. 1 . e - . Boro : : LOFT. ORNL P 1354 *. - or ******* . 2. . L TEFFETTE . 엘엘에 ​의 ​I MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ORNU go 7354 n o teriton Q1 'fr -- ():SICIA? * "JUN 2 4 1965 ORAL: All OFICI): CONF-6507066- LEGAL NOTICE - TH. roport n. propernd u w account of Govenmat opou vred work. Nolther the Vallad data, for the Counssa, nor wy pornoa acum au bowall of the Commission: A. Makes maywwruly or nopronobution, espressed or implied, mud rospect to the scru. racy, completeness, cr walulness of the lalorasuon coataland la we report, or at the use of may lalor nation, apparatus, method, or procos, declarad la We repor. may ox laringe printly owned ricchus; or 8. Asmuss may lubluues mu respect to the war of, or lor dumus rewung Iron edo um of way taforastoa, apparatus, method, or procuu dixclound in we report. As und in the abnya, "person acting on behall of the Commission with may on- pios or coalructor of the Conainlon, or reployw of suco conut actor, to the extent that auch smployee or contractor al Who Cuaalsaloo, or saploys al muco coolac or preparos, disnainales, or provides access to, kay uformation purnant ho Wo employant or coalrıcı will be commission, or ble employment with suck coatractor, Leve: spacing and s-Wave Neutron Strength Function of the Odd-Z Odd-N Nuclide 138, of the Forgon J. A. HARVEY and G. G. SLAUGHTER Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA Although a vast amount of information is available on the level spacings and s-wave neutron strength functions of heavy nuclides, little is known about the neutron cross sections of the heavy odd-2 odd-N target nuclides. There are only a few stable odd-2. odd-N isotopes and these occur in nature in very low abundar.ce compared to the oud-Z even-N isotopes. Enriched samples are needed un order to be able to assign resonances to these odd-2 odd-N nuclides. Often more resonances in a low abundant isotope can be observed with a small enriched sample than with a large sample of natural enrichment. In natural lanthanum, 15° La is abundant to only 0.089%. The enriched sample available for these neutron transmission measurements was a 1.17-gram sample of La, Oz enriched to 7.03% in *°La. The oxide powder was packed into a small sample holder with a cross section 0.050" x 1.063" which resulted in a sample thickness of 0.01220 x 20*24 atoms of Lil per cm. . Transmission measurements from 0.2 to 2000 eV in 4 different energy ranges were made with the ORR fast chopper time-of-flight neutron spectrometer using 3F, proportional counters at the 45 meter flight station. The energy resolution varied from 1 to 2% in energy below 50 eV and was 60 nanoseconds per meter above 50 eV. The open beam counting rate was 0.5 counts per minute. per 0.5 usecond channel and the room background was ~ 10% above 50 eV and less below so ev. The backgrounds were determined 'oy the technique of "b).acked-out resonances", such as the 132-eV cobalt resonance. The sample was alternated L'ATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IN T HE CIVING SECTION. NDIO AC-138..::1 ONNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AC-DEFICIA! LORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL with the background sample in about & l-hour cycle with each transmission measurement requiring a few days to obtain sufficient counts. Transmission data vs time of flight sbtained with 0.5 usecond channel widths are shown in Figure 1 from 450 to 160 eV and from 110 to 60 eV. The statistical accuracies of the transmission points are a 4.5% and the resolution 18 ~ 5.7 channels.. ine transmission data have been analyzed using the area analysis programtid with a value for r, of 0.21 eV. The parameters for the 10 resonances assigned to +5°La are listed in Table I. The large resonance in Figure 1 at 72.3 eV and another resonance at 1200 eV are due to ->12. The resonances at 3.08 and 21.1 eV have been reported previouslyted from measurements with a b la sampie enriched to only 0.597%. From the parameters of the resonances up to 160 eV and a 40% correc- tion for "missed" resonances, a value of 46 £ 15 eľ was obtained for the average level spacing per spin state. Since the spin of 15° La 16 5, the average level spacing refers to the spacings of levels with spins 9/2 and 11/2 with odd parity: From ühe parameters of the 8 resonances up to 280 eV and a 16% correction for "missed" resonances,& value of (1.0 t 0.5) x 10^* was obtained for the s-wave neutron strength function. This value is somewhat lower than theoretical predictions24] which range from 2 to 3 x 10"" for this mass number. The radiation width of the 3.08-eV resonance was determined to let 0.099 + 0.006 eV from shape analysis of the transmission data of the 150 sample. The error includes contributions due to the uncertainties in the resolution and the Doppler broadening. This value of r, 18 in good agreement . with the value of 0.11 0.01 eV obtained using a natural lanthanum sample. mento mis maith and the best a Admi ! indisso-35! INGO -2- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . TABLE I Parameters of Resonances of 138La ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL E. (ev) 2870 (mv)* 3.08 $ 0.03 21.1 10.1 66.7 + 0.3 89.2 $ 0.4 130.4 $ 0.7 201 & 2 237 $ 2 261 53 300 $ 6 308 16 0.73 + 0.03 0.96 $ 0.05 2.2 10.3 2.5 t 0.4 4.8 11.1 4 1 2 13 15 14 54 + + a awn + 17 6 6 + 24 18 *BPO = 28 (g/VE. (in ev). 1] REFERENCES S. E. Atta and J. A Harvey, ORNL-3205 (1961) and Addendum: Phys. Div. Ana. Prog. Rept. Jan. 31, 1963, ORNL-3425, page 46. R. C. Block, G. G. Slaughter and J. A. Harvey, Phys. Div. Ann. Prog. Rept. March 10, 1959, ORNL-2728, page 26. 37 T. Fuketa and J. A. Harvey, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 33, 107 (1965). 247 D. M. Chase, L. Wilets and A. R. Edmonds, Phys. Rev. 110, 1080 (1958); F. Perey and B. Buck, Nuclear Physics 32, 353 (1962). Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ..- - - 00 ORNL - DWG 65-5662 . . . . . : . . - - 38 - . . ' . - 1... 1 . . . I ' . . . . +....... - --- --- னாராகவம் - - . . - - - . | 3085 3005 - 250.6 237. 4 ENERGY tev 2 00.7 - - . . . . . . . 4 . 1 H கங்காபடம் . . . . 1 - 1 . . 1 - - '' . . . . . ' . - | . . . 1 . . . - . . - . - T - TIT: - . - . . . 4 ... . . . . - | . . . . - - . - - . . _ __ . ... - . . . 66.9 . . . J . * . . * . • . . . 4 I . 11 . + . - . . AA . - - . .. . . . : ::: படி Fis. 1. Transmission vs. time of flight. WIE WIN Il . END DATE FILMED 18/ 27/65 pa r a una crema ambalo