3tlašachusett5. (ſummomuralth of ſº. 3 & 4. &c., BY HIS EXCELLENCY OLIVEIR, AIMES, COVERNOR: A PROCLAMATIO * -al-Aſha- --w-wº- In conformity with the provisions of Chapter thirty-two of the Resolves of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, I hereby set apart Saturday, the twenty-seventh day of April of the present year, to be observed throughout this Commonwealth as AIR, BOIR, D A TY. I recommend that the people, on that day, plant trees and shrubs; endeavor to promote forest culture and growth; and engage in such other work as may tend to adorn public and private grounds and the places and ways of our cities and towns. Given at the Executive Chamber, in Boston, this third day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirteenth. OLIVER AMES. BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, (5ud have the (ſummumuralth of Štlaššachusetti. OF MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY milliºn Ç T A 465 . A 2. —-->