I OFL ORNL P 1033 W J EEEFEEEE i 114 LG MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANOAKOS - 1963 ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL . .... --.--... ..... ........... --... LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. .. cm.........--. ....macaco. ---. ...... .. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL..... ORNU.P. 1033 CONF-65020n-/ 1965 ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL In XIVES ORNI - AEC-OFFICIAL MASTER ON NONLINEAR MULT ISTEP METHODS FOR ORDINARY INITIAL-VALUE PROBLEMS PATENT. CLEARANCE OBTAINED, RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVEC. PREOOLS ARE ON FOLE IN THE ?**?"", 17"?!!!!! William B. Grage Mathematics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory* Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. -LEGAL NOTICE TW. report w popredu na tom of Covena moored work. Malther the United Bar., nor Com nieko, ms my pertan etho l l of the Coundation: A. Mem urunty or a tion, or legaled, with up to the co- rky, competent, or wefaline of the tadornation contained in the report, or that the one of way beformation, part, method, ar praca d loud to the raport my mot mentre privately owned rhyhet; or B. A n y Habilities w eet the weal, or for dumpurning from the uw of way informatum, apparte, mand, or procura dachowed in the report Au word to the whowe, 'perman estes au bakalf of the Comm on" cheating may ma- ploy or contractor of the Comminator, o p loyee of mucha contractor, to the chose that ich player contractor of the C o n, or uployee of charactor prepare Mount, or provides word to, wag tormation parte do Momployment of contract with the Creator, az Mo employ the contractor. Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORN! - AIC - OFFICIAL 0 IV1J1310-):8-1 On Nonlinear Multister. Methods for Ordinary Initial-Value Problems William B. Grage 1. Introduction. Linear difference operators + ... + B x' o tk+ ... + n - n but the + ... + Box ~ Cp+z *P*2) gpt2, (2) with x ) = x(*)(4x), occur in the theory (2,4) of the numerical solution of initial-value problems x(a) = 8, x' = f(t,x), te I = [a,b], by linear multietep methods che utk + ... + ax = h[BP(tatkXatk) + ... + B +(tmX.)] The method is of order p 17 (1) holds, for sufficiently differentiable functions x(t), with Cp+1+0. If X(t) is the solution of (2) then (1) is the local discretization error. Thus, for small steps h, it is natural to choose the Q4, B, so that p 18 as large as possible. Indeed, p = 2k may be achieved (2), but the resulting methods are not suitable for step-by-step application. It is necessary to insist that the method be stable. In terms of the zeros of p(z) - Eazz' this means that (1) p(z) -0 =1z1 si, and (11) p(z) - p'(z) = 0 3 121 <1. 09-DIY-IN. Trivstoo-)1-INIO IV) -2- OINAC - OPR1C1! ORHI - AIC - UFFICIAL Dahlquist's interesting negative result 18 that the requirement of stability restricts the order to psk + 2; moreover p = k + 2 only if k 18 even and all zeros of p(z) are of unit modulus. Stetter and the present author (3), and independently Butcher (1), have found that the analogous conclusions no longer hold for the . modified operator o tato + ... + x - h[Be*+ Bx'nts + Bx=2**k-1 + ... + B. *) (3) ~ €p+2(8) (P+2) which is a function of the real parameter s. In fact p = 2k + 2 18 possible for k = 1, 2, ..., 6: Butcher has obtained explicit formulas for the coefficients a, (s), B,(s), B(s) so his approach is followed here: Hermite Interpolation with Equally Spaced Points. Let x(t) have derivatives of sufficiently high order in a neighborhood of t. Put t = to = to + sh and x) = x(m) (t). The unique polynomial ILE(t) of degree s 2k + 1 which satisfies Ax(+2) = xzo hiltz) = x,. 1 = 0, 1, ..., k, 18 () = § 17 / (0)*x + 10,8()x, iso where, 11 (8) = 8(8-1) ... (8-k), ORNI - "1C-orririni omnia IIC -OSFICIAL ..... . 11121310-)}1-8.: 24 = 12 +252 + ... +1-1, -0, ORIL-AC - OPTICI! then 14- (* 191° Cm 2.) – [** (?!).. 6 - The error of the approximation to x is - grans que, ay and that of the approximation to x 16 k+2 begin to decorap + ax: (02:p en egense) yake. 15) tho 120 3. Modified Multister Operators with By FC. If (3), with a = 0 and 8 + 0, 1, ..., k, 18 solved for hx and compared with (5) it 18 seen that a normalized family of operators of order p = 2k+1 18 obtained 18 (8) = 1 and &. (8) BBJ = x(s), y = -b/1(8), 1 = 0, 1, ..., k. Then also Cakte(s) = -28(8) 2 (8) (8) 3 726+2)! :!- ORNI - IC - OFFICIAL .::. IV 4. ORAL - AC - OPTICI: The principal result is that there exists a decreasing sequence of intervale Sk such that If 8 € Sx then the corresponding operator 18 stable; more precisely ORNI - AIC - OSPICIAL (-oo, + c) = $352> ...) Sy > Sg = $. (8) This has been proved for k up to 4 by the methods in (3); It was establiched emy erically by Butcher who suggests the convenient values 6 = k - and k - for k = 1, 2, 3 and x = 4, 5; 6, respectively. In (3) It was further asked 12 "optimal" stable operator's of order p = 2k + 2 could be achieved by choosing 8 appropriately. From (7) a necessary condition for this 18 (8) = 0. Denoting by se the zero of w(s) in (x-1,k) it turns out that & € Sy, k = 1, 2, ..., 6. firesulting in a "compressed" Simpson's rule. Note that Modified Multistep Operators with Bi = 0. A simpler subclass of modif led multistep inethods 18 obtained by requiring that By = 0 (3). I s 18 restricted so that 04-1(s) -1(8) 0 then, by considering a linear combination of (4) and (5) with replaced by kol, a normalized family of operators of order p = 2 results with · 0;(8) = -4-1,1(k) + B(8)%-2,4(), (9) B4 (8) = bx-1,2(k) - B(8)D'x-2,4(6), 10, ...kol, ORNI - 11C - OFFICIAL ORNI -"10 - OIFICIAL iris. 181311.3.::.- OINI- AC - OPTICIAL and B(x) = 2.0-1. (@xy-10T I S, is the interval of 8 for which the k-step operator 18 stable then it is known triat 52 = (-0, + m) – 52 = (1,2)=5,(2.70,2.82); 54,55€ 0. . In particular, 'k - Por k = 1, 2, 3. Optimal operators of order p = 2k+l can be found by setting B4 (8) = 0 10 (6). This Leads to 20(8) - -(8) = 0. II & denotes the largest root of this equation then kol < < < and € 5, k = 1, 2, 3, 4. For i = 1 a simple Rudau formula results. 5. Fredictors for Modified Multistep Methods. To apply th' general operator (3) to the solution of (2), approximate values of xong, Xanh may be found from predictors to ***-1**-1 + ... + a 1 - HC 07-2X"D#k-2 + ... + hydr. atko (10) * – Can (26) 2k i ini disse-, . . ltito 1912. ORNI - AIC - OFICIAL ORNI - AC - OffiCo. e Shtuka + ... +&o Albox to + BE-*ek-2 + ... + Box- men etenkin Porcom (4), ir a*(8) = 1, then af (B) = --1,1(8), (8) = 0,-1,168), 1 = 0, ..., k-1. . section. tions logo Bat The â, (s), B. (s), B(s) may be found exactly as in the previous section. They are given by equations analogous to (9). But now b(s) in not chosen to make ĉoz(8) = 0. Instead It is chosen to annihilate the leading term of the loca.. discretization error after (3) has been applied. Some calculation gives not chose 2. Instead is chosen onthilate leac m of e local discretization error alte as been ols.ed. (s) - Br(s)-1(k) + $(5), (6) - 2007.1 (5) au 8-1 (8) This device, which is due to Butcher, results in a genuine nonlinear k-step method of order p = 2k+). It requires three evaluations of f per step. If the optimal modified operators are used it is necessary to include an additional point tha, Into the predictor. This 18 common practice when predictor-corrector methods are used and as the approach taken in (3). Only two evaluations of e are theu necessary, but the method 18 truly a (k+1)- step one. OINT-IC-OFFICIAL -7- I11ISO-Drai. ☺ ORII - AIC -0:11C174 The most reasonable scheme, perhaps, 1.6 the modified operator with Bk = 0, coupled wita the single predictor (20). This results in & nonlinear k-step method of order p = 2k requiring two evaluat1018 per step. ::.-17; GIN 18C-OIFICIAL Ividis. 61- . - ... - ........ ..... . References O2111-AIC - Orris. (1) Butcher, J. C.: A Modified Multistep Method for the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations. J. Assoc. Covip. Mach. 12 (1955) 134-135. (2) Dahlquist, G.: Convergence and Stability in the Naverical Integšation of Ordinary Differential Equations. Math. Scand. 4 (1956) 33-55. 13] Grage, W. B., and H. J. Stetter.: Generalized Multistep Predictor- Corrector Methods. J. Assoc. Comp. Mech. 11 (1964) 188-209. [4] Henrici, P.: Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1962. - - - - - - - DATE FILMED 7 / 20 /165 > PA IX I_ END