111 A .... UNCLASSIFIED ORNL ***** . . **.Ko bodisi *** ***** ll! 169 CANLY-161 üanya-Ray Branchings in the Decay or 110in, 141ce, and 141na* James S. Eldridge, Peter Crowther * and william S. Lyon, Jr. Absolute gamma-ray branchings have been determined for three important muclides: 10 In, 144ce, and 14 na. These branchings are necessary for techniques AUG 1 3 1904 of isotopic analysis and absolute disintegration-rate determinations utilizing methods described by Lazar'). Sources or in were prepared by 10-sec irradiations of 2 mg samples of purified indium in the pneumatic facility of the Oak Ridge Research Reactor (ORR). A least-squares analysis of data obtained by following the decay of gamma-rays over a period of ten half-lives resulted in a half-life value of 53.73 # 0.06 minutes. Sources of isotopically pure Ce were obtained by irradiation of La o, in a high-flux position of the ORR. The **Ce was produced by double neutron-capture by +39 La followed by negatron decay of the 3.5-2 tla. High specific activity + 'Nd was obtained from the Isotopes Division, ORNL, and further purified by ion exchange separation. Absolute disintegration-rate determinations were made using 47 Boy coincidence- counting techniques as described by Campion ), Garma-ray emission rates were determined for each muclide with a 512-channel analyzer and 3-in by 3-in NaI(Ti) detector. Graphical techniques described by Heath'3) were used to resolve gamma- rays in the spectra of Dº In and 147Na. Bianching ratios were then calculated by dividing the gamma emission rates by the absolute disintegration rate for each source. Absolute gamma branchings for the three muclides are presented in Table I. In each case, previous workers have given relative values only or there, he Ye RELEASE - OFFICIAL been discrepancies in the work of several authors'). irri TIC'N WAY BE MADE OFFICIAL 2.0 (JIS MAY BE FILL. REPORT TCNSINS NOTHING OF PAIENT INTEREST. PROCLOURES ON FILE IN RECEIVING Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Baergy Commission under contract with SECTION, the Union Carbide Corporation, * Present address: South African Atomic Energy Board, Pelindaba, South Africa References 1. Lazar, N. H., "Analysis of Gamma Ray Scintillation Spectra for Quantitative Photon Intensities," IRE Truns. Muc. Sci., NS-5, No. 3, 138 (1958). campion, P. J., "The Standardization of Radioisotopes by the Beta-Gamma Coincidence Method Using High Efficiency Detectors," Int. J. Appl. Raj. Isotopes, , 232 (1959). Heath, R. L., "Scintillation Spectrometry-Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue," IDO-16408, Phillips Petroleum Company (1958). 3. 4. Muclear Data Sheets, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Washington, D. C. TABLE I 116 Genunn Branchingis l'or **It by 116 n. lll2ce, 191%Na 1 'No Nuclide Gaume-Ray linergy (MeV) Gamma-Branching (Y/8) 110 In 1.09 0.5190 1.20 0.058 1.49 0.070 1.77 0.041 2.09 0.169 Ilizce 0.145 0.493 147 Na 1.0913 0.270 0.277 0.008 0.321 0.022 0.400 0.013 0.441 0.009 0.533 0.134 0.688 0.007 DATE FILMED 12/31 764 -LEGAL NOTICE - . -: . : - . ". . . . This report was prepared as an account of Government spo'lsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behall of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information conlained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process discioned in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any intorciation, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, Ao used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares. disseminates, or provides access lo, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ib " 11 T- .- - -. . . 1s. D * : . - -. Fit - . . . .. L . . - - L- E . END