. . . . . 4 . i W Here ' ' TT; iani And to Z - YOU DU . . 2P ST 1. . . . 1 2 PA + 2 . WALL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL ). ". 21 . , ., V.", id . 119 . . WRIWYLL210 5403 Novi T! * * WA 4 LA UL . PI. 656 S T . " " '7 - - 1. OPNL-P-656 - . ...:- .. THE METABOLIC PROBLEM IN SECONDARY DISEASE A. L. Kretchmar** and C. C Congdon *** NOV 1 3 1964 **Medical Division, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies ***Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory -LEGAL NOTICE - se od Rowenna betalt implied, and import Goronwit op mind work. Mother than mind M M The root omenand bra A. Makes my nrrents or popmunan, emim or impIN, Wu rept the ucre. Iky, pok ., e wela the Information contain In Wortmort, olive war of any informou, ormarth, whoa, or my s. axion in de toport may be intiner prinsiy oned that A. Aommu. my tradinin mo namin dhe knew, or for tomaron rrudunk from the In of mus mhornutta, munn, mited, or morona aukud in we report. AO i n bore, "mim kitap on ball of the Couplin " include my m. porno o contrato at the Colimion, or taparel Awill comissar, both ment Wat sich inployee of contabor of the Cranioshan, of inmore o coir la propr., ammaim, mitte m ih, An Internallon MTIHANI O NI inplosment or contrac! ote the Commiama, or wimple that no contractor. moro, "per taplon a mori rosirku. " -- - *Research jointly sponsored by the Medical Division, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies under contract to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. THE METABOLIC PROBLEM IN SECOIDARY DISEASE A. L. Kretchmar and C. C. Congdon . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . Highly significant changes in the level of aspartic acid in liver and the activity of lysozyme (muramidase) in kidney are already detectable 5 and 7 days after irradiation and treatment with allogeneic bone marrow. There 18 other evidence of a disordered metabolism of the host particularly in amino acid metabolic pathways and this disorder 18 already detectable at 5 days and subsequently appears to spread and lovolve other systems than aspartic acid metabolism. We suggest that, talen with the experiments of Lochte et al. (1), our biochemical results indicate that a disordered host metabolism 18 a very early consequence of transplantation of allogeneic cells. This 18 presumably the result of a methotrexate-sensitive component of the grafted cells whose early activity may lead to secondary disease by injury to an as yet unidentified target system or systems in the pathways of intermediary metabolism in host - - . tissues. Evidence of this injury 18 detectable before the graft has reconstituted - - the hemopoietic system of the chimera, before the dramatic histomathologic ' . , changes in the lymphoid system are manifest, and before the chimera 18 clinically (1) Lochte, 8.1., Jr., Levy, A.S., Quenther, D.M., Thomas, E.D., and . . 11: S '. . . . . . . I. The folloving factors have been suggested as etiologically significant in homologous disease: a) graft antihost immunity b) late Irradiation effects c) depressed immune competance of the chimera vith chronic lofection and parasitism a) possible metabolic defect associated with lack of lymphoid tissue e) "sump" effect (F48. 1) of proliferating grafted cells Part of the difficulty in abbiguing priority among these factors 18 the lack of a generally acceptable characterization of secondary disease. Weight 1088 alone 18 too nonspecific. Dermatologie and visceral lesions are neither 10,72 specific in their histopathology nor waiformly present T1,257; diarrhea, though prominent in some experiments, 18 absent in others 41,19). Delay of postirradiation greying, presumably due to impaired hair growth, 18 apparently a uniform clinical sign but limited to animals with pigmented fur. The histopathology of the lymphoid tibbue, with proliferation followed by atropby, appears to be the most central feature of the secondary syndrome, . : .:.: -* ' - - tert: . -. * Max * * * but the proliferative reaction in the nodes of the allogeneic chimera must be distinguished from a proliferative reaction that occurs in animals treated with syngeneic cells but 18 presumably due to other factors ( 7,8). The atrophic phase has also been produced by other Kads of experiments; for example, by thymectomy in newborn mice and by cortisone treatment of newborn mice. And, Indeed, a syndrome that 18 like secondary disease in radiation chimeras bas been described in these animals but 18 probably due to infection since the syndrome was not observed in thymectomized mice maintained germ-free (1, 20). Thus diminished lymphoid tissue per se does not appear to result in the secondary syndrome. " , " -- - - * VINI 1 . 21 M Ami . . 17 . C . FILI - 2 - A . ... 1 -. . - . - : * Specific biochemical alterations, if they coud be found, together with the histopathology of the lymphold tissues might be helpful in giving precision to the term "secondary disease" and thus make delineation of its biological parameters possible. riguro 2 18 a "profile" of the biochemical changes that have so far been encountered in our study of the metabolic alterations in the secondary syndrome of Irradiation chimaras. The earliest change in the compounds we have measured 18 la the concentration of free aspartic acid in liver. This 18 already twice control levels by 5 days after Irradiation; by 7 days, the concentration of aspartic acid 18 Increased 2.5 times, returning toward normal levels at 9 days but still olevated by about 50% as late as 35 days after irradiation and bone- marrow treatment. Muramidase (Lysozyme) activity in kidney tissue of allogeneic irradiation chimeras (21,221) 18 also increased at an early time after treatment. Though normal at 5 days, the activity of this enzyme increases rapidly to about 5 . times control levels at 9 days, returning toward normal but stiu 1.5 to 2 times control levels at 35 days. The RNA concentration of liver 18 detectably elevated 9 days after Irradiation and marrow treatment but nearly normal again by 14 days. Finally, the concentration of free serine in liver 18 decreased but not until 14 days, reaching minimum levels of about 1/2 normal concentration on days 21 and 35. It is clear froy these results that significant alterations 10 retabolism of the host occur at a very early time, probably as early as proliferation of the grafted forcign cells and possibly as a consequence of this proliferation. Discussion of the etiologic factors leading to the secondary syndrome in Irradiation chimeras must, therefore, include an ? Haja-aitant viewerker--*"* smi WHERYmgeni . . 2 - - . - - 25 Ata . " OM . . . . .. ". . . '. 4 . .* , ** T A . explanation of changes that occur at a stage when tre allogeneic chimera 18 not clinically distinguishable from irradiated animals given syngeneic marrow. of the factors mentioned previously, the first, sraft antihost imunity, and the last, a metabolic "sump effect" of the proliferating grafted cells would seem to be the most likely factors in causing early biochemical changes. The metabolic sump bypothesis (F48. I) suggests: (a) that the massively proliferating grafted cells somehow estad.ish metabolic priority over the host and, (b) that the resultant disorder of the intermediary metabolism in host tissues is detrimental to the host and possibly eventially to the graft itself. But extensive proliferation 18 also a characteristic of lofused syngeneio cells and since the changes, except as noted in Fig. 2, do not oacur in Irradiated animals given syngeneic celle, some additional factor or factors must be involved. Conceivably, the factor could be only quantitative. That 19, proliferation of cells in an unfavorable (homologous) environment might have to be more intense or protracted to accomplish a given repopulation of the hemopoietic system of the irradiated host and, as a consequence, the metabolism of the host could be taxed to the point of decompensation in one or more of its intermediary metabolic pathways. The appearance of a syndrome ( 3 ) in irradiated mice given suboptimal doses of syngeneic cells that has some, at least, of the features of the secondary disease of irradiation chimeras could be cited as evidence for this suggestion. The therapeutic effect of injections of lymphocytes in these animals could be related to the phenomenon described by Feldman and Yaffe (13,14 ) who found that doses of spleen cells not ordinarily giving complete protection would do so under conditions of latense stimulation, . . . - - L " 1 . a .. ; . h - - - S . 1 . The evidence 18 extenoive for the first of t'e etiological factors mentioned. previously, 1.6., graft-anti-host imunity. The possibility that secondary disease 18 caused by the reverse reactivity (that 18, host anti-graft) seems unlikely. In the firat few days after irradiation or after sublethal (5,6,7,26) doses this roactivity appears to determine the trensplantability, effectiveness, and long-term survival of the infused foreiga cells. Host anti-graft immunity, in the first days after treatment at least, would involve injury to relatively few cells and probably could not seriously disrupt host metabolism. Moreover, It has been showa ( 13 ) that simultaneous injection of allogeneic and syngeneic cells leads to the rejection of the foreign cells and recovery of the Irradiated animal without the complication of secoudary disease. In midlethal exposures (4,15,23), host anti-graft imunity 18 capable of rejecting an extensive allogeneic graft, but the animals will, nevertheless, survive 11 they are given syngene ic marrow cells ( 9 ). If graft-anti-host Immunity 18 the key factor in the induction of . secondary disease, then the biochemical evidence presented in Fig. 2 indicates . - - . . - - - - - that the attack on the host is very early since there is already evidence of biochemical injury to the host metabolism at days 5 to 9. In addition, we have previously reported changes in levels of free amino acids in liver (16,17). Glycine, glutamine, glutathione, B-aminoisobutyric acid and B-alanine, as well as aspartic acid and serine were alterod. Although these changes bave not all beon Independent of the strain of mice used in the various experiments, or have also occurred in the syngeneic bone-marrow treated mice, there is for each of these amino acids a pattern of change over the interval of 5 to 35 days after irradiation. Further, the changes in the allogeneic chimeras, when S .. *-* - *- . compared to syngeneio marrow-treated controls, are quantitatively if not . . . qualitatively different; usually more drastic change or fallure to recover to normal levels was observed. Since the levels of amino acids in the tissue . • - A -- - . 2 .- - . . . , - . S. tie 3. . . - ' ' uma pools must reflect the balance between metabolic processes supplying amino acids to the pool and those tending to remove them, our Pind:Ings indicate that the metabolism of mice vith grafted allogeneic cells is disordered. A specific example of this is shown in Fig. 3. The specific activity of aspartic acid in liver of mice given syngeneic (IBM) or ellogeneic (HBM) bone marrow 18 compared to that of alanine at 20 to 90 min after injection of uniformly labeled 14c glucose. The reason for relating the activity of these two amino acids is that the -4c In alanine during this time, while it changed rapidly ( 17 ), was the same in IBM as in HBM animals. Thus, although the metabolic conversion of glucose to one anino acid, alanine, 18 not affected by the presence of grafted allogeneic cells, conversion to another, aspartic acid, 16 altered. In parent into F, experiments, Lochte et al. ( 18 ) have shown that treatment of the mice with methotrexate on days 1, 3, 6, 8 effectively prevents wasting and secondary mortality. Taken together, our biochemical findings and" these early treatment experiments suggest the folloring: (a) a disordered host metabolism 18 a very early consequence of transplantation of allogeneic cells in irradiated mice and 18 detectable before the graft has reconstituted the hemopoietic system of the chimera, before the dramatic histopathologic changes in the lymphoid system are manifest, and before the chimera 18 clinically distinguishable from its isologous control; (b) a significant factor in the etiologic complex leading to secondary disease is a methotrexate-sensitive component of the grafted cells that can be blocked by administration of the drug during days 1 through 8; (c) the early activity of this component may lead to secondary disease by injury to an as yet unidentified target system or systems in the pathways of intermediary metabolism in host tissues; and (a) this Injury in combination with the metabolic sump effect of a rapidly proliferating graft may result in an uncompensated and finally irreversible Y . . . 1 1 - R . . . - **** V IDEcrire IW ma ........ . . ... disorder in the intermediary metabulism of the host. .. -. 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W is weight of liver, L is lysozyme (muramidase) activity in kidney, A 18 level of free aspartic acid in the liver, S 18 level of free serine in liver, and R 18 ribonucleic acid phosphorus content of liver. These changes were absent in mice given syngeneic marrow except for liver weight (ratio 1.3 at 9 days but only 1.1 at 14 days) anâ kidney lysozyme activity (ratio 1.5 at 9 days but normal after U days). > - 1. ?? . TA WZ SU L KE VY . . . . . T . . - 41 . * WWE 2. . RATIO 00 Homeurs main can avo 10 MINUTES AFTEH CH GLUCOSE MC MOMEO - Amino Figura 3. Comparison of specific activity (m Ullmicrocuries per millimole) of carbon of aspartic acid with alanine of liver from Irradiated mice treated with syngonoio, IRI:, or allogenoio, HBM, bona marrow TS colle, ' C CAS PY! L n U V2 . . PR theo "" TORT 2 ! . ... H ITRO ( TICE Y OR! .. . ..7 15.- TAT AIR . .. .'..' . DATE FILMED 12 / 22 /164 2 2.FR . 2 . . " T . : - LEGAL NOTICE - m . : 11 This report WAR preparod as an account of Government sponsored work. Noither the United Statos, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A, Makos any warranty or reprosontation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information containod in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately ownod righta; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, porson acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or controctor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of tho Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract ins!th the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. CAS . YO . 2 . !: 9 jo * 3, T! :- ** . 2 RE 2, END