' Yh . N WWW IS 1 WAT . * WIN LA " IM 1 . I 11 . . WWW. " UNCLASSIFIED ORNL * ** VUX 281) joi : . Orrind-a81 CONF-571-70 SEP2 1 19 REMOVAL OF URANIUM HEXAFLUORIDE FROM GAS STREAMS BY SODIUM FLUOKIDE PELLETS* Leonard E. McNeese Stanley H. Jury MASTE. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee To be presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 31, 1964 to September 4, 1964. -LEGAL NOTICE The report we propard uw nec ul Awwarum wordt worth Mother the Outland Ham., te ownluste, wat my more they h ad the Channel: A. Mi ha muy warranty or prestation, e t « lepid, waruction- mcy, completena, w natutuwa alam warnaden med e n report, « that the may formation, wt , da mol durant may not to patrately w rote 3. Anny Howtime na napetown or for man y trwa the wa run, enton, W orces de natal port A wed no the worn pornoa ett a held the aut " mchele won. playee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of mech contractor, to the extent that moet plan or dructor Cowboat, or plesne med meretur meparsan de maio, o medo non ten un mormado por la plume or antract with the Cor umjacies, or his employment with such contractor. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Olonlik $ REMOVAL OF URANIUM HEXAFLUORIDE FROM GAS STREAMS BY SODIUM FLUORIDE PELLETS Leonard E. McNeese* Stanley H. Jury* . e . ABSTRACT 2 1. . The removal of uranium hexafluoride from a gas stream containing uranium hexafluoride and nitrogen by a single layer of sodium fluoride pellets was · investigated. Experimental data on the rate and extent of sorption were obtained in the temperature range 29 to 225°C and uranium hexafluoride concen- tration range 0.57 to 10.9 mole per cent uranium hexafluoride, The results of this study indicate that the rate controlling mechanisms are: transfer of uranium hexafluoride across a stagnant gas filma surrounding . the pellet, diffusion of gaseous uragium hexafluoride in the pores of the t = pellet, and diffusion of uranium hexafluoride through a layer of uranium hexafluoride-sodium fluoride complex covering the unreacted sodium fluoride in the interior of the pel.let. The crystalline density of the complex, UF&•2NaF, was determined to be 4.13 grams per cubic centimeter which indicates that incomplete reaction of the sodium fluoride will occur for pellets in which the initial volume void fraction is less than 0.807. A useful model was devised to represent the sorption of uranium hexafluoride . S' . 1 . by a single pellet of sodium fluoride. The experimental data were correlated on the basis of the model with a root-mean-square error of 12.0 per cent for all points. * Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. '' -2- This paper is concerned with the determination of the rate controlling mechanisms for the removal of uranium hexafluoride from flowing streams of uranium hexafluoride in nitrogen by cylindrical pellets (one-eighth-inch right circular) of sodium fluoride. As reported in the previous paper, uranium hexafluoride reacts reversibly with sodium fluoride to form a solid complex UF&•2Naf. The reversible character of the reaction makes it attractive as a means for separating uranium hexafluoride from other gases and/or as an alternative to low-temperature cold trapping for collecting uranium hexafluoride, Differences in the decomposition pressures of the fluorides that form sodium fluoride complexes are exploited during alternate sorption and desorption of the uranium hexafluoride in fixed beds of sodium fluoride to produce a uranium hexafluoride product of high purity. Information on the effects of various system parameters on the rate of sorption is needed so that sodium fluoride sorbers may be designed for a wide In this study, a determination was made of the rate-controlling steps in the sorption of uranium hexafluoride from a stream of uranium hexafluoride and - nitrogen by sodium fluoride in the form of one -eighth-inch right circular cylindrical pellets at atmospheric pressure. The temperature range covered was 29 to 225°C, the uranium hexafluoride concentration range was 0.57 to 10.9 mole per cent. The experimental phase of the study consisted mainly of the determination of the loading of uranium hexafluoride on single layers of sodiun fluoride pellets during a prescribed time Interval under a given set of conditions. Some work was vecessary for preparation of samples of the uranium hexafluoride- sodium fluoride complex for determination for crystalline density. JI ** * , . . A flow diagram for the equipment used i.n this study 18 shown in Figure 1. . . T Basically, the equipment provided means for preparing gas mixtures of the desired composition at a controlled flow rate, means for controlling the temperature of the gas mixture and the sorption vessel, and means for a second determination of the flow rate of the two gases used. The flow rate of uranium hexaf:uoride was set by maintaining a controlled pressure drop across a calibrated capillary. The nitrogen was metered through a rotaneter from a constant-pressure nitrogen supply. The two gases were LX introduced into a common line that lej to a gas preheater. The preheated gas then flowed through the sorption vessel and through a sodium fluoride trap ' l for removal of uranium hexafluoride which passed through the sorption vessel. Both the gas preheater and the sorption vessel were placed in a constant. temperature bath in which the temperature was controlled to within 0.5°C of the desired operating temperature. After removal of the uranium hexafluoride, the nitrogen was metered by a wet test meter. A bypass around the sorption vessel and the sodium fluoride trap was provided so that the gases did not flow through the sorption vessel during startup and shutdown of the metering system. The single layer runs were made by using one layer of sodium fluoride pellets placed between two fcur-and-one-fourth-inch sections of three-millimeter glass or Monel beads used as entrance and exit sections. As shown in Figure 2, the bed was constructed from one-and-one-half-inch diameter schedule-forty nickel pipe. The glass or Monel beads were conditioned before use by exposure to fluorine at 400°C for one hour. Prior to a run, the sorption vessel waa loaded and placed in the constant- temperature bath. At least one hour was allowed for the bed temperature to reach that of the bath, since it was calculated that after 0.45 hour the difference between the center-line temperature of she bed and the bath temperature would UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-2026 O ROTAMETER Rotamere 91 CONSTANT PRESSURE N, SUPPLY CALIBRATED CAPILLARIES mm PRESSURE GAUGE SORPTION VESSEL PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE mon PREHEATER & Lam COIL UF, SUPPLY OFF-GAS WET TEST METER Slide 1. Flow Diagram for Equipment Used in the Study of Sorption of Uranium Hexafluoride by Sodium Fluoride. Let's " ' ' . Www L'UN A . c. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 66094 1.61" - - RES res Inlet - 3/8-inch 1 1/2-inch Schedule 40 Nickel Pipe -3 mm glass beads 4 1/4" B 9 3/4" 00000 Single layer of 1/8-inch Sodium Fluoride 1 3 mm glass beads 3 4 1/4" . . 3/8-inch --- Screen S Exit - . Slide 2. Sorption Vessel Used in Differential-Bed Studies. time be less than two per cent of the original temperature difference. Prior to starting a run, the uranium hexafluoride and nitrogen flow rates were set, and the stream was allowed to flow through the preheater coil for at least five minutes in order to establish a constant concentration in the coil. During this period, the stream was bypassed around the sorption vessel and the sodium fluoride bed. A run was started by diverting the stream through 49 the differential-bed. Gas was pissed through the bed for a predetermined length of time, after which the stream was diverted into the bypass. About ten seconds were required for effecting the valving changes necessary for diverting the gas stream. The uranium hexafluoride flow was stopped and the nitrogen flow was continued through the preheater coi: for two minutes to free the coil of uranium hexafluoride. The nitrogen flow was then diverted through the sorption vessel for one minute to free the bed of unreacted uranium hexafluoride. The bed was then seuled, removed from the constant-temperature bath, and allowed to cool in a dry box containing dry air. The sodium fluoride was removed from the reaction vessel in the dry box and placed in a sealed The sodium fluoride trap . container for weighing on an analytical balance. was treated similarly. For determination of the crystalline density of the uranium hexafluoride. . sodium fluoride complex, pellets of sodium fluoride that had been treated with fluorine for one hour at 400°C were ground with a mortar and pestle in a dry box. A half-inch layer of the powder in a nickel dish was exposed to a stream of dilute gaseous uranium hexafluoride (five to ten mole per cent uranium hexa- fluoride sa nitrogen) at 100°C, after which the resultant material was again ground with a mortar and pestle in a dry box. The material was repeatedly exposed to uranium hexafluoride and ground until the desired weight gain had occurred. Samples of the material and of the original sodium fluoride were then submitted for crystalline density determination by toluene immersion. The crystalline density of the complex was determined to be 4.13 g/cms at 26°C. The partially reacted pellets from a number of runs were sectioned for determination of the distribution of sorbed uranium hexafluoride. The contrast between the pale yellow color of the complex and the white color of sodium fluoride allowed qualitative determination of the distribution of the uranium hexafluoride in a pellet by microscopic and photographic means. Partially reacted pellets, which have been sectioned axially, are shown in Figure 3, By use of the proper filter, the pale yellow of the complex was made to appear grey. The pellets in Figure 3 are from a run at 50°C and contain the maximum quantity of uranium hexafluoride which will be sorbed at that temperature. A considerable variation in penetration of uranium hexafluoride is observed not only between individual pellets but also between different areas of the same pellet. Of particular interest is the slight penetration near the corners of some pellets since this type of profile is not observed in the case of diffusion of a substance into a finite cylinder of constant properties. It is felt that the differences in penetration are due to variation in the density of different areas of the pellet. The method of manufacture of the pellets, compression of a powder, would be expected to produce variations in density, with high-density areas in the unreacted corners of the sectioned pellets. Profiles at other temperatures are similar to those at 50°C except that less penetration is observed at higher temperatures and more at lower temperatures. The over-all process of removal of uranium hexafluoride from a flowing stream of uranium hexafluoride in nitrogen by a pellet of sodium fluoride is believed to involve the following processes: 1. The movement of uranium hexafluoride from the gas stream to the external surface of the pellet, which 18 commonly depicted as the PHOTO NO M3552 S Hemi.. UNREACTED AREA ...... Slide 3. Axially-Sectioned Sodium Fluoride Pellets Containing Uranium Hexafluoride Sorbed at 50°C. transfer of uraniu hexafluoride across a stagnant nitrogen film surrour.ding the pellet. The diffusion of gaseous urunium hexafluoride through nitrogen in the pores of the pellet. The diffusion of gaseous uranium hexafluoride through a layer of complex on the internal sur faces of the pellet. 4. The reaction of uranlum hexafluoride with sodium fluoride below the complex layer. Any model proposed to represent the over-all sorption process must take into account thcse steps whose rates are of the same order of magnitude as the rate of the over-all process. The model must also account for effects resulting from deposition of complex in the pores of the pellet. The most striking characteristic of the system under study is the effect. of temperature or the rate and on the extent of reaction between uranium hexa- fluoride and sodium fluoride. For reaction between uranium hexafluoride and powdered sodium fluoride, an increase in temperature over the range 29 to 100°C results in an increase in the rate of reaction and the extent of reaction at .. a specific time. However, in the same temperature range, there is an inverse .-- .-.. . effect of temperature on the maximum extent of the reaction of the sodium . - -- fluoride pellets with uranium hexafluoride. An explanation of this anoma lous effect of temperature on the rate and extent of sorption for finely divided sodium fluoride and for sodium fluoride pellets 18 based on the combination of two ideas. The first idea is that the temperature dependence of most chemical reactions and of solid-phase diffusion is of the form e kyk, whereas the temperature dependence of bulk diffusion of gases is of the form 13/2. At some temperature, a given Increase in tempera- ,, ture will increase the point reaction rate by a greater amount that the point . -10- rate of bulk diffusion. The second idea is that, based on measurement of the crystalline density of the complex, the pores of a pellet will be closed with complex before complete reaction of the sodium fluoride can occur. (A maximum reaction of thirty-three per cent of the sodium fluoride was calculated for the typical NaF pellets.) In order to test the hypotheses discussed above it 18 necessary to solve the equacion for diffusion with chemical reaction allowing for variable diffusivity and variable reaction rate. The assumptions shown in Figure 4 were made. Typical experimental data and calculated results for a typical series of runs are shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7. A total of 108 points were obtained in a set of 12 such series. The root- mean-square error for all points was 12.0 per cent. The variation of pellet capacity for UFg with temperature 18 shown in Figure 8 for several values of initial pellet surface area. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study: 1. The apparent mechanisms controlling the rate of sorption of uranium hexafluoride by sodium fluoride pellets are transfer of uranium hexafluoride across a stagnant gas film surrounding the pellet, diffusion of gaseous uranium hexafluoride in the pore space of the pellet, and diffusion of uranium hexa- fluoride through a layer of uranium hexafluoride-sodium fluoride complex covering unreacted sodium fluoride. 2. Sorption of uranium hexafluoride at a point in a sodium fluoride pellet results in a decrease in the volume void fraction, the effective diffusivity of gaseous uranium hexafluoride, and the reaction rate at the point. 3. The maximum quantity of uranium hexafluoride that can be sorbed at a point in a pellet of sodium fluoride depends only on the initial void fraction of the pellet at the point. For void fraction values. less than 0.807, Incomplete reaction of the sodium fluoride will occur. .11. 1. The pellet 18 a sphere having a volume equal to the one-nighth- inch right circular cylindrical pellets. 2. The pellet is homogeneous. W ' . Radial symmetry. The temperature variation in the pollet to negligible. Radial transfer of Ufo in the pellet is by diffusion of gaseous UFO through an inert gas in the pores of the pellet. 6. The local rate of reaction between gaseous UF, and unreacted Nar to of the form: 9 (c.au dek, e-B/RT ka + -B7RT where. C* 18. the decomposition pressure of the complex, 7. The local effective diffusivity for diffusion in the pores of the pellet 18 of the form: De Dura-Ne Y€? (1 9/ yle Slide 4. MA 1 22 Shop mort isseurs in then *!** *: meron sort than **.56**.*.* * UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-2609 PELLET LOADING (UF / NoF) 12 EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS T 100°C Ce 0.57 mole % UFE G 4.99 103 g/sec.cm2 400 800 1200 1600 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 2000 TIME (sec) Slide 5. Comparison of Experimental and Model-Predicted Data Showing Variation of Pellet Loading with Time at 100°C and 0.57 Mole Per Cent Uranium Hexafluoride. L 11th UNCLASSIFIED PELLET LOADING (9 UFG/0 NoF) EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS I 100°C Go 2.45 molo % UF 6 6.12 * 10°3 g/sec.cm2 . . 400 800 1200 1600 2000 TIME (sec) 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Slide 6. Comparison of Experimental and Model-Predicted Data Showing Variation of Pellet Loading with Time at 50°C and 2.35 Mole Per Cent Uranium Hexafluoride. "T UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWO 63-2611 1 -14- PELLET LOADING (g UFG/NoF) EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS T 100°C Ca 8.54 mole % UF G 1.01 * 10-2 g/sec.cm? 400 2400 2800 4000 800 1200 1600 2000 3200 3600 TIME (sec) Slide 7. Comparison of Experimental and Model-Predicted Data Showing Variation of Pellet Loading with Time at 100°C and 8.51 Mole Per Cent Uranium Hexafluoride. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-2745 PELLET CAPACITY (UFg/gNaF) 0.86 m 2/9m -15- 1.0 m²/gm 1.2 m²/gm 50 80 110 130 TEMPERATURE (°C) Slide 8. Calculated Values of Effective Pellet Capacity for Pellets having an Initial Void Fraction of 0.45 Showing Effect of Pellet Surface Area. . . - - -.- -16- 4. Cessation of sorption of uranium hexafluoride by pelleted sodium fluoride occurs when the pores at the external pellet surface have been filled with complex. 5. The density of the uranium hexafluoride-sodium fluoride complex UF8.2NaF is 4.13 grams per cubic centimeter at 26°C. 6. Considerable variation in characteristics exist in individual pellets as well as between pellets of commercial sodium fluoride. - - - - - - DATE FILMED 11/23 /64 VIP me. 3 - LEGAL NOTICE - This report was proparod as an account of Govoramont sponsorod work. Noithor the United statos, aor the Commission, nor way person acting on rohall of the Commission: A. Makos may warranty or representation, expressod or implied, with respect to the acou- racy, complotondsı, or usohulnosu of the informatica contained in this roport, or that the wo of any information, apparatus, method, or procosdisclosed to this roport may not infringo roport, or that the wo , wetbod, or procon disconti privatoly owned nohte B. Assumos Any liabilities with rospoot to the wie of, or for damagoi rosulting from tho uso of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procoss disclosed in this report. As used in the abovo, "person acting on behalf of the Commisulon" includes any em- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or employeo of such contractor, to the oxtont that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or omplayco of nuch contractor preparos, dissominatoil, or provides accoss to, any information pursuant to his omploymeat or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. man . END D.