- - 5) :. . .- - UN t . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 390 X2 3 i 2 FINS TE 2 -- - . . → X - ! .. . EL 19 VRA C. WY T : R ! . . " 971 TV 1-. ORNL B-391 CONF-571-14 .. . . OCT 51964 A FUSED -SALT TLUCRIE-VOLATILITY PROCESS FOR RECOVERING URANIUM FROM SPENT ALUMINIUM-BASED FUEL ELEMENTS* 1 LEGAL NOTICE - two more m ore un moment of our world work, Mother and min, w e wendet, me ma pornoa kun on bota Count : A. We my writy or notte, or ied, muret b aru mey, w ., or watele a Information cont i e remort, or het them Wor , two , w mos le m por may not long MASTER , Arviteurin m o do hor down from the Wyr y , or me dech wert. Am med in the two, porno mine an d the Colom" method wym. Wory t r a in , or player of the contractor, then that met me tat t oo, or play of we contractor mayor, dan , « porta nec , torneira para Wewhey or unst the Creation, or Me ployment will meetritter. by M. R. Bennett, G. I. Cathers, R. P. Milford W. W. Pitt, Jr., J. . üllmann Chemical Technology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory ** Wi To be presented at the 148th National American Chemical Society Meeting, Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Prod.) in Chicago, Tllinois, September 3, 1964. (Fcz oral presentation--not for publication in this form.) - *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Caroide Corporation. NAV im . ITAL 11' - : RTV . - * : IIVI RODUCTION . SA . . . . TAI The ork to be described io pirt or an AXC-sponsored program to develop 2.10ride volatility methods as c. Iternatives " queous methods foi reprocessing spent nuclear reactor fuels. Varicua approaches are coin studied at Brookhaven, Arconne, and Oak Ridge National laboratories. We in the Chemical Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory here, since 1955, been concentrating on a method in which the fuel to be processeá is either a mixture of molten fluorides or is dissolved into a fluoride melt by HF. The uranium is then converted to the volatile hexa- i'luoride with fluorine, and further purified by passage through beds of Vürst and mista. Mr. Carr just presented an account of the application of such a method to the processing of 2r-U alloy fuels. I will discuss the qevelopment of a molten-salt fluoride-volatility process for Al-U alloy fuels through laboratory and semiworks scales. Although an aqueous process for aluminun-based fuels is in use, a volatility process for these fuels could provide additional load for a commercial volatility plant. - Slide 1. Let us examine for a moment some of the advantages and disadvantages of the molten-salt fluoride-volatility process for Al-U alloy fuels. The process, like its counterpart for Zr-U alloys, appears particularly attractive from the standpoint of directly yielding its highly radioactive waste as a low volume of solids. The process has minimal problems of nuclear afety. From the standpoint of chemical safety, the reactions are easily controlled, there are no reservoirs of liquid oxidants, and the process operates at practically utmospheric pressure. By analogy to the Zr-U alloy process, degree of decontamination of the uranium from f'ission products should be exceptionally high, and uranium losses have been shown to be low. - Slide 2 - As in most fue I recovery processes, corrosion is a point of concern. By normal standards, corrosion in molten-sa It fluoride-volatility processes is high. However, our data indicate that corrosion in the dissolution or ta ti 2 . hydrofluorination step is lower in the aluminum process than in the zirconium process. Unfortunately, one recent study indicates that corrosion during the fluorination step may be worse. The proximity of the temperature of the relt during the dissolution step to that of the melting point of the Al-i alloy has been of concern, but laboratory tests and calculations indicate that the inadvertent melt- ing of a fuel element during full-scale operation should not lead to any serious consequences. (Slide Off) Our conclusions thus far are that the molten-salt fluoride-volatility approach is ſeasible for use with Al-U allcy fuels. Although we do not at this stage claim superiority over either the aqueous process or the other volatility processes, demonstration of the process with highly irradiated, short-decayed fuels seems in order, and work is underway in our Volatility Pilot Plent to that end. . . . - Slide 3 - As to the details of our studies thus far, Mr. Thoma has presented results of his phase equilibrium studies which culminated in our use of the KF-2rF2-A1F, system. I will (1) summarine laboratory studies made to determine dissolution rates of aluminum in that system, (2) briefly discuss the reaction mechanisms postulated for the dissolution step, (3) describe alternative flowsheets for the steps involving molten salt, - Slide 4. (4) present results of laboratory fluorination tests, (5) describe a demonstration of the process at a semiworks scale, and (6) mention our corrosion studies. - Slide 5 - CHOICE OF KF-ZrF4-A1F, AS THE SOLVENT As you have already heard, the system KF-ZrF,-A1F, was chosen based on its high solubility for A1F, as evidenced by liquidus temperatures less than 600°C from 0 to at least 35 mole % A1F, Its low cost made possible by the commercial availability of ZrF2 •27 at 50$ per pound (67€ per pound of contained ZrF), and its low viscosity and vapor pressure at the operating temperature. im LUI 'my I 1 . . ' "! TIT . LOR NDX1iv., TA WAT WAY 1111 Y TYTO 5' A. r it *Ataryuyo - Scice 6. wor DISSO JIIO Summm.ry Ol' vooratory-Scale Dissolution mate Tesis Next in importance after choice of a salt system is determination of rütc oi dissolution of the alloy in the cult by II. A total of 25 such tests were made. For reasons wirich will be apparent later when I discuss the details of the alternative flowsheets, the tests were made in three groups related to composition of the initial melt. The tests consisted of the partial reaction of 3-g specimens of aluminunn in 60 to 70: 3 of salt held in a 0.93-in.-ID' reactor. The tests were conducted at 600°C, arů hydrogen fluoride was passed through the melt at about 100 std ml/min. - Slide 7 - The first series of tests centereä around an initial relt of 60-40 moie F-Zri'. Interestingly, u maximum dissolution rate of 51.2 mils/hr was obtained at that composition. In the second series of tests using 65 to ??O mole E"-ZrF2, addition of 4 to 10 Alf, was necessary to maintain liquidus tenperatures below 600°c. In this region, another maximum but lower dissolution rate was found. - Slide 8 - In the third series, dissolution rates over a possible process path increased steadily from 7.8 mils/nr at 12 to 42.6 at 29.0 mole ' Alfgó - Slide 9 - Reaction Mechanisms Variations in the rate of hydrogen evolution with initial melt com- position and formation of an intermediate reaction product at some melt compositions led to the conclusion that Equation i wais not the only one occurring, but that the zirconium fluoride was also being reduced according to Equation 2. 2A1 + 6HF – AlF3 + 3H, (1) KAI + ZZ/F- 4A9F2 + 327 " " .. The intermediate reaction product was a black material that was never positively identified. Its chemical analysis was inconclusive because of the presence of the salt matrix. Lack of an X-ray diffraction pattern indicated that it was amorphous. It liberated hydrogen from water and nitrogen oxides from nitric acià. The l'ormation of the black material, delayed evolution of hyürogen, dissolution rates, and melt composition were interrelated. Generally speaking, when the evolution of hydrogen was delayed, the black material was formed and dissolution rates were high. Side reactions occurring as a consequence of Equation 2 probably formed zirconium hydride by Equation 3. Zr + ZH, -- Zr H, Some indications of the formation of a transitory Zr-Al intermetallic were also noted. (3) - Slide 10 - A comparison of Hr consumption, hydrogen evolution, and metal dis- solved during one indicated that the composition of the zirconium hydride formed was ZrH, 22• This is a reasonable value based on the low average partial pressure of hydrogen during the run. - Slide 11 - When hydrogen was retained and the black material was formed, continued hydrofluorination resulted in evolution of all of the hydrogen and disappearance of the black material. In the runs made during the third series of tests, as previously described, the evolution of hydrogen was not delayed, and no black material was formed. "STEP" AND "PARTIAL TRANSFER" PROCESS FIOWSHEETS DEVELOPED Two methods for obtaining a reasonable capacity of Air, in the 'melt were developed. Both were based on the phase diagram for the KF-ZrF2-AIF, system, the use of commercial 63-37 mole % XI-ZrTw, recycle of the salt from one dissolution to the next, and operation at 575 to 600°c. The specific flowsheets and compositions about to be described were based on charging an integral number of Oak Ridge Research Reactor II , "" fuel elements to the Volatility Pilot Plant hydrofluorinator for each dissolution step. - Slide 12 - The "step" process is pictured on this diagram. Note that only the lower left quarter of the overall composition-liquidus diagram is shown. Changes in comosition are indicatcd by the path TGHIJK. The initial melt (point F) is 60-40 mole ' KP-Zr7. Iwo cycles of dissolving one element and diluting with Kresult in reaching point J. Two more elements are dissolved to produce a salt containing 30.5 mole % AlF and 3,000 ppm of uranium when using irradiated elements. After fluorination the salt is discarded. - Slide 13 - The "partial transfer" process actually starts at M with an initial melt composition of 66-22-12 mole % KF-Zrf;,-AIF, and extends to N, but when starting a series of runs, the initial relt is obtained by following the path BIM. The path MN represents the dissolution of two elements to yield a melt containing 29.2 mole % AIF, and about 2,600 ppm of uranium. The uranium is removed from this salt by fluorination. Then about two-thirds of the salt (by weight) are discarded. The other one-third is recycled and diluted with 63-37 mole % F-ZrF, and KT to 66-22-12 mole ' to become the salt charge for the next cycle. This sequence of operations can then be continued indefinitely. The location of point M may have to be changed slightly, since, as the diagram indicates, the most recent phase-diagram studies indicate & liquidus above 600°C for that particular composition. - Slide 14 - FLUORINATION STUDIES The ability to easily fluorinate uranium from the proposed melt is a requirement for any new application of the molten-salt fluoride-volatility process. Laboratory-scale tests were made to determine the completeness and rate of removal of uranium from KF-ZrI' -AlF, melts. Conditions and results of the tests are summarized here. The results show that the wiunium wus easily volatilized. C . . CA S . LA 61 . . LE :. The first tiro tests shown were made with relt compositions expected at the end of the first part of the step process, the third and fourth tests simulated conditions at the end of the step process, and the last test was typical or the relt composition at the end of a dissolution using the partial trenufer method. The highest l'inal value for uranium con- centration in any of the fluorination tests was 30 ppm after 1 hr of sparging. This me.lt initially contained 5300 ppm ož uranium. - Slide 15 - SEMIWORKS-SCALE TISTS i As the next step in developrcent of the molten-salt Iluoride-volatility process for Al-U alloy fuels, tests of the entire process were made at an engineering or semiworks scale. Shorü lengths of full cross-section fuel elements were first dissolved into a salt melt by HF. Both the step and partial transfer procedures were tested. The uranium was removed from the melts by sparging with fluorine. These tests were highly successful; both overall penetration rates of metal during hydrofluorination and degree of uranium removal by fluorination were excellent. - Slide 16 - Here is a photograph of the reaction vessel used. The lower part is 5-1/4-in. II), compared with 5-in. Il for the 9-1/2-ft-high lower section of the hydrofluorinator in the Volatility Pilot Plant. The insert photograph shows an 8-in. length of a full cross-section fuel element typical of those used in the tests. In contrast to the Volatility Pilot Plant where the hydrofluorination, or dissolution, and fluorination steps are performed in separate vessels, in these tests both steps were performed in the same vessel. The section of fuel element rested on a perforated plate over the HF inlet point. The salt level varied from barely covering the element to midway in the 9-3/4-in.-ID expanded section, depending on the process used and the length of element section. The constructional material for the vessel is INOR-8, or Hastelloy-N. - Slide 17 - The test of the step flowsheet consisted of three dissolutions and one fluorination. Overall penetration rates varied from 3.5 to 9 mils/hr of HF exposure time, and overa 11 utilization of HF ranged from 9.5 to 44.816. - Slide 18 - After the last dissolution, the resulting seit was sparged with fluorine at 2 std liters/min. After three hours, the uranium concentration had been reduced from its original value oi' 6210 ppm to 65 ppm. - Slide 19 - The partial transfer procedure was tested next by making six dissolution-fluorination cycles following an initial step dissolution- ailution to obtain the desired corrosition. Overall penetration rates were 3 to 6 mils/hr of exposure to HF, and HF utilization varied from 15 to 37%. - Slide 20 - To study the Iluorination part of the partial transfer procedure, a total of eight runs were made using the salt produced by the dissolutions. Data from six typical runs are shown here. Note the low final concentrations of uranium obtainable after only two or three hours of i'luorination. From an operational standpoint, the runs were very smooth. The exceptions were two temperature excursions that were controlled by stopping the flow of HF until the temperature returned to normal. - Lights - CORROSION The relative corrosivity of the proposed melt to the container materials is of great importance when considering new molten-salt fluoride- volatility process conditions. Five separate studies were made at ORNL and at Battelle Memorial Institute under subcontract to determine the corrosivity of the rea gents in the aluminum process. The metals of interest were INOR-8, alloy 79m (Isnown commercially as HyMu 80 and Moly Permalloy), and nickel 201, or I-ivickel. Three of the studies YEN 3 * 4 .. . 1.. . were muc with molten salt and HF'; one of these comored corrosion rates with sind without aluminu? úissolving. Anocher study cc 2011 simulatců the Iluorination step ai a laboratory scale, and the fifth one was during the semi works-scale cycles of hydrofluorination and iluorination in the same vessel, is previously described. let me surmarize all of the hydrofluorination corrosion studies, by saying that, in general, the corrosivity of the compositions of KF-CTI",-AF, and HT toward INOP-8 is less than that of the NaF--Zri system used for zirconium Fuels. - Slide 21 - Shown here are times, temperatures, and the salt compositions used for the laboratory-scale determinations of corrosion during fluorination for both the zirconium and aluminum processes that were made at BHI. - Slide 22 - We present here the results of this test. Note the significantly greater rates of attack found for the aluminun process. - Slide 23 - More encouraging is the comparison of rates of corrosion of test burs exposed at a semiworks scale to repeated cycles of hydrofluorina üion and fluorination during tests of both processes. Again the times, temperatures, and salt compositions are presented. - Slide 24 - This slide presents the corrosion rates calculated on the basis of time of exposure to fluorine. This gives a conservative value that we feel is appropriate because of the much greater corrosion experienced during the fluorination step. The data show the greater resistance of alloy 79-4 as compared with INOR-8, and the lesser corrosivity of the melt used in the aluminum process as compared with the oile used for zirconium. - Lights - Let me conclude by saying that the process is now being operated in the Volatility Pilot Plant using unirradiatea : uel elements, and I hope that the successful results of this series of tests will be the subject of another paper at some future meeting. PAK 1. AI. 019 V. AML para X6 WV1 0 AMIS*** YAT Slide 1 ADVANTAGES OF MSFV PROCESS FOR AI-U ALLOY FUELS RADIOACTIVE WASTE - LOW VOLUME IN SOLID FORM. SAFETY - EXCELLENT FROM BOTH NUCLEAR AND CHEMICAL STANDPOINTS. SEPARATION OF U FROM FISSION PRODUCTS - VERY HIGH. URANIUM LOSSES - LOW, M WITT Slide 2 POINTS OF CONCERN WITH MSFV PROCESS FOR AI-U FUELS CORROSION PROXIMITY OF MELTING POINTS OF SALT AND FUEL ELEMENTS .. ... ..... ..... .. ... .. . ..... 8lide 3 OUTLINE CHOICE OF SALT SYSTEM - R. E. THOMA DISSOLUTION OR HYDROFLUORINATION RATE STUDILS REACTION MECHANISMS FLOWSHEETS Slide 4 OUTLINE (CONTINUED) FLUORINATION STUDIES - LABORATORY PROCESS DEMONSTRATION - SEMIWORKS CORROSION DE TERMINATIONS " !.. N L WAT 811de 5 ADVANTAGES OF KF-ZrF-AlF3 HIGH SOLUBILITY FOR Alf, LIQUIDUS TEMPERATURE OF <600°C FROM O TO >35 MOLE % Alfa LOW COST - ZIF 2KF AT 50€/lb (674/16 OF ZIF} LOW VISCOSITY AND VAPOR PRESSURE AT 600°C 811de 6 Determinations of Dissolution Rates for Aluminum Conditions: Reactor - 0.93 in. DD Specimens - 38 rods Salt wt - 60 to 70 8 Temperature - 600°C Hr Flow - 100 ml(STP)/min t: 1. - . * C.:... 01' 1177! Point K Comp. (mole %) rF AF Dissolution Rate (mi18/hr) A- 50 - 60 62.3 7.0 40 30.7 0 7.0 51.2 37.2 DISSOLUTION RATE, GRAVIMET:0:-::s/n.:) When present, initial ... AIF, content 18 as indicated. I 2.0 5. 01 · 10.0 FIRST SERIES → | --SECOND SERIES - -SECOND SERIES I ...... . 65 70 KF CONTENT (mole % in kl.214 linory syair.) Effect of Melt Composition on Rate of Aluminum Dissolution with AF at 600°C -... -ch 55 12 Slide 7 ت ین زند. ت: أن DINL Diiû, 6., 37:4 Point K Com. (mole $) ari Dissolution Rate (mi18 /ar) C D 67 54.5 21 16.5 12 7.8 12.6 . DISSOLUTION P.?:TE, CAVINC(m3/::) in. 20 AlF3 CONCENTRATION (mole %) Erfect of Melt Composition on Rate of Aluminum Dissolution with HF at 600°C (third test series). Slide 8 Slide 9 REACTION MECHANISMS FOR DISSOLUTION OF ALUMINUM IN KF-ZrF,,-AIF, with HF (1) 211 + 6HF – AlF3 + 344 4A1 + 32.67% - 411F3 + 327 Zr + x/2 H -- Zrty . . . . . . . . Slide 10 . .. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-7578 ESTIMATED COMPOSITION OF ZIRCONIUM PRODUCED DURING ONE RUN ZrH1,34 .. ... . . . . . mammamuntendentemen desembre personer til den tradisionare merimiento seminar on instalaciones del m ercadores de comen tario commencement medicamente descending to makin memories and :.:.: دورة اون ORV, DWC, É.,-373., 54.5-16.5-29- 57.0-17.0-26.0 Mb -----...--.-.- ...! LISSCHUTION 1/10, Livinilic (til:/hr) 59.5-18.5-22.0 5-60.6-19.4-20.0 (Values are mole % KF-ZrF2-ALF3) io - 9-67-21-12 20 25 . AlF3 CONCENTRATION (mole %) Black Material not Formed During the Auns 100 the Third Series of Dissolution Rate Testo. slide 2 TI LP WA WS m inistration anderen in het ontstaan wordt TL de humor y comercianiseren om te doen in a way to get UNCI.ASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 61-6533 KF.Alfis . 600.C 301 . Alfz (mole %) 21F4 (mcle %) COMPOSITION (molo %) POINT KF AlF3 104 60 40 34 60 xc-la 120 2 1.5 18.0 30.5 27.3 24.3 20.4 19.3 ------ KF (molo %) KF L innameenemmamanarunnen - ------ KF. Zofia STEP PROCESS FOR DISSOLVING AI-U ALLOY IN KF-ZrFa WITH ME AT 575 °C 81 do 12 1..., . N . . . . LITY . 2 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG 64-6534 KF · AIF3 00 600°C N20 AlF3 (mole %) ZrF4 (mole %) POINT KE 240 COMPOSITION (mole %) M ZiF4 A1F3 63 37 52.4 30.8 16.8 66 22 12.0 53.1 17.7 29.2 zaro x KF L Ý KFZEFA 90 80 KF (mole %) , PARTIAL TRANSFER PROCESS FOR DISSOLVING AI-U ALLOY IN KF-ZrF4-A1F3 WITH HF AT 575 °C Slide 13 "WW"-TYAPUD " Slide 14 Results of Selected laboratory Tests Show Nearly Complete Removal of Uranium from KF-ZrF,-A1F, Melts with Fluorine Conditions: 50 to 70 & of salt in a 0.93 ID nickel reactor. Fluorine flow rate - ~100 ml(STP)/min. Fluorination Salt Composition (mole %) KF 2rF4 AlFz Temp. Time Uranium Concentration (ppm) Initial Final (hr) 575 0.5 1530 1.2 51 51 34 34 15 15 0.5 1480 15.0 28 575 3200 51.5 51.5 20.5 20.5 3500 51.8 16.2 32 600 1.0 3900 . 2.2 Slide 15 PROCESS DEMONSTRATION - SEMIWORKS SCALE Procedures Step Partial Transfer 32 in. : UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-PHOTO 02903A LLLS . . * - - . • . - E .OCC 000 * 1 . T - . - . VW DAN . 11 . . SY . ATTI . - 1 . . . . .. 2 . i Kd AT .. . . .. . . C RUM UNA . 2 A . . OW . * W . OOOO th . * . w . v SOME *** . TOO . _ 1000 _ X TT... - 1 CV t.. & . IT . : LAO 1 . IM minuman LI . .. . • * . IS 20 : VIA OP . R1 LY $273 . TT . . . STOPY . . . . . O . 1 1. . . . 0 . . . . . .. . . - OD 23 . . . . TITI . . . . 0 . - gi . 1/4-in. 1.D. - . . C - 1 . . . CUA . 9-3/4-in. 1.0.1 DOC SU TUL LALO POTA AL • 1° . . V . . . 2 * 1 TL . . 8-3/4 in. AS . IT 1 C amorro . . TO . EK . . 1 . . 14 L V . . b . 1 . . M 1 2 2 X . - . NAY Why . . * .. . . .. 1.. . 2 . f 1 . : LILO W I NA . !! . A TA . . . 1 1P . . . . . w OP . . . T . " var T . . . . N- LL AL . + 1 . + . . s . 17. . .. . . wagoene.com NanananismeromMANNING -URI . C 10 VO . 1 powers $ . '., . . - ' 2 A U 1 . - . L . . ".. STO U . . T . E L means . DISSOLVER-FLUORINATOR USED WITH 4-TO-10-in. LENGTHS OF Al-U ALLOY FUEL ELEMENTS (INSET). 3.21.de 16 VAL . LI . SSS _ _ _ . montanhas. TI ,. LA 12 .. ..,' WIU F OS LOT II. TCC NICOLTO APT VIDA ARRU . . T . + 2 R W . . . 0 I . . " . . . . RS m. ...... . ...... . . . 1 4 . . " . w WA . t - . . . mandarin 1 . . r N . T- . . s tant en the best to pred pune tro HF INLET AND SALT-TRANSFER LINE . . - X2 . LIT . 2 YON * 0 A . " . 0 , mannelin YO . + + 2 . . LP . -- 1 . : .. . . . - - .TV . ! . I 1 1 0 YA 1 I . . . . 1 . .. ..V . . 1 . . . . . LI L HOW ............... . i ! . . .16 . 11 L . . II LY . . TA INSTITUT 1 . 7 1. 11 1. . L . 1 . . . 2 1 1 _ . 1 . 1 . . - + 11 IL . . _- 15 r . . _ . FEY - . 1 . UT. I T - + .. 1 610 LDL . ............................... Slido 17 TESTS OF STEP PROCODURI: Dissolution (3 runs) Temperature 500 to 610°C 1.36 kg/hr HF Flow Rate Overall penetration rates 3.5 to 9 mils/hr 9.5 to 44.8% Overall lif Utilization ::: -1moms ---.--- -------********... ...........-om . ..'.- le s condimen de min nie manteriormente commissariamente commencement there is reason to internacionaliniame . L . . L 811do 3.0 . TESIM Qr STIP PROCIDURIS (CONI')) 575 Fluoxl.nnt.lon (ono zun) salt temporature (°C) 9:1180 (min) Fa Flow Rate (Std 1/min) Litors or F,/kg or Salt 180 U Concentration (ppm) Initial 6,210 Final 3.3 F. Utilization (%) Fa Half tino (min) 28 4W Blido 29 9153T OF PAMIL TAM MWIER PROCKDURE Dissolution (Inttial fitop + 6 cycl.co) Torpornturo 530 to 630°C 1.36 kg/11 ID Flow Rato Ovorall Pono tantilon Ratoo 3 to 6 m2.18/12 15 to 37% Overn... IM UL111mation ! 31 N * . Slide 20 TEST OF PARI'IAL TRANSFER (CONI'D) Fluorinat:lon (selected runs) Temperature - 550 to 600°C F, Flow Rate (Std L/min) Fa Util- Ization Fluorination Half Time Time (min) Liters of F. Ke of Sale U Conc. (ppin) Init. Final (min) 360 o 240 240 w aw w 24.3 32.1 79.1 151.6 33.6 8,380 1,410 6,200 6,900 3,380 240 - - - - 120 I ! Slide 21 EXPOSURE CONDITIONS FOR CORROSION DURING FLUORINATION IN LABORATORY STUDY Process Zirconium Alumi mum NaF-IF-ZrFM 27.5-27.5.145 KF-Z5F2-A1F3 52-16-32 Salt (mole %) Temperature (°C) Time (hr) 500 600 248 116 UF, added to produce us by reaction with F, sparge. - womandante e . . - 811de 22 CORROS ION RATES OBTAINED DURING JABBORATORY SIMULATION OF FLORINATION STEP Maximum Penetration Rates (mils Ihr) Process INOR-8 Nickel 201 Alloy: 79-4 0.0058 Zirconium 0.0154 0.0332 0.1578 Aluminum 0.1166 0.0965 "Weight loss data, no intergranular attack. "By micrometry or metallography, whichever greater. Slide 23 EXPOSURE CONDITIONS FOR CORROSION TEST BARS IN SINGLE VESSEL STUDIES Processes Zirconium Aluminum Salt, initial NaF-LiF-Zrt. 35-35- 30 KF-ZrT4-A1FZ (variable) 500 to > 700 550 to 575 Bulk salt temp. (°c) Exposure (hr) Melt 1060 907 1112 238 66 34.8 5..10e 24 CORROSION M19 Y'ON LAST RARS IN SINGLE VESSEI STUDIES PROCOSSOS Zircon:lum Aluminun INOR-- 8 79-11 7904 0.19 INON-3 0.11 0.33 0.03 Corrosion Witoli, by Hicronety: (m111 por of 12) ra 34.!! 12 * 1- . D ALS R er 25 ES PS . 4 * 4:... VE. . * 2 : KA 14. ONU oY; JANNE 41 . PM UN LIS A SP . hr i ? . . . 1:1. . ! "L DATE FILMED 11/25/164 A . " LEGAL NOTICE — This report was prepared as an aocount of Government sponsored work. Nolther the United - Hator, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Cou mission: A. Makas any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or urefulnes, of the informasion contained in the report, or that the wa. of any information, appuratus, method, or process decloved in this report may not intringo privately owned righta; or B. Asnumas any liabilities with respect to the une of, or for damagui rosulting from the um of any information, appuratus, method, or procesu dieclosed la this report. Ao wood in the abovo, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any «A- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omploys of much contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or emaployu of such contractor preparos, dienominator, or provides access to, aay Information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his omployment with such contractor. END