. in . 1 OF L ORNL P 1343 : [ .. . I s - . ! M . PFEFEEEE EEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. : ...... maddi doon.com ORNO--1343 MASTER P - 70ے کا یوم "JUN 24 1965 . . Fast Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectrum from 2380(n,r) 239v.* .! I. Bergqvistt Oak Ridge National Laboratory · Oak Ridge, Tennessee and . . Research Institute of National Defense • Stockholm, Sweden .-.-..- .... .: PATENT CLEARANCE OBIAIXED. RELEASE. TO • THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IT! Rani NG SECTION Introduction: Much attention has recently been paid to the level structu- ; re of 2590. Experimental studies using the (d,p)'V) and' (n,r) reactions 1 5 have given an accurate value of the neutron binding energy, Eg : = 4.80 $ 0.01 Mev, and rather detailed information about level positions below an excitation energy of 1 Mev. Spins and parities have been de- termined for some levels!). In particular, an identification of the 163173* band with a sequence of levels between 0.13 and 0.19 Mev has been proposed 12/1914). Transitions to these states have been observed in thermal(2) and in ev-resonance capture15), i.e. in 8-wave neutron cap. ; ture from capturing states 3* . Thus, the transitions should be M1 (E2). In p-wave capture, " > 2, the same transitions should be of E1 type. The gamma-ray spectrum obtained from the capture of 30 kev. neutrons, at which energy p-wave capture is important, is expected to contain information about the states at 0.13 - 0.19 Mev as well as about average E1 and M1 widths. Experiments and calculations: The experimental system consists of the ORNL 3 Mv terminal pulsed van de Graaff generator, a heavily shielded. 9" x 12" NaI(Ti) spectrometer and a two-parameter analysis system. Neu- trons were produced by the 'Li(pon) 'Be reaction near threshold. The flight path was 40 am. The samples, placed in the forward neutron cone, i were in the form of 3" diameter, 1/4" thick disks of depleted uranium. The background corrected pulse distribution from the capture of neutrone :ith energies in the range 27-40 kev 18 shown in Fig. 1. Since the average observed spacing of levels with j* . ** is 18 ev, .- . ren . ortibrary wits) canti resulting spectrum represents the average of the spectra from some 10° capturing states. The situation can then be regarded as "statistical". A spectrum calculated according to the statistical modellº is compared with the experimental results. The transition probability was assumed to be proportional to D' and Newton's level density formula was used to describe the energy dependence of the level density above an energy gap, of 0.8 Mev. Below the energy gap only a sequence of levels, all at an excitation energy of 0.13 Mev, is taken into the calculation. The se- quence fulfils the requirement that transitions from a state J can occur to levels in this sequence (in general this means three levels with spins J, J $ 1, respectively). To be able to make comparison between calcula- tion and experiment the calculated : spectrum is convoluted with the res- ponse function of the spectrometer. The result is shown in Fig. 1 (dashed curve). However, corrections must. be applied to account for the gamma- . -ray attenuation in the uranium samp- le and in the LiH-shield in front of 'the crystal. A rough calculation was made and the corrected puise distri- bution is also shown in Fig. 1 (solid line). The calculated pulse distribu- Fig. ?. Experimental pulse tion was used as a basis for deter- distribution of 238U(n,r) 239v. mining the absolute intensities of The curve shows the spectrum gamma-ray lines in the peak at 4.7 calculated according to the Mev and the strength of the bumps at : statistical model, 3.6 and 4.0 Mev. The 4.7 Mev peak was found to be asymmetric on the high-energy side. This asymmetry could not be accounted for unless an-: other line at about 4.84 Mev was assumed. Thus, two gamma-ray lines at 4.71 0.02 'Mev and 4.84 + 0.04 Mev with an intensity ratio of about 4:1 were obtained from the unfolding excercises. The bumps at 3.6 and 4.0 Mev cannot be resolved into separate lines in the present work. We have only tried to determine that distribution of intensities in intervals of 1 0.1 Mev which fits the experimental results. Results_and_discussion: The calculated and experimental spectra (Fig. 1) 1 agree within an estimated uncertainty of about 10 % over the whole range ............. C, Pulse holyna on . ... ... . .. ..... .. F .. • 2 - .. -............ Cartuse of pulse heights except for the bumps at 3.6 Mev and 4.0 Mev ir the measured spectrum. The experimental peak at 4.7 Mev is excellently re- produced in the calculated spectrum. The pulse distributions from ey-resonance capture, which were mea- 8Vred by Jackson using an 8" x 6" NaI(TI) scintillator, show on the average the same features as those from. 30 kev capture. In Fig. 2 the pulse distribution from the 37 ev neutron resonance is given, togethes with the distribution from fast neu. tron capture (solid line). The in- tensities of the 4.7 and 4.0 Mev ra. diation from this resonance are 1.01 $ 0.12 and 0.84 + 0.09, respectivel; relative to the average intensities from the twelve neutron resonanoos included in Jackson's investigation ! On the average, the peak at 3.6 Mev is much less pronounced than in the pulse distribution from the 37 ev Fig. 2. Experimental pulse resonance. It is found that, aroun distribution for the 37 ev 3.6 Mev, the average puise distri- neutron resonance in 490U bution is also close to the solid from the work of Jackson!). line in Fig. 2. From the compari- For pulse heights below 3 Mev son of the pulse distributions from only every fourth event was re- average ev resonance (s-wave) captu corded. The solid line re- re and from the capture of 33 = 7 k presents the experimental neutrons (s- and p-wave capture) we pulse distribution from the conclude: The relative intensities capture of fast.' neutrons. of the bumps at 3.6 and 4.0 Mev are about the same. The 4.7 Mev peak i about four times stronger in fast neutron capture. The larger part of this factor can be attributed to the effect of p-wave capture. The rotational band based on the [622* ground state has been suun died. in detail in the (d,p) work . Since the capturing states in $-wave neutron capture have j" **, and in p-wave capture j* .no primary transitions to this band have multipole order higher than dipole except for those transitions from the states to the ground state. We expect, therefore, that the average intensity of the primary transitions from so and p-wave neutron capture to any member of this band is relati- . - ----.. .. - ... ........ kawasan ini aktibo bath african sind sowiemirates terutamanya di tomonidan - 3 - tuvat vely weak. We may in the present investigation disrecard the possibili." ty of primary transitions to the members of the ** .** band. It remains to study the transitions to the levels at 0.134, 0.14 and 0.192 Hev, which are presumably members of the same rotational band. The gamma-ray peak at 4.71 + 0.02 Mev (Fig. 1) 18 identified as ari- sing from transitions to the states at 0.13 Mev and the asymmetry, pro- ducing a gamma-ray line at 4.84 +0.04 Mer, is due to transitions to the cround state from capturing states at ER + 0.03 Mev. Since the peak at 4.7 Mev is four times stronger in f'ast neutron capture than in average ev-resorarce capture (presumably pure 8-wave cap- ture) it seems resonable to attribute positive parity to the band with the base state at 0.13 Mev. In s-wave neutron capture primary transitions to members of this band are then of M1 (E2) type. In fast neutron capture with Em = 33 + 7 kev, the observed intensity of 4.7 Mev. gamma rays, I . 1.4 photonshoo captures, should then be due to E1 transitions, from p-wa- ve neutron capture, assumed to be about 60% of the total number of cap- tures at this neutron energy, and to M1 (E2) transitions from s- and d-wa- ve capture. Combining these results, one finds that the average intensi- ty of M1 transitions is 0.4 photons/100 captures and of E1 transitions 2.0 photons/100 captures. From the statistical calculation, in which in- herently is assumed that the sequence has K-5, we obtain I. - 1.6 pho- tor.s/100 captures. Furthermore, the average intensities of ground state transitions relative to 4.7 Mev transitions to the band is very sensitive to the Kt value. The ratio is 2:9 if * **, about 1:2 if k* . ** and 1:1 if x* . 3*. The experimental ratio is 0.25 + 0.10. Thus, we find experimental justification for the assignment K* - * to the band with the base state at 0.13 Mev. It is perhaps possible to combine level bands of various intrinsic spins and parities to fit the experimental results from (n,r) reactions. However, the (d, 1)) results give no evidence for rotational bands at low excitation energies other than those discussed above. The identification of the 0.134 Mev state as the base of the [ band fits into the level systematics of neighbouring nuclei, i.e.990, 2350 and 239pu. We wish to compare the average reduced widths of E1 and M1 transi- tions to the states at 0.13 Mev in the same manner as adopted by Bartho- lomew!!!: The seduced widths are given by Jobs (ev) ch .com 2 *31 E, (Mev)]? D(Nov) 4275,"21",, (Nev)]3 D(Mev). Assuming the total radiation width, T: - 25 mev, to be the same in 8-wave and p-wave capture and .D VD(ER) - 18 ev to be independent of the pari- ty of the capturing states, we obtain . Ker 24.10°3 and Kuya ~ 3.10-2. . The averace value of kg, agrees with the average value, kes ~ 3.10°, of Bartholomew's survey. However, the average value of kx is almost an or- der of magnitude larger than the value quoted there, Kysy ~ 4.10 . The level diagram (Fig 3) is based on the --- - --- results from (d,p) (1) and (n,r)(2)(3experi. . iments. Observed levels are shown as solid li- nes. The calculated level positions of vari- ous members of rotational bands are marked by hatched lines. The number of levels below about 1.1 Mev is sufficient to explain the experimental gamma-ray spectrum (Fig. 1). No . levels with J aro observes between the 6311* band and the 0.688 Hev level. The un- resolved bump at 4.0 Mev, corresponding to transitions to states with 0.65 S E S 1.1 . cv, would require a total of about 14 levels with J SI, approximately half with positive : anc half with negative parity. This agrees with the results of Jackson 5 in his study of the fluctuations in the .partial radiation widths of transitions to this region. About 14 levels with 1.1 SE S 1.3.Mev and with in the same specifications as above would. explain Fig. 3. bevei the bump at 3.6 Mev. diagram of 2390. IIIIIIIII References. Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation Visiting scientist from Research Institute of National Defense, Stockholm, Sweden. B. E. F. Macefield and R. Middleton, Nuclear Phys. 59, 561 (1965). 2. H. T. Motz, E. T. Jurney and W. T. Ford, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. II, 9, 664 (1964). 3. B. P. Maier, to be published. 4. N. F. Fiebiger, Institut fur Kernphysik, frankfurt/M, IKF-8 (1963). 5. H. E. Jackson, to be published. 16. E. S. Troubetzkoy, Phys. Rev. 122, 212 (1961). G. A. Bartholomew, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, 11, 259 (1961). . .5. ADDENDUM This paper will be presented with the following minor revisions: (a) F4.8. 2 will have a new caption to clarify that the average ev resonance gamma-spectrum follows the solid curve to 4 MeV and the dotted curve (37 eV resonance) beyond. Page 4 ------ p-wave neutron capture assumed to be 60% ----- will be changed to ------ p-wave neutron capture is iselo, 60% ----. (c) Page 5. Assuming the total ----- will be changed to the total radiation width can be taken to be F = 25 MeV for both s-wave and p-wave capture since . a LA 1 r END DATE FILMED 18/ 27/65