\ ſºs We can prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Louisiana and Florida voted for TILDEN by decisive major. “ ities, and we are prepared to show up the villainous frauds of the Re- turning Boards. All we ask is in- vestigation by this commission. !. * Clifford, Field, Bayard, Abbott, Hunton, Thurman & Payne, : | | ----> | - - - - --4 ... --→ . rº- + -ººks gºs We would be perfectly willing to examine into the merits of the case, but the evidence is all against us. We therefore declare it “Aliunde,” 7 into } 8 once, and “Joe Bradley” over. *—-mºſ --> | Miller, Strong, , , , Morton, Garfield, Frelinghuysen, Edmunds, Hoar & Bradley, Tešº HE TWO Who defeated the Copies of this chart may be had by addressing Publisher, y – , 97 South Orange Ave., Newark, N. J. W.º. : See * if ſº º NWº: º G sºlº' Mº, | § \º S N N § FREDERICK T. FRELINGIIUYSEN. + º § {1}ſº GEORGE F. EDMUNI)S. § RENNER, LOUISIANA SAMUEL F. MILLER, ſ JOSEPII Tº. i RADLEY. ... " º, a * * B. '' . . , , § . . . . . . * * : " ' " - . . . -** * * * | ANDERSON. JAMES A, GARFIELD. tº "". "I ºt ºf Žir ºs % gº W. # º Z. --- º **' , , §§ H; ; § #º. ſ" Aft f . }}º * (; ; / . . . . . " ſº % § gº 2'. :*:# f | º: º # 4 § Tº-º-º: º * § ſ , , º à ### ºr , ºft' ºf §º º, sº tº . º #tº º ºš 'jº , º, *3% H. : R º, | ! N: § sºn | Sº | ºf r-r-hºr; sº tº : -i-º-º- flińº, sº *Hººk. º ſ º * * º º, †: º | : º Aº. #. 3% º # §§ | º º º --------, ------- ,º ºf º º º | / Iº º * | º | | | | º º GEORGE IT. IIOAR. º º .." - - sº. WELIS, WILLIAM STRONG. AND TEN WHITE will of the American people, as expressed through the Ballot box, on the 7th day of November 1876. * |- forever carry upon his brow the wash away the letters of that record. | Charles Francis Adams, * { ! | .# | I could never have been recon- | aºs No man worthy of the office of President should be willing to hold * it if counted in, or placed there, by any fraud. Either party can afford to be disappointed in the result, but the country cannot afford to have the result tainted by the suspicion of illegal, or false returns. U. S. Grant, e6 Nº ciled to the elevation by the smallest aid of mine of a person, however respectable in private life, who must estamp of fraud first triumphant in American history. No subsequent action, however meritorious, can # Intered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1877, by JOSEPH. A. STOLL, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. N -] - * ~~~~ g - - ------- -— — f