i. r C 3424! & MA NOW 6 1918 #1trifu şutthag. A 34 rur I am at in it *Bu the (§uurruur. ; : ; t * * { ~ A # rurlautafiult Tºp the (§umerunr. “The Seventh International Purity Congress will convene in Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 7 to 12, 1913. Sunday, November 9th, has been designated “Purity Sunday,' the pur- pose being to create and crystallize intelligent sentiment against the greatest evils of our time, and to direct this stirred con- science into safe and same action for the annihilation of commercialized vice and the promotion of social and personal morality.” Every state in the Union is expending vast sums of money for the purpose of caring for its imbeciles, epileptics, lunatics, paupers and criminals. This is a commendable characteristic of modern civilization. In recent years the pertinent question has been asked, “Why not give careful attention to the source of these unfortunates?” Every child has the divine right to be decently born. Social and individual purity together with physical and mental vigor constitutes a secure means of making this divine right possible. The people of our great state must be awakened. They must come to an appreciation of the full meaning and import- ance of a SINGLE STANDARD of VIRTUE, if they are ever to banish white slavery and kindred crimes from society. On Purity Sunday let all of the clergymen of all of the churches appeal to all of the people in behalf of that purity which Christ taught. Emphasize the positive side of personal righteousness. Much that is printed in books and proclaimed from the platform, in relation to sex problems, is true, yet pos- 7tively pernicious. Knowledge in itself does not always make for virtue—it may make for vicious conduct. Therefore, awaken and arouse a love for purity. It is the sunlight of righteous- ness that the youth of our land must have if they are to grow into the fullness of noble manhood and womanhood. Given under my hand and the Greal Seal of the State, this twenty-fourth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and of the Commonwealth the seventy- seventh. *…** Governor. By the Governor: %24.2% *%+ 44. Secretary of State. IliſiiiII 3 9015 080389615