. . UN TV 1 . . TL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL SPX 1.NL LY 20 IOFI I . . V LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. h961 8 / 19 DATE ISSUANCE MICROCARD DITE SY . . .'.. . m . todlarda ) F e contrar S. Prili ------ TEGAL NOTICE ---- TUropuri v. peperu a klous of Govenal aponkind vor Se : We l'ai haw, nor de Cousisolon, 401 may porno mam un all of the Counson A. MALI wywruty ay rowemuti. . .. morlopit.. 10 reopere accu :-). Completem... uf worlumu of the wornsu cond 's we report, og i umewe of any infor uur, watu., voua. or process Klood u no ispori uy not infringe privately owndrius; or 8. Aon my ludiluss nu iu pori w We were of, or for daugresuwny Iron Who Ju of may ulurtoa, amuotus, method, or pracov Kiowd in wo report. AI und in the love, wraco ball of what conneclow" hace my m. pisy.. ur saalructor of Conwinton, or employ of oud coatractor, to the ow .wil employee or conu k lor of the Coneinana. 01 «AHOyue of muca contra lor propune. di.MOIN!.., it provide. Kc W, say lalorn.tlon Titant lo VI cupluyonat or cuairesi wiu or Counsou, or Na employmral ou ou contractor. م 1 زمین / - / ا JUN 1 7 10 AN ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN AVENUES OF IMPROVEMENT FOR NUCLEAR DESALINATION TECHNOLOGY MASTER by R. Philip Hammond Remarks prepared for the International Atomic Energy Agency Panel on Use of Nuclear Energy in Saline Water Conversion April 27-30, 1964 Vienna, Austria Facsimile Prices Tela Microfilm Price s 8 2 Available from the Office of Technical Services Deportment of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION DAY BE MADE HERACIAL Bob OUES MAY BE REPORT CONTAINS MOTH:NG ON PATENT INTEREST. PROCEDURES ON FILE IN RECEIVINE SECTION, AN ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN AVENUES OF IMPROVEMENT FOR NUCLEAR DESAL-INATION TECHNOLOGY* by R. Philip Hammond Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee From the questions which have been asked, I gather that I am expected to bring you the news of the latest exciting developments in desalination at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. However, the agenda for this meeting does not include reports of unfinished in- vestigations; moreover, although there are some new ideas afoot at Oak Ridge, they are aimed toward the very large stations which are somewhat beyond the scope of the more current interests represented here. So instead of presenting new developments, I would like today to talk about where to look for them--to give you some purely analytical considerations that assess the incentives we have to seek certain im- provements in this or that portion of the equipment in a dual-purpose station. As a preface, may I say that, to me, the most exciting recent development is the fact that there is sufficient interest and confidence in nuclear desalting to permit this meeting to be held at all. Only two years ago I am sure that very few would have considered this topic worth while, and yet there bas really been no new technical element except the concept of size. Perhaps we should all take time to realize that for ordinary-sized plants not much has changed. True, reactor tech- nology has advanced, the Office of Saline Water has some important operating data from its demonstration plants, and Oak Ridge has shown some benefits from better packaging and larger unit sizes, but basically the technical situation is unchanged from a couple of years ago. At that time we would have found artificial desalination of sea water in *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. *on loan to Oak Ridge National Laboratory from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. small units a marginally useful way to get water. I think we should all accept the obvious fact that this is stiu true--most water needs for a time will be best solved by other means, and nuclear desalination, however glamorous it may sound, will simply not fit. In only a rela- tively few unusual cases will we find the combination of circumstances that will justify this new method of water supply which is our subject here. I do not think that this will be true for very many years, because I anticipate rapid technological. progress once a few plants are operating, but at first we will have to rely on every means we can find-- subsidy, large size, special financing, etc.--and still we will find only a few high-cost areas which can support the first plants we will build. In a way the situation is similar to that of a jet aircraft, which is uneconomical and inefficient in small sizes, at low speed and low altitude. Somehow we must claw our way up through the small sizes and immature technology of the present to the payoff region; then we can expect rapid progress through normal commercial incentives, and both large and small plants will become much cheaper and applicable to & broad scope of water-supply problems. It is my object today to mention a few of the areas where such progress may be anticipated. Dr. Minken has pointed out very vividly the need for consideration of each plant in its individual environment, with all of its products and byproducts and their marketing taken together. I concur entirely in his plea, for such matters as base load and peak load, financing practice, social and political problems are extremely important, even determinative, yet they cannot be resolved after a plant is designed. They are entirely determined by the customer.-by the unique needs of each situation, and hence must be provided first as input to the design and optimization of the plant. Dr. Eshaya bas noted that these input parameters are not the function of the engineer, but once they are settled upon or taken as arbitrary variables the rest of the problem--the design of the plant equipment itself--can be put in a form capable of a wnique engineering solution. In other words, once the market, financing, and ratio of products needed are determined, one can present the problem to the engineer, 3 saying, "Here is a black box, out of which flows a certain quantity of water and a certain quantity of power, and fulfilling these other con- ditions. Find the best plant to put inside the black box." The rest of my remarks will be directed toward certain small facets of solving the problem of the black box. Consider first the selection of a heat source for an evaporator plant. If the given parameters dictate that the black box produce water only, the solution is easy: the cost (s) of a unit of prime steari must be minimized. If the plant is to produce power only, the quantity which must be minimized is s/€, where s is steam cost and € is thermal efficiency. Between these two extremes we have a dual- purpose plant. What is the optimum condition in this case? Let us attack this problem by locking first at a 1000-Mw reactor supplying steam to a power-only plant. Perhaps 330 Mw leaves the of 100 Mwe to the turbine, we must add about 300 MW to the reactor capacity and 200 Mw to the heat dum capacity. If the same reactor is supplying steam directly by throttling to an evaporator, let us see what happens if we interpose a small noncondensing turbine into the steam flow and extract 100 Mw of electric power. To accomplish this without decreasing water output, we must add about 103 Mw to the reactor capacity. In other words, the effective efficiency of adding electric output is nearly 100%. Other things being equal, then, we can conclude that, in a dual-purpose plant, power cost is independent of steam quality and that both power and water cost are minimized by selecting the heat conclusion has limits to its validity--it holds only over the range where the evaporator can receive exhaust steam at the maximum acceptable temperature and where the resulting ratio of water to power is acceptable. A more rigorous analysis shows that, although other effects enter in, prime steam cost is in fact the most important single factor in choice of reactor for dual-purpose plants over the runge of temperatures and outputs of most interest. Turning now to an entirely different problem, let us see what happens to the black box as we assign different values to the product ratio, the heat source and steam quality having been fixed. In this analysis, I shall discuss product ratio in units of millions of gallons per day of water capacity per megawatt of electric capacity (mga/Mwe) and assign this ratio the symbol w. Thus, for a power-only plant w = 0, and for a water-only plant, it would be c. For the dual-purpose plants of greatest interest, w lies between 0.5 and 1. If multiplied by 41.7, w is converted to gallons per kilowatt- hour (electric), which is the other form in which product ratio is some- times expressed. The first portion of the problem can now be stated as follows: From a given reactor producing a fixed quality of steam at a given cost, what is the optimum cross-over temperature (temperature at which steam exhausts from the turbine and enters the evaporator), and how does this optimum change with different assigned values of w? We can also ask, how does the cost of the products vary with w? In particular, we would like to assess what our incentive is to develop evaporators capable of higher brine temperatures. In this study the lower evaporator heat-transfer coefficients and decreased temperature differences for heat transfer which result at lower cross-over temperatures were taken into account. Changes in overall plant pumping power with performance ratio and product ratio were neglected, as was the effect of plant capacity on unit construction cost. The former omission is a minor effect, the latter is discussed separately from the other effects studied here. The study was made with three different assumptions as to the cost of prime steam: 28, 14, and 7€ per 100 Btu. The 284 figure represents the approximate cost of steam under municipal financing for a commercially available reactor such as Oyster Creek; the other figures represent varying degrees of advance in reactor technology and size but with the same saturated steam quality (600 psia). Three different evaporator technologies were also included, representing approximately the single-level flash plant design by Bechtel Corporation for the Office of Saline Water, a larger multi-level flash design by Oak Ridge, and a hypothetical advanced evapo- rator ci the vertical type. (Not all of the nine combinations of these were included.) Municipal-type financing was assumed. The cross-over temperatures included ranged from about 130°F to over 330°F. The high- est demonstrated temperature today 13 250°F in the Point Loma Demonstration Plant of the office of Saline Water, but in this analysis it was assumed that higher temperatures could be reached without penalty in construction cost or operating experience. Figure I shows the optimum cross-over temperature versus product ratio for four of the cases. The curve on the right represents the high- est steam and evaporator cost. An improvement in evaporator technology tends to lower the optimum cross-over temperature, while reduction in steam cost has the opposite effect. Figure 2 is corollary to Fig. 1, giving the e-timum performance ratio, R, versus the turbine exhaust temperature. This relation is nearly linear. In Fig. 3 the value of power is taken at a constant (non-subsidy) of the assigned product ratio, W. Within the acc'ıracy of the work, there is a constant cost of water for the whole range of product ratios. The cost level is shifted downward by improvements in either steam cost or evaporator technology, but there is no preference for either high or low cross-over temperatures. The conclusion is that within the limits of feasible operation, the product ratio can be assigned arbitrarily without affecting the cost of water. There seems to be no incentive to develop high-temperature evaporators, except to permit higher values of W. Let us examine this conclusion in the light of other factors. The evaporator was assumed to cost no more to construct or operate at high temperatures than at low temperatures. This cannot be strictly true, so that if there is a preference, it is for a low-temperature evaporator. Also, at low w, the reactor is larger for a given water ouiput, and would thus have a lower unit cost. This effect also would tend to favor low cross-over temperatures, provided the product ratio falls in the range which can be assimilated. Finally, the effect of power subsidy should be included, since it prices. Figure 4 shows the effect on water costs of a l-mill subsidy from electric power. (The dotted line shows the unsubsidized cost.) Naturally, as w approacies zero, the subsidy per kilogallon of water becordes very large, so that once again there is preference for the lower temperatures and lower values of product ratio. In applying these conclusions to actual cases, it appears that one should seek to use the lowest value of w that can be justified. Research leading to nigher feasible operating torperatures for evaporators should not be expected to lower water costs, except for water-only plants (infinite w), but such efforts are justified in making possible higher product ratios without penalty, so that a wider range of local situ- ations can be suited. The results of the study also emphasize the obvious fact that lower cost steam supply and evaporacor equipment lead to markeäly lower water costs. In conclusion, I have two other small comments to offer about fruitful areas for future development. One of these concerns water- only plants. Since most reactors turn out their cheapest steam at a fairly high temperature, and since sea water evaporators are presently limited to fairly low brine temperatures, there is a severe mismatch. One alternative to a successful program to develop high-temperature evaporators would be to employ vapor-compression evaporators. Instead of driving the vapor compressor with purchased electric power, however, it could be driven directly with a nonconuensing steam turbine using the high-temperature reactor steam. The exhaust from the turbine could be used in an evaporator as in a dual-purpose plant. In a brief pre- liminary look at this, it appeared that about 60% of the plant out- put would come from the vapor-compressor evaporator, and the balance from the exhaust-steam evaporator. With presently foreseeable com- pressor fans, the water would cost about 5€ per 1000 gallons higher than that for a dual-purpose plant under the same conditions. Tae other comment has to do with the buildings required for a dual-purpose nuclear station. As is well known, reactors are at pres- ent built into pressure-tight enclosures for safety reasons. Evaporators are also housed in pressure-tight shells to exclude the atmosphere. There seems to be no operating reason for not constructing one large shell to contain both. The cost savings would be substantial, and various experts in reactor safety have concluded that safety would be enhanced. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG 64-4320 28-8 1A-OR 7-OR 7-A OPTIMUM TURBINE EXHAUST TEMP., °F 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 PRODUCT RATIO w (Mgd/Mwe) ORNL DWG. 64-4324 28-OR 14-OR 7-A OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE RATIO 7-OR 150 200 250 300 TURBINE EXHAUST TEMPERATURE, °F UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG. 64-4322 28-B HHHH 28-OR -14-OR COST OF WATER, &/1000 gol 7-OR (6 +12) 7-A O 0.2 1.6 1.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 PRODUCT RATIO W (Mgd/Mwe) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG. 64-432 1 er 28-OR- } 14-OR PRICE OF WATER (1 mill POWER SUBSIDY) ¢/1000 gal 7-OR So 0.8 1.6 0.4 1.2 PRODUCT RATIO W (Mgd/Mwe) . END 4