I OF L. ORNL P 115 . 9931a . . - - MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL MUME MU OR STANDANOS-10 * TESTS . . . . 2 L . < te. This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. . . - ik - : . 111 . . : . . . 17 1 SA WM 12 J' Me 1 " T . AL wLX I (1 : : . 1/2 - & . - . . 1 1 . 1 - L . - $ . - 7 - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. - Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this : report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ". . . . NY IS A . 1. . . 117 . . . 1 ..... - IA L - . - - - 0 . . 1 X UN i ' 1 1 . . . . 1. PN G . WWW Why IN IN UN ". . . / PIA EN TA I VI. L " NS T AI WM i 1 . UN . * . TY. .. . - ORAL P-115 - Submitted to: Science DTIE WL 161964 . MASTERP . Y . '. . . all esya > Natural Water Iraotionatian. : . 7 i 1532 > Bulk Isolation of Virus Partioles ♡ . . COLN m ala t William T. Lamers Ve id of Division of Health and Safety, couhllite Tennessee Valley Authority Biology Division, Oak Ridge National faboratory Butach Pielgo, Tennessee . . . CA Bore → . . W . 24 14 ., SWI *prosoat addross:Biology Dopartment Davidson Collogo Davidson ,N.C. The paper wa mbaattted for poblication in the open utaratar at least aonths prior to the innance date of the Micro- aard. Since the 1.8.A.B.C. has no evi- dince that it has been published, the pa. per is being distribited to Microcard form as a propriat. A . . LEGAL NOTICE - The man weapon www Overl ord worth Honor test tor, wou , memoria ya Contactos A. Manymore , er d et ut more me, a dunutulmurah om , at det, men detoed women w e niet tegen Now I wona, pero no Who mayor online daten a contrato de Outen, er d et man wentowe, w Wola ortor. I ' - - 1 . i . . 7 sumimin 3 Regolamento del control time to time commission o Present address: Biology department, Dawidaan College, Davidlam . . ! - . Natural Viator Fraotionation " SOM - Bulk Isolation of Virus Partioles William T. Lamers Division of Health and Safety Tennessee Valley Authority IN 2 - - = A . 2 AK 9 22 FA LI R . Y . 72 ev 10 : . *present address:Biology Department Davidson College Davidson ,N.C. 3 I 22 ? pe FE C YE . * IR . . " T. LAMMERS * * . 11K liatura) 776? r^cticraticn MEANZA Bulk Isolation on Virus Particles : ; . Resmirisiminen niin . Abstract: articl... ci viral dimor. sic!!S:27. bor i sciotod from the rajativa)y "Cloar. stroam"conditions of stts Bar Dam tailraco on th? ???ns ses river. a narticl?shvo barr. charactrized by derity, a scrution at 260 mi, ara .ectron microscopy. TAS . LU - 5 -.. - . the isolation and characterization or subrnicroscopic particles *! 't s ' suspended in larsa volumes of llouid arz of interest, in saritary , ., *- : 7 2 A2 .............Sterft'a'ir su..ASDX z - - 1 * - = = -- - 9" TEA ....... $ ita ET ' TA WK LS engineering and public health(3,7,9,18,19,23), nesa? i.nization of water(5), ce}] physiology(1.,2,6), and virology(16,17,22,26). "ho i solation of microscopic particles irom large volumes of natural water has been described in earlier parers(12,13,13). It is kr.cun that co.3.?cida? sized particles, including virus narticles, cecur in natural water(7,11., 23), and some work has been cionn on their rome:v:1). (1,12,13,14,15), occurance(8,19,20), and activity(10,2+). Sor:o human diseas? Soutbreaks have been attribued to virus particios carried in water supplies(3,7,21), the investications roportod so far have been concerned with the virus particles in rather concentrated situations such as sewage(4,19,20), wasiing pools(9), or in situations where the particles have been deliberately introduced for study purpo se s(2+,25). The general knowledge of virus particles in potabje water has been revieved recently(7). In many areas of the natural water mass, especially relatively uncontaminated stroans and lakes, little is known of the numbers, types, or stability of virus particles. For wator that will be used ultimately for human consumption, it is of nore than academic interest to invastigate these factors. Water examination by the 1 TRS .7. M741 ! ! AR - S- - - WA I. is 07::sicni lions ci virolcky, such as the plaqur assay, will 119 0....1: ort raitis ci to cocuror: arc stability of the specific, kacent types (partici3: saroho! iur, but they vill y191d no Incration on other types of virus particles occurring in the same $11:31. m:mor oi virus partic??s in sest rolatively uncontaminated 3?e? .?" Yton 3523 is too 900 for "ho troet application or bicohysic.l tacniques such as ultravic) et absorption or electron microsco?y. liowavor, in orior to investigate tha total virus polation or a natural watər is sig tha se biophysical methods would seo... to ba tie only approach sircea widescribed or rare virus particles, which mey be present, volila bo unceasured by the classical cet!:ods. In aliition, knowr. virus particios have generally been discoverod by their a ssociation with disease in other organisins, but there is no reason to suppose that all virus particles cause obvious patrological symptoms in their hosts' so that if the less specii'ic bicpiysical methods can be applied, new types of virus partic233 may be discovered. Thus,for the investigation ci virus particies in natural water, two thirris must ba accor!plished 32-сre the biophysical methods can 24 . Y - particles 523. encies in the water. The second is separation of the organic virus particles from the inorganic colloidal clay particles whici will be cor.contrated with the virus particias. After these steps have been accomplished the isolated particlos may be exa inod by various bicphy sical. tzonniquas to obtain norphclogical characteristics. In tho investigations reported here, two 26 liter water sanpl.es till . - t . .. 3 . - wore tain from the tail raco of its ar Pan on the Tennessee. River sy rathods rescribed ej sor"?n?(12,13,14). The first sample vas tayon or: 6/19/63 and the second on 1/2+/62. The investigation. of the first simple was completel on 2/21/63 and that of the sacond on 9/14/63. Both samples were hanized in the same manner excent that in the case of the second sample only electron microscopy was used ror exarination and a shorter tine elapsed from samplir:ā until _- . . final anal.y si s. - th 5 3 . is . *. As a first step, noncolloid:) particulate material was removed from the water sample by continucus flow centrifugation at 50C (28 5 X%, Rmax:7cr:,1].ow rate 50 m3/min). The colloidal sized particles in the supernatant water from this centrifugation were concentrated by recentrifugation in batch lots of 940 m] in an angja head rotor (21 K RPM for 2 hours, Rmax 12cm, Amin:6 cm). Particles with sedimentatior rates as low as 200 S are sedimented in this centrifugal field. In the first water sample the coljoidal sized particles from approximately 16 liters of the super natant water were collected by centrifugation and the pellets saveri. By the time five liters had been centrižuged a pell at was visible in each tube and by the time six liters had been centrifuged the pellets appeared to be somewhat gelatinous and tan in color. The pallets from this series of batch centrifugations were combined in a single tube, resuspended in a 10 ml volume of the supernatant water and divided into four aliquots ( one I nl and three 3 m2). The one m2 aliquot was sterile filtered through a 0.45 u membrane filter to remove clumped and aggregated material and the filtrate examined by electron microscopy AL N . SRR - - HI . . (1::: 2:21.194 results :10p" pactro jori: sosy is less that 01.::95:779 1 :atriy 7.5 7. virile Rüc?93 ir ki? on in 76 2107" ar ?. ?? ?03 3 ::? :":10:s !!"99, 10 :t: ... 07.97apmis 978 :39 221 dar si ti" TO :, 002r.sity 1.6,"28 3..3, 15. 1.?).. 0 1:lecl ir: ar a:'?'"?? ruter l'or + hours + 3" K2 (...24:. j C:.1::3.. 0:0). min 31 : nni extrifugation s?rvadi to 3021269 11:9 (2.Pric virus :7*1*17*:!0: a accorrir: clay partici?:37. ti coricartrata to vi:43 cortic]:: ir i sc in sit;' sorus. bor. m ib? equilibrium was raathi, trio cartrifare was scoped arii tartibga srafiert vos ni 13.1 throun an ultraviolet analytic) syst (1). 10 rzesriini; ci the ultraviclet absorbion 20 260 g from the 41-ang: drzity prodierit:??? cor.sity 1..3) is siior ir. :1-re 3. Dis 26. 27 thit thora !? virus garcinias 9295rt with a wide ranza carion siti?s.. ti apana 22: 10 K5 litara öots outi:3093 of virus partic.?re extranolations from ": original 1022 Comorts of the sa?? 773 üuc vc?93 to tra criinn? 16 lito simile. . ???9 results or ...ectron 10:0500n or the second water sample gave an astiate or the nu:vor o virus particles in the original Sple ci l. : 307 in 20 litors. The differeres in tho wount or virus marticles batween the ti:0 00:103 rosorted hora is prona: reg?, an doror: zurates that with the is0i' ti.o cortrirucal tochnians 19scribed the virus particias i: alry water mass may be isolata ad pilysically investigated. O If the cor.cer.tration of the virus particles in a givan water mass 0 .. Is joss char the cases prosinte:! ere, a largor water sample way bu ta!:2r. so that a sufficiont rubar o virus particies ara obtnin?;} icr investigatiori, mithi: rnea song any arouri ci wät ar con bez processed by this meth.ca. Deciric virus tyris cannot be positively inartifint :10??y 0. the jasis of morphological charactari:"ios. ??curvor, t??:2 27 octron microcraghs !0 show some morpholorical types of virus particias wich. are similar, or even identical, in appagrancto know virus types. Positive identification can only be made by using the classical nothods of virology in conjunctior with morphology'until enough irfcrmation is obtained to identify the particias on the basis of morphology. ince it is now possihle to concentrate and isolata virus articles from the alluta si sper sicris occurring in matura] water, the ciassical methois may be applied to isolated æ? lovots i'or positive identification of certain particles. sicwever, at presort, the new unknown virus tynas can only be characterize: by biophysical techniques. Ivariu. Dena usiniho colloct i tuł wita I. PSG minotia with فتنتمممتععمممممقحطغيط دم مth واحط ج معت in the contrition vi tire particles I thank Drs.li.G. Ander an and W.:)..'i sher biology Division ORNI for encourageuent and loan of facilitins. I thank Mr.Te: Dartlett,?echrical Division, ORGDP for preparing the electron micrographs mit Procerry Vaughan, CRIN 3 for technical assistance. ?:iter ::. ? ?....rarson, ána 1.Elochedi. 4, 265-263 (1962). 2.:... rakorch.Blochen.Bionhys. ,?75-200(1953). 3.0.C.ro:ngimor.jour.Pub,!!ealth 39, 75!4.771 (1949). 14011....019.8., 2.. Cavon son, J.,C.hing and P.%.Kabler, Ansr.jur. Fub. 10:7th 51,11.1E-1129(1.961.). 5.0....0.152..ber. ii. 47,776-513(156). 6.7...'izier,6.3.Cline, and N.G.Anderson, The hy siologist 6,179(1.953). 7.2.1..12b13r, in innov.licrobiol. 16,C...C] Irton ind.(Annual Reviews Inc.?'a] o 13.to, alif.1962), p 127. 8. 5.1!...elly, wer.jour.Pub.realth 1-3,1532-1538 (1.953). ge g erd it.. Sanderson, Fuw.tealth Repts.75,199-200 (1961.). 10.... Kristen son and K. Scaduauge, Acta.?'athol.et :icrobiol. Scard. 1+0,21.6-225(1957). 11.2.1. Trundiegel,Jour. 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Husna nn, and G.Cristofordis, Aron. Hulu Eakt. 145, 184-189 (1961). 26.2.1.C.ilyokoff, Jour.Biol. Chem. 121, 219-223 (1937). 10unds "igura 1 and 2: 21 actrcı: ::1.0: ranh3 cm Viru S.11':-? "artic?03 i soleted from a water sas: 719 taker: ot intts Bar Par. tall.r:Ce on the Tanna sseo 1 Vor(80, onox). 164r3: 0 Absorption as 260 m in a CsCl din:1. ty yradient by viru 13-11% particles. Ciorbriturari bor hours sui 30 31.7., an X: 8,1 cm,!imin:3.8 cm. تستهل مهمة . م مسلم:. م : . ... مدم. .. ... ... دسنس. سندسه.. ... ... ... ... سهام ، من سنصه.. ... - . ر ا را در انجام . - 1 - -. . - . Figh | . ' 4 . . E | . . . . . ······· . … . - - Fig 3 Refractive Index, CsCI my Optical Density , 260 Floating Material Base Peak Bottom Material 1-31 204 133 137 138 133 134 133 Density of CSCI en relation t remo e more TT : 0. in . 12. !! I " I . " .. N VLT .. 1. --- R **. . i .. . . . Wi. * : - i 1. 12 12 MY - " - DATE FILMED 7 / 22 /65 M I . . . END 1. -