742 2 340 28 75 395 8 702 2 749 162 325 1 322 2 628 734 2 003 35 104 368 5 808 1 762 125 194 1 000 1 647 406 1 399 12 44 279 4 193 1 307 76 159 729 1 229 332 928 15 38 158 3 281 1 000 56 121 488 1 042 293 751 16 37 145 233.87 63.89 0.36 0.97 48.80 74.88 9.59 46.30 0.31 0.57 1.85 233.67 63.84 0.36 0.97 48.78 74.86 9.59 46.20 0.31 0.56 1.85 61.7 68.0 990.5 445.1 53.4 52.8 99.1 76.3 88.9 149.1 363.8 24.9 27.6 346.8 199.9 20.5 22.0 42.4 30.3 38.1 78.1 151.0 672 Appling County Altamaha River CCD Baxley CCD I.. Baxley city (part) + Satilla Creek CCD'I Baxley city (part) t. Graham city Surrency-Thornton CCD. Baxley city (part) t. Surrency town Atkinson County. Axson CCD Pearson CCD 1 Pearson city Willacoochee CCD 1 Willacoochee city t Bacon County. Alma CCD. Alma city (part) + Rockingham CCD Alma city (part) † Baker County Milford CCD Newton CCD. Newton city Baldwin County Coopers CCD Milledgeville city (part) Milledgeville-Midway-Hardwick CCD Midway-Hardwick CDP Milledgeville city (part) ... Union Point CCD.. Milledgeville city (part) . Banks County: Baldwin CCD T. Alto town (part). Baldwin city (part) t. Davis Academy CCD Homer CCD Homer town Maysville CCD † Gillsville city (part) † Lula city (part) Maysville town (part) † Barrow County Auburn CCD Auburn city (part) + Braselton town (part) Carl town Bethlehem CCD. Bethlehem town t Winder city (part) Statham CCD Statham city t Winder CCD Winder city (part) + Bartow County Adairsville CCD t.. Adairsville city t Cartersville CCO I. Cartersville city (part) . Emerson city (part) Euharlee city (part) +. Emerson CCD T. Cartersville city (part) 1. Emerson city (part) Euharlee-Taylorsville CCD Euharlee city (part) t. Taylorsville town (part) Kingston CCD.. Kingston city t White-Pine Log CCD + Cartersville city (part) t. White city † Ben Hill County Fitzgerald CCD. Fitzgerald city (part) Little House Creek CCD Fitzgerald city (part) + Berrien County Alapaha CCD Alapaha town Enigma CCD.. Enigma town t Nashville CCD Nashville city t Ray City CCD Kay City city Bibb County Lizella CCD + Macon city (part) t. Macon CCD T. Macon city (part) 7. Payne city t 46 144 15 100 6 610 242 205 7 602 716 29 721 8 562 3 139 34 263 4 162 348 21 354 4 030 692 (X) 239 2 298 281 (X) 3 869 1 101 11 157 6 705 17 304 5 394 2 225 105 99 2 713 265 1 2 174 774 7 023 4 097 11 812 3 391 1 358 13 106 1 557 148 7 776 1 435 242 (X) 97 802 113 (X) 1 358 409 4 181 2 622 162.84 41.42 5.21 1.85 0.80 37.08 2.16 0.20 37.74 3.58 46.60 10.99 162.17 41.39 5.21 1.85 0.80 37.02 2.16 0.20 37.60 3.53 46.16 10.63 106.7 130.3 427.3 56.9 124.4 73.3 122.8 4.9 57.8 219.3 152.2 385.4 4 072 1 360 12 925 7 373 1 535 518 5 329 3 202 284.5 364.8 1 269.5 131.1 257.6 205.3 331.8 19.6 149.8 577.9 385.9 959.2 165.5 113.2 411.9 400.5 779.3 5 632 2 040 17 810 10 197 76 019 7 756 2 542 38 797 15 883 55 915 5 866 2 131 28 794 11 995 28 751 3 081 1 103 14 681 6 117 1 21 759 2 177 839 11 609 5 158 14 836 1 746 624 8 462 3 614 470.11 68.62 6.17 100.51 20.49 459.43 68.50 6.17 96.87 20.38 62.6 45.0 178.7 151.5 300.1 1 189 10 505 42 1 092 6 209 2 019 185 4 085 659 8 667 689 9 365 40 1 201 3 105 161 202 3 206 616 5 575 40 760 5 215 1 739 23 085 9 247 (X) 348 4 626 (X) 1 110 1 880 129 222 2 470 733 3 484 403 3 978 13 408 2 200 654 87 1 584 287 3 227 235 3 555 13 443 1 134 61 82 1 164 238 2 118 104 1 891 (X) 371 661 41 86 827 258 1 249 1.04 48.07 2.95 5.92 69.44 3.69 1.04 61.18 0.81 122.29 0.07 0.91 0.99 42.60 2.94 5.90 68.48 3.63 1.04 60.87 0.81 122.11 0.07 0.91 1 205.0 246.6 14.3 185.0 90.7 555.9 177.9 67.1 817.3 71.0 408.4 93.4 4.4 69.1 32.1 180.1 83.7 26.0 355.9 26.4 693 542 501 274 220 183 764.8 302.4 17 484 15 930 8 708 1 554 15 16 245 14 994 18 901 1 251 (X) 16 000 14 791 10 187 1 209 (X) 7 623 6 985 3 949 638 4 6 875 6 390 13 834 485 (X) 6 201 5 774 4 052 427 (X) 254.03 162.82 7.05 91.21 0.19 251.79 161.17 7.01 90.62 0.19 69.4 98.8 1 242.3 17.1 78.3 30.3 43.3 563.4 7.0 20.9 16 235 1 515 682 2 952 869 9 188 4 697 2 580 746 14 153 1 675 812 2 219 611 8 400 4 782 1 859 603 13 525 1 629 771 2 132 574 7 951 4 831 1 813 658 7 100 712 318 1 196 348 4 048 2 098 1 144 341 5 858 667 324 886 266 3 485 2 030 820 279 5 121 588 267 795 230 3 021 1 880 717 275 457.78 94.82 1.00 95.75 3.28 217.60 4.69 49.60 0.80 452.41 94.41 1.00 93.84 3.25 214.87 4.64 49.30 0.80 35.9 16.0 684.5 31.5 267.2 42.8 1 012.2 52.3 936.3 15.7 7.5 319.2 12.7 107.0 18.8 452.1 23.2 428.0 153 887 17 977 67 194 7 123 615.6 225.8 268.8 89.5 r 150 137 12 303 1 122 575 106 209 192 150 256 8 724 1 126 167 116 500 196 61 533 4 298 1 51 636 45 375 101 53 729 44 155 90 55 579 2 835 1 47 546 44 285 91 255.13 82.85 0.35 99.18 54.98 0.04 120 165 96 777 178 249.96 79.63 0.35 97.90 54.55 0.04 1 227.4 1 774.1 4 552.5 548.8 809.4 2 301.8 8 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) State 2000 area measurements 2000 average per Population Housing units in square miles square mile County County Subdivision Place Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units 10 240 5 505 8 889 6 200 (X) 8 469 6 896 (X) 4 219 2 123 3 388 2 140 (X) 40.64 32.46 0.57 40.30 32.13 0.54 254.1 171.3 104.7 66.1 11 666 10 604 4 455 1 062 10 430 9 487 14 483 943 2 999 2 199 (X) 3 924 3 545 1 750 379 10 767 9 719 5 121 1 048 4 866 4 409 1 851 457 4 268 3 886 11 818 382 219.14 158.69 4.22 60.45 0.12 217.39 157.12 4.09 60.28 0.12 53.7 67.5 1 090.5 17.6 22.4 28.1 453.1 7.6 14 629 4 589 463 4 809 930 5 231 11 077 3 703 440 4 126 1 049 3 248 8 701 3 191 514 3 592 951 1 918 6 490 1 916 202 2 181 470 2 393 4 404 1 387 177 1 637 435 1 380 3 153 1 067 178 1 310 349 776 447.42 138.27 3.49 194.96 2.99 114.19 444.40 138.01 3.49 193.21 2.99 113.18 32.9 33.3 132.7 24.9 311.2 46.2 14.6 13.9 57.9 11.3 157.3 21.1 16 450 902 1 675 1 116 293 1 595 1 084 4 328 634 6 866 4 638 15 398 895 1 516 134 301 1 543 937 3 416 536 7 091 5 292 15 255 854 1 818 141 316 1 802 1 038 2 405 471 7 338 5 188 7 118 396 771 73 145 705 512 1 792 250 2 942 2 034 5 972 333 653 75 123 607 414 1 313 190 2 652 1 942 5 363 324 686 77 110 601 334 866 181 2 552 1 911 497.77 44.44 100.85 0.41 0.89 88.54 77.26 92.49 1.74 94.18 3.85 493.62 44.24 99.64 0.38 0.89 87.93 76.84 91.79 1.73 93.17 3.83 33.3 20.4 16.8 304.7 330.7 18.1 14.1 47.1 366.0 73.7 1 211.1 14.4 9.0 7.7 191.8 163.7 8.0 6.7 19.5 144.3 31.6 531.1 23 417 10 175 8 675 5 549 3 511 53.0 19.6 8 909 2 379 14 508 6 959 15 438 94 7 889 1 503 7 455 2 934 6 371 1 400 3 804 1 177 3 413 909 5 262 2 573 2 955 587 2 594 1 047 2 169 508 1 342 432 454.49 170.73 141.22 7.63 142.55 10.19 441.71 170.37 141.03 7.61 130.31 10.14 63.2 312.5 111.3 686.5 24.2 119.4 40.4 253.8 55 983 5 127 1 113 6 137 3 754 597 2 232 164 38 733 22 698 43 125 3 817 1 013 3 429 3 160 522 1 655 195 31 064 15 854 35 785 3 559 1 035 2 790 3 091 694 1 538 (X) 24 807 14 866 22 742 2 135 467 2 405 1 577 254 894 73 15 731 9 235 16 541 1 532 429 1 301 1 315 229 615 76 11 778 5 758 12 682 1 338 403 1 032 1 137 260 546 (X) 8 629 5 090 688.84 111.74 3.10 185.02 110.27 1.77 72.02 0.78 209.79 12.62 682.07 111.15 3.06 184.11 108.97 1.74 70.15 0.78 207.69 12.52 82.1 46.1 364.0 33.3 34.5 343.1 31.8 210.1 186.5 1 812.9 33.3 19.2 152.7 13.1 14.5 146.0 12.7 93.5 75.7 737.6 The State-Con. Bibb County-Con. Rutland CCD Swift Creek CCD Macon city (part) Bleckley County Cochran CCO Cochran city t Salem CCD. Allentown town (part) Brantley County Hoboken CCD Hoboken city t Nahunta CCD Nahunta city t Waynesville CCD. Brooks County Barney CCD Barwick-Pavo CCD Barwick town (part) Pavo city (part) Dixie CCD Empress CCD Morven CCD Morven city Quitman CCO Quitman city t Bryan County, Fort Stewart CCD 1 Pembroke CCD I.. Pembroke city Richmond Hill CCD Richmond Hill city Bulloch County. Brooklet CCD Brooklet town Nevils-Stilson CCD Portal CCD Portal town Register CCD Register town Statesboro CCD. Statesboro city t Burke County Girard CCD Girard town + Greens Cut CCD Keysville CCD Blythe city (part) † Keysville town (part) | Midville CCD. Midville city Sardis CCD. Sardis town t. Vidette CCD Vidette city 1: Waynesboro CCD Waynesboro city t Butts County, Flovilla CĆD 1 Flovilla city (part) | Jackson CCbt Flovilla city (part) Jackson city t Jenkinsburg CCD Jenkinsburg town. Calhoun County Arlington CCD Arlington city (part) Edison CCD Edison city. Leary CCD Leary city, Morgan CCD. Morgan city t Camden County Kingsland CCD. Kingsland city (part) St. Marys city (part) St. Marys CCD Kings Bay Base CDP Kingsland city (part) † St. Marys city (part) | Woodbine CCO Kingsland city (part) Woodbine city Candler County Aline CCD Metter CCD. Metter city t Pulaski CCÓ Pulaski town 6 812 371 79 989 572 22 243 1 146 227 4 828 2 507 5 170 1 134 457 1 908 1 171 1 053 112 9 667 5 813 20 579 1 074 195 3 677 2 059 3 1 338 1 533 620 1 901 1 116 1 111 r 98 9 224 " 5 669 19 349 1 109 225 3 005 1 520 2 (X) 1 883 670 1 983 1 180 1 287 8 842 479 111 1 844 942 1 48 486 225 822 519 429 44 3 840 2 395 8 329 400 81 1 485 861 2 r 125 645 293 791 474 433 r 51 3 714 1 2 214 (X) 684 301 686 416 459 (X) 3 051 2 124 834.99 103.47 3.20 158.51 92.63 0.29 1.43 114.54 2.00 63.32 1.51 69.94 0.97 232.58 5.52 830.47 102.21 3.19 156.95 92.47 0.29 1.43 113.68 2.00 63.16 1.51 69.90 0.97 232.11 5.46 26.8 11.2 71.1 30.8 27.1 17.4 119.2 10.0 228.3 30.2 776.3 15.1 115.2 41.6 1 064.1 10.6 4.7 34.8 11.7 10.2 3.5 33.7 4.3 112.4 13.0 344.1 6.1 45.3 16.5 438.4 8 562 5 760 4 974 614 151 2 175 19 522 6 541 650 6 853 2 3 934 6 128 203 15 326 2 092 600 6 673 2 4 076 1 703 213 13 665 1 837 458 6 325 (X) 4 133 1 607 360 7 380 2 958 221 2 764 1 1 668 1 658 84 5 536 811 184 2 359 1 1 491 572 80 190.01 91.60 1.79 38.29 0.15 4.73 60.13 0.79 186.61 88.80 1.79 38.00 0.15 4.70 59.81 0.79 104.6 73.7 362.3 180.3 13.0 836.3 102.5 258.4 39.5 33.3 123.2 72.7 6.5 354.6 27.7 106.9 1 491 430 66 6 320 1 374 1 161 1 958 1 340 987 666 2 001 1 464 5 013 1 402 1 188 1 711 1 182 1 017 701 883 252 5 717 1 448 1 135 1 823 1 128 1 252 783 1 194 364 2 305 638 525 844 584 440 288 383 128 2 061 580 491 675 482 422 288 384 114 1 963 525 420 615 390 388 252 435 143 283.57 36.29 2.39 59.09 2.33 98.26 3.20 89.92 1.32 280.18 36.10 2.39 58.77 2.33 96.88 3.19 88.43 1.32 22.6 38.1 486.2 33.3 575.9 10.2 208.8 22.6 1 113.3 8.2 17.7 219.9 14.4 251.0 4.5 90.3 4.3 97.3 43 664 11 491 7 089 30 167 8 781 4 351 16 958 4 792 2 935 10 885 3 401 1 740 782.52 120.58 7.06 629.91 118.27 6.95 69.3 97.2 1 020.1 26.9 40.5 422.3 13 371 4 166 2 008 (X) 5 208 (X) 5 380 1 683 793 (X) 2 002 (X) 24 894 2 599 3 409 13 761 7 279 8 1 218 15 655 3 463 348 8 187 5 731 (X) "1 214 3 596 3 997 8 838 434 1 264 5 351 3 328 4 520 4 969 419 249 3 166 2 515 (X) 1 485 1 330 1 695 229.49 2.05 9.72 20.28 432.46 0.09 2.24 115.42 2.05 9.69 18.75 396.22 0.09 2.24 215.7 1 269.4 351.8 733.9 18.4 86.4 543.1 76.6 212.0 130.5 285.4 8.4 43.2 231.9 (X) (X) 910 349 9 577 1 426 6 081 3 879 2 070 261 7 744 958 5 281 3 707 1 505 264 7 518 1 034 5 025 3 531 1 459 257 3 893 601 2 472 1 522 820 83 3 203 409 2 201 1 480 593 86 2 841 413 1 900 1 325 528 79 248.81 73.30 110.15 7.39 65.36 0.80 246.88 73.08 109.24 7.32 64.55 0.80 38.8 19.5 55.7 529.8 32.1 326.8 15.8 8.2 22.6 207.9 12.7 103.9 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 area measurements 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units The State-Con. 20 321 3 012 692 87 268 9 194 1 959 28 45 974 19 815 5 336 27 71 422 8 715 1 981 (X) 36 548 16 029 4 695 13 56 346 7 948 1 743 (X) 28 672 14 078 4 068 24 34 067 3 951 893 8 17 542 7 569 2 100 11 27 736 3 575 863 (X) 14 226 6 580 1 774 5 503.83 108.57 3.40 1.59 128.64 19.10 57.09 1.98 498.93 108.38 3.40 1.59 127.09 18.58 56.70 1.96 174.9 84.8 576.5 17.6 361.7 1 066.2 94.1 13.8 68.3 36.5 262.8 50 138.0 407.3 37.0 5.6 10 328 5 327 1 424 11 (X) 155 (X) 835 1 275 3 494 177 7 374 2 383 11 993 3 871 3 903 596 1 738 3 129 248 5 360 1 870 9 887 6 464 3 088 643 445 2 243 229 3 891 1 520 7 449 3 389 2 075 775 467 1 327 78 2 910 956 4 732 1 608 1 505 247 I 269 1 184 94 2 008 717 3 794 2 469 1 175 241 91 1 376 559 2 641 1 201 705 266 9.92 50.99 0.79 46.56 6.85 45.48 8.04 66.49 2.80 9.75 50.24 0.79 45.96 6.75 44.77 7.99 65.80 2.77 130.7 69.6 224.1 160.4 352.8 267.9 484.4 59.3 215.1 47.9 26.4 98.8 63.3 141.5 105.7 2012 22.9 89.1 42 464 9 382 36 991 7 664 (X) 21 794 4 518 16 762 3 520 13 401 2 735 (X) 13 53 282 11 442 21 723 6 448 153 15 478 6 734 3 910 19 914 1 259 2 269 644 4 703 107 14 940 5 660 4 222 13 439 629 1 568 3 909 102 15 237 5 287 4 422 10 181 (X) 1 780 313 2 552 51 7 004 3 060 1 709 7 720 488 1 065 242 1 826 40 6 301 2 341 1 730 5 115 243 710 1 396 43 5 682 1 986 1 637 3 588 (X) 699 162.66 31.53 0.50 1.17 56.75 0.43 17.73 10.02 1.88 56.66 1.40 3.51 162.23 31.35 0.50 1.17 56.72 0.43 17.72 10.02 1.87 56.43 1.40 3.50 328.4 365.0 42.4 619.0 113.7 359.2 873.4 672.0 2 093.5 352.9 899.5 648.3 134.3 144.1 26.2 268.0 45.0 119.7 395.2 305.4 915.0 136.8 348.6 304.3 10 282 7 995 2 178 765 2 287 8 496 6 486 2 285 981 2 010 7 343 5 764 2 243 683 1 579 3 859 2 868 976 318 991 3 222 2 423 876 380 799 2 506 1 946 755 246 560 782.97 479.65 3.60 2.58 303.32 780.77 477.66 3.60 2.58 303.12 13.2 16.7 605.7 296.9 7.5 4.9 6.0 271.4 123.4 3.3 Carroll County Bowdon CCD Bowdon city t. Carrollton city (part) Carrollton CCD. Carrollton city (part) † Mount Zion CCD Bremen city (part) | Carrollton city (part) | Mount Zion city t Roopville CCD Roopville town t.. Temple CCD.. Temple city (part) † Villa Rica CCD Villa Rica city (part) Whitesburg CCD Whitesburg town Catoosa County. Boynton Ridge CCD Fort Oglethorpe city (part) 1. Indian Springs CDⓇ (part) 7. Catoosa Springs CCD.. Ringgold city (part) 1. Fort Oglethorpe-Lakeview CCD Fort Oglethorpe city (part) .. Lakeview CDP (part) Ringgold CCD Indian Springs CDP (part) t. Ringgold city (part) t. Charlton County Folkston CCD Folkston city Homeland city t St. George CCD. Chatham County I Montgomery CCD Isle of Hope CDP + Montgomery CDP t. Skidaway Island CDP | Pooler-Burroughs CCD T. Bloomingdale city Garden City city (part) | Georgetown CDP (part) Pooler city (part) : Savannah city (part) Port Wentworth CCD Garden City city (part) Pooler city (part) Port Wentworth city Savannah city (part) Savannah CCD t.. Garden City city (part) | Georgetown COP (part) Savannah city (part) t. Thunderbolt town (part) Vernonburg town Tybee Island-Wilmington CCD I. Thunderbolt town (part) Tybee Island city ť Whitemarsh Island CDP Wilmington Island CDP Chattahoochee County. Cusseta CCD Cusseta city Fort Benning CCD Fort Benning South CDP Chattooga County Little Sand Mountain CCD Lyerly CCD Lyerly town Menlo CCD Menlo city Summerville CCD 1 Summerville city t Trion CCD.. Trion town 202 226 10 378 (X) 77 485 3 904 (X) 232 048 18 952 2 605 4 134 6 914 28 409 2 665 12 10 599 6 162 3 4 484 1 109 I 216 774 16 006 2 637 4 327 4 495 18 891 r 2 075 (X) 5 554 4 453 1 264 12 918 1 855 (X) 2 785 2 540 3 4 962 99 683 8 192 1 038 1 668 3 491 11 395 1 051 6 4 341 2 322 2 1 428 ' 91 065 6 475 997 1 655 2 176 7 392 I 824 (X) 2 370 1 593 642 4 586 645 (X) 1 014 873 2 1 689 438.11 57.51 1.90 5.31 16.36 115.03 13.18 0.03 11.48 23.38 2.43 55.23 0.49 5.27 16.45 14.77 154.55 14.09 529.7 329.5 1 373.2 777.9 422.7 247.0 202.3 353.9 923.3 263.6 1.2 81.2 2 281.4 14.6 199.2 1.1 998.6 721.8 227.5 142.4 547.2 313.9 213.4 99.1 79.8 177.0 378.2 99.3 0.8 25.9 5 079 1 716 632.28 105.90 2.11 6.12 17.86 118.04 13.31 0.03 11.85 23.57 2.43 57.52 0.49 5.27 16.48 14.77 231.91 14.09 0.08 60.91 1.12 0.37 118.92 0.33 2.67 6.61 9.46 77 6.5 3 276 16 154 342 10 168 34 1 377 13 66 609 4 407 4 012 1 006 158 045 7410 1 647 44 66 827 3 129 83.7 0.9 431.0 312.8 131 491 2 234 138 25 861 136 554 2 663 r 143 18 914 123 2 842 2 824 11 230 3 947 245 160 809 6 895 (X) 141 406 2 165 178 13 159 (X) 2 240 (X) 7 546 57 422 1 043 69 12 059 53 2 696 2 427 5 946 58 718 809 1 62 8 768 53 2 150 1 252 4 552 1 411 8 61 759 2 636 (X) 54 356 991 83 5 547 (X) 1 693 (X) 2 560 57.54 0.96 0.36 55.79 0.31 2.56 5.90 8.45 2 285.2 2 324.8 380.4 463.6 338.7 1 326.3 987.5 1 682.9 998.0 1 085.4 190.2 216.2 169.3 1 054.2 411.5 704.0 106 3 392 5 824 14 213 14 882 2 832 1 196 12 050 11 737 16 934 2 280 1 107 14 654 14 617 21 732 2 247 1 218 19 485 15 074 3 316 1 263 543 2 053 2 028 3 108 954 476 2 154 2 143 3 201 865 514 2 336 2 334 251.17 63.89 1.52 187.28 8.71 248.77 63.13 1.52 185.63 8.58 59.8 44.9 787.8 64.9 1 368.0 13.3 20.0 357.7 11.1 236.4 25 470 2 045 2 542 488 2 824 485 11 344 4 556 6 715 1 993 22 242 1 749 2 462 493 2 461 538 9 607 5 025 5 963 1 661 21 856 1 488 2 273 482 2 476 611 9 610 4 878 6 009 1 732 10 677 895 1 091 221 1 385 251 4 378 2 092 2 928 906 9 142 676 951 197 1 100 254 3 994 2 099 2 421 747 8 287 578 828 193 1 006 265 3 612 1 884 2 263 721 313.55 100.30 68.09 0.75 70.48 0.78 39.64 3.98 35.05 4.00 313.33 100.21 68.08 0.75 70.47 0.78 39.55 3.98 35.01 3.98 81.3 20.4 37.3 651.3 40.1 622.5 286.8 1 144.3 191.8 500.9 34.1 8.9 16.0 295.0 19.7 322.2 110.7 525.4 83.6 227.7 Cherokee County t Ball Ground CCD Ball Ground city t. Nelson city (part) Canton CCD 1 Canton city (part) Holly Springs CCD +. Canton city (part) f Holly Springs city Woodstock city (part) 1. Lathemtown CCD Waleska CCD. Waleska cityt Woodstock CCD T. Mountain Park city (part) Woodstock city (part) + .. 141 903 5 249 730 287 18 009 7 548 29 347 161 3 195 17 9 261 5 673 616 74 364 10 10 033 90 204 4 340 905 84 13 158 4 744 18 116 73 2 406 70 6 986 4 267 700 43 337 12 4 291 51 699 3 428 640 128 11 223 3 601 8 850 (X) 687 51 937 1 997 298 123 6 605 2 810 10 458 69 1 173 6 3 550 2 213 114 27 114 4 4 096 33 840 1 667 362 43 5 165 2 004 6 552 22 864 25 2 642 1 703 141 16 111 7 1 627 17 894 1 222 254 47 3 995 1 399 3 093 (X) 244 433.99 69.29 1.24 0.38 87.05 13.22 58.81 1.05 3.17 0.54 68.66 85.78 1.46 64.40 0.04 8.29 423.68 69.27 1.24 0.38 82.78 13.22 57.10 1.05 3.17 0.54 68.43 85.07 1.46 61.02 0.03 8.27 334.9 75.8 589.1 758.3 217.5 571.1 514.0 153.7 1 008.5 31.5 135.3 66.7 422.7 1 218.6 388.9 1 212.7 122.6 28.8 240.5 325.0 79.8 212.6 183.2 65.9 370.3 11.1 51.9 26.0 78.2 444.3 155.6 495.1 4 687 2 487 450 21 024 2 2 699 1 631 851 104 7 102 2 865 10 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 average per County in square miles County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 area measurements square mile 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units 74 498 60 045 42 458 4 927 101 489 76 500 76 500 10 908 10 753 118 14 081 13 013 1 068 87 594 68 328 44 794 6 956 (X) 177 12 310 940 876 42 126 31 929 31 929 4 713 4 652 51 5 484 5 052 432 35 971 28 271 18 208 2 674 (X) 70 5 026 291 359 27 602 22 280 15 499 1 680 (X) 38 3 642 27 242 121.28 64.59 64.59 19.50 19.20 0.23 37.19 34.44 2.65 120.79 64.45 64.45 19.46 19.17 0.22 36.89 34.13 2.65 840.2 1 187.0 1 187.0 560.6 560.8 540.6 381.8 381.2 403.2 348.8 495.4 495.4 242.2 242.6 233.7 148.7 148.0 163.1 105 9 526 91 621 3 357 923 118 3 364 799 138 (X) 2 565 1 248 1 339 360 65 3 553 997 132 (X) 2 556 1 260 1 925 446 60 45 1 479 474 1 586 302 64 (X) 1 284 542 216.99 108.37 1.61 1.34 108.62 6.38 195.21 107.72 1.61 1.25 87.49 3.54 17.2 8.6 73.2 74.2 27.8 287.3 9.9 4.1 37.2 35.9 16.9 133.9 93 979 499 2 434 1 017 236 517 12 167 1 572 I 181 436 13 810 "3 659 86 461 5 059 561 r 71 670 6 586 11 571 53 014 4 792 1 565 1 658.4 1 036.6 581.5 606.2 431.0 207.5 (X) 86 758 6 188 21 447 2 886 4 882 64 573 2 904 7 727 3 829 2 495 73 019 12 478 25 168 2 087 7 048 1 026 1 336 8 700 150 357 10 289 3 489 (X) 70 313 6 033 18 782 2 963 3 791 27 751 (X) 70 400 5 528 16 925 2 733 5 168 39 156 2 010 3 352 3 635 754 58 686 19 455 30 749 2 053 7 233 1 022 1 823 23 217 976 2 649 1 561 596 27 436 4 590 28 101 1 900 6 993 1 107 2 425 13 889 633 1 137 1 495 87 23 350 1 4 032 144.28 11.76 2.70 0.01 45.17 1.93 9.41 1.81 2.96 61.98 1.21 3.20 2.64 2.34 25.37 4.27 142.62 11.74 2.70 0.01 44.98 1.91 9.37 1.81 2.95 60.65 1.21 3.20 2.59 2.34 25.25 4.26 1 928.9 3 234.2 2 289.2 1 594.5 1 656.9 1 064.6 2 391.7 2 414.8 1 477.4 1 064.3 2 891.5 2 926.3 683.7 1 073.0 772.0 564.6 618.7 382.8 803.8 827.8 602.3 254.2 1 086.4 1 076.4 4 132 205 42 004 7 121 1 435 83 14 354 2 732 6 160 560 6 660 699 (X) 2 423 232 (X) 2 353 261 6 878 1 846 9 380 886 5 032 151 130 1 917 2 837 764 5 174 336 2 073 64 57 856 824.17 523.15 0.40 1.73 0.56 301.03 1.72 0.39 1.65 809.29 520.29 0.40 1.73 0.56 289.00 1.72 0.39 1.64 8.5 3.5 22.7 220.3 1 577.7 17.4 87.8 334.0 1 165.5 3.5 1.5 12.6 100.9 598.3 7.2 37.2 146.4 520.4 5 600 206 177 2 560 5 961 206 267 3 112 2 191 76 68 1 027 2 092 86 83 1 117 The State-Con. Clarke County Athens CCD + Athens-Clarke County (balance) (part) + Bogart CCD +.... Athens-Clarke County (balance) (part) † Bogart town (part) Winterville CCD Athens-Clarke County (balance) (part) Winterville city t. Clay County Bluffton CCD Bluffton town. Fort Gaines city (part) Fort Gaines CCD + Fort Gaines city (part) Clayton County. College Park CCD + College Park city (part) Forest Park city (part) | Forest Park-Morrow CCD | Conley CDP t... Forest Park city (part) Lake City city f. Morrow city Jonesboro CCD + Bonanza CDP Irondale CDP 1. Jonesboro city t Lovejoy city t Riverdale CCD Riverdale city t. Clinch County Fargo CCO Du Pont town (part) Fargo city t : Homerville city (part). Homerville CCD 1 Argyle town. Du Pont town (part) Homerville city (part) Cobb County.... Acworth-Kennesaw CCD 1 Acworth city t. Kennesaw city t Marietta city (part) | Austell CCD Austell city (part) 1. Mableton CDP (part) Powder Springs city (part) † Fair Oaks CCD. Fair Oaks CDP (part) Marietta city (part) Smyrna city (part) . Mableton CCD Austell city (part) Mableton CDP (part) + Smyrna city (part) t.. Marietta CCO † Fair Oaks COP (part) † Marietta city (part) t. Northeast Cobb Ccbt. Marietta city (part) Smyrna city (part) | Powder Springs CCD Austell city (part) .. Powder Springs city (part) Smyrna CCD 1 Mableton COP (part) Marietta city (part) | Smyrna city (part) | . Vinings CCD'T Mableton CDP (part) Smyrna city (part) t. Viníngs COP Coffee County Ambrose CCD I.. Ambrose city. Broxton CCD Broxton city Douglas CCD | Douglas city t. Nicholls CCD Nicholls city t West Green CCD Colquitt County.. Berlin-Ellenton CCD Berlin town Ellenton town Doerun CCD Doerun city t Funston CCÓ Funston town f Moultrie city (part) † Moultrie CCD Moultrie city (part) + Riverside town t 607 751 136 150 13 422 21 675 1 231 28 214 4 925 1 111 297 718 29 481 3 648 5 095 51 16 420 3 542 630 237 522 49 149 5 453 8 670 430 10 694 1 956 425 1 786.7 1 282.1 1 896.9 2 568.3 1 441.6 1 380.4 911.6 1 258.2 698.3 462.8 770.7 1 027.3 503.6 523.2 362.1 481.3 447 745 66 758 4 519 8 936 354 19 629 3 665 565 (X) 20 242 5 328 480 358 33 791 357 24 549 38 90 761 1 668 42 371 129 988 15 490 21 746 (X) 16 862 45 981 611 909 26 946 18 849 21 710 8 486 526 40 30 201 389 24 264 113 311 9 958 1 303 1 719 19 5 438 1 308 208 (X) 8 667 3 873 208 13 11 773 116 9 065 (X) 27 581 24 660 6 414 987 384 41 764 296 27 949 772 114 490 2 029 55 199 150 396 1 822 31 741 9 12 481 55 829 673 1 330 34 576 24 507 189 872 25 105 2 093 3 558 126 7 406 1 509 216 (X) 9 222 2 801 217 185 14 258 119 9 858 18 44 065 845 22 168 48 128 1 407 7 581 (X) 1 2 476 22 699 219 646 14 343 11 408 8 893 2 295 324 177 16 120 118 10 684 315 48 069 841 23 788 55 687 344.51 108.31 7.60 8.51 0.86 20.49 5.42 0.90 0.01 11.46 1.51 0.21 0.27 30.47 0.15 19.39 1.59 47.30 0.44 20.20 68.48 0.22 0.08 27.63 0.08 6.34 17.80 0.47 0.46 9.43 12.58 340.15 106.19 7.08 8.44 0.85 20.44 5.40 0.88 0.01 11.44 1.51 0.21 0.27 30.15 0.15 19.23 1.59 47.08 0.44 20.14 67.38 0.22 0.08 27.52 0.08 6.33 17.60 0.47 0.46 9.42 12.35 68 421 777.2 1 521.0 1 546.2 650.5 534.7 773.2 555.6 198.4 1 021.0 1 898.1 1 181.0 826.5 29 477 71 025 2 155.2 4 250.8 4 710.2 1 411.3 1 385.4 1 939.6 1 453.3 486.2 2 431.7 4 579.4 2 740.5 2 232.2 4.6 10 098.9 1 153.2 119.4 1 971.0 3 171.9 1 430.6 2 879.5 3 672.0 1 984.5 12 882 25 336 416 3 709 708 11 501 (X) 3 381 37 390 217 767 19 117 11 569 (X) 447 (X) 554 10 667 4 4 101 24 414 230 685 16 294 13 829 1 106 15 270 68 656 7 913 5 579 (X) 146 (X) 6 806.3 387.6 53.1 647.6 1 387.1 488.9 1 483.0 1 730.4 1 119.9 4 445 9 677 3 149 7417 2 293 5 670 1 869 4 658 2.54 3.29 2.54 3.18 1 749.2 3 039.2 902.4 1 780.8 37 413 4 721 320 3 402 1 428 22 570 10 639 4 087 1 008 2 633 29 592 2 853 288 2 915 1 211 19 607 10 464 2 281 1 003 1 936 26 894 2 924 360 2 860 1 117 17 007 10 980 2 242 1 114 1 861 15 610 1 984 145 1 526 612 9 708 4 692 1 338 500 1 054 11 650 1 074 111 1 179 461 7 694 4 232 977 455 726 9 794 997 123 1 113 420 6 212 3 959 830 425 642 602.61 142.40 3.13 127.56 3.28 125.83 12.94 106.47 1.56 100.35 598.90 140.75 3.07 126.40 3.24 125.40 12.88 106.30 1.56 100.04 62.5 33.5 104.3 26.9 440.8 180.0 825.7 38.4 646.4 26.3 26.1 14.1 47.3 12.1 188.9 77.4 364.2 12.6 320.6 10.5 42 053 3 255 595 336 2 649 828 5 492 426 196 26 318 14 191 57 36 645 2 744 480 227 2 852 r 940 4 521 248 270 22 792 14 595 74 35 376 2 488 538 277 2 877 1 062 4 250 337 248 22 671 14 857 17 554 1 237 249 119 1 185 385 2 240 173 95 11 158 6 430 26 14 350 985 181 93 1 058 " 379 1 787 105 101 9 183 5 929 33 12 953 956 213 119 1 004 381 1 552 131 83 8 423 5 604 35 556.55 86.30 0.75 0.79 69.19 1.27 138.18 1.17 0.67 148.65 13.58 0.22 552.27 85.76 0.75 0.79 68.74 1.26 137.03 1.17 0.66 147.34 13.54 0.22 76.1 38.0 794.7 423.4 38.5 658.3 40.1 365.0 296.9 178.6 1 047.9 263.7 31.8 14.4 332.6 150.0 17.2 306.1 16.3 148.2 143.9 75.7 474.8 120.3 99 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 11 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units 4 339 849 1 3 736 711 1 3 090 757 8 1 734 374 1 1 337 278 1 1 018 256 3 114.23 3.13 0.07 38.3 272.6 15.0 15.3 120.1 15.0 14 099 1 350 8 679 89 288 6 715 64 433 17 727 27 749 18 140 6 089 1 814 66 031 5 074 46 571 13 713 24 738 14 386 3 596 2 199 40 118 3 618 25 675 (X) 10 104 10 825 3 384 1 485 33 321 2 730 23 498 6 632 10 320 7 093 2 473 763 23 745 2 018 16 395 4 795 8 815 5 332 1 499 658 307.78 155.63 72.46 10.00 12.68 79.69 2.89 2.53 113.39 3.11 0.07 290.01 140.00 70.47 9.94 12.57 79.54 2.88 2.52 307.9 48.0 914.3 1 784.1 2 207.1 228.1 2 111.9 719.9 114.9 19.5 333.4 667.5 820.8 89.2 857.7 302.8 3 399 4 070 1 378 593 15 771 13 752 5 307 265 1 755 2 019 13 456 11 463 5 093 376 1 205 1 993 783 13 490 11 337 5 592 280 1 353 2 153 965 6 558 5 651 2 164 138 743 907 405 5 340 4 522 1 972 129 525 818 322 4 857 4 068 1 965 118 520 789 354 233.22 179.57 7.97 0.85 3.93 53.65 1.26 229.02 175.95 7.87 0.85 3.65 53.06 1.24 68.9 78.2 674.1 313.1 480.3 38.0 717.0 28.6 32.1 274.9 163.1 203.3 17.1 326.6 889 20 413 1 186 6 483 89 215 3 880 13 1 309 3 250 393 70 147 1 305 16 242 53 853 3 066 5 1 180 2 370 366 41 826 1 173 12 497 321 39 268 2 207 24 1 110 1 847 358 30 504 1 495 11 449 145 33 182 1 505 7 569 1 196 155 26 114 508 6 464 93 906 153 15 880 491 4 983 108 14 119 844 7 448 656 137 11 027 606 4 318 47 445.98 54.37 0.29 5.21 45.69 0.87 246.39 2.96 18.10 0.51 442.62 53.98 0.29 5.19 45.49 0.87 244.26 2.89 17.92 0.51 201.6 71.9 44.6 252.0 71.4 451.7 2872 451.0 906.4 641.9 75.0 27.9 24.0 109.6 26.3 178.1 106.9 175.6 360.7 182.5 327 2 441 53 11 938 144 1 738 316 165 6 591 135 956 224 189 4 710 117 900 194 260 4 367 65 662 127 68 363 1 592 52 291 72 75 99.53 0.67 4.72 0.55 1.25 98.89 0.66 4.63 0.55 1.25 120.7 216.8 375.0 579.4 131.5 44.2 97.9 142.8 232.8 54.2 96 72 12 495 3 630 808 8 865 7 684 3 666 859 4 018 4 872 1 506 330 3 366 3 279 1 332 354 1 947 2 573 1 195 315 1 378 326.45 149.94 1.50 176.51 325.01 149.39 1.48 175.62 38.4 24.3 544.3 50.5 15.0 10.1 222.3 19.2 21 996 1 629 456 20 367 11 608 8 991 3 638 939 5 353 20 011 1 349 433 18 662 r 10 836 19 489 1 256 376 18 233 11 184 9 559 769 204 8 790 4 782 8 318 552 162 7 766 14 350 7 383 504 142 6 879 3 892 281.20 61.69 4.61 219.51 9.58 273.82 61.44 4.52 212.37 9.50 80.3 26.5 100.9 95.9 1 222.5 34.9 12.5 45.1 41.4 503.6 13 147 12 318 The State-Con. Colquitt County-Con. Norman Park CCD. Norman Park city Omega city (part). Columbia County Appling CCD. Evans CCD Evans CDP Martinez CDP Harlem CCD Grovetown city t Harlem city † Cook County.. Adel-Sparks CCD Adel city t Cecil town t Sparks townt Lenox CCD.. Lenox town Coweta County. Grantville CCD Corinth town (part) Grantville city Moreland CCD Moreland town Newnan CCD East Newnan CDP . Newnan city t. Palmetto city (part) Sharpsburg town (part) Senoia CCD Haralson town (part) Senoia city t.. Sharpsburg town (part) Turin town.. Crawford County Roberta CCD Roberta city t Zenith CCD Crisp County. Arabi CCO Arabi town. Cordele CCD Cordele city + Dade County t. Lookout Mountain CCD . Sand Mountain CCD + Valley CCD Trenton city t Dawson County Dawsonville CCD. Dawsonville city t Juno CCD Decatur County Attapulgus CCD Attapulgus city t Bainbridge CCD | Bainbridge city (part) Brinson CCD 1 Brinson town.. Climax CCD t.. Bainbridge city (part) † Climax city t. Faceville CCD . DeKalb County t Atlanta-Decatur CCD + Atlanta city (part) | Avondale Estates city Belvedere Park CDP Candler-McAfee CDP Clarkston city Decatur city t Druid Hills CDP . Gresham Park CDP | North Decatur CDP (part) North Druid Hills CDP Panthersville CDP Pine Lake city (part) Redan CDP (part) Scottdale CDP + Tucker CDP (part) Chamblee-Doraville CCD + Chamblee city... Doraville city f Dunwoody CDP North Atlanta CDP | Lithonia CCD Lithonia city Redan CDⓇ (part) Stone Mountain CCD .. Pine Lake City (part) | Stone Mountain city Tucker CCD North Decatur CDP (part) Tucker CDP (part) 15 154 3 284 4 086 7 784 1 942 3 582 (X) 1 994 3 273 (X) 1 682 6 224 1 125 1 732 3 367 843 4 998 (X) 1 360 (X) 799 4 293 (X) 1 141 (X) 604 174.16 40.17 39.55 94.43 3.07 173.98 40.09 39.55 94.34 3.07 211.04 117.61 1.93 93.43 87.1 81.9 103.3 82.5 632.5 35.8 28.1 43.8 35.7 274.6 33.9 9429 3 019 467 6 410 4 774 1 844 342 2 930 7 163 2 285 257 4 878 4 321 1 493 182 2 828 2 401 866 138 1 535 213.93 117.79 1.93 96.14 75.8 39.4 320.9 121.7 19.4 133.2 52.2 15 999 4 630 619 11 369 28 240 3 100 492 16 459 11 654 2 908 225 3 657 68 297 2 116 25 517 3 131 380 14 291 r 10 803 2 877 238 1 764 (X) 290 2 093 25 495 3 423 623 13 648 10 553 2 915 274 1 789 11 968 1 126 196 6 919 5 025 1 284 106 1 541 26 134 1 098 ! 10 122 1 036 148 5 810 1 4 494 1 070 96 717 (X) r 126 959 9 065 958 204 5 091 3 991 1 036 107 682 (X) 163 861 623.16 90.61 0.80 72.45 18.18 185.10 1.87 160.06 0.70 0.79 114.94 596.80 90.34 0.80 69.91 17.06 170.40 1.87 158.73 0.65 0.79 107.41 47.3 34.3 617.6 235.4 683.0 17.1 120.3 23.0 104.9 375.7 19.7 20.1 12.5 246.0 99.0 294.5 7.5 56.7 9.7 40.1 169.5 10.2 407 2 400 665 865 362 708 29 775 2 609 18 945 28 294 7 231 18 147 12 741 9 215 14 733 18 852 11 791 " 546 174 315 608 33 539 2 209 18 089 29 491 5 385 I 17 304 12 174 9 000 13 577 14 170 9 874 483 024 291 409 37 283 1 313 17 766 27 306 4 539 18 404 12 700 6 232 11 830 12 438 11 366 (X) 261 231 140 998 13 285 1 263 7 010 9 415 2 622 8 497 4 830 3 104 8 163 10 240 4 321 181 849 108 637 14 018 540 6 486 8 569 2 024 7 893 4 762 1 830 5 349 5 683 4 082 (X) 270.91 125.17 6.93 1.13 4.98 6.99 1.06 4.18 4.21 2.84 4.76 4.98 3.74 268.21 124.39 6.93 1.12 4.98 6.98 1.05 4.18 4.19 2.83 4.76 4.97 3.73 2 482.7 2 915.8 4 293.5 2 327.7 3 801.9 4 054.2 6 856.3 4 343.2 3 040.4 3 252.1 3 093.4 3 790.0 3 162.0 974.0 1 133.5 1 915.7 1 126.8 1 406.8 1 349.0 2 486.1 2 033.6 1 152.6 1 095.4 1 714.0 2 058.7 1 158.8 14 949 9 803 1 310 129 097 9 552 9 862 32 808 38 579 73 837 2 187 18 892 42 229 621 7 145 57 994 537 25 222 11 726 8 636 1 536 98 860 7 668 7 626 26 302 27 812 43 995 2 448 12 650 35 019 810 6 494 52 355 359 24 245 8 770 1 688 98 005 7 137 7414 17 768 30 521 22 793 2 637 (X) 22 611 901 4 867 48 206 (X) 23 711 5 565 4 236 596 52 284 2 730 3 102 14 599 16 636 26 247 892 6 541 16 624 349 2 638 25 078 224 10 108 1 231 685 129 690 14 020 1 074 6 840 9 543 2 461 " 8 220 4 794 3 039 7 308 8 741 4 069 (X) 4 865 3 865 611 45 602 3 046 3 197 10 427 14 358 17 543 936 4 761 15 405 378 2 584 23 280 154 9 805 3 278 584 38 569 3 043 2 726 5 052 14 542 8 561 1 004 (X) 9 017 364 1 824 17 065 (X) 8 134 3.93 3.48 0.77 38.21 3.14 3.59 12.12 7.71 62.51 0.79 5.67 20.35 0.20 1.62 24.67 0.24 11.35 3.92 3.48 0.75 37.96 3.14 3.59 12.08 7.65 61.90 0.79 5.64 19.44 0.19 1.62 24.51 0.24 11.26 3 817.5 2 818.2 1 735.9 3 400.8 3 043.3 2 747.0 2 715.7 5 040.6 1 192.9 2 770.2 3 350.7 2 172.1 3 317.1 4 423.4 2 365.9 2 263.2 2 239.9 1 421.1 1 217.8 789.8 1 377.3 869.8 864.1 1 208.4 2 173.6 424.0 1 129.9 1 160.1 855.1 1 864.2 1 633.2 1 023.1 944.0 897.7 12 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. 5 Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units in square miles County County Subdivision Housing Place 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 units 1980 Land area Population Total area square mile 19 171 1 884 295 434 2 738 305 12 842 5 440 1 707 422 17 607 1 925 312 559 2 460 1 072 11 799 r 5 241 1 423 466 16 955 1 982 350 637 1 908 409 11 431 5 330 1 634 590 8 186 844 125 206 830 167 5 631 2 418 881 243 7 094 771 115 218 762 171 4 887 1 2 287 674 237 6 395 718 125 229 699 149 4 274 2 108 704 252 503.17 94.56 1.73 1.40 61.21 0.87 212.02 5.11 135.38 3.14 500.29 94.33 1.73 1.40 61.05 0.87 210.89 5.10 134.01 3.14 38.3 20.0 170.6 309.4 44.8 349.0 60.9 1 067.3 12.7 134.4 16.4 8.9 72.3 146.9 13.6 191.1 26.7 474.4 6.6 77.4 9 901 1 672 452 r 138 r 195 11 525 1 660 415 163 221 4 533 307 2 772 5 332 2 973 96 065 36 385 23 413 2 998 59 680 53 526 10 826 2 232 567 (X) 202 3 621 431 1 566 4 973 2 886 4 499 694 150 64 93 1 525 156 739 2 280 1 180 39 656 13 756 8 535 1 223 25 900 23 527 4 003 639 152 ! 58 r 83 1 419 152 671 1 945 1 065 3 772 712 174 (X) 71 1 337 165 613 1 723 972 397.07 110.29 0.36 0.46 0.60 119.08 1.02 5.21 167.70 5.26 392.88 109.00 0.36 0.46 0.60 117.47 1.02 5.20 166.41 5.25 29.3 15.2 1 153.7 352.4 367.0 38.6 301.2 532.9 32.0 566.2 11.5 6.4 417.0 138.4 154.5 13.0 153.0 142.1 13.7 224.7 3 545 388 1 620 4 684 2 708 96 321 34 479 22 257 3 108 61 832 55 865 100 710 36 048 21 615 (X) 64 662 52 810 37 386 12 565 7 909 1 153 24 808 22 694 34 735 11 567 6 858 (X) 23 168 19 422 334.64 115.59 16.70 21.67 219.05 39.16 329.60 112.57 16.52 21.48 217.03 39.01 291.5 323.2 1 417.1 139.6 275.0 1 372.0 120.3 122.2 516.6 56.9 119.3 603.1 The State-Con. Dodge County Chauncey CCD I. Chauncey town Milan town (part) Chester CCD 7. Chester town Eastman CCD .. Eastman city t Rhine CCD Rhine town Dooly County t. Byromville CCD Byromville town Dooling town Lilly city t.. Unadilla ĆCD 1 Pinehurst city Unadilla city Vienna CCD Vienna city t. Dougherty County East Dougherty CCD. Albany city (part) Putney CÓPI.. West Dougherty CCD Albany city (part) + Douglas County Bill Arp CCD 1 Douglasville city (part) Fairplay CCD t... Lithia Springs-Douglasville CCD Austell city (part) Douglasville city (part) Lithia Springs city Winston CCD Douglasville city (part) Villa Rica city (part) | Early County Blakely CCD. Blakely city t. Damascus CCD Arlington city (part) Damascus town Jakin CCD. Jakin city t Echols County East Echols CCD West Echols CCD Effingham County Guyton-Springfield CCD Guyton city t Springfield city t. Rincon CCD Rincon city t Shawnee CCD 92 174 30 247 4 857 5 479 50 762 129 15 151 2 072 5 686 57 263 71 120 24 173 2 008 3 914 38 618 151 9 597 (X) 4 415 30 78 54 573 18 565 1 287 2 574 29 643 8 6 326 (X) 3 791 28 31 34 825 10 831 1 876 1 969 19 865 66 6 006 918 2 160 21 161 26 495 8 409 796 1 322 15 212 80 3 877 (X) 1 552 9 34 17 758 5 584 449 829 10 105 5 2 383 (X) 1 240 11 14 200.26 48.83 3.40 43.41 69.19 0.06 17.14 2.21 38.83 0.97 4.68 199.30 48.51 3.37 43.29 68.81 0.06 17.04 2.21 38.68 0.97 4.57 462.5 623.5 1 441.6 126.6 737.7 2 229.0 889.1 937.6 147.0 58.7 57.6 174.7 223.3 556.8 45.5 288.7 1 140.4 352.5 415.4 55.8 21.6 35.3 12 354 8 627 5 696 1 667 441 277 2 060 157 11 854 8 405 5 595 1 531 325 290 1 918 137 13 158 8 962 5 880 1 973 437 403 2 223 194 5 338 3 606 2 251 733 170 115 999 4 714 3 247 2 095 598 128 120 869 68 4 681 3 152 2 053 730 145 143 799 78 516.27 250.66 17.61 132.53 1.61 1.77 133.08 1.24 511.23 248.35 17.47 131.39 1.61 1.76 131.50 1.24 24.2 34.7 326.0 12.7 274.3 157.6 15.7 126.3 10.4 14.5 128.8 5.6 105.7 65.4 7.6 69.2 86 3 754 1 557 2 197 2 334 1 269 1 065 2 297 1 379 918 1 482 652 830 942 539 403 827 488 339 420.80 337.72 83.07 404.13 321.05 83.07 9.3 4.8 26.4 3.7 2.0 10.0 37 535 12 199 917 1 821 22 389 4 376 2 947 25 687 8 667 740 1 415 14 790 " 2 993 2 230 18 327 6 731 749 1 075 9 522 1 988 2 074 14 169 4 582 340 704 8 396 1 892 1 191 9 492 3 202 285 567 5 409 11 218 881 6 325 2 311 285 405 3 325 686 689 482.82 162.49 1.20 2.13 154.18 6.72 166.14 479.41 161.61 1.19 2.13 152.79 6.71 165.01 78.3 75.5 770.3 854.3 146.5 651.9 17.9 29.6 28.4 285.6 330.3 55.0 281.9 7.2 20 511 3 366 898 2 788 14 357 4 743 18 949 2 800 791 2 271 13 878 14 973 18 758 2 631 890 2 196 13 931 5 686 9 136 1 447 411 1 330 6 359 2 265 7 891 1 144 343 970 5 777 1 2 237 7 050 908 315 856 5 286 2 350 374.54 54.73 2.57 114.39 205.41 4.02 368.76 54.40 2.57 113.29 201.07 4.01 55.6 61.9 350.0 24.6 71.4 1 183.4 24.8 26.6 160.2 11.7 31.6 565.1 8 344 687 136 387 135 794 20 546 1 502 293 770 269 1 803 153 12 151 135 (X) 7 361 4 320 255 20 795 1 474 376 909 256 2 191 215 12 078 168 21 837 1 502 267 1 002 286 1 878 140 12 639 131 30 6 943 4 816 152 50 730 1 752 62 7 808 627 156 418 114 833 73 4 399 56 9 419 717 129 501 157 888 58 5 378 53 18 3 051 1 935 84 24 253 632 Elbert County Bowman CCD.. Bowman city Coldwater Creek CCD Elberton CCD Elberton city t Emanuel County Adrian CCD. Adrian city (part) Oak Park CCD Oak Park town (part) | Summertown CCD. Summertown town Swainsboro CCD.. Nunez town t. Oak Park town (part) Swainsboro city t. Twin City CCD Garfield town Oak Park town (part) Stillmore town. Twin City city t Evans County Canoochee CCD Claxton CCD. Bellville city Claxton city Daisy city. Hagan city. Fannin County Blue Ridge CCD. Blue Ridge city Higdon-Mobile CCD McCaysville CCD. McCaysville city Mineral Bluft CCD Morganton CCD Morganton town 4 802 44 690.33 77.74 0.51 57.59 4.73 156.34 0.80 227.90 1.34 1.82 12.69 170.75 0.80 0.61 3.20 3.58 685.79 77.17 0.51 57.55 4.71 155.40 0.80 226.44 1.34 1.82 12.39 169.23 0.80 0.61 3.18 3.58 31.8 19.5 528.2 17.4 60.8 12.1 176.1 55.8 97.7 16.5 560.5 28.5 190.3 82.1 229.8 489.3 13.7 9.3 255.2 8.7 33.4 5.7 73.0 23.7 39.5 9.9 246.3 11.4 105.2 39.4 79.6 176.5 2 930 1 674 104 7 602 4 143 222 (X) 527 1 402 2 814 1 531 94 (X) 189 519 615 1 466 234 565 10 495 2 647 7 848 130 2 276 126 898 8 724 1 664 7 060 192 2 464 138 787 8 428 1 357 7 071 173 2 694 174 880 4 381 1 127 3 254 64 1 032 60 421 3 512 622 2 890 82 1 094 57 305 3 191 534 2 657 65 1 071 73 334 186.88 73.10 113.78 0.99 1.56 1.02 2.18 184.92 72.56 112.36 0.98 1.56 0.99 2.09 56.8 36.5 69.8 132.5 1 457.2 127.8 430.5 23.7 15.5 29.0 65.2 660.7 60.9 201.8 19 798 5 399 1 210 1 955 5 601 1 071 2 855 3 988 15 992 4 397 1 336 1 523 4 720 1 065 2 180 3 172 295 14 748 4 050 1 376 1 521 4 935 1 219 1 906 2 336 263 11 134 2 858 631 1 054 2 956 604 1 544 2 722 152 8 363 2 211 645 726 2 333 568 1 060 2 033 130 6 730 1 769 602 637 2 161 578 771 1 392 115 391.43 45.29 2.17 107.86 38.07 1.63 44.03 156.18 0.86 385.74 43.16 2.17 107.85 37.81 1.57 43.92 153.00 0.85 51.3 125.1 557.2 18.1 148.1 680.8 65.0 26.1 350.8 28.9 66.2 290.6 9.8 78.2 383.9 35.2 17.8 178.4 299 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 13 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per 2000 area measurements State Population Housing units in square miles square mile County County Subdivision Housing Place 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State-Con. Fayette County.. Brooks CCD Brooks town t Woolsey town to Fayetteville CCD T. Fayetteville city (part) Tyrone CCD Fayetteville city (part) Peachtree City city t Tyrone town f 91 263 7 673 553 175 37 274 10 503 46 316 645 31 580 3 916 62 415 5 268 328 120 29 278 5 816 27 869 11 19 027 2 724 29 043 3 087 199 99 14 344 2 715 11 612 (X) 6 429 1 038 32 726 2 590 208 62 13 713 4 378 16 423 194 11 313 1 425 22 428 1 885 124 49 10 555 2 604 9 988 5 6 541 968 9 619 1 025 88 40 4 744 971 3 850 (X) 2 048 360 199.25 56.17 4.07 0.84 68.07 9.24 75.02 0.74 23.90 12.75 197.05 55.66 4.07 0.82 67.47 9.16 73.92 0.74 23.27 12.65 463.1 137.9 136.0 213.6 552.5 1 146.7 626.5 877.2 1 356.9 309.6 166.1 46.5 512 75.7 203.2 478.0 2222 263.8 486.1 112.7 Floyd County Armuchee CCD Rome city (part) + Cave Spring CCD 1. Cave Spring city Rome CCD Lindale CDP Rome city (part) Shannon CCÒ .. Shannon CDP 1. Forsyth County. Big Creek CCD. Chestatee CCD Cumming CCD. Cumming city Silver City CCD 90 565 9 373 279 4 577 975 72 489 4 088 34 701 4 126 1 682 81 251 7 284 3 4 046 950 66 574 4 187 30 323 3 347 1 703 79 800 5 871 (X) 3 678 883 66 500 2 958 28 915 3 751 2 040 36 615 3 833 87 1 924 431 29 136 1 796 14 421 1 722 723 32 821 2 901 1 1 604 414 26 896 1 782 13 098 1 420 722 30 246 2 144 (X) 1 366 321 25 320 1 142 11 787 1 416 790 518.46 96.25 3.50 111.52 4.03 270.78 5.54 26.34 39.91 513.13 95.56 3.43 109.90 4.02 268.04 5.51 25.96 39.64 5.02 176.5 98.1 81.5 41.6 242.7 270.4 741.6 1 336.8 104.1 335.2 71.4 40.1 25.4 17.5 107.3 108.7 325.8 555.5 43.4 144.1 5.02 98 407 27 065 9 652 52 093 4 220 9 597 44 083 6 962 5 294 26 409 2 828 5 418 27 958 5 081 3 503 15 856 2 094 3 518 36 505 9 320 3 916 19 724 1 507 3 545 17 869 2 575 2 308 10 968 1 031 2 018 10 969 1 868 1 544 6 343 747 1 214 247.37 44.28 40.19 116.58 5.90 46.32 225.80 44.15 35.64 99.99 5.89 46.01 435.8 613.0 270.8 521.0 717.1 208.6 161.7 211.1 109.9 197.3 256.1 77.0 20 285 5 293 541 6 896 2 025 1 827 15 185 3 818 465 4 931 (X) 2 024 9 303 2 240 222 3 640 1 430 882 6 188 1 437 194 2 301 77.0 50.2 221.7 115.3 149.0 470.0 35.3 21.2 91.0 60.9 105.2 226.9 762 16 650 4 280 514 5 510 1 470 1 840 1 4 826 700 r 700 1 1 925 2 034 7 613 1 792 215 2 955 1 186 828 1 1 967 324 " 217 818 899 266.37 105.65 2.45 62.72 16.27 3.89 0.09 37.03 2.63 2.10 2.13 60.97 263.29 105.54 2.44 59.80 13.59 3.89 0.09 37.03 2.63 2.10 2.13 60.93 5 208 688 762 1 846 2 888 4 556 636 797 1 767 1 880 2 202 331 227 860 1 221 1 749 275 214 760 701 140.6 261.7 363.6 867.1 47.4 59.5 125.9 108.3 403.9 20.0 816 006 496 142 386 645 r648 776 447 380 360 390 589 904 453 060 387 739 (X) 348 632 225 869 173 621 297 124 211 544 168 669 246 457 192 640 164 808 (X) 1 543.5 2 104.1 3 099.1 659.5 957.9 1 391.6 528.66 235.80 124.76 0.34 0.65 2.32 87 6 180 97 5 483 32 2 538 36 2 670 134.1 2 660.5 6 166 2 786 49.3 1 092.6 Franklin County Carnesville CCD Carnesville city Lavonia CCD Gumlog CDP Lavonia city t Martin town (part) Royston CCD Canon city (part) t . Franklin Springs city Royston city (part) Sandy Cross CCD Fulton County t. Atlanta CCD Atlanta city (part) College Park city (part) East Point city (part) Hapeville city (part) Roswell city (part) t. Sandy Springs CDP (part) + College Park CCD + College Park city (part) + East Point city (part) + East Point CCD . Atlanta city (part) † College Park city (part) + East Point city (part) | Hapeville city (part) . Fairburn-Union City CCD College Park city (part) East Point city (part) Fairburn city t Union City city t Palmetto CCD Palmetto city (part) 1 : Roswell-Alpharetta CCD 1 Alpharetta city t Mountain Park city (part) Roswell city (part) t. Sandy Springs COP (part) + Gilmer County Cartecay CCD t.. Carters Lake CCD | Ellijay city (part) * Cohutta CCD". Ellijay CCD East Ellijay city . Ellijay city (part) t Rich Mountain CCD 1 534.61 238.73 125.44 0.34 0.65 2.32 0.03 38.60 6.35 5.99 0.02 14.15 0.05 85 778 17 411 16 755 22 42 641 54 67 842 16 062 15 422 22 37 290 (X) 46 877 20 592 19 884 (X) 40 422 (X) 42 792 7 268 7 043 11 16 714 19 20 884 9 168 8 943 (X) 16 934 (X) 37.54 6.34 5.98 0.02 14.14 0.05 2 284.9 2 745.4 2 802.8 1 265.8 3 015.6 1 075.6 1 139.9 1 146.0 1 178.1 632.9 1 182.0 378.4 39 486 15 594 3 097.3 1 223.2 47 483 2 055 18 272 747 752.1 3 013.0 35 011 8 003 7 790 11 16 734 (X) 2 15 623 (X) 16 914 986 1 11 594 14 636 2 016 906 42 292 5 887 237 20 318 (X) 289.4 1 095.2 34 281 (X) 41 864 2 047 2 14 015 18 887 5 488 2 291 100 867 13 002 542 47 923 (X) 5 464 11 621 6 359 3 073 205 970 34 854 496 79 334 3 37 486 (X) 32 132 1 259 (X) 3 466 4 780 3 998 1 941 39 700 3 128 376 23 337 (X) 2 005 5 332 2 424 1 190 78 085 14 670 244 31 300 2 15 834 (X) 11 687 643 (X) 1 278 1 897 1 358 700 14 670 1 117 175 8 841 (X) 12.76 0.05 63.69 0.69 0.34 7.32 8.66 71.51 4.77 140.17 21.38 0.49 38.58 0.38 12.75 0.05 63.13 0.68 0.34 7.28 8.59 70.43 4.67 138.82 21.36 0.44 38.02 0.18 750.9 1 353.2 90.3 657.7 1 483.8 1 631.6 1 122.6 2 086.5 16.6 275.5 620.9 34.4 254.7 562.5 686.7 552.2 823.2 11.1 13 368 2 545 11 110 2 096 (X) 6 986 1 287 4 424 873 (X) 23 456 3 249 6 384 4 4 512 5 769 707 1 580 3 542 11 924 1 655 3 115 3 2 601 2 418 265 659 2 135 (X) 7 283 469 431.83 58.57 77.77 0.03 131.64 25.60 1.98 2.65 138.25 426.69 58.52 73.05 0.03 131.38 25.58 1.98 2.65 138.15 55.0 55.5 87.4 127.4 34.3 225.5 357.6 597.2 25.6 27.9 28.3 42.6 95.5 19.8 94.5 134.0 249.1 15.5 8 675 4 356 2 819 199 1 344 206 (X) Glascock County Gibson CCD Gibson city Mitchell CCB.. Edge Hill city. Mitchell town. 2 556 1 851 694 705 30 173 2 357 1 649 679 708 22 181 2 382 1 615 730 767 53 214 1 192 836 325 356 16 77 1 036 728 279 308 11 81 910 621 264 289 20 86 144.45 87.48 1.04 56.97 0.19 1.45 144.14 87.29 1.04 56.85 0.19 1.45 17.7 21.2 669.1 12.4 161.7 119.2 8.3 9.6 313.3 6.3 86.2 53.0 Glynn County Brunswick CCD I.. Brunswick city. Country Club Estates CDP (part) Dock Junction CDP (part) Everett CCD 1 Country Club Estates CDP (part) Dock Junction CDP (part) St. Simons CCD. St. Simons CDP Thalmann CCD + 67 568 31 588 15 600 6 605 6 939 15 178 989 12 14 654 13 381 6 148 62 496 32 495 16 433 6 382 7 090 11 828 1 118 4 12 905 12 026 5 268 54 981 33 381 17 605 (X) 6 189 7 896 32 636 14 196 6 952 3 104 3 081 5 918 435 4 9 382 8 437 3 140 27 724 13 339 6 901 2 565 2 922 4 411 381 1 7498 6 764 2 476 22 358 12 781 6 919 (X) 2 335 2 631 (X) 585.17 42.44 25.19 2.93 10.46 136.67 1.86 0.23 135.65 17.86 270.40 422.37 32,75 17.22 2.91 9.32 127.13 1.84 0.23 58.51 16.61 203.98 160.0 964.5 906.0 2 272.8 744.6 119.4 537.5 53.0 250.4 805.8 30.1 77.3 433.5 403.8 1 068.1 330.6 46.6 236.4 17.7 160.3 508.1 15.4 9 406 6 566 4 298 5 075 3 400 1 871 14 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing 1980 1980 Total area Population 2000 1990 2000 1990 Land area units 44 104 26 550 10 462 257 330 5 592 745 5 349 85 6 613 205 485 " 35 067 22 177 6 863 231 9 4 060 1 643 3 405 153 5 430 272 401 30 070 19 268 5 563 281 (X) 3 256 842 2 850 171 4 696 17 145 10 313 4 225 102 81 2 157 334 2 084 44 2 591 73 199 r 13 774 8 878 3 004 91 4 1 533 293 1 301 75 2 065 105 156 10 935 6 995 2 197 98 (X) 1 191 335 1 075 358.01 108.44 11.32 0.59 0.80 62.52 1.20 98.21 0.82 88.85 0.35 2.03 355.54 107.50 11.30 0.59 0.76 62.38 1.20 97.75 0.82 87.90 0.35 2.00 124.0 247.0 925.5 435.5 433.0 89.6 619.9 54.7 104.2 75.2 588.9 242.9 48.2 95.9 373.7 172.8 106.3 34.6 277.9 21.3 53.9 29.5 209.7 99.6 85 1 674 23 659 16 285 9 239 1 723 542 591 1 438 3 080 631 20 279 14 210 9 035 1 442 457 524 1 183 2 463 605 (X) 19 845 13 443 8 777 1 572 548 558 1 369 2 355 507 9 991 6 759 3 898 784 266 271 639 1 272 212 8 129 5 652 3 551 607 223 218 494 935 195 (X) 7 126 4 859 3 165 541 215 210 480 821 186 460.34 135.43 9.37 65.75 73.19 47.22 53.87 84.88 1.18 458.12 134.77 9.31 65.33 72.63 47.03 53.65 84.72 1.18 51.6 120.8 992.0 26.4 7.5 12.6 26.8 36.4 533.8 21.8 50.2 418.5 12.0 3.7 5.8 11.9 15.0 179.4 14 406 7 261 3 238 1 000 1 169 331 2 491 1 669 1 425 283 1 060 400 11 793 5 179 r 2 878 736 1 099 329 2 539 1 753 1 218 286 1 022 415 11 391 4 998 2 985 503 1 198 446 2 578 1 750 1 036 231 1 078 455 6 653 3 379 1 264 480 483 144 1 063 744 794 126 454 147 4 699 2 039 11 101 346 405 123 999 710 549 115 361 141 4 147 1 818 1 153 186 401 150 986 691 402 111 354 125 406.24 119.18 5.85 63.25 33.32 1.24 47.05 2.09 67.94 4.60 75.49 4.93 388.28 110.58 5.82 57.80 33.26 1.23 46.93 2.06 64.37 4.60 75.33 4.92 37.1 65.7 556.5 17.3 35.1 269.8 53.1 811.4 22.1 61.5 14.1 81.3 17.1 30.6 217.2 8.3 14.5 117.4 22.7 361.7 12.3 27.4 6.0 29.9 352 910 16 826 8 108 157 4 324 14 458 166 808 12 138 6 344 204 2 473 7 975 137 608 6 771 3 441 60 1 661 4 919 58 109 4 403 2 337 71 831 2 605 (X) The State-Con. Gordon County t. Calhoun CCD + Calhoun city (part) Plainville city t Resaca city (part) Fairmount CCD Fairmount city t Red Bud CCD. Ranger town Sugar Valley-Resaca CCD. Calhoun city (part) | Resaca city (part) Grady County: Cairo CCD +. Cairo city t Calvary-Réno CCD + Duncanville CCD † Lime Sink CCD. Spence CCD. Whigham CCD + Whigham city t Greene County. Greensboro CCD. Greensboro city t Greshamville CCD. Siloam CCD Siloam town Union Point CCD Union Point city White Plains CCD White Plains city Woodville CCD. Woodville city Gwinnett County t. Buford CCD f Buford city (part). Rest Haven town (part). Sugar Hill city (part) t Dacula-Rocky Creek CCD 1 Auburn city (part) Braselton town (part) † Buford city (part) t. Dacula city t. Lawrenceville CCD t.. Lawrenceville city (part) | Suwanee city (part) | Lilburn CCD I. Lilburn city t Mountain Park CDP 1 Norcross city (part) . Norcross CCD I. Berkeley Lake city (part) Duluth city (part) Norcross city (part) t. Snellville-Grayson CCD Grayson city t Lawrenceville city (part) † Loganville city (part) .. Snellville city t Suwanee-Duluth CCD + Berkeley Lake city (part) + Duluth city (part) Sugar Hill city (part) Suwanee city (part) | Habersham County Clarkesville CCO Clarkesville city Cornelia CCD Alto town (part). Baldwin city (part) Cornelia city t.. Demorest city t Mount Airy town t Raoul CDP I. Turnerville CCD Tallulah Falls town (part) Hall County Clermont CCD Clermont town t. Flowery Branch CCD Braselton town (part) † Buford city (part) t. Flowery Branch town (part) | Oakwood city (part) Rest Haven town (part). Gainesville CCD + . Gainesville city (part) Oakwood city (part) + Lula CCD Gillsville city (part) | Lula city (part) + Murrayville CCD Gainesville city (part) Oakwood CCD f Flowery Branch town (part) + Gainesville city (part) Oakwood city (part) | 588 448 28 430 10 006 113 11 216 39 772 294 240 560 3 848 156 231 21 169 173 121 758 11 307 11 753 209 682 10 597 3 814 48 4 049 13 408 97 100 189 1 319 54 379 7 281 33 43 939 4 049 4 444 432.73 38.34 12.48 0.33 8.24 91.57 0.13 2.75 0.77 2.89 83.31 12.35 0.20 46.51 637 2 217 76 143 15 937 58 97 032 9 301 11 025 (X) 52 455 791 484.6 276.4 305.7 147.6 491.5 146.4 736.4 36.4 246.3 456.9 652.7 589.4 168.5 944.8 658.0 765.9 217 769 29 184 6 376 22 39 306 3 633 4 002 (X) 23 112 321 1 359.9 741.5 802.0 347.4 1 361.5 434.3 2 232.0 87.3 729.9 1 333.0 1 875.2 1 713.6 883.5 2 618.0 1 837.6 2 025.4 6.15 436.72 39.67 12.52 0.33 8.24 91.62 0.13 2.75 0.78 2.89 83.69 12.41 0.20 47.05 6.20 5.81 0.03 32.51 1.02 0.05 4.08 93.73 1.76 0.64 1.27 9.70 48.44 0.13 8.85 0.92 9.68 72 918 1 672 26 895 601 69 500 10 303 3 162 (X) 18 659 1 230 3 089 (X) 9 134 201 (X) 1 313 9 629 158 110 60 2 566 3 376 (X) 1 040 225 1 577 30 230 8 593 (X) 53 744 3 765 9 425 (X) 22 065 503 (X) 3 363 30 552 464 335 217 8 514 10 104 (X) 2 956 (X) 1 026 2 269.8 1 887.8 837.2 678.6 8 410 103 717 765 1 228 1 285 15 351 65 622 23 22 122 183 8 552 5 947 70 871 529 911 434 12 084 25 125 (X) 9 029 233 2 354 2 750 34 878 288 403 446 5 391 25 586 9 9 061 66 3 111 2 757 23 668 208 298 154 4 185 10 648 (X) 3 930 89 803 5.80 0.03 32.13 0.89 0.05 4.07 92.92 1.76 0.64 1.27 9.66 47.95 0.12 8.76 0.92 9.61 2 066.5 1 116.2 435.8 1 924.0 1 012.1 1 589.1 1 368.4 189.2 2 526.7 198.3 889.6 675.7 375.4 164.1 631.4 351.3 558.1 533.5 74.0 1 034.9 71.5 323.6 329 35 902 11 389 1 248 21 335 519 1 993 3 674 1 465 604 1 816 3 178 61 27 622 8 625 1 151 16 704 467 1 086 3 219 1 088 543 1 666 2 292 92 25 020 7 664 1 348 15 216 456 755 3 203 1 130 670 (X) 2 140 90 14 634 5 061 639 8 177 200 718 1 611 564 256 284 1 396 32 r 11 077 3 742 585 6 362 169 418 1 456 441 234 216 972 39 8 930 2 836 495 5 276 156 241 1 324 404 251 (X) 818 41 279.20 136.70 1.86 86.14 0.47 2.62 3.43 2.30 1.87 1.95 56.35 4.79 278.17 136.42 1.86 85.72 0.47 2.62 3.43 2.27 1.87 1.95 56.03 4.65 129.1 83.5 670.6 248.9 1 116.0 759.9 1 071.3 644.4 323.3 932.6 56.7 13.1 52.6 37.1 343.3 95.4 430.1 273.8 469.7 248.1 137.0 145.8 24.9 6.9 139 277 12 049 419 21 679 23 102 1 806 51 046 4 538 170 8 527 8 41 820 27 956 2 463 128 2 585 I 38 317 3 529 161 4 506 (X) 12 575 (X) 353.8 136.7 434.5 390.7 83.9 68.7 748.3 129.7 51.5 176.3 153.7 29.2 27.6 339.8 75 649 6 739 300 6 343 (X) 9 755 (X) 27 43 646 15 280 11 4 644 107 753 7 411 r 95 434 8 896 402 11 030 (X) 26 1 251 (X) 19 51 158 17 875 48 5 966 85 943 9 575 10 8 803 (X) 38 73 431 25 493 27 7 530 167 1 354 12 780 78 11 808 19 25 354 9 041 10 2 941 78 541 5 220 32 4 466 20 456 7 641 20 2 298 42 403 3 942 10 3 584 (X) 3 302 (X) 9 16 127 5 984 4 1 558 42 285 2 807 429.19 90.83 0.96 68.64 0.27 1.48 2.42 0.06 0.08 128.83 28.82 0.03 67.50 0.82 2.20 54.45 0.08 18.94 0.08 0.20 3.03 393.66 88.14 0.96 55.49 0.27 1.48 2.41 0.06 0.08 119.21 26.81 0.03 66.66 0.82 2.20 47.38 0.08 16.78 0.08 0.20 3.03 481.3 616.0 951.0 795.4 113.0 202.9 615.0 269.7 952.6 703.8 240.7 212.7 337.3 294.6 44.1 94.8 245.7 110.2 390.8 266.2 6 866 (X) 2 416 7 2 662 1 416 712 3 1 088 666 35.6 878.2 15.3 358.9 249 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 15 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: : 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units The State-Con. 10 076 1 547 1 038 1 032 6 459 1 522 8 908 1 350 901 1 283 5 374 1 710 9466 1 368 1 095 1 669 5 334 1 754 4 287 1 100 426 496 2 265 725 3 396 588 323 534 1 951 650 3 162 445 310 608 1 799 682 478.76 114.24 59.33 100.96 204.23 1.83 473.28 110.03 59.28 100.76 203.21 1.82 21.3 14.1 17.5 10.2 31.8 835.4 9.1 10.0 7.2 4.9 11.1 397.9 25 690 17 109 4 552 538 1 160 21 966 9 589 4 343 18 422 7 758 3 942 10 719 7 095 1 967 219 567 9 016 3 933 1 808 6 990 2 928 1 555 91.1 135.0 657.6 709.2 249.8 38.0 56.0 284.1 288.7 122.1 (X) 283.16 127.13 6.93 0.76 4.67 0.01 1.61 62.38 0.59 93.66 0.32 2.79 282.11 126.71 6.92 0.76 4.64 0.01 1.61 61.97 0.40 93.43 0.32 2.78 469 3 247 306 5 334 97 1 629 461 5 914 1 009 6 463 (X) 2 805 (X) (X) 216 2 355 386 2 728 (X) 1 256 471 4 985 1 019 5 679 203 1 318 116 2 306 45 767 177 1 816 360 2 246 (X) 1 134 291.4 52.4 772.3 57.1 304.3 585.8 126.1 21.3 292.8 24.7 141.2 275.8 2 647 23 695 6 582 307 4 585 17 788 4 820 454 3 981 15 464 3 348 495 4 172 10 288 2 883 144 2 518 7 814 2 118 179 2 092 6 053 1 468 215 1 643 51.1 46.7 149.2 36.9 22.2 20.5 70.0 20.3 1949 1 118 708 3 063 423 9465 709 984 993 2 214 392 5 730 913 871 317 1 217 174 3 670 267 749 2 365 329 6 622 769 486 309 1 031 135 2 573 275 472.93 145.91 2.06 127.42 0.03 2.66 0.66 65.52 2.27 134.08 3.41 421 389 864 154 2 078 316 463.69 140.96 2.06 124.25 0.03 2.55 0.65 65.28 2.25 133.20 3.36 437.7 1 089.1 46.9 187.7 71.1 211.2 341.0 487.6 18.6 77.2 27.6 79.5 11 111 1 590 156 8 942 1 253 135 7 527 1 051 134 30 16 22 997 3 096 334 67 12 048 4 188 5 065 2 148 2 788 19 712 2 369 311 37 10 736 4 555 4 157 1 854 2 450 18 585 2 224 318 (X) 10 713 4 855 3 303 (X) 2 345 68 633 5 266 1 950 3 084 1 705 1 171 4 410 1 918 2 324 1 293 955 3 862 1 798 1 764 (X) 850 22 250 256.42 48.77 3.10 0.55 110.36 4.63 60.79 34.55 36.50 0.01 1.28 232.21 46.72 3.09 0.55 100.06 4.63 48.97 23.34 36.47 0.01 1.28 99.0 66.3 108.1 122.9 120.4 904.9 103.4 92.0 76.4 47.8 34.0 50.5 55.0 52.6 421.3 63.0 73.1 32.1 647 635 275 245 503.8 214.1 11 012 3 787 383 388 8 628 3 128 301 324 6 520 2 657 240 184 4 512 1 579 151 170 3 536 1 305 137 136 2 459 1 002 103 74 37.2 41.1 116.6 127.9 15.2 17.1 46.0 56.0 301.08 93.59 3.28 3.03 0.09 90.74 0.61 3.30 116.76 Hancock County. Devereux CCD Linton CCD Mayfield CCD Sparta CCD Sparta city Haralson County Bremen CCD T. Bremen city (part) t. Buchanan city (part) 1: Tallapoosa city (part) Temple city (part) + Waco city Buchanan CCD I.. Buchanan city (part) | TallapOOsa CC Buchanan city (part) 7. Tallapoosa cíty (part) †. Harris County Hamilton CCD Hamilton city (part) 7. Pine Mountain CCD. Hamilton city (part) . Pine Mountain town (part) 7. West Point city (part). Shiloh CCD † Shiloh city t Waverly Hall CCD + Waverly Hall town t. Hart County Bowersville CCD I. Bowersville town Canon city (part) Hartwell CCD Hartwell city t Reed Creek CCD Reed Creek CDP Royston CCD Canon city (part) Royston city (part) Heard County : Centralhatchee CCD. Centralhatchee town. Ephesus town... Franklin city (part) Franklin CCD Corinth town (part) Franklin city (part) Texas CCD Henry County Hampton CCD Hampton city t. Locust Grove CCD I. Locust Grove city + McDonough CCD Í Blacksville CDP | McDonough city t Stockbridge city (part) Stockbridge CCD. Stockbridge city (part) † Houston County Elko CCD + Perry city (part) Perry ECD.. Perry city (part) t. Warner Robins city (part) † Warner Robins CCD | Centerville city t. Perry city (part) t Robins AFB COP Warner Robins city (part) Irwin County Holt CCD Irwinville CCD Ocilla CCD I. Fitzgerald city (part) Ocilla city t Jackson County Commerce CCD Commerce city t Jefferson CCD † Arcade city t.. Jefferson city (part) | Maysville CCD | Jefferson city (part) † Maysville town (part) † Nicholson CCD . Nicholson city t West Jackson CCD Braselton town (part) † Hoschton city t Jefferson city (part) + Pendergrass city t Talmo town 296.03 92.24 3.28 3.03 0.08 88.69 0.61 3.17 115.10 1 362 61 4 470 200 902 2 755 3 393 131 876 2 107 2 198 51 711 1 665 1 800 81 398 1 133 825 28 268 632 50.4 325.7 284.8 23.9 20.3 131.9 125.7 9.8 362 869 119 341 9 924 3 857 13 919 2 322 52 666 4 8 493 1 112 42 832 8 741 58 741 6 159 2 694 6 245 1 681 21 001 1 112 2 929 (X) 25 336 3 359 36 309 4 479 2 059 4 365 1 479 13 316 1 521 2 778 (X) 14 149 2 103 43 166 3 716 1 525 4 921 863 18 895 1 3 234 438 15 634 3 553 21 275 2 225 984 2 304 634 7 617 350 1 067 (X) 9 129 1 438 12 273 1 601 763 1 424 462 4 463 382 1 039 (X) 4 785 734 324.48 52.82 4.32 81.77 2.20 135.98 0.08 7.80 1.96 53.90 9.04 322.71 52.44 4.29 81.45 2.13 135.31 0.08 7.76 1.94 53.51 9.01 369.8 189.2 899.6 170.9 1 089.5 389.2 50.7 1 093.8 574.7 800.5 969.9 133.8 70.9 355.7 60.4 404.9 139.6 12.7 416.5 226.4 292.2 394.2 110 765 4 116 89 208 3 146 44 509 1 579 34 785 1 174 118.1 294.0 21.2 8.1 17 504 9 599 185 89 145 4 278 14 464 9 448 (X) 71 598 3 251 (X) 3 092 r 43 861 77 605 3 227 (X) 12 226 9 453 (X) 62 152 2 622 (X) 3 571 39 893 7 085 4 052 65 35 845 1 687 5 537 3 730 (X) 28 074 1 166 (X) 738 r 18 357 27 423 1 074 (X) 4 317 3 286 (X) 22 032 866 (X) 786 14 777 379.83 195.32 0.02 81.06 15.13 0.72 103.45 2.80 0.03 2.73 21.72 376.75 194.47 0.02 80.11 15.13 0.72 102.17 2.80 0.03 2.71 21.63 218.5 634.5 257.2 872.5 1 526.4 88.4 267.8 90.4 350.8 601.9 3 949 48 602 791 21 617 1 458.3 2 246.7 292.1 999.3 9 931 1 025 2 434 6 472 35 3 270 8 649 978 1 887 5 784 8 988 1 173 1 950 5 865 4 149 459 1 035 2 655 15 1 283 3 479 381 802 2 296 3 341 405 838 2 098 362.73 90.63 120.63 151.47 0.04 2.59 356.81 89.22 118.42 149.17 0.04 2.59 27.8 11.5 20.6 43.4 794.7 1 264.3 11.6 5.1 8.7 17.8 340.6 496.0 3 182 3 436 1 238 1 213 41 589 8 207 5 292 14 268 1 643 3 807 4 228 18 575 4 966 1 247 9 920 30 005 6 967 4 108 10 653 697 2 723 2 945 10 333 3 352 535 6 088 384 642 30 298 189 25 343 7 100 4 092 8 548 223 1 820 2 064 (X) 251 2 911 491 4 720 308 490 (X) 302 (X) 16 226 3 491 2 273 5 484 609 1 515 1 599 7 250 1 918 484 3 734 278 404 11 775 2 903 1 724 4 055 266 1 122 1 119 5 139 1 325 213 2 373 165 251 9 122 74 9 105 2 629 1 589 3 081 81 702 692 (X) 102 1 054 184 1 649 107 174 (X) 103 (X) 343.00 43.64 8.31 125.09 6.48 16.10 56.82 1.49 1.76 43.88 2.95 73.58 2.33 2.45 1.39 2.03 1.73 342.36 43.47 8.30 124.96 6.46 16.10 56.82 1.49 1.76 43.57 2.95 73.54 2.33 2.45 1.39 2.02 1.73 121.5 188.8 637.3 114.2 254.2 236.4 74.4 12.1 327.6 114.0 423.3 134.9 300.3 437.2 47.4 80.3 273.7 43.9 94.2 94.1 28.1 4.7 142.4 44.0 164.3 50.8 119.1 165.1 701 1 070 431 477 171 150 212.8 275.5 84.4 86.6 16 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units County in square miles County Subdivision Place Housing Population 2000 area measurements 2000 average per square mile 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area units The State-Con. 11 426 2 274 654 6 316 2 428 2 182 242 8 453 1 170 608 5 328 2 289 1 347 180 7 553 1 025 627 4 785 2 382 1 116 155 4 806 991 290 2 750 1 006 775 89 3 637 588 286 2 271 913 492 78 3 083 509 247 1 927 896 400 67 373.58 59.02 94.01 143.90 3.04 76.65 0.83 370.42 58.19 93.59 142.24 3.01 76.40 0.83 30.8 39.1 7.0 44.4 805.8 28.6 290.2 13.0 17.0 3.1 19.3 333.9 10.1 106.7 12 684 1 393 269 11 291 3 787 12 032 1 457 335 10 575 4 202 11 473 1 468 286 10 005 4 298 5 581 615 112 4 966 1 810 4 792 579 124 4 213 1 698 4 049 534 106 3 515 1 537 335.42 145.85 1.55 189.58 4.71 333.38 145.13 1.55 188.25 4.69 38.0 9.6 174.0 60.0 807.1 16.7 4.2 72.5 26.4 385.8 17 266 6 494 2 712 1 793 217 318 3 780 17 408 5 978 ' 2 486 1 707 215 330 4 321 292 1 2 416 5 402 12 2 414 18 403 6 571 2 823 1 815 248 388 4 794 357 2 438 5 223 (X) 2 415 7 221 2 625 1 123 795 127 117 1 604 106 872 2 197 4 1 030 7 065 2 342 963 735 112 164 1 753 126 966 2 235 6 985 6 519 2 290 1 080 655 108 162 1 588 135 832 1 986 (X) 933 529.56 219.94 3.65 80.78 0.65 1.75 103.30 1.14 4.60 125.54 0.06 3.05 527.65 219.03 3.59 80.63 0.65 1.75 102.52 1.14 4.56 125.47 0.06 3.04 32.7 29.6 755.5 22.2 333.7 182.1 36.9 196.1 458.3 41.4 162.7 760.1 13.7 12.0 312.8 9.9 195.3 67.0 15.6 93.2 191.4 17.5 65.1 338.3 223 2 088 5 199 10 2 314 8 575 6 587 3 492 1 988 8 247 6 365 3 808 1 882 8 841 6 676 3 988 2 165 3 907 3 003 1 567 904 3 365 2 612 1 496 753 3 346 2 562 1 505 784 352.45 205.14 3.61 147.31 349.81 202.92 3.61 146.89 24.5 32.5 966.9 13.5 11.2 14.8 433.9 6.2 Jasper County Eudora ccb Hillsboro CCD. Monticello CCD Monticello city t Shady Dale CCD Shady Dale town Jeff Davis County Denton CCD Denton city Hazlehurst CCD Hazlehurst city t Jefferson County Louisville CCÓ Louisville city t Stapleton CCD Avera city t Stapleton city t Wadley CCD.. Bartow town Wadley city t Wrens CCD.. Keysville town (part) | Wrens city t Jenkins County.. North Ogeechee CCD. Millen city South Ogeechee CCD Johnson County. Adrian CCD. Adrian city (part) Balls Ferry CCD Kite CCD Kite town Wrightsville CCD Wrightsville city t Jones County, Gray-Griswold CCD Gray city Macon city (part) Round Oak CCD I. Lamar County. Barnesville CCD.. Aldora town t Barnesville city Milner CCD Milner city t Lanier County. East River CCD + Lakeland CCD t... Lakeland city. Laurens County Brewton CCO Cadwell CCD Cadwell town Cedar Grove CCD Dexter CCD Dexter town t Dublin CCD. Dublin city t Dudley CCD Allentown town (part) Dudley city Montrose town East Dublin CCD East Dublin city t Rentz CCD Rentz town t 8 560 1 220 312 1 674 1 178 241 4 488 2 223 8 329 1 378 322 1 564 1 196 297 4 191 2 331 8 660 1 582 380 1 636 1 316 328 4 126 2 526 3 634 536 147 742 606 140 1 750 978 3 389 581 144 620 540 147 1 648 969 3 325 616 144 618 530 165 1 561 977 306.52 55.81 0.92 82.32 86.30 0.80 82.08 3.49 304.26 55.41 0.88 81.73 85.51 0.80 81.61 3.43 28.1 22.0 356.5 20.5 13.8 299.4 55.0 648,1 11.9 9.7 168.0 9.1 7.1 173.9 21.4 285.1 7 722 6 710 23 639 20 526 1 811 478 3 113 20 739 17 901 2 189 402 2 838 16 579 13 929 2 145 395 2 650 9 272 7 999 713 186 1 273 799 5 831 4 939 688 105 892 395.39 198.33 2.43 0.36 197.06 393.75 197.30 2.42 0.36 196.45 60.0 104.0 748.8 1 341.7 15.8 23.5 40.5 294.8 522.1 6.5 123 1 012 15 912 10 983 98 5 972 4 929 522 13 038 9 452 127 4 747 3 586 321 12 215 9 073 139 4 887 3 142 320 6 145 4 217 45 2 257 1 928 201 5 066 3 644 46 1 842 1 422 128 4 332 3 190 46 1 750 1 142 129 185.79 108.83 0.33 5.67 76.96 1.40 184.82 108.32 0.33 5.66 76.50 1.40 86.1 101.4 298.1 1 055.9 64.4 372.0 33.2 38.9 136.9 399.1 25.2 143.2 7 241 1 581 5 660 2 730 5 531 1 242 4 289 2 467 5 654 1 177 4 477 2 647 3 011 667 2 344 1 162 2 202 503 1 699 1 002 2 036 430 1 606 930 199.83 90.87 108.96 3.13 186.82 90.68 96.15 3.10 38.8 17.4 58.9 881.0 16.1 7.4 24.4 375.0 44 874 3 180 1 437 329 1 015 2 203 509 25 330 15 857 1 720 3 447 154 7 168 2 484 2 821 304 39 988 2 804 1 501 458 872 1 705 475 23 109 16 312 1 553 2 430 117 6 220 2 524 2 224 364 36 990 2 018 1 286 353 897 1 575 527 21 122 16 083 1 802 2 425 170 6 392 2 916 1 898 337 19 687 1 383 699 178 472 983 231 10 943 6 977 734 3 207 65 3 176 1 105 1 297 164 16 504 1 118 600 157 406 747 213 9 363 6 495 624 2 184 60 2 676 1 095 970 182 13 484 675 515 157 356 616 210 7 727 5 861 597 2 152 71 2 253 1 038 745 147 818.51 107.38 93.94 1.29 119.44 60.88 0.77 158.68 13.27 76.55 0.49 3.12 1.61 127.78 2.96 73.87 1.05 812.27 105.41 93.84 1.29 119.00 60.61 0.76 156.87 13.21 76.37 0.49 3.12 1.61 126.48 2.92 73.68 1.05 55.2 30.2 15.3 254.3 8.5 36.3 670.4 161.5 1 200.7 22.5 6.1 143.5 95.5 56.7 849.3 38.3 288.5 24.2 13.1 7.4 137.6 4.0 16.2 304.2 69.8 528.3 9.6 6.1 66.4 40.3 25.1 377.8 17.6 155.7 24 757 16 431 2 633 6 495 1 831 774 16 250 10 752 1 452 3 928 1 570 804 11 684 7 185 1 301 2 830 1 669 867 8 813 5 773 851 2 351 689 305 5 537 3 594 517 1 371 572 294 3 877 2 449 428 870 558 321 362.01 130.13 4.78 140.51 91.37 2.55 355.77 129.08 4.73 136.04 90.65 2.55 69.6 127.3 557.2 47.7 20.2 303.6 24.8 44.7 180.1 17.3 7.6 119.6 16 776 13 687 247 Lee County Leesburg CCD Leesburg city to Philema CCD Smithville CCD Smithville city t Liberty County Hinesville CCD Allenhurst town... Flemington city. Fort Stewart CDP Gumbranch city Hinesville city Walthourville city (part) † Midway CCD. Midway city t Riceboro CCD Riceboro city t. Walthourville city (part) † 122 61 610 52 699 788 369 11 205 273 30 392 4 025 7 017 1 100 1 894 736 5 52 745 45 974 594 279 13 774 291 r 21 596 2 024 5 034 863 1 737 745 (X) 37 583 31 528 606 440 15 031 272 11 309 905 4 088 457 1 967 216 (X) 21 977 17 994 326 177 1 936 129 11 742 1 638 3 213 395 770 292 1 2 137 106 18 035 820 2 467 322 622 269 (X) 10 800 8 329 225 177 2 096 91 4 335 314 1 825 171 646 94 (X) 602.52 278.05 1.14 4.72 6.60 0.81 16.31 3.74 213.07 5.60 111.40 11.40 0.05 519.05 277.77 1.13 4.71 6.60 0.80 16.22 3.74 138.07 5.56 103.21 11.09 0.05 118.7 189.7 694.3 78.3 1 697.1 341.7 1 874.0 1 076.6 50.8 197.8 18.4 66.4 103.2 42.3 64.8 287.2 37.5 293.2 161.4 724.0 438.1 23.3 71.0 7.5 26.3 20.6 Lincoln County Lincolnton CCD Lincolnton city t South Lincolnton CCD 8 348 3 970 1 595 4 378 7 442 3 659 1 476 3 783 6 716 3 478 1 406 3 238 4 514 2 212 657 2 302 3 870 1 935 623 1 935 3 089 1 649 550 1 440 257.28 120.62 3.20 136.66 211.09 106.89 3.20 104.20 39.5 37.1 498.6 42.0 21.4 20.7 205.4 22.1 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 17 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. 5 Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population 2000 area measurements Housing units 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Population units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area 10 304 6 050 6 202 3 060 4 524 1 991 4 232 2 377 2 638 1 241 25.7 26.8 10.6 10.5 1 734 676 (X) 1 058 598 403.49 227.10 0.18 176.39 2.05 400.92 225.97 0.18 174.95 2.04 4 254 1 440 3 142 1 291 2 533 1 286 1 855 636 1 397 594 24.3 704.7 10.6 311.3 92 115 13 297 993 236 9 924 1 626 67 972 5 561 1 297 (X) 5 305 1 534 36 551 3 811 330 78 3 365 715 24 333 1 747 348 (X) 1 824 577 182.7 244.9 2 452.6 154.5 105.3 739.4 72.5 70.2 815.1 51.1 35.7 325.1 6 697 75 981 7 596 1 288 41 6 921 1 353 (X) 6 931 (X) 500 2 327 (X) 52 206 463 39 765 28 906 2 375 347 12 2 286 578 (X) 2 842 (X) 205 882 (X) 20 521 259 15 596 2 898 322 262 1 226 1 698 (X) 178 751 834 510.63 54.66 0.40 1.60 94.87 2.29 0.15 64.34 4.95 1.47 102.50 1.33 194.26 0.21 27.19 4 471 (X) 439 2 187 (X) 50 448 443 37 596 504.22 54.29 0.40 1.53 94.25 2.20 0.15 62.24 4.86 1.42 102.26 1.33 191.19 0.21 26.93 46.6 66.3 184.0 12.0 549 3 104 2 59 093 847 43 486 107.6 171.7 385.5 30.4 1.5 309.1 4 117.8 1 614.7 25 251 492 18 829 21 016 11 069 3 281 9 947 357 14 573 8 246 3 033 6 327 53 10 762 6 357 2 844 4 405 8 263 4 174 1 054 4 089 127 5 729 3 030 863 2 699 27 18 313 160 13 665 3 835 2 163 767 1 672 284.87 140.59 4.12 144.28 2.28 284.47 140.29 4.12 144.18 2.28 73.9 78.9 796.5 69.0 156.3 132.1 2 391.9 699.1 29.0 29.8 255.9 28.4 55.6 20 119 4 632 547 15 487 6 862 18 546 3 700 539 14 846 7 001 266.30 72.38 0.83 193.92 3.95 8 043 1 832 230 6 211 2 710 4 276 2 728 765 1 548 259.77 71.98 0.83 187.79 3.95 81.7 70.8 528.9 85.9 1 726.9 21 231 5 093 441 16 138 6 828 10 847 7 309 1 719 3 538 14 074 1 942 518 2 003 1 335 6 002 3 999 4 127 34.3 28.7 247.0 36.5 732.2 8 634 6 221 1 783 2 413 8 916 2 065 206 6 851 2 895 5 735 3 427 832 2 308 5 495 833 217 836 582 2 377 1 673 1 449 8 046 5 706 1 731 2 340 574.53 330.86 1.98 243.67 433.45 205.39 1.98 228.05 25.0 35.6 869.6 15.5 13.2 16.7 420.9 10.1 6 899 1 399 216 5 500 2 582 3 643 2 360 694 1 283 4 677 671 190 715 479 2 185 1 709 1 106 (X) 512 13 114 1 995 554 2 008 1 457 6 160 4 506 2 951 14 003 2 119 619 2 360 1 540 6 526 4 830 2 998 (X) 1 305 4 848 718 176 696 528 2 248 1 705 1 186 405.95 136.26 1.17 78.69 3.16 111.14 4.51 79.86 0.02 2.06 403.28 135.17 1.17 78.24 3.16 110.46 4.49 79.42 0.02 2.03 34.9 14.4 444.4 25.6 422.8 54.3 890.9 52.0 13.6 6.2 186.2 10.7 184.3 21.5 372.7 18.2 1 200 1 302 566 547 590.3 278.4 The State-Con. Long County: Ludowici North CCD Ludowici city (part) Ludowici South CCD Ludowici city (part) Lowndes County Barretts CCD T. Moody AFB CDP Valdosta city (part) † Hahira CCD Hahira city t Valdosta city (part) † Lake Park CCD T. Dasher town Lake Park city Naylor CCD Valdosta city (part) | Valdosta CCD 1 Remerton city Valdosta city (part) Lumpkin County. Dahlonega CCD. Dahlonega city (part) Three Sisters Mountains CCD Dahlonega city (part) McDuffie County Dearing CCD Dearing town Thomson CCD. Thomson city to Mcintosh County Darien CCD Darien city Townsend CCD Macon County Ideal CCD Ideal city Marshallville CCD Marshallville city Montezuma CCD Montezuma city (part) Oglethorpe CCD Montezuma city (part) | Oglethorpe city | Madison County: Broad River CCD. Royston city (part) Colbert CCD Colbert city t Hull city Comer CCD I.. Carlton city Comer city Danielsville CCD . Danielsville city t Ila CCD I.. la city t Marion County Buena Vista CCD Buena Vista city North Buena Vista CCD + Meriwether County Gay CCD.. Gay town Haralson town (part) † Greenville CCD Greenville city t Luthersville CCD Lone Oak town Luthersville city t Manchester CCD Manchester city (part) † Warm Springs CĆD.. Pine Mountain town (part) t. Warm Springs city t Woodbury CCĎ Woodbury city t Miller County. Bellview CCD Colquitt CCD + Colquitt city (part) + Mayhaw CCÓ | Colquitt city (part) Mitchell County.. Baconton CCD. Baconton city Branchville CCD. Camilla CCD. Camilla city t Pelham CCD I. Meigs city (part) Pelham city . Sale City CCDT. Sale City town 25 730 1 936 10 520 845 90.6 46.5 37.1 20.3 10 790 488 - 160 3 913 233 1 052 3 856 457 5 235 328 21 050 1 688 3 8 792 443 156 3 299 282 11 079 3 217 318 4 054 297 17 747 1 589 4 7 164 498 188 3 143 291 930 2 704 354 3 147 287 4 357 223 78 1 600 118 424 1 595 216 2 123 143 8 428 724 1 3 446 199 79 1 324 136 399 1 328 156 1 606 120 6 480 609 2 2 564 199 77 1 146 124 359 1 014 150 1 147 123 285.57 41.76 0.01 66.26 0.87 0.33 68.25 1.00 3.18 47.95 1.12 61.36 0.81 283.88 41.67 0.01 65.99 0.87 0.33 67.70 1.00 3.18 47.80 1.11 60.73 0.81 163.5 561.5 483.7 57.8 232.3 330.6 80.7 412.4 86.2 403.2 66.0 256.6 235.8 23.6 117.6 133.2 33.4 194.9 35.0 175.8 7 144 3 517 1 664 3 627 22 534 2 746 149 5 590 3 261 1 472 2 329 5 297 3 255 1 544 2 042 3 130 1 556 756 1 574 9 211 1 012 69 2 152 1 253 575 899 1 841 1 093 527 748 367.49 168.38 3.28 199.11 367.00 168.23 3.24 198.77 19.5 20.9 512.9 18.2 8.5 9.2 233.0 7.9 44.8 26.1 173.1 18.3 9.6 80.2 3 241 946 4 449 104 783 6 125 3 895 3 304 23 485 2 669 1 184 22 411 2 649 133 4 3 356 1 167 3 937 161 741 6 111 3 973 3 529 (X) 407 2 829 1 429 21 229 2 042 175 6 2 829 1 213 3 194 119 597 6 519 4 626 3 687 (X) 461 2 958 1 738 1 311 432 1 700 47 299 2 751 1 811 1 370 11 208 1 067 499 8 409 886 64 3 1 167 466 1 457 61 306 2 639 1 717 1 272 (X) 170 988 519 7 600 655 74 2 1 012 432 1 147 54 241 2 533 1 805 1 313 (X) 197 940 559 505.34 105.78 0.86 0.04 112.53 1.83 95.06 0.63 3.08 58.36 5.47 89.18 0.14 1.20 44.43 2.02 503.28 105.37 0.86 0.04 112.21 1.82 94.98 0.63 3.07 58.04 5.46 88.72 28.9 520.8 46.8 166.2 254.9 105.5 712.9 37.2 167.6 409.7 60.7 588.7 11.7 237.8 17.9 75.1 97.4 47.4 331.5 15.4 0.14 1.18 43.96 2.01 80.2 175.7 24.3 248.1 6 383 1 098 2 715 1 719 2 570 220 6 280 1 143 3 728 1 991 1 409 (X) 7 038 1 392 4 018 2 065 1 628 (X) 2 770 444 1 180 754 1 146 114 2 602 430 1 560 862 612 (X) 2 562 439 1 507 846 616 (X) 283.72 90.91 61.05 5.48 131.77 2.79 283.05 90.44 60.99 5.48 131.62 2.77 22.6 12.1 44.5 313.9 19.5 79.3 9.8 4.9 19.3 137.7 8.7 41.1 23 932 3 505 804 1 086 10 420 5 669 7 572 29 4 126 1 349 319 20 275 2 566 623 1 201 8 005 "5 124 7 124 53 3 869 1 379 324 21 114 2 383 763 1 377 8 499 5 414 7 374 64 4 306 1 481 336 8 880 1 369 310 495 3 402 2 128 3 027 13 1 591 587 144 7 443 978 246 434 2 826 11 887 2 701 19 1 514 504 130 7 046 761 243 482 2 669 1 748 2 576 21 1 557 558 122 513.81 86.62 1.28 98.63 149.07 6.11 108.93 0.29 4.06 70.55 1.84 511.96 86.41 1.28 98.50 148.83 6.10 108.46 0.29 4.05 69.76 1.83 46.7 40.6 626.5 11.0 70.0 929.4 69.8 101.6 1 019.2 19.3 174.8 17.3 15.8 241.5 5.0 22.9 348.9 27.9 45.5 393.0 8.4 78.9 18 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population 2000 area measurements 2000 average per Housing units County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population units 2000 1996 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area 21 757 8 532 223 17 113 6 105 242 8 425 3 269 95 6 401 2 174 86 14 610 4 473 281 (X) 10 137 4 624 397.80 210.63 0.79 0.28 187.16 4.70 55.0 40.6 288.2 395.63 209.99 0.77 0.28 185.64 4.70 21.3 15.6 122.8 11 008 4 268 5 156 1 560 4 227 1 654 71.2 804.0 27.8 332.2 13 225 3 776 8 270 4 139 394 292 2 082 7 379 4 101 579 274 1 914 111 1 181 7 011 4 039 579 152 1 737 2 1 179 3 492 1 550 182 138 840 4 996 1 466 94 (X) 3 530 1 515 2 540 1 295 183 67 601 1 514 (X) 33.7 52,7 194.1 111.9 505.4 14.2 19.7 89.7 52.9 203.9 2 885 1 525 201 148 747 35 530 (X) 56 (X) 830 58 240 1 972 24 100 160 2 159 159 530 247.32 79.24 2.03 2.61 4.12 0.37 88.51 0.54 0.87 0.48 79.57 2.86 1.91 (X) 245.33 78.53 2.03 2.61 4.12 0.37 88.11 0.54 0.87 0.48 78.69 2.86 1.91 (X) 895 14 51 51 1 047 72 252 130 (X) 1 881 160 561 145 (X) 1 793 111 646 22.4 44.3 115.6 331.6 27.4 55.5 277.0 10.2 25.9 59.0 105.7 13.3 25.2 131.7 73 251 4 814 655 15 457 2 309 322 2 407 205 1 335 6 422 3 636 2 984 707 12 883 1 830 307 1 685 176 983 6 100 3 483 2 285 659 11 572 1 645 357 1 298 219 1 043 5 649 2 954 1 937 694 6 128 874 135 1 052 81 500 2 556 1 494 1 146 280 126 695 73 371 2 267 1 348 826 249 3 918 536 127 428 85 364 1 951 1 035 639 233 354.60 69.51 3.09 64.85 0.80 71.64 76.24 8.90 72.35 3.28 349.64 69.44 3.08 61.52 0.80 71.39 75.59 8.86 71.69 3.27 44.2 33.3 104.6 39.1 257.5 18.7 85.0 410.2 41.6 215.9 17.5 12.6 43.8 17.1 101.8 7.0 33.8 168.5 16.0 85.5 19 685 1 770 12 320 2 493 36 506 5 588 18 839 3 243 36 3 585 8 494 288 283 26 147 3 026 15 147 2 830 44 2 860 5 114 35 271 14 320 2 075 7 493 1 453 14 1 515 3 237 93 117 10 207 1 158 5 902 1 197 16 1 165 1 982 13 110 6 942 622 4 353 1 023 (X) 797 1 170 346.88 59.41 134.16 4.37 0.06 74.03 79.28 0.36 0.36 344.41 59.39 131.76 4.35 0.06 74.02 79.25 0.36 0.36 106.0 94.1 143.0 745.9 623.8 48.4 107.2 791.8 784.2 41.6 34.9 56.9 334.2 242.6 20.5 40.8 255.7 324.2 2 284 3 311 301 109 186 291 186 291 510 185 781 " 179 280 179 280 597 1 178 683 170 108 170 108 667 169 441 76 182 76 182 242 75 940 r 70 903 " 70 903 245 " 70 658 63 818 63 818 253 63 565 221.00 221.00 0.17 220.83 216.26 216.26 0.17 216.09 861.4 861.4 3 064.9 859.7 352.3 352.3 1 454.3 351.4 The State-Con. Monroe County Culloden-Bolingbroke CCD Culloden city. Forsyth city (part) Forsyth CCD. Forsyth city (part) Montgomery County Mount Vernon-Ailey CCD 7 Ailey city t. Higgston town (part) Mount Vernon city t Vidalia city (part) Tarrytown CCÒ T. Higgston town (part) Tarrytown village Vidalia city (part) Uvalda CCD Alston town Uvalda city t. Morgan County Bostwick CCD Bostwick town.. Buckhead CCD Buckhead town. Godfrey CCD Madison CCD Madison city f. Rutledge CCB Rutledge city t Murray County Casey Springs CCD T.. Chatsworth CCD I... Chatsworth city (part) + Eton city (part) + Cisco CCD Crandall-Eton CCD Chatsworth city (part) | Eton city (part) Muscogee County Columbus CCB Bibb City town t Columbus city (balance) Newton County... Covington-Porterdale CCD Covington cityt Oxford city t Porterdale town t Mansfield CCD. Mansfield city t Newborn town Social Circle city (part) Yellow River CCD Oconee County Bogart CCD't Bogart town (part) | Elder CCD. Watkinsville CCD + Bishop town North High Shoals town Watkinsville town t Oglethorpe County Lexington-Crawford CCD | Arnoldsville city Crawford city f Lexington city t Maxeys CCD +. Maxeys town Vesta-Enterprise CCD Paulding County.. Dallas CCD 1 Dallas city (part) Hiram city (part) Hiram Hiram city (part) | Huntsville CCD Braswell city (part) | Yorkville CCD. Braswell city (part) Dallas city (part) | Peach County Byron CCD Byron city Warner Robins city (part) † Fort Valley CCD.. Fort Valley city Perry city (part) Pickens County Jasper CCD T Jasper city (part) Ludville CCO. Nelson-Tate-Marble Hill CCD + Jasper city (part) .. Nelson city (part) 62 001 49 005 11 547 1 892 1 281 8 298 392 520 41 808 33 250 "9 860 11 991 1 278 5 497 341 404 34 666 27 813 10 586 1 750 1 451 4 339 435 387 (X) 2 514 23 033 18 252 4 542 534 487 2 945 142 187 15 494 12 284 1 3 841 " 553 528 2 001 142 146 12 102 9 569 3 630 489 562 1 466 163 130 (X) 1 067 279.19 135.63 13.86 2.56 1.03 92.85 1.07 1.60 0.18 50.71 276.43 135.16 13.76 2.56 1.03 92.18 1.07 1.60 0.18 49.09 224.3 362.6 839.2 740.0 1 241.3 90.0 367.8 325.6 83.3 135.0 330.1 208.9 471.9 31.9 133.2 117.1 4 698 3 061 1 836 1 209 95.7 37.4 26 225 7 150 931 1 841 17 234 146 439 2 097 17 618 4 317 822 1 189 12 112 158 268 1 600 12 427 3 016 714 913 8 498 172 256 1 240 9 528 2 681 406 712 6 135 67 162 862 6 561 1 633 345 475 4 453 71 110 638 4 501 1 087 279 361 3 053 78 103 483 186.14 43.09 2.16 47.76 95.29 0.78 2.50 3.23 185.70 42.97 2.16 47.68 95.06 0.78 2.50 3.22 141.2 166.4 431.6 38.6 181.3 188.2 175.8 650.6 51.3 62.4 188.2 14.9 64.5 86.4 64.9 267.4 441.11 163.58 3 936 2 817 119 267 1.68 12 635 9 290 312 807 239 1 715 210 1 630 9 763 7 085 275 694 265 1 189 180 1 489 8 929 5 966 187 498 278 1 211 205 1 752 5 368 3 928 136 369 115 696 86 744 1 114 3 149 2 133 84 206 111 420 85 596 442.17 164.01 1.68 1.17 0.54 155.98 2.40 122.17 28.6 56.8 185.7 687.5 439.6 11.0 87.8 13.4 1.17 0.54 155.89 2.39 121.64 12.2 24.0 80.9 314.4 211.5 4.5 36.0 6.1 491 74 628 81 678 24 049 5 043 36 36 373 1 325 14 393 38 6 863 41 611 16 285 2 810 17 13 69 1 372 6 570 146 5 063 26 110 9 971 2 508 7 9 214 1 023 3 251 88 3 674 2 (X) 29 274 9 108 2 145 16 12 508 490 5 014 14 2 644 9 167 3 587 932 3 3 065 336 1 191 33 1 324 1 (X) 315.06 53.47 4.08 0.31 65.11 2.72 100.34 2.11 96.14 0.07 0.46 15 237 5 993 1 160 10 4 929 507 2 422 48 1 893 18 (X) 7 537 2 679 863 (X) 4 858 3 074 2 313.43 53.10 4.07 0.31 64 2.69 100.12 2.11 95.76 0.07 0.45 260.6 452.9 1 240.3 114.9 564.3 491.8 143.8 18.0 71.7 93.4 171.5 527.5 51.0 194.0 181.9 50.1 6.6 27.6 37 13 (X) 5 29.2 11.2 23 668 8 905 2 887 17 14 763 8 005 3 21 189 7 162 2 276 (X) 14 027 8 198 4 19 151 5 073 1 661 (X) 14 078 9 000 (X) 9 093 3 517 1 177 6 5 576 3 303 1 6 640 1 779 560 (X) 4 861 3 167 (X) 151.46 51.54 5.83 0.41 99.92 5.27 1.25 151.06 51.43 5.82 0.41 99.63 5.27 1.25 156.7 173.1 495.7 41.2 148.2 1 519.5 2.4 60.2 68.4 202.1 14.5 56.0 627.0 0.8 22 983 8 101 2 167 2 723 8 657 14 432 6 028 1 674 2 081 4 513 98 402 11 652 4 694 1 556 1 720 3 638 (X) 434 10 687 3 388 1 030 1 128 4 694 6 403 2 558 753 775 2 280 43 166 4 834 1 863 643 602 1 704 (X) 171 232.78 61.36 3.29 48.90 78.73 0.01 0.52 232.13 61.36 3.29 48.87 78.22 0.01 0.52 99.0 132.0 658.5 55.7 110.7 46.0 55.2 313.0 23.1 60.0 339 152 649.1 291.0 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 19 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing 2000 1990 1980 Land area Population units 2000 1990 1980 Total area 3 502 49 1 810 62 1 600 72 1 477 23 790 25 665 26 43.79 0.19 43.67 0.19 80.2 255.5 33.8 119.9 15 636 11 481 3 283 11 897 8 216 3 222 (X) 1 199 6 719 4 921 1 518 343.25 154.39 4.28 13 328 9 612 3 263 168 1 361 (X) (X) 2 355 45.6 74.4 767.0 343.90 154.81 4.37 0.68 83.14 19.6 31.9 354.7 5 271 3 819 1 405 62 506 (X) 4 297 3 001 1 280 (X) 436 (X) 0.68 1 588 668 82.96 19.1 8.1 2 567 403 627 (X) 2 482 (X) 763 1 130 172 318 860 (X) 293 0.01 105.95 3.14 2.71 0.01 105.90 3.14 2.71 24.2 128.2 231.0 10.7 54.7 117.2 626 288 8 937 2 235 3 098 718 120 317 13 688 3 298 336 401 475 2 829 192 10 224 2 459 211 (X) 439 2 144 250 5 068 1 172 128 129 141 1 046 78 3 797 847 99 (X) 135 791 90 219.43 67.72 0.83 0.98 1.74 41.91 0.52 0.04 43.33 0.60 66.47 3.49 62.7 48.9 403.5 416.9 272.7 67.8 365.9 (X) 379 1 943 303 (X) 1 199 250 3 560 995 218.37 67.38 0.83 0.96 1.74 41.71 0.52 0.04 43.28 0.60 66.00 23.2 17.4 153.7 134.1 81.0 25.1 148.7 132 680 99 (X) 430 98 1 270 347 2 276 297 5 285 1 181 1 503 295 4 118 1 035 865 122 1 985 499 576 113 1 583 415 52.6 495.6 80.1 342.3 20.0 203.6 30.1 144.6 3.45 38 127 5 261 969 11 33 815 4 476 878 12 061 1 436 312 17 34 44 67 32 382 4 168 855 92 44 19 050 8 619 9 164 16 23 008 9 470 9 858 70 31 3 870 15 059 2 051 400 5 16 8 962 3 642 4 046 24 8 1 681 20 188 7 978 9 151 24 47 3 356 7 271 3 424 3 354 13 585 1 703 343 8 26 8 201 3 462 3 681 9 20 1 442 312.13 60.26 1.01 0.32 0.45 186.83 6.88 65.04 0.07 0.57 4.37 311.14 60.21 1.01 0.32 0.45 186.30 6.84 64.63 0.07 0.56 4.34 122.5 87.4 962.0 34.5 96.8 123.5 1 384.0 152.5 1 011.2 55.2 892.0 48.4 34.1 397.1 15.7 35.2 48.1 532.2 62.6 346.7 14.2 387.5 100 3 623 39 1 424 9 588 1 252 2 616 3 944 557 755 38.8 12.7 31.2 15.9 5.6 9.0 8 108 1 126 1 342 (X) 5 640 1 3 671 8 950 1 376 1 450 (X) 6 124 4 372 3 470 458 589 (X) 2 423 11 597 3 404 530 580 (X) 2 294 1 628 249.89 99.17 84.95 0.29 65.77 4.16 247.42 98.61 83.88 0.29 64.94 4.10 5 720 3 280 2 632 1 579 88.1 800.9 40.5 385.6 The State-Con. Pickens County-Con. Talking Rock CCD + Talking Rock town Pierce County t Blackshear CCD .. Blackshear city (part) † Waycross city (part) Bristol CCD... Blackshear city (part) | Patterson city (part) 7 Patterson CCD. Offerman city t. Patterson city (part) | Pike County Concord-Molena CCD. Concord town t Hilltop CDP Molena city Meansville CCD + Meansville city Zebulon city (part) Williamson CCD. Williamson town t Zebulon CCD + Zebulon city (part) Polk County Aragon CCD.. Aragon city (part) Braswell city (part) t Taylorsville town (part) Cedartown CCD.. Cedartown city t Rockmart CCD Aragon city (part) Braswell city (part) t Rockmart city to Pulaski County Finleyson CCD Hartford CCD Hawkinsville city (part) †. Hawkinsville CCD Hawkinsville city (part) + . Putnam County Eatonton CCD Eatonton city (part) | Little River CCD Eatonton city (part) | Phoenix CCD Eatonton city (part) | Quitman County. Georgetown North CCD Georgetown city Georgetown South CCD. Rabun County Clayton CCD 1 Clayton city (part) + Mountain City town (part) Tiger town (part) Tiger CCD Tallulah Falls town (part) Tiger town (part) Valley CCD + Clayton city (part) t. Dillard city t Mountain City town (part) Sky Valley city t. Randolph County Benevolence CCD Cuthbert CCD. Coleman city Cuthbert city Shellman CCD Shellman city t Richmond County t. Augusta CCD Augusta-Richmond County (balance) (part) | Fort Gordon CCD . Augusta-Richmond County (balance) (part) + Gracewood CCD Augusta-Richmond County (balance) (part) Hephzibah CCD Augusta-Richmond County (balance) (part) + Blythe city (part) + Hephzibah city Rockdale County Conyers CCD Conyers city (part) Lakeview Estates CDP North Rockdale CCD. Conyers city (part) South Rockdale CCD 18 812 8 630 6 757 4 386 7 5 796 14 137 7 788 4 737 3 101 10 295 7 230 4 833 1 574 (X) 1 491 (X) 10 319 3 424 2 665 2 872 3 4 023 7 113 2 976 1 843 1 965 (X) 2 172 (X) 5 259 2 458 1 701 1 494 (X) 1 307 (X) 360.63 123.95 20.23 112.35 0.33 124.33 0.12 344.53 123.26 20.11 108.44 0.33 112.83 0.11 54.6 70.0 335.9 40.4 21.4 51.4 30.0 27.8 132.5 26.5 9.2 35.7 3 248 (X) 2 598 1 447 973 1 151 1 2 210 1 415 r 914 794 2 357 1 485 935 872 1 773 870 554 903 11 347 719 1 438 627 975 578 375 160.92 97.29 3.94 63.63 151.54 92.84 2.74 58.70 17.1 15.6 355.0 19.6 11.7 9.4 202.1 15.4 397 10 466 5 277 1 838 6 162 2 329 820 (X) 15 050 5 850 1 724 11 10 4 573 103 306 4 627 295 198 818 221 11 648 4 648 1 380 10 6 3 353 55 295 3 647 233 199 774 187 2 658 72 299 2 531 10 210 3 182 901 7 8 3 978 74 153 3 050 105 115 455 675 7 883 2 446 779 6 3 3 106 46 143 2 331 74 104 395 421 2 376 41 144 1 457 376.99 159.00 2.71 0.01 0.01 136.95 3.77 0.81 81.03 0.38 1.55 1.78 3.03 371.05 158.68 2.71 0.01 0.01 131.38 3.50 0.81 80.98 0.38 1.55 1.78 3.03 40.6 36.9 635.0 1 632.8 677.9 34.8 29.4 378.8 57.1 784.0 127.9 459.7 72.9 27.5 20.1 331.9 1 039.1 542.3 30.3 21.1 189.4 37.7 279.0 74.3 255.7 222.6 238 701 65 114 337 256 7 791 322 5 588 149 3 731 1 881 1 166 8 023 375 5 748 137 3 730 1 900 1 162 9 599 440 6 856 164 4 340 2 303 1 254 3 402 157 2 455 84 1 549 790 465 3 225 156 2 319 71 1 426 750 438 3 561 164 2 575 84 1 550 822 437 430.89 89.85 222.51 0.77 3.05 118.53 3.15 429.25 89.43 222.09 0.77 3.05 117.72 3.15 18.2 3.6 25.2 194.4 1 223.5 16.0 369.8 7.9 1.8 11.1 109.6 507.9 6.7 147.5 199 775 138 000 138 000 7 754 7 754 34 553 34 553 19 468 14 875 713 3 880 189 719 141 268 44 639 9 140 (X) 25 980 (X) 13 331 (X) 297 1 2 806 181 629 144 126 47 532 14 069 (X) 14 461 (X) 8 973 82 312 62 146 62 146 891 891 11 962 11 962 7 313 5 482 261 1 570 77 288 61 906 21 588 879 (X) 9 193 64 846 55 885 20 825 897 (X) 4 941 (X) 3 123 (X) 125 477 328.45 96.96 96.96 69.32 69.32 31.70 31.70 130.46 108.49 2.55 19.42 324.04 94.54 94.54 68.94 68.94 31.52 31.52 129.04 107.13 2.54 19.36 616.5 1 459.7 1 459.7 112.5 112.5 1 096.1 1 096.1 150.9 138.8 280.4 200.4 254.0 657.4 657.4 12.9 12.9 379.5 379.5 56.7 51.2 102.6 81.1 5 310 (X) 123 "1 101 365 1 452 70 111 39 780 10 135 2 637 7 839 554 22 492 54 091 29 317 7 380 1 477 6 805 (X) 17 969 36 570 21 367 6 567 1 576 5 113 (X) 10 090 25 082 14 450 3 900 686 2 952 283 7 680 19 963 11 643 3 262 669 2 395 (X) 5 925 12 105 7 335 2 454 657 1 650 (X) 3 120 132.13 48.57 9.82 0.57 38.19 2.10 45.38 130.63 47.96 9.77 0.53 37.68 2.01 44.99 536.7 829.5 1 037.2 4 992.0 208.0 275.7 499.9 192.0 301.3 399.1 1 298.6 78.3 140.8 170.7 20 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State 2000 average per Population Housing units County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing Land area Population 2000 area measurements 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area units The State-Con. 3 766 2 795 1 609 971 1 3 590 2 698 11 726 890 3 433 2 619 1 684 814 1 612 1 209 693 403 1 1 448 1 080 r 717 367 1 245 961 609 284 167.82 99.70 3.18 68.11 167.61 99.58 3.18 68.03 22.5 28.1 505.9 14.3 9.6 12.1 217.9 5.9 15 374 1 569 421 444 2 544 322 253 1 963 186 8 854 2 675 13 842 1 330 402 691 2 297 319 242 1 554 197 7 970 2 871 14 043 1 386 515 931 2 340 402 239 1 783 223 7 603 3 352 6 853 659 154 251 1 152 154 118 843 88 3 948 1 285 5 861 538 159 309 1 033 154 107 651 86 3 330 1 237 5 507 512 177 333 969 165 88 655 88 3 038 1 336 655.59 75.43 1.74 132.36 129.81 0.82 0.94 107.04 1.24 210.95 3.79 648.44 75.05 1.73 129.85 128.46 0.82 0.94 106.15 1.21 208.93 3.79 23.7 20.9 243.6 3.4 19.8 394.1 269.6 18.5 153.6 42.4 705.5 10.6 8.8 89.1 1.9 9.0 188.5 125.8 7.9 72.7 18.9 338.9 9 369 6 497 2 792 321 2 872 4 9 010 6 034 2 761 503 2 976 9 057 6 379 3 320 367 2 678 4 742 3 329 1 115 149 1 413 1 3 962 2 802 1 058 200 1 160 3 853 2 825 1 195 163 1 028 256.56 126.49 3.86 0.80 130.07 0.12 238.04 120.49 3.86 0.80 117.54 0.12 39.4 53.9 724.1 401.4 24.4 32.6 19.9 27.6 289.2 186.3 12.0 8.1 Schley County Ellaville North CCD Ellaville city t Ellaville South CCD Screven County: Hiltonia CCD Hiltonia city t Millhaven CCD Newington CCD Newington town t Oliver city Rocky Ford CCD Rocky Ford town Sylvania CCD Sylvania city t Seminole County Donalsonville CCD Donalsonville city (part) Iron City town Steam Mill CCD Donalsonville city (part) Spalding County... Griffin CCD East Griffin CDP + Experiment CDP | Griffin city 1 : Orchard Hill CCD. Orchard Hill town t Ringgold CCD Rover CCD + Sunny Side CCD Sunny Side city Stephens County Broad River CCD 1 Avalon town Martin town (part) Toccoa city (part) + Rock Creek CČD. Toccoa city (part) † Toccoa CCD 1 Toccoa city (part) | Stewart County Lumpkin CCD Lumpkin city (part) Omaha CCD 1 Lumpkin city (part) Richland city (part) Richland CCD 1 Richland city (part) 20 702 14 663 656 1 429 8 749 58 417 39 522 1 635 3 233 23 451 5 114 230 4 445 3 672 5 664 142 116.2 260.9 422.7 414.1 663.6 54 457 37 842 1 746 3 762 21 347 4 509 239 3 671 (X) 4 887 215 47 899 34 924 1 570 3 731 20 728 3 356 162 2 935 (X) 3 886 338 23 001 15 806 654 1 259 9 636 1 937 94 1 671 1 437 2 150 56 17 037 12 696 573 1 333 7 911 1 112 54 935 199.60 61.07 1.56 3.04 14.60 32.51 0.36 34.87 44.82 26.34 0.21 197.95 60.57 1.55 3.04 14.52 32. 0.36 34.67 44.18 26.24 0.20 295.1 652.5 1 056.6 1 063.4 1 615.0 158.4 646.9 128.2 83.1 215.9 701.3 81 1 322 (X) 1 836 89 264.4 48.2 32.5 81.9 276.6 1 348 123 21 761 4 269 200 25 435 6 047 278 311 7 5 549 I 23 436 5 016 159 242 2 4 154 3 14 087 8 261 11 652 2 606 116 153 2 2 839 I 10 253 2 069 74 115 1 2 038 1 6 147 3 834 305 8 570 1 559 82 126 (X) 1 421 (X) 5 590 3 613 184.23 77.95 1.76 1.41 0.01 45.83 0.02 60.44 8.34 179.26 77.29 1.76 1.41 0.01 42.97 0.02 59.00 8.29 141.9 78.2 157.9 220.3 1 195.0 129.1 65.0 33.7 65.9 108.4 341.4 66.1 3 188 (X) 14 304 8 869 13 839 9 316 6 207 4 376 234.6 1 123.6 105.2 527.8 2 156 819 1 502 5 252 1 020 570 1 845 799 10 2 387 1 784 347 5 654 2 144 11 267 884 (X) 16 2 626 1 652 5 896 2 346 1 335 1 010 (X) (X) 2 540 1 802 2 354 461 262 880 359 6 1 013 710 2 089 831 499 357 (X) 463.23 153.76 0.83 187.27 0.77 0.67 122.20 3.52 458.70 151.69 0.83 184.94 0.75 0.66 122.07 3.52 11.4 6.7 683.6 10.0 1 059.9 15.2 19.6 506.6 5.1 3.0 314.2 4.8 476.2 9.1 8.3 201.6 (X2 5 990 639 901 646 33 200 25 664 17 013 1 335 331 3 027 214 455 3 174 637 1 30 232 23 450 r 16 516 1 145 277 2 731 258 445 2 902 716 29 360 22 326 16 120 1 212 267 2 696 248 470 3 126 651 13 700 10 287 7 053 548 142 1 538 88 192 1 327 244 "11 727 8 855 16 318 451 122 1 298 100 188 1 122 245 10 167 7 649 5 574 423 107 980 90 191 1 115 227 492.54 133.88 10.68 99.39 1.30 117.74 0.82 1.77 141.54 0.82 485.28 133.02 10.48 98.26 1.30 112.80 0.82 1.77 141.20 0.82 68.4 192.9 1 623.1 13.6 254.1 26.8 262.4 256.6 22.5 780.0 28.2 77.3 672.9 5.6 109.0 13.6 107.9 108.3 9.4 298.8 Sumter County Americus CCD 1 Americus city Andersonville CCD +. Andersonville city t Leslie-De Soto CCD De Soto city t. Leslie city f Plains CCD Plains city t. Talbot County Junction City CCD 1 Geneva town Junction City town Talbotton CCD 1 Talbotton city Woodland CCD t.. Manchester city (part) † Woodland city 6 498 1 672 114 179 2 425 1 019 2 401 93 432 6 524 1 823 182 182 2 324 1 046 2 377 131 552 6 536 1 842 232 254 2 390 1 140 2 304 170 664 2 871 756 59 91 1 055 420 1 060 42 201 2 645 719 77 85 948 428 978 51 212 2 387 675 92 98 902 441 810 70 208 394.74 109.72 0.79 2.55 164.00 3.13 121.02 0.25 0.79 393.21 109.21 0.79 2.49 163.49 3.12 120.52 0.25 0.79 16.5 15.3 144.9 71.9 14.8 326.8 19.9 374.0 548.1 7.3 6.9 75.0 36.6 6.5 134.7 8.8 168.9 255.0 Taliaferro County Crawfordville CCD. Crawfordville city Sharon CCD. Sharon city 2 077 1 470 572 607 105 1 915 1 386 577 529 94 2 032 1 407 594 625 140 1 085 762 312 323 53 886 640 271 246 45 871 611 300 260 67 195.47 127.47 3.14 67.99 0.78 195.39 127.42 3.14 67.97 0.78 10.6 11.5 182.4 8.9 134.2 5.6 6.0 99.5 4.8 67.7 Tattnall County. Collins CCD Cobbtown city Collins city. Glennville CCD. Glennville city + Reidsville CCD. Manassas city Reidsville city + 22 305 3 279 311 528 9 892 3 641 9 134 100 2 235 17 722 2 780 338 528 7 702 3 676 7 240 123 2 469 18 134 3 237 494 639 8 058 4 144 6 839 116 2 296 8 578 1 667 178 304 3 798 1 668 3 113 50 1 131 6 756 1 293 170 275 3 197 1 586 2 266 52 1 083 6 351 1 306 229 256 3 180 1 676 1 865 49 883 488.22 104.80 0.68 1.03 213.00 6.63 170.42 0.78 7.71 483.69 104.39 0.68 1.03 210.12 6.58 169.18 0.78 7.68 46.1 31.4 459.7 513.5 47.1 553.4 54.0 128.7 291.1 17.7 16.0 263.1 295.7 18.1 253.5 18.4 64.4 147.3 Taylor County Butler CCD Butler city Carsonville-Panhandle CCD Reynolds CCD.. Reynolds town t Rupert CCD 8 815 4 034 1 907 1 456 2 445 1 036 880 7 642 3 596 1 673 1 135 2 384 11 229 527 7 902 3 496 1 959 1 217 2 532 1 298 657 3 978 1 803 851 602 1 132 495 441 3 162 1 455 708 501 973 1 498 233 2 865 1 272 728 410 883 480 300 379.61 110.76 3.18 104.23 57.52 1.33 107.10 377.44 110.24 3.17 103.33 56.86 1.32 107.01 23.4 36.6 602.2 14.1 43.0 784.9 8.2 10.5 16.4 268.7 5.8 19.9 375.0 4.1 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 21 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units in square miles square mile County County Subdivision Housing Place Total area Land area Population 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 units The State-Con. 11 794 1 186 118 1 799 1 247 7 145 2 307 2 682 257 1 664 578 11 000 905 128 2 036 1 429 6 432 1 256 3 007 227 1 627 497 11 445 1 011 206 2 089 1 426 6 604 1 390 3 409 196 1 741 478 5 083 608 62 886 578 2 865 603 1 310 119 724 177 4 756 368 69 848 560 2 813 582 1 302 103 727 181 4 382 370 81 774 517 537 541 1 277 86 701 198 444.08 132.92 1.12 63.53 1.94 112.40 2.07 3.39 1.22 135.23 1.75 441.09 131.44 1.12 62.92 1.94 111.94 2.07 3.37 1.21 134.79 1.73 26.7 9.0 105.7 28.6 642.7 63.8 1 115.8 796.7 212.7 12.3 333.2 11.5 4.6 55.5 14.1 297.9 25.6 291.7 389.1 98.5 5.4 102.0 10 970 1 123 513 7 268 5 058 947 156 1 632 393 10 653 1 075 513 7 442 5 295 886 r 183 1 250 335 12 017 1 400 524 8 172 5 699 1 151 222 1 294 407 4 460 476 203 2 871 1 967 454 88 659 169 4 069 418 199 2 789 2 011 355 146 465 197 2 799 2 058 454 107 428 150 337.63 58.68 0.79 116.25 3.68 97.82 0.78 64.87 0.78 335.37 58.07 0.79 115.54 3.68 97.55 0.78 64.20 0.78 32.7 19.3 648.7 62.9 1 373.5 9.7 200.1 25.4 500.9 13.3 8.2 256.7 24.8 534.1 4.7 112.9 10.3 215.4 I 85 507 161 Telfair County, Jacksonville CCD | Jacksonville town. Lumber City CCD. Lumber City city. McRae-Helena CCD + Helena city (part) | McRae city f. Scotland city (part) Milan CCD I. Milan town (part) Terrell County .. Bronwood CCD Bronwood town Dawson CCD .. Dawson city t. Parrott CCD Parrott town Sasser CCD Sasser town Thomas County Boston CCD Boston city Coolidge CCD Coolidge city. Meigs CČD Meigs city (part) Ochlockneé CCD Ochlocknee town Pavo-Barwick CCD + Barwick town (part) Pavo city (part) Thomasville CCD 1 Thomasville city t Tift County Brookfield CCD Chula CCD 1 Oak Ridge CCD Omega CCD Omega city (part) Tifton CCD f. Phillipsburg CDP Tifton city Unionville CDP Ty Ty CCD I. Ty' Ty city t Toombs County Toombs Central CCD + Vidalia-Lyons CCD T.. Lyons city t.... Santa Claus city. Vidalia city (part) Towns County t. Hiawassee CCD. Hiawassee town.. Macedonia CCD. Young Harris CCD + Young Harris city t Treutlen County Gillis Springs CCD Soperton CCD T. Soperton city to 42 737 2 893 1 417 2 178 552 1 584 1 061 3 546 605 2 345 328 418 30 191 18 162 38 943 2 727 1 395 1 970 610 1 705 1 067 2 665 588 2 057 251 473 27 862 1 17 554 38 098 2 896 1 424 2 159 736 1 673 1 167 2 232 627 2 152 272 514 26 986 18 463 18 285 1 275 632 983 270 657 447 1 556 270 1 015 132 200 12 799 7 788 I 15 917 1 111 569 804 257 628 388 1 137 255 822 94 203 11 434 17 446 13 801 976 504 779 263 569 388 856 239 776 93 211 9 845 6 899 552.08 108.32 2.23 55.95 0.81 28.78 1.32 81.25 0.95 68.96 0.37 0.88 208.83 14.93 548.30 107.59 2.23 55.75 0.81 28.57 1.30 80.48 0.94 68.60 0.37 0.88 207.31 14.87 77.9 26.9 635.8 39.1 682.8 55.4 814.7 44.1 641.7 34.2 885.2 476.1 145.6 1 221.4 33.3 11.9 283.6 17.6 334.0 23.0 343.2 19.3 286.4 14.8 356.3 227.8 61.7 523.7 268.86 58.16 63.14 38.42 40.14 38 407 4 142 2 731 3 616 2 748 1 339 22 477 887 15 060 2 074 2 693 716 34 998 3 202 2 425 2 932 2 154 911 21 772 1 044 14 215 2 710 2 513 579 32 862 2 368 2 224 2 820 1 947 988 21 249 2 450 13 749 1 942 2 254 618 15 411 1 660 1 055 1 506 999 521 9 111 370 6 102 859 1 080 289 13 359 1 203 856 1 118 833 383 8 437 393 5 677 898 912 256 11 007 817 764 942 677 351 7 065 764 4 683 579 742 216 1.71 265.05 57.46 61.73 37.87 39.71 1.71 29.42 0.31 8.93 0.75 38.87 0.80 144.9 72.1 44.2 95.5 69.2 783.6 763.9 2 846.8 1 686.2 2 766.6 69.3 897.1 58.1 28.9 17.1 39.8 25. 2 304.9 309.6 1 187 5 683.2 1 145.9 27.8 362.1 29.72 0.31 9.04 0.75 39.28 0.80 26 067 3 189 22 878 4 169 237 10 331 24 072 2 812 21 260 14 478 154 11 007 22 592 2 931 19 661 4 203 167 10 391 11 371 1 486 9 885 1 787 89 4 625 9 952 1 259 8 693 11 758 71 14 522 8 495 1 157 7 338 1 597 58 3 853 368.64 144.04 224.60 7.53 0.18 16.59 366.65 142.68 223.97 7.48 0.18 16.48 71.1 22.4 102.1 557.1 1 297.2 626.9 31.0 10.4 44.1 238.8 487.1 280.7 9 319 3 677 808 2 477 3 165 604 6 754 2 689 547 1 673 2 392 604 5 638 2 055 491 1 416 2 167 687 6 282 2 518 527 2 113 1 651 134 4 577 1 938 402 1 449 1 190 171 3 415 1 128 292 1 474 813 135 172.01 64.83 2.15 74.95 32.23 1.02 166.66 61.85 1.69 73.16 31.66 1.02 55.9 59.5 479.5 33.9 100.0 591.2 37.7 40.7 312.7 28.9 52.2 131.2 6 854 1 362 5 492 2 824 5 994 826 5 168 2 797 6 087 890 5 197 2 981 2 865 620 2 245 1 215 2 437 367 2 070 1 095 346 366 1 980 1 098 202.19 93.25 108.94 3.26 200.66 92.47 108.19 3.24 34.2 14.7 50.8 870.6 14.3 6.7 20.8 374.6 18 346 195 426 58 779 1 027 2 902 140 5 114 2 774 41 921 25 858 2 343 5 472 2 674 r 55 532 917 1 935 162 5 215 2 976 40 116 25 435 1 995 5 358 2 822 50 003 535 1 131 (X) 5 227 3 362 36 307 24 204 1 479 5 324 3 312 23 824 426 1 104 53 2 177 1 249 16 944 10 947 896 2 277 1 198 | 22 424 414 774 51 2 130 1 283 16 189 10 898 729 2 190 1 215 1 987 1 293 13 198 9 009 512 2 028 1 297 445.96 64.45 34.81 0.33 66.86 6.67 163.40 29.22 60.25 56.19 3.89 413.90 53.80 29.12 0.24 66.41 6.64 154.55 28.72 60.06 49.96 3.78 142.0 19.1 99.6 576.6 77.0 418.1 271.2 900.5 39.0 109.5 708.3 57.6 7.9 37.9 218.3 32.8 188.2 109.6 3812 14.9 45.6 317.3 9 510 3 209 4 766 Troup County Abbottsford CCD Hillcrest CCD LaGrange city (part) 7. Hogansville CCD Hogansville city t. LaGrange CCD f. LaGrange city (part) Oak Grove CCD West Point CCD West Point city (part) † Turner County Ashburn-Sycamore CCD . Ashburn city t Sycamore city t Rebecca CCD Rebecca city t Twiggs County Twiggs North CCD + Jeffersonville city Twiggs South CCD t.. Allentown town (part) . Danville town (part) Union County t Blairsville CĆD Blairsville city t. Ivylog CCD Suches CCD 9 504 8 703 4 419 496 801 246 8 703 (X) 4 827 417 630 148 3 916 3 566 1 846 209 350 104 3 426 (X) 1 835 198 289 78 474 289.85 219.83 4.55 1.00 70.02 0.78 1 582 192 293 96 286.03 216.92 4.52 1.00 69.11 0.78 33.2 40.1 978.6 497.4 11.6 314.8 13.7 16.4 408.8 209.6 5.1 133.1 777 272 10 590 5 961 1 209 4 629 79 349 9 806 5 398 1 545 4 408 40 455 9 354 5 109 1 473 4 245 25 296 4 291 2 410 496 1 881 27 154 3 648 2 006 509 1 642 15 180 3 145 1 682 477 1 463 6 123 362.95 171.44 3.68 191.51 0.77 0.64 360.29 170.66 3.68 189.63 0.77 0.64 29.4 34.9 328.8 24.4 102.3 542.4 11.9 14.1 134.9 9.9 35.0 239.3 17 289 10 887 659 5 657 745 11 993 7 747 564 3 613 633 9 390 6 122 530 2 666 602 10 001 6 055 261 3 379 6 624 3 991 250 2 105 528 4 389 2 635 221 1 302 452 329.02 171.39 1.06 82.87 74.76 322.55 170.55 1.06 77.31 74.68 53.6 63.8 619.7 73.2 10.0 31.0 35.5 245.4 43.7 7.6 567 22 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes.' Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per County in square miles square mile County Subdivision Place Housing 1990 1990 Population 2000 1980 2000 1980 Total area Land area units The State-Con. 26 300 1 351 (X) 25 998 1 432 (X) 10 667 520 (X) 9 741 519 (X) 27 597 1 278 339 3 2 901 408 19 981 3 267 1 122 9 408 3 437 871 2 736 409 19 371 (X) 2 547 390 19 357 11 616 551 135 1 1 171 175 8 516 1 379 520 4 151 1 378 358 875 140 7 414 (X) 1 038 163 7 997 (X) (X) 4 025 1 112 (X) 327.64 92.54 8.32 0.01 88.70 0.88 63.29 4.38 1.03 9.19 83.11 4.97 325.48 92.04 8.32 0.01 88.42 0.88 62.84 4.37 1.03 9.04 82.18 4.93 84.8 13.9 40.7 271.7 32.8 465.0 318.0 747.9 1 094.2 1 040.4 41.8 176.8 35.7 6.0 16.2 90.6 13.2 199.5 135.5 315.7 507.1 459.0 16.8 72.7 9 127 2 842 (X) 9 682 2 662 (X) 3 959 933 (X) 20 918 3 354 Upson County... Gordon CCD + Salem CDP Thomaston city (part) | The Rock-Yatesville CĆO | Yatesville town t Thomaston CCD +. Hannahs Mill COP Lincoln Park CDP 1. Thomaston city (part) Thurston CCD Sunset Village CDP | Walker County Chattanooga Valley CCD Chattanooga Valley CDP Fairview CDP (part) Rossville city (part) t. Chickamauga CCD | Chickamauga city t. Fairview COP (part) f Fort Oglethorpe city (part) . Fairyland CCD Lookout Mountain city t Kensington CCD La Fayette CCD + La Fayette city t Rock Spring CCD Rossville-Beverly Hills CCD 1 Fairview CDP (part) | Fort Oglethorpe city (part) . Lakeview CDP (part) Rossville city (part) 7. Villanow CCD 61 053 10 469 4 065 2 083 227 12 419 2 245 1 456 25 577 4 447 1 698 853 98 5 006 951 555 136.7 551.3 539.3 713.1 325.5 274.7 1 238.8 613.2 57.3 234.2 225.3 292.0 572.3 110.7 524.8 233.7 2 920 1 617 3 015 15 465 6 702 4 553 10 282 3 062 185 910 3 284 1 930 58 340 9 777 4 088 1 798 147 12 021 1 2 165 1 299 (X) 2 818 1 636 2 687 14 485 6 313 4 260 10 706 3 347 220 1 015 3 454 1 586 56 470 9 239 (X) 1 475 118 11 456 2 232 1 254 (X) 2 837 1 505 2 550 14 146 6 517 3 629 11 389 3 829 156 981 3 731 1 224 1 177 657 1 258 6 472 2 926 1 734 4 714 1 326 35 451 1 595 769 23 347 3 925 1 597 717 63 4 635 " 891 479 (X) 1 085 640 1 039 5 797 2 627 1 565 4 647 1 352 61 455 1 616 654 538 55 4 017 814 420 (X) 1 078 584 925 5 234 2 510 1 335 4 495 1 403 33 443 1 557 480 447.03 18.99 7.54 2.92 0.17 45.30 1.83 2.37 0.02 25.77 2.66 128.71 110.88 8.09 26.62 9.08 2.21 2.49 0.41 1.63 81.68 446.58 18.99 7.54 2.92 0.17 45.21 1.81 2.37 0.02 25.76 2.66 128.62 110.70 8.09 26.57 9.08 2.21 2.49 0.41 1.63 81.65 113.4 608.3 23.4 139.7 828.1 171.3 131.9 1 386.7 74.2 2 195.7 2 010.7 23.6 45.7 247.2 9.8 58.5 361.6 65.3 518.9 600.5 14.0 1 088.2 976.6 9.4 60 687 5 118 3 161 210 10 930 163 1 241 19 093 148 4 150 16 737 11 407 5 648 3 379 38 586 3 010 2 427 181 5 921 149 458 9 563 82 2 746 13 548 9 759 4 117 2 755 31 211 2 451 2 614 200 4 696 201 387 5 903 22 500 1 922 1 221 89 3 916 65 473 6 743 . 14 514 1 058 920 72 2 119 59 177 3 581 10 442 797 882 80 1 500 72 130 1 932 35 556 4 127 3 157 1 204 843 330.05 48.30 63.50 1.77 60.89 0.78 1.52 54.96 0.87 4.77 52.13 10.47 50.28 11.09 329.18 48.25 63.45 1.76 60.75 0.78 1.52 54.91 0.87 4.76 51.71 10.36 50.11 11.07 184.4 106.1 49.8 119.2 179.9 208.9 813.9 347.7 170.4 871.4 323.7 1 101.3 112.7 305.3 68.4 39.8 19.2 50.5 64.5 83.3 310.2 122.8 72.5 338.7 127.9 447.7 41.6 114.2 87 63 36 1 624 11 862 8 854 3 685 2 591 1 613 6 611 4 637 2 087 1 264 1 091 5 287 3 933 1 549 1 047 Walton County Campton CCD Good Hope CCD Good Hope town Jersey CCD Jersey town Walnut Grove town Loganville CCD Between town. Loganville city (part) +. Monroe CCD... Monroe city t Social Circle CCD Social Circle city (part) Ware County Dixie Union CCD Manor CCD. Waresboro CCD.. Waycross city (part) t Waycross CCD Deenwood CDP + Sunnyside CDP | Waycross city (part) t Warren County Camak CCO Camak town Norris CCD Norwood CCD Norwood city t Panhandle CCD Warrenton CCD Warrenton city t. 35 471 1 338 794 5 046 14 628 542 323 1 578 35 483 1 590 855 6 632 406 26 406 1 836 1 385 14 927 37 180 1 429 967 4 375 (X) 30 409 3 580 1 658 19 371 15 831 705 380 2 159 96 12 587 856 600 7 438 13 794 498 327 1 357 (X) 11 612 1 298 611 7 649 906.31 134.65 398.59 127.87 0.20 245.20 3.37 1.47 10.83 902.29 134.50 397.05 127.22 0.20 243.52 3.37 1.42 10.81 39.3 11.8 2.2 52.1 2 056.9 108.4 545.2 976.9 1 380.6 17.5 5.2 1.0 17.0 486.4 51.7 254.2 423.2 687.9 28 293 2 055 1 506 16 242 12 185 840 602 7 457 2 767 512 2 443 425 84 84 6 336 1 222 165 1 149 911 299 239 2 815 2 013 6 078 1 063 220 1 105 773 238 277 2 860 r 2 195 6 583 1 074 283 1 393 926 306 367 2 823 2 172 520 404 140 113 1 218 909 427 338 101 130 1 123 853 2 325 393 106 446 320 111 139 1 027 775 286.74 58.99 0.79 74.32 66.05 0.82 27.34 60.05 1.91 285.52 58.84 0.79 74.06 65.72 0.82 27.29 59.62 1.90 22.2 20.8 209.2 15.5 13.9 362.6 8.8 47.2 1 056.9 9.7 8.7 106.5 7.0 6.1 169.8 4.1 20.4 477.3 8 327 925 158 46 381 Washington County. Davisboro CCD Davisboro city t Riddleville town Deepstep CCD Deepstep town Harrison CCD Harrison town Sandersville CCD Sandersville city (part) 7. Tennille city (part) 7. Tennille CCD Oconee city t Sandersville city (part) Tennille city (part) | Warthen CCD 21 176 3 430 1 544 124 880 132 1 608 509 9 981 6 144 2 4 181 280 19 112 2 289 407 79 961 111 1 480 414 9 496 6 290 (X) 3 698 234 (X) 1 552 1 188 18 842 2 488 433 154 963 120 1 472 456 9 023 6 137 (X) 3 734 306 (X) 1 709 1 162 7 416 883 168 34 389 47 603 171 3 564 2 401 (X) 1 494 85 6 627 868 183 62 369 54 519 169 3 154 2 174 (X) 1 333 97 (X) 661 384 684.37 151.84 3.06 0.78 120.07 0.79 76.08 1.77 112.02 9.12 59 676 210 4 089 2 589 1 1 747 102 680.34 150.98 3.06 0.77 119.37 0.78 75.69 1.73 111.41 9.04 31.1 22.7 505.0 160.4 7.4 170.0 21.2 295.0 89.6 679.4 594.8 36.5 245.1 12.2 6.1 51.7 59.5 3.2 76.0 8.9 121.7 36.7 286.3 297.4 15.3 89.3 115.23 1.14 0.10 1.73 109.14 114.46 1.14 0.10 1.71 108.43 675 1 503 1 096 682 509 876.6 10.1 397.8 4.7 483 Wayne County Jesup CCD Jesup city t Odum CCD Odum town Screven CCD Screven city 26 565 19 936 9 279 3 769 414 2 860 702 22 356 16 929 8 958 2 851 388 2 576 819 20 750 15 396 9 418 2 857 401 2 497 872 10 827 7 970 3 469 1 569 192 1 288 346 8 812 6 611 3 607 1 178 171 1 023 326 7 643 5 652 3 469 1 071 168 920 328 648.80 334.08 16.59 148.47 1.94 166.25 2.17 644.66 331.99 16.54 146.92 1.94 165.76 2.17 41.2 60.1 561.2 25.7 213.5 17.3 324.0 16.8 24.0 209.8 10.7 99.0 7.8 159.7 Webster County Preston CCD Preston town (part) | Weston CCD... Preston town (part) Weston town... 2 390 1 247 433 1 143 20 75 2 263 1 151 385 1 112 3 2 341 1 055 422 1 286 7 109 1 115 545 199 570 6 42 898 448 153 450 2 r 37 830 417 184 413 3 48 210.26 103.42 3.71 106.83 0.82 0.94 209.54 103.14 3.71 106.39 0.82 0.94 11.4 12.1 116.8 10.7 24.4 79.5 5.3 5.3 53.7 5.4 7.3 44.5 174 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 23 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 5. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) State Population Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per in square miles square mile County County Subdivision Housing Place 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State-Con. 8.2 6 179 3 648 1 943 4 903 2 536 855 2 447 1 194 414 2 148 1 052 373 1 922 952 348 20.8 28.0 1 014.5 9.2 2162 5 155 2 589 993 (X) 26 2 566 824 300.14 130.77 1.92 0.04 0.19 169.37 3.16 297.72 130.26 1.92 0.04 0.19 167.45 3.16 43 2 531 884 17 2 367 881 19 1 253 409 5 1 096 394 15 970 316 221.2 15.1 279.9 977 7.5 129.5 unun 19 944 11 934 1 907 2 255 430 5 755 13 006 7 577 1 653 1 790 300 3 639 10 120 5 829 1 578 1 542 265 2 749 9 454 5 486 808 1 558 319 2 410 6 082 3 365 645 1 224 256 1 493 4 091 2 247 526 837 162 1 007 242.16 121.41 3.16 78.06 2.11 42.69 241.58 121.16 3.16 77.88 2.11 42.54 82.6 98.5 602.7 29.0 203.8 135.3 39.1 45.3 255 4 20.0 1512 56.7 30 722 21 777 9 532 23 83 525 59 999 26 454 54 9 589 582 1 437 13 937 1 458 1 209 72 462 52 473 20 235 (X) 7 213 529 358 12 776 1 526 970 65 775 51 431 20 548 (X) 5 219 407 282 9 125 33 936 3 487 235 503 5 458 697 474 28 832 21 132 8 721 (X) 2 657 227 137 5 043 834 360 23 836 18 843 8 073 (X) 1 890 162 105 3 103 11 307 290.65 123.51 16.86 0.17 80.16 2.52 2.28 86.98 2.98 1.52 289.99 123.25 16.85 0.17 79.89 2.49 2.28 86.84 2.98 1.52 288.0 486.8 1 570.2 309.5 120.0 233.8 629.6 160.5 489.8 794.7 105.9 176.7 565.8 131.8 43.6 94.4 220.4 62.9 2342 311.6 8.7 8.7 8 577 3 405 2 298 1 468 532 1 406 308 2 298 1 415 7 008 1 991 919 1 075 594 1 357 r 334 2 585 1 510 7 682 1 910 985 1 269 564 1 591 Wheeler County Alamo CCD. Alamo city Helena city (part) | Scotland city (part) Glenwood CCD Glenwood city. White County Cleveland CCD Cleveland city t Helen CCD Helen city t. Mossy Creek CCD. Whitfield County Dalton CCD f Dalton city (part) Varnell city (part) t North Whitfield CCD . Cohutta town t. Varnell city (part) + Westside CĆD Dalton city (part) Tunnel Hill city Wilcox County Abbeville CCD Abbeville city t Pineview CCD 1. Pineview town Pitts CCD . Pitts city Rochelle CCD Rochelle city Wilkes County Rayle CCD Rayle town Tignall CCD Tignall town. Washington-Metasville CCD Washington city t Wilkinson County Allentown CCD Allentown town (part) Danville town (part) Gordon CCD Gordon city Ivey town. Irwinton CCD I. Irwinton city t McIntyre town Toomsboro CCD . Toomsboro town Worth County Bridgeboro CCD. Poulan CCD Poulan city t Sumner town Sylvester city (part) | Sylvester CCD Sylvester city (part) † Warwick CCD. Warwick city 3 320 1 021 467 639 218 643 145 1 017 642 2 865 767 " 342 425 211 2 795 679 350 450 196 666 177 000 568 383.30 118.89 3.08 108.11 1.96 87.15 0.80 69.14 1.88 380.30 117.05 3.06 107.74 1.96 86.65 0.80 68.85 1.88 22.6 29.1 750.9 13.6 271.6 16.2 383.9 33.4 754.3 600 152.6 5.9 111.3 7.4 180.7 14.8 342.3 384 2 912 1 626 r 147 1 073 613 10 687 1 794 139 1 847 653 7 046 4 295 10 597 1 617 107 1 919 711 7 061 4 279 10 951 1 666 177 2 000 733 7 285 4 662 5 022 870 61 936 315 3 216 1 974 4 548 748 63 863 306 2 937 1 776 4 196 672 72 790 280 2 734 1 776 474.00 128.43 0.92 129.90 2.88 215.67 7.86 471.37 128.30 0.92 129.61 2.88 213.46 7.84 22.7 14.0 151.3 14.3 227.1 33.0 547.5 10.7 6.8 66.4 72 109.5 15.1 251.6 10 220 1 068 205 24 4 509 2 152 1 100 3 581 587 718 1 062 10 228 1 099 231 25 4 528 2 468 1 053 3 527 641 552 1 074 617 10 368 1 339 294 233 4 341 2 768 455 3 561 841 386 1 127 673 4 449 497 99 13 1 991 951 529 1 509 271 298 452 252 4 151 470 106 12 1 857 966 492 1 365 282 210 459 253 3 801 516 111 81 1 657 949 229 1 195 301 153 433 253 452.01 120.47 1.69 0.16 83.33 5.46 2.98 142.93 3.15 5.36 105.27 1.86 446.56 120.28 1.69 0.16 82.58 5.40 2.56 139.84 3.15 5.19 103.86 1.86 22.9 8.9 121.0 153.6 54.6 398.3 430.2 25.6 186.5 138.3 10.2 333.9 10.0 4.1 58.4 83.2 24.1 176.0 206.9 10.8 86.1 57.4 4.4 135.3 622 I 19 744 2 186 3 075 r 918 209 18 064 2 185 2 778 818 213 6401 735 961 310 86 21 967 2 547 4 621 946 309 177 11 901 5 813 2 898 430 9 086 1 060 1 895 399 125 67 4 756 2 311 1 375 181 17 596 865 1 144 r 348 76 1 3 956 2 138 1 169 187 574.58 100.53 170.62 1.66 1.07 0.11 127.19 5.64 176.24 0.81 569.73 99.76 169.72 1.66 1.07 0.11 126.54 5.60 173.71 0.81 38.6 25.5 27.2 571.2 288.4 1 663.6 94.0 1 037.4 16.7 531.9 15.9 10.6 11.2 240.9 116.7 629.7 37.6 412.4 7.9 223.9 10 516 5 702 2 799 501 9 578 5 860 2 301 488 3 297 2 014 987 176 24 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) it it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) it it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) Population Housing units 2000 average per 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area 2000 Housing units 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population (U/R) 8 186 453 16 478 149 5 462 982 3 281 737 r 2 637 904 2 028 305 59 424.77 57 906.14 141.4 56.7 2 298 1919 467 r 342 3.08 3.06 750.9 152.6 2 093 1 303 13 422 13 353 69 4 519 (X) 3 648 (X) 5 453 5 426 27 7.60 7.41 0.19 7.08 6.89 0.19 1 896.9 1 939.2 363.0 770.7 788.0 142.0 2 131 1 739 2 542 2 131 411 1 103 952 151 6.17 1.31 4.86 6.17 1.31 4.86 411.9 1 630.6 84.5 178.7 728.4 31.0 (X) 5 093 5 592 1 972 1 5 307 5 008 299 2 164 2 027 137 7.97 3.68 4.29 7.87 3.68 4.19 674.1 1 360.9 71.3 274.9 550.8 32.7 (X) (X) 300 579 267 312 615 293 322 276 129 147 1.43 0.51 0.92 1.38 0.51 0.88 419.3 528.2 356.5 199.9 255.2 168.0 (R) 394 579 182 2.03 2.03 194.1 89.7 (R) 1 943 414 1.92 1.92 1 014.5 216.2 682 318 1.00 1.00 684.5 319.2 78 804 " 30 898 26 280 76 939 76 206 733 74 425 (X) 32 062 31 778 284 55.86 44.89 10.98 55.53 44.88 10.65 1 385.5 1 697.9 577.3 708.0 26.7 68.8 98 45 0.33 0.33 298.1 136.9 606 788 701 87 326 291 35 1.14 0.65 0.50 1.13 0.64 0.50 694.3 1 097.4 175.3 388 388 389 88 88 988 88 8888888 = 287.2 455.6 70.5 287 129 93.1 41.8 3 79 205 2 25 3 27 3.08 0.12 0.49 0.77 1.69 3.08 0.12 0.49 0.77 1.69 40 6.1 102.3 121.0 6.1 35.0 58.4 99 1 573 1 3 236 2 672 564 3 663 (X) 3 819 (X) 1 510 1 255 255 5.82 1.94 3.88 5.73 1.94 3.79 564.6 1 378.8 148.7 263.5 647.6 67.2 (U/R) 13 002 3 128 5 887 1 117 34 854 34 789 65 14 670 14 638 32 21.38 15.73 5.65 21.36 15.73 5.64 1 631.6 2 212.2 11.5 686.7 930.8 5.7 ཀྱི 159 72 52 2.86 2.86 55.5 The State....... Abbeville city, Wilcox County Acworth city, Cobb County Urban part Rural part.. Adairsville city, Bartow County Urban part Rural part.. Adel city, Cook County Urban part Rural part.. Adrian city Emanuel County Johnson County Ailey city, Montgomery County Alamo city, Wheeler County. Alapaha town, Berrien County Albany city, Dougherty County. Urban part Rural part.. Aldora town, Lamar County Allenhurst town, Liberty County Urban part Rural part. Allentown town Bleckley County Laurens County Twiggs County Wilkinson County Alma city, Bacon County Urban part Rural part.. Alpharetta city, Fulton County Urban part Rural part.. Alston town, Montgomery County Alto town Urban part Rural part. Banks County Urban part Rural part. Habersham County Urban part Rural part.. Ambrose city, Coffee County Americus city, Sumter County Urban part. Rural part... Andersonville city, Sumter County..... Arabi town, Crisp County Aragon city, Polk County. Urban part Rural part. Arcade city, Jackson County Argyle town, Clinch County.. Arlington city Calhoun County Early County. Arnoldsville city, Oglethorpe County ... Ashburn city, Turner County.. Urban part Rural part... Athens-Clarke County, Clarke County . Urban part Rural part. Athens-Clarke County (balance) Urban part Rural part Bogart town (part) Urban part Rural part. Winterville city Urban part Rural part. 25.2 pe bocbocboci se o PDD B B C B B se sebocfach 3 De De PHDD DES E Mc D D D DDD DH DeS des as 618 876 867 9 357 357 8 888 888 888 888 = = = 888 8 888 8.8% 888 888: 888888888 8 8 8 8 8 888 8 8 882 8 888 888888888888 325 322 3 125 125 0.83 0.75 0.07 0.36 0.34 0.02 0.47 0.41 0.06 § 588 ;&& g&& $*** C EE 9 P82 388 E88 888888888 88 een 8 ö so 8 88888888888 0.83 0.75 0.07 0.36 0.34 0.02 0.47 0.41 0.06 1 061.2 1 154.6 120.6 990.5 1 037.8 393.7 428.8 40.2 346.8 363.4 519 510 9 () 200 197 3 1 116.0 1 253.4 154.7 430.1 484.2 51.6 320 360 145 3.13 3.07 104.3 47.3 588 @ 582 Instag82 g&& $ 788488988 to 28 F $ 8 ġ ugares 88 88888888888 r 16 516 17 013 16 920 93 5 574 16 120 (X) 7 053 7 002 51 16 318 (X) (X) 10.68 8.48 2.21 10.48 8.48 2.00 1 623.1 1 995.3 46.5 672.9 825.7 25.5 (X) (R) 331 142 1.30 1.30 254.1 109.0 (R) 456 204 4.61 4.52 100.9 45.1 (U/R) 352 1 039 961 78 424 392 32 1.08 0.62 0.46 1.08 0.62 0.46 965.1 1 549.8 170.9 393.9 632.2 70.1 1 643 609 6.48 6.46 254.2 94.2 151 64 86 1.72 1.72 87.8 37.2 1 602 1 161 441 1 513 1 188 1 572 1 135 437 695 525 170 4.01 2.39 1.61 4.00 2.39 1.61 400.9 486.2 274.3 173.9 219.9 105.7 (R) 312 187 136 1.68 1.68 185.7 80.9 Se on 88 do 82388282788 4 827 4 766 1 835 1 582 4 419 4 215 204 1 846 1 746 100 4.55 2.87 1.68 4.52 2.85 1.67 978.6 1 479.5 122.4 408.8 612.8 60.0 () 45 734 121.28 57.44 63.68 118.23 55.74 62.50 42 549 18 499 15 526 101 489 92 607 8 845 100 266 91 589 8 677 118 89 29 1 068 929 139 42 126 38 576 3 540 41 633 38 165 3 468 51 38 13 432 373 59 120.79 57.36 63.25 117.75 55.67 62.09 0.22 0.11 0.11 2.65 1.59 1.06 840.2 1 614.4 139.8 851.5 1 645.3 139.8 540.6 805.2 269.2 403.2 585.3 131.0 348.8 672.5 56.0 353.6 685.6 55.9 233.7 343.8 120.7 163.1 235.0 55.6 (X) 0.11 0.12 2.65 1.59 1.06 (X) Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 25 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) it it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements Population 2000 average per State Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units area r 393 929 425 022 1 182 689 178 826 416 474 416 425 49 29 775 386 699 386 650 49 33 539 ! 360 390 37 283 387 739 186 925 186 904 21 13 285 173 640 173 619 21 14 020 " 168 669 14 018 164 808 132.42 132.05 0.38 6.93 125.49 125.11 0.38 131.75 131.58 0.17 6.93 124.81 124.64 0.17 3 161.2 3 164.8 291.2 4 293.5 3 098.3 3 102.0 291.2 1 418.8 1 420.5 124.8 1 915.7 1 391.2 1 392.9 124.8 492 623 0.80 0.80 617.6 246.0 3 139 692 1 6 904 6 775 129 6 610 6 481 129 294 294 3 139 196 2 322 2 280 42 2 225 2 183 42 97 97 1 5.34 4.65 0.69 5.21 4.52 0.69 0.13 0.13 5.34 4.65 0.69 5.21 4.52 0.69 0.13 0.13 1 293.3 1 457.8 186.7 1 269.5 1 434.3 187.4 2 232.0 2 278.3 435.0 4906 60.8 427.3 483.1 61.0 736.4 751.7 gee2828 g Se788888 888 888 2 g 199 775 184 376 15 399 82 312 76 404 5 908 328.45 117.76 210.69 324.04 117.22 206.81 616.5 1 572.9 74.5 254.0 651.8 28.6 44 639 47 532 21 588 20 825 80 481 76 118 4 363 261 1 570 286 1 284 306.48 116.74 189.74 2.55 19.42 1.02 18.40 195 182 183 657 11 525 713 3 880 719 3 161 5 359 5 230 129 302.13 116.20 185.93 2.54 19.36 1.02 18.34 646.0 1 580.5 62.0 280.4 200.4 702.7 172.4 266.4 655.1 23.5 102.6 81.1 279.5 70 0 r 2 806 1 11 101 4 173 4 022 3 939 3 931 2 144 2 078 66 1 708 1 628 1 429 1 424 5.70 5.64 0.06 5.69 5.63 0.06 942.1 928.9 2 229.0 376.9 369.1 1 140.4 278 116 gexgger 388888'88 888 & 788 982 588 8888 88 88% 788 1.76 1.76 genes D88888 888 888 588 8888888888 PRO 887 157.9 65.9 ⊸ 88888'88 888 ZERO SE BO Š 388 38x38x388 88 88 g 217 248 0.65 0.65 333.7 S S S S SS DDI I o sebocfaces selo a D I SEE DESBach wel schic acl a selcach 195.3 127 1 263 2 609 2 209 1 313 1 074 1.13 1.12 2 327.7 1 126.8 804 763 310 1.28 1.28 626.5 241.5 r 10 803 10 553 14 494 3 991 11 722 10 509 1 213 5 051 4 653 398 18.87 8.69 10.18 17.71 8.69 9.02 The State-Con. Atlanta city. Urban part Rural part. DeKalb County Fulton County Urban part Rural part. Attapulgus city, Decatur County Auburn city... Urban part Rural part Barrow County Urban part Rural part. Gwinnett County Urban part Rural part. Augusta-Richmond County, Richmond County Urban part Rural part. Augusta-Richmond County (balance) Urban part Rural part Blythe city (part) Hephzibah city Urban part Rural part. Austell city. Cobb County Douglas County Avalon town, Stephens County Avera city. Jefferson County Avondale Estates city, DeKalb County. Baconton city, Mitchell County ... Bainbridge city, Decatur County Urban part Rural part.. Baldwin city Urban part Rural part. Banks County Urban part Rural part Habersham County Urban part. Rural part.. Ball Ground city, Cherokee County .... Barnesville city, Lamar County... Urban part Rural part. Bartow town, Jefferson County Barwick town. Brooks County Thomas County Baxley city, Appling County Urban part Rural part. Bellville city, Evans County.. Belvedere Park CDP, DeKalb County.. Berkeley Lake city, Gwinnett County Berlin town, Colquitt County. Bethlehem town, Barrow County. Between town, Walton County ... Bibb City town, Muscogee County..... Bishop town, Oconee County.. Blackshear city, Pierce County Urban part Rural part. Blacksville CDP, Henry County. Blairsville city, Union County Blakely city, Early County Urban part Rural part. Bloomingdale city, Chatham County ... Urban part Rural part. 661.8 1 208.8 134.5 285.2 535.2 44.1 1 439 1 080 2 425 2 262 163 432 331 101 1 993 1 931 62 912 839 73 194 144 50 718 695 23 3.59 2.50 1.09 0.97 0.47 0.50 2.62 2.03 0.60 3.59 2.50 1.09 0.97 0.47 0.50 2.62 2.03 0.60 674.9 904.5 149.2 445.1 698.2 203.4 759.9 952.8 104.0 253.8 335.5 66.8 199.9 303.7 100.7 273.8 342.9 38.6 1 086 ཀྱི 730 640 298 1.24 1.24 589.1 240.5 4 887 1 842 1 750 5 972 5 773 199 4 747 (X) 2 257 2 171 86 5.67 3.96 1.71 5.66 3.95 1.71 1 055.9 1 462.4 116.5 399.1 550.0 50.3 223 357 106 1.14 1.14 196.1 93.2 413 444 116 328 205 73 132 0.78 0.41 0.37 0.75 0.38 0.37 591.1 304.7 885.2 272.9 191.8 356.3 272 ? 3 810 3 586 11 632 1 386 4 150 3 983 167 1 866 1 792 74 7.15 4.26 2.89 7.15 4.26 2.89 580.7 935.2 57.8 261.1 420.8 25.6 130 173 64 0.99 0.98 132.5 65.2 && g&eg͸ E8 con el pes Ex 788 18 945 18 089 17 766 7 010 6 840 6 486 4.98 4.98 3 801.9 1 406.8 1 695 791 610 321 1.14 1.01 1 682.8 605.6 .. 595 480 538 249 181 0.75 0.75 794.7 332.6 716 348 265 148 2.16 2.16 331.8 122.8 148 82 63 36 35 0.87 0.87 170.4 72.5 510 597 667 242 245 253 0.17 0.17 3 064.9 1 454.3 (R) (U) (R) (U/R) 146 67 78 0.78 0.78 188.2 86.4 3 222 1 405 3 283 3 089 194 3 263 () 1 518 1 432 86 1 280 (X) (X) 4.37 2.52 1.84 4.28 2.52 1.76 766.6 1 223.6 110.3 354.5 567.3 48.9 (R) 4 1 112 1 521 1 350 382 0.08 0.08 50.7 12.7 & ୫ ୫XX ୫XX exx 659 564 261 i &x 250 221 1.06 1.06 619.7 (R) (U/R) 245.4 5 595 5 880 2 095 5 696 4 261 1 435 2 251 1 654 597 2 053 (X) (X) 17.61 2.93 14.68 17.47 2.93 14.54 326.0 1 454.6 98.7 128.8 564.6 41.0 ဒ (U/F r 2 075 1 855 1824 2 665 1 727 938 1 051 667 384 645 (X) 13.31 2.00 11.31 13.18 2.00 11.17 202.3 862.9 83.9 79.8 333.3 34.4 26 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as '-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units 2000 average per 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 1 210 1 336 1 376 631 2.17 2.17 557.2 290.6 118 138 60 1.61 1.61 73.2 37.2 300 718 5 713 367 2 262 1 261 2.84 0.29 2.55 2.83 0.29 2.54 253.6 17.4 280.4 92.5 3.5 102.6 297 1 018 196 1 049 805 244 118 89 29 931 716 &&&&&&& 457 349 108 51 38 13 406 311 95 je &8288788 % in og () 2.39 0.86 1.53 0.23 0.11 0.12 2.16 0.75 1.41 2.38 0.86 1.52 0.22 0.11 0.11 2.16 0.75 1.41 441.6 936.4 161.0 540.6 805.2 269.2 431.6 955.8 152.7 192.4 406.0 71.3 233.7 343.8 120.7 188.2 415.1 67.5 822 215 2 010 (X) 976 1.21 1.21 2 391.7 803.8 2 904 1 417 1 395 1 424 632 2.23 2.23 635.8 283.6 322 307 135 3.09 3.08 104.6 43.8 1 959 1 981 1 743 & ୫ ୫୫ XXXXX & ମୁଁ ଓ ୫ ୫xxx ଝ୫୫ ୫୫.୪ ୫ 893 863 3.40 3.40 576.5 262.8 334 311 318 156 135 3.10 3.09 108.1 50.5 898 791 411 343 2.57 2.57 350.0 160.2 418 34 178 13 1 206 242 240 23 701 491 105 100 8 278 7.20 1.85 2.75 0.27 2.33 7.20 1.85 2.75 0.27 2.33 167.4 131.1 87.3 83.9 300.3 68.1 56.9 36.4 29.2 119.1 (X) 384 165 80 247 183 64 38 282 90 192 27 14 13 94 66 28 3.07 2.18 0.89 3.06 2.18 0.88 26.2 17.4 47.7 8.8 6.4 42 14.8 4 356 3 966 1 566 1 813 (X) (X) 88 4 579 3 864 715 27 4 552 3 864 688 (X) 13 4 343 1 978 1 668 310 11 1 967 1 668 299 8.91 3.28 5.63 1.98 6.93 3.28 3.66 8.88 3.27 5.61 1.96 6.92 3.27 3.65 515.7 1 180.9 127.5 13.8 657.6 1 180.9 188.5 222.8 509.8 55.3 5.6 284.1 509.8 81.9 3 942 1 555 1 808 (X) * 225 238 106 96 1.87 1.87 120.3 56.7 513 513 524 203 199 0.79 0.79 648.7 256.7 1 113 1 013 1 035 467 429 3.10 3.06 364.0 152.7 The State-Con. Blue Ridge city, Fannin County Bluffton town, Clay County Blythe city Burke County Richmond County. Bogart town.. Urban part Rural part. Clarke County Urban part Rural part. Oconee County. Urban part Rural part.. Bonanza CDP, Clayton County Boston city, Thomas County Bostwick town, Morgan County. Bowdon city, Carroll County. Bowersville town, Hart County. Bowman city, Elbert County. Braselton town Barrow County Gwinnett County Hall County Jackson County Braswell city Paulding County Polk County. Bremen city. Urban part Rural part. Carroll County : Haralson County Urban part Rural part.. Brinson town, Decatur County Bronwood town, Terrell County. Brooklet town, Bulloch County.. Brooks town, Fayette County .. Broxton city, Coffee County Brunswick city. Glynn County. Urban part Rural part.. Buchanan city, Haralson County Buckhead town, Morgan County Buena Vista city, Marion County Buford city Urban part Rural part. Gwinneti County Urban part Rural part Hall County Urban part Rural part. Butler city, Taylor County Byromville town, Dooly County Byron city, Peach County Urban part Rural part. Cadwell town, Laurens County Cairo city, Grady County. Urban part Rural part.. Calhoun city, Gordon County Urban part Rural part. Camak town, Warren County .. Camilla city, Mitchell County.. Urban part Rural part.. Candler-McAfee CDP, DeKalb County. Canon city: Franklin County.. Hart County : 989 a se s sel se o seba s seisabsch I BIDHI III D Defübel DD DDDDD D D D D D Befde DDD D D 553 328 199 208 4.07 4.07 136.0 51.2 1 428 1 211 1 117 612 3.28 3.24 440.8 188.9 17 605 6 919 15 600 15 600 16 433 (X) 6 952 6 952 6 901 (X) 25.19 8.00 17.19 17.22 7.91 9.31 906.0 1 972.4 403.8 879.0 (X) ୫* * 941 1 009 1 019 380 1.68 1.47 638.6 257.9 205 176 81 0.80 ego a te SR gEx=3&& $82588°?? A EX 88 982 je het 0.80 257.5 101.8 1 664 1 472 1 544 756 3.28 3.24 512.9 233.0 8 771 6 578 3 670 (X) 2 409 (X) 8 745 6 2 406 10 668 10 026 642 10 566 9 977 589 102 49 53 4 044 3 827 217 4 003 3 812 191 41 15 26 3 658 (X) 83 14.78 10.17 4.61 13.30 10.09 3.21 1.48 0.08 1.40 14.73 10.17 4.56 13.24 10.09 3.16 1.48 0.08 1.40 724.4 985.8 140.9 797.9 989.0 186.7 68.7 591.7 37.8 274.6 376.3 47.6 302.3 377.9 60.5 27.6 181.1 18.5 (X) (R) 1 907 1 673 1 959 851 3.18 3.17 602.2 268.7 415 452 567 150 0.36 Home 2 g 8x882-28 R e 88 cm 588 888 8 8X to 0.36 1 153.7 417.0 2 276 2 887 2 814 73 1 661 (X) (X) 1 177 1 150 27 5.83 4.94 5.82 4.93 0.90 495.7 571.1 81.5 202.1 233.4 30.1 (X) 0.90 329 458 353 178 1.29 1.29 254.3 137.6 8 777 3 551 3 165 9 239 8 605 634 9 035 () 3 898 3 644 254 the page 388 388 *% 9.37 5.77 3.59 9.31 5.77 3.54 992.0 1 491.5 178.9 418.5 631.6 71.7 5 563 3 109 2 197 10 667 10 320 347 7 135 (X) 4 298 4 142 156 11.67 7.33 4.34 11.65 7.33 4.32 915.4 1 408.2 80.2 368.8 565.2 36.1 (X) ཀྱི 165 220 283 84 0.79 0.79 209.2 106.5 15124 11 887 1 748 5 669 5 281 388 5 414 (X) 2 128 1 979 149 6.11 3.30 2.81 6.10 3.30 2.80 929.4 1 598.3 138.8 348.9 598.9 53.3 (X) 28 294 29 491 27 306 9 415 9 543 8 569 6.99 6.98 4 054.2 1 349.0 755 688 67 737 700 37 704 636 68 361 331 30 3.18 2.63 0.55 3.18 2.63 0.55 237.5 261.7 121.7 113.5 125.9 54.5 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 27 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. 88 49 98x2788 qarqa8888 &&& geta 88 geegges 8x388'88 888 98888 i [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State - Con. Atlanta city .. 416 474 r 393 929 425 022 186 925 1 182 689 178 826 132.42 131.75 3 161.2 1 418.8 Urban part 416 425 (X) (X) 186 904 (X) 132.05 131.58 3 164.8 1 420.5 Rural part, 49 21 (X) 0.38 0.17 291.2 124.8 DeKalb County 29 775 33 539 37 283 13 285 14 020 14 018 6.93 6.93 4 293.5 1 915.7 Fulton County 386 699 360 390 387 739 173 640 r 168 669 164 808 125.49 124.81 3 098.3 1 391.2 Urban part 386 650 (X) 173 619 125.11 124.64 3 102.0 1 392.9 Rural part.. 21 0.38 0.17 291.2 124.8 Attapulgus city, Decatur County 492 380 623 196 204 0.80 0.80 617.6 246.0 Auburn city.. 6 904 3 139 692 2 322 1 358 5.34 5.34 1 293.3 435.0 Urban part 6 775 (X) 2 280 4.65 4.65 1 457.8 490.6 Rural part. 129 (X) 42 0.69 0.69 186.7 60.8 Barrow County 6 610 3 139 692 2 225 1 5.21 5.21 1 269.5 427.3 Urban part 6 481 (X) 2 183 4.52 4.52 1 434.3 483.1 Rural part.. 129 (X) 42 0.69 0.69 187.4 61.0 Gwinnett County 294 97 0.13 0.13 2 232.0 736.4 Urban part 294 97 0.13 0.13 2 278.3 751.7 Rural part.. Augusta-Richmond County, Richmond County 199 775 82 312 328.45 324.04 616.5 254.0 Urban part 184 376 76 404 117.76 117.22 1 572.9 651.8 Rural part. 15 399 (X) 5 908 210.69 206.81 74.5 28.6 Augusta-Richmond County (balance) 195 182 44 639 47 532 80 481 21 588 20 825 306.48 302.13 646.0 266.4 Urban part 183 657 (X) 76 118 116.74 116.20 1 580.5 655.1 Rural part.. 11 525 4 363 189.74 185.93 62.0 23.5 Blythe city (part) 713 297 261 2.55 2.54 280.4 102.6 Hephzibah city 3 880 1 2 806 1 452 1 570 11 101 19.42 19.36 200.4 81.1 Urban part 719 286 1.02 1.02 702.7 279.5 Rural part. 3 161 (X) 1 284 (X) 18.40 18.34 172.4 70.0 Austell city. 5 359 4 173 3 939 2 144 1 708 1 429 5.70 5.69 942.1 376.9 Cobb County 5 230 4 022 3 931 2 078 1 628 1 424 5.64 5.63 928.9 369.1 Douglas County 129 66 0.06 0.06 2 229.0 1 140.4 Avalon town, Stephens County 278 116 1.76 1.76 157.9 65.9 Avera city, Jefferson County 217 215 248 127 112 0.65 0.65 333.7 195.3 Avondale Estates city, DeKalb County. 2 609 2 209 1 313 1 263 1 074 540 1.13 1.12 2 327.7 1 126.8 Baconton city, Mitchell County.. 804 623 763 310 246 1.28 1.28 626.5 241.5 Bainbridge city, Decatur County 11 722 110 803 10 553 5 051 14 494 3 991 18.87 17.71 661.8 285.2 Urban part 10 509 4 653 8.69 8.69 1 208.8 535.2 Rural part.. 1 213 398 10.18 9.02 134.5 44.1 Baldwin city 2 425 1 439 1 080 912 362 3.59 3.59 674.9 253.8 Urban part 2 262 839 (X) 2.50 2.50 904.5 335.5 Rural part. 163 (x) 73 1.09 1.09 149.2 66.8 Banks County 432 325 194 159 0.97 0.97 445.1 199.9 Urban part 331 (X) 144 0.47 0.47 698.2 303.7 Rural part. 101 50 0.50 0.50 203.4 100.7 Habersham County 1 993 1 086 718 2.62 2.62 759.9 273.8 Urban part 1 931 695 2.03 2.03 952.8 342.9 Rural part.. 62 23 0.60 0.60 104.0 38.6 Ball Ground city, Cherokee County .. 730 905 298 362 254 1.24 1.24 589.1 240.5 Barnesville city, Lamar County.. 5 972 4 747 4 887 2 257 1 842 1 750 5.67 5.66 1 055.9 399.1 Urban part. 5 773 2 171 3.96 3.95 1 462.4 550.0 Rural part. 199 (X) 86 (X) 1.71 1.71 116.5 50.3 Bartow town, Jefferson County 223 292 357 106 1.14 1.14 196.1 93.2 Barwick town 444 385 205 0.78 0.75 591.1 272.9 Brooks County 116 134 73 0.41 0.38 304.7 191.8 Thomas County 328 132 0.37 0.37 885.2 356.3 Baxley city, Appling County 4 150 "3 810 3 586 1 866 11 632 1 386 7.15 7.15 580.7 261.1 Urban part. 3 983 (X) 1 792 (X) 4.26 4.26 935.2 420.8 Rural part... 167 74 2.89 2.89 57.8 25.6 Bellville city, Evans County.. 130 192 64 0.99 0.98 132.5 65.2 Belvedere Park CDP, DeKalb County.. 18 945 18 089 17 766 7 010 6 840 6 486 4.98 4.98 3 801.9 1 406.8 Berkeley Lake city, Gwinnett County 1 695 791 610 321 1.14 1.01 1 682.8 605.6 Berlin town, Colquitt County. 595 480 249 181 213 0.75 0.75 794.7 332.6 Bethlehem town, Barrow County ... 716 348 265 148 113 2.16 2.16 331.8 122.8 Between town, Walton County.. 148 82 63 36 35 0.87 0.87 170.4 72.5 Bibb City town, Muscogee County..... 510 597 242 245 253 0.17 0.17 3 064.9 1 454.3 Bishop town, Oconee County. 146 158 67 71 78 0.78 0.78 188.2 86.4 Blackshear city, Pierce County 3 283 3 263 3 222 1 518 1 405 1 280 4.37 4.28 766.6 354.5 Urban part 3 089 (X) (X) 1 432 (X) 2.52 2.52 1 223.6 567.3 Rural part .. 194 86 1.84 1.76 110.3 48.9 Blacksville CDP, Henry County 4 1 112 1 521 1 350 382 0.08 0.08 50.7 12.7 Blairsville city, Union County 659 564 261 250 221 1.06 1.06 619.7 245.4 Blakely city. Early County 5 696 5 595 5 880 2 251 2 095 2 053 17.61 17.47 326.0 128.8 Urban part 4 261 (X) 1 654 (X) 2.93 2.93 1 454.6 564.6 Rural part. 1 435 (X) 597 (X) 14.68 14.54 98.7 41.0 Bloomingdale city, Chatham County... (U/R) 2 665 1 2 075 1 855 1 051 1824 645 13.31 13.18 202.3 79.8 Urban part 1 727 (X) 667 (X) 2.00 2.00 862.9 333.3 Rural part. 938 384 (X) 11.31 11.17 83.9 34.4 159 o e moto 88 x 8 8 8 3 let go 288 288 88,88888 e 8868 sel Bel = u BCS S S SIS ĈI SŠ Do I De a se sebeci se I a II CCE Dchael och schoc de a se ciel SE 58882 28 j8.688 to 383 2088 88888 8 888 353 se 388 geei8788 && S && get con el pas per 388 E88 E82 E88 13 788 i $88 g og ģ88 88 883 26 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For intormation concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) it it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population State Housing units 2000 area measurements 2000 average per 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units area 1 210 1 336 1 376 631 2.17 2.17 557.2 290.6 118 132 60 1.61 1.61 73.2 37.2 718 5 713 3 go 367 2 365 262 1 261 2.84 0.29 2.55 2.83 0.29 2.54 253.6 17.4 280.4 92.5 3.5 102.6 1 018 819 1 049 805 244 118 457 349 108 51 38 ୫ ୫ ୫୫ ଓଁxxx ୫ ģ8888888 & g 89 2.39 0.86 1.53 0.23 0.11 0.12 2.16 0.75 1.41 2.38 0.86 1.52 0.22 0.11 0.11 2.16 0.75 1.41 441.6 936.4 161.0 540.6 805.2 269.2 431.6 955.8 152.7 192.4 406.0 71.3 233.7 343.8 120.7 188.2 415.1 67.5 13 29 931 716 215 406 311 95 (X) (X) (X) 2 904 2 010 976 1.21 1.21 2 391.7 803.8 (X) 1 424 1 417 1 395 632 569 2.23 2.23 635.8 283.6 322 307 357 135 126 3.09 3.08 104.6 43.8 1 959 1 981 1 743 893 863 692 3.40 3.40 576.5 262.8 334 311 318 156 135 134 3.10 3.09 108.1 50.5 898 791 890 411 343 315 2.57 2.57 350.0 160.2 418 34 308 (X) 13 1 206 242 240 23 701 491 105 100 8 278 7.20 1.85 2.75 0.27 2.33 7.20 1.85 2.75 0.27 2.33 167.4 131.1 87.3 83.9 300.3 68.1 56.9 36.4 29.2 119.1 (X) (X) 308 384 80 38 42 247 183 282 90 192 27 14 13 66 107 34 73 3.07 2.18 0.89 3.06 2.18 0.88 26.2 17.4 47.7 8.8 6.4 14.8 4 356 3 966 4 579 3 864 715 88% 1 813 (X) (X) 1 566 (X) (X) 27 13 4 343 (X) 1 978 1 668 310 11 1 967 1 668 299 (X) 24 3 942 (X) (X) 274 8.91 3.28 5.63 1.98 6.93 3.28 3.66 8.88 3.27 5.61 1.96 6.92 3.27 3.65 4 552 3 864 688 1 808 515.7 1 180.9 127.5 13.8 657.6 1 180.9 188.5 '88 588 28" 28 8 8 8 8 222.8 509.8 55.3 5.6 284.1 509.8 81.9 1 555 (X) (X) 888. ESR 88-388. SEE (X) 225 238 106 1.87 1.87 120.3 56.7 513 513 524 203 0.79 0.79 648.7 256.7 1 113 1 013 1 035 467 429 403 3.10 3.06 The State-Con. Blue Ridge city, Fannin County Bluffton town, Clay County. Blythe city Burke County Richmond County. Bogart town. Urban part Rural part. Clarke County Urban part Rural part. Oconee County. Urban part Rural part.. Bonanza CDP, Clayton County Boston city, Thomas County Bostwick town, Morgan County Bowdon city, Carroll County .. Bowersville town, Hart County .. Bowman city, Elbert County Braselton town Barrow County Gwinnett County Hall County Jackson County Braswell city Paulding County. Polk County. Bremen city Urban part Rural part. Carroll County Haralson County Urban part Rural part. Brinson town, Decatur County .. Bronwood town, Terrell County Brooklet town, Bulloch County .. Brooks town, Fayette County Broxton city, Coffee County Brunswick city, Glynn County.. Urban part Rural part. Buchanan city, Haralson County Buckhead town, Morgan County Buena Vista city, Marion County Buford city Urban part Rural part. Gwinnett County. Urban part Rural part. Hall County Urban part Rural part. Butler city, Taylor County Byromville town, Dooly County Byron city, Peach County Urban part Rural part. Cadwell town, Laurens County Cairo city. Grady County ... Urban part Rural part. Calhoun city, Gordon County Urban part Rural part. Camak town, Warren County. Camilla city, Mitchell County.. Urban part Rural part. Candler-McAfee CDP, DeKalb County. Canon city Franklin County. Hart County. 364.0 152.7 ada a ses a sel sel a sebe i sebe ich I I IDS I II II DESIDES FDP DDDDD D D D DD a DSB och DDD D B 553 328 199 208 124 88 4.07 4.07 136.0 51.2 1 428 1 211 1 117 612 420 3.28 3.24 440.8 188.9 15 600 15 600 16 433 (X) 6 952 6 952 6 901 6 919 (X) (X) 17 605 (X) (X) 1 019 25.19 8.00 17.19 17.22 7.91 9.31 906.0 1 972.4 403.8 879.0 - (X) - 941 1 009 : 380 360 1.68 1.47 638.6 257.9 205 176 219 81 73 85 0.80 0.80 257.5 101.8 1 664 1 472 1 544 756 575 527 3.28 3.24 512.9 233.0 8 6 578 2 409 3 670 (X) 8 745 6 569 10 668 10 026 642 10 566 9 977 589 102 49 3 658 (X) 4 044 3 827 217 4 003 3 812 191 41 15 26 2 406 (X) Exg88°88 S 788788888 88 14.78 10.17 4.61 13.30 10.09 3.21 1.48 0.08 1.40 88 88w88 sro 14.73 10.17 4.56 13.24 10.09 3.16 1.48 0.08 1.40 724.4 985.8 140.9 797.9 989.0 186.7 68.7 591.7 37.8 53 274.6 376.3 47.6 302.3 377.9 60.5 27.6 181.1 18.5 ཀྱི 1 907 1 673 1 959 851 708 728 3.18 3.17 602.2 268.7 415 452 567 150 152 174 0.36 0.36 1 153.7 417.0 2 276 1 661 2 887 2 814 1 177 1 150 27 (X) 560 (X) (X) 5.83 4.94 0.90 5.82 4.93 0.90 495.7 571.1 81.5 202.1 233.4 30.1 73 () ཀྱི 329 458 353 178 157 157 1.29 1.29 254.3 137.6 8887&8*&& 388 62 788 888 8 88 See on 8 777 3 551 3 165 9 239 8 605 634 9 035 (X) (X) 3 898 3 644 254 9.37 5.77 3.59 9.31 5.77 3.54 992.0 1 491.5 178.9 418.5 631.6 71.7 (X) () 7 135 5 563 3 109 2 197 10 667 10 320 347 4 298 4 142 156 11.67 7.33 4.34 11.65 7.33 4.32 915.4 1 408.2 80.2 368.8 565.2 36.1 (X) (X) (X) 165 882 Z 880 x 220 E88 Ex in && g 283 84 106 0.79 ୫xx ୫xx &xx e8 0.79 209.2 106.5 (U/R) 1 748 5 669 5 281 388 r5 124 (X) (X) 5 414 (X) 2 128 1 979 149 11 887 () (X) 6.11 3.30 2.81 6.10 3.30 2.80 929.4 1 598.3 138.8 348.9 598.9 53.3 (X) 28 294 29 491 27 306 9 415 9 543 8 569 6.99 6.98 4 054.2 1 349.0 340 755 688 67 737 700 37 704 636 68 361 331 30 297 275 22 3.18 2.63 0.55 3.18 2.63 0.55 237.5 261.7 121.7 113.5 125.9 54.5 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 27 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. 688 88 514 g 28 (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as '-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population 2000 area measurements State Housing units 2000 average per 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State-Con. Canton city, Cherokee County 7 709 4 817 3 601 2 879 2 026 1 399 14.26 14.26 540.5 201.8 Urban part. 7 568 (X) 2 822 (X) 7.84 7.84 965.2 359.9 Rural part... 141 57 6.42 6.42 22.0 8.9 Carl town, Barrow County. 205 263 99 106 0.80 0.80 257.6 124.4 Urban part. 63 29 0.05 0.05 1 190.7 548.1 Rural part... 142 (X) 70 (X) 0.74 0.74 191.1 942 Carlton city, Madison County. 233 282 118 136 124 1.00 1.00 232.3 117.6 Carnesville city, Franklin County. 541 222 215 194 2.45 2.44 221.7 91.0 Carrollton city, Carroll County 19 843 16 029 14 078 7 577 16 579 5 327 20.69 20.17 983.7 375.6 Urban part 19 366 (X) (X) 7 401 (x) 13.03 12.70 1 524.8 582.7 Rural part .. 477 176 (X) 7.66 7.47 63.8 23.6 Cartersville city, Bartow County. 15 925 I 12 037 9 247 6 130 r5 172 3 614 23.51 23.39 680.7 262.0 Urban part. 15 609 (X) 6 016 (X) 13.72 13.72 1 137.8 438.5 Rural part.. 316 114 (X) 9.80 9.68 32.7 11.8 Cave Spring city, Floyd County 975 950 431 414 321 4.03 4.02 242.7 107.3 Cecil town, Cook County.. 265 376 138 129 118 0.85 0.85 313.1 163.1 Cedartown city, Polk County 9 470 7 978 8 619 3 642 3 462 3 424 6.88 6.84 1 384.0 532.2 Urban part. 9 271 (X) 3 566 (X) 5.04 5.01 1 851.1 712.0 Rural part.. 199 (X) 76 (X) 1.84 1.83 108.5 41.4 Centerville city, Houston County 4 278 3 251 2 622 1 687 1 166 866 2.80 2.80 1 526.4 601.9 Centralhatchee town, Heard County. 383 301 151 137 103 3.28 3.28 116.6 46.0 Chamblee city, DeKalb County 9 552 7 668 7 137 2 730 3 046 3 043 3.14 3.14 3 043.3 869.8 Chatsworth city, Murray County 3 531 2 865 2 493 1 546 1 210 1 023 4.74 4.71 749.5 328.1 Urban part 2 861 (X) 1 217 (X) 2.15 2.14 1 337.0 568.7 Rural part.. 670 (X) 329 ( 2.59 2.57 260.6 127.9 Chattanooga Valley CDP, Walker County (U/R) 4 065 4 088 1 698 1 597 7.54 7.54 539.3 225.3 Urban part 3 473 (X) 1 462 4.23 4.23 820.4 345.4 Rural part.. 592 236 (X) 3.30 3.30 179.2 71.4 Chauncey town, Dodge County 295 312 125 115 125 1.73 1.73 170.6 72.3 Chester town, Dodge County 305 1 072 167 171 149 0.87 0.87 349.0 191.1 Chickamauga city, Walker County.. (U/R) 2 245 1 2 165 2 232 951 814 1.83 1.81 1 238.8 524.8 Urban part 2 176 (X) 914 (X) (X) 1.47 1.47 1 483.1 623.0 Rural part... 69 (X) 37 (X) (X) 0.36 0.35 199.9 107.2 Clarkesville city, Habersham County 1 248 1 151 1 348 639 585 495 1.86 1.86 670.6 343.3 Clarkston city, DeKalb County. 7 231 5 385 4 539 2 622 2 461 2 024 1.06 1.05 6 856.3 2 486.1 Claxton city, Evans County.. (U/R) 2 276 2 464 2 694 1 032 1 094 1 071 1.56 1.56 1 457.2 660.7 Urban part 2 200 (X) (X) 993 (X) 1.28 1.28 1 722.0 777.3 Rural part.. 76 (X) 39 (X) 0.29 0.28 267.3 137.1 Clayton city, Rabun County 2 019 1 613 1 838 1 006 853 820 3.09 3.09 653.2 325.5 Clermont town, Hall County. 419 402 170 161 128 0.96 0.96 434.5 176.3 Cleveland city, White County 1 907 1 653 1 578 808 645 526 3.16 3.16 602.7 255.4 Climax city, Decatur County .. 297 134 126 163 0.79 0.79 375.7 169.5 Cobbtown city, Tattnall County 311 338 178 170 229 0.68 0.68 459.7 263.1 Cochran city, Bleckley County (U/R) 4 455 14 483 5 121 1 851 11 818 1 750 4.22 4.09 1 090.5 453.1 Urban part. 4 221 1 734 2.65 2.62 1 613.6 662.9 Rural part.. 234 (X) 117 (X) 1.58 1.47 159.2 79.6 Cohutta town, Whitfield County 582 529 235 227 162 2.52 2.49 233.8 94.4 Colbert city, Madison County. 488 443 498 223 199 199 0.87 0.87 561.5 256.6 Coleman city, Randolph County 149 137 164 84 71 84 0.77 0.77 194.4 109.6 College Park city.. 20 382 I 20 645 24 632 8 351 9824 11 151 9.72 9.71 2 099.8 860.3 Clayton County 1 572 " 3 659 3 489 561 11 571 1 565 2.70 2.70 581.5 207.5 Fulton County 18 810 r 16 986 21 143 7 790 18 253 9 586 7.02 7.00 2 686.0 1 112.4 Collins city, Tattnall County 528 528 639 304 275 256 1.03 1.03 513.5 295.7 Colquitt city, Miller County 1 939 1 991 2 065 868 862 846 8.26 8.25 235.0 105.2 Columbus City, Muscogee County. (U/R) 186 291 r 179 280 170 108 76 182 r 70 903 63 818 221.00 216.26 861.4 352.3 Urban part 181 632 74 511 (X) (X) 82.52 81.85 2 219.0 910.3 Rural part.. 4 659 1 671 (X) 138.48 134.41 34.7 12.4 Bibb City town 510 597 667 242 245 253 0.17 0.17 3 064.9 1 454.3 Columbus city (balance) 185 781 I 178 683 169 441 75 940 70 658 63 565 220.83 216.09 859.7 351.4 Urban part. 181 122 (X) 74 269 (X) 82.35 81.69 2 217.3 909.2 Rural part.. 4 659 (X) 1 671 138.48 134.41 34.7 12.4 Comer city, Madison County 1 052 11 079 930 424 359 3.18 3.18 330.6 133.2 Commerce city, Jackson County (U/R) 5 292 4 108 4 092 2 273 1 724 1 589 8.31 8.30 637.3 273.7 Urban part 4 716 (X) 2 015 (X) (X) 3.84 3.84 1 229.6 525.4 Rural part.. 576 258 4.47 4.47 128.9 57.7 Concord town, Pike County 336 211 317 128 99 120 0.83 0.83 403.5 153.7 Conley CDP, Clayton County ... (U) 6 188 5 528 6 033 2 053 1 900 2 087 1.93 1.91 3 234.2 1 073.0 Conyers city, Rockdale County (U/R) 10 689 7 380 6 567 4 183 3 262 2 454 11.92 11.78 907.3 355.1 Urban part 10 417 (X) (X) 4 062 (X) 7.43 7.39 1 409.2 549.5 Rural part.. 272 121 (X) 4.49 4.39 62.0 27.6 Coolidge city, Thomas County .. (R) 552 610 736 270 257 263 0.81 0.81 682.8 334.0 3 scleBCS S CCE S STBS I I II ISS a INS se deša B E D D D D D D i des del g&& 388 ã 982 988 88 g 88 888 g $ 88 888 588 88 68% 8% 98 r891 290 (X) 399 Ĉ D 28 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (A) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) it it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements 2000 average per State Population Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units area r 10 836 11 184 1 4 350 3 892 (U/R) (R) 11 608 11 466 142 4 782 4 719 63 9.58 4.27 5.31 9.50 4.27 5.23 1 222.5 2 685.1 27.2 503.6 1 105.1 12.1 (X) 213 13 200 5 88 7 81 0.91 0.29 0.61 0.91 0.29 0.61 235.2 44.6 325.7 97.2 24.0 131.9 (U/R) 3 219 1 456 1 324 cae a 3 674 3 615 59 3 203 (X) (X) 1 611 1 579 32 3.43 3.10 0.33 3.43 3.10 0.33 1 071.3 1 164.8 180.9 469.7 508.8 98.1 7 594 7 500 3 539 2 946 4.76 4.75 1 600.1 745.7 (U) (U/R) (X) 3 630 r9 860 " 3 841 11 547 11 038 509 10 586 (X) 4 542 4 339 203 13.86 7.50 6.36 13.76 7.45 6.31 839.2 1 481.7 80.7 330.1 582.4 32.2 (R) ཀྱི 807 498 369 267 1.17 1.17 687.5 314.4 572 312 271 3.14 3.14 182.4 99.5 (R) (R) (U/R) 223 242 95 0.79 0.77 288.2 122.8 2 828 2 094 1 031 4 220 4 135 85 1 507 1 474 33 5.90 5.56 0.34 5.89 5.54 0.34 717.1 746.2 247.2 256.1 266.0 96.0 (R) (X) (X) (R ) (X) 1 107 1 196 1 218 543 1.52 1.52 787.8 357.7 3 730 1 426 1 550 3 731 3 613 118 4 340 (X) 1 549 1 493 56 3.05 2.13 0.92 3.05 2.13 0.92 1 223.5 1 696.8 128.2 507.9 701.2 60.9 (X) 1 577 3 848 3 831 17 769 988 go out on a § 826 182 988 588 888888 888 98 1 319 1 313 6 2.89 2.79 0.09 2.89 2.79 0.09 1 333.0 1 371.8 180.9 456.9 470.2 63.8 2 217 (X) (X) 3 086 (X) (X) 138 3 638 2 796 842 890 2 844 (X) 1 181 842 339 6.40 1.68 4.73 6.40 1.68 4.73 568.1 1 667.9 178.1 184.4 502.3 71.7 (R) 126 60 1.02 0.99 127.8 60.9 2 810 2 508 1 160 5 056 5 034 22 2 150 2 138 12 4.54 3.61 0.93 4.51 3.61 0.90 1 120.7 1 394.0 24.4 ģ b 886 882 L j 8 8 88 & non õ ñ Brem 28 287 287 x8 m 889 88 88,9 一 ​476.5 592.1 13.3 (U/R) 22 218 20 581 19 752 8 084 27 912 27 614 298 10 229 10 109 120 19.84 15.75 4.09 19.82 15.74 4.09 The State-Con Cordele city, Crisp County Urban part Rural part. Corinth town Coweta County Heard County Cornelia city, Habersham County Urban part Rural part.. Country Club Estates CDP, Glynn County Covington City, Newton County Urban part. Rural part... Crawford city, Oglethorpe County Crawfordville city, Taliaferro County. Culloden city, Monroe County Cumming city, Forsyth County. Urban part. Rural part... Cusseta city, Chattahoochee County .. Cuthbert city, Randolph County .. Urban part Rural part.. Dacula city, Gwinnett County Urban part Rural part.. Dahlonega city, Lumpkin County. Urban part Rural part.. Daisy city, Evans County Dallas City, Paulding County. Urban part Rural part.. Dalton city, Whitfield County. Urban part Rural part.. Damascus town, Early County ... Danielsville city, Madison County Danville town... Twiggs County Wilkinson County Darien city, McIntosh County Urban part Rural part. Dasher town, Lowndes County Davisboro city, Washington County Dawson city, Terrell County Urban part Rural part.. Dawsonville city, Dawson County Dearing town, McDuffie County. Decatur city, DeKalb County Deenwood CDP, Ware County Urban part Rural part.. Deepstep town, Washington County... Demorest city, Habersham County Urban part Rural part.. Denton city, Jeff Davis County. De Soto city, Sumter County Dexter town, Laurens County. Dillard city, Rabun County Dock Junction CDP, Glynn County Urban part Rural part.. Doerun city, Colquitt County.. Donalsonville city, Seminole County ... Urban part Rural part.. Dooling town, Dooly County .. Doraville city. DeKalb County.... 1 407.9 1 754.8 72.9 516.0 642.4 29.4 277 115 120 1.77 1.76 && && & gas F88 EX 82 fax o 988 83 382 28 $ $88 8 88 n g 582 & 157.6 65.4 *** Let g& & && rm 588 88 688 8888 88 988 988 988 og et 888 988 85 457 216 1.12 1.11 412.4 194.9 373 349 24 167 154 13 0.80 0.64 0.16 0.80 0.64 0.16 466.4 542.4 153.6 208.8 239.3 83.2 25 1 783 1 731 765 1 719 1 572 147 832 761 71 1.98 1.24 0.74 1.98 1.24 0.74 869.6 1 269.9 199.0 420.9 614.8 96.1 (X) (X) 834 322 (X) 4.95 4.86 171.7 66.3 1 544 158 3.06 3.06 505.0 51.7 (U/R) 5 295 Ĉ D Del a se D D D D D D DEŠ C D D D D D D DDD D D De dela vel des del 5 699 2 011 2 058 5 058 4 883 175 1 967 1 890 3.68 2.28 1.40 3.68 2.28 1.40 1 373.5 2 140.9 124.8 534,1 828.7 54.9 77 619 257 1.93 1.93 320.9 133.2 441 547 206 230 0.83 0.83 528.9 247.0 18 147 r 17 304 18 404 8 497 18 220 7 893 4.18 4.18 4 343.2 2 033.6 3 580 840 1 298 1 836 1 562 274 2 055 (X) 856 750 106 3.37 1.92 1.45 3.37 1.92 1.45 545.2 814.9 188.9 254.2 391.3 73.1 132 111 59 0.79 0.78 170.0 76.0 (U/R) 1 465 1 417 48 1 088 (X) 1 130 (X) 564 528 36 2.30 1.67 0.63 2.27 1.65 0.63 644.4 860.7 76.5 248.1 320.7 57.4 269 335 112 1.55 1.55 174.0 72.5 214 258 88 0.82 0.82 262.4 107.9 509 475 231 213 0.77 0.76 670.4 304.2 198 199 115 104 1.55 1.55 127.9 74.3 6 189 2 335 6 951 6 386 565 7 094 (X) (X) 3 085 2 830 255 2 923 (X) (X) 10.69 5.65 5.04 9.55 5.65 3.90 728.2 1 131.2 144.8 323.2 501.3 65.4 ཀྱི 828 940 1 062 385 r 379 1.27 1.26 658.3 306.1 ထဲ 3 320 11 066 2 796 2 413 383 1 2 780 (X) 1 116 985 131 1 195 (X) 3.99 1.57 2.42 3.98 1.57 2.41 702.8 1 538.4 158.9 280.5 628.0 54.4 163 138 (X) 64 1 58 0.46 0.46 352.4 138.4 9 862 7 626 7 414 3 102 3 197 2 726 3.59 3.59 2 747.0 864.1 Georgia 29 Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as '-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State-Con. $ 10 980 (U/R) (U) 10 639 10 240 399 4 692 4 494 198 10 464 (X) (X) 11 635 (X) 12.94 7.44 5.51 12.88 7.42 5.46 3 959 (X) (X) 2 843 (X) 825.7 1 379.8 73.0 အင့် အင့် 3642 605.5 36.2 4 232 (X) (X) 4 682 (X) (X) (X) 7 641 (X) (X) (U/R 20 065 19 415 650 7 903 7 643 260 21.51 12.27 9.24 21.38 12.19 9.19 938.5 1 592.9 70.7 369.6 627.1 28.3 12 741 12 174 12 700 4 830 4 794 4 762 4.21 4.19 3 040.4 1 152.6 (U) (U/R) 16 083 6 495 15 857 15 479 378 16 312 (X) (X) 430 6 977 6 826 151 କୃxx 5 861 (X) (X) 13.27 10.96 2.31 13.21 10.93 2.28 1 200.7 1 416.1 166.1 528.3 624.5 66.4 (X) (X) 425 447 207 184 152 3.12 3.12 143.5 66.4 22 122 r9 821 2 956 9 061 ! 4 423 1 040 8.83 8.81 2 512.3 1 029.0 32 808 26 302 17 768 14 599 10 427 5 052 12.12 12.08 2 715.7 1 208.4 (U) (U) (R) (U/R) 139 177 267 62 83 0.79 0.79 176.8 78.8 1 095 1 038 2 484 2 166 318 2 524 (X) 2 916 (X) (X) 1 105 939 166 2.96 1.70 1.25 2.92 1.67 1.25 849.3 1 295.3 253.9 377.8 561.5 132.5 (X) (U/R) 469 206 အင့် အင့် အင့် အင့် ၁ ၉ ၉ ၁ အင့် င့် 707 635 72 1 344 (X) (X) ã & & & & xx 265 237 28 1.98 0.65 1.33 1.98 0.65 1.32 357.6 970.4 54.4 134.0 362.2 21.2 (R) (U/R) 1 570 656 573 1 635 1 559 76 1 746 (X) (X) 654 622 32 1.56 1.23 0.33 1.55 1.22 0.33 1 056.6 1 277.9 232.2 422.7 509.8 97.8 (X) () (X) (U/R 2 287 2 108 5 440 5 074 366 15 241 (X) (X) 5 330 (X) (X) 2 418 2 218 200 5.11 3.49 1.62 5.10 3.48 1.61 1 067.3 1 457.0 226.7 474.4 636.9 123.9 () (X) (U/R 606 1 305 1 183 122 1 173 (X) De 1 495 (X) (X) 508 459 49 2.96 2.26 0.71 2.89 2.19 0.71 451.0 540.6 173.0 175.6 209.7 69.5 (X) 39 595 ! 34 595 37 486 15 637 " 15 801 15 834 13.77 13.75 2 878.9 1 137.0 (U) (U/R) 4 737 1 843 ១២ 6 764 4 371 2 393 4 833 (X) (X) 2 668 1 780 888 1 701 (X) (X) 20.68 2.97 17.71 20.56 2.97 17.58 329.1 1 469.9 136.1 129.8 598.6 50.5 (X) (X) (R) 30 22 53 16 0.19 0.19 161.7 86.2 1 340 1 182 1 128 584 ୫ ୫ ୫ 390 2.33 2.33 575.9 (R) (U/R) 251.0 o 14 973 5 686 2 350 Douglas City, Coffee County Urban part. Rural part. Douglasville city, Douglas County Urban part Rural part. Druid Hills CDP, DeKalb County Dublin city, Laurens County Urban part. Rural part. Dudley city, Laurens County. Duluth city, Gwinnett County Dunwoody CDP, DeKalb County. Du Pont town, Clinch County East Dublin city, Laurens County. Urban part Rural part.. East Ellijay city, Gilmer County Urban part Rural part. East Griffin CDP, Spalding County Urban part Rural part.. Eastman city, Dodge County Urban part Rural part. East Newnan CDP. Coweta County .. Urban part Rural part. East Point city, Fulton County Eatonton city. Putnam County Urban part Rural part. Edge Hill city, Glascock County. Edison city, Calhoun County Elberton city, Elbert County Urban part Rural part. Ellaville city, Schley County. Ellenton town, Colquitt County. Ellijay city, Gilmer County. Urban part Rural part.... Emerson city, Bartow County Urban part Rural part. Enigma town, Berrien County. Ephesus town, Heard County. Eton city, Murray County.. Urban part Rural part.. Euharlee city, Bartow County Urban part Rural part.. Evans CDP, Columbia County. Urban part Rural part.... Experiment CDP, Spalding County Urban part .. Rural part. Fairburn city, Fulton County. Urban part Rural part. Fairmount city, Gordon County Fair Oaks CDP, Cobb County Fairview CDP, Walker County Urban part Rural part..... Fargo city, Clinch County Fayetteville city, Fayette County Urban part Rural part. 2ཚེ 4 743 4 732 11 2 265 2 259 6 1 2 237 (X) 4.02 3.48 0.54 4.01 3.47 0.53 1 183.4 1 362.0 20.6 8 888 888 888 888 gsx gsx 8 g Ex Š 888 588 988 88 &&* Z8xi 565.1 650.2 11.2 (X) (X) (X) 1 609 11 726 1 684 693 " 717 @ 3.18 3.18 505.9 217.9 (R) (R) (U/R) 336 227 277 119 93 119 0.79 0.79 423.4 150.0 () (X) 1 584 1 353 231 662 564 98 2.68 1.56 1.11 2.68 1.56 1.11 591.7 864.6 207.7 247.3 360.4 88.1 (X) (X) gax & COXX 588 28 Feb 28 F 8 888 && dont 88 X XXXX x (U/R) 1 201 1 092 793 299 1 110 (X) (X) 408 295 113 443 (X) 5.92 0.54 5.39 5.90 0.54 5.37 185.0 1 479.3 55.7 691 550.3 21.1 (X) 869 611 574 348 266 3.28 3.25 267.2 107.0 į (R) (R) (U/R) 388 324 184 170 74 3.03 3.03 127.9 56.0 319 291 28 315 (X) E Xxx xx xx xx xx8 88 ã xxx 588 8 888 888888 301 (X) (X) 131 119 12 0.42 0.24 0.18 0.42 0.24 0.18 762.1 1 226.5 154.4 313.0 501.5 66.2 (R) (X) (U/R) 850 477 296 3 208 2 849 359 1 057 925 132 (X) 4.73 2.46 2.27 4.62 2.46 2.16 694.6 1 158.2 166.3 228.8 376.0 61.1 (R) (X) (U/R) 13 713 17 727 17 727 6 632 6 632 4 795 () 10.00 9.96 0.04 9.94 9.89 0.04 1 784.1 1 791.6 667.5 670.3 (R) (X) (X) (U/R) 3 762 1 429 1 333 3 233 2 869 364 3 731 (X) (X) 1 259 1 118 141 3.04 2.01 1.03 3.04 2.01 1.03 1 063.4 1 427.4 353.3 414.1 556 2 136.8 (U/R) 3 466 11 594 s a ac ဒc 5 464 5 036 428 14 015 (X) 2 005 1 788 217 (X) 1 278 (X) (X) 7.32 3.76 3.56 7.28 3.76 3.51 750.9 1 338.0 121.8 275.5 475.1 61.8 (X) 745 1 643 842 334 293 335 1.20 1.20 619.9 277.9 (R) (U) (U/R) 8 443 6 996 8 486 3 136 3 646 3 873 1.96 1.95 4 325.4 1 606.6 g 6 601 6 596 5 6 444 (X) (X) 6 558 (X) (X) 2 734 2 730 4 2 548 (X) (X) 7.50 7.22 0.28 7.50 7.22 0.28 879.7 913.3 17.8 364.4 378.0 14.2 (R) 380 174 1.73 220.3 2 361 (X) (X) (X) 971 (X) (X) (R) (U/R) 100.9 (X) 5 827 (X) (X) 2 715 (X) (X) 11 148 10 834 314 2 609 4 572 4 467 105 9.98 7.59 2.39 9.89 7.51 2.39 1 126.7 1 443.4 131.5 462.1 595.1 44.0 30 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) it it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population State 2000 area measurements Housing units 2000 average per 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and [in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing Total area Land area Population units area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 18 901 13 834 4 052 8 758 8 502 256 8 723 8 502 221 35 10 187 (X) (X) 10 187 18 901 3 968 3 870 98 3 953 3 870 83 15 13 834 (X) 4 052 (X) 7.29 3.64 3.65 7.24 3.64 3.61 0.04 7.25 3.64 3.61 7.20 3.64 3.56 0.04 1 208.8 2 337.4 71.0 1 211.4 2 337.4 62.0 794.7 547.7 1 064.0 27.2 548.9 1 064.0 23.3 340.6 440 369 222 147 177 109 68 () 4.72 0.43 4.29 4.71 0.43 4.29 78.3 521.6 34.3 37.5 256.1 15.9 (R) 652 222 1.95 1.95 334.7 114.0 1 251 1 806 1 794 12 (X) (X) 820 813 7 (X) (X) 2.50 1.89 0.61 2.49 1.88 0.61 725.3 953.6 19.7 329.3 432.2 11.5 2 285 2 2 178 1 970 208 976 869 107 3.60 2.09 1.51 3.60 2.09 1.51 605.7 942.1 138.2 271.4 415.6 71.1 21 447 16 958 18 782 7 233 " 7 002 7 048 9.41 9.38 2 287.5 771.5 1 4 220 4 624 1 1 630 3 776 3 309 1 560 1 382 178 1 515 (X) (X) 4.98 2.69 2.30 4.98 2.68 2.30 758.8 1 234.1 203.5 313.5 515.4 77.6 467 14 617 15 074 2 143 2 334 11 737 11 737 2 028 2 028 8.71 8.56 0.15 8.58 8.56 0.02 1 368.0 1 371.4 236.4 237.0 1 110 1 248 1 260 519 7.72 4.79 231.6 108.3 5 2 402 2 019 5 443 (X) 5 660 5 287 2 341 1 986 6 940 6 865 75 6 755 6 682 73 185 183 2 3 108 3 077 31 3 073 3 044 29 35 33 2 zaxo&x' 83 88 88 ger 683 38x38x38888 88888888 88 8888 een 13.03 4.25 8.78 10.52 3.92 6.60 2.51 0.33 2.18 13.03 4.25 8.78 10.52 3.92 6.60 2.51 0.33 2.18 532.6 1 613.9 8.5 642.4 1 705.0 11.1 73.6 546.9 0.9 238.5 723.4 3.5 292.2 776.7 4.4 13.9 98.6 0.9 Sex &&' E88 E88 888 8 88 g Exis2288 ger oss og 18888 8888 88 88 og om op 13 774 2 137 2 096 11 205 11 205 15 031 (X 1 936 1 936 6.60 4.52 2.08 E87 E8' 288 88888 § ;&? 188 Pekpe8688 688 87 588 588 588 988 988 0 to z 82 6.60 4.52 2.08 1 697.1 2 477.8 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐIÐ Í DES de B S se selo och B och oce se debelo DeS seba sel sem a se se ses င့် 82 ' 988 388 382 og 1838 X 582 g&& F 082 in 38 zex g ha egy 88 kg 293.2 428.1 The State - Con. Fitzgerald city Urban part Rural part. Ben Hill County. Urban part Rural part. Irwin County Flemington city, Liberty County Urban part Rural part. Flovilla city, Butts County Flowery Branch town, Hall County Urban part Rural part... Folkston city, Charlton County Urban part Rural part. Forest Park city, Clayton County Forsyth city, Monroe County Urban part Rural part.. Fort Benning South CDP, Chattahoochee County Urban part Rural part. Fort Gaines city, Clay County Fort Oglethorpe city Urban part Rural part. Catoosa County Urban part Rural part. Walker County Urban part Rural part. Fort Stewart CDP, Liberty County Urban part Rural part. Fort Valley city, Peach County Urban part Rural part. Franklin city, Heard County Franklin Springs city, Franklin County Urban part Rural part. Funston town, Colquitt County Gainesville city, Hall County. Urban part Rural part.. Garden City city, Chatham County Urban part Rural part. Garfield town, Emanuel County. Gay town, Meriwether County Geneva town, Talbot County Georgetown CDP, Chatham County. Urban part Rural part. Georgetown city, Quitman County Urban part Rural part. Gibson city, Glascock County Gillsville city.. Banks County Hall County Girard town, Burke County Glennville city, Tattnall County. Urban part Rural part. Glenwood city, Wheeler County. Good Hope town, Walton County Gordon city, Wilkinson County. Graham city. Appling County Grantville city, Coweta County. Gray city, Jones County Grayson city, Gwinnett County 8 198 3 074 3 167 8 005 7 818 187 9 000 (X) 3 303 3 218 85 5.27 3.89 1.38 5.27 3.89 1.38 1 519.5 2 008.5 135.9 627.0 826.7 61.8 902 398 3.39 3.25 277.8 122.6 1 700 1 217 214 762 520 242 227 110 117 2.10 0.41 1.69 2.10 0.41 1.69 363.6 1 283.6 143.2 108.3 271.5 69.2 (X) 426 173 1.17 1.17 365.0 148.2 17 885 15 280 7 651 5 984 Ic 25 578 25 449 129 9 076 9 068 8 29.10 17.33 11.77 27.08 17.25 9.84 944.4 1 475.7 13.1 335.1 525.8 0.8 (X) 7 410 6 3 129 2 636 11 289 10 864 425 4 413 4 215 198 14.61 7.93 6.68 14.61 7.93 6.68 772.8 1 369.8 63.7 302.1 531.4 29.7 152 84 0.80 0.80 190.3 105.2 149 69 0.86 0.86 173.1 80.2 114 59 0.79 0.79 144.9 75.0 5 554 2 785 2 370 1 014 10 599 9 522 1 077 4 341 3 960 381 11.93 7.08 4.85 11.48 7.06 4.42 923.3 1 349.0 243.6 378.2 561.0 86.2 1914 1 438 973 905 68 554 517 37 3.94 1.51 2.43 2.74 1.51 1.23 355.0 600.0 55.2 202.1 342.8 30.0 694 325 279 1.04 1.04 669.1 313.3 195 28 167 90 12 78 1.14 0.31 0.82 1.14 0.31 0.82 171.3 88.9 202.9 79.1 38.1 94.8 107 227 111 3.20 3.19 71.1 34.8 (U/R) 1 586 3 641 3 067 574 3 676 (X) (X) 4 144 (X) 1 668 1 426 242 1 676 (X) (X) 6.63 2.70 3.93 6.58 2.69 3.89 553.4 1 138.5 147.7 253.5 529.4 62.3 884 881 409 394 316 3.16 3.16 279.9 129.5 210 181 200 89 72 80 1.77 1.76 119.2. 50.5 (R) 2 152 2 468 2 768 951 966 949 5.46 5.40 398.3 176.0 312 (X) (X) 132 (X) (X) 1.75 1.75 178.5 75.5 (R) (R) 1 309 1 180 1 110 569 483 448 5.21 5.19 252.0 109.6 1 811 2 189 2 145 713 799 688 2.43 2.42 748.8 294.8 (R) (U) 765 529 464 288 208 158 1.76 1.76 435.8 164.1 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 31 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and [in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area Housing units 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population 2 985 (U/R) (U) 3 238 2 587 651 1 2 878 (X) SE @ 1 264 1 044 220 11 101 (X) (X) 466 1 153 (X) (X) 5.85 2.12 3.73 5.82 2.09 3.73 556.5 1 235.9 174.8 217.2 498 8 59.1 (X) 946 1 167 1 213 432 432 1.83 1.82 520.8 237.8 9 215 9 000 6 232 3 104 3 039 1 830 2.84 2.83 3 252.1 1 095.4 (R) (U) (U/R) (U) (R) (U/R) 20 728 23 451 22 989 462 21 347 (X) 9 636 9 457 179 14.60 12.10 2.50 14.52 12.08 2.44 1 615.0 1 902.8 189.4 663.6 782.8 73.4 8 749 (X) (X) 1 499 (X) (X) (X) 3 384 (X) 7 911 (X) (X) 1 378 (X) (X) 6 089 5 921 168 3 596 (X) (X) 291 2 473 2 400 73 2.89 2.16 0.74 2.88 2.16 0.73 2 111.9 2 744.6 231.5 857.7 1 1125 100.6 (A) 273 272 129 106 0.81 0.80 341.7 161.4 ཀྱི ཀྱི ཀྱི ( 2 025 1 470 1 430 1 186 16.27 13.59 149.0 105.2 (X) 749 917 740 340 285 1.20 1.19 770.3 285.6 (U/R) 880 305 898 575 323 787 (X) (X) 421 272 149 2.18 0.62 1.56 2.09 0.62 1.46 430.5 922.4 220.8 201.8 436.4 101.9 (X) (X) (X) 1 626 1 353 1 534 715 578 2.29 2.20 739.4 325.1 (R) (R) (U/R) 307 454 495 144 179 2.09 2.09 147.2 69.0 2 694 ဖြင့် 3 857 3 622 235 888 XX 1 525 1 439 86 2 059 (X) (X) (X) 4.32 2.67 1.65 984 (X) (X) (X) 4.29 2.66 1.63 899.6 1 3623 144.3 (R) (U/R) () 355.7 541.2 52.8 ច 3 267 2 777 490 1 379 1 182 197 4.38 2.83 1.55 4.37 2.83 1.54 747.9 981.9 318.1 315.7 417.9 127.9 (X) (X) (U) 6 180 5 483 6 166 2 538 2 670 8888 2 788 2.37 2.37 2 608.3 1 071.2 144 144 139 135 4 123 117 6 65 65 0.72 0.67 0.04 0.71 0.66 0.04 203.1 216.8 91.7 97.9 ཀྱི ཀྱི ཀྱི ཀྱིཀྱི 1 814 2 199 1 485 763 658 2.53 2.52 719.9 302.8 (R (R) (U/R) 509 414 456 210 171 1.77 1.73 295.0 121.7 ဖြင့် 4 188 4 052 136 1 950 1 888 62 1 798 (X) (X) 4.63 3.57 1.07 4.63 3.57 1.06 904.9 1 136.2 128.1 421.3 529.4 58.4 (U/R) 1 628 3 280 3 208 The State-Con. Greensboro city, Greene County. Urban part Rural part .. Greenville city, Meriwether County .... Gresham Park CDP, DeKalb County Griffin city, Spalding County. Urban part Rural part... Grovetown city, Columbia County Urban part Rural part... Gumbranch city, Liberty County Gumlog CDP, Franklin County.. Guyton city, Effingham County Hagan city, Evans County.. Urban part Rural part. Hahira city, Lowndes County Hamilton city, Harris County.. Hampton city, Henry County Urban part Rural part.. Hannahs Mill CDP, Upson County Urban part Rural part Hapeville city, Fulton County Haralson town Coweta County Meriwether County. Harlem city, Columbia County Harrison town, Washington County.... Hartwell city, Hart County Urban part Rural part. Hawkinsville city. Pulaski County. Urban part Rural part. Hazlehurst city, Jeff Davis County. Urban part Rural part.. Helen city, White County. Helena city. Urban part Rural part. Teltair County Urban part Rural part.. Wheeler County Hephzibah city. Richmond County Urban part Rural part... Hiawassee town, Towns County . Higgston town, Montgomery County ... Hilltop CDP, Pike County Hiltonia city, Screven County Hinesville city, Liberty County Urban part Rural part.. Hiram city, Paulding County. Urban part Rural part.. Hoboken city, Brantley County. Hogansville city, Troup County Holly Springs city, Cherokee County... Homeland city, Charlton County Urban part Rural part. Homer town, Banks County Homerville city, Clinch County Urban part Rural part. Hoschton city, Jackson County 4 555 (X) (X) 1 3 671 (X) (X) 4 202 (X) (X) 4 855 (X) (X) 4 372 (X) (X) 4 298 (X) (X) 1 579 1 549 30 1 918 (X) (X) 11 597 (X) (X) 1 698 (X) (X) 4.45 2.27 2.18 88 5 Buy && 6 838 888 og som en 88 983 588 x7882 682 e O DE 82 83 4.38 2.27 2.11 748.4 1 414.2 34.1 360.3 6829 14.2 72 (X) င့် (R) (U/R) (U) (R) 1 537 3 787 3 585 202 1 810 1 724 86 4.71 3.43 1.29 4.69 3.43 1.27 807.1 1 046.1 159.7 385.8 503.1 68.0 (X) 430 265 319 2.11 2.11 203.8 151.2 (R) (U/R) 1 256 * ' 1 390 (X) 2 307 2 149 158 2 307 2 149 158 582 () 603 531 72 603 531 72 (X) (X) 2.11 0.94 1.17 2.07 0.94 1.13 0.04 1 092.3 2 280.1 135.1 1 115.8 2 280.1 140.4 1 256 2.11 0.94 1.17 2.07 0.94 1.13 0.04 285.5 563.4 61.6 291.7 563.4 64.0 1 390 (X) (X) (X) (X) () (X) (U/R) 3 880 719 3 161 2 806 (X) (X) 1 452 (X) 1 570 286 1 284 1 1 101 (X) (X) && gas gas og SDX' 788 not & 3X E 19.42 1.02 18.40 19.36 1.02 18.34 200.4 702.7 172.4 81.1 279.5 70.0 (X) D D se 808 547 491 527 402 2.15 1.69 479.5 312.7 316 274 152 152 3.15 3.15 100.3 48.2 (R) 401 (X) (X) 129 (X) (X) 0.98 0.96 416.9 134.1 421 402 515 154 1.74 1.73 243.6 89.1 (R) (U/R) 4 335 30 392 30 390 2 ' 21 596 (X) (X) a g&X 11 309 (X) g&& 11 742 11 733 9 " 8 035 (X) (X) 16.31 15.66 0.65 16.22 15.60 0.61 1 874.0 1 947.5 3.3 724.0 751.9 14.7 (U/R) 1 389 Ĉ D D DES 1 361 1 142 219 1 030 (X) (X) 506 421 85 3.03 1.27 1.76 3.01 1.26 1.75 452.5 905.1 125.4 168.2 333.7 48.7 (X) (X) 463 440 514 202 3.49 3.49 132.7 57.9 2 774 2 976 3 362 1 249 1 283 1 293 6.67 6.64 418.1 188.2 3 195 2 406 687 1 173 864 244 3.17 3.17 1 008.5 370.3 380 (U/R) (U) (R) 765 628 137 683 (X) (X) (X) (X) 318 256 62 (X) 246 (X) (X) 2.58 0.55 2.02 2.58 0.55 2.02 296.9 1 134.2 67.7 123.4 4624 30.6 (X) 950 xx Š xoxo 742 734 406 332 293 9.59 9.59 (R) (U/R) &x as 99.1 42.4 3 112 2@ 2 803 2 698 105 2 560 (X) (X) xxo 1 192 1 141 51 1 027 (X) 1 117 (X) 2.21 1.50 0.72 2.21 1.50 0.71 1 270.4 1 804.3 147.7 540.2 763.1 71.7 (R) 1 070 642 490 404 251 174 2.45 2.45 437.2 165.1 32 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 average per Population Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and (in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area 2000 Housing units 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State-Con. (U/R) 160 80 80 156 (X) 188 (X) (X) 619 78 35 43 79 (X) (X) (X) (X) 190 0.33 0.06 0.27 0.33 0.06 0.27 483.7 1 274.0 298.5 235.8 557.4 160.4 518 554 217 176 1.17 1.17 444.4 186.2 328 297 287 143 120 123 0.81 0.81 403.2 175.8 1 982 1 273 801 485 2.57 2.57 771.9 311.9 (X) 367 (X) 163 321 503 88 BE 888 149 200 0.80 0.80 401.4 (R) (U) (R) (U) (R) (U/R) 186.3 7 727 3 352 2 649 1 137 3.20 3.20 2 414.8 827.8 (X) 841 (X) 301 587 641 271 282 3.15 3.15 186.5 86.1 2 605 2 499 106 2 637 (X) 1 038 993 45 997 (X) (x) 492 2.11 1.66 0.45 1.90 1.66 0.24 1 373.2 1 508.5 440.8 547.2 599.4 187.1 巨 ​1 100 1 053 455 529 229 2.98 2.56 430.2 206.9 (R) (U/R) 4 133 3 934 3 515 419 4 076 (X) 1 668 1 491 177 1 491 (X) 1 491 (X) (X) 4.73 2.85 1.87 4.70 2.83 1.87 836.3 1 241.2 223.8 354.6 526.5 94.5 (X) 206 ཀྱི 118 128 62 69 1.12 1.12 105.7 55.5 157 137 194 86 68 1.24 1.24 126.3 69.2 (R) (U/R) 796 ze 2 167 1 974 193 1 772 (X) (X) 2 763 1 556 (X) (X) 1 030 922 108 643 (X) (X) 702 3.30 2.24 1.06 3.30 2.24 1.06 657.0 879.9 182.9 (R) 312.3 411.0 102.4 3 825 1 820 1 522 1 136 18.98 18.98 201.6 80.2 (R) 1 209 1 545 1 473 496 509 477 3.68 3.68 328.8 134.9 203 213 360 84 80 66 0.79 0.79 258.4 106.9 S N 163 149 201 65 59 72 0.78 0.78 208.9 83.3 (R) (U/R) 8 958 9 279 8 815 464 9418 (X) 3 469 3 267 202 3 469 (X) 3 607 (X) (X) 1 495 16.59 6.98 9.61 16.54 6.97 9.57 561.2 1 264.8 48.5 209.8 468.8 21.1 (X) 3 829 3 635 4 132 1 561 1 435 2.64 2.59 1 477.4 602.3 179 182 254 91 85 98 2.55 2.49 71.9 36.6 (U) 21 675 8 936 5 095 8 670 3 558 1 719 8.51 8.44 2 568.3 1 027.3 I 350 I 338 (X) 180 170 10 (R) 52 48 4 1 131 r 125 1.49 1.43 0.06 1.49 1.43 0.06 121.0 119.2 162.7 35.0 33.7 65.1 12 (X) 6 (X) Hull City, Madison County Urban part Rural part.. Ideal city. Macon County.. lla city, Madison County Indian Springs CDP, Catoosa County.. Iron City town, Seminole County Irondale CDP, Clayton County. Irwinton city, Wilkinson County Isle of Hope CDP, Chatham County .. Urban part Rural part. Ivey town, Wilkinson County.. Jackson city, Butts County Urban part Rural part.. Jacksonville town, Telfair County Jakin city, Early County. Jasper city, Pickens County Urban part. Rural part. Jefferson city, Jackson County Jettersonville city, Twiggs County .. Jenkinsburg town, Butts County Jersey town, Walton County. Jesup city. Wayne County Urban part Rural part. Jonesboro city, Clayton County Junction City town, Talbot County ... Kennesaw city, Cobb County Keysville town Burke County Jefferson County Kings Bay Base CDP, Camden County Kingsland city, Camden County. Urban part Rural part. Kingston city, Bartow County. Kite town, Johnson County ... La Fayette city, Walker County Urban part Rural part. LaGrange city. Troup County Urban part Rural part. Lake City city, Clayton County. Lakeland city, Lanier County Lake Park city, Lowndes County Lakeview CDP Catoosa County Walker County Lakeview Estates CDP, Rockdale County : Lavonia city, Franklin County. Lawrenceville city, Gwinnett County. Urban part Rural part.. Leary city, Calhoun County.. Leesburg city, Lee County Urban part Rural part. Lenox town, Cook County.. Leslie city. Sumter County Lexington city, Oglethorpe County Lilburn city, Gwinnett County Lilly city, Dooly County 888 2 599 3 463 (X) 434 419 2.05 2.05 1 269.4 212.0 (U) (U/R) (X) 793 2 008 1 2 265 10 506 9 954 552 1 5 474 (X) (X) 616 4 203 3 974 229 16.87 13.14 3.73 16.73 13.02 3.71 627.9 764.6 148.7 251.2 305.3 61.7 CCE @ Dell de a se a DDD E B C De (X) 733 (X) 238 659 287 258 0.81 0.81 817.3 355.9 (R) (R) (R) (U/R) 241 297 328 Her 88 E & B E 688 88 helyen 140 147 165 0.80 0.80 299.4 173.9 2 510 6 702 6 257 445 6 313 (X) 6 517 (X) (X) 2 926 2 747 179 2 627 (X) B8 8.09 5.24 2.85 8.09 5.24 2.85 828.1 1 193.0 156.3 361.6 523.7 62.9 (R) (X) (U/R) 9 009 25 998 25 236 762 r 25 574 (X) (X) 24 204 (X) (X) 11 000 10 659 341 10 936 (X) (X) 29.55 15.06 14.49 28.96 15.02 13.94 897.8 1 680.7 54.7 379.9 709.9 24.5 (X) 2 886 2 733 2 963 1 022 1 107 1 026 1.81 1.81 1 594.5 564.6 (U) (R) (R) 2 730 2 467 2 647 1 162 1 002 930 3.13 3.10 881.0 375.0 549 500 439 262 205 178 1.47 1.42 385.5 184.0 4 820 3 910 910 5 237 4 222 1 015 5 403 4 422 981 2 160 1 709 451 2 185 1 730 455 2 080 1 637 443 2.29 1.88 0.41 2.28 1.87 0.41 2 112.1 2 093.5 2 195.7 946.5 915.0 1 088.2 2 637 1 477 1 576 686 669 657 0.56 0.53 4 992.0 1 298.6 1 827 1 840 2 024 882 828 762 3.89 3.89 470.0 226.9 (U) (R) (U/R) (U) (R) r 17 250 22 397 22 265 132 8 928 (X) (X) 7 684 7 634 50 16 825 (X) (X) 3 272 (X) 13.05 11.95 1.10 12.99 11.93 1.06 1 723.9 1 866.3 124.3 591.5 639.9 47.1 (R ) 666 701 783 288 288 252 3.20 3.19 208.8 90.3 (U/R) 1 452 2 633 2 511 122 1 301 (X) (X) 851 812 39 517 (X) (X) 428 (X) (X) 4.78 2.27 2.51 4.73 2.27 2.46 557.2 1 107.2 49.6 180.1 358.0 15.9 (R) 889 783 965 405 322 354 1.26 1.24 717.0 326.6 455 445 470 192 188 191 1.77 1.77 256.6 108.3 (R) (R) 239 1 265 278 115 r 114 111 0.54 0.54 439.6 211.5 11 307 9 301 3 765 4 049 3 633 1 230 6.20 6.15 1 837.6 658.0 (U) (R) 221 r 195 202 93 ! 83 71 0.60 0.60 367.0 154.5 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 33 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. ཀྱི 918 2.21 ** *** 88 & 988 888 8885*188 7 98% 93% 98% h Rural part. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in' square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements State Population 2000 average per Housing units 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States] (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing area 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population units The State-Con. Lincoln Park CDP, Upson County 1 122 520 (X) 1.03 1.03 1 094.2 5071 Urban part 1 122 520 0.79 0.79 1 425.4 660.6 Rural part.. (X) 0.24 0.24 Lincolnton city, Lincoln County. 1 595 1 476 1 406 657 3.20 3.20 498.6 205.4 Lindale CDP, Floyd County 4 088 4 187 2 958 1 796 1 782 1 142 5.54 5.51 741.6 325.8 Urban part 3 762 (X) (X) 1 654 (X) 2.65 2.65 1 419.6 624.1 Rural part.. 326 (X) 142 2.89 2.86 113.9 49.6 Lithia Springs city, Douglas County.... 2 072 () (X) (X) 2.21 937.6 415.4 Lithonia city, DeKalb County 2 187 2 448 2 637 892 1 004 0.79 0.79 2 770.2 1 129.9 Urban part 2 187 892 0.79 0.79 2 772.6 1 130.9 Rural part. Locust Grove city, Henry County 2 322 1 681 1 479 863 2.20 2.13 1 089.5 404.9 Urban part 2 176 (X) 803 1.25 1.18 1 844.9 680.8 Rural part.. 146 (X) 60 0.95 0.95 153.4 63.0 Loganville city (U/R) 5 435 3 180 1 841 2 059 1 245 6.04 6.03 901.0 341.3 Urban part 4 990 1 855 (X) 4.24 4.24 1 176.4 437.3 Rural part. 445 204 1.80 1.79 248.6 114.0 Gwinnett County. (U/R) 1 285 217 446 1.27 1.27 1 012.1 3513 Urban part 1 216 (X) 425 (X) 0.95 0.95 1 273.8 445.2 69 21 0.31 0.31 219.1 66.7 Walton County (U/A 4 150 2 746 1 624 1 613 1 091 4.77 4.76 871.4 338.7 Urban part 3 774 (X) 1 430 (X) 3.29 3.29 1 148.1 435.0 Rural part. 376 183 (X) 1.48 1.48 254.9 124.1 Lone Oak town, Meriwether County 104 119 47 0.63 0.63 166.2 75.1 Lookout Mountain city, Walker County. (U/R) 1 617 1 636 1 505 657 2.66 2.66 608.3 2472 Urban part 1 198 (X) 498 0.95 0.95 1 256.0 522.1 Rural part.. 419 (X) (X) 159 1.70 1.70 245.8 93.3 Louisville city, Jefferson County. (U/F 2 712 i 2 486 2 823 1 123 1 080 3.65 3.59 755.5 312.8 Urban part 2 361 (X) (X) 1 007 (X) 1.63 1.61 1 469.2 626.7 Rural part.. 351 (X) 116 (X) 2.02 1.98 177.0 58.5 Lovejoy city, Clayton County (U/ 2 495 754 205 596 2.34 2.34 1 064.3 254.2 Urban part 2 364 (X) 545 1.06 1.06 2 240.1 516.4 Rural part. 131 (X) (X) 51 1.29 1.29 101.6 39.6 Ludowici city, Long County. 1 440 1 291 1 286 636 2.23 2.22 649.0 286.6 Lula city 1 438 1 018 857 585 2.77 2.76 520.1 211.6 Banks County 84 75 104 44 0.57 0.56 149.1 78.1 Hall County 1 354 943 753 541 2.20 2.20 615.0 245.7 Lumber City city, Teltair County.. 1 247 1 429 1 426 578 1.94 1.94 642.7 297.9 Lumpkin city, Stewart County.. 1 369 11 267 1 335 621 r 502 1.60 1.59 862.2 391.1 Luthersville city, Meriwether County .. 783 741 597 299 3.08 3.07 254.9 97.4 Lyerly town, Chattooga County 488 493 482 221 193 0.75 0.75 651.3 295.0 Lyons city, Toombs County (U/R) 4 169 14 478 4 203 1 787 11 758 1 597 7.53 7.48 557.1 238.8 Urban part 3 280 (X) 1 398 (X) 2.18 2.18 1 507.1 642.4 Rural part.. 889 (X) (X) 389 (X) (X) 5.35 5.31 167.5 73.3 Mableton CDP, Cobb County.. 29 733 25 725 25 111 11 339 10 293 9 341 20.71 20.59 1 444.4 550.8 McCaysville city, Fannin County 1 071 1 065 1 219 604 578 1.63 1.57 680.8 383.9 McDonough city, Henry County 8 493 2 929 2 778 3 234 1 067 1 039 7.80 7.76 1 093.8 416.5 Urban part 8 293 3 137 (X) 5.55 5.53 1 499.6 567.3 Rural part.. 200 (X) 97 (X) 2.25 2.23 89.5 43.4 McIntyre town, Wilkinson County 718 552 386 298 153 5.36 5.19 138.3 57.4 Macon city (U/R) 97 255 r 107 365 116 896 44 341 ! 45 857 44 391 56.27 55.80 1 742.8 794.6 Urban part 97 137 (X) 44 271 () 42.91 42.84 2 267.5 1 033.4 Rural part. 118 (X) 70 () 13.35 12.96 9.1 5.4 Bibb County: (U/R) 96 777 [ 106 963 116 501 44 155 1 45 734 44 286 55.91 55.45 1 745.4 796.4 Urban part 96 659 (X) 44 085 (X) 42.58 42.50 2 274.1 1 0372 Rural part. 118 (X) 70 (X) 13.33 12.94 9.1 5.4 Jones County 478 395 186 105 0.36 0.36 1 341.7 522.1 Urban part 478 (X) 186 0.33 0.33 1 432.1 557.3 Rural part. (X) (X) (X) 0.02 0.02 McRae city, Teltair County (U/R 2 682 3 007 3 409 1 310 1 302 1 277 3.39 3.37 796.7 389.1 Urban part 2 640 (X) 1 280 (X) 2.24 2.24 1 178.9 571.6 Rural part.. 42 30 (X) (X) 1.15 1.13 37.3 26.6 Madison city, Morgan County. (U/E 3 636 3 483 2 954 1 494 1 348 1 035 8.90 8.86 410.2 168.5 Urban part 3 140 (X) 1 285 (X) 2.14 2.14 1 464.4 599.3 Rural part. 496 (X) 209 (X) 6.76 6.72 73.8 31.1 Manassas city, Tattnall County 123 116 50 0.78 0.78 128.7 64.4 Manchester city (U/R) 3 988 4 104 4 796 1 853 1 768 1 875 5.72 5.71 698.1 324.4 Urban part 3 533 1 654 (X) (X) 3.23 3.22 1 096.9 513.5 Rural part. 455 (X) 199 (X) 2.49 2.49 182.6 79.9 Meriwether County (U/R) 3 895 3 973 4 626 1 811 1 717 1 805 5.47 5.46 712.9 331.5 Urban part 3 533 (X) 1 654 (X) 3.23 3.22 1 096.9 513.5 Rural part. 362 (X) 157 (X) (X) 2.25 2.24 161.4 70.0 Talbot County 93 170 42 51 70 0.25 0.25 374.0 168.9 Mansfield city, Newton County. 392 435 142 142 163 1.07 1.07 367.8 133.2 Marietta city, Cobb County 58 748 44 129 30 821 25 227 23 158 13 765 21.95 21.89 2 684.1 1 152.6 Marshallville city, Macon County. 1 335 1 457 1 540 582 528 479 3.16 3.16 422.8 184.3 8 D C B Dobocs a des del debocsecs o Del o a DS D D D D DDD D DCS Del del s sebochach BeS DES Deo del xxx & ଝxx & 3xx ଝୁxx exxxxxx ୫ ୫xx 8xx ୫xx $ ୫ & ୫ & 888 ñ 88 & 982 383 3848xğaz ő gax g&& && genoeg ga O 588 982 3258228 Ex & [ ཀྱི ** en 88788ğaz gæ8 8% å 58858 a xx xx xx xx xx eo ã 88 $ I 100 34 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes. A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as "-") has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population 2000 average per Housing units 2000 area measurements in square miles square mile State Place and [in Selected States) County Subdivision 2000 urban (U) or rural (R) land area 2000 1990 Housing units 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population The State-Con. 311 305 153 126 207.8 102.2 243 1 242 116 1 115 1.50 0.09 1.41 1.50 0.09 1.41 311 305 153 126 220.3 108.4 27 749 24 738 10 104 10 320 8 815 3 399 12.68 12.57 2 207.1 820.8 210 180 205 86 74 85 2.40 2.39 87.8 36.0 1 247 672 575 728 395 333 619 368 251 529 279 250 297 158 139 247 145 102 3.60 1.85 1.76 3.60 1.85 .76 346.1 363.8 327.6 146.8 151.0 142.4 D DCS D DDD D DDD D C DDD 192 250 303 78 90 99 0.52 0.52 365.9 148.7 1 090 29 1 061 1 120 53 1 067 1 231 64 1 167 460 13 447 407 19 388 409 21 388 1.61 0.29 1.32 1.59 0.29 1.30 686.4 101.6 814.7 289.7 45.5 343.2 485 538 611 251 254 265 0.78 0.78 622.5 322.2 (U/R) 3 707 3 879 2 778 1 101 3 531 (X) (X) 1 522 1 097 425 1 480 (X) (X) 293 1 325 (X) (X) 7.39 1.51 5.88 7.32 1.51 5.81 529.8 1 833.9 189.6 207.9 724.2 73.2 457 620 670 225 301 2.00 228.3 112.4 2.00 5.56 (R) 1 100 863 457 395 322 171 5.60 197.8 71.0 (U) 5 135 4 910 8 977 2 223 1 978 2 238 4.92 4.91 1 046.8 453.2 427 1 012 434 578 1 056 559 497 1 115 637 478 383 206 177 399 218 181 229 198 3.15 1.40 1.75 3.14 1.40 1.73 322.6 309.4 333.2 122.1 146.9 102.0 17 727 12 176 4 416 18 757 18 690 67 5 356 5 323 33 4 873 (X) 20.25 13.11 7.14 19.98 13.07 6.91 938.8 1 429.8 9.7 268.1 407.2 4.8 (X) 3 808 (X) (X) 3 988 1 496 3 492 3 039 453 1 505 1 567 1 361 206 3.61 1.89 1.72 3.61 1.89 1.72 966.9 1 604.1 263.8 433.9 718.4 120.0 (X) 320 522 250 272 &p 129 321 (X) 201 86 115 (X) 128 (X) (X) 81 1.40 0.25 1.15 288 1.40 0.25 1.15 372.0 1 005.7 235.6 D D C DES DE DDD och och Dia 143.2 346.0 99.6 (X) 173 181 214 77 1.45 1.45 119.2 53.0 (R) 475 439 Home 88 88 88 % e 88 379 141 135 1.74 1.74 272.7 81.0 9 759 8 3 157 11 407 11 198 209 4 637 4 545 92 3 933 (X) (X) (X) 10.47 8.13 2.33 10.36 8.07 2.29 Martin town Franklin County. Stephens County Martinez CDP, Columbia County. Maxeys town, Oglethorpe County Maysville town.. Banks County Jackson County Meansville city, Pike County.. Meigs city Mitchell County Thomas County Menlo city. Chattooga County Metter city. Candler County Urban part Rural part. Midville city, Burke County Midway city, Liberty County Midway-Hardwick CDP, Baldwin County Milan town Dodge County. Teltair County Milledgeville city, Baldwin County Urban part Rural part. Millen city, Jenkins County Urban part Rural part.. Milner city, Lamar County Urban part Rural part.. Mitchell town, Glascock County. Molena city, Pike County.. Monroe city, Walton County Urban part Rural part. Montezuma city, Macon County Urban part Rural part.. Montgomery CDP, Chatham County Monticello city, Jasper County Montrose town, Laurens County Moody AFB CDP, Lowndes County Urban part Rural part. Moreland town, Coweta County.. Morgan city, Calhoun County.. Morganton town, Fannin County Morrow city, Clayton County Morven city, Brooks County Moultrie city, Colquitt County Urban part Rural part. Mountain City town, Rabun County ..., Mountain Park city Cherokee County Fulton County Mountain Park CDP, Gwinnett County . Mount Airy town, Habersham County .. Urban part Rural part. Mount Vernon city, Montgomery County Mount Zion city, Carroll County Nahunta city, Brantley County Nashville city, Berrien County Urban part Rural part. Nelson city Cherokee County Pickens County.. 1 101.3 1 387.5 91.4 447.7 563.1 40.2 (X) 4 506 (X) (X) 4 830 3 999 3 537 462 1 709 1 673 1 483 190 1 705 (X) (X) 4.53 2.29 2.24 4.50 2.29 2.21 887.9 1 543.7 208.8 371.5 647.3 85.9 4 134 4 327 1 668 1 655 5.31 5.31 777.9 313.9 (X) 2 382 2 428 2 289 1 006 913 3.04 3.01 805.8 333.9 154 117 65 60 1.61 1.61 95.5 40.3 (U/R) 1 288 348 993 990 3 1 297 (X) 330 328 2 347 (X) (X) 0.40 0.37 0.03 0.40 0.37 0.03 2 452.6 2 676.3 85.8 815.1 886.7 57.2 (X) (X) 393 366 358 155 153 137 0.87 0.87 451.7 178.1 (R) 1 464 252 364 128 114 143 1.32 1.32 1 113.3 97.3 299 295 263 152 130 115 0.86 0.85 350.8 178.4 4 882 5 168 3 791 1 823 2 425 1 336 2.96 2.95 1 656.9 618.7 (U) (R) (U/R) 634 536 471 250 190 181 1.74 1.73 366.0 144.3 14 387 13 289 1 098 15 105 (X) 14 865 (X) (X) 784 6 525 6 110 415 6 030 (X) 5 687 (X) (X) 14.25 7.67 6.58 14.20 7.65 6.55 1 013.0 1 736.6 167.6 459.4 798.4 63.4 829 701 462 401 337 1.79 1.79 464.1 258.6 ཚེ ཚེ 2& ཚེ 555 22ཚེ ཚེ ཚེ ཚེ 506 10 496 554 12 542 378 2 376 248 4 244 244 7 237 177 2 175 0.54 0.04 0.49 0.47 0.03 0.44 1 0822 388.9 1 122.6 530.4 155.6 552.2 11 753 11 025 9 425 4 444 4 002 3 089 5.81 5.80 2 025.4 765.9 (U/R) 234 251 604 515 89 543 (X) (X) 670 (X) (X) 256 220 36 1.87 1.14 0.73 1.87 1.14 0.73 323.3 453.4 121.5 137.0 1937 49.2 (X) (X) (R) 2 082 1 914 1 737 840 747 601 4.12 4.12 505.4 203.9 1 275 r 738 445 467 269 155 9.92 9.75 130.7 47.9 930 1 049 951 470 435 349 2.99 2.99 311.2 157.3 (U/R) (U) (R) DC 4 697 4 126 571 4 782 (X) (X) 4 831 (X) (X) 2 098 1 813 285 2 030 (X) (X) 1 880 (X) (X) 4.69 2.21 2.48 4.64 2.21 2.43 1 012.2 1 864.7 235.2 452.1 819.4 117.4 275 (R) (R) (R) 626 287 339 486 84 402 562 128 434 123 209 43 166 218 47 171 0.90 0.38 0.52 0.90 0.38 0.52 695.0 758.3 649.1 305.3 325.0 291.0 152 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 35 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 6. Population and Housing Units: 1980 to 2000; and Area Measurements and Density: 2000-Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." A place or place part is designated as (U) if it has entirely urban land area, as (R) if it has entirely rural land area, or as (U/R) if it has both urban land area and rural land area. An entity shown as entirely urban (U) may have rural water area, which is not included in the total area shown. An entity with land area rounding to less than 0.01 in square miles (shown as :--) has a small amount of land area in square meters (less than 12,949 square meters). Density computed using land area. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] 2000 area measurements State Population Housing units 2000 average per 2000 urban in square miles square mile Place and (in Selected States) (U) or rural County Subdivision (R) land Housing 2000 1990 1980 2000 1990 1980 Total area Land area Population i area units 520 404 387 187 146 130 1.60 1.60 1 17.1 (R) (R) (U/R 325.6 394.1 322 319 402 154 154 165 0.82 0.82 188.5 4 983 16 242 15 434 808 12 497 (X) 11 449 (X) 6 464 6 092 372 4 318 (X) 18.10 9.48 8.62 17.92 9.46 8.46 906.4 1 630.9 95.5 360 7 643.7 44.0 851 703 711 346 301 262 3.02 2.91 292.7 119 0 Ĉ D DDS 1 008 1 003 1 114 500 455 425 1.56 1.56 646.4 320.6 1 247 535 491 484 213 184 2.95 2.95 423.3 164.3 8 410 5 947 3 363 2 750 2 757 1 313 4.11 4.10 2 050.4 670.5 849 711 757 374 278 256 3.13 3.11 272.6 120.1 ... 27 812 30 521 16 636 14 358 14 542 7.71 7.65 5 040.6 2 173.6 38 579 15 270 13 936 11 830 8 387 7 462 5 349 5.00 5.00 3 054.0 1 677.4 CS 18 852 14 170 12 438 10 240 8 741 5 683 4.98 4.97 3 790.0 2 058.7 439 268 162 103 2.50 2.50 175.8 64.9 299 238 306 140 111 0.82 0.82 362.6 169.8 131 135 53 56 1.34 1.34 97.7 39.5 366 269 199 114 7.16 7.14 51.3 279 (U/R) $ 723 2 689 2 689 1 098 1 098 253 (X) 1 464 (X) (X) 588 3.13 3.04 0.09 859.1 883.8 3.13 3.04 0.09 350.8 360.9 (X) (X) 605 270 239 0.95 0.94 641.7 286.4 1 238 3 270 3 192 3 182 (X) 3 436 (X) 1 283 1 250 1 213 (X) (X) 2.59 1.61 0.99 2.59 1.60 0.99 1 264.3 1 993.4 79.2 496.0 780.6 33.5 78 33 280 234 102 97 1.14 1.14 245.1 89.3 414 388 192 168 1.94 1.94 213.5 99.0 403 e este up && Ô & gas je goed & ex 172 (X) 3.14 3.14 128.2 54.7 (X) 1 305 (X) 512 (U/R) 1 200 1 130 70 (X) 1 302 (X) (X) 242 566 533 33 (X) (X) 2.06 0.97 1.09 2.03 0.97 1.07 590.3 1 168.9 65.7 278.4 551.4 31.0 (X) (X) 239 253 118 88 0.94 0.94 269.6 The State - Con Newborn town, Newton County Newington town, Screven County Newnan city. Coweta County. Urban part Rural part... Newton city, Baker County Nicholls city, Coffee County Nicholson city, Jackson County Norcross city, Gwinnett County Norman Park city, Colquitt County North Atlanta CDP, DeKalb County... North Decatur CDP, DeKalb County... North Druid Hills CDP, DeKalb County. North High Shoais town, Oconee County Norwood city, Warren County Nunez town, Emanuel County Oak Park town, Emanuel County Oakwood city, Hall County Urban part .... Rural part.. Ochlocknee town, Thomas County. Ocilla city, Irwin County Urban part Rural part.. Oconee city, Washington County Odum town, Wayne County Offerman city, Pierce County. Oglethorpe city, Macon County Urban part Rural part.. Oliver city, Screven County Omega city Colquitt County Tift County Orchard Hill town, Spalding County Oxford city, Newton County Urban part Rural part. Palmetto city Urban part Rural part. Coweta County Urban part Rural part Fulton County Urban part Rural part. Panthersville CDP, DeKalb County .. Parrott town, Terrell County Patterson City, Pierce County. Pavo city Brooks County Thomas County Payne city, Bibb County Peachtree City city, Fayette County Urban part Rural part. Pearson city, Atkinson County Pelham city, Mitchell County Urban part Rural part.. Pembroke city, Bryan County... Pendergrass city, Jackson County Perry city Urban part Rural part. Houston County Urban part Rural part. Peach County Phillipsburg CDP, Tift County. 125.8 988 Onun ***&&&&& 1 340 1 1 339 912 1 911 522 1 521 354 3 351 1.78 0.07 1.71 1.78 0.07 1.71 754.7 15.0 783.6 294.0 15.0 304.9 230 239 94 54 0.36 0.36 အင့် Ĉ DDD D D E de Sociocese de D DDD D D D D D D D D D D D D DC o och 646.9 264.4 11 991 & 1 750 r 553 489 1 892 1 715 177 534 465 69 2.56 1.24 1.31 2.56 1.24 1.31 740.0 1 378.5 134.8 208.9 373.8 526 (U/R) (X) (X) 1 014 (X) (X) 2 086 (X) (X) 2 612 (X) (X) 321 (X) (X) 747 (X) 3 400 3 067 333 327 276 51 3 073 2 791 282 (U/A 1 283 1 147 136 93 73 20 1 190 1 074 116 (X) (X) (X) 5.28 2.79 2.50 0.51 0.08 0.43 4.77 2.70 2.07 5.18 2.77 2.41 0.51 0.08 0.43 4.67 2.69 1.99 656.2 1 107.1 138.1 641.9 3 275.0 119.9 657.7 1 039.1 142.0 247.6 414.0 56.4 182.5 866.2 47.0 254.7 399.9 58.4 1 941 700 2 291 (X) (X) 4 069 AN - 15 172 6 495 6 901 4 185 7 519 7 462 5 677 6 030 4 552 " 3 178 51 52 53 54 55 13 936 14 215 14 865 11 230 " 8 204 56 57 58 13 422 13 381 12 741 12 481 12 478 4 519 12 026 12 174 16 862 19 455 5 453 8 437 4 830 4 101 4 590 2 093 6 764 4 794 r 2 476 1 4 032 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 11 791 11 753 11 737 11 722 11 621 9 874 11 025 14 617 I 10 803 18 887 138 4 321 4 444 2 028 5 051 5 332 4 069 4 002 2 143 4 494 14 636 66 67 68 11 608 11 547 11 407 11 399 11 307 r 10 836 r9 860 9 759 4 557 9 301 4 782 4 542 4 637 4 115 4 049 14 350 1 3 841 3 933 1 750 3 633 69 70 144 71 72 73 74 11 289 11 205 11 148 10 689 10 668 7410 13 774 5 827 7 380 8 771 4 413 1 936 4 572 4 183 4 044 3 129 2 137 2 609 3 262 3 670 75 76 77 78 79 80 10 667 10 639 10 599 10 506 10 491 7 135 10 464 5 554 r5 474 r 11 118 4 298 4 692 4 341 4 203 4 676 3 109 4 232 2 370 r 2 265 14 557 81 82 83 84 85 10 201 10 050 9 862 9 853 9 803 7 373 4 361 7 626 3 359 8 636 4 098 4 102 3 102 3 991 4 236 3 202 1 652 3 197 1 438 3 865 86 87 88 89 90 9 677 9 602 9 552 9 470 9 411 7 417 9 452 7 668 7 978 9 127 107 5 670 4 053 2 730 3 642 4 152 4 658 3 732 3 046 3 462 4 025 91 92 93 94 95 9 323 9 279 9 239 9 215 8 758 18 720 8 958 9 035 9 000 "8901 4 378 3 469 3 898 3 104 3 968 13 965 3 607 3 551 3 039 "3 834 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 43 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see *User Notes. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units State Place (2,500 or More Population) 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 The State - Con. 95 94 96 105 93 3 144 3 234 3 136 2 750 3 303 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 110 104 90 112 111 106 107 108 109 110 114 100 101 97 91 111 112 113 122 103 109 102 106 114 115 2 412 2 929 6 996 5 947 8 198 3 352 4 817 7 500 5 385 6 494 2 934 7 094 7 361 5 880 4 495 3 139 6 862 4 737 6 313 6 444 14 649 5 528 5 483 6 290 3 596 ! 6 023 4 747 2 824 "5 669 5 595 ! 5 124 ! 4 015 " 5 241 3 180 4 173 5 093 4 108 4 910 5 295 2 810 116 117 118 119 120 121 136 115 113 116 8 725 8 493 8 443 8 410 8 005 7 727 7 709 7 594 7 231 7 145 6 959 6 951 6 943 6 940 6 914 6 904 6 828 6 764 6 702 6 601 6 239 6 188 6 180 6 144 6 089 5 990 5 972 5 824 5 813 5 696 5 669 5 464 5 440 5 435 5 359 5 307 5 292 5 135 5 058 5 056 4 882 4 820 4 743 4 697 4 638 4 579 4 556 4 455 4 419 4 376 4 295 4 278 4 220 4 188 4 169 121 122 123 124 125 825 1 067 3 646 2 757 3 074 1 137 2 026 2 946 2 461 2 584 1 047 2 923 2 930 2 402 2 176 1 358 2 710 1 843 2 627 2 548 11 648 1 900 2 670 2 401 1 499 ! 2 246 1 842 1 252 1 2 214 2 095 r1 887 1 1 594 ! 2 287 1 245 1 708 1 972 1 724 1 978 2 011 1 160 2 425 2 185 ' 2 237 2 030 1 942 1 813 2 099 11 818 1 835 11 218 120 125 117 119 126 2 649 2 879 3 539 2 622 2 638 2 573 3 085 3 051 3 108 3 491 2 322 2 895 2 668 2 926 2 734 2 356 2 053 2 538 2 589 2 473 2 378 2 257 2 427 2 395 2 251 2 128 2 005 2 418 2 059 2 144 2 164 2 273 2 223 1 967 2 150 1 823 2 160 2 265 2 098 2 034 1 978 2 092 1 851 1 846 1 892 1 974 1 687 1 507 1 950 1 787 126 127 128 129 130 132 139 118 135 131 131 132 133 134 135 128 123 127 142 130 Suwanee city McDonough city Fair Oaks CDP Norcross city Font Valley city Irondale CDP. Canton city. Country Club Estates CDP Clarkston city. Stone Mountain city Richmond Hill city.. Dock Junction CDP Swainsboro city.. Fort Oglethorpe city Skidaway Island COP Auburn city. Thomson city Eatonton city La Fayette city Fairview CDP Pooler city Conley CDP Hapeville city Sandersville city Grovetown city Sylvester city Barnesville city Whitemarsh Island CDP Waynesboro city. Blakely city. Camilla city Fairburn city. Eastman city Loganville city Austell city Adel city Commerce city Midway-Hardwick CDP Dawson city Dallas City Morrow city Lakeview CDP Elberton city. Nashville city Quitman city Bremen city Summerville city Cochran city Ashburn city. Rincon city. Washington city Centerville city. Cumming city Hartwell city Lyons city Baxley city Villa Rica city Montgomery CDP Pelham city Lindale CDP Chattanooga Valley CDP Walthourville city. Montezuma city Manchester city Robins AFB COP Jackson city. Tyrone town.. Hephzibah city Metter city Rockmart city Hampton city Dacula city Jonesboro city Jefferson city Hazlehurst city Forsyth city Cuthbert city Cornelia city. Glennville city Dahlonega city Madison city Chatsworth city Rossville city Millen city Palmetto city Tybee Island city. West Point city Social Circle city Blackshear city Hawkinsville city Port Wentworth city Ocilla city Hannahs Mill CDP Greensboro city Alma city 136 137 138 139 140 150 129 124 133 137 > 5 168 5 237 14 973 4 782 5 292 4 356 5 025 14 483 4 827 ' 2 993 141 142 143 144 145 140 134 148 149 145 146 147 148 149 150 4 279 3 251 2 828 4 555 14 478 141 157 179 143 153 1 776 1 166 1 031 1 918 11 758 151 152 152 154 155 4 150 4 134 4 134 4 126 4 088 "3 810 6 542 4 327 3 869 4 187 146 154 161 165 152 1 866 1 769 1 668 1 591 1 796 11 632 2 503 1 655 1 514 1 782 156 157 158 159 160 4 065 4 030 3 999 3 988 3 949 4 088 2 024 4 506 4 104 3 092 155 163 159 147 213 1 698 1 639 1 673 1 853 791 1 597 820 1 705 1 768 738 161 162 163 164 165 3 934 3 916 3 880 3 879 3 870 4 076 2 724 " 2 806 3 707 3 356 160 181 167 174 158 1 668 1 425 1 570 1 522 1 681 1 491 968 11 101 1 480 1 442 166 167 168 169 170 3 857 3 848 3 829 3 825 3 787 2 694 2 217 3 635 2 763 4 202 173 185 169 1 525 1 319 1 561 1 522 1 810 984 769 1 495 1 136 1 698 174 151 171 172 173 174 175 3 776 3 731 3 674 3 641 3 638 14 220 3 730 3 219 3 676 3 086 170 171 164 160 198 1 560 1 549 1 611 1 668 1 181 11 630 1 426 1 456 1 586 890 176 177 178 179 180 3 636 3 531 3 511 3 492 3 400 3 483 2 865 3 601 3 808 2 612 180 172 156 168 188 1 494 1 546 1 693 1 567 1 283 1 348 1 210 1 679 1 496 1 014 181 182 183 184 185 3 392 3 382 3 379 3 283 3 280 2 842 3 571 2 755 3 263 1 3 671 108 177 190 176 166 2 696 1 515 1 264 1 518 1 579 2 150 1 524 1 047 1 405 11 597 1 647 1 238 186 187 188 189 190 3 276 3 270 3 267 3 238 3 236 4 012 3 182 (X) 1 2 878 3 663 183 188 182 190 178 1 377 1 283 1 379 1 264 1 510 11 101 1 573 44 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see 'User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units State Place (2,500 or More Population) 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 The State-Con. 191 192 Experiment CDP. Euharlee city Holly Springs city Putney CDP Vienna city 193 194 195 3 233 3 208 3 195 2 998 2 973 3 762 850 2 406 3 108 2 708 193 207 201 195 199 1 259 1 057 1 173 1 223 1 180 1 429 296 864 1 153 1 065 196 197 198 199 200 2 904 2 887 2 886 2 824 2 803 2 010 2 276 2 733 2 797 2 560 211 200 210 196 197 976 1 177 1 022 1 215 1 192 633 863 1 107 1 095 1 027 Bonanza CDP Byron city. Lake City city Soperton city Homerville city. Donalsonville city Tallapoosa city Hogansville city Unadilla city Lakeland city 201 202 203 204 205 2 796 2 789 2 774 2 772 2 730 1 2 780 2 805 2 976 1 620 2 467 204 184 194 214 1 116 1 334 1 249 739 1 162 11 066 1 256 1 283 671 1 002 202 Louisville city Oakwood city. McRae city. Sylvania city Bloomingdale city 206 207 208 209 210 2 712 2 689 2 682 2 675 2 665 r 2 486 1 464 3 007 2 871 1 2 075 203 206 186 187 208 1 123 1 098 1 310 1 285 1 051 963 686 1 302 1 237 1824 Lakeview Estates CDP Leesburg city.. Avondale Estates city Isle of Hope CDP Kings Bay Base CDP Adairsville city 211 212 213 214 215 216 2 637 2 633 2 609 2 605 2 599 2 542 1 477 1 452 2 209 2 637 3 463 2 131 215 212 192 209 216 205 686 851 1 263 1 038 434 1 103 669 517 1 074 997 419 839 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 45 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000-Con. (For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text) Population Housing units State Place (2,500 or More Population) 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 The State - Con. 96 97 98 99 100 2 412 2 929 6 996 5 947 8 198 95 94 96 105 93 3 144 3 234 3 136 2 750 3 303 101 102 103 104 105 3 352 4 817 7 500 5 385 6 494 110 104 90 112 111 106 107 108 109 110 114 100 101 97 91 111 112 113 114 115 122 103 109 102 106 8 725 8 493 8 443 8 410 8 005 7 727 7 709 7 594 7 231 7 145 6 959 6 951 6 943 6 940 6 914 6 904 6 828 6 764 6 702 6 601 6 239 6 188 6 180 6 144 6 089 5 990 5 972 5 824 5 813 5 696 5 669 5 464 5 440 5 435 5 359 5 307 5 292 5 135 5 058 5 056 2 649 2 879 3 539 2 622 2 638 2 573 3 085 3 051 3 108 3 491 2 322 2 895 2 668 2 926 2 734 2 356 2 053 2 538 2 589 2 473 2 378 2 257 2 427 2 395 2 251 2 128 2 005 2 418 2 059 2 144 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 2 934 7 094 7 361 5 880 4 495 3 139 6 862 4 737 6 313 6 444 14 649 5 528 5 483 6 290 3 596 r6 023 4 747 2 824 1 5 669 5 595 "5 124 14 015 15 241 3 180 4 173 5 093 4 108 4 910 5 295 2 810 5 168 5 237 14 973 4 782 5 292 4 356 5 025 1 4 483 4 827 1 2 993 4 279 3 251 2 828 4 555 14 478 121 136 115 113 116 120 125 117 119 126 132 139 118 135 131 126 127 128 129 130 825 1 067 3 646 2 757 3 074 1 137 2 026 2 946 2 461 2 584 1 047 2 923 2 930 2 402 2 176 1 358 2 710 1 843 2 627 2 548 1 1 648 1 900 2 670 2 401 1 499 1 2 246 1 842 1 252 "2 214 2 095 11 887 11 594 ! 2 287 1 245 1 708 1 972 1 724 1 978 2011 1 160 2 425 2 185 1 2 237 2 030 1 942 1 813 2 099 11 818 1 835 11 218 1 776 1 166 1 031 1 918 11 758 131 132 133 134 135 128 123 127 142 130 150 129 124 2 164 2 273 2 223 1 967 2 150 1 823 2 160 2 265 2 098 2 034 136 137 138 139 140 Suwanee city McDonough city Fair Oaks CDP Norcross city Fort Valley city Irondale CDP Canton city.. Country Club Estates CDP Clarkston city. Stone Mountain city Richmond Hill city. Dock Junction CDP Swainsboro city.. Fort Oglethorpe city Skinaway Island CDP Auburn city.. TH mson city. Eatonton city La Fayette city Fairview CDP Pooler city Conley CDP. Hapeville city Sandersville city Grovetown city Sylvester city. Barnesville city Whitemarsh Island CDP Waynesboro city Blakely city. Camilla city Fairburn city. Eastman city Loganville city Austell city Adel city Commerce city Midway-Hardwick CDP Dawson city Dallas City Morrow city Lakeview CDP Elberton city. Nashville city Quitman city Bremen city Summerville city Cochran city Ashburn city. Rincon city Washington city Centerville city. Cumming city Hartwell city Lyons city Baxley city Villa Rica city Montgomery CDP Pelham city Lindale CDP Chattanooga Valley CDP Walthourville city Montezuma city Manchester City Robins AFB CDP Jackson city Tyrone town. Hephzibah city Metter city Rockmart city Hampton city Dacula city Jonesboro city. Jefferson city Hazlehurst city Forsyth city Cuthbert city Cornelia city. Glennville city Dahlonega city Madison city Chatsworth city Rossville city Millen city. Palmetto city Tybee Island city. West Point city Social Circle city Blackshear city Hawkinsville city Port Wentworth city Ocilla city Hannahs Mill CDP Greensboro city Alma city 133 137 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 4 882 4 820 4 743 4 697 4 638 4 579 4 556 4 455 4 419 4 376 4 295 4 278 4 220 4 188 4 169 140 134 148 149 145 141 157 179 143 153 1 978 2 092 1 851 1 846 1 892 1 974 1 687 1 507 1 950 1 787 151 152 152 154 155 4 150 4 134 4 134 4 126 4 088 3 810 6 542 4 327 3 869 4 187 146 154 161 1 866 1 769 1 668 1 591 1 796 11 632 2 503 1 655 1 514 1 782 165 152 156 157 158 159 160 4 065 4 030 3 999 3 988 3 949 4 088 2 024 4 506 4 104 3 092 155 163 159 147 213 1 698 1 639 1 673 1 853 791 1 597 820 1 705 1 768 738 161 162 163 164 165 3 934 3 916 3 880 3 879 3 870 4 076 2 724 r 2 806 3 707 3 356 160 181 167 174 158 1 668 1 425 1 570 1 522 1 681 1 491 968 11 101 1 480 1 442 166 167 168 169 170 3 857 3 848 3 829 3 825 3 787 173 185 169 174 151 1 525 1 319 1 561 1 522 1 810 984 769 1 495 1 136 1 698 2 694 2 217 3 635 2 763 4 202 1 4 220 3 730 3 219 3 676 3 086 171 172 173 174 175 3 776 3 731 3 674 3 641 3 638 170 171 164 160 198 1 560 1 549 1 611 1 668 1 181 11 630 1 426 1 456 1 586 890 176 177 178 179 180 3 636 3 531 3 511 3 492 3 400 3 483 2 865 3 601 3 808 2 612 180 172 156 168 188 1 494 1 546 1 693 1 567 1 283 1 348 1 210 1 679 1 496 1 014 181 182 183 184 185 3 392 3 382 3 379 3 283 3 280 2 842 3 571 2 755 3 263 ? 3 671 108 177 190 176 166 2 696 1 515 1 264 1 518 1 579 2 150 1 524 1 047 1 405 11 597 186 187 188 189 190 3 276 3 270 3 267 3 238 3 236 4 012 3 182 (X) 1 2 878 3 663 183 188 182 190 178 1 377 1 283 1 379 1 264 1 510 1 647 1 238 (X) 11 101 1 573 44 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000-- Con. [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population State Place (2,500 or More Population) 2000 rank Housing units 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 The State-Con. Experiment CDP Euharlee city Holly Springs city Putney CDP Vienna city. 191 192 193 194 195 3 233 3 208 3 195 2 998 2 973 3 762 850 2 406 3 108 2 708 193 207 201 195 199 1 259 1 057 1 173 1 223 1 180 1 429 296 864 1 153 1 065 196 197 198 199 200 2 904 2 887 2 886 2 824 2 803 2 010 2 276 2 733 2 797 2 560 211 200 210 196 197 976 1 177 1 022 1 215 1 192 633 863 1 107 1 095 1 027 201 202 203 204 205 2 796 2 789 2 774 2 772 2 730 1 2 780 2 805 2 976 1 620 2 467 204 184 194 214 202 1 116 1 334 1 249 739 1 162 1 1 066 1 256 1 283 671 1 002 Bonanza CDP Byron city Lake City city Soperton city Homerville city. Donalsonville city Tallapoosa city Hogansville city. Unadilla city Lakeland city. Louisville city. Oakwood city. McRae city.. Sylvania city Bloomingdale city Lakeview Estates CDP Leesburg city. Avondale Estates city Isle of Hope CDP Kings Bay Base CDP Adairsville city. 206 207 208 209 210 2 712 2 689 2 682 2 675 2 665 ' 2 486 1 464 3 007 2 871 r 2 075 203 206 186 187 208 1 123 1 098 1 310 1 285 1 051 963 686 1 302 1 237 I 824 211 212 213 214 215 216 2 637 2 633 2 609 2 605 2 599 2 542 1 477 1 452 2 209 2 637 3 463 2 131 215 212 192 209 216 205 686 851 1 263 1 038 434 1 103 669 517 1 074 997 419 839 Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 45 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000 [Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text} Total Urban In place State Size of Place (Population) All urban places (entirely or partly urban) Entirely urban places Partly urban places Number Percent of of total places population Number of places Number of places Number of places Population Total Population Population Population Not in place The State 8 186 453 596 100.0 5 864 163 3 482 677 289 781 463 68 2 701 214 221 2 381 486 In place 3 809 842 596 46.5 3 482 677 3 482 677 289 781 463 68 2 701 214 221 (X) Place of - 1.000.000 or more 500,000 to 999,999. 250,000 to 499,999. 100,000 to 249,999. 50,000 to 99,999 () 416 474 612 739 398 057 1 4 5 5.1 7.5 4.9 416 425 587 195 397 167 416 425 587 195 397 167 416 425 587 195 338 419 5 58 748 1 4 25,000 to 49,999 10,000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 601 952 797 229 384 382 288 456 69 411 18 54 53 81 31 7.4 9.7 4.7 3.5 0.8 599 460 781 130 366 252 243 298 35 731 599 460 781 130 366 252 243 298 35 731 18 54 53 75 17 298 130 242 311 123 345 46 233 4 412 9 15 16 13 2 Naotico 301 330 538 819 242 907 197 065 31 319 9 39 37 62 15 XXXXX XXXX XXXX 3 677 2 1,500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 64 950 64 964 65 912 37 833 7 483 37 53 92 112 55 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.1 26 115 15 641 12 112 1 369 782 26 115 15 641 12 112 1 369 782 17 14 18 6 7 4 136 22 438 15 641 7 976 1 369 311 15 14 12 6 3 WONAUT 471 Cumulative summary: Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500.000 or more 250,000 or more 100,000 or more 50,000 or more 416 474 1 029 213 1 427 270 5.1 12.6 17.4 416 425 1 003 620 1 400 787 416 425 1 003 620 1 400 787 ouncil III 416 425 1 003 620 1 342 039 un - 11 5 10 58 748 1 9 25,000 or more 10.000 or more 5.000 or more 2,500 or more 2,000 or more 2 029 222 2 826 451 3 210 833 3 499 289 3 568 700 8 ខ្ញុំមិនដឹន៥ ហA | | 24.8 34.5 39.2 42.7 43.6 135 216 247 2 000 247 2 781 377 3 147 629 3 390 927 3 426 658 2 000 247 2 781 377 3 147 629 3 390 927 3 426 658 28 82 135 210 227 356 878 599 189 722 534 768 767 773 179 10 25 41 54 56 1 643 369 2 182 188 2 425 095 2 622 160 2 653 479 18 57 94 156 XXXXX XXXX XXXX 171 284 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more Not in place 3 633 650 3 698 614 3 764 526 3 802 359 44.4 45.2 46.0 46.4 3 452 773 3 468 414 3 480 526 3 481 895 3 452 773 3 468 414 3 480 526 3 481 895 244 258 276 282 776 856 776 856 780 992 780 992 58 58 64 64 2 675 917 2 691 558 2 699 534 2 700 903 186 200 212 218 429 () 4 376 611 (X) 53.5 2 381 486 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 381 486 46 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000- Con. [Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Rural In place All rural places (entirely or partly rural) Entirely rural places Partly rural places State Size of Place (Population) Number of places Number of places Number of places Total Population Population Population Not in place 2 322 290 327 165 528 225 862 307 101 303 221 1 995 125 The State 327 165 327 165 528 225 862 307 101 303 221 (X) In place - 49 Place of 1.000.000 or more 500,000 to 999,999 250,000 to 499,999 100.000 to 249.999 50,000 to 99,999 49 25 544 890 1 4 4 25 544 890 () ( ) () () 49 25 544 890 1 4 4 (X) 2 492 16 099 18 130 45 158 33 680 2 492 16 099 18 130 45 158 33 680 9 39 37 68 29 2 492 16 099 18 130 26 889 3 236 9 39 37 62 15 ***** 88888 88888 25,000 to 49,999 10.000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 18 269 30 444 6 14 35 53 38 835 49 323 53 800 36 464 6 701 38 835 49 323 53 800 36 464 6 701 35 148 47 656 52 127 35 659 6 559 86 112 51 20 39 74 106 48 3 687 1 667 1 673 805 142 15 14 12 BH263 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1,500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 Cumulative summary: (X) () 1 Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500.000 or more 250,000 or more 100,000 or more 50,000 or more 49 25 593 26 483 ಜಿಪಿ 6 || 1 49 25 593 26 483 49 25 593 26 483 OL 9 9 () (X) 28 975 45 074 63 204 108 362 142 042 28 975 45 074 63 204 108 362 142 042 18 57 94 162 191 I!! 28 975 45 074 63 204 90 093 93 329 18 57 94 156 171 ***** ***** **** 25,000 or more 10.000 or more 5.000 or more 2.500 or more 2,000 or more 18 269 48 713 6 20 (X) (X) 180 877 230 200 284 000 320 464 180 877 230 200 284 000 320 464 226 279 365 477 83 861 131 517 183 644 219 303 40 79 153 259 97 016 98 683 100 356 101 161 186 200 212 218 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more (X) 1 995 125 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 995 125 Not in place Population and Housing Unit Counts Georgia 47 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 9. Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 Housing units Land area Number of urban areas (Areas classified by population size. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Urban and Rural Size of Urban Area Percent [Population] Total distribution Percent distribution In square miles Percent distribution Entirely in state Total Party in state Total The State .. 8 186 453 100.0 3 281 737 100.0 57 906.14 100.0 116 111 5 111 5 5 864 163 2 253 089 3 611 074 71.6 27.5 44.1 2 318 660 962 653 1 356 007 70.7 29.3 41.3 3 724.94 1 161.28 2 563.66 6.4 2.0 4.4 116 (X) 3 5 010 117 1 630 010 3 380 107 3 499 840 641 352 2 858 488 61.2 19.9 41.3 42.8 7.8 34.9 1 972 980 702 093 1 270 887 1 357 677 286 675 1 071 002 60.1 21.4 38.7 41.4 8.7 32.6 2 978.11 728.84 2 249.27 1 962.58 229.57 1 733.01 5.1 1.3 3.9 3.4 0.4 3.0 1 2 Urban In central place Not in central place .. In urbanized area In central place Not in central place. 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place 500,000 to 999,999. In central place Not in central place. 250,000 to 499,999.. In central place Not in central place. 100,000 to 249,999.. In central place Not in central place 50,000 to 99,999 In central place Not in central place. In urban cluster In central place Not in central place. 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place 10,000 to 24,999 In central place Not in central place. 5,000 to 9,999 In central place Not in central place. 2,500 to 4,999 In central place Not in central place.. 315 789 184 376 131 413 643 907 502 385 141 522 550 581 301 897 248 684 3.9 2.3 1.6 7.9 6.1 1.7 6.7 3.7 3.0 128 187 76 404 51 783 269 216 214 637 54 579 217 900 124 377 93 523 3.9 2.3 1.6 8.2 6.5 1.7 6.6 3.8 2.8 222.17 117.22 104.95 352.89 220.99 131.91 440.47 161.06 279.41 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.5 886 888 888 88,887 88 88 88 88, 88_886 88 885 88% 8888,888 88. 88w88, 88, 88_88 88 && "&'&R'&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' 2 101 (X) (X) 854 046 623 079 230 967 207 349 139 056 68 293 308 419 219 862 88 557 176 083 132 329 43 754 162 195 131 832 30 363 10.4 7.6 2.8 2.5 1.7 0.8 3.8 2.7 1.1 2.2 1.6 0.5 2.0 1.6 0.4 345 680 260 560 85 120 80 620 54 851 25 769 126 745 92 819 33 926 70 610 55 642 14 968 67 705 57 248 10 457 10.5 7.9 2.6 2.5 1.7 0.8 3.9 2.8 1.0 2.2 1.7 0.5 2.1 1.7 0.3 746.82 432.44 314.39 208.20 98.23 109.97 251.43 138.96 112.48 156.55 100.25 56.29 130.64 95.00 35.64 1.3 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 Cumulative summary: Urban area of - 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place 500,000 or more In central place Not in central place 250,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 100.000 or more In central place Not in central place. 50,000 or more In central place Not in central place 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 10,000 or more In central place Not in central place 5,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 2,500 or more In central place Not in central place. (X) (X) 12 3 499 840 641 352 2 858 488 3 499 840 641 352 2 858 488 3 815 629 825 728 2 989 901 4 459 536 1 328 113 3 131 423 5 010 117 1 630 010 3 380 107 5 217 466 1 769 066 3 448 400 5 525 885 1 988 928 3 536 957 5 701 968 2 121 257 3 580 711 5 864 163 2 253 089 3 611 074 42.8 7.8 34.9 42.8 7.8 34.9 46.6 10.1 36.5 54.5 16.2 38.3 61.2 19.9 41.3 63.7 21.6 42.1 67.5 24.3 43.2 69.7 25.9 43.7 71.6 27.5 44.1 1 357 677 286 675 1 071 002 1 357 677 286 675 1 071 002 1 485 864 363 079 1 122 785 1 755 080 577 716 1 177 364 1 972 980 702 093 1 270 887 2 053 600 756 944 1 296 656 2 180 345 849 763 1 330 582 2 250 955 905 405 1 345 550 2 318 660 962 653 1 356 007 41.4 8.7 32.6 41.4 8.7 32.6 45.3 11.1 34.2 53.5 17.6 35.9 60.1 21.4 38.7 62.6 23.1 39.5 66.4 25.9 40.5 68.6 27.6 41.0 70.7 29.3 41.3 1 962.58 229.57 1 733.01 1 962.58 229.57 1 733.01 2 184.75 346.79 1 837.96 2 537.64 567.78 1 969.86 2 978.11 728.84 2 249.27 3 186.32 827.07 2 359.25 3 437.75 966.03 2 471.72 3 594.30 1 066.28 2 528.02 3 724.94 1 161.28 2 563.66 3.4 0.4 3.0 3.4 0.4 3.0 3.8 0.6 3.2 4.4 1.0 3.4 5.1 1.3 3.9 5.5 1.4 4.1 5.9 1.7 4.3 6.2 1.8 4.4 6.4 2.0 4.4 -**-***&&^888888888888888 -88 888888888888888888 & '**'&&&&&&&&*&&*&&*&&&&& 116 111 () Rural 2 322 290 28.4 963 077 29.3 54 181.20 93.6 () (X) (X) 48 Georgia Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Appendixes Several appendixes traditionally found in printed reports are now available in a separate volume. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print or on the Internet at for the following: Appendix A. Geographic Terms and Concepts Appendix B. Definitions of Subject Characteristics Appendix C. Data Collection and Processing Procedures Appendix D. Questionnaire Appendix E. Data Products and User Assistance Appendix G. Accuracy of the Data Appendix H. Acknowledgments This Appendix section contains: Appendix F. Maps Appendixes U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 1 " 1 1 1 i Appendix F. Maps Counties 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° TENNESSEE NORTH CAROLINA 35° 35° CATOO- SA FANNIN DADE WHITFIELD TOWNS UNION RABUN WALKER MURRAY GILMER WHITES LUMPKIN HABERSHAM CHAT- TOOGA STE PHENS GORDON DAWSON PICKENS LEGEND BANKS HART HALL FLOYD FRANKLIN BARTOW CHEROKEE FORSYTH JACKSON MADISON CLARKE BARROW/ OCONEE MAINE State ADAMS County Shoreline Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. ELBERT 34° 34° OGLE- THORPE POLK GWINNETT COBB PAULDING ROCK- HARALSON! DALE WALTON DOUGLAS DeKALB FULTON CARROLL CLAY- TON NEWTON MORGAN HENRY WILKES TALIA- FERRO LINCOLN GREENE COLUMBIA FAYETTE McDUFFIE WARREN COWETA SOUTH CAROLINA HEARD RICHMOND PUTNAM JASPER SPALDING BUTTS HANCOCK PIKE BALDWIN 33° BURKE LAMAR TROUP MONROE JONES GLASCOCK WASHINGTON MERIWETHER JEFFER- SON 33° UPSON BIBB WILKINSON JENKINS HARRIS CRAW- FORD JOHNSON SCREVEN TALBOT ALABAMA TWIGGS EMANUEL TAYLOR PEACH MUSCO- GEE CHATTA- HOUSTONE LAURENS BLECKLEY TREUTLÊN) CANDLER) BULLOCH EFFING- HAM HOOCHEE MARION MACON SCHLEY PULASKI DOOLY DODGE TOOMBS MONTGOMERY EVANS STEWART 32° WEBSTER WHEELER BRYAN SUMTER TATTNALL CHATHAM 32° WILCOX CRISP TELFAIR QUIT- MAN RANDOLPH TERRELL LEE JEFF DAVIS LIBERTY LONG BEN HILL APPLING TURNER CLAY IRWIN CALHOUN DOUGHERTY WORTH COFFEE BACON WAYNE MCINTOSH TIFT EARLY BAKER PIERCE BERRIEN ATKINSON MITCHELL GLYNN MILLER COLQUITT WARE BRANTLEY COOK 31- N. LANIER 31° SEMINOLE CLINCH DECATUR LOWNDES GRADY CAMDEN CHARLTON THOMAS BROOKS ECHOLS 0 8 16 24 32 40 Kilometers FLORIDA 0 8 16 24 32 40 Miles L 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° Georgia F-1 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 County Subdivision Outline Map Legend and County Location Index 1 Map Sections 1 2 4 3 Map Legend TAMA American Indian Reservation (State) State ERIE County YORK County Subdivision' COLUMBUS Consolidated City ROME Incorporated Place Census Designated Place Lake Erie Large River, Lake, Water Body, or Shoreline A fishhook joins contiguous and/or discontiguous parts of the same geographic entity "A"* following a place name indicates that the place is coextensive with a separate county subdivision. The county subdivision name is shown only if different than the name of the place. 7 Zena 6 5 9 8 1 10 11 Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. Where state, county, and/or county subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for the highest level of these geographic entities. The county boundary is always shown. Where a county subdivision boundary coincides with a place boundary, the map does not show the place boundary symbol. Any geographic entity name may include '(pt.) if some portion of the entity extends beyond the limits of the map area displayed on the page, or if multiple discontiguous pieces of the entity have been discretely labeled on the page. A geographic entity name may include (pts.)' if many discontiguous pieces exist for that entity that cannot be discretely labeled. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. COUNTY NAN Appling.... Atkinson..... Bacon........ Baker...... Baldwin... Banks........ Barrow..... Bartow..... Ben Hill........ Berrien.. Bibb...... Bleckley..... Brantley. Brooks...... Bryan........ Bulloch.. Burke....... Butts....... Calhoun..... Camden........ Candler...... Carroll....... Catoosa.... Charlton....... Chatham..... Chattahoochee.. Chattooga........ Cherokee. Clarke......... County Location Index This list presents the reference coordinates for each county on the county subdivision outline map. Map section numbers refer to the county subdivision outline maps only. IMAP MAP COUNTY ΜΑΡΙ MAP COUNTY SEC REF SEC REF 9 JW-DZ Clay...... 10 JG-EA Franklin ....... 11 JS-EC Clayton........ 4 JJ-DO Fulton......... 9 JV-EA Clinch....... 11 JT-EE Gilmer...... 10 JJ-EC Cobb...... 4 JI-DM Glascock........... 6 JQ-DR Coffee..... 9 JS-EA Glynn....... 2 JP-DJ Colquitt...... 10 JN-EC Gordon..... 4 JN-DM Columbia....... 3 JW-DO Grady..... 1 JG-DK Cook......... 10 JP-ED Greene.... 9 JQ-DZ Coweta... 4 JH-DP Gwinnett. 11 JQ-EC Crawford. 6 JM-DT Habersham.. 6 JN-DT Crisp....... 6 JN-DY Hall........ 6 JQ-DV Dade....... 1 JC-DG Hancock.. 8 JY-EC Dawson..... 2 JK-DJ Haralson.... 10 JO-EE DeKalb...... 4 JK-DN Harris....... 8 KB-DX Decatur.... 10 JI-EE Hart........ 7 JZ-DV Dodge...... 6 JQ-DW Heard.. 7 JX-DR Dooly... 6 JN-DX Henry..... 4 JM-DQ Dougherty. 10 JK-EA Houston.... 10 JI-EA Douglas....... 4 JH-DN Irwin......... 8 KA-EE Early. 10 JG-EC Jackson..... 7 JX-DV Echols..... 11 JS-EF Jasper......... 4 JF-DO Effingham.... 7 KB-DV Jeff Davis..... 1 JF-DG Elbert........ 3 JS-DL Jefferson... 11 JX-EF Emanuel......... 7 JW-DU Jenkins...... 8 KD-DY Evans.... 8 JY-DX Johnson..... 5 JH-DV Fannin. 2 JK-DG Jones.. 1 JD-DJ Fayette..... 4 JJ-DP Lamar........ 2 JJ-DK Floyd.... 1 JE-DK Lanier..... 3 JP-DM Forsyth. 2 JL-DK Laurens. IMAP MAP SEC REF 2 JQ-DJ 4 JJ-DN 2 JJ-DH 3 JU-DQ 8 KB-EC 1 JG-DI 10 JK-EE 3 JR-DO 4 JL-DM 2 JO-DI 2 JN-DK 3 JR-DQ 1 JE-DN 5 JG-DT 2 JS-DJ 4 JF-DQ 4 JL-DP 6 JO-DV 9 JQ-EA 3 JO-DL 4. JN-DQ 9 JU-DZ 7 JV-DR 7 JY-DT 7 JU-DT 6 JO-DR 5 JL-DR 11 JR-ED 6 JS-DV F-2 Georgia Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 County Subdivision Outline Map Legend and County Location Index COUNTY COUNTY Turner... Twiggs....... Union...... Upson...... Walker......... Walton........ Ware...... Warren...... Washington... Wayne..... Webster..... Wheeler........ White......... Whitfield........ Wilcox.. Wilkes...... Wilkinson...... Worth....... IMAP MAP SEC REF 10 JO-DZ 6 JP-DT 2 JM-DG 5 JK-DS 1 JE-DH 4 JN-DN 11 JV-ED 3 JT-DP 7 JT-DS 8 JY-EA 5 JI-DX 9 JT-DX 2 JN-DI 1 JG-DH 6 JP-DY 3 JT-DN 6 JQ-DT 10 JM-EA Lee..... Liberty..... Lincoln..... Long..... Lowndes....... Lumpkin...... Macon....... Madison.... Marion......... McDuffie....... McIntosh......... Meriwether..... Miller.......... Mitchell... Monroe...... Montgomery. Morgan......... Murray...... Muscogee..... Newton........ Oconee.... Oglethorpe. Paulding.. Peach..... Pickens.... Pierce...... Pike....... Polk....... Pulaski..... Putnam... Quitman... Rabun...... Randolph...... Richmond...... Rockdale....... Schley...... Screven.. Seminole..... Spalding Stephens. Stewart...... Sumter.. Talbot........ Taliaferro... Tattnall..... Taylor..... Telfair....... Terrell... Thomas. Tift......... Toombs... Towns....... Treatlen... Troup..... MAP MAP SEC REF 5 JL-DZ 8 KB-DZ 3 JV-DN 8 JZ-DZ 11 JQ-EE 2 JL-DI 5 JL-DV 3 JQ-DL 5 JI-DV 3 JV-DP 8 KB-EB 5 JH-DR 10 JH-ED 10 JK-EC 6 JM-DR 9 JU-DW 3 JP-DO 1 JH-DH 5 JG-DU 4 JM-DO 3 JP-DM 3 JR-DM 1 JG-DM 6 JN-DU 2 JJ-DJ 11 JW-EB 5 JJ-DR 1 JE-DL 6 JP-DW 3 JP-DQ 5 JF-DY 2 JP-DG 5 JH-DZ 3 JX-DP 4 JL-DO 5 JK-DW 7 KA-DT 10 JG-EE 4 JK-DQ 2 JQ-DI 5 JG-DX 5 JK-DX 5 JI-DT 3 JS-DO 8 JX-DX 5 JK-DU 9 JS-DY 5 JJ-DZ 10 JM-EE 10 JO-EB 9 JW-DX 2 JN-DG 7 JU-DV 5 JF-DR LOLO Maps Georgia F-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 1 JA JB ID JE IF JG JI 85° 30' 85° 00' JC JH JJ 84° 30' 35° 00' 35° 00' D CISCO FORT ROSSVILLE- OGLETHORPE BEVERLY LAKEVIEW CHATTANOOGA VALLEY HILLS Lakeview Indian Springs CA- COHUTTA VALLEY JA NORTH TOOSA SAND 'WHITFIELD MOUN TREN TON VARNELL TAIN CHICK CATOOSA AMAUGA GA BOYNTON RING- SPRINGS CHICK RIDGE GOLD TUNNEL AMAUGA RING- ROCK HILL GOLD DALTON SPRING WESTSIDE LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN LA FAYETTE DALTON FAIRYLAND CRANDALL-ETON DADE ETON WALKER H CHATS WORTH H CHATSWORTH KENSINGTON WHIT FIELD MURRAY VILLANOW LA FAYETTE CASEY SPRINGS Carters Lake sunt RED BUD MENLO RESACA SUGAR VALLEY- RESACA TRION LITTLE SAND MOUNTAIN TRION GORDON 34° 30 MENLO SUMMERVILLE RANGER SUMMER- VILLE 34° 30 CHATTOOGA FAIRMOUNT CAL HOUN CALHOUN PLAINVILLE FAIRMOUNT o LYERLY ARMUCHEE SEE SECTION 2 Shannon ADAIRS VILLE WHITE-PINE LOG ROME (pt.) LYERLY ADAIRSVILLE SHANNON BARTOW ROME WHITE ROME KINGSTON KINGSTON KEY BARTOW | CARTERSVILLE CATOOSA 1 FORT OGLETHORPE WALKER 1 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN 2 ROSSVILLE 3 Fairview 4 Chattanooga Valley Allatoona Reservoir FLOYD CARTERSVILLE CAVE SPRING Lindale EUHARLEE TAYLORSVILLE EUHAR LEE CAVE SPRING j EMERSON TAYLORS VILLE EMERSONA ARAGON ARAGON CEDARTOWN, POLK 34° 00' HUNTSVILLE BRASWELL 34° 00' ROCKMART CEDARTOWN PAULDING M TALLAPOOSA (pt.) ROCKMART DALLAS M HIRAM (pt.) BUCHANAN YORKVILLE TALLAPOOSA DALLAS HARALSON TALLAPOOSA (pt.) HIRAM HIRAM (pt.) AZ BUCHANAN BREMEN BREMEN AZ pt.) TEMPLE (pt.) WACO 1 SEE SECTION 4 N 33° 30 33° 30 0 5 10 15 Kilometers 0 10 15 Miles 85° 30' 85° 00' 84° 30' J B JC JD JE J F J G J H JI JJ J K F-4 Georgia Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 2 JH JI JJ JK JL J M JN JO JP JQ JR JS JT 84° 30' 84° 00' 83° 30' 83° 00' Maps 35° 00' 35° 00' MCCAYSVILLE TOWNS BLUE RIDGE TURNERVILLE Tugaloo River CORNELIA 34° 30' McCAYSVILLES YOUNG HIAWASSEE VALLEY MINERAL HARRIS HIAWASSEE DILLARD SKY HIGDON-MOBILE BLUFF VALLEY IVYLOG YOUNG MOUNTAIN HARRIS CLAYTON CITY BLUE RIDGE MORGANTON BLAIRSVILLE CLAYTON UNION TIGER SEE SECTION 1 MACEDONIA TIGER GILMER BLAIRSVILLE RABUN FANNIN COHUTTA HELEN TALLULAH FALLS MORGANTON SUCHES HELEN RICH MOUNTAIN HABERSHAM EAST ELLIJAY ELLIJAY WHITE CLARKESVILLE Carters CLEVELAND ELLIJAY THREE SISTERS CLARKESVILLE TOCCOA Lake DAHLONEGA MOUNTAINS CLEVELAND DEMOREST іс-тоссоА, CARTECAY CARTERS LAKE LUMRKIN MOSSY ROCK CREEK CREEK TALKING ROCK Hartwell MIRYNT STEPHENS Harmonie CORNELIA Lake BROAD AVALON TALKING DAHLONEGA ROCK MARTIN LUDVILLE Raoul BALDWIN JASPER NNELSON-TATE Gumlog: HALL ALTO BALDWIN BOWERS VILLE FRANKLIN BANKS JASPER NELSON SEE INSETA BOWERS CARNESVILLE LAVONIA DAWSON LAVONIA VILLE JUNO VILLE HOMER WALESKA BALL BALL HOMER CARNESVILLE GROUND GROUND GILLS VILLE (pt.) CANON HARTWELL SILVER CITY (CHESTATEE SANDY CROSS ROYSTON MAYS Lake HART Sidney VILLE Jpe. XMAYSVILLE FRANKLIN SPRINGS DAVIS ROYSTON HARTWELL CANTON ACADEMY CUMMING HOLLY CUMMING SPRINGS HOLLY SPRINGS SEE SECTION 3 AWOOD STOCK, WOOD Allatoona BIG CREEK 2 ISTOCK Reservoir MOUNTAIN PARK (pt.) RIVER 34° 30' DAWSON DAWSONVILLE PICKENS MARBLE HILL Reed TE Creek LULA 3 REED CREEK (pt.) waleski CHEROKEE ROYSTON LATHEMTOWN FORSYTHE CAN- TON 34° 00' SEE SECTION 4 N 34° 00' D M A D M S 10 15 Kilometers 10 15 Miles Georgia F-5 84° 30' 84° 00' 83° 30' 83° 00' JH JI JJ J K JL JM JN JO jP Je JR JS JT U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 3 JN JO JP J JR JS JT JU J V J W J X JY 83° 30' 83° 00' 82° 30' 82° 00' F-6 Georgia SEE SECTION 2 ILA, DANIELSVILLE ELBERT 34° 00 34° 00' D M ARNOLDSVILLE O CRAWFORD AIHTS CLARKE Savan nah River 9 WILKES WASHINGTON \LINCOLN D Az Az ROYSTON (pt.) BROAD RIVER BOWMAN COLDWATER CREEK JACKSON BOWMAN ILA DANIELS VILLE COMER SEE INSET A MADISON COLBERT COMER ELBERTON COLBERT CARLTON ELBERTON HULL ATHENS-CLARKE WINTER LEXINGTON Clark Hill Lake CRAWFORD WINTER COUNTY VESTA-ENTERPRISE VILLE BOGARTS OGLETHORPE BOGART TIGNALL BOGART TIGNALL WATKINS CLEXINGTON VILLE LINCOLNTON A WATKINSVILLE o NORTH HIGH SHOALS LINCOLNTON RAYLE BISHOP MAXEYS OCONEE MAXEYS ELDER RAYLE SOUTH LINCOLNTON BOSTWICK BOSTWICK WOODVILLE, WASHINGTON-METASVILLE GRESHAM WOODVILLE MADISON VILLE UNION POINT MADISON SHARON RUTLEDGE APPLING RUTLEDGE TALIA FERRO O Mc- o COLUMBIA EVANS BUCKHEAD SILOAM SHARON MORGAN BUCKHEAD GREENSBORO OSILOAM CRAWFORD DUFFIE Lake GREENE VILLE CAMAK Oconee THOMSON AUGUSTA GODFREY WHITE CRAWFORD WARREN GROVETOWN AUGUSTA- PLAINS NORWOOD HARLEM RICHMOND WHITE NORWOOD CAMAK COUNTY EATONTON PLAINS THOMSON (DEAREN HARLEM SEE SECTION 4 RICHMOND PUTNAM WARRENTON MAYFIELD FORT WARRENTON DEARING GRACEWOOD GORDON EATON PHOENIX NORRIS HANCOCK BLYTHE TON (pt.) HEPH Lake Sinclair ZIBAHT HEPHZIBAH LITTLE RIVER SPARTA GIBSON DEVEREUX SPARTA GIBSON MITCHELL MITCHELL N EDGE HILL LINTON re GREENSBORO (-UNION POINT Mar tinez Evans 33° 30 33° 30 GLASCOCK PANHANDLE SEE SECTION 6 Maps A SEE SECTION 7 0 5 10 15 Kilometers 33° 00' 0 5 10 15 Miles 33° 009 83° 30' 83° 00 82 30' 82° 00' JN J 0 JP J R JS JT JU JV JW JX JY U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 4 JD JE JF JG JH JI JJ JK JL J M JN JO JP 85° 00' 84° 30' 84° 00' 83° 30' Maps SEE SECTION 2 34° 00 SEE SECTION 1 34° 00' COBB SEE INSET B BARROW GWINNETTBASEE INSET SEE INSET A D M LOGAN WALTON LOGAN zo VILLA RICA Az VILLA CONYERS CLAYTON ROCK CAMPTON LITHIA SPRINGS LITHIA SPRINGS BETWEEN DOUGLASVILLE GOOD SEE DeKALB MON „НОРЕ ROE VILLE (pt. das? WALNUT TEMPLE (pt.) DOUGLAS INSET B NORTH GROVE GOOD VILLE SEE INSET B ROCKDALE VJERSEY BREMEN (pt.) MONROE HOPE WINSTON Lakeview MOUNT ZION FULTON Estates TEMPLE RICA DOUGLAS JERSEY SOCIAL CIRCLE MOUNT BILL ARP /SOCIAL OXFORD ZION CARROLLTON 2 CIRCLE FAIRPLAY SBE CON STOCK YERS CAR UNSET BRIDGE COV. ROLL PORTERING BOWDON TON STOCK. MANSFIELD 27 BRIDGE DALEJINION SEE SECTION 3 CARROLL WHITESBURG NEWBORN SOUTH COVINGTON WHITESBURG PORTERDALE MANSFIELD BOWDON ROCKDALE FAYETTEVILLE PALMETTO ROOPVILLE (pt.) NEWTON TYRONE MCDONOUGH MCDONOUGH ROOPVILLE YELLOW COWETA FAYETTE HENRY RIVER EPHESUS SHADY CENTRALHATCHEE HAMPTON LOCUST EUDORA DALE NEWNAN CENTRAL NEWNAN Blacksville GROVE HATCHEE WOOLSEY HAMPTON LOCUST SHARPS SHADY GROVE FLOVILLA BURG BROOKS SUNNY? BROOKS SIDE RINGGOLDE JACKSON TURIN MONTICELLO, 553 FRANKLIN GRANTVILLE Q SENOIA FRANKLIN SUNNY SENOIA MORE Experiment JEN- KINS BUTTS TEXAS SIDE MONTICELLO GRANT CORINTH HARALSON West Point VILLES MORELAND BURG SPALDING East (pt.)2 ROVER Lake Griffin GRIFFIN JENKINSBURG FLOVILLA GRIFFIN ORCHARD JACKSON HILL HILLSBORO DA 33° 30 33° 30' TYRONEL SL ما کمک PEACHTREE FAYETTE- VILLE CITY JASPER DALE HEARD East Newnan LAND ORCHARD HILL SEE SECTION 5 N N SEE SECTION 6 33° 00' A 33° 00' 0 S 10 15 Kilometers Georgia F-7 10 IS Miles 85° 00' 84° 30' 84°00' 83° 30' JD JE JF JG JH JI JK JL JM JN JO JP U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 5 JH JJ ок 85° 00' 84° 30' JD JE J F J G JI JL JM 84° 00 D ! MERIWETHER WILLIAMSON LAMAR HOGANS VILLE HOGANSVILLE D R ABBOTTSFORD HILLCREST D R LaGRANGE 1 West 33° 00' Point Lake GRAN 33° SEE SECTION 4 LONE OAK HARALSON LUTHERS VILLE GAY (pt.) WILLIAMSON MILNER ZEBULON PIKE LUTHERSVILLE MILNER GAY Hilltop CONCORD ZEBULON GREENVILLE BARNESVILLE CONCORD ALDORA MOLENA MEANSVILLE WOODBURY MOLENA MEANSVILLE GREENVILLE WOODBURY BARNESVILLE Hannahs Mill THE ROCK-YATESVILLE WARM SPRINGS THURSTON YATESVILLE WARM SPRINGS, MANCHESTER Sunset MANCHESTER Village THOMASTON THOMASTON SHILOH Lincoln Park GORDON WOODLAND SHILOH UPSON WOODLAND Salem 00 D S TROUP WEST POINT WEST POINT OAK GROVE PINE MOUNTAIN PINE MOUNTAIN D T HAMILTON D HAMILTON HARRIS TALBOT SEE SECTION 6 TALBOTTON Bartletts Ferry Lake WAVERLY HALL WAVERLY HALL TALBOTTON CARSONVILLE-PANHANDLE U D JUNCTION CITY 5) JUNCTION CITY GENEVA BUTLER {REYNOLDS 32° 30' MUSCOGEE BIBB CITY COLUMBUS 32° 30 D COLUMBUS NORTH BUENA VISTA MARION Fort Benning FORT South BENNING CHATTA- HOOCHEE REYNOLDS TAYLOR BUTLER RUPERT IDEAL MARSHALLVILLE MARSHALLVILLE IDEAL MAÇON ELLAVILLE MONTEZUMA NORTH MONTEZUMA SCHLEY OGLETHORPĖ OGLETHORPE BUENA VISTA D CUSSETA D CUSSETA BUENA VISTA ELLA ) VILLE ELLAVILLE SOUTH RICHLAND WEBSTER OMAHA ANDER SONVILLE ANDERSONVILLE STEWART RICHLAND PRESTON X PLAINS LUMPKIN PLAINS PRESTON 32° 00' LUMPKIN WESTON AMERICUS SUMTER AMERICUS LESLIE-DE SOTO LESLIE DE SOTO 32° 00 WESTON D Y Walter F. George Reservoir GEORGETOWN NORTH GEORGETOWN OP PARROTT BENEVOLENCE SMITHVILLE SMITHVILLE PARROTT QUITMAN CUTHBERT TERRELLO GEORGETOWN SOUTH LEE CUTHBERT DAWSON BRONWOOD BRONWOOD AN D N PHILEMA LEESBURG SASSER DAWSON RANDOLPH SHELLMAN CCOLEMAN SHELLMAN LEESBURG SASSER E А 0 5 10 15 Kilometers owo SEE SECTION TO 5 10 15 Miles 850 00 84° 30' 84° 00' JE JF J G JH JI JJ J K JL JM F-8 Georgia Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 6 JM El JL JM JN JO JP JQ JR IS JT JU 84° 00' 83° 30' 83° 00' SEE SECTION 4 SEE SECTION 3 Lake Sinclair MILLEDGEVILLE MIDWAY-HARDWICK MILLEDGE VILLE Lake Sinclair FORSYTH ROUND OAK BALDWIN FORSYTH JONES QIGRAY UNION POINT 33° 00 MONROE Midway- Hardwick COOPERS 33° 00* CULLODEN-BOLINGBROKE GRAY-GRISWOLD IRWINTON D SWIVEY C WILKINSON D U U BYRON स्व 32° 30 32° 30' PERRY (pt.) PERRY (pt.) MACON LE Mc- --CULLODEN INTYRE * PAYNE GORDON BIBB MACON SWIFT LIZELLA GORDON CREEK SEE SECTION 7 TOOMSBORO ROBERTA TWIGGS NORTH IRWINTON TOOMSBORO TWIGGS ROBERTA, RUTLAND CENTER JEFFERSONVILLE CRAWFORD VILLE ALLENTOWN ZENITH WARNER ALLENTOWN ROBINS BYRON BREWTON -Robins AFB DANVILLE FORT sh DUBLIN VALLEY why I MONTROSE TWIGGS SOUTH REACH WARNER DUBLIN ROBINS DUDLEY EAST DUBLIN FORT VALLEY PERRY SALEM DUDLEY EAST DUBLIN BLECKLEY DEXTER LAURENS COCHRAN SEE SECTION 5 DEXTER RENTZ ELKO CHESTER RENTZ HOUSTON COCHRAN CHESTER o CADWELL HAWKINS CEDAR GROVE EASTMAN UNADILLA VILLES CADWELL DODGE UNADILLA DOOLING HAWKINSVILLE EASTMAN L, PINEHURST BYROMVILLE PULASK HARTFORD LILLY) DOOLY FINLEYSON CHAUNCEY BYROMVILLE VIENNA CHAUNCEY PINEVIEW VIENNA RHINE MILAN PINEVIEW (pt.) ABBE SEE SECTION 9 VILLE RHINE CORDELE WILCOX OR CORDELE PITTS CRISP PITTS ROCHELLE ABBEVILLE ARABI W D W D 32° 00 32° 00 ROCHELLE CARABI NO N AN SEE SECTION 10 0 5 10 15 Kilometers 0 5 10 15 Miles E A 830' 30' 83° 00' 84000 JM IL JN JO JP Je JR JS JT Maps Georgia F-9 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 7 JR JS JT JU J V J W J X JY J Z KA KB KC KD 83° 00' 82° 30' 82° 00' 81° 30' F-10 Georgia SEE SECTION 3 STAPLETON Na WRENS BLYTHE (pt.) KEYSVILLE KEYSVILLE WRENS GREENS CUT AVERA STAPLETON WARTHEN WAYNESBORO Savannah River R GIRARD VIDETTE WASHINGTON JEFFERSON GIRARD 33° 00' 33° 00 SARDISC) SARDIS HILTONIA MILLHAVEN HILTONIA SANDERSVILLE DEEPSTEP LOUISVILLE VIDETTE WAYNESBORO SANDERSVILLE BURKE LOUISVILLE DEEPSTEP DAVISBORO TENNILLE RIDDLEVILLE BARTOW MIDVILLE DAVISBORO NORTH OGEECHEE COCONEE HARRISON HARRISON WADLEY MIDVILLE TENNILLE MILLEN WADLEY SUMMERTOWN WRIGHTSVILLE SUMMERTOWN BALLS FERRY KITE WRIGHTS SOUTH OGEECHEE VILLE KITE EMANUEL JOHNSON SWAINSBORO SWAINSBORO GARFIELD SEE SECTION 6 ADRIAN TWIN CITY PORTAL JENKINS SYLVANIA SYLVANIA SCREVEN ROCKY FORD ROCKY FORD NEWINGTON Co ADRIAN NEWINGTON OLIVER ADRIAN PORTAL TWIN CITY 32° 30' SHAWNEE 32° 30 STATESBORO STATESBORO N NUNEZ METTER STILL- MORE EFFINGHAM GILLIS SPRINGS TREUTLEN SOPERTON SOPERTON SPRINGFIELD OAK PARK METTER PULASKI BROOKLET ALINE PULASKI REGISTER BULLOCH CANDLER REGISTER BROOKLET GUYTON OAK PARK RINCON GUYTON- SPRINGFIELD D W NEVILS-STILSON SEE SECTION 9 RINCON N SEE SECTION 8 A 0 S 10 15 Kilometers 0 5 10 IS Miles 32° 00' 32° 00' 83° 00' 82° 30' Maps 82000 81° 30' IS JU J V IT JW J X JY J Z KA JR KD KB KC U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 8 17 JW JY J Z 82° 00' 81° 30' 81° 00' J X KA KB KC KD KE KF D X REIDSVILLE 32° 00 SEE SECTION 7 COBBTOWN CANOOCHEE COLLINS BELLVILLE CLAXTON COLLINS PEMBROKE u DAISY PEMBROKE MANASSAS HAGAN CLAXTON REIDSVILLE EVANS FORT STEWART HINESVILLE 32° TATTNALL BRYAN 00 GLENNVILLE Fort LIBERTY Stewart GLENNVILLE GUM FLEMINGTON RICHMOND HILL BRANCH LUDOWICI NORTH RICHMOND HILL MIDWAY SEE SECTION 9 HINESVILLE ALLENHURST RICEBORO LONG ODUM WALTHOUR MIDWAY VILLE ODUM LUDOWICI RICEBORO LUDOWICI SOUTH CHATHAM SEE INSETC D AN 2 E А JESUP TOWNSEND SCREVEN WAYNE 31° 30 31° 30 SCREVEN MCINTOSH JESUP DARIEN E B E B DARIEN SEE SECTION 11 WAYNESVILLE EVERETT GLYNN Country Club Estates THALMANN ST SIMONS Atlantic Ocean NAHUNTA Dock Junction BRUNSWICK 7 BRANTLEY Simons HOBOKEN BRUNS WICK NAHUNTA HOBOKEN D WOODBINE CAMDEN 31° 00' 31° 00' WOODBINE E E Kings Bay Base N ST MARYS KINGSLAND KINGSLAND ST. MARYS 0 10 15 Kilometers 0 S 10 15 Miles 82° 009 81° 30 81° 00' J W J X JY J Z KA KB KC KD KE KF Georgia F-11 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 9 JN JO JP Je JR JS JT J U J V J W J X J Y J Z 83° 30' 83° 00' 82° 30' 82° 00' F-12 Georgia MONTGOMERY SEE SECTION 7 TARRYTOWN TARRYTOWN HIGGSTON D VIDALIA-LYONS VIDA LYONS GLEN WOOD LIA SEE SECTION 6 ALAMO AILEY MOUNT VERNON- AILEY MOUNT VERNON SANTA CLAUS HELENA WHEELER TOOMBS McRAE ALAMO ALSTON! UVALDA o UVALDA TOOMBS CENTRAL SCOTLAND 32° 00' 32° 00' MCRAE-HELENA MILAN (pt.) GLENWOOD TELFAIR SEE SECTION 8 LUMBER CITY MILAN LUMBER CITY HAZLEHURST JACKSONVILLE ALTAMAHA RIVER GRAHAM BAXLEY (pt.) BAXLEY سم D ON HAZLEHURST JEFF DAVIS DENTON o DENTON BAXLEY (pt.) SURRENCY JACKSONVILLE LITTLE HOUSE CREEK BEN HILL FITZGERALD SP FITZGERALD BROXTON IRWINVILLE BROXTON IRWIN SEE SECTION 10 APPLING SATILLA CREEK SURRENCY-THORNTON WEST GREEN E COFFEE BACON HOLT OCILLA AMBROSE ALMA NICHOLLS ROCKINGHAM 31° OCILLA AMBROSE ALMA 31° 30' 30* NICHOLLS E DOUGLAS DOUGLAS SEE SECTION 11 N Maps 0 5 10 15 Kilometers 0 5 10 15 Miles 83° 30' 83° 00' 82° 30' E D 1 N JO JP JQ JR JS JT 820:00 JW U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 10 1 JF JG J H JI JJ J K JL J M JN JO JP 85° 00' JQ 84° 30' 84° 00' 83° 30' SEE SECTION 6 Maps WARWICK REBECCA AN REBECCA SEE SECTION 5 TURNER AN Walter F. George Reservoir V FORT GAINES WARWICK ASHBURN ASHBURN- SYCAMORE FORT GAINES SYCAMORE 31° 30' 31° 30 TIFTON 2 652 2 652 2 442 (X) 8x 2 794 (X) 1 132 1 132 1 076 (X) 1 134 (X) 1.09 1.07 0.02 1.09 1.07 0.02 2 434 8 2 484.6 1 039 3 1 060.5 3 308 1 469 1 430 3 122 3 064 58 1 576 1 541 35 1.78 1.50 0.27 1.72 1.50 0.22 1 813.2 2 037.2 266.3 915.3 1 024 6 1607 6 835 6 625 210 2 941 (X) (X) 5 203 (X) (X) 3 536 (X) (X) (X) 4 460 (X) (X) 3 300 (X) (X) 3 188 3 131 57 (X) 2 058 (X) (X) 1 073 4.74 2.82 1.92 3.90 2.81 1.09 1 750.9 2 3549 192.6 2 451 (X) (X) 1 070 (X) (X) 8167 1 112.9 52.3 (U/F 3 813 3 813 1 253 1 253 1.32 1.24 0.08 1.32 1.24 0.08 2 884.5 3 071.3 947.9 1 0093 (R) 1 398 1 249 1 242 615 563 557 0.98 0.98 1 432.0 629.9 (U/R) 464 266 328 ૪ 651 648 3 776 (X) 355 353 2 0.32 0.25 0.07 0.32 0.25 0.07 2 049 1 2 576.9 45.3 1 117.4 1 403.8 30.2 (X) (X) i 3 111 4 051 5*x *** *** 988 888 la 3x 82 % To &&&& ex vuod 3 381 3 035 346 1 505 1 354 151 1 244 (X) (X) xx xx 1 393 (X) 4.57 1.14 3.43 4.53 1.14 3.39 747.1 2 663.4 102.2 3326 1 1882 44.6 (X) 38 I 19 29 38 ! 49 1.13 1.13 33.6 33.6 R) 1 376 790 834 Ř 587 373 1.90 1.90 723.8 308.8 ཀྱི ཀྱི ཀྱི ཀྱི 100 99 77 68 0.62 0.62 161.0 124.0 1 795 (X) (X) 681 (X) (X) 0.86 0.86 2 092.5 7939 (U/R) 26 28 23 5 vom 12 9 3 14 (X) 13 (X) (X) 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.02 449.9 518.3 280.0 192.8 2028 1680 (X) The State-Con. Roberts city, Jefferson County.. Rockland city, Power County Rupert city, Minidoka County Urban part Rural part.. St. Anthony city, Fremont County Urban part Rural part. St. Charles city, Bear Lake County. St. Maries city. Benewah County.. Urban part Rural part. Salmon city, Lemhi County Urban part Rural part. Sandpoint city, Bonner County. Urban part Rural part. Shelley city, Bingham County. Urban part Rural part. Shoshone city, Lincoln County.... Smelterville city, Shoshone County... Urban part Rural part.. Soda Springs city, Caribou County Urban part Rural part. Spencer city, Clark County .. Spirit Lake City, Kootenai County... Stanley city, Custer County Star city, Ada County .... State Line city, Kootenai County Urban part Rural part... Stites city, Idaho County Sugar City city, Madison County Urban part Rural part Sun Valley city, Blaine County Urban part Rural part Swan Valley city, Bonneville County... Tensed city, Benewah County Teton city, Fremont County Tetonia city, Teton County Troy city, Latah County Twin Falls city, Twin Falls County Urban part Rural part.. Ucon city, Bonneville County Victor city, Teton County .... Wallace city, Shoshone County. Wardner city, Shoshone County Urban part Rural part. Warm River city, Fremont County Weippe city, Clearwater County.. Weiser city, Washington County Urban part Rural part... Wendell city, Gooding County Weston city, Franklin County White Bird city, Idaho County. Wilder city, Canyon County Winchester city, Lewis County Worley city, Kootenai County. (X) (R) 226 i 205 253 110 89 0.10 0.10 2 183.3 1 062.7 (U/R) 1 275 301 && E88 E88 1988 1988 38 g 1 242 1 196 46 အင့် 1 022 (X) (X) 336 323 13 0.78 0.57 0.21 0.78 0.57 0.21 1 582.5 2 092.1 215.8 428.1 565.0 61.0 2 060 1 427 371 1 056 1 398 545 (X) (X) 2 339 347 1 992 E **& 5xx g&& $ * jeg 9.87 0.60 9.27 9.87 0.60 9.27 144.6 619.7 114.0 237.1 5796 215.0 (X) 213 135 117 90 10.31 10.28 20.7 11.4 D D D D D Dah 126 90 113 65 50 52 0.18 0.18 695.9 359.0 569 570 559 211 202 192 0.47 0.47 1 212.0 449.5 247 132 191 98 74 83 0.51 0.51 487.2 193.3 798 699 820 341 286 318 0.79 0.79 1 004.8 429.4 (U/R) ! 27 634 County 34 469 34 333 136 26 209 (X) (X) 14 162 14 104 58 1 11 034 (X) (X) 10 573 (X) (X) 12.01 10.37 1.64 12.01 10.37 1.64 2 870.1 3 310.4 83.0 1 179.2 1 359 9 35.4 (R) 943 833 288 265 239 0.77 0.77 1 230.3 375.7 840 292 323 330 144 133 1.30 1.30 648.5 254.8 (R) (R) (U/R) 960 1 010 1 736 587 597 792 0.87 0.87 1 104.4 675.3 246 2& 215 119 96 423 (X) (X) 111 55 56 116 (X) (X) 147 (X) (X) 0.86 0.06 0.80 0.86 0.06 0.80 251.1 2 098.6 120.1 129.6 969.9 70.0 (X) 10 9 2 4 o 3 0.74 0.74 13.6 5.4 416 532 828 198 247 298 0.41 0.41 1 009.8 480.6 (R) (U/R 2 032 g2g 5 343 5 290 53 4 571 (X) (X) 4 771 (X) 2 207 2 188 19 1 945 (X) (X) 2.35 2.17 0.18 2.34 2.17 0.18 2 280.5 2 441.4 300.9 942.0 1 009 8 107.9 (X) 2 338 1 963 1 974 887 789 740 1.13 1.13 2 072.8 786.4 (R) 425 390 310 129 121 107 1.98 1.98 214.6 65.1 (R) 106 108 154 73 74 81 0.07 0.07 1 623.7 1 118.2 1 462 1 232 1 260 421 403 379 0.39 0.38 3 885.7 1 118 9 308 262 343 158 142 168 0.18 0.18 1 699.7 871.9 (R) (R) 223 182 206 95 96 88 0.19 0.19 1 178.6 502.1 14 Idaho Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 ensi Table 7. Rank by 2000 Population and Housing Units: 1990 and 2000 [For information concerning historical counts, see "User Notes." For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Population Housing units Se State * Place (2,500 or More Population] 2000 rank 2000 1990 2000 rank 2000 1990 The State..... (X) 1 293 953 11 006 734 (X) 527 824 1413 322 Boise City city Nampa city. Pocatello city Idaho Falls city Meridian city UNAWN 1 2 3 4 5 185 787 51 867 51 466 50 730 34 919 r 125 551 28 365 1 46 117 43 973 9 596 OWNA 4 2 3 8 77 850 19 379 20 627 19 771 12 293 r 53 196 10 760 I 18 782 1 16 851 3 746 ON Coeur d'Alene city Twin Falls city Lewiston city Caldwell city Moscow city 34 514 34 469 30 904 25 967 21 291 1 24 561 27 634 28 082 18 400 r 18 398 5 6 7 9 10 14 929 14 162 13 394 9 603 8 029 1 10 955 ! 11 034 12 054 7 131 ! 6 696 9 10 Rexburg city Post Falls city Mountain Home city Eagle city. Garden City city 11 12 13 14 15 T2245 17 257 17 247 11 143 11 085 10 624 r 14 298 7 349 7 913 3 327 6 369 14 11 12 15 13 4 533 6 697 4 738 4 048 4 590 "3 551 2 790 3 392 1 238 2 724 16 17 Blackfoot city Chubbuck city Burley city Hayden city Mountain Home AFB CDP 10 419 9 700 9 316 9 159 8 894 18 19 20 9 646 17 794 8 702 3 744 5 936 16 19 18 17 33 3 929 3 377 3 633 3 714 1 590 3 617 ! 2 594 3 346 1 556 1 528 . Jerome city Payette city Sandpoint city Hailey city Ammon city 21 22 23 24 25 7 780 7 054 6 835 6 200 6 187 6 529 "5 672 5 203 " 3 575 5 002 21 23 20 24 28 2 966 2 834 3 188 2 557 1 947 2 706 1 2 300 2 451 11 460 1 336 Rupert city Emmett city Kuna city Weiser city : Rathdrum city 26 27 28 29 30 5 645 5 490 5 382 5 343 4 816 5 455 4 601 1 955 4 571 2 000 27 25 29 26 31 2 204 2 264 1 793 2 207 1 658 2 129 1 957 678 1 945 766 Preston city American Falls city Buhl city Shelley city Fruitland city 31 32 33 34 35 4 682 4 111 3 985 3 813 3 805 3 710 3 757 3 516 3 536 2 400 32 35 30 41 36 1 640 1 557 1 689 1 253 1 518 1 392 1 453 1 549 1 070 962 Gooding city Soda Springs city St. Anthony city. Orofino city Grangeville city 36 37 38 39 3 384 3 381 3 342 3 247 3 228 2 820 3 111 3 010 2 868 3 226 39 37 42 40 38 1 397 1 505 1 218 1 279 1 474 1 291 1 244 1 135 1 231 1 389 40 Fort Hall CDP Salmon city Ketchum city Rigby city. Middleton city 41 42 43 44 45 3 193 3 122 3 003 2 998 2 978 2 681 2 941 2 523 2 681 1 851 47 34 22 46 48 1 088 1 576 2 920 1 107 1 066 883 1 469 2 439 969 666 Heyburn city Montpelier city St. Maries city Kimberly city Homedale city Bonners Ferry city 46 47 48 49 50 51 2 899 2 785 2 652 2 614 2 528 2 515 2 714 2 656 2 442 2 367 1 963 2 193 49 43 44 50 51 45 1 056 1 171 1 132 965 933 1 120 904 1 121 1 076 897 798 945 Population and Housing Unit Counts Idaho 15 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000 (Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Total Urban In place State Size of Place [Population] All urban places (entirely or partly urban) Entirely urban places Partly urban places Number Percent of of total places population Number of places Number of places Number of places Population Total Population Population Population Not in piace The State 1 293 953 205 100.0 859 497 769 685 66 16 206 6 753 479 60 89 812 861 532 205 66.6 769 685 769 685 66 16 206 6 753 479 60 1 In place Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500,000 to 999,999. 250,000 to 499,999. 100,000 to 249,999. 50,000 to 99,999 w III ا ا ا ح کیا 185 787 154 063 14.4 11.9 185 014 153 690 185 014 153 690 185 014 153 690 1 3 3 (X 5 10 624 25.000 to 49,999 10,000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 160 773 99 066 92 985 73 081 11 253 13 22 5 12.4 7.7 7.2. 5.6 0.9 160 198 98 261 92 395 67 505 4 550 160 198 98 261 92 395 67 505 4 550 5 7 13 21 2 160 198 87 637 92 395 64 977 2 272 5 6 13 20 1 2 528 2 278 e w 1,500 to 1,999 1,000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 15 473 15 055 35 402 14 911 3 683 9 12 49 44 35 1.2 1.2 2.7 1.2 0.3 1 799 2 752 2 016 1 200 305 1 799 2 752 2 016 1 200 305 ه کیا کیا ط ا 1 3 3 1 799 2 752 2016 706 23 1 3 3 494 282 1 Cumulative summary: Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500,000 or more 250,000 or more 100,000 or more 50,000 or more اااه در 185 787 339 850 14.4 26.3 185 014 338 704 185 014 338 704 1 4 185 014 338 704 4 9 38.7 16 25,000 or more 10,000 or more 5,000 or more 2,500 or more 2,000 or more 500 623 599 689 692 674 765 755 777 008 29 51 56 46.3 535 59.2 60.0 498 902 597 163 689 558 757 063 761 613 498 902 597 163 689 558 757 063 761 613 9 16 29 50 52 10 624 10 624 13 152 15 430 WN! 498 902 586 539 678 934 743 911 746 183 9 15 28 48 49 ( &**** &*** 3 1,500 or more 1,000 or more 500 or more 200 or more 792 481 807 536 842 938 857 849 65 77 126 170 61.2 62.4 65.1 66.3 763 412 766 164 768 180 769 380 763 412 766 164 768 180 769 380 53 56 59 63 15 430 15 430 15 430 15 924 دا دی دی ها 747 982 750 734 752 750 753 456 50 53 56 59 4 Not in place 432 421 (X) 33.4 89 812 (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) 89 812 16 Idaho Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural and Size of Place: 2000-Con. . (Places classified by population size. Portions of certain places may be classified as rural (see "Extended Place" in Appendix A). For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] Rural In place 1 All rural places (entirely or partly rural) Entirely rural places Partly rural places State Size of Place (Population] T Number of places Number of places Number of places Total Population Population Population Not in place 434 456 91 847 199 84 490 139 7 357 60 342 609 The State 91 847 91 847 199 84 490 139 7 357 60 (X) In place Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500,000 to 999,999 250,000 to 499,999 100,000 to 249.999 50,000 to 99,999 773 373 773 373 WII 773 373 1 3 3 575 805 590 5 576 6 703 575 805 590 5 576 6 703 5 6 13 21 4 575 805 590 2 383 123 6 13 20 1 ܗ ܗܝ8ܝ xxxxx 25,000 to 49,999 10,000 to 24,999 5,000 to 9,999 2,500 to 4,999 2,000 to 2,499 3 193 6 580 3 1 3 13 674 12 303 33 386 13 711 3 378 13 674 12 303 33 386 13 711 3 378 9 12 49 43 33 ಏ ಏ6 NO 13 597 11 185 33 143 13 419 3 373 8 9 46 40 32 77 1 118 243 292 5 - لب یا د خ 1,500 to 1,999 1.000 to 1,499 500 to 999 200 to 499 Less than 200 (X) Cumulative summary: () Place of - 1,000,000 or more 500.000 or more 250,000 or more 100,000 or more 50,000 or more 773 1 146 773 1 146 773 1 146 1 4 4 (X) (X) 1 721 2 526 3 116 8 692 15 395 1 721 2 526 3 116 8 692 15 395 9 15 28 49 53 1 721 2 526 3 116 5 499 5 622 9 15 28 48 49 88888 8888* **** % 25,000 or more 10,000 or more 5,000 or more 2.500 or more 2,000 or more 3 193 9 773 1 4 (X) 29 069 41 372 74 758 88 469 29 069 41 372 74 758 88 469 62 74 123 166 23 370 34 555 67 698 81 117 12 21 67 107 5 699 6 817 7 060 7 352 50 53 56 59 1,500 or more 1.000 or more 500 or more 200 or more 342 609 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 342 609 Not in place Population and Housing Unit Counts Idaho 17 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Table 9. Population, Housing Units, and Land Area by Urban and Rural and Size of Urban Area: 2000 Housing units Land area (Areas classified by population size. For information on nonsampling error and definitions, see text] State Population Urban and Rural Size of Urban Area Percent [Population) Total distribution Number of urban areas Percent distribution In square miles Percent distribution Entirely in state Part in stats Total Total The State 1 293 953 100.0 527 824 100.0 82 747.21 100.0 42 42 859 497 618 591 240 906 66.4 47.8 18.6 336 825 248 445 88 380 63.8 47.1 16.7 406.94 216.52 190.42 0.5 0.3 0.2 (X) (X) 2 603 808 403 779 200 029 46.7 31.2 15.5 238 540 165 297 73 243 45.2 31.3 13.9 274.29 134.77 139.52 0.3 0.2 0.2 ידי555יייייי888 88 8 OOO AIUT-VI i III OWN 9 272 682 185 014 87 668 21.1 14.3 6.8 109 553 77 567 31 986 20.8 14.7 6.1 108.73 55.14 53.59 Ooo Urban In central place Not in central place .. In urbanized area In central place Not in central place. 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place 500,000 to 999,999. In central place Not in central place 250,000 to 499,999. In central place Not in central place. 100,000 to 249,999.. In central place Not in central place. 50,000 to 99,999. In central place Not in central place In urban cluster in central place Not in central place. 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place 10,000 to 24,999 in central place Not in central place 5,000 to 9,999 .. In central place Not in central place. 2,500 to 4,999 .. In central place Not in central place.. 0.1 0.1 0.1 VOO III WII 331 126 218 765 112 361 888X8. 88.88_880 8888, 88 88, 88, 887 88 1 25.6 16.9 8.7 128 987 87 730 41 257 24.4 16.6 7.8 165.55 79.63 85.93 OOO 0.2 0.1 0.1 88 88888888888888888888888 1 2 0.2 0.1 0.1 EX X 255 689 214 812 40 877 35 603 34 333 1 270 92 113 69 080 23 033 58 837 51 125 7 712 69 136 60 274 8 862 19.8 16.6 3.2 2.8 2.7 0.1 7.1 5.3 1.8 4.5 4.0 0.6 5.3 4.7 0.7 98 285 83 148 15 137 14 587 14 104 483 33 373 24 717 8 656 21 633 18 615 3 018 28 692 25 712 2 980 18.6 15.8 2.9 2.8 2.7 0.1 6.3 4.7 1.6 4.1 3.5 0.6 5.4 4.9 0.6 132.65 81.75 50.90 14.33 10.37 3.96 41.26 20.82 20.44 38 33 25.58 12.75 38.73 24.98 13.75 1 1 Cumulative summary: Urban area of - 1,000,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 500,000 or more In central place Not in central place 250,000 or more In central place Not in central place 100,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 50,000 or more In central place Not in central place. 25,000 or more In central place Not in central place 10,000 or more .. in central place Not in central place. 5,000 or more In central place Not in central place.. 2,500 or more In central place Not in central place. (XI 2 272 682 185 014 87 668 272 682 185 014 87 668 603 808 403 779 200 029 639 411 438 112 201 299 731 524 507 192 224 332 790 361 558 317 232 044 859 497 618 591 240 906 21.1 14.3 6.8 21.1 14.3 6.8 46.7 31.2 15.5 49.4 33.9 15.6 56.5 39.2 17.3 61.1 43.1 17.9 66.4 47.8 18.6 2 109 553 77 567 31 986 109 553 77 567 31 986 238 540 165 297 73 243 253 127 179 401 73 726 286 500 204 118 82 382 308 133 222 733 85 400 336 825 248 445 88 380 20.8 14.7 6.1 20.8 14.7 6.1 45.2 31.3 13.9 48.0 34.0 14.0 54.3 38.7 15.6 58.4 42.2 16.2 63.8 47.1 16.7 108.73 55.14 53.59 108.73 55.14 53.59 274.29 134.77 139.52 288.62 145.14 143.48 329.88 165.96 163.92 368.21 191.54 176.67 406.94 216.52 190.42 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.2 '**'88889&&*&&*&&*&&&&& 88 8 8888888:8888 88-88-88, 88, 3 (X) 4 (X) (X) 4 Rural. 434 456 33.6 190 999 36.2 82 340.27 99.5 (X) (X) (X) 18 Idaho Population and Housing Unit Counts U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Appendixes Several appendixes traditionally found in printed reports are now available in a separate volume. See PHC-3-A, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Selected Appendixes, in print or on the Internet at for the following: Appendix A. Geographic Terms and Concepts Appendix B. Definitions of Subject Characteristics Appendix C. Data Collection and Processing Procedures Appendix D. Questionnaire Appendix E. Data Products and User Assistance Appendix G. Accuracy of the Data Appendix H. Acknowledgments This Appendix section contains: Appendix F. Maps Appendixes U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 1 I Appendix F. Maps Counties 119° 118° 117° 116° 115° 114° 113° 111° 110° 112° T 49°F CANADA 49° LEGEND BOUNDARY CANADA International MAINE State ADAMS County Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. BONNER 48° 48° KOOTENAI WASHINGTON SHOSHONE BENEWAH 47° 47° LATAH CLEARWATER N NEZ PERCE LEWIS 46° 46° IDAHO 0 15 30 45 60 Kilometers 0 15 30 45 60 Miles MONTANA 45° 45° ADAMS LEMHI VALLEY OREGON WASHINGTON CUSTER CLARK FREMONT 440 44° SPAYETTES GEM BOISE JEFFERSON MADISON TETON CANYON BUTTE ADA CAMAS BONNEVILLE ELMORE BLAINE BINGHAM 43° 43° GOODING LINCOLN WYOMING MINIDOKA CARIBOU JEROME POWER BANNOCK OWYHEE TWIN FALLS CASSIA BEAR LAKE ONEIDA 42° FRANKLIN 42° NEVADA UTAH 1 118° 1 116° 117° 115° 114° 113° 112° 111° 110° Idaho F-1 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 County Subdivision Outline Map Legend and County Location Index Map Sections 1 1 2 Map Legend International CAMPO American Indian Reservation (Federal) ZIA Off-Reservation Trust Land State ERIE County YORK County Subdivision ROME Incorporated Place Zena Census Designated Place Lake Erie Large River, Lake, Water Body, or Shoreline A fishhook joins contiguous and/or discontiguous parts of the same geographic entity Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. Where international, state, county, and/or county subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for the highest level of these geographic entities. The county boundary is always shown. Where a county subdivision boundary coincides with a place boundary, the map does not show the place boundary symbol. Any geographic entity name may include (pt.)' if some portion of the entity extends beyond the limits of the map area displayed on the page, or if multiple discontiguous pieces of the entity have been discretely labeled on the page. A geographic entity name may include '(pts.)' if many discontiguous pieces exist for that entity that cannot be discretely labeled. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. 3 6 4 5 COUNTY U A UN Ada......... Adams......... Bannock....... Bear Lake....... Benewah.......... Bingham...... Blaine.... Boise........ Bonner.... Bonneville. Boundary..... Butte...... Camas.. Canyon... Caribou...... Cassia...... Clark..... Clearwater....... Custer........ Elmore.... Franklin....... Fremont... Gem....... Gooding... Idaho........ Jefferson..... Jerome.... Kootenai..... Latah......... Lemhi. County Location Index This list presents the reference coordinates for each county on the county subdivision outline map. Map section numbers refer to the county subdivision outline maps only. MAPL MAP COUNTY IMAP MAP SEC REF SEC REF 6 CA-BH Lewis....... 2 BZ-AQ 2 BZ-AY Lincoln.......... 5 CN-BJ 4 CY-BL Madison....... 4 DC-BF 4 DE-BO Minidoka... 5 CQ-BK 1 BY-AK Nez Perce...... 2 BX-AQ 4 CX-BI Oneida... 4 CW-BO 5 CO-BH Owyhee.... 6 CA-BM 6 CD-BE Payette.. 6 BX-BD 1 BY-AE Power...... 4 CU-BL 4 DC-BH Shoshone. 1 CC-AJ 1 BZ-AB Teton....... 4 DE-BF 3 CS-BF Twin Falls...... 5 CJ-BN 5 CJ-BH Valley...... 2 CE-AZ 6 BX-BG Washington..... 2 BX-BB 4 DC-BL 5 CQ-BO 4 CX-BC 1 CE-AN 3 CM-BC 6 CF-BH 4 DB-BO 4 DD-BC 6 BZ-BD 5 CJ-BK 2 CF-AS 4 CY-BF 5 CM-BL 1 BX-AH 1 BX-AN 3 CO-AY 1 F-2 Idaho Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 1 BR BS BT BU BV BW B X BY BZ CA CB CC CE CF CG CJ СК Sections CD 117° 30' 117° 00 49° 116° 30' 116° 00' 115° 30' 009 CH CI 115° 00' 1 A А BONNERS FERRY 49° 00' A NAPLES MOYIE SPRINGS A B BOUNDARY KOOTENAI MOYIE SPRINGS B BONNERS FERRY 48° 30 А PRIEST RIVER SANDPOINT 48° 30' A D BONNER PONDERAY KOOTENAI CLARK DOVER FORK HOPE PRIEST RIVER A E SANDPOINT EAST HOPE CLARK FORK OLDTOWN Lake Pend Oreille BLANCHARD-GLENGARY 48° 009 A G ATHOL 48° 009 А G SPIRIT LAKE POST FALLS-RATHDRUM RATH SPIRIT LAKE-ATHOL DRUM HAU HAYDEN SER HAYDEN LAKE A H MURRAY A H STATE LINE FALLS >TER DALTON POST GARDENS HUET FERNAN LAKE COEUR VILLAGE D'ALENE COEUR D'ALENE A SMELTERVILLE KELLOGG A i 47 30 KOOTENAI HARRISON HARRISON WORLEY WORLEY PINE HURST WARD NER KELLOGG OS BURN WAL LACE MUL 13 LAN WALLACE MULLAN 47° 30 A J PARK LINE ST. MARIES SHOSHONE PLUMMER PLUMMER BENEWAH TENSED ST MARIES TENSED COEUR D'ALENE AVERY-CLARKIA 470 00' A M LATAH ONAWAY 47° 00 А M POTLATCH POTLATCH BOVILLE CZ MOSCOW DEARY DEARY-BOVILL TROY سم z MOSCOW TROY-JULIAETTA KENDRICK KENDRICK JULIA GENESEE ETTA GENESEE , ELK RIVER ELK RIVER CLEARWATER PIERCE-HEADQUARTERS N 46° 30 NEZ PERCE (pt.) NEZ PERCE A PIERCE 46° 30 OROFINO P WEIPPE 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers SEE SECTION 2 WEIPPE 0 5 10 15 20 Miles 117° 30' BT 117°00' BV BW BS 116° 30' BY BZ 116°00' CB CC 115° 30° CD CE CE 115°00' C H C C J BU ВХ CA CG СК Maps Idaho F-3 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 2 BV BW B X BY BZ CA CB CCCD CE CF CH CI 117° 00 116° 30' 116° 00 115° 30' 115° 00' BT BU CG CJ CM CK CL 114° 30' LELAND SEE SECTION 1 10 . 46° 30 A P 48-1 301 Р NEZ PERCE PECK LAPWAI NEZ PERCE CULDESAC NEZ LEWIS REUBENS PERCE TON WIN CRAIG CHESTER MONT WIN CHESTER CRAIGMONT NEZPERCE LEWISTON KAMIAH FERDINAND LEWIS KOOSKIA NEZ PERCE SOUTH STITES LEWIS KAMIAH NEZ PERCE (pt.) R 46° 00 COTTON WOOD 46° 00 COTTONWOOD GRANGEVILLE ELK CITY S GRANGEVILLE IDAHO CA ! T ,WHITE BIRD C) U A 45° 30 45° 30 RIGGINS Snake River RIGGINS A W 45° NEW MEADOWS 009 NEW MEADOWS 45° 009 MCCALL ADAMS MCCALL COUNCIL STIBNITE N A COUNCIL ,DONNELY VALLEY CAMBRIDGE SEE SECTION 3 B A CAMBRIDGE B A 44° 30 CASCADE PMIDVALE B B 44° 30 WASHINGTON CASCADE B B MOVALE WEISER B N WEISER B B D B D 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers SEE SECTION 6 44° 00 0 5 10 15 20 Miles B E 44° 009 30 117° 00' BV BW 116 BY 11600 CB СС 115 СЕ 309 CF 115° 00' CH СІ 114° 30' CK CL BU BX B Z CA CD CG CJ CM F-4 Idaho Maps 1 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 3 CQ CR CS 115° 30' 115° 00' 114° 30' 114° 00' 113° 30' 113° 00' CF CG CH CI CJ CK CL CM CN CO CP CT CU су CW CX 112° 30' 45° 45° 30* 30 A V SALMON A W A W SEE SECTION 2 SALMON FORNEY 45° 00 45° 00' A Y LEMHI PATTERSON A Z LEADORE B A LEADORE B A CHALLIS 44 30' 44° 30' B B B B STANLEY CHALLIS CUSTER B С CLAYTON B STANLEY ņi B D B D SEE SECTION 6 SEE SECTION 4 44° 009 44° 00 B E B E MACKAY MACKAY HOWE B F LOST RIVER B F BUTTE MOORE SEE SECTION 5 B G GARCO BUTTE CITY" B G 43° 309 ARCO 43° 30 B H B H B 1 B 1 N B B J 43 009 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers 43° 00 0 5 10 15 20 Miles B K 115° 00' CH CI 114° 30' CK CL 114° 00' CN CO 113° 30' CQ CR 113° 00 CT CU 112° 30 CW CF CG CJ CM CP CS CV Idaho F-5 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 4 CP Ice Cros ст со су сw cx CY cz DA DBDC DD DE 113°: 300 113° 00' 112° 30' 112° 00 111° 30° DF D G DH 111° 00' A IZ A CN B А B A ISLAND' PARKI 30° 44° B B 1 30 B B SPENCER YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ISLAND PARK CLARK EAST CLARK B с B FREMONT WEST CLARK DUBOIS SEE SECTION 3 B D B D WARM RIVER ASHTON SASHTON ST. ANTHONY PARKER , DRUMMOND SUGAR TETON-NEWDALE CITY, ST. ANTHONY 44° 00' B E 440 00 B E HAMER JEFFERSON TETON MUD LAKE TETONIA LTETONIA B "Ti to B F HAMER SUGAR CITY NEWDALE REX TETON BURG THORNTON MADISON RIRIE MOODY CCRIGBY CREEK RIGBY ROBERTS ROB ERTS NANG LEWIS VILLE DRIGGS ME DRIGGS LEWISVILLE-MENAN VICTOR B. G B G SUCON JUCON RIRIE VICTOR IDAHO FALLS WEST IDAHO FALLS ΙΟΝΑ 43° 30* SWAN VALLEY 43° 30' IDAHO FALLS B H B H ATOMIC CITY AMMON IRWIN SHELLEY SHELLEY BONNEVILLE FIRTH BASALT BINGHAM FIRTH B I B 1 SWAN VALLEY ATOMIC CITY BLACK FOOT ALRIDGE FORT HALL B MORELAND BLACKFOOT B J FORT HALL 43° 00 43° 00 ABER DEEN ABERDEEN B Hall B K AMERICAN FALLS SEE SECTION 5 Arbon Yalley American Falls Reservoir B L B L FORT HALL Fort POCATELLO FORT HALL FORT CHUB BUCK HALL POCATELLO INKOM FORT HALL INKOM SODA SPRINGS WAYAN (pts.) FORT HALL BANCROFT CARIBOU BANCROFT CAMMON SODA SPRINGS LAVA HOT SPRINGS GRACE GEORGETOWN ARIMO GRACE GEORGETOWN AMERICAN FALLS POWER (pt.) Me B M B M ROCKLAND ARBON BANNOCK 42° 30 B 42° 30' B N ROCKLAND DOWNEY BEAR LAKE SOUTH BANNOCK MONTPELIER N OXFORD PARIS MINK CREEK B MALAD CITY PARIS, I CLIFTON O ONEIDA MALAD CITY DAYTON MONTPELIER BLOOM- INGTON FRANKLIN HOLBROOK ST. B P DAYTON CHARLES Bear Lake P 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers PRESTON PRESTON WESTON FRANKLIN 0 42 00 5 10 15 20 Miles 42° 001 B Q 113° 30' CQ CR 113° 00' CT CU 112° 30' CW CX 112009 CZ DA 111° 30' DC D D 111° 00' DF D G CP CS CV CY DB DE F-6 Idaho Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 5 CJ CM COCR 115° 30' 115° 00' 114° 30' 114° 00' 113° 30' CE CF C G CH CI CK CL CN со CP CS CT CU CV CW B 113° 00' B с B D 44° 00 B E 44° 00 B E SEE SECTION 3 B F KETCHUM B F SUN KETCHUM DEL VALLEY B G B G HAILEY 43° 30' CAMAS es 43° 30' B H B H WEST CAMAS EAST CAMAS BELLEVUE BLAINE HAILEY-BELLEVUE FAIRFIELD. CAREY B B I CAREY B J GOODING J BLISS SHOSHONE 43° 009 RICHFIELD น RICHFIELD 43° 00' B K GOODING SHOSHONE MINIDOKA BLISS LINCOLN B K GOODING DIETRICH SEE SECTION 4 B L B L VJEROME SEE SECTION 6 B M HAGERMAN JEROME WENDELL JEROME HUNT MINIDOKA, MINIDOKA HAGERMAN WENDELL PAUL ACEQUIA HAZELTON PAUL RUPERT KIMBERLY BUHL. HEY FILER EDEN BURN CASTLE RUPERT EDEN-HAZELTON „FORD FILER DECLO BUHL TWIN HAN MUR FALLS SEN HEYBURN TAUGH LEY MURTAUGH TWIN FALLS KIMBERLY BURLEY ALBION B M 42° 42° 30 BUR-DECLO 30 B N B N s HOLLISTER WEST SALMON FALLS OAKLEY CASSIA G MALTA B O TWIN FALLS OAKLEY ALBION HOLLISTER B P. 42° 00 42° 00 B B R N B R A B 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers 41° 30 0 5 10 15 20 Miles 41° 30 B T 115° 30' CE CF 115° 00 CH CI 114° 30' СК CL 114° 00 CN Со 113° 30' CQ CR 113° 00' СТ CU C G CJ CM CP CS CV Idaho F-7 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 American Indian Areas, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places - Section 6 СА CB i CC CE CH 117° 30' 117° 00' 116° 30' 116° 00' 115° 30' 115° 00' BT BU BV BW BX BY BZ CD CF CG CI CJ CK 114° 30° B A 44° 30' B B 44°1 30°1 SEE SECTION 2 IB B B B !c SEE SECTION 3 D PAYETTE CROUCH SWEET GARDEN VALLEY B D PAYETTE FRUITLAND PAYETTE 44° 00' B E GEM HORSESHOE BEND BOISE 001 B ТЕ FRUITLAND B F NEW PLYMOUTH NEW EMMETT BENCH PLACERVILLE PLY MOUTH ? HORSESHOE EMMETT VALLEY EMMETT BEND IDAHO CITY PARMA GARDEN MIDDLETON EAGLE PARMA NOTUS CITY MIDDLE- NO GREENLEAF EAGLE TUS IDAHO CITY TON STAR WILDER CALDE CALD- SWELL HOMEDALE HOME DALE MARS MERIDIAN ING NAMPA KUNA NAMPA BOISE BOISE CITY CITY MARSING MELBA KUNA HUSTON MEIBA ATLANTA BOISE HILLS B G 43° 30' CANYON B H 43° 30 ELMORE B H ADA MOUNTAIN HOME B 1 ORCHARD B 1 SEE SECTION 5 MOUNTAIN HOME B J B Mountain Home AFB GLENNS FERRY 43° MURPHY 00' B GRAND VIEW GLENNS FERRY 87 43° 00 B K B L B M OWYHEE B M 42° 30 Zದ 42° 30 B BRUNEAU GRAND VIEW B 10 DUCK VALLEY WESTERN SHOSHONE N B 42° 00' B 42° 00 B 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers 0 5 10 15 20 Miles B R 117° 009 BV BW 116° 30' BY BZ 116° 00' CB CC 115° 30' CE CF 115° 00' CH CI 114° 30' CK CL BU BX CA CD CG CJ F-8 Idaho Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Metropolitan Areas, Counties, and Central Cities 118° 117° 116° 115° 114° 113° 112° 111° ° 49° CANADA 49° BOUNDARY LEGEND BONNER 48° JACKSON Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) CANADA International MAINE State ADAMS County Newark Central City State capital underlined Metropolitan area boundaries are those defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget on June 30, 1999. The use of '(PART)' indicates that the geography is either discontiguous, extends beyond the map page, or in the case of central cities, the central city extends beyond the MSA/CMSA boundary. All other boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. 48° KOOTENAI WASHINGTONI BENEWAH SHOSHONE 47° 47° LATAH CLEARWATER NEZ PERCE N LEWIS 46° 46° MONTANA IDAHO 0 15 30 45 60 Kilometers 0 15 30 45 60 Miles 45° LEMHI 45° ADAMS VALLEY WASHINGTON CUSTER CLARK FREMONT 44° PAYETTE GEM 444° OREGON BOISE JEFFERSON MADISON BUTTE TETON CANYON Nampa Boise City ADA BOISE CITY CAMAS ELMORE BLAINE BONNEVILLE BINGHAM 43° 43° GOODING LINCOLN Pocatello (PART) WYOMING JEROME MINIDOKA POWER CARIBOU POCATELLO BANNOCK OWYHEE TWIN FALLS CASSIA BEAR LAKE ONEIDA FRANKLIN 42° 42° NEVADA UTAH 118° 117° 116° 115° 114° 113° 112° 111° Idaho F-9 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Urban Areas -- 118° 117° 116° 115° 114° 113° 112° 111° 110° 49° CANADA 49° Bonners Ferry Sandpoint 48° 48° SPOKANE, WA--ID Rathdrum COEUR D'ALENE Kellogg, Map Legend INTERNATIONAL STATE County [. URBANIZED AREA Urban Cluster Note: All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000. For an urban cluster that consists of more than one piece, its point symbol is located at the center of its largest piece. St. Maries WASHINGTON 47° 47° Moscow Orofino N LEWISTON, ID--WA 46° MONTANA 46° Grangeville 0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers 0 10 20 30 40 SO Miles Salmon 45° 45 OREGON ma Weiser, ID--OR 44° Ontario, OR--ID 44° St. Anthony Emmett Rexburg, BOISE CITY Homedale *Ketchum NAMPA Rigby IDAHO FALLS PM Shelley Hailey Kuna “Pleasant Valley (Idaho State Correctional Institution) A Mountain Home Blackfoot 43° 143 Mountain Home AFB Gooding WYOMING POCATELLO American Falls Jerome Buhla Rupert s Soda Springs Kimberly Twin Falls Burley Montpelier Preston 42° 42° NEVADA UTAH 118° 117° 116° 115° 114° 113° 112° 111° F-10 Idaho U.S. G. P. O. 2003-496-683/60161 Maps U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 1 , 17 Ielado 2000 2000 Census of Population and Housing Population and Housing Unit Counts : UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07883 4978