FIL " ' I 11 TL . ... Tel." U . .. . . A 0404 1 19 1 ) ETTE 2. WA . ' A thy " in UNCLASSIFIED ORNL AN . 2 & maraton WA 586 Ornr-p-586 . (x45 7/2. -Ź D?FP OCT 30 1904 ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON MICROBIAL POPULATIONS AND ACTIVITY OF THE FOREST FLOOR* by Martin Witkamp Radiation Ecology Section, Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Microbial populations are main agents in the breakdown of leaf litter and subsequent mineralization and humus formation. Populations . ." - and their activity have been reported for many different environments. This paper will establish quantitative relationships of microflora and microbial activity with each other, with environmental factors, and with rates of litter breakdown based on some of my data from European and American forests. DIT The principal method used to enumerate microbial populations was the widely-used dilution plate method, so that the results can be com- pared with those from similar studies. This method, which only reflects the fast growing zymogenous section of the microflora, was augmented by - * * * direct counts of fungal myceliuza on soil suspension slides. These . RAZ * . 7 ty a counts are obtained by counting the crossings of mycelium with five parallel lines in each microscopic field (Witkamp 1960). Microbial activity of litter and soil was measured by rates of 00, evolution in closed boxes or in boxes without bottom on the forest floor. The amount of 0.1 N KOH neutralized by absorption of co, in boxes and bells of 1.75 dm each was measured by titration with 0.179 N HCI 2 SA *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE . CA Tom w ord mums Own work, Mate Dend meme, me Control, mor No more thing wa the awansea. A Mom Mywa t u, e d or implied, and the Mar mwy, couple , ww w old whormatnou la donnant other the * * XN$ . . . h den Wuns c h or het tomagna my true we w en, want humu duchom Hort mondo con un lado Omani olt" mchum . mar circler Containe, w mech rector, to the entire they montrol, wat mem, w me on My Momento per la plage muret the Court or Mehmet wie we control, Y SMILE NA . . .. ' K IN AKT TEN TA VAN . ' S . 2 - 2 after addition of Baci,. These methods measured total soil respiration . by microflora, fauna, and roots combined. Rate of mycelial growth on glass slides incubated in litter or soil gave a separate index for fungal activity. The combined effect of microflora, fauna, and nonbiological factors such as leaching and gravity on disappearance of litter was measured as loss of weight by 10 to 30 g of leaves in 1 x 1 dm fiberglass mesh litterbags exposed in the forest floor (Witkamp 1963, Witkamp and Olson 1963). Environmental effects on microbial populations The main environmental factors influencing microbial populations are the type of microbial substrate, moisture, temperature, exposure, altitude, type of forest stand and vegetation, and the activity of the litter fauna. The species of leaf was the most influential of the sub- strate factors (Table 1). Mean counts differed significantly among all species (P < 0.01) with the exception of fungal counts for redbud and de . white oak. Relative differences among mean bacterial counts d various leaf species were usually larger than among corresponding fungal counts. Individual bacterial counts per gram of air dry litter varied from 8 x 10° on mulberry leaves to 4 x 103 on pine needles. Corresponding fungal counts varied ten times less viz. from 24 x 20° to 26 x 103. Populations tended to be positively correlated with annual average moisture content of the leaves which, in a given climate, is a substrate churacteristic influenced by porosity, cuticle, time of leaf drop, and rate of decay. Population densities and c/N ratios of the leaf species were usually negatively correlated. The low c/N ratios, stimulating microbial growth, may result from a low content of microbially resistant 2 1. c 11 miny 25 29 . - 3 - compounds such as cellulose or lignin (Witkamp 1960), from a high per- centage of usually readily decomposatle nitrogenous compounds, or from Hote. The greater ability of bacteria to colonize nitrogenous substrates and of fungi to decompose cellulose and lignin when available nitrogen . 18 low cause the bacteria / fungi ratios to be high on substrates with low C/N ratios and vice versa (Table 1). Mean C/N ratios were 27.8, 31.9, and 33.2 for all fresh litter in comparable stands with calcareous mll, acid mill, and mor forest floors respectively. Corresponding bacteria /fungi ratios were 32, 8, and 4 (Witkamp 1960). On the easily decomposable mulberry and redbud leaves the initially high populations (Table 2) declined with time whereas on the more resistant cak and pine litter the initially low population densities increased as decomposition proceeded. Thus as the leaves decomposed and substrate com- position and environmental conditions became more similar and stable, popu- lation differences anong leaf species decreased. Simltaneous fluctuations of both fungal and bacterial populations also decreased under the influence of moderated temperature and moisture conditions (Table 3). Moisture contents of the leaves were not significantly correlated with microbial populations of leaf litter, even though influence of moisture on bacteria was greater than on fungi, which usually perform better at low moisture levels than do bacteria (Table 4). Presumably, in the perhumid climate of East Tennessee and in dead leaf tissue with high water holding capacity, moisture was usually adequate to perpetuate the microflora of litter. Marked seasonal moisture effects occurred in both bacterial and fungal populations of surface mll and mor of oak stands in the Netherlands. When moisture levels dropped below the wilting point microbial populations . were greatly reduced. Similarly there was a highly significant correla- tion (P < 0.01) of moisture with both mycelium density and fungal plate counts in profiles of a Bandy soils series with limited water holding capacity (18 - 32%). . Temperature effects on microbial populations of litter with adequate moisture and varying temperature were more pronounced than in the deeper soil with lower moisture holding capacity and moderated temperature fluctuations. Temperature was significantly (P < 0.05) and positively correlated with fungal counts from litter (Table 4). This effect was smaller on counts of the generally moisture responsive bacteria than on the in general less moisture requiring fungi, presumably as a result of the usually negative relationship between moisture and temperature in the litter layer. High temperature causes rapid evaporation and thus low moisture contents in the surface litter.. REMAR.. The influence of the type of forest stand on microbial population was small as compared to the influence of leaf species. Bacterial counts of various leaf species were significantly lower (P < 0.01) in coniferous stands than in deciduous stands (Table 5), whereas fungal counts did not differ significantly. Factors lowering the competative ability of bacteria were presumably soluble agents such as bacterial inhibitors, or organic acids which lowered the ph (Witkamp 1963). Whether a slope was exposed to the north or to the south had no significant effect on microbial populations by itself, but slope exposure was significant (P < 0.01) when interacting with stand effects. Bacterial counts from north slopes were nine times higher in hardwood than in coni- ferous stands, whereas counts from south slopes did not differ. Pre- sumably litter on south slopes of deciduous forests dried more frequently than that on the north slopes. In the cooler con iferous forest litter remained moist on both slope 8. Average moisture contents of leaves from south slopes were 49 and 61% respectively. Those from litter from rorth slopes were 60.5% in both types of stand. Consequently on north Blopes Btand influence prevailed. This interaction between stand and exposure was not significant for fungal counts, probably because moisture is not as much a limiting factor for fungi as it 18 for bacteria (Witkamp 1963). Both bacterial and fungal populations of leaf litter decreased with increasing elevation. This increase was more significant (p < 0.05) between 1040 and 2600 m elevation than between 260 and 2040 m (P >0.05). Presumably the difference between counts at 1040 and 1600 m was mainly a temperature effect, moisture conditions being adequate at both levels. Between 260 and 1040 the temperature effect was counteracted by periodic drying at the lower elevations with more evaporation and less precipi. tation. Effects of the soil on microbial populations are mainly results of differences in humus content, moisture regimes, and pl. Within a sandy soil series 18 annual averages of mycelium density showed high positive simple correlations with humus (r = 0.90) and moisture (r = 0.92) contents (Witkamp 1960). Mycelium length/fungal counts ratios were up to 15 times higher under oak than under pine. High correlation of annual means of fungal populations with bumus and moisture contents reflect indispensibility of moisture and humus for fungal development as well as a high positive correlation between humus and moisture content of sandy series Boils (r = 0.91, 0 = 18). In the same soils/both mycelium density and colony plate counts decreased highly significantly(P < 0.01) with in- creasing depth. . 6 . Effects of soil pH not only favored the competative ability of bacteria and actinomycetes over that of fungi but also influenced vegetation and soil fauna. The ground cover of a caloareous soil had a higher litter production (75 8 overdry/m?) with low c/N ratio (27.8). than vegetation on a comparable actú 2011 (12 is overdry/m², c/N - 34.1) thus favoring bacterial breakdown in calcareous s011 (Witkamp 1960). Saprophageous litter fauna and its consumption on calcareous s011 were hiyiler than on similar acid 8011 (van der Drift 1962). Etter consumption greatly stimulated bacterial populations by raising på, break- ing the cuticle, exposing cell contents and improving moisture conditions (van der Drift and Witkamp 1960). Mixing of 11tter and feces with deeper layers will also reduce evaporation and thus drying of the microbial substrate. . Environmental effects of microbial activity Microbial activity measured as rate of microbial respiration or 1088 of weight by the substrate is the resultant of the activity by all individual microbes. Consequently in a given climate loss of weight by litter 18 highly correlated with mean microbial density (Fig 1). (Bacteria + 153 x Fungi) is an estimate for combined microbial densities equating the breakdown potentials of all fungal counts with the 153 times higher sum of all bacterial counts collected under the wide variety of environmental conditions of the experiment (Witkamp 1964). Bacterial counts taken throughout the year reflected microbial activity measured 28 respiration rate better than did fungal counts (Table 4). Presumably bacterial counts are better indicators of microbial activity than fungi because for bacteria metabolic activity is almost proportional to cell division whereas for fungi formation of spores and conidia, which are the main snurces of fungal colonies, often signify the decline of fungal growth. - . . . - 7 . Annual means of fungal counts are a better criterium for microbial activity (Fig. 1) than the individual counts taken throughout the year (Table 4) presumably because the annual means reflect a fungal population potential without time dependency. " The low correlation between respiration rates and mycelium growth 18 presumably the result of atypical moisture conditions on the s11des caused by condensate and possibly reflected a lack of correlation between litter moisture and mycelium growth (Table 4). Taus microbial activity on a given substrate is well. correlated with bacterial density, and over long periods also with fungal density. I already discussed effects of environmental factors on microbial density. Tous lt remains for me to discuss the effects of environmental factors on activity of the individual microbes. In different climates and seasons ir. the forest belt, temperature 18 the main controlling factor for microbial, activity. Presumably in forest areas moisture is not limiting over long periods of time. Mois ture effects however are superimposed on the annual activity cycles which pri- marily parallels the temperature cycle. (Witkamp and van der Drift 1961). A multiple correlation analysis for respiration rates with environmental factors and microbial populations on a variety of stands and substrates in East Tennessee showed that temperature, leaf moisture, bacterial den- sity and age of the 11tter contributed 64%, 19%, 12% and 5% to the multiple correlation respectively. Contributions by fungal densities and mycelium growth were negligable. The regression for these data were R = 46.50 + 3.22 T + 26.86 MD + 11.39 log B - 0.64 W. Where R = respiration in wé co, hr? 801 T = temperature in c .8. M/D = moisture content of the litter a6 moist weight/dry weight B = number of bacterial colonies from 100 g of air dry litter W = number of weeks since last leaf fall Respiration rates based on this regression closely follow respiration rates measured in the field throughout the year (Fig 2). Respiration rates were also highly correlated with 1.088 of weight by litter (r = 0.91, n = 12). Average co, production was 170 ml for each gram of litter decom- posed but this figure was higher (250 ml) for mulberry and redbud leaves with high populations of bacteria than for pine and beech leaves (130 ml) with high fungal populations. This is in accord with the more efficient use of substrate by fungi than by bacteria. ; In summary it appears that in a given climate substrate 18 the main controlling factor for microbial population; and that bacterial counts are the best index for mean microbial activity. Microbial activity at any given time can be successfully predicted on the basis of bacterial density, temperature, moisture, and litter age. In different climates of the forest zone temperature is the main controlling factor for microbial populations as well as for their activity. Moisture efects are superimposed on the temperature effects connected with altitude, slope exposure, and season. .- irti 4 References van der Drift, J. 1963. The disappearance of litter in mull and mor in connection with weather conditions and the activity of the macro-fauna. p. 125-133. In Doeksen and van der Drift Soil Organisms. van der Drift, J. and M. Witkamp. 1960. The significance of the break- dow of oak litter by Enoicyla pusilla Burm., Arch. Neer.l. de 2001. 13:486-492. Witkamp, M. 1960. Seasonal fluctuations of the fungusflora in mull and mor of an oak forest. Publ. Inst. Biol. Field Res., Arnhen, Netherl. 46:1-52. Witkamp, M. 1963. Microbial populations of leaf litter in relation to environmental conditions and decomposition, Ecology 44:370-377. Witkamp, M. 1964. Decomposition of leaf litter in relation to environ- mental conditions, microflora, and microbial respiration. In press. Witkamp, M. and J. S. Olson. 1963. Breakdown of confined and non-con- fined oak litter, Oikos 14:138-147. Witkamp, M. and J. van der Drift. 1961. Breakdown of forest litter in L relation to environmental factors, Plant and Soil 15:295-311. i i c iativ e en omento intitoin A- nimal Su b hoteworth it.......***.* 1.435 min manat intineat. Figure 1 - Tennessee, USA. first year of decay in three forest stands in East with microbial estimates and respiration during the Relationships of loss of weight by four leaf species 1 H11 word *** on on phone call w o rrow morning eng my owner war auch deren we en *** me the more on www UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-2279 1400 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS (r) (BACTERIA+153xFUNGI) p = 0.97 WEIGHT BACTERIAL COUNTS r=0.92 LOSS FUNGAL COUNTS r = 0.84 (TOTAL CO2 EVOLVED r=0.91 n=12 IIIIII MICROFLORA ( BACTERIA +153 x FUNGI) Mg4 A MULBERRY + A REDBUD • OAK o PINE HW=39.38+0.469(B+153F ) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 LOSS OF WEIGHT ( % yr) 80 90 100 AL ./4" x Figure 2 - Mean measured ( ) and calculated (----) biweekly respiration rates of four leaf species during the first year of decay in three forest stands in East Tennessee, USA. 1 are UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-2278 RESPIRATION (HCO2 g- hr-1) 21 N D 1960 J 1961 F M A M J J A S O N F. LA Air . Table 1. Means of microflora and litter moisture, initial c/n zatio, and loss of weight by litter of four leaf species in oak, pine, and maple stands in East Tennessee, USA during the first year of decay bacterial counts fungal counts (105/8 dry) leaf moisture (moist wt/dry wt) leaf species c/N % 1088 of weight/yr mulberry 2.7 redbud 286 white oak pine · 15 1.7 :..... ** i sowie deren boeiendo minhas m IL inisiniai.... : Table 2 - Regressions for logarithms of bacterial and fungal populations of mulberry, redbud, white oak and pine litter decomposing in oak, pine, and maple stands in East Tennessee, USA. - Leaf Species - Mulberry -- Redbud 66 Oak Period in number of dup- byou licate counts Bacteria De Fungi Jan-Aug -0.078 0.082 Jan-Nov -0.012 +0.0067 Jan-Nov 66 +0.0337 10.009- Jan-Nov +0.0312 +0.032 no significant difference (P >0.1) according to t-test, all other differences significant (p < 0.02) Pine - - - -- - - -- Table 3. Mean coefficients of variability (V = 100 8/ X) for bacterial and fungal counts, mycelium growth, and leaf moisture in three successive periods during the first year of decay of wlberry, redbud, white oeſ, and pine litter in oak, pine and maple stands in rast Tannesson, USA January 9 March 6 . August; 14. February 20 July 31 Novemier 6 27 36 20 · Bacterial counts (10%) Fungal counts (10/8) Mycelium growth (cm/cm2 veck) Leaf moisture (8 moist/& dry) ---- - --- -...... ..... .. Table 4. Simple correlation coefficients for microbial estimates with moisture, temperature, and respiration from redbud, white oak and pine litter de- caying in oak, pine, and maple stands over the period January 1960 - October 1961 in East Tennessee, USA. Litter moisture (wet weight/dry weight) 0.12 Litter temperature Respiration (c) (u1/ 0.35** Bacterial counts (20g 10°/8 dry) Fungal counts (10g 10%/8 dry) Mycelium growth (mm/cm2. week) 0.12 0.16* 0.04 . 0.12 -0.09 0.35** 0.05 8 • 198 *P:<0.05 **p <0.01 Table 5. Mean microbial counts from white oak and beech leaves collected from different stands and elevations during the four seasons in East Tennessee, USA. number of dupe licate counts bacterial count (10678 dry) fungal counts (10°/8 dry) Stand bardwood 884 coniferous 215 elevation 1600 m 226 32 1040 m 260 m 931 DATE FILMED 12/21/64 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END