- 1 I OF L ORNL P 1167 Cutita i ti . .. RE: 21:31333 - - - .- - - - - - - - 1.25 1.4. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 13 i 17 ? . . A T UL .. . . 4 . R KARI 22 SAPE 101 .. YT : : .. . . . . . : ! :. i .'i, . !"* : . . - . . - . . . . . ! 2 . 13 1 . . - .. . . 1 . 2 1 '. 1 : ".. .. L- . ..: i . .. .-7 ? '.. + . "".'.. 17 !" ! . . . . . .. " 1 1 -. 1 . 'Pi. .1 . .'- .- :- .. , 111:... **I TI ; : . .. .. - :. ' -* 1 * f . P 1 1 . . . " . 17 1. - ! . :. . 1 i . ... ! . 1 . I .. .. .. . . .. -. ; 7. 7 R . . . ! , 1. " . UL ili SI TJ " TL . . - . .' . . . . .. ....: . . ' . .- ' . .. 4 . , T Put . Y TI, . " 1 . .. - .. . .. .. . . .. PR . . .. . ....5 1 I *' n : 9. in 1 i H .. ! . ! ... - " ... ) i .. - ... - ." . . . ... in . CS:.. ... . . :." : . , * * * . - - - . . 1 . " ! , .. . i . in Li.. - .1 I . . . :) .. . . . . - 1.1.1. - L . ti : ..11 : . - - : . '. . ! " ,'' ..." .. . . . ** ir * .. t:: '-, , LAT: s 1 A- -, . . .. . . * . ,- -i TI . . .. ? LES c . . - . THL . w .. . . : 'F 1 -'.- . " " ".. - , .. I . 1. ti - 11 4 - " 1 ' - . . .. si! 1. 11. " . * * .. .- ". : i i * ' . ii ..ii 1 1 . 1 . ' .. . . - ! . : " t. T . 4:" 1 . "- . t 1 i': . . . * '+4+ iii,! T . * C ". * .... . . . 1. i . ::: . . 1. 1.1. * T 1 . - sr, - .. . Lina WW**" 29. 1 : T.. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . .'.- ! : .'. :. . : V . ..'.. 1.. ...i -. - . - . *: .; . .. . * ' * -: - "! VIN : : : 1 is! : ' . berei r o . .. w . :: . '- -. 1"" L 1 ' . . . . . . . y . . . - . . ::.. . ... 1 . . '. ' '... . . .1'. . " 1. .:: - ' . .. :. :.. !... ." > V . ht i 1.. *T 1 . W . , ? - u : T .. . ?' . . . . 1 ! : . .' . . . . . . . /- X 7 . . . . .PL .. . ti. . re . . -: - .. . . ' .: . . . . : ::: ::! , 2.4.4 : : . ., ' - . . . T . . .. + 1. gi . ' 11. L, 1 : . | . 1 . . : , . : 1:24. ' ;- . .. 1. HE : . * ht! int 1".'. . . . 11 - 'I'I '.... . . . . -' .! ' ' . ', '' . . . . . . Y ER 17 " .. . ! . L 1 ein . . 1. n . . . . *. .. . .. . . - -" . . . - . . i . . . . .. ... . . . . ... ! . IL, . . 1.1 - A2 : an ::.- . . : ", .. M * i - : +. * 2:4 . 1 NII- ri. :: . .: ..... .. 1 .4 F:, : - 1 " ** I. 1 . 11: . .. 1 . i " .. . . GOL : V Lina't . - :: 7 . .... . . : :P - .- . "?... T 1: ... i .. , . . .3 . . . 2x . L. , . 16 . . . . ..." . " . 5. . . . 1 : * 2. ! . . . .: . .. . :!! ? SR L L. .... . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . O r . ... . .', . - B92 .. . . - TER ie 7 ORNI-P- 1167 . . i . broche . outr WAUM orni - AIC - OFSICIAL ... .. CONF-650504-4 MASTER el, merusaha Ones - LEGAL NOTICE repeat who wow for deg med modo per . .-- :. . : . . , .. :: ' a ANANT ratione non PULSED-NEUTRON MEASUREMENT OF THE DIFFUSION PARAMETERS IN ORDINARY ICE AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE Ernest Gerard Silver Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 7. 1. Introduction The method of time-dependent neutron diffusion measurements as a means to determine the diffusion parameters in moderators is by now well established through the work of numerous investigators (1-8] who have worked with a number of materials including H20, D20, Be, graphite, and others. In particular, light water has been investigated by VON DARDEL and SJÖSTRAND (9), A. V. :: ANTONOV et al. (10,11), DIO and SCHOPPER (12), BRACCI and COCEVA [13], LOPEZ and BEYSTER [14), and KÜCHLE (15). In VON DARDEL's first paper on the method [l] a crude measurement of the temperature effect in ice is given, and ANTONOV (11) reports a measurement at -80°C and at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196°C). .... In the investigations of DE SAUSSURE and SILVER on beryllium at low temperatures (16,17) it was found that long-persisting changes in the effec- tive mean neutron velocity made measurement of the asymptotic spectrum impos- sible at times when the neutron density in the assembly was still sufficiently high to be accessible to measurement. The "trapping effect" which was proposed to explain the observations depends on the existence of narrow energy domains in which the ratio of the transport cross section to the inelastic scattering cross section, Otr/oinel, 18 very high. In particular, in the 1. Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission wder contract with the Union Carbide Corporation.' ORX-A8C - OFFICIAL. TENANCE OBTAINED: MELATO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. 25PUNTES ARE ON FIECA S in wbwi N. ORX1 - AEC - OFFICIAL PAL US .. . . . . . . . . . . RH - AEC - OFFICIAL first Bragg peak the ratio approches w 36. Neutrons inelastically scattered to this energy will diffuse slowly, and have low probabilities of scattering out of the energy trap. 'A quasi-independent subpopulation is thus formed, whose relative density, as compared to that of the main population, continues to increase with time. The very large rise in the diffusion cooling con- stant which has been predicted by SINGWI (18) but has not been observed experimentally would be due to an asymptotic spectrum of "trapped" neutrons. If this mechanism is the correct one to explain the observed effects in beryllium, then ir 120 ice, where the inelastic scattering 18 relatively much larger, this trapp:ing effect should be substantially absent, and asymptotic spectra, evidenced by en mchanging decay period, should be ob- served at low temperatures. The present work was therefore wdertaken to determine (1) whether the spectrum doer, indeed, become asymptotic in rela- tively short times at low temperatures and (2) what the temperature effects on the diffusion coefficient and the diffusion cooling coefficients are. . ects 2. Experimentel Arrangements . .. - All the test bodies were cylinders of ice made from distilled water. Initial experiments showed that density reductions of up to 7.8% occurred in the last-freezing top-central portion of the cylinder as compared to the lower and outer regions which froze first. This was due to entrapment of gas that evolved from the solution during freezing. Further problems were encoimtered due to stress cracking and irregularities in the shapes of the ice surface as frozen. For the large cylinders (with radii > 10 cm) these problems were solved by development and use of a "plug" shown in Fig. 1. The water in each cylinder was boiled for about 1 hr wder a surface layer of melted paraffin about 5 cm. thick. Then the plug was set into the container and lowered by means of the leveling screws wtil the 0.3-cm-thick space between the cylinder wall and plug was filled with paraffin as seal. A tube extended about 2.0 on into the water to allow expansion into the volume above, which was covered with a ~ 3-cm-thick layer of viscous mineral oil to prevent 2. - . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . * . . *! ORNI AEC - OFFICIAL C - - . VICLASH 2-01-034 719 IL LEVELING SCREW (JUSCO) - WATER INLET AND OUTLET (1 EACH) UUUUUUU SUPLENT MACKET (Mo MINERAL OIL LAYER EXPANSION = VOLUME WATER COILS, ALUMINUM CYLINDER MULAITTAVI777 -VIIIIIIIIIII/17/prinn III II/ NI PARAFFIN t!!! 12:11:15:17:11 WATER (ICE) ** * *** * ** **1111111 Fig. 1. Diagram of the Plug Used to produce large Ice Cylinders. The plug is shown in place in the aluminum water container. reabsorption of air. Room-temperature water was circulated through a spiral coil soldered to the plug plate to prevent freezing of the water from the top, and consequently cracking due to expansion of trapped water. A thick layer of paraffin between the coil-warmed plate and the water was required for freezing to occur. Without this layer the water would not freeze even in a refrigerator at -50°C due to convective circulation and heat exchange with the top plate. After freezing was complete the plug and paraffin were removed, the remaining small irregularities were filled with water, and the cylinder was refrozen. ! The small cylinders were made by a different technique, indicated in Fig. 2. For each ice cylinder to be formed an aluminum cylinder with ac- curately machined thin walls (approximately 0.1 cm thick) and accurately ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL in JE TOY T *. . . ** ... * . " "'. .- . . ....." *-., . I . *'.4 : T1211 --141..."-"" : . 1 .4 . . .. ! . . SIC 2-01-054-OSOR ANA TRANSFER POSITION FLEXIBLE TUBING - THREE - WAY VALVE PRESSURE GAGE VAPOR TRAP BRASS FLANGE PLATE GROUND-GLASS JOINT DRY ICE- GASKET (NEOPRENE) - THIN-WALL Hgo ALUMINUM CYLINDER SAPIEZON "Q" VACUUM PUMP GLASS BASE PLATE . L 1 . . Fig. 2. Diagram of System Used to Produce Small Ice Cylinders. Both flasks can be shifted to transfer position. The aluminum cylinder: is shown filled and ready to be removed from the vacuum. flat, parallel end planes, was placed on a glass plate and sealed to it with a vacuum sealing compound (Apiezon Q) around the outside. In each case the aluminum cylinder was about 12 cm longer than the ice cylinder to be pro- duced. A flange connected to the vacuum system was placed on top of the cylinder with a neoprene gasket seal. Water and mineral oil flasks were then connected to the system as shown in the figure and the system was prmped for several hours. The water and oil were then transferred into the cylinder to a water height of about om above the desired level, with the oil layer nos 5 com thick. The cylinder was then removed from the flange and placed in i ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL .. - - .* - - .- : 1 . - 1 ORMI - AEC - OFFICIAL " : . mi .... a refrigerator at about -5°C. Once freezing was complete, the cylinder was cooled further to -80°C. At this temperature the vacuum sealing material was brittle and the base plate could be removed by a sharp blow, leaving the bottom surface accurately flat and smooth. The entire cylinder was then sawed off at just above the desired height, removing the solidified oil and the uppermost portion of the ice with its nonuniform surface and any residual alr inclusions. The cylinder was then placed in a lathe and the upper plana faced of? to produce the final accurately shaped body. The outer aluminum remained in place, and the ends were sealed with aluminum foil to prevent sublimation of the ice. The presence of the aluminum, amounting to a reflec- tor savings of 0.005 cm, had only negligible effect on the bucklings. All cylinders were completely covered with cadmium, except for a cir- cular hole at the center of one plane face, just large enough to permit a detector to be placed in contact with the ice. The measurements were performed in a refrigerated test chamber which had inside dimensions of about 60 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm and was lined with Boral (a dispersion of boron in aluminum) about 0.63 cm thick. Deuterono from a 300-kV accelerator entered the chamber through a beam tube and struck a water-cooled deuterium target positioned within 0.5 cm of the curved surface of the ice cylinder on the plane of symmetry. The detector was a 4.45-cm- diam by 0.3-cm-thick BLI(Eu) crystal attached to a photomultiplier. The accelerator beam was pulsed both by a pre-acceleration beam deflec- tor in the ion source and a post-acceleration deflector operated in synchronism with it. With this arrangement, beam on-off ratios of 5 x 104 to 5 x 105 were attained. The pulse width and repetition rates were controlled by a circuit which also served to gate the detector pulses into the 28 channels of the time analyzer. The time from the end of the neutron pulse to the beginning of counting in the first channel and the widths of both the pulse and count- :ing channels were all adjustable within wide limits. For the work under discussion the detector channel widths ranged from 18.18 to 10 used. The waiting times, to allow for establishment of the asymptotic spectrum and for a higher spatial'mode decay, ranged from 440 MBec for the largest cylinder to 140 hsec for the smallest. -50 : .:19 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL JUSTERM M . . . .. . ... yf E SHTA ..... L + V iny.-3. MATERI** U 7 . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . Table I lists the cylinders investigated and their bucklings. The . latter are temperature dependent (see below) and are given for -45°C. The .. neutron time decay was measured for cylinder temperatures of -j, -25, 245, -65, and -85°C. At each temperature 2 to 5 x 108 counts were recorded in the analyzer. TABLE I. DIMENSIONS AND BUCKLINGS OF THE CYLINDERS USED IN THE EXPERIMENT . Cylinder No. I Height (cm) Ranius (cm) B2 (at_-45°c) * Cam2). - gantno ima E E Boonoinf win 24.95 + 0.31 18.54 + 0.20 25.30 + 0.22 21.27 + 0.18 16.51 + 0.13 16.05 * 0.12 10.44 + 0.06 9.069 + 0.05 6.400 + 0.040 4.196 + 0.040 7.520 + 0.040 7.188 + 0.027 15.13 + 0.17 .55 + 0.12 10.035 + 0.10 10.035 + 0.10 10.035 + 0.10 7.325 + 0.04 5.575 + 0.025 .4.190 + 0.02 4.001 + 0.015 5.550 + 0.032 3.073 + 0.012 2.858 + 0.012 0.0394 + 0.0010 0.0620 + 0.0008 0.0689 + 0.0011 0.0748 + 0.0011 0.0880 + 0.0013 0.1352 + 0.0012 0.2489 + 0.0017 0.3933 + 0.0028 0.5161 + 0.0032 0.6058 4 0.0076 0.6606 + 0.0039 0.7460 + 0.0046 . . www.am . Data Analysis The decay deta were analyzed by use of a nonlinear least-squares fit computer program, using the model . . i c(t) = P2- + P2 exp(-P3t) + P4, exp(-P5t), .. (1) . that where c(t) 18 the count rate t seconds after the pulse and P2 ... Ps are parameters to be fitted. * Direct attempts to fit the data to such a model usually failed to con- verge even after many iterations, so an alternative process was adopted 'n leer esterna . ORNI - AEC - 087ICIAL memoria 26. " . mw. .. - - ... + + + . . . 4. I : 4 = 1tv 1 . 4 L L a m in ** ORNI ~ AEC - OFFICIAL 1 . . . . . . . . . . . : : ,- . Whereby a number of fits were performed with a range of fixed values for Ps, the exponent of the second decay component. The "best" fit, that 18, the one giving the smallest sum of weighted residuals, was found and the corre- ::: sponding value of Pa was taken to be the decay constant 1. In all cases Pa/Pal, the ratio of the amplitudes of the two components at t= 0 (the end of the neutron pulse), was less than 4% for the best fit. In the largest cylinders the second component appears to be mostly due to small dead-time counting losses as evidenced by negative values of P4. The source in the smallest cylinders is uncertain, but is most likely due either to imperfect beam cutoff or to room return. Either would be consistent with the observed buckling and temperature independence of the values of Ps. Figure 3 is a typical example of the effect of varying Ps in a series of fixed-Ps least- squares Calculations. For each of the decay measurements analyses were carried out using all 18 channels and overlapping sections consisting of the data in channels 1-15, 2-16, 3-17, and 4-18, respectively. The latter series were used as a check for time trends in the measured decay constants. Where no such trends were found, it was concluded that asymptotic spectra had been obtained. Some cylinders at various temperatures were pulsed with extended waiting times, as well as with the waiting times used for the main work. The results of these extended-waiting-time tests are shown in Table II. In all .. . . TABLE II. EFFECT OF EXTENDED WAITING TIME ON MEASURED DECAY CONSTANT Cylinder No. Waiting Time From: End of Pulse Termperature (°C) (usec) Decay Constant, a (103 sec 2) 1 6 -65 280 400 175 T 250 7.891 + 0.064 7.864 + 0.078 13.290 + 0.100 13.199 + 0.180 16.085 1 0.129 16.217 4 0.220 19.412 1 0.321 19.561 + 0.570 220 . . 140 220 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL .. " Orni - AEC - OFFICIAL namna ne odnosi na drama-kelamaananition hat underveridunia d ORNL-DWB 68-1930 ----- P 6.2 6 16,1 a CYLINDER I -5°C CHANNELS 1-15 . I n ak PaPz %) MINIMUM Σε Pa (kc) a n menunai "BEST" 5.356 kc ... 5. kan satunnar samantalanaminia 2, 3-1. : , , i suhakemine n -5 0 5 15 20 10 Ps (kc) :::: * Fig. 3. The Weighted Sum of Residuals Squared, 22, the Parameter P3, and the Ratio 1P4/Pal, as a Function of Ps for a Iypical Example of the Results of a Series of Nonlinear Least-Squares Fits of the Neutron Decay Data to the Equation c(t) = Pa + Pa e-Pgt + PA e Pst. P5 is fixed, and te o at the end of the neutron pulse. ilmankaikan makanan makan cases the effect of a longer waiting time was less than the wcertainties in the decay constant. The final values of Ps, the dominant decay constant, were taken from the results of analyses of channels 1-18 and from analyses using only the odd- or even-numbered channels. The latter procedure yielded two independent values from which the wcertainties due to counting errors could be Laferred. dan tanaman . . .. dan h . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ari ini a k . an Figure 4 shows the measured decay constants obtaineå for each buckling and temperature. ORHi AEC - OFFICIAL The diffusion parameters were then calculated from the measured cylinder dimensions and decay periods by an iterative procedure to obtain consistency between the transport mean free path entering the extrapolation distance calcu- lations and the diffusion coefficient obtained. First the buckling for tho 1th cylinder at a given texnperature T was found by the equation . (B2)!). 72 __ (VD)(0) K Qi., 23:. [ + 2(vn)) where 3 x 0.7103/T.. = 6.9024 x 10–5 sec (ⓇK)7cm-1,'. (3) Hi and Ry are the height and radius of the ith cylinder, P4 and Q1 are extrapo- lation distance correction factors discussed below, L. 1s the temperature in OK, and (VD) (°) is a first estimate of the diffusion coefficient. :: the equation 1- ; [(32(0)ye (4) j=0 using n = 1, 2, 3. The coefficient of the linear term, &, was then used as an improved estimate, (VD) (+) in Eq. 2, and the process was repeated until the values of VD from successive trials differed by less than a preassigned value. The errors associated with the coefficients ay are obtained directly . from the least-squares fitting proceciure, which allows explicit specification of values of both 6(BO) and 814 (19). The former are given by ORNL – AEC - OFFICIAL .-25. .-65 -85. A, DECAY.CONSTANT (kc/sec) --OT 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.5 B2 (cm2) ORNL - AEC na Fig. 4. Measured Values of the Decay Constants, n, as a Friction of B2 for All Cylinders orioną. Temperatures. Note the change in buckling with temperature due to the change in extragalas arc - OSSICIAL t ion stance with temperature. - - ORNI - ALC - OFTICIA 6(B) = (8H.)2 + 4V - (OR4J277 2(VD) KP1_78 (VD). K Qy98 [R: + - 7- ? - T . . : ! and the latter are obtained from the results of the decay curve analyses. In all cases the attempt to find terms of order B® (the coefficient ag) resulted in much larger errors in all the coefficients and in errors in ag several times as large as as. Therefore the present results were all based on a three-parameter fit to the 1(B2) data, of the explicit form: T + 1 1 = VE + (VD) B+ C B* . The familiar extrapolation distance factor 0.71031 tr is obtained from one-velocity transport theory for flat surfaces and large media. In the case oz dimensions of only a few diffusion lengths and large surface curvature, corrections are needed to improve the calculation of the extrapolation dis- tance. GELEARD and DAVIS [20] have made careful investigation of this effect for water and have obtained extrapolation distances as a function of buckling for infinite slabs and cylinders. The ratio of the GET.BARD-DAVIS extrapola- tion distance to the one-velocity transport-theory extrapolation distance in water was computed for each geometry and applied to the buckling calculation. The resulting correction factors are shown in Fig. 5, where P and Q refer to the slab and cylinder geometries and are applied to the axial and radial buckling calculations, respectively. Results and Discussion - . . . 1. Asymptotic Decay. As is seen from Table II, one result of the experi- ment is that no noticeable trapping effect appears in ice. At all bucklings and temperatures an equilibrium spectrum was attained at times of the order of 140 usec or less. This is in accord with the expectation based on the ratio Oinea/otr in water. ... ..' - -12. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... : . . i -- ORNI - AIC OFFICIAL ORNL-OWO 45-1926 : : : 1.08 O(R) Fig. 5. The Correction Factors P and Q Used to Correct Axial and Radial Extrapolation Distances, 1, Respectively, in Ice Cylinders. The values are obtained from the work of GELBARD and DAVIS (20]. :: me Pihi fontian 5 20 10 15 H OR R (cm) 2. Inverse Absorption Lifetime via. Since the absorptioa cross section oi oxygen, Calo), is negligibly small and since the absorption cross section for hydrogen is inversely proportional to the velocity, the value of via would be expected to be independent of temperature and was found to be so within the limits of accuracy, as shown in Fig. 6. Care was taken in the experiment to preserve water purity and to extend the data to small bucklings to obtain an .. independent measurement of the proton-tieutron absorption cross section. The : : result is oa(H) = (331.5 325) mb. The uncertainty is divided into +1.6 mb . Que to measurement errors and +1.5 mb due to uncertainty in the ice density. This value is in excellent agreement with the value 332 + 2 mb given by STEHN et al. [21] who quoted numerous other workers. 3. Diffusion coefficient vd. The diffusion coefficient has been meas- ured by several workers in liquid water and by ANTONOV in ice at 0°C, -80°C, and -196°C. Several measurements of the temperature dependence of vD above the freezing point are also in the literature. However, below the freezing point there is only ANTONOV'S report [11] which gives ratios for the values in ice to those in water at 0°C. This, combined with oºC values of ANTONOV (10), was used to inter absolute values. The errors therefore appear large. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 3. ouni - AEC - OFFICIAL 7 . 4.6 m ORNL-OWO 48-1987 340 . : , : '- “ .. (v Egl (mol.wt) * ." * 10? (v2) [ -0.917) !. . (kc/sec) (milibarns) v 328 veo (sec-1) OM (mb) -5° (4.48510.064) x103 332.216.3 -25* 14.44530.062)* 108 329.26:6 -450 (4.48430.056) x103 332.175.0 -650 (4.46730.056) x103 330.8+5.6 -85* (4.5000.050) *103 333.3+)? MEAN VALUE: (4.476+0.022) x103 331.5.3.1 320 . 4.3 -85 -65 -45 TEMPERATURE (°C) - -- tosti Fig. 6. Measured Values of as a function of Temperature. The corresponding microscopic hydrogen absorption cross section is indicated on the right-hand ordinate scale (based on pe = 0.917 g/cm). . : : Figure 7 shows the results of the present experiment, and, for compari- son, the data of other workers. All data in water were adjusted to the densiy oł ice by the relation DwAwli) - pi/ow, where w,'i, and w(1) refer, respectively, to water, ice, and water of the artificial density of ice. . The data from the present work are consistent with a linear fit, yield- ing the coefficients (vn) (Tºx) = (o.047 + 0.202) x 1ơ + (1.225 + 0.087) x 1.(TK). mis fit is shown in the figure. -136 .ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 171213. . . AB ORM: -O ; 65-1020 O .......... UD (104cm2/sec) KÜCHLE (16] DIO AND SCHOPPER (12) VON DARDEL AND : SJÖSTRAND [9] ANTONOV (10,11] WATERT -ANTONOV (1.05 + 0.04) x 10° AT -196°C 2.0 -100 -75 :-50 -25 0 25 50 75 . TEMPERATURE (°C) Mg. 7. Measured Values of the Diffusion coefficient VD. Results obtained by other workers Officiata ice and water and also shown. All values in water are modified by (pi/ow)? to comportats Sorornici the density difference. .. . RNI - AEC - Oft 11 - comments are browse the entire times the APP EL SUR store onli in Svartister or imot passe dans le ca**************mimi minimerissodacsamim time in vicieuse cos .*****.dome non **** the map or imod at Pow.come maio ************** ************** www.corriómenawan.......: wer: N W - . . 21 . 11" ORNI - ALC - OFFICIAL it.. 1 } Tir: 1 1. Y . T ANTONOV found a discontinuity in vD at the freezing point of (VD) i/(vb) = 1.04 + 0.02; correcting this for the difference in density gives at 0°C (VD)/(VD)x(i) = 0.95 + 0.02, where 1, w, and w(1) are as defined above. Using (VD) w(1) = (3.58 + 0.14) x 104 cm/sec as a best value obtained from the results of ANTONOV and the extrapolated data of VON DARDELL, KUCHLE, and DIO and SCHOPPER, the present data lead to a value (VD)1/(VD) wl 1:) - 0.95 + 0.15. This is in agreement with ANTONOV'S results. Extrapolation of the data for D to -196°C yields a value of D(-196°c) = (0.99 + 0.11) x 104 cm2/sec, which 18, within the limits of error, in agree- ment with ANTONOV'S value. ANTONOV'S value at -80°C is also been to agree, within the limits of error, with the results of the measurements reported here. . : . ::.. . 4. Diffusion Cooling Coefficient C. Figure 8 shows the values of C. obtained in the present work, as well as data of other workers. The same": sources as were quoted for vD above are available here. ANTONOV finds a ratio (C) /(C)w = 2.5 + 0.4 at 0°C and also gives ratio values at +80°C and -196°C. In comparing the diffusion cooling coefficient in water with that in ice it is necessary to correct for the density difference. Since C has dizensions of cm* /sec = cm x (velocity), the value of C is proportional to the inverse cube of the density. Hence the water data have been multiplied by (1.0905) to correspond to the density of ice. This correction makes the 0°C ratio of AVIONOV (C) 1/(C) w(1) = 1.9 + 0.3. Due to the large scatter of the points, the extrapolation of the data cKÜCHLE and DIO to 0°C has large associated uncertainties. However, surely fortuitously, the results of both investigators (based on four and three points, respectively) agree almost exactly on a value of -3.8 x 103 cza /sec, with a combined uncertainty of about 1.15 x 10 cm* /sec. ANTONOV found, for water at 0.5ºC, a value -(5.2 + 1.3) x 108 cm* /sec, whereas a linear fit to all his C-data up to 200°C yields a 0°C value of -4.7 x 109 cals/sec. The present data were fitted to a linear model which yielded the relacion .. ORHL - AEC - OFFICIAL -15 . : : . . . ". . + . . I. rinn' ... ... . ". . ,, : ..* TI - . A - - - - - ORNL-DWG 65-1931 -- Q=0.5 C, DIFFUSION COOLING COEFFICIENT (109 cm/sec) -16- a=0.4 Q=0.5 La=0.4 ----O PRESENT WORK -- ANTONOV. [10, 11] O DIO [23] -----A KÜCHILE (15) .. VON DARDEL, SJÖSTRAND [9] ERACCI AD COCEVA [13] ----- CALCULATION SY NELKIN MODEL . . -200 -75 -50 -25 25 : 50 . 75 100 : www www.com ante TEIGERATURE (°C) 8. 8. Measured Valves of the Diffusion Cooling Coefficient, C. Values obtained hy other woxons ice and water are also shown. All. values in vatci have been scaled by (pilot) 3 co. .9 for the density girrerence. 0 :::!-:: C . O CUL I . F ; III.) ii. I . . :, . . . . . 4 - . A - - . - . CT°C) = - [(4.55 + 0.62) x 108 + (0.025 + 0.011) (TC) ] cm/sec. . . 1. - is gives LI (0°C) = • (4.55 + 0.63) x 208 cm* /sec, L. ALCAOV on the other. However, since the present data disagree considerably with the AIONOV values at lower temperatures, the ANTONOV water values are probably also of low relative significance. Restricting consideration to the other results, we arrive at a ratio of (C) /(c), = (1.2 + 0.4) from which it cannot be concluded unequivocally that there is a discontinuity in C. zowever, the discontinuity of a factor of (1.9 4.0.3) found by ANTONOV appears inconsistent with the present results. The present absolute data for C in ice can be compared only with those of ANTONOV and are seen to disagree seriously outside the large error limits. For comparison, the figure includes computed values of C obtained by tåe iollowing equation due to NELKIN [22]: (a + ) V (VD) . Me v where 2 is a parameter obtained from my (E) « , and Ma has the dimensions como a macroscopic cross section, i.e., Me = N o. The calculations were made for C-values of 0.4 and 0.5, using a constant value of Me corresponding to E medicroscopic cross section of 31.2 barn per hydrogen aton. These values correspond to those found by KUCHLE over a temperature range from 22 to 80°C. I is to be noted that for a = 0.4 a good fit to the present ice data is ob- taidea. me calculation is based on the linear fit to the present data for VD in ice, and on a linear fit to the published data in water. However, the caicuated values exhibit a discontinuity at the phase transition of the 02posite äirection as that found in the experiment. -17- 7 oani - AEC - OFFICIAL REFERENCES L 8. . VON DARDEL, G. F., Kungl. Tekniska Hogskolans Handlingar N.75 (1954). 2. SCOIT, F. R., THOMSON, D. B., and WRIGHT, W., Phys. Rev. 95 (1954) 582. 3. CAMPBELL, E. C., and STEISON, P. H., Oak Ridge National laboratory Report ORNL-2076 (1956) 32. 4. BECKURTS, K. H., Nucl. Sai. Eng. 2 (1957) 516/522. 5. KONOTO, T. T., and KLOVERSTROM, F., Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc. (1958).94. 6. DE SAUSSURE, G., and SILVER, E. G., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 6 (1959). 159. 7. ANDREWS, W. M., University of California Radiation Laboratory Report UCRL-6083 (1960) 193... BECKURIS, K. H., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 2 (1957) 516/522. 9. 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