: + 1 : + t 4 . I OFI ORNL P 861 + .. . 'r " om $ r . # F 11 1 . . . . . . 7 . . i . 45 . TFEFFERTE 3.6 ... - L25 14 13 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NAPIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 ois **--.code.ms-S -- --- . . - --- This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. ena bora - c . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- : tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect . - momen- r. w - :- "-- later * " ", r i N . it kite n ki .:. ...... aradtarme ' * * m the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. | As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ-| ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ::. .:. i . سارا / مال- د I :) ROUGH CONF-65060!-/ DRAFT 10-4-64 E. M. King S. &. Dismuke : MASTER NOT FOR Antento ANASUFICIAIS DISTATOS TE TILAUKSEN recome ' RE Limone continue to be com p oni mos won iwwritt ORDURES CONFITE M DEMOUNTING AND MACHINING IN HOT CELLS. JAN C, ipos Starannie time we were someone The collection of useful information in the field of atomic energy . -. . . APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE . - - • • . .. . frequently requires the remote handling of highly radioactive items. Fuel elements, control rods and structural elements from operating and reactors must be examined in case of failure/as a means to determine 11fetime under previous conditions and conditions to be imposed; these examinations' usually require ecue amount of dismantling to obtain a section for test. The development of new fuels, control rods and structural elements and tests to determine more fundamental properties of material under conditions existing in nuclear reactors usually require small samples that are contained in housings designed to maintain various temperature, pressure, stress and other conditions during irradiation; post-irradiation exami. nation requires the removjl of the specimen from its housing and oubo sequent sectioning of the specimen. A list of the types of experiments we have recently disassembled and examined in the physical testing hot cells at Oak Ridge National Laboratory follows: . “1. Plate-type fuel elements such as APPR and ORR. 2. Experimental capsules from the ORR, LITR, ETR, MIR, or other.. These contain experimental fuels such as vozi (Th,U)C2, molten salt fuel and miniature fuel plates; or other materials such as Beo, Algºg, or Mgo pellets. The capoules range in size from about 1/4 in. to 3 in. in'dian and 6 in. 'to 25.in. long, .. . . -. - .' ... . .-', ..'cri... ' motiiv :.'...:'. . - .':. . ...::::: ' ,.; .. .... :,: Coandestens de lapte, with respect to the soco- ha this report, or that the merament et Gavernment agensored work. Ketther the United deaboond this toport may it tastry LEGAL NOTICE - mom who had a are prethon, weiteren datum hen w , "- a the counterton" lacled epies of much contractor prope He wy lotion with remoto the won, or for tacus ruulung from the , method, or proouw daclound laws report rector of the Countdon, or neplome of mich contrmotor, to the artant that , ar prordne som no, wy biarmathom purut to Me employment or oogirect o h sotto r o the Conquestion, or to with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. amer then, w of my worth . ... lege or out down 3. new or mod time .. A. Mae where, w muy. This paper was submitted for pubucation in the open literature at loast Jaonths prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the 1.8.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a proprint. ... .. 3. "Poolside" irradiation boxes (up to 20 in. x 30 in. x 4 in.) from . the ORR which primarily contain tensile, cube burst, and impact ........... specimens of structural materials. ... .. . Loop experiments such as the ORR-GCR Loop # 2 And the ORR-Army pressurized water loop. The Loop # 2 experiment as received at the hot celle de normally about 5 in. In diam and 11 ft long; provisions have been made at the cells to receive the . .. .. experiment with its shielding plug if necessary and this in : .. about 18 in. in diam and 15 ft long. The equipment necessary for demounting 18 in general the safe that ... would be used if it were possible to do it in a conventional manners . . . .. though there is a nutable shift to power tools, especially for saving. lland tools are almost always used to some extent for prying, probing, holding, twisting, etc. The tools most often adapted to be held by master slave and the heavier duty electric manipulators are: diagonals; ...:-.- . e n .wire -.q.mar allen wrenches; socket wrenches; box, open-end, adjustable and pipe . w : Icon . ne -"ovo. m........... . . -: •.. .-.. .. . . : -. - . .' ....... ...... ... m...vr.no ..................omn..wameone... :.'...... . .. ... . . wrenches; screwdriver; banmers; tweezers. Other equipment that we usa... regularly include: :: 1. Shears • three shears are in common use; one for pipe up to .2 2 in. in dian, one for pipe up to 4 in. in diam, one small plate-type shear. 2, Saws - hacksaw, bandsaw, skill saw, and guillotine saw, 3. Abrasive slltters - Capsule slitter, metallographic sample cut-off saw, a small saw with thin blade for this sample: . ...... . sohor don'.- .. *--.micos .... . . ... ...... .....": .. preparation. .. 3..... . . .......-.. ... Milling machines - a modified Bridgeport, and a special unit built ry Cincinnati Milling Machine Company. ; shine Company. ........... :'-- -.-.. - .. b -..-- . . .. ..! . " : 5. Gas sampling equipment - drill or needls for puncturing and gas collection system. 6. Miscellaneous itens such as cubing cutter, pipe cutter, mechanical aprealers, lathes, etc. The conditions needed for the proper use of tools in hoc cells : lucludo good violbility; this can be achieved by the use of windows, telescopes, mirrors, and periscopes with a good general level of lumination and the use of spot lights. The ability to hear lo especially valuable for mill and lathe operations. Good manipulative ability is . helpful, especially it there is a senoitive fuel feedback us in the Model 8 master-slave manipulator. A general observation on the development of equipment over several yaars is that carefully selected low cost commercially available tools, that can be modified for hot cell use easily, are usually best buys. Other poiats in choosing equipment are: 1c is more than adequate to do the same job outsi'e the cell, the major controls are easily accessible to a master-slave manipulator or there is room for mounting a more than . . adequate motor and drive system. (The master-slave is good for some . •- •-••.. handle turning if a sufficient torque arn de provided, but this action gets old fast; so for much turning a motor 1o pre farred.) For example, :: we use a small bandsaw modified as shown in photograph No. Li it io . remounted on a low stand, the blade guards are removed, plates are added to the vise, and the blade tension adjustment extended for : easy gripping by the master-alave manipulator; iso, the power switch ::. 16 removed and the saw is turned on and off remotely. Also, á miller: has byen nodifled us seen in photograph No. 2. It comes with a :: --.-.. :. . ••. : •. -. . longitudinal drive; we added a similar drive to the cross-feed, and experience has shown that a vertical drive would have been useful. • ... ... ..... . . . .u a Wheed S.. A spindle speed changer was added and found useful, but colt changing should have been given more weight in design. Modification of other controls consisted of extending, outs to help keep hand tools on (especially ratchet wreaches), extending handles on the table travel controls, and grooving handles on other controls for gripping by the master-slava manipulatori. Our milling machine bulle by the Ciucinnati Milling Machine Compray 10 a special unic built for use in the High-Radiation-Lovel Exanlaation Laboratory. The mill was operaced extensively prior to installing 10 the hot calls, but hno not been put into actual hot operation yot; paotograph No. 3 sblm it in final stage of installation in the calls. It has a 40-10. long scacionsry bed with provisions for subaorged cutting. Set-up of the work is done with muster-slave and GM Habipulators, and cutting 18 controlled from a panel outside the cells. The way in which our equipment is used to disassemble experimento can best be described by following some experiments through the staps . of disassembly. For example, the steps' in disusschly of an ORR capsule containing vo, fuel and jacketed with a compartment contalaing Nak follows 1. After removal from the reactor, the facility cube 1. pulled up .. out of the water at poolside until the specimen and cube can be cut : less than 9 ft long and the tube to cut off with a pipe cutter. Radiation levels of 200 to 300 m/hr are not exceeded; 18 . necessary from a radiation standpoint this tube cutting so dove ". in the hot cell. :'. 2. A ayion cord is attached to the end of the cut tube and the experiment de pulled directly from the pool into the hot coll, . which is located over the pool... . : . .........: . .. ................ : : • wered we .: : . . 3. Tiia uawanted tube above tho experimental capoule to cut off using a 2 10. pipe shoar, nee photograph No. 1. The hydraulic pump for the shear is located outside the calls. . 4. The capoule to hold in a vertical position and the and saved off with a backsaw, photograph No. 5. The cut 16 located to slice late the Nuit dulled space but not luto che inner capsule containing the vo, fuel. The Nak 1. poured into a container for disposal, and the space filled with an oil-clcohol nixture to reace any ruldual Nak. The ofl lo chaa vasdad away with alcohol and the laner capsule contd ning the fuel 1. sitpped out of the slenmes; all except the laner capsule la discarded as scrap. 6. Tha ondo of the capsule are cut off with an abrasive slitter, photograph #o. 6. 7. The capsule lo then slit (photograph No. 2) twico, 180° apart, and one side 11fead off. The capsule may be impregnated with epoxy prior to elicting 18 it to anticipated that the fuel L. badly broken and it is desired that it raia la place after · . . opening. .8. Samples for metallography, chemical analysis, or other tasto ara obtained by sectioning with an abrasive wheel (photograph No.2) 8. which may be used for wet or dry cutting. "!. .. . 9. An additional scep is used in opening, the capoules where it is .. .extremely important to obtain the specimens inside with no damage. The jacket of the capoule to not elit completely through 10 step 7, 1.6. about 0.015 '1o. of the jacket thickness to left uncut; • profile of the capsule to nodo prior to slicting to assure · m ent::ose antevern .. Kombinir become. -6 1 the jackat do not cut through. The capsule to then put in a aprender and the jacket cracked Opon as skinn la phacograph No. 2 Disassembly of a piece type fuoi clement to accomplished by: 1. Cuscing off the end boxes with a bandean, sos photograph No.dhe 2. The side places of the element era slit using a call willing machino, se photograpb No. LL. 3. Seleccet araas of interart for netailographic or chemical analysia are cut from the separated places with a smil sheer, m. photograph No. 12 . 4. Muallographic samples are cut from the areas of Sateross using the ver abzasive saw showa to photograph No. Specineas aro recovered from a poollde irradiation box (up to aboast 20 lv. x 30 in. x 4 in.) u follow: 3. de the facility cube to cut off. at poolside and the Irradiation box to pulled into the coll no described for the capsules. 2. The alualaun Irradiation box is cut opon with skill sen nounced in a omall-low cable as abowa ia photograph No 12. Afcar removal frou the Irradiation box too sooibly hr* "75 the tensile, impact, subu-burst, or other specimens lo riken apart using small hand tools. : Loop expor loents such as the .ORR-GCR Loop # 2 (opecimen about s da.. in dian by 15 ft long) are moved to a coll with. largar equipment for segmenting. Photograph No.Lt shows specimen being out with a guillotini sev. A hydraulic shear which will cus schedule 40 pipe up to 4 da. 10 dion to available. Photograpto 10.5 shows 16 la um in a bot coll cutting up scrap from rouctur experiments for disposal to the burial ground. PHOTOGRAPHS .... . . . . Photo No. 1. Small Bandsaw Modified for Remota Operation (RM 3358) 2. Bridgeport Mulling Machine Modified for Remote Operacion (CRNZ 52999) 3. Cincinnati Milling Machine as Instuiled in HRLEL (HCO 1441) R21967 Ivo-lach Pipe Shear Cutting Pacility Tube from Bxperiment la ORR Hot Call (not included) s. Nesknew Cutting End Off Capoula Hold in Vercioal Postelon notar en contacted). 6. Capsule sliccer Cutting Bisd Off Capsule í R 14665) 1. Capsule 811tter slitting Capsule ( 19722) 8. Metallographic Cut-off saw for Wet or Dry Abrasive Cutting (R-21127) 9. Spreader Used to Break Opeu Capaule When Jacket Is Not Cut Through (R 15279) 10. Bandsaw Cutcing End Boxes Off Plata-type Fuel Blewent (R 6611) 11. Cutting of 35619 Places with Milling Machine to separate. Platas of Pluce-type Fuel Elenal (& 6742) 12. Smuul Sheer Cutting Place fron Plate-type Puel Blement (not included) Using 13. Opening of a Poolaida Irradiation Box/a Skill Saw Mounted In i Low Table (20060) 14. Seccioning of AD ORA-GCR Loop with a Guillocima Sam (HCO 1535) 15. Your-inch Hydraullo shoar Cutting Radioactive Scrap in ORR Hot Call for Disposal (8 12676) ...... ...... ..... .. ........ ..... : ..-.-.-.-. -... ..-..- ..... -- .. -..- - -- - - .,. . vOW ...-... o .. . .. . ... - wa'n mens entretied e -. torno hem --- سمسمسمن - | | | | ت : 1 ! ! . .. : .... ه - . 1 •••• او ل ننمنننهندی تمنعينع نتمنننمعنسي منتصفنکشن جیتنامفه نعنعیمنسميه : نهينيسيس . . . .. . - س ت - - .: .. : ع-هسه من :د حم، وهم ... م. - بیمه 4 مر .. م . ۰ .. 4 ه 1 - . in. paraadiotencialetakkan keadaan نعنع م جسمملس ... ... ܀ ܢ ܂ ܙ ܙܙ1 ;, ܂ - ܀ . . . . . . . ܝܐܘܘ ܙ ' ' . ' . . , ܕ - * - ܙ . . ܕ 1 4=; , ; ܟ . ܪܪ : ܀ 11 ܀ ܐ ܚ.܀ ... ܝܨܕܕܚ ܝ .. . . . . ܂ ܕ ܕܠܐܢܰ܇ ' .ܕ ܀ . . ܣܪ ، ،، ' ܝ ܨ.. - :. 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