. . IP LUL . . D 11. • UNCLASSIFIED ORNL A a In 818 . 1 . ILI 12 . W 01 CW . ! " W ORNA-p-818 WWW Paper to the presented at the Eleventh National Vacuum Symposium in Chicago, Illinois, on October 2, 1964. JAN 2, 1965 ATIES CONF-640913.2 RELEASE OF GASES FROM SURFACES BY ENERGETIC ELECTRONS* NASIL Robert E. Clausing Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee - -- - -LEGAL NOTICE - Tuo report w momand w al Onvenuto narud work. Merther the Unid mem, w we Owino, www porno iting a ll w Corninatoa: A. Makes my writy armowatation, entend a lowed. nu repect to the accu. i dey, completeness, er woefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the ne of way w eather, hent n o w pocoa deland to wompor may not latrice miniaty wnd has a 1. Aronene meny Hamilto oth roupact to the won or lor damage rond thing from the são el may information, apparatus, method, or proceso dlaclosed in this report. Ao wand on the whomo, por este moment of the Chinet" mecludere may no. magns or cinct of Counterton, a naplegue a much connector, to the open wat much employee or tractor of the Commission, pleyes of work contractor womparsa, onman. w mom mo m moration Moto counter wa Contou, or MI plagal mo mantektur. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. En el . 2 - INTRODUCTION I am going to describe a very interesting and potentially useful, but not generally well-known process. I hope I can point out some of its possibilities and stimulate more interest in both application and research. To introduce the subject I will state two experimental observations and indicate their possible importance. First: Bombardment of surfaces with electrons having energies from 10 to 70,000 ev causes gases to .. . V be released independent of heating effects. - 2 st Second: The amount and kind of gases de sorbed depends - - 12 - upon the amount and kind of material sorbed on . . . ..- the surface. - T. These two observations provide the basis for several useful vacuum ti I. techniques. They may also provide useful techniques for research in . W surface chemistry and physics. Let me elaborate briefly: . . kul . First the vacuum techniques: Electron bombardment may be useå (either with thermal baking or by itself) . Als in V 2. SU 1 T to deplete the primary source of gas in ultra- high vacuum systems, namely the gases sorbed on surfaces. (In "dirty" systems as many as ten gas molecules may be desorbed for each incident I ! W AT. . electron.) Electron bombardment may also be used - - ; to indicate the progress of cleaning operations SIN . or surface contamination by periodically bombard- . : : . ing the surfaces of interest and observing the 2.- gas desorption. 3 . . WA . . . . ..! yer . . . I l "W " . .'' :: . . ! . . S - 3 - As for research tools: Electron bombardment provides an easy technique for monitoring the progress of some surface processes involving surface . diffusion, sticking coefficient measurements, . surface reaction rates, etc. The removal of gases by electron bombardment opens the possibility of cleaning adsorbed - gases from surfaces without heating or radi- ation damage to the substrate. The knowledge that electron bombardment can cause the release of gases from surfaces is not new, but little data has appeared in the literature. Most practical applications have involved heating, and the research has been centered mostly around studies of plasma and ion gauge phenomena. Some quantitative data have begun to appear in the litera- ture recently for electrons with up to 500 v energy. Peterman, Redhead, 24 Moore,' and Minzel and Gomer, have all published interest. ing papers on specific gas-metal combinations recently. Others have reported on the decomposition and polymerization of hydrocarbons by electrons. This information is provocat:lve but not sufficient to allow one to evaluate the usefulness of electron bombardment as a vacuum or research technique. John Mark of Radio Corporation of America indicated to me at last year's AVS meeting that he had successfully used electron bombardmeni to reduce the base pressure in a vacuum system. Clearly with this information in hand a further investigation was indicated. . 4- Town OBJECTIVES OF THE INVESTIGATION The objectives of the initial experiments were : First: To determine in a semiquantitative way the number of gas molecules de sorbed by each electron as a function of electron energy. Second: Whether or not thermal effects were directly involved. Third: Whether or not an electronic cleanup could be achieved. If these objectives were satisfactorily answered and the process still appeared useful, it would then be appropriate to launch a more complete investigation. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES The initial experiments were based on a very simple experimental concept shown schematically in the first slide. A vacuum vessel is bombarded on its inside surfaces with electrons from a simple unfocused filament. The gases liberated from the surfaces are monitored with an ion gage or mass spectrometer. The quantity of gas liberated is calcu- lated from the pressure rise and the volumetric pumping speed from the chamber. These calculations assume that the de sorbed gases are not 55 appreciably readsorbed inside the vacuum vessel. A yield of gas per . electron is obtained by dividing the quantity of de sorbed gases by the electron current. This "yield" or efficiency is then determined as a * * function of current, voltage, and surface conditions. . PE . . 3 - 5 - The first experiment used a 304 stainless steel vacuum chamber with a volume of 2.5 liters and a surface area of approximately 1000 cm. Its temperature was controlled with water and air cooling. The joints :- were sealed with copper gaskets and the whole system was bakeable. A tungsten filament was used to provide electrons. The filament tempera. -- ture was maintained constant, and the accelerating voltage was pulsed . ten to turn the electron current on and off. Electron energies from 10 to * ***... 30,000 ey were used. Electron currents from less than l ua to 30 ma were used. A 0.1 cm orifice was used to provide a known pumping speed from the chamber. A 15 1/8 Vacion pump provided a "clean" pumping system of adequate capacity. The system was not baked but it cleaned up during electron bombardment until the base pressure was 5 x 10°, which was the base pressure of the unbaked sputter ion pump. RESULTS The data in the second figure were taken when the base pressure had dropped to ~ 5 x 1029. The figure shows the pressure increase in . . . 2.... sent... . this system as the result of electron bombardment as a function of electron energy. The scale on the right shows an estimated yield of gas molecules per electron based on the assumptions that: (1) the gas 1s "nitrogen-like", 1.e., its mass and ion gage sensitivity are similar to those for nitrogen; and (2) the gas is not appreciably readsorbed in the test chamber. The errors introduced as the result of these assump- tions will lead to values of yield lower than the real values by as much as a factor of ten if the gas evolved 18 hydrogen. Note that the experi- mental results give yields of about 10 at low energies and about 10-2 at energies above a few thousand volts, eori S " .. . . . 1 L -6- 2 The data shown were obtained after bombardment with 1026 or more electrons per cm?. Initial yields, particularly those at voltages above 20,000 volts, were higher than these values by as much as two orders of magnitude. The yield of gas per electron 1s nearly independent of current from 1 to 30 ma at 3 kev. ** * : - 1 = Gas yields derived from data by Redhead, Todd, and Peterman are . included for comparison. a DISCUSSION OF RESULTS These results seemed to indicate: (1) Yields of between 10 and 10º- gas molecules per electron could be obtained even in relatively clean systems if electron energies of 2000 to 3000 ev were used. (2) Thermal heating by the electrons was a separate effect since the yield per electron seemed to be independent of the total electron . . . current when the temperature of the surfaces was not allowed to rise. (3) Electronic cleanup might be achieved since the yield of gas decreased with total bombardment and so did the base pressure of the • • • • system. Additional Experiments in Large Systems As the result of this experiment and two related ones it was possible to persuade two co-workers at ORNL to try electron cleaning experiments. These experiments by E. R. Wells end R. A. Strehlow are SES reported with the experiment I just described in ORNL-3652. Figure 3 in shows the results of some of these experiments. It is shown to illus- SE trate the wide range of yields obtained and the effects of electronic 1 . 1. and thermal cleaning. These data are based upon gage readings and WO . . . . . . AR : . 2 . ' 4 . - - - - 7 - estimated pumping speeds, assuming that the gases are nitrogen-like. The data from the UHV test facility show yield curves for a large copper - surface contaminated with diffusion pump oil and for the same surface after a mild therinal bake (20 hr at temperatures from 100 to 145°c). The yield dropped a factor of 20 after the bake. Additional baking . I - ii decreased the yields still further until they were at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than the initial value. The data from the DCX-] end . - - region illustrate the yields obtained after extensive bombardment in a * * * large, complex system of stainless steel and copper. The yields at 3 kev were initially about 10 molecules per electror: but decayed to the curve shown after electron bombardment of the exposed surfaces. The data for the DCX-1 liner were obtained after a 12-hr pake at 400°c. Although the surface had been previously coated with titanium, the getter film was no longer active and no fresh titanium was evaporated after baking. The most important things to remember from these data and the preceding data are: (1) the yield values are relatively large, (2) the yields decreased with bombardment time indicating a depletion of gas- producing material as the result of bombardment, (3) cleaning by thermal baking also reduced the yields, and (4) the yie 18 per electron were independent of current at a given voltage so long as heating was avoided. I must add that in the last two systems the indicated base pressures did not decrease appreciably as the result of bombardment. The explana- tion seems to be that the gases desorbed were fragments from hydrocarbons. = E These hydrocarbons contributed an undesirable but small part of the ion gege pressure readings. At this point I should add that some things ' . ' .- .- ! .: " . .. " . TY . ! V1 .8. will be very effectively desorbed by electron bombardment while others may have quite small de sorption rates. Identification of Gases Evolved by Electron Bombardment When it became apparent that electronic desorption processes might have many practical consequences, a General Electric Company Model 22 P T 120 mass spectrometer was added to the vacuum system described earlier. Other modifications were also made so that the system appeared as in the fourth figure. A helium pump was added and the ion gage was moved down stream from ihe bombardment chamber. Studies in both this system and the UHV test facility have identified the gases present as the result of electron bombardment of various surfaces. The gases observed during the bombardment of surfaces contaminated with hydrocarbons are predominantly hydrogen, methane, and light hydro- carbons. The composition varies with the type of contaminant and the length of bombardment time. A relatively nonvolatile carbonaceous residue is formed on the surfaces. A reduction of hydrocarbon vapors reaching the mass spectrometer was observed as the result of electron bombardment in at least two experiments. Table 1 shows the decrease in the hydrocarbon peaks during electron bombardment with 1 kv electrons. These data were taken when a new 304 stainless steel system was first 1 bombarded. The gases desorbed from stainless steel surfaces were mostly hydrogen. OF * . * *1 No major change in the composition of the gases desorbed occurred as a function of electron energy between 100 and 40,000 v. Table 2 shows some typical spectra obtained after prolonged bombardment with electrons - 3 . . " having energies up to 15,000 v. 3 . 1 . C M . PP * . ki 7. , . A va " - 9- The gases observed as the result of bombarding a tungsten target in an unbaked giass chamber were mostly carbon monoxide. Again no major change in the composition of the desorbed gases occurred for electrons having energies between 100 and 40,000 v. The major peaks and their dependence on electron energy are shown in Table 3. Only a small amount of hydrogen was observed when a very clean platinum surface was bombarded. The yield in this case was about 10% hydrogen molecules per electron, but increase'l rapidly as the amount of hydrogen allowed to accumulate on the surface increased. In all of the above experiments it seems that the nature of the gases adsorbed on the surface was more important than the substrate in determining the amount and kind of gas evolved. In each instance the composition of the gases evolved were similar to the residual gases in the system, except when oil was present. Bombardment of Titanium Getter Films Several other exploratory experiments have been attempted with varying degrees of success. I would like to briefly mention some interesting results of one of them. Measurements of the yield of gas from titanium getter films partially loaded with different gases were attempted. The interpreta- tion of the results in terms of yield values depends upon the estimated sticking factors for readsorption of gases on the getter and thus are * . . : only approximate. The results are, however, especially interesting because of the wide-spread use of titanium in sputter ion pumps and th plasma experiments. w * radi - 10 - The procedure in each of these experiments was to coat the inside · walls of a bombardment chamber, similar to the one used in the first experiment I described, with an evaporated titanium film; admit a known quantity of the desired gas and then bombard the film with 500 ev electrons. The film contaminated with approximately 10+ hydrogen molecules/cm had an estimated yield of between one and two hydrogen molecules per electron. A film exposed to 10-4 torr of methane at room temperature adsorbed very little if any CH. The same fllm exposed to Ch, at -195°c adscrbed about 1075 CH, molecules/cm². Electron bombardment of this film while it was still at -195°C caused the evolution of only a small amount of hydrogen, about 5 x 10-2 molecules per electron. The small methane peak decreased rapidly during bombardment. The getter surface of about 600 cm was bombarded with 30 ma of 500 v electrons for a total of 10% electrons. Only 10 to 20% of the methane was recovered when the film warmed up. The hydrogen yield after the filin warmed up was about 2 x 10°C (about " at would have been expected from a new deposit), thus the electrons seemed to "digest" the methane and allow the titanium to adsorb the fragments. In summary I want to stress four points: (1) The electron bombardment desorption reported in this paper is not a bulk-heating effect. TV (2) Electron bombardment desorption may be a valuable aid in producing clean surfaces without heating or 9 . causing radiation damage to the substrate. . . - N I ! . . "" . ' ' YI - ll - (3) The partial pressure of hydrocarbon vapors in vacuum volumes may be reduced by electron bombardment. . (4) The kind and quantity of gases desorbed by electron bombardment are dependent upon the type and amount of surface contamination and thus provide a means of characterizing or monitoring the condition of the surface. This data is not sufficient to permit me to say how generally useful the techniques may be, but I hope it illustrates some of the possi- bilities and will stimulate you to consider unique capabilities or electron bombardment whether you are doing research or are designing vacuum systems. 7 . :- . new-. to a - 12 - d a REFERENCES way h 1. L. A. Peterman, "Residual Gases in Electron Tubes," Proc. 2nd Intl. Sympi, Milan, Italy, 1963. in ithered 2. P. A. Redhead, Vacuum 13, 253 (1963). meni 3. P. A. Redhead, Can. J. Phys. (in press). .. 4. P. A. Redhead, Appl. Phys. Letters 4, 166 (1964). 5. G. E. Moore, J. Appl. Phys. 32, 1241 (1961). 6. D. Minzel and R. Gomer, J. Chem. Phys. 40, 1164 (1964). - - - . . . - - 7. B. J. Todd, J. L. Lineweaver, and J. T. Kerr, J. Appl. Phys. 31, 51 (1960). * ** * WU! ' I WYM UNDRUM IN 4 . 1. 1 . W in L . D YM ROU WON . . n. "" . V Table 1. Decrcase in llydrocarbon Penka During Boinbar linent :ith One Kilovo.lt Electrons us a function of the Tutal Bombardinert Current, • . . Muss Charge Total Current (1 Minutes) 105 425 2 15 1500 470000 37000 2.3000 3000 11100 340 2600 900 550 180 2000 1100 2:0 10000 5500 1200 600 120 1000 500 11100 750 2:00 220 30 1800 1100 780 A P(torr) x 10-6 19.1 x 10-6 1.11 X 10 6.6 x 10-7 x 10-7 1.5 x 10-71 Me Note: (1) Peuk ile ights are in arbitrary units, but in all cases the total pressure can be equate to the hycirocion pressure with only a small error. (2) The AP/mil is an uncorrected ion (ope renuiinc nornalized to in bombardinent current. . 14 . Table 2. Typical Spectra from 304 Stainless Steel after prolonged Electron Bombardment but no Thermal Baking. (Spectra prior to bombardment are provided for comparison.) Ma88 Charge 0.1 ma Initial Base Spectron 0.1 ma 109 v 104 v Original Spectra First Electron Bombardment 0.1 ma Base 1.5 x 103 v 6100 20000 HO00000 17000 330 50 120 Sū ū 6 wra 500 1000 300000 120 810 5000 160000 V V V V . r'. 205 220 3700 6000 1200000 'r'' V V V 10 43 44 si 8 190 190 2050 300000 (torr) 6.7 x 10-10 7.2 x 10-9 2.2 x 10-8 2 x 10-8 3 x 10-6 AC " ' . ". " .. 1" : . . .. " IR . . ... i H W F . Pop 0 Art BE E- . . Table 3. Spectra Due to Blectron ''oinbarı!ent of a lungsten Tiurget in rj1235 Tube. Mass Charưe I mal • 5 kV Before Thuring, lon. No kv lerore During I im clore . I kv Durinc lim !'ctore . Svo v rrin, In. ''efilc V During Oil In • 100 V Core During 1.00 3.0) 1.00 3.00) 1.000 1.60 :),15 0.13 1.') 0.381 0.15 1.50 0.12 1.10 0.13 0.00 0.06 0.16 0.ol Golg 0.05 0.06 1.05 . 0,74 . 2.50 13.00 0.25 5.60 0.06 0.880 0.16 3.00 0.1:0 5.20 2.00 6.20 2.0) 10.00 0.ch 2,80 11.00 22.00 0.110 8.00 0.12 1.50 0.32 760 0.30 12.00 11.60 6.60 3.60 59.00 0.16 7.50 1.10 Joilo oliv) (1.1%) 0,1: .. • 15 - 1.10 1.09 1.00 0.13 0.80 1.0 void 1.10 vegu 19.00 0.60 0.08. 0.16 1.00 2.30 0.16 :).13 0.36 1.00 11.10 0.733 Tel.0 9.00 1.40 09.16 15.00 0.00 0.11 0.18 Ion Gage ~1x10-? max 10-6 | 7x10-7~1.5x10- 6:10-18 s. 5:10M? | 1x1v-** .,!x1327 5x10=1};.::dei “x 1112007 Pressure 1.. LY! vi 1 2 .01. 14 - 16 - 2 . . - .. .. - LIST OF FIGURES - Y . Fig. 1. Block Diagram of the First Electron Bombardment Experiment. Fig. 2. Pressure Increase Per Milliampere of Electron Current as a WED Function of the Electron Energy. 22 - - Fig. 3. Comparison of Data from Various Electron Bombardment E Experiments. . Fig. 4. Block Diagram of the Mark IV Electron Bombardment Experiment. . . . . - * * * * 17.1. Saga UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5223 FILAMENT SUPPLY METERED HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY ROUGHING VALVE . TON GAUGE o turi 000000000 VACION PUMP WATER COOLING v +- 2 AIR COOLING CORIFICE WITH A 3 mm SQUARE OPENING 2+ A Fig. 1 l eve * Roaxia X > Sen UNCLASSIFIED ORML -OWG 64.5224 FIRST EXPERIMENT - SECONO EXPERWENT THIRD EXPERIMENT O SERIES OF 15-20 min STEPS 10 mo DC 0 5 sec PULSES 10 mo OC • 6 sec PULSES AC (PEAK VOLTAGE GIVEN) Imo AVERAGC OC CURRENT A 5 sec PULSES AC (PEAK VOLTAGE GIVEN) 0.6 TO 1.0 mo AVERAGE OC CURRENT A NO sec PULSES AC (PEAK VOLTAGE GIVENI 15 MO AVERAGE OC CURRENT EXCEPT AS NOTED ONTO A 0.4 cm2 TUNGSTEN TARGET TODOS or ol. FOR GLASS I REDHEAD O2 ON MO AND W V REDHEADY CO . PHASE ON MO PETERNANO CO FROM NI LITHIA - ALUMINA - SILICATE - - & - in........ SOD -- i i 10 ouo .. ---. POTASH-SODA ! LEAD logono ..-- APlma (tore) ----- GAS VIELO PER ELECTRON (molecules/ .... . .. . - .. . MO . . .. O FUSED SILICA 21104 311006 3810' 9 102 5 105 103 2 ELECTRON ENERGY ( volts) Fig. 2 e į UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5225 - - - i nas Hii harnis UHV TEST FACILITY (BEFORE CLEANING) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UHV TEST FACILITY (AFTER A MILD BAKE) - - - - 10:1 + TAI GAS YIELD/electron OCX-1 END REGION AFTER ~1017 electrons/cm2 -- EB II AFTER ~1016 electrons/cm2 EB III AFTER ~1020 electrons/cm2 4 . :, U > RO DCX-1 LINER - AFTER 12 hr AT 400 TI .... L EB TEST I AFTER ~1017 electrons /cm2 - 10-3 EB TEST I AFTER - 1018 electrons/cm2 NA . > 1004 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.5 10 20 50 100 1 2 5 ELECTRON VOLTAGE (KV) ES Fig. 3 | Tr' ' | '' UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5226 FILAMENT SUPPLY METERED HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY VACION PUMP 1 LIQUID HELIUM CRYOPUMP MASS SPECTROMETER Vuorovo ION GAUGE SORPTION ROUGHING PUMP Fig. 4 Tek ? . . . > i ha IR .. mi . 35 GALE NA W1 ? " S . * SET " E. SE DATE FILMED 13 / 18 /65 . V : . .. . -: . . i . " R RE . . - . Wit! - LEGAL NOTICE - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behall of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressod or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotenors, or usefulness of the information contained in this roport, or that the use of uny Information, apparatus, mothod, or proces disclosed in this report may not infringe privately ownod rights; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in this report. As usod in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any om- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or omployce of such contractor, to the oxtent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any Information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his omploymont with such contractor. ta 25 . LR . . www. WIN . .. *** " . d. * HAW be + TIM MIL . tu du : 2141 PE und END . . . i'1 11 . .. ' VI 12 ! 12 W m . .