** w * - - \ ...a M. [y* - w - * * L * : *, K** - - **: *''' {}**** #########7%'. {{..., Sr.'. '.' i *- .- - r *... * * * *...*. R. ******g * * - * *# ################## # \ # | # : : # * | : # } 3. * 2 Q(\ Q & 29/A-441 - /* * Method for Obtaining Second Derivatives in Electron Tunneling ** **** * *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* *** * * ***** ***** Me " " - • **** * ... a-ar" -" J. W. T. Dabbs in: Oak Ridge National Laboratory 4 Y's a f* Oak Ridge, Tennessee In studying the conductance of superconductor-insulator-super- conductor tunneling Junctions, it has been found most helpful to Observe the derivative of the conductance as * * of revealing more clearly the rather small variations which appear.” Thus, the second derivative of the I-V characteristic is useful in observing effects associated with peaks in the phonon spectrum of the superconductor, as well as smaller effects associated with van Hove and other critical points in the spectrum.” A method previously unused for obtaining a’I/aw” in tunnel junctions as a function of applied bias has been developed. Instead of the use Of an electromechanical rate generator" or of observing second-harmonic generation’ caused by the non-linearity of the junction, an intermodu- lation ("beat") frequency signal is observe". If a voltage of the form v - v. a sin at + B sin at - (l) is applied to the junction, and if * * f(v) is analytic, then an expansion into a Taylor series about the point Vo gives, among others, the following terms in the current through the Junction (and thus through a series resistor): A* * *\ /a"I l, av’ w O Tale report l E G A l :---- Quatee, * We Commies tea, wow any porvet wetlag ea behalf at * Wło Celas(\}*: A. Bls we way warretty or reptoevstation, owpressed or "taplied, with row set to the accu- : ': : WOWs), ****** * * * * * Atwange only liabilities with respect to be use off, w to da Magee from ": **::::::" * QQ Ca £::::::: : Qe Comatoetoe, at employee of eve' restrattor, to the errat G\at ©! yee or centractor el ús Comatewton, or *aytoyve of wet centracts preyaree, seeminatee, or provće strowe te, and Wafterwettea perseast to ble empley* or centreet w", the Co walweisa, or Ma empley* with sect contracter. s O 2 2 A d"I I.--. = Qı- +. 2O. [+(#) V O It is seen that Eq. (1) leads immediately to 2 d"I lim 2 (#) " A, B-> 0 AB "ata (6) V O Similarly Eq. (5) gives (£), # = #,G) Io/A * (7) O It should be noted that the second harmonic term gives # - £2,5-3" {Oufd 33 H2 DANDL AAA ACTIVE FILTER —#. HM- { X35 B>- 55 Hz I' >–3– CHOPPER 2- OEMOD, x+ 22 Hz DANDL B PHASE | > :- 3O ACTIVE FILTER SHIFT | X h {OOk 66O HZ 33 Hz T. F. O. ×== > — CHOPPER 33 Hz DANDL B | PHASE + DEMOD, ACTIVE FILTER SHIFT ! d C B = PLUG IN DC COUPLED ORERATIONAL AMPLIFIER (BUFFER) R 8: 10 Q S = PLUG IN DC COUPLED OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER (SUMMING) C-C = CONSTANT BIAS CURRENT SOURCE INPUT POINTS D = DYNAMICS INST, CO. 4 (32 DC CHOPPER AMP, (MOD. FOR EXT, OUTPUT ) M=#McINTosh 225 AMPLIFIER P = 6CW4 NUV/STOR LOW NOISE PREAMP T = TEKTRONIX 122 LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER (MOD, FOR A = 3OOO, REVERSED PHASE) TFO = TUNING FORK OSCILLATOR (PHILAMON TFGX-5423 (INCLUDES SCALERS) FIGURE 1. —W– = {Ok EXCEPT WHERE NOTED UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-7677 T." Y FireRF.” * J {Ok —W— -A {Ok 4Ok *|->|-W – C |f W. 470 AOk AAAA DANDL ACTIVE FILTER (CA 32 (5.9/ufd/#) |Ok 47O |/ |\ {Ok —W- o—W— SUMMING OR BUFFER AMPLIFIER *****#1&##############!", #&#. *::::: * * * ** * *.*.* ******** ***** *** *-*.*.*.*.*.*.* v. to 2...... ... ........, , * * * * * * UNCLASSIFIED ORNL- DWG 64-76.76 +5.35 V +4 v #. 2.7 {k 33 é- Q2 D4 :* Q4 2 * - 1/ Q3 V. 8.2k + 45-33 * * I 3.3 k 4.5k $47 Hooza = - 4V "E" BASIC PLUG IN OPERATIONAL AMPL FIER (MAY-DANDL) Qí = 2N1613 OR 2N467, Q2 = 2N779 OR 2N499, Q3 = 2N5O2, Dí = FD (OO 6AK5 6AK5 8 8 CONSTANT CURRENT SUPPLY (C.E. NEILSEN) FIGURE 2 . | DATE FIL s / f .* L E G A N. O. T J C E This report was prepared as an account o' Goverament sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: * A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infriage privately owned rights; or . B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of hay information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any ena- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. # |".| |".O | * |