UNCLASSIFIED ORNL L . WE 1 .. XL . 652 - ORN-peare CONF-734-2 NOV 1 3 1904 MASTER INTERACTION BETWEEN NONALLLIC MUTASIONS IN NEUROSPORA* Frederick J. de Serres Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ---LEGAL NOTICE Tv. raport memanda Mi Gorenmen moun wont. Mother the United Y ., nor the Canalu , MY NO ponudu kthy a l l of a Caunes: A. Nun wynimo or n am, aurum of impa.wampert o m . nxy, topelmen, or w hen of de heridoneum thanh tmpor, or what the one My telorust, want, mert a preran around in de repurt may my talringe Minhely and re: w A. 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At one time it was generally abowned that the action of genes producing functional proteins was autonomous, but many moont Investigations indicate that the primary action of structural genes 16 Bubject to various mechanisms of control. In the prokaryotes, studies on genes affecting histidine biosynthesis in Sulmonella (Hartman, Loper and Serman 1960, Ames and Hartman 1962, 1963) and on the B-galactosidase system in Escherichia coll (Jacob and Monod 1961) have demonstrated a mechanism for the coordinate control of the action of linked genes affecting the same biosynthetic pathway by means of operator genes. Each of these regions constitutes a unit of coordinated transcription termed an operon (Jacob and Monod 1961). That such control mechanisms are not limited to the prokaryotes has been shown by Giles and his associates (Giles 1964, Ahmed, Case and Giles 1964) who have demonstrated the existence of an operon in the eukaryote Neuirospora. These investigators have shown that the studies of Webber (1959, 19642, b) and Ahmed (Ahmed et al. 1964) can be interpreted in terms of an operon and they have proposed that the hist-3 region consists of an operator gene and at least three genes controlling different steps in 'histidine biosynthesis. Other types of control mechanisms have undoubtedly evolved for the regulation of gene action with the organization of the DNA into chromosomes of more complex structure and function, and studies on other eukaryotes have provided evidence for more complex types of interaction. Work done on the relations between genes in maize has shown that the action (and mutability) of a structural gene appears to be determined by the presence of controlling elements at or near the gene locus (McClintock 1956). In addition, in Drosophila complex effects on the function of genes have been observed when their associations with neighboring genes 1s changed as a consequence of certain types of X-ray-induced chromosome rearrangemente (review Lewis 1990). This latter category of effoots has been referred to as position effect mutations and they may be either of the variegated or stable type. In brief, thebe examplos show that the songs are not autonomous units and that their primary activity can probably be regulated by various types of control mechanioms in all organioms. One of the most intriguing üypes of position effects in Drosophila are those with "spreading effects" that result in the variegation of several genes in the vicinity of the point of chromosome rearrangement. It has been shown in Drosophila that variegated-type position effects and associated with euchromatin and heterochromatin rearrangement, but the precise mechanisms responsible for the spreading effects associated with certain chromosome rearrangements are unknown. Although many of the experiments in this general area are 30 to 40 years old, investigation of the mechanisms responsible for position effects 18 still one of the relatively unexplored areas of genetics. The rapid technical advances in the use of some of the "microorganisms" among the eukaryotes for genetic analysis in recent years makes possible novel approaches to these fundamental problems. Since the DNA in the green algae and the fungi is organized into chromosomes in a manner similar to if not' identical with that found in higher organisms, it should be possible these problems can be investigated at the biochemical level. In Neurospora, nonallelic mutations show full complementation and . heterokaryons between nonallelic biochemical markers grown at wild type rate. Departures from this generality can usually be attributed to the unsuspected heterozygosity for factors affecting either heterokaryon formation or maintenance (Garnjobst 1953, 1955, Holloway 1955, de Serres 1962, Pittenger and Brawner 1961). Mutations resulting in position effects, studied 80 extonsively in Drosophild, are unknown in microorganisms. It is pogodble that this is due to the simple fact that such mutations are haploid or homokaryotio lethal. In Neurospora the only mutations that have been studied extensively are those that can grow as homokaryons on supplemented minimal medium or completo medium. Such mutations have been classified as "reparable mutations" (Atwood and Mikai 1953), and they are reparable in the sense that the gonetio alteration leads to a requirement that can be satisfied by (usually a single) biochemical supplementation of the basal minimal medium. Irreparable mutations are also known and these behave as recessive lethals even un complete medium (Atwood and Mukai 1953). Recently the development of a new procedure for forward-mutation experiments in Neurospora (de Serres and Osterbind 1962, Brockman and de Serres 1963) makes 1t possible to induce, maintain and analyze the same spectrum of senetic alterations at specific loci in this organism as 18 found at specific loci in diploid organisme. This procedure makes use of a 2-component heterokaryon and both homkaryotic viable (reparable mutations) and homokaryotic lethal (irreparable mutations) have been recovered (de Serres and Osterbind 1962). Other techniques have been developed for the identification of those mutations with effects more complex than the functional inactivation of a single genetic locus. Genetic analyses of the reparable and irreparable mutations induced at closely linked loci in the ad-3 region of Neurospora have provided evidence for position effects in Neurospora and a means for the investigation of this phenomenon in microorganisms. The investigations reported here represent the first attempts towards the identification of mutations with spreading effects and the development of techniques and approaches for more critical genetic analysis. Mutant Isolation The mutations for this anayois were induced at two different but closely linked loci in the ad-3 rogion of Neuros pora designated ad-3A and ad-3B (de Serras 1956). Mutatiuns at either of these loci are phenotypioally identical; they accumulate purple pigment in the vacuoles of the mycelium and have a requirement for adenino. Biochemical analyses have shown that they affect the same or sequential steps in purine biosynthosis (Lukens and Buchanan 1959). Each component of the heterokaryon (referred to as a dikaryon) used in the forward-mutation experiments contains a series of biochemical markers as shown in Table 1. This dikaryon was designed so that any genetic alteration that inactivates the ad-3A or ad-3B locus, or both, in component II in a heterokaryotic conidium, will result in the formation of a reddish-purple (T-1) colony in adenine-supplemented medium. All other heterokaryotic conidia form colorless colonies and because of the difference in the pigmentation between mutant and nonmutant colonies those colonies containing 21-3 mutations can be recovered by a direct method (de Serres and Kølmark 1958, Brockman and de Serres 1963). With this method the entire population of treated conidia are incubated and each conidium surviving mutagenic treatment forms a microcolony about 2 ma in diameter. With an average of 10° colonies per incubation flask and forward-mutation rates ranging from 30 to 300 per 10° survivors (de Serres 19640) recovery of large numbers of mutants after treatment with specific mutagens is readily accomplished. Characterization of ad-3 mutations Genetic analysis of the mutations induced in a dikaryon after X-ray treatment showed that these mutations can be subdivided into two main classes: reparablo mutations (ad-3") that will grow as homokaryons on adenine supplemented medium and irreparable mutations (ad-zek) that will not grow as homokaryone even on complete medium (de Serres 1964a). The reparable mutations are always of genotype ad-3A or ad-3B, but the irreparable mutations can be oither ad-3A, ad-ZB or ad-3A ad-3B double mutants. Genotypes are detormined by a series of simple hoterokaryon tests with four different tester strains of the following genotypes (1) ad-31, (2) ad-3B, (3) hist-2 nio-2, and (4) ad-2 1nos. Since the markers in each of these four tester strains are found in component I of the dikaryon, such heterokaryon tests involve only the reaction of component II of the dikaryon with the testers. IR Interaction between ad-3* and ad-34mutations in forced dikaryons The interaction between the reparable and irreparable mutations at these two loci was studied first by combining them in various pairwise combinations in forced dikaryone and then determining their linear growth rates. This was accomplished by forcing heterokaryon formation between the dikaryons containing reparable or irreparable mutations at the ad-3A locus with other dikaryong containing reparable or irreparable mutations at the ad-3B locus to form, tetrakaryons (really trikaryons since 2 of the 4 components are identical in genotype) and then extracting the forced dikaryons with these nonallelic mutations in pairwise combination as indicated in figure 1. When these forced dikaryons were isolated from the conidial platings of the trikaryons and single colony 1solates were transferred to the bottom of an agar blant in test tubes, it was apparent that there were marked differences in the growth rates of different mutant combinations. The slow growth of the combinations of irreparable mutants were particularly slow, whereas those involving ad-3* + ad-ZIR combinations or ad-Z* + ad-38" combinations appeared to grow at wild type rate. It was impossible to obtain forced dikaryons for some of the combinations of irreparable mutations (de Serres 1964a), and the significance of this observation will be discussed in a later section. To obtain more precise data on the growth of these forced dikaryons, che linear growth rates were determined in horizontal growth tubes (Ryan, Beadle and Tatum 1943). Heavy suspensions vf conidia from two single colonly isolates of each dikaryon (about 10° conidia/m2) were used to inoculate duplicate growth tubes containing pantothenate supplenented medium. Each tube was marked daily for 7 to 30 days to record the total linear growth made in successive 24-hour periods. There was considerable variation in the linear growth rates of single colony 160lates from some of the dikaryons. Because the slower growth rates of some of the single colony isolates can probably be attributed to markedly skewed nuclear ratios (or more stringent requirements for nuclear ratios approximating 1:1), a large number was isolated and tested. For the growth tube experiments only the most rapidly growing single colony isolates of each combination were used. Average growth rates were determined in the region of the growth tube distal to that point, either where the growth rate became constant or where the maximum growth rate was obtained. The linear growth rates of the pooled data from the analysis of these dikaryons 1s presented in Table 2. The linear growth rate of strain 74-OR31-16A, component II of the dikaryon in which these mutations were induced, was 2.83+0.05 in the same experiment. The linear growth rates of dikaryons involving ad-3? + ad-zIR combinations can be best compared with that of the dikaryon between the two reparable mutants (1-2) 11-0 + 1-1 used as a control. Whereas the majority of these dikaryons grow as rapidly as 11-0 + 1-2, the dikaryone involving the ad-3A+* mutants 13-0, 122-0, and the ad-3B+mutants 10-1, 121-1 and 123-1 show significant reductions in lineer growth rate. The most striking feature of these data 18 the marked reduction in linear IR growth rate found with all of the combinations of irreparable mutants as compared with that of the two reparable mivants 11-0 + 1-1. There 18 almost a 10-fold difference between the growth rate of this combination and the growth rate of dikaryon involving 122-0 + 121-1! . . . The nomal growth of dikaryong involving an ad-3A and an ad-3B mutant should depend on the presence of a combined complement of undamaged genetic material in the ad-3 and immediately adjacent regions. It would appear that the functional inactivation in ad-z* mutants does not extend beyond the boundaries of the ad-3A or ad-3B cistron, since forced dikaryons between ad-zmutants have a normally functioning ad-3A and ad-3B locus and grow at wild type rate. Any spreading effects of the genetic alterations producing ad-ZA-* or ad-3BLK mutations however would affect the activity of loci in the region in between the ad-3A and ad-3B locus in addition to loci in the regions beyond both to the right and to the left. Furthermore the growth rates of various combinations of reparable and irreparable mutations in pairwise combinations should provide some measure of any reduction in functional activity. In some cases wild type growth rate can be obtained with as little as 3% of the wild type enzyme activity as shown by Woodward (Woodward, Partridge and Giles 1958) for revertants of ad-4 mutants. If the same situation applies to the ad-ZA or the ad-3B locus, then sny reduction in growth rate observed could result quite drastic alterations in the activity of either of these two loci. IR That the wild type ad-3A locus shows less than normal function in certain ad-3BR mutants and the wild type ad-3B locus shows less than normal function in certain ad-3Amutants 16 evident from the slower rates of growth of some CETE E + -corbinstics ia izble 1. Tae consequences cpreading crfccts are enhanced in various ad-3+* + ad-3IR"conited restiers viuere a vild type ad-34 locus 18 combined with a wild type ad-3B locus where both have reduced functional activity so that the dikaryons show more striking - reductions in growth rate. The nature of the genetic alterations producing ad-3 and ad-3+* mutants Mutations showing position effects in Drosophila are associated with such chromosome rearrangements as inversions and translocations (review Lewis 1950). Such extragenic mutations require chromosome breaks in two different places in the genome and show 2-hit kinetics after treatment with X rays (review Giles 1954). Point mutations or intragenic alterations result from molecular rearrangements or alterations within the gene and should show l-hit kinetics. An attempt was made to determine the nature of the genetic alterations producing ad-3 and ad-3-K mutations by an analysis of their induction kinetics after exposure of the dikaryon shown in Table 1 to X rays (Webber and de Serres 1964). In this analysis the frequency of all ad-3 mutants (or purple colonies) was found to increase as the 1.36 power of the dose. Genetic analysis of mutants showed that the ad-3 mutants increase in direct proportion to dose whereas the ad-3 mutants increase as the square of the dose (Figure 2). (F-2) | IR locus some 3.0 map units distal were also sought in this experiment and two additional classes of ad-za mutants were found, the first of genotype (ad-3B nic-2)TR and the second (ad-3A ad-3B nic-2)R. This experiment provides direct evidence that ad-34 matants result from events, and it may be surmised that they result from such extragenic alterations as inversions, deletions or translocations. It is of particular interest that ad-3 mutations are not produced in a comparable experiment. where the same dikaryon was treated with nitrous acid (Brockman, Barnett and de Serres, in preparation). Ad-ze mutations appear to result solely from extragenic mutations and are not produced by an agent that produces. mutations predominantly by base-pair substitution in NEUTOspora (de Serres 1954b, de Serres, Broclaman, Barnett and Keimurk, in preparation), The significance of the apparent homology of certain ad-3Aand ad-3B-R mutations As mentioned in a previous section it was not possible to isolate a forced dikaryon homozygous for the markers cot, al-2, pan-2 from the trikaryons between certain ad-3A+ ad-3B-* combinations: 13-0 + 10-1, 13-0 + 121-1 and 122-0 + 10-1. After several different experimental approaches failed to yield forced dikaryons between these combinations, we concluded that they must contain homologous or overlapping areas of functional inactivation (de Serres 1964a). The simplest assumption was that the extensive functional inactivation associated with these mutations resulted from genetic damage located in the region between these two loci, so that these mutants have been represeated as overlapping on a complementation map of the ad-3 region (Figure 3). The kinetic analysis of the Induction of ad-3? and ad-3IR mutations with X rays indicates that ad-3* mutants are not converted to ad-3-R mutants with increasing X ray exposure but rather that ad-zmutants each result from two hits and that each one of these hits is not detectable as an ad-3 (F-3) mutation by itself. There we have assumed that they occur outside of the boundaries of either the ad-3A or ad-3B locus. The implication of the homology between certain nonallelic ad-3-* mutations is that they have genetic damage in common located outside of the ad-3A or ad-3B locus, and this interpretation supports the conclusions drawn from the kinetic studies. In summary, with genetic analysis by means of homology tests, it seems possible to determine the extent of genetic damage in individual ad-3d mutations by the failure of various combinations to show allelic complementation and the extent of the functional inactivation (or spreading effect) by the growth rates of the ad-3-* mutations in combination with reparable mutants at other loci in the immediately adjacent regions. The genetic damage need not be precisely homologous when nonallelic irreparable mutants fail to complement. However it is reasonable to assume that at a minimum they each possess some genetic damage affecting the same cistron. Genetic analyses involving closely linked markers in the immediately adjacent regions Homology tests between ad-3dn mutations and reparable mutants at other closely linked loci represent one of the most critical tests in the analysis of ad-3IR mutents. If the apparent reduction of functional activity of loci in the vicinity of an irreparable mutation is indeed analagous to the spreading effects associated with variegated-type position effects in Drosophila, then the intensity of the effect should decrease with increasing map distance and not be present in tests with unlinked markers. Many closely linked morphological and biochemical markers are known both to the left and to the right of the ad-3 region (Perkins 1959, de Serres unpublished). Homology tests with such markers require strains heterokaryon-compatible with mutants induced in & 74A genetic background in addition to forcing biochemical and identifying morphological markers as shown in Figure 4. The same general procedure (F-4) shown for LGI markers is used in complementation tests with unlinked markers. so that such tests are unequivocal it is important that components II and III of the trikaryon be heterozygous for at least one marker in addition to the one being tested and homozygous for the markers al-2, cot and pan-2. Because components II and III are always heterozygous for the inos marker, it is possible to look for the presence of cot colonies both on supplemented and IR unsupplemented medium (with reference to the marker at the locus being tested). This is to insure that this particular combination of genomes can make a cot dikaryon, and that the absence of cot colonies cannot occur for other reasons (reversion of the cot marker, or loss by somatic recombination, etc., in either component II or III). For example, to perform homology tests with a reparable mutant at the lys-4 locus some 1.3 map units to the left (de Serres unpublished), a trikaryon is made between the dikaryon containing an ad-3Amutation and the appropriately marked strain containing the lys-4 marker on minimal medium. The trikaryon 18 then plated on minimal medium supplemented with pan (calcium pantothenate) and minimal medium supplemented with lysine and pan, and the plates are incubated at 35-37° C. Neither component II nor component III can form cot colonies on either of these media, but the dikaryon between them will form cot colonies only on the doubly supplemented medium if the genetic damage m the ad-3A-R covers the lys-4 locus, and on both media if it does not. If the genetic damage in the ad-3Amutation is not homologous to that found in the lys-4 mutant than the functional activity of the wild type lys-4 locus can be determined by measuring the linear growth rate of the cot colonies at 20° C. Appropriately marked strains for such tests with mutants at the hist-2, lys-li, hist-3 loci to the left and the nic-2 locus to the right have been . . ...! ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . . (F-5) synthesized only recently and only preliminary data are currently available. The results of homology tests based on the appearance of cot colonies from the different trikaryons are shown in Figure 5. The genetic damage in none of the ad-3B+" mutants analyzed was homologous to that in the nic-2 marker, but the genetic damage in the ad-3A_* mutants 13-0 and 122-0 was homologous to that found in the hist-3 marker. No information is available on the linear growth rates. Although incomplete, these preliminary results show quite clearly that the genetic damage in ad-3AR mutations can extend either to the left and/or the right of the ad-3A locus. IR Correlations between complementation map position and the growth rates of ad-3-* mutants in forced dikaryons There is a correlation between the position and extent of individual ad-3-mutants on the complementation map (Figure 5) and the rates of growth of ad-3* + ad-3-" combinations in forced dikaryons (Table 1). Mutants 13-0 and 122-0 show more extensive homology with other mutants than 5-0, 6-0 and 8-0, and 13-0 and 122-0 show much slower growth rates in the forced dikaryong. The same type of correlation existe among the ad-3Bmutants. Mutants 10-1 and 121-1 show more extensive homology than mitant 2-1 or 7-) and the former show much slower rates of growth for heterokaryons with either reparable or irreparable ad-3A mutants. The correlation 18 by no means complete since 123-1 is indistinguishable from 2-1 and 7-1 on the basis of present homology tests. It is possible that any correlation between the total extent of genetic damage and the intensity of the spreading effect at a particular linked genetic loci is obscured because individual ad-3B mutations have not been mapped on the right. By mapping these mutants more precisely it may be possible to determine whether the various types of interaction observed in the forced each of the two components. Detection of ad-3 mutations with marked spreading effects on loci in the The rationale of the approach used to screen large numbers of ad-3-K mutations for those with the most extreme spreading effects 18 that such mutations should show a marked delay in the time of the appearance of a positive response in the heterokaryon tests used to determine genotype. Ad-3A"* or ad-3Bmutations with extreme spreading effects will appear to be ad-3A ad-3B double mutants at the times the tests are normally scored (2 or 3 days) and positive reactions with the ad-3A or ad-ZB tester will occur at some later time. Heterokaryon tests were made on 34 X-ray-induced ad-3A** and 68 X-ray-induced ad-3BR mutations to screen for such mutations, and we found that the reaction of 2 of the ad-3BIR mutations with the ad-3AP tester was delayed until at least 5-7 days after inoculation (Webber and de Serres, unpublished). Honology tests between these two mutants and the ad-3A+R mutations recovered from this same experiment (de Serres, unpublished) have shown homology for all pairwise combinations tested. This 18 interpreted as indicating that the genetic damage in these ad-3B+" mutants covers the entire region between the ad-3A and ad-3B loci, so that even those ad-3A-K mutations that have resulted from chromosome breaks in close proximity to the ad-ZA locus will show homology. This type of correlation suggests that the spreading effects associated with ad-34mutations show a gradient in the intensity of their effects in Neurospora as in Drosophila. These additional data provide even more striking evidence that the functional activity of the wild type ad-3A locus in ad-3B+" mutants depends on proximity to the site of the chromosome damage in the ad-3BIR mutant. ' New approaches for determining the mechanism of the spreading effects - -- - - -- - associated with irreparable ad-3 mutations The influence of the spreading effects associated with ad-34* mutations on nonallelic complementation between them and reparable mutants at closely linked loci may well depend on (1) the organization of the chromosome, (2) the mechanism of information transfer from DNA to messenger RNA, (3) the mechanism of the translation of this message on the ribosone, (4) the mechanism by which the polypeptide chain is "activated" and transformed into "functional protein," and (5) whether the reparable mutants do or do not show allelic complementation. One might well ask whether the growth rate of such dikaryons is limited by the activity of the wild type locus (in component II) of the linked reparable mutant being tested (in component III) (see Figure 3) or whether the growth of the dikaryon is dependent in the activity of an interaction product. The type of interaction that can take place between the gene products specified by homologous loci in each component of these dikaryons will depend on whether a.llelic complementation is restricted to protein-protein interaction (Woodward 1959, Fincham and Coddington 1.963) or whether it can take place at other levels of organization (Zipser and Perrin 1962). The ad-3A locus is ideally situated for more detailed analysis of the mechanism of the spreading effects associated with certain ad-3A%* mutations. It is close proximity on the left (about 0.3-0.5 map units) to the histo) operon (Giles 1964) and closely linked on the right (about 0.1-0.3 map units) to the ad-3B locus. Mutants in the hist-3 operon show allelic complementation and the complementation map consists of at least 14 complementation units or complons (Webber 1964a). Mutants at the ad-ZB locus also show allelic I . 2.7 complementation and the complementation map consists of at least 17 complons (de Serres 1964b and unpublished). A wide variety of complementing mutants with restricted complon coverage are available in both sets of mutants, so that it will be possible to perform tests for nonallelic complementation between various ad-3A_* mutations with complementing mutants on different parts of the complementation map. From the work on Drosophila there should be a gradient in the spreading effect across the ad-3B locus or the hist-3 operon so that the strength of the response obtained with different complementing mutants in tests for nonallelic complementation may depend on their location on the complementation map. Any noteworthy effect on nonallelic complementation observed with the hist-3 testers can be correlated with changes in biochemical activity. That part of the hist-3 operon adjacent to the ad-3 region 18 believed to be that controlling histidinol dehydrogenase activity (Webber 19640) with the other two biochemical activities located further to the left. A comparison of the histidinol dehydrogenase activity (1) of dikaryons between hist-3 testers lacking this activity in combination with ad-3A+ mutations with (2) that of dikaryons between hist-% testers possessing this activity should provide information for the interpretation of the mechanism of the spreading effect phenomenon. If, however, the hist-3 operon 18 a coordinate unit of transcription with the genetic information in the entire hist-3 region transcribed into a single, polycistronic messenger RNA as proposed by Giles and Ahmed (Giles 1964, Ahmed et al. 1964), one might predict that the use of various complementing hist-3 mitants in such experiments would be without effect. We have no data from such trails as yet since critical experiments require the use of genetically marked strains of hist-3 mutants that are still in preparation. This approach should provide significant information, - - - nevertheless, on whether (1) weak nonallelic complementation between ad-3ATR and hist-3 mutants can be attributed to a reduction in histidinol dehydrogenase activity, and (2) whether normal nonallelic complementation can be restored by providing a source of this enzyme activity in the other component of the dikaryon. tvu radost * Street Atimingas ::. LITERATURE CITED 1. Ahmed, A., M. E. Case and N. H. Giles 1964 The nature of complementation among mutants in the histidine-3 region of Neurospora crassa. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 29: (in press). · 2. Ames, B. N. and P. E. Hartman 1962 In: The molecular basis of neoplasia, . p. 322-345. The Univ. of Texas Press, Austin. 3. Ames, B. N. and P. E. Hartman 1963 The histidine operon. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. 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Tablo 2 Mean Linear Growth Rates (nom nart) of Porced Dikaryons between Strains REPARABLE OR IRREPARABLES Carrying that Recessive Lethal Mutations (on Minimal Medium + 2 y/mi Calcium Pantothenate - 23°c) ad-3B IR 11-1-2 IR 11-1-7 IR 11-1-10 IR 11-1-121 IR R 11-1-12311-1- 11-1.5 2.26+0.03 2.100.05 1.70£0.02 1.99+0.02 1.7310.06 2.80+0.04 IR 11-1-6 2.29+0.08 2.1910.03 1.52+0.10 1.7940.08 1.00+0.20 2.83+0.05 IR 1.62£0.12 1.58+0.04 1.41+0.04 1.9410.13 2.80+0.04 11-1-8 2.1810.04 IR 11-1-23 2.24+0.06 IR 11-1-122 2.31+0.06 1.56+0.31 1.81+0.16 2.7710.04 1.42+0.07 - 0.32+0.02 1.08+0.04 2.58+0.14 (11-1-11 2.8610.05 2.80+0.07 2.72+0.05 2.59+0.18 2.55+0.26 2.9230.08 IR = Irreparable recessive lethal mutation on minimal + adenine or complete medium, REPARABLE RECESSIVE LETHAL R = Bobine mutation on minimal + adenine or complete medium. . - Combination not viable as a dikaryon. * = Quadruplicate growth tubes for each dikaryon, 95% confidence limits given for each estimate. LINDS Figure 1. Procedure for obtaining forced dikaryons between nonallelic reparable or irreparable mutations at the ad-3A locus (ad-3A*) with reparable or irreparable mutations at the ad-2B locus (ad-38*) (200dified from de Serres 1964a). Figure 2. Forward-mutation frequencies for ad-3 and ad- 3INmutations after exposure to 250 Kv X rays (modified from Webber and de Serres 1964). Figure 3. Complementation map of X-ray-induced reparable and irreparable recessive lethal mutations in the ad-3 region showing the extent and type of functional damage in individual mutations: (Solid bars - irreparable recessive lethal mutations; irregular ends indicate unknown limits; cross-hatched bars • reparable recessive lethal mutations.) (Adapted from de Serres 1964.) Figure 4. Procedure to determine ihe extent of genetic damage and functional inactivation in irreparable ad-3 mutations with the use of genetic markers at loci in the immediately adjacent genetic regions. The procedure is illustrated for tests with a marker at the lys-4 locus (Lysine-requiring). Figure 5. Complementation map of X-ray-induced reparable and irreparable recessive lethal mutations in the ad-3 region showing the extent and type of functional damage in individual ad-3A_K mutations in the regions to the left and to the right of the ad-3A cistron. (Solid bars = irreparable recessive lethal mutations; irregular ends indicate unknown limits; cross-hatched bars # reparable recessive lethal mutations.) (Strain 14-1-4 is a reparable but noncomplementing hist-3 mutant.) Mgure 1 R. Dikamyon 1 I 'A h1st-2 ad-3A" ad-38* nic-2 + , ad-2, +, 1n06, + II A + ad-3A + + al-2, +,cot, +, pan-2 Dikaryon 2 I' A hist-2 ad-3An ad-3BR nic-2 +, ad-2, +, 1906, + II' A + + ad-38% + al-2, + ,cot, +, pan-2 - Trikaryon I + I' A hist-2 ad-34* ad-35* nic-2 + , ad-2, + , ino8, + II A + ad-3A + + al-2, +,cot, +, pan-2 LII' A + + ad-33% + al-2, + ,cot,' +, pan-2 - Forced Dikaryon A + ad-3a* + + al-2, + ,cot, +, pan-2 A +, + ad-38% + al-2, + ,cot, + , pan-2 w - FIGURA 2 Will .. . . ihr . . 21 358-120 IN TONI JOULE IHISIEHEENINIVAIHH WILLIA WHICH 3x ac LOGARITHMIC E KEUFFEL & ESSERCO 1 1 T17 Im II a voc QUILO: 10 FREE ITINI1 Häättiili NA LOUUUUUHDII MID ULUWUWWII UUUUUUUU UUI10 Hittttitillättilttiililiitto DM 111 MUI MIMMI IX WU i Hitit IDILUL U HAIDHlitt UIHI All UIUI MITTTII OMNIUL 358-120 **orin u. 5. 4. LIINIUM DIDITUTITTINONIITTIMET TTTTTTTTTTTTTrrorITTIMnrat UTOCURILINNONIMI INKUINOU MUNIUNIIIIIIIINOLINIIIIIIIIBONNIWINUNNI IIIIIIIIIILNIUTTIITTIINTIMIT mantanUMmilii ITMOVIDNOTITION DIUINIDIDUNUDIT11tliiiinhTITIT S & 6 7 9 10 6 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 XRAY Ex posure Cka) LAMI 1. **, VIR figura 3 1 II MIT U M 2 R ST - 1 11TTO . gomir OLTIIL tool that 131710 Tij + Hilshot-ho- t TillittltlichtdTTI ITIL attutto LATIITT LIUTTIM111111110111111111111 lababahala EKOXIXXXXXXTTI ON 358-8 12 X 12 TO THE INCH KCUFFEL & CSSER CO. WADC I* U.S.A. S Figure Component Adenine-Requiring Dikaryon A hist-2 + ad-3A* ad-38* nic-2 + , ad-2, + , inos, + 2 A + (-ad-3A-->) + + al-2, +, cot, + , pan-2) II Lys-4 Tester Strain A + 2y8-4 + + III + al-2, +, cot , inos , pan-e Trikaryon A hist-2 + ad-3A* ad-3B* nic-2 + , ad-2, + , inos, + A + (-ad-3A--->) + + al-2, +, cot , + , pan-2 A + Lys-4 + + + al-2, +, cot , inos, pan-2) III Homologous genetic damage indicated by presence of al-2 cot colonies on min + lysine + pan but not on min + pan at 35-37° C. NO. 341.10 DICTIOEN DRAPH PARCA 10XIO PER INC SHOENE DIETZUEN CO. . X LT MOND BE TIFUGUI VUL. MMININITT Munn 12. MULTITT ESITCTT THE FIGURE 5 Jaa MUZIMISTOTINET6 IIIIIIIIIII RUV Autosalony U AT ITITUULLI D ITTAVAVAVATA TEDDFOARTE LIITILIINNITITITITITI th3 LUNULDUR.MODULU 27, JIJI Trail W09. DATE FILMED 12 / 22 /64 . . . . . 1 LEGAL NOTICE 2 . This report was proporod as an account of Govornmont sponsored work. Neither the United Statos, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A, Makos any warranty or roprosentation, expressod or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotonosa, or usofulnos, of the Information containod in this roport, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procosi disclosed in this roport may not infringe privately ownod rights; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respoot to the use of, or for damages resulting from the uso of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "porson noting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any om- ployos or contractor of the Commission, or omployoo of such contractor, to the extont that such employoo or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor propares, disseminaton, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his omployment with such contractor. END VWT EN BIL