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INTRODUCTION should best Colls oushote survive low-temperature exposure best when they are frozen and thawed under conditions that minimize damage to their macro- molecular solutes and their structural components. Although this must be true ultimately, it is often not true when judged by commonly accepted criteria of damage. Thus, cells that cytologically appear to be badly distorted Hottubed and damaged while frozen are often viable after thawing, whereas cells that appear cytologically normal when frozen are dead after thaving. Cells can survive freezing under conditions that alter isolated enzymes, but cor conversely, they can be killed under conditions that produce no detectable alteration in the structure or activity of a particular enzyme. One obvious reason for these discrepancies is the complexity of a functioning cell relative to the functions or structures of its constituents. The cumulative consequences of undetected alterations in the constituents could easily prove lethal. Or conversely, alterations observed in an isolated constituent might either not occur in a cell or have trivial consequences if they do occur. - : - .'- , * * DETI, . The cell also differs from its constituents in another way. It is a compartment in which the intracellular solution 18 separated from the l as we shall see external solution by a semi-permeable membrane, and this compartmentation plays an important role in freezing damage (Mazur, 1963 a,b; 1964 a,b). As cells are cooled below 0°C, they become subject to three phenomena: the temperature falls, ice crystals form, and liquid water 18 removed, thus raising the concentration of solute. There are a priori reasons why each phenomenon could be injurious, and for a few cells, there 18 evidence as to which 18 responsible for injury. Although the three phenomena generally occur simultaneously, it 18 possible to separate their effects and determine experimentally the contributions that each makes to freezing injury. II. THE EFFECTS OF LOWERELD TEMPERATURE-THERMAL SHOCK Slow cooling without ice formation is not damaging to most cells, but rapid chilling to temperatures above or below 0°C can sometimes be decidedly injurious. Such injury 18 referred to as thermal shock. The injury can -- - be extensive. Thus, thermal shock kills nearly 90% of bull spermatozoa and . . .- . . .. TANTRA over 99.9% of låg phase cells of Pseudomonas pyocyanea (Smith, 1961, w ww . p. 440; Gorill and McNe11, 1960). The cause of the damage remains uncertain. Lovelock (1954) has suggested that it involves damage to 11 poprotein complexes in cell membranes. Smith (1961, p. 440) reported that lecithin added to the medium protects spermatozoa against thermal shock, a fact that suggests that a suddin fall in temperature may cause a 1068 of lecithin from the plasma membrane. Strange and Dark (1962) found that the permeability barriers of thermally- shocked cells of Aerobacter aerogenes are damaged. Injury from sudden chilling, however, is far from a universal occurrence. In fact, it appears to occur only in certain species and under certain quite specific conditions. Bull sperma, for example, are much more susceptible to thermal shock than hyman sperma (Smith, 1961, pp. 1635). 1ų (Sherman 1963) Cells of Escherichia coli are highly susceptible in the early stages of logarithmic growthy but are aïmost completely resistant in late låg phase and in stationary phase (Meynell, 1958) (Fig. 1). If thermal shock was a major fator in the death of frozen-thawed cells, damage should occur regardless of whether or not the suspension contains ice. . This has not been found to be the case in the few instances in which direct comparisons have been made between the survival of cells in supercooled media and in frozen media at the same temperature. As shown in Table I, about 100% of cells of stationary phasex yeasty and E. coli survive super-.. cooling to -10° to -15°C whereas only about half that many or less survive when the suspending fluid 18 Prozen. My guess is that thermal shock is not a major contributor to the freezing injury of most isolated cells, but this must remain only a guess until the necessary experiments have been performed on a wider variety of cells. III. OFFECTS OF SOLUTE CONCENTRATION AND DEHYDRATION At some temperature below 0°C, the water in a suspension of cells will begin to freeze. As it freezes, pure ice separates out of solution, and concomittantly, the solutes in the residual liquid solution become increasingly concentrated. If the solution 18 ideal, one can calculate the concentration at any given temperature from Raoult's law popote - .(2-x2) . and from the integrated form of the Clausius-Clapeyran equation -----... -4 . 7 tn p/P. - (2) when p and P. are the vapor pressures of the water in the solution and of pure water at temperatura T, X, and yo are the mole fractions of water and solute, T. 18 the freezing point of pure water, and Le and R are the molar heat of fusion and the gas constant (Mazur, 19646). . In other words to ķy - to(3-) (3) By making several assumptions which are approximately valid for : very dilute solutions (Glasstone, 1946, p. 645), Equation (3) can be simplified to (T.-T) m = Keyin Greek nu (4) when m is the molal concentration at temperature T, K the molal freezing point constant (about 1.86 for water), and Ý the number of species into which the solute dissociates. There are two important conclusions to be drawn from Equations (3) and (4). The first is that an ideal nonelectrolyte solution will become concentrated by 1 molal unit for each 2 degree drop in temperature below its 18 freezing point, and a med salt like Naci will concentrate by 1 molal unit for each 4 degreo fall in temperatura. The second conclusion is that the concentration 18 fixed at a given temperature (assuming the external pressure to be constant). A corollary to this 18 that the osmolal concentrations of solutes inside and outside the cell at a given temperature must became equal, given sufficient time for equilibration. Of course, the accuracy which these conclusions will apply to real solutions will depend on how closely real solutions approximate ideal behavior. . As more and more ice forms in a solution, the fraction of unfrozen water decreases. Again, if the solution 18 ideal, that fraction (q) is approximately hu (5) where mí 18 the concentration of the solution before it is frozen (Mazur, 1963a; 19640). As the continued fall in temperature causes more and more water to be withdrawn from the solution und deposited as ice, the solution will eventually become saturated with respect to solute, and a further fall in temperature will cause all of the solute to precipitate and all of the water to be converted to ice. If only one solute 18 present, this complete solidification will occur at a specific temperature, the eutectic point. If many solutes are present, each will precipitate out at its eutectic point (neglecting supersaturation), but some liquid water will remain until the temperature has dropped below that of the lowest eutectic point. There are many reasons why increasing concentrations of intra- and extracellular solutes might prove lethal. High concentrations of electrolytes can cause modifications in the secondary and tertiary structure of macro- molecules, they can remove lipids from cell membranes (Lovelock, 1954), and they can cause large changes in pH as various species of solutes precipitate out below their eutectic points (van den Berg, 1959). Furthermore, the increasing concentration of cellular reactants could conceivably increase the velocity of some biochemical reactions more than they are slowed by the decrease in temperature (Butler and Bruice, 1964). For example, Washin (1962) believes that increased concentration of thymine accounts for the fact that the induction of thymine dimers by UV Irradiation proceeds readily in frozen solutions but not in liquid solutions. 10 It is perhaps less to be expected that deleterious effects could be produced by a reduction in g; that 18, by reducing the amount of liquid water around solutes. But there is some evidence that this may in fact be the case. Lovel.ock (1957), for example, found that the extent of denaturation of plasma B lipoprotein is not correlated with the concentration of salts in the suspending medium, but that it is correlated with the number of degrees the solutions are cooled below the eutectic point of the electrolytes Asahina present (Fig. 2). Similarly, Ashanine (1962) found that the temperature at which sea urchin eggs are killed correlated well with the eutectic point of the suspending medium. Levitt (1962) has recently developed a theory of freezing injury that is based on the removal of water. He suggests that the dehydration brings linked structural proteins into contact, as a result of which they become bridged by the conversion of sulfhydryl groups into ait sulfide bonds. If the ss bonds are stronger than the aggregate of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions that determine normal protein structure, the proteins could become denatured either during freezing, or more likely, during thawing as the sudden reappearance of water produces stresses on the disulfide-linked molecules. . . . . Although this hypothesis is attractive, the experimental evidence to support it has not yet been obtained. IV. INJURY FROM ICE FORMATION The third consequence of lowered temperature 16 the formation of ice crystals, and it is here that the properties of cells as semi-isolated compartments become especially important. As already mentioned, if we specify the temperature, we fix the equilibrium concentration of solutes and the fraction of unfrozen water both inside and outside the cell. But specifying the temperature tells nothing about when the ice has frozen, or in what form it has frozen. As discussed in detail elsewhere (Mazur, 1964 a, b), the protoplasm in intact cells tends to remain supercooled above about -10°C even when the extracellular medium is frozen. This immediately establishes a higher vapor pressure inside the cell than outside, a situation that is thermodynamically unstable. There are two ways to reestablish equilibrium: supercooled water can either flow out of the cell and freeze externally, or it can freeze within the cell. The factors that influence the outflow of water are indicated by the following two equations (Mazur, 19630): to pg/p- e Het toczy/ KART ta py/Pe .. KART In these equations, Pr and P. are the intracellular and extracellular vapor pressures, Te 18 the normal freezing point of the cell contents, and x are the mole fractions of water in the cell at temperatures T and Tp, V 18 the volume of intracellular supercooled water, t 18 time, k 18 the permeability constant of the cell for water, mitte A 18 the area of the cell surface, and y, 18 the molar volume of water. Equation (6) states that if the internal solute concentraiion remains constant (1.e.,the right-hand term 18 zero), the ratio of the internal to external vapor pressures will increase with decreasing temperature. In other words, the greater the supercooling (AT), the greater the ratio of the vapor presoures. Aut according to Equation (7), an increase in the ratio of Pe/P increases the rate at which water leaves the cell. The water loss will raise the concentration of intracellular solutes, which in turn will reduce xq, and reduce the ratio of Da/P. If we know the relation between temperature (T) and time (t) (1.e., the cooling velocity), these two mutually dependent equations can be combined to give an expression that gives the amount of supercooled water in a cell (V) as a function of temperature and several parameters (Mazur, 19630 ), That expression 18 a 2nd order differential equation: porte-am as - [(for + 2) 25*5) - varet nga nje ) In this equation B 18 the conling velocity (assumed to be uniform) and 18 the temperature coefficient of the permeability constant (KỂ 18 the known permeability constant at temperature Tg). to The Numerical solutions for this equation for yeast cells cooled at I are various velocities to shown in Fig. 3. The curve labeled "ES" shows the water contents of celis cooled infinitely slowly. Such cells would continuously maintain vapor pressure equilibrium with the external ice by dehydration. It can be seen that the water contents of yeast cooled at 1°C/min remain close to the equilibrium values at all temperatures. However, at higher cooling rates, the water-content curves begin to diverge more and more from equilibrium. This means that at higher cooling velocities, the cell water is not able to leave the cell sufficiently rapidly to eliminate the vapor pressure differential. . . . la 14 .. '. . 1 . This is the same thing as saying that the intracellular water becomes . . supercooled. The extent of supercooling is given by the horizontal distance between a point on the curve and the equilibrium curve. The more the water 18 supercooled, the more probablk it becomes that . It will freeze (Mazur, 19640). Thus, if yeast 18 cooled at lºc/min, the cellula- water does not become supercooled and so cannot freeze. But if, for example, the cells are cooled at 100°c/min their protoplasm becomes extensively suporcooled l ost and the probability of intracellular freezing becomes high. Some general conclusions can be drawn from the solutions to Equation (8). 1) It cells are cooled sufficiently slowly, they will dehydrate and will not freeze intracellularly. 2) If they are cooled sufficiently rapidly, they idu dehydrate le86, and they will freeze intracellularly. 3) Numerical values can be assigned to "sufficiently slowly" and "sufficiently rapidly' 1 values for the required parameters are available. 4) The important biological parameters are (a) the surface to volume ratio of the cell and hence the site of the cell, and (b) the absolute permeability of the cell to water as a function of temperature. The greater the surface to volume ratio . 15 and the higher the permeability, the higher the cooling rate required to produce intracellular ice. 5) The cooling velocities required to produce intracellular ice vary over at least a 5000-fold range for different cells. I from the curves in, Lone con Thus, Fig. 4 predicth that exthrocytes will have to be cooled at about I according to Fig 3 5000°c/min before they wi11 freeze internally whereas yeast wiù freeze at F-4) cooling velocities agove 1° to 10°c/min fest. One final aspect of ice formation needs mentioning. Although increasing the cooling velocity increases the likelihood of intracellular ice, the resulting ice crystals become progressively smaller and less perfect. Small hence, are thermodynamically unstable (Mazur, 19640). It 18 possible, therefore, that if cells are cooled very rapidly, the resulting intracellular ice crystals will be so small as to be innocuous. In such a case, the warming velocity could have a profound effect on survival. If the cells are warmed slowly, the unstable crystals may be converted to crystals of damaging size; bis 17 the cells are warmed rapidly, the unstable crystals weila melt before have they had a chance to grow. This conversion of smaller crystals to larger ones 18 termed recrystallization and it has been observed in water (Meryman, 1957), Wh . prestation bar window we e cordar wwwthien there other as the most yan..***prinderyst at policore A m . ". - | 11,11 . S . 16 1 . gels (MacKenzie and Inyet, 1962) and various cells and tissues (Rey, 1957; : * :- Menz and Ivyet, 1961; and Rapatz and Luyet, 1961). Meryman's electron .. . micrographs of the recrystallization of water are shown in Fig. 5. A possible 11 . : hypothesis to explain the relation between crystal size and injury has been presented elsewhere (Mazur, 1964b). It suggests a mechanism whereby modifications which reduce the surface energies of ice crystals could rupture structural components of the cell. V. CAUSES OF INJURY IN SPECIFIC CELLS Two cells that have been used extensively in freezing studies are yeast and red blood cells. I would like to mention some of the factors that affect their survival and show how they relate to the physical-chemical phenomena just discussed. A. Yeast · Fig. 6 shows the results of experimental determinations of the survival Evo (dashed curve), survival 1o' seen to increase to a maximum as the cooling velocity 1s increased from 0.05 to 10-10°C/min; it then decreases as the . . . 17 cooling velocity is further increased, reaching a minimum at some 500 to 1000°C/min. Finally, survival increases once again with cooling rates above 1000°C/min. When the cells are warmed slowly instead of rapidly (dotted curve), the picture is different. Survival drops precipitously as the . cooling velocity rises above 1°C/min, and it continues to drop even at very high cooling velocities. In fact, only about 10-5 % of the cells survive the sequence of cooling at 300°C/min or more followed by slow warming at 2°C/min.' The solid curve shows the extent to which the cellular water 18 supercooled at -15°C as the cooling velocity 18 increased. This curve was obtained from the numerical solution to Equation (8) (Fig. 3). One notes that the cooling velocities at which survival begins to drop ( 1 to 10°C/min) nearly coincide with the calculated cooling velocities at which the cells begin to contain supercooled water at -15°C. Since supercooled water at -25°C 18 likely to freeze, the coincidence of the survival and supercooling curves Bugtests a causal relation; it suggests that survival begins to drop when cooling 18 mare rapid than 10°C/min because intracellular ice forms in an Increasing proportion of the cells. ! .! 18 The photomicrographs support this conclusion. The left and center micrographs depict cells frozen at the indicated rates and substituted with ethanol while frozen. As predicted by Equation (8), the cells cooled at 1°C/min are shrunken. The magnitude of the reduction in volume indicates they have lost at least 90% of their water (Mazur, 19610; 1963a). Since the residual 10% of the water in yeast has been shown by calorimetric measurements to be incapable of freezing (Wood and Rosenberg, 1957; Souzu, Nei, and Bito, 1961), it appears likely that these cells contain little if any intracellular ice. On the other hand, the cells cooled at about 100°C/min twice that of the slowly cooled cells are muce or less shrunken. Their volume 18 senter for ko mmet fototomicrograph IM Boston Bokhandelight. Thus, they must contain more than 10% of their normal water content and that excess must be frozen (Mazur, 1963a). Nei (1960) has observed a similar relation between the volume of yeast and the cooling velocity. . The over-all shape of the survival curve can be accounted for in terms of two factors: solute concentration and intracellular freezing. Survivals are low with very slow cooling because cooling atp sayx. 0.05°C/min produces long exposures to the concentrating solutes. Increasing the cooling velocity shortens the exposure time and so survivai rises. But when the cooling 19 velocity exceeds 1°C/min, the beneficial action of shortening the exposure time 18 countered by the appearance of intracellular ice in the cells, and at that point survival begins to drop. Between 10° and 500°C/min, an increasing proportion of the cellular water freezes and the crystals are large enough to : be immediately deleterious to most cells; hence, survivals are low regardless of whether warming 18 rapid or slow. But when the cooling velocity exceeds 1000°C/min, the ice crystals that form in the cell are small. They remain small and relatively innocuous 11 warming is carried out rapidly, but they grow to damaging size if warming is carried out slowly. B. Red Blood Cells Gehenis, Rapatz, and Luyet (1963) and Luyet, Rapatz, and Gehenio (1963) have determined the percentage of red cells that remain unhemolyzed after blood 18 frozen at various cooling velocities. Their results are shown by the А dembed curve in Fig. 7. None survive when cooling 18 below 1000°c/min, but E t recovery increases abruptly when cooling is between 1000° and 3300°C/min and then drops abruptly with still higher cooling velocities. The cotted and ( Bonde, sob Gurves show the 'extent of supercooling of the cell water at -10° and -15°C respectively. These curves were calculated from the numerical solutions shown in Fig. Die Once again, as with yeast, the cooling velocity at which ... . 20 20 survival begins to drop is very close to the cooling velocity at which the chief cells begin to contain supercooled water. The wing difference between the red cells and the yeast 18 the numerical value to the "critical" velocity. It 18 3000 to 5000°C/min for the red cells and 1° to 10°C/min for yeast. The difference 18 accounted for by the high permeat 1lity of the red cell to water, the low temperature coefficient of the permeability constant, and the high surface to volume ratio of the cell (Mazur, 19636). The explanation of the shape of the survival curve appears to be the same as for yeast. Cooling velocities below the. "critical" are harmful because they expose the cells for too long a period to concentrated electrolytes.. Cooling velocities above the "critical" are harmful because they induce . In support of these conclusions, intracellular freezing. Lovelock (1953) has demonstrated that red cells can be hemolyzed by exposures to concentrated electrolytes of a seconds.onetesa. and. -Head Rapatz, Nath, and Luyet (1963) have shown that, cooling velocities exceeding several thousand degrees per minute. produce "holes" inside freeze-substituted and freeze-dried red calls, and these holes presumably represent the prior location of intracellular ice crystals (Fig. 8). . The shapes of the survival curves and the marked difference between the values of the "critical" cooling velocities for yeast and red cells emphasizes (unqualified, the danger in 888igning significance to the words "slow" and "rapid". Thus, a statement that "rapid cooling is more harmful than slow" would be true for yeast between lº and 1000°C/min, but not between 8 and 1°C/or between Tain 1000º and 10,000°C/min, and it would be true for red blood cells only above 3000°C/min. VI. A TWO-FACTOR HYPOTHESIS OF A FREEZING INJURY A good portion of freezing injury in yeast and red blood cells seems appears to be due to the combined effects of exposure to concentrated solutes and the formation of large intracellular crystals. This also appears to be true on the basis of more fragmentary evidence in a number of species of micro- organisms (Mazur, 19640). This two-factor hypothesis is also consistent with the fact that the survival of a number of mammalian cells 18 optimal at around 1°C/min and with the fact that survivals tend to be enhanced by rapid warming and thawing. However, proof or disproof of the applicability of the hypothesis to specific cells requires a good deal more quantitative information ... on the effects of temperature and cooling and warming rates than 18 generally available. Making predictions on the basis of numerical solutions to Equation (8) requires knowing the permeability of the cell to water and the temperature coefficient of the permeability constant, but values for these two parameters are known for only a few 1solated cells, and for very few tissues. Unquestionably, the two factors are not the only factors involved in freezing injury. Sherman (1964) has recently reported that ascites tumor are cells can survive' intracellular ice formation. Lindeberg and Lode (1963) - although have evidence that stationary phase cells of E. coliy although resistant to they thermal shock in dilute physiological solutions, become damaged by rapid chilling at sub zero temperatures when immersed in solutions of sodium chloride 80 concentrated as not to freeze. Other exceptions will doubtless be mentioned by others at this conference. Even if this two-factor hypothesis turns out to have rather broad validity, 1t still does not explain the basic causes of injury. Because of time limitations, I have touched only briefly on a few of the explanations that have been offered to account for the deleterious effects of concentrated solutes, dehydration, and intracellular ico formation. (These and other theories are discussed in more detail elsewhere (Mazur, 1964b)]. The validity and general applicability of these explanations still remain to be determined. . T RETURENCES de Araki, T. and T. Nei. Low Temp. Sci. (B) 20: 57-68, 1962. 2. Asahina, Eizo. Nature 196: 445-446, 1962. 3. Butler, A. R. and T. C. Bruice. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 86: 313-319, 1964. . . 4. Doebbler, G. F. and A. P. Rinfret. J. Bacteriol. 85: 485, 1963. 5. 5. Gehenio, P. M., G.L. Rapatz, and B. J. Luyet. Biodynamica 9: 77-82, 1963. 6. 'Glasstone, s. Textbook of Physical Chemistry. New York: D. van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1946, 2nd Edition. Gorrill, R. H. and E. M. McNeil. J. Gen. Microbiol. 22: 437-442, 1960. 8. Hempling, H. G. J. Gen. Physiol. 44: 365-379, 1960. 9. Levitt, J. J. Theoret. Biol. 3: 355-391, 1962. 10. Lindeberg, G. and A. Lode. J. Microbiol. 9: 523-530, 1963. 11. Lovelock, J. E. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 10: 414-426, 1953. 12. Lovelock, J. E. Nature 173: 659-661, 1954. 13. Lovelock, J. E. Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 147: 427-433, 1957. 14. Luyet, B. J., G. L. Rapatz, and P. M. Gehenio. Biodynamica 9: 95-124, 1963. 15. MacKenzie, A. P. and B. J. Luyet. Biodynamica 9: 47-69, 1962. 16. Mazur, P. Biophys. J. 1: 247-264, 1961. 17. Mazur, P. J. Bacteriol. 82: 662-672, 1961. 18. Mazur, P. Biophys. J. 3: 323-353, 1963. 19. Mazur, P. J. Gen. Physiol. 47: 347–369, 1963. 20. Mazur, P. Annal. N. 1. Acad. Sci. (In Press). 21. Mazur, P. Low Temperature Research in Biology (H. T. Meryman, ed.) Academic Press, Inc., (In Press). 22. Menz, L.J. and B. J. Luyet. Biodynamica 8: 261-294. 23. Meryman, H. T. Proc. Roy. Soc. 3. 147: 452-459, 1957. 24. Meynell, G. G. Gen. Microbiol. 19: 380-389, 1958. 25. Moor, H. and K. Mihlethaler. J. Cell Biol. 17: 609-628, 1963. . 26. Mundkur, B. Exper. Cell Research 20: 28-42, 1960. 27. Nei, Tokio. Recent Research in Freezing and Drying (A. S. Parkes and Audrey U. Smith, eds.) Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1960. 28. Rapatz, G. and B. Luyet. Biodynamica 8: 295-315, 1961. 29. Rapatz, G., J. Nath, and B. Luyet. Biodynamica 9: 83-94, 1963. 30. Rey, L. R. Proc. Roy. Society B, 147: 460-466, 1957. 32. Sato, Toru. Low Temperature Science B 12: 39-61, 1954. 32. Sherman, J. K. Pert11. Steril. 14: 49, 1963. Sherman, J. K. Cryobiology 1: 21, 1964. Smith, Audrey V. Biological Efects of Freezing and Supercooling. Monographs of the Physiological Society, Number 9. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Co., 1961. - ': 35. Souzu, H., T. Noi, and M. Bito. Low Temp. 8o1. B. 19: 49-57, 1961. 37. Strango, R.e. and F. A. Dark. j. Gen. Mlcrobiol. 291 719-730, 1962. 38. van den Berg, L. Archiv. Blochem. Biophys. 84: 305-315, 1959. 39. Wang, shih Y1. Nature 190: 690-694, 1961. 40. Weiser, R. 8. and Clarice M. Osterud. J. Becteriol. 50: 413-439, 1945. 41. Wood, Thomas H. and Alburt M. Rosenberg. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 25: 78-87, 1957. TOOTNOTS "Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. 44 Sc TABLE I Survival of Moroorganisms in Supercooled and Frozen Suspending Media* anten telefona iltangenting Organism Tamperature % Survival in supercooled frozen media media Referenco Escherichia coli -9 95 Welber and Ostelka (1945) (T-11) Sato(1954) (T-14] -- -------- Saccharomyces cerevisiae -13 100 100 33-6748 Araki and Nej (1962) 33-6 * Arapi and Nei(1962) "(T-1, F4] Mazur (1961) (T-II, III) -15 90 24-37 24-3 * Welber and Ostematic used 1% peptone as the suspending medium. The others used distilled water. t** The value depended on the cooling velocity. , . FIGURE LEGENDS T 26 ES Figure 1. Relationship between the growth phase of cells of Escherichia coli and susceptibllity to thermal shock. (a ) - Samples of suspension were removed from the culture at the indicated times after inoculation and cooled rapidly by dilution in Ringer's solution at 4°C. Survival was determined by plate count. (o ) - Viable count of unchilled samples. The point bearing the arrow was derived from samples which yielded no colonies; it represents what the survival would have been if one colony has been formed. Redrawn from Meynell (1958) by permission of the J. Gen. Microbiology. Figure 2. Relationship between the extent of denaturation (turbidity) of 8 lipoprotein after being frozen for 15 hours at -40°C and the eutectic points of suspending solutions containing the indicated salts. From Lovelock (1957), by permission of the Royal Society (London). Figure 3. Calculated percentages of intracellular water (v/v.) remaining in yeast cells as a function of temperature and cooling velocity. The curve "Eq" represents the equilibrium water content. The other curves are the numberical solutions to Equation 8. The values for the parameters are given in Mazur (1963), Fig. 20) except for b, the temperature coefficient of the permeability constant. The value of b used here 18 2 i - . .. 2 . L s 7 ' .. .. . 0.065 wherous the oarlier culoulations used 0.0325. The former corresponds approximately to an activation energy for the promeation of water of 9600 cal/mole, which is the value measured by Hempling (1960) in ascites cells. Figuro '4. Calculatod percentagon of intracellular water remaining in human red blood cells as a function est temperature and cooling velocity. From Mazur (1963), Fig. 50) by permission of the Rockefeller Institute Press (J. Gen. Physiol. 47: 347-369). Figure 5. Recrystallization of ice. Electron micrographs of vacuum evaporated replicas made from ice films produced in high vacuum. • From Meryman (1957) by permission of the Royal Society (London). Figure 6. Effect of cooling velocity on the survival, morphology, and extent of supercooling of cells of the yeast Saccharomyces -) water, cooled to -30°C or below and warmed either rapidly (-- vity or slowly (----). The curves are logarithmic means of data from Mazur (1961a), Araki and Nei (1962), Doebbler and Rinfret (1963), Moor and Münlethaler (1963), and Green and Mazur (unpublished data). The photomicrographs are from Mazur (1961b). The left and center micrographs are of cells substituted with cold ethanol after slow and rapid freezing. The right hand light micrograph 18 of untreated cells. Ultra-rapidly cooled yeast appear normal morphologically when examined by the electron microscopex (Mundkur, 1960, Moor and Mihlethaler, 1963). The solid curve shows the extent of supercooling of the cellular water at -15°C, and was derived from Figure 3. - ... - ----- -- ---- - . . . Figure 7. The recovery (100 - % hemolysis) and extent of supercooling of mammalian erythrocytes as a function of cooling velocity. The recoverie. (Curve A) are from date of Gehonio, et . (1963) and Luyet, et al. (1963). Curves B and C show the extent of supercooling in cells at -10°C and -15°C respectively and were calculated from Figure 4. The unlabeled solid and dotted curves show for comparison the survival and extent of supercooling of yeast. Figure 8. Electronmicrographs of bovine blood cooled to -150°C in a 20-4 layer and substituted with ethanol at -78°C. From Rapatz et al, 1963 by permission of Biodynamica. 2 X Viable count img IT00 TUJIUOTOIA 001 DIO LIITUUTT CION CuaTQD EU 0 ULU 10011 NOST III 1II1I LIIITTITT LII NONOIDID B3I01 K Ir ID010 III QUIN UUUTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDU VUUUULIDUUDIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 ULTUUUUUUUUUUUUUU titi ITUN UDA Ontl In 200t 010 AI Mours after inoculation UI LUDO Q1IIUPI LOI 1010 100 01111000 IIIIIII LUULU mm CULMIIIIIIIIIII O UU 1010 1 10100NIIDU OUILDI DDUUUUU LED 00000 011100T UUUULIO BO L 000000 VOLUIDO * LUUL 101 IN UU UTDOO DUD00 DIIIII IUNIIDII LIIDI1010 111UITUIT IDIDUI UUDIIDIIDII UUUUUUUULI UUUUUUUUUUUUUD IDUOTIDIDI UNUIUTO DUIN DUWIIDIIDII MINUID DUUUUUUUUUU DIIIIIII 1 DOILUUUUUUUU WIDTUDUTULO ILUUUUUUUUU WIDT DDU UOTOI IIIIIII 0101010 LITT UDITOI00 DULULII 00000011 100000 UI11INI! 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UDITUO UIUIUULIIINUUUUUUUU D000001 DIO 000000000000OODI JUUDIO OUIIOLI LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2011 DONITI DULUDDILINDUNUDUTU 1000 DIMITI IUNIIDIIDIDULUI ODOTT DIIDII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0011010 ONIITTI TITOLUIDUUNIU OPIO DUTI1IITOTT UUUUUUUULLIS D IIIIITTOTIT IIITTIT JOL 0110111 TUDIO DIIDIII 101 WIRDIIDIIIIIIIIIII DUOD IN 2001 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IDIOITTI DUDULO 11011111111DUITUD TDI1 10UNIT TODIILI TUUUUUD 10101 RIDDITINTIT IIIIIDID 000000001ITIT DIOL DUUUUUUUUU DIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDID LOOD IULIDUIT D100IUTI DO 3100IULITRI ODIDIT PJOTVOIDDIDDI DUTCD00 CU 1 OO ORIRIINIDID DDITION DUDUILDDODD0.II. OUTDOIT DIIDID IIIIIOut. . 0001 10.III 0 V TUNNY of Turonaj Vei'nim ***.------- ---- wowe . 14" 1 . . S . Y ? . I 2 . ... - - 17 . . i * - 9 1 " - . 2. . . - - . . . . . DATE FILMED 11/ 30 /64 WI -LEGAL NOTICE - This report was preparod as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any Information, apparatus, method, or process disclosod in this report may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Asoumor any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the U66 of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provideo access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END