HOME OFFICE. *) // r-, “ . , /- ~, - 4- DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN G-1 FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. C 3 9015 00353'25"; FIRST REPORT University of Michigan - BUHR - OF THE DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. VOL. I. REPORT AND APPENDICES. £rtgentti to both houses of parliament bp Commant of Big #ajestp. L O N DO N : PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE By EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, LIMITED, EAST HARDING STREET, E.C., PRINTERS TO THE KING's MosT EXCELLENT MAJESTY. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, LIMITED, 29, BREAMs BUILDINGS, FETTER LANE, E.C., and 28, ABINGDON STREET, S.W., and 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF ; or - H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish BRANCH), 23, FoRTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or - - E. PONSONBY, LIMITED, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN ; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, LIMITED, LONDON, W.C. 1915. . , , [Cd. 8000. - Price 11d. . . . GOVERNMENT, PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . (with the under-inentioned exceptions) . . . can be purchased in the manner indicated on the first page of this wrapper. Accredited Agents of Free Public Libraries are entitled to a discount of 25 per cent. from published prices. Hydrographical Publications of the Admiralty are sold by— J. D. Potter, 145, Minories, London, E.C. Patent Office Publications are sold at-, ... ; : .# , º, . …, ‘. . . . *** *. g rº, - The Patent Office, 25, sº Charicely Lane; London, W.C. (N.B.-Classified Abridgments of Patent Specifications arê šolā ālso by Wyman and Sons, Limited). Ordnance Survey and Geological Survey Publications can be purchased from— The Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton; or The Superintendent, Ordnance Survey, Dublin ; or Agents in most of the chief towns of the United Kingdom. (N.B.--Small Scale Maps are, as a rule, procurable at Railway Bookstalls in England and Wales.) The Journal of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries is published monthly by the Board at 4, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. Price 4d., post free. * The London Gazette is published on Tuesday and Friday evenings by Wyman and Sons, Limited. Price 1s. The following is a list of some recent Parliamentary and Official Publications —- FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR FOR 1913. The General Report is followed by a Divisional Report dealing with Industrial Develop- ments and State of Trade ; Sanitation, including Ventilation, the Effect of Steam in Dye-houses, and of Dust in Cotton Waste Willowing, and in Flax Scutch Mills; Safety ; Dangerous Trades, with a section on Flax, Hemp and Jute ; Employment ; Particulars of Textile and Non-Textile * 4. r- rarx: - - r < ºrºrº s 'i , - 'º-N > * , s: - - . . . . . . . . . . . * *.' T : º * . * Factories, and of Truck. The Report of the Principal Lady. Inspector of Factories, and of the Electrical Inspectoi, and of the Medical Inspectors are appended. With Tables and Index. { (d. 7491] of Session 1914. Price is. 7d., post free ls. I id. INDUSTRIAL POISONING, ACCIDENTS, AND DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES. PRELIMINARY TABLEs (subject to correction) of Cases of Industrial Poisoning, Fatal and Non-Fatal Accidents, and Dangerous Occurrences in Factories, Workshops, &c., during the Year 1913. - - 2. - - - - - - - - [Cd. 7309) of Session 1914. Price Id., post free lºd. ELECTRICITY REGULATIONS. - MEMORANDUM by the Electrical Inspector of Factories. Form 928. Feb. 1910. (1910.) Price 3d., post free 4d. HYGROMETERS ORDER, MARCH 18, 1912, In pursuance of the Regulations for Cotton Cloth Factories. (1912.) Price Id., post free lºd. WENTILATION OF FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. FIRST REPORT of THE DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE. Deals with general ventilation for getting rid of impurities due to presence of employees, and of lights burning. The results of the examination of the ventilation of Factories and Workshops visited by the Committee. Conditions on which efficient ventilation depends. Method for determining amount of Carbonic Acid in the Air, with diagrams of portable apparatus for estimating the amount. - [Cd. 1302} of Session 1902. Price 1s. 8d., post free 1s. 11d. SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE. Deals with the application of fans to factory ventilation, in connection with the removal of dust, fumes, steam and other impurities associated with special manufacturing processes ; also with the question of respirators. With illustrations. . . . . . [Cd. 3552] of Session 1907. Price 3d., post free 4d. APPENDIX TO SECOND REPORT. Contains plates and diagrams explaining the results of experiments carried out by the Committee and illustrating their recommendations. Experiments on the construction of main ducts and the arrangement of throats or branches. Illustrations of local ventilation and removal of dust by propeller and centrifugal fans, and notes on practical construction and use of ducts, hoods and gratings. - - . . . . . ... • [Cd. 3553 of Session 1907. Price 4s. 5d., post free 4s. 8d. DLAGRAMS showing methods of extracting dust rh different processes in flax, hemp, jute, and tow manufactures, wool-sorting and wool-combing works, metal grinding and polishing, &c.; also various systems for humidifying workrooms, compiled by Commander Sir Hamilton P. Freer-Smith, R.N., including for the information of manufacturers a number of examples of well-planned installations which in practice have secured the desired results. [Cd. 3223 of Session 1906. Price 4s. 10d., post free 5s. 1d. x (6)30030 HOME OFFICE. DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. - FIRST REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. WOL. I.-REPORT AND APPENDICES. iſresented to both gouges of parliament by command of his guajesty. - LoND ON : . PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE By EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, LIMITED, EAST HARDING STREET, E.C., PRINTERs To THE KING's Most ExCELLENT MAJESTY. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, LIMITED, 29, BREAMs BUILDINGS, FETTER LANE, E.C., and 28, ABINGDON STREET, S.W., and 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish BRANCH), 23, FoRTH STREET, EDINBURGH : or E. PONSONBY, LIMITED, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN : or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, LIMITED, LONDON, W.C. ** - 1915. [Cd. 8000.] Price 11d. co NT EN TS. REPORT. Warrant of Appointment - - - Introduction - -> - - - - - Methods of Investigation º - - º Witnesses - tº- - - " * - Assistance from Trade Associations - º H.M. Inspectors of Factories 35 35 33 Visits of Inspection - * - * Experimental Work - wº- - - Explanation of Technical Terms - * gº Illumination - - - - - Surface Brightness t- - * º Glare º - - - - º “Frequency of Occurrence " Curves º - Daylight Factor - º - * - Tactors in Good Lighting - - - es Existing Requirements as to Lighting - tºs Statutory - -- - º - - Official ºs - º tº- -. , - Present Lighting of Factories and Workshops •. Natural Lighting - - º - tº- Artificial Lighting - Causes of Unsatisfactory Illumination w * Natural Lighting - º Artificial Lighting - * - º tº- Effects of Unsatisfactory Illumination - - Accidents - - - - º tº- Damage to Eyesight and Health - tº - Insanitary Conditions º tº- - tº- Diminished Output of Work - tº- - Lack of Discipline e- tº- - - Recommendations - º - - - General - - * 1- - º- Standards of Adequacy - - * t- Workrooms - * tº- * - Passages, &c. - º - wº- t- Open Yards and Approaches - - Exemptions - -- º º - Cleanliness of Windows - - * wº- Conclusion º - º - *g tº- Professional and Scientific Societies APPENDICES. APPENDIx I–List of Witnesses examined - APPENDIX II.-List of Factories visited - - APPENDIX III—Circular Letter to Trade Associations APPENDIX IV.-Approximate Number of Persons employed in the Principal Industries (1907) APPENDIX W.—Summary of Reports received from H.M. Inspectors of Factories APPENDIX VI.-Memorandum on Investigations carried out by the Factory Department, &c. APPENDIX VII.-Requirements as to Lighting of Factories, Schools, &c., in the United Kingdom APPENDIX VIII-Requirements as to Lighting of Factories, Schools, &c., in Foreign Countries APPENDIX IX—Memorandum on Accidents in Factories - PAGE ii ii—iii ii ii ii iii iii iii iii-vi iv. iv V Wi Vi - vi vi-viii Vi viii viii—ix - viii ix ix–xi ix xi xii—xiii xii xii xiii xiii xiii xiii-xviii xiii xv-xvii xvi. xvii xvii xvii xviii xviii—xix E’AGE 12. 22 APPENDIX X.—Note on Influence of Lateral Illumination on visual Acuity APPENDIX XI.-Extract from Professor Snellen's Bowman Lecture (1896) APPENDIx |XII.--Summary of Replies to Questions by F. Richardson Cross, F.R.C.S. APPENDIX XIII–Replies to Circular Letter as to Evidence of Injury to Eyesight in certain Trades - • * APPENDIX XIV.-Experimental Room at the National Physical Laboratory and some Investiga- tions carried out in it - - * APPENDIX XV.--Summaries of Illumination Measurements in Factories and Workshops - Introduction - - - ſº Factory Floors - - * tº . Textile Industry - - º Weaving º - e- º Spinning, &c., and Incidental Processes Lace and Hosiery Making - tº- Engineering Industry - * sº - General Engineering (excluding Foundries) Foundries - - - º Making up of clothing and similar work Miscellaneous industries - - APPENDIX XVI—Memorandum on Daylight Illumination - APPENDIx -- XVII.-The Measurement of Illumination gº a (6)30030 Wt 1650 2500 9/15 PAGE 27 30 30 33 33 38 38 40 42 42 45 48 51 51 55 58 62 63 65 Warrant of Appointment. I hereby appoint— Dr. R. T. GLAZEBROOK, C.B., D.Sc., F.R.S., Director of the National Physical Laboratory, Mr. LEON GASTER, . Professor FRANCIS GOTCH, D.Sc., F.R.S., Mr. J. HERBERT PARSONS, M.B., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., Mr. W. C. D. WHETHAM, F.R.S., Sir ARTHUR WHITELEGGE, K.C.B., Chief Inspector of Factories, to be a Committee to inquire and report as to the conditions necessary for the adequate and suitable lighting (natural and artificial) of factories and workshops, having regard to the nature of the work carried on, the protection of the eyesight of the persons employed, and the various forms of illumination; * And I further appoint Dr. Glazebrook to be Chairman of the Committee, and Mr. D. R. Wilson, one of H.M. Inspectors of Factories, and Mr. C. C. Paterson, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.C.E., of the National Physical Laboratory, to be Secretaries to the Committee. - - R. McKENNA. Home Office, • - 17th January 1913. I hereby appoint Professor C. S. Sherrington, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., to be an additional Member of the Departmental Committee on the Lighting in Factories and Workshops. - - R. McKENNA. Home Office, 29th May 1913. DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND. WORKSHOPS. R. E. P. O. R. T. To THE RIGHT HONOURABLE REGINALD McKENNA, M.P., SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. SIR, London, May, 1915. WE have the honour to present the following First Report on the Lighting of Factories and Workshops. - - w The Committee met for the first time in London on the 11th February 1913. Since then 38 meetings have been held. In view of the wide ground covered by the terms of reference, it was thought desirable to limit the inquiry in the first instance as far as possible to the textile, engineering, and clothing trades, certain general principles, common to all trades, however, being also taken into consideration. These industries were chosen as being the largest from the point of view of the number of persons employed" and also as affording great diversity in character and requirements. With deep regret we have to record the death at an early stage of our pro- ceedings of our colleague, Professor Francis Gotch, D.Sc., F.R.S. His intimate special knowledge of the physiological aspect of the questions referred to us would have been of the greatest value to us, and we would take this opportunity of acknowledging the very serious loss to the Committee entailed by his death. Professor C. S. Sherrington, D.Sc., F.R.S., was subsequently appointed by you to fill the vacancy. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION. 1. WITNESSES.—The witnesses called and examined by us numbered 50 in all, and included the following:— (a) Official:— 5 of H.M. Inspectors of Factories. 1 Medical Officer of Health. 1 Factory Certifying Surgeon. (b) Professional, technical and scientific :— 6 Illuminating Engineering Experts. 5 representatives of Professional and Scientific Societies. 6 Architects and Surveyors. N 3 Medical Experts. (c) Representatives of trade associations — 11 witnesses representing Employers. 9 witnesses representing Operatives. A full list of the witnesses appears in Appendix I. 2. AssISTANCE FROM TRADE ASSOCIATIONS.—A circular letter (Appendix III.) was sent out to 79 associations (33 representing the employers and 46 the operatives), explaining the objects of our Inquiry and asking for evidence and other assistance. To this invitation 31 replies were received (10 from employers' and 13 from operatives' associations), in most of which information was given, and the evidence, to which reference has already been made, was tendered. An attempt has been made to summarise and classify the evidence received from witnesses, and the summary will be found, together with the usual verbatim record, in the Minutes of Evidence. º We desire to acknowledge the great assistance thus afforded, without which inquiry into the matters referred to us would not have been possible. º, 3. AssistANCE FROM H.M. INSPECTORS OF FACTORIES.–In addition to the evidence received from H.M. Inspectors of Factories who appeared as witnesses, specific questions were addressed in writing to the whole staff, and much valuable information was derived from their replies, which will be found summarised in Appendix V. * See Appendix IV. a 30030 A 3 iii DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND workSHOPS: 4. AssistANCE FROM PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES.--We are indebted to the following societies for their assistance in nominating witnesses at Our request:— - The Illuminating Engineering Society. The Institution of Electrical Engineers. – The Institution of Gas Engineers. The Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. The Royal Society of Medicine. The Royal College of Surgeons. The Royal Institute of British Architects. The Surveyors' Institution. 5. VISITs of INSPECTION.—With the object of seeing both natural and artificial lighting conditions, several tours through industrial parts of the country were undertaken during the winter. The chief centres visited were London, Glasgow, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, and Belfast. It had been our intention to include in these tours visits to Birmingham and Cardiff, but the time available proved to be inadequate, and we were compelled to postpone them. The works inspected were confined in the main to the three industries already mentioned, and numbered 86 in all. We would take this opportunity of acknowledging the assistance and courtesy universally accorded us. A full list appears in Appendix II. 6. ExPERIMENTAL WORK.—(a) Measurements in Factories.—At the outset of the investigation it was thought desirable to obtain data of the lighting conditions (both natural and artificial) existing in factories at the present time. Arrangements were made accordingly for taking a large number of measurements in representative factories and workshops, chiefly in the three industries already mentioned. As a rule, these measurements were made previously to the tours of inspection referred to under (5), so that on the occasions of many of the visits, definite facts were available as to the illumination of the factories inspected. . In the course of the investigation about 4,000 measurements were made in 163 rooms of 57 factories by Mr. J. W. T. Walsh, B.Sc., of the National Physical Laboratory, and Mr. G. F. Sedgwick, H.M. Inspectors' Assistant. The full data collected are published separately", together with particulars as to the dimensions of the various rooms, the size of windows, and the number and nature of the light sources installed. The rooms are grouped according to the nature of the work carried on in them, and each such group is preceded by a short memorandum summarising the results and emphasising any features of special moment. The notes made by the Committee when visiting each room on the tour of inspection are given with the records for that room. A complete summary of the results of observations, together with a general discussion of the principles which have been followed in making and recording the measurements, is appended to this Report.” (b) Measurements at the National Physical Laboratory.—In order to carry out observations under conditions which could be controlled with ease and precision, arrangements were made for a room to be prepared for the use of the Committee at the National Physical laboratory. In this the nature of the lighting could be changed and the degree of illumination varied at will. Besides experiments in which the members of the Committee themselves took part, tests were made in this room with workpeople, in Order to ascertain what illumination is required for various processes in the clothing industry. Details of this room and an account of experiments made in it are given in Appendix XIV. EXPLANATION OF TECHNICAL TERMS. A surface appears to the eye to be illuminated because of its capacity for reflecting and diffusing light which reaches it by radiation from the various sources in its neighbourhood. Such sources may be artificial (e.g., gas lamps) or natural (e.g., white clouds or the sun). - A clear distinction must be drawn between illumination and surface brightness. Briefly expressed, illumination is measured by the amount of light received on the surface of an object from surrounding sources, while surface brightness is measured by the amount of light returned from the surface. In the case of non-luminous bodies | Results of Observations of Illumination in Factories (Stationery Office Publication). * Appendix XV. REPORT. - iv. the surface brightness is always less than the illumination, for no surface returns again all the light which falls on it. If we have three different surfaces, each exposed to its own light source, we can adjust the sources to give equal illumination at each surface. The surfaces will not generally look equally bright, for the amount of light each returns to the eye of the observer will differ; in other words, each has a different surface brightness. On the other hand, we can adjust the sources so that all three surfaces look equally bright, and each will then have the same surface brightness; in this case the illumination at each surface will be different. White cardboard . returns nearly all the light falling on it, so that under a high illumination it will have a high surface brightness; a black floor or foundry sand returns only a small percentage of the incident light, and under similar conditions its surface brightness will be low. . ... 1. ILLUMINATION.—The illumination at any surface is proportional to the amount of light incident on it, and when we speak of the “Illumination ” at a point of a surface we mean the amount of light which falls on a unit of area of the surface adjacent to the point. This can readily be measured by means of illumination photometers, of which there are several portable types at the present time." The illumination at a surface depends not merely on the strength or candle- power of the source of light to which the illumination is due, but also on the distance Of the source from the surface. Thus, apart from reflection from surrounding bodies, a light-source of one candle placed at a distance of two feet from a surface produces at that surface only one-fourth of the illumination it would give if the distance Were reduced to One foot. Again, the amount of light from a given source which falls on any portion of a surface depends both on the distance of the surface from the source and on the angle at, which the light rays strike the surface. If the part of the surface considered is placed at right angles to the direction of the light, a maximum number of rays will meet it, and its illumination, therefore, will be greater than if placed in any other position so that the light rays strike it obliquely. Hence in the consideration of the illumination in any room it is not correct, as has sometimes been the practice, to take as a criterion the total candle-power of the sources of light, or the candle-power per square foot of floor area or per cubic foot of total volume, for all such methods leave out of account the effect of the distance of the light sources from the benches or floors which require to be illuminated. We consider, therefore, that the only rational criterion of the adequacy of the lighting is the actual illumination at the place, for instance, where work is being carried out, or in the case of gangways and passages, at the floors over which people are liable to pass. - The now accepted unit of illumination in this country is the “foot-candle.” One foot-candle may be defined as the illumination produced by a light source of One standard candle at a point of a surface one foot from the source and so placed that the light rays from the source strike the surface at right angles. Thus if a source of One candle be placed at a height of one foot above a horizontal table, the illumination at the point on the table vertically below the source is one foot-candle. Similarly, with a source of 50 candles at a distance of one foot, the illumination is 50 foot-candles, while if the distance is increased to 10 feet, since the illumination is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source, the illumination at the point on the table vertically below the lamp will be 50/100, or 0. 5 foot-candle. If the point on the table is not vertically below the source, the obliquity at which the light is incident must be taken into account, and the calculation is less simple, but the illumination can still be expressed in foot-candles. As already mentioned, however, illumination can always be measured directly by means of suitable instruments without recourse to calculation. 2. SURFACE BRIGHTNESS.—We see a body by means of the light which reaches the eye from its surface. If the surface is self-luminous, the light is due to the body itself, and the apparent brightness of the body depends on the intensity of the actions to which the luminosity is due. This is the case in a gas flame or in the filament of * Appendix XVII. The accuracy with which illumination measurements can be made with properly constructed and calibrated portable photometers is of the order of plus or minus 5 per cent. An allowance of plus or minus 10 per cent. should afford a sufficient margin to cover the instrumental errors of such apparatus. -. * The “foot-candle” is the unit generally employed in this country. On the continent of Europe the “meter-candle,” with a value roughly of one-tenth of a foot-candle, is used almost exclusively. A 4 ‘V DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND worksHoPs : an electric lamp. If the body is not self-luminous, its brightness depends on the nature and colour of its surface and on the amount of light falling on it. The light by which an observer sees the body comes from the source which is illuminating the body and is reflected by the body to the observer. Some portion of the light is reflected regularly according to the laws of reflection, and its amount depends on the angle at which the incident light falls on the body, but unless the surface of the body is polished, the larger portion of the light is diffused by the surface, being reflected in all directions, and it is with this diffused light that we are mainly concerned in the case of vision. The amount of light reaching the eye from a given area of an illuminated surface depends upon the nature of the surface, the angle at which it is viewed, and the amount and direction of incidence of the light by which it is illuminated. We may imagine the luminosity of the surface to be due to a number of sources of light, each of definite candle power, so distributed Over the surface as to secure that the proper amount of light travels in the direction in question from each unit of area. We may thus measure surface brightness in candles per unit area. Again, the apparent size of any portion of a surface depends on the angle at which it is viewed. In estimating the relative brightness of different parts of the surface, the eye does not compare the amounts of light coming from equal areas, but the amounts which come from areas which appear equal—from areas, that is to say, whose projections at right angles to the line of vision are equal. It is convenient, therefore, to define brightness with reference to these projected areas, and to say that the amount of light travelling in a given direction from an area of the surface whose projection at right angles to the line of vision is unity, measures the surface brightness estimated in that direction. The quantity of light returned from any surface depends, as already stated, on various conditions. An ideally white surface is one that returns all the light falling On it. The brightness of such a surface would be numerically equal to its illumination, which is measured in foot-candles. Thus surface brightness, like illumination, may be expressed in foot-candles, and is then measured by the illumination at an ideally white surface just matching in brightness the surface under consideration. In the estimation of the illumination requisite for any given work, the nature of the surface on which the work is being done is, therefore, an important factor. A surface appears coloured when it returns some rays of the spectrum more copiously than others. Thus a red surface is one which absorbs most of the rays except the red, and allows a preponderance of the latter to reach the eye. Such a surface behaves very differently to red and to blue light, but the distinction between illumination and surface brightness still remains. - 3. GLARE.--The term “glare’ is often used to indicate the serious effects on the eye of an intensely incandescent body, such as the sun or molten metal, but is now very generally applied to a class of phenomena in which light from bright sources or objects enters the eye in such a manner as to cause annoyance, headache, and other trouble, and often, eventually, diminished ability to see. The word “glare’’ is used to cover any of the following phenomena:- (1) The effect of looking directly at a bright source of light, such as an arc lamp, so that the observer is for the time being prevented from seeing other objects properly. He is temporarily dazzled and his vision is impaired for a short period after the light has ceased to enter his eyes. (2) The effect which is produced by the presence of one or more bright sources of light towards the edge of the field of vision so that the rays enter the eye obliquely from them. An observer may never look directly at such sources of light, but he is nevertheless troubled by their presence near to the object at which he is looking. This is the commonest form of glare. Both the above forms of glare (1) and (2) are directly attributable to the presence of unshaded sources of light. (3) The effect which is produced when the surface of cloth, metal, paper, or other material being worked upon is shiny or polished, and reflects light directly from some source into the eyes of the worker. Many satin cloths, for instance, have a “sheen. ” or a power of regular reflection of light which causes work with such materials to be very trying unless the worker is so placed with reference to the source of light that none of the rays can be directly reflected from the material into his eyes. 4., “FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE" CURVES.–It is convenient to employ a graphic method of setting forth the results of observations of illumination in factories to show what are the most general illuminations at present prevailing in any class of factories or processes. Curves may be drawn to represent the frequency of occurrence of different values of illumination. Such curves have the advantage of being in some REPORT. - • vi degree an indication of the actual conditions which experience has shown to be necessary. In the case of foundries, for instance, there will be some rooms where the illumination attained is very high, and others where it is exceptionally low, but the question then arises how do they tend to group themselves between these extremes 2 To investigate this we arrange the observations in groups, each group containing all those falling within certain selected limits. Then by taking a horizontal scale to represent illumination, and a vertical one to represent the number of observations in each group, we can plot on the diagram a number of points which in most cases lie on a fairly smooth curve. The area of a portion of this curve bounded by two vertical lines or ordinates drawn to correspond with any two illuminations will represent the number of observations of illumination lying between these two limiting values, and the curve thus indicates the manner in which the illuminations observed are distributed among the places examined. One ordinate can be drawn to divide the curve into two equal areas, and the observation points into two corresponding groups. The number of observation points in each group is the same. In the one group of factories each observation point has an illumination less than that corresponding to this ordinate, in the other, greater. The point from which this ordinate is drawn is denoted the mid-point of the curve, and it is to this mid-point we wish to draw attention. The general shape of the curve should also be noticed. If a curve slopes gradually from its maximum ordinate towards the right, the number of factories having a higher illumination than that most commonly found is considerable ; if on the other hand it falls sharply away, the illumination found in the larger number of factories is seldom exceeded. Further details are given in Appendix XV. 5. DAYLIGHT FACTOR.—If it were possible to remove the walls and roof of a building and so allow the full amount of light from an unobstructed sky to reach a given point, the illumination there would have a very much enhanced value. The ratio of the actual value of the illumination to this enhanced value, expressed as a percentage, is termed the daylight factor, and is a measure of the lighting efficiency of the building at the point under consideration. Compared with the variations of the outside illumination, the daylight factor may be regarded as roughly constant for any point in a factory, and mainly depends on the window area which is effective in admitting light to the point in question. The term is fully discussed in Appendix XV. FACTORS IN GOOD LIGHTING. The first requisite for good lighting is that it should be adequate." In addition to this it must be suitable for the purpose for which it is required. We may summarise the factors which contribute to a good system, thus:— (1) Adequacy. - (2) A reasonable degree of constancy and uniformity of illumination Over the necessary area of work.” - (3) The placing or shading of sources so that the light from them does not fall directly on the eye of an operative when engaged in his work, or when looking horizontally across the workroom.” (4) The placing of lights so as to avoid the casting of extraneous shadows on the work.4 * All these factors are undoubtedly of great importance, and we are of Opinion that they should receive special attention in the design of lighting installations. We think, however, that attention must be directed in the first place to the adequacy of the illumination in factories and workshops, and both the measurements which have been made in factories and the recommendations put forward in this Report are concerned almost entirely with this aspect of the matter. EXISTING REQUIREMENTS AS TO LIGHTING. A.—STATUTORY. For the United Kingdom no general provisions in respect of lighting (analogous to those regarding temperature and ventilation) occur in the Factory Acts. The Only reference to the subject is found in the Factory Act of 1901, section 101 (4), which 1 Throughout this Report the words adequate and adequacy are used in their quantitative sense, that is, . they refer only to the amount of illumination. * * Minutes of Evidence (Ritchie), qq. 1190–3. - 3 Ibid. (Wheat), 226–235; (Stokes), qq. 698–9; (Trotter), qq. 835–6; (Harrison), qq. 1006, 1050; (Mackinney), qq. 1068–70 : (Thorp), qq. 1050–1 ; (Edridge-Green), qq. 21.17–8; (Cross), qq. 2598–9 ; (Smalley), qq. 1995–2000. - - 4 Ibid. (Williams), q. 449; (Hine), qq. 887–93; (Wilson), qq. 1143–5; (Clark), qq. 201, 210–4; (Wheat), qq. 243-4; (Whyte), q. 2761 : (Carr), q. 1754; (Hartshorn), qq. 2251–3. - vii DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON TIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : specifies “adequate lighting ” amongst the conditions as to which a local authority must be satisfied before an underground bakehouse is certified as suitable for use. Under section 79 of the Act of 1901, the Secretary of State has power to make regulations for certain trades certified by him to be dangerous. These regulations, after conforming to a certain procedure, eventually attain the force of statutory enactments. Some 20 codes of regulations exist, and of these five (namely, those relating to— - Docks, - Use of locomotives, &c., on premises under the Factory Acts, Vitreous enamelling of metal and glass, Generation, &c., of electrical energy, and Manufacture and decoration of pottery), - contain provisions requiring adequate lighting in general terms for certain processes. Finally, adequate lighting is required in two Special Orders made by the Secretary of State (namely, those relating to Fruit Preserving and to Sanitary Accommodation). - The different requirements referred to are given in full in Appendix VII. In order to obtain information as to the position in foreign countries, inquiry was made through the Foreign Office as to the requirements in force in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and the United States of America. The replies received are summarised in Appendix VIII. It will be seen that adequate lighting in general terms is required in the codes of all the European countries mentioned, and in most of those of the United States, either by legislation or by statutory regulations. For local lighting in certain trades definite standards are prescribed in Holland only, whilst a provision against excessive glare is found in the Belgian code. Since these inquiries were made, it has been brought to our notice that a provision, giving the Inspector power to require adequate lighting in factories, exists in the Indian Factory Act of 1911, and that a definite standard for the general lighting of factories is now in force in New South Wales. In the course of the evidence given before us, attention has been called to two existing requirements which, though not directly concerned with lighting, have On Occasions led to some difficulty in regard to admission of adequate daylight to factory premises. - + The London Building Act of 1894, and also the building regulations of many provincial authorities, limit the amount of window space in laterally lighted rooms to one half of the total wall space. It has been represented to us that this unnecessarily interferes with the natural lighting of the building,” and in one instance we were informed that the wall space was actually artificially increased by the addition of a parapet in Order that a larger window area might be available.” t The other requirement which has led to some difficulty in administration occurs i. the regulations for cotton cloth factories, in which it is provided (Regulation 8) that— - In every humid shed and in every dry shed the whole of the outside of the roof (windows ereepted) and the inside surface of the glass of the roof-windows shall be whitewashed every year before the 31st May, and the whitewash shall be effectively maintained till the 15th of September. Provided that the above requirements of this Regulation, so far as regards roof-windows, nay be suspended by certificate in writing from the Inspector of the District, if it is shown to his satis- faction that the roof-windows are so placed, or are so shaded by adjacent buildings, that the direct rays of the sun can never impinge upon them at any time during any day; which certificate shall be Åept attached to the General Register. - e º ! ~~4 ---|-- e ſº gº & It has been brought to our notice' that whilst the proviso is obviously intended to cover instances where, the whitewashing of the windows might involve seriously decreased illumination, there are causes other than the presence of adjacent buildings (such as the existence of heavy harness on the looms), owing to which light is already obstructed to such an extent that any further loss due to whitewashing would lead to the use of artificial lighting during the summer months. In many instances, also, difficulty has arisen in the weaving of very dark-coloured materials, which, even in summer, requires all available illumination on dark days. smººt * *- * 57 and 58 Vict., ch. ccxiii, s. 54. * Minutes of Evidence (Siemens), q. 1290 ; (Owen), q. 3371 ; (Dewrance), qq. 3123.5. * Ibid (Dewrance) q. 3132. * Ibud (Bellhouse) qq. 88–95; (Taylor) qq. 1521–7. REPORT. - viii These questions are outside our terms of reference, but we direct attention to them in the hope that the authorities responsible for the administration of them may take these points into consideration. B.—OFFICIAL. . The regulations issued by the Board of Education relating to the construction of primary and Secondary school-buildings prescribe amongst other things adequate window space (one-fifth of the floor area for class rooms), suitably placed windows, and light coloured walls." Similar and, in some instances, more detailed requirements are in force in most of the foreign countries of which inquiry has been made.” The construction of workhouses and other buildings under the control of the Local Government Board is subject to special instructions issued by the Board, in which adequate window space is one of the points to which attention is drawn. The building byelaws adopted by many local authorities, though not specifically mentioning the question of lighting, often require that in new buildings every habitable room shall have at least one window, and that the total window area shall amount to at least one-tenth of the floor area. . Finally, section 17 (7) of the Housing, Town Planning, &c., Act of 1909, empowers local authorities to make regulations for underground rooms habitually used as sleeping-places. A draft of such regulations, which is now issued to local authorities for consideration, contains, we are informed, specific references to the lighting of such rooms, requiring a window area of at least one-eighth of the floor area, and defining the amount of permissible obstruction of the windows. PRESENT LIGHTING OF FACTORIES. A.—NATURAL LIGHTING. The natural lighting of buildings may be derived either from the roof (roof or top lighting), or from side windows (lateral lighting), or from both combined. Roof lighting is obviously only available either in single storied buildings or on the top floor of a block. It is the method commonly adopted where land is not a serious consideration, or where the very heavy nature of the work carried on precludes the erection of a second storey (as in large engineering works), or where uniform and strong illumination is essential (as in weaving sheds). It varies in degree from a few Small skylights (as in some of the letterpress printing works and small tailors' workshops visited) to the “saw-tooth '' type of roof almost universal in weaving sheds. In some modern shops of large engineering works the whole of the roof and a large part of the walls as well are often constructed of glass in steel frames. With a good system of roof lighting the illumination is very uniform, and may vary from 2 to 10 per cent. of the outside unobstructed illumination. - - . The large extent of glass surface sometimes makes it difficult to maintain an equable temperature, and whitewashing the glass to keep out the direct rays of the sun is largely practised in summer, whilst extra means of heating are provided for use in winter. º Lateral lighting is found in buildings of two or more stories, and the most typical instances of its use are to be seen in cotton spinning mills. Here the illumination is less important than in weaving, and the yarns being in the vertical position, the work is well adapted for light coming from a horizontal direction. In most trades, however, the working plane is horizontal, and lateral lighting must be considered inferior to top lighting. | In modern factories dependent mainly on lateral lighting, a large part of the wall surface (amounting in the case of the newest methods of construction to 60 per cent.) is occupied by windows, but it is evident that there is a limit in the width of room (for a given height) beyond which the illumination falls below what can be considered adequate.” * * The want of uniformity is a further drawback to this method of lighting. Parts of the room near to the windows may be very well lighted, while the interior of the room may need permanent artificial illumination. 1 Appendix VII. & * Appendix VIII. * Minutes of Evidence (Solomon), q. 3261. ix DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: B.—ARTIFICIAL TIGHTING. The conditions of artificial lighting vary so much according to the nature of the work that it is impossible to give here more than a very general statement. It is agreed on all sides' that the artificial lighting of factories and workshops has greatly improved during recent years, and in the case of the more progressive firms, by whom the increase in efficiency due to better lighting conditions is recognised, usually leaves little or nothing to be desired. Generally speaking, it may be said that in well-equipped factories good lighting is provided where it is required for the actual process of manufacture. Complaints have, however, been made of inadequate illumination in some trades where fine work is carried on (drawing-in and twisting,” tailoring, and sewing,” and lace-making"). Instances have also been brought to our notice, both on visits to works and in evidence, where glare and shadows result from the unsuitable placing of the light sources. Insufficient illumination is more commonly met with in the general lighting of premises, or in the lighting intended to serve for gangways, passages, &c. (as in foundries,” stairways and passages in cotton mills,”) and we are of opinion that the conditions in many of these places are capable of much improvement. - * For sources of light, incandescent gas and electric light are now far the most widely used, though mercurial vapour and other lamps are occasionally found, and in isolated districts oil or petrol air gas installations are often adopted. CAUSES OF UNSATISFACTORY ILLUMINATION. A.—NATURAL LIGHTING. While our inquiry has shown that there has been a general advance in matters of illumination, many instances of work-rooms with poor natural lighting have been brought to our notice, both by personal inspection and by the evidence of witnesses. . The reasons may be classified under a few headings, and it is worthy of remark that some of these may be remedied without much difficulty. 1. Old and Unsuitable Buildings.--In striking contrast with most modern factories, which are usually excellently lighted, many instances have been noticed of unsuitable buildings, originally intended for dwelling-houses or for some other purpose, used as factories and workshops. In these the window area is generally deficient, and the windows are not carried up to the ceiling. Similar considerations often apply to old and out-of-date factory premises. - - Underground workrooms, again, are frequently poorly lighted, and in some instances are subject to the continuous use of artificial illuminants. No legislative restriction appears to be placed on the use of these premises for industrial purposes however unsuitable they may be, with the single exception of underground bakehouses (Factory Act, 1901, s. 101 (4)). The whole question is referred to again later (p. x.). 2. Obstruction of Light.—Obstruction of light may be either external or internal. The former is generally due to the near presence of another building, and can be rectified to some extent if the obstructing surface be whitewashed or by the adoption of special reflectors and glass. Amongst the internal causes is the temporary storage of materials or finished articles near the windows, particularly in laterally lighted rooms in which bulky articles, such as boxes, are made, or in which packing is done. In some cases much could be done to improve the lighting by storing the articles in such a way as to keep the windows as clear as possible. In top lighted rooms obstruction may arise from high machines, and is always present in weaving sheds containing Jacquard looms. 3. Dirty Windows.-These are a very common cause of insufficient illumination. By many firms this is fully recognised, and arrangements are made for periodical cleaning. It will be seen that recommendations are made on this point (p. xviii.) 4. Dirty Walls and Ceilings.-These are frequently noticeable in foundries and other factories where the nature of the work involves the production of smoke or dust. Owing to the decrease in reflecting power, light is needlessly lost, and this * Minutes of Evidence (Bellhouse), q. 485 (Williams), qq. 451-3 ; (Squire), g. 601 ; (Wheat), qq. 222–4; (Stokes), q. 660; (Harrison), q. 1038 : (Thorp), qq. 1415, 1487; (Gass), qq. 2951–4 : (Solomon), qq. 3325–7 : (Owen), qq. 3377, 3401 : (Symonds), g. 1689; (Hughes), q. 1918; (Allen), q. 2304; (Shaw), q. 1535. * Ibid. (Bellhouse), qq. 61-70; (Robinson), qq. 1619–20. * Ibid. (Squire), qq. 566–80; (Trebateoff'), qq. 1377–81 ; (tailors), q.7. 3073, &c. * Ibid. (Wardle), qq. 22.12–2222. . " Ibid. (Bellhouse), q. 115; (Hutchison), qq. 1648, 1669–71; (Lockyear), q. 2160. * Ibid. (Bellhouse), q. 30 ; (Taylor), q. 1515. REPORT. . x effect is especially marked in factories lighted from saw-tooth roofs, where much of the light entering the windows is reflected from the sloping ceiling down on to the work. The effect of light coloured walls and white ceilings on the general brightness of the room and in affording an effective background to dark objects is often overlooked, and we desire therefore to direct special attention to this means of increasing the illumination in workrooms at a minimum of expense. It will be seen that some of the causes mentioned above, namely (1) and to some extent (2), which are especially noticeable in large towns where space is limited, cannot be entirely removed without very drastic measures. The remaining causes of unsatisfactory lighting could, however, be remedied without difficulty. If daylight is insufficient, it can be supplemented by artificial light, although it has been suggested that a mixture of the two is less satisfactory than either alone. There is, however, the question of the hygienic importance of daylight as distinguished from artificial light. In some minor branches of industry, for instance in the manufacture and use of photographic materials, daylight has to be excluded altogether, and in mining it is unattainable. It is, however, not uncommon to find artificial light used continuously in workrooms to which these reasons do not apply, and the chief causes for this have been already stated (p. ix). We have failed to obtain any definite evidence of direct injury to health resulting from such conditions, and on the contrary statistics have been produced tending to show that in one large factory the sickness rate was actually lower in a room in which artificial light is nearly always needed, than in another room well supplied with daylight, in which similar work was carried on by persons of practically the same age and sex distribution. Nevertheless, we have found substantial consensus of Opinion among witnesses of all classes, that conditions involving the continuous use of artificial light are unnatural and entail greater strain on the workers. In this view we concur. - The question is however very complex. Where there is external obstruction, the amount of daylight admitted diminishes (with equal window space) on each storey as we descend, and is therefore at a minimum in basement rooms. If the excavated area which such a room faces is so narrow as to reduce further the angle at which the sky is visible, there is additional interference with daylight illumination, just as there would be in a ground-floor room obstructed by a boundary wall of corresponding height and nearness; but if the area be wide, there is not necessarily much more difference, so far as adequacy of daylight is concerned, between the basement and the ground floor than between the ground floor and the first floor. There are, of course, other considerations, hardly within our province, to be taken into account with regard to basement rooms. - It has to be remembered that a room originally well supplied with daylight may subsequently be darkened by conditions beyond the owner's or Occupier's control, for instance the erection of obstructive buildings opposite to it, and, further, that the distribution of daylight in different parts of a given room is dependent not only on position in relation to the window, but also upon internal obstruction by machinery, &c. On the other hand, there are many devices by which additional daylight may be secured, and in overshadowed rooms the fullest use ought to be made of these, thus:— - - (1) The windows should be of adequate size and extend to as near the ceiling as practicable. (2) They should be kept clean, and free from unnecessary obstruction within. (3) Vertical light can be deflected into the room by means of reflectors or prismatic glass. (4) It may be possible to whiten the surface of an external wall or building which obstructs the light. - (5) The inside walls and ceiling should be white or nearly white. (6) The positions of the permanent working points should be so adjusted in relation to the windows and to internal obstructions of whatever kind as to secure as far as practicable adequate daylight for each. It is obvious that the greater the fraction of outside light admitted, the later will artificial light be required in the evening and the earlier will it be dispensed with in the morning. Some indication as to the effect on lighting up time of the standard proposed for workroom floors can be deduced from the data given in the Appendices. For instance, from Appendix XV., curve C of Fig. 1, or line 3 of Table 1, it will xi DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: be seen that for the floors of factories with roof-lighting the mid-point corresponds with a daylight factor of approximately 2 per cent. Now the statement that a room has a daylight factor of 2 per cent. means that its illumination is 2 per cent. of that outside the factory (see p. vi.), Hence if the illumination inside the room is not to be less than 0° 5 foot-candle, artificial light must be put on, when the illumination outside is not less than 25 foot-candles. By reference to Appendix XVI., it will be seen that on the average there is an illumination of 25 foot-candles at sunrise and Sunset, and these, therefore, represent the proper daylight limits for such a room, so far as the “general ” illumination at the point in question is concerned. There are no easy means of solving the question what is the minimum amount of daylight in which operatives should be allowed to work continuously. The ordinary conventions, in terms of the ratio of window area to floor space, fail to take all the conditions into account ; and in view of the inconstancy of the intensity of daylight, a standard, in terms of foot-candles, would be unsuitable. It appears possible that the use of the “ daylight factor’’ explained on page vi may help in meeting the difficulty of determining upon a standard, but we desire to reserve the consideration of this point for a future Report. B.--ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING. For artificial lighting also, the chief causes of unsatisfactory illumination may be classified under a few headings. 1. The Provision of too few or too weak Light Sources.—This has been noticed on some occasions, chiefly in the general lighting of large engineering works, foundries, gangways and passages. Other instances where the illumination should be increased by the supply of additional light sources have been brought to our notice in regard to tailoring," drawing-in and twisting,” lace-making,” and hosiery-making.4 2. Antiquated Methods of Lighting.—As a rule the methods of lighting adopted, (such as flame arcs, inverted incandescent and high-pressure gas, and metal filament electric lamps), are modern and efficient, but instances are still found of the use of antiquated systems which can only be justified in special circumstances. In some engineering processes, for instance (e.g., work on boring machines and power hammers), gas jets are still commonly employed on account of the rough usage to which the local light sources are necessarily subject, but apart from these special instances they are objectionable in many ways; they vitiate the air to an unnecessary extent, are liable to flicker, and are so uneconomical that the small capital outlay required to replace them by a modern System is rapidly repaid by the greater efficiency and diminution in the running expenses. - 3. Inadequate Supply.—Complaints have been received of inadequate illumination caused by the diminished pressure in the gas mains during the period of maximum consumption,” and, where the electrical energy is generated on the premises, by the installation of a dynamo or engine of insufficient output." 4. Neglect of Upkeep.–Considerable loss of light may result from deterioration of gas mantles and filament lamps and from the deposition of dust. Systematic attention to the light sources, therefore, is always necessary in order to obtain maximum efficiency. w . * 5. Inside Obstruction.—This is less noticeable in artificial than in natural lighting, since in the former there is wider choice in the placing of the light sources. It may occur, however, in factories, where large and complicated machines (such as Jacquard looms") are used, or where the sources are situated over a travelling crane or other obstruction, as in Some foundries”. Some cranes have affixed to their under surface lamps which travel with them, and considerable improvement would result, if this method could be adopted more generally, 6. Shadows and placing of Lights.-Loss of light frequently arises from the sources being so placed as to cause a shadow to be thrown on the work. This may be that of the worker himself” or of some part of the machine (as in machine sewing"), or of the material being worked upon (as in bootmaking" and tailoring”). * Minutes of Evidence (Trebateoff'), qq. 1344–7; (Working tailors), q. 3078. * Ibid. (Robinson), qq. 1604, 1625–8. * Ibid (Wardle), qq. 2191–9. 4 Ibid. (Hartshorn), qq. 2251–4. * Ibid. (Squire), q. 588; (Taylor), qq. 1516–9; (Robinson), q. 1619. - * Ibid. (Hutchison), q. 1649; (Wardle), q. 2213. 7 Ibid. (Shaw), q. 1553. 8 Ibid. (Williams), q. 449; (Wilson), q. 1145. * Ibid. (Hine), qq. 887–93; (Clark), q. 201; (Hartshorn), qq. 2251-3 : (Thorpe), qq. 3636–7. " Ibid. (Whyte), q. 2761. 11 Ibid. (Whyte), qq. 2719–22. - * Ibid. (Trebateoff'), q. 1401. REPORT. - xii. EFFECTS OF UNSATISFACTORY ILLUMINATION. 1. Accidents.-The connection between lighting and incidence of accidents has been investigated statistically, by means of a special return of all reported accidents for 1913 and part of 1914, in which the number of accidents occurring each month from different causes are separately tabulated according to industry. The full results are given in Appendix TX., from which it appears that in respect of accidents due to “ persons falling” (a cause which would seem to be specially dependent on lighting conditions), the percentage to total accidents is higher during the period of the year when artificial lighting is used than in the summer months. Further, by the use of certain assumptions, it has been possible to calculate the probable accident rate per hour separately for artificial and natural lighting. The results indicate that for most industries the former is far higher than the latter, in some cases to the extent of about 40 per cent. Strictly speaking, these statistics only allow of a comparison between daylight and artificial light and not between good and bad lighting of the same kind, but inasmuch as natural lighting may be considered superior to artificial, so far at any rate as regards liability to accident, it may be inferred that the same relationship would hold between any methods of good and bad lighting. - Further confirmation of the greater risk of accident during night was given in the evidence of several witnesses. Thus, it was pointed out that the number of accidents occurring in shipbuilding yards at night is quite Out of proportion to the Small number of men employed'. Instances of accidents due to bad lighting conditions were also given for foundries”, iron and steel works”, lace factories," and cotton mills.” In order to discover whether the connection between accident risk and lighting conditions is generally recognised, inquiry was made of the Accidents Offices Association, which embraces most of the Insurance Companies interested in Workmen's Compensa- tion. In the reply of that Association it was stated that:— “(a) the rates of premium charged by its members are based upon the assumption “ that the lighting is normal; that if, upon survey, this is not found to “ be so, the Insuring Company would specify its requirements or deal “ with the case by rating; ” “ (b) the effect of deficient or bad lighting upon a risk is distinctly prejudicial “ in varying degrees from the accident point of view.” 2. Damage to EyeSight and Health.-Complaints as to eyestrain and headaches, attributed to insufficient light, are common. Numerous references are also made to discomfort and injury to the eyes caused by glare from light sources," but only in a few instances (in watchmaking" and bleaching”) are these specific in character. The unpleasant character of mixed natural and artificial light” has also been mentioned. The prevalence of the use of spectacles amongst workers engaged in certain processes (drawing-in and twisting", embroidery", brass wire weaving”, burling and mending”, and tailoring*) has been brought forward as an indication of the bad effects of these Occupations upon the eyes. Without thorough medical examination of the eyes of large numbers of the workpeople engaged in these occupations, and careful statistical correlation of the results, with due regard to age and other conditions, it is impossible to draw definite conclusions from the evidence tendered, though there can be little doubt that errors of refraction, &c., hitherto causing no discomfort, may, apart from questions of illumination, lead to serious disability when the individual is employed on work which makes great demands upon the eyesight. - - Special efforts have been made to obtain clear evidence of direct injury to the eyes owing to bad conditions of illumination, and inquiry On this point was addressed to the principal operative Associations concerned with fine work; the replies received (Appendix XIII.) are, however, either negative or indefinite. It is well known that serious injury accrues from exposure to very intense light, such as viewing an * Minutes of Evidence. (Wilson), q. 1117. 3 Ibid. (Hutchison), q. 1659. “Ibid. (Wilson), qq. 1143–4. * Ibid. (Wardle), 9.2200. * Ibid. (Heywood), q. 2796. * Ibid. (Clark and How), qq. 168–76; (Wheat), q. 226 ; (Stokes), qq. 698–9; (Trotter), qq. 828–33; (Edridge Green), qq. 2117–8. * Ibid. (Williams), qq. 526–33. * Ibid. (Smalley), qq. 1997–2000. * Ibid. (Squire), g. 621 ; (Waldram), q. 2466; (Cross), qq. 2614–8. % * Ibid. (Bellhouse), qq.6ſ–70; (Robinson), q. 1623. 11 Ibid. (Squire), q. 590. * Ibid. (Wilson), q0. 1163–7. 13 Ibid. (Hughes), qq. 1932–40. * Ibid. (Trebateoff), q. 1375; (Operative Tailor), qq. 3087–102. xiii DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: eclipse of the sun with unprotected eyes, exposure to the flash of a short-circuit, welding, glass-bottle making, and so on. We have had many general expressions of opinion that insufficient light and excess of light, especially when accompanied by glaring sources of light in the field of vision, are responsible for injury to the eyes. Whilst it is doubtless true that such unsatisfactory conditions lead to mental and physical strain, we have not received any concrete evidence of cases of actual disease of the eyes. We are indebted especially to Mr. F. Richardson Cross, F.R.C.S., representing the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal Society of Medicine, and the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, for his very exhaustive inquiries on behalf of the Committee amongst Ophthalmic surgeons on this aspect of the question. A summary of the results of his inquiries, which, however, afford little positive evidence, are given in Appendix XII. - - 3. Insanitary Conditions.—The absence of sufficient light is detrimental in that dirt is allowed to accumulate unnoticed." This aspect of good lighting is already recognised in regard to fruit preserving factories and underground bakehouses in which adequate illumination is required by law (Appendix VII.). 4. Diminished Output of Work.-The effect of improved lighting in increasing both the quantity and the quality of the work is generally admitted, and specific instances are quoted in the evidence. In One instance” the output was diminished 12 to 20 per cent. during the hours of artificial lighting, and in another” the earnings of the workers increased 11° 4 per cent. after the installation of a better system of lighting, and confirmatory evidence to that effect has been published in the United States of America.” - 5. Lack of Discipline.—Good lighting is essential for proper supervision and for the detection and prevention of idling.” Attention has also been directed by one witness to the opportunities for immorality afforded by unlighted or badly lighted yards, passages, and offices." RECOMMENDATIONS. In submitting our recommendations, we think it desirable briefly to review the circumstances which in our opinion justify us in the proposals we are about to make for the legal regulation of lighting in factories and workshops. From the evidence taken by us, it is apparent that there is a general consensus of opinion as to the economic and hygienic advantages of adequate and suitable lighting. In support of this we would refer to Part E. of the Summary of Evidence (Vol. 2 of this Report), from which it will be seen that H.M. Inspectors of Factories, the experts in illumination, and the representatives of the scientific societies and of the employers' and operatives' associations all agree as to the importance of good illumination and as to the growing recognition of the fact. That this opinion is based on experience is shown by the great improvement in industrial lighting which has taken place during recent years and is still continuing." In the designing of modern factories, good lighting (both natural and artificial) is now regarded as one of the most important factors contributing to industrial efficiency.” On the other hand, it must be admitted that many employers have lagged behind in the general advance. This applies especially to old factories, designed before the importance of illumination was generally recognised, and to small work- shops, of which the Occupiers perhaps hesitate to expend the capital necessary for improvement. - It is obvious that any requirement which would tend to bring such places up to the level of the more progressive firms would be beneficial, not only to the operative by improving his working conditions, but also to the employer himself by increasing his output. Light is a cheap commodity, and little or no hardship should result from such a requirement, if gradually and sympathetically enforced. Reference has been made already to the evil effects of unsatisfactory illumination. It has been shown (p. xii.) that there is evidence of a relationship between accident risk, and adequacy of lighting. Complaints as to damage to eyesight resulting from bad lighting conditions are general in character and specific instances of injury 1 Minutes of Evidence (Williams), q. 450. * Ibid. (Wilson), q. 991. * Ibid (Ritchie), qq. 2340–7. * Industrial Commission of Wisconsin ; Shop-lighting, 1st March 1914, pp, 6, 7. Compare also Journal of Society of Arts, 7th Feb. 1913, p. 310. * Minutes of Evidence (Owen) q. 3377. - * Ibid. (Squire), gq. 636–41. 7 Ibid. (Bellhouse), q. 53; (Williams), qq. 451–3; (Squire), q. 601. * Ibid. (Waldram), q. 2455 ; (Solomon), qq. 3243, 3251 ; (Owen), q. 3382; (Hartley) q. 3491; (Skull), q.3506–11; (Thorpe), q. 3604–5. REPORT. - xiv. are difficult to substantiate, but there is evidence of the existence of minor ailments and general impairment of efficiency which must eventually re-act on the health of the workers. - There can be no doubt that the degree of comfort in the working conditions is largely determined by the adequacy of the lighting. The visits paid to factories have enabled us to realise not only the contrast between the depressing effect of dark surroundings and the cheerfulness of a brightly illuminated workroom, but also the vast difference in the working lives of the operatives that must result from continual employment under the two conditions. This was made very clear during the experi- ments with workpeople carried out at the National Physical Laboratory", and also in the course of the observations in factories. Finally, the necessity of prescribing adequate lighting in factories and workshops has long been recognised abroad, and the industrial codes of all the principal countries contain provisions requiring it in general terms. As has been already stated, definite minimum standards for certain fine processes have been in force in Holland since 1895, and in accordance with the progress of all matters connected with illumination, the original values have recently (1911) been doubled. A minimum standard for general illumination, also, is in force in New South Wales.” Several witnesses, some of whom were opposed to the fixing of definite standards, agreed that the virtual omission of any reference to lighting in the British Factory Acts is a serious defect.” In view of these considerations, we feel justified in recommending that a require- ment in general terms for adequate and suitable lighting be applied to all factories and workshops. We are fully aware that until it is possible to define standards, difficulties may arise from time to time in the enforcement of the requirement. Many instances, however, have been brought to our notice, where, without the making of any measurements, it was obvious that the illumination was “inadequate,” and a general provision, such as that proposed, would seem to be essential for the improvement of such conditions. - Precedents for the making of such general provisions exist already in the Factory Acts for temperature (Factory Act of 1901, section 6):— (1) In every factory and workshop adequate measures must be taken for securing and maintaining a reasonable temperature in each room in which any person is employed; but the measures so taken must not interfere with the purity of the air of any room in which any person is employed. (2) The Secretary of State may, by special order, direct, with respect to any class of factories or workshops, that thermometers be provided, maintained, and kept in working order, in such place and position as may be specified in the order. and for ventilation (Ibid., section 7):— (1) In every room in any factory or workshop sufficient means of ventilation shall be provided, and sufficient ventilation shall be maintained. - (2) The Secretary of State may, by special order, prescribe a standard of sufficient ventilation for any class of factories or workshops, and that standard shall be observed in all factories and work- shops of that class In both of these sections, the requirements are expressed in general terms, and, in the case of ventilation, the Secretary of State is empowered to prescribe a definite standard for any class of factories or workshops. Now it is clear that in the case of lighting, while it is possible to make a statutory provision in general terms as to its suitability, it is impracticable to lay down in an Act definite standards as to the amount of illumination required for various classes or parts of factories or for the numerous processes carried on in them. The requirements applicable to each industry can only be determined after careful enquiry. It is necessary, therefore, if standards are to be established, to give to the Secretary of State power to prescribe these by Order, and we recommend that this be done. - It is realised that the analogy between temperature and ventilation on the one hand, and lighting on the other, is not quite complete. In the first place, temperature, and, to a less extent, ventilation can be expressed in terms, the significance of which is generally understood, and in any given instance “adequacy” or “inadequacy” can be defined by numerical values which are now generally accepted. In the case of lighting on the other hand the unit of illumination, the foot-candle, although fully established and of perfectly definite meaning, is an expression with which few are familiar, with the consequence that in many instances the criterion of adequacy at present consists merely of subjective impressions. - * Appendix XIV. - - 2 Full details of these requirements will be found in Appendix VIII. 3 Minutes of Evidence (Squire), q. 599; (Wilson), q. 1133; (Allen), q. 2303 : (Shaw), q. 1563. a 30030 B XV DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : Again, in the cases of temperature and ventilation, convection, and diffusion tend to bring about a condition of approximate uniformity throughout the room ; illumina: tion on the other hand has a characteristic value for each separate point and diversity must constantly exist in the illumination at the different points in the room. Broadly the illumination may be said to be adequate and suitable, provided that— (a) it is sufficient for the proper carrying out of the work both as regards quality and output, and - e tº (b) there are no lighting conditions, prejudicial to the health, comfort and safety of workers. - In order to satisfy these conditions the lighting should comply with the four requirements specified on page vi, namely:- - (1) Adequacy. º © . . . . (2) A reasonable degree of constancy and uniformity of illumination over the necessary area of work. - (3) The placing or shading of lamps so that the light from them does not fall directly on the eyes of an operator when engaged on his work, or when looking horizontally across the workroom. - - - (4) The placing of lights so as to avoid the casting of extraneous shadows on the work. . . - We are of opinion that the general statutory requirement of “adequate and suitable lighting” should include the observance of the last three conditions, in addition to the provision of an adequate amount of illumination, and that power should be given to secure compliance with them in cases where their neglect clearly renders the lighting “inadequate and unsuitable '' in any of the particulars given above. Special emphasis may be placed upon the avoidance of glare, of excessive contrast, and of flickering lights. As the conclusion then, of this part of our inquiry, we recommend that— 1. There should be a statutory provision— - (a) requiring adequate and suitable lighting in general terms in every part of a factory or workshop, and (b) giving power to the Secretary of State to make Orders defining adequate and suitable illumination for factories and workshops or for any parts thereof or for any processes carried on therein. STANDARDS OF ADEQUACY. —In view of part (b) of the above recommendations, we have now to consider the question of the provisions to be embodied in such Orders. We have seen that though the intensity of the light at the working plane is the most important factor of adequacy and suitability, it is by no means the Only One, and in making any Order the other factors must receive due weight. Even taking this criterion alone, lighting requirements vary so much that each trade, or even each process, must be considered on its merits, and a standard of anything like general application is possible in well-defined circumstances only. In cotton weaving," for example, the optimum illumination varies with the colour of the yarn, the fineness of the yarn, the style of weave, and other circumstances, and a single standard prescribed to cover cotton weaving generally would err in some instances in the direction of prodigality, in others of insufficiency. This aspect of the question has been touched upon in the course of their evidence by many witnesses, who, whilst impressing on us the extreme difficulty of framing a regulation to cover all the processes of their trades, agreed in thinking that there might be some requirement specifying a minimum illumination for general lighting to secure the prevention of accidents.” A standard founded upon the numerical value of illumination deals with only one aspect of the problem. It should be used, therefore, by the authorities as a guide to the most important factor in adequate lighting rather than as an exhaustive criterion. It is possible from this point of view to group working conditions in various trades according to the minimum amount of illumination which may be regarded as adequate. This can be done only empirically; and, as has been seen, a large part of the work of the Committee has been devoted to obtaining for this purpose data regarding a few selected trades, viz., clothing, engineering, and textile. The results in full and also summarised are published separately.” The summaries * Minutes of Evidence (Taylor), q9. 1504–19. * Ibid. (Symonds), q. 1693, (Carr), q. 1735, (Russell), q. 1798. * Stationery Office Publication. REPORT. . xvi. are also reproduced in Appendix XV, to this Report, and form, we believe, a unique analysis of existing industrial lighting conditions. These observations allow a judgment to be formed as to the average existing practice in this country, but for the present, for reasons given elsewhere, we think it desirable to reserve any expression of opinion as to the minimum amounts of illumination which are needed for special processes. - Leaving thus for the present the consideration of the illumination required for special processes, we proceed to deal with the more general illumination of the factory Or workshop as a whole under three heads:— * . A. The illumination of workrooms or parts of workrooms where work is in progress, that is, of the working area of the factory. • B. The illumination of passages, stairways, lobbies, &c., and places in workrooms or other parts in factory premises over which persons are liable to pass but which are not parts of working areas. C. The illumination of open yards and approaches. By aworking area we understand that portion of the floor Occupied by, and in the immediate neighbourhood of, the machines, benches, plant or material, at which the operatives stand or sit in the execution of their work. In this area we include the gangways and alleys between or around such working places. A. Workrooms.--The methods of lighting of workrooms may be classified as follows :- - t (i) General lighting, whereby an illumination is produced which is approximately uniform throughout the whole room ; - - . . (ii) Localised general lighting, whereby an illumination is produced which is approximately uniform over a portion or portions of the room in question ; (iii) Local lighting, with the object of lighting some particular portion of a machine or locality by an arrangement of individual lamps acting independently of one another ; and (iv) Combined local and general lighting. Where general lighting alone is adopted, there is in most instances little risk of the floor of the room being insufficiently illuminated, since the same light must serve also for the carrying on of the work, but with localised general lighting there is always some danger of parts of the room being neglected, whilst with strong local lighting, the contrast between the brightly illuminated work and the comparatively dark surroundings necessitates careful attention to the general lighting of the room. Whatever be the light required for the work it is necessary that the working area should be illuminated sufficiently for obstacles, dirt and waste to be clearly visible, whilst in all industries, particularly those in which the work involves danger, it is essential that the general illumination should be sufficient to avoid risk of accidents. Ample illumination for the requirements of the work itself must be provided beyond the minimum general illumination needed for these purposes. Information as to the illumination in existing factories is given in the frequency of occurrence curves for floors of workrooms (Appendix XV, Fig. 4). The mid-point, or point above and below which an equal number of observations lie, is 0°45 foot-candle. For the purpose of an order we have, however, to consider what may reasonably be enforced as a statutory minimum, rather than what is now the average practice, and having regard to this, we recommend that :— 2. Over the “working areas” of workrooms the illumination measured on a horizontal plane at floor level shall be not less than 0°25 foot-candle, without prejudice to the illumination required for the work itself. - Our attention has been called to the special difficulties which would be caused if a ship under construction or repair were considered for the purpose of this regulation as part of the working area of a factory, and we desire, therefore, to reserve for future consideration the question of the illumination to be provided on ships. Special provision also will be necessary for certain workrooms, where the prescribed illumination would interfere with the proper carrying out of some process, such as the manufacture of photographic materials. The lighting of iron foundries, was one of the points under discussion at a conference held in January 1913,” but in view of the appointment of the present * Minutes of Evidence (Wheat) q. 300. • - g * Home Office Report on Conferences between Employers, Operatives, and Inspectors concerning Safeguards for the Prevention of Accidents in Foundries, 1913. - B 2 xvii DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: Committee, no decision was then arrived at. The question whether these should be excluded from the above recommendation and made subject to a special standard has received consideration. It appears to be true that the illumination in these foundries is at present below the average of other workrooms. For this there is no justification; on the contrary, the dark surroundings and want of contrast in iron foundries indicate the desirability of specially good lighting, and we are of opinion that a minimum illumination of 0.25 foot-candle is not sufficient for safety. We accordingly recommend that :- 3. In all parts of iron foundries in which work is carried on or over which any person is ordinarily liable to pass, the illumination measured on a horizontal plane at floor level shall be not less than 0°4 foot-candle, B. Passages, Stairways, Lobbies, &c.—For the satisfactory lighting of these, a lower illumination will suffice than in the case of workrooms, since obstacles are usually absent and the eye is not subjected to the same degree of contrast. Never- theless, in the course of visits to factories, many instances of defective lighting were noticed, and complaints were received from witnesses on this point, especially in reference to cotton mills." The experience gained from visits to factories and such observations as we have been able to make, together with the evidence brought before us, indicate that it is desirable to adopt for these places a standard of not less than 0-1 foot-candle. Instances requiring special latitude (such as long passages free from turns and abrupt changes of level, and adequately lighted by the “beacon’’ system") may be dealt with under recommendation 6.” We accordingly recommend that :– - 4. In all parts of factories and workshops (not included under recommendation 2) over which persons employed are liable to pass, the illumination measured on a horizontal plane at floor level shall be not less than 0-1 foot-candle. C. Open Yards and Approaches.—Here the object of the lighting is to enable a person to see sufficiently well not to stray from the path, and may be compared with that of streets. For any locality where persons are employed at night, and for a path or road, to which it is necessary to keep, in order to avoid danger (such as an approach leading through a yard containing obstacles), we are of opinion that a minimum illumination equivalent to that of a fairly well lighted side street, (0.05 foot-candle), will be sufficient. Approaches over clear ground (free from projecting rails or other obstacles and from steps or other abrupt changes of level) where momentary straying from the path involves no risk, and also fenced-in roads, can be adequately lighted by the “beacon.” system, namely, the spacing of light sources along the direction of the path at such long intervals that they serve as beacons or guides rather than means of illumination. These would not be “dangerous parts '' in the intended sense of the next paragraph. In docks, both places of employment and approaches are already subject to a requirement for adequate lighting in general terms (Regulations for Docks, Reg. 3). We recommend, in accordance with this precedent, that :— 5. In all open places in which persons are employed during the period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, and in any dangerous parts of the regular road or way over a yard or other space forming the approach to any place of work, the illumination on a horizontal plane at ground level shall be not less than 0-05 foot candle. - We desire to reserve for a future Report the case of shipbuilding yards, which require special consideration and to which we have not yet been able to devote attention. ExEMPTIONS.–In order to meet exceptional circumstances in which the standards proposed in recommendations 2, 3, 4, and 5 might cause hardship, we recommend that :— . 6. There shall be power for the Department to allow exemption in individual Ca,S6S, - - - -. Under recommendation 2, for instance, exemptions might be permitted in the case of little-frequented areas which would otherwise come under the designation of working areas. - * Minutes of Evidence (Taylor), qq. 1502–1516, (Shaw); qq. 1529–1602. * For the meaning of this term, see below under (c). * It may be remarked that a simple and inexpensive method of making steps more easily discernible is - to mark their edges in white. - 2. REPORT. - . . . . xviii é CLEANLINESS OF WINDows.--It has already been stated that a very common defect in factories is the dirtiness of the windows. Not only is a large proportion of daylight prevented hereby from entering the room, but the daylight period of work is considerably shortened and needless expense is incurred by the necessity of lighting up earlier. - Indirectly this will be controlled to some extent by the necessity of observing the minimum standard of illumination, but we are of opinion that in ordinary work- rooms any additional light which can be secured by such simple means as cleaning windows ought to be supplied, and that there should be a direct obligation to that effect. In rooms which have but little margin above the minimum, compliance with it will depend upon attention to window-cleaning. We recommend the following general provision :- 7. All external windows of every workroom shall be kept clean, on both the inner and outer surfaces, but in order to meet exceptional cases as below, there should be power to substitute for the above a definite and binding scheme for cleaning the windows at reasonable fixed intervals, where for example— (a) the windows, or some of them (e.g., roof windows), are not readily accessible; OI’ - - - (b) the total surface of external windows is exceptionally large in relation to the floor space; or (c) the conditions of work are such that compliance with the ordinary requirement is, in consequence of the nature of the work, impossible. We suggest that the exemption should be allowed by certificate, entered in the General Register. This follows the precedent in the Cotton Cloth Factories Regula- tions (Reg. 8). The requirement would not, of course, be held to debar any necessary white- washing of windows such as is required by the Cotton Cloth Factories Regulations. CONCLUSION. In submitting these recommendations we realise that the standards proposed by us appear to be lower than the values put forward' by various lighting experts who have given evidence before us. Some of the latter referred to the general illumination at the working level, where the values are naturally higher than at the floor level, and in any case we have felt that they were intended as an indication of ideal conditions, whereas it has been our object to suggest numerical values that can be adopted as a practical legal minimum without causing hardship. It must be remembered that in view of the diversity of illumination which always exists whatever the system of lighting, any minimum value will usually connote a very much higher maximum and average, so that with a given minimum the efficiency of the illumination depends to a large extent on this diversity. A workroom, for instance, in which the illumination is uniform and has the value of only 0° 25 foot- candle, may be regarded in most cases as very inadequately lighted. We desire, therefore, to point out that none of the recommendations made by us is intended to supersede the requirement of general adequacy and suitability, which, as already explained on p. xv, depend on several factors in addition to the amount of illumination. The evidence before us from witnesses and our own observations do not justify us in drawing any distinction in the present recommendations between direct, indirect or semi-indirect systems of lighting, or between systems which differ in the colour composition of the light. We suggest, therefore, that the standards proposed should be adopted irrespective of the type of lighting. Similarly, the evidence does not justify us in discriminating between natural and artificial lighting, and in the recommendations submitted by us, the standards are intended to apply equally to both, that is to say, when the natural illumination falls below the limits proposed, it must be supplemented or replaced by artificial illumination. * Minutes of Evidence, (Clark and How), qq. 186–192, (Wheat), q. 306, (Stokes), qq. 681, 688, (Whyte and Angus), qq. 2695–2705. - a 30030 T} 3 xix DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : The more specific recommendations of this Report may be said, broadly, to deal with the general lighting of factories and workshops, in other words, they have for their object the maintenance in all workplaces of certain standards of illumination primarily intended to ensure the personal safety of workpeople moving about the premises. In the great majority of factories, however, the standards of general lighting suggested here would be inadequate for the actual machines and work benches where the various manufacturing processes are carried on, and local lighting in addition is generally essential. As already mentioned, we are not prepared at present to suggest values for the minimum illuminations which may be regarded as adequate for special processes. - - It was originally our intention to supplement the data already collected for the clothing, engineering, and textile trades, and to extend our enquiries on similar lines so as to include other industries. In view, however, of the present economic disorganisation we think it desirable to submit an interim report of the work already done and to await settled conditions before further prosecuting the Inquiry. The data given in several of the appendices will help those engaged in designing new factories and in examining the adequacy of lighting in existing buildings. At present there are few collated data of this character available, and the desire not to withhold them longer from publication is a further reason for the submission of a preliminary Report at this stage. We are greatly indebted to various firms and private individuals whose assistance has been readily given, and we desire to express to all such our grateful thanks. The value of the experimental results detailed in Appendix XV. is due in no small degree to the care and skill bestowed on a difficult task by Messrs. J. W. T. Walsh and G. F. Sedgwick, by whom the observations were made ; while the wide knowledge of factory conditions possessed by our Secretary, Mr. D. R. Wilson, and the experience in questions of photometry and other scientific matters dealt with, of his colleague Mr. C. C. Paterson, have proved of the utmost value. We desire to record Our keen sense of the importance of the services rendered by these gentlemen and our cordial thanks for their very efficient help. ar - We are, Sir, Your obedient Servants, R. T. GLAZEBROOK (Chairman). L. GASTER. J. HERBERT PARSONS. C. S. SHERRINGTON. W. C. D. WHETHAM. ARTHUR WHITELEGGE. D. R. WILSON - } Joint Secretaries. C. C. PATERSON APPENDICEs. APPENDICES. B 4 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : : 8 9 10 II 12 13. e APPENDIX I. WITNESSES EXAMINED. 1. Official, G. BELLHouse, H.M. Superintending Inspector of Factories. W. WILLIAMS, 55 33 » J. A. HINE, 5 3 55 35 Miss R. E. SQUIRE, H.M. Senior Lady Inspector of Factories. H. J. WILSON, H.M. Inspector of Factories. H. KENWooD, Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington. T. W. HEY wooD, Certifying Surgeon, Darwen. 2. Professional, Technical, and Scientific. (a) ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING EXPERTS. J. G. CLARK and How, Gas Light and Coke Company. II. C. WHEAT, British Thomson-Houston Company. ALBERT STOKES, South Metropolitan Gas Company. A. P. TROTTER, Electrical Adviser, Board of Trade. T. E. RITCHIE, Union Electric Company. A. J. WHYTE and J. ANGUS, Keith-Blackman Company. (b) REPRESENTATIVES OF PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 42 43 44. 45 46 47 48– HAYDN HARRISON, Illuminating Engineering Society. W. H. MACKINNEY, 55 35 35 J. S. DOW, - 3 3 35 33 A. SIEMENS, Institution of Electrical Engineers. FRANKLIN THORP, Institution of Gas Engineers. (c) ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORs. P. J. WALDRAM, Tuondon. W. E. POTTS, Manchester. J. B. GASS, Bolton. TIEWIS SOLOMON, London. SEGAR. Owen, Warrington. H. HARTLEY, Liverpool . . (d) MEDICAL. F. W. EDRIDGE-GREEN, Ophthalmic Surgeon. W. McDoug ALL, Physiologist. F. R. CROSS, Ophthalmic Surgeon. 3. Representatives of Trade Associations. (a) EMPLOYERs. John TAYLOR, Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers. H. L. SYMONDs, London Chamber of Commerce. JOHN CARR, 33 35 33 S. A. RUSSELL, 33 35 93 W. A. HUGHES, Fine Cloth Manufacturers’ Association. ROBERT KING, National Light Ironfounders’ Association. JoHN ALLEN, National Federation of Merchant Tailors. JOHN DEWRANCE, Engineering Employers’ Federation. FRED SKULL, High Wycombe and District Chamber of Commerce. WILLIAM ECCLES »; 35 35 53 5 THOMAS HARRISON THORPE, Derby Chamber of Commerce. 5 (b) OPERATIVEs. R. TREBATCOFF and A. HILLMAN, Jewish Tailors', &c., Trade Union. THOMAS SHAW, Amalgamated Weavers' Association. W. C. ROBINSON, Beamers, Twisters, and Drawers’ Association. A. HUTCHISON, National Union of Stove Grate Workers. R. GIRVAN, Scottish Operative Tailors’ Association. A. SMALLEY, Operative Bleachers’, &c., Association. F LOCKYEAR, Ironfounders’ Society. C. WARDLE, Operative Lacemakers’ Society. W. HARTSHORN, National Hosiery Federation. 4. Miscellaneous. 50. Three working tailors. APPENDICES. APPENDIX II. FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS VISITED. I.--TEXTILE FACTORIES, A.—COTTON. No. Firm. Address. Process. 1 | Barlow and Jones, Titd. gº - || Cobden Mill, Bolton - sº - Weaving. 2 55 9 3 . tºº - | Prospect Mill, Bolton - - - || Spinning. 3 Catlow, John, and Son * - Olive Mill, Darwen - * - | Weaving. 4. 2, 33 * - Sudell Side Mill, Darwen - * 2 3 5 32 53 gº - Rose Mill, Darwen - Jº- wº 55 | 6 || Croal Spinning Company - - || Dean Road, Bolton - * - Spinning. & 7 Crooke, Peter, Ltd. - £- - || Moorlands Mill, Bolton gº - 5 5 8 Dawson Bros. - sº tºº - Rathbone Street, Liverpool - - || Bag knitting. 9 Dewhurst, G. and R., Ltd. - - || Arkwright Mill, Preston - - || Spinning and weaving. 10 33 33 35 T - || Farington Mill, Leyland - - | Weaving. 11 || Horrockses and Crewdson & Co., || Moses Gate, Bolton - sº & 55 Ltd. B.—FLAX. 12 || Falls Flax Spinning Company, Ltd. | Cupar Street, Belfast - tº- - || Weaving. 13 Greeves, J. and T. M., Ltd. - - || Forth River Mills, Belfast - - || Spinning. 14 || Jaffe Spinning Company, Ltd. - || Newtownards Road, Belfast tº 5 2 15 Johnston, Allen, and Sons, Ltd. • Lurgan sº tº . -* es - || Weaving. 16 || New Northern Spinning Company, Falls Road, Belfast - gº - || Spinning and weaving. Ltd. - - * I , - - - 17 Watson, Valentine & Co., Ltd. - || Belfast - - * - - | Weaving. C.—WOOLLEN AND WORSTED. 18 Crosthwaite & Co. . . . York street Mills, Leeds . . . spinning. 19 || Rogerson and Pinder - gº º 22 5 2. * $º 5 3 D.—OTHER. 20 Adams, Thos., & Co., Ltd. - - || Sherwood Rise, Nottingham - . Lace making. 21 Birkin & Co., Ltd. * sº - Broadway, Nottingham tºº sº 5 2 22 Cutts, T. B., & Co. sº {- - || Sims Factory, Nottingham - - 3 5 23 | Lee, A. H., and Son, Ltd. - - || Birkenhead - *g tº tºº - || Tapestry weaving. 24 Morley and Sons, Ltd. sºn - || Manvers Street, Nottingham - || Hosiery knitting. II.-ENGINEERING WORKS, FOUNDRIES, &c. No. Firm. Address. 25 Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth, & Co., Ltd. - - | Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 26 Barr and Stroud - * sº tº- wº sº sº - Anniesland, Glasgow. 27 | Brown, John, & Co., Ltd. * wº & tº- - - || Atlas Works, Sheffield. 28 Cammell, Laird, & Co., Ltd. - º sº sº - | Tranmere, Birkenhead. 29 Craig, A. F., & Co., Ltd. tº - = ſº tº- - || Paisley. - 30 | Donkin & Co., Ltd. * º †º * * * - Shields Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 31 Hattersley Bros., Ltd. - * & sº - * - Swinton, Yorks. 32 Heaton Foundry Co. - sº gº * tº - Chapman Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 33 || Jessop, William, and Sons, Ltd. - tº- wº fº - Brightside Works, Sheffield. 34 || King, David, & Sons, Ltd. - - - es - - Possilpark, Glasgow. 35 | Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd. - * $º gº º - || Woolwich, S.E. 36 | Stewart, D. J., & Co. - ſº e- tº tº sº - Charles Street, Glasgow. 37 Weir, J. and G., Titã. - s º tº * & - Cathcart, Glasgow. 38 Wilsons and Matthesons, Ltd. -: tº * tº - Armley, Leeds. DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: 3. III–MAKING UP OF CLOTHING AND SIMILAR WORK. A.—WHOLESALE CLOTHING. No. Firm. Address. 39 Beatty Bros., Ltd. & wº gº * tºº sº - Church Street, Liverpool. 40 || Beatty Bros. (Manchester), Ltd. - & tºº wº - || Spear Street, Manchester. 41 || Beetles, W. C., & Co. - &º & º * us - | Tuittle Britain, London, E.C. 42 | Frankenburg, I., and Sons, Ltd. - s gº tº - | Salford, Manchester. 43 Tewis Bros., Ltd. - t- *- ſº - || Ranelagh Street, Liverpool. 44 Philips and Piper, Ltd. - & * dº º - || Tower Lane, Bristol. 45 Todd and Sons, Ltd. ſº & sº - || Bath Place, Bristol. 46 || Walsh & Co., Tutd. - *- wº. º, * * - || Nelson Street, Bristol. 47 Wills, Chas., and Sons, Ltd * sº sº tº - || Rupert Street, Bristol. B.—TAILORING 48 Laidlaw and Procter - sº tº sº {- # = - St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. 49 | McArthur, J. and J. - <--> - || Paisley. * * Five tailors' workshops - - gº º, sº - | Whitechapel, London, E. C.—HIEMSTITCHING!. 55 Glendinning, McLeish & Co., Ltd. - & & & - || Belfast. 56 || Hanna, H. B. tº-3 gº & sº Jºs * &= - Lurgan. 57 | Johnston, Allen and Sons, Ltd. • dº tº dº 32 58 || Mather and Bunting - gº * sº gº & 33 59 || Murphy and Stevenson - * sº #º * wº {-} 33 60 | Nelson, R., & Co. - gº. ſº es sº - Belfast. D.—BOOT-MAKING. 61 | Headford and Frewin, Ltd. - & * - - || Portland Square, Bristol. 62 Mayo & Co., Ltd. - :- rºs * ſº- {-, * : * * 33 33 55 63 | Portland Boot Co. - tºº tº gº. * a 4- 33 35 IV.-MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES. No. Firm. Address. Industry. 64 || Bale, Son, and Danielson, Ltd. - || Great Titchfield Street, E.C. - | Letterpress printing. 65 Bennett, Wm. - sº & - Broad Street, Bristol - ſº * 39 93 66 Parry, John, & Co., Ltd. - - | Upper Thames Street, E.C. - fº 5 § 5 y 67 || Spottiswoode & Co., Ltd. - - | New Street Square, E.C. - ſº .33 5 * 68 Times Publishing Co., Ltd. - - | Printing House Square, E.C. * 35 35 69 United Newspapers, Ltd. - - || Salisbury Square, E.C. -*. gº 53 39 70 Smith and Young, Ltd. º - | Upper Thames Street, E.C. - - Copper engraving. 71 Waus and Crampton, Ltd. - - || Kirby Street, E.C. - - - | Process copper engraving 72 | Ingersoll, Robert H., and Brother | Audrey House, E.C. - - - || Watch assembling and re- - palring. 73 | Whitehorn Bros. - º ſº - | Featherstone Buildings, E.C. - || Diamond setting. 74 Savory, E. W., & Co. - gº - Park Row, Bristol º gº - Christmas card making. 75 || Mordan, S., & Co., Ltd. wº - || City Road, E.C. - tº wº - || Pencil case making, &c. 76 Johns, Son, and Watts, Ltd. is 2 3 2 3 & tº sº - Fancy boxes. 77 | Mardon, Son, and Hall, Ltd. - Temple Gate, Bristol - º 55 55 78 || Fry, J. S., & Co., Ltd. - sº - Bristol tºs ſº ſº * . - || Chocolate and cocoa. 79 | Peek, Fream, & Co., Ltd. - - || Bermondsey, S.E. º $º - || Biscuit making. 80 || Indiar-rubber, Gutta-percha, and | Silvertown, E. - ſº * * - India-rubber working. Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. 81 | Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth, Walker, Newcastle-on-Tyne - | Shipbuilding. & Co., Ltd. - - - - 82 London and Glasgow Engineering | Govan, Glasgow - {º ſº º 9 3 and Iron Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. 83 | Henderson, D. and W., Ltd. - Partick, Glasgow º g- tº » 84 || Barnscome, H., and Sons, Ltd. - || Eyre Street, Sheffield - ſº - Cutlery grinding. 85 Smith, C., and Sons, Ltd. - - Arundel Street, Sheffield - tº; 53 55 86 Rodgers, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd. - || Norfolk Street, Sheffield - - Cutlery making. APPENDICES. APPENDIX III. CIRCULAR LETTER TO TRADE ASSOCIATIONs. At the beginning of the inquiry the following letter was addressed to 77 Trade Associations, from which 31 replies were received. Eſome Office, Tuondon, S.W. THE above Committee has been appointed by the Secretary of State to inquire and report:- As to the conditions necessary for the adequate and suitable lighting (natural and artificial) of factories and workshops, having regard to the nature of the work carried on, the protection of the eyesight of the persons employed, and the various forms of illumination, * SIR, and is constituted as follows:– Dr. R. T. Glazebrook, C.B., D.Sc., F.R.S., Director of the National Physical Laboratory (Chairman). Mr. Leon Gaster. Mr. J. Herbert Parsons, M.B., D.Sc., F.R.C.S. Professor C. S. Sherrington, M.D., F.R.S. Mr. W. C. D. Whetham, F.R.S., and Sir Arthur Whitelegge, K.C.B., Chief Inspector of Factories. We are instructed to ask you to be good enough to bring the appointment of the Committee to the notice of your Association and to invite them to consider whether they can assist the work of the Committee either by putting forward the names of witnesses who would be prepared to tender evidence, or in other ways by submitting questions regarding any phases of the subject to which in their opinion the Committee should direct special attention. - As an indication of the kind of evidence required, we are directed to invite the attention of your Associa- tion to the following points:— (a) The possibility of defining and establishing a- standard or standards of adequate illumination suitable for the various operations and processes in the trade represented by your Association. (b) The classification of processes in relation to the illumination required. - (c) The enumeration of the various processes in which specially good illumination is desirable, and information as to means of securing it. (d) Examples of processes presenting special difficulties in respect of efficient lighting, owing to the relative positions of the work and of th light sources, or for other reasons. - (e) Particulars of the methods of illumination in general use, with details of special systems which have been adopted for special processes. (f) The relative merits of daylight and artificial illumination, and the extent to which the latter is used, depending on the usual period of employment in the industry represented by your Association. - For the present, the Committee are confining their inquiry to a limited number of industries, and they have addressed this letter to various Associations representative of the industries concerned, and likely to be interested in the questions to be investigated. We are to add that the Committee would greatly value your assistance in making the scope of their inquiry known to the Societies affiliated to your Association, with the object of inviting evidence from persons in a position to assist the Committee in their future work. We are, &c., D. R. WILSON, C. C. PATERSON, tºp Joint Secretaries. APPENDIX IV. APPROxIMATE NUMBER OF PERSONs EMPLOYED IN THE PRINCIPAL INDUSTRIES (1907). TABLE A.—TEXTILE FACTORIES. Persons employed (thousands). . Principal Seat of Young Persons p Industry. * Adults. Total. mclustry Chil- under 18. - Industry. dren. - M. F. M. F. M. | F. M. & F. Cottom:— - Spinning, &c. - - - || 7-6 25 4 || 37' 3 75 92 105 || 133 238 || Bolton, Oldham, &c. Weaving, &c. - 3- - || 11 - 3 | 19 0 || 46 - 5 82 165 105 || 219 || 324 | Blackburn, Burnley, &c. All processes - 3- - 19 . () 45 - 8 || 85 6 163 263 218 359 577 tºº-º-º-º-º: Wool and worsted - - Spinning, &c. - es - || 7.6 11-6 || 19.6 25 34 40 38 98 || Bradford, Halifax. Weaving, &c. - & ºt 0 - 4 || 5 | 1 || 11 ° 9 35 67 41 79 120 Huddersfield, Rochdale. All processes - Gº - || 8 - 1 | 19 4 || 33.9 85 114 || 109 | 152 261 !--ºmsºmº- Silk:— Spinning, &c. - º - || 0 | 7 || 1 | 1 || 2 5 3 7 3 9 14 || Macclesfield, Bradford. Weaving, &c. - gº - || 0 - 0 || 0 | 4 || 2 | 0 3 8 3 10 13 ſº-ºmsºmº All processes - tº - || 0 - 9 || 1 | 7 || 4 - 8 7 15 9 20 29 ſºmºsº, I ace - sº $º - - || 0 | 1 || 2 | 0 || 2 - 5 11 6 13 8 21 | Nottingham, S.W. Scot- . land. Hosiery - * - - || 0 | 0 | I 5 || 8 - 7 8 22 10 30 40 | Nottingham, Leicester. Carried forward - * | 6 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND worksHoPs : Persons employed (thousands). - º - Principal Seat of Industry. Yººn Adults. Total. p Chil- * Industry. dren. - M. F. M. F. M. F. M. & F. Brought forward - - Flax :— Spinning, &c. - - tºº 3 - 9 || 4 - 7 || 8 6 10 24 17 35 62 |Weaving, &c. - gº - || 0:2 || 1 - 7 || 5.8 9 29 11 35 46 | North of Ireland. All processes - sº - || 4 - 1 || 6’ 6 || 14-7 21 54 30 || 71 || 100 esse--w Hemp — - Spinning, &c. - º - || 0 | 0 || 1 | 0 || 1 4 2 5 3 7 10 Weaving, &c. - tº - || 0 - 0 || 0 | 0 || 0 - 0 O 0 O 0 0 Belfast, Glasgow. All processes - º - || 0 | 0 || 1 - 0 || 1 : 5 3 6 4. 7 11 Jute :- - - Spinning, &c. - & - || 0 | 3 || 2 | 1 || 2: 9 5 12 7. 15 22 . *=sººmsºn Weaving, &c. - tº - || 0 | 0 || 0 | 3 || 1 - 4 3 11 3 12 15 | Dundee. All processes - gº - || 0 | 3 || 2 | 6 || 4 - 4 T0 23 12 27 39 **** Other industries - - - || 0-0 || 0-6 | 1.4 || 3 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 8 *º-º-º-º-º: All industries - - - || 32' 6 81.8 157 || 311 505 | 407 | 680 | 1,087 — TABLE B.—NoN-TEXTILE INDUSTRIES (FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS) IN WHICH MoRE THAN 50,000 PERSONS ARE EMPLOYED. Persons employed (Thousands). . * ºf ººººº, - Principal Seat of Industry. |*.*.*. Adults. Total. vasato many Chil- g (if localised). dren. - M. F. | M. F. M. F. | M. & F. *Engineering - - - || 0 | 4 || 68' 5 || 6’ 9 || 413 14 || 482 21 503 || Glasgow, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds. Dress-making, millinery, &c. 0 5 || 1 | 1 || 79° 5 7 148 9 228 237 || London, &c. Shipbuilding and marine || 0-0 || 22-6 || 0 1 174 1 197 1 198 || Newcastle, Glasgow, engineering. - Sunderland, &c. Tailoring - tºº gº - || 0 | 2 | 7' 0 || 22 - 4 53 | 68 61 91 | 152 | Leeds, Manchester. Iron mills - & sº () - 0 | 13 - 4 | I 2 | 132 2 | 1.45 3 || 148 Sheffield, Newcastle, Workington, &c. Sawmills, &c. - gº - || 0 - 0 | 19 - 5 || 0 | 2 | 115 0 134 1 || 135 - Printing, bleaching, dyeing - || 0 | 6 | 12'3 8:0 81 24 94 82 | 126 || Manchester, Bradford, - . - - * - - I - North Ireland, Glas- CROW, Boots and shoes - - - || 0:2 | 16.7 | 12:9 | 67 || 26 | 84 || 39 123 | Northampton, Leicester. Iron founding - sº - || 0 - 0 | 16. 6 || 0 - 7 || 103 | | 119 2 | 121 || Glasgow, Falkirk, Stock- . - - ton, Leeds. Letterpress printing - - || 0 - 1 18 - 5 || 6 - 1 80 11 99 17 | 1.16 - Taundries - sº - - || 0 | 1 || 1 7 || 15 - 7 10 88 11 || 104 || 115 +Chemicals - gº º - || 0 - 2 7.8 6 - 5 87 14 94 21 115 St. Helens, Widnes, London. Baking of bread, biscuits, 0-4 13°4 14' 3 62 24 76 37 | 114 *msº &c. - ~. - Coach and wagon building - || 0 | 0 || 8 7 || 0:5 82 I 91 2 93 || Rotherham, &c. Cabinet making and up- || 0 | 1 || 11 7 || 4-7 61 14 73 18 '92 || London. holstery. . - - China and earthenware - || 0 - 0 || 7 | 2 || 8 6 36 22 43 || 31 74 Stoke-on-Trent, &c. Bricks and tiles . . . . 0-1 9-8 0-7 52 || 4 || 62 || 5 || 67 | Peterboro, &c. Gas making tº fº - || 0-0 || 1-0 || 0-0 || 61 || – 62 || – 62 Brewing and distilling - | () - 0 || 1 | 9 || 0 - 1 49 — 51 — 51 Burton, Dublin, &c. All industries - - - || 4 - 5 || 393 | 330 2,471 | 840 |2,868 1,172 |4,040 * This term is used in a very wide sense, and includes the manufacture of all kinds of machinery (except marine engines), locomotives, cycles, and also electrical engineering. - f This term includes the manufacture of products, in the making of which chemicals play a part, e.g., soap and candles, ink, &c. - - - APPENDICEs. APPENDIX W. SUMMARY OF REPORTS RECEIVED FROM H.M. INSPECTORS OF FACTORIES. H.M. Inspectors were requested to forward notes of any point that might be of use to the Committee, e.g. :— 1. Processes requiring exceptionally good light, by reason of the fineness of work, colour of material, or other circumstance, and the arrange- ments made to meet this ; 2. Processes in which there is exceptional exposure to glare, and for what reason; 3. Processes in which the lighting is generally inadequate, with detail of a few of the worst examples met with ; 4. Examples of special means of lighting, or of protection from glare, and their efficiency. Reports were received from 30 districts (out of a total of 51) and are summarised below. 1. PROCESSES REQUIRING EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD LIGHT. Industry and Process. A.—On account of the Fineness of the Work. Cotton cloth factories:— Weaving coloured goods. Jacquard weaving. Drawing and twisting. Linen weaving:—Examining and lapping. Worsted and woollen weaving.—Examining, pick- ing, mending, burling. Silk throwing. Trace making and mending. Net lace break repairing. Hosiery-making:—Linking up, running on, and chevening (hand embroidery). Letterpress printing:— Type distributing. Composing. Machine ruling. Engraving :- Copper-plate. Photo. On glass. Machine sewing:— In wholesale tailoring, &c. In hem-stitching factories. Embroidery. Engineering —Machine and fitting-shop processes. Glass-making :- Staining, engraving, cutting. Optical glass-work, spectacles. File-cutting by hand. Brass wire weaving. Needle-making — Spitting (threading wire through eyes). Straightening. Jºye-punching. Silversmiths' processes. Button-making. Jewellery and diamond-setting. Clock- and watch-making. Making of scientific, electrical, and surgical instru- ments. Electric glow-lamp making. B.—On account of the Colour of the Material. Black silk weaving. Calico-printing. Pottery-making:— Transfer-making, painting. Paint-mixing. C.—To ensure Cleanliness and good Sanitary Conditions, Laundries. Baking of bread and biscuits, confectionery, &c. Wool-sorting and manipulation of dangerous wools and hides (to enable deleterious substances to be easily distinguished). D.—For the Avoidance of Accidents. Dry-cleaning (danger of fire). Power-press processes (metal-box making). Iron foundries. 2. PROCESSES IN WBICH THERE Is EXCEPTIONAL EXPOSURE TO GLARE. Industry and Process. A.—Processes involving Manipulation of Molten or Hot Metal or Glass. Blast furnaces. Iron mills. Steel works. Eorges. Siemen's furnaces: Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. Electrical welding (causing “welders’ rash” an affection similar to “snow blindness”). Glass works (“gathering” and “pipe blowing ”). B.--Processes involving Ela'amination of Incandescent Surfaces. Gas works (retort houses). Cement works (rotary kiln process). Electric glow lamp works (sealing, testing). Incandescent gas mantle factories (burning off). Jewellery and vitreous enamelling (exposure of eye to lining of muffle furnace). Carbide of calcium furnaces. C.–Processes in which Electrical Discharges take place. Generation of electricity. Testing of electrical apparatus, such as sparking plugs for motors. D.—Processes in which Glare is liable to be caused by the Position of the Light Source. Letterpress printing works (composing frames). Wholesale tailoring (sewing machines). Hemstitching (sewing machines). Boot factories (various machines). * Motor repair works (use of portable unshaded lamps). Photography by arc or flash light. Hollow ware turning (the room is purposely darkened and a lamp placed in the opening of the ware, in such a position that the light source is between the worker's eye and his work). Silver and electro-plate works (burnishing, owing to mirror reflection from the polished surface) g 3. PROCESSES IN WHICH THE LIGHTING IS OFTEN INADEQUATE, Industry and Process. Cotton-spinning mills:– Blowing-rooms. Waste breaking-rooms. Passages, &c. Woollen mills:—Teasing and scouring rooms. Iron and tinplate mills. Steel works. IEngineering works:—Smiths' shops. Metal stamping works. Foundries. Chain-making factories. Shipbuilding and repairing yards, graving docks. Glass bottle works. -- Drain pipe potteries. 8 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: Brickworks (especially press rooms). Feeding-stuff mills. Sawmills and flour mills (mill-gearing basements). Underground bakehouses. Photographic material factories. Tailoring factories (local light). Warehouses and stores. Basement rooms in factories. 4. ExAMPLES OF SPECIAL MEANS OF LIGHTING OR OF PROTECTION FROM GLARE. Process. Method of Lighting. Large white reflecting sur- faces used as a background for the wire. Portable electric lamps pro- vided to light part of the surface being cut and to eliminate shadow cast by cylindrical cutter. The light is high at the back of the workers, and is re- Drawing and covering of fine copper wire. Rotary milling cutters in engineering works. Assorting room of a tin-house. placed on wall in front of Ił16I1. - Ship repairing - - | Use of acetylene flare lamps. Engraving and jewel- lery. Elastic hosiery works (needle setting). Use of “acid globes” for concentrating light on work. flected from white sheets Process. Method of Lighting. Electro-plate works (engraving and mark || Use of white tissue paper to making). e tº Needle factories | diffuse light. (straightening). This is carried on in front of a window ; an opaque screen is used to cut off direct daylight from the workers’ eyes. Rooms artificially darkened in order (a) to diminish mirror reflection, and (b) to enable the right tem- perature to be noted. Hosiery factories (needle setting). Electric plate works — (a) Burnishing rooms (b) Soldering rooms - Spectacles of blue or smoked glass used. In one glass works special means of Electric lamp works Cement works (rotary kiln process). Glass works - nº | º rotecting “gatherers ” Oxy-acetylene cutting pro Electrical welding 8:3 are adopted. Miscellaneous - - Use of mercury vapour, petrol, air gas, and high- pressure gas systems, and prismatic glass for day- light noted in various factories. - APPENDIX VI. MEMORANDUM on INVESTIGATIONS CARRIED OUT ON BEHALF OF THE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, AND REFERENCES IN A.—AGREEMENTS. In recent years a series of conferences have been carried out between the Factory Department and representatives of employers and operatives in certain trades. In some of these the question of lighting was raised, and in one instance an agreement was arrived at. The results of the conferences in this respect may be summarised as follows:— - Date of Industry. Conference. Result. Cotton weav- || Dec. 1912 | Agreed that passages and ing. staircases shall be effectively lighted either by natural or by artificial means. Woollen and Oct. 1912 | No decision. worsted. - Foundries - || Jan. 1913 | No decision, B.—CIRCULAR TO OCCUPIERs. In a circular of the Secretary of State, explaining the provisions of the Notice of Accidents Act of 1906, and the Factory and Workshop Act of 1907, and issued to occupiers on 31.12.07, attention is drawn in the following words to the importance of adequate lighting :- ^ - Lighting.—Every workroom should have adequate windows in the walls or roof, as well as means of artificial lighting, for the proper illumination of all parts in which persons are permanently employed. This is especially important in those kinds of fine work (more particularly on dark materials) which involve strain upon the sight. C.—INVESTIGATIONs. The following investigations in connection with lighting have been recorded in the published reports of the Factory Department:- Cataract in glass workers. et seq.) (A.R., 1907, pp. 250, (*) A.R. = Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories. PUBLISHED REPORTS. Lighting of bakehouses in London (A.R. 1909, pp. xiii., xxii.). - - Illumination in cotton weaving, cotton spinning, flax spinning, linen weaving, letterpress printing, clothing factories and handkerchief factories. (A.R. 1911, p. 239 et seq.) Nystagmus against workers in electric lamp factories and those employed at sewing machines. (A.R. 1909, p. 215, 1911, p. 151.) Artificial lighting of iron foundries. p. 222 et seq.) (A.R. 1912, D.—REFERENCES IN PUBLISHED REPORTs, &c. The earliest important reference to lighting occurs in the Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for 1909, in which the position of legislation in this and other countries is summarised. In the evidence given before the Departmental Committee on Dangers attendant on Building Opera- tions (1908) accidents were attributed by some of the witnesses to insufficient light in the workplaces and approaches, and suggestions were made that no outside work should be carried on after nightfall (Questions 2211–28, 4832–43), and that all works and ways should be sufficiently lighted (Question 2558). The Report of the Departmental Committee on accidents in places under the Factory and Workshops Acts (1911) refers (p. 31) to inadequate lighting as a cause of accidents. The industries concerned are included in the Schedule to this Memorandum. Frequent references to lighting are also to be found distributed throughout the past reports of the Chief Inspector of Factories, chiefly in the form of complaints as to insufficient light in specific industries. These references are included in the Schedule. - Mention should also be made of descriptions of satisfactory methods of lighting in machine sewing rooms and in a cotton spinning mill. (A.R. 1911, p. 137.) APPENDICES. 9 SCHEDULE. SOME INDUSTRIES IN which LIGHTING IS STATED TO BE OF SPECIAL IMPORTANCE. A.—Processes in which High Illumination is required on account of the Detail of the Work or the Colour of the Material. Industry. Special Processes. Reference. Letterpress printing - || Composing, &c. A.R. 1911, 250–252. Manufacture Of Machine and A.R. 1911, clothing, hand- hand sewing. 251–252. kerchiefs, boots Acc. Rep. p. 31. and shoes, &c. Min. of Ev. - q. 17,470. Weaving of textile Twisting and A.R. 1909, 87. fabrics. drawing. Overlooking, A.R. 1907, 157; - - burling, mending. 1908, 147. Manufacture of lace - --- A.R. 1907, 157. B-Factories in which Persons employed are subject to Risk of Accident on account of Insufficient Light. Factory. Reference.* +Docks, &c. - º $º *msea-s Shipbuilding and yards | Acc. Rep. p. 31; Min. of dry docks. Ev. q. 14,622. A.R. 1911, 119. fRailway sidings in &º sº-mºs factories. - - Buildings in course of Bg. Min. of Ev. qq. 2211– construction. 28, 4832–43, 2558. Iron and steel works - Acc. Rep. p. 31; Min. of Ev. q. 12,886. Factory. Reference.* Iron foundries tº - || Acc. Rep. p. 31; Min. of Ev. qq. 13,846, 13,863. A.R. 1911, 30, 49, 73, 93, 109. Brass works - tº- - || Acc. Rep. p. 31; Min. of Ev. q. 14,331. . Letterpress printing Acc. Rep. p. 31; Min, of works. Ev. q. 8907. Hardware factories - Acc. Rep. p. 31; Min. of - Ev. q. 8907. f{Electricity generating **** stations. -- Passages and certain Acc. Rep. p. 31; Min. of I’OOITAS in textile Blv. qq. 3250, 6342. factories (preparing and carding rooms). C.—Industries in which Insufficient Light tends to caus2 Insanitary Conditions. flºruit preserving. fBakehouses (underground). fWitreous enamelling of metal or glass. Metal grinding with wet stones. * A.R.—Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories. Acc.—Report or Minutes of Evidence of the Departmental Committee on Accidents in places under the Factory and Workshop Acts. Rg.—Report and Minutes of Evidence of the Departmental Committee on the Dangers attendant on building operations. (Cd. 3848) (1907). i. In these industries adequate lighting is already required. in general terms either statutorily or by Order or Regulations. AIPPENDIX VII. REQUIREMENTS AS TO LIGHTING OF FACTORIES, SoHools, AND OTHER BUILDINGS IN FoRCE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE. I.—FACTORIES. A.—IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. No general provisions in respect of lighting of factories and workshops (analogous to those regarding temperature and ventilation) occur in the Factory Acts. The only reference to the subject is found in the Factory Act of 1901, section 101 (4), which specifies adequate lighting amongst the conditions on which the Local Authority must be satisfied before an underground bakehouse is certified as suitable for use. Under section 79 of the Act of 1901, the Secretary of State has power to make regulations for certain trades which have been certified by him to be dangerous. These regulations, after conforming to a certain procedure, eventually attain the force of statutory enactments. Some 20 codes of regulations exist, five of which contain references to lighting. These may be summarised as follows:— , Regulations. Title. Date. Requirements. Docks, &c. - us ~ - || 3rd October 1904. Regulation 3–All places in which persons employed are employed at night, and any dangerous parts of the regular road or way over a dock, wharf, or quay, forming the approach to any such place from the nearest highway, shall be efficiently lighted. Provided that the towing-path of a canal or canalised river shall not be deemed to be “an approach * for the purposes of this regulation. - Regulation 7–When the processes of loading, unloading, moving and handling goods in, on, or at any dock, wharf, or quay, and the processes of loading or coaling any ship in any dock, harbour, or canal are being carried on between one hour after Sunset and one hour before sunrise (a), the places in the hold and on the decks where work is being carried on, and (b) the means of * access provided in pursuance of Regulations 4 and 5, shall be efficiently lighted, due regard being had to the safety of the ship and cargo, of all persons employed, and of the navigation of other vessels and to the duly approved byelaws or regulations of any authority having power by statute to make byelaws or regulations subject to approval by some other awthority 10 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: Regulations. Title. Date. Requirements. . Use of locomotives, &c., on premises under the Factory Act. - 24th August I906. - Regulation 7.—Where during the period between one hour after Sunset and one hour before Sunrise, or in foggy weather, shunting or any operations likely to cause danger to persons employed are frequently carried on, efficient lighting shall be provided either by hand lamps or stationary lights as the case may require at all points where necessary for the safety of such persons. - Regulation, 17.—Where persons employed have to pass on foot or work, no locomotive or wagon shall be moved on a line of rails during the period between one howr after sunset and one hour before Swnrise, or in foggy weather, whless the approaching end, wherever it is safe and reasonably practicable, is distinguished by a suitable light or accompanied by a man with a lamp. Provided that this regulation shall not apply to the move- ment of locomotives or wagons within any area which is efficiently | lighted by stationary lights. Witreous enamelling of metal 22nd December and glass. - 1908. Generation, &c., of electrical 1st January energy. 1909. Manufacture and decoration | 2nd January of pottery. 1913. Regulation, 1.-Every room in which any enamelling process is carried on this purpose have efficient means of lighting, both natural and artificial. - Regulation 26.--All those parts of premises in which apparatus Žs placed shall be adequately lighted to prevent danger. Regulation, 15.-All dipping houses and ware-cleaning rooms shall be well lighted ; neither dipping nor ware-cleaning shall be done in places which, in ordinary fine weather, are dependent on borrowed light or artificial light during the hours of daylight. shall be efficiently lighted, and shall for Special Order.—Section 41 of the Factory Act of 1901 extends to Fruit Preserving exemption from the general provisions of the Act as to period of employ- ment, &c., subject, however, to certain conditions prescribed by the Secretary of State by Special Order. These conditions, dated 11th September 1907, provide, amongst other things, that :— - 3. In each room in which women or young persons are employed in pursuance of the special eacception there shall be adequate lighting. Section 9 of the Factory Act of 1901 empowers the Secretary of State to prescribe a standard of sanitary accommodation to be observed in all factories and workshops that are not subject to the Public Health Acts. A Special Order, made under this Section and dated 4th February 1903, requires that— - 2. Every sanitary convenience shall be sufficiently. lighted. B.—INDIAN EMPIRE. The Indian Factories Act of 1911, Chap. iii, contains the following provisions:— 1. Every factory shall be sufficiently lighted. 2. In the case of any factory which is not in the opinion of the inspector so lighted, the inspector may serve on the manager of the factory an order Žn writing, specifying the measures which he considers necessary for the attainment of a sufficient standard of lighting, and requiring him to carry them out before a specified date. C.—NEW SOUTH WALES. Under the Factory Act of 1896 (60 Vict, No. 37), as amended by the Factories and Shops Amendment Act of 1909 (s. 55), the Governor may make Regula- tions to require the adequate lighting of any factory or part thereof. - The following are now in force:– Every part of a factory in which persons are employed, or any passages or portions of a factory which may at any time be used by an employee, must have light equal to 10 candle meters, that is, light equal to that given out by an ordinary stearine or paraffin candle of six to the lb., at a distance of I2 inches from the flame. When such lighting is found by test to be below that standard, the Inspector may require the occupier to make provision (preferably, where possible by window openings or otherwise) to provide the natural or artificial lighting necessary to bring the lighting wip to the standard named above. - II.—SCHOOLS IN UNITED KINGDOM. The following regulations are in force for secondary schools:— The area of window glass should approacimate to one-fifth of the area of the floor space in rooms used for teaching, and in other rooms to not less than one-eighth. - Every part and corner of a school should be well lighted. The light in class-rooms must be admitted from the left side of the scholars. (This rule will be found greatly to influence the planning.) All other windows in class-rooms should be regarded as Sup- plementary or for ventilation. Where left light is Żmpossible right light is meat best. Windows full 'n the eyes of scholars cannot be approved. Unless the top of the windows be more than 12 feet above the floor the plan should show no space more than 20 feet from the window wall in any room used for teaching. - (a) Windows should never be provided for the sake merely of eaſternal effect. All kinds of glazing which diminish the light and are trouble- some to keep clean and in repair must be avoided. A large portion of each window should be made to open for ventilation and for cleaning. (b) The sills of the main lighting windows showld be placed not more than 4 feet above the floor; the tops of the windows should, as a rule, reach nearly to the ceiling; the upper portion should be made to swing. The ordinary rules respecting hospitals should here be remembered. Large spaces between the window heads and ceilings are productive of foul rooms. (c) Skylights are objectionable." They cannot be approved in schoolrooms or class-rooms. They will only be allowed in central halls having ridge or apea ventilation. (*) In a letter received from the Board of Education it is stated :— “The objection to skylights is not due to any deficiency in that form of lighting, but to the fact that additional difficulty is caused in ventilation and heating owing to the down-draught in cold weather. The Board do not object to skylights for workshops or for rooms which are not in wse for sedentary work.” APPENDICES. 11 (d) The colouring of the walls and ceilings and of all fittings showld be carefully considered as affecting the light. This point and the size and position of the windows are especially important Žn their bearing on the eyesight of the children. (e) The windows should be properly distributed over the walls of the class-rooms so that every desk shall be sufficiently lighted. The glass line of the window furthest from the teacher should be on a line with the back of the last row of desks.() Similar regulations exist for primary schools. III.-OTHER BUILDINGS IN UNITED EINGDOM. A.—The following instructions upon lighting are issued by the Local Government Board in respect of buildings under their control:— - 1. Workhouse Buildings.-Adjacent blocks of buildings should be placed sufficiently far apart to allow free access of light and air, and should also have, where practicable, such an aspect that the direct rays of the Swn may pass between them during several howrs of the day (*). Easternal windows should be filled in with double hung wooden sashes and should eastend to within 1 foot of the ceiling and to 3 feet or 3 feet 6 inches from the floor to the ward. The amount of window surface in a ward showld bear a proportion to the cubic contents of the ward of about 1 square foot of window swrface to about every 70 or 80 cubic feet of space in the ward. The windows should ordinarily be placed about 8 feet or 10 feet apart from centre to centre. Windows are not to be glazed with ground or opaque glass eacept for special reasons to be approved by the Local Government Board.(*) 2. Poor Law Hospitals.-Eaſternal windows should be of the double-hung sash type with hopper hung lights with projecting cheeks over a transom. The lower sashes may also be hinged to fall inwards on to supports at each side instead of being double hung, so that the incoming air is directed upwards. Windows should eatend to within 18 inches of the ceiling and to 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches from the floor of the ward. The amount of window surface in a ward should bear a proportion to the cubic contents of the ward of about 1 square foot of window swiface to about every 70 or 80 cubic feet of space in the ward.() B.—The following reference to lighting occurs in the Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into machinery and engineering staffs at Poor Law Institutions:— Para. 23.—Lighting.—The number of institu- tions where gas is produced on the premises is small; those where electricity is generated are more numerous ; but as a rule light is obtained from a public Supply. Blectric lighting is generally considered to have advantages over gas lighting for institutions, but a saving in cost for illuminating purposes alone is not usually cownted among those advantages. Evidence was, however, Submitted to the Committee of economies effected in cost of lighting by the sub- stitution of electricity for gas. It was not contended that light for light electricity was cheaper. The saving was attributed to the readier facilities for controlling the use of electricity. It appears to the Committee, however, that much more care can be ea:ercised in controlling the con- Swmption of gas than is at present often the case, and that sufficient advantage has mot been taken of the opportunities of economising by the use of incan- descent mantles. On the whole, it does not seem to () Building Regulations for Secondary Schools, Part II., Rule 6. (*) Memorandum as to points to be attended to in the Construction of Workhouse Buildings, par. 6. (3) Par. 90. - (*) Memorandund on the Construction of Poor Law Hospitals, par. 30. them that there is adequate evidence to justify the substitution of electricity for gas at institutions where gas is already in use. At new institutions the question is more open and depends largely on local conditions. - Where electricity is installed consideration should be given to the use of metallic filament lamps, which consume much less current in proportion to the light given than carbon filament lamps. C.—STATUTORY REQUIREMENTs. 1. The following may apply to new streets and buildings. JEvery person who shall erect a new building shall construct in every habitable room one window, at the least, opening directly into the easternal air, and he shall cause the total area of such window, or, if there be more than one, of the several windows, clear of the sash-frames, to be equal at the least to one-tenth of the floor area of such a room. Such person shall also construct every such window so that one-half, at the least, may be opened, and so that the opening may eaſtend in every case to the top of the window.() N.B.-These byelaws have no statutory force apart from their adoption by local authorities and subsequent confirmation by the Board. They are, however, generally adopted by such authorities as the basis of byelaws made by them under the statutory provisions in that behalf. Although local authorities are not empowered by the Public Health Acts to make bye- laws for securing the lighting of buildings, the clauses under the statutory sub-heading— “With respect to the sufficiency of the space about buildings to secure a free circulation of air, and with respect to the ventilation of buildings ’’ (of which Clause 56, quoted above, is one) have no doubt in practice an effect upon this matter. 2. Local authorities are empowered by section 17 of the Housing, Town Planning, &c. Act, 1909, to make regulations, with the Board's consent, in the special case of underground rooms habitually used as sleeping places for securing, amongst other things, the proper lighting of such rooms. A draft of such regulations, which is under con- sideration by a number of local authorities, contains the following reference to lighting:— Clause 8.—(i) The room shall be effectually lighted by means of one or more windows opening directly into the eaſtermal air. (ii) Every such window shall be so constructed : that one-half at the least may be opened and that the opening may eastend to the top of the window. __ (iii) The total area of such window or windows ſ' clear of the sash frames shall be equal at the least to one-eighth of the floor area of the room and a portion of such total area equal in eastent to at least one-tenth of such floor area shall be 80 situated that a line making an angle of 30 degrees with a horizontal plane can be drawn upwards from any point thereon in a vertical plane at right angles to the plane of the window so as not to intersect within a distance of 10 feet measured horizontally from the window any wall of any area adjoining the room or any other wall or any kerb or other obstruction ea:cept an open fence. º, For the purpose of this paragraph a bay window having side lights shall be assumed to be equivalent to a flat window of the same area and of the same height in relation to the room and situated at a distance from the outside area wall equal to the mean width of the area. (iv) In estimating the area of a window or windows for the purpose of this regulation no account shall be taken of any part of any such window which is above the mean level of the ceiling of the 7°OO%). (v) Any such window or windows shall overlook the area or open space provided in pursuance of the regulation in that behalf. () Model Byelaws, Clause 56. a 30030 12 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: -** APPENDIX VIII. REQUIREMENTs as to LIGHTING of FACTORIES and ScHools in force in certain FoEEIGN CountRIES on 30th September 1913. I.—FACTORIES. A.—AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. In Austria the following requirement applies to all factories and workshops:– During the period of employment it is the duty of the occupier to take care that the workrooms are kept as light, as clean, and as free from dust as possible so far as the nature of the work . admits.() The new Factory Act, which came into force in August last, re-enacts the above requirement with the addition :- and to provide the workrooms and shops, if necessary, with adequate artificial light.(?) In Hungary no legal requirements exist, but the instructions to inspectors of factories contain the following paragraph :- As regards the lighting of rooms in factories, attention must be paid to the light coming from the windows as well as that derived from lamps, and allowance must be made for the nature of the work carried on. When the work is trying to the eyesight a stronger light must be provided ; when the work is less trying, a weaker light is sufficient.(?) B.—BELGIUM. The following provisions apply to all industrial and commercial undertakings subject to the Act of December 24th, 1903:- All workrooms shall be efficiently lighted. During daytime they shall be furnished with adequate natural light ; provided that artificial light is permissible if, owing to the situation of neighbouring buildings or to the eaſigencies of the processes carried on, natural light sufficient for the work cannot be obtained.(*) Constant and adequate artificial illumination shall be provided. Adequate means shall be taken to prevent the overheating of the rooms and the vitiation of the air.(?) Persons employed shall be protected against eaccessive radiation from the means of lighting, ovens, furnaces, and other sources of heat.(?) The lighting shall be sufficient to enable the machinery, transmission gear, and other appliances Žnvolving danger, to be readily distinguished. All places where work is carried on or over which persons are liable to pass shall be illuminated sufficiently to enable all dangerous places to be easily distinguished.(?) The use of petroleum and of all other mineral oils and spirits is forbidden for portable lamps known as “crassets” and for all other dangerous appliances.(*) The use under any preteat of fire or of lamps other than safety lamps is forbidden in places where, in spite of all precautions, eaſplosive or ºnflammable gases, vapours, or dust are liable to occur.(*) - Persons employed are forbidden . . . . to make use under any preteat of lamps, eacept safety lamps, in parts and places where, in spite of precautions, inflammable or ea plosive gases, vapours, or dust are liable to occur.(*) The following are special requirements applicable to the work of loading, unloading, repairing or maintaining of ships and boats, as well as to the (*) Regulations as to Trade and Commerce, par. 74. (*) Factory Act of April 21st, 1913 (Off. Gaz., No. 74). (*) Instruction of March 30th, 1901, par. 25, C. (*) Royal Decree of March 30th, 1905, Art. 6. (*) Ibid., Art. 7. (*) Ibid., Art. 9. (?) Ibid., Art. 42. (*) Ibid., Art. 43. (*) Ibid., Art. 44. - (*) Ibid., Art. 52. - handling of merchandise, so far as these processes are carried on in docks, dry docks, graving docks, wharves and quays:– All places where any work is carried on, or over which persons are liable to pass, shall be illumi- mated sufficiently to enable machinery, transmis- sºon gear, and other sources of danger to be distinguished.() - .” The lighting of the plant and appliances used in the places specified in the preceding article shall be so installed, arranged, and maintained as to afford all possible security to the persons employed. When the lighting is derived from petroleum or other mineral oil or spirit, means shall be taken to prevent the falling, upsetting, or ea:plosion of the lamps and of leakage of the liquid ; in particular, the lamps shall be constructed sufficiently solidly, their reservoirs shall be closed by screw stoppers, and the tubes for the passage of the wicks shall be furnished with an arrangement for preventing leakage of the liquid.(*) - . . . The use whder any preteat of fire or lamps other than safety lamps is forbidden in places where, in spite of precautions, inflammable gases, vapours, or dust are liable to occur.(?) - The following requirements apply to places used temporarily as lodgings for persons employed on brickfields and in stone-yards:– ' ' The premises shall be adequately lighted by windows in sufficient mumbers and of an area equal to at least one-tenth of the area of the floor of the room. Broken panes shall be immediately re- placed.(*) - . . . The lighting plant and appliances shall be so arranged and maintained as to afford all security against fire.(?) C.—DENMARK. The following general requirement applies to all factories — The lighting of workrooms shall be adequate as regards both the carrying on of the work and the visibility of the machinery and other objects present in the rooms. When artificial light is used, the sources shall be switably placed.(") In the draft of the new Factory Bill the above has been amended as follows:– The lighting of workrooms shall be adequate as regards the carrying on of the work. When artificial light is used, it shall be suitably placed.() In addition to these statutory provisions, references to lighting occur in a few of the codes of regulations applicable to special trades:— - There shall be ample room for the admission of daylight and air.(?) - - . . . Workrooms shall be provided with windows which are sufficient in number and size to give adequate light to all workplaces.(*) Other codes contain the requirement that where artificial light is in use, there shall be adequate provision against the pollution of the air. It may be added that the Directorate to whom plans for new buildings, especially bakehouses, are submitted have expressed the opinion that unless (1) Royal Decree of November 20th, 1906, Art. 31. (*) Ibid., Art. 32, as amended by Royal Decree of Sep- tember 7th, 1910. - (3) Royal Decree of November 20th, 1906, Art. 33. (*) Royal Decree of June 15th, 1910, Art. 6. (*) Ibid., Art. 13. - (*) Machinery Protection Act of April 12th, 1889, and Factory Act of April 11th, 1901, Art. 6. (7) Factory Act of , Arts. 8 and 14. (*) Letterpress Printing Regulations of January 9th, 1904. (*) Cigar-making Regulations of June 1st, 1904. . APPENDICES. 13 special conditions prevail, a window area of 15 per cent, of the floor area may be considered satisfactory. D.—FRANCE. The following requirements apply to factories, manufactories, workshops, workplaces, yards, shops, and offices of all kinds:– . All indoor premises used for the carrying on of work, their anneapes, and especially the passages and stairways, shall be adequately lighted.() The use for lighting or heating purposes of any liquid emitting inflammable vapours below 35 Cent. Žs forbidden, unless the appliance containing the liquid is firmly fia!ed during working howrs; the part of the appliance containing the liquid must be closed so as to prevent leakage of the liquid. When persons employed are present, filling of the lighting or heating plant with combustible liquid, both ºn the workrooms and in the passages and stairways, shall only be carried out in daylight and on the condition that no source of fire is present. - The pipes conveying gas to the lighting and heating appliances shall be constructed of metal or covered with metal. - . The flames of portable lighting and heating plant must be distant at least one metre vertically and 30 centimetres laterally from all inflammable parts of the building, plant or material; provided that shorter distances are allowed in case of necessity so far as regards the walls and ceilings, if an Žncombustible screen not in contact with the wall Žs interposed. - Portable lighting appliances must have a stable and solid base. - Every fiased and portable lighting appliance, whenever necessity arises, must be furnished with a glass chimney, a globe, wire netting or some other suitable arrangement for preventing the flame from coming into contact with inflammable material.(*) E.-GERMAN EMPIRE. The following are imperial requirements applicable to all factories and workshops — The occupier is required to arrange and maintain the workrooms, plant, machinery and appliances) and to regulate the carrying on of the work in such a 'way as to protect the persons employed against danger to life or health, so far as the nature of the work admits. In particular, care must be taken to provide adequate lighting. . . . . . . .(?) In addition, the following provisions apply to certain specified trades:– . . . . . In rooms in which persons are employed in type- setting, or the preparation of type or stereotype plates, the following provisions apply – 1. The floor of the room must be not more than half a metre below the surrounding ground level. Eaceptions may be allowed by the higher adminis- trations, if healthy conditions are attained by efficient insulation of the floor and admission of sufficient light and air. e & - 3. . . . . The rooms must be furnished with windows, sufficient in size and numbers to admit adequate light to all the workplaces. The windows must be capable of being opened for purposes of ventilation.(*) . Rooms in which stripping of tobacco or wrapping, rolling or sorting of cigars is carried on must conform to the following requirements ... ' They must be provided with windows leading directly to the open air and sufficient in size and numbers to admit adequate light to all the workplaces. The widóws must be so con- gtructed that they are capable of being opened to the eaſtent of at least one half of their surface.(?) (‘) Decree of November 29th, 1004, Art. 5, par. v. (*) Ibid., Art. 17, par. a. (*) Gewerbeordnung für das Deutsche Reich, S. 120a. (*) Imperial Decree of July 31st, 1897 (R.G.B., p. 614), S. 1. (*) Proclamation of Imperial Office of February 17th, 1907 (R.G.B. p. 34), s. 3. - The following requirement applies to workplaces in which a person employs only members of his family, or in which one or more persons carry on industrial work without being employed by the occupier carrying on the business of the workplace — If it appears that in any process the nature of the work is such that danger to life, health or safety 'may result, the proper police officer, on application by an inspector, may, by order, prescribe such measures as are necessary for the carrying out of the following requirements :– - . & The workrooms, including the plant, machinery and appliances, must be so constructed and main- tained that the house worker is protected against danger to life or health, so far as the nature of the work admits. In particular, care must be taken to ensure that there is adequate lighting .() In Prussia certain trades are subject to special requirements. Thus, the “Principles for the indus- “ trial police supervision of works in which the “ manufacture of celluloid goods is carried on and of “ warehouses connected with them,” include the following:— : - - In newly erected buildings, only electric glow lamps, furnished with strong protecting globes, shall be used for the lighting of workrooms, and the main switch shall be placed outside the room. In easisting works incandescent gas is allowed where electric light is not available, if it is placed at least one metre from the place of work, is firmly and securely fia!ed, and is provided with a plate to guard against flying shavings, falling fragments of glass, &c., and with a smoke cap. Open gas and oil flames are for- bidden.(?) The following requirement applies to celluloid warehouses for raw materials, finished goods and waste — - - - . . The light shall be derived either from daylight, from fireproof enclosed outside lights, or from electric glow lamps with protecting globes.(*) The draft of a police order relating to the manufac- ture of carbonic acid beverages and the trade in such beverages contains the following:— Rooms in which the beverages are prepared must be brightly and well lighted and must be kept clean. The apparatus must be so placed that it can be dinspected on all sides.(*) . F.—HOLLAND. The Safety Law of 1895 enacts that regulations may be made regarding matters relating to the safety and health of persons employed in factories and work- shops.() The regulations made in pursuance of this contain the following provisions regarding lighting — 1. So far as practicable, all workrooms must be adequately lighted during the period of employ- ment. x - 9. In workrooms provision must be made for excluding direct sunlight from places where work is being carried on. . . . . . . . 3. In places where the following processes are carried on : . . . . . . - - (a) Embroidery, (b) Working in diamonds and other precious stones, (c) Working in gold and silver, (d) Engraving on wood, (e) Manufacture of scientific instruments, (f) Composing, * - - - - (g) Mechanical knitting, (h) Sewing, (i) Draughtmarship, (1) House Work Act of December 20th, 1911 (R.G.B. p.976), s. 6. - - tº º f : & (*) Order made in pursuance of the Ministerial Decree cf May 7th, 1910, A. II. 3. (*) Ibid., A.I. 10. ... -- . . . . Ö Order made in pursuance of the Ministerial Decree of August 26th, 1911. - ** . (*) Safety Law of July 20th, 1895 (Statute No. 137), Art. 6. C 2 DEPARTMENTAI, committee on LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: (k) Needlework, (1) Making and repairing of clocks and watches, the illumination must amount to an intensity of at least 15 normal candles at a distance of one metre,(') and for places where other processes requiring a good light are carried on, the illumination must amount to an intensity of at least 10 normal candles at a distance of one metre.(*)(*) The recent Labour Law of 1911 allows regulations A young person or a woman shall not be employed on work— J. involving ea:posure to intense radiant heat, glaring light, or splashing or droppings from a dangerous liquid, whless efficient means of protection are provided and kept available for use by the gowng person or woman, ; K. or which, in the opinion of the inspector for the district, in consultation with the medical adviser, eaposes the young person or woman to risk of severe injury to the eye or to deterioration of the eyesight, wnless a declaration is made by an oculist appointed by the district inspector in consultation with the to be made prescribing the conditions of work for yourg persons and women in factories and workshops.(*) The regulations made in pursuance of this contain the following important requirements as to lighting :— A young person or a woman may not be employed Žn a factory and workshop— A. in any workroom which is not adequately lighted during the period of employment ; B. at any place of work which cannot be protected from the direct rays of the sum, if the district Žnspector of factories is of opinion that the conditions would be injurious to the young person or woman ; and - C. in workrooms in which during the time between 9 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the after- moon artificial light must be used in order to obtain adequate illumination, eacept in so far as exceptional meteorological conditions make the wse of artificial light necessary. The provisions made under A. and C. are not applicable to the employment of a young person or a woman in a workroom in which, owing to the nature of the processes carried on, daylight cannot be admitted or full daylight illumination cannot be maintained, as required under A., provided that— (a) no work must be carried on by the young person or the woman in Swch a room at any other times than those specified by the occupier in a written motice of the hours of employment; (b) the hours of employment shall be so arranged that the young person or woman shall on every day have an opportmnity of spending in the daylight the number of hours considered necessary for health ; and (c) the notice of hours of employment required wnder (a) shall be affia!ed in a conspicuous place Żm the workroom after it has been forwarded to the inspector for the district and has been furnished with his written approval. If the inspector for the district refuses his approval as required, the occupier may appeal to the Minister, who shall cause inquiry to be made. If it then appears to him that the hours of em- ployment should be approved, he shall give notice to that effect to the inspector and to the occupier, and the inspector shall then give his approval to the motice of hours of employment. If it appears to him that the scheme of work should not be approved, he shall motify the inspector and the occupier of the modifications which are necessary in order that approval may be given. In applying the conditions under (c) the inspector shall then conform to the opinion of the Minister. In regard to the provisions under A., no workroom shall be considered adequately lighted in which the area of the light openings is less than one-tenth of the floor space, whless, on account of eaceptional circumstances, the inspector for the district considers the lighting adequate. A written approval, as required under (c), may be withdrawn at any time by the inspector for the district, if it appears to him that the approval of the scheme is wr.justified. - Approval given by authority of the Minister cannot be withdrawn eacept by the awthority of the Minister.(") medical adviser with regard to the young person or woman, certifying that the process involves no special danger to the eyesight and specifying the precise means of protection or assistance to be kept available for use by the young person or woman. The prohibition under J relating to the ea:ecution of work involving eaſposure to intense heat or glaring light, shall not apply to processes of such a nature that eaſposure occurs occasionally and for a short period only, or the use of suitable means of pro- tection involves special difficulties, whless the inspec- tor for the district has notified the occupier of the factory or workshop that in his opinion the work carried on under the specified conditions is in- jurious for the young person or woman. - The declaration required winder K must be in a form prescribed by the Minister.() A young person or a woman shall not be employed Žn a factory or workshop on– A. (1) Embroidery, (2) Weaving of damask, silk, or coloured cotton goods, (3) Working in diamonds, or other precious Stones, (4) Grinding of glass, (5) Wood engraving, (6) Making of Scientific instruments, (7) Manufacture of lace, (8) Stringing of beads, (9) Composing, (10) Mechanical knitting, (11) Making of gold and silver articles, (12) Manufacture of articles of hair, (13) Sewing, (14) Stitching, eacept stitching of leather, (15) Draughtsmanship, (16) Making and repairing of clocks and watches, wnless the illumination on the place of work amounts to at least 30 Hefner wmits at a distance of one metre (*); or - - B. Any kind of work not included under A. which Tequires good light, unless the illumination on the place of work amounts to at least 20 Hefner units at a distance of one metre.(3)(*) In addition to these general requirements, special provision as regards lighting have been made for certain industries. Thus, the Caisson Act of 1905 enacts as follows:– For the protection of persons employed in or about the construction of building work winder greater than atmospheric pressure, eertain provi- º have been established by regulation in respect OT : — *- (d) the lighting of the premises, and erections in which persons must remain under greater than atmospheric pressure, such as work chambers, shafts, locks, and compression sluices.(?) These regulations provide as follows:– The premises must be lighted sufficiently to enable the persons employed to find their way about in Safety.(*) - () Royal Decree of December 6th, 1911 (Statute No. 352), (*) Equivalent to approximately 1 5 foot-candles. Art. 9. * - 2 & (*) Equivalent to about 3 foot-candles. 3 2 (*) Royal Decree of December 1896 'statute No. 215), ( * } }} 53 Art, 60. (*) Ibid., Art. 19. - - (*) Labour Law of October 20th, 1911 (Statute No. 319), (*) Caisson Act of May 22nd, 1905 (Statute No. 148), Art. 5. Art. 1. (*) Royal Decree of December 6th, 1911 (Statute No. 352), (*) Royal Decree of January 26th, 1907 (Statute No. 20), - Art. 16. Art. 27. APPENDICEs. 15 The chambers, shafts, and lock sluices must be adequately lighted. For artificial lighting only electric light shall be used.() Whilst work is being carried on in the chamber the foreman must be continuously provided with an efficient electric hand lamp for wse in emer- gencies.(*) Finally, the Stonemasons’ Act of 1911 provides that— In accordance with the further instructions fur- mished to him by the inspector for the district, the contractor shall see that all places where stone- masonry is carried on whder his control shall comply with the requirements contained in the general regulations in regard to lighting.(*) These regulations provide as follows:— Every workroom and shed shall be adequately lighted in all parts where work is being carried on. In every case the following provisions shall apply :— (a) The total area of the light openings of a workroom which admit light when the doors are closed shall amount to not less than one-sia,th of the floor area ; (b) The distance from the place where any stone- mason works to the nearest light opening shall not eacceed sia, metres, whless Sufficient daylight is admitted to the place of work from the ceiling or roof.() G.—ITALY. The only reference to lighting in the Italian code occurs in the Royal Decree for the prevention of accidents in factories and other industrial establish- ments:— - The lighting of these buildings must be of such a nature as to allow the machinery and means of transmission to be clearly distinguished by the persons employed.(?) FI.-NORWAY. The only reference to lighting is contained in the following general requirement — All workrooms shall be adequately lighted by imatural or artificial means, in Such a way that all moving parts of machinery involving, when in motion, danger to persons employed may be clearly distinguished. In all workrooms in which ea plosive or readily Žnflammable gases, fumes, or dust are or may be generated artificial lighting shall be produced by appropriate means.(") ... FC.—SWEDEN. The only legal requirements occur in a recent Act for the protection of labour, which enacts as follows:– For the prevention of accidents arising from work the employer shall observe the following regulations Žn particular :— (o) Satisfactory illumination shall be provided.6) For the prevention of illness arising from any process the employer shall observe the following requirements in particular :— (b) The work shall be carried O??, in a suitable and sufficient light. . . . .(*) More precise instructions are contained in two circulars distributed from the Swedish Factory Depart- ment :— Adequate lighting must be provided not only for workrooms and workplaces, but also for stairways, passages, and transmission gear rooms.() (1) Royal Decree of January 26, 1907 (Statute No. 20), Art. 28. - (*) Ibid., Art. 29. (*) Stonemasons' No. 315), Art. 6. () Royal Decree of January 20th, 1913 (Statute No. 38), Art. 6. (*) Royal Decree of June 18th, 1899 (No. 230), Art. 1. (5) Factory Act of September 10th, 1909, Art. 11. (*) Labour Act of June 26th, 1912 (No. 206), Art. 4. (*) Ibid., Art. 5. (*) Factory Inspection Circular of December 4th, 1902 (No. 4), Par. 2. a 30030 Act of October 7th, 1911 (Statute Workrooms should be provided with good natural lighting. Artificial light should be convenient and adequate. During working hours all moving parts of the machinery and all obstructions on the floor which might be productive of danger, hoist and stair openings, breaks in the floor and similar openings, should be well lighted. Stairways, passages, and gards showld always be adequately lighted.() L.—UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In the majority of States the question of lighting has received little attention and specific regulations on the subject are rare. There is, however, in most States a Factory Inspection Law, under which in- spectors are required to satisfy themselves, amongst other things, that the lighting arrangements are ade- quate for the wellbeing of the persons employed, and they are empowered to order any alterations they may deem necessary.(*) In some States plans of new factory buildings Urust be submitted to and approved by a Board appointed by the State authorities.(*) In other States there is no legislation on the subject.(?) A few points of special interest may be mentioned. In Connecticut an inspector must be satisfied that workrooms are properly lighted and may order the removal of grained, painted, or corrugated glass where it is injurious to the eyes of the workmen. In Maryland, in addition to the general require- ment of adequate lighting, the following provision exists :— Amy room or apartment e wherein if of less superficial area than 500 square feet, any artificial light shall be habitually used between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. . . shall be deemed to be a place involving danger to the public health. . . . .(?) - In the City of Portland, Oregon, the Building Code lays down in great detail definite requirements for the proportion of window space to floor area for various classes of buildings, including factories:– All buildings shall be so placed upon building sites as to secure proper natural light and ventilation for the occupants thereof, and for the purpose of this Title, no building, the interior of which is left in one space as a whole, or is divided or partitioned off into rooms or spaces of limited area, with Or without enclosed passageways or other intervening rooms or spaces between, shall be deemed in a proper Sanitary condition whless each room or space shall have one or more properly proportioned, adjustable glazed doors or windows, or both, or ventilated skylights opening directly into an open air space of a street, gard, lawn or court.(") The window areas for properly lighted rooms shall never be less than the following given as a fraction of the floor area to be lighted; the smaller fraction Žs for rooms lighted from unobstructed continuous air spaces or streets 30 feet or more in width, and the larger for eaterior air spaces of less width than 30, but the minimum width of courts shall not be (l) Factory Inspection Circular of December 16th, 1909 (No. 18), Par. 11. - (*) The following States have Factory Acts in which adequate lighting is required in general terms:—New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, Maryland, Kansas, Missourie, South Carolina. (*) Plans must be submitted for approval in the following States:—Wermont, Maine, and Oregon. - (*) No legislation appears to exist in the following States : —New Hampshire, Texas, New Mexico, Delaware, Georgia, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, North Dakota, Indiana, Minnesota, Wyoming, Vir- ginia, West Virgina, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, the territory of Alaska, and the city of East St. Louis. (5) Public General Laws of Maryland, 1904, Art. 27, Section 247. () Buildings Act, City of Portland, Oregon, Art. 510. C 3 16 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: less than 6 feet; provided, however, that interior Gr line courts may be one-half of the above width for one building, but if windows of two buildings open in such court, the court shall be the full width. For Buildings(*)— Grade I. - Division a and b - 1/8 and 1/6 Division c - - 1/6 and 1/4 Grade II. - Division a - - 1/9 and 1/7 - Division, b - - 1/8 and 1/6 Division c - - 1/10 and 1/20 Division d - - 1/20 and 1/20 Division e and f - 1/6 and 1/4 Grades III. and IV. º - 1/10 and 1/8 Buildings when erected for use as stores, workshops and factories (warehouses eacepted) located on streets and courts and lighted as prescribed in Section 511, the interior space of which remains unobstructed eacept by columns and the necessary elevators and stairs ‘so placed as not to interfere with the proper transmission of light and air, will be deemed sufficiently lighted and ventilated, subject to other prescribed conditions of their special occupany, when their depths or proportions do not exceed the following number of times the window-head height above the OO)" : — - - fl (a) For through buildings from street to street or from a street to an unobstructed space of equal width of a street, ten ; if one end has a court, alley or yard of less width than a street, eight. (b) For corner buildings facing two streets, or a street and an open space at least as wide as a street, sia, from each street. () Factories are covered by Grade II, Division e. and workshops by Grade II., Division f. schools in Lower Austria :— For corner buildings facing a street and a court- yard, courtway or alley of less width than a street, sia, deep from the street and four deep from the other dimension. •. - (c) For corner buildings facing three streets, fourteen in the longest and eight in the shortest dimension. - \ - If one or two of the sides faces an alley or open space less than the width of a street, the shortest dimension, shall not eaceed sia, and ºf the principal source of light is from two parallel streets with an alley along the other side, the shortest dimension shall not eaceed four. - (d) If a building faces four streets, the dºmensions shall not eaceed sæteen in each direction ; if lighted by two opposite streets and situated between alleys, courts or yards of less dimension than a street, the dimension from street to street shall not ea:ceed sia:teen and the other dimension twelve ; if the building faces two intersecting streets and two Žntersecting alleys or spaces narrower than a street, the dimension shall not eaceed twelve in either direction.(?) - In the State of California the following provision is in force :— No basement, cellar, underground apartment, or other place which the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labour Statistics shall condemn as unhealthy shall be used as a workshop, factory, or place of business in which any person or persons shall be employed.(*) (*) Buildings Act, City of Portland, Oregon, Art. 511. (*) Act of February 6th 1889, section 3. - II.-SCHOOLS, A.—AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. The following provisions apply to all national The lintel of the window must be as near as possible to the ceiling. - The distance between the lintel of the inside window recess and the ceiling mºst £n no case eacceed 15 centimetres (6 &nches). This condition can be easily fulfilled by the w8e of a cross-piece in the construction of the lintel of the window recess or by the formation of the ceiling out of beams inserted between the cross-pieces. The light must reach the pupils from the left side. Windows must not be provided in both the principal walls. - - The total area of the window openings of a classroom must amount to at least one-sºath of the floor space, if completely unobstructed, and to one- fourth, if the light is obstructed by neighbouring buildings. - - The height of the window Sill must be not less than 1 : 1 metres (3 feet 7 inches) and not more than 1 : 5 metres (4 feet 11 inches). . . . . The piers of the window wall, which adjoin the principal walls of the classroom, must not eacceed 0-75 to 0.9 metre (2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet) 'n width measured up to the window frame, and the piers between the windows must be made as narrow as the method of construction (steel, stone or bricks) admits. If bricks are used, the width of the pier must not exceed the limit of two brick lengths over and above the depth of the window case, whless in the case of buildings with several storeys further strengthening can be shown by calculation to be mecessary, having regard to the load on the piers. In such instances it is advantageous to increase the thickness of the walls rather than the width of the piers. The windows of a room should, as a rule, be of the same width throughout, and should be not less than 1 : 5 (4 feet 11 inches) metres in width. If deviation from these conditions is applied for, Žt must be shown that the illwmination of the school desks will not be detrimentally affected thereby. Classrooms mºst have dowble windows; wooden casings to the window recesses should not be supplied, but the window cases (80 far as the construction of the piers admits) and also the lintels should be bevelled, and the bevelled parts plastered and painted white. The inside of the windows should be painted in a light colour. The windows must be so constructed that they can at all times be completely opened to secure ventilation. - Switable arrangements must be made for keeping the windows open. The window panes must be clear and quite trans- parent. The sashes and cross-bars of the windows should be so arranged that they obstruct as little as possible. This is especially important in the divisions of the upper section of the window, which 7s the more effective for the lighting of the room. Division of the window into three parts is permissible. - It is recommended that where" practicable the window frames should be constructed of iron.() During instruction no direct sunlight nor Swnlight reflected from opposite buildings must be allowed to enter the room. As a protection against such light, only those curtains should be used which completely cover the window and are fiaſed inside the window recesses. The curtains should be made of light, wºbleached material without pattern. The curtains can be arranged 80 as to be drawn from above (window blinds) or may consist of two overlapping portions, to be drawn from the side.(?) For the general artificial lighting of class- rooms the use of diffused lighting reflected from the ceiling is recommended as the best, a system which can be easily adapted to electric light and 'ncamdescent gas. For lighting by means of pendants, electric light, incandescent gas or mineral oil may be used according to the local conditions. (*) Order of the Lower Austrian School Board, dated 23rd November 1905, §10, - (*) Ibid., § 11, APPENDICES. - - - - - - - - 17 In both the last cases the lamps must be provided with globes, and all hanging lamps must be provided with appliances screening the lights from the eyes. - : . When the indirect method of lighting is used, the ceiling should be painted with some light- coloured, easily cleaned material. For illumina- tion by means of pendant lamps, these should be provided with Switable shades of obscured or white glass (opal) in order to increase their efficiency. . The sources of light must be fia:ed at least 0. 5 metre (20 inches) away from the heads of the pupils when reading or writing. Care must be taken that the lamps are so distributed as to ensure that the illumination over the working plane is as uniform as possible. Blackboards, maps, &c., must be particularly well illuminated, care being taken that the sources of light are screened from the direct vision of the pupils by the provision of Switable shades. The illumination shall be sufficient to enable diamond type to be easily read by a normal /eye at a distance of half a metre (20 inches), corresponding to a minimum illumination of 10 normal metre- candles (about 1 foot-candle). Especial care must be devoted to the cleaning and ºfficient upkeep of the light sources.() B. —BELGIUM. ^, The lighting of classrooms in the primary schools is regulated by the official requirements of 27th No- vember 1874. Certain modifications, due to the advance in educational hygiene, have been introduced in some of its provisions and form the subject of the Instructions of 14th March 1892. The following requirements were originally in force :— The windows shall be lateral, and shall face, as far as possible, the directions south-east and north- west. If it is impracticable to arrange the windows on two sides they must be placed on the left of the pupils and situated, ºf possible, in the wall opposite the platform. The number representing the glass area of the windows shall be not less than one-twentieth of the number representing the cubic capacity of the room. The lower panes may be constructed of roughemed lass. 9 The upper part of the window frame shall be so constructed as to allow this to be opened at will. The sides and bottom of the window bays shall be splayed. t The windows shall be furnished with blinds capable of being raised from below instead of being lowered from above.(*) - - It is now recommemaled that classrooms should have dimensions of 7 metres by 8 or 9 (23 feet by 26 to 30 feet) with unilateral lighting, which is Tecognised as being the best system in that it avoids the crossing of light and allows the desks to be arranged so that the pupils receive the daylight from the left. But provision must be made for the light to reach the furthest parts of the room and to be distributed as viniformly as possible. With this object it is necessary that the following conditions should be observed :- The windows are to be situated in one of the great sides of the rectangle, and the width of wall between any two bays is to be reduced to a maaſimºwm of 50 to 80 centimetres (1 foot 8 inches to 2 feet 8 inches); the tops of the windows should be horizontal and show.ld reach as near as possible to the ceiling, i.e., within 25 to 30 centimetres (10 inches to 1 foot), the Sills being about 1 to 1.20 metres (3 feet 3 inches to 4 feet) from the OO!". - fl The height of 4: 50 metres (14 feet 9 inches) remains in force for classroom, and the ceiling must be horizontal. - (*) Ibid, § 12. (*) Ministerial decree of 27th November 1874, In the conditions prescribed above for the windows it is useless to observe the requirement as to the ratio between window area and cubic space in schoolrooms since this ratio has no rational basis. School premises with unilateral lighting should receive the daylight from the west or better from the east. In the case of bilateral lighting it is recom- mended that the windows show.ld face east and west.(?) In schools where artificial light is used (evening adult classes, &c.), care must be taken that moa;ious products of combustion are removed by placing above the light sources pipes connected with the central flue and arranged so as to eaſpedite the ventilation. A distance of about 1:40 metres (4% feet) should be maintained between the desks and the reflectors in order to protect the heads of the scholars from eaccessive heat.(?) No legal provisions are in force with regard to the lighting of lower secondary schools, which is under the control of the local authorities. C.—DENMARK. The following account of the requirements in force has been received from the Education Department at Copenhagen :- There are no special regulations for the artificial lighting of classrooms, but there have always been definite rules which are observed for the arrange- ments in this connection. Up to the year 1880 open batswing burners were used in all the communal schools, four in each classroom and generally a gas lamp by the master's desk. A classroom, as a rule, has a floor area of 47 Square metres (487 square feet) and a height of 3-8 metres (12 feet 6 inches). In 1880 Argand lamps with split burners were introduced. Between 1888 and 1898 all newly-built schools were provided with Siemens’ regenerative burners with ventilators. In 1898 and the next two following years Auer incandescent gas lamps were introduced into all Schools, both old and new. Four of these of 75 candle-power each were pro- vided for a classroom of 47 square metres floor space (487 Square feet), corresponding to a pro- portion of 6-3 candle-power per square metre (0' 62 candle-power per square foot). The lamps were furnished with shallow comical reflectors and eyeshades. This system is still in use in all schools built before 1908. Since 1908 power electric light has been installed in all new schools, 50 candle-power metal filament lamps with half shades being used. Every class-. room is provided with four lamps, which are fixed about 1 metre above the pupils’ desks. They are calculated to give an illumination of at least 24 metre-candles (2° 5 foot-candles) on each desk. But as it is found that this system of lighting is not very satisfactory owing to there being no reflection from the ceiling and to the deterioration of the lamps after use, it is proposed to instal five lamps or to increase the candle-power to 75 for the two lamps nearest to the master's desk, so that the total amount of light in each room will be equivalent to 250 candles. D.—FRANCE. The following requirements apply to all maternal schools :— - - - - The windows, which should preferably be rect- angular, and the bays, shall be as large and numerous as possible. The lintels shall be situated immediately under the ceiling so as to give the windows as much height as possible. The window sills shall not be higher than 0-5 metre (1 foot 8 inches) from the floor, so as to allow the pupils to see out, and all precautions shall be taken to prevent breakage of the glass and other accidents. - - (1) Ministerial circular of 14th March 1892. (*) Ministerial decree of 27th November 1874. C 4 18 #. ; : DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND worksHOPS: All windows and their imposts shall be capable of opening, and dowble windows shall be provided if the climate requires it. The window fastenings shall be about 1.6 metres (5 feet 3 inches) above the floor. - - The blinds, if there be need for them, should be of such a kind to intercept the rays of the sum without Żmpeding the circulation of the air.() Lighting by a glass roof is forbidden as the principal source of illumination, but it may be adopted to secure a complement of light.(?) So far as possible, electric light shall be used for artificial illumination. The sources shall always be so placed that they cannot tire the sight of the pupils. With this object it is desirable that the Żllumination should be derived from diffused light, Teflected from the ceiling. This method of lighting 7s easily obtained by means of inverted reflectors directing the light on ceilings painted white.(?) The following requirements are in force in all primary elementary schools:— The dimensions of the windows shall be calculated 80 as to provide adequate light for all the desks. The width of the piers shall be as small as possible. The windows shall be rectangular or slightly arched. The distance between the tops of the windows and the ceiling shall be about 20 centimetres (8 inches). The Sills shall be bevelled on both sides and situated 1:2 metres (4 feet) from the floor. Where unilateral lighting is adopted, the daylight Tivust come from the left side of the pupils, and the following conditions must be observed :- (1) The height of the room shall be equal to about two-thirds of its height ; (2) Ventilation openings must be made in the wall opposite to that from which light is re- ceived. In all cases the distance from the wall or walls from which light is obtained and neighbouring buildings shall be not less than 8 metres (26 feet 3 inches).() No windows shall be placed in the wall opposite the master's desk, nor in the wall facing the pupils. Lighting by means of a glass roof is forbidden.(?) E.—GERMAN EMPIRE. In Prussia, a provision exists that in all classrooms the window area of a room must amount to one-fifth of the floor area. There are no regulations as to artificial light. F.—HOLLAND. The following requirements apply to all public elementary schools:— The windows must be so placed and arranged that the classroom is completely and adequately lighted and all strong light is modified. They should be placed by preference in the wall on the left hand of the pupils, and in no case in the working wall. The upper part of the windows in the walls must be capable of being easily opened at all times, whilst ºn every classroom the lower part of at least one window frame must be capable of being opened to its full eatent. The total area of the window glass in every class- Toom must amount to one-sixth of the floor area if the situation is open, and one-fifth if the entrance of light is obstructed by neighbouring buildings or trees. The lower edge of the glass in the windows on the left of the pupils must be not higher than 1.25 metres (4 feet 1 inch) above the floor, and the (*) Special instructions in regard to the situation, &c. of maternal schools (1910), Art. 12. (*) Ibid., Art. 13. (*) Ibid., Art. 18. (*) Special instructions in regard to the construction, &c. of primary elementary schools (1901) Art. 19, (*) Ibid., Art. 20, wpper edge must be eaſtended as near to the ceiling as is practically possible.(*) The passages and halls must be adequately lighted. . . . The stairways must be adequately lighted. . . .(?) Closets, urinals, and porches must be adequately lighted.(?) - All passages, halls, and specially constructed Tooms used as cloakrooms must be adequately lighted.() . . Identical requirements exist also for denominational elementary schools.(?) G.—ITALY. There appears to be no legislation on the lighting of schools. H.—Norway. The following extracts occur in various circulars from the Education Department — The windows in the classrooms showld be so placed that the light enters from the left side of the pupils. The window area should amount to at least one-sia,th of the floor area, and the piers between the windows should be as marrow as the stability of the building will admit, and should in mo case ea:ceed 0.9 metre (3 feet) in width. The lintel of the windows should be rectangular, and should reach as near to the ceiling as the safety of the structure allows, and its distance from the floor should in no case be less than seven-twelfths of the breadth of the room. The upper window frame Showld be so arranged that it can be twrned on a horizontal aa is and be easily opened and shut from below. The window sills show.ld not be lower than the tops of the pupils’ desks. If sufficient light cannot be obtained by this means windows may be placed in two opposite walls (those on the left and right of the pupils). It is convenient to place over the ea;it door (if this leads to a corridor or anteroom) a window of the same width as the door and at least 0 - 6 metre (2 feet) high, so arranged as to be easily opened and shut on a horizontal aa is from below. In gymnasiums the window area should amount to at léast one-eighth of the floor area. The windows should preferably be placed ºn one long wall only, and that on the sunny side ; the window sills showld be at least 1: 5 metres (5 feet) above the floor.(") Drawing studios should have abundant light. The windows should be provided with sills not less than 1 2 metres (4 feet) high wnless the light is cut off up to that height, and should be carried up as far as possible to the roof. The total effective window area should be not less than one-fifth of the floor area.(7) - r. The following requirements refer to gymnasia — The windows should be either very large, situated in one long wall, and not less than 1 : 5 metres (5 feet) from the floor, or somewhat smaller, situated Žn both long walls, 2 5 metres (8 feet 3 inches) above the floor. - - The artificial lighting should be electric or gas light. Fażling these, oil lamps which do not smoke may be used.(?) R.—SWEDEN. All schools (both ordinary and board) must be situated in Open and healthy places,(*) and it is required that as regards warming, ventilation, lighting, and (l) Royal decree of 13th July 1912 (Statute No. 192), Art. 10. & (*) Ibid., Art. 12. (*) Ibid., Art. 14. (*) Ibid., Art. 16. (*) Royal decree of 13th July 1912 (Statute No. 193) Arts. 8, 10, 12, 14. (6) Circular dated 23rd March 1886. (7) Circular dated 1st June 1898. (*) Circular of 21st April 1897. - * (*) Laws of December 10th, 1897, par. 53 : February 18th, 1905, par. 57. APPENDICES. 19 cleaning of school buildings, the headmaster, with the advice of the school doctor, shall submit a suitable scheme in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Board of Education.() These regulations contain the following references to lighting, so far as regards Ordinary schools — Every classroom must be well lighted by windows of sufficient size and Switably placed. The windows must admit sufficient light to enable print in ordi- mary type to be read by a normal eye easily and without straining in all parts of the room. The window sills must not be made lower than 1:2 metres (3 feet 11 inches), and the windows must Teach as near as possible to the ceiling and be made horizontal at the top. The piers of the windows must not be too broad and must be bevelled towards the inside of the 7"OO7??,. The total window area must amount to at least one-fifth of the floor area of the room. The windows of the classroom must be situated only in the wall on the left of the pupils, when seated at their desks. Windows must not be placed in the wall immediately in front of the pupils. Windows 'n the right side wall and the back wall should be avoided as far as possible, and where they do occur, should be provided with inside shºwtiers. Skylights and roof windows are switable only for technical and industrial rooms and laboratories. The window frames of all classrooms, whether inside or outside windows, should be fia!ed on hinges so as to admit of their being opened for complete ventila- tion. - Cwrtains showld be provided, where necessary, as a protection against direct sunlight. These should consist of thin, flimsy material, best of whbleached limen, and should be capable of being drawn either from the sides, or from below upwards, or from above downwards, according as the 8wnlight enters the room.(?) 1. Classrooms.-In the selection of artificial light sources care showld be taken that these give sufficient and soft light, without glare and shadows, and it is fownd that a light source of about 25 candle-power at a distance of one metre is sufficient for reading and writing. - The lamps must be so placed that the pupils are mot compelled to look either straight at them, or directly past them. They must therefore be fiated sufficiently high and be provided, as a rule, with suitable globes or shades, constructed, for instance, of opal or ground glass. Switable illuminants are Čncandescent gas and electric lamps of various kinds, such as ordinary glow lamps, mernst lamps, and arc lamps. If arc lamps are used, indirect lighting should be adopted, that is, the whole of the light from the lamps is thrown up to the white ceiling by a screen fiaſed under the lamp. - If special lamps are used for the illumination of the blackboard, these must be provided with opaque shades which throw the light on to the blackboard, and the lamps must be so arranged that mome of the pupils are troubled by reflection from the blackboard. 2. Rooms for Instruction in Scientific Subjects.- Instruction rooms should be placed towards the sowth, South-east, or South-west, so as to enable eaperiments involving the use of sunlight to be carried out. The rooms should have means for eacluding all light, such as suitable curtains or shutters. - 3. Rooms for Technical Instruction. — The windows of technical rooms should, as a rule, be arranged on the same plan as windows in class- T"O O'???.S. For artificial lighting the following systems are the most switable :- (i) Incandescent Gas.-These can with advan- tage be placed two and two on each window pier. (ii) Electric Glow Lamps.-4 he light from each lamp is spread over the desks for two or three (1) Law of February 18th, 1905, par. 60. , (*) Board of Education Circular No. 2, dated 14th September 1905, Section II., par. 5. pupils by means of a reflecting shade. At the same time the shade protects the eyes of the pupils sitting behind. (iii) Electric Arc Lamps.--The arrangement for indirect lighting has been already described. These lamps give abundant and evenly distributed light, and the cost of current is lower than for the glow lamps. For some kinds of writing eatercises, however, inconvenience may be caused by shadows. 6. Rooms for Industrial Instruction.—Rooms situated on the ground floor should be provided with windows on two, or, if possible, three sides. The pupils should, during work, receive light from the Tight side as well as from behind, or both from behind and from in front. If the room is so situated that passers-by can see in through the windows, it is well to furnish the lower portions of the windows with panes of ribbed glass. If the room is situated on the top storey, roof windows are preferable. To ensure 87tificient ventilation in such a room a number of air shafts should be led up to the ceiling. For artificial lighting, electrical light sources are the most convenient in all respects. If glow lamps are adopted, it is desirable that one should be supplied to each work-place. The lamps should be furnished with reflectors so as to throw the light downwards. If arc lamps are used, two of these should suffice for the lighting of the room, but it is desirable to supply four or five glow lamps for work which requires a stronger light, such as turning, wood-carving, &c. Incandescent gas can also be employed ; but it possesses the great disadvantage that the Zöghting power of the incandescent manile falls off very quickly, owing to the fine sawdust present in the air settling partly on the mantle itself and partly in the fine channels of the burners. The distribution of glow lamps and gas flames show.ld be arranged after the work benches and machines have been placed in position.() The following regulations refer to Board Schools — It is of great importance that the wall containing the windows through which the classroom obtains 7ts principal light should face a well-lighted quarter. South-east is best. It is true that, with a southern or south-western direction, the task of warming the classroom in winter would be lightened, but, on the other hand, unbearable heat would ensue in the summer. With windows facing directly east or west, the sunlight penetrates the Toom in the morning and evening in an almost horizontal direction, and causes great inconvenience. A northern outlook is advantageous in southern countries, but in Sweden any classroom which had windows facing that dark and inclement quarter would be unpleasant.(?) - The desks must be placed at right angles to the long side of the room, and must be so arranged with regard to the light that the children do not ºreceive the strongest daylight either from in front or from the right, but in all cases from the left.(?) . . Every classroom must be well lighted by suffi- ciently large and suitably placed windows. The windows must admit sufficient light, so that even the furthest parts of the classroom receive full daylight, but, on the other hand, no more windows should be installed than are necessary for this purpose, both on the score of economy and to dispense to some eatent with the necessity for artificial heating. In determºning the amount of window surface— which may in general amount to 15 to 20 per cent. of the floor surface—account must be taken both of the orientation and of the character of the surroundings, and deviation from the rule can also be allowed, taking into account the further arrangements of the building. As has been already stated (s. 29), the pupils, when seated at their desks, must receive the light *-m-sº (') Ibid., Section W. (*) General Plans and Specifications for Board School Buildings (1865), s. 4. (*) Ibid., s. 29. 20 T) EPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : from the left-hand side. Partly to carry out this *wle and partly to obtain a pleasant soft light, the daylight should preferably be admitted from one side only, through windows along one length of the room. i Even a large room will obtain sufficient daylight by this means, ºf the windows are large enough and their height Swited to the width of the room. The distance from the floor of the room to the wpper edge of the window must in such cases be not less than half the width of the room, so that, allowing for a space of one foot in the wall, above the window, a classroom 22 feet wide must be at least 12 feet high, a room 24 feet wide at least 13 feet high, and a room 30 feet wide at least 16 feet high. Since now the height of an ordinary classroom must not eaceed 16 feet, it follows that in rooms ea:ceeding 30 feet in width the windows must be situated in two opposite walls. The last arrangement of windows, however, is less convenient, Since the numerous cross-shadows which arise cause an impression of confusion. In addition, with this method of lighting the black- board takes on a bright sheen, which makes the writing on it very difficult to decipher, and the pupils engaged in writing ea:ercises turn themselves first to one side and then to the other, according to which direction the strongest light falls in. No windows should be situated in the wall in front of the pupils' seats in any circumstances, since the light would them fall right in the children's faces and affect their sight injuriously. On the other hand, windows can be introduced without harm into the opposite gable wall if circumstances so require. The windows in a classroom should be larger than in an ordinary dwelling-room ; their height should vary from 8 to 11 feet; and their width. from 4 to 6 feet, according to the size of the room. The piers between the windows and at the ends of the wall show.ld be sufficiently narrow to allow the daylight to be uniformly distributed. Darkness will always ea;ist behind a pier that is too wide. When the windows are situated in one long wall only, then, at any rate, there need be no wide pier8 between the windows in that wall, since the other three sides of the room supply adequate space for chdºts, tables, blackboards, &c. In a brick building the window recesses should be enlarged towards the Žnside, so as to reduce to a mºnºmºw’m the shadows arising between the windows. The windows should reach as near as possible to the ceiling, whless some ornamentation eaſists. The height of the wall above the windows or the distance between the window panes and the swrface of the ceiling should, as a rule, not eaceed 1 foot. The ceiling beams should alternate with the windows. If the window sills are too low, the light from the lower parts of the window will strike the pupils’ eyes; if, on the other hand, they are too high, the room becomes dark. To prevent the pupils from seeing out during lessons and the passers-by from seeing in, the window sills should generally be pather higher than in an ordinary dwelling-room. When the position is good, a height of 3 feet is sufficient for the sills; but if the school looks on the street or public road and lies low compared with its surroundings, the height may be increased to 4 or 4' 5 feet. Classrooms and all other rooms with fireplaces should be provided with double windows. The whole of the outer window frame and at least one pame of the inner frame shall be fiased on hinges so as to allow of their being opened when necessary. For the windows of a classroom, both outer and Žnner, completely clean and white, that is, clear white, glass should be used. As a protection against bright sunlight, either curtains or blinds shall be adopted. The curtains must be neither dark nor bright white, but a light grey or unbleached cloth, so that the glare of the (*) Ibid., SS. 41–51, sunshine is removed without making the room dark as well. L.—UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Specific requirements as to the lighting of schools are not found in the majority of the States, and in some there appears to be no reference to the subject in any form.() . In others, however, definite provisions are laid down either statutorily or by order from an authorised department. The following may be quoted as examples:—(?) Rhode Island: - The State Board of Education from time to time shall approve proper standards of lighting, heating, ventilating, seating and other sanitary arrange- ments of school buildings.(*) - - Vermont : - -- School houses shall conform to the following detailed requirements : (h) Buildings shall be so located as to secure the best light. Particular attention must be given to this in villages where the school house is likely to be surrownded by other buildings. (i) The walls of the room shall be light gre?), buff, or greenish tint. - - (m) The windows shall be numerous, large enough and so arranged as to give ample light to every part (and corner) of the room. The window space should be one-fourth of the floor space, and must be not less, than one-fifth. There must be no more space between the top of the window and the ceiling than is required to finish the building, and the window Sill must be four feet from the floor. The light must be arranged 80 as to fall wpon the pupils from the left or left-hand back, never from the front. There must be curtains of a grey or buff colour for all windows—two to each window—hwng in the centre of the window so that either the upper or lower half, or both, can be shaded. - (r) Blackboards shall be placed opposite windows, never between, and shall be of a dark, lustreless colour. Lessons placed on the board for pupils to copy are injurious to the eyes, by reason of the rapid change of focus required from the distant board to the paper on the desk ; hence, these should - be avoided.(*) Bennsylvania: - All school buildings hereafter built or rebuilt shall comply with the following conditions :— In every schoolroom the total light area must equal at least 20 per centum of the floor space, and the light shall not be admitted thereto from the front of the seated pupils.(') Ohio : . . . - * - No wall of any building . . . w8ed for light- Žng school or classrooms shall be placed nearer ańy opposite building, structure, or property line than thirty (30) feet.() - - The proportion of glass in each class, study, Tecitation high schoolroom and laboratory “all be not less than one (1) square foot of glass; 2 - “ five (5) square feet of floor area. . . . . . . Windows shall be placed either at the left or the left and rear of the pupils when seated. Tops of windows, eacept in libraries, museums, and art galleries, shall not be placed more than (i) No legislation appears to exist in the following States:— Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado, Illinois, Nebraska, Maryland, Oklahama, Kansas, Missouri, South Carolina, California, Arizona, Nevada. (2) In addition to these regulations plans have to be submitted for approval in the following States:—New York, Iowa, Michigan, South Dakota, North Carolina, Utah, Rhode Island. - (3) Public Laws, 1911, ch. 72, s. 3., (*) State Board of Health Regulations (1911), s. 7. (5) School Act (1911), s. 618. . (*) State Building Act, S. 3. APPENDICES. , ‘’ 21 eight (8") inches below the minimum ceiling height as established winder section 7. The whit of measurement for the width of a properly-lighted room, when lighted from one side only shall be the height of the window head above the floor.() Louisiana : Windows and transomes shall be so constructed that the windows may be lowered from the top and transomes opened. Every school house must be lighted in Such a manner as to mºnºmise the eye strain. Each room must contain of actual surface of glass in the windows not less than one-seventh of the floor space.(?) - Oregon : - The same regulations apply to schools as to factories (q.v.). Schools are covered by Grade I., Division c. South Dakota : In order that dwe care may be exercised in the heating, lighting, and ventilation of public school buildings, hereafter erected, no school house shall be erected by any board of education or school district board in this State wintil the plans and specifications for the same, showing in detail the proper heating, lighting, and ventilation of such building shall have been approved by the superintendent of public in- struction.(*) North Carolina : * , £he light, according to the best authorities, should (*) State Building Act, s. 11. (*) Sanitary Code, s. 250 (6). (*) School Code of 1907, Art. XV., s. 237. come from the rear and left side, or left side of the pupil only, and the glass surface should equal from one-sixth to one-fifth of the floor area of the room. The windows should be set 3 or 3% feet above the floor, and the window head show.ld come within 12 inches of the ceiling. The school'oom, windows showld have a 24-inch transome each hºnged at the bottom, to swing in.() Texas : In the public school buildings of Tea as no window admitting light shall be so placed in a classroom or study hall that it must be faced by pupils when seated at their desks. - All window openings admitting light into class Tooms or study halls shall not come lower than a point 3% feet from the floor, and shall eafend to a point within 6 inches of the ceiling. The area of clear window surface for the admis- Sion of light into any classroom, or study hall shall not be less than one-sixth of the area of the floor space in said classroom or study hall, and no part of the said classroom or study hall in which pupils are seated or required to study shall be at a greater distance from the window than twice the height of the top of the window above the floor, eaccept in cases in which adequate skylights are provided. The main light in all one-room schools shall come from the left of the pupils as they sit at their desks, and in all larger buildings this condition shall be approaºmated as nearly as architectural demands and the demands of ventilation will permit.(?) (*) Plans for public school houses (1911). (*) Public Schools Act (1913), ch. 130, ss. 1–4. 22 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : APPENDIX IX. MEMORANDUM ON ACCIDENTS IN FACTORIES. By D. R. WILSON AND C. C. PATERSON (Joint SECRETARIES). In order to discover the relationship (if any) between working with artificial light and liability to accident, use has been made (at the original sugges- tion of Mr. L. W. Thomas, of the Statistical Branch of the Factory Department) of a special return of all reported accidents for 1913 and part of 1914, in which the number of accidents occurring each month from the following causes— (a) Machinery moved by mechanical power, (b) Molten metal, hot liquid, (c) Struck by falling body, (d) Persons falling, (e) All causes, are tabulated for a large number of industries. From this return the following industries and causations have been selected for special study:-- Industry. Causation. Reasons for selection. Textile sº gºs (a), (d) An Organised class of industry carried On under approxi- Imately uniform - conditions. Textile (cotton | (a), (b), (c), Localisation, and Spinning and (d). uniformity Of weaving). hours of employ- ment and holidays. General engineer- | (a), (c), (d) Large size of indus- ing. try. Shipbuilding - | (a), (c), (d) ºsºmeº () º (d) |}special liability to Drink (except (d) | accident. * aêrated waters). Buildings under (c), (d) “Daylight ° indus- construction. | try. | In the application of these figures use has been made of three methods:— METHOD I. Diagrams (A to D) have been prepared, showing monthly percentages of accidents due to various causes. In these the accidents from a given cause in any industry are expressed as a percentage of the total accidents occurring in that industry from that cause during the full period of 14 months under com- sideration. METHOD II. Diagrams (E to H) have been prepared, showing for each month the relative number of accidents due to various causes. In these the accidents are expressed as a percentage of the total number due to all causes occurring in that industry during the month in ques- tion. METHOD III. º In this method, which is based on certain assump- tions, an attempt is made to calculate the normal accident rates from each cause during the months when no artificial light is used, and, by applying these rates to the daylight period of employment during the winter months, to estimate the accident rates during the use of artificial light. The method is separately considered later. METHODS T. AND II. The differences between these two methods may be expressed as follows:– Method 1. is unaffected by changes in the number of accidents due to causes other than the one under consideration, but it takes no account of the number of working hours (as determined by the week-ends, holidays, &c.), nor the number of persons at work (as determined by the state of employment) in each month As the significance of these curves depends on the number of persons employed being constant, tables showing the state of employment in the principal industries have been prepared from the returns fur- mished to the Board of Trade and are appended to this memorandum. It appears, however, that, except for a few industries (e.g., docks and shipbuilding), the changes in employment are without appreciable effect. In Method II., on the other hand, the effect of the variations in the number of persons working and the number of working days is eliminated, but the true character of the curve may be masked by changes in the number of accidents occurring in the industry from causes other than that under consideration. The special features of the curves obtained on the principles already explained are given in the following table and the general conclusions to be drawn may be Summarised as follows:– (1) The curves based on Method I. show a general drop for August, due, doubtless, to the holiday season, and, in many instances, a sudden rise in October, for some reason difficult to explain. (See especially curves 6, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 21). (2) Generally speaking, the curves possess no charac- teristic form, eacepting for accidents due to persons falling. In spite of considerable irregu- larities, the tendency of these curves is markedly Concaye, indicating an increase during the winter months of accidents due to this cause. (See especially curves 14, 16, 20, 21, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, and 42.) The chief exceptions are— (a) Construction of Buildings (curve 40), which is practically a daylight industry, and (b) Docks (curve 39), in which the number of accidents from other causes probably varies greatly from month to month. Accidents. Numbers and Special Features of Curves. Industry. State of Employment.* Method I.i. Method II. Remarks. Causation. . No. Description. No. Description. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Textile - º Good generally, but diminishing (a) Machinery 1 None - º º . gº - 22 Curve strongly convex, rising to A higher accident rate in summer, throughout the year. (Extreme moved by power. a maximum in September, and possibly due to increased pressure difference 2 per cent.) falling to a minimum in February. of work before and after holiday - Séa, SOD. (d) Persons falling 14 | Concave between January and 35 | Concave between January and November, with minimum in August, with minimum in June | June. Falls after November. and maximum in August. After - August fairly constant. Founding - Fairly constant till July; then a (b) Molten metal || 6 | None. Minimum in September, 27 | None - e. ſº - - This causation is not directly . sudden drop of 15 per cent. to corresponding to state of employ- dependent on lighting. September, after which a rise ment. occurs to normal conditions in (e) Falling object | 8 || None, except steady rise from 29 | None. November. (Extreme difference September to February, corre- 20 per cent.) sponding to increase in employ- ment. - (d) Persons falling 15 || Strongly concave between 36 | Curve tends to rise at either end, The accidents from this cause are Eebruary and October, with corresponding to the winter months. more numerous in winter than in minimum in July. - | Maximum in January; minimum Summer, - t - - in July. Shipbuilding - || Constant, except for September (a) M achinery | 2 | None - * º - - || 23 | None. and October, when a sudden drop moved by power. - of 2 per cent. occurred. (Extreme (c) Falling object || 9 || None - s * {-, - 31 | None. - difference 2 8 per cent.) (d) Persons fall- 16 || Strongly concave from Febru- || 37 || Strongly concave throughout. Curve 37 shows that in winter ing. ary to December, with minimum Maximum in February; minimum about 21 per cent. Of accidents in July. in July. from all causes are due to falls, and in summer about 17 per cent. only. * & Drink (except | Unknown, but probably fairly (d) Persons fall- || 17 | Curve irregular, with maximum | 38 A continuous and heavy fall The size of the premises, the aêrated waters). constant. ing. in January 1914 and minimum between January and August, with number of vats, stairs, hoists, &c., in June. an irregular but marked rise after- and the absence of fast-running - wards to January 1914. machinery make falls one of the most fruitful sources of accident. Docks - - || Only figures for London avail- | (c) Falling ob- || 10 | None - $º E; wº - 31 | None - $º gº tº º - An important source of accident. able. Employment quite irregular. jects. - - - º Maximum in January 1913 and (d) Persons fall- 18 Concave from January to 39 || None, except that generally Curve 18 closely follows the October; minimum in February ing. October, with minimum in speaking the curve is higher in employment chart for London. 1913 and August. (Extreme difference 14 per cent.) & September ; then falls slightly to February 1914. winter than in summer. w § Accidents. Numbers and Special Features of Curves. Industry. State of Employment.” ; e Method I.i. Method II. Rcmarks. Causation. º . No. Description. NO. Description. __ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Buildings un- Irregular. Increase of 12 per (c) Falling objects 11 None. Minimum in January 32 None. Minimum in December; All the curves for both causations der construc- cent. from January to April; fall | * and December. maximum in February 1914. are quite irregular in form. The tion. of 6 per cent. from March to June, (d) Persons falling| 19 None. Maximum in December; 40 None. Maximum in February industry is practically a “ day- and rise of 8 per cent. to August ; - minimum in January. . 1913; minimum in February 1914. light” one, and would not be then a gradual decline of 12 per - - - t expected to show seasonal varia- cent. to December. (Extreme tions. ..? - difference 12 per cent.) General En- || Constant, but gradually declining (a) Machinery 3 | None - iºn - - - 24 Convex in shape, probably owing gineering. throughout the year. (Extreme moved by power. . to concavity of curves for other difference 1 per cent.) causes. Maximum in September; . . - - - minimum in February. : (c) Falling objects 12 | None - - tº tº - |33 | None - - - * tººl tºº (d) Persons falling 20 | Concave from January to De- || 4i | Concave throughout, with maxi- | The form of these curves is very - cember, with minimum in June. mum, in January and minimum in striking when compared with those - May. under (a) and (c), especially when the large size of the industry is taken into account. Wood - - | Rises from January to April; (a) Machinery | 4 || None - * sº º - 25 An irregular but very marked then fairly constant till November, moved by power. rise between May and November. when a sudden drop of 1 per cent. occurs. (Extreme difference 2 per . cent.) - . All Industries | Very constant throughout the (a) Machinery | 5 | None - t- * . as - 26 | Slightly convex. Maximum in - year, with maximum in April and moved by power. - - July and September; minimum minimum in December and Janu- . in January and February 1914. ary 1914. (Extreme difference less (b) Molten metal 7 | None - - - *s - 28 Almost constant, than 1 per cent.) (c) Falling ob- 13 Concave between March and 34 || Almost constant. jects. - October, with minimum in July. - } (d) Persons fall- 21 Strongly concave from Febru- 42 Concave throughout, with mini- Curve 42 indicates that in May Ing. ary to October, with minimum in July. mum in May. 11 : 5 per cent. of all accidents are due to falls, compared with 14 per cent. in January. *. * Based on Board of Trade Returns (see Addendum (p. 27)). f No account is taken of the month of August on account of the effect of the holiday season. & ſº MONTHLY V ARIATIONS IN Acci D ENTs. M ET H O D I. Showing monthly percentages of all Reported Accidents in certain indust– ries due to various causes during the period of 14 months from January 1913, LG February 1914. - - s (7% e accidents due to each cause in each industry are expressed as a percent- age of the tota/ accidents due to that cause occurring %; %; #jãº.,4%% period of 14 months). D I A G R A M A é. Accip Ewrs cause D BY MACH (wer Y M oved BY ME.ca Awcal Power. n - 8 A || Textile | | n dustries (10,359) 7 AES- / \ Z" Ship building / NZ ^^ ( 2, 5 O 2.) 7 |_2^ *****. / N General Engineering r Sr. N/ N_i (14,052) - " * I - / ** wº 7 /\ - A / \ (3, 4-82 ) V. De C. Jan. Feb. | 9 |4-. G ---- 8 | ALL i NDUSTRE FS 5 7 - (54.975) | - 3 * | Aug. Sep. Oct. No Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. May. June. July. | 9 || 3. D : A G R A M B . Acc/24:/v7's caused a Y. M. o. TE/w META 4 of 4 or 2/9 of 2. 9. | tºs - - I * |A | Al / 6 \ / \ _-N /N 7 Founding of Metals 7 . * i ſ Y Yºr \ S--→ (3, 506) 7 (8.581) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan, Feb. 1913. # 9 4. . . (7he figures in brackets give the total number of accidents concerned.) Jº-4/3, 1630/2. 2500. 7. J5, Malby & Sons,lith. D I A G R A M C . A C C / D E // 7° S CA U S E D B Y F A L. L / W G O B J E C 7"S. Per C ent S - - t n v - * 8 - - /N -R , t 8 FSD/ N - \ / Founding of Metals \ - - (1, 4-5 es) 6 - | w f Ship build in g / - - - - (4., O 9 s ) |O Docks (3, 3.5 O) - - - - Construction of 8 | \ - - A-TN - Build in g s | - \– - - ( 4-2 4- ) > |2 General Engineering (8, 2.29) —-i-º- _* ALL INDU stries|3 (32.090) | G - \ ..." - - Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. May, June, July. Aug. Sep. Oct. Now. Dec. Jan. Feb. | 9 || 3. º: - |S 14- . (The figures in brack ets 9/ve the tota / number of accidents cancerned.) ... 34.73. reso/2. 2.54369, 7... ſº . ... . . Malby & Sons Lith UTR GTR. R. W. L. r De ſ” A CC/D E W 7 S O U E TO PER SO N S FA 1. L / // G . S ... . . . . . . . . . ... ' ... . . - - | -n 3 Yº - _^ - --~~. T N - yr N – All Textile 7 – 4– * - *> _ Industries - Y— \ 2 / ` (2,094.) & Y —— 8 / YA - - -T-- Founding of Metals 7. - /NS . ^s (6 e) /N - 2^ | |6 8 - - *— —— 'º- - - - * - Ship building . 7 / ^ - / \ 2 (3, 9 e 5) - 10 r- - - — — =–r- — - s - - - - - - | - - V ſ Drink 7 H /N / \ - (6 7) |8 Doc k s Nºts - / - (2,292) TTTTTTT A I9 8 /\ - ^1 - - / \ construction of \|| 2 || HS 7 |\|| "..." General Engineering (4,078) 2 ALL INDUSTRIEST (25.795) G 4– . . " Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. - | 9 || 3. ". }S 4-. (The figures in brackets give the total number of Accidents concerned). 34-19. 1650//2.2soo. 7. Is Malyssonslith. M ET H O D II. Showing, for each Month the relative number of Accidents due to various causes in Certa'ſ m Industries during the period of 14 months from January,1913 to February, 1914. ( The accidents due to each cause in each industry are expressed as a peri centage of the tota/ 3 ccidents due to aſ causes occurring in that industry during the month in question.) - D I A G R A M E. A CC / DEN 7S CA U S A. D B Y /M A C H / /V E A Y M O v E D B Y ME CA; A /w/ CA/. Power. Per ,” Cent. -* *H 2NT/N - – 22 so, — Y N/ - . Y, Aſ | Textile - N |. - | | . t * - | | n du stries 4.8 4- 3 23 Shipbuilding General Engineering 3 O | AVN | * isºr \ /-1 were G 2 \|/ 2.8 - - º - #4 n - 'S - - —º- 26 2 (5 # * . . . . ALL INDUSTRI ES ~ - / Build in g s. 32 /\\ ! 3 - 2^ - } General 33 ...t-r N-sº TS 2. Eng in eering I 3 | - i. - 34 |ALL INDUSTRIES 4-19. 1350//z. 2500. 7. 3. Malby & Sons,Lith. D I A G R A M H . Per Cent, Acc/D ENTs ou E To PERSows Fall/wa. | 2 - | | A. st—ts *~ 2^s. - - tº-f All Textile 35 N_- - In dustries. lºt is As Zºº. } 36 -H / N Founding of Metals 37 Shipbuilding 38 D r in k 39 Docks 4O Construction of Build in g s . NI/ \ 3 O O te gº 28 W 4| General Engineer i ng | - ar e —- -** ſ *w-r- ºr - - - - 42 | 2 ALL INDUSTRIES | } May. June. July. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb. | S 13 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. | S 14., 34-1s. 1650/2. 25 OO, 7. / 5. Malby & Sons. Lith. APPENDICES. 25 METHOD III. .* S S. Approximate computation of Accident Rate in 1913; (a) during Daylight, and (b) during Artificial Light. The following assumptions are made :- (1) For all industries except engineering the hours of work are taken as 10 per day, viz., 6 to 8; 8.30 to 12.30 ; 1.30 to 5.30. (2) In the case of engineering the hours are assumed to be from 7.0 to 8.30; 9.0 to 1.0 ; 2.0 to 5.30, with an average of overtime in 1913 for all workers of one hour a day, from 6.0 to 7.0 p.m. (3) Artificial light conditions obtain from half-an- hour before sunset until half-an-hour after sunrise. (4) On account of holidays the month of August is neglected altogether. Easter, Christmas, and Whitsun Bank Holidays are allowed for. (5) As for practical purposes no artificial light conditions obtain from April to September inclusive (five months excluding August), the average number of accidents per hour during this period is taken to represent the accident rate per hour under daylight conditions only. The total number of accidents from all causes from April to September 1913 (excluding August) was 73,387, or 61.3 per hour. This, therefore, repre- sents the normal accident rate under daylight con- ditions, and is the rate which is assumed to hold during daylight hours in the winter months. The accident rate during the hours of artificial light which obtain in the six winter months can then be deduced for each industry. Working on assumptions (1) and (3), the working hours of daylight and artificial light for all trades but engineering, during the five summer and six winter months of 1913 are as follows:— - jor Artificial ---------- Daylight. Light. Summer (April to September, 1,196 () excluding August). - Winter (January to March 999 393 and October to December). The total number of accidents during the six winter months was 92,265. Assuming the above acci- dent rate of 61: 3 per hour for the hours of winter daylight, and allowing for the slightly different hours of work in the engineering trade, we have – - Accidents. Total *=s Accidents. During During uring Artificial Daylight. Light. Winter months - 92,265 61,405 30,860 | Therefore, the accident rate in all industries and from all causes in 1913, during the hours of artificial light, was 79's per hour, as against 61 a per hour for daylight, an increase of 29 per cent. By the above method of computation the accident rates from different causes in the various industries have been determined, and are shown in the appended table :- | | Total Accidents. g Accidents during Per- Rate Light between Summer per Hour * Daylight Causation. Industry. Months | Winter | (deduced - Accident and e aś, Months. sº Daylight. Artificial. º *f; August). Months). Pºr Flour. Aacident - Rates.* (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) * ſ Textile - - - 3,700 4,726 || 3:09, 3,089 1,637 || 4 - 16s + 35 o Wood - - - || 1,225 | 1,557 | 1.02 1,023 534 || 1:35s + 33 Mºhinº | hiphilding . . . . . . . d.º.º. "º ºf o.º. "I", Y.” Engineering . . 5,134 6,192 || 4-26, 4,319 1,873 || 4.94, -- 16 power - - || Other industries - || 8,958 10,794 || 7-48, 7,475 3,319 || 8 440 || -- 13 U All industries - | 19,934 24,326 16-62, 16,672 | 7,654 | 19:64, + 18 Founding . . . 1,275 1,505 || 1:06, 1,065 | | | }. + 5 e a; º: - iº 2 * Molten metal º Other industries 1,810 2,236 || 1: 514 1,51 º 1 842 + 22 All industries - 3,085 3,741 2.58 2,577 1,164 || 2: 962 : + 15 T Founding - - 552 609 || 0:46, 461 148 || 0.37; ; – 18 Shipbuilding - - 1,549 1,798 || 1:29, 1,293 505 || 1 - 28, — 8 & Docks - - - || 1,139 1,506 || 0 '95, 951 555 || 1:42, + 49 Sº..." "4 Bing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 36 || 0 - 092 – 33 bodies - - - Engineering - - || 2,849 3,645 || 2:36s 2,400 | 1,245 || 3:28, + 38 Other industries - 5,048 || 6,576 || 4 - 2, 4,216 2,360 | 6′00 i + 42 . U All industries - || 11,302 || 14,308 9:43, 9,459 4,849 | 12:46, + 32 * A positive sign indicates that the accident rate is greater by artificial light than by daylight. 26 ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND workshops: DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE tº * g Pe?'- Total Accidents. . * Accidents during 2 º: Winter Months. Artificial % Rate Light between . Summer per Hour Accident Daylight Causation. Industry. Winter (deduced and Months from g & ſº tº Rate | Artificial (ex- Months. Summer Daylight. Artificial. —- Jight cluding Months). per Hour. Anºiant Augu St. Rates. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) sº ſ Textile - - - 694, 980 || 0:58, 580 400 | 1.01s || -- 76 Founding * t- I93 287 0 161s 161 126 0.32, + 99 Shipbuilding - * 1,276 1,898 1.06s 1,065 833 2 : 12 + 99 Drink - tºº º 202 270 0 - 160 169 101 0.25, + 52 Docks - s wº 715 1,072 0. 59s 598 474. 1 20s + 102 Persons falling - 4 Building tº tº 274 330 || 0 22, 229 101 || 0:25, + 12 Engineering - º 1,334 1,895 1 10s 1,107 788 || 2:08, + 93 Other industries not 3,893 5,240 3 253 3,250 1,990 5 : 06, + 56 specified. * \- All industries - 8,581 | 11,972 7:16, 7,159 4,813 | 12:32, + 71 ſ| Textile - º tºº 7,380 9,744 6 - 17 6,165 3,579 9 II + 46 Wood - tº- ſº 1,871 2,320 1 : 56 1,563 757 I - 93 + 24 Founding of metals 3,562 4,217 2 - 98 2,976 1,241 3 - 16 —H 6 Shipbuilding - wº 7,355 9,094 6 - 15 6,144 2,950 7' 51 + 22 T) rink - sº cº 965 1,233 () - 81 806 427 1 - 09 + 35 Docks - º * 4,052 5,402 3 - 39 3,385 2,017 5 : 13 + 51 All < Buildings under con- 833 926 || 0 - 70 696 230 || 0 - 58 – 17 CallS6S - tº struction. Engineering - - || 16,570 20,838 13.76 13,942 6,896 | 18:20 + 32 Remaining indus- || 30,799 || 38,491 25' 75 25,728 12,763 32.48 + 26 tries not sepa- - rately scheduled. U All industries - || 73,387 92,265 61:27 | 61,405 30,860 79-19 || + 29 ACCIDENT DATA IN COTTON INDUSTRY ONLY. This Industry has been considered alone because the hours of labour are more whiform and are more definitely known. Total Accidenrs. Daylight Accidents during Artificial P%." - Summer * |Bate Winter Months). Light between Daylight Causation. Months Winter (aº Hºom Accident Rate and Artificial º Months. Summer Months). Daylight. Artificial. per Hour. Lig *:::ºften (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Moving machinery 2,486 2,811 1815 1,813 998 2 540 + 39 |Hot metal e- * 130 122 0.09, 95 27 0.07, — 25 Falling bodies - tº 266 224 0.194 194 30 0.07, — 59 Persons falling - º 490 620 0 35s 358 262 0.69, + 93 Other causes - tº- 2,038 2,510 I 489 1,488 1,022 2. 595 + 74 All causes - *- 5,410 6,287 3.95, 3,948 2,339 5-97, + 51 It will be seen that, whilst in all the tables there is a general increase in the accident rates for the period of artificial lighting, the increase is especially marked in the case of accidents due to persons falling. The smallest increase occurs in the case of construction of marked increase in the rate for accidents occurring in winter on the surface. Average Fatal Accidents per Month.* buildings, for which, being a daylight industry, no ~~~~ 't : vs. 4-ran- Percentage j is to be expected. y11g y --> Summer. Winter. Diff. An attempt has been made to obtain similar data for accidents in mines, in which work is carried on in 1912:— artificial light throughout the year. Unfortunately, timderground - 110 88 —20 no such statistics are available, but a return of fatal §: ſº gºt 14 18 +3 9 accidents in mines (differentiated as “surface ’’ and “underground") is published monthly. 1913 :— - These have been collated for 1912 and 1913 inderground . 91 89 — 2 (eliminating anomalous returns) with the following ś Er s 11 - 2 16 - 2 +45 result :— - - It will be noticed that underground, where the lighting conditions are uniform, the accident rate is less in winter than in summer, whereas there is a 3rd June 1914. * The figures for March and April 1912 and October 1913 being affected by the coal strike and the Welsh disaster respectively, have been neglected. APPENDICES. ~ . - 27 ADDENDUIM. CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT IN VARIOUS TRADES. A. Based on Returns from Trade Unions of Percentage of Members Unemployed. Percentage of Members Unemployed. Year and Month. Ship- Engi- WOO(l All In- building. neering. dustries. 1913. January - fº 2 : 7 1 - 6 3 - 5 2 - 2 February - s 2 - 3 1 : 5 2 - 7 2 . () March - --> 2 : 6 I - 5 2 - 4 1 - 9 April º gº 2 - 7 1 4 1 - 7 1 - 7 May * tº- 2 - 6 I 8 1.7 1 - 9 June gº e- 3 - 2 2 - 1 I - 9 1 - 9 July - " - 2 - 8 1 - 9 2 - 3 I - 9 August - * 2 - 9 1 - 9 2 . () 2 . () September tº- 4 - 9 2 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 3 October - * 3 - 9 2 - 2 2 - 5 2 - 2 November -º 2 - 8 2 - 1 2 - 3 2 . () December tºº 3 : 3 2.7 3 : 3 2 - 6 1914. January - ſº- 2 - 8 2 - 4 3 - 4 2 : 6 February - - 2 - 2 2 - 4 2.6 2 : 3 B. Based on Returns from Employers of Persons Employed. Average Increase (+) or §. Decrease (–) over emplo €1. d preceding Month. tº.º Year and Month. only). Textile. sp bo # # Docks. All. Cotton. 5 E | £ £a 1913. January - & --- * *=} — | 16,700 February - —0-06 || 0-0 | +0.8 |-|-3:8 || 14,390 March - - —0'08 || 0-0 | +1.5 |-|-2-1 || 14,740 April - - —0:02 || +0.3 | +0.6 |-|-4-7 || 14,950 May iº - +0.03 || 0-0 | +0.1 |-|-0-1|| 14,573 June ſº - —0: 21 || 0-0 | –1.1|–6.3 14,627 July sº - —0 25 —0 2 —0.7 |-|-2-3 || 14,712 August - - –0 15 +0.1 —6 1 | + 5° 5 || 14,300 September - —0 21 —0 5 —9' 0 || –0 3 || 14,512 October - - +0: 21 +0.3 +7-6 ||—2.9 15,822 November - —0 26 || –0 1 |-|-3-3 || –3.4 15,792 December - —0 29 || –0 1 || --1-9 |–5 7 || 15,385 1914. - January - - —0 : 43 —0 4 —0.1 || ? 15,187 February - i +0 05 —0 3 |-|-0-2 ? 14,800 | APPENIDIX X. The INFLUENCE of LATERAL ILLUMINATION on VisuAL ACUITY. By J. HERBERT PARSONs, M.B., D.Sc. (Member of the Committee). Reprinted from the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, Vol. XIX., Part III. GoFTHE, in 1810, said that “the eye sees no form, “ inasmuch as light, shade, and colour together con- “ stitute that which to our vision distinguishes object “ from object, and the parts, of an object from each “ other.” If we include variations in brightness or luminosity in the generic term “colour,” it may be said, with Clerk-Maxwell, that “all vision is colour “ vision, for it is only by observing differences of “ colour that we distinguish the forms of object,” or, as Hering puts it, “our visual world (Schwelt) consists “ essentially of differently presented colours, and “ objects, as seen, that is visual objects (Sehdīnge), are “ nothing but colours of different nature and form.” Hering has emphasised the importance of memory in the common, but erroneous, attribution of colours to the objects themselves, implying that the colours are properties of the objects. It is easy to show that the apparent brightness and colour of objects can be altered within a wide range without disabusing our minds of the opinion that the colours are inherent properties of the objects. Thus the paper of a book appears white and the print black, whether we read it in the morning or at mid-day, or in the evening. Yet Hering has shown by accurate measurements that the print may actually reflect more light at mid-day than the paper did in the morning. In this case the ratio of the intensity of the light reflected from the white paper to that of the light reflected from the black print remains constant under variations of illumination, and a similar constancy, within wide limits of illumina- tion, is retained by the eye by means of suitable physiological adaptation. In common with other senses, discrimination of stimuli depends upon differences rather than upon a 30030 absolute values, a fact which is expressed by Weber's law that the just appreciable increase of stimulus bears a constant ratio to the Original stimulus. For white light Fechner could distinguish a difference of 1/100, v. Helmholtz 1/167, of the light intensity. Cobb has published some striking figures showing the enormous range of brightness to which the eye has to respond under some quite ordinary conditions of artificial lighting. “A perfectly diffusing surface with “ an illumination of 20 metre-candles upon it has a “ brightness of 20/T = 6' 35 candles per square metre. “ The tungsten filament which illuminates it has a “ brightness of 1 64 candles per square millimetre “ (Ives and Luckiesh), or 1,640,000 per square metre; “ that is, a brightness 258,000 times as great as the “ surface it illuminates. . If we go back in history a “ little and revert to the now humble fish-tail gas “ burner, we find that it has an intrinsic brightness of “ 0:004 candle per square millimetre, or 4,000 per “ Square metre, still 630 times as bright as the surface “ illuminated. The frosted tungsten lamp is still “ brighter than this, giving off 9,300 candles per square “ metre, and being 1,460 times as bright as the white “ surface. The three sources thus have respectively “ 258,000, 630, and 1,460 times the brightness (as it “ effects the eye) which the object illuminated can “ possibly have otherwise than by specular reflection.” Of the light which falls upon white paper about 80 per cent, is reflected, while a paper made as black as possible reflects about 4 per cent. Printed letters which reflect one-twentieth or less of the incident light on the paper appear “black” on a “white ” ground. The influence of lateral illumination of the eye on visual acuity is one of considerable practical importance. D 28 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: The disagreeable effects of a bright light in the field of vision are familiar to everyone, but the cause of the distress, and how far it is seriously deleterious to the dyes are points which have proved difficult to discover. Theoretically various factors come into play, such as alterations in the size of the pupil, alterations in contrast (spatial induction), and fatigue. As regards contrast, if the light source is screened from the test object, but not from the eyes, the illumination and the objective contrast between the object and the background remain unchanged. Subjectively, however, the conditions are altered. Owing to the oblique incidence of the lateral light the media of the eye are flooded with light, partly transmitted through the sclerotic as well as through the refractive media and partly reflected from the various refracting surfaces, and thus unequally distributed. The conditions are complex and it is scarcely possible to foretell the effects. Sewall*(1884) found that lines ruled on a card were visible at a greater distance when light from the sky was thrown into both eyes from the side than when peripheral light was excluded by a mask. He ex- plained the result on the basis of the red light trans- mitted through the sclera and vascular membranes Diminution of the pupillary aperture might account for it. - - - Urbantschitscht (1883) found vision for details increased when his eye was exposed to light as com- pared with when it was screened. With dilated pupil and paralysed accommodation there was apparent brightening of the test object, but he does not say that the appreciation of details was increased. The appa- rent brightening may be attributed to scattered light (Cobb). Schmidt-Rimpler; (1887) focussed an electric lamp, filament on the sclerotic. With low illuminations even in atropinised eyes, there was increased acuity; with high illumination, diminished. After working all day with the microscope he found that at night he could read better if the light from the lamp was shaded from the eye. He found that there was no improvement with lateral illumination in most diseased conditions (neuritis, atrophy, cataract, glau- coma), but some improvement in a case with vitreous opacities. The first exhaustive experiments on the subject were commenced by Uhthoff$ (1885) and completed under his direction by Depène|(1900). The test objects were numbers illuminated with 100, 4:938, 2.441, 0.938, 0 - 610 or 0.133 normal candles. The size of the lateral retinal image was 0-441.78, 0.216475, 0-11045, or 0.03976 square mm., i.e., in the proportions of 100 : 25 : 9. The intensities of the periphal lights were from 0-31244 to 53' 606 normal candles. Depène found that when the test object was sufficiently well illuminated to give vision equal to 1:25, i.e., about five normal candles, or more, lateral illumination caused increase in visual actuity. At lower illumination of the test object diminution of visual acuity was greater: (1) the lower the illumination of the test object; (2) the Smaller the angle made by the lateral light with the line of vision; (3) the greater the intensity of the lateral light ; (4) the greater the retinal area stimulated by the lateral light. The improvement with high illumination was attributed to constriction of the pupil, since no improvement occurred when mydriatics or miotics were used. , Diminution of acuity was attributed to changes in the adaptation of the retina. No difference was found whether the lateral light fell on the sclerotic or pupil alone or on both. Hummelsheim (1900) attacked the problem in a somewhat different manner, and his results, though apparently contradicting Depène's, in reality supplement * Sewall. J1. of Physiol., W., p. 132, 1884. i Urbantschitsch. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., XXXI. p. 28), 1883. i Schmidt-Rimpler. Bericht d. XIX. ophth. Gesellschaft, Heidelberg, 1887, p. 76. § Uhthoff. Bericht d. IX. internat, ophth. Congress Utrecht, 1899. - - | Depène. Inaug. Dissertation, Breslau. 1900. Klin. Monatsblatt f. Augenhkde, XXXVIII., pp. 289, 390, 1900. them. His test object was lighted from behind and was situated in the middle of a large grey Screen opposite the window of the room. Thus the peripheral illumination of the retina was uniformly reflected daylight. It was varied from 0 to 200 metre-candles. The visual acuity showed a gradual rise, which was diminished, but not abolished, by mydriatics and miotics. Hummelsheim explains the increased acuity which occurs independently of constriction of the pupil by Hering's theory, viz., that it is due to spatial induction. Borschke” (1904) used a test object illuminated by a lamp placed a distance (m) behind it, and surrounded by six lamps which acted as the peripheral light. The distance of clear vision was first determined with the dazzling lights off. These were then turned On, and it was found that the illumination of the test object had to be increased to make it legible. The ratio m to n, the shorter distance of the illuminating light from the test was regarded as the measure of the disturbance produced by the lateral illumination. The ratio of m : m was found to be approximately constant (1-9 to 2 5), and Borschke concluded that the effect was entirely due to scattered light, chiefly by the lens fibres. With a focal lateral light it was immaterial whether the image fell on the nasal or temporal side, or on the blind spot. Heymansh (1901) found that vision was unaffected if the lateral image fell upon the blind spot, but he worked with thres- hold stimuli, so that the results are not directly comparable. .* Tschemolossoff. (1904) found that that the visual acuity might diminish or increase under lateral illumi- nation. Diminution occurred when the test object was feebly illuminated, and varied directly with the intensity of the lateral light and inversely with the angle of obliquity of that light. Increase occurred when the test object was well lighted or even lighted to excess. Diminution of acuity is due to the actual image of the lateral light on the retina, to diffusion of light by the media of the eye, and to contraction of the pupil causing decrease in the amount of light entering the eye. Increase of acuity is due to contrac- tion of the pupil also, as well as to excitation of retinal sensibility by feeble oblique illumination. Central sensibility to colours is diminished more, the stronger the lateral illumination and the less the contrast between object and background. When the direct illumination of coloured objects is diminished, they are less well distinguished even without lateral illumination. Two oblique sources of light at different angles diminish the appreciation of feebly illuminated objects without manifesting any simple addition of effects. When one eye is illuminated obliquely the visual acuity of the other diminishes according to the same rules as with uniocular vision, but to a less degree. Binocular central vision diminishes with double oblique illumination, but less than in the case of uniocular VISIOJ1. Cobb$ (1911) has investigated the subject with great care and his paper is the best which has yet appeared. He used an extremely ingenious test object, invented by Ives. It consists of two plates of glass, ruled with 240 black lines to the inch. When these are placed in apposition and illuminated from behind, lines of various breadth can be made to appear by rotating one of the plates so that the ruled lines of one plate form angles of various sizes with those of the other. The test object can thus be varied at will without altering the intensity of the illumination, The lateral light was attached to the arm of a Wundt periometer, i.e., at a radius of 1 metre. By an ingenious method the effect of lateral illumination was compared with the effect of throwing a haze over the retinal image of the test object. Cobb's conclusions are as follows:— (1) Light from a bright source entering the eye reduces the visibility of an object the more, the * Borschke. Z. f. Psych. u. Physiol d. Sinnesorgane, XXXIV., p. 1, 1904. XXXV., p. 161, 1904. i Heymans. Z. f. Phych. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesnorgane, . XXVI, 333, 1901. | Tschemolossoff. CXXXII., p. 303, 1904. § Cobb. Amer. Ll, of Physiol., XXIY., p. 76, 1911. West Ilik. opht. 1904. Ann. Oc. APPENDICES. 29 brighter the source, the lower the brightness of the object, and the smaller the angle subtended by the two ; except that when the test object is very bright, lateral illumination may cause increased visual acuity. (2) Under a condition imitating the worst practical condition for reading—the light at 10° from the visual axis, equal illumination of the eye and test object (black letters on white ground)—the reduc- tion in visual acuity is negligible at any intensity of illumination. - (3) The retinal image of the light is a negligible factor in the depression of visioi, at least for angles of 15° and over, since other conditions being equal, it is indifferent whether the image falls On the blind spot or on sensitive portions of the retina. (4) The depression of vision is due to light which, by reason ef reflection or diffusion, partly from imperfect transparency of the eye media, is scattered over the retina upon and near the image of the object. - (5) Visual acuity behaves in general, but not wholly, the same with (a) illumination of the eye from a lateral source, and (b) a haze of light thrown over the rod-free central retina (subtending 2° in the visual field) with proportional variations in the light flux in the two cases. (6) The disagreement between the two sets of results just mentioned must be due to changes in the sensibility of the part of the retina concerned in vision of the object, induced by the scattered light in the case of lateral illumination, falling on the retina not on but about that part, and probably not further away from it than 15° measured in the visual field (the remoteness of the blind spot). (7) There is no parallelism between the depression of vision for detail on the one hand and discom- fort and other visual disturbances classed under the head of “glare’ on the other hand, resulting from a light source in the field of vision. In his last conclusion Cobb agrees with Borschke, who says, “The unpleasant feeling of dazzling (Blem- “ dwng) and the disturbance of vision produced by “ dazzling are totally different things, and need by “ no means necessarily occur to the same extent at “ any given time.” Cobb throws out the hint that the discomfort may be associated with the eye move- ments." - Cobb (1913–14)* has made a further series of experiments in which the test object was the same as before, but the whole of the peripheral field of vision was either dark or filled with white light. A wooden cube of 1-metre sides was constructed, the inside corners and edges being cut off by oblique surfaces tangential * Cobb and Geisler. Psychol. Rev., vol. XX, p. 425, 1913. Cobb. The Lighting Journal, New York, April 1913. Cobb. Trans. of the Ili. Eng. Soc., New York, June 1913. Cobb, Psychol. Rev., vol., XXI, p. 23, 1914, to an inscribed sphere, so that the whole 26-sided figure approached the shape of a sphere. The inside was painted white. In one of the vertical sides of the cube an opening was left for the observer's face and head- rest. In the obliqne surface directly above this opening was a sheet of milk glass, behind which was a 100-watt tungsten lamp, illuminating the white interior. Opposite the face opening another smaller opening was made through which the test field could be observed, The test object was 180 cm. from the eye. Experiments were made to estimate the effect of peripheral illumination on visual acuity, and on the discrimination of differences of brightness in the two halves of the test field. It was found that different individuals may show fairly wide differences in their vision of objects of very low brightness, both with and without bright surroundings. In spite of such individual differences the relative changes in visual capacity caused by differences in surroundings were found to be on the whole in the same direction in cases of the same change in the conditions. For objects of relatively low brightness the presence of a surrounding field of relatively high brightness has the effect of lowering the capacity of vision both for detail and for brightness difference. In the case where the snrrounding field was slightly brighter than the test object visual discrimination was found to be actually better both as regards visual acuity and brightness difference than for a physically identical object seen in dark sur- roundings. Surroundings of a brightness about equal to or less than that of the test object show no consistently better or worse results than dark surroundings with the identical test object. Comparison of the visual acuity and brightness difference curves under parallel conditions shows that as the brightness of the test object is reduced the brightness difference limen usually at a fairly definite point takes a rather abrupt rise. Visual acuity on the other hand, while always showing a slight progressive diminution beginning at the very highest brightness under a similar change of conditions, never undergoes such rapid decrease as differential sensibility. Cobb attributes this fact to the dependance of the dis- crimination of fine detail upon a physically perfect image on the retina and accuracy of fixation. Visual acuity therefore varies less under the influence of contrast than does differential sensibility because the retinal image is always equally perfect. As contrasted with the visual acuity, differential sensibility depends mainly upon retinal conditions, and to a very minor degree upon perfect retinal images. The essential difference is that in the case of visual acuity estimation the brightness difference of the parts of the test object is gross, while the areas involved are minimal. On the other hand in the estimation of differential sensibility by simultaneous presentation the areas of the fields compared are gross while the brightness difference is minimal. Hence small irregularities in the formation of the retinal image have little effect, but the condition of adaptation, temporal and spatial induction are prepotent factors. Spatial induction, produced by alteration in the surroundings, was found to be far more significant for differential sensibility than for visual acuity. D 2 30 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: APPENDIX XI. ExTRACT from Prof. SNELLEN's Bow MAN LECTURE (Trans. Ophth. Soc., XVI-1896). This extract is given, as being of considerable interest historically — Another subject on which these observations may throw light is the question, “What intensity of light “is required for trades in which a good visual acuity is “essential P " We were led to start these observations by a question to this effect addressed to us by our Govern- ment. In obedience to Art. 6 of the law of 20th June 1895 on factories, regulations were wanted for the required illumination of factories and workshops, and the question submitted to us was: “Is it possible to “ determine the maximum amount of light necessary “ to the workman with normal eyes for a certain sort “ of work P And, further, if such an amount of light “ is to be determined, is there a practical method to “ measure that amount P” To answer these questions we set to work in a practical way, and repaired with the photometer to workshops, in order to determine the intensity of day- light at different times, and, further, when twilight begins to fall, to ascertain where at the waning of daylight the want of light begins to impede the man's work. In a printing business we found this to be the case for compositors when the illumination sinks below 15 m.c. With an intensity of 15 m.c. a visual acuity of 6/6 is the extreme limit. As a rule, all work is arranged so that it can be done at this vision. But for the man to have his whole visual acuity at his disposal, it is necessary that in the long run a much gréater intensity of light should be afforded. If, however, the intensity of light at dusk is not to fall below 15 m.c., we shall be sure to have in the daytime an intensity of between 30 and 50 m.c. In answer to the questions which were laid before us, we came to the following conclusions — “That in every workshop a minimum amount of 15 m.c. is necessary for work resembling reading, whereas a minimum of 10 m.c. will do for coarser work, e.g., that of carpenters and blacksmiths; that in broad daylight the required amount is between 30 and 50 m.c., and that it must be possible to exclude direct sunlight. The determination of the intensity can be done best by means of a Weber's photometer.” APPENDIX XII. SUMMARY OF REPLIES FROM OPHTHALMOLOGISTS AND OPHTHALMIG SURGEONs To QUESTIONS - BY F. RICHARDSON CROSS, F.R.C.S. . I sent the questions reproduced below to about 300 oculists or medical men interested in the subject, with a request for information, and the replies handed to the Committee and Summarised below were those which seemed likely to be of service to the Committee, or which suggested that trouble, or even slight ailments of the eyes, might sometimes be caused by insufficient or imperfect lighting. The very large majority of answers (about nine-tenths of the whole 300) indicated that the writers had no knowledge of mischief to the eyes as being directly due to defects in lighting. evidence is therefore negative as regards any definite damage to the eyes being caused by faulty lighting; at the same time, it is obvious that good lighting is more comfortable to the worker, and would be likely to materially improve his output. QUESTION 1-Have you any statistics or opinions. which will give information as to the prevalence of eye trouble, slight or serious, occurring in, or depending on, any trades of which you have special knowledge & RAYNER BATTEN, M.D., London. Has not given any special attention to the question, as the district served by the Western Ophthalmic Hospital has few factories or workshops. Has com- plaints from dressmakers and clerks and others com- plaining of defective light, but it has been found in most cases the cause of trouble is errors of refraction. W. ERNEST THOMSON, M.D., Glasgow. Has many complaints of electric light as cause of eye trouble, but in the end refraction error is often found to be the whole cause of the trouble. - A. S. CobbLEDICK, M.D., London. Sees many clerks who work all day by electric light, and who complain particularly of metallic fila- ment lamps. Is of opinion that this light brings out a refractive error very quickly. Correcting glasses only The strain on the eyes. partly relieve them of discomfort. Has not seen any serious trouble from this cause. THOMAS H. BICKERTON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Ed., Liverpool. During 30 years’ practice has not met cases where trouble is ascribed to insufficient or unsatisfactory lighting of factories and workshops. Insufficient lighting of offices and schools merely reveal refractive €1. I'Ors. W. B. INGLIS PoſLoCK, M.D., Glasgow. Has cases of postal sorters who complain of the lights in the sorting hall. He has found congestion of the optic nerve due to light shining directly on the man's eyes. A. STANLEY PERCIVAL, M.A., M.B., Newcastle. The only ailment he has found due to insufficient lighting is coal miner's nystagmus. . He regards this as due to some inherent nervous instability which shows itself in nystagmus after working in strained positions. Regards insufficient lighting as a con- trolling and aggravating cause, as it entails greater In One case a chronic conjunc- tivitis seemed due to electric light. It ceased on using an oil lamp. H. S. Elworthy, F.R.C.S., Ebbw Vale, Mon. Has no statistics of eyesight trouble occurring in factories and workshops. Gives much information regarding miners' nystagmus in relation to the illumi- nation conditions in mines. RANSON PICKARD, M.D., F.R.C.S., Exeter. Has refraction cases at the eye infirmary from :— (1) Lace veil mending shops. (2) Honiton lace workers (nearly all work at, home). APPENDICES. 31 In neither (1) nor (2) are these errors caused by the work, but are revealed by it. Myopia is sometimes increased by it. EDGAR STEVENSON, M.D., Barrow-in-Furness. Has dealt with thousands of accidents in shipyards, but the work is mostly carried on in daylight, and the only cases he mentions are from damage by electric welding to spectators who look on without proper protection of the eyes. The workers’ eyes are pro- tected by glasses and do not suffer. A. MATLAND RAMsay, M.D., Glasgow. Experience has been mainly with miners and steel workers. Mentions nystagmus as likely to be less frequent under improved lighting, and cataract as occurring in iron and steel workers, though he does not consider their work as the obvious cause of cataract. W. BEAUMONT, M.R.C.S., Bath. Experience with workers in the following trades — Coal mining–Nystagmus cases not common. Cloth Factories—No evidence that the workers Suffer in consequence of insufficient or unsatis- factory lighting. : Stay and Glove Factories—No complaints and no excess of disease. Railway Works—Employees do not suffer from eye disease abnormally. Stone Mines—-Traumatic cases are not common. Conjunctivitis is exceptional. Schools—The large number of children wearing glasses is due to hypermetropia and hyper- metropic astigmatism. ERNEST H. CARTWRIGHT, M.D., Ticehurst, Sussex. Has no cases regarding factory and workshop lighting. Gives his personal experience and opinion upon private house lighting. BERNARD CRIDLAND, F.R.C.S.Ed., Wolverhampton. Confines his remarks to details regarding glass- blowers' cataract, cataract in puddlers, the effects of tin Smelting, and similar gross cases of irritation. ALLAN RUTHERFORD, M.B., Barrow-in-Furness. Deals almost exclusively with gross cases of irrita- tion such as Siemens and Bessemer steel making and other processes. Has never met a case asking for “compensation' due to any eye disease from light or glare in the works. PHILIP A. HARRY, M.D., Rochdale. Experience is mainly with textile workers, of whom the majority of the patients are weavers, who complain of frontal and occipital headache. States that weaving is very trying with artifical light and that there is mo precaution against glare which is not excessive. J. WALTON BROWNE, M.D., Belfast. No case of trouble caused by insufficient or unsatis- factory lighting have come to his notice with the exception of some cases of conjunctival trouble caused by unprotected electric lights. GUSTAVUS HARTRIDGE, F.R.C.S., London. Sees hundreds of cases from the G.W. Railway Swindon Works. Has no experience of any of the troubles indicated in the question. CLEMENTS HAILES, M.D., Clifton, Bristol. Has no information of diseases or affections arising from faulty lighting in factories, nor of any complaints made liable to compensation. M. STEPHEN MAYOU, F.R.C.S., London. The major part of his hospital work is in connection with typists, clerks, and compositors. States that the latter people are particularly difficult to do anything for satisfactorily owing to the nature of their work, which is often very badly illuminated. He deprecates light sources which are rich in ultra-violet rays, and is in favour of indirect lighting. a 30030 J. ARTHUR WooD, M.B., Hereford. Has no definite information, as most of the operatives in his district work by daylight. Expresses the opinion that bright sources of light are serious factors in the question, but has never comes across a case where conjunctival irritation could be ascribed to them. Gives an extract from Behr's article in the Archives of Ophthalmology, 1913, demonstrating chronic injury . of the eye by artificial light in four cases, showing itself in impairment of the adaptation to dark without objective trouble. There is always con- siderable disturbance of the adaptation to dark in aphakic eyes, and he attributes it to the intense action of the ultra-violet rays. T. HARRISON BUTLER, M.D., Coventry and Leamington. Has seen no eye trouble which can be fairly ascribed to defective illumination of workshops, but has a lot of miners’ nystagmus. CHAs. H. B. S.HEARs, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Liverpool. Has little experience with factory workers and does not recollect any complaints about the illumination of workshops. JoHN Rol,STON, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Plymouth. Cannot recall any instance of trouble to be ascribed to insufficient illumination or unsatisfactory lighting. ROBERT JACQUES, F.R.C.S., Plymouth. Has not had experience with factories, and ex- presses the opinion that there should not be a large contrast of shade with illumination in the same room. Light should be steady, well diffused and shaded from the eyes. He gives no instances of trouble arising from bad lighting, - E. E. MADDOX, M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed., Bournemouth. Has no experience with factory or workshops' lighting. QUESTION 2.—Is any particular protection of the eyes advisable in any of these ? A. S. CoBBLEDICK, M.D., London. The position of the light is not enough considered and its proper arrangement is very difficult where many clerks are working in One room. W. B. INGLIS Pollock, M.D., Glasgow. Shaded lights required for each worker. H. S. ELWORTHY, F.R.C.S., Ebbw Vale, Mon. Protection for miners is needed from looking at maked lights when going to and from work, RANson PICKARD, M.D., F.R.C.S., Exeter. No particular protection correction for refraction. EDGAR STEVENSON, M.D., Barrow-in-Furness. required other than Protection by special goggles in electric welding and ship-repairing work. BERNARD CRIDLAND, F.R.C.S.Ed., Wolverhampton. Deals with protection for glass blowers and similar workers. GUSTAvus HARTRIDGE, F.R.C.S., Tuondon. Is strongly of opinion that spectacles (wire or crystal) should be worn for protection of the eyes in engineering and similar works, against flying particles. T. HARRISON BUTLER, M.D., Coventry and Leamington. Deals with protection against flying particles. JoHN RolsTON, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Plymouth. Mentions cases of damage to sight, when men have failed to use protective glasses provided when working with arc lights (searchlights), ROBERT JACQUES, F.R.C.S., Plymouth. Bxpresses the opinion that light should be directed to the object observed but shaded from the eyes. D 3 32 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : E. E. MADDox, M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed., Bournemouth. Compositors, who are apt to have gas lights before their eyes only a foot or two away, should have them screened with small metal plates fixed to the burner and reflecting the light on the work. W. BEAUMONT, M.R.C.S., Bath. “Protectors are only useful to prevent traumatism. Shades and tinted glasses, except in cases where the work is highly coloured or iridescent, are not advisable, because it is beginning at the wrong end.” J. ELLIOT SQUARE, F.R.C.S., Plymouth. No comments. QUESTION 3.−What arrangements for proper or artificial lighting are made in the workshops, and how would the illumination be prac- tically improved in any special trades to the best general advantage of the workmen 2 A. S. CoBBLEDICK, M.D., London. Expresses the opinion that a large central shaded light close to the ceiling, or several screened lights with reflectors near the ceiling, would greatly assist. F. W. EDRIDGE-GREEN M.D., F.R.C.S., London. The retinal stimulus is a liquid photograph sur- rounding the cones. Anything which would interfere with a good photograph interferes with vision. En- closed is a note of the “Theory of vision,” also given in evidence. J. WALTON BROWNE, M., D., Belfast. Where electric lighting is used the lamps should be covered by a shade to throw the light on the work. GUSTAVUS HARTRIDGE, F.R.C.S., London. Regards top day-lighting the best, and for artifieial light a number of low-power lamps better than a few lamps of very high power. CLEMENTS HAILEs, M.D., Clifton, Bristol. Explains north-lighted roofs, and states that all glass admits too much heat. Bottling cellars are the worst in his district with ordinary gas jets or with weak and not diffused electric light. M. Stºries MAYoU, F.R.C.S., London. Considers the best lighting is that reflected from a white ceiling. T. HARRISONIBUTLER, M.D., Coventry and Leamington. Most of the shops in Coventry are well lighted by glazed roofs and electric light. .." ROBERT JACQUES, F.R.C.S., Plymouth. Thinks it is often overlooked that while the work is brightly illuminated, the rest of the room is all dark. Thinks the contrast leads to discomfort, which can be avoided by having the rest of the room moderately illuminated. ‘. E. E. MADDox, M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed., Bournemouth. Almost everything in a workshop should be whitened and the lighting should be partly direct on special work and partly indirect, the source of light being shaded from the workers’ eyes. The floor and benches should not be whitened, nor, if all the workers face in one direction, should the wall facing them be too white. W. BEAUMONT, M.R.C.S., Bath. Toes not think enough use is made of the contrast of black and white. It is used in books, black types and white papers, but it should be carried further The carpenter should have a black bench and the lace maker a black pillow, &c. QUESTION 4.—What kind of artificial illuminant is in your opinion the most satisfactory, and how is it to be best arranged so as to avoid either shadow or glare 2 All answers deal practically with various applica- tions of electric lighting. W. B. INGLIS POLLOCK, M.D., Glasgow. Electric lighting reflected from the ceiling. F. W. EDRIDGE-GREEN, M.D., F.R.C.S., London. The lighting should be uniform and strong con- trast avoided. A bright light which can catch the eye is particularly to be avoided. The artificial illuminant . which has the nearest composition to average daylight is the best. IH. S. ELWORTHY, F.R.C.S., Ebbw Vale, Mon. Lays stress on :- (1) Character of light. - - (2) Reflecting surface on which light falls. (3) Light should be diffused rather than direct. Under (1), red and yellow lights more luminous than blue, and less exhausting to the visual purple. EDGAR STEVENSON, M.D., Barrow-in-Furness. The are lights used in engineering shops seem to be Satisfactory. The men working in boilers and tunnels use candles. J. WALTON BRowNE, M.D., Belfast. Prefers electric light if well covered by a shade. If the lights are not covered by a shade, which seems impossible in some places of business, it is difficult to avoid shadow and glare. Explains the arrangement which he advised in the instrument room of Post Offices, consisting of a standard carrying electric lamps with green shades, one lamp for each instrument, a shade being placed at the level of the operator's fore- head. Formerly where the instrument rooms were illuminated by pendants from the ceilings, there were many complaints of shadow and glare. Arc lamps high above the floor give good general diffuse illumination. CLEMENTS HAILES, M.D., Bristol. Prefers electric lamp with diffusing bowl below. C. G. R.Uss WooD, F.R.C.S., Shrewsbury Metallic filament electric lamps cause more glare than carbon filaments. Prefers holophane covers for avoiding this trouble. T. HARRISON BUTLER, M.D., Coventry and Leamington. - Has found mercury vapour lamps in the roof supple- mented by movable incandescent lamps with top shades satisfactory. The mercury lamp must not be placed near the work on account of ultra-violet rays, which would cause “Ophthalmia electrica.” W. BEAUMONT, M.R.C.S., Bath. If sunlight is impossible, then prefers electric light, at the Zenith, sufficiently strong to give a good light on the work. J. ELLIOT SQUARE, F.R.C.S., Plymouth. Prefers electric light placed about eight feet from the ground, the shade being of ground glass. It should be above and to the left of the writer, above and behind the reader. APPENDICES, - . . . . 33 APPENDIX XIII. CIRCULAR LETTER, ADDRESSED TO CERTAIN OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS CONCERNED witH FINE WoRK. The following letter was addressed to five Operative Associations concerned with trades in which the nature of the work might involve injury to eyesight. Home Office, London, S.W., DEAR SIRs, 5th January 1914. IN reference to the evidence you were good enough to give before our Committee recently, we are directed to inquire whether you could furnish our Committee with the necessary information to enable them to trace amongst the members of your Associa- tion, or elsewhere any specific cases of injury to eyesight caused by working with insufficient light or with a badly arranged system of lighting. Yours faithfully, D. R. WILSON, C. C. PATERSON, Joint Secretaries. The replies received are appended :- Amalgamated Weavers’ Association, Ewbank Chambers, Accrington, DEAR SIRs, 9th January 1914. I HAVE received your letter and read the same to my executive to-day. They are not prepared with specific cases of bad eyesight caused by bad lighting or illumination amongst weavers, but they desire to point out that bad eyesight would certainly follow in any case where workpeople had a strain on their eyesight through the fault of bad lighting. To their mind it is Very evident that such would be the case, because at various times complaints have been made by weavers at certain mills of having to follow their work under great difficulty on account of the bad lighting. Yours faithfully, JOS. CRoss. The Joint Secretaries, Committee on Factory Lighting. Association of Beamers, Twisters, Drawers, and Machine Workers, Heywood, DEAR SIRs, 10th January 1914. I COULD not say that there are any cases T could put my hands on, but I will write to each of our districts and get from our secretaries any information I can. Yours truly, W. C. ROBINSON. The Joint Secretaries, Committee on Factory Lighting. Amalgamated Society of Operative Lace Makers, Pembridge Place, Mount Street, Nottingham, 6th January 1914. IT would be a very difficult matter to give you a specific case of injury to eyesight caused by insuffi- cient lighting, as for instance, take the case of two men working the same machine and under exactly the same conditions, one may require glasses at a very early age, where the other one may dispense with glasses up to quite an old age. DEAR SIRs, A large percentage of our superannuated members have quite good eyesight, and it may be contended that in their days the artificial light would not be so good as at present, that may be so, but in those days they would have at least two lights to machines which were but 2 or 3 yards wide, the very widest being 4 yards wide, while we are working machines to-day 5 or 6 yards wide with but two lights. Then again the modern machine is speeded up to nearly double the number of motions per minute to what obtained in the old days. I am afraid I have gone away a little from your query. Yours respectfully, C. WARDLE. The Joint Secretaries, Committee on Factory Lighting Jewish Tailors’ and Tailoresses’ Trade Union, London, DEAR SIRs, 22nd January 1914. I SHALL be pleased to give you specific cases of injury to eyesight caused by insufficient lighting in workshops, if you will give me a date when and where to produce them.* Yours very sincerely, A. HILLMAN. The Joint Secretaries, - Committee on Factory Lighting. * See Minutes of Evidence, qq. 3070–3116. APPENDIX XIV. EXPERIMENTAI, Room AT THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. The experimental room installed for the Committee at the National Physical Laboratory was equipped with different methods of lighting and so arranged that the illumination by each method could be readily varied in degree. Various phenomena brought to the notice of the Committee by witnesses were examined in this room;’ workpeople were tested to ascertain the illumination required for their work, and the Members of the Committee made experiments under conditions of illumination similar to those existing in the various factories which were inspected by them. 1. DESCRIPTION OF ROOM. The room was rectangular in plan, 24 feet long by 12% feet wide, the height from floor to ceiling being 10 feet 4 inches. The whole of the wall surface, as well as the ceiling, was whitened in order to reproduce the conditions obtaining in a small factory room. At the same time black curtains were provided which could be drawn across the white walls, thus approxi- mating to the conditions in the centre of a large factory room where the effect of the light reflected from white walls is negligible. In addition to this the room could be partitioned into three compartments by means of white or black curtains, each compartment being illuminated with its own lamps. In this way an observer could pass quickly from one set of previously arranged lighting conditions to another. Comparisons under these con- ditions were thus made possible without the necessity of intermediate adjustment. * D 4 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND worksHOPS: PLAN AND ELEVATION OF ExPERIMENTAL Room AT THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. <— — — — — 24 F.T. — — — — — . AN T. | g | { - | | / | | | | | | | | / \ | | o! | | | | —- *= * | #| | | | # | | a | : | | # | #|| &OO g|| @ OO & © (D S. # BENCH | | | #| | | | | | | | | || | | | | f | | fly ºr iſ | | \ / l | | \ \ | | PLAN : -º-º-ºrg-Yº ; --ºx ELFVATION The following three systems of illumination were installed :- (1) Direct lighting by unobscured metal filament lamps with Ordinary opal glass shades. The height of the centre of these lamps above the floor was 7 feet 6 inches. (2) Indirect lighting by metal filament lamps with inverted white reflectors which intercepted all downward light and reflected it upwards upon the ceiling, whence it was diffused over the room. The height of these lamps was the same as those of system (1). •º (3) Shielded lighting in which similar lamps to those used in system (1) were enclosed in alu- minium shades of approximately parabolic form. These shades shielded the eyes from the direct light of the lamp, throwing it in a downward direction upon the table beneath. The height of these lamps could be varied at will. By means of resistances placed in circuit with the larmps, any degree of illumination up to the maximum of approximately 12 foot-candles (underneath the lamps) could be readily obtained. To obviate the difficulty arising from the difference in colour of the light when the lamps were running at very low voltages, it was possible to replace the ordinarily used lamps by others of smaller candle-power. Electric light was used in the equipment of this room. On account of the greater ease of regulation for experimental laboratory purposes. So long as a suitable and conveniently adjustable means of lighting was available it was not of consequence for the purpose of the experiments whether it was from gas or electric lamps. - In the case of the indirect lighting the illumination did not vary seriously over the area below the lamps, but with the direct lighting the illumination midway between the lamps was 70 per cent. of that immediately underneath them. The uniformity of illumination from the shielded lights was more dependent than in the case of the others on their height above the table, but this system was used mainly for the examination of the effects of local lighting. - It was found that the reduction in the illumination at the centre of the room, due to blackening of the walls, was approximately 25 per cent. in the case of direct lighting, 7 per cent. for indirect lighting, and negligible for the shielded lights. 2. EXPERIMENTS WITH WORKPEOPLE. The principal workpeople examined were seamstresses from the workrooms of Some of the principal London out- fitting firms. They were examined two at a time, each examination lasting for about a day. In addition to these, two tailors from the East End of London have been examined, but the results obtained require supple- menting and confirming before they can be considered reliable. In the case, however, of the seamstresses, three entirely independent examinations were made, and the measure of agreement which the results afford indicates that they may be accepted as of fairly general application for the type of work upon which they were engaged. The workpeople were asked to work on various materials mostly without any pattern, with cotton of the same colour as the material. Chief attention was paid to white and black cloths, as representing the two extremes. For work on any given material the illumination to start with was put at a value which the workers stated was too low for the work in question. It was then raised by a definite amount and the two workers under examination were left to sew for 15 or 20 minutes, after which they were asked whether in their opinion the illumination was sufficient for the work they were doing. If it was not sufficient a furthel increase was made and they were left to work for a further period. In this way an illumination was reached which the workers considered sufficient for the work in question. With the lighter materials this point was in all cases quite definite, but when working with black cloth, although the workers stated that, for instance, 4 foot-candles was sufficient by which to see their work, they all considered that it was not really a high enough illumination for comfort. The illumination for comfortable working with black cloth proved on the average to be about 5% foot- APPENDICES. 35 candles. Similar tests were made with each pair of workers, and the following table gives the decisions arrived at by each one of them together with data as to the coefficient of reflection of the materials worked upon. Illumination required by Seamstresses for working on different self-coloured materials with threads to match material. - Coefficient tºº, º Material. of Worker. mºtion § ind Iteflecti for continuous which may be eflection. work considered as tº ample. Per Foot- Foot- cent. candles. candles. White 97 Miss S. # ! calico. Miss W. # Miss O. } Miss F. # Miss B. # Miss L. # FIolland 52 Miss S. } colour. Miss W. # Miss O. # Miss F. # Miss B. # Miss Tu. 1} Slate 12 Miss S. 2 colour. Miss W. 2 Miss O. 1} Miss F. 1} Miss B. 1; Miss L. 1% Purple, 8 Miss S. 2 with Miss W. 2 Strongly- Miss O. 2} marked Miss E'. 2 sheen. Miss B. 2 Miss L. 2 Black 2 - 4 Miss S. 4. 5; Miss W. 4 5% Miss O. 4. 5 Miss F. 4. 5 Miss B. 4 5–6 Miss L. 4. 5–6 Black *- Miss S. 4 velvet. Miss W. 4. Miss O. 5 Miss F. 5 Em- 11 Miss B. 2 3 broidery. Miss L. 2 3 All the above results were obtained with “direct light,” that is to say, the light was received directly from a lamp placed above the worker in such a way as to be free from glare. Many tests were also made with the object of ascertaining the relative ease with which sewing work could be carried out with “direct ’’ and “indirect ’’ light respectively. When, for any given material worked upon the value of “direct . illumination had been decided on which was regarded by the workers as adequate, the lighting was quickly switched over to the “indirect ’’ type of equal intensity. The decided opinion of the workers in every case was that the “indirect ’’ illumination, even though it might be equal in intensity to the “direct” illumination, was inadequate, and required to be very appreciably in- creased for sewing work. The increase asked for was in one case 100 per cent. and in others about 40 per cent. The reason for this was investigated separately and is dealt with later (page 37). - The sight of each seamstress was examined for errors requiring correction with glasses. Several of the workers proved to have imperfect sight, but did not appear to show any desire for a higher illumination by which to work than those with normal sight. Trials were also made with blackened instead of whitened walls, but provided the illumination on the work was arranged to be the same in both cases the workers did not find that their ability to carry on work was affected.* 3. OBSERVATIONS BY THE COMMITTEE IN THE ExPERIMENTAL ROOM. (a) Degrees of Illumination.—The illumination in the room was adjusted to different values from 0 - 1 foot- candles to 10 foot-candles, and at each illumination the members of the Committee tested their ability to distinguish detail by means of cards with figures printed on them in ordinary type varying from a height of 1 2 mm. to 2 8 mm. The cards were of different colours from white to dark blue, so that the contrast between the black figures and coloured cards varied appreciably. - - The observations were made with (a) thoroughly diffused light (indirect), (b) direct light from exposed sources, (c) direct light from well-shaded sources. It was found that whilst it was possible to read the smallest type on the white cards at an illumination of about 0 75 foot-candles, the small figures on the dark blue cards could not be seen with an illumination of 6 foot-candles. The type of illumination, whether direct or indirect, made no difference to the ability to see so long as there was no direct reflection from the surface of the cards. - An illumination of from 3 to 4 foot-candles gave the impression from general observation of a well- lighted room, whilst it appeared that from 0-1 to 0.25 foot-candles would be the order of illumination which would suffice for corridors. (b) White and Black Walls.-The effect was studied of illumination by direct and indirect light both with and without the presence of white walls. The increased restfulness of the diffused (indirect) light was noted, and also the annoyance through the glare of bare lights, particularly when these were seen against a dark background. - (c) Perception of Detail by Direct and Indirect Light. —The ability to discern the details in fabrics was tested both by direct and indirect light, and it was found that the absence of shadow which resulted from the use * Report on the eyesight of 6 seamstresses by J. Herbert Parsons, Esq., M.B., D.Sc., F.R.C.S. –0' 75 diopter sph: : +2'25 diopter cyl.-> in the R. eye, hypermetropic astigmatism, -ī- 1 diopter cyl:— in the left. Miss S. has mixed astigmatism Her vision is— - & rºº º f f ... 6 R. à J aeger 1, with difficulty, at 6"; with correction 9' L. * Jaeger 1 at 6" more easily; with correction . Eyes otherwise normal. Miss W. is quite emmetropic—normal in every way—º each eye. Miss O. is practically normal—trace of hypermetropia. Miss F. has a lot of astigmatism— 6 .., , – 0° 5 sph. 6 R. 15 J. 1, with-Hä.1 : 5 cyl. J. F 6. 6 5 1. l J. ..] : ſº , , , – 0 5 6 L. 36 J. 1. with difficulty — with – 1 - 5 -, * 9. Miss B.- t R.W. = . no manifest hypermetropia, reads J. 1. easily. L.W. = } ditto ditto ditto Miss L.- Fundi normal. Emmetropic 6 6 R.V. = i, J. I. L.V. = g J. 1 Fundi normal. 6 R.W. with – 0 5 diopter cyl.Sa 20° down and in -.' L.V. with – 0.5 diopter cyl. 20° down and in T º 36 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : of indirect light seriously impaired the ability to see in detail the separate threads in a self-coloured cloth. (See also p. 37 of this Appendix.) (d) Diversity Factor.—A long work bench was illumi- nated by direct light from three sources, and in such a way that the illumination at the ends was one-seventh of that in the centre. To ordinary observation, unaided by measurements, the actual difference of illumination appeared to be much less than this. - (e) Glare.—A test card, having figures printed on it, was fixed at eye height and an observer adjusted his distance from it so that he could just read the lines of figures. The time taken by him to read the lines of figures was noted, after which a 100 candle-power lamp was placed in front of him, so that the vertical distance between the lamp and test card subtended an angle of about 20° at his eye. The time required to read through the figures under these conditions of glare was again noted. ensure that the illumination on the card was the same in the two series of readings. At illuminations from 2 to 4 foot-candles there was no diminution of ability to read the figures, but with an illumination of 0.5 foot- candle the exposed source of light renderedit practically impossible to distinguish them. (f) Ability to see Detail in different Materials of the same Surface Brightness.-Blue fabrics of identical texture but varying from very light to very dark blue” were examined under conditions of illumination such that the surface brightness of all the fabrics was the same. That is to say:— the coefficient of reflection X illumination = constant. In the opinion of the Committee when the above relation held, the ability to distinguish detail in all the fabrics was the same ; the matter, however, required further investigation. This question was subsequently further investigated by Mr. W. C. D. Whetham, F.R.S., a member of the Committee, who reports as follows:– It is a matter of common knowledge confirmed conclusively by evidence given to the Committee by operatives, that more light is required in factories where the colour of the material worked upon is dark than where it is light. This fact would make all attempts to define “ adequate illumination " almost hopeless unless some new criterion can be discovered. Dark coloured substances look dark because they reflect much less light to the eye than light coloured substances, and it seemed possible that the power of distinguishing detail, on which comfort and quality depend, would be related to the actual amount of light which entered the eye, that is, to the surface brightness of the material, rather than to the amount of light falling on the work, that is the illumination. To examine this question, an investigation was carried out at the National Physical Laboratory with the skilful help of Mr. Bernard P. Dudding, the arrangements being previously made under the superin- tendence of Mr. C. C. Paterson. The work was carried out in a dark room in which the illumination given by electric light was under control. - - In the first series of experiments, four Samples of calico were used. They were dyed different tints of blue ranging from very light to very dark, almost black. The illumination was slowly raised by an assistant till the observer, who was ignorant of the illumination reached, was able to distinguish the threads of the warp and weft of the calico. - The illumination was then kept steady and measure- ments taken of the illumination and of the surface brightness of the material relative to the surface brightness of the white card of the lumeter. The following results were obtained:— * The approximate coefficients of diffused reflection of the three principal fabrics examined (expressed as a percentage of incident light which was diffusely reflected), were as follows : — Dark blue * - 6 per cent. Medium blue - - 14 per cent. Light blue mº - 40 per cent. Precautions were taken to OBSERVER W.C.D.W. Corresponding surface brightness. Tliumination needed to make the threads visible. I. Very light blue calico. Foot candles. 1' 4 * -> - - - O - 7 I 65 - - - - - 0 - 9 1 - 4 wº tº- - - - 0.7 II. Light blue calico. Foot-candles. 2 - 0 - - - - - () . 75 1.7 * - -- - - 0 - 70 III. Full blue calico. 4 8 - º º * - 0 63 5 : S - - - - - 0 '86 IV. Dark blue calico. 12 - 0 tº - - - - 0 62 12 - 5 - - * - - 0 - 68 OBSERVER B.P.D. I. Very light blue calico. 1:0 - - - - - 0.64 0.8 t- - - - - 0 - 52 II. Light blue calico. 1 - 9 - - * - - () . 72 1. 3 - - - - - 0 - 50 III. Full blue calico. 4 - 0 - - - - - 0 - 52 3 : 6 - - - º - O - 48 IV. Dark blue calico. 10 - 5 - - º - - 0. 60 14 - 0 - - - - - O - 85 Hence it appears :— (1) That the illumination needed to make work possible on a very dark material may be 10 times that required with a very light material. (2) That, on the other hand, the requisite surface brightness is constant within the limits of experimental error. (3) That the average surface brightness needed to make the threads of calico of different tints visible to one normal eye (W.C.D.W.) may be represented by 0 73, and to another normal eye (B.P.D.) by 0.60. Another series of experiments were made with coloured cards on which rows of figures were printed. Here the visibility depends on the contrast of colour between the coloured card and the black ink. The problem is therefore different from that of the ade- quate illumination of calico where the visibility depends on the shadow cast by the threads. OBSERVER W.C.D.W. Illumination needed to make Corresponding surface print legible. brightness. 0.144 - white card - 0:13 0 - 125 - pink card - 0 - 11 0 - 50 - light blue card - 0:19 0 - 80 - dark blue card - 0 - 20 OBSERVER B.P.D. () - 04. - white card - 0.044 0 - 05 - pink card - 0° 044 0 - 104 light blue card - 0.048 0 - 20 - dark blue card - 0° 052 In this case, while the illumination needed to make print legible on a dark blue card is some five times that required with a white card, the surface brightness is nearly constant, though there are some indications that it tends slightly to increase with the darker colours. This is natural, as with a black card, black print would be presumably invisible at all illumina- tions. But, except in this extreme case, there seems APPENDIGES. 37 reason to believe from experiments that, for a given kind of work, it may be found that the necessary sur- face brightness is independent of the colour of the material. 4. PERCEPTION OF DETAIL BY DIRECT AND INDIRECT TIGHT. The degree of illumination required for the purpose of distinguishing detail under different systems of illumination was the subject of further experiment. The investigations described above were repeated by other observers, and the conclusions before arrived at were confirmed, viz., that the threads of different- coloured materials could be just distinguished when the illumination was raised to such a value that the surface brightnesses of the different materials were the same. In order further to amplify these experiments under more rigid conditions an investigation was carried out at the National Physical Laboratory by Mr. J. W. T. Walsh, using embossed matt papers of different shades of grey, but all non-selective in their diffusion pro- perties. Ten different specimens of toned paper were used, varying in shade from very dark to very light grey. They were embossed from a copper plate having an arbitrary design which included lines of many different depths, the embossing being carefully per- formed in a hand press, so that the mattness of the surface of the papers was as far as possible unaffected. These papers were then illuminated from a single and relatively small source of light and viewed from a fixed distance and in a definite direction. It will be observed that the visibility of the embossed pattern depends (1) on the variation of the surface brightness over the raised portions of the pattern, due to changes in the angle which such surfaces make with the direction from which the light comes, (2) on the shadows cast on the background by the raised portions of the pattern. Both of these effects depend upon whether the light comes from one single direction, or from a number of widely different directions. The illumination was gradually raised until one particular part of the embossed design, which was of medium fineness, could be just discerned while another finer portion could not. In this way it was found possible to obtain results which were reproducible to a considerable degree of accuracy. The results obtained are given in the following table :- ^- Table. Approximate | Surface Brightness Paper No. Coefficient of at point of Reflection. Visibility of Design. Per Cent. | Foot-Candles. 1. 80 0 - 031 2 60 0 - 0.29 3 37 0 - 030 4. 23 - () - 0.27 5 21 0 - 031 6 17 0 033 7 16 | 0 - 028 Approximate Surface Brightness Paper No. Coefficient of at point of Reflection. Visibility of Design. Per Cent. Foot-Candles. 9 11 0 - 027 10 9% 0 - 032 11 3# 0 - 0.27 The figures in the last column-show the remarkable constancy of the surface brightness required for the perception of detail by direct light, where such percep- tion mainly depends on the contrast between the brightness of the ground surface and that of the shadows cast by the embossed detail or on the variation of brightness over the surface of such detail. In the case of indirect lighting no sueh definite conclusions could be arrived at, but it was readily apparent that for equal ease in distinguishing detail a considerably greater illumination was required than in the case of direct light. This is only to be expected, having regard to the fact that the shadows shown by indirect light are always far less intense than those given by direct light, and that the variation of illumina- tion over a curved surface is also much less with diffused light. The superiority of direct light for sewing was insisted on by the seamstresses who worked in the experimental room under different illumination conditions (see page 35). Some of the main conclusions arrived at as the results of experiments made at the National Physical Laboratory may be summarised as follows:— (1) The illumination required for the perception of detail in materials having a low coefficient of reflection is greater than for those which reflect more strongly, and other things being equal is inversely proportional to such co- efficient of reflection; that is to say, for equal visibility there must be constant surface brightness. (2) The visibility of detail in self-toned portions of fabrics, embossed paper, and similar sub- stances, depends on the unidirectional character of the light illuminating them. It follows and has been shown experimentally that the ability to distinguish detail in such substances is for the same illumination much greater by direct than by indirect light. (3) Work such as sewing may be comfortably per- formed on the darkest materials with an illumination of 5 to 6 foot-candles (direct lighting). For white calico 14 foot-candles was found sufficient, and intermediate shades were found to lie between these values. (4) The observations on the phenomena of glare have not as yet yielded definite numerical results. They have shown, however, that the presence of a bright lateral light, although causing a feeling of annoyance, does not actually diminish ability to distinguish detail unless the surface brightness of the object viewed is relatively low. 38 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : APPENDIX XV. RECORDS AND SUMMARIES OF ILLUMINATION MEASUREMENTS IN FACTORIES. INTRODUCTION. The records of observations given in this Appendix were obtained in the winter months of 1913–1914 at the instance of the Committee, in Order to reveal as far as possible the lighting conditions under which some of the chief industries of the country are carried on at the present day. The actual observations were made by Mr. J. W. T. Walsh, B.Sc., of the National Physical Laboratory, and Mr. G. F. Sedgwick, H.M. Inspectors’ Assistant, under the direction of the Secretaries of the Committee, and the Committee are much indebted to the two observers for the thorough way in which they carried out their work. It is not suggested that these records are exhaustive, in fact they must not be regarded as giving more than a very general idea of lighting conditions in certain representative factories in the Engineering, Textile, and Clothing industries. The relatively short period each day during which factories are working under artificial light affords Only a limited opportunity for observations after dusk, but use was made of practically all the available time during which such observations were possible. The Committee would have liked to be able to obtain a mnch larger number of observations, but as this was not feasible the selection of factories was made as representative as possible, and the Committee are of opinion that for the chief industries studied the average results given in the summaries in this Appendix would not in most cases have been much affected had a larger number of observations been available. Factories investigated. In the main this Appendix contains the records of observations in factories associated with the three industries mentioned above. They were situated in or around Tuondon, Glasgow, Belfast, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Nottingham, Sheffield, and Bristol. Time did not permit of measurements being made in the Birmingham or Cardiff districts, although it was Orignally intended that this should be done. This therefore has to be left for a future report. A tour of inspection, previous to that during which the measurements were taken, was made in each district by one of the Secretaries who selected factories both well and indifferently lighted. Altogether 54 such factories were chosen and in making the selection assistance was given by H.M. Inspectors of Factories for the different districts, whose local knowledge helped to assure the choice of representative places. Many of the factories were too extensive to permit of the taking of observations in all the rooms, and in such cases rooms were chosen which were as far as possible representative of the lighting conditions throughout the factory. In factories having both new and old sections the choice of rooms for observation was divided as evenly as possible between the two. Selection of Observation Points. The selection of observation points in each room was carried out on the same principle, every effort being made to ensure that they should be representative. Attention was directed in the main— (a) to the illumination at floors and gangways. (b) to the illumination at the point where work was being carried out. The measurements were made by placing the white test card at the observation point and measuring the illumination. Where artificial light was in use to supplement the natural light during daytime the artificial light was turned off whilst observations were being made. In the case of measurements in gangways and on floors the card was placed on the floor at One or two representative positions, and usually a point was chosen which would serve equally well for observations by both natural and artificial light. Natural and Artificial Light. The illumination at any point by artificial light is in ordinary circumstances a fairly constant quantity. Changes, it is true, are liable to occur owing to fluctuations of the supply pressure, or to accummu- lations of dirt, on the lamps and fittings, but in any well regulated installation, changes due to such causes are not great, and the recorded observations may be taken as showing definitely the illumination at the various points by artificial light. The matter, however, is otherwise with natural lighting. By daylight the illumination fluctuates continuously with the external meteorological conditions, and in addition to these mere accidental fluctuations it increases gradually each day from sunrise to midday and wanes again towards sunset. Further it is not always appreciated that the illumination in the open at noon on a clear day in summer is five times greater than on a similar day in winter. This same difference between summer and winterillumination will, of course, find a counterpart inside the workshop, and it will at Once be seen that no records on isolated occasions of the illumination in workshops by daylight suffice of themselves to afford a criterion by which to judge the lighting. - Daylight Factor. The natural illumination in any building must, however, depend on the amount of light admitted by the windows, and the efficiency of the window lighting will be determined by the proportion of the light, inci. dent on the outside of the buildings, which reaches the inside of the building. If, therefore, we could obtain a simultaneous measure of these two quantities we should secure a criterion for the efficiency of the natural lighting of the building. It is not practicable, how- ever, to sum up the total amount of light which a system of windows admits, and, further, the amounts admitted will vary at different parts of the building, so that a general figure for the efficiency of the whole building would be of little value even if obtainable. It is possible, however, to obtain a measure of the lighting efficiency by natural light at any one point in a building by measuring simultaneously the illumination at this point and the illumination outside the building. The latter measurement is, in effect, equivalent to measuring the illumination at the point inside the building, but with the roof and walls removed. The ratio of the inside to the outside measurement ex- pressed as a percentage is called the “daylight factor * for that point, and, is a measure of the lighting efficiency of the building at this particular point. The daylight factor for roof-lighted buildings such as weaving sheds is of the order of 2 per cent., i.e., 2 per cent. of the light which would reach the point if the walls were removed is actually found there. At the centre of some workrooms depending entirely on lateral windows the factor falls as low as 0.01 per cent., which means that the light reaching the point in question is only Toºgoth of that which would reach it if walls and roof were removed. Within limits a daylight factor tends to remain a constant quantity whatever the time of year or the external meteoro- logical conditions, and the observations by daylight given in this Appendix have been made with the object of determining this factor for all the cases considered. * The suggestion to use such a factor as this as a measure of the daylight efficiency of a building was first made by Mr. A. P. Trotter, and has been subsequently developed by Mr. P. F. Waldram, '. APPENDICEs. 39 It will be observed that if the daylight factor is known for any point in a factory we can at once state what must be the value of the outside illumination to produce a certain minimum illumination at this point. If the outside illumination during some of the winter months does not reach this figure it will be obvious that the illumination in the factory at the point in question will be inadequate. The approximate outside illumination for different months of the year is discussed in Appendix XVI., and it will be seen from the figures given there that on an average day in December the illumination varies from 500 foot-candles at 10 a.m. to 700 foot-candles at midday. If the daylight factor at a point in a work- room does not exceed 0.4 per cent., its illumination will only reach two foot-candles from about 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and at other times of the day it will be below this. Such a room could not be regarded as adequately lighted in December without additional artificial light, although in June with an outside illumination at midday of the order of 4,000 foot-candles the lighting would probably be satisfactory from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Arrangement of Records. The complete records of the observations made are published separately.* A full page is allotted to each room, and the rooms are grouped according to the industries and processes carried on in them. For instance, pages 8 to 19 contain the results of all the observations in weaving sheds, and pages 112 to 129 those in foundries. Each group of records dealing with a special industry or process is preceded by a summary in which an effort has been made to collate all the results for that industry and present them in a way which will enable a general survey of the lighting conditions to be obtained at a glance. The record sheets themselves contain in the upper two tables data as to the means of lighting, dimensions of windows, power and number of lamps, &c., whilst the lower table gives the values of illumination observed at the different points and the daylight factors deduced from them. Underneath is a plan of the room in question reproduced to scale, with the positions of the observation points marked in circles on it. Frequency of 0ccurrence Curves. The summary for each industry, besides containing tables which sufficiently explain themselves, has also a series of curves intended to show graphically to what extent the various degrees of illumination are in vogue for floors or gangways, or for any processes connected with that industry. These curves have been termed frequency of occurrence curves. Thus taking as an ex- ample foundry work (Fig. 14, page 57), we have a series of 114 observations of illumination taken on all the various foundry floors where measurements were made. These range from about 0:02 foot-candles to 4: 2 foot- candles. There may be only one observation as high as 4-2 foot-candles and one as low as 0-2 foot-candles, the remainder distributing themselves in some way or other between the extremes. It becomes of importance to know whether the majority of observations gravitate towards the higher or the lower limit and what is the actual mid-point, i.e., the point above and below which there is an equal number of observations. If a horizontal scale of illumination be set out and at each illumination a vertical height be taken proportional to the number of observations found to lie in the neighbourhood of that illumination (namely, between certain fixed limits On either side of it), then the points so plotted will lie on a curve, any vertical ordinate of which shows, for any illumination, the frequency with which illuminations occur in the neighbourhood of that represented by the ordinate. The two principal features to be noted in any one of these curves are:— - (a) The mid-point (explained above). (b) The general contour and distribution of area of the curve. It will be seen that nearly every curve has a . more or less well defined maximum, which in many cases occurs at a point very low down on the scale of illumination. The conclusion, however, must not * Results of Observations of Illumination in Factories (Stationery Office Publication). - be drawn from this circumstance that the majority of factories have an illumination corresponding to the point of the curve where the maximum lies. As a rule, only a small proportion of the total admber will have this illumination. The factor which should receive most consideration is the area embraced by any curve, since this is directly proportional to the number of observations. If any given illumination be considered on any curve, the ratio between the area of the curve which lies below this illumination to that embraced by the whole curve is a measure of the relative number of obser- vations which exist below such illumination. In this way different sections of any curve may be compared together with a view to forming a judgment of what preponderance of factories lies between given limits of illumination. Conclusions of this nature have been drawn in the summaries which precede each section of this Appendix, and they should be considered in con- junction with the curves to which they refer. The following is the actual process adopted for drawing these curves. If, in any series of observations, the illuminations vary from 0-2 to 4' 0 foot-candles, limits of plus and minus 0-2 foot-candle would be worked with. That is to say, the height of the Ordi- nate at 0-4 foot-candle would be made proportional to the total number of observations lying between 0 2 and 0.6 foot-candle. At 0-8 the number of obser- vations between 0° 6 and 1 - 0 would be plotted, whilst similarly at 1:2 those would be taken which fell between 1-0 and 1' 4. With a very large number of observations the points so plotted would lie On a sufficiently smooth curve, which could be drawn in without difficulty, but usually the course of the curve is not well enough defined to permit this to be done with certainty, and points intermediate between those plotted are required in order to obtain a smooth curve. The same process is therefore repeated, taking, however, illuminations of 0° 6, 1 0, 1' 4, &c., and working with the same plus and minus limits on these values. In some cases still further subdivision may be desirable, but the process of counting every obser- vation more than Once in this way does not alter a curve, but merely serves to define it more precisely. The curves so drawn are dotted in lightly in the diagram sheets. Some of them are relatively free from irregu- larities; in others, mainly where few observations were available, the irregularities are appreciable. It is presumed that irregularities arise from accidental causes and would be smoothed out, were a larger number of observations available. A heavy line curve is therefore superposed on each dotted One to indicate the probable course of the smooth curve, and is the one referred to throughout this Appendix. The hori- zontal scale of the diagram is, of course, that of illumi- nation. The vertical scale on the left-hand side has no special significance and is merely a convenient scale proportional to the number of observations. The same scale has been used for all the curves On each diagram, but may differ in different diagrams. The fact that the ordinates of one curve in any figure are higher than those in another diagram of the same figure merely means that in the first case there were more observations available. In some cases the large bulk of the observations lay below some one value of illumination with a few lying well above it. In Fig. 12, page 54, for instance, dealing with engineering shops, although curve A covers the range from 0 to 10 foot-candles, 8 per cent. of the observations were above 10 foot-candles, one being as high as 63. It would have crowded the lower end of the diagram unduly to contract the scale so that all points could be plotted, and in such cases as this an indication is given in the letter- press of the percentage number of observatious lying beyond the right-hand end of the diagram and there- fore not plotted. An arrow has been placed across each diagram to indicate its mid-point, this arrow marking the illumi- nation above and below which there is an equal number of observations. The position of the arrow may, there- fore, be regarded as the principal index mark for that diagram, fixing the centre of distribution of all the observations with which it deals. 40 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : FACTORY FI,00RS, Summary of Daylight Observations. Measurements were made of the daylight factors at the floors of most of the factories visited, and, while it has not been found possible to summarise the results in a table, an inspection of the values obtained in factory rooms of different types clearly indicates the great advantage of a system of roof-lighting, as against one which depends solely on side windows. The difference is the more marked as the depth of the side-lighted room increases, and when there is obstruction of light by machinery, belting, &c. For bench work, where operations can be conducted near the windows, side-lighting may be sufficient, but where it is necessary for work to be carried on at other points than those immediately under the win- dows, roof-lighting is the only system which can be regarded as yielding satisfactory results. In buildings of more than one storey roof-lighting is obviously impossible, and several devices have been noticed for increasing the light in the interior of such rooms. Among these, prismatic window glass, and the provision of a wide central well may be mentioned. The lime- washing of all walls and ceilings is, of course, a most important factor for increasing the general illumina- tion, both daylight and artificial. In several of the factories visited this fact does not seem to have been properly appreciated, for the lime-wash, even when fresh, was in many instances tinted. The whiter the lime-wash the more effective it will be in this connection. The cleansing of all windows at frequent intervals is another necessary provision to which sufficient atten- tion is apparently not always given. * FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURWEs. Frequency of occurrence curves, embodying the results of the observations on the floors of all the factories visited, are given in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. The factories have been classified according as the chief system of lighting was – (a) roof glass; (b) side windows; (c) a combination of both roof and side windows. The following points in connection with these curves may be noted:— T. R.OOF-LIGHTING. The factories included under this heading are those in which the side glass area does not exceed 25 per cent. of the roof glass area (in the case of foundries, 20 per cent.). 2O IO O 10 O 2O | O O - o?, 1%. 2% sº. 4%, 5% e?, 7% s% o9, 10% Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination). FIG. I.-ROOF-LIGHTED FACTORIES. A separate curve has been drawn for foundries for the reason that the windows are very often much obscured by smoke and dust, and the lowering of the daylight factor from this cause would, owing to the comparatively large number of observations in foundries (approximately 50 per cent. of the whole number taken) result in an undue lowering of the mid-point daylight factor for the complete curve. o Foundries (Curve A).-The slope to the right is fairly gradual, indicating a fair proportion of observa- tions at the higher daylight factors. Six per cent. Of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 10 per cent., and so have not been included in the diagram. All Factories except Foundries (Curve B). —This curve is rather indefinite in form. It indicates that all values of daylight factor between 0 5 per cent. and 3 5 per cent. are well represented. All Factories including Foundries (Curve C).--This curve necessarily embodies the chief features of the two preceding ones, having a decided peak at the some- what lower daylight factor which is prevalent in foundries, but a gentle slope to the right shows, as before, a large proportion of observations lying well above the point at which the maximum of the curve occurs. Approximately 3 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 10 per cent., and so have not been included in the diagram. - II. COMBINED ROOF- AND SIDE-LIGHTING. The factories included under this heading are those in which the side glass area is too great for them to be included under Section I., while the roof glass area is still effective (i.e., greater than about 2 per cent. of the floor area). o9, 193 2%, 2%, 4%, 5% e96 rº, Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside - Illumination). S.9% 9%. 10% FIG. 2.—COMBINED ROOF AND SIDE LIGHTING. Here again, and for the same reason as before, the observations for foundries have been represented On a separate curve. It will be noticed that the mid-points of the curves on this diagram are much lower than those of the corresponding curves of the last section, thus clearly indicating the superiority of a system of lighting which provides as great an area as possible of roof glass. The chief characteristics of all three curves (D, E, and F) are the same as in the last Section. III. SIDE-LIGHTING ONLY. None of the foundries visited were lighted entirely from side windows, and hence only one curve has been drawn for this section, viz., that for all factories 7 O 6 O 5 O jºid-Point 4 O 3 O 2 O 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% s.0% a.5% ſºož Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination). FIG. 3.-SIDE-LIGHTED FACTORIES. lighted exclusively from the side, or in which the glass area in the roof was less than 2 per cent. of the floor area. The extremely low value of the mid-point for this curve (0.3 per cent.) demonstrates the comparative inefficiency of side lighting for floor or general illumin- ation. * APPENDICES. 41. GENERAL ANALYSIS (FLOORS). The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. TABLE I. Percentage of Observations lying below the following Daylight Factors :- - Below || Below | Below Below | Below Below Below Below Below Below Below Below 0.25. 0–5. 0.75. 1-0. 1-5. 2-0. 2-5. 3-0. 3-5. ſºo. 4-5. 5-0. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) i. (11) (12) (13) - Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per : Per | Per | Per | Per Per (I) Roof-lighting :- cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Foundries (Curve A) * 15 - 36 54 65 72 77 80 83 86 88 All Factories exclu- — 4' 0 | — 15 27 41 54 65 74 79 83 86 ding Foundries, - (Curve B). All Factories inclu- — 8: 5 — 24 39 51 62 69 75 SO 84 87 ding Foundries (Curve C). (II) Combined Roof-and Side-Lighting :- Foundries (Curve D) * 44 - 75 83 88 93 96 97 98 99 99 All Factories exclu- — 7' 0 || – 22 40 57 71 78 84 89 93 96 ding Foundries (Curve E). All Factories inclu- — 27 - 49 62 71 77 82 86 89 92 94 ding Foundries (Curve F). (III) Side-Lighting :- All Factories (Curve G) || 48 71 82 88 95 98 99 * -* - *- * The mid-points of the curves (i.e. the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are approximately as follow :- Daylight Factor. Per cent. I. Roof-lighting :- Eoundries (Curve A) - - - 1:4 All Factories excluding Foundries (Curve B) - º g- A- - 2'35 All Factories including Foundries (Curve C) - - - - - 1 - 95 Daylight Factor. Summary of Artificial Light Observations. Measurements of the illumination at floor level were made in nearly all of the factories visited. Whereas it was found that in the majority of cases attention was paid to the “general” illumination of workshops by providing for a certain number of “general” lighting units, in some "instances no such provision was made, the lighting units being placed solely with the object of illuminating some point of work such as a machine bed, bench, or loom, and the floor illumination left to chance. This procedure, though sometimes yielding fairly good results in practice, was found often to lead to unsatisfactory, or even dangerous under-illu- mination of certain parts of the rooms where no work was being carried on, but over which it was necessary for workpeople to pass. Some of the rooms in the spinning mills visited were particularly noticeable in this respect. In these the lighting units were placed about 6 feet from the floor, along the alleys between the frames, the result being that, owing to obstruction of the light by the frames, the main central alleys, running at right angles, were left with an amount of light which appeared to be quite inadequate. TREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURWES. It has not been found possible to classify and summarise the observations on factory floors in tabular form. Frequency of occurrence curves are, however, appended, giving :- (a) The observations in foundries (Curve A); (b) Those in all factories other than foundries (Curve B): Per Cent. II. Combined Roof and Side-Lighting :- Eoundries (Curve D) e - - 0. 6 All Factories excluding Foundries (Curve E) - - º - - 1 - 8 . All Factories including Foundries (Curve F) - - gº º - 1:0; III. Side-Lighting only :- - All Factories (Curve G) - - - 0 25 (c) Those in all the factories visited, including foundries (Curve C). O.2 O.4 O.6 O.8 I.O 1.2 Foot-Candles. FIG. 4.—FACTORY FLOORs (ARTIFICIAL LIGHT). 1.4 1.6 1. & 2.0 It is desirable to place the foundry observations in a separate class, since the conditions governing the arrangement of the lighting in foundries are of a different nature from those which prevail in other classes of factories, Further, the proportion of measurements made in foundries was relatively so large that an undue influence would be exerted by them were they to be included with the other obser- vations. The chief point to be noted about all three curves in Fig. 4 is that the slope to the right, is 42 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: fairly gradual, indicating that the mid-point illumi- nation is often considerably exceeded. At the same time it should be observed that practically all the observations fall below 2 foot-candles, only 2 per cent. to 4 per cent. of the observations lying above this value. In each curve 2 to 4 per cent. of the observa- tions lie above 2 foot-candles and have not been included in the diagram. GENERAL ANALYSIs FLOORS. The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 4. TABLE II. Percentage of Observations lying below the following values of Illumination :- * *- Below Below Below Below Below Below Below Below 0 - 25 () - 5 () - 75 1 - 0 1 - 25 1 : 5 1. 75 2 : 0 ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) | | { | Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Boundries (Curve A) - tºº - 36 63 76 85 90 93 95 96 All Factories, excluding Foundries 24 52 71 83 91 95 97 98 (Curve B). f All Factories, including Foundries 28 55 71 S2 88 93 96 97 (Curve C). The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are approximately as follow :— Foundries (Curve A) - 0°4 foot-candles. All Factories, excluding Foundries (Curve B) - 0° à , 33 All Factories, including Foundries (Curve C) - 0° 45 ,, 5 3 Curves embodying the separate observations of floor illumination in the factories of each class have been included wherever possible in the diagram sheet for factories of that class, and should be referred to if a comparison is desired between one industry or process and another. The following table summarises the data given in these individual curves, and shows, for each industry, the floor illumination above and below which equal numbers of observations lie :- TABLE III. Giving the Mid-point of the Curves for the Floor Illumination by Artificial Light in each Class of Factory visited. | * Eactory. Fig. Page. *#. | --- | | i | Foot- Candles. Foundries gº gº * > 14 57 0. Engineering shops - - 12 54 0 - 6 Weaving sheds £º tº-º. 6 44 0 - 4 Lace and hosiery factories 10 50 () • 35 Clothing workrooms gº 16 61 0-85 Spinning mills sº tºº 8 47 0 - 6 I.—TEXTILE INDUSTRY. A.—WEA VING. Summary of Daylight Observations. Factories 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 32, 33, 35, 36, with Room, No. 12a.* In the eleven sheds visited, the lighting was almost entirely from north lights in the roof. In no case did the area of side glass exceed 10 per cent. of the roof glass. The roof glass area, expressed as a percentage of the floor area is shown in Table V, and it will be noticed that this varied very little for all the sheds visited. Obstruction by Jacquard harness is a serious difficulty, comparative observations on neighbouring looms in the same sheds (Nos. 25a, 25b), jacquard and plain, gave the following daylight factors:— TABLE IV. Jacquard looms. Plain looms. Per cent. IPer cent. () - 28 - & tºº ſº tº - 1 - () - 22 - * = tºg - * - 3' 4 1 - 0 tº - gº 4-, tº - 3 - 9 0' 60 - gº * - *-e cº - I - 9 {). 56 * sº ſº sº tº- - 2 - 7 In shed No. 190 every loom was much obstructed in this way. Overhead shafting and belting also causes some obstruction, and individual electric driving from the floor as exemplified by No. 35a shows a distinct im- provement in this direction. In some cases the white- washing was not as efficient as would be desirable. The measurements are scheduled below in Table W. Observations in Room No. 12a are included in the Table as weaving was being carried on in this room although there was an absence of the roof-lighting system which is almost universal in weaving sheds, the room being simply the ground floor of a spinning mill. It was lighted exclusively from the side and a com- parison of the values obtained for the daylight factors on the looms shows the great inferiority of a side- lighted room for the purpose. - It is to be specially noticed that the values of the daylight factors scheduled in Table W. are only those observed on looms. The values obtained on the floors were usually lower than those on the looms. For some idea of the value of the factor at the floors, the fre- quency of occurrence curve should be consulted. * These numbers refer to the factories in the full observations (S.O. Publication). AppENDíGES. 43 TABLE W. SUMMARY OF DAYLIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE WEAVING SHEDs whº RE MEAstſ REMENTS ELAVE BEEN MIADE. - Propor- Total Daylight Factor at Mean tion of T.l. i. Room Area. *T**E* * Roof Glass Number Loom. • , a -w- Height. "... Of Remarks Number. (Sq. Ft.) (Ft.) Floor Measure- & g - & Area. ments. Max. Min. |Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Per Per | Per | Per - cent. cent. cent cent. - 180, 57,600 15- 34 11 9', 2 : 3 5' 3 Cloths woven varied in coefficient of : • reflection from 4 per cent. to 56 per cent. 190, 10,500 16 27 8 0. 50 || 0-04 || 0:20 || Much obstruction from Jacquard harness. - Y. - e * sº ; 5,900 18% 46 5 2 * 2 || || 4 1.3 Coefficient of reflection of cloth woven O), 35,000 13 29 10 4' 3 2 - 2 || 2: 9 22 t. to 57 t - 24a || 27,000 13; 22 II. 3's 0.8s 2-2 per cent to o, percent. - § ; - # ; : º ; : } Some obstruction from Jacquard harness. 32b 10,000 || 17; 46 9 || 2:9 | 1.8 2: . Tapestry (wool of various colours). 350. 20,100 14 26 9 || 6’s 0 44 3' 6 No overhead belting, individual drive. 35b 32,300 15 25 9 4 'o 1 6 || 2: 6 Overhead belting. - - 36a || 47,000 || 13% 32 9 7's 1' 7 4'o | Coefficient of reflection of cloth is 60 per cent. to 70 per cent. - 12a. 1,360. 9% O 4. 0: 5s 0-11 || 0 |32 | A room used for weaving woollen cloth. - * No roof glass. Side glass 12 per cent. of floor area. FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURWEs. Separate frequency of occurrence curves have been drawn showing:— (a) The observations on looms at the surface of the cloth being woven; (b) The observations at floor level in gangways. The following points in connection with these curves should be noted:— - Looms (Curve A).-The apex of the curve is well to the right and so may be taken as an indication of a decided leaning towards a daylight factor at the loom of about 3 per cent. This practical unanimity might have been expected from the remarkable uniformity in the design of all the sheds visited. The mid-point lies at approximately the same value. Floors (Curve B).-The daylight factors are con- siderably lower at the floors than at the looms, but the curve indicates a less decided leaning to one particular 1 O value, the gradual slope of the curve to the right showing that of the observations which lie above the mid-point value a considerable number tend towards a relatively high illumination. 2 O I 5 : % O%, 1%. 2% s?, 4% 5% 9%, 10% e% z% s% Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination). FIG. 5–WEAVING SHEDs (DAYLIGHT). • GENERAL ANALYSIs (WEAviNg SHEDs). The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 5, - TABLE VI. Percentage of Observations lying below the following Daylight Factors :— &ºmºsºms-tº-s Below Below Below | Below | Belo Below Below Below | Below Below 0 - 5, 1 * 0. 1 : 5. 2 : 0. 2 - 5. 3 * 0. 3 - 5, 4 * 0. 4 5. § - 0. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) I (10) (11) Per Ber Per Per Per . . . . Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Tooms (Curve A) *E- tº- 3 8 : 5 16 26 42 61 77 85 89 92 Floors (Curve B) - - || 10 30 51 69 80 87 92 95 97 99 The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points approximately as follow:— Looms (Curve A) - a 30030 2.7 per cent. above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are Floors (Curve B) - 1° 5 per cent, E 44 i) EßARTMENTAL COMMITTEE on LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : . Summary of Artificial Light Observations. Factories 18, 19, 20, 24, 32, 33, 35, 36, with Room No. 12a. Of the eleven sheds visited, artificial light measure- ments were made in nine. In the majority of cases the lamps were shaded by enamel or opal shades of the ordinary shape, but in one shed (No. 36a) the new form of metallic reflector was in use, and was stated to have been found a distinct improvement. The usual method of placing the lights is to have one lamp over every pair of looms, or in cases where the candle-power of the lamp is %igher, one over the centre of every group of four looms. The usual height of the lamps is, as will be seen from the table, from 5 to 7 feet, that is to Say, as low was very noticeable. as possible without causing inconvenience to the operatives in moving about under them. With such an arrangement as this it is clear that the ordinary form of shade is unsatisfactory on account of the glare due to the rows of bare lamps seen on raising the eyes from the looms. The improvement in this direc- tion due to the use in some cases of metallic reflectors The observations (at looms only) are scheduled in Table VII., to which, as before, the observations in room No. 12a, have been added. This was not a shed, but a ground floor room for weaving woollen cloths of various colours. TABLE VII. SUMMARY OF THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE WEAVING SHEDS WHERE MEASUREMENTS - HAVE BEEN MADE. - Height of > Illumination at Loom Room Floor Area Hºº Number of (Foot-Candles). * Lighting Measure- Number. (Sq. ft.). U. lºve - ments - Remarks. Floor (Ft.). 2. Max. Min. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 180, 57,600 6 9 12 5 6 - 5 8: 7 | Lighting very good. 19q. 10,500 5 9 5 : 3 1 25 2 : 15 .” 19b 5,900 5 5 2 : 10 1 25 1 55 200, 35,000 4% 10 3.7 2 - 0, 2:7; 24a. 27,000 5 11 5 8 1 - 85 3 : 6 32b 10,000 Various 8 2 65 1 : 50 2 : 0s 35a, 20,100 7 9. 2' 30 1'45 1 65 35b 32,300 ... 7 10 1 40 () . 73. 0 '98 . - 36a 17,000 8 9 1.90 0 - 66 1 : 10 | Electric lamps in metallic reflectors each illuminating four looms. 12a | 1,360 6# 4 2 : 0% 1' 40 1 60 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURVES. Frequency of occurrence curves are given in Fig. 6. These embody the results obtained in all the weaving sheds visited :— w (a) on looms. (b) on floors. The observations taken in room No. 12a, have not been included in the curves. The following points should be noted:— Looms (Curve A).--The slope of this curve to the right is fairly gradual but the curve indicates a decided leaning towards an illumination of between 1 and 2 foot-candles at the surface of the cloth on looms. Two per cent. of the total number of observations lie above 10 foot-candles and have not been included in the diagram. - Floors (Curve B).-Practically the whole of this curve lies below the 1 foot-candle point, while the mid- point indicates that one-half the observations lie below 0 4 foot-candle. - • . * \\ 20 15 I O 5 O O I 2. 6 z- 5. 4: .5 & 9. Foot-Candles. 'IO 15 10 5 O OO O.5 1.0 3.0 J.F.; 2.0 2.5 Foot-Candles. FIG. 6.—WEAVING SHEDS (ARTIFICIAL LIGHT). 3.3 <+,O GENERAL ANalysis (WEAVING SHEDs). The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 6. TABLE VIII. Percentage of Observations lying below the following values of Illumination — Below | Below || Below | Below || Below | Below | Below | Below | Below Below Below | Below () • 25 0 - 5 () 75 1 - 0 1 : 5 2 : 0 2 - 5 3 - 0 3 - 5 4 - 0 4 - 5 5 - 0 ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) | (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per . . . . cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. , Looms (Curve A) - - || – || 3 - 18 36 52 64 72 77 81 83 || 85 Floors (Curve B) - - 28 || 66 88 93 100 | – || – || – || – | – || – || – The mid-points of the curves ( approximately as follow:— Looms (Curve A) - - 2 foot-candles. Floors (Curve B) - - 0°4 foot-candles. 7.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are APPENDICES. B—SPINNING, ETC, AND INCIDENTAL PROCESSES. Summary of Daylight Observations. Factories 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31. T)aylight measurements were made in 22 rooms. The processes carried on in these rooms included scribbling, drawing, roving, reeling, cap spinning, mule spinning (6 rooms), weft winding, joining, preparing, and finishing. The mule spinning rooms have been classed together at the end of this table, Room No. 14a being included among them, although part of it was used for the process of drawing. The remaining rooms have been placed together at the beginning of the table in order to show the considerable obstruction of light which takes place owing to the placing in most of them of high machines close together. Undesirable, and even dangerous under-illumination of gangways frequently arose from this cause, particularly as the rooms were of considerable width, low, generally without roof glass, and often with a much smaller area of side TABLE glass than might have been provided. Factory No. 14 may be taken as an example of good Side-lighting, the rooms being lofty and provided with the maximum area of glass possible, Room No. 14a was below ground level, but the windows were provided with prismatic glass. The whitewashing of the walls did not always seem to have received adequate attention, and improvement in this direction might have had an appreciable effect on the illumination, especially of the side-lighted rooms most often met with. The measurements made on floors have been omitted in considering the minimum and mean illumi- nations given in the table, so that these include only the observations made on a horizontal plane at actual places of work. For the floor illuminations the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted. * IX. SUMMARY OF THE DAYLIGHT FACTORS IN THE SPINNING MILLS IN WHICH MEASUREMENTS : EIAVE BEEN MADE. - - Propor- Propor- º º Floor Mean tion of tion Of Number Daylight Factor at Room ...T. Width.| ROOf Side - Point of Work. Area. | FIeight. Glass Glass Of Process. * (sq. F.) (Fº) (Ft.) | *...* | *...* Readings. - • Area. Area. Max. Min. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (a) Rooms containing much Machinery : Per | Per | Per | Per cent. Per cent. cent. cent. cent. - 12b 3,000 9% 35 0 9 . 6 2-9 || 0:36 1:2 Scribbling (woollen). 14b 16,950 | 1.4% | 84 0 26 7 4's 0:0, 1.9 Drawing (worsted). 14c 16,950 | 1.4% | 84 () 26 5 6's 0'0s 2 5 | Cap spinning (worsted). 18b 3,630 | 15% 33 37 10 6 6' 6 || 0 30 3's Finishing (worsted cloth). 20b 18,100 | 13 | 104 || 15 () 11 4 - 4 || 1 7 3's Winding (flax). 190 4,130 13 43; () 10 6 1.2 0.035 | 0:28 2, 2, 196, 628 11% 29 () 15 5 1 - 0 || 0 3, 0' 60 Joining (flax). 19e 8,500 13 63% 10 4 11 3's 0-06 | 1.3 | Preparing (flax). 19 f 6,100 11% | 44 0 13 7 1 5 || 0-09 || 0 8s | Spinning (flax). 19q 10,000 | 12 52 () 10 7 1 - 9 || 0 - 12 0 8s , , 19%. 10,000 | 15 52 12 7 | 7 4' 6 || 0:44 2-7 | Reeling (flax). 31c 2,200 | 12% 52% 2 6 - 5 6 2 : 0 || 0-06 || 0: 5s ,, . (Cotton). 260, 13,100 || 14 | 118 5 3 - 5 9 1:6 || 0:02 || 0-3 || Roving , 27a. 36,500 13% 144 () 7 11 || 3: 6 || 0-08 || 1 | 1 || Roving and carding(cotton). 31b 2,200 10 52; - 5 : 5 8 . 0. 59 || 0:01 || 0 |17| Roving and ring knitting (cotton). (b) Mule Spinning Rooms : 12c 3,110 7 35 9 () 4. 1' 7 || 0:49 0-90 (Woollen.) I2d, 1,740 7 35 8 - 5 1 3 1.6 || 0 90 1 3 33 12e 1,400 7% 25 () 9 4. 5 : 3 || 0 07 2 : 1 35 14a. 16,950 | 12 84 () 17 6 9 : G | 0-03 || 1:8 (Worsted.) 26b 10,950 11 118 () 8 6 4's 0° 04 || 1:9 (Cotton.) 27b 38,600 | 12 144 () 5' 5 7 . . .11 0.03 || 3: 6 55 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURWEs, Frequency of occurrence curves are given in Fig. 7. These include — - - (a) The observations at all the chief types of machines (except mules) used in the spinning mills visited. - - (b) The observations on spinning mules. (c) Those on the floors of all the spinning rooms visited. The following features in connection with the curves should be noted — , Machines (Cwrve A).-The high values of the curves at the lowest daylight factors indicate a con- siderable amount of bad lighting (owing, generally, to obstruction of the side light by machinery). About 2 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 5 per cent, and so have not been included in the diagram, - E 2 46 DEPARTMENTAL CoMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND workshops: 6O 5 O 24 O a;O 2O I O O I O O H. I O O O.O% O.5% 1.0%, 1.5% 2.0%, 2.5%a.0% a.5% 4.0%, 4.5%, 5.0% Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination). FIG. 7.—SPINNING MILLS (DAYLIGHT). Mules (Curve B).-The low illumination here is less due to obstruction by machinery than to the great width of the rooms compared with their height. This width introduces a large diversity into the readings obtained in any one room, the useful illumination at the side of a typical mule-spinning room (No. 27b) being 20 to 40 times as great as that in the middle of the room. About 13 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 5 per cent., and so have not been included in the diagram. Floors (Curve C).-The low illumination indicated by this curve is produced by either or both of the causes noted under the above curves. About 4 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 5 per cent., and have not been included in the diagram. GENERAL ANALYSIs (SPINNING MILLs), The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 7:— TABLE X. Percentage of Observations lying below the following Daylight Factors — cº-º-º-º-º- Below | Below Below | Below Below | Below Below Below Below | Below () • 25, () : 5. 0 - 75. 1 * 0. 1 : 5. 2 : 0. 2 : 5. 3 - 0. 3 - 5. 4 - 0. —l- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per Per | Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Machines (Curve A) - º - - || 30 46 54 60 68 74 79 83 86 89 Mules (Curve B) - º - - 35 52 59 63 70 74 77 80 83 85 Floors (Curve C) - -> - º 29 41 49 56 67 76 82 88 92 95 The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are approximately as follow :- Machines (Curve A) - tº Mules (Curve B) 4- &E- Floors (Curve C) * * - Daylight Factor. & º- - 0. 6 per cent. - - - 0° 5 ,, 0.8 22 Summary of Artificial Light Observations, Factories 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31. Measurements were made in all the 22 rooms visited. The processes carried on in these rooms included scribbling, drawing, roving, reeling, cap spinning, mule spinning (six rooms), weft winding, joining, preparing and finishing. The table summarising the daylight factors has been divided into two sections:— (a) All rooms containing much machinery. (b) Mule-spinning rooms. The systems of lighting met with included batswing gas burners, incandescent mantles, both upright and inverted, high-pressure gas, and electric glow lamps. The obstruction of light by machinery was particularly noticeable in most of the rooms of Class (a), and in many cases where no special lights were provided to illuminate the gangways, the latter were often found to be very badly under-illuminated. The measurements on floog's have been omitted in considering the minimum and mean illuminations given in the table for the various rooms, so that these records include only those observations made at actual places of work. For the floor illumination in spinning mills, the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted. TABLE XI. SUMMARY OF THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE SPINNING MILLs whºRE MEASUREMENTs HAVE BEEN MADE. Distance of Chief , Illumination at Point of Work. Room Floor Area. . º tº: Nº. (Foot-Candles.) Proces Number. (Sq. Ft.) above Floor. . Measure- l’OCéSS. (Ft.) - ments. Max. Min. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) |_(6) (7) (8) (a) Rooms containing much Machinery :- 12b 3,000 5; 6 0 - 48 0 - 15 0-26 Scribbling (woollen). 14b 16,950 6 8 3 - 5 0 - 43 1'45 Drawing (worsted). 14c 16,950 7 5 3' 4 0.86 || 1:45 Cap spinning (worsted). 18b 3,630 5 and 7 6 4' 6 () - 67 2' 30 Finishing (worsted cloth). 20b 18,100 # 11 4 - 0 0 - 61 2-10 || Winding (flax). 19e 4,130 # 6 (). 93 || 0 , 52 0 - 70 25 33 190, 628 - 5 11's 1' 20 5' 6 Joining (flax). 19e 8,500 6 11 0 - 77 || 0 - 16 0.38 | Preparing (flax). APPENDICES. - -- 47 e . . . . Illumination at Point of Work. Room | Floor Area. | P:sºnºe of Chief Number (Foot-Candles.) - Lighting Units Of *. Process Number. (Sq. Ft.) above Floor. Measure- e - (Ft.) . ments. Max. Min. Mean. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) - (5) (a) Rooms containing much Machinery—continued. . 19 f 6,100 6 7 2' 35 1. 0s 1 ° 45 Spinning (flax). 19q 10,000 5% 7 1' 40 0 - 49 0 '82 35 2, - 19h. 10,000 6 7 1.90 1 : 10 1 : 50 Reeling (flax). 31c 2,200 6# 6 l' 20 0 - 15 || 0 65 , (cotton). - 26a | 13,100 7 9 1.90 0.03 || 0:44 || Roving (cotton). 27a. 36,500 8 11 1° 55 || 0:045 || 0:44 Roving and carding (cot- - - ton). - 31b 2,200 6# 8 0 - 68 || 0 - 14 0 °37 | Ring knitting (cotton), (b) Mule Spinning Rooms :- () 21 () 06 0-11 (Woollen). 12c 3,100 5#. 4. 0. 51 || 0 - 06 0 24 99 12d, 1,740 5% 3 0.79 || 0:08, 0 48 3 * 12e 1,400 5#. 4 1.05 0 - 42 * Mule spinning (worsted). On mules 2 3. 0.56 1 : 50 | Drawing (worsted). 140, 16,950 7 & 10 { On frames 5 2 - 8 0 - 20 1 ° 25 (Cotton). 26b 10,950 6 5 0 - 67 || 0 - 14 0 - 39 5 s 27b. 38,600 7 6 --- FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURVEs. - The following features in connection with the Frequency of occurrence curves are given in Fig. 8. ** should be noted :- * * • These include:— Machines (Curve A).-The slope of this curve to the vafi * right is unusually gradual and declines from a peak at a (a) º machines of all types excep t very low value of illumination, showing that there is a (b) The observations at spinning mules. considerable diversity in the values observed with a (c) All measurements taken at floor-level. tendency towards an exceedingly low illumination in gº many mills. Approximately 3 per cent. of the obser- 2 *- vations lay above 4 foot-candles and have not been 4:O included in the diagram as it was not thought desirable 30 to reduce the scale to the extent necessary for the 20 inclusion of these points. I O Mules (Cwrve B).-The shape of this curve indicates O that there is less diversity in the illumination of mules than is the case with the machines dealt with in Curve A. It will be seen from the table, how- 1 O. ever, that over 60 per cent. of the illumination obser- O vations at spinning mules lie below 0.5 foot-candles. Floors (Curve C). This curve includes the observa- tions on the floors of all the machine rooms visited, I O %.o o,5 Lo 1.5 2.0 2.5 a.o. 3.5 4.0 and therefore includes all processes carried on in Foot-Candles spinning mills. It is similar in shape to the previous g curve (B) except that the higher values of illumination FIG. 8.-SPINNING MILLS (ARTIFICIAL LIGHT), are better represented, - GENERAL ANALYSIs (SPINNING MILLS). - The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 8. TABLE XII. Percentage of Observations lying below the following values of Illumination :- - Below | Below || Below Below Below Below Below Below | Below Below 0 - 25 || 0 - 5 || 0 75 || 1 - 0 I 5 2 . () 2 - 5 || 3 - 0 3 - 5 4 - 0 ft.C. ft.C. ft.c. ft.c. ft.C. ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) | (8) (9) (10) (11) Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Machines (Curve A) . . . . . 23" || 40 || 5 || 6 || 79 || 8 || 51 || 9 || 93 || 9 | Mules (Curve B) - - - - || 32 61 76 | 84 || 92 || 97 100 | – || – || – Floors (Curve C) - - - - 22 45 58 69 | 84 93 98 || 100 | – || – The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) ar approximately as follow:— - Machines (Curve A) - - - - * : 0-6, foot-candles. Mules (Curve B) º * . sº - gº wº - 0° 4 55 5, 9 Floors (Curve C) - {-} tº gº tº - 0. 6 - 33 3: a 30030 E 3 DEPARTMENTAL committer, ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : C.—LACE AND HOSIERY MAKING. Summary of Daylight Observations. Factories 38, 39, 40, 41. (a) Lace Factories. - The total number of lace- making rooms in which measurements were made was 10. In only two of these were there any roof lights. In one (mending room No. 38a) 2.1 per cent, and in the other (machine room No. 38b) 27 per cent of the roof area was glass. The improvement in the light for this factory was very marked. In every other case lighting was exclusively from the side. - - The daylight factors are scheduled in the table, the rooms being divided according to the different processes chiefly carried on in them. In considering the minimum and mean daylight factors given in the table, only observations taken at actual places of work have been included. For the floor illumination the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted. (b) Hosiery Factory.—The results for the single factory visited (four rooms investigated) are entered in the same table and a separate frequency of oc- currence curve for the weaving process in this factory is added. The floor daylight factor in this factory varied from 0 1 to 0° 5 per cent, TABLE YIII. SUMMARY OF THE DAYLIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE LACE AND HOSIERY FACTORIES WHERE MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. - Propor- | Propor- Number Daylight Factor at . ! ~~~ *. * ºn's a. WIlght H'a,CUOI’ a. Floor Mean || "... "..." f i."." Room Area Height, Glass Glass OI º • . Area to Area to Measure- |T Process. Number. (Sq. Ft.) | Ft. Floor Floor . - - * { *t ºr e - - Area. Area. ments. Max. | Min. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Lace Factories :— Ber cent. Per cent. - 380, 1,340 | 18 2I 4' 5 6 2.5 || 0:8, 2-0 || Mending. 416 3,020 | 15 () II. 9 3. * | 0-05 || 1:7 | Finishing. 39c 1,270 9. () 23 5 1-1 || 0 3, 0-7, Winding. 390, 1,360 14 () 22 9. 1. 7 || 0:21 || 0: 5s | Slip winding. . 38b 13,600 | 18% 27 6 - 5 L0 3 o || 0 54 || 1 | 5 | Curtain weaving. 39a 2,370 113 () 13 6 1 - 7 || 0 02 || 0 4s 5 5 5 5 Workers dis- satisfied. 39b 2,340 | 12 () 16 6 2' 6 || 0 14 || 0 | 84 33 35 5 3 33 41a. 4,080 14 () 22 8 1-1 || 0-09 || 0-6, 35 33 35 3 5 41b 2,670 11 () 18 6 1. 3 || 0 - 07 || 1 - 0 35 55 35 55 41d. 5,610 | 12 () 18 7 1.8 || 0 - 18 || 0-9, 55 5 5 3. 33 Hosiery Factory :— 40a || 4,070 14 0 17 9 4' 0 || 0-30 || 1 | 6 || Weaving. 40c 1,900 | 12 I 9 - 5 8 2 - 5 || 0 - 22 || 1 3 9 3 40d 4,070 || 14 () 23 12 5's 0 - 27 | 1.8 9 3 40b 2,000 | 12 () 9 9 0.3s 0-01; 0 18 || Winding. Basement. Daylight . generally reinforced. FREQUENCY of OccuRRENCE CURVEs. Frequency of occurrence curves are appended. These include the results of observations On:— (a) Lace-making machines. - (b) Floors in the lace factories visited. Il : l i § 0.0% O.5% 1.0% 1.5%; 2.0% 2.5% a.0% a.5% 4.0% Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination.) FIG 9,-LACE AND HOSIERY FACTORIES (DAYLIGHT), (c) Machines in the one hosiery factory visited. (d) Winding machines, both in lace and hosiery factories. The number of observations in all four cases was not sufficient to give any great definiteness to the curves, and so any data deduced from them can only be regarded as approximate. From the twelve obser- vations in examining and mending rooms, the daylight factor at the places where such work was being carried on seemed to average about 1 7 per cent. The following points in connection with the curves should be noted:— Lace Machines (Curve A).-The very gradual slope of this curve towards the right indicates that there are a large number of observations which greatly exceed the mid-point value. Owing to the small number of observations available, however, the shape of the curve is rather indefinite. Floors in Lace Factories (Curve B).-By far the greater part of this curve lies below a daylight factor of 0.5 per cent. The two small humps on the right are due to observations in the two roof-lighted rooms. APPENDICEs. 49 Machines in Hosiery Factory (Curve C).-The same remarks as those made on Curve (A) above apply also to this curve. Approximately 9 per cent. of the obser- vations lay above a daylight factor of 4 per cent, and so have not been included in the diagram as it was not thought desirable to reduce the scale to the extent Winding Machines (Curve D).--Almost the whole of this curve lies below a daylight factor of 0° 5 per cent. Some specially low values result from the inclusion of readings in Room No. 40b, which was a basement room in which artificial light was often used in the daytime necessary for the inclusion of these points. observations, GENERAL ANALYSIs (LACE AND HosſERY FACTORIES). The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 9. though, of course, turned out during the taking of the TABLE XIV. Percentage of Observations lying below the following Daylight Factors:– Below Below Below Below || Below Below Below Below Below Below Belo Below 0.25. 0-5. 0.75. 1-0. I 25. 1 : 5. I 75. 2 * 0. 2 : 5. 3 - 0. 3 - 5. 4 - 0 (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) | (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per Per | Per | Per | Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Lace Machines (Curve 21 41 56 67 77 84 89 93 99 sº-sº - * A). - - . - Floors in Lace Factories 37 || 65 75 80 85 | 89 92 94 97 98 || 99 * (Curve B). . . . . . -- . . . - Hosiery Machines 7.5 25 41 52 60 66 71 75 81 86 89 91 (Curve C). - -- - - Winding Machines 35 69 85 90 94 96 97 98 99 99 * smº-sº (Curve D). - - The mid-points of the curves approximately as follow — Lace Machines (Curve A) - tº Floors in Lace Factories (Curve B) - Hosiery Machines (Curve C) - tº Winding Machines (Curve D) º (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are: Daylight Factor. 0.65 per cent. us *g & 0 35 5 3 2 3 tº-º & . . () 95 35 53 gº tº ſº () 35 3 y 39 Summary of Artificial Light Observations. Factories 38, 39, 40, 41. (a) Lace Factories.—Of the 10 rooms visited, two were lit by electric incandescent lamps alone, four by high-pressure gas (in one case with a subsidiary system of electric lighting) and four (Factory 39) by batswing burners. The last named system was obviously quite insufficient and the workers complained of the poorness of the illumination. It will be seen from the table that the average illumination is, on the whole, very much lower for the rooms of this factory than any of the other rooms visited except Room No. 41a. In this the machinery was of a special kind requiring but little close attention. machine rooms the chief desideratum is a moderate general light over all the working parts, and the possibility of producing a high local illumination at any desired spot when required. For this purpose the most suitable system of lighting seen consisted of counter-weighted lamps, capable of being readily pulled down and directed towards any particular point which it was desired temporarily to illuminate for the purpose of piecing a thread or otherwise supervising the working of the machine. It is desirable that the lamps should be shaded for the reason mentioned in the memorandum on weaving sheds (p. 40). In the large majority of lace . (b) Hosiery Factory.—The single factory visited was lit mainly by electric light. The system of batswing burners was used only to reinforce the natural lighting on dark days. The illumination produced seemed generally sufficient but the lighting units were so placed that the workpeople, while tending their machines, were compelled sometimes to stand in their own light. Several complaints on this ground were received from the workers, and an observation taken on the machine with the operative in his normal working position gave an illumination of 0° 15 foot-candles, while the un- obstructed illumination averaged 1 foot-candle. Here, again, more local lighting seemed to be desirable, and adjustable lights would undoubtedly have been a considerable convenience. - More measurements in hosiery factories would be needed before it could be said whether those here given may be regarded as representative. In considering the minimum and mean illuminations given in the table, only observations taken at actual places of work have been included. For the floor illumination the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted. TABLE XV. SUMMARY OF THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE LACE AND HostERY FACTORIES WHERE MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. - Distance Illumination at Point of Work. - - - Floor Area. of Chief Number || (Foot Candles.) Room Number. Lighting Measure- Process. (Sq. Ft.). º: º: ments, Max. Min. Mean. - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) - - | - Lace Factories :— - - | - 38a. 1,340 || 6 || 6 || 2:5, 0-30 || 1:0. Mending. 41c 3,020 6 9 4-8 0-60 || 2:3, Finishing room. 39c 1,270 Various 5 1.9, 0 - 06 1 20 Winding. E 4. 50. DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : Distance | \,: Illumination at Point of Work. - Floor Area. of Chief Number (Foot-Candles.) Room Number. Lighting wº e-T Process. (Sq. Ft.) . º mentS. Max. Min. Mean. (1). (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) | -* Lace Factories—cont. - - e e - sº 39d 1,360 Various 8 2' lo (): 73 1' 30 Slip winding. 38b | 13,600 6 10 2.85 0 - 13 0 '98 | Curtain weaving. 390, i 2,370 || Various 5 1 - 05 0 - 06 || 0 - 58 35 53 39b 2,340 6 1 : 15 () - 06 0 ° 42 33 5 3 41a. 4,080 9% 8 0 - 59 0 - 13 0 ° 45 33 35 41b 2,670 4% 5 1-9, 0. 54 1 25 35 5 3 41d 5,610 5% 7 8 : 6 () 28 2 25 33 55 Hosiery Factory :- - g 40a. 4,070 5% 2 : 50 0 ° 45 1' 40 Weaving. 40c 1,900 5% 8 4 - 7 () - 82 2' 40 35 40d 4,070 5% 12. 10 : 0 0 - 4.1 2 35 • *. 40b 2,000 6 9 1° 55 0. 58 1 : 00 Winding. FREQUENCY of OccuRRENCE CURVEs. Frequency of occurrence curves are given in Fig. 16 for the illumination at lace-making machines and at the floors of all the rooms visited. A separate curve shows the results obtained at the machines in the hoisery factory. . sº Hº; IO 5 : O.5 H.O 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Foot-Candles. 3.5 FIG. 10.-LACE AND HOSTERY FACTORIES (ARTIFICIAL LIGHT). The average floor illumination in this factory was about 0.5 foot-candles. The observations at winding machines in both lace and hoisery factories are in- cluded in a single curve. Owing to the comparatively few observations available none of the curves are perfectly definite, and any data deduced from them <20 can only be regarded as approximate. The number of observations in examining and mending rooms (11) was not sufficient to allow a curve to be drawn, but the illumination was found to vary from 0 3 to 4 5 foot- candles, with an average of 2 foot-candles. The following points in connection with these curves should be noted:— Lace Machines (Curve A).--The mid-point of this curve lies at 0-7 foot-candles, but, as noted in the remarks above, the observations embodied in this curve refer mainly to the general illumination, and not to the local illumination available at need. The gradual slope of the curve indicates that the illumina- tion at the mid-point is frequently exceeded to a considerable extent. - Floors in Lace Factories (Cwrve B).--This curve does not extend above 1 foot-candle, there being no recorded illuminations higher than this on the floors of lace factories. The mid-point is below 0°4 foot- candles, indicating that comparatively little attention can have been paid to the general illumination. Hosiery Machines (Curve C).-Here, again, the curve slopes gradually to the right for the same reason as that noted in curve (A). Approximately 3 per cent. of the observations lie above 4 foot-candles, and so have not been included in the diagram. Winding Machines (Curve D).-This curve embodies the observations on winding machines in both lace and hosiery factories. Again a gradual slope to the right is noticed, giving a mid-point at an illumination of about 1 foot-candle. - GENERAL ANALYSIS (LACE AND HostERY FACTORIES). The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 10. TABLE XVI. Percentage of Observations lying below the following values of Illumination :- *-*-* *- Below Below Below Below Below | Below Below Below Below Below Below Below 0 - 25 () - 5 0 - 75 1 : () 1 ° 25 1 : 5 1 - 75 2 . () 2 - 5 3. 3 - 5 4 - 0 ft. c. ft. c. ft, c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. c. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (1]) (12) (13) Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Fer | Per | Per | Per | Per * cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Lace machines (Curve A) 10 34 53. 65 72 78 83 86 91 95 tº- - Floors in lace Factories 32 73 96 100 *- --- - a- - -- s- - (Curve B). - Hosiery machines (Curve | 0 5 4 || 13 30 47 60 69 75 84. 90 94. 97 C). Winding machines - 6 - 5 25 47 65 78 87 92 97 99 —- — (Curve D). The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are approximately as follow :— Lace machines (Curve A) - 0 - 7 foot-candles. Floors in Lace Factories (Curve B) - & - - 0° 35 , ,, Hosiery machines (Curve C) g- dºe º - 1 3 , ,, Winding machines (Curve D) sº & º - 1:0s , , APPENDICES. 51 II.-ENGINEERING INDUSTRY. A.—GENERAL ENGINEERING (eaccluding Foundries). Summary of Daylight Observations. Factories 3, 4, 6, 10, 16, 17, 28, 37, 50. The total number of shops in which daylight measurements were made was 43 (two of these, how- ever, had so little daylight available that artificial light was used practically throughout the day). Both side-lighted and roof-lighted shops were met with, and in the majority of cases a combination of both systems W8,S IIl Ulsé. - The daylight factors are scheduled in the table and in this the shops are divided into four classes accord- ing to the nature of the work chiefly carried on in them. In Class I. are placed shops in which the chief duty of the operatives was the care of such machines as lathes, planing and drilling machines, and others which, Once set in action, do not require close atten- tion or accurate adjustment while running. In many of these shops each machine was provided with a small local adjustable light for use as required. The day- light factors were, of course, calculated from measure- ments made with this local light out of use, and they do not give the maximum illumination attainable on such machines when the daylight was reinforced with artificial light. In many cases the machines them- selves or, more frequently, the overhead shafting and belting caused considerable obstruction. Individual electric drive would seem to offer an improvement in this direction, but was not met within any of the shops visited except for very large machines. In Class II. of the table are placed shops in which the chief work is of the nature of bench work, includ- ing fitting, finishing, and polishing of small parts and similar processes. For such work more light is required than for the less fine work of Class I. This fact seems to have been recognised to a certain extent by placing benches as far as possible near windows, but as the designs of the shops did not ever appear to differ appreciably from those of the other machine shops, the increase of light thus obtainable was limited in amount. Further, it must not be assumed that the two classes of work were always met with in distinct buildings. This was not the case, and in the majority of shops both classes of work were being carried on simultane- ously. The shops have been grouped according to the class of work which preponderated. In the case of such a combination of both kinds of work in One shop, the tendency was usually, though not invariably, to place the machines in the centre, and the benches at the sides of the shops. Particularly fine work such as engraving on metal requires special treatment in the placing of machines. In the particular engraving machine on which measurements were taken (in Shop No. 10c), the daylight factor was approximately 6 per cent. On the bed of the machine. In Class III. of the table are placed shops in which heavy work, such as forging, &c., is carried on. The illumination in such cases is usually very general, no local artificial lights being provided in the majority of instances. Class IV. contains the results for the four wood- working and pattern-making shops visited. The measurements on floors have been omitted in considering the minimum and mean illuminations given in the table, so that these include only observa- tions made at actual places of work. For the floor illumination the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted, TABLE XVII. SUMMARY OF THE DAYLIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE ENGINEERING Works wherE MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. Pro- Pro- Daylight Factor at room | Floor Mean *.*.*." sº Point of Work. T Area. Height. Glass Glass O Number. (Sq, Ft.) (Ft.) * *...* Measure- e Remarks. Area. Area. ments. | Max. Min. Mean. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) - | . Class I.--—Machine Shops : Per Per Ber | Per | Per . cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 3d 24,200 20 44 () 5 6 : 4. 1 - 3 8 - 4b 6,400 32 19 5 5 0 - 7, 0.19 || 3's Windows extremely dirty. 6b 8,200 20 () 14 7 1:7 0' 013 || 0 60 10d. 42,000 33 22 37 17 8 : 6 0 - 50 || 2 | 1 10e No observations. - 10f 5 5. 5 5 10g 19,600 26 28 4. 9 6 ‘o 0.04 || 2:7 10! 75,600 29 48 3.5 20 8 4 0 - 14 2 - 2 100m, 7,800 | 16 33 23 7 5' 6 || 1:2 || 3:4 A side gallery in a larger room. 16c II,700 20 19 12 8 4' 0 0-40 || 2: 2 16e 8,200 43 20 3 - 5 5 2 - 5 0 - 26 || 1 4 16f 15,500 36 32 4 - 5 8 3 - 4 0 - 29 || 1 | 6 16g 24,800 || 45 85 46 4. 7 's 5's --- 16] 34,000 36 45 10 6 2 - 3 1 - 1 1.7 16m, 13,300 48 44 2 5 2 - 2 0.70 | 1.4 16p 31,800 52 120 67 6 6's 3's 5' 2 28c 141,000 71 99 () . 7 15 6's 0 - 28 || 2: 4 37a, 18,600 30 24 5 9 0. 5, 0-10 || 0:23 - - 50e 36,000 | 16% 42 1. 18 14 || 0 30 || 3:0 Weaving shed roof. 52 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : ** Pro- Pro- : o, * Floor Mean portion of ſportion of Number Pºiº º#. at Room ROOf Side Of . Area. Height. Glass Glass - - Number. 2c, T Area to Area to Measure- Remarks, (Sq. Ft.) (Ft.) Floor Floor ments Max. Min. Mean. Area. Area. º (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Cºlºr:#;" Jor | Per Per Per | Per | Per " … cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. - 3c 9,000 || 36 110 () 3 16 || 7 | 2 |11 Machinery and boiler testing. 10a 5,000 | 16 () 14 8 1-6 || 0-08 || 0 5, Metal polishing, &c. 10b 5,300 | 10 0 11 8 4 6 0-10 || 17 | Brass fitting. 10c 5,300 | 1.4% 25 11 6 6 2 || 1 | 3 || 3: 6 || Brass fitting and engraving. 10h. 13,400 18% 75 13 10 9 'o 1 : 1 || 3: 6 Gauge making. 10k 9,950 32 () 45 9 15 || 1:15 | 6’ 6 Electrical engineering. 16h, 3,100 33 () 1] 6 2.7 - || 0 - 17 | 1 - 0 35 17a. 1,850 | 1.1% 0 || 13 6 3' 6 0.96 || 2: 0 || Metal fitting. 28e 11,000 || 30 100 () 7 4's 2' 4 || 3:0 33 55 50a. 3,300 13 () 19 8 1 : 5 0-04 || 0 65 | Electroplating and varnishing. 50b 2,800 13 () 20 11 2 5 || 0:40 || 1 0 | Telephone winding, &c. 50d 5,630 | 13 () 20 8 1' 7 || 0-28 || 0 9, Assembling machinery. Class III. — Forges and Heavy Work : T.6b 7,580 21 5 : 5 4. 7 1.8 || 0.3, 1:1 Spring making. 16d, 13,000 || 24 24 () 7 2-0 || 0:33 || 1:1 | Steel rolling. 16k 21,200 || 33 23 6 6 3-4 || 1:7 || 2: 6 Boiler flue making. 160 38,900 65 86 35 6 12 9's — Forging. 17b 1,340 | 1.1% () 9 4. 0-25 || 0:02, 0-10 || Grinding. 28d. 99,000 | 62 100 0 11 5 : 3 1-4 || 3:4 Boiler making. 37c 12,200 54 () 20 5 --- — | 0:49 || Forging. 376, 8,260 28 2 - 5 9 6 0.4s 0-22 || 0:30 53 Class IV.-Woodworking and Pattern - making Shops : 16m. 11,500 30 55 36 8 4' 0 || 1:2 || 2:2 28a. 30,000 || 35 51 11 9 7 's 0 - 24 || 2 | 1 28b 17,400 || 31 - 7' 5 6 6' 3 0 21 2.5 Galleries of No. 28a. 50c 4,540 13 () 21 7 5' 4 1 - 3 - 2 - 9 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURWEs, Frequency of occurrence curves are appended. These include:— - - (a) The observations at machines such as lathes, planing and drilling machines, &c., requiring little close attention. : (b) The observations at places used for benchwork such at fitting, finishing, and other work requiring close attention. (c) The observations in shops where heavy work was in progress. (d) The observations on the floors of engineering workshops of all classes. 2 O 1 O O | O O oº, 1% zº, sº 4%. 5% e3 =% 1 O O I C O – 0.0% O.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 5.0% a.s% to% Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination). ( FIg, 11–ENGINEERING SHOPs (DAYLIGHT). The following features in connection with the curves should be noted:— r Machine Work (Curve A).-The slope of this curve to the right is gradual, indicating a large number of observations considerably above the mid-point value of daylight factor. Bench Work (Curve B).-The same remark as that made on the last curve (A) applies equally to this. The shape of the curve, however, is less definite, and hence the position of the mid-point is liable to some error. Approximately 4 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 10 per cent., and so have not been included in the diagram. Heavy Work (Curve. C).--This curve is extremely flat, indicating a wide diversity in the daylight-factors found in workshops of this class. Here again 8 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight-factor of 4 per cent, and so have not been included in the diagram. Floors in all Machine Shops (Curve D). This curve, again, is very flat. Uncertainty as to the posi- tion of the mid-point arises from the same cause as that noted for Curve (B) above. . Approximately 15 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight- factor of 4 per cent. and so have not been included in the diagram S. APPENDICEs. 53 GENERAL ANALYSIs. (ENGINEERING WoRKSHOPs.) The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 11. TABLE XVIII. Percentage of Observations lying below the following Daylight Factors:— Below Below Below | Below Below | Below Below Below | Below 0 - 5. 1 * 0. 1 : 5. 2 ” (). 2 : 5. 3 * 0. 3 5. 4 - 0. § () (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) || (8) (9) (10) Per Ber | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Machine work (Curve A) {- tº- - - || 16 35 52 65 75 83 89 94. 96 . Bench work (Curve B) - º - - - | 15 31 44 54 62 69 74 || 80 85 Heavy work (Curve C) - º * * - || 31 49 63 74 82 86 90 92 - Floors (Curve D) - º * - - - 30 46 57 67 75 80 82 85 *- The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are approximately as follow — Machine work (Curve A) sº Bench work (Curve B) * Heavy work (Curve C) s Floors (Curve D) º & Daylight Factor. Summary of Artificial Light Observations. Factories 3, 4, 6, 10, 16, I7, 29, 37, 50. The total number of shops in which measurements of artificial illumination were taken was 43. The kind of lighting systems met with included batswing gas-burners, ordinary upright and inverted incandescent gas, high- pressure gas, electric glow-lamps (used both for local and for general lighting), and arc lamps. It was noticed that, as a rule, the same general system of lighting prevailed throughout all the shops in each factory. Thus in factory No. 16 general lighting was mostly by arc lamps, while the machines, benches, and all local workplaces were illuminated by small electric glow-lamps. In factory No. 10 the general lighting was by arc lamps, the local lighting by batswing gas- burners. In three of the rooms (Nos. 10a–c), how- ever, the general lighting was by incandescent gas, while in room No. 10e, a combination of this with mercury vapour lamps was employed. In this last room, owing to lack of natural lighting, artificial light was in use all day and the result was stated to be satisfactory. In factory No. 17, the only system in use consisted of batswing burners arranged so that, as far as possible, they illuminated the work locally. In room No. 17a, there was some attempt at general lighting by one incandescent gas-burner, but on the whole, as will be seen from the tables, the lighting of . this factory was poor. In factories Nos. 28 and 37 the general lighting was by arc lamps, the local lighting by electric glow-lamps. In factory No. 50 all the lighting was by electric glow-lamps. In room No. 3d the general lighting was by high-pressure gas, the local lighting by batswing gas-burners. In several factories where arc lamps were used, the iights seemed to be hung too low to give the most satisfactory general illumination. In this way dense black shadows were often formed, and in one instance these were complained of. There was also one com- plaint of glare owing to the low position of the lighting units. When electric glow lamps were used for local light- ing they were often, but by no means always, efficiently shaded. The shades used for the lamps illuminating vices and for bench work generally were mostly of the ordinary enamelled iron form. It is probable that in many "cases parabolic or similar specially designed shades would give more Satisfactory results. For illuminating machines such as lathes, where the local light had to be close to the work, the most satisfactory form of shade appeared to be of a conical form (Room No. 10m). The illuminations are scheduled in the table, and the grouping of the shops into the four classes adopted for the daylight factors has been retained here. As before, illumination of the shops in Class III. (heavy work) was usually very general, comparatively few local lights being provided. The measurements on floors have been omitted in considering the minimum and meanilluminations given in the table, so that these include only the observa- tions made at actual places of work. For the floor illumination, the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted. - TABLE XIX. SUMMARY OF THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE ENGINEERING WORKS WHERE MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. Distance | |Illumination at Point of W ork. Floor Area. of Chief Numbel (Foot-Candles). Nº. isiº Mºre. Remarks. (Sq. Ft.) E. º ments. | Max. Min. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) . . . (5) (6) (7) (8) Class I–Machine Shops : 3d 24,200 7; 5 9-5 0.70 || 4-2 4b 6,440 | 14 3 || 1:25 () • II 0.57 || One arc only ; other illumination purely i local and by gas jets. 54 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : Distance Floor Area. of Chief Number Room Lighting of Number. (Sq. H t.) | Units above Measure- Floor (ii) ments. (1) (2) (3) | Gł) 6b 8,200 13; 7 10d. . 42,000 26 to 40 15 10e 9,200 17% 6 10f 10,000 11; 5 10g 19,600 23 11 IOl 75,600 Various 20 10m, 7,800 12% 5 16c 11,700. 10 8 16e 8,200 35 4. 16f 15,500 16 & 35 9 16g 24,800 20 & 40 5 16] 34,000 31 6 l6m. 13,300 16 5 16p 31,800 24 & 50 6 28c 141,000 24 15 37a, 18,600 7 to 30 9 50e 36,000 11 16 Class II.-Rooms for Bench Work : 3c 10a. |Ob 10c 10h. 10k 16h. 17a. 28e 50a 50b 500, 9,000 5,000 5,300 5,300 13,400 9,950 3,100 1,850 11,000 3,300 2,800 5,630 l 1 Class III—Forges and Heavy Work : I6b 16d 16]; 160 17b 28d. 376 376, Class IV.- Woodworking and Pattern-making Shops : 16m. 28a. 28b 50c 7,580 13,000 21,200 38,900 1,340 99,000 12,200 8,260 11,500 30,000 17,400 4,540 11 20 T1 24 and 60 4 25 11 15 17 13 13 7 I 8 10 6 7 Illumination at Point of Work. (Foot Candles.) Max. (5) Min. (6) Mean. (7) Remarks. (8) 6 I i ſº 5 : 5 0 1 I; S 5 6 - 7 25°o 6 : 6 4 - 1 : • 50 • 38 • 17 • 35 • 57 • 28 • 13 ‘lo • 22 08: 54 • 34 • 46 • 57 • 19 • 61 10 • 91 • 30 • 76 • 80 • 37 • 70 • 51 • 30 • 43 • 75 • 97 • 19 • 51 71 • 11 54 • 13 • 50 05 • 56 : i 0 0 ::: 0i 1 i i() 0 i : i Mercury vapour lamps. *Local lighting very efficient. f Local light not in use. j. Due to local light. Average general illumination about 0 5 foot-candles. See remarks in Table 13, page 45, sum- - marising daylight factors for these I’OOIſlS. See remarks in Table 13, page 45, sum- marising daylight factors for these I’OOTYl S. Galleries to No. 28a. FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURVES. Frequency of occurrence curves are given in Fig. 12 Here, as before, the division of shops has been abandoned in favour of a division of points of observation according to the classes for processes in engineering shops. of work carried on at those points. The curve for floor illumination embodies the results obtained for all classes of engineering shops exclusive of foundries, and of the carpentering shops of Class IV, The following points in connection with these curves should be noted :— Machine Work (Curve A).-In this curve the gradual downward slope to the right indicates that there is no very definite illumination which is regarded as the best for this kind of work, and it will be seen from the table that while about one-third (36 per cent) of the observations lie below 1 foot-candle, there is an equal proportion above 2: 5 foot-candles, so that the middle one-third of the observations lie between 1 and 2.5 foot. 2 35 4. 5 6 IO Foot-Candles. 2 & 9 O.5 1.O 1.5 2.O 2.5 3.0 Foot-Candles. . . . ; 3.5 4.O FIG. 12.-ENGINEERING SHOPs (ARTIFICIAL LIGHT). APPENDICES. 55 candles. Approximately 8 per cent. of the observa- tions lie above 10 foot-candles. As these are distri- buted somewhat widely, the upper limit being 63 foot- candles, it was not thought desirable to decrease the scale of the curve to the extent necessary for the inclusion of these points. The mid-point of the curve lies at about 1 - 5 foot-candles. Bench Work (Curve B).-A similar deduction may be drawn from the curve for bench work, except that, in this instance, the observations are so distributed that approximately one-third lie below 1:25 foot- candles, one-third between 1 25 and 3 0 foot-candles, while the remaining third are all above the latter value. This distribution indicates that bench work is allowed a higher degree of illumination than machine work. Here, again, 6 per cent. of the observations lie above 10 foot-candles, and have not been included in the diagram for the same reason as before. Heavy Work (Cwrve C).-The curve for heavy work such as forging, spring making, rolling, &c., is some- what indefinite owing to the limited number of obser- vations available, but the uncertainty indicated by the two previous curves as to the degree of adequate illumination does not appear here to the same extent, for over 50 per cent. of the observations lie between 0 - 75 and 1' 75 foot-candles. Floor illumination (Curve D).-The curve for floor illumination in all classes of machine shops indicates that there are comparatively few observations (about 24 per cent.), which lie above 1 foot-candle, or below 0°4 foot-candles, so that an illumination between these limits ..is that most commonly met with. GENERAL ANALYSIs (ENGINEERING SHOPs). The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 12. TABLE XX. Percentage of Observations lying below the following values of Illumination :- Below Below i Below Below Below | Below Below Below Below Below Below | Below () • 25 () - 5 0 - 75 1 : () I 25 I - 5 1. 75 2 - 0 2 - 5 3 - 0 3 - 5 4 - 0 ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. ft.C. ft.C. ft.C. ft.c. ft.c. ft.c. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) T^er | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per Per | Per Per Per Per | Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Machine work (Curve A) 4 16 27 36 43 48 52 56 62 67 70 73 Bench work (Curve B) - I - 5 5 : 5, 12 21 30 39 48 54 63 71 75 81 Heavy work (Curve C) - 3 - 5 | 1.4 31 48 63 75 83 92 99 tº-mº mºs --- * Floors (Curve D) - - 14 41 62 76 85 91 95 98 tºmº *-* * e-º-º-º-º: The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) - are approximately as follow :- 1 6 foot-candles. I tº: 85 53 Machine work (Curve A) - Bench work (Curve B) gº 1 * 0 foot-candles. 0 - 6 52 Heavy work (Curve C) - Floors (Curve D) - tºº P.–FOUNDRIES. -- Summary of Daylight Observations. Factories 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 37. Of the 18 foundries investigated, 12 had at least 90 per cent. of the total window area as roof light. Six had both side and roof lighting, while only one had less than half the total glass area as roof light. Class (1) Roof-lighted Foundries.—The roof glass area expressed as a percentage of the floor area varied from 12 to 120 per cent. In the latter case where the roof was entirely of glass the daylight factor on the floor varied from 17 to 32 per cent. in one foundry (No. 3a), and from 5 to 10 per cent. in the other (No. 3b). The lower figure in the latter case was probably due to “ageing ” of the glass, as the former was obtained in quite a new building with all walls, &c. of a light colour. In these cases the natural lighting was probably as good as could be devised. - Class (2) Roof. and Side-lighted Foundries.—The roof glass expressed as a percentage of the floor area varied from 3% to 37 per cent. while the total glass area. varied from 8 to 50 per cent. Of the floor area. In one foundry (No. 4a) the glass in the side walls was replaced by Slatting. The effect of dirty glass was very noticeable in both classes of foundries and was well shown by the contrast between foundries Nos. 4a and 7a. In both of these the mean height was approximately the same while the advantage as to glass area lay with No. 4a, in which case also, some assistance was obtained from side lights. The glass, however, was so dirty that the mean daylight factor was only 0°38 per cent. compared with 5.8 per cent. for room No. 7a, where the glass was clean. In considering the daylight factors entered in the following table, none of the observations on benches or machines in foundries have been included, but only those at floors or other places of moulding or casting. TABLE XXI. SUMMARY OF THE DAYLIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN Foun DRIEs where, MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. Propor- g g . Of Propor- Number Daylight Factor. Floor Mean tion of Room tº ROOf . |Side Glass Of Numbe Area Height. Aºt, Area to Measure- State of Glass. Remarks. * (sq. F.) (Ft.) | *...* | Floor c. Max. | Min. Mean. Area Area. ments. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Per Per Per | Per | Per | Cent. Cent. cent. cent. cent. 3a 20,800 27 120 0 3 32 17 25 Clean A very new foundry. 3b 40,800 34 80 () 5 9's 4's 7' 2 5 3 5a 37,000 | 18 12 0 10 7'o 0.09: 1-9 Dirty 56 DEPARTMENTAL committee oN LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND workSHOPS: Propor- . - ~ . . . . - - - Floor . Mean tioº of | º: Number Daylight F actor. Ya. - Roof ..." - f s ---. rr. . . . . . ." |Side Glass of Area Height. Glass ‘’’. . . . º ºg º – * - , , - Area to - | State of Glass. Remarks. Number. Area to Measure- - - - - . - . - * | (SC. Ft. Ft.) Iri. Floor || | Max. | Min. x in , - - (Sq. Ft.) | ( º r * A. Iment.S. ax in. | Mean. (b | 9 || 0 || 0 || 0 || 0 || @ Go || 0 (10) . Der Per Per | Per | Per - - Cent. Cent. - Cent. Cent. Cent. -- - 5b 18,600 || 23 39 0 8 5's 2' 4 || 4 - 4 || Rather dirty | Newer than No. 5a 6a, 34,500 39 76 2 - 5 10 3 : 6 0-13 1.7 * -- 7a || 33,400 || 37 41. 1 - 5 8. 12 || 2 | 4 || 5's Clean 15a. 2,950 20 31 () 5 || 1:1 0 - 7s || 0 8s , Windows cleaned 7 . . . . . every few months. 15b ,800 | 1.4 20 () 6 4'o 2 : 1 || 2: 6 35 - 25 i5c 23,900 17 28 () 9 2-1 || 0:46 || 1:1 . - 55 H6a 28,300 46 22 0 9 || 3 g || 0:4s | 1.8 164 25,800 53 | 20 0 11 1:2 || 0-3s 0-7 | Dirty 37 54,700 35' 34 3 11 2 : 1 || 0-30 || 0 - 7s » 4a. 19,200 || 42 50 10 8 || 0:56 || 0:18 0-3s Very dirty 10m. 49,500 - || 36 || 30 7 9 3 : 3 || 0 30 1' 9 Dirty 100 27,100 | 56 s 37 12 7 5’ 6 || 1 ||6 || 3:0 11a || 3,170 | 16% | 11 11 4 1.8 || 0:40 || 0-9, 55 17c 2,700 20 3.5 6 5 I 2 0 - 28 0-6s - 17d 6,850 20 5 : 5 3 6 1-0 || 0–3, 0:5s FREQUENCY of OccuRRENCE CURVEs. Frequency of occurrence curves are appended. These include :- - . - (a) The observations at the floors of foundries with - - -- roof lighting (the few observations on ma- chines, &c. have been omitted but are very similarly distributed). - - (b) Those in foundries with combined roof- and side-lighting. - . The following features in connection with the curves should be noted:— ; : - Roof lighting (Curve A).-The slope of this curve to the right is fairly gradual, indicating a good proportion of observations at the higher daylight factors. Six per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 10 per cent. and have not been included in the diagram. combined Roof. and side-lighting (Curve B)—This . curve falls away rapidly to the right indicating that the higher values of daylight factor are not represented, *: g” in fact 75 per cent. of the observations lie below a daylight factor of 1 per cent. 3 O I 5 1 o H 5 o I 5 H. O. O 1% 2% sº. 4%. 5% e?, zº, sº, 9%, 10% Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination). FIG. 13.−FounIDRIES (DAYLIGHT). GENERAL ANALYSIs (FoundRIES). : The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 13. TABLE XXII. - Percentage of Observations lying below the following Daylight Factors:— | Below Below Below || Below | Below | Below Below Below Below Below 0 - 5, 1-0. 1 : 5, 2 : 0. 2 : 5. 3 * 0. 3 : 5. 4 * 0. 4 : 5. 5' 0. (1) (2) (3) | (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Per - Per | Per | Per || Per Per | Per | Per Per Per - Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Roof, lighting (Curve A) - gº - 15 36 54 65 72 77 80 83 || 86 88 Combined roof- and side-lighting 44 75 S3 88 93 96 97 98 99 99 (Curve B.) - *3 The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are approximately as follow :- Roof-lighting (Curve A) tº Combined roof- and side-lighting (Curve B) "e , - . - 0.6 , Daylight Factor. - 1.4 per cent, & - * ! APPENDICEs. 57 Summary of Artificial Light Observations. Factories 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 37. Of the 18 foundries investigated, the chief system of lighting was by arc lamps in eight cases, by gas (high-pressure or ordinary incandescent) in three, by electric glow lamps in four, and by batswing burners in three cases. Seven of the foundries had local light- ing by gas and electric light in addition to the main system. In many foundries the lighting seemed generally sufficient, but it appeared particularly bad in in those foundries lit mainly by batswing burners, (Nos. 11a, 17c, 17d), some parts of which were clearly dangerous. The chief disadvantage of lighting by isolated powerful sources, especially in foundries with low roofs, is the dense black shadow cast by every object in the neighbourhood of a lamp. This makes it extremely hard to see the nature of the ground which happens to be in such a shadow, and it has been stated that accidents arise from this cause. It is particularly necessary that the passages and gangways of foundries should be well illuminated, as otherwise there is always some likelihood of treading upon hot metal which has been spilt in transit but is no longer visible by its own incandescence. In considering the illuminations entered in the following table, none of the observations on benches or machines in foundries have been included, but only those at floors or other places of moulding or casting. TABLE XXIII. SUMMARY OF THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE FoundRIEs whºRE MEASUREMENTS FIAVE BEEN MADE. - Dº: Number of Illumination at Point of Room Floor Area. 9%. Sºº Work (Foot-Candles). * Lighting Measure- - * Number. (Sq. Ft.) | Units above , -- Remarks. l Floor. (Fij ments. Max. Min. | Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 3a. 20,800 13 3 0 - 74, 0 - 42 0 58 3b 40,800 20 5 4 - 2 0. 53 2:30 | A few local gas jets. 4a 19,200 25 8 () - 65 0.03 0-30 | A few local lights. 5a. 37,000 Various 10 1 - 05 0 - 06 0:37 5b 18,600 Various 6 1 : 10 () - 04. 0 50 6a, 34,500 Various 10 1-8s 0 - 50 0 '86 7a. 33,400 16 8 1:7; 0 - 11 0 74 10m. 49,500 10; 9 () - 82 0 - 30 0. 54 || Complaint from worker. 100 27,100 10 7 (): 34 0 - 20 0 25 11a. 3,170 13 4. 0 - 26 (). I2 0 - 19 | Very unsatisfactory lighting, 15a. 2,950 5#. 5 () - 59 () 11. 0 - 26 15b 7,800 8 6 () . 78 (). T6 0 44 15c 23,900 6 9 1 30 (). 13 0 48 16a, 28,300 20 9 3. 8 () - 18 1 : 00 Some local electric lamps. 164 25,800 42 12 () - 87 0 075 || 0 41 | A few local lights. 17c 2,700 Various 4. 0 - 56 (?. 07 0 24 | Very unsatisfactory lighting 17d. 6,850 6 0.86 |<0.02 0 - 18 5 3 92 92 37b 54,700 Various 12 2.80 0 - 02 1 - 05 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURVE. A frequency of occurrence curve for the artificial illumination of the floors of foundries is given in Fig. 14. The slope of this curve to the right is fairly gradual, indicating that the mid-point value of illumination is often considerably exceeded. cent. Of the observations lie above 2 foot-candles, and so have not been included in the diagram. The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curve in Fig. 14. Approximately 4 per 1.<} O.2 G.<+ O. 6 O. 8 1.O I.2 Foot-Candles. 1.6 l. & 2.O FIG. 14.—FOUNDRIES (ARTIFICIAL LIGHT). GENERAL ANALYSIS (FOUNDRIES). TABLE XXIV. Percentage of Observations lying below the following values of Illumination :- Below Below Below Below Below Below Below Below 0 - 25 0 - 5 0 - 75 1 - 0 1 - 25 I 5 1 - 75 2 - 0 ft.-c. ... ft.-C, ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-C. ft.-C. ft.-c. ft.-c. # * }: wº-> (1) (2) (3) . (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Eoundry floors - sº sº 36 63 76 85 90 93 95 96 The mid-point of the curve (i.e., the point above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) is approximately at 0°4 foot-candles, 58 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND workshops: III.-MAKING UP OF CLOTHING AND SIMILAR WORK. Summary of Daylight Observations. Factories 8, 9, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. Daylight measurements were made in all the 37 clothing workrooms visited. Of these, seven were roof lighted (i.e., had at least 75 per cent. of their total glass area situated in the roof), 16 were lighted exclusively by side windows, while the remainder had a combination of both systems. The inferiority of a system of light- ing exclusively by side windows as compared with one including some roof glass was very noticeable. This will be seen from the table. The windows, especially those at the side, were, in general, clean, but those in the roof did not seem to have received the same attention. The difference produced by the cleaning of the roof glass is seen from a comparison of Rooms 54a and 55a in the table. The roof glass area was the same in both these rooms, but in the second, which had clean glass, the mean daylight factor was nearly double that found in the first, the glass of which was very dirty. In Factory No. 30, with six or seven floors, the building was in the form of a square with a large rectangular shaft or well, and light was admitted to the rooms from this central shaft as well as by windows out the outside walls. The result of this was a more even distribution of light, especially in the case of the upper floors. In the tables given below, the rooms have been divided into three classes :— I. Those used for sewing, either by hand or by machine, on woollen or other cloth, generally of a dark colour. sº II. Those used for the less fine processes of cutting Out or pressing. III. Those in which the work was with white linen. Further, the rooms in each class have been arranged in three groups, according as the lighting was ;- (a) By roof windows. - (b) By combined roof and side lighting. (c) By side windows alone. - The measurements on floors have been omitted in considering the minimum and mean illuminations given in the tables, so that these include only those obser- vations made at actual places of work. For the floor illumination the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted. TABLE XXV. SUMMARY OF THE DAYLIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE CLOTHING WORKSHOPS WHERE MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. Pro- Pro- . Daylight Factor at Floor Mean pº Of º of sº Point of Work. * * ** iorhi. Glass Glass O º Room Type of Lighting. Ales Height. Area to Area to Measure- Remarks. Number. (Sq.Ft.) (Ft.) Floor Floor Max. Min. Mean. Area. Arca. ments. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) |* (6) (7) | (8) (9) (10) º * | T^er | Per Class I-Sewing on Colowred Cloths: *: : º: cent. cent. 29b (a) Roof-lighting 1,320 | 10 30 1 8 3 : 3 || 0 70 || 1 | 7 || Roof sloping al- - | most to floor on 47b 25 2 3 4,760 | 16 50 11 10 6's 1 - 9 || 3's • One side. 47c 33 55 3,170 15 52 12 6 5.6 || 2:0 3'4 51a. 33 , 267; 11 47 3 6 1-2 || 0:46 || 0 90 8. (b) Combined 1946 is 14 7' 5 6 5' 0 || 3: 3 || 3’s ! roof- and } side-lighting 33b 5 3 33 3,400 13% 8 7' 5 8 2.8 || 0.3s | 1 : 5 34b 3 3 55 2,360 10% 17 7 14 12 1.6 5 'o 46b 5 3 ,, . 2,700 14 15 14 9 10 1' 7 || 4's, 46d. 53 33 1,770 13 9 - 5 || 11 7 4's 1 5 || 3'4 47a, 55 > 2,200 22 26 15 8 1 : 1 || 0:40 || 0 6s 48c 53 33 2,060 | 12 13 14 8 6's 1' 4 || 3's 520. 5 5 ... 247 | 10 16 7' 5 5 1 - 6 || 0.3s 1 - 0 54a, 3.3 ,, . 247 14 32 24. 6 1. 7 || 0-11 || 0 90 || Roof glass very | dirty. 55a 33 3 9 247 14 32 10 4. 2 : 0 | 1.4 || 1 - 7 56a. 35 5 § 247 14 20 14 5 0-9s | 0: 16 || 0-5, 35 35 294, 55 5 3 1,890 } 2 - 5 12 9 4.0 || 0:12 | 1.6 | Very little roof- lighting. 48a. 33 35 5,960 11 2 11 I0 5' 2 || 0:44 || 2:2 5 3 35 9a | (c) Side-lighting 530 8 0 17 5 9 : o 0.8s 3-4 13a. 3 3 35 3,570 10% 0 13 I2 2.7 || 0.3, 1:1 13c 33 55 3,470 11 () 15 9 3. , || 0:7, 1.5 30a, 3 5 3 y 4,700 12 () 13 15 4's 0°12 || 1 | 1 | Lighting by cen- tral well. 30b 35 55 4,700 12 () 7' 5 11 4.0 || 0:29 || 1:1 35 35 33a 5 3 55 2,800 # 0 15 9 4' 0 || 0 29 | 1.6 34a. 5 3 52 2,890 10 0 13 8 3's 0-17 | 1.8 44b 5 3 52 870 13 0 35 7 5. 0-25 | 1.8 44c 3 3 52 870 11, () 35 6 3's 0 '92 || 2:3 46a. * 3 33 2,900 10% O 23 9 2. 7 || 0 - 11 || 0-7, 46c 55 55 1,580 10% 0 13 7 1-6 || 0-17 | 0-80 48b 3.3 53 1,580 11% () 33 8 4' 4 || 0-80 || 2:3 53a. 33 y5 178 9 () 6 5 0 '92 || 0 10 || 0:4, APPENDICES. 59 Pro- Pro- Daylight Factor at : * portion of portion of Number Point of Work. Room Floor Mean *.*.*. f N Type of Lighting. Area Height. Glass Glass O Remarks. umber. 7t Area to Area to Measure- (Sq.Ft.) (Ft.) Floor | Floor tS Max. | Min. Mean. Area. Area. IſleIltjS. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) º e Per Per Per | Per | Per Class II—Cutting and Pressing : cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 13b Side-lighting - || 4,000 | 10; 0 4. | 5 1 6 || 0:44 || 1:1 44a | , , 840 12% | 0 () 5 | 1.4 || 0:12 || 0: 50 Class III.-Sewing on White Line; : - - | 22a || Roof-lighting - | 1,550 | 1.4% 35 0 8 4's 2:1 3'2 23a. 35 3 5 1,200 | 1.4% 45 0 7 10 4'o 6' 6 24b , ,, 7,500 18 25 3.5 li | 3 || 4, 13 21b Combined roof- 880 | 12% 7' 5 8.5 8 2- 9 || 1 - 0 || 2:2 and side- lighting. 21a || Side-lighting - | 1,100 | 9% () II. | 6 1.9 || 0-19 || 0-7, FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURVES Frequency of occurrence curves are given in Fig. 13. The observations have been divided into :— (a) Those at places where ordinary dark coloured , cloth was being sewn. l - (b) Those on cutting and ironing tables, &c. (c) Those in workshops where sewing or hem- stitching on white linen was in progress. (d) All the observations on floors. &O *O 63 O 5 O <+ O 350 2 O R O O LO O # O. ºf O 2O I O O > O% 1%. 2% º 4%. 5%, 6% 7% sº, 9%, 10% Daylight Factor (Percentage of Outside Illumination). FIG. 15.-CLOTHING FACTORIEs (DAYLIGHT). The following features in connection with the curves should be noted :— Sewing on Coloured Cloths (Curve A).-The slope of this curve will be seen to be gradual from a daylight factor of 0° 5 per cent. up to 6 per cent. or 8 per cent. The observations plotted include those taken in both side- and roof-lighted premises, and this fact accounts for the wide diversity of the results. The high values of the curve at the lowest daylight factors must be taken as indicating a considerable amount of indif. ferent lighting Owing to the prevalence of the use of side-lighted rooms for this work. It must be remem- bered that a work-bench under a window will have a day- light factor of the Order of 2 per cent. It would there- fore appear that much work requiring good lighting is carried on away from windows, where often the illumi- nation would be indifferent. - Cutting and Pressing (Curve B).-The remarks made on Curve (A) above apply also to this curve. Sewing on White Linen (Curve C).-This curve is extremely flat, indicating that there is no very definite tendency towards any One daylight factor in the work- shops of this class. The mid-point value, however, is well over 3 per cent. It will be noticed from the table that three out of the five workshops in this class were well provided with roof lights, but the fact that only a limited number of factories are considered and that they were all in one locality, prevents the drawing of conclusions from this curve for the industry generally. Approximately 16 per cent. of the observations lie above a daylight factor of 10 per cent., and so have not been included in the diagram. Floors (Cwrve D).--Here, again, the curve to the right is very extended, giving the same conclusions as those noted for Curves (A) and (B) above. GENERAL ANALYSIs (CLOTHING WoRKRooms). The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 15. TABLE XXVI. Percentage of Observations lying below the following Daylight Factors:– -*- Below | Below | Below | Below Below Below | Below Below | Below | Below •. () 5. 1 * 0. 1 : 5. 2 : 0. 2 : 5. 3 - 0. 3 - 5. 4 * 0. 4 5. 5 (). (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) | (8) (9) (10) (11) Per | Per | Per - Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Sewing on Coloured Cloths (Curve A) - | 15 33 48 59 | 68 75 80 84 88 90 Cutting and Pressing (Curve B) - - 22 42 57 68 77 85 90 95 98 99 Sewing on White Linen (Curve C) - I 5 5 11 21 33 44 54 62 68 74 Floors (Curve D) - - -- - || 31 46 56 64 71 76 8]. 85 88 91 **~~~~~ a 30030 60 DEPARTMENTAL committee ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie are approximately as follow — Sewing on Coloured Cloths (Curve A) Cutting and Pressing (Curve B) Sewing on White Linen (Curve C). Eloors (Curve D) gº - Daylight Factor. 1.6 per cent. 33 33 *= - - 55 35 : : & sº - 3 * * 3 Summary of Artificial Light Observations. - Factories 8, 9, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. The total number of clothing workshops and sewing rooms in which measurements were made was 37. The lighting systems met with included batswing gas burners, incandescent mantles both upright and in- verted, electric glow lamps, and indirect lighting by inverted arcs. As good examples of each of these systems, factories 9, 55, 34, and 30 respectively may be quoted. It will be seen from the table that good results may be obtained from any of the above systems of lighting except the first. In shops Nos. 8a, 9a, and 29b, tailoring work was being carried on at floor level, while in all other cases it was at tables approximately 2 ft. 4 ims. above the floor level. With sewing machines the light sources were generally placed several feet away from the point of work, one source often serving to illuminate several machines. In only two factories was any attempt made at systematic localised lighting. In One of these, No. 33, a small electric glow lamp in a metallic reflector was fixed to each machine close to the work so that the light was directed almost entirely on to the needle of the machine or its immediate neighbour- hood. In factory No. 34 an electric lamp with enamel shell shade was provided for each machine on an adjustable arm. In only one room, No. 34a, were deep metallic reflectors fitted so as effectively to screen the lamps, which, in all other cases were either unshaded or fitted with opal or enamel shades of the ordinary shallow comical shape. The uncomfortable and glaring effect of such an arrangement of lamps has already been noticed in the summary tion of Weaving Sheds, p. 44. In the tables given below, the rooms have been divided into three classes:— r O]] the Artificial Illumina- I. Those used for sewing, either by hand or machine, on woollen or other cloth, generally of a dark colour. * - II. Those used for the less fine processes of - cutting out or pressing, III. Those in which the work was with white linen. A lower illumination is sufficient in rooms of Class III. (in which the coefficient of reflection of the material is about 90 per cent.) than that required for work on the darker materials used in the shops of Class I. (coefficient of reflection from about 5 to 20 per cent.). The measurements on floors have been omitted in considering the minimum and mean illuminations given in the tables, so that these include only those observa- tions made at actual places of work. For the floor illumination the frequency of occurrence curve should be consulted. It will be seen, both from a comparison of Classes I. and II. in the table, and from the curves, that a lower illumination was, in general, provided for cutting or pressing than for sewing. This may be due to the greater fineness of the latter work, or to the large area required to be illuminated in the case of a cutting-out table as compared with the very localised lighting required for a sewing machine. TABLE XXVII. SUMMARY OF THE ARTIFICIAL TIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN THE CLOTHING WoRKSHOPs whº RE - MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. - Illumination at Point of " – r Distance of Number Work. Room Floor Area. º º of (Foot-Candles.) - : - InitS above - p : * * Number. (Sq. Ft.) Floor. * Remarks. . . . . (Ft.) - Max Min. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Class I.-Sewing on Coloured Materials : 8a, , , 1,940 6%. , . . . 6. , 6 - 2 1' 30 3' 6 || Work at floor level. 9a, 530 2} 5 4 : 6 (): 40 1 ‘90 2 3 33 13a, 3,570 5 12 6 : 6 1' 35 4 - 7 13c 3,470 4% 9 1 l; 0 - 54 0 76 290, 1,890 5 and 6% 9 6 - 8 1' 40 3 0. 29b 1,320 Various 8 6 - 5 1 : 10 2' 60 || Work at floor level. 30a, 4,700 I0 15 15's | 1:30 8' 0 | 30b 4,700. 10 11 13'0 2' 60 6'8 33a 2,800 8 9 22'o 4 - 9 14' 5 Very efficient local ſighting. 33b 3,400 6 6 8 . () || 0 - 64. 3 - 0 .. - ~ 34a. 2,890 4 8 13 'o 1.6, 5' 6 34b 2,360 4 14 19 'o 2. 70 9.7. 44b 870 4. 7 9 - 5 2 : 20 5 : 3 44c 870 5 6 5.9 || 2: 6. 4 3 46a, 2,900 5 9 4 - 2 1 - 4 2 : 9 46b 2,700 5 9 5-2 1:7; 3 : 3 46c 1,580 5 7 6 - 8 () . 72 3' 4 46d. 1,770 5 7. 4 - 1 1' 95 2 '85 47a 2,200 5 to 7 8 4 - 9 (): 57 2 : 40 47b 4,760 5 10 7.3 1 60 3 : 6 47c 3,170 4 to 6 6 6 : 3 1 : 10 3 : 6 48a. 5,96ſ) 3% to 5; 10 6 - 2 1 : 15 2.7, 48b 1,580 4. 8. 3 - 3 0 - 60 2 : 00 2,060 4. 7 2-9, 1 - 0, 2 : 2, 4Sc APPENDICES. 6i - Illumination at Point of Distance of Number Work. Room Floor Area. Chief Lighting Of (Foot-Candles.) - Units above Measure- -------- Remarks. Number, (Sq. Ft.) Floor. mentS. (Ft.) Max. Miſl. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 51a. 267 5% 6 5:1 1:60 3.2 52a. 247 5 5 | 2. 80 1. 25 1. 90 53a. 178 6 5 3 - 9 2: 3, 3.2 54a 247 8 6 # 5 - 8 1 - 70 4 3 55a. 247 Warious 4. 10's 5 : 5 7.5 56a 247 2 3 5 5 : {} 2 : 0, 3 - 2 ; | Class II.-Cutting-out, &c. : t - 13b 4,000 5% 5 4 - 9 2 : 05 3 - 9 440. 840 7 5 | 19, 1.05 1'45 Class III—Sewing on White Linen - 21a. 1,100 4 5 24, 1-6, 2-1, 21b 880 4% 8 7. () 4-2 5-3 22a 1,550 6# 8 2:5, 1-5, 3-0. 23a. 1,200 6# 7 | 4:3 1 - 0, 2 : 1s 24b 7,560 5 11 7.3 3. () | 5' 2 | FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE CURVES. Frequency of occurrence curves are appended. These include:— (a) All observations made at places where ordinary dark coloured cloth was being sewn, either by machine or by hand. 24 * * I O Eoot-Candles. 2O 1 O O O.O O.5 1.5 2.0 - 2.5 3.Q Foot-Candles. 1.0 . FIG. 16.-CLOTHING WORKSHOPS (ARTIFICIAL LIGHT). 3.5 4,O (b) All other tailoring processes, such as cutting, pressing and ironing, &c. (c) The observations in the five factories visited where sewing or hemstitching on white linen was In progress. (d) All the observations on floors. The following features in connection with the curves should be noted:— Sewing on Coloured Materials (Curve A). The slope of this curve to the right is exceptionally gradual, showing that a considerable number of the observations exceed the mid-point value by a large amount. About 10 per cent. of the observations lie above 10 foot-candles and so have not been included in the diagram. Cutting and Pressing (Curve B).-The peak of this curve is more marked, and the slope to the right less gradual than is the case with Curve (A). Both facts indicate that the tendency is towards a considerably lower value of illumination for these processes than for sewing. Sewing on White Linen (Curve C).-The mid-point of the curve lies well below that for sewing on the darker coloured woollen cloths (Curve A), thus indi- Cating a tendency to provide less illumination for work On materials with high coefficients of reflection. Floors (Curve D).--The greater part of this curve lies below 1.5 foot-candles, while the mid-point approximately coincides with the peak of the curve. GENERAL ANALYSIS. (CLOTHING WoRKSHOPs.) The following Table and General Analysis are deduced from the Curves in Fig. 16. TABLE XXVIII. Percentage of Observations lying below the following values of Illumination. Below Below Below Below Below | Below Below | Below Below | Below Below Below **-tº-sº (): 25 0 - 5 () - 75 I () 1.5 2 : 0 2 - 5 3 - 0 3 - 5 4 - 0 4 - 5 5 - 0 ft.-c. ft-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. ft.-c. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per Per | Per | Per Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent, Cent. Cent, Cent. Cent. Cent. Sewing on coloured ma- || – I. 5 6 - 5 13 22 31 40 48 56 62 67 terials (Curve A). - - | Cutting º pressing || – 0 & — 10 31 49 60 67 73 75 80 84 Curve B). -- | - sº on white linen | – || 0 — 3 12 31 49 60 | 68 75 80 | 85 Curve C). rº (Curve D) - - 10 25 42 59 85 96 99 *s- a- gººm- e- * a 90030 G DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : The mid-points of the curves (i.e., the points above and below which equal numbers of observations lie) are approximately as follow :- Sewing on coloured materials (Curve A) - -- - Cutting and pressing (Curve B) - Sewing on white linen (Curve C) - Floors (Curve D) - ſº s 3:6 foot-candles. 2 : 0 5 5 º º - 2 - 5 5 3 tº- - O - 85 5 3 IV.-MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES. Summary of Daylight Observations. Factories 3, 31, 32, 42, 43, 45, 49. The processes carried on in 18 of the rooms visited cannot be classed under either of the three chief industries, and so have been placed here in a section by themselves, the table summarising the daylight factors giving also the various processes carried on in the different rooms. No attempt was made to obtain for any of these processes data sufficiently numerous to give a reliable indication of the probable state of illumination existing generally in places where such processes were carried on. The results are useful, however, as showing the daylight factors existing in the different classes of buildings concerned and are therefore reproduced herewith. The rooms referred to included several printing rooms, both lithographic and letterpress, and several rooms used for the manu- facture of boxes and the making and packing of chocolates. These two classes of rooms, each repre- sented by six examples, have been placed in separate groups in the table. It is to be noticed that in Factory No. 42 the rooms were One above another in the same block, and generally identical in plan. Many of the observations in Rooms Nos. 42c, d, e, were taken in places approximately vertically above one another, and the improvement in the daylight factor in travelling upwards from Room No. 42c (first floor) to Room, No. 42e (third floor) was very marked. The observations in the printing rooms were taken both on the composing frames and on the presses. Room No. 31a was used for cutting out, stitching and packing muslim bags. It was below Rooms Nos. 31b and 31C (see Summary on Spinning Mills, p. 41 above) in which the bags were knitted. Room No. 43a was used for all stages in the manu- facture of Christmas cards, from colour printing by hand to the tying and packing, while Room No. 43b was used for the colouring of prints by hand. It will be seen from the table that both these rooms were well provided with daylight. Room 18E. was used for “burling,” or the removal of Small knots or lumps from cloth. It is a process of great finemess and requires a high degree of illumina- tion. The frames were placed near the windows, and it will be seen that an average daylight factor of 5 per cent, was provided on the cloth. TABLE XXIX. SUMMARY OF THE DAYLIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN SOME UNCLASSIFIED FACTORIES IN WHICH MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. Propor- | Propor- tion of tion of Number Daylight Factor at Room Floor Mean ROOf Side Of Point of Work. * Industry. Area. | Height. Glass Glass Remarks Area to Area to Measure- º Number. (Sq. Fi.) | (Ft.) | Floor | Floor º • -º- ve & Area. Area. ments. | Max. Min. | Mean, (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Per Ter Per | Per | Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 3e Drawing office - 6,100 | 12 0 36 2 2 - 5 || 1 - 5 -" 31a | Cotton bag 2,200 # () 5 7 0. 53 || 0:010 || 0 13. Few windows, making. - and those very dirty. 32a | Tapestry - º 5,120 | 1.7% 46 I 8 7' 4 || 2: 9 5's 43a Xmas card print- 4,950 27 41 5 11 12. 0 - 18 5's ing, tying, &c. 43b | Print colouring 1,080 15 () 25 8 4's 0:8, 2 9 43c | Printing - sº 1,610 || 10 () 14 7 0-3 || 0-05 || 0: 16 | Letterpress. 45a 2 3 - sº- 1,360 20 () 13 8 2:2 || 0 | 3 || 1 | 3 || Chiefly letter- I'êSS. 49a, 3 3 - - || 13,500 | 12 () 8 12 1 4 || 0:00, 0:28 Aºi. light - used in day- time. 49b 5 5 - e 8,100 | 16 49 () 8 3' 6 || 1 | 9 || 2:5 Lithograph. 496, 35 - - 10,100 16 47 6 7 3.0 || 0 | 7 | 1.7 49c | Printing and | 19,300 11 () 12 18 17 | 0'00s 0'3, Artificial light box-making. used in day- time. 49e | BOX-making - 7,600 | 15 18 17 13 6'0 | 0 - 13 || 3:4 42a | No observations -sº -sºs --> * *= *s-s -* — Basement. 42b | Chocolate 1,800 14 () 12 7 0. 5, 0-09 || 0-3, making and | These rooms packing. Were Orle 42c | Cocoa packing - 4,690 13 0 I2 9 0 '98 || 0 005 || 0 3, above 42d Chocolate pack- 4,690 12 () 7 10 1-2 || 0' 020 || 0 60 another in Ing. this order. 42e 2 3 tº 4,690 | 12 0 9 1.T. 3'o 0.015 || 0 90 18C Burling - tº 7,700 | 1.5% 29 12 9 12. 1-1 || 5 'o tº- APPEN DICES. 3 Summary of Artificial Light Observations. Factories 3, 31, 32, 42, 43, 45, 49. In the 17 unclassified rooms the systems of lighting met with included batswing gas burners, inverted gas mantles, and electric incandescent lamps. The lighting in room No. 3e was semi-indirect and was stated to give very satisfactory results. TABLE XXX. SUMMARY OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHT OBSERVATIONS IN some UNCLASSIFIED FACTORIES IN WHICH MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. Height ~~ 3 - , , 4-, 2-,-- ~ 1. TX.- : | Floor of Chief Numbe illuminº Point of Room Lighting Number H' º Industry. Area. Units Of (Foot-Candles.) - Numbel. above | Measure- Remarks. . (Sq. Ft.) Floor, Inents. | (Ft.) Max, Min. Mean. (1) (2) (3) (4) |_(5) (6) (7) (8) 3e Drawing office - 6,100 9 2 5 : 5 3. 7 *- 31a | Cotton bag making - 2,200 6; 6 () - 59 0-05 || 0 |25 | Semi-indirect light. 32a | Tapestry - - 5,120 | 12% 8 12' 0 0.70 || 3-1 83 43a Xmas card printing, 4,950 6 11 16:0 0 - 40 8-2 tying, &c. : 43b Print colouring tº- 1,080 4. 8 14' 5 4' 4 8° 4 43c | Printing - wº - 1,610 | Various 7 10's 1.90 7' 0 Letterpress. 45a. 33 " - | 1,360 ,, 9 3-5 0-80 i-6, Chiefly ietterpress. 49a 33 - - 13,500 9 12 5' S 0. 54 2' 6, 49b 5 5 - - 8,100 10 8 8 - 1 0 - 94 || 3: 4 Lithograph. 49d. 33 - º 10,100 10 7 1 : 50 0 67 || 0 - 93 - 49c 5 5 - rººt - 19,300 | Various 18 9 . () () - 39 2 70 49e Box making - - 7,600 1() 13 3.7 0.62 1:2, 42a | Chocolate making 4,970 # S 1 - 70 0-40 || 1: 3, and packings 42b 35 33 1,800 # 7 1 20 0.67 0.83 42c Cocoa packing - 4,690 6 to 8. 9 2. 70 0.56 || 1:20 42d Chocolate packing - 4,690 # 10 1 30 0 - 42 0 '82 42e 3 > 3 5 - || 4,690 7; 11 1 : 15 0-28 || 0 - 90 18e Burling - - 7,700 4 to 6 9 11 : 0 3-6 || 7-0 ! | •------ ~ * *- ,-- - ----- APPENDIX XVI. DAYLIGHT ILLUMINATION. By C. C. PATERSON (Joint Secretary) and J. W. T. WALSH. It has been pointed out by many writers on the subject of daylight that it is seldom realised how great is the difference between the illuminations existing simultaneously inside and outside ordinary buildings, and, further, that the adaptability of the eye is so great that it is quite incapable of estimating that difference. The proportion of outside light reaching a point inside a building is seldom as much as 1/10th, and more often lies between 1/100th and 1/1000th; that is to say, the illumination outside a building may be a thousand or more times as great as that simultaneously existing within. In spite of this very large difference, it will be found that on a bright summer day, when the outside illumination is of the order of 5,000 foot- candles, work can be quite comfortably carried on at a bench within a building where the illumination is only 1/1000th of this amount. Furthermore, the eye does not perceive a very marked difference in passing from the outside to the inside of the building, or vice versá. The same is true of the variations which take place from day to day, and even from hour to hour, in the value of the outside illumination, for though this variability is a matter of common observation, the rapidity and magnitude of the variations in ques- tion are only realised by the careful experimental study of the illumination conditions existing through- out the year at Some One Open position. So many and so different are the causes of this variability that the formulation of any rules for the predetermination of the illumination under given conditions, even if pos- sible, would appear to be of little practical value. This uncertaintyrenders useless, as a criterion of the lighting efficiency of a building, any isolated measurements of the daylight illumination within it, for such illumi- Imation will necessarily follow the continual fluctuations of that existing outside. The only reliable guide to such lighting efficiency, therefore, will be the relation between these two illuminations—that inside and that outside. relation has, throughout this report, been termed the daylight factor, and the meaning and use of the term has been fully explained in Appendix XV. This It will be clear from the explanation there given that two things must be known before the daylight illumi- nation at any point in a building can be deduced. The first of these is the daylight factor, and the second is the Outside illumination at any given time of the year. The former is readily obtained from any building by simultaneous illumination measurements inside and outside, and has been given for each point of obser- vation in the factories visited in the tables containing the results of these observations (Appendix ). The second factor, viz., the outside illumination to be expected, on the average, at any time of year, is the principal subject of this appendix. illumination with any certainty. As explained above, it is impossible to predict this All that can be done is to give a general idea of the illuminations that have been observed, on the average, to recur during the different months of the year, and to indicate roughly the limits between which it may be assumed that these illuminations will be again reproduced in similar circumstances. G 2 64 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS : The conditions exerting the greatest influence on daylight illumination may be divided into three main classes as follows:– (1) Time of day. (2) Time of year. (3) Meteorological conditions. These will be treated separately in the following notes. - 1. Change of Daylight Illumination with Time of Day. It may be assumed that, other factors being con- stant, the rise of illumination on any day from sunrise to noon, due to the earth's motion, will correspond closely with the fall of illumination from noon to sunset. From the measurements made it appears that this fall is at a more uniform rate when there is a dull, grey sky than when the sky is blue and cloudless. The two curves in Fig. 1 show respectively the variations of illumination observed on two such days. FIG. 1. Curves showing decline of illumination from moon to sunset on two days in September. Curve A.—Sunny and cloudless. Curve B.-Dull grey sky. 1-0 2-0 5.0 . 4.0 Tifº E OF DAY These days were actually September 25th and 30th, 1914. It has been confirmed, further, that the sunset and sunrise illuminations do not vary with the time of year, but only with the state of the sky and atmo- sphere, and lie, generally, between 10 and 50 foot- candles. An illumination of 25 foot-candles may be taken as a fair average value. The results of some illumination measurements at Sunrise and sunset are given in Table 1. • O 6-0 7. () TABLE I. Illumination at Sunrise and Sunset. Illumination Date, 1914. (Foot- Character of Sky. Candles). Sunrise. June 6 - 10 Completely covered with clouds. ,, 8 - 25 Almost clear. , 9 - 9 Overcast, except on horizon. ,, 10 - 13 Clear, light, fleecy clouds. , 11 - 27 Blue; dense clouds on the horizon. º , 13 - 6-7 | Dull and cloudy. ,, 15 - 41 Clear blue. Sunset. June 6 - 7 Completely covered with clouds. ,, 8 - 27 Clear sky, except on horizon. , 9 - 4 4 || Rain and thunder. , 11 - 6 Dull and raining. ,, 12 - 54 Blue ; a few clouds. ,, 27 - 54 Clear blue ; clouds on horizon. July 2 - 42 Blue; some clouds ,, 4 - || 62 Clear and bright. ,, 16 - 15 Cloudy. Aug. 31 - 28 Dull and overcast. Sept. 7 - 32 Blue ; white clouds. Oct. 10 - 9:3 Cloudy but bright. Dec. 39 - || 34 Blue ; light clouds. From a general consideration of the observations obtained, the variation in the average daylight illumi- nation during the day is of the nature of that shown in Fig. 2 3. :- o FIG. 2. Curves showing approximate variation of daylight from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. on average days in June, September, and December. E 3 6 () () 2 0 0 0 TEMBER º 00 ! 5 () () () 5-0 6.0 7-0 8.0 9.0 10-0 || 6 10 2.0 3-0 4-0 5.0 6-0 7.0 TIME GOF DAY On this diagram the horizontal scale represents the time of day, and the vertical scale foot-candles of illumination under an open sky. There are three curves, representing average days in June, September, and December respectively. A horizontai line has been drawn through the curves at the 500 foot-candle level for the purpose of illāstration, and it will be seen that the line cuts the December curve at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. It follows that any room in a factory for which the daylight factor is below 0.2 per cent. will have less than 1 foot-candle of daylight illumination before 10 a.m. and after 2 p.m. on an average day in December, while in June the corresponding times are 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. respectively. It may be said, further, that there is, on the average, an outside illumination of about 100 foot-candles 30 minutes after Sunrise and before sunset, so that a position in any factory with 1 per cent, daylight factor has, on the average, an illumination of 1 foot-candle 30 minutes after sunrise and before sunset. 2. Change of Daylight Illumination with Time of Year. As already stated, the sunrise and sunset illumi- nations do not vary to any appreciable extent from summer to winter. The midday illumination, how- ever, falls from an average of about 4,000 foot-candles in June to 700 foot-candles in December, the inter- mediate distribution being of the nature of that given in Fig. 3, the curve shown having been plotted from actual observations. FIG, 3. Curve showing the average mid-day illumination for each month of the year. UGSEP 00TN0W.DEC |}E( JAN FEB.MAR.APR MAY, JUN. MONTH OF YEAR APPENDICE8, 65 It must be remembered that these values are only very approximate and vary greatly with the meteoro- logical conditions. The values are only given in order to afford some idea of the average illumination to be expected at the time of year in question. In order to obtain average values, a number of days were chosen for the measurements in each month. These varied between very bright and very dull, and the average in each case may be regarded as a representative one. 3. Change of Daylight Illumination with Meteorological - Conditions. The variations in the daylight illumination arising from even small changes in atmospheric or cloud conditions are often surprisingly great and take place with extreme rapidity. The diagrams in Fig. 4 show the magnitude of such variations on representative days. FIG. 4. Representative diagrams showing daylight fluctuations over short periods. Curve A.--A bright day in March, with white - and grey clouds. (Jurve B.-A dull, grey day in March. 4000 2^^^ V) 3000 - — /~\ ul DZ / - * - #...]— 2000 <ſ Ö § 0. © u. 0 | 20 ||25 || 30 || 35 ll:40 ll:45 ll:50 TIME OF DAY {j} º I 000 : By © 5 soo!—— *=== 6 9 O ta. 3. 40 3-45 3 - 50 3, 55 4. () *Titº QF CAY The first gives an approximate record of the day- light illumination observed on a bright day in March (17th), when there was a large number of grey and white within a few minutes. clouds over the sky. The second shows the compa" rative steadiness found on a day with a very uniform : dull grey sky at the same time of year (March th). - It will be seen from the first example that the illumination may vary by upwards of 80 per cent. Also two days of a different type, though in the same month, may give widely different average illumination values at the same time of day. Thus the midday illumination on October 14th (when it was very dull and drizzling) was 150 foot candles, while three days later, at the same time of day, it was 1,200 foot-candles. Of the various factors affecting the illumination, the number and brightness of the clouds are, perhaps, the most impor- tant. A bright cloud upon which the sun is shining has a brightness far exceeding that of the surrounding blue sky, and as such a cloud changes its position in the heavens, its brightness, as well as its capacity to produce illumination at any particular position, will both change considerably. With a large number of such clouds in the sky it is not surprising that the illumination should fluctuate rapidly. The clearness of the atmosphere, too, has naturally a considerable influence on the illumination, but this effect is not capable of such rapid variations as that due to clouds. The probable limits between which the daylight illumi- nation at any time may be expected to lie are indicated in Table II. The values there given are based on 9% months’ observations (taken at the National Physical Laboratory from March to December 1914). Observations over a more extended period might lead to some modification of the averages given. The values of illumination considered throughout are those measured on a horizontal plane, placed in an open field with a practically unobstructed horizon. The direct sunlight was always shielded from the test-cards, TABLE II. Midday Illumination (Foot-Candles). Month. Highest. Lowest. Mean. 1914. April - {-} gº 5,340 716) 3,200 May - tº sº 5,430 1,050 3,200 June - gº +- 5,160 2,420 4,100 July - tº &- Sufficient observations not August gº gºe } available. September - gº 3,030 870 1,800 October ſº gº 2,610 152 1,300 November - gº 2,500 I 30 1,100 T)ecember - $º 1,160 360 720 APPENDIX XVII. THE MEASUREMENT OF ILLUMINATION. Explanations of the terms “Illumination * and “Surface Brightness” have been given in the Report (page iv). It may be useful to consider here briefly the methods by which they are measured. The brightness of a surface, as has been shown, depends not only on the amount of its illumination, but also on the fraction of the imcident light which it returns to the observer. This fraction is known as the coefficient of reflection of the surface, and is often conveniently expressed as a percentage. It varies from about 90 per cent, in the case of very white materials to 2 or 3 per cent. for black velvet. A perfectly white surface would return 100 per cent. Of the light incident on it, but no such ideal surface is known. If the illumination at a certain surface is 10 foot- candles, and the surface has a coefficient of reflection of 50 per cent. (thus returning only half the light it receives), it will only appear as bright tº a perfectly white surface illuminated to half the extent, viz., to 5 foot-candles. It is often useful in this way to express the surface brightness of an object in terms of the illumination required at a perfectly white surface to make the brightness of the latter equal to that of the object in question. G 3 66 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS: Example:–A piece of grey cloth has a coefficient of reflection of 20 per cent. and is illuminated to 5 foot-candles. Its surface brightness would be matched by a perfectly white surface illuminated to 5 x * Peº “” = 1 foot-candle. The equiva- 100 per cent. - lent surface brightness of grey cloth under these conditions is thus said to be 1 foot-candle. It is here assumed, for the sake of simplicity, that at a given illumination a surface has the same brightness whatever be the direction from which it is viewed, or whatever be the direction of the incident light. It is obvious that in the case, for instance, 9f a mirror this will not be true. If a beam of light coming from a definite direction (e.g., that given by a hole in a card placed in direct sunlight) fall upon a mirror surface, there is one particular direction along which the greater part of the light composing that beam is reflected, and so regular is the reflection that an observer sees an image of the hole as he looks towards the mirror from that direction. From any other direction, however, the mirror reflects practically no light whatever towards the observer, all the light having been sent off in the one direction. Such reflection, concentrated almost entirely in one direc- tion, is called “regular ” reflection. Supposing, now, a very “matt’ (i.e., unglazed) surface, such as a sheet of white blotting-paper, is put in the place of the mirror and illuminated in the same way, no direction can be found in which the reflected light is much stronger than it is in any other direction. The blotting-paper looks equally bright from all positions because its surface has the property of scattering the incident light and reflecting it in all directions. In this case the reflection is said to be “diffuse.” Both the mirror and the blotting-paper reflect approximately the same amount of the total incident light (between 80 and 90 per cent.), that is to say, their coefficients of reflection are the same, but in the case of the mirror the reflection is regular, whilst in that of the blotting-paper it is diffuse. The two cases considered are extreme, and most surfaces fall between the two, that is to say, a certain and usually the larger proportion of the light incident on them is diffusely reflected, the remainder being more or less concentrated in One direction. For very many of the substances dealt with the proportion of regularly reflected light is small enough to introduce no serious practical error in ordinary measurements of surface brightness, although in such measurements the surface is always assumed to be completely diffusing. This assumption has been made with regard to the surfaces treated in this appendix. APPARATUS FOR MEASURING ILLUMINATION, An apparatus for measuring illumination consists, in its simplest form, of two identical white surfaces so arranged that they can be compared together. The first (S1) is placed at the point where the illumination is to be measured, and receives on it all the light incident at that point; the second (S) is illuminated to any desired and known amount by some source of light under control. When the brightness of this second surface matches the first One its illumination, being known, is a measure of the unknown illumination at surface 1. The various instruments used in practice merely differ in the methods adopted for adjusting the illumination at surface 2, and also in the devices employed for conveniently comparing the two surfaces together. Arrangements are made within the instrument so that when looking through an eye-piece one portion of the field of view is occupied by a portion of surface S, of variable brightness, whilst the other portion is unobstructed Rsee diagram). Then, by suitably directing the instrument, the surface S, may be seen filling the unoccupied portion of the field of view. The brightness of the variable surface S2 is then adjusted, in this case by moving the lamp L towards or away from So, until the whole field of view appears equally bright. The illumination can then be at once read off on the scale, S, I ºl P is the photometer case Containing L the electric lamp, Sº the surface whose brightness can be varied by moving L, and E an eye-piece. S, is the other surface placed at the point at which it is desired to measure the illumination produced by lamp F. The surfaces S, and Ss are observed simultaneously through E, and the handle H is moved until S, and s, appear equally bright. As the movement of the handle regulates the illumination at S, each position taken up by it corre- sponds with some definite illumination. These illumi- nations are marked on a scale over which moves a pointer attached to the handle, so that when there is equality of brightness the scale reading indicated by the pointer gives at once the value of the illumina. tion at S, which was desired. If an operator desires to know the illumination at the needle of a sewing machine, he has only to lay his white surface S, on the table of the machine against the needle, and direct his portable photometer towards it, adjusting his instrument until, as described above equality of brightness exists over the field of view. The reading of the instrument then gives the illumina- tion at the point on the sewing machine covered by the white card. Usually it is the illumination at a hori. Zontal plane which is required to be known, because, as a rule, the object worked upon is approximately horizontal, or has to be viewed by the workperson from a point immediately above it. Cases, however, may arise, such as on a compositor's frame, in which the important plane is not horizontal but is appreciably inclined, and in this case the card may have to be placed at an angle. The illumination at a vertical plane. IS seldom required, but if, for instance, the illumination of picture galleries were under considera- tion it is obvious that the vertical plane would be more * than the horizontal one. Will be seen from the foregoing description of a photometer that although it is the jº. of the two surfaces S1 and S, which are Compared, yet, since they both have the same coefficient of reflection, the instrument can be and is scaled to measure illumination. It would be equally easy to scale the instrument to indicate equivalent surface brightness, but measure- ments of illumination are more often required than those of surface brightness. If an ideally white APPENDICEs. " 67 surface could be obtained for surface S, the scales of illumination and equivalent surface brightness would be identical. A measurement of illumination at the white card, therefore, can be converted into a measure- ment of its equivalent surface brightness by multiplying the reading of the instrument by the coefficient of reflection of the white card. Iºxample :-If the illumination at the white card is measured as 1 foot-candle, and the coefficient of reflection of the white card is 0 85 (85 per cent.), the equivalent surface brightness of the white card at this illumination will be 1 × 0.85 = 0 85 foot- candle. Similarly, if the standard surface in the instrument be matched against the surface of any other material, such as a piece of cloth or wood, the equivalent surface brightness of such cloth or wood can be determined by multiplying the instrument reading by 0.85. §The coefficient of reflection of any surface is, of course, readily obtainable by measuring (1) the illumi- nation at such surface, and (2) its equivalent surface brightness under that illumination. The surface brightness divided by the illumination gives, at once, the coefficient of reflection. The principle of the illumination photometer has been explaimed above in its simplest form. By adopting a suitable method of calibration it is not necessary for the internal and external white surfaces to be identical, nor for the external surface to be detached from the instrument. These, however, are details of construction and do not affect the main principle. The variable brightness of the surface S, within the instrument is obtained in many ways in illumination photometers now in common use. Among these methods are the following:— (1) Changing the distance of the internal surface from the lamp illuminating it. (2) Varying the intensity of the light from an electric lamp shining directly on the surface and contained within the instru- ment. This is effected by introducing into the lamp circuit a resistance operated * by a slider with pointer attached. (3) Changing the inclination of the surface to the rays from a lamp. The change in inclina- tion is produced by turning a knob to which the pointer is attached. (4) Using as light source to illuminate the surface a greater or less area of another constantly illuminated surface. The area is changed by the movement of a shutter controlled by a handle with pointer attached. The material used for the white surfaces must be carefully chosen. No surface is obtainable which will return all the incident light, but in practice a material is chosen whose surface reflects as much of the light as possible. This surface must, as far as possible, fulfil the following conditions:— (1) It must be readily reproducible, in order to facilitate replacement without any necessity for readjustment of the instrument which has been calibrated by means of it. It will be observed that any change in the co- efficient of reflection of the standard surfaces used with any given instrument would invalidate the readings of the instrument to the extent of the change. (2) The surface must be as “matt” as possible, in Order that it will appear equally bright whatever be the direction from which it is viewed. (3) It must be white; that is to say, it must reflect in equal proportions all the light rays incident on it whatever may be their colour. A material often used for the purpose is opaque white celluloid prepared with a specially matt surface. It is, as far as can be judged, quite white, and the surface can be made so matt that over a considerable range of direction the brightness remains sensibly the same. If it becomes soiled the surface can, with a little care, be restored to its original condition. W 3013 =) 5=uo ! |- ~)==--~~ { Œ=į tū= o \ | M i 778 W )