• : .. . • , I OFT ORNL P 330 . . . . 2:1:12:1333 M L25 L6 Lê MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 D. XV intermediate This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. FY 17 7 F Y Innen nichectomia com i- . ** * he di dissimilarmonisc - Y . 1 . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ. ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . 11 ORN -P330 (To be submitted for publication in Nuclear Physics) - Driep MASTER y isog. r Excitation of the First Level of 12c by 156 MeV Protons* R. M. Haybron! Michigan State University 520, East Lansing, Michigan 30 S000 and Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee form as a preprint. per is being distributed in Microcarů deuce that it has been published, the pa- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. bas bo evir prior to the issuance date of this Micro- in the open literature and least This paper was submitted for publication. faonths and H. McManus TT Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Abstract: The inelastic cross-section and polarization for the exci- tation of the 4.43 MeV of ac were calculated in the distorted wave impulse approximation using the Tamm-Dancoff and RPA wavefunctions of Gillet and also of Goswami and Pal. Comparison with experiment favors the RPA wavefunctions of Gillet. NALLARIB common ilotuuletin -LEGAL NOTICE Tumport mus propered uut al coronat namored worth, Netthar the Datud I T airleston D4SFAMBUTTON MALORES MAILED telo ***REOTESTE MAI O e BONTADA PUTHING OF PATENT INTEREST :: PROGEDURES ON FTLE IN RECEWING .ro - SECTION.com .. w A. Makes upwarta orogowacetatou, wprowad o lapued, with repect to the accu- mey, completenes, or watele a dolormation coutube tale report, or that the we of my talantation, want, wethod of proon dinelovedu do moport may not befrin petrainly med models B. As og Hebut. ntah respect to the wool, or for d e moltes from the a y Wormation, appanme, thod, or pronou dinelund la temporte Ne mod la domborn, pornon mette a ball of the Download" bucludiwa . ployee or contractor of the countee, ar aplogna o mal contractor, to the actor that mood wplegar of contractor of the Commission, or maployee of mad our rotor propune dandmann, o portius nown te, a hormatan per to Ho plesund or contract wa do Comission, or Money no road contractor. KELPASITI 90%! CRIT IN NUCLER SCIARCE ABSTRACTS *. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and Michigan State University. Ton loan to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory from Michigan State University 111963-64 Guggenheim Fellow at NORDITA from Michigan State University OCT 1 6 1964 -2- 1. Introduction The structure of the levels of various light, even-even nuclei hus been a topic of considerable interest in recent years in theory and experiment. It has been found that many levels cannot be described by single particle excitations between shell model orbitals. In particular, levels which could be collective (where the parity change in the tran- sition from the of ground state to the excited state J is (-1)) usually display matrix elements which are from two to ten times the single particle result. To reproduce such enhancements, one must generalize the wave- functions involved to include several nearby orbits. This is currently done either in the Tamm-Dancoff (1.D.) approximation where the collective nature of the excited state only is taken into account or in the Random- Phase Approximation (R.P.A.) where the collective nature of both te ground and excited states is allowed for. The scattering of protons by nuclei for bombarding energies above 100 MeV can be described by the distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA)!). Here the inelastic scattering operator is expressed in terms of the free two-nucleon t-matrix. Such a description allows the calculation of the absolute normalization of the inelastic cross-section which can provide a stringent test on the wavefunctions used. In addition, the polarization of the scattered proton can in principle provide information about the radial variation of the effective coupling scheme. We shall be concerned here with the excitation of the 2", 4.43 MeV level of c. The inelastic cross-section and polarization will be calculated at 156 MeV for wavefunctions obtained by V. Gillet?), and Goswami and Pal»). Both the T.D. and R.P.A. wavefunctions will be used. a here with t -3- A. The Inelastic Transition Amplitude The scattering amplitude for the transition from the 0", T = 0 ground state to an excited state J,M(T = 0) is (using the results in ref. 1) P2 = 2, Sveti Savulm")vet, d'Ubonusxf (A-2) m'n'J The functions x1*) and x'-) are distorted waves. U(n') and U(m') are spin functions of the scattered prcton and o is its spin operator. V(r,o) is the effective inelastic scattering potential given by V(79) = < vg MF Letragöz) 818 - Fy) I *O"() > (A-2) where yoº and V, are the initial and final states of the target nucleus. ry and are the position and spin of the gth target nucleon. tidios) is the free two-nucleon scattering amplitude which depends on the bom- barding energy, momentum transfer and iso-spin transfer as well the spins of the nucleons. The calculation of (A-2) is treated in ref. 1. Calculations The cross-section and polarization implied by (A-1) was calculated using the T.D. and R.P.A. Wavefunctions of Gillet and also those of Goswami' and Pal. These are shown in figs. 3 through 4. The distorted waves were calculated using an optical potential recently obtained by G. R. Satchler") from the 180 MeV data of Johansson, et al). The cross- section and polarization for the Gillet R.P.A. vector were also calcu- lated for the optical potential quoted by Johansson and are shown in figs. 1 and 2. The calculations above were performed using the full two-nucleon amplitude. In order to determine the relative importance of the various portions of the two-nucleon interaction, the tensor portion of the inter- action was set equal to zero 80 that t = A + in the notation A of ref. l. The interaction was also represented by t = A for comparison. Results The R.P.A. wavefunctions of Gillet can be seen to give results closest to the data for the cross-section. It is apparent in fig. 1 that the 3-j and L-S coupling limits must be enhanced considerably to reproduce the strength of the transition. The T.D. approximation wherein ground state correlations are absent can be seen to produce an enhancement of between 2 and 3 over the single particle result and gives a result which is close to the L-S coupled result. The introduction of ground state correlations produces an additional enhancement which yields the best agreement with experiment. The polarization data ) seems to favor L-S coupling although the Gillet vector result is quite satisfactory. It should be pointed out that the distorted waves contribution to the polarization could be substantially altered by changes in the spin-orbit portion of the optical potential. Neither V, nor Vs yield good fits to the elastic polari- zation; a better set of spin-orbit parameters could improve the Gillet vector result, and studies are in progress to obtain these. The ratio of the nuclear spin-flip matrix element to the non-spin flip matrix element, called , is equal to .75 for 3-j coupling and 0. for L-S coupling. Figures 2, 5, and 6 indicate that ^ is small for the m Gillet wavefunctions. Comparison of the values of a derived from these .5. wavefunctions (^ is a function of o for wavefunctions containing more than one configuration) to those obtained from p-y correlations) indi- cate a Güssable agreement. These measurements were analyzed with the neglect of the spin orbit portion of the optical potential: better agreement might be obtained if this were taken into account. Conclusions The scarcity of data available at present precludes any detailed discussion of the shape of the cross-section and polarization as a quantitative check on the wavefunctions of the levels involved. However, the results presented here show that the Gillet wavefunctions reproduce the essential features of the high energy proton data. Further, the refinement and extension of the high energy data could provide infor. mation of value in structure calculations such as those mentioned here. The theoretical curves quoted here contain uncertainties which could be as large as 20% (aside from possible errors in the two-nucleon ampli- tude which we do not consider here). The optical potential used here has been extrapolated from 180 MeV. Although the errors generated by this procedure should be small, they are uncertain and could conceivably produce deviations on the order of 10%. In addition, finite range effects (due to effects of refraction) have been estimated to be on the order of 10% at this energy”). The aforementioned sources of error are not essential and can be treated as the inelastic scattering data becomes more extensive. As is evident here the inelastic data should be accompanied by elastic data at the correspondong energy to provide for the accurate determination of distortion effects. It would, of course, be desirable to have elastic -6- and inelastic measurements at several energies between about 70 and 300 MeV to facilitate the precise investigation of the wavefunctions. Wavefunctions such as used here are available for many levels of 12c, 100, and 40ca. These levels are being treated as described here and the results will be reported later. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the aid and encouragement of G. R. Satchler (ORNL) and express their gratitude to R. M. Drisko (University of Pittsburgh) for modifying the distorted wave codes for use here: -..- . . .. .. -. ... - - . - - - - - - - .--.... . . -7- References 1. R. M. Haybron and H. McManus (submitted to the Physical Review). 2. V. Gillet, Thesis, Paris (1962). 3. A. Goswami and M. K. Pal, Nuclear Phys. 35, 233 (1962); Nuclear Phys. 44, 294 (1963). 4. G. R. Satchler (to be published). 5. A. Johansson, U. Svanberg, and P. E. Hodgson, Arkov for Fysik 19, 541 (1961). 6. J. C. Jacmart, et al., "Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms", Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, New York, 1963; edited by E. Clemental and C. Villi. 7. R. Alphonce, A. Johansson, and G. Tibell, Nuclear Phys. 4, 672 (1957). 8. See ref. 1 and also A. B. Clegg, CERN International Conference on High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure (1963). 9. R. M. Haybron (to be published). ZL. 2. -8- Figure Captions Figure 1 - The experimental points shown probably contain errors on the order of 25% (see ref. 6). Figure 2 - The polarization produced by the T.D. wavefunction is essentially identical to the R.P.A. result. Figure 3 - The cross-section data shown here is the same as in fig. l. Note that with the error estimate previously stated, either curve can fit only one point. Figure 4 - The experimental data has not been shown here although the R.P.A. result yields qualitative agreement. Figure 5 - The inelastic cross-section using the Gillet R.P.A. wave- functions showing the importance of the various parts of the two-nucleon amplitude. Figure 6 - Polarizations corresponding to the cross-sections shown in fig. 5. Les :,n r . "..**. .. ? i . . , UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5393 C12 (pp') C12* Eo=156 MeV 2+, T = 0 AT 4.43 MeV GILLET a R.P.A. (VS) 6 T.D. (VS) C R.P.A. (Vy) I EXPERIMENT --L-S COUPLING (VS) ..... ; -; COUPLING (VS) CROSS-SECTION (mb/steradian) 60 10 20 30 40 50 CENTER-OF-MASS SCATTERING ANGLE (deg) Fig. 1. .' - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5394 POLARIZATION -0.2 c'(e,po) C12* Ep = 156 MeV 2+, T = 0 AT 4.43 MeV GILLET R.P.A. (VS) ......... R.P.A. (VH) . I EXPERIMENT ---L-S COUPLING (VS) -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 60 10 20 30 40 50 CENTER-OF-MASS SCATTERING ANGLE (deg) Fig. 2. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5396 C12 (ppi) C12* Eo = 156 Mev 2+, T = 0 AT 4.43 MeV GOSWAMI AND PAL O R.P.A. (VS) b T.D. (VS) I EXPERIMENT CROSS-SECTION (mb/steradian) L 0 60 10 20 30 40 50 CENTER-OF-MASS SCATTERING ANGLE (deg) Fig. 3. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5396 POLARIZATION ___ _ _ _ . C12 (0,01) C12* Ep = 156 MeV 27, T = 0 AT 4.43 GOSWAMI AND PAL R.P.A. (VS) --- T.D. (VG) -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 60 10 20 30 40 50 CENTER-OF-MASS SCATTERING ANGLE (deg) Fig. 4. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5397 C12 (ppi) C12* Ep = 156 Mev 2+,T=O AT 4.43 MeV a TWO - NUCLEON AMPLITUDE b A AND C ONLY (DOTTED) CA ONLY -.- - . - .- CROSS-SECTION (mb/steradian) - - - 60 10 20 30 40 50 CENTER-OF-MASS SCATTERING ANGLE (deg) Fig. 5. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG 64-5398 0.8 0.6 POLARIZATION C12 (2.p.) C12* Eo = 156 Mev 2+, T= 0 AT 4.43 MeV a TWO-NUCLEON AMPLITUDE b A AND CONLY (DOTTED) CA ONLY -0.6 -0.8 0 60 10 20 30 40 50 CENTER-OF-MASS SCATTERING ANGLE (deg) Fig. 6. END - - . DATE FILMED 9/15/65 ' . . ..