MAR y 1994 * 4 Åe-e, , zz, Zº (A É Fºr --->>3 B>E E::= #. ..º.º. BY HIS EXCELLENCY ‘REDERIC T. GREENHALGE, GO//-AMOR, j. ! FOR A DAY OF PUBLIC - ~~<= - J - __. Tº * Ze” cº- . "ZZZZZZZZZZA'/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/Arzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/Arzz/Arzzzzzzzzzzzzz-ºr/Arzzzzzzzzzzzz/Arzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/4"/47/4” •-e- r ~~ «- -Qo- $ vºw ~s. In all the trials and reverses of the past year, the hand of the Lord has uplifted us, and the light of his countenance has always cheered our souls. Well may the Commonwealth say, “O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people.” and well may the voice of thanksgiving rise from all her altars. Therefore, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, I appoint Thursday, the twenty- ninth day of November current, as a day of solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God, our Heavenly Father. On that day let the whole Commonwealth become the holy temple of the living God, wherein shall be heard the prayer, praise and thanksgiving of the people. And on that day, also, let the noble traditions of the Commonwealth glow with new life and light, let the wandering children gather again in the old homestead; and the comfort and peace of every family shall be for a sign that the Lord has watched over and pre- served us. Given at the Council Chamber, in Boston, this first day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and nineteenth. FREDERIC T. GREENHALGE. By //is Face//ency the Governor, with the Advice and Consent of the Counci/. WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary. (50d Save the Commonwealth of Štúšachusetts. TY OF MICHIGAN | 8039 01:42 | —" S G. T. Illi f * > * > ‘ſ x. A 4% ST A2 C2.6 Zoq \ AS ... “ 2" f § - > * 5 .. 3r sº ºf e^* !] tº º *º- F4 ! Mexº~~kv-ºffs | 3% ºf *†g-t* -->C:***3::.." -:; *** ~. º - º --- x&} º s: ; ***'. : # • -